From: [email protected] (James F Allman III) Subject: Re: GUI Study Originator: c2xjfa@koptsw18 Organization: Delco Electronics Corp. Distribution: na Lines: 33 In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Seth Buffington) writes: > >Cutsie little Macintrash-like icons that are an instant recipe for > >mousitis IMHO. System 7 is undoubtedly the worst GUI I have used (out of > >that, RISCOS, MSWombles, and X11) simply because it does not provide enough > >keyboard shortcuts. Windows I must confess I quite like (cover your ears > >:-) ) because you can actually use it without having to ever touch the > >mouse. > [stuff delete] > >the user rather than making things _easier_ - and there should always be > >the option to do it your way if you want to, which is why I like the > >UNIX/X combination so much - it's so customizable. > > Hear! Hear! I agree completely. One thing I can't stand about > the Mac interface is its shear determination to FORCE you to use > the mouse(what if your mouse breaks--your whole system is > down!). I like the mouse--it is handy on some occassions such > as cut and past and moving icons around, etc. But for most > work, the keyboard and hot keys are 10-20 times faster than > using the mouse. Sure it is a plus to be able to do something > simple if you are an inexperienced user, but how long is it > before your are experienced? A month? Two? (Speaking of PCs at > the moment.) > I don't think it is too much to ask that window > programmers provide not only a menu/mouse interface but also > look forward to those who would like to move on to hot keys and > command line interfaces, which usually allows you to do more in > less time IF you are experienced. > All of the above equally applies to windowing systems on > UNIX (especially since Unix is at least 500% more powerful than > DOS). > And at least 500% more user unfriendly as well!
From: [email protected] (Doug Kenyon (Stardog Champion)) Subject: Re: Integra GSR (really about other cars) Reply-To: [email protected] (Doug Kenyon (Stardog Champion)) Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation Lines: 13 It's great that all these other cars can out-handle, out-corner, and out- accelerate an Integra. But, you've got to ask yourself one question: do all these other cars have a moonroof with a sliding sunshade? No wimpy pop-up sunroofs or power sliding roofs that are opaque. A moonroof that can be opened to the air, closed to let just light in, or shaded so that nothing comes in. You've just got to know what's important :^). -Doug '93 Integra GS
From: [email protected] (Leung) Subject: 28800BAUD SPIRIT II MODEM Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: The University of Hong Kong X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL6] Lines: 22 Hi world, I want to buy a Spirit II 14400 Data/Fax modem (made in U.S.A.). Have anyone heard about it or using it? What is it's performance? Is it stable or not? Please give me some advice. In addition, I heard a news from local distributor that a new 28800baud CCITT ROM (the distributor said it will be the new CCITT standard.) for this modem will be produced at the end of this year. After replaced the old ROM by this 28800 ROM, this Spirit II can transfer data at 28800baud without any hardware alternation. Is this new true and possible? Would the telephone line really able to transfer at such high speed? Please give me some advice. At last, can anyone tell me how to contact with the central dealer QuickComm. Inc.? (I am not sure whether it in U.S.A. or not.) Please leave me a e-mail. Thank you very much. Leung (from Hong Kong University)
From: [email protected] Subject: Tempest vs LCD (was: Re: Once tapped...) Organization: Management Graphics, Inc. Lines: 19 douglas craig holland ([email protected]) writes: > > With E-Mail, if they can't break your PGP encryption, they'll just > call up one of their TEMPEST trucks and read the electromagnetic > emmisions from your computer or terminal. Note that measures to > protect yourself from TEMPEST surveillance are still classified, as > far as I know. [email protected] (Jason 'Think!' Steiner) writes: > are LCD displays vulnerable to tempest? I can see high-voltage type display devices being vulnerable (CRTs, plasma displays, etc.) But Jason beat me to this question. What about EM radiation from low-voltage items like LCD displays? Perhaps the critical element is the driver circuitry? The cabling? What about a portable PC/Mac/etc., where all the "noise" is bunched into one tiny area?
From: [email protected] (Landon C. Noll) Subject: Reposting: 10th International Obfuscated C Code Contest rules (1 of 2) Expires: 8 May 93 00:00:00 GMT Reply-To: [email protected] (Landon C. Noll) Distribution: world Organization: Nebula Consultants in San Francisco Lines: 864 Keywords: ioccc We have received a number of requests for a reposting of the International Obfuscated C Code Contest rules and guidelines. Also some people requested that these rules be posted to a wider set of groups. Sorry for the cross posting. Some technical clarifications were made to the rules and guidelines (See the diff marks at the right hand edge). The rules and guidelines for this year remain the same, so people who have already or are in the process of submitting entries for the 1993 IOCCC need not worry about these changes. chongo <Landon Curt Noll> /\cc/\ [email protected] Larry Bassel [email protected] =-= #!/bin/sh # This is a shell archive (shar 3.32) # made 04/05/1993 23:00 UTC by [email protected] # Source directory /tmp # # existing files WILL be overwritten # # This shar contains: # length mode name # ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------ # 8971 -r--r--r-- rules # 25592 -r--r--r-- guidelines # 34482 -r--r--r-- mkentry.c # 6418 -r--r--r-- # # ============= rules ============== echo "x - extracting rules (Text)" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > rules && X10th International Obfuscated C Code Contest Rules X XCopyright (c) Landon Curt Noll & Larry Bassel, 1993. XAll Rights Reserved. Permission for personal, education or non-profit use is Xgranted provided this this copyright and notice are included in its entirety Xand remains unaltered. All other uses must receive prior permission in writing Xfrom both Landon Curt Noll and Larry Bassel. X X Obfuscate: tr.v. -cated, -cating, -cates. 1. a. To render obscure. X b. To darken. 2. To confuse: his emotions obfuscated his X judgment. [LLat. obfuscare, to darken : ob(intensive) + X Lat. fuscare, to darken < fuscus, dark.] -obfuscation n. X obfuscatory adj. X X XGOALS OF THE CONTEST: X X * To write the most Obscure/Obfuscated C program under the rules below. X * To show the importance of programming style, in an ironic way. X * To stress C compilers with unusual code. X * To illustrate some of the subtleties of the C language. X * To provide a safe forum for poor C code. :-) X X XNOTE: Changes from the 1993 draft are noted by change bars. ---> | X X XRULES: X X To help us with the volume of entries, we ask that you follow these rules: X X 1) Your entry must be a complete program. X X 2) Your entry must be <= 3217 bytes in length. The number of characters X excluding whitespace (tab, space, newline), and excluding any ; { or } X followed by either whitespace or end of file, must be <= 1536. X X 3) Your entry must be submitted in the following format: X X---entry--- Xrule: 1993 Xfix: y or n (n => this is a new entry, y => this replaces an older entry) Xtitle: title of entry (see comments below) Xentry: Entry number from 0 to 7 inclusive (your 1st entry should by 0) Xdate: Date/time of submission in UTC (see comments below) Xhost: Machine(s) and OS(s) under which your entry was tested X Use tab indented lines if needed X---remark--- X Place remarks about this entry in this section. It would be helpful if X you were to indent your remarks with 4 spaces, though it is not a X requirement. Also, if possible, try to avoid going beyond the 79th X column. Blank lines are permitted. X---author--- Xname: your name Xorg: School/Company/Organization Xaddr: postal address X use tab indented lines to continue X don't forget to include the country Xemail: Email address from a well known site or registered domain. X If you give several forms, list them on separate tab indented lines. Xanon: y or n (y => remain anonymous, n => ok to publish this info) X---info--- XIf your program needs an info file, place a uuencoded copy of it in Xthis section. In the case of multiple info files, use multiple info Xsections. If your entry does not need a info file, skip this section. X---build--- XPlace a uuencoded copy of the command(s) used to compile/build your program Xin this section. It must uudecode into a file named 'build'. The resulting Xfile must be 255 bytes or less. X---program--- XPlace a uuencoded copy of your program in this section. It must uudecode Xinto a file named is 'prog.c'. The resulting file must follow rule #2. X---end--- X X Regarding the above format: X X * The title must match the expression: [a-zA-Z0-9_=][a-zA-Z0-9_=+-]* X and must be 1 to 12 characters in length. X X It is suggested, but not required, that the title should X incorporate your username; in the case of multiple authors, X consider using parts of the usernames of the authors. X X * The date in the ---entry--- section should be given with respect X to UTC. The format of the date should be as returned by asctime() X using the C locale. (see guidelines for more info) X X * You may correct/revise a previously submitted entry by sending X it to the contest email address. Be sure to set 'fix' in the X ---entry--- section to 'n'. The corrected entry must use the same X title and entry number as submittion that is being corrected. Be X sure that you note the resubmittion in the ---remark--- as well. X X * With the exception of the header, all text outside of the above X format may be ignored by the judges. If you need tell the judges X something, put it in the ---remark--- section, or send a separate X Email message to the judges. X X * Information from the ---author--- section will be published unless X 'y' was given to the respective author's 'anon' line. X X * To credit multiple authors, include an ---author--- section for X each author. Each should start with ---author--- line, and X should be found between the ---entry--- and ---build--- sections. X X * The entry's remarks should include: X - what this program does X - how to run the program (sample args or input) X - special compile or execution instructions, if any X - special filename requirements (see rule 4 and 5) X - information about any ---data--- files X - why you think the program is obfuscated X - note if this entry is a re-submission of a previous entry. X - any other remarks (humorous or otherwise) X X * Do not rot13 your entry's remarks. You may suggest that certain X portions of your remarks be rot13ed if your entry wins an award. X X * Info files should be used only to supplement your entry. They X should not be required to exist. X X If your entry does not need an info file, skip the ---info--- X section. If your entry needs multiple info files, use multiple X ---info--- sections, one per info file. You should describe X each info file in the ---remark--- section. X X 4) If your entry is selected as a winner, it will be modified as follows: X X 'build' is incorporated into a makefile, and 'build' is removed X 'prog.c' is renamed to your entry's title, followed by an optional X digit, followed by '.c' X your entry is compiled into a file with the name of your entry's X title, possibly followed by a digit X X If your entry requires that a build file exist, state so in your X entry's remark section. The makefile will be arranged to execute a X build shell script containing the 'build' information. The name of X this build shell script will be your entry's title, possibly followed X by a digit, followed by '.sh'. X X If needed, your entry's remarks should indicate how your entry must X be changed in order to deal with the new filenames. X X 5) The build file, the source and the resulting executable should be X treated as read-only files. If your entry needs to modify these files, X it should make and modify a copy of the appropriate file. If this X occurs, state so in your entry's remarks. X X 6) Entries that cannot be compiled by an ANSI C compiler will be rejected. X Use of common C (K&R + extensions) is permitted, as long as it does not X cause compile errors for ANSI C compilers. X X 7) The program must be of original work. All programs must be in the X public domain. All copyrighted programs will be rejected. X X 8) Entries must be received prior to 07-May-93 0:00 UTC. (UTC is X essentially equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time) Email your entries to: X X ...!{apple,pyramid,sun,uunet}!hoptoad!obfuscate X [email protected] X X We request that your message use the subject 'ioccc entry'. X X If possible, we request that you hold off on Emailing your entries X until 1-Mar-93 0:00 UTC. Early entries will be accepted, however. X We will attempt to email a confirmation to the the first author for X all entries received after 1-Mar-93 0:00 UTC. X X 9) Each person may submit up to 8 entries per contest year. Each entry X must be sent in a separate Email letter. X X 10) Entries requiring human interaction to be built are not allowed. X Compiling an entry produce a file (or files) which may be executed. X X 11) Programs that require special privileges (setuid, setgid, super-user, X special owner or group) are not allowed. X X XFOR MORE INFORMATION: X X The Judging will be done by Landon Noll and Larry Bassel. Please send X questions or comments about the contest, to: X X ...!{apple,pyramid,sun,uunet}!hoptoad!judges (not the address for | X [email protected] submitting entries) | X X The rules and the guidelines may (and often do) change from year to X year. You should be sure you have the current rules and guidelines X prior to submitting entries. To obtain them, send Email to the address | X above and use the subject 'send rules'. | X X One may obtain winners of previous contests (1984 to date), via ftp from: | X X host: ( | X user: anonymous X pass: yourname@yourhost X dir: ~/pub/ioccc | X X As a last resort, previous winners may be obtained by sending Email | X to the above address. Please use the subject 'send YEAR winners', | X where YEAR is a single 4 digit year, a year range, or 'all'. | X X Xchongo <Landon Curt Noll> /\cc/\ [email protected] | XLarry Bassel [email protected] | SHAR_EOF chmod 0444 rules || echo "restore of rules failed" set `wc -c rules`;Wc_c=$1 if test "$Wc_c" != "8971"; then echo original size 8971, current size $Wc_c fi # ============= guidelines ============== echo "x - extracting guidelines (Text)" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > guidelines && X10th International Obfuscated C Code Contest Guidelines, Hints and Comments X XCopyright (c) Landon Curt Noll & Larry Bassel, 1993. XAll Rights Reserved. Permission for personal, education or non-profit use is Xgranted provided this this copyright and notice are included in its entirety Xand remains unaltered. All other uses must receive prior permission in writing Xfrom both Landon Curt Noll and Larry Bassel. X XABOUT THIS FILE: X X This file is intended to help people who wish to submit entries to X the International Obfuscated C Code Contest (IOCCC for short). X X This is not the IOCCC rules, though it does contain comments about X them. The guidelines should be viewed as hints and suggestions. X Entries that violate the guidelines but remain within the rules are X allowed. Even so, you are safer if you remain within the guidelines. X X You should read the current IOCCC rules, prior to submitting entries. X The rules are typically sent out with these guidelines. X X Changes from the 1993 draft are noted by change bars. ---> | X X XWHAT IS NEW IN 1993: X X The entry format is better (for us anyway). The program mkentry.c X has been updated. See ENTRY FORMAT. X X We will reject entries that cannot be compiled using an ANSI C X compiler. Certain old Obfuscation hacks that cause ANSI C compilers X fits are no longer permitted. Some of the new issues deal with X non-integral array types, variable number of arguments, C preprocessor X directives and the exit() function. See OUR LIKES AND DISLIKES. X X XHINTS AND SUGGESTIONS: X X You are encouraged to examine the winners of previous contests. See X FOR MORE INFORMATION for details on how to get previous winners. X X Keep in mind that rules change from year to year, so some winning entries X may not be valid entries this year. What was unique and novel one year X might be 'old' the next year. X X An entry is usually examined in a number of ways. We typically apply X a number of tests to an entry: X X * look at the original source X * convert ANSI tri-graphs to ASCII X * C pre-process the source ignoring '#include' lines X * C pre-process the source ignoring '#define' and '#include' lines X * run it through a C beautifier X * examine the algorithm X * lint it X * compile it X * execute it X X You should consider how your entry looks in each of the above tests. X You should ask yourself if your entry remains obscure after it has been X 'cleaned up' by the C pre-processor and a C beautifier. X X Your entry need not do well under all, or in most tests. In certain X cases, a test is not important. Entries that compete for the X 'strangest/most creative source layout' need not do as well as X others in terms of their algorithm. On the other hand, given X two such entries, we are more inclined to pick the entry that X does something interesting when you run it. X X We try to avoid limiting creativity in our rules. As such, we leave X the contest open for creative rule interpretation. As in real life X programming, interpreting a requirements document or a customer request X is important. For this reason, we often award 'worst abuse of the X rules' to an entry that illustrates this point in an ironic way. X X If you do plan to abuse the rules, we suggest that you let us know X in the remarks section. Please note that an invitation to abuse X is not an invitation to break. We are strict when it comes to the X 3217 byte size limit. Also, abusing the entry format tends to X annoy more than amuse. X X We do realize that there are holes in the rules, and invite entries X to attempt to exploit them. We will award 'worst abuse of the rules' X and then plug the hole next year. Even so, we will attempt to use X the smallest plug needed, if not smaller. :-) X X Check out your program and be sure that it works. We sometimes make X the effort to debug an entry that has a slight problem, particularly X in or near the final round. On the other hand, we have seen some X of the best entries fall down because they didn't work. X X We tend to look down on a prime number printer, that claims that X 16 is a prime number. If you do have a bug, you are better off X documenting it. Noting "this entry sometimes prints the 4th power X of a prime by mistake" would save the above entry. And sometimes, X a strange bug/feature can even help the entry! Of course, a correctly X working entry is best. X X XOUR LIKES AND DISLIKES: X X Doing masses of #defines to obscure the source has become 'old'. We X tend to 'see thru' masses of #defines due to our pre-processor tests X that we apply. Simply abusing #defines or -Dfoo=bar won't go as far X as a program that is more well rounded in confusion. X X Many ANSI C compilers dislike the following code, and so do we: X X #define d define X #d foo <-- don't expect this to turn into #define foo X X int i; X j; <-- don't use such implicit type declaration X int k; X X We suggest that you compile your entry with an ANSI C compiler. If you X must use non-ANSI C, such as K&R C, you must avoid areas that result in X compile/link errors for ANSI C compilers. X X Unfortunately, some ANSI C compilers require array indexes to be of | X integral type. Thus, the following classical obfuscation hacks should | X not be used in 1993. This rule may be relaxed in future contests. | X X int i; X char *c; X i[c]; <--- use c[i] instead X (i+3)["string"]; <--- use "string"[i+3] instead X X If your entry uses functions that have a variable number of X arguments, be careful. Systems implement va_list as a wide variety X of ways. Because of this, a number of operations using va_list are X not portable and must not be used: X X * assigning a non-va_list variable to/from a va_list variable X * casting a non-va_list variable into/from a va_list variable X * passing a va_list variable to a function expecting a non-va_list arg X * passing a non-va_list variable to a function expecting a va_list arg X * performing arithmetic on va_list variables X * using va_list as a structure or union X X In particular, do not treat va_list variables as if they were a char **'s. X X Avoid using <varargs.h>, use <stdarg.h> instead. X X If you use C preprocessor directives (#define, #if, #ifdef, ...), X the leading '#' must be the first character on a line. While some X C preprocessors allow whitespace the leading '#', many do not. X X Because the exit() function returns void on some systems, entries X must not assume that it returns an int. X X Small programs are best when they are short, obscure and concise. X While such programs are not as complex as other winners, they do X serve a useful purpose. They are often the only program that people X attempt to completely understand. For this reason, we look for X programs that are compact, and are instructional. X X One line programs should be short one line programs, say around 80 X bytes long. Getting close to 160 bytes is a bit too long in our opinion. X X We tend to dislike programs that: X X * are very hardware specific X * are very OS or Un*x version specific X (index/strchr differences are ok, but socket/streams specific X code is likely not to be) X * dump core or have compiler warnings X (it is ok only if you warn us in the 'remark' header item) X * won't compile under both BSD or SYS V Un*x X * abusing the build file to get around the size limit X * obfuscate by excessive use of ANSI tri-graphs X * are longer than they need to be X * are similar to previous winners X * are identical to previous losers :-) X X Unless you are cramped for space, or unless you are entering the X 'best one liner' category, we suggest that you format your program X in a more creative way than simply forming excessively long lines. X X The build file should not be used to try and get around the size X limit. It is one thing to make use of a several -D's to help out, X but it is quite another to use 200+ bytes of -D's in order to X try and squeeze the source under the size limit. You should feel X free to make use of the build file space, but you are better off X if you show some amount of restraint. X X We allowed whitespace, and in certain cases ; { or } do not impact X your program size (up to a certain point), because we want to get X away from source that is simply a compact blob of characters. X X Given two versions of the same program, one that is a compact blob X of code, and the other that is formatted more like a typical C X program, we tend to favor the second version. Of course, a third X version of the same program that is formatted in an interesting X and/or obfuscated way, would definitely win over the first two! X X We suggest that you avoid trying for the 'smallest self-replicating' X program. We are amazed at the many different sizes that claim X to be the smallest. There is nothing wrong with self-replicating X programs. In fact, a number of winners have been self-replicating. X You might want to avoid the claim of 'smallest', lest we (or others) X know of a smaller one! X X X client entries should be as portable as possible. Entries that X adapt to a wide collection of environments will be favored. Don't X depend on a particular type of display. For example, don't depend X on color or a given size. Don't require backing store. X X X client entries should avoid using X related libraries and X software that is not in wide spread use. We ask that such X client X entries restrict themselves to only the low level Xlib and the X Athena widget set (libX11.a, libXaw.a, libXmu.a and libXt.a). X Don't use M*tif, Xv*ew, or OpenL*ok toolkits, since not everyone X has them. Avoid depending on a particular window manager. Not X everyone has X11r5, and some people are stuck back in X11r4 (or X earlier), so try to target X11r5 without requiring X11r5. Better X yet, try to make your entry run on all version 11 X Window Systems. X X X client entries should not to depend on particular items on X .Xdefaults. If you must do so, be sure to note the required lines X in the ---remark--- section. X X We like programs that: X X * are as concise and small as they need to be X * do something at least quasi-interesting X * pass lint without complaint (not a requirement, but it is nice) X * are portable X * are unique or novel in their obfuscation style X * MAKE USE OF A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF OBFUSCATION X * make us laugh and/or throw up :-) X X Some types of programs can't excel in some areas. Of course, your X program doesn't have to excel in all areas, but doing well in several X areas really does help. X X We freely admit that interesting, creative or humorous comments in X the ---remark--- section helps your chance of winning. If you had to X read of many twisted entries, you too would enjoy a good laugh or two. X We think the readers of the contest winners do as well. X X Be creative! X X XENTRY FORMAT: X X In order to help us process the many entries, we must request your X assistance by formatting your entries in a certain way. This format, X in addition, allows us to quickly separate information about the X author from the program itself. (see JUDGING PROCESS) X X We have provided the program, mkentry, as an example of how to X format entries. You should be aware of the following warning that X is found in mkentry.c: X X This program attempts to implement the IOCCC rules. Every X attempt has been made to make sure that this program produces X an entry that conforms to the contest rules. In all cases, X where this program differs from the contest rules, the X contest rules will be used. Be sure to check with the X contest rules before submitting an entry. X X You are not required to use mkentry. It is convenient, however, X as it attempts to uuencode the needed files, and attempt to check X the entry against the size rules. X X If you have any suggestions, comments, fixes or complaints about X the mkentry.c program, please send Email to the judges. (see below) X X The following is a sample entry: X X---entry--- Xrule: 1993 Xfix: n Xtitle: chonglab Xentry: 0 Xdate: Mon Mar 1 08:45:20 1993 Xhost: Un*x v6, pdp11/45 X 2.9BSD, pdp11/70 X---remark--- X This is a non-obfuscated obfuscated C program. X X It is likely not to win a prize. But what do you expect from X a short example! X---author--- Xname: Landon Curt Noll Xorg: IOCCC Judging Group Xaddr: Toad Hall X PO Box 170608 X San Francisco, California X 94117-0608 X USA Xemail: [email protected] Xanon: n X---author--- Xname: Larry Bassel Xorg: IOCCC Judging Group Xaddr: Toad Hall X PO Box 170608 X San Francisco, California X 94117-0608 X USA Xemail: hoptoad!sun!lab X [email protected] Xanon: n X---info--- Xbegin 444 info.file XM0V]P>7)I9VAT("AC*2!,86YD;VX@0W5R="!.;VQL+"`Q.3DS+@I!;&P@4FEG XM:'1S(%)E<V5R=F5D+B`@4&5R;6ES<VEO;B!F;W(@<&5R<V]N86PL(&5D=6-A XM=&EO;B!O<B!N;VXM<')O9FET('5S92!I<PIG<F%N=&5D('!R;W9I9&5D('1H XM:7,@=&AI<R!C;W!Y<FEG:'0@86YD(&YO=&EC92!A<F4@:6YC;'5D960@:6X@ XM:71S(&5N=&ER971Y"F%N9"!R96UA:6YS('5N86QT97)E9"X@($%L;"!O=&AE XM<B!U<V5S(&UU<W0@<F5C96EV92!P<FEO<B!P97)M:7-S:6]N(&EN('=R:71I XM;F<*9G)O;2!,86YD;VX@0W5R="!.;VQL+@H*5&AA="!T:&%T(&ES+"!I<RX* XM5&AA="!T:&%T(&ES(&YO="P*("`@(&ES(&YO="!T:&%T('1H870@;F]T(&ES XM+@I4:&%T(&ES+"!T:&%T('1H870@:7,@;F]T+"!I<R$*"@D)+2T@8VAO;F=O XM(#$Y-S0*"DQA<W0@>65A<BP@;VYE('!E<G-O;B!T;VQD('5S('1H870@=&AE XM>2!A8W1U86QL>2!D96-O9&5D('1H:7,@9FEL92X*22!W;VYD97(@:&]W(&UA X9;GD@=VEL;"!D;R!I="!T:&ES('EE87(_"@`` X` Xend X---build--- Xbegin 444 build X28V,@<')O9RYC("UO('!R;V<* X` Xend X---program--- Xbegin 444 prog.c XM;6%I;B@I"GL*(VEF(&1E9FEN960H05]214=)4U1%4D5$7U9/5$527TE.7U-5 XM3DY95D%,15]#04Q)1D]23DE!7U5302D*("`@('!R:6YT9B@B5F]T92!,86YD XM;VX@3F]L;"!F;W(@4W5N;GEV86QE($-I='D@0V]U;F-I;"!S96%T(",Q+EQN X:(BD["B-E;F1I9@H@("`@97AI="@P*3L*?0H` X` Xend X---end--- X X Typically the build file should assume that the source is prog.c X and will compile into prog. If an entry wins, we will rename X its source and binary to avoid filename collision. By tradition, X we use the name of the entry's title, followed by an optional X digit in case of name conflicts. X X If the above entry somehow won the 'least likely to win' award, X we would use chonglab.c and chonglab. X X If your entry depends on, or requires that your build, source X and/or binary files be a particular name, please say so in the X ---remark--- section. If this case applies, it would be be helpful X if you did one of the following: X X * Tell us how to change the filename(s) in your entry. X X * Have the build file make copies of the files. For example: X X cc prog.c -o special_name need special binary X X or rm -f special_src.c need special source X cp prog.c special_src.c X cc special_src.c -o special_name X X or rm -f special_build need special build X tail +4 build > special_build X sh < special_build X X * Assume that we will use the entry title. Send us a version of X your build/program files that uses the name convention. You X should uuencode these files in ---data--- sections. X X If your entry needs to modify its source, info or binary files, X please say so in the ---remark--- section. You should try to avoid X touching your original build, source and binary files. You should X arrange to make copies of the files you intend to modify. This X will allow people to re-generate your entry from scratch. X X Remember that your entry may be built without a build file. We X typically incorporate the build lines into a Makefile. If the X build file must exist, say so in the ---remark--- section. X X If your entry needs special info files, you should uuencode them X into ---info--- sections. In the case of multiple info files, X use multiple ---info--- sections. If no info files are needed, X then skip the ---info--- section. X X Info files are intended to be input, or detailed information that X does not fit well into the ---remark--- section. For example, an X entry that implements a compiler might want to provide some sample X programs for the user to compile. An entry might want to include a X lengthy design document, that might not be appropriate for a X 'hints' file. X X Info files should be used only to supplement your entry. For X example, info files may provide sample input or detailed X information about your entry. Because they are supplemental, X the entry should not require them exist. X X In some cases, your info files might be renamed to avoid name X conflicts. If info files should not be renamed for some reason, X say so in the ---remark--- section. X X Info files must uudecode into the current directory. If they X absolutely must be renamed, or moved into a sub-directory, say X so in the ---remark--- section. X X When submitting multiple entries, be sure that each entry has X a unique entry number from 0 to 7. Your first entry should X have entry number 0. X X With the exception of the header, all text outside of the entry X format may be ignored. That is, don't place text outside of the X entry and expect the judges to see it. (Our decoding tools aren't X AI progs!) If you need tell the the something, put it in the X ---remark--- section, or send a Email to the judges at: X X ...!{apple,pyramid,sun,uunet}!hoptoad!judges (not the address for X [email protected] submitting entries) X X The date should be given with respect to UTC. (Some systems refer X to this as GMT or GMT0) The format of the date should be that as X returned by asctime() in the C locale. An example of such a string is: X X Thr Apr 01 00:47:00 1993 X X This format is similar to the output of the date(1) command. The X string does not include the timezone name before the year. On many X systems, one of the following command will produce a similar string: X X date -u "+%a %h %d %T 19%y" X date -u | sed -e 's/... \(19[0-9][0-9]\)$/\1/' X sh -c 'TZ=UTC date | sed -e "s/... \(19[0-9][0-9]\)$/\1/"' X sh -c 'TZ=GMT date | sed -e "s/... \(19[0-9][0-9]\)$/\1/"' X sh -c 'TZ=GMT0 date | sed -e "s/... \(19[0-9][0-9]\)$/\1/"' X X You are allowed to update/fix/revise your entry. To do so, set X the 'fix' line in the ---entry--- section to 'y' instead of 'n'. X Be sure that the resubmittion uses the same title and entry number X as well, as these are used to determine which entry is to be X replaced. X X XJUDGING PROCESS: X X Entries are judged by Larry Bassel and Landon Curt Noll. X X Entries are unpacked into individual directories. The Email message X is unpacked into individual files, each containing: X X ---entry--- section X all ---author--- sections X all ---info--- sections X ---build--- section X ---program--- section X any other text, including the Email message headers X X Prior to judging, the 'any other text' file is scanned to be sure X it does not contain useful information (or in case the entry was X malformed and did not unpack correctly). Information from the X ---author--- sections are not read until the judging process is X complete, and then only from entries that have won an award. X X The above process helps keep us biased for/against any one particular X individual. We are usually kept in the dark as much as you are X until the final awards are given. We like the surprise of finding X out in the end, who won and where they were from. X X We attempt to keep all entries anonymous, unless they win an award. X Because the main 'prize' of winning is being announced, we make all X attempts to send non-winners into oblivion. We remove all non-winning X files, and shred all related paper. By tradition, we do not even X reveal the number of entries that we received. (for the curious, X we do indicate the volume of paper consumed when presenting the IOCCC X winners at talks) X X After the Usenix announcement, we attempt to send Email to the X authors of the winning entries. One reason we do this is to give X the authors a chance to comment on the way we have presented their X entry. They are given the chance to correct mistakes, typos. We X often accept their suggestions/comments about our remarks as well. X This is done prior to posting the winners to the wide world. X X Judging consists of a number of elimination rounds. During a round, X the collection of entries are divided into two roughly equal piles; X the pile that advances on to the next round, and the pile that does X not. We also re-examine the entries that were eliminated in the X previous round. Thus, an entry gets at least two readings. X X A reading consists of a number of actions: X X * reading the ---entry--- section X * reading the uudecoded ---build--- section X * reading the uudecoded ---program--- section X * reading the uudecoded ---info--- section(s), if any X * passing the source thru the C pre-processor X shipping over any #include files X * performing a number of C beautify/cleanup edits on the source X * passing the beautified source thru the C pre-processor X shipping over any #include files X X In later rounds, other actions are performed: X X * linting the source X * compiling/building the source X * running the program X * performing misc tests on the source and binary X X Until we reduce the stack of entries down to about 25 entries, entries X are judged on an individual basis. An entry is set aside because it X does not, in our opinion, meet the standard established by the round. X When the number of entries thins to about 25 entries, we begin to form X award categories. Entries begin to compete with each other for awards. X An entry often will compete in several categories. X X The actual award category list will vary depending on the types of entries X we receive. A typical category list might be: X X * best small one line program X * best small program X * strangest/most creative source layout X * most useful obfuscated program X * best game that is obfuscated X * most creatively obfuscated program X * most deceptive C code X * best X client (see OUR LIKES AND DISLIKES) X * best abuse of ANSI C X * worst abuse of the rules X * <anything else so strange that it deserves an award> X X We do not limit ourselves to this list. For example, a few entries are so X good/bad that they are declared winners at the start of the final round. X We will invent awards categories for them, if necessary. X X In the final round process, we perform the difficult tasks of X reducing the remaining entries (typically about 25) down to 8 or 10 X winners. Often we are confident that the entries that make it into X the final round are definitely better than the ones that do not X make it. The selection of the winners out of the final round, is X less clear cut. X X Sometimes a final round entry good enough to win, but is beat out X by a similar, but slightly better entry. For this reason, it is X sometimes worthwhile to re-enter an improved version of an entry X that failed to win in a previous year. This assumes, of course, X that the entry is worth improving in the first place! X X More often that not, we select a small entry (usually one line), a X strange/creative layout entry, and an entry that abuses the contest X rules in some way. X X In the end, we traditionally pick one entry as 'best'. Sometimes such X an entry simply far exceeds any of the other entry. More often, the X 'best' is picked because it does well in a number of categories. X X XANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS: X X The first announcement, occurs at a Summer Usenix conference. By tradition, X this is done during the latter part of the UUNET/IOCCC BOF, just prior to X the Berkeley BSD, and BSDI BOF. X X Winning entries will be posted in late June to the following groups: X X comp.lang.c comp.unix.wizards alt.sources X X In addition, pointers to these postings are posted to the following X X comp.sources.d alt.sources.d misc.misc X comp.sources.misc X X Winning entries will be deposited into the uunet archives. See X below for details. X X Often, winning entries are published in selected magazines. Winners X have appeared in books ("The New Hackers Dictionary") and on T-Shirts. X X Last, but not least, winners receive international fame and flames! :-) X X XFOR MORE INFORMATION: X X You may contact the judges by sending Email to the following address: X X ...!{apple,pyramid,sun,uunet}!hoptoad!judges (not the address for X [email protected] submitting entries) X X Questions and comments about the contest are welcome. X X The rules and the guidelines may (and often do) change from year to | X year. You should be sure you have the current rules and guidelines | X prior to submitting entries. To obtain them, send Email to the address | X above and use the subject 'send rules'. | X X One may obtain winners of previous contests (1984 to date), via ftp from: | X X host: ( | X user: anonymous X pass: yourname@yourhost X dir: ~/pub/ioccc | X X As a last resort, previous winners may be obtained by sending Email | X to the above address. Please use the subject 'send YEAR winners', | X where YEAR is a single 4 digit year, a year range, or 'all'. | X X Xchongo <Landon Curt Noll> /\cc/\ [email protected] | XLarry Bassel [email protected] | SHAR_EOF chmod 0444 guidelines || echo "restore of guidelines failed" set `wc -c guidelines`;Wc_c=$1 if test "$Wc_c" != "25592"; then echo original size 25592, current size $Wc_c fi echo "End of part 1, continue with part 2" exit 0 -- Sunnyvale residents: Vote Landon Noll for Sunnyvale City Council seat 1.
From: [email protected] (Matthew T Thompson) Subject: music censorship survey - please fill out Organization: University of New Hampshire - Durham, NH Lines: 68 NNTP-Posting-Host: Hello, I'm doing a paper on censorship in music and I would appreciate it if you took the time to participate in this survey. Please answer as each question asks ('why?' simply means that you have room to explain your answer, if you chose.). The last question is for any comments, questions, or suggestions. Thank you in advance, please E-mail to the address at the end. I) are you [male/female] II) what is your age? III)what is your major/occupation? IV) what type of music do you listen to (check all that apply)? a. hard rock b. metal c. alternative d. blues e. rap f. jazz g. soft rock h. easy listening i. country j. classical k. hard core l. dance m. new age n. others (did I miss any?)____________ 1) Do you think recordings with objectionable or offensive lyrics be labeled? [yes/no] Why? 2) Do you think certain recordings should be banned from minors (under 18 years of age)? [yes/no] why? 3) Do you think certain recordings should be banned. Period. [yes/no] Why? 4) If yes to any of the above, who should decide: a. parents b. government c. music industry d. other________________ feel free to add any comments on this. 5) Do you think [more/less] should be done for controling record sales, or do you think the present labeling system is enough? 6) What is your definition of censorship? Also, feel free to add comments, suggestions, questions, or further explanations. Please E-mail at: [email protected] or hit 'R' to reply. thanks. Matthew T. Thompson disclaimer: if any responses are used in paper, they will be anoynamous (sp?) unless the person specifies they what their name to be used. -- *************This .sig is closed for repairs******************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ution,| } Matthew T. Thompson rrrrrrr! *pound, pound, thud* "OUCH"$%#@"duh?" E-mail at [email protected] or [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Doug Zolmer) Subject: Re: $ 80 SVX OIL CHANGE Nntp-Posting-Host: bcarh28f Reply-To: [email protected] (Doug Zolmer) Organization: Bell-Northern Research Ltd. Distribution: na Lines: 24 In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Donald Wan) writes: |> My friend brought a subaru SVX recently. I had drove it for couples times and I |> think its a great car, esp on snow. However when she took it to a local Subaru |> dealer for a oil change, the bill came out to be about 80 dollars. The dealer |> told us it is because to change the oil filter on a SVX it is necessary to |> disassemble a metal cover under the engine and that took an hour of labour. |> At first, we think we are being ripped off so she phone to a dealer in Toronto |> but found out the they are charging roughly the same price. So is there any |> SVX owner out there that has the same problem ? And if the oil change story is |> true, then the engineer of Subaru looks pretty stubid to me. By the way, the car |> looks great. |> Labour prices for car service are very expensive in Toronto compared to other parts of Ontario. For example, there are places in Ottawa that still charge "only" $40/hour. I've seen a couple of places charging $60/hour. The cheapest I've heard in Toronto is $70/hour. |> SWD Wan. |> -- Doug Zolmer Internet: [email protected] Disclaimer: My opinions only Bell-Northern Research Ltd. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Conform:- Moooo!
From: [email protected] (Matthew R. Feulner) Subject: Re: Lunar Colony Race! By 2005 or 2010? Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Draper Laboratory Lines: 18 In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] writes: |> Okay here is what I have so far: |> |> Have a group (any size, preferibly small, but?) send a human being to the moon, |> set up a habitate and have the human(s) spend one earth year on the moon. Does |> that mean no resupply or ?? |> |> Need to find atleast $1billion for prize money. My first thought is Ross Perot. After further consideration, I think he'd be more likely to try to win it...but come in a disappointing third. Try Bill Gates. Try Sam Walton's kids. Matt [email protected]
From: [email protected] (COCHRANE,JAMES SHAPLEIGH) Subject: Re: So much for "infinite patience" Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology Lines: 32 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (FULLER M) writes: : :So much for "infinite patience." : ;I find it hard to swallow that prolonged exposure to "massive" amounts of : :And they said that the bomb dropped on MOVE wouldn't start a fire, either. : :The real kicker, though, is the stated justification for the government's :sudden loss of patience: They wouldn't be able to "rotate their teams" : :This outcome could be foreseen a mile (or two) away, but Reno didn't even : :Malcolm Fuller, Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick The really good part: "At this point we're not negotiating," FBI spokesman Bob Ricks said at a news briefing about a half hour before the fire began. "We're saying,'Come out.Come out with your hands up. This matter is over.'" Criminal... so much for Billary saying we won't force the issue... anybody have the WH information number? Figure ol' Bill could use a lesson from the ROTC he scorned: "You are responsible for all that your unit/troops do or fail to do." Want to ask him how he enjoys being responsible for violating the Constitutional rights of a group, resulting in the deaths of over a hundred of them, plus four Federal agents... James -- ******************************************************************************** James S. Cochrane * When in danger, or in doubt, run in * This space [email protected] * circles, scream and shout. * for rent ********************************************************************************
From: [email protected] (Jason Hanson) Subject: Re: WARNING.....(please read)... Organization: Marquette University - Department MSCS Lines: 14 NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (gerald.l.lindahl) writes: >From article <[email protected]>, by [email protected] ("Erik Velapoldi"): >> This happened about a year ago on the Washington DC Beltway. >> Snot nosed drunken kids decided it would be really cool to >> throw huge rocks down on cars from an overpass. Four or five >> cars were hit. There were several serious injuries, and sadly About a year ago, some kids tossed a rock off an overpass on I-94 near Eau Claire, Wisconsin and it killed the driver below. (I believe he was a schoolteacher from Minnesota.) -- Jason Hanson | 915 W. Wisconsin Ave #1010 | (414) 288-2179 Marquette University | Milwaukee, WI 53233-2373 | Ham Radio: N9LEA/AE -- [email protected] ==+== --
From: [email protected] (Jon Noring) Subject: Re: Good Grief! (was Re: Candida Albicans: what is it?) Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 login: guest) Lines: 32 In article [email protected] (Steve Dyer) writes: >In article [email protected] (Jon Noring) writes: Good grief again. Why the anger? I must have really touched a raw nerve. Let's see: I had symptoms that resisted all other treatments. Sporanox totally alleviated them within one week. Hmmm, I must be psychotic. Yesss! That's it - my illness was all in my mind. Thanks Steve for your correct diagnosis - you must have a lot of experience being out there in trenches, treating hundreds of patients a week. Thank you. I'm forever in your debt. Jon (oops, gotta run, the men in white coats are ready to take me away, haha, to the happy home, where I can go twiddle my thumbs, basket weave, and moan about my sinuses.) -- Charter Member --->>> INFJ Club. If you're dying to know what INFJ means, be brave, e-mail me, I'll send info. ============================================================================= | Jon Noring | [email protected] | | | JKN International | IP : | FRED'S GOURMET CHOCOLATE | | 1312 Carlton Place | Phone : (510) 294-8153 | CHIPS - World's Best! | | Livermore, CA 94550 | V-Mail: (510) 417-4101 | | ============================================================================= Who are you? Read alt.psychology.personality! That's where the action is.
From: [email protected] Subject: about Eliz C Prophet Lines: 21 Rob Butera asks about a book called THE LOST YEARS OF JESUS, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. I do not know the book. However, Miss Prophet is the leader of a group (The Church Universal and Triumphant) derived from the I AM group founded by a Mr. Ballard who began his mission in the 1930's (I am writing this from memory and may not have all the details straight -- for an old account, check your library for a bnook by Marcus Bach) after an eighteenth-century Frenchman appeared, tapped him on the shoulder, and offered him a cup of "cosmic essence." A major tenet of the movement is that there is a monastery in the mountains of Tibet from which a monk descends to the lower altitudes every few centuries to preach, and that all major religions have been founded by monks from this monastery. Typically, the Ballard family and their successors, the Prophet family (related by marriage, if I remember aright), base almost all their teachings on messages they have allegedly received by telepathy from Tibet. I should be surprised if the book you mention has any scholarly basis. Yours, James Kiefer
From: [email protected] (F.Dwo) Subject: DSP 56001 Nntp-Posting-Host: zerberus.gud.siemens-austria Organization: Siemens AG Oesterreich Lines: 15 Hi !!! Is there somebody using a 56001 DSP from Motorola ??? I am searching for programms concerning audio effects. I built a 4 channel mixer (4ADC + 1DSP) for audio signals. I built some digital filters and echos, but now i want to include some effects like HARMONIC Equalizer or chorus. The problem is, I dont know how these effects work (so I cant write a programm). So if someone has programms or just knows how such effects work, please contact me in the newsgroup or via e-mail. (Also if there are books about this problem) Thanks in advance (DWO)
From: [email protected] Subject: Re: text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption Organization: Joe's Bar and Grill Distribution: na Lines: 24 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (David Sternlight) writes: > >Though I agree this is not the place to discuss guns, I note in passing that >a number of gun apologists seem to have ignored the words "well regulated" >in their distorted interpretations of the Second Amendment. What interpretations? Just read it as it's written. "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people, to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Where does it say "The right of the people to be members of a militia shall not be infringed" or "The right of the militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?" NOWHERE. "Well-educated businessmen being necessary to the ability of the nation to compete in the international marketplace, the right of the people to attend schools shall not be infringed." Would you "interpret" this to mean that only businessmen should have a protected right to attend schools? Why or why not? -joe
From: [email protected] (Steven Berson) Subject: Re: Ten questions about Israel Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: UCLA, Computer Science Department Lines: 25 [email protected] (Center for Policy Research) writes: >From: Center for Policy Research <cpr> >Subject: Ten questions about Israel >I would be thankful if any of you who live in Israel could help to >provide > accurate answers to the following specific questions. These are >indeed provocative questions but they are asked time and again by >people around me. [ ... questions omitted ... ] >Elias Davidsson Iceland email: [email protected] Funny you should mention it, but I've heard these questions time and again, also. Why just the other day, a couple neo-Nazis by UCLA were passing out literature like this. Cheers, Steve -- ========================================================================= Steven Berson UCLA Computer Science Department (310) 825-3189 [email protected] Los Angeles, CA 90024-1596 =========================================================================
From: [email protected] (Urban F) Subject: Re: Orion drive in vacuum -- how? Nntp-Posting-Host: sw2001 Organization: None. On USENET I speak only for myself. X-Alt.reply-Address: [email protected] Lines: 14 Leigh Palmer <[email protected]> writes: > I feel sure >that someone must have film of that experiment, and I'd really like to >see it. Has anyone out there seen it? I've seen a film of it, my memory may be faulty, but as I remember it the vehicle was slightly over a meter long, with a thick baseplate 30-40 cm in diameter. I think the narrative said it was propelled by dynamite sticks. There were four detonations within about 2 s, the second coming after about 2 m of flight in. Max altitude seemed to be on the order of 50 m, but that is hard to judge. -- Urban Fredriksson [email protected]
From: [email protected] (1016/2EF221) Subject: Re: The [secret] source of that announcement Organization: capriccioso X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL6] Distribution: inet Lines: 84 Andrew Molitor ([email protected]) wrote: : : 1) Monitor my phonecalls. : 2) Monitor usenet. : 3) Provide only cryptosystems they can easily crack. : 4) etc etc. : : This is not to say that they *don't*, they might. But you don't : know that they do, and you have no evidence that they do, for almost : all values of you. It follows, therefore, that for most values of 'you', : your claims about the NSA border on paranoia. : : Andrew Now I wouldn't be the one to claim that you are injecting some disinformation into the net, Andrew, but 'paranoia' refers to unwarranted or excessive suspicions or fear, not those that have reasonable roots. Let's start with looking at the professionals, the NSA itself. Its birth was by secret executive order by Harry S Truman in 1952. Until even 1976 not even one word of this executive order chartering the NSA was sealed. Paranoia, right? On the outside of the NSA complex is a ten foot Cyclone fence with multiple rows of barbed wire, with high voltage, complete with signs prohibiting even making sketches under penalty of the Internal Security Act. The area is completely scanned by closed circuit television. More paranoia. These are professionals, Maybe they know something we don't, eh? Do you think it would have helped Admiral Yamamoto if the Japanese had been a little more 'paranoid' of their purple cipher? Or maybe the Germans should have been a little more 'paranoid' about their Engima with respect to Turing and the British. How about the cracking of the Zimmerman telegram? Would a little more paranoia have helped the Germans here? Maybe the NSA should have been a little more 'paranoid' about Emma Woikin, or Joseph Sidney Petersen, Jr., or ... Maybe you want to talk about Macmillan publishers cooperation with the CIA and NSA to suppress Yardley's Japanese Diplomatic Secrets or even Kahn's The Codebreakers.. paranoia, right? The most popular cipher systems in captured soviet spies was the one-time pad, even with the necessity of keeping incriminating evidence about, is known to be the only proven unbreakable system. Soviet paranoia, right? And what do you think the NSA does with its Wullenwebers? And huge Rhombics pointed embassy row? And their sites near satellite uplink and downlink sites? Duh. When I worked in a classified MITRE communications lab at one time even with a "secret" clearance I had to be escorted to the toilet and the entire site was built INTO a Mosler-type vault with *very* thick bomb-proof door. MITRE paranoia? I could cite probably a hundred more facts which all support, as best hypothesis, the notion that the NSA is grabbing as much as it can, as fast as it can. One would be a fool to ignore the pattern of facts and conclude that they were random... And we know the government is violent -- even against children as recent events prove. Judge William Sessions is a disgrace but a solemn warning to those who ignore the web of evidence that our government institutions have in their contempt for our civil rights. And of course we have to err somewhat on the excessive side of caution because that does much less harm than erring on the reckless side. As member of the crew of the USS Liberty might aver. I might suggest, Andrew, that you read Kahn's Codebreakers and Bamford's Puzzle Palace and come back with some more facts to support your sheepish acquiescence to authority. -- [email protected] 2EF221 / 15 E2 AD D3 D1 C6 F3 FC 58 AC F7 3D 4F 01 1E 2F
From: [email protected] (Robert Lewis Glendenning) Subject: Re: The Old Key Registration Idea... Organization: Netcom - Online Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest) Lines: 25 The Clipper Chip will have no effect. Current generation PCs, portable and desktop, all have analog voice -> digital voice and vice versa capabilities. So, I only need a modem output to the telephone, and I can interpose any encryption screen on my voice traffic I want. Not even a big deal, but it will pass muster if the have a way of checking whether I am using their Clipper Chip encryption without a full decoding. I have been chided for stating that Dorthy Denning was intellectually dishonest in the ACM debate and in this newsgroup. I have previously refrained from suggesting that she is arguing on behalf of consulting clients. Now, I say that it is clear that Dorthy Denning has been functioning as a lobbyist, not a computer scientist. She has used legal ethics (truth is what you can convince anyone of), not scientific ethics (truth is understanding the external world). Maybe we can revoke her ACM membership? 8) Lew -- Lew Glendenning [email protected] "Perspective is worth 80 IQ points." Niels Bohr (or somebody like that).
From: [email protected] (fred j mccall 575-3539) Subject: Re: Alaska Pipeline and Space Station! Organization: Texas Instruments Inc Lines: 45 In <[email protected]> [email protected] (Pat) writes: >In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (fred j mccall 575-3539) writes: >| >|I think this would be a great way to build it, but unfortunately >|current spending rules don't permit it to be workable. For this to >|work it would be necessary for the government to guarantee a certain >|minimum amount of business in order to sufficiently reduce the risk >|enough to make this attractive to a private firm. Since they >|generally can't allocate money except one year at a time, the >|government can't provide such a tenant guarantee. >Fred. > Try reading a bit. THe government does lots of multi year >contracts with Penalty for cancellation clauses. They just like to be >damn sure they know what they are doing before they sign a multi year >contract. THe reason they aren't cutting defense spending as much >as they would like is the Reagan administration signed enough >Multi year contracts, that it's now cheaper to just finish them out. I don't have to "try reading a bit", Pat. I *work* as a government contractor and know what the rules are like. Yes, they sign some (damned few -- which is why everyone is always having to go to Washington to see about next week's funding) multi-year contracts; they also aren't willing to include sufficient cancellation penalties when they *do* decide to cut the multi-year contract and not pay on it (which can happen arbitrarily at any time, no matter what previous plans were) to make the risk acceptable of something like putting up a private space station with the government as the expected prime occupant. I'd like a source for that statement about "the reason they aren't cutting defense spending as much as they would like"; I just don't buy it. The other thing I find a bit 'funny' about your posting, Pat, is that several other people answered the question pretty much the same way I did; mine is the one you comment (and incorrectly, I think) on. I think that says a lot. You and Tommy should move in together. -- "Insisting on perfect safety is for people who don't have the balls to live in the real world." -- Mary Shafer, NASA Ames Dryden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [email protected] - I don't speak for others and they don't speak for me.
From: [email protected] (Daniel Maung) Subject: CDs for $6 Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lines: 29 Distribution: usa NNTP-Posting-Host: I have the following CDs for sale for $6 each plus postage. All CDs are in perfect condition. Michael Bolton Time, Love & Tenderness Paula Abdul Forever Your Girl Taylor Dayne Tell it to My Heart Lionel Richie The Composer Elvis Presley 18 Number One Hits Bobby Vinton Greatest Hits Super Hits of the 70's (includes Yellow River, Rose Garden, For the Good Times, Help Me Make it through the Night, Mr. Bojangles, Sweet Mary, One Toke Over the Line, Put Your Hand in Hand, Stay Awhile, Woodstock, Silver Bird, I Ain't got time Anymore) New Fashioned Love Songs (import) (includes extended remixes and dance mixes for the following: I Know You Were Waiting - Aretha Franklin & George Michael, Walk Like an Egyptian, Live It Up - Mental As Anything Is this Love - Alison Moyet I'll be Alright Without You - Journey The Rain - Oran Jones In My Dreams - Reo Speedwagon Shake You Down - Gregory Abbott Fight For Ourselves - Spandau Ballet Between Two Fires - Paul Young Falling in Love - Miami sound machine Heartache Away - Don Johnson )
From: [email protected] (Gerald Olchowy) Subject: Re: National Sales Tax, The Movie Organization: University of Toronto Chemistry Department Lines: 27 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Aaron T Boyken) writes: > >If the VAT will be done in the same way that state and local sales >taxes are done, nothing will be on the sticker. The cleark ringing >up your purchase (gum, gas, car, etc.) will hit a button to add >another 5% on top of the state and local sales taxes (and that won't >include any of the VAT from previous levels of sales). > There is no need to include the VAT from previous levels because the VAT is a "difference" tax...if the VAT is X%, than the amount of tax the government receives through all the levels is X% of the purchase price of the end consumer. At the intervening levels, only the difference between the VAT paid out and the VAT received is remitted to the government. >Here's a question: what if, instead of a true VAT, the federal >government imposed a sales tax of say 2-3%? The tax would only >be paid on retail sales (thus not building up at all levels of >production costs that are just passed on to consumers anyway), >and would only go to reducing the deficit. (I know that this >would never happen, but it seems a lot more palettable than >a VAT). A VAT is infinitely preferable to a retail sails tax... Gerald
From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Diamond Speedstar Driver for v3.1 Nntp-Posting-Host: Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: Workstations at Maryland, University of Maryland, College Park Lines: 21 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Robert Mee) writes: :-> :-> I am looking for a WIN31 driver (or set) for my Diamond :-> Speedstar 1MB video card. Does anybody know of an archive :-> site that has these? I looked at CICA and it had drivers for :-> the Stealth card and for Generic ET4000 cards but not one :-> specifically for the Speedstar. Is there one? Or has Diamond :-> dropped the Speedstar out of the driver development loop. :-> I just looked at CICA yesterday and noticed that they didn't have anything, but I seem to remember seeing something at WUARCHIVE in the /mirrors/msdos/windows3 directory. I think I got my 3.1 drivers from America Online though. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected] is Marc Meltzer President of The Meltz Inc "Our job is to play games. Our hobby is to consult."
From: [email protected] (Jason Chen) Subject: Re: Is MSG sensitivity superstition? Nntp-Posting-Host: Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: Bell Communications Research Lines: 61 In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Chris Best) writes: |> |> Jason Chen writes: |> > Now here is a new one: vomiting. My guess is that MSG becomes the number one |> > suspect of any problem. In this case. it might be just food poisoning. But |> > if you heard things about MSG, you may think it must be it. |> |> ---------- |> |> Yeah, it might, if you only read the part you quoted. You somehow left |> out the part about "we all ate the same thing." Changes things a bit, eh? Food poisoning is only one of the many possible causes. Yes, even other people share the food. |> |> You complain that people blame MSG automatically, since it's an unknown and |> therefore must be the cause. It is equally (if not more) unreasonable to |> defend it, automatically assuming that it CAN'T be the culprit. Boy, you computer people only know 1s and 0s, but not much about logic. :-) No. I did not said MSG was not the culprit. What I argued was that that there was enough reasonable doubt to convict MSG. If you want to convict MSG, show me the evidence, not quilty by suspicion. |> Pepper makes me sneeze. If it doesn't affect you the same way, fine. |> Just don't tell me I'm wrong for saying so. Nobody is forcing you to change what you believe. But I certainly don't want to see somebody preach to ban pepper because that makes him/her sneeze. That is exactly what some anti-MSG activitiests are doing |> These people aren't condemning Chinese food, Mr. Chen - just one of its |> (optional) ingredients. Try not to take it so personally. Look, people with a last Chen don't necessarily own a Chinese restaurant. I am not interested if you enjoy Chinese food or not. Exploiting my last name to discredit me on the issue is hitting below the belt. What I am interested in is the truth. Let me give you an excert from a recent FDA hearing: ``There is no evidence orally consumed glutamate has any effect on the brain,'' said Dr. Richard Wurtman of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The anecdotal experiences of individuals is ``superstition, not science,'' he said. ``I don't think glutamate has made them sick.'' And Dr. Robert Kenney of George Washington University conducted an double blind test in 1980 showing that the 35 people who reacted to MSG also had similar reaction when they thought they had MSG but actually not. Although there are many contradicting personal stories told in this group, some of them might have been due to other causes. But because the anti MSG emotion runs so high, that some blame it for anything and everything. My purpose is to present a balance view on the issue, although I am probably 20-1 outnumbered. Jason Chen
From: [email protected] (Tom Gift) Subject: Re: ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!! Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana Lines: 28 [email protected] (Jason 'Think!' Steiner) writes: >> Ever hear of electric ovens or microwaves? Very popular. >> Electric stoves outside metro-areas especially. >oh, i see. electricity is a natural right & our wonderful government >would -never- cut off the power to the people they were besieging. >are you really this dumb, or just acting like it for the sake of >argument? >jason No, they didn't have electrical power, but no, I don't find the idea of Davidians calmly cooking lunch with gas masks on as the FBI knocks the buildings down very credible,either. It's not like this whole discussion is relevant. It started when some- one made the wholly unsubstantiated allegation that the wood stove ig- nited NAPALM the FBI shot into the buildings. I'm not a groveling apoligist for the feds, far from it. But wild ac- cusations like this are ridiculous and obfuscate legitimate criticism of their conduct in this whole affair. Tom Gift [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Edward [Ted] Fischer) Subject: Re: Pleasant Yankee Surprises Organization: Cornell Univ. CS Dept, Ithaca NY 14853 Lines: 33 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] writes: >In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Alan Sepinwall) writes: >> >> 1)Spike Owen. Sure, he's hitting like crazy, but the guy *cannot* >> field to save his life! And they said he was brought in to >> provide defense? Velarde, Stankiewicz, and even Silvestri >> are better defensively than Owen. > >Remember - it's still early. Look for his offense to tail off, and >his defense to improve (hopefully). He has that rep because I heard >that either last year, or over the last 5 years, or something like >that - he has the third highest fielding percentage among major league >shortstops - behind C.R. and Tony (I'm not gonna help this sorry Mets >team at all) Fernandez. I do agree though that he has not looked all >that impressive in the field thus far. Owen only has one error so far, I believe. That seriously underrepresents the harm he has done in the field. Owen will cleanly play any ball he reaches. He will have a fine fielding percentage, like always. The problem is that he doesn't reach anything that isn't hit straight at him! This wouldn't be quite as obvious a problem if he were playing next to Kelly Gruber or Robin Ventura. But the third baseman for the Yankees is Wade Boggs (who should have moved across the diamond *last* year)! I've only seen one game, Abbott's first start, but there were three balls hit to the left side which would have been stopped by quality defensive players. Instead they were charged as hits against Abbott. Cheers, -Valentine
From: [email protected] (Ron Apland) Subject: Re: plus minus stat Organization: Malaspina College Lines: 28 In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Greg Ballentine) writes: > > In article [email protected], [email protected] () writes: >>In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Greg Ballentine) writes: >>> >>> >>> +/- is a good stat because it is the only stat that I am aware of that >>> takes into account defensive play. It isn't a measure of defensive >>> play- it takes into account offense and defence- all aspects of play. >> >> If we are interested of real all-round players, the power play stats >> should be considered, too. Because the power play is also one aspect >> of play! There is still something to be done with these player evaluation >> tools!! > > IMO any good player should score on power plays because of the man > advantage. Very good power play scorers tend to become overrated > because their point totals are inflated by power play points. > +/- tends to expose these overrated players such as Brett Hull, > John Cullen and Dave Andreychuck. > > Given the opportunity to play power play consistently, any player can > inflate his totals. > > Gregmeister Except for Vancouver, of course. Bure has a hard time scoring on that power play. He's got 7 shorthanded goals and 13 pp goals I think!
From: [email protected] (Alfred Eaton) Subject: Re: Mormon temples Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lines: 16 I was wondering if anyone knew any changes to the temple ceremony within the last fifty years.... Also, why do you think they were made (revelation, assimilation to mainstream Christianity, etc.)? I know that the God Makers was published quite a while ago. Could rituals have been changed since then? I am also very interested in the influence of Freemasonry on early Mormonism, especially in the Smith family and in the Nauvoo settlement. Info on any new studies would be appreciated. Thanks, Freddie Eaton [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Peter Nyikos) Subject: Re: Spreading Christianity (Re: Christian Extremist Kills Doctor) Organization: USC Department of Computer Science Lines: 24 I addressed most of the key issues in this very long (284 lines) post by Dean Kaflowitz in two posts yesterday. The first was made into the title post of a new thread, "Is Dean Kaflowitz terminally irony-impaired?" and the second, more serious one appeared along the thread "A Chaney Post, and a Challenge, reissued and revised" both only in talk.abortion, but I am posting its contents into talk.religion.misc as soon as I exit here. This should be enough for us to thrash out for the next week or so. The second post really grapples with the main bones of contention between us. The first is more lighthearted and tells about such things as KaflowitzDebatingPoints [tm], which he continues to rack up on both talk.abortion and talk.religion.misc, while setting follow-ups to talk.abortion alone. His lame excuse for the latter policy is that he gets a prompt as to where to set follow-ups, and does not follow talk.religion.misc much; this suggests that he is being hypocritical in not also setting his Newsgroups line to talk.abortion alone. Peter Nyikos
From: [email protected] (Strider) Subject: Re: ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!! Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX Lines: 31 NNTP-Posting-Host: [email protected] (Brent Irvine) writes: :[email protected] writes: :>Hey, gang, it's not about duck hunting, or about dark alleys, :>it's about black-clad, helmeted and booted troops storming :>houses and violating civil rights under color of law. :> :>Are YOU ready to defend YOUR Constitution? : :Its also about crazy fatigue clad survivalist types blasting the :snot out of people who accidentally stray onto his land in the :name of 'self defense.' Well, the count is now at least 86 dead by government action. How many have been killed in the last year in the manner you described? What, no facts? Oh, how silly of me; I forgot, you don't like guns, so you don't need no stinkin' facts. :Don't get too self-righteous, Mr. gun-toter. Don't get too smug, Mr. gun-hater. Mike Ruff -- - This above all, to thine own S T R I D E R [email protected] - self be true. --Polonius * * ***** ** * * **** ***** *** * * Those who would sacrifice essential * * * * * * * * * * ** * liberties for a little temporary * * * **** * * **** * * * * * safety deserve neither liberty * * * * * * * * * * * ** nor safety. --B. Franklin **** * * * **** **** * *** * *
From: [email protected] (Joel Aycock) Subject: Re: page setup in Notepad In-Reply-To: [email protected]'s message of Tue, 13 Apr 1993 20:05:08 GMT Organization: UK Infrared Telescope, Joint Astronomy Centre, Hawaii X-News-Reader: VMS NEWS 1.20 Lines: 22 In <[email protected]> [email protected] writes: > I often use Notepad to view and print "" type files. I often find > myself rushing to get to Print Manager to stop the printer and delete > the file from the print queue because I've forgotten to reset the print > margins from .75 inches (left and right) to 0 inches. The resulting printed > text looks all chopped up because of the hard returns in the source file. > [...] I struggled with the margin problem for ages as well, until I finally got hold of the shareware binary editor BEAV133, and dug into NOTEPAD.EXE (there is no SETUP facility to force NOTEPAD to default to 0.0 margins- it's hardwired into code!!!). Do a SEARCH for ".75", then change the offending bytes to ".00", et viola. Who are the guys who hardcode these "options" anyway? I'm interested in whether the problem only rears it's ugly head for certain printers- I'm using an old Epson LX-800 (or is that EX-800? never can remember). aloha.
From: [email protected] (joseph dale fisher) Subject: Re: tuff to be a Christian? Organization: Indiana University Lines: 59 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (no name) writes: >[email protected] (DAN LAWRENCE BISSELL) writes: > >> I don't think most people understand what a Christian is. It >>is certainly not what I see a lot in churches. Rather I think it >>should be a way of life, and a total sacrafice of everything for God's >>sake. He loved us enough to die and save us so we should do the > > Typical statement from an irrational and brainwashed person. >The bible was written by some male chavnist thousands of years ago >(as were all of the "holy" books). Follow the parts that you think are >suitable for modern life. Ignore the others. For heaven's (!) sake don't >take it literally. Please, leave heaven out of it. For his own sake, I pray that Dan does take it literally because that's how God intended it to be taken. Dan, your view of many groups appears correct from my point of view. However, I have found a group which is truly meeting requirements laid down by the Bible on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. I have no clue where wwc is, but please mail me. I'd really like to get you in touch with them. > >>same. Hey we can't do it, God himself inspires us to turn our lives >>over to him. That's tuff and most people don't want to do it, to be a > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>real Christian would be something for the strong to persevere at. But > [insert deletion of ranting about other religions which obviously has gone off-center of Dan's original context] Dan, I'm familiar with this one. You've got a point, though. There are some who don't want to turn over everything and be a disciple, some have no clue about it because they've not been taught, some have done exactly that and turned over everything to follow Jesus, some are blocked by difficult doctrine taught by uncaring Pharisees and teachers of the law. However, Jesus pointed out what it takes to follow him and to be his disciple in Luke 9:23-26 and Luke 14:25-33. My question is: why do people ignore the command and treat it as optional? I certainly don't have an answer to this. [insert deletion] > Parting Question: > Would you have become a Christian if you had not >been indoctrinated by your parents? You probably never learned about >any other religion to make a comparative study. And therefore I claim >you are brain washed. My parents had nothing to do with it. God had and has everything to do with it. As for these attacking responses, I must say that I disagree with your tone and what appears to be some very judgmental statements (possibly to the point of slander) when talking about people, not what they do. Please, if you have a response, state it instead of flying off the handle on some discourse which may have nothing truly to do with what is being discussed. I'm sure both Dan and I would have a much happier time with your responses. Joe
From: [email protected] (Bill Anderson) Subject: Re: ABOLISH SELECTIVE SERVICE Organization: Emory University, Atlanta, GA Lines: 29 X-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL3 [email protected] writes: : In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Dave Borden) writes: : >The Selective Service Registration should be abolished. To start with, the : >draft is immoral. Whether you agree with that or not, we don't have one now, : >and military experts agree that the quality of the armed forces is superior : >with a volunteer army than with draftees. Finally, the government has us : >on many lists in many computers (the IRS, Social Security Admistration and : >Motor Vehicle Registries to name a few) and it can find us if it needs to. : >Maintaining yet another list of people is an utter waste of money and time. : >Let's axe this whole department, and reduce the deficit a little bit. : > : > : > - Dave Borden : > [email protected] : : : You selfish little bastard. Afraid you might have to sacrafice somthing : for your country. What someone not approve a lone for you ? To bad. : What is immoral is: people like you and the current president who don't : have any idea why this country still exists after 200+ years. This country still exists after 200+ years because the people have to be forced by the government to fight in foreign wars? I don't think so... Bill .
From: [email protected] (Rick Marsico) Subject: Proventil Inhaler Organization: Youngstown State University Lines: 5 NNTP-Posting-Host: Does the Proventil inhaler for asthma relief fall into the steroid or nonsteroid category? Looking at the product literature it's not clear. [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Anthony G Rose) Subject: Re: Who's next? Mormons and Jews? Reply-To: [email protected] (Anthony G Rose) Organization: Amdahl Corporation, Sunnyvale CA Lines: 16 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Casper C. Knies) writes: > >Please allow me to explain myself. In 1838, the governor of Missouri, >.............. > > >Casper C. Knies [email protected] >Brigham Young University [email protected] >UCS Computer Facilities Capser, before you deceive everone into thinking that the latter-day saints have undergone undue persecution through the years for just believing in their religion, perhaps you would like to tell us all what happened in the Mountain Meadow Massacres and all the killings that were done under the Blood Atonement Doctrine, at the command of Brigham Young?
From: [email protected] (Chris Barrus) Subject: Re: WARNING.....(please read)... Nntp-Posting-Host: In-reply-to: [email protected]'s message of Thu, 15 Apr 1993 02:42:46 GMT Organization: Dept. of Physics, Univ. of California, Irvine Lines: 15 Unfortunately, I've got another story to add to this. My girlfriend and I were driving through west L.A., and got pelted by a rock just as we were pulling away from a stoplight. The scary thing was that the rock was heavy enough to put a decent-sized dent in the door of my '72 Riviera which is pretty much solid "Detriot Iron." Couple of inches higher and it would have gone through the window. Chris -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris Barrus --- [email protected] --- [email protected] 1972 Buick Riviera boattail, peace through superior automotive power! Sacred cows make the best hamburger - Abbie Hoffman ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: [email protected] (Gerald Olchowy) Subject: Re: Don Cherry - Coach's Corner summary - April 19, 1993 Organization: University of Toronto Chemistry Department Lines: 24 In article <[email protected]> "James J. Murawski" <[email protected]> writes: > >On 20-Apr-93 in Don Cherry - Coach's Corner.. >user Allan [email protected] writes: >>Next, a clip was shown from an earlier episode, in which Don was >>proclaiming Doug Gilmour to be the best player, not only in >>the NHL, but in the world. What about players like Lemieux? >>Don said that Gilmour was the best PLAYER, not "Designated point getter". >>Its not like baseball, where you have a "designatted hitter" who >>can score runs but can't play defense. Gilmour is a good two way player. > >This clip was shown on local news in Pittsburgh last night (KDKA), complete >with animated sarcasm by the sportscaster. It's the second time Cherry >has been shown on local Pittsburgh news in the last couple of weeks. Both >times he was blasting Lemieux. > His designated point-getter remarks were not only meant for Lemieux, but for Gretzky, Bure, etc. etc. .... and he made those particular remarks last December before Lemieux was diagnosed with Hodgkin's, and as the Leafs started their second half roll, and before Gilmour's great season was being recognized by many people. Gerald
From: [email protected] Subject: Order MOORE's book to restore Great Telescope Lines: 41 Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Trinity College Dublin Lines: 41 Several people have enquired about the availability of the book about the Great 72" reflector built at Birr Castle, Ireland in 1845 which remained the largest in the world until the the start of the 20th century. "The Astronomy of Birr Castle" was written by Patrick Moore who now sits on the committee which is going to restore the telescope. (The remains are on public display all year round - the massive support walls, the 60 foot long tube, and other bits and pieces). This book is the definitivie history of how one man, the Third Earl of Rosse, pulled off the most impressive technical achievement, perhaps ever, in the history of the telescope, and the discoveries made with the instrument. Patrick Moore is donating all proceeds from the book's sale to help restore the telescope. Astronomy Ireland is making the book available world wide by mail order. It's a fascinating read and by ordering a copy you bring the day when we can all look through it once again that little bit nearer. =====ORDERING INFORMATION===== "The Astronomy of Birr Castle" Dr. Patrick Moore, xii, 90pp, 208mm x 145mm. Price: U.S.: US$4.95 + US$2.95 post & packing (add $3.50 airmail) U.K. (pounds sterling): 3.50 + 1.50 post & packing EUROPE (pounds sterling): 3.50 + 2.00 post and packing REST OF WORLD: as per U.S. but funds payable in US$ only. PAYMENT: Make all payments to "Astronomy Ireland". CREDIT CARD: MASTERCARD/VISA/EUROCARD/ACCESS accepted by email or snail mail: give card number, name & address, expiration date, and total amount. Payments otherwise must be by money order or bank draft. Send to our permanent address: P.O.Box 2888, Dublin 1, Ireland. You can also subscribe to "Astronomy & Space" at the same time. See below: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Ryan, "Astronomy & Space", new International magazine, available from: Astronomy Ireland, P.O.Box 2888, Dublin 1, Ireland. 6 issues (one year sub.): UK 10.00 pounds, US$20 surface (add US$8 airmail). ACCESS/VISA/MASTERCARD accepted (give number, expiration date, name&address). (WORLD'S LARGEST ASTRO. SOC. per capita - unless you know better? 0.033%) Tel: 0891-88-1950 (UK/N.Ireland) 1550-111-442 (Eire). Cost up to 48p per min
From: [email protected] (Gordon Banks) Subject: Re: How to Diagnose Lyme... really Reply-To: [email protected] (Gordon Banks) Organization: Univ. of Pittsburgh Computer Science Lines: 20 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Marc Gabriel) writes: >Now, I'm not saying that culturing is the best way to diagnose; it's very >hard to culture Bb in most cases. The point is that Dr. N has developed a >"feel" for what is and what isn't LD. This comes from years of experience. >No serology can match that. Unfortunately, some would call Dr. N a "quack" >and accuse him of trying to make a quick buck. > Why do you think he would be called a quack? The quacks don't do cultures. They poo-poo doing more lab tests: "this is Lyme, believe me, I've seen it many times. The lab tests aren't accurate. We'll treat it now." Also, is Dr. N's practice almost exclusively devoted to treating Lyme patients? I don't know *any* orthopedic surgeons who fit this pattern. They are usually GPs. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordon Banks N3JXP | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and [email protected] | it is shameful to surrender it too soon." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Re: "lds" Rick's reply From: <[email protected]> Organization: Brigham Young University Lines: 159 Robert Weiss ([email protected]) writes: #Rick Anderson replied to my letter with... # #ra> In article <[email protected]>, #ra> [email protected] (Robert Weiss) says: #ra> (...) # Just briefly, on something that you mentioned in passing. You refer to # differing interpretations of "create," and say that many Christians may # not agree. So what? That is really irrelevant. We do not base our faith # on how many people think one way or another, do we? The bottom line is # truth, regardless of popularity of opinions. It may be "irrelevant" to you and *your* personal beliefs (or should I say "bias"?), but it is relevant to me and many others. You're right, "the bottom line IS truth," independant from you or anyone else. Since you proclaim "truths" as a self-proclaimed appointee, may I ask you by what authority you do this? Because "it says so in the Bible?" --Does the Bible "say so," or is it YOU, or someone else, who interprets whether a scripture or doctrine conforms to your particular liking or "disapproval"? Excuse moi, but your line of "truths" haven't moved me one bit to persuade me that my beliefs are erroneous. Of all the "preachers" of "truth" on this net, you have struck me as a self-righteous member of the wrecking crew, with no positive message to me or any other Latter-day Saint... BTW, this entire discussion reminds me a lot of the things said by Jesus to the pharisees: "ye hypocrite(s) . . . ye preach about me with your lips, but your hearts are far removed from me..." # Also, I find it rather strange that in trying to persuade that created # and eternally existent are equivalent, you say "granted the Mormon # belief..." You can't grant your conclusion and then expect the point to # have been addressed. In order to reply to the issue, you have to address # and answer the point that was raised, and not just jump to the # conclusion that you grant. Sophistry. Look who's talking: "jumping to conclusions?" You wouldn't do that yourself, right? All YOU address is your own convictions, regardless whether we come up with any Biblical scriptures which supports our points of view, because you reject such interpretations without any consideration whatsoever. # # The Bible states that Lucifer was created. The Bible states that Jesus # is the creator of all. The contradiction that we have is that the LDS # belief is that Jesus and Lucifer were the same. A beautiful example of disinformation and a deliberate misrepresentation of lds doctrine. The former KGB would have loved to employ you. Jesus and lucifer are not "the same," silly, and you know it. (...) # The Mormon belief is that all are children of God. Literally. There is # nothing symbolic about it. This however, contradicts what the Bible # says. The Bible teaches that not everyone is a child of God: Correction: it may contradict would YOU think the Bible says. The Bible indeed does teach that not all are children of God in the sense that they "belong to" or follow God in His footsteps. Satan and his followers have rebelled against God, and are not "children (=followers/redeemed) of God," but it doesn't mean that they were not once created by God, but chose to separate themselves from those who chose to follow God and His plan of salvation. # # The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the # kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked "one"; # (Matthew 13:38) So? --This illustrates nicely what I just said: the children of the kingdom are those who have remained valiant in their testimony of Jesus (and have shown "works of repentance, etc.), and the children of the wicked one are those who rebelled against God and the lamb. The issue of satan's spirit-origin (and of those who followed him) has not been addressed in this and other verses you copied from your Bible. You purposefully obscured the subject by swamping your "right" with non- related scriptures. (...lots of nice scriptures deleted (NOT Robert W. copyrighted) though...) #ra> > We are told that, "And this is life eternal, that they might know #ra> > thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." #ra> > (John 17:3). Life eternal is to know the only true God. Yet the #ra> > doctrines of the LDS that I have mentioned portray a vastly #ra> > different Jesus, a Jesus that cannot be reconciled with the Jesus of #ra> > the Bible. They are so far removed from each other that to proclaim Correction: "my" Jesus is indeed different than your Jesus, and CAN be reconciled with the Jesus in the Bible. --Not your interpretation of Him, I concur, but I honestly couldn't care less. #ra> > one as being true denies the other from being true. According to the #ra> > Bible, eternal life is dependent on knowing the only true God, and #ra> > not the construct of imagination. In this single posting of yours, I've seen more "constructs of imagination" than in all of the pro-lds mails combined I have read so far in this news group. First get your lds-facts straight before you dare preaching to us about "the only true God," whom you interpret according to your own likes and dislikes, but whose image I cannot reconcile with what I know about Him myself. I guess your grandiose self-image does not allow for other faiths, believing in the divinity of Jesus Christ, but in a different way or fashion than your own. Not that it really matters, the mission and progress of the lds church will go on, boldly and nobly, and no mob or opponent can stop the work from progressing, until it has visited every continent, swept every clime, and sounded in every ear. # This is really a red herring. It doesn't address any issue raised, but # rather, it seeks to obfuscate. The fact that some groups try to read # something into the Bible, doesn't change what the Bible teaches. Sigh. "What the Bible teaches"? Or: "what the bible teaches according to Robert Weiss and co.?" I respect the former, I reject the latter without the remotest feeling that I have rejected Jesus. On the contrary. And by the way, I do respect your interpretations of the Bible, I even grant you being a Christian (following your own image of Him), as much as I am a Christian (following my own image of Him in my heart). (...) # Most of the other replies have instead hop-scotched to the issue of # Bruce McConkie and whether his views were 'official doctrine.' I don't # think that it matters if McConkie's views were canon. That is not the # issue. Were McConkie's writings indicative of Mormon belief on this # subject is the real issue. The indication from Rick is that they may # certainly be. The issue is, of course, that you love to use anything to either mis- represent or ridicule the lds church. The issue of "official doctrine" is obviously very important. McConkie's views have been controversial (e.g. "The Seven Deadly Heresies" has made me a heretic! ;-) at best, or erroneous at worst ("blacks not to receive the priesthood in this dispensation"). I respect him as someone who has made his valuable contribution to the church, but I personally do NOT rely on his personal interpretations (his book "Mormon Doctrine" is oftentimes referred to as "McConkie's Bible" in mormon circles) on mormon doctrine. I rather look to official (doctrinal) sources, and... to Hugh Nibley's books! (The last comment is an lds-insider reference.) Summarizing: McConkie was a wise man who contributed undoubtedly far more to the kingdom of God than I have, but whose views are by no means dogma or accepted doctrine, some of it clearly belongs to personal interpretation and speculation. But having said this, I find McConkie (even in his most biased and speculative moments) far more thought-provoking than the trash coming from your proverbial pen. I'm somewhat appalled that I have allowed myself to sink as low as you in this posting... ============================= Robert Weiss [email protected] Casper C. Knies [email protected] Brigham Young University [email protected] UCS Computer Facilities
From: [email protected] (Doug Bank) Subject: Re: Is MSG sensitivity superstition? Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: Motorola Land Mobile Products Sector Nntp-Posting-Host: Lines: 39 In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (David Thomas) writes: |> [email protected] (CLAIRE) writes: |> >>Is there such a thing as MSG (monosodium glutamate) sensitivity? |> >>I saw in the NY Times Sunday that scientists have testified before |> >>an FDA advisory panel that complaints about MSG sensitivity are |> >>superstition. Anybody here have experience to the contrary? |> >> |> >>I'm old enough to remember that the issue has come up at least |> >>a couple of times since the 1960s. Then it was called the |> >>"Chinese restaurant syndrome" because Chinese cuisine has |> >>always used it. |> So far, I've seen about a dozen posts of anecdotal evidence, but |> no facts. I suspect there is a strong psychological effect at |> work here. Does anyone have results from a scientific study |> using double-blind trials? Here is another anecdotal story. I am a picky eater and never wanted to try chinese food, however, I finally tried some in order to please a girl I was seeing at the time. I had never heard of Chinese restaurant syndrome. A group of us went to the restaurant and all shared 6 different dishes. It didn't taste great, but I decided it wasn't so bad. We went home and went to bed early. I woke up at 2 AM and puked my guts outs. I threw up for so long that (I'm not kidding) I pulled a muscle in my tongue. Dry heaves and everything. No one else got sick, and I'm not allergic to anything that I know of. Suffice to say that I wont go into a chinese restaurant unless I am physically threatened. The smell of the food makes me ill (and that *is* a psycholgical reaction). When I have been dragged in to suffer through beef and broccoli without any sauces, I insist on no MSG. I haven't gotten sick yet. -- Doug Bank Private Systems Division [email protected] Motorola Communications Sector [email protected] Schaumburg, Illinois [email protected] 708-576-8207
From: [email protected] (adam jeremy schorr) Subject: Graphics Needed Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: University of Chicago Lines: 2 I'm looking for graphics (clipart, bmp, gif...) of anything relating to ophthalmology (I know it's a weird request). Anything such as eyeglasses, contact lenses, eyes...would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
From: [email protected] (Sam Zbib) Subject: RE:Legality of the jewish purchase Nntp-Posting-Host: Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: Bell-Northern Research Lines: 67 (Amir Y Rosenblatt) writes > Sam Zbib Writes >>No one in his right mind would sell his freedom and dignity. >>Palestinians are no exception. Perhaps you heard about >>anti-trust in the business world. >> >>Since we are debating the legality of a commercial >>transaction, we must use the laws governing the guidelines >>and ethics of such transactions. Basic ANTI-TRUST law says >>that, while you can purchase IBM stocks for the purpose of >>investing, you can not acquire a large number of those >>shares with the intent or controlling IBM. You can do so >>only if you make your intentions CLEAR apriori . Clearly, >>the Jews who purchased properties from palastenians had some >>designs, they were not buying a dwelling or a real estate. >They were establishing a bridgehead for the European Jews. >> >>The palastenians sold their properties to the Jews in the >>old tradition of arab hospitality. Being a multi-ethnic / >>multi-religious society, accepting the jews as neighbours >>was no different, just another religion. Plus they paid fair >>market value, etc... They did not know they were victims of >>an international conspiracy. (I'm not a conspiracy theorist >>myself, but this one is hard to dismiss). >> >Right now, I'm just going to address this point. >When the Jewish National Fund bought most of its land, >It didn't buy it from the Palestinians themselves, because, >for the most part, they were tenant farmers (fallahin), >living on land owned by wealthy Arabs in Syria and Lebanon. >The JNF offered a premium deal, so the owners took advantage of >it. It's called commerce. The owners, however, made no >provisions for those who had worked for them, basically shafting >them by selling the land right out from under them. >They are to blame, not the Jews. > > Amir: Why would you categorize the sale of land as shafting? was it because it was sold to Jews? was it fair to assume that the fallahin would be mistreated by the jews? is this the norm of any commerce (read shafting) between arabs and jews? Your claim that the Lebanese/Syrian Landlords sold Palestine (if true, even partially) omits the fact that the mandate treaty put Lebanon and Syria under French rule, while Palestine under british. Obiviously, any such landlord would have found himself a foreigner in Palestine and would be motivated to sell, regardless of the price. It is interesting though that you acknowledge that the palestinians were shafted. Do many Israelis or Jews share your opinion ? Do you absolve the purchaser from any ethical commitments just because it wasn't written down? All told, I did not see an answer in your response. The question was whether the intent behind the purchase was aimed at controlling the public assets (land, infra-structure etc...). IMHO the Palestinians have grounds to contest the legality of the purchase, say in world court. Sam My opinions are my own and no one else's
From: [email protected] (Mike Wende) Subject: Re: Zeos Computers Organization: Hewlett-Packard X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1.4 PL6] Lines: 19 I have had a Zeos for a couple months. While the experience was not painless or perfect, it was way better than that endured by most (7 people I personally know) who have ordered Gateways. (Of course, several of the Gateway buyers were rewarded by getting free stuff as Gateway can't seem to keep track of what it has or hasn't sent out...B{) I got the 1 MB Viper card. The first one was defective, but Zeos replaced it with only minor hassles. This one works fine. I haven't noticed any problems in any of my applications. I also ordered it because of all the complaints about the ATI a few months ago. Guess you can choose either buggy state-of-the-art stuff, or robust average stuff.... For my particular configuration (tower, 300 watt supply, pkg#3, no monitor, viper, etc.) the Zeos was slightly cheaper than Gateway, Austin, etc. But this can change from month to month. Mike
From: [email protected] (li liu) Subject: Florida vacation package forsale Article-I.D.: midway.1993Apr6.060213.211 Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: University of Chicago Lines: 24 The package is called Sun and Sand, it includes: --5 days/ 4 nights(2+2) accommodations in Orlando and Daytona beach; --hotels are selected from major hotel chains and family resorts; --two adults and up to three children; --fully transferable; --expires at 09/93, $20 for extention of one more year; --it needs a 45 days advance reservation (esp. for peak season), the reservation department will offer a coupon book which may give you saving up to $150. --price: I bought it for $199, which is a good deal for peak seasons. For now, I will not turn down any reasonable offers. must sell. It doesn't include transportation. And you have to pay $3/day for hotel tax. Please e-mail your respond.
From: [email protected] (George Pavlic) Subject: Re: Pens playoff radio coverage (was:Re: Radio stations) Organization: Bowling Green State University B.G., Oh. Lines: 42 In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Lori Iannamico) wrote: > According to this morning's Post-Gazette: > > The Pens will be carried by KDKA-Radio(1020 am), unless the Pirates > are playing. When the Pirates play, the games will be carried by > WDVE(102.5 fm). WDVE will carry 12 games, starting with tonight's > game. > > In fact, after this season, KDKA will no longer be the flagship > station for the Pens. The Penguins and KBL have struck a new > deal regarding the TV and radio rights to the games. It seems > more than likely that WDVE will be the flagship radio station next > season. KBL will carry 62 games on tv, with 17 of the games to be > simulcast on KDKA-TV. The remaining 22 games, as well as some of the > early round playoff games, will be available by "subscription tv" only. > To receive the games, you'll have to pay a one time hook up fee, and > then a monthly fee of $11-12 dollars. > > Also, under the new deal, there will no longer be radio/tv > simulcasts. There will be a TV broadcast team, and a radio > broadcast team. > > No word on who the announcers will be. Mike Lange and Paul Steigerwald > are both under contract with KDKA, but their contracts expire at the > end of this season. KBL President Bill Craig said he'd like to hire > Lange and Steigerwald. > > Lori > Contact for the Penguins > [email protected] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Who's the mindscheme(?) behind this one -- Ted Simmons? As the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I'm 230 miles from home (during the school year) and will never be able to pick up DVE. At least now I can sort of make out what Mike and Steigy say through all the static on KDKA. This just may be enough reason for me to transfer to Duquesne and live at home. Who's going to announce on DVE anyway? Paulson and Krenn? (Just kidding.) George
From: [email protected] (Timothy J Brent) Subject: Re: Pantheism & Environmentalism Organization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network Lines: 26 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jon Ogden) writes: >So we see that we are masters of this planet. It IS ours to care for and >ours to look after. We will be judged on how well we do this task. >C.) We are not to be in the business of spreading lies. What we tell >others we must be sure is true. We should check out the information, >verify it with scientific fact and go from there. ^^^^ Just what are these "scientific facts"? I have never heard of such a thing. Science never proves or disproves any theory - history does. -Tim ______________________________________________________________________________ | | | | Timothy J. Brent | A man will come to know true happiness, | | [email protected] | only when he accepts that he is but a | |=========$$$$==================| small part of an infinite universe. | | PURDUE UNIVERSITY | -Spinoza | | MATERIALS SCIENCE ENGINEERING | [paraphrased] | |_______________________________|______________________________________________| [I hope we don't get embroiled in a discussion over words here. When somebody says "get the facts", I'm not sure we need to get into arguments over the philosophy of science. --clh]
From: [email protected] (James Davenport) Subject: Re: Trinomial-Based PRNG Organization: School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, UK Lines: 27 I tried to mail Peter Boucher, who posted the question, but my e-mail bounced, so, apologies to thsoe who are not interested. >trinomials are all of the form X**a + X**b + 1, where a Have you read: Bremner,A., On Trinomials of Type x$+n$-+Ax$+m$-+1. Math. Scand. 49(1981) pp. 145-155. Zbl. 458.12012. MR 83k:12002. Ljunggren,W., On the Irreducibility of Certain Trinomials and Quadrinomials. Math. Scand. 8(1960) pp. 65-70. . Tverberg,H., On the Irreducibility of the Trinomials x$+n$-$mpm$$x$+m$-$mpm$$1. Math. Scand. 8(1960) pp. 121-126. Tverberg,H., On Cubic Factors of Certain Trinomials. Math. Scand. 53(1983) pp. 178-184. Zbl. 513.12003. James Davenport [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Jeffrey Hoffmeister) Subject: Re: Dumbest automotive concepts of all tim Organization: ITC/UVA Community Access UNIX/Internet Project Lines: 41 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jim Frost) writes: >[email protected] (Joe Staudt) writes: >>In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jim Frost) >>writes: >>[stuff deleted...] >>> >>>The silly thing about this whole argument is that most of the trunk >>>releases (I'm tempted to say all, but there's bound to be a >>>counterexample) only operate if the car is on (ACC or running). Thus >>>you can't easily pop the trunk without starting the car. > >>"Most" cars? The only cars I've ever seen with this "feature" have been >>GM cars. My `88 Mazda, '80 Honda, and (coming soon) '93 Probe all have >>cable-operated releases [...]. My '84 >>Camaro had an electric hatch release that was (thankfully) independent of >>the key in the ignition (the exception to the rule mentioned in my first >>sentence). > >I should probably have said "glovebox trunk releases." I haven't >encountered any glovebox releases that are cable operated. Numerous >GM and several Ford/Mercury cars that I've encountered have electrical >releases in the glovebox, and all of the ones I've seen needed the >ignition on to some degree to operate. Your Camaro example is noted, >but since it's a hardtop it's not a big deal. I've never run into a >convertible with a cable-operated trunk release -- I'd agree 100% that >in such an environment a cable or always-active electrical release >would be rather stupid. > >jim frost >[email protected] My Honda has a cable release that can be locked out with the ignition key. The valet key can be left with someone and will NOT unlock the trunk or enable the cable release. I remember my mothers '86 Corvette that had an electronic hatch release located on the drivers door, which was ALWAYS active. The fact that the car had no real trunk makes the security measure of beign able to dis-able the hatch release unnecessary.
From: [email protected] (Megan Grenenger) Subject: Regression Testing and X Summary: info required on capture/playback testing tools for X clients Keywords: X Regression Reply-To: [email protected] Lines: 10 I'd appreciate any feedback on capture/playback tools for use with X clients. I have pulled XTM from public domain but it appears to be set up to test X servers not X clients. Any comparisons/comments on regression testing tools would be great - particularly XTM, XRunner, Autotester, and SRI's CAPBAK, SMARTS and EXDIFF. Megan Grenenger [email protected]
From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Can't get 1280x1024 to work w/2M ATI Ultra Pro Lines: 25 Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Lockheed Palo Alto Research Labs In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Keith Mancus) writes: > I am unable to get my Gateway 486DX2/66 to run Windows > in 1280x1024. I ordered a 2M ATI Ultra Pro, and I'm pretty > sure the 2M is really there because I *can* select > 1024x768x65536. But no matter what I do with the Flex program > in the ATI's program group, 1280x1024 remains ghosted out. > I have Windows 3.1, build 59 of the drivers, DOS 5.0. The > drivers were installed by Gateway, not by me, so perhaps there's > a file missing from the hard drive. It runs 1024x768 just fine. > I did go into the Desktop window and select 1280x1024. Sometimes > it refuses (ghosted out), other time it accepts it, but when I hit > OK and re-enter Desktop, it's back to 1024x768. At no time does > it unghost 1280x1024 in the main Flex window. Help! > > -- Keith, I had a problem getting 256 colors (I was stuck with 16) even though the flex-stuff said I was at 1024-256. I solved it by entering the 'advanced' window on the flex program pannel and changing the 'color palette'. Sorry for the vaugeness, I hope it helps some. BTW, I have a GW2000-66V and 1M ATI GUP. Matt Sexton [email protected]
Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago, academic Computer Center From: Jason Kratz <[email protected]> Subject: Re: My Gun is like my American Express Card Distribution: usa <[email protected] <[email protected]> Lines: 45 In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Andy Freeman) says: > >In article <[email protected]> Jason Kratz > ><[email protected] >>The point that I forgot to bring up here (and this has nothing to do with g >bein >>a gang member or not) is that it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon in s >thi >>area (or in the state of illinois for that matter). > >Right - it nas nothing to do with whther or not the person >is/was a gang member, but that's what Kratz inferred.... > >Wrong - there are people who can legally carry concealed in IL and >there are circumstances under which MANY people can carry concealed. > >Is accuracy really too much to expect? > >-andy >-- No it's not. If you would have read my other post I was accurate. Here's what I said: [material from another post]-------------------------> The other point that I would like to make because I know it's true (looked this one up in the Illinois this is for you Andy-----> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ statutes before) is that it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon in Illinois. ^^^^^^^^ <------ Also for you Andy. And then I went on to say: There is no such thing as a CCW for us ordinary folk here. [end of quoted material] Of course I forgot to mention who "us ordinary folk" are so just for Andy I'm going to go to the library tomorrow and photocopy the part of the Illinois statutes with this information and post it. Ordinary citizens CAN NOT get a license to carry a concealed weapon. There are very few people who can. I even asked my lawyer friend about this and he told me that only certain people can get licenses for concealed carry. He couldn't remember which people but he knew for sure that regular citizens couldn't get that type of license. He told me to go check at the library for the statutes which I did. I'll post that info tomorrow night. Until then....... Jason
From: [email protected] (Patrick L. Mahan) Subject: RE: need shading program example in X Organization: The Internet Lines: 20 To: [email protected], [email protected] # #Do anyone know about any shading program based on Xlib in the public domain? #I need an example about how to allocate correct colormaps for the program. # #Appreciate the help. # I don't know if this might help, but I've just started playing with a program called POVRay (Persistance of Vision Raytracer) that also displays its output via X Windows. It does a fairly good job of allocating the colormap on my Psuedo-Color 8-plane display. I got the source from from a site in Canda. The person I retrieved them from was David Buck ([email protected]). Patrick L. Mahan --- TGV Window Washer ------------------------------- [email protected] --------- Waking a person unnecessarily should not be considered - Lazarus Long a capital crime. For a first offense, that is From the Notebooks of Lazarus Long
From: [email protected] (Not a Boomer) Subject: Re: Supply Side Economic Policy (was Re: David Stockman ) Article-I.D.: desire.1993Apr6.125825.8263 Distribution: na Organization: ACME Products Lines: 60 In article <[email protected]>, Ashish Arora <[email protected]> writes: > Excerpts from netnews.sci.econ: 5-Apr-93 Re: Supply Side Economic Po.. > by Not a [email protected] > [...] > >> The deficits declined from 84-9, reaching a low of 2.9% of GNP before >> the tax and spending hike of 1990 reversed the trend. >> >> Brett > Is this true ? Some more details would be appreciated. In billions of dollars (%GNP): year GNP receipts outlays deficit debt unempl% admin ==== ==== =========== ============ ========= ====== ======= ======= 1977 1930 355.6 (18.4) 409.2 (21.2) 53.6 (2.8) 709.1 Carter 1978 2174 399.6 (18.4) 458.7 (21.1) 59.2 (2.7) 780.4 Carter 1979 2444 463.3 (19.0) 503.5 (20.6) 40.2 (1.6) 833.8 Carter 1980 2674 517.1 (19.3) 590.9 (22.1) 73.8 (2.8) 914.3 7.9 Carter 1981 2986 599.3 (20.1) 678.2 (22.7) 78.9 (2.6) 1003.9 8.4 Reagan 1982 3130 617.8 (19.7) 745.7 (23.8) 127.9 (4.1) 1147.0 11.0 Reagan 1983 3325 600.6 (18.1) 808.3 (24.3) 207.8 (6.2) 1381.9 10.9 Reagan 1984 3688 666.5 (18.1) 851.8 (23.1) 185.3 (5.0) 1576.7 8.6 Reagan 1985 3958 734.1 (18.5) 946.3 (23.9) 212.3 (5.4) 1827.5 8.1 Reagan 1986 4177 769.1 (18.4) 989.8 (23.7) 220.7 (5.3) 2129.5 7.9 Reagan 1987 4442 854.1 (19.2) 1002.1 (22.6) 148.0 (3.4) 2354.3 7.1 Reagan 1988 4771 909.0 (19.1) 1064.1 (22.3) 155.1 (3.2) 2614.6 6.3 Reagan 1989 5201 990.8 (19.0) 1142.8 (22.0) 152.0 (2.9) 2881.1 Bush 1990 1031.2 1251.6 220.4 3190.5 Bush 1991 1054.3 1323.0 268.7 3599.0 Bush [Source: Statistical Abstract of the US (1990 version), American Almanac (1993 version), Universal Almanac (1993 version), Information Please Almanac (1991 version)] GRAPHICALLY: Deficits as a % of GNP, 1981-89 % GNP 7| | 6| X | X X 5| X | 4| X | X 3| X X | X 2| | 1| |____________________________________________________________________________ 0 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Ironically, Bush could have frozen spending, kept his "no new taxes" pledge and balanced the budget. Brett ________________________________________________________________________________ "There's nothing so passionate as a vested interest disguised as an intellectual conviction." Sean O'Casey in _The White Plague_ by Frank Herbert.
From: [email protected] (Phil Longstaff) Subject: WANTED: chipset info Nntp-Posting-Host: Reply-To: [email protected] (Phil Longstaff) Organization: Motorola Codex, Mississauga, Ontario Lines: 8 I have a 286 with an M205 motherboard. The Last Byte memory manager (which I downloaded for a trial) reports the chipset is an AddTech PCCHIP1 chipset, and it is able to activate the ram behind segments A000-FFFF, which can then be used for UMBs (except for video/BIOS). I would like to write my own driver to activate the memory. Does anyone know where I can get programming information on this chip? Phil
From: [email protected] (Lawrence C. Foard) Subject: Re: New Study Out On Gay Percentage Organization: ITC/UVA Community Access UNIX/Internet Project Lines: 50 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Clayton Cramer) writes: > > >From the Santa Rosa (Cal.) Press-Democrat, April 15, 1993, p. B2: > > Male sex survey: Gay activity low > > A new natonal study on male sexual behavior, the most thorough > examination of American men's sexual practices published since > the Kinsey report more than four decades ago, shows about 2 > percent of the men surveyed had engaged in homosexual sex and > 1 percent considered themselves exclusively homosexual. > > The figures on homosexuality in the study released Wednesday > by the Alan Guttmacher Institute are significantly lower than > the 10 percent figure that has been part of the conventional > wisdom since it was published in the Kinsey report. 1) So what? 2) It will be interesting to see the reaction when 2.5million queers gather in Washington DC. After all if there are only 6million of us then this is an event unprecidented in history... >The article also contains numbers on the number of sexual partners. >The median number of sexual partners for all men 20-39 was 7.3. Don't forget that 25% had 20 or more partners.... >Compared to the table I have already posted from Masters, Johnson, >and Kolodny showing male homosexual partners, it is apparent that >homosexual men are dramatically more promiscuous than the general >male population. And what did this study show for number of sexual contacts for those who said they where homosexual? Or is that number to inconvient for you.... >It's a shame that we don't have a breakdown for >straight men vs. gay/bi men -- that would show even more dramatically >how much more promiscuous gay/bi men are. Fuck off -- ------ Join the Pythagorean Reform Church! . \ / Repent of your evil irrational numbers . . \ / and bean eating ways. Accept 10 into your heart! . . . \/ Call the Pythagorean Reform Church BBS at 508-793-9568 . . . .
From: [email protected] (Allen Mulvey, SUNY, Oswego, NY) Subject: Re: Can't set COM4 Distribution: usa Organization: SUNY College at Oswego, Oswego, NY Lines: 28 In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (john.a.siegel) writes: > I have been unable to get COM 4 to work - diagnostic programs such as msd show > nothing installed. I think the software options are OK - is there a known > hardware conflict and/or workaround for this problemand CD ROM > System is a G2K 486DX2/66 tower with ATI video card > Ports are set as follows > On board COMa = COM1 IRQ4 to external device > Internal modem = COM 3 IRQ5 > DFIO port card primary port = COM 2 IRQ3 mouse > On board COM B = COM 4 IRQ 9 <--- DOES NOT WORK > I have run this from a boot disk with only to eliminate softwar > > Any suggestions before I call technical support? > John Siegel > [email protected] > [email protected] I had this problem some time ago. Some BIOSes do not automatically install COM3 or COM4 in the port tables. Programs like most modem programs which write directly to the port work fine but anything that uses a BIOS call fails. Find a BBS or FTP site where you can get a copy of PORT FINDER. Put "device=pf.sys" in your config.sys or run from your autoexec.bat. This little program will locate all existing ports and make sure the BIOS tables are updated. It works great. PF will also let you swap ports and such also if that is of any value to you. Allen Mulvey [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Scott H Vann) Subject: The bad press Islam has recieved. Organization: Iowa State University, Ames IA Lines: 16 I recently read an article in a local paper written by an Islamic person who was upset with the way Islam has been portrayed by western media. When a terrorist action takes place in the middle east, it is always played up as an Islamic Terrorist. However, when the a Serbian terrorist attacks the Croations, its not a Christian terrorist, its just a terrorist. I have often tried to explain this to some close friends who believe the press, that Islam is somehow tied to violence. Often times you hear things like "They just don't value human life like we do..." and so on. I was wondering if anyone out there had any suggestions for how we can change this image, or how I can help my friends to see that this is just hype. I would appreciate any serious suggestions or comments via e-mail, and I'm not interested in hearing about how right the press is. -Scott Vann [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Mau Napoleon) Subject: 2nd RFD: Article-I.D.: rodan.1qkma9INNmbn Organization: Lines: 31 NNTP-Posting-Host: This is the 2nd Reguest for Discussion ( RFD ) for the creation of The discussion period started on April 6 and it will last until April 28, ( 22 days ). This is an official RFD for the creation of a new newsgroup for the general discussion of the Microsoft Access RDMS. NAME: COMP.DATABASES.MS-ACCESS MODERATION: UNMODERATED. At this time, no need for a moderator has been assertained. Future evaluation will determine if one is needed. PURPOSE: Access is a new RDBMS for the Windows Operating System. It includes WYSIWYG design tools for easy creation of tables, reports, forms and queries and a database programming language called Access Basic. THe purpose of the group will be to provide help to people who use Access's WYSIWYG design tools to create simple databases as well as to people who use Access Basic to create complex databases. RATIONALE: Eventhough Access is a new RDBMS, it is very popular because of its Graphical Development enviroment and its initial low price. Been a version 1.0 product means that all Access users are Novices. For that reason a newsgroup is needed where Access users can discuss their experiences with the product and answer each other's questions. -- Napoleon [email protected]
From: [email protected] Subject: Re: Stop predicting Organization: University of Western Ont, London Nntp-Posting-Host: Lines: 17 In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (CARL DAVID KAUPANG) writes: > > It is really annoying to see all of these > predictions on the Net. Who really cares > who you think will win? Please stop with > the predictions, we all know the Caps are > going to win the Cup, so let it go at that. > > In the words of Doktor Kultur, in the Ottawa Citizen, "Remember to unhook the Nitrous Oxide before you leave the Dentist Chair!" 8^) GO JETS (for once, in the playoffs, please, I beg of you...) Paul Badertscher [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Rob Lanphier) Subject: Re: A KIND and LOVING God!! Organization: University of Idaho Lines: 104 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8] Malcolm Lee ([email protected]) wrote: : I will clarify my earlier quote. God's laws were originally written for : the Israelites. Jesus changed that fact by now making the Law applicable to : all people, not just the Jews. Gentiles could be part of the kingdom of : Heaven through the saving grace of God. I never said that the Law was made : obsolete by Jesus. Just for reference, here's the earlier quote: Malcolm Lee ([email protected]) wrote in reference to Leviticus 21:9 and Deuteronomy 22:20-25: : These laws written for the Israelites, God's chosen people whom God had : expressly set apart from the rest of the world. The Israelites were a : direct witness to God's existence. To disobey God after KNOWing that God : is real would be an outright denial of God and therefore immediately : punishable. : Remember, these laws were written for a different time and applied only to : God's chosen people. But Jesus has changed all of that. We are living in : the age of grace. Sin is no longer immediately punishable by death. There : is repentance and there is salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. And : not just for a few chosen people. Salvation is available to everyone, Jew : and Gentile alike. These are two conflicting statements. To say one is a clarification of the other is a breach of logic. I don't mind people shifting their position on an issue. It irritates me when it is said under the premise that no change was made. What about Deuteronomy 22:20-25? Is it wrong now? Did Jesus change that? : If anything, He clarified the Law such as in that quote you made. In the : following verses, Jesus takes several portions of the Law and expounds upon : the Law giving clearer meaning to what God intended. Sure he does this. However, he doesn't address the notion of stoning non-virgin brides, because this needs no clarification. Are you going to deny that Deuteronomy 22:20-25 is not patently clear in its intent? : I think you will agree with me that there are in today's world, a lot of : modern-day Pharisees who know the bible from end to end but do not believe : in it. What good is head knowledge if there is nothing in the heart? I'll agree that there is a lot of modern day Pharisees that know the Bible from end to end and don't believe in it. Depending on how they use this knowledge, they can be scary. They can argue any position they desire, and back it up with selected parts of the Bible. Such Pharisees include David Koresh and Adolph Hitler. I will qualify this by saying *I don't know* if they actually believed what they were preaching, but the ends certainly made the means look frightening. However, just as scary are those that don't know much of the Bible, but believe every word. In fact, this is probably scarier, since there are far more of these people, from what I've seen. In addition, they are very easy to manipulate by the aforementioned Pharisees, since they don't know enough to debate with these people. : Christianity is not just a set of rules; it's a lifestyle that changes one's : perspectives and personal conduct. And it demands obedience to God's will. No, it demands obedience to a book. If God came down and personally told me how I should behave, then I would say that I would be doing God's will by doing it. However, if preachers, pastors, and evangelists tell me to obey the will of a book written by people who have been dead for close to two millenia (even longer for the OT), even if I follow everything in it with my heart, I could scarcely be honest with myself by saying I'm doing the will of God. : Some people can live by it, but many others cannot or will not. That is : their choice and I have to respect it because God respects it too. Well, if God respects it so much, how come there is talk in the Bible about eternal damnation for non-believers? I see little respect eminating from the god of the Bible. I see a selfish and spiteful god. : God be with you, Not yours, thanks ;) : Malcolm Lee :) Rob Lanphier [email protected] [email protected] And for the curious, here is my earlier post: > Hmm, for a book that only applied to the Israelites (Deuteronomy), Jesus sure > quoted it a lot (Mt 4: 4,7,10). In addition, he alludes to it in several > other places (Mt 19:7-8; Mk 10:3-5; Jn 5:46-47). And, just in case it isn't > clear Jesus thought the Old Testament isn't obsolete, I'll repeat the > verse in Matthew which gets quoted on this group a lot: > > "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have > not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until > heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke > of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is > accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments > and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of > heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called > great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your > righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, > you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven." (Mt 5:17-20 NIV, in > pretty red letters, so that you know it's Jesus talking) > This causes a serious dilemma for Christians who think the Old Testament > doesn't apply to them. I think that's why Paul Harvey likes quoting it so > much ;).
From: [email protected] (Robin Kenny) Subject: Re: Boom! Whoosh...... Organization: HP Australasian Response Centre (Melbourne) X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8.5] Lines: 26 David Fuzzy Wells ([email protected]) wrote: : I love the idea of an inflatable 1-mile long sign.... It will be a : really neat thing to see it explode when a bolt (or even better, a : Westford Needle!) comes crashing into it at 10 clicks a sec. : <BOOM!> Whooooooooshhhhhh...... <sputter, sputter> : <okay, PRETEND it would make a sound!> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just a thought... (let's pretend it IS INFLATED and PRESSURIZED) wouldn't there be a large static electricity build up around the puncture? If the metalization is behind a clear sandwich (ie. insulated) then the deflating balloon would generate electrical interference - "noise" By the way, any serious high velocity impact would simply cut a "Bugs Bunny" hole through the wall, highly unlikely to "BOOM", and the fabric would almost certainly be ripstop. Regards, Robin Kenny - a private and personal opinion, not in any way endorsed, authorised or known by my employers. ______________________________________________________________________ What the heck would I know about Space? I'm stuck at the bottom of this huge gravity well!
From: [email protected] (Graham Toal) Subject: Re: Do we need the clipper for cheap security? Lines: 25 : There are chips which perform the voice compression/expansion. They can't : be expensive, because they exist in many phones connected to PBXs or on the : PBX line cards, as well as in a lot of equipment which compresses : voice-grade circuits to save the cost of long-distance, leased T1s or : satellite circuits. : I can't remember the generic term for these chips. My impression is that : this was a big deal 10 years ago, but circuits have gotten so cheap that : it isn't done much now. Codecs. They have to get about 6:1 compression on 8 bit samples to squeeze them down v32bis. I played around with the lossless 'shorten' program last night, but it only managed 2.5:1. I've got some specimen CELP code but it's not obvious that it runs in real time; I think it's just proof-of- concept code, and I have some mucking about with file formats to do before I can put my own sample through it. Looks like the current option is to use a voice-mail modem with built-in DSP chip to do this in hardware. That means two modems for a system, putting the cost at $600 upwards. Ouch. Maybe soon we'll be able to do it in software on high-powered games consoles - isn't the 3DO an Acorn RISC machine inside? That cpu runs like shit off a shovel... and will be nicely mass-market too. G
From: [email protected] (Kevin Todd Schmidt) Subject: AL OPI through first week+ Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena Lines: 186 NNTP-Posting-Host: Here is the OPI (Offensive Production Index) for all AL players with at least 10 at bats. It is early in the season so there are some very high numbers. Last years leader was Frank Thomas at 0.682. Teams are denoted by an * as the first character of the name and each player has his team preceeding his name. The equations used are found at the end of the post. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Kevin League OPI: 0.448 League BA: 0.268 League SLG: 0.405 League OBA: 0.341 Rank Player OPI BA SLG OBA ----------------------------------------------------- 1 Tor,carter 2.142 0.583 1.417 0.615 2 Cle,baerga 1.432 0.520 1.040 0.538 3 Det,phillips 1.334 0.565 0.609 0.655 4 Oak,mcgwire 1.147 0.364 0.636 0.632 5 Tor,white 1.065 0.500 0.650 0.545 6 Bal,anderson 0.951 0.423 0.692 0.500 7 NYY,owen 0.934 0.500 0.577 0.567 8 Oak,rhenderson 0.911 0.391 0.565 0.533 9 Mil,thon 0.804 0.476 0.619 0.476 10 Oak,browne 0.800 0.476 0.476 0.522 11 Tex,palmer 0.781 0.333 0.875 0.333 11 Det,gibson 0.781 0.312 0.562 0.500 13 Cle,howard 0.755 0.455 0.727 0.455 14 NYY,tartabull 0.742 0.296 0.667 0.424 15 Tex,rodriguez 0.736 0.429 0.500 0.529 15 Tex,gonzalez 0.736 0.261 0.913 0.292 17 Bos,zupcic 0.728 0.400 0.500 0.455 18 Sea,felder 0.723 0.357 0.429 0.471 19 Oak,blankenship 0.722 0.333 0.333 0.524 20 Min,puckett 0.717 0.280 0.720 0.379 21 NYY,oneill 0.710 0.435 0.609 0.458 22 Cle,belle 0.703 0.348 0.696 0.375 23 Sea,buhner 0.699 0.294 0.471 0.478 24 Mil,hamilton 0.682 0.458 0.458 0.500 25 Det,whitaker 0.680 0.312 0.500 0.421 26 Det,fielder 0.666 0.273 0.591 0.407 27 Tor,sprague 0.649 0.300 0.750 0.300 28 Whi,cora 0.646 0.350 0.500 0.458 29 Whi,raines 0.641 0.250 0.750 0.308 30 NYY,kelly 0.625 0.348 0.565 0.375 31 Bos,quintana 0.617 0.455 0.455 0.455 32 Sea,tmartinez 0.612 0.211 0.632 0.348 32 Cal,gonzales 0.612 0.250 0.250 0.478 34 Whi,burks 0.609 0.348 0.565 0.375 35 Cal,snow 0.602 0.368 0.526 0.400 36 Whi,karkovice 0.598 0.167 0.417 0.412 37 *Cleveland 0.595 0.340 0.549 0.377 38 Cle,sorrento 0.594 0.273 0.727 0.273 39 Sea,amaral 0.587 0.368 0.579 0.429 39 Bos,cooper 0.587 0.375 0.458 0.423 41 Min,winfield 0.578 0.292 0.667 0.292 42 Cal,curtis 0.571 0.333 0.381 0.417 43 Bos,mvaughn 0.566 0.316 0.526 0.350 44 Oak,steinbach 0.556 0.333 0.542 0.385 45 *Oakland 0.555 0.298 0.439 0.406 46 NYY,maas 0.547 0.333 0.389 0.429 47 Kan,joyner 0.546 0.300 0.400 0.417 48 Min,knoblauch 0.535 0.304 0.348 0.448 49 Bos,greenwell 0.534 0.261 0.478 0.370 50 Oak,brosius 0.532 0.273 0.545 0.333 51 Tor,olerud 0.530 0.333 0.400 0.412 52 Bal,mercedes 0.529 0.286 0.429 0.412 53 *NYYankees 0.527 0.321 0.468 0.377 54 Bal,hoiles 0.525 0.263 0.526 0.333 55 Mil,kmak 0.523 0.286 0.286 0.412 56 Oak,dhenderson 0.517 0.231 0.462 0.412 57 Cle,lofton 0.515 0.346 0.385 0.370 58 Min,larkin 0.514 0.357 0.500 0.400 59 Bos,dawson 0.504 0.333 0.458 0.360 60 Cle,camartinez 0.503 0.333 0.389 0.400 61 Det,gladden 0.498 0.312 0.500 0.312 62 Cal,polonia 0.494 0.292 0.500 0.320 63 *California 0.487 0.295 0.404 0.364 64 *Detroit 0.484 0.260 0.410 0.357 65 Det,tettleton 0.475 0.211 0.421 0.348 66 Cal,disarcina 0.473 0.304 0.478 0.304 67 Cal,easley 0.472 0.304 0.435 0.333 68 Bal,baines 0.470 0.300 0.400 0.364 69 Tex,franco 0.469 0.300 0.350 0.391 70 Whi,ljohnson 0.464 0.280 0.400 0.333 71 Sea,vizquel 0.463 0.222 0.222 0.417 72 NYY,bwilliams 0.461 0.294 0.471 0.314 73 Mil,gvaughn 0.460 0.222 0.389 0.391 74 Min,hrbek 0.458 0.240 0.360 0.367 75 Bal,cripken 0.451 0.333 0.407 0.379 75 *Seattle 0.451 0.237 0.367 0.361 77 Cal,salmon 0.448 0.267 0.267 0.450 78 Kan,mcreynolds 0.447 0.182 0.500 0.280 79 *Toronto 0.443 0.261 0.430 0.318 79 *Texas 0.443 0.237 0.489 0.289 81 Min,pagliarulo 0.439 0.286 0.429 0.333 82 *WhiteSox 0.432 0.243 0.378 0.336 83 Kan,hiatt 0.431 0.278 0.500 0.316 84 Whi,guillen 0.426 0.263 0.263 0.364 85 Whi,thomas 0.419 0.259 0.333 0.355 86 Kan,mcrae 0.414 0.296 0.333 0.345 87 *Boston 0.411 0.270 0.365 0.336 88 Cle,hill 0.410 0.300 0.500 0.300 89 NYY,mattingly 0.400 0.324 0.353 0.343 90 *Baltimore 0.394 0.251 0.361 0.315 91 Bal,gomez 0.382 0.316 0.316 0.350 91 *Minnesota 0.382 0.237 0.379 0.298 93 Whi,fisk 0.381 0.273 0.545 0.273 94 Cle,jefferson 0.379 0.263 0.316 0.333 95 Oak,neel 0.370 0.188 0.500 0.188 96 Cal,cdavis 0.369 0.211 0.421 0.250 97 Bos,fletcher 0.364 0.217 0.391 0.280 98 *Milwaukee 0.361 0.257 0.293 0.333 99 Det,livingstone 0.360 0.250 0.438 0.294 100 Tor,ralomar 0.354 0.263 0.316 0.333 101 *KansasCity 0.343 0.236 0.327 0.291 102 Oak,bordick 0.339 0.200 0.250 0.304 103 Tex,canseco 0.337 0.190 0.381 0.261 104 Sea,valle 0.336 0.250 0.312 0.294 105 Bal,devereaux 0.329 0.207 0.379 0.233 106 Kan,lind 0.323 0.188 0.438 0.188 107 Mil,surhoff 0.312 0.227 0.273 0.292 107 Kan,brett 0.312 0.259 0.296 0.286 109 Whi,bell 0.310 0.207 0.310 0.258 110 Cle,salomar 0.306 0.200 0.200 0.304 111 Mil,jaha 0.304 0.267 0.267 0.353 111 Det,fryman 0.304 0.185 0.296 0.214 113 NYY,boggs 0.296 0.200 0.233 0.294 114 Tex,bripken 0.290 0.250 0.333 0.308 115 Min,mack 0.289 0.233 0.333 0.258 116 Min,harper 0.288 0.280 0.280 0.280 117 Cle,fermin 0.284 0.200 0.200 0.304 118 Bos,rivera 0.276 0.118 0.176 0.286 119 Mil,spiers 0.275 0.231 0.231 0.286 120 Mil,yount 0.268 0.208 0.208 0.269 121 Tor,schofield 0.265 0.133 0.267 0.235 121 Tex,hulse 0.265 0.154 0.308 0.214 123 Sea,griffey 0.261 0.105 0.263 0.261 124 Sea,obrien 0.259 0.100 0.100 0.308 124 Kan,macfarlane 0.259 0.273 0.273 0.333 126 Oak,sierra 0.256 0.200 0.240 0.231 127 Kan,jose 0.254 0.167 0.167 0.286 128 Bos,hatcher 0.252 0.188 0.188 0.278 129 Sea,blowers 0.251 0.200 0.200 0.273 130 Whi,ventura 0.247 0.167 0.167 0.310 130 Tex,palmeiro 0.247 0.130 0.261 0.167 132 Bal,reynolds 0.227 0.118 0.118 0.250 133 Kan,mayne 0.222 0.231 0.231 0.231 133 Cal,myers 0.222 0.231 0.231 0.231 135 NYY,nokes 0.219 0.150 0.300 0.150 136 Bos,calderon 0.209 0.167 0.167 0.286 137 Bos,pena 0.207 0.267 0.267 0.267 138 Tor,molitor 0.194 0.150 0.200 0.190 139 Det,deer 0.182 0.125 0.167 0.192 140 Det,cuyler 0.179 0.077 0.154 0.143 141 Tor,borders 0.159 0.111 0.167 0.158 142 Whi,grebeck 0.141 0.100 0.100 0.182 143 Bal,gdavis 0.137 0.111 0.148 0.143 144 Tex,dascenzo 0.128 0.091 0.182 0.091 145 Min,leius 0.115 0.083 0.083 0.154 145 Mil,reimer 0.115 0.083 0.083 0.154 147 Tor,djackson 0.114 0.133 0.133 0.133 148 Tex,gill 0.070 0.059 0.059 0.158 149 Kan,gagne 0.042 0.095 0.095 0.095 0.74*1B + 1.28*2B + 1.64*3B + 2.25*HR + 0.53*BB + 0.34*(SB-2*CS) OPI = ---------------------------------------------------------------- AB - H BA = H / AB SLG = (H + 2B + 2*3B + 3*HR) / AB OBA = (H + BB) / (AB + BB) -- Jet Propulsion Laboratory | [email protected] 4800 Oak Grove Dr. | [email protected] M/S 525-3684 | Pasadena, CA 91109 |
From: [email protected] (Pat Myrto) Subject: Re: Once tapped, your code is no good any more. Article-I.D.: rwing.2073 Distribution: na Organization: Totally Unorganized Lines: 202 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Brad Templeton) writes: >In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Timothy C. May) writes: >>Getting the court order to reveal the key *also* makes decipherable >>all *past* conversations (which may be on tape, or disk, or whatver), >>as I understand the proposal. I could be wrong, but I've seen no >>mention of "session keys" being the escrowed entities. > >True in theory. In practice? The technology of cellular phones will >probably be spread spectrum and quite difficult to record the crypttext >without the key. If the frequency path depends on they key, as I >understand it to, it *could* be made effectively impossible to record. I am not an expert in the cryptography science, but some basic things seem evident to me, things which this Clinton Clipper do not address. The all pertain to opportunites for abuse, and conclusions based on what I have seen the membership of this group (except for two notable persons) agree to. If anything bad is possible by the government in theory, it almost always ends up happening in fact. So the key is to make abuse IMPOSSIBLE. Question authority, and remember power DOES corrupt. I think one has to regard this whole idea in the sense that it WILL be expanded to include other data forms, such as data transfer and stored data. and as such should be treated as if it were expanded (or such expansion will be almost impossible to stop, using Clipper as a precident). There was a hint of that in the proposal, remember. That said, please bear with me, I am not very articulate, so I take more words to say what others could say much more briefly. Thank you. >Once it hits land you can record it if you have telco access. The >telco isn't supposed to give that without a warrant. That's the rule >today. As I suggested this is NOW. The hint is in the proposal that this or similar proposals are being considered for other forms of encryptions such as data transfer, data files, and such, largely dependent on how this thing is accepted or flies. I think one would be wise to treat this in the manner one would when (not if) it gets expanded to other areas than cellular phones. I think this is guaranteed to happen, if this proposal gets by. Salami politics. It has been and is used in several other areas, it is certain to be used here. Government is not going to easily give up on the idea that they should be able to eavesedrop whenever they want to. 'Court order required' has proven to be a rather flimsy guarantee. If the case warrants, they can always sieze the material, and force one to give the key, or sit in jail forever on periodically renewed contempt charges. So it is not denying the justice system the information, nor the ability to lock someone up if guilty (or refuses to divulge the means to access the info - this is not protected under the Fifth - one can be forced to perform ACTS that would result in divulging incriminating evidence). So, blocking restrictions on private encryption is not preventing LEGITIMATE law enforcement - it does make ILLEGITIMATE law enforcement a bunch more difficult. Especially fishing expeditions without the target's knowlege. Don't give up the right to be safe from that - that should be non-negotiable, and Clinton and Co. know it (which is probably why they quietly developed this thing, figuring if they get it this far, they can ram it on through). How come those consulted could be roughly described as "us insiders"? They cannot quietely IMPLIMENT it though, when they ban other schemes to ensure its exclusive use. Hence the nice PR document to try and reassure everyone. Don't buy into it. Has government really earned that kind of trust, past or future? To be secure and free, one must keep government honest and the only way to do that is to make abuse IMPOSSIBLE, not 'unlikely' or 'difficult'. >But even so, the evidence would not be admissible, I think, unless the >judge so ordered. I think that even interception of the crypttext >without a warrant would be illegal. Cops can't record today's plain >cellular calls and then ask a judge, "Hey, can we have permission to >listen to those tapes?" can they? So what? One could use information gained by re-use of the keys (saved after the last case was finished) or other means (master key, backdoor, easily broken algorithm) to find other evidence which, given to a judge, would authorize a tap which wouldn't have been possible otherwise. This has been the more common manner of abuse of wiretaps in the past... For local cops, this might be workable to keep them honest, but the Feds have a workaround somehow, BET on it. Does anyone really believe for example, that the government will use a scheme NSA cannot listen in on scanning for keywords - either easily defeated in realtime or via a 'master key'? I sure don't. This whole thing sounds like something to eliminate the need to use old-fashioned police work to build a case. In the past, eavesdropping was rather easy (with or without a court order). I think the Law Enforcement community has become a bit spoiled, and will resist changes that require them to revert to using old-fashioned detective work. I just find it somewhat surprising coming from a bunch that cares so much about civil and individual rights, that "puts people first". The question is "put people first" to WHERE? With the innards not being revealed, how is one to be sure there DOESN'T exist a 'master key' for use by NSA, etc (so they can do their keyword scan, etc on conversations they routinely monitor, without a specific court order)? Remember, the cellular phone limitiation is only TEMPORARY. Bet on it. And so far I have not heard about police telling people that they have been tapped and nothing incriminating was found. What is to keep them from simply keeping the keys on file for 'next time'? After awhile, they would have quite a collection. Kept especially for folks they deem 'disruptive'. And if they get only one key, that would reduce the search space a lot, unless it is an RSA scheme. Remember Nixon years? Need for court orders really slowed them down, didn't it? And unless the escrow accounts are not government controlled (fat chance! I see one ending up being under, say Treasury, the other under Justice :-)) it could be worth some serious bucks to some folks to get keys to a competitor's Clinton Clipper (or descendent when this idea is expanded to be used for all non-government encryption). Enough bucks would get one the keys or the innards for this algorithm. Perhaps not an important concern, but given past government behavior and the other problems... >>worse, of course, if the government then uses this "Clinton Clipper" >>to argue for restrictions on unapproved encryption. (This is the main >>concern of most of us, I think. The camel's nose in the tent, etc.) > >Yes, that is a major concern, but I think that they think they can >win just by having 99.5% of the USA use this system. They don't even >have to care about the cautious .5% that's left. They don't catch the >really smart crooks anyway. John Gotti, who would have to be retarded >not to realize he was likely to be wiretapped, glibly chatted away >on his tapped phone about murder plans. That's why he's in jail now. >Hard to believe, but true. What will one do when it is expanded to data storage encryption? You can BET that if Clipper is accepted, that will be next on the agenda. It is even hinted at in the proposal - read it carefully... Expect the argumet "well, if you got nothing to hide..." Fine. Then using that argument, one should not object to video cameras being installed in every room of one's home. Granted - an exteme expansion of the idea but the principle holds. Private stuff should remain private, even from a govt fishing expedition. And laws/rules may change in the future as to 'safeguards'. When it comes to the Fed Government, safeguards are pretty meaningless, if they want to do/get something. Don't work so hard to give up some rather treasured rights, or establish bad precidents, please. The price could be hell to pay, later. >This scheme can succeed without laws forbidding more, which people would >fight a lot harder. They like this enough that they are dropping the so >called "Digital Telephony" proposal, according to rumours. However the >meaning of that is complex, since they still want to get at the crypttext >on telco systems, and that requires a bit of work. People would fight laws forbidding more NOW, but in, say two years, because we have this 'crisis' situation which MUST be addressed by some 'drastic action', just this added reasonable restriction will only bother those who have someting to hide... etc. Please don't buy into it. If the Clinton Clipper is so very good, why not make its algrithm public so many people can exchange ideas and examine it, rather than a few isolated 'respected experts' (respected by whom? for what? Perhaps a certain professor who likes key banks would be one of the selected experts... this does seem to expand on some ideas the person was advocating, if I recall :-). How would anybody know that what the experts examine is the same as what will end up being used in the Clipper Chip, if it is kept secret? Perhaps the Clipper will use a crippled version (with a 'master key' provision), or features not present in the version subjected for study and evaluation by the experts. And who chooses the expertes? The government? No conflict of interest there... :-) And isn't it a REQUIREMENT for any decent encryption scheme that it NOT have its effectiveness reduced by having the algrorithm widely known? I was lead to believe that one should assume the other side has everything you have, except for the key(s)... I recall ideas presented to this group are rejected if a requirement exists the algorithm be secret... Another question - since it is a safe bet this Clipper thing would not be used for government security, they are regarding it as not real secure but "good enough" for common folk. I think I would like to see a full description (not a PR non-statement) of just what "good enough" means? I think when saying how strong it is, "good enough" really means "not very". The excuse that other countries have these restrictions is not acceptable: Other countries do not have our Bill of Rights and Constitution (which the people, not the governments, of those other countries often regard with envy - what we have as rights they have as revokable privileges). And if we expect to retain those rights and protections, we must not allow them to be gutted because we just GOTTA have this thing to 'fight crime'. We have allready have our Bill of Rights pretty much torn to shreds. We should not permit more weakining for yet another 'noble cause', instead we should be trying to repair the damage. Our crime problem may have a number of causes, but "too many rights and safeguards" is not a signifigant one. A broken court system and poor police work are a much more signifigant cause as having "too many rights" (disregarding addressing the root causes for crime, etc). BTW - those who suggest that this is just an attack on Clinton, believe this: I would be going ballistic reagardless WHO seriously proposed this thing. It is just another step in a gradual erosion of our rights under the Constitution or Bill of Rights. The last couple of decades have been a non-stop series of end-runs around the protections of the Constitution. It has to stop. Now is as good a time as any, if it isn't too late allready. >-- >Brad Templeton, ClariNet Communications Corp. -- Sunnyvale, CA 408/296-0366 -- [email protected] [Without prejudice UCC 1-207] (Pat Myrto) Seattle, WA If all else fails, try: ...!uunet!pilchuck!rwing!pat WISDOM: "Only two things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former." - Albert Einstien
From: [email protected] (Anu Tuli) Subject: Car for Sale Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: University of Maryland, College Park Distribution: usa Lines: 35 From mikefran Wed Apr 21 10:55:39 EDT 1993 Article: 56 of csc.general Newsgroups:,dc.general,um.general,csc.general Path:!mikefran From: [email protected] (Michael Francis) Subject: Car for Sale Message-ID: <[email protected]> Keywords: 1981 Volkswagon Scirocco Sender: [email protected] (USENET News system) Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Workstations at Maryland, University of Maryland, College Park Distribution: csc,um,dc Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1993 14:27:29 GMT 1981 Volkswagon Scirocco Gold exterior and interior 5 speed transmission AM/FM Stereo with cassette Sunroof Engine in good condition New Tires Needs $300 work on front left control arm because of damage caused by pothole. Runs well Asking $800.00 AS IS / OBO. email: [email protected]
From: diablo.UUCP!cboesel (Charles Boesel) Subject: Is there an FTP achive for USGS terrain data Organization: Diablo Creative Reply-To: diablo.UUCP!cboesel (Charles Boesel) X-Mailer: uAccess LITE - Macintosh Release: 1.6v2 Lines: 6 Is there an FTP archive for United States Geological Services (USGS) terrain data? If so, where? -- charles boesel @ diablo creative | If Pro = for and Con = against [email protected] | Then what's the opposite of Progress? +1.510.980.1958(pager) | What else, Congress.
From: [email protected] (Benedikt Rosenau) Subject: Ontology (was: Benediktine Metaphysics) Organization: Technical University Braunschweig, Germany Lines: 46 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Charley Wingate) writes: > >> IF IT IS CONTRADICTORY IT CANNOT EXIST. > >"Contradictory" is a property of language. If I correct this to > > > THINGS DEFINED BY CONTRADICTORY LANGUAGE DO NOT EXIST > No need to correct it, it stands as it is said. >I will object to definitions as reality. If you then amend it to > > THINGS DESCRIBED BY CONTRADICTORY LANGUAGE DO NOT EXIST > >then we've come to something which is plainly false. Failures in >description are merely failures in description. > You miss the point entirely. Things defined by contradictory language do not exist. Though something existing might be meant, conclusions drawn from the description are wrong, unless there is the possibility to find the described, and draw conclusions from direct knowledge of the described then. Another possibility is to drop the contradictory part, but that implies that one can trust the concept as presented and that one has not got to doubt the source of it as well. >(I'm not an objectivist, remember.) > Neither am I. But either things are directly sensed (which includes some form of modelling, by the way) or they are used in modelling. Using something contradictive in modelling is not approved of. Wonder why? We remain with the question if something contradictory can be sensed as contradictory. An important point is that either one manages to resolve the contradictions or one is forced not to use or to refer to the contradictory part in drawing conclusions, or one will fall in the garbage in garbage out trap. Benedikt
From: [email protected] (Tim Shippert) Subject: Re: Infield Fly Rule Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena Lines: 25 NNTP-Posting-Host: [email protected] (jay rogoff) writes: >One last infield fly question that has always puzzled me and hasn't >yet been addressed. I believe the rule also does *not* deal with this >situation: >However, if the Infield Fly is *not* caught, at what point can a runner >legally leave his base w/o fear of being doubled off for advancing too >early? The runner can leave his base at any time. If the ball is caught, he's got to tag up. If it isn't caught, he _doesn't_ have to tag up at all. So, if he's feeling lucky, your runner at second can sprint for glory as soon as the ball is popped up. If it isn't caught, he's probably scored a run. If it is, he's probably headed for AAA. The only effect the infield fly has is to make the batter out, thereby removing the force on the runners on base. All other rules apply, as if you were standing second with first open and the ball is popped up. -- Tim Shippert [email protected] "If we are going to stick to this damned quantum-jumping, then I regret that I ever had anything to do with quantum theory." -E. Schrodinger
From: [email protected] (Tom Carter <[email protected]>) Subject: Re: WinQVT/Net V3.4? Organization: Michigan State University, Chemistry Department, E. Lansing, MI Lines: 28 NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ashok Aiyar) writes: >In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Dave Fuess) writes: > >>An earlier article in this newsgroup made reference to >>WinQVT/Net version 3.4. Realy? Where? I tried archie >>with no luck. It's probably just a typo. > >Not a typo. It was uploaded to a couple days back. > >>But I sure would like to get one if it's real as I too >>have a printer problem in WinQVT. > >Version 3.4 uses standard Windows printer drivers. > >Ashok > It's still in the pub/pc/win3/uploads directory as NOTE: NEW EMAIL ADDRESS! =========================================================================== | Tom Carter | [email protected] | | Michigan State University | [email protected] | | Chemistry Department | | ===========================================================================
From: [email protected] (Michael Nelson) Subject: Re: Boom! Dog attack! Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: SeaHunt, San Francisco CA Lines: 15 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Ryan Cousineau) writes: > >Interestingly, the one thing that never happened was that the bike never >moved off course. Unfortunately, I am one of the "negative-impaired". The above sentence says (I believe), that the bike DID move off course. Of course. ;-) Michael -- +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Michael Nelson 1993 CBR900RR | | Internet: [email protected] Dod #0735 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+
From: [email protected] (Terence T. Lung) Subject: Re: Honors Degrees: Do they mean anything? Organization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network Lines: 6 I hear George Bush (remember him?) will receive an honors degree from some Kuwaiti University for contributing to certain Kuwaiti interests not too long ago. Do you think it would add much to his resume? ;-)
From: [email protected] (Todd J. Dicker) Subject: Re: Israel's Expansion II Organization: Cybernet BBS, Boca Raton, Florida Lines: 21 [email protected] ("Andi Beyer") writes: > First of all I never said the Holocaust. I said before the > Holocaust. I'm not ignorant of the Holocaust and know more > about Nazi Germany than most people (maybe including you). Uh Oh! The first sign of an argument without merit--the stating of one's "qualifications" in an area. If you know something about Nazi Germany, show it. If you don't, shut up. Simple as that. > I don't think the suffering of some Jews during WWII > justifies the crimes commited by the Israeli government. Any > attempt to call Civil liberterians like myself anti-semetic is > not appreciated. ALL Jews suffered during WWII, not just our beloved who perished or were tortured. We ALL suffered. Second, the name-calling was directed against YOU, not civil-libertarians in general. Your name-dropping of a fancy sounding political term is yet another attempt to "cite qualifications" in order to obfuscate your glaring unpreparedness for this argument. Go back to the minors, junior.
From: [email protected] Subject: Alaska Pipeline and Space Station, Go Commerical. Article-I.D.: aurora.1993Apr5.191701.1 Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Lines: 15 Nntp-Posting-Host: Sounds liek what the FED has to do is sign a 50 or more year lease to use certain parts of a space station that is built and designed and such by a commerical company or consortium of companies (such as like Alyeska) for a small amount of rent in return for certain incentives and such.. Such as tax and other right off and also a monopoly on certain products.. The commerical builders would have certain perks given to them to make there end easier (taxes , contracts, regulatory concesions and such..) Is it workable, just might work.. After all, if China can lease out Hong Kong and the people of Hong Kong can make money, this could work.. == Michael Adams, [email protected] -- I'm not high, just jacked
Subject: Diamond Stealth 24 24bit SVGA for sale From: [email protected] (Yi Jin) Reply-To: [email protected] (Yi Jin) Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA) NNTP-Posting-Host: Lines: 10 Brand new, still shrink wraped Stealth 24 for sale $150 plus shipping and COD. Specifications: Based on S3 801/805 32bit coporcessor, 1024x768x256 72Hz Ni, 800x600x64K NI, 640x480x16million NI, system requires 386 or 486 based ISA or VESA VL-BUS, with fast TurboWindows drivers for 3.1 and other drivers for other popular softwares like WP, Microsoft Word,Lotus,AutoCad. YJ
From: [email protected] (Victor GATTEGNO FRENCH CRC) Subject: Re: Running dxterm's onto Apollo from DEC 5000/240 Organization: The Internet Lines: 61 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] > Apollo DN2500 (Domain/OS 10.3, X11R4, Motif ?.?). I think you are running Xapollo , it's a X11R3 server ... If you want a X11R4 server you should install PSKQ3 (10.3.5) or 10.4 so you can run Xdomain . > > I get these errors appearing on the DECstation: > > > dxterm > X Toolkit Warning: Cannot convert string "<Key>apCharDel " to type VirtualBinding > ... > Segmentation fault > > Any ideas? Is it a Motif problem...are the DEC and Apollo versions of Motif > incompatible? Or something to do with XKeysymDB? In XKeysymDB you could add : ! Apollo specific keysyms ! apLineDel : 1000FF00 apCharDel : 1000FF01 apCopy : 1000FF02 apCut : 1000FF03 apPaste : 1000FF04 apMove : 1000FF05 apGrow : 1000FF06 apCmd : 1000FF07 apShell : 1000FF08 apLeftBar : 1000FF09 apRightBar : 1000FF0A apLeftBox : 1000FF0B apRightBox : 1000FF0C apUpBox : 1000FF0D apDownBox : 1000FF0E apPop : 1000FF0F apRead : 1000FF10 apEdit : 1000FF11 apSave : 1000FF12 apExit : 1000FF13 apRepeat : 1000FF14 apKP_parenleft : 1000FFA8 apKP_parenright : 1000FFA9 -- Victor . \ / ^ ^ [email protected]_______oOOo_o_oOOo_________________ Victor GATTEGNO "Be Yourself and not what people expect you to be ." ______________________________________________________________________ (( ))
From: [email protected] (Mail Server) Subject: Re: src Lines: 39 [email protected] (Darius_Lecointe) writes: >I find it interesting that cls never answered any of the questions posed. >Then he goes on the make statements which make me shudder. He has >established a two-tiered God. One set of rules for the Jews (his people) >and another set for the saved Gentiles (his people). Why would God >discriminate? Does the Jew who accepts Jesus now have to live under the >Gentile rules. > >God has one set of rules for all his people. Paul was never against the >law. In fact he says repeatedly that faith establishes rather that annuls >the law. Paul's point is germane to both Jews and Greeks. The Law can >never be used as an instrument of salvation. And please do not combine >the ceremonial and moral laws in one. > >In Matt 5:14-19 Christ plainly says what He came to do and you say He was >only saying that for the Jews's benefit. Your Christ must be a >politician, speaking from both sides of His mouth. As Paul said, "I have >not so learned Christ." Forget all the theology, just do what Jesus says. > Your excuses will not hold up in a court of law on earth, far less in >God's judgement hall. Pardon me for being a little confused, but at the beginning of your second paragraph, you say, "God has one set of rules for all his people," yet at the end of the same paragraph you declare, "please do not combine the ceremonial and moral laws in one." Not only do I not understand where in the Bible you find the declaration that there are 2 laws (ceremonial and moral), but I am also unclear on whether you think it is bad to have 2 sets of laws in the first place. If it's bad to have 2 sets of laws, how can there be a ceremonial law that is different from the moral law (and vice versa)? I would also be interested in your comments on the passage in I Cor. 10:1-16, where Paul teaches different rules for covering you head while praying depending on whether you are a man or a woman. Do you think the apostles can prescribe different sets of rules for men and women? If so, then why not for Jews and Gentiles? Also, why did Paul, who was so opposed to circumcising Gentiles, voluntarily circumcise Timothy? - Mark
From: [email protected] (Steven Medley) Subject: 72-pin SIMMS, where? Distribution: usa Organization: California State University, Chico Lines: 13 NNTP-Posting-Host: I am looking for a 8 meg 72-pin SIMM for my Centris 610. Where is the best place to purchase one (stock, shipping, warrenty), and if possible, phone numbers so that I can order one as soon as possible. Thanks, Steven -- "And hope that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space" Monty Python " 'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth" The Meaning of Life ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steven Medley email to-> [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Amir Taghavi) Subject: U.S. WANTS IRAN TO END TERRORISM LINKS Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: The Ohio State University Lines: 27 WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A senior State Department official on Tuesday ruled out any softening of U.S. attitudes toward Iraq but said relations with Iran's Islamic regime could improve substantially if that government disassociates itself from international terrorism. ``Despite the name-calling and the harsh rhetoric from across the Gulf, despite all this, we do not take a position of permanent hostility towards the Islamic Republic of Iran,'' David Mack, deputy assistant secretary for Near Eastern Affairs, said. The primary U.S. objection is ``Iran's international behaviour'' which includes ``extending support of violence'' to disrupt the Arab Israeli peace process and its rapid build-up of dangerous weapons. Mack said ``Iran could contribute to regional stability and peace but first it is to end the behaviour which threatens this area.'' Mack spoke at the U.S.-GCC business conference aimed at promoting Gulf-American trade. He said the ``Middle East will be an item very high on the agenda of the U.S. administration.'' The importance of the Gulf is underlined by Secretary of State Warren Christoper's visit last year to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait before anywhere else in the world, Mack said. He added that the U.S. has no long-term plan to station troops in the Gulf. Mack also insisted that the Clinton administration will continue to pressure Iraq to ``comply with all the U.N. Security resolutions.'' ``As long as Iraq is ruled by Saddam Hussein we do not expect compliance,'' Mack told delegates. "Copyright 1993 by <UPI/Newsbytes>
From: [email protected] (James R Groves) Subject: FTP for Targa+ Organization: MCSNet Contributor, Chicago, IL Lines: 5 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: I am looking for software to run on my brand new Targa+ 16/32. If anyone knows of any sites which have useful stuff, or if you have any yourself you want to give, let me know via mail. Thanks a LOT! Yayayay! [email protected]
From: [email protected] (R Craig Stevenson) Subject: W4W: printing envelops on DJ550C (not 500C!) Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Cornell University Lines: 19 I've got a probelm with printing envelops on my deskjet 550C from Word for Windows. History: when I had a Deskjet 500, I had to modify the macro so that it would disable reverse printing since there seemed to be a bug that interferred with printing envelops. That bug is still present, however... Now: the problem I have is that my DeskJet 550 print driver (came with the printer I bought in December) still wants to print the envelops in PORTRAIT mode. However, the DeskJet 550 feeds envelops the from the narrow end (i.e. landscape mode). How do I get the printer to print the envelops in the correct orientation? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not post this to the net since: (a) due to end of the semester cruch, I can't keep up on these groups, and (b) I will summarize the best answer(s) to the net anyhow! Thanks in advance, Craig Stevenson
From: [email protected] (Alan E. Asper) Subject: Re: V-max handling request Organization: /usr/lib/news/organization Lines: 12 NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <[email protected]> [email protected] writes: >hello there >ican anyone who has handson experience on riding the Yamaha v-max, pls kindly >comment on its handling . I've ridden one twice. It was designed to be a monster in a straight line, which it is. It has nothing on an FZR400 in the corners. In fact, it just didn't handle that well at all in curves. But hey, that's not what it was designed to do. My two cents, Alan
From: [email protected] (Droopy) Subject: AHL Calder Cup Playoff schedule and results Organization: Clarkson University Lines: 61 Nntp-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8] 1993 CALDER CUP PLAYOFF SCHEDULE AND RESULTS home team in CAPS *=if necesary ============================================= FIRST ROUND Springfield Indians vs Providence Bruins Gm 1: Springfield 3 PROVIDENCE 2 Gm 2: Springfield 5 PROVIDENCE 4 Gm 3: 4/16 Providence at Springfield CD Islanders vs Adirondack Red Wings Gm 1: Last night, CDI at Adirondack Gm 2: 4/17 CDI at Adirondack Gm 3: 4/18 Adirondack at CDI Gm 4: 4/21 Adirondack at CDI Gm 5: 4/23 CDI at Adirondack * Gm 6: 4/24 Adirondack at CDI * Gm 7: 4/26 CDI at Adirondack * Baltimore Skipjacks at Binghamton Rangers Gm 1: 4/16 Baltimore at Binghamton Gm 2: 4/17 Baltimore at Binghamton Gm 3: 4/23 Binghamton at Baltimore Gm 4: 4/24 Binghamton at Baltimore Gm 5: 4/26 Baltimore at Binghamton * Gm 6: 4/28 Binghmaton at Baltimore * Gm 7: 4/30 Baltimore at Binghamton * Utica Devils vs Rochester Americans Gm 1: 4/16 Utica at Rochester Gm 2: 4/17 Utica at Rochester Gm 3: 4/20 Rochester at Utica Gm 4: 4/22 Rochester at Utica Gm 5: 4/24 Utica at Rochester * Gm 6: 4/26 Rochester at Utica * Gm 7: 4/28 Utica at Rochester * Moncton Hawks vs St John's Maple Leafs Gm 1: St John's 4 Moncton 2 Gm 2: 4/17 Moncton vs St John's at Halifax Gm 3: 4/21 St John's at Moncton Cape Breton Oilers vs Fredericton Canadiens Gm 1: Fredericton 4 Cape Breton 3 (2OT) Gm 2: 4/16 Cape Breton at Fredericton Unfortunately the newspaper didnt list complete playoff skeds for series that already began. Also, the paper has not listed final standings so their posting might be delayed until early next week (Hockey News). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Bri Farenell [email protected] + + AHL and ECAC contact for Go USA Hockey! + + Adirondack Red Wings, Calder Cup Champs: '81 '86 '89 '92 + + Clarkson Hockey, ECAC Tournament Champs: '66 '91 '93 + + Glens Falls High Hockey, NY Division II State Champs: '90 '91 + + AHL fans: join the AHL mailing list: [email protected] + + CONGRATS TO THE BOSTON BRUINS, 1992-93 ADAMS DIVISION CHAMPIONS + + PHOENIX SUNS, 1992-93 PACIFIC DIVISION CHAMPIONS + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
From: [email protected] (Jim Scotti) Subject: Re: Comet in Temporary Orbit Around Jupiter? Organization: Lunar & Planetary Laboratory, Tucson AZ. Lines: 33 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Mark Brader) writes: > >> > > Also, peri[jove]s of Gehrels3 were: >> > > >> > > April 1973 83 jupiter radii >> > > August 1970 ~3 jupiter radii > >> > Where 1 Jupiter radius = 71,000 km = 44,000 mi = 0.0005 AU. ... > >> Sorry, _perijoves_...I'm not used to talking this language. > >Thanks again. One final question. The name Gehrels wasn't known to >me before this thread came up, but the May issue of Scientific American >has an article about the "Inconstant Cosmos", with a photo of Neil >Gehrels, project scientist for NASA's Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. >Same person? Neil Gehrels is Prof. Tom Gehrels son. Tom Gehrels was the discoverer of P/Gehrels 3 (as well as about 4 other comets - the latest of which does not bear his name, but rather the name "Spacewatch" since he was observing with that system when he found the latest comet). >-- >Mark Brader, SoftQuad Inc., Toronto "Information! ... We want information!" >utzoo!sq!msb, [email protected] -- The Prisoner --------------------------------------------- Jim Scotti {[email protected]} Lunar & Planetary Laboratory University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 USA ---------------------------------------------
From: [email protected] Subject: Hismanal, et. al.--side effects Organization: Lenoir-Rhyne College, Hickory, NC Lines: 22 Can someone tell me whether or not any of the following medications has been linked to rapid/excessive weight gain and/or a distorted sense of taste or smell: Hismanal; Azmacort (a topical steroid to prevent asthma); Vancenase. Also: You may have guessed, I'm an allergy sufferer--but I'm beginning to suspect I'm also the victim of a Dr. toliberal with the prescription p. The allergist I went to last Oct. simply inquired about my symptons ( I was suffering chronic asthma attacks), gave me a battery of allergy tests, and went down a checklist of drugs (a photocopied sheet). I've gained out 30 lbs. since then though I haven't eaten more or much differently than before; I'vsuffered depression; , fatigue; and I've experienced a foul smell and sense of taste for about the last two months. I mentioned the lack of smell and taste to this Dr. in Feb. and he said my sinuses did look a bit swollen (he just looked up my nose with his little light--the same one used for ears), and prescribed Prednisone and Sulfatrim DS (severe headaches and a rash resulted, particularly after my week's worth of Prednisone ran out). Now he wants to do a rhinoscopy to see if I have a bleeding ulcer or polyps in my sinus cavities. I'm considering seeing another doctor. Any suggestions/advice? I'd really appreciate it!
Subject: Word Printing to IIg From: [email protected] (gary's news) Organization: Marshall University Lines: 39 We have a user that has Word 5.0 and is using symbols such as pi and other mathematic sysmbols, plus doing fractions, etc. The document shows up on the screen with no problems, looks fine. When she tries to print it on a IIg the pi changes to an upside down caret, and several other symbols change to double quotes at bottom of character, plus some little circles appear between words of the fractions instead of spaces. This happens on a IIg laser printer. Tried it on serveral macs and two different IIg's. Prints fine on an NT and NTX laser printers. What's wrong??? Thanks for any help in advance, Gary -- *************************************************************************** Gary Weis University Computer Center 400 Hal Greer Boulevard Huntington, West Virginia 25755-5320 Phone: (304) 696-3205 Fax : (304) 696-3601 Internet: [email protected] Bitnet : Gary@marshall UCC Net : Gary ***************************************************************************
From: [email protected] (H. J. Hong) Subject: FTP tool for Windows Organization: National Chiao Tung University X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8] Lines: 8 Is there any one know: What is the FTP tool for Windows and where to get the tool ? Thanks for any help !! H.J. 1993,4,19
From: jon@bigdog (Jon Wright) Subject: Re: Women's Jackets? (was Ed must be a Daemon Child!!) Organization: Pages Software Inc. Distribution: usa Lines: 25 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Jerry Bowman) writes: > In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Beth Dixon) writes: > >In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (John Hensley) writes: > >>Beth Dixon ([email protected]) wrote: > >>: new Duc 750SS doesn't, so I'll have to go back to carrying my lipstick > >>: in my jacket pocket. Life is _so_ hard. :-) > >> > >>My wife is looking for a jacket, and most of the men's styles she's tried > >>don't fit too well. If they fit the shoulders and arms, they're too > >>tight across the chest, or something like that. Anyone have any > >>suggestions? I'm assuming that the V-Pilot, in addition to its handy > >>storage facilities, is a pretty decent fit. Is there any company that > >>makes a reasonable line of women's motorcycling stuff? More importantly, > >>does anyone in Boulder or Denver know of a shop that bothers carrying any? There's an article in Motorcycling a couple of months back specifically on women's attire for serious and not-so-serious riding. They do mention who makes stuff specific for women's dimensions, and what also works OK enough as well. Bates will make custom jackets and leathers for a reasonable charge. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jon Wright "Now how the hell did Pages Software Inc. DoD #0823 THAT come outa my mouth?" '86 VFR700f2
From: [email protected] (Robert Plamondon) Subject: Re: Orchid P9000 vs Fahrenheit (mini review) Organization: WEITEK Corporation, Sunnyvale CA Lines: 102 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Geoffrey Sherwood) writes: >In going with the modern trend, the Orchid P9000 card only supports 16 colors >in 640x480 mode without a driver. Of course, this breaks any DOS program >which uses SVGA modes (like most of my CD-ROMs). This is not the case: the ROM on the P9000 supports VESA modes of up to 1024x768 in 256 colors. VESA-compliant applications should have no trouble setting these modes. (But I'm forwarding your posting to our Software group, just in case. Can't be too careful.) Not that I doubt that YOUR applications are failing to run; lots of stuff depends on figuring out which exact SVGA they're looking at, and don't use VESA calls (VESA is still pretty new). Every new chip set confuses them. >The supported resolutions really annoy me. You can do 1280x1024 at 75Hz if >you tell the driver you have an NEC 5FG (they only have about six monitors >listed plus 'Generic', and if you choose Generic you can't get any high >refreshes at ALL). But at 1024x768 you are limited to 70Hz. Seems to me >that the hardware should be able to support the bandwidth (if it can do 75Hz >at 1280 it sure should be able to do it at 1024!). Higher vertical resolution >was the main reason I bought the card over the Orchid F. VLB I currently have, >and it will do 1024x768x70 Hz as well. I think we go to AT LEAST 76 Hz at 1024x768x8, and maybe more (and it's a function of the RAMDAC speed, not the Power 9000). We need to fix the problems you've noted (they were already on the list). If you're really interested, though, take a look at the text file P9000RES.DAT, which holds the data from which the choices in the P9000 monitor installation program are built. Working by analogy, you can build up a new monitor definition that has the right combinations of refresh rates for your monitors. Keep a backup copy of the file! Once you've built a new version of the P9000RES.DAT file, run the P9000 installation program, INST, and your new choices should show up. (This assumes you have the WEITEK v. 2.2 drivers. You can tell the rev number by looking at the modification time of the driver: 02:20 is version 2.20. Microsoft uses this gimmick, too.) >The board is faster that the OFVLB for most things according to the Hercules >Speedy program. This program tests various operations and reports the results >in pixels/second. I don't have the numbers for the Graphite card, but they >were close to half of the OFVLB (ie, slower) but that was running in a 20MHz >386, ISA, so the numbers aren't really comparable. The following numbers >were all obtained using a 486, 33 MHz, AIR motherboard (UMC chipset), with >8 MB memory. I give ranges because the program reports the numbers as it >computes them, and these tend to jump around a bit. The SPEEDY benchmark was put out by Hercules and IIT, who to my knowledge were unencumbered by any motivations except making the Hercules Graphite/IIT AGX014 card look really good. So I'd take the numbers with a ton of salt. (Texas Instruments did the same thing with WINTACH, trying to make the 34020 look good compared to the 8514, as if anyone cared.) It's safer (though not safe) to use benchmarks from "unbiased" sources, such as testing labs, columnists, etc. >Interestingly, the solid >vectors and shaded polygons show no improvement, and hatched polygons (ie, >filled with cross-hatching) and Ternary Rops (whatever they are. Graphics >operations like XORs maybe????) are a dead loss on the 9000. I think you'll a large discrepancy between the results of SPEEDY and the results of anything else in the universe on these things. >I give two >numbers for the 9000 fonts, because I think they are caching. >When the fonts are first drawn on the screen they are done fairly slowly -- >1/3 the speed of the OFVLB. Then the speed increases dramatically. Sounds >like programming to a benchmark to me.... Font caching is a perfectly legitimate optimization -- Windows has hooks for it built right into the GDI. What's kind of silly is IIT's use of a hardwired "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog then sat on a tack" string in their driver. Not only is it useless in real applications, it lacks the programming elegance of the "Bart Simpson optimization," in which you save the bitmap of the most-recently drawn string in off-screen memory, and just do a screen-to-screen bitblit if you happen to be given that same string a second time in a row. (We call it the "Bart Simpson optimization" because Bart's the only person we can see benefiting from it: he could right "I will not cheat on benchmarks" a hundred times and be done in half the time it would take to actually form each character.) >I make no claims that these numbers mean anything at all. Its just what >I saw when I ran them on my computer. I normally don't write disclaimers, >but this time maybe I'd better. My testing is totally unconnected with my >work (I program under UNIX on Decstations) is done completely without the >knowledge, blessing, or equipment of my company. We don't have any lawyers -- they're all working for Intel. There used to be a lawyer in Montana who didn't, but he died. -- Robert -- Robert Plamondon, [email protected] "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I, the Great and Glorious Oz, have spoken!" -- scene from a trade show
From: [email protected] (Ove Petter Tro) Subject: Re: need a viewer for gl files Organization: Kongsberg College of Engineering Lines: 16 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Dominik Westner) writes: |> the subject says it all. Is there a PD viewer for gl files (for X)? Try xviewgl. (filename xviewgl_v1.1.tar.Z on lots of bases) - Ove -- - ----------==========###########==========-------- - // | "What do you think \X/ (Yep, me too...) | this is? Real life?" Ove Petter Tro, | - Ford Fairlane. Kongsberg College | of Engineering, Norway | email: [email protected] - ----------==========###########==========-------- -
From: [email protected] (John H. Rickert) Subject: mile high runs Article-I.D.: master.1psq90INNh93 Reply-To: [email protected] (John H. Rickert) Organization: Computer Science Department at Rose-Hulman Lines: 35 NNTP-Posting-Host: How many runs will be scored in Denver? I don't know. but some idea can be gotten by looking at the runs scored in Mile High Stadium during the last few years of the Bears/Zephyrs tenure in the American Association. Here's the total runs scored per game in Zephyrs games, all league games and the ratio. I found the same ratios for HR. Year rpg lea ratio hrpg lea ratio 1992 10.22 9.10 1.12 1.65 1.58 1.04 1991 9.53 8.87 1.07 1.41 1.26 1.12 1990 10.71 8.72 1.23 1.49 1.24 1.20 1989 9.07 8.34 1.09 1.27 1.11 1.14 1988 9.90 8.37 1.18 1.29 1.08 1.19 1987 12.55 10.70 1.17 2.39 1.92 1.24 1986 9.45 9.33 1.01 1.35 1.38 .98 1985 9.50 8.54 1.11 1.53 1.34 1.14 1984 9.99 9.10 1.10 1.55 1.59 .97 1983 10.60 9.99 1.06 2.03 1.74 1.17 1982 11.29 10.35 1.09 2.24 1.91 1.17 1981 10.29 9.25 1.11 1.43 1.49 .96 1980 10.59 9.43 1.12 1.63 1.46 1.12 1446/13-->1.11 1444/13-->1.11 It seems pretty clear that Denver will have a large effect on runs scored (I'll stick with my prediction from last year that it'll be one of the top 3 in the NL this year) and a fairly large effect on Homeruns - though apparently not as large as Atlanta, Wrigley, Cincinnati and San Diego. Still it ought to be a pretty decent home run park. john rickert [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Jon Dhuse~) Subject: a strange problem with text Organization: Intel Corporation Lines: 28 Distribution: world NNTP-Posting-Host: Originator: jdhuse@sedona Hello, I am testing a port of X11R5 to Coherent, a unix clone OS for Intel architecture machines. I am seeing a strange problem with text in clients like xvt (a simple terminal emulator program). The problem manifests it self when the shell echoes typed characters back to the server for display, one at a time. The characters appear to be too closely spaced, with the result being that the 2nd character echoed destroys the rightmost edge of the first character, then the 3rd character destroys the rightmost edge of the second character, and so on. It looks like there is an invisible boundary around a character which obscures a portion of the previous character. There is no problem between the characters when the shell returns a complete line of text... only when the output is a series of individual characters. If anyone has any ideas what the problem might be, or where I should look to find it, it would be much appreciated. Regards and thanks, Jon Dhuse. -- Jon Dhuse | Internet: [email protected] Intel Corp. CH3-69 | Phone: (602)-554-2685 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. | Any opinions expressed are my own, Chandler, AZ 85226 | not my employer's.
From: [email protected] (MNR M OOSTHUYSEN) Subject: Re: A KIND and LOVING God!! Organization: PU vir CHO/PU for CHE Lines: 33 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] writes: >Leviticus 21:9 >And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the >whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire. >Deuteronomy 22:20-21 >...and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: then they shall >bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of the >city shall stone her with stones that she die... >Deuteronomy 22:22 >If a man be found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall >both of them die... >Deuteronomy 22:23-24 >If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto a husband, and a man find her >in the city, and lie with her; then ye shall bring them both out unto the >gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die... >Deuteronomy 22:25 >BUT if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, >and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die. IF it were'nt for the sin of men, none of this killing would have been necesarry, He is KIND and LOVING, but also RIGHTEOUS, SIN MUST BE PUNISHED. Before Jesus, man had to take the sins on himself. But Jesus died and took it all upon Him, so now we also have a FORGIVING GOD. If He were not KIND and LOVING, there wouldn't have been any people left.
From: [email protected] (Michael Friedman) Subject: Re: Temper tantrums from the 1960's Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores CA Distribution: usa X-Disclaimer: This message was written by an unauthenticated user at Oracle Corporation. The opinions expressed are those of the user and not necessarily those of Oracle. Lines: 34 In article <[email protected]> [email protected] writes: >In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (Phil Ronzone) writes... >>Correct. JFK was quite disgusting in that way. The reports of the women that >>he coerced via power of the office are now in the dozens. Today, we';d >>call for immediate resignation for that kind of behaviour. >I guess coercing women into having sex is MUCH worse than stealing, breaking >and entering, rigging national elections, starting secret wars that kill >hundreds of thousands, and using the powers of your office for personal >gain like Nixon did. NOT! Garrett, you are a really pathetic liar. Some of your charges are arguable, but most of them are obvious lies. I challenge you to present us with any evidence that Nixon stole, rigged a national election, never mind elections, or used the powers of his office for personal gain. You can't because there is absolutely no evidence that any of these events occurred. >>Along with normalized relations with the PRC. >"Normalizing relations" with Cambodia? You must be joking. We sponsored >the OVERTHROW of the Cambodian government. After repeated failed attempts >of course. Your sad level of historical and political knowlege is probably best exemplified by the fact that you think PRC stands for Cambodia instead of Red China.
From: [email protected] (Seema Varma) Subject: IC Packages Organization: Columbia University X-Posted-From: NNTP-Posting-Host: Lines: 28 Hi, I am looking for some help in choosing a package for a high-speed silicon ADC (100Mhz) currently being fabricated. This is a PhD research project and I have to test the chip at speed on a PCB. I expect to have roughly 100 packaged circuits and will do DC, low-speed and high-speed testing using 3 different set-ups for the test chip. I know for sure that a DIP will not work (the long lead lines have too high an inductance). Getting a custom-made package is too expensive, so I am trying to choose between a flatpak and a leadless chip carrier. The flatpack would be hard to test since it has to be soldered on to the test setup and I would spend loads of time soldering as I kept changing the test chip. The leadless chip carrier sockets also have long lead lines and may not work at high speeds. Does anyone out there have experience/knowledge of this field ? I would greatly appreciate help! Any ideas/ names of companies manufacturing holders/sockets/packages would help. P.S. The multi-layer fancy GaAs packages seem like a bit of overkill(?) --- Seema Varma
From: james.mollica%[email protected] (James Mollica) Subject: MATH COPRO SALE/TRADE Reply-To: james.mollica%[email protected] (James Mollica) Organization: Pics OnLine! MultiUser System - 609-753-2540 Lines: 14 I am looking for a math coprocessor for a 286-16mhz. Should be a 80287-10 or 12. I also have a 80387SX-16 for sale or trade. TNX- Jim * 1st 1.10b #1439 * 1stReader: On the cutting edge of software evolution. ---- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Pics OnLine MultiUser System (609)753-2540 HST 609-753-1549 (V32) | | Massive File Collection - Over 45,000 Files OnLine - 250 Newsgroups | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
From: [email protected] (Arie Covrigaru) Subject: Re: HP DeskWriter 550C...Opinions? Feedback! In-Reply-To: [email protected]'s message of 14 Apr 93 14:22:39 GMT Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: AI Lab, The University of Michigan <[email protected]> Lines: 16 I like it a lot. It is worth the additional expense. The only problem I found is with MS Word (5.1a). If you have a table the is longer than a page and the cells have a visible border, the last (bottom of page) line on the first page will be missing. It makes no difference how the table is formatted. The worst is that it doesn't show up in word's page view or page preview. -- Arie. ========================================================================= | Arie Covrigaru | University of Michigan AI Lab | | Phone: (313)994-8887 | Room 149, Advanced Technology Bldg. | | Internet: [email protected] | 1101 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 | =========================================================================
From: Dave Dal Farra <[email protected]> Subject: Re: CB750 C with flames out the exhaust!!!!---->>> X-Xxdate: Tue, 20 Apr 93 14:15:17 GMT Nntp-Posting-Host: bcarm41a Organization: BNR Ltd. X-Useragent: Nuntius v1.1.1d9 Lines: 49 In article <[email protected]> Chris BeHanna, [email protected] writes: >In article <[email protected]> Dave Dal Farra <[email protected]> writes: >>Reminds me of a great editorial by Bruce Reeve a couple months ago >>in Cycle Canada. >> >>He was so pissed off with cops pulling over speeders in dangerous >>spots (and often blind corners) that one day he decided to get >>revenge. >> >>Cruising on a factory loaner ZZR1100 test bike, he noticed a cop >>had pulled over a motorist on an on or off ramp with almost no >>shoulder. Being a bright lad, he hit his bike's kill switch >>just before passing the cop, who happened to be bending towards >>the offending motorist there-by exposing his glutes to the >>passing world. >> >>With his ignition system now dead, he pumped his throtle two >>or three times to fill his exhaust canister's with volatile raw fuel. >> >>All it took was a stab at the kill switch to re-light the ignition >>and send a 10' flame in Sargeant Swell's direction. >> >>I wonder if any cycle cops read Cycle Canada? > > Although I agree with the spirit of the action, I do hope that >the rider ponied up the $800 or so it takes to replace the exhaust system >he just destroyed. The owner's manual explicitly warns against such >behavior for exactly that reason: you can destroy your muflers that way. > >Later, >-- >Chris BeHanna DoD# 114 1983 H-D FXWG Wide Glide - Jubilee's Red Lady >[email protected] 1975 CB360T - Baby Bike >Disclaimer: Now why would NEC 1991 ZX-11 - needs a name >agree with any of this anyway? I was raised by a pack of wild corn dogs. Ya, Fat Chance. The "offending" rider was a moto journalist. Those guys can sell hundreds of bikes with one stroke of the pen and as such get away with murder when it comes to test bikes. One way or the other, it was probably worth the early expiration of one mufler to see a bone head get his butt baked. Dave D.F. "It's true they say that money talks. When mine spoke it said 'Buy me a Drink!'."
From: [email protected] (Paul Robichaux) Subject: Suggestions for escrow agencies (was: Re: More technical details) Reply-To: [email protected] Organization: New Technology, Inc. Lines: 53 ( Below is my response to Dr. Denning's letter to Steven Bellovin. Comments are invited. - Paul ) In alt.privacy.clipper, Steve Bellovin posted your message to him, which included a brief passage concerning selection of agencies as escrow agencies. I am glad to see that the proposal as written states that the escrow agencies won't be law enforcement agencies. I would argue, however, that *one* of the escrow agencies shouldn't be federal at all. As a private citizen, I would feel much more "secure in my person and papers" knowing that an organization committed to individual civil liberties- the ACLU and the NRA come to mind- was safeguarding half of my key. Both the ACLU and the NRA are resistent to government pressure by the simple expedient fact that they are not supported, funded, or overtly controlled by the government. Of those federal and federally funded candidate agencies that you mentioned, I have the following comments: - SRI, Rand, Mitre, and national labs: I agree that they have great experience safeguarding sensitive information. I am not convinced that they would adequately safeguard _this_ information, since in any case requiring disclosure, there's likely to be sigificant pressure for disclosure- possibly *wrongful* disclosure. - GAO: perhaps. I would like to see more concrete evidence of their fidelity and ability. - *TREASURY*? Surely you're joking. Perhaps you'd ask BATF to safeguard keys. Maybe the Federal Reserve would be a better choice. Ever since last fall's "trial balloon" was posted in sci.crypt, your name has been synonymous with those who place a great deal of trust in the ability of government agencies and agents to act within the law. I agree with you in part: those agencies and agents *almost always* act properly. However, there have been enough cases where _sworn agents of the Federal Government_ have acted wrongly to make me feel that having two federal agencies as key repositories is unacceptable. Respectfully, -Paul Robichaux (not speaking for NTI, BCSS, or NASA) -- Paul Robichaux, KD4JZG | HELP STOP THE BIG BROTHER CHIP! NTI Mission Software Development Div. | RIPEM key on request.
From: [email protected] (Paul Roberts) Subject: How to mask the left button? Organization: Informix Software, Inc. Lines: 32 Originator: proberts@moose [I am posting this for a friend whose news service is "fubared as usual". I will forward replies to him, or if you want to try to reply directly, try: Return-Path: <uunet!!mcfar> PR ] I have an event handler working for a ButtonPressMask like: XtAddEventHandler( plot_data->display, ButtonPressMask, FALSE, show_mouse_position, plot_data); but I would like to be able to have two types of actions: one to occur with the left mouse, the other the right, and perhaps one with the middle. So my event handler would look more like: XtAddEventHandler( plot_data->display, left-ButtonPressMask, FALSE, show_left_mouse_position, plot_data); XtAddEventHandler( plot_data->display, right-ButtonPressMask, FALSE, show_right_mouse_position, plot_data); However I don't know how to make my left-ButtonPressMask. There didn't seem to be one in the event mask lists I had on hand (although Button1MotionMask looked promising). My references also mentioned using "|" to or two mask events. Can you use "&" to and two masks? Would I want to in this case? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, -lrm
From: [email protected] (Andrew Molitor) Subject: Re: Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine (Was: Re: Corporate acceptance of the wiretap chip) Organization: Department of Mathematics Lines: 28 NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Steven Bellovin) writes: > > [ responding to claims about Skipjack cracking engines ] > >Thousands? Tens of thousands? Do some arithmetic, please... Skipjack >has 2^80 possible keys. Let's assume a brute-force engine like that >hypothesized for DES: 1 microsecond per trial, 1 million chips. That's >10^12 trials per second, or about 38,000 years for 2^80 trials. Well, >maybe they can get chips running at one trial per nanosecond, and build >a machine with 10 million chips. Sure -- only 3.8 years for each solution. > I think I should also point out that the mystical DES engines are known plaintext engines (unless you add a ton of really smart hardware?) The 'plaintext' is digitized voice, and exists for a very short time, probably in a couple inches of copper, tops. It's flatly not available -- your bug in my office can hear my voice, and even digitize it, but it's going to get a different bitstream. It is horribly naive to suppose that regular folks can figure out how to crack skipjack, or clipper based telephones. I'm certainly not devoting a great deal of thought to it. Andrew Molitor