why does usps need my email address?
Opting out of all cookies You may choose to opt out of the use of all cookies.
are my financial records secure when synced to the app?
If you object to any of the changes and no longer wish to use our Services, you may close your account(s).
is my sleep schedule being tracked?
Google may use the information that it obtains via the third party cookies, web beacons, and other technologies used in connection with AdMob and AdSense in accordance with its advertising Privacy Policies.
do they know my phone number?
However, please note that this is not a guarantee that such information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards.
is the app supported by ads?
This includes information regarding events we organize or sponsor, including your interest in and registration to those events (including the date and place of the event and your personal targets), as well as your reason for running and other fitness activities, whether you prefer to run alone or with friends and what other sports you enjoy.
does this track my location?
If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your Privacy Shield-related complaint from us, or if we have not resolved your complaint, you may also resolve a Privacy Shield-related complaint through JAMS, an alternative dispute resolution provider located in the United States.
are my financial records secure when synced to the app?
We may share your information, including Personal Information and Usage Data, with third party service providers who perform various functions to enable us to provide our Services and help us operate our business, such as website design, sending email communications, fraud detection and prevention, customer care, or performing analytics.
does it store my gps data?
Cookies are small data text files and can be stored on your computers hard drive or your Device (if your Web browser permits).
does triposo retarget customers?
Any Data collected for the purposes indicated under paragraph 1 letters (a) shall be retained for the entire duration of the Data subjects registration to Triposos Website or App, or until the Data subject requests the deletion of his/her Data.
do you use cookies?
After you register, you may also choose to provide additional information in your profile, such as your nickname, location (city), and other personal or demographic information.
how many alerts is \a few\"?"
This link will also allow you to update your subscriptions to electronic newsletters provided by the Services and to view your comment history.
does it use background data?
We may also share your information with other companies, lawyers, credit bureaus, agents, government agencies, and card associations in connection with issues related to fraud, credit, or debt collection.
what kind of data will tastemade collect?
Our Privacy Policy doesnt apply to those websites or services and were not responsible for the content, privacy or security practices and policies of those websites or services.
what do you do with my information
Further details on how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers are set out below: Where you have not set your permissions, we may also separately prompt you regarding our use of cookies on the Site.
do they sell any info to others?
Disabling cookies
does the app share my times of use with anyone?
When you email us we may keep a record of any correspondence between you and us.
does the app use my imported recipes to formulate data that is then sold to third parties?
Keeping count of return visits to our website or our advertisers or partners sites
are my notes stored in the app server forever?
To show you relevant Content to which you have access.
how long do you keep my data?
Please note that you are not permitted to unsubscribe or opt-out of non-promotional messages regarding your account, such as account verification, changes or updates to features of the Service, or technical or security notices.
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When you use our websites or mobile applications, we may allow third parties to collect device and usage information and location information across your different devices through mobile software development kits, cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies.
does it know if i have a lot of other apps installed?
Data Processor (or Data Supervisor)
can i edit the amount of personal information the app requests?
Please contact the program office that provided you the product or service, the office that handled your inquiry, or the privacy office at the addresses below.
does the application have any advertisement?
Interest Based Advertising Khan Academy does not display any targeted advertising on our Service.
do you use cookies?
For example, a parent or teacher may provide information relating to a Child User, such as when a parent registers an account for their Child and provide us with certain information about the Child, such as user name and age.
does it save my email contacts and sell it to 3rd parties?
In reality, such sensitive information is received by an unauthorized individual to be used for purposes of identity theft.
do i have to sign in using a social media account?
For example, we use Personal Data to:
what information does it need from my phone?
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions, concerns or comments about our Privacy Policy or requests concerning your personal information.
will it share or collect my location?
It is very important for you to understand what kind of data we collect and how we use them.
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Objection: You can contact us to let us know that you object to the further use or disclosure of your Personal Data for certain purposes.
can you read my text messages since i am using your app to text?
IMEI, MAC, Android ID, device manufacture, device model, screen resolution), so that we can provide you a product more suitable with your phone by activating each mobile.
who else can see my data.
We collect information when you register or open an account, sign in, pay a bill, purchase a Service, use a Service, call us for support, or give us feedback.
does the app use my imported recipes to formulate data that is then sold to third parties?
If you prefer for us to use another method to notify you in this situation, please email us at [email protected] with the alternative contact information you wish to be used.
is the app 100% safe?
We will notify you via email or a prominent notice within our Services of any change in ownership or uses of your personal information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your personal information
can i request that you not sell my data to anyone?
Business Partners.
what kind of security does tastemade use to make sure our information is safe?
See Cookies and other technologies for more information on the use of cookies and device identifiers related to the Services.
can the application hide my photos without access privilege to my photos folder?
To enforce terms, agreements or policies.
is my dashboard activity shared with anyone?
does the app share any of my information with third parties?
This information are stored on the servers of Google, that regulate the relevant privacy aspects.However, these are data that do not allow you to trace your identity and, therefore, they are to be considered anonymous.
who can access my invoices?
We also offer various Internet chat services, for example, to speak with an Intuit support representative or tax advisor.
what kind of data will tastemade collect?
This may result in you seeing interest-based advertisements on or through our Services or advertisements related to our Services when you visit other websites and services of third parties, which it is believed will be relevant to your market segment.
how long do you keep my info for?
Processing your data in order to meet certain legal or regulatory obligations; and
who will be able to see my invoices?
Data Retention.
are you collecting info about my contacts
If we combine or associate information from other sources with Personal Information that we collect through our Service, we will treat the combined information as Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
does it listen to my conversations.
To the extent that our parent company and corporate affiliates have access to your information, they will follow practices that are at least as restrictive as the practices described in this Privacy Policy.
how long is my information saved?
These parties include:
is my information saved?
We use the information to personalize your experience while using the Service, including on various devices you may use to access the Service.
does the application have any advertisement?
You may also be able to limit interest-based advertising through the settings on your mobile device by selecting limit ad tracking (iOS) or opt-out of interest based ads (Android).
how long is package tracking information kept in the system?
We use beacons, often in conjunction with cookies, to monitor the effectiveness of ad banners; and to gather general log, statistical, and referral information.
can it see how often i access the app?
The safety and privacy of children is extremely important to us.
can i control what information of mine the app accesses?
You can click on your jurisdiction to see what the relevant rules are.
how much of my data is accessed?
If you do not agree to the changes, you should discontinue your use of the Services prior to the time the modified Policy takes effect.
are my browsing habits in the app tracked publicly?
The information we learn from users helps us personalize and continually improve your experience at IMDb.
what privacy permissions are requested upon launching the app for the first time?
If you are visiting our Website from outside the United States, please be aware that your information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in the United States where our servers are located and our central database is operated.
do they have access to view my photos?
If we process your personal information based on a contract with you or based on your consent, or the processing is carried out by automated means, you may request to receive your personal information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to have us transfer your personal information directly to another controller, where technically feasible, unless exercise of this right adversely affects the rights and freedoms of others.
who can access my invoices?
We also collect IP addresses from users when they log into the Services as part of our log-in and security features.
will this app use my camera without my permission
Data controllers within the ASICS Group.
will this app use my camera without my permission
We may also disclose your personal data if we believe we are required to do so by law, or that doing so is reasonably necessary to comply with legal processes; when we believe necessary or appropriate to disclose personal data to law enforcement authorities, such as to investigate actual or suspected fraud or violations of law,breaches of security, or breaches of this Privacy Policy; to respond to any claims against us; and, to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of ASICS, our customers, or the public.
what privacy permissions are requested upon launching the app?
You should check the privacy policies of those sites before providing your personal information to them.
does the app use my location in order to deliver news
This link will also allow you to update your subscriptions to electronic newsletters provided by the Services and to view your comment history.
is my payment info encrypted and retained securely?
These tags are based on the information you have provided to us and your recognition of individuals in certain photos.
who can see my current receivables?
who is allowed access to my response data?
Brilliant will be the controller of your Personal Data processed in connection with the Sites.
does it use my location?
We are based in the United States and we process and store information on servers located in the United States.
are my notes encrypted?
However, if you prefer, you can contact us at [email protected] to ask us to provide access to, correct, update, or delete your personal information.
what information does the app share about me?
When you access or use our Services, we may also automatically collect information about you.
does this app track my locations?
If you are a resident of the EEA or Switzerland, you have certain rights under Chapter 3 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
what kind of security does mychart use to protect my privacy?
As described below, our Applications connect with systems operated and maintained by a healthcare institution customer of Epic.
can i control who has access to my data?
Individual Rights.
does this app track my location?
If you are a business, we use an opt-out standard.
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We collect this information to know which links and banners are effective.
how is this monitor online?
In certain circumstances, you can correct some of this information directly by either updating directly in the relevant Account settings > Export your data.
does this track my location?
We also require that our suppliers protect such information from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure.
who can see my pictures?
Disabling cookies
how long do you keep my data?
This information helps us, among other things, analyze trends and administer the Service.
how long will my running history be kept?
Our contracts with these service providers do not permit use of your information for their own (marketing) purposes.
as a free service, what type of ads are used within the app
International Transfers.
are any of my finances in the app transmitted to the application owner?
Communicate with You and Tell You About Other Services.
will my credit card information be forever saved into the system?
We do not sell or share your Personal Information with third parties for their own commercial uses without your consent.
what other information does this take from my phone ?
You can use this information to help keep in touch with friends and family on important dates.
does the app share any of my information with third parties?
For any questions or further information on the policy relating to the protection of personal data and use of cookies adopted by Triposo, please contact us at the e-mail address [emailprotected]
who can see my current receivables?
A transcript of the session is retained to resolve questions or issues related to our Services.
will this be used against me in any way?
Data Protection Administration,Intuit Limited,1 Cathedral Piazza,VictoriaLondon,SW1E 5BPUK.
what personal information about me does the app gather?
language) in order to improve your experience of use of the Website, customizing the content of the website on the basis of the type of browser used and further information sent by this browser.
will my data be sold or available to be used by third party entities?
Please contact us at [email protected], or mail us at:
will it be able to access my location?
Information provided by partners and other sources.
if anything is kept, for how long is it kept?
Functionality cookies.
who can access my photos.
We may send you email reminders of the personalized dates you have entered in this calendar.
does the app keep a history of the sites i visit?
Any information that these third parties collect via cookies and clear gifs is generally not personally identifiable (unless, for example, you provide personally identifiable information to them through an ad or email message).
do you attempt to track other activities on my phone?
Understanding the Fair Information Practice Principles and how they should be implemented is critical to comply with the various privacy laws that protect personal information.
will my stored photos be available for access by third party entities?
Through this process, demographic or other interest data may be associated with your browser or device in a non-personally identifiable manner.
what sort of data will be transmitted?
In the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we will disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets.
who can access my invoices?
Managing Marketing Communications From Us We will honor your choices when it comes to receiving marketing communications from us.
what kind of security does tastemade use to make sure our information is safe?
We may also retain aggregate information beyond this time for research purposes and to help us develop and improve our Services.
do you keep my data and upload to your server
As part of our efforts to protect your account and the functionality of the Service, our systems may analyze the emails you send to and from your Evernote account and the notes you share to detect spam, malware, or other potential security concerns.
what safeguards does the app use to protect the privacy of my data?
Data may be processed for the following purposes: a) management of the registration to Triposo Website or App; b) publication of and access to tips and reviews written by the Data subjects in relation to destinations and Points of interests, services, attractions and trips mentioned on the Website; g) statistical purposes on anonymized data; c) delivery by Triposo of promotional communications about discounts, offers, events or services similar to those previously seen by the Data subject; d) delivery by Triposo of promotional communications about discounts, offers, events or services different from those previously seen by the Data subjest, only with his/her explicit consent; e) profiling activities, that is evaluating the tastes, preferences and consumption habits of the Data subject, including by inviting him/her to participate in market surveys, only with his/her explicit consent; f) communication of the personal data of the Data subject to Triposo third-party partners for the purpose of delivery of commercial and promotional communications by the aforementioned companies, only with the explicit consent of the Data subject.
for how long is my information stored?
For this reason, we recommend that you do not submit any sensitive information, including your full name, home address, phone number, other information that would enable other users to locate you, or financial information on these areas of our website.
do you sell it to 3rd parties?
To comply with the law.
do i need a reddit account to use this application?
You can access and change certain information through the Services.
what other apps will this one have access too?
Protecting the privacy of young children is especially important.
what happens if my app is comrpmised?
Temporarily store your personal information in memory or on the device while you use our Applications.