1 value
15 values
from django import forms from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.validators import validate_slug from django.db import models from django.utils import simplejson as json from django.utils.text import capfirst from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from philo.forms.fields import JSONFormField from philo.utils.registry import RegistryIterator from philo.validators import TemplateValidator, json_validator #from philo.models.fields.entities import * class TemplateField(models.TextField): """A :class:`TextField` which is validated with a :class:`.TemplateValidator`. ``allow``, ``disallow``, and ``secure`` will be passed into the validator's construction.""" def __init__(self, allow=None, disallow=None, secure=True, *args, **kwargs): super(TemplateField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.validators.append(TemplateValidator(allow, disallow, secure)) class JSONDescriptor(object): def __init__(self, field): self.field = field def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: raise AttributeError # ? if not in instance.__dict__: json_string = getattr(instance, self.field.attname) instance.__dict__[] = json.loads(json_string) return instance.__dict__[] def __set__(self, instance, value): instance.__dict__[] = value setattr(instance, self.field.attname, json.dumps(value)) def __delete__(self, instance): del(instance.__dict__[]) setattr(instance, self.field.attname, json.dumps(None)) class JSONField(models.TextField): """A :class:`TextField` which stores its value on the model instance as a python object and stores its value in the database as JSON. Validated with :func:`.json_validator`.""" default_validators = [json_validator] def get_attname(self): return "%s_json" % def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): super(JSONField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name) setattr(cls, name, JSONDescriptor(self)) models.signals.pre_init.connect(self.fix_init_kwarg, sender=cls) def fix_init_kwarg(self, sender, args, kwargs, **signal_kwargs): # Anything passed in as is assumed to come from a serializer and # will be treated as a json string. if in kwargs: value = kwargs.pop( # Hack to handle the xml serializer's handling of "null" if value is None: value = 'null' kwargs[self.attname] = value def formfield(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["form_class"] = JSONFormField return super(JSONField, self).formfield(*args, **kwargs) class SlugMultipleChoiceField(models.Field): """Stores a selection of multiple items with unique slugs in the form of a comma-separated list. Also knows how to correctly handle :class:`RegistryIterator`\ s passed in as choices.""" __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase description = _("Comma-separated slug field") def get_internal_type(self): return "TextField" def to_python(self, value): if not value: return [] if isinstance(value, list): return value return value.split(',') def get_prep_value(self, value): return ','.join(value) def formfield(self, **kwargs): # This is necessary because django hard-codes TypedChoiceField for things with choices. defaults = { 'widget': forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, 'choices': self.get_choices(include_blank=False), 'label': capfirst(self.verbose_name), 'required': not self.blank, 'help_text': self.help_text } if self.has_default(): if callable(self.default): defaults['initial'] = self.default defaults['show_hidden_initial'] = True else: defaults['initial'] = self.get_default() for k in kwargs.keys(): if k not in ('coerce', 'empty_value', 'choices', 'required', 'widget', 'label', 'initial', 'help_text', 'error_messages', 'show_hidden_initial'): del kwargs[k] defaults.update(kwargs) form_class = forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField return form_class(**defaults) def validate(self, value, model_instance): invalid_values = [] for val in value: try: validate_slug(val) except ValidationError: invalid_values.append(val) if invalid_values: # should really make a custom message. raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid_choice'] % invalid_values) def _get_choices(self): if isinstance(self._choices, RegistryIterator): return self._choices.copy() elif hasattr(self._choices, 'next'): choices, self._choices = itertools.tee(self._choices) return choices else: return self._choices choices = property(_get_choices) try: from south.modelsinspector import add_introspection_rules except ImportError: pass else: add_introspection_rules([], ["^philo\.models\.fields\.SlugMultipleChoiceField"]) add_introspection_rules([], ["^philo\.models\.fields\.TemplateField"]) add_introspection_rules([], ["^philo\.models\.fields\.JSONField"])
import hashlib import json import logging import os import subprocess import sys import time from collections import defaultdict from shutil import copy from shutil import copyfile from shutil import copystat from shutil import copytree from tempfile import mkdtemp import boto3 import botocore import yaml import sys from .helpers import archive from .helpers import get_environment_variable_value from .helpers import LambdaContext from .helpers import mkdir from .helpers import read from .helpers import timestamp ARN_PREFIXES = { "cn-north-1": "aws-cn", "cn-northwest-1": "aws-cn", "us-gov-west-1": "aws-us-gov", } log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def load_source(module_name, module_path): """Loads a python module from the path of the corresponding file.""" if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 5: import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, module_path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 5: import importlib.machinery loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(module_name, module_path) module = loader.load_module() return module def cleanup_old_versions( src, keep_last_versions, config_file="config.yaml", profile_name=None, ): """Deletes old deployed versions of the function in AWS Lambda. Won't delete $Latest and any aliased version :param str src: The path to your Lambda ready project (folder must contain a valid config.yaml and handler module (e.g.: :param int keep_last_versions: The number of recent versions to keep and not delete """ if keep_last_versions <= 0: print("Won't delete all versions. Please do this manually") else: path_to_config_file = os.path.join(src, config_file) cfg = read_cfg(path_to_config_file, profile_name) profile_name = cfg.get("profile") aws_access_key_id = cfg.get("aws_access_key_id") aws_secret_access_key = cfg.get("aws_secret_access_key") client = get_client( "lambda", profile_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, cfg.get("region"), ) response = client.list_versions_by_function( FunctionName=cfg.get("function_name"), ) versions = response.get("Versions") if len(response.get("Versions")) < keep_last_versions: print("Nothing to delete. (Too few versions published)") else: version_numbers = [ elem.get("Version") for elem in versions[1:-keep_last_versions] ] for version_number in version_numbers: try: client.delete_function( FunctionName=cfg.get("function_name"), Qualifier=version_number, ) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: print(f"Skipping Version {version_number}: {e}") def deploy( src, requirements=None, local_package=None, config_file="config.yaml", profile_name=None, preserve_vpc=False, ): """Deploys a new function to AWS Lambda. :param str src: The path to your Lambda ready project (folder must contain a valid config.yaml and handler module (e.g.: :param str local_package: The path to a local package with should be included in the deploy as well (and/or is not available on PyPi) """ # Load and parse the config file. path_to_config_file = os.path.join(src, config_file) cfg = read_cfg(path_to_config_file, profile_name) # Copy all the pip dependencies required to run your code into a temporary # folder then add the handler file in the root of this directory. # Zip the contents of this folder into a single file and output to the dist # directory. path_to_zip_file = build( src, config_file=config_file, requirements=requirements, local_package=local_package, ) existing_config = get_function_config(cfg) if existing_config: update_function( cfg, path_to_zip_file, existing_config, preserve_vpc=preserve_vpc ) else: create_function(cfg, path_to_zip_file) def deploy_s3( src, requirements=None, local_package=None, config_file="config.yaml", profile_name=None, preserve_vpc=False, ): """Deploys a new function via AWS S3. :param str src: The path to your Lambda ready project (folder must contain a valid config.yaml and handler module (e.g.: :param str local_package: The path to a local package with should be included in the deploy as well (and/or is not available on PyPi) """ # Load and parse the config file. path_to_config_file = os.path.join(src, config_file) cfg = read_cfg(path_to_config_file, profile_name) # Copy all the pip dependencies required to run your code into a temporary # folder then add the handler file in the root of this directory. # Zip the contents of this folder into a single file and output to the dist # directory. path_to_zip_file = build( src, config_file=config_file, requirements=requirements, local_package=local_package, ) use_s3 = True s3_file = upload_s3(cfg, path_to_zip_file, use_s3) existing_config = get_function_config(cfg) if existing_config: update_function( cfg, path_to_zip_file, existing_config, use_s3=use_s3, s3_file=s3_file, preserve_vpc=preserve_vpc, ) else: create_function(cfg, path_to_zip_file, use_s3=use_s3, s3_file=s3_file) def upload( src, requirements=None, local_package=None, config_file="config.yaml", profile_name=None, ): """Uploads a new function to AWS S3. :param str src: The path to your Lambda ready project (folder must contain a valid config.yaml and handler module (e.g.: :param str local_package: The path to a local package with should be included in the deploy as well (and/or is not available on PyPi) """ # Load and parse the config file. path_to_config_file = os.path.join(src, config_file) cfg = read_cfg(path_to_config_file, profile_name) # Copy all the pip dependencies required to run your code into a temporary # folder then add the handler file in the root of this directory. # Zip the contents of this folder into a single file and output to the dist # directory. path_to_zip_file = build( src, config_file=config_file, requirements=requirements, local_package=local_package, ) upload_s3(cfg, path_to_zip_file) def invoke( src, event_file="event.json", config_file="config.yaml", profile_name=None, verbose=False, ): """Simulates a call to your function. :param str src: The path to your Lambda ready project (folder must contain a valid config.yaml and handler module (e.g.: :param str alt_event: An optional argument to override which event file to use. :param bool verbose: Whether to print out verbose details. """ # Load and parse the config file. path_to_config_file = os.path.join(src, config_file) cfg = read_cfg(path_to_config_file, profile_name) # Set AWS_PROFILE environment variable based on `--profile` option. if profile_name: os.environ["AWS_PROFILE"] = profile_name # Load environment variables from the config file into the actual # environment. env_vars = cfg.get("environment_variables") if env_vars: for key, value in env_vars.items(): os.environ[key] = get_environment_variable_value(value) # Load and parse event file. path_to_event_file = os.path.join(src, event_file) event = read(path_to_event_file, loader=json.loads) # Tweak to allow module to import local modules try: sys.path.index(src) except ValueError: sys.path.append(src) handler = cfg.get("handler") # Inspect the handler string (<module>.<function name>) and translate it # into a function we can execute. fn = get_callable_handler_function(src, handler) timeout = cfg.get("timeout") if timeout: context = LambdaContext(cfg.get("function_name"), timeout) else: context = LambdaContext(cfg.get("function_name")) start = time.time() results = fn(event, context) end = time.time() print("{0}".format(results)) if verbose: print( "\nexecution time: {:.8f}s\nfunction execution " "timeout: {:2}s".format(end - start, cfg.get("timeout", 15)) ) def init(src, minimal=False): """Copies template files to a given directory. :param str src: The path to output the template lambda project files. :param bool minimal: Minimal possible template files (excludes event.json). """ templates_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "project_templates", ) for filename in os.listdir(templates_path): if (minimal and filename == "event.json") or filename.endswith(".pyc"): continue dest_path = os.path.join(templates_path, filename) if not os.path.isdir(dest_path): copy(dest_path, src) def build( src, requirements=None, local_package=None, config_file="config.yaml", profile_name=None, ): """Builds the file bundle. :param str src: The path to your Lambda ready project (folder must contain a valid config.yaml and handler module (e.g.: :param str local_package: The path to a local package with should be included in the deploy as well (and/or is not available on PyPi) """ # Load and parse the config file. path_to_config_file = os.path.join(src, config_file) cfg = read_cfg(path_to_config_file, profile_name) # Get the absolute path to the output directory and create it if it doesn't # already exist. dist_directory = cfg.get("dist_directory", "dist") path_to_dist = os.path.join(src, dist_directory) mkdir(path_to_dist) # Combine the name of the Lambda function with the current timestamp to use # for the output filename. function_name = cfg.get("function_name") output_filename = "{0}-{1}.zip".format(timestamp(), function_name) path_to_temp = mkdtemp(prefix="aws-lambda") pip_install_to_target( path_to_temp, requirements=requirements, local_package=local_package, ) # Hack for Zope. if "zope" in os.listdir(path_to_temp): print( "Zope packages detected; fixing Zope package paths to " "make them importable.", ) # Touch. with open(os.path.join(path_to_temp, "zope/"), "wb"): pass # Gracefully handle whether ".zip" was included in the filename or not. output_filename = ( "{0}.zip".format(output_filename) if not output_filename.endswith(".zip") else output_filename ) # Allow definition of source code directories we want to build into our # zipped package. build_config = defaultdict(**cfg.get("build", {})) build_source_directories = build_config.get("source_directories", "") build_source_directories = ( build_source_directories if build_source_directories is not None else "" ) source_directories = [ d.strip() for d in build_source_directories.split(",") ] files = [] for filename in os.listdir(src): if os.path.isfile(filename): if filename == ".DS_Store": continue if filename == config_file: continue print("Bundling: %r" % filename) files.append(os.path.join(src, filename)) elif os.path.isdir(filename) and filename in source_directories: print("Bundling directory: %r" % filename) files.append(os.path.join(src, filename)) # "cd" into `temp_path` directory. os.chdir(path_to_temp) for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): _, filename = os.path.split(f) # Copy handler file into root of the packages folder. copyfile(f, os.path.join(path_to_temp, filename)) copystat(f, os.path.join(path_to_temp, filename)) elif os.path.isdir(f): src_path_length = len(src) + 1 destination_folder = os.path.join( path_to_temp, f[src_path_length:] ) copytree(f, destination_folder) # Zip them together into a single file. # TODO: Delete temp directory created once the archive has been compiled. path_to_zip_file = archive("./", path_to_dist, output_filename) return path_to_zip_file def get_callable_handler_function(src, handler): """Translate a string of the form "module.function" into a callable function. :param str src: The path to your Lambda project containing a valid handler file. :param str handler: A dot delimited string representing the `<module>.<function name>`. """ # "cd" into `src` directory. os.chdir(src) module_name, function_name = handler.split(".") filename = get_handler_filename(handler) path_to_module_file = os.path.join(src, filename) module = load_source(module_name, path_to_module_file) return getattr(module, function_name) def get_handler_filename(handler): """Shortcut to get the filename from the handler string. :param str handler: A dot delimited string representing the `<module>.<function name>`. """ module_name, _ = handler.split(".") return "{0}.py".format(module_name) def _install_packages(path, packages): """Install all packages listed to the target directory. Ignores any package that includes Python itself and python-lambda as well since its only needed for deploying and not running the code :param str path: Path to copy installed pip packages to. :param list packages: A list of packages to be installed via pip. """ def _filter_blacklist(package): blacklist = ["-i", "#", "Python==", "python-lambda=="] return all(package.startswith(entry) is False for entry in blacklist) filtered_packages = filter(_filter_blacklist, packages) for package in filtered_packages: if package.startswith("-e "): package = package.replace("-e ", "") print("Installing {package}".format(package=package)) subprocess.check_call( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package, "-t", path, "--ignore-installed", ] ) print( "Install directory contents are now: {directory}".format( directory=os.listdir(path) ) ) def pip_install_to_target(path, requirements=None, local_package=None): """For a given active virtualenv, gather all installed pip packages then copy (re-install) them to the path provided. :param str path: Path to copy installed pip packages to. :param str requirements: If set, only the packages in the supplied requirements file are installed. If not set then installs all packages found via pip freeze. :param str local_package: The path to a local package with should be included in the deploy as well (and/or is not available on PyPi) """ packages = [] if not requirements: print("Gathering pip packages") pkgStr = subprocess.check_output( [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "freeze"] ) packages.extend(pkgStr.decode("utf-8").splitlines()) else: if os.path.exists(requirements): print("Gathering requirement packages") data = read(requirements) packages.extend(data.splitlines()) if not packages: print("No dependency packages installed!") if local_package is not None: if not isinstance(local_package, (list, tuple)): local_package = [local_package] for l_package in local_package: packages.append(l_package) _install_packages(path, packages) def get_role_name(region, account_id, role): """Shortcut to insert the `account_id` and `role` into the iam string.""" prefix = ARN_PREFIXES.get(region, "aws") return "arn:{0}:iam::{1}:role/{2}".format(prefix, account_id, role) def get_account_id( profile_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, region=None, ): """Query STS for a users' account_id""" client = get_client( "sts", profile_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, region, ) return client.get_caller_identity().get("Account") def get_client( client, profile_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, region=None, ): """Shortcut for getting an initialized instance of the boto3 client.""" boto3.setup_default_session( profile_name=profile_name, aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, region_name=region, ) return boto3.client(client) def create_function(cfg, path_to_zip_file, use_s3=False, s3_file=None): """Register and upload a function to AWS Lambda.""" print("Creating your new Lambda function") byte_stream = read(path_to_zip_file, binary_file=True) profile_name = cfg.get("profile") aws_access_key_id = cfg.get("aws_access_key_id") aws_secret_access_key = cfg.get("aws_secret_access_key") account_id = get_account_id( profile_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, cfg.get("region",), ) role = get_role_name( cfg.get("region"), account_id, cfg.get("role", "lambda_basic_execution"), ) client = get_client( "lambda", profile_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, cfg.get("region"), ) # Do we prefer development variable over config? buck_name = os.environ.get("S3_BUCKET_NAME") or cfg.get("bucket_name") func_name = os.environ.get("LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME") or cfg.get( "function_name" ) print("Creating lambda function with name: {}".format(func_name)) if use_s3: kwargs = { "FunctionName": func_name, "Runtime": cfg.get("runtime", "python2.7"), "Role": role, "Handler": cfg.get("handler"), "Code": { "S3Bucket": "{}".format(buck_name), "S3Key": "{}".format(s3_file), }, "Description": cfg.get("description", ""), "Timeout": cfg.get("timeout", 15), "MemorySize": cfg.get("memory_size", 512), "VpcConfig": { "SubnetIds": cfg.get("subnet_ids", []), "SecurityGroupIds": cfg.get("security_group_ids", []), }, "Publish": True, } else: kwargs = { "FunctionName": func_name, "Runtime": cfg.get("runtime", "python2.7"), "Role": role, "Handler": cfg.get("handler"), "Code": {"ZipFile": byte_stream}, "Description": cfg.get("description", ""), "Timeout": cfg.get("timeout", 15), "MemorySize": cfg.get("memory_size", 512), "VpcConfig": { "SubnetIds": cfg.get("subnet_ids", []), "SecurityGroupIds": cfg.get("security_group_ids", []), }, "Publish": True, } if "tags" in cfg: kwargs.update( Tags={key: str(value) for key, value in cfg.get("tags").items()} ) if "environment_variables" in cfg: kwargs.update( Environment={ "Variables": { key: get_environment_variable_value(value) for key, value in cfg.get("environment_variables").items() }, }, ) client.create_function(**kwargs) concurrency = get_concurrency(cfg) if concurrency > 0: client.put_function_concurrency( FunctionName=func_name, ReservedConcurrentExecutions=concurrency ) def update_function( cfg, path_to_zip_file, existing_cfg, use_s3=False, s3_file=None, preserve_vpc=False, ): """Updates the code of an existing Lambda function""" print("Updating your Lambda function") byte_stream = read(path_to_zip_file, binary_file=True) profile_name = cfg.get("profile") aws_access_key_id = cfg.get("aws_access_key_id") aws_secret_access_key = cfg.get("aws_secret_access_key") account_id = get_account_id( profile_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, cfg.get("region",), ) role = get_role_name( cfg.get("region"), account_id, cfg.get("role", "lambda_basic_execution"), ) client = get_client( "lambda", profile_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, cfg.get("region"), ) # Do we prefer development variable over config? buck_name = os.environ.get("S3_BUCKET_NAME") or cfg.get("bucket_name") if use_s3: client.update_function_code( FunctionName=cfg.get("function_name"), S3Bucket="{}".format(buck_name), S3Key="{}".format(s3_file), Publish=True, ) else: client.update_function_code( FunctionName=cfg.get("function_name"), ZipFile=byte_stream, Publish=True, ) kwargs = { "FunctionName": cfg.get("function_name"), "Role": role, "Runtime": cfg.get("runtime"), "Handler": cfg.get("handler"), "Description": cfg.get("description", ""), "Timeout": cfg.get("timeout", 15), "MemorySize": cfg.get("memory_size", 512), } if preserve_vpc: kwargs["VpcConfig"] = existing_cfg.get("Configuration", {}).get( "VpcConfig" ) if kwargs["VpcConfig"] is None: kwargs["VpcConfig"] = { "SubnetIds": cfg.get("subnet_ids", []), "SecurityGroupIds": cfg.get("security_group_ids", []), } else: del kwargs["VpcConfig"]["VpcId"] else: kwargs["VpcConfig"] = { "SubnetIds": cfg.get("subnet_ids", []), "SecurityGroupIds": cfg.get("security_group_ids", []), } if "environment_variables" in cfg: kwargs.update( Environment={ "Variables": { key: str(get_environment_variable_value(value)) for key, value in cfg.get("environment_variables").items() }, }, ) ret = client.update_function_configuration(**kwargs) concurrency = get_concurrency(cfg) if concurrency > 0: client.put_function_concurrency( FunctionName=cfg.get("function_name"), ReservedConcurrentExecutions=concurrency, ) elif "Concurrency" in existing_cfg: client.delete_function_concurrency( FunctionName=cfg.get("function_name") ) if "tags" in cfg: tags = {key: str(value) for key, value in cfg.get("tags").items()} if tags != existing_cfg.get("Tags"): if existing_cfg.get("Tags"): client.untag_resource( Resource=ret["FunctionArn"], TagKeys=list(existing_cfg["Tags"].keys()), ) client.tag_resource(Resource=ret["FunctionArn"], Tags=tags) def upload_s3(cfg, path_to_zip_file, *use_s3): """Upload a function to AWS S3.""" print("Uploading your new Lambda function") profile_name = cfg.get("profile") aws_access_key_id = cfg.get("aws_access_key_id") aws_secret_access_key = cfg.get("aws_secret_access_key") client = get_client( "s3", profile_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, cfg.get("region"), ) byte_stream = b"" with open(path_to_zip_file, mode="rb") as fh: byte_stream = s3_key_prefix = cfg.get("s3_key_prefix", "/dist") checksum ="md5", byte_stream).hexdigest() timestamp = str(time.time()) filename = "{prefix}{checksum}-{ts}.zip".format( prefix=s3_key_prefix, checksum=checksum, ts=timestamp, ) # Do we prefer development variable over config? buck_name = os.environ.get("S3_BUCKET_NAME") or cfg.get("bucket_name") func_name = os.environ.get("LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME") or cfg.get( "function_name" ) kwargs = { "Bucket": "{}".format(buck_name), "Key": "{}".format(filename), "Body": byte_stream, } client.put_object(**kwargs) print("Finished uploading {} to S3 bucket {}".format(func_name, buck_name)) if use_s3: return filename def get_function_config(cfg): """Check whether a function exists or not and return its config""" function_name = cfg.get("function_name") profile_name = cfg.get("profile") aws_access_key_id = cfg.get("aws_access_key_id") aws_secret_access_key = cfg.get("aws_secret_access_key") client = get_client( "lambda", profile_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, cfg.get("region"), ) try: return client.get_function(FunctionName=function_name) except client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException as e: if "Function not found" in str(e): return False def get_concurrency(cfg): """Return the Reserved Concurrent Executions if present in the config""" concurrency = int(cfg.get("concurrency", 0)) return max(0, concurrency) def read_cfg(path_to_config_file, profile_name): cfg = read(path_to_config_file, loader=yaml.full_load) if profile_name is not None: cfg["profile"] = profile_name elif "AWS_PROFILE" in os.environ: cfg["profile"] = os.environ["AWS_PROFILE"] return cfg
# Copyright (c) 2015, Max Fillinger <[email protected]> # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH # REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, # INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM # LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # The epub format specification is available at '''Contains the EpubBuilder class to build epub2.0.1 files with the getebook module.''' import html import re import datetime import getebook import os.path import re import zipfile __all__ = ['EpubBuilder', 'EpubTOC', 'Author'] def _normalize(name): '''Transform "Firstname [Middlenames] Lastname" into "Lastname, Firstname [Middlenames]".''' split = name.split() if len(split) == 1: return name return split[-1] + ', ' + ' '.join(name[0:-1]) def _make_starttag(tag, attrs): 'Write a starttag.' out = '<' + tag for key in attrs: out += ' {}="{}"'.format(key, html.escape(attrs[key])) out += '>' return out def _make_xml_elem(tag, text, attr = []): 'Write a flat xml element.' out = ' <' + tag for (key, val) in attr: out += ' {}="{}"'.format(key, val) if text: out += '>{}</{}>\n'.format(text, tag) else: out += ' />\n' return out class EpubTOC(getebook.TOC): 'Table of contents.' _head = (( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' '<ncx xmlns="" version="2005-1" xml:lang="en-US">\n' ' <head>\n' ' <meta name="dtb:uid" content="{}" />\n' ' <meta name="dtb:depth" content="{}" />\n' ' <meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0" />\n' ' <meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0" />\n' ' </head>\n' ' <docTitle>\n' ' <text>{}</text>\n' ' </docTitle>\n' )) _doc_author = (( ' <docAuthor>\n' ' <text>{}</text>\n' ' </docAuthor>\n' )) _navp = (( '{0}<navPoint id="nav{1}">\n' '{0} <navLabel>\n' '{0} <text>{2}</text>\n' '{0} </navLabel>\n' '{0} <content src="{3}" />\n' )) def _navp_xml(self, entry, indent_lvl): 'Write xml for an entry and all its subentries.' xml = self._navp.format(' '*indent_lvl, str(, entry.text, for sub in entry.entries: xml += self._navp_xml(sub, indent_lvl+1) xml += ' '*indent_lvl + '</navPoint>\n' return xml def write_xml(self, uid, title, authors): 'Write the xml code for the table of contents.' xml = self._head.format(uid, self.max_depth, title) for aut in authors: xml += self._doc_author.format(aut) xml += ' <navMap>\n' for entry in self.entries: xml += self._navp_xml(entry, 2) xml += ' </navMap>\n</ncx>' return xml class _Fileinfo: 'Information about a component file of an epub.' def __init__(self, name, in_spine = True, guide_title = None, guide_type = None): '''Initialize the object. If the file does not belong in the reading order, in_spine should be set to False. If it should appear in the guide, set guide_title and guide_type.''' = name (self.ident, ext) = os.path.splitext(name) name_split = name.rsplit('.', 1) self.ident = name_split[0] self.in_spine = in_spine self.guide_title = guide_title self.guide_type = guide_type # Infer media-type from file extension ext = ext.lower() if ext in ('.htm', '.html', '.xhtml'): self.media_type = 'application/xhtml+xml' elif ext in ('.png', '.gif', '.jpeg'): self.media_type = 'image/' + ext elif ext == '.jpg': self.media_type = 'image/jpeg' elif ext == '.css': self.media_type = 'text/css' elif ext == '.ncx': self.media_type = 'application/x-dtbncx+xml' else: raise ValueError('Can\'t infer media-type from extension: %s' % ext) def manifest_entry(self): 'Write the XML element for the manifest.' return _make_xml_elem('item', '', [ ('href',, ('id', self.ident), ('media-type', self.media_type) ]) def spine_entry(self): '''Write the XML element for the spine. (Empty string if in_spine is False.)''' if self.in_spine: return _make_xml_elem('itemref', '', [('idref', self.ident)]) else: return '' def guide_entry(self): '''Write the XML element for the guide. (Empty string if no guide title and type are given.)''' if self.guide_title and self.guide_type: return _make_xml_elem('reference', '', [ ('title', self.guide_title), ('type', self.guide_type), ('href', ]) else: return '' class _EpubMeta: 'Metadata entry for an epub file.' def __init__(self, tag, text, *args): '''The metadata entry is an XML element. *args is used for supplying the XML element's attributes as (key, value) pairs.''' self.tag = tag self.text = text self.attr = args def write_xml(self): 'Write the XML element.' return _make_xml_elem(self.tag, self.text, self.attr) def __repr__(self): 'Returns the text.' return self.text def __str__(self): 'Returns the text.' return self.text class _EpubDate(_EpubMeta): 'Metadata element for the publication date.' _date_re = re.compile('^([0-9]{4})(-[0-9]{2}(-[0-9]{2})?)?$') def __init__(self, date): '''date must be a string of the form "YYYY[-MM[-DD]]". If it is not of this form, or if the date is invalid, ValueError is raised.''' m = self._date_re.match(date) if not m: raise ValueError('invalid date format') year = int( try: mon = int([1:]) if mon < 0 or mon > 12: raise ValueError('month must be in 1..12') except IndexError: pass try: day = int([1:]), mon, day) # raises ValueError if invalid except IndexError: pass self.tag = 'dc:date' self.text = date self.attr = () class _EpubLang(_EpubMeta): 'Metadata element for the language of the book.' _lang_re = re.compile('^[a-z]{2}(-[A-Z]{2})?$') def __init__(self, lang): '''lang must be a lower-case two-letter language code, optionally followed by a "-" and a upper-case two-letter country code. (e.g., "en", "en-US", "en-UK", "de", "de-DE", "de-AT")''' if self._lang_re.match(lang): self.tag = 'dc:language' self.text = lang self.attr = () else: raise ValueError('invalid language format') class Author(_EpubMeta): '''To control the file-as and role attribute for the authors, pass an Author object to the EpubBuilder instead of a string. The file-as attribute is a form of the name used for sorting. The role attribute describes how the person was involved in the work. You ONLY need this if an author's name is not of the form "Given-name Family-name", or if you want to specify a role other than author. Otherwise, you can just pass a string. The value of role should be a MARC relator, e.g., "aut" for author or "edt" for editor. See for a full list.''' def __init__(self, name, fileas = None, role = 'aut'): '''Initialize the object. If the argument "fileas" is not given, "Last-name, First-name" is used for the file-as attribute. If the argument "role" is not given, "aut" is used for the role attribute.''' if not fileas: fileas = _normalize(name) self.tag = 'dc:creator' self.text = name self.attr = (('opf:file-as', fileas), ('opf:role', role)) class _OPFfile: '''Class for writing the OPF (Open Packaging Format) file for an epub file. The OPF file contains the metadata, a manifest of all component files in the epub, a "spine" which specifies the reading order and a guide which points to important components of the book such as the title page.''' _opf = ( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' '<package version="2.0" xmlns="" unique_identifier="uid_id">\n' ' <metadata xmlns:dc="" xmlns:opf="">\n' '{}' ' </metadata>\n' ' <manifest>\n' '{}' ' </manifest>\n' ' <spine toc="toc">\n' '{}' ' </spine>\n' ' <guide>\n' '{}' ' </guide>\n' '</package>\n' ) def __init__(self): 'Initialize.' self.meta = [] self.filelist = [] def write_xml(self): 'Write the XML code for the OPF file.' metadata = '' for elem in self.meta: metadata += elem.write_xml() manif = '' spine = '' guide = '' for finfo in self.filelist: manif += finfo.manifest_entry() spine += finfo.spine_entry() guide += finfo.guide_entry() return self._opf.format(metadata, manif, spine, guide) class EpubBuilder: '''Builds an epub2.0.1 file. Some of the attributes of this class (title, uid, lang) are marked as "mandatory" because they represent metadata that is required by the epub specification. If these attributes are left unset, default values will be used.''' _style_css = ( 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {\n' ' text-align: center;\n' '}\n' 'p {\n' ' text-align: justify;\n' ' margin-top: 0.125em;\n' ' margin-bottom: 0em;\n' ' text-indent: 1.0em;\n' '}\n' '.getebook-tp {\n' ' margin-top: 8em;\n' '}\n' '.getebook-tp-authors {\n' ' font-size: 2em;\n' ' text-align: center;\n' ' margin-bottom: 1em;\n' '}\n' '.getebook-tp-title {\n' ' font-weight: bold;\n' ' font-size: 3em;\n' ' text-align: center;\n' '}\n' '.getebook-tp-sub {\n' ' text-align: center;\n' ' font-weight: normal;\n' ' font-size: 0.8em;\n' ' margin-top: 1em;\n' '}\n' '.getebook-false-h {\n' ' font-weight: bold;\n' ' font-size: 1.5em;\n' '}\n' '.getebook-small-h {\n' ' font-style: normal;\n' ' font-weight: normal;\n' ' font-size: 0.8em;\n' '}\n' ) _container_xml = ( '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' '<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">\n' ' <rootfiles>\n' ' <rootfile full-path="package.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/>\n' ' </rootfiles>\n' '</container>\n' ) _html = ( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">\n' '<html xmlns="">\n' ' <head>\n' ' <title>{}</title>\n' ' <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />\n' ' <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />\n' ' </head>\n' ' <body>\n{}' ' </body>\n' '</html>\n' ) _finalized = False def __init__(self, epub_file): '''Initialize the EpubBuilder instance. "epub_file" is the filename of the epub to be created.''' self.epub_f = zipfile.ZipFile(epub_file, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) self.epub_f.writestr('mimetype', 'application/epub+zip') self.epub_f.writestr('META-INF/container.xml', self._container_xml) self.toc = EpubTOC() self.opf = _OPFfile() self.opf.filelist.append(_Fileinfo('toc.ncx', False)) self.opf.filelist.append(_Fileinfo('style.css', False)) self._authors = [] self.opt_meta = {} # Optional metadata (other than authors) self.content = '' self.part_no = 0 self.cont_filename = 'part%03d.html' % self.part_no def __enter__(self): 'Return self for use in with ... as ... statement.' return self def __exit__(self, except_type, except_val, traceback): 'Call finalize() and close the file.' try: self.finalize() finally: # Close again in case an exception happened in finalize() self.epub_f.close() return False @property def uid(self): '''Unique identifier of the ebook. (mandatory) If this property is left unset, a pseudo-random string will be generated which is long enough for collisions with existing ebooks to be extremely unlikely.''' try: return self._uid except AttributeError: import random from string import (ascii_letters, digits) alnum = ascii_letters + digits self.uid = ''.join([random.choice(alnum) for i in range(15)]) return self._uid @uid.setter def uid(self, val): self._uid = _EpubMeta('dc:identifier', str(val), ('id', 'uid_id')) @property def title(self): '''Title of the ebook. (mandatory) If this property is left unset, it defaults to "Untitled".''' try: return self._title except AttributeError: self.title = 'Untitled' return self._title @title.setter def title(self, val): # If val is not a string, raise TypeError now rather than later. self._title = _EpubMeta('dc:title', '' + val) @property def lang(self): '''Language of the ebook. (mandatory) The language must be given as a lower-case two-letter code, optionally followed by a "-" and an upper-case two-letter country code. (e.g., "en", "en-US", "en-UK", "de", "de-DE", "de-AT") If this property is left unset, it defaults to "en".''' try: return self._lang except AttributeError: self.lang = 'en' return self._lang @lang.setter def lang(self, val): self._lang = _EpubLang(val) @property def author(self): '''Name of the author. (optional) If there are multiple authors, pass a list of strings. To control the file-as and role attribute, use author objects instead of strings; file-as is an alternate form of the name used for sorting. For a description of the role attribute, see the docstring of the author class.''' if len(self._authors) == 1: return self._authors[0] return tuple([aut for aut in self._authors]) @author.setter def author(self, val): if isinstance(val, Author) or isinstance(val, str): authors = [val] else: authors = val for aut in authors: try: self._authors.append(Author('' + aut)) except TypeError: # aut is not a string, so it should be an Author object self._authors.append(aut) @author.deleter def author(self): self._authors = [] @property def date(self): '''Publication date. (optional) Must be given in "YYYY[-MM[-DD]]" format.''' try: return self.opt_meta['date'] except KeyError: return None @date.setter def date(self, val): self.opt_meta['date'] = _EpubDate(val) @date.deleter def date(self): del self._date @property def rights(self): 'Copyright/licensing information. (optional)' try: return self.opt_meta['rights'] except KeyError: return None @rights.setter def rights(self, val): self.opt_meta['rights'] = _EpubMeta('dc:rights', '' + val) @rights.deleter def rights(self): del self._rights @property def publisher(self): 'Publisher name. (optional)' try: return self.opt_meta['publisher'] except KeyError: return None @publisher.setter def publisher(self, val): self.opt_meta['publisher'] = _EpubMeta('dc:publisher', '' + val) @publisher.deleter def publisher(self): del self._publisher @property def style_css(self): '''CSS stylesheet for the files that are generated by the EpubBuilder instance. Can be overwritten or extended, but not deleted.''' return self._style_css @style_css.setter def style_css(self, val): self._style_css = '' + val def titlepage(self, main_title = None, subtitle = None): '''Create a title page for the ebook. If no main_title is given, the title attribute of the EpubBuilder instance is used.''' tp = '<div class="getebook-tp">\n' if len(self._authors) >= 1: if len(self._authors) == 1: aut_str = str(self._authors[0]) else: aut_str = ', '.join(str(self._authors[0:-1])) + ', and ' \ + str(self._authors[-1]) tp += '<div class="getebook-tp-authors">%s</div>\n' % aut_str if not main_title: main_title = str(self.title) tp += '<div class="getebook-tp-title">%s' % main_title if subtitle: tp += '<div class="getebook-tp-sub">%s</div>' % subtitle tp += '</div>\n</div>\n' self.opf.filelist.insert(0, _Fileinfo('title.html', guide_title = 'Titlepage', guide_type = 'title-page')) self.epub_f.writestr('title.html', self._html.format(self.title, tp)) def headingpage(self, heading, subtitle = None, toc_text = None): '''Create a page containing only a (large) heading, optionally with a smaller subtitle. If toc_text is not given, it defaults to the heading.''' self.new_part() tag = 'h%d' % min(6, self.toc.depth) self.content += '<div class="getebook-tp">' self.content += '<{} class="getebook-tp-title">{}'.format(tag, heading) if subtitle: self.content += '<div class="getebook-tp-sub">%s</div>' % subtitle self.content += '</%s>\n' % tag if not toc_text: toc_text = heading self.toc.new_entry(toc_text, self.cont_filename) self.new_part() def insert_file(self, name, in_spine = False, guide_title = None, guide_type = None, arcname = None): '''Include an external file into the ebook. By default, it will be added to the archive under its basename; the argument "arcname" can be used to specify a different name.''' if not arcname: arcname = os.path.basename(name) self.opf.filelist.append(_Fileinfo(arcname, in_spine, guide_title, guide_type)) self.epub_f.write(name, arcname) def add_file(self, arcname, str_or_bytes, in_spine = False, guide_title = None, guide_type = None): '''Add the string or bytes instance str_or_bytes to the archive under the name arcname.''' self.opf.filelist.append(_Fileinfo(arcname, in_spine, guide_title, guide_type)) self.epub_f.writestr(arcname, str_or_bytes) def false_heading(self, elem): '''Handle a "false heading", i.e., text that appears in heading tags in the source even though it is not a chapter heading.''' elem.attrs['class'] = 'getebook-false-h' elem.tag = 'p' self.handle_elem(elem) def _heading(self, elem): '''Write a heading.''' # Handle paragraph heading if we have one waiting (see the # par_heading method). We don\'t use _handle_par_h here because # we merge it with the subsequent proper heading. try: par_h = self.par_h del self.par_h except AttributeError: toc_text = elem.text else: # There is a waiting paragraph heading, we merge it with the # new heading. toc_text = par_h.text + '. ' + elem.text par_h.tag = 'div' par_h.attrs['class'] = 'getebook-small-h' elem.children.insert(0, par_h) # Set the class attribute value. elem.attrs['class'] = 'getebook-chapter-h' self.toc.new_entry(toc_text, self.cont_filename) # Add heading to the epub. tag = 'h%d' % min(self.toc.depth, 6) self.content += _make_starttag(tag, elem.attrs) for elem in elem.children: self.handle_elem(elem) self.content += '</%s>\n' % tag def par_heading(self, elem): '''Handle a "paragraph heading", i.e., a chaper heading or part of a chapter heading inside paragraph tags. If it is immediately followed by a heading, they will be merged into one.''' self.par_h = elem def _handle_par_h(self): 'Check if there is a waiting paragraph heading and handle it.' try: self._heading(self.par_h) except AttributeError: pass def handle_elem(self, elem): 'Handle html element as supplied by getebook.EbookParser.' try: tag = elem.tag except AttributeError: # elem should be a string is_string = True tag = None else: is_string = False if tag in getebook._headings: self._heading(elem) else: # Handle waiting par_h if necessary (see par_heading) try: self._heading(self.par_h) except AttributeError: pass if is_string: self.content += elem elif tag == 'br': self.content += '<br />\n' elif tag == 'img': self.content += self._handle_image(elem.attrs) + '\n' elif tag == 'a' or tag == 'noscript': # Ignore tag, just write child elements for child in elem.children: self.handle_elem(child) else: self.content += _make_starttag(tag, elem.attrs) for child in elem.children: self.handle_elem(child) self.content += '</%s>' % tag if tag == 'p': self.content += '\n' def _handle_image(self, attrs): 'Returns the alt text of an image tag.' try: return attrs['alt'] except KeyError: return '' def new_part(self): '''Begin a new part of the epub. Write the current html document to the archive and begin a new one.''' # Handle waiting par_h (see par_heading) try: self._heading(self.par_h) except AttributeError: pass if self.content: html = self._html.format(self.title, self.content) self.epub_f.writestr(self.cont_filename, html) self.part_no += 1 self.content = '' self.cont_filename = 'part%03d.html' % self.part_no self.opf.filelist.append(_Fileinfo(self.cont_filename)) def finalize(self): 'Complete and close the epub file.' # Handle waiting par_h (see par_heading) if self._finalized: # Avoid finalizing twice. Otherwise, calling finalize inside # a with-block would lead to an exception when __exit__ # calls finalize again. return try: self._heading(self.par_h) except AttributeError: pass if self.content: html = self._html.format(self.title, self.content) self.epub_f.writestr(self.cont_filename, html) self.opf.meta = [self.uid, self.lang, self.title] + self._authors self.opf.meta += self.opt_meta.values() self.epub_f.writestr('package.opf', self.opf.write_xml()) self.epub_f.writestr('toc.ncx', self.toc.write_xml(self.uid, self.title, self._authors)) self.epub_f.writestr('style.css', self._style_css) self.epub_f.close() self._finalized = True
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import Series, DataFrame from scipy.spatial import distance import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn import decomposition # PCA from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix import json import ml.Features as ft from utils import Utils class Identifier(object): def __init__(self): columns = ['mean_height', 'min_height', 'max_height', 'mean_width', 'min_width', 'max_width', 'time', 'girth','id'] = DataFrame(columns=columns) self.event = [] @staticmethod def subscribe(ch, method, properties, body): """ prints the body message. It's the default callback method :param ch: keep null :param method: keep null :param properties: keep null :param body: the message :return: """ #first we get the JSON from body #we check if it's part of the walking event #if walking event is completed, we if __name__ == '__main__': # we setup needed params MAX_HEIGHT = 203 MAX_WIDTH = 142 SPEED = 3 SAMPLING_RATE = 8 mq_host = '' queue_name = 'door_data' # setting up MQTT subscriber Utils.sub(queue_name=queue_name,callback=subscribe,host=mq_host)
#!-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time def retries(times=3, timeout=1): """对未捕获异常进行重试""" def decorator(func): def _wrapper(*args, **kw): att, retry = 0, 0 while retry < times: retry += 1 try: return func(*args, **kw) except: att += timeout if retry < times: time.sleep(att) return _wrapper return decorator def empty_content_retries(times=3, timeout=2): """响应为空的进行重试""" def decorator(func): def _wrapper(*args, **kw): att, retry = 0, 0 while retry < times: retry += 1 ret = func(*args, **kw) if ret: return ret att += timeout time.sleep(att) return _wrapper return decorator def use_logging(level): """带参数的装饰器""" def decorator(func): print func.__name__ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if level == "warn": print ("level:%s, %s is running" % (level, func.__name__)) elif level == "info": print ("level:%s, %s is running" % (level, func.__name__)) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator if __name__ == "__main__": @use_logging(level="warn") def foo(name='foo'): print("i am %s" % name) foo()
""" ******************************************************************** Test file for implementation check of CR3BP library. ******************************************************************** Last update: 21/01/2022 Description ----------- Contains a few sample orbit propagations to test the CR3BP library. The orbits currently found in test file include: - L2 southern NRHO (9:2 NRHO of Lunar Gateway Station) - Distant Retrograde Orbit (DRO) - Butterfly Orbit - L2 Vertical Orbit """ # Testing CR3BP implementation import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from CR3BP import getChar_CR3BP, propagate, propagateSTM from poliastro.bodies import Earth, Moon # Earth-Moon system properties k1 =**3 / u.s**2).value k2 =**3 / u.s**2).value r12 = 384747.99198 # Earth-Moon distance # Compute CR3BP characterisitic values mu, kstr, lstr, tstr, vstr, nstr = getChar_CR3BP(k1, k2, r12) # -- Lunar Gateway Station Orbit - 9:2 NRHO """ The orbit is a Near-Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO) around the L2 Lagragian point of the Earth-Moon system. The orbit presented here is a southern sub-family of the L2-NRHO. This orbit is 9:2 resonant orbit currenly set as the candidate orbit for the Lunar Gateway Station (LOP-G). Its called 9:2 resonant since a spacecraft would complete 9 orbits in the NRHO for every 2 lunar month (slightly different from lunar orbit period). The exact orbital elements presented here are from the auther's simulations. The orbit states were obtained starting form guess solutions given in various references. A few are provided below: Ref: White Paper: Gateway Destination Orbit Model: A Continuous 15 Year NRHO Reference Trajectory - NASA, 2019 Ref: Strategies for Low-Thrust Transfer Design Based on Direct Collocation Techniques - Park, Howell and Folta The NRHO are subfamily of the Halo orbits. The 'Near-Rectilinear' term comes from the very elongated state of the orbit considering a regular Halo. Halo orbits occur in all three co-linear equilibrum points L1,L2 and L3. They occur in a pair of variants (nothern and southern) due to symmetry of CR3BP. """ # 9:2 L2 souther NRHO orbit r0 = np.array([[1.021881345465263, 0, -0.182000000000000]]) v0 = np.array([0, -0.102950816739606, 0]) tf = 1.509263667286943 # number of points to plot Nplt = 300 tofs = np.linspace(0, tf, Nplt) # propagate the base trajectory rf, vf = propagate(mu, r0, v0, tofs, rtol=1e-11) # ploting orbit rf = np.array(rf) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection="3d") ax.set_box_aspect( (np.ptp(rf[:, 0]), np.ptp(rf[:, 1]), np.ptp(rf[:, 2])) ) # aspect ratio is 1:1:1 in data space # ploting the moon ax.plot3D(1 - mu, 0, 0, "ok") ax.set_title("L2 Southern NRHO") ax.set_xlabel("x-axis [nd]") ax.set_ylabel("y-axis [nd]") ax.set_zlabel("z-axis [nd]") ax.plot3D(rf[:, 0], rf[:, 1], rf[:, 2], "b") """ All other orbits in this section are computed from guess solutions available in Grebow's Master and PhD thesis. He lists a quite detailed set of methods to compute most of the major periodic orbits I have presented here. All of them use differntial correction methods which are not yet implemented in this library. Ref: GENERATING PERIODIC ORBITS IN THE CIRCULAR RESTRICTED THREEBODY PROBLEM WITH APPLICATIONS TO LUNAR SOUTH POLE COVERAGE - D.Grebow 2006 (Master thesis) Ref: TRAJECTORY DESIGN IN THE EARTH-MOON SYSTEM AND LUNAR SOUTH POLE COVERAGE - D.Grebow 2010 (PhD desertation) """ # -- DRO orbit # DRO orbit states r0 = np.array([0.783390492345344, 0, 0]) v0 = np.array([0, 0.548464515316651, 0]) tf = 3.63052604667440 # number of points to plot Nplt = 300 tofs = np.linspace(0, tf, Nplt) # propagate the base trajectory rf, vf = propagate(mu, r0, v0, tofs, rtol=1e-11) # ploting orbit rf = np.array(rf) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection="3d") ax.set_box_aspect( (np.ptp(rf[:, 0]), np.ptp(rf[:, 1]), np.ptp(rf[:, 2])) ) # aspect ratio is 1:1:1 in data space # ploting the moon ax.plot3D(1 - mu, 0, 0, "ok") ax.set_title("Distant Restrograde orbit (DRO)") ax.set_xlabel("x-axis [nd]") ax.set_ylabel("y-axis [nd]") ax.set_zlabel("z-axis [nd]") ax.plot3D(rf[:, 0], rf[:, 1], rf[:, 2], "m") # -- Butterfly orbit # Butterfly orbit states r0 = np.array([1.03599510774957, 0, 0.173944812752286]) v0 = np.array([0, -0.0798042160573269, 0]) tf = 2.78676904546834 # number of points to plot Nplt = 300 tofs = np.linspace(0, tf, Nplt) # propagate the base trajectory rf, vf = propagate(mu, r0, v0, tofs, rtol=1e-11) # ploting orbit rf = np.array(rf) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection="3d") ax.set_box_aspect( (np.ptp(rf[:, 0]), np.ptp(rf[:, 1]), np.ptp(rf[:, 2])) ) # aspect ratio is 1:1:1 in data space # ploting the moon ax.plot3D(1 - mu, 0, 0, "ok") ax.set_title("Butterfly orbit") ax.set_xlabel("x-axis [nd]") ax.set_ylabel("y-axis [nd]") ax.set_zlabel("z-axis [nd]") ax.plot3D(rf[:, 0], rf[:, 1], rf[:, 2], "r") # -- Vertical orbit # Vertical orbit states r0 = np.array([0.504689989562366, 0, 0.836429774762193]) v0 = np.array([0, 0.552722840538063, 0]) tf = 6.18448756121754 # number of points to plot Nplt = 300 tofs = np.linspace(0, tf, Nplt) # propagate the base trajectory rf, vf = propagate(mu, r0, v0, tofs, rtol=1e-11) # ploting orbit rf = np.array(rf) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection="3d") ax.set_box_aspect( (np.ptp(rf[:, 0]), np.ptp(rf[:, 1]), np.ptp(rf[:, 2])) ) # aspect ratio is 1:1:1 in data space # ploting the moon ax.plot3D(1 - mu, 0, 0, "ok") ax.set_title("L2 Vertical orbit") ax.set_xlabel("x-axis [nd]") ax.set_ylabel("y-axis [nd]") ax.set_zlabel("z-axis [nd]") ax.plot3D(rf[:, 0], rf[:, 1], rf[:, 2], "g") # -- Propage STM # propagate base trajectory with state-transition-matrix STM0 = np.eye(6) rf, vf, STM = propagateSTM(mu, r0, v0, STM0, tofs, rtol=1e-11) # STM is a matrix of partial derivatives which are used in Newton-Raphson # methods for trajectory design
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017-2021 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # 操作失败。 FAILEDOPERATION = 'FailedOperation' # API网关触发器创建失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_APIGATEWAY = 'FailedOperation.ApiGateway' # 创建触发器失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_APIGW = 'FailedOperation.Apigw' # 获取Apm InstanceId失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_APMCONFIGINSTANCEID = 'FailedOperation.ApmConfigInstanceId' # 当前异步事件状态不支持此操作,请稍后重试。 FAILEDOPERATION_ASYNCEVENTSTATUS = 'FailedOperation.AsyncEventStatus' # 复制函数失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_COPYFAILED = 'FailedOperation.CopyFailed' # 不支持复制到该地域。 FAILEDOPERATION_COPYFUNCTION = 'FailedOperation.CopyFunction' # 操作COS资源失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_COS = 'FailedOperation.Cos' # 创建别名失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_CREATEALIAS = 'FailedOperation.CreateAlias' # 操作失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_CREATEFUNCTION = 'FailedOperation.CreateFunction' # 创建命名空间失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_CREATENAMESPACE = 'FailedOperation.CreateNamespace' # 当前函数状态无法进行此操作。 FAILEDOPERATION_CREATETRIGGER = 'FailedOperation.CreateTrigger' # 当前调试状态无法执行此操作。 FAILEDOPERATION_DEBUGMODESTATUS = 'FailedOperation.DebugModeStatus' # 调试状态下无法更新执行超时时间。 FAILEDOPERATION_DEBUGMODEUPDATETIMEOUTFAIL = 'FailedOperation.DebugModeUpdateTimeOutFail' # 删除别名失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_DELETEALIAS = 'FailedOperation.DeleteAlias' # 当前函数状态无法进行此操作,请在函数状态正常时重试。 FAILEDOPERATION_DELETEFUNCTION = 'FailedOperation.DeleteFunction' # 删除layer版本失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_DELETELAYERVERSION = 'FailedOperation.DeleteLayerVersion' # 无法删除默认Namespace。 FAILEDOPERATION_DELETENAMESPACE = 'FailedOperation.DeleteNamespace' # 删除触发器失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_DELETETRIGGER = 'FailedOperation.DeleteTrigger' # 当前函数状态无法更新代码,请在状态为正常时更新。 FAILEDOPERATION_FUNCTIONNAMESTATUSERROR = 'FailedOperation.FunctionNameStatusError' # 函数在部署中,无法做此操作。 FAILEDOPERATION_FUNCTIONSTATUSERROR = 'FailedOperation.FunctionStatusError' # 当前函数版本状态无法进行此操作,请在版本状态为正常时重试。 FAILEDOPERATION_FUNCTIONVERSIONSTATUSNOTACTIVE = 'FailedOperation.FunctionVersionStatusNotActive' # 获取别名信息失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_GETALIAS = 'FailedOperation.GetAlias' # 获取函数代码地址失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_GETFUNCTIONADDRESS = 'FailedOperation.GetFunctionAddress' # 当前账号或命名空间处于欠费状态,请在可用时重试。 FAILEDOPERATION_INSUFFICIENTBALANCE = 'FailedOperation.InsufficientBalance' # 调用函数失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_INVOKEFUNCTION = 'FailedOperation.InvokeFunction' # 命名空间已存在,请勿重复创建。 FAILEDOPERATION_NAMESPACE = 'FailedOperation.Namespace' # 服务开通失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_OPENSERVICE = 'FailedOperation.OpenService' # 操作冲突。 FAILEDOPERATION_OPERATIONCONFLICT = 'FailedOperation.OperationConflict' # 创建定时预置任务失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_PROVISIONCREATETIMER = 'FailedOperation.ProvisionCreateTimer' # 删除定时预置任务失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_PROVISIONDELETETIMER = 'FailedOperation.ProvisionDeleteTimer' # 当前函数版本已有预置任务处于进行中,请稍后重试。 FAILEDOPERATION_PROVISIONEDINPROGRESS = 'FailedOperation.ProvisionedInProgress' # 发布layer版本失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_PUBLISHLAYERVERSION = 'FailedOperation.PublishLayerVersion' # 当前函数状态无法发布版本,请在状态为正常时发布。 FAILEDOPERATION_PUBLISHVERSION = 'FailedOperation.PublishVersion' # 角色不存在。 FAILEDOPERATION_QCSROLENOTFOUND = 'FailedOperation.QcsRoleNotFound' # 当前函数已有保留并发设置任务处于进行中,请稍后重试。 FAILEDOPERATION_RESERVEDINPROGRESS = 'FailedOperation.ReservedInProgress' # Topic不存在。 FAILEDOPERATION_TOPICNOTEXIST = 'FailedOperation.TopicNotExist' # 用户并发内存配额设置任务处于进行中,请稍后重试。 FAILEDOPERATION_TOTALCONCURRENCYMEMORYINPROGRESS = 'FailedOperation.TotalConcurrencyMemoryInProgress' # 指定的服务未开通,可以提交工单申请开通服务。 FAILEDOPERATION_UNOPENEDSERVICE = 'FailedOperation.UnOpenedService' # 更新别名失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_UPDATEALIAS = 'FailedOperation.UpdateAlias' # 当前函数状态无法更新代码,请在状态为正常时更新。 FAILEDOPERATION_UPDATEFUNCTIONCODE = 'FailedOperation.UpdateFunctionCode' # UpdateFunctionConfiguration操作失败。 FAILEDOPERATION_UPDATEFUNCTIONCONFIGURATION = 'FailedOperation.UpdateFunctionConfiguration' # 内部错误。 INTERNALERROR = 'InternalError' # 创建apigw触发器内部错误。 INTERNALERROR_APIGATEWAY = 'InternalError.ApiGateway' # ckafka接口失败。 INTERNALERROR_CKAFKA = 'InternalError.Ckafka' # 删除cmq触发器失败。 INTERNALERROR_CMQ = 'InternalError.Cmq' # 更新触发器失败。 INTERNALERROR_COS = 'InternalError.Cos' # ES错误。 INTERNALERROR_ES = 'InternalError.ES' # 内部服务异常。 INTERNALERROR_EXCEPTION = 'InternalError.Exception' # 内部服务错误。 INTERNALERROR_GETROLEERROR = 'InternalError.GetRoleError' # 内部系统错误。 INTERNALERROR_SYSTEM = 'InternalError.System' # 内部服务错误。 INTERNALERROR_SYSTEMERROR = 'InternalError.SystemError' # FunctionName取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。可参考:。 INVALIDPARAMETER_FUNCTIONNAME = 'InvalidParameter.FunctionName' # 请求参数不合法。 INVALIDPARAMETER_PAYLOAD = 'InvalidParameter.Payload' # RoutingConfig参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETER_ROUTINGCONFIG = 'InvalidParameter.RoutingConfig' # 参数取值错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE = 'InvalidParameterValue' # Action取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。可参考:。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ACTION = 'InvalidParameterValue.Action' # AdditionalVersionWeights参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ADDITIONALVERSIONWEIGHTS = 'InvalidParameterValue.AdditionalVersionWeights' # 不支持删除默认别名,请修正后重试。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ALIAS = 'InvalidParameterValue.Alias' # ApiGateway参数错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_APIGATEWAY = 'InvalidParameterValue.ApiGateway' # ApmConfig参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_APMCONFIG = 'InvalidParameterValue.ApmConfig' # ApmConfigInstanceId参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_APMCONFIGINSTANCEID = 'InvalidParameterValue.ApmConfigInstanceId' # ApmConfigRegion参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_APMCONFIGREGION = 'InvalidParameterValue.ApmConfigRegion' # Args 参数值有误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ARGS = 'InvalidParameterValue.Args' # 函数异步重试配置参数无效。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ASYNCTRIGGERCONFIG = 'InvalidParameterValue.AsyncTriggerConfig' # Cdn传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CDN = 'InvalidParameterValue.Cdn' # cfs配置项重复。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CFSPARAMETERDUPLICATE = 'InvalidParameterValue.CfsParameterDuplicate' # cfs配置项取值与规范不符。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CFSPARAMETERERROR = 'InvalidParameterValue.CfsParameterError' # cfs参数格式与规范不符。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CFSSTRUCTIONERROR = 'InvalidParameterValue.CfsStructionError' # Ckafka传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CKAFKA = 'InvalidParameterValue.Ckafka' # 运行函数时的参数传入有误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CLIENTCONTEXT = 'InvalidParameterValue.ClientContext' # Cls传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CLS = 'InvalidParameterValue.Cls' # 修改Cls配置需要传入Role参数,请修正后重试。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CLSROLE = 'InvalidParameterValue.ClsRole' # Cmq传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CMQ = 'InvalidParameterValue.Cmq' # Code传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CODE = 'InvalidParameterValue.Code' # CodeSecret传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CODESECRET = 'InvalidParameterValue.CodeSecret' # CodeSource传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CODESOURCE = 'InvalidParameterValue.CodeSource' # Command[Entrypoint] 参数值有误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_COMMAND = 'InvalidParameterValue.Command' # CompatibleRuntimes参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_COMPATIBLERUNTIMES = 'InvalidParameterValue.CompatibleRuntimes' # Content参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CONTENT = 'InvalidParameterValue.Content' # Cos传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_COS = 'InvalidParameterValue.Cos' # CosBucketName不符合规范。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_COSBUCKETNAME = 'InvalidParameterValue.CosBucketName' # CosBucketRegion取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。可参考:。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_COSBUCKETREGION = 'InvalidParameterValue.CosBucketRegion' # CosObjectName不符合规范。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_COSOBJECTNAME = 'InvalidParameterValue.CosObjectName' # CustomArgument参数长度超限。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_CUSTOMARGUMENT = 'InvalidParameterValue.CustomArgument' # DateTime传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DATETIME = 'InvalidParameterValue.DateTime' # DeadLetterConfig取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。可参考:。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DEADLETTERCONFIG = 'InvalidParameterValue.DeadLetterConfig' # 默认Namespace无法创建。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DEFAULTNAMESPACE = 'InvalidParameterValue.DefaultNamespace' # Description传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DESCRIPTION = 'InvalidParameterValue.Description' # 环境变量DNS[OS_NAMESERVER]配置有误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_DNSINFO = 'InvalidParameterValue.DnsInfo' # EipConfig参数错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_EIPCONFIG = 'InvalidParameterValue.EipConfig' # Enable取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。可参考:。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ENABLE = 'InvalidParameterValue.Enable' # Environment传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ENVIRONMENT = 'InvalidParameterValue.Environment' # 环境变量大小超限,请保持在 4KB 以内。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ENVIRONMENTEXCEEDEDLIMIT = 'InvalidParameterValue.EnvironmentExceededLimit' # 不支持修改函数系统环境变量和运行环境变量。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ENVIRONMENTSYSTEMPROTECT = 'InvalidParameterValue.EnvironmentSystemProtect' # Filters参数错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_FILTERS = 'InvalidParameterValue.Filters' # Function取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。可参考:。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_FUNCTION = 'InvalidParameterValue.Function' # 函数不存在。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_FUNCTIONNAME = 'InvalidParameterValue.FunctionName' # GitBranch不符合规范。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_GITBRANCH = 'InvalidParameterValue.GitBranch' # GitCommitId取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。可参考:。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_GITCOMMITID = 'InvalidParameterValue.GitCommitId' # GitDirectory不符合规范。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_GITDIRECTORY = 'InvalidParameterValue.GitDirectory' # GitPassword不符合规范。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_GITPASSWORD = 'InvalidParameterValue.GitPassword' # GitUrl不符合规范。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_GITURL = 'InvalidParameterValue.GitUrl' # GitUserName不符合规范。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_GITUSERNAME = 'InvalidParameterValue.GitUserName' # Handler传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_HANDLER = 'InvalidParameterValue.Handler' # IdleTimeOut参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_IDLETIMEOUT = 'InvalidParameterValue.IdleTimeOut' # imageUri 传入有误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_IMAGEURI = 'InvalidParameterValue.ImageUri' # InlineZipFile非法。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INLINEZIPFILE = 'InvalidParameterValue.InlineZipFile' # InvokeType取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_INVOKETYPE = 'InvalidParameterValue.InvokeType' # L5Enable取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_L5ENABLE = 'InvalidParameterValue.L5Enable' # LayerName参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LAYERNAME = 'InvalidParameterValue.LayerName' # Layers参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LAYERS = 'InvalidParameterValue.Layers' # Limit传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMIT = 'InvalidParameterValue.Limit' # 参数超出长度限制。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_LIMITEXCEEDED = 'InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded' # Memory取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。可参考:。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MEMORY = 'InvalidParameterValue.Memory' # MemorySize错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MEMORYSIZE = 'InvalidParameterValue.MemorySize' # MinCapacity 参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_MINCAPACITY = 'InvalidParameterValue.MinCapacity' # Name参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NAME = 'InvalidParameterValue.Name' # Namespace参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NAMESPACE = 'InvalidParameterValue.Namespace' # 规则不正确,Namespace为英文字母、数字、-_ 符号组成,长度30。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NAMESPACEINVALID = 'InvalidParameterValue.NamespaceInvalid' # NodeSpec 参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NODESPEC = 'InvalidParameterValue.NodeSpec' # NodeType 参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_NODETYPE = 'InvalidParameterValue.NodeType' # 偏移量不合法。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_OFFSET = 'InvalidParameterValue.Offset' # Order传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ORDER = 'InvalidParameterValue.Order' # OrderBy取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。可参考:。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ORDERBY = 'InvalidParameterValue.OrderBy' # 入参不是标准的json。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_PARAM = 'InvalidParameterValue.Param' # ProtocolType参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_PROTOCOLTYPE = 'InvalidParameterValue.ProtocolType' # 定时预置的cron配置重复。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_PROVISIONTRIGGERCRONCONFIGDUPLICATE = 'InvalidParameterValue.ProvisionTriggerCronConfigDuplicate' # TriggerName参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_PROVISIONTRIGGERNAME = 'InvalidParameterValue.ProvisionTriggerName' # TriggerName重复。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_PROVISIONTRIGGERNAMEDUPLICATE = 'InvalidParameterValue.ProvisionTriggerNameDuplicate' # ProvisionType 参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_PROVISIONTYPE = 'InvalidParameterValue.ProvisionType' # PublicNetConfig参数错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_PUBLICNETCONFIG = 'InvalidParameterValue.PublicNetConfig' # 不支持的函数版本。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_QUALIFIER = 'InvalidParameterValue.Qualifier' # 企业版镜像实例ID[RegistryId]传值错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_REGISTRYID = 'InvalidParameterValue.RegistryId' # RetCode不合法。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RETCODE = 'InvalidParameterValue.RetCode' # RoutingConfig取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。可参考:。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ROUTINGCONFIG = 'InvalidParameterValue.RoutingConfig' # Runtime传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_RUNTIME = 'InvalidParameterValue.Runtime' # searchkey 不是 Keyword,Tag 或者 Runtime。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SEARCHKEY = 'InvalidParameterValue.SearchKey' # SecretInfo错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SECRETINFO = 'InvalidParameterValue.SecretInfo' # ServiceName命名不规范。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SERVICENAME = 'InvalidParameterValue.ServiceName' # Stamp取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_STAMP = 'InvalidParameterValue.Stamp' # 起始时间传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_STARTTIME = 'InvalidParameterValue.StartTime' # 需要同时指定开始日期与结束日期。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_STARTTIMEORENDTIME = 'InvalidParameterValue.StartTimeOrEndTime' # Status取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_STATUS = 'InvalidParameterValue.Status' # 系统环境变量错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_SYSTEMENVIRONMENT = 'InvalidParameterValue.SystemEnvironment' # 非法的TempCosObjectName。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TEMPCOSOBJECTNAME = 'InvalidParameterValue.TempCosObjectName' # TraceEnable取值与规范不符,请修正后再试。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TRACEENABLE = 'InvalidParameterValue.TraceEnable' # TrackingTarget 参数输入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TRACKINGTARGET = 'InvalidParameterValue.TrackingTarget' # TriggerCronConfig参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TRIGGERCRONCONFIG = 'InvalidParameterValue.TriggerCronConfig' # TriggerCronConfig参数定时触发间隔小于指定值。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TRIGGERCRONCONFIGTIMEINTERVAL = 'InvalidParameterValue.TriggerCronConfigTimeInterval' # TriggerDesc传入参数错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TRIGGERDESC = 'InvalidParameterValue.TriggerDesc' # TriggerName传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TRIGGERNAME = 'InvalidParameterValue.TriggerName' # TriggerProvisionedConcurrencyNum参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TRIGGERPROVISIONEDCONCURRENCYNUM = 'InvalidParameterValue.TriggerProvisionedConcurrencyNum' # Type传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_TYPE = 'InvalidParameterValue.Type' # 开启cfs配置的同时必须开启vpc。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_VPCNOTSETWHENOPENCFS = 'InvalidParameterValue.VpcNotSetWhenOpenCfs' # WebSocketsParams参数传入错误。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_WEBSOCKETSPARAMS = 'InvalidParameterValue.WebSocketsParams' # 检测到不是标准的zip文件,请重新压缩后再试。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ZIPFILE = 'InvalidParameterValue.ZipFile' # 压缩文件base64解码失败: `Incorrect padding`,请修正后再试。 INVALIDPARAMETERVALUE_ZIPFILEBASE64BINASCIIERROR = 'InvalidParameterValue.ZipFileBase64BinasciiError' # 别名个数超过最大限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_ALIAS = 'LimitExceeded.Alias' # Cdn使用超过最大限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_CDN = 'LimitExceeded.Cdn' # eip资源超限。 LIMITEXCEEDED_EIP = 'LimitExceeded.Eip' # 函数数量超出最大限制 ,可通过[提交工单](申请提升限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_FUNCTION = 'LimitExceeded.Function' # 同一个主题下的函数超过最大限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_FUNCTIONONTOPIC = 'LimitExceeded.FunctionOnTopic' # FunctionProvisionedConcurrencyMemory数量达到限制,可提交工单申请提升限制:。 LIMITEXCEEDED_FUNCTIONPROVISIONEDCONCURRENCYMEMORY = 'LimitExceeded.FunctionProvisionedConcurrencyMemory' # 函数保留并发内存超限。 LIMITEXCEEDED_FUNCTIONRESERVEDCONCURRENCYMEMORY = 'LimitExceeded.FunctionReservedConcurrencyMemory' # FunctionTotalProvisionedConcurrencyMemory达到限制,可提交工单申请提升限制:。 LIMITEXCEEDED_FUNCTIONTOTALPROVISIONEDCONCURRENCYMEMORY = 'LimitExceeded.FunctionTotalProvisionedConcurrencyMemory' # 函数预置并发总数达到限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_FUNCTIONTOTALPROVISIONEDCONCURRENCYNUM = 'LimitExceeded.FunctionTotalProvisionedConcurrencyNum' # InitTimeout达到限制,可提交工单申请提升限制:。 LIMITEXCEEDED_INITTIMEOUT = 'LimitExceeded.InitTimeout' # layer版本数量超出最大限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_LAYERVERSIONS = 'LimitExceeded.LayerVersions' # layer数量超出最大限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_LAYERS = 'LimitExceeded.Layers' # 内存超出最大限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_MEMORY = 'LimitExceeded.Memory' # 函数异步重试配置消息保留时间超过限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_MSGTTL = 'LimitExceeded.MsgTTL' # 命名空间数量超过最大限制,可通过[提交工单](申请提升限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_NAMESPACE = 'LimitExceeded.Namespace' # Offset超出限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_OFFSET = 'LimitExceeded.Offset' # 定时预置数量超过最大限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_PROVISIONTRIGGERACTION = 'LimitExceeded.ProvisionTriggerAction' # 定时触发间隔小于最大限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_PROVISIONTRIGGERINTERVAL = 'LimitExceeded.ProvisionTriggerInterval' # 配额超限。 LIMITEXCEEDED_QUOTA = 'LimitExceeded.Quota' # 函数异步重试配置异步重试次数超过限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_RETRYNUM = 'LimitExceeded.RetryNum' # Timeout超出最大限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_TIMEOUT = 'LimitExceeded.Timeout' # 用户并发内存配额超限。 LIMITEXCEEDED_TOTALCONCURRENCYMEMORY = 'LimitExceeded.TotalConcurrencyMemory' # 触发器数量超出最大限制,可通过[提交工单](申请提升限制。 LIMITEXCEEDED_TRIGGER = 'LimitExceeded.Trigger' # UserTotalConcurrencyMemory达到限制,可提交工单申请提升限制:。 LIMITEXCEEDED_USERTOTALCONCURRENCYMEMORY = 'LimitExceeded.UserTotalConcurrencyMemory' # 缺少参数错误。 MISSINGPARAMETER = 'MissingParameter' # Code没有传入。 MISSINGPARAMETER_CODE = 'MissingParameter.Code' # 缺失 Runtime 字段。 MISSINGPARAMETER_RUNTIME = 'MissingParameter.Runtime' # 资源被占用。 RESOURCEINUSE = 'ResourceInUse' # Alias已被占用。 RESOURCEINUSE_ALIAS = 'ResourceInUse.Alias' # Cdn已被占用。 RESOURCEINUSE_CDN = 'ResourceInUse.Cdn' # Cmq已被占用。 RESOURCEINUSE_CMQ = 'ResourceInUse.Cmq' # Cos已被占用。 RESOURCEINUSE_COS = 'ResourceInUse.Cos' # 函数已存在。 RESOURCEINUSE_FUNCTION = 'ResourceInUse.Function' # FunctionName已存在。 RESOURCEINUSE_FUNCTIONNAME = 'ResourceInUse.FunctionName' # Layer版本正在使用中。 RESOURCEINUSE_LAYERVERSION = 'ResourceInUse.LayerVersion' # Namespace已存在。 RESOURCEINUSE_NAMESPACE = 'ResourceInUse.Namespace' # TriggerName已存在。 RESOURCEINUSE_TRIGGER = 'ResourceInUse.Trigger' # TriggerName已存在。 RESOURCEINUSE_TRIGGERNAME = 'ResourceInUse.TriggerName' # COS资源不足。 RESOURCEINSUFFICIENT_COS = 'ResourceInsufficient.COS' # 资源不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND = 'ResourceNotFound' # 别名不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_ALIAS = 'ResourceNotFound.Alias' # 未找到指定的AsyncEvent,请创建后再试。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_ASYNCEVENT = 'ResourceNotFound.AsyncEvent' # Cdn不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_CDN = 'ResourceNotFound.Cdn' # 指定的cfs下未找到您所指定的挂载点。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_CFSMOUNTINSNOTMATCH = 'ResourceNotFound.CfsMountInsNotMatch' # 检测cfs状态为不可用。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_CFSSTATUSERROR = 'ResourceNotFound.CfsStatusError' # cfs与云函数所处vpc不一致。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_CFSVPCNOTMATCH = 'ResourceNotFound.CfsVpcNotMatch' # Ckafka不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_CKAFKA = 'ResourceNotFound.Ckafka' # Cmq不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_CMQ = 'ResourceNotFound.Cmq' # Cos不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_COS = 'ResourceNotFound.Cos' # 不存在的Demo。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_DEMO = 'ResourceNotFound.Demo' # 函数不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_FUNCTION = 'ResourceNotFound.Function' # 函数不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_FUNCTIONNAME = 'ResourceNotFound.FunctionName' # 函数版本不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_FUNCTIONVERSION = 'ResourceNotFound.FunctionVersion' # 获取cfs挂载点信息错误。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_GETCFSMOUNTINSERROR = 'ResourceNotFound.GetCfsMountInsError' # 获取cfs信息错误。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_GETCFSNOTMATCH = 'ResourceNotFound.GetCfsNotMatch' # 未找到指定的ImageConfig,请创建后再试。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_IMAGECONFIG = 'ResourceNotFound.ImageConfig' # layer不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_LAYER = 'ResourceNotFound.Layer' # Layer版本不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_LAYERVERSION = 'ResourceNotFound.LayerVersion' # Namespace不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_NAMESPACE = 'ResourceNotFound.Namespace' # 版本不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_QUALIFIER = 'ResourceNotFound.Qualifier' # 角色不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_ROLE = 'ResourceNotFound.Role' # Role不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_ROLECHECK = 'ResourceNotFound.RoleCheck' # Timer不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_TIMER = 'ResourceNotFound.Timer' # 并发内存配额资源未找到。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_TOTALCONCURRENCYMEMORY = 'ResourceNotFound.TotalConcurrencyMemory' # 触发器不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_TRIGGER = 'ResourceNotFound.Trigger' # 版本不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_VERSION = 'ResourceNotFound.Version' # VPC或子网不存在。 RESOURCENOTFOUND_VPC = 'ResourceNotFound.Vpc' # 余额不足,请先充值。 RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE_INSUFFICIENTBALANCE = 'ResourceUnavailable.InsufficientBalance' # Namespace不可用。 RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE_NAMESPACE = 'ResourceUnavailable.Namespace' # 未授权操作。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION = 'UnauthorizedOperation' # CAM鉴权失败。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_CAM = 'UnauthorizedOperation.CAM' # 无访问代码权限。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_CODESECRET = 'UnauthorizedOperation.CodeSecret' # 没有权限。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_CREATETRIGGER = 'UnauthorizedOperation.CreateTrigger' # 没有权限的操作。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_DELETEFUNCTION = 'UnauthorizedOperation.DeleteFunction' # 没有权限。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_DELETETRIGGER = 'UnauthorizedOperation.DeleteTrigger' # 不是从控制台调用的该接口。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_NOTMC = 'UnauthorizedOperation.NotMC' # Region错误。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_REGION = 'UnauthorizedOperation.Region' # 没有权限访问您的Cos资源。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_ROLE = 'UnauthorizedOperation.Role' # TempCos的Appid和请求账户的APPID不一致。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_TEMPCOSAPPID = 'UnauthorizedOperation.TempCosAppid' # 无法进行此操作。 UNAUTHORIZEDOPERATION_UPDATEFUNCTIONCODE = 'UnauthorizedOperation.UpdateFunctionCode' # 操作不支持。 UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = 'UnsupportedOperation' # 资源还有别名绑定,不支持当前操作,请解绑别名后重试。 UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ALIASBIND = 'UnsupportedOperation.AliasBind' # 指定的配置AsyncRunEnable暂不支持,请修正后再试。 UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_ASYNCRUNENABLE = 'UnsupportedOperation.AsyncRunEnable' # Cdn不支持。 UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_CDN = 'UnsupportedOperation.Cdn' # Cos操作不支持。 UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_COS = 'UnsupportedOperation.Cos' # 指定的配置EipFixed暂不支持。 UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_EIPFIXED = 'UnsupportedOperation.EipFixed' # 不支持此地域。 UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_REGION = 'UnsupportedOperation.Region' # Trigger操作不支持。 UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_TRIGGER = 'UnsupportedOperation.Trigger' # 指定的配置暂不支持,请修正后再试。 UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_UPDATEFUNCTIONEVENTINVOKECONFIG = 'UnsupportedOperation.UpdateFunctionEventInvokeConfig' # 指定的配置VpcConfig暂不支持。 UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION_VPCCONFIG = 'UnsupportedOperation.VpcConfig'
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from runner.koan import * class AboutIteration(Koan): def test_iterators_are_a_type(self): it = iter(range(1,6)) total = 0 for num in it: total += num self.assertEqual(15 , total) def test_iterating_with_next(self): stages = iter(['alpha','beta','gamma']) try: self.assertEqual('alpha', next(stages)) next(stages) self.assertEqual('gamma', next(stages)) next(stages) except StopIteration as ex: err_msg = 'Ran out of iterations' self.assertRegex(err_msg, 'Ran out') # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def add_ten(self, item): return item + 10 def test_map_transforms_elements_of_a_list(self): seq = [1, 2, 3] mapped_seq = list() mapping = map(self.add_ten, seq) self.assertNotEqual(list, mapping.__class__) self.assertEqual(map, mapping.__class__) # In Python 3 built in iterator funcs return iterable view objects # instead of lists for item in mapping: mapped_seq.append(item) self.assertEqual([11, 12, 13], mapped_seq) # Note, iterator methods actually return objects of iter type in # python 3. In python 2 map() would give you a list. def test_filter_selects_certain_items_from_a_list(self): def is_even(item): return (item % 2) == 0 seq = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] even_numbers = list() for item in filter(is_even, seq): even_numbers.append(item) self.assertEqual([2,4,6], even_numbers) def test_just_return_first_item_found(self): def is_big_name(item): return len(item) > 4 names = ["Jim", "Bill", "Clarence", "Doug", "Eli"] name = None iterator = filter(is_big_name, names) try: name = next(iterator) except StopIteration: msg = 'Ran out of big names' self.assertEqual("Clarence", name) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def add(self,accum,item): return accum + item def multiply(self,accum,item): return accum * item def test_reduce_will_blow_your_mind(self): import functools # As of Python 3 reduce() has been demoted from a builtin function # to the functools module. result = functools.reduce(self.add, [2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(int, result.__class__) # Reduce() syntax is same as Python 2 self.assertEqual(9, result) result2 = functools.reduce(self.multiply, [2, 3, 4], 1) self.assertEqual(24, result2) # Extra Credit: # Describe in your own words what reduce does. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_use_pass_for_iterations_with_no_body(self): for num in range(1,5): pass self.assertEqual(4, num) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_all_iteration_methods_work_on_any_sequence_not_just_lists(self): # Ranges are an iterable sequence result = map(self.add_ten, range(1,4)) self.assertEqual([11, 12, 13], list(result)) try: file = open("example_file.txt") try: def make_upcase(line): return line.strip().upper() upcase_lines = map(make_upcase, file.readlines()) self.assertEqual(["THIS", "IS", "A", "TEST"] , list(upcase_lines)) finally: # Arg, this is ugly. # We will figure out how to fix this later. file.close() except IOError: # should never happen
from api_request import Api from util import Util from twocheckout import Twocheckout class Sale(Twocheckout): def __init__(self, dict_): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(dict_) @classmethod def find(cls, params=None): if params is None: params = dict() response = cls('sales/detail_sale', params)) return @classmethod def list(cls, params=None): if params is None: params = dict() response = cls('sales/list_sales', params)) return response.sale_summary def refund(self, params=None): if params is None: params = dict() if hasattr(self, 'lineitem_id'): params['lineitem_id'] = self.lineitem_id url = 'sales/refund_lineitem' elif hasattr(self, 'invoice_id'): params['invoice_id'] = self.invoice_id url = 'sales/refund_invoice' else: params['sale_id'] = self.sale_id url = 'sales/refund_invoice' return Sale(, params)) def stop(self, params=None): if params is None: params = dict() if hasattr(self, 'lineitem_id'): params['lineitem_id'] = self.lineitem_id return'sales/stop_lineitem_recurring', params) elif hasattr(self, 'sale_id'): active_lineitems = if dict(active_lineitems): result = dict() i = 0 for k, v in active_lineitems.items(): lineitem_id = v params = {'lineitem_id': lineitem_id} result[i] ='sales/stop_lineitem_recurring', params) i += 1 response = { "response_code": "OK", "response_message": str(len(result)) + " lineitems stopped successfully" } else: response = { "response_code": "NOTICE", "response_message": "No active recurring lineitems" } else: response = { "response_code": "NOTICE", "response_message": "This method can only be called on a sale or lineitem" } return Sale(response) def active(self): active_lineitems = if dict(active_lineitems): result = dict() i = 0 for k, v in active_lineitems.items(): lineitem_id = v result[i] = lineitem_id i += 1 response = { "response_code": "ACTIVE", "response_message": str(len(result)) + " active recurring lineitems" } else: response = { "response_code": "NOTICE","response_message": "No active recurring lineitems" } return Sale(response) def comment(self, params=None): if params is None: params = dict() params['sale_id'] = self.sale_id return Sale('sales/create_comment', params)) def ship(self, params=None): if params is None: params = dict() params['sale_id'] = self.sale_id return Sale('sales/mark_shipped', params))
import json import os from flask import request, g, render_template, make_response, jsonify, Response from helpers.raw_endpoint import get_id, store_json_to_file from helpers.groups import get_groups from json_controller import JSONController from main import app from pymongo import MongoClient, errors HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # setup database connection def connect_client(): """Connects to Mongo client""" try: return MongoClient(app.config['DB_HOST'], int(app.config['DB_PORT'])) except errors.ConnectionFailure as e: raise e def get_db(): """Connects to Mongo database""" if not hasattr(g, 'mongo_client'): g.mongo_client = connect_client() g.mongo_db = getattr(g.mongo_client, app.config['DB_NAME']) g.groups_collection = g.mongo_db[os.environ.get('DB_GROUPS_COLLECTION')] return g.mongo_db @app.teardown_appcontext def close_db(error): """Closes connection with Mongo client""" if hasattr(g, 'mongo_client'): g.mongo_client.close() # Begin view routes @app.route('/') @app.route('/index/') def index(): """Landing page for SciNet""" return render_template("index.html") @app.route('/faq/') def faq(): """FAQ page for SciNet""" return render_template("faq.html") @app.route('/leaderboard/') def leaderboard(): """Leaderboard page for SciNet""" get_db() groups = get_groups(g.groups_collection) return render_template("leaderboard.html", groups=groups) @app.route('/ping', methods=['POST']) def ping_endpoint(): """API endpoint determines potential article hash exists in db :return: status code 204 -- hash not present, continue submission :return: status code 201 -- hash already exists, drop submission """ db = get_db() target_hash = request.form.get('hash') if db.raw.find({'hash': target_hash}).count(): return Response(status=201) else: return Response(status=204) @app.route('/articles') def ArticleEndpoint(): """Eventual landing page for searching/retrieving articles""" if request.method == 'GET': return render_template("articles.html") @app.route('/raw', methods=['POST']) def raw_endpoint(): """API endpoint for submitting raw article data :return: status code 405 - invalid JSON or invalid request type :return: status code 400 - unsupported content-type or invalid publisher :return: status code 201 - successful submission """ # Ensure post's content-type is supported if request.headers['content-type'] == 'application/json': # Ensure data is a valid JSON try: user_submission = json.loads( except ValueError: return Response(status=405) # generate UID for new entry uid = get_id() # store incoming JSON in raw storage file_path = os.path.join( HERE, 'raw_payloads', str(uid) ) store_json_to_file(user_submission, file_path) # hand submission to controller and return Resposne db = get_db() controller_response = JSONController(user_submission, db=db, _id=uid).submit() return controller_response # User submitted an unsupported content-type else: return Response(status=400) #@TODO: Implicit or Explicit group additions? Issue #51 comments on the issues page #@TODO: Add form validation @app.route('/requestnewgroup/', methods=['POST']) def request_new_group(): # Grab submission form data and prepare email message data = request.json msg = "Someone has request that you add {group_name} to the leaderboard \ groups. The groups website is {group_website} and the submitter can \ be reached at {submitter_email}.".format( group_name=data['new_group_name'], group_website=data['new_group_website'], submitter_email=data['submitter_email']) return Response(status=200) ''' try: email( subject="SciNet: A new group has been requested", fro="[email protected]", to='[email protected]', msg=msg) return Response(status=200) except: return Response(status=500) ''' # Error handlers @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found(error): return make_response(jsonify( { 'error': 'Page Not Found' } ), 404) @app.errorhandler(405) def method_not_allowed(error): return make_response(jsonify( { 'error': 'Method Not Allowed' } ), 405)
from corecat.constants import OBJECT_CODES, MODEL_VERSION from ._sqlalchemy import Base, CoreCatBaseMixin from ._sqlalchemy import Column, \ Integer, \ String, Text class Project(CoreCatBaseMixin, Base): """Project Model class represent for the 'projects' table which is used to store project's basic information.""" # Add the real table name here. # TODO: Add the database prefix here __tablename__ = 'project' # Column definition project_id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True ) project_name = Column('name', String(100), nullable=False ) project_description = Column('description', Text, nullable=True ) # Relationship # TODO: Building relationship def __init__(self, project_name, created_by_user_id, **kwargs): """ Constructor of Project Model Class. :param project_name: Name of the project. :param created_by_user_id: Project is created under this user ID. :param project_description: Description of the project. """ self.set_up_basic_information( MODEL_VERSION[OBJECT_CODES['Project']], created_by_user_id ) self.project_name = project_name self.project_description = kwargs.get('project_description', None)
#!/usr/bin/env python from ansible.module_utils.hashivault import hashivault_argspec from ansible.module_utils.hashivault import hashivault_auth_client from ansible.module_utils.hashivault import hashivault_init from ansible.module_utils.hashivault import hashiwrapper ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'status': ['stableinterface'], 'supported_by': 'community', 'version': '1.1'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: hashivault_approle_role_get version_added: "3.8.0" short_description: Hashicorp Vault approle role get module description: - Module to get a approle role from Hashicorp Vault. options: name: description: - role name. mount_point: description: - mount point for role default: approle extends_documentation_fragment: hashivault ''' EXAMPLES = ''' --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - hashivault_approle_role_get: name: 'ashley' register: 'vault_approle_role_get' - debug: msg="Role is {{vault_approle_role_get.role}}" ''' def main(): argspec = hashivault_argspec() argspec['name'] = dict(required=True, type='str') argspec['mount_point'] = dict(required=False, type='str', default='approle') module = hashivault_init(argspec) result = hashivault_approle_role_get(module.params) if result.get('failed'): module.fail_json(**result) else: module.exit_json(**result) @hashiwrapper def hashivault_approle_role_get(params): name = params.get('name') client = hashivault_auth_client(params) result = client.get_role(name, mount_point=params.get('mount_point')) return {'role': result} if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from scrapy.spiders import Spider from scrapy.selector import Selector from scrapy.http import HtmlResponse from FIFAscrape.items import PlayerItem from urlparse import urlparse, urljoin from scrapy.http.request import Request from scrapy.conf import settings import random import time class fifaSpider(Spider): name = "fifa" allowed_domains = [""] start_urls = [ "" ] def parse(self, response): #obtains links from page to page and passes links to parse_playerURL sel = Selector(response) #define selector based on response object (points to urls in start_urls by default) url_list = sel.xpath('//a[@class="display-block padding-0"]/@href') #obtain a list of href links that contain relative links of players for i in url_list: relative_url = self.clean_str(i.extract()) #i is a selector and hence need to extract it to obtain unicode object print urljoin(response.url, relative_url) #urljoin is able to merge absolute and relative paths to form 1 coherent link req = Request(urljoin(response.url, relative_url),callback=self.parse_playerURL) #pass on request with new urls to parse_playerURL req.headers["User-Agent"] = self.random_ua() yield req next_url=sel.xpath('//div[@class="right-nav pull-right"]/a[@rel="next"]/@href').extract_first() if(next_url): #checks if next page exists clean_next_url = self.clean_str(next_url) reqNext = Request(urljoin(response.url, clean_next_url),callback=self.parse) #calls back this function to repeat process on new list of links yield reqNext def parse_playerURL(self, response): #parses player specific data into items list site = Selector(response) items = [] item = PlayerItem() item['1name'] = (response.url).rsplit("/")[-2].replace("-"," ") title = self.clean_str(site.xpath('/html/head/title/text()').extract_first()) item['OVR'] = title.partition("FIFA 16 -")[1].split("-")[0] item['POS'] = self.clean_str(site.xpath('//div[@class="playercard-position"]/text()').extract_first()) #stats = site.xpath('//div[@class="row player-center-container"]/div/a') stat_names = site.xpath('//span[@class="player-stat-title"]') stat_values = site.xpath('//span[contains(@class, "player-stat-value")]') for index in range(len(stat_names)): attr_name = stat_names[index].xpath('.//text()').extract_first() item[attr_name] = stat_values[index].xpath('.//text()').extract_first() items.append(item) return items def clean_str(self,ustring): #removes wierd unicode chars (/u102 bla), whitespaces, tabspaces, etc to form clean string return str(ustring.encode('ascii', 'replace')).strip() def random_ua(self): #randomise user-agent from list to reduce chance of being banned ua = random.choice(settings.get('USER_AGENT_LIST')) if ua: ua='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2226.0 Safari/537.36' return ua
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from copy import deepcopy from typing import Any, Awaitable, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from import AsyncHttpResponse, HttpRequest from azure.mgmt.core import AsyncARMPipelineClient from msrest import Deserializer, Serializer from .. import models from ._configuration import SqlVirtualMachineManagementClientConfiguration from .operations import AvailabilityGroupListenersOperations, Operations, SqlVirtualMachineGroupsOperations, SqlVirtualMachinesOperations if TYPE_CHECKING: # pylint: disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports from azure.core.credentials_async import AsyncTokenCredential class SqlVirtualMachineManagementClient: """The SQL virtual machine management API provides a RESTful set of web APIs that interact with Azure Compute, Network & Storage services to manage your SQL Server virtual machine. The API enables users to create, delete and retrieve a SQL virtual machine, SQL virtual machine group or availability group listener. :ivar availability_group_listeners: AvailabilityGroupListenersOperations operations :vartype availability_group_listeners: azure.mgmt.sqlvirtualmachine.aio.operations.AvailabilityGroupListenersOperations :ivar operations: Operations operations :vartype operations: azure.mgmt.sqlvirtualmachine.aio.operations.Operations :ivar sql_virtual_machine_groups: SqlVirtualMachineGroupsOperations operations :vartype sql_virtual_machine_groups: azure.mgmt.sqlvirtualmachine.aio.operations.SqlVirtualMachineGroupsOperations :ivar sql_virtual_machines: SqlVirtualMachinesOperations operations :vartype sql_virtual_machines: azure.mgmt.sqlvirtualmachine.aio.operations.SqlVirtualMachinesOperations :param credential: Credential needed for the client to connect to Azure. :type credential: ~azure.core.credentials_async.AsyncTokenCredential :param subscription_id: Subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription. :type subscription_id: str :param base_url: Service URL. Default value is ''. :type base_url: str :keyword int polling_interval: Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present. """ def __init__( self, credential: "AsyncTokenCredential", subscription_id: str, base_url: str = "", **kwargs: Any ) -> None: self._config = SqlVirtualMachineManagementClientConfiguration(credential=credential, subscription_id=subscription_id, **kwargs) self._client = AsyncARMPipelineClient(base_url=base_url, config=self._config, **kwargs) client_models = {k: v for k, v in models.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, type)} self._serialize = Serializer(client_models) self._deserialize = Deserializer(client_models) self._serialize.client_side_validation = False self.availability_group_listeners = AvailabilityGroupListenersOperations(self._client, self._config, self._serialize, self._deserialize) self.operations = Operations(self._client, self._config, self._serialize, self._deserialize) self.sql_virtual_machine_groups = SqlVirtualMachineGroupsOperations(self._client, self._config, self._serialize, self._deserialize) self.sql_virtual_machines = SqlVirtualMachinesOperations(self._client, self._config, self._serialize, self._deserialize) def _send_request( self, request: HttpRequest, **kwargs: Any ) -> Awaitable[AsyncHttpResponse]: """Runs the network request through the client's chained policies. >>> from import HttpRequest >>> request = HttpRequest("GET", "") <HttpRequest [GET], url: ''> >>> response = await client._send_request(request) <AsyncHttpResponse: 200 OK> For more information on this code flow, see :param request: The network request you want to make. Required. :type request: :keyword bool stream: Whether the response payload will be streamed. Defaults to False. :return: The response of your network call. Does not do error handling on your response. :rtype: """ request_copy = deepcopy(request) request_copy.url = self._client.format_url(request_copy.url) return self._client.send_request(request_copy, **kwargs) async def close(self) -> None: await self._client.close() async def __aenter__(self) -> "SqlVirtualMachineManagementClient": await self._client.__aenter__() return self async def __aexit__(self, *exc_details) -> None: await self._client.__aexit__(*exc_details)
from flask import Blueprint, request, render_template from ..load import processing_results from ..abbr import get_abbr_map abbr_map = get_abbr_map() liner_mod = Blueprint('liner', __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder='static') @liner_mod.route('/liner', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def liner(): if request.method == 'POST': query = request.form['liner-text'] text = query.split('.')[:-1] if len(text) == 0: return render_template('projects/line.html', message='Please separate each line with "."') abbr_expanded_text = "" for word in query.split(): if word in abbr_map: abbr_expanded_text += abbr_map[word] else: abbr_expanded_text += word abbr_expanded_text += " " data, emotion_sents, score, line_sentiment, text, length = processing_results(text) return render_template('projects/line.html', data=[data, emotion_sents, score, zip(text, line_sentiment), length, abbr_expanded_text]) else: return render_template('projects/line.html')
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.serialization import Model class Dimension(Model): """Dimension of a resource metric. For e.g. instance specific HTTP requests for a web app, where instance name is dimension of the metric HTTP request. :param name: :type name: str :param display_name: :type display_name: str :param internal_name: :type internal_name: str :param to_be_exported_for_shoebox: :type to_be_exported_for_shoebox: bool """ _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'display_name': {'key': 'displayName', 'type': 'str'}, 'internal_name': {'key': 'internalName', 'type': 'str'}, 'to_be_exported_for_shoebox': {'key': 'toBeExportedForShoebox', 'type': 'bool'}, } def __init__(self, name=None, display_name=None, internal_name=None, to_be_exported_for_shoebox=None): super(Dimension, self).__init__() = name self.display_name = display_name self.internal_name = internal_name self.to_be_exported_for_shoebox = to_be_exported_for_shoebox
import asyncio import discord import datetime import pytz from discord.ext import commands from Cogs import FuzzySearch from Cogs import Settings from Cogs import DisplayName from Cogs import Message from Cogs import Nullify class Time: # Init with the bot reference, and a reference to the settings var def __init__(self, bot, settings): = bot self.settings = settings @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def settz(self, ctx, *, tz : str = None): """Sets your TimeZone - Overrides your UTC offset - and accounts for DST.""" usage = 'Usage: `{}settz [Region/City]`\nYou can get a list of available TimeZones with `{}listtz`'.format(ctx.prefix, ctx.prefix) if not tz: self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(, "TimeZone", None) await"*{}*, your TimeZone has been removed!".format( return # Let's get the timezone list tz_list =, pytz.all_timezones, None, 3) if not tz_list[0]['Ratio'] == 1: # We didn't find a complete match msg = "I couldn't find that TimeZone!\n\nMaybe you meant one of the following?\n```" for tz in tz_list: msg += tz['Item'] + "\n" msg += '```' await return # We got a time zone self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(, "TimeZone", tz_list[0]['Item']) await"TimeZone set to *{}!*".format(tz_list[0]['Item'])) @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def listtz(self, ctx, *, tz_search = None): """List all the supported TimeZones in PM.""" if not tz_search: msg = "__Available TimeZones:__\n\n" for tz in pytz.all_timezones: msg += tz + "\n" else: tz_list =, pytz.all_timezones) msg = "__Top 3 TimeZone Matches:__\n\n" for tz in tz_list: msg += tz['Item'] + "\n" await Message.say(, msg,,, 1) @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def tz(self, ctx, *, member = None): """See a member's TimeZone.""" # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions").lower() == "yes": suppress = True else: suppress = False if member == None: member = if type(member) == str: # Try to get a user first memberName = member member = DisplayName.memberForName(memberName, ctx.message.guild) if not member: msg = 'Couldn\'t find user *{}*.'.format(memberName) # Check for suppress if suppress: msg = Nullify.clean(msg) await return # We got one timezone = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(member, "TimeZone") if timezone == None: msg = '*{}* hasn\'t set their TimeZone yet - they can do so with the `{}settz [Region/City]` command.'.format(, ctx.prefix) await return msg = '*{}\'s* TimeZone is *{}*'.format(, timezone) await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def setoffset(self, ctx, *, offset : str = None): """Set your UTC offset.""" if offset == None: self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(, "UTCOffset", None) msg = '*{}*, your UTC offset has been removed!'.format( await return offset = offset.replace('+', '') # Split time string by : and get hour/minute values try: hours, minutes = map(int, offset.split(':')) except Exception: try: hours = int(offset) minutes = 0 except Exception: await'Offset has to be in +-H:M!') return off = "{}:{}".format(hours, minutes) self.settings.setGlobalUserStat(, "UTCOffset", off) msg = '*{}*, your UTC offset has been set to *{}!*'.format(, off) await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def offset(self, ctx, *, member = None): """See a member's UTC offset.""" # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "SuppressMentions").lower() == "yes": suppress = True else: suppress = False if member == None: member = if type(member) == str: # Try to get a user first memberName = member member = DisplayName.memberForName(memberName, ctx.message.guild) if not member: msg = 'Couldn\'t find user *{}*.'.format(memberName) # Check for suppress if suppress: msg = Nullify.clean(msg) await return # We got one offset = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(member, "UTCOffset") if offset == None: msg = '*{}* hasn\'t set their offset yet - they can do so with the `{}setoffset [+-offset]` command.'.format(, ctx.prefix) await return # Split time string by : and get hour/minute values try: hours, minutes = map(int, offset.split(':')) except Exception: try: hours = int(offset) minutes = 0 except Exception: await'Offset has to be in +-H:M!') return msg = 'UTC' # Apply offset if hours > 0: # Apply positive offset msg += '+{}'.format(offset) elif hours < 0: # Apply negative offset msg += '{}'.format(offset) msg = '*{}\'s* offset is *{}*'.format(, msg) await @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def time(self, ctx, *, offset : str = None): """Get UTC time +- an offset.""" timezone = None if offset == None: member = else: # Try to get a user first member = DisplayName.memberForName(offset, ctx.message.guild) if member: # We got one # Check for timezone first offset = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(member, "TimeZone") if offset == None: offset = self.settings.getGlobalUserStat(member, "UTCOffset") if offset == None: msg = '*{}* hasn\'t set their TimeZone or offset yet - they can do so with the `{}setoffset [+-offset]` or `{}settz [Region/City]` command.\nThe current UTC time is *{}*.'.format(, ctx.prefix, ctx.prefix, datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%I:%M %p")) await return # At this point - we need to determine if we have an offset - or possibly a timezone passed t = self.getTimeFromTZ(offset) if t == None: # We did not get an offset t = self.getTimeFromOffset(offset) if t == None: await"I couldn't find that TimeZone or offset!") return if member: msg = '{}; where *{}* is, it\'s currently *{}*'.format(t["zone"],, t["time"]) else: msg = '{} is currently *{}*'.format(t["zone"], t["time"]) # Say message await def getTimeFromOffset(self, offset): offset = offset.replace('+', '') # Split time string by : and get hour/minute values try: hours, minutes = map(int, offset.split(':')) except Exception: try: hours = int(offset) minutes = 0 except Exception: return None # await'Offset has to be in +-H:M!') # return msg = 'UTC' # Get the time t = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Apply offset if hours > 0: # Apply positive offset msg += '+{}'.format(offset) td = datetime.timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes) newTime = t + td elif hours < 0: # Apply negative offset msg += '{}'.format(offset) td = datetime.timedelta(hours=(-1*hours), minutes=(-1*minutes)) newTime = t - td else: # No offset newTime = t return { "zone" : msg, "time" : newTime.strftime("%I:%M %p") } def getTimeFromTZ(self, tz): # Assume sanitized zones - as they're pulled from pytz # Let's get the timezone list tz_list =, pytz.all_timezones, None, 3) if not tz_list[0]['Ratio'] == 1: # We didn't find a complete match return None zone = pytz.timezone(tz_list[0]['Item']) zone_now = return { "zone" : tz_list[0]['Item'], "time" : zone_now.strftime("%I:%M %p") }
import unittest from katas.beta.what_color_is_your_name import string_color class StringColorTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_equal_1(self): self.assertEqual(string_color('Jack'), '79CAE5') def test_equal_2(self): self.assertEqual(string_color('Joshua'), '6A10D6') def test_equal_3(self): self.assertEqual(string_color('Joshua Smith'), '8F00FB') def test_equal_4(self): self.assertEqual(string_color('Hayden Smith'), '7E00EE') def test_equal_5(self): self.assertEqual(string_color('Mathew Smith'), '8B00F1') def test_is_none_1(self): self.assertIsNone(string_color('a'))
# coding: utf-8 from sqlalchemy.testing import eq_, assert_raises, assert_raises_message, \ config, is_ import re from sqlalchemy.testing.util import picklers from sqlalchemy.interfaces import ConnectionProxy from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Integer, String, INT, VARCHAR, func, \ bindparam, select, event, TypeDecorator, create_engine, Sequence from sqlalchemy.sql import column, literal from sqlalchemy.testing.schema import Table, Column import sqlalchemy as tsa from sqlalchemy import testing from sqlalchemy.testing import engines from sqlalchemy import util from sqlalchemy.testing.engines import testing_engine import logging.handlers from import ReturningParam from sqlalchemy.engine import result as _result, default from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine from sqlalchemy.testing import fixtures from sqlalchemy.testing.mock import Mock, call, patch from contextlib import contextmanager users, metadata, users_autoinc = None, None, None class ExecuteTest(fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True @classmethod def setup_class(cls): global users, users_autoinc, metadata metadata = MetaData(testing.db) users = Table('users', metadata, Column('user_id', INT, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), Column('user_name', VARCHAR(20)), ) users_autoinc = Table('users_autoinc', metadata, Column('user_id', INT, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True), Column('user_name', VARCHAR(20)), ) metadata.create_all() @engines.close_first def teardown(self): testing.db.execute(users.delete()) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): metadata.drop_all() @testing.fails_on("postgresql+pg8000", "pg8000 still doesn't allow single % without params") def test_no_params_option(self): stmt = "SELECT '%'" + testing.db.dialect.statement_compiler( testing.db.dialect, None).default_from() conn = testing.db.connect() result = conn.\ execution_options(no_parameters=True).\ scalar(stmt) eq_(result, '%') @testing.fails_on_everything_except('firebird', 'sqlite', '+pyodbc', '+mxodbc', '+zxjdbc', 'mysql+oursql') def test_raw_qmark(self): def go(conn): conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (?, ?)', (1, 'jack')) conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (?, ?)', [2, 'fred']) conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (?, ?)', [3, 'ed'], [4, 'horse']) conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (?, ?)', (5, 'barney'), (6, 'donkey')) conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (?, ?)', 7, 'sally') res = conn.execute('select * from users order by user_id') assert res.fetchall() == [ (1, 'jack'), (2, 'fred'), (3, 'ed'), (4, 'horse'), (5, 'barney'), (6, 'donkey'), (7, 'sally'), ] for multiparam, param in [ (("jack", "fred"), {}), ((["jack", "fred"],), {}) ]: res = conn.execute( "select * from users where user_name=? or " "user_name=? order by user_id", *multiparam, **param) assert res.fetchall() == [ (1, 'jack'), (2, 'fred') ] res = conn.execute("select * from users where user_name=?", "jack" ) assert res.fetchall() == [(1, 'jack')] conn.execute('delete from users') go(testing.db) conn = testing.db.connect() try: go(conn) finally: conn.close() # some psycopg2 versions bomb this. @testing.fails_on_everything_except('mysql+mysqldb', 'mysql+pymysql', 'mysql+cymysql', 'mysql+mysqlconnector', 'postgresql') @testing.fails_on('postgresql+zxjdbc', 'sprintf not supported') def test_raw_sprintf(self): def go(conn): conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (%s, %s)', [1, 'jack']) conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (%s, %s)', [2, 'ed'], [3, 'horse']) conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (%s, %s)', 4, 'sally') conn.execute('insert into users (user_id) values (%s)', 5) res = conn.execute('select * from users order by user_id') assert res.fetchall() == [(1, 'jack'), (2, 'ed'), (3, 'horse'), (4, 'sally'), (5, None)] for multiparam, param in [ (("jack", "ed"), {}), ((["jack", "ed"],), {}) ]: res = conn.execute( "select * from users where user_name=%s or " "user_name=%s order by user_id", *multiparam, **param) assert res.fetchall() == [ (1, 'jack'), (2, 'ed') ] res = conn.execute("select * from users where user_name=%s", "jack" ) assert res.fetchall() == [(1, 'jack')] conn.execute('delete from users') go(testing.db) conn = testing.db.connect() try: go(conn) finally: conn.close() # pyformat is supported for mysql, but skipping because a few driver # versions have a bug that bombs out on this test. (1.2.2b3, # 1.2.2c1, 1.2.2) @testing.skip_if(lambda : testing.against('mysql+mysqldb'), 'db-api flaky') @testing.fails_on_everything_except('postgresql+psycopg2', 'postgresql+pypostgresql', 'mysql+mysqlconnector', 'mysql+pymysql', 'mysql+cymysql') def test_raw_python(self): def go(conn): conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (%(id)s, %(name)s)', {'id': 1, 'name' : 'jack'}) conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (%(id)s, %(name)s)', {'id': 2, 'name' : 'ed'}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'horse'}) conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (%(id)s, %(name)s)', id=4, name='sally' ) res = conn.execute('select * from users order by user_id') assert res.fetchall() == [(1, 'jack'), (2, 'ed'), (3, 'horse'), (4, 'sally')] conn.execute('delete from users') go(testing.db) conn = testing.db.connect() try: go(conn) finally: conn.close() @testing.fails_on_everything_except('sqlite', 'oracle+cx_oracle') def test_raw_named(self): def go(conn): conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (:id, :name)', {'id': 1, 'name': 'jack' }) conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (:id, :name)', {'id': 2, 'name': 'ed' }, {'id': 3, 'name': 'horse'}) conn.execute('insert into users (user_id, user_name) ' 'values (:id, :name)', id=4, name='sally') res = conn.execute('select * from users order by user_id') assert res.fetchall() == [(1, 'jack'), (2, 'ed'), (3, 'horse'), (4, 'sally')] conn.execute('delete from users') go(testing.db) conn= testing.db.connect() try: go(conn) finally: conn.close() @testing.engines.close_open_connections def test_exception_wrapping_dbapi(self): conn = testing.db.connect() for _c in testing.db, conn: assert_raises_message( tsa.exc.DBAPIError, r"not_a_valid_statement", _c.execute, 'not_a_valid_statement' ) @testing.requires.sqlite def test_exception_wrapping_non_dbapi_error(self): e = create_engine('sqlite://') e.dialect.is_disconnect = is_disconnect = Mock() with e.connect() as c: c.connection.cursor = Mock( return_value=Mock( execute=Mock( side_effect=TypeError("I'm not a DBAPI error") )) ) assert_raises_message( TypeError, "I'm not a DBAPI error", c.execute, "select " ) eq_(is_disconnect.call_count, 0) def test_exception_wrapping_non_dbapi_statement(self): class MyType(TypeDecorator): impl = Integer def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): raise Exception("nope") def _go(conn): assert_raises_message( tsa.exc.StatementError, r"nope \(original cause: Exception: nope\) u?'SELECT 1 ", conn.execute, select([1]).\ where( column('foo') == literal('bar', MyType()) ) ) _go(testing.db) conn = testing.db.connect() try: _go(conn) finally: conn.close() def test_stmt_exception_non_ascii(self): name = util.u('méil') with testing.db.connect() as conn: assert_raises_message( tsa.exc.StatementError, util.u( "A value is required for bind parameter 'uname'" r'.*SELECT users.user_name AS .m\\xe9il.') if util.py2k else util.u( "A value is required for bind parameter 'uname'" '.*SELECT users.user_name AS .méil.') , conn.execute, select([users.c.user_name.label(name)]).where( users.c.user_name == bindparam("uname")), {'uname_incorrect': 'foo'} ) def test_stmt_exception_pickleable_no_dbapi(self): self._test_stmt_exception_pickleable(Exception("hello world")) @testing.crashes("postgresql+psycopg2", "Older versions don't support cursor pickling, newer ones do") @testing.fails_on("mysql+oursql", "Exception doesn't come back exactly the same from pickle") @testing.fails_on("mysql+mysqlconnector", "Exception doesn't come back exactly the same from pickle") @testing.fails_on("oracle+cx_oracle", "cx_oracle exception seems to be having " "some issue with pickling") def test_stmt_exception_pickleable_plus_dbapi(self): raw = testing.db.raw_connection() the_orig = None try: try: cursor = raw.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECTINCORRECT") except testing.db.dialect.dbapi.DatabaseError as orig: # py3k has "orig" in local scope... the_orig = orig finally: raw.close() self._test_stmt_exception_pickleable(the_orig) def _test_stmt_exception_pickleable(self, orig): for sa_exc in ( tsa.exc.StatementError("some error", "select * from table", {"foo":"bar"}, orig), tsa.exc.InterfaceError("select * from table", {"foo":"bar"}, orig), tsa.exc.NoReferencedTableError("message", "tname"), tsa.exc.NoReferencedColumnError("message", "tname", "cname"), tsa.exc.CircularDependencyError("some message", [1, 2, 3], [(1, 2), (3, 4)]), ): for loads, dumps in picklers(): repickled = loads(dumps(sa_exc)) eq_(repickled.args[0], sa_exc.args[0]) if isinstance(sa_exc, tsa.exc.StatementError): eq_(repickled.params, {"foo":"bar"}) eq_(repickled.statement, sa_exc.statement) if hasattr(sa_exc, "connection_invalidated"): eq_(repickled.connection_invalidated, sa_exc.connection_invalidated) eq_(repickled.orig.args[0], orig.args[0]) def test_dont_wrap_mixin(self): class MyException(Exception, tsa.exc.DontWrapMixin): pass class MyType(TypeDecorator): impl = Integer def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): raise MyException("nope") def _go(conn): assert_raises_message( MyException, "nope", conn.execute, select([1]).\ where( column('foo') == literal('bar', MyType()) ) ) _go(testing.db) conn = testing.db.connect() try: _go(conn) finally: conn.close() def test_empty_insert(self): """test that execute() interprets [] as a list with no params""" testing.db.execute(users_autoinc.insert(). values(user_name=bindparam('name', None)), []) eq_(testing.db.execute(, [(1, None)]) @testing.requires.ad_hoc_engines def test_engine_level_options(self): eng = engines.testing_engine(options={'execution_options': {'foo': 'bar'}}) with eng.contextual_connect() as conn: eq_(conn._execution_options['foo'], 'bar') eq_(conn.execution_options(bat='hoho')._execution_options['foo' ], 'bar') eq_(conn.execution_options(bat='hoho')._execution_options['bat' ], 'hoho') eq_(conn.execution_options(foo='hoho')._execution_options['foo' ], 'hoho') eng.update_execution_options(foo='hoho') conn = eng.contextual_connect() eq_(conn._execution_options['foo'], 'hoho') @testing.requires.ad_hoc_engines def test_generative_engine_execution_options(self): eng = engines.testing_engine(options={'execution_options': {'base': 'x1'}}) eng1 = eng.execution_options(foo="b1") eng2 = eng.execution_options(foo="b2") eng1a = eng1.execution_options(bar="a1") eng2a = eng2.execution_options(foo="b3", bar="a2") eq_(eng._execution_options, {'base': 'x1'}) eq_(eng1._execution_options, {'base': 'x1', 'foo': 'b1'}) eq_(eng2._execution_options, {'base': 'x1', 'foo': 'b2'}) eq_(eng1a._execution_options, {'base': 'x1', 'foo': 'b1', 'bar': 'a1'}) eq_(eng2a._execution_options, {'base': 'x1', 'foo': 'b3', 'bar': 'a2'}) is_(eng1a.pool, eng.pool) # test pool is shared eng2.dispose() is_(eng1a.pool, eng2.pool) is_(eng.pool, eng2.pool) @testing.requires.ad_hoc_engines def test_generative_engine_event_dispatch(self): canary = [] def l1(*arg, **kw): canary.append("l1") def l2(*arg, **kw): canary.append("l2") def l3(*arg, **kw): canary.append("l3") eng = engines.testing_engine(options={'execution_options': {'base': 'x1'}}) event.listen(eng, "before_execute", l1) eng1 = eng.execution_options(foo="b1") event.listen(eng, "before_execute", l2) event.listen(eng1, "before_execute", l3) eng.execute(select([1])).close() eng1.execute(select([1])).close() eq_(canary, ["l1", "l2", "l3", "l1", "l2"]) @testing.requires.ad_hoc_engines def test_generative_engine_event_dispatch_hasevents(self): def l1(*arg, **kw): pass eng = create_engine(testing.db.url) assert not eng._has_events event.listen(eng, "before_execute", l1) eng2 = eng.execution_options(foo='bar') assert eng2._has_events def test_unicode_test_fails_warning(self): class MockCursor(engines.DBAPIProxyCursor): def execute(self, stmt, params=None, **kw): if "test unicode returns" in stmt: raise self.engine.dialect.dbapi.DatabaseError("boom") else: return super(MockCursor, self).execute(stmt, params, **kw) eng = engines.proxying_engine(cursor_cls=MockCursor) assert_raises_message( tsa.exc.SAWarning, "Exception attempting to detect unicode returns", eng.connect ) assert eng.dialect.returns_unicode_strings in (True, False) eng.dispose() def test_works_after_dispose(self): eng = create_engine(testing.db.url) for i in range(3): eq_(eng.scalar(select([1])), 1) eng.dispose() def test_works_after_dispose_testing_engine(self): eng = engines.testing_engine() for i in range(3): eq_(eng.scalar(select([1])), 1) eng.dispose() class ConvenienceExecuteTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): cls.table = Table('exec_test', metadata, Column('a', Integer), Column('b', Integer), test_needs_acid=True ) def _trans_fn(self, is_transaction=False): def go(conn, x, value=None): if is_transaction: conn = conn.connection conn.execute(self.table.insert().values(a=x, b=value)) return go def _trans_rollback_fn(self, is_transaction=False): def go(conn, x, value=None): if is_transaction: conn = conn.connection conn.execute(self.table.insert().values(a=x, b=value)) raise Exception("breakage") return go def _assert_no_data(self): eq_( testing.db.scalar(self.table.count()), 0 ) def _assert_fn(self, x, value=None): eq_( testing.db.execute(, [(x, value)] ) def test_transaction_engine_ctx_commit(self): fn = self._trans_fn() ctx = testing.db.begin() testing.run_as_contextmanager(ctx, fn, 5, value=8) self._assert_fn(5, value=8) def test_transaction_engine_ctx_begin_fails(self): engine = engines.testing_engine() mock_connection = Mock( return_value=Mock( begin=Mock(side_effect=Exception("boom")) ) ) engine._connection_cls = mock_connection assert_raises( Exception, engine.begin ) eq_( mock_connection.return_value.close.mock_calls, [call()] ) def test_transaction_engine_ctx_rollback(self): fn = self._trans_rollback_fn() ctx = testing.db.begin() assert_raises_message( Exception, "breakage", testing.run_as_contextmanager, ctx, fn, 5, value=8 ) self._assert_no_data() def test_transaction_tlocal_engine_ctx_commit(self): fn = self._trans_fn() engine = engines.testing_engine(options=dict( strategy='threadlocal', pool=testing.db.pool)) ctx = engine.begin() testing.run_as_contextmanager(ctx, fn, 5, value=8) self._assert_fn(5, value=8) def test_transaction_tlocal_engine_ctx_rollback(self): fn = self._trans_rollback_fn() engine = engines.testing_engine(options=dict( strategy='threadlocal', pool=testing.db.pool)) ctx = engine.begin() assert_raises_message( Exception, "breakage", testing.run_as_contextmanager, ctx, fn, 5, value=8 ) self._assert_no_data() def test_transaction_connection_ctx_commit(self): fn = self._trans_fn(True) conn = testing.db.connect() ctx = conn.begin() testing.run_as_contextmanager(ctx, fn, 5, value=8) self._assert_fn(5, value=8) def test_transaction_connection_ctx_rollback(self): fn = self._trans_rollback_fn(True) conn = testing.db.connect() ctx = conn.begin() assert_raises_message( Exception, "breakage", testing.run_as_contextmanager, ctx, fn, 5, value=8 ) self._assert_no_data() def test_connection_as_ctx(self): fn = self._trans_fn() ctx = testing.db.connect() testing.run_as_contextmanager(ctx, fn, 5, value=8) # autocommit is on self._assert_fn(5, value=8) @testing.fails_on('mysql+oursql', "oursql bug ? getting wrong rowcount") def test_connect_as_ctx_noautocommit(self): fn = self._trans_fn() self._assert_no_data() ctx = testing.db.connect().execution_options(autocommit=False) testing.run_as_contextmanager(ctx, fn, 5, value=8) # autocommit is off self._assert_no_data() def test_transaction_engine_fn_commit(self): fn = self._trans_fn() testing.db.transaction(fn, 5, value=8) self._assert_fn(5, value=8) def test_transaction_engine_fn_rollback(self): fn = self._trans_rollback_fn() assert_raises_message( Exception, "breakage", testing.db.transaction, fn, 5, value=8 ) self._assert_no_data() def test_transaction_connection_fn_commit(self): fn = self._trans_fn() conn = testing.db.connect() conn.transaction(fn, 5, value=8) self._assert_fn(5, value=8) def test_transaction_connection_fn_rollback(self): fn = self._trans_rollback_fn() conn = testing.db.connect() assert_raises( Exception, conn.transaction, fn, 5, value=8 ) self._assert_no_data() class CompiledCacheTest(fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True @classmethod def setup_class(cls): global users, metadata metadata = MetaData(testing.db) users = Table('users', metadata, Column('user_id', INT, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True), Column('user_name', VARCHAR(20)), ) metadata.create_all() @engines.close_first def teardown(self): testing.db.execute(users.delete()) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): metadata.drop_all() def test_cache(self): conn = testing.db.connect() cache = {} cached_conn = conn.execution_options(compiled_cache=cache) ins = users.insert() cached_conn.execute(ins, {'user_name':'u1'}) cached_conn.execute(ins, {'user_name':'u2'}) cached_conn.execute(ins, {'user_name':'u3'}) assert len(cache) == 1 eq_(conn.execute("select count(*) from users").scalar(), 3) class MockStrategyTest(fixtures.TestBase): def _engine_fixture(self): buf = util.StringIO() def dump(sql, *multiparams, **params): buf.write(util.text_type(sql.compile(dialect=engine.dialect))) engine = create_engine('postgresql://', strategy='mock', executor=dump) return engine, buf def test_sequence_not_duped(self): engine, buf = self._engine_fixture() metadata = MetaData() t = Table('testtable', metadata, Column('pk', Integer, Sequence('testtable_pk_seq'), primary_key=True) ) t.create(engine) t.drop(engine) eq_( re.findall(r'CREATE (\w+)', buf.getvalue()), ["SEQUENCE", "TABLE"] ) eq_( re.findall(r'DROP (\w+)', buf.getvalue()), ["SEQUENCE", "TABLE"] ) class ResultProxyTest(fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True def test_nontuple_row(self): """ensure the C version of BaseRowProxy handles duck-type-dependent rows.""" from sqlalchemy.engine import RowProxy class MyList(object): def __init__(self, l): self.l = l def __len__(self): return len(self.l) def __getitem__(self, i): return list.__getitem__(self.l, i) proxy = RowProxy(object(), MyList(['value']), [None], {'key' : (None, None, 0), 0: (None, None, 0)}) eq_(list(proxy), ['value']) eq_(proxy[0], 'value') eq_(proxy['key'], 'value') @testing.provide_metadata def test_no_rowcount_on_selects_inserts(self): """assert that rowcount is only called on deletes and updates. This because cursor.rowcount may can be expensive on some dialects such as Firebird, however many dialects require it be called before the cursor is closed. """ metadata = self.metadata engine = engines.testing_engine() t = Table('t1', metadata, Column('data', String(10)) ) metadata.create_all(engine) with patch.object(engine.dialect.execution_ctx_cls, "rowcount") as mock_rowcount: mock_rowcount.__get__ = Mock() engine.execute(t.insert(), {'data': 'd1'}, {'data': 'd2'}, {'data': 'd3'}) eq_(len(mock_rowcount.__get__.mock_calls), 0) eq_( engine.execute(, [('d1', ), ('d2', ), ('d3', )] ) eq_(len(mock_rowcount.__get__.mock_calls), 0) engine.execute(t.update(), {'data': 'd4'}) eq_(len(mock_rowcount.__get__.mock_calls), 1) engine.execute(t.delete()) eq_(len(mock_rowcount.__get__.mock_calls), 2) def test_rowproxy_is_sequence(self): import collections from sqlalchemy.engine import RowProxy row = RowProxy(object(), ['value'], [None], {'key' : (None, None, 0), 0: (None, None, 0)}) assert isinstance(row, collections.Sequence) @testing.requires.cextensions def test_row_c_sequence_check(self): import csv import collections metadata = MetaData() metadata.bind = 'sqlite://' users = Table('users', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('name', String(40)), ) users.create() users.insert().execute(name='Test') row = s = util.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(s) # csv performs PySequenceCheck call writer.writerow(row) assert s.getvalue().strip() == '1,Test' @testing.requires.selectone def test_empty_accessors(self): statements = [ ( "select 1", [ lambda r: r.last_inserted_params(), lambda r: r.last_updated_params(), lambda r: r.prefetch_cols(), lambda r: r.postfetch_cols(), lambda r : r.inserted_primary_key ], "Statement is not a compiled expression construct." ), ( select([1]), [ lambda r: r.last_inserted_params(), lambda r : r.inserted_primary_key ], r"Statement is not an insert\(\) expression construct." ), ( select([1]), [ lambda r: r.last_updated_params(), ], r"Statement is not an update\(\) expression construct." ), ( select([1]), [ lambda r: r.prefetch_cols(), lambda r : r.postfetch_cols() ], r"Statement is not an insert\(\) " r"or update\(\) expression construct." ), ] for stmt, meths, msg in statements: r = testing.db.execute(stmt) try: for meth in meths: assert_raises_message( tsa.exc.InvalidRequestError, msg, meth, r ) finally: r.close() class ExecutionOptionsTest(fixtures.TestBase): def test_dialect_conn_options(self): engine = testing_engine("sqlite://", options=dict(_initialize=False)) engine.dialect = Mock() conn = engine.connect() c2 = conn.execution_options(foo="bar") eq_( engine.dialect.set_connection_execution_options.mock_calls, [call(c2, {"foo": "bar"})] ) def test_dialect_engine_options(self): engine = testing_engine("sqlite://") engine.dialect = Mock() e2 = engine.execution_options(foo="bar") eq_( engine.dialect.set_engine_execution_options.mock_calls, [call(e2, {"foo": "bar"})] ) def test_dialect_engine_construction_options(self): dialect = Mock() engine = Engine(Mock(), dialect, Mock(), execution_options={"foo": "bar"}) eq_( dialect.set_engine_execution_options.mock_calls, [call(engine, {"foo": "bar"})] ) def test_propagate_engine_to_connection(self): engine = testing_engine("sqlite://", options=dict(execution_options={"foo": "bar"})) conn = engine.connect() eq_(conn._execution_options, {"foo": "bar"}) def test_propagate_option_engine_to_connection(self): e1 = testing_engine("sqlite://", options=dict(execution_options={"foo": "bar"})) e2 = e1.execution_options(bat="hoho") c1 = e1.connect() c2 = e2.connect() eq_(c1._execution_options, {"foo": "bar"}) eq_(c2._execution_options, {"foo": "bar", "bat": "hoho"}) class AlternateResultProxyTest(fixtures.TestBase): __requires__ = ('sqlite', ) @classmethod def setup_class(cls): from sqlalchemy.engine import base, default cls.engine = engine = testing_engine('sqlite://') m = MetaData() cls.table = t = Table('test', m, Column('x', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('y', String(50, convert_unicode='force')) ) m.create_all(engine) engine.execute(t.insert(), [ {'x':i, 'y':"t_%d" % i} for i in range(1, 12) ]) def _test_proxy(self, cls): class ExcCtx(default.DefaultExecutionContext): def get_result_proxy(self): return cls(self) self.engine.dialect.execution_ctx_cls = ExcCtx rows = [] r = self.engine.execute(select([self.table])) assert isinstance(r, cls) for i in range(5): rows.append(r.fetchone()) eq_(rows, [(i, "t_%d" % i) for i in range(1, 6)]) rows = r.fetchmany(3) eq_(rows, [(i, "t_%d" % i) for i in range(6, 9)]) rows = r.fetchall() eq_(rows, [(i, "t_%d" % i) for i in range(9, 12)]) r = self.engine.execute(select([self.table])) rows = r.fetchmany(None) eq_(rows[0], (1, "t_1")) # number of rows here could be one, or the whole thing assert len(rows) == 1 or len(rows) == 11 r = self.engine.execute(select([self.table]).limit(1)) r.fetchone() eq_(r.fetchone(), None) r = self.engine.execute(select([self.table]).limit(5)) rows = r.fetchmany(6) eq_(rows, [(i, "t_%d" % i) for i in range(1, 6)]) def test_plain(self): self._test_proxy(_result.ResultProxy) def test_buffered_row_result_proxy(self): self._test_proxy(_result.BufferedRowResultProxy) def test_fully_buffered_result_proxy(self): self._test_proxy(_result.FullyBufferedResultProxy) def test_buffered_column_result_proxy(self): self._test_proxy(_result.BufferedColumnResultProxy) class EngineEventsTest(fixtures.TestBase): __requires__ = 'ad_hoc_engines', __backend__ = True def tearDown(self): Engine.dispatch._clear() Engine._has_events = False def _assert_stmts(self, expected, received): orig = list(received) for stmt, params, posn in expected: if not received: assert False, "Nothing available for stmt: %s" % stmt while received: teststmt, testparams, testmultiparams = \ received.pop(0) teststmt = re.compile(r'[\n\t ]+', re.M).sub(' ', teststmt).strip() if teststmt.startswith(stmt) and (testparams == params or testparams == posn): break def test_per_engine_independence(self): e1 = testing_engine(config.db_url) e2 = testing_engine(config.db_url) canary = Mock() event.listen(e1, "before_execute", canary) s1 = select([1]) s2 = select([2]) e1.execute(s1) e2.execute(s2) eq_( [arg[1][1] for arg in canary.mock_calls], [s1] ) event.listen(e2, "before_execute", canary) e1.execute(s1) e2.execute(s2) eq_([arg[1][1] for arg in canary.mock_calls], [s1, s1, s2]) def test_per_engine_plus_global(self): canary = Mock() event.listen(Engine, "before_execute", canary.be1) e1 = testing_engine(config.db_url) e2 = testing_engine(config.db_url) event.listen(e1, "before_execute", canary.be2) event.listen(Engine, "before_execute", canary.be3) e1.connect() e2.connect() e1.execute(select([1])) eq_(canary.be1.call_count, 1) eq_(canary.be2.call_count, 1) e2.execute(select([1])) eq_(canary.be1.call_count, 2) eq_(canary.be2.call_count, 1) eq_(canary.be3.call_count, 2) def test_per_connection_plus_engine(self): canary = Mock() e1 = testing_engine(config.db_url) event.listen(e1, "before_execute", canary.be1) conn = e1.connect() event.listen(conn, "before_execute", canary.be2) conn.execute(select([1])) eq_(canary.be1.call_count, 1) eq_(canary.be2.call_count, 1) conn._branch().execute(select([1])) eq_(canary.be1.call_count, 2) eq_(canary.be2.call_count, 2) def test_add_event_after_connect(self): # new feature as of #2978 canary = Mock() e1 = create_engine(config.db_url) assert not e1._has_events conn = e1.connect() event.listen(e1, "before_execute", canary.be1) conn.execute(select([1])) eq_(canary.be1.call_count, 1) conn._branch().execute(select([1])) eq_(canary.be1.call_count, 2) def test_force_conn_events_false(self): canary = Mock() e1 = create_engine(config.db_url) assert not e1._has_events event.listen(e1, "before_execute", canary.be1) conn = e1._connection_cls(e1, connection=e1.raw_connection(), _has_events=False) conn.execute(select([1])) eq_(canary.be1.call_count, 0) conn._branch().execute(select([1])) eq_(canary.be1.call_count, 0) def test_cursor_events_ctx_execute_scalar(self): canary = Mock() e1 = testing_engine(config.db_url) event.listen(e1, "before_cursor_execute", canary.bce) event.listen(e1, "after_cursor_execute", canary.ace) stmt = str(select([1]).compile(dialect=e1.dialect)) with e1.connect() as conn: dialect = conn.dialect ctx = dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_statement( dialect, conn, conn.connection, stmt, {}) ctx._execute_scalar(stmt, Integer()) eq_(canary.bce.mock_calls, [call(conn, ctx.cursor, stmt, ctx.parameters[0], ctx, False)]) eq_(canary.ace.mock_calls, [call(conn, ctx.cursor, stmt, ctx.parameters[0], ctx, False)]) def test_cursor_events_execute(self): canary = Mock() e1 = testing_engine(config.db_url) event.listen(e1, "before_cursor_execute", canary.bce) event.listen(e1, "after_cursor_execute", canary.ace) stmt = str(select([1]).compile(dialect=e1.dialect)) with e1.connect() as conn: result = conn.execute(stmt) ctx = result.context eq_(canary.bce.mock_calls, [call(conn, ctx.cursor, stmt, ctx.parameters[0], ctx, False)]) eq_(canary.ace.mock_calls, [call(conn, ctx.cursor, stmt, ctx.parameters[0], ctx, False)]) def test_argument_format_execute(self): def before_execute(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params): assert isinstance(multiparams, (list, tuple)) assert isinstance(params, dict) def after_execute(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params, result): assert isinstance(multiparams, (list, tuple)) assert isinstance(params, dict) e1 = testing_engine(config.db_url) event.listen(e1, 'before_execute', before_execute) event.listen(e1, 'after_execute', after_execute) e1.execute(select([1])) e1.execute(select([1]).compile(dialect=e1.dialect).statement) e1.execute(select([1]).compile(dialect=e1.dialect)) e1._execute_compiled(select([1]).compile(dialect=e1.dialect), (), {}) @testing.fails_on('firebird', 'Data type unknown') def test_execute_events(self): stmts = [] cursor_stmts = [] def execute(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params ): stmts.append((str(clauseelement), params, multiparams)) def cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany): cursor_stmts.append((str(statement), parameters, None)) for engine in [ engines.testing_engine(options=dict(implicit_returning=False)), engines.testing_engine(options=dict(implicit_returning=False, strategy='threadlocal')), engines.testing_engine(options=dict(implicit_returning=False)).\ connect() ]: event.listen(engine, 'before_execute', execute) event.listen(engine, 'before_cursor_execute', cursor_execute) m = MetaData(engine) t1 = Table('t1', m, Column('c1', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('c2', String(50), default=func.lower('Foo'), primary_key=True) ) m.create_all() try: t1.insert().execute(c1=5, c2='some data') t1.insert().execute(c1=6) eq_(engine.execute('select * from t1').fetchall(), [(5, 'some data'), (6, 'foo')]) finally: m.drop_all() compiled = [('CREATE TABLE t1', {}, None), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c2': 'some data', 'c1': 5}, None), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c1': 6}, None), ('select * from t1', {}, None), ('DROP TABLE t1', {}, None)] # or engine.dialect.preexecute_pk_sequences: if not testing.against('oracle+zxjdbc'): cursor = [ ('CREATE TABLE t1', {}, ()), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', { 'c2': 'some data', 'c1': 5}, (5, 'some data')), ('SELECT lower', {'lower_2': 'Foo'}, ('Foo', )), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c2': 'foo', 'c1': 6}, (6, 'foo')), ('select * from t1', {}, ()), ('DROP TABLE t1', {}, ()), ] else: insert2_params = 6, 'Foo' if testing.against('oracle+zxjdbc'): insert2_params += (ReturningParam(12), ) cursor = [('CREATE TABLE t1', {}, ()), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c2': 'some data', 'c1': 5}, (5, 'some data')), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c1': 6, 'lower_2': 'Foo'}, insert2_params), ('select * from t1', {}, ()), ('DROP TABLE t1', {}, ())] # bind param name 'lower_2' might # be incorrect self._assert_stmts(compiled, stmts) self._assert_stmts(cursor, cursor_stmts) def test_options(self): canary = [] def execute(conn, *args, **kw): canary.append('execute') def cursor_execute(conn, *args, **kw): canary.append('cursor_execute') engine = engines.testing_engine() event.listen(engine, 'before_execute', execute) event.listen(engine, 'before_cursor_execute', cursor_execute) conn = engine.connect() c2 = conn.execution_options(foo='bar') eq_(c2._execution_options, {'foo':'bar'}) c2.execute(select([1])) c3 = c2.execution_options(bar='bat') eq_(c3._execution_options, {'foo':'bar', 'bar':'bat'}) eq_(canary, ['execute', 'cursor_execute']) def test_retval_flag(self): canary = [] def tracker(name): def go(conn, *args, **kw): canary.append(name) return go def execute(conn, clauseelement, multiparams, params): canary.append('execute') return clauseelement, multiparams, params def cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany): canary.append('cursor_execute') return statement, parameters engine = engines.testing_engine() assert_raises( tsa.exc.ArgumentError, event.listen, engine, "begin", tracker("begin"), retval=True ) event.listen(engine, "before_execute", execute, retval=True) event.listen(engine, "before_cursor_execute", cursor_execute, retval=True) engine.execute(select([1])) eq_( canary, ['execute', 'cursor_execute'] ) def test_engine_connect(self): engine = engines.testing_engine() tracker = Mock() event.listen(engine, "engine_connect", tracker) c1 = engine.connect() c2 = c1._branch() c1.close() eq_( tracker.mock_calls, [call(c1, False), call(c2, True)] ) def test_execution_options(self): engine = engines.testing_engine() engine_tracker = Mock() conn_tracker = Mock() event.listen(engine, "set_engine_execution_options", engine_tracker) event.listen(engine, "set_connection_execution_options", conn_tracker) e2 = engine.execution_options(e1='opt_e1') c1 = engine.connect() c2 = c1.execution_options(c1='opt_c1') c3 = e2.connect() c4 = c3.execution_options(c3='opt_c3') eq_( engine_tracker.mock_calls, [call(e2, {'e1': 'opt_e1'})] ) eq_( conn_tracker.mock_calls, [call(c2, {"c1": "opt_c1"}), call(c4, {"c3": "opt_c3"})] ) @testing.requires.sequences @testing.provide_metadata def test_cursor_execute(self): canary = [] def tracker(name): def go(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany): canary.append((statement, context)) return go engine = engines.testing_engine() t = Table('t', self.metadata, Column('x', Integer, Sequence('t_id_seq'), primary_key=True), implicit_returning=False ) self.metadata.create_all(engine) with engine.begin() as conn: event.listen(conn, 'before_cursor_execute', tracker('cursor_execute')) conn.execute(t.insert()) # we see the sequence pre-executed in the first call assert "t_id_seq" in canary[0][0] assert "INSERT" in canary[1][0] # same context is_( canary[0][1], canary[1][1] ) def test_transactional(self): canary = [] def tracker(name): def go(conn, *args, **kw): canary.append(name) return go engine = engines.testing_engine() event.listen(engine, 'before_execute', tracker('execute')) event.listen(engine, 'before_cursor_execute', tracker('cursor_execute')) event.listen(engine, 'begin', tracker('begin')) event.listen(engine, 'commit', tracker('commit')) event.listen(engine, 'rollback', tracker('rollback')) conn = engine.connect() trans = conn.begin() conn.execute(select([1])) trans.rollback() trans = conn.begin() conn.execute(select([1])) trans.commit() eq_(canary, [ 'begin', 'execute', 'cursor_execute', 'rollback', 'begin', 'execute', 'cursor_execute', 'commit', ]) @testing.requires.savepoints @testing.requires.two_phase_transactions def test_transactional_advanced(self): canary1 = [] def tracker1(name): def go(*args, **kw): canary1.append(name) return go canary2 = [] def tracker2(name): def go(*args, **kw): canary2.append(name) return go engine = engines.testing_engine() for name in ['begin', 'savepoint', 'rollback_savepoint', 'release_savepoint', 'rollback', 'begin_twophase', 'prepare_twophase', 'commit_twophase']: event.listen(engine, '%s' % name, tracker1(name)) conn = engine.connect() for name in ['begin', 'savepoint', 'rollback_savepoint', 'release_savepoint', 'rollback', 'begin_twophase', 'prepare_twophase', 'commit_twophase']: event.listen(conn, '%s' % name, tracker2(name)) trans = conn.begin() trans2 = conn.begin_nested() conn.execute(select([1])) trans2.rollback() trans2 = conn.begin_nested() conn.execute(select([1])) trans2.commit() trans.rollback() trans = conn.begin_twophase() conn.execute(select([1])) trans.prepare() trans.commit() eq_(canary1, ['begin', 'savepoint', 'rollback_savepoint', 'savepoint', 'release_savepoint', 'rollback', 'begin_twophase', 'prepare_twophase', 'commit_twophase'] ) eq_(canary2, ['begin', 'savepoint', 'rollback_savepoint', 'savepoint', 'release_savepoint', 'rollback', 'begin_twophase', 'prepare_twophase', 'commit_twophase'] ) class HandleErrorTest(fixtures.TestBase): __requires__ = 'ad_hoc_engines', __backend__ = True def tearDown(self): Engine.dispatch._clear() Engine._has_events = False def test_legacy_dbapi_error(self): engine = engines.testing_engine() canary = Mock() event.listen(engine, "dbapi_error", canary) with engine.connect() as conn: try: conn.execute("SELECT FOO FROM I_DONT_EXIST") assert False except tsa.exc.DBAPIError as e: eq_(canary.mock_calls[0][1][5], e.orig) eq_(canary.mock_calls[0][1][2], "SELECT FOO FROM I_DONT_EXIST") def test_legacy_dbapi_error_no_ad_hoc_context(self): engine = engines.testing_engine() listener = Mock(return_value=None) event.listen(engine, 'dbapi_error', listener) nope = Exception("nope") class MyType(TypeDecorator): impl = Integer def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): raise nope with engine.connect() as conn: assert_raises_message( tsa.exc.StatementError, r"nope \(original cause: Exception: nope\) u?'SELECT 1 ", conn.execute, select([1]).where( column('foo') == literal('bar', MyType())) ) # no legacy event eq_(listener.mock_calls, []) def test_legacy_dbapi_error_non_dbapi_error(self): engine = engines.testing_engine() listener = Mock(return_value=None) event.listen(engine, 'dbapi_error', listener) nope = TypeError("I'm not a DBAPI error") with engine.connect() as c: c.connection.cursor = Mock( return_value=Mock( execute=Mock( side_effect=nope )) ) assert_raises_message( TypeError, "I'm not a DBAPI error", c.execute, "select " ) # no legacy event eq_(listener.mock_calls, []) def test_handle_error(self): engine = engines.testing_engine() canary = Mock(return_value=None) event.listen(engine, "handle_error", canary) with engine.connect() as conn: try: conn.execute("SELECT FOO FROM I_DONT_EXIST") assert False except tsa.exc.DBAPIError as e: ctx = canary.mock_calls[0][1][0] eq_(ctx.original_exception, e.orig) is_(ctx.sqlalchemy_exception, e) eq_(ctx.statement, "SELECT FOO FROM I_DONT_EXIST") def test_exception_event_reraise(self): engine = engines.testing_engine() class MyException(Exception): pass @event.listens_for(engine, 'handle_error', retval=True) def err(context): stmt = context.statement exception = context.original_exception if "ERROR ONE" in str(stmt): return MyException("my exception") elif "ERROR TWO" in str(stmt): return exception else: return None conn = engine.connect() # case 1: custom exception assert_raises_message( MyException, "my exception", conn.execute, "SELECT 'ERROR ONE' FROM I_DONT_EXIST" ) # case 2: return the DBAPI exception we're given; # no wrapping should occur assert_raises( conn.dialect.dbapi.Error, conn.execute, "SELECT 'ERROR TWO' FROM I_DONT_EXIST" ) # case 3: normal wrapping assert_raises( tsa.exc.DBAPIError, conn.execute, "SELECT 'ERROR THREE' FROM I_DONT_EXIST" ) def test_exception_event_reraise_chaining(self): engine = engines.testing_engine() class MyException1(Exception): pass class MyException2(Exception): pass class MyException3(Exception): pass @event.listens_for(engine, 'handle_error', retval=True) def err1(context): stmt = context.statement if "ERROR ONE" in str(stmt) or "ERROR TWO" in str(stmt) \ or "ERROR THREE" in str(stmt): return MyException1("my exception") elif "ERROR FOUR" in str(stmt): raise MyException3("my exception short circuit") @event.listens_for(engine, 'handle_error', retval=True) def err2(context): stmt = context.statement if ("ERROR ONE" in str(stmt) or "ERROR FOUR" in str(stmt)) \ and isinstance(context.chained_exception, MyException1): raise MyException2("my exception chained") elif "ERROR TWO" in str(stmt): return context.chained_exception else: return None conn = engine.connect() with patch.object(engine. dialect.execution_ctx_cls, "handle_dbapi_exception") as patched: assert_raises_message( MyException2, "my exception chained", conn.execute, "SELECT 'ERROR ONE' FROM I_DONT_EXIST" ) eq_(patched.call_count, 1) with patch.object(engine. dialect.execution_ctx_cls, "handle_dbapi_exception") as patched: assert_raises( MyException1, conn.execute, "SELECT 'ERROR TWO' FROM I_DONT_EXIST" ) eq_(patched.call_count, 1) with patch.object(engine. dialect.execution_ctx_cls, "handle_dbapi_exception") as patched: # test that non None from err1 isn't cancelled out # by err2 assert_raises( MyException1, conn.execute, "SELECT 'ERROR THREE' FROM I_DONT_EXIST" ) eq_(patched.call_count, 1) with patch.object(engine. dialect.execution_ctx_cls, "handle_dbapi_exception") as patched: assert_raises( tsa.exc.DBAPIError, conn.execute, "SELECT 'ERROR FIVE' FROM I_DONT_EXIST" ) eq_(patched.call_count, 1) with patch.object(engine. dialect.execution_ctx_cls, "handle_dbapi_exception") as patched: assert_raises_message( MyException3, "my exception short circuit", conn.execute, "SELECT 'ERROR FOUR' FROM I_DONT_EXIST" ) eq_(patched.call_count, 1) def test_exception_event_ad_hoc_context(self): """test that handle_error is called with a context in cases where _handle_dbapi_error() is normally called without any context. """ engine = engines.testing_engine() listener = Mock(return_value=None) event.listen(engine, 'handle_error', listener) nope = Exception("nope") class MyType(TypeDecorator): impl = Integer def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): raise nope with engine.connect() as conn: assert_raises_message( tsa.exc.StatementError, r"nope \(original cause: Exception: nope\) u?'SELECT 1 ", conn.execute, select([1]).where( column('foo') == literal('bar', MyType())) ) ctx = listener.mock_calls[0][1][0] assert ctx.statement.startswith("SELECT 1 ") is_(ctx.is_disconnect, False) is_(ctx.original_exception, nope) def test_exception_event_non_dbapi_error(self): """test that dbapi_error is called with a context in cases where DBAPI raises an exception that is not a DBAPI exception, e.g. internal errors or encoding problems. """ engine = engines.testing_engine() listener = Mock(return_value=None) event.listen(engine, 'handle_error', listener) nope = TypeError("I'm not a DBAPI error") with engine.connect() as c: c.connection.cursor = Mock( return_value=Mock( execute=Mock( side_effect=nope )) ) assert_raises_message( TypeError, "I'm not a DBAPI error", c.execute, "select " ) ctx = listener.mock_calls[0][1][0] eq_(ctx.statement, "select ") is_(ctx.is_disconnect, False) is_(ctx.original_exception, nope) def _test_alter_disconnect(self, orig_error, evt_value): engine = engines.testing_engine() @event.listens_for(engine, "handle_error") def evt(ctx): ctx.is_disconnect = evt_value with patch.object(engine.dialect, "is_disconnect", Mock(return_value=orig_error)): with engine.connect() as c: try: c.execute("SELECT x FROM nonexistent") assert False except tsa.exc.StatementError as st: eq_(st.connection_invalidated, evt_value) def test_alter_disconnect_to_true(self): self._test_alter_disconnect(False, True) self._test_alter_disconnect(True, True) def test_alter_disconnect_to_false(self): self._test_alter_disconnect(True, False) self._test_alter_disconnect(False, False) class ProxyConnectionTest(fixtures.TestBase): """These are the same tests as EngineEventsTest, except using the deprecated ConnectionProxy interface. """ __requires__ = 'ad_hoc_engines', __prefer_requires__ = 'two_phase_transactions', @testing.uses_deprecated(r'.*Use event.listen') @testing.fails_on('firebird', 'Data type unknown') def test_proxy(self): stmts = [] cursor_stmts = [] class MyProxy(ConnectionProxy): def execute( self, conn, execute, clauseelement, *multiparams, **params ): stmts.append((str(clauseelement), params, multiparams)) return execute(clauseelement, *multiparams, **params) def cursor_execute( self, execute, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany, ): cursor_stmts.append((str(statement), parameters, None)) return execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context) def assert_stmts(expected, received): for stmt, params, posn in expected: if not received: assert False, "Nothing available for stmt: %s" % stmt while received: teststmt, testparams, testmultiparams = \ received.pop(0) teststmt = re.compile(r'[\n\t ]+', re.M).sub(' ', teststmt).strip() if teststmt.startswith(stmt) and (testparams == params or testparams == posn): break for engine in \ engines.testing_engine(options=dict(implicit_returning=False, proxy=MyProxy())), \ engines.testing_engine(options=dict(implicit_returning=False, proxy=MyProxy(), strategy='threadlocal')): m = MetaData(engine) t1 = Table('t1', m, Column('c1', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('c2', String(50), default=func.lower('Foo'), primary_key=True) ) m.create_all() try: t1.insert().execute(c1=5, c2='some data') t1.insert().execute(c1=6) eq_(engine.execute('select * from t1').fetchall(), [(5, 'some data'), (6, 'foo')]) finally: m.drop_all() engine.dispose() compiled = [('CREATE TABLE t1', {}, None), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c2': 'some data', 'c1': 5}, None), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c1': 6}, None), ('select * from t1', {}, None), ('DROP TABLE t1', {}, None)] if not testing.against('oracle+zxjdbc'): # or # eexecute_pk_sequence # s: cursor = [ ('CREATE TABLE t1', {}, ()), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c2': 'some data', 'c1' : 5}, (5, 'some data')), ('SELECT lower', {'lower_2': 'Foo'}, ('Foo', )), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c2': 'foo', 'c1': 6}, (6, 'foo')), ('select * from t1', {}, ()), ('DROP TABLE t1', {}, ()), ] else: insert2_params = 6, 'Foo' if testing.against('oracle+zxjdbc'): insert2_params += (ReturningParam(12), ) cursor = [('CREATE TABLE t1', {}, ()), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c2': 'some data' , 'c1': 5}, (5, 'some data')), ('INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2)', {'c1': 6, 'lower_2': 'Foo'}, insert2_params), ('select * from t1', {}, ()), ('DROP TABLE t1' , {}, ())] # bind param name 'lower_2' might # be incorrect assert_stmts(compiled, stmts) assert_stmts(cursor, cursor_stmts) @testing.uses_deprecated(r'.*Use event.listen') def test_options(self): canary = [] class TrackProxy(ConnectionProxy): def __getattribute__(self, key): fn = object.__getattribute__(self, key) def go(*arg, **kw): canary.append(fn.__name__) return fn(*arg, **kw) return go engine = engines.testing_engine(options={'proxy':TrackProxy()}) conn = engine.connect() c2 = conn.execution_options(foo='bar') eq_(c2._execution_options, {'foo':'bar'}) c2.execute(select([1])) c3 = c2.execution_options(bar='bat') eq_(c3._execution_options, {'foo':'bar', 'bar':'bat'}) eq_(canary, ['execute', 'cursor_execute']) @testing.uses_deprecated(r'.*Use event.listen') def test_transactional(self): canary = [] class TrackProxy(ConnectionProxy): def __getattribute__(self, key): fn = object.__getattribute__(self, key) def go(*arg, **kw): canary.append(fn.__name__) return fn(*arg, **kw) return go engine = engines.testing_engine(options={'proxy':TrackProxy()}) conn = engine.connect() trans = conn.begin() conn.execute(select([1])) trans.rollback() trans = conn.begin() conn.execute(select([1])) trans.commit() eq_(canary, [ 'begin', 'execute', 'cursor_execute', 'rollback', 'begin', 'execute', 'cursor_execute', 'commit', ]) @testing.uses_deprecated(r'.*Use event.listen') @testing.requires.savepoints @testing.requires.two_phase_transactions def test_transactional_advanced(self): canary = [] class TrackProxy(ConnectionProxy): def __getattribute__(self, key): fn = object.__getattribute__(self, key) def go(*arg, **kw): canary.append(fn.__name__) return fn(*arg, **kw) return go engine = engines.testing_engine(options={'proxy':TrackProxy()}) conn = engine.connect() trans = conn.begin() trans2 = conn.begin_nested() conn.execute(select([1])) trans2.rollback() trans2 = conn.begin_nested() conn.execute(select([1])) trans2.commit() trans.rollback() trans = conn.begin_twophase() conn.execute(select([1])) trans.prepare() trans.commit() canary = [t for t in canary if t not in ('cursor_execute', 'execute')] eq_(canary, ['begin', 'savepoint', 'rollback_savepoint', 'savepoint', 'release_savepoint', 'rollback', 'begin_twophase', 'prepare_twophase', 'commit_twophase'] ) class DialectEventTest(fixtures.TestBase): @contextmanager def _run_test(self, retval): m1 = Mock() m1.do_execute.return_value = retval m1.do_executemany.return_value = retval m1.do_execute_no_params.return_value = retval e = engines.testing_engine(options={"_initialize": False}) event.listen(e, "do_execute", m1.do_execute) event.listen(e, "do_executemany", m1.do_executemany) event.listen(e, "do_execute_no_params", m1.do_execute_no_params) e.dialect.do_execute = m1.real_do_execute e.dialect.do_executemany = m1.real_do_executemany e.dialect.do_execute_no_params = m1.real_do_execute_no_params def mock_the_cursor(cursor, *arg): arg[-1].get_result_proxy = Mock(return_value=Mock(context=arg[-1])) return retval m1.real_do_execute.side_effect = m1.do_execute.side_effect = mock_the_cursor m1.real_do_executemany.side_effect = m1.do_executemany.side_effect = mock_the_cursor m1.real_do_execute_no_params.side_effect = m1.do_execute_no_params.side_effect = mock_the_cursor with e.connect() as conn: yield conn, m1 def _assert(self, retval, m1, m2, mock_calls): eq_(m1.mock_calls, mock_calls) if retval: eq_(m2.mock_calls, []) else: eq_(m2.mock_calls, mock_calls) def _test_do_execute(self, retval): with self._run_test(retval) as (conn, m1): result = conn.execute("insert into table foo", {"foo": "bar"}) self._assert( retval, m1.do_execute, m1.real_do_execute, [call( result.context.cursor, "insert into table foo", {"foo": "bar"}, result.context)] ) def _test_do_executemany(self, retval): with self._run_test(retval) as (conn, m1): result = conn.execute("insert into table foo", [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}]) self._assert( retval, m1.do_executemany, m1.real_do_executemany, [call( result.context.cursor, "insert into table foo", [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}], result.context)] ) def _test_do_execute_no_params(self, retval): with self._run_test(retval) as (conn, m1): result = conn.execution_options(no_parameters=True).\ execute("insert into table foo") self._assert( retval, m1.do_execute_no_params, m1.real_do_execute_no_params, [call( result.context.cursor, "insert into table foo", result.context)] ) def _test_cursor_execute(self, retval): with self._run_test(retval) as (conn, m1): dialect = conn.dialect stmt = "insert into table foo" params = {"foo": "bar"} ctx = dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_statement( dialect, conn, conn.connection, stmt, [params]) conn._cursor_execute(ctx.cursor, stmt, params, ctx) self._assert( retval, m1.do_execute, m1.real_do_execute, [call( ctx.cursor, "insert into table foo", {"foo": "bar"}, ctx)] ) def test_do_execute_w_replace(self): self._test_do_execute(True) def test_do_execute_wo_replace(self): self._test_do_execute(False) def test_do_executemany_w_replace(self): self._test_do_executemany(True) def test_do_executemany_wo_replace(self): self._test_do_executemany(False) def test_do_execute_no_params_w_replace(self): self._test_do_execute_no_params(True) def test_do_execute_no_params_wo_replace(self): self._test_do_execute_no_params(False) def test_cursor_execute_w_replace(self): self._test_cursor_execute(True) def test_cursor_execute_wo_replace(self): self._test_cursor_execute(False)
""" ``editquality generate_make -h`` :: Code-generate Makefile from template and configuration :Usage: generate_make -h | --help generate_make [--config=<path>] [--main=<filename>] [--output=<path>] [--templates=<path>] [--debug] :Options: --config=<path> Directory to search for configuration files [default: config/] --main=<filename> Override to use a main template other than the default [default: Makefile.j2] --output=<path> Where to write the Makefile output. [default: <stdout>] --templates=<path> Directory to search for input templates. [default: templates/] --debug Print debug logging """ # TODO: # * make API calls to learn things # * ores/config has dict merge # * survey dependency solvers # # ** Still considering: scons, doit, drake, ninja, meson # ** Don't like so far: waf # * Where can we store information about samples? # Original population rates; how we've distorted them. import logging import os.path import sys import docopt from .. import config from ..codegen import generate logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def main(argv=None): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, argv=argv) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG if args['--debug'] else logging.WARNING, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s -- %(message)s' ) config_path = args["--config"] output_f = sys.stdout \ if args["--output"] == "<stdout>" \ else open(args["--output"], "w") templates_path = args["--templates"] main_template_path = args["--main"] if not os.path.isabs(main_template_path): # Join a filename to the default templates dir. main_template_path = os.path.join(templates_path, main_template_path) with open(main_template_path, "r") as f: main_template = variables = config.load_config(config_path) output = generate.generate(variables, templates_path, main_template) output_f.write(output)
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.serialization import Model class Product(Model): _required = [] _attribute_map = { 'integer': {'key': 'integer', 'type': 'int'}, 'string': {'key': 'string', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Product :param int integer :param str string """ self.integer = None self.string = None super(Product, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# coding=utf8 """ Parser for todo format string. from todo.parser import parser parser.parse(string) # return an Todo instance """ from models import Task from models import Todo from ply import lex from ply import yacc class TodoLexer(object): """ Lexer for Todo format string. Tokens ID e.g. '1.' DONE e.g. '(x)' TASK e.g. 'This is a task' """ tokens = ( "ID", "DONE", "TASK", ) t_ignore = "\x20\x09" # ignore spaces and tabs def t_ID(self, t): r'\d+\.([uU]|[lL]|[uU][lL]|[lL][uU])?' t.value = int(t.value[:-1]) return t def t_DONE(self, t): r'(\(x\))' return t def t_TASK(self, t): r'((?!\(x\))).+' return t def t_newline(self, t): r'\n+' t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value) def t_error(self, t): raise SyntaxError( "Illegal character: '%s' at Line %d" % (t.value[0], t.lineno) ) def __init__(self): self.lexer = lex.lex(module=self) class TodoParser(object): """ Parser for Todo format string, works with a todo lexer. Parse string to Python list todo_str = "1. (x) Write email to tom" TodoParser().parse(todo_str) """ tokens = TodoLexer.tokens def p_error(self, p): if p: raise SyntaxError( "Character '%s' at line %d" % (p.value[0], p.lineno) ) else: raise SyntaxError("SyntaxError at EOF") def p_start(self, p): "start : translation_unit" p[0] = self.todo def p_translation_unit(self, p): """ translation_unit : translate_task | translation_unit translate_task | """ pass def p_translation_task(self, p): """ translate_task : ID DONE TASK | ID TASK """ if len(p) == 4: done = True content = p[3] elif len(p) == 3: done = False content = p[2] task = Task(p[1], content, done) self.todo.append(task) def __init__(self): self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, debug=0, write_tables=0) def parse(self, data): # reset list self.todo = Todo() return self.parser.parse(data) lexer = TodoLexer() # build lexer parser = TodoParser() # build parser
import time import pymemcache.client import pytest from limits import RateLimitItemPerMinute, RateLimitItemPerSecond from import MemcachedStorage, storage_from_string from limits.strategies import ( FixedWindowElasticExpiryRateLimiter, FixedWindowRateLimiter, ) from tests.utils import fixed_start @pytest.mark.memcached @pytest.mark.flaky class TestMemcachedStorage: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setup(self, memcached, memcached_cluster): self.storage_url = "memcached://localhost:22122" def test_init_options(self, mocker): constructor = mocker.spy(pymemcache.client, "PooledClient") assert storage_from_string(self.storage_url, connect_timeout=1).check() assert constructor.call_args[1]["connect_timeout"] == 1 @fixed_start def test_fixed_window(self): storage = MemcachedStorage("memcached://localhost:22122") limiter = FixedWindowRateLimiter(storage) per_min = RateLimitItemPerSecond(10) start = time.time() count = 0 while time.time() - start < 0.5 and count < 10: assert limiter.hit(per_min) count += 1 assert not limiter.hit(per_min) while time.time() - start <= 1: time.sleep(0.1) assert limiter.hit(per_min) @fixed_start def test_fixed_window_cluster(self): storage = MemcachedStorage("memcached://localhost:22122,localhost:22123") limiter = FixedWindowRateLimiter(storage) per_min = RateLimitItemPerSecond(10) start = time.time() count = 0 while time.time() - start < 0.5 and count < 10: assert limiter.hit(per_min) count += 1 assert not limiter.hit(per_min) while time.time() - start <= 1: time.sleep(0.1) assert limiter.hit(per_min) @fixed_start def test_fixed_window_with_elastic_expiry(self): storage = MemcachedStorage("memcached://localhost:22122") limiter = FixedWindowElasticExpiryRateLimiter(storage) per_sec = RateLimitItemPerSecond(2, 2) assert limiter.hit(per_sec) time.sleep(1) assert limiter.hit(per_sec) assert not limiter.test(per_sec) time.sleep(1) assert not limiter.test(per_sec) time.sleep(1) assert limiter.test(per_sec) @fixed_start def test_fixed_window_with_elastic_expiry_cluster(self): storage = MemcachedStorage("memcached://localhost:22122,localhost:22123") limiter = FixedWindowElasticExpiryRateLimiter(storage) per_sec = RateLimitItemPerSecond(2, 2) assert limiter.hit(per_sec) time.sleep(1) assert limiter.hit(per_sec) assert not limiter.test(per_sec) time.sleep(1) assert not limiter.test(per_sec) time.sleep(1) assert limiter.test(per_sec) def test_clear(self): storage = MemcachedStorage("memcached://localhost:22122") limiter = FixedWindowRateLimiter(storage) per_min = RateLimitItemPerMinute(1) limiter.hit(per_min) assert not limiter.hit(per_min) limiter.clear(per_min) assert limiter.hit(per_min)
import os import sys import tempfile from fabric.api import run, sudo, env, local, hide, settings from fabric.contrib.files import append, sed, exists, contains from fabric.context_managers import prefix from fabric.operations import get, put from fabric.context_managers import cd from fabric.tasks import Task from fab_deploy.functions import random_password from fab_deploy.base import postgres as base_postgres class JoyentMixin(object): version_directory_join = '' def _get_data_dir(self, db_version): # Try to get from svc first output = run('svcprop -p config/data postgresql') if output.stdout and exists(output.stdout, use_sudo=True): return output.stdout return base_postgres.PostgresInstall._get_data_dir(self, db_version) def _install_package(self, db_version): sudo("pkg_add postgresql%s-server" %db_version) sudo("pkg_add postgresql%s-replicationtools" %db_version) sudo("svcadm enable postgresql") def _restart_db_server(self, db_version): sudo('svcadm restart postgresql') def _stop_db_server(self, db_version): sudo('svcadm disable postgresql') def _start_db_server(self, db_version): sudo('svcadm enable postgresql') class PostgresInstall(JoyentMixin, base_postgres.PostgresInstall): """ Install postgresql on server install postgresql package; enable postgres access from localhost without password; enable all other user access from other machines with password; setup a few parameters related with streaming replication; database server listen to all machines '*'; create a user for database with password. """ name = 'master_setup' db_version = '9.1' class SlaveSetup(JoyentMixin, base_postgres.SlaveSetup): """ Set up master-slave streaming replication: slave node """ name = 'slave_setup' class PGBouncerInstall(Task): """ Set up PGBouncer on a database server """ name = 'setup_pgbouncer' pgbouncer_src = '' pkg_name = 'pgbouncer-1.4.2.tgz' config_dir = '/etc/opt/pkg' config = { '*': 'host=', 'logfile': '/var/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log', 'listen_addr': '*', 'listen_port': '6432', 'unix_socket_dir': '/tmp', 'auth_type': 'md5', 'auth_file': '%s/pgbouncer.userlist' %config_dir, 'pool_mode': 'session', 'admin_users': 'postgres', 'stats_users': 'postgres', } def install_package(self): sudo('pkg_add libevent') with cd('/tmp'): run('wget %s' %self.pgbouncer_src) sudo('pkg_add %s' %self.pkg_name) def _setup_parameter(self, file_name, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): origin = "%s =" %key new = "%s = %s" %(key, value) sudo('sed -i "/%s/ c\%s" %s' %(origin, new, file_name)) def _get_passwd(self, username): with hide('output'): string = run('echo "select usename, passwd from pg_shadow where ' 'usename=\'%s\' order by 1" | sudo su postgres -c ' '"psql"' %username) user, passwd = string.split('\n')[2].split('|') user = user.strip() passwd = passwd.strip() __, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() fn = open(tmp_name, 'w') fn.write('"%s" "%s" ""\n' %(user, passwd)) fn.close() put(tmp_name, '%s/pgbouncer.userlist'%self.config_dir, use_sudo=True) local('rm %s' %tmp_name) def _get_username(self, section=None): try: names = env.config_object.get_list(section, env.config_object.USERNAME) username = names[0] except: print ('You must first set up a database server on this machine, ' 'and create a database user') raise return username def run(self, section=None): """ """ sudo('mkdir -p /opt/pkg/bin') sudo("ln -sf /opt/local/bin/awk /opt/pkg/bin/nawk") sudo("ln -sf /opt/local/bin/sed /opt/pkg/bin/nbsed") self.install_package() svc_method = os.path.join(env.configs_dir, 'pgbouncer.xml') put(svc_method, self.config_dir, use_sudo=True) home = run('bash -c "echo ~postgres"') bounce_home = os.path.join(home, 'pgbouncer') pidfile = os.path.join(bounce_home, '') self._setup_parameter('%s/pgbouncer.ini' %self.config_dir, pidfile=pidfile, **self.config) if not section: section = 'db-server' username = self._get_username(section) self._get_passwd(username) # postgres should be the owner of these config files sudo('chown -R postgres:postgres %s' %self.config_dir) sudo('mkdir -p %s' % bounce_home) sudo('chown postgres:postgres %s' % bounce_home) sudo('mkdir -p /var/log/pgbouncer') sudo('chown postgres:postgres /var/log/pgbouncer') # set up log sudo('logadm -C 3 -p1d -c -w /var/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log -z 1') run('svccfg import %s/pgbouncer.xml' %self.config_dir) # start pgbouncer sudo('svcadm enable pgbouncer') setup = PostgresInstall() slave_setup = SlaveSetup() setup_pgbouncer = PGBouncerInstall()
""" Gauged (MIT Licensed) Copyright 2014 (c) Chris O'Hara <[email protected]> """ from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qsl from urllib import unquote from .mysql import MySQLDriver from .sqlite import SQLiteDriver from .postgresql import PostgreSQLDriver def parse_dsn(dsn_string): """Parse a connection string and return the associated driver""" dsn = urlparse(dsn_string) scheme = dsn.scheme.split('+')[0] username = password = host = port = None host = dsn.netloc if '@' in host: username, host = host.split('@') if ':' in username: username, password = username.split(':') password = unquote(password) username = unquote(username) if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':') port = int(port) database = dsn.path.split('?')[0][1:] query = dsn.path.split('?')[1] if '?' in dsn.path else dsn.query kwargs = dict(parse_qsl(query, True)) if scheme == 'sqlite': return SQLiteDriver, [dsn.path], {} elif scheme == 'mysql': kwargs['user'] = username or 'root' kwargs['db'] = database if port: kwargs['port'] = port if host: kwargs['host'] = host if password: kwargs['passwd'] = password return MySQLDriver, [], kwargs elif scheme == 'postgresql': kwargs['user'] = username or 'postgres' kwargs['database'] = database if port: kwargs['port'] = port if 'unix_socket' in kwargs: kwargs['host'] = kwargs.pop('unix_socket') elif host: kwargs['host'] = host if password: kwargs['password'] = password return PostgreSQLDriver, [], kwargs else: raise ValueError('Unknown driver %s' % dsn_string) def get_driver(dsn_string): driver, args, kwargs = parse_dsn(dsn_string) return driver(*args, **kwargs)
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "ibtokin.settings") try: from import execute_from_command_line except ImportError: # The above import may fail for some other reason. Ensure that the # issue is really that Django is missing to avoid masking other # exceptions on Python 2. try: import django except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and " "available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you " "forget to activate a virtual environment?" ) raise execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
import boto import mock import moto import tempfile import unittest from click.testing import CliRunner from import rubberjack class CLITests(unittest.TestCase): @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.create_application_version') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_deploy(self, cav, ue): s3 = boto.connect_s3() s3.create_bucket("laterpay-rubberjack-ebdeploy") # FIXME Remove hardcoded bucket name with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: result = CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['deploy',], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertEquals(result.exit_code, 0, result.output) @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.describe_environments') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_promote(self, ue, de): de.return_value = { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResponse': { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResult': { 'Environments': [ { 'EnvironmentName': 'laterpay-devnull-live', # FIXME Remove hardcoded EnvName 'VersionLabel': 'old', }, { 'EnvironmentName': 'laterpay-devnull-dev', # FIXME Remove hardcoded EnvName 'VersionLabel': 'new', }, ], }, }, } CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['promote'], catch_exceptions=False) @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('sys.exit') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.describe_environments') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_promoting_same_version(self, ue, de, se): de.return_value = { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResponse': { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResult': { 'Environments': [ { 'EnvironmentName': 'laterpay-devnull-live', # FIXME Remove hardcoded EnvName 'VersionLabel': 'same', }, { 'EnvironmentName': 'laterpay-devnull-dev', # FIXME Remove hardcoded EnvName 'VersionLabel': 'same', }, ], }, }, } CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['promote'], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertTrue(se.called) @moto.mock_s3_deprecated def test_sigv4(self): CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['--sigv4-host', 'foo', 'deploy'], catch_exceptions=False) @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.create_application_version') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_deploy_to_custom_environment(self, ue, cav): s3 = boto.connect_s3() s3.create_bucket("laterpay-rubberjack-ebdeploy") # FIXME Remove hardcoded bucket name with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: result = CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['deploy', '--environment', 'wibble',], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertEquals(result.exit_code, 0, result.output) self.assertEqual(cav.call_count, 1, "create_application_version wasn't called, but it should") self.assertEqual(ue.call_count, 1, "update_environment wasn't called, but it should") @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.create_application_version') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_deploy_without_updating_the_environment(self, ue, cav): s3 = boto.connect_s3() s3.create_bucket("laterpay-rubberjack-ebdeploy") # FIXME Remove hardcoded bucket name with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: result = CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['deploy', '--no-update-environment',], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertEquals(result.exit_code, 0, result.output) self.assertEqual(cav.call_count, 1, "create_application_version wasn't called, but it should") self.assertEqual(ue.call_count, 0, "update_environment was called, but it shouldn't") @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.create_application_version') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') def test_deploy_to_custom_bucket(self, ue, cav): bucket_name = 'rbbrjck-test' s3 = boto.connect_s3() s3.create_bucket(bucket_name) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: result = CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['--bucket', bucket_name, 'deploy',], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertEquals(result.exit_code, 0, result.output) self.assertEqual(cav.call_count, 1, "create_application_version wasn't called, but it should") self.assertEqual(ue.call_count, 1, "update_environment wasn't called, but it should") _, cav_kwargs = cav.call_args self.assertEqual(bucket_name, cav_kwargs['s3_bucket']) @moto.mock_s3_deprecated @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.update_environment') @mock.patch('boto.beanstalk.layer1.Layer1.describe_environments') def test_promote_to_custom_environment(self, de, ue): CUSTOM_TO_ENVIRONMENT = "loremipsum" de.return_value = { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResponse': { 'DescribeEnvironmentsResult': { 'Environments': [ { 'EnvironmentName': CUSTOM_TO_ENVIRONMENT, 'VersionLabel': 'old', }, { 'EnvironmentName': 'laterpay-devnull-dev', # FIXME Remove hardcoded EnvName 'VersionLabel': 'new', }, ], }, }, } result = CliRunner().invoke(rubberjack, ['promote', '--to-environment', CUSTOM_TO_ENVIRONMENT], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertEquals(result.exit_code, 0, result.output)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function # note: capture tests where copied from # pylib 1.4.20.dev2 (rev 13d9af95547e) from __future__ import with_statement import pickle import os import sys from io import UnsupportedOperation import _pytest._code import py import pytest import contextlib from _pytest import capture from _pytest.capture import CaptureManager from _pytest.main import EXIT_NOTESTSCOLLECTED needsosdup = pytest.mark.xfail("not hasattr(os, 'dup')") if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): def tobytes(obj): if isinstance(obj, str): obj = obj.encode('UTF-8') assert isinstance(obj, bytes) return obj def totext(obj): if isinstance(obj, bytes): obj = str(obj, 'UTF-8') assert isinstance(obj, str) return obj else: def tobytes(obj): if isinstance(obj, unicode): obj = obj.encode('UTF-8') assert isinstance(obj, str) return obj def totext(obj): if isinstance(obj, str): obj = unicode(obj, 'UTF-8') assert isinstance(obj, unicode) return obj def oswritebytes(fd, obj): os.write(fd, tobytes(obj)) def StdCaptureFD(out=True, err=True, in_=True): return capture.MultiCapture(out, err, in_, Capture=capture.FDCapture) def StdCapture(out=True, err=True, in_=True): return capture.MultiCapture(out, err, in_, Capture=capture.SysCapture) class TestCaptureManager(object): def test_getmethod_default_no_fd(self, monkeypatch): from _pytest.capture import pytest_addoption from _pytest.config import Parser parser = Parser() pytest_addoption(parser) default = parser._groups[0].options[0].default assert default == "fd" if hasattr(os, "dup") else "sys" parser = Parser() monkeypatch.delattr(os, 'dup', raising=False) pytest_addoption(parser) assert parser._groups[0].options[0].default == "sys" @needsosdup @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ['no', 'sys', pytest.mark.skipif('not hasattr(os, "dup")', 'fd')]) def test_capturing_basic_api(self, method): capouter = StdCaptureFD() old = sys.stdout, sys.stderr, sys.stdin try: capman = CaptureManager(method) capman.start_global_capturing() outerr = capman.suspend_global_capture() assert outerr == ("", "") outerr = capman.suspend_global_capture() assert outerr == ("", "") print("hello") out, err = capman.suspend_global_capture() if method == "no": assert old == (sys.stdout, sys.stderr, sys.stdin) else: assert not out capman.resume_global_capture() print("hello") out, err = capman.suspend_global_capture() if method != "no": assert out == "hello\n" capman.stop_global_capturing() finally: capouter.stop_capturing() @needsosdup def test_init_capturing(self): capouter = StdCaptureFD() try: capman = CaptureManager("fd") capman.start_global_capturing() pytest.raises(AssertionError, "capman.start_global_capturing()") capman.stop_global_capturing() finally: capouter.stop_capturing() @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ['fd', 'sys']) def test_capturing_unicode(testdir, method): if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info") and sys.pypy_version_info < (2, 2): pytest.xfail("does not work on pypy < 2.2") if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): obj = "'b\u00f6y'" else: obj = "u'\u00f6y'" testdir.makepyfile(""" # coding=utf8 # taken from issue 227 from nosetests def test_unicode(): import sys print (sys.stdout) print (%s) """ % obj) result = testdir.runpytest("--capture=%s" % method) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*1 passed*" ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ['fd', 'sys']) def test_capturing_bytes_in_utf8_encoding(testdir, method): testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_unicode(): print ('b\\u00f6y') """) result = testdir.runpytest("--capture=%s" % method) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*1 passed*" ]) def test_collect_capturing(testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" print ("collect %s failure" % 13) import xyz42123 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*Captured stdout*", "*collect 13 failure*", ]) class TestPerTestCapturing(object): def test_capture_and_fixtures(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def setup_module(mod): print ("setup module") def setup_function(function): print ("setup " + function.__name__) def test_func1(): print ("in func1") assert 0 def test_func2(): print ("in func2") assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "setup module*", "setup test_func1*", "in func1*", "setup test_func2*", "in func2*", ]) @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="unimplemented feature") def test_capture_scope_cache(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import sys def setup_module(func): print ("module-setup") def setup_function(func): print ("function-setup") def test_func(): print ("in function") assert 0 def teardown_function(func): print ("in teardown") """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*test_func():*", "*Captured stdout during setup*", "module-setup*", "function-setup*", "*Captured stdout*", "in teardown*", ]) def test_no_carry_over(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_func1(): print ("in func1") def test_func2(): print ("in func2") assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) s = result.stdout.str() assert "in func1" not in s assert "in func2" in s def test_teardown_capturing(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def setup_function(function): print ("setup func1") def teardown_function(function): print ("teardown func1") assert 0 def test_func1(): print ("in func1") pass """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ '*teardown_function*', '*Captured stdout*', "setup func1*", "in func1*", "teardown func1*", # "*1 fixture failure*" ]) def test_teardown_capturing_final(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def teardown_module(mod): print ("teardown module") assert 0 def test_func(): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*def teardown_module(mod):*", "*Captured stdout*", "*teardown module*", "*1 error*", ]) def test_capturing_outerr(self, testdir): p1 = testdir.makepyfile(""" import sys def test_capturing(): print (42) sys.stderr.write(str(23)) def test_capturing_error(): print (1) sys.stderr.write(str(2)) raise ValueError """) result = testdir.runpytest(p1) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "* .F*", "====* FAILURES *====", "____*____", "* ValueError", "*--- Captured stdout *call*", "1", "*--- Captured stderr *call*", "2", ]) class TestLoggingInteraction(object): def test_logging_stream_ownership(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_logging(): import logging import pytest stream = capture.CaptureIO() logging.basicConfig(stream=stream) stream.close() # to free memory/release resources """) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess(p) assert result.stderr.str().find("atexit") == -1 def test_logging_and_immediate_setupteardown(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import logging def setup_function(function): logging.warn("hello1") def test_logging(): logging.warn("hello2") assert 0 def teardown_function(function): logging.warn("hello3") assert 0 """) for optargs in (('--capture=sys',), ('--capture=fd',)): print(optargs) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess(p, *optargs) s = result.stdout.str() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*WARN*hello3", # errors show first! "*WARN*hello1", "*WARN*hello2", ]) # verify proper termination assert "closed" not in s def test_logging_and_crossscope_fixtures(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import logging def setup_module(function): logging.warn("hello1") def test_logging(): logging.warn("hello2") assert 0 def teardown_module(function): logging.warn("hello3") assert 0 """) for optargs in (('--capture=sys',), ('--capture=fd',)): print(optargs) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess(p, *optargs) s = result.stdout.str() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*WARN*hello3", # errors come first "*WARN*hello1", "*WARN*hello2", ]) # verify proper termination assert "closed" not in s def test_conftestlogging_is_shown(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" import logging logging.basicConfig() logging.warn("hello435") """) # make sure that logging is still captured in tests result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("-s", "-p", "no:capturelog") assert result.ret == EXIT_NOTESTSCOLLECTED result.stderr.fnmatch_lines([ "WARNING*hello435*", ]) assert 'operation on closed file' not in result.stderr.str() def test_conftestlogging_and_test_logging(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" import logging logging.basicConfig() """) # make sure that logging is still captured in tests p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_hello(): import logging logging.warn("hello433") assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess(p, "-p", "no:capturelog") assert result.ret != 0 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "WARNING*hello433*", ]) assert 'something' not in result.stderr.str() assert 'operation on closed file' not in result.stderr.str() class TestCaptureFixture(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize("opt", [[], ["-s"]]) def test_std_functional(self, testdir, opt): reprec = testdir.inline_runsource(""" def test_hello(capsys): print (42) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out.startswith("42") """, *opt) reprec.assertoutcome(passed=1) def test_capsyscapfd(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_one(capsys, capfd): pass def test_two(capfd, capsys): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*ERROR*setup*test_one*", "E*capfd*capsys*same*time*", "*ERROR*setup*test_two*", "E*capsys*capfd*same*time*", "*2 error*"]) def test_capturing_getfixturevalue(self, testdir): """Test that asking for "capfd" and "capsys" using request.getfixturevalue in the same test is an error. """ testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_one(capsys, request): request.getfixturevalue("capfd") def test_two(capfd, request): request.getfixturevalue("capsys") """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*test_one*", "*capsys*capfd*same*time*", "*test_two*", "*capfd*capsys*same*time*", "*2 failed in*", ]) def test_capsyscapfdbinary(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_one(capsys, capfdbinary): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*ERROR*setup*test_one*", "E*capfdbinary*capsys*same*time*", "*1 error*"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["sys", "fd"]) def test_capture_is_represented_on_failure_issue128(self, testdir, method): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_hello(cap%s): print ("xxx42xxx") assert 0 """ % method) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "xxx42xxx", ]) @needsosdup def test_stdfd_functional(self, testdir): reprec = testdir.inline_runsource(""" def test_hello(capfd): import os os.write(1, "42".encode('ascii')) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert out.startswith("42") capfd.close() """) reprec.assertoutcome(passed=1) @needsosdup def test_capfdbinary(self, testdir): reprec = testdir.inline_runsource(""" def test_hello(capfdbinary): import os # some likely un-decodable bytes os.write(1, b'\\xfe\\x98\\x20') out, err = capfdbinary.readouterr() assert out == b'\\xfe\\x98\\x20' assert err == b'' """) reprec.assertoutcome(passed=1) @pytest.mark.skipif( sys.version_info < (3,), reason='only have capsysbinary in python 3', ) def test_capsysbinary(self, testdir): reprec = testdir.inline_runsource(""" def test_hello(capsysbinary): import sys # some likely un-decodable bytes sys.stdout.buffer.write(b'\\xfe\\x98\\x20') out, err = capsysbinary.readouterr() assert out == b'\\xfe\\x98\\x20' assert err == b'' """) reprec.assertoutcome(passed=1) @pytest.mark.skipif( sys.version_info >= (3,), reason='only have capsysbinary in python 3', ) def test_capsysbinary_forbidden_in_python2(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_hello(capsysbinary): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*test_hello*", "*capsysbinary is only supported on python 3*", "*1 error in*", ]) def test_partial_setup_failure(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_hello(capsys, missingarg): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*test_partial_setup_failure*", "*1 error*", ]) @needsosdup def test_keyboardinterrupt_disables_capturing(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_hello(capfd): import os os.write(1, str(42).encode('ascii')) raise KeyboardInterrupt() """) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*KeyboardInterrupt*" ]) assert result.ret == 2 @pytest.mark.issue14 def test_capture_and_logging(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import logging def test_log(capsys): logging.error('x') """) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess(p) assert 'closed' not in result.stderr.str() @pytest.mark.parametrize('fixture', ['capsys', 'capfd']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('no_capture', [True, False]) def test_disabled_capture_fixture(self, testdir, fixture, no_capture): testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_disabled({fixture}): print('captured before') with {fixture}.disabled(): print('while capture is disabled') print('captured after') assert {fixture}.readouterr() == ('captured before\\ncaptured after\\n', '') def test_normal(): print('test_normal executed') """.format(fixture=fixture)) args = ('-s',) if no_capture else () result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess(*args) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(""" *while capture is disabled* """) assert 'captured before' not in result.stdout.str() assert 'captured after' not in result.stdout.str() if no_capture: assert 'test_normal executed' in result.stdout.str() else: assert 'test_normal executed' not in result.stdout.str() @pytest.mark.parametrize('fixture', ['capsys', 'capfd']) def test_fixture_use_by_other_fixtures(self, testdir, fixture): """ Ensure that capsys and capfd can be used by other fixtures during setup and teardown. """ testdir.makepyfile(""" from __future__ import print_function import sys import pytest @pytest.fixture def captured_print({fixture}): print('stdout contents begin') print('stderr contents begin', file=sys.stderr) out, err = {fixture}.readouterr() yield out, err print('stdout contents end') print('stderr contents end', file=sys.stderr) out, err = {fixture}.readouterr() assert out == 'stdout contents end\\n' assert err == 'stderr contents end\\n' def test_captured_print(captured_print): out, err = captured_print assert out == 'stdout contents begin\\n' assert err == 'stderr contents begin\\n' """.format(fixture=fixture)) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*1 passed*") assert 'stdout contents begin' not in result.stdout.str() assert 'stderr contents begin' not in result.stdout.str() def test_setup_failure_does_not_kill_capturing(testdir): sub1 = testdir.mkpydir("sub1") sub1.join("").write(_pytest._code.Source(""" def pytest_runtest_setup(item): raise ValueError(42) """)) sub1.join("").write("def test_func1(): pass") result = testdir.runpytest(testdir.tmpdir, '--traceconfig') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*ValueError(42)*", "*1 error*" ]) def test_fdfuncarg_skips_on_no_osdup(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import os if hasattr(os, 'dup'): del os.dup def test_hello(capfd): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--capture=no") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*1 skipped*" ]) def test_capture_conftest_runtest_setup(testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_runtest_setup(): print ("hello19") """) testdir.makepyfile("def test_func(): pass") result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret == 0 assert 'hello19' not in result.stdout.str() def test_capture_badoutput_issue412(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import os def test_func(): omg = bytearray([1,129,1]) os.write(1, omg) assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest('--cap=fd') result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(''' *def test_func* *assert 0* *Captured* *1 failed* ''') def test_capture_early_option_parsing(testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_runtest_setup(): print ("hello19") """) testdir.makepyfile("def test_func(): pass") result = testdir.runpytest("-vs") assert result.ret == 0 assert 'hello19' in result.stdout.str() def test_capture_binary_output(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(r""" import pytest def test_a(): import sys import subprocess[sys.executable, __file__]) def test_foo(): import os;os.write(1, b'\xc3') if __name__ == '__main__': test_foo() """) result = testdir.runpytest('--assert=plain') result.assert_outcomes(passed=2) def test_error_during_readouterr(testdir): """Make sure we suspend capturing if errors occur during readouterr""" testdir.makepyfile(pytest_xyz=""" from _pytest.capture import FDCapture def bad_snap(self): raise Exception('boom') assert FDCapture.snap FDCapture.snap = bad_snap """) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess( "-p", "pytest_xyz", "--version", syspathinsert=True ) result.stderr.fnmatch_lines([ "*in bad_snap", " raise Exception('boom')", "Exception: boom", ]) class TestCaptureIO(object): def test_text(self): f = capture.CaptureIO() f.write("hello") s = f.getvalue() assert s == "hello" f.close() def test_unicode_and_str_mixture(self): f = capture.CaptureIO() if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): f.write("\u00f6") pytest.raises(TypeError, "f.write(bytes('hello', 'UTF-8'))") else: f.write(unicode("\u00f6", 'UTF-8')) f.write("hello") # bytes s = f.getvalue() f.close() assert isinstance(s, unicode) @pytest.mark.skipif( sys.version_info[0] == 2, reason='python 3 only behaviour', ) def test_write_bytes_to_buffer(self): """In python3, stdout / stderr are text io wrappers (exposing a buffer property of the underlying bytestream). See issue #1407 """ f = capture.CaptureIO() f.buffer.write(b'foo\r\n') assert f.getvalue() == 'foo\r\n' def test_bytes_io(): f = f.write(tobytes("hello")) pytest.raises(TypeError, "f.write(totext('hello'))") s = f.getvalue() assert s == tobytes("hello") def test_dontreadfrominput(): from _pytest.capture import DontReadFromInput f = DontReadFromInput() assert not f.isatty() pytest.raises(IOError, pytest.raises(IOError, f.readlines) pytest.raises(IOError, iter, f) pytest.raises(UnsupportedOperation, f.fileno) f.close() # just for completeness @pytest.mark.skipif('sys.version_info < (3,)', reason='python2 has no buffer') def test_dontreadfrominput_buffer_python3(): from _pytest.capture import DontReadFromInput f = DontReadFromInput() fb = f.buffer assert not fb.isatty() pytest.raises(IOError, pytest.raises(IOError, fb.readlines) pytest.raises(IOError, iter, fb) pytest.raises(ValueError, fb.fileno) f.close() # just for completeness @pytest.mark.skipif('sys.version_info >= (3,)', reason='python2 has no buffer') def test_dontreadfrominput_buffer_python2(): from _pytest.capture import DontReadFromInput f = DontReadFromInput() with pytest.raises(AttributeError): f.buffer f.close() # just for completeness @pytest.yield_fixture def tmpfile(testdir): f = testdir.makepyfile("").open('wb+') yield f if not f.closed: f.close() @needsosdup def test_dupfile(tmpfile): flist = [] for i in range(5): nf = capture.safe_text_dupfile(tmpfile, "wb") assert nf != tmpfile assert nf.fileno() != tmpfile.fileno() assert nf not in flist print(i, end="", file=nf) flist.append(nf) fname_open = flist[0].name assert fname_open == repr(flist[0].buffer) for i in range(5): f = flist[i] f.close() fname_closed = flist[0].name assert fname_closed == repr(flist[0].buffer) assert fname_closed != fname_open s = assert "01234" in repr(s) tmpfile.close() assert fname_closed == repr(flist[0].buffer) def test_dupfile_on_bytesio(): io = f = capture.safe_text_dupfile(io, "wb") f.write("hello") assert io.getvalue() == b"hello" assert 'BytesIO object' in def test_dupfile_on_textio(): io = f = capture.safe_text_dupfile(io, "wb") f.write("hello") assert io.getvalue() == "hello" assert not hasattr(f, 'name') @contextlib.contextmanager def lsof_check(): pid = os.getpid() try: out = py.process.cmdexec("lsof -p %d" % pid) except (py.process.cmdexec.Error, UnicodeDecodeError): # about UnicodeDecodeError, see note on pytester pytest.skip("could not run 'lsof'") yield out2 = py.process.cmdexec("lsof -p %d" % pid) len1 = len([x for x in out.split("\n") if "REG" in x]) len2 = len([x for x in out2.split("\n") if "REG" in x]) assert len2 < len1 + 3, out2 class TestFDCapture(object): pytestmark = needsosdup def test_simple(self, tmpfile): fd = tmpfile.fileno() cap = capture.FDCapture(fd) data = tobytes("hello") os.write(fd, data) s = cap.snap() cap.done() assert not s cap = capture.FDCapture(fd) cap.start() os.write(fd, data) s = cap.snap() cap.done() assert s == "hello" def test_simple_many(self, tmpfile): for i in range(10): self.test_simple(tmpfile) def test_simple_many_check_open_files(self, testdir): with lsof_check(): with testdir.makepyfile("").open('wb+') as tmpfile: self.test_simple_many(tmpfile) def test_simple_fail_second_start(self, tmpfile): fd = tmpfile.fileno() cap = capture.FDCapture(fd) cap.done() pytest.raises(ValueError, cap.start) def test_stderr(self): cap = capture.FDCapture(2) cap.start() print("hello", file=sys.stderr) s = cap.snap() cap.done() assert s == "hello\n" def test_stdin(self, tmpfile): cap = capture.FDCapture(0) cap.start() x =, 100).strip() cap.done() assert x == tobytes('') def test_writeorg(self, tmpfile): data1, data2 = tobytes("foo"), tobytes("bar") cap = capture.FDCapture(tmpfile.fileno()) cap.start() tmpfile.write(data1) tmpfile.flush() cap.writeorg(data2) scap = cap.snap() cap.done() assert scap == totext(data1) with open(, 'rb') as stmp_file: stmp = assert stmp == data2 def test_simple_resume_suspend(self, tmpfile): with saved_fd(1): cap = capture.FDCapture(1) cap.start() data = tobytes("hello") os.write(1, data) sys.stdout.write("whatever") s = cap.snap() assert s == "hellowhatever" cap.suspend() os.write(1, tobytes("world")) sys.stdout.write("qlwkej") assert not cap.snap() cap.resume() os.write(1, tobytes("but now")) sys.stdout.write(" yes\n") s = cap.snap() assert s == "but now yes\n" cap.suspend() cap.done() pytest.raises(AttributeError, cap.suspend) @contextlib.contextmanager def saved_fd(fd): new_fd = os.dup(fd) try: yield finally: os.dup2(new_fd, fd) os.close(new_fd) class TestStdCapture(object): captureclass = staticmethod(StdCapture) @contextlib.contextmanager def getcapture(self, **kw): cap = self.__class__.captureclass(**kw) cap.start_capturing() try: yield cap finally: cap.stop_capturing() def test_capturing_done_simple(self): with self.getcapture() as cap: sys.stdout.write("hello") sys.stderr.write("world") out, err = cap.readouterr() assert out == "hello" assert err == "world" def test_capturing_reset_simple(self): with self.getcapture() as cap: print("hello world") sys.stderr.write("hello error\n") out, err = cap.readouterr() assert out == "hello world\n" assert err == "hello error\n" def test_capturing_readouterr(self): with self.getcapture() as cap: print("hello world") sys.stderr.write("hello error\n") out, err = cap.readouterr() assert out == "hello world\n" assert err == "hello error\n" sys.stderr.write("error2") out, err = cap.readouterr() assert err == "error2" def test_capture_results_accessible_by_attribute(self): with self.getcapture() as cap: sys.stdout.write("hello") sys.stderr.write("world") capture_result = cap.readouterr() assert capture_result.out == "hello" assert capture_result.err == "world" def test_capturing_readouterr_unicode(self): with self.getcapture() as cap: print("hx\xc4\x85\xc4\x87") out, err = cap.readouterr() assert out == py.builtin._totext("hx\xc4\x85\xc4\x87\n", "utf8") @pytest.mark.skipif('sys.version_info >= (3,)', reason='text output different for bytes on python3') def test_capturing_readouterr_decode_error_handling(self): with self.getcapture() as cap: # triggered a internal error in pytest print('\xa6') out, err = cap.readouterr() assert out == py.builtin._totext('\ufffd\n', 'unicode-escape') def test_reset_twice_error(self): with self.getcapture() as cap: print("hello") out, err = cap.readouterr() pytest.raises(ValueError, cap.stop_capturing) assert out == "hello\n" assert not err def test_capturing_modify_sysouterr_in_between(self): oldout = sys.stdout olderr = sys.stderr with self.getcapture() as cap: sys.stdout.write("hello") sys.stderr.write("world") sys.stdout = capture.CaptureIO() sys.stderr = capture.CaptureIO() print("not seen") sys.stderr.write("not seen\n") out, err = cap.readouterr() assert out == "hello" assert err == "world" assert sys.stdout == oldout assert sys.stderr == olderr def test_capturing_error_recursive(self): with self.getcapture() as cap1: print("cap1") with self.getcapture() as cap2: print("cap2") out2, err2 = cap2.readouterr() out1, err1 = cap1.readouterr() assert out1 == "cap1\n" assert out2 == "cap2\n" def test_just_out_capture(self): with self.getcapture(out=True, err=False) as cap: sys.stdout.write("hello") sys.stderr.write("world") out, err = cap.readouterr() assert out == "hello" assert not err def test_just_err_capture(self): with self.getcapture(out=False, err=True) as cap: sys.stdout.write("hello") sys.stderr.write("world") out, err = cap.readouterr() assert err == "world" assert not out def test_stdin_restored(self): old = sys.stdin with self.getcapture(in_=True): newstdin = sys.stdin assert newstdin != sys.stdin assert sys.stdin is old def test_stdin_nulled_by_default(self): print("XXX this test may well hang instead of crashing") print("XXX which indicates an error in the underlying capturing") print("XXX mechanisms") with self.getcapture(): pytest.raises(IOError, "") class TestStdCaptureFD(TestStdCapture): pytestmark = needsosdup captureclass = staticmethod(StdCaptureFD) def test_simple_only_fd(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import os def test_x(): os.write(1, "hello\\n".encode("ascii")) assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(""" *test_x* *assert 0* *Captured stdout* """) def test_intermingling(self): with self.getcapture() as cap: oswritebytes(1, "1") sys.stdout.write(str(2)) sys.stdout.flush() oswritebytes(1, "3") oswritebytes(2, "a") sys.stderr.write("b") sys.stderr.flush() oswritebytes(2, "c") out, err = cap.readouterr() assert out == "123" assert err == "abc" def test_many(self, capfd): with lsof_check(): for i in range(10): cap = StdCaptureFD() cap.stop_capturing() class TestStdCaptureFDinvalidFD(object): pytestmark = needsosdup def test_stdcapture_fd_invalid_fd(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import os from _pytest import capture def StdCaptureFD(out=True, err=True, in_=True): return capture.MultiCapture(out, err, in_, Capture=capture.FDCapture) def test_stdout(): os.close(1) cap = StdCaptureFD(out=True, err=False, in_=False) cap.stop_capturing() def test_stderr(): os.close(2) cap = StdCaptureFD(out=False, err=True, in_=False) cap.stop_capturing() def test_stdin(): os.close(0) cap = StdCaptureFD(out=False, err=False, in_=True) cap.stop_capturing() """) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--capture=fd") assert result.ret == 0 assert result.parseoutcomes()['passed'] == 3 def test_capture_not_started_but_reset(): capsys = StdCapture() capsys.stop_capturing() def test_using_capsys_fixture_works_with_sys_stdout_encoding(capsys): test_text = 'test text' print(test_text.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'replace')) (out, err) = capsys.readouterr() assert out assert err == '' def test_capsys_results_accessible_by_attribute(capsys): sys.stdout.write("spam") sys.stderr.write("eggs") capture_result = capsys.readouterr() assert capture_result.out == "spam" assert capture_result.err == "eggs" @needsosdup @pytest.mark.parametrize('use', [True, False]) def test_fdcapture_tmpfile_remains_the_same(tmpfile, use): if not use: tmpfile = True cap = StdCaptureFD(out=False, err=tmpfile) try: cap.start_capturing() capfile = cap.err.tmpfile cap.readouterr() finally: cap.stop_capturing() capfile2 = cap.err.tmpfile assert capfile2 == capfile @needsosdup def test_close_and_capture_again(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import os def test_close(): os.close(1) def test_capture_again(): os.write(1, b"hello\\n") assert 0 """) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(""" *test_capture_again* *assert 0* *stdout* *hello* """) @pytest.mark.parametrize('method', ['SysCapture', 'FDCapture']) def test_capturing_and_logging_fundamentals(testdir, method): if method == "StdCaptureFD" and not hasattr(os, 'dup'): pytest.skip("need os.dup") # here we check a fundamental feature p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import sys, os import py, logging from _pytest import capture cap = capture.MultiCapture(out=False, in_=False, Capture=capture.%s) cap.start_capturing() logging.warn("hello1") outerr = cap.readouterr() print ("suspend, captured %%s" %%(outerr,)) logging.warn("hello2") cap.pop_outerr_to_orig() logging.warn("hello3") outerr = cap.readouterr() print ("suspend2, captured %%s" %% (outerr,)) """ % (method,)) result = testdir.runpython(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(""" suspend, captured*hello1* suspend2, captured*WARNING:root:hello3* """) result.stderr.fnmatch_lines(""" WARNING:root:hello2 """) assert "atexit" not in result.stderr.str() def test_error_attribute_issue555(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import sys def test_capattr(): assert sys.stdout.errors == "strict" assert sys.stderr.errors == "strict" """) reprec = testdir.inline_run() reprec.assertoutcome(passed=1) @pytest.mark.skipif(not sys.platform.startswith('win') and sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6), reason='only py3.6+ on windows') def test_py36_windowsconsoleio_workaround_non_standard_streams(): """ Ensure _py36_windowsconsoleio_workaround function works with objects that do not implement the full ``io``-based stream protocol, for example execnet channels (#2666). """ from _pytest.capture import _py36_windowsconsoleio_workaround class DummyStream(object): def write(self, s): pass stream = DummyStream() _py36_windowsconsoleio_workaround(stream) def test_dontreadfrominput_has_encoding(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import sys def test_capattr(): # should not raise AttributeError assert sys.stdout.encoding assert sys.stderr.encoding """) reprec = testdir.inline_run() reprec.assertoutcome(passed=1) def test_crash_on_closing_tmpfile_py27(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(''' from __future__ import print_function import time import threading import sys def spam(): f = sys.stderr while True: print('.', end='', file=f) def test_silly(): t = threading.Thread(target=spam) t.daemon = True t.start() time.sleep(0.5) ''') result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() assert result.ret == 0 assert 'IOError' not in result.stdout.str() def test_pickling_and_unpickling_encoded_file(): # See # pickle.loads() raises infinite recursion if # EncodedFile.__getattr__ is not implemented properly ef = capture.EncodedFile(None, None) ef_as_str = pickle.dumps(ef) pickle.loads(ef_as_str)
import zmq import datetime import pytz from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.conf import settings from registrations.models import Registration from registrations import handlers from registrations import tasks class Command(BaseCommand): def log(self, message): f = open(settings.TASK_LOG_PATH, 'a') now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) log_message = "%s\t%s\n" % (now, message) self.stdout.write(log_message) f.write(log_message) f.close() def handle(self, *args, **options): context = zmq.Context() pull_socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL) pull_socket.bind('tcp://*:7002') self.log("Registration Worker ZMQ Socket Bound to 7002") while True: try: data = pull_socket.recv_json() task_name = data.pop('task') task_kwargs = data.pop('kwargs') self.log("Got task '%s' with kwargs: %s" % (task_name, task_kwargs)) if hasattr(tasks, task_name): result = getattr(tasks, task_name)(**task_kwargs) self.log("Task '%s' result: %s" % (task_name, result)) else: self.log("Received unknown task: %s", task_name) except Exception, e: self.log("Error: %s" % e) pull_socket.close() context.term()
#!/usr/bin/python from noisemapper.mapper import * #from collectors.lib import utils ### Define the object mapper and start mapping def main(): # utils.drop_privileges() mapper = NoiseMapper() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import numpy as np from numpy import cumsum, sum, searchsorted from numpy.random import rand import math import utils import core.sentence as sentence import core.markovchain as mc import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Dialogue making class. Need to review where to return a string, where to return a list of tokens, etc. # setters: list of speakers, pronouns, priors etc. # random transitions # Internal: build list of structures: # e.g.{:speaker_name "Alice", :speaker_pronoun "she", :speaker_str "she", :speech_verb "said", :position "end"} # Then end with fn that maps that out to a suitable string # e.g. "<SPEECH>, she said." # External bit then replaces <SPEECH> with a markov-chain-generated sentence (or several). class dialogue_maker(object): """Class to handle creating dialogue based on a list of speakers and a sentence generator.""" def __init__(self, names, pronouns, mc): self.speakers = [{"name": n, "pronoun": p} for n, p in list(zip(names, pronouns))] self._transitions = self.make_transition_probs() self._speech_acts = ["said", "whispered", "shouted", "cried"] self._acts_transitions = [25, 2, 2, 2] = mc # self.seeds = seeds self.target_len = np.random.randint(5, 50, size=len(names)) # rough words per sentence def make_transition_probs(self): """Make transition matrix between speakers, with random symmetric biases added in""" n = len(self.speakers) # TODO why this line ??? transitions = np.random.randint(5, size=(n, n)) + 1 transitions += transitions.transpose() for i in range(0, math.floor(n / 2)): s1 = np.random.randint(n) s2 = np.random.randint(n) transitions[s1][s2] += 10 transitions[s2][s1] += 8 return(transitions) def after(self, speaker_id): """Pick next person to speak""" row = self._transitions[speaker_id] sucessor = searchsorted(cumsum(row), rand() * sum(row)) return sucessor def speaker_sequence(self, speaker_id, n): """Random walk through transitions matrix to produce a sequence of speaker ids""" seq = [] for i in range(n): seq.append(speaker_id) speaker_id = self.after(speaker_id) return seq def speech_sequence(self, n): speech_acts_seq = [] next_speech_id = 0 for i in range(n): next_speech_id = searchsorted(cumsum(self._acts_transitions), rand() * sum(self._acts_transitions)) speech_acts_seq.append(self._speech_acts[next_speech_id]) return speech_acts_seq def seq_to_names(self, sequence): return([self.speakers[id] for id in sequence]) def make_speech_bits(self, seeds): n = len(seeds) speaker_id = self.speaker_sequence(0, n) speech_acts_seq = self.speech_sequence(n) bits = [] ss = sentence.SentenceMaker( for i in range(n): sent_toks = ss.generate_sentence_tokens([seeds[i]], self.target_len[speaker_id[i]]) sent_toks = ss.polish_sentence(sent_toks) bits.append({'speaker_name': self.speakers[speaker_id[i]]["name"], 'speech_act': speech_acts_seq[speaker_id[i]], 'seq_id': speaker_id[i], 'speech': sent_toks, 'paragraph': True}) return(bits) def simplify(self, seq_map): "Take a sequence of speech parts and make more natural by removing name reptition etc." for i in range(0, len(seq_map)): seq_map[i]['speaker_str'] = seq_map[i]['speaker_name'] # default # Same speaker contiues: if i > 0 and seq_map[i]['seq_id'] == seq_map[i - 1]['seq_id']: seq_map[i]['speaker_str'] = "" seq_map[i]['speech_act'] = "" seq_map[i]['paragraph'] = False else: if i > 1 and seq_map[i]['seq_id'] == seq_map[i - 2]['seq_id'] \ and seq_map[i]['seq_id'] != seq_map[i - 1]['seq_id']: seq_map[i]['speaker_str'] = "" seq_map[i]['speech_act'] = "" seq_map[i]['paragraph'] = True return seq_map def report_seq(self, seq_map): """Convert sequence of speeches to a tokens.""" sents = [] for i in range(0, len(seq_map)): if seq_map[i]['paragraph']: # text += "\n " quote_start = '"' else: quote_start = "" if i > len(seq_map) - 2 or seq_map[i + 1]['paragraph']: quote_end = '"' else: quote_end = " " if len(seq_map[i]['speech_act']) > 0: speech_act = seq_map[i]['speech_act'] + "," else: speech_act = seq_map[i]['speech_act'] tokens = [utils.START_TOKEN] tokens.append(seq_map[i]['speaker_str']) tokens.append(speech_act) tokens.append(quote_start) tokens.extend(seq_map[i]['speech'][1:-1]) tokens.append(quote_end) tokens.append(utils.END_TOKEN) sents.append(tokens) return sents def make_dialogue(self, seeds): """Returns a list of sentences, each being a list of tokens.""" acts = self.make_speech_bits(seeds) seq_map = self.simplify(acts) sents = self.report_seq(seq_map) return(sents) def dev(): import knowledge.names as names mcW = mc.MarkovChain() nm = names.NameMaker() speakers = [nm.random_person() for i in range(1, 4)] dm = dialogue_maker([n['name'] for n in speakers], [n['pronoun'] for n in speakers], mcW) dlg = dm.make_dialogue(["dog", "run", "spot"]) print(dlg)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.contrib.admin import TabularInline from .models import GalleryPhoto class PhotoInline(TabularInline): """ Tabular inline that will be displayed in the gallery form during frontend editing or in the admin site. """ model = GalleryPhoto fk_name = "gallery"
from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from import Generator, Iterable, Mapping, MutableMapping from contextlib import contextmanager import logging import re import textwrap from types import MappingProxyType from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, NamedTuple from markdown_it.rules_block.html_block import HTML_SEQUENCES from mdformat import codepoints from mdformat._compat import Literal from mdformat._conf import DEFAULT_OPTS from mdformat.renderer._util import ( RE_CHAR_REFERENCE, decimalify_leading, decimalify_trailing, escape_asterisk_emphasis, escape_underscore_emphasis, get_list_marker_type, is_tight_list, is_tight_list_item, longest_consecutive_sequence, maybe_add_link_brackets, ) from mdformat.renderer.typing import Postprocess, Render if TYPE_CHECKING: from mdformat.renderer import RenderTreeNode LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # A marker used to point a location where word wrap is allowed # to occur. WRAP_POINT = "\x00" # A marker used to indicate location of a character that should be preserved # during word wrap. Should be converted to the actual character after wrap. PRESERVE_CHAR = "\x00" def make_render_children(separator: str) -> Render: def render_children( node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext, ) -> str: return separator.join(child.render(context) for child in node.children) return render_children def hr(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: thematic_break_width = 70 return "_" * thematic_break_width def code_inline(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: code = node.content all_chars_are_whitespace = not code.strip() longest_backtick_seq = longest_consecutive_sequence(code, "`") if longest_backtick_seq: separator = "`" * (longest_backtick_seq + 1) return f"{separator} {code} {separator}" if code.startswith(" ") and code.endswith(" ") and not all_chars_are_whitespace: return f"` {code} `" return f"`{code}`" def html_block(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: content = node.content.rstrip("\n") # Need to strip leading spaces because we do so for regular Markdown too. # Without the stripping the raw HTML and Markdown get unaligned and # semantic may change. content = content.lstrip() return content def html_inline(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: return node.content def _in_block(block_name: str, node: RenderTreeNode) -> bool: while node.parent: if node.parent.type == block_name: return True node = node.parent return False def hardbreak(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: if _in_block("heading", node): return "<br /> " return "\\" + "\n" def softbreak(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: if context.do_wrap and _in_block("paragraph", node): return WRAP_POINT return "\n" def text(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: """Process a text token. Text should always be a child of an inline token. An inline token should always be enclosed by a heading or a paragraph. """ text = node.content # Escape backslash to prevent it from making unintended escapes. # This escape has to be first, else we start multiplying backslashes. text = text.replace("\\", "\\\\") text = escape_asterisk_emphasis(text) # Escape emphasis/strong marker. text = escape_underscore_emphasis(text) # Escape emphasis/strong marker. text = text.replace("[", "\\[") # Escape link label enclosure text = text.replace("]", "\\]") # Escape link label enclosure text = text.replace("<", "\\<") # Escape URI enclosure text = text.replace("`", "\\`") # Escape code span marker # Escape "&" if it starts a sequence that can be interpreted as # a character reference. text = RE_CHAR_REFERENCE.sub(r"\\\g<0>", text) # The parser can give us consecutive newlines which can break # the markdown structure. Replace two or more consecutive newlines # with newline character's decimal reference. text = text.replace("\n\n", "&#10;&#10;") # If the last character is a "!" and the token next up is a link, we # have to escape the "!" or else the link will be interpreted as image. next_sibling = node.next_sibling if text.endswith("!") and next_sibling and next_sibling.type == "link": text = text[:-1] + "\\!" if context.do_wrap and _in_block("paragraph", node): text = re.sub(r"\s+", WRAP_POINT, text) return text def fence(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: info_str = lang = info_str.split(maxsplit=1)[0] if info_str else "" code_block = node.content # Info strings of backtick code fences cannot contain backticks. # If that is the case, we make a tilde code fence instead. fence_char = "~" if "`" in info_str else "`" # Format the code block using enabled codeformatter funcs if lang in context.options.get("codeformatters", {}): fmt_func = context.options["codeformatters"][lang] try: code_block = fmt_func(code_block, info_str) except Exception: # Swallow exceptions so that formatter errors (e.g. due to # invalid code) do not crash mdformat. assert is not None, "A fence token must have `map` attribute set" filename = context.options.get("mdformat", {}).get("filename", "") warn_msg = ( f"Failed formatting content of a {lang} code block " f"(line {[0] + 1} before formatting)" ) if filename: warn_msg += f". Filename: {filename}" LOGGER.warning(warn_msg) # The code block must not include as long or longer sequence of `fence_char`s # as the fence string itself fence_len = max(3, longest_consecutive_sequence(code_block, fence_char) + 1) fence_str = fence_char * fence_len return f"{fence_str}{info_str}\n{code_block}{fence_str}" def code_block(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: return fence(node, context) def image(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: description = _render_inline_as_text(node, context) if context.do_wrap: # Prevent line breaks description = description.replace(WRAP_POINT, " ") ref_label = node.meta.get("label") if ref_label: context.env["used_refs"].add(ref_label) ref_label_repr = ref_label.lower() if description.lower() == ref_label_repr: return f"![{description}]" return f"![{description}][{ref_label_repr}]" uri = node.attrs["src"] assert isinstance(uri, str) uri = maybe_add_link_brackets(uri) title = node.attrs.get("title") if title is not None: return f'![{description}]({uri} "{title}")' return f"![{description}]({uri})" def _render_inline_as_text(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: """Special kludge for image `alt` attributes to conform CommonMark spec. Don't try to use it! Spec requires to show `alt` content with stripped markup, instead of simple escaping. """ def text_renderer(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: return node.content def image_renderer(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: return _render_inline_as_text(node, context) inline_renderers: Mapping[str, Render] = defaultdict( lambda: make_render_children(""), { "text": text_renderer, "image": image_renderer, "link": link, "softbreak": softbreak, }, ) inline_context = RenderContext( inline_renderers, context.postprocessors, context.options, context.env ) return make_render_children("")(node, inline_context) def link(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: if == "auto": autolink_url = node.attrs["href"] assert isinstance(autolink_url, str) # The parser adds a "mailto:" prefix to autolink email href. We remove the # prefix if it wasn't there in the source. if autolink_url.startswith("mailto:") and not node.children[ 0 ].content.startswith("mailto:"): autolink_url = autolink_url[7:] return "<" + autolink_url + ">" text = "".join(child.render(context) for child in node.children) if context.do_wrap: # Prevent line breaks text = text.replace(WRAP_POINT, " ") ref_label = node.meta.get("label") if ref_label: context.env["used_refs"].add(ref_label) ref_label_repr = ref_label.lower() if text.lower() == ref_label_repr: return f"[{text}]" return f"[{text}][{ref_label_repr}]" uri = node.attrs["href"] assert isinstance(uri, str) uri = maybe_add_link_brackets(uri) title = node.attrs.get("title") if title is None: return f"[{text}]({uri})" assert isinstance(title, str) title = title.replace('"', '\\"') return f'[{text}]({uri} "{title}")' def em(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: text = make_render_children(separator="")(node, context) indicator = node.markup return indicator + text + indicator def strong(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: text = make_render_children(separator="")(node, context) indicator = node.markup return indicator + text + indicator def heading(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: text = make_render_children(separator="")(node, context) if node.markup == "=": prefix = "# " elif node.markup == "-": prefix = "## " else: # ATX heading prefix = node.markup + " " # There can be newlines in setext headers, but we make an ATX # header always. Convert newlines to spaces. text = text.replace("\n", " ") # If the text ends in a sequence of hashes (#), the hashes will be # interpreted as an optional closing sequence of the heading, and # will not be rendered. Escape a line ending hash to prevent this. if text.endswith("#"): text = text[:-1] + "\\#" return prefix + text def blockquote(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: marker = "> " with context.indented(len(marker)): text = make_render_children(separator="\n\n")(node, context) lines = text.splitlines() if not lines: return ">" quoted_lines = (f"{marker}{line}" if line else ">" for line in lines) quoted_str = "\n".join(quoted_lines) return quoted_str def _wrap(text: str, *, width: int | Literal["no"]) -> str: """Wrap text at locations pointed by `WRAP_POINT`s. Converts `WRAP_POINT`s to either a space or newline character, thus wrapping the text. Already existing whitespace will be preserved as is. """ text, replacements = _prepare_wrap(text) if width == "no": return _recover_preserve_chars(text, replacements) wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper( break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False, width=width, expand_tabs=False, replace_whitespace=False, ) wrapped = wrapper.fill(text) wrapped = _recover_preserve_chars(wrapped, replacements) return " " + wrapped if text.startswith(" ") else wrapped def _prepare_wrap(text: str) -> tuple[str, str]: """Prepare text for wrap. Convert `WRAP_POINT`s to spaces. Convert whitespace to `PRESERVE_CHAR`s. Return a tuple with the prepared string, and another string consisting of replacement characters for `PRESERVE_CHAR`s. """ result = "" replacements = "" for c in text: if c == WRAP_POINT: if not result or result[-1] != " ": result += " " elif c in codepoints.UNICODE_WHITESPACE: result += PRESERVE_CHAR replacements += c else: result += c return result, replacements def _recover_preserve_chars(text: str, replacements: str) -> str: replacement_iterator = iter(replacements) return "".join( next(replacement_iterator) if c == PRESERVE_CHAR else c for c in text ) def paragraph(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: # noqa: C901 inline_node = node.children[0] text = inline_node.render(context) if context.do_wrap: wrap_mode = context.options["mdformat"]["wrap"] if isinstance(wrap_mode, int): wrap_mode -= context.env["indent_width"] wrap_mode = max(1, wrap_mode) text = _wrap(text, width=wrap_mode) # A paragraph can start or end in whitespace e.g. if the whitespace was # in decimal representation form. We need to re-decimalify it, one reason being # to enable "empty" paragraphs with whitespace only. text = decimalify_leading(codepoints.UNICODE_WHITESPACE, text) text = decimalify_trailing(codepoints.UNICODE_WHITESPACE, text) lines = text.split("\n") for i in range(len(lines)): # Strip whitespace to prevent issues like a line starting tab that is # interpreted as start of a code block. lines[i] = lines[i].strip() # If a line looks like an ATX heading, escape the first hash. if re.match(r"#{1,6}( |\t|$)", lines[i]): lines[i] = f"\\{lines[i]}" # Make sure a paragraph line does not start with ">" # (otherwise it will be interpreted as a block quote). if lines[i].startswith(">"): lines[i] = f"\\{lines[i]}" # Make sure a paragraph line does not start with "*", "-" or "+" # followed by a space, tab, or end of line. # (otherwise it will be interpreted as list item). if re.match(r"[-*+]( |\t|$)", lines[i]): lines[i] = f"\\{lines[i]}" # If a line starts with a number followed by "." or ")" followed by # a space, tab or end of line, escape the "." or ")" or it will be # interpreted as ordered list item. if re.match(r"[0-9]+\)( |\t|$)", lines[i]): lines[i] = lines[i].replace(")", "\\)", 1) if re.match(r"[0-9]+\.( |\t|$)", lines[i]): lines[i] = lines[i].replace(".", "\\.", 1) # Consecutive "-", "*" or "_" sequences can be interpreted as thematic # break. Escape them. space_removed = lines[i].replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "") if len(space_removed) >= 3: if all(c == "*" for c in space_removed): lines[i] = lines[i].replace("*", "\\*", 1) # pragma: no cover elif all(c == "-" for c in space_removed): lines[i] = lines[i].replace("-", "\\-", 1) elif all(c == "_" for c in space_removed): lines[i] = lines[i].replace("_", "\\_", 1) # pragma: no cover # A stripped line where all characters are "=" or "-" will be # interpreted as a setext heading. Escape. stripped = lines[i].strip(" \t") if all(c == "-" for c in stripped): lines[i] = lines[i].replace("-", "\\-", 1) elif all(c == "=" for c in stripped): lines[i] = lines[i].replace("=", "\\=", 1) # Check if the line could be interpreted as an HTML block. # If yes, prefix it with 4 spaces to prevent this. for html_seq_tuple in HTML_SEQUENCES: can_break_paragraph = html_seq_tuple[2] opening_re = html_seq_tuple[0] if can_break_paragraph and[i]): lines[i] = f" {lines[i]}" break text = "\n".join(lines) return text def list_item(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: """Return one list item as string. This returns just the content. List item markers and indentation are added in `bullet_list` and `ordered_list` renderers. """ block_separator = "\n" if is_tight_list_item(node) else "\n\n" text = make_render_children(block_separator)(node, context) if not text.strip(): return "" return text def bullet_list(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: marker_type = get_list_marker_type(node) first_line_indent = " " indent = " " * len(marker_type + first_line_indent) block_separator = "\n" if is_tight_list(node) else "\n\n" with context.indented(len(indent)): text = "" for child_idx, child in enumerate(node.children): list_item = child.render(context) formatted_lines = [] line_iterator = iter(list_item.split("\n")) first_line = next(line_iterator) formatted_lines.append( f"{marker_type}{first_line_indent}{first_line}" if first_line else marker_type ) for line in line_iterator: formatted_lines.append(f"{indent}{line}" if line else "") text += "\n".join(formatted_lines) if child_idx != len(node.children) - 1: text += block_separator return text def ordered_list(node: RenderTreeNode, context: RenderContext) -> str: consecutive_numbering = context.options.get("mdformat", {}).get( "number", DEFAULT_OPTS["number"] ) marker_type = get_list_marker_type(node) first_line_indent = " " block_separator = "\n" if is_tight_list(node) else "\n\n" list_len = len(node.children) starting_number = node.attrs.get("start") if starting_number is None: starting_number = 1 assert isinstance(starting_number, int) if consecutive_numbering: indent_width = len( f"{list_len + starting_number - 1}{marker_type}{first_line_indent}" ) else: indent_width = len(f"{starting_number}{marker_type}{first_line_indent}") text = "" with context.indented(indent_width): for list_item_index, list_item in enumerate(node.children): list_item_text = list_item.render(context) formatted_lines = [] line_iterator = iter(list_item_text.split("\n")) first_line = next(line_iterator) if consecutive_numbering: # Prefix first line of the list item with consecutive numbering, # padded with zeros to make all markers of even length. # E.g. # 002. This is the first list item # 003. Second item # ... # 112. Last item number = starting_number + list_item_index pad = len(str(list_len + starting_number - 1)) number_str = str(number).rjust(pad, "0") formatted_lines.append( f"{number_str}{marker_type}{first_line_indent}{first_line}" if first_line else f"{number_str}{marker_type}" ) else: # Prefix first line of first item with the starting number of the # list. Prefix following list items with the number one # prefixed by zeros to make the list item marker of even length # with the first one. # E.g. # 5321. This is the first list item # 0001. Second item # 0001. Third item first_item_marker = f"{starting_number}{marker_type}" other_item_marker = ( "0" * (len(str(starting_number)) - 1) + "1" + marker_type ) if list_item_index == 0: formatted_lines.append( f"{first_item_marker}{first_line_indent}{first_line}" if first_line else first_item_marker ) else: formatted_lines.append( f"{other_item_marker}{first_line_indent}{first_line}" if first_line else other_item_marker ) for line in line_iterator: formatted_lines.append(" " * indent_width + line if line else "") text += "\n".join(formatted_lines) if list_item_index != len(node.children) - 1: text += block_separator return text DEFAULT_RENDERERS: Mapping[str, Render] = MappingProxyType( { "inline": make_render_children(""), "root": make_render_children("\n\n"), "hr": hr, "code_inline": code_inline, "html_block": html_block, "html_inline": html_inline, "hardbreak": hardbreak, "softbreak": softbreak, "text": text, "fence": fence, "code_block": code_block, "link": link, "image": image, "em": em, "strong": strong, "heading": heading, "blockquote": blockquote, "paragraph": paragraph, "bullet_list": bullet_list, "ordered_list": ordered_list, "list_item": list_item, } ) class RenderContext(NamedTuple): """A collection of data that is passed as input to `Render` and `Postprocess` functions.""" renderers: Mapping[str, Render] postprocessors: Mapping[str, Iterable[Postprocess]] options: Mapping[str, Any] env: MutableMapping @contextmanager def indented(self, width: int) -> Generator[None, None, None]: self.env["indent_width"] += width try: yield finally: self.env["indent_width"] -= width @property def do_wrap(self) -> bool: wrap_mode = self.options.get("mdformat", {}).get("wrap", DEFAULT_OPTS["wrap"]) return isinstance(wrap_mode, int) or wrap_mode == "no" def with_default_renderer_for(self, *syntax_names: str) -> RenderContext: renderers = dict(self.renderers) for syntax in syntax_names: if syntax in DEFAULT_RENDERERS: renderers[syntax] = DEFAULT_RENDERERS[syntax] else: renderers.pop(syntax, None) return RenderContext( MappingProxyType(renderers), self.postprocessors, self.options, self.env )
import teca.utils as tecautils import teca.ConfigHandler as tecaconf import unittest class TestFileFilter(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.conf = tecaconf.ConfigHandler( "tests/test_data/configuration.json", {"starting_path": "tests/test_data/images"} ) self.files_list = [ "foo.doc", "yukinon.jpg", "cuteflushadoingflushathings.webm" ] def test_dothefiltering(self): self.assertTrue("foo.doc" not in tecautils.filterImages(self.files_list, self.conf)) self.assertTrue("yukinon.jpg" in tecautils.filterImages(self.files_list, self.conf)) def test_nofiles(self): self.assertEqual(0, len(tecautils.filterImages([], self.conf)))
#!/usr/bin/env python from hdf5handler import HDF5Handler handler = HDF5Handler('mydata.hdf5') for i in range(100): handler.put(i, 'numbers') handler.close()
""" [2015-07-13] Challenge #223 [Easy] Garland words # Description A [_garland word_]( is one that starts and ends with the same N letters in the same order, for some N greater than 0, but less than the length of the word. I'll call the maximum N for which this works the garland word's _degree_. For instance, "onion" is a garland word of degree 2, because its first 2 letters "on" are the same as its last 2 letters. The name "garland word" comes from the fact that you can make chains of the word in this manner: onionionionionionionionionionion... Today's challenge is to write a function `garland` that, given a lowercase word, returns the degree of the word if it's a garland word, and 0 otherwise. # Examples garland("programmer") -> 0 garland("ceramic") -> 1 garland("onion") -> 2 garland("alfalfa") -> 4 # Optional challenges 1. Given a garland word, print out the chain using that word, as with "onion" above. You can make it as long or short as you like, even infinite. 1. Find the largest degree of any garland word in the [enable1 English word list]( 1. Find a word list for some other language, and see if you can find a language with a garland word with a higher degree. *Thanks to /u/skeeto for submitting this challenge on /r/dailyprogrammer_ideas!* """ def main(): pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from decimal import Decimal from django import forms from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify class BaseWidget(forms.TextInput): """ Base widget. Do not use this directly. """ template = None instance = None def get_parent_id(self, name, attrs): final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, type=self.input_type, name=name) return final_attrs['id'] def get_widget_id(self, prefix, name, key=''): if self.instance: opts = self.instance._meta widget_id = '%s-%s-%s_%s-%s' % (prefix, name, opts.app_label, opts.module_name, else: widget_id = '%s-%s' % (prefix, name) if key: widget_id = '%s_%s' % (widget_id, slugify(key)) return widget_id def get_values(self, min_value, max_value, step=1): decimal_step = Decimal(str(step)) value = Decimal(str(min_value)) while value <= max_value: yield value value += decimal_step class SliderWidget(BaseWidget): """ Slider widget. In order to use this widget you must load the jQuery.ui slider javascript. This widget triggers the following javascript events: - *slider_change* with the vote value as argument (fired when the user changes his vote) - *slider_delete* without arguments (fired when the user deletes his vote) It's easy to bind these events using jQuery, e.g.:: $(document).bind('slider_change', function(event, value) { alert('New vote: ' + value); }); """ def __init__(self, min_value, max_value, step, instance=None, can_delete_vote=True, key='', read_only=False, default='', template='ratings/slider_widget.html', attrs=None): """ The argument *default* is used when the initial value is None. """ super(SliderWidget, self).__init__(attrs) self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value self.step = step self.instance = instance self.can_delete_vote = can_delete_vote self.read_only = read_only self.default = default self.template = template self.key = key def get_context(self, name, value, attrs=None): # here we convert *min_value*, *max_value*, *step* and *value* # to string to avoid odd behaviours of Django localization # in the template (and, for backward compatibility we do not # want to use the *unlocalize* filter) attrs['type'] = 'hidden' return { 'min_value': str(self.min_value), 'max_value': str(self.max_value), 'step': str(self.step), 'can_delete_vote': self.can_delete_vote, 'read_only': self.read_only, 'default': self.default, 'parent': super(SliderWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs), 'parent_id': self.get_parent_id(name, attrs), 'value': str(value), 'has_value': bool(value), 'slider_id': self.get_widget_id('slider', name, self.key), 'label_id': 'slider-label-%s' % name, 'remove_id': 'slider-remove-%s' % name, } def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): context = self.get_context(name, value, attrs or {}) return render_to_string(self.template, context) class StarWidget(BaseWidget): """ Starrating widget. In order to use this widget you must download the jQuery Star Rating Plugin available at and then load the required javascripts and css, e.g.:: <link href="/path/to/jquery.rating.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.MetaData.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.rating.js"></script> This widget triggers the following javascript events: - *star_change* with the vote value as argument (fired when the user changes his vote) - *star_delete* without arguments (fired when the user deletes his vote) It's easy to bind these events using jQuery, e.g.:: $(document).bind('star_change', function(event, value) { alert('New vote: ' + value); }); """ def __init__(self, min_value, max_value, step, instance=None, can_delete_vote=True, key='', read_only=False, template='ratings/star_widget.html', attrs=None): super(StarWidget, self).__init__(attrs) self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value self.step = step self.instance = instance self.can_delete_vote = can_delete_vote self.read_only = read_only self.template = template self.key = key def get_context(self, name, value, attrs=None): # here we convert *min_value*, *max_value* and *step* # to string to avoid odd behaviours of Django localization # in the template (and, for backward compatibility we do not # want to use the *unlocalize* filter) attrs['type'] = 'hidden' split_value = int(1 / self.step) if split_value == 1: values = range(1, self.max_value+1) split = u'' else: values = self.get_values(self.min_value, self.max_value, self.step) split = u' {split:%d}' % split_value return { 'min_value': str(self.min_value), 'max_value': str(self.max_value), 'step': str(self.step), 'can_delete_vote': self.can_delete_vote, 'read_only': self.read_only, 'values': values, 'split': split, 'parent': super(StarWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs), 'parent_id': self.get_parent_id(name, attrs), 'value': self._get_value(value, split_value), 'star_id': self.get_widget_id('star', name, self.key), } def _get_value(self, original, split): if original: value = round(original * split) / split return Decimal(str(value)) def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): context = self.get_context(name, value, attrs or {}) return render_to_string(self.template, context) class LikeWidget(BaseWidget): def __init__(self, min_value, max_value, instance=None, can_delete_vote=True, template='ratings/like_widget.html', attrs=None): super(LikeWidget, self).__init__(attrs) self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value self.instance = instance self.can_delete_vote = can_delete_vote self.template = template def get_context(self, name, value, attrs=None): # here we convert *min_value*, *max_value* and *step* # to string to avoid odd behaviours of Django localization # in the template (and, for backward compatibility we do not # want to use the *unlocalize* filter) attrs['type'] = 'hidden' return { 'min_value': str(self.min_value), 'max_value': str(self.max_value), 'can_delete_vote': self.can_delete_vote, 'parent': super(LikeWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs), 'parent_id': self.get_parent_id(name, attrs), 'value': str(value), 'like_id': self.get_widget_id('like', name), } def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): context = self.get_context(name, value, attrs or {}) return render_to_string(self.template, context)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os from treestore import Treestore try: taxonomy = sys.argv[1] except: taxonomy = None t = Treestore() treebase_uri = '' tree_files = [x for x in os.listdir('trees') if x.endswith('.nex')] base_uri = '' tree_list = set(t.list_trees()) for tree_uri in tree_list: if not 'TB2_' in tree_uri: continue tree_id = t.id_from_uri(tree_uri) tb_uri = treebase_uri % (tree_id.replace('_', ':')) print tree_id, tb_uri t.annotate(tree_uri, annotations='?tree bibo:cites <%s> .' % tb_uri)
from .stats_view_base import StatsViewSwagger, StatsViewSwaggerKeyRequired from .stats_util_dataverses import StatsMakerDataverses class DataverseCountByMonthView(StatsViewSwaggerKeyRequired): """API View - Dataverse counts by Month.""" # Define the swagger attributes # Note: api_path must match the path in # api_path = '/dataverses/count/monthly' summary = ('Number of published Dataverses by' ' the month they were created*. (*' ' Not month published)') description = ('Returns a list of counts and' ' cumulative counts of all Dataverses added in a month') description_200 = 'A list of Dataverse counts by month' param_names = StatsViewSwagger.PARAM_DV_API_KEY +\ StatsViewSwagger.BASIC_DATE_PARAMS +\ StatsViewSwagger.PUBLISH_PARAMS +\ StatsViewSwagger.PRETTY_JSON_PARAM +\ StatsViewSwagger.PARAM_AS_CSV tags = [StatsViewSwagger.TAG_DATAVERSES] def get_stats_result(self, request): """Return the StatsResult object for this statistic""" stats_datasets = StatsMakerDataverses(**request.GET.dict()) pub_state = self.get_pub_state(request) if pub_state == self.PUB_STATE_ALL: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_counts_by_month() elif pub_state == self.PUB_STATE_UNPUBLISHED: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_counts_by_month_unpublished() else: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_counts_by_month_published() return stats_result class DataverseTotalCounts(StatsViewSwaggerKeyRequired): """API View - Total count of all Dataverses""" # Define the swagger attributes # Note: api_path must match the path in # api_path = '/dataverses/count' summary = ('Simple count of published Dataverses') description = ('Returns number of published Dataverses') description_200 = 'Number of published Dataverses' param_names = StatsViewSwagger.PARAM_DV_API_KEY + StatsViewSwagger.PUBLISH_PARAMS + StatsViewSwagger.PRETTY_JSON_PARAM tags = [StatsViewSwagger.TAG_DATAVERSES] result_name = StatsViewSwagger.RESULT_NAME_TOTAL_COUNT def get_stats_result(self, request): """Return the StatsResult object for this statistic""" stats_datasets = StatsMakerDataverses(**request.GET.dict()) pub_state = self.get_pub_state(request) if pub_state == self.PUB_STATE_ALL: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_count() elif pub_state == self.PUB_STATE_UNPUBLISHED: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_count_unpublished() else: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_count_published() return stats_result class DataverseAffiliationCounts(StatsViewSwaggerKeyRequired): """API View - Number of Dataverses by Affiliation""" # Define the swagger attributes # Note: api_path must match the path in # api_path = '/dataverses/count/by-affiliation' summary = ('Number of Dataverses by Affiliation') description = ('Number of Dataverses by Affiliation.') description_200 = 'Number of published Dataverses by Affiliation.' param_names = StatsViewSwagger.PARAM_DV_API_KEY\ + StatsViewSwagger.PUBLISH_PARAMS\ + StatsViewSwagger.PRETTY_JSON_PARAM\ + StatsViewSwagger.PARAM_AS_CSV result_name = StatsViewSwagger.RESULT_NAME_AFFILIATION_COUNTS tags = [StatsViewSwagger.TAG_DATAVERSES] def get_stats_result(self, request): """Return the StatsResult object for this statistic""" stats_datasets = StatsMakerDataverses(**request.GET.dict()) pub_state = self.get_pub_state(request) if pub_state == self.PUB_STATE_ALL: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_affiliation_counts() elif pub_state == self.PUB_STATE_UNPUBLISHED: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_affiliation_counts_unpublished() else: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_affiliation_counts_published() return stats_result class DataverseTypeCounts(StatsViewSwaggerKeyRequired): # Define the swagger attributes # Note: api_path must match the path in # api_path = '/dataverses/count/by-type' summary = ('Number of Dataverses by Type') description = ('Number of Dataverses by Type.') description_200 = 'Number of published Dataverses by Type.' param_names = StatsViewSwagger.PARAM_DV_API_KEY + StatsViewSwagger.PUBLISH_PARAMS +\ StatsViewSwagger.PRETTY_JSON_PARAM +\ StatsViewSwagger.DV_TYPE_UNCATEGORIZED_PARAM +\ StatsViewSwagger.PARAM_AS_CSV result_name = StatsViewSwagger.RESULT_NAME_DATAVERSE_TYPE_COUNTS tags = [StatsViewSwagger.TAG_DATAVERSES] def is_show_uncategorized(self, request): """Return the result of the "?show_uncategorized" query string param""" show_uncategorized = request.GET.get('show_uncategorized', False) if show_uncategorized is True or show_uncategorized == 'true': return True return False def get_stats_result(self, request): """Return the StatsResult object for this statistic""" stats_datasets = StatsMakerDataverses(**request.GET.dict()) if self.is_show_uncategorized(request): exclude_uncategorized = False else: exclude_uncategorized = True pub_state = self.get_pub_state(request) if pub_state == self.PUB_STATE_ALL: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_counts_by_type(exclude_uncategorized) elif pub_state == self.PUB_STATE_UNPUBLISHED: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_counts_by_type_unpublished(exclude_uncategorized) else: stats_result = stats_datasets.get_dataverse_counts_by_type_published(exclude_uncategorized) return stats_result
import uuid from django.db import models from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser from django.contrib.auth.models import BaseUserManager from django.utils import timezone from accelerator_abstract.models import BaseUserRole from accelerator_abstract.models.base_base_profile import EXPERT_USER_TYPE MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH = 30 class UserManager(BaseUserManager): use_in_migrations = True def _create_user(self, email, password, is_staff, is_superuser, **extra_fields): """ Creates and saves an User with the given email and password. """ now = if not email: raise ValueError('An email address must be provided.') email = self.normalize_email(email) if "is_active" not in extra_fields: extra_fields["is_active"] = True if "username" not in extra_fields: # For now we need to have a unique id that is at # most 30 characters long. Using uuid and truncating. # Ideally username goes away entirely at some point # since we're really using email. If we have to keep # username for some reason then we could switch over # to a string version of the pk which is guaranteed # be unique. extra_fields["username"] = str(uuid.uuid4())[:MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH] user = self.model(email=email, is_staff=is_staff, is_superuser=is_superuser, last_login=None, date_joined=now, **extra_fields) user.set_password(password) return user def create_user(self, email=None, password=None, **extra_fields): return self._create_user(email, password, False, False, **extra_fields) def create_superuser(self, email, password, **extra_fields): return self._create_user(email, password, True, True, **extra_fields) class User(AbstractUser): # Override the parent email field to add uniqueness constraint email = models.EmailField(blank=True, unique=True) objects = UserManager() class Meta: db_table = 'auth_user' managed = settings.ACCELERATOR_MODELS_ARE_MANAGED def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(User, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.startup = None self.team_member = None self.profile = None self.user_finalist_roles = None class AuthenticationException(Exception): pass def __str__(self): return def full_name(self): fn = self.first_name ln = self.last_name if fn and ln: name = u"%s %s" % (fn, ln) else: name = str( return name def user_phone(self): return self._get_profile().phone def image_url(self): return self._get_profile().image_url() def team_member_id(self): return if self._get_member() else '' def user_title(self): return self._get_title_and_company()['title'] def user_twitter_handle(self): return self._get_profile().twitter_handle def user_linked_in_url(self): return self._get_profile().linked_in_url def user_facebook_url(self): return self._get_profile().facebook_url def user_personal_website_url(self): return self._get_profile().personal_website_url def type(self): return self._get_profile().user_type def startup_name(self): return self._get_title_and_company()['company'] def _get_title_and_company(self): if self._is_expert() and self._has_expert_details(): profile = self._get_profile() title = profile.title company = return { "title": title, "company": company } self._get_member() title = self.team_member.title if self.team_member else "" company = if self._get_startup() else None return { "title": title, "company": company } def _has_expert_details(self): if self._is_expert(): profile = self._get_profile() return True if profile.title or else False def startup_industry(self): return self.startup.primary_industry if self._get_startup() else None def top_level_startup_industry(self): industry = ( self.startup.primary_industry if self._get_startup() else None) return industry.parent if industry and industry.parent else industry def startup_status_names(self): if self._get_startup(): return [startup_status.program_startup_status.startup_status for startup_status in self.startup.startupstatus_set.all()] def finalist_user_roles(self): if not self.user_finalist_roles: finalist_roles = BaseUserRole.FINALIST_USER_ROLES self.user_finalist_roles = self.programrolegrant_set.filter( program_role__user_role__name__in=finalist_roles ).values_list('program_role__name', flat=True).distinct() return list(self.user_finalist_roles) def program(self): return self.startup.current_program() if self._get_startup() else None def location(self): program = self.program() return if program else None def year(self): program = self.program() return program.start_date.year if program else None def is_team_member(self): return True if self._get_member() else False def _get_startup(self): if not self.startup: self._get_member() if self.team_member: self.startup = self.team_member.startup return self.startup def _get_member(self): if not self.team_member: self.team_member = self.startupteammember_set.last() return self.team_member def _get_profile(self): if self.profile: return self.profile self.profile = self.get_profile() return self.profile def has_a_finalist_role(self): return len(self.finalist_user_roles()) > 0 def _is_expert(self): profile = self._get_profile() return profile.user_type == EXPERT_USER_TYPE.lower()
from setuptools import setup, find_packages from codecs import open import os def read(*paths): """Build a file path from *paths* and return the contents.""" with open(os.path.join(*paths), 'r') as f: return setup( name='transposer', version='0.0.3', description='Transposes columns and rows in delimited text files', long_description=(read('README.rst')), url='', author='Keith Hamilton', maintainer='Keith Hamilton', maintainer_email='[email protected]', license='BSD License', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Topic :: Office/Business' ], keywords='text, csv, tab-delimited, delimited, excel, sheet, spreadsheet', packages=find_packages(exclude=['contrib', 'docs', 'test*', 'bin', 'include', 'lib', '.idea']), install_requires=[], package_data={}, data_files=[], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'transposer=transposer.script.console_script:main' ] } )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11 on 2017-11-01 20:02 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ('phone_numbers', '0001_initial'), ('sims', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='phonenumber', name='related_sim', field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='phone_numbers', to='sims.Sim'), ), ]
def calc(): h, l = input().split(' ') mapa = [] for i_row in range(int(h)): mapa.append(input().split(' ')) maior_num = 0 for row in mapa: for col in row: n = int(col) if (n > maior_num): maior_num = n qtd = [0 for i in range(maior_num + 1)] for row in mapa: for col in row: n = int(col) qtd[n] = qtd[n] + 1 menor = 1 for i in range(1, len(qtd)): if (qtd[i] <= qtd[menor]): menor = i print(menor) calc()
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Manage and display experimental results. """ __license__ = 'MIT License <>' __author__ = 'Lucas Theis <[email protected]>' __docformat__ = 'epytext' __version__ = '0.4.3' import sys import os import numpy import random import scipy import socket sys.path.append('./code') from argparse import ArgumentParser from pickle import Unpickler, dump from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from os import path from warnings import warn from time import time, strftime, localtime from numpy import ceil, argsort from numpy.random import rand, randint from distutils.version import StrictVersion from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from httplib import HTTPConnection from getopt import getopt class Experiment: """ @type time: float @ivar time: time at initialization of experiment @type duration: float @ivar duration: time in seconds between initialization and saving @type script: string @ivar script: stores the content of the main Python script @type platform: string @ivar platform: information about operating system @type processors: string @ivar processors: some information about the processors @type environ: string @ivar environ: environment variables at point of initialization @type hostname: string @ivar hostname: hostname of server running the experiment @type cwd: string @ivar cwd: working directory at execution time @type comment: string @ivar comment: a comment describing the experiment @type results: dictionary @ivar results: container to store experimental results @type commit: string @ivar commit: git commit hash @type modified: boolean @ivar modified: indicates uncommited changes @type filename: string @ivar filename: path to stored results @type seed: int @ivar seed: random seed used through the experiment @type versions: dictionary @ivar versions: versions of Python, numpy and scipy """ def __str__(self): """ Summarize information about the experiment. @rtype: string @return: summary of the experiment """ strl = [] # date and duration of experiment strl.append(strftime('date \t\t %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', localtime(self.time))) strl.append('duration \t ' + str(int(self.duration)) + 's') strl.append('hostname \t ' + self.hostname) # commit hash if self.commit: if self.modified: strl.append('commit \t\t ' + self.commit + ' (modified)') else: strl.append('commit \t\t ' + self.commit) # results strl.append('results \t {' + ', '.join(map(str, self.results.keys())) + '}') # comment if self.comment: strl.append('\n' + self.comment) return '\n'.join(strl) def __del__(self): self.status(None) def __init__(self, filename='', comment='', seed=None, server=None, port=8000): """ If the filename is given and points to an existing experiment, load it. Otherwise store the current timestamp and try to get commit information from the repository in the current directory. @type filename: string @param filename: path to where the experiment will be stored @type comment: string @param comment: a comment describing the experiment @type seed: integer @param seed: random seed used in the experiment """ = 0 self.time = time() self.comment = comment self.filename = filename self.results = {} self.seed = seed self.script = '' self.cwd = '' self.platform = '' self.processors = '' self.environ = '' self.duration = 0 self.versions = {} self.server = '' if self.seed is None: self.seed = int((time() + 1e6 * rand()) * 1e3) % 4294967295 # set random seed random.seed(self.seed) numpy.random.seed(self.seed) if self.filename: # load given experiment self.load() else: # identifies the experiment = randint(1E8) # check if a comment was passed via the command line parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--comment') optlist, argv = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) optlist = vars(optlist) # remove comment command line argument from argument list sys.argv[1:] = argv # comment given as command line argument self.comment = optlist.get('comment', '') # get OS information self.platform = sys.platform # arguments to the program self.argv = sys.argv self.script_path = sys.argv[0] try: with open(sys.argv[0]) as handle: # store python script self.script = except: warn('Unable to read Python script.') # environment variables self.environ = os.environ self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.hostname = socket.gethostname() # store some information about the processor(s) if self.platform == 'linux2': cmd = 'egrep "processor|model name|cpu MHz|cache size" /proc/cpuinfo' with os.popen(cmd) as handle: self.processors = elif self.platform == 'darwin': cmd = 'system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | egrep "Processor|Cores|L2|Bus"' with os.popen(cmd) as handle: self.processors = # version information self.versions['python'] = sys.version self.versions['numpy'] = numpy.__version__ self.versions['scipy'] = scipy.__version__ # store information about git repository if path.isdir('.git'): # get commit hash pr1 = Popen(['git', 'log', '-1'], stdout=PIPE) pr2 = Popen(['head', '-1'], stdin=pr1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) pr3 = Popen(['cut', '-d', ' ', '-f', '2'], stdin=pr2.stdout, stdout=PIPE) self.commit = pr3.communicate()[0][:-1] # check if project contains uncommitted changes pr1 = Popen(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'], stdout=PIPE) pr2 = Popen(['egrep', '^.M'], stdin=pr1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) self.modified = pr2.communicate()[0] if self.modified: warn('Uncommitted changes.') else: # no git repository self.commit = None self.modified = False # server managing experiments self.server = server self.port = port self.status('running') def status(self, status, **kwargs): if self.server: try: conn = HTTPConnection(self.server, self.port) conn.request('GET', '/version/') resp = conn.getresponse() if not'Experiment'): raise RuntimeError() HTTPConnection(self.server, self.port).request('POST', '', str(dict({ 'id':, 'version': __version__, 'status': status, 'hostname': self.hostname, 'cwd': self.cwd, 'script_path': self.script_path, 'script': self.script, 'comment': self.comment, 'time': self.time, }, **kwargs))) except: warn('Unable to connect to \'{0}:{1}\'.'.format(self.server, self.port)) def progress(self, progress): self.status('PROGRESS', progress=progress) def save(self, filename=None, overwrite=False): """ Store results. If a filename is given, the default is overwritten. @type filename: string @param filename: path to where the experiment will be stored @type overwrite: boolean @param overwrite: overwrite existing files """ self.duration = time() - self.time if filename is None: filename = self.filename else: # replace {0} and {1} by date and time tmp1 = strftime('%d%m%Y', localtime(time())) tmp2 = strftime('%H%M%S', localtime(time())) filename = filename.format(tmp1, tmp2) self.filename = filename # make sure directory exists try: os.makedirs(path.dirname(filename)) except OSError: pass # make sure filename is unique counter = 0 pieces = path.splitext(filename) if not overwrite: while path.exists(filename): counter += 1 filename = pieces[0] + '.' + str(counter) + pieces[1] if counter: warn(''.join(pieces) + ' already exists. Saving to ' + filename + '.') # store experiment with open(filename, 'wb') as handle: dump({ 'version': __version__, 'id':, 'time': self.time, 'seed': self.seed, 'duration': self.duration, 'environ': self.environ, 'hostname': self.hostname, 'cwd': self.cwd, 'argv': self.argv, 'script': self.script, 'script_path': self.script_path, 'processors': self.processors, 'platform': self.platform, 'comment': self.comment, 'commit': self.commit, 'modified': self.modified, 'versions': self.versions, 'results': self.results}, handle, 1) self.status('SAVE', filename=filename, duration=self.duration) def load(self, filename=None): """ Loads experimental results from the specified file. @type filename: string @param filename: path to where the experiment is stored """ if filename: self.filename = filename with open(self.filename, 'rb') as handle: res = load(handle) self.time = res['time'] self.seed = res['seed'] self.duration = res['duration'] self.processors = res['processors'] self.environ = res['environ'] self.platform = res['platform'] self.comment = res['comment'] self.commit = res['commit'] self.modified = res['modified'] self.versions = res['versions'] self.results = res['results'] self.argv = res['argv'] \ if StrictVersion(res['version']) >= '0.3.1' else None self.script = res['script'] \ if StrictVersion(res['version']) >= '0.4.0' else None self.script_path = res['script_path'] \ if StrictVersion(res['version']) >= '0.4.0' else None self.cwd = res['cwd'] \ if StrictVersion(res['version']) >= '0.4.0' else None self.hostname = res['hostname'] \ if StrictVersion(res['version']) >= '0.4.0' else None = res['id'] \ if StrictVersion(res['version']) >= '0.4.0' else None def __getitem__(self, key): return self.results[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.results[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.results[key] class ExperimentRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): """ Renders HTML showing running and finished experiments. """ xpck_path = '' running = {} finished = {} def do_GET(self): """ Renders HTML displaying running and saved experiments. """ # number of bars representing progress max_bars = 20 if self.path == '/version/': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write('Experiment {0}'.format(__version__)) elif self.path.startswith('/running/'): id = int([s for s in self.path.split('/') if s != ''][-1]) # display running experiment if id in ExperimentRequestHandler.running: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(HTML_HEADER) self.wfile.write('<h2>Experiment</h2>') instance = ExperimentRequestHandler.running[id] num_bars = int(instance['progress']) * max_bars / 100 self.wfile.write('<table>') self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Experiment:</th><td>{0}</td></tr>'.format( os.path.join(instance['cwd'], instance['script_path']))) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Hostname:</th><td>{0}</td></tr>'.format(instance['hostname'])) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Status:</th><td class="running">{0}</td></tr>'.format(instance['status'])) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Progress:</th><td class="progress"><span class="bars">{0}</span>{1}</td></tr>'.format( '|' * num_bars, '|' * (max_bars - num_bars))) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Start:</th><td>{0}</td></tr>'.format( strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', localtime(instance['time'])))) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Comment:</th><td>{0}</td></tr>'.format( instance['comment'] if instance['comment'] else '-')) self.wfile.write('</table>') self.wfile.write('<h2>Script</h2>') self.wfile.write('<pre>{0}</pre>'.format(instance['script'])) self.wfile.write(HTML_FOOTER) elif id in ExperimentRequestHandler.finished: self.send_response(302) self.send_header('Location', '/finished/{0}/'.format(id)) self.end_headers() else: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(HTML_HEADER) self.wfile.write('<h2>404</h2>') self.wfile.write('Requested experiment not found.') self.wfile.write(HTML_FOOTER) elif self.path.startswith('/finished/'): self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(HTML_HEADER) id = int([s for s in self.path.split('/') if s != ''][-1]) # display finished experiment if id in ExperimentRequestHandler.finished: instance = ExperimentRequestHandler.finished[id] if id in ExperimentRequestHandler.running: progress = ExperimentRequestHandler.running[id]['progress'] else: progress = 100 num_bars = int(progress) * max_bars / 100 self.wfile.write('<h2>Experiment</h2>') self.wfile.write('<table>') self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Experiment:</th><td>{0}</td></tr>'.format( os.path.join(instance['cwd'], instance['script_path']))) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Results:</th><td>{0}</td></tr>'.format( os.path.join(instance['cwd'], instance['filename']))) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Status:</th><td class="finished">{0}</td></tr>'.format(instance['status'])) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Progress:</th><td class="progress"><span class="bars">{0}</span>{1}</td></tr>'.format( '|' * num_bars, '|' * (max_bars - num_bars))) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Start:</th><td>{0}</td></tr>'.format( strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', localtime(instance['time'])))) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>End:</th><td>{0}</td></tr>'.format( strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', localtime(instance['duration'])))) self.wfile.write('<tr><th>Comment:</th><td>{0}</td></tr>'.format( instance['comment'] if instance['comment'] else '-')) self.wfile.write('</table>') self.wfile.write('<h2>Results</h2>') try: experiment = Experiment(os.path.join(instance['cwd'], instance['filename'])) except: self.wfile.write('Could not open file.') else: self.wfile.write('<table>') for key, value in experiment.results.items(): self.wfile.write('<tr><th>{0}</th><td>{1}</td></tr>'.format(key, value)) self.wfile.write('</table>') self.wfile.write('<h2>Script</h2>') self.wfile.write('<pre>{0}</pre>'.format(instance['script'])) else: self.wfile.write('<h2>404</h2>') self.wfile.write('Requested experiment not found.') self.wfile.write(HTML_FOOTER) else: files = [] if 'xpck_path' in ExperimentRequestHandler.__dict__: if ExperimentRequestHandler.xpck_path != '': for path in ExperimentRequestHandler.xpck_path.split(':'): files += [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.xpck')] if 'XPCK_PATH' in os.environ: for path in os.environ['XPCK_PATH'].split(':'): files += [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.xpck')] self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(HTML_HEADER) self.wfile.write('<h2>Running</h2>') # display running experiments if ExperimentRequestHandler.running: self.wfile.write('<table>') self.wfile.write('<tr>') self.wfile.write('<th>Experiment</th>') self.wfile.write('<th>Hostname</th>') self.wfile.write('<th>Status</th>') self.wfile.write('<th>Progress</th>') self.wfile.write('<th>Start</th>') self.wfile.write('<th>Comment</th>') self.wfile.write('</tr>') # sort ids by start time of experiment times = [instance['time'] for instance in ExperimentRequestHandler.running.values()] ids = ExperimentRequestHandler.running.keys() ids = [ids[i] for i in argsort(times)][::-1] for id in ids: instance = ExperimentRequestHandler.running[id] num_bars = int(instance['progress']) * max_bars / 100 self.wfile.write('<tr>') self.wfile.write('<td class="filepath"><a href="/running/{1}/">{0}</a></td>'.format( instance['script_path'], instance['id'])) self.wfile.write('<td>{0}</td>'.format(instance['hostname'])) self.wfile.write('<td class="running">{0}</td>'.format(instance['status'])) self.wfile.write('<td class="progress"><span class="bars">{0}</span>{1}</td>'.format( '|' * num_bars, '|' * (max_bars - num_bars))) self.wfile.write('<td>{0}</td>'.format(strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', localtime(instance['time'])))) self.wfile.write('<td class="comment">{0}</td>'.format( instance['comment'] if instance['comment'] else '-')) self.wfile.write('</tr>') self.wfile.write('</table>') else: self.wfile.write('No running experiments.') self.wfile.write('<h2>Saved</h2>') # display saved experiments if ExperimentRequestHandler.finished: self.wfile.write('<table>') self.wfile.write('<tr>') self.wfile.write('<th>Results</th>') self.wfile.write('<th>Status</th>') self.wfile.write('<th>Progress</th>') self.wfile.write('<th>Start</th>') self.wfile.write('<th>End</th>') self.wfile.write('<th>Comment</th>') self.wfile.write('</tr>') # sort ids by start time of experiment times = [instance['time'] + instance['duration'] for instance in ExperimentRequestHandler.finished.values()] ids = ExperimentRequestHandler.finished.keys() ids = [ids[i] for i in argsort(times)][::-1] for id in ids: instance = ExperimentRequestHandler.finished[id] if id in ExperimentRequestHandler.running: progress = ExperimentRequestHandler.running[id]['progress'] else: progress = 100 num_bars = int(progress) * max_bars / 100 self.wfile.write('<tr>') self.wfile.write('<td class="filepath"><a href="/finished/{1}/">{0}</a></td>'.format( instance['filename'], instance['id'])) self.wfile.write('<td class="finished">saved</td>') self.wfile.write('<td class="progress"><span class="bars">{0}</span>{1}</td>'.format( '|' * num_bars, '|' * (max_bars - num_bars))) self.wfile.write('<td>{0}</td>'.format(strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', localtime(instance['time'])))) self.wfile.write('<td>{0}</td>'.format(strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', localtime(instance['time'] + instance['duration'])))) self.wfile.write('<td class="comment">{0}</td>'.format( instance['comment'] if instance['comment'] else '-')) self.wfile.write('</tr>') self.wfile.write('</table>') else: self.wfile.write('No saved experiments.') self.wfile.write(HTML_FOOTER) def do_POST(self): instances = ExperimentRequestHandler.running instance = eval(['Content-Length']))) if instance['status'] is 'PROGRESS': if instance['id'] not in instances: instances[instance['id']] = instance instances[instance['id']]['status'] = 'running' instances[instance['id']]['progress'] = instance['progress'] elif instance['status'] is 'SAVE': ExperimentRequestHandler.finished[instance['id']] = instance ExperimentRequestHandler.finished[instance['id']]['status'] = 'saved' else: if instance['id'] in instances: progress = instances[instance['id']]['progress'] else: progress = 0 instances[instance['id']] = instance instances[instance['id']]['progress'] = progress if instance['status'] is None: try: del instances[instance['id']] except: pass class XUnpickler(Unpickler): """ An extension of the Unpickler class which resolves some backwards compatibility issues of Numpy. """ def find_class(self, module, name): """ Helps Unpickler to find certain Numpy modules. """ try: numpy_version = StrictVersion(numpy.__version__) if numpy_version >= '1.5.0': if module == 'numpy.core.defmatrix': module = 'numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix' except ValueError: pass return Unpickler.find_class(self, module, name) def load(file): return XUnpickler(file).load() def main(argv): """ Load and display experiment information. """ if len(argv) < 2: print 'Usage:', argv[0], '[--server] [--port=<port>] [--path=<path>] [filename]' return 0 optlist, argv = getopt(argv[1:], '', ['server', 'port=', 'path=']) optlist = dict(optlist) if '--server' in optlist: try: ExperimentRequestHandler.xpck_path = optlist.get('--path', '') port = optlist.get('--port', 8000) # start server server = HTTPServer(('', port), ExperimentRequestHandler) server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: server.socket.close() return 0 # load experiment experiment = Experiment(sys.argv[1]) if len(argv) > 1: # print arguments for arg in argv[1:]: try: print experiment[arg] except: print experiment[int(arg)] return 0 # print summary of experiment print experiment return 0 HTML_HEADER = '''<html> <head> <title>Experiments</title> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt; color: black; background: white; padding: 0pt 20pt; } h2 { margin-top: 20pt; font-size: 16pt; } table { border-collapse: collapse; } tr:nth-child(even) { background: #f4f4f4; } th { font-size: 12pt; text-align: left; padding: 2pt 10pt 3pt 0pt; } td { font-size: 10pt; padding: 3pt 10pt 2pt 0pt; } pre { font-size: 10pt; background: #f4f4f4; padding: 5pt; } a { text-decoration: none; color: #04a; } .running { color: #08b; } .finished { color: #390; } .comment { min-width: 200pt; font-style: italic; } .progress { color: #ccc; } .progress .bars { color: black; } </style> </head> <body>''' HTML_FOOTER = ''' </body> </html>''' if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
import traceback class EnsureExceptionHandledGuard: """Helper for ensuring that Future's exceptions were handled. This solves a nasty problem with Futures and Tasks that have an exception set: if nobody asks for the exception, the exception is never logged. This violates the Zen of Python: 'Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced.' However, we don't want to log the exception as soon as set_exception() is called: if the calling code is written properly, it will get the exception and handle it properly. But we *do* want to log it if result() or exception() was never called -- otherwise developers waste a lot of time wondering why their buggy code fails silently. An earlier attempt added a __del__() method to the Future class itself, but this backfired because the presence of __del__() prevents garbage collection from breaking cycles. A way out of this catch-22 is to avoid having a __del__() method on the Future class itself, but instead to have a reference to a helper object with a __del__() method that logs the traceback, where we ensure that the helper object doesn't participate in cycles, and only the Future has a reference to it. The helper object is added when set_exception() is called. When the Future is collected, and the helper is present, the helper object is also collected, and its __del__() method will log the traceback. When the Future's result() or exception() method is called (and a helper object is present), it removes the the helper object, after calling its clear() method to prevent it from logging. One downside is that we do a fair amount of work to extract the traceback from the exception, even when it is never logged. It would seem cheaper to just store the exception object, but that references the traceback, which references stack frames, which may reference the Future, which references the _EnsureExceptionHandledGuard, and then the _EnsureExceptionHandledGuard would be included in a cycle, which is what we're trying to avoid! As an optimization, we don't immediately format the exception; we only do the work when activate() is called, which call is delayed until after all the Future's callbacks have run. Since usually a Future has at least one callback (typically set by 'yield from') and usually that callback extracts the callback, thereby removing the need to format the exception. PS. I don't claim credit for this solution. I first heard of it in a discussion about closing files when they are collected. """ __slots__ = ['exc', 'tb', 'hndl', 'cls'] def __init__(self, exc, handler): self.exc = exc self.hndl = handler self.cls = type(exc) self.tb = None def activate(self): exc = self.exc if exc is not None: self.exc = None self.tb = traceback.format_exception(exc.__class__, exc, exc.__traceback__) def clear(self): self.exc = None self.tb = None def __del__(self): if self.tb: self.hndl(self.cls, self.tb)
__package__ = 'archivebox.core'
import logging.handlers import os _pabotlog = logging.getLogger('PABot') _pabotlog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _logPath = os.path.abspath("./logging/pabot.log") _formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s') _consoleStreamHandler = logging.StreamHandler() _consoleStreamHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _consoleStreamHandler.setFormatter(_formatter) _symLogRotFileHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(_logPath, maxBytes=2000000, backupCount=5) _symLogRotFileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _symLogRotFileHandler.setFormatter(_formatter) _pabotlog.addHandler(_consoleStreamHandler) _pabotlog.addHandler(_symLogRotFileHandler) def LogPABotMessage(message): def LogPABotError(message): _pabotlog.error(message)
import ast import heisenberg.library.heisenberg_dynamics_context import heisenberg.library.orbit_plot import heisenberg.option_parser import heisenberg.plot import heisenberg.util import matplotlib import numpy as np import sys # says this should fix "Exceeded cell block limit" problems matplotlib.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 10000 dynamics_context = heisenberg.library.heisenberg_dynamics_context.Numeric() op = heisenberg.option_parser.OptionParser(module=heisenberg.plot) # Add the subprogram-specific options here. op.add_option( '--initial-preimage', dest='initial_preimage', type='string', help='Specifies the preimage of the initial conditions with respect to the embedding map specified by the --embedding-dimension and --embedding-solution-sheet-index option values. Should have the form [x_1,...,x_n], where n is the embedding dimension and x_i is a floating point literal for each i.' ) op.add_option( '--initial', dest='initial', type='string', help='Specifies the initial conditions [x,y,z,p_x,p_y,p_z], where each of x,y,z,p_x,p_y,p_z are floating point literals.' ) op.add_option( '--optimization-iterations', dest='optimization_iterations', default=1000, type='int', help='Specifies the number of iterations to run the optimization for (if applicable). Default is 1000.' ) op.add_option( '--optimize-initial', dest='optimize_initial', action='store_true', default=False, help='Indicates that the specified initial condition (via whichever of the --initial... options) should be used as the starting point for an optimization to attempt to close the orbit. Default value is False.' ) op.add_option( '--output-dir', dest='output_dir', default='.', help='Specifies the directory to write plot images and data files to. Default is current directory.' ) op.add_option( '--disable-plot-initial', dest='disable_plot_initial', action='store_true', default=False, help='Disables plotting the initial curve; only has effect if --optimize-initial is specified.' ) options,args = op.parse_argv_and_validate() if options is None: sys.exit(-1) num_initial_conditions_specified = sum([ options.initial_preimage is not None, options.initial is not None, ]) if num_initial_conditions_specified != 1: print('Some initial condition option must be specified; --initial-preimage, --initial. However, {0} of those were specified.'.format(num_initial_conditions_specified)) op.print_help() sys.exit(-1) # Validate subprogram-specific options here. # Attempt to parse initial conditions. Upon success, the attribute options.qp_0 should exist. if options.initial_preimage is not None: try: options.initial_preimage = np.array(ast.literal_eval(options.initial_preimage)) expected_shape = (options.embedding_dimension,) if options.initial_preimage.shape != expected_shape: raise ValueError('--initial-preimage value had the wrong number of components (got {0} but expected {1}).'.format(options.initial_preimage.shape, expected_shape)) options.qp_0 = dynamics_context.embedding(N=options.embedding_dimension, sheet_index=options.embedding_solution_sheet_index)(options.initial_preimage) except Exception as e: print('error parsing --initial-preimage value; error was {0}'.format(e)) op.print_help() sys.exit(-1) elif options.initial is not None: try: options.initial = heisenberg.util.csv_as_ndarray(heisenberg.util.pop_brackets_off_of(options.initial), float) expected_shape = (6,) if options.initial.shape != expected_shape: raise ValueError('--initial value had the wrong number of components (got {0} but expected {1}).'.format(options.initial.shape, expected_shape)) options.qp_0 = options.initial.reshape(2,3) except ValueError as e: print('error parsing --initial value: {0}'.format(str(e))) op.print_help() sys.exit(-1) else: assert False, 'this should never happen because of the check with num_initial_conditions_specified' rng = np.random.RandomState(options.seed) heisenberg.plot.plot(dynamics_context, options, rng=rng)
def send_simple_message(): return "", auth=("api", "key-679dc79b890e700f11f001a6bf86f4a1"), data={"from": "Mailgun Sandbox <[email protected]>", "to": "nick <[email protected]>", "subject": "Hello nick", "text": "Congratulations nick, you just sent an email with Mailgun! You are truly awesome! You can see a record of this email in your logs: . You can send up to 300 emails/day from this sandbox server. Next, you should add your own domain so you can send 10,000 emails/month for free."}) # cURL command to send mail aith API key # curl -s --user 'api:key-679dc79b890e700f11f001a6bf86f4a1' \ # \ # -F from='Excited User <[email protected]>' \ # -F [email protected] \ # -F subject='Hello' \ # -F text='Testing some Mailgun awesomness!'
def load_keys(filepath): """ Loads the Twitter API keys into a dict. :param filepath: file path to config file with Twitter API keys. :return: keys_dict :raise: IOError """ try: keys_file = open(filepath, 'rb') keys = {} for line in keys_file: key, value = line.split('=') keys[key.strip()] = value.strip() except IOError: message = ('File {} cannot be opened.' ' Check that it exists and is binary.') print message.format(filepath) raise except: print "Error opening or unpickling file." raise return keys
"""Main entry points for scripts.""" from __future__ import print_function, division from argparse import ArgumentParser from collections import OrderedDict from copy import copy from datetime import datetime import glob import json import logging import math import os import scipy.stats import numpy as np from .version import __version__ from .psffuncs import gaussian_moffat_psf from .psf import TabularPSF, GaussianMoffatPSF from .io import read_datacube, write_results, read_results from .fitting import (guess_sky, fit_galaxy_single, fit_galaxy_sky_multi, fit_position_sky, fit_position_sky_sn_multi, RegularizationPenalty) from .utils import yxbounds from .extern import ADR, Hyper_PSF3D_PL __all__ = ["cubefit", "cubefit_subtract", "cubefit_plot"] MODEL_SHAPE = (32, 32) SPAXEL_SIZE = 0.43 MIN_NMAD = 2.5 # Minimum Number of Median Absolute Deviations above # the minimum spaxel value in fit_position LBFGSB_FACTOR = 1e10 REFWAVE = 5000. # reference wavelength in Angstroms for PSF params and ADR POSITION_BOUND = 3. # Bound on fitted positions relative in initial positions def snfpsf(wave, psfparams, header, psftype): """Create a 3-d PSF based on SNFactory-specific parameterization of Gaussian + Moffat PSF parameters and ADR.""" # Get Gaussian+Moffat parameters at each wavelength. relwave = wave / REFWAVE - 1.0 ellipticity = abs(psfparams[0]) * np.ones_like(wave) alpha = np.abs(psfparams[1] + psfparams[2] * relwave + psfparams[3] * relwave**2) # correlated parameters (coefficients determined externally) sigma = 0.545 + 0.215 * alpha # Gaussian parameter beta = 1.685 + 0.345 * alpha # Moffat parameter eta = 1.040 + 0.0 * alpha # gaussian ampl. / moffat ampl. # Atmospheric differential refraction (ADR): Because of ADR, # the center of the PSF will be different at each wavelength, # by an amount that we can determine (pretty well) from the # atmospheric conditions and the pointing and angle of the # instrument. We calculate the offsets here as a function of # observation and wavelength and input these to the model. # Correction to parallactic angle and airmass for 2nd-order effects # such as MLA rotation, mechanical flexures or finite-exposure # corrections. These values have been trained on faint-std star # exposures. # # `predict_adr_params` uses 'AIRMASS', 'PARANG' and 'CHANNEL' keys # in input dictionary. delta, theta = Hyper_PSF3D_PL.predict_adr_params(header) # check for crazy values of pressure and temperature, and assign default # values. pressure = header.get('PRESSURE', 617.) if not 550. < pressure < 650.: pressure = 617. temp = header.get('TEMP', 2.) if not -20. < temp < 20.: temp = 2. adr = ADR(pressure, temp, lref=REFWAVE, delta=delta, theta=theta) adr_refract = adr.refract(0, 0, wave, unit=SPAXEL_SIZE) # adr_refract[0, :] corresponds to x, adr_refract[1, :] => y xctr, yctr = adr_refract if psftype == 'gaussian-moffat': return GaussianMoffatPSF(sigma, alpha, beta, ellipticity, eta, yctr, xctr, MODEL_SHAPE, subpix=3) elif psftype == 'tabular': A = gaussian_moffat_psf(sigma, alpha, beta, ellipticity, eta, yctr, xctr, MODEL_SHAPE, subpix=3) return TabularPSF(A) else: raise ValueError("unknown psf type: " + repr(psftype)) def setup_logging(loglevel, logfname=None): # if loglevel isn't an integer, parse it as "debug", "info", etc: if not isinstance(loglevel, int): loglevel = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(loglevel, int): print('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel) exit(1) # remove logfile if it already exists if logfname is not None and os.path.exists(logfname): os.remove(logfname) logging.basicConfig(filename=logfname, format="%(levelname)s %(message)s", level=loglevel) def cubefit(argv=None): DESCRIPTION = "Fit SN + galaxy model to SNFactory data cubes." parser = ArgumentParser(prog="cubefit", description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("configfile", help="configuration file name (JSON format)") parser.add_argument("outfile", help="Output file name (FITS format)") parser.add_argument("--dataprefix", default="", help="path prepended to data file names; default is " "empty string") parser.add_argument("--logfile", help="Write log to this file " "(default: print to stdout)", default=None) parser.add_argument("--loglevel", default="info", help="one of: debug, info, warning (default is info)") parser.add_argument("--diagdir", default=None, help="If given, write intermediate diagnostic results " "to this directory") parser.add_argument("--refitgal", default=False, action="store_true", help="Add an iteration where galaxy model is fit " "using all epochs and then data/SN positions are " "refit") parser.add_argument("--mu_wave", default=0.07, type=float, help="Wavelength regularization parameter. " "Default is 0.07.") parser.add_argument("--mu_xy", default=0.001, type=float, help="Spatial regularization parameter. " "Default is 0.001.") parser.add_argument("--psftype", default="gaussian-moffat", help="Type of PSF: 'gaussian-moffat' or 'tabular'. " "Currently, tabular means generate a tabular PSF from " "gaussian-moffat parameters.") args = parser.parse_args(argv) setup_logging(args.loglevel, logfname=args.logfile) # record start time tstart ="cubefit v%s started at %s", __version__, tstart.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) tsteps = OrderedDict() # finish time of each step."parameters: mu_wave={:.3g} mu_xy={:.3g} refitgal={}" .format(args.mu_wave, args.mu_xy, args.refitgal))" psftype={}".format(args.psftype))"reading config file") with open(args.configfile) as f: cfg = json.load(f) # basic checks on config contents. assert (len(cfg["filenames"]) == len(cfg["xcenters"]) == len(cfg["ycenters"]) == len(cfg["psf_params"])) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load data cubes from the list of FITS files. nt = len(cfg["filenames"])"reading %d data cubes", nt) cubes = [] for fname in cfg["filenames"]: logging.debug(" reading %s", fname) cubes.append(read_datacube(os.path.join(args.dataprefix, fname))) wave = cubes[0].wave nw = len(wave) # assign some local variables for convenience refs = cfg["refs"] master_ref = cfg["master_ref"] if master_ref not in refs: raise ValueError("master ref choice must be one of the final refs (" + " ".join(refs.astype(str)) + ")") nonmaster_refs = [i for i in refs if i != master_ref] nonrefs = [i for i in range(nt) if i not in refs] # Ensure that all cubes have the same wavelengths. if not all(np.all(cubes[i].wave == wave) for i in range(1, nt)): raise ValueError("all data must have same wavelengths") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PSF for each observation"setting up PSF for all %d epochs", nt) psfs = [snfpsf(wave, cfg["psf_params"][i], cubes[i].header, args.psftype) for i in range(nt)] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize all model parameters to be fit yctr0 = np.array(cfg["ycenters"]) xctr0 = np.array(cfg["xcenters"]) galaxy = np.zeros((nw, MODEL_SHAPE[0], MODEL_SHAPE[1]), dtype=np.float64) sn = np.zeros((nt, nw), dtype=np.float64) # SN spectrum at each epoch skys = np.zeros((nt, nw), dtype=np.float64) # Sky spectrum at each epoch yctr = yctr0.copy() xctr = xctr0.copy() snctr = (0., 0.) # For writing out to FITS modelwcs = {"CRVAL1": -SPAXEL_SIZE * (MODEL_SHAPE[0] - 1) / 2., "CRPIX1": 1, "CDELT1": SPAXEL_SIZE, "CRVAL2": -SPAXEL_SIZE * (MODEL_SHAPE[1] - 1) / 2., "CRPIX2": 1, "CDELT2": SPAXEL_SIZE, "CRVAL3": cubes[0].header["CRVAL3"], "CRPIX3": cubes[0].header["CRPIX3"], "CDELT3": cubes[0].header["CDELT3"]} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Position bounds # Bounds on data position: shape=(nt, 2) xctrbounds = np.vstack((xctr - POSITION_BOUND, xctr + POSITION_BOUND)).T yctrbounds = np.vstack((yctr - POSITION_BOUND, yctr + POSITION_BOUND)).T snctrbounds = (-POSITION_BOUND, POSITION_BOUND) # For data positions, check that bounds do not extend # past the edge of the model and adjust the minbound and maxbound. # This doesn't apply to SN position. gshape = galaxy.shape[1:3] # model shape for i in range(nt): dshape = cubes[i].data.shape[1:3] (yminabs, ymaxabs), (xminabs, xmaxabs) = yxbounds(gshape, dshape) yctrbounds[i, 0] = max(yctrbounds[i, 0], yminabs) yctrbounds[i, 1] = min(yctrbounds[i, 1], ymaxabs) xctrbounds[i, 0] = max(xctrbounds[i, 0], xminabs) xctrbounds[i, 1] = min(xctrbounds[i, 1], xmaxabs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Guess sky"guessing sky for all %d epochs", nt) for i, cube in enumerate(cubes): skys[i, :] = guess_sky(cube, npix=30) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Regularization penalty parameters # Calculate rough average galaxy spectrum from all final refs. spectra = np.zeros((len(refs), len(wave)), dtype=np.float64) for j, i in enumerate(refs): avg_spec = np.average(cubes[i].data, axis=(1, 2)) - skys[i] mean_spec, bins, bn = scipy.stats.binned_statistic(wave, avg_spec, bins=len(wave)/10) spectra[j] = np.interp(wave, bins[:-1] + np.diff(bins)[0]/2., mean_spec) mean_gal_spec = np.average(spectra, axis=0) # Ensure that there won't be any negative or tiny values in mean: mean_floor = 0.1 * np.median(mean_gal_spec) mean_gal_spec[mean_gal_spec < mean_floor] = mean_floor galprior = np.zeros((nw, MODEL_SHAPE[0], MODEL_SHAPE[1]), dtype=np.float64) regpenalty = RegularizationPenalty(galprior, mean_gal_spec, args.mu_xy, args.mu_wave) tsteps["setup"] = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fit just the galaxy model to just the master ref. data = cubes[master_ref].data - skys[master_ref, :, None, None] weight = cubes[master_ref].weight"fitting galaxy to master ref [%d]", master_ref) galaxy = fit_galaxy_single(galaxy, data, weight, (yctr[master_ref], xctr[master_ref]), psfs[master_ref], regpenalty, LBFGSB_FACTOR) if args.diagdir: fname = os.path.join(args.diagdir, 'step1.fits') write_results(galaxy, skys, sn, snctr, yctr, xctr, yctr0, xctr0, yctrbounds, xctrbounds, cubes, psfs, modelwcs, fname) tsteps["fit galaxy to master ref"] = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fit the positions of the other final refs # # Here we only use spaxels where the *model* has significant flux. # We define "significant" as some number of median absolute deviations # (MAD) above the minimum flux in the model. We (temporarily) set the # weight of "insignificant" spaxels to zero during this process, then # restore the original weight after we're done. # # If there are less than 20 "significant" spaxels, we do not attempt to # fit the position, but simply leave it as is."fitting position of non-master refs %s", nonmaster_refs) for i in nonmaster_refs: cube = cubes[i] # Evaluate galaxy on this epoch for purpose of masking spaxels. gal = psfs[i].evaluate_galaxy(galaxy, (cube.ny, cube.nx), (yctr[i], xctr[i])) # Set weight of low-valued spaxels to zero. gal2d = gal.sum(axis=0) # Sum of gal over wavelengths mad = np.median(np.abs(gal2d - np.median(gal2d))) mask = gal2d > np.min(gal2d) + MIN_NMAD * mad if mask.sum() < 20: continue weight = cube.weight * mask[None, :, :] fctr, fsky = fit_position_sky(galaxy,, weight, (yctr[i], xctr[i]), psfs[i], (yctrbounds[i], xctrbounds[i])) yctr[i], xctr[i] = fctr skys[i, :] = fsky tsteps["fit positions of other refs"] = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Redo model fit, this time including all final refs. datas = [cubes[i].data for i in refs] weights = [cubes[i].weight for i in refs] ctrs = [(yctr[i], xctr[i]) for i in refs] psfs_refs = [psfs[i] for i in refs]"fitting galaxy to all refs %s", refs) galaxy, fskys = fit_galaxy_sky_multi(galaxy, datas, weights, ctrs, psfs_refs, regpenalty, LBFGSB_FACTOR) # put fitted skys back in `skys` for i,j in enumerate(refs): skys[j, :] = fskys[i] if args.diagdir: fname = os.path.join(args.diagdir, 'step2.fits') write_results(galaxy, skys, sn, snctr, yctr, xctr, yctr0, xctr0, yctrbounds, xctrbounds, cubes, psfs, modelwcs, fname) tsteps["fit galaxy to all refs"] = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fit position of data and SN in non-references # # Now we think we have a good galaxy model. We fix this and fit # the relative position of the remaining epochs (which presumably # all have some SN light). We simultaneously fit the position of # the SN itself."fitting position of all %d non-refs and SN position", len(nonrefs)) if len(nonrefs) > 0: datas = [cubes[i].data for i in nonrefs] weights = [cubes[i].weight for i in nonrefs] psfs_nonrefs = [psfs[i] for i in nonrefs] fyctr, fxctr, snctr, fskys, fsne = fit_position_sky_sn_multi( galaxy, datas, weights, yctr[nonrefs], xctr[nonrefs], snctr, psfs_nonrefs, LBFGSB_FACTOR, yctrbounds[nonrefs], xctrbounds[nonrefs], snctrbounds) # put fitted results back in parameter lists. yctr[nonrefs] = fyctr xctr[nonrefs] = fxctr for i,j in enumerate(nonrefs): skys[j, :] = fskys[i] sn[j, :] = fsne[i] tsteps["fit positions of nonrefs & SN"] = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # optional step(s) if args.refitgal and len(nonrefs) > 0: if args.diagdir: fname = os.path.join(args.diagdir, 'step3.fits') write_results(galaxy, skys, sn, snctr, yctr, xctr, yctr0, xctr0, yctrbounds, xctrbounds, cubes, psfs, modelwcs, fname) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Redo fit of galaxy, using ALL epochs, including ones with SN # light. We hold the SN "fixed" simply by subtracting it from the # data and fitting the remainder. # # This is slightly dangerous: any errors in the original SN # determination, whether due to an incorrect PSF or ADR model # or errors in the galaxy model will result in residuals. The # galaxy model will then try to compensate for these. # # We should look at the galaxy model at the position of the SN # before and after this step to see if there is a bias towards # the galaxy flux increasing."fitting galaxy using all %d epochs", nt) datas = [ for cube in cubes] weights = [cube.weight for cube in cubes] ctrs = [(yctr[i], xctr[i]) for i in range(nt)] # subtract SN from non-ref cubes. for i in nonrefs: s = psfs[i].point_source(snctr, datas[i].shape[1:3], ctrs[i]) # do *not* use in-place operation (-=) here! datas[i] = cubes[i].data - sn[i, :, None, None] * s galaxy, fskys = fit_galaxy_sky_multi(galaxy, datas, weights, ctrs, psfs, regpenalty, LBFGSB_FACTOR) for i in range(nt): skys[i, :] = fskys[i] # put fitted skys back in skys if args.diagdir: fname = os.path.join(args.diagdir, 'step4.fits') write_results(galaxy, skys, sn, snctr, yctr, xctr, yctr0, xctr0, yctrbounds, xctrbounds, cubes, psfs, modelwcs, fname) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Repeat step before last: fit position of data and SN in # non-references"re-fitting position of all %d non-refs and SN position", len(nonrefs)) if len(nonrefs) > 0: datas = [cubes[i].data for i in nonrefs] weights = [cubes[i].weight for i in nonrefs] psfs_nonrefs = [psfs[i] for i in nonrefs] fyctr, fxctr, snctr, fskys, fsne = fit_position_sky_sn_multi( galaxy, datas, weights, yctr[nonrefs], xctr[nonrefs], snctr, psfs_nonrefs, LBFGSB_FACTOR, yctrbounds[nonrefs], xctrbounds[nonrefs], snctrbounds) # put fitted results back in parameter lists. yctr[nonrefs] = fyctr xctr[nonrefs] = fxctr for i, j in enumerate(nonrefs): skys[j, :] = fskys[i] sn[j, :] = fsne[i] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Write results"writing results to %s", args.outfile) write_results(galaxy, skys, sn, snctr, yctr, xctr, yctr0, xctr0, yctrbounds, xctrbounds, cubes, psfs, modelwcs, args.outfile) # time info"step times:") maxlen = max(len(key) for key in tsteps) fmtstr = " %2dm%02ds - %-" + str(maxlen) + "s" tprev = tstart for key, tstep in tsteps.items(): t = (tstep - tprev).seconds, t//60, t%60, key) tprev = tstep tfinish ="finished at %s", tfinish.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) t = (tfinish - tstart).seconds"took %3dm%2ds", t // 60, t % 60) return 0 def cubefit_subtract(argv=None): DESCRIPTION = \ """Subtract model determined by cubefit from the original data. The "outnames" key in the supplied configuration file is used to determine the output FITS file names. The input FITS header is passed unaltered to the output file, with the following additions: (1) A `HISTORY` entry. (2) `CBFT_SNX` and `CBFT_SNY` records giving the cubefit-determined position of the SN relative to the center of the data array (at the reference wavelength). This script also writes fitted SN spectra to individual FITS files. The "sn_outnames" configuration field determines the output filenames. """ import shutil import fitsio prog_name = "cubefit-subtract" prog_name_ver = "{} v{}".format(prog_name, __version__) parser = ArgumentParser(prog=prog_name, description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("configfile", help="configuration file name " "(JSON format), same as cubefit input.") parser.add_argument("resultfile", help="Result FITS file from cubefit") parser.add_argument("--dataprefix", default="", help="path prepended to data file names; default is " "empty string") parser.add_argument("--outprefix", default="", help="path prepended to output file names; default is " "empty string") args = parser.parse_args(argv) setup_logging("info") # get input & output filenames with open(args.configfile) as f: cfg = json.load(f) fnames = [os.path.join(args.dataprefix, fname) for fname in cfg["filenames"]] outfnames = [os.path.join(args.outprefix, fname) for fname in cfg["outnames"]] # load results results = read_results(args.resultfile) epochs = results["epochs"] sny, snx = results["snctr"] if not len(epochs) == len(fnames) == len(outfnames): raise RuntimeError("number of epochs in result file not equal to " "number of input and output files in config file") # subtract and write out. for fname, outfname, epoch in zip(fnames, outfnames, epochs):"writing %s", outfname) shutil.copy(fname, outfname) f = fitsio.FITS(outfname, "rw") data = f[0].read() data -= epoch["galeval"] f[0].write(data) f[0].write_history("galaxy subtracted by " + prog_name_ver) f[0].write_key("CBFT_SNX", snx - epoch['xctr'], comment="SN x offset from center at {:.0f} A [spaxels]" .format(REFWAVE)) f[0].write_key("CBFT_SNY", sny - epoch['yctr'], comment="SN y offset from center at {:.0f} A [spaxels]" .format(REFWAVE)) f.close() # output SN spectra to separate files. sn_outnames = [os.path.join(args.outprefix, fname) for fname in cfg["sn_outnames"]] header = {"CRVAL1": results["header"]["CRVAL3"], "CRPIX1": results["header"]["CRPIX3"], "CDELT1": results["header"]["CDELT3"]} for outfname, epoch in zip(sn_outnames, epochs):"writing %s", outfname) if os.path.exists(outfname): # avoid warning from clobber=True os.remove(outfname) with fitsio.FITS(outfname, "rw") as f: f.write(epoch["sn"], extname="sn", header=header) f[0].write_history("created by " + prog_name_ver) return 0 def cubefit_plot(argv=None): DESCRIPTION = """Plot results and diagnostics from cubefit""" from .plotting import plot_timeseries, plot_epoch, plot_sn, plot_adr # arguments are the same as cubefit except an output parser = ArgumentParser(prog="cubefit-plot", description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("configfile", help="configuration filename") parser.add_argument("resultfile", help="Result filename from cubefit") parser.add_argument("outprefix", help="output prefix") parser.add_argument("--dataprefix", default="", help="path prepended to data file names; default is " "empty string") parser.add_argument('-b', '--band', help='timeseries band (U, B, V). ' 'Default is a 1000 A wide band in middle of cube.', default=None, dest='band') parser.add_argument('--idrfiles', nargs='+', default=None, help='Prefix of IDR. If given, the cubefit SN ' 'spectra are plotted against the production values.') parser.add_argument("--diagdir", default=None, help="If given, read intermediate diagnostic " "results from this directory and include in plot(s)") parser.add_argument("--plotepochs", default=False, action="store_true", help="Make diagnostic plots for each epoch") args = parser.parse_args(argv) # Read in data with open(args.configfile) as f: cfg = json.load(f) cubes = [read_datacube(os.path.join(args.dataprefix, fname), scale=False) for fname in cfg["filenames"]] results = OrderedDict() # Diagnostic results at each step if args.diagdir is not None: fnames = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(args.diagdir, "step*.fits"))) for fname in fnames: name = os.path.basename(fname).split(".")[0] results[name] = read_results(fname) # Final result (don't fail if not available) if os.path.exists(args.resultfile): results["final"] = read_results(args.resultfile) # plot time series plot_timeseries(cubes, results,, fname=(args.outprefix + '_timeseries.png')) # Plot wave slices and sn, galaxy and sky spectra for all epochs. if 'final' in results and args.plotepochs: for i_t in range(len(cubes)): plot_epoch(cubes[i_t], results['final']['epochs'][i_t], fname=(args.outprefix + '_epoch%02d.png' % i_t)) # Plot result spectra against IDR spectra. if 'final' in results and args.idrfiles is not None: plot_sn(cfg['filenames'], results['final']['epochs']['sn'], results['final']['wave'], args.idrfiles, args.outprefix + '_sn.png') # Plot the x-y coordinates of the adr versus wavelength # (Skip this for now; contains no interesting information) #plot_adr(cubes, cubes[0].wave, fname=(args.outprefix + '_adr.png')) return 0
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- def calc_note(count, value): qnt = 0 if count >= value: qnt = int(count) / value print '%d nota(s) de R$ %d.00' % (qnt, value) return count - qnt * value n = float(raw_input()) print 'NOTAS:' n = calc_note(n, 100) n = calc_note(n, 50) n = calc_note(n, 20) n = calc_note(n, 10) n = calc_note(n, 5) n = calc_note(n, 2) print 'MOEDAS:' print '%d moeda(s) de R$ 1.00' % int(n) n -= int(n) m50 = n / 0.50 print '%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.50' % m50 n -= int(m50) * 0.50 m25 = n / 0.25 print '%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.25' % m25 n -= int(m25) * 0.25 m10 = n / 0.10 print '%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.10' % m10 n -= int(m10) * 0.10 if round(n, 2) >= 0.05: print '1 moeda(s) de R$ 0.05' m1 = (n - 0.05) * 100 else: print '0 moeda(s) de R$ 0.05' m1 = round(n, 2) * 100 if round(m1, 0): print '%.0f moeda(s) de R$ 0.01' % m1 else: print '0 moeda(s) de R$ 0.01'
import datetime import time import boto import redis import requests import random import zlib from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.shortcuts import render from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.db import IntegrityError from django.db.models import Q from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.contrib.auth import login as login_user from django.contrib.auth import logout as logout_user from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseForbidden, Http404 from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail import mail_admins from django.core.validators import email_re from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.utils import feedgenerator from mongoengine.queryset import OperationError from mongoengine.queryset import NotUniqueError from apps.recommendations.models import RecommendedFeed from apps.analyzer.models import MClassifierTitle, MClassifierAuthor, MClassifierFeed, MClassifierTag from apps.analyzer.models import apply_classifier_titles, apply_classifier_feeds from apps.analyzer.models import apply_classifier_authors, apply_classifier_tags from apps.analyzer.models import get_classifiers_for_user, sort_classifiers_by_feed from apps.profile.models import Profile from apps.reader.models import UserSubscription, UserSubscriptionFolders, RUserStory, Feature from apps.reader.forms import SignupForm, LoginForm, FeatureForm from apps.rss_feeds.models import MFeedIcon, MStarredStoryCounts from import MUserSearch from apps.statistics.models import MStatistics # from import SearchStarredStory try: from apps.rss_feeds.models import Feed, MFeedPage, DuplicateFeed, MStory, MStarredStory except: pass from import MSharedStory, MSocialProfile, MSocialServices from import MSocialSubscription, MActivity, MInteraction from apps.categories.models import MCategory from import load_social_page from apps.rss_feeds.tasks import ScheduleImmediateFetches from utils import json_functions as json from utils.user_functions import get_user, ajax_login_required from utils.feed_functions import relative_timesince from utils.story_functions import format_story_link_date__short from utils.story_functions import format_story_link_date__long from utils.story_functions import strip_tags from utils import log as logging from utils.view_functions import get_argument_or_404, render_to, is_true from utils.view_functions import required_params from utils.ratelimit import ratelimit from vendor.timezones.utilities import localtime_for_timezone BANNED_URLS = [ "", ] @never_cache @render_to('reader/dashboard.xhtml') def index(request, **kwargs): if request.method == "GET" and request.subdomain and request.subdomain not in ['dev', 'www', 'debug']: username = request.subdomain try: if '.' in username: username = username.split('.')[0] user = User.objects.get(username__iexact=username) except User.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseRedirect('http://%s%s' % ( Site.objects.get_current().domain, reverse('index'))) return load_social_page(request,, username=request.subdomain, **kwargs) if request.user.is_anonymous(): return welcome(request, **kwargs) else: return dashboard(request, **kwargs) def dashboard(request, **kwargs): user = request.user feed_count = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=request.user).count() recommended_feeds = RecommendedFeed.objects.filter(is_public=True, ).select_related('feed')[:2] unmoderated_feeds = [] if user.is_staff: unmoderated_feeds = RecommendedFeed.objects.filter(is_public=False, declined_date__isnull=True ).select_related('feed')[:2] statistics = MStatistics.all() social_profile = MSocialProfile.get_user( start_import_from_google_reader = request.session.get('import_from_google_reader', False) if start_import_from_google_reader: del request.session['import_from_google_reader'] if not user.is_active: url = "https://%s%s" % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, reverse('stripe-form')) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) logging.user(request, "~FBLoading dashboard") return { 'user_profile' : user.profile, 'feed_count' : feed_count, 'account_images' : range(1, 4), 'recommended_feeds' : recommended_feeds, 'unmoderated_feeds' : unmoderated_feeds, 'statistics' : statistics, 'social_profile' : social_profile, 'start_import_from_google_reader': start_import_from_google_reader, 'debug' : settings.DEBUG, }, "reader/dashboard.xhtml" def welcome(request, **kwargs): user = get_user(request) statistics = MStatistics.all() social_profile = MSocialProfile.get_user( if request.method == "POST": if request.POST.get('submit', '').startswith('log'): login_form = LoginForm(request.POST, prefix='login') signup_form = SignupForm(prefix='signup') else: login_form = LoginForm(prefix='login') signup_form = SignupForm(request.POST, prefix='signup') else: login_form = LoginForm(prefix='login') signup_form = SignupForm(prefix='signup') logging.user(request, "~FBLoading welcome") return { 'user_profile' : hasattr(user, 'profile') and user.profile, 'login_form' : login_form, 'signup_form' : signup_form, 'statistics' : statistics, 'social_profile' : social_profile, 'post_request' : request.method == 'POST', }, "reader/welcome.xhtml" @never_cache def login(request): code = -1 message = "" if request.method == "POST": form = LoginForm(request.POST, prefix='login') if form.is_valid(): login_user(request, form.get_user()) if request.POST.get('api'): logging.user(form.get_user(), "~FG~BB~SKiPhone Login~FW") code = 1 else: logging.user(form.get_user(), "~FG~BBLogin~FW") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) else: message = form.errors.items()[0][1][0] if request.POST.get('api'): return HttpResponse(json.encode(dict(code=code, message=message)), mimetype='application/json') else: return index(request) @never_cache def signup(request): if request.method == "POST": form = SignupForm(prefix='signup', data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): new_user = login_user(request, new_user) logging.user(new_user, "~FG~SB~BBNEW SIGNUP: ~FW%s" % if not new_user.is_active: url = "https://%s%s" % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, reverse('stripe-form')) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) return index(request) @never_cache def logout(request): logging.user(request, "~FG~BBLogout~FW") logout_user(request) if request.GET.get('api'): return HttpResponse(json.encode(dict(code=1)), mimetype='application/json') else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) def autologin(request, username, secret): next = request.GET.get('next', '') if not username or not secret: return HttpResponseForbidden() profile = Profile.objects.filter(user__username=username, secret_token=secret) if not profile: return HttpResponseForbidden() user = profile[0].user user.backend = settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS[0] login_user(request, user) logging.user(user, "~FG~BB~SKAuto-Login. Next stop: %s~FW" % (next if next else 'Homepage',)) if next and not next.startswith('/'): next = '?next=' + next return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index') + next) elif next: return HttpResponseRedirect(next) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) @ratelimit(minutes=1, requests=24) @never_cache @json.json_view def load_feeds(request): user = get_user(request) feeds = {} include_favicons = request.REQUEST.get('include_favicons', False) flat = request.REQUEST.get('flat', False) update_counts = request.REQUEST.get('update_counts', False) version = int(request.REQUEST.get('v', 1)) if include_favicons == 'false': include_favicons = False if update_counts == 'false': update_counts = False if flat == 'false': flat = False if flat: return load_feeds_flat(request) try: folders = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get(user=user) except UserSubscriptionFolders.DoesNotExist: data = dict(feeds=[], folders=[]) return data except UserSubscriptionFolders.MultipleObjectsReturned: UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.filter(user=user)[1:].delete() folders = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get(user=user) user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').filter(user=user) day_ago = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) scheduled_feeds = [] for sub in user_subs: pk = sub.feed_id if update_counts and sub.needs_unread_recalc: sub.calculate_feed_scores(silent=True) feeds[pk] = sub.canonical(include_favicon=include_favicons) if not continue if not and not sub.feed.has_feed_exception: scheduled_feeds.append( elif sub.feed.active_subscribers <= 0: scheduled_feeds.append( elif sub.feed.next_scheduled_update < day_ago: scheduled_feeds.append( if len(scheduled_feeds) > 0 and request.user.is_authenticated(): logging.user(request, "~SN~FMTasking the scheduling immediate fetch of ~SB%s~SN feeds..." % len(scheduled_feeds)) ScheduleImmediateFetches.apply_async(kwargs=dict(feed_ids=scheduled_feeds, starred_counts, starred_count = MStarredStoryCounts.user_counts(, include_total=True) if not starred_count and len(starred_counts): starred_count = MStarredStory.objects( social_params = { 'user_id':, 'include_favicon': include_favicons, 'update_counts': update_counts, } social_feeds = MSocialSubscription.feeds(**social_params) social_profile = MSocialProfile.profile( social_services = MSocialServices.profile( categories = None if not user_subs: categories = MCategory.serialize() logging.user(request, "~FB~SBLoading ~FY%s~FB/~FM%s~FB feeds/socials%s" % ( len(feeds.keys()), len(social_feeds), '. ~FCUpdating counts.' if update_counts else '')) data = { 'feeds': feeds.values() if version == 2 else feeds, 'social_feeds': social_feeds, 'social_profile': social_profile, 'social_services': social_services, 'user_profile': user.profile, "is_staff": user.is_staff, 'folders': json.decode(folders.folders), 'starred_count': starred_count, 'starred_counts': starred_counts, 'categories': categories } return data @json.json_view def load_feed_favicons(request): user = get_user(request) feed_ids = request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_ids') if not feed_ids: user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').filter(user=user, active=True) feed_ids = [sub['feed__pk'] for sub in user_subs.values('feed__pk')] feed_icons = dict([(i.feed_id, for i in MFeedIcon.objects(feed_id__in=feed_ids)]) return feed_icons def load_feeds_flat(request): user = request.user include_favicons = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_favicons', False)) update_counts = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('update_counts', True)) feeds = {} day_ago = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) scheduled_feeds = [] iphone_version = "2.1" if include_favicons == 'false': include_favicons = False if update_counts == 'false': update_counts = False if not user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseForbidden() try: folders = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get(user=user) except UserSubscriptionFolders.DoesNotExist: folders = [] user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').filter(user=user, active=True) if not user_subs and folders: folders.auto_activate() user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').filter(user=user, active=True) for sub in user_subs: if update_counts and sub.needs_unread_recalc: sub.calculate_feed_scores(silent=True) feeds[sub.feed_id] = sub.canonical(include_favicon=include_favicons) if not and not sub.feed.has_feed_exception: scheduled_feeds.append( elif sub.feed.active_subscribers <= 0: scheduled_feeds.append( elif sub.feed.next_scheduled_update < day_ago: scheduled_feeds.append( if len(scheduled_feeds) > 0 and request.user.is_authenticated(): logging.user(request, "~SN~FMTasking the scheduling immediate fetch of ~SB%s~SN feeds..." % len(scheduled_feeds)) ScheduleImmediateFetches.apply_async(kwargs=dict(feed_ids=scheduled_feeds, flat_folders = [] if folders: flat_folders = folders.flatten_folders(feeds=feeds) social_params = { 'user_id':, 'include_favicon': include_favicons, 'update_counts': update_counts, } social_feeds = MSocialSubscription.feeds(**social_params) social_profile = MSocialProfile.profile( social_services = MSocialServices.profile( starred_counts, starred_count = MStarredStoryCounts.user_counts(, include_total=True) if not starred_count and len(starred_counts): starred_count = MStarredStory.objects( categories = None if not user_subs: categories = MCategory.serialize() logging.user(request, "~FB~SBLoading ~FY%s~FB/~FM%s~FB feeds/socials ~FMflat~FB%s" % ( len(feeds.keys()), len(social_feeds), '. ~FCUpdating counts.' if update_counts else '')) data = { "flat_folders": flat_folders, "feeds": feeds, "social_feeds": social_feeds, "social_profile": social_profile, "social_services": social_services, "user": user.username, "is_staff": user.is_staff, "user_profile": user.profile, "iphone_version": iphone_version, "categories": categories, 'starred_count': starred_count, 'starred_counts': starred_counts, } return data @ratelimit(minutes=1, requests=10) @never_cache @json.json_view def refresh_feeds(request): user = get_user(request) feed_ids = request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') check_fetch_status = request.REQUEST.get('check_fetch_status') favicons_fetching = request.REQUEST.getlist('favicons_fetching') social_feed_ids = [feed_id for feed_id in feed_ids if 'social:' in feed_id] feed_ids = list(set(feed_ids) - set(social_feed_ids)) feeds = {} if feed_ids or (not social_feed_ids and not feed_ids): feeds = UserSubscription.feeds_with_updated_counts(user, feed_ids=feed_ids, check_fetch_status=check_fetch_status) social_feeds = {} if social_feed_ids or (not social_feed_ids and not feed_ids): social_feeds = MSocialSubscription.feeds_with_updated_counts(user, social_feed_ids=social_feed_ids) favicons_fetching = [int(f) for f in favicons_fetching if f] feed_icons = {} if favicons_fetching: feed_icons = dict([(i.feed_id, i) for i in MFeedIcon.objects(feed_id__in=favicons_fetching)]) for feed_id, feed in feeds.items(): if feed_id in favicons_fetching and feed_id in feed_icons: feeds[feed_id]['favicon'] = feed_icons[feed_id].data feeds[feed_id]['favicon_color'] = feed_icons[feed_id].color feeds[feed_id]['favicon_fetching'] = feed.get('favicon_fetching') user_subs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=user, active=True).only('feed') sub_feed_ids = [s.feed_id for s in user_subs] if favicons_fetching: moved_feed_ids = [f for f in favicons_fetching if f not in sub_feed_ids] for moved_feed_id in moved_feed_ids: duplicate_feeds = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_feed_id=moved_feed_id) if duplicate_feeds and duplicate_feeds[0] in feeds: feeds[moved_feed_id] = feeds[duplicate_feeds[0].feed_id] feeds[moved_feed_id]['dupe_feed_id'] = duplicate_feeds[0].feed_id if check_fetch_status: missing_feed_ids = list(set(feed_ids) - set(sub_feed_ids)) if missing_feed_ids: duplicate_feeds = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_feed_id__in=missing_feed_ids) for duplicate_feed in duplicate_feeds: feeds[duplicate_feed.duplicate_feed_id] = {'id': duplicate_feed.feed_id} interactions_count = MInteraction.user_unread_count( if True or settings.DEBUG or check_fetch_status: logging.user(request, "~FBRefreshing %s feeds (%s/%s)" % ( len(feeds.keys()), check_fetch_status, len(favicons_fetching))) return { 'feeds': feeds, 'social_feeds': social_feeds, 'interactions_count': interactions_count, } @json.json_view def interactions_count(request): user = get_user(request) interactions_count = MInteraction.user_unread_count( return { 'interactions_count': interactions_count, } @never_cache @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def feed_unread_count(request): user = request.user feed_ids = request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') force = request.REQUEST.get('force', False) social_feed_ids = [feed_id for feed_id in feed_ids if 'social:' in feed_id] feed_ids = list(set(feed_ids) - set(social_feed_ids)) feeds = {} if feed_ids: feeds = UserSubscription.feeds_with_updated_counts(user, feed_ids=feed_ids, force=force) social_feeds = {} if social_feed_ids: social_feeds = MSocialSubscription.feeds_with_updated_counts(user, social_feed_ids=social_feed_ids) if len(feed_ids) == 1: if settings.DEBUG: feed_title = Feed.get_by_id(feed_ids[0]).feed_title else: feed_title = feed_ids[0] elif len(social_feed_ids) == 1: feed_title = MSocialProfile.objects.get(user_id=social_feed_ids[0].replace('social:', '')).username else: feed_title = "%s feeds" % (len(feeds) + len(social_feeds)) logging.user(request, "~FBUpdating unread count on: %s" % feed_title) return {'feeds': feeds, 'social_feeds': social_feeds} def refresh_feed(request, feed_id): user = get_user(request) feed = get_object_or_404(Feed, pk=feed_id) feed = feed.update(force=True, compute_scores=False) usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=user, feed=feed) usersub.calculate_feed_scores(silent=False) logging.user(request, "~FBRefreshing feed: %s" % feed) return load_single_feed(request, feed_id) @never_cache @json.json_view def load_single_feed(request, feed_id): start = time.time() user = get_user(request) # offset = int(request.REQUEST.get('offset', 0)) # limit = int(request.REQUEST.get('limit', 6)) limit = 6 page = int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 1)) offset = limit * (page-1) order = request.REQUEST.get('order', 'newest') read_filter = request.REQUEST.get('read_filter', 'all') query = request.REQUEST.get('query') include_story_content = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_story_content', True)) include_hidden = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_hidden', False)) message = None user_search = None dupe_feed_id = None user_profiles = [] now = localtime_for_timezone(, user.profile.timezone) if not feed_id: raise Http404 feed_address = request.REQUEST.get('feed_address') feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id, feed_address=feed_address) if not feed: raise Http404 try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=user, feed=feed) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: usersub = None if query: if user.profile.is_premium: user_search = MUserSearch.get_user( user_search.touch_search_date() stories = feed.find_stories(query, order=order, offset=offset, limit=limit) else: stories = [] message = "You must be a premium subscriber to search." elif read_filter == 'starred': mstories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_feed_id=feed_id ).order_by('%sstarred_date' % ('-' if order == 'newest' else ''))[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) elif usersub and (read_filter == 'unread' or order == 'oldest'): stories = usersub.get_stories(order=order, read_filter=read_filter, offset=offset, limit=limit, default_cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) else: stories = feed.get_stories(offset, limit) checkpoint1 = time.time() try: stories, user_profiles = MSharedStory.stories_with_comments_and_profiles(stories, except redis.ConnectionError: logging.user(request, "~BR~FK~SBRedis is unavailable for shared stories.") checkpoint2 = time.time() # Get intelligence classifier for user if usersub and usersub.is_trained: classifier_feeds = list(MClassifierFeed.objects(, feed_id=feed_id, social_user_id=0)) classifier_authors = list(MClassifierAuthor.objects(, feed_id=feed_id)) classifier_titles = list(MClassifierTitle.objects(, feed_id=feed_id)) classifier_tags = list(MClassifierTag.objects(, feed_id=feed_id)) else: classifier_feeds = [] classifier_authors = [] classifier_titles = [] classifier_tags = [] classifiers = get_classifiers_for_user(user, feed_id=feed_id, classifier_feeds=classifier_feeds, classifier_authors=classifier_authors, classifier_titles=classifier_titles, classifier_tags=classifier_tags) checkpoint3 = time.time() unread_story_hashes = [] if stories: if (read_filter == 'all' or query) and usersub: unread_story_hashes = UserSubscription.story_hashes(, read_filter='unread', feed_ids=[usersub.feed_id], usersubs=[usersub], group_by_feed=False, cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) story_hashes = [story['story_hash'] for story in stories if story['story_hash']] starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects(,, story_hash__in=story_hashes)\ .only('story_hash', 'starred_date', 'user_tags') shared_story_hashes = MSharedStory.check_shared_story_hashes(, story_hashes) shared_stories = [] if shared_story_hashes: shared_stories = MSharedStory.objects(, story_hash__in=shared_story_hashes)\ .only('story_hash', 'shared_date', 'comments') starred_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, dict(starred_date=story.starred_date, user_tags=story.user_tags)) for story in starred_stories]) shared_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, dict(shared_date=story.shared_date, comments=story.comments)) for story in shared_stories]) checkpoint4 = time.time() for story in stories: if not include_story_content: del story['story_content'] story_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['story_date'], user.profile.timezone) nowtz = localtime_for_timezone(now, user.profile.timezone) story['short_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__short(story_date, nowtz) story['long_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(story_date, nowtz) if usersub: story['read_status'] = 1 if (read_filter == 'all' or query) and usersub: story['read_status'] = 1 if story['story_hash'] not in unread_story_hashes else 0 elif read_filter == 'unread' and usersub: story['read_status'] = 0 if story['story_hash'] in starred_stories: story['starred'] = True starred_date = localtime_for_timezone(starred_stories[story['story_hash']]['starred_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['starred_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(starred_date, now) story['starred_timestamp'] = starred_date.strftime('%s') story['user_tags'] = starred_stories[story['story_hash']]['user_tags'] if story['story_hash'] in shared_stories: story['shared'] = True shared_date = localtime_for_timezone(shared_stories[story['story_hash']]['shared_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['shared_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(shared_date, now) story['shared_comments'] = strip_tags(shared_stories[story['story_hash']]['comments']) else: story['read_status'] = 1 story['intelligence'] = { 'feed': apply_classifier_feeds(classifier_feeds, feed), 'author': apply_classifier_authors(classifier_authors, story), 'tags': apply_classifier_tags(classifier_tags, story), 'title': apply_classifier_titles(classifier_titles, story), } story['score'] = UserSubscription.score_story(story['intelligence']) # Intelligence feed_tags = json.decode( if else [] feed_authors = json.decode( if else [] if usersub: usersub.feed_opens += 1 usersub.needs_unread_recalc = True['feed_opens', 'needs_unread_recalc']) diff1 = checkpoint1-start diff2 = checkpoint2-start diff3 = checkpoint3-start diff4 = checkpoint4-start timediff = time.time()-start last_update = relative_timesince(feed.last_update) time_breakdown = "" if timediff > 1 or settings.DEBUG: time_breakdown = "~SN~FR(~SB%.4s/%.4s/%.4s/%.4s~SN)" % ( diff1, diff2, diff3, diff4) search_log = "~SN~FG(~SB%s~SN) " % query if query else "" logging.user(request, "~FYLoading feed: ~SB%s%s (%s/%s) %s%s" % ( feed.feed_title[:22], ('~SN/p%s' % page) if page > 1 else '', order, read_filter, search_log, time_breakdown)) if not include_hidden: hidden_stories_removed = 0 new_stories = [] for story in stories: if story['score'] >= 0: new_stories.append(story) else: hidden_stories_removed += 1 stories = new_stories data = dict(stories=stories, user_profiles=user_profiles, feed_tags=feed_tags, feed_authors=feed_authors, classifiers=classifiers, updated=last_update, user_search=user_search,, elapsed_time=round(float(timediff), 2), message=message) if not include_hidden: data['hidden_stories_removed'] = hidden_stories_removed if dupe_feed_id: data['dupe_feed_id'] = dupe_feed_id if not usersub: data.update(feed.canonical()) # if not usersub and feed.num_subscribers <= 1: # data = dict(code=-1, message="You must be subscribed to this feed.") # if page <= 3: # import random # time.sleep(random.randint(2, 4)) # if page == 2: # assert False return data def load_feed_page(request, feed_id): if not feed_id: raise Http404 feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) if feed and feed.has_page and not feed.has_page_exception: if settings.BACKED_BY_AWS.get('pages_on_node'): url = "http://%s/original_page/%s" % ( settings.ORIGINAL_PAGE_SERVER,, ) page_response = requests.get(url) if page_response.status_code == 200: response = HttpResponse(page_response.content, mimetype="text/html; charset=utf-8") response['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' response['Last-Modified'] = page_response.headers.get('Last-modified') response['Etag'] = page_response.headers.get('Etag') response['Content-Length'] = str(len(page_response.content)) logging.user(request, "~FYLoading original page, proxied from node: ~SB%s bytes" % (len(page_response.content))) return response if settings.BACKED_BY_AWS['pages_on_s3'] and feed.s3_page: if settings.PROXY_S3_PAGES: key = settings.S3_PAGES_BUCKET.get_key(feed.s3_pages_key) if key: compressed_data = key.get_contents_as_string() response = HttpResponse(compressed_data, mimetype="text/html; charset=utf-8") response['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' logging.user(request, "~FYLoading original page, proxied: ~SB%s bytes" % (len(compressed_data))) return response else: logging.user(request, "~FYLoading original page, non-proxied") return HttpResponseRedirect('//%s/%s' % (settings.S3_PAGES_BUCKET_NAME, feed.s3_pages_key)) data = MFeedPage.get_data(feed_id=feed_id) if not data or not feed or not feed.has_page or feed.has_page_exception: logging.user(request, "~FYLoading original page, ~FRmissing") return render(request, 'static/404_original_page.xhtml', {}, content_type='text/html', status=404) logging.user(request, "~FYLoading original page, from the db") return HttpResponse(data, mimetype="text/html; charset=utf-8") @json.json_view def load_starred_stories(request): user = get_user(request) offset = int(request.REQUEST.get('offset', 0)) limit = int(request.REQUEST.get('limit', 10)) page = int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 0)) query = request.REQUEST.get('query') order = request.REQUEST.get('order', 'newest') tag = request.REQUEST.get('tag') story_hashes = request.REQUEST.getlist('h')[:100] version = int(request.REQUEST.get('v', 1)) now = localtime_for_timezone(, user.profile.timezone) message = None order_by = '-' if order == "newest" else "" if page: offset = limit * (page - 1) if query: # results = SearchStarredStory.query(, query) # story_ids = [result.db_id for result in results] if user.profile.is_premium: stories = MStarredStory.find_stories(query,, tag=tag, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order) else: stories = [] message = "You must be a premium subscriber to search." elif tag: if user.profile.is_premium: mstories = MStarredStory.objects(, user_tags__contains=tag ).order_by('%sstarred_date' % order_by)[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) else: stories = [] message = "You must be a premium subscriber to read saved stories by tag." elif story_hashes: mstories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_hash__in=story_hashes ).order_by('%sstarred_date' % order_by)[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) else: mstories = MStarredStory.objects( ).order_by('%sstarred_date' % order_by)[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) stories, user_profiles = MSharedStory.stories_with_comments_and_profiles(stories,, check_all=True) story_hashes = [story['story_hash'] for story in stories] story_feed_ids = list(set(s['story_feed_id'] for s in stories)) usersub_ids = UserSubscription.objects.filter(, feed__pk__in=story_feed_ids).values('feed__pk') usersub_ids = [us['feed__pk'] for us in usersub_ids] unsub_feed_ids = list(set(story_feed_ids).difference(set(usersub_ids))) unsub_feeds = Feed.objects.filter(pk__in=unsub_feed_ids) unsub_feeds = dict((, feed.canonical(include_favicon=False)) for feed in unsub_feeds) shared_story_hashes = MSharedStory.check_shared_story_hashes(, story_hashes) shared_stories = [] if shared_story_hashes: shared_stories = MSharedStory.objects(, story_hash__in=shared_story_hashes)\ .only('story_hash', 'shared_date', 'comments') shared_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, dict(shared_date=story.shared_date, comments=story.comments)) for story in shared_stories]) nowtz = localtime_for_timezone(now, user.profile.timezone) for story in stories: story_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['story_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['short_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__short(story_date, nowtz) story['long_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(story_date, nowtz) starred_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['starred_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['starred_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(starred_date, nowtz) story['starred_timestamp'] = starred_date.strftime('%s') story['read_status'] = 1 story['starred'] = True story['intelligence'] = { 'feed': 1, 'author': 0, 'tags': 0, 'title': 0, } if story['story_hash'] in shared_stories: story['shared'] = True story['shared_comments'] = strip_tags(shared_stories[story['story_hash']]['comments']) search_log = "~SN~FG(~SB%s~SN)" % query if query else "" logging.user(request, "~FCLoading starred stories: ~SB%s stories %s" % (len(stories), search_log)) return { "stories": stories, "user_profiles": user_profiles, 'feeds': unsub_feeds.values() if version == 2 else unsub_feeds, "message": message, } @json.json_view def starred_story_hashes(request): user = get_user(request) include_timestamps = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_timestamps', False)) mstories = MStarredStory.objects( ).only('story_hash', 'starred_date').order_by('-starred_date') if include_timestamps: story_hashes = [(s.story_hash, s.starred_date.strftime("%s")) for s in mstories] else: story_hashes = [s.story_hash for s in mstories] logging.user(request, "~FYLoading ~FCstarred story hashes~FY: %s story hashes" % (len(story_hashes))) return dict(starred_story_hashes=story_hashes) def starred_stories_rss_feed(request, user_id, secret_token, tag_slug): try: user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) except User.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 try: tag_counts = MStarredStoryCounts.objects.get(user_id=user_id, slug=tag_slug) except MStarredStoryCounts.MultipleObjectsReturned: tag_counts = MStarredStoryCounts.objects(user_id=user_id, slug=tag_slug).first() except MStarredStoryCounts.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 data = {} data['title'] = "Saved Stories - %s" % tag_counts.tag data['link'] = "%s%s" % ( settings.NEWSBLUR_URL, reverse('saved-stories-tag', kwargs=dict(tag_name=tag_slug))) data['description'] = "Stories saved by %s on NewsBlur with the tag \"%s\"." % (user.username, tag_counts.tag) data['lastBuildDate'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() data['generator'] = 'NewsBlur - %s' % settings.NEWSBLUR_URL data['docs'] = None data['author_name'] = user.username data['feed_url'] = "%s%s" % ( settings.NEWSBLUR_URL, reverse('starred-stories-rss-feed', kwargs=dict(user_id=user_id, secret_token=secret_token, tag_slug=tag_slug)), ) rss = feedgenerator.Atom1Feed(**data) if not tag_counts.tag: starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects( ).order_by('-starred_date').limit(25) else: starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects(, user_tags__contains=tag_counts.tag ).order_by('-starred_date').limit(25) for starred_story in starred_stories: story_data = { 'title': starred_story.story_title, 'link': starred_story.story_permalink, 'description': (starred_story.story_content_z and zlib.decompress(starred_story.story_content_z)), 'author_name': starred_story.story_author_name, 'categories': starred_story.story_tags, 'unique_id': starred_story.story_guid, 'pubdate': starred_story.starred_date, } rss.add_item(**story_data) logging.user(request, "~FBGenerating ~SB%s~SN's saved story RSS feed (%s, %s stories): ~FM%s" % ( user.username, tag_counts.tag, tag_counts.count, request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', "")[:24] )) return HttpResponse(rss.writeString('utf-8'), content_type='application/rss+xml') @json.json_view def load_read_stories(request): user = get_user(request) offset = int(request.REQUEST.get('offset', 0)) limit = int(request.REQUEST.get('limit', 10)) page = int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 0)) order = request.REQUEST.get('order', 'newest') query = request.REQUEST.get('query') now = localtime_for_timezone(, user.profile.timezone) message = None if page: offset = limit * (page - 1) if query: stories = [] message = "Not implemented yet." # if user.profile.is_premium: # stories = MStarredStory.find_stories(query,, offset=offset, limit=limit) # else: # stories = [] # message = "You must be a premium subscriber to search." else: story_hashes = RUserStory.get_read_stories(, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order) mstories = MStory.objects(story_hash__in=story_hashes) stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) stories = sorted(stories, key=lambda story: story_hashes.index(story['story_hash']), reverse=bool(order=="oldest")) stories, user_profiles = MSharedStory.stories_with_comments_and_profiles(stories,, check_all=True) story_hashes = [story['story_hash'] for story in stories] story_feed_ids = list(set(s['story_feed_id'] for s in stories)) usersub_ids = UserSubscription.objects.filter(, feed__pk__in=story_feed_ids).values('feed__pk') usersub_ids = [us['feed__pk'] for us in usersub_ids] unsub_feed_ids = list(set(story_feed_ids).difference(set(usersub_ids))) unsub_feeds = Feed.objects.filter(pk__in=unsub_feed_ids) unsub_feeds = [feed.canonical(include_favicon=False) for feed in unsub_feeds] shared_stories = MSharedStory.objects(, story_hash__in=story_hashes)\ .only('story_hash', 'shared_date', 'comments') shared_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, dict(shared_date=story.shared_date, comments=story.comments)) for story in shared_stories]) starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_hash__in=story_hashes)\ .only('story_hash', 'starred_date') starred_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, story.starred_date) for story in starred_stories]) nowtz = localtime_for_timezone(now, user.profile.timezone) for story in stories: story_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['story_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['short_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__short(story_date, nowtz) story['long_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(story_date, nowtz) story['read_status'] = 1 story['intelligence'] = { 'feed': 1, 'author': 0, 'tags': 0, 'title': 0, } if story['story_hash'] in starred_stories: story['starred'] = True starred_date = localtime_for_timezone(starred_stories[story['story_hash']], user.profile.timezone) story['starred_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(starred_date, now) story['starred_timestamp'] = starred_date.strftime('%s') if story['story_hash'] in shared_stories: story['shared'] = True story['shared_comments'] = strip_tags(shared_stories[story['story_hash']]['comments']) search_log = "~SN~FG(~SB%s~SN)" % query if query else "" logging.user(request, "~FCLoading read stories: ~SB%s stories %s" % (len(stories), search_log)) return { "stories": stories, "user_profiles": user_profiles, "feeds": unsub_feeds, "message": message, } @json.json_view def load_river_stories__redis(request): limit = 12 start = time.time() user = get_user(request) message = None feed_ids = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in request.REQUEST.getlist('feeds') if feed_id] if not feed_ids: feed_ids = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in request.REQUEST.getlist('f') if feed_id] story_hashes = request.REQUEST.getlist('h')[:100] original_feed_ids = list(feed_ids) page = int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 1)) order = request.REQUEST.get('order', 'newest') read_filter = request.REQUEST.get('read_filter', 'unread') query = request.REQUEST.get('query') include_hidden = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_hidden', False)) now = localtime_for_timezone(, user.profile.timezone) usersubs = [] code = 1 user_search = None offset = (page-1) * limit limit = page * limit story_date_order = "%sstory_date" % ('' if order == 'oldest' else '-') if story_hashes: unread_feed_story_hashes = None read_filter = 'unread' mstories = MStory.objects(story_hash__in=story_hashes).order_by(story_date_order) stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) elif query: if user.profile.is_premium: user_search = MUserSearch.get_user( user_search.touch_search_date() usersubs = UserSubscription.subs_for_feeds(, feed_ids=feed_ids, read_filter='all') feed_ids = [sub.feed_id for sub in usersubs] stories = Feed.find_feed_stories(feed_ids, query, order=order, offset=offset, limit=limit) mstories = stories unread_feed_story_hashes = UserSubscription.story_hashes(, feed_ids=feed_ids, read_filter="unread", order=order, group_by_feed=False, cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) else: stories = [] mstories = [] message = "You must be a premium subscriber to search." elif read_filter == 'starred': mstories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_feed_id__in=feed_ids ).order_by('%sstarred_date' % ('-' if order == 'newest' else ''))[offset:offset+limit] stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) else: usersubs = UserSubscription.subs_for_feeds(, feed_ids=feed_ids, read_filter=read_filter) all_feed_ids = [f for f in feed_ids] feed_ids = [sub.feed_id for sub in usersubs] if feed_ids: params = { "user_id":, "feed_ids": feed_ids, "all_feed_ids": all_feed_ids, "offset": offset, "limit": limit, "order": order, "read_filter": read_filter, "usersubs": usersubs, "cutoff_date": user.profile.unread_cutoff, } story_hashes, unread_feed_story_hashes = UserSubscription.feed_stories(**params) else: story_hashes = [] unread_feed_story_hashes = [] mstories = MStory.objects(story_hash__in=story_hashes).order_by(story_date_order) stories = Feed.format_stories(mstories) found_feed_ids = list(set([story['story_feed_id'] for story in stories])) stories, user_profiles = MSharedStory.stories_with_comments_and_profiles(stories, if not usersubs: usersubs = UserSubscription.subs_for_feeds(, feed_ids=found_feed_ids, read_filter=read_filter) trained_feed_ids = [sub.feed_id for sub in usersubs if sub.is_trained] found_trained_feed_ids = list(set(trained_feed_ids) & set(found_feed_ids)) # Find starred stories if found_feed_ids: if read_filter == 'starred': starred_stories = mstories else: starred_stories = MStarredStory.objects(, story_feed_id__in=found_feed_ids ).only('story_hash', 'starred_date') starred_stories = dict([(story.story_hash, dict(starred_date=story.starred_date, user_tags=story.user_tags)) for story in starred_stories]) else: starred_stories = {} # Intelligence classifiers for all feeds involved if found_trained_feed_ids: classifier_feeds = list(MClassifierFeed.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids, social_user_id=0)) classifier_authors = list(MClassifierAuthor.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids)) classifier_titles = list(MClassifierTitle.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids)) classifier_tags = list(MClassifierTag.objects(, feed_id__in=found_trained_feed_ids)) else: classifier_feeds = [] classifier_authors = [] classifier_titles = [] classifier_tags = [] classifiers = sort_classifiers_by_feed(user=user, feed_ids=found_feed_ids, classifier_feeds=classifier_feeds, classifier_authors=classifier_authors, classifier_titles=classifier_titles, classifier_tags=classifier_tags) # Just need to format stories nowtz = localtime_for_timezone(now, user.profile.timezone) for story in stories: if read_filter == 'starred': story['read_status'] = 1 else: story['read_status'] = 0 if read_filter == 'all' or query: if (unread_feed_story_hashes is not None and story['story_hash'] not in unread_feed_story_hashes): story['read_status'] = 1 story_date = localtime_for_timezone(story['story_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['short_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__short(story_date, nowtz) story['long_parsed_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(story_date, nowtz) if story['story_hash'] in starred_stories: story['starred'] = True starred_date = localtime_for_timezone(starred_stories[story['story_hash']]['starred_date'], user.profile.timezone) story['starred_date'] = format_story_link_date__long(starred_date, now) story['starred_timestamp'] = starred_date.strftime('%s') story['user_tags'] = starred_stories[story['story_hash']]['user_tags'] story['intelligence'] = { 'feed': apply_classifier_feeds(classifier_feeds, story['story_feed_id']), 'author': apply_classifier_authors(classifier_authors, story), 'tags': apply_classifier_tags(classifier_tags, story), 'title': apply_classifier_titles(classifier_titles, story), } story['score'] = UserSubscription.score_story(story['intelligence']) if not user.profile.is_premium: message = "The full River of News is a premium feature." code = 0 # if page > 1: # stories = [] # else: # stories = stories[:5] diff = time.time() - start timediff = round(float(diff), 2) logging.user(request, "~FYLoading ~FCriver stories~FY: ~SBp%s~SN (%s/%s " "stories, ~SN%s/%s/%s feeds, %s/%s)" % (page, len(stories), len(mstories), len(found_feed_ids), len(feed_ids), len(original_feed_ids), order, read_filter)) if not include_hidden: hidden_stories_removed = 0 new_stories = [] for story in stories: if story['score'] >= 0: new_stories.append(story) else: hidden_stories_removed += 1 stories = new_stories # if page <= 1: # import random # time.sleep(random.randint(0, 6)) data = dict(code=code, message=message, stories=stories, classifiers=classifiers, elapsed_time=timediff, user_search=user_search, user_profiles=user_profiles) if not include_hidden: data['hidden_stories_removed'] = hidden_stories_removed return data @json.json_view def unread_story_hashes__old(request): user = get_user(request) feed_ids = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') if feed_id] include_timestamps = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_timestamps', False)) usersubs = {} if not feed_ids: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(Q(unread_count_neutral__gt=0) | Q(unread_count_positive__gt=0), user=user, active=True) feed_ids = [sub.feed_id for sub in usersubs] else: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(Q(unread_count_neutral__gt=0) | Q(unread_count_positive__gt=0), user=user, active=True, feed__in=feed_ids) unread_feed_story_hashes = {} story_hash_count = 0 usersubs = dict((sub.feed_id, sub) for sub in usersubs) for feed_id in feed_ids: if feed_id in usersubs: us = usersubs[feed_id] else: continue if not us.unread_count_neutral and not us.unread_count_positive: continue unread_feed_story_hashes[feed_id] = us.get_stories(read_filter='unread', limit=500, withscores=include_timestamps, hashes_only=True, default_cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) story_hash_count += len(unread_feed_story_hashes[feed_id]) logging.user(request, "~FYLoading ~FCunread story hashes~FY: ~SB%s feeds~SN (%s story hashes)" % (len(feed_ids), len(story_hash_count))) return dict(unread_feed_story_hashes=unread_feed_story_hashes) @json.json_view def unread_story_hashes(request): user = get_user(request) feed_ids = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') if feed_id] include_timestamps = is_true(request.REQUEST.get('include_timestamps', False)) order = request.REQUEST.get('order', 'newest') read_filter = request.REQUEST.get('read_filter', 'unread') story_hashes = UserSubscription.story_hashes(, feed_ids=feed_ids, order=order, read_filter=read_filter, include_timestamps=include_timestamps, cutoff_date=user.profile.unread_cutoff) logging.user(request, "~FYLoading ~FCunread story hashes~FY: ~SB%s feeds~SN (%s story hashes)" % (len(feed_ids), len(story_hashes))) return dict(unread_feed_story_hashes=story_hashes) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_all_as_read(request): code = 1 try: days = int(request.REQUEST.get('days', 0)) except ValueError: return dict(code=-1, message="Days parameter must be an integer, not: %s" % request.REQUEST.get('days')) read_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=days) feeds = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=request.user) socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter( for subtype in [feeds, socialsubs]: for sub in subtype: if days == 0: sub.mark_feed_read() else: if sub.mark_read_date < read_date: sub.needs_unread_recalc = True sub.mark_read_date = read_date logging.user(request, "~FMMarking all as read: ~SB%s days" % (days,)) return dict(code=code) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_as_read(request): story_ids = request.REQUEST.getlist('story_id') try: feed_id = int(get_argument_or_404(request, 'feed_id')) except ValueError: return dict(code=-1, errors=["You must pass a valid feed_id: %s" % request.REQUEST.get('feed_id')]) try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').get(user=request.user, feed=feed_id) except Feed.DoesNotExist: duplicate_feed = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_feed_id=feed_id) if duplicate_feed: feed_id = duplicate_feed[0].feed_id try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=request.user, feed=duplicate_feed[0].feed) except (Feed.DoesNotExist): return dict(code=-1, errors=["No feed exists for feed_id %d." % feed_id]) else: return dict(code=-1, errors=["No feed exists for feed_id %d." % feed_id]) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: usersub = None if usersub: data = usersub.mark_story_ids_as_read(story_ids, request=request) else: data = dict(code=-1, errors=["User is not subscribed to this feed."]) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) return data @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_hashes_as_read(request): r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) story_hashes = request.REQUEST.getlist('story_hash') feed_ids, friend_ids = RUserStory.mark_story_hashes_read(, story_hashes) if friend_ids: socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter(, subscription_user_id__in=friend_ids) for socialsub in socialsubs: if not socialsub.needs_unread_recalc: socialsub.needs_unread_recalc = True r.publish(request.user.username, 'social:%s' % socialsub.subscription_user_id) # Also count on original subscription for feed_id in feed_ids: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(, feed=feed_id) if usersubs: usersub = usersubs[0] if not usersub.needs_unread_recalc: usersub.needs_unread_recalc = True['needs_unread_recalc']) r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) hash_count = len(story_hashes) logging.user(request, "~FYRead %s %s in feed/socialsubs: %s/%s" % ( hash_count, 'story' if hash_count == 1 else 'stories', feed_ids, friend_ids)) return dict(code=1, story_hashes=story_hashes, feed_ids=feed_ids, friend_user_ids=friend_ids) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_feed_stories_as_read(request): r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) feeds_stories = request.REQUEST.get('feeds_stories', "{}") feeds_stories = json.decode(feeds_stories) data = { 'code': -1, 'message': 'Nothing was marked as read' } for feed_id, story_ids in feeds_stories.items(): try: feed_id = int(feed_id) except ValueError: continue try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').get(user=request.user, feed=feed_id) data = usersub.mark_story_ids_as_read(story_ids, request=request) except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: return dict(code=-1, error="You are not subscribed to this feed_id: %d" % feed_id) except Feed.DoesNotExist: duplicate_feed = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_feed_id=feed_id) try: if not duplicate_feed: raise Feed.DoesNotExist usersub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=request.user, feed=duplicate_feed[0].feed) data = usersub.mark_story_ids_as_read(story_ids, request=request) except (UserSubscription.DoesNotExist, Feed.DoesNotExist): return dict(code=-1, error="No feed exists for feed_id: %d" % feed_id) r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) return data @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_social_stories_as_read(request): code = 1 errors = [] data = {} r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) users_feeds_stories = request.REQUEST.get('users_feeds_stories', "{}") users_feeds_stories = json.decode(users_feeds_stories) for social_user_id, feeds in users_feeds_stories.items(): for feed_id, story_ids in feeds.items(): feed_id = int(feed_id) try: socialsub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, subscription_user_id=social_user_id) data = socialsub.mark_story_ids_as_read(story_ids, feed_id, request=request) except OperationError, e: code = -1 errors.append("Already read story: %s" % e) except MSocialSubscription.DoesNotExist: MSocialSubscription.mark_unsub_story_ids_as_read(, social_user_id, story_ids, feed_id, request=request) except Feed.DoesNotExist: duplicate_feed = DuplicateFeed.objects.filter(duplicate_feed_id=feed_id) if duplicate_feed: try: socialsub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, subscription_user_id=social_user_id) data = socialsub.mark_story_ids_as_read(story_ids, duplicate_feed[0], request=request) except (UserSubscription.DoesNotExist, Feed.DoesNotExist): code = -1 errors.append("No feed exists for feed_id %d." % feed_id) else: continue r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) r.publish(request.user.username, 'social:%s' % social_user_id) data.update(code=code, errors=errors) return data @required_params('story_id', feed_id=int) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_as_unread(request): story_id = request.REQUEST.get('story_id', None) feed_id = int(request.REQUEST.get('feed_id', 0)) try: usersub = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').get(user=request.user, feed=feed_id) feed = usersub.feed except UserSubscription.DoesNotExist: usersub = None feed = Feed.get_by_id(feed_id) if usersub and not usersub.needs_unread_recalc: usersub.needs_unread_recalc = True['needs_unread_recalc']) data = dict(code=0, payload=dict(story_id=story_id)) story, found_original = MStory.find_story(feed_id, story_id) if not story: logging.user(request, "~FY~SBUnread~SN story in feed: %s (NOT FOUND)" % (feed)) return dict(code=-1, message="Story not found.") if usersub: data = usersub.invert_read_stories_after_unread_story(story, request) message = RUserStory.story_can_be_marked_read_by_user(story, request.user) if message: data['code'] = -1 data['message'] = message return data social_subs = MSocialSubscription.mark_dirty_sharing_story(, story_feed_id=feed_id, story_guid_hash=story.guid_hash) dirty_count = social_subs and social_subs.count() dirty_count = ("(%s social_subs)" % dirty_count) if dirty_count else "" RUserStory.mark_story_hash_unread(, story_hash=story.story_hash) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) logging.user(request, "~FY~SBUnread~SN story in feed: %s %s" % (feed, dirty_count)) return data @ajax_login_required @json.json_view @required_params('story_hash') def mark_story_hash_as_unread(request): r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) story_hash = request.REQUEST.get('story_hash') feed_id, _ = MStory.split_story_hash(story_hash) story, _ = MStory.find_story(feed_id, story_hash) if not story: data = dict(code=-1, message="That story has been removed from the feed, no need to mark it unread.") return data message = RUserStory.story_can_be_marked_read_by_user(story, request.user) if message: data = dict(code=-1, message=message) return data # Also count on original subscription usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(, feed=feed_id) if usersubs: usersub = usersubs[0] if not usersub.needs_unread_recalc: usersub.needs_unread_recalc = True['needs_unread_recalc']) data = usersub.invert_read_stories_after_unread_story(story, request) r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) feed_id, friend_ids = RUserStory.mark_story_hash_unread(, story_hash) if friend_ids: socialsubs = MSocialSubscription.objects.filter(, subscription_user_id__in=friend_ids) for socialsub in socialsubs: if not socialsub.needs_unread_recalc: socialsub.needs_unread_recalc = True r.publish(request.user.username, 'social:%s' % socialsub.subscription_user_id) logging.user(request, "~FYUnread story in feed/socialsubs: %s/%s" % (feed_id, friend_ids)) return dict(code=1, story_hash=story_hash, feed_id=feed_id, friend_user_ids=friend_ids) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_feed_as_read(request): r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) feed_ids = request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') cutoff_timestamp = int(request.REQUEST.get('cutoff_timestamp', 0)) direction = request.REQUEST.get('direction', 'older') multiple = len(feed_ids) > 1 code = 1 errors = [] cutoff_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cutoff_timestamp) if cutoff_timestamp else None for feed_id in feed_ids: if 'social:' in feed_id: user_id = int(feed_id.replace('social:', '')) try: sub = MSocialSubscription.objects.get(, subscription_user_id=user_id) except MSocialSubscription.DoesNotExist: logging.user(request, "~FRCouldn't find socialsub: %s" % user_id) continue if not multiple: sub_user = User.objects.get(pk=sub.subscription_user_id) logging.user(request, "~FMMarking social feed as read: ~SB%s" % (sub_user.username,)) else: try: feed = Feed.objects.get(id=feed_id) sub = UserSubscription.objects.get(feed=feed, user=request.user) if not multiple: logging.user(request, "~FMMarking feed as read: ~SB%s" % (feed,)) except (Feed.DoesNotExist, UserSubscription.DoesNotExist), e: errors.append("User not subscribed: %s" % e) continue except (ValueError), e: errors.append("Invalid feed_id: %s" % e) continue if not sub: errors.append("User not subscribed: %s" % feed_id) continue try: if direction == "older": marked_read = sub.mark_feed_read(cutoff_date=cutoff_date) else: marked_read = sub.mark_newer_stories_read(cutoff_date=cutoff_date) if marked_read and not multiple: r.publish(request.user.username, 'feed:%s' % feed_id) except IntegrityError, e: errors.append("Could not mark feed as read: %s" % e) code = -1 if multiple: logging.user(request, "~FMMarking ~SB%s~SN feeds as read" % len(feed_ids)) r.publish(request.user.username, 'refresh:%s' % ','.join(feed_ids)) if errors: logging.user(request, "~FMMarking read had errors: ~FR%s" % errors) return dict(code=code, errors=errors, cutoff_date=cutoff_date, direction=direction) def _parse_user_info(user): return { 'user_info': { 'is_anonymous': json.encode(user.is_anonymous()), 'is_authenticated': json.encode(user.is_authenticated()), 'username': json.encode(user.username if user.is_authenticated() else 'Anonymous') } } @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def add_url(request): code = 0 url = request.POST['url'] folder = request.POST.get('folder', '') new_folder = request.POST.get('new_folder') auto_active = is_true(request.POST.get('auto_active', 1)) skip_fetch = is_true(request.POST.get('skip_fetch', False)) feed = None if not url: code = -1 message = 'Enter in the website address or the feed URL.' elif any([(banned_url in url) for banned_url in BANNED_URLS]): code = -1 message = "The publisher of this website has banned NewsBlur." else: if new_folder: usf, _ = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user) usf.add_folder(folder, new_folder) folder = new_folder code, message, us = UserSubscription.add_subscription(user=request.user, feed_address=url, folder=folder, auto_active=auto_active, skip_fetch=skip_fetch) feed = us and us.feed if feed: r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:%s' % MUserSearch.schedule_index_feeds_for_search(, return dict(code=code, message=message, feed=feed) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def add_folder(request): folder = request.POST['folder'] parent_folder = request.POST.get('parent_folder', '') folders = None logging.user(request, "~FRAdding Folder: ~SB%s (in %s)" % (folder, parent_folder)) if folder: code = 1 message = "" user_sub_folders_object, _ = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user) user_sub_folders_object.add_folder(parent_folder, folder) folders = json.decode(user_sub_folders_object.folders) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') else: code = -1 message = "Gotta write in a folder name." return dict(code=code, message=message, folders=folders) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def delete_feed(request): feed_id = int(request.POST['feed_id']) in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', None) if not in_folder or in_folder == ' ': in_folder = "" user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders.delete_feed(feed_id, in_folder) feed = Feed.objects.filter(pk=feed_id) if feed: feed[0].count_subscribers() r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, message="Removed %s from '%s'." % (feed, in_folder)) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def delete_feed_by_url(request): message = "" code = 0 url = request.POST['url'] in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', '') if in_folder == ' ': in_folder = "" feed = Feed.get_feed_from_url(url, create=False) if feed: user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders.delete_feed(, in_folder) code = 1 feed = Feed.objects.filter( if feed: feed[0].count_subscribers() else: code = -1 message = "URL not found." return dict(code=code, message=message) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def delete_folder(request): folder_to_delete = request.POST.get('folder_name') or request.POST.get('folder_to_delete') in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', None) feed_ids_in_folder = [int(f) for f in request.REQUEST.getlist('feed_id') if f] request.user.profile.send_opml_export_email(reason="You have deleted an entire folder of feeds, so here's a backup just in case.") # Works piss poor with duplicate folder titles, if they are both in the same folder. # Deletes all, but only in the same folder parent. But nobody should be doing that, right? user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders.delete_folder(folder_to_delete, in_folder, feed_ids_in_folder) folders = json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=folders) @required_params('feeds_by_folder') @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def delete_feeds_by_folder(request): feeds_by_folder = json.decode(request.POST['feeds_by_folder']) request.user.profile.send_opml_export_email(reason="You have deleted a number of feeds at once, so here's a backup just in case.") # Works piss poor with duplicate folder titles, if they are both in the same folder. # Deletes all, but only in the same folder parent. But nobody should be doing that, right? user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders.delete_feeds_by_folder(feeds_by_folder) folders = json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=folders) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def rename_feed(request): feed = get_object_or_404(Feed, pk=int(request.POST['feed_id'])) user_sub = UserSubscription.objects.get(user=request.user, feed=feed) feed_title = request.POST['feed_title'] logging.user(request, "~FRRenaming feed '~SB%s~SN' to: ~SB%s" % ( feed.feed_title, feed_title)) user_sub.user_title = feed_title return dict(code=1) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def rename_folder(request): folder_to_rename = request.POST.get('folder_name') or request.POST.get('folder_to_rename') new_folder_name = request.POST['new_folder_name'] in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', '') code = 0 # Works piss poor with duplicate folder titles, if they are both in the same folder. # renames all, but only in the same folder parent. But nobody should be doing that, right? if folder_to_rename and new_folder_name: user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders.rename_folder(folder_to_rename, new_folder_name, in_folder) code = 1 else: code = -1 return dict(code=code) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def move_feed_to_folders(request): feed_id = int(request.POST['feed_id']) in_folders = request.POST.getlist('in_folders', '') to_folders = request.POST.getlist('to_folders', '') user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders = user_sub_folders.move_feed_to_folders(feed_id, in_folders=in_folders, to_folders=to_folders) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders)) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def move_feed_to_folder(request): feed_id = int(request.POST['feed_id']) in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', '') to_folder = request.POST.get('to_folder', '') user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders = user_sub_folders.move_feed_to_folder(feed_id, in_folder=in_folder, to_folder=to_folder) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders)) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def move_folder_to_folder(request): folder_name = request.POST['folder_name'] in_folder = request.POST.get('in_folder', '') to_folder = request.POST.get('to_folder', '') user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) user_sub_folders = user_sub_folders.move_folder_to_folder(folder_name, in_folder=in_folder, to_folder=to_folder) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders)) @required_params('feeds_by_folder', 'to_folder') @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def move_feeds_by_folder_to_folder(request): feeds_by_folder = json.decode(request.POST['feeds_by_folder']) to_folder = request.POST['to_folder'] new_folder = request.POST.get('new_folder', None) request.user.profile.send_opml_export_email(reason="You have moved a number of feeds at once, so here's a backup just in case.") user_sub_folders = get_object_or_404(UserSubscriptionFolders, user=request.user) if new_folder: user_sub_folders.add_folder(to_folder, new_folder) to_folder = new_folder user_sub_folders = user_sub_folders.move_feeds_by_folder_to_folder(feeds_by_folder, to_folder) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') return dict(code=1, folders=json.decode(user_sub_folders.folders)) @login_required def add_feature(request): if not request.user.is_staff: return HttpResponseForbidden() code = -1 form = FeatureForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): code = 1 return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) return dict(code=code) @json.json_view def load_features(request): user = get_user(request) page = max(int(request.REQUEST.get('page', 0)), 0) logging.user(request, "~FBBrowse features: ~SBPage #%s" % (page+1)) features = Feature.objects.all()[page*3:(page+1)*3+1].values() features = [{ 'description': f['description'], 'date': localtime_for_timezone(f['date'], user.profile.timezone).strftime("%b %d, %Y") } for f in features] return features @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def save_feed_order(request): folders = request.POST.get('folders') if folders: # Test that folders can be JSON decoded folders_list = json.decode(folders) assert folders_list is not None logging.user(request, "~FBFeed re-ordering: ~SB%s folders/feeds" % (len(folders_list))) user_sub_folders = UserSubscriptionFolders.objects.get(user=request.user) user_sub_folders.folders = folders return {} @json.json_view def feeds_trainer(request): classifiers = [] feed_id = request.REQUEST.get('feed_id') user = get_user(request) usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=user, active=True) if feed_id: feed = get_object_or_404(Feed, pk=feed_id) usersubs = usersubs.filter(feed=feed) usersubs = usersubs.select_related('feed').order_by('-feed__stories_last_month') for us in usersubs: if (not us.is_trained and us.feed.stories_last_month > 0) or feed_id: classifier = dict() classifier['classifiers'] = get_classifiers_for_user(user, classifier['feed_id'] = us.feed_id classifier['stories_last_month'] = us.feed.stories_last_month classifier['num_subscribers'] = us.feed.num_subscribers classifier['feed_tags'] = json.decode( if else [] classifier['feed_authors'] = json.decode( if else [] classifiers.append(classifier) user.profile.has_trained_intelligence = True logging.user(user, "~FGLoading Trainer: ~SB%s feeds" % (len(classifiers))) return classifiers @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def save_feed_chooser(request): is_premium = request.user.profile.is_premium approved_feeds = [int(feed_id) for feed_id in request.POST.getlist('approved_feeds') if feed_id] if not is_premium: approved_feeds = approved_feeds[:64] activated = 0 usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=request.user) for sub in usersubs: try: if sub.feed_id in approved_feeds: activated += 1 if not = True if sub.feed.active_subscribers <= 0: sub.feed.count_subscribers() elif = False except Feed.DoesNotExist: pass request.user.profile.queue_new_feeds() request.user.profile.refresh_stale_feeds(exclude_new=True) r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=settings.REDIS_PUBSUB_POOL) r.publish(request.user.username, 'reload:feeds') logging.user(request, "~BB~FW~SBFeed chooser: ~FC%s~SN/~SB%s" % ( activated, usersubs.count() )) return {'activated': activated} @ajax_login_required def retrain_all_sites(request): for sub in UserSubscription.objects.filter(user=request.user): sub.is_trained = False return feeds_trainer(request) @login_required def activate_premium_account(request): try: usersubs = UserSubscription.objects.select_related('feed').filter(user=request.user) for sub in usersubs: = True if sub.feed.premium_subscribers <= 0: sub.feed.count_subscribers() sub.feed.schedule_feed_fetch_immediately() except Exception, e: subject = "Premium activation failed" message = "%s -- %s\n\n%s" % (request.user, usersubs, e) mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=True) request.user.profile.is_premium = True return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) @login_required def login_as(request): if not request.user.is_staff: logging.user(request, "~SKNON-STAFF LOGGING IN AS ANOTHER USER!") assert False return HttpResponseForbidden() username = request.GET['user'] user = get_object_or_404(User, username__iexact=username) user.backend = settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS[0] login_user(request, user) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index')) def iframe_buster(request): logging.user(request, "~FB~SBiFrame bust!") return HttpResponse(status=204) @required_params('story_id', feed_id=int) @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_as_starred(request): return _mark_story_as_starred(request) @required_params('story_hash') @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_hash_as_starred(request): return _mark_story_as_starred(request) def _mark_story_as_starred(request): code = 1 feed_id = int(request.REQUEST.get('feed_id', 0)) story_id = request.REQUEST.get('story_id', None) story_hash = request.REQUEST.get('story_hash', None) user_tags = request.REQUEST.getlist('user_tags') message = "" if story_hash: story, _ = MStory.find_story(story_hash=story_hash) feed_id = story and story.story_feed_id else: story, _ = MStory.find_story(story_feed_id=feed_id, story_id=story_id) if not story: return {'code': -1, 'message': "Could not find story to save."} story_db = dict([(k, v) for k, v in story._data.items() if k is not None and v is not None]) story_db.pop('user_id', None) story_db.pop('starred_date', None) story_db.pop('id', None) story_db.pop('user_tags', None) now = story_values = dict(starred_date=now, user_tags=user_tags, **story_db) params = dict(story_guid=story.story_guid, starred_story = MStarredStory.objects(**params).limit(1) created = False removed_user_tags = [] if not starred_story: params.update(story_values) starred_story = MStarredStory.objects.create(**params) created = True MActivity.new_starred_story(, story_title=story.story_title, story_feed_id=feed_id, story_id=starred_story.story_guid) new_user_tags = user_tags MStarredStoryCounts.adjust_count(, feed_id=feed_id, amount=1) else: starred_story = starred_story[0] new_user_tags = list(set(user_tags) - set(starred_story.user_tags or [])) removed_user_tags = list(set(starred_story.user_tags or []) - set(user_tags)) starred_story.user_tags = user_tags for tag in new_user_tags: MStarredStoryCounts.adjust_count(, tag=tag, amount=1) for tag in removed_user_tags: MStarredStoryCounts.adjust_count(, tag=tag, amount=-1) if random.random() < 0.01: MStarredStoryCounts.schedule_count_tags_for_user( MStarredStoryCounts.count_for_user(, total_only=True) starred_counts, starred_count = MStarredStoryCounts.user_counts(, include_total=True) if not starred_count and len(starred_counts): starred_count = MStarredStory.objects( if created: logging.user(request, "~FCStarring: ~SB%s (~FM~SB%s~FC~SN)" % (story.story_title[:32], starred_story.user_tags)) else: logging.user(request, "~FCUpdating starred:~SN~FC ~SB%s~SN (~FM~SB%s~FC~SN)" % (story.story_title[:32], starred_story.user_tags)) return {'code': code, 'message': message, 'starred_count': starred_count, 'starred_counts': starred_counts} @required_params('story_id') @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_as_unstarred(request): return _mark_story_as_unstarred(request) @required_params('story_hash') @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def mark_story_hash_as_unstarred(request): return _mark_story_as_unstarred(request) def _mark_story_as_unstarred(request): code = 1 story_id = request.POST.get('story_id', None) story_hash = request.REQUEST.get('story_hash', None) starred_counts = None starred_story = None if story_id: starred_story = MStarredStory.objects(, story_guid=story_id) if not story_id or not starred_story: starred_story = MStarredStory.objects(, story_hash=story_hash or story_id) if starred_story: starred_story = starred_story[0] logging.user(request, "~FCUnstarring: ~SB%s" % (starred_story.story_title[:50])) user_tags = starred_story.user_tags feed_id = starred_story.story_feed_id MActivity.remove_starred_story(, story_feed_id=starred_story.story_feed_id, story_id=starred_story.story_guid) starred_story.user_id = 0 try: except NotUniqueError: starred_story.delete() MStarredStoryCounts.adjust_count(, feed_id=feed_id, amount=-1) for tag in user_tags: try: MStarredStoryCounts.adjust_count(, tag=tag, amount=-1) except MStarredStoryCounts.DoesNotExist: pass # MStarredStoryCounts.schedule_count_tags_for_user( MStarredStoryCounts.count_for_user(, total_only=True) starred_counts = MStarredStoryCounts.user_counts( else: code = -1 return {'code': code, 'starred_counts': starred_counts} @ajax_login_required @json.json_view def send_story_email(request): code = 1 message = 'OK' story_id = request.POST['story_id'] feed_id = request.POST['feed_id'] to_addresses = request.POST.get('to', '').replace(',', ' ').replace(' ', ' ').strip().split(' ') from_name = request.POST['from_name'] from_email = request.POST['from_email'] email_cc = is_true(request.POST.get('email_cc', 'true')) comments = request.POST['comments'] comments = comments[:2048] # Separated due to PyLint from_address = '[email protected]' share_user_profile = MSocialProfile.get_user( if not to_addresses: code = -1 message = 'Please provide at least one email address.' elif not all(email_re.match(to_address) for to_address in to_addresses if to_addresses): code = -1 message = 'You need to send the email to a valid email address.' elif not email_re.match(from_email): code = -1 message = 'You need to provide your email address.' elif not from_name: code = -1 message = 'You need to provide your name.' else: story, _ = MStory.find_story(feed_id, story_id) story = Feed.format_story(story, feed_id, text=True) feed = Feed.get_by_id(story['story_feed_id']) params = { "to_addresses": to_addresses, "from_name": from_name, "from_email": from_email, "email_cc": email_cc, "comments": comments, "from_address": from_address, "story": story, "feed": feed, "share_user_profile": share_user_profile, } text = render_to_string('mail/email_story.txt', params) html = render_to_string('mail/email_story.xhtml', params) subject = '%s' % (story['story_title']) cc = None if email_cc: cc = ['%s <%s>' % (from_name, from_email)] subject = subject.replace('\n', ' ') msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text, from_email='NewsBlur <%s>' % from_address, to=to_addresses, cc=cc, headers={'Reply-To': '%s <%s>' % (from_name, from_email)}) msg.attach_alternative(html, "text/html") try: msg.send() except, e: code = -1 message = "Email error: %s" % str(e) logging.user(request, '~BMSharing story by email to %s recipient%s: ~FY~SB%s~SN~BM~FY/~SB%s' % (len(to_addresses), '' if len(to_addresses) == 1 else 's', story['story_title'][:50], feed and feed.feed_title[:50])) return {'code': code, 'message': message} @json.json_view def load_tutorial(request): if request.REQUEST.get('finished'): logging.user(request, '~BY~FW~SBFinishing Tutorial') return {} else: newsblur_feed = Feed.objects.filter(feed_address__icontains='').order_by('-pk')[0] logging.user(request, '~BY~FW~SBLoading Tutorial') return { 'newsblur_feed': newsblur_feed.canonical() }
__author__ = "Guillaume" __license__ = "MIT" __copyright__ = "2015, ESRF" import numpy from freesas.model import SASModel class Grid: """ This class is used to create a grid which include all the input models """ def __init__(self, inputfiles): """ :param inputfiles: list of pdb files needed for averaging """ self.inputs = inputfiles self.size = [] self.nbknots = None self.radius = None self.coordknots = [] def __repr__(self): return "Grid with %i knots"%self.nbknots def spatial_extent(self): """ Calculate the maximal extent of input models :return self.size: 6-list with x,y,z max and then x,y,z min """ atoms = [] models_fineness = [] for files in self.inputs: m = SASModel(files) if len(atoms)==0: atoms = m.atoms else: atoms = numpy.append(atoms, m.atoms, axis=0) models_fineness.append(m.fineness) mean_fineness = sum(models_fineness) / len(models_fineness) coordmin = atoms.min(axis=0) - mean_fineness coordmax = atoms.max(axis=0) + mean_fineness self.size = [coordmax[0],coordmax[1],coordmax[2],coordmin[0],coordmin[1],coordmin[2]] return self.size def calc_radius(self, nbknots=None): """ Calculate the radius of each point of a hexagonal close-packed grid, knowing the total volume and the number of knots in this grid. :param nbknots: number of knots wanted for the grid :return radius: the radius of each knot of the grid """ if len(self.size)==0: self.spatial_extent() nbknots = nbknots if nbknots is not None else 5000 size = self.size dx = size[0] - size[3] dy = size[1] - size[4] dz = size[2] - size[5] volume = dx * dy * dz density = numpy.pi / (3*2**0.5) radius = ((3 /( 4 * numpy.pi)) * density * volume / nbknots)**(1.0/3) self.radius = radius return radius def make_grid(self): """ Create a grid using the maximal size and the radius previously computed. The geometry used is a face-centered cubic lattice (fcc). :return knots: 2d-array, coordinates of each dot of the grid. Saved as self.coordknots. """ if len(self.size)==0: self.spatial_extent() if self.radius is None: self.calc_radius() radius = self.radius a = numpy.sqrt(2.0)*radius xmax = self.size[0] xmin = self.size[3] ymax = self.size[1] ymin = self.size[4] zmax = self.size[2] zmin = self.size[5] x = 0.0 y = 0.0 z = 0.0 xlist = [] ylist = [] zlist = [] knots = numpy.empty((1,4), dtype="float") while (zmin + z) <= zmax: zlist.append(z) z += a while (ymin + y) <= ymax: ylist.append(y) y += a while (xmin + x) <= xmax: xlist.append(x) x += a for i in range(len(zlist)): z = zlist[i] if i % 2 ==0: for j in range(len(xlist)): x = xlist[j] if j % 2 == 0: for y in ylist[0:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) else: for y in ylist[1:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) else: for j in range(len(xlist)): x = xlist[j] if j % 2 == 0: for y in ylist[1:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) else: for y in ylist[0:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) knots = numpy.delete(knots, 0, axis=0) self.nbknots = knots.shape[0] self.coordknots = knots return knots class AverModels(): """ Provides tools to create an averaged models using several aligned dummy atom models """ def __init__(self, inputfiles, grid): """ :param inputfiles: list of pdb files of aligned models :param grid: 2d-array coordinates of each point of a grid, fourth column full of zeros """ self.inputfiles = inputfiles self.models = [] self.header = [] self.radius = None self.atoms = [] self.grid = grid def __repr__(self): return "Average SAS model with %i atoms"%len(self.atoms) def read_files(self, reference=None): """ Read all the pdb file in the inputfiles list, creating SASModels. The SASModels created are save in a list, the reference model is the first model in the list. :param reference: position of the reference model file in the inputfiles list """ ref = reference if reference is not None else 0 inputfiles = self.inputfiles models = [] models.append(SASModel(inputfiles[ref])) for i in range(len(inputfiles)): if i==ref: continue else: models.append(SASModel(inputfiles[i])) self.models = models return models def calc_occupancy(self, griddot): """ Assign an occupancy and a contribution factor to the point of the grid. :param griddot: 1d-array, coordinates of a point of the grid :return tuple: 2-tuple containing (occupancy, contribution) """ occ = 0.0 contrib = 0 for model in self.models: f = model.fineness for i in range(model.atoms.shape[0]): dx = model.atoms[i, 0] - griddot[0] dy = model.atoms[i, 1] - griddot[1] dz = model.atoms[i, 2] - griddot[2] dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz add = max(1 - (dist / f), 0) if add != 0: contrib += 1 occ += add return occ, contrib def assign_occupancy(self): """ For each point of the grid, total occupancy and contribution factor are computed and saved. The grid is then ordered with decreasing value of occupancy. The fourth column of the array correspond to the occupancy of the point and the fifth to the contribution for this point. :return sortedgrid: 2d-array, coordinates of each point of the grid """ grid = self.grid nbknots = grid.shape[0] grid = numpy.append(grid, numpy.zeros((nbknots, 1), dtype="float"), axis=1) for i in range(nbknots): occ, contrib = self.calc_occupancy(grid[i, 0:3]) grid[i, 3] = occ grid[i, 4] = contrib order = numpy.argsort(grid, axis=0)[:, -2] sortedgrid = numpy.empty_like(grid) for i in range(nbknots): sortedgrid[nbknots - i - 1, :] = grid[order[i], :] return sortedgrid def make_header(self): """ Create the layout of the pdb file for the averaged model. """ header = [] header.append("Number of files averaged : %s\n"%len(self.inputfiles)) for i in self.inputfiles: header.append(i + "\n") header.append("Total number of dots in the grid : %s\n"%self.grid.shape[0]) decade = 1 for i in range(self.grid.shape[0]): line = "ATOM CA ASP 1 20.00 2 201\n" line = line[:7] + "%4.i"%(i + 1) + line[11:] if not (i + 1) % 10: decade += 1 line = line[:21] + "%4.i"%decade + line[25:] header.append(line) self.header = header return header def save_aver(self, filename): """ Save the position of each occupied dot of the grid, its occupancy and its contribution in a pdb file. :param filename: name of the pdb file to write """ if len(self.header) == 0: self.make_header() assert self.grid.shape[-1] == 5 nr = 0 with open(filename, "w") as pdbout: for line in self.header: if line.startswith("ATOM"): if nr < self.grid.shape[0] and self.grid[nr, 4] != 0: coord = "%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f" % tuple(self.grid[nr, 0:3]) occ = "%6.2f" % self.grid[nr, 3] contrib = "%2.f" % self.grid[nr, 4] line = line[:30] + coord + occ + line[60:66] + contrib + line[68:] else: line = "" nr += 1 pdbout.write(line)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Project-wide application configuration. DO NOT STORE SECRETS, PASSWORDS, ETC. IN THIS FILE. They will be exposed to users. Use environment variables instead. See get_secrets() below for a fast way to access them. """ import os """ NAMES """ # Project name used for display PROJECT_NAME = 'quotable' # Project name in urls # Use dashes, not underscores! PROJECT_SLUG = 'quotable' # The name of the repository containing the source REPOSITORY_NAME = 'quotable' REPOSITORY_URL = '[email protected]:nprapps/%s.git' % REPOSITORY_NAME REPOSITORY_ALT_URL = None # '[email protected]:nprapps/%s.git' % REPOSITORY_NAME' # The name to be used in paths on the server PROJECT_FILENAME = 'quotable' """ DEPLOYMENT """ FILE_SERVER = '' S3_BUCKET = '' ASSETS_S3_BUCKET = '' # These variables will be set at runtime. See configure_targets() below DEBUG = True """ COPY EDITING """ COPY_GOOGLE_DOC_KEY = '0AlXMOHKxzQVRdHZuX1UycXplRlBfLVB0UVNldHJYZmc' """ SHARING """ PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = 'An opinionated project template for (mostly) server-less apps.' SHARE_URL = 'http://%s/%s/' % (S3_BUCKET, PROJECT_SLUG) TWITTER = { 'TEXT': PROJECT_NAME, 'URL': SHARE_URL, # Will be resized to 120x120, can't be larger than 1MB 'IMAGE_URL': '' } FACEBOOK = { 'TITLE': PROJECT_NAME, 'URL': SHARE_URL, 'DESCRIPTION': PROJECT_DESCRIPTION, # Should be square. No documented restrictions on size 'IMAGE_URL': TWITTER['IMAGE_URL'], 'APP_ID': '138837436154588' } GOOGLE = { # Thumbnail image for Google News / Search. # No documented restrictions on resolution or size 'IMAGE_URL': TWITTER['IMAGE_URL'] } NPR_DFP = { 'STORY_ID': '203618536', 'TARGET': 'News_NPR_News_Investigations', 'ENVIRONMENT': 'NPRTEST', 'TESTSERVER': 'true' } """ SERVICES """ GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID = 'UA-5828686-4'
import os import logging from import BaseCommand from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.template.loader import get_template from workshops.models import Badge, Person, Role logger = logging.getLogger() class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Report instructors activity.' def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--send-out-for-real', action='store_true', default=False, help='Send information to the instructors.', ) parser.add_argument( '--no-may-contact-only', action='store_true', default=False, help='Include instructors not willing to be contacted.', ) parser.add_argument( '--django-mailing', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use Django mailing system. This requires some environmental ' 'variables to be set, see ``.', ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--sender', action='store', default='[email protected]', help='E-mail used in "from:" field.', ) def foreign_tasks(self, tasks, person, roles): """List of other instructors' tasks, per event.""" return [ task.event.task_set.filter(role__in=roles) .exclude(person=person) .select_related('person') for task in tasks ] def fetch_activity(self, may_contact_only=True): roles = Role.objects.filter(name__in=['instructor', 'helper']) instructor_badges = Badge.objects.instructor_badges() instructors = Person.objects.filter(badges__in=instructor_badges) instructors = instructors.exclude(email__isnull=True) if may_contact_only: instructors = instructors.exclude(may_contact=False) # let's get some things faster instructors = instructors.select_related('airport') \ .prefetch_related('task_set', 'lessons', 'award_set', 'badges') # don't repeat the records instructors = instructors.distinct() result = [] for person in instructors: tasks = person.task_set.filter(role__in=roles) \ .select_related('event', 'role') record = { 'person': person, 'lessons': person.lessons.all(), 'instructor_awards': person.award_set.filter( badge__in=person.badges.instructor_badges() ), 'tasks': zip(tasks, self.foreign_tasks(tasks, person, roles)), } result.append(record) return result def make_message(self, record): tmplt = get_template('mailing/instructor_activity.txt') return tmplt.render(context=record) def subject(self, record): # in future we can vary the subject depending on the record details return 'Updating your Software Carpentry information' def recipient(self, record): return record['person'].email def send_message(self, subject, message, sender, recipient, for_real=False, django_mailing=False): if for_real: if django_mailing: send_mail(subject, message, sender, [recipient]) else: command = 'mail -s "{subject}" -r {sender} {recipient}'.format( subject=subject, sender=sender, recipient=recipient, ) writer = os.popen(command, 'w') writer.write(message) writer.close() if self.verbosity >= 2: # write only a header self.stdout.write('-' * 40 + '\n') self.stdout.write('To: {}\n'.format(recipient)) self.stdout.write('Subject: {}\n'.format(subject)) self.stdout.write('From: {}\n'.format(sender)) if self.verbosity >= 3: # write whole message out self.stdout.write(message + '\n') def handle(self, *args, **options): # default is dummy run - only actually send mail if told to send_for_real = options['send_out_for_real'] # by default include only instructors who have `may_contact==True` no_may_contact_only = options['no_may_contact_only'] # use mailing options from or the `mail` system command? django_mailing = options['django_mailing'] # verbosity option is added by Django self.verbosity = int(options['verbosity']) sender = options['sender'] results = self.fetch_activity(not no_may_contact_only) for result in results: message = self.make_message(result) subject = self.subject(result) recipient = self.recipient(result) self.send_message(subject, message, sender, recipient, for_real=send_for_real, django_mailing=django_mailing) if self.verbosity >= 1: self.stdout.write('Sent {} emails.\n'.format(len(results)))
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import functools from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Iterable, Optional, TypeVar import warnings from azure.core.exceptions import ClientAuthenticationError, HttpResponseError, ResourceExistsError, ResourceNotFoundError, map_error from azure.core.paging import ItemPaged from azure.core.pipeline import PipelineResponse from azure.core.pipeline.transport import HttpResponse from import HttpRequest from azure.core.tracing.decorator import distributed_trace from azure.mgmt.core.exceptions import ARMErrorFormat from msrest import Serializer from .. import models as _models from .._vendor import _convert_request, _format_url_section T = TypeVar('T') JSONType = Any ClsType = Optional[Callable[[PipelineResponse[HttpRequest, HttpResponse], T, Dict[str, Any]], Any]] _SERIALIZER = Serializer() _SERIALIZER.client_side_validation = False def build_delete_request( scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}') path_format_arguments = { "scope": _SERIALIZER.url("scope", scope, 'str', skip_quote=True), "policyAssignmentName": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_name", policy_assignment_name, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="DELETE", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_create_request( scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, *, json: JSONType = None, content: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', None) # type: Optional[str] api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}') path_format_arguments = { "scope": _SERIALIZER.url("scope", scope, 'str', skip_quote=True), "policyAssignmentName": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_name", policy_assignment_name, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] if content_type is not None: header_parameters['Content-Type'] = _SERIALIZER.header("content_type", content_type, 'str') header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="PUT", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, json=json, content=content, **kwargs ) def build_get_request( scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}') path_format_arguments = { "scope": _SERIALIZER.url("scope", scope, 'str', skip_quote=True), "policyAssignmentName": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_name", policy_assignment_name, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="GET", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_list_for_resource_group_request( resource_group_name: str, subscription_id: str, *, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments') path_format_arguments = { "resourceGroupName": _SERIALIZER.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str', max_length=90, min_length=1, pattern=r'^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'), "subscriptionId": _SERIALIZER.url("subscription_id", subscription_id, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] if filter is not None: query_parameters['$filter'] = _SERIALIZER.query("filter", filter, 'str', skip_quote=True) query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="GET", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_list_for_resource_request( resource_group_name: str, resource_provider_namespace: str, parent_resource_path: str, resource_type: str, resource_name: str, subscription_id: str, *, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{parentResourcePath}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments') path_format_arguments = { "resourceGroupName": _SERIALIZER.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str', max_length=90, min_length=1, pattern=r'^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'), "resourceProviderNamespace": _SERIALIZER.url("resource_provider_namespace", resource_provider_namespace, 'str'), "parentResourcePath": _SERIALIZER.url("parent_resource_path", parent_resource_path, 'str', skip_quote=True), "resourceType": _SERIALIZER.url("resource_type", resource_type, 'str', skip_quote=True), "resourceName": _SERIALIZER.url("resource_name", resource_name, 'str'), "subscriptionId": _SERIALIZER.url("subscription_id", subscription_id, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] if filter is not None: query_parameters['$filter'] = _SERIALIZER.query("filter", filter, 'str') query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="GET", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_list_request( subscription_id: str, *, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments') path_format_arguments = { "subscriptionId": _SERIALIZER.url("subscription_id", subscription_id, 'str'), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] if filter is not None: query_parameters['$filter'] = _SERIALIZER.query("filter", filter, 'str') query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="GET", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_delete_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{policyAssignmentId}') path_format_arguments = { "policyAssignmentId": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_id", policy_assignment_id, 'str', skip_quote=True), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="DELETE", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) def build_create_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id: str, *, json: JSONType = None, content: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', None) # type: Optional[str] api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{policyAssignmentId}') path_format_arguments = { "policyAssignmentId": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_id", policy_assignment_id, 'str', skip_quote=True), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] if content_type is not None: header_parameters['Content-Type'] = _SERIALIZER.header("content_type", content_type, 'str') header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="PUT", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, json=json, content=content, **kwargs ) def build_get_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> HttpRequest: api_version = "2016-12-01" accept = "application/json, text/json" # Construct URL url = kwargs.pop("template_url", '/{policyAssignmentId}') path_format_arguments = { "policyAssignmentId": _SERIALIZER.url("policy_assignment_id", policy_assignment_id, 'str', skip_quote=True), } url = _format_url_section(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = kwargs.pop("params", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = _SERIALIZER.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = kwargs.pop("headers", {}) # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = _SERIALIZER.header("accept", accept, 'str') return HttpRequest( method="GET", url=url, params=query_parameters, headers=header_parameters, **kwargs ) class PolicyAssignmentsOperations(object): """PolicyAssignmentsOperations operations. You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute. :ivar models: Alias to model classes used in this operation group. :type models: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models :param client: Client for service requests. :param config: Configuration of service client. :param serializer: An object model serializer. :param deserializer: An object model deserializer. """ models = _models def __init__(self, client, config, serializer, deserializer): self._client = client self._serialize = serializer self._deserialize = deserializer self._config = config @distributed_trace def delete( self, scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> Optional["_models.PolicyAssignment"]: """Deletes a policy assignment. :param scope: The scope of the policy assignment. :type scope: str :param policy_assignment_name: The name of the policy assignment to delete. :type policy_assignment_name: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment or None :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType[Optional["_models.PolicyAssignment"]] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) request = build_delete_request( scope=scope, policy_assignment_name=policy_assignment_name, template_url=self.delete.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200, 204]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = None if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized delete.metadata = {'url': '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def create( self, scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, parameters: "_models.PolicyAssignment", **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.PolicyAssignment": """Creates a policy assignment. Policy assignments are inherited by child resources. For example, when you apply a policy to a resource group that policy is assigned to all resources in the group. :param scope: The scope of the policy assignment. :type scope: str :param policy_assignment_name: The name of the policy assignment. :type policy_assignment_name: str :param parameters: Parameters for the policy assignment. :type parameters: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignment"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', "application/json") # type: Optional[str] _json = self._serialize.body(parameters, 'PolicyAssignment') request = build_create_request( scope=scope, policy_assignment_name=policy_assignment_name, content_type=content_type, json=_json, template_url=self.create.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [201]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized create.metadata = {'url': '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def get( self, scope: str, policy_assignment_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.PolicyAssignment": """Gets a policy assignment. :param scope: The scope of the policy assignment. :type scope: str :param policy_assignment_name: The name of the policy assignment to get. :type policy_assignment_name: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignment"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) request = build_get_request( scope=scope, policy_assignment_name=policy_assignment_name, template_url=self.get.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized get.metadata = {'url': '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def list_for_resource_group( self, resource_group_name: str, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"]: """Gets policy assignments for the resource group. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group that contains policy assignments. :type resource_group_name: str :param filter: The filter to apply on the operation. :type filter: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: An iterator like instance of either PolicyAssignmentListResult or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignmentListResult] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) def prepare_request(next_link=None): if not next_link: request = build_list_for_resource_group_request( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=self.list_for_resource_group.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) else: request = build_list_for_resource_group_request( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=next_link, ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) request.method = "GET" return request def extract_data(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize("PolicyAssignmentListResult", pipeline_response) list_of_elem = deserialized.value if cls: list_of_elem = cls(list_of_elem) return deserialized.next_link or None, iter(list_of_elem) def get_next(next_link=None): request = prepare_request(next_link) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) return pipeline_response return ItemPaged( get_next, extract_data ) list_for_resource_group.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def list_for_resource( self, resource_group_name: str, resource_provider_namespace: str, parent_resource_path: str, resource_type: str, resource_name: str, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"]: """Gets policy assignments for a resource. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group containing the resource. The name is case insensitive. :type resource_group_name: str :param resource_provider_namespace: The namespace of the resource provider. :type resource_provider_namespace: str :param parent_resource_path: The parent resource path. :type parent_resource_path: str :param resource_type: The resource type. :type resource_type: str :param resource_name: The name of the resource with policy assignments. :type resource_name: str :param filter: The filter to apply on the operation. :type filter: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: An iterator like instance of either PolicyAssignmentListResult or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignmentListResult] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) def prepare_request(next_link=None): if not next_link: request = build_list_for_resource_request( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace=resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path=parent_resource_path, resource_type=resource_type, resource_name=resource_name, subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=self.list_for_resource.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) else: request = build_list_for_resource_request( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace=resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path=parent_resource_path, resource_type=resource_type, resource_name=resource_name, subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=next_link, ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) request.method = "GET" return request def extract_data(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize("PolicyAssignmentListResult", pipeline_response) list_of_elem = deserialized.value if cls: list_of_elem = cls(list_of_elem) return deserialized.next_link or None, iter(list_of_elem) def get_next(next_link=None): request = prepare_request(next_link) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) return pipeline_response return ItemPaged( get_next, extract_data ) list_for_resource.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{parentResourcePath}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def list( self, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"]: """Gets all the policy assignments for a subscription. :param filter: The filter to apply on the operation. :type filter: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: An iterator like instance of either PolicyAssignmentListResult or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignmentListResult] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignmentListResult"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) def prepare_request(next_link=None): if not next_link: request = build_list_request( subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=self.list.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) else: request = build_list_request( subscription_id=self._config.subscription_id, filter=filter, template_url=next_link, ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) request.method = "GET" return request def extract_data(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize("PolicyAssignmentListResult", pipeline_response) list_of_elem = deserialized.value if cls: list_of_elem = cls(list_of_elem) return deserialized.next_link or None, iter(list_of_elem) def get_next(next_link=None): request = prepare_request(next_link) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) return pipeline_response return ItemPaged( get_next, extract_data ) list.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def delete_by_id( self, policy_assignment_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.PolicyAssignment": """Deletes a policy assignment by ID. When providing a scope for the assignment, use '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/' for subscriptions, '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}' for resource groups, and '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}' for resources. :param policy_assignment_id: The ID of the policy assignment to delete. Use the format '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policy-assignment-name}'. :type policy_assignment_id: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignment"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) request = build_delete_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id=policy_assignment_id, template_url=self.delete_by_id.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized delete_by_id.metadata = {'url': '/{policyAssignmentId}'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def create_by_id( self, policy_assignment_id: str, parameters: "_models.PolicyAssignment", **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.PolicyAssignment": """Creates a policy assignment by ID. Policy assignments are inherited by child resources. For example, when you apply a policy to a resource group that policy is assigned to all resources in the group. When providing a scope for the assignment, use '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/' for subscriptions, '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}' for resource groups, and '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}' for resources. :param policy_assignment_id: The ID of the policy assignment to create. Use the format '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policy-assignment-name}'. :type policy_assignment_id: str :param parameters: Parameters for policy assignment. :type parameters: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignment"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) content_type = kwargs.pop('content_type', "application/json") # type: Optional[str] _json = self._serialize.body(parameters, 'PolicyAssignment') request = build_create_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id=policy_assignment_id, content_type=content_type, json=_json, template_url=self.create_by_id.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [201]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized create_by_id.metadata = {'url': '/{policyAssignmentId}'} # type: ignore @distributed_trace def get_by_id( self, policy_assignment_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.PolicyAssignment": """Gets a policy assignment by ID. When providing a scope for the assignment, use '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/' for subscriptions, '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}' for resource groups, and '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}' for resources. :param policy_assignment_id: The ID of the policy assignment to get. Use the format '/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policy-assignment-name}'. :type policy_assignment_id: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: PolicyAssignment, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.resource.policy.v2016_12_01.models.PolicyAssignment :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.PolicyAssignment"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) request = build_get_by_id_request( policy_assignment_id=policy_assignment_id, template_url=self.get_by_id.metadata['url'], ) request = _convert_request(request) request.url = self._client.format_url(request.url) pipeline_response =, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('PolicyAssignment', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized get_by_id.metadata = {'url': '/{policyAssignmentId}'} # type: ignore
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Jun 25 16:20:12 2015 @author: Balázs Hidasi @lastmodified: Loreto Parisi (loretoparisi at gmail dot com) """ import sys import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import datetime as dt # To redirect output to file class Logger(object): def __init__(self, filename="Default.log"): self.terminal = sys.stdout self.log = open(filename, "a") def write(self, message): self.terminal.write(message) self.log.write(message) def flush(self): pass sys.stdout = Logger( os.environ['HOME' ] + '/theano.log' ) PATH_TO_ORIGINAL_DATA = os.environ['HOME'] + '/' PATH_TO_PROCESSED_DATA = os.environ['HOME'] + '/' data = pd.read_csv(PATH_TO_ORIGINAL_DATA + 'yoochoose-clicks.dat', sep=',', header=None, usecols=[0,1,2], dtype={0:np.int32, 1:str, 2:np.int64}) data.columns = ['SessionId', 'TimeStr', 'ItemId'] data['Time'] = data.TimeStr.apply(lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').timestamp()) #This is not UTC. It does not really matter. del(data['TimeStr']) session_lengths = data.groupby('SessionId').size() data = data[np.in1d(data.SessionId, session_lengths[session_lengths>1].index)] item_supports = data.groupby('ItemId').size() data = data[np.in1d(data.ItemId, item_supports[item_supports>=5].index)] session_lengths = data.groupby('SessionId').size() data = data[np.in1d(data.SessionId, session_lengths[session_lengths>=2].index)] tmax = data.Time.max() session_max_times = data.groupby('SessionId').Time.max() session_train = session_max_times[session_max_times < tmax-86400].index session_test = session_max_times[session_max_times >= tmax-86400].index train = data[np.in1d(data.SessionId, session_train)] test = data[np.in1d(data.SessionId, session_test)] test = test[np.in1d(test.ItemId, train.ItemId)] tslength = test.groupby('SessionId').size() test = test[np.in1d(test.SessionId, tslength[tslength>=2].index)] print('Full train set\n\tEvents: {}\n\tSessions: {}\n\tItems: {}'.format(len(train), train.SessionId.nunique(), train.ItemId.nunique())) train.to_csv(PATH_TO_PROCESSED_DATA + 'rsc15_train_full.txt', sep='\t', index=False) print('Test set\n\tEvents: {}\n\tSessions: {}\n\tItems: {}'.format(len(test), test.SessionId.nunique(), test.ItemId.nunique())) test.to_csv(PATH_TO_PROCESSED_DATA + 'rsc15_test.txt', sep='\t', index=False) tmax = train.Time.max() session_max_times = train.groupby('SessionId').Time.max() session_train = session_max_times[session_max_times < tmax-86400].index session_valid = session_max_times[session_max_times >= tmax-86400].index train_tr = train[np.in1d(train.SessionId, session_train)] valid = train[np.in1d(train.SessionId, session_valid)] valid = valid[np.in1d(valid.ItemId, train_tr.ItemId)] tslength = valid.groupby('SessionId').size() valid = valid[np.in1d(valid.SessionId, tslength[tslength>=2].index)] print('Train set\n\tEvents: {}\n\tSessions: {}\n\tItems: {}'.format(len(train_tr), train_tr.SessionId.nunique(), train_tr.ItemId.nunique())) train_tr.to_csv(PATH_TO_PROCESSED_DATA + 'rsc15_train_tr.txt', sep='\t', index=False) print('Validation set\n\tEvents: {}\n\tSessions: {}\n\tItems: {}'.format(len(valid), valid.SessionId.nunique(), valid.ItemId.nunique())) valid.to_csv(PATH_TO_PROCESSED_DATA + 'rsc15_train_valid.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
from attributes import * from constants import * # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # class UnitManager (Attributes) : """ UnitManager class -- manages a pool """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__ (self, url=None, scheduler='default', session=None) : Attributes.__init__ (self) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def add_pilot (self, pid) : """ add (Compute or Data)-Pilot(s) to the pool """ raise Exception ("%s.add_pilot() is not implemented" % self.__class__.__name__) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def list_pilots (self, ptype=ANY) : """ List IDs of data and/or compute pilots """ raise Exception ("%s.list_pilots() is not implemented" % self.__class__.__name__) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def remove_pilot (self, pid, drain=False) : """ Remove pilot(s) (does not cancel the pilot(s), but removes all units from the pilot(s). `drain` determines what happens to the units which are managed by the removed pilot(s). If `True`, the pilot removal is delayed until all units reach a final state. If `False` (the default), then `RUNNING` units will be canceled, and `PENDING` units will be re-assinged to the unit managers for re-scheduling to other pilots. """ raise Exception ("%s.remove_pilot() is not implemented" % self.__class__.__name__) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def submit_unit (self, description) : """ Instantiate and return (Compute or Data)-Unit object(s) """ raise Exception ("%s.submit_unit() is not implemented" % self.__class__.__name__) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def list_units (self, utype=ANY) : """ List IDs of data and/or compute units """ raise Exception ("%s.list_units() is not implemented" % self.__class__.__name__) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def get_unit (self, uids) : """ Reconnect to and return (Compute or Data)-Unit object(s) """ raise Exception ("%s.get_unit() is not implemented" % self.__class__.__name__) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def wait_unit (self, uids, state=[DONE, FAILED, CANCELED], timeout=-1.0) : """ Wait for given unit(s) to enter given state """ raise Exception ("%s.wait_unit() is not implemented" % self.__class__.__name__) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def cancel_units (self, uids) : """ Cancel given unit(s) """ raise Exception ("%s.cancel_unit() is not implemented" % self.__class__.__name__) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
import datetime from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.utils import timezone from .models import Action def create_action(user, verb, target=None): now = last_minute = now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) similar_actions = Action.objects.filter(, verb=verb, created__gte=last_minute) if target: target_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(target) similar_actions = Action.objects.filter(target_ct=target_ct, if not similar_actions: action = Action(user=user, verb=verb, target=target) return True return False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # RedPipe documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Wed Apr 19 13:22:45 2017. # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its # containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. # # import os # import sys # sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. # # needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. import os import sys from os import path ROOTDIR = path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0, ROOTDIR) import redpipe # noqa extensions = [ 'alabaster', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon', ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix(es) of source filenames. # You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: # # source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md'] source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = u'RedPipe' copyright = u'2017, John Loehrer' author = u'John Loehrer' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = redpipe.__version__ # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = redpipe.__version__ # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. language = None # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. # This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store'] # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing. todo_include_todos = False # -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. # html_theme = 'alabaster' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. # html_theme_options = { 'logo': 'redpipe-logo.gif', 'github_banner': True, 'github_user': '72squared', 'github_repo': 'redpipe', 'travis_button': True, 'analytics_id': 'UA-98626018-1', } html_sidebars = { '**': [ 'about.html', 'navigation.html', 'relations.html', 'searchbox.html', ] } # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # -- Options for HTMLHelp output ------------------------------------------ # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'RedPipedoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). # # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). # # 'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # # 'preamble': '', # Latex figure (float) alignment # # 'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, 'RedPipe.tex', u'%s Documentation' % project, u'John Loehrer', 'manual'), ] # -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ (master_doc, project, u'%s Documentation' % project, [author], 1) ] # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, project, u'%s Documentation' % project, author, project, 'making redis pipelines easy in python', 'Miscellaneous'), ] suppress_warnings = ['image.nonlocal_uri']
from import PostLoadedDict # Utility class ################################################ class ServerImplementationDict(PostLoadedDict): def __missing__(self, key): try: return super().__missing__(key) except KeyError: return NotImplemented ################################################ class Server(): def __init__(self, shortname, loader): # Not preloaded # loaders must produce dictionaries (or an appropriate iterable) # with the required keys. # The reason for this is that code for certain servers need not be loaded # if it's not going to be used at all # It also prevents import loop collisions. global __ServerImplementationDict self.__data = ServerImplementationDict(loader) self.__shortname = shortname @property def shortname(self): # This is the only property provided from above return self.__shortname def __str__(self): return str(self.__shortname) # All other properties must come from canonical sources # provided by the server loader # CONSTANTS (STRINGS, BOOLEANS, INTS, ETC.) @property def name(self): return self.__data['str_name'] @property def internal_shortname(self): return self.__data['str_shortname'] @property def beta(self): return self.__data['bool_tester'] # CLASSES # 1- Credentials: @property def Auth(self): # I really don't know how to call this. return self.__data['cls_auth'] @property def auth_fields(self): return self.__data['list_authkeys'] # 2- Server Elements: @property def Player(self): return self.__data['cls_player'] @property def Tournament(self): return self.__data['cls_tournament']
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2008 John Paulett (john -at- # Copyright (C) 2009, 2011, 2013 David Aguilar (davvid -at- # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. """Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON. jsonpickle can take almost any Python object and turn the object into JSON. Additionally, it can reconstitute the object back into Python. The object must be accessible globally via a module and must inherit from object (AKA new-style classes). Create an object:: class Thing(object): def __init__(self, name): = name obj = Thing('Awesome') Use jsonpickle to transform the object into a JSON string:: import jsonpickle frozen = jsonpickle.encode(obj) Use jsonpickle to recreate a Python object from a JSON string:: thawed = jsonpickle.decode(frozen) .. warning:: Loading a JSON string from an untrusted source represents a potential security vulnerability. jsonpickle makes no attempt to sanitize the input. The new object has the same type and data, but essentially is now a copy of the original. .. code-block:: python assert == If you will never need to load (regenerate the Python class from JSON), you can pass in the keyword unpicklable=False to prevent extra information from being added to JSON:: oneway = jsonpickle.encode(obj, unpicklable=False) result = jsonpickle.decode(oneway) assert == result['name'] == 'Awesome' """ import sys, os from music21 import common sys.path.append(common.getSourceFilePath() + os.path.sep + 'ext') from jsonpickle import pickler from jsonpickle import unpickler from jsonpickle.backend import JSONBackend from jsonpickle.version import VERSION # ensure built-in handlers are loaded __import__('jsonpickle.handlers') __all__ = ('encode', 'decode') __version__ = VERSION json = JSONBackend() # Export specific JSONPluginMgr methods into the jsonpickle namespace set_preferred_backend = json.set_preferred_backend set_encoder_options = json.set_encoder_options load_backend = json.load_backend remove_backend = json.remove_backend enable_fallthrough = json.enable_fallthrough def encode(value, unpicklable=True, make_refs=True, keys=False, max_depth=None, backend=None, warn=False, max_iter=None): """Return a JSON formatted representation of value, a Python object. :param unpicklable: If set to False then the output will not contain the information necessary to turn the JSON data back into Python objects, but a simpler JSON stream is produced. :param max_depth: If set to a non-negative integer then jsonpickle will not recurse deeper than 'max_depth' steps into the object. Anything deeper than 'max_depth' is represented using a Python repr() of the object. :param make_refs: If set to False jsonpickle's referencing support is disabled. Objects that are id()-identical won't be preserved across encode()/decode(), but the resulting JSON stream will be conceptually simpler. jsonpickle detects cyclical objects and will break the cycle by calling repr() instead of recursing when make_refs is set False. :param keys: If set to True then jsonpickle will encode non-string dictionary keys instead of coercing them into strings via `repr()`. :param warn: If set to True then jsonpickle will warn when it returns None for an object which it cannot pickle (e.g. file descriptors). :param max_iter: If set to a non-negative integer then jsonpickle will consume at most `max_iter` items when pickling iterators. >>> encode('my string') '"my string"' >>> encode(36) '36' >>> encode({'foo': True}) '{"foo": true}' >>> encode({'foo': True}, max_depth=0) '"{\\'foo\\': True}"' >>> encode({'foo': True}, max_depth=1) '{"foo": "True"}' """ if backend is None: backend = json return pickler.encode(value, backend=backend, unpicklable=unpicklable, make_refs=make_refs, keys=keys, max_depth=max_depth, warn=warn) def decode(string, backend=None, keys=False): """Convert a JSON string into a Python object. The keyword argument 'keys' defaults to False. If set to True then jsonpickle will decode non-string dictionary keys into python objects via the jsonpickle protocol. >>> str(decode('"my string"')) 'my string' >>> decode('36') 36 """ if backend is None: backend = json return unpickler.decode(string, backend=backend, keys=keys) # json.load(),loads(), dump(), dumps() compatibility dumps = encode loads = decode
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Sep 09 13:04:53 2015 * If TimerTool.exe is running, kill the process. * If input parameter is given, start TimerTool and set clock resolution Starts TimerTool.exe and sets the clock resolution to argv[0] ms Ex: python set_clock_resolution 0.5 @author: marcus """ import time, datetime from socket import gethostname, gethostbyname import os import numpy as np def main(): my_path = os.path.join('C:',os.sep,'Share','sync_clocks') os.chdir(my_path) # Initial timestamps t1 = time.clock() t2 = time.time() t3 = td1 = [] td2 = [] td3 = [] for i in xrange(100): td1.append(time.clock()-t1) td2.append(time.time() -t2) td3.append(( time.sleep(0.001) # Create text file and write header t = ip = gethostbyname(gethostname()).split('.')[-1] f_name = '_'.join([ip,'test_clock_res',str(t.year),str(t.month),str(, str(t.hour),str(t.minute),str(t.second)]) f = open(f_name+'.txt','w') f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % ('mean_clock','median_clock','sd_clock', 'mean_time','median_time','sd_time', 'mean_datetime','median_datetime','sd_datetime',)) # Write results to text file f.write('%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n' % (np.mean(np.diff(td1))*1000, np.median(np.diff(td1))*1000,np.std(np.diff(td1))*1000, np.mean(np.diff(td2))*1000, np.median(np.diff(td2))*1000,np.std(np.diff(td2))*1000, np.mean(np.diff(td3))*1000, np.median(np.diff(td3))*1000,np.std(np.diff(td3))*1000)) f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
blocklevel = ["blockquote", "div", "form", "p", "table", "video", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "hr", "details", "article", "header", "main"] def normalizeEnter(src): #Deletes all user defined for readability reason existing line breaks that are issues for the HTML output for elem in blocklevel: while src.find("\r<" + elem) > -1: src = src.replace("\r<" + elem, "<" + elem) while src.find("</" + elem + ">\r") > -1: src = src.replace("</" + elem + ">\r", "</" + elem + ">") while src.find(">\r") > -1: src = src.replace(">\r", ">") #It is really needed, it created some other bugs?! while src.find("\r</") > -1: src = src.replace("\r</", "</") ##It is really needed, it created some other bugs?! return src def main(islinput, inputfile, pluginData, globalData): currentIndex = 0 for item in islinput: item = normalizeEnter(item) #Deletes not wanted line breaks in order to prevent the problem we have with Markdown. islinput[currentIndex] = item currentIndex += 1 return islinput, pluginData, globalData
import cairo from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from pylsner import plugin class Window(Gtk.Window): def __init__(self): super(Window, self).__init__(skip_pager_hint=True, skip_taskbar_hint=True, ) self.set_title('Pylsner') screen = self.get_screen() self.width = screen.get_width() self.height = screen.get_height() self.set_size_request(self.width, self.height) self.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) rgba = screen.get_rgba_visual() self.set_visual(rgba) self.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), ) self.set_wmclass('pylsner', 'pylsner') self.set_type_hint(Gdk.WindowTypeHint.DOCK) self.stick() self.set_keep_below(True) drawing_area = Gtk.DrawingArea() drawing_area.connect('draw', self.redraw) self.refresh_cnt = 0 self.add(drawing_area) self.connect('destroy', lambda q: Gtk.main_quit()) self.widgets = [] self.show_all() def refresh(self, force=False): self.refresh_cnt += 1 if self.refresh_cnt >= 60000: self.refresh_cnt = 0 redraw_required = False for wid in self.widgets: if (self.refresh_cnt % wid.metric.refresh_rate == 0) or force: wid.refresh() redraw_required = True if redraw_required: self.queue_draw() return True def redraw(self, _, ctx): ctx.set_antialias(cairo.ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL) for wid in self.widgets: wid.redraw(ctx) class Widget: def __init__(self, name='default', metric={'plugin': 'time'}, indicator={'plugin': 'arc'}, fill={'plugin': 'rgba_255'}, ): = name MetricPlugin = plugin.load_plugin('metrics', metric['plugin']) self.metric = MetricPlugin(**metric) IndicatorPlugin = plugin.load_plugin('indicators', indicator['plugin']) self.indicator = IndicatorPlugin(**indicator) FillPlugin = plugin.load_plugin('fills', fill['plugin']) self.fill = FillPlugin(**fill) def refresh(self): self.metric.refresh() self.fill.refresh(self.metric.value) def redraw(self, ctx): ctx.set_source(self.fill.pattern) self.indicator.redraw(ctx, self.metric.value)
# Given the list values = [] , write code that fills the list with each set of numbers below. # a.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 list = [] for i in range(11): list.append(i) print(list)
""" Tests for L{monotone}. """ from hypothesis import given, strategies as st import errno from monotone import get_clock_info, monotonic from monotone import _api, _bindings import os import platform import pytest needs_posix = pytest.mark.skipif( == "posix" and platform.system() == "Darwin", reason="POSIX-only tests (clock_gettime(3))", ) needs_macos = pytest.mark.skipif( platform.system() != "Darwin", reason="macOS-only tests (mach_absolute_time(3))", ) @pytest.fixture def errno_value(): """ A particular errno. """ return errno.EINVAL @pytest.fixture def strerror(errno_value): """ The string representation of a particular errno """ return "[Errno {}] Invalid argument".format(errno_value) @pytest.fixture def apply_failing_clock_call(monkeypatch): """ Return a callable that patches in a failing system call fake that fails and return a list of calls to that fake. """ def _apply_failing_clock_call(name, errno_value): calls = [] def _failing_clock_call(clock_id, timespec): calls.append((clock_id, timespec)) monkeypatch.setattr(_api.ffi, "errno", errno.EINVAL) return -1 monkeypatch.setattr(_api, name, _failing_clock_call) return calls return _apply_failing_clock_call @pytest.fixture def apply_timespec(monkeypatch): """ Return a callable that patches in a fake over the specified clock call that sets the specified resolution and returns a list of calls to that fake. """ def _apply_timespec(name, goal_timespec): calls = [] def _fake_clock_call(clock_id, timespec): calls.append((clock_id, timespec)) timespec[0] = goal_timespec[0] return 0 monkeypatch.setattr(_api, name, _fake_clock_call) return calls return _apply_timespec class TestSimpleNamespace(object): """ Tests for L{_SimpleNamespace}. """ def test_init(self): """ The initializer updates the instance's C{__dict__} with its keyword arguments. """ namespace = _api._SimpleNamespace(x=1) assert namespace.x == 1 def test_repr(self): """ The instance's repr reflects its C{__dict__} """ namespace = _api._SimpleNamespace() namespace.y = 2 assert repr(namespace) == "namespace(y=2)" def test_eq(self): """ Two instances with equal C{__dict__}s are equal. """ assert _api._SimpleNamespace(a=1) == _api._SimpleNamespace(a=1) @needs_posix class TestGetClockInfoPosix(object): """ Tests for L{get_clock_info}. """ def test_non_monotonic(self): """ L{get_clock_info} only knows about the monotonic clock. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_clock_info("not monotonic") def test_failure(self, apply_failing_clock_call, errno_value, strerror): """ A failure in C{clock_getres} results in an L{OSError} that presents the failure's errno. """ calls = apply_failing_clock_call('_clock_getres', errno_value) with pytest.raises(OSError) as exc: get_clock_info("monotonic") assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0][0] == _bindings.lib.CLOCK_MONOTONIC assert str(exc.value) == strerror @given( clock_getres_spec=st.fixed_dictionaries({ "tv_sec": st.sampled_from([0, 1]), "tv_nsec": st.sampled_from([0, 1]), }), ) def test_info(self, clock_getres_spec, apply_timespec): """ The reported info always includes a nanosecond resolution when C{clock_getres} indicates nanosecond resolution. """ calls = apply_timespec( "_clock_getres","struct timespec *", clock_getres_spec), ) expected_info = _api._SimpleNamespace( adjustable=False, implementation="clock_gettime(MONOTONIC)", monotonic=True, resolution=None, # checked separately ) if clock_getres_spec['tv_nsec']: expected_resolution = 1e-09 else: expected_resolution = 1.0 info = get_clock_info("monotonic") resolution, info.resolution = info.resolution, None assert info == expected_info assert resolution - expected_resolution == pytest.approx(0.0) assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0][0] == _bindings.lib.CLOCK_MONOTONIC @needs_macos class TestGetClockInfoMacOS(object): """ Tests for L{get_clock_info}. """ def test_non_monotonic(self): """ L{get_clock_info} only knows about the monotonic clock. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_clock_info("not monotonic") def test_info(self): """ The reported info always includes a nanosecond resolution. """ expected_info = _api._SimpleNamespace( adjustable=False, implementation="mach_absolute_time()", monotonic=True, resolution=None, # checked separately ) expected_resolution = 1e-09 info = get_clock_info("monotonic") resolution, info.resolution = info.resolution, None assert info == expected_info assert resolution - expected_resolution == pytest.approx(0.0) @needs_posix def test_monotonic_fails_posix(apply_failing_clock_call, errno_value, strerror): """ A failure in C{clock_gettime} results in an L{OSError} that presents the failure's errno. """ calls = apply_failing_clock_call('_clock_gettime', errno_value) with pytest.raises(OSError) as exc: monotonic() assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0][0] == _bindings.lib.CLOCK_MONOTONIC assert str(exc.value) == strerror @needs_posix @given( clock_gettime_spec=st.fixed_dictionaries({ "tv_sec": st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2 ** 32 - 1), "tv_nsec": st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2 ** 32 - 1), }), ) def test_clock(clock_gettime_spec, apply_timespec): """ For any given time resolution, the monotonic time equals the sum of the seconds and nanoseconds. """ clock_gettime_calls = apply_timespec( '_clock_gettime',"struct timespec *", clock_gettime_spec), ) # we a float, representing the current seconds plus the # nanoseconds (offset by a billion) iff the resolution is accurate # to the nanosecond. expected = float(clock_gettime_spec['tv_sec']) + ( clock_gettime_spec['tv_nsec'] * 1e-09) result = monotonic() assert result - expected == pytest.approx(0.0) assert clock_gettime_calls[0][0] == _bindings.lib.CLOCK_MONOTONIC def test_clock_increases(): """ A monotonic moment is never greater than a succeeding monotonic moment. """ assert monotonic() <= monotonic()
""" Single Round Match 147 Round 1 - Division II, Level One """ class CCipher: def decode(self, cipherText, shift): a = ord('A') decoder = [a + (c - shift if c >= shift else c - shift + 26) for c in range(26)] plain = [chr(decoder[ord(c) - a]) for c in cipherText] return ''.join(plain)
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.extract_part_drivers import extract_part_drivers from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.remove_unconnected_signals import removeUnconnectedSignals from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mark_visibility_of_signals_and_check_drivers import markVisibilityOfSignalsAndCheckDrivers class DummyPlatform(): """ :note: all processors has to be callable with only one parameter which is actual Unit/RtlNetlist instance """ def __init__(self): self.beforeToRtl = [] self.beforeToRtlImpl = [] self.afterToRtlImpl = [] self.beforeHdlArchGeneration = [ extract_part_drivers, removeUnconnectedSignals, markVisibilityOfSignalsAndCheckDrivers, ] self.afterToRtl = []
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) RJUST = 12 def format_fans(fans): return format_line(prefix='fans'.rjust(RJUST), values=fans) def format_rpms(rpms): return format_line(prefix='rpms'.rjust(RJUST), values=rpms) def format_pwms(pwms): return format_line(prefix='pwms'.rjust(RJUST), values=pwms) def format_tmps(tmps): return format_line(prefix='temps'.rjust(RJUST), values=tmps) def format_names(names): return format_line(prefix='names'.rjust(RJUST), values=names) def format_ports(ports): return format_line(prefix='ports'.rjust(RJUST), values=ports) def format_temps(temps): return format_line(prefix='temps'.rjust(RJUST), values=temps) def format_ambients(ambients): return format_line(prefix='ambients'.rjust(RJUST), values=ambients) def format_limits(limits): return format_line(prefix='limits'.rjust(RJUST), values=limits) def format_buffers(buffers): return format_line(prefix='buffers'.rjust(RJUST), values=buffers) def format_headrooms(headrooms): return format_line(prefix='headrooms'.rjust(RJUST), values=headrooms) def format_directions(directions): return format_line(prefix='directions'.rjust(RJUST), values=directions) def format_differences(differences): return format_line(prefix='differences'.rjust(RJUST), values=differences) def format_pwms_new(pwms_new): return format_line(prefix='new pwms'.rjust(RJUST), values=pwms_new) def format_line(prefix, values): line = '' line += prefix line += ': ' line += '[' for value in values: try: if value >= 1: value = int(round(value, 0)) if 1 > value != 0: value = str(value)[1:4].ljust(3, '0') except TypeError: # value is None pass value = str(value) if value is not None else '' line += value.rjust(6) line += ', ' line = line[:-len(', ')] line += ']' return line
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'Package' db.create_table(u'api_package', ( (u'id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('name','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(unique=True, max_length=500, db_index=True)), ('url','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(unique=True, max_length=500)), ('created_at','django.db.models.fields.DateField')(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)), )) db.send_create_signal(u'api', ['Package']) # Adding unique constraint on 'Package', fields ['name', 'url'] db.create_unique(u'api_package', ['name', 'url']) def backwards(self, orm): # Removing unique constraint on 'Package', fields ['name', 'url'] db.delete_unique(u'api_package', ['name', 'url']) # Deleting model 'Package' db.delete_table(u'api_package') models = { u'api.package': { 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('name', 'url'),)", 'object_name': 'Package'}, 'created_at': ('django.db.models.fields.DateField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '500', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'url': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '500'}) } } complete_apps = ['api']
from __future__ import absolute_import import matplotlib # Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend. matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from plotly.tests.utils import compare_dict from plotly.tests.test_optional.optional_utils import run_fig from import * def test_annotations(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot([1, 2, 3], 'b-') ax.plot([3, 2, 1], 'b-') ax.text(0.001, 0.999, 'top-left', transform=ax.transAxes, va='top', ha='left') ax.text(0.001, 0.001, 'bottom-left', transform=ax.transAxes, va='baseline', ha='left') ax.text(0.999, 0.999, 'top-right', transform=ax.transAxes, va='top', ha='right') ax.text(0.999, 0.001, 'bottom-right', transform=ax.transAxes, va='baseline', ha='right') renderer = run_fig(fig) for data_no, data_dict in enumerate(renderer.plotly_fig['data']): equivalent, msg = compare_dict(data_dict, ANNOTATIONS['data'][data_no]) assert equivalent, msg for no, note in enumerate(renderer.plotly_fig['layout']['annotations']): equivalent, msg = compare_dict(note, ANNOTATIONS['layout']['annotations'][no]) assert equivalent, msg
from distutils.core import setup setup( # Application name: name="streaker", # Version number (initial): version="0.0.1", # Application author details: author="Aldi Alimucaj", author_email="[email protected]", # Packages packages=["streaker"], scripts=['bin/streaker'], # Include additional files into the package include_package_data=True, # Details url="", # license="MIT", description="GitHub streak manipulator", # long_description=open("README.txt").read(), # Dependent packages (distributions) install_requires=[ # "", ], )
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals # Statsd client. Loosely based on the version by Steve Ivy <[email protected]> import logging import random import socket import time from contextlib import contextmanager log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class StatsD(object): def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=8125, enabled=True, prefix=''): self.addr = None self.enabled = enabled if enabled: self.set_address(host, port) self.prefix = prefix self.udp_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) def set_address(self, host, port=8125): try: self.addr = (socket.gethostbyname(host), port) except socket.gaierror: self.addr = None self.enabled = False @contextmanager def timed(self, stat, sample_rate=1): log.debug('Entering timed context for %r' % (stat,)) start = time.time() yield duration = int((time.time() - start) * 1000) log.debug('Exiting timed context for %r' % (stat,)) self.timing(stat, duration, sample_rate) def timing(self, stats, time, sample_rate=1): """ Log timing information """ unit = 'ms' log.debug('%r took %s %s' % (stats, time, unit)) self.update_stats(stats, "%s|%s" % (time, unit), sample_rate) def increment(self, stats, sample_rate=1): """ Increments one or more stats counters """ self.update_stats(stats, 1, sample_rate) def decrement(self, stats, sample_rate=1): """ Decrements one or more stats counters """ self.update_stats(stats, -1, sample_rate) def update_stats(self, stats, delta=1, sampleRate=1): """ Updates one or more stats counters by arbitrary amounts """ if not self.enabled or self.addr is None: return if type(stats) is not list: stats = [stats] data = {} for stat in stats: data["%s%s" % (self.prefix, stat)] = "%s|c" % delta self.send(data, sampleRate) def send(self, data, sample_rate): sampled_data = {} if sample_rate < 1: if random.random() <= sample_rate: for stat, value in data.items(): sampled_data[stat] = "%s|@%s" % (value, sample_rate) else: sampled_data = data try: for stat, value in sampled_data.items(): self.udp_sock.sendto("%s:%s" % (stat, value), self.addr) except Exception as e: log.exception('Failed to send data to the server: %r', e) if __name__ == '__main__': sd = StatsD() for i in range(1, 100): sd.increment('test')
from setuptools import setup, find_packages from codecs import open from os import path here = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) # Get the long description from the README file with open(path.join(here, 'README.rst'), encoding='utf-8') as f: long_description = setup( name='fcit', # Versions should comply with PEP440. For a discussion on single-sourcing # the version across and the project code, see # version='1.2.0', description='A decision-tree based conditional independence test', long_description=long_description, # The project's main homepage. url = '', # Author details author = 'Krzysztof Chalupka', author_email = '[email protected]', # Choose your license license='MIT', # See classifiers=[ # How mature is this project? Common values are # 3 - Alpha # 4 - Beta # 5 - Production/Stable 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', # Indicate who your project is intended for 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence', # Pick your license as you wish (should match "license" above) 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', # Specify the Python versions you support here. In particular, ensure # that you indicate whether you support Python 2, Python 3 or both. 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', ], # What does your project relate to? keywords='machine learning statistics decision trees', # You can just specify the packages manually here if your project is # simple. Or you can use find_packages(). packages=find_packages(exclude=['contrib', 'docs', 'tests']), # Alternatively, if you want to distribute just a, uncomment # this: # py_modules=["my_module"], # List run-time dependencies here. These will be installed by pip when # your project is installed. For an analysis of "install_requires" vs pip's # requirements files see: # install_requires=['numpy', 'sklearn', 'scipy', 'joblib'], )
import pandas as pd import os import time from datetime import datetime import re from time import mktime import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style style.use("dark_background") # path = "X:/Backups/intraQuarter" # for Windows with X files :) # if git clone'ed then use relative path, # assuming you extracted the downloaded zip into this project's folder: path = "intraQuarter" def Key_Stats(gather="Total Debt/Equity (mrq)"): statspath = path+'/_KeyStats' stock_list = [x[0] for x in os.walk(statspath)] df = pd.DataFrame( columns = [ 'Date', 'Unix', 'Ticker', 'DE Ratio', 'Price', 'stock_p_change', 'SP500', 'sp500_p_change', 'Difference', 'Status' ] ) sp500_df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv("YAHOO-INDEX_GSPC.csv") ticker_list = [] for each_dir in stock_list[1:25]: each_file = os.listdir(each_dir) # ticker = each_dir.split("\\")[1] # Windows only # ticker = each_dir.split("/")[1] # this didn't work so do this: ticker = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(each_dir)) # print(ticker) # uncomment to verify ticker_list.append(ticker) starting_stock_value = False starting_sp500_value = False if len(each_file) > 0: for file in each_file: date_stamp = datetime.strptime(file, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S.html') unix_time = time.mktime(date_stamp.timetuple()) full_file_path = each_dir + '/' + file source = open(full_file_path,'r').read() try: try: value = float(source.split(gather+':</td><td class="yfnc_tabledata1">')[1].split('</td>')[0]) except: value = float(source.split(gather+':</td>\n<td class="yfnc_tabledata1">')[1].split('</td>')[0]) try: sp500_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') row = sp500_df[(sp500_df.index == sp500_date)] sp500_value = float(row['Adjusted Close']) except: sp500_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_time-259200).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') row = sp500_df[(sp500_df.index == sp500_date)] sp500_value = float(row['Adjusted Close']) try: stock_price = float(source.split('</small><big><b>')[1].split('</b></big>')[0]) except: try: stock_price = (source.split('</small><big><b>')[1].split('</b></big>')[0]) #print(stock_price) stock_price ='(\d{1,8}\.\d{1,8})', stock_price) stock_price = float( #print(stock_price) except: try: stock_price = (source.split('<span class="time_rtq_ticker">')[1].split('</span>')[0]) #print(stock_price) stock_price ='(\d{1,8}\.\d{1,8})', stock_price) stock_price = float( #print(stock_price) except: print('wtf stock price lol',ticker,file, value) time.sleep(5) if not starting_stock_value: starting_stock_value = stock_price if not starting_sp500_value: starting_sp500_value = sp500_value stock_p_change = ((stock_price - starting_stock_value) / starting_stock_value) * 100 sp500_p_change = ((sp500_value - starting_sp500_value) / starting_sp500_value) * 100 location = len(df['Date']) difference = stock_p_change-sp500_p_change if difference > 0: status = "outperform" else: status = "underperform" df = df.append({'Date':date_stamp, 'Unix':unix_time, 'Ticker':ticker, 'DE Ratio':value, 'Price':stock_price, 'stock_p_change':stock_p_change, 'SP500':sp500_value, 'sp500_p_change':sp500_p_change, ############################ 'Difference':difference, 'Status':status}, ignore_index=True) except Exception as e: pass #print(ticker,e,file, value) #print(ticker_list) #print(df) for each_ticker in ticker_list: try: plot_df = df[(df['Ticker'] == each_ticker)] plot_df = plot_df.set_index(['Date']) if plot_df['Status'][-1] == 'underperform': color = 'r' else: color = 'g' plot_df['Difference'].plot(label=each_ticker, color=color) plt.legend() except Exception as e: print(str(e)) save = gather.replace(' ','').replace(')','').replace('(','').replace('/','')+str('.csv') print(save) df.to_csv(save) Key_Stats()
from __future__ import absolute_import from .base import WhiteNoise __version__ = '2.0.3' __all__ = ['WhiteNoise']
import struct ''' Refer to docs for all the exact formats. There are many so check them out before converting things yourself ''' ''' If there's a specific offset you want to do things from, use pack_into and unack_into from the docs ''' #Integer to string i1= 1234 print "Int to string as 8 byte little endian", repr(struct.pack("<Q",i1)) print "Int to string as 8 byte big endian", repr(struct.pack(">Q",i1)) #String to integer. Make sure size of destination matches the length of the string s1= '1234' print "String to 4 byte integer little endian", struct.unpack("<i", s1) print "String to 4 byte integer big endian", struct.unpack(">i", s1) ''' Whenever you want to convert to and from binary, think of binascii ''' import binascii h1= binascii.b2a_hex(s1) print "String to hex", h1 uh1= binascii.a2b_hex(h1) print "Hex to string, even a binary string", uh1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2016 Jérémie DECOCK ( # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """ TODO... """ __all__ = ['GreedyPlayer'] import random from jdhp.tictactoe.player.abstract import Player class GreedyPlayer(Player): """ TODO... """ def play(self, game, state): """ TODO... """ action_list = game.getSetOfValidActions(state) choosen_action = None # Choose actions that lead to immediate victory... for action in action_list: next_state = game.nextState(state, action, self) if game.hasWon(self, next_state): choosen_action = action break # ... otherwise choose randomly if choosen_action is None: #print("randomly choose action") # debug choosen_action = random.choice(action_list) return choosen_action
__author__ = 'besta' class BestaPlayer: def __init__(self, fichier, player): self.fichier = fichier self.grille = self.getFirstGrid() self.best_hit = 0 self.players = player def getFirstGrid(self): """ Implements function to get the first grid. :return: the grid. """ li = [] with open(self.fichier, 'r') as fi: for line in fi.readlines(): li.append(line) return li def updateGrid(self): """ Implements function to update the grid to alter n-1 round values """ with open(self.fichier, 'r') as fi: for line in fi.readlines(): i = 0 for car in line: j = 0 if car != '\n': self.grille[i][j] = car j += 1 i += 1 def grilleEmpty(self): """ Implement function to check if the grid is empty. """ for line in self.grille: for car in line[:len(line) - 1]: if car != '0': return False return True def checkLines(self, player, inARow): """ Implements function to check the current lines setup to evaluate best combinaison. :param player: check for your numbers (your player number) or those of your opponent. :param inARow: how many tokens in a row (3 or 2). :return: true or false """ count = 0 flag = False for line_number, line in enumerate(self.grille): count = 0 for car_pos, car in enumerate(line[:len(line) - 1]): if int(car) == player and not flag: count = 1 flag = True elif int(car) == player and flag: count += 1 if count == inARow: if car_pos - inARow >= 0 and self.canPlayLine(line_number, car_pos - inARow): return True, car_pos - inARow if car_pos + 1 <= 6 and self.canPlayLine(line_number, car_pos + 1): return True, car_pos + 1 else: count = 0 return False, 0 def canPlayLine(self, line, col): """ Function to check if we can fill the line with a token. :param line: which line :param col: which column :return: true or false """ if line == 5: return self.grille[line][col] == '0' else: return self.grille[line][col] == '0' and self.grille[line + 1][col] != '0' def changeColumnInLines(self): """ Implements function to transform columns in lines to make tests eaiser. :return: a reverse matrice """ column = [] for x in xrange(7): col = '' for y in xrange(6): col += self.grille[y][x] column.append(col) return column def checkColumns(self, player, inARow): """ Implements function to check the current columns setup to evaluate best combinaison. :param player: check for your numbers (your player number) or those of your opponent. :param inARow: how many tokens in a row (3 or 2). :return: true or false """ column = self.changeColumnInLines() count = 0 flag = False for col_number, line in enumerate(column): count = 0 for car_pos, car in enumerate(line): if int(car) == player and not flag: count = 1 flag = True elif int(car) == player and flag: count += 1 if count == inARow and car_pos - inARow >= 0 and self.grille[car_pos - inARow][col_number] == '0': return True, col_number else: count = 0 return False, 0 def checkDiagonalLeftToRight(self, player, inARow): """ Implements function to check the current diagonal to evaluate best combinaison. :param player: check for your numbers or opponent ones. :param inARow: how many tokens in a row (3 or 2). :return: """ x = 3 flag = False while x < 6: count = 0 x_int = x y_int = 0 while x_int >= 0: if int(self.grille[x_int][y_int]) == player and not flag: count = 1 flag = True elif int(self.grille[x_int][y_int]) == player and flag: count += 1 if count == inARow and y_int + 1 <= 6 and x_int - 1 >= 0 and self.grille[x_int][y_int + 1] != '0': return True, y_int + 1 else: count = 0 flag = False x_int -= 1 y_int += 1 x += 1 y = 1 flag = False while y <= 3: count = 0 x_int = 5 y_int = y while y_int <= 6 and x_int >= 0: if int(self.grille[x_int][y_int]) == player and not flag: count = 1 flag = True elif int(self.grille[x_int][y_int]) == player and flag: count += 1 if count == inARow and y_int + 1 <= 6 and x_int - 1 >= 0 and self.grille[x_int][y + 1] != '0': return True, y_int + 1 else: count = 0 flage = False x_int -= 1 y_int += 1 y += 1 return False, 0 def checkDiagonalRightToLeft(self, player, inARow): """ Implements function to check the current diagonal to evaluate best combinaison. :param player: check for your numbers or opponent ones. :param inARow: how many tokens in a row (3 or 2). :return: """ x = 3 flag = False while x < 6: count = 0 x_int = x y_int = 6 while x_int >= 0: if int(self.grille[x_int][y_int]) == player and not flag: count = 1 flag = True elif int(self.grille[x_int][y_int]) == player and flag: count += 1 if count == inARow and y_int - 1 >= 0 and x_int - 1 >= 0 and self.grille[x_int][y_int - 1] != '0': return True, y_int - 1 else: count = 0 flag = False x_int -= 1 y_int -= 1 x += 1 y = 5 flag = False while y <= 3: count = 0 x_int = 5 y_int = y while y_int >= 3 and x_int >= 0: if int(self.grille[x_int][y_int]) == player and not flag: count = 1 flag = True elif int(self.grille[x_int][y_int]) == player and flag: count += 1 if count == inARow and y_int - 1 >= 0 and x_int - 1 >= 0 and self.grille[x_int][y - 1] != '0': return True, y_int - 1 else: count = 0 flage = False x_int -= 1 y_int -= 1 y -= 1 return False, 0 def checkDiagonals(self, player, inARow): """ Calls two diagonal functional. :return: an int, representing the column where to play or 0 and False if there is no pattern search. """ check = self.checkDiagonalLeftToRight(player, inARow) if check[0]: return check else: return self.checkDiagonalRightToLeft(player, inARow) def playSomeColumn(self, player, inARow): """ Call all function for a player and a number of tokens given. :param player: which player :param inARow: how many token :return: true or false (col number if true) """ methods = {'checklines': self.checkLines, 'checkcolumn': self.checkColumns, 'checkdiagonal': self.checkDiagonals} for key, function in methods.items(): which_col = function(player, inARow) if which_col[0]: return which_col return False, 0 def findFirstColumnEmpty(self): """ Implements function to get the first column where a slot remain. :return: the column """ for col in xrange(7): if self.grille[0][col] == '0': return col return -1 def decideColumn(self): """ Implements main function : to decide what is the better hit to do. :return: an int, representing the column where we play """ if self.grilleEmpty(): return 3 li_sequence = [3, 2, 1] li_players = [self.players[0], self.players[1]] for sequence in li_sequence: for player in li_players: choosen_col = self.playSomeColumn(player, sequence) if choosen_col[0]: return choosen_col[1] return self.findFirstColumnEmpty()
# User info wrapper object import logging class User(object): """ Wrapper object around an entry in users.json. Behaves like a read-only dictionary if asked, but adds some useful logic to decouple the front end from the JSON structure. """ _NAME_KEYS = ["display_name", "real_name"] _DEFAULT_IMAGE_KEY = "image_512" def __init__(self, raw_data): self._raw = raw_data def __getitem__(self, key): return self._raw[key] @property def display_name(self): """ Find the most appropriate display name for a user: look for a "display_name", then a "real_name", and finally fall back to the always-present "name". """ for k in self._NAME_KEYS: if self._raw.get(k): return self._raw[k] if "profile" in self._raw and self._raw["profile"].get(k): return self._raw["profile"][k] return self._raw["name"] @property def email(self): """ Shortcut property for finding the e-mail address or bot URL. """ if "profile" in self._raw: email = self._raw["profile"].get("email") elif "bot_url" in self._raw: email = self._raw["bot_url"] else: email = None if not email: logging.debug("No email found for %s", self._raw.get("name")) return email def image_url(self, pixel_size=None): """ Get the URL for the user icon in the desired pixel size, if it exists. If no size is supplied, give the URL for the full-size image. """ if "profile" not in self._raw: return profile = self._raw["profile"] if (pixel_size): img_key = "image_%s" % pixel_size if img_key in profile: return profile[img_key] return profile[self._DEFAULT_IMAGE_KEY] def deleted_user(id): """ Create a User object for a deleted user. """ deleted_user = { "id": id, "name": "deleted-" + id, "deleted": True, "is_bot": False, "is_app_user": False, } return User(deleted_user)
#!/hpf/largeprojects/ccmbio/naumenko/tools/bcbio/anaconda/bin/python """ Looks for a specific sample """ import re import sys import os import os.path sample = sys.argv[1] family,sample_only = sample.split("_") match = re.match('\d*',family) if match: prefix=str(int( report_path = prefix+'x/'+family report=0 bam=0 errors = [] if os.path.isfile(report_path+'/'+family+'.csv'): #print("Report exists") report=1 else: errors.append('Error: no report') if os.path.isfile(report_path+'/'+sample+'.bam'): #print("Bam exists") bam=1 else: errors.append(' ERROR: no bam') if (bam==1 and report==1): print(sample+'\t'+os.getcwd()+"/"+report_path+"\t"+os.getcwd()+"/"+report_path+'/'+sample+'.bam') else: print(sample+'\t'+' '.join(errors)) else: print("Family ID is not starting with digital")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Date: 2/2/2017 Team: Satoshi Nakamoto @Authors: Alex Levering and Hector Muro Non-standard dependencies: * Twython * NLTK * Folium * Geocoder * psycopg2 TO DO BEFOREHAND: The following steps are non-automatable and have to be performed manually. * Have the NLTK vader lexicon locally ("vader_lexicon")) * Have PostGIS installed on PostgreSQL * Set the file paths specified below to wherever your folder is * Upgrade folium to the latest version (0.2.1) """ # Naming options for tables, intermediates and outputs are available in the wrapper. if __name__ == "__main__": """ The tool is not supplied with Tweets out-of-the-box. Set 'gather_data' to True and leave it running for a while. If loop is false it will terminate in a minute or so and create a map from the results automatically This tool was tested and intended for OSGeo Live installs used in the GeoScripting course. """ import tweetAnalysisWrapper tweetAnalysisWrapper.performTweetResearch(folder_path = r"/home/user/git/SatoshiNakamotoGeoscripting/Final_assignment", defaultdb = "postgres", # Making a new database requires connecting to an existing database user = "user", # PostgreSQL username (user is default value on OSGeo Live) password = "user", # PostgreSQL password (user is default on OSGeo Live) ouputdb = "tweet_research", # Specify the output database that is to be created tweet_table_name = "tweets", # Output table where the Tweets are stored gather_data = True, # When True: Will gather data from the Twitter stream search_terms = ["Trump"], # Twitter terms to search for loop_gathering = False, # When True: Will not stop gathering when terminated - use for prolonged gathering APP_KEY = "", # Get these from when you make your application APP_SECRET = "", OAUTH_TOKEN = "", OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET = "")
#!/usr/bin/python #coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import unittest import xlrd import msp.schedule_parser as schedule_parser __author__ = "Andrey Konovalov" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2014 Andrey Konovalov" __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "0.1" this_dir, this_filename = os.path.split(__file__) SCHEDULE_PATH = os.path.join(this_dir, "..", "data", "2013_fall", "4kurs.xls") class WeekdayRangeTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayRange(0), (4, 11)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayRange(1), (12, 19)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayRange(2), (20, 27)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayRange(3), (28, 37)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayRange(4), (38, 47)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayRange(5), (48, 57)) class DepartmentCountTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentCount(), 9) class DepartmentRangeTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentRange(0), (2, 11)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentRange(1), (13, 20)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentRange(2), (22, 32)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentRange(3), (34, 36)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentRange(4), (38, 43)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentRange(5), (45, 53)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentRange(6), (55, 62)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentRange(7), (64, 71)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentRange(8), (73, 77)) class DepartmentsRowTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentsRow(), 3) class HoursColumnTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetHoursColumn(), 1) class HoursRangesTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetHoursRanges(0), [(4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9, 10), (10, 11)]) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetHoursRanges(3), [(28, 30), (30, 31), (31, 32), (32, 34), (34, 35), (35, 36), (36, 37)]) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetHoursRanges(5), [(48, 49), (49, 50), (50, 52), (52, 53), (53, 54), (54, 56), (56, 57)]) class GroupCountTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupCount(0), 9) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupCount(1), 7) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupCount(2), 8) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupCount(3), 2) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupCount(4), 5) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupCount(5), 8) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupCount(6), 7) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupCount(7), 7) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupCount(8), 4) class GroupListTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupList(0), ['011', '012', '013', '014', '015', '016', '017', '018', '019']) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupList(1), ['021', '022', '023', '024', '025', '026', '028']) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupList(3), ['041', '042']) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupList(8), ['0111', '0112', '0113', '0114']) class GroupRangeTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupRange(0, 0), (2, 3)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupRange(0, 1), (3, 4)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupRange(2, 1), (23, 25)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupRange(2, 2), (25, 26)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupRange(2, 3), (26, 28)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupRange(5, 3), (48, 49)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupRange(8, 0), (73, 74)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupRange(8, 3), (76, 77)) class WeekdayByRowTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayByRow(4), 0) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayByRow(5), 0) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayByRow(10), 0) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayByRow(13), 1) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayByRow(25), 2) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayByRow(26), 2) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayByRow(28), 3) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayByRow(44), 4) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayByRow(48), 5) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetWeekdayByRow(56), 5) class PairByRowTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetPairByRow(4), (0, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetPairByRow(5), (1, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetPairByRow(10), (6, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetPairByRow(12), (0, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetPairByRow(28), (0, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetPairByRow(29), (0, 1)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetPairByRow(30), (1, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetPairByRow(33), (3, 1)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetPairByRow(56), (6, 0)) class DepartmentByColumnTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(2), 0) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(3), 0) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(10), 0) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(13), 1) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(18), 1) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(19), 1) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(22), 2) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(24), 2) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(31), 2) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(39), 4) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(64), 7) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(70), 7) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(73), 8) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetDepartmentIndexByColumn(76), 8) class GroupByColumnTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.schedule = schedule_parser.Schedule() self.schedule.Parse(SCHEDULE_PATH) def runTest(self): self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupIndexByColumn(2), (0, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupIndexByColumn(3), (1, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupIndexByColumn(10), (8, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupIndexByColumn(23), (1, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupIndexByColumn(24), (1, 1)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupIndexByColumn(25), (2, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupIndexByColumn(26), (3, 0)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupIndexByColumn(27), (3, 1)) self.assertEqual(self.schedule.GetGroupIndexByColumn(76), (3, 0)) def suite(): loader = unittest.TestLoader() suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(WeekdayRangeTest()) suite.addTest(DepartmentCountTest()) suite.addTest(DepartmentRangeTest()) suite.addTest(DepartmentsRowTest()) suite.addTest(HoursColumnTest()) suite.addTest(HoursRangesTest()) suite.addTest(GroupCountTest()) suite.addTest(GroupListTest()) suite.addTest(GroupRangeTest()) suite.addTest(WeekdayByRowTest()) suite.addTest(PairByRowTest()) suite.addTest(DepartmentByColumnTest()) suite.addTest(GroupByColumnTest()) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite())
import gzip import glob import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import pearsonr from scipy.stats import spearmanr def get_num_lines_gz(filename): num_lines = 0 with, "r") as fp: for line in fp: num_lines += 1 return num_lines def main(): """get stats from PAS-seq - num reads per file - gene quant level spearman correlations """ # files DATA_DIR = "/mnt/lab_data/kundaje/projects/skin/data/bds/processed.chipseq.2017-01-23.histones" # params marks = ["H3K27ac", "H3K4me1", "H3K27me3", "CTCF"] days = np.arange(0, 7, 3) days = ["d{}".format(day).replace(".", "") for day in days] reps = ["1", "2"] # results results = {} results["mark_or_tf"] = [] results["timepoint"] = [] results["replicate"] = [] #results["num_input_reads"] = [] results["num_nodup_reads"] = [] results["NRF"] = [] results["PBC1"] = [] results["PBC2"] = [] results["num_macs2_peaks"] = [] results["num_overlap_peaks"] = [] results["num_idr_peaks"] = [] for mark in marks: print mark for day in days: for rep in reps: # timepoint, rep results["mark_or_tf"].append(mark) results["timepoint"].append(day) results["replicate"].append(rep) # nodup reads nodup_log = glob.glob( "{}/*{}*{}*/qc/rep{}/*nodup.flagstat.qc".format( DATA_DIR, day, mark, rep))[0] with open(nodup_log, "r") as fp: for line in fp: if "in total" in line: num_nodup_reads = line.split("+")[0].strip() results["num_nodup_reads"].append(num_nodup_reads) # NRF/PBC1/PBC2 lib_log = glob.glob( "{}/*{}*{}*/qc/rep{}/*nodup.pbc.qc".format( DATA_DIR, day, mark, rep))[0] with open(lib_log, "r") as fp: # cols 5,6,7 is NRF/PBC1/PBC2 for line in fp: fields = line.strip().split() results["NRF"].append(fields[4]) results["PBC1"].append(fields[5]) results["PBC2"].append(fields[6]) # peak files macs2_peaks = glob.glob( "{}/*{}*{}*/peak/macs2/rep{}/*narrowPeak.gz".format( DATA_DIR, day, mark, rep))[0] num_macs2 = get_num_lines_gz(macs2_peaks) results["num_macs2_peaks"].append(num_macs2) if "CTCF" in mark: idr_peaks = glob.glob( "{}/*{}*{}*/peak/idr/true_reps/rep1-rep2/*filt.narrowPeak.gz".format( DATA_DIR, day, mark))[0] num_idr = get_num_lines_gz(idr_peaks) results["num_idr_peaks"].append(num_idr) results["num_overlap_peaks"].append("NA") else: results["num_idr_peaks"].append("NA") overlap_peaks = glob.glob( "{}/*{}*{}*/peak/macs2/overlap/*filt.narrowPeak.gz".format( DATA_DIR, day, mark, rep))[0] num_overlap = get_num_lines_gz(overlap_peaks) results["num_overlap_peaks"].append(num_overlap) # dataframe results = pd.DataFrame(results) ordered_headers = [ "mark_or_tf", "timepoint", "replicate", #"num_input_reads", "num_nodup_reads", "NRF", "PBC1", "PBC2", "num_macs2_peaks", "num_overlap_peaks", "num_idr_peaks"] results = results[ordered_headers] out_file = "ggr.ChIP-seq.QC.summary.txt" results.to_csv(out_file, sep="\t", header=True, index=False) return main()
student_phoneNumber_name = {1: 'a', 3: 'c', 2: 'b'} def Handler() : while (1) : choice = eval(input("Enter :\t 1 - to search student name \n \t 2 - to insert new student record \n \t 0 - to quit\n")) print(choice) if (choice == 1) : if (student_phoneNumber_name) : phone_number = input("Enter student's phone number : ") name = SearchRecord(phone_number) if (name) : print("name : " + name ) else : print(str(phone_number) + "Does not exist in record" + str(name)) else : print("Record is empty ") elif (choice == 2) : phone_number = input("Enter student's phone number : ") name = input("Enter student's name : ") #best example to understand input() and raw_input() InsertRecord(phone_number, name) elif (choice == 0) : break else: print("Enter correct choice") def InsertRecord(x, y): student_phoneNumber_name[x] = y return; def SearchRecord(x): print(x) if (x in student_phoneNumber_name) : return student_phoneNumber_name[x] return False Handler() print(student_phoneNumber_name)
""" Tests for Dynamo3 """ import sys import unittest from decimal import Decimal from pickle import dumps, loads from urllib.parse import urlparse from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from mock import ANY, MagicMock, patch from dynamo3 import ( Binary, Dynamizer, DynamoDBConnection, DynamoDBError, DynamoKey, GlobalIndex, Limit, Table, ThroughputException, ) from dynamo3.constants import STRING from dynamo3.result import Capacity, ConsumedCapacity, Count, ResultSet, add_dicts class BaseSystemTest(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for system tests""" dynamo: DynamoDBConnection = None # type: ignore def setUp(self): super(BaseSystemTest, self).setUp() # Clear out any pre-existing tables for tablename in self.dynamo.list_tables(): self.dynamo.delete_table(tablename) def tearDown(self): super(BaseSystemTest, self).tearDown() for tablename in self.dynamo.list_tables(): self.dynamo.delete_table(tablename) self.dynamo.clear_hooks() class TestMisc(BaseSystemTest): """Tests that don't fit anywhere else""" def tearDown(self): super(TestMisc, self).tearDown() self.dynamo.default_return_capacity = False def test_connection_host(self): """Connection can access host of endpoint""" urlparse( def test_connection_region(self): """Connection can access name of connected region""" self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.dynamo.region, str)) def test_connect_to_region(self): """Can connect to a dynamo region""" conn = DynamoDBConnection.connect("us-west-1") self.assertIsNotNone( def test_connect_to_region_creds(self): """Can connect to a dynamo region with credentials""" conn = DynamoDBConnection.connect( "us-west-1", access_key="abc", secret_key="12345" ) self.assertIsNotNone( def test_connect_to_host_without_session(self): """Can connect to a dynamo host without passing in a session""" conn = DynamoDBConnection.connect("us-west-1", host="localhost") self.assertIsNotNone( @patch("dynamo3.connection.time") def test_retry_on_throughput_error(self, time): """Throughput exceptions trigger a retry of the request""" def call(*_, **__): """Dummy service call""" response = { "ResponseMetadata": { "HTTPStatusCode": 400, }, "Error": { "Code": "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException", "Message": "Does not matter", }, } raise ClientError(response, "list_tables") with patch.object(self.dynamo, "client") as client: client.list_tables.side_effect = call with self.assertRaises(ThroughputException):"list_tables") self.assertEqual(len(time.sleep.mock_calls), self.dynamo.request_retries - 1) self.assertTrue(time.sleep.called) def test_describe_missing(self): """Describing a missing table returns None""" ret = self.dynamo.describe_table("foobar") self.assertIsNone(ret) def test_magic_table_props(self): """Table can look up properties on response object""" hash_key = DynamoKey("id") self.dynamo.create_table("foobar", hash_key=hash_key) ret = self.dynamo.describe_table("foobar") assert ret is not None self.assertEqual(ret.item_count, ret["ItemCount"]) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): self.assertIsNotNone(ret["Missing"]) def test_magic_index_props(self): """Index can look up properties on response object""" index = GlobalIndex.all("idx-name", DynamoKey("id")) index.response = {"FooBar": 2} self.assertEqual(index["FooBar"], 2) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): self.assertIsNotNone(index["Missing"]) def test_describe_during_delete(self): """Describing a table during a delete operation should not crash""" response = { "ItemCount": 0, "ProvisionedThroughput": { "NumberOfDecreasesToday": 0, "ReadCapacityUnits": 5, "WriteCapacityUnits": 5, }, "TableName": "myTableName", "TableSizeBytes": 0, "TableStatus": "DELETING", } table = Table.from_response(response) self.assertEqual(table.status, "DELETING") def test_delete_missing(self): """Deleting a missing table returns False""" ret = self.dynamo.delete_table("foobar") self.assertTrue(not ret) def test_re_raise_passthrough(self): """DynamoDBError can re-raise itself if missing original exception""" err = DynamoDBError(400, Code="ErrCode", Message="Ouch", args={}) caught = False try: err.re_raise() except DynamoDBError as e: caught = True self.assertEqual(err, e) self.assertTrue(caught) def test_re_raise(self): """DynamoDBError can re-raise itself with stacktrace of original exc""" caught = False try: try: raise Exception("Hello") except Exception as e1: err = DynamoDBError( 400, Code="ErrCode", Message="Ouch", args={}, exc_info=sys.exc_info(), ) err.re_raise() except DynamoDBError as e: caught = True import traceback tb = traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__) self.assertIn("Hello", tb[-1]) self.assertEqual(e.status_code, 400) self.assertTrue(caught) def test_default_return_capacity(self): """When default_return_capacity=True, always return capacity""" self.dynamo.default_return_capacity = True with patch.object(self.dynamo, "call") as call: call().get.return_value = None rs = self.dynamo.scan("foobar") list(rs) call.assert_called_with( "scan", TableName="foobar", ReturnConsumedCapacity="INDEXES", ConsistentRead=False, ) def test_list_tables_page(self): """Call to ListTables should page results""" hash_key = DynamoKey("id") for i in range(120): self.dynamo.create_table("table%d" % i, hash_key=hash_key) tables = list(self.dynamo.list_tables(110)) self.assertEqual(len(tables), 110) def test_limit_complete(self): """A limit with item_capacity = 0 is 'complete'""" limit = Limit(item_limit=0) self.assertTrue(limit.complete) def test_wait_create_table(self): """Create table shall wait for the table to come online.""" tablename = "foobar_wait" hash_key = DynamoKey("id") self.dynamo.create_table(tablename, hash_key=hash_key, wait=True) self.assertIsNotNone(self.dynamo.describe_table(tablename)) def test_wait_delete_table(self): """Delete table shall wait for the table to go offline.""" tablename = "foobar_wait" hash_key = DynamoKey("id") self.dynamo.create_table(tablename, hash_key=hash_key, wait=True) result = self.dynamo.delete_table(tablename, wait=True) self.assertTrue(result) class TestDataTypes(BaseSystemTest): """Tests for Dynamo data types""" def make_table(self): """Convenience method for making a table""" hash_key = DynamoKey("id") self.dynamo.create_table("foobar", hash_key=hash_key) def test_string(self): """Store and retrieve a string""" self.make_table() self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "abc"}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(item["id"], "abc") self.assertTrue(isinstance(item["id"], str)) def test_int(self): """Store and retrieve an int""" self.make_table() self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "a", "num": 1}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(item["num"], 1) def test_float(self): """Store and retrieve a float""" self.make_table() self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "a", "num": 1.1}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertAlmostEqual(float(item["num"]), 1.1) def test_decimal(self): """Store and retrieve a Decimal""" self.make_table() self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "a", "num": Decimal("1.1")}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(item["num"], Decimal("1.1")) def test_binary(self): """Store and retrieve a binary""" self.make_table() self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "a", "data": Binary("abc")}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(item["data"].value, b"abc") def test_binary_bytes(self): """Store and retrieve bytes as a binary""" self.make_table() data = {"a": 1, "b": 2} self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "a", "data": Binary(dumps(data))}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(loads(item["data"].value), data) def test_string_set(self): """Store and retrieve a string set""" self.make_table() item = { "id": "a", "datas": set(["a", "b"]), } self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", item) ret = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(ret, item) def test_number_set(self): """Store and retrieve a number set""" self.make_table() item = { "id": "a", "datas": set([1, 2, 3]), } self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", item) ret = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(ret, item) def test_binary_set(self): """Store and retrieve a binary set""" self.make_table() item = { "id": "a", "datas": set([Binary("a"), Binary("b")]), } self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", item) ret = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(ret, item) def test_binary_equal(self): """Binary should eq other Binaries and also raw bytestrings""" self.assertEqual(Binary("a"), Binary("a")) self.assertEqual(Binary("a"), b"a") self.assertFalse(Binary("a") != Binary("a")) def test_binary_repr(self): """Binary repr should wrap the contained value""" self.assertEqual(repr(Binary("a")), "Binary(%r)" % b"a") def test_binary_converts_unicode(self): """Binary will convert unicode to bytes""" b = Binary("a") self.assertTrue(isinstance(b.value, bytes)) def test_binary_force_string(self): """Binary must wrap a string type""" with self.assertRaises(TypeError): Binary(2) # type: ignore def test_bool(self): """Store and retrieve a boolean""" self.make_table() self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "abc", "b": True}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(item["b"], True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(item["b"], bool)) def test_list(self): """Store and retrieve a list""" self.make_table() self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "abc", "l": ["a", 1, False]}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(item["l"], ["a", 1, False]) def test_dict(self): """Store and retrieve a dict""" self.make_table() data = { "i": 1, "s": "abc", "n": None, "l": ["a", 1, True], "b": False, } self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "abc", "d": data}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(item["d"], data) def test_nested_dict(self): """Store and retrieve a nested dict""" self.make_table() data = { "s": "abc", "d": { "i": 42, }, } self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "abc", "d": data}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(item["d"], data) def test_nested_list(self): """Store and retrieve a nested list""" self.make_table() data = [ 1, [ True, None, "abc", ], ] self.dynamo.put_item("foobar", {"id": "abc", "l": data}) item = list(self.dynamo.scan("foobar"))[0] self.assertEqual(item["l"], data) def test_unrecognized_type(self): """Dynamizer throws error on unrecognized type""" value = { "ASDF": "abc", } with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.dynamo.dynamizer.decode(value) class TestDynamizer(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the Dynamizer""" def test_register_encoder(self): """Can register a custom encoder""" from datetime import datetime dynamizer = Dynamizer() dynamizer.register_encoder(datetime, lambda d, v: (STRING, v.isoformat())) now = datetime.utcnow() self.assertEqual(dynamizer.raw_encode(now), (STRING, now.isoformat())) def test_encoder_missing(self): """If no encoder is found, raise ValueError""" from datetime import datetime dynamizer = Dynamizer() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): dynamizer.encode(datetime.utcnow()) class TestResultModels(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the model classes in""" def test_add_dicts_base_case(self): """add_dict where one argument is None returns the other""" f = object() self.assertEqual(add_dicts(f, None), f) self.assertEqual(add_dicts(None, f), f) def test_add_dicts(self): """Merge two dicts of values together""" a = { "a": 1, "b": 2, } b = { "a": 3, "c": 4, } ret = add_dicts(a, b) self.assertEqual( ret, { "a": 4, "b": 2, "c": 4, }, ) def test_count_repr(self): """Count repr""" count = Count(0, 0) self.assertEqual(repr(count), "Count(0)") def test_count_addition(self): """Count addition""" count = Count(4, 2) self.assertEqual(count + 5, 9) def test_count_subtraction(self): """Count subtraction""" count = Count(4, 2) self.assertEqual(count - 2, 2) def test_count_multiplication(self): """Count multiplication""" count = Count(4, 2) self.assertEqual(2 * count, 8) def test_count_division(self): """Count division""" count = Count(4, 2) self.assertEqual(count / 2, 2) def test_count_add_none_capacity(self): """Count addition with one None consumed_capacity""" cap = Capacity(3, 0) count = Count(4, 2) count2 = Count(5, 3, cap) ret = count + count2 self.assertEqual(ret, 9) self.assertEqual(ret.scanned_count, 5) self.assertEqual(ret.consumed_capacity, cap) def test_count_add_capacity(self): """Count addition with consumed_capacity""" count = Count(4, 2, Capacity(3, 0)) count2 = Count(5, 3, Capacity(2, 0)) ret = count + count2 self.assertEqual(ret, 9) self.assertEqual(ret.scanned_count, 5) self.assertEqual(, 5) def test_capacity_math(self): """Capacity addition and equality""" cap = Capacity(2, 4) s = set([cap]) self.assertIn(Capacity(2, 4), s) self.assertNotEqual(Capacity(1, 4), cap) self.assertEqual(Capacity(1, 1) + Capacity(2, 2), Capacity(3, 3)) def test_capacity_format(self): """String formatting for Capacity""" c = Capacity(1, 3) self.assertEqual(str(c), "R:1.0 W:3.0") c = Capacity(0, 0) self.assertEqual(str(c), "0") def test_total_consumed_capacity(self): """ConsumedCapacity can parse results with only Total""" response = { "TableName": "foobar", "ReadCapacityUnits": 4, "WriteCapacityUnits": 5, } cap = ConsumedCapacity.from_response(response) self.assertEqual(, (4, 5)) self.assertIsNone(cap.table_capacity) def test_consumed_capacity_equality(self): """ConsumedCapacity addition and equality""" cap = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(0, 10), Capacity(0, 2), { "l-index": Capacity(0, 4), }, { "g-index": Capacity(0, 3), }, ) c2 = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(0, 10), Capacity(0, 2), { "l-index": Capacity(0, 4), "l-index2": Capacity(0, 7), }, ) self.assertNotEqual(cap, c2) c3 = ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(0, 10), Capacity(0, 2), { "l-index": Capacity(0, 4), }, { "g-index": Capacity(0, 3), }, ) self.assertIn(cap, set([c3])) combined = cap + c2 self.assertEqual( cap + c2, ConsumedCapacity( "foobar", Capacity(0, 20), Capacity(0, 4), { "l-index": Capacity(0, 8), "l-index2": Capacity(0, 7), }, { "g-index": Capacity(0, 3), }, ), ) self.assertIn(str(Capacity(0, 3)), str(combined)) def test_add_different_tables(self): """Cannot add ConsumedCapacity of two different tables""" c1 = ConsumedCapacity("foobar", Capacity(1, 28)) c2 = ConsumedCapacity("boofar", Capacity(3, 0)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): c1 += c2 def test_always_continue_query(self): """Regression test. If result has no items but does have LastEvaluatedKey, keep querying. """ conn = MagicMock() conn.dynamizer.decode_keys.side_effect = lambda x: x items = ["a", "b"] results = [ {"Items": [], "LastEvaluatedKey": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}}, {"Items": [], "LastEvaluatedKey": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}}, {"Items": items}, ] = lambda *_, **__: results.pop(0) rs = ResultSet(conn, Limit()) results = list(rs) self.assertEqual(results, items) class TestHooks(BaseSystemTest): """Tests for connection callback hooks""" def tearDown(self): super(TestHooks, self).tearDown() for hooks in self.dynamo._hooks.values(): while hooks: hooks.pop() def test_precall(self): """precall hooks are called before an API call""" hook = MagicMock() self.dynamo.subscribe("precall", hook) def throw(**_): """Throw an exception to terminate the request""" raise Exception() with patch.object(self.dynamo, "client") as client: client.describe_table.side_effect = throw with self.assertRaises(Exception): self.dynamo.describe_table("foobar") hook.assert_called_with(self.dynamo, "describe_table", {"TableName": "foobar"}) def test_postcall(self): """postcall hooks are called after API call""" hash_key = DynamoKey("id") self.dynamo.create_table("foobar", hash_key=hash_key) calls = [] def hook(*args): """Log the call into a list""" calls.append(args) self.dynamo.subscribe("postcall", hook) self.dynamo.describe_table("foobar") self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1) args = calls[0] self.assertEqual(len(args), 4) conn, command, kwargs, response = args self.assertEqual(conn, self.dynamo) self.assertEqual(command, "describe_table") self.assertEqual(kwargs["TableName"], "foobar") self.assertEqual(response["Table"]["TableName"], "foobar") def test_capacity(self): """capacity hooks are called whenever response has ConsumedCapacity""" hash_key = DynamoKey("id") self.dynamo.create_table("foobar", hash_key=hash_key) hook = MagicMock() self.dynamo.subscribe("capacity", hook) with patch.object(self.dynamo, "client") as client: client.scan.return_value = { "Items": [], "ConsumedCapacity": { "TableName": "foobar", "ReadCapacityUnits": 4, }, } rs = self.dynamo.scan("foobar") list(rs) cap = ConsumedCapacity("foobar", Capacity(4, 0)) hook.assert_called_with(self.dynamo, "scan", ANY, ANY, cap) def test_subscribe(self): """Can subscribe and unsubscribe from hooks""" hook = lambda: None self.dynamo.subscribe("precall", hook) self.assertEqual(len(self.dynamo._hooks["precall"]), 1) self.dynamo.unsubscribe("precall", hook) self.assertEqual(len(self.dynamo._hooks["precall"]), 0)
Alchemy sentiment analysis: fb12d2c55fff36e1e268584e261b6b010b37279f Africa Is Talking: 676dbd926bbb04fa69ce90ee81d3f5ffee2692aaf80eb5793bd70fe93e77dc2e
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Categorize and analyze user sessions. Read in ecfs_obfuscated_filtered.gz file, output some fancy results. """ from collections import defaultdict from collections import Counter import sys import time import os import resource import json import fnmatch from pipes import Pipes import operator from operation import Operation KB = 1024 MB = KB * 1024 GB = MB * 1024 TB = GB * 1024 PB = TB * 1024 MONITOR_LINES = 100000 class UserSession(): def __init__(self, user_id): self.user_id = user_id self.from_ts = 0 self.till_ts = 0 self.get_requests = 0 self.reget_requests = 0 self.put_requests = 0 self.get_bytes = 0 self.put_bytes = 0 self.rename_requests = 0 self.del_requests = 0 self.get_dirs = 0 self.put_dirs = 0 self.put_files_per_dir = 0.0 self.get_files_per_dir = 0.0 self.window_seconds = 0 self.file_cnt_gets = Counter() self.file_cnt_puts = Counter() self.dir_cnt_gets = Counter() self.dir_cnt_puts = Counter() self.num_ops = 0 self.last_ts = 0 def add_op(self, op): self.num_ops += 1 if op.ts < self.last_ts: raise Exception("Timestamp too old") else: self.last_ts = op.ts if op.optype == 'g': self.get_requests += 1 self.get_bytes += op.size self.file_cnt_gets[op.obj_id] += 1 self.dir_cnt_gets[op.parent_dir_id] += 1 elif op.optype == 'p': self.put_requests += 1 self.put_bytes += op.size self.file_cnt_puts[op.obj_id] += 1 self.dir_cnt_puts[op.parent_dir_id] += 1 elif op.optype == 'd': self.del_requests += 1 elif op.optype == 'r': self.rename_requests += 1 #update last time stamp in the session self.till_ts = op.ts + op.execution_time def finish(self): self.get_dirs = len(self.dir_cnt_gets) if self.get_dirs > 0: self.get_files_per_dir = float(self.get_requests) / self.get_dirs self.put_dirs = len(self.dir_cnt_puts) if self.put_dirs > 0: self.put_files_per_dir = float(self.put_requests) / self.put_dirs """ set reget_counter :param counter: contains [ 1, 1, 5] counts of objects. value > 1 is a re-retrieval. :return: """ for c in self.file_cnt_gets.values(): if c > 1: self.reget_requests += (c - 1) # self.announce() return ";".join([str(x) for x in [ self.user_id, self.from_ts, self.till_ts, self.till_ts - self.from_ts, self.get_requests, self.reget_requests, self.put_requests, self.get_bytes, self.put_bytes, self.rename_requests, self.del_requests, self.get_dirs, self.put_dirs, self.put_files_per_dir, self.get_files_per_dir, self.window_seconds ]] ) def announce(self): print("closed session. gets: %r, regets: %r, puts: %r, dels: %r, renames: %r get_dirs: %r, put_dirs: %r, get_bytes: %r put_bytes: %r window_seconds: %d" % \ (self.get_requests, self.reget_requests, self.put_requests, self.del_requests, self.rename_requests, self.get_dirs, self.put_dirs, self.get_bytes, self.put_bytes, self.window_seconds)) def find_clusters(atimes): foo = Counter() bar = dict() for i in xrange(120, 3660, 10): clusters = get_clusters(atimes, i) cs = len(clusters) foo[cs] += 1 # note first occurance of this cluster size. if cs not in bar: bar[cs] = i # print(len(atimes), i, cs) return bar[foo.most_common()[0][0]] def get_clusters(data, maxgap): '''Arrange data into groups where successive elements differ by no more than *maxgap* >>> cluster([1, 6, 9, 100, 102, 105, 109, 134, 139], maxgap=10) [[1, 6, 9], [100, 102, 105, 109], [134, 139]] >>> cluster([1, 6, 9, 99, 100, 102, 105, 134, 139, 141], maxgap=10) [[1, 6, 9], [99, 100, 102, 105], [134, 139, 141]] ''' data.sort() groups = [[data[0]]] for x in data[1:]: if abs(x - groups[-1][-1]) <= maxgap: groups[-1].append(x) else: groups.append([x]) return groups def analyze_user_session(user_session_file, out_pipeline, target_file_name): with open(user_session_file, 'r') as sf: ops = list() atimes = list() for line in sf: op = Operation() op.init(line.strip()) ops.append(op) atimes.append(op.ts) ops.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('ts')) atimes.sort() window_seconds = find_clusters(atimes) session_counter = 1 uf = os.path.basename(user_session_file) user_id = uf[:uf.find(".user_session.csv")] session = UserSession(user_id) session.window_seconds = window_seconds for op in ops: if session.from_ts == 0: session.from_ts = op.ts session.till_ts = op.ts + op.execution_time if (session.till_ts + window_seconds) < op.ts: # this session is over, so archive it. out_pipeline.write_to(target_file_name, session.finish()) del session session = UserSession(user_id) session.window_seconds = window_seconds session_counter += 1 session.add_op(op) if session.num_ops > 0: out_pipeline.write_to(target_file_name, session.finish()) print("sessions: %d with window_seconds: %d" %(session_counter, window_seconds)) if __name__ == "__main__": source_dir = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) result = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2]) results_dir = os.path.dirname(result) target_file_name = os.path.basename(result) users_session_files = [os.path.join(dirpath, f) for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(source_dir) for f in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.user_session.csv')] #remove the old log file, as outpipe is append only. if os.path.exists(os.path.join(results_dir, target_file_name)): os.remove(os.path.join(results_dir, target_file_name)) out_pipe = Pipes(results_dir) csv_header = ";".join(["user_id", "from_ts", "till_ts", "session_lifetime", "get_requests", "reget_requests", "put_requests", "get_bytes", "put_bytes", "rename_requests", "del_requests", "get_dirs", "put_dirs", "put_files_per_dir", "get_files_per_dir", "window_seconds" ]) out_pipe.write_to(target_file_name, csv_header) cnt = 0 for sf in users_session_files: cnt += 1 print ("working on %d/%d" % (cnt, len(users_session_files))) analyze_user_session(sf, out_pipe, target_file_name) # if cnt >=20: # break out_pipe.close() print("wrote results to %s: " % (os.path.join(results_dir, target_file_name)))
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author Stephan Reith @date 31.08.2016 This is a simple example to demonstrate how the ROS Spinnaker Interface can be used. You will also need a ROS Listener and a ROS Talker to send and receive data. Make sure they communicate over the same ROS topics and std_msgs.Int64 ROS Messages used in here. """ import spynnaker.pyNN as pynn from ros_spinnaker_interface import ROS_Spinnaker_Interface # import transfer_functions as tf from ros_spinnaker_interface import SpikeSourcePoisson from ros_spinnaker_interface import SpikeSinkSmoothing ts = 0.1 n_neurons = 1 simulation_time = 10000 # ms pynn.setup(timestep=ts, min_delay=ts, max_delay=2.0*ts) pop = pynn.Population(size=n_neurons, cellclass=pynn.IF_curr_exp, cellparams={}, label='pop') # The ROS_Spinnaker_Interface just needs to be initialised. The following parameters are possible: ros_interface = ROS_Spinnaker_Interface( n_neurons_source=n_neurons, # number of neurons of the injector population Spike_Source_Class=SpikeSourcePoisson, # the transfer function ROS Input -> Spikes you want to use. Spike_Sink_Class=SpikeSinkSmoothing, # the transfer function Spikes -> ROS Output you want to use. # You can choose from the transfer_functions module # or write one yourself. output_population=pop, # the pynn population you wish to receive the # live spikes from. ros_topic_send='to_spinnaker', # the ROS topic used for the incoming ROS values. ros_topic_recv='from_spinnaker', # the ROS topic used for the outgoing ROS values. clk_rate=1000, # mainloop clock (update) rate in Hz. ros_output_rate=10) # number of ROS messages send out per second. # Build your network, run the simulation and optionally record the spikes and voltages. pynn.Projection(ros_interface, pop, pynn.OneToOneConnector(weights=5, delays=1)) pop.record() pop.record_v() spikes = pop.getSpikes() pynn.end() # Plot import pylab spike_times = [spike[1] for spike in spikes] spike_ids = [spike[0] for spike in spikes] pylab.plot(spike_times, spike_ids, ".") pylab.xlabel('Time (ms)') pylab.ylabel('Neuron ID') pylab.title('Spike Plot') pylab.xlim(xmin=0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Resource Import Tools @copyright: 2011-12 (c) Sahana Software Foundation @license: MIT Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ # @todo: remove all interactive error reporting out of the _private methods, and raise exceptions instead. __all__ = ["S3Importer", "S3ImportJob", "S3ImportItem"] import os import sys import cPickle import tempfile from datetime import datetime from copy import deepcopy try: from cStringIO import StringIO # Faster, where available except: from StringIO import StringIO try: from lxml import etree except ImportError: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: lxml module needed for XML handling" raise try: import json # try stdlib (Python 2.6) except ImportError: try: import simplejson as json # try external module except: import gluon.contrib.simplejson as json # fallback to pure-Python module from gluon import * from gluon.serializers import json as jsons from import Storage, Messages from import callback from s3utils import SQLTABLES3 from s3crud import S3CRUD from s3xml import S3XML from s3utils import s3_mark_required, s3_has_foreign_key, s3_get_foreign_key DEBUG = False if DEBUG: print >> sys.stderr, "S3IMPORTER: DEBUG MODE" def _debug(m): print >> sys.stderr, m else: _debug = lambda m: None # ============================================================================= class S3Importer(S3CRUD): """ Transformable formats (XML, JSON, CSV) import handler """ UPLOAD_TABLE_NAME = "s3_import_upload" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def apply_method(self, r, **attr): """ Apply CRUD methods @param r: the S3Request @param attr: dictionary of parameters for the method handler @returns: output object to send to the view Known means of communicating with this module: It expects a URL of the form: /prefix/name/import It will interpret the http requests as follows: GET will trigger the upload POST will trigger either commits or display the import details DELETE will trigger deletes It will accept one of the following control vars: item: to specify a single item in the import job job: to specify a job It should not receive both so job takes precedent over item For CSV imports, the calling controller can add extra fields to the upload form to add columns to each row in the CSV. To add the extra fields, pass a named parameter "csv_extra_fields" to the s3_rest_controller call (or the S3Request call, respectively): s3_rest_controller(module, resourcename, csv_extra_fields=[ dict(label="ColumnLabelInTheCSV", field=field_instance) ]) The Field instance "field" will be added to the upload form, and the user input will be added to each row of the CSV under the label as specified. If the "field" validator has options, the input value will be translated into the option representation, otherwise the value will be used as-is. Note that the "label" in the dict is the column label in the CSV, whereas the field label for the form is to be set in the Field instance passed as "field". You can add any arbitrary number of csv_extra_fields to the list. Additionally, you may want to allow the user to choose whether the import shall first remove all existing data in the target table. To do so, pass a label for the "replace_option" to the request: s3_rest_controller(module, resourcename, replace_option=T("Remove existing data before import")) This will add the respective checkbox to the upload form. You may also want to provide a link to download a CSV template from the upload form. To do that, add the resource name to the request attributes: s3_rest_controller(module, resourcename, csv_template="<resourcename>") This will provide a link to: - static/formats/s3csv/<controller>/<resourcename>.csv at the top of the upload form. """ _debug("S3Importer.apply_method(%s)" % r) # Messages T = current.T messages = self.messages = Messages(T) messages.download_template = "Download Template" messages.invalid_file_format = "Invalid File Format" messages.unsupported_file_type = "Unsupported file type of %s" messages.stylesheet_not_found = "No Stylesheet %s could be found to manage the import file." messages.no_file = "No file submitted" messages.file_open_error = "Unable to open the file %s" messages.file_not_found = "The file to upload is missing" messages.no_records_to_import = "No records to import" messages.no_job_to_delete = "No job to delete, maybe it has already been deleted." messages.title_job_read = "Details of the selected import job" messages.title_job_list = "List of import items" messages.file_uploaded = "Import file uploaded" messages.upload_submit_btn = "Upload Data File" messages.open_btn = "Open" messages.view_btn = "View" messages.delete_btn = "Delete" messages.item_show_details = "Display Details" messages.job_total_records = "Total records in the Import Job" messages.job_records_selected = "Records selected" messages.job_deleted = "Import job deleted" messages.job_completed = "Job run on %s. With result of (%s)" messages.import_file = "Import File" messages.import_file_comment = "Upload a file formatted according to the Template." messages.user_name = "User Name" messages.commit_total_records_imported = "%s records imported" messages.commit_total_records_ignored = "%s records ignored" messages.commit_total_errors = "%s records in error" try: self.uploadTitle = current.response.s3.crud_strings[self.tablename].title_upload except: self.uploadTitle = T("Upload a %s import file" % r.function) # @todo: correct to switch this off for the whole session? current.session.s3.ocr_enabled = False # Reset all errors/warnings self.error = None self.warning = None # CSV upload configuration if "csv_stylesheet" in attr: self.csv_stylesheet = attr["csv_stylesheet"] else: self.csv_stylesheet = None self.csv_extra_fields = None self.csv_extra_data = None # Environment self.controller = r.controller self.function = r.function # Target table for the data import self.controller_resource = self.resource self.controller_table = self.table self.controller_tablename = self.tablename # Table for uploads self.__define_table() self.upload_resource = None self.item_resource = None # XSLT Path self.xslt_path = os.path.join(r.folder, r.XSLT_PATH) self.xslt_extension = r.XSLT_EXTENSION # Check authorization authorised = self.permit("create", self.upload_tablename) and \ self.permit("create", self.controller_tablename) if not authorised: if r.method is not None: r.unauthorised() else: return dict(form=None) # @todo: clean this up source = None transform = None upload_id = None items = None # @todo get the data from either get_vars or post_vars appropriately # for post -> commit_items would need to add the uploadID if "transform" in r.get_vars: transform = r.get_vars["transform"] if "filename" in r.get_vars: source = r.get_vars["filename"] if "job" in r.post_vars: upload_id = r.post_vars["job"] elif "job" in r.get_vars: upload_id = r.get_vars["job"] items = self._process_item_list(upload_id, r.vars) if "delete" in r.get_vars: r.http = "DELETE" # If we have an upload ID, then get upload and import job self.upload_id = upload_id query = ( == upload_id) self.upload_job = current.db(query).select(limitby=(0, 1)).first() if self.upload_job: self.job_id = self.upload_job.job_id else: self.job_id = None # Now branch off to the appropriate controller function if r.http == "GET": if source != None: self.commit(source, transform) output = self.upload(r, **attr) if upload_id != None: output = self.display_job(upload_id) else: output = self.upload(r, **attr) elif r.http == "POST": if items != None: output = self.commit_items(upload_id, items) else: output = self.generate_job(r, **attr) elif r.http == "DELETE": if upload_id != None: output = self.delete_job(upload_id) else: r.error(405, current.manager.ERROR.BAD_METHOD) return output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def upload(self, r, **attr): """ This will display the upload form It will ask for a file to be uploaded or for a job to be selected. If a file is uploaded then it will guess at the file type and ask for the transform file to be used. The transform files will be in a dataTable with the module specific files shown first and after those all other known transform files. Once the transform file is selected the import process can be started which will generate an importJob, and a "POST" method will occur If a job is selected it will have two actions, open and delete. Open will mean that a "GET" method will occur, with the job details passed in. Whilst the delete action will trigger a "DELETE" method. """ _debug("S3Importer.upload()") request = self.request form = self._upload_form(r, **attr) output = self._create_upload_dataTable() if request.representation == "aadata": return output output.update(form=form, title=self.uploadTitle) return output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_job(self, r, **attr): """ Generate an ImportJob from the submitted upload form """ _debug("S3Importer.display()") response = current.response s3 = response.s3 db = current.db table = self.upload_table title=self.uploadTitle form = self._upload_form(r, **attr) r = self.request r.read_body() sfilename = form.vars.file try: ofilename = r.post_vars["file"].filename except: form.errors.file = self.messages.no_file if form.errors: response.flash = "" output = self._create_upload_dataTable() output.update(form=form, title=title) elif not sfilename or \ ofilename not in r.files or r.files[ofilename] is None: response.flash = "" response.error = self.messages.file_not_found output = self._create_upload_dataTable() output.update(form=form, title=title) else: output = dict() query = (table.file == sfilename) db(query).update(controller=self.controller, function=self.function, filename=ofilename, # must commit here to separate this transaction from # the trial import phase which will be rolled back. db.commit() extension = ofilename.rsplit(".", 1).pop() if extension not in ("csv", "xls"): response.flash = None response.error = self.messages.invalid_file_format return self.upload(r, **attr) upload_file = r.files[ofilename] if extension == "xls": if "xls_parser" in s3: upload_file = s3.xls_parser( extension = "csv" if upload_file is None: response.flash = None response.error = self.messages.file_not_found return self.upload(r, **attr) else: row = db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() upload_id = if "single_pass" in r.vars: single_pass = r.vars["single_pass"] else: single_pass = None self._generate_import_job(upload_id, upload_file, extension, commit_job = single_pass) if upload_id is None: row = db(query).update(status = 2) # in error if self.error != None: response.error = self.error if self.warning != None: response.warning = self.warning response.flash = "" return self.upload(r, **attr) else: if single_pass: current.session.flash = self.messages.file_uploaded # For a single pass retain the vars from the original URL next_URL = URL(r=self.request, f=self.function, args=["import"], vars=current.request.get_vars ) redirect(next_URL) s3.dataTable_vars = {"job" : upload_id} return self.display_job(upload_id) return output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def display_job(self, upload_id): """ @todo: docstring? """ _debug("S3Importer.display_job()") request = self.request response = current.response db = current.db table = self.upload_table job_id = self.job_id output = dict() if job_id == None: # redirect to the start page (removes all vars) query = ( == upload_id) row = db(query).update(status = 2) # in error current.session.warning = self.messages.no_records_to_import redirect(URL(r=request, f=self.function, args=["import"])) # Get the status of the upload job query = ( == upload_id) row = db(query).select(table.status, table.modified_on, table.summary_added, table.summary_error, table.summary_ignored, limitby=(0, 1)).first() status = row.status # completed display details if status == 3: # Completed # @todo currently this is an unnecessary server call, # change for completed records to be a display details # and thus avoid the round trip. # but keep this code to protect against hand-crafted URLs # (and the 'go back' syndrome on the browser) result = (row.summary_added, row.summary_error, row.summary_ignored, ) self._display_completed_job(result, row.modified_on) redirect(URL(r=request, f=self.function, args=["import"])) # otherwise display import items response.view = self._view(request, "list.html") output = self._create_import_item_dataTable(upload_id, job_id) if request.representation == "aadata": return output if response.s3.error_report: error_report = "Errors|" + "|".join(response.s3.error_report) error_tip = A("All Errors", _class="errortip", _title=error_report) else: # @todo: restore the error tree from all items? error_tip = "" rowcount = len(self._get_all_items(upload_id)) rheader = DIV(TABLE( TR( TH("%s: " % self.messages.job_total_records), TD(rowcount, _id="totalAvaliable"), TH("%s: " % self.messages.job_records_selected), TD(0, _id="totalSelected"), TH(error_tip) ), )) output["title"] = self.messages.title_job_read output["rheader"] = rheader output["subtitle"] = self.messages.title_job_list return output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def commit(self, source, transform): """ @todo: docstring? """ _debug("S3Importer.commit(%s, %s)" % (source, transform)) db = current.db session = current.session request = self.request try: openFile = open(source, "r") except: session.error = self.messages.file_open_error % source redirect(URL(r=request, f=self.function)) # @todo: manage different file formats # @todo: find file format from request.extension fileFormat = "csv" # insert data in the table and get the ID try: user = except: user = None upload_id = self.upload_table.insert(controller=self.controller, function=self.function, filename = source, user_id = user, status = 1) db.commit() # create the import job result = self._generate_import_job(upload_id, openFile, fileFormat, stylesheet=transform ) if result == None: if self.error != None: if session.error == None: session.error = self.error else: session.error += self.error if self.warning != None: if session.warning == None: session.warning = self.warning else: session.warning += self.warning else: items = self._get_all_items(upload_id, True) # commit the import job self._commit_import_job(upload_id, items) result = self._update_upload_job(upload_id) # get the results and display msg = "%s : %s %s %s" % (source, self.messages.commit_total_records_imported, self.messages.commit_total_errors, self.messages.commit_total_records_ignored) msg = msg % result if session.flash == None: session.flash = msg else: session.flash += msg # @todo: return the upload_id? # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def commit_items(self, upload_id, items): """ @todo: docstring? """ _debug("S3Importer.commit_items(%s, %s)" % (upload_id, items)) # Save the import items self._commit_import_job(upload_id, items) # Update the upload table # change the status to completed # record the summary details # delete the upload file result = self._update_upload_job(upload_id) # redirect to the start page (removes all vars) self._display_completed_job(result) redirect(URL(r=self.request, f=self.function, args=["import"])) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def delete_job(self, upload_id): """ Delete an uploaded file and the corresponding import job @param upload_id: the upload ID """ _debug("S3Importer.delete_job(%s)" % (upload_id)) db = current.db request = self.request resource = request.resource # use self.resource? response = current.response # Get the import job ID job_id = self.job_id # Delete the import job (if any) if job_id: result = resource.import_xml(None, id = None, tree = None, job_id = job_id, delete_job = True) # @todo: check result # now delete the upload entry query = ( == upload_id) count = db(query).delete() # @todo: check that the record has been deleted # Now commit the changes db.commit() result = count # return to the main import screen # @todo: check result properly if result == False: response.warning = self.messages.no_job_to_delete else: response.flash = self.messages.job_deleted # redirect to the start page (remove all vars) = self.request.url(vars=dict()) return # ======================================================================== # Utility methods # ======================================================================== def _upload_form(self, r, **attr): """ Create and process the upload form, including csv_extra_fields """ EXTRA_FIELDS = "csv_extra_fields" TEMPLATE = "csv_template" REPLACE_OPTION = "replace_option" session = current.session response = current.response s3 = response.s3 request = self.request table = self.upload_table formstyle = s3.crud.formstyle response.view = self._view(request, "list_create.html") if REPLACE_OPTION in attr: replace_option = attr[REPLACE_OPTION] if replace_option is not None: table.replace_option.readable = True table.replace_option.writable = True table.replace_option.label = replace_option fields = [f for f in table if f.readable or f.writable and not f.compute] if EXTRA_FIELDS in attr: extra_fields = attr[EXTRA_FIELDS] if extra_fields is not None: fields.extend([f["field"] for f in extra_fields if "field" in f]) self.csv_extra_fields = extra_fields labels, required = s3_mark_required(fields) if required: s3.has_required = True form = SQLFORM.factory(table_name=self.UPLOAD_TABLE_NAME, labels=labels, formstyle=formstyle, upload = os.path.join(request.folder, "uploads", "imports"), separator = "", message=self.messages.file_uploaded, *fields) args = ["s3csv"] template = attr.get(TEMPLATE, True) if template is True: args.extend([self.controller, "%s.csv" % self.function]) elif isinstance(template, basestring): args.extend([self.controller, "%s.csv" % template]) elif isinstance(template, (tuple, list)): args.extend(template[:-1]) args.append("%s.csv" % template[-1]) else: template = None if template is not None: url = URL(r=request, c="static", f="formats", args=args) try: # only add the download link if the template can be opened open("%s/../%s" % (r.folder, url)) form[0][0].insert(0, TR(TD(A(self.messages.download_template, _href=url)), _id="template__row")) except: pass if form.accepts(r.post_vars, session, formname="upload_form"): upload_id = table.insert(**table._filter_fields(form.vars)) if self.csv_extra_fields: self.csv_extra_data = Storage() for f in self.csv_extra_fields: label = f.get("label", None) if not label: continue field = f.get("field", None) value = f.get("value", None) if field: if in form.vars: data = form.vars[] else: data = field.default value = data requires = field.requires if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] if requires: requires = requires[0] if isinstance(requires, IS_EMPTY_OR): requires = requires.other try: options = requires.options() except: pass else: for k, v in options: if k == str(data): value = v elif value is None: continue self.csv_extra_data[label] = value s3.no_formats = True return form # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _create_upload_dataTable(self): """ List of previous Import jobs """ db = current.db request = self.request controller = self.controller function = self.function s3 = current.response.s3 table = self.upload_table s3.filter = (table.controller == controller) & \ (table.function == function) fields = ["id", "filename", "created_on", "user_id", "replace_option", "status"] self._use_upload_table() # Hide the list of prior uploads for now #output = self._dataTable(fields, sort_by = [[2,"desc"]]) output = dict() self._use_controller_table() if request.representation == "aadata": return output query = (table.status != 3) # Status of Pending or in-Error rows = db(query).select( restrictOpen = [str( for row in rows] query = (table.status == 3) # Status of Completed rows = db(query).select( restrictView = [str( for row in rows] s3.actions = [ dict(label=str(self.messages.open_btn), _class="action-btn", url=URL(r=request, c=controller, f=function, args=["import"], vars={"job":"[id]"}), restrict = restrictOpen ), dict(label=str(self.messages.view_btn), _class="action-btn", url=URL(r=request, c=controller, f=function, args=["import"], vars={"job":"[id]"}), restrict = restrictView ), dict(label=str(self.messages.delete_btn), _class="delete-btn", url=URL(r=request, c=controller, f=function, args=["import"], vars={"job":"[id]", "delete":"True" } ) ), ] # Display an Error if no job is attached with this record query = (table.status == 1) # Pending rows = db(query).select( s3.dataTableStyleAlert = [str( for row in rows] query = (table.status == 2) # in error rows = db(query).select( s3.dataTableStyleWarning = [str( for row in rows] return output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _create_import_item_dataTable(self, upload_id, job_id): """ @todo: docstring? """ s3 = current.response.s3 represent = {"element" : self._item_element_represent} self._use_import_item_table(job_id) # Add a filter to the dataTable query s3.filter = (self.table.job_id == job_id) & \ (self.table.tablename == self.controller_tablename) # Get a list of the records that have an error of None query = (self.table.job_id == job_id) & \ (self.table.tablename == self.controller_tablename) rows = current.db(query).select(, self.table.error) select_list = [] error_list = [] for row in rows: if row.error: error_list.append(str( else: select_list.append("%s" % select_id = ",".join(select_list) output = self._dataTable(["id", "element", "error"], sort_by = [[1, "asc"]], represent=represent) self._use_controller_table() if self.request.representation == "aadata": return output # Highlight rows in error in red s3.dataTableStyleWarning = error_list s3.dataTableSelectable = True s3.dataTablePostMethod = True table = output["items"] job = INPUT(_type="hidden", _id="importUploadID", _name="job", _value="%s" % upload_id) mode = INPUT(_type="hidden", _id="importMode", _name="mode", _value="Inclusive") # only select the rows with no errors selected = INPUT(_type="hidden", _id="importSelected", _name="selected", _value="[%s]" % select_id) form = FORM(table, job, mode, selected) output["items"] = form s3.dataTableSelectSubmitURL = "import?job=%s&" % upload_id s3.actions = [ dict(label= str(self.messages.item_show_details), _class="action-btn", _jqclick="$('.importItem.'+id).toggle();", ), ] return output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _generate_import_job(self, upload_id, openFile, fileFormat, stylesheet=None, commit_job=False): """ This will take a s3_import_upload record and generate the importJob @param uploadFilename: The name of the uploaded file @todo: complete parameter descriptions """ _debug("S3Importer._generate_import_job(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (upload_id, openFile, fileFormat, stylesheet ) ) db = current.db request = self.request resource = request.resource # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # CSV if fileFormat == "csv" or fileFormat == "comma-separated-values": fmt = "csv" src = openFile # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # XML # @todo: implement #elif fileFormat == "xml": # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # S3JSON # @todo: implement #elif fileFormat == "s3json": # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # PDF # @todo: implement #elif fileFormat == "pdf": # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Unsupported Format else: msg = self.messages.unsupported_file_type % fileFormat self.error = msg _debug(msg) return None # Get the stylesheet if stylesheet == None: stylesheet = self._get_stylesheet() if stylesheet == None: return None # before calling import tree ensure the db.table is the controller_table self.table = self.controller_table self.tablename = self.controller_tablename # Pass stylesheet arguments args = Storage() mode = request.get_vars.get("xsltmode", None) if mode is not None: args.update(mode=mode) # Generate the import job resource.import_xml(src, format=fmt, extra_data=self.csv_extra_data, stylesheet=stylesheet, ignore_errors = True, commit_job = commit_job, **args) job = resource.job if job is None: if resource.error: # Error self.error = resource.error return None else: # Nothing to import self.warning = self.messages.no_records_to_import return None else: # Job created job_id = job.job_id errors = current.xml.collect_errors(job) if errors: current.response.s3.error_report = errors query = ( == upload_id) result = db(query).update(job_id=job_id) # @todo: add check that result == 1, if not we are in error # Now commit the changes db.commit() self.job_id = job_id return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_stylesheet(self, file_format="csv"): """ Get the stylesheet for transformation of the import @param file_format: the import source file format """ if file_format == "csv": xslt_path = os.path.join(self.xslt_path, "s3csv") else: xslt_path = os.path.join(self.xslt_path, file_format, "import.xsl") return xslt_path # Use the "csv_stylesheet" parameter to override the CSV stylesheet subpath # and filename, e.g. # s3_rest_controller(module, resourcename, # csv_stylesheet=("inv", "inv_item.xsl")) if self.csv_stylesheet: if isinstance(self.csv_stylesheet, (tuple, list)): stylesheet = os.path.join(xslt_path, *self.csv_stylesheet) else: stylesheet = os.path.join(xslt_path, self.controller, self.csv_stylesheet) else: xslt_filename = "%s.%s" % (self.function, self.xslt_extension) stylesheet = os.path.join(xslt_path, self.controller, xslt_filename) if os.path.exists(stylesheet) is False: msg = self.messages.stylesheet_not_found % stylesheet self.error = msg _debug(msg) return None return stylesheet # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _commit_import_job(self, upload_id, items): """ This will save all of the selected import items @todo: parameter descriptions? """ _debug("S3Importer._commit_import_job(%s, %s)" % (upload_id, items)) db = current.db resource = self.request.resource # Load the items from the s3_import_item table self.importDetails = dict() table = self.upload_table query = ( == upload_id) row = db(query).select(table.job_id, table.replace_option, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row is None: return False else: job_id = row.job_id current.response.s3.import_replace = row.replace_option itemTable = S3ImportJob.define_item_table() if itemTable != None: #**************************************************************** # EXPERIMENTAL # This doesn't delete related items # but import_tree will tidy it up later #**************************************************************** # get all the items selected for import rows = self._get_all_items(upload_id, as_string=True) # loop through each row and delete the items not required self._store_import_details(job_id, "preDelete") for id in rows: if str(id) not in items: # @todo: replace with a helper method from the API _debug("Deleting = %s" % id) query = ( == id) db(query).delete() #**************************************************************** # EXPERIMENTAL #**************************************************************** # set up the table we will import data into self.table = self.controller_table self.tablename = self.controller_tablename self._store_import_details(job_id, "preImportTree") # Now commit the remaining items msg = resource.import_xml(None, job_id = job_id, ignore_errors = True) return resource.error is None # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _store_import_details(self, job_id, key): """ This will store the details from an importJob @todo: parameter descriptions? """ _debug("S3Importer._store_import_details(%s, %s)" % (job_id, key)) itemTable = S3ImportJob.define_item_table() query = (itemTable.job_id == job_id) & \ (itemTable.tablename == self.controller_tablename) rows = current.db(query).select(, itemTable.error) items = [dict(, error=row.error) for row in rows] self.importDetails[key] = items # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _update_upload_job(self, upload_id): """ This will record the results from the import, and change the status of the upload job @todo: parameter descriptions? @todo: report errors in referenced records, too """ _debug("S3Importer._update_upload_job(%s)" % (upload_id)) request = self.request resource = request.resource db = current.db totalPreDelete = len(self.importDetails["preDelete"]) totalPreImport = len(self.importDetails["preImportTree"]) totalIgnored = totalPreDelete - totalPreImport if resource.error_tree is None: totalErrors = 0 else: totalErrors = len(resource.error_tree.findall( "resource[@name='%s']" % resource.tablename)) totalRecords = totalPreImport - totalErrors if totalRecords < 0: totalRecords = 0 query = ( == upload_id) result = db(query).update(summary_added=totalRecords, summary_error=totalErrors, summary_ignored = totalIgnored, status = 3) # Now commit the changes db.commit() return (totalRecords, totalErrors, totalIgnored) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _display_completed_job(self, totals, timestmp=None): """ Generate a summary flash message for a completed import job @param totals: the job totals as tuple (total imported, total errors, total ignored) @param timestmp: the timestamp of the completion """ session = current.session msg = "%s - %s - %s" % \ (self.messages.commit_total_records_imported, self.messages.commit_total_errors, self.messages.commit_total_records_ignored) msg = msg % totals if timestmp != None: session.flash = self.messages.job_completed % \ (self.date_represent(timestmp), msg) elif totals[1] is not 0: session.error = msg elif totals[2] is not 0: session.warning = msg else: session.flash = msg # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _dataTable(self, list_fields = [], sort_by = [[1, "asc"]], represent={}, ): """ Method to get the data for the dataTable This can be either a raw html representation or and ajax call update Additional data will be cached to limit calls back to the server @param list_fields: list of field names @param sort_by: list of sort by columns @param represent: a dict of field callback functions used to change how the data will be displayed @return: a dict() In html representations this will be a table of the data plus the sortby instructions In ajax this will be a json response In addition the following values will be made available: totalRecords Number of records in the filtered data set totalDisplayRecords Number of records to display start Start point in the ordered data set limit Number of records in the ordered set NOTE: limit - totalDisplayRecords = total cached """ # ******************************************************************** # Common tasks # ******************************************************************** db = current.db session = current.session request = self.request response = current.response resource = self.resource s3 = response.s3 representation = request.representation table = self.table tablename = self.tablename vars = request.get_vars output = dict() # Check permission to read this table authorised = self.permit("read", tablename) if not authorised: request.unauthorised() # List of fields to select from # fields is a list of Field objects # list_field is a string list of field names if list_fields == []: fields = resource.readable_fields() else: fields = [table[f] for f in list_fields if f in table.fields] if not fields: fields = [] # attach any represent callbacks for f in fields: if in represent: f.represent = represent[] # Make sure that we have the table id as the first column if fields[0].name != table.fields[0]: fields.insert(0, table[table.fields[0]]) list_fields = [ for f in fields] # Filter if s3.filter is not None: self.resource.add_filter(s3.filter) # ******************************************************************** # ajax call # ******************************************************************** if representation == "aadata": start = vars.get("iDisplayStart", None) limit = vars.get("iDisplayLength", None) if limit is not None: try: start = int(start) limit = int(limit) except ValueError: start = None limit = None # use default else: start = None # use default # Using the sort variables sent from dataTables if vars.iSortingCols: orderby = self.ssp_orderby(resource, list_fields) # Echo sEcho = int(vars.sEcho or 0) # Get the list items = resource.sqltable(fields=list_fields, start=start, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, download_url=self.download_url, as_page=True) or [] # Ugly hack to change any occurrence of [id] with the true id # Needed because the represent doesn't know the id for i in range(len(items)): id = items[i][0] for j in range(len(items[i])): new = items[i][j].replace("[id]",id) items[i][j] = new totalrows = self.resource.count() result = dict(sEcho = sEcho, iTotalRecords = totalrows, iTotalDisplayRecords = totalrows, aaData = items) output = jsons(result) # ******************************************************************** # html 'initial' call # ******************************************************************** else: # catch all start = 0 limit = 1 # Sort by vars["iSortingCols"] = len(sort_by) # generate the dataTables.js variables for sorting index = 0 for col in sort_by: colName = "iSortCol_%s" % str(index) colValue = col[0] dirnName = "sSortDir_%s" % str(index) if len(col) > 1: dirnValue = col[1] else: dirnValue = "asc" vars[colName] = colValue vars[dirnName] = dirnValue # Now using these sort variables generate the order by statement orderby = self.ssp_orderby(resource, list_fields) del vars["iSortingCols"] for col in sort_by: del vars["iSortCol_%s" % str(index)] del vars["sSortDir_%s" % str(index)] # Get the first row for a quick up load items = resource.sqltable(fields=list_fields, start=start, limit=1, orderby=orderby, download_url=self.download_url) totalrows = resource.count() if items: if totalrows: if s3.dataTable_iDisplayLength: limit = 2 * s3.dataTable_iDisplayLength else: limit = 50 # Add a test on the first call here: # Now get the limit rows for ajax style update of table sqltable = resource.sqltable(fields=list_fields, start=start, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, download_url=self.download_url, as_page=True) aadata = dict(aaData = sqltable or []) # Ugly hack to change any occurrence of [id] with the true id # Needed because the represent doesn't know the id for i in range(len(aadata["aaData"])): id = aadata["aaData"][i][0] for j in range(len(aadata["aaData"][i])): new = aadata["aaData"][i][j].replace("[id]",id) aadata["aaData"][i][j] = new aadata.update(iTotalRecords=totalrows, iTotalDisplayRecords=totalrows) response.aadata = jsons(aadata) s3.start = 0 s3.limit = limit else: # No items in database # s3import tables don't have a delete field but kept for the record if "deleted" in table: available_records = db(table.deleted == False) else: available_records = db( > 0) # check for any records on an unfiltered table if, limitby=(0, 1)).first(): items = self.crud_string(tablename, "msg_no_match") else: items = self.crud_string(tablename, "msg_list_empty") output.update(items=items, sortby=sort_by) # Value to be added to the dataTable ajax call s3.dataTable_Method = "import" return output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _item_element_represent(self, value): """ Represent the element in an import item for dataTable display @param value: the string containing the element """ T = current.T db = current.db value = S3XML.xml_decode(value) try: element = etree.fromstring(value) except: # XMLSyntaxError: return the element as-is return DIV(value) tablename = element.get("name") table = current.db[tablename] output = DIV() details = TABLE(_class="importItem [id]") header, rows = self._add_item_details(element.findall("data"), table) if header is not None: output.append(header) # Add components, if present components = element.findall("resource") for component in components: ctablename = component.get("name") ctable = db[ctablename] self._add_item_details(component.findall("data"), ctable, details=rows, prefix=True) if rows: details.append(TBODY(rows)) # Add error messages, if present errors = current.xml.collect_errors(element) if errors: details.append(TFOOT(TR(TH("%s:" % T("Errors")), TD(UL([LI(e) for e in errors]))))) if rows == [] and components == []: # At this stage we don't have anything to display to see if we can # find something to show. This could be the case when a table being # imported is a resolver for a many to many relationship refdetail = TABLE(_class="importItem [id]") references = element.findall("reference") for reference in references: tuid = reference.get("tuid") resource = reference.get("resource") refdetail.append(TR(TD(resource), TD(tuid))) output.append(refdetail) else: output.append(details) return str(output) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _add_item_details(data, table, details=None, prefix=False): """ Add details of the item element @param data: the list of data elements in the item element @param table: the table for the data @param details: the existing details rows list (to append to) """ tablename = table._tablename if details is None: details = [] first = None firstString = None header = None for child in data: f = child.get("field", None) if f not in table.fields: continue elif f == "wkt": # Skip bulky WKT fields continue field = table[f] ftype = str(field.type) value = child.get("value", None) if not value: value = child.text try: value = S3Importer._decode_data(field, value) except: pass if value: value = S3XML.xml_encode(unicode(value)) else: value = "" if f != None and value != None: headerText = P(B("%s: " % f), value) if not first: first = headerText if ftype == "string" and not firstString: firstString = headerText if f == "name": header = headerText if prefix: details.append(TR(TH("%s.%s:" % (tablename, f)), TD(value))) else: details.append(TR(TH("%s:" % f), TD(value))) if not header: if firstString: header = firstString else: header = first return (header, details) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _decode_data(field, value): """ Try to decode string data into their original type @param field: the Field instance @param value: the stringified value @todo: replace this by ordinary decoder """ if field.type == "string" or \ field.type == "string" or \ field.type == "password" or \ field.type == "upload" or \ field.type == "text": return value elif field.type == "integer" or field.type == "id": return int(value) elif field.type == "double" or field.type == "decimal": return double(value) elif field.type == 'boolean': if value and not str(value)[:1].upper() in ["F", "0"]: return "T" else: return "F" elif field.type == "date": return value # @todo fix this to get a date elif field.type == "time": return value # @todo fix this to get a time elif field.type == "datetime": return value # @todo fix this to get a datetime else: return value # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def date_represent(date_obj): """ Represent a datetime object as string @param date_obj: the datetime object @todo: replace by S3DateTime method? """ return date_obj.strftime("%d %B %Y, %I:%M%p") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _process_item_list(self, upload_id, vars): """ Get the list of IDs for the selected items from the "mode" and "selected" request variables @param upload_id: the upload_id @param vars: the request variables """ items = None if "mode" in vars: mode = vars["mode"] if "selected" in vars: selected = vars["selected"].split(",") else: selected = [] if mode == "Inclusive": items = selected elif mode == "Exclusive": all_items = self._get_all_items(upload_id, as_string=True) items = [i for i in all_items if i not in selected] return items # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_all_items(self, upload_id, as_string=False): """ Get a list of the record IDs of all import items for the the given upload ID @param upload_id: the upload ID @param as_string: represent each ID as string """ item_table = S3ImportJob.define_item_table() upload_table = self.upload_table query = ( == upload_id) & \ (item_table.job_id == upload_table.job_id) & \ (item_table.tablename == self.controller_tablename) rows = current.db(query).select( if as_string: items = [str( for row in rows] else: items = [ for row in rows] return items # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _use_upload_table(self): """ Set the resource and the table to being s3_import_upload """ if self.upload_resource == None: from s3resource import S3Resource (prefix, name) = self.UPLOAD_TABLE_NAME.split("_",1) self.upload_resource = S3Resource(prefix, name) self.resource = self.upload_resource self.table = self.upload_table self.tablename = self.upload_tablename # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _use_controller_table(self): """ Set the resource and the table to be the imported resource """ self.resource = self.controller_resource self.table = self.controller_table self.tablename = self.controller_tablename # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _use_import_item_table(self, job_id): """ Set the resource and the table to being s3_import_item """ if self.item_resource == None: from s3resource import S3Resource (prefix, name) = S3ImportJob.ITEM_TABLE_NAME.split("_",1) self.item_resource = S3Resource(prefix, name) self.resource = self.item_resource self.tablename = S3ImportJob.ITEM_TABLE_NAME self.table = S3ImportJob.define_item_table() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __define_table(self): """ Configures the upload table """ _debug("S3Importer.__define_table()") T = current.T db = current.db request = current.request self.upload_tablename = self.UPLOAD_TABLE_NAME import_upload_status = { 1: T("Pending"), 2: T("In error"), 3: T("Completed"), } def user_name_represent(id): # @todo: use s3_present_user? rep_str = "-" table = db.auth_user query = ( == id) row = db(query).select(table.first_name, table.last_name, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row: rep_str = "%s %s" % (row.first_name, row.last_name) return rep_str def status_represent(index): if index == None: return "Unknown" # @todo: use messages (internationalize) else: return import_upload_status[index] now = request.utcnow table = self.define_upload_table() table.file.upload_folder = os.path.join(request.folder, "uploads", #"imports" ) table.file.comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (self.messages.import_file, self.messages.import_file_comment)) table.file.label = self.messages.import_file table.status.requires = IS_IN_SET(import_upload_status, zero=None) table.status.represent = status_represent table.user_id.label = self.messages.user_name table.user_id.represent = user_name_represent table.created_on.default = now table.created_on.represent = self.date_represent table.modified_on.default = now table.modified_on.update = now table.modified_on.represent = self.date_represent table.replace_option.label = T("Replace") self.upload_table = db[self.UPLOAD_TABLE_NAME] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def define_upload_table(cls): """ Defines the upload table """ db = current.db uploadfolder = os.path.join(current.request.folder, "uploads", ) if cls.UPLOAD_TABLE_NAME not in db: upload_table = db.define_table(cls.UPLOAD_TABLE_NAME, Field("controller", readable=False, writable=False), Field("function", readable=False, writable=False), Field("file", "upload", uploadfolder=os.path.join(current.request.folder, "uploads", "imports"), autodelete=True), Field("filename", readable=False, writable=False), Field("status", "integer", default=1, readable=False, writable=False), Field("extra_data", readable=False, writable=False), Field("replace_option", "boolean", default=False, readable=False, writable=False), Field("job_id", length=128, readable=False, writable=False), Field("user_id", "integer", readable=False, writable=False), Field("created_on", "datetime", readable=False, writable=False), Field("modified_on", "datetime", readable=False, writable=False), Field("summary_added", "integer", readable=False, writable=False), Field("summary_error", "integer", readable=False, writable=False), Field("summary_ignored", "integer", readable=False, writable=False), Field("completed_details", "text", readable=False, writable=False)) else: upload_table = db[cls.UPLOAD_TABLE_NAME] return upload_table # ============================================================================= class S3ImportItem(object): """ Class representing an import item (=a single record) """ METHOD = Storage( CREATE="create", UPDATE="update", DELETE="delete" ) POLICY = Storage( THIS="THIS", # keep local instance OTHER="OTHER", # update unconditionally NEWER="NEWER", # update if import is newer MASTER="MASTER" # update if import is master ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, job): """ Constructor @param job: the import job this item belongs to """ self.job = job self.ERROR = current.manager.ERROR # Locking and error handling self.lock = False self.error = None # Identification import uuid self.item_id = uuid.uuid4() # unique ID for this item = None self.uid = None # Data elements self.table = None self.tablename = None self.element = None = None self.original = None self.components = [] self.references = [] self.load_components = [] self.load_references = [] self.parent = None self.skip = False # Conflict handling self.mci = 2 self.mtime = datetime.utcnow() self.modified = True self.conflict = False # Allowed import methods self.strategy = job.strategy # Update and conflict resolution policies self.update_policy = job.update_policy self.conflict_policy = job.conflict_policy # Actual import method self.method = None self.onvalidation = None self.onaccept = None # Item import status flags self.accepted = None self.permitted = False self.committed = False # Writeback hook for circular references: # Items which need a second write to update references self.update = [] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): """ Helper method for debugging """ _str = "<S3ImportItem %s {item_id=%s uid=%s id=%s error=%s data=%s}>" % \ (self.table, self.item_id, self.uid,, self.error, return _str # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse(self, element, original=None, table=None, tree=None, files=None): """ Read data from a <resource> element @param element: the element @param table: the DB table @param tree: the import tree @param files: uploaded files @returns: True if successful, False if not (sets self.error) """ db = current.db xml = current.xml manager = current.manager validate = manager.validate s3db = current.s3db self.element = element if table is None: tablename = element.get(, None) try: table = s3db[tablename] except: self.error = self.ERROR.BAD_RESOURCE element.set(xml.ATTRIBUTE.error, self.error) return False self.table = table self.tablename = table._tablename if original is None: original = manager.original(table, element) data = xml.record(table, element, files=files, original=original, validate=validate) if data is None: self.error = self.ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR self.accepted = False if not element.get(xml.ATTRIBUTE.error, False): element.set(xml.ATTRIBUTE.error, str(self.error)) return False = data if original is not None: self.original = original = original[] if xml.UID in original: self.uid = original[xml.UID]{xml.UID:self.uid}) elif xml.UID in data: self.uid = data[xml.UID] if xml.MTIME in data: self.mtime = data[xml.MTIME] if xml.MCI in data: self.mci = data[xml.MCI] _debug("New item: %s" % self) return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def deduplicate(self): RESOLVER = "deduplicate" if return table = self.table if table is None: return if self.original is not None: original = self.original else: original = current.manager.original(table, if original is not None: self.original = original = original[] UID = current.xml.UID if UID in original: self.uid = original[UID]{UID:self.uid}) self.method = self.METHOD.UPDATE else: resolve = current.s3db.get_config(self.tablename, RESOLVER) if and resolve: resolve(self) return # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def authorize(self): """ Authorize the import of this item, sets self.permitted """ db = current.db manager = current.manager authorize = manager.permit self.permitted = False if not self.table: return False prefix = self.tablename.split("_", 1)[0] if prefix in manager.PROTECTED: return False if not authorize: self.permitted = True self.method = self.METHOD.CREATE if if is True: self.method = self.METHOD.DELETE self.accepted = True else: if not self.original: query = ( == self.original = db(query).select(limitby=(0, 1)).first() if self.original: self.method = self.METHOD.UPDATE if self.method == self.METHOD.CREATE: = 0 if authorize: self.permitted = authorize(self.method, self.tablename, return self.permitted # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def validate(self): """ Validate this item (=record onvalidation), sets self.accepted """ if self.accepted is not None: return self.accepted if is None or not self.table: self.accepted = False return False form = Storage() form.method = self.method form.vars = if = form.errors = Storage() tablename = self.tablename key = "%s_onvalidation" % self.method s3db = current.s3db onvalidation = s3db.get_config(tablename, key, s3db.get_config(tablename, "onvalidation")) if onvalidation: try: callback(onvalidation, form, tablename=tablename) except: pass # @todo need a better handler here. self.accepted = True if form.errors: error = current.xml.ATTRIBUTE.error for k in form.errors: e = self.element.findall("data[@field='%s']" % k) if not e: e = self.element.findall("reference[@field='%s']" % k) if not e: e = self.element form.errors[k] = "[%s] %s" % (k, form.errors[k]) else: e = e[0] e.set(error, str(form.errors[k]).decode("utf-8")) self.error = self.ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR self.accepted = False return self.accepted # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def commit(self, ignore_errors=False): """ Commit this item to the database @param ignore_errors: skip invalid components (still reports errors) """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db xml = current.xml manager = current.manager table = self.table # Check if already committed if self.committed: # already committed return True # If the parent item gets skipped, then skip this item as well if self.parent is not None and self.parent.skip: return True _debug("Committing item %s" % self) # Resolve references self._resolve_references() # Validate if not self.validate(): _debug("Validation error: %s (%s)" % (self.error, xml.tostring(self.element, pretty_print=True))) self.skip = True return ignore_errors elif self.components: for component in self.components: if not component.validate(): if hasattr(component, "tablename"): tn = component.tablename else: tn = None _debug("Validation error, component=%s" % tn) component.skip = True # Skip this item on any component validation errors # unless ignore_errors is True if ignore_errors: continue else: self.skip = True return False # De-duplicate self.deduplicate() # Log this item if manager.log is not None: manager.log(self) # Authorize item if not self.authorize(): _debug("Not authorized - skip") self.error = manager.ERROR.NOT_PERMITTED self.skip = True return ignore_errors _debug("Method: %s" % self.method) # Check if import method is allowed in strategy if not isinstance(self.strategy, (list, tuple)): self.strategy = [self.strategy] if self.method not in self.strategy: _debug("Method not in strategy - skip") self.error = manager.ERROR.NOT_PERMITTED self.skip = True return True this = self.original if not this and and \ self.method in (self.METHOD.UPDATE, self.METHOD.DELETE): query = ( == this = db(query).select(limitby=(0, 1)).first() this_mtime = None this_mci = 0 if this: if xml.MTIME in table.fields: this_mtime = xml.as_utc(this[xml.MTIME]) if xml.MCI in table.fields: this_mci = this[xml.MCI] self.mtime = xml.as_utc(self.mtime) # Conflict detection this_modified = True self.modified = True self.conflict = False last_sync = xml.as_utc(self.job.last_sync) if last_sync: if this_mtime and this_mtime < last_sync: this_modified = False if self.mtime and self.mtime < last_sync: self.modified = False if self.modified and this_modified: self.conflict = True if self.conflict and \ self.method in (self.METHOD.UPDATE, self.METHOD.DELETE): _debug("Conflict: %s" % self) if self.job.onconflict: self.job.onconflict(self) if is not None: data = Storage( else: data = Storage() # Update existing record if self.method == self.METHOD.UPDATE: if this: if "deleted" in this and this.deleted: policy = self._get_update_policy(None) if policy == self.POLICY.NEWER and \ this_mtime and this_mtime > self.mtime or \ policy == self.POLICY.MASTER and \ (this_mci == 0 or self.mci != 1): self.skip = True return True fields = data.keys() for f in fields: if f not in this: continue if isinstance(this[f], datetime): if xml.as_utc(data[f]) == xml.as_utc(this[f]): del data[f] continue else: if data[f] == this[f]: del data[f] continue remove = False policy = self._get_update_policy(f) if policy == self.POLICY.THIS: remove = True elif policy == self.POLICY.NEWER: if this_mtime and this_mtime > self.mtime: remove = True elif policy == self.POLICY.MASTER: if this_mci == 0 or self.mci != 1: remove = True if remove: del data[f]{f:this[f]}) if "deleted" in this and this.deleted: # Undelete re-imported records: data.update(deleted=False) if "deleted_fk" in table: data.update(deleted_fk="") if "created_by" in table: data.update(created_by=table.created_by.default) if "modified_by" in table: data.update(modified_by=table.modified_by.default) if not self.skip and not self.conflict and \ (len(data) or self.components or self.references): if self.uid and xml.UID in table: data.update({xml.UID:self.uid}) if xml.MTIME in table: data.update({xml.MTIME: self.mtime}) if xml.MCI in data: # retain local MCI on updates del data[xml.MCI] query = (table._id == try: success = db(query).update(**dict(data)) except: self.error = sys.exc_info()[1] self.skip = True return False if success: self.committed = True else: # Nothing to update self.committed = True # Create new record elif self.method == self.METHOD.CREATE: # Do not apply field policy to UID and MCI UID = xml.UID if UID in data: del data[UID] MCI = xml.MCI if MCI in data: del data[MCI] for f in data: policy = self._get_update_policy(f) if policy == self.POLICY.MASTER and self.mci != 1: del data[f] if len(data) or self.components or self.references: # Restore UID and MCI if self.uid and UID in table.fields: data.update({UID:self.uid}) if MCI in table.fields: data.update({MCI:self.mci}) # Insert the new record try: success = table.insert(**dict(data)) except: self.error = sys.exc_info()[1] self.skip = True return False if success: = success self.committed = True else: # Nothing to create self.skip = True return True # Delete local record elif self.method == self.METHOD.DELETE: if this: if this.deleted: self.skip = True policy = self._get_update_policy(None) if policy == self.POLICY.THIS: self.skip = True elif policy == self.POLICY.NEWER and \ (this_mtime and this_mtime > self.mtime): self.skip = True elif policy == self.POLICY.MASTER and \ (this_mci == 0 or self.mci != 1): self.skip = True else: self.skip = True if not self.skip and not self.conflict: prefix, name = self.tablename.split("_", 1) resource = manager.define_resource(prefix, name, ondelete = s3db.get_config(self.tablename, "ondelete") success = resource.delete(ondelete=ondelete, cascade=True) if resource.error: self.error = resource.error self.skip = True return ignore_errors _debug("Success: %s, id=%s %sd" % (self.tablename,, self.skip and "skippe" or \ self.method)) return True # Audit + onaccept on successful commits if self.committed: form = Storage() form.method = self.method form.vars = tablename = self.tablename prefix, name = tablename.split("_", 1) if = if manager.audit is not None: manager.audit(self.method, prefix, name, form=form,, representation="xml") s3db.update_super(table, form.vars) if self.method == self.METHOD.CREATE: current.auth.s3_set_record_owner(table, key = "%s_onaccept" % self.method onaccept = s3db.get_config(tablename, key, s3db.get_config(tablename, "onaccept")) if onaccept: callback(onaccept, form, tablename=self.tablename) # Update referencing items if self.update and for u in self.update: item = u.get("item", None) if not item: continue field = u.get("field", None) if isinstance(field, (list, tuple)): pkey, fkey = field query = == row = db(query).select(table[pkey], limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row: item._update_reference(fkey, row[pkey]) else: item._update_reference(field, _debug("Success: %s, id=%s %sd" % (self.tablename,, self.skip and "skippe" or \ self.method)) return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_update_policy(self, field): """ Get the update policy for a field (if the item will update an existing record) @param field: the name of the field """ if isinstance(self.update_policy, dict): r = self.update_policy.get(field, self.update_policy.get("__default__", self.POLICY.THIS)) else: r = self.update_policy if not r in self.POLICY.values(): r = self.POLICY.THIS return r # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _resolve_references(self): """ Resolve the references of this item (=look up all foreign keys from other items of the same job). If a foreign key is not yet available, it will be scheduled for later update. """ if not self.table: return items = self.job.items for reference in self.references: item = None field = reference.field entry = reference.entry if not entry: continue # Resolve key tuples if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)): pkey, fkey = field else: pkey, fkey = ("id", field) # Resolve the key table name ktablename, key, multiple = s3_get_foreign_key(self.table[fkey]) if not ktablename: if self.tablename == "auth_user" and \ fkey == "organisation_id": ktablename = "org_organisation" else: continue if entry.tablename: ktablename = entry.tablename try: ktable = current.s3db[ktablename] except: continue # Resolve the foreign key (value) fk = if entry.item_id: item = items[entry.item_id] if item: fk = if fk and pkey != "id": row = current.db(ktable._id == fk).select(ktable[pkey], limitby=(0, 1)).first() if not row: fk = None continue else: fk = row[pkey] # Update record data if fk: if multiple: val =, []) if fk not in val: val.append(fk)[fkey] = val else:[fkey] = fk else: if fkey in and not multiple: del[fkey] if item: item.update.append(dict(item=self, field=fkey)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _update_reference(self, field, value): """ Helper method to update a foreign key in an already written record. Will be called by the referenced item after (and only if) it has been committed. This is only needed if the reference could not be resolved before commit due to circular references. @param field: the field name of the foreign key @param value: the value of the foreign key """ if not value or not self.table: return db = current.db if and self.permitted: fieldtype = str(self.table[field].type) if fieldtype.startswith("list:reference"): query = ( == record = db(query).select(self.table[field], limitby=(0,1)).first() if record: values = record[field] if value not in values: values.append(value) db( ==**{field:values}) else: db( ==**{field:value}) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def store(self, item_table=None): """ Store this item in the DB """ _debug("Storing item %s" % self) if item_table is None: return None db = current.db query = item_table.item_id == self.item_id row = db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row: record_id = else: record_id = None record = Storage(job_id = self.job.job_id, item_id = self.item_id, tablename = self.tablename, record_uid = self.uid, error = self.error) if self.element is not None: element_str = current.xml.tostring(self.element, xml_declaration=False) record.update(element=element_str) if is not None: data = Storage() for f in table = self.table if f not in table.fields: continue fieldtype = str(self.table[f].type) if fieldtype == "id" or s3_has_foreign_key(self.table[f]): continue data.update({[f]}) data_str = cPickle.dumps(data) record.update(data=data_str) ritems = [] for reference in self.references: field = reference.field entry = reference.entry store_entry = None if entry: if entry.item_id is not None: store_entry = dict(field=field, item_id=str(entry.item_id)) elif entry.uid is not None: store_entry = dict(field=field, tablename=entry.tablename, uid=str(entry.uid)) if store_entry is not None: ritems.append(json.dumps(store_entry)) if ritems: record.update(ritems=ritems) citems = [c.item_id for c in self.components] if citems: record.update(citems=citems) if self.parent: record.update(parent=self.parent.item_id) if record_id: db( == record_id).update(**record) else: record_id = item_table.insert(**record) _debug("Record ID=%s" % record_id) return record_id # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def restore(self, row): """ Restore an item from a item table row. This does not restore the references (since this can not be done before all items are restored), must call job.restore_references() to do that @param row: the item table row """ xml = current.xml self.item_id = row.item_id self.accepted = None self.permitted = False self.committed = False tablename = row.tablename = None self.uid = row.record_uid if is not None: = cPickle.loads( else: = Storage() data = if xml.MTIME in data: self.mtime = data[xml.MTIME] if xml.MCI in data: self.mci = data[xml.MCI] UID = xml.UID if UID in data: self.uid = data[UID] self.element = etree.fromstring(row.element) if row.citems: self.load_components = row.citems if row.ritems: self.load_references = [json.loads(ritem) for ritem in row.ritems] self.load_parent = row.parent try: table = current.s3db[tablename] except: self.error = self.ERROR.BAD_RESOURCE return False else: self.table = table self.tablename = tablename original = current.manager.original(table, if original is not None: self.original = original = original[] if UID in original: self.uid = original[UID]{UID:self.uid}) self.error = row.error if self.error and not # Validation error return False return True # ============================================================================= class S3ImportJob(): """ Class to import an element tree into the database """ JOB_TABLE_NAME = "s3_import_job" ITEM_TABLE_NAME = "s3_import_item" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, manager, table, tree=None, files=None, job_id=None, strategy=None, update_policy=None, conflict_policy=None, last_sync=None, onconflict=None): """ Constructor @param manager: the S3RequestManager instance performing this job @param tree: the element tree to import @param files: files attached to the import (for upload fields) @param job_id: restore job from database (record ID or job_id) @param strategy: the import strategy @param update_policy: the update policy @param conflict_policy: the conflict resolution policy @param last_sync: the last synchronization time stamp (datetime) @param onconflict: custom conflict resolver function """ self.error = None # the last error self.error_tree = etree.Element(current.xml.TAG.root) self.table = table self.tree = tree self.files = files = Storage() self.elements = Storage() self.items = Storage() self.references = [] self.job_table = None self.item_table = None self.count = 0 # total number of records imported self.created = [] # IDs of created records self.updated = [] # IDs of updated records self.deleted = [] # IDs of deleted records # Import strategy self.strategy = strategy if self.strategy is None: self.strategy = [S3ImportItem.METHOD.CREATE, S3ImportItem.METHOD.UPDATE, S3ImportItem.METHOD.DELETE] if not isinstance(self.strategy, (tuple, list)): self.strategy = [self.strategy] # Update policy (default=always update) self.update_policy = update_policy if not self.update_policy: self.update_policy = S3ImportItem.POLICY.OTHER # Conflict resolution policy (default=always update) self.conflict_policy = conflict_policy if not self.conflict_policy: self.conflict_policy = S3ImportItem.POLICY.OTHER # Synchronization settings self.mtime = None self.last_sync = last_sync self.onconflict = onconflict if job_id: self.__define_tables() jobtable = self.job_table if str(job_id).isdigit(): query = == job_id else: query = jobtable.job_id == job_id row = current.db(query).select(limitby=(0, 1)).first() if not row: raise SyntaxError("Job record not found") self.job_id = row.job_id if not self.table: tablename = row.tablename try: table = current.s3db[tablename] except: pass else: import uuid self.job_id = uuid.uuid4() # unique ID for this job # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_item(self, element=None, original=None, components=None, parent=None, joinby=None): """ Parse and validate an XML element and add it as new item to the job. @param element: the element @param original: the original DB record (if already available, will otherwise be looked-up by this function) @param components: a dictionary of components (as in S3Resource) to include in the job (defaults to all defined components) @param parent: the parent item (if this is a component) @param joinby: the component join key(s) (if this is a component) @returns: a unique identifier for the new item, or None if there was an error. self.error contains the last error, and self.error_tree an element tree with all failing elements including error attributes. """ if element in self.elements: # element has already been added to this job return self.elements[element] # Parse the main element item = S3ImportItem(self) # Update lookup lists item_id = item.item_id self.items[item_id] = item if element is not None: self.elements[element] = item_id if not item.parse(element, original=original, files=self.files): self.error = item.error item.accepted = False if parent is None: self.error_tree.append(deepcopy(item.element)) else: # Now parse the components table = item.table components = current.s3db.get_components(table, names=components) cnames = Storage() cinfos = Storage() for alias in components: component = components[alias] pkey = component.pkey if component.linktable: ctable = component.linktable fkey = component.lkey else: ctable = component.table fkey = component.fkey ctablename = ctable._tablename if ctablename in cnames: cnames[ctablename].append(alias) else: cnames[ctablename] = [alias] cinfos[(ctablename, alias)] = Storage(component = component, ctable = ctable, pkey = pkey, fkey = fkey, original = None, uid = None) add_item = self.add_item xml = current.xml for celement in xml.components(element, names=cnames.keys()): # Get the component tablename ctablename = celement.get(, None) if not ctablename: continue # Get the component alias (for disambiguation) calias = celement.get(xml.ATTRIBUTE.alias, None) if calias is None: if ctablename not in cnames: continue aliases = cnames[ctablename] if len(aliases) == 1: calias = aliases[0] else: # ambiguous components *must* use alias continue if (ctablename, calias) not in cinfos: continue else: cinfo = cinfos[(ctablename, calias)] component = cinfo.component original = cinfo.original ctable = cinfo.ctable pkey = cinfo.pkey fkey = cinfo.fkey if not component.multiple: if cinfo.uid is not None: continue if original is None and query = ( == & \ (table[pkey] == ctable[fkey]) original = current.db(query).select(ctable.ALL, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if original: cinfo.uid = uid = original.get(xml.UID, None) celement.set(xml.UID, uid) cinfo.original = original item_id = add_item(element=celement, original=original, parent=item, joinby=(pkey, fkey)) if item_id is None: item.error = self.error self.error_tree.append(deepcopy(item.element)) else: citem = self.items[item_id] citem.parent = item item.components.append(citem) # Handle references table = item.table tree = self.tree if tree is not None: fields = [table[f] for f in table.fields] rfields = filter(s3_has_foreign_key, fields) item.references = self.lookahead(element, table=table, fields=rfields, tree=tree, for reference in item.references: entry = reference.entry if entry and entry.element is not None: item_id = add_item(element=entry.element) if item_id: entry.update(item_id=item_id) # Parent reference if parent is not None: entry = Storage(item_id=parent.item_id, element=parent.element, tablename=parent.tablename) item.references.append(Storage(field=joinby, entry=entry)) return item.item_id # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def lookahead(self, element, table=None, fields=None, tree=None, directory=None): """ Find referenced elements in the tree @param element: the element @param table: the DB table @param fields: the FK fields in the table @param tree: the import tree @param directory: a dictionary to lookup elements in the tree (will be filled in by this function) """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db xml = current.xml import_uid = xml.import_uid ATTRIBUTE = xml.ATTRIBUTE TAG = xml.TAG UID = xml.UID reference_list = [] root = None if tree is not None: if isinstance(tree, etree._Element): root = tree else: root = tree.getroot() references = element.findall("reference") for reference in references: field = reference.get(ATTRIBUTE.field, None) # Ignore references without valid field-attribute if not field or field not in fields: continue # Find the key table multiple = False fieldtype = str(table[field].type) if fieldtype.startswith("reference"): ktablename = fieldtype[10:] elif fieldtype.startswith("list:reference"): ktablename = fieldtype[15:] multiple = True else: # ignore if the field is not a reference type continue try: ktable = s3db[ktablename] except: # Invalid tablename - skip continue tablename = reference.get(ATTRIBUTE.resource, None) # Ignore references to tables without UID field: if UID not in ktable.fields: continue # Fall back to key table name if tablename is not specified: if not tablename: tablename = ktablename # Super-entity references must use the super-key: if tablename != ktablename: field = (, field) # Ignore direct references to super-entities: if tablename == ktablename and != "id": continue # Get the foreign key uids = reference.get(UID, None) attr = UID if not uids: uids = reference.get(ATTRIBUTE.tuid, None) attr = ATTRIBUTE.tuid if uids and multiple: uids = json.loads(uids) elif uids: uids = [uids] # Find the elements and map to DB records relements = [] # Create a UID<->ID map id_map = Storage() if attr == UID and uids: _uids = map(import_uid, uids) query = ktable[UID].belongs(_uids) records = db(query).select(, ktable[UID]) id_map = dict([(r[UID], for r in records]) if not uids: # Anonymous reference: <resource> inside the element expr = './/%s[@%s="%s"]' % (TAG.resource,, tablename) relements = reference.xpath(expr) if relements and not multiple: relements = [relements[0]] elif root is not None: for uid in uids: entry = None # Entry already in directory? if directory is not None: entry = directory.get((tablename, attr, uid), None) if not entry: expr = ".//%s[@%s='%s' and @%s='%s']" % ( TAG.resource,, tablename, attr, uid) e = root.xpath(expr) if e: # Element in the source => append to relements relements.append(e[0]) else: # No element found, see if original record exists _uid = import_uid(uid) if _uid and _uid in id_map: _id = id_map[_uid] entry = Storage(tablename=tablename, element=None, uid=uid, id=_id, item_id=None) reference_list.append(Storage(field=field, entry=entry)) else: continue else: reference_list.append(Storage(field=field, entry=entry)) # Create entries for all newly found elements for relement in relements: uid = relement.get(attr, None) if attr == UID: _uid = import_uid(uid) id = _uid and id_map and id_map.get(_uid, None) or None else: _uid = None id = None entry = Storage(tablename=tablename, element=relement, uid=uid, id=id, item_id=None) # Add entry to directory if uid and directory is not None: directory[(tablename, attr, uid)] = entry # Append the entry to the reference list reference_list.append(Storage(field=field, entry=entry)) return reference_list # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_item(self, row): """ Load an item from the item table (counterpart to add_item when restoring a job from the database) """ item = S3ImportItem(self) if not item.restore(row): self.error = item.error if item.load_parent is None: self.error_tree.append(deepcopy(item.element)) # Update lookup lists item_id = item.item_id self.items[item_id] = item return item_id # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def resolve(self, item_id, import_list): """ Resolve the reference list of an item @param item_id: the import item UID @param import_list: the ordered list of items (UIDs) to import """ item = self.items[item_id] if item.lock or item.accepted is False: return False references = [] for reference in item.references: ritem_id = reference.entry.item_id if ritem_id and ritem_id not in import_list: references.append(ritem_id) for ritem_id in references: item.lock = True if self.resolve(ritem_id, import_list): import_list.append(ritem_id) item.lock = False return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def commit(self, ignore_errors=False): """ Commit the import job to the DB @param ignore_errors: skip any items with errors (does still report the errors) """ ATTRIBUTE = current.xml.ATTRIBUTE # Resolve references import_list = [] for item_id in self.items: self.resolve(item_id, import_list) if item_id not in import_list: import_list.append(item_id) # Commit the items items = self.items count = 0 mtime = None created = [] cappend = created.append updated = [] deleted = [] tablename = self.table._tablename for item_id in import_list: item = items[item_id] error = None success = item.commit(ignore_errors=ignore_errors) error = item.error if error: self.error = error element = item.element if element is not None: if not element.get(ATTRIBUTE.error, False): element.set(ATTRIBUTE.error, str(self.error)) self.error_tree.append(deepcopy(element)) if not ignore_errors: return False elif item.tablename == tablename: count += 1 if mtime is None or item.mtime > mtime: mtime = item.mtime if if item.method == item.METHOD.CREATE: cappend( elif item.method == item.METHOD.UPDATE: updated.append( elif item.method == item.METHOD.DELETE: deleted.append( self.count = count self.mtime = mtime self.created = created self.updated = updated self.deleted = deleted return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __define_tables(self): """ Define the database tables for jobs and items """ self.job_table = self.define_job_table() self.item_table = self.define_item_table() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def define_job_table(cls): db = current.db if cls.JOB_TABLE_NAME not in db: job_table = db.define_table(cls.JOB_TABLE_NAME, Field("job_id", length=128, unique=True, notnull=True), Field("tablename"), Field("timestmp", "datetime", default=datetime.utcnow())) else: job_table = db[cls.JOB_TABLE_NAME] return job_table # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def define_item_table(cls): db = current.db if cls.ITEM_TABLE_NAME not in db: item_table = db.define_table(cls.ITEM_TABLE_NAME, Field("item_id", length=128, unique=True, notnull=True), Field("job_id", length=128), Field("tablename", length=128), #Field("record_id", "integer"), Field("record_uid"), Field("error", "text"), Field("data", "text"), Field("element", "text"), Field("ritems", "list:string"), Field("citems", "list:string"), Field("parent", length=128)) else: item_table = db[cls.ITEM_TABLE_NAME] return item_table # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def store(self): """ Store this job and all its items in the job table """ db = current.db _debug("Storing Job ID=%s" % self.job_id) self.__define_tables() jobtable = self.job_table query = jobtable.job_id == self.job_id row = db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row: record_id = else: record_id = None record = Storage(job_id=self.job_id) try: tablename = self.table._tablename except: pass else: record.update(tablename=tablename) for item in self.items.values(): if record_id: db( == record_id).update(**record) else: record_id = jobtable.insert(**record) _debug("Job record ID=%s" % record_id) return record_id # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_tree(self): """ Reconstruct the element tree of this job """ if self.tree is not None: return tree else: xml = current.xml root = etree.Element(xml.TAG.root) for item in self.items.values(): if item.element is not None and not item.parent: if item.tablename == self.table._tablename or \ item.element.get(xml.UID, None) or \ item.element.get(xml.ATTRIBUTE.tuid, None): root.append(deepcopy(item.element)) return etree.ElementTree(root) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def delete(self): """ Delete this job and all its items from the job table """ db = current.db _debug("Deleting job ID=%s" % self.job_id) self.__define_tables() item_table = self.item_table query = item_table.job_id == self.job_id db(query).delete() job_table = self.job_table query = job_table.job_id == self.job_id db(query).delete() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def restore_references(self): """ Restore the job's reference structure after loading items from the item table """ db = current.db UID = current.xml.UID for item in self.items.values(): for citem_id in item.load_components: if citem_id in self.items: item.components.append(self.items[citem_id]) item.load_components = [] for ritem in item.load_references: field = ritem["field"] if "item_id" in ritem: item_id = ritem["item_id"] if item_id in self.items: _item = self.items[item_id] entry = Storage(tablename=_item.tablename, element=_item.element, uid=_item.uid,, item_id=item_id) item.references.append(Storage(field=field, entry=entry)) else: _id = None uid = ritem.get("uid", None) tablename = ritem.get("tablename", None) if tablename and uid: try: table = current.s3db[tablename] except: continue if UID not in table.fields: continue query = table[UID] == uid row = db(query).select(table._id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row: _id = row[] else: continue entry = Storage(tablename = ritem["tablename"], element=None, uid = ritem["uid"], id = _id, item_id = None) item.references.append(Storage(field=field, entry=entry)) item.load_references = [] if item.load_parent is not None: item.parent = self.items[item.load_parent] item.load_parent = None # END =========================================================================
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import string import urllib try: from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode, urljoin, parse_qsl, urlunparse from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import HTTPError except ImportError: from urlparse import urlparse, urljoin, urlunparse, parse_qsl from urllib import urlencode from urllib2 import urlopen, Request, HTTPError from random import SystemRandom try: UNICODE_ASCII_CHARACTERS = (string.ascii_letters + string.digits) except AttributeError: UNICODE_ASCII_CHARACTERS = (string.ascii_letters.decode('ascii') + string.digits.decode('ascii')) def random_ascii_string(length): random = SystemRandom() return ''.join([random.choice(UNICODE_ASCII_CHARACTERS) for x in range(length)]) def url_query_params(url): """Return query parameters as a dict from the specified URL. :param url: URL. :type url: str :rtype: dict """ return dict(parse_qsl(urlparse(url).query, True)) def url_dequery(url): """Return a URL with the query component removed. :param url: URL to dequery. :type url: str :rtype: str """ url = urlparse(url) return urlunparse((url.scheme, url.netloc, url.path, url.params, '', url.fragment)) def build_url(base, additional_params=None): """Construct a URL based off of base containing all parameters in the query portion of base plus any additional parameters. :param base: Base URL :type base: str ::param additional_params: Additional query parameters to include. :type additional_params: dict :rtype: str """ url = urlparse(base) query_params = {} query_params.update(parse_qsl(url.query, True)) if additional_params is not None: query_params.update(additional_params) for k, v in additional_params.items(): if v is None: query_params.pop(k) return urlunparse((url.scheme, url.netloc, url.path, url.params, urlencode(query_params), url.fragment))
from import * import DistributedCCharBaseAI from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State from direct.fsm import State from direct.task import Task import random from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer import CharStateDatasAI class DistributedGoofySpeedwayAI(DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI): notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedGoofySpeedwayAI') def __init__(self, air): DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.__init__(self, air, TTLocalizer.Goofy) self.fsm = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedGoofySpeedwayAI', [State.State('Off', self.enterOff, self.exitOff, ['Lonely', 'TransitionToCostume', 'Walk']), State.State('Lonely', self.enterLonely, self.exitLonely, ['Chatty', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']), State.State('Chatty', self.enterChatty, self.exitChatty, ['Lonely', 'Walk', 'TransitionToCostume']), State.State('Walk', self.enterWalk, self.exitWalk, ['Lonely', 'Chatty', 'TransitionToCostume']), State.State('TransitionToCostume', self.enterTransitionToCostume, self.exitTransitionToCostume, ['Off'])], 'Off', 'Off') self.fsm.enterInitialState() self.handleHolidays() def delete(self): self.fsm.requestFinalState() DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.delete(self) self.lonelyDoneEvent = None self.lonely = None self.chattyDoneEvent = None self.chatty = None self.walkDoneEvent = None self.walk = None return def generate(self): DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.generate(self) name = self.getName() self.lonelyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-lonely-done') self.lonely = CharStateDatasAI.CharLonelyStateAI(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self) self.chattyDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-chatty-done') self.chatty = CharStateDatasAI.CharChattyStateAI(self.chattyDoneEvent, self) self.walkDoneEvent = self.taskName(name + '-walk-done') if self.diffPath == None: self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(self.walkDoneEvent, self) else: self.walk = CharStateDatasAI.CharWalkStateAI(self.walkDoneEvent, self, self.diffPath) return def walkSpeed(self): return ToontownGlobals.GoofySpeed def start(self): self.fsm.request('Lonely') def __decideNextState(self, doneStatus): if self.transitionToCostume == 1: curWalkNode = self.walk.getDestNode() if simbase.air.holidayManager: if ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES]: simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.HALLOWEEN_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self) self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume') elif ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES]: simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].triggerSwitch(curWalkNode, self) self.fsm.request('TransitionToCostume') else: self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no costume holiday') else: self.notify.warning('transitionToCostume == 1 but no holiday Manager') if doneStatus['state'] == 'lonely' and doneStatus['status'] == 'done': self.fsm.request('Walk') elif doneStatus['state'] == 'chatty' and doneStatus['status'] == 'done': self.fsm.request('Walk') elif doneStatus['state'] == 'walk' and doneStatus['status'] == 'done': if len(self.nearbyAvatars) > 0: self.fsm.request('Chatty') else: self.fsm.request('Lonely') def enterOff(self): pass def exitOff(self): DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.exitOff(self) def enterLonely(self): self.lonely.enter() self.acceptOnce(self.lonelyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState) def exitLonely(self): self.ignore(self.lonelyDoneEvent) self.lonely.exit() def __goForAWalk(self, task): self.notify.debug('going for a walk') self.fsm.request('Walk') return Task.done def enterChatty(self): self.chatty.enter() self.acceptOnce(self.chattyDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState) def exitChatty(self): self.ignore(self.chattyDoneEvent) self.chatty.exit() def enterWalk(self): self.notify.debug('going for a walk') self.walk.enter() self.acceptOnce(self.walkDoneEvent, self.__decideNextState) def exitWalk(self): self.ignore(self.walkDoneEvent) self.walk.exit() def avatarEnterNextState(self): if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 1: if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk': self.fsm.request('Chatty') else: self.notify.debug('avatarEnterNextState: in walk state') else: self.notify.debug('avatarEnterNextState: num avatars: ' + str(len(self.nearbyAvatars))) def avatarExitNextState(self): if len(self.nearbyAvatars) == 0: if self.fsm.getCurrentState().getName() != 'Walk': self.fsm.request('Lonely') def handleHolidays(self): DistributedCCharBaseAI.DistributedCCharBaseAI.handleHolidays(self) if hasattr(simbase.air, 'holidayManager'): if ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES in simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays: if simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES] != None and simbase.air.holidayManager.currentHolidays[ToontownGlobals.APRIL_FOOLS_COSTUMES].getRunningState(): self.diffPath = TTLocalizer.Donald return def getCCLocation(self): if self.diffPath == None: return 1 else: return 0 return def enterTransitionToCostume(self): pass def exitTransitionToCostume(self): pass
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from scrapy.spider import Spider from scrapy.selector import Selector from my_settings import name_file, test_mode, difference_days from datetime import datetime, timedelta print "Run spider NewenglandFilm" file_output = open(name_file, 'a') email_current_session = [] email_in_file = open(name_file, 'r').readlines() if test_mode: current_date = ( - timedelta(days=difference_days)).strftime('%m/%d/%Y') else: current_date ='%m/%d/%Y') class NewenglandFilm(Spider): name = 'newenglandfilm' allowed_domains = [""] start_urls = [""] def parse(self, response): sel = Selector(response) for num_div in xrange(1, 31): date = sel.xpath('//*[@id="mainContent"]/div[{0}]/span/text()'.format(str(num_div))).re('(\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4})')[0] email = sel.xpath('//*[@id="mainContent"]/div[{0}]/div/text()'.format(str(num_div))).re('(\w+@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})') if current_date == date: for address in email: if address + "\n" not in email_in_file and address not in email_current_session: file_output.write(address + "\n") email_current_session.append(address) print "Spider: NewenglandFilm. Email {0} added to file".format(address) else: print "Spider: NewenglandFilm. Email {0} already in the file".format(address)
import base64 try: from functools import wraps except ImportError: from django.utils.functional import wraps # Python 2.3, 2.4 fallback. from django import http, template from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy, ugettext as _ ERROR_MESSAGE = ugettext_lazy("Please enter a correct username and password. Note that both fields are case-sensitive.") LOGIN_FORM_KEY = 'this_is_the_login_form' def _display_login_form(request, error_message=''): request.session.set_test_cookie() return render_to_response('admin/login.html', { 'title': _('Log in'), 'app_path': request.get_full_path(), 'error_message': error_message }, context_instance=template.RequestContext(request)) def staff_member_required(view_func): """ Decorator for views that checks that the user is logged in and is a staff member, displaying the login page if necessary. """ def _checklogin(request, *args, **kwargs): if request.user.is_authenticated() and request.user.is_staff: # The user is valid. Continue to the admin page. return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs) assert hasattr(request, 'session'), "The Django admin requires session middleware to be installed. Edit your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting to insert 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware'." # If this isn't already the login page, display it. if LOGIN_FORM_KEY not in request.POST: if request.POST: message = _("Please log in again, because your session has expired.") else: message = "" return _display_login_form(request, message) # Check that the user accepts cookies. if not request.session.test_cookie_worked(): message = _("Looks like your browser isn't configured to accept cookies. Please enable cookies, reload this page, and try again.") return _display_login_form(request, message) else: request.session.delete_test_cookie() # Check the password. username = request.POST.get('username', None) password = request.POST.get('password', None) user = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if user is None: message = ERROR_MESSAGE if '@' in username: # Mistakenly entered e-mail address instead of username? Look it up. users = list(User.all().filter('email =', username)) if len(users) == 1 and users[0].check_password(password): message = _("Your e-mail address is not your username. Try '%s' instead.") % users[0].username else: # Either we cannot find the user, or if more than 1 # we cannot guess which user is the correct one. message = _("Usernames cannot contain the '@' character.") return _display_login_form(request, message) # The user data is correct; log in the user in and continue. else: if user.is_active and user.is_staff: login(request, user) return http.HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) else: return _display_login_form(request, ERROR_MESSAGE) return wraps(view_func)(_checklogin)
3,535 import sys from PySide import QtGui, QtCore, QtWebKit Signal = QtCore.Signal
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: karthik # @Date: 2016-12-10 21:40:07 # @Last Modified by: chandan # @Last Modified time: 2016-12-11 12:55:27 from models.portfolio import Portfolio from import Company from models.position import Position import tenjin from tenjin.helpers import * import wikipedia import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from data_helpers import * from stock_data import * import BeautifulSoup as bs import urllib2 import re from datetime import date as dt engine = tenjin.Engine(path=['templates']) # info fetch handler def send_info_handler(bot, update, args): args = list(parse_args(args)) if len(args) == 0 or "portfolio" in [arg.lower() for arg in args] : send_portfolio_info(bot, update) else: info_companies = get_companies(args) send_companies_info(bot, update, info_companies) # get portfolio function def send_portfolio_info(bot, update): print "Userid: %d requested portfolio information" %(update.message.chat_id) context = { 'positions': Portfolio.instance.positions, 'wallet_value': Portfolio.instance.wallet_value, } html_str = engine.render('portfolio_info.pyhtml', context) bot.sendMessage(parse_mode="HTML", chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=html_str) # get companies information def send_companies_info(bot, update, companies): print "Userid: requested information for following companies %s" %','.join([ for c in companies]) for company in companies: context = { 'company': company, 'current_price': get_current_price(company), 'description': wikipedia.summary([0], sentences=2) } wiki_page =[0]) html_page = urllib2.urlopen(wiki_page.url) soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(html_page) img_url = 'http:' + soup.find('td', { "class" : "logo" }).find('img')['src'] bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, photo=img_url) html_str = engine.render('company_template.pyhtml', context) bot.sendMessage(parse_mode="HTML", chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=html_str) symbols = [c.symbol for c in companies] if len(symbols) >= 2: symbol_string = ", ".join(symbols[:-1]) + " and " + symbols[-1] else: symbol_string = symbols[0] last_n_days = 10 if len(companies) < 4: create_graph(companies, last_n_days) history_text = ''' Here's the price history for {} for the last {} days '''.format(symbol_string, last_n_days) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=history_text) bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, photo=open("plots/temp.png",'rb')) def create_graph(companies, timedel): fig, ax = plt.subplots() for company in companies: dates, lookback_prices = get_lookback_prices(company, timedel) # dates = [i.strftime('%d/%m') for i in dates] h = ax.plot(dates, lookback_prices, label=company.symbol) ax.legend() plt.xticks(rotation=45) plt.savefig('plots/temp.png')
#!/usr/bin/python from typing import List, Optional """ 16. 3Sum Closest """ def bsearch(nums, left, right, res, i, j, target): while left <= right: middle = (left + right) // 2 candidate = nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[middle] if res is None or abs(candidate - target) < abs(res - target): res = candidate if candidate == target: return res elif candidate > target: right = middle - 1 else: left = middle + 1 return res class Solution: def threeSumClosest(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> Optional[int]: res = None nums = sorted(nums) for i in range(len(nums)): for j in range(i + 1, len(nums)): res = bsearch(nums, j + 1, len(nums) - 1, res, i, j, target) return res def main(): sol = Solution() print(sol.threeSumClosest([-111, -111, 3, 6, 7, 16, 17, 18, 19], 13)) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main())