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According to the media Politico, Hillary Clinton now has 275 million kroner for her election campaign, Donald Trump has only just under nine million kroner to run his election campaign for.
Sambært miðlinum Politico hevur Hillary Clinton nú 275 milliónir krónur til sítt valstríð, Donald Trump hevur bara slakar níggju milliónur krónur at føra valstríð fyri.
Greenland has not claimed the area for family law, and therefore it is the Danish Parliament that decides the case, writes the Greenlandic newspaper.
Grønland hevur ikki heimtikið økið fyri familjurætt, og tí er tað Fólkatingið, sum tekur avgerð í málinum, skrivar grønlendska blaðið.
The Health Care Association has made a new agreement with the Municipal Employers' Association and the Ministry of Finance, which is valid from October last year.
Heilsurøktarafelagið hevur gjørt nýggjan sáttmála við Kommunala arbeiðsgevarafelagið og Fíggjarmálaráðið, sum er galdandi frá oktober í fjør.
But we should think carefully before giving a single group of people a tax break over others.
Men vit eiga at hugsa okkum væl um, áðrenn vit geva einum einstøkum bólki skattalætta framum onnur.
If this does not succeed, Norway should implement countermeasures, for example by imposing a landing ban on Norwegian fish in the Faroe Islands and by suspending the fisheries agreement between Norway and the Faroe Islands.
Eydnast tað ikki, eigur Noreg at seta móttiltøk í verk, til dømis at seta landingarbann fyri norskan fisk í Føroyum, og at seta fiskiveiðiavtaluna millum Noreg og Føroyar úr gildi.
The Economic Council starts by informing the Finance Committee that "the claim that there is a negative correlation between economic fluctuations and economic growth is not correct - or irrelevant".
Búskaparráðið byrjar við at greiða Fíggjarnevndini frá, at "pástandurin um ein negativan samanhang millum konjunktursveiggj og búskaparvøkstur er ikki rættur - ella týdningarleysur".
Analysts are nevertheless not convinced that the new Galaxy S6 phones are enough to grow Samsung's profits again for the rest of this year.
Greinarar eru kortini ikki sannførdir um, at nýggju Galaxy S6 fartelefonirnar eru nóg mikið til at vaksa um avlopið hjá Samsung aftur restina av hesum árinum.
The paradox is that at the election to the Danish Parliament, we Faroese people will be involved in putting together the opposite party from which we will be politically independent.
Tað paradoksala er, at á fólkatingsvalinum skulu vit føroyingar vera við til at seta saman tann mótpartin, sum vit skulu gera okkum politiskt leysar av.
When management asks for a meeting with staff at and then doesn't show up for the meeting, but rather sits behind closed doors, something is wrong.
Tá ið leiðslan biður um fund við starvsfólki klokkan og so ikki møtur til fundin, men heldur sita aftan fyri stongdar dyr, tá er okkurt galið.
Lies not the whole country open to you? Do you understand me! Do you want to go to the left, I'll go to the right, and do you want to go to the right, I'll go to the left.
Liggur ikki alt landið opið fyri tær? Skilst tú heldur við meg! Vilt tú fara til vinstru handar, so fari eg til høgru, og vilt tú fara til høgru handar, so fari eg til vinstru.
The bylaws of the foundation say that the government chooses four members, and they choose one member more.
Viðtøkurnar fyri grunnin siga, at landsstýrið velur fýra limir, og teir velja sær ein lim afturat.
It is also clear that all production plants must have production licenses from the Minister of Industry, and that SEV's network activities must have network licenses from the Minister of Industry.
Tað er eisini greitt, at øll framleiðsluverk skulu hava framleiðsluloyvi frá landsstýrismanninum eins og at netvirksemi hjá SEV skal hava netloyvi frá landsstýrismanninum.
There are examples of people who have been denied entry to the EU because they have reported that they have lost their passport.
Dømi eru soleiðis um persónar, sum hava fingið noktað innferð til ES, tí teir hava fráboðað, at teir hava mist sítt pass burtur.
When he looked around him in all directions, and when he saw that no one was there on the roads, so he killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand.
Tá hugdi hann rundan um seg í allar ættir, og táið hann sá, at eingin var har um vegir, so drap hann Egyptan og gróv hann niður í sandin.
His new fish sales company FAREK takes up too much of his time, so he doesn't have time to get involved in politics.
Nýggja fiskasølufyritøku hansara FAREK fer við ov nógvari tíð, til at stundir eisini eru at fáast við politikk.
Barnabati says that through the Christmas aid applications and in their communication with many of the families, they have gained insight into a daily life that is extremely difficult for the children.
Barnabati sigur, at tey umvegis umsóknirnar um jólahjálp og í samskiftinum við nógvar av familjunum, hava fingið innlit í ein gerandisdag, sum er ógvuliga trupul fyri børnini.
Therefore, it makes no sense to elect a Social Democrat or a Faroese Nationalist to the Danish Parliament if we want this wish to come true.
Tí gevur tað onga meining at velja ein javnaðar ella tjóðveldismann niður á danating, um vit vilja hava hetta ynskið uppfylt.
Margretha Poulsen says that it is certainly not these people who have made the National Hospital unable to keep up with its budget.
Margretha Poulsen sigur, at tað eru í hvussu so er ikki hesi fólkini, sum hava gjørt, at Landssjúkrahúsið ikki klárar at halda játtina.
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen has announced that we can get a system that will be announced to the international community, but this offer Høgni Hoydal will not take, confirms Jóannes Eidesgaard.
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen hevur boðað frá, at vit kunnu fáa eina skipan, sum verður fráboðað altjóða samfelagnum, men hesum tilboðnum vil Høgni Hoydal ikki taka við, staðfestir Jóannes Eidesgaard.
The Minister of Fisheries also intends to review the protection of juvenile fisheries in consultation with the Marine Research Institute and the fishing industry and to take steps to conduct scientific trials on closed fishing grounds.
Landsstýrismaðurin ætlar eisini í samráði við Havstovuna og vinnuna at endurskoða friðingina á ungfiskaleiðum og taka stig til vísindaligar royndir á stongdum leiðum.
Some promise fire and brimstone if they don't get a subsea tunnel tomorrow, and the one who promised them that this was just a question of money, he won the election.
Nøkur lova bál og brand, um tey ikki fáa ein undirsjóvartunnil í morgin, og hann, ið fyrigyklaði teimum, at hetta bert var ein spurningur um peningajáttan, hann vann veljaran.
Saturday the first of three police boats built by Tórshavnar Skipasmiðja for Greenland left the shipyard.
Leygardagin fór tann fyrsti av trimum politibátunum, sum Tórshavnar Skipasmiðja byggir til Grønlands, av bakkastokki.
Óli Breckmann says that he is of course bound by agreements in the coalition, and therefore it is not certain that he votes for, although he has promised his vote to the opposition in principle.
Óli Breckmann sigur, at hann sjálvandi er bundin av avtalum í samgonguni, og tí er ikki vist, at hann atkvøður fyri, hóast hann prinsipielt hevur lovað andstøðuni sína atkvøðu.
ONE is the course of the whole banking affair, and the investigation describes it fully, and what will be the consequences?
EITT er gongdin í øllum bankamálinum, og lýsir kanningin hana til fulnar, og hvørjar verða so avleiðingarnar?
One possibility seems to be that the City Council takes over the hall, which is currently a self-owning institution, and that the City Council in that way is more responsible for the hall.
Ein møguleiki tykist vera, at Býráðið yvirtekur høllina, sum í dag er ein sjálvsognarstovnur, og at býráðið á tann hátt í størri mun stendur fyri høllini.
The mediation office was summoned on the last Tuesday, because then the parties realized that the negotiations, which started in September, had not reached an agreement.
Semingsstovnurin varð boðsendur næst seinasta týsdag, tí tá ásannaðu partarnir, at sáttmálasamráðingarnar, sum byrjaðu september, bóru ikki á mál.
Ester answered: If it pleases the king, I would like the king and Haman to come to the banquet I have prepared for him today.
Ester svaraði:Um tað líkar konginum, vildi eg fegin, at kongurin og Haman í dag høvdu komið í veitslu, sum eg havi gjørt honum til.
Pætur Jørðdal Niclasen lives in Greenland and has joined the Artic Circle Race, even though he has no experience with skiing.
Pætur Jørðdal Niclasen býr í Grønlandi og hevur saman við einum vinmanni meldað seg til Artic Circle Race, hetta hóast hann ikki hevur drúgvar royndir á skíum.
I want to thank the Faroese government for all the people who have taken a strong hold and provided the necessary help in connection with the fire.
Eg vil vegna Føroya landsstýri takka øllum, sum á ymiskan hátt hava tikið eitt rimmar tak og veitt neyðuga hjálp í sambandi við eldsbrunan.
Peaceful in the bond market Short-term bonds have been marked by increased speculation about interest rate increases in Germany.
Friðarligt á lánsbrævamarknaðinum Stuttu lánsbrøvini hava verið merkt av øktum gitingum um rentuhækkingar í Tysklandi.
It's quite extraordinary that we have a Prime Minister who is so bad at understanding a normal newspaper article.
Tað er heilt einastandandi, at vit skulu hava ein løgmann, sum dugir so illa at skilja ein vanligan blaðtekst.
The National Association of Pensioners points out that in the comments on the bill it is made clear that it is possible to discriminate because of age, that is, when people have become pensioners.
Landsfelag pensjónista vísir á, at í viðmerkingunum um lógaruppskotið verður gjørt greitt, at til ber at gera mismun vegna aldur, tað er, tá fólk eru vorðin fólkapensjónistar.
That things have gone more slowly since then is just bad luck, but that's how it went with all our business in the early nineties.
At tað so seinni hevur gingið meira tungt, tað var bara spell, men soleiðis gekst við øllum okkara vinnulívi fyrst í nítiárunum.
The operation of all subsidiaries in TF Holding yielded a profit in the first half of the year, and we are satisfied with that, says Súni Schwartz Jacobsen, CEO.
Raksturin av øllum dótturfeløgunum í TF Holding gav avlop fyrra hálvár, og tað eru vit nøgd við, sigur Súni Schwartz Jacobsen, forstjóri.
When they now let the sacks out, each of the money purses found its way back into the sack, and when they and their father saw the money purses, they were terrified.
Táið teir nú lótu burtur úr sekkjunum, fann hvør pengapung sín í sekkinum, og táið teir og faðir teirra sóu pengapungarnar, fall ræðsla á teir.
It says Barbara Jacobsen, who is a project set in the Immigration Office, and who has worked to receive foreigners in Danish municipalities.
Tað sigur Barbara Jacobsen, sum er verkætlanarsett á Útlendingastovuni, og sum hevur arbeitt við at taka ímóti útlendingum í donskum kommunum.
Most of the questions asked to the upper secondary school directors are related to the teaching of Faroese.
Flestir spurningar, ið settir eru miðnámsskúlaleiðslunum, taka støði í undirvísingini í føroyskum.
The Creamy concert will be in the sports hall in Runavík in February, and if it is sold out for this concert, there may be an extra concert in Runavík the following day.
Konsertin við Creamy verður í ítróttarhøllini í Runavík februar, og um tað skuldi veirð útselt til hesa konsertina, verður møguliga ein eykakonsert í Runavík dagin eftir.
He wouldn't answer directly, because as he says, it is in the first instance the Fire Insurance Company that will compete directly with P/F Trygd.
Tað vildi hann ikki svara beinleiðis uppá, tí sum hann sigur, so er tað í fyrsta umfari Brunatryggingin sum kemur at kappast beinleiðis við P/F Trygd.
But if the Faroese and the people of Vágar on the other hand want the submarine tunnel issue resolved now after an upcoming election, then we are of course ready.
Men vilja føroyingar og vágafólk hinvegin hava málið um undirsjóvartunnilin loyst nú aftan á eitt komandi val, so eru vit sjálvsagt til reiðar.
But even though she chose to take on her father's battle, and it was obvious that it took a lot out of her mentally, she never received any offer of help from the authorities.
Men hóast hon valdi at taka uppgerðina við pápa sín, og at tað var eyðsýnt, at tað kravdi nógv av henni sálarliga, fekk hon ongantíð nakað tilboð um hjálp frá myndugleikunum.
Then He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Be still! Be quiet!" And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
Tá reistist Hann og hótti at vindinum og segði við vatnið:Tig, ver stilt!? Og vindurin datt burtur, og blikalogn varð.
The living creatures I had seen under the God of Israel by the Kebar River were cherubim.
Tað vóru hinar livandi verurnar, ið eg hevði sæð undir Gudi Ísraels við Kebará; eg dugdi at síggja, at tað vóru kerúbar.
The municipality owns its large and self-evident part of the responsibility for us and our circumstances from cradle to grave.
Kommunan eigur jú sín stóra og sjálvsagda part av ábyrgdini fyri okkum og okkara umstøðum úr vøggu í grøv.
The Minister's proposal is one of the steps taken by the Norwegian government against the abuse of alcohol.
Uppskotið hjá ráðharranum er eitt av stigunum í arbeiðinum hjá norsku stjórnini ímóti rúsmisnýtslu.
The University of the Faroe Islands is housed in several small units, which means that the dynamic that makes a higher education institution attractive to students and staff is lacking.
Fróðskaparsetrið húsast í fleiri smáum eindum, sum hava við sær, at tann dynamikkur, sum er við til at gera ein hægri lærustovn lokkandi hjá lesandi og starvsfólki, saknast.
But Isaac said to his son: How could you find it so quickly, my son? He answered: The Lord your God put it in my path.
Men Ísakur segði við son sín:Hvussu kundi tú so skjótt finna nakað, sonur mín? Hann svaraði:Harrin, Guð tín, læt tað vera á vegi mínum.
Even if we get an oil industry, be it large or small, that source is finite, because that resource is not renewable.
Sjálvt um vit fáa eina oljuvinnu, hon veri seg stór ella lítil, so er tann keldan tíðaravmarkað at oysa av, tí tað tilfeingið endurnýggjast ikki.
You must not take ransom for the life of a murderer, if he is condemned to death, he must die.
Tit mugu ikki taka við loysigjaldi fyri lív manndrápara, táið hann er deyðasekur hann skal lata lív.
The Uruguayan Navy heard the distress call and contacted several other cargo ships on the route, and they began searching for Stellar Daisy.
Sjóverjan í Uruguay hoyrdi neyðarkallið, og setti seg í samband við fleiri onnur farmaskip á leiðini, og tey fóru at leita eftir Stellar Daisy.
Right now Egin (name made up) is most excited about going skiing with the school.
Beint nú gleðir Egin (navnið gjørt) seg mest av øllum at sleppa á skíðferð við stovninum.
According to the Swedish constitution, the Speaker of the Riksdag has four options to form a government that will not fall on a vote in the Riksdag.
Eftir svensku grundlógini hevur ríkisdagsformaðurin fýra møguleikar at fáa eina stjórn, sum ikki fellur við eina atkvøðugreiðslu í ríkisdegnum.
And that's a load of rubbish! Somebody has never done anything to challenge the challengers. And don't forget Jan Joensen!
Og hatta er nakað tvætl!kurt hevur ongantíð gjørt seg inn á áskorðarar. Og gloym ikki Jan Joensen !
The Faroese defended mostly inside, made themselves compact and otherwise came out to tackle when the Moldovans approached.
Føroyingar vardu fyri tey mesta inni, gjørdu seg kompaktar og koma annars út at takkla, tá moldovar nærkaðust.
When you get to the village, the mountain people go up to Eystfelli with local people who also show and explain how the work is organized.
Tá komið er til bygdina, gongur fjallfólkið niðan á Eystfelli við staðkendum fólki, sum somuleiðis vísa á og greiða frá um hvussu raksturin verður skipaður.
The bank's profits have increased by another 60 70 million kroner in the last six months.
Seinasta hálva árið er úrslitið hjá bankanum batnað uppaftur meira einar 60 70 milliónir krónur.
The free flow of personal data within the Union shall not be restricted or prohibited for reasons connected with the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.
Den frie udveksling af personoplysninger i Unionen må hverken indskrænkes eller forbydes af grunde, der vedrører beskyttelse af fysiske personer i forbindelse med behandling af personoplysninger.
It is announced that the company is currently working to strengthen the capital base of the company, so that the conditions for the company's activities in the future will be better.
Upplýst verður, at felagið í løtuni arbeiðir við at styrkja kapitalgrundarlagið undir virkinum, soleiðis at fyritreytirnar fyri virkseminum framyvir verða betri.
Everything she lies on while she has her monthly sickness shall be unclean, and everything she sits on shall be unclean.
Alt, ið hon liggur á, meðan hon hevur mánasjúku sína, skal vera óreint, og alt, ið hon situr á, skal vera óreint.
About Karsten Hansen going to present a proposal for tax relief before the wage negotiations or whether it will be something completely different, he can not say in the current situation.
Um Karsten Hansen fer at leggja fram eitt uppskot um skattalætta undan lønarsamráðingunum ella talan verður um nakað heilt annað, dugir hann ikki í verandi støðu at siga.
The Prime Minister touched on this in his speech to the nation, and the City Association's plan also had this as its starting point.
Løgmaður var longu inni á hesum í løgmansrøðuni, og skitsan hjá Býarfelagnum hevði eisini hetta sum útgangsstøði.
The community established by the treaty has not yet begun its work, and no regulations have been implemented.
Enn er felagsskapurin, sum sáttmálin stovnar, ikki farin til verka, og ongar reguleringar eru settar í verk.
Of all that live in the water, you may eat these: Anything that has fins and scales you may eat.
Av øllum tí, sum í vatninum livir, kunnu tit eta hetta: Alt tað, ið hevur fjaðrar og roðslu, kunnu tit eta.
That the project became so expensive compared to what was originally presented, he does not get on his back legs.
At verkætlanin bleiv so dýr í mun til tað, sum upprunaliga bleiv lagt fram, fær hann ikki upp á bakbeinini.
Children with special needs do not receive a subsidy for driving to and from treatments if they are not part of the Almannaverkið scheme.
Børn við serligum tørvi fáa ikki stuðul til koyring til og frá viðgerðum, um tey ikki eru partur av skipanini hjá Almannaverkinum.
But Uffe had no desire to participate in the debate, because the Danish government had already secured a majority in advance from the left wing.
Men Uffe hevði ongan hug at luttaka í orðaskiftinum, tí danska stjórnin hevði longu tryggjað sær meirluta frammanundan frá vinstravonginum.
The bus owner appealed the decision of the traffic authority to require seat belts in the bus just over four years after the traffic authority approved the bus, which did not have the statutory seat belts.
Busseigarin kærdi avgerðina hjá Akstovuni um at krevja trygdarbelti í bussin sløk fýra ár eftir, at Akstovan góðkendi bussin, sum ikki hevði lógarkravdu trygdarbeltini.
It ended up that the Congress decided to set up a committee of independent scientists to evaluate the mercury issue as a whole and to review the studies that have been done in the area.
Tað endaði við, at kongressin gjørdi av at seta eina nevnd av óheftum vísindafólkum at meta um kyksilvurmálið sum heild og at gjøgnumganga tær kanningar, sum eru gjørdar á økinum.
Yesterday, 48 new cases were confirmed, according to the latest figures from the National Medical Officer.
Í gjár vóru 48 nýggir tilburðir staðfestir, vísa nýggjastu tølini hjá landslæknanum.
We need a wake-up call about alcohol, because it's obvious that alcohol is the cause of many health and social problems.
Vit hava brúk fyri einari veking viðvíkjandi alkoholnýtslu, tí tað er eyðsæð, at alkohol er orsøkin til sera nágvar heilsu og sosialar trupulleikar.
Jóannes and Signar Blaðmaður at Sosialurin has an article in the newspaper on Thursday February, where he has met Signar on the Bridge and Jóannes Eidesgaard in the matter.
Jóannes og Signar Blaðmaður á Sosialinum hevur grein í blaðnum hósdagin februar, har hann hevur hitt Signar á Brúnni og Jóannes Eidesgaard á máli.
The Danish Foreign Ministry no longer advises people against traveling to Sharm el Sheikh, and therefore Atlantis Rejser has decided that Atlantic Airways will fly to Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt again.
Danska uttanríkisráðið mælir ikki longur fólki frá at ferðast til Sharm el Sheikh, og tí hevur Atlantis Rejser gjørt av, at Atlantic Airways aftur skal flúgva til Sharm el Sheikh í Egyptalandi.
There have also been several accidents on this particular stretch of road, which is one of the oldest in the country.
Tað eru eisini fleiri óhapp hend á júst hesum vegastrekki, sum er millum tey elstu í landinum.
The reason Tim Severin has artists on his trip is that he uses their pictures and drawings in his books.
Orsøkin til at Tim Severin hevur listamenn við á ferðini er, at hann brúkar myndir og tekningar teirra í bókum sínum.
The swans that live in the British Isles and on the European mainland in the winter, seek out Iceland in the spring, where they nest.
Svanarnir, ið halda til í Bretsku oyggjunum og á evropeiska meginlandinum um veturin, leita sær til Íslands um várið, har teir reiðrast.
When Lian is abroad, she usually buys in bulk, so she doesn't have to have the products sent by mail.
Tá Lian er uttanlands, keypir hon vanliga inn í stórum, so hon sleppur undan at skula fáa vørurnar sendandi við postinum.
A more detailed explanation of the different types of price schemes and structures will be given below.
Nærri frágreiðing um ymisku sløgini av prísskipanum og -bygnaðum verður gjørd niðanfyri.
Get them a statement that everything is well with her, the family is ready to find a solution so she can be released, Svein Holden says.
Fáa tey váttan um, at alt veit væl við hjá henni, er familjan til reiðar at finna eina loysn, so hon kann verða latin leys, sigur Svein Holden.
But the anger of God was kindled because he went, and the angel of the Lord came and stood in the way as he was riding on his donkey, and his two servants were with him.
Men vreiði Guds tendraðist, tí hann fór, og eingil HARRANS kom og stóð á vegnum at forða honum, nú hann kom ríðandi á esli sínum og hevði báðar tænarar sínar við sær.
Then Moses said:Oh no, don't leave us! You know best where we can pitch our tents in the desert; you will be our eyes.
Tá segði Móses:Á nei, far ikki frá okkum! Tú veitst jú best, hvar vit kunnu reisa tjøldini í oyðimørkini; tú skalt vera eyga okkara.
Now the king of Israel went out and took the horses and chariots of war as booty, and brought great spoil from the Arameans.
Nú fór ísraelskongur út og tók bæði hestarnar og vagnarnar sum herfong og vann stóran sigur á Áramearum.
It could mean that parents have to wait for their children for at least two years, and that is a violation of both the constitution and human rights, say those who criticize the plan.
Tað kann hava við sær, at foreldur noyðast at bíða eftir børnunum í minst tvey ár, og tað er brot á bæði grundlógina og mannarættindini, siga tey sum finnast at ætlanini.
The law on child certificate is about preventing people who have previously been convicted of sexual abuse from getting jobs where they come into contact with children.
Lógin um barnaváttan snýr seg um at fyribyrgja, at fólk, sum áður eru dømd fyri at hava framt kynsligan ágang skulu sleppa at fáa starv, har tey koma í samband við børn.
French EU Commissioner Thierry Breton has urged Netflix to lower its quality, because streaming services put a lot of pressure on the telecommunications networks.
Franski ES kommisserurin, Thierry Breton, hevur heitt á Netflix um at seta góðskuna niður, tí stroymingtænastur seta stór krøv til fjarskiftisnetini.
Pensioners who were not on the wage supplement scheme when it was in force the first time, cannot join it now that it comes into force again from July.
Fólkapensjónistar, sum ikki vóru á lønarískoytisskipanini, tá hon var í gildi fyrru ferðina, kunnu ikki koma upp í hana nú, hon kemur í gildi aftur frá juli at rokna.
The representative shall be established in one of the Member States where the data subjects whose personal data are processed in connection with the offering of goods or services to them or whose behaviour is monitored are.
Repræsentanten skal være etableret i en af de medlemsstater, hvor de registrerede, hvis personoplysninger behandles i forbindelse med udbud af varer eller tjenesteydelser til dem, eller hvis adfærd overvåges, er.
People with autism spectrum disorders and people with intellectual disabilities experience that help and support are linked to whether one has been diagnosed with a disease.
Persónar, sum hava autismuspektrumórógv og persónar, sum eru menningartarnaðir, uppliva, at hjálp og stuðul eru tengd at, um ein er blivin sjúkugreinaður.
So I could also have thought of asking the parliament how often a Danish Prime Minister has been at the airport in Kastrup to receive the Faroese Prime Minister.
So kundi eg eisini hugsað mær at spurt tingið, hvussu ofta ein danskur forsætisráðharri hevur verið úti á flogvøllinum í Kastrup og tikið ímóti Føroya løgmanni.
This means that the number of new and younger teachers is not large enough to stop this trend.
Hetta vil so aftur siga, at talið av nýggjum og yngri lærarum er ikki nóg stórt, til tess at steðga hesi gongdini.
Jákup Mikkelsen and Jørgen Niclasen agree to the privatisation of P f Posta, although the Minister's plans for the sale process seem too restrictive.
Jákup Mikkelsen og Jørgen Niclasen taka undir við at einskilja P f Posta, tó at ætlanir landsstýrismansins um sølutilgongd tykjast vera ov avmarkandi.
But come now and bet with my lord, the king of Assyria: I'll give you horses if you can bring men to ride them!
Men kom nú og vedda við harra mín, kongin í Assýria: Eg skal lata teg fáa hestar, um tú kanst koma við monnum at ríða á teimum!
Artists have always been known to be poor financially, for the simple reason that art is just something that is there.
Listafólk hava altíð havt orð fyri at vera illa fyri fíggjarliga, av tí einføldu orsøk, at list er bara nakað, sum er har.
What makes salt have the quality it has is that it is never washed, like other types of salt are.
Tað sum ger at saltið hevur tað dygd sum tað hevur, er at tað verður ongantíð vaska, sum onnur sløg av saltið verða.
This time we hear well-known standards from the album Chet Baker sings, It Could happen To You, which was released in Baker became a true world star as a jazz singer with this album.
Hesa ferð hoyra vit kendar standardar av plátuni Chet Baker sings, It Could happen To You, sum kom út í Baker bleiv ein sonn heimsstjørna sum jazz sangari við hesari plátuni.
There was an unusually long debate in the parliament yesterday before the bill to change the radio and television committees were passed.
Tað gjørdist eitt óvanliga drúgvt orðaskifti í tinginum í gjár áðrenn lógaruppskotið um at broyta útvarps- og sjónvarpsnevndirnar vórðu samtyktar.
This was a solution we had to accept in order to get money to build institutions, says Elin Lindenskov, who sits in the city council for the Social Democratic Party.
Hetta var ein neyðloysn, sum vit máttu taka undir við fyri at fáa pengar til at byggja stovnar, sigur Elin Lindenskov, sum situr í býráðnum fyri Javnaðarflokkin.
The great interest and increased activity in the area has meant that the risk of military disagreements between the coastal countries in the Arctic Ocean was regularly on the agenda a few years ago.
Stóri áhugin og økta virksemið á økinum hevur havt við sær, at vandin fyri hernaðarligum ósemjum mill um strandarlondini í íshavinum javnan var á breddanum fyri nøkrum árum síðani .
The Conservatives are expected to win, but the active election campaign of Jeremy Corbyn could make Theresa May not get the solid majority in the national parliament that she saw in April.
Teir konservativu fara væntandi at vinna, men aktiva valstríðið hjá Jeremy Corbyn kann fara at gera, at Theresa May ikki fær tann trivaliga meirilutan í tjóðartinginum, sum hon sá fyri sær í apríl mánaða.
Maybe it will be the home court that will play a decisive role on Sunday when Stjarnan and Neistin go to the court in KÍ hall.
Kanska verður tað heimavøllurin, ið fer at hava avgerandi leiklut sunnudagin tá Stjørnan og Neistin fara á vøllin í KÍ høllini.
According to the interim guidelines from the EU committee, the second stage of the process can begin when sufficient progress has been made in the first stage.
Sambært fyribils leiðreglum frá ES nevndini, kann seinna stigið í tilgongdini byrja, tá nóg stór framstig eru gjørd á fyrsta stigi.