DIGIT eight nine nine four o eight nine nine four o 1
MONEY one hundred eighty nine pounds and ninety eight pence £189.98 1
MONEY one hundred eighty nine pounds and ninety eight pence one hundred eighty nine pounds and ninety eight pence 1
TELEPHONE nine three six twofour three eight four seventwo 9362 43847-2 1
TELEPHONE nine three six twofour three eight four seventwo nine three six twofour three eight four seventwo 1
MONEY four hundred forty seven pounds and thirty eight pence £447.38 1
MONEY four hundred forty seven pounds and thirty eight pence four hundred forty seven pounds and thirty eight pence 1
MONEY five hundred six pounds and ninety four pence £506.94 1
MONEY five hundred six pounds and ninety four pence five hundred six pounds and ninety four pence 1
ELECTRONIC v e r i t a s e r u m dot c o m c a g l e veritaserum.comcagle 1
ELECTRONIC v e r i t a s e r u m dot c o m c a g l e v e r i t a s e r u m dot c o m c a g l e 1
CARDINAL twenty two million eight hundred forty one thousand two hundred three 22841203 1
CARDINAL twenty two million eight hundred forty one thousand two hundred three twenty two million eight hundred forty one thousand two hundred three 1
FRACTION forty four thousand ten sixteenths 44 010/16 1
FRACTION forty four thousand ten sixteenths forty four thousand ten sixteenths 1
MEASURE nine hundred forty eight per square kilometers 948/km² 1
MEASURE nine hundred forty eight per square kilometers nine hundred forty eight per square kilometers 1
LETTERS a i p c's aipc's 1
LETTERS a i p c's a i p c's 1
DIGIT six o four six 6046 1
DIGIT six o four six six o four six 1
FRACTION thirty three hundred forty fifths 30/345 1
FRACTION thirty three hundred forty fifths thirty three hundred forty fifths 1
LETTERS d h o n t dhont 1
LETTERS d h o n t d h o n t 1
LETTERS w a e p e n a e r t waepenaert 1
LETTERS w a e p e n a e r t w a e p e n a e r t 1
LETTERS a t r f m atrfm 1
LETTERS a t r f m a t r f m 1
FRACTION four hundred sixty five four hundred eighty ninths 465/489 1
FRACTION four hundred sixty five four hundred eighty ninths four hundred sixty five four hundred eighty ninths 1
CARDINAL one million one hundred eighty one thousand one hundred 1,181,100 1
CARDINAL one million one hundred eighty one thousand one hundred one million one hundred eighty one thousand one hundred 1
CARDINAL forty one thousand nine hundred five 41905 1
CARDINAL forty one thousand nine hundred five forty one thousand nine hundred five 1
MEASURE one hundred forty five per square kilometers 145/km² 1
MEASURE one hundred forty five per square kilometers one hundred forty five per square kilometers 1
DATE thursday october twelfth nineteen forty four thursday, october 12, 1944 1
DATE thursday october twelfth nineteen forty four thursday october twelfth nineteen forty four 1
DATE the seventh of december eight eighty one 7 december 881 1
DATE the seventh of december eight eighty one the seventh of december eight eighty one 1
TELEPHONE onefive eight three nine onetwo four oone 1-58391-240-1 1
TELEPHONE onefive eight three nine onetwo four oone onefive eight three nine onetwo four oone 1
MONEY one million one hundred eighty one thousand six hundred thirty one dollars $1,181,631 1
MONEY one million one hundred eighty one thousand six hundred thirty one dollars one million one hundred eighty one thousand six hundred thirty one dollars 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eighteight sixnine o five six five ninetwofour 978-86-905659-2-4 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eighteight sixnine o five six five ninetwofour nine seven eighteight sixnine o five six five ninetwofour 1
TELEPHONE three o sixone nine eight oa m c 306 - 1980 amc 1
TELEPHONE three o sixone nine eight oa m c three o sixone nine eight oa m c 1
ADDRESS u s four million one hundred forty thousand five hundred eighty nine us 4140589 1
ADDRESS u s four million one hundred forty thousand five hundred eighty nine u s four million one hundred forty thousand five hundred eighty nine 1
ELECTRONIC i m d b dot c o m a n t imdb.comant 1
ELECTRONIC i m d b dot c o m a n t i m d b dot c o m a n t 1
VERBATIM s z r c szrc 1
VERBATIM s z r c s z r c 1
MEASURE two point four eight pounds 2.48 lb 1
MEASURE two point four eight pounds two point four eight pounds 1
MEASURE one point one two four kilograms 1.124 kg 1
MEASURE one point one two four kilograms one point one two four kilograms 1
MONEY two hundred thirty three point three million united states dollars usd233.3 million 1
MONEY two hundred thirty three point three million united states dollars two hundred thirty three point three million united states dollars 1
LETTERS i v s y s ivsys 1
LETTERS i v s y s i v s y s 1
TELEPHONE eight hundrednine three onetwo two three seven 800-931-2237 1
TELEPHONE eight hundrednine three onetwo two three seven eight hundrednine three onetwo two three seven 1
LETTERS a z o p a r d o azopardo 1
LETTERS a z o p a r d o a z o p a r d o 1
CARDINAL eight hundred thirty two thousand nine 832009 1
CARDINAL eight hundred thirty two thousand nine eight hundred thirty two thousand nine 1
ELECTRONIC s p o r t s t v t w e n t y f o u r dot n e t sportstv24.net 1
ELECTRONIC s p o r t s t v t w e n t y f o u r dot n e t s p o r t s t v t w e n t y f o u r dot n e t 1
ELECTRONIC l i v e t v t w e n t y f o u r dot u s livetv24.us 1
ELECTRONIC l i v e t v t w e n t y f o u r dot u s l i v e t v t w e n t y f o u r dot u s 1
MEASURE one hundred twenty point nine kilometers 120.9 km 1
MEASURE one hundred twenty point nine kilometers one hundred twenty point nine kilometers 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eighto one two four o eight o eight two nine 978-0124080829 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eighto one two four o eight o eight two nine nine seven eighto one two four o eight o eight two nine 1
DIGIT one one o two o o three 1102003 1
DIGIT one one o two o o three one one o two o o three 1
ELECTRONIC e u n d e r s c o r e a dot s o n a t a dot o t w o e_a.sonata.02 1
ELECTRONIC e u n d e r s c o r e a dot s o n a t a dot o t w o e u n d e r s c o r e a dot s o n a t a dot o t w o 1
DECIMAL minus three point three six eight -3.368 1
DECIMAL minus three point three six eight minus three point three six eight 1
DECIMAL one point three three six eight 1.3368 1
DECIMAL one point three three six eight one point three three six eight 1
ELECTRONIC m m a w e e k l y dot c o m t w e n t y t h i r t e e n mmaweekly.com2013 1
ELECTRONIC m m a w e e k l y dot c o m t w e n t y t h i r t e e n m m a w e e k l y dot c o m t w e n t y t h i r t e e n 1
LETTERS v u a g n i a u x vuagniaux 1
LETTERS v u a g n i a u x v u a g n i a u x 1
FRACTION five hundred forty one five hundred forty seconds 541/542 1
FRACTION five hundred forty one five hundred forty seconds five hundred forty one five hundred forty seconds 1
LETTERS t s u j i i tsujii 1
LETTERS t s u j i i t s u j i i 1
CARDINAL eight billion eight hundred fifty six million eight hundred forty five thousand forty 8856845040 1
CARDINAL eight billion eight hundred fifty six million eight hundred forty five thousand forty eight billion eight hundred fifty six million eight hundred forty five thousand forty 1
FRACTION eleven one thousand six hundred eighty sixths 11/1686 1
FRACTION eleven one thousand six hundred eighty sixths eleven one thousand six hundred eighty sixths 1
DECIMAL one thousand nine hundred point four seven 1900.47 1
DECIMAL one thousand nine hundred point four seven one thousand nine hundred point four seven 1
VERBATIM dot t w o dot o n e f o u r a .2.14a 1