TELEPHONE nine seven eightonine six four nine three three eightofour nine seven eightonine six four nine three three eightofour 1
FRACTION one thousand eight hundred fifteen sixths 1815/6 1
FRACTION one thousand eight hundred fifteen sixths one thousand eight hundred fifteen sixths 1
ELECTRONIC w w w dot g a g e b o o k s dot c o m www.gagebooks.com 1
ELECTRONIC w w w dot g a g e b o o k s dot c o m w w w dot g a g e b o o k s dot c o m 1
DATE thursday march eighteenth nineteen eighty two thursday, march 18, 1982 1
DATE thursday march eighteenth nineteen eighty two thursday march eighteenth nineteen eighty two 1
LETTERS n o r t h w e s t northwest 1
LETTERS n o r t h w e s t n o r t h w e s t 1
MONEY thirty four thousand six hundred twenty two dollars $34,622 1
MONEY thirty four thousand six hundred twenty two dollars thirty four thousand six hundred twenty two dollars 1
CARDINAL nine trillion seven hundred eighty billion seven hundred seventy three million five hundred seventeen thousand eight hundred thirteen 9780773517813 1
CARDINAL nine trillion seven hundred eighty billion seven hundred seventy three million five hundred seventeen thousand eight hundred thirteen nine trillion seven hundred eighty billion seven hundred seventy three million five hundred seventeen thousand eight hundred thirteen 1
ELECTRONIC w o r l d s t a t e s m e n dot c o m p u b l i t e c worldstatesmen.compublitec 1
ELECTRONIC w o r l d s t a t e s m e n dot c o m p u b l i t e c w o r l d s t a t e s m e n dot c o m p u b l i t e c 1
ELECTRONIC j e f f r e y d e a v e r dot c o m jeffreydeaver.com 1
ELECTRONIC j e f f r e y d e a v e r dot c o m j e f f r e y d e a v e r dot c o m 1
TELEPHONE oneeight eight six seven four fiveo sixfour 1-886745-06-4 1
TELEPHONE oneeight eight six seven four fiveo sixfour oneeight eight six seven four fiveo sixfour 1
MONEY thirteen point nine thousand dollars $13.9 thousand 1
MONEY thirteen point nine thousand dollars thirteen point nine thousand dollars 1
MONEY fifteen dollars and fifty six cents $15.56 1
MONEY fifteen dollars and fifty six cents fifteen dollars and fifty six cents 1
MONEY nineteen dollars and forty five cents $19.45 1
MONEY nineteen dollars and forty five cents nineteen dollars and forty five cents 1
ELECTRONIC p a k i s t a n dot t v pakistan.tv 1
ELECTRONIC p a k i s t a n dot t v p a k i s t a n dot t v 1
LETTERS n s s e a nssea 1
LETTERS n s s e a n s s e a 1
TELEPHONE onefive six three one sixo o ninenine 1-56316-009-9 1
TELEPHONE onefive six three one sixo o ninenine onefive six three one sixo o ninenine 1
TELEPHONE ofive one sevenseven o three nine threenine 0-517-70393-9 1
TELEPHONE ofive one sevenseven o three nine threenine ofive one sevenseven o three nine threenine 1
CARDINAL twenty million seventy thousand two hundred nine 20070209 1
CARDINAL twenty million seventy thousand two hundred nine twenty million seventy thousand two hundred nine 1
CARDINAL four million one hundred twenty eight thousand six hundred fifty eight 4128658 1
CARDINAL four million one hundred twenty eight thousand six hundred fifty eight four million one hundred twenty eight thousand six hundred fifty eight 1
TELEPHONE four one fourf z 414-fz 1
TELEPHONE four one fourf z four one fourf z 1
DATE the sixth of september sixteen sixty two 6 september 1662 1
DATE the sixth of september sixteen sixty two the sixth of september sixteen sixty two 1
DATE the tenth of may sixteen eighty seven 10 may 1687 1
DATE the tenth of may sixteen eighty seven the tenth of may sixteen eighty seven 1
MONEY ninety thousand six hundred sixty six dollars $90,666 1
MONEY ninety thousand six hundred sixty six dollars ninety thousand six hundred sixty six dollars 1
DATE the twenty first of april seventeen sixty eight 21 april 1768 1
DATE the twenty first of april seventeen sixty eight the twenty first of april seventeen sixty eight 1
TIME three minutes fifty six seconds and fifty four milliseconds 3:56.54 1
TIME three minutes fifty six seconds and fifty four milliseconds three minutes fifty six seconds and fifty four milliseconds 1
LETTERS p r o p n a m e propname 1
LETTERS p r o p n a m e p r o p n a m e 1
DATE the second of december sixteen sixty eight 2 december 1668 1
DATE the second of december sixteen sixty eight the second of december sixteen sixty eight 1
LETTERS c q l's cql's 1
LETTERS c q l's c q l's 1
TELEPHONE oeight nine three five seventwo three twotwo 0-89357-232-2 1
TELEPHONE oeight nine three five seventwo three twotwo oeight nine three five seventwo three twotwo 1
CARDINAL forty five thousand three hundred four 45,304 1
CARDINAL forty five thousand three hundred four forty five thousand three hundred four 1
LETTERS j p n u r a q s jpnuraqs 1
LETTERS j p n u r a q s j p n u r a q s 1
CARDINAL fifty thousand one hundred thirty two 50,132 1
CARDINAL fifty thousand one hundred thirty two fifty thousand one hundred thirty two 1
DECIMAL two thousand one hundred ninety nine point nine 2,199.9 1
DECIMAL two thousand one hundred ninety nine point nine two thousand one hundred ninety nine point nine 1
DATE the fifth of september eleven twenty eight 5 september 1128 1
DATE the fifth of september eleven twenty eight the fifth of september eleven twenty eight 1
CARDINAL one hundred thirty seven thousand forty 137040 1
CARDINAL one hundred thirty seven thousand forty one hundred thirty seven thousand forty 1
TELEPHONE three foureight oneone one o 34 81-110 1
TELEPHONE three foureight oneone one o three foureight oneone one o 1
ELECTRONIC f a m i l i e s l i k e m i n e dot c o m familieslikemine.com 1
ELECTRONIC f a m i l i e s l i k e m i n e dot c o m f a m i l i e s l i k e m i n e dot c o m 1
DECIMAL point two one o three .2103 1
DECIMAL point two one o three point two one o three 1
TIME eight twenty one a m n z d t 8:21 a.m. nzdt 1
TIME eight twenty one a m n z d t eight twenty one a m n z d t 1
MONEY ten million three hundred ninety nine thousand two hundred eighty four dollars $10,399,284 1
MONEY ten million three hundred ninety nine thousand two hundred eighty four dollars ten million three hundred ninety nine thousand two hundred eighty four dollars 1
TELEPHONE three five oone four five o 350-1450 1
TELEPHONE three five oone four five o three five oone four five o 1
ELECTRONIC r e l i g i o n w r i t e r s dot c o m religionwriters.com 1
ELECTRONIC r e l i g i o n w r i t e r s dot c o m r e l i g i o n w r i t e r s dot c o m 1
MEASURE one cubic hecto meter 1 hm3 1
MEASURE one cubic hecto meter one cubic hecto meter 1
ELECTRONIC y o u d a s h f m dot d e you-fm.de 1
ELECTRONIC y o u d a s h f m dot d e y o u d a s h f m dot d e 1
DATE the sixth of june seventeen forty five 6 june 1745 1
DATE the sixth of june seventeen forty five the sixth of june seventeen forty five 1
DECIMAL twenty three point one o eight 23.108 1
DECIMAL twenty three point one o eight twenty three point one o eight 1
LETTERS g y e e d a gyeeda 1
LETTERS g y e e d a g y e e d a 1
LETTERS n y o c nyoc 1
LETTERS n y o c n y o c 1
DECIMAL two thousand ten point o o four 2010.004 1
DECIMAL two thousand ten point o o four two thousand ten point o o four 1
ELECTRONIC s p d d a s h b e r l i n dot d e spd-berlin.de 1
ELECTRONIC s p d d a s h b e r l i n dot d e s p d d a s h b e r l i n dot d e 1
TELEPHONE one one two one one eight nine oneone three two four two 11211891-13242 1