This dataset can be found on Kaggle, Huggingface and many other websites, but the source is from the research paper [Tiago], whose authors contributed it to the Machine Learning repository at [UCI]. It contains 5,574 SMS messages, of which 747 massages are labeled as spam. By nature, the messages are short and, in some cases, quite cryptic and personal. The CSV file is a straightforward representation of the data. **References** **[UCI]** **[Tiago]** Tiago A. Almeida, José María G. Hidalgo, and Akebo Yamakami. 2011. Contributions to the study of SMS spam filtering: new collection and results. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM symposium on Document engineering (DocEng '11). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 259–262.