import praw import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime, timezone from textblob import TextBlob import csv import time # Replace these with your own values client_id = '' client_secret = '' user_agent = '' # Create a Reddit instance reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, user_agent=user_agent ) # Create a list of subreddits to collect data from subreddits = ["climate", "energy","renewableenergy","climatechange","climateactionplan","environment","sustainability","zerowaste"] data = [] # Example of an enhanced backoff strategy def process_request(): retry_count = 0 max_retries = 5 # You can adjust this based on your needs while retry_count < max_retries: try: # Iterate over each subreddit in the subreddits list for subreddit_name in subreddits: # Choose the subreddit you want to interact with subreddit = reddit.subreddit(subreddit_name) # Get the top 100 posts in the subreddit top_posts = count = 0 # Iterate over each post in the top_posts list for post in top_posts: count += 1 print(count) # Get the title of the post post_id = if hasattr(post, 'post_hint') and post.post_hint == 'image': image_url = post.url else: image_url = "" for comment in post.comments[:len(list(post.comments))-1]: # Get the body of the comment comment_body = comment.body # Get the number of upvotes for the comment upvotes = comment.score for reply in comment.replies[:len(list(comment.replies))-1]: data_dict = { "Subreddit": subreddit_name, "Post Title": post.title, "Post ID":, "Post Author":, "Post Body": post.selftext, "Post Url": post.url, "Post Pic": image_url, "Post Timestamp": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(post.created_utc), "Post Upvotes": post.score, "Post Permalink": post.permalink, "Comment ID":, "Comment Author": if else 'N/A', "Comment Body": comment_body, "Comment Timestamp": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(comment.created_utc), "Comment Upvotes": upvotes, "Comment Permalink": comment.permalink, "Reply ID":, "Reply Author":, "Reply Body": reply.body, "Reply Timestamp": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(reply.created_utc), "Reply Upvotes": reply.score, "Reply Permalink": reply.permalink } data.append(data_dict) print(data_dict) except praw.exceptions.RedditAPIException as e: if 'ratelimit' in str(e).lower(): # If a rate limit error is encountered, wait and then retry retry_count += 1 wait_time = 2 ** retry_count # Exponential backoff print(f"Rate limit exceeded. Waiting {wait_time} seconds and retrying...") time.sleep(wait_time) else: # Handle other API exceptions if needed print(f"Error: {e}") # If a rate limit error is encountered, wait and then retry retry_count += 1 wait_time = 2 ** retry_count # Exponential backoff print(f"Rate limit exceeded. Waiting {wait_time} seconds and retrying...") time.sleep(wait_time) else: # If the request was successful, break out of the loop break else: # If max_retries is reached, consider logging an error or taking appropriate action print("Max retries reached. Consider adjusting your backoff strategy or rate limits.") process_request()