import csv import pandas as pd class CSVtoJSONTransformer: def __init__(self, csv_reader): self.csv_reader = csv_reader def transform_to_json(self): next(self.csv_reader) # Skip header if present df = pd.DataFrame(self.csv_reader) # Convert csv_reader to DataFrame df["Author"] = df["Author"].replace({pd.NA: None}) df["Comment Body"] = df["Comment Body"].replace({pd.NA: None}) transformed_data = [] # Group the DataFrame by the 'Subreddit' column grouped_df = df.groupby('Subreddit') for subreddit, group in grouped_df: subreddit_data = { "Subreddit": subreddit, "Posts": [] } # Dictionary to keep track of post titles and their corresponding post IDs post_title_to_id = {} for index, row in group.iterrows(): post_title = row['Post Title'] comment_body = row['Comment Body'] timestamp = row['Timestamp'] upvotes = row['Upvotes'] ID = row['ID'] author = row['Author'] replies = row['Number of Replies'] # Check if the post title already exists under the subreddit if post_title in post_title_to_id: post_id = post_title_to_id[post_title] # Append comment to existing post for post in subreddit_data["Posts"]: if post['PostID'] == post_id: post['Comments'].append({ "CommentID": ID, "Author": author, "CommentBody": comment_body, "Timestamp": timestamp, "Upvotes": upvotes, "NumberofReplies": replies }) break else: # If the post title does not exist, create a new entry post_id = len(subreddit_data["Posts"]) + 1 post_title_to_id[post_title] = post_id subreddit_data["Posts"].append({ "PostID": post_id, "PostTitle": post_title, "Comments": [{ "CommentID": ID, "Author": author, "CommentBody": comment_body, "Timestamp": timestamp, "Upvotes": upvotes, "NumberofReplies": replies }] }) transformed_data.append(subreddit_data) return transformed_data