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{"question": "How many parameters will be required to be estimated in total for all equations of a standard form, unrestricted, tri-variate VAR(4), ignoring the intercepts?", "options": ["12", "4", "3", "36"], "answer": "D"}
{"question": "Which of the following statements concerning the regression population and sample is FALSE?", "options": ["The population is the total collection of all items of interest", "The population can be infinite", "In theory, the sample could be larger than the population", "A random sample is one where each individual item from the population is equally likely to be drawn."], "answer": "C"}
{"question": "Which of the following are plausible approaches to dealing with a model that exhibits heteroscedasticity?\n\ni) Take logarithms of each of the variables\n\nii) Use suitably modified standard errors\n\niii) Use a generalised least squares procedure\n\niv) Add lagged values of the variables to the regression equation.", "options": ["(ii) and (iv) only", "(i) and (iii) only", "(i), (ii), and (iii) only", "(i), (ii), (iii), and (iv)"], "answer": "C"}
{"question": "Suppose that the value of $R^2$ for an estimated regression model is exactly zero. Which of the following are true?\n\ni) All coefficient estimates on the slopes will be zero\n\nii) The fitted line will be horizontal with respect to all of the explanatory variables\n\niii) The regression line has not explained any of the variability of y about its mean value\n\niv) The intercept coefficient estimate must be zero.", "options": ["(ii) and (iv) only", "(i) and (iii) only", "(i), (ii), and (iii) only", "(i), (ii), (iii), and (iv)"], "answer": "C"}
{"question": "Under which of the following situations would bootstrapping be preferred to pure simulation?\n\ni) If it is desired that the distributional properties of the data in the experiment\n\nare the same as those of some actual data\n\n\nii) If it is desired that the distributional properties of the data in the experiment\n\nare known exactly\n\n\niii) If the distributional properties of the actual data are unknown\n\n\niv) If the sample of actual data available is very small", "options": ["(ii) and (iv) only", "(i) and (iii) only", "(i), (ii), and (iv) only", "(i), (ii), (iii), and (iv)"], "answer": "B"}
{"question": "Suppose that the following regression is estimated using 27 quarterly observations:\n\n$y_t = \\beta_1 + \\beta_2 x_2 + \\beta_3 x_{3t} + u_t$\n\nWhat is the appropriate critical value for a 2-sided 5% size of test of $H_0: \\beta_3 = 1$?", "options": ["1.64", "1.71", "2.06", "1.96"], "answer": "C"}