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{"inputs": "Translate to Finnish:\n\nMr President, perhaps you will forgive me.", "targets": "Arvoisa puhemies, antanette minulle anteeksi."}
{"inputs": "Valiokunta oli t\u00e4st\u00e4 asiasta h\u00e4mmentynyt ja yll\u00e4ttynyt, ja hylk\u00e4si siksi tarkistukseni.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The committee was disconcerted, surprised, confused by this, and therefore rejected my amendment."}
{"inputs": "Both parties in the region must be aware that they are pursuing a policy that is not only causing their peoples serious harm, but increasingly also causing problems for the whole international community and endangering peace in general \u2013 as this is not just a localised conflict.\n\nTranslate to Finnish", "targets": "Alueen molempien osapuolten on tiedostettava tavoittelevansa politiikkaa, joka ei ole haitallinen ainoastaan niiden omille kansoille. Se synnytt\u00e4\u00e4 ongelmia koko kansainv\u00e4lisen yhteis\u00f6n kannalta ja vaarantaa yleisen rauhan, sill\u00e4 kriisitilanteet eiv\u00e4t vaikuta ainoastaan paikallisesti."}
{"inputs": "Muutamat parlamentin j\u00e4senet viittasivat jo puheenvuoroissaan siihen, miten k\u00f6yhyys ja syrj\u00e4ytyminen nyky\u00e4\u00e4n m\u00e4\u00e4ritell\u00e4\u00e4n. Unionissa esiintyv\u00e4 k\u00f6yhyys on luonnollisesti hyvin erilaista kuin kehitysmaissa: Euroopassa k\u00f6yhyys on suhteellista.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Finnish"}
{"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Finnish:\nMr President, I recently attended a debate at a school in Germany.", "targets": "Arvoisa puhemies, osallistuin \u00e4skett\u00e4in er\u00e4\u00e4ss\u00e4 saksalaiskoulussa j\u00e4rjestettyyn keskustelutilaisuuteen."}
{"inputs": "Kannatan j\u00e4sen Dumitriun mietint\u00f6\u00e4 ja pid\u00e4n my\u00f6nteisen\u00e4 sit\u00e4, ett\u00e4 viiniala on otettu mukaan t\u00e4m\u00e4n ehdotuksen soveltamisalaan.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Finnish"}
{"inputs": "Translate to Finnish:\n\nThe next item is voting time.", "targets": "(IT) Esityslistalla ovat seuraavana \u00e4\u00e4nestykset."}
{"inputs": "Toiseksi, mit\u00e4 valvontatoimenpiteit\u00e4 on k\u00e4yt\u00f6ss\u00e4 sen varmistamiseksi, ett\u00e4 turvallisuusvaatimukset t\u00e4ytet\u00e4\u00e4n t\u00e4ysim\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4isesti?\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Secondly, what control measures are in place to ensure that safety requirements are fully met?"}
{"inputs": "Uuden hallituksen on oltava rohkea ja kekseli\u00e4s. Huonojen valintojen tekemisen vaara on yh\u00e4 todellinen.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The new government must be courageous and imaginative, even though there is a real risk of making the wrong choices."}
{"inputs": "(EN) (puhetta ei kuulu, koska mikrofoni ei ole p\u00e4\u00e4ll\u00e4) ...kysymyksen esitt\u00e4neell\u00e4 henkil\u00f6ll\u00e4 on oikeus vastata.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "(opening words inaudible as microphone switched off) ... the person who asked the question has the right to respond."}
{"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Finnish:\nIrish Free State", "targets": "Irlannin vapaavaltio"}
{"inputs": "Haluamme suojeluvaatimuksia paitsi kuluttajien luottamuksen lis\u00e4\u00e4miseksi s\u00e4hk\u00f6iseen kaupank\u00e4yntiin ja postimyyntiin my\u00f6s kansalaisten kannustamiseksi hakemaan tarjouksia kaikkialta sis\u00e4markkinoilta l\u00f6yt\u00e4\u00e4kseen lopulta luottoa suotuisin ehdoin.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "We want the standards of protection not only to enhance public confidence in commerce and in buying by mail order, but also to encourage the public to seek out offers throughout the internal market in order, eventually, to find credit on favourable terms."}
{"inputs": "How is \"We therefore propose creating a committee of economic advisers at the European Parliament to include recognized experts and to report, let us say twice a year, to the European Parliament on the economic situation and on recommendations that it thinks ought to be implemented in terms of economic policy and, more specifically, budgetary and taxation policy.\" said in Finnish?", "targets": "T\u00e4t\u00e4 varten ehdotamme Euroopan parlamentin taloudellisten neuvonantajien komitean perustamista. Siihen kuuluisi tunnustettuja asiantuntijoita ja se laatisi parlamentille noin kaksi kertaa vuodessa selonteon taloudellisesta tilanteesta sek\u00e4 talouspolitiikan ja erityisesti talousarvio- ja finanssipolitiikan kannalta tarpeellisia suosituksia."}
{"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Hamarin tuomiokirkko"}
{"inputs": "Huhutaan my\u00f6s, ett\u00e4 h\u00e4n haluaa k\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 liikaa vaikutusvaltaa henkil\u00f6kuntansa valinnassa, mik\u00e4 tekee heist\u00e4 entist\u00e4 riippuvaisempia h\u00e4nest\u00e4.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Finnish"}
{"inputs": "Kuten aloituspuheenvuorossani korostin, mielest\u00e4ni parlamentti on suorittanut teht\u00e4v\u00e4ns\u00e4 hyvin, koska se on vahvistanut sek\u00e4 liikkumisen vapautta ett\u00e4 turvallisuutta.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "As I emphasised in my initial statement, I believe that Parliament has performed its task well because it has strengthened both freedom of movement and security."}
{"inputs": "Arvoisa puhemies, hyv\u00e4t kollegat, vaikka puhun ryhm\u00e4ni puolesta, minun on tietysti sanottava, etteiv\u00e4t lausumani kannanotot edusta koko ryhm\u00e4n kantaa, sill\u00e4 se on jakaantunut kahteen osaan t\u00e4ss\u00e4 asiassa.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, speaking on behalf of my group, I must, of course, say that the positions I express here do not represent the whole group, in which there are two different feelings on this subject."}
{"inputs": "Translate \"This is a much more extensive interpretation of the tasks involved in operational coordination and from reading the Commission's flow chart, although not the legal text, it appears to result in considerable control over the actual commitment of resources being placed in the hands of the Agency's executive director alone.\" to Finnish?", "targets": "T\u00e4m\u00e4 on huomattavasti laajempi tulkinta toimien koordinointiin liittyvist\u00e4 teht\u00e4vist\u00e4, ja komission kaavion perusteella \u2013 vaikkei kyse olekaan itse lakitekstist\u00e4 \u2013 seurauksena n\u00e4ytt\u00e4isi olevan, ett\u00e4 varojen todellista kohdentamista koskeva valvonta keskittyy huomattavassa m\u00e4\u00e4rin pelk\u00e4st\u00e4\u00e4n viraston p\u00e4\u00e4johtajalle."}
{"inputs": "Parlamentin j\u00e4senet hyv\u00e4ksyiv\u00e4t eritt\u00e4in suurella enemmist\u00f6ll\u00e4 yhteist\u00e4 arvonlis\u00e4veroj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4\u00e4 laskutusta koskevien s\u00e4\u00e4nt\u00f6jen osalta koskevan j\u00e4sen Casan mietinn\u00f6n.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The report by Mr Casa on the common system of value added tax with regard to invoicing rules has been adopted by a very large majority of Members, including myself."}
{"inputs": "Jotta voitte varmistaa perustan asianmukaisille neuvotteluille, teid\u00e4n on muistettava, ett\u00e4 Euroopan perustuslaki ei ole viel\u00e4 voimassa uusista rahoitusn\u00e4kymist\u00e4 keskusteltaessa eik\u00e4 my\u00f6sk\u00e4\u00e4n niit\u00e4 hyv\u00e4ksytt\u00e4ess\u00e4.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "If you wish to lay the foundations for proper negotiations, you must remember that, throughout the process of discussing the new financial perspectives, including at the point when they are approved, the European Constitution will not yet be in force."}
{"inputs": "These concern the heading 'tropical forests' and the programmes for cooperation with third countries.\n\nTranslate to Finnish", "targets": "Niiss\u00e4 on kysymys trooppisia metsi\u00e4 koskevasta budjettikohdasta sek\u00e4 my\u00f6s yhteisty\u00f6ohjelmista unionin ulkopuolisten maiden kanssa."}
{"inputs": "Siksi otan vapauden t\u00e4hdent\u00e4\u00e4 kolmea n\u00e4k\u00f6kohtaa: ensinn\u00e4kin alueellisen yhteisty\u00f6n merkityst\u00e4, jota pit\u00e4\u00e4 kuitenkin lis\u00e4t\u00e4 ottaen huomioon poliittinen ep\u00e4tasapaino, demokratisoitumisprosessit ja demokratian lujittaminen sek\u00e4 eri valtioiden v\u00e4liset suhteet.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "I would, consequently, like to stress three aspects: firstly, that of the importance of regional cooperation, which must, however, be increased to take account of political balances, processes of transition to democracy and of consolidating democracy and also of the relationship between the various countries themselves."}
{"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Finnish:\nIf they protect their market from a deadly disease, surely they will protect it against minor infringements of EU standards.", "targets": "Jos he suojelevat markkinoitaan tappavan taudin vaikutuksilta, varmasti he suojelevat niit\u00e4 my\u00f6s EU-normien v\u00e4h\u00e4isilt\u00e4 rikkomuksilta."}
{"inputs": "Siksi minun ryhm\u00e4ni on sit\u00e4 mielt\u00e4, ett\u00e4 t\u00e4m\u00e4 mietint\u00f6 on oikeastaan liian ep\u00e4kyps\u00e4 ja liian pinnallinen tarjotakseen mit\u00e4\u00e4n oleellista keskusteluun.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Finnish"}
{"inputs": "Translate \"The requirements to prevent it are enforceable and this legislation takes us a step forward by introducing further prohibitions on a range of chemicals, pesticides, pollutants that present a risk to aquatic and indeed human life.\" to Finnish?", "targets": "Sen torjumista koskevat vaatimukset ovat t\u00e4yt\u00e4nt\u00f6\u00f6npanokelpoisia ja t\u00e4m\u00e4 lains\u00e4\u00e4d\u00e4nt\u00f6 vie meid\u00e4t askeleen l\u00e4hemm\u00e4ksi panemalla t\u00e4yt\u00e4nt\u00f6\u00f6n kieltoja, jotka koskevat useita kemikaaleja, tuholaistorjunta-aineita ja saasteita, jotka muodostavat uhan vesieli\u00f6ille ja ihmisterveydelle."}
{"inputs": "Translate to Finnish:\n\nBoloria napaea", "targets": "Tunturihopeat\u00e4pl\u00e4"}
{"inputs": "(EN) Arvoisa puhemies, huippukokouksen toinen aihe, ilmasto-/energiapaketti, on edelleen jossain m\u00e4\u00e4rin ristiriidassa ensimm\u00e4isen aiheen, eli Lissabonin strategian tai EU:n kilpailukyvyn, kanssa.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Mr President, the second topic of the summit, the climate/energy package, remains in some contradiction with the first one, the Lisbon Strategy, or the competitiveness of the EU."}
{"inputs": "T\u00e4m\u00e4 vuoksi olisi varmistettava, ett\u00e4 my\u00f6nnet\u00e4\u00e4n taloudellista tukea lasten rokotusohjelmille, joilla annetaan antigeenej\u00e4 kurkkum\u00e4d\u00e4lt\u00e4, j\u00e4ykk\u00e4kouristukselta ja muilta tarttuvilta taudeilta suojaamista varten.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "We should therefore assure financial support to children\u2019s immunisation programmes providing antigens to diphtheria, tetanus and other infectious diseases."}
{"inputs": "How is \"I can assure you that the European Union keeps the status of Hamas and Hezbollah under constant review and the European Union stands firm in its policy of not dealing with terrorists.\" said in Finnish?", "targets": "Voin taata teille, ett\u00e4 Euroopan unioni tarkkailee jatkuvasti, mink\u00e4laisen aseman se my\u00f6nt\u00e4\u00e4 Hamasille ja Hizbollahille, ja noudattaa tiukasti kanssak\u00e4ymist\u00e4 terroristien kanssa koskevaa politiikkaansa."}
{"inputs": "We want a modern, competitive fleet on our inland waterways in Europe, with maximum safety for the vessels and their crews. We also want to achieve clear, agreed environmental standards in Europe, and we want all of this in the context of market liberalisation.\n\nTranslate to Finnish", "targets": "Haluamme, ett\u00e4 meill\u00e4 on Euroopan sis\u00e4vesiv\u00e4ylill\u00e4 nykyaikainen ja kilpailukykyinen laivasto ja ett\u00e4 alukset, mutta my\u00f6s miehist\u00f6n olot, ovat mahdollisimman turvalliset, ja haluamme ottaa k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6n selv\u00e4t ja yhteiset eurooppalaiset ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6normit."}
{"inputs": "Moldovan yhteiskunnan merkitt\u00e4v\u00e4t henkil\u00f6t pyyt\u00e4v\u00e4t selityst\u00e4.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Finnish"}
{"inputs": "Translate \"Mr President, many of us were very envious of your skill in extricating yourself from the Chair at lunchtime yesterday.\" to Finnish?", "targets": "(EN) Arvoisa puhemies, monet meist\u00e4 kadehtivat sit\u00e4, miten sujuvasti vapautitte itsenne puhemiehen velvollisuuksista eilen lounasaikaan."}
{"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Finnish:\nI was there in 1986 protesting about Mr Haider' s discrimination against the Slovene speaking minority in Corinthia.", "targets": "Olin siell\u00e4 vuonna 1986 protestoimassa Haiderin harjoittamaa syrjint\u00e4\u00e4, joka kohdistui sloveenia puhuvaan Corinthian v\u00e4hemmist\u00f6\u00f6n."}
{"inputs": "Of course, with hindsight, we can always say 'We should have done this or that', but we must not forget that, at the time, we were facing a crisis and that solutions had to be found urgently in tandem with institutions, local communities and populations who were unprepared for this type of situation.\n\nTranslate to Finnish", "targets": "J\u00e4lkeenp\u00e4in on tietysti helppo sanoa, mit\u00e4 olisi pit\u00e4nyt tehd\u00e4, mutta ei pid\u00e4 unohtaa, ett\u00e4 tuolloin edess\u00e4mme oli kriisi, johon oli l\u00f6ydett\u00e4v\u00e4 pikainen ratkaisu yhdess\u00e4 sellaisten instituutioiden, paikallisyhteis\u00f6jen ja asukkaiden kanssa, jotka eiv\u00e4t olleet valmistautuneet t\u00e4llaiseen tilanteeseen."}
{"inputs": "Translate \"I acknowledge that.\" to Finnish?", "targets": "T\u00e4m\u00e4 on totta."}
{"inputs": "How is \"That means that simplification is an instrument that must be handled with great care.\" said in Finnish?", "targets": "Siksi yksinkertaistamisv\u00e4linett\u00e4 on k\u00e4ytett\u00e4v\u00e4 todella harkiten."}
{"inputs": "How is \"But when somebody accuses me of behaving like the policeman presenting corrupt evidence, I have to say that I regard that as an attack on my honesty and my honour.\" said in Finnish?", "targets": "Mutta kun joku syytt\u00e4\u00e4 minua siit\u00e4, ett\u00e4 k\u00e4ytt\u00e4ydyn kuin v\u00e4\u00e4ri\u00e4 todisteita esitt\u00e4v\u00e4 poliisi, minun t\u00e4ytyy sanoa, ett\u00e4 pid\u00e4n sit\u00e4 hy\u00f6kk\u00e4yksen\u00e4 rehellisyytt\u00e4ni ja kunniaani vastaan."}
{"inputs": "Translate \"Why is that?\" to Finnish?", "targets": "Mutta miksi?"}
{"inputs": "Jos onnistumme siin\u00e4, niin voimme onnistua tuomaan lis\u00e4resursseja innovointiin ja tutkimukseen Euroopassa ja edist\u00e4\u00e4 innovaatioita.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "If we can manage to do that, then we can manage to bring additional resources to innovations and research in Europe and can contribute to the innovations."}
{"inputs": "I think perhaps we forget how serious the situation was.\n\nTranslate to Finnish", "targets": "Unohdamme ehk\u00e4, miten vakava tilanne oli."}
{"inputs": "Klopidogreeli\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Finnish"}
{"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Finnish:\nAll of this can assist the creation of innovative projects, by and for young people, and encourage young people's spirit of enterprise.", "targets": "Kaikki t\u00e4m\u00e4 voi auttaa luomaan innovatiivisia hankkeita nuorten taholta ja heit\u00e4 varten ja edist\u00e4\u00e4 nuorten yritteli\u00e4isyytt\u00e4."}
{"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Finnish:\nMr Martin, I think that your request has just been more than fulfilled by the vote that the House has just taken.", "targets": "J\u00e4sen Hans-Peter Martin, minusta tuntuu, ett\u00e4 toiveenne on toteutunut parlamentin \u00e4\u00e4nestyksen my\u00f6t\u00e4."}
{"inputs": "Stakeholders do not want us to take the risk of opening a Pandora\u2019s box.\n\nTranslate to Finnish", "targets": "Sidosryhm\u00e4t eiv\u00e4t halua meid\u00e4n ottavan riski\u00e4 ja avaavan Pandoran lipasta."}
{"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u2013 Arvoisa puhemies, en mill\u00e4\u00e4n haluaisi pilata juhlatunnelmaa."}
{"inputs": "Translate \"Advance payments for countries worst hit by the crisis will be increased for 2010.\" to Finnish?", "targets": "Kriisist\u00e4 eniten k\u00e4rsineille valtioille suoritettavia ennakkomaksuja korotetaan vuonna 2010."}
{"inputs": "How is \"The report does not go further, because we believe that there must be a broad consensus and, obviously, the relevant arrangements in line with this principle must be studied and adopted in the appropriate international forums.\" said in Finnish?", "targets": "Mietinn\u00f6ss\u00e4 ei menn\u00e4 pidemm\u00e4lle, koska olemme sit\u00e4 mielt\u00e4, ett\u00e4 asiasta on vallittava laaja yksimielisyys ja ett\u00e4 t\u00e4h\u00e4n periaatteeseen liittyvi\u00e4 asianmukaisia j\u00e4rjestelyj\u00e4 on tutkittava ja ne on hyv\u00e4ksytt\u00e4v\u00e4 sopivilla kansainv\u00e4lisill\u00e4 foorumeilla."}
{"inputs": ".\n\nTranslate to Finnish", "targets": "."}
{"inputs": "On siet\u00e4m\u00e4t\u00f6nt\u00e4, ett\u00e4 Euroopan unionin my\u00f6nt\u00e4m\u00e4t lainat ja tuet ovat Kansainv\u00e4lisen valuuttarahaston (IMF) asettamien rajoituksien alaisia.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It is intolerable that European loans and subsidies are subject to constraints imposed by the IMF."}
{"inputs": "How is \"The point is that the Council, by persisting with its current practice, is evading its parliamentary accountability to the Member States and to ourselves.\" said in Finnish?", "targets": "Jos nimitt\u00e4in ajatellaan, ett\u00e4 neuvosto pysyy itsep\u00e4isesti nykyisess\u00e4 k\u00e4yt\u00e4nn\u00f6ss\u00e4, se ei noudata parlamentaarista vastuuvelvollisuuttaan sen paremmin j\u00e4senvaltioita kuin meit\u00e4k\u00e4\u00e4n kohtaan."}