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{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "as the level of water rises , the amount of available land will decrease"}
{"inputs": "the arctic environment is white in color from being covered in snow\nThe arctic is white in coloring\n\nOPTIONS:\n- because it's overpopulated with polar bears\n- because it's covered in white lilies\n- because it's blanketed in crystalline ice water\n- because it's gets so little sunlight", "targets": "because it's blanketed in crystalline ice water"}
{"inputs": "changes in an environment cause plants to adapt to survive\nA saguaro has adaptations for an environment with\n\nOPTIONS:\n- lots of snow\n- many people\n- less water\n- more water", "targets": "less water"}
{"inputs": "coral lives in the ocean\nA school trip is going to study the coral reef for a class. They want to see how strong coral is, and what species of life live in and around it. Therefore, the class\n\nOPTIONS:\n- takes a trip to the desert\n- climbs a tall mountain\n- travels to the seaside\n- visits a remote jungle", "targets": "travels to the seaside"}
{"inputs": "as the amount of rainfall increases in an area , the amount of available water in that area will increase\nWhat will be more available in an area when rainfall increases?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- fire\n- air\n- dirt\n- H2O", "targets": "H2O"}
{"inputs": "a seed is used for storing food for a new plant\nA farmer harvests seeds from some plants, such as tomatoes, in order to plant them later on. These seeds, once planted\n\nOPTIONS:\n- have their own dirt\n- have their own sunlight\n- have a lot of sand\n- contain their necessary nutrition", "targets": "contain their necessary nutrition"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Carbohydrates are made of sugar, which means that a diabetic would need to exhibit care in consuming\"", "targets": "carbohydrates are made of sugars"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: forming fossil fuels requires decaying vegetation\n\nDecaying vegetation is part of the process that\n\nOPTIONS:\n- enables nuclear power to function\n- enables to emitting of light beams\n- enables gas powered motors to operate\n- enables windmills to power electric grids", "targets": "enables gas powered motors to operate"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"touch can be used for detecting texture\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"the best method for detecting texture is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- rubbing it\n- seeing it\n- hearing it\n- tasting it", "targets": "rubbing it"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: adding heat to something kills viruses in that something\n\nWhen heat is added to something\n\nOPTIONS:\n- contaminates may be destroyed\n- bacterial can grow more rapidly\n- viruses may be picked up\n- the thing loses energy", "targets": "contaminates may be destroyed"}
{"inputs": "dairy is a source of Vitamin D\nDairy is a source of\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a vitamin that prevents blood loss\n- a vitamin that treats amino acid deficiency\n- a group of fat-soluble secosteroids\n- a vitamin that helps treat liver problems", "targets": "a group of fat-soluble secosteroids"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "rabbits eat plants"}
{"inputs": "Fact: if an organism makes food for itself then that organism does not need to eat other organisms\nQuestion: An organism that makes food for itself\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- is nutritionally self sustaining\n- will die faster than other organisms\n- will need help sustaining strength\n- is reliant on other organisms for assistance", "targets": "is nutritionally self sustaining"}
{"inputs": "a solar panel converts sunlight into electricity\nA person wants to be able to have more natural power in their home. They choose to cease using a traditional electric company to source this electricity, and so decide to install\n\nOPTIONS:\n- sun grafts\n- sunlight shields\n- panels collecting sunlight\n- solar bees", "targets": "panels collecting sunlight"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the amount of daylight is least in the winter to answer this question: \"What date is the amount of daylight minimized\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Jul 4th\n- Feb 29th\n- May 3rd\n- Sep 1st", "targets": "Feb 29th"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"sugar causes food to taste sweet\", how would one answer \"What would be the flavor if you ate the item that fell and is thought to have hit Sir Issac Newton's head\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Sweet\n- Salty\n- bitter\n- sour", "targets": "Sweet"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"all minerals are formed by natural geological processes\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"If you wanted to make a necklace, how long would you have to wait for the materials to appear inside the Earth?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- millions of years\n- 1 day\n- 10 days\n- 100 days", "targets": "millions of years"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"cool temperatures cause animals to shiver\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"A dog is more likely to shiver at\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- 1 pm\n- 5 am\n- 9 am\n- 6 pm", "targets": "5 am"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "grey clouds are a source of precipitation"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that a new season occurs once per three months to answer this question: \"December 21st through March 20 is a three month period which is an example of what?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- A session\n- A Match\n- A Season\n- Autumn", "targets": "A Season"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"a desert environment is dry\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Where would a duck like to live?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the Sahara\n- Antarctica\n- the Appalachian mountains\n- Death Valley", "targets": "the Appalachian mountains"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"if a habitat is removed then that habitat is destroyed\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"When a city tears down a park in a city, the park\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- is removed\n- is renewed\n- is retrieved\n- is restored", "targets": "is removed"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "if the atmospheric temperature rises then the glaciers will melt"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: birds with beaks of different shapes eat different foods\n\nBeak shape can influence a bird's ability\n\nOPTIONS:\n- to give birth to live young\n- to mate with it's partner\n- to fly to warmer climates\n- to chew up certain worms", "targets": "to chew up certain worms"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"An octopus protects itself with\"", "targets": "ink is used for hiding from predators by octopuses"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a plant requires sunlight to grow\n\nTo grow plants require\n\nOPTIONS:\n- acid rain\n- pesticides\n- shafts of sunlight\n- moonbeam rays", "targets": "shafts of sunlight"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "renewable resources can be used over again"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a star is a source of light through nuclear reactions\n\nA star, burning far, far away, has enormous pressure and temperature. This allows for\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a room to have overhead lights\n- night on Earth to be dimly lit\n- plastic stars to decorate a ceiling\n- a person to be the star of a show", "targets": "night on Earth to be dimly lit"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: if a living thing dies then that living thing is dead\n\nA cooked lobster is\n\nOPTIONS:\n- inedible\n- cold\n- dead\n- green", "targets": "dead"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"tidal energy can be used to produce electricity\", how would one answer \"Turbines churning seawater can be used to produce what?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a charge for appliances\n- large quantities of soup\n- large schools of fish\n- creating some sharp cheese", "targets": "a charge for appliances"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"if something is in the sunlight then that something will absorb solar energy\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"the closest star to our planet delivers solar energy to the planet\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- maybe\n- all of these\n- this is sure\n- this is uncertain", "targets": "this is sure"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"metal is an electrical energy conductor\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Which is best an letting electricity pass through?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- tile flooring\n- human flesh\n- hockey stick\n- a steak knife", "targets": "a steak knife"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: if a habitat is removed then that habitat is destroyed\n\nAnimals died after the removal of a\n\nOPTIONS:\n- bush\n- street\n- house\n- city", "targets": "bush"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: bees eat pollen\n\nwhat are eaten by honey producing insects?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- they consume plants\n- they eat cows\n- plant reproduction parts\n- they eat flowers", "targets": "plant reproduction parts"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"water vapor is found in the atmosphere\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Where water be located in its gas form?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- inside a disc golf driver\n- inside of a brass pipe\n- a mile up in the sky\n- inside a leather baseball", "targets": "a mile up in the sky"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: as number of organisms in a group increases , the chance of survival of each organism will increase\n\nIt's easier for human's to survive in:\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a cave\n- the ocean.\n- a town\n- alone", "targets": "a town"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: planting trees has a positive impact on an ecosystem\n\ntransplanting seedling oaks has a positive impact on\n\nOPTIONS:\n- fuel costs\n- the economy\n- housing value\n- the environment", "targets": "the environment"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"some crickets live in forests\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"An ideal abode for crickets is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a small potted plant in a house\n- a green and lush tree and plant packed area\n- a briny and warm body of water\n- a area surrounded by spider webs", "targets": "a green and lush tree and plant packed area"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide, water, and solar energy into oxygen for themselves\n\nIf photosynthesis was a recipe it would require these ingredients\n\nOPTIONS:\n- CO2, water, and argon\n- sunlight, oxygen, and fertilizer\n- CO2, H20, and cloudy skies\n- CO2, H20, and sun rays", "targets": "CO2, H20, and sun rays"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "mountains are formed by volcanoes"}
{"inputs": "Fact: August is during the winter in the southern hemisphere\nQuestion: The eighth month of the year is winter in\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Brazil\n- Indiana\n- London\n- Canada", "targets": "Brazil"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "hypothesis means scientific guess about the cause and effect of an event"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that kilometers km are a unit used for measuring distance generally used for values between 1 and 50000000 to answer this question: \"the dashboard reading in a jaguar would likely be set to which of these?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- set to calories\n- set to volume\n- set to kilometers\n- set to width", "targets": "set to kilometers"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"a windmill converts wind energy into electricity\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Which of these energy sources generates the least amount of pollution?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- coal\n- windmill\n- lithium batteries\n- gasoline", "targets": "windmill"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"a plant requires soil for to grow\", how would one answer \"A plant will grow strong if it has\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- love\n- heat\n- earth\n- sand", "targets": "earth"}
{"inputs": "Fact: a mammal is warm-blooded\nQuestion: Which of the following is warm blooded?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- toad\n- snake\n- turtle\n- skunk", "targets": "skunk"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: An example of camouflage is when something changes color in order to have the same color as its environment\n\nAn octopus, when in danger and unable to swim to safety, may find itself\n\nOPTIONS:\n- mimicking other things\n- melting into sand\n- creating new homes\n- mocking other fish", "targets": "mimicking other things"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"as the time a tool lasts increases , the number of tools discarded will decrease\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Which of these saws will last longer?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- iron saw\n- aluminium saw\n- plastic saw\n- wooden saw", "targets": "iron saw"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that coal mine is a source of coal under the ground to answer this question: \"Where would you find a mine?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- in a tree\n- under a mountain\n- in the air\n- in the water", "targets": "under a mountain"}
{"inputs": "force causes the speed of an object to decrease\nThe amount of friction and the speed of an object have what kind of relationship?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- inverse\n- reverse\n- direct\n- equal", "targets": "inverse"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "sometimes weathering smooths rocks"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"as available water decreases , the population of plants will decrease\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"The amount of brush in a park has been decreasing. What could be a cause?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the season has been quite dry\n- There has been a lot of rain\n- snakes shelter under the brush\n- People have been walking by the brush on the trails", "targets": "the season has been quite dry"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a warm something is a source of heat\n\nA food that is a source of heat is\n\nOPTIONS:\n- ramen\n- salad\n- ice cream\n- sushi", "targets": "ramen"}
{"inputs": "Matter in the liquid phase has variable shape\nWhich of these has shape that changes depending on the container which it resides within?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- paper\n- wood\n- stone\n- orange juice", "targets": "orange juice"}
{"inputs": "Fact: seasons cause change to the environment\nQuestion: The spring season brings\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Bees\n- Snow\n- More Oxygen\n- Dust", "targets": "Bees"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"moving changes stored energy into motion and heat\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"A bird that takes off flying is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- using heat to produce motion\n- using calories to produce motion\n- using wings to produce heat\n- using calories to produce energy", "targets": "using calories to produce motion"}
{"inputs": "Fact: a beak is used for catching prey by some birds\nQuestion: birds use their peckers to catch\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- dogs\n- a tan\n- a ball\n- bees", "targets": "bees"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"a cactus stem is used for storing water\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"A cactus stem is used to store\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- fruit\n- liquid\n- food\n- spines", "targets": "liquid"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that plants are the source of spices to answer this question: \"Sources of spices have\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- crystals\n- feathers\n- cell walls\n- craters", "targets": "cell walls"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "the Grand Canyon was formed by the Colorado River flowing over long periods of time"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "as temperature increases , the ability of that liquid to dissolve solids will increase"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"a desert environment is dry\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"A desert environment is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- dry, grass covered, and humid\n- lush, green, and tropical\n- arid, parched, and sun-baked\n- dry, damp, and lush", "targets": "arid, parched, and sun-baked"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "June is during the summer in the northern hemisphere"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Phloem moves things around a plant similar to how\"", "targets": "phloem transports materials through the plant"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that landfills have a negative impact on the communities to answer this question: \"Building new areas to dispose of refuse may lead to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- community concerns over environmental impact\n- better air and soil quality\n- higher value on land parcels\n- improvement in water supply", "targets": "community concerns over environmental impact"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"motion is a source of kinetic energy in an object\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Kinetic energy can be found in objects that move, such as\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- flower pots on a wagon\n- cars that are in a lot\n- kids that are sleeping soundly\n- skateboards that are ridden all day", "targets": "skateboards that are ridden all day"}
{"inputs": "when a plant grows , the number of the leaves of that plant may increase\nPlant growth may cause\n\nOPTIONS:\n- an uptick in the number of leaves\n- a surge in leaf disease\n- a gradual decrease in leaves\n- a rapid decline of the leaves", "targets": "an uptick in the number of leaves"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the summer solstice is on June 21st in the northern hemisphere to answer this question: \"The summer solstice in the northern hemisphere is four months before\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- May\n- July\n- April\n- October", "targets": "October"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"tearing an object changes that object 's shape\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"To change an object's shape\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- rip off a corner portion\n- lay it flat on a table\n- color the edges of it\n- add a piece of tape to it", "targets": "rip off a corner portion"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"rest has a positive impact on a health\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"To improve health, what is a good strategy?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- high risk lifestyle\n- restaurant food\n- business trip\n- a spa trip", "targets": "a spa trip"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"all animals breathe\", how would one answer \"Respiration is a\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- happens for some species\n- happens for only land dwelling mammals\n- occurs for only sea creatures\n- commonality among all animals", "targets": "commonality among all animals"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"eye color is an inherited characteristic\", how would one answer \"What is the best way to guess a babies eye color?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- The surroundings they are born in.\n- Their parents usual diet.\n- Just take a random guess.\n- The genealogy records of their family.", "targets": "The genealogy records of their family."}
{"inputs": "fossils are formed when layers of sediment cover the remains of organisms over time\nWhat could have covered an organism in order to create a trilobite?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Grass\n- Water\n- Snow\n- Sand", "targets": "Sand"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"conserving water can be used for survival in a dry environment\", how would one answer \"Water conservation could be a survival tactic in\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- The Appalachian Mountains\n- New York City\n- The Amazon\n- The Gobi Desert", "targets": "The Gobi Desert"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that if an animal hatches from an egg then that animal is born to answer this question: \"What is different about birth in humans and chickens?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Mother\n- Fertilization\n- Father\n- the hard shell", "targets": "the hard shell"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"as a source of light becomes closer , that source will appear brighter\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"If a UFO is flying overhead and looks small, then large, then\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the UFO is calling\n- the UFO had been close\n- the UFO is approaching\n- the UFO is leaving", "targets": "the UFO is approaching"}
{"inputs": "Fact: iron nails are made of iron\nQuestion: What are iron nails made out of?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- wood\n- plastic\n- metal\n- glass", "targets": "metal"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"a large cluster of humans, dogs, apple trees, atmosphere and more can be called\"", "targets": "an ecosystem contains large numbers of living organisms in a particular place"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that musical instruments make sound when they are played to answer this question: \"Members of rock bands often perform with\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- flutes\n- sandals\n- earplugs\n- gloves", "targets": "earplugs"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"as the roughness of something increases , the friction of that something will increase when its surface moves against another surface\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"I chipped away at a toy doll and the surface became really rough, when I rub it against a piece of wood that will create an increase in\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- animals\n- resistance\n- water\n- sunshine", "targets": "resistance"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: some animals shed fur in warm weather\n\nwhat kind of temperature causes fur shedding?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- in freezing cold\n- a high temperature\n- in any temperature\n- a low temperature", "targets": "a high temperature"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "as available resources increases , the population of an organism that uses those resources will increase"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest\n\nWhat likely explains deforestation?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Increased insect populations\n- Clearing for farming\n- reduction in rainfall\n- More carbon dioxide", "targets": "Clearing for farming"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"muscles pull bones to move the bones\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Muscles move bones to produce movement like when\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- arms are resting\n- hair is growing\n- smiles are invisible\n- toes are wiggled", "targets": "toes are wiggled"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "a seismograph is a kind of tool for measuring the size of an earthquake"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"What is an example of clear weather meaning sunny weather?\"", "targets": "clear weather means sunny weather"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that live birth means developing inside the mother instead of an egg to answer this question: \"Human reproduction requires\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- eggs with shells\n- nest incubation\n- a nest\n- a womb", "targets": "a womb"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that coloration is used to find a mate by some animals to answer this question: \"A male bird spots a female of his species and begins a fancy dance, flashing his bright feathers around in the air, showing off. This male is attempting to procure\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a manager\n- an agent\n- a meal\n- a reproductive companion", "targets": "a reproductive companion"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"live birth means developing inside the mother instead of an egg\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Which animal has live births?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- poodle\n- hummingbird\n- crocodile\n- trout", "targets": "poodle"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"denser liquids settle below liquids that are less dense\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Since density = mass / volume, denser liquids such as water sink more than\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- baby oil\n- corn syrup or\n- milk\n- honey", "targets": "baby oil"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a beach ball contains gas\n\nWhich would you likely find inside a beach ball?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- cheese\n- steam\n- water\n- air", "targets": "air"}
{"inputs": "Fact: as heat increases , a flexible container containing gas will expand\nQuestion: A balloon is filled with helium for a party. After the party, the balloons are left in the living room, where a fireplace is heating the room. The balloons\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- expand\n- melt\n- shrink\n- fall", "targets": "expand"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"A positive effect of burning biofuel is\"", "targets": "biofuel is used to produce electricity by burning"}
{"inputs": "humans eat crops\nWhat would cause a human to grow?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- light waves\n- eating wheat\n- photosynthesis\n- marching", "targets": "eating wheat"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: thick feathers can be used for keeping warm\n\nWhat can feathers on Spheniscidae be used for?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- keeping warm\n- flying\n- sleeping\n- eating", "targets": "keeping warm"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Seeds provide new plants with\"", "targets": "a seed is used for storing food for a new plant"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"cellular respiration is when cells break down food to produce energy\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"cellular respiration is when energy is produced in a cell by consumption of\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- water\n- nutrients\n- mitochondria\n- gas", "targets": "nutrients"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"predators eat prey\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Predators eat\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- lions\n- humans\n- bunnies\n- grass", "targets": "bunnies"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a paper clip is often made of ferromagnetic metals\n\nObjects used to hold sheets of paper together are often\n\nOPTIONS:\n- large\n- wooden\n- ferromagnetic\n- electronic", "targets": "ferromagnetic"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"some animals live in zoo exhibits\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Endangered pandas are sometimes\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- accidentally dropped into volcanoes\n- confined to enclosures to be viewed by the public\n- found eating corn in the middle of North America\n- made into delicious rare steaks", "targets": "confined to enclosures to be viewed by the public"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"How do plants reproduce?\"", "targets": "reproduction is a stage in the life cycle process"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "a Punnett square is used to identify the percent chance of a trait being passed down from a parent to its offspring"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a predator eats other animals for food\n\nWhich animal is considered a predator?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- ant\n- snake\n- elephant\n- giraffe", "targets": "snake"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"echo is when sound reflects off of a surface\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"A bat flew through the sky without hitting anything due to which of these?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- rainy sky to fly in\n- fast truck to drive\n- a car with gasoline\n- surfaces to reflect sound off", "targets": "surfaces to reflect sound off"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"wind causes erosion\", how would one answer \"Wind can cause\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- leaves to remain on branches\n- trees to stand perfectly still\n- dunes at the beach to be depleted\n- still waters on the ocean", "targets": "dunes at the beach to be depleted"}
{"inputs": "Fact: fire causes burning\nQuestion: exposure to fire could result in\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- wet items\n- cold items\n- none of these\n- combusted items", "targets": "combusted items"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"During landslides there is often a lot of\"", "targets": "storms can cause a landslide"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "a frog eats insects"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "the type of seed of a plant is an inherited characteristic"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that pollination requires pollinating animals to answer this question: \"Pollinators\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- enable plants to continue flourishing\n- play an unimportant role in the reproduction process\n- are useless to plants\n- are considered unwanted pests", "targets": "enable plants to continue flourishing"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "if an object is hot then the surfaces of that object are hot"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "a moth undergoes metamorphosis"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "studying a soil sample means studying the microorganisms in that soil"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat\n\nWhat is the primary reason my duck feather filled jacket works well against the snow\n\nOPTIONS:\n- feathers slows heat transfer\n- the natural duck wax\n- a synthetic thick liner\n- small flexible solar panels", "targets": "feathers slows heat transfer"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that iron nails are made of iron to answer this question: \"If a nail is Fe, that nail is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- foreign\n- atomic 26\n- nickel\n- atomic 12", "targets": "atomic 26"}
{"inputs": "Fact: bats can echolocate\nQuestion: Some blind people have demonstrated bat-like skills by:\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- sensing shapes by light and shadows\n- having a unusually strong sense of smell\n- sensing nearby objects by temperature change\n- using sound to 'see'", "targets": "using sound to 'see'"}
{"inputs": "the circulatory system carries oxygen from the digestive and respiratory systems to the rest of the body\nwhat system is needed for a body to get its needed supply of the gas humans breathe in?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the circulatory system\n- the digestive system\n- the school system\n- central nervous system", "targets": "the circulatory system"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"squirrels gather nuts in the autumn to eat during the winter\", how would one answer \"Squirrels spend their fall\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- looking for pretty leaves to collect\n- stockpiling rocks for fighting in the winter\n- stockpiling pecans for the frigid months\n- collecting twigs to keep warm", "targets": "stockpiling pecans for the frigid months"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the skeletal system protects internal organs to answer this question: \"The heart is an example of\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a part of the nervous system\n- an organ that filters toxins\n- a self-healing protector from germs\n- something protected by the skeletal system", "targets": "something protected by the skeletal system"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "as the amount of food an animal eats increases , the weight of that animal will increase"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"a leaf performs photosynthesis\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"What food production happens in a leaf?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- nutrient making process\n- the breathing\n- the respiration\n- the digestion", "targets": "nutrient making process"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that some humans live in houses to answer this question: \"Which of these is a place where a human might live?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- igloo\n- cloud\n- Mars\n- the Moon", "targets": "igloo"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: some birds are predators\n\nIf a bird is a carnivore, then it is likely a(n)\n\nOPTIONS:\n- prey\n- predator\n- herbivore\n- canary", "targets": "predator"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"some rabbits live in forests\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"where might a bunny live?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a thicket\n- atop palm trees\n- a sewer system\n- a deserted island", "targets": "a thicket"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"if a population decreases to zero then that organism is extinct\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"In a hypothetical world, black bears decrease in numbers until there are zero black bears left on this world. The black bear species\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- would cease existing\n- would be troubled\n- would be thriving\n- would be endangered", "targets": "would cease existing"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"An example of a seasonal change is plants dying in the winter\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"A woman notices that she is depressed every autumn, and wonders why. A friend suggests to her that perhaps certain changes that take place as seasons move from warm to cold may be having an effect on her. When pressed for an example of these changes, the friend cites\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- flowers blooming\n- grass turning brown\n- trees growing\n- blossoms blooming", "targets": "grass turning brown"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: algae is found in bodies of water\n\nAlgae can be found in\n\nOPTIONS:\n- reservoir\n- meat\n- street\n- tree", "targets": "reservoir"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "panting is when an animal hangs its tongue out of its mouth to adjust to hot temperatures"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the number of body parts of an organism is an inherited characteristic to answer this question: \"Which characteristic did a person inherit?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- length of hair\n- number of friends\n- number of nails\n- length of shirt", "targets": "number of nails"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Which animal is hiding from a predator?\"", "targets": "camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "the decrease of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism 's survival"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"tuna eat fish\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Tuna primarily eat\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- parasites, soybeans and flaxseeds\n- sea turtles, sharks and coral reefs\n- spineless marine organisms, cartilaginous and gelatinous organisms\n- sea vegetables like kelp, Irish moss and Arame", "targets": "spineless marine organisms, cartilaginous and gelatinous organisms"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Acid can be used to make a new\"", "targets": "acid can cause chemical change"}
{"inputs": "eating food that contains pesticides can have a negative impact on humans\nWhich of these foods might have a negative impact on humans?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Organic corn\n- Conventional corn\n- Organic potato\n- Organic Apples", "targets": "Conventional corn"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"When ice buildup is on a sidewalk, the ice may be reduced by\"", "targets": "adding salt to a solid decreases the freezing point of that solid"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"when available resources decrease in an environment , organisms have to conserve those resources\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Resources decreasing in an environment\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- induces organisms to use more of their resources\n- causes an increase in use of resources\n- causes an uptick in birthrate\n- induces organisms to be more economical with resources", "targets": "induces organisms to be more economical with resources"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"if a habitat is destroyed then that habitat can not support animals\", how would one answer \"if the population in a habitat is on a steady decline, what condition is the habitat?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- it is a place to emigrate from\n- it is an ideal habitat\n- it is an unsustainable habitat\n- it is a thriving abode", "targets": "it is an unsustainable habitat"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"if a new predator begins eating prey then the population of that prey will decrease\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"If a new species of predator joins a community\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the new species will become herbivores\n- prey will experience an increase in population\n- prey will experience a drop in population\n- the old species will die out", "targets": "prey will experience a drop in population"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"stopped means no speed\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"A car has the least speed if it\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- is heavy\n- is large\n- is turned off\n- is small", "targets": "is turned off"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "plants are the source of fruit"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that a consumer can not produce its own food to answer this question: \"A deer is eating in a field, and wants more food. Regardless of how hard the deer tries, the deer is unable to produce\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- longer antlers\n- food for itself\n- baby deer\n- urine", "targets": "food for itself"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"a windmill converts wind energy into electricity\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"A spinning object is used to make\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- steam\n- heat\n- water\n- electricity", "targets": "electricity"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "An example of conservation is not using fossil fuel"}
{"inputs": "gills are used for breathing water by aquatic animals\nIf you were attacked by a shark and had to punch it sharply where it pulls in air from, you'd use your hand to make contact with\n\nOPTIONS:\n- its snout\n- its gills\n- its nose\n- its belly", "targets": "its gills"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "Earth is made of rock"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a decrease in visibility while driving can cause people to crash their car\n\nSteve was driving on the highway when he rear-ended another car because he didn't see it until he was just a foot away. This could have happened because of\n\nOPTIONS:\n- reports of tornadoes in the area\n- a dog running across the highway behind Steve's car\n- a sudden fog moving into the area\n- ice forming on the road", "targets": "a sudden fog moving into the area"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "the sun is located directly overhead at noon"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "sugars are transported from the leaves to the roots of a plant"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "an animal requires oxygen for to breathe"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"as distance from an object decreases , that object will appear larger\", how would one answer \"as you get closer to something it begins to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- shrinks down to nothing\n- grow in size visually\n- show a large shadow\n- rotate in a clockwise direction", "targets": "grow in size visually"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "an electric car contains an electric motor"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "freezing point means temperature at which a liquid freezes"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"humans building homes in an ecosystem causes that environment to change\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Which of the following human activities can lead to a change in the local ecosystem?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- swimming in a lake\n- building a new subdivision\n- dancing in a field\n- going for a hike", "targets": "building a new subdivision"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"An electrical conductor is a vehicle for the flow of electricity\", how would one answer \"An electric car runs on electricity via\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- gasoline\n- a power station\n- electrical conductors\n- fuel", "targets": "electrical conductors"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air\", how would one answer \"There was a lot more water vapor in the air when we went on a trip to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Hanoi\n- Athens\n- Baghdad\n- Phoenix", "targets": "Hanoi"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"an animal can survive in an environment with little food by storing fat\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Animals have more fat\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- in the ocean\n- in human homes\n- in landfills\n- in polar areas", "targets": "in polar areas"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: camouflage is used for hiding by animals against predators\n\nWhy might a polar bear grow white hair?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- look fancy\n- random\n- blend in\n- stand out", "targets": "blend in"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "as the level of water rises , the amount of available land will decrease"}
{"inputs": "Fact: the looseness of soil has a positive impact on a plant 's roots' growth in that soil\nQuestion: When looking for good soil for plants, typically what is optimal?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- malleable and nutritious\n- dry and sandy\n- grainy and bitter\n- compact and hard", "targets": "malleable and nutritious"}
{"inputs": "an landfill is a source of pollution\nwhich of these people would have the worst air quality at their residence?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a man who lives next to a landfill\n- a man who lives in a city with the best air quality\n- none of these\n- a man who lives in a great suburb", "targets": "a man who lives next to a landfill"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "a plant requires a specific climate to grow and survive"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat\", how would one answer \"If a person puts out four apples around their home on the same day, the molecules in which apple would be moving the most rapidly?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the apple sitting on a sunny sidewalk\n- the apple in the freezer\n- the apple sitting on the shaded stoop\n- the apple in a closet", "targets": "the apple sitting on a sunny sidewalk"}
{"inputs": "Fact: coal is used to produce electricity by burning in coal-fire power stations\nQuestion: Coal-fire power stations heat coal to incredible temps in order to\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- produce energy\n- use heat energy\n- burn energy\n- fuel the world", "targets": "produce energy"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "each of the moon 's phases usually occurs once per month"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"a flashlight requires a source of electricity to produce light\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"A flashlight will need this in order to radiate photons:\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- radiation\n- acoustic energy\n- vibrations\n- electron flow", "targets": "electron flow"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: metal is an electrical energy conductor\n\nWhich object conducts electricity?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Window\n- Rubik's Cube\n- Ship Anchor\n- Boulder", "targets": "Ship Anchor"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the sun causes water to evaporate more quickly by adding heat to answer this question: \"Water levels may decrease on cloudless days because\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- water is warmer than the air\n- air is warmer than water\n- moisture is pulled upwards\n- moisture always tries to rise", "targets": "moisture is pulled upwards"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"decomposition is when a decomposer recycles nutrients from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"when worms return nutrients from dead organisms to the soil by eating them it is known as\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- regurgitation\n- decomposition\n- recycling\n- burial", "targets": "decomposition"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "evaporation means change from a liquid into a gas by adding heat energy"}
{"inputs": "rocks often contain large amounts of metal\nVast quantities of metal can be obtained from\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a quarry\n- concerts\n- forests\n- salt", "targets": "a quarry"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"a desert environment usually has a lot of sunlight\", how would one answer \"Desert environments features\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- tropical plants\n- tons of sun\n- massive rain totals\n- icy precipitation", "targets": "tons of sun"}
{"inputs": "Fact: if the population of an organism increases then the ecosystem may become overpopulated with that organism\nQuestion: Overpopulation of an organism can\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- strain the resources of an ecosystem\n- cause boundless growth of resources\n- lead to extinction of the organism\n- cause the ecosystem to flourish", "targets": "strain the resources of an ecosystem"}
{"inputs": "Fact: a landfill is a source of pollution\nQuestion: Sources of air pollution are\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Walking\n- Landfills\n- Water\n- Chips", "targets": "Landfills"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"An example of camouflage is when an organism looks like its environment\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Camouflage is when an organism does what?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- reconfigure appearance to blend in\n- hides its young to avoid prey\n- changes its shape to appear larger\n- buries itself to disappear momentarily", "targets": "reconfigure appearance to blend in"}
{"inputs": "a stopwatch is used to measure time\nWhat is a stopwatch used for?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- to rewind 5 minutes\n- to tell what will happen 5 minutes from now\n- to voice the time\n- to measure minutes and hours", "targets": "to measure minutes and hours"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Someone wants their electromagnets to work, but is having difficulty powering them. In order to make them work, they need to\"", "targets": "electromagnets can be powered by electricity"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"cows only eat plants\", how would one answer \"What do cows eat?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Chickpeas\n- Chocolate\n- Steak\n- Poultry", "targets": "Chickpeas"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "evaporation is when water is drawn back up into the air in the water cycle"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"the skeletal system protects internal organs\", how would one answer \"The skeletal system protects which of these?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- liver\n- eyelashes\n- finger nails\n- blood vessels", "targets": "liver"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"There is a heightened threat of landslide in\"", "targets": "landslides often occur on mountains"}
{"inputs": "Fact: skidding causes friction\nQuestion: When a kid slams on the brakes on their bike what is caused?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- bike helmet\n- avoiding accidents\n- friction\n- gearing", "targets": "friction"}
{"inputs": "sleet is made of ice\na person driving to work in which of these is most likely to lose control?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a dry cobblestone road\n- a sleet covered highway\n- a dry paved road\n- a dry gravel road", "targets": "a sleet covered highway"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: sunlight and rain can cause a rainbow\n\nRainbows are always found after what?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- A fire\n- A tornado\n- Rainfall\n- Cereal", "targets": "Rainfall"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "the Grand Canyon was formed by the Colorado River flowing over long periods of time"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "milliliters mL is a unit used for measuring volume generally used for values between 1 and 1000"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "a polar bear requires a cold environment"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "force causes the speed of an object to increase"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "humans changing an environment sometimes causes that environment to be destroyed"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "arctic animals live in an arctic environment"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "if an animal hatches from an egg then that animal is born"}
{"inputs": "the phases of the Moon change the appearance of the Moon\nMoon phases\n\nOPTIONS:\n- change the moon into cheese\n- alter the way the moon's facade looks\n- change moon lakes into vapor\n- cause lunar eclipse every day", "targets": "alter the way the moon's facade looks"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "aluminum is recyclable"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that skin is used for protecting the body from harmful substances to answer this question: \"Which term is involved with protection by skin?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Eucerin pH5 range\n- Sagittal plane\n- pyogenic vibrio\n- popliteus", "targets": "Eucerin pH5 range"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that storms cause bodies of water to increase amount of water they contain to answer this question: \"After a torrential downpour over a week, a man notices that the pond in his backyard is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- melted\n- dehydrated\n- bloated\n- salted", "targets": "bloated"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: fog is formed by water vapor condensing in the air\n\nThere is most likely going to be fog around:\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a marsh\n- a tundra\n- the plains\n- a desert", "targets": "a marsh"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"drought may cause wildfires\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"The chance of wildfires is increased by\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- parched foliage\n- torrential rain\n- lush foliage\n- careful fire maintenance", "targets": "parched foliage"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Wind can cause\"", "targets": "wind causes erosion"}
{"inputs": "Fact: Matter in the solid phase has definite shape\nQuestion: In solid phase matter has a/an\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- concrete configuration\n- ambiguous form\n- shapeless form\n- radioactive glow", "targets": "concrete configuration"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"A learned behavior is exhibited when\"", "targets": "using tools is a learned characteristic"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "if an organism 's prey moves quickly then that organism may need to move quickly to catch its prey"}
{"inputs": "birds lay eggs\nWhich animal lays eggs\n\nOPTIONS:\n- emus\n- dogs\n- squirrels\n- giraffes", "targets": "emus"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the digestive system digests food for the body to answer this question: \"What is an example of the digestive system digesting food for the body?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a man eating nachos then getting food poisoning\n- a baby drinking formula then needing a diaper change\n- a cat eating food then throwing it up\n- a horse licking a salt lick", "targets": "a baby drinking formula then needing a diaper change"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"tunnels in soil loosen that soil\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"loose soil can be caused by one of these\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a koala sitting on a tree\n- none of these\n- a worm burrowing through the earth\n- a bird flying through the air", "targets": "a worm burrowing through the earth"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"bees convert nectar into honey\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Nectar is taken to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- flowers\n- a hive\n- a stream\n- a nest", "targets": "a hive"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"the looseness of soil has a positive impact on a plant 's roots' growth in that soil\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"which of these would be most ideal for plant root growth?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a sticky clay soil\n- soil with worms burrowing around\n- an arid soil with little looseness\n- all of these", "targets": "soil with worms burrowing around"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "wind carries dirt from one place to another place"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the first quarter phase of the moon occurs after the new moon to answer this question: \"When does the first quarter phase of the moon occur?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- when you cannot see the moon in the sky at night\n- after the first phase of the lunar month\n- after a blue moon\n- during the full moon", "targets": "after the first phase of the lunar month"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that conserving water can be used for survival in a dry environment to answer this question: \"Dry environments often\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- liberally use water for everything\n- allow plants to flourish\n- require people to move\n- institute rules about water usage", "targets": "institute rules about water usage"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"if an animal eats another animal then that animal is a carnivore or omnivore or predator\", how would one answer \"A shark will be unable to survive on eating algae and moss, because\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- it is a predator\n- it is a vegetarian\n- it is a freshwater fish\n- it is a producer", "targets": "it is a predator"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"a decrease in visibility while driving can cause people to crash their car\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"What can cause people to crash their car?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Seeing a solar eclipse\n- Using their turn signals\n- Driving the speed limit\n- Keeping their eyes on the road", "targets": "Seeing a solar eclipse"}
{"inputs": "a seed is used for storing food for a new plant\nSeeds\n\nOPTIONS:\n- are useless shells that need to be discarded\n- store extra bits of chlorophyll\n- need to be mashed to grow\n- aid in feeding what grows from them", "targets": "aid in feeding what grows from them"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: an electric car contains an electric motor\n\nWhich of the following is powered the same way an electric car is?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a bicycle\n- a motorcycle\n- a propane grill\n- a blender", "targets": "a blender"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"The size of an object and the ability to see it more easily have what kind of relationship?\"", "targets": "as the size of an object appears larger , that object will be seen more easily"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"if an object undergoes chemical change then that object will have new chemical properties\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"A glass of water can undergo a chemical change by adding\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a cup of salt\n- a cup of dirt\n- a cup of water\n- a cup of ice", "targets": "a cup of salt"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"if a hot substance is touches a cold object then that substance will likely cool\", how would one answer \"Bill's arm got cold when he put it inside the\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- refrigerator\n- room\n- jacket\n- oven", "targets": "refrigerator"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"echolocation is when some animals detect objects by hearing echoes by emitting sound\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Echolocation can't detect an object's\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- distance\n- shape\n- size\n- temperature", "targets": "temperature"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"What explains the characteristic lunar formations?\"", "targets": "the lunar surface contains many craters"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a star is a source of light through nuclear reactions\n\nNuclear activity is the cause of what celestial occurrence?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- axial planetary rotation\n- comets\n- planetary formation\n- the sun's rays", "targets": "the sun's rays"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "a bird is warm-blooded"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a balance is used for measuring mass of an object\n\nThe balance result will be number of\n\nOPTIONS:\n- kilowatts\n- kilobytes\n- kilograms\n- kilometers", "targets": "kilograms"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "carbon steel is always magnetic"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"All of the following are examples of evaporation apart from\"", "targets": "evaporation causes amount of water to decrease"}
{"inputs": "pouring water onto soil causes that soil to wash away\nA man's child runs through the yard in the sprinklers, getting mud all over their feet. The child then runs around on the porch, tracking mud everywhere. While the mud is still wet, the man decides to clean off the porch by\n\nOPTIONS:\n- getting a new child\n- yelling at the mud\n- asking the child to stop\n- turning on the hose", "targets": "turning on the hose"}
{"inputs": "inheriting is when a inherited characteristic is copied from parent to offspring by DNA\nA rabbit has a litter of bunnies! Most of the babies are white, just like the mother rabbit, but one baby has brown spots, like the father rabbit. The father rabbit\n\nOPTIONS:\n- spread out some fur\n- has black on his ears\n- passed down inherited characteristics\n- is the same size as the mother", "targets": "passed down inherited characteristics"}
{"inputs": "Fact: the ocean contains large amounts of salt water\nQuestion: Ocean water contains\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- copious amounts of seltzer\n- scant amounts of sodium chloride\n- scant amounts of carbonation\n- copious amounts of the combination of Na and Cl", "targets": "copious amounts of the combination of Na and Cl"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"friction is used for stopping a vehicle by brakes\", how would one answer \"which of these would stop a car quicker?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a wheel with wet brake pads\n- a wheel without brake pads\n- a wheel with worn brake pads\n- a wheel with dry brake pads", "targets": "a wheel with dry brake pads"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "a flower 's purpose is to produce seeds"}
{"inputs": "as distance from an object decreases , that object will appear larger\nWhen approaching an elephant from a great distance,\n\nOPTIONS:\n- it stays large\n- it grows larger\n- it gets bigger\n- it looks bigger", "targets": "it looks bigger"}
{"inputs": "Fact: a compass is a kind of tool for determining direction by pointing north\nQuestion: a compass is a kind of tool for determining direction by pointing\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- to western Canada shoreline\n- to the lower pole\n- to the upper pole\n- directly to the equator", "targets": "to the upper pole"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"plants absorb nutrients from soil into themselves through their roots\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"A plant that gets extra minerals such as zinc are probably\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- planted in zinc pills\n- plated in the sea\n- placed in good soil\n- made out of soil", "targets": "placed in good soil"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"offshore oil platforms might cause oil to leak into the water\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"One of the negative consequences of offshore oil platforms is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- evaporation of the surrounding water\n- discharge of liquid petroleum in the surrounding sea\n- improvement in the conditions of sea life\n- increase in the birthrate of sea birds", "targets": "discharge of liquid petroleum in the surrounding sea"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"sunlight contains ultraviolet light\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"A woman, with a pale complexion, wants to spend the bright, sunny day at the beach. She makes sure that she stops at the store to pick up some sunblock before she begins to enjoy her day filled with sand and surf. She applies the sunblock carefully and thoroughly, because she knows that\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- UV rays are harmful\n- sunlight will be fun\n- the sun is close\n- the sun is in space", "targets": "UV rays are harmful"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"the oceans are full of\"", "targets": "aquatic animals live in bodies of water"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that a salamander eats insects to answer this question: \"The salamander could eat a large amounts of what?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- fettuccine if left around\n- waxy leaves from certain plants\n- dead carcass meat from livestock\n- six legged winged organisms", "targets": "six legged winged organisms"}
{"inputs": "Fact: the volume of an object can be used to describe the size of that object\nQuestion: It takes more water to fill a bathtub than a\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- lake\n- pool\n- stomach\n- holding tank", "targets": "stomach"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "a reflector is used to reflect light especially on vehicles"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"erosion causes deposition\", how would one answer \"Erosion could lead to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a change in the direction of a stream\n- a change in ocean temperatures\n- an increase in rainy weather\n- an increase in plants and animals", "targets": "a change in the direction of a stream"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"hunting means humans kill animals in the wild\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"What is an example of hunting?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- humans throwing a spear through an animal\n- humans chewing on boiled animal muscles\n- humans gathering animals in a gate\n- humans plucking fruit from a tree", "targets": "humans throwing a spear through an animal"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"lightning can cause a forest fire\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Lightning may lead to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- damage to local foliage\n- rainbows across the sky\n- growth of local flora\n- firefighters getting the night off", "targets": "damage to local foliage"}
{"inputs": "Fact: as a source of light becomes closer , that source will appear brighter\nQuestion: When a plane is in the sky and is several miles away, the light seen is barely visible, but when it is drawing near\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- light is far away\n- light is more easily seen\n- light is more distant\n- light is further away", "targets": "light is more easily seen"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that fire gives off light to answer this question: \"What is an example of fire giving off light?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- an oven is preheated and the pilot light is lit\n- a match is lit to light a cigarette\n- a lit candle in a window signalling to someone\n- a fire that was put out to send smoke signals", "targets": "a lit candle in a window signalling to someone"}
{"inputs": "the number of body parts of an organism is an inherited characteristic\nA girl and her mom have the same\n\nOPTIONS:\n- date of birth\n- shirt\n- number of toenails\n- hair length", "targets": "number of toenails"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that high means great in altitude to answer this question: \"How could we determine approximately how far a bird is from the ground?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Measure the altitude of the bird using a reference point, such as a tall building.\n- Identify the species of bird\n- Ask the bird how high it was when it returns back to earth\n- Measure the bird's mass", "targets": "Measure the altitude of the bird using a reference point, such as a tall building."}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"cooking food requires adding heat energy\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Cooking peas requires\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- fresh briny sea water\n- an unheated stove top\n- salt and cayenne pepper\n- turning on a stove top", "targets": "turning on a stove top"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"the respiratory system transfers oxygen to the circulatory system\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"What does the respiratory system transfer to the circulatory system?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- food\n- water\n- nutrients\n- O", "targets": "O"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"plants are the source of fruit\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Fruit comes from what source\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- an organism that releases carbon dioxide\n- an organism that absorbs water through it's branches\n- an organism that absorbs oxygen\n- an organism that absorbs water through it's roots", "targets": "an organism that absorbs water through it's roots"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"the heart is mostly made of muscle\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"A person is considering various organs, and is looking at which ones will be most muscular. A contender for most muscular is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the lungs\n- the kidney\n- the heart\n- the liver", "targets": "the heart"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that if weather is stormy then there is a greater chance of rain to answer this question: \"Rain is usually guaranteed when all are present but\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- cirrus clouds\n- cumulus clouds\n- hail stones\n- direct sunshine", "targets": "direct sunshine"}
{"inputs": "seconds are used to measure time\nA measurement of time that is less than a minute is a\n\nOPTIONS:\n- day\n- minute\n- hour\n- second", "targets": "second"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "ethanol sometimes is made of corn"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"bears eat berries\", how would one answer \"Some berries may be eaten by\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a bear or person\n- a bear or shark\n- a bear or lion\n- a bear or wolf", "targets": "a bear or person"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Dead plants are easier to find in\"", "targets": "usually plants die or become dormant during the winter"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: high means great in altitude\n\nWhich item has a higher altitude?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Tile Floor\n- Cars\n- A 6'' Man\n- A Picture Book", "targets": "A 6'' Man"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "a closed circuit has continuous path"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"heavy rains cause flooding\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"if a place has experienced flooding, what could be responsible?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- all of these\n- there has been excess condensed water vapor\n- the water lacks oxygen\n- the local deities are angry", "targets": "there has been excess condensed water vapor"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"In the food chain process an animal has the role of consumer which eats producers for food\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"If a grizzly bear eats a salmon, what is the grizzly bear demonstrating?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- consumption\n- cinematography\n- direction\n- production", "targets": "consumption"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"What produce pollen and seeds?\"", "targets": "a flower produces pollen and seeds"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "as the population of plants decreases , carbon in the atmosphere will increase"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"although there are many stars visible in the night sky, which is most visible in the day?\"", "targets": "the Sun is the star that is closest to Earth"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"nocturnal predators hunt during the night\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"When would a nocturnal predator most likely hunt?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- 5 p.m.\n- 12 p.m.\n- 3 a.m.\n- 10 a.m.", "targets": "3 a.m."}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"A wedge requires\"", "targets": "a simple machine requires mechanical energy to function"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "feeders attract animals to a location"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"An example of combining two substances is pouring one substance into the other substance\", how would one answer \"Putting one kind of soda into the same cup as another kind of soda is doing what to the substances?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- combining\n- drinking\n- Subtracting\n- throwing", "targets": "combining"}
{"inputs": "Fact: a complete revolution of the Earth around the sun takes one solar year\nQuestion: What would Occur once between January 1st and December 31st\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- The moons orbit around the year\n- One rotation on mercury\n- The distance between earth and Jupiter when traveling at light speed\n- A Solar Year on earth", "targets": "A Solar Year on earth"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "An example of playing a musical instrument is strumming a guitar string"}
{"inputs": "Fact: pollution is a source of pollutants\nQuestion: Which of these situations is an example of pollutants?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- plastic bags floating in the ocean\n- mallard ducks floating on a lake\n- cottonwood seeds floating in the air\n- cirrus clouds floating in the sky", "targets": "plastic bags floating in the ocean"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "the gravitational pull of the Moon on Earth 's oceans causes the tides"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"camouflage can be used for hunting for prey\", how would one answer \"Camouflage can be used by animals for hunting\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- water\n- trees\n- air\n- meals", "targets": "meals"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Cold-blooded animals are often\"", "targets": "a reptile is cold-blooded"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"a bat births live young\", how would one answer \"A bat starts its life similarly to a\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- chicken\n- pig\n- butterfly\n- duck", "targets": "pig"}
{"inputs": "combining two substances chemically causes chemical reactions\nAn example of a chemical reaction would be\n\nOPTIONS:\n- A rusty fence\n- Sleeping\n- Drinking water\n- Rain", "targets": "A rusty fence"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "a toaster converts electrical energy into heat energy for toasting"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "musical instruments make sound when they are played"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"if the population of an organism increases then the ecosystem may become overpopulated with that organism\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Overpopulation can cause\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- More fresh water for people to drink\n- Lower Life Expectancy in Countries\n- More food for more people\n- More space for places to people to live", "targets": "Lower Life Expectancy in Countries"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"offspring receive genes from their parents through DNA\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Through DNA, a rabbit will have long ears if\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- rabbits are born with ears\n- there was a lot of food\n- genetic contributors had long ears\n- parents were also rabbits", "targets": "genetic contributors had long ears"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "using less resources usually causes money to be saved"}
{"inputs": "Fact: aluminum is recyclable\nQuestion: Aluminum is what?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- reprocessable\n- plastic\n- liquid\n- absorbent", "targets": "reprocessable"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "when light hits a reflective object , that light bounces off that object"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "an earthquake causes the ground to shake"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"recyclable means a material can be recycled\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"A recyclable material can be\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- transformed\n- traded\n- thrown away\n- used more times", "targets": "used more times"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"cutting down trees has a negative impact on an organisms living in an ecosystem\", how would one answer \"Selective deforestation has a negative impact on\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- rain clouds and ozone layer\n- lakes, ponds and shellfish\n- greenhouse gases and algae\n- living organisms in ecosystem", "targets": "living organisms in ecosystem"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"an animal requires shelter\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"What would help to ensure that your dog remains free from hypothermia in January in Alaska?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Lots of meat\n- Lots of love\n- Vitamin supplements\n- An insulated room", "targets": "An insulated room"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "a chipmunk eats acorns"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"if a tree is located near a sidewalk then the roots of that tree might crack the sidewalk\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Oak tree seeds are planted and a sidewalk is paved right next to that spot, until eventually, the tree is tall and the roots must extend past the sidewalk, which means\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- roots may be split\n- roots may begin to die\n- parts may break the concrete\n- roots may fall apart", "targets": "parts may break the concrete"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"usually craters on planets are formed by asteroids impacting that planet or moon 's surface\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Asteroids crashing on planets can leave behind\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- large, bowl-shaped cavities in the ground\n- aliens and foreign foods\n- small dents in the planet's core\n- lakes filled with salty water", "targets": "large, bowl-shaped cavities in the ground"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"A pot of pasta is boiling on the stove, and the lid on top of the pot is shaking as the water boils more rapidly. A person goes to the stove and removes the pot, releasing steam into the air above, and so the steam is\"", "targets": "water is in the gas state , called water vapor , for temperatures between 100 and 100000000000 F"}
{"inputs": "cows only eat plants\nBarnyard bovines\n\nOPTIONS:\n- eat organic chicken\n- eat eggs\n- eat beef\n- eat alfalfa hay", "targets": "eat alfalfa hay"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "as the sale of a product decreases , the amount of money made by the person selling that product will decrease"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Photosynthesis does what by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- nourishes small protein bits that need to eat with tiny shakes\n- providing nourishment which enables some growth to vegetation\n- mixes carbs into soluble plant matter\n- makes good vegetable protein", "targets": "providing nourishment which enables some growth to vegetation"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that photosynthesis makes energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates to answer this question: \"Which of the following is not an input in photosynthesis?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- sunlight\n- oxygen\n- water\n- carbon dioxide", "targets": "oxygen"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"if a tree falls then sunlight becomes available to the surrounding plants\", how would one answer \"What could be a positive aspect of a tree being cut down?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the plants that were under the tree will have access to more light\n- the squirrels that were in that tree will have an easier time getting to their home\n- Plants under the tree will get cooled off by the shade\n- The sun will shine brighter than before", "targets": "the plants that were under the tree will have access to more light"}
{"inputs": "Fact: sunlight produces heat\nQuestion: An ice cube placed in sunlight will\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- shrink\n- change color\n- grow\n- freeze", "targets": "shrink"}
{"inputs": "Fact: arctic animals live in an arctic environment\nQuestion: I'm an animal with a white fur and a large fluffy tail that lives in arctic regions; what am I?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- weasel\n- snow fox\n- wolf\n- polar bear", "targets": "snow fox"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "a compass is a kind of tool for determining direction by pointing north"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Earth revolves around\"", "targets": "the Earth revolves around the sun"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the Sun is the star that is closest to Earth to answer this question: \"The Earth's closest heat source is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- our celestial fireball\n- solar flares\n- gamma rays\n- big bang", "targets": "our celestial fireball"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "the Moon completes a lunar cycle over a period of 29 days"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"some animals move quickly to escape predators\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"The nimbleness of this animal is a key adaption that allows it to escape attacks from predators:\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the butterfly\n- the sloth\n- the praying mantis\n- the antelope", "targets": "the antelope"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"animals learn some behaviors from watching their parents\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"A bear cub learns to stay away from unknown bears because\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- they are much bigger than the cub\n- the other bears look like its mother\n- their mother teaches them to keep their distance\n- the unknown bears look harmless", "targets": "their mother teaches them to keep their distance"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"polar bears live in cold environments\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Polar bears live in\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- frosty environments\n- tepid environments\n- warm environments\n- tropical environments", "targets": "frosty environments"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: predators eat prey\n\nPrey are eaten by\n\nOPTIONS:\n- an animal herded by sheep dogs\n- the animal with a starring role in Bambi\n- animals known for their memory\n- the fastest mammal with four legs", "targets": "the fastest mammal with four legs"}
{"inputs": "birds lay eggs\nThe only creature with offspring that is hatched, of these, is the\n\nOPTIONS:\n- squirrel\n- swallow\n- mink\n- bat", "targets": "swallow"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"as the use of alternative fuels increases , the use of gasoline will decrease\", how would one answer \"As gasoline costs rise, alternative fuels are being used, which means that\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- wind power will be expensive\n- gas costs will rise\n- oil costs will be maintained\n- gasoline will be needed less", "targets": "gasoline will be needed less"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"An example of combining two substances is pouring one substance into the other substance\", how would one answer \"A teacher wants to show how to combine two substances together. The two things that he can use in order to mix them completely are\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- water and soda\n- water and oil\n- sand and rocks\n- salt and bark", "targets": "water and soda"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"if liquid is boiling then that liquid is hot\", how would one answer \"A person is heating water in order to cook pasta. He spills the pot of water on his leg and finds that the water\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- scalds\n- cools\n- toasts\n- freezes", "targets": "scalds"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"living underground can be used for hiding from predators\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"In which location would a groundhog hide from a wolf?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- beside a tree\n- in the grass\n- on a stump\n- under the ground", "targets": "under the ground"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: one year is equal to 365 days\n\nHow many times would someone change the page of a calendar in a year?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- 13\n- 12\n- 15\n- 14", "targets": "12"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"A cheetah that runs all day will find it has lost a lot of\"", "targets": "as the activity of an animal increases , the amount of water in an animal 's body in that environment will decrease"}
{"inputs": "Fact: chlorophyll is used for absorbing light energy by plants\nQuestion: Green parts of a life form absorb\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- carbon dioxide\n- light\n- oxygen\n- water", "targets": "light"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"rock is made of minerals\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"If you find something smooth and hard on the ground, it is probably made of what?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- minerals\n- mist\n- clouds\n- water", "targets": "minerals"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"soil is formed by rocks eroding\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"The main component in dirt is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- microorganisms\n- broken stones\n- pollution\n- bacteria", "targets": "broken stones"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that weathering means breaking down surface materials from larger whole into smaller pieces by weather to answer this question: \"The sidewalk next to a house having a crack in it and having vegetation growing from it is considered?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- insects\n- weathering\n- lava\n- erosion", "targets": "weathering"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: the surface of the Moon contains mountains\n\nThe surface of the moon contains\n\nOPTIONS:\n- dogs\n- water\n- high peaks\n- humans", "targets": "high peaks"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"clams live at the bottom of the ocean\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"When trying to find fresh clams for dinner, a hungry person would don\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a dinner jacket\n- a diving suit\n- a warm coat\n- a dress suit", "targets": "a diving suit"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"migration is an instinctive behavior\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"An instinctual behavior is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- dogs rolling over on command\n- frogs returning to the ponds were they hatched to lay eggs\n- birds mimicking human speech\n- seals clapping for treats from trainers", "targets": "frogs returning to the ponds were they hatched to lay eggs"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "tadpole changes into a frog"}
{"inputs": "Fact: wax is an electrical insulator\nQuestion: Wax can be used similarly to\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- wood\n- rubber\n- water\n- metal", "targets": "rubber"}
{"inputs": "Fact: seeing is used for sensing visual things\nQuestion: Eyes allow humans\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- to detect when a traffic light changes\n- detect sour flavors in candy\n- hear music at concerts\n- detect acrid odors in the air", "targets": "to detect when a traffic light changes"}
{"inputs": "water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 and 0 F\nGlobal warming is lowering the world's amount of\n\nOPTIONS:\n- hurricanes\n- ocean levels\n- carbon dioxide\n- ice", "targets": "ice"}
{"inputs": "tidal energy can be used to produce electricity\nHow is electricity produced from the ocean?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- decaying organic material from sealife\n- energy is accessed underwater from tides\n- drills to access oil supplies\n- chemical reactions produced from the salt in the water", "targets": "energy is accessed underwater from tides"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Cephalopod ink is by octopuses to\"", "targets": "ink is used for hiding from predators by octopuses"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"warm-weather organisms live in warm climates\", how would one answer \"A warm-weather organism can be found in\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the Sahara\n- the mountains\n- the ocean\n- the sewers", "targets": "the Sahara"}
{"inputs": "Fact: creating paper requires cutting down trees\nQuestion: A company makes notebooks for college courses, so their main material is\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- chips\n- water\n- grass\n- trees", "targets": "trees"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"feeders attract animals to a location\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"There are less hummingbirds by this house than before because of\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a feeder at this house\n- the birds no longer like feeders\n- the size of the feeder\n- a feeder at another house", "targets": "a feeder at another house"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"The harder a child pushes a toy car\"", "targets": "as force exerted on an object increases , distance travelled will increase"}
{"inputs": "as altitude increases , the temperature of the air will decrease\nThe lowest temperature on the trip was at\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the mountain pass\n- the plain\n- the large hill\n- the canyon", "targets": "the mountain pass"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Medicine is used to cure but can cause people to have allergic reactions such as\"", "targets": "medicine can cause people to have bad reactions"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"The dam was put under much more stress after the\"", "targets": "as the amount of water in a body of water increases , the water levels will increase"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"the moon rising occurs once per day\", how would one answer \"Every evening a child can look into the night sky and see that the moon is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- gone\n- breaking\n- falling\n- moving upwards", "targets": "moving upwards"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "a frog eats insects"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"mammals give birth to live young\", how would one answer \"Mammals give birth to live\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- children\n- birds\n- fish\n- insects", "targets": "children"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Quartz crystals are made up of\"", "targets": "a quartz is made of six-sided transparent crystals"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "as depth increases , pressure will increase"}
{"inputs": "Fact: a cactus stem is used for storing water\nQuestion: In the hottest months in the hottest desert, creatures such as birds may find water to drink\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- in sticks\n- in pebbles\n- in sand\n- in spiked plants", "targets": "in spiked plants"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"tapping two objects together causes the particles in those objects to vibrate\", how would one answer \"Tapping a drumstick to a drum will\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- reverberate when touched together\n- vibrate when next to each other\n- shake around when near\n- put each other down", "targets": "reverberate when touched together"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "cooking food requires adding heat energy"}
{"inputs": "Fact: polar bears live in cold environments\nQuestion: How do polar bears survive the cold?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- B and D\n- Double Fur Coats\n- Cold blooded\n- Compact ears", "targets": "B and D"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the coloration of fur is an inherited characteristic to answer this question: \"How can we see that the coloration of fur is an inherited characteristic?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- puppies have soft fur\n- kittens look like their parents\n- all mammals are born with fur\n- baby rats are mostly bald", "targets": "kittens look like their parents"}
{"inputs": "the respiratory system transfers oxygen to the circulatory system\nThe respiratory system works by\n\nOPTIONS:\n- directing oxygen from lungs to other organs\n- pushing air through lungs\n- moving air in a room\n- making air quality better", "targets": "directing oxygen from lungs to other organs"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "iron is always magnetic"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: A bird is a pollinating animal\n\nA field begins to bloom and blossom and plants need to be pollinated. In order to spread seeds, plants will most rely on\n\nOPTIONS:\n- pythons\n- salmon\n- robins\n- craters", "targets": "robins"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "camouflage is a kind of protection against predators"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"some adult animals lay eggs\", how would one answer \"is it normal for an adult animal to lay eggs?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- it has never happened\n- yes it is standard\n- it is abnormal and weird\n- all of these", "targets": "yes it is standard"}
{"inputs": "electric devices require electrical energy to function\nA boy wants to use his Walkman so that he can listen to some music. When he tries to turn it on, it us unable to, and the boy realizes that he will need\n\nOPTIONS:\n- heat\n- metal\n- lithium-ion\n- plastic", "targets": "lithium-ion"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Which source provides the safest water?\"", "targets": "rain is a source of water"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"a deer lives in a forest\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"There are various creatures that live in forests, such as\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- giant fish\n- enormous crabs\n- whitetails\n- desert jackals", "targets": "whitetails"}
{"inputs": "Fact: if battery in an electromagnet is active then the nail in the electromagnet will become magnetic\nQuestion: If a battery in an electromagnet is active, then what will happen to a nail in that electromagnet?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- it loses its magnetization\n- it loses its charge\n- it may become magnetized\n- it gains a charge", "targets": "it may become magnetized"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"crop rotation has a positive impact on soil quality\", how would one answer \"Crop rotation has a positive impact on what?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- government mentality\n- dirt quality\n- town economies\n- crop watering", "targets": "dirt quality"}
{"inputs": "fossil fuels forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human\nwere there fossil fuels in the ground when humans evolved?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- this was only created by humans\n- humans predate fossil fuel formation\n- significant supplies accumulated prior\n- none of these", "targets": "significant supplies accumulated prior"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "electricity can not flow through an open circuit"}
{"inputs": "Fact: the moon is the celestial object that is closest to the Earth\nQuestion: which of these is the quickest to go visiting from our world?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- none of these\n- a trip to mars\n- a trip to the moon\n- a trip to the northern star", "targets": "a trip to the moon"}
{"inputs": "Fact: explosions can cause harm to an organism\nQuestion: are explosions safe?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- they could harm living things\n- they are very safe\n- they cause nothing serious\n- none of these", "targets": "they could harm living things"}
{"inputs": "Fact: organisms live in their habitat\nQuestion: A tree is not the habitat of a\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- squirrel\n- woodpecker\n- monkey\n- lion", "targets": "lion"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"tearing an object changes that object 's shape\", how would one answer \"when a circle is torn it is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- doubled\n- changed\n- a smaller circle\n- a square", "targets": "changed"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: as mass of a celestial body increases , the force of gravity on that planet will increase\n\nWhat has more gravity force than Earth but less than the sun?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Jupiter\n- the moon\n- a space station\n- a comet", "targets": "Jupiter"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"sweat is used for adjusting to hot temperatures by some animals\", how would one answer \"Some animals use a liquid coming from their skin to adjust to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- cold\n- water\n- heat\n- humidity", "targets": "heat"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that Earth is made of rock to answer this question: \"Earth's four layers are comprised mainly of\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- stone\n- bacteria\n- water\n- air", "targets": "stone"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that photosynthesis means producers convert from carbon dioxide, water, and solar energy into food for themselves to answer this question: \"Photosynthesis means plants are unable to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- convert sunlight to sand\n- provide food sources for others\n- be producers in an ecosystem\n- make their own food", "targets": "convert sunlight to sand"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that reproduction produces offspring to answer this question: \"Little puppies are a result of:\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- reproduction ?\n- pet store sale\n- a begging child\n- evolution", "targets": "reproduction ?"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"an organism requires energy for growth\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"In order for plants and animals to grow, they need to consume food and water for\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- energy\n- fun\n- taste\n- soil", "targets": "energy"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"herbivores only eat plants\", how would one answer \"An animal that only eats plants is a\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- rat\n- moth\n- chimpanzee\n- pig", "targets": "moth"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: the ocean contains large amounts of salt water\n\nA Mola Mola might live where?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Lake Michigan\n- The Mississippi River\n- Bay of Bengal\n- Lake Eerie", "targets": "Bay of Bengal"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that usually coral lives in warm water to answer this question: \"Coral grows in\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- frigid waters\n- tepid seas\n- glacial environments\n- jungle forests", "targets": "tepid seas"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a desert environment usually has a lot of sunlight\n\nAre deserts characterized by high sunshine?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- they get low sunlight\n- deserts get surplus sun\n- deserts get little sun\n- deserts are always cloudy", "targets": "deserts get surplus sun"}
{"inputs": "scraping an object may cause small particles to break off of that object\nScraping an object\n\nOPTIONS:\n- may cause the object to grow in size\n- may cause the object to fall\n- may cause pieces to flake off the object\n- may cause the object to snap in half", "targets": "may cause pieces to flake off the object"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: metal is a thermal conductor\n\nThe aluminum cans were much hotter than the\n\nOPTIONS:\n- gold jewelry\n- wooden fence\n- brass doorknob\n- steel pole", "targets": "wooden fence"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"the winter solstice is on December 21st in the northern hemisphere\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"The winter solstice is on December 21st in the\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- counties\n- north of equator\n- states\n- southern hemisphere", "targets": "north of equator"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Erosion is caused by different kinds of\"", "targets": "wind and rain cause erosion"}
{"inputs": "Fact: if a liquid disappears then that liquid probably evaporated\nQuestion: Evaporation\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- only happens in the summer\n- is like nature's disappearing water trick\n- is caused by snow\n- involves the disappearance of sunlight", "targets": "is like nature's disappearing water trick"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "cows only eat plants"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "friction acts to counter the motion of two objects when their surfaces are touching"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Cellular respiration's trash is\"", "targets": "In the cellular respiration process carbon dioxide is a waste product"}
{"inputs": "Fact: some lizards live in desert habitats\nQuestion: which of these are you most likely to find in a desert?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a hammer head shark\n- a big tilapia fish\n- a prickly horned male lizard\n- none of these", "targets": "a prickly horned male lizard"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "evaporation causes amount of water to decrease"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that an incandescent light bulb converts electricity into light by sending electricity through a filament to answer this question: \"An incandescent bulb's filament produces similar light as an LED bulb, but more\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- white light\n- conversion\n- heat\n- sound", "targets": "heat"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: seeing is used for sensing visual things\n\nWhat is used for sensing visual things?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- nerves\n- tibia\n- nostril\n- cornea", "targets": "cornea"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"An example of playing a musical instrument is strumming a guitar string\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Which musical instrument is the same type as a guitar?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- flute\n- cello\n- drum\n- trumpet", "targets": "cello"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"plant requires seed dispersal for reproduction\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Birds carrying away fruit helps the tree\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- grow\n- fertilize\n- reproduce\n- conquer", "targets": "reproduce"}
{"inputs": "Fact: a plateau is formed by a buildup of cooled lava\nQuestion: What element is prevalent in a plateau?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- helium\n- krypton\n- silicon\n- neon", "targets": "silicon"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that cooking food requires adding heat energy to answer this question: \"Roasting a turkey requires adding what type of energy\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Heat\n- Kinetic\n- Magnetic\n- Chemical", "targets": "Heat"}
{"inputs": "special tissues in plants transport minerals throughout the plant\nThe special tissues in plants that transport minerals throughout the plant are similar to\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a wick\n- a funnel\n- a knife\n- a whisk", "targets": "a wick"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the moon 's surface contains many craters to answer this question: \"The moon is known for having what feature?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- frozen streams of water\n- large bowl shaped cavities\n- caves formed by solar winds\n- groups of large trees", "targets": "large bowl shaped cavities"}
{"inputs": "Fact: fossils are formed when layers of sediment cover the remains of organisms over time\nQuestion: A lake environment is a good setup for what to happen to organic remains?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- bleaching\n- burning\n- fossilization\n- drying", "targets": "fossilization"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that eyes are used for seeing by animals by sensing light to answer this question: \"The viewing oriented sensor of a prairie creature are for what?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- reproductive purposes\n- viewing sounds\n- sensing views\n- sensing tastes", "targets": "sensing views"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "tuna eat fish"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "alloys are made of two or more metals"}
{"inputs": "Fact: wind is used for producing electricity\nQuestion: What type of useful product can be made from the moving winds?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- wood\n- bananas\n- electricity\n- metal", "targets": "electricity"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"What will increase when a substance absorbs solar energy?\"", "targets": "if a substance absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"when available resources decrease in an environment , organisms have to conserve those resources\", how would one answer \"If a person loses his job and is low on money, he will have to start cutting back on how much food he consumes or he'd run out, otherwise known as\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- destroying\n- conserving\n- losing\n- squandering", "targets": "conserving"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "a desert environment is usually hot in temperature"}
{"inputs": "Fact: a plant requires sunlight to grow\nQuestion: Plants are unable to grow if they have zero access to\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a nice cool breeze\n- fresh soil with manure\n- a regular source of saltwater\n- needs required for creating chlorophyll", "targets": "needs required for creating chlorophyll"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"lizards eat insects\", how would one answer \"The majority of a lizard's diet consists of\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- fleas\n- crawlies\n- gummy worms\n- berries", "targets": "crawlies"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"decomposition increases the amount of nutrients in the soil\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"They looked where the log decayed to garden as it would leave the earth\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- richer\n- dryer\n- sandy\n- harder", "targets": "richer"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"if a bat delivers a live offspring, what does this tell us?\"", "targets": "a bat births live young"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "metal is an electrical energy conductor"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"a pulley is used to lift a flag on a flagpole\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"A pulley is used to lift a flag on a flagpole by\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- moving a rope sideways\n- putting something in the air\n- moving things with wheels\n- yanking string up a wheel", "targets": "yanking string up a wheel"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Creatures sometimes have barbs on their backs that they use to sting, all of these do, outside of the\"", "targets": "a stinger is used for defense by a wasp"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"as the use of a resource decreases , the length of time that resource will be available increases\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Conservation\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- leads to longer drought of resources\n- leads to longer availability of resources\n- leads to more consumption\n- leads to short supply of resources", "targets": "leads to longer availability of resources"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"a plant requires sunlight to grow\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"A plant left in the dark\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- produces fruit\n- grows faster\n- fails to grow\n- gets greener", "targets": "fails to grow"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a thermometer is used to measure temperature\n\nThermometers\n\nOPTIONS:\n- can help you monitor a fever\n- indicate levels of mercury in the blood\n- read exactly at 98.6 degrees\n- are used only for babies", "targets": "can help you monitor a fever"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"seconds are used to measure time\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"A boy at school is waiting desperately for the school day to be over so that he can go home and play video games. He watches the time count down on the clock at the head of the class, counting the\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- seconds\n- days\n- weeks\n- years", "targets": "seconds"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"microscope is used to see small things by making them appear bigger\", how would one answer \"How does a microscope make small things appear?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- humongous\n- transparent\n- discolored\n- distorted", "targets": "humongous"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "plant cells can perform photosynthesis"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "animals learn some behaviors from watching their parents"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"A sailor needs to navigate to the shore, and does this by\"", "targets": "An example of navigation is directing a boat"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "all living things eliminate waste"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "skin is used for protecting the body from harmful substances"}
{"inputs": "runoff is when cropland water enters bodies of water\nRunoff happens because of\n\nOPTIONS:\n- birds\n- cattails\n- people\n- fish", "targets": "people"}
{"inputs": "summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun\nA hemisphere experiences summer when\n\nOPTIONS:\n- it's tilted towards Jupiter\n- it's angled towards the moon\n- it's angled towards the largest star in the solar system\n- it spins counter clockwise on Earth's axis", "targets": "it's angled towards the largest star in the solar system"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: snow falls during the winter in some environments\n\nSnow is more likely to fall two months before\n\nOPTIONS:\n- June\n- March\n- September\n- December", "targets": "March"}
{"inputs": "Fact: eating food is used to get nutrients by living things\nQuestion: A dog is going to have to corral sheep for the afternoon, so it needs to prepare its body for the enormous workload ahead of it. The dog is\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- breaks for birds on the road\n- given a large breakfast\n- eats a few corn cobs\n- given two apples to watch", "targets": "given a large breakfast"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Pasta may be cooked in water when\"", "targets": "boiling is when liquids are heated above their boiling point"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that omnivores eat plants to answer this question: \"What animal eats plants?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- eagles\n- robins\n- owls\n- leopards", "targets": "robins"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that storms cause bodies of water to increase amount of water they contain to answer this question: \"After a storm\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- ponds may dry out\n- flowers will wilt and wither\n- creek beds may be spilling over\n- drinking water will be in short supply", "targets": "creek beds may be spilling over"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"What material has already broken down?\"", "targets": "break down means change from a whole into pieces"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"What is the benefit to using a frosted window film over a non treated windows?\"", "targets": "no light shines through an opaque object"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that lizards eat insects to answer this question: \"small reptile's diet consists mostly of\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- invertebrates\n- insects\n- mammals\n- fish", "targets": "insects"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"birds lay eggs\", how would one answer \"Humans, cats, dogs, and elephants are known as mammals because their kids are born alive. Non-mammalian babies are born\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- old\n- dead\n- in an egg\n- big", "targets": "in an egg"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: nocturnal predators hunt during the night\n\nOwls are likely to hunt at\n\nOPTIONS:\n- 3pm\n- 2am\n- 6pm\n- 7am", "targets": "2am"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "a prism refracts light"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a Punnett square is used to identify the percent chance of a trait being passed down from a parent to its offspring\n\nA Punnett square is used to identify the percent chance of a trait being passed down from a parent to its offspring, so\n\nOPTIONS:\n- certain things may be featured\n- certain features may be predicted\n- certain traits may be given\n- certain features may be guaranteed", "targets": "certain features may be predicted"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"webbed feet are used for moving faster through water by aquatic animals\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"What are the feet of Dendrocygna autumnalis designed for?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- catching prey\n- aquatic speed\n- flying\n- walking", "targets": "aquatic speed"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"magnetism can cause objects to repel each other\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Two fridge decorations when touched back to back\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- shove each other away\n- are attracted to each other\n- have very little reaction\n- are reflective when together", "targets": "shove each other away"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that plants are a source of biofuel to answer this question: \"What could I use as biofuel\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Gold\n- Car\n- Diamonds\n- Pine Needles", "targets": "Pine Needles"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "meadow voles eat insects"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"hibernation is an inherited behavior\", how would one answer \"Inherited behavior is exhibited when\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- bears take a long winter sleep\n- dogs sit on command\n- seals clap for their trainers\n- rats navigate thru a maze", "targets": "bears take a long winter sleep"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"If bacon is left too long on a hot stove top\"", "targets": "if too much heat is transferred to an object then that object may burn"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"water is an electrical conductor\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"An example of water being an electrical conductor would be what?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- lightening hitting water and organisms inside dying\n- standing in a puddle and avoiding being struck by lightening\n- standing in a field and getting struck by lightening\n- grabbing a fence and being shocked", "targets": "lightening hitting water and organisms inside dying"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"drought means available water decreases in an environment\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"As a drought worsens the level at an aquifer will\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- stay the same\n- fluctuate wildly\n- decrease\n- increase", "targets": "decrease"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: an animal requires energy to move\n\nWhich requires energy to move?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- weasel\n- willow\n- mango\n- poison ivy", "targets": "weasel"}
{"inputs": "Fact: sound can travel through air\nQuestion: Which of these travels through the air?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- planets\n- thoughts\n- automobile\n- music", "targets": "music"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest\", how would one answer \"Cutting down trees in a forest\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- leads to more habitats for animals\n- decreases the chance of erosion\n- increases the number of trees in the forest\n- leads to less habitats for animals", "targets": "leads to less habitats for animals"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that an equinox occurs twice per year to answer this question: \"A person has a chance to experience an equinox\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- weekly\n- monthly\n- annually\n- biannually", "targets": "biannually"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that water causes the most soil and rock erosion to answer this question: \"The leading cause of soil and rock erosion is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- H2O\n- CO2\n- NaCl\n- Fe", "targets": "H2O"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "as distance from a source of light increases , that source of light will appear dimmer"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that matter in the liquid state drips to answer this question: \"Which substance is capable of dripping?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Oxygen\n- Juice\n- Wood\n- Lightning", "targets": "Juice"}
{"inputs": "Fact: roots anchor plants into the soil\nQuestion: When trying to pull a rose out of the ground why do you encounter resistance?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- roots\n- tensile strength\n- plant temperature\n- plant color", "targets": "roots"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "as force exerted on an object increases , distance travelled will increase"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "as temperature in the environment increases , the body temperature of a reptile in that environment will increase"}
{"inputs": "Fact: burning a living thing usually causes harm to that living thing\nQuestion: Burning something that reproduces usually will:\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- impair its well being in some way\n- weed out weaker members of the species\n- speed up its biological functions\n- increase its population growth", "targets": "impair its well being in some way"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Having a sense of touch means\"", "targets": "feeling is when an living thing senses through touch"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Why would a perennial plant with an elongated stem a frequently used for lumber fall to the ground?\"", "targets": "if a tree falls then that tree is dead"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that a beach ball contains gas to answer this question: \"A beach ball goes from flat to round once you put what inside of it?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- food\n- sunlight\n- gas\n- salt", "targets": "gas"}
{"inputs": "fossils are formed when layers of sediment cover the remains of organisms over time\nOrganisms covered by layers of sediment\n\nOPTIONS:\n- become fossils over night\n- may end up reanimated over time\n- develop characteristics for survival\n- may end up fueling a car", "targets": "may end up fueling a car"}
{"inputs": "Fact: Matter in the liquid phase has variable shape\nQuestion: if you put wine from a jug into a thin bottle, how come it conforms?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- it exhibits absolute rigidity\n- it is a solid mass\n- all of these\n- it is a variable substance", "targets": "it is a variable substance"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "snowy means a large amount of snow"}
{"inputs": "octopuses releasing ink into the water causes predators to have difficulty seeing the octopus\nWhat animal is more difficult for predators to see in water?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a fish\n- a duck\n- an octopus\n- a crab", "targets": "an octopus"}
{"inputs": "An example of reproduction is laying eggs\nWhat is an example of reproduction?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- farming\n- egg depositing\n- flying\n- walking", "targets": "egg depositing"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "if a leaf falls off of a tree then that leaf is dead"}
{"inputs": "earthworms create tunnels in soil\nEarthworms create tunnels in\n\nOPTIONS:\n- ice\n- dirt\n- water\n- concrete", "targets": "dirt"}
{"inputs": "studying a soil sample means studying the microorganisms in that soil\nThey studied the soil by using\n\nOPTIONS:\n- plants\n- a telescope\n- roots\n- a microscope", "targets": "a microscope"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"An example of evaporation is a body of water drying up by absorbing heat energy\", how would one answer \"A small creek absorbing heat energy can result in\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the creek water getting colder\n- a parched creek bed\n- tributaries branching off from the creek\n- a runoff of extra water", "targets": "a parched creek bed"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "xylem transports materials through the plant"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: xylem carries water from the roots of a plant to the leaves of a plant\n\nXylem\n\nOPTIONS:\n- discourages pests from landing on leaves\n- allows plants to move carbon dioxide from root to stems\n- carries seedlings from roots to leaves\n- allows plants to move rain thru their systems", "targets": "allows plants to move rain thru their systems"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"calculating speed requires knowing distance travelled\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"to find out how fast you are going you first need to know\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- where you're going\n- distance traveled\n- distance to travel\n- home location", "targets": "distance traveled"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that musical instruments make sound when they are played to answer this question: \"A sousaphone\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- is ancient\n- is a frog\n- makes deep noises\n- is a smartphone", "targets": "makes deep noises"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"the colors of the parts of an organism are inherited characteristics\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Inherited characteristics\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- include mice being able to navigate a maze\n- include learning to sit on command\n- include dolphins doing tricks for their trainers\n- include spots on a ladybug", "targets": "include spots on a ladybug"}
{"inputs": "decreasing something negative has a positive impact on a thing\nA decrease in diseases\n\nOPTIONS:\n- has no impact on a population\n- leads to more sick people\n- leads to less sick people\n- leads to an uptick in emergency room visits", "targets": "leads to less sick people"}
{"inputs": "Fact: the Earth being tilted on its axis causes seasons\nQuestion: Seasons are caused by what rotating on its axis?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Our Planet\n- The Atmosphere\n- The Equator\n- The Sun", "targets": "Our Planet"}
{"inputs": "Fact: most canyons are formed by flowing rivers through erosion over long periods of time\nQuestion: The sides of the canyon are\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- metal\n- water\n- rivers\n- stone", "targets": "stone"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "tadpole changes into a frog"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a Punnett square is used to identify the percent chance of a trait being passed down from a parent to its offspring\n\nA tool used to identify the percent chance of a trait being passed down has at least\n\nOPTIONS:\n- four boxes\n- eight boxes\n- two boxes\n- six boxes", "targets": "four boxes"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"polar bears live in cold environments\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Where would a polar bear be most comfortable?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Arizona\n- Georgia\n- Florida\n- Nebraska", "targets": "Nebraska"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"a plants require water for to grow\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"What is the formula of the substance which best helps plants grow\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- NH4\n- C4H4\n- CO2\n- H2O", "targets": "H2O"}
{"inputs": "Fact: a closed circuit has continuous path\nQuestion: In a closed circuit, electricity will\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- burn out\n- charge itself\n- loop endlessly\n- resist flow", "targets": "loop endlessly"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"sand dunes are made of sand\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Dunes can be made out of the same thing as\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- clothes\n- food\n- forests\n- castles", "targets": "castles"}
{"inputs": "as heat increases , a flexible container containing gas will expand\nWhat would happen when balloons heat up?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- they get bigger\n- they get smaller\n- nothing happens\n- they fall down", "targets": "they get bigger"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"freezing causes a solid to form\", how would one answer \"A solid is likely to form in extreme\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- floods\n- wind\n- chill\n- rain", "targets": "chill"}
{"inputs": "mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object\nThe transportation with the most mass is likely a\n\nOPTIONS:\n- commercial plane\n- private plane\n- bus\n- private car", "targets": "commercial plane"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"different organisms reproduce differently\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Which pair don't reproduce the same way?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- rabbit and hare\n- mule and hinny\n- cat and catfish\n- caterpillar and butterfly", "targets": "cat and catfish"}
{"inputs": "Fact: paper is recyclable\nQuestion: Which is recyclable?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- An Elephant\n- A school notebook\n- A boat\n- A lake", "targets": "A school notebook"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: live birth means developing inside the mother instead of an egg\n\nLive birth is exemplified in\n\nOPTIONS:\n- snakes slithering out of eggs\n- a calf emerging from a mother giraffe\n- owlets pecking out of their encasement\n- sea turtles emerging from their shells", "targets": "a calf emerging from a mother giraffe"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"A prisoner is kept in a stone room, unable to see the sun. The prisoner knows that he needs vitamin D to survive, so he\"", "targets": "dairy is a source of Vitamin D"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that moving an object from a cool place to a warm place causes the object 's temperature to increase to answer this question: \"An increase in an object's temperature occurs when\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- an orange is placed in a refrigerator\n- a steak is removed from the freezer to defrost\n- a glass of water is moved from counter top to dinner table\n- an ice tray is placed in a freezer", "targets": "a steak is removed from the freezer to defrost"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"In order for crops to grow food safely, pesticides are used on them. When it floods, this causes t he what to be poisonous?\"", "targets": "runoff contains pesticides from cropland"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"grass snakes live in grass\", how would one answer \"Grass snakes live in what?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- trees\n- mountains\n- lakes\n- turf", "targets": "turf"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "plasma is formed by electrons separating from atoms in stars"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "as distance from a source of light increases , that source of light will appear dimmer"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "illness has a negative impact on an organism 's health"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"skills are learned characteristics\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"What type of characteristics are people not born with?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- genetics\n- skills\n- physical attributes\n- height", "targets": "skills"}
{"inputs": "Fact: carnivores are predators\nQuestion: Carnivores\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- eat foliage and vegetables exclusively\n- are the bottom of the food chain\n- require prey to survive\n- require carbon dioxide to survive", "targets": "require prey to survive"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "as lightness in color of an object increases , the ability of that object to reflect light will increase"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"hawks eat lizards\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"A red-tailed hawk is searching for prey. It is most likely to swoop down on\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- an eagle\n- a cow\n- a gecko\n- a deer", "targets": "a gecko"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that the stars in the night sky are very far away from the Earth to answer this question: \"the night sky shows very far away what\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- clumps of flaming gas\n- tidal waves washing over beaches\n- aircraft falling towards collision\n- party balloons tied to houses", "targets": "clumps of flaming gas"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"wind carries sand from one place to another place\", how would one answer \"How can we see how wind effects sand?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- sand is always moving\n- sandstorms create ripples in sand\n- sand is easy to move through\n- beaches often have waves in the sand", "targets": "sandstorms create ripples in sand"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"if a hot substance is touches a cold object then that substance will likely cool\", how would one answer \"What kind of substance will cool when it touches a cold object?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- warm\n- frozen\n- chilly\n- cold", "targets": "warm"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Bill planted rapeseed in his field one year and soybeans the next in order to\"", "targets": "crop rotation is when different crops are planted on a field in different years"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a satellite orbits a planet\n\nA satellite orbits a\n\nOPTIONS:\n- empty space\n- ocean\n- terrestrial body\n- air pocket", "targets": "terrestrial body"}
{"inputs": "electrocution causes harm to an organism\nThe man's heart skipped a beat and he felt pain after touching which of these?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- ice cube\n- water\n- electrical transformer\n- grass", "targets": "electrical transformer"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "metal is sometimes magnetic"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: the type of material through which sound passes changes the speed at which sound travels\n\nWhich of these would create the most sound if struck with a metal spoon?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the plastic water bottle\n- the backside of a person\n- the hair on a doll\n- the chassis of a car", "targets": "the chassis of a car"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"an electrical device requires electricity to turn on\", how would one answer \"Which of the following can be used to turn on an electrical device?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- solar-rechargeable battery\n- a wedge\n- a magnet\n- pressure gauge", "targets": "solar-rechargeable battery"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "fossil fuels are formed by dead organisms over time"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"a hand dryer produces heat\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"Hand dryers can also be used to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- keep cold drinks cool\n- dry out clothes after coming in from the rain\n- hydrate your face and hands\n- make a damp rag damper", "targets": "dry out clothes after coming in from the rain"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"A person can see\"", "targets": "seeing is used for sensing visual things"}
{"inputs": "the ocean contains large amounts of salt water\nWhich of the following contains large amounts of salt water?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- The Amazon\n- The Nile\n- The Indian\n- The Mississippi", "targets": "The Indian"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"all cells perform cellular respiration\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"all cells use cellular respiration to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- photosynthesize\n- release waste\n- perform meiosis\n- release energy", "targets": "release waste"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "DNA is a vehicle for passing inherited characteristics from parent to offspring"}