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{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"some hares live in fields\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Some of these creatures with fluffy butts live in grassy areas\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- snakes\n- doe\n- scorpions\n- turtles", "targets": "doe"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"changes in an environment cause plants to\"", "targets": "changes in an environment cause plants to adapt to survive"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "tunnels in soil loosen that soil"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "a battery is a source of electrical energy"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "carbon dioxide can be found in the air"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"force causes the speed of an object to increase\", how would one answer \"Igniting the shuttles boosters causes it to\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- explode\n- stop midair\n- accelerate\n- decelerate", "targets": "accelerate"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "brick is an electrical insulator"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"What would need electrical energy to function?\"", "targets": "electric devices require electrical energy to function"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "climate is the usual kind of weather in a location"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "if something is in the sunlight then that something will absorb solar energy"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"the moon does not contain water\", how would one answer \"What covers over 90% of the Earth's surface and 0% of the moon's surface\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a magnesium iron silicate mineral\n- chemical element with the symbol S\n- the element with the symbol Fe\n- that which contains 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen molecules", "targets": "that which contains 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen molecules"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "an animal requires warmth for survival"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"as a source of light becomes closer , that source will appear brighter\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"as a source of light becomes closer , that source will appear\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- heavily luminous\n- sweeter\n- darker\n- louder", "targets": "heavily luminous"}
{"inputs": "if the amount of available food and water decreases in an environment then animals may leave that environment to find food and water\nIf an environment experiences a long drought\n\nOPTIONS:\n- animals will experience a boom in reproduction\n- ponds may dry up and kill off the fish population\n- tadpoles will mature faster into frogs\n- plants will continue to flourish", "targets": "ponds may dry up and kill off the fish population"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: lack of food causes starvation\n\nA lone fox is searching for its next meal in a meadow that used to be bountiful with food. This season, though, rabbits have all been eaten up and the field is dry and barren. The fox may\n\nOPTIONS:\n- fly\n- say something\n- hibernate\n- starve", "targets": "starve"}
{"inputs": "drought may cause wildfires\nWildfires are exacerbated in part due to dangerously low moisture content in light fuels, commonly brought on by\n\nOPTIONS:\n- periods of less than usual precipitation\n- torrential rains across the plains\n- too many firefighters with McLeods and Pulaskis\n- high moisture content on incident commanders' heads", "targets": "periods of less than usual precipitation"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air to answer this question: \"Which feels hotter?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- 90 degrees Fahrenheit, high humidity\n- low temperature, low humidity\n- low temperature, high humidity\n- 90 degrees Fahrenheit, low humidity", "targets": "90 degrees Fahrenheit, high humidity"}
{"inputs": "Fact: producing light is used for attracting prey by some deep sea animals\nQuestion: Angler fish hunt by using\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- fishermen\n- spear guns\n- illumination\n- fishing poles", "targets": "illumination"}
{"inputs": "drought means available water decreases in an environment\nWhat happens when available water decreases in an environment?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- growth\n- flooding\n- rain\n- dry spell", "targets": "dry spell"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: if a tree falls then sunlight becomes available to the surrounding plants\n\nWhich would block the most sunlight?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a mighty oak\n- a lowly bush\n- an eagle's nest\n- a mail box", "targets": "a mighty oak"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: Matter in the liquid phase has variable shape\n\nA person puts liquid matter in a glass and it\n\nOPTIONS:\n- is hardened\n- evaporates immediately\n- is shaped similarly\n- melts the glass", "targets": "is shaped similarly"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "the cells of multicellular organisms can specialize"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"ferrous metals contain iron\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"Ferrous metals can comprise items such as\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- steel clogs\n- gold cats\n- bronze shoes\n- Fe armor", "targets": "Fe armor"}
{"inputs": "Fact: a stinger is used for defense by a wasp\nQuestion: red hornets can sting you multiple times with their\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- poison sack\n- knife\n- spears\n- rears", "targets": "rears"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: matter in the liquid state drips\n\nA faucet drips\n\nOPTIONS:\n- lava\n- air\n- sand\n- melted ice", "targets": "melted ice"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Which is most likely a cause of camouflage's effectiveness?\"", "targets": "camouflage is a kind of protection against predators"}
{"inputs": "Fact: birds are a vehicle for spreading the seeds of a plant\nQuestion: Which would a strawberry most rely on to ensure it gets planted?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a fish\n- a canary\n- a penguin\n- a tiger", "targets": "a canary"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"pollution is when humans pollute the environment with pollutants\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"One way humans may be polluting the Earth is\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- using solar energy\n- antibacterial soap\n- riding bikes\n- walking", "targets": "antibacterial soap"}
{"inputs": "Fact: sound can travel through air\nQuestion: Sound can travel through the\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- planet\n- sun\n- body\n- sky", "targets": "sky"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "migration is an instinctive behavior"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"An example of a mixture is clay mixed together\", how would one answer \"What do you have if you throw chocolate chips, peanuts, coconut, and dried strawberry into a bag?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- recipe for dynamite\n- a trail mix\n- a birthday cake\n- a cookie recipe", "targets": "a trail mix"}
{"inputs": "Fact: climate is the usual kind of weather in a location\nQuestion: Which would be most useful in determining an areas climate?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- Average daily temperatures for five years\n- A flood report from three years ago\n- Last year's rainfall totals\n- A report of a tornado", "targets": "Average daily temperatures for five years"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "batteries convert chemical energy to electrical energy"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: a squid produces thrust by pushing water out of its body\n\nWhich of the following would push water out of its body to evade an orca?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a squid\n- a shark\n- a flounder\n- a lobster", "targets": "a squid"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "An example of an instinctive behavior is a baby bird pecking at its shell to hatch"}
{"inputs": "Given the fact \"a complete revolution of the Earth around the sun takes one solar year\", what is the answer to the question or completion \"How many times does the Earth complete a revolution around the sun in a decade?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- twelve\n- one\n- ten\n- two", "targets": "ten"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "rocks are a source of shelter for small animals in an environment"}
{"inputs": "Read this fact: \"the tide cycle regularly occurs twice per day\"\n\nNow answer this question: \"If I were recreating water going in and out, I would need to make sure\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- I paint the water orange\n- I include the animals\n- I use the sun for gravity\n- I repeat it twice", "targets": "I repeat it twice"}
{"inputs": "Generate a sentence that contains a fact.", "targets": "when a hibernating frog emergest from mud , that frog has ended its hibernation"}
{"inputs": "Use evidence from the fact that electric devices require electrical energy to function to answer this question: \"A computer needs what to be functional\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- money\n- positive ions\n- a mommy\n- youtube", "targets": "positive ions"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: an organism requires energy for repair\n\nEnergy will be expended for\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a monkey with a puncture wound to get better\n- pencils to lay flat on a desk\n- paper to flutter around\n- a flower to lay dormant", "targets": "a monkey with a puncture wound to get better"}
{"inputs": "What is a random fact?", "targets": "soil is formed by weathering"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: offspring receive genes from their parents through DNA\n\nif a child gets certain traits from the parent, what delivers these to them?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the epidermis of the skin\n- the platelets of the blood\n- the plasma in the blood\n- the body's nucleic acid", "targets": "the body's nucleic acid"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: carbon steel is always magnetic\n\nSwords are drawn to\n\nOPTIONS:\n- the devil\n- magnets\n- people\n- trees", "targets": "magnets"}
{"inputs": "Fact: birds lay eggs\nQuestion: Which of these lays eggs?\n\nWhat's the answer?\n\nOPTIONS:\n- vampire bats\n- flying squirrels\n- lesser whitethroats\n- coyotes", "targets": "lesser whitethroats"}
{"inputs": "Use this fact to answer the question: Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization\n\nMilk sold in supermarkets is pasteurized because\n\nOPTIONS:\n- all raw milk is safe\n- to keep bacteria from getting into the milk after the customer buys it\n- the factory farmed cows produce a lot of pus in their milk\n- that makes it taste better", "targets": "to keep bacteria from getting into the milk after the customer buys it"}
{"inputs": "electricity can not flow through an open circuit\nA boy leaves a circuit in the wall open, then when he goes to turn on the lights\n\nOPTIONS:\n- it fails\n- it succeeds\n- it shines\n- it works", "targets": "it fails"}
{"inputs": "Knowing that \"the mass of a planet causes the pull of gravity on that planet\", how would one answer \"if these animals were planetary bodies, which of them would have the most gravitational pull?\"\n\nOPTIONS:\n- a bull on the couch\n- a mouse in the wall\n- a duck in the pond\n- a dog in the field", "targets": "a bull on the couch"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"Which would a fire likely be the cause of?\"", "targets": "fire causes burning"}
{"inputs": "What sentence would provide a factual answer to this question: \"pollution is when humans pollute the environment with\"", "targets": "pollution is when humans pollute the environment with pollutants"}