{"inputs": "Translate \"2. Ejecute el programa, entonces la importaci\u00f3n de archivos PPS en el PPS a MPEG Converter . Para importar archivos PPS, usted s\u00f3lo necesita haga clic en Agregar .\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "2. Launch the program, then import PPS file into PPS to MPEG converter. For importing PPS file, you just need click Add."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Welcome Argentina - Touristic Information about La Rioja, Argentina: What to Buy\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Welcome Argentina - Informaci\u00f3n tur\u00edstica sobre La Rioja, Argentina: Qu\u00e9 comprar"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nTo make real headway, this industry must conceive a true equivalent to the PC. Big talk, but the initial plan for the \u2018\u2019i-car\u2019\u2019 is hardly radical aside from it being a front wheel drive BMW. It will measure about 4100mm long (so 25% longer than Toyota i-Q) and have four wheels. The i-series will continue as more as a luxurious, rear drive car, because the i-model will be more spacious and much lighter to make it a fuel miser.", "targets": "Para hacer el verdadero progreso, esta industria debe concebir un equivalente verdadero con el PC. La conversaci\u00f3n grande, pero el plan inicial para el ''i-coche'' es apenas radical aparte de ello siendo unas ruedas motrices delanteras BMW. Medir\u00e1 aproximadamente 4100 mm de largo (tan 25% m\u00e1s largo que la Toyota i-Q) y tendr\u00e1 cuatro ruedas. La i-serie seguir\u00e1 tan m\u00e1s como un coche de paseo lujoso, trasero, porque el i-modelo ser\u00e1 m\u00e1s espacioso y mucho m\u00e1s ligero para hacerla un avaro de combustible."} {"inputs": "La banda de gaitas de Corvera de Asturias fue la encargada de amenizar la ceremonia de inauguraci\u00f3n del Europa de Trasona 2010, interpretando las notas del himno de Asturias, el 'Asturias Patria Querida'. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Corvera de Asturias bagpipes band was commissioned to liven up the opening ceremony of the Europe 2010 Trasona, playing the anthem of Asturias, the Asturias Patria Querida notes."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nN\u00famero de visitas: 818", "targets": "Number of visits: 4139"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The IACHR urges the State of Costa Rica to implement the necessary measures to prevent the repetition of similar incidents, and to investigate and punish the perpetrators.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "La CIDH insta al Estado a adoptar las medidas pertinentes para evitar la repetici\u00f3n de hechos similares, y para investigar y sancionar a los responsables."} {"inputs": "James speaks about \u201cpartiality\u201d, \u201cmaking distinctions among yourselves\u201d and \u201cbecoming judges with evil designs.\u201d Say this using Spanish", "targets": "James habla de \"parcialidad\", \"Hacer distinciones entre vosotros\" y \"llegar a ser jueces con malos designios.\""} {"inputs": "Translate \"Foto de la din\u00e1mica del coche estil\u00edstico Dodge Challenger RT y SE SRT10 s\u00faper concepto stock con discos expresivos ideales en una empinada neum\u00e1ticos de carrera de bajo perfil, para dar a este encanto del coche y la excelencia.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Photo from the dynamic stylistic car Dodge Challenger RT and SE SRT10 super stock concept with ideal expressive discs at a steep low-profile racing tires, to give this car charm and excellence."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Most of the cookies we use are deleted from your hard disk after the browser session ends (so-called Session cookies)."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Al barril m\u00e1s grande del vino del final del d\u00e9cimosexto siglo:\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "To the largest wine barrel of the outgoing 16. century"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEn una carta, Krupp dijo que el plan de reorganizaci\u00f3n que envi\u00f3 en nombre de la Asociaci\u00f3n de Industriales se caracterizaba por el deseo de coordinar las medidas econ\u00f3micas con las necesidades pol\u00edticas, adoptando el concepto del F\u00fchrer del nuevo Estado Alem\u00e1n.", "targets": "In a letter of transmittal, Krupp stated that the plan of reorganisation which he submitted on behalf of the Association of Industrialists, was characterised by the desire to co-ordinate economic measures and political necessity, adopting the Fuehrer conception of the new German State."} {"inputs": "La Sparkassenstiftung apoya la organizaci\u00f3n no gubernamental filipina (ONG) CARD en la creaci\u00f3n de su propio banco. En el a\u00f1o 1977, CARD obtiene una licencia bancaria. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Sparkassenstiftung assisted the Philippines-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) CARD to establish its own bank. CARD went on to obtain a bank license in 1997."} {"inputs": "Number of visits: 1499 Say this using Spanish", "targets": "N\u00famero de visitas: 732"} {"inputs": "Translate \"During her visit, she held discussions with members of the civil society, composed of women's leaders working on advancing gender rights and improving women's status and conditions.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Durante su visita tambi\u00e9n se reunir\u00e1 con miembros de la sociedad civil, sobre todo con mujeres l\u00edderes que trabajan para hacer avanzar los derechos de g\u00e9nero y mejorar la condici\u00f3n de la mujer."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"The next morning the Mayor of Ourem again interrogated the children, who again said they had seen a beautiful Lady, and again refused to tell him the Secret, even when he threatened them with life imprisonment, torture and death.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "A la ma\u00f1ana siguiente, el Alcalde de Our\u00e9m volvi\u00f3 a interrogar a los pastorcitos, que volvieron a decir que hab\u00edan visto a una Se\u00f1ora hermosa, y una vez m\u00e1s se negaron a contarle el Secreto, a pesar de las amenazas que les hizo de prisi\u00f3n perpetua, tortura y muerte."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Opiniones de usuarios de Camping Can Marti\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "User reviews of Campsite Can Marti"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nTercera mesa redonda tem\u00e1tica:", "targets": "Third topical round table:"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to the body\u2019s cells; veins return oxygen-depleted blood to the lungs and heart.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Las arterias llevan sangre oxigenada desde el coraz\u00f3n a las c\u00e9lulas del cuerpo; ox\u00edgeno venas de retorno agotado la sangre a los pulmones y el coraz\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "For the best Danbury Connecticut Family lawyers and Danbury Connecticut Family attorneys in the business, AttorneysDelivered will \"deliver\"."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Usted no tiene que residir en la Casa Blanca para construir una lista de email marketing rentable: S\u00f3lo se necesita un poco de sentido com\u00fan, la dedicaci\u00f3n y el compromiso firme de no apartarse de las pr\u00e1cticas HiCal UNET como el env\u00edo de correos electr\u00f3nicos promoviendo su \u00faltimo libro u otra obra literaria a la gente que no le han concedido permiso oficial para hacerlo."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLea acerca de Tiba Midtown Hostel en su propio idioma", "targets": "Read about Tiba Midtown Hostel in your own language"} {"inputs": "Usage: This act is motored by the dreams and hard work of a person with great service vocation. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Usage: Este acto est\u00e1 impulsado por los sue\u00f1os y el duro trabajo de una persona con una gran vocaci\u00f3n de servicio."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Catapult Hydra for speedy access\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Protocolo Catapult Hydra para un acceso r\u00e1pido"} {"inputs": "Dise\u00f1o gr\u00e1fico en Barcelona, Espa\u00f1a How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Graphical design in M\u00e1laga, Spain"} {"inputs": "De origen romano, bella, blanca y se\u00f1orial. En su conjunto resulta una poblaci\u00f3n de gran atractivo urbano y ejemplo del barroco onubense. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Of Roman origin, beautiful, white and elegant, on the whole it is a very attractive place and an example of Huelvan baroque."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Then it was just worse, Then it began to snow sleet and rain."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: \u201cYou say that you had a very good sleep?\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "\u00bfDices que dormiste muy bien?"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nEarthquake and Tsunami Devastate South Asia", "targets": "Terremoto y tsunami causan devastaci\u00f3n en Asia del Sur"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Save rule : Saves the current rule (if modified)."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Boat Fishing, play free Other games online. Play Boat Fishing related games and updates. Added on 2013/04/05, played 115 times.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Barco de pesca, el juego libre Otros juegos en l\u00ednea. Escuchar Barco de pesca juegos relacionados y actualizaciones. A\u00f1adido el 2013/04/05, interpretado 115 veces."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: \"It's not like I want to gain a lot of weight, but I'd like to look like I have some curves, like the girls I see on TV. What can I do?\"\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "\"No es que quiera ganar mucho peso, pero quisiera tener m\u00e1s curvas, como las de las chicas que veo en TV \u00bfQu\u00e9 puedo hacer?\""} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n. Tenemos una sala de estar y comedor ideal para descansar o estudiar y una cocina equipada disponible para uso de los hu\u00e9spedes.", "targets": "We have a living room and dining area ideal for relaxing or studying and an equipped kitchen available for guest use."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: After all, the love of the world car comes with a very young age.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Despu\u00e9s de todo, el amor del mundo de coches viene con una edad muy joven."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The Museum was conceived on the model of the Borodino Battle museum-panorama in Russia, dedicated to Kutuzov\u2019s fight against Napoleon.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "El Museo de la Batalla de Borodino en Rusia, dedicado a la lucha de Kutuzov contra Napole\u00f3n, ha servido como modelo para el de Lazarevac."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Anteriormente, el gobierno central hab\u00eda dado el visto bueno a PMPML para la compra de 500 autobuses, en el marco de la Misi\u00f3n Nacional de Renovaci\u00f3n Urbana Jawaharlal Nehru (JNNRUM)."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: It counts in his Major Chapel, with a beautiful and monumental baroque altarpiece .\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Cuenta en su Capilla Mayor, con un bello y monumental retablo barroco."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLa mayor\u00eda de las leyes reconoce primos segundos como suficientemente separados para permitir el matrimonio.", "targets": "Most laws recognize second cousins as sufficiently separate to allow marriage."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLas c\u00e9lulas inflamadas dejan entrar los virus, y con el SV40 en acecho all\u00ed parecido, este pulm\u00f3n podr\u00eda ser la pr\u00f3xima met\u00e1stasis.", "targets": "Inflamed cells let in viruses, and with SV 40 lurking nearby, this lung could be the next metastasis."} {"inputs": "A vosotros, hombres, llamo; mi voz dirijo a los hijos de los hombres! \u00abIngenuos, How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "To you, O men, I call, And my voice is to the sons of men. O you simple ones,"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Letter of July 1st, 01 On the way with the men and the wowen, Live today and work for the future\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Carta di 1. julio 01, En el camino de los hombres y de las mujeres, Vivir el hoy, abrir el futuro"} {"inputs": "Revestimientos el\u00e1sticos que al contacto con los contornos de la pieza, ceden y distribuyen la presi\u00f3n superficial. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Elastic, flexible coatings protect the part against impacts and distribute the external pressure."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\n500 fans, admiradores de fotos fotos video video video fotos video Pablo Codevilla o curiosos observaron y disfrutaron durante los ultimos dias el especial de la Celebrity Star fotos fotos video video video fotos video Pablo Codevilla", "targets": "500 fans, admiradores de fotos fotos video video video Pablo Codevilla o curiosos observaron y disfrutaron durante los ultimos dias el especial de la Celebrity Star fotos fotos video video video Pablo Codevilla"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nY reitero, las fuerzas comunistas emergentes, incluida la Uni\u00f3n Revolucionaria, en ese tiempo no abordaron eso y no lo emprendieron de fondo, debido en grado importante a las influencias del economismo.", "targets": "And this, again, owing significantly to economist influences, was not thoroughly taken up and pursued by the emerging communist forces, including the RU (Revolutionary Union) at that time."} {"inputs": "Translate \"37 sus presentes y sus libaciones con el novillo, con el carnero, y con los corderos, seg\u00fan el n\u00famero de ellos, conforme a la ley;\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "37 their present, and their libations, for the bullock, for the ram, and for the lambs, in their number, according to the ordinance;"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nLet yourselves be pervaded by the intimate desire to serve every human person with charity, without distinction of race or religion.", "targets": "Tened este \u00edntimo deseo de servir con caridad a todo ser humano, sin distinci\u00f3n de raza y de religi\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "Translate \"This newer version improves resolution to CIF (320x240) for iPhone in one to two channel display mode and iPad in all channel display modes.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Esta nueva versi\u00f3n mejora la resoluci\u00f3n a CIF (320x240) para iPhone en uno o dos modos de visualizaci\u00f3n de canales y iPad en todos los modos de visualizaci\u00f3n de canales."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Sunday, 15 February 2015"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Coordinate common interest projects for the La Plata Basin countries;\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Coordinar proyectos de inter\u00e9s com\u00fan para los pa\u00edses en la Cuena del Plata;"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nPara el cristiano de hoy, no se trata de huir del mundo en el que le ha puesto la llamada de Dios, sino m\u00e1s bien de dar testimonio de su propia fe y de ser coherente con los propios principios, en las circunstancias dif\u00edciles y siempre nuevas que caracterizan el \u00e1mbito pol\u00edtico.", "targets": "For Christians today, it is not a question of fleeing the world in which God's call has placed then, but rather of bearing witness to their own faith and being faithful to their own principles in the difficult and ever new situations which mark the world of politics."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Claudio Viazzi, President Court of Genoa"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: They will remain in hell until every debt is paid and every individual they have harmed has given them a \"mercy chip.\"\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Permanecer\u00e1n en el infierno hasta que la deuda sea pagada y todo individuo al que han hecho da\u00f1o les haya dado una \u201cficha de misericordia.\u201d"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nPor lo general, las personas que tienen asma pueden toman acetaminof\u00e9n (una marca: Tylenol) en forma segura.", "targets": "People who have asthma can usually take acetaminophen (one brand name: Tylenol) safely."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"1. Receiving inspiration from the spiritual guidance of His Holiness Dr Athavale\" in Spanish?", "targets": "1. Recibiendo inspiraci\u00f3n de la gu\u00eda espiritual de su santidad Dr. Athavale"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "What the neuroscientists have to discover are the neuronal conditions of memory and the neurological concomitants of memory\u2026 the expression of a memory has to be distinguished from neuronal configurations, whatever they may be, which condition the memory of what someone remembers."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"The main support for the new standard came from the Apple side, but other industry giants, like Adobe, Google and Microsoft, have announced they also support it.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "El est\u00edmulo principal para la adopci\u00f3n del nuevo est\u00e1ndar vino por parte de Apple, pero posteriormente otros gigantes de la industria, como Adobe, Google y Microsoft, se sumaron al apoyo del mismo."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Now being able to beat up other creatures is all well and good.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Ahora tratar de derrotar a otras criaturas est\u00e1 todo bien y bueno."} {"inputs": "Translate \"En aquellos momentos fue cuando Finney comprendi\u00f3 que estaba totalmente agotado a causa del intenso trabajo, y decidi\u00f3 aceptar una invitaci\u00f3n de la Segunda Iglesia Presbiteriana Libre de la ciudad de Nueva York para trabajar de pastor.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "By this time Finney realized how exhausted he really was from his intense labors and decided to accept an invitation from the Second Free Presbyterian Church in New York City to become its pastor."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "1. Mountain rearranged beyond recognition in nine hours. MSH was acclaimed the most beautiful of the Cascade peaks. Cone-shaped and snow-covered, it towered over heavily-forested deep ravines with a crystal clear lake to its north."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Mar del Plata is located 404 kilometers away from Buenos Aires on the Atlantic Ocean, and it is considered the historical center of beach tourism in Argentina.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Mar del Plata est\u00e1 ubicada a 404 kil\u00f3metros de la ciudad de Buenos Aires sobre el Oc\u00e9ano Atl\u00e1ntico y es considerado el n\u00facleo hist\u00f3rico del turismo de playas en la Rep\u00fablica Argentina."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"What are the Symptoms of Viral Hepatitis?\" in Spanish?", "targets": "\u00bfCu\u00e1les son los s\u00edntomas de la hepatitis viral?"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: If you become pregnant while taking altretamine, call your doctor.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Si queda embarazada mientras toma altretamina, llame a su m\u00e9dico."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nAt that time, the CCP was no longer able to unite its members with its original doctrines of Marxism, Leninism and Maoism. Instead, it turned to total corruption in exchange for Party members\u2019 loyalty.", "targets": "El PCCh ya no pod\u00eda unir a sus miembros bajo las doctrinas originales del marxismo, el leninismo y el mao\u00edsmo. Entonces opt\u00f3 por la corrupci\u00f3n total, como modo de preservar la lealtad de los miembros del Partido."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "pregunte a su m\u00e9dico qu\u00e9 debe hacer si se enferma, experimenta estr\u00e9s inusual o cambia su dieta, ejercicios u horario de actividad."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: We strive to connect you with the best Storm Lake Iowa Small Business lawyers and attorneys in your location Start by choosing a location and category in your area. It's that simple.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Nos esforzamos para conectar con el mejor Storm Lake Iowa Drogas los abogados en su ubicaci\u00f3n Empiece por elegir un lugar y la categor\u00eda en su \u00e1rea. Es as\u00ed de simple."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Otro es el artista utiliza gomas de borrar marr\u00f3n goma de borrar, una goma blanda y \u00e1spera."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nWe should educate the youth to simplicity of dress, plainness with neatness.", "targets": "Debemos educar a los j\u00f3venes en la sencillez en el vestir, sencillez con pulcritud."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Hola. Este es el nuevo sitio."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIn 2010, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Iraqi Kurdistan started, with French assistance, a study on the methods for implementing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).", "targets": "El Ministerio de Agricultura y Recursos H\u00eddricos del Kurdist\u00e1n Iraqu\u00ed lanz\u00f3 en 2010, con la ayuda de Francia, un estudio sobre las disposiciones de aplicaci\u00f3n de una Gesti\u00f3n Integrada de los Recursos H\u00eddricos (GIRH)."} {"inputs": "CodeRunner\u00ae is a registered trademark of Agilent Technologies Company. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "CodeRunner\u00ae es una marca comercial registrada de Agilent Technologies Company."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Similar to the traditional mediagua, one space is offered (open and continuous, but upon adding a second floor and stair it permits the existence of three sectors.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "A semejanza de la mediagua tradicional, se provee un espacio \u00fanico y continuo, pero al agregar un entrepiso con su respectiva escalera se permite la configuraci\u00f3n de tres sectores."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Apartmens Leona town of Karlobag price per day from \u20ac 48 Situated in Karlobag, approximately 300 metres from the beach, Apartmens Leona presents air-cooled accommodation units that feature an outdoors terrace."} {"inputs": "Translate \"El a\u00f1o 2005 se llev\u00f3 a cabo en Oruro un primer seminario nacional sobre el tema \u00abEducaci\u00f3n de adultos en centros penitenciarios\u00bb.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "The theme \u201cadult education in prisons\u201d was made the focus of a national seminar for the first time in 2005, in the city of Oruro."} {"inputs": "Translate \"UltraShape Treatment Costa Rica ~ Configura Clinic in Costa Rica\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Carboxiterapia - Tratamiento Estetico Costa Rica"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nAdem\u00e1s de ser compatible con MailChimp, este plugin es con AWeber, iCal, y muchos otros. As\u00ed pues, si usted est\u00e1 llamado a poner en pr\u00e1ctica este sistema para otros clientes, hay una buena probabilidad de que usted puede volver a utilizar este complemento.", "targets": "In addition to being compatible with MailChimp, this plugin is with AWeber, iCal, and many others. So, if you are called to implement this system for other clients, there is a good chance that you can reuse this plugin."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nWith a husband beer drinker, I found unnecessary, even dangerously encourage the consumption, de rajouter de la levure de bi\u00e8re", "targets": "Con un marido bebedor de cerveza, Me pareci\u00f3 innecesario, incluso peligrosamente estimular el consumo, de rajouter de la levure de bi\u00e8re"} {"inputs": "You can download the logo 'Tenace' here ... Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Puede descargar el logo 'Tenace' aqu\u00ed ..."} {"inputs": "You should use effective birth control to prevent pregnancy during your treatment with nivolumab injection and for at least 5 months after your last dose of medication. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Debe utilizar un m\u00e9todo anticonceptivo efectivo para prevenir el embarazo durante su tratamiento con la inyecci\u00f3n de nivolumab y por al menos 5 meses despu\u00e9s de su \u00faltima dosis de medicamento."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nNumber of visits: 9117", "targets": "N\u00famero de visitas: 389"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Would have to be assumed in the next few days from the Council of Ministers"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Close your eye and press lightly against the lower lid with your finger for 2-3 minutes to keep the medication in the eye.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Cierre el ojo y presione levemente contra el p\u00e1rpado inferior con su dedo por 2 a 3 minutos para mantener el medicamento en el ojo."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "These are questions that relate to wider issues of how the researcher can oscillate between pathos and distance and create a transitional space that can accommodate both her involvement and her need for detachment and reflection."} {"inputs": "Los Horarios de SALIDAS Y LLEGADAS DEL TRAYECTO, se hallan a su disposici\u00f3n en ARCHIVOS, en formato PDF para su consulta e impresi\u00f3n. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The schedule of departures and arrivals of the way, are available in FILES, PDF format for viewing and printing."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "In 1970, Wu was been sent to villages in Hebei province for labor practice in the famous Chinese \u201cCultural Revolution\u201d term."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Michael's Pluto in Elizabeth's 8th house:\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Plut\u00f3n de Elizabeth en 2da casa de Michael:"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: No DC to AC inverter required since power is delivered from an electric generator.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "No requiere inversores de corriente de CD a CA pues entrega la energ\u00eda directamente desde el generador."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"\u201cYou seem unwilling to take up that which is yours,\u201d the creature said.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Pareces que no quieres coger lo que es tuyo, dijo la criatura."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Gender-based Violence and Trafficking of Women\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Violencia de G\u00e9nero y Trata de Mujeres"} {"inputs": "A\u00f1adiendo a\u00bb Anillo Acero Quir\u00fargico con Cristales Swarovski... 14 \u00ab ha sido a\u00f1adido a su cesta con \u00e9xito How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Adding \u00bb Surgical Steel Ring with Swarovski Crystals... 14 \u00ab to Shopping Bag was successful."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The next step is to take into account the width and height of the panels. Then, divide the width of the wall by the width of the panels and do the same with the height of both, the wall and the panel.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Con estas dos medidas ya realizadas, divide la anchura de la pared entre la anchura de los paneles y realiza la misma operaci\u00f3n con la altura de la pared y el panel."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Many of these relate to the use of color, texture, motion and 3D displays in information visualization.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Muchos de ellos est\u00e1n relacionados con el uso del color, la textura, el movimiento y las im\u00e1genes 3D en la visualizaci\u00f3n de la informaci\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: This Hare Krishna chant should now be taught in all psychology textbooks, in all the universities throughout the world.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Este canto del Hare Krishna deber\u00eda ahora ser ense\u00f1ado en todos los libros de texto de psicolog\u00eda, en todas las universidades a trav\u00e9s de todo el mundo."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nSet de tres vasos medidores: 500, 250 y 100 ml.", "targets": "Set of three measuring beakers: 500, 250 y 100 ml."} {"inputs": "Translate \"La nueva regulaci\u00f3n se compone de 36 art\u00edculos y establece que, para convertirse en patriarca, es necesario que los padres sean egipcios copto ortodoxos, ser monje desde al menos 15 a\u00f1os y tener entre 45 y 64 a\u00f1os.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "The new regulation is composed of 36 articles, and provides that, to become Patriarchs, you have to be born to Egyptian Coptic Orthodox parents, be a monk for at least 15 years and be between 45 and 64 years of age."} {"inputs": "Translate \"La versi\u00f3n de Club Penguin en franc\u00e9s cuenta con personal de habla francesa radicado en Europa y Canad\u00e1, capaz de comprender las referencias culturales del p\u00fablico franc\u00e9s y de proporcionar moderaci\u00f3n y atenci\u00f3n al cliente en forma efectiva y oportuna.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "The French language version of Club Penguin is supported by francophones in Europe and Canada who understand the unique cultural references of the audience and can provide timely and responsive moderation and customer support."} {"inputs": "Translate \"(738.1) 65:6.8 La f\u00edsica y la qu\u00edmica solas no pueden explicar c\u00f3mo el ser humano evolucion\u00f3 a partir del protoplasma primitivo de los primeros mares.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "65:6.8 (738.1) Physics and chemistry alone cannot explain how a human being evolved out of the primeval protoplasm of the early seas."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"10. And there came a certain poor widow and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "10. Y all\u00ed vino a una cierta viuda pobre y ella tir\u00f3 en dos arados, que hace un comino."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nGB: Esa gente tiene el derecho a destruir sus cuerpos. De nuevo se trata del libre albedr\u00edo. \u00a1Pero se hacen tanto da\u00f1o!", "targets": "GB: These people have the right to destroy their bodies. It's that free will thing again, it just screws so much up!"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nPara poder entender un poco mejor la obra de Gonz\u00e1lez Palma, intentar\u00e9 excursionar por esos caminos.", "targets": "In order to understand a little better Gonz\u00e1lez Palma's work, I will attempt to walk along those paths."} {"inputs": "* Little Screw driver with interchangeable bits. Usage: Open the cover, you may see the different bits, choose the bit that you want, then drop it down for use. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "* Destornillador peque\u00f1o con pedazos intercambiables. Uso: Abra la tapa , puede ver los diferentes bits , elija la parte que desea , a continuaci\u00f3n, colocar hacia abajo para su uso."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La localizaci\u00f3n dentro de la exhibici\u00f3n todav\u00eda no se conoce. Ser\u00e1, sin duda, el lugar para preguntar a los desarrolladores de Debian, dado que muchos de los desarrolladores espa\u00f1oles estar\u00e1n all\u00ed, y tambi\u00e9n d\u00f3nde hablar sobre cualquier aspecto de Debian. As\u00ed que es su oportunidad para poner nombres y caras a los nicks y direcciones de correo."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Hostel Ve Vile II: Interesting websites: Tourist information center of Jihlava\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Tramp: Museos: Centro de informaci\u00f3n tur\u00edstica de Jihlava"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"We strive to connect you with the best Bastrop Texas Trial lawyers and attorneys in your location Start by choosing a location and category in your area. It's that simple.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Nos esforzamos para conectar con el mejor Bastrop Texas Represalias los abogados en su ubicaci\u00f3n Empiece por elegir un lugar y la categor\u00eda en su \u00e1rea. Es as\u00ed de simple."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nUpon all of you I invoke the divine gifts of strength and joy. Shalom!", "targets": "Sobre todos vosotros invoco los dones divinos de fortaleza y alegr\u00eda. \u00a1Shalom!"} {"inputs": "This also contradicts the eyewitness reports of C. C. McReynolds and R. T. Nash (see chapter 15). Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Eso tambi\u00e9n contradice los informes de testigos visuales de C. C. McReynolds y R. T. Nash (ver cap\u00edtulo 15)."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe name of the city or village: Crofton", "targets": "El nombre de la ciudad o la aldea: Crofton"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La p\u00e1gina Web \"medawater-rmsu\"."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Y hoy, como ayer y como ma\u00f1ana, vemos a todos los hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad como aliados en la defensa de la vida, es decir, en la adquisici\u00f3n de la paz."} {"inputs": "Next up is Les Invalides and the Palais Garnier (Opera Garnier). Say this using Spanish", "targets": "A continuaci\u00f3n vienen Les Invalides y el Palais Garnier (\u00d3pera Garnier)."} {"inputs": "Entrevista a Paul Jansen sobre el proyecto de SPH Search How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Interview with Paul Jansen about the search project of Singapore Press Holdings"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIn 1994 and 1999, it concentrated its offer around the market sectors of prevention and treatment of deficiencies in micronutrients, improvement in the quality of agricultural production, and environmental fertilisation.", "targets": "Entre 1994 y 1999, se reestructura la oferta en estos segmentos de mercado : la prevenci\u00f3n y el tratamiento de las carencias de microelementos, la mejora de la calidad de las producciones agr\u00edcolas y la fertilizaci\u00f3n medioambiental."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"The ICWYD, in collaboration with the PCL, will examine all proposals.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Este \u00faltimo, junto al PCL, efectuar\u00e1 la elecci\u00f3n de las manifestaciones."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: That was a tremendous experience for our people. I visited the affected areas, inspecting the work that people were doing, and one of the things that struck me was hearing from young officers \u2014 a captain, a major, a lieutenant \u2014 that one of the most marvelous things that had happened to them since joining the Army was the gratefulness of the people for the support the Army was providing in those localities, without it being a strictly military activity.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Una de las cosas que me impact\u00f3 fue escuchar a oficiales j\u00f3venes, un capit\u00e1n, un mayor, un teniente, [decir] que una de las cosas m\u00e1s maravillosas que les hab\u00eda sucedido en sus vidas desde que se unieron al Ej\u00e9rcito fue que la gente se mostrara tan agradecida por el apoyo que estaba brindando el Ej\u00e9rcito en esas localidades, sin ser una actividad estrictamente militar."} {"inputs": "No s\u00f3lo aceptaron gentilmente sino que estaban muy interesados en nuestro proyecto, conocer de Bob Avakian y recibir el Mensaje y Llamamiento. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "They not only graciously agreed, but were also very interested in our project, hearing about Bob Avakian, and receiving the Message and Call."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Al respecto, consider\u00f3 que sin industria no hay naci\u00f3n. Mientras tanto, en materia de gas, nuestra naci\u00f3n est\u00e1 en \u00f3ptimas condiciones de exportar su tecnolog\u00eda y know how tras 22 a\u00f1os ininterrumpidos de experiencia en el tema, lo cual no ha ocurrido ni siquiera en Europa donde este combustible alternativo comenz\u00f3 a utilizarse all\u00e1 por 1940.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "On the matter, he considered that without industry there is no nation. Meanwhile, in the matter of gas, our nation is in optimal conditions for exporting its technology and know how after 22 years uninterrupted of experience in the subject, which has not happened not even in Europe where this alternative fuel began to be used in 1940."} {"inputs": "Translate \"What does the Bible say about patience?\" to Spanish.", "targets": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 dice la Biblia acerca de la paciencia?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "El Almirantazgo con sede en Puerto Belgrano se ha preocupado por la suerte de sus oficiales, especialmente de las vicisitudes del Teniente de Fragata Miguel Angel Cavallo, muy relacionado con la ciudad de Punta Alta, hasta conseguir la anulaci\u00f3n del juicio oral en Espa\u00f1a y trasladarlo a Buenos Aires, donde qued\u00f3 incluido en los hechos del Grupo de Tareas 3.3.2. (Causa ESMA)."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The discourses of SB are becoming wilder and woolier, more irrational and confused as the years roll by.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Con el tiempo los discursos de SB cada vez son m\u00e1s difusos y atrevidos, m\u00e1s irracionales y confusos."} {"inputs": "Translate \"inSite offers you an IP-ASI Format Converter from the inSite trade mark. This allows converting your signal to IP format, with all the benefits this brings.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "inSite le ofrece un Conversor de Formato IP ASI de la marca comercial inSite, de esta forma usted podr\u00e1 convertir su se\u00f1al al formato IP con todas las ventajas que esto conlleva."} {"inputs": "Todos los pantallazos interceptados a continuaci\u00f3n se pueden ver en forma de archivos JPEG conmutando el video-logger en en un Pendrive de 2-gigabytes. \u00a1La tecnolog\u00eda de patente m\u00e1s moderna a buen precio! [m\u00e1s...] How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "You can later view all captured frames as JPEGs, by switching this video-recorder to a 2 Gigabyte USB flash drive. Patent pending, edge cutting technology at an affordable price! [more...]"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n9 Estas son las generaciones de Esa\u00fa, padre de los Edomitas, en la regi\u00f3n monta\u00f1osa de Seir.", "targets": "9 These then are the records of the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in the hill country of Seir."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nWe visited the site you sent us and found the history.", "targets": "Hemos visitado el portal que nos indic\u00f3 y le\u00edmos la historia."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"The book of life contains the names of all who have ever entered the service of God.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "El libro de la vida contiene los nombres de todos los que entraron alguna vez en el servicio de Dios."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Here are the features:\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1n las caracter\u00edsticas:"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Food allergies can trigger or worsen asthma , eczema , or other disorders.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Las alergias alimentarias pueden desencadenar o empeorar el asma , el eccema u otros trastornos."} {"inputs": "Foreskin: The skin covering the tip of the penis. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Prepucio: Es la piel que cubre el extremo del pene."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "With a total of 19 sizes, the blowers cover a theoretical nominal intake volume flow from 180 m\u00b3/h to 97,000 m\u00b3/h and pressure ranges 10-3 mbar abs up to approx. 200 mbar abs."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"31:2 See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah:\" in Spanish?", "targets": "31:2 Mira, yo he llamado por su nombre \u00e1 Bezaleel, hijo de Uri, hijo de Hur, de la tribu de Jud\u00e1;"} {"inputs": "Junto con las dos l\u00edneas argumentativas, Matar un ruise\u00f1or presenta dos amplios temas: tolerancia y justicia. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Along with its twin plot lines, To Kill a Mockingbird has two broad themes: tolerance and justice."} {"inputs": "Translate \"From different places, initiatives and groups, people were uniting behind the proposal for a massive and widely-based mobilization to show the disapproval which exists against mega-mining as a threat to the land in Quind\u00edo, and is even worse in other parts of the country.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Desde diferentes espacios, iniciativas y colectivos, la gente fue convergiendo en la propuesta de una movilizaci\u00f3n masiva y participativa para demostrar el rechazo que existe contra la mega-miner\u00eda como, que amenaza el territorio de Quind\u00edo, peor tambi\u00e9n varias zonas del pa\u00eds."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\n- Includes rail for attaching accessories", "targets": "- Regleta para accesorios"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The arrival of the Dakar! Vehicles which have travelled from Le Havre will be picked up at the Euroamerica Port, close to Buenos Aires.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "\u00a1Desembarca el Dakar! En la zona portuaria de Euroam\u00e9rica, muy cerca de Buenos Aires, se realizar\u00e1 la recuperaci\u00f3n de los veh\u00edculos provenientes de Le Havre."} {"inputs": "\u201cIn Sri Lanka\u2014as more broadly in Asia Pacific and across the globe\u2014we see that where communities are front and centre of the AIDS response, the greatest impact is achieved,\u201d said Dr Loures, commending the programmes showcased during his visit. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "\"En Sri Lanka - al igual que en Asia Pac\u00edfico en general y en todo el planeta - observamos que all\u00ed donde las comunidades son las protagonistas de la respuesta al sida, es donde se logra el mayor impacto\", dijo el Dr. Loures, en un elogio a los programas presentados durante su visita."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Artajerjes rey de reyes, a Esdras, sacerdote y escriba erudito en la ley del Dios del cielo: Paz."} {"inputs": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 dese\u00e1is uniros al F\u00e9nix, si tenemos tantos defectos? How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "\u201cWhy did you wish to join the Phoenix, if we are so flawed?\u201d"} {"inputs": "Es por ello que constantemente comprometidos en los deportes, usando dietas especiales y ejercicio. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "This is why we are constantly engaged in sports, use special diets and exercises."} {"inputs": "Uno de los impulsores de esa industria, y reconocido mundialmente, Edward DeBono (1968), explica que no se pueden resolver los problemas bas\u00e1ndose en el pensamiento l\u00f3gico o convergente que parte de la experiencia previa. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "One of the promoters of this industry, is the widely recognised Edward De Bono (1968), who believes that problems cannot be solved based on logical or convergent thinking which is based on past experiences."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "15. Acordar con los pa\u00edses interesados una convenci\u00f3n sobre la inmigraci\u00f3n de haitianos, teniendo en cuenta los intereses de los inmigrantes y de los pa\u00edses receptores."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Your intellects wander in other directions.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Vuestros intelectos divagan en otras direcciones."} {"inputs": "El pasado mi\u00e9rcoles estuvimos en la audiencia del Santo Padre, en Roma, a continuaci\u00f3n vinimos en peregrinaci\u00f3n a Amsterdam, y ahora aqu\u00ed estamos, en plena Jornada de oraci\u00f3n. He de decir que soy muy fel\u00edz. Estoy convencido que ha sido la Se\u00f1ora de todos los Pueblos quien ha organizado todo. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Last Wednesday we had the honor to be present at the papal audience in Rome; consequently, we made a pilgrimage to Amsterdam, and now we are here in the middle of the Day of Prayer. I have to say that I am very happy. I am sure that it was \u201cthe Lady of all Nations\u201d who has arranged everything for us in this way."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"What object lesson did Jesus give when the disciples were reasoning which of them should be greatest? (90)\" in Spanish?", "targets": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 perfecto ejemplo Jes\u00fas dio, cuando los disc\u00edpulos razonaban cu\u00e1l de ellos debe ser m\u00e1s grande? (90)"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Galer\u00eda DOMINO - es una sala de exposiciones , donde se presentan como productos de la empresa Taller de cer\u00e1mica acarici\u00f3 afilada y artistas obras de arte entre aficionados y profesionales ."} {"inputs": "It is beneficial to begin by saying, \u201cI have sinned by mistake, on purpose, and to rebel.\u201d Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Es beneficioso comenzar diciendo, \"He pecado por error, a prop\u00f3sito, y de rebelarse.\""} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEsto se debe a que las impresiones de la mente subconsciente est\u00e1n activas incluso durante el sue\u00f1o.", "targets": "This is because the impressions in the sub-conscious mind are active even in sleep."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Se puede decir que las principales eran Samaria, Judea y Galilea, pero tambi\u00e9n otras menores exist\u00edan, como Perea o Parea -, Idumea, Iturea, Batanea, Traconites, Abilene y Gaulanites.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "We could say that the main ones were Samaria, Judea and Galilee, but there were also other smaller, as Pereia - or Pareia - the Idumeia the Ituri, the Batanes, the Traconites the Abilene and Gaulanites."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Est\u00e1s en M\u00fasica Online escuchando la canci\u00f3n No sleep for the damned de Gurd perteneciente al album ."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nDesde hace muchas d\u00e9cadas Sterling SIHI est\u00e1 suministrando bombas para todos los tipos de plantas de generaci\u00f3n de energ\u00eda.", "targets": "Sterling SIHI issupplying pumps for all types of power stations since many decades."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Puede descargar el logo 'Eurogam Automation Division' aqu\u00ed ...\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "You can download the logo 'Eurogam Automation Division' here ..."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\npodr\u00e1s empezar a decir que est\u00e1s vivo.", "targets": "you begin to say that you are alive."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Nos esforzamos para conectar con el mejor San Luis Obispo California Represalias los abogados en su ubicaci\u00f3n Empiece por elegir un lugar y la categor\u00eda en su \u00e1rea. Es as\u00ed de simple.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "We strive to connect you with the best San Luis Obispo California Motorcycle Accident lawyers and attorneys in your location Start by choosing a location and category in your area. It's that simple."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nUse text intelligently to move your story forward, but bear in mind that in an era were images are strong message conveyers, it would be event suicide to rely solely on text.", "targets": "Utilice el texto de manera inteligente para mover su historia hacia adelante, pero hay que tener en cuenta que en una \u00e9poca donde las im\u00e1genes fuertes son transportadores de mensajes, ser\u00eda un suicidio que evento dependa \u00fanicamente de texto."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Con la ayuda del maestro, decirles algo a compa\u00f1eros y adultos en grupos grandes y peque\u00f1os sobre temas apropiados a la edad (por ej., Maestra: \u201c\u00bfPuedes contarnos tu idea?\u201d"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Se trata de una red de medidores energ\u00e9ticos y una soluci\u00f3n en nube que consigue una reducci\u00f3n del consumo y coste energ\u00e9tico de hasta un 20% a trav\u00e9s de la monitorizaci\u00f3n en continuo del consumo energ\u00e9tico, su an\u00e1lisis, benchmarking, alarmas, y la concienciaci\u00f3n de empleados y clientes, sin necesidad de inversi\u00f3n adicional.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "It is an energy meter network and cloud solution that achieves a reduction of energy consumption and cost up to 20% through continuous monitoring of energy consumption, analysis, benchmarking, alarms, and awareness of employees and customers, without additional investment."} {"inputs": "6. If your clue is too obvious and the guesser guesses the object on your clue, then you lose and you\u2019re the next guesser. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "6. Si tu clave es demasiado obvia y lleva a que el adivinador acierte, t\u00fa pierdes y te conviertes en el pr\u00f3ximo adivinador."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nBut there is a way to handle this contradiction that is infinitely better than what we have now, that is freed from the suffocating constraints of capital.", "targets": "Pero existe una manera de abordar esa contradicci\u00f3n que es infinitamente mejor a lo que tenemos hoy, que sea libre de las trabas sofocantes del capital."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nSu misi\u00f3n est\u00e1 vinculada por lo general a la conservaci\u00f3n y el desarrollo.", "targets": "Their mission is generally linked to conservation and development."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nBut God believed that eventually there would be many true children who would love Him, and for this reason He would not give up human cultivation.", "targets": "Aun as\u00e0, Dios crey\u00f3 que eventualmente habr\u00e0a muchos hijos verdaderos que lo amar\u00e0an, y por esta raz\u00f3n \u00e0l no renunci\u00f3 al Cultivo de la humanidad."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "For all Mortal Kombat fans, there really isn't anything better than a fatality."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "In fact I\u2019ve been stunned at the way an Italian happening has had such a strong impact on the rest of the world."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n\u00a1Lo mismo que les sucedi\u00f3 a las personas a las cuales Hageo hablo estas palabras!", "targets": "The very thing that happened to the people Haggai spoke these words to!"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"There are roads that go in different directions and for several kilometers, and also stairways.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Hay caminos que se prolongan en diferentes direcciones por varios kil\u00f3metros y escaleras."} {"inputs": "After the Pentecost sermon, when those who had come to believe in Christ asked him what they should do, Peter answered: \"Repent, and let every one of you be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit\" (Acts 2: 38). This shows that Holy Baptism is a prerequisite for receiving the Holy Spirit. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "A aquellos que despu\u00e9s de la pr\u00e9dica de Pentecost\u00e9s hab\u00edan llegado a tener fe en Cristo, Pedro les respondi\u00f3 la pregunta de qu\u00e9 deb\u00edan hacer: \u201cArrepent\u00edos, y baut\u00edcese cada uno de vosotros en el nombre de Jesucristo para perd\u00f3n de los pecados; y recibir\u00e9is el don del Esp\u00edritu Santo\" (Hch. 2:38). Aqu\u00ed se ve que el Santo Bautismo con Agua es una condici\u00f3n previa para recibir Esp\u00edritu Santo."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Dios no acepta adoracin dbil, aburrida, y de medio animo!"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: \u201c need new ideas but we also need support to develop them calmly.\u201d\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Se necesitan nuevas ideas, pero tambi\u00e9n se necesita apoyo para desarrollarlas con tranquilidad."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Let , and use the balanced approximation with h = 0.0001 to estimate The answer must be accurate to at least 4 decimal places!\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Sea , y use el cociente balanceado de las diferencias con h = 0.0001 para estimar \u00a1La respuesta debe ser acurada hasta al menos 4 posiciones decimal!"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"The mistral strikes it with violence at times: on some winter days it can gust at up to two hundred miles an hour on the nearby mountains.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "El mistral lo golpea a veces con violencia: en algunos d\u00edas de invierno puede soplar en las monta\u00f1as cercanas a m\u00e1s de doscientos quil\u00f3metros por hora."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Tagged as: Avoiding Lyme Disease, coinfections, Deer Ticks, Ticks\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Tagged as: Evitar la enfermedad de Lyme, coinfecciones, Las garrapatas de venado, Las garrapatas"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Even when there are no violent persecutions, the task of witnessing as Christians is never easy.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Incluso cuando no hay persecuciones violentas, la tarea del testimonio de los cristianos no es f\u00e1cil."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nSee how easy it is to rent a car in Chisinau Airport with us. Simply select the location and pick up and return dates, select the car group that best suits your needs and ask for availability and make your reservation request through our booking system. Do not forget to check the specific conditions of each of our car providers.", "targets": "Compruebe lo sencillo que resulta alquilar un coche en Chisinau Aeropuerto con nosotros. Simplemente seleccione el lugar y fechas de recogida y entrega del veh\u00edculo, seleccione el modelo que mejor se ajuste a sus necesidades y solicite disponibilidad y reserva a trav\u00e9s de nuestro formulario de reserva. No olvide consultar las condiciones particulares de cada uno de nuestros proveedores."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Built of adobe it was constructed in 1776."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Current Credit based on incremental update 2,494,379.25\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Cr\u00e9dito actual basado en la actualizaci\u00f3n incremental 2,494,379.25"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: His wife Sara says, \u201cIt means so much when I hear him tell me positive things.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Su esposa Sarah dice:\" Significa tanto para mi cuando lo oigo decir cosas positivas."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: However much or however little you are able to give, either as an individual, or through a fundraising effort with others, we promise to use it wisely.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Por mucho o por poco que uedas dar, ya sea individualmente, o a trav\u00e9s de un esfuerzo de recaudaci\u00f3n de fondos con otros, nos comprometemos a utilizar sabiamente tu donaci\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Salvador es tambi\u00e9n considerada la capital cultural de Brasil. Es una explosi\u00f3n de colores, ritmos y diversi\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "We strive to connect you with the best Martinsburg West Virginia Child Custody lawyers and attorneys in your location Start by choosing a location and category in your area. It's that simple."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEl Municipio se crea en 1948 y en 1974 se la designa capital de la XI Regi\u00f3n.", "targets": "Town hall was created in 1948, and in 1974 it was appointed capital of the XI region."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Y esta es la voluntad del que me ha enviado: Que todo aquel que ve al Hijo, y cree en \u00e9l, tenga vida eterna; y yo le resucitar\u00e9 en el d\u00eda postrero."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Port-au-Prince/Bogot\u00e1/Brussels, 2 August 2012\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Puerto Pr\u00edncipe/Bogot\u00e1/Bruselas, 2 de agosto de 2012"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"to develop your self-knowledge and communication in the broad sense (spoken voice).\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Desarrollar el conocimiento de s\u00ed mismo y de la comunicaci\u00f3n en el \u00e1mplio sentido (voz hablada)."} {"inputs": "Pero los nazis no inventaron la eutanasia, la copiaron de eugenecistas liberales brit\u00e1nicos, americanos y escandinavos. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The Nazis didn\u2019t invent euthanasia. They copied it from liberal eugenicists in Britain, America and Scandinavia."} {"inputs": "Next, a minister who can go into the 1st kingdom will not be able to endure when he sees something unrighteous. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Luego, un ministro que puede ir al primer reino no ser\u00e1 capaz de soportar cuando vea algo incorrecto."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The conference provided a platform for discussion of what this all means for successful poverty reduction, intercultural openness, and the particular needs of women and families, and above all, for discussion of what adult education can deliver, and it sought to give a few preliminary answers.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Qu\u00e9 significa todo esto para una exitosa lucha contra la pobreza, para una apertura intercultural que tenga en cuenta las peculiaridades de mujeres y familias, pero sobre todo cu\u00e1l puede ser el aporte de la educaci\u00f3n de adultos, son temas para los que la Conferencia elabor\u00f3 una plataforma de comunicaci\u00f3n e intent\u00f3 ofrecer primeras respuestas."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Sculptor: Virginia Gonz\u00e1lez, Release year 2013, Base included, Limited edition certified, Lladr\u00f3 Assurance included\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Escultor: Virginia Gonz\u00e1lez, A\u00f1o de lanzamiento 2013, Peana incluida, Certificado de serie limitada, Seguro Lladr\u00f3 incluido"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nExperience and proficiency in the use of close protection weapons, communications, surveillance equipment, and vehicles is required.", "targets": "Se requiere experiencia y destreza en el uso de armas cortas, comunicaciones, equipos de vigilancia y veh\u00edculos."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nSpain-Lanzarote le recomienda fant\u00e1sticos hoteles de 4 y 5 estrellas en complejos de categor\u00eda de Lanzarote. Nos especializamos en potenciar al m\u00e1ximo sus oportunidades vacacionales y le sugerimos solamente establecimientos de la mejor calidad en zonas que le brinden tranquilidad y relax, adem\u00e1s de una buena mezcla de entretenimiento y una excelente gastronom\u00eda.", "targets": "Spain-Lanzarote recommends excellent 4 and 5-star hotels located in prime resorts in Lanzarote. We specialise in maximising your holiday opportunities and suggest only the finest quality places to stay in areas which offer calm and relaxation, as well as a good mix of entertainment and fine-dining."} {"inputs": "Translate \"f) Exposici\u00f3n tecnol\u00f3gica centralizada\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "(f) Focussed technological exposure"} {"inputs": "\" El rabino contest\u00f3: \"Hab\u00eda un rey que proclam\u00f3 una fiesta durante las festividades de la boda de su hija. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The Rabbi replied, \u201cThere was a King who proclaimed a feast during the wedding festivities of his daughter."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe hotel is located in the historic center, just a few minutes walk from the \"Museo de Bellas Artes\" - National Gallery, \"El Capitolio\" or \"El Gran Teatro de La Habana,\" with the best ballet, operetta and concert performances.", "targets": "El hotel est\u00e1 situado en el centro hist\u00f3rico, a pocos minutos a pie del \u201eMuseo de Bellas Artes\u201c \u2013 Galer\u00eda Nacional, \u201eEl Capitolio\u201c o \u201eEl Gran Teatro de La Habana\u201c donde se pueden ver los mejores espect\u00e1culos del ballet, zarzuela y conciertos."} {"inputs": "Translate \"6 years ago - Indonesia, Female, illustrator that never submit.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "hace 6 a\u00f1os - Indonesia, Mujer, illustrator that never submit."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nComo un modo de protesta frente al rumbo de la revoluci\u00f3n los venezolanos, en un 90%, respondieron al llamado de un paro c\u00edvico formulado conjuntamente por los empresarios y los trabajadores, con la adhesi\u00f3n de universidades, colegios profesionales, organizaciones vecinales y todo el aglomerado social que tradicionalmente se ha denominado \"fuerzas vivas\". Fue el primer gran testimonio de resistencia pac\u00edfica frente a la \"revoluci\u00f3n\", antecedente de la rebeli\u00f3n c\u00edvica que parece inminente en cuesti\u00f3n de meses.", "targets": "As a sort of protest vis-\u00e0-vis the path of the revolution, 90 % of Venezuelans supported a civic stoppage jointly called by businesspeople and workers, with the support of universities, professional associations, neighborhood groups and the whole social fabric traditionally labeled \u201cfuerzas vivas\u201d (the establishment) It was the first witnessing of peaceful resistance against the \u201crevolution,\u201d as a omen of the civic rebellion which seems imminent in a matter of months. Ch\u00e1vez\u2019s response was also heavy."} {"inputs": "Translate \"If Judah\u2019s wife died, then Judah is a little lonely, too.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Si la mujer de Jud\u00e1 muri\u00f3, luego de Jud\u00e1 es un poco solitario, tambi\u00e9n."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Estables y r\u00edgidas, libre cambio de direcci\u00f3n donde sea requerido"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Your touch is all I need,\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Tu caricia es todo lo que necesito,"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nChessfighter.com se orienta a los ajedrecistas en todo el mundo, que aceptan firmar la Chess Fighter Lista. Firmar aqu\u00ed es un asunto de honor: como un \"luchador de ajedrez\" te comprometes a no ofrecer ni aceptar tablas a menos que est\u00e9s en una posici\u00f3n absolutamente clara de empate en un final. Iniciador: Ari Ziegler. Idiomas: ingl\u00e9s y sueco.", "targets": "Chessfighter.com urges chess players all over the world to sign up to The Chess Fighter List. Signing up here is a matter of honour: as a Chess Fighter you promise not to offer draw or accept a draw offer unless it is a dead drawn ending. Initiator: Ari Ziegler. Languages: English and Swedish."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "de India, est\u00e1 estudiando un pregrado en Econom\u00eda y Matem\u00e1ticas en la Universidad de Auckland"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Yes, the general consensus is that America has spanked the religious right, and it was led by the young people and those others who have listened to us.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "S\u00ed, el consenso general es que Estados Unidos ha golpeado duramente a su derecha religiosa, y esto fue orquestado por los j\u00f3venes y los dem\u00e1s que nos han escuchado."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: On June 22 our army captured Kaifeng.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El 22 de junio nuestro ej\u00e9rcito tom\u00f3 Kaifeng."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Nos especializamos en el desarrollo de proyectos tur\u00edsticos."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Find the Objects Garden games , find games , item games , garden games ,\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Encontrar el jard\u00edn objetos juegos , encontrar juegos , art\u00edculo juegos , jard\u00edn juegos ,"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Los listados de propiedades inmobiliarias de Hot Springs National Park, los REALTORS, los valores de caracter\u00e0stica, las estimaciones caseras de la valuaci\u00e0\u00b3n y la otra informaci\u00e0\u00b3n de los bienes raices est\u00e0\u00a1 disponibles a trav\u00e0\u00a9s \u00e0\u00a1rea de la Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas. \u00e0\u00a1Tambi\u00e0\u00a9n disponibles est\u00e0\u00a1n los listados caseros nuevos, las ejecuciones de una hipoteca, y m\u00e0\u00a1s de Hot Springs National Park!"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"(2) One of Sado's most spectacular events is the demon drum show, Onidaiko . Performers wear fearsome masks and dance while beating huge drums.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "(2) Uno de los acontecimientos m\u00e1s espectaculares de Sado es el tambor del diablo, Onidaiko . Los percusionistas visten m\u00e1scaras diab\u00f3licas y bailan mientras golpean los grandes tambores."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nMay the Lord be with you and ease your heartache.\u201d", "targets": "El Se\u00f1or est\u00e9 con vosotros y aliviar su dolor.\u201d"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "It was only in the course of his convalescence that he realized he was 'programmed wrong' and should not be so extremely serious in all aspects of his life."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Parents are duly rewarded by the excellency of their children, and purely religious leaders, being ambassadors of a spiritual kingdom, receive their real rewards in another world.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "A los padres se les recompensa debidamente por la excelencia de sus hijos; y como los dirigentes puramente religiosos son los embajadores de un reino espiritual, reciben sus verdaderas recompensas en otro mundo."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Una secci\u00f3n, proclam\u00e1ndose Marxista-Leninista, pr\u00e1cticamente se hizo cargo de toda la organizaci\u00f3n y se purgado aquellos que resistieron este giro ideol\u00f3gico."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "He gifted it to Hantei Genji-dono, The Shining Prince, the son of Lord Hantei-kami and the second emperor of Rokugan."} {"inputs": "En marzo de 2012, se lanz\u00f3 una campa\u00f1a de calumnias desde los peri\u00f3dicos asociados con el estado, las estaciones de radio y televisi\u00f3n y los sitios web de noticias contra el mencionado defensor y otros tres defensores de los derechos humanos cuando asistieron al Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en Ginebra, donde hablaron sobre los abusos contra los derechos humanos cometidos en Sri Lanka. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "In March 2012, a smear campaign by state-affiliated newspapers, TV and radio stations and news websites was launched against him and three other human rights defenders when they attended the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, where they spoke of human rights abuses committed in Sri Lanka."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The Aleppo Codex, a Hebrew Bible with the Masoretic pointing, was written in the 10th century likely in Tiberias and survives to this day. It is perhaps the most important Hebrew manuscript in existence.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El Codex Alepo, una Biblia hebrea con la Masor\u00e9tico apunta, ha sido escrito en el siglo 10 probablemente en Tiberias y sobrevive hasta el d\u00eda de hoy. Es quiz\u00e1s el m\u00e1s importante manuscrito hebreo en existencia."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Que la civilizaci\u00f3n tan burdamente mal guiada la tome o no, ese es otro asunto.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Whether or not the present day grossly misguided civilization will take to it is another matter."} {"inputs": "Translate \"7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "7:12 As\u00ed que, todas las cosas que quer\u00e1is que los hombres hagan con vosotros, as\u00ed tambi\u00e9n haced vosotros con ellos; porque esto es la ley y los profetas. La puerta estrecha"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nSea turtles leave the breeding to the hot sand at the beaches. On their way to the sea, seabirds, vultures, coatis or crocodiles capture many of the young turtles.", "targets": "Las tortugas marinas vienen a depositar sus huevos en la arena caliente de las playas. En su camino hacia el mar, las aves marinas, los buitres, los coat\u00ed o los cocodrilos capturan muchas de las tortugas j\u00f3venes."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEn esa \u00e9poca, los gobiernos de los dos pa\u00edses manifestaron, mediante un comunicado conjunto, la intenci\u00f3n de fortalecer las relaciones en cuanto a defensa.", "targets": "At that time, the governments of both countries made a joint statement vowing to strengthen the defense relationships."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Some steps may include:\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Algunos pasos pueden incluir:"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo ser\u00eda estar completamente envuelto en silicona"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Administration offices in Beni, Bolivia - Amarillasbolivia.net"} {"inputs": "OBJETIVO: Comprender los significados atribuidos a la auto-evaluaci\u00f3n de la salud del anciano. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "OBJECTIVE: To understand the meanings attributed to self-assessment of health by the elderly."} {"inputs": "Lamaze International will have information on where the Lamaze technique is taught in your area; for information on the Bradley method, contact the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Puede ponerse en contacto con esta asociaci\u00f3n para averiguar cu\u00e1les son los cursos autorizados que se ofrecen en su \u00e1rea. Lamaze International puede brindarle informaci\u00f3n acerca de d\u00f3nde se ense\u00f1a la t\u00e9cnica Lamaze en su \u00e1rea."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n22 . Os ruego, hermanos, que soport\u00e9is la palabra de exhortaci\u00f3n, pues os he escrito brevemente.", "targets": "22 Brothers, I urge you to bear with my word of exhortation, for I have written you only a short letter."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Anunciar a Jesucristo a los pueblos que tienen una religi\u00f3n propia no es un acto violento porque la Iglesia propone, no impone."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Los listados de propiedades inmobiliarias de Saratoga, los REALTORS, los valores de caracter\u00e0stica, las estimaciones caseras de la valuaci\u00e0\u00b3n y la otra informaci\u00e0\u00b3n de los bienes raices est\u00e0\u00a1 disponibles a trav\u00e0\u00a9s \u00e0\u00a1rea de la Saratoga, California. \u00e0\u00a1Tambi\u00e0\u00a9n disponibles est\u00e0\u00a1n los listados caseros nuevos, las ejecuciones de una hipoteca, y m\u00e0\u00a1s de Saratoga!\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Saratoga real estate listings, apartments for rent, REALTORS, property values, home valuation estimates and other Saratoga realty information is available throughout the Saratoga, California area. Also available are Saratoga new home listings, foreclosures, information about Saratoga homes, and more! Find Saratoga REALTORS, homes for sale or get property values in most all Saratoga, California zip codes, including:"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Todos los d\u00edas le dicen que vuelva al d\u00eda siguiente, o en la tarde de ese mismo d\u00eda . N\u00e9stor est\u00e1 pidiendo una explicaci\u00f3n de por qu\u00e9 fue maltratado, por qu\u00e9 fue golpeado y lo traen \"peloteando\", es decir, no le dan respuesta, aunque pareciera que lo van a encausar.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Every day he is advised to come back either the same afternoon or the next day. Nestor is demanding an explanation as to why he was mistreated, why he was beaten by Capt. \"Castillo\" and others and why he's being \"toyed with.\" He insists that the authorities advise him of the charges."} {"inputs": "To the opposite extreme, the flowers of the Lapeirousias, the very charming \"Painetd petals\", of the South Africans, just exceed the centimetre. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "En el extremo opuesto, los de las Lapeirousia, las gracios\u00edsimas \"Painted petals\" de los sudafricanos, superan por poco el cent\u00edmetro."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Users of these social networks must be aware that these are independent from the website www.zukan.es and are open, that is, visible to all users, and privacy policies applicable to this content are established by LinkedIn, YouTube, or where applicable, any other website with similar characteristics, since ZUKAN, S.L. is not the owner of the social networks.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Los usuarios de estas redes sociales deben ser conscientes de que este lugar es independiente de la Web www.zukan.es y est\u00e1 abierto, es decir, es visible para todos sus usuarios, y las pol\u00edticas de privacidad a aplicar a estos contenidos son fijadas por Linkedin, Youtube o, en su caso por cualquier otra Web de caracter\u00edsticas an\u00e1logas, ya que ZUKAN, S.L. no es titular de las redes sociales."} {"inputs": "Una expresi\u00f3n pr\u00e1ctica de esto fue que Marx y Engels dirigieron la fundaci\u00f3n de la primera organizaci\u00f3n internacional de obreros, conocida como la I Internacional. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "And, as a practical expression of this, Marx (together with Engels) was in the leadership in the founding of the first international organization of workers from different countries, known as the First International."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Since these reports there has been a flood of new patents and processes, yet industry pressure has ensured that no regulatory framework has been developed or enacted to protect against the release of nanoparticles in the workplace and the wider environment.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Sin embargo, la presi\u00f3n de la industria ha asegurado que no se desarrolle ni se implemente estructura reglamentaria alguna de protecci\u00f3n contra la liberaci\u00f3n de nanopart\u00edculas en el lugar de trabajo y en el medio ambiente en general."} {"inputs": "Tags: bloguera, damas de blanco, derechos humanos, libertad, preso, Zapata How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Tags: accident, arrested, blog, blogger, dissident, expression, freedom, freedom of speech, prisoner, Varela, Zapata"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe Mother of God would never allow such a fraudulent interpretation of Her Message to stand.", "targets": "La Madre de Dios no permitir\u00eda persistir una interpretaci\u00f3n tan fraudulenta de su Mensaje."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nFor most foreigners, the cost of living in Colombia will seem relatively low. For Colombians, it is a different story, since the minimum wage is only 286.000 pesos ($126/\u20ac135).", "targets": "Para un extranjero la vida en Colombia no resulta costosa, bien si para el colombiano, la realidad es mas diferente: El salario m\u00ednimo es de 286.000 pesos (126 d\u00f3lares; 135 Euro,)."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLa latencia sac\u00e1dica podr\u00eda representar un d\u00e9ficit espec\u00edfico entre las ni\u00f1as con TDAH.", "targets": "Saccadic latency may represent a specific deficit among girls with ADHD."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "10 The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "The perfect harmony that binds our selected coffee beans with notes of coconut from life experience greedy reminiscent o ..."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The 8bit counter is configured to generate an interrupt at overflow. In other words we get a 4194304Hz / (256 * 256) = 64Hz time base.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El contador de 8bit esta configurado para generar una interrupci\u00f3n ante un derrame. En otras palabras obtenemos 4194304Hz / (256 * 256) = 64Hz de base de tiempo."} {"inputs": "Translate \"A pesar del hecho de que s\u00f3lo unas pocas horas en coche de la localidad est\u00e1n las grandes ciudades como Zurich, Basilea, Berna y Ginebra, siempre es tranquila y pac\u00edfica.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Despite the fact that such big cities as Zurich, Basel, Bern and Geneva are located only a few hours\u2019 drive from the resort, it is always quiet and peaceful there."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: But especially in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has built up a base among sections of the people by refusing to go along with the U.S.-sponsored \"peace talks\" between Israel and Arafat, and by building up a network of social services.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Sin embargo, especialmente en Gaza, Hamas ha conseguido muchos seguidores porque no acept\u00f3 las \"charlas de paz\" de Arafat con Israel y porque tiene una red de servicios sociales."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Narco News: Mexico's Media Moguls Target Country's Bicentennial\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Narco News: Bicentenario: Objetivo de los magnates de los medios mexicanos"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "We are dedicated to providing Walpole Massachusetts Custody lawyers and law firms with quality white-hat online marketing services that will improve their brand, increase their web visibility, and generate more online business.."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Pero no era solamente para ellos.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "But this was not solely for themselves."} {"inputs": "Description of the proposed business activities Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Descripci\u00f3n de las actividades de negocio propuesto"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEn la pantalla de bloqueo principal, desliza el dedo hasta la pantalla de bloqueo de Rinc\u00f3n infantil.", "targets": "From the main lock screen, swipe over to the Kid's Corner lock screen."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Connie Fleischer de Turkey de PCMAG.COM: Despu\u00e9s de la detecci\u00f3n y la investigaci\u00f3n t\u00e9cnica de retroalimentaci\u00f3n Hong Kong, Afghanistan, Cape Verde, Laos, Turkey, tengo que decir que DLL Suite es la DLL fijador m\u00e1s destacada en este campo, y tiene una alta eficiencia y efecto."} {"inputs": "Translate \"First National Sustainable Energy Awareness Workshop for Educators in the Bahamas\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Primer Taller Nacional sobre la Concientizaci\u00f3n de Energ\u00e0a Sostenible para maestros en Las Bahamas"} {"inputs": "In the few remaining Crouzet distributors, still in service in Portugal, it is only possible to purchase the lowest basic values for domestic normal (0.32 EUR) and express mail (CORREIO AZUL 0.47 EUR, for this issue). Say this using Spanish", "targets": "En los pocos distribuidores Crouzet que quedan a\u00fan en servicio en Portugal, s\u00f3lo es posible obtener de forma directa los primeros valores de correo nacional normal y Azul (0,32 EUR y CORREIO AZUL 0,47 EUR para esta emisi\u00f3n)."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Todo est\u00e1 en un nivel y adecuado para usuarios de sillas de ruedas.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Everything is on one level and suitable for wheelchair users."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"You can lose pounds a Year Juggling minutes 3 times a week but...\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Puedes perder libras por A\u00f1o jugando hacky attack minutos 3 veces por semana, pero..."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: 3 how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation\u2014which at the first having been spoken through the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard;\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "3 \u00bfc\u00f3mo escaparemos nosotros, si tuvi\u00e9remos en poco una salud tan grande? La cual, habiendo comenzado a ser publicada por el Se\u00f1or, ha sido confirmada hasta nosotros por los que lo oyeron a \u00e9l mismo;"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Palestinian Water Authority: Feasibility Study for the creation of a Water Training Center"} {"inputs": "Vail Colorado Lesiones Personales Abogados y Procuradores que ganar! Para obtener el mejor Vail Colorado Lesiones Personales abogados en la empresa, AttorneysDelivered se \"entregue\". How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "For the best Vail Colorado Personal Injury lawyers and Vail Colorado Personal Injury attorneys in the business, AttorneysDelivered will \"deliver\"."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "For more than a thousand years the annual waving of the sheaf pointed forward to its antitypical event, the resurrection of Christ."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Es una salida con cierta dificultad, dado que son 200 kil\u00f3metros de subidas y bajadas, aptos para 4 d\u00edas de cicloturismo.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "It is an exit with certain difficulty, since they are 200 kilometers of ascents and slopes, capable for 4 days of cicloturismo."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe signaling of the Venezuelas cost line for navigation.", "targets": "La iluminaci\u00f3n de las costas de Venezuela para el servicio de la navegaci\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n11Este es el mensaje que ustedes han o\u00eddo desde el principio: que nos amemos unos a otros.", "targets": "11 This is the teaching you have heard from the beginning: We must love each other."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: It is estimated that there are 54 in Istanbul shopping centers and the number is expected to exceed 100 in a short time. (This would cause a major crisis for the small shops so we hope that the process will stop.)\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "En Estambul hay ya 54 centros comerciales, y se calcula que vayan a ser m\u00e1s de 100 en poco tiempo (esper\u00e1mos que este proceso se interumpa, porqu\u00e9 ser\u00eda una catastrofe para las tiendas peque\u00f1as)."} {"inputs": "People who have a very high iron levels may have skin with a bronze or gray color. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Las personas que tienen un nivel de hierro muy alto pueden tener piel gris o color bronce."} {"inputs": "Translate \"o caso negro de cuero de la PU-relacionados\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "o PU-related black leather case"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The Copernicus Hotel is an ideal venue for atmospheric, small wedding receptions.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El hotel Copernicus es el lugar ideal para celebrar bodas \u00edntimas de ensue\u00f1o."} {"inputs": "\u201cEl agregado pol\u00edtico de la embajada inform\u00f3 de que Chevron se niega a seguir adelante con las conversaciones porque sus representantes prefieren importar sus propios productos derivados del petr\u00f3leo.\u201d How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The embassy\u2019s political officer reported that Chevron \u201crefused to move forward with the discussions because \u2018their representatives would rather import their own petroleum products.\u2019\u201d"} {"inputs": "Many Catholics nowadays believe homologous fecundation is morally licit and only heterologus fecundation isn\u2019t. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Tambi\u00e9n hoy muchos cat\u00f3licos creen que la fecundaci\u00f3n hom\u00f3loga es moralmente l\u00edcita y que la heterologa no lo es."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nAsistimos entonces a la creaci\u00f3n de orfanatos, centros m\u00e9dicos y centros de solidaridad.", "targets": "We are also witnessing the establishing of orphanages, medical centers and help centers."} {"inputs": "En BCO le ofrecemos los precios m\u00e1s baratos al reservar con Europcar en Goerlitz Koenigshufen. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "In BCO we offer the cheapest prices when booking with Europcar in Goerlitz Koenigshufen."} {"inputs": "[Satan tried to eliminate a worker by having him run down outside the Shrine grounds by a possessed young soul in a speeding car. Satan\u2019s plan was foiled. Our Father is our protector. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Satan\u00e1s trat\u00f3 de eliminar a un trabajador al hacer que lo atropellaran afuera de los terrenos del Santuario, una joven alma pose\u00edda en un carro veloz. El plan de satan\u00e1s fue frustrado. Nuestra Padre es nuestro protector."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe project was scheduled to end on 31 December 2001, but two extensions have been granted, bringing the completion date to 31 December 2004.", "targets": "La fecha de vencimiento prevista para el proyecto se fij\u00f3 al 31 de diciembre de 2001, pero se le han acordado dos extensiones llevando esta fecha hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2004."} {"inputs": "Se notificaron los siguientes resultados:[122][Grado de comprobaci\u00f3n: 1iiA] How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The following results were reported:[122][Level of Evidence: 1iiA]"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: December 23, 2011 Full size is 450 \u00d7 448 pixels\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Diciembre 23, 2011 Es de tama\u00f1o completo 450 \u00d7 448 pixeles"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "M\u00f3dulo 2: Gasto p\u00fablico: Estructura, estabilidad y procesos de decisi\u00f3n"} {"inputs": "Translate \"27:21 I will surely punish him severely or kill him unless he brings me a convincing excuse.\"\" to Spanish.", "targets": "27:21 He de castigarla severamente o degollarla, a menos que me presente, sin falta, una excusa satisfactoria\u00bb."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nOver the sclera lies the conjunctiva, a clear skin layer that protects the eye from becoming dry.", "targets": "Sobre la escler\u00f3tica se encuentra la conjuntiva, una membrana mucosa transparente que evita la sequedad del ojo."} {"inputs": "The voice identified itself saying \u201cI am the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.\u201d Say this using Spanish", "targets": "La voz se identific\u00f3 diciendo \"que soy el dios de sus antepasados, el dios de Abraham, el dios de Isaac, el dios de Jacob.\""} {"inputs": "4.1 The highest exposures can occur in certain workplaces where DIDP, DINP, or products that contain them are produced or used. More... Say this using Spanish", "targets": "4.1 Las mayores exposiciones pueden darse en ciertos lugares de trabajo en los que se produce o se emplea DIDP, DINP o productos que los contienen. M\u00e1s en ingl\u00e9s\u2026"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Y no hay luz \u2014 as\u00ed es, no hay luz."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "1. La pr\u00f3spera industria criminal de las drogas il\u00edcitas, en todas sus etapas, mucho m\u00e1s rentable que la de los diamantes ensangrentados y que otros recursos que han alimentado varios conflictos armados."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Recommend this product to friends and acquaintances via e-mail. To do so, simply complete all the fields marked * and click \"Send\".\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Recomiende este producto a sus amigos y conocidos por correo electr\u00f3nico. Para ello, basta con rellenar todos los campos marcados con * y hacer clic en \"Enviar\". Nuevo PANTAL\u00d3N CAGAO CALAVERAS GRIS"} {"inputs": "In Posio there is also the shop and factory outlet of Pentik, a famous Finnish designer of home textiles and tableware. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "En Posio tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1 la tienda outlet y f\u00e1brica de Pentik, un famoso dise\u00f1ador finland\u00e9s de textiles para el hogar y para la mesa."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: This Ramsar site constitutes one of the most important wetland system of the country.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Este sitio Ramsar es uno de los sistemas de humedales m\u00e1s importantes del pa\u00eds."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Vea la exposici\u00f3n de Bo Kinney, bibliotecario de Colecciones Especiales en Seattle Public Library, acerca del uso de CONTENTdm para compartir las colecciones de su biblioteca en la Web .\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Watch Bo Kinney, Special Collections Librarian at The Seattle Public Library, talk about their use of CONTENTdm to share their collections on the Web ."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nGil Cedillo Informaci\u00f3n adicional del evento", "targets": "Gil Cedillo Event Additional Information"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nJos\u00e9 Saramago, escritor: Lo que denominamos poder democr\u00e1tico es incapaz de impedir los abusos que comete el poder econ\u00f3mico", "targets": "Jos\u00e9 Saramago, writer: What we call democratic power is incapable of impeding the abuses of economic power"} {"inputs": "28 Cuando Jehova hablo a Moises en la tierra de Egipto, How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "28 And it came to pass on the day when Jehovah spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt,"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"10 differences between a normal friend and a German friend\" in Spanish?", "targets": "10 diferencias entre un amigo normal y un amigo viajero"} {"inputs": "Wintertime is skiing time. Enjoy the snow. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "El invierno es el esqu\u00ed tiempo."} {"inputs": "A\u00f1adir al cuaderno de viaje La Universidad P\u00fablica de Navarra fue creada por el Parlamento de Navarra en 1987. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The Public University of Navarre was created by the Parliament of Navarre in 1987 and has done nothing but grow since then."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "20 and they having requested [him] to remain a longer time with them, he did not consent,"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIf that\u2019s true, why are so many women getting divorced (or wishing they were)? Why do Hollywood stars ditch beauties for someone else? The truth is, you will only feel happy and complete when you let God be your first love. No man\u2014especially one who is not God\u2019s best for you\u2014will even come close.", "targets": "Porque las estrellas de Hollywood dejan a personas hermosas para irse con otra persona? La verdad de esto es, usted solamente sera feliz y estara completa en su ser cuando permita que Dios sea su primer amor. Ningun hombre \u2013 especialmente aquel que Dios no tiene destinado para usted \u2013 le dara esta felicidad."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Few women entered into this fray without an awareness of the special dangers, but perhaps their enthusiasm for symbolic and physical confrontation stems from a feeling that they are a central target of Erdogan's program.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Pocas mujeres entraron en la refriega sin tener conciencia de los peligros especiales, pero tal vez su entusiasmo por la confrontaci\u00f3n simb\u00f3lica y f\u00edsica se derive de la sensaci\u00f3n de que son un objetivo central del programa de Erdogan."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Website design in Magallanes, Chile - Amarillaschile.net"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nTambi\u00e9n incluye la competencia con EE.UU. por los mercados extranjeros, la habilidad para tender un puente ante la creciente brecha entre las naciones desarrolladas y las naciones en desarrollo y la capacidad de limitar lo que muchos europeos ven como un instinto militar agresivo de EE.UU.", "targets": "It also encompasses a competition with the US for the markets abroad, the ability to bridge the increasing gap separating the developed nations and the developing countries, and the ability to thwart what many Europeans regard as an aggressive military drive of the US."} {"inputs": "Langhorne Construcci\u00f3n de Accidentes Abagado | Pennsylvania (PA) Construcci\u00f3n de Accidentes Abagado How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Langhorne Construction Accident Lawyers | Pennsylvania (PA) Construction Accident Attorneys"} {"inputs": "\"Identidad Americana\" Instituto del libro. Montevideo, Uruguay How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The Book Institute's \"American Identity\" - Montevideo, Uruguay"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "3. Aunque el climax de la Tribulaci\u00f3n ser\u00e1 de una gran severidad, sin embargo ser\u00e1 breve."} {"inputs": "Number of visits: 21647 Say this using Spanish", "targets": "N\u00famero de visitas: 8008"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Acto de resarcimiento para el Sagrado Coraz\u00f3n de Jes\u00fas\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nKeddy in London Croydon car rental - Opinions in BCO", "targets": "Keddy en Londres Croydon alquiler de coches - opiniones en BCO"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: This is what concerns people when someone comes and talks emphatically about how they\u2019ll buy their land and that something like a flood will occur.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Es lo que piensa la gente cuando alguien llega con fuerza de voz y le dice que le compra su terreno y que algo como una inundaci\u00f3n va a ocurrir."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Cinema allows people to express themselves and their social issues in their regional accents, and lets them see the wider world, but in Brazil cinema tickets are too expensive.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "El cine le permite a la gente expresarse a ellos mismos y sus problemas sociales en sus acentos regionales, y les permite ver el resto del mundo. Sin embargo, en Brasil las entradas de cine son demasiado caras."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Nos esforzamos para conectar con el mejor Lowell Massachusetts Inmigraci\u00f3n los abogados en su ubicaci\u00f3n Empiece por elegir un lugar y la categor\u00eda en su \u00e1rea. Es as\u00ed de simple."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nConventional tranquilizers in the Valium family interact with special binding sites in the brain called GABA receptors.", "targets": "Los tranquilizantes convencionales en la familia Valium interact\u00faan con las \u00e1reas especialmente vinculadas en el cerebro llamadas receptores GABA."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "No basta haber derribado las barreras arquitect\u00f3nicas; hay otras barreras mucho m\u00e1s dif\u00edciles para derribar. Tenemos necesidad de sentirnos amados, para sentirnos normales ."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Finally, it is recommendable at the end of each encounter to arrange for an approximate time for the next encounter."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Yo he venido del cielo a vosotros, para bendeciros y fortaleceros, para que pod\u00e1is seguir a mi Hijo.\u201d\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "I have come to you from heaven in order to bless and strengthen you so that you may follow my Son.\u201c"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nPatient 11 does not have hyperparathyroidism and should not even have their PTH tested...unless they pass a kidney stone and/or have severe osteoporosis.", "targets": "El paciente n\u00famero 11 no tiene hiperparatiroidismo y no debieron tener su PTH probado... a menos que pase un c\u00e1lculo renal y/o sufre osteoporosis severa."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nRecuento sangu\u00edneo completo (RSC) con diferencial : procedimiento en el cual se extrae una muestra de sangre y se analiza lo siguiente:", "targets": "Complete blood count (CBC) with differential : A procedure in which a sample of blood is drawn and checked for the following:"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Para lograr un buen aprovechamiento del estudio de escenograf\u00eda virtual y una producci\u00f3n eficiente se puede optar por comenzar consolidando cualquiera de los cuatro v\u00e9rtices."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Posted in Corruption, Internet | Tagged Cubaverdad, embargo, freedom, human rights, Internet, president, United States | Leave a comment\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Posted in Corrupci\u00f3n, Salud | Tagged Cubaverdad, embargo, Estados Unidos, Gobierno, Salud | Leave a comment"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Agricultural machinery in Aldo Bonzi, La Matanza (Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina)\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Maquinaria pesada: accesorios en Esteban Echeverr\u00eda (Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina)"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nRuskin, one must observe, warns about more than the final destruction of England as a nation and civilization, for like so many modern prophets, such as Lawrence and Mailer, he is also speaking about the death of pleasure, of all pleasure, of that which gives one joy and will to live.", "targets": "Si se observa bien, Ruskin pone en guardia sobre un estado m\u00e1s temible que la destrucci\u00f3n final de Inglaterra como naci\u00f3n y civilizaci\u00f3n, puesto que al igual que tantos profetas modernos, tales como Lawrence y Mailer, tambi\u00e9n habla sobre la muerte del placer, de todo placer, de todo lo que proporciona alegr\u00eda y voluntad de vivir."} {"inputs": "Estos obreros, obligados a venderse al detall, son una mercanc\u00eda como cualquier otro art\u00edculo de comercio, sujeta, por tanto, a todas las vicisitudes de la competencia, a todas las fluctuaciones del mercado. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "These laborers, who must sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity, like every other article of commerce, and are consequently exposed to all the vicissitudes of competition, to all the fluctuations of the market."} {"inputs": "Soluciones para el mundo real How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Solutions for the real world"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "It is therefore incumbent upon us in loyal gratitude to take advantage of the Church's invitation in order to bond ourselves in ever stricter union with our Savior who constantly desires with an ardent desire to eat the Passover with us (Luke 22:15).\" [88]"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Durante la invasi\u00f3n napole\u00f3nica se cuenta que en la Casa de las Doncellas el alcalde mayor dio refugio a las doncellas de la ciudad.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "It is told that during the Napoleonic invasion in the Casa de las Doncellas the mayor gave shelter to the maids of the town."} {"inputs": "Translate \"She absolutely loves where she is and what she is doing.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "A ella le encanta el lugar donde est\u00e1 y lo que est\u00e1 haciendo."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Adoptamos las mejores pr\u00e1cticas en las \u00e1reas de gobernanza, salud y seguridad, desarrollo personal, relaciones comerciales, servicio al cliente, excelencia t\u00e9cnica, innovaci\u00f3n y gesti\u00f3n del medio ambiente."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Weather and meteo conditions on Wednesday 06 July in Mustang\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Tiempo y las condiciones meteorol\u00f3gicas el Mi\u00e9rcoles 06 Julio en El Reno"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Los representantes de diferentes organismos discutir\u00e1n programas conjuntos para la temporada de huracanes de 1985 y analizar\u00e1n el estado del Proyecto de Preparaci\u00f3n y Prevenci\u00f3n de Desastres para el Caribe.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Representatives will discuss joint programs for the 1985 hurricane season and review the status of the Pan Caribbean Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Project."} {"inputs": "Translate \"barkesweaverglick.com Good, your page take advantage of Og Properties.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "barkesweaverglick.com Bien. Tu p\u00e1gina usa propiedades Og (etiquetas og)."} {"inputs": "Translate \"El nuevo FLUXUS G608se basa en el G601, ampliamente usado, altamente fiable y vers\u00e1til, pero se ha adaptado espec\u00edficamente para las \u00e1reas peligrosas y posee una certificaci\u00f3n ATEX.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "The new FLUXUS G608 portable gas flow meter is based on the widely used, highly reliable and versatile G601, but has been specifically engineered for its use within hazardous areas and is covered by ATEX, IECEx and FM certification."} {"inputs": "Como dice el Concilio Vaticano II, en la familia \u00ablas distintas generaciones coinciden y se ayudan mutuamente a lograr una mayor sabidur\u00eda y a armonizar los derechos de las personas con las dem\u00e1s exigencias de la vida social\u00bb.(106) How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "As the Second Vatican Council states, in the family \"the various generations come together and help one another to grow wiser and to harmonize personal rights with the other requirements of social living.\"[106]"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Then came reports that black people were being mistreated in the south.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Luego vinieron los informes de que la gente negro estaban siendo maltratados en el sur."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\n27 And Jehovah said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.", "targets": "27 Y Jehov\u00e1 dijo a Mois\u00e9s: Escribe t\u00fa estas palabras; porque conforme a estas palabras he hecho pacto contigo y con Israel."} {"inputs": "Welcome to buy fashion costume jewelry white lip shell necklace from Bjbead.com!! Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Bienvenido a comprar collar de turquesa de Bjbead.com!!"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Nacido para ser grande Juegos - Juegos del cerebro, Juego, Juegos"} {"inputs": "Translate \"How the figure of the bishop has changed over the centuries, from the time of St Ambrose, St Gregory, St Charles Borromeo, St Francis de Sales... Each bishop is led to reflect on the fact that one is no longer judged by the idea commonly held of the episcopal function, but on what he himself gives of it.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Cu\u00e1nto ha cambiado la figura del obispo durante los siglos, despu\u00e9s de san Ambrosio, san Gregorio, san Carlos Borromeo, san Francisco de Sales... Cada obispo reflexiona sobre el hecho de que ya no es juzgado seg\u00fan la idea que com\u00fanmente se tiene de la funci\u00f3n episcopal, sino seg\u00fan la que cada obispo da de ella."} {"inputs": "Translate \"This can lead to power struggles as a child thinks \"I can do it myself\" or \"I want it, give it to me.\"\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Esto crea una condici\u00f3n perfecta para luchas de poder, ya que el ni\u00f1o piensa \"yo puedo hacerlo solo\" o \"lo quiero; d\u00e1melo\"."} {"inputs": "Inspirada en dise\u00f1os de los estilos Modernista, Art-Deco, Art-Nouveau y Psicod\u00e9lico. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Inspired in designs of the Modernist, Art-Deco, Art Nouveau and Psychedelic styles."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Like twins we are very united and we share every aspect of our lives."} {"inputs": "2. La estrategia de desarrollo How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "2. The development strategy"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLa proximidad del gen de la UGT a la conocida los l\u00edmites de heterocromatina puede tener importancia para la regulaci\u00f3n de su expresi\u00f3n.", "targets": "The close proximity of the OGT gene to known heterochromatin boundaries may have significance for the regulation of its expression."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nA principios de este mes, en la sexta advertencia oficial en una semana, el viceministro de Exteriores He Yafei urgi\u00f3 a Estados Unidos a reconsiderar el paquete de armas para Taiw\u00e1n en una declaraci\u00f3n a la agencia oficial de noticias Xinhua: \u201cChina ha protestado en\u00e9rgicamente ante la reciente decisi\u00f3n del gobierno estadounidense de permitir que la Compa\u00f1\u00eda Raytheon y a Lockheed Martin Corp. venda armas a Taiw\u00e1n\u201d y \u201cla venta de armas de Estados Unidos a Taiw\u00e1n mina la seguridad nacional de China\u201d[5].", "targets": "Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei urged the United States to reconsider the Taiwan arms package in the sixth official Chinese warning in a week earlier this month, telling his nation\u2019s Xinhua News Agency that \u201cChina had strongly protested the U.S. government\u2019s recent decision to allow Raytheon Company and Lockheed Martin Corp. to sell weapons to Taiwan\u201d and \u201cThe U.S. arms sales to Taiwan undermine China\u2019s national security.\u201d[5]"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: He that covers his sins shall not prosper: but whoever confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy. To be delivered from the guilt of our past sins, we must humble ourselves before God and confess our sins.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El que encubre sus pecados no prosperar\u00e1, pero el que los confiesa y los abandona alcanzar\u00e1 misericordia. Para ser librados de la culpabilidad de nuestros pecados del pasado, debemos venir ante Dios humildemente y confesarlos."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nCon esta medida se materializa el concepto de democratizaci\u00f3n de la ense\u00f1anza y se da opci\u00f3n real a los padres de familia de elegir el tipo de escuela que consideren m\u00e1s apropiado para sus hijos.", "targets": "Through these measures, the concept of educational democracy was concretized and a real option was given to parents to choose the kind of school they thought to be most appropriate for their children."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Dreams, madness, reality, fiction, poetry\u2026 wine \u2013red, rose and white- in the skin of three excellent dancers and actors resulted some marvellous effects."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "En un an\u00e1lisisRIR, todas las fases necesitan ser identificadas y cada una de ellas debe tener su valor RIR. La gran cantidad de entradas con valoresRIRposibilita el uso frecuente de este m\u00e9todo para an\u00e1lisis cuantitativo."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nvi) expedir un recibo al depositante, as\u00ed como toda declaraci\u00f3n requerida sobre su viabilidad, de conformidad con el Reglamento;", "targets": "(vi) issue a receipt to the depositor, and any required viability statement, as prescribed in the Regulations;"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Algunos actores tradicionales del sector los miran con reticencias e incluso con miedo. Pero, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no convertir el enemigo en aliado? Los desarrollos tecnol\u00f3gicos son caros y no es f\u00e1cil obtener beneficios a corto plazo.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Some traditional financial players look at them with reluctance or even fear. But, what about changing the foe into friend? Technological developments are expensive and it is not so easy to obtain profits in a short-term."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Pero ahora Jes\u00fas habl\u00f3 m\u00e1s claramente."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Skyscanner allows you to find the cheapest flights to Akulivik airport without having to enter specific dates or even destinations, making it the best place to find cheap flights for your trip to Akulivik airport. Use the links at the side of the page to browse for flight information or use the flight search controls above to start a new search.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Skyscanner permite encontrar los vuelos m\u00e1s baratos al aeropuerto de Akulivik sin tener que introducir fechas espec\u00edficas o destinos, lo que lo convierte en el mejor lugar para encontrar vuelos baratos para tu viaje al aeropuerto de Akulivik. Usa los enlaces situados en el lateral de la p\u00e1gina para consultar la informaci\u00f3n de los vuelos o utiliza los controles de b\u00fasqueda de vuelos situados en la parte superior para iniciar una nueva b\u00fasqueda."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "sometimes interrupted by the depressive line of the \u00ab Et in terra \u00bb :"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La parte m\u00e1s bella del municipio son el Lago Pali\u0107 y el poblado del mismo nombre, a unos 10 kil\u00f3metros de la ciudad."} {"inputs": "You can download the logo 'FastSigns' here ... Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Puede descargar el logo 'FastSigns' aqu\u00ed ..."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIt was a nationalist party whose members had a Muslim culture.", "targets": "Se trata de un partido nacionalista cuyos miembros tienen cultura musulmana."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe Bible seems to recognize this in its use of language.", "targets": "La Biblia parece reconocer esto en su uso del lenguaje."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "El clima, el suelo, su situaci\u00f3n geogr\u00e1fica, hacen de ella una Espa\u00f1a en miniatura."} {"inputs": "Ahora los frutos del Espiritu Santo pueden comenzar a verse en ustedes. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Now the fruits of the Holy Spirit are being borne in you."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"The primitive division of labor between the sexes was replaced by a more complex social division of labor.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "La primitiva divisi\u00f3n del trabajo entre los sexos fue sustituida por una divisi\u00f3n social del trabajo mucho m\u00e1s complicada."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La CIDH lamenta que, pese a los reiterados llamados de su parte y de otros organismos internacionales, de reconsiderar la decisi\u00f3n respecto a la denuncia, el Estado venezolano no haya revertido tal decisi\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nDurante la etapa de selecci\u00f3n y primeros auxilios, el trabajador no debe tratar de modificar estas conductas defensivas.", "targets": "During the triage and outreach stage, the worker should not tamper with these sets of behavior."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Some Contracting Parties have paid their dues to the Ramsar Secretariat as agreed by Resolution VIII.30, but in many cases with considerable delay, some having delayed their payment by more than a year and some Parties having not paid any of their dues during this triennium.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Algunas Partes Contratantes han abonado sus cuotas a la Secretar\u00eda de Ramsar, como se acord\u00f3 mediante la Resoluci\u00f3n VIII.30, pero en muchos casos con una demora considerable; en algunos casos el pago se demor\u00f3 durante m\u00e1s de un a\u00f1o, y algunas Partes no han abonado ninguna de sus cuotas en el presente trienio."} {"inputs": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no puedo comprar un boleto mensual? How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Why can\u2019t I buy a monthly ticket?"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"During the bondage in Egypt many of the Israelites had, to a great extent, lost the knowledge of God's law, and had mingled its precepts with heathen customs and traditions.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Durante su esclavitud en Egipto, muchos de los israelitas hab\u00edan perdido en alto grado el conocimiento de la ley de Dios, y hab\u00edan mezclado los preceptos divinos con costumbres y tradiciones paganas."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The Pichidangui wetlands are another tourist attraction. These are located to one side of the town and become the temporary home for bands of migratory birds coming in from the northern hemisphere.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Punto de atracci\u00f3n adicional es el humedal de Pichidangui, a un costado de pueblo, a cuyas aguas arriban bandadas de aves migratorias desde el hemisferio norte."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "The important thing is education in sustainability where every move counts."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Send flowers and gifts to Antigua with Flowers for Antigua. We specialize in delivering flowers, bouquets, baskets, gifts and cakes to Antigua.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Env\u00ede flores y regalos a Antigua con Flores para Antigua. Somos especialistas en la entrega de flores, ramos, cestas, y regalos en todo el municipio de Antigua!"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Seguridad industrial en C\u00e1diz, Espa\u00f1a\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Industrial safety in Castell\u00f3, Spain"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Representation of the company."} {"inputs": "La fe nos da un sentido y nos alimenta el alma, crea esperanza. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Faith gives us meaning and feeds the soul; it creates hope."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He is an American musician.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Ella es una actriz americania."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nTheir colony is sealed to the outside world, even their 'roads' are fully enclosed, going for over fifty metres from the nest to find food.", "targets": "Las colonias de termitas viven totalmente aisladas del exterior, incluso sus 'carreteras' est\u00e1n totalmente cerradas, y pueden llegar a medir m\u00e1s de cincuenta metros desde el nido para encontrar alimento."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nSirvi\u00f3 de modelo, por ejemplo, para los alminares de Sfax (siglo X), Tremec\u00e9n (1136) y Sevilla (finales del siglo XII).", "targets": "It served as a model, for example, for the minarets of Sfax (tenth century), Tlemcen (1136), and Seville (end of the twelfth century)."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The tour ends in the \"wine and the senses\" room in the basement where the wine cellar of the palace used to be. By using aroma boxes and sweets you can learn something of the theory behind the wine tasting process.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "La visita finaliza con la sala \"el vino y los sentidos\" ubicada en el s\u00f3tano, donde estuvo la bodega del palacio. Gracias a cajas de olores y caramelos, podr\u00e1n descubrir la teor\u00eda pr\u00e1ctica para la realizaci\u00f3n de las catas."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Amor\u00b4s dominant charater has mellowed with the years and in any other respect he still is a wonderful dog.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Amor con los a\u00f1os ha suavizado su car\u00e1cter dominante y sigue siendo por lo dem\u00e1s un amor de perro."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "High performance milling spindle with 27 kW"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nBillares en Nuevo M\u00e9xico - Amarillasnuevomexico.com", "targets": "Billiard tables in Roosevelt, New Mexico - Amarillasnuevomexico.com"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Guests should be emailed or their photo tagged when it goes live \u2013 which ensures they\u2019re more likely to share the file (and your brand) with their network.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Para enviarles las fotograf\u00edas por correo electr\u00f3nico o etiquetarles las foto - est\u00e1 acci\u00f3n asegura que sus invitados sean m\u00e1s propensos a compartir el archivo (y su marca) con su red."} {"inputs": "Podemos montarnos en la ola de la justicia social, pero mientras seamos injustos aunque sea en un solo aspecto, estaremos dando palos al aire. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "We may climb on the band wagon of social justice, but as long as we are unjust in even one area we are only beating the air."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The UAV\u2019s small size provides an additional safeguard against such fire.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "La peque\u00f1a dimensi\u00f3n del VANT ofrece una garant\u00eda adicional contra tal fuego."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Patent for a tea bag packaging machine.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Patente de la m\u00e1quina de empaquetado de bolsas de t\u00e9."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"They show us the way to attain happiness, they show us how to be truly human.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "De este modo, nos indican la v\u00eda para ser felices y nos muestran c\u00f3mo se consigue ser personas verdaderamente humanas."} {"inputs": "Usted puede viajar dentro y fuera de Noruega durante el tiempo que el permiso es v\u00e1lido. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "You can travel into and out of Norway for as long as the permit is valid."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLa jueza Sharon Lovelace Blackburn detuvo la aplicaci\u00f3n de la ley por un mes, hasta el 28 de septiembre, para tener tiempo para emitir una resoluci\u00f3n.", "targets": "Judge Sharon Lovelace Blackburn halted the implementation of the law for a month, until September 28, in order to have time to issue a ruling."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: If some very harmful and damaging people were arginabili with a quick and easy \u201cbuffoncello\u201d, I can guarantee that many theologians, including Brunero Gherardini, Antonio Love, John and I Cavalcoli, followed by many others, we removed them from the scene for decades.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Si algunas personas muy da\u00f1inos y perjudiciales eran arginabili con un r\u00e1pido y f\u00e1cil \u201cbuffoncello\u201d, Puedo garantizar que muchos te\u00f3logos, incluyendo Brunero Gherardini, Antonio Livi, John y yo Cavalcoli, seguido por muchos otros, que se les retire de la escena durante d\u00e9cadas."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nVery much.\u201d From somewhere within Ochiai found a small smile. Tsuge stepped beside her on the path and very gently held her hand.", "targets": "En alg\u00fan sitio en su interior, Ochiai encontr\u00f3 una peque\u00f1a sonrisa. Tsuge camin\u00f3 junto a ella y muy gentilmente sujet\u00f3 su mano."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "\u201cMy friend, you told me you were not a foolish man,\u201d Akihiro said. \u201cWere you a liar?"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Ashley Diamantes 3, play free Puzzle games online. Play Ashley Diamantes 3 related games and updates. Added on 2011/09/16, played 34 times.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Ashley Diamantes 3, el juego libre Puzzle juegos en l\u00ednea. Escuchar Ashley Diamantes 3 juegos relacionados y actualizaciones. A\u00f1adido el 2011/09/16, interpretado 34 veces."} {"inputs": "Estas gamas de colores se convirtieron en eventual un escondrijo de materias primas, ayud\u00e1ndome a crear las nuevas t\u00e9cnicas para cu\u00e1l era convertirse en mi propio arte. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "These palettes eventually became a cache of raw materials, helping me to create new techniques for what was to become my own art."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Masturbation, Striptease, Blowjob, Facials, Brunettes, Latin, Big dick\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Masturbaci\u00f3n, Estript\u00eds, Mamada, Semen en la cara, Morenas, Latina, Grandes pollas"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Lambda table with shaped base in Cristalplant\u00ae or wood available in different models.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Mesa Lambda con base modelada realizada en Cristalplant \u00ae o madera disponibles en diferentes modelos."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIf malathion lotion gets in your eyes, flush them with water right away.", "targets": "Si la loci\u00f3n de malati\u00f3n entra en contacto con los ojos, enju\u00e1guelos con agua de inmediato."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The countries which offered some of the largest amounts included Germany, France and Switzerland, and donations showed a considerable increase in Brazil, Holland and Chile.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Entre los pa\u00edses que m\u00e1s han contribuido se encuentran Francia, Alemania y Suiza y se han registrado incrementos particularmente significativos (de un 40%) en Brasil, Holanda y Chile."} {"inputs": "When the Church, in obedience to the word of Christ, announces his word, this word establishes a link with the risen Lord: it is He Himself who turns to his community, loves it, calls it, corrects it, exhorts it, consoles it. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Cuando la Iglesia, obedeciendo al mandato de Cristo, anuncia su palabra, esta palabra instaura un v\u00ednculo con el Se\u00f1or resucitado: es \u00c9l mismo que se dirige a su comunidad, la ama, la llama, la corrige, la exhorta, la consuela."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La cirug\u00eda se emplea despu\u00e9s de haber agotado todos los otros m\u00e9todos de tratamiento y si el dolor sigue siendo intenso."} {"inputs": "El aire rico en estos iones se produce principalmente sobre el mar, en los bosques de con\u00edferas, cerca de cascadas y minas de sal activas. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Air rich in these ions occurs primarily by the sea, in coniferous forests, in the vicinity of waterfalls and in working salt mines."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEstos descendientes de las tribus de Jacob no debemos interpretar que son los Jud\u00edos incr\u00e9dulos de hoy quienes est\u00e1n tratando de ganar la posesi\u00f3n de Palestina. Notamos que el Reino aqu\u00ed predicho, estar\u00e1 compuesto solamente de los convertidos a Cristo mayormente de las tribus que fueron esparcidas y perdieron su identidad entre las naciones Gentiles, inclusive los descendientes de los que compon\u00edan la primera iglesia Cristiana, de los que no se llamaron m\u00e1s Jud\u00edos a si mismos, sino Cristianos. Estos, adem\u00e1s de las naciones Gentiles que se unan a Cristo, obviamente compondr\u00e1n este Reino premilenario en la Tierra Prometida.", "targets": "These descendants of the tribes of Jacob we must not however construe to be the unbelieving Jews of today who are trying to gain possession of Palestine. The Kingdom here predicted, you note, is to be made up only of converts to Christ mostly from the tribes who were scattered and lost sight of among the Gentile nations, including the descendants of those who made up the early Christian church, -- of those who no longer called themselves Jews, but Christians. These, besides those of the Gentile nations who join Christ, are obviously to make up this premillennial Kingdom in the Promised Land."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nBut soul-saving is not our main occupation.", "targets": "Pero salvar almas no es nuestra ocupaci\u00f3n principal."} {"inputs": "Translate \"To complete the video entryphone system, there are system devices (power supply units, Ethernet switches, video selectors, auxiliary actuators) and a whole range of accessories (including telecameras, cables and concierge software) that are sold separately\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Para completar el sistema de videoportero est\u00e1n disponibles los dispositivos de sistema (fuentes de alimentaci\u00f3n, switch ethernet, selectores de v\u00eddeo, accionadores auxiliares) y todos los accesorios, entre ellos telec\u00e1maras, cables y software de porter\u00eda, que se venden por separado."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nAs mentioned the other day, our very own Chris Wyman is running in the Inaugural Star Wars Half Marathon at the Disneyland Resort. he's been busy snapping images as he goes through all the event has to offer.", "targets": "Como se mencion\u00f3, el otro d\u00eda, nuestro compa\u00f1ero Chris Wyman est\u00e1 participando en el Medio Marat\u00f3n inaugural de Star Wars en el Disneyland Resort. Ha estado ocupado capturando im\u00e1genes de todo lo que el evento tiene que ofrecer."} {"inputs": "Translate \"No estoy seguro de que yo vista una camiseta con su efigie o que transforme en esl\u00f3ganes algunas de sus frases, pero lo que s\u00ed es seguro es que he sido alcanzado por el magnetismo irresistible de su autenticidad evang\u00e9lica.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "I'm not sure I will wear a T-shirt with his photo or turn into slogans some of his phrases, but what is certain is that I have been struck by the irresistible magnetism of his Christian authenticity."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nJulia quiere fotografiar de nuevo Santiago", "targets": "Julia wants to re-photograph Santiago"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Some of the most active movements are those that remained independent during the Lugo government instead of embedding themselves in state institutions.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Algunos de los movimientos m\u00e1s activos son aquellos que se mantuvieron independientes durante el gobierno Lugo, no incrust\u00e1ndose en las instituciones estatales."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "By continuing to use our website, you are on board with our privacy policy ."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "The timetable was flexible and the examinations testing \u2013 I have retained many valued learnings from my MBA experience."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nNo se comparan los Faraones de Egipto, el Hammurabi de Mesopotamia, o Nabucodonosor de Babilonia. Tampoco los del \u00c1frica, ni los del medio oriente.", "targets": "From the most ancient times, came the Pharaohs of Egypt, and Hammurabi of Mesopotamia, or Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. No other single figure in Africa or the Near East comes close."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n2.3.1 Organizar una rama de investigaci\u00f3n, cuyo inicio podr\u00eda ser el Secretariado Arnoldo Janssen.", "targets": "2.3.1 To set up a research arm of which the Arnold Janssen Secretariat could be the beginning."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nApartamento 1 con vistas a la catedral", "targets": "Apartment 1 with view of the cathedral"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "(desde Verona y desde el Brennero) Salida Trento Norte interporto doganale, a la rotonda coger la 4\u00aa salida, ir hacia Localidad Spini de Gardolo direcci\u00f3n Scalo Intermodale continuar por otros 2,5 km y al primer sem\u00e1foro girar a la derecha, luego al segundo sem\u00e1foro girar a la izquierda para Meano-Albiano, despu\u00e9s de 11 km encontr\u00e1is el pueblo de Albiano, estamos en el 1\u00b0 edificio a la izquierda."} {"inputs": "\u00bf Qu\u00e9 puede ser que perdamos del pensamiento de esto? How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "What might we lose from thinking about this?"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nArea: Close to Florence", "targets": "Zona: Cerca de Florencia"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "These games are mobile versions of CP classics and you'll notice we added some new features and \"touches\" to make these games awesome on iPad."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"31 Then Jesus told them, \u201cThis very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: \u201c`I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.\u00b4\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Jes\u00fas predice la negaci\u00f3n de Pedro 31 . Entonces Jes\u00fas les dijo*: Esta noche todos vosotros os apartar\u00e9is por causa de m\u00ed, pues escrito est : \u201cHERIRE AL PASTOR, Y LAS OVEJAS DEL REBA\u00d1O SE DISPERSARAN.\u201d"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nMateriales: Los productos derivados de los bosques y otros materiales biol\u00f3gicos se utilizan para la construcci\u00f3n, el embalaje, la elaboraci\u00f3n de papel y muchos otros fines, y a menudo consumen menos energ\u00eda que otros materiales que cumplen la misma funci\u00f3n.", "targets": "Materials: products from forest and other biological materials are used for construction, packaging, papers, and many other uses and are often less energy- intensive than are alternative materials that provide the same service."} {"inputs": "Estamos dedicados a brindar Derby Connecticut Nacimiento de lesiones abogados y bufetes de abogados con la calidad del sombrero blanco y los servicios de marketing online que mejoren su marca, aumentar la visibilidad de su web, y generar m\u00e1s negocio en l\u00ednea. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "We are dedicated to providing Derby Connecticut Lemon Law lawyers and law firms with quality white-hat online marketing services that will improve their brand, increase their web visibility, and generate more online business.."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe Togolese Government backed the international financial institutions\u2019 solicitation in the HIPC initiative and set about drafting a first strategic poverty reduction document in February 2001.", "targets": "A instancias de las instituciones financieras internacionales, el gobierno de Togo comenz\u00f3 a redactar su primer DELP en febrero de 2001, con el fin de aliviar su endeudamiento."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nCNH Industrial hosts expert panel to raise awareness on biogas", "targets": "CNH Industrial acoge panel de expertos para crear conciencia sobre biog\u00e1s"} {"inputs": "So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who has mercy. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "As\u00ed que no es del que quiere, ni del que corre, sino de Dios que tiene misericordia."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"We are dedicated to providing Caldwell Idaho Workers Compensation lawyers and law firms with quality white-hat online marketing services that will improve their brand, increase their web visibility, and generate more online business..\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Estamos dedicados a brindar Caldwell Idaho Abuso de Hogar de Ancianos abogados y bufetes de abogados con la calidad del sombrero blanco y los servicios de marketing online que mejoren su marca, aumentar la visibilidad de su web, y generar m\u00e1s negocio en l\u00ednea."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"This point of view is not exclusive.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Este punto de vista no es excluyente."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nUna persona tiene que tomar la responsabilidad de hacer el pago por la renta de la propiedad.", "targets": "A person has to take the responsibility of doing the payment for the rent of the property."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Morning, day and evening looks were specially developed for this collection with a focus on the universal wearability of each item in the collection, inspired by the glamour of the ancient orient and the 70\u2019s. Fresh, elegant and feminine \u2013 a perfect symbiosis of the beauty look and the new collection.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Se desarrollaron maquillajes de ma\u00f1ana, d\u00eda y noche especialemte para esta colecci\u00f3n, centr\u00e1ndose en que fueran muy ponibles, e inspirados por el glamour del anciano oriente y los a\u00f1os 70. Fresca, elegante y femenina - una simbiosis perfecta entre el maquillaje y la colecci\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"But more recently, there has been a series of conciliatory gestures.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Pero m\u00e1s recientemente ha habido una serie de gestos conciliadores."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: \"I had the privilege of observing the electoral process (...) and was impressed by the manner in which this first nation-wide automated election was conducted.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "\"Tuve el privilegio de observar el proceso electoral (...) y qued\u00e9 impresionado por la manera en que se llev\u00f3 a cabo esta primera elecci\u00f3n automatizada en todo el pa\u00eds."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Source: Fabio Arias (Arenal Volcano National Park Manager).\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Fuente: Fabio Arias (Administraci\u00f3n del Parque Nacional Volc\u00e1n Arenal)."} {"inputs": "Translate \"An innovative concept for effective stretching and relaxation, comprised of two machines featuring a unique visual feedback system to monitor progress as you do it and over time.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Un innovador concepto de estiramiento eficaz y relajaci\u00f3n que consta de dos m\u00e1quinas con un exclusivo sistema de retroalimentaci\u00f3n visual para monitorizar el progreso a medida que lo haces y a lo largo del tiempo."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nRefresh yourself with the flavors of the tropics, Goya\u2019s Tropical Fruit Beverages come in 5 mouth-watering, exotic flavors, such as the ever-popular mango, guava and passion fruit.", "targets": "Goya te trae los refrescantes sabores del tr\u00f3pico, nuestras Bebidas de Frutas Tropicales vienen en 5 deliciosos y ex\u00f3ticos sabores, como mango, guayaba y maracuy\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The aim of the summit is to encourage sustainability in the beauty industry by bringing together key stake-holders and debate these major issues in a high-level forum.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El objetivo de la Cumbre es fomentar la sostenibilidad en la industria de la belleza al reunir a que los principales interesados son y discutir estos importantes temas en el Foro de alto nivel."} {"inputs": "Industrial gases in Constituci\u00f3n (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Gases industriales en Nogoy\u00e1 (Entre R\u00edos, Argentina)"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Sepa con que hacemos nuestros productos."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Los tejidos inflamados o las infecciones podr\u00edan generar dolor y presi\u00f3n.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "The swollen tissues or infection may create pain and pressure."} {"inputs": "3 Y con palabras de odio me rodearon; Y pelearon contra m\u00ed sin causa. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "3 They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without cause."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: 2017: Gaud\u00ed Awards: 5 Awards, including Best Film, Direction and Screenplay. 14 Nom.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "2017: Premios Gaud\u00ed: 5 premios, inc. Mejor pel\u00edcula, direcci\u00f3n y guion. 14 nominaciones"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Nos esforzamos para conectar con el mejor Sylvania Ohio Planificaci\u00f3n los abogados en su ubicaci\u00f3n Empiece por elegir un lugar y la categor\u00eda en su \u00e1rea. Es as\u00ed de simple."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Significant change in appetite or body weight Early morning awakening\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Cambio significativo en el apetito o en el peso corporal"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "November 7-10, 2011, Gucci Timepieces & Jewelry was in Las Vegas with a Special Edition collection to celebrate the 12th Annual Latin GRAMMYs Award Ceremony."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Instantly scan at the touch of a button\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Escanea instant\u00e1neamente con el toque de un bot\u00f3n"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIt is fundamental to heighten your child\u2019s awareness of the importance of rigorous personal hygiene.", "targets": "Es fundamental concienciar a tu hijo sobre la importancia de llevar una rigurosa higiene personal."} {"inputs": "500 fans, admiradores de fotos video video fotos video fotos video Luisa Kuliok o curiosos han visto durante esta semana la pagina especial de la estrella fotos video video fotos video fotos video Luisa Kuliok Say this using Spanish", "targets": "500 fans, admiradores de video video video fotos video Luisa Kuliok o curiosos han visto durante esta semana la pagina especial de la estrella video video video fotos video Luisa Kuliok"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nMany people with diabetes use a food-balancing program called the exchange meal plan to guide what they eat each day.", "targets": "Muchas personas que padecen de diabetes siguen un programa de equilibrio alimentario denominado \u201cplan de intercambio de alimentos\u201d como gu\u00eda de alimentaci\u00f3n diaria."} {"inputs": "So you learn not just to be good students, but good citizens, good people. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Aprend\u00e9is a ser no s\u00f3lo buenos estudiantes, sino buenos ciudadanos, buenas personas."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Se deben usar estos procedimientos siempre que sea posible, para asegurar la consistencia del c\u00f3digo.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "These procedures should be used when possible to ensure consistency of code."} {"inputs": "Translate \"alquiler veh\u00edculos autom\u00e1ticos en Lamezia Terme aeropuerto\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "automatic car rental in Lamezia Terme airport"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Los chupones de dos piezas pueden ser un peligro para asfixiarse.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Two-piece pacifiers can be a choking hazard."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe area where the Greek City developed is identifiable in the actual Old City, in all the external flanks of the Necropolis (the area which today preserves the medieval plant).", "targets": "La zona donde surg\u00eda la ciudad griega se puede identificar con la actual \u201cCitt\u00e1 Vecchia\u201d, exteriormente flanqueada por las necr\u00f3polis (la zona conserva todav\u00eda hoy la planta medieval)."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nNubile films - Busty beauty Karina White gets her perfect ti pornhubselect.com", "targets": "Guapas pel\u00edculas de belleza Tetona Karina Blanco obtiene su perfecto ti pornhubselect.com"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Santi is flying tomorrow to London (United Kingdom) where he will be racing on Sunday the World Championships and where he won in 2014 the World Cup."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Thus the salutary energy helps in the reconstruction of life.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "As\u00ed ayuda la energ\u00eda salut\u00edfera en la reconstrucci\u00f3n de la vida."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"3. Balance Challenge with Skill\" in Spanish?", "targets": "3. Equilibrar Desaf\u00edo con Habilidad"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Selecci\u00f3n de productos locales de calidad o bio: pan y boller\u00eda de una panader\u00eda artesanal, caf\u00e9 tostado a nivel local, miel proveniente directamente del productor, mermelada bio artesanal, zumos de frutas exprimidos en Provenza, dulces varios (turrones, calissones), etc.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Breakfasts featuring a selection of quality local and/or organic products: bread and croissants from an artisan-baker, locally roasted coffee, honey directly from the beekeeper, artisan made jams made with organic fruit, fruit juice made in Provence, local gourmandises such as nougats and calissons \u2026."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Also, those realities of nation, people, society, with their cultural patrimony, constitute for the development of persons a \"definite, historical milieu which enfolds the man of every nation and age and from which he draws the values which permit him to promote civilization.\"14"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Hipoventilaci\u00f3n, debido a la debilidad muscular o neuropat\u00eda\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Hypoventilation owing to muscle weakness or neuropathy"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Watch out - Gratis online flash games\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Condenaci\u00f3n - Flash juegos gratis en l\u00ednea"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"If we wish there to be peace in the world, it is imperative to have peace within oneself.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Si deseamos encontrar la paz con el mundo es primordial que hagamos las paces con nosotros mismos."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Although in all of the Latin American countries there are many different names and different management categories, the concept of national park has undoubtedly been the most assimilated and accepted.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Aunque en todos los pa\u00edses latinoamericanos se encuentra una multitud de diferentes nombres, y diferentes categor\u00edas de manejo, el concepto de parque nacional ha sido sin duda el m\u00e1s asimilado y aceptado."} {"inputs": "Ello, como forma de garantizar que cada quien contribuya y sea retribuido en la misma medida o m\u00e1s. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "It is to guarantee that everyone will contribute and be paid in the same way or more."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nFind the best deals, compare hotel prices and book a hotel in Ankis.", "targets": "Busca las mejores ofridas, compara los precios y prenota en Internet un hotel en Ankis."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: With this situation at school it is worth understanding the teacher condition from other perspectives. For example, we can recover teachers from their genuine subjectivity using an interpretative analysis rather than an empirical and analytical one.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Ese panorama escolar amerita comprender desde otras perspectivas la condici\u00f3n docente, por ejemplo, recuperando al profesorado desde su genuina subjetividad a trav\u00e9s de un an\u00e1lisis m\u00e1s interpretativo que emp\u00edrico-anal\u00edtico."} {"inputs": "Translate \"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "M\u00e1s f\u00e1cil es pasar un camello por el ojo de una aguja, que el rico entrar en el reino de Dios."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Jobs in the private sector are not easy to come by, professional jobs, despite the chirping lies the media tries to feed the public. Out of a professional job, you drive a cab or work for a relative is you are lucky enough to have those connections.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Los empleos en el sector privado no son f\u00e1ciles de manejar , especialmente los empleos profesionales , a pesar de los mentirosos gorjeos con que los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n constantemente tratan de alimentar al p\u00fablico . Aparte de un trabajo profesional , si conduces un autom\u00f3vil , o si trabajas all\u00ed para un pariente , es simplemente porque tienes la suerte de tener ese tipo de contactos ."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Course length Private course Course for 2 people\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Duraci\u00f3n del curso Clases particulares Clases para 2 personas"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Nothing can separate you from the love of God:\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Nada puede separarte del amor de Dios:"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEl s\u00e1bado 12 se celebrar\u00e1 el Trofeo Barcelona, frente al puerto, y el lunes 14 se dar\u00e1 la salida de la tercera y \u00faltima etapa, Barcelona - Brest, de 1.750 millas, con llegada al puerto franc\u00e9s el 23 de septiembre.", "targets": "The Barcelona Trophy will be held on Saturday 12, in front of the port, and on Monday 14, the third and last stage will set sail: Barcelona - Brest, of 1,750 miles, reaching the French port on 23 September."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nDistribution: Dining room-lounge, 1 bedroom with 1 single bed, 1 bedroom with 2 single beds, 1 bedroom with 1 double bed, terrace and 1 bathroom.", "targets": "Distribuci\u00f3n: Comedor-estar, 1 dormitorio con 1 cama individual, 1 dormitorio con 2 camas individuales, 1 dormitorio con 1 cama de matrimonio, terraza y 1 cuarto de ba\u00f1o."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Carga Ventajas Tecnolog\u00eda Medio ambiente Autonom\u00eda Permiso de conducci\u00f3n"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Our international student housing office can help with your move to Tacoma and finding accommodation:\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Nuestra oficina de alojamiento para estudiantes internacionales puede brindarte asistencia con tu mudanza a Tacoma y ayudarte a encontrar alojamiento:"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIs there any plan to change the design of euro banknotes to take into account other countries joining the EMU? What about the coins? Can national governments change the national sides of their countries' coins as and when they choose?", "targets": "\u00bfEst\u00e1 previsto cambiar el dise\u00f1o de los billetes euro para dar cabida a los pa\u00edses que se incorporen a la UEM? \u00bfY las monedas? \u00bfPueden los gobiernos nacionales cambiar libremente las caras nacionales de sus pa\u00edses?"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Game is spent before revealing of the winner.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El juego es pasado a la revelaci\u00f3n del vencedor."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Alpine French School, Morzine (Alpes): Ubicado en Morzine, un hermoso pueblo de monta\u00f1a en los Alpes franceses, que es una estaci\u00f3n de esqu\u00ed en invierno y un complejo de actividades al aire libre en verano."} {"inputs": "Resume By analyzing the relationship between Mozart\u2019s genius and Salieri\u2019s creative insecurity, the author goes back to Genesis, to the concept of original sin in Christianity and to psychoanalysis to show that envy has been disdained and repressed in the history of humanity by the fear we have of our creative power. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Partiendo de la relaci\u00f3n entre la genialidad de Mozart y la inseguridad creativa de Salieri, el autor vuelve al G\u00e9nesis, al pecado original del Cristianismo y al Psicoan\u00e1lisis para demostrar que la envidia ha sido descalificada y reprimida en la Historia de la Humanidad por el miedo que tenemos de nuestra pujanza creativa."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Tal como la Tierra, la Luna tiene gravedad, y una peque\u00f1a parte de esa gravedad puede percibirse en la Tierra, causando ligeras diferencias en los niveles de agua de los oc\u00e9anos.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Like the Earth, the Moon has gravity, and a bit of this gravity can be noticed on Earth, causing slight differences in the water levels of the oceans."} {"inputs": "El Recioto di Gambellara es elaborado en los tipos normal envejecido en barricas y vivaz, as\u00ed como en la versi\u00f3n espumoso. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The Recioto di Gambellara is produced in the normal methods, refined in barrique barrels and lively, and also in the Spumante version."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Cuando traigas a un amigo a las mesas, las 40.000 monedas de oro te har\u00e1n ganar un gran Titan Treasures.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "When you bring your friend to the tables, your 40,000 Gold Coins reward will instantly entitle you to huge Titan Treasures."} {"inputs": "just because one asks three times, really nicely, on the cusp of a holy day. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "s\u00f3lo porque uno se pedir tres veces, realmente muy delicadamente, en la c\u00faspide de un D\u00eda Sagrado."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Fue tan severa que oblig\u00f3 a los l\u00edderes de las tribus a buscar alivio en una tierra remota--la tierra llamada Egipto. Los miembros de las muchas tribus de La Tierra de Hebron, liderados por una de las tribus de las personas conocidas como Los Hokites, formaron una peregrinaci\u00f3n a Egipto a buscar comida.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "It was so severe that it forced the leaders of the tribes to seek relief in a far-off land--the land called Egypt. Members from all the many tribes of The Land Of Hebron, led by one of the tribes of the people known as Hokites, formed a pilgrimage to Egypt to seek food."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nEven the Record EPS groupset boasts the latest innovations introduced for 2016.", "targets": "Tambi\u00e9n el grupo Record EPS cuenta con las \u00faltimas innovaciones introducidas en 2016."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nSince it was made public 12 years ago that the Nevada Ltd. Company (subsidiary of Barrick Gold) was responsible for the dredging, which took place at an altitude of 5,000 metres, and is the home for 70,000 inhabitants of the Huasco Valley, it has been the break-up of community ties, water contamination and the militarisation of the area.", "targets": "Desde que hace 12 a\u00f1os se hicieran p\u00fablicos los rastreos que la empresa Nevada Ltd. (subsidiaria de la Barrick Gold), llevaba a cabo a 5.000 metros de altitud, el saldo de las operaciones para los 70.000 habitantes del Valle del Huasco ha sido la ruptura de v\u00ednculos comunitarios, la contaminaci\u00f3n de las aguas y la militarizaci\u00f3n de la zona."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEl Restaurante City leofrece cocina turca e internacional.", "targets": "The City Restaurant offers you Turkish and International Cuisine."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Cambio de posici\u00f3n promedio por d\u00eda 134.48\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Recent average position change per day 134.48"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Search term: \"4.7.2040\" Displaying the results 0 from the total number 0\" to Spanish.", "targets": "terminar b\u00fasqueda: \"10.3.2011\" visualizar los resultados 1-1 del n\u00famero total de 1"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The government of the bourgeoisie is the Presbyterian Parliament supported by the City of London.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "El gobierno de la burgues\u00eda es el parlamento presbiteriano, apoyado en la City de Londres."} {"inputs": "Translate \"o la que canta esta canci\u00f3n\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "or the one who sings this song"} {"inputs": "Translate \"In relation to the strategic objective of the Platform which proposes the reduction in military expenditure and limiting the available arms, which is based on chapter IV, paragraph 70, subparagraph 12, of the Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development on the topic of social integration, Costa Rica reiterates its devotion to peace and the statement it made at that Conference concerning the need for conflicts and differences among nations and peoples and among social groups to be resolved through negotiation, dialogue and the quest for consensus, and that the resources being spent for weapons could be much better spent on the social development of peoples.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "En relaci\u00f3n con el objetivo estrat\u00e9gico de la Plataforma, que plantea la reducci\u00f3n de los gastos militares, as\u00ed como limitar la disponibilidad de armamentos, sustentado en el inciso 12 del p\u00e1rrafo 70 del cap\u00edtulo IV sobre integraci\u00f3n social del Programa de Acci\u00f3n de la Cumbre Mundial sobre Desarrollo Social, Costa Rica reitera su vocaci\u00f3n por la paz y la declaraci\u00f3n hecha en dicha Cumbre acerca de la necesidad de que los conflictos y las diferencias entre naciones y pueblos y entre grupos sociales, \"deben resolverse mediante la negociaci\u00f3n, el di\u00e1logo y la b\u00fasqueda del consenso, y que los recursos que se gastan en armas podr\u00edan ser mucho mejor invertidos en el desarrollo social de los pueblos\"."} {"inputs": "Activists will be trained on using software such as Martus, a secure, easy-to-use encryption tool for human rights groups, and how to use video as a powerful tool to document abuses. Award-wining technology innovators such as Witness and Benetech will provide hands-on sessions. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Los activistas ser\u00e1n capacitados sobre el uso de software como Martus, una herramienta de criptograf\u00eda segura y f\u00e1cil de usar, especial para grupos de derechos humanos, y c\u00f3mo usar el video como una herramienta poderosa para documentar los abusos. Innovadores de tecnolog\u00eda premiados, como Witness y Benetech proveer\u00e1n las sesiones pr\u00e1cticas."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Reno de monta\u00f1a en el rompecabezas de R\u00edo juego"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"In addition, there are faults practiced by man as an individual and as a citizen too; the atonement regarding one, does not exempt the other from payment, because it is necessary that every debt be paid until the very last penny.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Adem\u00e1s, hay faltas del individuo y del ciudadano; la expiaci\u00f3n de unas no libra de la expiaci\u00f3n de las otras, porque es necesario que se pague toda la deuda hasta el \u00faltimo centavo."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIf incorporated into one\u2019s weekly meals, a feeling of reduced restlessness or nervousness will soon be experienced.", "targets": "Si se incorporan en la dieta pronto se notar\u00e1 que la sensaci\u00f3n de inquietud o nerviosismo se ver\u00e1 reducida."} {"inputs": "Translate \"CIDI/GT/FORCIDI/doc.80/13 rev. 1: Draft Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology (COMCYT) (Agreed during the meeting held February 8, 2013)\" to Spanish.", "targets": "CIDI/GT/FORCIDI/doc.80/13 rev. 1: Modificaciones propuestas al Reglamento de la Comisi\u00f3n Interamericana de Ciencia y Tecnolog\u00eda (COMCYT) (Acordadas durante la reuni\u00f3n celebrada el 8 de febrero de 2013)"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nCuando arregla su propio auto o un cliente solicita un repuesto, quiere conseguir el repuesto indicado inmediatamente. En Diesel Pro Power , sabemos lo que significa tener que reparar un veh\u00edculo lo antes posible.", "targets": "When you fix your own car or a customer requests a part, you want to have the correct one available on the double. At Diesel Pro Power , we understand what it is like to need to get a vehicle back on the road as soon as possible."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Accommodation Houses Zetea - Houses bed and breakfast, hostels, hotels, villas sorted by classification\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Alojamiento Pensiones Zetea - Pensiones pensiones, hoteles, villas ordenados por clasificaci\u00f3n"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Eight stories of what happened in the 24 hours before 9/11\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Ocho historias sobre lo que pas\u00f3 en las 24 anteriores al 11-S"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "High performance car coloring \u00bb"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Your cart will total 7 loyalty points that can be converted into a voucher of 0,35 \u20ac ."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nTomen el buque y salgan de ah\u00ed ahora!", "targets": "Grab the boat and get out of there now!"} {"inputs": "And this happened in a supposedly Catholic continent. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Todo esto sucedi\u00f3 en un continente supuestamente cat\u00f3lico."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Todas las encuestas martillan en este clavo desde hace a\u00f1os.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "All polls have been hammering at this nail for years."} {"inputs": "It is responsible for communications necessary to obtain the weight of the indicator connected to the serial port, and access these data through the network via any terminal which has access by TCP or UDP. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Este m\u00f3dulo se encarga de las comunicaciones necesarias para obtener el peso del indicador conectado al puerto serie y, de esta manera, poder acceder a estos datos a trav\u00e9s de la red mediante cualquier terminal el cual se tenga acceso mediante los protocolos TCP o UDP."} {"inputs": "The procedure can be performed with a local anaesthetic or under intravenous sedation. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Correcci\u00f3n de orejas separadas. La intervenci\u00f3n se puede realizar con anestesia local o con sedaci\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La mentalidad del \"el perro come al perro\" que ha instalado el capitalismo en los \u00faltimos tiempos ah tomado vida propia."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Our plan, as I understand it, is to link our knowledge, our information, but not our minds or emotional bodies.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Nuestro plan, seg\u00fan entiendo, es conectar nuestro conocimiento, nuestra informaci\u00f3n, pero no nuestras mentes o cuerpos emocionales."} {"inputs": "Tiene una capacidad ligera de la tensi\u00f3n para fleje de hasta 40 mm de anchura. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "It has a light tension capability for strap up to 40 mm width."} {"inputs": "They are doing what they want, killing, robbing, selling drug... Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Hacen lo que quieren, matanza, robando, venta de drogas...."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLola Foxx abre paso para recibir un consolador transparente anal", "targets": "Lola Foxx gapes her hole wide open to take a transparent anal dildo"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"During the war, `Abdu'l-Bah\u00e1 spent His time acting on the principles that He and His father had preached.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Durante la guerra, 'Abdu'l-Bah\u00e1 puso en acci\u00f3n los principios que \u00c9l y Su Padre hab\u00edan predicado."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n\u201cPlant\u00f3n hasta que el \u00faltimo salga\u201d, afirman.", "targets": "\u201cThe camp will be there \u2018til the last prisoner gets out,\u201d say the families."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nDebemos replantearnos cu\u00e1n acogedoras son nuestras parroquias, si los horarios de las actividades favorecen la participaci\u00f3n de los j\u00f3venes, si somos capaces de hablar su lenguaje, de captar incluso en otros ambientes (como por ejemplo en el deporte, en las nuevas tecnolog\u00edas) las ocasiones para anunciar el Evangelio.", "targets": "We must rethink how welcoming our parishes are: whether the hours of activities encourage the participation of young people; whether we are capable of speaking their language, of reaching out by other means (as for example sports, new technologies) for opportunities to proclaim the Gospel."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Desde el parking hay que andar por el camino de tierra (unos 5 minutos) y tras cruzar el puente sobre el r\u00edo, girar a la izquierda. A 100 metros encontramos la cascada del Mol\u00ed dels Murris."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Because of this foolishness we suffer in so many ways birth after birth, but all of our troubles will end when we again put our full faith in Krishna.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Debido a esta tonter\u00eda sufrimos de tantas maneras nacimiento tras nacimiento, pero todos nuestros problemas terminar\u00e1n cuando de nuevo pongamos nuestra fe en Krishna."} {"inputs": "We expect the variance to be less once the OXYGEN table (see this vol.) has been more thoroughly checked, and its own sources of variance further identified. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Nosotros esperamos que esta varianza sea menor pues la tabla OXYGEN (v\u00e9ase este volumen) se ha verificado m\u00e1s a fondo, y sus propias fuentes de varianza habr\u00e1n sido mejor identificadas."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEncontrar\u00e1 la lista de los archivos registrados en la parte izquierda de la ventana principal.", "targets": "The list with archived records are located on the left side of the main window."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "The masses will continue with their primitive impulses and will be destroyed by their own contradictions, such as it is happening now; but the individual can be saved if he follows the Way of Renunciation \u201cinherently in need of moral development and whishes for improvement, perfection and dignified actions\u201d."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Marshy or floodable land - Charcoal drawing by WEDC\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Terrenos pantanosos o inundables - Dibujo al carb\u00f3n WEDC"} {"inputs": "Nos esforzamos para conectar con el mejor Sweetwater Texas Testamentos y Probate los abogados en su ubicaci\u00f3n Empiece por elegir un lugar y la categor\u00eda en su \u00e1rea. Es as\u00ed de simple. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "We strive to connect you with the best Sweetwater Texas Truck Accident lawyers and attorneys in your location Start by choosing a location and category in your area. It's that simple."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEn el segundo \u00e1mbito, la Convenci\u00f3n reconoce el derecho de los ni\u00f1os a un desarrollo integral en la infancia, a la formaci\u00f3n escolar b\u00e1sica, a la salud y a condiciones de vida dignas y humanas.", "targets": "In the second area, the Convention recognizes children's right to integral development in childhood, to basic school training, to health and to dignified and humane living conditions."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nAnim\u00f3 a los actores, Gael Garc\u00eda Bernal y Rodrigo de la Serna, a relacionarse con la gente durante el rodaje, igualito como lo hicieron los personajes hace 50 a\u00f1os.", "targets": "The actors, Gael Garcia Bernal and Rodrigo de la Serna, were encouraged to mingle with the people they met while filming\u2014just like their characters did 50 years ago."} {"inputs": "Translate \"There are multiple virtualization solutions, each with its own pros and cons.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Hay m\u00faltiples soluciones de virtualizaci\u00f3n, cada una con sus ventajas y desventajas."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Esto le est\u00e1 excitando mucho porque parece que las partes de abajo de esas bragas se han soldado."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "This stage has a great impact on the texture of the finished cloth and is therefore the process that requires the most highly skilled and experienced artisans."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The location of the restaurant \"Aux Deux Ecus\" makes it an ideal step during your discovery from the center of Paris and the Louvre Museum\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "La ubicaci\u00f3n del restaurante Aux Deux ECU hace que sea una etapa ideal durante su descubrimiento del coraz\u00f3n de Par\u00eds y del Museo del Louvre"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nHuelga decir que, al igual que cualquier otro dispositivo multimedia que tambi\u00e9n no es inmune a la p\u00e9rdida de datos.", "targets": "Needless to say, like any other media device it is also not immune from data loss."} {"inputs": "Y la incidencia de intrusi\u00f3n de olas durante las tormentas o per\u00edodos de fuerte actividad de las mareas es m\u00e1s frecuente. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "There is a higher incidence of wave washover during storms or periods of strong tidal activity."} {"inputs": "It would take a revolutionary war, the U.S. Civil War of 1860-65, to end slavery. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Para eso fue necesario librar una guerra revolucionaria, la guerra de Secesi\u00f3n, de 1860 a 1865."} {"inputs": "Translate \"A contrast can be made when two things are opposite or different from each other.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Un contraste puede ser hecho cuando dos cosas son opuestas o diferentes entre s\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nBesides making your own test article, you can also download my version which contains the examples given in this article.", "targets": "Antes de crear tu propio art\u00edculo de prueba, puedes bajarte docbook_article.xml mi versi\u00f3n que contiene los ejemplos dados en este art\u00edculo."} {"inputs": "ConfortChimenea, persianas el\u00e9ctricas, alarma con vigilancia, alarma, portero automatico, interfono, videofono, videovigilancia, acceso Internet en las habitaciones, habitaciones con tel\u00e9fono, habitaciones con televisi\u00f3n. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "ComfortFireplace, electric roller shutters, alarm with surveillance, alarm, digital code access, intercom, videophone, video surveillance, in-room Internet access, rooms with telephone, rooms with television."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The photo-portraits \u2013the photo being a more common medium now than the painted portrait- are of somewhat anonymous notables: the founders of an hacienda -Masini- very well known in the region in which they exercised their socioeconomic power and part of the daily life of many of the people there, but practically unknown in the rest of the country.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Los retratos-fotos -siendo la foto hoy un medio mas cotidiano que la pintura- son de notables un tanto an\u00f3nimos: los fundadores de una hacienda -Masini-, muy conocidos en la regi\u00f3n donde ejercieron su poder econ\u00f3mico-social, y presentes s\u00ed all\u00ed para la cotidianidad de muchos, pero pr\u00e1cticamente desconocidos en el resto del pa\u00eds."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIn these places there is something very strange...", "targets": "En estos lugares hay algo muy extra\u00f1o ..."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Savor the full flavor of GOYA\u2019s Whole Wheat Tortillas without cholesterol, lard or trans fats. Oh, and they\u2019re Kosher, too!\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Saborea todo el sabor de las Tortillas Integrales GOYA sin grasa trans y libre de colesterol. Adem\u00e1s son un producto kosher."} {"inputs": "As\u00ed que trata de aplicar lo que ha aprendido por el Freedom Writers Institute en su trabajo como trabajadora en Martin Luther King Jr. Academy. Lea m\u00e1s How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "So he tries to apply what he\u2019s learned through the Freedom Writers Institute in his job as a social worker at Martin Luther King Jr. Academy. Read More"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Si conoce el nombre del DLL mal como xnacc.sys, elegir descargar gratis para ahorrar dinero.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "If you know the name of wrong DLL like xnacc.sys, choose Free download--saving money."} {"inputs": "List your hobbies and volunteer activities, and comment on or post articles you find interesting. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Indica tus pasatiempos y actividades de voluntariado y haz comentarios o publica art\u00edculos que te parezcan interesantes."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The total price of the 6 vaccine is \u20ac70.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El precio total de las 6 vacunas es de 70 \u20ac."} {"inputs": "Translate \"De all\u00ed nacieron numerosas sectas, pretendiendo todas poseerla verdad de manera exclusiva.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Hence numerous sects appeared, all of them claiming to possess the truth with exclusivity."} {"inputs": "Es un debate no concluido que sigue abierto en la Red. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "This is an ongoing debate in the Network."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Then he saith, I will return into my house whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Entonces dice: Me volvere \u00e1 mi casa de donde sal\u00ed: y cuando viene, la halla desocupada, barrida y adornada."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nDriving schools in Mendoza, Argentina - AmarillasMendoza.net", "targets": "Escuelas de choferes en Mendoza, Argentina - AmarillasMendoza.net"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Resolution on Training in Legal Ethics of European Lawyers, Torquay, 18 October 2008\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Resoluci\u00f3n sobre la Formaci\u00f3n de los Abogados Europeos en materia de Deontolog\u00eda Profesional, Torquay, 18 de octubre de 2008"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "In the Vedic age when the leaders were saintly everyone lived peacefully and happily, even the animals."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "En 1951, participa en el fallido golpe de Estado contra el presidente..."} {"inputs": "Translate \"These hidden budget cuts reflect a change in the political climate, rather than a change in public support.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Estos recortes ocultos del presupuesto reflejan un cambio en el clima pol\u00edtico, en lugar de un cambio en el respaldo p\u00fablico."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "In the introduction to that document we read that the purpose of the \u201cnew\u201d Rule was to adapt the life of the Third Order Regular to the reforms enacted by the Fifth Lateran Council."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Dos de los ex\u00e1menes m\u00e1s conocidos aceptados por estas instituciones son el Test de Ingl\u00e9s como Lengua Extranjera (TOEFL) y Sistema Internacional de Examen del Idioma Ingl\u00e9s (IELTS).La mejor manera de asegurarse de que est\u00e1s preparado/a es hacer un curso de preparaci\u00f3n de examen; estas clases normalmente se centran en que adquieras las destrezas requeridas para superar el examen, en que llegues al tope de tu potencial y que obtengas la calificaci\u00f3n necesaria para seguir tus sue\u00f1os.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Two of the most widely known tests accepted by such institutions are the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and International English Language Test System (IELTS). The best way to make sure that you\u2019re ready for this type of exam is to take an Exam Preparation course; these classes typically focus on learning the exam skills required to reach your full potential and meet the score you need to follow your dreams."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Al igual que muchos j\u00f3venes, el sue\u00f1o americano de Jessica Andrade es tener \u00e9xito en la tierra de las oportunidades.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Like many youth, Jessica Andrade\u2019s American Dream is to be able to succeed in the land of opportunity."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "We invite you to have a look at Culture Europe International, the magazine devoted to cultural practices and policies in Europe at the local and national and international levels."} {"inputs": "Translate \"El 56% de la poblaci\u00f3n vive con menos de 1 d\u00f3lar al d\u00eda.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "56% of the population live on less than $1 per day."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "The course is situated in Walderslade Road, on the outskirts of Chatham, site of the historic Royal Dockyard; and is only a few kilometres from Rochester, a city with a Victorian atmosphere which houses the second oldest cathedral in England and a famous Norman castle."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Your Master Jesus said: 'Ask and you shall receive.' This you can only do when heart, soul and mind together are involved.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Tu Maestro Jes\u00fas dijo: \u201cPide y recibir\u00e1s.\u201d Eso se puede hacer solamente cuando el coraz\u00f3n, el alma y la mente participan juntos."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Flujos de temporada en el Cr\u00e1ter Palikir"} {"inputs": "Gray-scale \u2013 Convert an image to shades of grey. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Escala de grises \u2013 Convierte una imagen a escala de grises."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nPeque\u00f1a y bonita, con sus t\u00edpicos botes \u00e9ste es el lugar adecuado para una refrescante caipirinha, especialmente despu\u00e9s de un corto recorrido en kayak.", "targets": "Small and pretty with its typical boats this is the right place for a refreshing caipirinha, especially after a short tour in a kayak."} {"inputs": "A highly successful Phase I drilling program was carried out in 2013 on the Ca\u00f1ariaco Sur deposit. Future drilling is planned for additional step-out drilling at Ca\u00f1ariaco Sur as well as first phase drilling on the Quebrada Verde target. Most of the drilling permits are in place for drilling proposed for Ca\u00f1ariaco Sur and Quebrada Verde target. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "En 2013 se llev\u00f3 a cabo un muy exitoso programa de perforaci\u00f3n de Fase I en el dep\u00f3sito de Ca\u00f1ariaco Sur. Futura perforaci\u00f3n est\u00e1 prevista en Ca\u00f1ariaco Sur, as\u00ed como la primera fase de perforaci\u00f3n en el blanco Quebrada Verde. Se tienen colocados la mayor\u00eda de los permisos de perforaci\u00f3n para la perforaci\u00f3n propuesta para Ca\u00f1ariaco Sur, y en el blanco Quebrada Verde."} {"inputs": "This forms the legal, international framework on which the inalienable rights of the entire Palestinian people are based, including their right of return (resolution 194). Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Esto constituye el marco legal internacional en el que se basan los inalienables derechos de la completa poblaci\u00f3n palestina, incluyendo su derecho al retorno (resoluci\u00f3n 194)."} {"inputs": "The technical team and the Sables inhabitants\u2019 mobilisation allowed the British skipper to start again but unfortunately, bad weather conditions and certainly a weakened hull got the better of the British. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "El equipo t\u00e9cnico y la movilizaci\u00f3n de los habitantes de Les Sables permitieron que el brit\u00e1nico tomara la salida, pero por desgracia las condiciones meteorol\u00f3gicas y sin duda la debilitaci\u00f3n del casco acabaron con las esperanzas del ingl\u00e9s."} {"inputs": "Alquileres vacaciones apartamento mar Italia con TV How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Rentals holidays apartment sea Italy width TV"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Transporte privado en Condado de Denton, Texas - AmarillasDallas.com\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Transporte privado en Dallas, Texas - AmarillasDallas.com"} {"inputs": "It matters not which language you speak. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "No importa qu\u00e9 idioma hables."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "On the one hand there are some which have very well developed education and training systems, and on the other hand, a large number of companies have considerably cut back the numbers of staff dealing with adult education."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Por citar un ejemplo, la amenaza que implica la diseminaci\u00f3n de enfermedades en nuestro mundo interconectado en el que miles de personas todos los d\u00edas se suben a un avi\u00f3n en un continente y se bajan en otro. Necesitamos un sistema integral y eficiente para hacer seguimiento de los datos de salud, vigilar las amenazas y coordinar las respuestas."} {"inputs": "Wayland, Massachusetts DUI Abogados How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Wayland, Massachusetts DUI Lawyers"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nIndia llamadas bajo costo llamadas baratas a celulares Prefijo telef\u00f3nico 009192", "targets": "India low cost calls mobile cheap calls Dialcode 009192"} {"inputs": "Translate \"\u2018Al aula no vuelvo si no me pagan un salario digno\u2019, dice una maestra | DHCuba DHCuba\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "\u201cI will not return to the classroom if I am not paid a decent salary,\u201d a teacher declares | Human Rights Cuba"} {"inputs": "Translate \"President Dilma Rousseff and Minister of Defense Celso Amorim, participated in the event in Bras\u00edlia and Belo Horizonte, respectively.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "La presidenta Dilma Rousseff y el ministro de Defensa Celso Amorim participaron del evento en Brasilia y Belo Horizonte, respectivamente."} {"inputs": "Translate \"For the best Middletown Rhode Island Criminal Defense lawyers and Middletown Rhode Island Criminal Defense attorneys in the business, AttorneysDelivered will \"deliver\".\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Middletown Rhode Island Da\u00f1o Cerebral Abogados y Procuradores que ganar! Para obtener el mejor Middletown Rhode Island Da\u00f1o Cerebral abogados en la empresa, AttorneysDelivered se \"entregue\"."} {"inputs": "Tags: shooting, 3d, tank, war, strategy, arena, action, cube, army Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Etiquetas: tiro, 3d, tanque, la guerra, estrategia, arena, acci\u00f3n, cube, ej\u00e9rcito"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Natural medicine in Chiquitos (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Medicina natural en Andr\u00e9s Ib\u00e1\u00f1ez (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)"} {"inputs": "Solo quer\u00eda darle las Gracias a los fabricantes y a esta compa\u00f1\u00eda por este producto que me ha ayudado tanto en tantas maneras. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "I just wanted to thank the manufacturers and this company for this product has helped me in so many ways."} {"inputs": "F\u00edjese, por ejemplo, la ultrajante decisi\u00f3n de que el polic\u00eda de Cleveland Michael Brelo \u201cno era culpable\u201d del asesinato de Timothy Russell y Malissa Williams en 2012. Brelo fue uno de 13 polic\u00edas que dispararon 137 balas contra Russell y Williams, que no ten\u00edan arma alguna, y fue el \u00fanico agente acusado de cargos serios. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Witness, for example, the outrageous decision in May that found the Cleveland cop Michael Brelo \u201cnot guilty\u201d in the 2012 killing of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams. Brelo was one of 13 cops who fired 137 shots at Russell and Williams, who were unarmed\u2014and the only one that got any serious charges."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIn every matter, the report shall be communicated to the States Parties concerned.", "targets": "En todos los casos el informe se transmitir\u00e1 a los Estados Partes interesados."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Modificaci\u00f3n del programa: A veces, el virus de TrojanDownloader:Win32/Delf.RAI, Ultimate Font malware y programas comunes tienen la capacidad de modificar las funciones de psapi.dll. Esta situaci\u00f3n har\u00eda que otros programas no pueden encontrar el archivo DLL."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Jn 1, 12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Jn 1, 12 Mas \u00e1 todos los que le recibieron, di\u00f3les potestad de ser hechos hijos de Dios, \u00e1 los que creen en su nombre:"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Those in power promote mass warehousing to justify more guards, more tax dollars for \"security\", and spend mere pennies for rehabilitation\u2014all of which demonstrates a failed penal system, high recidivism, and ultimately compromising public safety.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Aquellos en el poder promueven al almacenamiento de masa para justificar m\u00e1s guardias, m\u00e1s d\u00f3lares de los impuestos para la \"seguridad\" y erogar meros centavos para la rehabilitaci\u00f3n, todo lo que evidencia un sistema penal fallido, la alta reincidencia y en \u00faltima instancia la socavaci\u00f3n de la seguridad p\u00fablica."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He studied theology at Montolivet from 1854 to 1858.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Estudi\u00f3 teolog\u00eda en Montolivet de 1854 a 1858."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "\u201cThese figures could be greater still, since they only take into account those who have come to us for help or that we\u2019ve been able to document by cross-referencing data\u201d, says Giovana Lemus, a member of Rednovi who asserts that \u201cas it began to have more of an influence on police work, the data on violence against women began to be broken down, and they were able to draw up more comprehensive strategies to eradicate it by adapting the state\u2019s actions to international conventions.\u201d"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Hasta que se publique el informe de impacto ambiental de la I-710, los comentarios sean recibidos y el documento \u00e9ste finalizado, cualquier discusi\u00f3n de los impactos futuros \u201cser\u00e1 s\u00f3lo una especulaci\u00f3n\u201d, dijo Maryam Babaki, directora del departamento de Obras P\u00fablicas de Commerce. [3]"} {"inputs": "Networks in La Paz, El Salvador Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Redes en La Paz, El Salvador"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Hotel is situated in center of Punat, prices from 41EUR per day.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "El hotel est\u00e1 situado en el centro de Punat, los precios de 41EUR por d\u00eda."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"iTCG: The will of the nature in store\" in Spanish?", "targets": "iTCG: La Voluntad de la naturaleza en la Tienda"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: People are obsessed with the illusion that they are faithfully keeping the Law in their religious lives.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "La gente esta obsesionada con la ilusi\u00f3n de que fielmente est\u00e1n guardando la Ley en sus vidas religiosas."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nManolo is an extraordinary teacher.", "targets": "-Manolo es un maestro extraordinario."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"5 The Sovereign LORD has spoken to me, and I have listened. I do not rebel or turn away.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "5El Se\u00f1or Soberano me habl\u00f3, y yo lo escuch\u00e9; no me he rebelado, ni me he alejado."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Es en fondo, un signo de la esperanza que nos anima y nos invita a creer en la vida.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "It is fundamentally a sign of the hope that enlivens us and invites us to believe in life."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Panama corporation or International Business Corporation in Panama allows doing business with foreign and Panamanian companies around the world and is permitted to own real estate in Panama.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Corporaciones paname\u00f1as o Negocios Internacionales incorporados en Panam\u00e1 permiten la realizaci\u00f3n de negocios con compa\u00f1\u00ecas paname\u00f1as y extranjeras as\u00ec como la poseci\u00f3n de bienes inmuebles."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "The reaction may be religious, with nostalgia for Christendom\u2019s historically legitimating role."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Three specific groups of culture production are identified: students, educators, and administrators; the assumption is that each group constructs meanings for particular aspects of educational research within a training process for researchers."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Es una carrera contra el tiempo.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "It is a race against time."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Unable to discover exactly which customers were affected (or who had even noticed the error), MailChimp sent out an email to anyone who they suspected might have been affected inviting them to contact the support desk and promising to \u201cwork with you to find a way to make it up to you\u201d."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Nombre * Indique su nombre"} {"inputs": "New Mercedes Benz CLA-class: acceleration to 100 km/h in 9.3 seconds - New Mercedes Benz CLA-class 2013 (C117): photos, prices, specification and features Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Nuevo Mercedes Benz CLA-class: aceleraci\u00f3n a 100 km/h en 9.3 segundos - Nuevo Mercedes Benz CLA-class 2013 (C117): fotos, precios, ficha t\u00e9cnica y versiones"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nPV \u2013 Well yes, it\u2019s often fashion, but I think people also realize that when they invest important sums, say ten or fifteen thousand euros, they want to get the return on that investment and what they start to realize is that most pieces of digital technology, in a few years, become unusable, stop being useful and are not worth a penny.", "targets": "PV \u2013 Pues s\u00ed que muchas veces son modas, pero creo que la gente tambi\u00e9n se da cuenta que cuando invierte sumas importantes, diez o quince mil euros, quiere sacarle el rendimiento a la inversi\u00f3n y lo que empieza a darse cuenta es que las piezas de tecnolog\u00eda digital, en unos pocos a\u00f1os, no se pueden usar, dejan de servirte y no valen un duro."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Seguir leyendo Todo en Promoci\u00f3n de Invierno de Titan Poker que sorprende ofrece para jugadores de poker \u00bb"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"To this group can be counted:\" in Spanish?", "targets": "A este grupo se pueden contar:"} {"inputs": "Translate \"When the conversation is clearly going no further, it ends, closes up and switches off, just like a room you have no intentions of re-entering.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Cuando la conversaci\u00f3n no da m\u00e1s de s\u00ed, se termina, cierra y apaga como una habitaci\u00f3n en la que no se tiene intenci\u00f3n de volver a entrar."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Workshop on the VSMA Framework at the University of Vic and the University of Lleida 05.11.2010\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Contin\u00faan las presentaciones del Marco VSMA en la UVic y la UdL 05.11.2010"} {"inputs": "A partir de 1971/1972 ense\u00f1a dogm\u00e1tica y otras disciplinas b\u00edblicas en la Facultad de Teolog\u00eda de Split. En varias oportunidades ha ejercido el cargo de rector y prorector en la Facultad de Teolog\u00eda de Split. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "From 1971 to 1972, he lectured in dogmatic theology and Scriptural studies in Split and repeatedly filled the office of Chancellor and Vice-chancellor in same University."} {"inputs": "Translate \"How did you learn about our school?\" to Spanish.", "targets": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo has conocido nuestra escuela?"} {"inputs": "Registrador de datos y Visor de registro de datos permite la grabaci\u00f3n de ECM How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Data Logger and Data Log Viewer allows recording of ECM"} {"inputs": "Translate \"3 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "3 Grande es el SE\u00d1OR, y digno de ser alabado en gran manera, Y Su grandeza es inescrutable."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "It strengthens our community."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "El ap\u00f3stol de distrito Shadrek Lubasi, responsable de la obra de la Iglesia Nueva Apost\u00f3lica en \u00c1frica del Este, invit\u00f3 a ambas personas para una reuni\u00f3n profesional en Nairobi a mediados de octubre."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: As for the limits of reformist politics: Hitching through Montana in 1927, Rexroth and Andr\u00e9e get a ride with a well-to-do man of the world with an unusually cynical opinion of politicians.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "A prop\u00f3sito de los l\u00edmites de la pol\u00edtica reformista, Rexroth nos cuenta que, cuando viajaba una vez a trav\u00e9s de Montana en auto-stop con su mujer, Andr\u00e9e, fueron recogidos por un adinerado hombre de mundo que ten\u00eda una opini\u00f3n bastante c\u00ednica e inusual sobre los pol\u00edticos."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: not subject to fluctuation risks on the basis of market variables.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "negocio estables y no est\u00e1n sujetos a riesgos de fluctuaci\u00f3n en funci\u00f3n de variables de mercado."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEn las ma\u00f1anas de luz", "targets": "In the mornings of light"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Es un gran calibre Doppelprengel. Eso significa que mientras se has're Moni mierda plenamente en su ranura linda alcanc\u00eda.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "It is a major caliber Doppelprengel. That means it has're Moni while fucking himself fully into her cute piggy bank slot."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThey are called to be the Savior's co-workers [...]\" Now, according to the explanation offered by Father Yenveux, the Founder understood that the living tradition of the life of the Apostles and of the first Christian community was to be found in Religious Orders.", "targets": "Han sido llamados a ser los cooperadores del Salvador [\u2026]\". Ahora bien, seg\u00fan la interpretaci\u00f3n del P. Yenveux, Eugenio comprend\u00eda que era justamente en las \u00f3rdenes religiosas donde se encontraba la tradici\u00f3n viviente de la vida de los Ap\u00f3stoles y de la primera comunidad cristiana."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Size is important but it isn't everything, which is why the VigRXPlus program is so groundbreaking and incredibly popular.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "El tama\u00f1o es importante , pero no lo es todo, por que el programa de VigRXPlus es tan innovadora y muy popular."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEn octubre de 1976, las fuerzas revolucionarias sufrieron un rev\u00e9s decisivo.", "targets": "In October 1976 the revolutionary forces suffered a decisive setback."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Reg\u00edstrate para obtener una nueva cuenta de AdMob y configura tu campa\u00f1a de monetizaci\u00f3n.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Sign up for a new AdMob account and set up your monetization campaign."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nNo obstante hab\u00eda dos productos de realidad virtual expuestos: tanto el Oculus Rift de Oculus VR como el Proyecto Morpheus de Sony hicieron una aparici\u00f3n en el TGS.", "targets": "Several pieces of virtual reality tech were on show, however, as both Oculus VR\u2019s Oculus Rift and Sony\u2019s Project Morpheus made an appearance."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Ingenier\u00eda: consultorias en Barcelona, Espa\u00f1a - YpagesSpain.com"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La formaci\u00f3n de la conciencia en la responsabilidad global es presupuesto indispensable y urgente para un desarrollo sostenible."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Free Jonathan Boutique logo, download Jonathan Boutique logo for free\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Logo Gardaseecharter gratis, descargar logo Gardaseecharter gratis"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Amenhotep IV ten\u00eda que ser el \"Mois\u00e9s Hijo de Jos\u00e9\" del Imperio Nuevo. Cuando el joven pr\u00edncipe de Egipto maduraba, evidentemente tambi\u00e9n demostraba una destreza intelectual adecuada para esta designaci\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "The instrument used was a list of triggers, such as antidotes, abnormal laboratory analysis results and sudden suspension of treatment, among others. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "La herramienta utilizada fue una lista de rastreadores, como ant\u00eddotos, an\u00e1lisis de laboratorio con resultados anormales, suspensi\u00f3n brusca de medicaci\u00f3n y otros."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Abeja y peque\u00f1a flor"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Guidance and regulations on becoming an IB World School"} {"inputs": "\u2013 Orig . contenido en espa\u00f1ol , Noruego , Franc\u00e9s no se traducen en Ingl\u00e9s How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "\u2013 Orig. content Spanish, Norwegian, French does not translate to English"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La guerra ya hizo posible la realizaci\u00f3n de este grandioso plan y permiti\u00f3 concentrar en el r\u00e1pido ciclo de nueve meses el pasaje del poder de la dinast\u00eda, de la aristocracia y del clero, primero a la burgues\u00eda y despu\u00e9s al proletariado."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "But in the moment of NEP, the Constructivists adjust to the reality principle that the large-scale production of such objects is not yet possible and concentrate their graphic efforts on laying bare the processes of object desire at their most originary, bodily level."} {"inputs": "Varias clases de hongos dan se\u00f1ales promisorias, en especial los de los g\u00e9neros Coelomomyces, Metarrhizum, Beauveria, Lagenidium, y Culicinomyces, pero ninguno ha sido producido en cantidad suficiente como para ser liberados como potenciales agentes de control. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Several kinds of fungi show promise, especially those in genera Coelomomyces, Metarrhizum, Beauveria, Lagenidium, and Culicinomyces, but none has been produced in sufficient numbers to be released as potential control agents."} {"inputs": "Translate \"For the best Huntingdon Valley Pennsylvania Seatbelt Injury lawyers and Huntingdon Valley Pennsylvania Seatbelt Injury attorneys in the business, AttorneysDelivered will \"deliver\".\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Huntingdon Valley Pennsylvania \u00daltima Voluntad y Testiment Abogados y Procuradores que ganar! Para obtener el mejor Huntingdon Valley Pennsylvania \u00daltima Voluntad y Testiment abogados en la empresa, AttorneysDelivered se \"entregue\"."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Clothing and fashion in Am\u00e9rica Latina\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Maletas, maletines y mochilas en Am\u00e9rica Latina"} {"inputs": "I used Google, I made screenshots and looked for by images, but I wasn't lucky... So, I'm asking you... Please, tell me... which game is she playing?? Say this using Spanish", "targets": "He buscado en google, he hecho capturas de pantalla y buscado por im\u00e1genes, pero no he tenido suerte... As\u00ed que te lo pregunto a ti Por favor, dime Sabes a qu\u00e9 juego est\u00e1 jugando??!!"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Dise\u00f1o asistido por computadora en Rosario de Mora (San Salvador, El Salvador)"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Please enter a valid email address this email hasn't been found\" in Spanish?", "targets": "introduce una direcci\u00f3n de email v\u00e1lida no se ha encontrado esta direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"In our laser unit correct myopia, astigmatism, hypermetria, presbyopia surgery, cataract,...\" in Spanish?", "targets": "En nuestra unidad l\u00e1ser corregimos la miop\u00eda, astigmatismo, hipermetr\u00eda, cirug\u00eda..."} {"inputs": "Acceptance rate (excluding early action and early decision students) 76% Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Tasa de aceptaci\u00f3n (excluyendo la acci\u00f3n temprana y los estudiantes de decisi\u00f3n temprana) 76%"} {"inputs": "Translate \"In 2014, we worked to raise awareness of the changes taking place in today's workforce, influence employer perceptions and approaches to 50-plus workers, end age discrimination in the workplace and develop best-in-class skill-building resources oriented to the needs of 50-plus workers. Are you saving enough?\" to Spanish.", "targets": "En el 2014 trabajamos para despertar conciencia acerca de los cambios que se est\u00e1n dando lugar en la fuerza laboral de hoy, influir en la percepci\u00f3n y el enfoque de los empleadores en cuanto a los trabajadores de 50 a\u00f1os o mayores, ponerle fin a la discriminaci\u00f3n por edad en el trabajo y desarrollar mejores recursos para el desarrollo t\u00e9cnico de los trabajadores de 50 a\u00f1os o mayores, seg\u00fan sus necesidades."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "N\u00famero de visitas: 436"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nAs you know, Lady Hitomi graciously extended the resources and the loyalty of the Dragon Clan to Lord Toturi in his war against the Emperor. Lady Hitomi offered an honor guard of one hundred tattooed men and Mirumoto samurai to guide Toturi through the lands of the Dragon Clan to meet with her to discuss the matter, but the honorable Toturi could not be taken from his operations.", "targets": "Como sab\u00e9is, la Se\u00f1ora Hitomi graciosamente ofreci\u00f3 los recursos y la lealtad del Clan Drag\u00f3n al Se\u00f1or Toturi, en su guerra contra el Emperador. Lady Hitomi ofreci\u00f3 una guardia de honor de cien hombres tatuados y de samurai Mirumoto para guiar a Toturi por tierras del Clan Drag\u00f3n, y encontrarse con ella par discutir sobre la materia, pero el honorable Toturi no pod\u00eda dejar sus asuntos."} {"inputs": "Further you will visit the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the newly inaugurated library which shall be a worthy processor of the legendary old library and houses countless books and copies, museums, scientific facilities and a reading area for 2,000 people. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Adem\u00e1s podr\u00e1 visitar la Biblioteca de Alejandr\u00eda, la biblioteca reci\u00e9n inaugurada, que es una imitaci\u00f3n de la legendaria biblioteca y casas de innumerables libros y copias, museos, centros cient\u00edficos y un \u00e1rea de lectura para 2.000 personas."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLa empresa familiar ya lleva m\u00e1s de 70 a\u00f1os especializ\u00e1ndose en la pesca y procesamiento de berberechos y otros mariscos.", "targets": "For more that 70 years, the family business has specialized in the fishing and processing of cockles and other shellfish."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: 1979: participates in a course held at l\u2019Ordine dei Medici in Naples on Consultori Familiari\u201d\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "1979: asisti\u00f3 a un curso celebrado en el Colegio de M\u00e9dicos de N\u00e1poles, sobre \u201cAsesor de Familia \""} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nAlgunas de las muchachas ya sab\u00edan del Opus Dei en sus pa\u00edses de origen, pero la mayor\u00eda ten\u00eda un conocimiento muy limitado del Opus Dei. Una semana despu\u00e9s de la llegada de las chicas, las directoras me llamaron a una reuni\u00f3n con todas las asociadas numerarias que participaban en el programa.", "targets": "Several of the girls who came had already been exposed to Opus Dei in their native countries, but many had only limited knowledge of Opus Dei. About a week after the girls arrived, I was told to attend a meeting with all of the numerary members involved with the program."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Cheap Flights from Tallinn to Milan Bergamo November 2015\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Vuelos baratos desde Fuerteventura a Mil\u00e1n B\u00e9rgamo diciembre 2015"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nGroupe URD - Literature monitoring - December 2012", "targets": "Groupe URD - Actualidad bibliogr\u00e1fica de diciembre de 2012"} {"inputs": "Translate \"*NOTA: Pueden aparecer grietas si est\u00e1 expuesto a impactos fuertes a temperaturas de -30 \u00b0C o inferiores.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "*NOTE: Cracks may develop if exposed to strong impact at temperatures of -30\u00b0C or less. Unit: mm"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Molecular analysis was carried out from isolated mycelia in PDA medium.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "El an\u00e1lisis molecular se llev\u00f3 a cabo a partir de micelio aislado en medio PDA."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "1. Keep a stress journal"} {"inputs": "Little Rock Arkansas Lesiones Airbag Abogados y Procuradores que ganar! Para obtener el mejor Little Rock Arkansas Lesiones Airbag abogados en la empresa, AttorneysDelivered se \"entregue\". How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "For the best Little Rock Arkansas Airbag Injury lawyers and Little Rock Arkansas Airbag Injury attorneys in the business, AttorneysDelivered will \"deliver\"."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Engineering consulting in Santa Cruz, Bolivia - Amarillasbolivia.net\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Ingenier\u00eda: consultorias en Santa Cruz, Bolivia - Amarillasbolivia.net"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Rick Warren - newsmaker of the year\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Rick Warren, figura m\u00e1s importante del a\u00f1o"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEste museo estatal est\u00e1 abierta al p\u00fablico y es definitivamente vale la pena una visita.", "targets": "This state-owned museum is opened to the public and it is definitely worth a visit."} {"inputs": "m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n en crisol leco How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "More information on Leco Equipment crucibles"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nCEA has served as a station for university groups studying coral reef diseases; for example, those that are caused by pathogens or as a result of algae growth. Previously, CEA did not have agreements with visiting academic groups; they conducted their research and went away with the results without leaving any of the information behind.", "targets": "Al CEA ha actuado como estaci\u00f3n en la que se han establecido universidades para estudiar las enfermedades de los arrecifes de coral; por ejemplo, las que son causadas por pat\u00f3genos o por el crecimiento de algas. Antes el CEA no ten\u00eda convenios con estos grupos que ven\u00edan, desarrollaban su investigaci\u00f3n y se llevaban sus resultados sin dejar nada de esta informaci\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"\u00ab Romantic Wedding Photoshoot\" in Spanish?", "targets": "\u00ab Sesi\u00f3n de fotos de boda rom\u00e1ntica"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: presentation & brochure holders fisso border fastener order online K-D :: visual communication\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "fijaciones murales fisso border sistema de fijaci\u00f3n lateral comprar on-line K-D :: comunicaci\u00f3n visual"} {"inputs": "Translate \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo evito que mi hijo haga compras en la Tienda?\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "How do I prevent my child from making purchases from the Store?"} {"inputs": "This phrase by Gould has been cited on numerous occasions because it sums up so well the complexity of the concept. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Esta frase de Gould ha sido citada muchas veces porque resume muy bien la complejidad de este concepto."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Science in Rosario de Mora (San Salvador, El Salvador)\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Ciencia en Concepci\u00f3n de Ataco (Ahuachap\u00e1n, El Salvador)"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLas personas activas en los climas h\u00famedos que sudan mucho pueden necesitar m\u00e1s que la ingesta adecuada.", "targets": "Active people in humid climates who sweat excessively may need more than the Adequate Intake."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nHe died on the Cross, John 19:30.", "targets": "\u00c9l muri\u00f3 en la cruz, Juan 19:30."} {"inputs": "From the Khaosan road to China Town Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Desde la calle Khaosan hac\u00eda China Town"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Technical service for computers in Austin (Austin-Round Rock, Texas)\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Mapa Fotos de Servicio t\u00e9cnico para computadoras en Jollyville (Austin-Round Rock, Texas)"} {"inputs": "Residencias de vacaciones a menos de 10 km de Ruiselede How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Holiday homes less than 10 km from Ruiselede"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "123backgrounds.com Esta p\u00e1gina no usa etiquetas Og. Estas etiquetas permiten a los rastreadores sociales estructurar mejor tu p\u00e1gina."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Heat Sealer manufacturers and suppliers\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Fabricantes y proveedores termosellador"} {"inputs": "Translation and interpretation in Coronel Pringles (Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina) Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Traducci\u00f3n e interpretaci\u00f3n en Ca\u00f1uelas (Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina)"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nDesayuno continental gratuito con amplia gama de panecillos, cereales, fruta, huevos, yogur, jugos, caf\u00e9 y platos calientes. Gofres belgas, bollos dulces, magdalenas y cereales.", "targets": "Free continental breakfast, choice of breads, cereal, fruit, eggs, yogurt, juice, coffee, and hot items. Belgian waffles, Danish, muffins and cereal."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Jardines de infancia en Federico Rom\u00e1n - Guia-Educacion.com\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Kindergartens in Santa Cruz - Guia-Educacion.com"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The books are characterized by the precise numbers and capacity of the creative power of words. there are outstanding books on subjects as.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Los libros se caracterizan por contar con la precisa capacidad de los n\u00fameros y la fuerza creadora de las palabras. existen libros destacados."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Limpie cortadas en la piel con jab\u00f3n y agua, y despu\u00e9s use una pomada antibacteriana.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Clean breaks in skin with soap and water, then use antibacterial ointment."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Esta lista (Icono azul anexionado al icono de la pista) puede contener exactamente los mismos archivos que la carpeta \"UDF Lost and found\"."} {"inputs": "El 26 de octubre de 1976, hicieron explotar un avi\u00f3n procedente de Barbados, asesinando a 73 pasajeros en un puro acto de terrorismo. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "On October 26, 1976, they blew up an airplane that was taking off from Barbados, killing 73 passengers on board in a raw act of terrorism."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Restaurante: Con la paz y la tranquilidad en un entorno elegante y armonioso, la sala de desayunos le invita a disfrutar del buffet cargado de atractivo y con amor delicias preparadas."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: But it helps to know that a laryngoscopy is considered an extremely effective and routine medical exam and complications are rare. However, as with most procedures, there are some risks, which your doctor will review with you.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Pero puede ayudarle saber que la laringoscopia se considera un procedimiento enormemente efectivo dentro de la pr\u00e1ctica m\u00e9dica habitual, y que raramente se producen complicaciones. Sin embrago, como con la mayor\u00eda de los procedimientos, hay algunos riesgos, que su m\u00e9dico comentar\u00e1 con usted."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Extracci\u00f3n de electrodos de marcapasos y desfibrilador mediante t\u00e9cnicas percut\u00e1neas"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "He was also interviewed by Radio Orange where he could talk about Linuxwochen and Debian."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Small-sized firms have grown by only 1,47% due to their greater reliance on auditing."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nDescripci\u00f3n de la Foto: Hay muchas compa\u00f1\u00edas de alquiler de coches en los Estados Unidos. Se puede elegir entre un coche compacto, un coche tipo sed\u00e1n de cuatro puertas, camionetas, vans, veh\u00edculos todo terreno y veh\u00edculos deportivos.", "targets": "Photo Description: There are many car rental options in the United States. Renters can choose from compact cars, four-door sedans, sports utility vehicles and sports cars."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nTratado de Budapest sobre el Reconocimiento Internacional", "targets": "Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of"} {"inputs": "Translate \"To paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, your actions speak so loudly that people cannot hear your voice.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Parafraseando a Ralph Waldo Emerson, \u201ctus actos hablan tan fuerte que no puedo escuchar tus palabras\u201d."} {"inputs": "Los hu\u00e9spedes tienen a su disposici\u00f3n una terraza con zona comunitaria con jardines. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "There is a sun terrace on offer for guests. with community area with gardens."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Spiritual guides, or leaders, are worthy of this position in the church only if they meet the qualifications mentioned in this admonition; that is, if they sincerely \u201cwatch\u201d for the \u201csouls\u201d of the brethren.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Los gu\u00edas espirituales o l\u00edderes son merecedores de esta posici\u00f3n en la iglesia s\u00f3lo si cumplen los requerimientos expuestos en la amonestaci\u00f3n, esto es, si sinceramente cuidan de las almas de los hermanos."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"500 fans, admiradores de video fotos video fotos video fotos Blanca del Prado o curiosos han visto durante esta semana la pagina especial de la estrella video fotos video fotos video fotos Blanca del Prado\" in Spanish?", "targets": "500 fans, admiradores de fotos video fotos fotos fotos fotos fotos video Blanca del Prado o curiosos han visto durante esta semana la pagina especial de la estrella fotos video fotos fotos fotos fotos fotos video Blanca del Prado"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLeer el post completo (546 palabras, 1 imagen, estimadas 2:11 minutos en tiempo de lectura)", "targets": "This is a preview of Easter Wedding. Read the full post (178 words, 2 images, estimated 43 secs reading time)"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n\"La entrada en vigor del Tratado de Pelindaba confirma la determinaci\u00f3n africana para reforzar el r\u00e9gimen global de zonas libres de armas nucleares y contribuir con el desarme nuclear y los procesos de no-proliferaci\u00f3n\u201d declar\u00f3 la instituci\u00f3n.", "targets": "\"Entry into force of the Treaty of Pelindaba confirms Africa's resolve to strengthen the global nuclear weapon-free regime and contribute to international nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation processes,\" the organization stated."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Por ello, las experiencias est\u00e1n en las estrellas, en todas partes."} {"inputs": "Alcal\u00e1 de Henares: Alcala de Henares: Mayor School of San Ildefonso's main front wall (declared World Heritage by the UNESCO) Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Alcal\u00e1 de Henares: Alcal\u00e1 de Henares: Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso, fachada principal (declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO)"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Hay algo que no anda bien con un ser humano al que hay que decirle una y otra vez que debe comportarse como un ser humano.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "There is something wrong with a human being who has to be told and retold, again and again, that he has to behave like a human being."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nOccupational health in Putumayo, Colombia", "targets": "Salud ocupacional en Choc\u00f3, Colombia"} {"inputs": "La disposici\u00f3n global sobre el papel viene determinada por tres factores: el dise\u00f1o de p\u00e1gina, los saltos de l\u00ednea y el espaciado. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The global paper layout is determined by three factors: the page layout, the line breaks, and the spacing."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Search term: \"11.12.1990\" Displaying the results 0 from the total number 0"} {"inputs": "User modes allow you to configure a number of things while on IRC. You can use them to specify how easy it will be for other people to find you, what kind of information the IRC server should pass on to you, etc. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Los modos de usuario te permitir\u00e1n configurar un n\u00famero de cosas mientras est\u00e9s en IRC. Puedes usarlos para especificar cu\u00e1n f\u00e1cil ser\u00e1 para otra gente el encontrarte, que clase de informaci\u00f3n deber\u00e1 pasarte a ti el servidor de IRC, etc."} {"inputs": "El Mercure Paris Royal Madeleine est\u00e1 a 5 minutos a pie del elegante barrio Madeleine y a 10 minutos de la \u00d3pera Garnier. Ofrece habitaciones con aire acondicionado, conexi\u00f3n Wi-Fi gratuita y TV LCD. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Mercure Paris Royal Madeleine is a 5-minute walk from the chic Madeleine area and 10 minutes from Op\u00e9ra Garnier. It offers air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi access and an LCD TV."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"The valley is famous for the production of Golden apples, Tassullo 2241 and many other qualities commercially known under the brand name Melinda (the first DOP brand granted for a product in the fruit sector).\" in Spanish?", "targets": "El valle es famoso por la producci\u00f3n de manzanas Golden, Tassullo 2241 y muchas otras cualidades conocidas comercialmente bajo la marca Melinda (la primera marca DOP otorgada para un producto en el sector de la fruta)."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: (a) you will not provide any content or conduct yourself in any way that may be construed as: unlawful; illegal; threatening; harmful; abusive; harassing; stalking; tortious; defamatory; libelous; vulgar; obscene; offensive; objectionable; pornographic; designed to interfere with or disrupt the operation of this web site or any service provided; infected with a virus or other destructive or deleterious programming routine; giving rise to civil or criminal liability; or in violation of an applicable local, national or international law;\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "(a) usted no proporcionar\u00e1 ning\u00fan contenido ni se comportar\u00e1 en cualquier forma que pueda ser interpretada como: ilegal; amenazante, da\u00f1ino; abusivo; acosador; acechante; il\u00edcito; difamatorio; calumnioso, vulgar, obsceno, ofensivo, inaceptable; pornogr\u00e1fico; dise\u00f1ado para interferir con o interrumpir el funcionamiento de este sitio Web o cualquier servicio proporcionado, infectado con un virus o con otra rutina de programaci\u00f3n destructiva o delet\u00e9rea, que diera lugar a responsabilidad civil o penal, o en violaci\u00f3n de una ley local, nacional o internacional ;"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "4:20 Si alguno dice, Yo amo \u00e1 Dios, y aborrece \u00e1 su hermano, es mentiroso. Porque el que no ama \u00e1 su hermano al cual ha visto, \u00bfc\u00f3mo puede amar \u00e1 Dios \u00e1 quien no ha visto?"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The rams are horned, with horns of varying size; ewes are naturally polled.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Los carneros son cuernos, con cuernos de tama\u00f1o variable; las hembras son naturalmente encuestados."} {"inputs": "The corner of Reconquista and Marcelo T. de Alvear Streets is undoubtedly the trendiest, with its traditional Irish pub called \u201cThe Kilkenny\u201d, and its neighboring \u201cPorto Pirata\u201d. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "La esquina entre las calles Reconquista y Marcelo T. de Alvear es sin duda la m\u00e1s concurrida, con su tradicional pub irland\u00e9s, The Kilkenny, y su bar vecino, Porto Pirata."} {"inputs": "Translate \"ahhyoga.com Bien. Tu p\u00e1gina usa propiedades Og (etiquetas og).\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "ahhyoga.com Good, your page take advantage of Og Properties."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nOverstep lines and borders", "targets": "L\u00edneas sobrepasar y fronteras"} {"inputs": "Translate \"You can download the logo 'Jorge Santos' here ...\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Puede descargar el logo 'Jorge Santos' aqu\u00ed ..."} {"inputs": "IMMEDIATELY address the health and nutritional needs of the people affected by the crisis. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "INMEDIATAMENTE abordar las necesidades sanitarias y nutricionales de las personas afectadas por la crisis."} {"inputs": "Translate \"For the best Cheboygan Michigan Slip and Fall lawyers and Cheboygan Michigan Slip and Fall attorneys in the business, AttorneysDelivered will \"deliver\".\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Cheboygan Michigan Negligencia M\u00e9dica Abogados y Procuradores que ganar! Para obtener el mejor Cheboygan Michigan Negligencia M\u00e9dica abogados en la empresa, AttorneysDelivered se \"entregue\"."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Painted fans for flamenco dance ref. N910, Hand-painted Fans from Spain\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Abanicos pintados para el baile flamenco ref. N910, Abanicos Artesanales Pintados a Mano"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEl SAXOTECH Mediaware Center tambi\u00e9n se ofrece como soluci\u00f3n alojada, lo que permite a las casas de medios centrarse en el contenido y su distribuci\u00f3n, y dejar el hardware y su mantenimiento a los profesionales de IT de SAXOTECH.", "targets": "The SAXOTECH Mediaware Center is also offered as a managed hosted solution enabling media companies to focus on content and content distribution leaving the hardware, maintenance and support to IT professionals at SAXOTECH."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEn conmemoraci\u00f3n del discurso de Douglass \u2014y en reconocimiento del hecho de que, como escribe BA en Lo BAsico, \u201cSin la esclavitud, Estados Unidos no existir\u00eda tal como lo conocemos hoy.", "targets": "In commemoration of Douglass\u2019 speech\u2014and in recognition of the fact that, as BA writes in BAsics, \u201cThere would be no United States as we know it today without slavery."} {"inputs": "Translate \"La respuesta es, obviamente, afirmativa, y fue exactamente esa la postura de Kardec cuando, al examinar la obra de Roustaing, conserv\u00f3 en ella los puntos que considerara prematuros.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "The answer is obviously yes, and this was exactly Kardec\u2019s attitude when in examining the work of Roustaing, he highlighted the points that he considered premature."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat has supported, and continues to support, the establishment of these advocacy networks.", "targets": "El Secretariado par la Justicia Social y la Ecolog\u00eda ha apoyado y contin\u00faa apoyando la formaci\u00f3n de estas redes de incidencia en la vida pol\u00edtica."} {"inputs": "Acabados de lujo que aseguran todas sus necesidades, disfrutando del m\u00e1ximo confort y funcionalidad que necesitas para tu d\u00eda a d\u00eda excelente ubicaci\u00f3n cerca de toda la infraestructura necesaria. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Luxury finishes which ensure all your needs, enjoying the maximum comfort and functionality you need for your day to day. Great location near all the necessary infrastructure."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Soria & Province - Family Hotels with equipment for children"} {"inputs": "Tambi\u00e9n dijo que \u00e9l reside eternamente en estas habitaciones. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "He also said that he resides eternally in these rooms."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Please ask our secretary at the desk for information, or if you prefer, speak directly with Dr. Meertens.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Inf\u00f3rmese en la recepci\u00f3n sobre las posibilidades o, si lo prefiere, hable directamente con el Dr. Meertens."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Grandhotel Jihlava garni: Fotogaler\u00eda: Centro de informaci\u00f3n tur\u00edstica de Jihlava\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Grand hotel Garni - breakfast: Pensions: Tourist information center of Jihlava"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: \u00ab Knowledge is Power Quiz\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "\u00ab El conocimiento es poder Cuestionario"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"THAILAND \"New paths to give witness to Christ\"\" in Spanish?", "targets": "TAILANDIA \u201cNuevos caminos para dar testimonio de Cristo\u201d"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Microneon, el juego libre Puzzle juegos en l\u00ednea. Escuchar Microneon juegos relacionados y actualizaciones. A\u00f1adido el 2010/05/03, interpretado 139 veces.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Microneon, play free Puzzle games online. Play Microneon related games and updates. Added on 2010/05/03, played 139 times."} {"inputs": "- 2005 \"Stories in Black and White, drawings on the Pacific War\", Military Historical Museum, Santiago, Chile Say this using Spanish", "targets": "- 2005 \"Historias en Blanco y Negro\", dibujos sobre la Guerra del Pac\u00edfico. Museo Hist\u00f3rico y Militar, Santiago, Chile"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "He recently said, \"At the time, I was strongly in favor of the death penalty for the killers..."} {"inputs": "Los retos de la OEA en el actual escenario latinoamericano. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "OAS challenges in the Latin American scenario today."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nIdioma extranjero: Ingl\u00e9s, Espa\u00f1ol, Portugu\u00e9s", "targets": "Foreign language: English, Spanish, Welsh, Polish"} {"inputs": "Eschenbachgasse 4, 1010 Wien Points of interest in the area Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Eschenbachgasse 4, 1010 Wien Interesante en los alrededores"} {"inputs": "Consulta de Resultados - Municipio de Cidra How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Results Lookup - Municipality of Aguadilla"} {"inputs": "Such a view, tuned to the production side of economic activity, overlooks the importance of leisure time to consumption. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Tal visi\u00f3n, templada al lado de la producci\u00f3n de la actividad econ\u00f3mica, pasa por alto la importancia del tiempo libre a la consumici\u00f3n."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Distributors and importers of accessories for kitchens."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"trouble performing everyday activities\" in Spanish?", "targets": "problemas para realizar las actividades cotidianas"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "\u00bfQuiere conocer m\u00e1s la zona? Lea nuestro art\u00edculo sobre El Madro\u00f1al."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEl curso se extiende a m\u00e1s de 500 metros directamente en las orillas del Neckar..", "targets": "The course extends to over 500m directly on the banks of the Neckar.."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: 3. Introduction of advanced technology promoting an eco-community.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "3. Introducci\u00f3n de tecnolog\u00eda avanzada para promover una eco-comunidad."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Creemos que la asistencia regular a la escuela es vital para el \u00e9xito de los estudiantes."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Very often, people become frustrated extremely when they delete any information from SDHC card unintentionally.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Muy a menudo, las personas se sienten frustrados extremadamente cuando se elimina toda la informaci\u00f3n de la tarjeta SDHC involuntariamente."} {"inputs": "La Junta: Historia y leyendas How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "La Junta: History and Legends"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The Documents that Shaped America\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Los documentos que formaron a Am\u00e9rica"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nTiempo y las condiciones meteorol\u00f3gicas el S\u00e1bado 09 Julio en Savage", "targets": "Weather and meteo conditions on Saturday 09 July in Shamokin"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nCombina los hermanos entre s\u00e0y con Dios; Se une a los pastores del reba\u00f1o; Se une a las ovejas a Pedro y Pedro a Cristo. Contiene todos los misterios de la fe, todo el tesoro de los dones del Esp\u00e0ritu, a trav\u00e9s de la fuente y la fuerza de las virtudes y los secretos de la santidad.", "targets": "It combines the brothers among themselves and with God; It joins the shepherds of the flock; It joins the flock to Peter and Peter to Christ. It contains all the mysteries of faith, all the treasure of the gifts of the Spirit, across the source and the strength of the virtues and the secrets of sanctity."} {"inputs": "How do you say \". Name of this page is Appear Bonus Symbol Golden Coins Goose Scatter Ball Slot.\" in Spanish?", "targets": ". El nombre de esta p\u00e1gina es Aparecen el S\u00edmbolo de Sobresueldo Ranura de Pelota de Dispersi\u00f3n de Ganso de Monedas de Oro."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Industrial electricity in Guant\u00e1namo - AmarillasLatinas.net"} {"inputs": "Software remoto: aplicaci\u00f3n gratuita para iPhone disponible en la tienda de aplicaciones How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Remote software: Free iPhone App \"WIFI800\" available in app store"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Ayuda a calmar las pieles irritadas o escamosas.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Helps soothe irritated or flaky skin."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Results 121 - 140 of about 16.400 for Games categories. (0,00 seconds) download 3D Magnetic Marbles 1 3D Games / 1680 download"} {"inputs": "Lodging: Each of the apartments has one bedroom with 2 single beds and sofa bed for 1 or 2 people in the lounge. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Alojamiento: Los apartamentos tienen un dormitorio con 2 camas individuales y sal\u00f3n con sof\u00e1 cama para 1 o 2 hu\u00e9spedes."} {"inputs": "Encontrar m\u00e1s lugares cerca de Riad Misria How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Find more places close to Riad Misria"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"In a study published in Child Development, researchers studied the sleep habits of 3,120 high school students. They then compared sleep habits to mood, school performance, and behavior.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "En un estudio publicado en Child Development, los investigadores estudiaron los h\u00e1bitos de sue\u00f1o de 3120 estudiantes secundarios. Luego, compararon los h\u00e1bitos de sue\u00f1o en funci\u00f3n del estado de \u00e1nimo, el desempe\u00f1o escolar y la conducta."} {"inputs": "Todo estaba en gestaci\u00f3n, lo bueno y lo malo, la esperanza y la furia destructiva que a partir de la guerra estall\u00f3 en el Planeta. Las naciones ardieron, Europa, Rusia, China y Vietnam, Corea, \u00c1frica y Latinoam\u00e9rica, Palestina, Irak y Afganist\u00e1n, los hombres y la Naturaleza, las religiones, la vida y las costumbres. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Everything was being gestated, good and evil, hope and destructive rage that starting from the war broke out in the Planet. Nations were ablaze, Europe, Russia, China and Vietnam, Korea, Africa and Latin America, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan, men and Nature, religions, life and customs."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"The work plan for 2015 is 36 stations in Antioquia, 20 of these in the Aburra, 15 for public service and 5 for Metropl\u00fas. Also, next year EPM has budgeted replacement of 45 garbage vehicles for EVM.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "El plan de trabajo a 2015 es de 36 estaciones en Antioquia, 20 de \u00e9stas en el Aburr\u00e1, 15 para servicio p\u00fablico y 5 para Metropl\u00fas. Asimismo, el a\u00f1o entrante EPM tiene presupuestada la reposici\u00f3n de 45 veh\u00edculos recolectores de basura de EVM."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "A lo largo de la noche, los resultados estaban demasiado re\u00f1idos como para proclamar un vencedor."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La mejor calidad en sus coches de alquiler en Abidos"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nGraduate Students: 842 hetongdiy.com", "targets": "Los estudiantes de posgrado: 842"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"His grandfather was clearly in the wrong: defying the Celestial Order defined wrong.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Su abuelo estaba visiblemente equivocado: desafiar el Orden Celestial establecido estaba mal."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Is the e-mail address ok?\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Verifica el e-mail indicado"} {"inputs": "Siguiente: tama\u00f1o mini PET frasco de pl\u00e1stico con tap\u00f3n de rosca 10g How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Next: mini size PET plastic jar with screw cap 10g"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Shara mir\u00f3 secamente al F\u00e9nix.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Shara glanced at the Phoenix sharply."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: big ass, homemade, beauty, big tits, girlfriend, dogging, ebony\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "tetas grandes, belleza, mojadas, gordita, cabalgando, corridas"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nI would like to mention Msgr Giovanni Battista Montini, the future Paul VI, then Substitute of the Secretariat of State, who accompanied Pius XII on his visit to the district which had just been laid waste by bombs.", "targets": "Entre otros, deseo hacer menci\u00f3n de monse\u00f1or Giovanni Battista Montini, futuro Pablo VI, entonces sustituto de la Secretar\u00eda de Estado, quien acompa\u00f1\u00f3 a P\u00edo XII en la visita al barrio apenas devastado por las bombas."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Usted est\u00e1 aqu\u00ed: Inicio Cr\u00e9ditos\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "You are here: Home Credits"} {"inputs": "Translate \"He enjoys the special features of the divine art inch by inch and his involvement in it brings great joy to his heart and soul.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "El goza las caracter\u00edsticas especiales del arte divina palmo a palmo y su participaci\u00f3n trae en ello gran alegr\u00eda al coraz\u00f3n y el alma."} {"inputs": "They persecute and ignore the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We the saints really hope that they will abide in God\u2019s love, and live together with us in the same faith. But, until they return to God\u2019s love and believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the Truth of salvation, they are no more than the enemies of God and of us. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Persiguen e ignoran a los creyentes del evangelio del agua y el Esp\u00edritu. Nosotros los santos realmente esperamos que lleguen a habitar en el amor de Dios, y a vivir juntamente con nosotros en la misma fe. Pero, hasta que regresen al amor de Dios y crean en el evangelio del agua y el Esp\u00edritu, la Verdad de la salvaci\u00f3n, ellos solamente son los enemigos de Dios y de nosotros."} {"inputs": "Biofuel production and uses include a series of externalisms not always correctly assessed, which include health benefits derived from a lower concentration of local pollutants, additional income from taxes associated with different production activities both of raw material and transformation. Thus, they globally compensate the costs currently represented by the fostering of its production and use. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "La producci\u00f3n y empleo de carburantes f\u00f3siles incluye una serie de externalidades no siempre bien valoradas para la sociedad que incluyen beneficios sanitarios derivados de una menor concentraci\u00f3n de contaminantes locales, ingresos adicionales por tasas asociadas a las diversas actividades productivas tanto de materia prima como de transformaci\u00f3n, y que de forma global compensan los costes que actualmente representan las medidas de fomento de su producci\u00f3n y uso."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Estudiantes de pa\u00edses fuera de la Uni\u00f3n Europea"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nSECOND FLOOR: Complete laundry area, loft bedroom of 30 m2, 30 m2 terrace. All the carpentry is made by solid wood, double glassed window, shutters, chimney in the living area, alarm system, fully fitted kitchen with high quality appliances, rustic dinning area with beam wood in the roof.", "targets": "SEGUNDO PISO: \u00e1rea de lavado completa, dormitorio tipo loft de 30 m2, terraza de 30 m2.Toda la carpinter\u00eda est\u00e1 hecha de madera maciza, doble ventana acristalada, persianas, chimenea en el sal\u00f3n, sistema de alarma, cocina totalmente equipada con electrodom\u00e9sticos de alta calidad, comedor r\u00fastico con vigas de madera en el techo."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n7) Certificado negativo de antecedentes penales expedido por las autoridades del pa\u00eds de origen o del pa\u00eds o pa\u00edses en que haya residido durante los \u00faltimos cinco a\u00f1os y en el que no deben constar condenas por delitos existentes en el ordenamiento espa\u00f1ol, traducido oficialmente al espa\u00f1ol y legalizado en el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores del pa\u00eds emisor.", "targets": "7) \u0650\u0650\u0650 Police Certificate issued by the authorities of the country of origin or the country or countries where the person has been residing for the last five years. This certificate must show that the person has not been sentenced for offences included in the Spanish Penal Code. It has to be translated into Spanish by a juror translator and legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIn your request to the court, you must explain that the fact you did not receive notice of the summons and petition was NOT due to your own inexcusable neglect or because you avoided getting served.", "targets": "En su solicitud a la corte, debe explicar que el hecho de no haber recibido aviso de la citaci\u00f3n y la petici\u00f3n NO se debe a su propio descuido inexcusable ni a que evit\u00f3 recibir la entrega legal."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Receive mission-critical information even in low-bandwidth environments on a tablet or laptop."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Safe handling of food starts in the grocery store."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "For the NAS, copy or move files to the Qsync folder via File Station (web-based file explorer)."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nNo un mill\u00f3n de millones, como \"bill\u00f3n\".", "targets": "Not a million of millions, like \"bill\u00f3n\" (in Spanish)."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEsa cantidad se recaud\u00f3 en unos d\u00edas y todos salieron de la c\u00e1rcel.", "targets": "Bail money was raised and within a few days everyone was released."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLos cient\u00edficos chinos han encontrado que cerca del 1% de las personas tienen sensibilidad a los meridianos.", "targets": "Chinese scientists have found that about 1% people have sensitivity to the meridians."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "\u00b7 The Hotel organizes classes at the School of Tango"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n\"La firma de hoy - ha a\u00f1adido de Agostino - sanciona la voluntad y la capacidad de nuestro puerto de implicar temas internacionales en las actividades de reactivo de Punto Honesto de Trieste.", "targets": "\"The signature today - it has added Of Augustin - sanctions the will and the ability to our port to involve international subjects in the activities of I throw again of the Frank Point of Trieste."} {"inputs": "Translate \"1000 m\u00b2 plot size, qualified urban, work licence, sea view, front line.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "1000 m\u00b2 solar, cualificaci\u00f3n urban\u00edstica (residencial urbano), vista mar, primera l\u00ednea."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nAlthough it is an HTML file, its purpose is not used to add a GUI to the extension.", "targets": "A pesar de que es un archivo HTML , su prop\u00f3sito no se utiliza para a\u00f1adir una interfaz gr\u00e1fica de usuario de la extensi\u00f3n ."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nYour Search - filetype:xls - did not match any documents.", "targets": "Su b\u00fasqueda - filetype:ppt - no ha coincidido con ning\u00fan documento."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Daylight saving time in summer: the last Sunday of March at 2:00am\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Horario de verano: \u00faltimo domingo de marzo a las 2 am,"} {"inputs": "Another front in San Pedro M\u00e1rtir\u2019s battle is the scarcity of water. \u201cWe saw how the Pe\u00f1a Pobre paper mill took the water and left the fields without trees, and the struggle began. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Otro frente de batalla de San Pedro M\u00e1rtir es la escasez de agua. \u201cNosotros vimos c\u00f3mo la f\u00e1brica de papel Pe\u00f1a Pobre se llevaba el agua y dejaba los campos sin \u00e1rboles, y empez\u00f3 la denuncia."} {"inputs": "Moon Buggy games , moon buggy games , balance games , collecting games games , driving games , moon games , space games , Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Moon Buggy juegos , Moon Buggy juegos , equilibrio juegos , Recogida de los juegos juegos , conducci\u00f3n juegos , luna juegos , espacio juegos ,"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nBumba-Meu-Boi do Maranh\u00e3o is a Brazilian cultural feast celebrated for over 200 years in the historic city of S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds.", "targets": "El Bumba-Meu-Boi de Maranh\u00e3o es una fiesta cultural brasile\u00f1a conmemorada hace m\u00e1s de 200 a\u00f1os en la hist\u00f3rica ciudad de S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEl proceso de carga por lote utilizar\u00e1 las claves de b\u00fasqueda num\u00e9rica que usted env\u00ede como \u00fanico punto de coincidencia y buscar\u00e1 registros coincidentes en WorldCat para proyectos que cancelen o establezcan existencias a nivel de la instituci\u00f3n.", "targets": "Batchload uses the numeric search keys you send as a single match point to find matching records in WorldCat for projects that cancel or set institution-level holdings."} {"inputs": "Press conference of the Commission Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Conferencia de prensa de la"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Desde la asociaci\u00f3n explicaban que \"actualmente nos est\u00e1n haciendo una figura con la imagen de Santa \u00c1gueda, que dentro de un mes estar\u00e1 finalizada y el a\u00f1o que viene la podremos lucir\""} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "It was an absolute pleasure working with him."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIn addition to this, all the information is available on the genes to repair the body (not only to construct it) when it is injured.", "targets": "Adem\u00e1s de esto, toda la informaci\u00f3n esta disponible en los genes para reparar el cuerpo (no solamente para construirlo) cuando esta lesionado."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Our Export Department will gladly forward your inquiry to the appropiate H\u00e4fele representation in Kosovo.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Nuestro departamento de exportaci\u00f3n transmitir\u00e1 con mucho gusto su demanda a la representaci\u00f3n de H\u00e4fele en Kosovo."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIf the companies give out the custom flash drive to a person who is looking for an alternate device or to replace his outdated one, they have surely ensured his loyalty towards the company.", "targets": "Si las empresas dar a conocer la unidad flash personalizado a una persona que est\u00e1 buscando un dispositivo alternativo o para reemplazar su \u00fanico obsoleta, que seguro que se ha garantizado su lealtad hacia la empresa."} {"inputs": "Translate \"La largada de esta colorida regata puede verse desde muchos puntos privilegiados en todo el Puerto de Sydney.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "The start of the colourful spectacle can be seen from many vantage points around Sydney Harbour."} {"inputs": "Translate \"power, pumping rotation speed, water inlet pressure, max. water inlet temperature 15 kW 1460 rpm, 2,0 - 8,0 bar, 40 \u00b0C\" to Spanish.", "targets": "rendimiento, velocidad de bombeo, presi\u00f3n del agua de entrada, max. temperatura del agua de entrada 15 kW 1460 rpm, 2,0 - 8,0 bar, 40 \u00b0C"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Exposici\u00f3n presentada por el Secretario General sobre las consecuencias para el presupuesto por programas del proyecto de resoluci\u00f3n A/C.1/68/L.37 (Avances en la esfera de la informaci\u00f3n y las telecomunicaciones en el contexto de la seguridad internacional)\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Statement submitted by the Secretary-General on the Programme Budget Implications of Draft Resolution A/C.1/68/L.37 (Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security)"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThis does not mean that the quality of education in both cases is the same. It just establishes that, in both cases girls are not less educated than boys.", "targets": "Esto no significa que la calidad de la educaci\u00f3n en ambos casos sea la misma. Solamente establece que en los dos casos las ni\u00f1as no reciben menos educaci\u00f3n que los ni\u00f1os."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Datuk Dr Abdul Rahim Hashim tiene muchos a\u00f1os de experiencia en el GNV y es un firme partidario del mismo.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Datuk Dr Abdul Rahim Hashim has many years of experience in NGV and is a strong supporter of NGV."} {"inputs": "Because the extender can transmit over solid copper cabling already installed in your building, it's easy to put your HD screens in spaces where your target audiences frequent\u2014and you don't have to pull new cables and/or sacrifice video quality in the process. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Debido a que el extensor puede transmitir a trav\u00e9s del cableado de cobre s\u00f3lido ya instalado en su edificio, podr\u00e1 instalar sus pantallas HD en espacios donde frecuente su p\u00fablico objetivo y no tendr\u00e1 que tirar nuevos cables o sacrificar la calidad del video."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nRW: At this point the government does not deny that they don't really have any evidence against you?", "targets": "OR: \u00bfAdmite el gobierno que no tiene ninguna prueba en tu contra?"} {"inputs": "Y esta sobre-alienada \u201cCiber-casta\u201d ahora incluye a la mayor parte de los miembros de los noticieros y medios dedicados al entretenimiento, lo que tiene consecuencias para todos nosotros. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "And this over-alienated \u201ccyber caste\u201d now encompasses most members of the news and entertainment media, which has consequences for us all."} {"inputs": "Translate \"They have no money to cure her.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "No cuentan con el dinero suficiente para curarla."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nFlights to Padang, Indonesia", "targets": "Vuelos a Padang, Indonesia"} {"inputs": "He closed his big eyes, leaving a small gap, and stood still. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Cerr\u00f3 sus grandes ojos, dejando una peque\u00f1a grieta y se qued\u00f3 inm\u00f3vil."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"After a serpenteante road we arrive to the maximum natural scenario of the Park: the Herdsman of the Watery one.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Luego de un serpenteante camino llegamos al m\u00e1ximo escenario natural del Parque: el Potrero de la Aguada ."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nMotorhead: But I got practicing and play good.", "targets": "MOTORHEAD: Pero he practicado y toco bien"} {"inputs": "Translate \"\u2022 Seleccione la opci\u00f3n que desee de la secci\u00f3n de 'bloquear cookies'\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "\u2022 Select your desired option from the \"block cookies\" section"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "ISO Whey promueve el desarrollo de masa muscular y mejora la recuperaci\u00f3n deportiva gracias a una f\u00f3rmula de prote\u00edna de alta pureza y calidad que proporciona un m\u00ednimo aporte en grasas y carbohidratos."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIt was, he said, an apple of gold, while the", "targets": "Dec\u00eda que era una manzana de oro, mientras que"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: CHERRY concentrates on its brand core\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "CHERRY se concentra en el n\u00facleo de su marca"} {"inputs": "Translate \"If you want to have an excellent mariachi orchestra high prestige in Cuba or soloists, duos or trios mariachi please contact us.If you want to...\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Si deseas tener a una excelente orquesta mariachi de alto prestigio en Cuba o solistas, d\u00faos o tr\u00edos de mariachis."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEn que la discriminaci\u00f3n y el racismo son la norma.", "targets": "Where discrimination and racism are the rule."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: They desire as much, yea, even more than we do ourselves, that we be successful in this endeavor, so \u201cLet us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.\u201d (Gal. 6:9) Notice the scripture does not say we shall reap if we are perfect, or we shall reap if we do righteously 75% of the time, or stay clear of evil 80% of the time. No, we shall reap \u2018if we faint not,\u2019 if we continue pressing on.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Que desean por encima de lo que hacemos, que tengamos \u00e9xito en este esfuerzo, por lo que \u201cNo nos cansemos, pues, de hacer bien; porque a su tiempo segaremos, si no desmayamos\u201d (G\u00e1latas 6:9). N\u00f3tese que la Escritura no dice que vamos a cosechar, si somos perfectos, o que vamos a cosechar si hacemos justicia el 75% del tiempo, o si nos alejamos del mal el 80% del tiempo. Vamos a cosechar \u201csi no desmayamos\u201d, si continuamos en el esfuerzo de hacer el bien."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Ambassador Corell was quoted in the Financial Times of 17 Sept 2014, saying that: \u201cThe more resources are found in Western Sahara and its maritime zone, the less will be the incentive for Morocco to fulfil the UN resolutions and international law\u201d.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "El Embajador Corell fue citado por el Financial Times el 17 de septiembre de 2014, diciendo que: \"cuantos m\u00e1s recursos se encuentren en el S\u00e1hara Occidental y su zona mar\u00edtima, menor ser\u00e1 la intenci\u00f3n de Marruecos de cumplir con las resoluciones de la ONU y el derecho internacional\"."} {"inputs": "On his way to the nearest town, he was mentally asking Jesus for help so he could earn some money because his mom was sick and needed to eat in order to get out of bed and work. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "En el camino a la ciudad m\u00e1s cercana, iba mentalmente pidiendo ayuda a Jes\u00fas para poder conseguir algo, porque su mam\u00e1 estaba enferma y necesitaba comer para poder levantarse de la cama y trabajar."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "He assures us that \"the guard, which always existed within the Nasa community, became official in order to make itself visible in 2001 in response to a series of conflicts in 2001."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The Master is always close to us.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El Maestro siempre est\u00e1 a nuestro lado."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nAntes de la regeneraci\u00f3n, tiene que haber una obra de convicci\u00f3n del Esp\u00edritu Santo (la esencial atracci\u00f3n del Padre es ejecutada por la acci\u00f3n del Esp\u00edritu Santo).", "targets": "Before regeneration, there must be the work of the Holy Spirit in conviction (the Father's essential drawing is carried out through the agency of the Holy Spirit)."} {"inputs": "En la conciencia de pecado - est sufriendo y al estar siendo \"maldicin por nosotros\", l exclam \"Dios mo, Dios mo, porque me has desamparado?\". How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "In the consciousness of sin-bearing, and of being 'made a curse for us,' He exclaimed, 'My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?'"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Some union officials think you might prefer to stay on a five-day week and take the extra time off in long week ends or three months off every five years.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Algunos funcionarios de la uni\u00f3n piensan que usted puede ser que prefiera permanecer en una semana de cinco d\u00edas y tardar el tiempo adicional apagado en extremos largos de la semana o tres meses de cada cinco a\u00f1os."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The relationship between (a) what has been uncovered while confirming the real Creation Time Line and (b) the pending Falsification of the Second Coming of Christ has been addressed in separate documents (12) .\" to Spanish.", "targets": "La relaci\u00f3n entre (a) lo que ha sido desvelado mientras confirm\u00e1bamos la Aut\u00e9ntica Cronolog\u00eda de la Creaci\u00f3n y (b) la inminente Falsificaci\u00f3n de la Segunda Venida de Cristo ser\u00e1 tratada en un otros documentos (12) ."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Surrounded by a Mediterranean garden, Domina Home Zagarella features outdoor swimming pools set on a sea-view terrace.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El Domina Home Zagarella est\u00e1 rodeado por un jard\u00edn mediterr\u00e1neo y cuenta con piscinas al aire libre en una terraza con vistas al mar."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nMobile Communications and Health Booklet", "targets": "Bolet\u00edn de Comunicaciones M\u00f3viles y Salud"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThey live as if \"there is no God\" (Psalm 14:1). Is this a good description of \"modern day man\"?", "targets": "Viven como si no hubiera Dios (Salmo 14:1) \u00bfEs \u00e9sta una buena descripci\u00f3n del hombre moderno ?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Posted in Local Wedding Resource, Wedding Advice, Wedding Dresses. Tags: bride, wedding, wedding dress, Wedding Dresses . 1 Comment \u00bb"} {"inputs": "Transporte interurbano de pasajeros en Arizona - Amarillasarizona.com How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Interurban passenger transportation in Coconino, Arizona - Amarillasarizona.com"} {"inputs": "Translate \"FIXA Soufre previene y corrige las carencias en Azufre de todos los cultivos mediante aplicaci\u00f3n foliar o v\u00eda suelo.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "FIXA Sulphur prevents and corrects the deficiencies in Sulphur of all crops by foliar or soil application."} {"inputs": "You can select the car hire destination in Neumunster or visit our car rental offices in Madrid, Andalusia, Valencia, Catalonia, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and the rest of Spain, Europe and USA. All car rental locations Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Puede seleccionar el destino de alquiler de coches en Neumunster o consultar nuestras oficinas de alquiler de coches en Madrid, Andaluc\u00eda, Comunidad Valenciana, Catalu\u00f1a, Islas Canarias, Islas Baleares y en el resto de Espa\u00f1a, Europa y Estados Unidos. Todos los destinos de alquiler de coches"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Para el entretenimiento de buena m\u00fasica que se integra la tecnolog\u00eda de audio xLOUD de Sony , dando un sonido n\u00edtido y fuerte . Xperia miro viene pre-instalado con * M\u00fasica Ilimitada de Sony Entertainment Network , proporciona acceso instant\u00e1neo a millones ** de pistas de m\u00fasica en movimiento ."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThere are plenty of quads (38!) lining up, and among them we would highlight the presence of Ignacio Casale, winner of the Dakar 2014 and the first Chilean to win the rally, and also of the Jerem\u00edas Gonzales Ferioli (Argentina), 2nd in the Dakar 2015, Nelson Sanabria (Paraguay) and Lucas Bonetto (Argentina), both regular front-runners in the Dakar, and the only woman quad rider Suany Martinez.", "targets": "Son muchos (\u00a138!) los quads que ocupar\u00e1n la parrilla de salida y, entre los inscritos, destaca Ignacio Casale, ganador del Dakar 2014 y primer chileno en coronarse en este rally, junto con el argentino Jerem\u00edas Gonzales Ferioli, 2\u00ba en el Dakar 2015, Nelson Sanabria (Paraguay) y Lucas Bonetto (Argentina), acostumbrados a ocupar las posiciones de cabeza en el Dakar, as\u00ed como la \u00fanica representante femenina de la prueba, Suany Mart\u00ednez."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Haga clic en la bot\u00f3n A\u00f1adir y seleccione las fotos desde el ordenador las fotos RAW que usted desea retocar.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Click on the Add Photos button and select from your computer the TIF photos you wish to refocus."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Sofie for StasyQ... Collection of good butts... and more nude photos of Bella Hadid for VMag.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Sofie para StasyQ... Colecci\u00f3n de buenos culos... y m\u00e1s desnudos de Bella Hadid para VMag."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIn most countries (France is an exception) copyright law does not protect a subject\u2019s right to prevent subsequent use of his or her photograph for commercial purposes unless, perhaps, it was commissioned by the subject.", "targets": "En la mayor\u00eda de los pa\u00edses (Franc\u00eda es un excepci\u00f3n) las leyes de derecho de autor no protegen el derecho de quienes aparecen en fotograf\u00edas a impedir el uso subsiguiente de ellas con fines comerciales, a menos que las hubiesen encargado."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: This could explain the expression, mare's roast used in Latin America when talking about horsemeat.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Esto podr\u00eda confirmar la expresi\u00f3n yegua asada empleada en Am\u00e9rica latina para hablar de la carne de caballo..."} {"inputs": "15km from the medieval village of Domfront. 25km from Chateau de Carrouges. 50km from Swiss Normandy and the rolling hills of the Mancelles Alps. 60km from the Haras du Pin national stud, known as the \"Equestrian Versailles\". Say this using Spanish", "targets": "A 15km se encuentra la ciudad medieval de Domfront. A 25km, el Castillo de Carrouges. A 50km, la Suiza normanda y los Alpes Mancelles. A 60km, el Acaballadero del Pino, \"Versalles del Caballo\"."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Tienen prisa por volver a ver a los suyos y a todos los que ocupan el gimnasio."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Conservation status: As the range is bigger than other endemic species it is considered common.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Estado de conservaci\u00f3n: Se considera com\u00fan, puesto que la diversidad es m\u00e1s grande que en otras especies end\u00e9micas."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nCentenarian Celebration of Panamanian Independence", "targets": "Primer Centenario de la Independencia de Panam\u00e1"} {"inputs": "Casi todos estuvieron vinculados a megapresas, levantadas tambi\u00e9n en muchas ocasiones para impulsar el desarrollo industrial, a trav\u00e9s de la electrificaci\u00f3n. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Almost all of these projects were connected with mega-dams, on many occasions built to drive industrial development through electricity generation."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n9La luna y las estrellas, para iluminar la noche; su gran amor perdura para siempre.", "targets": "9 the moon and stars to govern the night; His love endures forever."} {"inputs": "Obtained support from the local fishers and dive businesses that are working in the area. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Se cuenta con el apoyo de los pescadores locales y de las empresas de inmersi\u00f3n que trabajan en la zona."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Effect of Tacrolimus\u00ae and Cyclosporin A on the Expression of P Glycoprotein in Renal Tubular Cells in Culture.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Efecto de Tacrolimus\u00ae y Ciclosporina A sobre la Expresi\u00f3n de Glicoprote\u00edna P en C\u00e9lulas Tubulares Renales en Cultivo."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Hairdresser\u00b4s salon at the Lanserhof health center\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Peluquer\u00eda situada en el centro de salud Lanserhof."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Perhaps it could be otherwise and we could entertain ourselves taking little (or big) detours and so outwit time, though even only to play.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Quiz\u00e1 pueda ser de otra forma y podamos entretenernos en dar peque\u00f1os rodeos (o grandes) y as\u00ed burlar al tiempo, aunque s\u00f3lo sea para jugar."} {"inputs": "PDVSA provided food for the Ch\u00e1vez bases and established mechanisms to take care of the children of those who were voting. From early morning it offered breakfast, medical attention and support for those with disabilities. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "PDVSA entreg\u00f3 v\u00edveres a las bases chavistas, que establecieron mecanismos para cuidar a los hijos de los votantes y, desde la madrugada, ofrecieron desayunos, atenci\u00f3n medica y apoyo a los discapacitados."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\n\u201cIn this centre a wonderful combination of Catalan and Alca\u00f1iz intellectual factors have given rise to a considerable group of manufacturers who have not lacked the intelligence or the capital to take oil processing to perfection; this perfection has spread to the other factories, where the processing technique is also quite good.\u201d", "targets": "Ha habido en este centro una hermosa conjunci\u00f3n de elementos intelectuales catalanes con los de Alca\u00f1iz, form\u00e1ndose una pi\u00f1a de fabricantes que no han escaseado la inteligencia y el capital para llevar a una perfecci\u00f3n envidiable la elaboraci\u00f3n del aceite, perfeccionamiento que ha transcendido a las dem\u00e1s f\u00e1bricas, en donde se elabora bastante bien."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"To help prevent delays in diagnosis and in choosing the best course of treatment, an international panel of experts published guidelines on how doctors can diagnose and stage inflammatory breast cancer correctly.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Para ayudar a evitar demoras en el diagn\u00f3stico y en la elecci\u00f3n del mejor curso de tratamiento, un panel internacional de expertos public\u00f3 directrices sobre c\u00f3mo los m\u00e9dicos pueden diagnosticar y determinar correctamente el estadio del c\u00e1ncer inflamatorio de seno."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Amphibians are in dire straits of conservation due to the accelerated destruction of their habitat, climate change, and a fungus that covers their skin until it asphyxiates them."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nMientras tanto, en Estados Unidos, la FED ha comprado una cantidad muy importante de activos t\u00f3xicos: cerca de 40.000 millones de d\u00f3lares todos los meses de 2012.", "targets": "Meanwhile, back in the United States the Fed has purchased a huge amount of toxic assets: about $40 billion per month in 2012."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Your doctor will order certain tests to check your body's response to panitumumab.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Quiz\u00e1 su m\u00e9dico ordenara ciertas pruebas para verificar la respuesta de su organismo al panitumumab."} {"inputs": "The history of Florence has passed through the Grand Hotel Baglioni becoming contemporary Say this using Spanish", "targets": "La historia de Florencia pasa por el Grand Hotel Baglioni y se vuelve contemporaneidad."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Una reuni\u00f3n en 1982 jug\u00f3 un papel importante en \u00e9l establecer las relaciones de Stephens con Israel y el pueblo jud\u00edo. Hayseed fue uno de los pocos hombres de negocio invitado a orar con el entonces Primer Ministro Israel\u00ed, Menachem Begin, poco antes de decidirse sobre la guerra y la invasi\u00f3n al L\u00edbano."} {"inputs": "Etiquetas: fotograf\u00eda, fotomanipulaci\u00f3n, photography, photomanipulation How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Etiquetas: acuarela, portrait, retrato, watercolor 4 comentarios:"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Amazing things you might not know about television"} {"inputs": "Translate \"No obstante, una fuente de informaci\u00f3n de los Republicanos en Washington, dijo a la prensa local que la administraci\u00f3n Bush puede haber buscado fuera de Puerto Rico al fiscal federal intencionadamente debido a las investigaciones sobre casos de corrupci\u00f3n en el sector p\u00fablico que todav\u00eda contin\u00faan.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "One Republican source in Washington, however, told local reporters that the Bush administration may have intentionally looked outside Puerto Rico for a federal prosecutor because of all the public corruption investigations still going on."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Lo que no han considerado son los juegos psicol\u00f3gicos que surgir\u00e1n cuando los guardias se den cuenta de que sus amos ya no tienen ning\u00fan poder sobre ellos , y que el rey apostado en la cima del cerro puede ser f\u00e1cilmente derribado ."} {"inputs": "Translate \"El Comit\u00e9 Internacional de la Cruz Roja ha anunciado la inclusi\u00f3n de Costa Rica en la lista de pa\u00edses donde el CIRC tiene una delegaci\u00f3n regional.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "The International Committee of the Red Cross has announced that it has added Costa Rica to the list of countries where the ICRC has a regional delegation."} {"inputs": "Yes, the Time Is Hard Say this using Spanish", "targets": "S\u00ed, el momento es dif\u00edcil"} {"inputs": "Travel Desk, Luggage Storage, Ironing Service, Laundry Service, Tours and Excursions, Wake-Up Service, Wi-Fi/Wireless LAN (free), Computers with Internet Connection, Room Service, Taxi Service. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Servicio de lavander\u00eda, Tours y excursiones, Llamada de despertador, Internet Inal\u00e1mbrica gratuita, Computadoras conectadas a Internet, Servicio de habitaciones, Servicio de taxi, Mostrador de informaci\u00f3n, Guarda equipajes, Servicio de planchado."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The mass murder in Iguala is already news around the world.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "La matanza de Iguala ya es noticia mundial."} {"inputs": "Estamos dedicados a brindar Berkeley Springs West Virginia Lesiones Personales abogados y bufetes de abogados con la calidad del sombrero blanco y los servicios de marketing online que mejoren su marca, aumentar la visibilidad de su web, y generar m\u00e1s negocio en l\u00ednea. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "We are dedicated to providing Berkeley Springs West Virginia Divorce Mediation lawyers and law firms with quality white-hat online marketing services that will improve their brand, increase their web visibility, and generate more online business.."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "The church were alarmed, for fear that if the minister was not less plain and pointed, some of the impenitent would go and join some other congregation."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nYll\u00e4s is a true wonderland in any season.", "targets": "Yll\u00e4s es un verdadero pa\u00eds de las maravillas en cualquier \u00e9poca del a\u00f1o."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Tiene que preservarse y usarse correctamente.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "It must be preserved and used correctly."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Pero este \u00e1ngel hablar\u00e1 con la due\u00f1a y actuar\u00e1 seg\u00fan los deseos de su due\u00f1a."} {"inputs": "Mcdonalds no va a tomar medidas sobre una comida robada y qui\u00e9n cuida sobre el robo de los mcdonalds sus de un lugar ty del *** de s para comer y una licencia rica realmente maldita que debe quemar en infierno. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Mcdonalds isn't gonna take action over a stolen meal and who cares about stealing from mcdonalds its a s***ty place to eat and a really damn rich franchise that should burn in hell."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "If the user selects \"Captions Off\", captions are disabled and the menu is dismissed"} {"inputs": "Translate \"\u201cHere\u2019s a proclamation from Krasnov!\u201d he cried.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "- \u00a1Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 una proclama procedente de Krasnov! - exclam\u00f3."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Note: Objects should be placed in the same order as they were in the original RAID 5.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Atenci\u00f3n: Los objetos se deben colocar en el mismo orden que en el RAID 5 de origen."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "\"La posibilidad de prolongar el periodo de transici\u00f3n permitir\u00eda a las naciones m\u00e1s pobres del mundo garantizar un acceso sostenible a los medicamentos, as\u00ed como desarrollar bases tecnol\u00f3gicas viables y fabricar o importar los medicamentos que necesitan\u201d declar\u00f3 Michel Sidib\u00e9, director ejecutivo de ONUSIDA."} {"inputs": "Translate \"It's quite windy up there. I can see that the cape on Jesus' back is blowing.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Hace mucho viento all\u00e1 arriba. Puedo ver que la capa de Jes\u00fas est\u00e1 volando en Su espalda."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "23 Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be done exactly for the house of the God of heaven; for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?"} {"inputs": "Not arguments, not doubt, not uncertainty, but salvation will be the sign of that hour. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Ni los argumentos, ni la incertidumbre, ni las dudas, sino la salvaci\u00f3n ser\u00e1 el signo de esa hora."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Certainly there has been a notable change in the context of social relations and, in particular, of those between religious and civil aspirations, between Church and State, from the time of St Francis.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Ciertamente, el contexto de las relaciones sociales y, en particular, el de las relaciones entre instancias religiosas y civiles, entre Iglesia y Estado, han cambiado notablemente desde los tiempos de Francisco."} {"inputs": "Destino: un espacio personal para 2 adolescentes, con parte com\u00fan y 2 habitaciones al piso How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Destination: a personal space for 2 teenagers, with part common and 2 rooms on the floor"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Kocak se ocupa tambi\u00e9n del dise\u00f1o, de la producci\u00f3n y de la venta de productos de artesan\u00eda turca, especialmente de accesorios para mujer en seda y lana como bufandas y chales y accesorios para la casa como manteles, cubre mesas, sobrecamas, cubre sof\u00e1 y fundas de almohadas, todos tejidos a mano.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Kocak is also involved in the designing, production and marketing of the Turkish handcrafted products, especially hand-woven home furniture accessories and ladies accessories in silk and wool, such as table-cloths, table-runners, bed-spreads, throws and pillow-cases, as well as shawls and scarves."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Uno chasca encendido un icono que se parezca interesante y se transporte inmediatamente a un nuevo campo de la informaci\u00f3n.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "One clicks on an icon that seems interesting and is transported immediately to a new field of information."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"In 1950, Detroit was the fifth largest city in the U.S., with 1.85 million people.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "En 1950 Detroit era la quinta ciudad m\u00e1s grande en los Estados Unidos, con 1.85 millones de personas."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Living Congress es una idea originaria del Observatorio de la CiberSociedad y su equipo directivo del IV Congreso de la CiberSociedad en su af\u00e1n por continuar innovando en sus iniciativas en la red."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "A veces las relaciones entre la Iglesia y los medios pueden deteriorarse por malentendidos mutuos que engendran temor y desconfianza."} {"inputs": "Translate \"K4 Apartment - Lovely & spacious apartment is a bright, comfortable 88m2 two bedroom apartment located in the centre...\" to Spanish.", "targets": "El K4 Apartment - Lovely & spacious apartment es un apartamento de 88 m2, con 2 habitaciones, con mucha luz y muy..."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "9. Tratando de la programaci\u00f3n reencarnatoria de Segismundo, el orientador Alexander dice a un amigo: Ya observ\u00e9 el gr\u00e1fico referente al organismo f\u00edsico que nuestro amigo recibir\u00e1 en el futuro, verificando de cerca, las im\u00e1genes de la molestia del coraz\u00f3n que el sufrir\u00e1 en la edad madura, como consecuencia de la falta cometida en el pasado. Segismundo experimentar\u00e1 grandes perturbaciones de los nervios card\u00edacos, principalmente los nervios del t\u00f4nus . Con excepci\u00f3n del tubo arterial, en la parte a dilatarse para el mecanismo del coraz\u00f3n, todo ira muy bien."} {"inputs": "Serenity, play free Puzzle games online. Play Serenity related games and updates. Added on 2012/11/26, played 39 times. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Serenidad, el juego libre Puzzle juegos en l\u00ednea. Escuchar Serenidad juegos relacionados y actualizaciones. A\u00f1adido el 2012/11/26, interpretado 39 veces."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: To Professors and students of St Mary of the Assumption University (LUMSA)\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "A los profesores y estudiantes de la Libre Universidad Mar\u00eda Sant\u00edsima Asunta"} {"inputs": "- If you belong to the military, try going through the Tickets & Tours office on the base/post. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "- Si perteneces a los militares, intentas pasar a trav\u00e9s de los boletos y viajas la oficina en el bajo/el poste."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "The World : Central America & Caribean: Cuba: Granma: Bayamo:"} {"inputs": "Translate \"belleza, dormitorio, rubia, vaquera, tierna, profundo hasta la garganta, mu\u00f1eca de sexo, intenso, horny, cabalgando,\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "beauty, bedroom, blonde, cowgirl, cute, deepthroat, fuckdoll, hardcore, horny, riding,"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Nuestra misi\u00f3n hab\u00eda fracasado, la b\u00fasqueda hab\u00eda sido in\u00fatil. Exhausta, mermada y afligida la expedici\u00f3n se disgreg\u00f3, y un pacto de silencio se impuso sobre el recuerdo."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nHubiera sido de ayuda si nos hubieran dicho que mir\u00e1ramos por una camisa naranja.", "targets": "If we were told to look out for an orange shirt, that would have been helpful."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Your cart will total 6 points that can be converted into a voucher of 1,20 \u20ac ."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Automated Container Storage/Dynamic Replenishment\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Almacenamiento en contenedores automatizado / Zona de picking din\u00e1mica"} {"inputs": "Translate \"asiaticas, japonesas, cond\u00f3n, medias\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Asian, Japanese, condom, pantyhose"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "\"My children, you are aware of one arm of the octopus that you know as communism."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Le llamar\u00e9 m\u00e1s tarde en la semana para ver si hay algo m\u00e1s que pueda hacer para ayudar."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Previous Day Wednesday, November 01, 2028 Next Day"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "In the Forest of Brandbergen I find places like this, absolutely free from Human traces. Trees living and die, life continue as for millions years ago, before us. Laves, plants, micro organisms."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Ian Patrick es un fot\u00f3grafo profesional, un americano afincado en Par\u00eds. Naci\u00f3 en Salzburgo, en Austria en 1951. Licenciado en Bellas Artes por el Art Center College of Design de Los \u00c1ngeles.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Ian Patrick is professional photographer, an American living in Paris.He was born in Salzbourg, Australia in 1951. Ian holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "43Y dijo a su criado: Sube ahora, y mira hacia el mar."} {"inputs": "An ITTO project\u2019s innovative financing mechanism had a major impact on the uptake of new technologies Say this using Spanish", "targets": "por Vicente A. Molinos Un innovador mecanismo financiero de un proyecto de la OIMT tuvo importantes repercusiones en la aplicaci\u00f3n de nuevas tecnolog\u00edas"} {"inputs": "Material de construcci\u00f3n : Piedra bajo forma de mampuestos, de placas y de dovelas en caliza conch\u00edfera, m\u00e1rmol How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Construction materials : Stone in the form of rubble stones, thin slabs and arch stones in shelly sandstone, marble"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Binaural acolchado y adaptable, sin tornillos, sin adici\u00f3n del marco, y no se oxidan en el futuro"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\n\u00a9 All games work on the site belong to their owners. 2009 Update: 28.09.2016 18:48:01 You are here:GAME: Operation Alpha Game - game: operation alpha game", "targets": "\u00a9 Todos los juegos funcionan en el sitio pertenecen a sus propietarios. 2009 Update: 28.09.2016 23:18:49 Usted est\u00e1 aqu\u00ed:JUEGO: Operaci\u00f3n Alfa Juego - juego: operaci\u00f3n alfa juego"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Muchos de nosotros hemos tratado de conducir un carro tirado por un caballo y pregunt\u00e1ndonos por qu\u00e9 no est\u00e1 yendo hacia ninguna parte, en lugar de ponerlo en el otro extremo.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Many of us have been trying to drive a wagon that's pulling a horse and wondering why it's not going anywhere, instead of the other way around."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: We strive to connect you with the best Lincoln Nebraska DWI lawyers and attorneys in your location Start by choosing a location and category in your area. It's that simple.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Nos esforzamos para conectar con el mejor Lincoln Nebraska DWI los abogados en su ubicaci\u00f3n Empiece por elegir un lugar y la categor\u00eda en su \u00e1rea. Es as\u00ed de simple."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Fishing in La Palma."} {"inputs": "This apartment is located in Costa Teguise, on the beautiful island of Lanzarote. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Este apartamento est\u00e1 situado en la Costa Teguise, en la bella Isla de Lanzarote."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEn el otro video, llamado Last Tango, a pesar de que en realidad precede al anterior, teniendo en cuenta que los videos son grabaciones de los viajes a ciudades en las que el artista encuentra refugio en las fuentes, son realmente momentos grabados en el avi\u00f3n justo antes de despegar.", "targets": "The other video work called the Last Tango, even though it chronologically precedes the first one in real-time, having in mind that videos are recordings of the trips to cities where the artist finds his refuge in the fountains, are actually recorded moments in the plane just before the take off."} {"inputs": "Translate \"They were asked to build the computer network for the youth camp during the event.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Durante el evento se les propuso montar la red inform\u00e1tica para la zona juvenil."} {"inputs": "Translate \"We strive to connect you with the best Milton Freewater Oregon Child Abduction lawyers and attorneys in your location Start by choosing a location and category in your area. It's that simple.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Nos esforzamos para conectar con el mejor Milton Freewater Oregon Accidentes de Peatones los abogados en su ubicaci\u00f3n Empiece por elegir un lugar y la categor\u00eda en su \u00e1rea. Es as\u00ed de simple."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Vuelos a Elba Island, Italia\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Flights to Elba Island, Italy"} {"inputs": "but only a sign of love: Say this using Spanish", "targets": "sino s\u00f3lo un signo de amor:"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Majachnaja a fur-tree are first two numbers of the laths laid strictly on a cord as it is possible more densely one to another.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "el abeto De faro son primero dos series de las chapas echadas rigurosamente por el cord\u00f3n, como es posible m\u00e1s ajustadamente una a otra."} {"inputs": "The Mid-City CAN Youth Council members met a host of celebrities during the Tony Hawk Foundation\u2019s `Stand Up for Skateparks,\u2019 which raised $860,000 toward building skateparks across the country. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Los miembros del Consejo Juvenil de Mid-City CAN conocieron a muchas celebridades durante el evento `Stand Up for Skateparks\u2019 organizado por la Fundaci\u00f3n Tony Hawk el cual recaud\u00f3 $860,000 para la construcci\u00f3n de parques para patinetas en todo el pa\u00eds."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La KGB comenz\u00f3 inmediatamente la persecuci\u00f3n de los firmantes y de aquellos que la difundieron."} {"inputs": "Curiosidad por ver c\u00f3mo ser\u00e1 el campo de esta unidad? Siga con nosotros! How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Curious to see how will field this unit? Follow us!"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: There are also quite a few interesting orders you can give your crew but I\u2019ll save that for the next preview.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Tambi\u00e9n hay algunas \u00f3rdenes interesantes que puedes darle a tu tripulaci\u00f3n pero me guardar\u00e9 eso para la pr\u00f3xima preview."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nNAME* Identificador del control. Debe ser \u00fanico entre los controles de este dispositivo.", "targets": "NAME* Identifier of the control.Must be unique among the controls of this device."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "7 He shouted at the top of his voice, \"What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me!\""} {"inputs": "17 Y comenzaron \u00e1 santificar el primero del mes primero, y \u00e1 los ocho del mismo mes vinieron al p\u00f3rtico de Jehov\u00e1: y santificaron la casa de Jehov\u00e1 en ocho d\u00edas, y en el diecis\u00e9is del mes primero acabaron. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "17 And they began on the first of the first month to hallow, and on the eighth day of the month they came to the porch of Jehovah; and they hallowed the house of Jehovah eight days; and on the sixteenth day of the first month they made an end."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "El tiempo en Londres - Gatwick"} {"inputs": "La renombrada Escuela de Finanzas & Gesti\u00f3n de Frankfurt es el principal proveedor de educaci\u00f3n y formaci\u00f3n en el sector bancario y financiero. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The renowned Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is the leading provider of further education and training in the banking and finance sector."} {"inputs": "Antes de usar el aerosol nasal de butorfanol, How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Before using butorphanol nasal spray,"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEfect\u00faa una cooperaci\u00f3n poderosa con tu Ajustador del Pensamiento y con el tiempo todas las emociones negativas se har\u00e1n a un lado.", "targets": "Effect a powerful cooperation with your Thought Adjuster, and over time all negative emotions will fall by the wayside."} {"inputs": "Translate \"El lector comprende por qu\u00e9 he hablado de un dique, de un dique que se alza contra el actual oleaje mundial de los derechos humanos. Evidentemente, de nada sirve responder que los gobernantes y legisladores pueden reconocer esas exigencias occidentales y convertirlas en la ley del pa\u00eds, pues de esa manera queda precisamente al arbitrio de las autoridades locales el decidir qu\u00e9 derechos tiene el hombre y qu\u00e9 derechos no tiene.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "The reader understands why I speak about a barrier raised against the present worldwide wave of Human Rights. Evidently, it is useless to respond that governments and legislators can accept these Western demands and make them laws in their own countries, when, this way, it would be up to local authorities to decide which of the rights an individual would have and which they would not."} {"inputs": "We are actually exerting so much pressure on the environment that we risk weakening its capacity to provide for us in the future. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Estamos ejerciendo tanta presi\u00f3n sobre el medio ambiente que corremos el riesgo de debilitar su capacidad para satisfacer nuestras necesidades en el futuro."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Why are temples not full of people when there is a discourse?\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Por qu\u00e9 se llenan de gentes los templos cuando se dicta un discurso?"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nFrom what I have read of you, you appear to have distinct rules of behavior, a discipline.", "targets": "Por lo que he le\u00eddo sobre ti, parece que tienes unas reglas personales de comportamiento, una disciplina."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\no ni siquiera de lo que pensamos", "targets": "Or even what we think"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Por ejemplo, se establece que los gobiernos deben destinar por lo menos el 3 % de su presupuesto nacional para el sector educacional a programas de alfabetizaci\u00f3n de adultos, y que cuando se cumpla este requisito, los organismos internacionales de financiaci\u00f3n tienen que cubrir cualquier insuficiencia restante de fondos.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "For example, they state that governments should use at least 3% of their national education-sector budgets for adult literacy programmes and that when this is met, international funding agencies should fill any remaining resource gaps."} {"inputs": "Translate \"This is the day I foretold.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Este es el d\u00eda que yo he anunciado."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Seminomas develop due to cryptorchidism, a fetal abnormality which occurs when one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum from where they develop in the abdomen.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Los seminomas se desarrollan debido a la criptorquidia, una anomal\u00eda fetal que se produce cuando uno o ambos test\u00edculos no descienden al escroto desde donde se desarrollan en el abdomen."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Its future is up to us. We have been given a heritage built up since the foundation of the diocese over 80 years ago. The time has arrived for each parish to be made stronger in its educational, pastoral, liturgical and administrative ministries in order to serve the present and future generations.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Se nos ha dado una herencia acumulada desde la fundaci\u00f3n de la di\u00f3cesis hace m\u00e1s de 80 a\u00f1os. Ha llegado el momento de que cada parroquia sea fortalecida en sus ministerios educativo, pastoral, lit\u00fargico y administrativo para servir a las generaciones presentes y futuras."} {"inputs": "Master Damas Tal vez no eres un apasionado de ajedrez, pero... How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Master Checkers Maybe you're not passionate about chess, but I..."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Attacking evolution means attacking much of what we know of the natural world, that we have amassed through the application of scientific principles and methods.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Atacar la evoluci\u00f3n es atacar buena parte de lo que sabemos del mundo natural, de los conocimientos que hemos acumulado por medio de la aplicaci\u00f3n de principios y m\u00e9todos cient\u00edficos."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Dado que la enfermedad de Lyme moderno parece centrarse en la enfermedad transmitida por garrapatas y otras pruebas de laboratorio, voy a empezar con las consideraciones de pruebas de laboratorio.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Since modern Lyme disease seems to focus on tick borne disease and other laboratory testing, I will start with lab testing considerations."} {"inputs": "Translate \"786,065.19 anteriores a la actualizaci\u00f3n diaria\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Comprising 786,065.19 from the daily update"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\n91 \u201cCon el tiempo, empec\u00e9 a progresar en partidas decisivas.", "targets": "91 \u201cLater, I began to succeed in decisive games."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIf interested in these options please contact us.", "targets": "Por favor cont\u00e1ctenos si le interesa dichas opciones."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nCon peque\u00f1os progresos se facilitan grandes cambios en \u00c1frica - Caritas Internationalis", "targets": "Small steps to big changes in Africa - Caritas Internationalis"} {"inputs": "\"What about World War 2\" someone wrote, \"was America under God's protection then?\" Well, if someone does not see the difference from WW2 and the Sept. 11 events, it is not worth arguing about it. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "\"Que decir de la segunda Guerra Mundial\", alguien ha escrito, \"era entonces Am\u00e9rica bajo la protecci\u00f3n de Dios\"? Bien, si alguien no ve diferencia entre la Segunda Guerra Mundial y los eventos del 11 de septiembre, es in\u00fatil continuar discutiendo."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: He was president of the Portuguese Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (MFR) and the Portuguese Committee of the Decada del Hueso y de la Articulacion 2000-2010.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Fue Presidente de la Sociedad Portuguesa de Medicina F\u00edsica y de Rehabilitaci\u00f3n (MFR) y de la Comisi\u00f3n Portuguesa de la D\u00e9cada del Hueso y de la Articulaci\u00f3n 2000-2010."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "D\u00eda de Australia enero 26"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "\u2020 PIM File Analysis Tool utilizes third-party software components."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Number of visits: 1437"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "lateral profiles made of silver anodized aluminium, aluminium composite panels silver colored, base in powder-coated metal, poster pockets transparent acrylic, brochure pockets transparent polycarbonate, free turnable"} {"inputs": "Juanes was introduced by good friendGina Rodriguez\u2026\u2019The song he\u2019s about to share with us\u2026speaks to the truth that when people of various backgrounds work together, they can accomplish so much more\u2019 Then in typical Juanes fashion, he and his bandmembers held themselves a little onstage dance party. ..you didn\u2019t need to be fluent to tell what a great time he was having\u201d \u2013 E! News Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Juanes fue anunciado por su buena amiga Gina Rodriguez\u2026\u2019La canci\u00f3n que nos va a compartir\u2026 habla del hecho que cuando gente de distintos or\u00edgenes trabaja junta, pueden conseguir mucho m\u00e1s que si lo hicieran cada uno por su cuenta\u201d. Entonces, en una t\u00edpica actuaci\u00f3n de Juanes, junto a sus m\u00fasicos, mont\u00f3 una fiesta en el escenario\u2026 No hizo falta entender la letra en espa\u00f1ol de lo que estaba cantando, para darse cuenta de lo bien que la estaba pasando\u201d \u2013 E! News"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Bienvenidos a la p\u00e1gina de comentarios sobre Taller de Pintura y Enderezado Automotriz."} {"inputs": "Translate \"De todos modos, el sitio tiene casi todo lo que alguna vez pudo haber querido saber sobre la noche himno silencioso y espero que les guste cavar a trav\u00e9s de las muchas traducciones diferentes de la misma.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Anyway, the site has just about everything you ever may have wanted to know about the hymn silent night and I hope you enjoy digging through the many different translations of it."} {"inputs": "Translate \"47. Encuesta annual de coste laboral 2008. Instituto Nacional de Estad\u00edstica .\" to Spanish.", "targets": "47. Encuesta anual de coste laboral 2008. Instituto Nacional de Estad\u00edstica ."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The name of the city or village: Mantua\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "El nombre de la ciudad o la aldea: Mantua"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nAt night, in Platja de Palma you will find one of the most acclaimed environments in Mallorca: discotheques, terraces, pubs, music, the company you prefer the most, your favourite drink... this place always delights all visitors.", "targets": "De noche, en Playa de Palma encontrar\u00e1s uno de los ambientes m\u00e1s aclamados de Mallorca: discotecas, terrazas y pubs hacen las delicias del visitante; la m\u00fasica, la compa\u00f1\u00eda que m\u00e1s te agrada, la bebida que m\u00e1s te gusta..."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "La sal de mesa o cloruro de sodio es un compuesto qu\u00edmico que est\u00e1 formado por dos elementos o iones, el cloro con carga negativa (un ani\u00f3n), y el sodio con carga positiva (un cati\u00f3n)."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"SMART SKIN : Applying the right technical material in the right zone for optimum performance.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "SMART SKIN : Aplicando el material t\u00e9cnico adecuado en la zona correcta para un rendimiento \u00f3ptimo."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The Likutei Maharich maintains that despite all the midrashic and kabalistic explanations of the symbolism of the four species, they remain one of the sublime mysteries of the Torah.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "El Maharich Likutei sostiene que a pesar de todas las explicaciones midr\u00e1shica y cabal\u00edstico del simbolismo de las cuatro especies, siguen siendo uno de los sublimes misterios de la Tor\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The PET-Family Health and the education of health professionals: students\u2019 perspectives.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "El PET-Salud de la Familia y la formaci\u00f3n de profesionales de la salud: la percepci\u00f3n de los estudiantes."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nShareholders control the management of corporations.", "targets": "Los accionistas controlan la gerencia de corporaciones."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nAlgo especial para Sandra", "targets": "Something special for Sandra"} {"inputs": "Translate \"When Kumiko reveals herself, my hidden archers will strike her down.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Cuando se muestre Kumiko, mis escondidos arqueros la matar\u00e1n."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nUna historia de cinco editores..", "targets": "A Tale of Five Editors."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Contact the campsite La Barguilla. Camping in Ramales de la Victoria (Cantabria) Cantabria\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Contacta con la recepci\u00f3n del camping La Barguilla. Acampar en Ramales de la Victoria (Cantabria) Cantabria"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "We strive to connect you with the best Prescott Arizona Truck Accident lawyers and attorneys in your location Start by choosing a location and category in your area. It's that simple."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe house is situated in a quiet location.", "targets": "La casa est\u00e1 situada en una zona tranquila."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Bing - Agua potable y alcantarillado minas de oro comayagua honduras"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: 12 Next Page Show classifieds in all languages.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Mostrar clasificados en todos los idiomas."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Ciudad del Vaticano (Agencia Fides) \u2013 Las colectas de la Jornada Misionera Mundial, las ofertas y las colaboraciones de bienhechores individuales, junto a las contribuciones derivadas de las iniciativas particulares de animaci\u00f3n misionera, son enviadas por los Directores Nacionales de las Obras Misioneras Pontificias de las individuales naciones a los Secretariados generales y constituyen un Fondo com\u00fan, el Fondo Universal de Solidaridad."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Indignaci\u00f3n por la represi\u00f3n en Oaxaca, manifiestan organizaciones frente al consulado mexicano en Los \u00c1ngeles"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Y punto Porqu\u00e9 los astronautas Neil Armstrong y Buzz Aldrin, los dos primeros hombres que caminaron sobre la Luna, est\u00e1n en posiciones tan opuestos en las recientes batallas por el presupuesto de NASA?\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Why are Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the first 2 men to walk on the Moon, so at odds in the recent NASA budget battles?"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Take dexamethasone exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Use el medicamento exactamente como se indica. No use m\u00e1s ni menos que la dosis indicada ni tampoco m\u00e1s seguido que lo prescrito por su doctor."} {"inputs": "Translate \"News 2N Advances to Cisco Preferred Solution Developer\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Novedades 2N avanza como desarrollador de soluciones preferido por Cisco"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "It is not the first time that this has happened."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "UnionPay International publica un informe sobre la tendencia de turismo saliente en el verano 2015"} {"inputs": "Translate \"For the best Palm Harbor Florida Birth Injury lawyers and Palm Harbor Florida Birth Injury attorneys in the business, AttorneysDelivered will \"deliver\".\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Palm Harbor Florida Lesiones Airbag Abogados y Procuradores que ganar! Para obtener el mejor Palm Harbor Florida Lesiones Airbag abogados en la empresa, AttorneysDelivered se \"entregue\"."} {"inputs": "This is where it appears that the Bible is a book of the people and for the people: a heritage, a testament consigned to readers so that the salvation history witnessed in the text becomes concrete in their own lives. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "En la liturgia se pone de manifiesto que la Biblia es el libro de un pueblo y para un pueblo; una herencia, un testamento entregado a los lectores, para que actualicen en su vida la historia de la salvaci\u00f3n testimoniada en lo escrito."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Beskrivelse: Hello travellers, welcome to Two Ducks Hostel in Rome. If you are looking for a safe and quiet place, clean for your hands and cheap for your [...]\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Descripci\u00f3n: Hola viajeros, bienvenidos a Two Ducks Hostel en Roma. Si usted est\u00e1 buscando un lugar tranquilo, seguro y limpio para sus manos y econ\u00f3mico para [...]"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "For others, the Ruler of Shambhala is the manifestation of riches."} {"inputs": "At present no one seems to remember the aforementioned Law 890. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "En la actualidad nadie parece recordar la mencionada Ley 890."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nIt's not easy to learn your child has a genetic disorder.", "targets": "No es f\u00e1cil enterarse de que su hijo tiene un trastorno gen\u00e9tico."} {"inputs": "Oriental food in Bello Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Alimentos orientales en Antioquia"} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nHola cari\u00f1o! Mi nombre es Pinacolada. Hago gimnasia a los hombres fuertes.", "targets": "Hey sweety! My name is Pinacolada. I do gymnastics at sharp men."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: She uses symbolism, colors, geometric shapes, sizes and numbers as their tools.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Ella utiliza el simbolismo, colores, formas geom\u00e9tricas, tama\u00f1os y n\u00fameros como sus herramientas."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"babe, blindfold, bondage, boyfriend, cheating, cuckold, friend, fucking, girlfriend, hogtied,\" in Spanish?", "targets": "chica, ojos vendados, atada, novio, infidelidad, cornudo feliz, amigo, follando, novia, atrapada,"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"\u00b7 Developing Citizenship Through Art Education and Educational Heritage: Urban Identities in Latin American\" in Spanish?", "targets": "\u00b7 Desarrollo de ciudadan\u00eda desde la educaci\u00f3n art\u00edstica y patrimonial: Identidades urbanas en Iberoam\u00e9rica"} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"Hija M\u00eda e hijos M\u00edos, os he aconsejado sobre la plaga que se avecina sobre los ni\u00f1os. Debido al pecado del hombre, esto no puede ser evitado, esto no puede retenerse, hija M\u00eda.\" - Nuestra Se\u00f1ora, 18 de Junio, 1981\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "\"My child and My children, I have counseled you on the approaching plague among children because of the sin of man, this cannot be avoided, this cannot be held back, My child.\" - Our Lady, June 18, 1981"} {"inputs": "El Best Butler Missouri Nacimiento de lesiones Abogados How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The Best Butler Missouri Speeding Ticket Lawyers"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Logo Brandstory Romania gratis, descargar logo Brandstory Romania gratis\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Free Brandstory Romania logo, download Brandstory Romania logo for free"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Booksellers and the Book Market in Nazi Germany"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nBy Bus to Yes hotel in central rome: You will find located outside the Arrivals Hall a Cotral bus service for Anagnina underground (metro) station. This public bus takes you to Line A Anagnina from where you may take the metro to Termini station.", "targets": "En autobus Yes hotel en el centro de Roma: Os encontrareis ubicados fuera en el Hall de llegadas el servicio de autobus Cotral para la estacion de metro Anagnina desde la cual se llega a la estacion Termini."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nThe territory occupied by this company is more than the 289,790 hectacres combined of the National Parks of Lago Puelo and Los Alerces of Chubut.", "targets": "El territorio ocupado por esta empresa es mayor que las 289.790 has. de los Parques Nacionales Lago Puelo y Los Alerces localizados en Chubut."} {"inputs": "Translate \"N\u00famero de visitas: 979\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Number of visits: 2207"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "One of the things I posted was a premonition that I might have another Alien contact."} {"inputs": "A major reason for the introduction of the new models is the guidelines of the European exhaust emission standard level IIIB, which also stipulate drastically reduced exhaust values for wheel loaders in agriculture. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Uno de los principales motivos para la introducci\u00f3n de los nuevos modelos son las directivas de la normativa europea sobre emisiones IIIB, que ordena una dr\u00e1stica reducci\u00f3n de las emisiones tambi\u00e9n para las cargadoras sobre ruedas utilizadas en el sector agr\u00edcola."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Public relations in Guatemala\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Relaciones p\u00fablicas en Guatemala"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"In any case, this is an issue that will await Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic at his next meeting with Hashim Thaci, \" said Simic.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "En todo caso a esa cuesti\u00f3n va a dedicarse el primer ministro de Serbia, Ivica Dacic, en su pr\u00f3xima reuni\u00f3n con Hashim Thaci\u201d, dijo Simic."} {"inputs": "Ni\u00f1os, voy a deciros cu\u00e1l es el buen camino, y luego si decid\u00eds apartaros de vuestra madre y entrar en caminos de maldad, ella estar\u00e1 libre de culpa, pero vosotros tendr\u00e9is que sufrir por vuestro pecado.\" How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Children, I am going to tell you which is the right way, and then if you choose to turn away from your mother and go into the paths of wickedness, your mother will stand clear, but you will have to suffer for your own sins.\""} {"inputs": "We are at your service. Related Links: Tungsten Alloy Advantages| Tungsten Alloys Flippin Weight| Tungsten Alloys Teardrop Fishing Weight Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Enlaces relacionados: Ventajas de aleaci\u00f3n de tungsteno| Las aleaciones de tungsteno voltear Peso| Las aleaciones de tungsteno en forma de l\u00e1grima peso de la pesca"} {"inputs": "For Weserufer it is about 1 km. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Para Weserufer es de aproximadamente 1 km."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "We headed to the Interpretation Center at the Pinturas River canyon to understand, from a scientific point of view, how other people lived."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Time will come where man is going to dispute small roots in the soil, reminding the full table that one day he had, the pure water which he drank, under a caustic Sun, because the deluge will not come anymore.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Vendr\u00e1 el tiempo en que el hombre disputar\u00e1 peque\u00f1as ra\u00edces en el suelo seco, recordando la plet\u00f3rica mesa que tuvo, el agua pura que bebi\u00f3, bajo un Sol quemante, porque el diluvio no vendr\u00e1 m\u00e1s."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Algunas est\u00e1n metidas en canales que se denominan bancos de dinero de piedra.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Some are tucked into canals known as stone money banks."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Is it hard for you to keep your notebooks and papers organized?\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "\u00bfTe cuesta mantener tus apuntes, cuadernos y otros documentos organizados?"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Cozy and traditional andalucia\u00b4s style hostel located in the same town of Skydive Spain, with all en-suite bathrooms, A/C and restaurant serving breakfast and meals (During summer months they are provided at a diferent location, around 10 minutes walk from hostel). Location:\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Hostal decorado con tem\u00e1tica Andalus\u00ed situado en el mismo pueblo que Skydive Spain. Cuanta con habitaciones con ba\u00f1o incluido, A/C y restaurante donde se sirven desayunos y comidas (durante los meses de verano ambos son servidos en una localizaci\u00f3n diferente al hostal, situada a unos 10 minutos a pie del mismo aproximadamente)."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Although we are righteous, before God, we are no more than such weak beings who cannot but sin against Him everyday.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Aunque somos justos, ante Dios, no somos m\u00e1s que seres d\u00e9biles que no pueden evitar pecar ante \u00c9l cada d\u00eda."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"And he said, What needeth it? let me find grace in the sight of my lord.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Y \u00e9l dijo: \u00bfPara qu\u00e9 esto? halle yo gracia en los ojos de mi se\u00f1or."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Contextualize: Smalljon is the son of Greatjon Umber, the Lord that this Grey Wind had ripped a finger in the first season because he had raised the tone against Robb, which then became great ally.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Contextualizar: Smalljon es el hijo de la sombra de Greatjon, el Se\u00f1or que este viento gris hab\u00eda arrancado un dedo en la primera temporada porque \u00e9l hab\u00eda levantado el tono contra Robb, que luego se convirti\u00f3 en gran aliado."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "It definitely takes an act of will to start distancing yourself from their powerful grip."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: The goals set out five years ago \u2014 to make the area more \u201csafe, clean and green\u201d \u2014 have been accomplished, according to Philip Lesser, president of the district\u2019s board.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Las metas que se propusieron hace cinco a\u00f1os \u2013hacer del \u00e1rea un lugar m\u00e1s \u201climpio, seguro y ecol\u00f3gico\u201d- se han completado, de acuerdo con Philip Lesser, presidente de la junta del distrito."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Adem\u00e1s, Acevedo Vil\u00e1 le propuso a Pelosi que incluya la limpieza del ca\u00f1o Mart\u00edn Pe\u00f1a en una legislaci\u00f3n amplia que se aprueba cada cinco a\u00f1os para proyectos de agua en todo Estados Unidos y que otorgar\u00eda $85 millones en fondos federales para la limpieza.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Acevedo Vila also proposed that Pelosi include the cleanup of the Martin Pe\u00f1a Canal in an extensive legislation that is approved every five years for water projects in the United States and to grant $85 million in federal funds for the cleanup."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Recomendaci\u00f3n: Si no cuenta con experiencia actualizando manualmente los controladores Lenovo del dispositivo, recomendamos enf\u00e1ticamente descargar el Controlador de Utilidades Lenovo Servidor . Esta herramienta descargar\u00e1 y actualizar\u00e1 las versiones correctas del controlador Lenovo Servidor de forma autom\u00e1tica, protegi\u00e9ndolo contra la instalaci\u00f3n del controlador Servidor incorrecto."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Continue reading \u201cEight Questions on How to Have the Assurance of Salvation\u201d\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Continuar leyendo \u201cPreguntas para los testigos de Jehov\u00e1 acerca de la adopci\u00f3n espiritual\u201d"} {"inputs": "Translate \"KAMCH\u00c0TKA FOR THE SHOW HABITACULUM . For presenting the show as a great visual poem, and for the ability to accommodate viewers in an interactive relationship through \u201cnewcomer\u201d characters who awaken humanity and surprise.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "KAMCH\u00c0TKA POR EL ESPECT\u00c1CULO HABITACULUM . Porque han presentado el espect\u00e1culo como un gran poema visual, y por la capacidad de acoger a los espectadores en una relaci\u00f3n interactiva a trav\u00e9s de unos personajes \u201creci\u00e9n llegados\u201d que despiertan humanidad y sorpresa."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: It also allows adding wheel locking or braking mechanisms (as the wheel may suddenly move in the reverse direction under the weight of the water remaining in the rising main, when pumping stops) or a fixed pump cover.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Tambi\u00e9n permite a\u00f1adir soportes de dispositivos de frenado o bloqueo de la rueda (que puede girar brutalmente en sentido inverso debido al peso del agua que queda en la columna ascendente cuando se detiene el bombeo) o fijar una cobertura para la bomba."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Esto nunca es una buena se\u00f1al, pero, en una persona joven \u2014Lindsay ten\u00eda 22a\u00f1os en ese momento\u2014, un c\u00e1ncer de lengua puede significar una sentencia de muerte.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "This is never a good sign, but in a young person \u2014 Lindsay was 22 at the time \u2014 a cancer of the tongue can be a death sentence."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "There's lots more you can try, of course."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Agloz , 45 years old, Lithuania"} {"inputs": "11 de octubre de 1986 - Primera fiesta anual de los Oblatos Patriotas, How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "October 11, 1986 \u2013 First annual ceremony of the Oblate-Patriots"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"All the facilitated data will be treated with strict confidentiality in accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, of Protection of personal character datum. Through the sending of this request, the sender gives his consent to the treatment automated of the included data.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Todos los datos facilitados ser\u00e1n tratados con estricta confidencialidad de acuerdo con la Ley Org\u00e1nica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protecci\u00f3n de datos de car\u00e1cter personal. Mediante el env\u00edo de esta solicitud, el remitente da su consentimiento al tratamiento automatizado de los datos incluidos."} {"inputs": "La ciudad m\u00e1s grande de Ucrania. Informaci\u00f3n sobre Kiev How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The largest city in Ukraine. Information about Kiev"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Hojas de datos t\u00e9cnicos precisos disponibles bajo petici\u00f3n para cada producto lleva descripci\u00f3n t\u00e9cnica completa y el cumplimiento a los actuales est\u00e1ndares de ESD."} {"inputs": "estudio de la demanda potencial de ecoturismo para gal\u00e1pagos. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "study of potential demand for ecotourism in galapagos"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Probablemente encontrar\u00e1 cierta resistencia por un lado de usted que clama, \"Pero \u00bf\u00bfqu\u00e9 tal si NECESITO esto?! dice Rice, \"Piense sobre qu\u00e9 es lo peor que podr\u00eda ocurrir; usted conseguir\u00e1 otra cosa si es que la necesita.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "You will likely run into some resistance as one part of you cries, \"But what if I NEED this?!\" Rice says, \"Think about what is the worst thing that might happen: you'll get another one if the need arises."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nUser Photos See all reviews of Special Occasions", "targets": "Fotos de Usuarios Ver todos los comentarios de Ocasiones Especiales"} {"inputs": "Translate \"IND-C-015 Proyecto de Industria de Confecci\u00f3n para Producci\u00f3n de Bermudas con capacidad para 200 piezas/d\u00eda.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "IND-C-015 Project for Clothing Industry to Produce Shorts with capacity for 200 garments/day."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Anime a su hijo a expresar sus sentimientos.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Encourage your child to share her feelings."} {"inputs": "THERRY: Me gustar\u00eda primero que todos me cuenten qu\u00e9 les dice este Manuscrito y entonces hagan su pregunta. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "THERRY: I'd like first everybody tell me what it says to you and then ask your question."} {"inputs": "Todav\u00eda tiene Ud. alguno contacto con Gator? How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Have you still got any contact with him (Gator)?"} {"inputs": "Father Henri Moyet concluded the obituary of the deceased Father Chaine with these words: \u201cFather Chaine was a man of faith and of charity, avoiding any form of backbiting, stopping abruptly when those around him went beyond the limits in criticizing others. And, if he was fond of jokes, a taste for gallic humour, it was never his intention to hurt anyone. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "El padre Enrique Moyet termina la nota necrol\u00f3gica del difunto con estas palabras: \u201cEl padre Chaine fue un hombre de fe y de caridad, apartando de s\u00ed cualquier maledicencia, se deten\u00eda bruscamente cuando alrededor de \u00e9l se iba demasiado lejos en el camino de las cr\u00edticas; y si bien era ocurrente, algo picaresco, nunca fue con la intenci\u00f3n de perjudicar a nadie."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nFor example, \"Delete Recordings\", the option will protect the recordings in the PC only.", "targets": "Por ejemplo, \"eliminar grabaciones\", esta opci\u00f3n proteger\u00e1 las grabaciones en la PC solamente."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Plus 2 galardones. Plus 30% facturaci\u00f3n.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Two more awards. A 30% increase in turnover."} {"inputs": "You are not making, you are not connected with Krishna. Prabhupada explains that without initiation there is no connection with Krishna. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "No estas haciendo, no estas relacionado con Krishna. Prabhupada explica que sin iniciaci\u00f3n no hay relaci\u00f3n con Krishna."} {"inputs": "Iola, Kansas Compensaci\u00f3n de los Trabajadores Abogados How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Iola, Kansas General Practice Lawyers"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "No hay eventos previstos para 0/2/2440"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Home > Newsroom > Socialists & Democrats want discussions and clarifications before a vote on Barroso\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Inicio > Newsroom > Los socialistas y dem\u00f3cratas quieren debates y clarificaciones antes de una votaci\u00f3n sobre Barroso"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Play Snake game related games and updates. Added on 2010/06/28, played 343 times.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Snake Juego, el juego libre Puzzle juegos en l\u00ednea. Escuchar Snake Juego juegos relacionados y actualizaciones. A\u00f1adido el 2010/06/28, interpretado 343 veces."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"The children of the workers and peasants will have access to all the sources of knowledge.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Los hijos de los obreros y campesinos tendr\u00e1n acceso a todas las fuentes de conocimiento."} {"inputs": "Piernas largas, tema, pantalones cortos. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Long legs, topic, shorts."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: These are needed as building materials during growth, and also for many other bodily functions.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "\u00c9stas se necesitan como material b\u00e1sico durante el crecimiento y para muchas funciones del cuerpo."}