{"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Phil received a card from Deana. Constantine was happy. Phil has sunglasses, that Deana found in the back above the radio. Deana and Phil don't know who they belong too. Phil will keep the sunglasses.\".", "targets": "Phil: Good evening Deana! Many thanks for this nice card from you. Constantine was very happy!\nPhil: Are these sunglasses also from you?\nDeana: I thought they belonged your Cathreen!\nPhil: Nope. She says they aren't hers.\nDeana: Mine either. Look, maybe you feel like keeping them?\nDeana: I seem to have so many sunglasses...\nDeana: 8\u2011D\nPhil: Where did you find them, possible that they belong to Adrian?\nDeana: In this empty place above the radio. In the very back.\nDeana: If Adrian wants it, no pro!\nDeana: :)\nPhil: :))\nDeana: Exactly!\nPhil: Ok, they don't belong to any of us, and nobody else drove your car. But we can look after these sunglasses.\nDeana: Glad to hear it!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nTony sent a photo of his cat to Amy and Lucas..", "targets": "Tony: \nAmy: Sweet little cat <3\nLucas: Adorable!!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Javier: Hey do you know any tattoo parlors over here with English speaking employees?\nJudie: Oh there's Warsaw ink\nJavier: the name sounds neat... have you had a tattoo done there?\nJudie: nope but my gf has\nJavier: got a pic?\nJudie: \nJavier: wow that looks amazing\nJavier: how much did she pay?\nJudie: it was a 1000\nJavier: fuck\nJavier: let me just get a tatttoo back in colombia then, thx"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Robyn drank too much beer last night and lost control. She is feeling better today.\".", "targets": "Samantha: How are you doing today?\nRobyn: better, but I really exaggerated with bier last night\nSamantha: was it really only bier?\nRobyn: sure, why?\nSamantha: I don't know, your eyes, behaviour\nRobyn: you want to say I took drugs?\nSamantha: I'm only asking, I don't have anything against drugs\nRobyn: but I have and I never take them\nSamantha: ok, sorry, I didn't intend to offend you\nRobyn: I just drank too much, that's eat\nSamantha: much too much\nRobyn: yes, I lost control a bit\nRobyn: I am sorry for that\nSamantha: important that you feel better today"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nTop management of the company where Jacob and Alex work is coming from France next week. Jacob got an invitation to the meeting with them via Outlook. Formal dress code is required. .", "targets": "Jacob: Hey, guess what, top management is coming from France next week.\nAlex: Hey, again? They just announced it?\nJacob: Yeah, we got an invitation via Outlook to the meeting.\nJacob: And mandatory formal dress code required.\nAlex: OMG, I wonder what they're goin to announce this time.\nJacob: The usual, cost savings, lean office, lack of salary reviews...\nJacob: You know how it is, their visits never result in anything positive.\nAlex: That's true, changes for the worse."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nStefano: Hi, Josie!\nJosie: Ciao, Stefano!\nStefano: So, what about Foucault's Pendulum? Do you like it?\nJosie: It's... weird. Was it really written by an Italian guy? It's so... nerdy.\nStefano: Oh well, in a sense Eco was the king of nerds. And, you know, not all Italian books are about pizza, mafia and mandolino. :P\nJosie: Yes, I know... I should try and read one of his novels in the original, but I'm not sure my level of Italian is adequate.\nStefano: The Name of the Rose is really difficult for a foreign speaker of Italian, you know.\nJosie: And what about Foucault's Pendulum?\nStefano: Well, it's set in the 1980s, so the language is definitely more comprehensible. The content, however, is just as complicated as in the other novel.\nJosie: Btw, I read Salman Rushdie's review of Pendulum, published in the 80s.\nStefano: Really? What did he say?\nJosie: He hated it and said that it's not a novel, but rather a computer game.\nStefano: What? Rotfl!\nJosie: That's what Salman said...\nStefano: Oh well, de gustipus non est disputandum...\nJosie: De gustiBus!\nStefano: I know, it was a typo!\nJosie: Disgusting pus!\nStefano: Hahaha.\nJosie: Yuk! That's so creepy.\nStefano: You're the one who said it!\nJosie: I know. ;)\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Josie finds Eco's novel \"Foucault's Pendulum\" nerdy. Josie would like to read Eco in Italian, but she's unsure of her language abilities. Stefano considers Eco's two novels and finds them difficult. Josie has read an unfavorable review of \"Foucault's Pendulum\" by Salman Rushdie."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBen: Where are you?\nEmma: at the rare of the bus\nBen: why?\nEmma: there are some free seats here\nEmma: so I can have a nap even\nBen: good idea\nEmma: when are we going to arrive to NY?\nBen: around 4.30 PM\nEmma: if traffic is not crazy\nBen: right, we will see\nEmma: could you come here and wake me up around 4.15?\nBen: sure\nEmma: thanks!\nBen: sleep well\nEmma: I'll try\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Emma is about to take a nap in the back of the bus to New York. Ben and Emma will be there around 4.30 pm. Ben will wake Emma up 15 minutes prior to their arrival."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nVincent: did you watch parks and rec\nVincent: did you like it?\nAmanda: it was ok :-/\nAmanda: i'm not a big fan of the woman who plays the main character\nAmanda: what's her name\nVincent: amy poehler\nVincent: she's so funny :-)\nVincent: give the show another try\nAmanda: i will\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Amanda will give another try to \"Parks and Rec\"."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJoyce: Check this out!\nJoyce: \nMichael: That's cheap!\nEdson: No way! I'm booking my ticket now!! \n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Edson is booking his ticket now."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Michelle: OMG! OMG! OMG! Got news!\nRachel: C'mon! Spit it out!\nMichelle: You won't believe it!\nRachel: But what?\nMichelle: I can't believe it! So excited! \nRachel: Don't leave me hanging! Tell me.\nMichelle: You remember Monica? \nRachel: Yeah. The ugly one?\nMichelle: That's the one! \nRachel: What about her?\nMichelle: Well, we had an office party two months ago... \nRachel: So?\nMichelle: She got drunk and became really friendly with Ross... \nRachel: How friendly? :)\nMichelle: Like really friendly. Touching, kissing and so on... \nRachel: So? C'mon!\nMichelle: It turns out she's pregnant! \nRachel: You don't say!\nMichelle: Yeah! I know! \nRachel: She told him yet?\nMichelle: I don't think so. But there's more! \nRachel: More? This is going to be good!\nMichelle: Good? That's delicious!\nRachel: So?\nMichelle: Ross is \"happily\" married ;) \nRachel: I just spilt some water!\nMichelle: I know!\nRachel: Keep me posted!\nMichelle: Oh, I will. I will. Need to find out more. :)"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nWilly: Your car is friggin' awesome!!\nVinny: I know ;) No, but seriously, I've always wanted a Mustang, and a red one too!\nWilly: Maybe you can lend it to me for a day or so :)\nVinny: Yeah, right. We can car pool together a couple of days a week. \nWilly: Ok, deal.\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Willy and Vinny will car pool with Winny's red Mustang."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAnn: Hi, is the laptop still available?\nJosh: Yes it is\nAnn: I can pay 200 dollars\nJosh: The price is 250 and it's non-negotiable\nAnn: Do you have a bag for it? Some other accessories?\nJosh: I have a bag and a small usb mouse\nAnn: Sounds good, I'll take it, where can I pick it up?\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Ann wants to buy Josh's laptop for $200. Josh doesn't want to negotiate the price. Ann will take it for $250 with accessories."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCharles: What are you up to this weekend?\nCamilla: Not much. Just some work and errands on Saturday, show Saturday night. Day of nothingness on Sundy.\nCharles: Sounds good. We are going to visit the German markets this weekend. Birmingham and Manchester both. Sausage overload!\nCamilla: Ooh, that sounds really good!\nCharles: Allegedly there are Christmas things going on but I just go for the sausage and beer!\nCamilla: What a shocker.\nCharles: I know!\nCamilla: I'll have to try to get there this year. I've not been for ages.\nCharles: Oh, yeah, they are good. Try the mulled wine too. That's nice.\nCamilla: Never had it. Is it served hot?\nCharles: Yes, exactly. And lots of spices. Usually a red but sometimes they offer a mulled white.\nCamilla: I'm good with red.\nCharles: Inspired us to make our own at Christmas last year, but nobody else drank it.\nCamilla: Bummer!\nCharles: More for me! But oh the hangover.\nCamilla: LOL!\nCharles: Anyway, that's the plan. Hope you have fun.\nCamilla: You too! \nCharles: Thanks!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Camilla has some errands to do on Saturday. Charles is visiting the German markets this weekend. They are talking about Christmas food and drinks."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Jill is bored and has watched YouTube. Nate is at work and will call Jill when he finishes it.\".", "targets": "Jill: So bored!\nNate: Well... can't help you there\nNate: Still at work\nJill: ugh I need to find a job\nJill: I've watched everything on youtube already\nNate: Doubt it :P I'll call you when I get off work"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nOwen: there is smth wrong with her\nNeil: I know, right?\nPenny: are you talking about Amy?\nOwen: yes\nNeil: she looks serious at all times\nPenny: have you talked to her?\nOwen: no\nNeil: neither have I\nPenny: that's the point, we should meet her in person\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Amy has severe aura. Penny, Owen and Neil want to meet her in person."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Kelly: Should I put on the red dress?\nMeghan: oh yes!!!! \nMary: I'll wear a red dress too, and bright, red lipstick\nKelly: bloody Mary!\nMary: hahahaha"} {"inputs": "Mia: God, he keeps talking about the stupid wall\nJennifer: I think he's just senile\nKarine: unfortunately it's much more\nKarine: this populist strategy to scare people with a minority\nKarine: and then present himself as the only savior\nPeter: Karine is right, I think he's not as senile and stupid as we would like to believe\nMia: so it's even worse - he's pure evil\nPeter: possibly yes\nKarine: I really think so, because it's not only about politics anymore\nKarine: he is destroying the Earth\nKarine: trying to shake the world's order\nJennifer: but he's also quite stupid\nJennifer: and the dangerous thing is his self confidence\nJennifer: he's persistence \nJennifer: and ignorance\nKarine: but we have a chance to change it\nKarine: maybe Trump will be over soon?\nMia: we will see\nMia: but we should do anything to win the next elections\nKarine: everything!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Mia, Jennifer, Karine and Peter do not like Trump."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Ulysses: Did you see your grades?\nPeter: Yes. \nUlysses: I got an A\nPeter: Me too\nJulia: B\nMartha: Where can I check them?\nJulia: Online\nJulia: On the course page"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDerek McCarthy: Filip - are you around? Would you have an Android cable I could borrow for an hour? I'm almost out of charge and I have a power pack but forgot my cable\ud83d\ude2d\nTommy: I am in Poland but can ring my wife and she will give you one\nTommy: Do you want me to?\nTommy: 67 glenoaks close\nDerek McCarthy: That would be great if you could!! Otherwise I'm sitting here in the dark for an hour \nTommy: Put it in gps and start driving\nDerek McCarthy: \nTommy: She might be at work for next 15 min but will help you for sure\nDerek McCarthy: Thanks a lot mate\nTommy: Sent her msg. She will give it to you. Approx time when she will be at home is 8:15 pm\nDerek McCarthy: Thanks again!! What's your wife's name again??\nTommy: Paulina\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Derek McCarthy will pick up an Android cable from Tommy's wife at 8:15."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Mike will ask Mary for John's new number.\".", "targets": "Mike: Do u have new John's number?\nAnn: No, u should ask Mary.\nMike: Ok, thank u :*"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSarah: how much longer?\nDaina: I need to put my make up\nSarah: OMG\nSarah: casual or party type?\nDaina: casual\nSarah: so it's about an hour?\nDaina: u know me, sorry :)\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Daina needs about an hour more to get ready."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Gurdun has the flu. He is feeling better. Gurdun hopes he'll be back at the uni on Wednesday. Russ and his team won the last match. \".", "targets": "Russ: Hi Gurdun, are you feeling better?\nGurdun: Hi Ross, a little bit better, yes, thank you.\nRuss: Do you think you'll be back at the uni this week?\nGurdun: Not tomorrow for sure, but I hope Wednesday maybe.\nRuss: Oh, that's fine.\nGurdun: Yeah. I'm feeling a bit weak still\nRuss: I guess that's pretty normal at this stage.\nGurdun: I believe so. And the muscle pain.\nRuss: I know what you mean. I had flu like that three months ago.\nGurdun: Luckily the headache's gone. It was absolutely awful.\nRuss: True enough. I had the same.\nGurdun: Anyway, how are things with you?\nRuss: Same old, same old, you know. Not much happening in the middle of term.\nGurdun: And the team?\nRuss: Oh yeah, we won the last match. It was a good game.\nGurdun: Great. Listen Russ, I need to run. Catch up later.\nRuss: OK, talk to you later."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMatt: I feel like my homestay parents don't treat me that well\nJorge: Why u think so?\nMatt: They take Carlos for subway\nMatt: And I feel like they prefer talking to Carlos\nJorge: Do they feed you well tho \nMatt: Yea I guess\nJorge: Maybe you're just overthinking\nMatt: I don't know\nMatt: It feels like a negative vibe\nMatt: is it because I stay at home too much \nMatt: And so They have to pay more for electricity \nJorge: I doubt it but hmm \nJorge: I would give a fuck\nJorge: You're there one more month and go \nMatt: True\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Matt will be staying with homestay parents for one more month. They seem to talk more to Carlos. They have higher electricity bills because Matt spends a lot of time at home."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMargaret: Honey, buy me some painkiller.\nJack: What is going on?\nMargaret: Terrible headache!\nJack: Maybe you should rest!\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Margaret is suffering from a terrible headache and wants Jack to buy her some painkillers."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nHania has been traveling for 3 hours already. She will get there around 7pm. Julia will order takeaway pizza for her. .", "targets": "Julia: Where are you?\nHania: That's a good question, haha\nJulia: Did you stop in Zawiercie already?\nHania: No idea... the schedule says the next station is in Poraj\nJulia: Gosh, that's really far away\nHania: Don't even tell me, I have been on the road for 3 hours already\nJulia: I know how you feel love, I am sick of trains already :(\nHania: I will be there around 7pm I guess :(\nJulia: I will be waiting! :*\nHania: Great!\nJulia: You must be starving, I am gonna make some food. What would you like?\nHania: Nah, I am so exhausted I don't even feel any hunger\nJulia: Are you sure??\nHania: Or actually maybe we will order some takeaway?\nJulia: Sounds like a plan :) pizza or burgers?\nHania: Pizza always :D\nJulia: OK! And I will pick you up from the platform, let me know when you pass \u017byrard\u00f3w\nHania: Ok, see you soon! :*\nJulia: See you :))"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nAgata has a new job, she's learning to code and she likes it. Guido doesn't understand her Facebook posts because he knows nothing about JavaScript..", "targets": "Guido: Hi, Agata, are you OK?\nAgata: Hi, Guido. Sure, I'm OK :) And you?\nGuido: I just have trouble understanding your posts on Facebook. \nAgata: Really?\nGuido: Maybe it's because I don't know anything about Java? :(\nAgata: Thanks for the concern :) All my Twitter posts go to my Facebook account. I think I might change that! \nGuido: Don't worry :)\nAgata: By the way, it's JavaScript, not Java. Except for the name they really have not much in common :)\nGuido: Sounds like Chinese to me :(\nAgata: :)\nGuido: It's hard to understand the concept :(\nAgata: Sorry. After just one month of coding I would be like plain English to you :P\nGuido: I can see that you enjoy it.\nAgata: I really do. Finally I found something interesting for me.\nGuido: And what about you husband? \nAgata: What about him?\nGuido: Doesn't he complain about your new job?\nAgata: Not at all! Why would he? \nGuido: So you don't speak to him in Chinese language? I mean in JavaScript language, hahahha"} {"inputs": "John: hey laurel?\nLaurel: hey \nJohn: whats your plan for tomorrow?\nLaurel: aint that sure yet, why?\nJohn: nothing much, just wanted to go with you and buy a birthday gift for Diana.\nLaurel: OMG! i also totally forgot that her birthday is on saturday, shit!\nJohn: you see im not the only late one here. haha\nLaurel: I guess we can meet up tomorrow and go fetch something for her.\nJohn: cool, at what time?\nLaurel: lets just meet at jades at around 5 pm\nJohn: At Jade's collection? in town?\nLaurel: yeah, that place..\nJohn: see you then.\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Laurel and John meet at Jades tomorrow at 5 pm to buy a birthday gift for Diana. Diana's birthday is on Saturday."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSally: Hi guys have you heard about Natalie?\nTom: No. What about her?\nJane: You're such a gossip girl, Sally!\nSally: Come on! I'm sure you're all curious.\nTom: I am. \nSally: Relax Jane, what's your problem?!\nJane: She told us in confidence, I don't think we should share it with others.\nGreg: Now I'm also curious\nHenriette: Tell us! \nHenriette: Is she pregnant? \nSally: \ud83d\udca3\ud83d\udca3\ud83d\udca3\nSally: Guess who's the father!!!\nHenriette: I knew it!\nHenriette: Is it Mike?\nSally: Dave!!! \nHenriette: WHAT????\nGreg: That's insane! \nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Natalie is pregnant with Dave. Jane didn't think Sally should share it with others as Natalie told them that in confidence. Henriette and Greg are surprised that the father is Dave not Mike."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nVictor: do you need me to pick you up from the airport\nDavid: that would be neat\nVictor: what time are you landing\nDavid: 17:30 at Sevilla\nVictor: SEVILLA???\nDavid: yeah sorry\nDavid: Jerez was too expensive\nDavid: you don't have to pick me up if you can't\nVictor: no its ok\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "David lands at 17:30 at Sevilla airport and Victor will pick him up."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMell: Hi there! How are you doing?\nGloria: Hi Mell! We are fine, just the daily grind ;) And yourselves?\nMell: Not much happening either. An odd phone call with the kids. Or Tad's sister:(( Not much otherwise.\nGloria: Yeah... Life has become so quite since the kids are out of the house. We had more to get used to it. But it must hard for you. Especially you I mean.\nMell: I don't know. Sometimes I even forget that I should be missing them. In a way I do like this peace and quiet now.\nGloria: Small wonder. You had a hell of a time with them just before they went to college. I'd say you need to recover now.\nMell: I guess you're right. But maybe I should feel guilty or something?\nGloria: Don't be silly! You are a fantastic mom.\nMell: Thanks Gloria.\nGloria: Anyway I'm happy to hear from you again. We should really have a nice do again.\nMell: YES! Splendid!\nGloria: The weather is just brilliant, perfect for a BBQ. What do you think?\nMell: I'm all for it. At my place? I'd love it.\nGloria: Can't be better. I love your garden.\nMell: We're thinking about extending the terrace. I must show you my drawings, just a few ideas. It would be great to hear your opinion.\nGloria: I'd love to. But you know how little I know about garden design, or however you call it.\nMell: We'll have a look at them. Now the BBQ. At the weekend I suppose?\nGloria: Let me check the calendar. Here's our family planner. A horrible name, isn't it? So this weekend suits us fine. At the next one, on Saturday, Mark has penciled something in but I can't read it. So what about this Saturday?\nMell: Perfect. At least we know the weather holds. Shall I do the food and you the drinks?\nGloria: And I'll get us some dessert as well. \nMell: Very good indeed. It's always so easy going with you.\nGloria: Ta! You were thinking about Tad's sister?\nMell: I'm afraid so. I'm so happy she moved up to Scotland and I don't have to put up with her trying to run my household. Tad feels relieved too.\nGloria: Good riddance! I could really never warm up to her.\nMell: Nobody can! Anyway she's gone and we're going to have a fantastic barbecue. Without her.\nGloria: Yes, we are. Oh I'm so happy you've phoned!\nMell: Looking forward to our BBQ on Saturday!\nGloria: So long!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Gloria and Mell plan to have a barbeque at Mell's place on Saturday. They are happy, because Tad's sister moved to Scotland. Mell needs Gloria's advice on garden design."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Scarlett: Hey Daisy, can you send me your RGS application?\nDaisy: Oh sorry I totally forgot\nDaisy: I'm sending it to you right now\nScarlett: No worries, thanks!!\nDaisy: Good luck with yours\nDaisy: If you have any questions let me know\nScarlett: Thanks a lot Daisy!!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDixie: Can I have Jason's phone number?\nJair: I dont have it\nDixie: Can you ask someone else to gimme?\nJair: Sure\nDixie: Ty\nJair: Ethan would send you in a min\nDixie: K\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Ethan will soon send Jason's phone number to Dixie."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nKelvin: Excuse me Miss. When do we sit for our CAT 2?\nNaheeda: Can we have it during the statistics class?\nKelvin: I don't think so because we will be having the statistics CAT.\nNaheeda: Okay it is up to you guys to choose the time then.\nKelvin: Okay. Wait I will talk with the other class members then I'll tell you their decision\nNaheeda: Okay then don't take too long.\nKelvin: Sure\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Kelvin and the other class members will discuss the time for their CAT 2 and share their decision with Naheeda soon."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBrett: So what do u do there? Drive a tank all the time?\nJohn: Yes and no. U've got players from around the world and they have their tank squadrons and u battle them. Can be a lot of fun!\nAndrew: So what happens if someone is on a higher level than u? They basically destroy u!\nJohn: That's not a problem. The game doesn't allow higher ranked players o interact with players out of their range.\nBrett: What do u mean?\nJohn: If ur on lvl 5, a player on lvl 30 can't attack u. \nAndrew: Sensible. Unlike WoW.\nJohn: So what's WoW like?\nAndrew: Imagine having a character u rly like and u give it a lot of ur attention and get experience point, level up and so on. Someone who's played the game for like a year comes and kills u instantly.\nBrett: Not cool. \nJohn: Yeah. Y would they allow such a thing?\nAndrew: Well, open world, u can team up with anyone, do quests together, arrange fighting tactics and so on.\nBrett: Actually, my cousin met his wife there :)\nJohn: Rly?\nBrett: Yeah. They were playing together for some time, talking and at some point he invited her to a date. Turned out they lived very close to each other ;)\nAndrew: That's gr8! And how are they getting along now?\nBrett: Most fights are about who gets 2 play at a given moment ;) \nJohn: Lol\nAndrew: Well my favourite genre is RPGs :)\nJohn: Can u name a title, except WoW?\nAndrew: I can name a dozen, but one of my personal faves is the Final Fantasy series :)\nBrett: What's this one about?\nAndrew: Don't tell me u haven't heard about the greatest RPG series of all times?\nJohn: Well, I haven't.\nAndrew: I think I'll have to look for new friends... So embarrassing.\nBrett: C'mon! Tell us!\nAndrew: Fine... Usually u play a group of friends that have to resolve some kind of crisis. In the last part u play a prince whose kingdom has been destroyed and u try to well get revenge.\nBrett: Sounds boring. \nAndrew: Believe me, it's not!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Brett's cousin met his wife while playing a game together. Andrew's favorite game is the Final Fantasy. Brett and John haven't heard about it."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBiwott: Did you watch the series I told you\nChloe: No not yet.\nChloe: I have been busy this week but I will watch it during the weekend\nBiwott: \ud83d\udc4d\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Chloe will watch the serious recommended by Biwott at the weekend."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMike: How did Chicago do last nite?\nPat: Chicago what?\nMike: Fire man!\nPat: dunno.\nMike: How come?\nPat: Its soccer right?\nMike: you not a soccer fan?\nPat: nah. baseball and hockey is wot i luv.\nMike: it's bears and white sox right?\nPat: bears is football. white sox is baseball. \nMike: and hockey?\nPat: blackhawks. but not doing well right now.\nMike: and bulls used to be better too i guess\nPat: true enough. Jordan times long gone\nMike: u fancy hoops at all?\nPat: not really, not now\nMike: u play tho?\nPat: yeah, I still hit 3 points well enough\nMike: I like to play sometime\nPat: good idea. we need to do meet up one day\nMike: yeah always good to hit the ball\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Pat is interested in baseball and hockey, he doesn't know much about basketball anymore. He plans to play basketball with Mike one day."} {"inputs": "Clara: Did you notice that weird smell at Kasia's place last night?\nRon: YES!!!!!! I didn't want to say anything about it, though. I didn't want to be rude.\nClara: I think it was her 21 cats roaming around lol\nRon: lol don't say that, those cats were cute.\nClara: so what? they can still smell \nRon: i think it was her sleazy boyfriend\nClara: lol you're bad\nRon: jk\nClara: in all honesty I don't know what it was.\nRon: i guess we'll never know\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Clara and Ron are wondering what that weird smell at Kasia's place last night was."} {"inputs": "James: im out\nTony: ???\nJames: from the team, this old prick pissed me off\nTony: listen, I know the coach is pretty annoying at times (all the time lol) but he really is good\nJames: i dont give a fuck, too much for me, already texted him\nTony: shiiiit man\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "James is furious with his coach and has already sent him a message. Tony thinks that the coach is good despite he's annoying."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nYaz: Going to slimming club tonight?\nMary: Well, I don't want to, but I really should. I've been so bad, though!\nYaz: Me too, choccies, wine, cake, you name it!\nMary: Well, we should bite the bullet. She'll tell us off, I expect. Feels like being back at school!\nYaz: Well, she IS our old cookery teacher! See you at 6ish, pick you up!?\nMary: Yep! See you then!\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Yaz and Mary are meeting tonight around 6 and going for the slimming club together. They expect to be scolded for eating too much."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Lily spent an amazing night with Thomas. Thomas is Romanian and comes from a very rich family.\".", "targets": "Lily: I spent an amazing night with this guy\nKate: What's his name?\nLily: Thomas\nKate: Is he English?\nLily: He is Romanian, but from an extremely rich family, it seems\nKate: What does he do in London?\nLily: LSE\nKate: of course, so predictable \nLily: Hahah, but I expected him to be more banal and boring\nKate: but?\nLily: to be more mediocre...\nKate: in size, in passion or in wallet?\nLily: In everything. I've had so much pleasure that I have a headache\nKate: I'm glad to read that. You deserved some fun after the last weeks.\nLily: haha, I agree!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nEthan: ok I\u2019m back\nDustin: \nRay: hey. How was the meeting?\nEthan: boooriiiiing\nDustin: \nEthan: all the more that I\u2019m all sore after yesterday\nEthan: \nRay: again? how often do you go to the gym bro?;D\nEthan: oh you know. I usually try every other day\nEthan: but this week I\u2019ve trained every day\nDustin: whaaaa\nRay: you\u2019re crazy\nEthan: some guys always go every day and they live\nDustin: yeah right. I\u2019m so proud of myself if I go twice a week ;D\nRay: exactly!\nEthan: no pain no gain \nDustin: so u training tonight? Or maybe\nDustin: \nDustin: ? :D\nRay: all riiiight :D now you\u2019re talking;D\nEthan: I was going to\u2026\nEthan: but you know\u2026\nRay: 8pm my place?\nDustin: perfect\nEthan: how bout 9pm? I have to pick up the kids \nRay: Ok, we\u2019ll be waiting\nDustin: we will. Not sure if the magic potion will xD\nEthan: Ok I\u2019ll text Sam to pick them up ;D\nEthan: see u at 8\nRay: \nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Ethan was at the gym yesterday. This week he has been training every day. Ethan and Dustin will come to Ray's place at 8pm."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMichael: Sorry I can't make it today :(\nTom: well, ok... are you sure?\nMichael: I'm really sorry, can't leave the office before 8pm \nTom: it's okay, call me tomorrow\nMichael: I will. Sorry again\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Michael can't leave the office before 8 PM, so he's unable to meet with Tom. Michael will call Tom tomorrow."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nAlan: Can you send me the file with budget estimation\nAllison: Done\nAlan: Sorry, not this one, estimation for current year, not for next year\nAllison: Sorry for the mistake, sent it to you\nAlan: Thanks. Tell me, do you know, why we doubled the costs in the line \"other expenses\" compared to last year\nAllison: It was when our boss had to come back from Japan for the convention\nAlan: I see, I see...\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Allison send Alan budget estimation for this year. Extra other expenses are boss's trip to Japan, for a convention."} {"inputs": "Nora: John, are you at school?\nJohn: yes, maths now\nNora: I've just talked on the phone to your math teacher\nJohn: oh\nTheresa: yes, where are you?\nJohn: in the park\nTheresa: Wait there, we have to talk\nJohn: no, I'm leaving\nTheresa: wait for me! \nTheresa: We're your mothers!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "John is in the park. He is leaving now."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nRalph: Hey brewski, did you hear that decent polish joke? \nAndrew: No?\nRalph: How do you sink a polish battleship?\nAndrew: Umm, shoot it, bomb it? Whatever.\nRalph: Put it in water. Hahaha\nAndrew: Dude, that\u2019s gotta be the worst joke ever. It got my mouth so dry, that now I have to take a sip of water.\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Ralph told Andrew a joke."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Jane: Are u free now? Could u help me with that thesis?\nAinsley: I'm sick won't be of much help sorry. I've got a cold and I'm sneezing like a little bitch every 2 seconds\nJane: Oh... hmm ok. Hope u will get better soon..."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCarmen: how are you feeling, Viola? it is so so close...\nAlfred: My dearest Viola <3\nViola: I think as one's feeling before the wedding - a little bit light in the stomach! ive got some things to organize still!\nCarmen: i will be on friday night, i could give you a helping hand :))\nViola: Thanks darling, i will let you know x\nCarmen: (Y) my number just in case +00123456789\nViola: (Y) <3\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Viola is having her wedding soon and still has some things to organize. Carmen comes on Friday and is willing to help Viola."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nErin will meet Ashley in the restaurant for the interview. .", "targets": "Erin: hey what's up. what you're doing today? Would you find some time to do the interview? :)\nAshley: Hi! I\u2019m free whenever\nErin: Great, are you at the camp?\nAshley: Yep, I\u2019m here now.\nErin: Ok I can come over there\nAshley: Sounds good. Just shoot me a message and we can meet at the pool or restaurant\nErin: Alright!\nErin: Is the wifi good today?\nAshley: Yeah pretty decent, but usually it's less spotty in the restaurant area\nErin: Ok I see, so the restaurant it is\nAshley: Alright\nErin: I'm on my way!\nAshley: I'm sitting in the back"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nPedro: batman or superman??\nAlex: honestly.. neither\nPedro: WHAT??\nAlex: i honestly like the flash\nPedro: whats so good about the flash :P\nAlex: duuude, he can do almost anything\nPedro: not anything\nAlex: yea im sure batman can run as fast -_-\nPedro: superhuman speed? thats your pitch?\nAlex: that speed opens up the whole multiverse for him.. you seriously dont get how powerful he can be\nPedro: yeah i get your point\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Alex prefers the Flash to Barman and Superman thanks to his speed."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nShanon: Yeah. So what bout him?\nVictor: He's no longer our teacher :)\nOliver: I'm so happy :)\nSid: Me too!\nShanon: Bt y?\nSid: He got fired 2day and thrown out of school?\nOliver: Literally thrown out!\nShanon: What?!\nVictor: I suppose he's had it and lost it.\nOliver: Or maybe had one too many ;)\nSid: Not. Our. Teacher. Anymore!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "He is no longer the teacher of Shanon, Victor, Oliver and Sid. He got fired today."} {"inputs": "Lindsey: Sup?\nSage: Nothing just having a beer. You?\nLindsey: I have just finished my class\nSage: Cool\nLindsey: I mean I should go for another class also\nSage: Oh really\nLindsey: But earlier I asked one girl to put my name on the attendance list instead of me :)\nSage: Hahaha. Naughty naughty!\nLindsey: Last week I did the same. I just hope that those signatures ( since last week I asked another girl) will be enough similar to mine. Because I gave them a piece of paper with my name written on it\nSage: Good luck haha\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Sage is having a beer. Lindsey has just finished her class but is not going to the next one. Just like last week, Lindsey has asked a classmate to fake her signature on the attendance list."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nEmely: Hey. Could u help me with one task? I have to fill in the gaps and I find it a little bit strange task\nTitus: How is that strange ?\nEmely: I have problems to so it haha. Can I send a photo of this task and then I will wrote u my answers? There are 10 sentences\nTitus: Ok I'm doing something now but I can look at it quickly if it won't take up a lot of my time\nEmely: Ok\nEmely: \nTitus: Can't really see that\nEmely: A) a cash cow b) hoes down the drain c) nepotism d) a golden opportunity e) a sweetheart deal f) win-win g) grease sb's palm h) a license to print money i) in full swing j) implementation\nTitus: But I cannot read it\nEmely: Really? I can see it very well on my phone\nTitus: That sounds about right\nEmely: So u can see it?\nTitus: Barely\nEmely: Oh ok\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Titus agrees to help Emely with a language exercise. Emely sends Titus a photo of the filled out exercise, but he has trouble reading it."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nPaul: Do you have your keys?\nLena: Yup. What's up?\nPaul: I will be home later than I thought, so just don't wait for me and get home.\nLena: What happened?\nPaul: I'll call you in 15 minutes and then I'll tell you.\nLena: Ok.\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Lena has her keys. Paul will be home later than he thought. Paul will call Lena in 15 minutes and tell her what happened."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nPiper: When is the payment expected?\nBryan: I have asked my manager to send the payment\nPiper: When would he send it to me?\nBryan: He will send you tonight\nPiper: I would be waiting\nBryan: Sure, Client liked your work\nPiper: Hope to work with you long term \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Piper will get paid tonight. Client liked Piper's work and wants to work with her on a long-term basis."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBenjamin: Hey guys, what are we doing with the keys today?\nHilary: I've got them. Whoever wants them can meet me at lunchtime or after\nElliot: I'm ok. We're meeting for the drinks in the evening anyway and I guess we'll be going back to the apartment together?\nHilary: Yeah, I guess so\nDaniel: I'm with Hilary atm and won't let go of her for the rest of the day, so any option you guys choose is good for me\nBenjamin: Hmm I might actually pass by at lunchtime, take the keys and go take a nap. I'm sooo tired after yesterday\nHilary: Sounds good. We'll be having lunch with some French people (the ones who work on the history of food in colonial Mexico - I already see you yawning your head off)\nBenjamin: YAAAAWN \ud83d\ude4a Where and where are you meeting?\nHilary: So I'm meeting them at the entrance to the conference hall at 2 pm and then we'll head to this place called La Cantina. Italian cuisine, which is quite funny, but that's what they've chosen\nBenjamin: Interesting \ud83d\ude31 To be honest, Hilary, I almost feel like changing my mind. Wanting to take this nap might end up costing me to dear\nHilary: Oh come on \ud83d\ude02\nBenjamin: All these terrible obstacles on mu way to bed might just prove to much to take\nHilary: We'll try to avoid talking about their subject of research. Oh wait, no, I'm actually meeting them because I wanted to chat about their research lol\nElliot: \ud83d\ude49\nHilary: Do join us, we're going to have fun. And then you'll take the keys and take this most deserved of naps\nElliot: Sounds like a plan \ud83d\ude02\nHilary: \ud83d\ude0e\nElliot: See you at 2 then xx\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Hilary has the keys to the apartment. Benjamin wants to get them and go take a nap. Hilary is having lunch with some French people at La Cantina. Hilary is meeting them at the entrance to the conference hall at 2 pm. Benjamin and Elliot might join them. They're meeting for the drinks in the evening."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCarla: Hey\nCarla: how are you today?\nRaul: not too well\nCarla: what's wrong? did you sleep?\nRaul: it was a really crappy night\nRaul: and yesterday evening\nRaul: and today morning\nRaul: i started off with a fag\nRaul: i don't even know what triggered me off \nRaul: yesterday Jen had to go to a friend\nRaul: she'd broken up with her bf and Jen went to sit with her\nRaul: and she stayed for the night\nRaul: so i thought it's be a good evening just for myself\nRaul: but i was just so pissed off all the time\nRaul: and then i had those weird dreams of my uncle\nCarla: shit ;/ sounds awful\nRaul: yeah it was :/\nCarla: ;*\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Raul's had a bad night and day."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Catherine: We're going to visit uncle Steve, want to come with us?\nBen: why would I?\nCatherine: He's family and we haven't seen him in a long time.\nBen: you know very well that I'm not fond of such visits\nBen: they stress me out\nCatherine: Come on, even you can do it from time to time.\nBen: maybe I can but I don't want to\nBen: it will end the same way as usual\nBen: with me being pissed at everyone\nCatherine: The boys want to see you\nBen: I can visit you and play with them some other day\nBen: I don't have to drive to another city to do it\nCatherine: You know that he'll be disappointed?\nBen: uncle Steve?\nCatherine: Yes.\nBen: I don't think so, we don't have anything in common\nBen: all he ever does is bothering me with stupid questions about my private life\nCatherine: Maybe that's his way of showing that he cares about you\nBen: yes... sure... sometimes I wonder if you're thinking about what you type :P\nCatherine: Depends on the day\nCatherine: Today I'm tired so I can't guarantee it\nBen: you should rest then\nBen: instead of asking me to do stuff I don't like\nCatherine: Alright, don't worry, I'll stop\nCatherine: But still the part about the boys missing you was true\nCatherine: So come and visit them when you'll have the chance\nBen: I will"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nTrevor: I've got a bit of a problem, Uncle\nRichard: Have you, Trevor?\nTrevor: Yes, Uncle I need to get you advice on how to break this to Dad\nRichard: You haven't gone and got that Abigail up the duff have you?\nTrevor: That's the long and short of it, Uncle.\nRichard: Shit. How did that happen?\nTrevor: Well, it's her father's fault, Uncle.\nRichard: Her father's fault? And him a church pastor?\nTrevor: Yes, Uncle. She has sneaked me into the house really quietly and we are in her bedroom doing it.\nRichard: Fucking hell. Do go on.\nTrevor: And we haven't got any condoms so I am planning to pull out at the last moment\nRichard: Unbelieveable: Bloody idiot. What then?\nTrevor: So I am just pulling out and all of a sudden in bursts her father and delivers me such a kick up the arse that I am back in there coming.\nRichard: So you say it is all his fault, then? Incredible.\nTrevor: Yes. \nRichard: So maybe we can get him to pay the child support instead of you then, eh?\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Trevor got Abigail pregnant. When they were having sex without protection her father, a church pastor, kicked Trevor in the butt and Trevor came inside Abigail."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDan: Fuck me guys, I wanted to wash my hands and the pipe under the wash basin literally exploded! \ud83d\ude31/\ud83d\ude02\nSteve: lol sounds like fun. What shall we do?\nAndrea: That's so ridiculous. I'll write to the owner now\nDan: Thanks Andrea. Or you can give me her address and I'll do it myself\nAndrea: No, no worries, it's no big deal\nDan: Thanks! \ud83d\udc93\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Pipe under the wash basin exploded when Dan wanted to wash his hands. Andrea is going to write to the owner about it."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nDanna has a boring weekend and is watching TV. Reed is in bed. He has a free day tomorrow..", "targets": "Danna: How's your Saturday?\nReed: It was alright thanks\nDanna: Good\nReed: Yours ?\nDanna: Boring\nReed: Why?\nDanna: I'm angry I called maybe 5-8 of my friends and they aren't around or are busy.\nReed: Shame\nDanna: So it's is the next boring weekend for me\nReed: That sucks\nDanna: The only thing I can do is watching TV -.-\nReed: Haha lucky you\nDanna: Yeah haha\nReed: I don't have tv, our subscription expired and they never renewed it. They want us to pay for it so fuck it\nDanna: Yeah. What are you doing?\nReed: I'm in bed\nDanna: Work tomorrow?\nReed: No. Off tomorrow\nDanna: Nice\nReed: Indeed"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nGina: Hey love, do you have a free usb by any chance?\nMonica: Yes, I do :)\nGina: Can I come up to your office?\nMonica: Of course, usb's ready\nMonica: 2nd floor, room 112\nGina: Thanks!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Gina will come to room 112 on the 2nd floor to pick up Monica's usb."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJack: Can you buy butter?\nThomas: Sure\nJack: Thanks. When are you coming home?\nThomas: I'm on my way\nJack: Ok, I'll wait with cooking until you come\nThomas: What are you making?\nJack: A mushroom soup.\nThomas: Tasty!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Thomas will buy butter. He is on his way home. Jack is making a mushroom soup, but will wait with cooking until Thomas comes."} {"inputs": "Derek: Judy, r you leaving for the weekend?\nJudy: Nah\nDerek: So can you feed my animals on Friday and Saturday?\nJudy: sure, no problem\nDerek: Thank you :) Maybe on Thursday I would give you my keys?\nJudy: Ok\nDerek: Thanks :) Later I will tell you the details :)\nJudy: surely\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Judy is staying for the weekend. Derek asks Judy to feed his animals on Friday and Saturday. Judy agrees. Derek will give her his keys on Thursday and provide Judy with details."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Maxwell pays Jeanice for 8 hours of babysitting and is grateful he found her. His son argued with a friend at school, and got agressive when the teacher reacted. Jeanice hasn't noticed if he has acted strangely recently. Maxwell and Jeanice can grab a coffe some time to discuss all the issues. \".", "targets": "Maxwell: Thank you for tonight, payment as usual?\nJeanice: Yes, 8 hours\nMaxwell: What would I do without you\u2026\nJeanice: That\u2019s my job :D\nMaxwell: But you can do your job good or bad\u2026 I\u2019m grateful I found you\nJeanice: Me too, our cooperation is very good ^^\nMaxwell: And the kids\u2026 They really like you\nJeanice: I know, they\u2019re cute\nMaxwell: Wait, I heard there was some problem with Marcus at school\u2026\nJeanice: Nothing very serious, he argued with a friend but they didn\u2019t fight\nMaxwell: Oh, ok, the teacher sounded like it was something terrible\nJeanice: In a way it was, he didn\u2019t want to stop when a teacher reacted and he was pretty aggressive\nMaxwell: That\u2019s worse\u2026 Have you noticed him behaving in a strange way recently?\nJeanice: Not at all, cute as usual. But\u2026 he gets very angry for stupid reasons\nMaxwell: For example?\nJeanice: You know, his sister taking sth from him\u2026 He\u2019s not aggressive but more\u2026 loud than usual, if you know what I mean\nMaxwell: Yes, I understand, I need to do something about it. Anyway, thank you for informing me.\nJeanice: No problem Mr. Hall, I\u2019m always here to help ;)\nMaxwell: We could grab a coffee some time and talk through all the issues.\nJeanice: Yea, maybe, I have to go, I'll let you know\nMaxwell: OK, thanks, you're the best :)"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMark: Heading out in a sec. You coming along?\nSally: No.\nMark: ?\nSally: Don't feel well.\nMark: Oh. Can I do anything?\nSally: No. Girl stuff.\nMark: TMI!\nSally: LOL!\nMark: Let me know if you change your mind. I can pick you up.\nSally: Okay.\nMark: We will miss you. Should I just have your character sit out?\nSally: Yes! Don't want her killed off!\nMark: Mwahaha!\nSally: Not funny!\nMark: Could be funny!\nSally: Please don't! I just got all her spells and stuff!\nMark: I won't, I'm j/k.\nSally: You better be.\nMark: I swear!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Sally is not going out because she doesn't feel well."} {"inputs": "Rachel: So what time we\u2019re going to the museum? \uf04a\nWai: I was thinking we could meet at 4 at the main entrance.\nRachel: Sounds good to me, any plans after that?\nWai: we\u2019ll see, if anyone will be up to this, we can go to some bar.\nRachel: Great! I can\u2019t wait to meet everyone!\nWai: Haha yes, you will love them!\nRachel: I\u2019m kind of worried they won\u2019t like me though ;[\nWai: Don\u2019t worry, we always welcome new people to our team!\nRachel: Great! When will I get to know what I\u2019m supposed to do?\nWai: Later, some people need to make decisions, we don\u2019t know which project will be assigned to us as well.\nRachel: Wow, it\u2019s really a big organization\u2026\nWai: One of the biggest charity organizations in the world :p\nRachel: Well, I can\u2019t wait to see everyone, see you!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Rachel and Wai will go to the museum together. They will go to a bar then. Rachel will meet Wai's friends for the first time."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJenny: where does Mary live now?\nMaria: In Southampton \nLouis: Yes, she moved there in December\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Mary moved to Southampton in December."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nGreg: Hi, honey. I need to stay after hours :-(\nBetsy: Again?\nGreg: I'm sorry!\nBetsy: What about Johnny?\nGreg: Well, could you pick him up? \nBetsy: What if I can't?\nGreg: Betsy?\nBetsy: What if I can't?\nGreg: Can't you, really?\nBetsy: I can't. Today I need to work long hours as well. Tuesdays are your days in the kindergarten.\nGreg: Talk to you later. I'll see what I can do.\nBetsy: You'd better think of something.\nGreg: Oh. Just stop it now.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Greg and Betsy have a lot of work today, so they cannot pick up Johnny from the kindergarten. However, it's Greg's turn to do it. Greg will try to find a solution."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDiane: how long do you have to work tonight?\nRoss: about 2 hours, why?\nDiane: I just wanted to do something maybe\nRoss: I think I'll be worn out after all hat work, baby\nDiane: We can just chill at home, don't worry\nDiane: I just wanted to prepare \nRoss: OK\nRoss: Then just to be safe let's say it will take me 3 hours\nDiane: but you just said 2!\nRoss: Damn it, Diane, don't start again\nDiane: what am I starting?!\nDiane: you're impossible\nRoss: can't you understand that this is important to me?!\nRoss: my career depends on it!\nDiane: Well, if your career is the most important thing in the world then I wouldn't want to disturb!\nRoss: ...\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Diane is not happy with Ross prioritising work over spending time with her."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Betty: \nSandra: Hahaha!\nBetty: This guy has totally nailed it!\nSandra: I have a special place in my heart for men that take care of animals.\nBetty: I know! He and his cat look so cute!\nSandra: Haha! I'm sure he could've taken good care of us too!\nBetty: :) :) :)\nBetty: Sandra you naughty girl!\nSandra: Oh stop it. We both know that you think that too.\nBetty: Maybe a little.\nSandra: Btw, my ex just messeged me. He said he had been thinking about our split-up recently and he stated that it had been a mistake.\nBetty: Seriously?! After 3 months?\nSandra: Yeah. The worst thing is that I think that too :(\nBetty: You are not thinking of getting back to him are you?\nSandra: ...\nBetty: Come on! He was such a jerk back then! Don't you remember how sick you felt when he left you?\nSandra: I know but\nBetty: No buts! I'll be at your place at 6. I'll bring the wine!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Josh: Hey..\nMichelle: Hi\nJosh: so, are we still on for tomorrow night at the movies.\nMichelle: Yeah, pick me up at 7\nJosh: cool, cant wait,\nMichelle: Me too"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAude: Hi Susie, how is Ted this morning? Did you find plasters?\nSusie: yes. He kept them till this morning after his shower.\nAude: he must look sexy whith them... lol\nSusie: a memory from Poland!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Susie found the plasters and Ted kept them until the morning."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Susan went on a date to the rollerskating disco and she enjoyed it. Jill doesn't find it exciting.\".", "targets": "Jill: so how was your date anyway? :)\nSusan: it was perfect, he was so sweet!! <3\nJill: tell me everything!!\nSusan: so first he picked me up from home, all dressed up and everything\nJill: suit on? :D\nSusan: nooo, not like that, but he had a really nice black shirt, elegant shoes, looked like Brad Pitt hahaha\nJill: hahahahaha\nSusan: \nJill: so where did he take you?\nSusan: that's the best part! We went to rollerskating disco!!!\nJill: rollerskating what? are you serious? :/\nSusan: no no, listen - it was so awesome, I am tired of all this dull restaurant dates and stuff, it was actually something original\nJill: if you say so...\nSusan: you are just jealous Jill :D\nJill: I am not!!!!!!!\nSusan: yes you are :*"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nFreddie: Nanna, are you coming to visit us soon?\nWinnie: Oh darling, Nanna has broken her leg, you'll have to visit me instead.\nFreddie: I forgott. Well come soon.\nWinnie: Good, ask Mummy and Daddy and they will come when they can.\nFreddie: Yes love you. Leg better soon?\nWinnie: Yes, quite soon. Tell mummy to ring me. Bye darling xxxxx\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Winnie has broken her leg and will not visit any time soon. Freddie will ask mummy to call Winnie up."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nEric: MACHINE!\nRob: That's so gr8!\nEric: I know! And shows how Americans see Russian ;)\nRob: And it's really funny!\nEric: I know! I especially like the train part!\nRob: Hahaha! No one talks to the machine like that!\nEric: Is this his only stand-up?\nRob: Idk. I'll check.\nEric: Sure.\nRob: Turns out no! There are some of his stand-ups on youtube.\nEric: Gr8! I'll watch them now!\nRob: Me too!\nEric: MACHINE!\nRob: MACHINE!\nEric: TTYL?\nRob: Sure :)\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Eric and Rob are going to watch a stand-up on youtube."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLeah: i've just met the creepiest guy on the earth :|\nSamantha: :o i'm all ears\nLeah: last night i went to the poetry reading\nLeah: this guy approached me, introduced himself and we started talking\nLeah: he was rly boring, but, you know, i didn't want to be rude, he didn't seem to be a psycho, so i kept talkig to him\nLeah: at one point he mentioned that \"we have something in common\", because we both speak german\nSamantha: charming :D\nLeah: i was like: \"erm, ok, how do you know about this, i don't know you, i didn't tell you about this\"\nLeah: he just brushed it off and kept talking\nLeah: at one point he asked me about an event i had attended and he NAMED ALL OF MY FRIENDS THAT HAD COME WITH ME\nLeah: of course i didn't tell him about it\nSamantha: wow, that's creepy as hell\nSamantha: what did you do?\nLeah: i asked him once again how did he know about all this stuff and he said that he googled me out\nSamantha: WHAAAAT?\nSamantha: i googled people out before, but i\u2019m not that stupid (and creepy) to tell them about it :o\nLeah: right?!\nLeah: and now the best part\nLeah: he googled me out, because he thought that i had a crush on him, because 2 weeks earlier I LIKED A POST ON FB announcing that he was going to accompany poets on the guitar during the poetry reading\nLeah: can you believe this?!\nSamantha: LOOOOOOL\nSamantha: men are fckin weird\nLeah: AND he tried to walk me home, even though i told him straightforward that he was a creep\nSamantha: girl, you're lucky that he didn\u2019t kill you, what a psycho\nSamantha: i would totally freak out\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Leah met a creepy guy last night at a poetry reading. He knew she speaks German and named all the friends who went to a past event with her. She didn't tell him any of this. He googled her before. Leah had liked a post mentioning him 2 weeks earlier."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Lucy: 15. My little girl is 15. What should I do now? Where is the rule book?\nPatricia: Why? It's like yesterday she was 5 years old...\nPatricia: You know, you have like 15 years of preparation and it shouldn't come as a surprise :) \nLucy: Pat, as a mother I'm not as good as I always wanted to be...\nPatricia: Don't exaggerate...\nLucy: Are you numb to all emotions? How did you feel when Patrick turned 15?\nPatricia: I just don't see things as you do :)\nLucy: :)"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nKaya is looking for Clay, who is in the classroom..", "targets": "Kaya: We have been looking for you in Library\nClay: I am the class room\nKaya: Be right there"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nEdward doesn't want to go on the business trip tomorrow. Lauren's stressed about it, because their boss is coming with them. Kate think it's going to be ok. There will be meeting with clients and an expo..", "targets": "Edward: I dont wanna go on that business trip tomorrow\nLauren: I am stressed af\nKate: I don't think its gonna be that bad\nLauren: The boss is coming with us \nKate: Yea well \nKate: I am ok with him \nEdward: You think its gonna be just a few meetings with clients \ud83d\ude36\nKate: Not only\nKate: We're going to an expo \nKate: I hate the expo stuff\nKate: We have to pretend to be nice\nKate: But people coming to our booth actually have nothing to do with what we're doing \nLauren: True\nEdward: Expos are not as stressful as meetings tho \nKate: Ye well \nKate: We cant complain rn \nLauren: we have to go anyway \nLauren: \ud83d\ude11\ud83d\ude11\ud83d\ude11\nKate: See y'all there then"} {"inputs": "Max: Know any good sites to buy clothes from?\nPayton: Sure :) \nMax: That's a lot of them!\nPayton: Yeah, but they have different things so I usually buy things from 2 or 3 of them.\nMax: I'll check them out. Thanks. \nPayton: No problem :)\nMax: How about u?\nPayton: What about me?\nMax: Do u like shopping?\nPayton: Yes and no.\nMax: How come?\nPayton: I like browsing, trying on, looking in the mirror and seeing how I look, but not always buying.\nMax: Y not?\nPayton: Isn't it obvious? ;)\nMax: Sry ;)\nPayton: If I bought everything I liked, I'd have nothing left to live on ;)\nMax: Same here, but probably different category ;)\nPayton: Lol\nMax: So what do u usually buy?\nPayton: Well, I have 2 things I must struggle to resist!\nMax: Which are?\nPayton: Clothes, ofc ;)\nMax: Right. And the second one?\nPayton: Books. I absolutely love reading!\nMax: Gr8! What books do u read?\nPayton: Everything I can get my hands on :)\nMax: Srsly?\nPayton: Yup :)\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Payton provides Max with websites selling clothes. Payton likes browsing and trying on the clothes but not necessarily buying them. Payton usually buys clothes and books as he loves reading."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nStewart: Can you believe he even said that about the forests? Raking? Really?\nShari: Yes. I can believe that this is an ignorant man. He proves it daily. This just one more example!\nStewart: He just has no clue.\nShari: I mean, there are so many people dead and all he can think to do is criticize the forestry department? With a totally inappropriate suggestion? Puhleeze.\nStewart: I can't wait to vote for anyone else but him.\nShari: I know what you mean. Half my friends voted for him just to see what would happen! Well, guess what?\nStewart: Yeah, but we couldn't go another 4 years with a Democrat. The country would go broke!\nShari: Maybe, but at least we wouldn't be hated around the world and led by an ignorant piece of shit!\nStewart: You've got a point!\nShari: I'm not sure he will finish out his term, with all the legal problems, but he seems to be able to hold off the big stuff. Somehow.\nStewart: I know. How is that even possible?\nShari: I'm not sure. I mean, he's breaking amendments to the constitution here!\nStewart: Only on the fringe.\nShari: Maybe.\nStewart: We have to make the best of it now. Nothing we can do.\nShari: Except vote him out!\nStewart: Exactly. But that's not for a while.\nShari: Closer every day. If only there was a good candidate.\nStewart: From your mouth to the Dem National Committee's ears!\nShari: LOL!\nStewart: We should volunteer. Get out the voters or something.\nShari: Good idea.\nStewart: Let me see what's out there and I'll let you know.\nShari: Great! \nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Stewart and Shari find the current president ignorant and incompetent. They hope he gets voted out. Stewart is going to see what possibilities there are of volunteering in the upcoming elections."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Lenny can't decide which trousers to buy. Bob advised Lenny on that topic. Lenny goes with Bob's advice to pick the trousers that are of best quality.\".", "targets": "Lenny: Babe, can you help me with something?\nBob: Sure, what's up?\nLenny: Which one should I pick?\nBob: Send me photos\nLenny: \nLenny: \nLenny: \nBob: I like the first ones best\nLenny: But I already have purple trousers. Does it make sense to have two pairs?\nBob: I have four black pairs :D :D\nLenny: yeah, but shouldn't I pick a different color?\nBob: what matters is what you'll give you the most outfit options\nLenny: So I guess I'll buy the first or the third pair then\nBob: Pick the best quality then\nLenny: ur right, thx\nBob: no prob :)"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nKristina, Estefania and Jannette are watching America's Top Model..", "targets": "Kristina: Girls!\nKristina: America's top model \nKristina: on tv\nKristina: Watching? \nJannette: omg\nJannette: Im not home yet\nKristina: New season ye!!\nEstefania: Hmm \nEstefania: yeah Im watching this rn \nKristina: Tyra Banks\nKristina: She never gets old\nEstefania: I wanna look like her haha\nJannette: K I just got home \nJannette: Had to run \nJannette: \nEstefania: Hahaha"} {"inputs": "Luke: Hey sis, send me the pic of the parrot you painted yesterday?\nGina: \nGina: If you want better quality I need to send you PDF file.\nLuke: It's ok. This parrot looks fantastic!!! I can't believe you've discovered your talent so late!\nGina: Haha thanks? Catch a PDF.\nLuke: Thanks!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Luke is amazed by Gina's talent for painting. Gina sent Luke a PDF file with a picture of the parrot she painted yesterday."} {"inputs": "Marvin: When's the last time you got laid ?\nMelany: I don't even remember..\nMarvin: Hmm so there must be lots of cobwebs between your legs now huh hahaha\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "It's been very long since Melany last had sex. Marvin made an inappropriate joke about it."} {"inputs": "Kaylee: Enough is enough, I am blocking you now -_\nGavin: As if I care\nKaylee: I am blocking you, seriously \nGavin: Bye\nKaylee: You really don't care?\nGavin: Please go away you are too much irritating\nKaylee: :(\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Kaylee is blocking Gavin and Gavin doesn't care as he finds Kaylee too much irritating."} {"inputs": "Alan: i sent you an email\nAlan: why haven't you replied?\nRuth: never got it\nRuth: please send it again\nAlan: sending it right now\nAlan: it has an attachment\nAlan: if you can't open it let me know\nRuth: just got it and didn't have trouble opening the attachment\nAlan: that's great\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Ruth got an email with an attachment from Alan."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Andy: Hi nephew!\nPaul: Hi uncle!\nAndy: Are you home? I'm nearby and thought I would drink coffee with you :)\nPaul: Yup. I'm home. Feel free to come!\nAndy: If that is ok I will visit you in about 1 hour. \nPaul: Sure. A lot of political cases for us to talk about :D\nAndy: Haha. No.\nAndy: Too much politics with Hannah's father.\nAndy: I have enough arguments over politics forever.\nPaul: Hahah. Ok. Waiting for you then.\nAndy: See you."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJasmine: Have you heard this song?\nJasmine: \nJasmine: It\u2019s a new song of Charlie Puth. Love him!!\nPaola: He\u2019s cute \ud83d\ude0a\nJasmine: Yep! It\u2019s awesome!\nPaola: I also love Galway Girl\nPaola: Recently, I\u2019ve been listening to it all the time\nPaola: \nJasmine: It\u2019s so British \ud83d\ude09\nPaola: Looooove it!!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Jasmine loves Charlie Puth and his new song. Paola thinks Charlie Puth is attractive. Paola likes the song \"Galway Girl\" by Ed Sheeran."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMatt: have you heard that Bon Jovi are coming to Poland?\nPhil: No way!\nPhil: where, when?\nMatt: Warsaw, next July\nTony: would you like to go?\nMatt: Sure!\nPhil: how much are the tickets? Very expensive?\nPhil: they're huge, I guess tix can cost a bomb\nMatt: I read the cheapest ones start from pln 250\nPhil: not too bad, for Bon Jovi\nMatt: Yep!\nTony: maybe I will go too\nTony: Would you like to get the tix soon?\nMatt: Yes\nMatt: The sooner, the better\nTony: Right, they may be sold out pretty soon\nMatt: How about you, Phil?\nMatt: would you like to go too?\nPhil: Will think about it\nPhil: I liked them a lot when I was a kid\nPhil: It would be great to see them live\nMatt: I guess so!\nMatt: Think about it and let me know soon, ok?\nPhil: Sure\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Matt and Tony want to go to the concert of Bon Jovi next July in Poland and are planning to buy the tickets that cost 250 PLN before they\u2019re sold out. Phil will think about it and let them know."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKaren: I passed!!!!!\nSimon: Whooooooooooah!!!!!\nTim: Congrats!!!\nPatty: Guess we have a new designated driver :D\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Karen passed a driving exam."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSarah: omg Laura! sorry you didn't get any replies!!! Did you manage?\nLaura: hahaha! Awksssss... no worries, I solved it\nSarah: awkward silence \nLaura: hahaha no it's all good really!!\nRaf: Laura, I'm so sorry!!! been so swamped, totally forgot to text you back! where are you??\nSarah: Exotic little island called Linate :D \nLaura: Sarah which hotel are you at??? I'm here too!!!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Neither Raf nor Sarah remembered to reply to Laura but she managed anyway. Both Sarah and Laura are in Linate."} {"inputs": "Vincent: \nDamian: What happened to your lamp?\nVincent: I broke it xD \nVincent: With my bare hand\nDamian: You didn't do this just to show off did you?\nVincent: Hahaha. xD No.\nVincent: I was playing with my cat with a ribbon\nVincent: And while raising my hand I just hit the lamp and the glass cover broke\nDamian: Shit happens. You ordered new one yet?\nVincent: Yeah. Should be ready to pick up on Tuesday xD\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Vincent's new lamp should be ready to be picked up on Tuesday."} {"inputs": "Ron: check your email :P\nJosh: what did u send me?\nRon: sth you want to have. \nRon: Check :D :D\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Josh should check the email from Ron."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nGeorge: What have you gotten for Christmas?\nJacob: I got a punchbag. \nJenny: I got training shoes.\nGeorge: Sporty team :P\nJenny: What did you get?\nGeorge: A cooking pot :-)\nJacob: Your wife wants you to help her in the kitchen?\nGeorge: It's me who is normally cooking.\nGeorge: I really like it :P\nGeorge: Jenny gave me this pot, it's amazing and has life long guarantee. \nJacob: Cool\nJenny: I wish my Michael was a better cook.\nJenny: I think it's really sexy when a guy can cook well. \n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Jacob, Jenny and George are telling each other what they have gotten for Christmas."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKaylin: \nKaylin: that's what appears when you type in Cynthia\nKaylin: \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\nKaylin: \nKaylin: \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\nAmir: hahahahaha\nAmir: you're killing me\nAmir: really looks like her with that crazy hair\nAmir: \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\nKaylin: \nKaylin: Joel\nKaylin: hahahahaha\nAmir: hahahahaha\nAmir: I soooo don't feel like tomorrow\nKaylin: tomorrow be like\nKaylin: \nAmir: \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\nAmir: and it's way to early..\nKaylin: I'v set three alarms just in case\nAmir: lol\nAmir: I guess I better do the same \ud83d\ude2b\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Kaylin has set her alarm for tomorrow."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nThe scariest place for Jessica was the Capuchin Catacombs in Palermo..", "targets": "Kelly: Oh! Oh! Can I pick the first question?\nJessica: Sure. Go for it!\nKelly: What's the scariest place you've been to!\nJessica: I'll start: Palermo in Italy.\nMickey: And what's so scary about that? Did you break your nail? :P\nJessica: Shut it, Mickey! No, there are the Capuchin Catacombs with 8000 corpses! \nKelly: Ewwww! Corpses? Rly?\nJessica: Yeah! And you can look at them like museum exhibits. I think they're divided somehow, but have no clue how!\nOllie: That's so cool! Do you get to see the bones or are they covered up?\nJessica: Well, partly. Most of them were exhibited in their clothes. Basically only skulls and hands. \nMickey: I'm writing this one down! That's so precious!\nOllie: Me too!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nDeborah and Nathan want to start packing today as they won't have time tomorrow. They need warm clothes for the girls so Deborah's parents could take them to the forest. Deborah and Nathan want to spend some time alone. They will have a quick bite before their leave. Nathan will be home around 6..", "targets": "Nathan: Hey Honey, what are our plans for tomorrow then?\nDeborah: So I've been thinking that we should pack everything today, we won't have time tomorrow\nNathan: Totally true, I started packing my stuff in the bedroom, I also told the girls to start packing too\nDeborah: If Sofie wants to take the unicorn we won't have much space in the car XD\nNathan: No, I explained to her that he'll be fine without her these few days, I hope it worked :D\nDeborah: We need to take boots and those warm jackets for the girls, my parents promised them to take them on a trip to the forest\nNathan: I remember, Lucy was really excited about that. Are we taking the bicycles?\nDeborah: Yeah, don't you think we could use some alone time while the rest of the family is hiking? XD\nNathan: Now you're talking! We could have a ride to this beautiful cliff where we were last year!\nDeborah: Why not, it's a wonderful idea! :*\nNathan: So tomorrow I'm seeing the dentist after work, you go to pick up the girls from school\u2026\nDeborah: Yeah, then we meet at home, have a quick bite (you probably won't, haha!)\nNathan: Thanks Honey, so nice of you to remind me of this! After the quick bite you girls have, we are off!\nDeborah: Damn, I forgot to buy this syrup for travel sickness. Will you have time today to do it?\nNathan: Yes, it's feasible :) I'll do it on my way from work\nDeborah: Wonderful! So see you in the evening then?\nNathan: I should be home around 6, if nothing happens\nDeborah: Dinner will be waiting for you in the oven, bye :*"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRandolph: Honey\nRandolph: Are you still in the pharmacy?\nMaya: Yes\nRandolph: Buy me some earplugs please\nMaya: How many pairs?\nRandolph: 4 or 5 packs\nMaya: I'll get you 5\nRandolph: Thanks darling\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Maya will buy 5 packs of earplugs for Randolph at the pharmacy."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJamie: What do you think about doing those presentations in groups?\nMarlo: I\u2019m so down man, I don\u2019t wanna do it alone, it\u2019s a lot of work\nJamie: I know, interviews, then transcriptions, then compiling material, then writing\nJimmy: Geeeeez, you guys are so right\nJamie: I think we should talk to him to make like 3 presentations, so that gives us 3-4 people per team\nAlex: You guys are so not up to date:D\nJamie: What you talking about?\nAlex: It\u2019s already done, we have 2 groups, he send us subjects in email\nJamie: LOL I was so convinced we gotta think of everything ourselves\nAlex: hahah nah \nJimmy: Did he divide us too?\nAlex: No we gotta do it ourselves\nJimmy: Girls v Guys? \nJamie: hahahaha that\u2019s gonna be fun, we kinda have parity right?\nAlex: Yeah I think so, I\u2019m ok with that\nMarlo: But dudes, girls are so much better in this subject\nAlex: Thanks:D but I think you\u2019ll manage\nJamie: Ladies first, I give you right to choose first\nAlex: You give me rights:D that\u2019s freakin new! THANK YOU\nJamie: Just tryin to be a gentleman;)\nJimmy: Yeah, you wish, you sexist pig:d\nJamie: Hey, hey no name calling here! Ladies read it\nJimmy: Oh you just diggin your own grave:D lol\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Jamie, Marlo, Jimmy and Alex's teacher requires their class to divide into 2 groups, each making a presentation. The teacher sent them the presentation subjects via e-mail. Jamie, Marlo, Jimmy and Alex consider dividing the class into groups by gender."} {"inputs": "Samuel: \nVirginia: hahaha\nJack: Hilarious\nVirginia: Where are you?\nSamuel: \nJack: I love the \"happy menu\"\nVirginia: What did you order?\nSamuel: Just a joint for now\nSamuel: But mushroom pizza also looks tempting\nVirginia: Is it legal in Laos?\nSamuel: I guess the owner bribed the police\nJack: Man, it's heaven\nJack: I need to go there :P \n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Samuel ordered a smoke."} {"inputs": "Autumn: u sewn anything?\nAutumn: show me show me!! :D\nAutumn: \nIsrael: no :(\nIsrael: haven't had the time yet ;(\nAutumn: ooh :( \nAutumn: u need to have pririorities in life!\nAutumn: like me - i haven't checked the tests for a month because the dress wouldn't sew itself :D\nIsrael: you've sewn a dres??\nIsrael: you didn't show it to me\nAutumn: oh didn't i?\nAutumn: there will be some photos on the site soon so you'll see it:)\nIsrael: sure will! can't wait!:D\nAutumn: \nAutumn: haven't i showed you this?\nIsrael: noo!! it's wonderful!!\nAutumn: thanks :)\nIsrael: can't wait to see the whole dress! :)\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Autumn has sewn a dress."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nWilliam: hey im making spaghetti\nWilliam: could you please buy some fresh tomatoes\nWilliam: pretty please :)\nOlivia: no problem dear :)\nWilliam: and Beth? it wouldn't hurt to have some chocolate for after the dinner :D\nBeth: I'm on it :D\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "William is making spaghetti. Olivia will buy fresh tomatoes for William. Beth will buy chocolate."} {"inputs": "Jane: hey david, you're coming home for christmas next week right?\nDavid: of course\nJane: good\nJane: do you know what your dad would like for christmas?\nJane: i can't think of anything\nDavid: you should get him an ipad\nDavid: he can read books, email, watch movies, play games\nJane: ok, that sounds good, where can i get one?\nDavid: i'll order it online and have it shipped home\nJane: thanks for your help\nJane: and please let me know when you'll get here once your travel arrangements are set.\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "David is coming home for Christmas next week. Jane has no idea what to buy their father so David is going to order an ipad online."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJack: I'm 10 min late..\nJack: sorry\nLaura: no worries, I'll wait inside\nJack: ok.\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Laura and Jack are about to meet. Jack is running 10 minutes late."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Steph: \nSteph: and what d'you think?\nSharon: hey! it is superb! I love the lamps in particular\nSteph: ikea\nSteph: wasn't sure about the colour scheme but the lamps decided\nSharon: copper is very much in\nSteph: still need proper hangers, preferably from copper\nSharon: not too expensive?\nSteph: not made of copper, but copper coloured\nSharon: but of course, stupid me\nSharon: where can you get them?\nSteph: dunno!"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSam: hi, i need a help\nSarah fashion: hello how can i help?\nSam: Actually i was looking for a nice black dress for my wife, i mean i dont want the in-store product..\nSarah fashion: Yes sir, we make dresses on order as per customer requirements.\nSam: yeah i saw that option on the web page, actually its a surprise gift for her, but i have no idea what should be the requirements of the dress.\nSarah fashion: oh in that case why dont you choose something ready made sir\nSam: Actually i want something different for her something she has not seen before\nSarah fashion: that nice, do you have any sketch in your mind it would be easier to help \nSam: yes that it should be a dress, black in color decent and elegant, and.... thats it :(\nSarah fashion: :) dont worry Sir we will try to help you as much as we can but you have to choose between the choices we give you\nSam: Sure.\nSarah fashion: Would you mind coming to the store? or you want to place order here only?\nSam: i was wondering if i could get help and decide i would place order right here...\nSarah fashion: Sure sir i am sending you few pictures you can mix and match the designs and that way we would be able to create a new design?\nSam: that sounds like a good idea..\nSarah fashion: \nSam: wow! they are all so good but they are available for every one right?\nSarah fashion: yes sir!\nSam: ok so i want the cut that is in \nSarah fashion: Nice choice sir, your product number is 898998 now you can order on the website with this product number and the same procedure would be applied to your order.\nSam: Thank you so much, i didnt know it was so easy.\nSarah fashion: Your welcome sir, We are glad your liked the service and we hope you like the dress too. \nSam: :)\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Sam wants to buy a custom dress as a surprise for his wife. It should be black and elegant. The store employee sent him some pictures for reference. Sam decided on the features he likes. His product number is 898998 and he will place the order on the company's website."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nGab wants to meet Kat in real life. Kat doesn't like Gab's insisting so she won't to talk to him at all..", "targets": "Gab: Ah that's better. Now we can message all we like.\nKat: :-)\nGab: So when can we meet up for a drink?\nKat: Fairly busy at the moment so I'm not sure when.\nGab: I'd love to meet you in real life.\nKat: I don't meet strange men from the internet.\nGab: Why not?\nKat: Not that sort of gal.\nGab: But you're talking to me, aren't you?\nKat: Yes, but that's different.\nGab: How so?\nKat: Just is.\nGab: But it would be so much nicer to do this cuddled up right next to you...\nKat: I think this was a mistake.\nGab: Are you there?\nGab: Where did you go?\nGab: Kat?"} {"inputs": "Harry: Going to Ikea, need anything?\nSarah: Oh yes! :D\nHarry: perfect XD\nSarah: So could you please buy for me: white table cloth 120 cm x 140 cm, as simple as it gets, two medium size wardrobe organisers (the ones with grey flowers), one wooden spatula and three bottle cleaners.\nSarah: If you happen to go the food section, I wouldn't mind a Daim's frozen cake and a bag of meatballs ;)\nHarry: Ok, got it. Will do my best.\nSarah: You can use my Ikea Family card, just give them the number and my last name and tell them you forgot to bring it ;) 17927192.\nHarry: Thanks! Stay online, I may need your help.\nHarry: \nHarry: Is this table cloth ok? Or that one?\nHarry: \nSarah: First one's perfect ;)\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Harry goes to Ikea. He will buy some furniture, frozen cake and a bag of meatballs for Sarah. Harry will use Sarah\u2019s Ikea Family card."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBetty: so where did you go after?\nKelly: we wander around and met more people from school\nBetty: anyone i know\nKelly: well, yeah\nBetty: tell me!!!!!\nKelly: guess...\nBetty: oh c'mon!!\nKelly: guess who could pass THE pub at 2 am...?\nBetty: oh no!!!\nKelly: oh yes!!!\nBetty: damned bastard\nKelly: haha but we didnt talk almost, just hi-hi hows it goin\nBetty: tell me everything\nKelly: he looked nice, standard\nBetty: was he with someone?..\nKelly: yes....\nBetty: :/\nKelly: I'm sorry sweetie, i told him a few words, he heard from me a bit. Bastard\nBetty: thanks, babes, youre the best, youre my bestie\nKelly: not at all love, he is such an ass!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Afterwards, Kelly wandered around and met some people from school. She also met him. They almost didn't talk and he was with someone."} {"inputs": "Vicky: Is everyone still at town sq? I might have to meet you all at fratellis\nAudrey: I can be there for 7.30pm assuming no traffic incidents!\nLudovica: Yes, we're here Vicky!\nGreg: Trying not to fall asleep having sat down at home! \ud83d\ude31 Will get down for around 7\nVicky: Heading to fratellis shortly\nMichelle: If you wait for me in front of Town Square, I shall be there in 10 mins\nLudovica: We'll leave town Square very soon! If you get to fratelli's before us, the booking is in Brandon\u2019s name!\nBrandon: 10 mins Michelle? We've just left\ud83d\ude02\nMichelle: Just closed the office and it's rainiiiing. Well...I have a nice car here looking at me \ud83d\ude01\nRyan: C'mon NO! No driving today.\nVicky: I\u2019m here!\nAudrey: Can't get a taxi so Marty and kids bringing me over... will be about ten mins x\nRyan: \ud83c\udf89 We're upstairs Audrey\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "They are meeting at Fratellis, upstairs."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSue: Call me when you get this.\nSue: it's important\nSteve: OK, I'm calling\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Steve is calling Sue at her request."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAvery: You went to Ethan's house?\nDavid: yeah I had to babysit\nAvery: Aww, how do you babysit, just curious\nDavid: I had to go through a lot :/\nAvery: Was his sister naughty\nDavid: Tooo much\nAvery: Lol\nDavid: I will just refuse net time :/\nAvery: As you wish\nDavid: :/\nAvery: I just got his text \nDavid: What is he saying\nAvery: He is asking me to say thanks to you\nDavid: yeah whatever<3\nAvery: He was saying that your phone was switched off\nDavid: Yeah i have just turned it on\nAvery: I have told him about that\nDavid: k\nAvery: Gotta go now\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "David was looking after Ethan's sister. Ethan is grateful. David won't do it again."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Ed, Valerie, Chris, Lor, Atnee, Jessica, Matt are laughing at the sinfulness of the sex without marriage.\".", "targets": "Ed: Sinners!! Sex is for married people\nValerie: double sin if it\u2019s anything but missionary style!\nChris: Then you go get married & leave us all alone\nLor: You better hope all non sin living is worth it or your consciousness after death is going to be butt hurt for eternity lol\nAtnee: Ed, take it easy\nJessica: And the only purpose for sex is to make babies! !! That's it, hahaha \ud83d\ude02\nAtnee: Lol\nEd: Valerie , triple sin if you enjoy it!\nJessica: And only for procreation. :-))) And not to be enjoyed. :-)))\nMatt: Ed, Ok. See you in hell !! \ud83d\ude02\nEd: Matt , No you won\u2019t. I don\u2019t even look on the direction of another man"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Dinny's afraid of Terry's dog so he should keep it away.\".", "targets": "Dinny: can you take your dog away before i come?\nTerry: are you afraid?\nDinny: a little\nTerry: ok than"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nEvan can't come to his lesson tomorrow, because he's got the flu..", "targets": "Evan: Hi Dennis, I need to cancel my lesson tomorrow, sorry.\nDennis: Fine, what's up?\nEvan: Oh, got the flu, been off college since Tuesday. Should be ok for next Thurs.\nDennis: OK, just tell me in good time if you can't make it. Hope you feel better soon.\nEvan: Bye, Den! Thanks."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nAmanda: have you seen the guy with dreads?\nPeter: yes, so awkward!\nDan: hahaha, very, but cool!\nAmanda: I'm not convinced\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Amanda and Peter don't like what the man in dreads looks like, but Dan does."} {"inputs": "Will: I hate ques.\nWill: I'm standing in a line longer than the post office itself.\nWill: In order to just send a damn letter in XXI century.\nWill: Damn\nChris: What a time to be alive :D\nChris: Lines are the part of everday life of any person living in a big city.\nChris: There is nothing special in it, but I hope you'll think twice next time you decide to send a traditional letter.\nWill: The best think about my XXI century comment is that the line consists almost entirely of elderly people who don't have bank account and pay their bills via post office paying cash. \nWill: Where is digitalisation when you need it?\nChris: Haha. Hang on there. \n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Will had to stand long in a queue at the post. Chris believe it is part of life in a big city. Will believes it is because of old people, who do not use the internet."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Cora: Have you heard how much fuss British media made about meet and greet with James Charles in Birmingham?\nEllie: no...! what happened?\nCora: Well, there was a meet and greet with James Charles in one of the malls in Birmingham and about 8000 fans showed up for it.\nCora: It cause a gridlock around the mall and - of course - British media had to make some (quite negative) comments on it.\nEllie: they came for sister James?! >:(\nEllie: i sister snapped!! :p :D\nCora: Haha :D\nCora: You shouldn't watch so much youtube, you're getting weirder and weirder. :d\nEllie: sister shut up :P so, what did they say?\nCora: ;) :* \"Daily Mail\" was surprised that a meet and greet with a \"virtually unknown\" youtuber gathered 8000 people. :p\nCora: A host from LBC tried to find an answer to an unanswerable question: \"Who is James Charles?\". Eventually James called him and introduced himself. On air. :D\nEllie: there's something called google lol\nCora: Right? :p\nCora: Some hosts from ITV Central couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that a guy can wear makeup.\nEllie: really???\nEllie: smh it's 21st century, they should have noticed already... there are so many amazing male makeup artists\nCora: I agree! There are still plenty of dinosaurs in the media. :/"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nRicky's new neighbours are nice but loud. They own a parakeet that makes a lot of noise throughout the night..", "targets": "Frederick: do u like ur new next door neighbors?\nFrederick: they seemed really cool yesterday when we ran into them\nRicky: they're nice people but they're incredibly noise\nRicky: they also have parakeet that wouldn't stop squawking all night long hahaha\nFrederick: sucks to be you"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nFiona: Are you free?\nTina: Yes, what's up?\nFiona: I'm trying to prepare a nice dinner for Chris and I thought that maybe I could prepare this tart of yours :)\nTina: I'm flattered!\nFiona: Well, it IS delicious :) Could help me do it?\nTina: Sure! It's not difficult. Do you have anything ready?\nFiona: I must admit I bought the crust...\nTina: Oh, ok :P Pity, but well, it's too late now.\nFiona: I tried making the filling once, but I finished with lemony scrambled eggs...\nTina: It happens, don't worry. The thing is that once you start adding eggs you can't stop mixing it, otherwise you'll end up with scrambled eggs.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Fiona wants to prepare dinner for Chris. She is thinking of Tina's tart. She will help her make it."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAnna: Mum, I have a awful stomachache.\nJoanna: Oh, dear, when did you get it?\nAnna: At night, and it won\u2019t stop:-(\nJoanna: Is it something you ate?\nAnna: Maybe. I'm not sure.\nJoanna: What did you have for breakfast?\nAnna: The usual, cereal with milk and a banana.\nJoanna: Maybe the milk was bad.\nAnna: It didn't smell bad.\nJoanna: Maybe the banana was bad.\nAnna: No, the banana was delicious.\nJoanna: Maybe you just need to go to the bathroom.\nAnna: No, that's not the problem.\nJoanna: Maybe it will go away in a little while.\nAnna: I wish it would :-(\nAnna: Hopefully. If not, maybe we should go and see a doctor.\nJoanna: Yeah, I think so...\nAnna: I\u2019ll get you a hot tea with some fresh mint leaves. Hope it will help. \nJoanna: Please do, I\u2019m in my room...\nAnna: Will be in ten minutes:-)\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Anna got an awful stomachache at night but she doesn't know its cause. Her mom Joanna will make her hot tea with some fresh mint leaves."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSusan: Will you be home tomorrow?\nRob: Why do you ask?\nSusan: We could have dinner together if you have time after work\nRob: Sure! Sounds great\nSusan: Fantastic! I will cook something special then!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Rob will be home tomorrow. Rob and Susan will have dinner together after Rob's work. Susan will cook something special."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJulia was at cafe Kohaku near Covent Garden last week, but it's closed down now to her and Henry's surprise. She contacted the owners, but they haven't replied yet. Henry and his cousin went to the Lily's in the end, but it had a different vibe..", "targets": "Henry: Do you know what happened to cafe Kohaku?\nJulia: The one near Covent Garden?\nHenry: Yeah. I wanted to reserve a table, but I can't find them anywhere. Their Facebook page disappeared.\nJulia: I'm afraid they're closed :(\nHenry: For good?!\nJulia: Afraid so. I've been there last week and wanted to take my cousin there, but the place's empty\nJulia: Probably the rent was too high.\nHenry: Oh no, I loved that place\nJulia: Me too. I checked online for the owners and contacted them, but they haven't replied yet. I hope they will reopen somewhere else\nHenry: Unless they do it far away, the location was perfect. It was a real gem in this touristy district\nJulia: I know, I know... We went the Lilly's in the end, my cousin and I, but it's not the same\nHenry: Eh, that's a pity then, I was so looking forward to their brownie\nHenry: How was the Lilly's?\nJulia: It's all right, it's a different vibe though. I think you should go to the Japan Centre for the same\nHenry: Uhm, don't think so. It's always awfully crowded and there are more tourists than normal people like us"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAdrian: Did you get your grades yet?\nBart: Yeah. My whole semester is screwed up now.\nAdrian: Wait whaaat? Why?\nBart: Well, I bombed my economy final and ended up with a bad score..\nAdrian: Ouch. That must hurt :/ \nBart: Well, it's my fault because I didn't study as much as I should have.\nAdrian: Why don't you re-take the class next year?\nBart: That's what I plan on doing unless I keep screwing up. How did you do this semester?\nAdrian: I didn't do that bad. I ended up with a reasonable grade.\nBart: Well someone did his homework :p\nAdrian: I just pay attention during class, I don't study that much actually.\nBart: Classes are boring, can't pay attention for too long...\nAdrian: Anyway, why didn't you study for the economy final? \nBart: Let's just say I screwed up more than my econ class.\nAdrian: What happened?\nBart: I started playing StarCraft and ended up wasting a lot of time.\nAdrian: Oooohh I know that game but you better stop slacking off.\nBart: You're right. I'm not going to play games during school anymore.\nAdrian: You can play them, just don't loose focus and study for the exams :p\nBart: Let's see how it goes xD\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Bart didn't do well this semester because he didn't study much. He played a lot fo StarCraft. Adrian did well thanks to paying attention in class"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDan: Guys, so are we going out on Sat?\nTim: I'm ready when you are\nChris: I'm OK too, in the centre right?\nTom: I'm out guys sorry. \nDan: come on Tom, what's wring this time\nTom: told ya before. party at in-laws\nChris: always the same story right\nMartin: right guys, so what time?\nTim: start @8? finish. 8 if we're lucky\nDan: yeah, i need to be home at 2 and ready to drive on Sunday noon\nChris: so you takin it easy this time\nMartin: i guess i'd have to as well\nTim: guys you sound like 60 yos\nChris: Tim, are the last two standing or what?\nTim: i gather\nDan: you two will also grow up one day. \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Dan,Tim, Chris and Martin will meet at 8. Dan and Martin will take it easy this time. Tom can't make it as he has a party at in-laws."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDerek: It's been a long day\nPhil: Same here\nCynthia: good or bad?\nDerek: Very busy\nDerek: I closed some deals but I had a lot of stress also\nPhil: Lucky you\nPhil: I couldn't close any deal\nPhil: It annoys me \nPhil: Some customers are negotiating for days, weeks\nPhil: And then they pull out \nCynthia: Maybe they're just fishing\nCynthia: Want to compare offers \nPhil: That's what they do \nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Derek closed some deals today. Phil didn't manage to do it."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAnnie: Are you going to be at school?\nChristine: Not tomorrow. I am not well.\nAnnie: Oh noes! What happened?\nChristine: Got the flu, I think.\nAnnie: what's your temperature?\nChristine: Not high, I'm not running a fever or anything\nAnnie: Are you eating ok?\nChristine: Yeah. Just blocked nose, sore throat. Tired.\nAnnie: Sounds like you've got a cold. You need anything?\nChristine: I could do with some Theraflu.\nAnnie: OK, I think we've still got some sachets, should be in date. I'll drop them through your letterbox later on.\nChristine: Yeah. Don't call in because I'll feel bad if you catch this cold off me.\nAnnie: I think I probably had it already, but you might be sleeping.\nChristine: If the light in my room is on, call if you want.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Christine is sick and won't come to school tomorrow. Annie will leave Theraflu sachets in a mailbox. Christine doesn't want to get her sick."} {"inputs": "Malik: have you heard of that paleo diet?\nMalik: i need to lose some weight and i really want to try it\nSamantha: i've heard of it but i've also heard about the keto diet\nSamantha: AAAAANNNDDDD... i also need to lose weight lol\nMalik: what are you talking about?!? lol\nMalik: you're so skinny\nSamantha: whatever :-)\nMalik: should we try one of those together?\nMalik: it's always easier when someone's doing it with you\nSamantha: YES!!!!\nMalik: we can also go for runs together like we used to :-D\nSamantha: let's do it!! i'm so pumped!\nMalik: so paleo or keto?\nSamantha: what's the difference?\nMalik: i think they're practically the same, but you can't have dairy on paleo\nSamantha: can you have dairy on keto?\nMalik: i think you can, i'm no sure though\nSamantha: ok let me go online and read more about this\nSamantha: and i'll text you back later with more info\nMalik: ok\nMalik: are you excited??\nSamantha: i really am!!!!!!!!! :-D\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Malik and Samanta want to lose weight. They will try to keep a diet, keto or paleo, and go for runs together."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBob: \nBob: I bought this game and I think you should too\nBob: We could play 2gether\nHarry: Sorry mate, no money to spend on this\nHarry: I've got broken car nad shitty job, so for now I can't think about such leisure\nBob: Sorry to hear that.\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Bob has bought a new game. Harry can't afford to do it at the moment."} {"inputs": "Cara: hey\nCara: are you at home\nCeline: hey Cara\nCeline: No i'm not\nCara: okay then, i just wanted to pass by\nCeline: im sorry, i can drop by in the evening if you dont mind\nCara: its fine, call me then if you decide to come\nCeline: ok\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Celine is not at home, but she will call Cara before visiting her."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSerena: Have you been to the doctor lately?\nJeff: No, why?\nSerena: Just wondering what he says about your skin condition?\nJeff: It's fine right now. \nSerena: That's good!\nJeff: The cold weather sets it off and if I eat too much of the wrong foods, but otherwise fine.\nSerena: So you don't have to be on meds?\nJeff: Not all the time. Why?\nSerena: Tina has the same thing and takes meds on the daily.\nJeff: She must have a different kind than me or a worse kind.\nSerena: I guess so.\nJeff: It sucks, but it doesn't have to be every day.\nSerena: That's good. I'll tell her. That will cheer her up!\nJeff: Good! Tell her to hang in there. She can call me if she has any questions.\nSerena: Thanks!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Serena's skin condition is fine now and she doesn't have to take medication. Tina has a similar condition but takes medication on a daily basis. Tina can call Serena if she has questions."} {"inputs": "Ola: Hello Kate, sorry for not keeping in touch properly. As expected, we have hardly any connectivity here in Cuba. But we're doing fine and enjoying our trip. How are the things at home?\nKate: At long last! Started to worry. Nothing new happening, if you disregard all that Xmas craze. Momo has recovered from her injury and frolicking again.\nKate: \nKate: Good old Momo! Yes, it is your scarf!\nOla: NO!!! It's one of my favorites! The one from Laos!\nKate: Too late. Momo thinks it belongs to her now. Get yourself a new one. They surely have nice ones there.\nOla: Not at all. Only cheapish cotton blouses with horrible multi-coloured embroidery or some equally horrible crochetted tops. No shawls or scarfs.\nOla: \nKate: Wait a sec!\nKate: \nKate: Isn't it similar?! Mum would probably like it. Why don't you?\nOla: Not a bad idea. But the quality is usually crappy.\nKate: And if you go to some boutique shop or something? Not at a market as in your pics?\nOla: I might try and find some. Would you like one too?\nKate: Not really. And Mum would prefer to be the only one with an authentic Cuban blouse :))\nOla: OK I'll have a look. Greets to everyone at home pls.\nKate: Take care!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Ola is in Cuba and is enjoying her trip. She has problems with connectivity there. Momo has recovered from her injury. Ola doesn't like the clothes in Cuba. Ola will try to find a blouse for mum in Cuba, as Kate suggested."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nGloria: \nGloria: I'm too poor for my lifestyle\nAmanita: we all are, sweetie\nGloria: it's so frustrating!\nAmanita: but I thought your salary is pretty decent\nGloria: yeah but bear in mind that my therapy is expensive\nAmanita: maybe you need to cook more\nGloria: I cook\nGloria: I made sushi and tiger prawn korma\nAmanita: those are expensive meals\nAmanita: pancakes are super cheap\nAmanita: soups, too\nGloria: maybe I should plan my meals better\nGloria: thanks for the tip\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Gloria is frustrated with her financial situation. She will try to plan her meals better."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJeff: Do you know guys anything about the agreement?\nVladimir: the most important is that they decided it's neither a sea nor a lake\nVladimir: so it will have a special legal status\nTanya: and they will completely divide the seabed up\nJeff: sure, it's rich in resources\nDonald: yeah, mostly gas and oil\nVladimir: and \"between 80-90% of the world's caviar is sourced from the Caspian\"!!!\nJeff: hahaha, right!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "In the agreement it was decided that it's neither a sea nor a lake and it will have a special legal status. They will also completely divide the seabed up. It's rich in resources, mostly gas and oil."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMary: Hello, I think you've left your credit card at our shop\nJenny: Thank you for getting in touch! Thank you so much!\nMary: No worries :)\nJenny: When can I pick it up?\nMary: Whenever you come, it's safe with one of our cashiers :)\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Jenny has left her credit car at the Mary's shop."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Adam: it was me who called u\nAdam: call me back or text me when u can;-)\nTina: sorry, I'm still at work..\nTina: so many pple today:/ :/\nTina: dunno what time I can leave and actually my phone is dying...\nAdam: I see, u can call me once you're back home, I won't be sleeping until late\nTina: ok, and if it's really late then I'll call u 2morrow\nAdam: but don't do it before 9!;-)\nTina: sure thing;-)"} {"inputs": "Laura: Hi Tabs, how are you doing?\nTabby: I'm ok, the only problem is I have 2 exams next week. What about you?\nLaura: Oh, I'm ok, passed all exams but one. But that one was not so important.\nTabby: Ok.\nLaura: Are you coming to Daisy's party on Saturday?\nTabby: I must see how much progress I make with studying over the next couple of days. :(\nLaura: Ok... I understand that. :)\nTabby: Yeah! But I'm optimistic.\nLaura: Good! That's my girl!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Tabby has 2 exams next week. Laura passed all her exams but one. Tabby may come to Daisy's party on Saturday, depending on her studying progress."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nHarry: and? have you listened to it?\nJacob: listened to what?\nHarry: to the song i sent you 3 days ago -.-\nJacob: oh shit, i completely forgot...\nHarry: ofc again\nJacob: don't be like this :* i'll do that later tonight\nHarry: heh, okay\nHarry: i'm really curious what you'll think about it\nJacob: i'll let you know, a bit busy right now, speak to you later!\nHarry: okay\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Jacob hasn't listened to the song Harry sent him 3 days ago. Jacob will do it later tonight and let Harry know what he thinks."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMummy: My dearest Thess and Mike! We wish you God's blessing and a happy celebration of Christmas! Our thoughts are with you every second today.\nThessalia: We are joining you in prayer and our hearts are celebrating Christmas with you. May joy and peace be with you all!\nMummy: So help us God.\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Mummy and Thessalia send Christmas greetings to each other."} {"inputs": "Kate: I've just heard you want to sell your flat?! \nRob: That's true. Do you want to buy it?\nKate: Ha ha! I wish.. \nRob: I'll give you a discount ;)\nKate: Sure. You moved in a year ago or so?! Why do you wanna sell it?\nRob: We're thinking about having a baby and it is too small.\nKate: It's not that bad. Mine is smaller and I have two.\nRob: There's no room for a cot in our bedroom.\nKate: You're right. So are you looking for two bed now?\nRob: Three bed would be perfect so that we won't have to move out again when we decide to have another baby. \nKate: That's sounds reasonable.\nRob: I know. It just the prices.. total madness!!!\nKate: I can only imagine. It's getting more expensive year after year. \nRob: I've got a friend who's relocating to another city so want to sell his flat ASAP and offers a good price. We're seeing him tomorrow. \nKate: Good luck with that! ;)\nRob: Fingers crossed! ;)\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Rob wants to sell his flat, because it's too small. Rob will meet a friend tomorrow who has a flat to sell."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nBlake: where r u men?\nGeorge: comin'!\nBlake: good \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "George is coming to a meeting with Blake."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Julia broke Tom's cup, which made him sad. She will buy him a new one.\".", "targets": "Tom: Where is my cup?!\nJulia: I broke it, I think, sorry\nTom: You think? Were you drugged up?\nJulia: I'll buy you a new one, don't make a drama \nTom: :("} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMegan: Are we going to take a taxi to the opera?\nJoseph: No, I'll take my car.\nMegan: Great, more convenient \nJoseph: ;)\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Megan and Joseph will take Joseph's car to the opera."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMartha: how do you feel about minimalism?\nJake: I used to think it's total bullshit\nJake: like, it's still about spending\nJake: but it's about shifting the paradigm from buying cheap to buying expensive stuff\nMartha: if expensive lives longer, ofc\nJake: right\nMartha: I'm asking because I just saw this documentary about minimalism gurus\nMartha: and I felt mixed about it\nJake: I think it's a good idea to buy things that will serve you longer\nJake: but it's so difficult to be mindful about everything you buy\nMartha: I feel there are so many conflicting priorities when it comes to shopping\nMartha: if you want to buy durable stuff you usually pick brands you know, big brands\nMartha: and then it might not be fair trade product\nJake: take leather for example\nJake: if it's ecological it's cruelty free but it has higher carbon footprint than leather\nMartha: huh\nJake: so your values clash all the time when you shop\nMartha: :(\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Martha saw a documentary about minimalism."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nLilian has already told them she is at Helen's place..", "targets": "Kevin: Hey. Your mum has been calling me all day asking where you are.\nKevin: Where are you at?\nLilian: Ooh. My phone battery died\nLilian: But I called them and told them I am at Helen's place\nKevin: Okay."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKyle: yo yo, call me plz when you have a minute to spare\nKyle: gotta tell ya sth\nLily: 10 mins tops\nMary: facetime?\nKyle: yeah alright\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Mary and Lily will call Kyle on facetime."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nDerek will be at Craig's in 20 minutes to help him with his malfunctioning computer..", "targets": "Craig: Man, u there?\nDerek: Yeah, tell me\nCraig: I need help with my computer\nDerek: What happened?\nCraig: I don't know exactly but it's not working\nDerek: Well, ok... give me 20 minutes, got to get to my car\nCraig: Ok, thanks\nDerek: No prob"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBrenda: Hello, is this Sandra Donovan?\nSandra: Yes, well that was my maiden name, it's Sandra Taylor now.\nBrenda: It's Brenda Riley, we used to work together in the clothes factory!\nSandra: Oh my God! Bren! How are you, it must be 25 years!\nBrenda: I'm fine, I live in Stoke now, moved away from Brum in the late 90s.\nSandra: I still live in Kings Norton, same house, same husband! I've got 4 grandchildren now, ages 2, 4, 9 and 15! How about you?\nBrenda: Unfortunately, my husband Bill died 5 years ago, I have only one grandchild, she's 7, my little angel, she doesn't remember her Gramps. \nSandra: So sorry, love, I remember your Bill, he had long black hair and massive sideburns, didn't he?\nBrenda: Well, yes, about 45 years ago, he was bald when he passed away. He loved to dance, he did Northern Soul, we both did actually. Went up to Wigan on weekends, happy times!\nSandra: Oh yes, I remember that craze, bit energetic for me! We liked disco instead! We had some great dinner dances with the factory, do you remember them?\nBrenda: Yes! Us all dressed up with our long dresses and the men with their frilly evening shirts, lovely memories!\nSandra: Do you still see any of the girls from Lister's?\nBrenda: No, but I heard that Marigold Carter died, very sad.\nSandra: Hey Bren, I've had a brainwave! How about we organise a reunion for the Lister's girls, look on social media for them?\nBrenda: Actually, I was thinking along those lines! Do you fancy meeting up, just you and me? I can come down to Birmingham anytime.\nSandra: That would be lovely! Can you manage it next Saturday? We could meet about 11ish and go for lunch and a good old trip down memory lane!\nBrenda: Oh yes! I'd love that! I'll get back to you about train times soon!\nSandra: Ok! Bye love!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Sandra and Brenda used to work together in the clothes factory 25 years ago. Sandra still lives in Kings Norton. Brenda lives in Stoke now. Her husband Bill died 5 years ago. They will meet in Birmingham for a lunch next Saturday about 11. They want to organize a reunion for the Lister's girls."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Anna proposes Charlie eating a pizza tonight. Charlie refuses, because he is upset about the things that happened.\".", "targets": "Anna: Hi, would you like to have a pizza with us tonight?\nCharlie: No thanks, I don't want to appear rude, but you know I'm still upset about all the things that happened\nAnna: Ok, no problem, have a nice evening\nCharlie: Yeah, you too...\nAnna: :)\nCharlie: Yeah, cheers"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nMike, Tom and Ben will go for a beer..", "targets": "Mike: Let's go for a beer\nTom: Now?\nMike: Yes\nBen: Ok"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDan: since I am not sure who all ate from the BBQ, I will Splitwise everyone equally. If you did not have any of the food from the BBQ, please feel free to remove yourself.\nAshley: Although I did not have any food, it looked delicious! Job well done, Dan\nDan: Thanks!\nSara: Ahhh so sorry I wasn\u2019t there :(\nKen: More food for us ;)\nSara: you\u2019re such a meaaanieee Ken!\nKen: Just kidding, sweetie :) but regrettably there are no leftovers for you\nSara: K I\u2019ll just remove myself since I didn\u2019t eat\nVicky: it was soo good! As usual, Dan = grill master :)\nEric: Gery and I cooked our own chicken and asparagus I believe.\nGerardo: Well,Dan the man cooked it. We only provided it.\nDan: indeed\nGerardo: Thanks Dan\nEric: cheers! \nGerardo: I removed us from the transaction Eric\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Dan cooked a successful BBQ meal and will split the bill via Splitwise. He invites everyone who did not eat to remove themselves."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nLinda: Hi Helen, was Jamie at school today?\nHelen: Yes, he was, but I've heard that Jack is sick again? Poor baby.\nLinda: I'm afraid so :( High fever and a terible cough\nHelen: Jamie had it all the time last year\nLinda: how did you get rid of it?\nHelen: I have this wonderful perdiatrician, doctor Tornez, he is great with kids and treats every case individually\nLinda: that's rare in these days - sometimes I think all doctors do is prescribe antibiotics :/\nHelen: I know! But doctor Torez i quite different. You can find him at the City Medical Centre\nLinda: The one next to the mall?\nHelen: exactly\nLinda: Thanks! anyway, I just wanted to ask if there was any importans news concerning the school trip\nHelen: You haven't heard? It's off!\nLinda: What, why?\nHelen: Half of the class is sick...\nLinda: Oh no :/\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Jack had to miss school because he is sick. Jamie was sick a lot last year but he got better thanks to doctor Tornez at City Medical Centre, next to the mall. Linda learns the school trip has been cancelled as many students are sick."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDavid: I want a new tattoo but idk what to get \nMike: ahh yes iv been wanting to get one but do you have any ideas at all?\nDavid: ehh I was thinking something on my back maybe a scull and rose?\nMike: nahh dude everyone does this ahah \nDavid: yeah but I was thinking I add something else to make it more personal but idk what haha\nMike: yeah idk when you think of it let me know Ill go get one with you aahah\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "David wants to get a new tattoo but he doesn't know what exactly yet."} {"inputs": "Ella: did you send me mms? i can't open it for some reason :/\nCaleb: yeah, I sent you a pic of Maya\nCaleb: she's playing a mouse in a school play and I wanted to show you her costume\nCaleb: she looks sooo adorable in it! :-)\nElla: aww...:) can you send me this photo via email?\nCaleb: done :-)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Caleb sent Ella a pic of Maya to show her the girl's costume as a mouse in a school play."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCamila: So Harper, what are your plans for tonight?\nHarper: My dear Camila, I\u2019m all yours for the night!\nHarper: What would you say if we buy a bottle of wine, a take-away and stay in for the evening?\nCamila: Yep! Sounds perfect to me\nCamila: I\u2019m starving. I haven\u2019t eaten anything for the whole day\nHarper: I\u2019ll order a delicious meal from the restaurant about which we talked last time. \nCamila: I\u2019m in \ud83d\ude09\nHarper: Do you want to watch a movie?\nCamila: Sure. Any suggestions?\nHarper: How about Ugly Truth?\nCamila: Oh, I just thought about it. You know me better than I know myself \ud83d\ude09\nHarper: At your service \ud83d\ude09\nCamila: I\u2019ve got to go. See you in the evening!\nHarper: Ok, bye!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Camila and Harper agreed to order a meal and watch a movie tonight."} {"inputs": "Andrei: hey, did you pick up the film equipment for tonite's shooting?\nSerge: no, im on my way there now.\nAndrei: cool. do you happen to have your credit card with you? we have an outstanding bill to pay with the company.\nSerge: yeah, i do. not a lot of available credit on it, but we'll see when we get there.\nAndrei: OK, thanks. theyll be glad when we pay it. its long overdue.\nSerge: ill let you know if it works out. getting of the metro now\nAndrei: ok\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Serge is on his way to pick up the film equipment for the shooting tonight. Andrei and Serge are late with a large payment to the company. Serge and Andrei will try to use the credit card to pay the company."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLiam: will pick you up at 8\nLiam: be ready\nKane: cool man\nLiam: just don't get us late please\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Liam will pick up Kane at 8."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJosh: I need to buy an iPad?\nJosh: do u think apple it's a good choice?\nBrian: Nope, u gonna pay to have the sign of apple on yr fucking iPad.\nJosh: so what would u recommend?\nBrian: u mean brands?\nBrian: Samsung, Xiaomi, Sony\nBrian: depends on yr budget..\nJosh: let's say 2000..\nBrian: what about this ? \nBrian: or this \nBrian: actually, if u want samsung I can get it cheaper for u\nJosh: oh, good\nBrian: call me after work, ok?\nJosh: ok\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Josh wants to buy a tablet and doesn't know which brand he should choose. According to Brian, other brands are better than Apple and he can get a Samsung tablet cheaper. Josh will call Brian after work to talk about it."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nZiggler will bring the passport tomorrow as reminded by Dolph..", "targets": "Dolph: hey\nDolph: remember to bring your passport tomorrow\nZiggler: Cool, i will"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nNathalie: have you thought about the holiday?\nPauline: me & tony are into greece really\nJacob: anywhere warm and sunny. greece cool\nAnthony: greece is warm sunny and cheapish\nNathalie: i guess cob we ok w that\nJacob: sure thing\nPauline: so august as we said?\nJacob: thats the thing. we need to be back by aug 10\nAnthony: what?? why??\nNathalie: sis wedding\nPauline: your lil sis getting married?!? lol\nJacob: she's not little. seen her tony?\nAnthony: worth a look?\nNathalie: shut up assholes. shes my sister for fucks sake\nPauline: idiots\nJacob: come one just kidding. we love you\nAnthony: we have no choice XD\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Nathalie, Pauline, Jacob and Anthony are thinking about spending holidays in Greece together in August. Jacob and Nathalie need to be back by August 10 because of Nathalie's younger sister's wedding."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nLisa: have you ever heard about this diet??\nLisa: \nVictoria: Nooo\nVictoria: Hmm, seems interesting\nAmelia: YES!! My mum was on that crazy diet..... She gained 5 pounds (\u30fc_\u30fc)!!\nLisa: omg, glad that I asked\nLisa: \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Lisa is no longer interested in the diet now Amelia has informed her that her mum put on weight doing it."} {"inputs": "Joel: Hey, how are you guys doing? How's Coco?\nBecky: She's actually sitting on my lap purring right now.\nTrent: confirmed\nJoel: no way :D pics or didn't happen!\nBecky: \nJoel: haha! It took you guys 2 days to win her over. She's usually not that easy.\nTrent: maybe she remembers us visiting you?\nJoel: Maybe... oh, man, I'm jealous ;) Is she behaving ok?\nBecky: She's a total gem. Absolutely adorable.\nTrent: tbh she does try to scratch the couch from time to time\nJoel: you can just hiss at her or clap and she should stop\nTrent: yeah, we do that like you said and it works\nJoel: and if she wakes you in the morning you can just lock her out of the room until feeding time\nBecky: she hasn't done that yet actually\nJoel: I'm pretty sure it's coming :P\nTrent: so far she's been really sweet\nJoel: I'm glad. Just let me know if you need anything ok?\nBecky: ok sure\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Becky and Trent are taking care of Joel's cat Coco. Coco likes them both and is behaving rather well so far."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Dan's had an injection with anaesthesis because he got swollen. He feels it's not working though and it still hurts him.\".", "targets": "Dan: \nHulk: omg! Did it hurt?\nDan: no. I got an injection with anaesthesis. But its not working any more and it hurts:(\nPete: you're quite swollen\nDan: Its nothing compared to yesterday!\nHulk: you're kidding\nHulk: were you even more swollen than this?\nDan: Yes\nPete: Jesus"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Javier: hey, just a reminder, sign the attendance form when you arrive so everyone knows you were there\nMarco: ooh, okay then\nJavier: wonderful. \n:"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nThelma: i dont have anything to wear\nLouisa: your wardrobe is full of clothes\nThelma: but i have to look wonderful\nLouisa: ok i can bring you my red velvet dress\nThelma: really? :O\nThelma: it would be great!\nLouisa: no problem ;)\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Louisa will lend Thelma her red velvet dress."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nEmily: Oh Linda...Something horrible has happened. I'm so sorry. I have broken one of your green tea cups. Just looked away and brushed it off the table with my skirt. SORRY!\nLinda: No worries babe! It's nothing. Really.\nEmily: I'm feeling so bad about it. So clumsy of me.\nLinda: Look. I never really liked the set, so one cup makes no difference. I hardly use it anyway. How come it was on the table BTW?\nEmily: I was cleaning the cupboards in the dining room.\nLinda: You did what? Whatever for? The crockery there is more for decoration.\nEmily: Exactly. I thought they're so pretty, especially the green ones, and then noticed how dusty they are. So I thought I'd be a helpful guest and wash them. I did. And then I made myself a cuppa in the green one. And it happened.\nLinda: Ya golden! Really! Look, calm down. You are a fantastic guest.\nEmily: Ya. Smashing. As we say in GB.\nLinda: You know what? Take out the whole green set. If you like it so much - it is yours.\nEmily: But Linda! I'm speechless.\nLinda: Precious! See you in the evening!\nEmily: CU\nEmily: And THANK YOU\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Emily's a guest at Linda's house. She broke one of Linda's green tea cups when she was cleaning the cupboards. Linda doesn't like them and she offers Emily the whole set."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMelissa: How was your romantic weekend?\nSusan: Oh, it was lovely! We left Fri afternoon and got back Sun evening.\nMelissa: Good for you! ;) did you have time to take your mind off things?\nSusan: Yeah, definitely.\nMelissa: Where did you stay?\nSusan: We stayed in a 4-star cosy hotel near the beach.\nMelissa: How awful for you! Ha ha! ;)\nSusan: I know. Could stay there forever!\nMelissa: I bet!\nSusan: How about the food?\nMelissa: It was absolutely delicious!\nSusan: And the scenery?\nMelissa: Spectacular! I\u2019ll send you some photos.\nSusan: So what did you do mostly?\nMelissa: We didn\u2019t go anywhere specific if that\u2019s what you\u2019re asking. Just spent most time walking along the seaside chilling.\nSusan: Sounds amazing!\nMelissa: Was the weather ok?\nSusan: It was.\nMelissa: Is there anything else you wanna tell me?\nSusan: Well.. Toby proposed and I said YES! \nMelissa: OMG!!! I knew he was up to something!\nSusan: I know! But still I was surprised when he did it.\nMelissa: Congratulations! I\u2019m so happy for you both!\nSusan: Thanks! ;)\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Toby proposed to Susan during their romantic weekend in a cosy hotel near the beach."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nNatalia: should we book this flight before it gets more expensive?\nHarriet: yes, let's do it today\nLara: yup!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Natalia, Harriet and Lara will book flight tickets today."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Terence accused Daniel of taking his money. Terence finds the money later and apologizes to Daniel. Daniel is still upset.\".", "targets": "Terence: What the hell, Danny. You took my money, didn't you? :/\nDaniel: What, your money?? Why would I\nTerence: Don't play dumb\nDaniel: Are you calling me a liar, Terry??\nTerence: I'm not stupid, Danny\nDaniel: And I'm not a thief?? That's not cool, man :/\nTerence: ... Oh shit, I'm sorry, I've just found it. Forgot I'd placed it elsewhere last month\nDaniel: Good for you then\nTerence: Are you upset\nDaniel: What do you think?? Yeah, oh-fucking-course I am"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Luke will go surfing at 2:22 pm tomorrow.\".", "targets": "Luke: wow I got my ass kicked surfing today. 0 waves, 3 wipeouts and 1 surfboard to the head! (can't wait to go back though :D)\nKen: Yaaaay welcome to the tumble dry club - some days is great others just a knock about\nSummer: I almost lost my tooth one time ;) Hopefully next time is better!\nLuke: low tide is 2:22PM tomorrow. I'll be out there\nEric: I thought mid tide is generally the best ?\nLuke: Oh yeah? Yesterday was low tide. I thought that's best cuz you can see the rocks\nEric: Seeing rocks is a bad thing. I mean, you want to be aware of where they are for sure. But rocks in your vision = no bueno\nLuke: well I'd rather seem than** run into them. When the tide is out you're not surfing over the rocks"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nNatalie: Could anybody check if my wallet is in my room?\nJenny: I'm not home\nTobias: It's here \nNatalie: phew\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Natalie's wallet is in her room."} {"inputs": "Parker: yo do you know anything 'bout the arrowverse\nJason: yea\nParker: do you know its all connected to the DC Universe\nJason: that wasn't really hard to know Park\nParker: yea man i know, still..\nJason: you like the dc universe better than the marvel right?\nParker: obviously\nJason: yea me too\nParker: btw have you downloaded the latest episode of arrow season 7\nJason: its still downloading\nParker: text me when its done\nJason: dont come without a usb\nParker: yea i know -_-\nJason: cool\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Parker and Jason both prefer DC Universe to Marvel. Jason is still downloading the latest episode of Arrow season 7."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nHarris: How are U?\nLena: Fine, U?\nHarris: Been better.\nLena: ?\nHarris: My friend Aoki died yesterday.\nLena: O No!\nHarris: Yeah.\nLena: What happened?\nHarris: Not sure yet. Thinking the worst...\nLena: O how awful!\nHarris: Yes.\nLena: You just never know.\nHarris: True.\nLena: Had you seen her lately?\nHarris: Not for a few months. She lives in Michigan.\nLena: Oh, that's far.\nHarris: Not too far but far enough.\nLena: Right.\nHarris: Got to go, mom's calling.\nLena: K bi. Feel better!\nHarris: K will do\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Harris' friend, Aoki, who lives in Michigan, died yesterday. Harris hasn't seen her for a few months."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Jesse: I have an idea that'll cheer u up!\nMelvin: What is it?\nJesse: I was thinking about doing something 4 the less fortunate this year. \nLee: Gr8 idea! Anything in mind?\nMaxine: So no presents 4 me? :(\nJesse: U'll get ur presents, no worries ;)\nMaxine: Phew! Was getting a bit worried for a moment ;)\nMelvin: Bt what do u have in store?\nJesse: Well, have u heard about the Refuge?\nLee: No. What's that?\nMelvin: That's the Christmas foundation to help women and children?\nMaxine: I think I've heard of them. So what about them?\nJesse: That's right! They help women and children who escape from abuse. And every year they post wish lists of such ppl online and I thought that we could choose one and chip in. \nMelvin: That's a great idea!\nLee: Count me in!\nMaxine: Me too.\nJesse: Have a look at these 3 lists: \nLee: I think the second one would be the easiest to arrange.\nMaxine: Agree.\nMelvin: What about number 3? A bit ambitious, but if we pull together, we'll manage.\nJesse: Actually, I'm in for the 3rd one.\nMaxine: I think the 2nd list would be better. The items cos more or less the same and we can easily divide it.\nMelvin: But if we agree to chip in the same amount of money, we can deal with the 3rd one easily. \nLee: Come to think of it, the 3rd one is not that bad. A bit of planning and logistics and were good to go. \nJesse: So it's settled?\nMelvin: Yup.\nLee: Sure. \nMaxine: Fine."} {"inputs": "Casey: \nAmelia: these are so nice!!! did you do them yourself?\nKristen: wooow amazing\nAmelia: i want my nails done like that too!\nCasey: yeah i did it myself :D got a new nail polish but damn it took me nearly 4 hours lol\nAmelia: can you do it for us too?\nKristen: pretty please!\nCasey: sorry you guys... it was a nightmare :( seriously 4 hours for nails is too much\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Casey got a new nail polish and did her nails herself. It took her nearly 4 hours, so she won't do her friends' nails, as it takes too long."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nGloria: This exam is a bit of a lottery in fact\nGloria: You can't really get prepared, it's all about experience\nEmma: But there are some rules and some typical texts right?\nGloria: You can see some texts from previous years\nGloria: \nEmma: Wow that's very useful\nEmma: I have never seen this site\nGloria: Yes it's very good\nGloria: Actually it's good to read all the texts because you will see that some phrases repeat very often\nEmma: How much time do you have for all 4 parts?\nGloria: 4 hours\nEmma: Is it enough?\nGloria: Well it has to be\nGloria: Would be perfect to have 2 more hours... But on the other hand it would be really exhausting\nEmma: 4 hours and no breaks?\nGloria: No breaks :/ So it's really important to be really focused and try to write as fast as you can\nGloria: And read it carefully and correct during the last hour\nEmma: I'm going to read everything from that website, it's great\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Gloria has an exam soon. It lasts 4 hours. Emma sent her a link to a website with some texts from previous years so that she can prepare for the exam better."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Maria, Kate, Tommy and Sam are going to a conference. Tommy will use Prezi instead of Power Point. He has a Prezi subscription for $10 a month.\".", "targets": "Maria: hey guys!\nMaria: everything ready for the conference?\nKate: yes, almost\nTommy: I think we will have a good panel\nSam: I really hope there will be some people\nTommy: we should have good audience\nMaria: Are you preparing a power point?\nTommy: I'll have a prezi\nMaria: you're paying for it?\nTommy: it's good, worth the money\nMaria: how much is it?\nTommy: I believe $10 a month for academics\nMaria: not that bad"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMaddie: I'm in Asda, do you need anything?\nJohn: could do with a white bread and some apples \nMaddie: ok. Gala?\nJohn: yes please ta\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Maddie will buy a white bread and apples on John's request."} {"inputs": "Tricia: The cake is still not ready.\nZandra: Which cake?\nTricia: For your daughter\u2019s birthday, Tam ;)\nZandra: Oh, of course, there are so many of them, I don\u2019t even know what\u2019s going on.\nTricia: Sure thing, you need a hand ;]\nZandra: Thank you so much, what would I do without you\u2026\nZandra: But what about the cake, the party is tomorrow!\nTricia: You finally realized that\u2026 ;)\nTricia: They promised to have it tomorrow at Tricia: Zandra: .\nZandra: The party starts at Tricia: , it\u2019s way too late!\nTricia: I\u2019ll send Erwin to get it, he\u2019ll deliver it to us by bike ;D\nZandra: Bike\u2026 God save us all\u2026\nTricia: He\u2019s a good driver and has a special bag, it will be ok, I promise :*\nZandra: Ok, how about the rest? I have all decorations, starting with them in the morning after kids go to grandma\nZandra: I know nothing about the food and outside attractions\nTricia: Food I\u2019m taking care of, outside thing will be done by a company, they come and organize everything, don\u2019t worry\nZandra: You\u2019re the best, I have to make for it <3\nTricia: Nooo, no way, it\u2019s nothing.\nTricia: I know it\u2019s not easy for you with 4 children.\nZandra: Noo, it\u2019s not, but I regret nothing :*\nTricia: And that\u2019s the most important thing!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Zandra's daughter, Tam, has a birthday tomorrow. The party starts at Tricia's place, so Erwin will deliver a birthday cake by bike. Zandra is taking care of the decorations, Tricia of the food and a company of the outside attractions."} {"inputs": "Bennett: i'm in town!! let's meet!!!\nCynthia: YES! i'd love that\nBennett: our usual place?\nCynthia: no, actually, i'd like us to go to this new bistro i discovered\nBennett: i'm intrigued, what's so special about it?\nCynthia: it's super hipster, super cool\nCynthia: people bring their dogs and everything\nBennett: ok, as long as it's hygienic i'm fine\nCynthia: it's clean cool and their food is delicious\nBennett: ok, i can't wait\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Cynthia and Bennett will go to a new bistro she discovered."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMike: who is going for the research trip?\nJake: Me, Florence, Margot and others\nJake: but that's not important\nFlorence: hahah\nMargot: true, we have our nice bunch of people\nMike: so maybe I'll apply too\nJake: but remember it can be harsh in Swazi now\nMike: gosh, Jake, have you realised at least that it's not even Swazi anymore?\nFlorence: hahaha, quite hilarious\nJake: ?\nMargot: they changed the name of the country last year\nJake: what? so what's the name now?\nMargot: Eswatini\nJake: are you kidding me?\nMargot: Jake, it's basic knowledge before the trip LOL\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Jake, Florence, Margot and others are going on a research trip to Swazi. The name of the country was changed last year and it's now Eswatini."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAlex: Hi there, fancy a drink tonight?\nZayna: Why not :) what time?\nAlex: How about 8 pm?\nZayna: Sounds good. My place?\nAlex: Great. See you then.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Alex is coming for a drink tonight at 8 to Zayna's place."} {"inputs": "Lorenzo: Where are you?\nWill: I'm on the train in Arezzo\nAmanda: I'm on the highway still\nLorenzo: I've just arrived here\nAmanda: if you want you can call the guy from airbnb and already take the keys\nAmanda: you can even go there and wait for us inside\nLorenzo: hmm, I would prefer to wait for you guys\nAmanda: But I need at least another hour\nAmanda: And Will even more from Arezzo\nWill: really? I though I was quite close\nAmanda: not at all hahaha\nLorenzo: ok, so I'll take the keys and go to the room.\nAmanda: perfect, let us know it everything is ok\nLorenzo: ok\nLorenzo: I'm here, the room is very nice and we have an amazing view on the duomo!\nLorenzo: \nWill: wow! impressive, and wasn't even that expensive\nAmanda: I looked quite long for a room with a view\nLorenzo: hahahah we are now proper 19th century British tourists in Tuscany \nWill: I haven't seen the movie\nLorenzo: nothing special really\nAmanda: I liked it a lot!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Lorenzo took keys from airbnb and went to the room. He's waiting for Will and Amanda."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJames informs that the next ASEEES conference will be held in San Francisco. Chloe was hoping for Hawaii. James doesn't think there will be a conference in Hawaii soon due to the high cost of travel..", "targets": "Emily: Does anybody now where the next ASEEES conference takes place?\nChloe: Actually I have no idea, but a good question\nJames: I've heard somewhere in California\nJames: Yes, San Francisco!\nChloe: not bad, but I really hoped for Hawaii \nJames: hahaha, oh yes, but it won't happen too soon\nChloe: why do you think so?\nJames: The last conference there in 1993 was criticised for the high costs of traveling to the place\nChloes: I see, pity"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Bill: lovely pie\nJoy: hey lover boy\nBill: i really miss you\nJoy: i miss you too\ud83d\ude18\nBill: when are you coming back\nJoy: on thursday\nBill: cant wait to see you\nJoy: me too"} {"inputs": "Chandler: Phoebe!! Do you have money?? \nPhoebe: Yes I have .. But why do you need it..\nChandler: Open your door.. And pay the delivery guy standing outside my door..\nPhoebe: Oh chandler !! you idiot... On my way..\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Chandler asks Phoebe to open the door and pay the delivery guy standing outside his door."} {"inputs": "Damian: guys did u watch Chelsea game\nJacob: no\nMason: nah, i was busy all afternoon\nDamian: Higuain scored twice! so happy for him\nDamian: I know it was just Huddersfield, but finally something positive happened\nJacob: having a striker makes a difference\nDamian: yup\nMason: but cmon huddersfield is abysmal\nDamian: don't be like that, im happy for the team, maybe this will be a turning point\nJacob: no, I don't think so\nMason: ha good luck with that\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Chelsea won a game with Huddersfield this afternoon. Higuain scored twice. Damian's happy about it and he hopes it will be a turning point for Chelsea."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nLarry: \"old heads\" will hear insurance and their ears will prick up. This vote isn't about converting people we already have onboard :)\nKirsten: Agreed. And I am more than happy and willing to chat with 'old heads' on the matter. Can talk about 'risk mitigation' and what not.\nLarry: Let me take a look at that email and get back to u\nKirsten: Ok. sounds good. And let me know what you think and I will pull the trigger and post.\nLarry: Nailed it. God damn it. Post it. It's a Sunday\nKirsten: Ok. Now I got to get my husband to sign off on it since we are referencing him. Oh the married life!\nLarry: Mate. They're lucky to have you. Let alone him. Don't forget you're doing them all a gravious favor... Let that be clear.\nKirsten: Lol. Thank you. I appreciate the confidence. I like to stay busy and I love to learn. So I think this will take care of both :)\nLarry: I hear that!\nKirsten: Besides. To be transparent. I honestl don't intend on doing this by myself. I would be a fool not to take input fro Jamie and John. They all have a lot of experience and knowledge in the role.\nLarry: I hear that too. No argument from me. The current BoD has ignored them both. It's insulting.\nKirsten: Legal action seems to be the only thing they understand. \nLarry: Sadly yes. On a different note. I want to see a menorah in the lobby next year\nKirsten: Yes let's try to! I will See if Sara has an extra we can out in the lobby\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Larry has to read the E-mail again and make a decision with Kirsten afterwards. Kirsten has to convince her husband. Kirsten wants to include Jamie and John. Larry and Kirsten are going to arrange menorah in the lobby."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nOlafur: are we doing anything for New Year's Eve?\nNathalie: I was thinking about something classy, like opera or sth like that\nZoe: how much does it cost?\nOlafur: opera is not for me\nNathalie: so what do you propose?\nNathalie: it's 100$ \nOlafur: I was thinking about partying somewhere\nNathalie: partying sounds fun, as long as it will be classy\nZoe: \nZoe: Breakfast at Tiffany's party sounds classy\nOlafur: \nOlafur: is it classy enough?\nNathalie: :O\nNathalie: this club is AMAZING\nZoe: whoa\nNathalie: we'll going to Soho then\nOlafur: we just need to hurry up and buy some tickets soon\nZoe: sure\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Nathalie, Olafur and Zoe are planning the New Year's Eve. Nathalie wants something classy. Olafur doesn't like opera. They want to go to the Breakfast at Tiffany's party in Soho."} {"inputs": "Emma: You havent been back yet? and where's shake\nWilliam: I have been in que for past 20 minutes. Too much rush here\nEmma: Ok Hurry up. We cant wait anymore :( \nWilliam: Dont worry. Its my turn up next\nEmma: :D \nWilliam: Coming back in 5\nEmma: Ok waiting\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "William is coming back in 5 minutes as he had to queue for 20 minutes."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nGina: did u lock the door\nWarren: yes\nGina: good, thanks\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Warren locked the door."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJoan and John are going to watch \"A Star is Born\" on Thursday around 8 p.m..", "targets": "John: wanna go see \"A Star is Born\" on Wed?\nJoan: sorry can't\nJoan: super busy \nJoan: don't have time for anything :( \nJohn: that's a shame\nJoan: I'm free on Thursday\nJohn: I could do Thursday\nJoan: ok! so around 8pm?\nJohn: sure sounds great\nJohn: I'll see where it's palying and send you the details\nJoan: ok great!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLisa: Is it safe?\nMary: Don't worry. Aquarium is kept in a safe place.\nSarah: He will enjoy it for sure.\nLisa: He was asking for it for ages.\nMary: True, now he is old enough to have it\nSarah: How do we transport that?\nMary: Easy sister, Frank will help us.\nLisa: That's great!\nSarah: I can't wait to see his face.\nLisa: Me too!\nMary: Good teamwork you all.\nSarah: Okay, I will call you later\nLisa: See you\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Frank will help Sarah and Mary transport the aquarium that is a gift for someone."} {"inputs": "Emma: How was New Year's Eve? :)\nJosh: nice, just a bunch of close friends at my place\nEmma: sounds cosy\nJosh: yeah we had some wine and played board games\nEmma: sounds lame :P\nJosh: haha nope just getting older\nJosh: huge parties and dance clubs are not that exciting anymore\nEmma: oh come on you are not 70\nJosh: not 20 either ;)\nEmma: haha\nJosh: how was yours?\nJosh: I saw some pictures on fb, did you go away?\nEmma: yeah we drove to the seaside, visited bunch of clubs\nEmma: ended up on the beach for midnight\nJosh: wasn't it freezing?\nEmma: had my beer jacket on :D\nJosh: lol\nEmma: I have a cold now\nJosh: that's the risk of a beer jacket!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Josh spent New Year's Eve with his close friends at his place. They drank some wine and played board games. Emma spent that evening by the sea and went clubbing. At midnight she was at the beach. She is ill now."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nGary: remember i told you i wanted to drive for uber?\nEllie: yes.... :-D\nGary: and how you told me it was a terrible idea\nEllie: yes, I do remember lol\nGary: well, i'm driving for uber :-D\nEllie: really??? hahahha i'm sure i was right\nEllie: i'm sure you hate it\nGary: no! i love it <3\nGary: i'm actually parked waiting for a ping for my next ride\nGary: it's so much fun!!!\nGary: i've met loads of cool people! :-D\nEllie: really? \nEllie: i would have NEVER expected YOU would enjoy it\nGary: why is that?\nEllie: you're... \"peculiar\" when you meet new people, lol\nGary: what do you mean???\nEllie: don't take this the wrong way...\nEllie: but you're not good at being around new people lol\nEllie: you're always awkward and uncomfortable :-/\nGary: lol i didn't know i was perceived that way\nEllie: yeah, so when i hear you're having fun meeting all thiese strangers i'm really surprised lol\nEllie: maybe your social skills are improving!! hahaha\nGary: whatever, I'm having so much fun\nEllie: i'm glad you are!! :-)\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Gary is a driver for Uber and he really enjoys it."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Joseph: U there, mate?\nAlbert: Yeah\nJoseph: Damn, I'm tired af\nAlbert: Why?\nJoseph: Had three job interviews in two days\nAlbert: Ouch! So... any impressions?\nJoseph: I think the first two were more than ok, they seemed really satisfied with my r\u00e9sum\u00e9, heh, guess I'll have to choose one\nAlbert: Were both interviews for jobs at hotels?\nJoseph: Yeah, I guess I'm gonna be a concierge until the day I die\nAlbert: O la la! A concierge! With his r\u00e9sum\u00e9!\nJoseph: What's so funny about it?\nAlbert: It reminded me of that Simpsons episode, you know... \"the GARAGE?! o la dee dah, Mr. Frenchman!\"\nJoseph: Right! \"Well, how do you call it?\"\nAlbert: \"A carhole!\" XD\nJoseph: Lol! Anyway the third interview was ok but I don't know, the woman there didn't seem to like me\nAlbert: NO WOMAN likes you, Joe!\nJoseph: Oh, sod off, mate!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJohnatan: yoo guys\nDarren: B-)\nLucas: hey wassup\nJohnatan: beer? now?\nDarren: hell yeah B-)\nLucas: I'm free in the evening\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Lucas, Johnatan and Darren are going to get some beer."} {"inputs": "Liam: \nLiam: have you read this one?\nJulia: wow, I didn't even know that it existed\nJulia: thanks! The last one I read was Die again\nLiam: this one is like from 2014?\nJulia: yep\nLiam: I've heard that city library is organizing a meeting with Tess\nJulia: really? That would be really awesome\nLiam: just check it out on their facebook\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "The last one Julia read was Die again from 2014. There's going to be a meeting with Tess organized by the city library."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Anastasia: Our new school photos\nAnastasia: \nAnastasia: Look how happy I am\nDarrell: You don't look unhappy to me but it's like you're, uh\nDarrell: What was the word\nDarrell: Sceptical of something\nDarrell: \"what am I doing here\"\nAnastasia: Ahahaha\nAnastasia: That's my mood everywhere I step in\nDarrell: Hahaha\nAnastasia: Well\nAnastasia: They took the photo in less than a minute actually\nDarrell: Oh wow... well, I guess there were a lot of people?\nAnastasia: Yeah\nAnastasia: School photos always suck\nAnastasia: They take them so fast and carelessly\nDarrell: They would only really take group photos of us in middle and high school\nDarrell: If someone wanted a portrait photo, I guess it was possible\nDarrell: But not obligatory\nAnastasia: Well, I needed a new one for my school ID\nAnastasia: So I had no choice here\nDarrell: Luckily no one really has to look at your school ID most of the time, haha\nDarrell: Don't worry about it\nAnastasia: Ah no, I'm not worried, I actually find it kind of funny, it's fine"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Martha likes Ophelia's lenses and wants to buy similar ones. Ophelia got them from Crazy Lenses.\".", "targets": "Martha: Hey, can I ask you a question?\nOphelia: Do we know each other?\nMartha: We don't, but do you mind if I ask you about the lenses from your profile picture? they are awesome and I would like to buy the similar ones\nOphelia: it's from Crazy Lenses. They have quite reasonable prices and very fast shipping.\nMartha: Thanks!!! I'll check them :)\nOphelia: No problem :)"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAdam: Have you talked to May?\nKaren: Yes, yesterday, why?\nAdam: I just talked to her and I must admit I worry about her\nKaren: Me too, I suggested she should see a specialist, but she wasn't very happy about it\nAdam: No wonder...\nKaren: I know, but I think this is serious. She's saying she's depressed, like everyone around, but in her case it may be true\nAdam: She was telling me she doesn't feel like doing anything, she's bored all the time, she never feels happy. It sounds like a real, typical depression\nAdam: She also told me that she has trouble sleeping. I asked her to go out for a beer or anything basically, but she doesn't want to leave the flat\nKaren: Oh my, it sounds really serious. I don't what to tell you\nAdam: I was wondering how I can help her\nKaren: Honestly I don't know if we can help her, Adam. I suggested a specialist because these are very sensitive issues and I'm afraid we may unintentionally make it worse\nAdam: Yes, but she doesn't want to see a specialist. Basically, she doesn't want to see anyone\nKaren: Hm... I don't know... How about I call someone for advice? So we could know what to do\nAdam: Sounds rational, do you know anyone you could call? Don't mention her name\nKaren: Of course I won't! I have a friend who's a psychologist, we can trust her. I'll let you know\nAdam: Thank you Karen!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Adam and Karen are worried that May suffers from depression. Karen will call her friend who is a psychologist and ask for advice."} {"inputs": "Julius: Yoh, today its derby day\u26bd\nTitus:\u26bd\u26bd yeah, finally man\nJulius: which team are you supporting today\nTitus: Manchester united anytime, any day\nJulius: city will win\nTitus: haha, united will win\nJulius: lets see then\nTitus: cool\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "It's derby day today. Titus supports Manchester United. Julius supports City."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSean: Friendly reminder of trade deadline today. Let's get those last minute trade request sent.\nRick: So does John get Lamar Jackson or is he scrambling for another qb??\nSean: Nick needs to really think about rolling with Blake. John needs a QB!\nJohn: I think I would have rights to Lamar but I think the consensus is that he's on waivers so he's open. I guess I'm just hoping RGIII and Brock play or just wait...\nRick: Crazy it happens though! he one thing in the chart that isn't addressed. We could vote and go from there. I just want you to lose a player and Nick not to get Lamar.\nJohn: In 15 years I've never seen a ream trade a big time RB or WR for a QB this late n the season do anything in the playoffs. That ends their season. Of course a one QB team isn't worth anything either. I have t take my chances.\nSean: Damned if you do, damned if you don't.\nRick: people's evidence #658 why the QB rule doesn't work.\nJohn: I might have a way to drop the rule completely next year.\nSean: I guess we will have to talk about after the season.\nRick: Nobody liked my IR suggestion a couple of years ago. That solves a large percentage of the issue tho\nSean: 1 QB not 2 for a 14 league...\nJohn: as I said, we can look at if after the season. I just wouldn't want to make it any easier. What has made the league so great its that it has been really difficult so far.\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Sean reminds the guys about trade deadline today. Rick wants to vote. John will look at it after the season."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Ella: so? \nMolly: ?\nElla: come on! pics or it didn't happen\nMolly: what are you going on about?\nElla: I heard you met up with Chuck\nMolly: no... when was this suppossed to happen?\nElla: friday\nMolly: Holly fuck that little shit made a story up\nElla: ?\nMolly: I told him no and the little fucker made up a story\nMolly: Im gonna kill him"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Next week is Wharton's birthday. Augustine, Darlene, Heather and Walker want to buy him a paper shredder. Walker will make sure if Wharton really wants it. \".", "targets": "Augustine: Guys, remember it's Wharton's bday next week?\nDarlene: yay, a party!\nHeather: yay! crap we need to buy him a present\nWalker: he mentioned paper shredder once\nAugustine: wtf?!?\nWalker: he did really. for no reason at all.\nHeather: whatever that make him happy\nDarlene: cool with me. we can shred some papers at the party \nAugustine: so much fun\nHeather: srsly guys, you mean we should really get office equipment???\nDarlene: Walk, ask him if he really wnts it and if he yes then we get it\nWalker: i heard him say that. wasn;t drunk. me neither.\nDarlene: but better ask him twice\nWalker: will do\nAugustine: 2moro ok?\nDarlene: and sure ask ab the party!"} {"inputs": "James: I am driving there, need a ride?\nRichard: That's perfect, thanks, what time should I be ready?\nJames: 6:15?\nRichard: I'll be waiting!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "James will pick up Richard at 6:15."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Railey will buy Tiffany a burger.\".", "targets": "Tiffany: buy me a burger on your way home\nRailey: ok\nTiffany: thx, sis :)"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Laura wants Kas to tidy up her dreads this weekend. Kas will let her know tonight if she is available.\".", "targets": "Laura: Do you think you can tidy up my dreads for me this weekend?\nKas: Probably. Have to check my schedule with work first and let you know.\nLaura: \nLaura: \nLaura: \nLaura: They're really messy.\nKas: It'll take a couple of days to sort out the mess. I'll let you know tonight if I can do it."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nHarry: Where are you? i am outside\nEma: coming just 2 mins...\nHarry: You told me you were ready.. you know movie has already started\nEma: i am sorry give me 5 minss\nHarry: Damn! take foreverrr\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Harry waits outside. The movie has already started but Ema needs another 5 minutes, which made Harry angry."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDon: The CSS tests are today.\nHank: I know! Have you registered in their system?\nDon: No, not yet.\nHank: I'm not sure if I have to fill out all the fields. Most of them don't even apply to Rodney. It's strange that they're incorporating such professional tests for little leaguers.\nDon: Hmm... I don't know. I'll check it later tonight when I get home. Apparently it's supposed to be a database of all the young up-and-coming hockey stars. Scouts use that information for future contracts, etc.\nHank: OK, but our kids are 10 years old! They're not signing any contracts for now :)\nDon: Well, obviously not, but it's kind of cool that they'll be in a world database of peewee hockey players.\nHank: Yeah, I guess. So apparently the tests are supposed to last 5-8 pm. 3 hours! I'll probably wait and work on the computer.\nDon: Bring a blanket :) It can get mighty cold sitting in a rink for 3 hours.\nHank: No shit :) Are you coming.\nDon: Well, since you're going anyway, maybe you can take my kid :) \nHank: Hey, that's not fair! \nDon: I'll take the kids next time, I promise!\nHank: Yeah, yeah, we'll see. I'll tell you about the tests when I bring Oscar and Roger back.\nDon: Ok, thanks again, I owe you.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "The CSS tests for the hockey players are today and will last 3 hours, starting 5pm. Hank will bring his son and Don's son as well. Don is glad."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Tom: Ben. We've decided. 2pm in the Oval Room.\nBen: Ok, I'll be there\nTom: Take all your papers, it's going to be a fight! And remember: take no prisoners, shoot to kill!\nBen: hahaha, we have to win this battle.\nTom: We will, the justice is on our side."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nAlan has found some cinnamon whiskey and sends Robert photos of it. .", "targets": "Alan: \nAlan: look what I just found :)\nRobert: dude, that's just nasty and you know it :) \nRobert: it has no sugar, no taste, and additional cinnamon flavoring\nAlan: yeah, I know - that's awesome :)\nRobert: you sir have a very strange tastes :P\nAlan: well, and I found a perfect company for it \nRobert: oh, that's more like it!\nRobert: but does the whiskey go well with the cinnamon? flavored whiskey is the worst... \nAlan: Actually it does taste surprisingly well. The cinnamon is not overpowering. If you put enough whiskey that is :)\nRob: Lol, thought so :)\nRob: I just wish the brought the old cherry flavor back...\nRob: not the useless no-sugar stuff\nAlan: Ah, that is true :)"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nTrinny, Susannah and Linda will meet at 6 at the main entrance..", "targets": "Trinny: What time do we meet?\nSusannah: 5, 6?\nLinda: six, please? I need time to get ready after work;)\nTrinny: 6 is good!\nSusannah: Ok\nSusannah: at the main entrance?\nTrinny: Ok\nLinda: see you Ladies!\nTrinny: :*"} {"inputs": "Jake: Holly ru coming tonight?\nHolly: tbh I don't feel well\nHolly: I think I caught flu\nJake: oh no, I was so excited that everyone would be here\nHolly: I know, sorry\nHolly: but I srsly feel shitty..\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Holly is not feeling very well, so she's not coming to Jake's tonight."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Sam: Where are you?\nKate: downstairs\nSam: already?\nKate: sure, come down\nJeff: We're in the little room next to the reception\nKate: have you noticed the woman making a cake?\nSam: yes\nKate: did you see the cake?\nSam: I didn't pay attention, why?\nKate: there was a huge penis on it\nKate: made of marzipan or sth\nSam: hahah, really?\nKate: when I noticed it, I started laughing\nKate: so she laughed too\nSam: nice\nKate: I asked her what's she doing\nKate: Somebody ordered a cake with a huge penis with balls and chocolate hair\nSam: hahah, I must see it!\nKate: she is working in the small room under the stairs\nSam: right, there is a kitchen"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nGeri: I need to buy some new shoes\nHilary: what kind?\nGeri: some nice heels\nGeri: something sexy\nHilary: I sa spome great ones at the mall yesterday\nGeri: great! thanks\nGeri: wanna go together check them out\nHilary: ok maybe 2morrow\nHilary: after work?\nGeri: sounds good\nGeri: we can get some frozen yogurt\nHilary: Oh yeah\nHilary: I love that place!\nGeri: it's been a while since I had some\nHilary: it's a plan\nGeri: ok I'll be in touch\nHilary: ok :)\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Geri and Hilary will go to check out some sexy heels for Geri tomorrow after work. They will also have some frozen yoghurt."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nWhitney: What will be for dinner?\nWilliam: Spaghetti alla vongole\nWhitney: What's this vongole? Never seen this word\nWilliam: It's in Italian\nWhitney: What does it mean?\nWilliam: Clams, it's a kind of seashells, seafood\nWhitney: Oho, ambitious, how are you going to do that?\nWilliam: First I will cook pasta\nWhitney: quite obvious, this is spagghetti alla vontale\nWilliam: Alla vongole. Afterwards I make garlic golden, add wine and then clams\nWhitney: Gonna get drunk :))\nWilliam: Very funny. I wait as clams open, and I'll add pasta\nWhitney: Sounds delicious, I am mouth watering!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "William is making spaghetti alla vongole for dinner. It's an Italian dish and it involves pasta, garlic, wine and clams."} {"inputs": "Lincoln: Heeyyy ;* whats up\nFatima: I talked to Jenson, he\u2019s not too happy ;p\nLincoln: the place sucks??\nFatima: No, the place is ok, I think, we can go there, it\u2019s about Alene\nLincoln: typical, dont worry about it\nFatima: He thinks she may have a depression :[\nLincoln: nothin new, everyone has it, she needs a doctor then\nFatima: But she won\u2019t go ;/\nLincoln: so she\u2019s destroying her life fuck it its not your problem\nFatima: It is, they\u2019re both my friends!\nLincoln: you better think what to do if they break up\nFatima: Ehh yes Ill have a problem ;//\nLincoln: both blaming each other and talking with you about it, perfect\nFatima: Alene is just troubled\u2026 She\u2019d been through a lot\u2026\nLincoln: everyone has their problems, the question is are ya doin sth about them\nFatima: She has problems facing it, don\u2019t be surprised :[\nLincoln: then it is her problem\nFatima: You are so cruel at times\u2026 o.O\nLincoln: maybe, for me its just a common sense\nFatima: Why can\u2019t everyone be just happy???\nLincoln: youll not understand, you had good childhood, nice parents, you have no idea\nFatima: Probably, true\u2026 Well I can be just grateful o.o\nLincoln: do that and stop worrying about others, youre way to bautful for that <3\nFatima: :*:*:*\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Fatima is worried about Jenson and Alene. Alene has issues. Lincoln doesn't want Fatima to worry about others too much."} {"inputs": "Sosie: What's your flat apartment number again?\nKyra: 187\nSosie: thanks! Will be there in 5 mins\nKevin: Hurry up! \nKevin: We're all waiting :P\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Sosie will be at Kyra's flat in 5 minutes. The flat number is 187."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"The toilet upstairs is blocked again. Wendy and David can't afford the plumber as Wendy spent the money on her sister's birthday present.\".", "targets": "Wendy: I think the upstairs toilet might be blocked.\nDavid: Oh NO! NOT AGAIN!\nWendy: I'm not sure if it is but it is not draining very well.\nDavid: Then it probably is blocked.\nDavid: You haven't like flushed any tampons or pads down there?\nWendy: Of course not!\nWendy: I know not to do that.\nWendy: Do you think I'm that stupid?\nDavid: Didn't say that. I was just checking.\nDavid: That toilet is a major issue ever since we got the house.\nWendy: Yeah, where are the good old days of renting where you ring the landlord and it is his problem! :-P\nDavid: Hahaha! True!\nDavid: Did you call the plumber already?\nWendy: No. I don't think we can afford to pay the plumber this month.\nDavid: Fuck! Don't you have anything left in the kitty?\nWendy: Well I did but then it was my sisters birthday and I had to get a present...\nDavid: So, what are we supposed to do now then?!\nWendy: Wait until next paycheck? Fix it ourselves?\nDavid: Great :-/ just fucking great. grrr!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nHolt: ladies, an important question. what to get my sis for bday?\nDarla: how old?\nHolt: 21\nOlive: can't be too personal\nTreena: cosmetics maybe?\nZula: i'd get her DVDs or book series. always works\nHolt: you might be right. set of DVDs and some cosmetics?\nOlive: we'd all be happy i guess if you know what she likes\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Holt asks his girlfriends some advice on a present for his sister on her 21st birthday. Treena recommends cosmetics, whereas Zula suggests DVDs or book series."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKate: Hey, do you know if our medical insurance covers hospital costs?\nGreg: Hm, it depends\nMel: What happened dear?\nKate: I broke my arm and they're sending me to the hospital :/\nGreg: Call Linda or ask someone at the reception, they should be able to tell you what kind of package you have\nKate: thnx\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Kate broke her arm and she's going to the hospital. She'd like to know whether her medical insurance covers hospital costs. Greg suggests her to call Linda or ask someone at the reception about it."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nWillyx: how did your job interview go?\nAlicja: it's tomorrow :D\nWillyx: sorry\nAlicja: it's ok :)\nWillyx: let me know how it went\nAlicja: sure\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Alicja's job interview is tomorrow. She will inform Willyx how it goes."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Anna: The more I study the more I think it makes no sense\nAnna: We learn about historical moments in our civilization\nAnna: We learn names and dates, we learn about great moments of human race and we learn about our mistakes\nAnna: We learn all of it and get idealistic\nAnna: We develop utopian concepts of how world should look like\nAnna: And all of it makes us miserable when we face reality. We face corruption, politics, war, conflicts hatred, egoism\nJerry: Wow. That was kind of depressing...\nAnna: Ignorance is a bliss you know...\nJerry: I get it. The less you know, the happier you are.\nJerry: However I try to look for positives.\nAnna: So do people doing HIV tests\nJerry: Hahaha. Dark humour. I luv it.\nAnna: The only thing that makes me feel better is actually dark humour.\nJerry: I feel you :D"} {"inputs": "Ricky: Did u guys see what's going on outside?\nShelly: A real blizzard!\nTom: Haven't seen such weather in yrs!\nRicky: This reminds me of a time when I was hiking in the mountains.\nShelly: U went hiking?\nTom: Yeah. What's so weird about it?\nRicky: U don't strike us as the type.\nTom: Well, I did. It was a couple yrs back, I admit. I was still a student and we went as a group of friends to the mountains.\nShelly: How many of u were there?\nTom: I think 5 or 6. Myself included.\nRicky: So what happened?\nTom: We rented a cabin in the wild. We wanted to have a weekend away.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "There is a blizzard going on outside. Ricky went hiking a couple years ago with friends. They rented a cabin in the wild."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nCarly: She's so stupid \nCindy: I know, right ;D\nCarly: How could she do that :D\nCindy: I know \nCarly: she really asked him :D\nCindy: yeah, she did \nCarly: ok, talked to u latter \nCindy: :D\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Carly and Cindy think she is stupid, because she asked him."} {"inputs": "Sam: Where are you?\nTilly: Just leaving school now?\nSam: What have you been doing? You said you would be home for 4!\nTilly: Yes had to go for detention\nSam: I asked your mum if that's what had happened but she said she hadn't got a text\nTilly: They are useless. They are supposed to tell your parents if you get a detention.\nSam: How long will you be?\nTilly: About 40 minutes\nSam: OK.. I'm going back to mine - phone me when you are home.\nTilly: OK - see you soon.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Tilly was supposed to come home by 4 but she got a detention. The school was supposed to inform her parents about it, but didn't do it. Sam is coming back home. Tilly will be home in 40 minutes. She will call Sam then."} {"inputs": "Natacha: hi, i can come and pick you up at the RER.\nCharles: so nice. I just landed. I think i'll arrive about 5:30pm. I'll give you a call\nNatacha: ok ,call me when you'll be at the station Vesinet. \nCharles: thanks . see you\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Charles has just landed and he will be at RER about 5.30 PM. Natacha will pick him up from there."} {"inputs": "Peyton: I have been asking you to bring that video game for me\nCameron: Honey, I am not having enough time to come home\nPeyton: When would you come home?\nCameron: I will have to stay out of town for another week i guess\nPeyton: Cant you just deliver that game through the courier? :P\nCameron: Dont be mean :/\nPeyton: Get the job done and come to home then. ASAP :P\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Peyton is expecting Cameron to bring the video game. Cameron will probably be out for another week."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nCass: Hi darling, did you get your birthday card and money on time?\nJordan: hello Nanna! Thanks for the \u00a320. Sorry I didn't ring you before.\nCass: you still like Thomas the Tank engine don't you? I picked it specially.\nJordan: Yes, Nanna. I will always love him! Next time, get me a football one or something. I mean, I'm 11 now!\nCass: I know, you are so grown up. Love you xxxxx\nJordan: Love you, Nan xx\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Cass sent her grandson Jordan \u00a320 and a birthday card for his 11th birthday."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJeremih: hey, tell your sis to text back\nHansel: haha, thats your issues bro, dont drag me into it\nJeremih: she's mad at me\nHansel: for what\nJeremih: i dont even know\ud83d\ude14\nHansel:\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude02\nJeremih: youre laughing\nHansel: haha, ill tell her but next time i wont interfere\nJeremih: Okay bro, thanks\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Hansel will tell his sis to text Jeremih back."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Max: I know I will never be famous music producer\nMax: But check this out\nMax: My latest project\nMax: \nJim: I'll listen to it when I get home.\nJim: Knowing you I'm sure it's good.\nMax: Thanks\nMax: Let me know what you think later\nJim: I will"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Daisy: going home?\nLisa: not yet\nDaisy: please be back before 11 pm\nLisa: ok"} {"inputs": "Mike: \nMike: woke up like this :/\nEmma: omg what is this???\nEmma: allergy?\nMike: no idea... probably\nMike: but no idea to what :/\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Mike suspects he might have had an allergic reaction to something."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Ryan: I have a bad feeling about this\nRyan: \nSebastian: Ukraine...\nSebastian: This russian circus will never end...\nRyan: I hope the leaders of of nations will react somehow to this shit.\nSebastian: I hope so too :("} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDavid: Hi victor how are you?\nVictor: i am fine thanks, what about you?\nDavid: very well thanks, i heard you have taken over Chris's company? is that true?\nVictor: Yes he was under huge debt, but he is still working as Director\nDavid: That is good, your running company at its old premises?\nVictor: No i sold off the office and accommodated them in my office, you know there is a lot of free space.\nDavid: yes i know. thats good to hear i was worried about Chris but really appreciate what you are doing.\nVictor: he was not willing to get help so i thought to do it this way.. and he can own it back anytime he wants\nDavid: God bless you\nVictor: Thanks, hows your business?\nDavid: its good but not too much work these days..\nVictor: yes market is very slow..\nDavid: yes expecting it to get better by the end of the year.\nVictor: really? we can hope for the best\nDavid: yes.\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Victor took over Chris's company, which was under a huge debt. He sold the office and did some changes but Chris still works there as Director. David's business goes very slow but he expects it to get better by the end of the year."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSam: You own a really nice hotel, guys \ud83d\ude0a\nJessica: Thanks Sam \ud83d\ude0a\nMichael: Thanks, mate \nSam: How is our hotel room set for next month? Hope that the manager will arrange the very best for us \ud83d\ude09\nMichael: you\u2019re damn right, Sam\nMichael: are you coming on the 15th of August?\nSam: Yep! We\u2019ll be at the hotel around 2 p.m.\nJessica: I\u2019m soooo happy to see you again!\nSam: Me, too \ud83d\ude0a\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Sam appreciates the hotel owned by Jessica and Michael. Sam is going there on the 15th August at around 2pm."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nRobert: Happy Christmas! Wishing you and Elena all the best for the Christmas season and a Happy New Year!\nSerge: Thanks, you too, Robert.\nRobert: By the way - please cancel the phone number for me that starts with 713. The one beginning with 304 is the only number for me now.\nSerge: OK, Robert. Is all OK?\nRobert: Well, I will tell you more in a few weeks, but in short from today I am looking for a new job.\nSerge: What? They sacked you? After your huge success in the Ukraine?\nRobert: That's life.\nSerge: Those fucking bastards.\nRobert: Well, I could see it coming, ever since the merger. The Swedes didn't even bother to find out what people did before they started laying them off.\nSerge: Send me your CV, I know one Belgian guy who is thinking of opening a new factory here. Can't promise anything, but at least I can try.\nRobert: Serge, I really appreciate that.\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Robert has a new phone number starting with 304. Robert has lost his job and is looking for a new one. Serge offers to pass on Roberts CV to a contact."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDima: hello! \nNada: hey girl, what's up?\nDima: I'm in a huge trouble, my laptop is broken and I have to deliver a translation tomorrow @9 \ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude31\nNada: fuck what happened??\nDima: the stupid cat spilled coffee on it \ud83d\ude23\ud83d\ude23 I'm freaking out!\nDima: you still have your old laptop? is it possible to lend it to me please?\nNada: no sorry, I've given it to my brother - but you're lucky! I've taken these two days off so you can take mine\nDima: ooh man! thank you sooo much!!! if it weren't for Trados, I wouldn't be panicking :( \nNada: no worries, it happened... but I always think about this... like man, we need some back up laptops!\nDima: I know! but I always change my mind and spend the money elsewhere lol\nNada: yeah, but it's like our only tool! so we need to invest in it\nDima: yup, true !\nDima: can I come in an hour to pick it up?\nNada: yes :) ttyl!\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Dima's laptop is broken, as her cat spilled coffee on the laptop. Dima is worried, because she has to deliver a translation for Trados tomorrow. Dima will come to Nada in an hour to borrow Nada's laptop."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLynn: Sorry it's not worth it to have sex with some old wrinkled guy to pay your bills who rubs his old saggy balls all over u ewww fuck that \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude32\nDiana: I totally agree. \nDiana: And she\u2019s not even that pretty my Lord. But to each it\u2019s own if materialistic as what she craves and I guess she is fulfilling her fantasies. But I don\u2019t want no old balls on my four head LOL no thanks\nSteviee: Lots of sugar babies don't actually sleep with them. Sometimes it's purely friendship and companionship\nWilbur: OMG!!! \nWilbur: Lynn...you've got me laughing so hard! I'm crying! Haha!! I seriously just spit my soda out!!! Lmao\nKellene: Lynn what\u2019s going to happen when you\u2019re in your 60\u2019s and every man close to your age has saggy balls? Will you only date younger men then? Perhaps, this girls sugar daddy\u2019s do exactly that. \nLynn: Can't even imagine :)\nWilbur: you know what they say, from old egs, comes salmonela lmao :P\nLynn: Yes true \uf04a\nSteviee: Hahahaha\nWilbur: Not all of them expect intimacy some of them just want your company lol\nJustin: Steviee, that's what lots of sugar babies say and want the public to believe, doesn't mean its true. I don't believe what you said for a second\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Lynn and Diana are disgusted by sugar babies, Wilbur tries justifying this lifestyle, but Justin doesn't believe it."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMike: dude, wendy has grown prettier\nDave:\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4d\nMike:\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\nDave: i know right?\nMike: yeah, since she came from Houston, she looks like an angel\nDave: i'll have to hit on her soon\nMike: haha, stay off, i hear Jerry is her lover\nDave: really\ud83d\ude15\nMike: yeah\nDave: since when\nMike: haha, i dont know, but you can push your luck\nDave: haha, i will\nMike:\ud83d\ude09 good luck\nDave: yeah, ill need it\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Mike and Dave notice Wendy got prettier. Dave wants to hit on her, but she's with Jerry. He'll try anyway."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nNick: You look absolutely gorgeous and have a lovely smile. \nNick: Would love to get to know you a bit more. How about we meet up for a drink sometime?\nJane: Hmmm... You're shooting a bit above your range aren't you?\nNick: Why would you think that hon?\nJane: Because I'm not that desperate.\nNick: That was a bit below the belt.\nNick: You're nice but you're not THAT hot.\nJane: Oh is your poor little dick shriveling at the thought?\nNick: Actually I'll take it back. Forget about the drink.\nNick: Forget I ever wrote to you.\nJane: Bye loser!\nNick: Fucking bitch!\nJane: You're welcome!\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Nick finds Jane pretty and invites her for a drink to get to know her better. Jane rejects Nick and is unpleasant to him. Nick suggests Jane to forget about their conversation."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Laura: Sooo.. what about Aquaman? Are we going to see it or not? ;)\nKelsey: Hell yeah :D\nOona: I'm in\nSid: IN\nLaura: Wednesday?\nOona: I can't. I'm free Thursday- Saturday.\nKelsey: Whatever works for you guys, I'm a no-life :P\nSid: Thursday\nLaura: Thursday will be fine - but I'm only free after 7 PM\nSid: ok\nKelsey: cool\nOona: I'm checking the showtimes - is 8:10 okay for y'all?\nLaura: sounds good\nKelsey: cool cool\nSid: still in\nLaura: Oona, will you get the tickets or should I?\nOona: I'll do it, you'll just pay me back later\nSid: cool"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCarrie: Just back from Fantastic Beast :)\nGina: and what do you think?\nCarrie: generally good - as usual nice special effect and visuals, an ok plot, a glimpse of the wizarding community in the US.\nAlex: Sounds cool. I was thinking of going this weekend with Lane, but I've seen some bad reviews.\nCarrie: Depends on what you expect really - I have a lot of sentiment towards Harry Potter so, I'm gonna like everything the do. But seriously the movie was decent. However, if you're expecting to have your mind blown, then no, it's not THAT good.\nGina: I agree. I saw it last week and basically I'm satisfied.\nAlex: No spoilers, girls.\nCarrie: no worries ;)\nCarrie: And Gina, what do you think about Eddie Redmayne as Newt?\nGina: I loved him <3 I loved how introverted and awkward he was and how caring he was towards the animals. And with all that he showed a lot of confidence in his beliefs and was a genuinely compassionate character\nCarrie: not your standard protagonist, that's for sure\nGina: and that's what I liked about him\nAlex: Maybe I'll go and see it sooner so we can all talk about it.\nCarrie: go see it. If' you're not expecting god-knows-what you're going to enjoy it ;)\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Carrie and Gina saw \"Fantastic Beast\" and liked it. Ginna loved Eddie Redmayne as Newt."} {"inputs": "William: are you still angry?\nEmilia: YES \nWilliam: :(\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Emilia is still angry."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nKayla: what time are you going to bring her?\nKayla: was it 11am?\nKatherine: hey, i guess so. \nKatherine: i'll have to ask dad and get back to you later ok?\nKayla: ok \nKatherine: why, is there a problem?\nKayla: noooo\nKayla: i'm just making sure:)\nKayla: it turned out i finish at 11\nKayla: so it will be even less problematic ;)\nKatherine: ok :)\nKatherine: yeah dad just texted me\nKatherine: it's around 11\nKayla: ok\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Katherine will bring her to Kayla around 11."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nPatricia: Hey, could you give me a call in an hour or so, I can't talk now.\nGeorge: Yeah, of course.\nPatricia: Thanks. \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Patricia cannot talk now. George will call her in about an hour."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDon: What did you buy for Nancy's birthday?\nMargot: A bottle of nice wine.\nYvonne: I didn't buy anything yet :/\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Margot bought a bottle of nice wine for Nancy's birthday."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Anna: Still, great app! And it's for men too! U choose ur sex and then add photos of clothes :)\nPeter: Is there a minimum number of clothes I should add?\nAnna: No! And there is no maximum! You can add as many as u want!\nPeter: So if I only add 3 items, I will always get the same results?\nAnna: Ur still making fun of me!\nPeter: I just don't get it. Every morning I approach my wardrobe, open it, choose the clothes I want to wear or prepare them the previous day and that's it. I don't need an app to tell me what to wear with what.\nAnna: Okay... Let's play a game. \nPeter: You're not going to make me cut my fingers off?\nAnna: No ;) how many pairs of trousers do u have?\nPeter: 5 or 6.\nAnna: How many shirts do you have?\nPeter: T-shirts or regular shirts?\nAnna: Shirts. Let's focus on ur work look.\nPeter: 3 or 4.\nAnna: What about jackets?\nPeter: 2.\nAnna: Great! Now imagine I have 12 shirts, 10 pairs of trousers, and 6 jackets. And I have to decide what to wear in a split second.\nPeter: All right. It's slowly dawning on me."} {"inputs": "Jacky: I think you were right yesterday. \nDavid: What about? I'm right about most things :P\nJacky: Yeah, whole you ;)\nJacky: About taking the blame etc. \nDavid: Okey, I remeber. We'll talk later?\nJacky: With pleasure. I'll call you when I get home.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "According to Jacky, David did the right thing taking the blame. They will talk when Jack comes back home."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRita: I need some info on you client.\nHelen: Which one?\nRita: Salvage Industries.\nHelen: Yeah? What do you need?\nRita: What's their major business.\nHelen: They are into waste disposal.\nRita: I thought so.\nRita: You think they are legit.\nHelen: What do you mean?!\nHelen: Of course, they are legit.\nRita: Got a favor to ask. Can you double check if they have no PR problems?\nHelen: I don't think so. But I'll check it for you.\nRita: You are a dear, Helen.\nHelen: I sure am:)\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Helen will do Rita a favour. She will do the research on Salvage Industries to find out if they have any pubic relations problems."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Mum is at school in front of the door. Ludo's rooms is 112 and his class is class 3. The same goes for Hugo and Charles. The building is big and has a big garden. The meeting is about to start.\".", "targets": "Ludo: hi mum, did you arrive at school?\nMum: yes , i'm in front of the door: you 're room 112 with Hugo and Charles.\nLudo: and do you know my class number?\nMum: yes class 3, as Hugo and Charles\nLudo: good, so cool\nMum: I'll show you the picture of the listing, but i couldn't manage to see the room.\nLudo: Ok no problem\nMum: the building is quite big and there is also a huge garden, you'll have room enough\nLudo: Yes i saw\nMum: i have to go, meeting is starting\nLudo: ok thanks\nMum: don't wait for me"} {"inputs": "Ying: \nYing: my 10 years challenge everyone\nHelen: wow\nNorma: :O\nZazu: dude...\nZazu: I'm impressed\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Ying sent a photo of his 10 years challenge to Helen, Norma and Zazu."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJane: Hey\nMartin: Whats up\nMaria: Hey\nJane: Anyone going to Value Village? \nJane: I am getting halloween costumes with my sister\nJane: If anyone wants to join\nConnor: I got mine today so thanks\nConnor: At Value Village\nJane: I am going with u ok? priv msg\nJane: ok ok\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Connor bought his halloween costumes at Value Village where Jane plans to get her and her sister's costume."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Rob and Bob are watching the game. Bob will run some errands on the weekend. Jim's birthday is next Wednesday. He might organize a meetup this weekend. Bob will see Rob on the weekend.\".", "targets": "Rob: Hey there, what's up?\nBob: Not much, watching the game. You?\nRob: Same. Having a few people over.\nRob: But the game is boring as fuck lol. That's why I'm writing\nBob: Yeah, true that\nRob: Any plans for the weekend?\nBob: Most likely the usual - run some errands, cook some food, go out for a few beers. Nothing super interesting have appeared yet :)\nRob: I've heard that Jim is planning to celebrate his birthday\nBob: Oh right, his birthday is like next Wednesday?\nRob: Yeah, normally that would make the next weekend a good time but he is going for a skiing trip with his family\nRob: So he said that he might organize something this weekend\nRob: Nothing super fancy - most likely a meetup with a few friends at some bar\nRob: Would you like to come?\nBob: Sure, that would be nice\nBob: But he has not invited me, so I don't want to be rude\nRob: Most likely because it is not a real party. When I see him I'll let him know :)\nBob: That would be cool - I actually haven't seen him in person for a while now :)\nRob: Yeah, facebook does that to people :)\nBob: ok, take care and see you on weekend!\nRob: yeah, see you then!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJoseph: It's fuzzy but I think you can recognize what's that(^_-)-\u2606\nJoseph: \nElla: Ooooo\nElla: Baby cows??(/\u25d5\u30ee\u25d5)/(/\u25d5\u30ee\u25d5)/(/\u25d5\u30ee\u25d5)/\nJoseph: Wujek Janek has tween cows:D\nElla: Twins* darling xD\nJoseph: Oh yeah, sorry Twins*\nElla: Good for him!! So cool\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\nElla: Wanna touch them\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Joseph has sent Ella a photo of Wujek Janek's twin baby cows. Ella is delighted."} {"inputs": "Chris: Hi there! Where are you? Any chance of skyping?\nRick: Hi! Our last two days in Cancun before flying to Havana. Yeah, skyping is an idea. When would it suit you?\nRick: We don't have the best of connections in the room but I can get you pretty well in the lobby.\nChris: What's the time in your place now?\nRick: 6:45 pm\nChris: It's a quarter to one in the morning here. Am still in front of the box.\nRick: Gracious me! Sorry mate. You needn't have answered.\nChris: 8-D\nRick: Just tell me when we could skype.\nChris: Preferably in the evening. Just a few hours earlier than now. And not tomorrow.\nRick: Shute! Only tomorrow makes sense as there's no workable internet in Cuba.\nChris: Could you make it like 3 pm your time?\nRick: Sure.\nChris: Perfect. So talk to you tomorrow.\nChris: Give my love to Helen please.\nRick: I will. Thx.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Rick and Helen are in Cancun. They're flying to Havana in two days. Chris and Rick will talk on Skype at 3 PM in Mexico."} {"inputs": "Liam: Yo. You free now?\nNate: Yup. What's up.\nLiam: I feel like a stroll around. You comin?\nNate: Sure. I'll be ready in 10.\nLiam: Be there in 15 :D\nNate: See ya.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Liam and Nate will meet spontaneously in 15 minutes."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCatherine: Hi Jake, last week I applied for an accounting position @ Pandora.\nJake: Hey Cathy! Really? That's great!\nCatherine: R u still working there?\nJake: I sure am. It's already been 5 yrs.\nCatherine: Time flies. So I take it ur satisfied?\nJake: I am, I rarely think about changing companies. \nCatherine: Does the company offer possibilities of personal development & promotion?\nCatherine: I mean is there a clear career path?\nJake: Yup, that's the main pro of this place & the benefits.\nJake: I was promoted twice during these 5 yrs & the salary increase with each promotion is quite significant.\nCatherine: That's good to hear. Most companies 2day are implementing cost saving policies & the employees are the ones who suffer.\nCatherine: I mean at my current workplace u can only count on inflation salary increases. So u barely see the difference on ur paycheck.\nJake: That's what I hear from most of my friends. It's a tough time 4 employees on the market nowadays.\nJake: 4 now our company is still dynamically expanding. \nCatherine: And how about the benefits u mentioned?\nJake: The company partially finances language & accounting courses.\nJake: There's also a yearly bonus that depends on your achievements and private healthcare.\nCatherine: That sounds like a dream :D Your HR dept. gave me a call yesterday and invited me to an interview on Monday.\nJake: That's great! I'll keep my fingers crossed :)\nCatherine: Thanks Jake :) Is there anything I should prepare/review before the interview?\nJake: Well I think it would be beneficial to know some facts about the company.\nJake: You can find them on the official website, in the \"about us\" section: \nCatherine: OK, I'll definitely take a look.\nJake: And they may ask u some Qs about accounting principles, the basics. But I mean that won't be a problem 4 u.\nJake: I remember u graduated with honours from uni.\nCatherine: That's true. :) I'm a bit nervous though.\nJake: There's no need to be. Give me a call after the interview. Good luck!\nCatherine: Thanks. TTYS!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Catherine applied for an accounting position at Pandora. Jake has been working there for 5 years. This job offers a clear career path and benefits. Jake got promoted twice with salary increase. Catherine will have an interview on Monday."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Dave: Hey, do you have any notes from statistics?\nGreg: Hey man\nGreg: I do\nGreg: But I doubt they are better than yours\nDave: Mine don't even exist \ud83d\ude02\nDave: Oh okay\nDave: There you go:\nDave: \nGreg: Your the best man!\nDave: You're\nGreg: Smartass\nDave: Of course\nGreg: But I'm grateful to know such a smartass \ud83d\ude02\nDave: You bet!\nDave: Notes don't write themselves.\nGreg: True. Thanks!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Pete has got an interview. His wife Iris is happy because her parents are glad she found a decent man. She is joking he is famous.\".", "targets": "Iris: \nIris: My husband is famous!!!\nPete: Oh come on! I've got this 1 interview and it really doesn't make me famous...\nIris: Haha. You don't even realize what this \"1 inteview\" means for my parents.\nIris: They're just like: \"We're glad that you found yourself a decent man\"\nPete: Hahaha. I'm flattered :) I'll be home in 1 hour."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nZoe: \nFrank: Love you!\nZoe: :-*\nFrank: Have a good day, babe :-*\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Franks tells Zoe he loves her."} {"inputs": "Alyssa: Have you seen Fergie\u2019s national anthem? Illuminati does a great job.\nDerek: This is not normal. I saw it last week\u2026\nAlyssa: What do you think about it?\nDerek: I can fart bright stripes and bright stars better then she sings.\nAlyssa: The best part is that she acts like she nailed it. But at least it's funny in a good way.\nDerek: It is \ud83d\ude02\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Derek and Alyssa make fun of Fergie's performance of the national anthem."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLouis: \nArchie: Wtf? Lol!\nLouis: \nArchie: That one looks like Melanie\nLouis: True! Hahahahah\nArchie: Just like in this pic\nArchie: \nLouis: Lol! It's her!\nArchie: By the way, she was way hotter when she had cury hair\nLouis: I disagree, sir! She looks absolutely gorgeous with straight hair\nArchie: Oh well, you have the right to an opinion even if it's wrong XD\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "By looking at the photos, Archie thinks that Melanie looked nicer with curly hair. Louis disagrees."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAnn: hello Katie, thank you so much for hosting Tim monday evening and for dropping him at the railway station next morning. Here is mobile number... .I 'll confirm you , but again and in advance: thanks a lot\nKatie: Hello Ann, i didn't realise but we spend a week end together 20 years ago in Saint Fargeau!!!\nAnn: it goes back so long... but it's possible\nAnn: It's true that i know Ben since school.\nKatie: as far as i'm concern i remember very well this week end as i had a very good friends call Ann Cairns ( like you)\ud83d\ude1c, Erik's wife\nAnn: Erik's wife? of course he's my cousin, and Ann his wife is the cousin of one of my best friend... Small word\nKatie: indeed\nAnn: Hi Katie, is it still ok for hosting my son tomorrow? You may send him a text to tell him where you want to pick him up. Thanks so much\nKatie: Yes Ann, i'll send a text to your son for tomorrow.\nAnn: Thanks. Funny you also know Stef and Leo, friends of us in Berlin. But it's true they lived in Reims before\nKatie: your son is really nice. don't hesitate to contact me again if needed.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Ann thanks Katie for hosting her son Tim on Monday evening and driving him to the railway station next morning. Kate will send a message to Tim tomorrow, to ask about the place where she should be waiting for him."} {"inputs": "Conny: Hello Mr. Fitz.\nFitz: Hello, Conny.\nFitz: What can I do for you?\nConny: It's about this paper you told me to write for next week.\nFitz: What about it?\nConny: I did some research. \nConny: And frankly, I found pretty much nothing:(\nFitz: Where did you do your research, Conny?\nConny: Mostly internet, obviously.\nFitz: Obviously?\nConny: Sure, everything should be there.\nFitz: Didn't I suggest you go to library.\nConny: You did?\nFitz: Certainly. Try it. You might find it's fun.\nConny: Doubt it. But I'll go Mr. Fitz. Obviously.\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Conny cannot find enough information online for his paper. Fitz suggests he tries the library."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Jane: your mums losing it\nDen: why you say that?\nJane: she just text me about crying over this morning?\nDen: what did she do this morning?\nJane: no the telly program with phil and holly\nDen: oh right y?\nJane: some baby reveal\ud83d\ude02\nDen: I'm confused\nJane: I think she needs to get out of the house more:\nDen: invite her for tea on Friday I'll bring fish and chips home after work\nJane: thats a good idea x"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Tomas, Sierra and Jeremy have still not received the grant. Tomas is broke and is checking his bank account every hour. Sierra offers to lend him some money.\".", "targets": "Tomas: Has anybody received the grant yet?\nSierra: no, not yet\nJeremy: I haven't checked even\nTomas: I'm completely broke\nTomas: checking my bank account every hour\nTomas: but nothing's happening there\nSierra: lol\nSierra: be patient. If you need money I can lend you some, don't worry\nTomas: Thanks, I hope they'll arrive any minute"} {"inputs": "Judy: Why am I always attracted to jerks??\nJanice: It didn\u2019t work out with Andrew?\nJudy: He just wanted to fuck me\nJudy: When he got what he wanted he stopped calling and texting.\nJanice: And Bruce? He\u2019s not a jerk.\nJudy: He\u2019s sweet. Maybe too sweet for me\u2026\nJudy: He\u2019s a lovely and caring guy but I don\u2019t feel the butterflies\u2026 \n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Judy thinks she's always attracted to bad guys."} {"inputs": "Julie: hey guys... could you just talk to me for a bit? I just watched this Japanese horror movie and I'm home alone and a little uneasy (aka scared shitless)\nRose: Jesus, why on earth would you watch a Japanese horror, home alone at this hour?\nJulie: Cause I'm a fucking moron?\nRose: Cause you're a fuckin moron. \nPaula: 5 point for Gryffindor, my friend. But in your defense, I always thought you were quite unaffected by horror movies.\nJulie: That's what I thought too!\nPaula: So what kinda movie was it?\nJulie: \nRose: seems pretty generic\nJulie: It's scarier than it looks.\nRose: you know that japanese horror are the worst ones, right?\nJulie: I know that now.\nPaula: If... you want me to come over I can.\nJulie: omg really? <3\nPaula: Yeah, sure, it's like 20 minutes by bike to your house, we can drink cocoa and watch \"when harry met Sally\" until we fall asleep ;)\nJulie: Omg Thank you so much, I love you!\nRose: I wish I lived in your neighborhood :(\nPaula: We can chip in for an Uber for you :D\nJulie: Let's have a spontaneous sleepover :D\nRose: Oh, man it's late, but why the hell not.\nRose: I'll bring cookies for the cocoa :D\nJulie: yay :D\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Julie has just watched a Japanese horror. She's alone at home and really scared. Paula and Rose are going to come to her place for a spontaneous sleepover. They'll drink cocoa and watch \"When Harry met Sally.\" Rose will bring cookies."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKim: What kind of gift would you like to get?\nKim: Mom's asking.\nHarry: Haha. No need for a gift for me :D\nHarry: But you can tell your mom I just bought a new sofa and I need pillows.\nHarry: If she asks for the colour, tell her that grey is the best :D\nKim: Sure! Thanks for info :) \n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Kim is about to tell mom that Harry bought a new sofa, and he needs grey pillows."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAlice: My dad is coming over for a month...\nKim: What?\nAlice: He's going to decorate Jo's place...\nAlice: I'm going to go mad...\nKim: :)\nAlice: Are we still on?\nKim: When?\nAlice: Saturday\nKim: My mum is here...\nAlice: fuck, my parents will be here too...\nKim: what about Friday?\nAlice: Okay, Friday it is!\nAlice: I have my yoga class at 6:30\nAlice: I will be back home about 8pm\nKim: okay, I will be there after 8\nAlice: great!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Alice's dad is coming over for a month to decorate Jo's place. Kim's mom and Alice's parents are going to be here on Saturday. Alice and Kim will meet on Friday after 8 after Alice's yoga class."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJoe: This job is wearing me up\nTim: Oh no! I thought you love it\nJoe: I do, but because of it they give me more work\nSam: Shit, this sucks man, don't let it burn you out\nTim: Exactly, like my friend Terry\nJoe: What did he do?\nTim: Quit eventually, but he had trouble sleeping, constantly tired, and turned out to have an ulcer\nJoe: Fuck! I gotta slow down\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Joe's job is wearing him up. Tim's friend Terry quit his job because he was burned out."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Shelly: This year I'm volunteering at the food shelter!\nTracy: Good 4 u!\nJody: Gr8!\nShelly: How about u? Any volunteer work?\nTracy: Nah. Not into that.\nJody: Sure! Every year I do some charity 4 Xmas :)"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAbigail: It's Sundaay.\nDamien: So?..\nAbigail: You know what that means.\nDamien: Hmm no I don't x)\nAbigail: Sunday means we go to church~.\nDamien: Oh, yeah..\nAbigail: Don't forget to put on a coat and tie.\nDamien: A coat and tie?.. Why?\nAbigail: To show respect to God and others.\nDamien: Omg..I'm glad Sunday is only once a week.\nAbigail: I hope God didn't hear that.\nDamien: He'll forgive me \ud83d\ude07\nAbigail: Just be ready on time please.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Abigail and Damien are going to church on Sunday. Damien has to put on a coat and tie."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMark: So, we've got our where and when. Package tour or self-organised?\nAnna: Package. More convenient.\nGeorge: Self-organised. Cheaper.\nJulia: Do we need a 5* hotel? MAybe let's choose one of the cheaper options from a tour operator?\nMark: Actually, not a bad idea. That'll be both cheap and convenient.\nAnna: I'm in!\nGeorge: So, let's start digging and we'll talk about it l8r?\nMark: SLAP\nJulia: Ok. But maybe let's divide ourselves so that we don't check the same websites?\nGeorge: Ur right!\nAnna: Sure. XOXOXOX\nMark: Let's do this asap!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "They are going to do some research on holiday options and discuss them later. They will most likely choose a cheap offer from a tour operator."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCasper: Is any of you nobel fellows going for tomorrow's classes with Mr Linda?\nAlexander: Hmm...\nAlexander: To be or not to be, that is the question!\nAlexander: But remembering the last lecture with Linda, my answer is like moving towards NO\nIgor: Amen to that, Alex!\nIgor: Last time I came so self-motivated and full of energy that I thought I could even dominate the lecture\nIgor: I sat in the second row, concentrated, even took some notes and asked two questions\nIgor: After few minutes Lewis poked me and told to stop snoring...\nCasper: Ahahahaha\nCasper: True, I saw that!\nAlexander: I think it's not that the subjects themselves are boring, it must be his voice\nAlexander: I mean it's so monotonous and hypnotic. Kind of... lulling you to sleep\nIgor: Yeah, that guy is like David Copperfield among lecturers\nAlexander: Haha David Copperfield :D\nAlexander: Let's call him like that from now on! He even looks like the magician a little :D\nCasper: That's a fancy nickname, I like it\nCasper: But if I wanted to see a magician, I'd rather go to the circus\nIgor: So... Judging from the overall tone of our discussion I feel that the decision's been already made\nIgor: Am I right, gentlemen?\nCasper: Actually your opinions, my noble fellows, have conirmed my conviction that going there and wasting time doesn't make sense\nAlexander: Not a bit!\nAlexander: And learning from Igor's last experience I think we should go somewhere else instead\nAlexander: I don't want to end up snoring and getting embarrassed :D\nCasper: Great, so we've reached an unanimous decision\nIgor: So where are we going instead?\nCasper: Let's meet near the university and we'll work something out\nIgor: Agreed.\nAlexander: All right!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Alexander finds Mr Linda's voice monotonous. Igor fell asleep during the lecture. Casper reckons it's a waste of time. They are going to meet near the university and go somewhere else instead."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nBenjamin didn't come to see a basketball game on Friday's night. The team supported by Alex won 101-98. Benjamin's mom has a flu and he's looking after her. Benjamin declares to attend the next basketball match..", "targets": "Alex: Were you able to attend Friday night's basketball game?\nBenjamin: I was unable to make it.\nAlex: You should have been there. It was intense.\nBenjamin: Is that right. Who ended up winning?\nAlex: Our team was victorious.\nBenjamin: I wish I was free that night. I'm kind of mad that I didn't go.\nAlex: It was a great game. Everything alright tough?\nBenjamin: Yeah man thanks for asking, it's just that my mom is sick and I am taking care of her.\nAlex: Oh sorry to hear that. Hope she makes a fast recovery \ud83d\udcaa\nBenjamin: She will, she just has a nasty flu but she will be alright :D\nAlex: Glad to hear that!\nBenjamin: What was the score at the end of the game?\nAlex: Our team won 101-98.\nBenjamin: Sounds like it was a close game then.\nAlex: That's the reason it was such a great game.\nBenjamin: I'll go to the next one for sure.\nAlex: It's next weekend so you better put on your calendar ahaha\nBenjamin: ahaha I will I will. Talk to you later!\nAlex: Alright! Tell your mom I hope she gets better quickly."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Katy and Ana invite Carlton to join them for a movie by Lola Arias on the making of the play he had seen. He will come to their place earlier on Saturday.\".", "targets": "Katy: Hey Carlton\nAna: Hey Carlos\nCarlton: \ud83d\ude39\nCarlton: What are you up to? Any plans for the weekend?\nAna: Yep. We\u2019re going to see this film by Lola Arias actually. You know her, right?\nCarlton: Yes, she\u2019s pretty famous actually and she\u2019s done some work on my subject. I\u2019ve seen her play about the Malvinas last year - it was v good\nAna: Yeah, Katy told me. We thought you might be interested in joining us because the film is actually on the making of the play you saw \ud83d\ude02\nKaty: It\u2019s a multi-layered cultural sandwich we\u2019ve got for you Carlos\nCarlton: Sounds delicious. Where and when are we meeting?\nAna: Just come to ours for an early dinner/drinks and then we\u2019ll grab an uber\nKaty: Ana wants to avoid you getting lost on your way and/or being LATE\nCarlton: Ha ha ha sounds good to me\nKaty: So perhaps you could drop by at like 7. On Saturday!!\nCarlton: Erm, sorry - Saturday is fully booked\nCarlton: Just joking \ud83d\ude02 I\u2019ll see you then\nAna: \ud83d\ude02 cool\nKaty: \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18"} {"inputs": "Mia: babe, do you mind if i go out after work tonight?\nElliot: yeah, sure. go for it ;) \nMia: thanks, babe. it's gonna be girls night out \nElliot: what're u up to?\nMia: well, you know we gonna grab some drinks have some nice time outside of work\nElliot: don't be too late please and if you need me to pick u up just give me a ring \n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Mia is going out after work tonight with her female friends. If she wants, Elliot will come and pick her up."} {"inputs": "Emily: fancy a drink after work today?\nKate: sure!\nMarta: Good idea! \nMarta: Where? When?\nEmily: Maybe in the Pub X at the central station at 5.30?\nKate: I may be closer to 6, traffic on my way\nMarta: Fine for me.\nMarta: See you then, Ladies!\nEmily: Bye! see ya :*\nKate: :*\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Emily, Kate and Marta are going to the Pub X at the central station today for a drink."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nStan: She replied :-)\nDave: She did?\nStan: \nDave: Lucky you!\nStan: I can't believe it! She's my dream come true!\nDave: Good luck today! Where are you going to take her?\nStan: Pat&Gill's\nDave: Good choice. Let me know how it was :-)\nStan: I will.\nDave: In minute detail :-)\nStan: Forget it!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Stan is meeting the girl of his dreams today in Pat&Gill's. Later he's going to tell Dave how his date went."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMaria: I'm tired of this job, I can't stand it anymore\nAnastasia: I know, but calm down\nFelix: don't make decisions in this rash\nMaria: :(\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Maria is tired of her job."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nPeter: Need to talk to u...\nAnna: Can't talk now, I'm still at work :/\nAnna: will call u in 20 min, ok?\nPeter: ok.\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Anna can't talk to Peter right now, she will call him in 20 minutes."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBailey: \nBailey: ....\nMikaela: oh :(\nMikaela: shame it's now ...\nBailey: yeah maybe it's for the better:D\nMikaela: u think?\nBailey: yeah i've already got like a ton of fabric in my closet\nBailey: and i keep buying new stuff\nMikaela: i had to buy a box at ikea!\nBailey: ur lucky you only have one... \nBailey: my closet got too small and now the fabric's creeping onto the shelves\nBailey: 4 boxes so far...\nMikaela: but you're like the master level, so it's a completely different story:D\nBailey: i hope u won't ever get to this point ;D\nMikaela: hahaha oh i hope i will ;D\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Bailey has plenty of clothes but she keeps buying new ones and she even had to buy four extra boxes for clothes at Ikea. Mikaela has the same problem, but she only had to buy one extra box."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nPeter: Did you hear what happened at school today?\nJack: No?\nPeter: There\u2019s been kind of an emergency, gas leak or something.\nJack: Oh, I hope it\u2019s nothing serious. Did they called fire units?\nPeter: Yep, three engines and ambulance. It turned out to be a drill.\nJack: It\u2019s better this way than the other. \n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "There was a drill at the school today."} {"inputs": "Rudi: Hetta, did you see the last trump video\nHenrietta: nope\nHenrietta: what did he do now?\nRudi: \nHenrietta: OMG\nHenrietta: what a jerk\nRudi: it gets worse\nRudi: \nRudi: the whole interview is here\nHenrietta: can't believe he said that about a congress woman\nRudi: yeah\nHenrietta: do you wonder where the limit is?\nRudi: wdym\nHenrietta: if he will say something that will actually get him kicked out of the white house\nRudi: not really\nHenrietta: fuck\nRudi: yeah\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Trump is acting like a contemptible fool and it is getting worse. Rudi has sent Henrietta the link to his interview."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSusan: Hi Tom\nTom: Hi Suz, how's ur day?\nSusan: Not 2 good, my presentation was a disaster, but let's leave that 4 later.\nSusan: Becky's school just called.\nTom: What happened?\nSusan: She has a fever. She saw the school nurse.\nSusan: I need u 2 pick her up. I don't have the car today & I can't leave the office earlier.\nTom: OK, I'll pick her up and take her 2 my mother's house, b/c I need 2 return 2 the office.\nTom: John won't let go if I don't finish this project on time.\nSusan: Thanks hun, see u @ home.\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Susan's presentation was a disaster. Tom will pick up Becky from school as she has a fever and will take her to his mum's house. He needs to return to the office later on."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Ola should be free by 8. Kurt wants her to call him.\".", "targets": "Ola: Hey running late\nOla: I should be free by 8\nKurt: Sure no prob, call me"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nTanya: are you better today?\nRosie: better, but not good\nTanya: it's great to hear that\nTanya: i was worried\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Rosie is better, but still not well."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDrade: Mum he got out of the group chatting room\nMarenda: I am sure he is angry!\nMarenda: Why did you act that aggressively?\nMarenda: You know your brother's temper\nDrade: I just said what he had said was wrong!\nMarenda: Apologize and send the invitation to him\nDrade: Why should I?\nDrade: I didn't say anything wrong!!!!!\nDrade: He failed in his business, didn't he?\nMarenda: But did you have to talk about it?\nDrade: He acted like an asshole first\nMarenda: Language! No need to talk about it more\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Drade told her brother in the group chatting room that what he had said was wrong. Marenda thinks that he got out of it because he became angry, as he is short-tempered. Drade refuses to apologise and invite him again, since she feels that she is not the one to be blamed but him."} {"inputs": "David: Morning Russ. Have you seen the report I emailed yesterday?\nRuss: Hi David. Well received thank you. But I haven't read it yet.\nDavid: Is there anything you'd like me to do right now?\nRuss: I'll take a look at the report in a moment and will send you remarks if I have any.\nDavid: Sounds good. I guess I'll just answer some emails.\nRuss: Please do. I should be done by midday with the report.\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Russ received David's report but hasn't read it yet."} {"inputs": "Lena: that new professor is the worst!\nLena: i mean, how can you give students a homework at the FIRST CLASS?\nBrian: this sucks \ud83d\ude1f\nBrian: didn't even listen to him.\nBrian: wait. what homework AHAHA\nLena: jeez\nLena: excercises on pages 12-16\nBrian: he's psycho\nLena: agreed.\nBrian: maybe he just tryna be tough\nBrian: lets NOT do the homework and see what happens\nLena: do what you want I won't risk it\nBrian: no pain no gain, no game - you're lame\nLena: this is a really nice poem, thanks! \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\nBrian: you're welcome \ud83d\ude1a\nBrian: anywaysss\nBrian: see tou tomorrow at philosophy class\nLena: they want to kill us\nBrian: be brave! we'll survive! I'll protect you!\nLena: my hero \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude0d\nBrian: ekhm..\nBrian: see you tomorrow \ud83d\ude09\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Lena and Brian don't like their new professor. They will see each other at philosophy class tomorrow."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nLuke: my train arrives at 3 pm\nLuke: anyone can pick me up?\nJacob: i am at work till 5\nFred: i can pick you up at 3:15 approximately\nFred: is that ok?\nLuke: yes i will wait! thanks Freddy\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Freddy will pick Luke up at about 3:15 pm."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nSebastian is very happy with his life, and shares this happiness with Kevin..", "targets": "Sebastian: It's been already a year since we moved here.\nSebastian: This is totally the best time of my life.\nKevin: Really? \nSebastian: Yeah! Totally maaan.\nSebastian: During this 1 year I learned more than ever. \nSebastian: I learned how to be resourceful, I'm learning responsibility, and I literally have the power to make my dreams come true.\nKevin: It's great to hear that.\nKevin: It's great that you are satisfied with your decisions.\nKevin: And above all it's great to see that you have someone you love by your side :)\nSebastian: Exactly!\nSebastian: That's another part of my life that is going great.\nKevin: I wish I had such a person by my side.\nSebastian: Don't worry about it.\nSebastian: I have a feeling this day will come shortly.\nKevin: Haha. I don' think so, but thanks.\nSebastian: This one year proved to me that when you want something really badly, you can achieve it.\nKevin: I want to win lottery and I never did :D\nSebastian: If you devoted your life to analyze all of the winning numbers, and with your math skills you could win.\nKevin: Devote myself and million dollars for lottery tickets.\nSebastian: Something like that xD\nKevin: I'm happy for you man.\nKevin: I really am\nSebastian: Thanks. It means a lot my friend :)"} {"inputs": "Steve: hiya the dishwasher has turned up\nMum: good did they install it for you\nSteve: yes they did a good job\nSteve: \nMum: looks really nice\nSteve: yes it does its nice and quiet\nMum: is it a 12 place setting one?\nSteve: I think so, not that I ever have 12 for dinner lol\nMum: not but you dont have to put it on every day\nSteve: no every other\nMum: yes I'm glad you are pleased with it xx\nSteve: I am thanks mum xxx\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Steve is happy that he got a new dishwasher installed."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Yaz: Hi babes, you off out Friday, I need to get my freak on!\nTania: Why the hell not, college work is really doing my head in with the deadlines!\nYaz: Seen Sophie lately, her and lover boy are looking well serious!\nTania: Yeah, saw her in the canteen a couple of days ago, she's thinking of breaking up before Uni. Cutting ties etc\nYaz: Well, maybe not so serious after all then!\nTania: Best to go there single, in my opinion!\nYaz: Yeah, not got much choice in the matter. Maybe I'll meet my dream woman there!\ud83d\ude00\nTania: Why the hell not?! I can't wait to get out of here and up to Manchester, only 4 months and a bit, now!\nYaz: Christ, that came around quick, just the little matter of A Levels and getting into Exeter to deal with. I need such high grades for my course, medicine is a cut-throat world.\nTania: Hope not! If anyone is suited to becoming a Dr love, it's you, I am positive of it!\nYaz: Hope you're right, babes! Anyway, pub Friday at 8ish?\nTania: Hell, yes! See you!"} {"inputs": "Linda: Hi Dad, I want to buy flowers for mum! But I don't remember which one she likes :(\nMichael: Well, she likes all the flowers I believe\nLinda: That doesn't help! I'm on a flower market right now!\nMichael: Send me some pics then\nLinda: \nMichael: Tulips are nice, roses too\nLinda: What about carnations?\nMichael: No, carnations are boring :D\nLinda: Thanks Dad, srsly\u2026\nMichael: What about freesias? She likes them a lot, are there any there?\nLinda: \nMichael: Take those!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Linda wants to buy flowers for her mother and asks Michael which flowers does she like. Michael suggests Linda to buy freesias."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAdam: Did you take the dog for a walk?\nMike: No, I did not have time,\nAdam: Ok, I'll take him with me.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Mike didn't have time to take the dog for a walk, so Adam will take it with him."} {"inputs": "Cathy: Just realized I left my sunglasses at yours\nBroke: Yes, they are waiting for you to pick them up\nCathy: Might come round at 10 tonight if that's alright\nBroke: Yeah okay, see ya\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Cathy will pick up her glasses tonight at 10."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nLaura is going to visit her parents next Saturday. Keith might make a lasagne for her. Laura's mom has a birthday gift for her. .", "targets": "Keith: Hi there kiddo, when are you planning to visit you old parents? :)\nLaura: Hey Dad, I'm not sure yet. I've been pretty busy recenlty.There is this big project coming\u2026\nKeith: Oh, I understand, all work and no play\u2026XD\nLaura: Daad! Don't be mean! You know I treat studying seriously!\nKeith: I know, you take after your mum :) By the way I think she bought some b-day gift for you\u2026\nLaura: Next Saturday it is then :D \nKeith: I'll tell mum, she'll be really happy:)\nLaura: And please cook your lasagne! I miss it so badly \u2026\nKeith: I'll se what I can do Pumpkin, le'ts stay in touch :)"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nCalum and Bethany doubt you can earn 80 thousands as a computer investigator. Calum and Bethany can't imagine taking to customers all day..", "targets": "Calum: Oh, please. There's an ad coming up to be a computer investigator and you can earn almost 80 thou.\nBethany: Riiiiight! Where?\nCalum: Exactly. \nBethany: I mean, that's pretty specialized. Could be true.\nCalum: Doubtful.\nBethany: At any rate, specialized so that equals hard to find a job in.\nCalum: Yep. You'd be on the help desk in no time! LOL!\nBethany: Better than asking if they want fries with that!\nCalum: Only slightly!\nBethany: I can't imagine talking to stupid users all day.\nCalum: Nightmare of epic proportions.\nBethany: No shit!\nCalum: Putting it delicately!\nBethany: LOL!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nPete: What flavour yogurt did you want again? My brain is like a sieve today.\nJen: Pear but only if they've got it. Otherwise don't worry about it.\nPete: I'll have a look around. If they don't have pear can I get a different flavour?\nJen: I don't like any other flavour. If they don't have pear just don't get anything at all then.\nPete: OK.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Pete will get a pear yogurt for Jen if they have it."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJames: Hey! I\u2019ve been thinking about you ;) \nHannah: Oh, that\u2019s nice ;)\nJames: what are you up to?\nHannah: i'm about to sleep \nJames: I miss u I was hoping to see you \nHannah: have to get up early for work tomorrow\nJames: what about tomorrow? \nHannah: to be honest i have plans for tomorrow evening\nJames: oh ok, what about Sat then?\nHannah: yeah, sure i\u2019m available on sat\nJames: i\u2019ll pick you up at 8?\nHannah: sounds good. See u then.\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "James misses Hannah. They agree for James to pick Hannah up on Saturday at 8."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Anne: I hate that bitch!\nCatherine: What did she do again???\nNora: Who's the bitch?\nNora: Sorry I missed something\nCatherine: Miranda!!! \nCatherine: We all hate her\nAnne: Yesterday she called Tom, was all sweet with him you know how she can be....\nCatherine: No way she did it!! How dare she!! She knows you guys are dating.\nAnne: I think that's why she did it. She wants to take Tom away from me.\nNora: Oh, come on! She's not his type!"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nAndy: Hello. I have had a good look and have done some tests on the mould in your spare bedroom upstairs and in the dinign room.\nBetty: Hello Andy. Thank you for that, what are your thoughts? \nAndy: I think it is caused by condensation, as most of the moist settles on and around the windows.\nBetty: Why is that?\nAndy: Those are the coldest areas and therefore where the moist in the warm air turns into water. On the windows its just water, on the walls the moist will allow mould to grow.\nBetty: So why is it all over the spare room walls, and all around the dining room? but not in other rooms?\nAndy: Probably because they have external walls which are cooler than internal walls.\nBetty: so why only that bedroom and not the other ones?\nAndy: I guess those rooms are most effected as the spare room is next to the bathroom and the dining room next to the kitchen.\nBetty: But why isnt there mould on the kitchen and bathroom itself then?\nAndy: I think that is because the kitchen doesn't have external walls and the bathroom has only one external wall and a fan in it. The difference when i measured it between internal wall and external wall is about 4 degrees. \nBetty: Does that mean we need new double glazed windows or new wall insulation?\nAndy: Not necessarily. that would make a little difference but would still leave you with moist air in the house, so it would just settle somewhere else. \nBetty: So what would you recommend?\nAndy: I would install a fan system, or PIV system, which would circulate air to dilute and take some moisture out of the air. It would be installed in your loft and be on continuously during day and night. \nBetty: That sounds good. would that be sufficient? \nAndy: If you buy a decent size it will be, but you would also need to treat your walls to get rid of the current mould. That will not go away by itself.\nBetty: OK, is this something your company can help with?\nAndy: It is indeed, we can repaint as well if you want. \nBetty: Good point. Could you please send me a detailed quote for the work via email?\nAndy: Of course, I will have that done by Friday. \nBetty: That would be great. And again, thanks for today!\nAndy: No problem, speak soon.\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Betty's house has mould due to condensation. Andy will send her a quote for the work needed by Friday."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nMiranda can't make her meeting with Stephanie as she has to work. .", "targets": "Miranda: Hi S, could we cancel tomorrow's meeting?\nStephanie: again? what happened?\nMiranda: I have to work :(\nStephanie: you work 20 hours a day!\nMiranda: that's what young doctors do\nStephanie: they kill themselves working\nMiranda: no they come close to death but survive and it makes them immortal\nStephanie: as long as you have an explanation :D"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMatthew: so is there any after party planed after the wedding?\nKristina: after the wedding? I think it will last till the morning...\nMatthew: haha, i mean on the next day :D\nBart: i think Mark said there is something planned\nBart: at their house probably\nMatthew: oh thats good\nMatthew: better atmosphere and everything, more chill\nKristina: that's great, i 've been to an after party like this one\nKristina: they had leftover food from the day before, lot's of liquor\nKristina: it was so much fun\nBart: yes that's pretty much what they are going to do i think\nBart: are you guys going?\nKristina: i definitely am\nMatthew: yeah me too, that's why i asked :) it's Mark's wedding so i am gonna party till i drop\nBart: \nKristina: hahahah that's how i imagine Matt there\nMatthew: that will be me :D\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Mark is planning an afterparty after his wedding. It's going to take place at their house on the next day."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAmelia: What is your favourite colour?\nEmily: Blue, why?\nAmelia: I can't tell you\nEmily: A surprise? =)\nAmelia: Sort of... Can't tell you anything more\nAmelia: Sorry \nEmily: I'm super curious\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Emily's favorite color is blue. Amelia can't talk about the reason behind her question with Emily."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nPaul: What color flowers should I get\nCindy: any just not yellow\nPaul: ok, pink?\nCindy: no maybe red\nPaul: just tell me what color and what type ok?\nCindy: ugh, red roses! \n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Paul will buy red roses following Cindy's advice."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nMarshall invited Lilly to watch Netflix with him..", "targets": "Lilly: Wanna go out tonight?\nMarshall: can't :( money's low\nLilly: my treat :)\nMarshall: I wouldn't let a woman pay for me Lils\nLilly: a woman\nLilly: ME\nMarshall: come over and we'll watch some netflix"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Kate, Milena and Regina's presentation went well. Three people came to listen to them.\".", "targets": "Milena: How was the presentation?\nKate: very good\nRegina: yes, we had a good feedback\nMilena: how many people came to listen to you?\nRegina: 3 but we new it will be very cosy, friendly thing\nMilena: sometimes a small but interested audience is better than random bored people\nKate: exactly"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nHayden: Anyway I have 1 month to write my thesis. And then I need to decide what studies I should choose and I have a problem because I don't know what I can do in the future to make good money\nMargaret: You'll find something\nHayden: And the only studies I'm interested in are African studies but I'm not sure I can make big money later on haha except for working in the embassy or something like that. I was thinking about working as a flight attendant. It would be easy for me to get that job since I can swim (and here it's obligatory) I'm even a water rescuer. I know English italian and polish and a bit of german.\nMargaret: So go ahead for it\nHayden: But to be honest , I don't think so that job is so great. I can't work there forever and I'm not that sure I wanna risk every time hahah since flight accidents happen\nMargaret: Hahahaha you shouldn't think about that\nHayden: But I don't wanna die hhahahahah\nMargaret: It would be good you would get to travel a lot\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Hayden must write her thesis in 1 month. She wonders what degree course would be the most beneficial for her. She's interested in African studies. Hayden claims she could be a flight attendant as she can swim and knows foreign languages."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSteve: BTW, USA won last night!\nGulab: I forgot to check!\nSteve: England playing tomorrow at 2:00!\nGulab: That's right, Croatia?\nSteve: Yep.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "USA won last night. England is playing against Croatia tomorrow at 2."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJames: hi girls! When are you flying to Japan?\nMary: in a week! unbelievable \ud83c\udf89\nPatricia: I can't believe either. \nPatricia: I am also increasingly scared\nMary: you're such an alarmist!\nJames: But scared of what??\nPatricia: the long flight, earth-quakes\nPatricia: God, and tsunamis!\nJames: hahaha, you're really a damn alarmist\nJames: this is so exaggerated, are you serious?\nPatricia: James, I almost never travel, I'm afraid really\nJames: Listen, nothing will happen. First of all the earthquakes happen rarely, even in Japan and only in certain places\nJames: it's not like the whole country is shaking all the time\nMary: I'm telling her this all the time, but it's pointless\nJames: And, most of all, Japanese have amazing architecture because of their experiences with earthquakes. Their cities are super safe\nPatricia: What about tsunamis?\nJames: Are you going to be at the coast even?\nPatricia: Mary, are we?\nMary: I doubt. maybe for 2 hours somewhere close to Tokyo\nJames: So I don't think the next tsunami in Japan will happen exactly at that place and time, relax and enjoy\nJames: Japan is really an amazing country.\nPatricia: Thanks James :)\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Mary and Patricia are flying to Japan in a week. Patricia is scared of long flight, earth-quakes and tsunamis. James is comforting her. Mary tried to comfort Patricia too with no effect."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLiam: Dude you left your phone at my place?\nIndiana: what? I didn't -- using it right now\nLiam: shit whose is it then? :D\nIndiana: dunno\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Someone left a phone at Liam's place, but it wasn't Indiana."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nHarley and Ruby are discussing the divorce filing. Harley and Ruby agree there are always two sides..", "targets": "Harley: You should see this divorce filing. OMG...\nRuby: Bad?\nHarley: The guy was a serial cheater!\nRuby: OMG!\nHarley: She's taking him to the cleaners. Monthly settlement, half his pension, you name it.\nRuby: He deserves it!\nHarley: There are always two sides...\nRuby: Maybe she was a piss poor wife?\nHarley: Never cooked. Never cleaned. He paid for everything yet still managed to buy her mom a house and take extravagant vacays.\nRuby: Geez, down boy!\nHarley: Voice of experience, sorry!\nRuby: Well, people do crazy things. \nHarley: Yes, and some times theres karma, but...\nRuby: You're right, two sides."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Lawrence's almost done with the article, Madison needs it today.\".", "targets": "Madison: Hello Lawrence are you through with the article?\nLawrence: Not yet sir. \nLawrence: But i will be in a few.\nMadison: Okay. But make it quick.\nMadison: The piece is needed by today\nLawrence: Sure thing\nLawrence: I will get back to you once i am through."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nHarvey: Update?\nMichelle: Too soon, still researching.\nHarvey: That is an update, Michelle.\nMichelle: Fine. \nHarvey: I can't wait all day.\nMichelle: If you stop texting me, I could get on with it!\nHarvey: Fair point.\nMichelle: Besides, half of this stuff is black hat. I can't see most of it.\nHarvey: Why not?\nMichelle: It installs bugs on my computer.\nHarvey: Oh, right.\nMichelle: It's fine. I'm back on it.\nHarvey: Thanks.\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Michelle is still researching and Harvey cannot wait all day for the update. Michelle can't see most of the things as it's black hat and it installs bugs on her computer."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Bob: you bitch... why you called Sarah?\nJill: because i want to.. who are you question me?\nBob: try whatever you can bitch you cant get me back\nJill: huh? excuse me i dont want you back so just fuck off\nBob: really then why your calling my girlfriend and sending her our pictures..\nJill: its just that i hate you and i dont want you to be happy :haha:\nBob: really bitch ? but u told her she cannot snatch me from you? \nJill: yesss! its fun to hurt her \nBob: i cant believe i was living with a bitch like you\nJill: oh yes and you would have lived if i wouldnt have kicked you out\nBob: What? huh! i left you.. dont remember you were begging me to love you not to leave you?\nJill: whatever.. i am glad i could make you angry and hurt you\nBob: ok thank you dear :)\nJill: thank you?\nBob: yes for saying all this, this is Sarah and all is good now... better luck next time?\nJill: get lost,"} {"inputs": "Mom: Hi, Betty, how are you?\nBetty: Hi, everything's fine and you?\nMom: me too\nMom: You could call Grandpa from time to time, you know\nMom: He's always asking about you.\nBetty: I know, Mom, it's just I've been so busy.\nMom: we're all busy. You don't have to talk long, just check in.\nBetty: OK, I will.\nBetty: ;*\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Mom wants Betty to call the grandfather from time to time."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBoris: Due to the number of PTO requests this week, we had to decide who will be allowed to take off based on seniority. \nSarah: I understand.\nBoris: Unfortunately, you are too low on the totem pole and we will have to deny your request.\nSarah: Oh, that's too bad! Is there any compromise? I really wanted to have some time with my family.\nBoris: I can give you first choice of dates the week after, but that's the best I can do.\nSarah: What if someone cancels?\nBoris: That is a rare, but yes, I will come to you first.\nSarah: Thank you.\nBoris: Again, I'm very sorry.\nSarah: Could you amend my request for the following week, Monday through Wednesday?\nBoris: Certainly. That should be no problem.\nSarah: That's great, at least I'll have a long weekend!\nBoris: Very true. No problems from my side.\nSarah: Do I need to initial the change?\nBoris: Yes, please come see my assistant at your earliest convenience.\nSarah: Certainly, no problem.\nBoris: Thank you for being so flexible.\nSarah: Sure, I understand we can't all be off. You are just trying to be fair.\nBoris: That's it exactly.\nSarah: Thank you again for explaining it so well.\nBoris: My pleasure. Have a nice holiday and enjoy your time off.\nSarah: Thank you!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "On the following week, Sarah will get her time off from Monday to Wednesday."} {"inputs": "Elena: Happy birthday my dear!\nDorothea: Oh thank you darling! <3\nElena: I wish you all the best and I hope all your dreams come trueee!\nDorothea: Haha thanks!\nElena: Are you going to celebrate today?\nDorothea: Yes, I'm gonna meet Tom and we're going to eat something in the town :)\nElena: Cool! So enjoy guys! And see you on your party on Saturday! :D\nDorothea: Thx! Love U :* and see you soon! \n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Dorothea is having a birthday dinner in the town with Tom. Elena is seeing Dorothea at her party on Saturday."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Josh: Stephen, I think you've accidentaly taken my notebook home\nStephen: wait lemme check\nStephen: nope, I don't see it anywhere\nJack: oh shit, I've got it xDDD I don't even know why\nJosh: xDDD ok, no problem, cool I know where it is\nJack: I'll bring it tomorow"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Michelle is not in favor of contemporary feminism movement.\".", "targets": "Breonna: Melissa so are you ok with men acting like pigs and grabbing you whenever they feel like it?\nMelissa: Of course not! \nBreonna: So why you\u2019re saying this?\nMelissa: No one is saying men should behave like animals. Its that kind of thinking that makes men afraid to just be masculine in general though. Not all men are pigs.\nHailey: Thank you! I had a friend get yelled at by a girl for 5 minutes because he held the door for her and said \u201cLadies first\u201d.\nMelissa: Poor him. \nChristine: Men aren't allowed to be men? how?\nHailey: Yeah, I felt sorry for him.\nHolly: Melissa yes this!\nMichelle: not one of those fruit loop \"feminists\" speak for me!!! In fact MOST women cant stand them. gtfoh with your pussy hats, your metoo crap, you \"screaming\" at Potus through your vaginas etc. Dont try to shove your thinking on everyone. how about HIMTOO!!! i LOVE OUR strong REAL MEN!!!! TOO BAD IF ANY OF THOSE CRAZY CAT LADIES DONT LIKE IT"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nLouis: Hey, hows your day? :D\nCheryl: Okaaay\u2026 I guess\nLouis: Aha, someone\u2019s feeling a bit down, am I right?\nCheryl: yea, sort of\u2026\nLouis: Go on, tell me what happened\nCheryl: I\u2026just had an argument with my mom\nLouis: Jesus what again\nCheryl: I forgot to close the window when I was leaving home!\nLouis: And that\u2019s it?\nCheryl: No, not only\u2026 Ya know, wouldn\u2019t be that bad, but I got angry, started screaming and everything ;/\nLouis: not a good idea, babe\nCheryl: I knoooow \uf04c\nLouis: Was it really bad? \nCheryl: I suppose yea, she kicked me out xd\nLouis: WHAT\nCheryl: I mean I don\u2019t have to move right now, but she gave me time till the end of the year\nLouis: I\u2019m sorry\u2026\nCheryl: Naah, don\u2019t be, I believe it\u2019s for good. I couldn\u2019t stand her anyway xD\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Cheryl had an argument with her mom. She forgot to close the window, got angry and started a fight. Her mom gave her time till the end of the year to move out."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSophia: I'm sorry\nMason: It's fine\nSophia: Ok...If u was there, I would give you a hot kiss for apologize\nMason: Hahaha. You still send me a photo one\nSophia: What photo?\nMason: Kiss photo. Haha\nSophia: Hehe I sent u already such a photo\nMason: Another one wouldn't hurt\nSophia: Maybe later :) When I take a shower and look good\nMason: And who says you don't look good now ?\nSophia: Me\nMason: Let me be the judge of that\nSophia: No\nMason: I'll still love you the same. Whether you have make up or not\nSophia: Hehe but I don't want u to see me when I do not look good\nMason: You must\nSophia: I must what?\nMason: Send me the kiss now\nSophia: Haha\nMason: Doesn't matter how you look, you'll still look good to me\nSophia: Hahah\nSophia: \n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Sophia apologizes to Mason. She sends him a kiss photo on his request."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nSam won't finish work till 5. Sam is bringing him over about 9 am. Sam will see Abdellilah in the morning. .", "targets": "Abdellilah: Where are you?\nSam: work\nAbdellilah: What time you finish?\nSam: Not til 5\nAbdellilah: Are your bringing him over tonight:\nSam: No in the morning:\nAbdellilah: ok, what time?\nSam: About 9. Is that ok?\nAbdellilah: ok - see you then"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSally: Hey! Imagine Dragons are coming to us!\nTim: So I've heard.\nSally: And you didn't tell me?! \nTim: Come on. It's just a band...\nSally: It's not JUST a band, you jerk!\nSally: \nSally: I've already checked the ticket availability. There are still some tickets for the standing area at our ABC Theatre. Shall we go together?\nTim: How much are they?\nSally: 70\nTim: When is the gig?\nSally: 12 July\nTim: Well, I may go.\nSally: Your enthusiasm is infectious, really... Try inviting me for some sports events and you'll see how happy I'll be.\nTim: Ok! Let's go! It'll be an unforgettable evening!\nSally: Jerk! I've aready bought the tickets, so put it in your diary\nTim: Done. \n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Imagine Dragons have a concert at ABC Theatre on 12 July. Sally wants to go with Tim. She bought tickets, they cost 70."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Mary has played DA Inquisition. Lucas has played DA II. Daniel started playing DA Inquisition.\".", "targets": "Daniel: have you guys played DA?\nMary: which one?\nDaniel: Inquisition\nMary: damn yes\nMary: love it to bits - team Dorian <3\nLucas: is it any good? I played just DA II\nMary: is it any good?! it's fucking brilliant!!!\nMary: Dan, are you playing?\nDaniel: just started and I'm not sure, trying to get used to the mechanics\nMary: you have to give it a go, I was sceptical at first, but... omg, wait for Dorian\nLucas: Is it better than 2?\nMary: oh yes"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nTaylor: Tomorrow, 8 PM, my house\nHarry: Lol, what\u2019s up?\nTaylor: My parents are away, 10 people confirmed already :D\nHarry: Im sooo in\nTaylor: You better, you\u2019d miss the party of the year!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Harry will go to Taylors party tomorrow at 8pm."} {"inputs": "Andrew Simmons: I'm sending you the list (with specific times) for our individual meetings tomorrow. In case you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible.\nAndrew Simmons: \nSamuel Anderson: I have an appointment with a doctor so I won\u2019t be able to come to the meeting.\nAndrew Simmons: Then please bring your plan to our next class.\nKatherine Jackson: I also won\u2019t be coming, because I have a retake.\nAndrew Simmons: Alright. For those who are coming. The meetings will take place in my office, room 104.\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "The individual meeting with Andrew Simmons takes place tomorrow in room 104. Samuel Anderson and Katherine Jackson won't attend it because he has an appointment and she has a retake."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Leo, Charlie and Oliver are watching a video with a bizarre prank. Charlie has ambivalent feelings. Leo and Oliver enjoy the video's weirdness very much especially moments 3:24 and 5:24.\".", "targets": "Leo: Check this out\nLeo: \nCharlie: Whaaaaaaaat\nOliver: God\nOliver: What's that??\nLeo: Seems like prank\nLeo: But actually I dunno xD\nOliver: 03:24\nOliver: WTF\nLeo: Hahahah, my fav part\nLeo: Of that random crap\nOliver: People are so weird sometimes\nLeo: I knew you'd like it xD\nCharlie: Wellllllll I have mixed feelings :D:D\nLeo: Hahahahah, wait till 05:24\nCharlie: Omg, too much for me\nCharlie: My eyes!!\nLeo: Hahahahahah\nLeo: xDDDDDD"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Hugh: It's fine - when we arrive we'll quickly make the pizza and get started.\nWanda: How much time is \"quickly\"?\nHugh: We'll come, make the base and prepare everything earlier, then stick it in the oven\nWanda: ok - guess that's one more item to scratch off the list."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nBaron: What's up.\nBaron: there is a match next week.\nGabriel: Hey, our tutor wanted to join us\nBaron: Sign on the calendar\nGavin: link please?\nBaron: \nGavin: let's add people from our group\nGabriel: good idea\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Baron, Gabriel and Gavin have a match next week. Their tutor wants to join them."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nTina will catch the evening flight back home. Ala is on her way to the meeting. She will let Tina know how it went..", "targets": "Tina: I'll tell you something, this Emirate staff looks amazing, as movie stars\nAla: Oh yes, I know, that's for purpose \nAla: It's how it's suppose to be\nAla: They pay a lot of attention to the image\nTina: Looks nice, pleasure to observe\nTina: And I sucked at the airport, they've kept us one hour in the plane and finally I'll catch the evening flight back home\nTina: Could You imagine?\nTina: And you know, this way we had such a talkative pilot :-)\nAla: Oh, poor you\nAla: Pfff\nAla: And I'm on my way to a meeting\nTina: THE meeting?\nAla: Yes, keep your finger crossed\nTina: Sure, let me know how did it go\nAla: Ok darling, in touch"} {"inputs": "Jason: What are you doing this weekend? If you're bored maybe we should do something, but we also MUST create the video!\nDory: My friend is coming over the day after tomorrow\nJason: Yay! How long will s/he be staying?\nDory: She. around a week. gotta get the house ready. So how is the movie coming along? \nJason: We've had 2 months and now we're down to 2 weekends...\nDory: Have you started?\nJason: I purchased the app in which to video and to edit and Lucy has a script. We just have to produce something now.\nDory: So you're virtually done!\nJason: Haha, something like that\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Jason wants to meet Dory over the weekend. Dory's friend is going to stay with her for a week. Jason has been working on a movie with Lucy for the past two months. Jason bought a video-creator app."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMr. Benson: Hello everyone. First of all, thank you for staying after hours. As you know, I'm currently in Peru discussing a contract with a new client. \nMr. Benson: We need to discuss a couple of matters: your work while I'm gone and things I need from you asap. \nClaudia: Hello, Mr. Benson. Of course. What do you require from us?\nAndy: Hello, Mr. Benson. I'm here. \nMark: Hello, so am I. Sorry for being a little late. Had a call with a client. Did I miss anything?\nMr. Benson: No, Mark, we're just starting.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Claudia, Andy and Mark stayed after hours at Mr. Benson's request. Mr. Benson is currently discussing a contract with a new client in Per and he wants to organize their work remotely."} {"inputs": "Lilly: sorry, I'm gonna be late\nLilly: don't wait for me and order the food\nGabriel: no problem, shall we also order something for you?\nGabriel: so that you get it as soon as you get to us?\nLilly: good idea!\nLilly: pasta with salmon and basil is always very tasty there\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Lilly will be late. Gabriel will order pasta with salmon and basil for her."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nGemma: How's it going?\nTimmy: A bit down 2day.\nGemma: Y?\nTimmy: Oh, bad day at work. Can u imagine? Boss snapped at me!\nGemma: That bitch! What did u do?\nTimmy: Nothing. Minding my own business, doing work stuff and suddenly starts shouting and screaming. Doesn't matter. How about u?\nGemma: Well, I think this might cheer u up a bit :)\nTimmy: What is it?\nGemma: I'm organising a bbq at the weekend :) wanna come?\nTimmy: Love to! What do I bring?\nGemma: Some wine will be fine.\nTimmy: What about food?\nGemma: Others and I will cover it.\nTimmy: Others? I thought it was a date :P\nGemma: U remember I have a bf, right?\nTimmy: Yeah. Just messing around ;) how many ppl?\nGemma: Don't know yet. \nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Timmy had a bad day at work. Timmy will bring some wine to Gemma's bbq at the weekend."} {"inputs": "Oli: Theres a car accident \nKatie: Where? \nOli: On circle drive\nOli: I tried to get to the Circle Mall \nKatie: Oh no \nPavel: Its on the news now \nPavel: Theres no deaths \nKatie: Thank god \ud83d\udc7c \n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "There has been an accident on Circle Drive, neat Circle Mall. There are no fatalities."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Kate: I'm at the grocery store. Do you like some fruits for school tomorrow?\nGeorge: Oh yes please, an apple would be great\nKate: Okay, I'm getting me one too\nGeorge: Do they have tangerines yet?\nKate: No the're coming next week, I asked already:D\nGeorge: Okat then we have to wait"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Harriette: Have you ever gone ghost hunting? ;o\nJamie: Ghost hunting? Nah, not really... Have you?\nHarriette: Yeah, once when I was in high school! There was a run-down building in the neighbourhood and we went to investigate it with my friends\nJamie: How was it? Did you find something?\nHarriette: We didn't see any ghosts, haha\nHarriette: But let me tell you that I never thought I'd freak out this much at hearing a cat meow\nHarriette: There's just something about the atmosphere... that makes you overreact and find normal but unexpected things really creepy\nJamie: I guess that's part of the experience? :p\nHarriette: Yeah, if I could choose again, I'd probably still decide to go - I don't regret it! But I definitely wouldn't try something like that alone ^^;"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJack needs Kev's help as he cannot get the application running. .", "targets": "Jack: Kev, I need your help?\nKev: What's up, mate?\nJack: I can't get the application running.\nKev: Have you switched the computer on?\nJack: Very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nKev: OK. Sorry. I can see it's serious.\nJack: Yeah, man. It is f**cking serious.\nKev: I'll be with you right now.\nJack: Thanks."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nStanley: I can\u2019t believe in her\u2026\nBill: What is it? And who?\nStanley: Del, she\u2019s behaving kind of\u2026 stupid\nBill: Meaning?\nStanley: I told her I can\u2019t go for this weekend with her because of work\nBill: And? How did she react?\nStanley: She was angry and wouldn\u2019t listen to me. She accused me of having an affair o.O\nBill: You\u2019ve been together for like 4 moths and she\u2019s already doing sth like that???\nStanley: I know, it\u2019s crazy. I starting to give up.\nBill: So what, that\u2019s it?\nStanley: No, I\u2019ll talk to her when she\u2019s back, I\u2019ll tell her it can\u2019t be like this, see what will she say\nBill: Sorry to say that, I don\u2019t think you\u2019ll bring any good news xD\nStanley: Actually, me too. But at least I\u2019ll try\nBill: Well, I\u2019m sorry. We need to take care of the Lidem project right now.\nStanley: Yes I\u2019m finishing the analysis for the pervious one, but it should be done tonight, so I can start working on it today\nBill: The problem is I don\u2019t what you should do ;p\nStanley: whaaat\nBill: The analysis of tasks is not done yet, Alison disappeared from all the media and won\u2019t answer her phone\nStanley: Great. So division of the tasks is on me?\nBill: Yes because I\u2019m already researching when it comes to the funding.\nStanley: We\u2019ll do, it\u2019ll be ready tomorrow, not sure what time.\nBill: OK, keep me posted.\nStanley: Btw, it\u2019s weird that Alison is out of touch\nBill: No at all, it\u2019s not the first time\nStanley: Women\u2026\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Del accused Stanley of having an affair, because he couldn't go with her this weekend due to his work. They've only been together for 4 months, so it's not a good sign. Now Bill and Stanley need to take care of the Lidem project. Division of tasks is on Stanley, because Alison is unreachable."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAsher: Have you seen there're 5 (!) bouncy castles in the hall?\nAsher: And a HUGE bouncy dragon!! :o\nAsher: \nShane: wow! :D it looks fantastic :o\nAsher: What\u2019s the occasion?\nShane: the university organised a carnival party for children :)\nShane: or at least this is what i heard in the dean's office\nAsher: That's so cool! :>\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "The university is throwing a carnival party for kids."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nLori is at Copley. Lori was supposed to meet Maria at Prudential, but misunderstood her. There's a traffic jam, but Lori believes she will meet Maria in several minutes. .", "targets": "Maria: Where are you?\nLori: Copley \nMaria: why not Prudential?\nLori: It's close, I can be there in 10min\nMaria: we don't have time, we were supposed to meet at Prudential\nLori: sorry, I misunderstood\nMaria: you always misunderstand\nMaria: harry up, please, I'm so tired\nLori: there is a traffic jam\nMaria: that you would have avoided if you had come to Prudential\nLori: relax, it's Friday!\nMaria: So I want to enjoy it, instead of waiting for 30min in front of a mall\nLori: I'm there in 5 min\nMaria: We will see"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJake: Maaaan! you in london?!\nMike: \nMike: yeah mate! dreams coming true!\nJake: cool! congrats!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Mike is in London."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJessica: Hey, you're good with plants, aren't you?\nBoston: I guess?\nBoston: What's up?\nJessica: I got this plant for my birthday and it's kind of... dying already :(\nBoston: Oh... What's the name?\nJessica: That's the thing, nobody knows the name so I can't evne look up how to care for it\nBoston: Can you take a photo?\nJessica: \nBoston: All right, I looked it up\nBoston: \nJessica: Oh wow, thanks!\nBoston: No problem :) When in doubt, you can do a reverse search on Google Images. Not always accurate but can help a lot in many cases!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Jessica's plant is withering. She doesn't know what plant it is. Boston found it out using Google Images."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Max's sister is studying in Shanghai and she already speaks Chinese. She doesn't find the whole experience amazing but she believes it's a good investment.\".", "targets": "Rory: Max, is your sister studying in China?\nMax: She is\nRory: How does she like it?\nMax: it's not amazing, but she believes it's a good investment\nRory: does she speak Chinese?\nMax: I think she does already\nJoseph: Hard to control I imagine\nMax: hahaha\nEliza: I think this is the best investment imaginable\nMax: really?\nEliza: sure, the every 5th earthling is Chinese\nEliza: or so\nRory: true, I don't think you could stay unemployed speaking Chinese\nMax: but there are Chinese everywhere and they speak foreign languages\nRory: true\nRory: anyway, where is is? Beijing?\nMax: Nope. Shanghai\nRory: I've just checked, it has 25 million inhabitants!\nMax: yes, she said it's actually bigger than the capital\nRory: Insane, it's the population of the whole Australia"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Rob is doing shopping at the grocery store. Ann ordered him to buy a cucumber, some tomatoes, bananas and apples.\".", "targets": "Rob: hey, pick up your phone :)\nAnn: can't - meeting :)\nRob: sorry...\nAnn: no problem - super boring one :) \nAnn: what you need babe?\nRob: I'm at the grocery store and was wondering if we need anything\nAnn: some food :)\nRob: yeah, I figured that smartass :)\nAnn: :*\nRob: details? so that you won't moan we don't have anything to eat :)\nAnn: from what I remember we have everything for supper and lunch tomorrow, maybe some fruit and vegetables?\nRob: anything in particular?\nAnn: cucumber, tomatoes, bananas, apples and whatever you like\nRob: ok"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Eric: , check it out :D\nSamantha: HAHA, what is our favorite professor?\nEric: Talking about this recent scandal on the news :P\nNoah: \"I am the smartest person alive, I knew this will happen\" :D\nSamantha: Hahaha, now I don't even need to open the video"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLuke: are you still looking for someone to join netflix family?\nPaul: yes, 1 person :)\nLuke: i am the one!\nPaul: sure, i will send you the login and password on sunday\nLuke: ok we can talk tomorrow\nPaul: i don't really remember it now\nLuke: send me also the bank account details so I can wire you the money every month. Are you paying for this or someone else?\nPaul: I do, and I keep track of everyone accessing so you should not expect any bans :D\nLuke: easy mate :D you still on holidays with your girl?\nPaul: last dinner :( tomorrow we are out\nLuke: how long have you been there?\nPaul: less than 8 days :/\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Paul is going to share his Netflix account with Luke. In exchange Luke is going to contribute to the subscription. Paul will send Luke his bank details. Paul is on vacation with his girlfriend till tomorrow."} {"inputs": "Jerry: Hi sweetie :)\nJanet: Hi sugar ;)\nJerry: I'm coming home\nJanet: Can't wait ;)\nJerry: I should be there in 40 minutes\nJanet: Ok, I'm waiting for you :)\nJerry: How was your day?\nJanet: Oh, it was ok but my boss is a pain in the ass sometimes\nJerry: I know, she can be a bitch :P\nJanet: Yes she can! ;)\nJerry: See you later darling\nJanet: <3\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Jerry will be home in 40 minutes."} {"inputs": "Steffen: Any room in any of the cars going to the infinity pool? Im more handicapped than usual since I twisted my ancle yesterday :(\nIrene: we can give you a lift. Don\u2019t think the car can make it all the way up, so will park at the bottom and hike up \nSteffen: Then I think I have to skip - cant really walk on my leg atm :confused: But thanks anyway\nIrene: :(\nDan: I\u2019m pretty sure Mr.Budd could make it, it\u2019s 4wheel drive, if mr.budd is going, although I haven\u2019t seen the hill \nLuke: have you been up there? how bad is the road actually?\nLuke: lol, that explains it\nLuke: Sandy, is it vistas de olas?\nBen: Yes! Vistas de olas\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Steffen twisted his ankle yesterday and needs a lift to the infinity pool. Irene's car probably won't make it up the hill, so they'd have to park at the bottom and hike up. Mr.Budd should make it up the hill since it's a 4-wheel drive."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMae: Is the dress ready?\nCael: Not yet\nMae: Hope to have it soon\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Cael lets Mae know that the dress isn't ready yet."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nRob wants to start doing 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Greg is already doing 60 minutes. Anna wants to start exercising just like Rob. .", "targets": "Rob: I wanna start Get off the couch challenge! Who's with me? I'm gonna start with 30 min of activity every day.\nGreg: way ahead of you mate! at least 60 min a day!\nRob: good for you! 30 min a day is gonna be challenging for me!\nGreg: good luck then!\nWill: don't be too hard on yourself. better to be realistic. fingers crossed!\nAnna: i'm in! 30 min sounds reasonable! \nGreg: look for variety of exercises such as walking, biking, swimming whatever you enjoy!\nAnna: i'm gonna need lots of support from you guys!"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJane: google maps says it is at least 3h \nSteven: I used to make it in 2, trust me :D\nJane: but it's almost 300km..\nSteven: the road is new , we will make it ^^\nJane: I don't want to stress out , let's meet at 4:30 instead of 5, ok?\nSteven: ok, if u reaaly want, we can meet at 4:30\nJane: thx! \nJane: I will wait at the main entrance or where?\nSteven: main entrance is good for me;-) \nSteven: cu\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Jane wants to leave at 4.30 instead of 5 because Google Maps suggests the 300 km drive should take them at least 3 hours and she doesn't want to be late. She will wait for Steven at the main entrance."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nClaire: Check this out :)))\nClaire: \nMaria: !!\nNicole: Absolutely perfect for you!!\nClaire: I guess so\nClaire: But it could be a bit darker, cause this color is not very vivid\nNicole: Noooooo, I think this color is perfectly good for the bride\nMaria: And it's no that expensive :)))\nClaire: Yes, the price appeals to me xD\nNicole: You should order that dress\nNicole: I think you won't regret\nMaria: Don't hesitate, it's incredibly beauty!!\nClaire: Ok, if you say so :))\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Claire is ordering her wedding dress, adviced by Maria and Nicole."} {"inputs": "Ethan: who's going to see solstafir?\nNoah: solstafir! when?\nNoah: i had no idea they were playing\nArchie: I'm not :D.\nLeo: i'm going ofc!\nEthan: 21.11\nNoah: that's a wednesday... ehh...\nNoah: i'll have to see, might have to stay late at work...\nLeo: nooo you have to come\nEthan: yeah you have to!\nArchie: There are better concerts :P.\nNoah: i know, i would really like to see them, but yeah\nLeo: archie... :P\nEthan: don't mind him :P\nNoah: i'll see and let you know, it would really suck to miss them\nLeo: yup!\nEthan: yup! x2\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Ethan and Leo are going to see S\u00f3lstafir on 21.11. Noah would like to go too, but he might have to stay late at work."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nGinger: need some sugar\nGinger: desperately!!!\nPhylis: \nPhylis: I'm baking a pie\nPhylis: come if u want :D\nGinger: be right there!!!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Ginger needs to eat something sweet. Phylis is baking a pie. Ginger will come to Phylis shortly."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Joana will bring Sandy some games like dixit and carcassonne.\".", "targets": "Joana: wana play some games?\nSandy: what games?\nJoana: maybe dixit?\nJoana: or carcassonne?\nSandy: why not?\nJoana: ok, I'll bring them 2 u\nSandy: great :)"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAndrea: Hi, Pat, I can't come to work today.\nPatrick: Is everything alright?\nAndrea: My son is sick, I need to take him to the doctor.\nPatrick: Oh, sorry to hear that, I hope he gets better soon.\nAndrea: Thanks. So is it okay with you?\nPatrick: Sure, take care of your boy, we'll be fine without you for the next couple of days!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Andrea's son is sick, she is taking a day off and taking him to the doctor's."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nClara: Where should we get off?\nBlake: a place called fabro-ficule\nJenny: must be really a shithole \nBlake: it is a bit indeed\nClara: hahahah\nJenny: will you wait for us there?\nBlake: I will, on the platform\nBlake: there's only one platform of course ;)\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Blake will be waiting for Clara and Jenny on the platform a fabro-ficule."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nAimee is looking for Maryam..", "targets": "Aimee: Do you know where Maryam is?\nSoren: Nope\nSoren: You tried his number?\nAimee: Yes\nAimee: I even went to her home\nSoren: She might have gone somewhere with his father\nAimee: Maybe"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Antonio: Is everything okay? You've been quiet lately\nAlivia: Oh, hi, yeah, I've just been working on my thesis\nAlivia: Or rather trying to work, it's not going too well\nAntonio: Oh :( Problems finding research materials?\nAlivia: Well\nAlivia: That isn't really as big a problem, the worst part is actually sitting down and writing\nAlivia: I find the topic interesting and all, I don't mind reading articles and books\nAlivia: But when I'm supposed to write, it's like I blank out and can't type a single word w/o thinking I sound stupid...\nAntonio: I know the feeling...\nAntonio: You should probably stop thinking about it so seriously, just write and you can edit it later\nAntonio: Once you get past the initial difficulty, it'll get better, at least that's what it was like for me\nAlivia: I'd like to think so... Thanks... I'll try. And thanks for your concern <3"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Tobi: Have you been to the new club?\nNicholas: Cork?\nTobi: yes, this one\nSerena: waste of time\nElla: yes, huge disappointment\nSerena: we went there with Ella last weekend\nElla: because they had such a cool ad campaign\nSerena: you won't believe\nElla: it was empty\nElla: nobody there\nTobi: oh, shit\nElla: yes, that's the proper word\nNicholas: they need some time maybe?\nElla: maybe, but I won't risk again"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRoss: Don't judge me\nChandler: what, why?\nRoss: I was thinking about tonight...\nChandler: yes?\nRoss: and...\nChandler: Just say it or I'm gonna come and punch you\nRoss: I wanna do karaoke\nChandler: hahhahaa\nRoss: Karaoke is fun\nChandler: \nRoss: No, but seriously, I'm sure girls are gonna love it too\nChandler: Ok but just this once\nRoss: Deal\nChandler: And I can record everything\nRoss: you wouldn't\nChandler: I will :D\nRoss: Well okay, there's nothing wrong with having fun\nChandler: \nRoss: :D\nChandler: Will you do George Michael?\nRoss: OF COURSE\nChandler: hahaha\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Ross wants to do karaoke. Chandler wants to record it for fun."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nAdam: My friend told me he saw Tim with a guy.\nNate: And?\nAdam: \nNate: omg\nJulia: Yeah, what a shocker\nAdam: ??? You knew?!\nJulia: I thought everyone knew\nNate: I had no idea\nNate: Did he tell you anything?\nJulia: That he\u2019s gay? God no\nAdam: Why didn\u2019t you tell us?\nJulia: First: I assumed you knew\nJulia: Second: Why would I? it\u2019s not my business\nNate: I think he should\u2019ve told us ;/ not cool\nAdam: yeah, I made a completely idiot out of myself defending him\nJulia: Against whom? I\u2019m not surprised he didn\u2019t tell you\nNate: Well, it\u2019s not fair, we\u2019re his friends\nJulia: And? Does it change anything?\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Julia knew Tim was gay, while Adam and Nate didn't."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAggie: When do you start work?\nPeter: at 8 \nPeter: why?\nAggie: no when do you start the new job?\nPeter: oh on the 6th\nAggie: Ok I'll get a babysitter then\nPeter: lol wanted a free babysitter\nAggie: yeah sorry :P\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Peter starts his new job on the 6th. Peter wanted a free babysitter. Aggie will arrange for a babysitter."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "John: Look, Bristol Stool Scale - perfect to read in the morning. \nHenry: :-/\nJohn: I was expecting a pic of your poop \nHenry: No, sorry :(\nJohn: Constipations are the worst!\nHenry: no no, I had a nice poop this morning! I never really am constipated.\nJohn: My man! :D\nHenry: Maybe I should write it on my tinder profile? \"Never really constipated\"\nJohn: I think it's a good metaphor.\nHenry: About emotions etc?\nJohn: Yes, like very psychoanalytic. And showing you're not pretentious.\nHenry: Hehe. Maybe still not the best strategy overall though."} {"inputs": "Tina: Hi, darling? Are you ok?\nSteve: Hi, babe. I'm fine. You?\nTina: OK :-) Love you :-*\nSteve: Love you, too.\nTina: How about pasta for dinner?\nSteve: Sounds great!\nTina: With broccoli, ham, cheese and cream?\nSteve: Scrumptious. \nTina: Your favourite.\nSteve: Indeed.\nTina: But there is a snag.\nSteve: Too perfect to be true?\nTina: It's not about that. We'd need to do some shopping after work.Can you handle it yourself?\nSteve: Can we handle it together? You know how scatterbrained I am when it comes to shopping lists.\nTina: I do know!\nSteve: Together?\nTina: Fine. Will you be leaving work on time?\nSteve: Guess so. I don't expect any problems.\nTina: Ok. Let's meet in the car park, shall we? \nSteve: Sure. \nTina: Miss you :-*\nSteve: Miss you, too :-*\nTina: See you later :-)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Tina and Steve are having pasta for dinner. They'll meet in the car park after Steve finishes work. They'll do the shopping together."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Darcy: have you ever been to Egypt?\nAdam: why would you think Ive been to Egypt?\nDarcy: you travel a lot\nAdam: if you say so, ive only been to a few countries. why do you ask?\nDarcy: Aaron has a connecting flight in Cairo and might leave the airport for a few hours to pass the time.\nAdam: I see. Should be worthwhile as long as hes careful.\nDarcy: thats what im thinking"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSophie: When r u going to Poana\u0144?\nMurphy: On Tuesday. \nSophie: And you're coming back the same day?\nMurphy: Yes, in the afternoon, but I don't know the exact hour. \nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Murphy is going to Poana\u0144 on Tuesday and coming back on the same day in the afternoon."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJennifer, Jack and Reece will match the latest Mad Max on Netflix tomorrow evening. Jack has already seen it..", "targets": "Jennifer: hey do u like mad max\nJennifer: coz the latest film is on Netflix now\nJennifer: wanna watch it with me?\nJack: seen it, it's pretty dope\nJack: but might as well watch it again\nReece: yeah me too\nReece: great movie\nJennifer: ok, tomorrow evening?\nReece: fine with me\nJack: sure\nJennifer: awesome :)"} {"inputs": "Matt: Hey\nMatt: I got my ticket for Dawid Podsiadlo!!!\nMatt: So stoked!\nThomas: Whooaa that's great!!\nMatt: I will see you there then! \nThomas: Yes for sure\nThomas: Remind me before \nThomas: Like the day before k? \nMatt: For sure \nMatt: Who you're going with \nThomas: by myself for now\nThomas: I meant until now haha\nMatt: Right on \nMatt: I am so stoked tho\nThomas: Me too \nMatt: I might ask a few more people if they're coming ;) \nThomas: Maria was interested I think \nThomas: But I am not too sure\nThomas: i will ask her\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Matt got a ticket for Dawid Podsiadlo's concert. Thomas is going, too."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAlexander: Personal request to send me message when you will be in taxi\nAlexander: If any problem, call me\nTom: ;)\nTom: Thank You, I appreciate it\nAlexander: Taxi confirmation below\nAlexander: \nTom: Thank you for the transport, we arrived safely, although without luggages :/\nAlexander: Good but bad\nTom: Yeeees\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Tom arrived safely, but without his luggage."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nRita and Tina are bored at work and have still 4 hours left..", "targets": "Rita: I'm so bloody tired. Falling asleep at work. :-(\nTina: I know what you mean.\nTina: I keep on nodding off at my keyboard hoping that the boss doesn't notice..\nRita: The time just keeps on dragging on and on and on.... \nRita: I keep on looking at the clock and there's still 4 hours of this drudgery to go.\nTina: Times like these I really hate my work.\nRita: I'm really not cut out for this level of boredom.\nTina: Neither am I."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Linda: I missed the train\nJoseph: When is the next one?\nLinda: In one hour\nDarcy: Not a tragedy\nLinda: It was 80 euros\nLinda: Return to Amsterdam\nLinda: I was shocked!!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLaura: where will we go tommorow?\nLinda: maybe this italian restaurant?\nLaura: hmm ok\nLinda: i love their pasta\nLinda: and brownie :)\nLaura: i thouht you dont eat sweets\nLinda: this brownie is not so sweet\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Linda and Laura are going to an Italian restaurant tomorrow."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLouis: did you see all the people outside the book shop today?\nLouis: it was insane!!!\nSara: YES!!!\nSara: i saw a hugeeeeeeee crowd\nSara: do you know what was going on?\nLouis: my friend told me this writer, this new writer...\nLouis: i can't remember his name...\nLouis: the one that writes about vampires\nSara: dante kyle?\nLouis: no, the other one\nSara: cole grant?\nLouis: YES!! my friends told me he was there signing copies of his books\nSara: no big loss then\nSara: i'm not a fan of his\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "There was a crowd outside the bookshop today. Cole Grant, who writes about vampires, was allegedly in the bookshop signing his books."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Paula: Why do they make this game with super hard levels?\nStew: No idea. I hate those.\nPaula: It really makes it not fun at all.\nStew: Yep.\nPaula: I just can get past 637 no matter what I do.\nStew: Did you try looking up the cheats online?\nPaula: Brilliant!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJoanne: hi, wanna talk?\nBradley: hi, sorry, not right now, im busy\nBradley: crazy day at work\nJoanne: sure, contact me, i gotta tell you something\nBradley: i will, ttyl\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Bradley is too busy at work to talk to Joanne now."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAdele: i am still listening to that song\nKode: Which one\nAdele: One you recommended me\nKode: Yeah thats good one\nAdele: Yes it is\nKode: I have that in my music library for 3 years\nAdele: Omg is it that old?\nKode: hmm\nAdele: Can you suggest some others from the same singer?\nKode: I give you whole Album in USB\nAdele: When you would come to my home?\nKode: I am free right now\nAdele: I am waiting then\nKode: coming\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Adele is still listening to the song which Code recommended. Kode will come to Adele's home today and will give her the whole album of the same singer."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nRose: Payday's tomorrow :D\nRose: Can I start thinking about Christmas gifts now? \nJake: Hahaha. Sure. When I get home, we'll talk about what should we buy for everybody.\nRose: I can't wait.\nRose: I love making gifts for people!\nJake: Yup. Me too.\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "It's payday tomorrow. When Jack gets home, he and Rose will talk about Christmas gifts for everybody."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nEthan: somethin for Scott \nToby: haha, totally\nMarshall: pretty much sums it up\nScott: you know you're exactly fuckin the same\nToby: oh we know honey bunny\nMarshall: we just enjoy making fun of YOU\nEthan: xD\nScott: oh fuck y'all\nToby: \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Ethan, Toby and Marshall are making fun of Scott."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCrystal: \nIrene: He's so big!\nCrystal: \nCrystal: I know right!\nIrene: and so cute!\nCrystal: he got so big he doesn't fit his clothes anymore\nIrene: time to go shopping with my little boy <3\nCrystal: yeah im just gonna go brankrupt\nIrene: Let me take him, I also promise to buy him something\nCrystal: you really wanna do that?\nIrene: why nont? I'm his aunt!\nCrystal: well yeah it's just such a drag\nIrene: you were always a bore when shopping :P just let me take the little man\nIrene: well have fun!\nCrystal: ok \nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Irene will take Crystal's son shopping for clothes."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Archie is arriving from Southampton around midnight. He will travel by bus. He will call Judah.\".", "targets": "Judah: Hello\nArchie: Hey\nJudah: So what time are you arriving from Southampton?\nArchie: Around midnight; I'll be travelling to yours by bus, so it might take an hour or so\nJudah: No worries. Call me on the phone if I happen to be dead by the time you get here\nArchie: Lol Will do!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nBen and Steven will go to Marco's tonight to eat pizza..", "targets": "Ben: pizza tonight?\nSteven: sure thing!\nBen: at Marco's?\nSteven: (y)"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJulia: I mean I like my Instagram. And my Snapchat. Oh and Twitter. And sometimes Facebook.\nGail: So do I. But this doesn't mean I'm addicted. \nJulia: Neither am I. I like looking at photos of my friends and sharing stuff with them. And I think they like it when I post stuff.\nGail: I certainly do. And I like to spy on ppl :)\nJulia: Rly?\nGail: Yeah! It's a lot of fun! Like I was spying on Em and turns out she's into some guy from work ;)\nJulia: Rly? Intriguing.\nGail: I know! :) and Jessica is thinking about going on diet.\nJulia: Wasn't she on one already?\nGail: Nah. Whenever she posts a lot of fitness-related stuff, she's just thinking about, but doing nothing rly. \nJulia: I always thought she was training day and night!\nGail: Nah. That's just how she is. The more she posts, the less she does. Like she had a phase for animal shelters. Remember?\nJulia: Yeah. She just wouldn't shut up about it. She posted every single thing she could find on the subject!\nGail: Right. And turned out that was everything she did. Never visited one. Never donated a dime. Never did anything.\nJulia: And all the time I thought she was so active and pro-active and charitable. She had me fooled ;)\nGail: U see? Spying on ppl is fun :)\nJulia: Speaking of which, did u spy on me?\nGail: No, y would I?\nJulia: It's fun?\nGail: Oh no! Don't get me wrong! We talk all the time, so no need to spy on u ;)\nJulia: Gr8.\nGail: Besides ur pretty straightforward.\nJulia: What do u mean?\nGail: When ur eating, u post food. When ur training, u post fitness materials or photos. When ur relaxing, u post a bunch of stuff.\nJulia: I know :) that's y ppl like what I do, 'caus I genuine :)\nGail: Yeah...\nJulia: What's that supposed to mean?\nGail: Hillary thinks u overdo it and have no life in real life.\nJulia: That bitch!\nGail: I know!\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Jessica posts a lot regarding subjects she does nothing about in reality. Julia posts in a more genuine way. But Hillary thinks she does it to death and lacks real life."} {"inputs": "Hugh: can you recommend a good dentist?\nHugh: I have a toothache and need a dentist urgently\nAndy: Im sorry mate\nAndy: try ProDent in the centre\nAndy: Dr Smith, Ive been a few times\nHugh: thanks, mate!\nWade: Ive heard all dentist in that clinic are good\nWade: I need to go for a checkup too, havent been to a dentist for ages\nHugh: You'd better go soon!\nHugh: I also havent been for ages and now it hurts horribly\nAndy: You should go today\nHugh: Im working late today\nHugh: I'll call them straight away and arrange sth for tomorrow maybe\nAndy: good luck! Take care!\nHugh: thanks, man\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Hugh has a toothache and needs to go to the dentist. Andy and Wade recommend him dentists at ProDent. Hugh will call ProDent today."} {"inputs": "Barry: I'm gonna go march in Women's strike, anyone interested?\nJake: I am, already made plans with some friends, wanna join?\nDave: I am down too, Kelly is coming with me\nBarry: Let's just meet around the campus at noon\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Barry, Dave, Kelly, and Jake will meet around the campus at 12 to join Women's strike."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKim: Hey, listen, have you got any idea where I can get some fresh ramal fish in Warsaw?\nMargot: Hi, I don't know about \"fresh\", but you could try the marketplace at Polna street. \nMargot: Other than that, I haven't got a clue...\nKim: Already tried Polna :(\nMargot: Ah!\nMargot: Hm...\nMargot: And did you check Internet for fish market in Warsaw?\nKim: Yeah, there's none.\nKim: Or I didn't find it. \nMargot: You could have a look at restaurants' menus. And if you find it there, you could ask about their source. \nMargot: Although I'm not sure they'd eager to give you such infromation. But you can always try..\nKim: Great idea, I haven't though about this! Thx!\nKim: I'll try. After all, I have nothing to loose. \nMargot: Btw, is there a special occasion you want to cook it for?\nKim: Yes! Acctually I'll grill it ;)\nKim: And it's a surprise, so I'm not giving away any details!\nMargot: I'm so curious!\nMargot: I understant it's sth good, so I'm happy for you girl :)\nKim: Indeed, it's good. But you won't get any more infromation from me now.\nKim: All in good time :)\nMargot: Cruel you! Find that fish!!! ;)\nKim: :D\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Kim needs to get some fresh fish in Warsaw. Kim will ask at restaurants about their source. Kim is planning something special but won't share any details with Margot for now."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Georgia sent a photo. Roxana and Summer advise Georgia to buy it.\".", "targets": "Georgia: Hey girls\nGeorgia: What do you think\nGeorgia: \nRoxana: Buy it!\nSummer: You look great\nGeorgia: I like it\nGeorgia: But where will I wear it?\nSummer: Parties"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nAfter work, Mike is going to go to the gym and then home. He invites Jason to bring some food and come over. They can play 2 on ps4..", "targets": "Jason: Yo, what are you doing after work?\nMike: Going to the gym and then home boy.\nJason: You eating at home?\nMike: Yep, bring your food and come over.\nJason: Will do. Afterwards we play some Destiny 2 on ps4?\nMike: You bet ya, that game is so addictive!\nJason: Ok cya later then!\u00b4\nMike: Oh yeah\ud83d\udc4c"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nZoey: Hello dear friends, here something to cheer you up on a cold day.\nZoey: \nThomas: LOL\nThomas: Hi there in the tropics! How are you doing?\nZoey: Staying healthy? Everything's ok?\nThomas: We are fine, thanks. Everything here is ok. At night the temps fall to -3. Nice white ground frost in the morning.\nThomas: \nZoey: Looks so pretty! But we're happy to give these views a miss for a while :)\nThomas: On Sunday we had a walk around the summit of Belchen - in icy wind but by brilliant sunshine. I think we even got some suntan!\nThomas: \nZoey: Gosh! That's pretty! You'll hear from us soon. Take care!\nThomas: You too!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "The temperatures where Thomas stays are -3 at night. There is frost in the morning. Zoey is in the tropics. Thomas had a walk around Belchen's summit on Sunday."} {"inputs": "Samuel: Are you there, Anna?\nTim: I am, but I am not called Anna. It's Tim.\nSamuel: Sorry, brother Tim. Anna is just the word for elder brother in my language.\nTim: It's a girl's name here. Doesn't sound very brother-like.\nSamuel: My apologies. \nTim: So what is your language?\nSamuel: It is Telugu, brother. \nTim: is that spoken in India?\nSamuel: Yes, in South east India. Bangalore and Chennai and other places. Nearly 90 million speakers, brother.\nTim: Is it one of those written right to left?\nSamuel: No, it is written left to right. It is based on Brahmin script, our writing. If you trace it back far enough it all comes from the Phoenicians, like English writing the same.\nTim: Wow. \nTim: So it must be pretty big, then, Teluguland?\nSamuel: It is 23 provinces, Anna. But we are not rich as in the north, so many people here are still working for less than a hundred dollars a whole month.\nTim: So what is the word for \"younger brother\" if \"Anna\" means \"elder brother?\"\nSamuel: Thammu or Thammadu. You can call me Thammu. I am younger than you.\nTim: how old are you, I would have sid about the same as me in your photo.\nSamuel: How old are you, Anna? \nTim: 55\nSamuel: Well there you are you see. I am 35 only. So you are my Anna and I am your Thammadu. \nTim: Wow sorry to say it but you do look old for 35:\nSamuel: That is because it is not an easy life when you are not earning much money, Anna. We work very hard and have very little. But still we are thankful for what we do have.\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Samuel's language is Telugu, which is spoken in south east India. It has nearly 90 million speakers; it's written left to right; it's based on Brahmin script. Teluguland has 23 provinces. It's quite poor. \"Anna\" means \"elder brother\" and Thammu or Thammadu - \"younger brother\". Tim's 55, Samuel's 35."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAmal: hey, did you see what Beyonce tweeted?\nAmir: haha. yeah, i did. isnt she wonderful?\nAmal: yeah, shes great.\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Amal and Amir saw Beyonce's tweet. They think she's great."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nCamilla and Tom will go to Dublin this weekend..", "targets": "Tom: Have you ever been to Dublin?\nCamilla: Never in Ireland!\nTom: So let's go there this weekend!\nCamilla: for 2 days?\nTom: Yes, the weather forecast is great!\nCamilla: I love your crazy ideas!\nTom: ok, so I'm buying the tickets\nCamilla: <3"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Hannah's New Year's resolutions are: work out, cook for herself, start dating. Brooklyn didn't make any. In the past she had, but she never fulfilled them. \".", "targets": "Hannah: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :))) \nBrooklyn: Same to you! Have you made any New Year's resolutions? ;>\nHannah: A whole list ^^\nHannah: New year, new me :D\nBrooklyn: Really? :D So how you're going to change your life this year?\nHannah: First, I'm gonna lose weight and exercise everyday (or at least 3 times a week).\nHannah: Second, I want to learn how to cook and start meal prepping\nHannah: Finally, I'm gonna find my future husband (or at least start using dating apps):D\nHannah: And you? Have you set any goals for 2019?\nBrooklyn: Hmm, interesting :D especially the last point ^^\nBrooklyn: Yeah, just one - not to make any resolutions.\nHannah: Whyyyy??\nBrooklyn: I just don't believe that a new year means a fresh start.\nBrooklyn: Every past year I told myself I would lose weight, quit smoking, start going to the gym etc. And I'm still a fatty, who smokes like a chimney and rarely leaves their couch.\nHannah: You're a little ray of sunshine, aren't you? ;)\nBrooklyn: :p And you're an undaunted optimist. What makes you believe that everything is going to change for the better?\nHannah: I don't know, I just like to think that we get numerous second chances to change our lives, to make right what's wrong.\nHannah: That's it, I don't have any better explanation.\nBrooklyn: Well, you haven't convinced me. :) Nevertheless good luck with all your resolutions. ;)\nHannah: Thanks! :*"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Adele got a new biscuit Labrador Chewy that is 4 months. Her cats keep their distance, and Poppy and Lulu seem to mother Chewy and Speedy wants to play.\".", "targets": "Lola: hey girlfriend, what's up?\nAdele: Oh, hi Lols, not much.\nAdele: got a new dog.\nLola: another one?\nAdele: Yup. a pup biscuit lab. 4 months. Chewy.\nLola: how did the others react?\nAdele: the cats keep their distance, Poppy and Lulu seem to mother him. Speedy wants to play.\nLola: no fighting? that's new.\nAdele: they say puppies are accepted by other animals more easily than older dogs\nLola: especially girl dogs, probably\nAdele: with the other ones I had to wean them because I took them in as adult dogs. And girls like to fight. like crazy.\nLola: doggies, right/.\nAdele: that too :P\nLola: haha. true though.\nAdele: I know, right. Anyway, called him Bones. He's so plump it kinda fit.\nLola: cute. can't wait to see him."} {"inputs": "Celia: Where do you want to go for Holiday ?\nMike: I was thinking about Egypt\nCelia: Too hot. What about Croatia ?\nMike: Good idea, I've never been there\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Mike considers going to Egypt for holiday. It's too hot for Celia, she suggests Croatia instead. Mark likes the idea, he's never been there."} {"inputs": "Sue: Hi Graham when you have a minute can you throw me some dates over for weekends in the Romford area, that lady Louise wants another 2 half days and focus on motorways\nGraham: yes give me an hour\nGraham: Hi Sue.. I have 2/3/9/10/16/17/23/ let me know\nSue: brilliant I will send those on\nGraham: that is good she came back\nSue: yes she was nice she wants you to focus on motorways this time\nGraham: yes we only touched on it last week\nSue: I will let you know when she comes back to me\nGraham: thanks sue\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Sue wants Graham to give her some dates for weekends in the Romford area. Lady Louise wants another 2 half days and focus on motorways. Graham has 2/3/9/10/16/17/23. Sue will let Graham know when Lady Louise comes back to her."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDamian: are you downtown?\nEthan: yes\nEthan: why?\nDamian: can you buy me a kebab?\nDamian: i'm starving\nEthan: why won't you cook something for both of us, huh?\nDamian: man, give me a break, i had a rough day\nEthan: ok ok\nEthan: but i really wish you weren't such a parasite\nDamian: i'll change, scout's honour\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Ethan will buy Damian a kebab. Damian had a bad day."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nRay is locked in the room from the outside and he has to pee. Max's roommate will come and let him out..", "targets": "Ray: u in ur room?\nMax: no whats up\nRay: someone locked the door from outside -_-\nMax: wtf xD\nRay: yeah dude cmon u gotta let me out\nMax: but im out\nRay: are u kidding me\nMax: sorry man XD\nRay: dude i have to pee\nMax: HAHAHAHHAHAHA XD\nRay: thats not funny >.<\nMax: it actually is xD\nRay: can u ask someone else to do it\nMax: yea let me see if my roommates there\nRay: HURRY\nMax: hes coming\nRay: tell him to HURRYYY\nMax: hes on his way \nRay: he opened it, thanks\nMax: enjoy XD"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Hans: come to the practice\nSlade: NOW??\nHans: yes, now\nSlade: alright\nHans: and bring the ball as well XD we dont have it here ;P\nSlade: -_-"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nRaymond: Charlotte! Help!\nCharlotte: What's up bro??\nRaymond: What do I want to eat, pizza or pasta?\nCharlotte: Hmm.. What kind of pizza and what kind of pasta?\nRaymond: So I have a regular cheese and pepperoni pizza and I was thinking some pesto pennes.\nCharlotte: Oo, those both sound good. \nRaymond: That's not helpful.\nCharlotte: Have the pizza!\nRaymond: But pasta sounds so good. \nCharlotte: Then have the pasta silly. \nRaymond: But the pizza sounds delicious too. \nCharlotte: Omg Raymond, make up your mind. \nRaymond: I can't! Please help me. \nCharlotte: Why not have both?\nRaymond: Well, that's just unreasonable no?\nCharlotte: How about this. I come over and we have both!\nRaymond: That could work. That way I would eat the same amount but of the two things I want to eat.\nCharlotte: Alright, so I'm going to head over in like 10 minutes. That sound good?\nRaymond: For sure. Oh, and bring wine!\nCharlotte: Yes sir. See you in 15. \n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Raymond can't decide whether he wants pizza or pasta. He invites Charlotte over for a dinner at 15."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nTeacher: Rashi, why are you so low? \nRashi: Ma\u2019am I\u2019m a bit confused about my career. \nTeacher: What is your confusion?\nRashi: I was discussing with my friends about the career options. \nTeacher: Hmm.\nRashi: There are too many to choose from.\nTeacher: Choose a career based on what truly interests you. \nRashi: I have many that interests me. How does it determine the career?\nTeacher: The passion you have for what you do drives you to success. \nRashi: But what about earnings?\nTeacher: Remember at some point of time one should learn to balance between duties and success.\nRashi: How do I do that?\nTeacher: Choose a career which interests you, get experienced and try to progress and widen the scope after a while.\nRashi: Hmm, ok.\nTeacher: Something like earn and learn sort of..\nRashi: You are so right. I will remember this.\nTeacher: So hope I managed to answer your questions.\nRashi: Yes mam! Thank you very much! \nTeacher : You are most welcome, Rashi.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Rashi is confused by too many career choices. Teacher advises him to choose something he has passion for and what interests him."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMaya: Bring home the clothes that are hanging outside\nMaya: All of them should be dry already and it looks like it's going to rain\nBoris: I'm not home right now\nBoris: I'll tell Brian to take care of that\nMaya: Fine, thanks\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Maya wants Boris to bring clothes that are hanging outside. Brian will do that, because Boris isn't at home now."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nTessa: Stop texting my boyfriend ;/\nChloe: Uhm, excuse me?\nChloe: Who's your boyfriend?\nTessa: Jim Andrews.\nChloe: Oh, ok! He's a friend from work.\nTessa: yeah, but stop texting him. I saw the messages you sent him.\nChloe: Which ones in particular?\nTessa: You don't text your co-worker like that\nChloe: Like what?\nTessa: I can see you're being all smiley and touchy-feely with him.\nTessa: He's taken\nChloe: I'm his friend, I get he's taken, but we work together.\nTessa: I see what you're up to, so stop texting him ;/\nChloe: Jesus girl, aren't you a bit paranoid?\nChloe: We WORK together. How am I supposed to stop texting him? We have to communicate.\nTessa: I don't care. I don't want you texting my boyfriend :/ bye\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Tessa doesn't like Chloe texting her boyfriend, Jim Andrews. Jim is Chloe's co-worker so Chloe needs to communicate with him."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nFiona: hey\nAnna: hello \nFiona: can you go with me to a doc? \nFiona: I need support \nAnna: yeah sure \nFiona: thank you so much \nFiona: it's tomorrow at 8 a.m.\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Anna will go with Fiona to a doctor tomorrow at 8 a.m."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nPeter: Can you send me the link of your beauty shop?\nJoy: Definitely\nJoy: It is https:// *********\nJoy: Hope you will like it and feel free to ask any questions.\nPeter: Okay. Let me look at it.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Joy sent Peter the link to her beauty shop."} {"inputs": "Myah: \nSelah: I can't see the phone number very well. Rewrite it plz\nMyah: \nSelah: The phone of that person is off\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Selah called a person that did not pick up."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDominique: what's for the test tomorro?\nDenise: units 2 and 3\nDominique: ok tx\nDenise: np\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Denise and Dominique has a test tomorrow on units 2 and 3."} {"inputs": "Ollie: Okay, Kelly! Ur up nxt!\nKelly: Me? I don't wanna.\nMickey: C'mon!\nJessica: Yeah! What's yours?\nKelly: Fine. It's a sculpture garden in Finnland.\nOllie: What's scary about sculptures? Wait! Do they resemble vampires and stuff?\nMickey: Nah, I'm sure they look rly nice.\nKelly: It's not the sculptures, it's the amount of them and their faces!\nJessica: Faces? What faces?\nKelly: Well, they resemble ppl in different activities like hugging, training, doing sport and so on. But the faces are just morbid and there's like a hundred of them. All staring at you!\nOllie: Another one?\nMickey: Certainly!\nJessica: Well, Ollie, ur turn!\nOllie: Nagoro village in Japan!\nMickey: Y?\nOllie: Well, maybe it's not scary, but it similar to Kelly's place. It's just creepy as hell.\nJessica: Bt y?\nOllie: Imagine a village with ppl living in it. And in the same village u have these human-sized figures. And there's more of them than the ppl that actually live there!\nKelly: Creepy AH!\nMickey: WTF?! Y would ppl even do that?\nJessica: Idk. Idc. Never. Going. There.\nOllie: See! Mine was the worst!\nJessica: Bt not the scariest!\nOllie: Point taken.\nMickey: Listen, guys, fun talking to u, bt gotta go. \nKelly: Yeah, me too. Bye!\nJessica: Bye!\nOllie: Cu!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Kelly is scared of sculpture garden figures in Finnland, she finds figure's faces morbid. For Ollie it's Nagoro village in Japan, it's creepy."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nAlejandro and Luz are going to meet in 2 weeks for the first time. Luz knows Alejandro very well already. They talk about everything. Luz will be there on the 20th of December at 4PM. Alejandro will pick her up..", "targets": "Alejandro: We\u2019re going to meet in 2 weeks time!\nLuz: Yupp, for the first time, finally! :D\nAlejandro: Took us 3 months xD\nLuz: Right, quite a long time ;)\nAlejandro: I have a feeling that you already know me better than most of the people\u2026\nLuz: Haha yea we talk about everything ;)\nAlejandro: Seriously, I feel a strange connection with you\u2026\nLuz: I like you too, Alex<3\nAlejandro: :* So do you have everything planned?\nLuz: What do you mean?\nAlejandro: Like a flight and stuff\nLuz: Of course, all settled, I\u2019ll be there 20th December, 4 PM\nAlejandro: I\u2019ll come pick you up, can\u2019t wait to see you, it will be magical!\nLuz: Don\u2019t get too excited about it, it just me ;p\nAlejandro: Exactly, it\u2019s youuu!! This is the very reason I\u2019m so excited!\nLuz: Lol\nAlejandro: You\u2019re beautiful \uf04a\nLuz: Lol x2 ;p\nAlejandro: Have you told your mum yet?\nLuz: Yea I did, she didn\u2019t handle it that well ;)\nAlejandro: I hope you won\u2019t be in trouble o.O\nLuz: I don\u2019t care ;p"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nNova: Do know that people are photoshoping Timoth\u00e9e Chalamet into artworks? :D\nNova: It's hilarious, check it out: \nDominic: lol XD\nDominic: it kinda looks good\nNova: Right? :D\nDominic: he looks like a typical young man from a 19th-century portrait\nNova: omg you're so right! :D he looks as if he read Rimbaud's poems and drank absinthe on a daily basis\nDominic: hahaha XD it's so accurate\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "People are photoshopping Timoth\u00e9e Chalamet into artworks. Dominic and Nova agree that he looks like a 19th century man."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nKimberly: Hi Laura :)\nLaura: Hey Kim :)\nKimberly: Do u remember if I left the cafe yesterday with my umbrella?\nLaura: I'm not sure...\nLaura: I remember you arriving with it. It was a pinkish-blue one, right?\nKimberly: Yes, with a flower motive.\nKimberly: I got it as a present from my Mom a few years back.\nKimberly: It's not worth anything, but it's about the sentimental value.\nLaura: I understand, maybe try calling the cafe? \nLaura: Maybe a customer found it or a waiter?\nLaura: Here's the number: 613-785-4329.\nKimberly: Thanks! It's worth a try :) \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Kimberly might have left her umbrella she got from her mother at the cafe yesterday. Laura gives her the cafe's phone number to check with the staff."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nBlair: Remember we are seeing the wedding planner after work\nChuck: Sure, where are we meeting her?\nBlair: At Nonna Rita's\nChuck: Can I order their seafood tagliatelle or are we just having coffee with her? I've been dreaming about it since we went there last month\nBlair: Haha sure why not\nChuck: Well we both remmber the spaghetti pomodoro disaster from our last meeting with Diane\nBlair: Omg hahaha it was all over her white blouse\nChuck: :D\nBlair: :P\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Blair and Chuck are going to meet the wedding planner after work at Nonna Rita's. The tagliatelle served at Nonna Rita's are very good."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nMaria wants to work as a freelancer. Spencer is an artist. The agency and social media help him to get new clients. He earns around \u00a31000 a month. Spencer encourages Maria to develop her talent and to try freelancing..", "targets": "Maria: Hi Spence, life treating you well?\nSpencer: Can't complain love, lots of commissions coming in and all that!\nMaria: Getting your name out there! Saw some of your new stuff on Instagram, liked it!\nSpencer: Yeah, thanks love! How's the call centre?\nMaria: Same old, same old. Can't wait to go part time next year, really want to get on with some freelancing.\nSpencer: Yeah, pity they won't allow it for a year. I'm on 16 fixed hours at the cafe which suits me great. I've then got the rest of the week to work on my illustrations.\nMaria: How do you get new clients, Spence? I really need to pick your brains sometimes!\nSpencer: Well, some of them saw my printing in the shops I sell to and contacted me directly, then there's the agency and my social media stuff. I probably get around \u00a31000 of work a month now, before commission and tax.\nMaria: Well that's just about liveable with the cafe wage, I imagine.\nSpencer: Yes, it's tight, but I am very frugal. Still have a hefty chunk going out on rent and bills.\nMaria: Hmm, I'll have to budget carefully when I do it.\nSpencer: Yes, but it's well worth it. I LOVE the work so much!\nMaria: Well, your passion is obvious! Your stuff is amazing!\nSpencer: Well, so was yours in Uni. Don't let your talent go to waste!\nMaria: You've inspired me, Spence. See you soon, hopefully!\nSpencer: See ya!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nCindy is sad, but doesn't want to talk about the reason. Ellie hasn't seen the funny video that went viral. .", "targets": "Cindy: \nEllie: Why are you so sad? Something\u2019s happened?\nCindy: I don\u2019t want to talk about it\u2026\nEllie: Cheer up! Tomorrow\u2019s another day \ud83d\ude0a\nCindy: \nCindy: Have you seen it? It\u2019s viral on the internet\nEllie: Nope, but it\u2019s very funny \ud83d\ude0a\nEllie:"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"They will meet around 9 pm tonight to attend a free concert in the City Park.\".", "targets": "Patrick: Any plans for tonight?\nCamille: Nothing. We could go out.\nAmanda: I'm going to a concert.\nCamille: Cool. \nAmanda: In the city park. It's a free event. You can join us!\nCamille: What time are you guys going?\nAmanda: Around 9 p.m.\nCamille: I'll come.\nPatrick: Me too. Later we can go party."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSonia: hey remember last year when you guys went to San Sebastian\nToni: yup \nToni: hi\nSonia: how was that airbnb place you stayed in\nToni: it wasnt bad\nToni: maybe a bit small for the three of us\nToni: but it was next to the Playa de la Concha\nToni: and anyway we just used it to sleep\nToni: u guys going?\nSonia: yeah in a month or so\nSonia: we r still planning\nSonia: we checked some hostels and so but they r pretty expensive\nSonia: plus we rather have more privacy\nToni: well i can definitely reccomend the airbnb place\nToni: i can get you in contact with the landlady too if u want\nSonia: that would be sweet\nToni: its this old basque lady, widow, pretty lonely but nice\nToni: she even made a tortilla for us\nSonia: so shes in the appartment too?\nToni: yes she rents a room in the appartment\nSonia: oh\nSonia: hm I dont know\nToni: well think about it and let me know\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Sonia is going to San Sebastian in a month. Toni enjoyed her the airbnb place there. Sonia isn't convinced about it and will let Toni know."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAlex: Hon, could you buy some milk?\nMartin: You kiddin me, I just bought two yesterday\nAlex: Well, I have nothing for my defense, I'm just craving milk lately:D\nMartin: You're lucky that I love you, two milks coming up in couple of hours, I gotta finish the project\nAlex: You are my hero!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Martin will get Alex two bottles of milk after he finishes the project."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Hailey hasn't been to I-max cinema yet and Whitney wants to take her to one to watch Aquaman. Hailey'll do everything to find some time for it. Whitney informs Hailey that Shadrack and his girlfriend are going with them.\".", "targets": "Whitney: Hello\nHailey: Hey\nWhitney: Have you been to I-max cinemas?\nHailey: Nop\nHailey: You planning on taking me?\nWhitney: Mmmh maybe\nWhitney: But it all depends if you will be available the day Aqua man is being released\nHailey: I'll break the laws to make time for it\ud83d\ude02\nWhitney: Haha. Then it is a deal\nHailey: Cool.\nWhitney: Before I forget Shadrack and his girlfriend will be accompanying us\nHailey: Even better.\nWhitney: Fine. I guess I will see you then.\nHailey: Definitely"} {"inputs": "Margaret: Hi, in December I'd like to meet on 4th and 11th around 10:00 or 11:00. \nEvans: Hi, 4th - we can meet at 10:00.\nEvans: And 11th - at 11:00. \nMargaret: Okey. And what about 18th?\nEvans: I'm not sure about 18th. \nEvans: I might not be in town. \nMargaret: Okey, so we'll see. \nEvans: Yes. And I'll let you know next week. \nMargaret: If it's not 18th, maybe we could meet on 17th?\nEvans: If I go away, I won't also be 17th.\nMargaret: Okey, I get it. \nEvans: But we could meet 14th, if you like?\nMargaret: Hm, I'm not sure whether I'm avaliable. \nEvans: So let's set these dates later, ok?\nMargaret: Okey and we see each other 4th 10:00. \nEvans: Yes!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Margaret and Evans plan to meet at 10 on 4th and at 11 on 11th. They both are not sure when they will be able to meet next, so they will come up with a date later."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nPerry: have you thought about holiday yet?\nMarlow: Asia?\nPerry: you mean in July or August?\nMarlow: w/janet we thought about September it's cheaper i guess\nJanet: yeah but we need to check the weather and everything\nForster: Cloete wanted to go to the mountains so i guess that's my plan\nPerry: frankly we have no idea. went to seaside last year\nMarlow: Asia could be the place 2go. Janet would be cool yeah?\nJanet: sure thing. Would be gr8 2go 2gether\nPerry: dunno if we can afford. Need to talk to Nina\nJanet: why not meet 2nite over beer and talk?\nPerry: super but not 2day no. cinema :):)\nJanet: oh I forgot you won the tickets right?\nPerry: yeah but we could meet 2moro evening if ur free\nJanet: do we have plans Marlow? \nMarlow: no i dont think so\nForster: could we come over too\nPerry: yeah fantastic. byob tho\nForster: sure thing 8 pm is fine?\nPerry: perfect for me\nJanet: gr8 for us. we can visit pa first\nMarlow: fine by me. let's do it guys!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Perry, Marlow, Janet and Forster discuss their holiday plans. Marlow would like to go to Asia, others will think if they can join. The friends will meet tomorrow at 8 pm to discuss that."} {"inputs": "Janice: my son has been asking me to get him a hamster for his birthday\nJanice: should i?\nMartina: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!\nMartina: i got one for my son and it stank up the whole house\nMartina: so don't do it!!!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Martina advises against getting a hamster."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"The audition starts at 7.30 P.M. in Antena 3.\".", "targets": "Jamilla: remember that the audition starts at 7.30 P.M.\nKiki: which station?\nJamilla: Antena 3\nYoyo: roger that"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJay will lend Joe money for the ticket for the event. Ruth and Paulette will accompany them..", "targets": "Jay: Bro. Have you heard that diamond is in Kenya? \nJoe: Yeah man. I know what you are thinking\nJay: \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 \nJoe: Bro. I dont have some cash to buy some tickets for the event.\nJay: Come on! Stop worrying about cash.\nJay: I will lend you then you can refund later.\nJoe: Okay.\nJay: And guess what?\nJoe: What\nJay: I have convinced Ruth and Paulette to accompany us\nJoe: Really?\nJay: Do i look like i am joking\ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\ude0f\nJoe: It's game on bro!!!!!!\nJay: Yeah. You know me.\nJay: But it is time you start paying me.\nJay: I can't be hooking up you with new girls every time we have a concert.\ud83d\ude02\nJoe: \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 cut the crap\nJoe: Just wait next time. I'll be the one doing the connections.\nJay: Okay. Can't wait."} {"inputs": "Ken: Hi, how are you?\nAng: Just peachy! You?\nKen: I'm okay...\nAng: Just okay? What's wrong?\nKen: Just stressed; work stuff, fighting with Brad, too much going on at mom's.\nAng: Hang in there, it will get better!\nKen: I know, but it's a lot.\nAng: Can I do anything to help?\nKen: You are! Listening to me vent! LOL!\nAng: Are you at least doing anything fun this weekend?\nKen: Show Saturday night, then seeing the grandkids on Sunday at the zoo.\nAng: Sounds great! That will cheer you up!\nKen: Gotta run, work calls. Love you!\nAng: Love you too! Have a fantastic day!\nKen: You too!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Ken feels stressed because of work and fighting with Brad. There is also too much going on at mom's. Ken is going to a show on Saturday night. On Sunday Ken is seeing the grandkids at the zoo."} {"inputs": "Tim: The situation there is terrible now\nJohn: I know and, honestly, I don't think it's gonna change any time soon\nJeremy: why? I think the world's attention is now on Kongo really\nJohn: exactly, too much money involved\nJohn: everybody wants it's resources, they are crucial for the US, for China, for everybody\nAlice: for our smartphones\nJohn: Exactly\nAlice: yes, I'm not very positive either\nTim: yup, just the same story all the time\nJohn: Ebola, war, militias, diamonds...\nTim: Hard to say what should be done\nJohn: Surely the elections were not done properly\nTim: this for sure\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "The situation in Kongo is terrible because of its resources and politics."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMazie: Me and mah girls are having a drink tonight.\nLee: Oh really? Where?\nMazie: Wouldn't you like to know...\nLee: Yes! So I can stay away!\nMazie: That's cold.\nLee: True, can't stand some of your friends.\nMazie: OIC...who?\nLee: Sheryl for one. She's a b-word that rhymes with witch.\nMazie: You just saw her on a bad day.\nLee: Don't think so!\nMazie: You did spill a drink on her.\nLee: Well...\nMazie: You did!\nLee: I said sorry!\nMazie: LOL\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Mazie and her girlfriends are having a drink tonight. Lee doesn't like some of her friends, for example Sheryl. Lee had spilt a drink on her."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMarika: Are you coming today?\nLara: Yes!\nMarika: Great!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Marika is coming today."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Eva is at a party, while Olivia is taking care of her daughter, Linta. Eva will leave soon and pick Linta up.\".", "targets": "Eva: hi mom.. hows linta? \nOlivia: hi honey... she is good \nEva: hope she is not bothering you?\nOlivia: no dear we are enjoying each others company...\nEva: reallly i am so glad!\nOlivia: yes my dear dont worry and enjoy your party...\nEva: thank you mom.. i would be leaving in an hour \nOlivia: oh no take your time i am having fun with my grand daughter \nEva: no mom i have to go home and every one would be leaving too.\nOlivia: ok then leave her with me for a day i will drop her tomorrow\nEva: no mom Jones loves Linta he wont be able to sleep without playing with out her \nOlivia: awww ok :( i will keep her ready and her bag too .. do u want me to make a bottle of milk also\nEva: yes mom please\nOlivia: ok darling\nEva: love you mom :kisses:"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nAriana will do shopping in Midtown. Aviana can't join her..", "targets": "Ariana: I think I am going shopping\nAviana: Where? \nAviana: Midtown? \nAriana: Yeah\nAriana: I wanna buy some stuff\nAviana: I wish I could go with you \nAriana: Thats ok \ud83d\ude42"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nDaria has a new job at a law firm..", "targets": "Daria: I got a new job\nKelsey: wooow where?\nDaria: For a law firm! \nKelsey: You go girl! \nKelsey: So fast for a new graduate \nKelsey: Well done!! \nDaria: Yeah!! \nKelsey: Congrats! \ud83d\udc69\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\ud83d\udc8b\u200d\ud83d\udc69 \nDaria: Thx \ud83d\udc69\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\ud83d\udc8b\u200d\ud83d\udc69 \ud83d\udc69\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\ud83d\udc8b\u200d\ud83d\udc69 \ud83d\udc69\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\ud83d\udc8b\u200d\ud83d\udc69"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nVal: it's raining!\nCandy: I know, just started...\nVal: r we going? we will be wet\nCandy: maybe wait a little? see if stops\nVal: ok. let's wait half h and than see\nCandy: god idea, I call u then\nVal: great :)\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "It's raining, so Val and Candy will wait half an hour before they go."} {"inputs": "Kane: have you heard the new 30 seconds to mars album?\nShannon: no, is it good?\nKane: you should so check it out\nShannon: ok thanks for the recommendation\nKane: no prob\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Kane recommends the new 30 Seconds to Mars album to Shannon."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nPoppy: Yeah. I definitely prefer Lisbon\nHarry: Yeah me too, principally the night\nPoppy: To party?\nHarry: Yup\nPoppy: I don't like parties. They make me tired\nHarry: Really?!\nPoppy: I don't like crowd, drunk people\nHarry: Oh OK. It makes sense. That's the worst part of it. What you like to do for having fun?\nPoppy: Travelling. Sightseeing\nHarry: For sure that's on the top of my list too \ud83d\ude01\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Poppy and Harry like Lisbon. Poppy doesn't like parties, but she likes traveling and sightseeing. Harry likes parties, traveling and sightseeing."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nVictoria: yo\nVictoria: are you free this weekend?\nRosemary: let me see...\nRosemary: yeah\nVictoria: <3\nVictoria: let's record the drums?\nRosemary: you see\nRosemary: there's a problem\nVictoria: yeah?\nRosemary: namely, i don't have a working laptop atm\nVictoria: XD\nVictoria: i have a tablet but it has 2gb ram, so probably not enough for recording\nRosemary: but does it have all the software? usb ports? windows?\nVictoria: yeah it's running windows 10\nRosemary: still 2gb is probably not enough\nRosemary: so we need to borrow it from somebody\nVictoria: yeah, any ideas?\nRosemary: actually i have a few\nRosemary: i'll get back to you later\nVictoria: okay, thanks!\nVictoria: but don't forget xd\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Rosemary and Victoria would like to record the drums this weekend. Rosemary doesn't have a working laptop, whereas Victoria's tablet doesn't have enough memory for recording. Rosemary will try to borrow a laptop from somebody and will get back to Victoria later."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMiriam: heyo\nMiriam: when do you get back?\nPegah: hey hey\nPegah: I'm in class till 15:00 and then I work from 17:00 till about 21:30\nPegah: so I'll be back at 22:00 D:\nMiriam: oh damn\nMiriam: that's late!\nPegah: I know :( but I need as many shifts as possible\nPegah: I'm gonna be a zombie all week :(\nMiriam: ok, well I asked coz I invited a few people over\nMiriam: and was hoping you would be there too\nPegah: awwww\nPegah: well I can have a cup of tea with you when i get back lol\nMiriam: I'll save you some wine as well :) \nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Pegah is in class till 15:00. She will work from 17:00 till around 21:30. She will be back at 22:00. Miriam invited people over and wants Pegah to come. Pegah will have a cup of tea with her when she gets back. Miriam will save Pegah some wine."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKate: hey whats up\nSharol: hii nothing much man.. so bored\nKate: done with the assignment?\nSharol: which assignment?\nKate: that sociology one?\nSharol: which ? what? i am lost\nKate: omg dont tell me you forgot?\nSharol: seriously i dont know what your talking about?\nKate: haha! no wonder your bored girl \nSharol: now would you please tell me which assignment? \n Kate: yes ! we had to find answers of the questions about feminist act.? remember\nSharol: ohhh goodnesssss!!! i dont know how i forgot.......................................\nKate: now dont waste time and do it\nSharol: ya man. when is it due?\nKate: Tomorrow.. \nSharol: What! \nKate: yes now stop all those what and why and get to work....\nSharol: yes i am... are you done?\nKate: yes.... phewwwww\nSharol: :( talk to you later babes\nKate: haha.. i know i shouldnt be laughing but this is so funny...\nSharol: i hate you!\nKate: excuse me? i reminded you about assignment...\nSharol: oh yesssss... i love you now let me work. bye\nKate: lol ok byeee\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Sharol forgot about her sociology assignment. She needs to research feminist act, and it's due tomorrow. Kate has already finished it, and she rushes Sharol."} {"inputs": "Martin: I won two cinema tickets!\nAggie: oh cool, how come?\nMartin: online. on fb, the movie mag organized it\nAggie: so what did you do\nMartin: just write a short review and that's it\nAggie: well done :) so what and when. and where?\nMartin: the new film with Redford\nAggie: i guess i heard sth\nMartin: it's pretty cool i heard. till the end of the week\nAggie: sounds good. we'll find time XD\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Martin wrote a short review and won 2 cinema tickets on FB. Martin wants Aggie to go with him this week for the new film with Redford."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nPeadar: So who's coming for a drink later then??!\nClare: Oh lols soz I'm not in town\nAnnette: A drink?!!?!!\nPeadar: A drink!!!\nAnnette: I\u2019m home sick soz huns\nAnnette: Got lung lurgy\nOli: Are people at Jesus bar now?\nJames: Heading to Jesus bar now! Come join :) turn left as you come into college\nAnne: Woops.. . Sorry guys I double booked myself!\nHelen: Yes! Jesus bar, from around 9.15 ish\nPeadar: Was that just a question oli\ud83d\ude0b or did you mean... I'll join ye\ud83d\ude01\nOli: I cycled and ran around the bar, but couldn't find anyone \ud83d\ude22\nClare: You cycled around the bar?\nOli: To the bar \ud83d\ude05\nHelen: \ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude07\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Annette is sick. James is going to the Jesus bar. Oli couldn't find anyone near the bar."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nAlec: Have you seen the last America's got talent?\nAlexa: No. \nAlexa: Interesting? \nAlec: \nAlexa: The link doesn't work. \nAlec: Give me a sec.\nAlec: \nAlexa: Now it's working!\nAlec: good, watch it, u'll like it\nAlexa: you're right, I like it :)\nAlexa: The girl is amazing!\nAlec: :)\nAlexa: I wish I have had half her skills when I was her age! \nAlec: She's very good, that's true. \nAlec: I even thik she might win the edition.\nAlexa: Did you see all candidates?\nAlec: yes\nAlec: And there're a few good, but I personally think she's the best!\nAlexa: I'd be glad if she wins :)\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Alec saw America's got talent. He sent a link to Alexa."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nToday Mary didn't go to school, she stayed at home..", "targets": "Mary: Hi my friend :*\nAlice: U re not at school?\nMary: No i stayed at home today.\nAlice: Lucky u!"} {"inputs": "Anna: is anyone going to pick Mark from the airport?\nMarcus: i could but when and where from?\nAnna: Sydney, Thursday at 3\nMarcus: am or pm? :D\nLeslie: haha fortunately pm:D\nMarcus: hmm i have a meeting at 1. I don't think i can make it\nLeslie: well i guess it will take him some time after landing, reclaiming luggage etc\nAnna: yeah I reckon it's fine if you're there at 4\nMarcus: oh well ok then\nLeslie: great\nAnna: ok I'll call him and give him your number\nMarcus: ok\nAnna: ok done\nMarcus: ok\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Marcus will pick Mark from the airport at 4pm. Anna will call Mark and give him Marcus' number."} {"inputs": "Igor: Shit, I've got so much to do at work and I'm so demotivated. \nJohn: It's pretty irresponsible to give that much work to someone on their notice period.\nIgor: Yeah, exactly! Should I even care?\nJohn: It's up to you, but you know what they say...\nIgor: What do you mean?\nJohn: Well, they say how you end things shows how you really are...\nIgor: And now how you start, right?\nJohn: Gotcha! \nIgor: So what shall I do then? \nJohn: It's only two weeks left, so grit your teeth and do what you have to do. \nIgor: Easy to say, hard to perform.\nJohn: Come on, stop thinking, start doing! \nIgor: That's so typical of you! ;) \n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Igor has a lot of work on his notice period and he feels demotivated. John thinks he should do what he has to do nevertheless."} {"inputs": "Sara: Hey, are you free this Saturday?\nSara: I thought mayble you would like to help with the event we're organizing?\nVictor: Unfortunately I'm busy this Saturday...\nSara: Shame...\nVictor: Yeah, I know. Maybe if you let me know earlier, I might have changed my plans, but now it's too late.\nSara: Ok. Another time then :(\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Victor cannot help Sara with the event they're organizing as he's busy this Saturday."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nAdam: hi Mum!\nHannah: Hello, ready for your flight?\nAdam: yes, just finished packing\nAdam: can you remind Dad that the plane was rescheduled and will arrive one hour later?\nAdam: there's no point for him to wait that long at the airport\nHannah: Sure, I will.\nHannah: Do you want anything special for dinner tomorrow?\nAdam: nah, I'm fine with anything you'll prepare\nAdam: especially if you compare it to what I'm eating on a daily basis :)\nHannah: Alright.\nHannah: Can't wait to see you!\nAdam: I'll be there in less than 24 hours :)\nAdam: I'm sure you can wait\nHannah: It's been half a year since your last visit, so don't be surprised!\nAdam: I'm not\nAdam: I miss you all as well\nAdam: see you tomorrow!\nHannah: Bye! Have a safe flight!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Adam hasn't visited his parents in six months and is coming over tomorrow. His flight will land an hour later than originally scheduled. Hannah will let Dad know."} {"inputs": "Ana: You sleeping?\nCatherine: Not yet.\nAna: Wanna go visit grandma tomorrow? I miss her.\nCatherine: Yeah that would be nice :) I'll call you when I wake up\nAna: Oki :) sleep well, good night.\nCatherine: Good night, u too.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Ana wants to visit grandma tomorrow. Catherine will go with her. She will call Anna when she wakes up."} {"inputs": "Adam: I have a juicy gossip for you guys ;)\nBorys: About whom?\nAdam: So apparently, Iga planned a weekend getaway with her boyfriend, but they had to cancel because he couldn't talk his group into changing the date of the presentation :D\nKatia: And she is pissed?\nAdam: What do you think? That is why they aren't sitting together since Monday ;)\nKatia: Who would have expected such a gossip girl from you :D\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Iga and her boyfriend are not sitting together since Monday, because they had to cancel their weekend getaway. It made Iga very angry. Iga's boyfriend failed to convince a group to change the date of the presentation."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRachel: Hi caron fancy a drink tonight?\nCaron: yes that will be great Red Lion at 8?\nRachel: you read my mind lol\nCaron: well I know you too well xx\nRachel: see you there xx\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Rachel and Caron are getting drinks in Red Lion at 8 tonight."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nPaula needs the paper from the office to submit an application..", "targets": "Andrew: Have you got the paper from the office?\nPaula: Not yet, I'm going there tomorrow.\nAndrew: You'd better... The deadline for the application is Friday at noon.\nPaula: Ok, sure! I promise I won't forget it!"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMonica: How are you doing?\nGaia: I'm fine, mum.\nMonica: All good at the university?\nGaia: A lot of work, but all good.\nMonica: I guess you'll have a lot of exams this term\nGaia: 6\nGaia: But only one is really hard \n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Gaia has 6 exams this semestre. One is very difficult."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKarine: \nJessie: That was us at kindergarten!\nKarine: yes!! \n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Jessie and Karine went together to the kindergarten."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nNoah: Hi there! The quince we talked about the other day... Are you still interested?\nSophie: Hello Noah, but of course I am.Thank you.\nNoah: Actually William went to collect the rest of them for you immediately. They're in a basket on our terrace, so you call collect them any time.\nSophie: That's very very kind of him! He's really a darling.\nSophie: We won't be going your direction any time soon I'm afraid. How long will they keep? Is it windfall?\nNoah: Both really but they all look very healthy. No bruises afa one can see. Or only odd small ones. They' be alright for a couple of days I guess. The weather's cool.\nSophie: It would be a shame if they rotted. I'll talk to Frank and maybe to the twins too and go back to you asap.\nNoah: OK.\nSophie: Hey Noah, the twins will be on their way from Notts tomorrow afternoon and passing Windfield. Is it alright if they pop in and collect the quince?\nNoah: Absolutely! In fact anyone can come any time and just take them from our terrace. Of course it would be great to see your twins again. Haven't seen them for ages!\nSophie: Well we don't see that much of them either :( They'll be coming home this weekend only because of Alexa's ceremony.\nNoah: Notts is 3 hours' drive away so small wonder they don't fancy it so much.\nSophie: I don't blame them! We're both happy they've been doing fine at college. Everything's absolutely fine. You don't have William at home all that often either, do you?\nNoah: He gets 5 days at Xmas by way of \"family care\" and 2 weeks off spread over the whole year but never longer that 5 days. They have a strict regime at the academy. But after all these years we've learned to cope with it. What worries me is that he seems to have no time to even think about getting married and start a family of his own.\nSophie: The fate of most military I guess. Hugely unfair I'd say. Like being married to your regiment!\nNoah: That's what it sounds like when he talks about himself! I never hear a girl's name! And when I ask, he gets brusque.\nSophie: Oh dear! What could it mean?\nNoah: No, not what you think! We know from Capt. Broomsberg about their common escapades. Plenty of women but only that sort of women. No strings.\nSophie: I never even imagined he might be gay! Surely not. But there must be sth else.\nNoah: We think he's just so obsessively career-minded. Nothing else counts for him.\nSophie: He's always been very strong-willed. And he knows what he wants. Well if I were you I wouldn't worry at all.\nNoah: You're probably right. But you know I'd love it so much to have plenty of grandchildren around me.\nSophie: They'll come, don't you worry! Look the twins will contact you about the quince. Alright?\nNoah: Sure. Thank you Sophie for a nice chat!\nSophie: Thank you for the quince!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Sophie accepts some quince from Noah. Noah has left the quince in a basket on his terrace and the twins can pick it up any time. The twins are in college. Noah's son is in the military. He is still single but reportedly not gay."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Will: hey babe, what do you want for dinner tonight?\nEmma: gah, don't even worry about it tonight\nWill: what do you mean? everything ok?\nEmma: not really, but it's ok, don't worry about cooking though, I'm not hungry\nWill: Well what time will you be home?\nEmma: soon, hopefully\nWill: you sure? Maybe you want me to pick you up?\nEmma: no no it's alright. I'll be home soon, i'll tell you when I get home. \nWill: Alright, love you. \nEmma: love you too."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Dan has watched Punisher season 2 and Eric finds the first one better than the second one. They both think it's a shame they discontinued Daredevil.\".", "targets": "Eric: Yo yo\nDan: Yo man\nEric: Have you watched Punisher season 2?\nDan: Yeah, it was cool\nEric: I think the first one was better but the second one did some things better\nDan: Like what?\nEric: Like showing Frank as the actual Punisher and not just a guy seeking vengeance for his family\nDan: Yep, season 1 was kinda weird\nEric: Anyway I think they should have given Jigsaw more scars\nDan: Yeah\nEric: Anyway it's a shame they discontinued Daredevil\nDan: I know... shame shame shame\nEric: Netflix's walk of shame\nDan: They're as blind as Matt Murdock but without the radar XD"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJoyce: Honey, can I take the car?\nKyle: No, I'm sorry.\nJoyce: Why not? How am I supposed to go get Harry?\nKyle: I've got to go to a mechanic. The car is making a weird noise.\nJoyce: Then can you get Harry on your way?\nKyle: I don't know, I'm already running late.\nJoyce: Am I supposed to go get him by bus? That's ridiculous.\nKyle: Fine, I'll get him.\nJoyce: Thank you.\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Joyce wants to take Kyle's car to get Harry. Kyle is taking the car to a mechanic. Joyce refuses to get Harry by bus. Kyle agrees to pick Harry up."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSam: I don't think he likes me.\nCathy: Of course he likes you.\nSam: How do u know. He's not talking with me at all ;(\nCathy: He's shy. He's looking at u when u don't see\nSam: Really? U sure?\nCathy: yes, even Kate noticed.\nSam: Hope u r right. I'll talk with him tomorrow then.\nCathy: Go ahead, girl :D\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "A boy that Sam likes is not talking to her, but Cathy convinces her that he likes her. Sam will talk to the boy tomorrow."} {"inputs": "Sam: so i started the career mode in fifa\nTim: 19?\nSam: yea\nSam: its so different from the one in 18 maaan\nTim: yeah?\nTim: whats different\nSam: alot of things\nSam: champions league for instance \nSam: CHAMPIONS LEAGUE BABYY XD\nTim: cool xD\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Sam started a career mode in FIFA."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRobin: Btw, do you know anything about that poker platform?\nJacks: Which one? The Bulls Eye one?\nRobin: Yeah\nJacks: I played on it several times, it's good!\nRobin: I'm trying to read up on the game\nJacks: It takes time, but once you get into it it's fun\nJacks: I made a few bucks on it\nRobin: Nice\nRobin: Any well worth tricks to share? \ud83d\ude02\nJacks: Well it's more about strategy mate\nJacks: I can send you a few links to some good sites\nJacks: Check this out\nJacks: \nJacks: \nJacks: \nRobin: Cheers! I'll take a look\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jacks played poker on the Bulls Eye platform and made some money. Robin will read up on strategies for the game on sites recommended by Jacks."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nMick's never done any student exchange before, but Amka did. Mick had a plan to go to London for Halloween, but he's not going because of his grandma's health problems. Amka will stay in as well. Mick tells Amka about Halloween in Poland..", "targets": "Amka: Have you ever been to Erasmus? \nAmka: and how are you spending Halloween?\nMick: I've never done any student exchanges before.\nMick: That sounds like a lot of fun.\nMick: It's good you're doing a lot of this.\nMick: T'll make your CV 10x better.\nMick: Im'm gonna go to da club with my friends for Halloween loool\nAmka: I propably won't dress up.\nMick: There was a plan for me to go to London for Halloween \nMick: with my grandparents\nMick: But my grandma is having some health issues \nMick: and the plan does'nt exist anymore\nAmka: :(\nAmka: Aaahhh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she's feeling better \nAmka: What are your plans now?\nAmka: Just gonna stay in?\nMick: Yeah\nMick: nothing special \nAmka: Fair enough I never used to do anything for Halloween.\nMick: in Poland we actually don't celebrate Halloween and don't do all this dressing up, pumpking curving and so on. \nMick: on November 1st we just go to the cementary with our families and after that spend time together.\nAmka: I like it."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nCorbin reported to the department in charge of school violence that his friend has been beaten..", "targets": "Corbin: Is this the department in charge of school violence?\nDimitri: Yes, it is.\nCorbin: I want to report school violence in our school.\nDimitri: Okay. What school are you in?\nCorbin: Jungang high school. The student who is victim of the violence is my friend.\nCorbin: They are not hitting him any more. But you should help my friend.\nCorbin: If they notice I was the one who reported, they will hit me as well.\nDimitri: First, calm down. Give us your phone number. You will be safe.\nCorbin: 486-984-324 It is.\nDimitri: Don\u2019t worry. I will call you now, ok?"} {"inputs": "Callan: Something's wrong with my Samsung S8.\nWade: What, exactly?\nCallan: All I get is a black screen.\nWade: Did you drop it or something?\nCallan: I think I know, this has happened before.\nWade: It did? What happened before?\nCallan: It overheats and then it takes a while for it to restart again..\nWade: That sucks.. Be carefull with the battery, it can be dangerous.\nCallan: It sure can, but I'm going to the store and let them see it. It's still under warranty.\nWade: Will you lose all your stuff?\nCallan: No, I always back up my files.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Callan's Samsung S8 overheats, so he's going to the store to get it repaired."} {"inputs": "Eve: Where are we meeting?\nCharlie: at the entrance\nNicole: yes, it's the best place. We would't find each other inside, it'll be too crowded\nEve: ok!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Eve, Charlie and Nicole are meeting at the entrance."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMario: i heard u were out\nConor: yes\nMario: who with\nConor: some friends from college\nMario: can u bring me something to eat\nConor: -_- .. i knew u wouldnt text without a reason\nMario: xD\nConor: what do u want\nMario: a bucket of fries from kfc\nConor: u do know ur gonna pay for it urself\nMario: i know i know -_-\nConor: yeah okay, fine\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Mario wants Conor to bring him a bucket of fries from KFC as the latter one is out, and Mario will pay for it himself."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMelody: did you get your computer fixed yet?\nPeggy: no, im spending a lot of time using the library computers.\nMelody: do they know whats wrong with it? \nPeggy: might be something with the circuit board. they hope to have an answer tomorrow\nMelody: thats pretty serious. might be cheaper just to buy a new one\nPeggy: thats true. well see.\nMelody: if you need to get a new one, i highly recommend the mac model that i have\nPeggy: ok, good to know. i'll write if i have any questions\nMelody: youre probably due for a new one anyway, no?\nPeggy: you're right. 5 years is a long time to own one.\nMelody: yes, thats ancient by laptop standards\nPeggy: ok. i might just not bother getting it repaired after all.\nMelody: sounds like a good idea\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Melody's 5-year-old laptop is broken. Tomorrow she'll know what's wrong. She won't be repairing it, because her laptop is too old. Instead, she'll buy a new one."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Agatha is proud of herself because she has finished her presentation in Economics. She is very interested in Economics.\".", "targets": "Agatha: My presentation is ready as we speak :)\nAdam: oh cool, what course?\nAgatha: Economics.\nAdam: Is it interesting? I mean... your presentation.\nAgatha: Definitely, I used recent research.\nAdam: Sounds like you know what you're doing :P\nAgatha: I'm just really into economics :)\nAdam: no doubt about that"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKen: Hey, how are you doing today?\nEllen: Fine. How are you?\nKen: Not doing well at all today. Really depressed. Frustrated. Stressed out.\nEllen: Oh no!\nKen: Really bad day yesterday carrying over to today.\nEllen: Can I do anything?\nKen: I'll be fine. Just overwhelmed and burned out.\nEllen: Sorry!\nKen: Sorry, don't mean to bring you down.\nEllen: You didn't, just worried about you!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Ken is having some bad days."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMike: will call u back in 2 hrs, ok? \nMike: can't talk right now, sry\nMike: *sorry\nDale: cool, no problem\nDale: until then\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Mike will call Dale back in 2 hours."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJoshua: Hi sister, when will you be arriving\nSarah: i will reach New York this coming Thursday.\nJoshua: That's great. See you then.. I will be waiting for my gift\nSarah: yeah sure.. hahaha\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Sarah will arrive to New York on Thursday. Joshua expects to get a gift."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJoe: Yo\nPete: Yo, sup?\nJoe: Wanna come over tonite? Gonna watch Deadpool 2 with the guys\nPete: Cool! Count on me\nJoe: Ok, I'm counting: 1, 2, 3...\nPete: Lol\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Joe is going to watch Deadpool 2 with his fellows and Pete will join them."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJenny: Are we going to that concert on Saturday\nJeremy: sure, it's the only opportunity to hear them\nJoan: but we could start with a drink\nJenny: I don't know anything affordable nearby\nJeremy: and Barcelona?\nJenny: Where is it? \nJeremy: 8th av\nJenny: perfect\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Jenny, Jeremy and Joan are going to a concert on Saturday and agree to have a drink at Barcelona located at 8th avenue beforehand."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDaisy: hey whats up\nLinda: Not much\nLinda: Im just packing\nDaisy: off on a vacation\nLinda: didn't I tell ya?\nLinda: I'm moving\nDaisy: really?\nDaisy: what happened?\nDaisy: you had a great place!\nLinda: got a new job\nLinda: I'm moving to Ohio\nDaisy: OHIO!\nDaisy: that so far away :(\nLinda: yeah well\nLinda: It's just for 6 months\nDaisy: and your apartment?\nLinda: my brother is going to live there\nDaisy: can we meet up?\nDaisy: before you go?\nLinda: ehh I have like no time for anything\nLinda: maybe you can come by\nDaisy: Sure!\nDaisy: I'll help you pack :D\nLinda: that would be great! \n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Linda got a new job and is moving to Ohio for 6 months. Her brother will stay at her current apartment. Daisy will come by Linda's place to meet her and help her pack as she is too busy to go out."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nFelipe: Your legs are amazing\nLydia: Well, thanks\nFelipe: I hope you don't consider that sexist or offensive\nLydia: Of course I don't! Months at the gym are finally paying off XD\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Felipe finds Lydia's legs attractive. She has been working out at the gym for months."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJayden: But I don't need kids. Kids means over. At least for a woman\nBrennan: Over what ?\nJayden: The end of normal life. Being pregnant, suffering because of this etc\nBrennan: Hmm so I need to look for another mother to my kids then. Haha\nJayden: Being obligated to be with the. 24h. Men have only sex and they wait for kids while women suffer\nBrennan: I don't agree...\nJayden: I wish I could do the same. Then probably i would say the same like u.\nBrennan: Guys like me would be there through it all to reduce the suffering\nJayden: Physical suffering. No one can do anything with this. I wish I could just have sex and wait for a baby while having a normal life. Not getting fat, having the same body, the same breast and not disgusting ... Not feeling sick, not having pain, being able to do every day stuff even like walking...\nBrennan: It's gonna happen eventually\nJayden: I was I'm a store, behind me there was a pregnant woman, she dropped some money and she couldn't even take them from the floor... I had to help her\nBrennan: That's because she's about to give birth\nJayden: I hope that maybe soon they will be possible to have a child without being pregnant. Yes! And she's suffering\nBrennan: Any I'm sorry for feeding you with my bullshit\nJayden: While a man is doing his normal stuff. U mean the conversation?\nBrennan: I hope you find a guy that can give you the sex you want and not get pregnant\nJayden: Would be awesome\nBrennan: I'm gonna go to sleep now. Good night\nJayden: I said I don't want to have any children now! Maybe in the future when I have a good job, I'm financially independent. Good night\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Jayden explains Brennan why she doesn't want to be pregnant."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRodney: Have you heard a guy got beaten and mugged on campus?\nTruman: Oh, man is he ok?\nRoss: Do they have any idea who did it?\nRodney: They're gonna give an official statement about. There's also gonna be an article in the paper. As far as I know the assailant had a mask on.\nTruman: And what about the beaten guy?\nRodney: He's in the hospital, but it seems like he'll be fine.\nRoss: You think it was a student?\nRodney: Who knows what those jocks are capable of.\nRoss: They could do it just for fun.\nTruman: On the other hand its easy to get on campus without being detected\nRoss: There are cameras.\nTruman: If your masked it don't matter. You know how those security guards are\nRodney: They don't give a fuck\nRoss: True that\nTruman: Hope they catch the guy soon\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "A person was beaten and mugged on campus and had to be hospitalised. The attacker wore a mask. An official statement will be released, along with a newspaper article. Truman and Rodney think the campus security is subpar, even though there are cameras around."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMichelle: i love kelly, she's so sweet\nJared: i like her too, i like her a lot\nJared: do you mind if i ask her out?\nMichelle: of course not! why would i?\nJared: well... you and i used to go out, and she's your bestfriend\nMichelle: nonsense, you should ask her out! :-D\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Jared and Michelle used to go out together. Now he'd like to ask Kelly, Michelle's best friend, out. He gets her permission."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nNatalie: can you send me the recipe for your famous cheesecake, please?\nMonica: Sure, just a sec\nMonica: \nNatalie: Thank you, yummmmmmie <3\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Natalie wants Monica's cheesecake recipe."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBradley: haha look a cat invaded the pitch at Goodison \nJill: hahahaha\nJulia: what a sweet little black ball of fur\nJill: here's the video :D \nJulia: haha\nBradley: and the commentary :D\nBradley: that's the best entertainment Everton fans have had all season :D\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "A sweet little black cat got into the pitch during the Everton's football match."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nPriscilla: You're in a lot of trouble, Stuart\nStu: OMG, what did I do this time?\nPriscilla: I told you I needed the Microsoft Office software for my new laptop\nStu: Right, so? That's what I gave you on that disc\nPriscilla: No, you silly boy, your IT friend is and idiot\nStu: What did Alex do wrong?\nPriscilla: He just downloaded Open Office and some other programs and put them on a CD\nStu: Whaaaaatttt?\nPriscilla: That's what he did, maybe you should have checked\nStu: Damn\nPriscilla: Yeah, damn\nStu: I'll tell him\nPriscilla: No way, I just bought the software online\nStu: Oh\nPriscilla: If I ever tell you to make your friend Alex get me something, please shoot me in the foot\nStu: Ok... damn :(\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Priscilla is upset with Stu because his friend, Alex, didn't provide her with the right software. She had to buy it online instead."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Reeve has no plans for the winter break. Booker is going to ski in Italy. Dodson and Trish are thinking of going to the seaside somewhere near for 3/4 nights.\".", "targets": "Reeve: any plans for winter break?\nWinslow: you have any? i guess i just go home and stay down\nBooker: italy. skiing. like every year\nDodson: i dont do much skiing at all\nBooker: so what you gonna do?\nDodson: actually, we and trish think of going to the seaside\nWinslow: Sea in winter? any exotic place?\nReeve: i guess Dominicana is top now\nDodson: we cant afford that. \nReeve: so?\nDodson: well just go somewhere near, book a hotel for 3/4 nites \nWinslow: with spa and all that?\nDodson: yeah, whatever to make her happy\nBooker: she still angryey about the party?\nDodson: slowly getting better\nReeve: surely carrabeans would make her happy all right\nDodson: yeah i wish. not in this century\nWinslow: sea sounds good anyway\nBooker: i prefer mountains anyway\nReeve: yeah & me & Slow still have no idea what to do"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Jake has got his first TOTW this year. Tom doesn't have a great team. \".", "targets": "Jake: dude, I just pulled a TOTW\nJake: my first this year!\nTom: grats!\nTom: gonna sell it?\nJake: yeah\nJake: I'll try him in one or two matches\nJake: he's not a good fit for my squads\nTom: you'll have plenty of coins to buy someone that fits\nJake: that's the plan\nJake: I got lucky with this one\nTom: my pull luck sucks this year\nTom: not a single great player \nJake: you're good at the game\nJake: you don't need help :P\nTom: I like shiny things :P"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAnne: You were right, he was lying to me :/\nIrene: Oh no, what happened?\nJane: who? that Mark guy?\nAnne: yeah, he told me he's 30, today I saw his passport - he's 40\nIrene: You sure it's so important?\nAnne: he lied to me Irene\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Mark lied to Anne about his age. Mark is 40."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Uncle Jayson is pleased with Ewan's graduation.\".", "targets": "Ewan: Uncle I graduated!\nUncle Jayson: My nephew gradumacated! \nUncle Jayson: How time flies congrats!\nEwan: Haha thanks! Gradiated! \ud83d\ude02\nUncle Jayson: \ud83d\ude02"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nBobby's most annoyed by pharmaceutical companies. He believes they invent diseases to make money. He discovered that one company is selling mints as medicine for an illness that doesn't exist..", "targets": "Bobby: U know what annoys me the most?\nMickey: Not being able to watch TV or listen to music without pesky interruptions?\nBobby: That too, but the thing that annoys me the most is pharmaceuticals, medicine and drugs.\nMickey: Y? Aren't they good 4 ur health?\nBobby: They may well be, but not for my wallet!\nMickey: What do u mean?\nBobby: I was watching a film last night and suddenly there's a bunch of commercial of different medical products and so on.\nMickey: And what of it?\nBobby: Imagine that pharmaceutical companies invent illnesses!\nMickey: What? Are u sure?\nBobby: No, I'm not, but in the commercial they mentioned a name of an illness I have never heard of.\nMickey: So what? There are many illnesses and diseases I've never heard of. \nBobby: So I did some research. Turns out such a thing does not exist. No medical journal writes about it, no medical forum suggests caution.\nMickey: That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. \nBobby: I even found a youtube video of a doctor explaining y it's not an illness. \nMickey: All right, this is quite serious.\nBobby: So I put my mind to it and do u know what I came up with?\nMickey: What?\nBobby: That in this particular case they're selling mints as medical products!\nMickey: Srsly?!\nBobby: Absolutely!\nMickey: How long do u think they've been lying to us?\nBobby: Can't be sure, but probably 4ever. Imagine every illness, disease and so on. Where do these come from? Why do they spread so fast?\nMickey: That is kinda puzzling.\nBobby: Right?\nMickey: So why is no one doing anything about it?\nBobby: Do u know how much the pharmaceutical industry is worth today?\nMickey: No.\nBobby: At least $1.2 bln!\nMickey: Explains a lot."} {"inputs": "Marco: hi there! is this yours?\nMarco: \nMarco: somebody left it at my place yesterday\nSandra: ooops yes its mine\nSandra: its Millas present, I bought it right before your party\nSandra: can you bring it over?\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Sandra bought a present for Milla right before Marco's party and left it in his place. She asks Marco to bring it over."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Betty and Phil are meeting at 6.30 to watch a thriller at the movies. They will have dinner at Phil's afterwards.\".", "targets": "Betty: What's on at the cinema tonight?\nPhil: I don't know. I haven't checked it either.\nBetty: I'm looking at the website. There are two comedies and one thriller which seem interesting.\nPhil: Choose. I'm fine with whatever.\nBetty: What if you get bored?\nPhil: I won't. Don't worry. Just choose.\nBetty: Ok. So the thriller. We watch lots of comedies at home.\nPhil: Fine :-) Could you book the tickets if you're already on the site?\nBetty: Sure.\nBetty: Done :-)\nPhil: When and where would you like to meet?\nBetty: How about 6pm near the theatre?\nPhil: It may be a little difficult for me. 6.30? \nBetty: Ok. I was thinking about a short walk before the movie but we can have a stroll afterwards as well :-)\nPhil: Thanks :-)\nBetty: Shall I prepare dinner or do you fancy eating out tonight?\nPhil: Dinner with you at home.\nBetty: Ok. I have a few ideas for our menu :-)\nPhil: Won't it be a big problem for you? \nBetty: Not at all. Pleasure.\nPhil: :-D Thanks and see you :-)\nBetty: :-*"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAlly: how many did you do so far?\nJill: like 20 or 30\nJill: I can't do more than 3-4 per day\nAlly: how many hours?\nJill: 40? maybe 35...\nAlly: ok, same here\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jill did 20 or 30 so far, 3-4 per day, 40 or 35 hours, so the same as Ally."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJair: Still busy?\nCallum: Yes a little sorry\nJair: ok\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Callum is still busy."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Gary: Hey, don't forget about Tom's bday party!\nLara: I won't! What time should I show up?\nGary: Around 5 pm. He's supposed to be back home at 5:30, so we'll have just enough time to prep things up.\nLara: You're such a great boyfriend. He will be so happy!\nGary: Yep, I am :)\nLara: So I'll just pick up the cake and get the balloons...\nGary: Thanks, you're so helpful. I've already paid for the cake.\nLara: No problem, see you at 5 pm!\nGary: See you!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJane: Don't ever go to La Perle :<\nEddie: Why? You love this place\nJane: Used to love this place, not any more\nAnne: We've just been there with Jane and Ella\nAnne: Now we're getting out ER\nEddie: Dear god what happened?! Are you all right?\nJane: Now I'm good, but they almost killed me\nJane: You know I'm allergic to peanuts\nEddie: Oh no they didn't...\nAnne: we ordered some cake, Jane asked for a cheesecake just to be sure\nJane: I told them I'm allergic and they ensured me there's not even a trace of peanuts\nJane: I started swelling after the first bite - apparently there were crushed nuts in the crust\nEddie: I think you should sue them. They really could have killed you\nAnne: I told her the same thing, who knows how many people they killed?\nJane: I just don't get how ignorant you have to be to do something like this\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jane, Anne and Ella have been to La Perle. Jane ate cheesecake and got an allergic reaction. They are getting out of ER."} {"inputs": "Patricia: Hello, here's the fair-trade brand I've been talking about \nElle: Oh, thanks!\nFlorence: Looks great!\nPatricia: I'm glad, I hope you enjoy it. The quality's really great and knowing where it came from makes it easier to spend the extra dollar ;)\nElle: I'll look into it :)\nFlorence: Thx\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Patricia is recommending a fair-trade brand to Elle and Florence."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Coeliac disease makes it impossible to digest gluten. Charles feels bloated and gained weight recently. Monica stopped eating lactose. Charles had a blood test.\".", "targets": "Charles: How can you tell that someone has gluten intolerance?\nKaren: You can have coeliac disease which makes it impossible for you to digest gluten or be allergic to gluten. From what I've heard, being allergic is far worse, because you have an allergic reaction that can be lethal, while being intolerant can make feel you some unpleasant symptoms, but I don't think may lead to your death\nJack: Why are you asking? Is there something wrong?\nCharles: Hm, I don't know, I feel that I may be allergic or something\nMonica: Do you have any symptoms? Check those articles:\nMonica: \nKaren: I think that you may have a very very light allergy at best, otherwise you would have known - trust me\nKaren: When it comes to intolerance... I know it's very hip to be gluten intolerant, but I don't believe that suddenly half of the population is gluten intolerant. Unless you have a coeliac disease, I think you're fine\nJack: My friend was told that she may be intolerant or allergic and she did a blood test - she's absolutely fine\nCharles: I may do it as well. I feel weird recently, bloated and I gain weight even though I don't eat much\nKaren: But do you feel differently after eating gluten? Jack's right, you should do a blood test first, but you can test it yourself. Stop eating gluten for a month and see if you feel better\nMonica: I did the same thing with lactose, I wasn't feeling great after drinking coffee with milk, etc. I stopped eating it and I'm much better now\nJack: But did it happen suddenly or were you always like this?\nMonica: It just happened, I was all right until I wasn't. I don't know how it works, but it happens\nCharles: I think it's the same with me. I was fine, but recently it's a real nightmare\nKaren: You should quit eating gluten and see, otherwise you should look for a different explanation. Maybe it has nothing to do with food?\nCharles: I had a basic blood test and everything's fine. My GP said all my problems are linked to my diet\nKaren: It may be, but I'm not so sure. Although, changing your diet and eating healthier can't do you any harm\nMonica: You should read the articles I sent you, check the symptoms and what you shouldn't eat\nCharles: Thanks! I'm really worried, because it's getting worse and I have no idea what's happening with me"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Zariah has been suffering from back pain recently.\".", "targets": "Dane: Morning\nZariah: Morning\nDane: How are you\nZariah: In general ok but I have a big pain in my back. U?\nDane: From what ? I'm alright\nZariah: Almost every day I have had such a pain recently. Maybe because of the bed. But to be honest I don't think so since earlier it wasn't like this\nDane: Ok"} {"inputs": "Jess: Guys, last night I dreamt I was a lion tamer, does it mean I should go to Africa this summer? XD\nLynn: Or maybe you'll meet a handsome zookeeper? :D\nCharlie: Or you'll get attacked by a stray cat?\nLynn: You've just spoiled all the fun! :P\nJess: Knowing my luck, Charlie might be the closest to the truth.\nCharlie: Do you really believe that dreams can mean something?\nJess: No, of course not! I was just joking. It was such a surreal dream that I had to share it with you ;)\nLynn: Well...\nJess: Do you believe in dreams, Lynn?\nLynn: I'm not saying I believe, but I think that sometimes it is possible that our dreams are telling us something. Not like they can show us our future or anything like that, it's just that dreams reflect our subconsciousness, don't you think?\nJess: I guess? \nCharlie: I've read somewhere that when we see strangers in our dreams, in fact we must have seen them somewhere before. Our brain is not able to create such images on its own, it must have registered some random people's faces, and it uses them when we dream.\nJess: So you're telling me the circus owner from my dream can really be some gentleman who lives in my neighbourhood?\nCharlie: Exactly! You don't even remember his face, but after you saw it just once, your brain keeps it somewhere in storage.\nLynn: WOW, it sounds really cool!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Jess dreamt she was a lion tamer. Lynn believes that dreams mean something. Charlie has read that strangers from our dreams are actually people who we've seen before."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nLeah: \nKristi: What is this?(?_?)\nLeah: If you go to this link, you can get 20% discount coupon <3<3<3\nKristi: What coupon is this? (\uff20_\uff20;)\nLeah: All the items on this online shop. \nLeah: Havent you talked to me that you needed new trainers?\nKristi: You remembered! Yes I did! (*^0^*)\nLeah: I have a favor as well_(._.)_\nLeah: Put my ID onto the reference code. \u201cDirendia45\u201d\u2229(\u00b7\u03c9\u00b7)\u2229\nKristi: What can you get if I do that?\nLeah: I will get some accumulated money for the shopping next time.(*_*)(*_*)(*_*)\nKristi: Alright. (^.^)\nKristi: You smart consumer! (^_-)-\u2606(^_-)-\u2606\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Kristi needs new trainers. Leah has a link for a discount coupon at an online store."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Adam is complaining about going to the gym. Mair will take Adam and Xander to the gym this week. Mel will bring Xander to Mair at half 10.\".", "targets": "Mel: Hi, is Adam going to Multisports, Xander really wants to go this week.\nMair: Adam is moaning about going, but if Xand is going, he might be a bit keener. Do you want me to take them this week?\nMel: Would you? The house is a complete pigsty. Work has been full-on this week, pre sales and all that!\nMair: Yeah, I remember that. Glad to be out of it and the bitching and bullying, of course!\nMel: Yes, you had a nasty little bunch on your section. Most have left now, thank God! I'll bring him round at half 10, is that ok? I do appreciate this!\nMair: What are mates for! See you both tomorrow!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nElvina needs information about the dress code at the local theatre. Booth has been there before and recommends wearing something casual. Averil is surprised there even is a theatre..", "targets": "Elvina: ever been to the local theatre smbd?\nAveril: you mean here? The theatre with actors? And stage? Is there any?\nBooth: yeah, I was the other day. Pretty cool and cheap.\nElvina: I got invite and dunno what to wear\nBooth: I guess nothing much. Its kinda light hearted. Friendly and all. \nElvina: oh good to know thx\nAveril: im seriously shocked they have a theatre here\nBooth: i mean it. was rly cool"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJake: we don't have english today\nNadia: whooooah!\nVanessa: cool! you sure though?\nJake: Smith called in sick, they couldn't find a replacement, oh yeah\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "English classes were cancelled because Smith called in sick and replacement could not be found."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDexter: Hello ;)\nAddisyn: :)\nDexter: I miss you\nAddisyn: Long time we haven't talked. But maybe thanks to this u miss me.. :)\nDexter: Yea you don't love me anymore\nAddisyn: Why should I have stopped loving you? Xd\nDexter: Like you didn't miss me too. Because you've been quiet that's why\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Addisyn hasn't talked to Dexter for a long time and he thinks she doesn't love him anymore."} {"inputs": "Frank: Son, will you come home this weekend?\nSon: not sure yet. Something happened?\nFrank: Of course not. Your mother miss you.\nSon: I miss her too.\nFrank: So will you com?\nSon: I will try.\nFrank: Good, I will tell your mother that you will come\nSon: oh, dad.. ok I will come.\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Son is coming to see his parents' this weekend."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nPetra: I need to sleep, I can't stand how sleepy I am\nAndy: I know, and it's so boring today, nobody's working at the office\nEzgi: I am working! lazy pigs\nPetra: I'm sleeping with my eyes open, kill me\nAndy: ask the fat woman from HR\nPetra: she would kill me on spot without batting an eye\nAndy: she always repeats she has a black belt in karate \nPetra: it's hard to believe she can move, but let her have whatever belt she wants\nAndy: LOL\nPetra: sooooo sleepy\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Petra is very sleepy at work today, Andy finds the day boring, and Ezgi is working."} {"inputs": "Julie: Most of the people will be girls from the village 40+\nDebra: i dont care, village girls are super cool\nJulie: it will be awesome to meet up again\nDebra: it is over the weekend and looking into my calendar it seems im available\nJulie: awesome! so youre on the list <3\nDebra: <3\nJulie: yeah, we'e gonna drink a little vodka :P\nDebra: :D\nJulie: go on debbie and share the event on your wall, we need some recognition haha\nDebra: brace yourself Jules :D how many people are coming?\nJulie: its 20\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Julie and Debra are discussing the event, there will be about 20 people, mostly girls from the village 40+."} {"inputs": "Ali: I think I left my wallet at your place yesterday. Could you check? \nMohammad: Give me a sec, I'll have a look around my room.\nAli: OK.\nMohammad: Found it!\nAli: Phew, I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't there. Can you bring it to uni tomorrow?\nMohammad: Sure thing.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Ali left his wallet at Mohammad's place. Mohammad'll bring it to uni tomorrow."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJeff: Should we go to the village party?\nLia: I'm too tired after hiking\nMico: I'd like to go, there may be some hot boys!\nLia: I doubt\nJim: like a real village boy?\nJim: who doesn't even speak English?\nMico: yes, the dummer, the better\nJim: haha, stupid fucks good, they say\nMico: I confirm!\nLia: not my cup of tea\nMico: I'll go there, who wants to join?\nJeff: I'll go as well\nMico: wanna drive?\nJeff: so you could drink?\nMico: would be nice, hahah\nJeff: not excited, but ok\nMico: thanks!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Mico and Jeff will go to the village party. Jeff will drive."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nTim: Hey, you have a few minutes?\nJoe: Sure, what's up?\nTim: I'm thinking about inviting a few people from work over and I kinda thought that maybe some boardgames would be a cool idea.\nTim: And I wanted to consult the expert on the matter :)\nJoe: As you know I'm always happy to share my expertise with anyone willing to listen. You will just need to stop me when I get too wound up :D\nTim: Haha :) Ok, So I know you ran the local club - any tips how to organize a newbie gaming evening? And what games to bring?\nJoe: yeah, sure - just a few general tips :)\nJoe: Start games before you start drinking :) And don't bring any game that is either over-complicated, requires too much time to explain, or god forbid encourages direct conflict - you know, the plotting-scheming stuff. So no Game of Thrones :)\nJoe: Or alternatively you can chose some cooperative games - like Arkham Horror, Robinson Crusoe, Pandemic\nTim: Got it :D \nJoe: Also would be great to know what theme they all like - if there is one. And if not then there are some 'vanilla' games - like Codenames or Catan. Any idea what they might be into? \nTim: Not really - there are some guys who I know like sci-fi and comic books, but no idea about the girls... \nJoe: The best way - just talk with them - might be surprised by their tastes and experiences. Maybe some of them are already into gaming? There are nerds in every walk of life :)\nTim: Yeah, I know, all too well :)\nTim: Anyway, thanks for the tips - co-op games sound like a good idea for a start.\nJoe: yeah, and then if the idea sticks you can roll out the big guns :)\nTim: Will do that :)\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Tim wants to organise a board games night for his colleagues. Joe has some good ideas and tips on where to start."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "John: Ela i am coming in 10 mins please give me my walle outside t i forgot it\nEla: yes just saw it when you are here call me\nJohn: but your phone is busy thats why i messaged keep it free please i am getting late\nEla: oh yes was talking to mom ... its free now\nJohn: ok"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nKirsten: Youth group this Friday, don't be late.\nAlex: What time?\nKirsten: 7 pm. We're going bowling, so we'll meet up and then all go together.\nAlex: Cool. See you.\nKirsten: Bye\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Kirsten reminds Alex that the youth group meets this Friday at 7 pm and go bowling."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nGrace: i didn't get to talk to you a lot at the party last night\nAudrey: i know, i really wanted to catch up with you! :-(\nAudrey: what's going on in your life?\nAudrey: anything new?\nGrace: not really, i'm excited about graduating soon\nGrace: i think i'll apply for grad school but i'm still not sure\nAudrey: you always have liked school lol\nGrace: i've also thought of taking a year off\nAudrey: that also sounds like a good idea!!!\nAudrey: let me know when you make up your mind lol\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Grace and Audrey didn't manage to talk at yesterday's party. Grace is about to graduate. She doesn't know if she will apply for a grad school or take a gap year."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMaria: Who's gonna be at IMF lecture tomorrow? We can discuss all remaining questions after and do the calculations?\nAlexander: I don't attend that class, but it is fine by me to meet\nSarah: I will not be there, sorry. I am working\nMartha: So when? We are due on Monday\nMartha: That doesn't leave many options\nAlexander: On Saturday I already have to meet for another presentation, so my option is Friday afternoon or tomorrow\nSarah: Tomorrow and on Friday I am available from 5pm, during the weekend for the whole day\nLawrence: I am meet after class anytime or make time over the weekend if needed\nSarah: So can we meet tomorrow evening? 17:15?\nAlexander: It is fine by me\nLawrence: I will be late, but you can start without me\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Maria suggests to meet after the IMF lecture to discuss the presentation which is due on Monday. Maria, Alexander, Martha and Sarah will meet tomorrow at 17:15. Lawrence will be late."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nKim: Hey Ben, I see you are online today.\nBen: Hey\nKim: You are offly quite this days did you know that?\nBen: Nothing just having a downtime.\nKim: What\u2019s that got on your post?\nBen: I think an internet place is look for programmers, Am I reading this right??\nKim: Let me see,.. You are right.\nBen: Umhh..\nKim: What are doing tonight Ben, pizza with coke ? Like we did it last time?\nBen: Oh no no we have got do that again for sure, do you mind if I get a rain check?\nKim: Sure, So, will I see you tonight.\nBen: I will give you a call.\nKim: I'll be waiting..\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Ben is having a downtime, isn't very talkative. Kim wants to see Ben tonight but he has to rain check."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJaya: Hello Ravi, I haven't seen your mother in the club for almost 4 months. Is she fine?\nRavi:- She is not keeping well these days.\nJaya: so sorry to hear that, what happened?\nRavi: She has been suffering from knee pain for almost 5 years now and the doctor has asked her to restrict movement.\nJaya: Any specific reason for the pain?\nRavi: Its probably arthritis. The doctor said that it can be controlled, but not cured completely.\nJaya: Oh, she had always maintained a healthy lifestyle, I wonder how this happened.\nRavi: She did have mild ache in her knees for the past few years but had been ignoring it.\nJaya: Did you try naturopathy?\nRavi: We tried almost everything.\nJaya: Your mother is a strong lady. She never gives up so easily.\nRavi: She is still the same, however abiding by the doctor\u2019s advice she prefers to stay at home most of the time.\nJaya: Please ask her to take care and start feeling better soon. \nRavi: Thanks. I'll pass your wishes to her.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jaya hasn't seen Ravi's mum for 4 months in the club. Ravi's mum has been suffering from knee pain for 5 years. Ravi's mum stays at home following doctor's advice. Ravi will pass Jaya's wishes to his mother."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nMarta sent a file accidentally,.", "targets": "Marta: \nMarta: Sorry girls, I clicked something by accident :D\nAgnieszka: No problem :p\nWeronika: Hahaha\nAgnieszka: Good thing you didn't send something from your gallery ;)"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAbby: Have you talked to Miro?\nDylan: No, not really, I've never had an opportunity\nBrandon: me neither, but he seems a nice guy\nBrenda: you met him yesterday at the party?\nAbby: yes, he's so interesting\nAbby: told me the story of his father coming from Albania to the US in the early 1990s\nDylan: really, I had no idea he is Albanian\nAbby: he is, he speaks only Albanian with his parents\nDylan: fascinating, where does he come from in Albania?\nAbby: from the seacoast\nAbby: Duress I believe, he told me they are not from Tirana\nDylan: what else did he tell you?\nAbby: That they left kind of illegally\nAbby: it was a big mess and extreme poverty everywhere\nAbby: then suddenly the border was open and they just left \nAbby: people were boarding available ships, whatever, just to get out of there\nAbby: he showed me some pictures, like \nDylan: insane\nAbby: yes, and his father was among the people\nDylan: scary but interesting\nAbby: very!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Miro speaks Albanian with his parents. His family left Albania illegally in 1990s."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMum: hungry?\nSteve: starving...\nMum: I'll wrap something up for you.\nSteve: You're the best, thank you!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Mum will prepare something to snack on for Steve."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSam: Are you working tomorrow?\nCarla: No, it's my day off\nSam: I'm free in the afternoon, do you fancy meeting up?\nCarla: Yeah, sure\nSam: Ok, great! Shall we go to Meanwood?\nCarla: Ok, there's that cafe there that does the yummy cakes. Meet you at 2?\nSam: Yes - looking forward to it!\nCarla: See you tom! xx\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Carla has a day off tomorrow. She will meet Sam in Meanwood in a cafe at 2 pm."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nThe particles in Gill's current peeling are too small. She'll try making her own peeling from ground coffee..", "targets": "Gill: i need a new peeling\nBunny: why?\nGill: this one is not so good\nGill: it has only small pieces of seeds\nGill: and i need more power\nBunny: you can make your own peeling\nGill: how?\nBunny: do you have some real coffee?\nGill: i think so\nBunny: so make it\nBunny: drink it\nBunny: relax\nBunny: and then take the seeds and pour some oil\nBunny: and scrub your body :)\nGill: brilliant thx :)"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Marta needs help with the PC. On Joel's advice, she will contact Cynthia or Elena as they might know someone. \".", "targets": "Marta: Hey hey :)\nMarta: \ud83d\ude0a\nMarta: Do you happen to know a good technician, that fixes PC's? \ud83d\ude11\nJoel: Hello! No, sorry. I only know of the guys in IT, back at the office. However Pablo, the best one on the team, he is on vacation this week..:/\nJoel: Ask Cynthia or Elena, they might know someone.\nMarta: Ok, thank you! Yes, I will give them a try \ud83e\udd1e"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLesley: Can you please go on a walk with the dog when you get home?\nChloe: I don't know when I'm going to be home though.\nLesley: What do you mean? Doesn't school finish up at 3PM?\nChloe: Yes, but I was going to go to Megan's house tonight.\nLesley: Chloe, you didn't ask me if you could go. You cannot just assume that you are going. \nChloe: Mom, seriously. I already told her I was going to come over. \nLesley: Chloe, your dad has to work late tonight. No one is going to be home for a long time. \nLesley: Someone needs to come home and let her out. \nChloe: Mom, you always do this to me. \nLesley: I am not the one that wanted a dog. You are going to come home and let her out. \nLesley: And that's that. \nLesley: You can go out and see Megan afterwards. \nChloe: Ok. \nLesley: Thank you. \nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Somebody has to take the dog out. Chloe wants to go to Megan tonight and the father has to work late tonight. Chloe will have to come back home to let the dog out and then she can see Megan."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Kelly: I still haven't received the rent money. Did you check with your bank?\nJohn: Yes. I definitely sent it last week.\nKelly: But I still don't have it. Can you please check that you sent it to the right account.\nJohn: OK. Give me 5 min.\nKelly: OK\nJohn: I checked and the money did go out of my account last week. \nKelly: What account number did you send it to?\nJohn: 44-1278\nKelly: No wonder! My account number is 44-1279. You sent it to someone else's account.\nJohn: Fuck!!!! Damn! Fuck!\nJohn: I'm really sorry!\nKelly: I still need the rent money though.\nJohn: I'm really sorry I'll have to go to the bank tomorrow and ask if they can re-send it to the right account. \nKelly: Thanks!"} {"inputs": "Albert: I've just passed the driving exam holy fuck!\nAlbert: 4th attempt!\nJuliet: Congrats mate! Now nothing can stop you \ud83d\udcaa\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Albert has passed his driving test on the 4th attempt."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSalma: \nSalma: the latest cat meme\nHugh: oh sweet, I can never get enough of those lol\nHugh: \nSalma: hahaha same\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Salma and Hugh like cat memes."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJack: Cocktails later?\nMay: YES!!!\nMay: You read my mind...\nJack: Possibly a little tightly strung today?\nMay: Sigh... without question.\nJack: Thought so.\nMay: A little drink will help!\nJack: Maybe two!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Jack and May will drink cocktails later."} {"inputs": "Andre: i just read the news about the bear attack on the zoo :-(\nAndre: yikes - i would've never had imagine something like that could happen\nMegan: that's why I always say you can't keep animals y cages!!!\nMegan: it's cruel and it's wrong!!!\nMegan: i'm not surprised the bear reacted that way\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Andre is shocked after reading the news about a bear attack at the zoo. Megan is not surprised that an animal kept in a cage reacted that way."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nIris is trying to remove herself from an expense. Ken has fixed the problem. Julia will be added to the expense again later. Gerardo will ask the people leaving early to stay in the splitwise group until the end of the month. George will stay..", "targets": "Iris: Anyone know how to fix this? Trying to remove myself from an expense: > This expense involves a person who has left the group, and thus it can no longer be edited. If you wish to change this expense, you must first add that person back to your group.\nKen: You got the email address of the person?\nIris: Doesn't say. But probably juls?\nLuke: Probably have to delete that expense and re-add it\nIris: I\u2019m gonna try\nLuke: It's the car right?\nKen: yip\nIris: gracias\nKen: fixed it - absorbed Juls extra cost so we can remove her from the group again\nGerardo: We will need to add her towards the car rental price.\nKen: true that - let me know when you are doing that and I'll add her back in\nJulia: Ooops, that\u2019d be me\nKen: No worries, we got this :)\nJulia: let me know how much I owe u so I can wire :)\nKen: I guess by the end of the month \u2013 something unpredicted always pops up in the meantime so we have to recalculate again\nGerardo: Speaking of which, I\u2019m gonna ask the peeps leaving early to stay in the splitwise group until the end of the month\nKen: Sara, George\nGeorge: We will, my man\nGerardo: It\u2019s gonna be the $ for gas too"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nKristian: Adidas Or Nike?\ud83d\ude03\nTabora: Adidas(\uff3e\uff56\uff3e)\nKristian: Watermelon or orange?\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude03\nTabora: Orange(\uff3e\uff56\uff3e)\nKristian: Superman or batman?\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude03\nTabora: Batman(\uff3e\uff56\uff3e)\nTabora: What are we doing now?\nKristian: Just playing games\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude03\nKristian: Wanna keep going?\ud83d\ude03\nTabora: Sure! It is kinda fun!(*^0^*)\nKristian: Films or books?\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\nTabora: Films!(\uff3e\uff56\uff3e)\nTabora: When is my turn?\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Kristian and Tabora are playing a game about what they like best."} {"inputs": "Pam: Hey I lost my phone so if you need something message me here\nDot: Oh now how??\nPam: I went shopping and when I was paying I must have left my phone on the counter\nDot: Did you come back to check if they found it?\nPam: I talked to every single store I visited and nothing :(\nDot: It was an iphone right?\nPam: Yeah, I've only had it for half a year\nDot: But there's an option where you can display something on the screen\nPam: How?\nDot: You have to log into your apple account and there is an instruction\nPam: Cool!! I have to check it out\nDot: You could promise a reward and post someone's phone number\nPam: I'll do that!! Thanks!!\nDot: I hope you find it :*\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Pam has probably left her phone when she was shopping. Dot suggests there is a way to get it back."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJane: I may be 10 min late. Sorry.\nAlex: Ok. I'm by the left entrance.\nJane: The bus is running late. I've just passed the supermarket.\nAlex: No worries. I'll be waiting for you.\nJane: Thnx\nAlex: Did you remember to take the file with the xerox copies?\nJane: Yes. I hope it will be useful. It's quite a brick.\nAlex: Hope so too\nJane: We'll do fine :-)\nAlex: No other choice. Seems like it's our last chance of getting through to them.\nJane: Maybe they will be convinced after they've seen our materials.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jane will be about 10 minutes late. Alex is waiting at the left entrance and they are going to attend a meeting. This might be the last opportunity for Jane and Alex to get through to them."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJacopo: hey, did you have a favorite dinosaur growing up?\nLudmila: yes, triceratops. why?\nJacopo: i'll tell you why later.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Ludmila's favourite dinosaur when she was little was the Triceratops."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRob: Are we meeting up 2morrow?\nEve: How about Sunday\nEve: stores are open so we can go then\nRob: Ok I just don't know what time they close\nEve: we have ot go in the moring \nEve: I have some stuff to do around 3\nRob: ok\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Rob and Eve will meet on Sunday morning to go to the shops. Eve has something to do at about 3."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Ursula got 93 on her French exam. Vaughn got 65, but still passed.\".", "targets": "Ursula: Haha I got a 93 on my French exam\nBob: Well done girl!\nJana: Wow \nJana: How did u manage to do that\nUrsula: I just studied hard for it\nJana: omg\nJana: French is so hard \nVaughn: I got a 65\nVaughn: I didn't study for it haha\nUrsula: At least you passed\nVaughn: Congrats!"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMarsha: Guys, we've planned the trip with John last night as we promised\nCynthia: great, thank you for that\nMarsha: but of course you have to agree on that\nMohammad: sure, but I really trust you\nGavin: me too\nMarsha: so as we decided last time, we will spend a week just on the beach \nMarsha: we all wanted some calm, nice place, right?\nGavin: yes!!! \nMarsha: John found this little hotel in Nosy Be\nMarsha: \nMarsha: and their website: \nMarsha: it's quite basic the website, but it may actually be a good sign\nGavin: I love it!\nCynthia: it seems just perfect\nMarsha: I know\nMarsha: it's more expensive than hotels on the mainland\nMarsha: but it seems to be the most beautiful place in Madagascar\nMohammad: so let's go there, it's still cheaper than Italy for example\nMarsha: exactly!\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Marsha and John planned the trip. They will spend a week on the beach with Cynthia, Mohammad and Gavin. They will all stay in a hotel in Nosy Be."} {"inputs": "Pet shop: Hi Breann&Dianne!\ud83d\udc4b \ud83d\udc36\ud83d\ude3b Here is a 10% coupon code (pawesome10) for new customers when you checkout! -> \nBreann: oh thank you!!!!\nPet shop: Breann, our pleasure! \ud83d\udc36\nDianne: Thank you! Now, to pick the colors!\nPet shop: Red and Gray our the most popular!! :)\nBreann: I wish there was cheetah. \ud83d\ude14\nPet shop: Breann, Do you mean cheetah print?\nBreann: yes.\nPet shop: We do have them! Check out this pet hut! --> \nBreann: omg thank you!!!!!!\nPet shop: Our pleasure!! :) :) :)\nDianne: Thank you! Bye!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Breann and Dianne are going to buy a cheetah print pet hut with a 10% coupon code."} {"inputs": "Tim: I'm running late\nGary: when will you be here?\nTim: About twenty past. You go in and just make some small talk, try and delay the main presentation\nGary: I'm on it.\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Tim is running late and will arrive around twenty past. He asked Gary to do some small talk and try to delay the main presentation."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Barbara: I'm home already, you can come over\nSean: May I bring the dog?\nZac: I'm on my way\nBarbara: sure you can, Sean\nBarbara: do you want to stay overnight?\nSean: great!\nSean: I thought about it\nBarbara: nice!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKate: can i borrow your blue handbag?\nEmilly: sure, when do you need?\nKate: friday, I need it for Monica's wedding\nEmilly: I can bring it with me to the office tomorrow if you want\nKate: perfect! thanks sister :*\nEmilly: always :*\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Kate wants to borrow Emily's blue handbag as she needs it for Monica's wedding. Emily will bring it with her to the office tomorrow."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAnthony: Hi Rob, wanna grab a beer?\nRobert: I\u2019m with my kids now\nRobert: Maybe later\nRobert: Around 9?\nAnthony: It\u2019s ok\nAnthony: I\u2019ll go with Andrew\nAnthony: In the evening I can\u2019t\nAnthony: I\u2019m taking my lady for a date :P\nRobert: Enjoy!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Anthony can't meet up with Robert at 9 as he has a date then."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJosh: Man, I\u2019m really pissed off.\nMark: What\u2019s up, bro?\nJosh: I lost my brand new sneakers somewhere.\nMark: Oh, man, that sucks, when?\nJosh: I don\u2019t know exactly, last Tuesday I think.\nMark: Where\u2019ve you been to?\nJosh: Many places, swimming pool and fitness, but I thought I left them in the gym.\nMark: You should call them or go there. \nJosh: Yeah, I did call them, but they said nothing was found when they\u2019re closing.\nMark: So what are the options now?\nJosh: Dunno, will try to check the swimming pool.\n Mark: Ok, good luck. Gimme a call.\nJosh: I will. Take care, bro.\nMark: You too, man. \n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Josh is upset, because he lost his new sneakers on Tuesday. Josh has already called the gym, but they didn't find anything. Josh will check the swimming pool and give Mark a call."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRyan: You're going to the casting? \nRyan: So you think you can dance \ud83e\udd29\nJack: I am! \nJack: this time im going\nRyan: U should go really\nJack: I know, wanna come with me? \nRyan: I thought about it! \nJack: Nice well! I will meet you there! \ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Ryan and Jack are going to the casting for a dance show."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSam: \nSam: Good afternoon, is this available?\nLia: Hi, how can I help you?\nSam: I'm interested in this product. Are the earphones available?\nLia: Yes, they are.\nSam: where can I collect them?\nLia: Well, you can have them delivered to you through courrier - this costs \u00a34 (pay on delivery)\nLia: I'm afraid collecting them personally is a little difficult, as the product can only be collected in Garstang (where the company is located)\nSam: Okay.\nSam: Are they new? Do you have any other colors that white?\nLia: Completely new - we also offer grey and pink.\nSam: Then I would like the white ones please.\nLia: Okay, so I just need your address and telephone\nSam: The total costs \u00a3187 - can I lower the price to \u00a3180??\nLia: fraid not - company policy.\nSam: Oh, okay.\nSam: How long does it take for the product to arrive?\nLia: It generally arrives the next day, in rare instances it's longer.\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Sam bought the earphones which cost him \u00a3187 along with delivery expenses. The order should be delivered the next day."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nRyan is visiting family in Manchester for Christmas. Chris stayed home with Ann..", "targets": "Ryan: Merry Christmas everybody!\nNick: Merry Xmas!\nChris: Merry Xmas to you!\nChris: Where are you btw?\nRyan: visiting family in Manchester \nRyan: white a disaster hahhaha\nChris: We stayed home with Ann, first time on our own!\nChris: and I've liked it so far very much"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nViolet: hi! :)\nViolet: do you know any good waxing salon in the neighbourhood?\nViolet: i'm going on vacation and i'm as hairy as a gorilla :o XD\nPaisley: waxing? wow, girl, you're brave :p\nPaisley: i've been in a waxing salon once and i'm not going back\nPaisley: waxing is painful af\nViolet: was it that bad?\nPaisley: leg waxing was ok-ish, but bikini... jesus\nPaisley: i was bleeding so fckin hard\nPaisley: blood was EVERYWHERE\nViolet: !!!\nViolet: i was going to get brazilian waxing, but now i'm scared\nPaisley: that's extreme :o\nPaisley: if i were you, i'd start from leg waxing or sugaring\nPaisley: but why won't you just shave down there?\nPaisley: ingrown hairs?\nViolet: yup\nViolet: i use scrubs and moisturize my skin almost every day but it's still bad\nViolet: i mean REALLY BAD, i look like a freaking chicken with all these razor bumps\nPaisley: try shaving with the grain\nPaisley: it helped with my ingrows\nViolet: i've tried everything\nViolet: i just need to man up and make an appointment\nPaisley: good luck, then ;)\nViolet: thanks\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Violet will make an appointment at a waxing salon. Home methods don't work for her."} {"inputs": "Aubrianna: My friend's dad died because of malaria in kongo\nDarien: It's dangerous for all people not just whites\nAubrianna: So read about this\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Dad of Aubrianna's friend died of malaria in Kongo."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Sally and Rita like Borns' new album very much. Rita is also excited about Florence's new single which comes out tomorrow. Sally didn't know about it.\".", "targets": "Sally: did you hear Borns' new album? :o\nRita: YES I DID\nRita: it's amazeballs\nSally: i know right??? God Save Our Young Blood\nRita: definitely my fav \nRita: that and Faded Heart\nSally: so good\nRita: i'm also pumped for Florence, her new single is out tomorrow\nSally: :o didn't know about it!"} {"inputs": "Natalie: Well well weeeeeell, I see somethings going on here at last\nMartin: (Y)\nAdam: any confirmed data?\nAnna: Hello everyone!!! Id love to invite everybody to my bday. I would be extremaly happy if you could come 6th of November at 1930\nMartin: <3\nMargot: <3\nMia: (Y)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Anna organises a birthday's party on the 6th of November at 19:30."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nFinn: Hey\nZadie: Hi there! What's up?\nFinn: All fine. You? \nZadie: Not bad, thanks \nFinn: Look, I was thinking of going to this neighborhood called Elephant and Castle tomorrow, it's apparently full of Latin American stuff. Fancy joining? \nZadie: Sure! But what's \"stuff\"? \ud83d\ude02\nFinn: lol So apparently it's a place were random people from \"Latin America\" (meaning fuck knows which countries) started running small businesses and restaurant, and a nice little community was formed\nZadie: Oh cool \nFinn: Then capitalism came and it's all going to be demolished soon, so it's like the last chance to go\nZadie: What a shame :( Yeah, I haven't had Latin American \ud83d\ude02 food for ages so I'm totally up for it\nFinn: Can't wait to taste this cuisine of unspecified Latino origin lol\nZadie: \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\nFinn: But we can specify time and place if and only if you wish \nZadie: I might be tempted to lol I'd say early evening, 2-ish?\nFinn: Yeah, that's fine by me. So most of the places we want to visit are in this Elephant and Castle shopping centre. Shall I see you at the main entrance, wherever that is \nZadie: 2 o'clock at unspecified main entrance then? Sounds good to mw\nFinn: Yer\nZadie: Cool, see you there! And thanks so much for remembering about me \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\nFinn: Thanks for saying yes to such an ill-defined plan lmao \nZadie: Ha ha You know I love those\nFinn: See you tomorrow then \nZadie: Yep Call me if you get lost\nFinn: I will I will \ud83e\udd19 byeeee \nZadie: Toodles\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Finn and Zadie are going to Elephant and Castle tomorrow at 2. They will meet at the main entrance."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nFrank: Hey\nHope: Hi :)\nFrank: I love you\nHope: I love you too <3\nFrank: Well, I HOPE so!\nHope: FRANKly, I really do ;) <3\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Frank loves Hope and Hope loves Frank."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRory: Hey Mitch, how are you? I hope you're doing ok. We are thinking of signing up Bill for that International camp. Sammy will be going too. Do you think it would be possible for you to take Bill and Sammy if you go down?\nMitch: I'm doing well - pretty tired. Yes, I do think that's possible :)\nRory: Great, that would mean a lot to us. Thanks a lot. \nMitch: That'd be wonderful! July, I'll be at a few camps ;)\nRory: Of course, we'll chip in for gas. Ok, no problem :)\nMitch: Thx, no worries. I hope you're all doing well. Time is flying by ;)\nRory: Ok, great. I know, it's crazy.\nRory: Do you know exactly which date you'll be leaving?\nMitch: Sunday, the 29th\nRory: Ok, cool. It's such a long drive.\nMitch: Yeah, around 1000 km, but I'll try to get there early Mon morning.\nRory: That's a pretty ambitious undertaking :)\nMitch: I have to, camp starts Mon 9.\nRory: Just be careful, and take lots of breaks, don't fall asleep at the wheel, etc.\nMitch: I'll have the boys to keep me awake, and lots of snacks :)\nRory: Ok. We will probably put Bill on a Flixbus, so he'll arrive around 10 am Sun\nMitch: Cool, just make sure he has his phone on him.\nRory: Ok, no problem. We'll give him your number, but most likely Joanna will be picking him up.\nMitch: Oh, ok. That makes things easier. I'll meet him after.\nRory: Great, thanks a lot for doing this, I don't know how else we would get him down to Croatia.\nMitch: No problem. Talk to you later.\nRory: Ok, bye.\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Rory wants Mitch to take Bill and Sammy and they'll chip in for gas. Mitch will be leaving Sunday, the 29th to get there by 9 am on Monday. Bill will arrive around 10 am Sunday and Joanna will be picking him. Mitch will meet Bill after."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nNathan: \nAaron: OMG!!! \nAaron: \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\nAaron: looool\nAaron: do you know her mate? \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\nAaron: my cat's face looks like that when he's taking a dump..\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\nAaron: \nAaron: the angels must be weeping \ud83e\udd2d\ud83e\udd2d\ud83e\udd2d \nAaron: \nAaron: \nNathan: Hahahaha\nNathan: She's having a spiritual moment \ud83d\ude09\nNathan: No clue mate, Dan sent it over\nNathan: A tragedy to say the least \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\nAaron: \nAaron: looking for Jesus\nNathan: \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\nAaron: hilarious..hahahaha\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Nathan and Aaron are discussing a video which Nathan sent."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Erin has just baked something that Zachary finds delicious. Zachary wants her to bring him a piece of it as now he's busy cleaning. \".", "targets": "Erin: hey Zach\nErin: look at this babe, I've just baked it\nErin: \nZachary: looks delicious!\nZachary: pls bring me a piece of this later on\nZachary: I'm pretty busy right now\nErin: oh what are you doing then?\nZachary: I decided to clean the flat, can you imagine?\nErin: hardly, I need hard evidence\nZachary: here it goes\nZachary:"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nPaula: Can we meet with the new person soon?\nRalph: Sure. In an hour okay?\nPaula: Perfect.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Paula and Ralph will meet the new person in an hour."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nTim: Seen mum 2day?\nLouise: Nope. she's with autn Grace\nTim: oh yeah i forgot\nLouise: why u need her\nTim: nothing important. ok for now\nLouise: ciao\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Tim does not need mum for anything important at the moment."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDon: Hi Cindy. Have you made all arrangements?\nCindy: It's about today's meeting or your trip next week?\nDon: Both, I suppose:)\nCindy: You have meeting with management board today at 2 pm.\nDon: Where did you set it up?\nCindy: In our conference room.\nCindy: Catering will bring some tea, coffee and snacks.\nDon: That's good.\nDon: Did everybody got the agenda?\nCindy: Yep.\nDon: How did Andy react when he saw it?\nCindy: Can't say, really. Not sure if he even read it.\nDon: That's Andy all right.\nDon: And how about the trip.\nCindy: I've got your plane tickets and booked the hotel.\nDon: Which one?\nCindy: Hilton, as usual.\nDon: Perfect:=)\nCindy: But nobody is gonna pick you up at the airport. You'll have to get a cab.\nDon: I think, I can manage that;=)\nDon: Good job, Cindy. No idea, where I'd be without you.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Cindy has made arrangements for today's meeting at 2 pm in the conference room. She also organised flights and hotel for next week's trip. Don is appreciative."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nAnne is inviting Adele for Easter. Adele will bring some chocolate eggs..", "targets": "Anne: Hi darling, do you went to come for Easter?\nAdele: love to, i'm off on friday\nAnne: it's could be nice, i'll invite Louise too\nAdele: great, i'll bring you eggs, chocolat ones of course!\nAnne: thanks darling."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Paul can couch the game on Saturday as Matthew hasn't found anyone to do that yet. \".", "targets": "Paul: hey Matthew did you find anyone to couch the game Saturday?\nMatthew: hey Paul, no still looking \nPaul: my plans changed so I can do it if you need \nMatthew: ahh yes that be great! thank you \nPaul: no problem see you Saturday"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMatt: Hi!\nNick: Sup?\nMatt: Do you remember what internet connection we have?\nNick: Shit, man, I don't know... \nMatt: Rats, me neither and I need it for the application\nNick: I usually just use my mobile service, I don't watch anything when at home\nMatt: That's OK, I'll figure sth out, thx\nNick: kk, when I remember it, i'll let you know.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Nick will let Matt know when he remembers what their internet connection is."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nFlo: OMG, I can't get into the salon until the 6th!\nGina: What? Why?\nFlo: They're just too busy. I'm going to be gray! LOL!\nGina: Get you a touch-up kit at Tesco!\nFlo: Gonna have to!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Flo cannot get an appointment at the salon until the 6th. Flo worries she's going to be gray. Flo will have to get a touch-up kit at Tesco."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMarleen: Hello my dear, I'll be leaving in half an hour to go to town. If you have any idea for a present for Rita let me know.\nMarleen: Text me here with your ideas for a present for her.\nBarry: But I've got none! I leave the choice entirely to you.\nBarry: I'm at home now.\nMarleen: Am at Kaiser's. Lovely silk kerchiefs. What do you think?\nBarry: One can't have too many!\nMarleen: But isn't it a bit too personal?\nBarry: Not at all.\nMarleen: \nMarleen: Which?\nBarry: The one with yellow pattern, definitely. She loves yellow.\nMarleen: The most expensive of the five.\nBarry: How much?\nMarleen: 39\nBarry: Oh come on. Not so bad.\nMarleen: Shall we go 50/50?\nBarry: OK\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Marleen will be leaving in half an hour to go to town. She will get a present for Rita - silk kerchief with a yellow pattern from Kaiser's. It costs 39, and Barley will share the cost 50/50 with Marleen."} {"inputs": "Henry: Good to see you back :-) How is the baby?\nMary: Good to be back :-) Susie is great. I'm so happy :-)\nHenry: Have you got any photo?\nMary: \nHenry: She's sweet! Congratulations :-)\nMary: Thank you :-)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Mary is back. Mary's baby, Susie, is doing great."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMika: Dear Linda, would you like a few plants For your garden? All perennials.It would be a shame to throw them onto the compost heap.\nLinda: Hello Mika: A nice offer, thank you, but I won't manage to do any gardening before leaving.\nMika: What a pity!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Linda refuses to accept plants for her garden from Mika. She would not be able to plant them before leaving."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSharon: My mum knows\nAhmed: Aaaand?\nSharon: She\u2019s angry, I\u2019m grounded\nAhmed: For fuck\u2019s sake you\u2019re 19\nSharon: But I still live with my parents, let me remind you -_-\nAhmed: So move out\nSharon: It\u2019s not that easy, hello\nAhmed: Move in with me, we would be together all the time :*\nSharon: I\u2019d have to go to work, I\u2019m still a student\nAhmed: Don\u2019t worry, I\u2019ll take care of you\nSharon: My parents will stop talking to me at all\nAhmed: So what\nSharon: I care about my parents, cmon!\nAhmed: But they\u2019re stupid\nSharon: Don\u2019t talk about them like that!! They\u2019re just\u2026 old and manipulated\nAhmed: How can you manipulated into being an asshole -_-\nSharon: Ok, I know you fell hurt by their behavior but stop it\nAhmed: You don\u2019t care about me\nSharon: I do! But my family is important to me, you should understand that\nAhmed: OK, whatever\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Ahmed wants Sharon to move in with him but she's afraid of her parents' reaction. Ahmed is angry."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nFiona: I just can\u2019t stand it\nWanda: What again\nFiona: When I\u2019m in one room with him\u2026 I just go crazy\nWanda: Conrad?\nFiona: Yesss, he\u2019s absolutely lovely!!\nWanda: IT IS YOUR STUDENT\nFiona: So what? I mean sure, I know it\u2019s\u2026 inappropriate xd but still, he\u2019s only 5 years younger than me\nWanda: It\u2019s so fucked up, I knew you are crazy before but it\u2019s too much\nFiona: I knoooow when I come back home after the class I can\u2019t do anything for like an hour or two, I just listen to the music\nWanda: You\u2019re literally in love with him\nFiona: I mean I don\u2019t expect anything, we\u2019re from different worlds but\u2026 Yes, I just want to be around him. All the time xd\nWanda: So you need to do something about it\nFiona: Are you crazy, I can\u2019t!!\nWanda: Why not\nFiona: What would my boss say if she knew\nWanda: Will she know?\nFiona: How can I know what will he do, he can tell his mother as well\nWanda: Just go for it!!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Fiona fell in love with his student, Conrad."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSimon: \nSimon: It's funny and scary at the same time.\nSimon: BTW it's so annoying that people can't see that such immigration policy reduces safety level for citizens of EU significantly\nCharlie: This photo is great. It totally shows what do we all mean when we criticize EU policy. \nCharlie: Berlin has put concrete blocks around Christmas fair, Belgium has soldiers running armed around cities and Paris has mass demonstrations and car arsons happening all over the city.\nCharlie: Poland though...\nCharlie: One of the last countries unspoilt by uncontrolled migration and terrorism\nCharlie: The question is - for how long...\nSimon: I always say that there is advantage of the polish situation\nSimon: I mean being economically delayed for few decades\nSimon: Poland has a chance to develop in fast pace and at the same time has a position to avoid all the mistakes other western powers made.\nSimon: The worst thing is that the country is being ostracized by defending it's values and interests. \nCharlie: Yup. And as long as there are people in Poland ready to defend that values, the country will be marginalized by every other nation.\nSimon: I admire Poles.\nSimon: I admire them for they will to fight.\nSimon: They never give up.\nCharlie: Different countries tried to eliminate them from the map.\nSimon: I tell you, there will be time, when only Poland will have power to fight with internal problems of Europe.\nCharlie: Maybe. But there is a risk that internal conflict will rip the country apart.\nSimon: Let's hope not.\nCharlie: Yup. To conclude: Christmas in Poland will be the best Christmas in Europe :D\nSimon: I agree :)\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Simon and Charlie admire Poland for its anti-immigration policy and the way it defends its values and interests."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Jim: Hello, welcome to the store, how can I help you\nFinn: Hello could you help me track my shippment?\nJim: yes, can you please tell me your order number\nFinn: It's 45678\nJim: Thank you, from what I can see your package has left the warehouse and will be delivered to you tommorrow"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nTina has to learn Demi's approach how to transfer from hating men to dating them..", "targets": "Tina: Hey, Facebook is constantly non stop suggesting Patrick\nDemi: Hahahahaha \nTina: I think I have to catch a bit of your approach\nDemi: He's a god. What do you mean...?\nTina: I have to learn how to transfer from hating men to fucking them haha\nDemi: (Y)\nTina: as soon as possible\nDemi: Haha! Yeah. I did it, you're right. But i worked on it hard after a huge heartbreak\nTina: \nDemi: (Y) currently i like men. you have to be chilled with them ;)\nTina: \nDemi: :D maybe its a mistake... i dont know. Lets organize workshops on that :D\nTina: I only like one type :D yes plz do it haha\nDemi: Done! but maybe you should chill a bit, look around for ather types ...and see what happens\nTina: I only dont what my mood depend so much on other people\nDemi: I know! I know it well!\nTina: this renting case is eating me\nDemi: you have to isolate one bit inside that will be always independent\nTina: we have to meet, crazy girl!\nDemi: for sure. if youre homeless i will take under my roof\nTina: between the guyshaha\nDemi: we ll find something\nTina: <3"} {"inputs": "Bob: did you reserve the tickets for tomorrow?\nMelanie: Jake promised me he will do that\nMelanie: he has some workplace discount on them\nBob: Jake are you here?? Did you reserve the tickets?\nJake: yes I did, 3 tickets for tomorrow, 7 pm\nJake: and we got a 30% discount on them too :)\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Jake reserved 3 tickets for tomorrow 7 pm. He got 30% discount."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJessica bought a table, six chairs, a vase and a pile of clothes and the second hand shop downtown. She paid 70 euros for everything. .", "targets": "Jessica: I went to the second hand shop downtown \nFrank: Cool\nRaphael: What did you get?\nJessica: Lots of stuff\nJessica: A table, six chairs, a vase, a pile of clothes\nFrank: That's really a lot of stuff :-)\nRaphael: send us pictures\nJessica: \nJessica: \nRaphael: Beautiful table\nRaphael: Is it wood?\nJessica: yes, oak \nRaphael: Awesome\nJessica: \nFrank: These are the clothes?\nFrank: I love the black dress\nJessica: It's absolutely beautiful\nJessica: As soon as I saw it I knew it would be mine\nJessica: I'm so happy with what I bought\nJessica: And the best is I paid only 70 euros for all of that!!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMorgan: Hey gorgeous, how\u2019s your day?\nSuzanne: Nothing special, it\u2019s just one of many boring days at work. But\u2026 better now though!\nMorgan: Are you working at all? \ud83d\ude09\nSuzanne: I\u2019m trying \ud83d\ude09 But you aren\u2019t helping me, at all\nSuzanne: I\u2019m just taking a well-deserved break \ud83d\ude09\nMorgan: I miss you Suzie\nSuzanne: I miss you too Morgan\nMorgan: Do you feel like going to a concert next week? Maroon 5 is playing at the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden.\nMorgan: As it happens, I\u2019ve got two tickets \ud83d\ude09\nMorgan: Do you want to go?\nSuzanne: Really? OMG! That\u2019s wonderful!\nSuzanne: Thank you sweetheart!\nMorgan: Oh, nothing. I just want you to be happy \ud83d\ude09\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Suzanne is at work and is having a break now. Morgan invites Suzanne to a concert of Maroon 5 which takes place next week at the Hulu Theatre at Madison Square Garden. Suzzanne agrees."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Clint: are you better today?\nAlice: not really\nAlice: I have never had such a terrible flu \nAlice: I think I'm dying \nClint: don't be silly \nClint: it's just a flu \nAlice: I know but my whole body aches, I have fever and I'm sneezing all the time\nAlice: I'm home for 10 days and it seems I need more\nClint: poor you :(\nClint: how is it possible that vaccine did not work?\nAlice: I haven't taken any vaccine \nClint: why? \nAlice: I don't know, just forgotten \nAlice: and now I have consequences :("} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nEnrique: Thanks for sharing your collection with the class. They loved it!\nFarrah: No problem! It was my pleasure!\nEnrique: Not everyday you get to see some of those up close and personal like that. We were wowed!\nFarrah: Oh, gee, that's so nice!\nEnrique: You have a great collection, you should be proud!\nFarrah: I am, but not everyone appreciates it.\nEnrique: Fossils are a unique thing to collect, that's for sure.\nFarrah: If you leave them sitting around, they just become dust magnets!\nEnrique: So it's good to share them.\nFarrah: Especially with little kids, they get so amazed! It was a fun day.\nEnrique: It was for us as well! Will you come back again?\nFarrah: Of course! Any time!\nEnrique: I was thinking that our 4th grade students would like to check them out as well. Can I give your name and number to that teacher?\nFarrah: Sure thing. \nEnrique: I'm not sure how it fits into the lesson plan, so they may not get in touch until next semester.\nFarrah: Fair enough. No problem, I understand.\nEnrique: Thanks again! It was really interesting!\nFarrah: Of course! Any time, and now I have a better idea of other ones to bring next time.\nEnrique: That would be great.\nFarrah: Some of the questions really made me wish I had brought my whole collection, but that just isn't practical.\nEnrique: Oh, I understand. I'm sure you'll do fine next time with whatever you bring.\nFarrah: Thanks! \nEnrique: Our pleasure!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Farrah shared his collection of fossils with the class, and Enrique was very impressed. Enrique would like Farrah to show the collection for the 4th grade students as well."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nElliot: i can't talk rn, i'm rly busy\nElliot: can i call u back in about 2 hours?\nJordan: Not really, I'm going to a funeral.\nJordan: I'll call you tonight, ok?\nElliot: sure\nElliot: whose funeral is it?\nJordan: My colleague's, Brad.\nJordan: I told you about him, he had a liver cancer.\nElliot: i'm so sorry man, i hope u're ok\nElliot: i'll call u at 8 pm\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Elliot can't talk to Jordan now, he's busy. He'll call him back at 8 pm. Jordan is going to Brad's funeral. He had liver cancer."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Chris: Oh, and we pushed some girls into the pool :)\nJune: That's not nice!\nChris: Depends how u look at it ;)\nJune: How come?\nChris: Well, we got them to undress, 'cause they were soaking wet :)\nJune: Ur awful!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nClaire: \nKim: Looks delicious...\nLinda: No way... Look what I'm cooking right now:\nLinda: \nClaire: hahahaha \nKim: Curry dream team\nClaire: Enjoy your dinner :*\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Both Claire and Linda are making curry for dinner."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nFreddy will sing at the school concert and send Simon 3 backing tracks..", "targets": "Simon: Good afternoon.\nFreddy: Good afternoon, Simon.\nSimon: I heard from Barbara that you have a good singing voice and that she had asked you to sing at the school concert?\nFreddy: Well yes, she did. Obviously it's up to you, you are doing the music. Not every musician likes to jst perform with people he doesn't know.\nFreddy: It wasn't my idea, but if you are ok with we can do it.\nSimon: The only problem I have is that I can't see myself finding any free time in the coming week to practice and the concert is on Friday. Do you have backing tracks for the things you like to sing?\nFreddy: Sure, I can send you something.\nSimon: How many would you like to sing? \nFreddy: I don't know, one or two, three at most.\nSimon: OK, then send me three tracks. Maybe it'll be possible for me to play guitar as you sing for one or two of the tracks, we'll have to see. \nFreddy: That would be good. In the end live music is something a lot more special than just using backing tracks.\nSimon: I'll send you my email address and you can send me the attachments on that.\nFreddy: Will do. thanks."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Randal: Okay, got everything except the nail polish.\nSidney: Y didn't u buy it? :(\nRandal: Don't worry, still in the store. :)\nSidney: Good. \nRandal: There's 1 problem. I don't know which one.\nSidney: I told u. Pink. \nRandal: they're all pink!\nSidney: The one on the left.\nRandal: this one?\nSidney: No, that's fuschia. The other one.\nRandal: This one?\nSidney: No, that's taffy. Getting closer, Honey. You can do this.\nRandal: The shop assistant is looking at me weird.\nSidney: I'm sure she's not. Don't mind her.\nRandal: This one?\nSidney: No, that's ballet slipper, not pink. \nRandal: U really call this colour ballet slipper?\nSidney: Sure."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Maddie is confused, because Leah told her that Ian was dating a girl named Claire. Ian met Claire about 1,5 years ago, but they barely knew each other.\".", "targets": "Maddie: What's the story with Claire?\nIan: Claire?\nIan: I don't know any Claire...\nMaddie: Really?\nMaddie: I spoke with Leah and she told me that you dumped her years ago\nIan: are you sure she was talking about me?\nIan: I tend to forget things but I do remember my past girlfriends\nIan: and believe me none was named Claire\nMaddie: Weird\nMaddie: Maybe she was thinking about someone else?\nIan: most likely\nIan: I barely know her\nIan: I think we met for the first time like 1,5 years ago\nMaddie: I'll ask her next time\nMaddie: Sorry about the confusion\nIan: don't worry\nIan: take care!"} {"inputs": "Pat: Hi, it's Pat here. I have a slight delay, a couple of hours, so I will come in the evening, around 9pm. I hope it is not a problem...\nBart: Hi, no, not at all :) you didn't catch the train?\nPat: hehe, no. I thought today i was free from work, but i got another project to finish. So i will be tomorrow morning. Im sorry for those changes, i myself am surprise.\nBart: hahaha a tiny regret. Will you manage to get here on your own?\nPat: yeah, its ok. what would you suggest? if you could come and unlock the door, it would be great, but i can walk around the city as well.\nBart: of course I will open it for you. I can work in the morning from home. No problem. So we see each other tomorrow?\nPat: Thank you so much! haha\nBart: Are you a painter?\nPat: I hope I will eventually get in that train. Nope.\nBart: I thought you were.\nPat: this project is a stage project :)\nBart: Ah alright, youll tell all about it tomorrow :))\nPat: OK,, later\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Pat will arrive at around 9 pm. Bart will open the door and work in the morning from home."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nQuinn: How's it hanging boy?\nKyle: Not bad, going out tonight?\nQuinn: Yeah, need to get out after fucking school is actually over for a bit.\nKyle: Christ, yeah! It's a shitting hell hole, can't wait to leave next year, I'm leaving at Easter \ud83d\ude06\nQuinn: Lucky you, I've got GCSES. Your a jammy bastard if your parents aren't insisting that you stay on.\nKyle: No point! I'm working for my Uncle Kev at the building site, my cousin was taken on with an apprenticeship in bricklaying last year, maybe do that myself.\nQuinn: God, I'm so jealous! I absolutely fucking hate school and I suck at exams too! Need to have them under my belt, they always say.\nKyle: Why don't you talk to them about it?\nQuinn: They wouldn't bloody listen! I buggered up my mocks too and I have to retake the subjects I failed in, it never bloody ends!\ud83d\ude2d\nKyle: Why don't I ask Kev about the site, they always need labourers and they like us young ones cos we're a lot cheaper by the hour lol.\nQuinn: Dunno, fucking about in the freezing cold, freezing my arse off, or roasting to death in the bloody summer! Sounds grim!\nKyle: OK, suit yourself! Got any voddy for later?\nQuinn: Nah, couldn't get to the offy.\nKyle: They wouldn't serve you anyway, you twat! I'll ask my bro to get us some vodka and cigs, he's cool.\nQuinn: Great! Kirsty there tonight, do you know?\nKyle: Dunno, but I heard she was with Nathan Baker these days.\nQuinn: That bell end! Huh\ud83d\ude12 Well, see you outside the club at 6ish.\nKyle: See you man.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Quinn and Kyle are going out tonight. Kyle is leaving school at Easter to work for his uncle. Quinn's parents want him to retake his GCSEs. Kyle's brother will buy alcohol and cigarettes for them. Their friend, Kirsty, is dating Nathan Baker. Quinn and Kyle will meet around 6 outside the club."} {"inputs": "Laura: Where are you?\nPaul: Almost there.\nLaura: Which is?\nPaul: Close to the Mac.\nLaura: That's so far away!\nPaul: 15 mins\nLaura: I am not waiting any more, see you some other time.\nPaul: Please, wait!\nLaura: I've waited 30 minutes, 15 minutes ago you wrote you were almost here. This is too much.\nPaul: I am so sorry.\nLaura: I am not. \n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Paul is late for a meeting with Laura and she refuses to wait any longer."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Rob is looking for Phil. Rob needs to talk with him. Phil will come over to his office tomorrow morning.\".", "targets": "Phil: I hear you are looking for me?\nRob: I do! Where the hell are you?\nPhil: At the moment I'm on my way from one client to another. Why?\nRob: When can you be at the office?\nRob: I've got to talk to you.\nPhil: What's so urgent?\nRob: Can't tell you.\nPhil: What?!\nRob: I mean can't tell you now.\nRob: I need to see you in person.\nPhil: Well, it'll have to wait till tomorrow. I'm out of town.\nRob: Can you be in my office first thing tomorrow morning?\nPhil: let me check.\nPhil: Yep. I can do it.\nRob: Cool. See you tomorrow then.\nPhil: See you."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nWanda: Let's make a party!\nGina: Why?\nWanda: beacuse. I want some fun!\nGina: ok, what do u need?\nWanda: 1st I need too make a list\nGina: noted and then?\nWanda: well, could u take yours father car and go do groceries with me?\nGina: don't know if he'll agree\nWanda: I know, but u can ask :)\nGina: I'll try but theres no promisess\nWanda: I know, u r the best!\nGina: When u wanna go\nWanda: Friday?\nGina: ok, I'll ask\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Wanda wants to throw a party. She asks Gina to borrow her father's car and go do groceries together. They set the date for Friday."} {"inputs": "Rael: Gosh, I fucking hate my job!\nZach: Oops! Someone is in a mood...\nRael: I'm serious, I'm done. Those people are fucked up. I cannot stand it anymore.\nZach: Is it that bad?\nRael: Even worse...\nZach: What this time?\nRael: I don't even have time to eat my fucking lunch. It's not normal.\nZach: Did you talk to your manager?\nRael: Yeah, this retard doesn't get that we're humans not robots. I hate him.\nZach: You're gonna quit?\nRael: It's not that easy, I gotta find something. I don't want to leave without first finding a new job.\nZach: I see. Did you think about IT?\nRael: No, why?\nZach: Girl, it's the best place to work in! A lot of my friends started as software testers and they are really satisfied. Good money and no rat race.\nRael: Zach, are you crazy? I don't have technical studies.\nZach: You don't have to. If you have good analytical skills all you need is some online course - Udemy or something. People change their career after years of employment in totally different business. It's not that difficult, really. You should give it a try. Tech is our future.\nRael: Hmm... Maybe you're right. I'm still not sure what to do with my career, so... why not.\nZach: If you want, I can talk to my friends and they will give you some advice on how to start, what courses to choose and so on.\nRael: That would be great, thanks.\nZach: UW. In touch.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Rael finds the atmosphere at her workplace to be unbearable. Many people switch their career paths and move to the IT sector. Rael only needs good analytical skills and an on-line course to start work in IT."} {"inputs": "Kim: I'm going to Seoul!\nAgatha: wow finally!\nMark: When? Bring us some kimchi!\nKim: People on a plane will kill me if I do :D\nKim: I'm going in April <3\nAgatha: Are you going with Jane?\nKim: yes, of course - she'll be our tour guide\nMark: so jealous... I'd love to come as well\nKim: Really? I asked you like a hundred times\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Kim is going with Jane to Seoul in April. Jane will be their tour guide."} {"inputs": "Jesse: can i borrow your razor?\nStig: what happened to yours?\nJesse: i broke it. fell right out of my hands\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Jesse broke his razor and wants to borrow Stig's."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nTimmy: Who do u wanna invite?\nGemma: Well, there's u and ur date :)\nTimmy: Not sure about the date, but I'll be there :) who else?\nGemma: I was thinking about Lona and Michelle.\nTimmy: Still thinking ur getting invites to their weddings?\nGemma: It's not like that.\nTimmy: Sure it is ;) just don't wanna admit it ;)\nGemma: Fine! I want to come to their wedding receptions!\nTimmy: There we go :) was it so hard?\nGemma: Yes.\nTimmy: And u think u can change their minds?\nGemma: Dunno.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Gemma will invite Timmy and his Date, as well as Lona and Michelle to her wedding."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nOllie: Hi , are you in Warsaw\nJane: yes, just back! Btw are you free for diner the 19th?\nOllie: nope!\nJane: and the 18th?\nOllie: nope, we have this party and you must be there, remember?\nJane: oh right! i lost my calendar.. thanks for reminding me\nOllie: we have lunch this week?\nJane: with pleasure!\nOllie: friday?\nJane: ok\nJane: what do you mean \" we don't have any more whisky!\" lol..\nOllie: what!!!\nJane: you just call me and the all thing i heard was that sentence about whisky... what's wrong with you?\nOllie: oh oh... very strange! i have to be carefull may be there is some spy in my mobile! lol\nJane: dont' worry, we'll check on friday.\nOllie: don't forget to bring some sun with you\nJane: I can't wait to be in Morocco..\nOllie: enjoy and see you friday\nJane: sorry Ollie, i'm very busy, i won't have time for lunch tomorrow, but may be at 6pm after my courses?this trip to Morocco was so nice, but time consuming!\nOllie: ok for tea!\nJane: I'm on my way..\nOllie: tea is ready, did you bring the pastries?\nJane: I already ate them all... see you in a minute\nOllie: ok\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jane is in Warsaw. Ollie and Jane has a party. Jane lost her calendar. They will get a lunch this week on Friday. Ollie accidentally called Jane and talked about whisky. Jane cancels lunch. They'll meet for a tea at 6 pm."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nRobert: Hi mate! Are you still at your office? If you are how about grabbing some coffee? I'm meeting Darek at 5pm, but I will be around at 3pm already :)\nGabriel: Hi Robert! Sorry for late response, didn't see your message. Also I've quit the office about a month ago, sorry. How are you doing?\nRobert: I casually came to visit my old pals. Long story. I thought I could catch you somewhere, but maybe next time then ;). How are you doing? Where are you nowadays?\nGabriel: I'm OK. I'm at home, looking into what I'm doing next...Well I hope you will enjoy your meeting\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Robert texts Gabriel to arrange a get-together with him in the office at 3 pm, before he is meeting Darek. But Gabriel left the office a month ago and is at home now, so they will not meet today."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nAbigail: Why didn't you attend the part last night? :/\nEthan: I am currently in Los Angeles dat's why it was impossible for me\nAbigail: When did you leave for LA? :o You didnt even tell me\nEthan: Why did you wanted know about it ?\nAbigail: Well! you are my friend and I dont even know that you are outta town. Dont seems good\nEthan: Don't worry. I would be back after 3 or 2 days\nAbigail: Let me know when you reach back\nEthan: Sure. Will meet soon\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Ethan didn't come to the party last night because he is in Los Angeles. Abigail didn't know about it. Ethan will be back in a couple of days, the he will reach out to Abigail."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nGrace: The hand sanitizer by the restrooms is empty. Do we have a refill/\nMike: Yes, no problem. I'll get to it right away.\nGrace: Thx.\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Mike will refill the hand sanitizer on Grace's request."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nLuke: Ryanair to cancel flights affecting 400,000 more passengers. So unlucky Erin!\nErin: Yeeeep...it touched me as well finally \ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29 Now they screw all my plans to go to Egypt...\nLuke: You\u2019re not the only one\nErin: Good to know that my feelings are shared with other 399,999 people \ud83d\ude29\nNathan: Relevant news story for everyone to consider: http://waterfordwhispersnews.com/2017/09/18/ryanair-cancel-effort-to-improve-brand-image/\nElijah: I\u2019m lucky for now, none of my 2 flights have been cancelled \ud83d\ude4f\nErin: That\u2019s not a good moment to brag \ud83d\ude48\nAva: I think we were all unlucky with the ryanair fiasco...\nElijah: not me... yet\u2026 my 2 flights are confirmed for now\nLuke: I\u2019ve booked another flight with easyjet \ud83d\ude42\nAva: I hope they can at least send me a voucher \ud83d\ude11\nErin: They will... Have faith...\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Ryanair has canceled many flights. This affected Erin, Luke and Ava."} {"inputs": "Suzy: don't forget to follow me on Instagram :P\nLinda: do I need to? :P\nSuzy: come on, nice pictures ;)\nLinda: done\nSuzy: :)\nLinda: you're welcome ;)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Suzy urges Linda to follow her on Instagram and she obliges."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nEverett: Ralph asked me if i could give him your phone number, is that cool?\nAmy: who's ralph?\nEverett: my friend, i introduced him to you at the pub last week, tall, brown hair, weird laugh...\nAmy: oh i remember him now, is he a psycho?\nEverett: no\nAmy: ok, he can have my number\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Amy gives Everett permission to give her number to Ralph."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nElla: Hey my dear family, could i ask you to confrim that youre coming and if you have any dietary requirements through this link. I need this information for the catering company. HUgs \nBarbara: Done!!!\nEva: <3\nBarbara: I flled out for mom too\nElla: I saw that\nBarbara: (Y)\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Barbara and Eva described their dietary requirements in the website given by Ella."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nCarl: Where are u?\nCarl: I'm still waiting for u!!!\nMeg: I need 5 minutes more, I've lost my key somewhere :(\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Carl is waiting for Meg who's running late as she can't find her key."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMaggie: lucy\nMaggie: y u such a diva \ud83d\ude1d\nLucy: whats that about\nMaggie: johny wants to date you\nLucy: he just said that if i have time we can go to that gig together\nLucy: and i wanna go with my besties\nMaggie: you turn him down big time!\nLucy: if hes into me he'll try more\nMaggie: see?\nMaggie: diva\nLucy: u jealous or what\nMaggie: nvm\nMaggie: so youre going with us\nLucy: if you shut up about johny then yes\nMaggie: OK\nMaggie: jeeez\nLucy: you and girs come to my house and we pamper ourselves before\nMaggie: sure, is 6pm cool?\nLucy: yass, we need at least an hour\nLucy: gig starts at 8, plenty of time\nMaggie: catcha later\nLucy: ok bye\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Johny wants to go for a gig with Lucy. She prefers to go with Maggie and her best friends. They will meet at 6 PM at her house to prepare for the evening. The gig starts at 8 PM."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRichard: Hey we have to start \nRichard: doing our project real soon\nHoly: When is it due? \nRichard: 15 dec\nHoly: Omg \ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude31\nAnne: I completely forgot about it! \nAnne: You guys have time tomorrow? \nHoly: I am out of town! \nRichard: I do! \nRichard: Wanna meet up at Starbucks down 8th street? \nAnne: Sure\nAnne: After 3pm? Works out? \nRichard: Ya and We will start planning out stuff\nHoly: I will be back on Monday \nHoly: but I can do some research tonight\nHoly: And send them back to you\nRichard: Ok sure \ud83d\ude09 \nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Richard's, Holy's and Anne's project is due on December 15. Anne and Richard are meeting tomorrow at Starbucks down 8th street at 3pm. Holy's out of town, but she'll do some research tonight and send it to them."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMia: Could anybody help me to buy a flight ticket?\nRebecca: Sure, but what's the problem?\nMia: I don't have a credit card at the moment \nMia: I've always used Peter's card, but now you know... I'd prefer not to\nTom: you can use mine!\nMia: Should I send you the link?\nTom: Just send me the flight, company and your personal data that I may need\nMia: great, so nice of you, thanks!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Tom will help Mia buy a flight ticket as she doesn't have a credit card and doesn\u2019t want to use Peter's now. Tom needs the flight, company and your personal data."} {"inputs": "Shaldona: WE ARE GONNA GET MARRIED \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\nShaldona: \nShaldona: This is our mobile inviation for our wedding.\nShaldona: Invitation*\nPiper: Hey. You haven\u2019t sent me any messages for a few years.\nPiper: And now you are sending me your wedding invitation \nPiper: THROUGH MESSENGER?\nShaldona: .....\nShaldona: Well..\nShaldona: I had no enough time to meet everybody and give this in person.\nShaldona: Hope you understand.\nPiper: If you don't have time to give the invitation card in person but expect people go to your wedding\nPiper: Shaldona, if so, you are too greedy.\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Shaldona sends mobile invitations to her wedding, as she has no time to give them in person."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nOliver: Dude, how's the campaign going?\nBruce: It's more than ok, we've got around 200 backers right now\nOliver: Good! Have we reached 5000 dollars yet?\nBruce: Yes, we're a little over 6000... 6132 bucks.\nOliver: Crowdfunding is the way!\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Bruce informs Oliver that the campaign is more than successful. They have so far won about 200 backers and crowdfunded 6123 dollars."} {"inputs": "Conrad: I'm outside the house\nConrad: I forgot my keys...\nRebecca: \ud83d\udca9\nTiffany: I'll be home at 10-11\nRebecca: I'm coming back even later\nConrad: Oh no...\nConrad: I'll wait in the coffee shop\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Conrad can't enter the house because he forgot his keys. Since Rebecca and Tiffany are coming back late, he'll wait in the coffee shop."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJones: Hey.\nAngelina: Hey.\nAngelina: Long time. How are you doing?\nJones: I'm fine\nJones: You?\nAngelina: I'm cool too.\nJones: You think we can meet today later in the afternoon in town?\nAngelina: Definitely.\nJones: Okay. I will call you to confirm where we will meet.\nAngelina: Cool\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jones and Angelina will meet in town in the afternoon."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJoanna: They are sending emails about Lewandowska.\nMerve: What happened?\nJoanna: \nMerve: Wooow!\nJoanna: She is hospitalized because she has measles.\nMerve: She had what?\nJoanna: Anyone who had contact with her within the last couple of days must get vaccinated.\nMerve: Luckily I didn't see her since the last semester...\nJoanna: I did, she is my thesis mentor :(\nMerve: What will you do?\nJoanna: They are organizing vaccinations in the main building from 17th until 19th.\nMerve: You have to go!\nJoanna: I know... And I just started working so I really don't have a lot of time.\nMerve: Come on, this is really important.\nJoanna: I will try to do it before work on 18th, hopefully I won't lose the entire day...\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Lewandowska has measles. There are vaccinations in the main building from 17th until 19th for everyone who had contact with her."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Rachel sends a list of Top 50 films of 2018. Janice watched almost half of them, Deadpool 2 and Avengers included.\".", "targets": "Rachel: \nRachel: Top 50 Best Films of 2018\nRachel: :)\nJanice: Omg, I've watched almost all 50... xDD\nSpencer: Hahah, Deadpool 2 also??\nJanice: Yep\nSpencer: Really??\nJanice: My bf forced me to watch it xD\nRachel: Hahah\nJanice: It wasn't that bad\nJanice: I thought it'd be worse\nRachel: And Avengers? :D\nJanice: 2 times\nRachel: Omg\nJanice: xP\nRachel: You are the best gf in the world\nRachel: Your bf should appreciate that ;-)\nJanice: He does\nJanice: x)"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nWayne: hi kiddo, got home alright?\nTommy: sure\nWayne: did mum pick you up from the station?\nTommy: no, she texted me I should take a bus\nWayne: :(\nTommy: it's alright! she's at school already\nWayne: forgot\nTommy: thanks for the weekend dad. I liked it.\nWayne: what most?\nTommy: angling\nWayne: right. We'll do it again. Promised.\nTommy: cool\nTommy: will you send me the pics pls?\nWayne: on their way\nWayne: \nTommy: thanks dad!\nWayne: talk to you later kiddo.In the evening?\nTommy: yeah\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Tommy took a bus. He enjoyed the weekend with Wayne. They will talk in the evening."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Pete will be home for lunch in about 20 minutes.\".", "targets": "Ann: Are you coming home for lunch?\nPete: Yes be right there\nAnn: Okay\nPete: 20 min or so"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Nathan: i want to buy myself a bike in spring\nAubrey: that's great but where are you gonna keep it? Your apartment is so small\nNathan: i was thinking of hanging it on the wall, there are some special hooks\nAubrey: you can always keep it in the hallway\nNathan: i don't want to, people who do that annoy me, it's hard to walk around with all these bikes striped to the handrails\nAubrey: i agree... didn't think about that\nNathan: yeah, well I also got a stationary bike so I can be in shape during winter :D\nAubrey: really? I am so proud of you!!\nNathan: ye, I do like 25 kilometers everyday\nAubrey: that's a lot!\nNathan: my goal for the summer is 100 kilometers\nAubrey: fingers crossed!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Emily and Julie wish Merry Christmas to each other.\".", "targets": "Julie: \nEmily: <3 Julie Love, i'm sending tons of kisses :* :* :* \ud83c\udf84\ud83c\udf84\ud83c\udf84\nJulie: Merry Christmas and a lovely mood throughout the whole year, darling\nEmily: Thank you, for you too <3\nJulie: Thanks :*"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Michael is returning from trip to Argentina, Brazil and Chile. He will be in Boston next weekend. Michael doesn't like his job, he thinks of quitting it and leaving London. Kai's been very busy recently. She has a conference on 8th of December.\".", "targets": "Michael: hey, how are you\nKai: hey! I am fine, just working too much. what about you? you travel so much!\nMichael: haha yes. At airport on my way back. looong trip\nKai: where have you been now?\nMichael: argentina brazil and chile\nKai: wow! how long?\nMichael: 2 weeks, lots of flights to make it work. I'm in Boston next weekend!\nKai: really??! how come?\nMichael: just because I found a cheap ticket \ud83d\ude0b\nKai: nice:) but it's cold\nMichael: hmm well.. I can deal with the cold now\nKai: are you not tired of all this travelling?\nMichael: hmm, a little bit but not really. I\u2019m more scared to stay in London and do nothing, because I\u2019m so bored of it\nKai: I see, a man full of energy :)\nMichael: well sort of, for fun stuff, but tired of work. \nKai: yes, I remember quite well \ud83d\ude0b\nMichael: Hahah. Thinking of resigning earlier than I was planning\nKai: and then?\nMichael: I don\u2019t have an answer to that one yet, and it\u2019s not really a solution because I\u2019d need to work 2 months notice period anyway, but I\u2019ve just lost motivation after 3 years\nKai: Would you like to leave London?\nMichael: yes asap\nKai: for the Netherlands?\nMichael: maybe to recharge and look for jobs abroad, but I don't want to stay there. I know it\u2019s not smart to quit without an alternative\nKai: depends on the field. I don't know yours and your experience. But it can be a bit stressful also\nMichael: true, in my field it wouldn\u2019t be good. Anyway I need to speak to my manager and discuss because I\u2019m not happy in my job now. How\u2019s everything on your side? too much work?\nKai: yes, I basically never rest these days\nMichael: that\u2019s not good, you need rest to avoid a burnout, which I had just before I went on holiday\nKai: Probably, I have a conference 8th of Dec, then I'll rest a bit, I hope."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nRonald: How's your weekend?\nJulia: Fine I guess...\nRonald: Doesn't sound like you're enjoying it\nJulia: Ehh. My parents are having a fight over where should we eat\nJulia: And honestly I don't event want to eat with them anymore\nRonald: I'm sorry\nJulia: Yup. Me too.\nRonald: Call me when you get back.\nRonald: I've got something to tell you, and I'm sure you're gonna piss rainbows\nJulia: Hahaha. I can see the giraffe from Skittles comercial :D\nRonald: Sth like that\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Julia will call Ronald when she gets back. He has something to tell her."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRalph: Have you prepared a speech for Ulrich's wedding?\nSergio: Yes, it took me a long time\nRalph: What are you going to mention?\nSergio: I'll mostly just talk about how he's been a great friend over the years.\nRalph: Yeah, he is a great guy. He deserves this.\nSergio: I'm a bit nervous about it though--giving a speech.\nRalph: You'll be fine. He'll know you put a lot of thought into it.\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Sergio needed a long time to prepare a speech for Ulrich's wedding. He's going to talk about their long-lasting friendship and is nervous about giving a speech. Ralph is sure it will be fine."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Uncle Sam was in hospital, but it was nothing serious. He and Lucy are like second parents to Chiara and Yvonne. Chiara and Yvonne were in Chicago 2 weeks ago at their cousin's wedding. Yvonne is dating an Argentinian.\".", "targets": "Yvonne: How's uncle Sam?\nLucy: He's OK, just came back from work.\nChiara: We were worried about him. Dad told us he was in hospital.\nLucy: It's nothing serious, don't worry! How kind of you to write to us!\nYvonne: Auntie, you're like our second parents!\nLucy: <3\nChiara: \nChiara: It's us in Chicago 2 weeks ago.\nLucy: Wow, you looked stunning! \nYvonne: Thanks, it was at our cousins wedding.\nLucy: And how are you girls? Any nice boys in sight?\nChiara: Yvonne is dating a hot Argentinian!\nYvonne: Chiara, stop it!\nLucy: Oh, come on! Tell me the details!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMolly: listen I've got a free ticket to the Muse concert in Cracow, want to come with me?\nHannah: nah, I don't like them\nMolly: what about you Anna\nAnna: yassss please\nAnna: let's go! <3\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Molly and Anna will go to the Muse concert in Cracow."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRussel: \nRussel: look at this\nRussel: It's a perfect present fo mum :D\nDiana: haha, so true! It's not that expensive either!\nDiana: are we buying it?\nRussel: yeah, let's do it :D\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Diana and Russel are buying a present for mum."} {"inputs": "Mr. Williams: Ms. Blair, would you like to go for a coffee?\nMs. Blair: I thought you'd never ask.\nMr. Williams: That's outstanding. Do you have a favourite coffee place?\nMs. Blair: I actually do. It's near the square in a side alley.\nMr. Williams: I think I know which one. Let's say 2 p.m.?\nMs. Blair: Sounds great. See you there :)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Mr. Williams invites Ms. Blair for a coffee. They will go to her favourite coffee place near the square in a side alley at 2 p.m."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Bella wants to talk with Clara and she will come to her place after 7:30.\".", "targets": "Bella: Will you be home tonight?\nClara: Wanna pop in?\nBella: I'd love to. But first have to see how dad's doing. \nClara: I won't be back before 7 though. Am at the gym.\nBella: No pro. Is 7:30 ok then?\nClara: Why don't we go and have a drink? It's Friday evening after all. Eh?\nBella: In actual fact I want to have a talk with you. I sort of need your advice.\nClara: Something happened?!\nBella: Not yet. I mean it's nothing dramatic. Just need to talk to you.\nClara: What about?\nBella: Myself I would say.\nClara: I've guessed so much! Very well. Come anytime after 7:30 and I'll fix us a snack. Beer? Wine?\nBella: Oh dear... I'd appreciate a snack but let me bring the wine.\nClara: OK CU.\nClara: But you'll have to park somewhere along the road as my drive's taken by my camper at the moment.\nBella: No pro."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLee: I'm scared and confused. The digital wizard client manager who normally wears only hoodies, just put on a proper dress shirt and a suit jacket.\nLee: The Russians are coming!\nAndy: Maybe he has a date after work?\nAndy: Possibly with a Russian soldier ;)\nLee: If I'm not mistaken, he has some sort of a client related presentation.\nLee: But it's still weird.\nLee: I've been here for almost 5 months and this is the first time I see something like this. :D\nAndy: Take pictures and make fun of him in a couple of weeks :P\nLee: I should.\nLee: Quick picture and post to FB.\nAndy: The corporate one!\nLee: Yeah!\nLee: But on a more interesting topic, I went and pre-purchased RoS CE in a temporal break of my brains.\nAndy: Digital or the \"real\" one?\nLee: Digital.\nAndy: Did it unlock any features already?\nLee: Pet for WoW, some decals for SC2.\nLee: Pre-ordering opened up a hero in a game not yet released. :D\nAndy: So basically you got some goodies that you would get anyway by buying it closer to launch date? :P\nLee: Yeah, preorder...\nLee: Wait, wait! Wings! Wings and a Demon Hunter for Heroes of the Storm.\nLee: Although wings not applied yet and I prefer the look of the wings from the original CE.\nLee: \nAndy: \"or anyone who redeems a Reaper of Souls retail game key on or before March 31\" - so basically what I said :P\nLee: Well yeah but I just took a quick bullet when I still had some money on my account.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "The client manager suited up. He has a presentation for a client. Lee pre-ordered the digital RoS CE and got extra in-game content: Wings and a Demon Hunter for Heroes of the Storm."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nTobias: What do you say, we grab a beer after work or something?\nTrevor: You read my mind :P\nTobias: 9 at my place?\nTrevor: sounds like a plan\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Trevor will meet Tobias at his place at 9 pm."} {"inputs": "Linda: hey have we decided on a lunch place yet?\nRonnie: thought we were going for sushi\nLinda: Karen said she hates raw fish or something\nKaren: nah I'm ok with sushi, just thought we would go for smth cheaper this time ;p \nKaren: hard times are a-coming xd\nRonnie: been craving sushi all week long :( but i sooo get, K, maybe we should dial it down with the fancy places\nLinda: hey there is this pasta joint right next to our apartement\nLinda: you get it in like takeout boxes. we could take these out to the park\nRonnie: so down with that!\nKaren: same here! let's wait for Amanda tho\nLinda: @Amanda are you ok with pasta for lunch?\nRonnie: let's hope she checks her fb this time haha\nAmanda: hey guys, yes! whatever works for me :)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Karen wants something cheaper than sushi for lunch. Linda, Ronnie and Karen will get takeout pasta boxes to the park."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMillie: Heeey I\u2019m sick I won\u2019t come today\nSal: I\u2019m sorry! Get better soon :*\nMillie: <3\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Millie is sick, so she won't come today."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nGreg asks Nina to accomodate him for two days while he's on a business trip..", "targets": "Greg: Hi there, I'm coming for a business trip soon and would stay for two nights longer in BG\nGreg: Could I stay at your place?\nNina: Sure\nNina: How could you possibly ask that at all\nNina: Happy to see you soon\nGreg: :-D\nGreg: Super cool, see you soon! Kiss\nGreg: I'm happy too\nNina: How do you come? Shall we pick you up from somewhere?\nGreg: No Dear. I'll be going directly to work, they are picking me up; two days at work and then back to a city \nGreg: Don't prepare anything, please!\nNina: Ok, we are in touch \nGreg: <3"} {"inputs": "Helen: Hey, Simo, are you there?\nSimon: Yep babe, what's up?\nHelen: I was calling you before...\nSimon: Sorry I was on the phone, I didn't hear you... Tell me.\nHelen: It's a bit embarrassing... The toilet paper is finished, could you fetch me some tissues, please?\nSimon: Hahaha sure, no worries!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Simon was on the phone before so he didn't hear Helen calling. Simon will fetch Helen some tissues as they're out of toilet paper."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLydia: \nCamila: Say whaaaaat?\nLydia: Would you believe it?\nCamila: But how?\nLydia: I added him on Facebook. He accepted my invitation. I viewed his profile aaaand... \"engaged\"!\nCamila: What a bastard... But I don't get it... He knew you would see it.\nLydia: I don't know... Maybe it's a sort of open relationship?\nCamila: Does he still write to you?\nLydia: Yes, but I'm trying to ignore him.\nCamila: Gosh... If this girl knew...\nLydia: Yeah... I'm embarrassed now.\nCamila: You shoulnd't, you didn't know. It's not your fault. And nothing happened. You two just texted.\nLydia: But how... It was so dirty.\nCamila: C'mon, how would you know. I can't believe he is still texting you, now... When you know everything...\nLydia: That's weird, I know. Do you think I should talk to him?\nCamila: I wouldn't pull any punches.\nLydia: But we work in the same company. I don't want it to be awkward.\nCamila: You're kidding? You should talk to him. It's not fair what he's doing and it cannot be like that anymore! Think about this girl!\nLydia: Yeah, you're right. This scumbug will regret that he met me.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Lydia has exchanged sexual messages with him. Lydia does not feel like pursuing the affair because he is engaged. Lydia will have a word with him because what he is doing is unfair."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nFrank tries to encourage Andy to learn for the tomorrow's quiz..", "targets": "Frank: wat are u doing??\nAndy: watching Arrow B)\nFrank: dont u have a quiz tomorrow :/\nAndy: yeah, so? :3\nFrank: so go study for it \nAndy: its a small quiz\nFrank: so it doesnot matter??\nAndy: it does, but ..\nFrank: but??\nAndy: i'll study for it tomorrow\nFrank: yea like ur gonna wake up on time for that -_-\nAndy: dude your not my dad\nFrank: -_-"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMolly: D\u2011':\nLuca: What???\nMolly: I can't think anymore today!\nLuca: LOL!\nMolly: Seriously!\nLuca: Deep breath...\nMolly: It's the silly season, isn't it?\nLuca: Yep. Just hang in there.\nMolly: Trying...\nLuca: Try harder! LOL!\nMolly: Driving me nuts!\nLuca: I know, but you can't let it get you down!\nMolly: Yeah, you're right.\nLuca: Of course I am! LOL!\nMolly: Modest, too.\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Luca wants Molly to try harder."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nIan: Did you hear?\nKate: What happened?\nIan: Mike had an accident on his motorcycle.\nIan: He broke his leg\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Mike's had an accident on his motorcycle and he's broken his leg."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Meg: still at school?\nAnn: i have extra math classes\nMeg: so when can i meet you?\nAnn: i will be home at 7"} {"inputs": "Precious: Can you send the content for the November email blast, please?\nRhonda: Sure, right away. It's on the Dropbox, though...\nPrecious: Oh! I see it, never mind. Sorry!\nRhonda: NP\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "The content for November email blast is on the Dropbox, no need to send it."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAllison: You talked to Ethan about the function? \nEvan: Yeah I did\nAllison: What did he say?\nEvan: He might not come\nAllison: Can you do something about that?\nEvan: I will try to make him come\nAllison: K\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Evan will try to make Ethan come."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nEmily: shit, I'm waiting to see my doctor and you won't believe who's waiting with me\nEmily: \nAdam: who then?\nEmily: a nun and a blind crazy man\nEmily: it feels spooky\nAdam: haha XD\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Emily is at a doctor's office. There is a nun and a blind crazy man waiting as well."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCharlie: How are you doing.\nDaisy: Good, seeing a lot of beautiful places\nCharlie: Where are you now?\nDaisy: in Naples \nCharlie: Pity, I hoped you may be still in Sicily.\nDaisy: No, we took a ferry early in the morning yesterday.\nCharlie: I am still thinking about the evening we spent together.\nDaisy: Yes, it was nice.\nCharlie: I would like to meet you again.\nDaisy: But where?\nCharlie: Either in the US or here.\nDaisy: But we're heading North now. Rome, Florence, Venice.\nCharlie: And you're flying to NY?\nDaisy: No, directly to San Fransisco.\nCharlie: Too bad.\nDaisy: I know.\nCharlie: I think I will take a train to Florence.\nDaisy: wow, are you sure?\nCharlie: More than sure. When are you going to be there?\nDaisy: 1-5 of September.\nCharlie: Perfect. I want to see this amazing city with you.\nDaisy: I am looking forward to it!\nCharlie: Me too!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Daisy is in Naples. Charlie recalls their meeting and wants to see her again. He will come to Florence to see Daisy between 1-5 September."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nInga: Hello Ditty! So you are back. Saw the lights last night.\nDitty: Hello Ditty, yes, I came back last night. How are you?\nInga: Didn't want to wake you up this morning. But I've got some mail for you.\nInga: Thanks. We are fine. Just surviving this terrible winter. And you?\nDitty: What mail? Andy was emptying my letter box.\nDitty: Thanks for not waking me up! Still jet-lagged.\nInga: I collected a parcel for you. Just before Xmas.\nDitty: Santa had found me!\nDitty: When are you back from work today?\nDitty: Or is Hans at home in the afternoon?\nDitty: Stupid me. It can wait.\nInga: Am back around 6 pm. As usual.\nInga: Hans is away.\nDitty: OK I'll be home. Just knock and I come over to collect it.\nInga: Fine.\nDitty: Thank you, Inga!\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Ditty came back last night. Inga has a parcel for Ditty. Inga will be back from work today at 6 p.m. and Ditty will come to collect the parcel."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Lisa: I have to clean the house.\nBob: Yes, it's very dirty.\nLisa: You can help me.\nBob: Why me?\nLisa: Because you helped make it dirty.\nBob: What do you want me to do?\nLisa: I want you to clean the bathroom.\nBob: Oh, that's easy.\nLisa: Clean the sink, the tub, the counter, and the toilet.\nBob: That's a lot of work.\nLisa: Tell me when you finish.\nBob: I don't think so. You'll just give me more work."} {"inputs": "Bella: It's valentine's day!\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\nAria: For somebody without bf today is kinda miserable day.....\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22\nBella: There are a lot of vendors selling roses on the street here.\nBella: \nAria: \nBella: hahahahahahaha!! That looks SO SAD! :'\u2011(:'\u2011(:'\u2011(\nAria: I feel like the weather is colder than it really is. How's the weather there?\nBella: Here? it's 3 degree today. Wow! Even coffee shops are all decorated with all the heart-shaped balloons.\nBella: \nAria: Here everywhere just chocolate. :\u2011/ :\u2011/Of course it isn't related to me at all. :\u2011/:\u2011/\nBella: Only shops seems to get money.\nAria: What's your plan?\nBella: Maybe I will order some pizza home. (Sounds not that fun. right?) When will you come to Warsaw?\nAria: As soon as I quit, I will fly to you.\ud83d\ude11\ud83d\ude11 For now what I only hope is to leave work at 6. :\u2011|:\u2011|:\u2011|:\u2011|\nBella: This year I will probably go to Korea to get regular checkup. \nAria: Good. Take care there.\nBella: Make bf asap and visit us together.\ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d You too!\nAria: I gotta go. Ttyl\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "It's Valentine's day. Bella plans to order some pizza home. Aria will come to Warsaw as soon as she quits. This year Bella will probably go to Korea to get regular checkup."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nCaroline: \"I am this close to tugging on my testicles again\"\nMegan: Friends, right?\nCaroline: Bravo! Who said it?\nMegan: Ross or Chandler... Ross!\nCaroline: \n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Caroline and Megan play a guessing game - they need to guess which film a quote comes from."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJen: I think I'm through with the dickhead. He's being a pain again. I'm going to tell him to move out.\nJane: Did he at least give you back the money he owes you?\nJen: No. He's freeloading and said he has no intention of giving back my money because I don't deserve it with the way I act.\nJane: He has a nerve doesn't he? How dare he?!!!\nJen: I've learnt to hate him with a passion. He's like vermin that you can't cull.\nJen: Abusive, nasty, annoying, irresponsible. He disgusts me.\nJane: Get rid of him! I told you right from the beginning that he's no good.\nJen: Yeah you were absolutely right.. as always.\nJane: I hate to say it but I can smell a fucktard a mile away.\nJen: I seem to pick them, don't I?\nJen: Sometimes I think it is my fault. If only I could be a better person, if only, if only....\nJane: You know that way of thinking will get you nowhere fast. It's self defeating. That's what the abusers want you think that you're bad and you deserve every bit of abuse that they dish out.\nJen: What if he doesn't leave? I'm afraid of asking him to leave 'cause it will only cause another fight.\nJane: You can't spend your whole life walking on eggshells.\nJen: Yeah, you're right... but how do I get out of this mess?\nJane: I think you've got to cut your losses and just move on.\nJen: Easier said than done.\nJane: I know. You've gotta do it Hon. If you don't things will only get worse. Think of how much worse they've already got since you met him.\nJen: Yeah you're right. Sometimes I just don't have the strength. \nJane: I believe in you. Please do it! Remember I'm always there for you.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Jen is about to break up with her boyfriend. Jane knew from the beginning that they were not a good match. Jane is going to support Jen."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nLouis doesn't know what he should give Lilly and Stephen as their wedding gift. Sara advises him to check if they have a gift list..", "targets": "Louis: hey mum\nLouis: mum?\nSara: yep, what's going on?\nSara: I'm on a pretty boring meeting right now :P\nLouis: I was wondering what I could buy Lilly and Stephen\nLouis: I mean for the wedding\nLouis: I don't have any idea :(\nSara: Don't they have a list somewhere?\nSara: so that everyone can check what they actually need?"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nLucy: Have you thrown the garbage out?\nLevy: I thought you were supposed to do that as per parents order\nLucy: i guess I will have to now\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Levy hasn't taken the trash out because parents didn't ask him. Lucy will do it."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Alexa: I want to confess something\nHunter: What is it?\nAlexa: I asked Ethan to Insult you :(\nHunter: But why did you do that?\nAlexa: I was too jealous to see you with Ethan that day, dats why :(\nHunter: But you could just ask me not to do something if you dont want me to?\nAlexa: We would talk about it tomorrow"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Miley is tired and doesn't want to work tomorrow.\".", "targets": "Miley: don't want to go to work tomorrow!\nMiley: wanna sleep!!!\nMiley: need some rest :(\nAaron: know what u feelin\nAaron: really want some holiday already\nMiley: :(\nAaron: fighting girl!"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJanet: I am ashamed. Who voted for this pussy? It's your fault.\nAlison: Remember the Wizard of Oz? He might have melted.\nNicole: He\u2019s a sissy boy.\nCheryl: RAIN omfg thats so shameful and disrespectful \ud83d\ude21\nBuff: Pussy in Chief.\nLinda: Trump is selfish and inconsiderate.\nJanet: What an embarrassment to our nation and the world!!!\nRoz: Where is Elsie? I miss you vomit \ud83d\ude0a\nCheryl: WTF EVER trumpola didnt want to mess up his pity full comb over.....\nJanet: Trump = snowflake\nLinda: Baby. He\u2019s a spoiled brat baby. Nothing about Donald Trump to be proud of or want to defend.\nArlene: HIs hair and makeup would have been ruined!\nRoz: Exactly \ud83d\ude0a\nLeslie: Which adviser, who he doesn't listen to anyway, thought missing this ceremony was a good idea? Shameful!\nEric: What a pussy. We should grab him and kick him to the curb.\nSue: All the other leaders managed to make it, so there is no excuse, for me.\nRoz: It's all about the hair.\nSue: afraid the colour of his orange hair would run????\nLinda: Never heard of an umbrella :)\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Janet, Nicole, Alison, Arlene, Leslie, Ros, Eric and Sue are all complaining about Donald Trump and his absence at the ceremony."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nSandy will go for a run. She will meet Joy after 11am. Lina and Joy don't think the dresses are appropriate. Joy will wait for Sandy..", "targets": "Joy: it's seem nice, are you interested for friday evening?\nJoy: \nSandy: great! still ok for 11am?\nJoy: yes\nSandy: will you be ready at 11am? I'm going for a run, i'll be a bit tired\nJoy: no it's fine for me. but it's for you\nSandy: no problem. May be i'll be late. I have to take my shower afer.\nJoy: take your time\nSandy: what did she say about dresses?\nJoy: Lina? She found them very nice but...\nSandy: but she thinks like me: too much cleavage..\nJoy: yes! \nSandy: sorry for your husband!\nJoy: he's not jealous\nSandy: so don't do anything. You'll show me \nJoy: ok i wait for you."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSarah: Are you going back home for Passover?\nLia: Not sure yet, you?\nSarah: I'll be going.\nLia: I don't know. My family wants me to come but the tickets are so expensive and I have so much work. \nSarah: I know. Same here. I bought my tickets yesterday.\nLia: How much did you pay?\nSarah: 500 quid.\nLia: It's expensive.\nSarah: What to do...\nLia: I'll see maybe my family can help me out. It would be lovely to spend holidays with them.\nSarah: This year we are going to the desert. The whole family will sleep in a huge tent.\nLia: That's great. Last year we went to Negev.\nSarah: Really? That's where we are going this year.\nLia: It is absolutely amazing. You will love it!\nSarah: :D\nLia: I wish I could go too...\nSarah: Passover is definitely my favourite holiday.\nLia: Mine too. I'll talk to my mum later. We'll see. When are you flying?\nSarah: On the 28th.\nLia: Great. \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Sarah paid 500 quid to go back home for Passover. Sarah is going to the desert with the whole family. Lia went to Negev last year. Passover is both Lia and Sarah's favorite holiday. Lia will talk to her mum about the tickets. Sarah is flying on the 28th."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDoug: These shoes are SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nJeni: Jealous!\nDoug: You should be! I be fly!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Doug has a cool pair of shoes."} {"inputs": "Aldo: Hi, did you get my email?\nMarco: Yes I did, thank you\nAldo: I hope you like my article\nAldo: It took me weeks to finish it\nMarco: Ok, I'll print it and read it right now\nAldo: Thanks\nMarco: How many pages is it?\nMarco: Ok, got it, it's 12\nAldo: Yep, 12\nMarco: Ok\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Marco will read Aldo's 12 page article that he spent 2 weeks writing."} {"inputs": "Phil: can you go out today?\nPhoebe: no\nPhoebe: my mum is still angry\nPhil: why?\nPhoebe: i used her perfume\nPhil: so what?\nPhoebe: i used it and broke it\nPhil: really?\nPhil: xd lol\nPhoebe: not funny\nPhoebe: it was very expensive\nPhoebe: besides, our whole house stinks\nPhil: so it was not so beautiful perfume?\nPhoebe: it was, but not 100 ml for 80 square meters\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Phoebe cannot go out today because she broke a bottle of her mother's expensive perfume. Phoebe's mother is angry. The smell of the perfume in the apartment is too intense now."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Ost: I bought a garage place in the garage.\nVesna: Cool.\nOst: I got it cheap. It's my intention to rent it out and do the restitution of my money.\nVesna: Well doneeeee!.\nOst: There is a big crowd in parking, so the prices for finding garage places are favorable, in this area.\nVesna: Really!.\nOst: Return on investment is much higher than if I give money under term savings in the Bank.\nVesna: You make sense for money.\nOst: The interest rates are very small, almost close to zero, \"only they do not ask you to pay them, for holding money in the Bank\".\nVesna: O yes.\nOst: Prices of garage places, in Belgrade, will only grow.\nVesna: Really!.\nOst: Yes, there are more and more vehicles in the city center, as the number of vehicles per family is growing. It used to be about one vehicle per family, and now it's approaching an average of two vehicles.\nVesna: Yes..\nOst: And there will not be new parking space."} {"inputs": "Marek: bro, check this out\nMarek: \nAdam: whoa, that's some fine piece of ass\nAdam: where did you find it? \nMarek: that's the best part\nMarek: I didn't find it\nMarek: I made it in she shopping mall, on the escalator!\nAdam: ? what?\nMarek: pretty cool, isn't it\nAdam: dude, that's creppy\nAdam: one thing is to send me pic of nice ass, it's always appreciated\nAdam: but another is to walk around and take pictures on your own\nAdam: like some creep\nAdam: think about it, she might have been someone's sister or daughter\nMarek: dude\nMarek: this is some guy's ass\nMarek: I'm a gay, remember?\nAdam: shit\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Marek sent Adam a photo of man's bottom. Marek made this photo in the shopping mall, on the escalator."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Eric doesn't know if his parents let him go to Ivan's brother's wedding. Ivan will talk to them.\".", "targets": "Ivan: hey eric\nEric: yeah man\nIvan: so youre coming to the wedding\nEric: your brother's\nIvan: yea\nEric: i dont know mannn\nIvan: YOU DONT KNOW??\nEric: i just have a lot to do at home, plus i dont know if my parents would let me\nIvan: ill take care of your parents\nEric: youre telling me you have the guts to talk to them XD\nIvan: thats my problem\nEric: okay man, if you say so\nIvan: yea just be there \nEric: alright"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDan: look, i'm sorry\nDan: please text back\nDan: I'll explain everything if you agree to meet up\nAngela: there's nothing to explain\nDan: please Angela, hear me out first\nAngela: should i trust you\nDan: let me show you why you should.\nAngela: Okay, meet me at school later\nDan: Okay\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Dan wants to apologize to Angela. They will meet at school later."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nAnn: What should I prepare 4 my dad's birthday?\nFiona: How old is he?\nAnn: turning 50\nFiona: wow, a round birthay, it must be sth big\nAnn: I know, but I don't have any idea\nFiona: surprise party?\nAnn: My dad hates dose\nFiona: ok, so what does he like?\nAnn: I don't know, he watch a lot of military movie\nFiona: well, a movie ticket is probably not what you thought of\nAnn: not even close\nFiona: Maybe some event. U know like bungee jumping or parachute jump\nAnn: that would be nice but he's afraid of heights\nFiona: damn, maybe sth you can do together\nAnn: well I was plannig dinner with the whole family, but that's not enough\nFiona: yes, there should be sth special also\nAnn: I know, but I'm out of \nFiona: Let me think. Nothing with heights but maybe sth on the ground? Racing? Horse riding?\nAnn: ok, it's a good direction. Maybe some team play, we could go with the whole family\nFiona: u said he likes military... maybe paintball? \nAnn: I don't know how my mum will react but I like it :D\nFiona: I guess she's not into military\nAnn: not really, no. But it's dad's birthday so she has to accept it. Thx for the help\nFiona: no problem\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Ann doesn't know what she should give to her dad as a birthday gift. He's turning 50. Fiona tries to help her and suggests a paintball match."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nMadeline is in conflict with Martin and Jada. Alex and Madeline will go for a beer tomorrow. Madeline will explain her issues with Martin and Jada to Alex..", "targets": "Madeline: I'm really not happy with Martin\u2019s requests, and Jada's way of dealing with his problems. But it's her responsibility. I probably shouldn't care, should I?\nAlex: What happened?\nMadeline: We had a little argument today, didn't you hear?\nAlex: No, I think I was away or oblivious.\nMadeline: Oh, ok. That's probably better \ud83d\ude02\nAlex: Tomorrow u need to tell me what happened lol\nMadeline: Are we going for a beer after?\nAlex: Sure!\nMadeline: Good, have a good night. See you tomorrow. More than 8 hours. Excited?\nAlex: I can\u2019t contain myself\u2026"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJack: OMG STANLEY IS DEAD\nOliver: Wtf?\nStanley: I'm alive and well, dude\nJack: I meant Stan Lee, damn autocorrect\nStanley: I guessed that XD Yep, everybody's posting about it right now :(\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Stan Lee is dead."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Ronnie uses three different bins for waste. He doesn't use straws, neither plastic bags. Clint and Ronnie agree that environment protection depends on the government. \".", "targets": "Clint: I'm curious. How's the waste management working out over there?\nRonnie: It actually works very well. We use three different bins: compost, recycle and trash. Compost anything organic from yard waste to food scraps. Recycle for paper, bottles, cardboard, plastic, metals. And trash everything else. Why do you ask?\nClint: Sheer curiosity. What about general awareness? Plastic bags, etc.?\nRonnie: Very high. No more single use plastic bags in grocery stores. No more straws in restaurants.\nClint: Yeah, I read yours was one of the cities that banned them. I wonder when that will get here.\nRonnie: Never...\nClint:: What do you mean?\nRonnie: I highly doubt that type of environmental awareness will happen there. People there live in a different world when it comes to that.\nClint: People don't have to have any awareness, tbh. It's above them. If there were such decisions made they would follow\nRonnie: That is true. But at the state government level I don't think there is that awareness either. But hopefully I am proven wrong!\nClint: Really bizarre. I noticed it's struggling here. On the other hand, it's money.\nRonnie: Money in the sense of?\nClint: Reducing waste=lower utilization costs. Do they sort through everything further down?\nRonnie: Yes here they do. \nClint: It seems to be the same way here. Dry recyclables, food and general, compost"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDan: buy me a sandwich on your way to work.\nKevin: ok, no problem!\nDan: thanks!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Dan wants Kevin to buy him a sandwich on his way to work."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Julia will be waiting for Bert with the dinner. Bert is coming home around 8.\".", "targets": "Julia: Hey, what time are you getting home?\nBert: 8-ish. Why?\nJulia: I was wondering if we should wait for you with the dinner?\nBert: Yeah, that would be nice of you. I'll try to get there on time\nJulia: Ok. Call me if you're running late\nBert: I will. xx"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Chris: I tried jogging today!\nMatt: and the key word is \"tried\"?\nMatt: not to mention that you have the weirdest habit to stat the conversation 5 minutes before my work ends :P\nMatt: good (or bad) thing is that I need to stay a bit longer today ;)\nChris: Sorry :P\nChris: I have no other friends ;)\nMatt: it's not a problem for me, you're the one getting a short conversation ;)\nChris: Anyway, I was certain that I'd just collapse after 50m or so but I did quite well :)\nMatt: I would collapse :P\nMatt: I'm taking pills that slows my heart rate and that doesn't bode well with any kind of physical effort :P\nMatt: my heart doesn't know what to do then :P\nChris: Medication is a different thing.\nChris: I just don't understand how I can run better when I eat 1/3 of what I should...\nMatt: power of mind ;)\nMatt: and it's your first try in a while\nMatt: your body doesn't know what to expect :P\nChris: I need to analyse my performance\nChris: Maybe I can get even better than that!\nMatt: back in the days when I was still playing football my first performance after a long break was always spectacular\nMatt: I always felt like a physical god\nMatt: but the next ones were just horrible and I felt like I was dying :P\nChris: Oh, you killjoy :D\nChris: You're basically saying that I'll crash during my next jog :D\nMatt: that's what I'm here for\nMatt: a reality check :P\nMatt: anyway, done with my work for today, finally can head home!\nMatt: cya later\nChris: cya!"} {"inputs": "Matthew: I have a cold. Need y'all support. It's painful\nLisa: Fight it. Drink orange juice. Make some soup\nMatthew: I'll try\nLisa: I believe in u \nMatthew: Thank u. Apparently it's an allergy mixed up with virus\nLisa: Ahh it sucks. \nLisa: Take a rest from evrthg. \nMatthew: Ikr. Hitting the hay now\nLisa: Good night 'Thew! \n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Matthew has a cold. He will drink some orange juice and go to sleep."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCarol: I got some more fruit from my garden you want some?\nJacob: Yess! always? but aren't you gonna eat it?\nCarol: I have so much I don't know what to do with it\nJacob: make some preserves with it\nCarol: ugh so don't have the time for that\nJacob: oh come on\nCarol: really? thats your argument?\nJacob: well... come on\nCarol: same argument ass\nJacob: you aren't one of those super busy people\nCarol: ?\nJacob: you know... a person that does everything, goes to every new place\nCarol: does everything? what hte hell are you on?\nJacob: fine nevermind, when can I come?\nCarol: You can pick up the fruits Wednesday at 6pm\nJacob: ok\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Carol will collect the excess fruit on Wednesday at 6 pm."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nSimon will talk to Adrian in 5 minutes..", "targets": "Adrian: Can you talk?\nSimon: Not really, anything important?\nAdrian: Not that much.\nSimon: I'll be free at 5\nAdrian: i'll you then"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKate: I just had a fight with Chris :/\nMary: Oh no, not again\nKate: It's not me who started it. I don't know why he says certain stuff, it seems like he's doing it on purpose\nMary: What was it this time?\nKate: Same thing, as always. Really, he knows what I think and I know what he thinks so I don't bring up certain things. I don't want to argue, but if it keeps happening, I don't see the point of talking to him\nKate: I'm angry every single time I talk with him\nMary: Eh, I don't get why he keeps doing it. What did he say?\nKate: I don't want to get worked up over it again, but really usual stuff. He watched a programme about the refugees and went on a rant about it\nMary: oh god\nKate: right?! I don't know why I'm still talking with him. I tried to talk some sense into him, apparently with no luck\nMary: What did you tell him?\nKate: What I usually tell him. He was an immigrant once, he was working abroad, I sent him all the data and research, statistics, everything.\nMary: I'm afraid Chris may be too pig-headed for that\nKate: Pfff I bet he didn't even read anything. He's just watching the nationalists, Trump and all those idiots, listens to everything they're saying on the telly instead of just thinking for once\nMary: I know, to be honest I kind of avoid these subjects when I'm talking with him\nKate: Well, I try to as well, but as you can see he can't stop himself\nKate: I know he's our friend and we go out often, but I'm not sure I can do it any more, I don't want be friends with someone who thinks that Mexican children are worse and that they should be kept away from the US\nMary: Oh my god he said that?\nKate: Yes :/\nMary: Jesus, I knew he has strong views, but to say something like that? That's a bit too much\nKate: You're telling me this. I think we should reconsider this let's say friendship, because if every conversation will lead to something like this, I'm not interested in staying in touch with him\nMary: No wonder\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Kate had a fight with Chris about refugees. He thinks the U.S. should not accept them. Kate and Mary do not share this opinion. They are having second thoughts about their friendship."} {"inputs": "Sybille: Hello, i'm trying to make my online registration for the flight AF3581 from Minneapolis to Paris the 29th, but i only get an error message. Here is my file number NRTTU and my flying blue number XXXX. Thanks for you help\nAir France: Hello Sybille, we acknowledge receipt of your message and return to you as soon as possible.\nAir France: After checking your flight is operated by Delta Airlines for departure from the United States. Online registration works from the Delta site.\nSybille: Hello again , i still have trouble for my son' s online registration. I'm really angry as it cost me more than 40 euros for 20 minutes on your short number 3654, and still i don't have any answer. He couldn't get his flight yesterday, so i asked for it to be postpone. I twice gave my credit number but still the ticket is not delivered.\nAir France: Of course, i give the file to an agent.\nAir France: Please, be awared it could take 24 hours\nSybille: I can't wait so long. My son is only 16 year old and he has to sleep in the airport, with no mean to leave his luggage as he has no ticket.\nAir France: Hello Sybille, we're very sorry . We could offer you a departure on flight DL140 from Minneapolis to Paris. We'll return to you.\nSybille: My phone number is XXXX, please call me back as soon as possible\nSybille: Hello, i was again on line with people from the short number. They told me that they've done everything possible but my payment can't be accepted because the flight is operated by Delta. Please consider a young stuck in US with no possibilites for coming back just because of Delta and Air France sharing code, can't share payment. Shame on you.\nAir France: We'll get in touch with Delta US and return to you quickly\nSybille: thanks a lot\nAir France: We just send you by email the new ticket for you son. We remain at your disposal.\nSybille: Thanks a lot, you're more efficient than the hotline.\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Sybille is angry, because she cannot make a reservation for the flight from Minneapolis to Paris. Air France managed to solve the issue."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nKamden hasn't used social media recently. He uses messenger only and wants to get Mckinley's photographs..", "targets": "Kamden: Hey!\nMckinley: Hi!\nKamden: I haven't seen you in a while - i've mostly been off social media. Maybe you'll let me have a little peek?\nMckinley: You aren't on fb anymore?\nKamden: I use chat on fb. I'm not big on social media use\nMckinley: Hmm...\nKamden: It helps me keep up with good friends\nMckinley: But you always can open it and check my photos lol\nMckinley: Yeah I use fb mostly to keep contact with people\nKamden: It's true. But I guess it would be more enticing to get it from you. \ud83d\ude0f Yeah it's my main reason. But I spend zero time therecc\nMckinley: Lol I'm not a phone selfie person\nKamden: Thats a shame. Lol\nMckinley: Lol"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nChris: \nChris: Maybe not he best photo XD\nChris: and im the middle one here\nChris: and you can bring swimming trunks as well because there's opportunity to go to jacuzzi in our garden :))\nTom: a jacuzzzzzi????\nChris: oohhhh yeeaahh\nTom: O my godddd.\nTom: Is it big enough for a few people? I feel I woul feel wierd out there on my own :)\nChris: Yeee, for 5-6 people no problem.\nTom: So you and your brother will join me? :D\nChris: Yes hahaha meybe we can invite someone else or only our little group.\nChris: An maybe watch sth on TV or just make a conversation hhahaha\nTom: Wait you've got a tv outside????\nChris: well we can bring it there :P\nChris: From our living room\nTom: Do you have WiFi?\nChris: Yes\nTom: Nice, I only get 6GB on my phone when I get outside Ireland\nChris: Yeah, kind a low amount\nTom: Can't wait!\nChris: Me too! :)\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Chris and Tom are planning a meeting at Chris' place. Chris has a Jacuzzi in his garden. Chris has WiFi and can bring his TV outside. Tom has a low internet limit whenever he's outside of Ireland."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Frances just got back from Vosges. She stayed a week in a farm house with Ferdinand and her dog Aiden. \".", "targets": "Henny: \nHenny: Dear Frances, something beautiful and funny for a good New Year!\nFrances: It is so wonderful!!!! Thank you.\nFrances: For you too - all the best in 2019!\nFrances: \nHenny: Thanks, a lovely view. Is it near you?\nFrances: Am just back from the Vosges. It was a view we had from our sitting room. The farm house (turned into a holiday flat) was just superb. Here a few pics:\nFrances: \nHenny: That looks superb. Far from maddening crowd?\nFrances: That's it. Absolutely quiet, no banging on the New Year's Eve, no busy roads.\nHenny: So Aiden was a happy dog.\nFrances: Totally. Ferdinand too. We, the tree of us, had a great week there. And didn't even spend much money.\nHenny: Did you cook?\nFrances: Partly. Ferdinand. But we also had meals in a local. Was exceptionally tasty!\nHenny: Duce France!\nFrances: C'est ca!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nDick: We're going to the apt now, wanna come and see it too?\nFrank: Yeah, plus I can talk you into buying it, so we could be neighbours :)\nDick: You know which one it is right? It's 32/3\nFrank: Ok, thanks. I know all the apts in building 32 are for sale, but I didn't know which one you wanted to buy.\nDick: It's the big on with the terrace, around 85 m\nFrank: Grrr.... I'm jealous cause mine's only 65.\nDick: :)\nFrank: If you decide to buy it, I have a contractor that does everything, and he's dirt cheap too!\nDick: Cool, I'll be putting most of my cash in as a down payment, so I won't have much left for renovations.\nFrank: How much do you have, 10% or 15%.\nDick: We're putting down 10. We can get quite a good mortgage rate apparently.\nFrank: Alright, sounds good. How many apts have you seen already?\nDick: This will be the first one in this neighbourhood.\nFrank: But in total?\nDick: 5. We saw 2 last week and 3 last month, but nothing really appealing,\nFrank: You're gonna love my area. It's so peaceful and tranquil.\nDick: I'm gonna have to liven up the place then :)\nFrank: Ok, whatever. Don't forget to bring a measure. Do you have one of those electronic ones?\nDick: No\nFrank: I'll bring one then. They're super cool and easy to use. You can plan each room by knowing the dimensions.\nDick: Ok, great. See you in 30 min.\nFrank: Ok\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Dick is going to buy an apartment in Frank's neighbourhood. Dick and Frank are going to see the apartment in 30 minutes."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nAbigail is not going to take a stroll with the little ones. Her smog alert app is showing that the norms have been exceeded by 30% today..", "targets": "Emma: Hi neighbour :)\nEmma: Do you want to take a stroll with the little ones?\nAbigail: Hey Emma :) I don't think that's a good idea.\nAbigail: My smog alert app is showing that the norms have been exceeded by 30% today :O\nEmma: Oh my, that sounds serious.\nEmma: I need to install that app."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nPam doesn't have rota for Lauren, but Manager may give Lauren more tomorrow. Pam and Lauren will meet tomorrow and discuss Lauren's holiday. .", "targets": "Lauren: Hi do you still need me for tomorrow\nPam: Yes please!!\nLauren: Do you have any more rota?\nPam: No, but the Manager's back tomorrow so she may do some more then. I'll ring in the morning and let you know.\nLauren: ok that's great\nPam: Did you have a good holiday?\nLauren: Yes, will tell you all about it tomorrow\nPam: Look forward to it!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAvril: Hi!\nAvril: Have you got plans for the weekend?\nFrank: Hello, no, I don't. \nFrank: I mean I have some things to do, but nothing special. \nAvril: Do you like mushroom picking?\nFrank: U serious?\nAvril: :D :D :D\nAvril: Of course not! ^^\nAvril: But i'm going to see horse racing. U comin'?\nFrank: Now, u r talking!\nFrank: Sure I'll come with u!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Frank will join Avril at the races at the weekend."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Randy has been lying about being rich and travelling around the world, as he lives in a studio apartment in the suburbs.\".", "targets": "Marta: i swear that jay is a pathological liar!!!!!!\nRose: why do you say that?\nMarta: he keeps talking about how he has all this money and travels all over the world\nRose: lol yes, that's all he talks about\nMarta: well i just found out he lives in a studio apartment in the outskirts of town!!!!!!! :-("} {"inputs": "Steve: Bought the new Dream Theater album 5 minutes ago. I hope it's good.\nRob: I have it here on my desk, ready for the first listening.\nSteve: Ok, I'll tell you later what I think about it.\nRob: Same here. See you later!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Steve and Rob will talk about new Dream Theater album, after they finish listening."} {"inputs": "Hugh: \nJulia: is that your son? He's lovely!\nJoan: What a cutie! Congrats!\nHugh: Thanks!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Hugh shares a photo of his son with Joan and Julia."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Sawyer: ball game 2nite?\nSutter: injured\nWheeler: what time?\nSawyer: 5.30? 6?\nWheeler: anytime l8r?\nSawyer: pitch booked at 8 so we need to start earlier\nWheeler: so im out sry\nYardley: i guess next time be better"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nMadison considers buying flight tickets to Thailand as she has found a cheap offer with 50% discount for children under 12..", "targets": "Madison: \nMadison: I saw this offer today\nAdam: Thailand??\nMadison: Exactly\nAdam: Not to expensive??\nMadison: Tickets cost pretty penny, but the rest is extra cheap\nTaylor: And children under 12 --> 50% off\nJordan: Seems ok"} {"inputs": "Amelia: Just wanted to say again, thank you so much for coming to Elliot's birthday party. He loved it! \nLindsay: No worries, Finlay had a lovely time! thanks for having us!\nAmelia: it wouldn't be the same without you guys xx\nLindsay: glad he had a good time! x\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Amelia thanks Lindsay for coming to Elliot's birthday."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMary: hey, im kinda broke, lend me a few box\nCarter: okay, give me an hour, im at the train station\nMary: cool, thanks\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Mary ran out of money. Carter is going to lend her some in an hour."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nFreddie: What are you watching on Netflix? I've just finished Mad Men.\nKelly: I've just finished The Crown. \nFreddie: There should be new episodes coming soon.\nKelly: OMG! i can't wait! :)\nFreddie: Try Outlander or The Tudors in the meantime.\nJim: i'm watching I, Zombie.\nBob: try Grimm or Sabrina. They're both great!\nKelly: they are all horrible and disgusting! \nBob: i think they are funny. They're just TV shows don't take them too seriously. x \nGreg: I'm watching House of Cards though must admit the new series is boring.\nMike: i agree. not the same without Kevin Spacey! You should try The West Wing if you enjoy political dramas.\nGreg: Netflix original Bodyguard is supposed to be good from what I've heard.\nMary: I'm a bit ashamed to confess i enjoy stuff like Pretty Little Liars or Gossip Girl ;)\nNancy: don't be ashamed i enjoy them too! and my favourite one is Desperate Housewives!!!\nMary: I know! I watched it twice!\nAlan: I'm catching up with Friends.\nNancy: OMG! i used to love Friends!\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Freddie, Kelly, Jim, Greg, Bob, Mike, Mary, Alan and Nancy are watching different shows on Netflix."} {"inputs": "Clara: Hi, what you up to?\nNeela: Not much, chilling out.\nClara: Just rewatching Dear White People on Netflix, love it!\ud83d\ude0d\nNeela: Oh yeah, heard of it, but not seen it yet? Any good?\nClara: Well, yes! I just said it was, LOL. It's about a fictional Ivy League University and the students in one House of Residence.\nNeela: Why is it called Dear White People?\nClara: That's the name of the radio show the main character, Sam, presents on college radio.\nNeela: Yeah, but why is it so good?\nClara: Well, it's mainly stories from the perspective of black students there, which I find very interesting. The characters are strong and likeable too.\nNeela: I suppose it's rather different from the UK, then?\nClara: It seems so, as there is a lot more racial awareness and discrimination there than here. It all kicks off when there is a Blackface party held by an elite group of white students, which gets out of hand.\nNeela: How's that?\nClara: Well, obviously, the black students try to break it up and there's also an incident where one guy, Reggie, gets a loaded gun pointed at him by a campus policeman after he gets into an argument with a white student. It may be at another party, though, I'm not sure of that.\nNeela: Oh, that sounds pretty strong stuff. What else happens?\nClara: Well, there is a young black guy called Lionel who is coming to terms with being gay and is finding his voice as a journalist. He unearths corruption at the uni and he and Sam also uncover some conspiracy theory stuff about secret societies.\nNeela: Well, I must say, it does sound good, I'll check it out soon!\nClara: Definitely, there is supposed to be a Series 3 coming up next year, really looking forward to it!\nNeela: Well, thanks Clara, I'm just watching the rest of a movie and I'll try Dear White People.\nClara: Don't blame me if you get hooked and stay up till 4!\nNeela: See ya, love!\nClara: Bye!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Clara is rewatching Dear White People and strongly recommends it to Neela."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nGene: Did you get the package I sent you\nJack: No, when did you send it?\nGene: on Friday\nJack: shit I should have gotten it by now\nJack: send me the tracking umber I;ll check whats up\nGene: 12345678900\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jack has not received yet the package Gene had sent him on Friday. She sent him the tracking number, so he could check the status of the shipment."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nIsabella: Hi Betty!\nIsabella: It was very nice to listen about your work yesterday. Thank you for sharing that!\nIsabella: If you wanted to do sth together, let me know. \nBetty: Thank you! \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Isabella is grateful to Betty for sharing the information about her work yesterday. Isabella offers Betty her company, should Betty want to do something together."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nHollie: How are you?\nAmy: hey\nAmy: i'll get back to you later, working now\nHollie: Ok.\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Hollie says hello to Amy, but Amy is busy working and can't chat right now."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMark: what are we doing tonight?\nDaniel: It's supposed to rain so the river bank parties are not an option\nMark: casino?\nDaniel: don't you have enough after the last time?\nMark: I will totally get mine this time\nDaniel: hahaha ok\nMark: predrinks at your place?\nDaniel: my sister is visiting\nMark: Hannah???\nDaniel: yes\nMark: I haven't seen her for like 14 years!! she hot?\nDaniel: dude that's my sister\nMark: all right all right drinks at my place\nDaniel: okay!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Daniel's sister is visiting him. Daniel and Mark will meet at Mark's place for drinks."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nElla: OMG!\nNoah: ???\nElla: Just got a text from my mom!\nNoah: ???\nElla: She won a hundred thou in the lottery!\nNoah: Get. Out. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nElla: Yes!!! Christmas is gonna be good! LOL!\nNoah: Don't forget the little people!\nElla: LOL!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Before Christmas, Ella's mom won a hundred thousand in a lottery. Both Ella and Noah are excited."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAdam: good morning!!\nRachel: good morning adam!\nAdam: cathy told me u got a new cat\nAdam: a siamese\nRachel: yes!! and I lover her <3\nAdam: oh it\u2019s a girl\nRachel: yeah, I head they're less troublesome and friendlier\nRachel: although this one doesn't seem very loving\nAdam: she'll warm up to you\nAdam: what's her name?\nRachel: Portia\nAdam: that's a really beautiful name\nAdam: any special reason behind it?\nRachel: not really, I've just always liked the name :-D\nRachel: there's only one thing i don't like about portia\u2026\nAdam: lol what's that???\nRachel: I DISCOVERED I'M ALLERGIC TO CATS!!!!!\nAdam: HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA\nAdam: u didn't know that?\nRachel: nope, I just discovered it\nRachel: i get sneezy and rashes and other reactions\nAdam: are you doing anything about it?\nRachel: yeah I'm taking a bunch of medication and it seems to be helping\nAdam: that's good, it's really good that they're working\nRachel: i don't want to get rid of her\nAdam: don't worry, i'm sure if the medications are working right know this won't be a huge deal\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Rachel has a new siamese cat, a girl called Portia. Rachel discovered that is allergic to cats. She is sneezing, has rashes and other allergic reactions. She takes medications that seem to help. Adam consoles Rachel."} {"inputs": "Keith: Have you heard anything about the cafes by the river?\nKeith: The ones that got damaged with the flods\nAdam: No I haven't\nAdam: But there was an article sometime ago, they want to re-build them\nAdam: But the cost to fix the damage is sky high\nKeith: It's really sad, it was a great place\nAdam: I know\nAdam: I miss going there\nKeith: Yeah :/\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Several cafes were destroyed when the river flooded. The cost of repair is exorbitant."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Dave: Hey, is Nicky still at your place? Her phone is off\nSam: She just left\nDave: Thanks!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKeira: How come it started with wildangel3 then went to 1 wouldn't it make more sense to go from 1 to 2 and then 3? \nLois: yeah, i couldn't get onto my aacount for some bizar reason\nLois: but I'm thinking of deleting both - i mean, I created it when I was 10!\nKeira: I figured ^^\nLois: Mean\nKeira: \nLois: yeah yeah\nLois: btw, I saw your sister in town the other day\nKeira: WHAT?! She's grounded for the month\nLois: SOmeone's in trouble...\nLois: You gonna tell on her?\nKeira: Maybe... I'm kinda mad at her right now >:(\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Keira wonders why wildangel plays in the wrong order. Lois is considering deleting her account as she could not log on. Lois saw Keira's sister in town, who was supposed to be grounded. Keira might tell on her."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Daniel: Yo, at what time do you get out of work?\nMissy: At 6.\nDaniel: Drinks after dinner?\nMissy: Totally!\nDaniel: Cool."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMary: Are you going by car or train?\nTom: Ella rented a car\nElla: this makes all of this much faster\nMary: good decision\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Ella rented a car, this makes things much faster for her and Tom."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nRiley: Chloe is on tv!!\nJames: on which channel?\nJames: never mind i've found it\nJames: what is she doing? i don't get it\nRiley: this is a programme in which women undergo a complete metamorphosis.\nRiley: OMG she looks drop dead gorgeous!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Riley and James watch Chloe on tv undergoing a metamorphosis."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJohn: do we have practice today?\nMatt: yea think so\nJohn: great thanks see ya there\nMatt: see ya \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "John is not sure if there is practice today but Matt claims there is."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nBrandon: Shit, I've lost my credit card!\nBrandon: I blocked it in the bank but it will take time before I get a new one\nBrandon: can you lend me $ 100 guys?\nLuke: sorry man, Im broke:/\nBrandon: I see\nIan: what a misfortune, dude\nIan: I can lend you $$, no problem\nBrandon: thanks, dude!\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Brandon has lost his credit card and blocked it in the bank. It will take some time before he gets a new one, and he needs money. Luke is broke, but Ian will lend Brandon some money."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nGeorge: Hi Donna. I've been trying to catch you.\nDonna: What about?\nGeorge: A rather delicate matter.\nDonna: Did you catch AIDS?\nGeorge: Very funny!\nDonna: It is, isn't it?\nGeorge: I don't think so.\nDonna: Too bad. So what do you want?\nGeorge: Could we meet and discuss it somewhere?\nDonna: Like where?\nGeorge: Like in a coffee shop or somewhere.\nDonna: You sure a coffee shop is better to discuss delicate matters.\nGeorge: Come to think of it, you are right. It's not.\nDonna: See? So what's up?\nGeorge: Couldn't you come to my place tonight?\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Donna will pay George a visit tonight to discuss a personal matter."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nHelen: are you home?\nDebbie: yes\nHelen: can you bring me my laptop?\nDebbie: to work?\nHelen: yes, i have forgotten to take it\nDebbie: you have this presentation today?\nHelen: yes, and without my laptop i cant do anything\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Helen has left her laptop at home and needs it for the presentation today. Debbie will bring it to Helen's work."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Nate: They've just sent me an excel file with all the registrations\nJulie: how are we doing??\nNate: overbooked!\nJulie: no...\nNate: a little bit. I guess that's better than having half of the room empty\nJulie: how many people for the first day dinner?\nNate: Let me check...\nJulie: ok\nNate: shit this is the worst, the registrations are transformed into text in Excel\nJulie: omg what registration system is that\nNate: shitty one\nJulie: what should be do?\nNate: I have to create a new file and feed the data into the tables myself\nJulie: the worst."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJacob: Emily!! stop the busses .. I am not on my way..\nEmily: Hurry up!! the busses are about to leave..\nJacob: Count to 10 and i will reach the parking lot\nEmily: 10..9..1 where are you...\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Emily is waiting for Jacob while the buses have almost left."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"John and Annie are moving to London because he lost his job in Germany and found a better offer working in IT here. Annie isn't happy with the move. Amber, who was supposed to stay in their London flat for 5 years, has to move. Erin offers her place but Amber plans on staying with John and Annie.\".", "targets": "Amber: Hi Erin, guess what, John and Annie are coming back to London!\nErin: Hi Amber, wow that's news.\nErin: What caused the change of plans?\nAmber: John lost his job in Germany! \nErin: What :O Seriously?\nAmber: Yeah, his whole team got liquidated.\nErin: No way!?\nAmber: Yeah, and he was the only one who received an offer from the company to be relocated back to London.\nErin: OK, well at least he's not unemployed.\nAmber: But he didn't accept it.\nErin: Why not?!\nAmber: B/c they only offered him the job after a month & during that time he started searching for a new one.\nAmber: He got a better offer from a different IT company in London.\nErin: Well good for him! \nErin: Since they weren't able to appreciate his work and they didn't offer him something right away.\nAmber: Exactly, but you know what this means for me?\nErin: You're going to have to search for a new flat...\nAmber: Yup, we had an agreement that I would be renting their place until they returned from Germany.\nAmber: But you know, they planned to be there for at least 5 yrs.\nErin: I can imagine that Annie isn't happy with this turn of events.\nAmber: She's pretty pissed off.\nAmber: I mean the plan was to save up for a house and only then come back to London.\nAmber: She had already enrolled in German classes & they were starting to feel at home there.\nErin: That's too bad. Sometimes life turns out to be unpredictable.\nErin: If you need somewhere to stay for a while, you can always stay at my place.\nAmber: Thanks Erin! Annie already told me not to worry, that I can stay with them until I don't find something new.\nAmber: But I've already started searching.\nErin: Good luck and let me know if you need any help!\nAmber: Thanks, ttyl.\nErin: Bye!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJeff: Have you heard about this Christmas at Wall Street?\nPeter: Yup, was apparently the worst since the end of the 19th century\nMiranda: but it's bounced back since, no panic\nJeff: I've listened to some radio podcasts about the American economy\nJeff: and it's pretty scary, I mean the economic war on China that Trump is waging and all his unpredictability\nJeff: but I'm not an economist\nPeter: I know, it's hard to say what may happen because Trump is rather unpredictable\nPeter: But people in my bank seem calm, at least 2019 should be calm\nMiranda: yup, calm, but the global economy will get weaker\nMiranda: and the growth will be weaker but not tragic, I suppose\nJeff: and the EU? How do you think?\nMiranda: We just don't know what will happen to the UK and with Brexit \nMiranda: There are many different scenarios possible\nMiranda: but it seems that 2020 may be much worse\nPeter: I agree, I'd expect a global economic meltdown in the early 2020s\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jeff, Peter and Miranda wonder what American and global economy will be like."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Duncan: btw bro, all the best in this year's championship\nCarl: thanks bro, hope my evo 10 wont let me down this year.\nDuncan: relax, last year you were just unfortunate with the gearbox.\nCarl: yeah, but this year im using a 6 speed hydrolic shift gearbox\nDuncan: that will really service you, i know that\nCarl: will you guys attend?\nDuncan: we cant miss watching our youngest cousin sweep away the title\nCarl: haha, stop exaggerating\nDuncan: haha, i mean it, we cant miss it for the world!\nCarl: thanks, ill have you reserved in the VIp\nDuncan: cool\nCarl: thanks\nDuncan: go get them!\nCarl: i will"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMike: Can anybody do the washing up?\nMike: I did it last time\nMike: So now its your turn\nSara: I'll do it\nMike: Ok\nSara: But when I get back\nSara: From the cinema\nSam: You're going to the cinema?? With whom??\nSara: With Jack\nSam: Ahhhh\nSam: I thought that maybe I'll join you\nSara: Not this time ;-)))\nSam: \nSara: xDD\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Mike wants someone else to do the washing up this time. Sara agrees, but when she returns from the cinema she is at with Jack."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nAndrew: Hello Bez, this morning I wanted to take your car and go to Krizingen but it showed \"low brake fluid level\". So I went only to the garage next to Willig and they said it's ok, probably a display error. Do you want me to have the car checked properly? Have you got a contract with some garage in particular?\nAndrew: Kate took your car today, just to check, and everything was fine. It must have been in fact display error.\nAndrew: Hi Bez, when are you back? What date?\nBez: Hello Andy and Kate! Sorry for not replying immediately. We have here no wifi internet connection. I'm in a hotel lobby now and use a \"phone credit\".\nBez: The car should be ok as it passed general inspection only in June. I usually go to a garage in Crinch. But don't bother as long it shows no more alarms.\nBez: Apart from that is everything alright? Automatic lights going on and off? One downstairs, one upstairs.\nBez: Please don't forget to give the plants in the basement an occasional drink! Thank you.\nBez: I'm home on the 21st in the evening. Could you please switch the heating on a bit on that day?\nAndrew: Hello Bez, just as we thought. No internet. Everything is fine here, also the car. The plants in the basement are watered once a week but not too much.\nAndrew: Your natal lily has just started to flower.\nAndrew: and look at this:\nAndrew: \nAndrew: Greetings from your frost-bound garden!\nBez: Thank you Andy!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Andrew has discovered an issue with Bez's car in her absence but it seems to be ok. He will also take care of her plants until she is back on the 21st."} {"inputs": "Oscar: A coffee at Tristano's?\nPayne: Why not. in 15 mins?\nOscar: let's make it half an hour ok?\nPayne: great, i'll be there\nOscar: see you there\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Payne and Oscar will have a coffee at Tristano's in half an hour."} {"inputs": "Adelina: Hi handsome. Where you you come from?\nCyprien: What do you mean?\nAdelina: What do you mean, \"what do you mean\"? It's a simple question, where do you come from?\nCyprien: Well I was born in Jarrow, live in London now, so you could say I came from either of those places\nCyprien: I was educated in Loughborouogh, so in a sense I came from there.\nAdelina: OK. \nCyprien: In another sense I come from my mother's vagina, but I dare say everyone can say that.\nAdelina: Are you all right?\nCyprien: IN another sense I come from the atoms in the air that I breath or the food I eat, which comes to me from many places, so all I can say is \"I come from Planet Earth\".\nAdelina: OK, bye. If you're gonna be a dick...\nCyprien: Wait, what you got against earthlings?\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Cyprien irritates Adelina by giving too many responses."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMark: Have you seen his new car?!!\nJeff: Dude, wtf, it's like insane. How the hell did he afford it???\nMark: No fucking clue, but the ride is legit\nJeff: Hell yeah, I'd drive this baby\nMark: Over my dead body:D I gotta be first one to try it out\nJeff: Yeah, you wish:D \nMark: wanna bet he'll let me first:D?\nJeff: 100 bucks dude, I'll bet your ass:D \nMark: hahaha deal!\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jeff and Mark are amazed by his car. They bet 100 dollars who gets to drive it first."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Adam: 10 minutes and I'm going in\nAdam: Never been so afraid of any exam\nDave: Everything's gonna be fine man.\nDave: We all are nervous here but we believe in you and keep our fingers crossed.\nAdam: Wish me luck\nDave: GOOD LUCK!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nZack: Dude have you seen the new Jersey Shore season?\nDwayne: Didn't even knew a new one came out xD\nZack: Ahahah no surprise there. But yeah I watched a couple of episodes and it was hilarious.\nDwayne: It's the original cast?\nZack: Yep. Snooki, J-Wow, Pauly D, Ron, The Situation, Deena and Vinny.\nDwayne: I herad The Situation was having some bad legal problems..\nZack: Yeah and he still is.\nDwayne: How come he's doing the show?\nZack: I have no idea but he is really diferent now.\nDwayne: I highly doubt that xD\nZack: No dude really, he's super funny and a nice guy now.\nDwayne: Damn it seems I have to check it out, that sounds interesting ahaha\nZack: Check it out! Season 2 is almost there so we will have some more episodes to watch after we finish the first season.\nDwayne: Alright. I'm gonna start watching, I will let you know what I think afterwards :p\nZack: ahahah do that! \nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Dwayne will watch the new season of \"Jersey Shore\" on Zack's advice. The first episodes of the new season are hilarious. Season 2 is upcoming."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nTy: do you speak French?\nVeronica: no \nTy: pity, I need a translator \n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Ty needs a translator. Veronica doesn't speak French."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Patti and Greg's cat is getting better, so Patti will pick it up later. Patti will come back home at around 5 pm.\".", "targets": "Greg: Hi Mum, how's the cat doing?\nPatti: I just rang the vets, she's fine!\nGreg: Thank God, been worrying about her all day!\nPatti: They said I can pick her up later. I'll pop home and fetch the cage after work. Should be there at 5ish.\nGreg: Good, see you at home, bye!"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nEllie: hey, are you at the university?\nAaliyah: yep\nCamille: I'm sick :/\nEllie: shiet....that's bad\nEllie: Aali, where are we having our classes now?\nAaliyah: 342 on the second floor\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Ellie's class is in 342 on the second floor."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Harry: heyyyy are you there??\nCindy: Yes dear what is it?\nHarry: Can you call Ela and tell her i need to talk urgent please pick my call.\nCindy: what happened now? an other fight :O\nHarry: please tell her\nCindy: MAN! you guys... am i some kind of a messenger service here?\nHarry: PLEASEEEEEEEEE ?\nCindy: ok doing.... but thats the last time.\nHarry: Yes like always:P\nCindy: Hate you seriously man.\nHarry: Thank you\nCindy: Done you can call her now."} {"inputs": "Kathy: \nKathy: Aunt on the chair getting her haircut today :)\nKathy: I think I'm also going to get something done today\nKathy: Maybe get it cut a bit shorter\nOlivia: ooo how fun! I am just chillin today \nOlivia: \nKathy: \nKathy: : \nKathy: The end results :) \nOlivia: Very cute! \nOlivia: \nOlivia: Although not a big difference with Aunt's hair. But yours looks really nice!\nKathy: Thanks!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Kathy had her hair cut."} {"inputs": "Ian: Honey, do not you know where my green folder is?\nSophie: Green?\nSophie: I have no idea.\nIan: I was sure I left it on the dining room table.\nSophie: Maybe Alex put it somewhere.\nSophie: Ask her.\nIan: ok, thx :*\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Ian is looking for his green folder. Sophie hasn't seen it but maybe Alex will know."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJanette has mice in her kitchen..", "targets": "Mom: Hi Dear. Just want to hear from you.\nJanette: Hi, Mom. So nice of you. I love you.\nMom: I love you too, Janette. What's new?\nJanette: Oh, Mom. I don't know how to tell you.\nMom: What happened?\nJanette: Mom, I've got mice in my kitchen!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "George: Yo! Who wants to go play basketball on Friday, 7 p.m.?\nRobert: Count me in! \nYousuf: Can I come half an hour later? I need to help my sister with her car.\nGeorge: No prob. Paul, u coming?\nPaul: Hell yeah! I'll bring some beers too!\nRobert: Sounds like a plan!"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Kaylen wants to know if there is left-hand traffic in Rowen's country. He confirms there is. She thinks she wouldn't be able to drive there.\".", "targets": "Kaylen: In ur country there is left-hand traffic?\nRowen: Yes we drive on the left\nKaylen: Hehe ok\nKaylen: \nRowen: You look gorgeous!\nKaylen: Thank you. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to drive there then\nRowen: Haha. You're welcome\nKaylen: Or I would have to close my eyes while driving hahhaha\nRowen: Hahaha"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Louis finishes the conversation with Fabian because his mother is calling.\".", "targets": "Louis: Gotta go, my mom's calling me\nFabian: Ok, see ya\nLouis: See ya"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Booker: dont forget to carry your Xbox console\nWalker: i thought you dont like the console\nWalker: the grip is amazing\nBooker: haha, yeah it is\nWalker: okay then, ill come with one\nBooker: gaming all night is the plan\nWalker: yaas"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMarco: Are you coming to Bologna this fall?\nDaniel: accidentally, I am flying today thought Bologna but only became I have to change there\nMarco: wow! how long will you stay at the airport?\nDaniel: 2 hours only\nMarco: ok, that may be too short for me to see you\nSimone: I may come in December for a weekend, if you want to host\nMarco: with pleasure! and always, as I always tell you :)\nSimone: great, I'll let you know\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Daniel is going to Bologna today. He has to transfer there for a further flight. He will stay at the airport for two hours. Simone will visit Marco in December."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDesiree: U both at home?\nLucian: No. I've just got ur msg. Why did u ask about it?\nDesiree: No reason. Keep my pasta in the microwave\nLucian: I haven't cooked anything\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Lucian is not at home. Desiree wants Lucian to keep her pasta in the microwave."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Christie and Katie are tired after the party. They both had fun.\".", "targets": "Christie: how are you after the party?\nKatie: really tired... and you?\nChristie: same\nChristie: the party was great!\nKatie: Yeah, we had fun! :)"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAlice: Are you on the way\nJess: I'm in a traffic jam\nAlice: oh, no, where?\nJess: West Bronx\nAlice: :/\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Jess is in a traffic jam in West Bronx."} {"inputs": "Matt: results should be announced soon\nMatt: probably today \nOliver: they posted it\nOliver: \nPeter: I didn't get into Stanford :(\nMatt: let me see\nMatt: yup, I did\nOliver: me too\nOliver: barely\nPeter: I'm happy for you guys\nMatt: chin up! there are many other options\nOliver: exactly, don't give up\nPeter: thanks guys, that means a lot\nPeter: send your documents asap\nPeter: otherwise you'll stuck in the queue\nMatt: thanks for a heads-up\nOliver: yea, we owe you one\nPeter: I have to look for other university\nPeter: see ya\nMatt: bye\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Todays results show that Matt and Oliver got into Stanford University, Peter did not."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nBrook: something happened yesterday, you need to come and see\nGyle: is it bad?\nBrook: you better come home\nGyle: On my way\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Brook wants Gyle to come and see what happened yesterday."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Jenkin: hey what is your spirit animal?\nSophie: what?\nJenkin: go on?\nSophie: I dont know a fox lol\nJenkin: are you wiley?\ud83e\udd8a\nSophie: sometimes\nJenkin: I am a dolphin\ud83d\udc2c\nSophie: I think you are a bit mad like the mad hatter\ud83d\udc30\ud83c\udfa9\nJenkin: I have been reading about animal spirits its quite good\nSophie: you will have to tell me about the fox.. do you decide what your animal is or does someone tell you?\nJenkin: There is a pack of cards and you choose the one that you are drawn to \nSophie: oh right I would choose the Fox\nJenkin: well I didn't know but I was drawn to the dolphin\nSophie: oh\nJenkin: I will bring them over tomorrow\nSophie: oh yes please that will be great \ud83e\udd8a\ud83e\udd8a"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Rachel: I'm at the hospital, my aunt was in an accident...\nJessica: oh my God, is she alright?!\nRachel: Yes, she's bruised but she's fine\nRachel: Thank God...\nJessica: I'm so sorry, what happened?\nRachel: Some jackass was speeding and didn't see the red light...\nJessica: Did they catch him?\nRachel: Yes, he's gonna pay for the rehabilitation\nJessica: Better than nothing I suppose\nJessica: Give you aunt a hug from me, please (a light one :D)\nRachel: I will, thanks :*"} {"inputs": "Inez: My dears, our evening inspired me to create this group conversation to plan further Food Evenings :)\nInez: This is my proposal for the next one: \nAlicja: Wow, I will actually feel happy going to work thanks to this :D\nGosia: Happy going to work and even happier leaving it haha\nAlicja: Just too bad that the time between 9 and 17 will be wasted :P\nPatrycja: I really liked our evening, even the pizza was delicious :) How did you girls like it?\nInez: I loved it, Gosia really chose a great place :)\nGosia: I am an expert at eating :D\nAlicja: Have you been to this restaurant Inez sent?\nGosia: No, it is quite new. But I heard good opinions! :D\nPatrycja: And it fits with our theme of exploring world cuisines :)\nAlicja: First Italy, now Korea! :D\nInez: So when could we do this again?\nGosia: I am not sure, but we have to before the holidays!\nPatrycja: We should have less work in two weeks, we could go again on Wednesday?\nAlicja: Sounds good to me!\nInez: Me too :D\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Patrycja and Inez enjoyed the Italian evening. Gosia chose a great place. Alicja hasn't been to the new restaurant. They all want a Korean evening on Wednesday in two weeks time."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nPaul forgot about his physiotherapy and he will schedule a new appointment. Emma will be home after midnight, so Paul will prepare some food for her..", "targets": "Paul: I just came back home\nPaul: What a busy day\nPaul: I forgot about my physiotherapy \nEmma: Oh no\nPaul: It's ok, I'll schedule a new appointment\nEmma: I'll be home after midnight\nPaul: Do you want me to prepare some food for you?\nEmma: That would be lovely"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJP doesn't want to play because it's time to go to work..", "targets": "JP: What's new?\nSamara: Not much.\nJP: Oh.\nSamara: Want to play?\nJP: Nah. Gotta go to work.\nSamara: K, see ya!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nEric: Hey Bella, What happened today in boss's room?? Was he angry??\nBella: NO NO!!! He wasn't angry at all.. He actually appreciated on our brave deccision to dismiss the request of client..\nEric: REALLY!! He appreciated this decision..\nBella: Yeah he really did.. I too was astounded by his reaction...\nEric: What could possibly lead to this?? I mean , they were potential clients...\nBella: What he told me was that he was looking forward to bring in new clients which were our current client's competitor..\nEric: Oh that could possibly be the reason.Well anyways you got appreciation xD congo\t\nBella: hahaha Blessing in disguise xD\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Bella and Eric dismissed a request of a client. Their boss appreciated the decision. He brings in new clients."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nNigel was at Felix Laband's concert in Paris last night. Bob likes him too. .", "targets": "Lena: Do you like Felix Laband?\nBob: very much\nNigel: me too, I went to the concert last night when he was in Paris\nLena: was it good?\nNigel: very!"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nSteve: can you byt me some lunch?\nNick: sure, what do you want?\nSteve: Anything but chicken.\nNick: gotcha\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Nick will got some lunch for Steve - it can be anything but chicken."} {"inputs": "Nestor: I'm thinking of buying a new laptop\nNestor: And it seems that now is a perfect time for it as Black Friday is coming\nOlaf: Hahaha\nNestor: I haven't said anything funny, what's wrong with you\nOlaf: Everything's fine with me, you're just being silly\nNestor: Why, cuz I want to save some money buying what I need when it's cheaper?\nNestor: Do you actually know what Blak Friday is about?\nOlaf: Of course I know\nOlaf: It's a cunningly contrived sales pitch\nOlaf: Prices are thought to be reduced but in fact they're the same or even higher...\nNestor: You're just repeating a stupid theory some people made up and try to convince others that it's based on facts\nOlaf: You're really naive...\nOlaf: \nOlaf: Click on this link and see for yourself\nOlaf: This is one of the sites where people upload photos of the same product and its price 2 weeks before Black Friday and during the promotion\nNestor: And how do I know whether it's a reliable source or not?\nOlaf: Carry out your own investigation\nOlaf: Go and check prices of the chosen products when the promotion is still on and check them again when the promotion is over\nOlaf: Simple\nNestor: What if the laptop I want has been really cheaper and I'll miss a perfect deal?\nOlaf: Then I'll help you\nOlaf: I know a dude who sells almost new computers at very reasonable prices\nNestor: So ask him to send the offer of what he has in stock to me first\nNestor: If he can offer me a good deal, I'm going to the mall and starting investigation tomorrow\nNestor: Deal?\nOlaf: Deal!\nOlaf: I'll call or text him and ask to contact you.\nOlaf: I'm sure he'll help you and you'll appreciate my advice :-)\nNestor: We'll see about that\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Nestor wanted to buy a laptop on Black Friday sales, but Olaf advise against it, as the prices in reality are not reduced. Nestor will check it if Olaf helps him to get a good deal from a guy he knows."} {"inputs": "Telly: what are you guys doing on New Year's?\nChuck: We're not really sure yet. I think. Ally?\nAlly: Idk...\nTelly: I was wondering about going to Luke's party but I'm kinda hesitant\nAlly: yeah me too. As much as I love Luke his apartment is not particularly party-friendly.\nChuck: there's also a party at Bernie's \nTelly: oh cool, I wasn't invited ,though :P\nChuck: you know how Bernie is, all of his parties are open, it also says so in the description\nTelly: oh, ok, cool\nAlly: We were also wondering about The Spot - they are having a New Year's party, but you have to sign up pretty quickly\nTelly: is there a fb event?\nAlly: \nTelly: Great, I'll check it out. Let me know when you make up your mind, might help me too ;)\nChuck: you got it\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Telly, Chuck and Ally talk about a New Year's party they will attend."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nAngie's having an appointment with Doctor McCormick in an hour. She has strong abdominal pain..", "targets": "Angie: Hello. I'd like to make an appointment. \nMs. Quinn: Hello. Of course. What's your medical issue?\nAngie: It's kind of private...\nMs. Quinn: I understand. No chats are recorded. And I need to know what you're coming in with to direct you to the correct doctor. \nAngie: Well, fine. I have severe stomach pain.\nMs. Quinn: When did it start?\nAngie: Like an hour ago. I took some pills but to no avail. \nMs. Quinn: I understand. Do you have your doctor?\nAngie: Yes. Doctor Cartman.\nMs. Quinn: He's not in today. Doctor McCormick can see you in an hour. Will that be fine?\nAngie: Yes, thank you. I'm on my way.\nMs. Quinn: I've signed you up and I'll tell the doctor you're coming."} {"inputs": "Charlee: I'm in class. Theatre in Portuguese lol\nCurtis: Realllly?\nCharlee: Yes. One of my subjects at the university that I attend is portuguese theatre. We are preparing a performance\nCurtis: What performance is this? Are you devising it?\nCharlee: A polish one translated into portuguese\nCurtis: Thats quite cool. Who is the writer?\nCharlee: Mro\u017cek\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Charlee is attending Portuguese theater as a subject at university. He and other students are preparing a play by Mro\u017cek translated into Portuguese."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Sophie: the bus is leaving in 3 minutes, are you coming???\nTina: almost there, i am already dressed\nSophie: FASTER!\nTina: chill, I will make it"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nRichie: Pogba\nClay: Pogboom\nRichie: what a s strike yoh!\nClay: was off the seat the moment he chopped the ball back to his right foot\nRichie: me too dude\nClay: hope his form lasts\nRichie: This season he's more mature\nClay: Yeah, Jose has his trust in him\nRichie: everyone does\nClay: yeah, he really deserved to score after his first 60 minutes\nRichie: reward\nClay: yeah man\nRichie: cool then \nClay: cool\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Richie and Clay saw a very good football game, with one football player chopping the ball back to his foot, which was particularly exciting. Jose has trust in that player."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLorenna: Girls, Im sorry, I cant come to the party tomorrow :(\nLorenna: Emma has a fever and I need to take her to the doctor.\nAnn: Oh Im so sorry about her:(\nShirley: :( \nShirley: how's she feeling?\nLorenna: not too bad, but I need to stay at home with her for a few days.\nLorenna: she's sleeping now. \nAnn: give her a kiss from auntie Anna! :*\nShirley: and from me too! :*\nLorenna: thanks! :*\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Lorenna is not coming to the party because her daughter is ill. She is going to see a doctor with her. Ann and Shirley send kisses to the kid."} {"inputs": "Lincoln: I think I've broken your toilet seat. :(\nLincoln: I'm so sorry, I'll buy and install a new one.\nHudson: Can't it be fixed?\nHudson: Send me a pic.\nLincoln: \nHudson: Hmm, it seems like you've broken a hinge.\nHudson: I'll try to replace it with a new one and I'll let you know, if it works, ok?\nLincoln: Ok. I'm so sorry. :(\nLincoln: Are you mad at me?\nHudson: No, of course I'm not. You know: shit happens. ;) \nLincoln: Then maybe at least I'll buy this new hinge?\nHudson: It literally costs pennies.\nHudson: Really, don't worry about this, it's not a big deal. ;)\nLincoln: :)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Lincoln has broken Hudson's toilet seat. Hudson will replace a hinge. Lincoln doesn't have to repay Hudson."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Allison: Hey girls! \nMaya: hey!\nSarah: hey, why you so cheerful?\nAllison: Guess what!\nAllison: I've got a scholarship!\nMaya: no way! you have made it!\nSarah: shut up!\nAllison: yeee, and it is the highest posible rank i could get\nMaya: we so proud, when do we celebrate!?\nSarah: \nAllison: Whenever you want! thank you <3"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSean: After much thought I\u2019ve decided that my spirit animal is a tortoise. Apparently everyone has one now, I only found out about this recently. Tbh I felt lost, like who even am I? After many days of thinking about I finally decided that I am in fact a tortoise.\nTiffany: That would explain a lot.\nSean: You would be a wasp.\nTiffany: Are you sure you're a turtle? Maybe you're just haunted.\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Sean believes his spirit animal is a tortoise and Tiffany's could be a wasp."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLaura: Hey I have bad news \nKristian: Is your mom ok? \nLaura: She passed away this morning\nLaura: \ud83d\ude2d\nKristian: Oh noo\nKristian: My condolences so sorry!\nAnne: I am so sorry to hear that \nLaura: She fought hard\nLaura: It was a hard battle\nKristian: You want us to come see you? \nAnne: We want to spend more time with u now\nLaura: Sure\nAnne: Stay strong girl \nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Laura's mom passed away this morning. Anne and Kristian are showing their support to Laura."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nGaya and Cristina are going to meet at Gaya's studio to talk about the photoshoot. Cristina prefers Wednesdays and Fridays..", "targets": "Cristina: Hey\nCristina: Do you think we can meet up next week to discuss the shoot?\nGaya: Yes, I just need to double check my schedule\nGaya: If you like we can meet at my studio?\nGaya: It's easier\nCristina: Ok\nCristina: I'm more free on Wednesday and Friday\nGaya: Ok ;)"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Beatrice: I am in town, shopping. They have nice scarfs in the shop next to the church. Do you want one?\nLeo: No, thanks\nBeatrice: But you don't have a scarf.\nLeo: Because I don't need it.\nBeatrice: Last winter you had a cold all the time. A scarf could help.\nLeo: I don't like them.\nBeatrice: Actually, I don't care. You will get a scarf.\nLeo: How understanding of you!\nBeatrice: You were complaining the whole winter that you're going to die. I've had enough.\nLeo: Eh."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJoanne: What are your plans for the holidays?\nEvelyn: Nothing. I\u2019ll stay at home and rest.\nJoanne: You must be exhausted after the past few weeks\nEvelyn: It\u2019s been hectic\nJoanne: I\u2019m going back home.\nEvelyn: To France?\nJoanne: Yes. Not that I want to go\u2026\nEvelyn: Why? You always liked spending Christmas with your family.\nJoanne: I did. But my parents separated a few months ago\nJoanne: It is still pretty tense\u2026\nEvelyn: I\u2019m sorry to hear that\nJoanne: My dad left my mum for his secretary\nJoanne: Such a clich\u00e9 \nJoanne: My mum is devastated\nJoanne: So I\u2019m basically going to cheer her up \nJoanne: It\u2019s really hard for her now\nJoanne: For me it\u2019s also not easy\nEvelyn: I can imagine!\nEvelyn: If you want to bring your mum over here we could spend Christmas together.\nJoanne: Thanks, that\u2019s really sweet. But I don\u2019t think she\u2019s in a condition for that. She\u2019s been very depressive lately. \n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Joanne is going to go back home to France for the holidays. She's going to cheer her mum up because her parents separated a few months ago. Evelyn offers Joanne to spend Christmas together if she brings her mum over here."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Emma: Hi, we're going with Peter to Amiens tomorrow.\nDaniel: oh! Cool.\nEmma: Wanna join?\nDaniel: Sure, I'm fed up with Paris.\nEmma: We're too. The noise, traffic etc. Would be nice to see some countrysides.\nDaniel: I don't think Amiens is exactly countrysides though :P\nEmma: Nope. Hahahah. But not a megalopolis either!\nDaniel: Right! Let's do it!\nEmma: But we should leave early. The days are shorter now.\nDaniel: Yes, the stupid winter time.\nEmma: Exactly!\nDaniel: Where should we meet then?\nEmma: Come to my place by 9am.\nDaniel: oohhh. It means I have to get up before 7!\nEmma: Yup. The early bird gets the worm (in Amiens).\nDaniel: You sound like my grandmother.\nEmma: HAHAHA. I'll even add: no parties tonight, no drinking dear Daniel\nDaniel: I really hope Amiens is worth it!"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nErnest: hey Mike, did you park your car on our street?\nMike: no, took it into garage today\nErnest: ok good\nMike: why?\nErnest: someone just crashed into a red honda looking just like yours\nMike: lol lucky me\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Mike took his car into garage today. Ernest is relieved as someone had just crashed into a red Honda which looks like Mike's."} {"inputs": "Mike: who's going to the lecture tomorrow morning?\nSean: i've never managed it, so I don't think it's even possible\nJoseph: I'm going but it's a nightmare \nJoseph: how do you want to pass the exam Sean?\nSean: you all make notes, don't you?\nMike: we do...\nMike: but there is a very important question: are we going to share them with you?\nSean: nooooo.... how cruel\nMike: we all like to sleep, but we keep going there anyway \nSean: I think I like to sleep more\nSean: I'm just unable to get up so early\nJoseph: so are we!\nJoseph: Try at leat once, then we can think about sharing the notes\nSean: how mean...\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Sean never gets up for the morning lecture. He needs to attend it at least once to get the notes."} {"inputs": "Pete: Did you clean the hamster cage?\nAdelle: No. Is it my turn?\nPete: Yes. After school, no excuses.\nAdelle: Fine.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Adelle has to clean the hamster cage after school."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDiana: Remeber our last conversation? \nDiana: I'm going for hip-hop workshop and thought about you. \nDiana: Would you like to come with me?\nFrann: I don't know. Is there an open level or beginner level class?\nFrann: I haven't danced hip-hop for years! :O\nDiana: There is. \nFrann: Okey, I can go. When and where:\nDiana: \nDiana: There a form to fill in at the bottom.\nFrann: OK, I see it. Thx! \nDiana: No problem :)\nFrann: And see you in a week then!\nDiana: Yeah, see u! Kisses!\nFrann: :*\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Diana and Fran are going to a hip-hop workshop in a week."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nHaley: I found this old photo on my computer - look how cute Bella was a kitten \nJenny: awwwwwwwww\nTess: omg omg omg <3\nHaley: she was the cutest little baby\nJenny: how old is she in that picture?\nHaley: About 2 weeks I think\nTess: I can't believe she's so big now\nHaley: Yup, in cat years she's actually middle-aged\nJenny: Haha, yeah, she is. But still totes adorable\nHaley: no doubt ;)\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Haley sends Jenny and Tess a photo of when Bella the cat was 2 weeks old."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMatt: Do you have Patrick's phone number? He's not picking up my calls...\nMatt: Is he mad at me?\nMary: Sure, here you go: +44 7700 900077\nSusan: He changed his number :)\nMatt: phew, thanks!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Mary is giving Matt Patrick's new phone number."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nJoanna: I need to get the coffie stains out of my dress\nJoanna: Do you know any effective methods?\nEthel: What color is this dress?\nJoanna: It's ecru and the fabric is very soft\nEthel: Well, in such a case I wouldn't recommend fixing it by yourself because you can ruin the dress...\nEthel: Better leave it at the dry-cleaner's\nJoanna: You might be right, just hope it won't cost me an arm and a leg...\nEthel: There's a cheap one at Jagiellonska 3, they cleaned up all the stains from my favourite dress :)\nJoanna: Alright then, I'll give it a try, thanks Ethel! :)\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Joanna got her dress stained. Ethel recommends her dry-cleaner at Jagielonska 3."} {"inputs": "Gino: Should I wear the white or the black shirt?\nRenee: What else are you wearing?\nGino: Black trousers, black shoes.\nRenee: Definitely rethink the outfit. Either way you'll look like a waiter! LOL!\nGino: Don't want that... so what then?\nRenee: Stick with the black pants and see if you have another colored shirt?\nGino: What about the shoes?\nRenee: Not much you can do but black is there?\nGino: No...\nRenee: Just trying to avoid you looking like one of the help!\nGino: I get it...just not sure. What about blue trousers?\nRenee: White shirt, brown shoes?\nGino: I can do that!\nRenee: Just make sure you're pressed, neat, clean and smart and you'll be fine.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Gino wants Renee\u2019s advice on what to wear. She gives some hints so that he doesn't look like a waiter and recommends wearing black pants, a white shirt and brown shoes."} {"inputs": "James: Amelia said that one of our lecturers in philosophy had an art exhibition (!). It opens tomorrow! \nJames: I'm talking about this guy who taught us ethics.\nJames: Amelia recommends it :D\nMia: No way...! :D Professor Evans and art exhibition :D What has happened to this world?\nMia: But you know what? I would actually like to see it! :D\nJames: ME TOO, of course! :p Can Amelia go with us?\nMia: To the exhibition or to the exhibition and to the cinema? You remember that we have plans for tomorrow...?\nJames: both\nJames: yes, I do\nMia: ok\nJames: Are you mad at me?\nJames: Babe, the fact that I suggested that we might go out with Amelia doesn't mean that I don't value time that we spend together, just the two of us.\nMia: I know, I said ok.\nJames: Are you sure you're fine with this?\nMia: Yup. :)\nMia: I just don't know her very well, it's gonna be stressful for me.\nJames: :) But you know me, don't you?\nMia: Maybe I do :D\nJames: Really, there's nothing to worry about. Amelia is quite laid-back and likable. ;)\nJames: Afterwards we can go to my place and hang out, cuddle and so on... :*\nMia: Sounds good :) :*\nJames: So we're good, right?\nMia: Right. ;)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "James and Mia want to go to an art exhibition tomorrow. James wants Amelia to go with them but Mia isn't sure about it. James and Mia will go to his place afterwards."} {"inputs": "Ashleigh: Looks like we're going to the cinema!! \nAshleigh: \nPeter: You got the job??\nAshleigh: I got hte job! :D\nPeter: \nAshleigh: \n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Ashleigh got the job."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nColin: Hey I have some news that you would be really interested!(\u00b4\uff65\u03c9\uff65`)\nAva: What is it?\nColin: How tall are you you said?\nAva: 158...cm.. why?(-_-\u30e1)\nColin: Congratulations! You are defeated by penguin(\u261e\uff9f\u30ee\uff9f)\u261e\nAva: What are you talking about?\nColin: Penguins' average height is 162cm when they stand up \uff08\u2010\uff3e\u25bd\uff3e\u2010\uff09\u30aa\u30fc\u30db\u30c3\u30db\nColin: So you are officially shorter than penguins\u261c(\u2312\u25bd\u2312)\u261e\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Colin informs Ava that with her height of 158 cm she is shorter than an average penguin."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMario: I\u2019ve landed in every airport in Europe today - completely whacked out dude.\nKlara: Where are you now?\nMario: Waiting in Luxembourg now.\nEddie: Have fun dude.\nMoe: Only because you love flying so much \ud83d\ude09\nMario: weather was good for flying everywhere \ud83d\ude42 Otherwise it would have been trains everywhere \ud83d\ude42\nMoe: Mario be safe bro\nMario: You too bro \ud83d\ude42\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Mario is waiting on the airport in Luxemburg now."} {"inputs": "luke: Hey, was just thinking, we should avail ourselves for team selection tomorrow regardless of our injuries\nmartial: thats what i was thinking also\nluke: we should let Jose know that tomorrow\nmartial: the first thing in the morning infact\nluke: the fixtures are really piling up and we need to help the team\nmartial: yeah, thats for sure, we are a family\nluke: we will the coach know that we are ready to play\nmartial: despite the little pain, me i'm ready\nluke: me too\nmartial: so we meet up at carrington and go to his office very early\nluke: yeah, both of us\nmartial: ok, we'll go together\nluke: cool \nmartial: ok\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "luke and martial want to help the team and play despite their injuries. They will meet at carrington and go to the coach's office."} {"inputs": "Pam: Hey Robert, you said you cold help with Tom's birthday?\nRobert: Sure, what do you need?\nPam: I have to go shopping, cook and clean and I figured out I don't have time to pick up the balloons\nRobert: from where?\nPam: there this store in the city centre that sells these awesome floating balloons\nRobert: No problem just text me the address\nPam: bless you!\nRobert: ;)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Robert will pick up floating balloons for Tom's birthday."} {"inputs": "Molly: guys, do you think it's a very bad idea to go to Sweden for a week in January?\nMargaret: we bought some cheap tickets half a year ago and now we're hesitating\nPeter: haha, no but it will be just dark and cold\nMargaret: rainy?\nKai: possibly\nKai: but if you stay in Stockholm there are always nice things to do\nKai: museums, bars etc\nKai: not so much nature though\nKai: which is truly stunning around Stockholm\nMargaret: yes, but it's January, one would have to go to Argentina to enjoy nature\nKai: exactly\nPeter: visit the Vasa Museum, it's really fun\nMolly: we will:) thanks ;)\nPeter: enjoy!\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Molly and Margaret are going to Sweden in January. Kai and Peter advise them to stay in Stockholm and visit Vasa Museum."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Jannet thanks Nadia for coming to her place yesterday. Nadia enjoyed the party and is still in a dancing mood. They are going to the disco next time.\".", "targets": "Nadia: heeeeey how are you?\nJannet: hey, I'm cool, we just got up and now we're doing some breakfast :D how are you guys?\nNadia: cool, we just woke up like 20min ago and will eat something too\nJannet: nice :D thank you guys for coming yesterday, it was really nice to have you here, I hope you had fun\nNadia: of course we had, I hope we will repeat it soon :)\nJannet: sure, we just have to wait for the neighbours to forget about us, cause it was fuckin loud yesterday xD\nNadia: hahahah yeah it was\nNadia: but it was really cool, I'm still in a very dancing mood\nJannet: perfect, the next time we're going to the disco then :D\nNadia: sounds cool ;)"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Mary: Did you tell your sister I am doing online job?\nMark: yes !\nMary: why\nMark: because she keep saying your good for nothing?\nMary: dint I tell you I don\u2019t care?\nMark: what happened?\nMary: see I don\u2019t want to prove anything to anyone..\nMark: I know\u2026 but I was just feeling proud so it was kind of show off\u2026\nMary: she is asking everyone\u2026 and trying to get to the people I am working for\nMark: really!! I am sorry for that\u2026\nMary: don\u2019t be! I understand your feelings\u2026 but u know how she is\u2026\nMark: I know!! :? \uf04c\nMary: don\u2019t be sad now its ok.. she cant do much about it\u2026 chill its ok but just be careful\nMark: I will be ..\nMary: btw it feels good that she is so jealous :P\nMark: lol my aim was to make her feel jealous\nMary: but i dont like it that she tries to contact the people i am working for ... what does she want?\nMark: may be she wants to confirm if its true... because its not easy to digest that your working from home and earning well!!!\nMary: whatever i just hate her\nMark: chill now .... :) love you\nMary: i am chilled :cool: ... love you too honey"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMariana: Hi, just a quick question. Do you know if the readings for the next session of Stephen\u2019s seminar are in the print shop?\nRita: No idea, sorry\nChae-yeong: The only thing I know is that they were not yet there on Monday\nArthur: Yer, I\u2019ve made the mistake of going on Monday as well and I can confirm the texts were not there and the staff was as rude as always\nMariana: Sounds familiar\nRita: I\u2019ll go tomorrow morning and let you know if the texts are available\nRita: I can\u2019t buy the copies for you because they never have enough at hand but I\u2019ll just ask them to print more for later\nChae-yeong: No worries\nArthur: Yeah, just let us know if they\u2019re ready, that\u2019s a huge favour already\nRita: Cool. Will do! xx\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Chae-yeong and Arthur inform Mariana that the readings for the next session of Stephen's seminar weren't available in the print shop on Monday. Rita decides to go and chcek if the situation's changed tomorrow and she'll let everyone know."} {"inputs": "Cole: hey roomie XD XD\nLuis: dude we are in the SAME DAMN ROOM\nCole: its funny XD\nLuis: -_-\nCole: pass me my pillow xD\nLuis: not until you say it to my face\nCole: dude cmon \nLuis: ...\nCole: oh youre not gonna talk to your roommate now\nLuis: im not gonna text an idiot whos practically sitting just a few inches from me -_-\nCole: xD\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Cole and Luis are sitting in the same room and yet they're texting each other."} {"inputs": "Hannah: Hey, do you have Betty's number?\nAmanda: Lemme check\nHannah: \nAmanda: Sorry, can't find it.\nAmanda: Ask Larry\nAmanda: He called her last time we were at the park together\nHannah: I don't know him well\nHannah: \nAmanda: Don't be shy, he's very nice\nHannah: If you say so..\nHannah: I'd rather you texted him\nAmanda: Just text him \ud83d\ude42\nHannah: Urgh.. Alright\nHannah: Bye\nAmanda: Bye bye\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Hannah needs Betty's number but Amanda doesn't have it. She needs to contact Larry."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Mia: What time does the movie start?\nSteven: At 9pm\nMia: Would you like to grab something to eat before that?\nSteven: Sure, let's meet at 8 then. Chinese?\nMia: Always :)"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMartin: Uhhh, babe, we need to talk\nNicole: What's wrong?\nMartin: I'd rather tell you in person, when can we meet up?\nNicole: I'm afraid I'll be kind of busy the next few weeks, a lot of people at my work quit so it's been hell\nNicole: Can't you just tell me now??\nMartin: I don't know, it just doesn't feel right...\nNicole: Oh God, just tell me already!! What is it\nNicole: Do you wanna break up? Is there someone else?\nMartin: No one! I swear\nNicole: Huh... you didn't say no to the break up part though\nMartin: I mean... it's not that I want to but... I guess that depends on you... because there's something you should know\nNicole: What is it... You're making me anxious\nMartin: I'm, well... I'm asexual\nMartin: I thought you should know because... well... I know it can be a problem in a relationship\nMartin: I just wouldn't want you to feel unhappy with me\nMartin: It's not like I can't have sex, but it's just not the same for me as for other guys, I guess\nMartin: I love you but I want you to be happy, so I thought you should know\nNicole: Well... I'm a little speechless, that's not what I expected, but I don't think it has to be a problem... I don't want to break up like this, let's give it a try first\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Martin is asexual. Nicole doesn't want to break up for this reason. She wants to give their relationship a try."} {"inputs": "Tom: I have to go there:\nTom: \nJonathan: this is insane, you know it, right?\nTom: I know, I love insane things\nOscar: are you kidding?\nTom: not at all\nOscar: I'm not spending a fortune to get to a piece of land in the middle of nowhere\nKit: But the idea is amazing\nKit: is it the real Robinson Crusoe's island??\nTom: it seems it is!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Tom wants to go to Robinson Crusoe's island."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nCharlie: My sister has just passed her last exam on her Uni\nCharlie: Got something to celebrate\nCharlie: Wanna go out with us tonight?\nFrank: Sure why not.\nFrank: Let me know later when the plan clarifies.\nCharlie: Kk.\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Charlie's sister has passed her last university exam. Charlie and Frank will go out to celebrate that tonight."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDaniel: Hi sis. \nDaniel: Just wanted to let you know that I passed driving license exam\nDaniel: It went well :D\nKate: Congratulations!!!!\nKate: :) :) :)\nKate: Dad will be proud!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Daniel has passed driving license exam."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nRob: \nRob: Not sure if I'm getting dumber, or this is how it feels like to get older\nTom: What?\nRob: I'm looking at today's memes and they mostly refer to things that are either completely stupid, or have no humour value.\nTom: Rob, get yourself a girlfriend please. You're talking bullshit :D\nRob: Ehh. Fuck you.\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Rob is disappointed with memes he watches. Tom suggests he should get a girlfriend instead of complaining about the memes."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nSue: can you pick the car up after work tomorrow please\nJames: yes and pay?\nSue: yes I will transfer the money in \nJames: ok x\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "James will pick up the car after his work tomorrow. Sue already have sent him money."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nStella: Hi Sandra\nStella: Did you recover finally?\nStella: I wanted to come and visit you but I didn't want to get infected by the disease that you've been carrying\nStella: You know... I'm a teacher, I could spread the disease\nSandra: Hello my dear\nSandra: I'm getting better every day but there's still something left\nSandra: I have some effective medicines now\nSandra: All the drugs that doctors have been prescribing to me so far were useless\nSandra: Now the difference in my well-being is surprisingly considerable\nStella: It's very nice to here that, I'm so happy for you!\nStella: Hope you'll be in a perfect health soon\nStella: I want to take you to the cinema\nStella: They have a brilliant repertoire now\nSandra: Oh, I dream of getting out of the house!\nSandra: I used to love laying in the bed for hours, but now I hate it\nStella: I understand\nStella: Just tell me, what kind of movie would you like to watch?\nStella: A romantic comedy, horror, fantasy or something else?\nStella: I'll do some research in my friends' midst and try to choose the best option :)\nSandra: I'm dreaming of watching some action movie\nSandra: With all the special effects and dynamic action\nSandra: Something that would be the opposite of my current situation :)\nStella: You got it! :)\nStella: I'll find something special for you\nStella: So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your quick recovery\nStella: Talk to you soon! :)\nSandra: Thanks, Stella, my darling. You made my day :)\nSandra: Bye bye\nWhat were the main points in that conversation?", "targets": "Stella doesn't want to visit Sandra because she doesn't want to get infected by Sandra's disease. Sandra's doctor prescribed her effective medicines, so she will be fine soon. Stella wants to take Sandra to the cinema for some action movie when she recovers."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDaniel: I'm packing for the trip, are you done with it?\nMichael: Mostly done, don't forget your passport!\nMatt: is an ID not enough?\nMichael: sure not!\nBrian: why?\nMichael: Bosnia and Herzegovina is not in the EU, so we will have a proper border control\nMichael: no passport, no entry\nDaniel: good you wrote us this I think :P\nMatt: yes, we're morons \nDaniel: haha, yes, a bit\nBrian: I didn't even know we're going to enter Bosnia, I though we're going to stay in Croatia only\nMichael: we planned to go to Mostar and the mountains, so Bosnia it is\nBrian: anyway, I'll pack my passport\nMichael: very good\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Daniel, Michael, Matt and Brian are going to Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are packing. Michael reminds them to take their passports, because Bosnia and Herzegovina is not in the EU. They will go to Mostar and the mountains in Bosnia."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nEuodia: What is tiktok?\nDomigo: You don't know what it is?o_O!\nDomigo: Shocking! o_O\nEuodia: I have no idea but my friends were talking about that \ud83d\ude36\ud83d\ude36\ud83d\ude36\nEuodia: And I felt a bit ashamed of not knowing what they all knoe about\nEuodia: *Know\nDomigo: That is hit application recently( ^^)\nDomigo: You can take some videos for yourself and edit it with music and special effects as you wish( ^.^)( ^_^)\nDomigo: And share it on YouTube or just with your friends\nEuodia: Why do they do that?\ud83d\ude15\ud83d\ude15\nDomigo: Cause it is new and interesting!(^0_0^)\nEuodia: Omg I don't understand why I feel so old(;_:)(;_:)\nDomigo: Come on people want something new all the time\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\nDomigo: I also think tiktok will become less and less popular at some point but it's fun for now \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\nDomigo: Try it(^0_0^)\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Euodia didn't know about TikTok application, so Domigo explained what it was."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nPhil: Hi. Are you home?\nNancy: Yes. Where are you?\nPhil: Still in the shop. \nNancy: What are you doing there? \nPhil: There are such crowds. Everywhere.\nNancy: Really?\nPhil: First, I couldn't find any parking place. Now I'm standing in a gigantic queue.\nNancy: Have you got everything?\nPhil: I think so.\nNancy: Oh, I'm sorry. I know you hate it before X-mas.\nPhil: Will you make an apple pie? Please? I was passing by a cafe and thought of that immediately. My mouth is watering when I think of that smell.\nNancy: Sure, honey. Of course I will.\nPhil: Wonderful! I think I'll be home in an hour.\nNancy: Ok. Waiting for you :-) I've got everything I need for the pie, so it will be in the oven when you arrive :-)\nPhil: Thanks, babe! :-*\nNancy: :-*\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "It took Phil a very long time to do the Christmas shopping but he probably managed to get everything. He will be home in an hour. Phil's apple pie will be in the oven when he arrives."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Jackie: My sister called me she got pregnant.(\u00b0\u25c7\u00b0)\nDeadrana: Wow. awesome! \u30fd(^\u3002^)\u30ce\nJackie: But I am a bit worried about her.(\u30fc\u30fc\u309b)(\u30fc\u30fc\u309b)\nDeadrana: Why? As I know your sister is healthy. Does she have any problem?\nJackie: No, no. Of course not. \nJackie: You know nowadays having kids and raise them takes a lot of money for whole your life\nDeadrana: That\u2019s true.\nJackie: But I don't think my brother-in-law earns enough money for his kids. \nDeadrana: At least he doesn\u2019t have any debt. \nDeadrana: I understand you are worried about your sister (\u30fb\u3078\u30fb)\nDeadrana: Cause she is your sister but your brother-in-law is hardworking guy. \ud83d\ude42\ud83d\ude42\nDeadrana: Don\u2019t worry too much.\ud83d\ude42\nJackie: My sister seemed also worried while she was talking about her pregnancy.\nDeadrana: I can imagine....\ud83d\ude41\ud83d\ude41\nJackie: Because her plan was to have a baby 2 years later.\nJackie: So it is like, so to speak, well, an accident.\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22\nDeadrana: I understand. But life isn\u2019t going only as you expected. Right?\nDeadrana: Maybe you can just say only bright future. \nJackie: Yeah..I guess you\u2019re right. <_<<_<<_<\nJackie: Sometimes I feel lucky that I didn't get married yet.\u30fd(\u00b4\u30fc\uff40)\u250c"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nNatalie: Have you been to this new club at Regents Street?\nJudy: I'm going there this weekend!\nJudy: I heard it's nice \nDenise: Yes! It's cool\nDenise: I was there a few times already\nDenise: I think it might be my new favourite club in town\nDenise: The DJ is awesome\nJudy: My friends were also praising the music\nNatalie: That sounds great.\nNatalie: I want to go.\nNatalie: Can I go with you Judy?\nNatalie: Are you going on Friday?\nJudy: Sure.\nJudy: I'm going on Saturday\nJudy: With Miranda and Helen.\nNatalie: Cool\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Natalie is checking if it's worth going to the new club at Regents Street. Denise thinks the club is great. Judy's friends also recommend the place, so Judy is going there this weekend. Natalie will go to the club with Judy, Miranda and Helen on Saturday."} {"inputs": "Sean: I overslept :/\nSam: Again??\nSean: I know.\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Sean overslept again."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Lauren want's to have a small tattoo above her ankle.\".", "targets": "Lauren: ladies, i'm thinking of getting a tattoo\nNelly: oh cool i'd love to get one too\nTessie: ru thinking of sth specific?\nNelly: neh, probably i won't get one ever. i'm afraid of pain\nLauren: i'd like to get sth small on my leg.\nTessie: where exactly?\nLauren: above the ankle. sth small. a bird?\nTessie: i know a couple of guys who do it. let me know\nLauren: gr8. i'm like 87% sure yet"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nAnn: Congratulations!!\nAnn: You did great, both of you!\nSue: Thanks, Ann\nJulie: I'm glad it's over!\nJulie: That's co cute of you, girl!\nAnn: Let's have a little celebration tonight! \nSue: I'm in\nJulie: me too!!! aww\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Ann, Sue and Julie did a great job and they will have a little celebration tonight."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Robert is out of town.\".", "targets": "Tom: Who's around?\nJack: Your dick!\nTom: Go fuck yourself Jack\nRobert: I'm not in town, sorry mate!"} {"inputs": "Pamela: Have you tried applying for the RGS grant?\nZoe: I did last year.\nZoe: Wasn't lucky...\nXiara: Me neither\nPamela: Do you know if I have to be a member?\nZoe: It depends on the award\nPamela: Ok I'll have a look at their website \n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Pamela will look at their website to apply for the RGS grant. Zoe and Xiara applied last year but they weren't lucky. Sometimes you have to be a member to apply."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Jules: What does it mean?\nJules: \nDerek: Sorry, I was never good at memes\nJules: what a shame...\nJules: by the way, do we have class tomorrow?\nDerek: surely, it's friday after all\nJules: oops, someone misled me\nDerek: that's not nice"} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJason had a dental appointment today and that's why he was absent..", "targets": "Megan: Any word from Jason?\nNathan: Why do you ask?\nMegan: He was absent today :c\nSusy: He had a dental appointment.\nMegan: Thanks for the info :)"} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nLeticia: would any of you have 10$ and could lend it? I'm really in need, I will gve it back as soon as possible\nLora: sure\nLora: is everything ok?\nLeticia: actually no...\nLeticia: I've lost my wallet, or someone stole it...i'm not sure but i always take care of my stuff so that's even more weird\nMiranda: shit...that's bad\nMiranda: if you need any help I'm also here\nLeticia: thank you girls, really\nLora: you better call the bank and block your account\nLeticia: I've already done it\nMiranda: did you have like a lot of money in this wallet?\nLeticia: fortunately not...you know i hate dealing with cash\nLora: at least that...\nLeticia: yeah...but i'm afraid i'll have to get new documents and i have no time for that :///////////\nMiranda: don't worry, maybe there will be some good person who posts it on lost/found\nLeticia: I hope so\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Leticia lost her wallet with cards and documents and needs to borrow 10 dollars. Miranda and Lora offer help. The girls hope somebody will find the wallet and give it back."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nKris: Why is it so cold outside? \ud83e\udd76\ud83e\udd76\ud83e\udd76\nOvi: Yeah idk \ud83e\udd76\nKris: I am literrarily dying \nKris: literarily*\nOvi: I don't feel like going anywhere\nOvi: But still gotta go work \nJason: I've been running around the city all day in this cold\nJason: I'd probably get sick \nNadine: Wll at my clinic\nNadine: we're getting lots of sick patients \nOvi: Oh really\nNadine: Ya, these days have been rough \ud83d\ude13\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "A lot of sick people go to Nadine's clinic because of the cold weather."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMarty: Hiya, I have a favour to ask... can you pick up Marcel from school?\nChristine: Sure, you ok?\nMarty: Not really, I think I have sprained my ankle...\nChristine: Oh no, have you seen see a doctor?\nMarty: I was gonna see how it went today and might go tomorrow...\nChristine: Are you sure? I'm happy to take you now if you want?\nMarty: Nah, it can wait, that'll leave us in trouble with the kids...\nChristine: OK, I'll pick up Marcel then.\nChristine: Do you need anything from the shops or something?\nMarty: No we are good thanks. we'll have pizza night, Marcel can sort us out...\nChristine: I'm on a late shift tomorrow, shall I take Marcel in tomorrow morning? I'll take you to the doctor afterwards if you want?\nMarty: That would be awesome, thank you for your help...\nChristine: No problem, you'll have to call the school though.\nMarty: Good one, will do that now...\nChristine: See you around 4.\nMarty: Thank you so much!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Marty thinks she has sprained her ankle. Marty wants to go to the doctor tomorrow. Christine will pick up Marcel from school today. Tomorrow Christine will take Marcel to school and Marty to the doctor. Marty will call the school. Christine and Marty will meet around 4."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nMay: Just received a text from Harry he'll be late\nMichael: It's good for us, Vanessa and I are still on our way and Peter's stuck in a traffic\nMay: Probably the same traffic Harry's stuck in ;/\nPeter: There's been an accident, I'm too far away to see what exactly happened but it doesn't look good\nMay: How long may it take? Half of the guests is already here\nVanessa: God knows, Michael's driving if you can call this driving...\nPeter: They're saying that there was a serious accident, I really don't know how long it will take\nMay: Harry just called, he's in the same traffic as you\nVanessa: It'll be a hell of a birthday party ;)\nPeter: It'll be easier if you all come and join us here\nMay: Hahaha, very funny\nMay: We'll wait for you, but better be here before Harry\nVanessa: You need to stall Harry then because we're all probably behind him\nPeter: Fyi, we haven't moved an inch in a while now\nWhat was going on in that conversation?", "targets": "Henry and Peter will be late for a birthday party. Michael and Vanessa are on their way. There was a serious accident, and Peter has no idea when they will manage to arrive. Henry will probably come before Peter."} {"inputs": "Deirdre: Hi Beth, how are you love?\nBeth: Hi Auntie Deirdre, I'm been meaning to message you, had a favour to ask.\nDeirdre: Wondered if you had any thought about your Mum's 40th, we've got to do something special!\nBeth: How about a girls weekend, just mum, me, you and the girls, Kira will have to come back from Uni, of course.\nDeirdre: Sounds fab! Get your thinking cap on, it's only in 6 weeks! Bet she's dreading it, I remember doing that!\nBeth: Oh yeah, we had a surprise party for you, you nearly had a heart attack! \nDeirdre: Well, it was a lovely surprise! Gosh, thats nearly 4 years ago now, time flies! What was the favour, darling?\nBeth: Oh, it was just that I fancied trying a bit of work experience in the salon, auntie.\nDeirdre: Well, I am looking for Saturday girls, are you sure about it? you could do well in the exams and go on to college or 6th form.\nBeth: I know, but it's not for me, auntie, I am doing all foundation papers and I'm struggling with those.\nDeirdre: What about a tutor? Kira could help you in the hols.\nBeth: Maybe, but I'd like to try working. I'm 16 soon, I'm old enough.\nDeirdre: I know. Look, pop in tomorrow after school and we'll have a cuppa and a chat.\nBeth: Yes, thanks auntie. I'd really like to try the beauty therapy side.\nDeirdre: Its not for the squeamish, mind. Massage, pedicures, not to mention waxing!\nBeth: Oh yes, I was chatting to a friend about it yesterday!\nDeirdre: Maxine manages the beauty side, you can meet her tomorrow and we'll see how it goes.\nBeth: Yes, I'd really like that. \nDeirdre: We can try a few hours on a Saturday for a couple of weeks as work experience. I'll give you a tenner or so per session to start off for your lunch, coffee and bus fare etc. If you like, we'll take it from there.\nBeth: OK, I like the sound of it! See you tomorrow Auntie! Love you!\nDeirdre: Bye, lovely girl! Xx\n\nWhat was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?", "targets": "Beth wants to organize a girls weekend to celebrate her mother's 40th birthday. She also wants to work at Deidre's beauty salon. Deidre offers her a few hours on Saturdays as work experience. They set up for a meeting tomorrow."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nAndy: Working late til 4 xx\nSue: no worries xx\nAndy: be there by 8 xx\nSue: No probs babes xx\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Andy is going to work late so he won't see Sue before 8."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nKaren: you know that road from the swimming pool to Waitrose?\nPeter: yeah?\nKaren: What is happening there?\nPeter: Dunno. What do you mean?\nKaren: It's all blocked of and vans everywhere\nPeter: Is it ambulances and stuff?\nKaren: Don't think so, I didn't see any lights or anything\nPeter: what kind of vans then?\nKaren: I don't know, those big white ones, like work vans\nPeter: maybe repairs to something?\nKaren: yeah I guess so\nKaren: either way I would avoid it if I were you, I got pretty stuck after yoga\nKaren: what time are you leaving anyway?\nPeter: Not until 6 at the earliest, got to finish this presentation for the repairs team tomorrow\nKaren: I thought Joe was going to finish that?\nPeter: No Eileen wanted me to do it...\nKaren: Cause she knows you won't say no?\nPeter: Or because Joe did a pretty crappie job last time\nKaren: True. let me know if you need any help.\nPeter: I'm almost done, thanks though. \nKaren: see you in a bit\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Karen got stuck on the road from the swimming pool to Waitrose so wants Peter to avoid it. Peter is not leaving until 6 as he he has to finish his presentation. Karen will see Peter in a bit."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog about anything you want", "targets": "Sean: Hey, I won't be able to take the car to the carwash\nSean: They want me to finish report first :(\nAlice: shoot, but it's crazily dirty\nAlice: Will we have tomorrow?\nSean: \nSean: We can leave a bit earlier or get it washed somewhere on the road\nAlice: it might be good idea, let's do it tomorrow then\nSean: great!"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nMark: who wants to go and see 'Batman. New Beginning' this Sat at 7?\nClint: me!\nPhil: me too! \nMark: cool. I can get tickets for us all.\nClint: thats great\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Mark, Clint and Phil are going to watch \"Batman. New Beginning\" on Saturday, at 7. Mark will get the tickets."} {"inputs": "Tom: we're few meters from you, can't you see us?\nJeffrey: lol, nope\nElena: c'mon, the red jacket!\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Elena is wearing the red jacket and Jeffrey can't see her nor Tom."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog with this premise \"Aaron will give two lectures during the conference about relations at school at the Sesame Street. Claire will participate in mindfulness workshop.\".", "targets": "Claire: hey \nClaire: where's this conference about relations at school?\nAaron: hey\nAaron: it's in the teaching training thing\nClaire: oh, in Sesame Street?\nAaron: yeah exactly\nClaire: thanks! \nClaire: are you going? i mean apart from your own lecture ;D\nAaron: haha yeah i'm giving two, actually\nAaron: and i'm kind of a host there as well \nAaron: so guess i'll be looking to coffee, biscuits etc\nClaire: i see\nAaron: i was thinking i could go to Jo's lecture\nClaire: Jo's... is it the one about stress?\nAaron: no, that's Joe ;D Jo is having a workshop on teamwork\nClaire: ah, this one. yeah looks interesting\nAaron: i know her, she's a really good coach\nClaire: i was thinking maybe mindfullness...\nAaron: yeah definitely!! if you haven't been to any mindfullness workshops then it's a must!\nAaron: i've taken it in Berlin last year, with the same guy\nAaron: it was amazing, life-changing i'd say\nClaire: sounds wonderful\nClaire: one can easily tell you're one of the organisers ;D\nAaron: hahah yeah but we did choose the best topics and presenters, believe me :D\nAaron: we've checked out all those people and learnt from them and yeah, they're the best ;)\nClaire: ok ok i'm signing up :D see you there, during the breaks at least;)\nAaron: ok bye bye;)"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nDean: Hey sweetheart\nDean: What's for dinner tonight :D\nPoppy: Hey\nPoppy: Dunno?\nDean: What do you mean you dunno :D\nPoppy: Well, I'm not preparing anything tonight\nPoppy: So I dunno\nDean: Nooo whyy I'm starving\nPoppy: Grab something on the way back home\nDean: I guess I will!\nDean: What would you like me to get for you? :*\nPoppy: Nothing I won't be home tonight\nDean: ???\nDean: You won't?\nPoppy: Yeah I won't\nDean: What's up?\nPoppy: Nothing\nPoppy: I'll see you tomorrow\nDean: Where are you going to be tonight then?\nPoppy: Not telling\nDean: :O\nDean: Why\nPoppy: Because it's a secret\nPoppy: :O\nDean: :O\nPoppy: :O\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Poppy is not going to be home tonight but she won't reveal the reason to Dean. She won't be making dinner so Dean has to get something on his way home."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nJose: merry christmas!\nRicky: Merry Christmas!\nAmanda: Happy holidays!\nAmanda: And a happy new year\nRicky: 2019 will be awesome!!\nRicky: So many adventures to come!!\nJose: I can't wait for the summer to come\nAmanda: Me too!!\nRicky: I'm excited to go to Cuba\nJose: I'm more than happy to be your guide\nAmanda: 2019 will bring us lots of traveling\nJose: Cuba, Mexico, Thailand!\nAmanda: And more!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Jose Ricky and Amanda are very enthusiastic about the new year as they will travel a lot during the summer of 2019."} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nLily: I need to rent a pop corn machine\nDaniel: :D\nLily: for our office Christmas party\nDaniel: very Christmasy\nLily: We will screen Love Actually :P\nDaniel: oh I get it now\nLily: Do you know someone who rents them?\nDaniel: I'll check!\n\nWrite a short summary!", "targets": "Daniel will find out who rents a pop corn machines on Lily's request."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nCaroline: I think his mother doesn't like me...;-( :-( \nKate: how come??\nCaroline: I just see it in her eyes...\nKate: any example?\nCaroline: I just feel it... \nCaroline: hard to give any example.\nCaroline: I'm his first gf and she's jelous...\nKate: what??? u r his first gf??\nKate: how old is he??? o_O ???\nCaroline: 26 but he's a nerd.\nCaroline: he used to spend all the time at home..\nKate: so he lives at home with mummy?? LOL\nCaroline: yeah.. mummy and gramma\nKate: fuck, really??\nKate: and u think he's normal?\nCaroline: he's an introvert...\nCaroline: it's a big house..\nKate: but has he ever lived somewhere else?\nKate: u know shared flat, erasmus?\nCaroline: nope...\nKate: he's really weird..\nCaroline: he's just a nerd, but v.intelligent!\nCaroline: w8 , he's writing sth, will text u l8er.\nKate: ok\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Kate believes her boyfriend's mother dislikes her. He is a nerd who lives and has always lived with his mother and grandmother."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nPaula helped Charlotte with correct pronunciation of \"Natal lily\"..", "targets": "Charlotte: Hello Paula, a funny question: how do you pronounce 'Natal lily', the name of the plant? It refers to the region of ZA and not to the word 'natal' as in 'his natal day', right?\nPaula: Hi Charlotte, 'nu tell', 'nu' as in 'number'.\nCharlotte: And the stress on the second syllable? Or the first?\nPaula: 2nd\nCharlotte: Thank you dear.\nPaula: \nCharlotte: Lovely to hear your voice!!\nPaula: :$\nPaula: \nCharlotte: :X"} {"inputs": "Here is a dialogue:\nCeline: \nMia: where are you?\nCeline: We went on skates.\nMia: Mark knows how to skate?\nCeline: No.\nCeline: It's his first time.\nCeline: Thanks to that, we have a lot of fun here\nMia: I would like to be there with you\n\nWhat were they talking about?", "targets": "Celine and Mark went skating, it's the first time for Mark."} {"inputs": "Dialogue:\nHuda: going swimming wanna join?\nAlex: sure.. what time?\nHuda: in 2 hours \nAlex: ok i will be there then\nHuda: see ya\n\nWhat is a summary of this dialogue?", "targets": "Alex will go swimming toghether with Huda in two hours."} {"inputs": "Nancy: Yeah, but u can also read the news online ;)\nPhil: I know, but imagine - ur keen on technology and u get all the news in one place. Then u can choose what to read and what not.\nNancy: Sounds sensible. Does it have something 4 fashion?\nPhil: Probably so. Not sure, though.\nNancy: How about u, Vic?\nVic: I still prefer Facebook. Had Twitter once, but the interaction with others is nothing compared with Facebook.\nPhil: Well, it's intended in a completely different way. \nVic: What do u mean?\nPhil: IMO, Twitter is not for interacting like on Facebook, but for getting news fast and from reliable, more or less, sources. U can follow anyone and anyone can follow u.\nVic: Still, on Facebook I can share stuff with my friends, join groups and talk about things that interest me. And I don't have to limit myself to 140 characters.\nPhil: 280. Still, a downside. OTOH, if ppl were able to write as much as they wanted, Twitted would get as cluttered as Facebook.\nNancy: So no one uses 4 example Instagram?\nVic: I do. \nPhil: Not 4 me. I don't post that many pictures online. \nNancy: But u can follow ppl and see what they're doing or offering. There are also companies on Instagram.\nPhil: I know, but I'm more interested in news and gossip than seeing someone post a picture of their breakfast. \nVic: That's not all ppl post on Instagram!\nPhil: So, what else?\nVic: Depends on ur interest. I, for one, like to observe all the fitness accounts :)\nPhil: And does this motivate u to train?\nVic: No, but it gives me hints what to do and what not. \nNancy: What do u think about Tumblr?\nPhil: What?\nVic: Heard about it, but never had an account.\nNancy: It's a microblogging website. U can post blog entries, pictures and basically everything u want there. And ppl can observe u!\nPhil: Don't have that much time to write a blog.\nVic: Me neither. \nPhil: Nancy, y do u ask these questions? ;)\nNancy: I have my reasons ;)\n\nBriefly summarize that dialogue.", "targets": "Nancy asks Vic and Phil about various social media, which prompts them to discuss and compare the different platforms. Phil is not into Instagram but likes Twitter. Vic prefers Facebook over Twitter and likes Instagram. Phil and Vic both don't use Tumblr."} {"inputs": "Write a dialog based on this summary:\nJaz will come to dye Sharon's roots on Sunday at 2.30..", "targets": "Sharon: Hello Jaz, you busy Sunday?\nJaz: No, not really, you need something done?\nSharon: Do you think you could pop in and sort out my roots? I can't get to the salon this week?\nJaz: Sure, you got the right colour dye there?\nSharon: Oh yes! Boxes of the stuff, I buy in bulk on Amazon. 2.30 OK for you?\nJaz: That's fine, I'll pop it in my calendar. See you Sunday."}