{"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Configuration of CT Scan Paramaters\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Configuraci\u00f3n Par\u00e1metros del TAC"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Longitud de la hoja: 88 cm aproximadamente"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Omitting the more \u201ccolourful\u201d passages of the story, suffice it to say that victory came to Bol\u00edvar more easily than he had expected.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Pasaremos de largo los pasajes \u201ccoloridos\u201d de la historia, abreviaremos y diremos que al parecer, a Bol\u00edvar se le present\u00f3 la victoria m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil de lo que \u00e9l esperaba."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Education and medicine were available to the masses of people for the first time.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Por primera vez las masas pod\u00edan estudiar y ten\u00edan servicios m\u00e9dicos."} {"inputs": "Para aquellos que est\u00e1n pensando en cuanto HarVokse, siguientes son algunas de las consultas m\u00e1s a menudo se le pregunt\u00f3 y sus respuestas. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "For those who are thinking regarding HarVokse, following are some of the most often asked queries and their responses."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nFrom then on, there is a time before and a time after Hiroshima.", "targets": "Hay un antes y un despu\u00e9s de Hiroshima."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"The French colonial government had created, from 1920 to 1940, with its biologists (zoologists and botanists), twelve National Parks and had placed under protection the flora and the fauna, among which several species of lemuriformes.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "El gobierno colonial franc\u00e9s, desde 1920 al 1940, con sus bi\u00f3logos (zo\u00f3logos y bot\u00e1nicos) hab\u00edan instituido doce Parques Nacionales y colocado bajo protecci\u00f3n la flora y la fauna y entre estas especies se encontraban los lemuriformes."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: There was practically no business in November, December and January, but deals are coming from all sides now.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Yo estaba pr\u00e1cticamente muerta en lo que fue noviembre, diciembre y enero, pero ahorita, yo no se, pero salen negocios de todas partes."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Hydropower has a moderate to high amount of useful energy and fairly low operating and maintenance costs.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "La hidroelectricidad tiene un moderado a la cantidad alta de la energ\u00eda \u00fatil y bastante bajo gastos de mantenimiento y funcionamiento."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Permite el aprendizaje de: Manejo de los Elfos - El gran Elfo"} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nbut those who are the devotees of My devotee", "targets": "pero los que son devotos de Mi sirviente,"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Claro que, como nada es imposible para el Creador, \u00c9l s\u00ed puede hacer milagros.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Of course, nothing is impossible to the Creator, it can indeed work miracles."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nSwitching off your Canon camera while read / write process also leads to CR2 file loss", "targets": "Desconexi\u00f3n de la c\u00e1mara Canon mientras que el proceso de lectura / escritura tambi\u00e9n conduce a la p\u00e9rdida de archivos CR2"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Despu\u00e9s discern\u00ed que el motivo detr\u00e1s de \u00e9l era de importancia mayor en el dise\u00f1o del curso y resultado de la Segunda Guerra\".\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Later I discerned that the motive behind it was of major importance in shaping the course and outcome of the Second War.\u201d"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"500 fans, admiradores de fotos video fotos fotos video Santiago Rios o curiosos observaron y disfrutaron durante los ultimos dias el especial de la Celebrity Star fotos video fotos fotos video Santiago Rios\" in Spanish?", "targets": "500 fans, admiradores de fotos video fotos fotos video video Santiago Rios o curiosos observaron y disfrutaron durante los ultimos dias el especial de la Celebrity Star fotos video fotos fotos video video Santiago Rios"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: This lovely complex boasts comfortable rooms, a charming restaurant serving delicious local cuisine accompanied by excellent wines.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Este bonito complejo dispone de habitaciones confortables, un bonito restaurante que sirve deliciosos platos t\u00edpicos de cocina local acompa\u00f1ados por excelentes vinos."} {"inputs": "El resto de la concurrencia se uni\u00f3 a ellos y la celebraci\u00f3n finaliz\u00f3 con un fuerte grito j\u00f3venes por los derechos de las mujeres\" Fue un momento motivador y emotivo al mismo tiempo. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "The rest of the room joined in and the celebration ended in a loud shout: \"Youth for Women\u2019s Rights\". It was moving and motivating at the same time."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"This means you\u2019ll start thinking in Swedish, which will make you quicker at understanding and recalling words.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Gracias a esto, empezar\u00e1s a pensar en Sueco, por lo tanto te sera m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil comprender el idioma y recordar palabras nuevas."} {"inputs": "MONTS construye l\u00edneas de producci\u00f3n nuevas seg\u00fan pedido. Estaremos contigo en cada etapa, desde que nos presentes tu idea, hasta el inicio de la producci\u00f3n. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "MONTS builds new production lines to order! We will be there with you every step of the way, right from when you first present us with your initial idea, all the way through to the start of production."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nY si as\u00ed fuera, \u00bfqu\u00e9 indic\u00f3 el term\u00f3metro?", "targets": "And if so, what color did the litmus paper turn?"} {"inputs": "En el 100\u00ba aniversario del D\u00eda Internacional de la Mujer, los miembros de IFEX rindieron homenaje a Achour y otras mujeres que est\u00e1n en la primera l\u00ednea de las revoluciones en el Medio Oriente y \u00c1frica del Norte, junto con mujeres periodistas, escritoras y activistas que levantan la voz para defender sus derechos de frente a la represi\u00f3n. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "On the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, IFEX members paid tribute to Achour, and other women at the forefront of the revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa, along with women journalists, writers and activists who speak out for their rights in the face of repression."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\n1 week ago 12:04 JizzBunker cinema, riding, big tits, big cock, blowjob, Spanish, shaving", "targets": "Hace 1 a\u00f1o 1:04:59 xHamster espa\u00f1ol, intercambio de parejas, 18 a\u00f1os"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Where does the book start and where does it end?\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "\u00bfD\u00f3nde comienza el libro y d\u00f3nde termina?\u00bfD\u00f3nde comienza el libro y d\u00f3nde termina?"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: Development of a web open source alternative monetary system management application, it was written with python and django, timebank\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Desarrollo de un aplicaci\u00f3n web libre paga gesti\u00f3n de sistemas de moneda alternativos, escrita en python con django, timebank"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"New York, NY--(HISPANIC PR WIRE - BUSINESS WIRE)--March 5, 2007--Starting today at 1:30 EST, US Latinos have a new network and media community with V-me (pronounced veh-meh), the first national [...]\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Nueva York, NY--(HISPANIC PR WIRE - BUSINESS WIRE)--5 de marzo de 2007--A partir de hoy a la 1:30 de la tarde, hora del Este, los Latinos de los Estados Unidos tendr\u00e1n un nuevo y completo medio [...]"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Como novedad este a\u00f1o el canal Teledeporte har\u00e1 un seguimiento diario durante la duraci\u00f3n de la Challenge a las 20:30. Tambi\u00e9n podr\u00e1 seguirse por el canal internacional de TVE y diferentes canales de Alemania y Reino Unido."} {"inputs": "Antic Teatre y Vyrsodepseio son miembros de la red europea de centros culturales independientes, Trans Europe Halles (TEH), y juntos est\u00e1n desarrollando un programa de intercambio de artistas basado en la investigaci\u00f3n y la innovaci\u00f3n en nuevos lenguajes esc\u00e9nicos. How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Antic Teatre and Vyrsodepseio are both members of the European network of independent cultural centres, Trans Europe Halles (TEH), and together they are developing an artist exchange programme based on research and innovation in performance expression."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Diferentes interesados pueden participar en la recolecci\u00f3n y el an\u00e1lisis de datos en grados distintos."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "This top-class apartment for 2-3 persons in Tarifa's most modern apartment complex is located in a prime location of the center, right by the city wall besides the harbor and with stunning views of the Strait of Gibraltar and the Moroccan coast."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Por medio de la p\u00e9rdida inconsolable de su mujer y su familia, Dios condujo a Rodr\u00edguez hasta una relaci\u00f3n de intimidad consigo.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "Through the inconsolable death of his wife and family, God led Rodriguez to an extraordinarily intimate relationship with himself."} {"inputs": "Translate \"In response to these Resolutions, the Bureau of the Ramsar Convention urges Contracting Parties to consider nominating suitably qualified persons (reflecting the above areas of expertise) who also have knowledge of, or are members of, these others technical advisory bodies.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "En cumplimiento de estas Resoluciones, la Oficina de la Convenci\u00f3n de Ramsar insta a las Partes Contratantes a contemplar la posibilidad de proponer las candidaturas de personas id\u00f3neas (en los campos de especializaci\u00f3n citados), que est\u00e9n familiarizadas tambi\u00e9n con estos otros \u00f3rganos asesores t\u00e9cnicos o que sean miembros de ellos."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in Spanish.", "targets": "Tanto aqu\u00ed como all\u00ed, se trata de los mismos deseos de vida y de libertad, de la misma lucha."} {"inputs": "The renovation was designed by Muzio Oddi, but the owner was receiving advice and influences from a relative in France. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "La reestructuraci\u00f3n fue dise\u00f1ada por Muzio Oddi pero la propietaria recib\u00eda consejos e influencias de un pariente en Francia."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nLa necroscopia concluy\u00f3 \u201cahogamiento por asfixia mec\u00e1nica\u201d.", "targets": "The post mortem examination concluded death was due to \u201casphyxia by drowning.\u201d"} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Born out of the mass of the labour people, the General Union must take part in all the manifestations of their life, bringing to them on every occasion the spirit of organisation, perseverance and offensive.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Nacida del coraz\u00f3n de las masas laboriosas, la Uni\u00f3n General debe tomar parte en todas las manifestaciones de su vida, llev\u00e1ndoles en todas las ocasiones el esp\u00edritu de la organizaci\u00f3n, perseverancia, acci\u00f3n y ofensiva."} {"inputs": "Translate from Spanish to English:\n\nEs una cirug\u00eda peque\u00f1a que solo requiere peque\u00f1as incisiones para tomar la grasa donante.", "targets": "It is a minimally invasive procedure, requiring only tiny incisions to remove the donor fat."} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: injuries or illnesses to ear, nose, or throat\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Enfermedades y heridas de o\u00eddos, nariz y garganta"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Lo que hubiera podido hacer una vanguardia comunista organizada en tal situaci\u00f3n es mucho m\u00e1s de lo que se hizo. Bueno, las consecuencias de que la vanguardia actuara enteramente conforme a sus responsabilidades como vanguardia, y todo lo que se hubiera podido producir como resultado de eso \u2014lo que a veces describimos como la din\u00e1mica de revoluci\u00f3n/contrarrevoluci\u00f3n/m\u00e1s revoluci\u00f3n\u2014 hubiera sido tremendo, en el sentido de ser muy intenso.\" from Spanish to English.", "targets": "What could have been done by an organized communist vanguard in that situation was way more than what was done. Now, the effect of the vanguard acting fully in accordance with its responsibilities as a vanguard, and everything that might have come about as a result of that\u2014what we sometimes refer to as the revolution/counter-revolution/more revolution dynamic\u2014would have been tremendous, in the sense of being very intense."} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nFrom Friedman and Hayek to Greenspan", "targets": "De Friedman y von Hayek a Greenspan"} {"inputs": "It is impossible for such a person to stand still, and for this reason the righteous are called \u201cmoving (Zechariah 3:7).\u201d Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Es imposible que una persona que se detuviera, y por esta raz\u00f3n, los justos son llamados \"m\u00f3viles (Zacar\u00edas 3:7).\""} {"inputs": "Translate from English to Spanish:\n\nYou can download the logo 'Plymouth' here ...", "targets": "Puede descargar el logo 'Avon' aqu\u00ed ..."} {"inputs": "In our view, protectionism is simply not the solution in tackling global recession. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Desde nuestro punto de vista, el proteccionismo simplemente no es la soluci\u00f3n para afrontar la recesi\u00f3n global."} {"inputs": "Translate \"And he delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites, and they hanged them on the hill before the LORD: and they fell all seven together, and were put to death in the days of harvest, in the first days, in the beginning of barley harvest.\" to Spanish.", "targets": "Y entreg\u00f3los en manos de los Gabaonitas, y ellos los ahorcaron en el monte delante de Jehov\u00e1: y murieron juntos aquellos siete, lo cuales fueron muertos en el tiempo de la siega, en los primeros d\u00edas, en el principio de la siega de las cebadas."} {"inputs": "How do you say \"Our life and our heart are not to be divided, but rather undivided in our love, devotion, and complete offering of ourselves to God. Only thus will we enjoy the delights of the Lord, and only thus will our life be an offering to the Father, offered up together with Jesus Christ's great offering of himself on the cross.\" in Spanish?", "targets": "Nuestra vida y nuestro coraz\u00f3n no deben ser divididos, sino indivisos en nuestro amor, devoci\u00f3n, y ofrecimiento de nosotros mismos a Dios. S\u00f3lo as\u00ed disfrutaremos de las delicias del Se\u00f1or, y s\u00f3lo as\u00ed ser\u00e1 nuestra vida una ofrenda al Padre, ofrecida junto con la gran ofrenda de s\u00ed mismo de Jesucristo en la cruz."} {"inputs": "+ Rates include insurance with excess, VAT and delivery to the hotel. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "+ Las tarifas incluyen seguro con franquicia, IVA y entrega en el hotel."} {"inputs": "Etiquetas: bathroom, cerebro, simulator, simulation, etiquette, restroom, p\u00fablica, washroom, manners How do you say this sentence in English?", "targets": "Tags: bathroom, brain, simulator, simulation, etiquette, restroom, public, washroom, manners"} {"inputs": "Translate the following.\n\nEnglish: I thank you for your words of welcome.\n\nSpanish:", "targets": "Beatitud, le agradezco sus palabras de bienvenida."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "Studio Parliement is a stylish studio for 2 people in Brussels\u2019 famous European district. Situated on the eighth floor of a modern building with a lift, this 35m2 studio includes a furnished terrace with interesting views over the street. It accommodates guests in a double sofa bed, and also offers a basic kitchenette with microwave and toaster, a dining area, a walk-in wardrobe, Wi-Fi, flat-screen TV with DVD player, a stereo, a safe and a private bathroom with hairdryer."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence in English.", "targets": "The patient, along with his or her family and doctors, may want to discuss palliative or comfort care at this time."} {"inputs": "The \"nuclei of corruption in Earth\" such as abortion, drugs, prostitution and respective leaders are connected to the Abysmal Cities that feed them. Say this using Spanish", "targets": "Los \"n\u00facleos de corrupci\u00f3n en la Tierra\" como los: del aborto, la droga, la prostituci\u00f3n y los l\u00edderes que los comandan, est\u00e1n conectados a las Ciudades del Abismo de donde reciben fluidos."}