{"inputs": "\"D\u011bti se k t\u011bmto produkt\u016fm dost\u00e1vaj\u00ed \u010dast\u011bji a nane\u0161t\u011bst\u00ed je zde procento d\u011bt\u00ed, kter\u00e9 mus\u00ed b\u00fdt odvezeny na pohotovost,\" \u0159ekl Lopez CNN.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"Kids are getting into these products more frequently, and unfortunately, there's a percentage of them going to the emergency room,\" Lopez told CNN."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe Kremlin had, though, granted Yakunin an exemption on the grounds that he was an extraordinary and authorised plenipotentiary to whom the legal requirement for long-term residency did not apply.", "targets": "Kreml sice pro Jakunina na\u0161el v\u00fdjimku s t\u00edm, \u017ee je mimo\u0159\u00e1dn\u00fdm a zplnomocn\u011bn\u00fdm velvyslancem, na kter\u00e9 se z\u00e1konn\u00fd po\u017eadavek dlouhodob\u00e9ho pobytu nevztahuje."} {"inputs": "B\u00fdval\u00fd \u0159editel Sky a Channel 5, David Elstein, kter\u00fd p\u0159ed komis\u00ed vystoupil v \u00fater\u00fd, \u0159ekl, \u017ee BBC by m\u011bla revidovat svou reithovskou misi ve smyslu \"informovat, vzd\u011bl\u00e1vat a bavit.\"\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Former Sky and Channel 5 executive David Elstein, who also gave evidence to the committee on Tuesday, said the BBC should revise its Reithian mission to \"inform, educate and entertain.\""} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe company is currently completing preparations for a metal-plating process using zinc and nickel, rather than cadmium, which is harmful to human health.", "targets": "Te\u010f firma dokon\u010duje p\u0159\u00edpravu procesu pro pokovov\u00e1n\u00ed zinkem a niklem, kter\u00e9 nahrad\u00ed dosavadn\u00ed pro lidsk\u00e9 zdrav\u00ed \u0161kodliv\u00e9 kadmium."} {"inputs": "V are\u00e1lu v pra\u017esk\u00fdch Let\u0148anech vyr\u00e1b\u00ed d\u0159\u00edv\u011bj\u0161\u00ed Letov kompletn\u00ed dve\u0159e pro Airbus A320.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Previously known as Letov, the company produces complete door systems for the Airbus A320 at its complex in the Let\u0148any district of Prague."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAnother short test of the objectivity and balance of news on the refugee crisis supplied by the main Czech media.", "targets": "Dal\u0161\u00ed mal\u00fd test objektivity a vyv\u00e1\u017eenosti zpravodajstv\u00ed hlavn\u00edch \u010desk\u00fdch m\u00e9di\u00ed o uprchlick\u00e9 krizi."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Mo\u017en\u00e1 bychom d\u011blali d\u00edly nebo mal\u00e9 sou\u010d\u00e1sti."} {"inputs": "Chov\u00e1n\u00ed policist\u016f v n\u011bm ozna\u010dila za nep\u0159ijateln\u00e9 a uvedla, \u017ee novin\u00e1\u0159i by m\u011bli m\u00edt mo\u017enost pokr\u00fdvat ud\u00e1losti, ani\u017e by riskovali fyzick\u00e9 n\u00e1sil\u00ed a nemuseli se b\u00e1t, \u017ee vl\u00e1da zni\u010d\u00ed leg\u00e1ln\u011b z\u00edskan\u00fd materi\u00e1l.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In it, the agency described the behaviour of the police as unacceptable and stated that journalists should be able to cover events without risking physical violence and without fear that the government would destroy legally obtained material."} {"inputs": "Nejm\u00e9n\u011b j\u00e1.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "A z nich vystoupili mlad\u00ed \u010derno\u0161i.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Some young black people got out of them."} {"inputs": "How is \"People here don't only talk about Rangers coming back.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Zdej\u0161\u00ed lid\u00e9 nemluv\u00ed jen o n\u00e1vratu Rangers."} {"inputs": "Jeden z dlouholet\u00fdch p\u0159\u00e1tel Lamba ho popsal jako chytr\u00e9ho, charismatick\u00e9ho a vtipn\u00e9ho \u010dlov\u011bka.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "One of Lamb's longtime friends described him as smart, charismatic and funny."} {"inputs": "How is \"It's a great supplement to meat and fish.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "B\u00e1je\u010dn\u011b toti\u017e dopl\u0148uje chu\u0165 mas i ryb."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nMelbourne Storm coach Craig Bellamy has called criticism of his side's tackling as \"agenda setting\" by the NRL's two premiership favourites.", "targets": "Craig Bellamy, tren\u00e9r Melbourne Storm, zkritizoval z\u00e1kroky sv\u00fdch hr\u00e1\u010d\u016f jako \"stanovov\u00e1n\u00ed pl\u00e1nu\" dv\u011bma NRL obl\u00edbenci premiership."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWe need to move more towards a balance.", "targets": "Pot\u0159ebujeme se p\u0159ibl\u00ed\u017eit k rovnov\u00e1ze."} {"inputs": "Vys\u00edlaj\u00ed je v \u010dase, kdy se na n\u011b nikdo ned\u00edv\u00e1.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "They put them on a slot where no one was ever going to watch them."} {"inputs": "Ov\u0161em v \u010dervnu 2105 to je\u0161t\u011b pro mne nebylo tak d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"But financial markets around the world started convulsing late last month after China devalued its currency.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ale finan\u010dn\u00ed trhy po cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b se za\u010daly zm\u00edtat koncem minul\u00e9ho m\u011bs\u00edce pot\u00e9, co \u010c\u00edna devalvovala svou m\u011bnu."} {"inputs": "How is \"South Australian and Western Australian shoppers are notoriously parochial and IGA retailers enjoy a much stronger market share than they do in NSW, Victoria and Queensland - more than 30 per cent in SA and 24 per cent in WA compared with around 14 per cent in the Eastern states.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Z\u00e1kazn\u00edci v ji\u017en\u00ed a z\u00e1padn\u00ed Austr\u00e1lii jsou notoricky provin\u010dn\u00ed a obchody IGA si u\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed mnohem siln\u011bj\u0161\u00ed tr\u017en\u00ed pod\u00edl ne\u017e v NSW, Viktorii a Queenslandu - v\u00edce ne\u017e 30 procent v SA a 24 procent v WA ve srovn\u00e1n\u00ed s okolo 14 procenty ve v\u00fdchodn\u00edch st\u00e1tech."} {"inputs": "It was not linked with his ankles or with the injuries he had before.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Net\u00fdkalo se to jeho kotn\u00edk\u016f ani zran\u011bn\u00ed, kter\u00e1 utrp\u011bl p\u0159edt\u00edm."} {"inputs": "M\u016fj b\u00fdval\u00fd t\u00fdmov\u00fd kolega Justin Langer hr\u00e1l nejprve sv\u00fdch prvn\u00edch 38 zkou\u0161ek p\u0159ede sv\u00fdm vystoupen\u00edm v roce 2001.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "My old team-mate Justin Langer played his first 38 Tests at first drop before stepping up to open in 2001."} {"inputs": "Hol\u00e1 v\u011bt\u0161ina stoupenc\u016f Donalda Trumpa tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee si ji\u017e ud\u011blali sv\u016fj n\u00e1zor.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "A bare majority of Donald Trump's supporters say they've made up their minds."} {"inputs": "How is \"The latest turmoil doesn't come close to that level, he said.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00ed v\u0159ava se ani nep\u0159ibli\u017euje t\u00e9to \u00farovni, uvedl."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFor Detroit, if only for one night, it was a return of the three-letter F-word that has been so elusive over much of the season's second half.", "targets": "I kdy\u017e jen na jednu noc, pro Detroit to byl n\u00e1vrat slova na Z, kter\u00e9 pro n\u011b bylo v pr\u016fb\u011bhu druh\u00e9 poloviny sez\u00f3ny tak nepolapiteln\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V Karlovarsk\u00e9m kraji mo\u017en\u00e1 vzniknou nov\u00e1 l\u016f\u017ekov\u00e1 odd\u011blen\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Furthermore, according to the Association a change in current practice is effectively superfluous.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Podle asociace je nav\u00edc zm\u011bna dosavadn\u00ed praxe de facto zbyte\u010dn\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"Consumer protection works,\" judges Fischerov\u00e1.", "targets": "\"Ochrana spot\u0159ebitele funguje,\" soud\u00ed Fischerov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFor the first time we are approaching a situation where a major central bank might be able to get out of the zero bar and start a process of normalization of interest rates,\" said Angel Ubide, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.", "targets": "Poprv\u00e9 se bl\u00ed\u017e\u00edme k situaci, kdy by hlavn\u00ed centr\u00e1ln\u00ed banka mohla b\u00fdt schopna dostat se z nulov\u00e9 la\u0165ky a zah\u00e1jit proces normalizace \u00farokov\u00fdch sazeb,\" uv\u00e1d\u00ed Angel Ubide, vedouc\u00ed pracovn\u00edk Petersonova institutu pro mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed ekonomiku."} {"inputs": "Arabsk\u00e1 verze vyhl\u00e1\u0161ky, nesena st\u00e1tem provozovanou Sa\u00fadskou tiskovou agenturou, uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee Binladin Group nese \u010d\u00e1ste\u010dn\u011b vinu za p\u00e1d.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "An Arabic version of the decree, carried by the state-run Saudi Press Agency, said the Binladin Group was partly to blame for the collapse."} {"inputs": "How is \"Johnson, a serial entrepreneur who led Channel 4 from 2004 to 2010, said the BBC was guilty of chasing ratings \"because of the ambitions of people who work there, and because they believe that is the best way to secure long-term support.\"\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Johnson, podnikatel v oblasti seri\u00e1l\u016f, kter\u00fd vedl Channel 4 od roku 2004 do 2010, \u0159ekl BBC, \u017ee se c\u00edt\u00ed vinn\u00fd t\u00edm, \u017ee doh\u00e1n\u011bl ratingy \"kv\u016fli ambic\u00edm lid\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed zde pracovali, a proto\u017ee v\u011b\u0159il, \u017ee je to nejlep\u0161\u00ed zp\u016fsob, jak si zajistit dlouhodobou podporu.\""} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kvalifika\u010dn\u00ed z\u00e1pasy nesta\u010d\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"Google promises millions of dollars in aid for refugees in Europe\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Google sl\u00edbil miliony dolar\u016f na pomoc uprchl\u00edk\u016fm v Evrop\u011b."} {"inputs": "Ji\u017e tehdy potkala na internetu na chatu star\u0161\u00edho Va\u0161ka, se kter\u00fdm si za\u010dali pov\u00eddat o obl\u00edben\u00fdch filmech.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Martin McKee, professor of European public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Simon Capewell, professor of clinical epidemiology at the University of Liverpool, said: \"A fundamental principle of public health is that policies should be based on evidence of effectiveness.\"\" to Czech?", "targets": "Martin McKee, profesor evropsk\u00e9ho ve\u0159ejn\u00e9ho zdrav\u00ed na London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, a Simon Capewell, profesor klinick\u00e9 epidemiologie na univerzit\u011b v Liverpoolu, \u0159ekli: \"Z\u00e1kladn\u00edm principem ve\u0159ejn\u00e9ho zdrav\u00ed je to, \u017ee politika by m\u011bla b\u00fdt zalo\u017eena na d\u016fkazech o \u00fa\u010dinnosti.\""} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Dlouh\u00e9 obdob\u00ed, kdy jsme nakupovali hlavn\u011b p\u0159\u00edstroje, skon\u010dilo."} {"inputs": "How is \"From safe Kosovo, where we pay everything in the country, including police, the courts and state attorneys.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Z bezpe\u010dn\u00e9ho Kosova, kde plat\u00edme ve\u0161kerou saturaci tohoto st\u00e1tu, v\u010detn\u011b policie, soud\u016f, st\u00e1tn\u00edch zastupitelstv\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"Am I that bad for the industry?\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jsem opravdu tak \u0161patn\u00fd pro tento pr\u016fmysl?"} {"inputs": "Lyth dostal sedm \u010depic \u2014 stejn\u011b jako Sam Robson p\u0159ed n\u00edm \u2014 zat\u00edmco Nick Compton z\u00edskal dev\u011bt.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"The cyclist, a 40-year-old Cobram man, remains in hospital in a stable condition.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Cyklista, 40-let\u00fd mu\u017e z Cobramu, z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 v nemocnici ve stabiln\u00edm stavu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"How would I support two children?\" to Czech?", "targets": "Z \u010deho bych u\u017eivil dv\u011b d\u011bcka?"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Good morning, comrade superintendent\" to Czech?", "targets": "Dobr\u00e9 r\u00e1no, soudruhu n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edku."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThey went onto the beach, all of them dressed in designer clothes and shoes. Holding, of course, smartphones.", "targets": "Ve\u0161li na pl\u00e1\u017e, v\u0161ichni oble\u010den\u00ed do zna\u010dkov\u00fdch od\u011bv\u016f a bot. V rukou, jak jinak, smartphony."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nI believe his execution is wrong.", "targets": "Podle m\u00e9ho n\u00e1zoru je poprava \u0161patn\u00e1."} {"inputs": "How is \"The Health Ministry said a total of 394 people were also injured after the crane crashed down\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ministerstvo zdravotnictv\u00ed uvedlo, \u017ee celkem 394 lid\u00ed bylo tak\u00e9 zran\u011bno pot\u00e9, co se je\u0159\u00e1b z\u0159\u00edtil"} {"inputs": "How is \"Minister Ml\u00e1dek responded saying that this would not be a tax, as in this case the government is making minerals - which are state property - subject to a fee.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Podle ministra Ml\u00e1dka v\u0161ak nejde v tomto p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b o da\u0148, proto\u017ee st\u00e1t zpoplat\u0148uje nerost, kter\u00fd je st\u00e1tn\u00edm majetkem."} {"inputs": "Podle ministra Ml\u00e1dka v\u0161ak nejde v tomto p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b o da\u0148, proto\u017ee st\u00e1t zpoplat\u0148uje nerost, kter\u00fd je st\u00e1tn\u00edm majetkem.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOklahoma has reduced the number of media seats from 12 to five.", "targets": "Oklahoma sn\u00ed\u017eila po\u010det m\u00edst pro novin\u00e1\u0159e z 12 na p\u011bt."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kritizoval BBC za to, \u017ee nasadila programy ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 slu\u017eby, kter\u00e9 bude pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b sledovat pouze hrstka lid\u00ed, do slo\u017eit\u00fdch vys\u00edlac\u00edch \u010das\u016f oproti jeho rival\u016fm \"nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed ratingov\u00e9 show, a na kan\u00e1lech jako je BBC4."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "a \u0159ekl, \u017ee n\u011bkoho zast\u0159elil."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"The structure was built by the firm of Anton\u00edn Kunc from Hranice na Morav\u011b at a cost of 2,400 crowns,\" states the plaque on the enclosure of the mast structure.", "targets": "\"Stavbu provedla firma Anton\u00edn Kunc z Hranic na Morav\u011b n\u00e1kladem 2 400 korun,\" uv\u00e1d\u00ed pam\u011btn\u00ed n\u00e1pis na p\u0159\u00edzemn\u00edm ohrazen\u00ed konstrukce sto\u017e\u00e1ru."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBe careful around him though, he's quite vengeful.", "targets": "Stejn\u011b si na n\u011bho dej pozor, je dost mstiv\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u010cek\u00e1n\u00ed na p\u0159ib\u00edr\u00e1n\u00ed d\u011bt\u00ed v porodnici Ev\u011b radost ale ned\u011blalo."} {"inputs": "For sure, the trolleybus was a bit noisier, so the male voice making the announcements was somewhat less easy to understand than before, when the stops were announced by a female voice.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Jist\u011b, trolejbus byl pon\u011bkud hlu\u010dn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed, tak\u017ee hl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed mu\u017esk\u00fdm hlasem bylo pon\u011bkud m\u00e9n\u011b srozumiteln\u00e9 ne\u017e d\u0159\u00edve, kdy\u017e se zast\u00e1vky hl\u00e1sily \u017eensk\u00fdm hlasem."} {"inputs": "V\u00fddaje na starobn\u00ed d\u016fchody p\u0159edstavovaly 26 procent v\u0161ech v\u00fddaj\u016f rozpo\u010dtu a 46 procent v\u0161ech v\u00fddaj\u016f povinn\u00fdch ze z\u00e1kona.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Expenditure on old-age pensions represented 26 percent of all budget expenditure and 46 percent of all expenditure required by law."} {"inputs": "Ale ve skute\u010dnosti se z Fed se stala m\u011bnov\u00e1 autorita cel\u00e9ho sv\u011bta.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "But, in effect, the Fed has become the monetary authority of the world."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kriminalist\u00e9 proto v jej\u00edm p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b kauzu odlo\u017eili, po\u010d\u00edtaj\u00ed ale s t\u00edm, \u017ee Kailovou obvin\u00ed pot\u00e9, co j\u00ed skon\u010d\u00ed poslaneck\u00fd mand\u00e1t."} {"inputs": "Trh/sklad je jedin\u00e9 kontaktn\u00ed m\u00edsto, kter\u00e9 nab\u00edz\u00ed ohromuj\u00edc\u00ed \u0159adu \u010derstv\u00e9ho, zmra\u017een\u00e9ho a su\u0161en\u00e9ho zbo\u017e\u00ed, popul\u00e1rn\u00ed thajsk\u00e9 a asijsk\u00e9 ob\u010derstven\u00ed, a kuchy\u0148sk\u00e9 n\u00e1dob\u00ed, n\u00e1bytek, n\u00e1bo\u017eensk\u00e9 a sv\u00e1te\u010dn\u00ed dekorace.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The market/warehouse is a one-stop shop, offering an dizzying array of fresh, frozen and dried goods, popular Thai and Asian snacks, and kitchenware, furniture, religious and holiday decorations."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "K\u00e1drov\u00e1kovi o\u010dividn\u011b nebylo nadvakr\u00e1t."} {"inputs": "N\u011bmecko m\u016f\u017ee jen op\u011bt vyhro\u017eovat sv\u00fdm soused\u016fm silou, op\u011bt m\u016f\u017ee \u010d\u00e1st sv\u00fdch obyvatel - ale jak se zd\u00e1, st\u00e1le men\u0161\u00ed \u010d\u00e1st - ideologicky poblouznit, ale nakonec ho realita jako v\u017edy do\u017eene.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Na druhou stranu, 47 procent republik\u00e1nsk\u00fdch voli\u010d\u016f tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee by byli \"nespokojeni\" nebo \"rozru\u0161eni\", kdyby favorit podniku Jeb Bush stal kandid\u00e1tem.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "On the flip side, 47 percent of Republican voters say they would be \"dissatisfied\" or \"upset\" if establishment favorite Jeb Bush becomes the nominee."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nKarl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson's dash to Canberra to cover the aftermath of the Liberal leadership spill has failed to generate much of a ratings boost for Today.", "targets": "\u00daprkem Karla Stefanovice a Lisy Wilkinson do Canberry kv\u016fli pokryt\u00ed n\u00e1klad\u016f za n\u00e1sledky \u00faniku liber\u00e1ln\u00edho veden\u00ed se nepoda\u0159ilo vytvo\u0159it dostate\u010dn\u00e9 zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed hodnocen\u00ed pro Today."} {"inputs": "Rusko m\u00e1 v S\u00fdrii u\u017e letitou n\u00e1mo\u0159n\u00ed z\u00e1kladnu v p\u0159\u00edstavu Tartus, kterou dosud vyu\u017e\u00edvalo sp\u00ed\u0161 jako servisn\u00ed a logistick\u00e9 centrum.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Russia has already operated a sea base in Tartus for years, which it so far used as more of a servicing and logistics centre."} {"inputs": "Ve skute\u010dnosti byl Miliband v\u00edce jako Blair ne\u017e samotn\u00fd Blair, kdy\u017e oponoval Cameronov\u011b referendov\u00e9 rutin\u011b, od t\u00e9 doby, co Blair p\u0159ipustil princip zru\u0161en\u00e9 konstituce EU, kter\u00e1 byla potopena francouzsk\u00fdmi a nizozemsk\u00fdmi voli\u010di v roce 2005 a z\u00edskala mu kartu vyhazovu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In fact Miliband was more Blairite than Blair in opposing Cameron's referendum wheeze, since Blair had conceded the principle over the EU's aborted constitution, sunk by French and Dutch voters in 2005 who gave him a get-out card."} {"inputs": "Phillip Cocu, tren\u00e9r PSV, \u0159ekl: \"Bylo to velmi o\u0161kliv\u00e9 zran\u011bn\u00ed.\"\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Terms and conditions for sending contributions to the BBC.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Na\u0161e podm\u00ednky pro zas\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvk\u016f do BBC."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThose are questions Lamb can no longer answer.", "targets": "Na tyto ot\u00e1zky u\u017e n\u00e1m Lamb neodpov\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "St\u0159edov\u00fd pola\u0159 Byron Buxton z\u00edskal sm\u011bnu d\u00edky dv\u011bma bod\u016fm na lev\u00e9 stran\u011b h\u0159i\u0161t\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nMistake? It was nothing but idiocy!", "targets": "Co chybu, p\u0159\u00edmo blbost ud\u011blal!"} {"inputs": "Translate \"If you want to know more about the case, please listen to the series of podcasts I've made.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Chcete-li zn\u00e1t dal\u0161\u00ed informace o p\u0159\u00edpadu, poslechn\u011bte si pros\u00edm s\u00e9rii podcast\u016f, kter\u00e9 jsem vytvo\u0159il."} {"inputs": "Spole\u010dnost FedEx uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1 v\u00fdd\u011blek mezi $10,40 a $10,90 pro fisk\u00e1ln\u00ed rok, kter\u00fd kon\u010d\u00ed p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00ed kv\u011bten, co\u017e znamen\u00e1 pokles o 20 cent\u016f z p\u0159ede\u0161l\u00e9 p\u0159edpov\u011bdi.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"I had butterflies in my stomach and a lump in my throat.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Byla ve mn\u011b mal\u00e1 du\u0161i\u010dka, v krku nespolknuteln\u00e1 \u0161i\u0161ka."} {"inputs": "V hroznov\u00e9m oleji p\u0159ij\u00edm\u00e1 tak\u00e9 na\u0161e t\u011blo d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9 nenasycen\u00e9 mastn\u00e9 kyseliny, vitaminy a miner\u00e1ly.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Grape oil is also an important source of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals."} {"inputs": "Firma ji\u017e v minulosti uvedla, \u017ee p\u0159\u00edpadn\u00e1 nab\u00eddka akci\u00ed by se mohla skl\u00e1dat z emise nov\u00fdch akci\u00ed nebo prodeje existuj\u00edc\u00edch akci\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The firm had previously stated that any share offer would consist of the issuing of new shares or the sale of existing shares."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Nine's breakfast show screened from the national capital after Malcolm Turnbull's overthrow of Tony Abbott.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Rann\u00ed show Nine prom\u00edtan\u00e1 z n\u00e1rodn\u00edho kapit\u00e1lu po svr\u017een\u00ed Malcolma Turnbulla Tonym Abbottem."} {"inputs": "Kr\u00e1sa seri\u00e1lu P\u0159\u00e1tel\u00e9 byla pro n\u011bj zdrojem t\u00e9to my\u0161lenky.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The beauty of Friends was that it turned this focus on its head."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nech\u00e1pu, pro\u010d strokemaker nem\u016f\u017ee odpalovat a tento levoruk\u00fd mu\u017e ji\u017e uk\u00e1zal, \u017ee je \u00fa\u017easn\u00fd hr\u00e1\u010d kriketu."} {"inputs": "D\u00edvka byla vyslechnuta a mluvila o tom, jak ob\u017ealovan\u00fd pou\u017e\u00edval jej\u00ed po\u010d\u00edta\u010d a Playstation, aby mohl mluvit s d\u00edvkami, kter\u00e9 vypadaly mnohem mlad\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e on.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The girl was interviewed and spoke of the accused using the computer and Playstation to talk to girls who looked way younger than him."} {"inputs": "Je l\u00e1kav\u00e9 bl\u00e1bolit: \u0159\u00edkat lidem odkud jsi, jestli sis vzal rok pauzu, jak\u00fd m\u00e1\u0161 n\u00e1zor na Corbyna a pro\u010d \"up\u0159\u00edmn\u011b nemiluje\u0161 ani ne zrovna nesn\u00e1\u0161\u00ed\u0161 Marmite, proto\u017ee lidi, je to jen v\u00fdta\u017eek z kvasnic HAHAHA, budu u sebe v pokoji.\"\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWeight loss operations, or bariatric surgery, use various methods to shrink the size of the stomach.", "targets": "Operace pro hubnut\u00ed, bariatrick\u00e9 chirurgie pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed pro zmen\u0161en\u00ed \u017ealudku r\u016fzn\u00e9 metody."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The things said by the brilliant scientist from the last century will probably never stop fascinating humanity.\" to Czech?", "targets": "V\u00fdroky geni\u00e1ln\u00edho v\u011bdce z minul\u00e9ho stolet\u00ed z\u0159ejm\u011b lidstvo nep\u0159estanou nikdy fascinovat."} {"inputs": "Then they started drinking wine, also straight from the bottle.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pak se dali do pit\u00ed v\u00edna, tak\u00e9 rovnou z lahv\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Slovan na \u00favod hlavn\u00ed f\u00e1ze sout\u011b\u017ee p\u0159iv\u00edt\u00e1 finalistu z roku 2011 Bragu a podle kou\u010de j\u00ed chce vnutit sv\u016fj hern\u00ed styl."} {"inputs": "Proto\u017ee u n\u00e1s pro\u017eil n\u011bkolik rok\u016f, zjistili jsme, \u017ee se \u017eiv\u00ed hlavn\u011b rybenkami a \u017ee jejich po\u010det z\u0159ejm\u011b udr\u017eoval na \u00fanosn\u00e9m po\u010detn\u00edm stavu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Because it was there for several years, we found out that it mainly lived off silverfish and that it evidently kept their numbers to a bearable level."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"You can't asset-strip some of the poorest regions just so that the Finance Minister can improve his budget,\" said David K\u00e1dner (\u00dasvit), whose constituency is in the \u00dast\u00ed nad Labem Region", "targets": "\"Nen\u00ed mo\u017en\u00e9 tunelovat jeden z nejchud\u0161\u00edch region\u016f jen proto, aby si pan ministr financ\u00ed vylep\u0161oval rozpo\u010det,\" \u0159ekl David K\u00e1dner (\u00dasvit) zvolen\u00fd v \u00dasteck\u00e9m kraji."} {"inputs": "\"Sarah je opravdu zemit\u00e1 \u017eena, je s n\u00ed hodn\u011b legrace,\" dodala Markoski.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "To v\u0161ak u nov\u00fdch iPhon\u016f zdaleka neplat\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Ale vn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed skupiny jako je Super PAC Jeba Bushe a ekonomick\u00e1 konzervativn\u00ed skupina Club for Growth si uv\u011bdomuj\u00ed Trumpovu v\u016fli vydr\u017eet a za\u010d\u00ednaj\u00ed vykl\u00e1dat sv\u00e9 dolary na st\u016fj s c\u00edlem svrhnout ho.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Nech lidem prostor.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Give people space."} {"inputs": "Vyb\u011bhl jsem na chodbu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "I ran out to the corridor."} {"inputs": "Velmi d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e1 je u lid\u00ed s roztrou\u0161enou skler\u00f3zou rehabilita\u010dn\u00ed p\u00e9\u010de, kter\u00e1 nej\u010dast\u011bji \u0159e\u0161\u00ed oslaben\u00ed doln\u00edch kon\u010detin \u010di poruchy rovnov\u00e1hy.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Physiotherapy, which most often deals with the weakening of the lower limbs and balance disorders, is also highly important for those with multiple sclerosis."} {"inputs": "IGA's market share has fallen from 18 per cent to 14 per cent since 2010 and earnings from Metcash's food and grocery business, which supplies about 1200 IGA retailers, have fallen 43 per cent since 2012, reflecting operating deleverage as sales and margins come under pressure.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Tr\u017en\u00ed pod\u00edl IGA klesl z 18 procent na 14 procent od roku 2010 a v\u00fdd\u011blky z obchodu potravin Metcash, kter\u00e9 dod\u00e1v\u00e1 asi 1200 maloobchod\u016f IGA , propadly o 43 procent od roku 2012, co\u017e odr\u00e1\u017e\u00ed provozn\u00ed v\u00fdvoj zm\u011bny spekulov\u00e1n\u00ed, proto\u017ee prodej a v\u00fdnosy jsou pod tlakem."} {"inputs": "Uhersk\u00e9 Hradi\u0161t\u011b\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Uhersk\u00e9 Hradi\u0161t\u011b"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Argues it's becoming increasingly indistinguishable from commercial rival\" to Czech?", "targets": "Zast\u00e1v\u00e1 n\u00e1zor, \u017ee je \u010d\u00edm d\u00e1l t\u00edm nerozeznateln\u011bj\u0161\u00ed od sv\u00e9ho komer\u010dn\u00edho soupe\u0159e"} {"inputs": "Experti v\u011b\u0159\u00ed, \u017ee by listopadov\u00fd \u010cern\u00fd p\u00e1tek mohl b\u00fdt d\u016fvodem brzd\u011bn\u00ed utr\u00e1cen\u00ed\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Since it was first televised in 1990, PMQs has been seen as a key barometer of a leader's judgement, their command of the Commons and their standing among their fellow MPs although critics have argued it has become a caricature and is in need of far-reaching reforms.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Od sv\u00e9ho prvn\u00edho vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed v roce 1990 byly PMQ vid\u011bny jako kl\u00ed\u010dov\u00fd barometr \u00fasudku v\u016fdc\u016f, jejich veden\u00ed sn\u011bmovny a jejich postoj mezi ostatn\u00edmi MP, p\u0159esto\u017ee kritikov\u00e9 argumentovali, \u017ee se staly karikaturou a je zapot\u0159eb\u00ed dalekos\u00e1hl\u00fdch reforem."} {"inputs": "Translate \"We were ever-more insistent in getting her to use the toilet.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Vyb\u00edzeli jsme ji st\u00e1le d\u016frazn\u011bji k pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed z\u00e1chodu."} {"inputs": "Hopefully if he punches out more runs for Yorkshire another opportunity will come along.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Doufejme, \u017ee kdy\u017e se mu poda\u0159\u00ed z\u00edskat v\u00edce b\u011bh\u016f pro Yorkshire, objev\u00ed se dal\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitost."} {"inputs": "\u017de, \u017ee, bylo toho spousta, co v\u0161echno jsem sp\u00e1chal, nebo mo\u017en\u00e1 je\u0161t\u011b sp\u00e1ch\u00e1m a potichu jsem se modlil, aby to skon\u010dilo.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "That I had committed many things, or was maybe committing now, and I silently prayed for it to be over."} {"inputs": "Krajn\u00ed variantou je v\u00fdjime\u010dn\u00fd stav, kter\u00fd te\u010f na n\u011bkter\u00fdch m\u00edstech vyhl\u00e1silo Ma\u010farsko?\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Is an extreme option the state of emergency that has been called in some parts of Hungary?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nav\u00edc jsem si ze \u017eivota odnesl zku\u0161enost, \u017ee zasahov\u00e1n\u00ed do ekosyst\u00e9mu nevede k \u00fasp\u011bchu a jednoho \u0161k\u016fdce m\u016f\u017ee nahradit druh\u00fd."} {"inputs": "\u201eJe t\u011b\u017ek\u00e9 v\u017e\u00edt se do z\u00e1pasu, kdy\u017e \u010dasto sed\u00edte na lavi\u010dce a proto se chci dostat po\u0159\u00e1dn\u011b do hry.\u201c\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It's hard for the bullpen to throw every game, and that's why I want to go deep into the game."} {"inputs": "Jej\u00ed n\u00e1vrh na vypu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed sporn\u00e9 pas\u00e1\u017ee sn\u011bmovna neschv\u00e1lila.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Sice vytv\u00e1\u0159\u00ed listy s chaotickou kompozic\u00ed, ale stoj\u00ed zato ji pozorovat a fotit nad\u00e1le.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Although it produces leaves with a chaotic composition, it's still worth observing and photographing it."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Cluster bombs!\" to Czech?", "targets": "T\u0159\u00ed\u0161tiv\u00e9 st\u0159ely!"} {"inputs": "\"So I was confirmed in the position of independent clerk for the care of basic resources,\" I whooped when I returned to the office, immediately bursting into tears.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"Tak jsem byl potvrzen\u00fd pro funkci samostatn\u00e9ho referenta p\u00e9\u010de o z\u00e1kladn\u00ed prost\u0159edky,\" zahalekal jsem p\u0159i n\u00e1vratu do kancel\u00e1\u0159e a vz\u00e1p\u011bt\u00ed jsem se rozbre\u010del."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nApparently they only happen once every three years, everyone has to attend them, and they're quite unpleasant.", "targets": "Pr\u00fd b\u00fdvaj\u00ed jednou za t\u0159i roky, musej\u00ed k nim v\u0161ichni, a je to dost nep\u0159\u00edjemn\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Nov\u00fd pracovn\u00ed vedouc\u00ed Jeremy Corbyn bude m\u00edt sv\u016fj debut v Prime Minister's Questions pozd\u011bji, a poprv\u00e9 bude m\u00edt spolupracovat s Davidem Cameronem.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "New Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is to make his debut at Prime Minister's Questions later, taking on David Cameron for the first time."} {"inputs": "Burberry shares were 0.9% higher following encouraging news from rival luxury goods group Richemont.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Akcie Burberry byly o 0.9% v\u00fd\u0161e po povzbudiv\u00fdch zpr\u00e1v\u00e1ch od rivalsk\u00e9 skupiny luxusn\u00edho zbo\u017e\u00ed Richemont."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nOne minute you say 'Mr' and the next it's 'Comrade'.", "targets": "Jednou \u0159ekne\u0161 \"pane\" a podruh\u00e9 zase \"soudruhu\"."} {"inputs": "Luke Shaw suffered a double fracture of his right leg during Manchester United's Champions League defeat at PSV Eindhoven.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Luke Shaw utrp\u011bl dvojitou zlomeninu prav\u00e9 nohy b\u011bhem por\u00e1\u017eky Manchesteru United v Lize Mistr\u016f proti PSV Eindhoven."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Co se t\u00fd\u010de licen\u010dn\u00edho poplatku, \u0159ekl Johnson komisi: \"Vyz\u00fdv\u00e1m v\u00e1s, abyste na\u0161li regresivn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed syst\u00e9m ohledn\u011b toho, kdo z n\u011bj dostane nejlep\u0161\u00ed hodnotu."} {"inputs": "Vr\u00e1tit se do \u010dety?\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"It has not been difficult to find good women to put on our board.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Tak\u017ee nebylo obt\u00ed\u017en\u00e9 naj\u00edt dobr\u00e9 \u017eeny, kter\u00e9 bychom vzali k n\u00e1m."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nDamon and Brown were joined by fellow producers Ben Affleck and the Farrelly brothers to discuss the show's finalists.", "targets": "Damon a Brown se spojili spole\u010dn\u00fdm zn\u00e1m\u00fdm producentem Benem Affleckem a bratry Farrelly, aby diskutovali o finalistech show."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt's been 11 years since I moved into student halls as an oblivious 19-year-old, still believing in berets and moral relativism, but it's only now I recall the strained smiles of those I annoyed - and the numerous, lengthy complaints about others.", "targets": "P\u0159ed 11 lety jsem se p\u0159est\u011bhoval na studentsk\u00e9 koleje jako nev\u0161\u00edmav\u00fd devaten\u00e1ctilet\u00fd kluk, st\u00e1le v\u011b\u0159\u00edc\u00ed v barety a mor\u00e1ln\u00ed relativismus, ale a\u017e te\u010f si vybavuji napjat\u00e9 \u00fasm\u011bvy t\u011bch, kter\u00fdm jsem vadil - a \u010detn\u00e9, zdlouhav\u00e9 st\u00ed\u017enosti na druh\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Polsko, Nizozemsko, Belgie a dokonce i Francie o tom tak\u00e9 uva\u017euj\u00ed, i kdy\u017e s r\u016fznou intenzitou."} {"inputs": "\u0160asi novinek je tak z odoln\u011bj\u0161\u00ed hlin\u00edkov\u00e9 slitiny 7000, kter\u00e1 se na hmotnosti tak\u00e9 prom\u00edtla.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "FastMig X je modul\u00e1rn\u00ed syst\u00e9m, proto fin\u00e1ln\u00ed sestava je v\u017edy nakonfigurovan\u00e1 podle po\u017eadavk\u016f z\u00e1kazn\u00edk\u016f.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The FastMig X is a modular system whose final composition is always set according to the requirements of the customer,"} {"inputs": "I kdy\u017e by zisk hlavn\u00ed v\u00fdhry zm\u011bnil jeho \u017eivot, Britten je se sv\u00fdm v\u00fdkonem spokojen\u00fd.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "As much as the money is a wonderful prize and life changing, he does get the great gratification."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "To asi nep\u016fjde, n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk mne ur\u010dit\u011b na hodinu vyraz\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe doors to the American producer would have stayed closed had Letov not caught the attention pf the French Latecoere group at the International Air Transport Association conference in Prague in 1999.", "targets": "Dve\u0159e k americk\u00e9mu v\u00fdrobci by z\u016fstaly zabouchnut\u00e9, kdyby Letov v roce 1999 nezaujal na pra\u017esk\u00e9 konferenci mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edho sdru\u017een\u00ed leteck\u00e9ho pr\u016fmyslu francouzskou skupinu Latecoere."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSince last month's CBS News Poll, Clinton has lost ground among a number of demographic groups, while Sanders has made some gains.", "targets": "Od ankety CBS News z minul\u00e9ho m\u011bs\u00edce ztratila Clintonov\u00e1 p\u016fdu pod nohama u n\u011bkolika demografick\u00fdch skupin, zat\u00edmco Sanders n\u011bkolik z\u00edskal."} {"inputs": "How is \"The turmoil at the Hungarian-Serbian border came a day after the 28-nation bloc failed to come up with a united immigration policy at a contentious meeting in Brussels.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nepokoje na ma\u010farsko-srbsk\u00e9 hranici p\u0159i\u0161li den pot\u00e9, co blok 28 st\u00e1t\u016f nep\u0159i\u0161el s jednotnou imigra\u010dn\u00ed politikou na pokra\u010duj\u00edc\u00edch setk\u00e1n\u00ed v Bruselu."} {"inputs": "K tr\u017eb\u00e1m skupiny p\u0159isp\u00edv\u00e1 16 procenty.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "contributing 16 percent of its income."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI hope his body stabilises, I am confident it will and he will make a career of the kind he deserves.", "targets": "Douf\u00e1m, \u017ee se jeho t\u011blo stabilizuje, jsem si jist\u00fd, \u017ee ano a bude m\u00edt kari\u00e9ru, kterou si zaslou\u017e\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"According to the authorities, the sole survivor from the eight-person group was a woman from Germany.\" to Czech?", "targets": "N\u011bmeck\u00e9 n\u00e1rodnosti je podle \u00fa\u0159ad\u016f tak\u00e9 \u017eena, kter\u00e1 jako jedin\u00e1 z posti\u017een\u00e9 osmi\u010dlenn\u00e9 skupiny p\u0159e\u017eila."} {"inputs": "Pokud je toti\u017e vlo\u010dkov\u00e1 interpretace spr\u00e1vn\u00e1, nejstar\u0161\u00ed vlo\u010dky p\u0159edb\u011bhly zem\u011bd\u011blstv\u00ed zhruba o dvacet tis\u00edc let.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Thus if the oat flake interpretation is correct, the oldest flakes preceded agriculture by approximately twenty thousand years."} {"inputs": "Ty jsou sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed pr\u016fmyslov\u011b upraven\u00fdch v\u00fdrobk\u016f.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "which you will find in industrially processed products."} {"inputs": "How is \"Email your stories and comments to haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Emailujte sv\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edb\u011bhy a koment\u00e1\u0159e na haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhile this left the full-back in tears and will rule him out for at least six months, Louis van Gaal remains hopeful Shaw could play again this season.", "targets": "Zat\u00edmco tohoto lev\u00e9ho obr\u00e1nce zanechalo toto zran\u011bn\u00ed v slz\u00e1ch a vy\u0159adilo ho ze hry na minim\u00e1ln\u011b \u0161est m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f, Louis van Gaal z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 pozitivn\u00ed a mysl\u00ed si, \u017ee by Shaw mohl znovu hr\u00e1t na konci sezony."} {"inputs": "Translate \"On all of these measures, about a quarter of Democratic voters do not have an opinion of Sanders.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Co se t\u00fd\u010de v\u0161ech t\u011bchto m\u011b\u0159\u00edtek, asi \u010dtvrtina demokratick\u00fdch voli\u010d\u016f nem\u00e1 na Sanderse \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd n\u00e1zor."} {"inputs": "Pokud by na \u017elut\u00e9 n\u00e1lepce chyb\u011bl z\u00e1znam o kontrole, m\u011bli by v pra\u017esk\u00e9m z\u00e1vod\u011b co vysv\u011btlovat auditor\u016fm z Airbusu \u010di Boeingu, kte\u0159\u00ed jezd\u00ed pravideln\u011b zji\u0161\u0165ovat, jestli se dve\u0159e vyr\u00e1b\u011bj\u00ed podle dohodnut\u00fdch pravidel.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Should a record of an inspection be absent from the yellow label, the company would have some explaining to do from the Airbus or Boeing auditors, who pay the company regular visits to ensure that doors are being produced in accordance with the agreed rules."} {"inputs": "A jak ty lidi na tom \u00fazem\u00ed udr\u017e\u00edme?\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "And how will we keep those people in our country?"} {"inputs": "B\u00fdval\u00fd man\u017eel Prentiss, Shawn O\u00b4Steen, \u0159ekl, \u017ee se roze\u0161li p\u0159ed 15 lety, ale z\u016fstali p\u0159\u00e1teli a m\u011bli dceru, , kter\u00e9 je te\u010f 19 let.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Prentiss' ex-husband, Shawn O'Steen, said they divorced 15 years ago but remained friends and had a daughter who's now 19."} {"inputs": "How is \"In the exhilarating moment you realise someone's left their keys inside their unlocked room, the line between pranking and bullying is finer than it seems.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V povzn\u00e1\u0161ej\u00edc\u00edm okam\u017eiku, kdy si uv\u011bdom\u00edte, \u017ee n\u011bkdo nechal kl\u00ed\u010de ve sv\u00e9m nezam\u010den\u00e9m pokoji, je pouze tenk\u00e1 hranice mezi legrac\u00ed a \u0161ikanou."} {"inputs": "How is \"'Shot in Joburg': Homeless youth trained as photographers\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Focen\u00ed v Joburgu\": Mlad\u00ed bezdomovci vy\u0161koleni jako fotografov\u00e9"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pozd\u011bji spolu hr\u00e1li n\u00e1hodn\u00e9 gigy."} {"inputs": "At the site they found traces of oat grains that apparently went through a production process similar to the oat flakes that are so popular today.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Na m\u00edst\u011b toti\u017e se toti\u017e na\u0161ly stopy ovesn\u00fdch zrn, kter\u00e1 na pohled z\u0159ejm\u011b pro\u0161la procesem v\u00fdroby dnes tak popul\u00e1rn\u00edch vlo\u010dek."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nSome others present at the meeting are not known for their expertise in tobacco control.", "targets": "N\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed dal\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00edtomn\u00ed na sch\u016fzi nejsou zn\u00e1mi pro sv\u00e9 odborn\u00e9 znalosti v boji proti kou\u0159en\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e uvid\u011bli podez\u0159el\u00e9ho, sna\u017eil se jich zbavit unikem p\u0159es \u0159eku Canning."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Teens have reportedly mixed sanitizer with alcohol-containing mouthwash for a stiffer drink.\" to Czech?", "targets": "N\u00e1ctilet\u00ed si \u00fadajn\u011b sm\u00edchali sanita\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edek s \u00fastn\u00ed vodou obsahuj\u00edc\u00ed alkohol pro siln\u011bj\u0161\u00ed drink."} {"inputs": "A rate hike will come and the bull market will stumble, bond yields will climb and the economy will slip into a recession.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "R\u016fst sazeb p\u0159ijde a b\u00fd\u010d\u00ed trh bude klop\u00fdtat, v\u00fdnosy dluhopis\u016f budou stoupat a ekonomika sklouzne do recese."} {"inputs": "U v\u011bt\u0161\u00edho modelu je pak nejt\u011b\u017e\u0161\u00edm pou\u017eit\u00fdm prvkem baterie, jej\u00ed hmotnost se v\u0161ak oproti p\u0159edch\u016fdci nijak nezm\u011bnila.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In the larger model, the largest component used is the battery, whose weight has not, however, increased against its predecessor."} {"inputs": "\"I think that we've showed, both in the league and in the qualifying rounds, that we are strong at home, and we want to confirm that,\" said the coach, whose team has lost only the season-opening Supercup against Plze\u0148 out of its eleven games this season.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"Mysl\u00edm, \u017ee jsme i v dom\u00e1c\u00ed sout\u011b\u017ei i v p\u0159edkolech uk\u00e1zali, \u017ee jsme na na\u0161em stadionu siln\u00ed, a to chceme potvrdit,\" uvedl kou\u010d, jeho\u017e t\u00fdm prohr\u00e1l z jeden\u00e1cti duel\u016f t\u00e9to sezony jen \u00favodn\u00ed Superpoh\u00e1r v Plzni."} {"inputs": "As as early as 2000 the company started produced door parts for the A320.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Hned v roce 2000 se rozjela mont\u00e1\u017e \u010d\u00e1st\u00ed dve\u0159\u00ed pro A320."} {"inputs": "Pan Deng si nakonec st\u011b\u017eoval na bolest hlavy a pot\u00e9 upadl do bezv\u011bdom\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"To me it's agendas.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Podle m\u011b jsou to agendy."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWe do not have any such plans at this point in time.", "targets": "Zat\u00edm takov\u00e9 pl\u00e1ny nem\u00e1me."} {"inputs": "Tento tah spole\u010dnosti HP, druh\u00e9ho nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00edho v\u00fdrobce PC a jedn\u00e9 z nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00edch technick\u00fdch firem v Americe, je nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00edm z tohoto sektoru zalo\u017een\u00e9ho na p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010den\u00ed, \u017ee \u00fazce specializovan\u00e1 firma m\u00e1 lep\u0161\u00ed v\u00fdsledky.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The move by HP, the world's second-largest PC maker and one of the biggest US tech firms, is the latest in the sector based on the belief that tightly focused firms perform better."} {"inputs": "For this, you need: \u2022 1 peach \u2022 1 bunch of rocket \u2022 1 cupful chopped cucumber \u2022 1 cup mixed lettuce leaves \u2022 3 tablespoonfuls of grape oil\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "K n\u011bmu pot\u0159ebujete: \u2022 1 ks broskve \u2022 1 svazek rukoly \u2022 1 \u0161\u00e1lek nakr\u00e1jen\u00e9 okurky \u2022 1 \u0161\u00e1lek sm\u011bsi sal\u00e1tov\u00fdch list\u016f \u2022 3 pol\u00e9vkov\u00e9 l\u017e\u00edce hroznov\u00e9ho oleje"} {"inputs": "How is \"We must take that into account.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Mus\u00edme to br\u00e1t v potaz."} {"inputs": "Translate \"White House Confirms Xi Jinping's Washington Visit\" to Czech?", "targets": "B\u00edl\u00fd d\u016fm potvrdil, \u017ee Washington nav\u0161t\u00edvil Xi Jinping"} {"inputs": "Drogy nepa\u0161uj\u00ed, ani neu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "They don't smuggle or use drugs."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The forty films selected for the final by the jury, composed of students and teachers, will be screened in the Porty\u010d cinema from 15 to 18 October.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u010cty\u0159i des\u00edtky z nich, kter\u00e9 komise slo\u017een\u00e1 ze student\u016f a pedagog\u016f poslala do fin\u00e1le, se budou prom\u00edtat od 15. do 18. \u0159\u00edjna v kin\u011b Porty\u010d."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe superintendent was sitting behind his desk, looking over some paperwork.", "targets": "N\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk sed\u011bl za psac\u00edm stolem a prohl\u00ed\u017eel n\u011bjak\u00e9 lejstro."} {"inputs": "V\u00fdsledkem trendu Kingfisher, kter\u00fd vlastn\u00ed Screwfix a B&Q, je otev\u0159\u00edt 200 nov\u00fdch obchod\u016f\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "As a result of the trend Kingfisher, which owns Screwfix and B&Q, is opening 200 new stores"} {"inputs": "I have an agreement with the prime minister that we would then immediately call an emergency government meeting.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Potom jsem dohodnut\u00fd s panem premi\u00e9rem, \u017ee by okam\u017eit\u011b svolal mimo\u0159\u00e1dnou vl\u00e1du."} {"inputs": "The amendment also abolishes the option of introducing electronic car tax stickers instead of paper ones, which shall therefore continue to be used beyond 1 January next year.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Novelou se rovn\u011b\u017e ru\u0161\u00ed mo\u017enost zav\u00e9st elektronick\u00e9 d\u00e1lni\u010dn\u00ed zn\u00e1mky m\u00edsto dosavadn\u00edch pap\u00edrov\u00fdch, kter\u00e9 se tak budou pou\u017e\u00edvat i po 1. lednu p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edho roku."} {"inputs": "V It\u00e1lii byly podle neofici\u00e1ln\u00edch statistik u\u017e registrov\u00e1ny a identifikov\u00e1ny se sejmut\u00edm otisk\u016f prst\u016f dv\u011b t\u0159etiny nov\u011b p\u0159\u00edchoz\u00edch b\u011b\u017eenc\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "According to unofficial statistics, two thirds of newly-arrived refugees have already been registered and identified, including the taking of fingerprints."} {"inputs": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b, nakonec se mohou \u010dlenov\u00e9 trhu ujistit, \u017ee v\u0161echen povyk kv\u016fli zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed rychlosti m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt p\u0159ehnan\u00fd.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In the end, however, market participants may find that all the rate-hike fuss may have been overdone."} {"inputs": "For now we're coping quite well, better than we'd expected.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Prozat\u00edm jsme se poskl\u00e1dali moc p\u011bkn\u011b, l\u00e9pe ne\u017e jsme \u010dekali."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Google said it will match the first $5.5 million worth of donations globally at google.com/refugeerelief until it raises $11 million.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Google uvedl, \u017ee v\u0161echny p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvky u\u010din\u011bn\u00e9 p\u0159es str\u00e1nku google.com/refugeerelief do v\u00fd\u0161e 5,5 milion\u016f dolar\u016f zdvojn\u00e1sob\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Proti Austr\u00e1lii se mi to povedlo, a kdy\u017e budu hr\u00e1t, tak bych r\u00e1d p\u0159edvedl stejn\u00fd v\u00fdkon, co jsem tam od druh\u00e9ho setu uk\u00e1zal.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBut it successfully got rid of them.", "targets": "Zlikvidovalo je to v\u0161ak \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nRumour Mill: No Celtic disharmony", "targets": "F\u00e1ma: \u017d\u00e1dn\u00fd nesoulad v t\u00fdmu Celtic"} {"inputs": "Stovky muslim\u016f se shrom\u00e1\u017edily, aby poh\u0159bily 29 ob\u011bt\u00ed p\u00e1du je\u0159\u00e1bu v Grand mosque v Mekce. T\u011bla ob\u011bt\u00ed nesli po ulici.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\"Nejd\u0159\u00edve ze v\u0161eho chceme, aby byl n\u00e1\u0161 t\u00fdm naprosto soust\u0159ed\u011bn\u00fd na z\u00e1pas a ne na v\u0161echnu tu kontroverzi, kter\u00e1 okolo n\u011bho [Kyrgios] vznikla,\" \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 Healy.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"First of all we want the team to be completely focused on the tie and not all the controversy around [Kyrgios],\" Healy said."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Hayne zve\u0159ejnil fotografii s fanou\u0161ky, na kter\u00e9 dr\u017e\u00ed po h\u0159e australskou vlajku na vlastn\u00ed Instagram."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWhen you say 'meat', the experts from Bohemia Olej from Kraslice near Sokolov think of grape oil.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e se \u0159ekne maso, odborn\u00edk\u016fm z firmy Bohemia Olej z Kraslic na Sokolovsku se okam\u017eit\u011b vybav\u00ed hroznov\u00fd olej."} {"inputs": "How is \"While Goian has his best years behind him, he can boast a very interesting football CV.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Goian u\u017e m\u00e1 sice nejlep\u0161\u00ed l\u00e9ta za sebou, ale m\u016f\u017ee se pochlubit velmi zaj\u00edmav\u00fdm fotbalov\u00fdm \u017eivotopisem."} {"inputs": "Potvrdil, \u017ee mal\u00fd objem v\u00fdroby BBC byl nyn\u00ed ji\u017e d\u0159\u00edve klasifikov\u00e1n jako vzd\u011bl\u00e1vac\u00ed - b\u00fdvalo to 1% televizn\u00ed produkce a 0.1% v r\u00e1diu - a m\u011bla by si vz\u00edt za vzor ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed v Austr\u00e1lii a Kanad\u011b a zm\u011bnit se na \"informovat, objas\u0148ovat a bavit.\"\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "V prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed se uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee bude vypracov\u00e1n negativn\u00ed seznam, ve kter\u00e9m se identifikuj\u00ed sektory a podniky, kter\u00e9 jsou mimo limity pro investice.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "According to the statement, a negative list, identifying sectors and businesses that are off-limits for investment, will be drawn up."} {"inputs": "Translate \"However, the decision will not be made at this meeting, but in writing following it.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Rozhodnut\u00ed v\u0161ak nepadne ani na tomto setk\u00e1n\u00ed, ale a\u017e p\u00edsemn\u011b po n\u011bm."} {"inputs": "How is \"There is no doubt that the description itself and the system of findings in the popular theory of relativity is, for many, so complex that they prefer to use easier points of reference for learning about it.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nen\u00ed pochyb, \u017ee samotn\u00e1 deskripce a soustava poznatk\u016f popul\u00e1rn\u00ed teorie relativity je pro mnoh\u00e9 natolik spletit\u00e1, \u017ee pro bli\u017e\u0161\u00ed sezn\u00e1men\u00ed rad\u011bji vol\u00ed snadn\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edm\u011bry."} {"inputs": "Letos je to detektivka.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "This year the theme is detective stories."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAll the girls would melt when he was around,\" said Hairston, now 40 and living in the Jackson suburb of Brandon.", "targets": "Srdce v\u0161ech d\u011bv\u010dat zjihla, jakmile se objevil,\" tvrd\u00ed Hairston, kter\u00e9 je nyn\u00ed 40 let a \u017eije na p\u0159edm\u011bst\u00ed Jackson."} {"inputs": "Alex Hales comes in and he is a batsman I rate highly.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "P\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed Alex Hales a to je p\u00e1lka\u0159, kter\u00e9ho hodnot\u00edm velmi kladn\u011b."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Incident se odehr\u00e1l v hospod\u011b v oblasti Roserburn v Edinburghu p\u0159ed edinburghsk\u00fdm derby v Tynecastleu v b\u0159eznou roku 2014"} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"I do struggle with the idea that the BBC commissions and broadcasts programmes that would clearly be shown by unsubsidised rivals,\" Johnson told the House of Lords communication committee, as part of its inquiry into the future of the BBC.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Bojuji s my\u0161lenkou, \u017ee BBC zad\u00e1v\u00e1 a vys\u00edl\u00e1 programy, kter\u00e9 by jist\u011b byly vys\u00edl\u00e1ny rivaly bez p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvk\u016f st\u00e1tu,\" \u0159ekl Johnson v komisi pro komunikaci v Horn\u00ed sn\u011bmovn\u011b, jako sou\u010d\u00e1st jedn\u00e1n\u00ed o budoucnosti BBC."} {"inputs": "And who else should give him that than you, comrade superintendent?\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "A kdo mu ji m\u00e1 d\u00e1t, kdy\u017e ne pr\u00e1v\u011b ty, soudruhu n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edku?"} {"inputs": "\u017dij\u00ed spole\u010dn\u011b v mal\u00e9m dome\u010dku nedaleko Prahy, kde si Eva musela vysta\u010dit s elektrickou dvouplot\u00fdnkou a st\u00edsn\u011bn\u00fdmi podm\u00ednkami.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "They live together in a small house not far from Prague, where had to make do with an electrical two-ring stove and modest conditions."} {"inputs": "Dvoj\u010data promarnili \u0161anci p\u0159ibl\u00ed\u017eit se t\u00fdmu Houston Astros a uchv\u00e1tit druhou divokou kartu v Americk\u00e9 lize.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The Twins squandered a chance to climb to within one-half game of the Houston Astros for the second American League wild-card spot."} {"inputs": "My jsme \u0159\u00edkali: funk\u010dn\u00ed hotspoty, ochrana hranic, vojensk\u00e1 operace.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWithin a few years it will be replaced by a modern, seven-storey building connected to the accident and emergency department,", "targets": "Do n\u011bkolika let ji proto nahrad\u00ed sedmipodla\u017en\u00ed modern\u00ed budova propojen\u00e1 s urgentn\u00edm p\u0159\u00edjmem."} {"inputs": "Eva coped with caring for V\u00edtek and supporting the family through part-time work and a lot of help from her mother and aunt.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "P\u00e9\u010di o V\u00edtka i finan\u010dn\u00ed zabezpe\u010den\u00ed rodiny zvl\u00e1dala d\u00edky pr\u00e1ci na \u010d\u00e1ste\u010dn\u00fd \u00favazek a velk\u00e9 pomoci maminky i v\u00fdpomoci tety."} {"inputs": "Pro\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed \u0161ok, paniku, strach.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "They experience shock, panic, fear."} {"inputs": "Wayne mluv\u00ed o vzru\u0161uj\u00edc\u00edm fotbalu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Wayne is talking about exciting footy."} {"inputs": "How is \"A year later, Fed officials reversed those cuts.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "O rok pozd\u011bji p\u0159edstavitel\u00e9 Fedu obr\u00e1tili tyto \u0161krty."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe Czechs have nothing to be ashamed of here either.", "targets": "Pozadu nejsou ani \u010ce\u0161i."} {"inputs": "As a Samaritan worker explained to me: ....\"my listening role to people feeling depressed and suicidal has really highlighted how even the smallest interactions from friends can make a difference.\"\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "jak mi jeden samarit\u00e1nsk\u00fd pracovn\u00edk vysv\u011btlil: ....\"moje role poslucha\u010de lid\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed c\u00edt\u00ed v depresi nebo maj\u00ed sebevra\u017eedn\u00e9 sklony mi opravdu potvrdila, \u017ee i ty nejmen\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00e1telsk\u00e9 interakce mohou ud\u011blat rozd\u00edl.\""} {"inputs": "Di Maria vst\u0159elil branku m\u00e9n\u011b ne\u017e \u010dty\u0159i minuty po sv\u00e9m debutu v Lize Mistr\u016f a tento hr\u00e1\u010d PSG poslal francouzsk\u00e9 \u0161ampiony za v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00edm, pot\u00e9 ale zahodili n\u011bkolik \u0161anc\u00ed, a\u017e kone\u010dn\u011b nav\u00fd\u0161ili sv\u016fj n\u00e1skok, kdy\u017e Cavani vst\u0159elil branku hlavou v 61. minut\u011b.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Di Maria scored less than four minutes into his Champions League debut as a PSG player to set the French champions on their way, but they missed a succession of opportunities before finally extending their advantage when Cavani headed home in the 61st minute."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Then they took over the local beach bar and started partying.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pak oblehli m\u00edstn\u00ed pl\u00e1\u017eov\u00fd bar a za\u010dali hodovat."} {"inputs": "Kter\u00e9 je nutno bez odmluvy poslouchat.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "and which must be listened to without excuses,"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nOur game it was 20-18, there was two more tries in our game but is that exciting footy?", "targets": "Na\u0161e hra skon\u010dila 20-18, v na\u0161\u00ed h\u0159e byly dal\u0161\u00ed dva pokusy, ale je to vzru\u0161uj\u00edc\u00ed fotbal?"} {"inputs": "Canning Vale police were called to a trespassing incident in Beckenham on Tuesday.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Policie z Canning Vale byla p\u0159ivol\u00e1na p\u0159i incidentu p\u0159esahuj\u00edc\u00edm do Beckenham v \u00fater\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFor the new study, researchers from Taiwan's Min-Sheng General Hospital used data collected since 2007 in a trial comparing two kinds of bariatric surgery - gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy - to medical treatments for type 2 diabetes in people who were mildly obese.", "targets": "Pro sv\u00e9 nov\u00e9 studie pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed v\u00fdzkumn\u00edci ze V\u0161eobecn\u00e9 nemocnice Min-Sheng na Tchaj-wanu pou\u017eili data shrom\u00e1\u017ed\u011bn\u00e1 ze studie od roku 2007, kter\u00e1 se zab\u00fdv\u00e1 dv\u011bma druhy bariatrick\u00e9 chirurgie - \u017ealude\u010dn\u00ed bypass a gastrektomie - v l\u00e9\u010debn\u00fdch procedur\u00e1ch diabetu typu 3 u lid\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed byli m\u00edrn\u011b ob\u00e9zn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Byl um\u00edst\u011bn na seznam sexu\u00e1ln\u00edch delikvent\u016f p\u0159ed datem sv\u00e9ho rozsudku."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAmerican Internet company Google has pledged up to 5.5 million dollars (132.6 million crowns) in further aid to organisations helping the thousands of refugees streaming into Europe.", "targets": "Americk\u00e1 internetov\u00e1 spole\u010dnost Google sl\u00edbila poskytnout dal\u0161\u00edch a\u017e 5,5 milionu dolar\u016f (132,6 milionu K\u010d) organizac\u00edm, kter\u00e9 pom\u00e1haj\u00ed tis\u00edc\u016fm uprchl\u00edk\u016f proud\u00edc\u00edch do Evropy."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nGrocery wholesaler Metcash has kicked off a grassroots campaign to defend the market share of IGA retailers in South Australia and Western Australia ahead of a $700 million Aldi invasion.", "targets": "Metcash zahajuje kampa\u0148 na venkov\u011b, aby bojoval s invaz\u00ed Aldi"} {"inputs": "Kdy\u017e policie dorazila na m\u00edsto \u010dinu, nalezla t\u011blo 41let\u00e9 Amy Prentissov\u00e9 a ru\u010dn\u011b psan\u00fd vzkaz od Lamba, ve kter\u00e9m st\u00e1lo: \u201eJe mi to moc l\u00edto a p\u0159eji si, abych to mohl vz\u00edt zp\u011bt.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "When police got to the scene they found the body of Amy Prentiss, 41, and a handwritten note from Lamb, 45, that said: \"I am so sorry I wish I could take it back."} {"inputs": "Co m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt pro mlad\u00e9ho \u010dlov\u011bka hor\u0161\u00ed, ne\u017e \u017ee mu na \u010das zav\u0159eme dve\u0159e do strany!\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "What can be worse for a young person than to close his doors to the party for a while!"} {"inputs": "Ona nen\u00ed jenom negativn\u00ed postava.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "She isn't only a negative character."} {"inputs": "\"Na n\u011bjakou dobu se pak st\u00e1hnul z programu,\" popsala Eva v dokument\u00e1rn\u00edm seri\u00e1lu \u010cty\u0159i v tom 3.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"He then took a back seat for a while,\" says Eva in documentary series \u010cty\u0159i v tom 3."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "A to v\u010detn\u011b nutnosti odinstalovat aplikace k uvoln\u011bn\u00ed m\u00edsta - to v\u0161ak nebude nutn\u00e9, proto\u017ee Apple aktualizaci zmen\u0161il a tak\u00e9 usnadnil cel\u00fd proces d\u00edky pou\u017eit\u00ed speci\u00e1ln\u00edho n\u00e1stroje, kter\u00fd u\u017eivateli navrhne aplikace ke smaz\u00e1n\u00ed a znovu nainstalov\u00e1n\u00ed po skon\u010den\u00ed aktualizace."} {"inputs": "There is also an uncomfortable pattern developing.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Tak\u00e9 zde vznik\u00e1 nep\u0159\u00edjemn\u00fd vzorec."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nA collective called the Special Patrol Group helped distribute it around London using \"Ad Space Hack Packs,\" a \u00a36 pack of Allen keys which it claims \"gain access to around a third of bus stop advertising space on the planet.\"", "targets": "Kolektiv n\u00e1zvem Special Patrol Group je pomohl distribuovat po cel\u00e9m Lond\u00fdn\u011b a pomoc\u00ed \"Ad Space Hack Packs\", co\u017e je \u00a36 za kus Allen kl\u00ed\u010de, kter\u00fd \u00fadajn\u011b \"z\u00edsk\u00e1 p\u0159\u00edstup na zhruba t\u0159etinu reklamn\u00edho prostoru autobusov\u00fdch zast\u00e1vek na planet\u011b.\""} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"The defeat wasn't due to tactics, Juventus just scored two beautiful goals,\" said Pellegrini, whose team conceded a goal for the first time in 636 minutes of competitive action.", "targets": "\"P\u0159\u00ed\u010dina por\u00e1\u017eky nebyla v taktice, Juventus prost\u011b vst\u0159elil dva kr\u00e1sn\u00e9 g\u00f3ly,\" zhodnotil utk\u00e1n\u00ed Pellegrini, jeho\u017e t\u00fdm inkasoval v sout\u011b\u017en\u00edm utk\u00e1n\u00ed po dlouh\u00fdch 636 minut\u00e1ch."} {"inputs": "Pr\u00e1v\u011b ty jsou podle \u00dastavu zdravotnick\u00fdch informac\u00ed a statistiky \u010cR u\u017e n\u011bkolik let nej\u010dast\u011bj\u0161\u00edm d\u016fvodem \u00famrt\u00ed \u010cech\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "which, according to the Czech Institute of Health Information and Statistics, is the long-term most common cause of death in the Czech Republic."} {"inputs": "Hearts set for SFA battle over Neilson comments\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Hearts budou bojovat s SFA kv\u016fli koment\u00e1\u0159\u016fm proti Neilsonovi"} {"inputs": "How is \"Defence solicitor Gregor Sim asked that Hogg not be placed on the sex offenders register as it may be argued there was \"no significant sexual element\" to his crime.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Advok\u00e1t obhajoby Gregor Sim po\u017e\u00e1dal, aby Hogg nebyl um\u00edst\u011bn na seznam sexu\u00e1ln\u00edch delikvent\u016f, proto\u017ee m\u016f\u017ee argumentovat t\u00edm, \u017ee v jeho \u010dinu nebyl \"\u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd z\u00e1sadn\u00ed sexu\u00e1ln\u00ed podtext.\""} {"inputs": "A jeden m\u011bl na krku asi tak dvaceticentimetrov\u00fd masivn\u00ed k\u0159\u00ed\u017e ze zlata.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "And one had a massive gold cross, maybe twenty centimetres long, on his neck."} {"inputs": "Bellamy br\u00e1nil z\u00e1kroky sv\u00fdch hr\u00e1\u010d\u016f a \u0159ekl, \u017ee se b\u011bhem nich soust\u0159edili na \"kontakt.\"\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"V souvislosti s p\u0159esunem s\u00eddla skupiny akcion\u00e1\u0159i zva\u017euj\u00ed um\u00edst\u011bn\u00ed akci\u00ed na pra\u017esk\u00e9 burze.\""} {"inputs": "Nem\u016f\u017eu s jistotou \u0159\u00edci, \u017ee je Richard Glossip nevinn\u00fd.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "I cannot say with certainty that Richard Glossip is innocent."} {"inputs": "Jasn\u00fdm zd\u016frazn\u011bn\u00edm sou\u010dasn\u00fdch d\u016fkaz\u016f - \u017ee i kdy\u017e e-cigarety nejsou bez rizika, nesou jen zlomek \u0161kody zp\u016fsoben\u00e9 kou\u0159en\u00ed - pln\u00edme na\u0161i n\u00e1rodn\u00ed kompetenci.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"They soon disappeared.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Brzy zmizeli."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"She was completely devastated,\" O'Steen said of his daughter.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Byla \u00fapln\u011b zhroucen\u00e1,\" \u0159ekl O\u00b4Steen o sv\u00e9 dce\u0159i."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAngel Di Maria and Edinson Cavani were on target as Paris Saint-Germain began their Champions League campaign with an ultimately comfortable 2-0 win against Malmo at the Parc des Princes on Tuesday.", "targets": "Angel Di Maria a Edinson Cavani oba v \u00fatern\u00edm z\u00e1pase sk\u00f3rovali a Paris Saint-Germain za\u010dali svoji cestu v Lize Mistr\u016f kone\u010dn\u00fdm komfortn\u00edm v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00edm 2-0 proti Malmu na Parc des Princes."} {"inputs": "How is \"The architect rejected complaints made by opponents, saying that he had never considered a pink facade, which gave the project its nickname after the pink and white confectionary.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Autor n\u00e1vrhu odm\u00edt\u00e1 v\u00fdtky odp\u016frc\u016f, pr\u00fd nikdy nepo\u010d\u00edtal s fas\u00e1dou v r\u016f\u017eov\u00e9 barv\u011b, kter\u00e1 dala projektu p\u0159ezd\u00edvku po r\u016f\u017eovob\u00edl\u00e9 cukrovince."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Sesame oil contains essential fatty acids that help prevent gallstones.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Esenci\u00e1ln\u00ed mastn\u00e9 kyseliny, kter\u00e9 obsahuje, jsou dobrou prevenc\u00ed vzniku \u017elu\u010dov\u00fdch kamen\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"+ 9 mil.\" to Czech?", "targets": "+ 9 mil."} {"inputs": "It was certainly not the start Hayne and his massive Australian following had been hoping for in his NFL debut.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ur\u010dit\u011b to nebyl start, v jak\u00fd si Hayne a jeho masivn\u00ed australsk\u00fd fanklub doufali p\u0159i jeho NFL debutu."} {"inputs": "Kdo na n\u011bm nele\u017eel a byl zrovna v mo\u0159i, m\u011bl sm\u016flu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHere are some recent poll numbers that suggest that the real estate mogul isn't just a passing phase:", "targets": "Zde jsou n\u011bkter\u00e1 ned\u00e1vn\u00e1 \u010d\u00edsla hlasov\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e1 nazna\u010duj\u00ed, \u017ee realitn\u00ed magn\u00e1t nen\u00ed jen pom\u00edjivou f\u00e1z\u00ed:"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAccording to Milan Urban (\u010cSSD), who tabled the amendment, a key issue is for MPs to know the conclusions reached regarding the updated energy concept and, chiefly, the government's decision on coal extraction limits before passing the law.", "targets": "Podle zpravodaje k novele Milana Urbana (\u010cSSD) je kl\u00ed\u010dov\u00e9, aby poslanci je\u0161t\u011b p\u0159ed schv\u00e1len\u00edm z\u00e1kona znali z\u00e1v\u011bry ohledn\u011b aktualizovan\u00e9 energetick\u00e9 koncepce a hlavn\u011b rozhodnut\u00ed vl\u00e1dy o limitech t\u011b\u017eby uhl\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Limity na dole \u010cSA by se podle n\u011bj m\u011bly prolomit u\u017e z d\u016fvod\u016f soci\u00e1ln\u00edch, n\u00e1rodohospod\u00e1\u0159sk\u00fdch i z d\u016fvodu dlouhodob\u00e9 stability tuzemsk\u00e9 energetiky.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He said that limits at the \u010ceskoslovensk\u00e9 arm\u00e1dy mine should be broken due to social reasons, the national economy and the Czech energy sector."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe \u010cSSD's parliamentary party leader Roman Sklen\u00e1k therefore proposed the shortening of the deadline for the committee discussion of the standard to ten or twenty days; this, too, was blocked by the right-wing parties.", "targets": "P\u0159edseda poslanc\u016f \u010cSSD Roman Sklen\u00e1k proto navrhoval zkr\u00e1cen\u00ed lh\u016fty pro projedn\u00e1n\u00ed normy ve v\u00fdboru na deset nebo 20 dn\u016f, i to pravice zablokovala."} {"inputs": "Mluv\u00ed o Star\u00e9 firm\u011b.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Hats and nail on their heads, white and colourful Adidas trainers on their feet.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Na hlav\u00e1ch \u010depice s nehtem, b\u00edl\u00e9 a barevn\u00e9 adidasky na noh\u00e1ch."} {"inputs": "But now?\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ale te\u010f?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Zpr\u00e1vu na sv\u00e9m blogu zve\u0159ejnila zam\u011bstnankyn\u011b Googlu Rita Masoudov\u00e1 na z\u00e1klad\u011b osobn\u00ed zku\u0161enosti, kdy\u017e jako sedmilet\u00e1 prchala se svou rodinou z K\u00e1bulu."} {"inputs": "Nask\u00e1kali do hotelov\u00e9ho baz\u00e9nu - ve zna\u010dkov\u00fdch plavk\u00e1ch, zvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b ty mlad\u00e9 d\u00e1my -, ve vod\u011b je\u010deli a \u0159vali, matky s d\u011btmi a d\u016fchodci zd\u011b\u0161en\u011b utekli a za p\u016fl hodiny u\u017e nebyl na pl\u00e1\u017ei nebo v baz\u00e9nu ani jeden ne\u010dern\u00fd host.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "They jumped into the hotel swimming-pool - in designer swimwear, especially the young ladies - screamed and shouted in the water, while mothers and children and pensioners ran away, terrified, and after half an hour there wasn't a single non-black person on the beach or in the pool."} {"inputs": "Translate \"MPs support greater state share in coal fees\" to Czech?", "targets": "Sn\u011bmovna podpo\u0159ila v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed pod\u00edl st\u00e1tu z poplatk\u016f za uhl\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Je tu spousta nejistoty ohledn\u011b toho, jak\u00fd dopad to bude m\u00edt na ekonomiku USA, a nemaj\u00ed t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 \u00fadaje, na kter\u00e9 by se mohli spol\u00e9hat ohledn\u011b nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00edho v\u00fdvoje v \u010c\u00edn\u011b,\" \u0159ekl Oliner."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Nonetheless, we are prepared to pay these amounts, should we lose these cases.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b jsme p\u0159ipraveni v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b prohry t\u011bchto spor\u016f \u010d\u00e1stky zaplatit."} {"inputs": "Cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e budou muset p\u0159edkl\u00e1dat poji\u0161\u0165ovn\u00e1m p\u0159ed uzav\u0159en\u00edm smlouvy mimo jin\u00e9 \u00fadaje o hospoda\u0159en\u00ed a po\u010dtu z\u00e1jezd\u016f.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Before agreeing an insurance policy, travel agencies will have to submit to insurance companies data on their economic management and number tours, among other data."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Both taught in the Division of Social Sciences and History, which lists 17 faculty members, and many students took courses from both.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Oba dva u\u010dili na fakult\u011b soci\u00e1ln\u00edch v\u011bd a historie spolu s dal\u0161\u00edmi 17ti \u010dleny fakulty a mnoz\u00ed studenti chodili na kurzy u obou najednou."} {"inputs": "Translate \"he sometimes goes on the streets of Prague as a taxi driver.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Proto ob\u010das vyj\u00ed\u017ed\u00ed do pra\u017esk\u00fdch ulic jako taxik\u00e1\u0159."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAs shown in recent statements by Schulz and German ministers, openly threatening the disobedient Eastern countries, this also includes the idea of Germany in a leading role,", "targets": "A tak\u00e9, jak ukazuj\u00ed posledn\u00ed v\u00fdroky Schulze a n\u011bmeck\u00fdch minstr\u016f otev\u0159en\u011b vyhro\u017euj\u00edc\u00edch neposlu\u0161n\u00fdm v\u00fdchodn\u00edm st\u00e1t\u016fm, idea v\u016fdcovsk\u00e9ho N\u011bmecka."} {"inputs": "A mysl\u00edm si, kdybych vyhr\u00e1l j\u00e1, Isaac by to c\u00edtil stejn\u011b.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "And I think Isaac would have felt the same way if they roles were reversed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"But when they stopped us, we were surprised when they arrested us and remanded us in custody in Szeged, he said.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Kdy\u017e n\u00e1s ale policist\u00e9 zastavili, k na\u0161emu p\u0159ekvapen\u00ed n\u00e1s zatkli a p\u0159evezli do vy\u0161et\u0159ovac\u00ed vazby v Szegedu, popsal listu."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhy should Paris or Berlin waste political capital - they have suspicious voters too - on concessions to Britain when it may all be pointless?", "targets": "Pro\u010d by m\u011bla Pa\u0159\u00ed\u017e nebo Berl\u00edn utr\u00e1cet politick\u00fd kapit\u00e1l - maj\u00ed tak\u00e9 podez\u0159el\u00e9 voli\u010de - kv\u016fli konces\u00edm Brit\u00e1nie, kdy\u017e se to zd\u00e1 zbyte\u010dn\u00e9?"} {"inputs": "This year more than 200 thousand people have this year landed on its islands along the Turkish coast, twice the number that have recently arrived in Italy.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Na jeho ostrovech v bl\u00edzkosti tureck\u00e9ho pob\u0159e\u017e\u00ed p\u0159ist\u00e1lo v leto\u0161n\u00edm roce v\u00edce ne\u017e 200 tis\u00edc lid\u00ed, co\u017e je dvakr\u00e1t v\u00edc ne\u017e dorazilo v posledn\u00ed dob\u011b do It\u00e1lie."} {"inputs": "Druh\u00e1 v\u00fdstava p\u0159ibl\u00ed\u017e\u00ed atmosf\u00e9ru, kter\u00e1 panovala v Nep\u00e1lu po tragick\u00e9m zem\u011bt\u0159esen\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The second exhibition will convey the atmosphere in Nepal following the tragic earthquake."} {"inputs": "How is \"Pensions in the Czech Republic are regularly adjusted in January by the amount of the rise in prices and a third of the rise in actual salaries.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "D\u016fchody se v \u010cesku valorizuj\u00ed pravideln\u011b k lednu, a to o r\u016fst cen a t\u0159etinu r\u016fstu re\u00e1ln\u00fdch mezd."} {"inputs": "Oba obvin\u011bn\u00ed vedeni c\u00edlem zajistit pro spole\u010dnost Darothore p\u0159id\u011blen\u00ed ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 zak\u00e1zky na po\u0159\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed akce V\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed ob\u010d\u00e1nk\u016f v \u00dast\u00ed nad Labem dlouhodob\u011b a koordinovan\u011b jednali nejm\u00e9n\u011b v rozporu s po\u017eadavkem na postup s p\u00e9\u010d\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dn\u00e9ho hospod\u00e1\u0159e, p\u00ed\u0161e st\u00e1tn\u00ed z\u00e1stupce.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Both the accused, led by the goal of ensuring that Darothore was awarded the public contract for the organisation of the Little Citizens' Welcome event in \u00dast\u00ed nad Labem, conducted coordinated actions over an extended period of time that were, at the very least, in breach of the requirement for process that is in line with that of good management, writes the state prosecutor."} {"inputs": "How is \"For example, one teaspoonful of sunflower oil contains 62 calories, and one teaspoonful of rapeseed oil contains 99 calories.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nap\u0159\u00edklad v jedn\u00e9 l\u017e\u00edci slune\u010dnicov\u00e9ho oleje je 62 kalori\u00ed, v l\u017e\u00edci \u0159epkov\u00e9ho oleje je 99 kalori\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Na sma\u017een\u00ed v\u0161ak ve skute\u010dnosti nen\u00ed vhodn\u00fd, u\u017e p\u0159i 180 \u00b0C se za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 p\u0159epalovat.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Sunflower is not, however, suitable for cooking, as it starts to overheat at 180 \u00b0C."} {"inputs": "J\u00e1 ale v\u011b\u0159\u00edm, \u017ee existuje velk\u00e1 pravd\u011bpodobnost, \u017ee je z vra\u017edy nevinn\u00fd.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "But I believe there is a strong probability that he is not guilty of murder."} {"inputs": "Translate \"A couple of half-centuries and Lyth might have seen his run extended but he was in control of his own destiny.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Je\u0161t\u011b p\u00e1r dal\u0161\u00edch p\u016flstolet\u00ed a Lyth mohl svoji s\u00e9rii prodlou\u017eit, ale m\u011bl kontrolu nad sv\u00fdm vlastn\u00edm osudem."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"It's a success when you consider that all four have been in the black for all of this year,\" stated regional governer Stanislav Mi\u0161\u00e1k contentedly.", "targets": "\"Je to \u00fasp\u011bch, kdy\u017e uv\u00e1\u017e\u00edme, \u017ee cel\u00fd tento rok se v\u0161echny \u010dty\u0159i dr\u017e\u00ed v \u010dern\u00fdch \u010d\u00edslech,\" konstatoval spokojen\u011b hejtman Stanislav Mi\u0161\u00e1k."} {"inputs": "Voli\u010di z \u0159ad republik\u00e1n\u016f po cel\u00e9 zemi i nad\u00e1le podporuj\u00ed Trumpa drtivou v\u011bt\u0161inou, a vy\u0161plhali se z 23% podpory v posledn\u00edm pr\u016fzkumu CBS proveden\u00fdm p\u0159ed debatou Fox News minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc, na 27% v \u00fater\u00fd.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Republican voters nationwide continue to back Trump in large numbers, climbing from 23% support in the last CBS poll, conducted before the Fox News debate last month, to 27% in the poll out Tuesday."} {"inputs": "Mezit\u00edm zam\u011bstnanost ve Skotsku klesla o 12 000 b\u011bhem obdob\u00ed t\u0159\u00ed m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f, po\u010det pracuj\u00edc\u00edch se nyn\u00ed zastavil na 2 612 000.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Meanwhile, employment in Scotland fell by 12,000 during the three month period, with the number of those in work now standing at 2,612,000."} {"inputs": "Vlastn\u011b, je to stranick\u00e1 povinnost tak\u00e9 n\u00e1s v\u0161ech.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In fact, it the responsibility of us all as Party members."} {"inputs": "B\u00fdval\u00fd \u0159editel Channel 4, Luke Johnson, \u0159ekl, \u017ee BBC by m\u011bla p\u0159estat vys\u00edlat programy jako jsou EastEnders a The Voice, a potvrdil, \u017ee jeho komer\u010dn\u00ed rivalov\u00e9 by \"dali pravou ruku\" za hitov\u00e9 show jako je Albert Square.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The former Channel 4 chairman Luke Johnson has said the BBC should stop broadcasting programmes such as EastEnders and The Voice, saying its commercial rivals would \"give their right arm\" for hit shows such as the Albert Square soap."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"A samoz\u0159ejm\u011b tak\u00e9 mus\u00edme vy\u0159e\u0161it zlo\u010din, kter\u00fd byl sp\u00e1ch\u00e1n v na\u0161\u00ed leto\u0161n\u00ed upout\u00e1vce,\" uvedl Charv\u00e1t."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFor me it was not possible to see the moment.", "targets": "J\u00e1 jsem nebyl schopn\u00fd tento okam\u017eik post\u0159ehnout."} {"inputs": "Paul Collingwood p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed v \u010d\u00e1sti turn\u00e9 white-ball a p\u0159inese do t\u00fdmu jak energii, tak nemilosrdnou jiskru.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Paul Collingwood comes in for the white-ball leg of the tour and will bring both energy and a ruthless streak into the setup."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Druh\u00e1 p\u016flhodina (od 17:30 do 18:00) vysko\u010dila na 623 000 div\u00e1k\u016f \u2014 co\u017e sta\u010dilo na mal\u00e9 v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00ed nad Hot Seat Eddieho McGuirea (613 000)."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe woman who Sam Wood ends up with on The Bachelor has been swathed in utmost secrecy.", "targets": "\u017dena, se kterou Sam Wood p\u0159ijde na Bachelora, je zahalena nep\u0159ekonateln\u00fdm tajemstv\u00edm."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The majority grill several times a year.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Naprost\u00e1 v\u011bt\u0161ina pak griluje i n\u011bkolikr\u00e1t do roka."} {"inputs": "The bodies of 29 of the worshipers killed when a crane crashed collapsed at Mecca's Grand Central Mosque were carried through the streets\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "T\u011bla 29 mrtv\u00fdch po p\u00e1du je\u0159\u00e1bu v Grand Central Mosque v Mekce byly neseny ulicemi"} {"inputs": "Ne\u0161t\u011bst\u00ed se stalo kolem poledne v horsk\u00e9 oblasti Pelvoux pod vrcholem hory D\u00f4me de Neige des Ecrins m\u011b\u0159\u00edc\u00ed 4015 metr\u016f.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The accident occurred around noon in the mountainous Pelvoux region below the peak of the 4,015 metre-high D\u00f4me de Neige des Ecrins."} {"inputs": "Medaile pro Finy a Raku\u0161any.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Medals awarded to Finns and Austrians."} {"inputs": "Po zanech\u00e1n\u00ed vzkazu se Lamb vydal na 300 mil dlouhou cestu na univerzitu Delta, kde zabil u\u010ditele historie Ethana Schmidta a pot\u00e9 si vzal vlastn\u00ed \u017eivot.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAs far as energy values are concerned, it is important to realise that natural foodstuffs containing nutritious substances are much better than what are known as empty calories,", "targets": "Co se t\u00fd\u010de energetick\u00e9 hodnoty potravin, je d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9 uv\u011bdomit si, \u017ee mnohem vhodn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed jsou p\u0159\u00edrodn\u00ed potraviny s v\u00fd\u017eivn\u00fdmi l\u00e1tkami ne\u017e takzvan\u00e9 pr\u00e1zdn\u00e9 kalorie."} {"inputs": "You can also upload your video or pictures.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Tak\u00e9 m\u016f\u017eete nahr\u00e1t va\u0161e videa nebo fotografie."} {"inputs": "Tyg\u0159i z Detroitu pro\u0161li jen t\u011bsn\u011b kolem Minnesota Twins\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\u0160irok\u00e9 uli\u010dky vych\u00e1zej\u00ed vst\u0159\u00edc n\u00e1kupn\u00edm voz\u00edk\u016fm a vysokozdvi\u017en\u00fdm voz\u00edk\u016fm.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "O\u00b4Steen \u0159ekl, \u017ee se s Lambem nesetkal, ale skrze svou dceru Abigail se v\u011bd\u011bl, \u017ee Lamb se zaj\u00edmal o hudbu a hr\u00e1l blues.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nMovement also strengthens the immune system, which is desirable in the case of multiple sclerosis.", "targets": "Pohybov\u00e1 aktivita ov\u0161em tak\u00e9 posiluje imunitn\u00ed stav organismu, co\u017e je v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b roztrou\u0161en\u00e9 skler\u00f3zy \u017e\u00e1douc\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Sterling stoupal v\u00edce ne\u017e o 1% v\u016f\u010di dolaru na $1.5505 a byl o 0.84% naho\u0159e v\u016f\u010di euro na \u20ac1.3730.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Sterling rose more than 1% against the dollar to $1.5505 and was up 0.84% against the euro at \u20ac1.3730."} {"inputs": "How is \"According to the original plans the tunnel should have cost 17 billion crowns.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Stavba m\u011bla podle p\u016fvodn\u00edho z\u00e1m\u011bru st\u00e1t 17 miliard korun."} {"inputs": "V\u00fdkonn\u00fd p\u0159edseda JD Sports, Peter Cowgill, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed minim\u00e1ln\u00ed mzda pro pracovn\u00edky ve Spojen\u00e9m kr\u00e1lovstv\u00ed by mohla znamenat \"v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed kupn\u00ed s\u00edlu v kaps\u00e1ch potenci\u00e1ln\u00edch spot\u0159ebitel\u016f.\"\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nTo get around that, users are recommended either to wait for the rush to die down, or to try and upgrade through iTunes.", "targets": "Jedn\u00edm z \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed tohoto probl\u00e9mu je vy\u010dkat, a\u017e opadne z\u00e1jem o aktualizaci, nebo se o ni pokusit p\u0159es iTunes."} {"inputs": "How is \"Now kindly remember that!\" said in Czech?", "targets": "To si laskav\u011b zapamatuj!"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nMinister for Industry Jan Ml\u00e1dek (\u010cSSD) told MPs that, thanks to this, municipalities will receive 100 million crowns per year, as opposed to the previous figure of 14 million crowns.", "targets": "Ministr pr\u016fmyslu Jan Ml\u00e1dek (\u010cSSD) poslanc\u016fm \u0159ekl, \u017ee obce d\u00edky tomu z\u00edskaj\u00ed ro\u010dn\u011b nam\u00edsto 14 milion\u016f a\u017e 100 milion\u016f korun."} {"inputs": "Tento t\u00fdden ve sv\u00e9 zpr\u00e1v\u011b analytik Morgan Stanley, Tom Kierath, odhadl, \u017ee maloobchod IGA by mohl ztratit 360 milion\u016f USD na ro\u010dn\u00edm prodeji a Metcash 250 milion\u016f USD na konci roku 2016.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In a report this week, Morgan Stanley analyst Tom Kierath estimated that IGA retailers could lose $360 million a year in sales and Metcash $250 million by the end of 2016."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe actor has also reportedly struggled with drugs, and in 2008, he was busted for drug possession.", "targets": "Herec m\u011bl tak\u00e9 \u00fadajn\u011b probl\u00e9m s drogami a v roce 2008 byl zadr\u017een za dr\u017een\u00ed drog."} {"inputs": "Novin\u00e1\u0159 pak u\u017e nesm\u011bl zatelefonovat ani sv\u00fdm nad\u0159\u00edzen\u00fdm, ani koleg\u016fm na m\u00edst\u011b.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The journalist was then forbidden from phoning either his superiors or his colleagues in situ."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThey also inspect our laboratory.", "targets": "Zkontroluj\u00ed i na\u0161i laborato\u0159."} {"inputs": "Zdravotn\u00ed stav glob\u00e1ln\u00ed ekonomiky nen\u00ed jedn\u00edm z hlavn\u00edch z\u00e1jm\u016f Fedu, tak\u017ee technicky by nem\u011bl b\u00fdt zahrnut do jejich rozhodov\u00e1n\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\u0160edes\u00e1t dva procent registrovan\u00fdch voli\u010d\u016f si nemysl\u00ed, \u017ee je \u010destn\u00e1 a d\u016fv\u011bryhodn\u00e1.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Hot Seat m\u011blo v pr\u016fm\u011bru 620 000.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The waiter said to me in a low voice: \"Did you see the gold they had on them?\"\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u010c\u00ed\u0161n\u00edk mi ve\u010der polohlasn\u011b \u0159ekl: \"Vid\u011bl jste to zlato, co na sob\u011b m\u011bli?\""} {"inputs": "Pokud se Biden rozhodne nekandidovat o nominaci Demokrat\u016f, veden\u00ed Hillary Clintonov\u00e9 se roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159\u00ed z 20 bod\u016f, kdy\u017e Biden bude kandidovat, na 30 bod\u016f bez jeho kandidatury.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "If Biden chooses not to run for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton's lead over Sanders widens, from 20 points with Biden in the race to 30 points without him in the running."} {"inputs": "The theme of the third season of the Czech television series having another go at finding happiness.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Motivem t\u0159et\u00ed \u0159ady seri\u00e1lu \u010desk\u00e9 televize je pr\u00e1v\u011b hled\u00e1n\u00ed \u0161t\u011bst\u00ed na druh\u00fd pokus."} {"inputs": "Translate \"I struggle to see how it's public service broadcasting.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nedok\u00e1\u017eu pochopit, jak jsou tyto ve\u0159ejnou vys\u00edlac\u00ed slu\u017ebou."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe research team also compared average outcomes with the two types of surgery.", "targets": "V\u00fdzkumn\u00fd t\u00fdm tak\u00e9 porovnal pr\u016fm\u011brn\u00e9 v\u00fdsledky s dv\u011bma typy operac\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Ibrahimovic se vr\u00e1til po zran\u011bn\u00ed jako jedna ze t\u0159\u00ed zm\u011bn t\u00fdmu PSG, kter\u00fd doma utr\u017eil tento v\u00edkend rem\u00edzu 2-2 s Bordeaux v Lize 1, ale byl ve \u010dtvrt\u00e9 minut\u011b zast\u00edn\u011bn Di Mariou.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Ibrahimovic returned after injury in one of three changes to the Paris team that had been held to a 2-2 draw at home by Bordeaux in Ligue 1 at the weekend, but he was upstaged in the fourth minute by Di Maria."} {"inputs": "How is \"who exchanged part of their loans for shares at the end of August.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Na konci srpna jim \u010d\u00e1st p\u016fj\u010dek vym\u011bnila za akcie."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u00davodn\u00edk v odborn\u00e9m \u010dasopise Lancet minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc za\u00fato\u010dil na \"mimo\u0159\u00e1dn\u011b chatrnou z\u00e1kladnu\", na kter\u00e9 agentura PHE zakl\u00e1dala sv\u00e9 hlavn\u00ed z\u00e1v\u011bry."} {"inputs": "Schmidtova \u017eena Liz, a bratr Jeff Schnidt se tak\u00e9 z\u00fa\u010dastnil vig\u00edlie, b\u011bhem kter\u00e9 univerzitn\u00ed sbor zap\u011bl \"Bright Morning Star\" a \"Amazing Grace.\"\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Schmidt's wife, Liz, and brother Jeff Schmidt also attended the vigil, during which the university choir sang \"Bright Morning Star\" and \"Amazing Grace.\""} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nLana Jeavons-Fellows, Sarah Mackay and Snezana Markoski may have unwittingly revealed who wins The Bachelor.", "targets": "Lana Jeavons-Fellows, Sarah Mackay a Snezana Markoski mo\u017en\u00e1 necht\u011bn\u011b zjistili, kdo vyhraje Bachelor."} {"inputs": "\u010clenov\u00e9 bratrstv\u00ed New Yorksk\u00e9 Baruch College Pi Delta Psi brut\u00e1ln\u011b napadli Chuna \"Michaela\" Denga b\u011bhem zah\u00e1jen\u00ed ob\u0159adu v z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 2013 a opo\u017ed\u011bn\u00e9 ho vzali do nemocnice, co\u017e p\u0159isp\u011blo k jeho smrti, ozn\u00e1mila policie.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Members of New York City's Baruch College Pi Delta Psi fraternity brutally assaulted Chun \"Michael\" Deng during an initiation rite in September 2013 and delayed taking him to the hospital, contributing to his death, police said."} {"inputs": "How is \"Experts agree that the majority of oils start to lose their taste at high temperatures,\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Odborn\u00edci se shoduj\u00ed, \u017ee velk\u00e1 \u010d\u00e1st olej\u016f za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 p\u0159i vysok\u00fdch teplot\u00e1ch ztr\u00e1cet svou chu\u0165."} {"inputs": "Translate \"At the same time, Metcash is losing market share in the eastern states, mainly to Aldi and Coles, even though a recent Roy Morgan survey found IGA shoppers were most loyal.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Sou\u010dasn\u011b Metcash ztr\u00e1c\u00ed pod\u00edl na trz\u00edch ve v\u00fdchodn\u00edch st\u00e1tech, hlavn\u011b v\u016f\u010di Aldi a Coles, a\u010dkoliv posledn\u00ed pr\u016fzkum Roy Morgan zjistil, \u017ee nakupuj\u00edc\u00ed v IGA byly nejv\u00edce loaj\u00e1ln\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Obce by tak\u00e9 nem\u011bly m\u00edt povinnost starat se o silni\u010dn\u00ed vegetaci pod\u00e9l m\u00edstn\u00edch cest bez ohledu na vlastn\u00edka p\u0159\u00edslu\u0161n\u00e9ho pozemku.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"which in the past was a rare occurrence in Chlum.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ta v Chlumu v minul\u00fdch stalet\u00edch byla vz\u00e1cnost\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Pot\u00e9, co otev\u0159en\u011b zpochybnil prezidenta Vladim\u00edra Putina, byl Khodorkovsky odsouzen, jeho ropn\u00e1 spole\u010dnost Yukos zkonfiskov\u00e1na a jeho demokratick\u00e1 \u00fasil\u00ed omezena.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Norma i po \u00faprav\u00e1ch stanov\u00ed, \u017ee cestovn\u00ed agentury budou muset u prod\u00e1van\u00fdch z\u00e1jezd\u016f nov\u011b uv\u00e1d\u011bt, kter\u00e1 cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159 z\u00e1jezd organizuje.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Nakolik bude nov\u00e1 technologie displeje praktick\u00e1, se projev\u00ed a\u017e p\u0159i pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The practicality of the new display technology will become apparent only through use."} {"inputs": "P\u0159esto si 44 procent mysl\u00ed, \u017ee nem\u00e1 osobnost k tomu, aby slou\u017eil efektivn\u011b, a skoro 6 z 10 nez\u00e1visl\u00fdch \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee jeho temperament nepat\u0159\u00ed do B\u00edl\u00e9ho domu, podle ABC/Post.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Dnes mu ur\u010dit\u011b nebude chutnat.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "He definitely won't enjoy it today."} {"inputs": "Even a week ago it was still being claimed by ARD that more than 50% of Germans wanted to accept even more refugees.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Podle tvrzen\u00ed ARD cht\u011blo je\u0161t\u011b p\u0159ed t\u00fddnem v\u00edce ne\u017e 50% N\u011bmc\u016f p\u0159ijmout je\u0161t\u011b v\u00edce uprchl\u00edk\u016f."} {"inputs": "N\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk se na mne ost\u0159e pod\u00edval.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The superintendent looked at me sharply."} {"inputs": "Bishnu Prasad Dhakal, vedouc\u00ed okresn\u00ed d\u016fstojn\u00edk, uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee se v\u00edce ne\u017e 1000 demonstrant\u016f shrom\u00e1\u017edilo p\u0159ed policejn\u00ed stanic\u00ed a n\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed h\u00e1zeli kameny a z\u00e1paln\u00e9 bomby.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Bishnu Prasad Dhakal, the chief district officer, said more than 1,000 protesters had gathered outside a police station, some of them throwing stones and firebombs."} {"inputs": "\u00daS se zastal emigrant\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed se dom\u00e1hali n\u00e1hrady majetku.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Constitutional Court supports emigrants who made claim for return of property"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHowever, analysts such as Morgan Stanley believe Aldi will snare around 5 per cent of the grocery market in these two states within 12 months of opening its first stores, taking sales from all existing players but mainly from independent retailers.", "targets": "Ka\u017edop\u00e1dn\u011b analytici jako je Morgan Stanley v\u011b\u0159\u00ed, \u017ee Aldi si pol\u00ed\u010d\u00ed na 5 procent potravinov\u00e9ho trhu v t\u011bchto dvou st\u00e1tech b\u011bhem 12ti m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f od otev\u0159en\u00ed prvn\u00edch obchod\u016f, kter\u00e9 p\u0159evzali tr\u017eby od v\u0161ech existuj\u00edc\u00edch hr\u00e1\u010d\u016f, ale hlavn\u011b nez\u00e1visl\u00fdch maloobchodn\u00edk\u016f."} {"inputs": "\"Eighteen months ago Terry Bailey, Dayle Brown and Dr Brian Stewart sat in a room with a man - who I will name if asked - and offered him employment to work in my stables to offer information on what I was doing within my stables,\" Moody said on Racing.com.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"P\u0159ed osmn\u00e1cti m\u011bs\u00edce Terry Bailey, Dayle Brown a Dr. Brian Stewart sed\u011bli v m\u00edstnosti s mu\u017eem - kter\u00e9ho budu po ot\u00e1zce jmenovat - a nab\u00edzeli mu zam\u011bstn\u00e1n\u00ed v m\u00fdch st\u00e1j\u00edch za to, \u017ee zjist\u00ed informace o v\u011bcech, kter\u00e9 se v m\u00fdch st\u00e1j\u00edch prov\u00e1d\u011bj\u00ed,\" \u0159ekl Moody na Racing.com."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "D\u00edky na\u0161\u00edm digit\u00e1ln\u00edm \u017eivot\u016fm se zdvojn\u00e1sobila na\u0161e pot\u0159eba vypadat siln\u011bj\u0161\u00ed, v\u00edce z\u00e1bavu miluj\u00edc\u00ed a \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011bj\u0161\u00ed, i kdy\u017e jsme v realit\u011b sp\u00ed\u0161e izolovan\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Jeden kluk v m\u00fdch kolej\u00edch m\u011bl ve zvyku, \u017ee pokud dve\u0159e nejsou zam\u010den\u00e9, je pozvan\u00fd dovnit\u0159.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "One guy in my student halls had a policy that if a door wasn't locked he was invited in."} {"inputs": "Zl\u00e9 jazyky tvrdily, \u017ee \u0161kolu vy\u0161el v sedm\u00e9 t\u0159\u00edd\u011b, ni\u010d\u00edm se nevyu\u010dil, nic neum\u011bl.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Crooked tongues claimed that he'd left school after seven years, hadn't learnt anything, couldn't do anything."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Mus\u00edme do\u0161kolovat zam\u011bstnance, dovybavovat za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed a znovu cel\u00fd proces certifikovat, dod\u00e1v\u00e1 Dubsk\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe company said it still expects earnings to grow over the previous year because of cost-cutting, higher revenue and growth in online commerce.", "targets": "Spole\u010dnost uvedla, \u017ee st\u00e1le o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1 r\u016fst zisku oproti p\u0159edchoz\u00edmu roku z d\u016fvodu sni\u017eov\u00e1n\u00ed n\u00e1klad\u016f, vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00edjmy a r\u016fst v on-line obchodov\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He claimed that, under current circumstances, the interests of humanity should be put before the interests of single nations or even continents.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Tvrdil, \u017ee za sou\u010dasn\u00fdch okolnost\u00ed by z\u00e1jem lidstva m\u011bl b\u00fdt kladen p\u0159ed z\u00e1jmy jednotliv\u00fdch zem\u00ed nebo dokonce kontinent\u016f."} {"inputs": "Chci t\u00edm \u0159\u00edct, \u017ee m\u011bli oba dobr\u00fd smysl pro humor.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "I mean, they both had a good sense of wit about them."} {"inputs": "Dohoda by kombinovala dva nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed pivovary na sv\u011bt\u011b, a p\u0159ibl\u00ed\u017een\u00ed zna\u010dek jako jsou Budweiser, Stella Artois, Peroni a Grolsch.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "A deal would combine the world's two largest brewers, bringing together brands such as Budweiser, Stella Artois, Peroni and Grolsch."} {"inputs": "I was lucky.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "J\u00e1 jsem m\u011bla \u0161t\u011bst\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"He finds it very difficult because the intention was not to injure the opponent, and when you hear it is a very bad injury, it's not good,\" Cocu said.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Je to pro n\u011bj velmi t\u011b\u017ek\u00e9, proto\u017ee jeho \u00famysl nebyl zranit protihr\u00e1\u010de, a kdy\u017e sly\u0161\u00edte o z\u00e1va\u017enosti takov\u00e9ho zran\u011bn\u00ed, nen\u00ed to dobr\u00e9,\" uvedl Cocu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He primarily entered public consciousness through his special and general theories of relativity, the best descriptions yet provided of the universe in its gigantic dimensions.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Do pov\u011bdom\u00ed lid\u00ed ve\u0161el p\u0159edev\u0161\u00edm svou speci\u00e1ln\u00ed a obecnou teorii relativity, kter\u00e1 doposud nejl\u00e9pe popisuje vesm\u00edr ve sv\u00e9m gigantick\u00e9m pom\u011bru."} {"inputs": "Jejich klidnou existenci po \u010dase naru\u0161il pavouk.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "After a while their peaceful existence was disrupted by a spider."} {"inputs": "How is \"Celtic target Michu in retirement hint\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159estupov\u00fd c\u00edl Celticu Michu nazna\u010duje odchod do d\u016fchodu"} {"inputs": "It was not immediately clear why Lamb went to that home, though Johnson said she believes he knew the people who lived there.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nebylo hned jasn\u00e9, pro\u010d Lamb jel do tohoto domu, a\u010dkoliv Johnson \u0159ekla, \u017ee pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b znal lidi, kte\u0159\u00ed zde \u017eili."} {"inputs": "Ministr zahrani\u010d\u00ed USA John Kerry o situaci v S\u00fdrii hovo\u0159il v \u00fater\u00fd s rusk\u00fdm kolegou Sergejem Lavrovem, byl to u\u017e jejich t\u0159et\u00ed telefonick\u00fd rozhovor za posledn\u00edch deset dn\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Xi, whose visit was first announced in February, is expected to stop in Seattle to meet several U.S. tech leaders on his way to Washington, before going on to New York City for the U.N. General Assembly on Sept.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Xi, jeho\u017e n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bva byla poprv\u00e9 ozn\u00e1mena v \u00fanoru, by m\u011bl nav\u0161t\u00edvit Seattle, kde se na cest\u011b do Washingtonu setk\u00e1 s n\u011bkolika technick\u00fdmi l\u00eddry USA a pot\u00e9 bude pokra\u010dovat do New Yorku na z\u00e1\u0159ijov\u00e9 zased\u00e1n\u00ed OSN."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Lid\u00e9 s roztrou\u0161enou skler\u00f3zou toti\u017e sice trp\u00ed stejnou nemoc\u00ed, ta se ale u ka\u017ed\u00e9ho projevuje trochu jin\u00fdm zp\u016fsobem."} {"inputs": "Donald Trump a Ben Carson dnes dost\u00e1vaj\u00ed zhruba polovinu podpory ze strany republik\u00e1nsk\u00fdch voli\u010d\u016f, a to p\u0159edev\u0161\u00edm vzhledem k jejich stavu outsider\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Donald Trump and Ben Carson now account for roughly half of the support from Republican voters, largely due to their outsider status."} {"inputs": "Koncepce tak\u00e9 doporu\u010dila vznik apalick\u00e9ho centra, kter\u00e9 by se staralo o pacienty s posti\u017een\u00edm mozku, kte\u0159\u00ed jsou ve vegetativn\u00edm stavu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The concept also recommended the setup of an apallic centre for the treatment of patients with brain disease who are in a vegetative state."} {"inputs": "Translate \"However, even a blind man can see that this is a domino effect.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u017de jde o dominov\u00fd efekt, vid\u00ed ale i slep\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Souvisej\u00edc\u00ed: Manchaster United zaznamenali zran\u011bn\u00ed Luke Shawa v por\u00e1\u017ece proti PSV\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Police in Gautier, where Prentiss died, said he had no history of violence or criminal record.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Policie v Gautier, kde Prentiss zem\u0159el, potvrdila, \u017ee nem\u011bl \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd z\u00e1znam v trestn\u00edm rejst\u0159\u00edku ani n\u00e1silnou minulost."} {"inputs": "Je nap\u0159\u00edklad prok\u00e1z\u00e1no, \u017ee pravideln\u00fd pohyb zna\u010dn\u011b oddaluje dobu, kdy nemocn\u00fd pot\u0159ebuje n\u011bjakou kompenza\u010dn\u00ed pom\u016fcku, nap\u0159\u00edklad h\u016fl.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"I really don't know who he'll play with and what it'll look like,\" said Navr\u00e1til.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Opravdu nev\u00edm s k\u00fdm a jak to bude vypadat,\" \u0159ekl Navr\u00e1til."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Podle \u0159editele spole\u010dnosti Metrostav Ji\u0159\u00edho B\u011blohlava je tunel zbyte\u010dn\u011b drah\u00fd, \u0159ekl t\u00fdden\u00edku Euro."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIt is a joke.", "targets": "Je to vtip."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt augurs well.", "targets": "To je dobr\u00e9 znamen\u00ed."} {"inputs": "The Sparta players, on the other hand, know very well about Goian.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "To spar\u0165an\u00e9 o Goianovi v\u00ed velmi dob\u0159e."} {"inputs": "How is \"Was Chancellor Otto von Bismarck right when he exerted all his powers to prevent advocates of the Greater German solution to German unification from taking control of the whole centre of Europe?\" said in Czech?", "targets": "M\u011bl pravdu kancl\u00e9\u0159 Otto von Bismarck, kdy\u017e ve\u0161kerou svoj\u00ed silou zastavil pokusy Velkon\u011bmc\u016f o ovl\u00e1dnut\u00ed cel\u00e9ho st\u0159edu Evropy?"} {"inputs": "Sch\u016fze se z\u00fa\u010dastnil tak\u00e9 premi\u00e9r Li Keqiang a vedouc\u00ed p\u0159edstavitel\u00e9 Liu Yunshan a Zhang Gaoli, podle prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed vydan\u00e9ho po sch\u016fzi.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The meeting was also attended by Premier Li Keqiang, and senior leaders Liu Yunshan and Zhang Gaoli, according to a statement released after the meeting."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHe also adds that nobody has yet explained how he is to keep allocated refugees in the Czech Republic when they don't want to live there anyway.", "targets": "Podot\u00fdk\u00e1 tak\u00e9, \u017ee mu zat\u00edm nikdo nevysv\u011btlil, jak by m\u011bl p\u0159id\u011blen\u00e9 uprchl\u00edky v \u010cesku udr\u017eet, kdy\u017e u n\u00e1s stejn\u011b \u017e\u00edt necht\u011bj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Uvid\u011bl p\u00e1r v\u011bc\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Lamb had earlier asked Delta State University for a medical leave of absence, saying he had a health issue of some sort.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Lamb ji\u017e d\u0159\u00edve \u017e\u00e1dal Delta State University o volno ze zdravotn\u00edch d\u016fvod\u016f, kdy uvedl, \u017ee m\u00e1 jak\u00fdsi probl\u00e9m."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe Little Citizens' Welcome was a social event that took place several times per year.", "targets": "V\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed ob\u010d\u00e1nk\u016f bylo spole\u010denskou akc\u00ed, kter\u00e1 se konala n\u011bkolikr\u00e1t do roka."} {"inputs": "\"\u00dadaje o \u00famrtnosti trvaj\u00ed dlouho k zobrazen\u00ed,\" tvrd\u00ed Dr. Robin Blackstone, expert na chirurgii hubnut\u00ed, kter\u00fd napsal \u00favodn\u00edk na nov\u00e9 studium chirurgie JAMA.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"The mortality data take a long time to show up,\" said Dr. Robin Blackstone, a weight loss surgery expert who wrote an editorial on the new study in JAMA Surgery."} {"inputs": "How is \"For the economy specifically, history offers little guide about timing.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Pro ekonomiku konkr\u00e9tn\u011b nab\u00edz\u00ed historie mal\u00e9ho p\u016fvodce o na\u010dasov\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"It was noteworthy because of personal reasons, too.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Byla pozoruhodn\u00e1 i z osobn\u00edch d\u016fvod\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"However, Radio 3 was not the only element of the BBC's output which came under fire for treading on the toes of commercial rivals, during the Culture, Media and Sport select committee hearing.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b, Radio 3 nebylo jedin\u00fdm prvkem produkce BBC, kter\u00fd se dostal pod palbu kv\u016fli \u0161lap\u00e1n\u00ed na paty obchodn\u00edm konkurent\u016fm b\u011bhem vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed Kultury, Media a Sportu a dostali se k sly\u0161en\u00ed komise."} {"inputs": "Vzpomene si, \u017ee kdysi m\u00edval vlastn\u00ed v\u016fli i sny, chce zase d\u016fstojn\u011b a svobodn\u011b \u017e\u00edt.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He remembers that once he had his own will and dreams, and wants to live a free, dignified life."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHe immersed himself so deeply in everything that the results were always incredible revelations.", "targets": "Dok\u00e1zal se do v\u0161eho pono\u0159it tak hluboko, \u017ee v\u00fdplodem bylo v\u017edy ohromuj\u00edc\u00ed zji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Too many families have been devastated as a result of fraternity hazing, with at least one student dying every year from hazing since 1970,\" Douglas Fierberg, an attorney representing Deng's family, said in a statement.", "targets": "\"P\u0159\u00edli\u0161 mnoho rodin bylo zdevastov\u00e1no v d\u016fsledku p\u0159et\u011b\u017eov\u00e1n\u00ed v bratrstv\u00edch a alespo\u0148 jeden student um\u00edr\u00e1 ka\u017ed\u00fd rok kv\u016fli p\u0159et\u011b\u017eov\u00e1n\u00ed od roku 1970,\" p\u00ed\u0161e Douglas Fierberg, pr\u00e1vn\u00edk zastupuj\u00edc\u00ed Dengovu rodinu, v prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Uv\u011bdom si, \u017ee jsi technik tra\u0165ov\u00e9 distance a dle toho se mus\u00ed\u0161 chovat.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "You must realise that you are a railway track technician and you must behave accordingly."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSince his election, Mr Corbyn's debut at PMQs has been keenly awaited", "targets": "Od sv\u00e9ho zvolen\u00ed je debut pana Corbyna v PMQ velmi nad\u0161en\u011b o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1n"} {"inputs": "To si n\u011bkdo objednal a zaplatil to.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Derek McInnes p\u0159izn\u00e1v\u00e1, \u017ee jeho Aberdeensk\u00fd t\u00fdm se musel zoufale dr\u017eet proti Hamilton Accies, aby se jim poda\u0159ilo z\u00edskat sedm\u00e9 ligov\u00e9 v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00ed po sob\u011b a p\u011btibodov\u00fd n\u00e1skok p\u0159ed Celticem na vrcholu tabulky d\u00edky penalt\u011b z prvn\u00ed poloviny v pod\u00e1n\u00ed Adama Rooneyho.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Derek McInnes admits his Aberdeen side had to cling on desperately against Hamilton Accies to see out a seventh successive league win that moved them five points clear of Celtic at the top of the table thanks to Adam Rooney's first-half penalty."} {"inputs": "How is \"I was also annoyed by the way he arrogantly addressed me in the familiar form.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Tak\u00e9 mne \u0161tvalo to jeho pov\u00fd\u0161en\u00e9 tyk\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Dobr\u00fd \u010d\u00e1st obchodu je ponech\u00e1na masivn\u00edmu mraz\u00edc\u00edmu odd\u00edlu, kde najdete mra\u017een\u00e9 kar\u00ed listy, ho\u0159k\u00fd meloun a galangal, cel\u00e9 kachny, ryby, hov\u011bz\u00ed krev a \u017elu\u010d, vep\u0159ov\u00e1 st\u0159eva, ryb\u00ed koule, region\u00e1ln\u00ed klob\u00e1sy, voln\u011b prodejn\u00e9 polotovary a dal\u0161\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "A good portion of the store is given over to the massive freezer section, where you'll find frozen curry leaves, bitter melon and galangal, whole ducks, fish, beef blood and bile, pork casings, fish balls, regional sausages, commercially-prepared foods and more."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kontroverzn\u00ed stavba dostala stopku."} {"inputs": "\"Nen\u00ed mo\u017en\u00e9 tunelovat jeden z nejchud\u0161\u00edch region\u016f jen proto, aby si pan ministr financ\u00ed vylep\u0161oval rozpo\u010det,\" \u0159ekl David K\u00e1dner (\u00dasvit) zvolen\u00fd v \u00dasteck\u00e9m kraji.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\"Jakmile jsem ho vid\u011bla s m\u00fdmi p\u0159\u00e1teli a rodinou, uv\u011bdomila jsem si, \u017ee tohle nen\u00ed u\u017e jen hra - otev\u0159ela jsem mu te\u010f cel\u00e9 sv\u00e9 srdce,\" dod\u00e1v\u00e1.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"Once I saw him with my friends and family I realised this obviously isn't just a game - I'm wholeheartedly invested in him now,\" she said."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIf someone steals your stuff, it's annoying and you have my sympathies - but try to deal with it more maturely than my hallmate, who tainted her milk with washing-up liquid to punish those who stole it.", "targets": "Pokud v\u00e1m n\u011bkdo n\u011bco ukradne, je to otravn\u00e9 a m\u00e1te moje sympatie - ale zkuste se s t\u00edm vypo\u0159\u00e1dat trochu v\u00edce dosp\u011ble ne\u017e moje spolubydl\u00edc\u00ed, kter\u00e1 vym\u011bnila svoje ml\u00e9ko za prost\u0159edek na myt\u00ed n\u00e1dob\u00ed, aby zlod\u011bje potrestala."} {"inputs": "Translate \"There have also been protests in western Nepal from ethnic Tharus who want their own state.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Dal\u0161\u00ed demonstrace v z\u00e1padn\u00edm Nep\u00e1lu byly tak\u00e9 zaznamen\u00e1ny etnickou skupinou Tharus, kter\u00e1 po\u017eaduje vznik sv\u00e9ho vlastn\u00edho st\u00e1tu."} {"inputs": "How is \"Multiple sclerosis: it's not just about the medication, but also about the patient's will to fight.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Roztrou\u0161en\u00e1 skler\u00f3za: nez\u00e1le\u017e\u00ed jen na l\u00e9c\u00edch, ale i na v\u016fli pacienta bojovat."} {"inputs": "Nahradit \u010desk\u00fd Latecoere je pro brazilsk\u00e9ho nebo evropsk\u00e9ho v\u00fdrobce bu\u010f nemo\u017en\u00e9, nebo velmi slo\u017eit\u00e9.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Replacing the Czech branch of Latecoere would be very complicated, if not impossible, for the Brazilian or European producer."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIt takes them two days.", "targets": "Trv\u00e1 jim to dva dny."} {"inputs": "\"Black Lives Matter Network je skupina l\u00e1sky,\" prohl\u00e1sili vedouc\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Vzpomn\u011bl jsem si: \"J\u00e1 v\u00edm, v\u0161ichni m\u011bli kolem krk\u016f masivn\u00ed zlat\u00e9 \u0159et\u011bzy.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "I remembered: \"I know, they all had massive gold chains around their necks."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Tento krok je v\u00fdznamn\u00fd, proto\u017ee poskytne trhu v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed roli v p\u0159id\u011blov\u00e1n\u00ed zdroj\u016f, zaji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed pr\u00e1vn\u00edho podnikatelsk\u00e9ho prost\u0159ed\u00ed a ud\u011bl\u00e1 trh otev\u0159en\u011bj\u0161\u00edm, uv\u00e1d\u00ed prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWage gains have shown signs of picking up.", "targets": "Mzdov\u00e9 zisky uk\u00e1zaly zn\u00e1mky zvednut\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Otev\u0159en\u00ed parlament bylo tak\u00e9 poskvrn\u011bno tvrzen\u00edmi opozi\u010dn\u00edch z\u00e1konod\u00e1rc\u016f, \u017ee obdr\u017eeli anonymn\u00ed v\u00fdhr\u016f\u017eky zabit\u00edm, kter\u00e9 je varovaly p\u0159ed vyp\u00edsk\u00e1n\u00edm pana Mugabeho b\u011bhem jeho projevu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "D\u00e1le pak \u0159ekla: \"N\u011bmecko vzd\u00e1v\u00e1 boj o multikulturn\u00ed spole\u010dnost.\"\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "She further said: \"Germany is giving up the fight for a multicultural society.\""} {"inputs": "V p\u0159edkolech jsme hodn\u011b studovali soupe\u0159e, co\u017e n\u00e1m velmi pomohlo, tentokr\u00e1te se chceme soust\u0159edit na na\u0161i hru, \u010demu\u017e jsme i p\u0159izp\u016fsobili tr\u00e9ninky.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In the qualifying rounds we studied our opponents a lot, which helped us a lot, and this time we want to focus on our game, to which we've adapted our training."} {"inputs": "I u n\u00e1s by se hodilo na zahn\u00e1n\u00ed spousty vykuk\u016f a \u0161mejd\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Due to public interest, further performances up to May 2016 have been scheduled.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Kv\u016fli z\u00e1jmu ve\u0159ejnosti pak byly do prodeje p\u0159id\u00e1ny dal\u0161\u00ed term\u00edny a\u017e do kv\u011btna 2016."} {"inputs": "Bylo mi jedno, \u017ee vylet\u00edm z m\u00edsta mechaniz\u00e1tora.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "I didn't care that I'd be thrown out of my position as a mechanical officer."} {"inputs": "Nem\u016f\u017eu \u0159\u00edct, \u017ee budu opravdu objektivn\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "I cannot claim to be truly objective."} {"inputs": "How is \"New this year, the FastMig X was launched in Nitra, where it also won a medal.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Je to leto\u0161n\u00ed novinka, kter\u00e1 m\u011bla premi\u00e9ru v Nit\u0159e, kde z\u00edskala tak\u00e9 zlatou medaili."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nwhatever they are, from the welding of steel constructions to the welding of special alloys, as well as from the welding of coarse materials to the welding of thin sheet-metal, from workshop application of shipyards.", "targets": "A to jak\u00fdchkoliv, od sva\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed konstruk\u010dn\u00ed oceli po sva\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed speci\u00e1ln\u00edch slitin, stejn\u011b jako od sva\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed hrub\u00fdch materi\u00e1l\u016f po sva\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed tenk\u00fdch plech\u016f, od aplikac\u00ed v d\u00edln\u00e1ch a\u017e po sva\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed v lod\u011bnic\u00edch."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nI did something similar with the pharaoh ants.", "targets": "Pozd\u011bji jsem to s fara\u00f3ny \u0159e\u0161il podobn\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He'll be worrying about where he'd eat or drink what, and eventually it turned out the way it did.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ten se akor\u00e1t star\u00e1, kde by co sn\u011bdl \u010di vypil, a tak to nakonec dopadlo, jak to dopadlo."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Everything was paid between 11 and 15 September,\" stated Slavia's legal representative, Zuzana Ml\u00e1dkov\u00e1.", "targets": "\"V\u0161e bylo mezi 11. z\u00e1\u0159\u00edm a 15. z\u00e1\u0159\u00edm uhrazeno,\" uvedla pr\u00e1vn\u00ed z\u00e1stupkyn\u011b Slavie Ml\u00e1dkov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Pamatuji si, \u017ee v roce 2010 byli St George kritizov\u00e1ni za to, \u017ee byli nudn\u00fd t\u00fdm a Wayne tehdy \u0159ekl, \u017ee je mu to \u00fapln\u011b jedno.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "I remember in 2010 St George was criticised a lot for being a boring team and Wayne said he didn't give a rat's arse."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nwho with their muscles look like they just stepped out of a fitness centre.", "targets": "Jejich\u017e muskulatury vypadaj\u00ed, jako by pr\u00e1v\u011b vylezli z n\u011bjak\u00e9ho fitcentra."} {"inputs": "Twenty police officers and five civilians were wounded, he said.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dvacet policejn\u00edch str\u00e1\u017en\u00edk\u016f a p\u011bt civilist\u016f bylo zran\u011bno, uv\u00e1d\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Nov\u00e9 a modern\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "New and modern."} {"inputs": "How is \"Behind the partition they are building a new semi-robotic production line for the riveting and assembly of doors for the new A320 Neo model.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Za z\u00e1st\u011bnou se tady buduje nov\u00e1 polorobotick\u00e1 linka na n\u00fdtov\u00e1n\u00ed a mont\u00e1\u017e dve\u0159\u00ed pro inovovan\u00fd model A320 Neo."} {"inputs": "\"R\u00e1d bych apelovat na lidi, aby p\u0159em\u00fd\u0161leli, a\u0165 u\u017e je re\u017eis\u00e9r kdokoliv, jak se budou chovat k charakteru Harmony,\" \u0159ekl Brown na po\u010d\u00e1tku.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Te\u010f je ve v\u011bzen\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "She's in jail now."} {"inputs": "Za hodinu zvl\u00e1dne n\u00e1\u0161 lis vylisovat 8 kilo sezamu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Our seed press presses 8 kilos of sesame seeds per hour."} {"inputs": "Tato nab\u00eddka by se mohla skl\u00e1dat z nab\u00eddky akci\u00ed na burze v \u010cesk\u00e9 republice a v Polsku, a to v\u010detn\u011b um\u00edst\u011bn\u00ed akci\u00ed i na var\u0161avsk\u00e9 burze.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "This offer could consist of an offer of shares on the stock exchange in the Czech Republic and in Poland, including the placing of shares on the Warsaw stock exchange."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFor bonds, it does seem yields change direction immediately as the first hike/cut in the cycle arrives.", "targets": "U dluhopis\u016f se zd\u00e1, \u017ee v\u00fdnosy m\u011bn\u00ed sm\u011br ihned po prvn\u00edm p\u0159\u00edchodu cyklu zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed/sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nActually Tony Blair thought much the same about them, but realised that when you're in a cage with a randy gorilla you have to pass the bananas to distract it from having you for lunch and again for tea.", "targets": "Ve skute\u010dnosti si o nich Tony Blair myslel to sam\u00e9, ale uv\u011bdomil si, \u017ee kdy\u017e jste v kleci se zb\u011bsilou gorilou, mus\u00edte j\u00ed h\u00e1zet ban\u00e1ny, aby si v\u00e1s nedala k ve\u010de\u0159e a pak tak\u00e9 k \u010daji."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Bude velmi aktivn\u00ed, maj\u00ed sam\u00e9 brazilsk\u00e9, portugalsk\u00e9 a \u0161pan\u011blsk\u00e9 hr\u00e1\u010de, kte\u0159\u00ed jsou dob\u0159\u00ed na m\u00ed\u010di."} {"inputs": "Kofola S.A. byla registrov\u00e1na v Polsku z d\u016fvodu obchodov\u00e1n\u00ed s akciemi firmy na var\u0161avsk\u00e9 burze.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Due to trading in company shares on the Warsaw stock exchange, Kofola S.A was registered in Poland."} {"inputs": "Va\u0161i spolubydl\u00edc\u00ed se budou c\u00edtit povinni s v\u00e1mi mluvit a mo\u017en\u00e1 v\u0161e skon\u010d\u00ed tak, \u017ee si v\u00e1\u0161 obli\u010dej p\u0159i\u0159ad\u00ed k chutn\u00e9mu p\u0159ekvapen\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOf course there were a few trendy liberals at the station, but mainly it was - established German - Muslims that were welcoming them.", "targets": "Jist\u011b, na n\u00e1dra\u017e\u00ed bylo p\u00e1r slun\u00ed\u010dk\u00e1\u0159\u016f, ale hlavn\u011b - staron\u011bme\u010dt\u00ed - muslimov\u00e9 v\u00edtali sv\u00e9 soukmenovce."} {"inputs": "Translate \"It was the major-league-leading 27th time this season that Plouffe hit into a DP.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Plouffe z\u00edskal ji\u017e 27 ob\u011bh p\u0159es dv\u011b mety v t\u00e9to sez\u00f3n\u011b a kraluje ligov\u00e9 tabulce."} {"inputs": "Bude p\u0159evezen z\u00edtra nebo mo\u017en\u00e1 poz\u00edt\u0159\u00ed a pot\u00e9 d\u00e1le operov\u00e1n v Manchesteru.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He will be transferred tomorrow or maybe a day later and then operated on in Manchester."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nShe silently listened to my incoherent description of my recent experiences, during which time I calmed down.", "targets": "Ta ml\u010dky poslouchala m\u00e9 nesouvisl\u00e9 l\u00ed\u010den\u00ed \u010derstv\u00fdch z\u00e1\u017eitk\u016f a j\u00e1 se mezit\u00edm uklidnil."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSuperCamps confirmed that the text was provided from Cameron's staff, but had no further immediate comment.", "targets": "SuperCamps potvrdili, \u017ee text poskytl zam\u011bstnanec Camerona, ale bez dal\u0161\u00edho koment\u00e1\u0159e."} {"inputs": "The donations will go toward four nonprofit organizations that are providing aid to refugees and migrants: Doctors Without Borders, International Rescue Committee, Save the Children and UN High Commissioner for Refugees.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V\u0161echny p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvky budou rozd\u011bleny mezi 4 neziskov\u00e9 organizace pom\u00e1haj\u00edc\u00ed uprchl\u00edk\u016fm a imigrant\u016fm: L\u00e9ka\u0159i bez hranic, Mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed z\u00e1chrann\u00fd v\u00fdbor, Save the Children a \u00da\u0159ad Vysok\u00e9ho komisa\u0159e OSN pro uprchl\u00edky."} {"inputs": "How is \"In the iPhone 6s the display is the heaviest component used.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "U iPhonu 6s je tak displej nejt\u011b\u017e\u0161\u00ed pou\u017eitou komponentou."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Ve st\u0159edu op\u011bt za\u010dala \u0161kola."} {"inputs": "\"Toto nem\u016f\u017ee j\u00edt k t\u00ed\u017ei vedlej\u0161\u00edch \u00fa\u010dastn\u00edk\u016f coby v restituci opr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u00fdch osob, kter\u00e9 se sv\u00fdch pr\u00e1v dom\u00e1haj\u00ed nejm\u00e9n\u011b od roku 1995 a kter\u00e9 nem\u011bly mo\u017enost domoci se poskytnut\u00ed n\u00e1hrady d\u0159\u00edve,\" vysv\u011btlil soudce zpravodaj Jaroslav Fenyk, pro\u010d se \u00daS postavil na stranu emigrant\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"This cannot be held against secondary parties as persons entitled under restitution law who are pursuing claims from at least 1995, and who did not have the opportunity to claim compensation before this,\" said judge Jaroslav Fenyk in explanation of why the Constitutional Court supported the emigrants."} {"inputs": "Toto v\u0161echno v\u00edme.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "This we know."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u0160okov\u00e1na, reagovala pohor\u0161en\u011b Brown s ned\u016fv\u011brou a povzdychla si \"Hoo! Wow. Okay,\" kdy\u017e se koment\u00e1\u0159e o Mar\u0165anovi dostali do vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Other applications could focus on muscle cells and insulin-producing cells, he added.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dodal, \u017ee sv\u00e9 uplatn\u011bn\u00ed by metoda na\u0161la i p\u0159i l\u00e9\u010db\u011b svalov\u00fdch bun\u011bk a bun\u011bk produkuj\u00edc\u00edch inzul\u00edn."} {"inputs": "Pod z\u00e1chodovou m\u00edsou, kde se milostn\u00e9 hr\u00e1tky odehr\u00e1valy, jsme vedle sami\u010dky pozd\u011bji nalezli zbytky vysu\u0161en\u00e9ho same\u010dka.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Below the toilet bowl, where the romantic games took place, we later found the dried-out remains of the male next to the female."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Soudce nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00edho soudu Peter Flanagan se domn\u00edval, \u017ee by Maksimovic uprchl."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "T\u0159i \u010ce\u0161i a \u010dty\u0159i N\u011bmci jsou mezi sedmi turisty, kter\u00e9 zabila lavina ve francouzsk\u00fdch Alp\u00e1ch."} {"inputs": "To ukon\u010dilo ve\u0161ker\u00e9 my\u0161lenky Malma ohledn\u011b mo\u017enosti, \u017ee by mohli ze z\u00e1pasu n\u011bco vyt\u011b\u017eit, a pouze v\u00fdte\u010dn\u00fd z\u00e1krok Wilanda z velik\u00e9 bl\u00edzkosti zma\u0159il nad\u011bje Davida Luize a sk\u00f3re z\u016fstalo nezm\u011bn\u011bn\u00e9 i ve chv\u00edli kdy byl g\u00f3l st\u0159\u00eddaj\u00edc\u00edho Ezequiela Lavezziho na konci z\u00e1pasu neuzn\u00e1n.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "That ended any ideas that Malmo had of coming back into the game, and only a superb stop by Wiland from point-blank range to deny David Luiz kept the final score down before substitute Ezequiel Lavezzi had a goal disallowed right at the death."} {"inputs": "How is \"The 300 posters are by artists who exhibited work at the Museum of Cruel Designs in Banksy's Dismaland.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Na 300 plak\u00e1t\u016f je vytvo\u0159eno um\u011blci, kte\u0159\u00ed vystavuj\u00ed sv\u00e9 pr\u00e1ce v Museum of Cruel Design v Banksyho Dismalandu."} {"inputs": "Sezamov\u00fd olej nasa\u010fte p\u0159i \u017elu\u010dn\u00edkov\u00e9 diet\u011b, konopn\u00fd pom\u00e1h\u00e1 posilovat imunitu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Use sesame oil for a gall-bladder diet - hemp oil helps to strengthen immunity."} {"inputs": "Dva odchody pro prav\u00e9ho pola\u0159e J.D. Martineze vynesly Victora Martineze, kter\u00fd jako prvn\u00ed ob\u011bhl v\u0161echny mety.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Bohemia Olej sells 500 l of oil per year, confirming its\" to Czech?", "targets": "To, \u017ee si tento olej cestu ke konzument\u016fm na\u0161el, potvrzuje fakt, \u017ee ve spole\u010dnosti Bohemia Olej pat\u0159\u00ed k nejprod\u00e1van\u011bj\u0161\u00edm."} {"inputs": "Odm\u011bnou jsou pra\u017esk\u00e9 firm\u011b dlouhodob\u00e9 exkluzivn\u00ed kontrakty.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The Prague company's reward for this are exclusive, long-term contracts."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V minul\u00e9m roce se p\u011btkr\u00e1t v\u00edce ne\u017e je pr\u016fm\u011br nakupuj\u00edc\u00edch obr\u00e1til na sv\u00e9 po\u010d\u00edta\u010de, aby si za\u0159\u00eddilo n\u00e1kupy a shodili p\u0159itom n\u011bkolik webov\u00fdch str\u00e1nek prodejc\u016f."} {"inputs": "Nejistotou a t\u00edm, \u017ee budu s d\u00edt\u011btem sama, jsem se sna\u017eila netr\u00e1pit.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "I tried not to bother myself with uncertainty and the fact that I'd be bringing the baby up on my own."} {"inputs": "Co se t\u00fd\u010de m\u00e9ho \u00fakolu, stav outsidera na telefonu pom\u00e1h\u00e1 lidem ve chv\u00edl\u00edch zoufalosti, ale dlouhodob\u00e1 podpora mus\u00ed p\u0159ich\u00e1zet z v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed bl\u00edzky, ze s\u00edt\u011b p\u0159\u00e1tel a rodiny.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "As much as my objective, outsider status over the phone helps people in moments of desperation, the long-term support comes from a close, personal family and friend network."} {"inputs": "IGA retailers and suppliers are jumping on board, with brands such as Dunsborough-based ice cream maker Simmo's offering taste testing at IGA stores and store owners selling discounted South Australian football league tickets to loyal customers.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "IGA obchodn\u00edci a dodavatel\u00e9 se p\u0159id\u00e1vaj\u00ed se zna\u010dkami jako je na Dunsborough zalo\u017een\u00fd zmrzlinova\u010d Simmo's nab\u00edzej\u00edc\u00ed ochutn\u00e1vky v obchodech IGA a majitel\u00e9 obchod\u016f prod\u00e1vaj\u00ed zlevn\u011bn\u00e9 l\u00edstky na australskou fotbalovou ligu m\u00edstn\u00edm z\u00e1kazn\u00edk\u016fm."} {"inputs": "Je tak trochu i mementem sou\u010dasnosti: p\u0159ipom\u00edn\u00e1 toti\u017e dobu, kdy zdej\u0161\u00ed lid\u00e9 bojovali o kvalitn\u00ed pitnou vodu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nov\u00e1 hl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed stanic v Dopravn\u00edm Podniku M\u011bsta Brna."} {"inputs": "How is \"When they start to think I'm not that's when I shouldn't be a trainer.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Kdy\u017e si za\u010dnou myslet opak, pak u\u017e bych nem\u011bl b\u00fdt tren\u00e9rem."} {"inputs": "Wayne Bennet, tren\u00e9r Brisbane Broncos, ud\u011blal lehce zahalenou pozn\u00e1mku na Strorm pot\u00e9, co jeho t\u00fdm vyhr\u00e1l fin\u00e1le kvalifikace nad North Queensland Cowboys v sobotu ve\u010der, kdy\u017e nazval hru jako \"p\u0159ehl\u00eddku\" rugby ligy a podle n\u011bj dva z Queenslandu nebyli \"p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 velc\u00ed\" na wrestling.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Brisbane Broncos coach Wayne Bennett made a thinly veiled reference to the Storm after his side's qualifying final win over North Queensland Cowboys on Saturday night when he called that game a \"showcase\" of the rugby league and said the two Queensland weren't \"too big\" into wrestling."} {"inputs": "How is \"If that wasn't suspicious enough, Cameron's submitted text reads in part like a plot summary of the Lorax film provided on the Internet Movie Database website, which begins: \"In the walled city of Thneed-Ville, where everything is artificial and even the air is a commodity, a boy named Ted hopes to win the heart of his dream girl, Audrey.\"\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jakoby to samotn\u00e9 nebylo dost podez\u0159el\u00e9, text dodan\u00fd Cameronem se \u010dte jako souhrnn\u00fd v\u00fdtah filmu Lorax, kter\u00fd je nach\u00e1z\u00ed na str\u00e1nce Internet Movie Database, a za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 slovy: \"Ve m\u011bst\u011b Thneed-Ville obehnan\u00e9m zdmi, kde v\u0161echna p\u0159\u00edroda p\u0159estala existovat, a dokonce i vzduch je komoditou, chlapec jm\u00e9nem Ted douf\u00e1, \u017ee z\u00edsk\u00e1 srdce d\u011bv\u010dete sv\u00fdch sn\u016f, Audrey.\""} {"inputs": "Budi\u017e, je to n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"We didn't get an answer, and we therefore requested that quotas were left out of the final text,\" said Chovanec to journalists.", "targets": "\"Odpov\u011b\u010f jsme nedostali, a proto jsme cht\u011bli, aby kv\u00f3ty byly ze z\u00e1v\u011bre\u010dn\u00e9ho textu vypu\u0161t\u011bny,\" \u0159ekl Chovanec novin\u00e1\u0159\u016fm."} {"inputs": "Mlad\u00edk se v sou\u010dasn\u00e9 dob\u011b nach\u00e1z\u00ed v Glasgow, kde soupe\u0159\u00ed se Samem Grothem o um\u00edst\u011bn\u00ed v druh\u00e9 dvouh\u0159e za Bernardem Romicem v semifin\u00e1le Davis Cupu proti Brit\u00e1nii.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The teenager is currently in Glasgow, competing with Sam Groth for the second singles berth behind Bernard Tomic in the Davis Cup semi-final against Britain."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pot\u00e9, co se diskuse odvys\u00edlala, soci\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00e9dia explodovala v nesouhladu s koment\u00e1\u0159em Damona."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIs that sufficient?", "targets": "To v\u00e1m sta\u010dilo?"} {"inputs": "I don't understand this fabricated affair, said the already former mayor, also saying that, under his leadership, the city was only continuing a similar project from previous years.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "T\u00e9hle vykonstruovan\u00e9 kauze nerozum\u00edm, \u0159ekl u\u017e d\u0159\u00edve b\u00fdval\u00fd prim\u00e1tor s t\u00edm, \u017ee m\u011bsto pod jeho veden\u00edm jen nav\u00e1zalo na obdobn\u00fd projekt z minul\u00fdch let."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u010cek\u00e1 n\u00e1s t\u00fdm, kter\u00fd bude siln\u00fd na m\u00ed\u010di, z\u00e1rove\u0148 je a\u017e netypicky pro n\u011b disciplinovan\u00fd."} {"inputs": "\u201eTakov\u00fd start jsem si rozhodn\u011b nep\u0159edstavoval,\u201c \u0159ekl Hughes, \u201eale v pr\u016fb\u011bhu t\u0159et\u00ed sm\u011bny u\u017e jsem c\u00edtil, \u017ee se mi da\u0159\u00ed nadhazovat l\u00e9pe.\u201c\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"Obviously not the start I'd like to have,\" Hughes said, \"but I felt more comfortable as I went along and felt I was able to execute some pretty good pitches there in the third inning.\""} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOfficials said 158 people remain in hospital.", "targets": "\u00da\u0159edn\u00edci uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee 158 lid\u00ed je\u0161t\u011b z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 v nemocnici."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nit's a sign that the product has not been chemically refined.", "targets": "Je to zn\u00e1mka toho, \u017ee l\u00e1tka nebyla chemicky rafinovan\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt has warned markets to be ready for a hike but indications are they also believe the odds are against such a move.", "targets": "Varovali trhy, aby byly p\u0159ipraveny na zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed, ale okolnosti nasv\u011bd\u010duj\u00ed tomu, \u017ee tak\u00e9 vid\u00ed velk\u00e9 \u0161ance proti tomuto kroku."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nOur opponents will probably be all the more difficult because they don't have any big names in their squad, but they have a player who scored three goals against Manchester United I think.", "targets": "Soupe\u0159 pr\u00e1v\u011b bude mo\u017en\u00e1 t\u011b\u017e\u0161\u00ed i o to, \u017ee nem\u00e1 takov\u00e9 jm\u00e9no, ale p\u0159itom ve sv\u00e9m k\u00e1dru m\u00e1 hr\u00e1\u010de, kter\u00fd tu\u0161\u00edm Manchesteru d\u00e1val t\u0159i g\u00f3ly."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "A o tom se sna\u017e\u00edme vypr\u00e1v\u011bt n\u00e1\u0161 film, komentoval to herec."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAccording to the government, the reason for the change is, among others, the option of reacting flexibly to the current economic situation.", "targets": "Podle vl\u00e1dy je d\u016fvodem zm\u011bny mimo jin\u00e9 mo\u017enost pru\u017en\u00e9 reakce na aktu\u00e1ln\u00ed ekonomickou situaci."} {"inputs": "V posledn\u00edm \u010dtvrtlet\u00ed vzrostly pozemn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edjmy o 29 procent, ale provozn\u00ed zisk byl v podstat\u011b stejn\u00fd kv\u016fli vy\u0161\u0161\u00edm cen\u00e1m za v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed bal\u00edky a vlastn\u00edmu poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"However, this doesn't mean that extra virgin oils lose their value when grilled.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Neznamen\u00e1 to ale, \u017ee extra panensk\u00e9 oleje p\u0159i grilov\u00e1n\u00ed nenajdou sv\u00e9 uplatn\u011bn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nRobert Roulston, former chairman of RVL, David Moodie, current chairman of RVL, and Bernard Saundry, current CEO of RVL, were aware of that at the time and are aware of that today.", "targets": "Robert Roulston, b\u00fdval\u00fd p\u0159edseda RVL, David Moodie, sou\u010dasn\u00fd p\u0159edseda RVL, a Bernard Saundry, sou\u010dasn\u00fd gener\u00e1ln\u00ed \u0159editel spole\u010dnosti RVL, si toho v t\u00e9 dob\u011b byli v\u011bdomi a jsou si toho v\u011bdomi i dnes."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nDuring Sunday night's episode of HBO's Project Greenlight, the seasoned actor cut Brown off while she was emphasizing the need for alternative perspectives regarding a black protagonist in the project's chosen screenplay.", "targets": "B\u011bhem ned\u011bln\u00ed epizody HBO projektu Greenlight p\u0159eru\u0161il herec obsazen\u00fd do s\u00e9rie Brownovou, kdy\u017e zd\u016fraz\u0148ovala pot\u0159ebu alternativn\u00edch pohled\u016f ohledn\u011b \u010derno\u0161sk\u00fdch protagonist\u016f ve sc\u00e9n\u00e1\u0159i."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOnly Ben Carson generates roughly the same level of enthusiasm as Trump (43 percent say they would be \"enthusiastic\" vs. 40 percent who say the same of Trump).", "targets": "Pouze Ben Carson vytv\u00e1\u0159\u00ed zhruba stejnou \u00farove\u0148 nad\u0161en\u00ed jako Trump (43 procent lid\u00ed \u0159eklo, \u017ee by byli \"nad\u0161eni\" proti 40 procent\u016fm, kte\u0159\u00ed \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed to sam\u00e9 o Trumpovi)."} {"inputs": "\"Bylo to za stejn\u00fdch podm\u00ednek, za stejn\u00e9 pen\u00edze,\" dodal Mand\u00edk.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"It was under the same conditions, for the same amount of money,\" added Mand\u00edk."} {"inputs": "Ov\u0161em nebyl by to Albert Einstein, kdyby i na toto nena\u0161el geni\u00e1ln\u011b zjednodu\u0161enou formu vysv\u011btlen\u00ed: Hodinka v bl\u00edzkosti va\u0161eho mil\u00e9ho se zd\u00e1 minutkou; minutka v hork\u00e9 peci se zd\u00e1 hodinou - a to je relativita.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It would not be Albert Einstein, though, if he hadn't found a brilliant solution to this, too: an hour close to your loved one seems like a minute; a minute in a hot oven seems like an hour - that is relativity."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe loss of food and grocery sales and volumes on Metcash's high fixed-cost base could cost Metcash around $13 million in earnings before interest and tax, Mr Kierath said.", "targets": "Ztr\u00e1ta prodej\u016f potravin a objemy v pevn\u00e9m cenov\u00e9m z\u00e1kladu Metcash by ho mohly st\u00e1t kolem 13 milion\u016f USD na v\u00fdnosech p\u0159ed zdan\u011bn\u00edm, potvrdil Mr Kierath."} {"inputs": "Zb\u00fdvaj\u00ed mo\u017enosti s Rosolem, \u010di Adamem Pavl\u00e1skem.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The remaining options are with Rosol or Adam Pavl\u00e1sek."} {"inputs": "Zdravotn\u00edci se domn\u00edvali, \u017ee produkt obsahuje methanol, smrteln\u00e9 \u010dinidlo, sp\u00ed\u0161e ne\u017e ethanol, kter\u00fd byl uveden jako aktivn\u00ed slo\u017eka.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Health officials surmised that the product contained methanol, a deadly agent, rather than ethyl alcohol, which was listed as the active ingredient."} {"inputs": "Objevili tu stopy os\u00eddlen\u00ed modern\u00edm \u010dlov\u011bkem z r\u016fzn\u00fdch dob, v\u010detn\u011b n\u00e1st\u011bnn\u00fdch maleb, zbytk\u016f n\u00e1stroj\u016f a tak d\u00e1le a tak podobn\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "They have discovered traces of settlements of modern humans from various periods, including wall-paintings, remains of tools and so on."} {"inputs": "Vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed valorizace p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00ed rok by podle n\u00ed znamenala rozpo\u010dtov\u00fd dopad 5,5 miliardy korun a minist\u0159i debatuj\u00ed o ka\u017ed\u00e9m stamilionu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Zat\u00edmco mnoho strat\u00e9g\u016f a ekonom\u016f v\u011b\u0159\u00ed, \u017ee by FOMC mohli na tomto zased\u00e1n\u00ed schv\u00e1lit n\u00e1r\u016fst, budouc\u00ed obchodov\u00e1n\u00ed indikuje jen 25procentn\u00ed pravd\u011bpodobnost.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "While many strategists and economists believe the FOMC could approve a hike at this meeting, futures trading indicates just a 25 percent probability."} {"inputs": "Vede nad Carly Fiorinou o 13 bod\u016f, Marcem Rubiem o 14 bod\u016f, Walkerem o 15 bod\u016f, Jebem Bushem o 19 bod\u016f a kone\u010dn\u011b Randem Paulem, Johnem Kasichem, Chrisem Christiem o 33 bod\u016f u ka\u017ed\u00e9ho.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "He leads Carly Fiorina by 13 points, Marco Rubio by 14 points, Walker by 15 points, Jeb Bush by 19 points, and, finally, Rand Paul, John Kasich and Chris Christie by 33 points each."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "N\u00e1sledn\u011b dojde ke zhodnocen\u00ed v\u0161ech d\u016fkaz\u016f."} {"inputs": "Hlavn\u00ed l\u00ed\u010den\u00ed je zat\u00edm napl\u00e1novan\u00e9 na dva \u0159\u00edjnov\u00e9 dny.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The main trial is currently planned for two days in October."} {"inputs": "D\u00e1le obsahuje vysok\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed kyseliny linolov\u00e9, a je tedy \u00fa\u010dinn\u00fd p\u0159i boji s nadbytkem cholesterolu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"\"It would be a surprise if the Fed hiked rates at this point in time,\" he said.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Bylo by p\u0159ekvapen\u00edm, kdyby Fed nyn\u00ed zvedli sazby,\" uv\u00e1d\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOnce he was deposed, preparations started for the First World War.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e jej odstavili, za\u010dala p\u0159\u00edprava na 1. sv\u011btovou v\u00e1lku."} {"inputs": "Na p\u0159\u00edjmy rozpo\u010dt\u016f obc\u00ed m\u00e1 m\u00edt podle vl\u00e1dy neutr\u00e1ln\u00ed dopad, proto\u017ee poplatek m\u00e1 b\u00fdt vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Kousl se do jazyka ohledn\u011b obvin\u011bn\u00ed ze \u0161pion\u00e1\u017ee po dobu 18 m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f a necht\u011bl, aby to vypadalo jako \"such\u00e9 hrozny.\"\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "He had bitten his tongue about the spy allegations for 18 months and didn't want it \"to look like sour grapes.\""} {"inputs": "\u010casto se sm\u011bjeme, kdy\u017e spolu mluv\u00edme.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "We often laugh a lot when we talk."} {"inputs": "\"We're trying to get our students to come back,\" LaForge said.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"Sna\u017e\u00edme se, aby se na\u0161i studenti vr\u00e1tili,\" tvrd\u00ed LaForge."} {"inputs": "Their extremely high omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acid content means that seeds of properly cultivated hemp are one of the so-called superfoods\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Semena technick\u00e9ho konop\u00ed se \u0159ad\u00ed k takzvan\u00fdm superpotravin\u00e1m, a proto konopn\u00fd olej b\u00fdv\u00e1 pova\u017eov\u00e1n za nejzdrav\u011bj\u0161\u00ed z rostlinn\u00fdch olej\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Stars who lost their mojo\" to Czech?", "targets": "Hv\u011bzdy, kter\u00e9 ztratili sv\u00e9 kouzlo"} {"inputs": "When he said that the Greater German idea would destroy Germany?\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Kdy \u0159\u00edkal, \u017ee velkon\u011bmeck\u00e1 idea N\u011bmecko zni\u010d\u00ed?"} {"inputs": "How is \"where buildings left empty following centralisation could be used.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Tam by se daly vyu\u017e\u00edt opou\u0161t\u011bn\u00e9 budovy po centralizaci."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nPSV's Andr\u00e9s Guardado was also taken to hospital following a challenge by Chris Smalling.", "targets": "Hr\u00e1\u010d PSV Andr\u00e9s Guardado byl tak\u00e9 p\u0159evezen do nemocnice po z\u00e1kroku Chrise Smallinga."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nUrban does not agree with Ml\u00e1dek on the fact that the decision on the breaking of the limit at the \u010ceskoslovensk\u00e9 arm\u00e1dy mine should only be taken after 2020.", "targets": "Urban nesouhlas\u00ed s Ml\u00e1dkem v tom, \u017ee rozhodnut\u00ed o prolomen\u00ed limitu na dole \u010ceskoslovensk\u00e9 arm\u00e1dy by m\u011blo padnout a\u017e po roce 2020."} {"inputs": "\u201eSna\u017e\u00edm se udr\u017eovat rovnov\u00e1hu a nechat hr\u00e1\u010de, kte\u0159\u00ed to pot\u0159ebuj\u00ed, vydechnout,\" tvrd\u00ed Wenger.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"I try to keep the balance and give a little breather to players who need it,\" said Wenger."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Twitter user MrPooni expressed anger toward the clip writing, \"Matt Damon speaking over the only black person in the room so he can explain diversity to her is SO WHITE it hurts.\"\" to Czech?", "targets": "U\u017eivatel Twitteru MrPooni vyj\u00e1d\u0159il vztek na psan\u00ed klipu, \"Matt Damon sk\u00e1kal do \u0159e\u010di jedin\u00e9 \u010derno\u0161ce v m\u00edstnosti, tak\u017ee j\u00ed dok\u00e1\u017ee vysv\u011btlit, \u017ee diverzita je TAK B\u00cdL\u00c1, \u017ee to a\u017e bol\u00ed.\""} {"inputs": "Fenom\u00e9n \u010cern\u00e9ho p\u00e1tku, kter\u00fd byl p\u0159ejat z Ameriky, je citov\u00e1n jako jeden z d\u016fvod\u016f poklesu prodeje.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The Black Friday phenomenon, which has been imported from America, is being cited as one of the reasons behind the slowing sales."} {"inputs": "V\u011btry zm\u011bny ovliv\u0148uj\u00ed dnes r\u00e1no v\u00edce ne\u017e jen parlament, p\u0159\u00e1tel\u00e9!\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The winds of change are affecting more than Parliament this morning folks!"} {"inputs": "Prvn\u00ed u\u017eivatel\u00e9 si to budou moci vyzkou\u0161et ji\u017e v p\u00e1tek 25. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed, kdy bude ve vybran\u00fdch zem\u00edch zah\u00e1jen prodej iPhon\u016f 6s a 6s Plus.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Users will be able to try it our for the first time on Friday 25 September, when sale of the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus will begin in selected countries."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe FTSE 100 index closed up 1.49% to 6,229.21.", "targets": "FTSE 100 index uzav\u0159el na 1.49% k 6,229.21."} {"inputs": "\"Je to zklam\u00e1n\u00ed, nemysl\u00edm si, \u017ee jsme si zaslou\u017eili prohr\u00e1t,\" kroutil hlavou Manuel Pellegrini, kou\u010d dom\u00e1c\u00edho City.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"It's disappointing, I don't think we deserved to lose,\" said City coach Manuel Pellegrini, shaking his head."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI will be sitting alongside Richard Glossip's closest friends, and I have developed my own relationship with him through months of phone calls, and one visit lasting two-and-a-half hours.", "targets": "Budu sed\u011bt po boku nejbli\u017e\u0161\u00edch p\u0159\u00e1tel Richarda Glossipa a vytvo\u0159il jsem si k n\u011bmu zvl\u00e1\u0161tn\u00ed pouto skrz m\u011bs\u00edce telefon\u00e1t\u016f a jedn\u00e9 dvou a p\u016fl hodinov\u00e9 n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvy."} {"inputs": "Pokud by ta situace nastala, vl\u00e1da m\u016f\u017ee zasednout de facto okam\u017eit\u011b a jedn\u00edm usnesen\u00edm by rozhodla o pos\u00edlen\u00ed policie o arm\u00e1du, dejme tomu celn\u00ed spr\u00e1vu, p\u0159\u00edpadn\u011b o v\u011bze\u0148skou slu\u017ebu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Should that situation arise, the government can de facto meet immediately and a single ruling would decide on reinforcements for the police and army, let's say the customs service, and maybe the prison service."} {"inputs": "Zde je pohled na to, jak budou n\u011bkter\u00e9 oblasti ekonomiky reagovat, na z\u00e1klad\u011b historick\u00fdch trend\u016f:\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Here's a look at how some areas of the economy could react, based on historical trends:"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWe will publish your name as you provide it (unless you ask us not to) but we will never publish your mobile phone number.", "targets": "Zve\u0159ejn\u00edme va\u0161e jm\u00e9no tak, jak ho poskytnete (pokud n\u00e1s nepo\u017e\u00e1d\u00e1te o utajen\u00ed), ale nikdy nezve\u0159ejn\u00edme \u010d\u00edslo va\u0161eho osobn\u00edho mobiln\u00edho telefonu."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Montuj\u00ed se tady i dve\u0159e pln\u00e9 kompozit\u016f pro nov\u00fd Boeing 787 Dreamliner."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nGriffiths plays down disharmony talk", "targets": "Griffiths pop\u00edr\u00e1 \u0159e\u010di o nesouladu"} {"inputs": "Jen\u017ee to podstatn\u00e9 sch\u00e1z\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Except the important stuff was missing."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIt can be found between outside paving.", "targets": "Mezi venkovn\u00edmi dla\u017edicemi se nach\u00e1z\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Asi nen\u00ed p\u0159ekvapen\u00edm, \u017ee jsou sou\u010dasn\u00ed p\u0159ivr\u017eenci Clintonov\u00e9 kv\u016fli n\u00ed obzvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b zan\u00edcen\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Perhaps not surprisingly, Clinton's current supporters are especially likely to be enthusiastic about her."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Ned\u00e1vn\u00e9 zm\u011bny ohledn\u011b n\u00e1boru zam\u011bstnanc\u016f univerzity znamenalo, \u017ee doktor\u00e1t, na kter\u00e9m Lamb tvrd\u011b pracoval, by mu nezaru\u010dil automatick\u00e9 funk\u010dn\u00ed obdob\u00ed, aby se stal asistentem profesora."} {"inputs": "Rodi\u010de dlouholet\u00ed \u010dlenov\u00e9 strany, odm\u00edtli dostavit se p\u0159ed prov\u011brkovou komisi a n\u00e1sledn\u011b ze strany vystoupili, \u00fadajn\u011b ze zdravotn\u00edch d\u016fvod\u016f.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Parents long-term members of the Party, refused to attend the checking committee and subsequently left the Party, allegedly for health reasons."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Evropsk\u00e1 unie se mus\u00ed zasadit o zlep\u0161en\u00ed humanit\u00e1rn\u00edch podm\u00ednek v uprchlick\u00fdch t\u00e1borech v Jord\u00e1nsku a v Libanonu, aby omezila p\u0159\u00edchod b\u011b\u017eenc\u016f do Evropy."} {"inputs": "Jedna z reklamn\u00edch parodi\u00ed vyroben\u00fdch kolektivem Special Patrol Group.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "One of the spoof ads produced by the Special Patrol Group collective."} {"inputs": "Translate \"And so, if you attend Comedy Central's FriendsFest this weekend, with the sets fully redesigned in celebration, why not take your friends for a drink at Central Perk.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pokud se tedy tento v\u00edkend chyst\u00e1te na FrendsFest po\u0159\u00e1dan\u00fd stanic\u00ed Comedy Central, pro\u010d nevz\u00edt sv\u00e9 p\u0159\u00e1tele na skleni\u010dku do Central Perku, kde bude interi\u00e9r k p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitosti oslavy zcela p\u0159epracov\u00e1n."} {"inputs": "My nesouhlas\u00edme s povinn\u00fdmi kv\u00f3tami jako se syst\u00e9mem, kter\u00fd prost\u011b nem\u016f\u017ee fungovat.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "We do not agree with mandatory quotas or the system, which cannot work."} {"inputs": "Snad nejv\u00edce kreativn\u00ed um\u011bn\u00ed obklopuj\u00edc\u00ed obchod se zbran\u011bmi poch\u00e1z\u00ed zevnit\u0159 ExCeLu, kde vystavovatel\u00e9 prod\u00e1vaj\u00ed fantasticky eufemistick\u00e9 produkty.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Perhaps the most creative art surrounding the arms fair comes from inside ExCeL, where exhibitors flog fantastically euphemistic products."} {"inputs": "Translate \"(Serbia) wants to be part of the solution, not collateral damage.\" to Czech?", "targets": "(Srbsko) chce b\u00fdt sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed, a ne jen nep\u0159\u00edmou \u00fajmou."} {"inputs": "Eva je p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010den\u00e1 o tom, \u017ee d\u011bti vn\u00edmaj\u00ed zejm\u00e9na rodinnou pohodu a p\u0159\u00edjemnou atmosf\u00e9ru, a ne velikost nebo om\u0161elost domku.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Eva is convinced that the children see the comfort of family life and the pleasant atmosphere, and not the size or shabbiness of the house."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe amendment is also to address the funding of the mountain rescue service.", "targets": "Novela m\u00e1 tak\u00e9 nov\u011b upravit financov\u00e1n\u00ed horsk\u00e9 slu\u017eby."} {"inputs": "When Clinton's supporters are asked in an open-ended question why they want her to be the nominee, the top answer is that she has the right experience (16 percent), followed by it's time for a woman president (13 percent), and that she is the best candidate for the job (10 percent).\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Kdy\u017e jsou p\u0159\u00edznivci Clintonov\u00e9 dot\u00e1z\u00e1ni v otev\u0159en\u00e9 ot\u00e1zce, pro\u010d ji cht\u011bj\u00ed jako kandid\u00e1tku, nej\u010dast\u011bj\u0161\u00ed odpov\u011b\u010f je, \u017ee m\u00e1 ty spr\u00e1vn\u00e9 zku\u0161enosti (16 procent), n\u00e1sleduje, \u017ee je nastal \u010das, aby byla prezidentem \u017eena (13 procent), a \u017ee je nejlep\u0161\u00edm kandid\u00e1tem pro tuto pr\u00e1ci (10 procent)."} {"inputs": "No, v\u011bt\u0161ina lid\u00ed mimo zb\u011bsil\u00e9 tendence Ukip a divok\u00e9 b\u0159ehy Toryho mal\u00e9ho Englanderismu na to mohou ur\u010dit\u011b p\u0159istoupit.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "The US economy has been performing relatively well, the recovery adding trillions of dollars to the balance sheet and generating little inflation.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Americk\u00e1 ekonomika si vedla pom\u011brn\u011b dob\u0159e, do\u0161lo k zotaven\u00ed v podob\u011b p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00ed trilion\u016f dolar\u016f na st\u00e1tn\u00ed \u00fa\u010det a vytvo\u0159en\u00ed pouze n\u00edzk\u00e9 \u00farovn\u011b inflace."} {"inputs": "D\u00edky poklesu hodnocen\u00ed The Chase Australia z druh\u00e9 noci budou Nine p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010deni, \u017ee Hot Seat v 17:30 nakonec zv\u00edt\u011bz\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The Chase Australia's second night ratings drop will have Nine quietly confident that Hot Seat will ultimately prevail at 5.30."} {"inputs": "Agentura AP poslala protestn\u00ed dopis mluv\u010d\u00edmu ma\u010farsk\u00e9 vl\u00e1dy Zolt\u00e1nu Kov\u00e1csovi.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"\"It's highly concentrated alcohol,\" Dr. Stephen Thornton, medical director of the poison control center at University of Kansas Hospital, told Fox 4 in Kansas City.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Jedn\u00e1 se o vysoce koncentrovan\u00fd alkohol,\" \u0159ekl stanici Fox 4 v Kansas City l\u00e9ka\u0159sk\u00fd \u0159editel kontroln\u00edho toxikologick\u00e9ho st\u0159ediska na University of Kansas Hospital Dr. Stephen Thornton."} {"inputs": "Z \u0161esti testovan\u00fdch kandid\u00e1t\u016f si v \u010destnosti nejl\u00e9pe vedli Biden, Carson a Bush.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"After Detroit tacked on an insurance run in the top of the ninth, Mauer ripped an RBI double to the gap against Tigers closer Bruce Rondon to make it 5-4.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Detroit si podr\u017eel dev\u00e1tou sm\u011bnu, Mauer z\u00edskal dva sta\u017een\u00e9 body a Bruce Rondon zajistil sk\u00f3re 5-4 pro Tygry."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Holcman here, come to my office immediately,\" said the superintendent's voice.", "targets": "\"Tady Holcman, p\u0159ij\u010f hned ke mn\u011b,\" ozval se n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk\u016fv hlas."} {"inputs": "Jeho tat\u00ednek se s n\u00ed roze\u0161el a na p\u0159\u00edpravu a v\u00fdchovu potomka byla sama.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "V\u00edtek's father had left her, leaving her to prepare for the baby on her own."} {"inputs": "\u010casto cestuje do Srbska,\" \u0159ekl ve st\u0159edu soudu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"The question of how long a Test batsman gets to make his mark is a tough one.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ot\u00e1zka kolik zku\u0161ebn\u00edho \u010dasu dostane p\u00e1lka\u0159, aby se uk\u00e1zal, je tvrd\u00fdm o\u0159\u00ed\u0161kem."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe couple emigrated in 1984 and their property was acquired by someone else.", "targets": "Dvojice emigrovala v roce 1984 a jejich nemovitost z\u00edskal nov\u00fd majitel."} {"inputs": "Spole\u010dnost HP se pozd\u011bji v tomto roce bude d\u011blit na dv\u011b spole\u010dnost\u00ed k\u00f3tovan\u00e9 na burze a odd\u011bl\u00ed obchod s po\u010d\u00edta\u010di a tisk\u00e1rnami od sv\u00fdch rychleji rostouc\u00edch operac\u00ed firemn\u00edho hardwaru a slu\u017eeb.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "HP is splitting into two listed companies later this year, separating its computer and printer businesses from its faster-growing corporate hardware and services operations."} {"inputs": "\"Hewlett Packard Enterprise bude men\u0161\u00ed a v\u00edce sofistikovan\u00e1 ne\u017e je dnes HP a bude m\u00edt \u0161irok\u00e9 a rozs\u00e1hl\u00e9 portfolio obchod\u016f, kter\u00e9 pomohou podnik\u016fm p\u0159echod na nov\u00fd styl podnik\u00e1n\u00ed,\" \u0159ekl Whitman.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Binladin Group nevydala \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed o kolapsu je\u0159\u00e1bu a nebyli ud\u00e1ni k dispozici jeho z\u00e1stupci pro koment\u00e1\u0159."} {"inputs": "Nejprve ru\u010dn\u011b a pozd\u011bji i chemicky.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "First by hand and then with chemicals."} {"inputs": "How is \"It took about three days, during which they didn't move and didn't react to our checks.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Trvalo to asi t\u0159i dny, kdy se neh\u00fdbali a nereagovali ani na na\u0161e kontroly."} {"inputs": "Baruch College zak\u00e1zalo bratrstv\u00ed a n\u00e1rodn\u00ed bratrstv\u00ed zru\u0161ilo sv\u016fj vztah s m\u00edstn\u00edmi pobo\u010dkami.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Trpi\u0161ovsk\u00fd p\u0159ed z\u00e1pasem s Bragou: Kone\u010dn\u011b prav\u00e1 Evropa."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe same proportions shall apply to the extraction of radioactive rocks.", "targets": "Stejn\u00fd pom\u011br bude i v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b t\u011b\u017eby radioaktivn\u00edch hornin."} {"inputs": "Translate \"All data are correct to 31 July of the given year.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u00dadaje jsou v\u017edy k 31. \u010dervenci dan\u00e9ho roku."} {"inputs": "I kdy\u017e m\u00e1 Va\u0161ek ji\u017e dv\u011b dosp\u011bl\u00e9 dcery, otcovstv\u00ed v \u0161edes\u00e1ti si podle sv\u00fdch slov u\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 a d\u011btem se tak\u00e9 v\u00edce v\u011bnuje.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Even though Va\u0161ek already has two adult daughters, he himself says that he is enjoying fatherhood at sixty, and can also devote more time to children."} {"inputs": "Czech politician gives migrants a lift\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\u010cesk\u00fd politik svezl migranty."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAll four Czech tennis players will appear on the table at Thursday's draw for the Davis Cup play-off in India, and this time all of them will probably play.", "targets": "V\u0161ichni \u010dty\u0159i \u010de\u0161t\u00ed tenist\u00e9 se objev\u00ed p\u0159i \u010dtvrte\u010dn\u00edm losov\u00e1n\u00ed bar\u00e1\u017ee Davisova poh\u00e1ru v Indii na tabuli a tentokr\u00e1t ka\u017ed\u00fd z nich nejsp\u00ed\u0161e zas\u00e1hne i do hry."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe German elites long prevented the creation of German nationalism, and therefore left all the fighters against atomic power, enthusiasts seeking paradise for all in peace and tacitly supported the old imperial and Nazi slogan Unser Wald muss leben ('our forest must live').", "targets": "N\u011bmeck\u00e9 elity se dlouho br\u00e1nily vzniku n\u011bmeck\u00e9ho nacionalismu, a tak nech\u00e1valy na pokoji v\u0161echny ty bojovn\u00edky proti atomu, nad\u0161ence hledaj\u00edc\u00ed r\u00e1j pro v\u0161echny, ti\u0161e podporovaly star\u00e9 c\u00edsa\u0159sk\u00e9 a nacistick\u00e9 heslo N\u00e1\u0161 les mus\u00ed \u017e\u00edt."} {"inputs": "How is \"In the words of Ladislav Ha\u010deck\u00fd, CEO of Bohemia Olej from Kraslice near Sokolov, a producer of cold-pressed bio virgin oil, oils prepared in this way lose their effective substances.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Olej tak ale p\u0159ijde o v\u0161echny \u00fa\u010dinn\u00e9 l\u00e1tky, popsal Ladislav Ha\u010deck\u00fd, v\u00fdkonn\u00fd \u0159editel z \u010desk\u00e9 firmy Bohemia Olej z Kraslic na Sokolovsku, kter\u00e1 produkuje bio panensk\u00e9 oleje lisovan\u00e9 za studena."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nFrequently referred to as the Thai Costco, LAX-C is a wholesale Thai market that also sells to the public.", "targets": "\u010casto ozna\u010dov\u00e1n jako Thai Costco, LAX-C je velkoobchodn\u00ed thajsk\u00fd trh, kter\u00fd prod\u00e1v\u00e1 tak\u00e9 pro ve\u0159ejnost."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nMinister for Regional Development Karla Karla \u0160lechtov\u00e1 (ANO) pointed out that cases where insurance companies do not meet claims in full go against European law,", "targets": "Ministryn\u011b pro m\u00edstn\u00ed rozvoj Karla \u0160lechtov\u00e1 (za ANO) poukazovala na to, \u017ee p\u0159\u00edpady, kdy poji\u0161\u0165ovny nevyplatily pln\u00e9 n\u00e1hrady, nejsou eurokomformn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nShe saw the indecent images on the phone and the accused was then confronted.", "targets": "Vid\u011bla nemravn\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky na sv\u00e9m telefonu a ob\u017ealovan\u00fd byl pot\u00e9 konfrontov\u00e1n."} {"inputs": "Vid\u011bli jsme n\u011bjak\u00e1 videa a v\u0161iml jsem si, \u017ee Sparta hraje hodn\u011b t\u00fdmov\u011b.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "We've seen a few videos and we've seen that Sparta plays very much as a team."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Hra t\u00fdmu Broncos byla pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b dobr\u00e1, ned\u00edval jsem se, ale jak\u00e9 je sk\u00f3re? 16-12?"} {"inputs": "Warburton m\u00e1 starost o lednov\u00e9 posily\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Warburton wary of January transfers"} {"inputs": "She is joined by Karel Roden in the role of president Per\u00f3n and Petr Stren\u00e1\u010dik as Che.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Po jej\u00edm boku se objevuje Karel Roden coby prezident Per\u00f3n a v roli Che Peter Stren\u00e1\u010dik."} {"inputs": "How is \"Visitors will see a selection of the most interesting student films - live-action, animated and documentaries.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "N\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvn\u00edci uvid\u00ed v\u00fdb\u011br toho nejzaj\u00edmav\u011bj\u0161\u00edho ze studentsk\u00e9 tvorby - filmy hran\u00e9, animovan\u00e9 i dokument\u00e1rn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"That's out standard procedure.\" to Czech?", "targets": "D\u011bl\u00e1me to standardn\u011b."} {"inputs": "Film paraleln\u011b l\u00ed\u010d\u00ed i osudy Janov\u00fdch vdan\u00fdch dcer Olinky a Alenky - T\u00e1\u0148a Vilhelmov\u00e1 a Pavla Beretov\u00e1 - a ze\u0165\u016f Erika a Pep\u00edka - Ji\u0159\u00ed Havelka a Jakub Koh\u00e1k.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The film tells the parallel story of Jan's married daughters Olinka and Alenka (T\u00e1\u0148a Vilhelmov\u00e1 and Pavla Beretov\u00e1) and sons-in-law Erik and Pep\u00edk (Ji\u0159\u00ed Havelka and Jakub Koh\u00e1k)."} {"inputs": "That might be true from a purely medical perspective but, as Wenger also acknowledged, there is the related danger of further injuries whenever any player tries to return midseason.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "To by mohlo b\u00fdt z \u010dist\u011b medic\u00ednsk\u00e9ho hlediska pravda, proto\u017ee Wenger p\u0159iznal, \u017ee existuje relativn\u00ed nebezpe\u010d\u00ed dal\u0161\u00edch zran\u011bn\u00ed, kdykoliv se kter\u00fdkoliv hr\u00e1\u010d vrac\u00ed b\u011bhem sez\u00f3ny."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Lamb and Prentiss had apparently been dating for some time.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Lamb a Prentiss spolu \u00fadajn\u011b n\u011bjak\u00fd \u010das chodili."} {"inputs": "Lord Hall trval na tom, \u017ee show BBC1 - ve kter\u00e9 z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed hv\u011bzdy Paloma Faith aBoy George jako soudci - byla vyrobena \"zp\u016fsobem typick\u00fdm pro BBC.\"\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Lord Hall insisted that the BBC1 show - which stars Paloma Faith and Boy George as judges - was produced \"in a particularly BBC way.\""} {"inputs": "Podle zpravodaje k novele Milana Urbana (\u010cSSD) je kl\u00ed\u010dov\u00e9, aby poslanci je\u0161t\u011b p\u0159ed schv\u00e1len\u00edm z\u00e1kona znali z\u00e1v\u011bry ohledn\u011b aktualizovan\u00e9 energetick\u00e9 koncepce a hlavn\u011b rozhodnut\u00ed vl\u00e1dy o limitech t\u011b\u017eby uhl\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "According to Milan Urban (\u010cSSD), who tabled the amendment, a key issue is for MPs to know the conclusions reached regarding the updated energy concept and, chiefly, the government's decision on coal extraction limits before passing the law."} {"inputs": "Translate \"To show them unambiguously that they don't have a chance.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Jednozna\u010dn\u011b jim d\u00e1t najevo, \u017ee nemaj\u00ed \u0161anci."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Zpracoval Rupert Steiner, hlavn\u00ed korespondent pro Daily Mail"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBBC News went to meet one of the project's first graduates.", "targets": "BBC News se setkali s jedn\u00edm z prvn\u00edch absolvent\u016f tohoto projektu."} {"inputs": "Tannadice board has faith in Dundee United management - Donnelly\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Rada v Tannadice v\u011b\u0159\u00ed v \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed Dundee United - Donelly"} {"inputs": "How is \"The evening will culminate with excerpts from the musical Evita.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ve\u010der vyvrchol\u00ed skladbami z muzik\u00e1lu Evita."} {"inputs": "Fyzioterapeuti proto spolupracuj\u00ed s ergoterapeuty, aby ka\u017ed\u00fd \u010dlov\u011bk dostal kompenza\u010dn\u00ed pom\u016fcku u\u0161itou jemu na m\u00edru.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Physiotherapists therefore cooperate with ergotherapists to ensure that every patient receives made-to-measure compensatory aids."} {"inputs": "A tak\u00e9 osoba nejd\u016fle\u017eit\u011bj\u0161\u00ed, p\u0159edseda partajn\u00ed organizace.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "And the most important person, the chairman of the Party organisation."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhat we wanted to hear from our colleagues was how they would keep migrants on the territory of Member States if they were redistributed.", "targets": "My jsme cht\u011bli od koleg\u016f sly\u0161et, jak\u00fdm zp\u016fsobem jsme schopni migranty na \u00fazem\u00ed \u010dlensk\u00fdch st\u00e1t\u016f udr\u017eet, pokud by se redistribuovali."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nNo-one cared about the fact that it was a private beach - not even the employees - Turks, Muslims! - they were evidently afraid of them.", "targets": "\u017de jde o soukromou pl\u00e1\u017e, je nezaj\u00edmalo a zam\u011bstnanci - Turci, muslimov\u00e9! - se jich evidentn\u011b b\u00e1li."} {"inputs": "How is \"But I can say for the whole team that we will fight hard.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ale za cel\u00fd t\u00fdm m\u016f\u017eu \u0159\u00edct, \u017ee budeme tvrd\u011b bojovat."} {"inputs": "Tak\u00e9 upustil od my\u0161lenky, \u017ee by nechal ostatn\u00ed kolegy, aby za n\u011bj \u010das od \u010dasu vystoupili, proto\u017ee se nechal sly\u0161et, \u017ee celou z\u00e1le\u017eitost je\u0161t\u011b prodiskutoval s mluv\u010d\u00edm sn\u011bmovny Johnem Bercowem.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "He has also floated the idea of allowing other colleagues to take the floor on occasion, saying he had approached the Commons Speaker John Bercow to discuss the issue."} {"inputs": "Nor can one forget his elaboration of the law of photoeffect or the idea of the quantisation of electromagnetic fields.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nelze tak\u00e9 opomenout jeho objasn\u011bn\u00ed fotoefektu \u010di my\u0161lenku kvantov\u00e1n\u00ed elektromagnetick\u00e9ho pole."} {"inputs": "Translate \"However, new research suggests that increasing calorie intake is not the only dietary adjustment mothers should make.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b nov\u00e9 pr\u016fzkumy nazna\u010duj\u00ed, \u017ee zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00fd p\u0159\u00edjem kalori\u00ed nen\u00ed jedin\u00fdm dietn\u00edm opat\u0159en\u00edm, kter\u00fdm by se matky m\u011bli \u0159\u00eddit."} {"inputs": "Zda pozv\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159ijal, nebo se ji\u017e s pape\u017eem setkal, nen\u00ed jasn\u00e9.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Whether he accepted the invitation or has already met with the Pope is unclear."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAccording to this amendment to pension law, the sum is to be received by people who are entitled to a pension, or part thereof, in December.", "targets": "P\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvek by m\u011bli dostat podle d\u016fchodov\u00e9 novely lid\u00e9, kte\u0159\u00ed budou m\u00edt v prosinci n\u00e1rok na d\u016fchod \u010di jeho \u010d\u00e1st."} {"inputs": "Last month, they booed and heckled him during his state of the nation address in parliament - which is the speech he repeated on Tuesday.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc ho vyp\u00edskali a provokovali b\u011bhem jeho projevu o stavu n\u00e1roda v parlamentu - co\u017e je \u0159e\u010d, kterou zopakoval v \u00fater\u00fd."} {"inputs": "I kdy\u017e se vytv\u00e1\u0159en\u00ed pracovn\u00edch m\u00edst v srpnu zpomalilo, trh pr\u00e1ce tento rok zaznamenal solidn\u00ed r\u016fst.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Although job creation slowed in August, labor market growth has been solid this year."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nDetroit and Seattle showed plenty of interest after his move to the US - and there were plenty of other teams making inquiries after his impressive open training day late last year.", "targets": "Detroit a Seattle projevili hodn\u011b z\u00e1jmu po jeho p\u0159esunu do Spojen\u00fdch st\u00e1t\u016f a hodn\u011b t\u00fdm\u016f se dotazovalo po jeho skv\u011bl\u00e9m za\u010d\u00e1tku tr\u00e9ninku na konci minul\u00e9ho roku."} {"inputs": "Dokon\u010den\u00ed z\u00edtra.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Final part tomorrow."} {"inputs": "Velk\u00e1 porota Monroe County doporu\u010dila obvin\u011bn\u00ed z vra\u017edy t\u0159et\u00edho stupn\u011b pro prvn\u00edch p\u011bt \u010dlen\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "A Monroe County grand jury recommended third-degree murder charges for the first five members."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"You'll see,\" said the dispatcher, making a face.", "targets": "\"V\u0161ak uvid\u00ed\u0161,\" u\u0161kl\u00edbl se dispe\u010der."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nEqually, for those not depressed, a circle of mentally healthy friends halved the chances of mental challenges arising.", "targets": "Stejn\u011b tak pro ty, kte\u0159\u00ed nejsou v depresi, p\u0159edstavuje kruh du\u0161evn\u011b zdrav\u00fdch p\u0159\u00e1tel polovi\u010dn\u00ed \u0161anci na v\u00fdskyt du\u0161evn\u00edch probl\u00e9m\u016f."} {"inputs": "How is \"The only exceptions to this were the third and fourth generations, whose weight was slightly more than that of preceding iPhones.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V\u00fdjimkou byly pouze t\u0159et\u00ed a \u010dtvrt\u00e1 generace, jejich\u017e hmotnost se oproti p\u0159edchoz\u00edm iPhon\u016fm m\u00edrn\u011b zv\u00fd\u0161ila."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe earlier we intervene, the greater the hope that we can stop the disease and postpone invalidisation, explains MUDr. Eva Medov\u00e1 from the Neurological Clinic of the General Faculty Hospital in Prague.", "targets": "\u010c\u00edm d\u0159\u00edve zas\u00e1hneme, t\u00edm v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed je nad\u011bje, \u017ee se n\u00e1m poda\u0159\u00ed nemoc zastavit a odd\u00e1lit invalidizaci, vysv\u011btluje MUDr. Eva Medov\u00e1 z Neurologick\u00e9 kliniky V\u0161eobecn\u00e9 fakultn\u00ed nemocnice v Praze."} {"inputs": "+ 18 mil.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "+ 18 mil."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nLast year the Czech Latecoere achieved turnover of over 2.9 billion crowns and an after-tax profit of 147 million crowns.", "targets": "Loni \u010desk\u00fd Latecoere dos\u00e1hl obratu p\u0159es 2,9 miliardy a zisku po zdan\u011bn\u00ed 147 milion\u016f korun."} {"inputs": "How is \"As time went by, the insects become an object of admiration for me and I increasingly came round to the opinion that they have the same right to life as us humans.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jak \u0161el \u010das, st\u00e1val se i hmyz p\u0159edm\u011btem m\u00e9ho obdivu a st\u00e1le v\u00edce jsem se p\u0159ikl\u00e1n\u011bl k n\u00e1zoru, \u017ee maj\u00ed stejn\u00e9 pr\u00e1vo na \u017eivot, jako my lid\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Bez pra\u017esk\u00e9ho v\u00fdrobce Latecoere by airbusy nel\u00e9taly.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Airbuses couldn't fly without Prague manufacturer Latecoere"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Samoz\u0159ejm\u011b v\u0161echny lidi, kter\u00e9 zadr\u017e\u00edme, budeme do sedmi dn\u016f vracet Rakousku."} {"inputs": "A tento rok u\u010dil pouze dva online kurzy.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "This year, he was only teaching two online classes."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pouze dva z 10 uvedli, \u017ee by byli \"rozho\u0159\u010deni\" z jeho kandidatury."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Na sv\u00e9m nejo\u010dek\u00e1van\u011bj\u0161\u00edm zased\u00e1n\u00ed za cel\u00e1 l\u00e9ta, feder\u00e1ln\u00ed rezervn\u00ed z\u00e1konod\u00e1rci str\u00e1v\u00ed tento t\u00fdden dva dny usazeni u 27 stop dlouh\u00e9ho hondurask\u00e9ho mahagonov\u00e9ho stolu a budou rozhodovat, zda po skoro deseti letech nade\u0161el \u010das zv\u00fd\u0161it kl\u00ed\u010dovou \u00farokovou sazbu."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pot\u00e9, co odjel z kampusu, zachytila policie jeho stopu, kdy\u017e p\u0159ekra\u010doval hranici st\u00e1tu Arkansas zp\u011bt do Misissippi."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "T\u0159eba momentov\u00e9 kl\u00ed\u010de nech\u00e1v\u00e1 firma se\u0159izovat dvakr\u00e1t za rok."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"He has experience with bigger clubs, you could say that he keeps Asteras's defence going, he organises their play,\" noted Sparta assistant coach Stanislav Hejkal.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"M\u00e1 zku\u0161enosti z v\u011bt\u0161\u00edch klub\u016f, d\u00e1 se \u0159\u00edct, \u017ee dr\u017e\u00ed obranu Asterasu, je to takov\u00fd jejich organiz\u00e1tor hry,\" vypozoroval spar\u0165ansk\u00fd asistent Stanislav Hejkal."} {"inputs": "Napi\u0161 mne, \u017ee jedu po okrsc\u00edch na revizi drobn\u00e9 mechanizace.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Write that I've going through the districts to review minor mechanical devices."} {"inputs": "Defeat to Malmo and subsequent Champions League exit was swiftly followed by losing to 10-man Aberdeen, who now sit five points clear at the top of the table.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Por\u00e1\u017eka Malmem a n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed vypadnut\u00ed z Ligy Mistr\u016f bylo rychle n\u00e1sledov\u00e1no por\u00e1\u017ekou proti Aberdeenu, kter\u00fd m\u011bl pouze 10 hr\u00e1\u010d\u016f a nyn\u00ed se ty\u010d\u00ed na vrcholku tabulky s p\u011btibodov\u00fdm n\u00e1skokem."} {"inputs": "Co se d\u011bje?\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "What's up?"} {"inputs": "\"It is the justice of equal stomachs, it has nothing to do with human justice,\" said TOP 09 deputy chairman Miroslav Kalousek, who emphasised the principle of deservedness.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"Je to spravedlnost rovn\u00fdch \u017ealudk\u016f, nem\u00e1 to nic spole\u010dn\u00e9ho s lidskou spravedlnost\u00ed,\" \u0159ekl m\u00edstop\u0159edseda TOP 09 Miroslav Kalousek, kter\u00fd zd\u016fraz\u0148oval princip z\u00e1sluhovosti."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Spole\u010dnost tak\u00e9 uvedla, \u017ee pl\u00e1nuje najmout asi 40 000 zam\u011bstnanc\u016f na pr\u00e1ci v obchodech a distribu\u010dn\u00edch centrech po cel\u00e9 zemi, co\u017e je pokles oproti 45 000 minulou sez\u00f3nu."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Z\u00e1rove\u0148 je to velmi zaj\u00edmav\u00fd doklad toho, jak intenzivn\u011b lid\u00e9 vyu\u017e\u00edvali obiloviny u\u017e d\u00e1vno p\u0159ed vznikem zem\u011bd\u011blstv\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nApart from the first minute, when CT reported on unrest on the Serbian-Hungarian border and it euphemistically said that migrant attacks on police was a case of them losing their patience (they threw stones and used metal bars), it was a case of the current pro-migrant propaganda - judge for yourselves by the titles of individual reports.", "targets": "A\u017e na prvn\u00ed minutu, kdy \u010cT informovala o nepokoj\u00edch na srbsko-ma\u010farsk\u00e9 hranici a \u00fatoky migrant\u016f na policisty nazvala eufemisticky do\u0161la jim trp\u011blivost - h\u00e1zeli kameny a \u00fato\u010dili kovov\u00fdmi ty\u010demi), u\u017e jela nyn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed promigrantsk\u00e1 propaganda - posu\u010fte sami n\u00e1zvy jednotliv\u00fdch report\u00e1\u017e\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Srbsk\u00fd mu\u017e z\u00edskal kauci 200 000 USD za drogov\u00e9 obvin\u011bn\u00ed\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Serbian man gets $200k bail on drug charge"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kdo zde nakupuje: Majitel\u00e9 restaurac\u00ed a \u0161\u00e9fkucha\u0159i, tak\u00e9 samostatn\u00e9 rodiny a jednotlivci."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nNow we must start to construct new buildings, as top healthcare is not possible without them, said regional deputy minister for healthcare Lubom\u00edr Ne\u010das.", "targets": "Te\u010f mus\u00edme za\u010d\u00edt stav\u011bt nov\u00e9 budovy, proto\u017ee bez nich se \u0161pi\u010dkov\u00e9 zdravotnictv\u00ed d\u011blat ned\u00e1, zd\u016fvodnil pl\u00e1ny krajsk\u00fd n\u00e1m\u011bstek za zdravotnictv\u00ed Lubom\u00edr Ne\u010das."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"I'm glad for the experience and I'd like to score a point,\" said Pavl\u00e1sek.", "targets": "\"Jsem za ty zku\u0161enosti r\u00e1d a r\u00e1d bych p\u0159inesl bod,\" \u0159ekl Pavl\u00e1sek."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Then they get documents that allow them to travel in Europe.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pak dostanou doklady, kter\u00e9 jim umo\u017en\u00ed cestovat po Evrop\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate \"46 percent said they are leaving the door open to switching candidates.\" to Czech?", "targets": "46 procent uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee si nech\u00e1vaj\u00ed otev\u0159en\u00e1 zadn\u00ed vr\u00e1tka pro zm\u011bnu mezi kandid\u00e1ty."} {"inputs": "Na\u0161e dcera mezi t\u00edm dosp\u011bla do v\u011bku, kdy pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed no\u010dn\u00edku u\u017e bylo ostudou.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In that time our daughter reached the age where it's embarrassing to use a potty."} {"inputs": "How is \"Items are reasonably priced, and a number of items are sold in bulk.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Polo\u017eky jsou cenov\u011b dostupn\u00e9 a spousta polo\u017eek je prod\u00e1v\u00e1na ve velk\u00e9m."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFinancial markets, however, are expecting the Fed to hold off, with a key indicator showing only about a 30% chance of a boost.", "targets": "Finan\u010dn\u00ed trhy v\u0161ak o\u010dek\u00e1vaj\u00ed, \u017ee Fed z\u00e1le\u017eitost pozdr\u017e\u00ed, s kl\u00ed\u010dov\u00fdm ukazatelem pouze asi 30% \u0161anc\u00ed na zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHemp oil has anti-inflammatory effects and is an essential component of cell membranes.", "targets": "M\u00e1 protiz\u00e1n\u011btliv\u00e9 \u00fa\u010dinky a je nezbytnou sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed bun\u011b\u010dn\u00fdch membr\u00e1n."} {"inputs": "\"Nevad\u00ed, to projedn\u00e1me pozd\u011bji,\" uzav\u0159el z\u00e1le\u017eitost n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk a k\u00e1drov\u00e1kovi se o\u010dividn\u011b ulevilo.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"It doesn't matter, we'll discuss it next time,\" said the superintendent, closing the matter. The vetting officer was visibly relieved."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAs long as Airbus and Boeing will compete over how many hundreds of new aeroplanes are ordered by airlines every year, Latecoere won't have to worry about work.", "targets": "Dokud se budou Airbus a Boeing p\u0159edh\u00e1n\u011bt, kolik stovek nov\u00fdch letadel si aerolinky ka\u017ed\u00fd rok objedn\u00e1vaj\u00ed, nemus\u00ed m\u00edt o pr\u00e1ci strach."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAnd now this?", "targets": "A te\u010f tohle?"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nNevertheless, alongside the superprecise, computer-guided machine tools and autoclaves for the creation of composites, you can also encounter something as ordinary as apricot seeds.", "targets": "P\u0159esto se d\u00e1 vedle superp\u0159esn\u00fdch, po\u010d\u00edta\u010dem \u0159\u00edzen\u00fdch obr\u00e1b\u011bc\u00edch stroj\u016f, vedle autokl\u00e1v\u016f pro tvarov\u00e1n\u00ed kompozit\u016f narazit na n\u011bco tak oby\u010dejn\u00e9ho, jako jsou meru\u0148kov\u00e9 pecky."} {"inputs": "He stated that Russia's goals in Syria are unclear\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "O c\u00edlech politiky Ruska v S\u00fdrii prohl\u00e1sil, \u017ee jsou sp\u00ed\u0161e nejasn\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Britov\u00e9 st\u00e1le v\u00edce zam\u011bstn\u00e1vaj\u00ed \u0159emesln\u00edky, tvrd\u00ed Veronique Laury\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Britons are increasingly employing handymen says Veronique Laury"} {"inputs": "Neexistovalo \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 podez\u0159en\u00ed, \u017ee Lamb, kter\u00fd u\u010dila dva online kurzy pro Delta State University v Clevelandu, Mississippi, by jel 300 mil na \u0161koln\u00ed kampus, kde se policie domn\u00edv\u00e1, \u017ee zast\u0159elil obl\u00edben\u00e9ho profesora Ethana Schmidta ve dve\u0159\u00edch jeho kancel\u00e1\u0159e.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "There was no indication that Lamb, who was teaching two online classes for Delta State University in Cleveland, Mississippi, had already traveled 300 miles to the school's campus, where police believe he shot and killed a well-liked history professor, Ethan Schmidt, in the doorway to his office."} {"inputs": "However, nothing is ruled out, he stated.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nic ale nen\u00ed vylou\u010deno, prohl\u00e1sil."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"That's true, this is a really important victory, hopefully it can help us get on a winning run,\" hopes Morata.", "targets": "\"Je to tak, tohle v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00ed je stra\u0161n\u011b d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9, snad d\u00edky n\u011bmu najedeme na v\u00edt\u011bznou vlnu,\" douf\u00e1 Morata."} {"inputs": "Pokud se to stane, a j\u00e1 douf\u00e1m, \u017ee k tomu nedojde, budu sed\u011bt v prohl\u00ed\u017eec\u00ed galerii v komo\u0159e smrti Oklahomsk\u00e9 st\u00e1tn\u00ed v\u011bznice a uvid\u00edm Richarda Glossipa, kter\u00fd bude popraven smrt\u00edc\u00ed injekc\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "If it happens, and I hope it won't, I will sit in a viewing gallery in the death chamber at Oklahoma State Penitentiary as Richard Glossip is executed by lethal injection."} {"inputs": "A jak obst\u00e1la?\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "How did it fare?"} {"inputs": "Bezradn\u00fd v\u00fdraz ve tv\u00e1\u0159i zna\u010dil: \"Pro\u010d se m\u011b na to pt\u00e1te?\"\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "He had a helpless look on his face, as if to say: \"Why are you asking me about that?\""} {"inputs": "I won't go over all the details again here.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nebudu tu znova opakovat v\u0161echny detaily."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Je z\u0159ejm\u00e9, \u017ee trh pr\u00e1ce a inflace bude v prvn\u00ed \u0159ad\u011b nejd\u016fle\u017eit\u011bj\u0161\u00ed v\u011bc, kterou sledovat,\" \u0159ekl Lindsey M. Piegza, hlavn\u00ed ekonom makl\u00e9\u0159sk\u00e9 firmy Stifel Nicolaus & Co."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Za toto ozna\u010den\u00ed vd\u011b\u010d\u00ed nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00edmu obsahu omega 3 a omega 6 nenasycen\u00fdch mastn\u00fdch kyselin."} {"inputs": "S takto rozbolav\u011blou du\u0161\u00ed m\u00e1me za n\u011bk\u00fdm j\u00edt, nesna\u017eit se v\u0161e un\u00e9st na vlastn\u00edch bedrech.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"How far must it go before border checks become even more stringent?\" to Czech?", "targets": "Kam a\u017e to m\u00e1 doj\u00edt, aby se kontroly na hranic\u00edch je\u0161t\u011b zp\u0159\u00edsnily?"} {"inputs": "Translate \"I suddenly saw a new approach here.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Tady jsem najednou vid\u011bla zcela nov\u00e9 pojet\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nUNEMPLOYMENT in Scotland remained unchanged at 164,000 during the period May to July while the number out of work for the UK as a whole increased by 10,000 to 1.82 million during the same period.", "targets": "NEZAM\u011aSTNANOST ve Skotsku z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 beze zm\u011bny na po\u010dtu 164 000 v obdob\u00ed mezi kv\u011btnem a \u010dervencem, zat\u00edmco celkov\u00fd po\u010det nezam\u011bstnan\u00fdch v UK stoupl o 10 000 na 1,82 milionu b\u011bhem stejn\u00e9ho obdob\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Last month saw lowest growth rise since records began in 2000\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc byl zaznamen\u00e1n nejni\u017e\u0161\u00ed r\u016fst od doby, kdy roku 2000 za\u010daly samotn\u00e9 z\u00e1znamy"} {"inputs": "Sn\u00ed\u017een\u00fd v\u00fdhled p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed navzdory zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed \u00farokov\u00fdch sazeb v pr\u016fm\u011bru o 4,9 procent, co\u017e se projev\u00ed v lednu. 4, a vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00edplatky pro pozemn\u00ed p\u0159epravu t\u011b\u017ek\u00fdch nebo velk\u00fdch bal\u00edk\u016f, kter\u00e9 za\u010d\u00ednaj\u00ed v listopadu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Poslaneck\u00e1 sn\u011bmovna ji ale ke st\u00edh\u00e1n\u00ed nevydala.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "However, the Chamber of Deputies did not release her for prosecution."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Biden je v tomto m\u011b\u0159\u00edtku daleko druh\u00fd, ale procento lid\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed ho vid\u00ed jako nejpravd\u011bpodobn\u011bji zvoliteln\u00e9ho, se zvy\u0161uje."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The same proportions shall apply to the extraction of radioactive rocks.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Stejn\u00fd pom\u011br bude i v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b t\u011b\u017eby radioaktivn\u00edch hornin."} {"inputs": "Nyn\u00ed ale (r\u016fst) pon\u011bkud stagnuje, a proto se zd\u00e1, \u017ee odezn\u00edv\u00e1.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "But now that is plateauing a bit, you might see (growth) fall away."} {"inputs": "Experts writing in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) joined the Lancet in criticising the evidence used by Public Health England (PHE) in its report on e-cigarettes.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Odborn\u00edci p\u00ed\u0161\u00edc\u00ed v British Medical Journal (BMJ) se p\u0159ipojili k Lancet kritice d\u016fkaz\u016f pou\u017eit\u00fdch ve sv\u00e9 zpr\u00e1v\u011b o elektronick\u00fdch cigaret\u00e1ch agenturou Public Health England (PHE)."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWhat will the German government do when public protests break out in Germany against the coming Islamists?", "targets": "Co ud\u011bl\u00e1 n\u011bmeck\u00e1 vl\u00e1da, a\u017e vypuknou ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 protesty N\u011bmc\u016f proti p\u0159\u00edchoz\u00edm islamist\u016fm?"} {"inputs": "Jen\u017ee v roce 1991 se u\u017e nevyrobil ani jeden.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "However, by 1991 it wasn't producing any."} {"inputs": "T\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 80 000 lid\u00ed ro\u010dn\u011b zem\u0159e na nemoci souvisej\u00edc\u00ed s kou\u0159en\u00edm a kou\u0159en\u00ed stoj\u00ed NHS \u00a32 miliardy ro\u010dn\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Nearly 80,000 people a year die of a smoking-related illness and smoking costs the NHS \u00a32bn a year."} {"inputs": "V letech 2008 a\u017e 2010 ud\u00e1lost zaji\u0161\u0165ovala agentura Roxy II.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The event was organised by the Roxy II agency in the years 2008-2010."} {"inputs": "P\u0159edseda p\u0159edstavenstva a gener\u00e1ln\u00ed \u0159editel spole\u010dnosti Fred Smith \u0159ekl, \u017ee spole\u010dnost \"p\u0159edv\u00e1d\u011bla pevn\u00fd v\u00fdkon navzdory slab\u0161\u00edm ne\u017e o\u010dek\u00e1van\u00fdm hospod\u00e1\u0159sk\u00fdm podm\u00ednk\u00e1m, zejm\u00e9na ve zpracovatelsk\u00e9m pr\u016fmyslu a glob\u00e1ln\u00edm obchodu.\"\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Chairman and CEO Fred Smith said the company was \"performing solidly given weaker-than-expected economic conditions, especially in manufacturing and global trade.\""} {"inputs": "Translate \"The final straw for the resolution of the main character is the voluntary death of his father-in-law, who has lost strength and patience.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Posledn\u00ed kapkou v p\u0159edsevzet\u00ed hlavn\u00edho hrdiny je dobrovoln\u00e1 smrt jeho tch\u00e1na, kter\u00e9mu do\u0161ly s\u00edly a trp\u011blivost."} {"inputs": "Translate \"However, even Merkel probably does not have the power to oppose those holding the power in Germany and Europe, and mainly political correctness.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ale ani Merkelov\u00e1 asi nem\u00e1 s\u00edlu j\u00edt proti mocn\u00fdm N\u011bmecka a Evropy a hlavn\u011b proti politick\u00e9 korektnosti."} {"inputs": "How is \"He said Lamb made the fateful 911 call sometime after that.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Lamb pr\u00fd ud\u011blal osudov\u00fd telefon\u00e1t na nouzovou linku kr\u00e1tce pot\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Ve snaze \u0159e\u0161it tento probl\u00e9m, ozna\u010dila Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) rok 2015 jak Rok Mu\u017ee, jeho\u017e c\u00edlem je zpochybnit kulturu, kter\u00e1 br\u00e1n\u00ed mu\u017e\u016fm vyhledat pomoc v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b pot\u0159eby.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nJuncker's Commission promises to introduce control points as soon as possible, without stating a number or date.", "targets": "Junckerova komise slibuje, \u017ee k zaveden\u00ed kontroln\u00edch bod\u016f dojde co nejd\u0159\u00edve, ale neuvedla \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo, ani datum."} {"inputs": "How is \"Back then it started working with European aviation producer Airbus.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Tehdy se dala dohromady s evropsk\u00fdm v\u00fdrobcem letadel Airbus."} {"inputs": "\"Lid\u00e9 n\u011bkdy zkou\u0161\u00ed d\u011blat p\u0159i \u00fat\u011bku legra\u010dn\u00ed v\u011bci,\" \u0159ekl Castledine.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"Sometimes people do funny things to try and escape,\" Senior Sergeant Castledine said."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHe's such a great guy, and a family man.", "targets": "Je to skv\u011bl\u00fd chlap a m\u00e1 r\u00e1d svou rodinu."} {"inputs": "Naopak na z\u00e1vadu nen\u00ed z\u00e1kal na dn\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "On the other hand, cloudiness at the bottom is not a defect;"} {"inputs": "V jeskyni Paglicci se poda\u0159ilo objevit zrna, kter\u00e1 byla podle v\u0161eho nah\u0159\u00e1ta nebo spa\u0159ena, a pak z\u0159ejm\u011b rozdrcena mezi dv\u011bma ml\u00fdnsk\u00fdmi kameny - alespo\u0148 tomu nasv\u011bd\u010duj\u00ed stopy u\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed na dvou kamenech v jeskyni.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Grains have been found in Paglicci cave that were evidently heated up or blanched, then ground between two millstones - this is at least indicated by traces of use found on two stones in the cave."} {"inputs": "Toys R Us says it won't hire as many holiday season employees as it did last year, but the toy and baby products retailer says it will give current employees and seasonal workers a chance to work more hours.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Toys R Us prohla\u0161uj\u00ed, \u017ee nenaberou tolik sez\u00f3nn\u00edch pracovn\u00edk\u016f jako minul\u00fd rok, ale v\u00fdrobce d\u011btsk\u00fdch hra\u010dek a produkt\u016f tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee d\u00e1 sou\u010dasn\u00fdm zam\u011bstnanc\u016fm i sez\u00f3nn\u00edm pracovn\u00edk\u016fm \u0161anci odpracovat v\u00edce hodin."} {"inputs": "St\u0159elec na st\u00e1tn\u00ed univerzit\u011b Delta zanechal vzkaz\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Delta State University shooter left note of apology"} {"inputs": "Tato situace vyvolala drby o nesouladu v Celticu, kter\u00e9 byly pop\u0159eny Griffithsem, kter\u00fd trv\u00e1 na tom, \u017ee on a jeho spoluhr\u00e1\u010di nepracuj\u00ed pod jak\u00fdmkoliv tlakem ze zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00e9ho dohledu v p\u0159\u00edprav\u00e1ch na z\u00e1pas s l\u00eddry nizozemsk\u00e9 ligy.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It has sparked rumours of disharmony at Celtic, which was dismissed out of hand by Griffiths, who insisted he and his team-mates are not labouring under any sense of increased scrutiny as they prepare to face the Dutch League leaders."} {"inputs": "How is \"49ers beat reporter Cam Inman reported that Hayne also received encouragement from special teams co-ordinator Thomas McGaughey, who advised him to forget about his dropped catch and worry about the next play.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Report\u00e9r 49ers, Cam Inman, prohl\u00e1sil, \u017ee Hayne tak\u00e9 dostal povzbuzen\u00ed od speci\u00e1ln\u00edho t\u00fdmov\u00e9ho koordin\u00e1tora, Thomase McGaughey, kter\u00fd mu poradil, aby zapomn\u011bl na chybu a staral se jen o dal\u0161\u00ed hru."} {"inputs": "What is striking is that in its stock footage CT consistently uses solely footage of women and small children,\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Zar\u00e1\u017eej\u00edc\u00ed je hlavn\u011b to, \u017ee \u010cT v ilustra\u010dn\u00edch z\u00e1b\u011brech pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 d\u016fsledn\u011b jen a pouze z\u00e1b\u011bry na mal\u00e9 d\u011bti a \u017eeny."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nPrevious media reports had stated that she was Polish.", "targets": "P\u0159edchoz\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy m\u00e9di\u00ed uv\u00e1d\u011bly, \u017ee jde o Polku."} {"inputs": "+ 8,8 mil.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\u010cesko z\u00edsk\u00e1 v\u00edce ne\u017e 400 milion\u016f.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Czech Republic to gain more than 400 million crowns"} {"inputs": "DPMB sice argumentuje, \u017ee tohoto hlasatele si vybrali sami cestuj\u00edc\u00ed - nev\u00edm, kte\u0159\u00ed, mne se neptal nikdo, ale to ur\u010dit\u011b vyb\u00edrali ze studiov\u00fdch nahr\u00e1vek po\u0159\u00edzen\u00fdch v naprost\u00e9m tichu, kter\u00e9 tak samoz\u0159ejm\u011b zn\u011bly docela jinak ne\u017e v r\u00e1musu autobusov\u00e9ho motoru.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "While the public transport company argues that the voice was chosen by passengers themselves - I don't know which ones, they didn't ask me - they must have chosen it from studio recordings made in complete silence, which obviously sounded completely different than against the racket of a bus engine."} {"inputs": "Dnes p\u016fjdu dom\u016f a dob\u0159e se vysp\u00edm.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"They play a 4-4-2 system with a rapid transition to attack.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Hraj\u00ed z rozestaven\u00ed 4-4-2 s rychl\u00fdm p\u0159echodem do \u00fato\u010dn\u00e9 f\u00e1ze."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe amendment also anticipates the increase in payments from extraction areas with mining permits to one thousand crowns per hectare per year.", "targets": "Novela po\u010d\u00edt\u00e1 i se zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00edm \u00fahrady z dob\u00fdvac\u00edch prostor s povolenou t\u011b\u017ebou na tis\u00edc korun za jeden hektar za rok."} {"inputs": "Zamkn\u011bte jim dve\u0159e a dejte jim kl\u00ed\u010de do l\u00e1hve s vodou, kterou pak str\u010d\u00edte do mraz\u00e1ku - ale nikdy jim nelepte jejich v\u011bci na strop v\u00edce ne\u017e dvakr\u00e1t.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Lock their door and put their keys in a glass of water, which you then put in the freezer - but don't Blu-Tack their possessions to the ceiling more than twice."} {"inputs": "How is \"Summary: Mostly propaganda unheard-of since the days of Communist agitation.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Shrnut\u00ed: Z v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed \u010d\u00e1sti propaganda, kter\u00e1 nem\u00e1 obdoby od komunistick\u00fdch agitek."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "To m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt peklo pro n\u011bkoho, kdo se pot\u0159ebuje nab\u00edt."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Samoz\u0159ejm\u011b si mysleli, \u017ee jsem podvodn\u00edk."} {"inputs": "P\u0159esnost je zde hlavn\u00ed motto.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Here, precision is the watchword."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe tiny nematodes change direction the moment they are blasted with sonic pulses that are too high-pitched for humans to hear.", "targets": "Drobn\u00e9 hl\u00edstice m\u011bn\u00ed sm\u011br ve chv\u00edli, kdy jsou zasa\u017eeny zvukov\u00fdmi impulzy, kter\u00e9 jsou pro lidsk\u00e9 ucho nesly\u0161iteln\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The same number holds in the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa, where the same 52 percent of Republicans think he has the personality to be commander in chief, according to Quinnipiac last week.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Stejn\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo se dr\u017e\u00ed v sen\u00e1torsk\u00fd klub st\u00e1tu Iowa, kter\u00fd je prvn\u00ed v cel\u00e9 zemi, kde si 52 procent republik\u00e1n\u016f mysl\u00ed, \u017ee m\u00e1 osobnost velitele, podle Quinnipiac z minul\u00e9ho t\u00fddne."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Hroziv\u00ed zabij\u00e1\u010dt\u00ed droni!"} {"inputs": "I kdy\u017e nov\u00e1 studie neuk\u00e1zala zlep\u0161en\u00ed v p\u0159e\u017eit\u00ed mezi pacienty po chirurgii, podle Blackstonea je to uklid\u0148uj\u00edc\u00ed v\u00fdsledek pro lidi s BMI pod 35, kte\u0159\u00ed maj\u00ed z\u00e1jem o tyto postupy.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Though the new study didn't show a benefit in survival among surgery patients, Blackstone said it's reassuring for people with a BMI under 35 interested in the procedure."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "K t\u00e9matu partnerstv\u00ed Elstein \u0159ekl, \u017ee BBC by m\u011bla d\u011blat v\u00edce v oblastech jako jsou Proms, kter\u00fdch bylo v televizi odvys\u00edl\u00e1na jen hrstka, a spojit se s komer\u010dn\u00edmi report\u00e9ry, abychom je v\u0161echny mohli vid\u011bt online."} {"inputs": "Francouzsk\u00fd ministr vnitra Bernard Cazeneuve a jeho n\u011bmeck\u00fd kolega Thomas de Maizi\u00e8re o tom intenzivn\u011b jednali b\u011bhem soukrom\u00e9ho rozhovoru se sv\u00fdmi t\u0159emi kolegy z \u0158ecka, It\u00e1lie a Ma\u010farska.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Intensive negotiations about this took place between French Minister of the Interior Bernard Cazeneuve and his German counterpart Thomas de Maizi\u00e8re during a private discussion with their colleagues from Greece, Italy and Hungary."} {"inputs": "Nechali vyrobit repliku p\u016fvodn\u00edho kola - zmen\u0161enou v pr\u016fm\u011bru o p\u016fl metru.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "and a replica of the original wheel - smaller by half a metre - was ordered."} {"inputs": "How is \"No hard feelings, but I don't know anyone else apart from Fatai.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nic ve zl\u00e9m, ale nezn\u00e1m nikoho dal\u0161\u00edho krom\u011b Fataie."} {"inputs": "Mus\u00edme omezit pou\u017eit\u00ed s\u00edly.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "We have to reduce the use of force."} {"inputs": "Minist\u0159i souhlasili se sd\u00edlen\u00edm zodpov\u011bdnosti za 40 000 lid\u00ed hledaj\u00edc\u00edch ochranu v p\u0159ekvapen\u00e9 It\u00e1lii a \u0158ecku a mluvili s nad\u011bj\u00ed o dosa\u017een\u00ed eventu\u00e1ln\u00ed dohody dal\u0161\u00ed m\u011bs\u00edc nebo koncem roku, kterou by n\u00e1rody EU p\u0159ijali v\u00edce ne\u017e 120 000 dal\u0161\u00edch uprchl\u00edk\u016f a to v\u010detn\u011b Ma\u010farska.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The ministers did agree to share responsibility for 40,000 people seeking refuge in overwhelmed Italy and Greece and spoke hopefully of reaching an eventual deal - next month or by the end of the year - on which EU nations would take 120,000 more refugees, including some from Hungary."} {"inputs": "\"Byla jsem \u0161\u00edlen\u00e1 steskem po man\u017eelovi i d\u011btech,\" vzpom\u00edn\u00e1 na t\u011b\u017ek\u00e9 chvilky na odd\u011blen\u00ed \u0161estined\u011bl\u00ed \u010dty\u0159n\u00e1sobn\u00e1 matka.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"I was going crazy being away from my husband and children,\" says the mother of four, remembering the difficult moments on the postpartum ward."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Aby mohl ovl\u00e1dat hl\u00edstice pomoc\u00ed ultrazvukov\u00fdch vln, Chalasani geneticky modifikoval \u010dervy tak, \u017ee n\u011bkter\u00e9 z jejich motorick\u00fdch neuron\u016f obsahuj\u00ed iontov\u00e9 kan\u00e1ly TRP-4."} {"inputs": "Bachalor se vys\u00edl\u00e1 ve st\u0159edu v 7.30 na Ten.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The Bachelor airs Wednesday, 7.30pm on Ten."} {"inputs": "Kde je tedy ten bod zlomu?\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Where is the tipping point?"} {"inputs": "Kr\u00e1l Salman dnes uvedl, \u017ee Binadin Group nem\u011bla nech\u00e1vat rameno je\u0159\u00e1bu naho\u0159e, kdy\u017e nebyl v provozu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "I will put the pressure on them and onus on them to make a decision.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Budu na n\u011b tla\u010dit a p\u0159enesu na n\u011b b\u0159\u00edm\u011b, aby u\u010dinili rozhodnut\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"The use of force has never solved these problems,\" he added.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Pou\u017eit\u00ed s\u00edly nikdy nevy\u0159e\u0161ilo tyto probl\u00e9my,\" dodal."} {"inputs": "The number of people held in the Czech Republic increased the day after Germany introduced checks.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Oproti prvn\u00edmu dni, kdy N\u011bmecko zavedlo kontroly, po\u010det zadr\u017een\u00fdch v \u010cesku posko\u010dil."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The Czech plant in Let\u0148any is a major one for the group,\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u010cesk\u00fd z\u00e1vod v pra\u017esk\u00fdch Let\u0148anech je pro skupiny v\u00fdznamn\u00fd."} {"inputs": "My si to neum\u00edme p\u0159edstavit.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "We cannot imagine this."} {"inputs": "Odbyt m\u00e1 budouc\u00ed linka zaji\u0161t\u011bn\u00fd.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The future production has its sales secured."} {"inputs": "I loved Amy and she is the only person who ever loved me.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Miloval jsem Amy a ona je jedinou osobu, kter\u00e1 kdy milovala m\u011b.\u201c"} {"inputs": "How is \"Kofola to move from Poland to the Czech Republic, considering entering the Prague stock exchange.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Kofola se st\u011bhuje z Polska do \u010ceska, zva\u017euje vstup na pra\u017eskou burzu."} {"inputs": "\u00dahrada se nov\u011b vypo\u010dte jako sou\u010din mno\u017estv\u00ed vyt\u011b\u017een\u00e9ho nerostu a sazby pro jednotliv\u00e9 druhy nerost\u016f.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Payments will be calculated as the product of the quantity of minerals mined and rates for individual types of mineral."} {"inputs": "Podle n\u011bj to d\u011blal proto, aby je nal\u00e1kal\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Byly mi odporn\u00e9 a nelenil jsem je hubit.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Hearts vedli 2-1, kdy\u017e byl Paterson posl\u00e1n do \u0161atny a nakonec prohr\u00e1li 3-2, ale \u010derven\u00e1 karta na tohoto obr\u00e1nce byla pozd\u011bji zru\u0161ena - jedn\u00e1 se o t\u0159et\u00ed \u010dervenou kartu vydanou rozhod\u010d\u00edm Collumem, kter\u00e1 byla odvol\u00e1na.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Hearts were leading 2-1 when Paterson was dismissed and went on to lose 3-2, but the defender's red card was later overturned - the third Collum red card in eight months to be rescinded."} {"inputs": "It is also certain that the judge will not come to a decision within the next few days and that the proceedings shall continue.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Jist\u00e9 tak\u00e9 je, \u017ee v nejbli\u017e\u0161\u00edch dnech soudkyn\u011b nerozhodne a \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed bude pokra\u010dovat."} {"inputs": "It could have been very lethal for my child.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Mohlo to b\u00fdt pro m\u00e9 d\u00edt\u011b smrteln\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Translate \"as it contains a high proportion of omega-6 non-saturated fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol the most out of all fatty acids.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Obsahuje toti\u017e vysok\u00fd pod\u00edl omega 6 nenasycen\u00fdch mastn\u00fdch kyselin, kter\u00e9 ze v\u0161ech mastn\u00fdch kyselin nejv\u00edce sni\u017euj\u00ed hladinu cholesterolu."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nLamb did not provide an explanation for the shooting.", "targets": "Lamb rovn\u011b\u017e nevysv\u011btlil, pro\u010d se v dom\u011b st\u0159\u00edlelo."} {"inputs": "O\u010dek\u00e1van\u00e9 sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed po\u010dtu pracovn\u00edch m\u00edst bude m\u00edt za n\u00e1sledek zm\u011bnu v rozsahu asi $2,7 miliardy a k za\u010d\u00e1tku dojde ve \u010dtvrt\u00e9m \u010dtvrtlet\u00ed, uv\u00e1d\u00ed v prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed spole\u010dnost HP.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The expected job cuts will result in a charge of about $2.7bn, beginning in the fourth quarter, HP said in a statement."} {"inputs": "Ko\u0159en\u00ed zase dod\u00e1v\u00e1 masu chu\u0165 a olej konzervuje a dod\u00e1v\u00e1 ten spr\u00e1vn\u00fd \u0159\u00edz, rad\u00ed Daniel Vl\u010dek.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Seasoning gives the meat taste and oil conserves it and gives it the right bite, advises Daniel Vl\u010dek."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nFor a whole year our ecosystem didn't change.", "targets": "Cel\u00fd rok se n\u00e1\u0161 ekosyst\u00e9m nem\u011bnil."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jedna z mo\u017enost\u00ed, jak se takovou situac\u00ed mohou cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e vyrovnat, bude \u017ealoba na st\u00e1t o n\u00e1hradu."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Tibetsk\u00fd v\u016fdce buddhist\u016f vyzval k ukon\u010den\u00ed n\u00e1sil\u00ed v domovsk\u00fdch zem\u00edch uprchl\u00edk\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Part of the money collected by the state from fees shall be tied to a single purpose.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u010c\u00e1st pen\u011bz, kter\u00e9 st\u00e1t na poplatc\u00edch z t\u011b\u017eby vybere, bude \u00fa\u010delov\u011b v\u00e1zan\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Nem\u011bli byste d\u011blat zvuky, kter\u00e9 ru\u0161\u00ed lidi od sp\u00e1nku nebo studia.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "P\u0159ed n\u00e1r\u016fstem nezam\u011bstnanosti na Mostecku varovala poslankyn\u011b KS\u010cM Hana Aulick\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V o\u010d\u00edch se mi zatm\u011blo, polilo mne horko."} {"inputs": "How is \"She would like to return to paid work, but is more attracted by the possibility of starting her own business.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "R\u00e1da by se vr\u00e1tila do zam\u011bstn\u00e1n\u00ed, ale je\u0161t\u011b v\u00edce ji l\u00e1k\u00e1 mo\u017enost vlastn\u00edho podnik\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"So why do it?\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Pro\u010d to tedy d\u011bl\u00e1m?"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Others have dismissed him as a joke.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ostatn\u00ed nad m\u00e1vli rukou jako nad nepoveden\u00fdm vtipem."} {"inputs": "V p\u016fl dvan\u00e1ct\u00e9 si mne p\u0159edvolali.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "They summoned me at half past eleven."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nPolice considered the foiled plan to be \"idle chatter,\" referring discipline to the school district.", "targets": "Policie posoudila zma\u0159en\u00fd pl\u00e1n jako \"nevinn\u00e9 tlach\u00e1n\u00ed,\" a odkazovala na discipl\u00ednu \u0161koln\u00ed \u010dtvrti,"} {"inputs": "Nap\u0159\u00edklad kolem jm\u00e9na Joe Root nebyly \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 otazn\u00edky, co\u017e vedlo k ozn\u00e1men\u00ed, proto\u017ee \u2014 a toto u\u017e jsem uv\u00e1d\u011bl d\u0159\u00edve \u2014 hr\u00e1\u010di jsou sv\u00fdmi nejlep\u0161\u00edmi selektory.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "There were no question marks over Joe Root, for example, leading up to the announcement because - and I have said this before - players are their own best selectors."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Co se to s N\u011bmci stalo?"} {"inputs": "Letov \u017eivil p\u0159ed rokem 1989 program cvi\u010dn\u00e9ho vojensk\u00e9ho letounu L-39.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Before 1989 Letov produced the L-39 military practice plane."} {"inputs": "V podstat\u011b daleko hor\u0161\u00ed n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edka, \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd lidumil.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Basically much worse than the superintendent, no altruist."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nJan can see that he is going the same way with his wife Olga (Eli\u0161ka Balzerov\u00e1).", "targets": "Janovi je jasn\u00e9, \u017ee je se svou man\u017eelkou Olgou - Eli\u0161ka Balzerov\u00e1 na podobn\u00e9 cest\u011b."} {"inputs": "O'Steen \u0159ekl, \u017ee Prentissov\u00e1 a jej\u00ed dcera byly \u201enejlep\u0161\u00ed kamar\u00e1dky\u201c.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "This is shown in the escalation of events.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ukazuje to eskalace ud\u00e1lost\u00ed."} {"inputs": "P\u0159\u00edjem z t\u011bchto \u00fahrad m\u00e1 nad\u00e1le v pln\u00e9m rozsahu pat\u0159it obc\u00edm.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The entirety of income generated from these payment shall remain with the municipalities."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Absent what happened in financial markets and the news about the weakness in the Chinese economy over the past couple weeks, they would be tightening at this meeting,\" said Stephen D. Oliner, a senior research fellow at the UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate and a former Fed official.", "targets": "\"P\u0159i absenci toho, co se stalo na finan\u010dn\u00edch trz\u00edch, a zpr\u00e1v\u00e1ch o slabosti \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e9 ekonomiky v posledn\u00edch p\u00e1r t\u00fddnech, by do\u0161lo k zp\u0159\u00edsn\u011bn\u00ed na t\u00e9to sch\u016fzi,\" \u0159ekl Stephen D. Oliner, vedouc\u00ed v\u00fdzkumn\u00fd pracovn\u00edk UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate a b\u00fdval\u00fd \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edk Fed."} {"inputs": "\u201eNev\u00edm, zda to dok\u00e1\u017eu \u0159\u00edct,\u201c podotkla.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"I don't know if I can say,\" she said."} {"inputs": "How is \"Communist MP Hana Aulick\u00e1 also warned of increased unemployment in the Most area.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159ed n\u00e1r\u016fstem nezam\u011bstnanosti na Mostecku varovala poslankyn\u011b KS\u010cM Hana Aulick\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhat a sad era when it is easier to smash an atom than a prejudice.", "targets": "Je to ale smutn\u00e9 obdob\u00ed, kdy\u017e je snadn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed rozb\u00edt atom ne\u017e zni\u010dit p\u0159edsudky."} {"inputs": "\u010cesk\u00e9 republiky by se to dotklo velmi okrajov\u011b, t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 v\u016fbec.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe survey also found Carson doing well across demographic groups, edging out Trump among college-educated Republican voters.", "targets": "Pr\u016fzkum tak\u00e9 zjistil, \u017ee si Carson vede dob\u0159 nap\u0159\u00ed\u010d demografick\u00fdmi skupinami, a vy\u0159azuje Trumpa mezi univerzitn\u011b vzd\u011blan\u00fdmi republik\u00e1nsk\u00fdmi voli\u010di."} {"inputs": "Wenger p\u0159ij\u00edm\u00e1 potenci\u00e1l za\u010darovan\u00e9ho kruhu, ale Arsen\u00e1l v\u011b\u0159\u00ed, \u017ee zlep\u0161en\u00ed v oblasti zaznamenan\u00fdch zran\u011bn\u00ed b\u011bhem posledn\u00ed sezony bude nad\u00e1le pokra\u010dovat.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Wenger accepts the potential of a vicious circle but Arsenal believe that an improvement in their injury record during last season will continue."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Trent u\u017e je tu t\u0159i roky a o\u010dividn\u011b tr\u00e9nuje skv\u011bl\u00fd t\u00fdm, tak\u017ee pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b nen\u00ed zvykl\u00fd prohr\u00e1vat, co\u017e pro n\u011bj mohl b\u00fdt trochu \u0161ok."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V \u00fanoru zp\u011bv\u00e1k Prince d\u011blal nar\u00e1\u017eky na hnut\u00ed, zat\u00edmco uv\u00e1d\u011bl nominovan\u00e9 v kategorii Album roku b\u011bhem p\u0159ed\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed cen Grammy."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAccording to Fischerov\u00e1, travel agencies would not be able to negotiate insurance.", "targets": "Cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e podle Fischerov\u00e9 nebudou schopny poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed sjedn\u00e1vat."} {"inputs": "To zahrnuje \"jedine\u010dn\u011b tvarovanou hlavici, kter\u00e1 poskytuje \u00fa\u017easn\u00e9 efekty zpoza brn\u011bn\u00ed uvnit\u0159 c\u00edle.\"\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "This includes a \"unique shaped-charge warhead that delivers outstanding behind-armour-effects inside the target.\""} {"inputs": "Translate \"The structure then laid under a roof, dismantled, for several years.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Potom chlumsk\u00e1 dominanta n\u011bkolik let odpo\u010d\u00edvala rozebran\u00e1 pod st\u0159echou."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWhy I'm A Witness At An Execution In Oklahoma", "targets": "Pro\u010d jsem byl sv\u011bdkem popravy v Oklahom\u011b"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jen\u017ee pak to p\u0159i\u0161lo!"} {"inputs": "That's a change from when four in 10 placed their money on Jeb Bush in late July.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "To je zm\u011bna z pozdn\u00edho \u010dervence, kdy \u010dty\u0159i z 10 s\u00e1zeli sv\u00e9 pen\u00edze na Jeba Bushe."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"He was standing in the water saying 'I'm not getting out, 'come and get me',\" Senior Sergeant Shandell Castledine said.", "targets": "\"St\u00e1l ve vod\u011b a opakoval \u00b4Nep\u016fjdu ven, jen si pro m\u011b p\u0159ij\u010fte\u00b4,\" uvedl ser\u017eant Shandell Castledine."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThree components are required in the preparation of marinades: oil, acidity and seasoning.", "targets": "P\u0159i p\u0159\u00edprav\u011b marin\u00e1dy mus\u00ed b\u00fdt p\u0159\u00edtomn\u00e9 t\u0159i slo\u017eky: olej, kyselost a ko\u0159en\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Kdy\u017e se k tomu p\u0159i\u010dte technologie, v\u00fdkupy pozemk\u016f a in\u017een\u00fdrsk\u00e1 \u010dinnost, valorizace a podobn\u00e9 polo\u017eky, je to 29 miliard, co\u017e u\u017e nen\u00ed od t\u011bch 37 zase a\u017e tak daleko, uvedl B\u011blohlav\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Once technology, land purchases, engineering activities, adjustments and similar items are included, the cost is 29 billion, which isn't that far off 37 billion, said B\u011blohlav."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Hemoglobin A1c je nejl\u00e9pe udr\u017eovat pod hladinou 7 procent, uv\u00e1d\u00ed v\u00fdzkumn\u00edci."} {"inputs": "Podle Deutsche Bank byl b\u011bhem 118 zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed sazeb od roku 1950 jen dvakr\u00e1t nomin\u00e1ln\u00ed meziro\u010dn\u00ed n\u00e1r\u016fst HDP pod 4,5 procenta.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "According to Deutsche Bank, in the 118 rate hikes since 1950, only twice has nominal year over year GDP been below 4.5 percent."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe consumption of grape oil also helps increase external beauty, improving skin elasticity, helping to fight acne and in the care of dry, brittle hair.", "targets": "Konzumac\u00ed hroznov\u00e9ho oleje pom\u00e1h\u00e1me zvy\u0161ovat tak\u00e9 na\u0161i vn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed kr\u00e1su - zlep\u0161uje toti\u017e elasticitu poko\u017eky, vyu\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 se p\u0159i l\u00e9\u010db\u011b akn\u00e9 a napom\u00e1h\u00e1 p\u0159i p\u00e9\u010di o such\u00e9 a l\u00e1mav\u00e9 vlasy."} {"inputs": "P\u0159\u00edli\u0161 z toho tr\u010dela fale\u0161nost.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "It seemed too false."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe proposal was criticised by opposition MPs, who are afraid that that mining companies will no longer want to sponsor municipalities as before, as they would have to pay higher fees directly into state coffers.The Chamber of Deputies has supported the government's amendment to the Mining Act, which adjusts the yield from fees from the open-cast mining of brown coal from mining companies.", "targets": "P\u0159edlohu kritizovali poslanci opozice, kte\u0159\u00ed se ob\u00e1vaj\u00ed, \u017ee t\u011b\u017eebn\u00ed firmy u\u017e nebudou cht\u00edt sponzorovat obce tak jako dosud, proto\u017ee budou platit vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed poplatky p\u0159\u00edmo do st\u00e1tn\u00edho rozpo\u010dtu.Sn\u011bmovna v prvn\u00edm \u010dten\u00ed podpo\u0159ila vl\u00e1dn\u00ed novelu horn\u00edho z\u00e1kona, kter\u00e1 krom\u011b jin\u00e9ho znamen\u00e1, \u017ee st\u00e1t by m\u011bl dost\u00e1vat v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed \u010d\u00e1st z v\u00fdnosu poplatk\u016f z povrchov\u00e9 t\u011b\u017eby hn\u011bd\u00e9ho uhl\u00ed od t\u011b\u017eebn\u00edch spole\u010dnosti."} {"inputs": "How is \"Seven had mixed fortunes on night two of The Chase Australia.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Seven zaznamenali sm\u00ed\u0161en\u00e9 sledovanosti druh\u00e9 noci The Chase Australia."} {"inputs": "How is \"We had more chances and played better than Juventus.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "M\u011bli jsme v\u00edce \u0161anc\u00ed a hr\u00e1li jsme l\u00e9pe ne\u017e Juventus."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Proto\u017ee Britov\u00e9 st\u00e1le v\u00edce zam\u011bstn\u00e1vaj\u00ed \u0159emesln\u00edky, aby prov\u00e1d\u011bli kutilsk\u00e9 pr\u00e1ce u nich doma, podle \u0161\u00e9fky spole\u010dnosti za Screwfix B&Q."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"The renegotiation was a fix\" and \"Britain got nothing of value out of the renegotiation.\"\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Op\u011btovn\u00e9 jedn\u00e1n\u00ed vy\u0159e\u0161ilo probl\u00e9m\" a \"Brit\u00e1nie nem\u00e1 nic hodnotn\u00e9ho z vyjedn\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed.\""} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nDeputies are comrade deputy, head track maintenance supervisors are to be addressed as comrade track maintenance supervisor!", "targets": "N\u00e1m\u011bstci jsou soudruzi n\u00e1m\u011bstci, vrchn\u00ed tra\u0165mist\u0159i jsou soudruzi vrchn\u00ed tra\u0165mist\u0159i!"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nLittle Ema was placed in an incubator on an intermediary ward where Va\u0161ek's niece worked, who was able to take care of her and see that she was accommodated.", "targets": "Emi\u010dku um\u00edstili do inkub\u00e1toru na intermedi\u00e1rn\u00ed odd\u011blen\u00ed, kde pracuje i Va\u0161kova nete\u0159, kter\u00e1 j\u00ed stihla p\u0159evz\u00edt a ubytovat."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Moeen mo\u017en\u00e1 nedok\u00e1\u017ee ud\u011blat svoji pr\u00e1ci pro sv\u016fj kraj, Worcestershire, ale byl pro n\u011b \u010d\u00edslem 3 a velk\u00fd rozd\u00edl v tom nen\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Matt Damon konfrontoval afroametick\u00e9ho filma\u0159e Effie Browna b\u011bhem diskuse o diverzit\u011b s tvrzen\u00edm, \u017ee to nebylo nutn\u00e9 za sc\u00e9nami.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Matt Damon confronted African-American filmmaker Effie Brown during a discussion on diversity saying it wasn't needed behind the scenes."} {"inputs": "Nic z tohoto ne\u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee Trump pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b vyhraje republik\u00e1nskou nominaci.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "None of this is to say that Trump is likely to win the Republican nomination."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"I remember the match against Slavia very well, and my goal, like all in my career,\" laughed 34 year-old Goian and the pre-match press conference.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Z\u00e1pas proti Slavii si pamatuji velice dob\u0159e, i m\u016fj g\u00f3l, jako v\u0161echny v moj\u00ed kari\u00e9\u0159e,\" usm\u00e1l se 34let\u00fd Goian na p\u0159edz\u00e1pasov\u00e9 tiskov\u00e9 konferenci."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Of course, it's still early in the election cycle.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Samoz\u0159ejm\u011b je je\u0161t\u011b teprve za\u010d\u00e1tek volebn\u00edho cyklu."} {"inputs": "Sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed kontraktu je cenov\u00e1 k\u0159ivka.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "An integral part of the contract is the price curve."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Vset\u00edn"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e kone\u010dn\u011b utichli v 5 hodin r\u00e1no, nechala je klidn\u011b sp\u00e1t dv\u011b hodiny a pak pustila nahlas svoji vlastn\u00ed muziku, zamkla dve\u0159e a ode\u0161la na svoji t\u0159\u00edhodinovou p\u00edsemku."} {"inputs": "Tomsula byl tak\u00e9 nad\u00e1le up\u0159\u00edmn\u00fd v \u0161atn\u011b po h\u0159e.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "+ 3.8 mil.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "+ 3,8 mil."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"The sudden avalanche was 250 metres wide and about a metre high,\" said the head of the rescue team, Nicolas Colombani.", "targets": "\"N\u00e1hl\u00e1 lavina byla \u0161irok\u00e1 250 metr\u016f a vysok\u00e1 asi metr,\" poznamenal \u0161\u00e9f z\u00e1chran\u00e1\u0159\u016f Nicolas Colombani."} {"inputs": "He said \"I shot my wife last night\" and also mentioned that there is a \"sweet dog\" in the house that is \"not going to bother anyone\" but is likely upset.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\u0158ekl: \u201eV\u010dera ve\u010der jsem zast\u0159elil svou \u017eenu\u201c a tak\u00e9 se zm\u00ednil, \u017ee v dom\u011b je \u201eroztomil\u00fd pes\u201c, kter\u00fd \u201enebude nikoho otravovat\u201c, ale je rozru\u0161en\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Nedostatek v skotsk\u00e9 titulov\u00e9 rivalit\u011b nud\u00ed Nizozem\u00ed - de Boer\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Lack of Scots title race bores Dutch - de Boer"} {"inputs": "Pseudov\u00edra slun\u00ed\u010dk\u00e1\u0159\u016f nejd\u0159\u00edv zavedla N\u011bmce do ba\u017ein ekologismu a multiklturalismu a dnes jim dom\u016f p\u0159ivedla a je\u0161t\u011b p\u0159ivede mo\u017en\u00e1 miliony muslim\u016f.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The pseudobeliefs of trendy liberals first led Germans into the swamp of ecologicalism and multiculturalism and has now brought them, and may still bring them, millions of Muslims"} {"inputs": "How is \"It could have had it yesterday, which it did have.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Mohlo se to st\u00e1t v\u010dera a taky se to stalo."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe sole firm promise is for the redistribution of 40 thousand refugees within the next two years, which had already been agreed during the hectic EU summit in June, concludes Le Figaro.", "targets": "Jedin\u00fd pevn\u00fd slib zahrnuje p\u0159erozd\u011blen\u00ed 40 tis\u00edc uprchl\u00edk\u016f v p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edch dvou letech, o \u010dem\u017e bylo ji\u017e dosa\u017eeno dohody v \u010dervnu b\u011bhem hektick\u00e9ho summitu EU, uzav\u00edr\u00e1 Le Figaro."} {"inputs": "Minister for Industry Jan Ml\u00e1dek (\u010cSSD) told MPs that, thanks to this, municipalities will receive 100 million crowns per year, as opposed to the previous figure of 14 million crowns.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ministr pr\u016fmyslu Jan Ml\u00e1dek (\u010cSSD) poslanc\u016fm \u0159ekl, \u017ee obce d\u00edky tomu z\u00edskaj\u00ed ro\u010dn\u011b nam\u00edsto 14 milion\u016f a\u017e 100 milion\u016f korun."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He nodded eagerly and passed a piece of paper to the superintendent.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Horliv\u011b p\u0159ik\u00fdvl a podal n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edkovi n\u011bjak\u00fd pap\u00edr."} {"inputs": "Soudkyn\u011b na\u0159\u00eddila pokra\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed jedn\u00e1n\u00ed na t\u0159et\u00edho listopadu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "V p\u00e1tek 18.9. bude od 9:30 odpov\u00eddat na ot\u00e1zky \u010dten\u00e1\u0159\u016f odpov\u00eddat prezidentka Exekutorsk\u00e9 komory \u010cR Mgr. Pavla Fu\u010d\u00edkov\u00e1.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "M\u016f\u017eete st\u00e1hnout aplikaci BBC News na za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed iOS nebo Android poslat n\u00e1m fotografie za pou\u017eit\u00ed tla\u010d\u00edtek v aplikaci."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nFedEx reported disappointing results for its latest quarter, and the delivery giant cut its full-year profit forecast on weaker demand for freight services and higher costs in its ground division.", "targets": "Spole\u010dnost FedEx ohl\u00e1sila neuspokojiv\u00e9 v\u00fdsledky za posledn\u00ed \u010dtvrtlet\u00ed a obrovsk\u00e9 sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed p\u0159edpov\u011bdi celoro\u010dn\u00edho zisku kv\u016fli n\u00edzk\u00e9 popt\u00e1vce po n\u00e1kladn\u00ed doprav\u011b a vy\u0161\u0161\u00edm n\u00e1klad\u016fm za pozemn\u00ed divizi."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nSo, if you're trying to do something different - those are two examples from the top of my head where you're actually just mimicking what is already on the market,\" Mr Bingham said.", "targets": "Tak\u017ee pokud se sna\u017e\u00edte ud\u011blat n\u011bco odli\u0161n\u00e9ho - toto jsou dva p\u0159\u00edklady, kter\u00e9 m\u011b napadaj\u00ed, kdy vlastn\u011b jen napodobujete to, co u\u017e m\u00e1me na trhu,\" \u0159ekl pan Bingham."} {"inputs": "Av\u0161ak Clintonov\u00e1 i Trump maj\u00ed dobr\u00e9 zn\u00e1mky za v\u016fdcovstv\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Both Clinton and Trump, however, get good marks on leadership."} {"inputs": "How is \"Bellamy added he took confidence from having two leading coaches criticise his side as it meant they were concerned about the Storm beating them.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Bellamy dodal, \u017ee mu tato situace zv\u00fd\u0161ila sebev\u011bdom\u00ed, proto\u017ee je jeho t\u00fdm kritizov\u00e1n dv\u011bma vedouc\u00edmi tren\u00e9ry, co\u017e m\u016f\u017ee znamenat, \u017ee maj\u00ed strach z por\u00e1\u017eky od t\u00fdmu Storm."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI had no idea what was to follow.", "targets": "Netu\u0161il jsem, co bude n\u00e1sledovat."} {"inputs": "M\u00edra nezam\u011bstnanosti klesla na 5,1% v p\u0159edchoz\u00edm m\u011bs\u00edci, co\u017e je nejni\u017e\u0161\u00ed ve v\u00edce ne\u017e sedmi letech a je bl\u00edzko \u00farovni, kterou Fed pova\u017euje za plnou zam\u011bstnanost.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"They will come to our detention facilities and we will treat them the same as the ones we have caught.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159ijdou do na\u0161eho deten\u010dn\u00edho za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed a budeme se k nim chovat stejn\u011b jako k t\u011bm, kter\u00e9 jsme zachytili."} {"inputs": "Nowadays the newspapers are full of small children being carried on their parents' arms on the dusty journeys of the exodus.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dneska jsou noviny a m\u00e9dia pln\u00e9 d\u011bti\u010dek, kter\u00e9 nesou na ruk\u00e1ch jejich rodi\u010de po pra\u0161n\u00fdch cest\u00e1ch exodu."} {"inputs": "Pan\u00ed Laury tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee chce zam\u011bstnat v\u00edce \u017een v obchodech B&Q, proto\u017ee osm z deseti n\u00e1kupn\u00edch rozhodnut\u00ed v obchod\u011b d\u011blaj\u00ed lep\u0161\u00ed polovi\u010dky.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Mrs Laury said she wants more women to be employed in B&Q shops because eight out of ten purchasing decisions in store are made by the fairer sex."} {"inputs": "Kdy\u017e k tomu p\u0159ipo\u010d\u00edt\u00e1me DPH, kter\u00e9 za dobu stavby dvakr\u00e1t vysko\u010dilo, ze sedmn\u00e1cti miliard m\u00e1te jedenadvacet.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "David Cameron ur\u010dit\u011b zn\u00e1 The Lorax l\u00e9pe?\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Surely David Cameron knows The Lorax better than this?"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHowever, the Ministry of Finance, which was to pay the money, took a complaint to the Constitutional Court.", "targets": "Ministerstvo financ\u00ed, kter\u00e9 m\u011blo pen\u00edze vyplatit, se ale obr\u00e1tilo se st\u00ed\u017enost\u00ed na \u00daS."} {"inputs": "On je jeden z nejkr\u00e1sn\u011bji hraj\u00edc\u00edch chlap\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed p\u0159inesou bohat\u00e9 zku\u0161enosti t\u00edm, \u017ee maj\u00ed zku\u0161enosti se v\u0161emi podm\u00ednkami a v\u0161emi \u00fatoky.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "S nemocn\u00fdmi se pracuje podle jejich individu\u00e1ln\u00edch pot\u0159eb: na udr\u017een\u00ed kondice, zlep\u0161en\u00ed ch\u016fze, posilov\u00e1n\u00ed p\u00e1nevn\u00edho dna, zm\u00edrn\u011bn\u00ed poruch polyk\u00e1n\u00ed \u010di na zlep\u0161en\u00ed koordinace.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Patients are treated according to their individual needs: to maintain condition, improve walking, strengthen the pelvic floor, alleviate swallowing disorders or improve coordination."} {"inputs": "It also has a direct effect on the patient's mental state and immune processes, stabilising the disease, she adds.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "P\u0159\u00edmo tak zasahujeme do psychiky i imunitn\u00edch proces\u016f a nemoc stabilizujeme, dod\u00e1v\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Nev\u00edm, co by se muselo st\u00e1t pro to, aby se tohle na \u00fazem\u00ed \u010cesk\u00e9 republiky stalo, nechci \u0161\u00ed\u0159it popla\u0161n\u00e9 informace.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "P\u0159esto toto v\u0161e nesta\u010d\u00ed: v\u00fdvoj nemoci m\u016f\u017ee z\u00e1sadn\u00edm zp\u016fsobem ovlivnit s\u00e1m pacient.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Despite this, all of the above is not enough: the development of the disease can be fundamentally affected by the patient themselves."} {"inputs": "Stalo se to v den z\u00e1vodu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It had it on race day."} {"inputs": "How is \"We didn't get an answer, so we requested that quotas be left out of the final text.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Odpov\u011b\u010f jsme nedostali, a proto jsme cht\u011bli, aby kv\u00f3ty byly ze z\u00e1v\u011bre\u010dn\u00e9ho textu vypu\u0161t\u011bny."} {"inputs": "Dalajl\u00e1ma se zab\u00fdval ot\u00e1zkou prob\u00edhaj\u00edc\u00ed uprchlick\u00e9 krizi ve sv\u00e9m projevu p\u0159i otev\u00edr\u00e1n\u00ed Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion v Oxfordu, kter\u00fd se v\u011bnuje studii etiky, na po\u010d\u00e1tku jeho 10-denn\u00ed n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvy Velk\u00e9 Brit\u00e1nie.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The Dalai Lama addressed the issue of the ongoing refugee crisis in his speech at the opening of the Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion in Oxford, which is dedicated to ethics studies, at the beginning of his 10-day visit to the UK."} {"inputs": "How is \"Full disclosure: GOP voters haven't had the clearest crystal ball in the past.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u00dapln\u00e9 zve\u0159ejn\u011bn\u00ed: Voli\u010di GOP nem\u011bli v minulosti tu nejjasn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed k\u0159i\u0161\u0165\u00e1lovou kouli."} {"inputs": "He has also said he could skip some sessions, leaving them to colleagues.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Tak\u00e9 uvedl, \u017ee by mohl p\u0159esko\u010dit n\u011bkolik sezen\u00ed, kter\u00e9 by zanechal sv\u00fdm koleg\u016fm."} {"inputs": "Pod drobnohledem se teprve nach\u00e1z\u00ed kr\u00e1sa detailu - \u017elut\u00e9 kv\u011bty a zelen\u00e9 listy t\u00e9\u017e s fialov\u00fdm doprovodem.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Jinak \u0159e\u010deno, proces je p\u0159eru\u0161en.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In other words, the process has been suspended."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nPolice attended and saw the five pictures, then analysed computers found at the address and discovered \"concerning\" web searches using terms for finding indecent image of children.", "targets": "Policie se zapojila a vid\u011bla p\u011bt fotografi\u00ed, pot\u00e9 analytick\u00e9 po\u010d\u00edta\u010de nalezly adresu a objevily \"znepokojiv\u00e1\" vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed na webu s pou\u017eit\u00edm v\u00fdraz\u016f pro hled\u00e1n\u00ed nemravn\u00fdch obr\u00e1zk\u016f d\u011bt\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe hardest thing in the world to understand is income taxes.", "targets": "Na sv\u011bt\u011b nejt\u011b\u017e\u0161\u00ed v\u011bc k pochopen\u00ed da\u0148 z p\u0159\u00edjmu."} {"inputs": "Sreekanth Chalasani, v\u00fdzkumn\u00edk z Salk Institute v La Jolla v Kalifornii uvedl pro den\u00edk Guardian, \u017ee tato metoda by jednoho dne mohla nahradit hlubokou mozkovou stimulaci - invazivn\u00ed proceduru, p\u0159i n\u00ed\u017e jsou do mozku pacienta vpraveny elektrody, kter\u00e9 stimuluj\u00ed mozek. Metoda se pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 nap\u0159. k l\u00e9\u010db\u011b p\u0159\u00edznak\u016f Parkinsonovy nemoci.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "D\u00edky t\u0159em ob\u011bh\u016fm na konci sedm\u00e9 sm\u011bny z\u00edskala Dvoj\u010data nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed \u0161anci na n\u00e1vrat zp\u011bt do hry.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Trailing by three runs in the bottom of the seventh inning, the Twins had their best chance to get back into the game."} {"inputs": "But experts say there are now signs that online sales are leveling off, after new figures showed just a seven per cent increase in the first three months of 2015.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Av\u0161ak experti tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee se vyskytuj\u00ed zn\u00e1mky ust\u00e1len\u00ed online prodej\u016f, a nov\u00e9 \u00fadaje ukazuj\u00ed sedmiprocentn\u00ed n\u00e1r\u016fst v prvn\u00edch t\u0159ech m\u011bs\u00edc\u00edch roku 2015."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHe also took aim at the BBC Music Awards, launched last December.", "targets": "Tak\u00e9 se zam\u011b\u0159il na BBC Music Awards, zah\u00e1jen\u00e9 v prosinci lo\u0148sk\u00e9ho roku."} {"inputs": "There is also the option of concentrating such a facility at Ostrov Hospital, where a similar facility already exists.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Je tu i mo\u017enost soust\u0159ed\u011bn\u00ed takov\u00e9ho za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed do nemocnice Ostrov, kde ji\u017e podobn\u00e1 p\u00e9\u010de existuje."} {"inputs": "Healy tak\u00e9 podpo\u0159il rozhodnut\u00ed p\u0159ehl\u00e9dnout Kyrgiose kv\u016fli d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9mu z\u00e1pasu, kter\u00fd za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 v p\u00e1tek, a uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee \"vz\u00e1jemn\u00e9 rozhodnut\u00ed\" je spr\u00e1vn\u00fdm \u0159e\u0161en\u00edm pro v\u0161echny, ale podporuje rod\u00e1ka z Canberry k n\u00e1vratu do t\u00fdmu jako dlouhodobou st\u00e1lici.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"If we're able to hold them for the duration of their asylum proceedings, we will start those proceedings.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pokud je budeme moci zadr\u017eet po dobu azylov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed, vy\u0159\u00edd\u00edme s nimi azylovou proceduru."} {"inputs": "N\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed u\u017eivatel\u00e9 se pot\u00fdkali s probl\u00e9mem po instalaci, konkr\u00e9tn\u011b s chybovou hl\u00e1\u0161kou \u201eaktualizace softwaru selhala\u201c.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Some have run into problems after that installation, being hit by an error message telling them that \"Software update failed.\""} {"inputs": "Translate \"Agreement on the issues, and electability are also cited.\" to Czech?", "targets": "D\u00e1le je citov\u00e1na velk\u00e1 mo\u017enost zvolen\u00ed a shoda na probl\u00e9mech."} {"inputs": "Translate \"With Arsenal beginning their Champions League campaign on Wednesday night against Dinamo Zagreb ahead of matches with Chelsea on Saturday and Tottenham Hotspur next Wednesday, Wenger is preparing to rotate his team.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Arsenal za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 kampa\u0148 v Lize \u0161ampion\u016f o st\u0159ede\u010dn\u00ed noci proti Dinamo Zagreb z\u00e1pasy s Chelsea v sobotu a Tottenham Hotspur dal\u0161\u00ed st\u0159edu, a Wenger se p\u0159ipravuje rotovat sv\u016fj t\u00fdm."} {"inputs": "That best-case scenario already means that Wilshere is certain to miss at least the next four England games and, given his history, his involvement in next summer's European Championship is clearly uncertain.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Tento nejlep\u0161\u00ed sc\u00e9n\u00e1\u0159 ji\u017e znamen\u00e1, \u017ee Wilshere jist\u011b zme\u0161k\u00e1 alespo\u0148 dal\u0161\u00ed \u010dty\u0159i anglick\u00e9 hry a, z pohledu historie, jeho zapojen\u00ed do dal\u0161\u00edho letn\u00edho evropsk\u00e9ho mistrovstv\u00ed, je zjevn\u011b nejist\u00e9."} {"inputs": "How is \"Six percent would not support her.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u0160est procent by ji nepodpo\u0159ilo."} {"inputs": "Spole\u010dnost prohla\u0161uje, \u017ee za\u010dne s n\u00e1borem uchaze\u010d\u016f tento m\u011bs\u00edc, a zam\u011bstnance bude p\u0159ib\u00edrat b\u011bhem \u0159\u00edjna a\u017e do prosince.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The company said it will start interviewing applicants this month, with staff levels rising from October through December."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nA recession has come as quickly as 11 months after the first rate hike and as long as 86 months.", "targets": "Recese p\u0159i\u0161la po 11 m\u011bs\u00edc\u00edch po prvn\u00edm zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazeb a trvala 86 m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe announcement was made on Tuesday by Google.org, the charity offshoot of the Internet company.", "targets": "Ozn\u00e1mila to v \u00fater\u00fd Google.org, co\u017e je charitativn\u00ed odno\u017e t\u00e9to internetov\u00e9 spole\u010dnosti."} {"inputs": "How is \"The market/warehouse opened in 1997 and is owned by LAX-C Inc.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Trh/sklad byl otev\u0159en v roce 1997 a je ve vlastnictv\u00ed LAX-C Inc."} {"inputs": "Na prvn\u00ed pohled sam\u00e1 chv\u00e1la, vyu\u010den s vyznamen\u00e1n\u00edm, vystudoval pr\u016fmyslovku, pracoval v \u00fakolov\u00e9 mzd\u011b jako z\u00e1me\u010dn\u00edk, normu plnil v pr\u016fm\u011bru na sto dvacet procent.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "At first glance nothing but praise, graduated with distinction, studied industrial college, worked on commission as a locksmith, met the quota with an average of one hundred and twenty percent."} {"inputs": "To znamen\u00e1, p\u0159ijdou na na\u0161e \u00fazem\u00ed s registrac\u00ed, a pokud bude dohoda, kter\u00e1 zat\u00edm nen\u00ed, m\u016f\u017ee se st\u00e1t, \u017ee ani t\u011bch 1100 neudr\u017e\u00edme na \u00fazem\u00ed \u010cesk\u00e9 republiky a oni po p\u0159\u00edchodu zase do toho N\u011bmecka odjedou.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nInsurance companies have already threatened to stop insuring travel agencies if the amendment is passed.", "targets": "Poji\u0161\u0165ovny u\u017e pohrozily, \u017ee ukon\u010d\u00ed poji\u0161\u0165ov\u00e1n\u00ed cestovn\u00edch kancel\u00e1\u0159\u00ed proti krachu, kdy\u017e bude novela platit."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nDemocratic primary voters also generally see Clinton, Sanders and Biden as in line with their views ideologically.", "targets": "Prim\u00e1rn\u00ed demokrati\u010dt\u00ed voli\u010di tak\u00e9 obecn\u011b vid\u00ed, \u017ee Clintonov\u00e1, Sanders a Biden jsou v souladu s jejich ideologick\u00fdm pohledem."} {"inputs": "Notes by a railway worker\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ze z\u00e1pisk\u016f tra\u0165ov\u00e1ka."} {"inputs": "Ptejte se prezidentky Exekutorsk\u00e9 komory.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Ask the president of the Chamber of Executors of the Czech Republic."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nGreater comfort for patients.", "targets": "V\u011bt\u0161\u00ed komfort pro pacienty."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHave flakes been the breakfast of champions for tens of thousands of years?", "targets": "Jsou vlo\u010dky sn\u00eddan\u011b \u0161ampi\u00f3n\u016f u\u017e des\u00edtky tis\u00edc let?"} {"inputs": "Translate \"He has clear connections to Serbia.\" to Czech?", "targets": "M\u00e1 jasn\u00e9 napojen\u00ed na Srbsko."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Sprinkle the grate with oil before grilling to prevent the burning of food.\" to Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159ed samotn\u00fdm grilov\u00e1n\u00edm pot\u0159ete ro\u0161t olejem, zabr\u00e1n\u00edte tak p\u0159ipalov\u00e1n\u00ed j\u00eddla."} {"inputs": "How is \"Still, Trump's strongest competition at the moment is from fellow outsider neurosurgeon Ben Carson, but voters who say they have made up their minds are twice as likely to go for Trump.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159esto je Trump\u016fv sou\u010dasn\u00fd nejsiln\u011bj\u0161\u00ed protivn\u00edk jeho outsidersk\u00fd kolega neurochirurg Ben Carson, ale voli\u010di, kte\u0159\u00ed pova\u017euj\u00ed sv\u016fj n\u00e1zor za kone\u010dn\u00fd, by \u0161li dvakr\u00e1t pravd\u011bpodobn\u011bji volit pro Trumpa."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nStudents said they looked forward to his class.", "targets": "Studenti potvrdili, \u017ee se na jeho lekce t\u011b\u0161ili."} {"inputs": "Translate \"And these numbers hold up in early states.\" to Czech?", "targets": "A tato \u010d\u00edsla se v po\u010d\u00e1te\u010dn\u00edch f\u00e1z\u00edch dr\u017e\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Money is to be chiefly taken from the budgets of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pen\u00edze maj\u00ed j\u00edt zejm\u00e9na z rozpo\u010dtu ministerstva pr\u00e1ce a soci\u00e1ln\u00edch v\u011bc\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Byl dot\u00e1z\u00e1n na jeho konverzaci s nezn\u00e1mou osobou, kter\u00e1 mu poslala obr\u00e1zky a pro\u010d cht\u011bl, aby pos\u00edlala dal\u0161\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He was asked about his conversations with the unknown person who sent him the images and him asking them to send more photos."} {"inputs": "How is \"Sunflower oil has benefits for those suffering from heart and circulatory disease.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Slune\u010dnicov\u00fd olej prosp\u00edv\u00e1 p\u0159i onemocn\u011bn\u00edch srdce a c\u00e9v."} {"inputs": "Tren\u00e9r t\u00fdmu Malmo Age Hareide pod\u011bji p\u0159iznal, \u017ee PSG byli o t\u0159\u00eddu v\u00fd\u0161 nad jeho t\u00fdmem, Nor uvedl: \"Na\u0161e posledn\u00ed hra v Lize Mistr\u016f prob\u011bhla v prosinci minul\u00e9ho roku.\"\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Malmo coach Age Hareide later admitted PSG were a class above his side, the Norwegian saying: \"Our last Champions League game was in December last year.\""} {"inputs": "In any event, the new emergency faced by the twenty-eight Member States has pushed the issue of mandatory quotas and the 160 thousand refugees, proposed by Juncker's Commission and the European Parliament at the start of the year and given strong support by Angela Merkel and French President Fran\u00e7ois Hollande, to the sidelines.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nov\u00e1 nouzov\u00e1 situace osmadvac\u00edtky tak jako tak odsunula na druhou kolej ot\u00e1zku z\u00e1vazn\u00fdch kv\u00f3t a 160 tis\u00edc uprchl\u00edk\u016f, kterou u\u017e po\u010d\u00e1tkem roku nastolila Junckerova komise a Evropsk\u00fd parlament a kterou siln\u011b podporovala Angela Merkelov\u00e1 a francouzsk\u00fd prezident Fran\u00e7ois Hollande."} {"inputs": "Peeter Moody obvinil po\u0159adatele Racing Victoria, \u017ee se mu loni do st\u00e1je pokusili dostat \u0161peha a pohrozil \u017ee okam\u017eit\u011b ukon\u010d\u00ed z\u00e1vod\u011bn\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Peter Moody has alleged Racing Victoria stewards attempted to plant a spy in his stables last year and threatened to quit racing immediately."} {"inputs": "Nastala chv\u00edle, kdy se musel pavouk, v z\u00e1jmu v\u00fdvojov\u00e9ho posunu dcery, porou\u010det.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The moment arrived when the spider had to make way in the interests of our daughter progressing in her development."} {"inputs": "Proti zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed byl i ministr dopravy Dan \u0164ok (za ANO), podle n\u011bho\u017e \u010desk\u00e1 d\u00e1lni\u010dn\u00ed s\u00ed\u0165 zat\u00edm na takovouto rychlost nen\u00ed stav\u011bn\u00e1.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Also against the move was Transport Minister Dan \u0164ok (on behalf of ANO), according to whom the Czech motorway network isn't yet built for such speeds."} {"inputs": "A tak\u00e9 zmizely obr\u00e1zky z Callais, kde tihle sn\u011bd\u00ed a \u010dern\u00ed mu\u017ei \u010dekaj\u00ed, zda se jim poda\u0159\u00ed prol\u00e9zt tunelem pod La Manche.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Nor do you see footage from Calais, where these black and dark-skinned men are waiting to see if they can get through the Channel Tunnel."} {"inputs": "Our products are mechanically pressed at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees and thus meet the conditions for extra virgin oil.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Mechanick\u00fdm lisov\u00e1n\u00edm se surovina zah\u0159eje maxim\u00e1ln\u011b na 40 stup\u0148\u016f, a proto produkt spl\u0148uje krit\u00e9ria pro ozna\u010den\u00ed extra panensk\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe second part of the financial remedy came at the beginning of September,", "targets": "Druh\u00e1 \u010d\u00e1st finan\u010dn\u00edho ozdraven\u00ed p\u0159i\u0161la na za\u010d\u00e1tku z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed."} {"inputs": "\"Dobr\u00e9 r\u00e1no,\" zazn\u011bla odpov\u011b\u010f a j\u00e1 rychle vyb\u011bhl do druh\u00e9ho patra, ani\u017e jsem si uv\u011bdomil studen\u00fd, zlov\u011bstn\u00fd t\u00f3n, kter\u00fdm star\u00fd odpov\u011bd\u011bl.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"Good morning,\" he replied and I quickly ran up to the first floor, without noticing the cold, foreboding tone that the older man had replied in."} {"inputs": "Pr\u00e1v\u011b tenhle mu\u017e, kter\u00fd sehr\u00e1l 60 utk\u00e1n\u00ed za rumunskou reprezentaci, je kl\u00ed\u010dovou oporou \u0159eck\u00e9ho t\u00fdmu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Jin\u00fd student, Mikel Sykes, uvedl, \u017ee mu Lamb \u0159ekl, \u017ee se pot\u00fdk\u00e1 se stresem na konci akademick\u00e9ho roku 2014-15.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Another student, Mikel Sykes, said Lamb told him he was dealing with stress at the end of the 2014-15 academic year."} {"inputs": "How is \"All you have to do is knock and the robust doorknocker snarls at you in a way that's not for the faint-hearted.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Sta\u010d\u00ed zaklepat a robustn\u00ed klepadlo se na v\u00e1s obo\u0159\u00ed zp\u016fsobem, kter\u00fd slab\u0161\u00ed povahy nemus\u00ed pr\u00e1v\u011b ust\u00e1t."} {"inputs": "Rybenky dom\u00e1c\u00ed, hmyz s prom\u011bnou nedokonalou, tj., neprod\u011bl\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00ed onen p\u0159erod z housenky na brouka a ml\u00e1d\u011b vypad\u00e1 jako dosp\u011bl\u00fd jedinec, jen je malink\u00fd a postupn\u011b roste.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "The margin of error for the 376-person sample of Republican voters in this newest poll is plus-or-minus 6%, and was conducted Sept.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Rozp\u011bt\u00ed chyb u vzorku 376 republik\u00e1nsk\u00fdch voli\u010d\u016f v nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00edm pr\u016fzkumu je plus m\u00ednus 6% a konal se v z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"It's all because of the displays.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Za v\u0161echno m\u016f\u017eou displeje."} {"inputs": "Deutsche \u0159ekl, \u017ee dopad na akcie m\u00e1 tendenci st\u00e1t se v\u00fdrazn\u011bj\u0161\u00edm pozd\u011bji v cyklu zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed sazeb a n\u00e1vrat se za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 sni\u017eovat.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Deutsche said the impact on stocks tends to get more pronounced later in the rate-hiking cycle and returns begin to diminish."} {"inputs": "Konflikt, kter\u00fd v Evrop\u011b vyvolalo podporou slun\u00ed\u010dk\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9 ideologie, tedy ideologie elit\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9 a v z\u00e1sad\u011b totalitn\u00ed, a sv\u00fdch nenasytn\u00fdch bank, roste.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The conflict that it has provoked through its support of trendy liberal ideology, i.e. ideology that is elitist and, in essence, totalitarian, and of its insatiable banks, will grow."} {"inputs": "The state's share shall increase to 67 percent, whole municipalities' share shall be reduced from the current 75 percent to 33 percent.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pod\u00edl st\u00e1tu se zv\u00fd\u0161\u00ed na 67 procent, zat\u00edmco pod\u00edl obc\u00ed se sn\u00ed\u017e\u00ed z dosavadn\u00edch 75 procent na 33 procent."} {"inputs": "How is \"He was only a few years older than me and acted like my lord and master - actually, comrade and master.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Byl jenom o p\u00e1r let star\u0161\u00ed a hr\u00e1l si na p\u00e1naboha, vlastn\u011b soudruhaboha."} {"inputs": "P\u0159esto\u017ee v\u011bt\u0161ina dat ukazuje solidn\u00ed r\u016fst ekonomiky, ned\u00e1vn\u00e9 turbulence na sv\u011btov\u00fdch finan\u010dn\u00edch trz\u00edch by mohly ji\u017e opatrn\u00fd Fed vystra\u0161it kv\u016fli p\u0159id\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed k nest\u00e1losti t\u00edm, \u017ee zv\u00fd\u0161\u00ed svou referen\u010dn\u00ed sazbu feder\u00e1ln\u00edch fond\u016f - a to i o nic v\u00edc, ne\u017e o pouhou \u010dtvrtinu procentn\u00edho bodu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWell, they said I'd see.", "targets": "V\u0161ak pr\u00fd uvid\u00edm."} {"inputs": "There will have to be talks in the coming days with Brussels and other countries,\" Ivica Dacic said in Prague.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "B\u011bhem dal\u0161\u00edch dn\u00ed bude nutn\u00e9 diskutovat s Bruselem a dal\u0161\u00edmi zem\u011bmi,\" tvrd\u00ed Ivica Dacic v Praze."} {"inputs": "To tak\u00e9 meldovaly na\u0161e televize.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "This was also reported on Czech television."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nOur daughter now goes to the toilet regularly.", "targets": "Dcera u\u017e na z\u00e1chod chod\u00ed pravideln\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate \"In the end, Latecoere was able to come to an agreement with its main creditors,\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nakonec se Latecoere dok\u00e1zala domluvit s hlavn\u00edmi v\u011b\u0159iteli."} {"inputs": "Ale Deila \u0159\u00edk\u00e1: \"Celtic u\u017e za\u017eil \u0161patn\u00e1 obdob\u00ed a znovu povstane.\"\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "But Deila said: \"Celtic have had bad periods before and we will come again.\""} {"inputs": "Dodal, \u017ee chce, aby Korporace \"nalezla hit ze vlastn\u00ed st\u00e1je\" kdy\u017e bude p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u011b startovat z\u00e1bavnou s\u00e9rii.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "He added that he wants the Corporation to \"find a hit from our own in-house stable\" next time it launches an entertainment series."} {"inputs": "Beru to tak, \u017ee hrajeme doma, tak\u017ee outside\u0159i ur\u010dit\u011b nejsme.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The way I see it, we're playing at home, so we're definitely not underdogs."} {"inputs": "Jen\u017ee on u\u017e sv\u016fj trest dostal!\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Radio 3 seems to be - I don't like to use the word \"dumbing down\" - but it seems to be turning into Classic FM,\" he said.", "targets": "\"Radio 3 se zd\u00e1 b\u00fdt - nerad pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1m slovo \"ohlupov\u00e1no \"- ale zd\u00e1 se, \u017ee se m\u011bn\u00ed na Classic FM,\" \u0159ekl."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "N\u00e1lez: \u010cerstv\u00fd monthong durian vedle stojanu pokladny."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe fact that Muzi was filming this was noticed by one police officer, who stopped him from leaving.", "targets": "Toho, \u017ee Muzi v\u0161e filmuje, si v\u0161iml jeden z policist\u016f a nedovolil mu odej\u00edt."} {"inputs": "Translate \"A scientific study published in the European Journal of Clinical Science proved that daily intake of this substance is insufficient.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Studie v\u011bdc\u016f publikovan\u00e1 v Evropsk\u00e9m \u010dasopise klinick\u00e9 v\u00fd\u017eivy prok\u00e1zala, \u017ee denn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edjem t\u00e9to l\u00e1tky je nedostate\u010dn\u00fd."} {"inputs": "It reminded me of the 70s, when his old dad struggled on TV to be disloyal to Labour cabinet colleagues without going too far and losing his cabinet job.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "P\u0159ipomn\u011blo mi to 70. l\u00e9ta, kdy jeho star\u00fd otec bojoval v televizi o sv\u00e9 loaj\u00e1lnosti, ani\u017e by za\u0161el p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 daleko a ztratil svoji pr\u00e1ci."} {"inputs": "Lid\u00e9 z Boeingu p\u0159ijedou, prov\u011b\u0159\u00ed koncepci cel\u00e9 linky.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The Boeing people come and verify the concept of the entire production line."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"P\u0159ed na\u0161\u00edm vyrovn\u00e1vac\u00edm g\u00f3lem jsme sice mohli naopak inkasovat na 0:2, ale Gianluigi n\u00e1s podr\u017eel,\" pochv\u00e1lil kou\u010d Allegri g\u00f3lmana Buffona."} {"inputs": "Associations and inhabitants of nearby houses objected to the fact that some permits had been issued years ago for a building that looked different.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Sdru\u017een\u00edm a obyvatel\u016fm bl\u00edzk\u00fdch dom\u016f vad\u00ed, \u017ee n\u011bkter\u00e1 povolen\u00ed byla p\u0159ed mnoha lety vyd\u00e1na pro d\u016fm, kter\u00fd m\u011bl vypadat jinak."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nSo let's pause for a moment.", "targets": "A tak se na chvilku zastavme."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nezd\u00e1 se mi, \u017ee by nev\u011bd\u011bli."} {"inputs": "Nemocnice ve Zl\u00ednsk\u00e9m kraji \u010dekaj\u00ed zm\u011bny za 1,5 miliardy.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Hospitals in the Zl\u00edn Region to expect changes worth 1.5 billion."} {"inputs": "M\u00e1m ob\u011b d\u00edvky stejn\u011b r\u00e1da - je to mezi Snezenou a Lanou nerozhodn\u011b.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWhile researchers were not able to prove in their article for PNAS magazine that the complete flake production process took place in the cave, the resemblance is quite striking.", "targets": "V\u011bdci tedy nedok\u00e1zali ve sv\u00e9 publikaci pro \u010dasopis PNAS dolo\u017eit, \u017ee by v jeskyni prob\u00edhal kompletn\u00ed proces v\u00fdroby vlo\u010dek, ale podobnost je skute\u010dn\u011b velmi n\u00e1padn\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Metcash is expected to reveal more details of its defence strategy on September 29, when the food, liquor and hardware wholesaler hosts its annual investor strategy day.\" to Czech?", "targets": "O\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1 se, \u017ee Metcash zve\u0159ejn\u00ed dal\u0161\u00ed detaily sv\u00e9 obrann\u00e9 strategie 29. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed, kdy prodejce j\u00eddla, alkoholu a hardware oslav\u00ed sv\u016fj v\u00fdro\u010dn\u00ed investorsk\u00fd strategick\u00fd den."} {"inputs": "How is \"Even since Donald Trump called immigrants from Mexico \"rapists\" in his campaign announcement speech two months ago, immigration has been front and center in the 2016 conversation.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Dokonce od chv\u00edle, kdy Donald Trump nazval imigranty z Mexika \"n\u00e1siln\u00edky\" v oznamovac\u00edm proslovu jeho kampan\u011b se imigrace st\u00e1le dr\u017e\u00ed jako hlavn\u00ed a centr\u00e1ln\u00ed t\u00e9ma konverzace pro rok 2016."} {"inputs": "Pr\u00e1ce na nov\u00e9 \u00fastav\u011b trvaj\u00ed ji\u017e od roku 2008, ale z\u00e1konod\u00e1rci urychlili proces po ni\u010div\u00e9m zem\u011bt\u0159esen\u00ed, kter\u00e9 v dubnu zabilo tis\u00edce lid\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Work on a new constitution has been underway since 2008, but lawmakers accelerated the process after the devastating earthquake that killed thousands of people in April."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Zb\u00fdv\u00e1 jen p\u0159il\u00e1kat zase n\u011bjak\u00e9ho pavouka."} {"inputs": "We mustn't panic\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Rozhodn\u011b te\u010f nesm\u00edme panika\u0159it."} {"inputs": "Osm zlat\u00fdch pravidel pro \u017eivot na studentsk\u00e9 koleji\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Eight golden rules for living in student halls"} {"inputs": "V cele nakonec politik str\u00e1vil dev\u011bt hodin.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The politician eventually spent nine hours in a cell."} {"inputs": "McKee a Capewell uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee jeden sponzor tohoto setk\u00e1n\u00ed byla spole\u010dnost s n\u00e1zvem EuroSwiss Health, jeho\u017e gener\u00e1ln\u00ed \u0159editel \u00fadajn\u011b ji\u017e d\u0159\u00edve z\u00edskal finan\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edky od British American Tobacco pro nez\u00e1visl\u00e9 studie.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "McKee and Capewell said one sponsor of the meeting was a company called EuroSwiss Health, whose chief executive was reported to have previously received funding from British American Tobacco for an independent study."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Zrovna te\u010f mne set\u0159el za \u00faplnou kravinu."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nEveryone looked at me fixedly and I wished I was somewhere very far away.", "targets": "V\u0161ichni se na mne up\u0159en\u011b d\u00edvali a j\u00e1 si p\u0159\u00e1l, abych byl n\u011bkde hodn\u011b daleko."} {"inputs": "V d\u016fvodov\u00e9 zpr\u00e1v\u011b stoj\u00ed, \u017ee podle t\u011b\u017eebn\u00edch firem se zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed poplatk\u016f neprom\u00edtne do cen uhl\u00ed, proto\u017ee ceny jsou z v\u00edce ne\u017e 90 procent dlouhodob\u011b nasmlouvan\u00e9.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The explanatory report states that, according to extraction companies, increases in fees would not be transmitted to coal prices as more than 90 percent of these are agreed on a long-term basis."} {"inputs": "P\u0159edseda poslanc\u016f ODS Zbyn\u011bk Stanjura poznamenal, \u017ee jednor\u00e1zov\u00fd p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvek zn\u00ed sice dob\u0159e, ale dlouhodob\u011b by bylo lep\u0161\u00ed, aby byl ve standardn\u00ed valorizaci, proto\u017ee by se prom\u00edtl i do dal\u0161\u00edch let.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Brazilsk\u00e1 pediatrick\u00e1 spole\u010dnost SPRS p\u0159i\u0161la s \u0161okuj\u00edc\u00edm zp\u016fsobem, jak se pokusit zprost\u0159edkovat \u017een\u00e1m poznatky o v\u00fdznamu dobr\u00e9 stravy p\u0159i kojen\u00ed pomoc\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f d\u011bt\u00ed saj\u00edc\u00edch z prsa vymalovan\u00e9ho zobrazen\u00edm nezdrav\u00e9ho j\u00eddla.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIn the medical therapy group, however, it remained steady at about 8 percent.", "targets": "V l\u00e9ky o\u0161et\u0159ovan\u00e9 skupin\u011b v\u0161ak tato hodnota z\u016fstala na asi 8 procentech."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Ekonomika \"se dok\u00e1\u017ee vyrovnat s vy\u0161\u0161\u00edmi sazbami a pot\u0159ebuje je, s ohledem na t\u011bsnost na trhu pr\u00e1ce,\" \u0159ekl Ian Shepherdson, hlavn\u00ed ekonom spole\u010dnosti Pantheon Macroeconomics."} {"inputs": "Tato spole\u010dnost, kter\u00e1 letos ztratila 57 procent sv\u00e9 tr\u017en\u00ed hodnoty, se pot\u00fdk\u00e1 s om\u00edl\u00e1n\u00edm cen komodit, nebo\u0165 \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e9 zpomalen\u00ed ekonomiky sni\u017euje popt\u00e1vku a za\u017eeh\u00e1v\u00e1 jiskry zk\u00e1zy nap\u0159\u00ed\u010d trhy.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The company, which has lost 57 percent of its market value this year, is grappling with tumbling commodity prices as China's economic slowdown weighs on demand and sparks havoc across markets."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nPosted by TODAY on Monday, September 14, 2015", "targets": "P\u0159idalo TODAY v pond\u011bl\u00ed 14. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 2015"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAnd they are angry at Washington, too.", "targets": "A jsou tak\u00e9 velmi rozzloben\u00ed na Washington."} {"inputs": "How is \"LAX-C probably has it.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V LAX-C to pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b najdete."} {"inputs": "Zat\u00edmco 48 procent demokratick\u00fdch prim\u00e1rn\u00edch voli\u010d\u016f \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee by nad\u0161en\u011b podporovalo Clintonovou, m\u00e9n\u011b republik\u00e1n\u0161t\u00ed voli\u010di \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed tot\u00e9\u017e o sv\u00e9m favoritovi, Donaldu Trumpovi (35 procent).\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "While 48 percent of Democratic primary voters say they would enthusiastically back Clinton, fewer Republican voters say that about their frontrunner, Donald Trump (35 percent)."} {"inputs": "The amendment to the Roads Act will now be passed on to the president.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Novela z\u00e1kona o pozemn\u00edch komunikac\u00edch tak nyn\u00ed zam\u00ed\u0159\u00ed k prezidentovi."} {"inputs": "V\u0161echny d\u016fkazy nazna\u010duj\u00ed, \u017ee zdravotn\u00ed rizika p\u0159edstavovan\u00e1 elektronick\u00fdmi cigaretami jsou ve srovn\u00e1n\u00ed mal\u00e1, ale mus\u00edme nad\u00e1le zkoumat dlouhodob\u00e9 \u00fa\u010dinky.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "All of the evidence suggests that the health risks posed by e-cigarettes are small by comparison, but we must continue to study the long-term effects."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI want to walk around with my head held high and want my owners to think that I am trying my best for them.", "targets": "Chci chodit s hlavou vzh\u016fru a aby si majitel\u00e9 mysleli, \u017ee pro n\u011b d\u011bl\u00e1m maximum."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI'm sorry, Mr...comrade superintendent, but...but I greeted you with a normal, everyday greeting.", "targets": "Promi\u0148te, pane ... soudruhu n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edku, ale ... ale j\u00e1 v\u00e1s pozdravil b\u011b\u017en\u00fdm ob\u010dansk\u00fdm pozdravem."} {"inputs": "Footballers have received their money too.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Sv\u00fdch pen\u011bz se do\u010dkali i fotbalist\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Detroit vyu\u017eil v\u00fdhody a z\u00edskal body p\u0159i h\u0159e Phila Hughese.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Detroit took advantage of a rusty Phil Hughes in the early going."} {"inputs": "Kr\u00e1de\u017e cel\u00e9ho ku\u0159ete je samoz\u0159ejm\u011b zlo\u010din, ale je kapi\u010dka ml\u00e9ka do va\u0161eho \u010daje kr\u00e1de\u017e?\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Obviously nicking someones chicken is theft, but is taking a drop of milk for your tea stealing?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "N\u011bkdy zareagujete a mus\u00edte \u017e\u00edt s n\u00e1sledky, a j\u00e1 budu muset \u017e\u00edt s t\u00edm co jsem \u0159ekl."} {"inputs": "Nen\u00ed to ale tak, \u017ee \u010cesk\u00e1 republika jenom odm\u00edt\u00e1 kv\u00f3ty, ale nenab\u00edz\u00ed \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd solid\u00e1rn\u00ed krok, kter\u00fd by tu diskusi odblokoval?\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Isn't it more the case that, not only is the Czech Republic rejecting quotas, it is also not offering solidaristic measures that could unblock the discussion?"} {"inputs": "After teen Michael Brown was killed by a white police officer in 2014, the Black Lives Matter movement took nationwide effect, urging lawmakers and authorities to halt discriminatory practices against people of color.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pot\u00e9, co byl zabit dosp\u00edvaj\u00edc\u00ed Michael Brown b\u011blo\u0161sk\u00fdm policistou v roce 2014, hnut\u00ed Black Lives Matter nabralo n\u00e1rodn\u00ed \u00fa\u010dinek a tla\u010dilo na tv\u016frce z\u00e1kon\u016f a autority, aby se zdr\u017eely diskrimina\u010dn\u00edch praktik proti barevn\u00fdm lidem."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Also took aim at the BBC Music Awards, saying they just rip off the Brits\" to Czech?", "targets": "Tak\u00e9 se zam\u011b\u0159il na BBC Music Awards a \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee prost\u011b podv\u00e1d\u011bj\u00ed Brity"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Tyto esenci\u00e1ln\u00ed mastn\u00e9 kyseliny si t\u011blo nedok\u00e1\u017ee samo vyrobit a \u010dlov\u011bk je mus\u00ed p\u0159ij\u00edmat z potravy."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Zam\u011bstnanci hotelu se o nich b\u00e1li i jen mluvit."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWe'll get the boys ready to go again,\" said Donnelly.", "targets": "P\u0159iprav\u00edme chlapce znovu k akci,\" slibuje Donnelly."} {"inputs": "V\u00fdhra na City n\u00e1s nakopne, v\u011b\u0159\u00ed Juventus\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Win at City will give us a boost, believe Juventus"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The Tigers and Twins will wrap up their three-game series at Target Field on Wednesday.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Tyg\u0159i a Dvoj\u010data odehraj\u00ed t\u0159et\u00ed vz\u00e1jemnou hru na stadion\u011b Target Field ve st\u0159edu."} {"inputs": "Dluh se stane velk\u00fdm probl\u00e9mem.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "However, at level 23A, which according to the tools found dates back 30 thousand years, researchers have found something that is strongly reminiscent of the remains of a breakfast buffet.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ve vrstv\u011b 23A, kter\u00e1 je podle n\u00e1stroj\u016f datovan\u00e1 do doby p\u0159ed zhruba 30 tis\u00edci lety ale objevili v\u011bdci ale n\u011bco, co velmi p\u0159ipom\u00edn\u00e1 zbytky sn\u00edda\u0148ov\u00e9ho bufetu."} {"inputs": "How is \"According to Barto\u0161ka, women marry tigers so that over time they can make rabbits out of them.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Podle Barto\u0161ky si pr\u00fd \u017eeny berou tygra, aby z n\u011bj postupem \u010dasu ud\u011blaly kr\u00e1l\u00edka."} {"inputs": "Sbohem Angelo, sbohem star\u00e9 N\u011bmecko II.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "V r\u00e1mci t\u00e9to operace tedy nebudou nab\u00edzeny \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 akcie k \u00fapisu ve\u0159ejnosti nebo nov\u00fdm investor\u016fm.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "No shares will therefore be offered to the public or new investors as part of this transaction."} {"inputs": "P\u0159\u00edjem z t\u011bchto \u00fahrad m\u00e1 nad\u00e1le v pln\u00e9m rozsahu pat\u0159it obc\u00edm.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The entirety of income generated from these payment shall remain with the municipalities."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nSesame oil is also a very good component of a liver diet, which is very similar to a gall bladder one.", "targets": "Sezamov\u00fd olej se d\u00e1 s \u00fasp\u011bchem pou\u017e\u00edt i p\u0159i jatern\u00ed diet\u011b, kter\u00e1 je velmi podobn\u00e1 t\u00e9 \u017elu\u010dn\u00edkov\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nArchaeologists in Grotta Paglicci, Italy have made a discovery that opens up interesting possibilities.", "targets": "V italsk\u00e9 Grotta Paglicci se archeolog\u016fm poda\u0159il n\u00e1lez, kter\u00fd otev\u00edr\u00e1 zaj\u00edmav\u00e9 mo\u017enosti."} {"inputs": "BBC Radio 3 se \"m\u011bn\u00ed\" v Classic FM, tvrd\u00ed p\u0159edn\u00ed poslanec a hromad\u00ed \u010derstv\u00fd tlak na vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed, aby prok\u00e1zalo, \u017ee d\u011blaj\u00ed n\u011bco, co komer\u010dn\u00ed vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed ned\u011blaj\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "BBC Radio 3 is \"turning into\" Classic FM, a leading MP has claimed, piling fresh pressure on the broadcaster to prove that it does something that commercial broadcasters do not."} {"inputs": "In the current case, the Fed is facing some conditions that did not exist before and could hasten a recession.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V sou\u010dasn\u00e9 dob\u011b \u010del\u00ed Fed n\u011bkter\u00fdm podm\u00ednk\u00e1m, kter\u00e9 dosud neexistovaly a kter\u00e9 by mohly usp\u00ed\u0161it recesi."} {"inputs": "Translate \"According to speculation today, the war in Syria may be the main topic of Putin's speech to the upcoming meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.\" to Czech?", "targets": "V\u00e1lka v S\u00fdrii m\u00e1 b\u00fdt podle dne\u0161n\u00edch spekulac\u00ed rusk\u00e9ho tisku hlavn\u00edm t\u00e9matem Putinova projevu na nadch\u00e1zej\u00edc\u00ed sch\u016fzi Valn\u00e9ho shrom\u00e1\u017ed\u011bn\u00ed OSN v New Yorku."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"But I think if they were looking for an excuse not to raise the rate, the increased uncertainty surrounding the global marketplace is enough to provide them with justification to wait further,\" she said.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Ale mysl\u00edm si, \u017ee jen hledali z\u00e1minku k nezv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed m\u00edry, zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00e1 nejistota obklopuj\u00edc\u00ed glob\u00e1ln\u00ed trh jim ji\u017e poskytuje dostate\u010dn\u00e9 od\u016fvodn\u011bn\u00ed d\u00e1le \u010dekat,\" \u0159ekla."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Companies with a high percentage of floating rate debt stand to lose the most, Goldman said.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Spole\u010dnosti s vysok\u00fdm procentem pohybliv\u00e9 \u00farokov\u00e9 sazby ztrat\u00ed nejv\u00edce, \u0159ekl Goldman."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nand highlighted this year's ruling by the Constitutional Court, which confirmed that clients are entitled to receive full refunds irrespective of insurance limit.", "targets": "Upozornila na leto\u0161n\u00ed rozhodnut\u00ed \u00dastavn\u00edho soudu, kter\u00fd potvrdil, \u017ee klient m\u00e1 n\u00e1rok na pln\u00e9 vr\u00e1cen\u00ed pen\u011bz bez ohledu na limit poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Eva se na dvoj\u010data t\u011b\u0161ila i p\u0159es nejist\u00e9 vyhl\u00eddky do budoucnosti.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Dv\u011b st\u011b, t\u0159i sta lid\u00ed denn\u011b dva, t\u0159i po sob\u011b jdouc\u00ed dny n\u00e1m vy\u010derpaj\u00ed kapacity natolik, \u017ee nastoup\u00ed krizov\u00e9 pl\u00e1ny.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Two hundred, three hundred people on two, three consecutive days exhaust our capacities sufficiently that we have to resort to crisis plans."} {"inputs": "How is \"FedEx has been hit in recent years by a decline in priority international shipping, which has caused revenue in its Express unit to stagnate.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Spole\u010dnost FedEx byla v posledn\u00edch letech zasa\u017eena poklesem prioritn\u00ed mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed lodn\u00ed dopravy, co\u017e zp\u016fsobilo, \u017ee p\u0159\u00edjmy v jej\u00ed Expresn\u00ed jednotce stagnovaly."} {"inputs": "Translate \"You will next time, too.\" to Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u011b bude\u0161 taky."} {"inputs": "Zbylo to na mn\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It was up to me."} {"inputs": "Sou\u010dasn\u011b Kingfisher uzav\u00edr\u00e1 60 B&Q outlet\u016f po cel\u00e9 zemi\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "At same time Kingfisher is closing 60 B&Q outlets across the country"} {"inputs": "While the house hasn't got bigger, Va\u0161ek made Eva happy by installing a gas cooker so that it's easier to cook for six people.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dome\u010dek se sice nezv\u011bt\u0161il, ale Va\u0161ek ud\u011blal Ev\u011b radost namontov\u00e1n\u00edm plynov\u00e9ho va\u0159i\u010de, aby byla p\u0159\u00edprava j\u00eddla pro \u0161est osob pohodln\u011bj\u0161\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Pak je tady \u010dty\u0159i sta lid\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed se budou p\u0159es\u00eddlovat.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Then there are the four hundred people who'll be resettled here."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Tunel \u0161lo razit bezpe\u010dn\u011bji, n\u00e1klady ale rostou exponenci\u00e1ln\u011b,\" \u0159ekl Butovi\u010d."} {"inputs": "\"Nap\u0159\u00edklad na\u0161e interna byla postaven\u00e1 p\u0159ed p\u011btat\u0159iceti lety a te\u010f je na hranici sv\u00e9 \u017eivotnosti,\" pouk\u00e1zal \u0159editel zl\u00ednsk\u00e9 nemocnice Pavel Cal\u00e1bek.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"For example, our internal medicine department was built thirty-five years ago and now it's reaching the end of its lifespan,\" pointed out Pavel Cal\u00e1bek, director of Zl\u00edn Hospital."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Authorities are quickly repairing the fence.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u00da\u0159ady rychle nechali plot spravit."} {"inputs": "It was a very bad tackle with two legs.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Byl to velmi o\u0161kliv\u00fd z\u00e1krok ob\u011bma nohama."} {"inputs": "Zat\u00edm je to dobr\u00e9, pomyslel jsem si a u\u017e se mi d\u00fdchalo drob\u00e1tko l\u00edp.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Jeden ze dvou celo\u017eivotn\u00edch ku\u0159\u00e1k\u016f zem\u0159e kv\u016fli sv\u00e9 z\u00e1vislosti.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "One in two lifelong smokers dies from their addiction."} {"inputs": "There's even an automotive section if you need to pick up some motor oil.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "K dispozici je dokonce i automobilov\u00e1 \u010d\u00e1st, pokud pot\u0159ebujete trochu motorov\u00e9ho oleje."} {"inputs": "Translate \"This may mean that President Vladimir Putin is pursuing a more long-term goal, the nature of which was not, according to Earnest, clear.\" to Czech?", "targets": "M\u016f\u017ee to pr\u00fd znamenat, \u017ee prezident Vladimir Putin sleduje sp\u00ed\u0161 dlouhodob\u00fd c\u00edl, ale jak\u00fd, to nen\u00ed podle Earnesta zcela jasn\u00e9."} {"inputs": "P\u0159est\u00e1v\u00e1 se ztr\u00e1cet \u010das a nedoch\u00e1z\u00ed k pl\u00fdtv\u00e1n\u00ed materi\u00e1lem \u010di opravov\u00e1n\u00ed chybn\u00fdch sv\u00e1r\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "You'll waste less time and material fixing faulty welds."} {"inputs": "He will be examined by Dr. James Andrews, who performed surgery on Sanchez's shoulder back in 2007.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Postar\u00e1 se o n\u011bj doktor James Andrews, kter\u00fd operoval Sanchezovo rameno v roce 2007."} {"inputs": "Pevn\u00fdm v\u00fdnos byl tak\u00e9 volatiln\u00ed, proto\u017ee trh o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1 zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazeb a vzor je pon\u011bkud podobn\u00fd tomu, co za\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed akcie.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Fixed income also has been volatile as the market anticipates a rate hike, and the pattern is somewhat similar to what equities experience."} {"inputs": "Souvisej\u00edc\u00ed: Adam Lyth vypadl z t\u00fdmu Anglie ve zku\u0161en\u00ed s\u00e9rii a byl nahrazen Alexem Halesem.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Related: Adam Lyth dropped from England Test squad and replaced by Alex Hales"} {"inputs": "Ministr Jan Ml\u00e1dek (\u010cSSD) sliboval poslanc\u016fm, \u017ee d\u00edky tomu z\u00edskaj\u00ed pen\u00edze nav\u00edc jak st\u00e1tn\u00ed pokladna, tak rozpo\u010dty obc\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Ne\u0159\u00edk\u00e1 mi, co m\u00e1m ps\u00e1t, a i kdyby to d\u011blal, neposlouchal bych ho.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "He doesn't tell me what to write, and I wouldn't do it even if he did."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe crisis is over.", "targets": "Krize je za n\u00e1mi."} {"inputs": "Lidsk\u00e9 smysly ale pokro\u010dil\u00e1 technika zat\u00edm \u00fapln\u011b nenahradila.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Schmidt, the slain professor, directed the first-year seminar program and specialized in Native American and colonial history, said Don Allan Mitchell, an English professor at the school.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Schmidt, zabit\u00fd profesor, vedl semin\u00e1\u0159 v prvn\u00edm ro\u010dn\u00edku a specializoval se na p\u016fvodn\u00ed americkou a koloni\u00e1ln\u00ed historii, \u0159ekl Don Allan Mitchell, profesor angli\u010dtiny na \u0161kole."} {"inputs": "They were constantly shouting loudly at one another.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Neust\u00e1le hlasit\u011b \u0159vali jeden na druh\u00e9ho."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nKingfisher posted a fall in both half-year profit and sales after the group shouldered the cost of shutting stores.", "targets": "Kingfisher ozn\u00e1mil propad jak v zisku v polovin\u011b roku a prodeji potom, co skupina vzala na sebe n\u00e1klady zav\u0159en\u00ed obchod\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe first half-hour (5pm to 5.30pm) of the new quiz show hosted by Andrew O'Keefe averaged 446,000 viewers.", "targets": "Prvn\u00ed p\u016flhodina nov\u00e9ho televizn\u00edho kv\u00edzu (od 17:00 do 17:30), kter\u00fd uv\u00e1d\u011bl Andrew O'Keefe' m\u011bla v pr\u016fm\u011bru 446 000 div\u00e1k\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSerbia's foreign minister declared it was \"unacceptable\" that migrants were being sent back from Hungary while more and more were arriving from Macedonia and Greece.", "targets": "Srbsk\u00fd ministr zahrani\u010d\u00ed prohla\u0161uje, \u017ee bylo \"nep\u0159ijateln\u00e9\", aby uprchl\u00edci byly odesl\u00e1ni zp\u011bt z Ma\u010farska, zat\u00edmco jich st\u00e1le v\u00edce p\u0159ij\u00ed\u017ed\u00ed z Makedonie a \u0158ecka."} {"inputs": "M\u00e1m to pomali\u010dku v hlav\u011b, ale zat\u00edm to nepov\u00edm, \u0159ekl kapit\u00e1n.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Uhersk\u00e9 Hradi\u0161t\u011b is the only hospital in the region that is able to afford its own financing.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pr\u00e1v\u011b tato nemocnice si vlastn\u00ed financov\u00e1n\u00ed m\u016f\u017ee jako jedin\u00e1 v kraji dovolit."} {"inputs": "How is \"It's a historical event because it's been seven years since the Fed cut rates to zero.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Je to historick\u00e1 ud\u00e1lost, proto\u017ee ub\u011bhlo sedl let od okam\u017eiku, kdy Fed sn\u00ed\u017eili sazby k nule."} {"inputs": "Police said the dog was OK.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Policie \u0159ekla, \u017ee pes byl v po\u0159\u00e1dku."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Mysl\u00edm, \u017ee se to jmenovalo Cyklon B."} {"inputs": "How is \"But according to Monday's new ABC/Post poll, six in 10 Republicans say they agree with Trump on immigration issues.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ale podle nov\u00e9ho pond\u011bln\u00edho pr\u016fzkumu ve\u0159ejn\u00e9ho m\u00edn\u011bn\u00ed ABC/Post, \u0161est z 10 republik\u00e1n\u016f tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee souhlas\u00ed s Trumpem v ot\u00e1zk\u00e1ch p\u0159ist\u011bhovalectv\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Byl jsem \u010dlenem m\u011bstsk\u00e9ho v\u00fdboru SSM a tam jsem byl z\u00edsk\u00e1n za kandid\u00e1ta strany.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "I had been a member of the town committee of the Union of Socialist Youth, where I was chosen as a Party candidate."} {"inputs": "Je to strategick\u00e9 rozhodnut\u00ed na\u0161\u00ed mate\u0159sk\u00e9 firmy.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "This was a strategic decision of our parent company."} {"inputs": "K rozvodu do\u0161lo p\u0159ed 15 lety, ale oba z\u016fstali p\u0159\u00e1teli.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The two divorced 15 years ago, but remained friends."} {"inputs": "Sarah Mackay a Sam Wood sd\u00edleli od jist\u00e9ho dne lehk\u00fd vztah.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Sarah Mackay and Sam Wood have shared an easy rapport since day one."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Prav\u00fd pola\u0159 Aaron Hicks z\u00edskal bod d\u00edky nastaven\u00e9 p\u00e1lce a Simon vystrajkoval Briana Doziera, ne\u017e ho vym\u011bnil lev\u00e1k Blaine Hardy."} {"inputs": "The video shows how the nematodes change direction the moment they are blasted with sonic pulses.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Toto video ukazuje, jak zvukov\u00e9 impulsy ovliv\u0148uj\u00ed sm\u011br, kter\u00fdm se hl\u00edstice pohybuj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBellamy challenged Bennett's idea of \"exciting football\" reminding his mentor that Bennett's St George-Illawarra Dragons won the premiership in 2010 by playing \"boring\" football.", "targets": "Bellamy znehodnotil Bennetovu ideu \"vzru\u0161uj\u00edc\u00edho fotbalu\" a p\u0159ipomn\u011bl sv\u00e9mu mentoru, \u017ee Bennetov\u016fv t\u00fdm St George-Illawarra Dragons vyhr\u00e1l v roce 2010 premiership hran\u00edm \"nudn\u00e9ho\" fotbalu."} {"inputs": "N\u011bjakou dobu ze stropu obez\u0159etn\u011b pozorovala na\u0161e chov\u00e1n\u00ed a p\u0159esunem pod z\u00e1chodovou m\u00edsu vyhodnotila na\u0161e ne\u00fato\u010den\u00ed jako p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "For a while she discreetly followed our behaviour from the ceiling and then moved underneath the toilet bowl, judging our failure to attack her as friendship."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHe said that the police had only wanted him to show them whether they were in some pictures, to which they allegedly had a right.", "targets": "\u0158ekl, \u017ee policist\u00e9 jen cht\u011bli, aby jim novin\u00e1\u0159 uk\u00e1zal, zda jsou na n\u011bkter\u00fdch z\u00e1b\u011brech, na co\u017e pr\u00fd maj\u00ed pr\u00e1vo."} {"inputs": "How is \"It offloaded 1.3 billion shares worth up to 9.99 percent of the group.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Zbavili se tak 1,3 miliardy akci\u00ed v celkov\u00e9 cen\u011b 9,99 procent za skupinu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Wenger has also stressed to Wilshere that it is still only September and, providing his rehabilitation goes to plan, there is no reason why he cannot be back playing by Christmas.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Wenger tak\u00e9 zd\u016fraznil pro Wilshere, \u017ee je po\u0159\u00e1d jen z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed a, jestli\u017ee jeho rehabilitace p\u016fjde podle pl\u00e1nu, nen\u00ed d\u016fvod, aby o v\u00e1noc\u00edch op\u011bt nehr\u00e1l."} {"inputs": "How is \"Payments will be calculated as the product of the quantity of minerals mined and rates for individual types of mineral.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u00dahrada se nov\u011b vypo\u010dte jako sou\u010din mno\u017estv\u00ed vyt\u011b\u017een\u00e9ho nerostu a sazby pro jednotliv\u00e9 druhy nerost\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"So you can find it between the outside paving near where I live.\" to Czech?", "targets": "A tak se nach\u00e1z\u00ed mezi venkovn\u00edmi dla\u017edicemi pobl\u00ed\u017e m\u00e9ho bydli\u0161t\u011b."} {"inputs": "Moskva podle n\u011bj ze S\u00fdrie u\u010dinila sv\u016fj satelit.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "and that Russia had made Syria a satellite state."} {"inputs": "Zam\u011b\u0159il se na po\u0159adatele a odd\u011blen\u00ed integrity Racing Victoria a vych\u00e1zel z p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010den\u00ed, \u017ee proti n\u011bmu maj\u00ed osobn\u00ed kampa\u0148 s pozdn\u00edm po\u0161kr\u00e1b\u00e1n\u00edm Lady Tatai p\u0159i \u00fadr\u017eb\u011b v den z\u00e1vodu, co\u017e pro n\u011bj ve st\u0159edu bylo posledn\u00ed kapkou.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "He took aim at stewards and Racing Victoria's integrity department, alleging they have a personal campaign against him with the late scratching of Lady Tatai because of a race day treatment the final straw on Wednesday."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nInvestor Praga Progetti e Investimenti considers the ruling to be unlawful and will appeal.", "targets": "Investor Praga Progetti e Investimenti pova\u017euje zru\u0161en\u00ed rozhodnut\u00ed za protipr\u00e1vn\u00ed a bude se proti n\u011bmu odvol\u00e1vat."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jak se ten den bl\u00ed\u017e\u00ed, za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1m z toho m\u00edt strach."} {"inputs": "Na starobn\u00ed d\u016fchody st\u00e1t loni vynalo\u017eil podle st\u00e1tn\u00edho z\u00e1v\u011bre\u010dn\u00e9ho \u00fa\u010dtu 314,7 miliardy korun, co\u017e bylo zhruba o p\u011bt miliard meziro\u010dn\u011b v\u00edc.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "According to the state's closing account, last year the state spent 314.7 billion crowns on old-age pensions, a year-on-year increase of approximately 5.5 billion crowns."} {"inputs": "Ale to nesta\u010dilo!\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "But it wasn't enough!"} {"inputs": "V Dill\u00ed panuje horko a vysok\u00e1 vlhkost vzduchu, proto se o\u010dek\u00e1vaj\u00ed n\u00e1ro\u010dn\u00e9 z\u00e1pasy, kter\u00e9 se mohou prot\u00e1hnout a\u017e na p\u011bt set\u016f.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The weather in Delhi is hot, with high humidity, and it is expected that the matches, which could stretch to five sets, will be demanding."} {"inputs": "St\u011b\u017eoval jsem si j\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "I complained to her."} {"inputs": "Pundits point out that at this time in 2011, Rick Perry's lead was giving way to a rising Herman Cain, neither of whom won even one state in the nomination process.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Experti poukazuj\u00ed na to, \u017ee v tuto dobu roku 2011 ud\u011blalo veden\u00ed Ricka Perryho cestu k vzestupu Hermanu Cainovi, nakonec ani jeden z nich nevyhr\u00e1l jedin\u00e9 postaven\u00ed v nomina\u010dn\u00edm procesu."} {"inputs": "Je to proto, \u017ee m\u00e1me l\u00e9ky na roztrou\u0161enou skler\u00f3zu v z\u00e1n\u011btliv\u00e9m stadiu, kdy je\u0161t\u011b nen\u00ed proces neurodegenerace tak siln\u00fd.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe system will be gradually tested and improved through trial programs.", "targets": "Tento syst\u00e9m bude postupn\u011b zkou\u0161en a zlep\u0161ov\u00e1n prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm zku\u0161ebn\u00edch program\u016f."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Tu radost mu neud\u011bl\u00e1m."} {"inputs": "Translate \"While it doesn't have a strong taste, hemp oil strengthens immunity, says Daniel Vl\u010dek from Bohemia Olej.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Konopn\u00fd olej nen\u00ed nijak chu\u0165ov\u011b v\u00fdrazn\u00fd, ale skv\u011ble pos\u00edl\u00ed imunitu, poradil Daniel Vl\u010dek z kraslick\u00e9 firmy Bohemia Olej."} {"inputs": "She gave Slavia three weeks to send detailed evidence that it really has paid the aforementioned debts.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dala Slavii t\u0159i t\u00fddny, aby zaslala detailn\u00ed d\u016fkazy, \u017ee skute\u010dn\u011b zaplatila zm\u00edn\u011bn\u00e9 dluhy."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"Whats wrong with you, comrade?\" asked the superintendent, turning to me.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Tak co s v\u00e1mi, soudruhu?\" obr\u00e1til se n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk op\u011bt ke mn\u011b."} {"inputs": "+13 mil.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "+ 13 mil."} {"inputs": "U ko\u017en\u00edho odd\u011blen\u00ed nemocnice Karlovy Vary by zase mohlo vzniknout laserov\u00e9 centrum s mo\u017enost\u00ed pou\u017eit\u00ed laserov\u00e9 techniky na ko\u017en\u00ed onemocn\u011bn\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Hogg was granted bail in this case but was held in custody ahead of hearings on other outstanding cases.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Hoggovi byla v tomto p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b ud\u011blena kauce, ale byl dr\u017een ve vazb\u011b p\u0159ed sly\u0161en\u00edm o ostatn\u00edch nevy\u0159e\u0161en\u00fdch p\u0159\u00edpadech."} {"inputs": "To bylo tento rok v Zagrebu u\u017e podes\u00e1t\u00e9.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It was the 10th in Zagreb this year."} {"inputs": "Jestli se bude uhl\u00ed t\u011b\u017eit i za limity, pak to bude m\u00edt dopady na v\u00fdnosy pro st\u00e1t i obce, zd\u016fraznil.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He emphasised that, were coal to be mined beyond the limits, it would have an impact on yields for both the state and municipalities."} {"inputs": "Pomyslel jsem si n\u011bco o prdeli a st\u00e1lo mne dost p\u0159em\u00e1h\u00e1n\u00ed, abych mu to nest\u0159elil do ksichtu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "I thought something about an arse and it was as much as I could not do to shout it in his face -"} {"inputs": "Centr\u00e1ln\u00ed p\u0159\u00edjem u\u017e stoj\u00ed a do t\u0159\u00ed let k n\u011bmu p\u0159ibude interna.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The central reception is already in place and will be joined by an internal medicine ward within three years."} {"inputs": "Victor Martinez p\u0159eru\u0161il svou s\u00e9rii 0-21.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Victor Martinez snapped his 0-for-21 streak with runners in scoring position."} {"inputs": "Je v\u0161ak symbolem budoucnosti.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "It is, however, a symbol of the future."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe final task involved climbing a 75-foot rope in 30 seconds.", "targets": "Posledn\u00ed p\u0159ek\u00e1\u017ekou byl 30 vte\u0159inov\u00fd \u0161plh po v\u00edce n\u011b\u017e 220 m dlouh\u00e9m lan\u011b."} {"inputs": "How is \"Following the ruling of the Constitutional Court, Martina Berdychov\u00e1 (ANO), who tabled the motion, withdrew her proposal, which would limit the liability of insurance companies in cases where they could not know that premiums did not cover the entire risk.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Zpravodajka p\u0159edlohy Martina Berdychov\u00e1 (ANO) vzhledem k verdiktu \u00dastavn\u00edho soudu st\u00e1hla sv\u016fj n\u00e1vrh, jen\u017e by omezil odpov\u011bdnost poji\u0161\u0165oven v p\u0159\u00edpadech, kdy nemohly v\u011bd\u011bt, \u017ee pojistn\u00e9 pln\u011bn\u00ed nepokryje cel\u00e9 riziko."} {"inputs": "Z velk\u00e9 \u010d\u00e1sti mlad\u00fdch \u010dernoch\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAt least for some.", "targets": "Alespo\u0148 pro n\u011bkter\u00e9."} {"inputs": "V obci u odbo\u010dky na \u010c\u00edchov nechali vyhloubit sedm metr\u016f hlubokou studnu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "a seven-metre well was dug in the village, which lies near the turn-off to \u010c\u00edchov."} {"inputs": "JD Sports stoupl o 3.1% potom, co sportovn\u00ed firma ohl\u00e1sila 83% skok v polovin\u011b roku v zisc\u00edch p\u0159ed zdan\u011bn\u00edm \u00a346.6m\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "JD Sports rose 3.1% after the sportswear firm reported an 83% jump in half-year pre-tax profits to \u00a346.6m."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "M\u016f\u017ee to n\u011bjak\u00fd \u010das trvat, ale pot\u0159ebuje si vypracovat koherentn\u00ed strategie anga\u017eov\u00e1n\u00ed medi\u00ed, ne se mnou, ale ur\u010dit\u011b s Andrewem Marrem, jeho\u017e k\u0159eslo u BBC v ned\u011bli opustil."} {"inputs": "Tady soudruh mus\u00ed vid\u011bt, \u017ee na n\u011bho strana nezapomn\u011bla.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Here the comrade must see that the Party has not forgotten us."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBut one group of former street children have found a way to learn a skill and make a living.", "targets": "Ale jedna skupina b\u00fdval\u00fdch d\u011bt\u00ed ulice na\u0161la zp\u016fsob, jak se n\u011bco nau\u010dit a vyd\u011blat si na \u017eivobyt\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Z\u00e1rove\u0148 si v\u00edce ne\u017e \u010dtvrtina lid\u00ed kupuje oble\u010den\u00ed a boty online, m\u00edsto nakupov\u00e1n\u00ed v kamenn\u00fdch m\u00f3dn\u00edch prodejn\u00e1ch.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "At the same time, more than a quarter of people are buying clothes and shoes online, rather than using high street fashion chains."} {"inputs": "How is \"For example, the recent television footage of the enthusiastic welcoming of refugees is on the level of footage shown on Russian television in August 1968.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nap\u0159\u00edklad ned\u00e1vn\u00e9 televizn\u00ed obr\u00e1zky o nad\u0161en\u00e9m v\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed ute\u010denc\u016f v N\u011bmecku jsou na \u00farovni sn\u00edmk\u016f moskevsk\u00e9 televize ze srpna 1968."} {"inputs": "Lamb dispe\u010dera poprosil, aby do jeho domu poslal policisty.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Lamb told the dispatcher that police needed to send officers over to his home."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe village's dominant feature was put into operation at this year's homecoming gathering.", "targets": "Dominantu zprovoznili p\u0159i leto\u0161n\u00edm srazu rod\u00e1k\u016f."} {"inputs": "To, co nyn\u00ed pot\u0159ebujeme, je, aby vl\u00e1da Spojen\u00e9ho kr\u00e1lovstv\u00ed p\u0159ijala opat\u0159en\u00ed a zajistila, \u017ee se s mu\u010d\u00edc\u00edm za\u0159\u00edzen\u00edm neleg\u00e1ln\u011b neobchoduje na na\u0161em prahu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "What we need now is for the UK government to take action and ensure that torture equipment is not illegally traded on our doorstep."} {"inputs": "N\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed tren\u00e9\u0159i nechali sed\u011bt Hayne po zbytek sez\u00f3ny, proto\u017ee ud\u011blal chybu, co\u017e provedl konvertita australsk\u00e9 rugbiov\u00e9 ligy p\u0159i prvn\u00edm v\u00fdkopu z nadhozu p\u0159i \u00fatern\u00ed v\u00fdh\u0159e 20:3 na Minnesotou.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Some coaches would have benched Hayne for the rest of the game for losing a fumble like the Aussie rugby league convert did on his first punt return in Tuesday's 20-3 win against Minnesota."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nReporting By Yasmeen Abutaleb; Editing by Christian Plumb", "targets": "Report\u00e1\u017e: Yasmeen Abutaleb; Editace: Christian Plumb"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Budou-li to ob\u010dan\u00e9 S\u00fdrie, Eritreje, tak t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 z 98 procent podle evropsk\u00fdch statistik z\u00edsk\u00e1vaj\u00ed mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed ochranu."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhen he became leader in 2005, Mr Cameron said he wanted to move away from the \"Punch and Judy\" style of politics often associated with PMQs but admitted some years later that he had failed.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e se pan Cameron stal v\u016fdcem v roce 2005, \u0159\u00edkal \u017ee se chce odklonit od stylu politiky \"Punch a Judy,\" kter\u00fd byl \u010dasto spojen\u00fd s PMQ, ale o n\u011bkolik let pozd\u011bji p\u0159ipustil, \u017ee selhal."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHowever, MP Marek Benda (ODS) warned that the setting of fees by government decree may not be in accordance with the constitution.", "targets": "Poslanec ODS Marek Benda ale varoval p\u0159ed t\u00edm, \u017ee stanovov\u00e1n\u00ed poplatku na\u0159\u00edzen\u00edm vl\u00e1dy nemus\u00ed b\u00fdt v souladu s \u00fastavou."} {"inputs": "How is \"In accordance with the original government proposal, the approved amendment now allows the increase of the maximum speed from 90 to 110 km/h on selected first-class roads, especially four-lane ones.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Schv\u00e1len\u00e1 novela nyn\u00ed umo\u017en\u00ed v souladu s p\u016fvodn\u00edm vl\u00e1dn\u00edm n\u00e1vrhem zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed rychlosti z 90 na 110 kilometr\u016f v hodin\u011b na vybran\u00fdch silnic\u00edch prvn\u00ed t\u0159\u00eddy, zejm\u00e9na \u010dty\u0159proud\u00fdch."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHowever, it will be possible to play under floodlights.", "targets": "Hr\u00e1t se v\u0161ak m\u016f\u017ee p\u0159\u00edpadn\u011b za um\u011bl\u00e9ho osv\u011btlen\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Zve\u0159ejn\u00edme va\u0161e jm\u00e9no tak, jak ho poskytnete (pokud n\u00e1s nepo\u017e\u00e1d\u00e1te o utajen\u00ed).\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "We will publish your name as you provide it, unless you ask us not to."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nVesel\u00fd to lead the Czechs as number one, seeding will be affected by the weather.", "targets": "Vesel\u00fd povede \u010cechy jako jedni\u010dka, nasazen\u00ed ovlivn\u00ed po\u010das\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Spole\u010dnost Google spustila kampa\u0148 s c\u00edlem vybrat 11 milion\u016f dolar\u016f pro uprchl\u00edky.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Google launches donation-matching campaign to raise $11 million for refugees"} {"inputs": "Lopez has recommended parents and teachers use nonalcoholic products or sanitizing wipes short of moving hand sanitizer out of a child's reach.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Lopez doporu\u010dil rodi\u010d\u016fm a u\u010ditel\u016fm pou\u017eit\u00ed nealkoholick\u00fdch produktech nebo za\u0159\u00eddit, aby byly sanita\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edky z dosahu d\u011bt\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Byla to jen nehoda."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "K\u00e1drov\u00e1k, p\u0159edseda ROH, zapisovatelka z person\u00e1ln\u00edho, referent pro zvl\u00e1\u0161tn\u00ed \u00fa\u010dely, n\u011bco na zp\u016fsob kontr\u00e1\u0161e na vojn\u011b, a n\u00e1m\u011bstek, m\u016fj \u0161\u00e9f."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nObviously this is subject to you being a decent baker.", "targets": "To je samoz\u0159ejm\u011b p\u0159edm\u011btem toho, \u017ee jste decentn\u00ed peka\u0159."} {"inputs": "\"Jedn\u00e1 se o l\u016f\u017eka, kter\u00e1 budou navazovat na obory supespecializovan\u00e9 p\u00e9\u010de a budou tvo\u0159it prostor pro p\u0159eklad pacient\u016f po z\u00e1kroku nap\u0159\u00edklad po kardiochirurgick\u00e9m, neurochirurgick\u00e9m, transplanta\u010dn\u00edm \u010di jin\u00e9m z\u00e1kroku,\" popisuje krajsk\u00e1 koncepce l\u016f\u017ekov\u00e9 p\u00e9\u010de.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"These are beds that would follow on from super-specialised medical care fields and create space for the transfer of patients following, for example, a cardiological, neurological, transplantation or other procedure,\" states the regional concept for care wards."} {"inputs": "How is \"MPs support greater state share in coal fees\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Poslanci podpo\u0159ili v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed pod\u00edl st\u00e1tu z poplatk\u016f za uhl\u00ed."} {"inputs": "+ 900 tis.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Latecoere se v\u0161ak v \u010cesku dost\u00e1v\u00e1 na hranu v\u00fdrobn\u00edch kapacit."} {"inputs": "Je pravda, \u017ee kancl\u00e9\u0159ka Merkelov\u00e1 ve\u0159ejn\u011b v listopadu 2010, tedy p\u0159ed p\u011bti lety, prohl\u00e1sila: \"Na\u0161e snaha o \u0301multi-kulti \u0301spole\u010dnost tot\u00e1ln\u011b selhala.\"\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It is true that five years ago, in 2010, Chancellor Merkel declared publicly: \"Our efforts to establish a 'multi-culti' society have totally failed.\""} {"inputs": "P\u0159i \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed ot\u00e1zek n\u00e1sil\u00ed, Dalai Lama se tak\u00e9 vyj\u00e1d\u0159il o \u017ealob\u00e1ch na George Bushe po 9/11 teroristick\u00e9m \u00fatoku a tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee \"n\u00e1siln\u00e1 reakce USA vyvolala \u0159et\u011bz nekontrolovateln\u00fdch ud\u00e1lost\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Podle rusk\u00fdch z\u00e1kon\u016f sen\u00e1tory nevol\u00ed ob\u010dan\u00e9, ale vyb\u00edr\u00e1 je gubern\u00e1tor z trojice kandid\u00e1t\u016f, jejich\u017e jm\u00e9na ozn\u00e1m\u00ed p\u0159ed gubern\u00e1torsk\u00fdmi volbami."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Zat\u00edmco se Aldi p\u0159ipravuje otev\u0159\u00edt dv\u011b distribu\u010dn\u00ed centra a prvn\u00ed z v\u00edce ne\u017e 120 obchod\u016f v ji\u017en\u00ed a z\u00e1padn\u00ed Austr\u00e1lii na po\u010d\u00e1tku p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edho roku, Metcash a IGA supermarkety posiluj\u00ed vztahy s m\u00edstn\u00edmi dodavateli potravin a buduj\u00ed zna\u010dku IGA pomoc\u00ed marketingu v mainstreamov\u00fdch a soci\u00e1ln\u00edch m\u00e9di\u00edch a ud\u00e1lost\u00ed jako je Adelaide show."} {"inputs": "Nouzov\u00e1 sv\u011btlice odp\u00e1len\u00e1 N\u011bmeckem zdaleka nestmelila evropskou pos\u00e1dku, ale u\u017e nut\u00ed lo\u010f ke zm\u011bn\u011b kurzu, napsal francouzsk\u00fd den\u00edk Le Figaro.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nFrance's Fran\u00e7ois Hollande is facing re-election or replacement in 2017.", "targets": "Francouz Fran\u00e7ois Hollande \u010del\u00ed znovuzvolen\u00ed nebo nahrazen\u00ed v roce 2017."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nPrior to the game, last season's finalists Juventus were in the exact opposite situation - after three rounds of Serie A, the defending champions have only one point, with two goals scored and four conceded, and are 16th in the table.", "targets": "To finalista minul\u00e9 sezony Juventus na tom byl p\u0159ed vz\u00e1jemn\u00fdm st\u0159etnut\u00edm p\u0159esn\u011b opa\u010dn\u011b - po prvn\u00edch t\u0159ech kolech italsk\u00e9 ligy m\u00e1 coby obh\u00e1jce titulu jen bod a se sk\u00f3re 2:4 se nach\u00e1z\u00ed a\u017e na 16. m\u00edst\u011b tabulky."} {"inputs": "Je to hrozn\u00e9 - kluk, kter\u00fd p\u0159ijde do Manchesteru v 18 letech to m\u00e1 velmi t\u011b\u017ek\u00e9, ale hraje fantasticky a potom se stane tohle.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "It is awful - a boy who comes to Manchester United at 18, has it very difficult and then plays fantastically and then this happens."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Na dotaz poskytovatelky d\u011btsk\u00fdch sch\u00e9mat, aby jmenoval obl\u00edbenou d\u011btskou knihu, si vybral p\u0159edseda vl\u00e1dy Lorax, bajku od Dr Seusse z roku 1971."} {"inputs": "Pokud cht\u011bj\u00ed lid\u00e9 vyu\u017e\u00edt v\u0161ech zdravotn\u00edch benefit\u016f, kter\u00e9 p\u0159in\u00e1\u0161\u00ed konzumace tohoto oleje, m\u011bli by si d\u00e1t pozor na zbo\u017e\u00ed z obchod\u016f s exotick\u00fdmi potravinami.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Tigers pitcher Alfredo Simon made his early offensive support hold up, as Detroit scored three times in the first two innings, then tacked one in the sixth and one more in the ninth.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nadhazova\u010d Tygr\u016f Alfredo Simon udr\u017eel sv\u016fj ofenzivn\u00ed n\u00e1stup a Detroit sk\u00f3roval t\u0159ikr\u00e1t v prvn\u00edch dvou sm\u011bn\u00e1ch a pak se ujal dal\u0161\u00ed v \u0161est\u00e9 a dev\u00e1t\u00e9 sm\u011bn\u011b."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Byl to prost\u011b \u0161\u0165astn\u00fd p\u00e1r,\" \u0159ekl."} {"inputs": "Translate \"New services could also be offered in psychiatric care.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nov\u00e9 slu\u017eby by mohly b\u00fdt nab\u00edzeny i v oblasti psychiatrick\u00e9 p\u00e9\u010de."} {"inputs": "Ano, \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e1 \u010dtvr\u0165\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Yes, Chinatown"} {"inputs": "Str\u00e1\u017en\u00edk Lachlan Perhavec si zrovna necht\u011bl namo\u010dit uniformu, tak se pokusil pou\u017e\u00edt bezpe\u010dn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed taktiku a to policejn\u00ed vyjedn\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed.\"\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Constable Lachlan Perhavec wasn't too keen on getting his uniform wet, so he employed a safer tactic - \"good police negotiation.\""} {"inputs": "Je zaji\u0161t\u011bna flexibilita, je m\u00e9n\u011b prostoj\u016f, v\u00edce sva\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed a vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed profit.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Asi 20 se jich ve\u0161lo dovnit\u0159, ale tis\u00edce z\u016fstaly venku.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "About 20 managed to get in, but thousands remained outside."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Maj\u00ed pravdu ti, co \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed, \u017ee v du\u0161i N\u011bmecka je zaset \u010f\u00e1bel agresivity, nad\u0159azenosti a n\u00e1sil\u00ed?"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBut Tomsula showed faith in his man, giving Hayne the next opportunity to return a punt and including him in the running game after an injury to Reggie Bush.", "targets": "Ale Tomsula uk\u00e1zal, \u017ee m\u00e1 v hr\u00e1\u010de d\u016fv\u011bru a dal mu dal\u0161\u00ed \u0161anci, aby se vr\u00e1til a obsadil ho do hry po zran\u011bn\u00ed Reggie Bushe."} {"inputs": "How is \"The FastMig X allows you to weld using state-of-the-art welding processes developed by Kemppi, ensuring higher productivity and quality of welding.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "FastMig X umo\u017e\u0148uje sva\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed \u0161pi\u010dkov\u00fdmi sva\u0159ovac\u00edmi procesy, vyvinut\u00fdmi firmou Kemppi, kter\u00e9 zaji\u0161\u0165uj\u00ed vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed produktivitu a kvalitu sva\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "\u010c\u00ednsk\u00fd prezident Xi Jinping nav\u0161t\u00edv\u00ed USA na konci m\u011bs\u00edce, potvrdil B\u00edl\u00fd d\u016fm ve sv\u00e9 \u00fatern\u00ed zpr\u00e1v\u011b.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Chinese President Xi Jinping will make a state visit to the U.S. at the end of the month, the White House confirmed in a statement on Tuesday."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe costs could hit JD Sports' expansion plans, he added, which could mean fewer extra jobs.", "targets": "N\u00e1klady by mohly zas\u00e1hnout pl\u00e1ny na roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159en\u00ed spole\u010dnosti JD Sports, dodal, co\u017e by mohlo znamenat m\u00e9n\u011b nov\u00fdch pracovn\u00edch m\u00edst."} {"inputs": "Up until the sixth edition it took place once every two years.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Do \u0161est\u00e9ho ro\u010dn\u00edku se konal jednou za dva roky."} {"inputs": "I p\u0159i takto vysok\u00e9 teplot\u011b si tedy jako jeden z m\u00e1la olej\u016f uchov\u00e1v\u00e1 zdrav\u00ed prosp\u011b\u0161n\u00e9 l\u00e1tky, popisuje v\u00fdhody hroznov\u00e9ho oleje Daniel Vl\u010dek z firmy Bohemia Olej, kter\u00e1 pat\u0159\u00ed k n\u011bkolika m\u00e1lo \u010desk\u00fdm v\u00fdrobc\u016fm tohoto oleje z r\u00e9vy vinn\u00e9.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In the words of Daniel Vl\u010dek from Bohemia Olej, one of the few Czech companies to produce grape oil, this high does combustion point does not, however, mean that it loses its essential substances - one of the few oils to do so."} {"inputs": "Podobn\u00fd prvek ve znaku maj\u00ed na po\u010dest m\u00edstn\u00edch technick\u00fdch pam\u00e1tek nap\u0159\u00edklad ve Chvalkovic\u00edch a Zelen\u00e9 Ho\u0159e na Vy\u0161kovsku, v Ku\u017eelov\u011b na Hodon\u00ednsku, Partutovic\u00edch na P\u0159erovsku \u010di v Polici na Vset\u00ednsku.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "A similar element, honouring a local technological monument, can be found in the coats of arms of e.g. Chvalkovice and Zelen\u00e1 Hora near Vy\u0161kov, Ku\u017eelov near Hodon\u00edn, Partutovice near P\u0159erov and Police near Vset\u00edn."} {"inputs": "Ma\u010far\u0161t\u00ed policist\u00e9 \u00fadajn\u011b pustili na uprchl\u00edka psa.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Hungarian police allegedly set a dog on a refugee,"} {"inputs": "Kl\u00ed\u010dovou ot\u00e1zkou pro Berl\u00edn a Pa\u0159\u00ed\u017e je nyn\u00ed \u00fa\u010dinn\u00e9 zaveden\u00ed povinn\u00fdch vstupn\u00edch kontrol v \u0158ecku, v ji\u017en\u00ed It\u00e1lii a tak\u00e9 v Ma\u010farsku pro ty, kte\u0159\u00ed ji\u017e pro\u0161li do vnitrozem\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "A key question for Berlin and Paris is now the effective introduction of mandatory entry controls in Greece, southern Italy and Hungary for those who have already entered the interior."} {"inputs": "\"Rozhoduje moment\u00e1ln\u00ed forma, po\u010das\u00ed,\" \u0159ekl Navr\u00e1til.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"What decides are momentary form and the weather,\" said Navr\u00e1til."} {"inputs": "N\u011bkter\u00e9 d\u011bti pij\u00ed sanita\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edek z\u00e1m\u011brn\u011b, zat\u00edmco n\u011bkter\u00e9 cht\u011bj\u00ed ud\u011blat dojem na sv\u00e9 p\u0159\u00e1tele nebo jako v\u00fdzvu na soci\u00e1ln\u00edch m\u00e9di\u00edch.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAm I bad for the industry?", "targets": "Jsem pro tento pr\u016fmysl \u0161patn\u00fd?"} {"inputs": "Marinov\u00e1n\u00edm masa a ryb zachov\u00e1me jejich \u0161\u0165avnatost.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The marination of meat and fish preserves their juiciness."} {"inputs": "How is \"Playing as a sweeper, Goian will face attacks by the Sparta strikers.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jako stoper bude \u010delit n\u00e1jezd\u016fm spar\u0165ansk\u00e9 ofenzivy."} {"inputs": "Samoz\u0159ejm\u011b, srdci neporu\u010d\u00ed\u0161 - ale pokud va\u0161e sexy spolubydl\u00edc\u00ed stoprocentn\u011b nen\u00ed va\u0161e budouc\u00ed cho\u0165, zkuste si alespo\u0148 trochu promluvit se sv\u00fdmi slabinami.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Of course, the heart wants what it wants - but if a hot hallmate is definitely not your future spouse, try to at least talk some sense into your groin."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHave you seen or been involved in a news event?", "targets": "Vid\u011bli jste nebo byli jste sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed ud\u00e1losti pro zpr\u00e1vy?"} {"inputs": "P\u00e1lka\u0159 Tygr\u016f Victor Martinez se trefil t\u0159ikr\u00e1t a ud\u011blal 2 ob\u011bhy a sv\u016fj prvn\u00ed sta\u017een\u00fd bod od poloviny srpna.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Tigers designated hitter Victor Martinez had three hits and drove in two runs, his first RBIs since mid-August."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe same applies to grilling.", "targets": "To stejn\u00e9 plat\u00ed i pro grilov\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "P\u0159edlohu kritizovali opozi\u010dn\u00ed poslanci, kte\u0159\u00ed tvrdili zejm\u00e9na to, \u017ee po\u0161kod\u00ed obce zasa\u017een\u00e9 t\u011b\u017ebou i kraje.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The proposal was today criticised by opposition MPs, who chiefly claimed that it would harm both municipalities and regional governments."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Absence podobn\u00fdch zobrazen\u00ed v r\u016fzn\u00fdch show je do o\u010d\u00ed bij\u00edc\u00ed, zejm\u00e9na vzhledem k tomu, jak je pot\u0159eba mu\u017e\u016f otev\u0159\u00edt se zoufalej\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e kdy jindy, co se t\u00fd\u010de sebevra\u017ed mezi mlad\u00fdmi mu\u017ei do 15 let."} {"inputs": "\"M\u011blo by se to d\u00e1t dohr\u00e1vat pod sv\u011btly,\" \u0159ekl Navr\u00e1til.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"It should be possible to play it to a finish under lights,\" said Navr\u00e1til."} {"inputs": "In premarket trading about an hour before the opening bell, FedEx shares were down $3.85, or 2.5 percent, to $150.15.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V p\u0159edtr\u017en\u00edm obchodov\u00e1n\u00ed asi hodinu p\u0159ed otev\u0159en\u00edm pod\u00edly spole\u010dnosti FedEx klesly o $3.85, nebo o 2,5 procenta, na $150.15."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe final three agree Bachelor Sam Wood is the perfect guy - but who will he choose?", "targets": "T\u0159i ve fin\u00e1le souhlas\u00ed, \u017ee Bachelor Sam Wood je perfektn\u00ed kluk - ale koho si vybere?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "B\u00fdval\u00fd z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00edk Rangers a b\u00fdval\u00fd reprezentant Nizozem\u00ed Ronald de Boer tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee nizozem\u0161t\u00ed fanou\u0161ci fotbalu ztratili z\u00e1jem o Celtic - proto\u017ee mezi nim ji\u017e nen\u00ed \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e1 rivalita kv\u016fli titulu."} {"inputs": "How is \"Blanka could have been built so as to not collapse,\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Blanku \u0161lo stav\u011bt tak, aby se nepropadla."} {"inputs": "\"Efektivn\u00ed \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed vn\u011bj\u0161\u00edch hranic EU je nezbytn\u00e9 pro zvl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed migrace,\" zd\u016fraz\u0148uje se v textu projednan\u00e9m ministry v pond\u011bl\u00ed v Bruselu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"The effective management of the EU's external borders is essential in order to manage migration,\" emphasised the ministers in the text discussed in Brussels on Monday."} {"inputs": "Pokoje lid\u00ed se \u010dasto m\u011bn\u00ed na pop\u00edjec\u00ed recepce, m\u00edsta filmov\u00fdch ve\u010der\u016f a komun\u00e1ln\u00ed ve\u0159ejn\u00e1 m\u00edsta, ale jsou to tak\u00e9 pokoje, ve kter\u00fdch se lid\u00e9 obl\u00e9kaj\u00ed a upravuj\u00ed si spodn\u00ed pr\u00e1dlo.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Mus\u00edme v\u00edce pom\u00e1hat zem\u00edm, odkud uprchl\u00edci odch\u00e1zej\u00ed, p\u0159\u00edpadn\u011b v nich\u017e se po opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed vlasti zdr\u017euj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBut this better \"glycemic control\" - as reflected by the improved hemoglobin A1c levels - did not reduce the mortality rate at five years, according to lead researcher Dr. Chih-Cheng Hsu and colleagues.", "targets": "Ale tato lep\u0161\u00ed \"glykemick\u00e1 kontrola\" - kter\u00e1 se odr\u00e1\u017e\u00ed v lep\u0161\u00edch \u00farovn\u00edch hemoglobinu A1c - nesn\u00ed\u017eila \u00famrtnost v p\u011bti letech, podle hlavn\u00edho v\u00fdzkumn\u00edka Dr. Chih-Cheng Hsu a jeho koleg\u016f."} {"inputs": "The most important person in the treatment of a patient with multiple sclerosis is the neurologist.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nejd\u016fle\u017eit\u011bj\u0161\u00ed osobou v p\u00e9\u010di o nemocn\u00e9ho s roztrou\u0161enou skler\u00f3zou je neurolog."} {"inputs": "S m\u00ed\u010dem je Moeen Ali rozv\u00edjej\u00edc\u00ed se spinner a Adil Rashid, i kdy\u017e je nezn\u00e1m\u00fd na \u00farovni zku\u0161ebn\u00ed s\u00e9rie, reprezentuje \u00fato\u010dnou mo\u017enost.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "With the ball, Moeen Ali is developing as a spinner and Adil Rashid, even if he is an unknown quantity at Test level, represents an attacking option."} {"inputs": "Bez poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed toti\u017e budou muset bu\u010f skon\u010dit, nebo odej\u00edt do ciziny.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "as without insurance they will have to either close or go abroad."} {"inputs": "Vid\u011bl jsem jen m\u00ed\u010d, kter\u00fd sm\u011b\u0159oval jin\u00fdm sm\u011brem, tak\u017ee to vypadalo, \u017ee se ho [Moreno] dotkl, ale nevid\u011bl jsem z\u00e1krok na Luka.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The only thing I could see was the ball, which was heading in a different direction, so it looked like he [Moreno] touched it, but I couldn't see the tackle on Luke."} {"inputs": "Zdrav\u00e9 extra panensk\u00e9 oleje pak p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed i o t\u011blu prosp\u011b\u0161n\u00e9 l\u00e1tky, kter\u00e9 z nich jinak z\u00edsk\u00e1v\u00e1me p\u0159i konzumaci olej\u016f z pokrm\u016f upraven\u00fdch p\u0159i ni\u017e\u0161\u00edch teplot\u00e1ch.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "A\u010dkoli Dalai Lama pochv\u00e1lil snahu N\u011bmecka a Rakouska v \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed krize, zd\u016fraznil, \u017ee je to jen do\u010dasn\u00e9 \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAccording to the legal classification of the case, both may receive prison sentences of up to ten years.", "targets": "Podle pr\u00e1vn\u00ed kvalifikace p\u0159\u00edpadu hroz\u00ed ob\u011bma a\u017e deset let v\u011bzen\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nRegardless of whether they were Christian or Muslim.", "targets": "Bez ohledu na to, zda byl n\u011bkdo k\u0159es\u0165an \u010di muslim."} {"inputs": "V\u0161echny tyto v\u011bci si jist\u011b vyb\u00edraj\u00ed svoji da\u0148.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "All that stuff sure does take a toll."} {"inputs": "V tiskov\u00e9 zpr\u00e1v\u011b spole\u010dnost Saab odhalila objedn\u00e1vku od americk\u00e9 arm\u00e1dy na \"na rameni odpalovac\u00ed AT4CS RS.\"\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In a press release, Saab revealed an order from the US army for \"the shoulder-launched AT4CS RS.\""} {"inputs": "Translate \"He threw the paperwork down on the table, leaned on the armrests of his chair and looked at me with a fixed, unpleasant, spiteful, piercing look.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Odhodil lejstro na st\u016fl, op\u0159el se do op\u011bradla \u017eidle a up\u0159en\u011b se na mne zakoukal obvykl\u00fdm, nep\u0159\u00edjemn\u00fdm, zl\u00fdm, pichlav\u00fdm pohledem."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAs a former journalist I must say that I'm ashamed of my colleagues.", "targets": "Mus\u00edm \u0159\u00edct, \u017ee se jako b\u00fdval\u00fd novin\u00e1\u0159 se za kolegy styd\u00edm."} {"inputs": "How is \"If you keep the licence fee, which I'm not sure in the medium or long term is a good idea, it should reduce its output at least to programmes that others aren't making and commissioning.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jestli\u017ee si udr\u017e\u00edte licen\u010dn\u00ed poplatky, o kter\u00fdch si nejsem jist, zda jsou ve st\u0159edn\u011bdob\u00e9m \u010di dlouhodob\u00e9m horizontu dobrou my\u0161lenkou, m\u011bla by se sn\u00ed\u017eit tvorba alespo\u0148 co se t\u00fd\u010de program\u016f, kter\u00e9 jin\u00e9 nevyr\u00e1b\u00ed nebo nezad\u00e1vaj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Zkuste LAX-C v \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e9 \u010dtvrti.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Try LAX-C in Chinatown."} {"inputs": "Evitu v muzik\u00e1lu Studia DVA nyn\u00ed ztv\u00e1rn\u00ed Radka Fi\u0161arov\u00e1.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Evita now played by Radka Fi\u0161arov\u00e1 in Studio DVA musical"} {"inputs": "Translate \"BBC should give up EastEnders, says former Channel 4 chief\" to Czech?", "targets": "BBC by m\u011bla skon\u010dit s EastEnders, tvrd\u00ed b\u00fdval\u00fd \u0159editel Channel 4"} {"inputs": "How is \"HP has been undergoing a massive reorganisation to cope with the move away from traditional personal computers to mobile devices.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Spole\u010dnost HP proch\u00e1zela masivn\u00ed reorganizac\u00ed, aby zvl\u00e1dla p\u0159esun z tradi\u010dn\u00edch osobn\u00edch po\u010d\u00edta\u010d\u016f na mobiln\u00ed za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Pr\u00e1vn\u00ed z\u00e1stupkyn\u011b Slavie Zuzana Ml\u00e1dkov\u00e1 se sna\u017eila soudkyni Michaelu Wenzlovou b\u011bhem n\u011bkolika hodin p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010dit, \u017ee nem\u00e1 nad Slavi\u00ed vyhl\u00e1sit \u00fapadek.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Over the course of several hours, Slavia's legal representative, Zuzana Ml\u00e1dkov\u00e1, tried to convince judge Michaela Wenzlov\u00e1 to not declare Slavia bankrupt."} {"inputs": "How is \"This states how much doors will cost per ten, fifty and one hundred pieces produced.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ta ud\u00e1v\u00e1, kolik budou jedny dve\u0159e st\u00e1t po deseti, pades\u00e1ti, stech vyroben\u00fdch kusech."} {"inputs": "Cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e budou moci podle p\u0159edlohy, kter\u00e1 m\u00ed\u0159\u00ed k posouzen\u00ed do Sen\u00e1tu, nahrazovat poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed proti \u00fapadku bankovn\u00ed z\u00e1rukou.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "According to the document which now goes to the Senate for evaluation, travel agencies will be able to replace insurance against bankruptcy with a bank guarantee."} {"inputs": "Nhaijah vyslovovala nez\u0159eteln\u00e1 slova a nebyla schopn\u00e1 ch\u016fze pot\u00e9, co dorazila na pohotovost.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Nhaijah was slurring her words and was unable to walk when she arrived at the emergency room."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSimon Jenkins certainly thinks so.", "targets": "Simon Jenkins si to rozhodn\u011b mysl\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Ale aby p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00ed fungovalo, mus\u00ed b\u00fdt samoz\u0159ejm\u011b nejd\u0159\u00edve dosa\u017eiteln\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Zat\u00edmco viceprezident zva\u017euje potenci\u00e1ln\u00ed kandidaturu na prezidenta, 57 procent demokratick\u00fdch prim\u00e1rn\u00edch voli\u010d\u016f by si p\u0159\u00e1lo, aby do toho \u010del - t\u0159etina si zase mysl\u00ed, \u017ee by kandidovat nem\u011bl.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "As the vice president weighs a potential run for president, 57 percent of Democratic primary voters would like to see him jump in the race - although a third don't think he should."} {"inputs": "P\u0159ijede Wattican Punk Ballet z Arm\u00e9nie, zp\u011bv\u00e1k Ond\u0159ej Ruml, profesion\u00e1ln\u00ed hr\u00e1\u010d na didgeridoo Ond\u0159ej Smeykal, turbo\u0161ansonov\u00e1 skupina Polet\u00edme?, hrav\u00e1 kapela Zrn\u00ed nebo nap\u0159\u00edklad Petra Hapkov\u00e1 s recit\u00e1lem \u017divot na baru.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "D\u016fv\u011bru strany jsem zklamal t\u00edm nejhor\u0161\u00edm zp\u016fsobem."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nGeoff said to me, \"If I was going to be beat by someone, I'm glad it's Isaac.\"", "targets": "Geoff mi \u0159ekl: \u201ePokud m\u011bl b\u00fdt n\u011bkdo, kdo m\u011b mohl porazit, jsem r\u00e1d, \u017ee to byl Isaac.\u201c"} {"inputs": "L\u00e9ka\u0159i j\u00ed monitorovaly p\u0159es noc v samostatn\u00e9 d\u011btsk\u00e9 nemocnici na kv\u016fli jak\u00fdmkoliv zn\u00e1mk\u00e1m mozkov\u00e9ho trauma, proto\u017ee d\u00edvka kv\u016fli alkoholu upadla a pra\u0161tila se do hlavy, uv\u00e1d\u00ed Ritchey.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Doctors monitored her overnight at a separate children's hospital for any signs of brain trauma, as the alcohol caused the girl to fall and hit her head, Ritchey said."} {"inputs": "Pak p\u0159im\u011bli novin\u00e1\u0159e smazat z\u00e1znam.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "then forced journalists to delete footage."} {"inputs": "D\u011bkan univerzity William LaForge \u0159ekl, \u017ee nev\u011bd\u011bl o \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9m konfliktu mezi Lambem a Schmidtem, ale \u017ee \u201ev hlav\u011b pana Lamba se o\u010dividn\u011b n\u011bco odehr\u00e1valo\u201c.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "University President William LaForge said he didn't know of any conflict between Lamb and Schmidt but \"obviously there was something in Mr. Lamb's mind.\""} {"inputs": "Krom\u011b V\u00edtka k nim p\u0159ibyla je\u0161t\u011b dvoulet\u00e1 Leont\u00fdnka a nakonec i dvoj\u010d\u00e1tka.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Since then, V\u00edtek has been joined by two-year old Leont\u00fdna, and even twins."} {"inputs": "Related: Researchers read and write brain activity with light\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Souvisej\u00edc\u00ed: V\u011bdci um\u00ed \u010d\u00edst a zapisovat mozkovou aktivitu pomoc\u00ed sv\u011btla"} {"inputs": "Muslimov\u00e9 poh\u0159bili ob\u011bti p\u00e1du je\u0159\u00e1bu v Mekce a rodina Bin L\u00e1dina byla sankciov\u00e1na\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Muslims bury those killed in Mecca crane crash as Bin Laden family sanctioned"} {"inputs": "Do kancel\u00e1\u0159e dispe\u010dera jsem vrazil v okam\u017eiku, kdy z r\u00e1dia zazn\u011blo, \u017ee je pr\u00e1v\u011b sedm hodin.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "I entered the dispatcher's office at the moment the radio announced that it was seven o'clock."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe part you play in making the news is very important.", "targets": "Role, kterou hrajete ve tvorb\u011b zpr\u00e1v je velmi d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAged between 15 and 30.", "targets": "V\u011bk mezi 15 a 30 lety."} {"inputs": "\"Pro cel\u00fd region, pacienty i l\u00e9ka\u0159e je to mimo\u0159\u00e1dn\u011b d\u016fle\u017eit\u00fd krok,\" prohl\u00e1sila nap\u0159\u00edklad ke stavb\u011b vset\u00ednsk\u00e9 interny \u0159editelka nemocnice V\u011bra Prouskov\u00e1.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"This is an extraordinarily important step for the region as a whole, patients and doctors,\" said V\u011bra Prouskov\u00e1, director of the department of internal medicine in Vset\u00edn."} {"inputs": "Women play a big part in the decision-making process.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\u017deny hraj\u00ed v rozhodovac\u00edm procesu velkou roli."} {"inputs": "How is \"Who did Slavia pay the money to?\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Komu Slavia zaplatila?"} {"inputs": "Tuhle v\u011bc zn\u00e1 ka\u017ed\u00fd rodi\u010d: kdy\u017e si d\u00edt\u011b zamiluje knihu, netrv\u00e1 dlouho, ne\u017e se j\u00ed nau\u010d\u00ed skoro zpam\u011bti.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It's one thing any parent soon learns: when your child loves a book, it won't be long before you know it almost by heart."} {"inputs": "SABMiller byl v\u00fdjime\u010dnou akci\u00ed na trhu a posko\u010dil o 20% pot\u00e9, co dostal p\u0159ibl\u00ed\u017een\u00ed nab\u00eddky od sv\u00e9ho rivala AB InBev.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "SABMiller was the stand-out stock on the market, jumping 20% after it received a bid approach from rival AB InBev."} {"inputs": "\"Sed\u011bli jsme v divadle a \u010dekali na p\u0159\u00edchod kr\u00e1lovsk\u00e9 rodiny, kdy\u017e jsem si uv\u011bdomil, \u017ee sedadlo vedle m\u011b je pr\u00e1zdn\u00e9 a do\u0161lo mi, \u017ee tam bude sed\u011bt princezna Diana,\" \u0159ekl v traileru pro nadch\u00e1zej\u00edc\u00ed dokument, \"Zp\u011bt v \u010dase.\"\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"We were sitting in the theater waiting for the royals to come in and I realize that the seat next to me is empty, and it dawns on me that Princess Diana is going to be sitting next to me,\" he said in a trailer for an upcoming documentary, \"Back in Time.\""} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nwhen the company distributed new shares to the value of 222.9 million EUR among existing shareholders.", "targets": "Spole\u010dnost upsala mezi st\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00ed akcion\u00e1\u0159e nov\u00e9 akcie za 222,9 milionu eur."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nKim Bellware, a reporter from the Huffington Post, will be alongside me.", "targets": "Kim Bellware, novin\u00e1\u0159 z Huffington Post, bude po m\u00e9m boku."} {"inputs": "Kdy\u017e kontrolor p\u0159ejede prstem po \u0159ad\u011b n\u00fdt\u016f, pozn\u00e1, jestli je n\u011bkter\u00fd mimo toleranci.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Zvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b d\u016fle\u017eit\u00fd je p\u0159\u00edjem omega 3 mastn\u00fdch kyselin."} {"inputs": "O\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1m sign\u00e1l od Evropsk\u00e9 unie, \u017ee se zasad\u00edme o d\u016fstojn\u00e9 podm\u00ednky v uprchlick\u00fdch t\u00e1borech, nap\u0159\u00edklad v Jord\u00e1nsku a v Libanonu, \u0159ekla n\u011bmeck\u00e1 kancl\u00e9\u0159ka, podle n\u00ed\u017e by takov\u00fdm sign\u00e1lem mohla b\u00fdt i vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed finan\u010dn\u00ed pomoc nebo u\u017e\u0161\u00ed spolupr\u00e1ce EU s mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edmi humanit\u00e1rn\u00edmi organizacemi.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "I expect a signal from the European Union that we promote dignified conditions in refugee camps, for example in Jordan and Lebanon, said the German Chancellor, according to whom such a signal could be increased financial aid or closer cooperation between the EU and humanitarian organisations."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Yellen \u0159ekla, \u017ee p\u0159es jaro a po\u010d\u00e1tkem l\u00e9ta o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1 zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazeb v leto\u0161n\u00edm roce i p\u0159es st\u00ed\u017enosti od liber\u00e1l\u016f, \u017ee je zapot\u0159eb\u00ed v\u00edce ekonomick\u00e9ho pokroku."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"I just want to finish strong this year,\" Simon said.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u201eTento rok chci skon\u010dit s p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010div\u00fdmi v\u00fdsledky,\u201c \u0159ekl Simon."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe Azerbaijan government's decision means that Teli\u010dka will not have the opportunity to talk to official partners or visit political prisoners, which depends on the consent of the authorities, his Brussels office explained in a press release.", "targets": "Rozhodnut\u00edm \u00e1zerb\u00e1jd\u017e\u00e1nsk\u00e9 strany Teli\u010dka p\u0159i\u0161el o mo\u017enost rozhovor\u016f s ofici\u00e1ln\u00edmi partnery a tak\u00e9 o n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvu politick\u00fdch v\u011bz\u0148\u016f, kter\u00e1 z\u00e1vis\u00ed na souhlasu \u00fa\u0159ad\u016f, vysv\u011btlila v tiskov\u00e9m prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed jeho bruselsk\u00e1 kancel\u00e1\u0159."} {"inputs": "But I got married and, apart from at the national committee offices, I also had a ceremony in a church.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Jen\u017ee j\u00e1 se o\u017eenil a svatbu krom\u011b na n\u00e1rodn\u00edm v\u00fdboru jsem m\u011bl tak\u00e9 v kostele."} {"inputs": "\u010cestm\u00edr Folk.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\u010cestm\u00edr Folk."} {"inputs": "I came to terms with the situation relatively quickly - I was really looking forward to the baby and looked for the positives.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "S nastalou situac\u00ed jsem se vyrovnala pom\u011brn\u011b rychle - velmi jsem se t\u011b\u0161ila na d\u00edt\u011b a hledala jsem v tom pozitiva."} {"inputs": "Musel jsem vymyslet jinou teorii o p\u0159\u00ed\u010din\u011b jejich vymizen\u00ed a p\u0159i\u0161el jsem na to, \u017ee jejich vazba na pavouka musela m\u00edt p\u0159\u00ed\u010dinu v tom, \u017ee kdy\u017e ho nevid\u00ed, \u017ee je schovan\u00fd na n\u011bjak\u00e9m jin\u00e9m m\u00edst\u011b a \u017ee jim hroz\u00ed nebezpe\u010d\u00ed odkudkoliv.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"For example, Michal Ku\u010dera (TOP 09 a Starostov\u00e9) warned that mining companies would no longer want to sponsor municipalities as before, as they would have to pay higher fees directly into state coffers.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nap\u0159\u00edklad Michal Ku\u010dera (TOP 09 a Starostov\u00e9) varoval, \u017ee t\u011b\u017eebn\u00ed firmy u\u017e nebudou cht\u00edt sponzorovat obce tak jako dosud, proto\u017ee budou platit vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed poplatky p\u0159\u00edmo do st\u00e1tn\u00edho rozpo\u010dtu."} {"inputs": "Sedm mrtv\u00fdch pod lavinou v Alp\u00e1ch, z toho \u00fadajn\u011b t\u0159i \u010ce\u0161i.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Seven dead in avalanche in the Alps, incl. three Czechs - reports."} {"inputs": "To me it builds more confidence because they are saying these things because they are a little bit concerned about playing us.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Vzbuzuje to ve m\u011b v\u00edce sebev\u011bdom\u00ed, proto\u017ee \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed takov\u00e9 v\u011bci, proto\u017ee maj\u00ed obavy ze z\u00e1pasu proti n\u00e1m."} {"inputs": "Te\u010f je to osmdes\u00e1t, prvn\u00ed den to bylo dvan\u00e1ct.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Now it's eighty, and on the first day it was twelve."} {"inputs": "Po p\u00e1t\u00e9m roce ztratila skupina s bypassem v\u00edce hmotnosti v porovn\u00e1n\u00ed se skupinou gastrektomie (18,7 proti 14,2 kg), dos\u00e1hla v\u011bt\u0161\u00edch pokles\u016f BMI (7,4 proti 5,1) a hemoglobinu A1c (3,1 procent proti 2,1 procent) a m\u011bli v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed pravd\u011bpodobnost remise diabetu (46,9 procent proti 16,7 procent\u016fm).\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "At the fifth year, compared to the sleeve gastrectomy group, the bypass surgery group had lost more weight (18.7 vs 14.2 kg), achieved larger drops in BMI (7.4 vs 5.1) and in hemoglobin A1c (3.1 percent vs 2.1 percent) and were more likely to have complete diabetes remission (46.9 percent vs 16.7 percent)."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAs with every year, the festival will include a supporting programme of events.", "targets": "Organiz\u00e1to\u0159i festivalu jako ka\u017ed\u00fd rok p\u0159ipravuj\u00ed doprovodn\u00fd program."} {"inputs": "Pan Corbyn bude p\u00e1t\u00fdm v\u016fdcem D\u011blnick\u00e9 strany, kter\u00e9mu \u010delil David Cameron za posledn\u00ed desetilet\u00ed od sv\u00e9ho zvolen\u00ed jako v\u016fdce konzervativc\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nApple hit by the yo-yo effect.", "targets": "Apple postihl jo-jo efekt."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nVice President Joe Biden, who has yet to announce whether he is running for president, receives support from 15 percent of Democratic primary voters.", "targets": "Viceprezident Joe Biden, kter\u00fd m\u00e1 zat\u00edm ozn\u00e1mit, zda se bude cht\u00edt st\u00e1t prezidentem, z\u00edsk\u00e1v\u00e1 podporu od 15 procent demokratick\u00fdch prim\u00e1rn\u00edch voli\u010d\u016f."} {"inputs": "M\u00edra skotsk\u00e9 nezam\u011bstnanosti 5,9 procent se nach\u00e1zela nad m\u00edrou v UK (5,5 procent), jak uk\u00e1zaly \u00fadaje z \u00da\u0159adu pro n\u00e1rodn\u00ed statistiky (ONS).\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Scotland's unemployment rate of 5.9 per cent was above the UK's rate of 5.5 per cent, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures showed."} {"inputs": "How is \"Both Jeavons-Fellows and Markoski were quick to name Mackay as, apart from themselves, the best match for Wood.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jak Jeavons-Fellows, tak Markoski rychle jmenovaly Mackay jako tu, kter\u00e1 by se krom\u011b nich nejl\u00e9pe hodila k Woodovi."} {"inputs": "Translate \"They did, however, find time to change Deng's clothes, Google his symptoms, and contact Andy Meng, the fraternity's national president to seek advice, Police Chief Chris Wagner said at a news conference.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b, na\u0161li si \u010das p\u0159evl\u00e9ct Dengovy \u0161aty, vygooglovat si jeho symptomy a kontaktovat Andyho Menga, celost\u00e1tn\u00edho prezidenta bratrstva, a zeptat se ho na radu, uvedl policejn\u00ed n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk Chris Vagner na tiskov\u00e9 konferenci."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"This drive is immense,\" said Wenger.", "targets": "\"Toto nasazen\u00ed je ohromn\u00e9,\" tvrd\u00ed Wenger."} {"inputs": "How is \"Due to the difficult weather conditions, captain Jaroslav Navr\u00e1til is planning to spread the burden across all four players.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Kapit\u00e1n Jaroslav Navr\u00e1til pl\u00e1nuje, \u017ee vzhledem k obt\u00ed\u017en\u00fdm podm\u00ednk\u00e1m rozlo\u017e\u00ed zat\u00ed\u017een\u00ed na cel\u00e9 kvarteto."} {"inputs": "Leteck\u00e1 v\u00fdroba je synonymem p\u0159esnosti a pokro\u010dil\u00fdch technologi\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Why hadn't I stayed with the blacksmiths?\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pro\u010d jsem rad\u011bji nez\u016fstal u kov\u00e1\u0159\u016f?"} {"inputs": "B\u00fdval\u00e1 ministryn\u011b zahrani\u010d\u00ed Hillary Clintonov\u00e1 st\u00e1le dr\u017e\u00ed dvoucifern\u00fd n\u00e1skok v Demokratick\u00e9m z\u00e1vodu o nominaci na n\u00e1rodn\u00ed \u00farovni, ale sen\u00e1tor Bernie Sanders doh\u00e1n\u00ed jej\u00ed n\u00e1skok.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\"V Lize Mistr\u016f nen\u00ed snadn\u00e9 vyhr\u00e1t venku ani doma, tak\u017ee v\u00fdhra 2-0 d\u011bl\u00e1 na\u0161im protivn\u00edk\u016fm probl\u00e9my a vypadat pohodln\u011b v obran\u011b je dobr\u00fd za\u010d\u00e1tek, i kdy\u017e existuj\u00ed v\u011bci kter\u00e9 budeme muset s postupem sez\u00f3ny vylep\u0161it,\" \u0159ekl Blanc.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"It's not easy to win at home or away in the Champions League, so to win 2-0, cause our opponents problems and look comfortable at the back is a good start even if there are certain things we will need to perfect as the season goes on,\" said Blanc."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Earlier, Moody had dropped the bombshell in a racing.com interview that the integrity department had tried to spy on his stable.\" to Czech?", "targets": "D\u0159\u00edve Moody vypustil ve sv\u00e9m rozhovoru pro racing.com bombu, \u017ee se ho integrita odd\u011blen\u00ed pokusila \u0161pehovat."} {"inputs": "Vnit\u0159n\u00ed obchodn\u00ed st\u00e1nek (dobr\u00fd, levn\u00fd) je bl\u00edzko registr\u016f a disponuje r\u016fzn\u00fdmi odb\u011brn\u00fdmi m\u00edsty.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The store's indoor food stall (good, inexpensive) is near the registers, and has various takeout options."} {"inputs": "B\u011bhem posledn\u00edch p\u011bti let hr\u00e1l pouze v 65 ligov\u00fdch z\u00e1pasech Arsen\u00e1lu z celkov\u00e9ho po\u010dtu 157:\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He has also played in only 65 of Arsenal's 157 league games during the last five seasons."} {"inputs": "V tomto komunikace p\u0159es soci\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00e9dia s d\u016frazem na styl a ne na obsah sd\u011blen\u00ed, je okam\u017eit\u00e1 odpov\u011b\u010f \u010dasto up\u0159ednost\u0148ov\u00e1na p\u0159ed smyslupln\u00fdm kontaktem.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "BBC Radio 3 je kopi\u00ed Classic FM, tvrd\u00ed poslanec Andrew Bingham\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "BBC Radio 3 is a copy of Classic FM says MP Andrew Bingham"} {"inputs": "Inteligentn\u00ed lid\u00e9 se sna\u017e\u00ed probl\u00e9my \u0159e\u0161it, geni\u00e1ln\u00ed se je sna\u017e\u00ed ned\u011blat.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The goal of physiotherapy is for the patient to stay self-sufficient for as long as possible, including at work.\" to Czech?", "targets": "C\u00edlem fyzioterapie je, aby \u010dlov\u011bk mohl z\u016fstat co nejd\u00e9le sob\u011bsta\u010dn\u00fd, a to v\u010detn\u011b pracovn\u00edho za\u0159azen\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Inspections utilise a well-trained sense of touch.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "P\u0159i kontrole p\u0159ijde na \u0159adu vycvi\u010den\u00fd hmat."} {"inputs": "According to Gavin Grindon, curator of Cruel Designs and a lecturer at the University of Essex, artists are becoming more questioning and seeking to take political work to audiences outside galleries.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Podle Gavina Grindona, kur\u00e1torka Cruel Designs a odborn\u00e9ho asistenta na univerzit\u011b v Essexu, um\u011blci st\u00e1le v\u00edce zpochyb\u0148uj\u00ed a sna\u017e\u00ed se ukazovat politickou \u010dinnost div\u00e1k\u016fm mimo galerie."} {"inputs": "Nejde jen o to b\u00fdt decentn\u00ed lidskou bytost\u00ed, ale jste tak\u00e9 pov\u011bstn\u00ed lid\u00e9 ve sklen\u011bn\u00fdch domech.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "This isn't just to be a decent human, but because you are the proverbial people in glass houses."} {"inputs": "In the past he would always ask where he would sit before filming the next scene.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "D\u0159\u00edv se toti\u017e v\u017edycky p\u0159ed nat\u00e1\u010den\u00edm dal\u0161\u00ed sc\u00e9ny pt\u00e1val, kde bude sed\u011bt."} {"inputs": "How is \"The rich, successful and reliable Germans?\" said in Czech?", "targets": "S t\u011bmi bohat\u00fdmi, \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00fdmi a solidn\u00edmi N\u011bmci?"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The principal difference is that the impact happens faster in bonds than stocks when the Fed changes course in policy.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Hlavn\u00edm rozd\u00edlem je, \u017ee je dopad rychleji patrn\u00fd u dluhopis\u016f, ne\u017e u akci\u00ed, kdy\u017e Fed zm\u011bn\u00ed sm\u011br politiky."} {"inputs": "Storm maj\u00ed tento v\u00edkend p\u0159est\u00e1vku a vyhr\u00e1li pr\u00e1vo hostovat bu\u010f North Queensland Cownboys nebo Cronulla Sharks v p\u0159edb\u011b\u017en\u00e9m fin\u00e1le p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00ed sobotn\u00ed ve\u010der v AAMI Parku. L\u00edstky budou v prodeji od r\u00e1na p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edho \u00fater\u00fd.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The Storm have this weekend off as they have won the right to host either North Queensland Cowboys or Cronulla Sharks in next Saturday night's preliminary final at AAMI Park with tickets on sale from next Tuesday morning."} {"inputs": "Hav\u00e1rie se stala uprost\u0159ed siln\u00e9ho v\u011btru a de\u0161t\u011b jen n\u011bkolik dn\u00ed p\u0159ed dora\u017een\u00edm milion\u016f lid\u00ed v kr\u00e1lovstv\u00ed na pouti, kterou mus\u00ed alespo\u0148 jednou v \u017eivot\u011b absolvovat ka\u017ed\u00fd zdatn\u00fd muslim.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The crash came amid high winds and rain just days before millions arrive in the kingdom for the pilgrimage, which is required at least once in the life of every able-bodied Muslim."} {"inputs": "P\u0159edn\u00ed sv\u011btov\u00ed v\u00fdrobci se mohou pochlubit podobn\u00fdmi syst\u00e9my, ale d\u00edky odli\u0161nosti v softwaru a v \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed parametr\u016f pat\u0159\u00ed FastMig X ke sv\u011btov\u00e9 \u0161pi\u010dce.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "While leading global producers can boast similar systems, FastMig X's different software and parameters management means that it amongst the best in the world."} {"inputs": "\"Na druh\u00e9 stran\u011b v\u0161ak tento fakt zvy\u0161uje riziko, \u017ee t\u011b\u017eebn\u00ed organizace budou zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed \u00fahrad kompenzovat snahou o sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed sv\u00fdch provozn\u00edch v\u00fddaj\u016f, co\u017e by p\u0159edev\u0161\u00edm znamenalo redukci po\u010dtu zam\u011bstnanc\u016f,\" p\u0159ipou\u0161t\u00ed vl\u00e1da.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Evropan\u00e9 k vlastn\u00ed \u00fajm\u011b v\u011bd\u00ed jak drav\u00e1 m\u016f\u017ee Fleet Street b\u00fdt a jak skepti\u010dt\u00ed v\u016f\u010di EU jsou tiskov\u00ed oligarchov\u00e9 baroni, proto\u017ee nebyli b\u011bhem referenda inspirovan\u00e9ho Tonym Bennem v roku 1975, kter\u00e9 podpo\u0159ilo n\u00e1\u0161 vstup roku 1973 v pom\u011bru 2:1.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The Czech Republic, among others, is one of the countries that has, for some time now, rejected the quota-based distribution of refugees.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Rozd\u011blov\u00e1n\u00ed b\u011b\u017eenc\u016f v EU na z\u00e1klad\u011b kv\u00f3t dlouhodob\u011b odm\u00edt\u00e1 mimo jin\u00e9 \u010cesko."} {"inputs": "How is \"What will happen with that 1500 is that 1100 of them will undergo asylum proceedings.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "I u t\u011bch 1500 jde o to, \u017ee p\u0159ijde 1100 lid\u00ed, se kter\u00fdmi vy\u0159\u00edd\u00edme azylovou proceduru."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nPeople from the surrounding area call it the 'Chlum fan'.", "targets": "Lid\u00e9 ze \u0161irok\u00e9ho okol\u00ed mu \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed \"v\u011btr\u00e1k na Chlumu\"."} {"inputs": "Krabi\u010dkou s jak\u00fdmsi juvenaliz\u00e1torem, kter\u00fd si mravenci donesli do hn\u00edzda a on pak nedovolil kr\u00e1lovn\u011b generovat nov\u00e9 potomstvo.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "I used a box of juvenilising agent that would be taken by the ants would take to their nest and stop the queen from producing more young."} {"inputs": "Nebo jste-li mimo UK, za\u0161lete je na mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed telefonn\u00ed \u010d\u00edslo +44 7624 800 100.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Or if you are outside the UK, send them to the international number +44 7624 800 100."} {"inputs": "She said there was a need to address growing demographic trends which have seen more single female households who are doing more home improvements than in the past.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\u0158ekla, \u017ee existuje pot\u0159eba oslovit vzr\u016fstaj\u00edc\u00ed demografick\u00e9 trendy, kter\u00e9 zobrazuj\u00ed v\u00edce \u017eensk\u00fdch dom\u00e1cnost\u00ed, kter\u00e9 si prov\u00e1d\u00ed v\u00edce dom\u00e1c\u00edch \u00faprav ne\u017e v minulosti."} {"inputs": "Translate \"However, the two-gramme difference from previous models was truly negligible.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Dvougramov\u00fd hmotnost\u00ed rozd\u00edl v neprosp\u011bch dan\u00e9 novinky byl p\u0159itom opravdu zanedbateln\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Smutn\u00e9 poselstv\u00ed proch\u00e1zelo kolem svat\u00e9ho m\u00edsta, kde jen o n\u011bkolik dn\u00ed d\u0159\u00edve stavebn\u00ed je\u0159\u00e1b prorazil strop me\u0161ity a svrhl se na v\u011b\u0159\u00edc\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIn Manchester they were replaced by Pogba, Mand\u017euki\u0107 and Morata.", "targets": "V Manchesteru je zastoupili Pogba, Mand\u017euki\u010d a Morata."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThere was no sign of anything amiss.", "targets": "Nebylo \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 znamen\u00ed \u010dehokoliv \u0161patn\u00e9ho."} {"inputs": "Tvrdohlav\u00fd Hibbe byl p\u0159\u00edsn\u011b pok\u00e1r\u00e1n pot\u00e9 co p\u0159iznal, \u017ee zp\u00edval p\u00edse\u0148 s textem zam\u011b\u0159en\u00fdm pro b\u00fdval\u00e9mu hr\u00e1\u010di Hearts Rudolfu Sk\u00e1celovi.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The diehard Hibee was carpeted after admitting singing a song with offensive lyrics about ex-Hearts player Rudi Skacel."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V\u0161echny informace, kter\u00e9 m\u00e1me, a\u0165 u\u017e z Mold\u00e1vie, Srbska, Ma\u010farska, nasv\u011bd\u010duj\u00ed sp\u00ed\u0161 tomu, \u017ee se Ma\u010fa\u0159i pokus\u00ed odklonit migra\u010dn\u00ed tok na Chorvatsko a Slovinsko, co\u017e by potom znamenalo p\u0159\u00edmou cestu do Rakouska."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nMost people are shaken when a serious illness enters their life.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e v\u00e1m p\u0159ijde do \u017eivota v\u00e1\u017en\u00e1 nemoc, v\u011bt\u0161inou lid\u00ed to ot\u0159ese."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"Young people from all over the world will continue to gather here, share their experiences among each other and develop their mutual ties and the craft of film,\" said the spokesman.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Mlad\u00ed lid\u00e9 z cel\u00e9ho sv\u011bta se zde budou d\u00e1l sch\u00e1zet, vym\u011b\u0148ovat si mezi sebou zku\u0161enosti a rozv\u00edjet spole\u010dn\u00e9 vazby i filmov\u00e9 \u0159emeslo,\" uvedl mluv\u010d\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Jeden novin\u00e1\u0159 z Oklahomy m\u011b obvinil na Twitteru, \u017ee kompromituji svoji nestrannost.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\"\u010c\u00edna by se m\u011bla anga\u017eovat v l\u00e1k\u00e1n\u00ed zahrani\u010dn\u00edch investic a odborn\u00fdch znalost\u00ed a zlep\u0161it otev\u0159en\u00e9 politiky,\" \u0159ekl ohledn\u011b 16. zased\u00e1n\u00ed centr\u00e1ln\u00ed vedouc\u00ed skupiny pro prohlouben\u00ed celkov\u00e9 reformy.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Skladov\u00e1n\u00edm v lednici se trvanlivost je\u0161t\u011b prodlou\u017e\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"I threw a sugar cube into the mug and silently mixed the hot brew.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Vhodil jsem do hrn\u00ed\u010dku kostku cukru a ml\u010dky m\u00edchal hork\u00fd lektvar."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe old adage of \"getting on with it\" is strong, as is the sense that it will be perceived as weak to open up about problems.\"", "targets": "Star\u00e9 po\u0159ekadlo \"vypo\u0159\u00e1dat se s t\u00edm\" je siln\u00e9 v tom smyslu, \u017ee bude vn\u00edm\u00e1no jako slab\u00e9 k otev\u0159en\u00ed se o probl\u00e9mech."} {"inputs": "Hodn\u011b se toho na tomto turn\u00e9 nau\u010d\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"This story has been corrected to reflect that police are now saying Lamb made the 911 call after shooting Schmidt, and that while Lamb referred to Prentiss as his wife in the 911 call, there is no indication the two ever married.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Tento p\u0159\u00edb\u011bh byl upraven tak, aby reflektoval fakt, \u017ee policie nyn\u00ed tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee Lamb ud\u011blal telefon\u00e1t na nouzovou linku pot\u00e9, co zabil Schmidta, a \u017ee a\u010dkoliv Lamb naz\u00fdval Prentiss svou \u017eenou, neexistuje d\u016fkaz, \u017ee byly skute\u010dn\u011b sezdan\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Z\u00e1rove\u0148 se vyskytly inklinace pokud jde o probl\u00e9my.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "At the same time, there were some inclinations of problems."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nTo open them again, he would have to prove that he had changed, that he is again worthy of our trust.", "targets": "Aby se mu op\u011bt otev\u0159ely, bude muset prok\u00e1zat, \u017ee se zm\u011bnil, \u017ee je op\u011bt hoden na\u0161\u00ed d\u016fv\u011bry."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Polovina haly, kde se kompletuj\u00ed elektrick\u00e9 sk\u0159\u00edn\u011b pro vojensk\u00fd letoun Airbus A400 M, je zat\u00edm pr\u00e1zdn\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed pokus\u016f nikdy nem\u016f\u017ee dok\u00e1zat, \u017ee jsem m\u011bl pravdu."} {"inputs": "\"That keeps coming up - I didn't hear Trent Robinson bring up wrestling when they beat us 24-2,\" Bellamy said on Wednesday.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"Po\u0159\u00e1d to p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed - nepamatuji si, \u017ee by Trent Robinson mluvil o wrestlingu, kdy\u017e n\u00e1s porazili 24-2,\" \u0159ekl ve st\u0159edu Bellamy."} {"inputs": "Nen\u00ed to v\u0161ak jednoduch\u00e9.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "However, it is not easy."} {"inputs": "Baku to podle Teli\u010dky zd\u016fvod\u0148uje rezoluc\u00ed EP z minul\u00e9ho t\u00fddne, kter\u00e1 kritizuje poru\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed lidsk\u00fdch pr\u00e1v v \u00c1zerb\u00e1jd\u017e\u00e1nu a jej\u00edm\u017e byl Teli\u010dka spoluautorem.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "According to Teli\u010dka, Baku did this following last week's resolution of the European Parliament criticising human rights breaches, of which Teli\u010dka was a co-author."} {"inputs": "Shrom\u00e1\u017ed\u011bn\u00ed bylo spu\u0161t\u011bno o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00edm, \u017ee politici Fed pozdr\u017e\u00ed sazby tento t\u00fdden v klidu, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 John Lonski, hlavn\u00ed ekonom v Moody's Capital Markets Research Group.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The rally was triggered by expectations that Fed policymakers will hold the rate steady this week, said John Lonski, chief economist at Moody's Capital Markets Research Group."} {"inputs": "How is \"The large number of somewhat more numerous silverfish was again reduced and the spider quietly went about its business of feeding itself.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Po\u010detn\u00ed stav pon\u011bkud namno\u017een\u00fdch rybenek se zase sn\u00ed\u017eil a pavouk si v klidu hled\u011bl sv\u00e9 b\u011b\u017en\u00e9 \u010dinnosti k zaji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed potravy."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The entire group benefits from the growing production of Airbus and Boeing, who between them have a 85 percent market share.\" to Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159itom cel\u00e1 skupina t\u011b\u017e\u00ed z rostouc\u00ed v\u00fdroby Airbusu a Boeingu, kte\u0159\u00ed se na tr\u017eb\u00e1ch pod\u00edlej\u00ed 85 procenty."} {"inputs": "P\u011btipatrov\u00e1 budova tam m\u00e1 b\u00fdt hotov\u00e1 zhruba za dva roky a nab\u00eddne komfortn\u00ed vybaven\u00ed pro internu i neurologii, dial\u00fdzu, nov\u00e9 ambulance, l\u016f\u017eka i jednotku intenzivn\u00ed p\u00e9\u010de.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The five-storey building is to be ready in approximately two years and will offer comfortable facilities for internal medicine and neurology, dialysis, new out-patient wards, beds and an intensive care unit."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Byl jsem vyfocen v Joburgu\" je neziskov\u00e9 studio, kter\u00e9 u\u010d\u00ed mlad\u00e9 bezdomovce jak d\u011blat fotografie sv\u00e9ho sousedstv\u00ed a vyd\u011bl\u00e1vat si tak pen\u00edze."} {"inputs": "\"D\u0159\u00edve se tito pacienti takzvan\u011b \u0161et\u0159ili, dnes v\u00edme, \u017ee pot\u0159ebuj\u00ed c\u00edlenou z\u00e1t\u011b\u017e,\" \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 prof. PaedDr. Pavel Kol\u00e1\u0159, p\u0159ednosta Kliniky rehabilitace a t\u011blov\u00fdchovn\u00e9ho l\u00e9ka\u0159stv\u00ed Fakultn\u00ed nemocnice v Motole.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "P\u0159i nouzov\u00e9m vol\u00e1n\u00ed se profesor p\u0159iznal, \u017ee zast\u0159elil svou p\u0159\u00edtelkyni\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In 911 Call, Professor Admits to Shooting Girlfriend"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nejv\u00edce pozoruhodn\u00e9 je, \u017ee hrub\u00fd dom\u00e1c\u00ed produkt bl\u00edzko jeho nejni\u017e\u0161\u00ed bodu v historii p\u0159i zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazeb Fedu."} {"inputs": "How is \"I would then have to consider what I do with my licence.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Musel bych pot\u00e9 zv\u00e1\u017eit co budu d\u011blat svoj\u00ed licenc\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Kte\u0159\u00ed se l\u00e9ta sna\u017eili, alespo\u0148 navenek, vypo\u0159\u00e1dat se svoj\u00ed stra\u0161livou minulost\u00ed agresora a vraha milion\u016f?\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Those who for years tried, at least outwardly? to come to terms with their terrible past as aggressors and murderers of millions?"} {"inputs": "Podle vl\u00e1dy to u\u0161et\u0159\u00ed pen\u00edze za zaveden\u00ed elektronick\u00e9ho syst\u00e9mu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "According to the government, this will save money on the introduction of an electronic system."} {"inputs": "McInnes uv\u00e1d\u00ed: \"Neexistuje t\u00fdm, kter\u00fd cokoliv vyhr\u00e1l, a\u0165 u\u017e poh\u00e1ry nebo ligy, ani\u017e by vyhr\u00e1val tento typ z\u00e1pas\u016f.\"\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nShe was recommended for the role of the first lady of Argentina by Monika Absolonov\u00e1.", "targets": "Na roli prvn\u00ed d\u00e1my Argentiny ji doporu\u010dila Monika Absolonov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "O situaci v ukrajinsk\u00e9m Donbasu pr\u00fd naopak rusk\u00fd v\u016fdce v\u016fbec hovo\u0159it nehodl\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Telefon v\u00e1s provede procesem aktualizace."} {"inputs": "The Islington North MP has said PMQs is too confrontational and that he will refrain from both \"repartee\" and trading barbs, instead vowing to focus on serious issues such as poverty, inequality and the challenges facing young people.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "MP Islington North tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee jsou PMQ p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 konfronta\u010dn\u00ed a \u017ee se zdr\u017e\u00ed jak \"pohotov\u00fdch odpov\u011bd\u00ed,\" tak ozuben\u00e9ho obchodu, a nam\u00edsto toho slibuje, \u017ee se zam\u011b\u0159\u00ed na d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9 probl\u00e9my jako je chudoba, nerovnost a v\u00fdzvy, kter\u00fdm \u010del\u00ed mlad\u00ed lid\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Despite this, he says that the actor, who was appearing in front of the cameras after a long break caused due to convalescence from a serious illness, surprised him.\" to Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159esto ho pr\u00fd herec, kter\u00fd se p\u0159ed kamerou objevil po del\u0161\u00ed p\u0159est\u00e1vce spojen\u00e9 s rekonvalescenc\u00ed po v\u00e1\u017en\u00e9 chorob\u011b, p\u0159ekvapil."} {"inputs": "Translate \"RONNY Deila has accepted Celtic are struggling, but the Norwegian boss vowed to turn things around.\" to Czech?", "targets": "ROONY Dealia p\u0159ipustil, \u017ee Celtic trochu klop\u00fdt\u00e1, ale norsk\u00fd \u0161\u00e9f se zav\u00e1zal, \u017ee v\u011bci oto\u010d\u00ed zp\u011bt k dobr\u00e9mu."} {"inputs": "Te\u010f jich m\u00e1 800 a do t\u0159\u00ed let by jich mohlo b\u00fdt je\u0161t\u011b o stovku v\u00edce.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Now it has 800 employees, and might have a hundred more within three years."} {"inputs": "Sanchez, on the disabled list with a shoulder strain since mid-August, was scheduled to be activated for a Wednesday start.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Sanchez, kter\u00fd je na seznamu zran\u011bn\u00fdch d\u00edky nata\u017een\u00fdm sval\u016fm v rameni od poloviny srpna, by m\u011bl nastoupit ve st\u0159ede\u010dn\u00edm z\u00e1pasu."} {"inputs": "Pan\u00ed Laury tvrd\u00ed: \"Bylo to v\u011bdom\u00e9 rozhodnut\u00ed - diverzita je zde d\u016fle\u017eit\u00fdm t\u00e9matem.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Mrs Laury said: \"This was a conscious decision - diversity is an important topic here."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAt that moment the doors to the superintendent's office opened and the superintendent appeared.", "targets": "Vtom se otev\u0159ely dve\u0159e n\u00e1\u010delnik\u00e1rny a objevil se n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBy the end of the day, there would be one more death: Lamb took his own life as police closed in on him.", "targets": "Nakonec p\u0159i\u0161la je\u0161t\u011b dal\u0161\u00ed smrt; Lamb si vzal sv\u016fj vlastn\u00ed \u017eivot, kdy\u017e pro n\u011bj p\u0159i\u0161la policie."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"When we're talking about diversity you do it in the casting of the film not in the casting of the show,\" Damon asserted.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u201eKdy\u017e mluv\u00edme o diverzit\u011b, prov\u00e1d\u00edte to obsazen\u00edm filmu a ne p\u0159i obsazen\u00ed show\u201c, tvrd\u00ed Damon."} {"inputs": "Three years later the well was supplemented with a metal structure and wind-powered pump for pumping water into the reservoir at the highest point of the village, close to the church.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "O t\u0159i roky pozd\u011bji studnu doplnili je\u0161t\u011b kovovou konstrukc\u00ed s v\u011btrn\u00fdm \u010derpadlem, je\u017e vodu \u010derpalo do rezervo\u00e1ru v nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00edm bod\u011b obce, pobl\u00ed\u017e zdej\u0161\u00edho kostela."} {"inputs": "The comrade superintendent was sitting behind his desk and behind the other desk were other comrades who were to decide on my future as a civil servant.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Soudruh n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk za sv\u00fdm psac\u00edm stolem a u dlouh\u00e9ho poradn\u00edho stolu dal\u0161\u00ed soudruzi, kte\u0159\u00ed m\u011bli rozhodnout o m\u00e9m \u00fa\u0159ednick\u00e9m byt\u00ed \u010di nebyt\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Je tvou povinnost\u00ed tohoto mlad\u00e9ho, pravda, pon\u011bkud pom\u00fdlen\u00e9ho soudruha, podpo\u0159it v jeho \u00fasil\u00ed o n\u00e1pravu!"} {"inputs": "How is \"They said the public would expect PHE's claims that \"the current best estimate is that e-cigarettes are around 95% less harmful than smoking\" would be based on a detailed review of evidence and modelling.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ud\u00e1vaj\u00ed, \u017ee by ve\u0159ejnost mohla o\u010dek\u00e1vat, \u017ee je tvrzen\u00ed agentury PHE, kter\u00e9 zn\u00ed \"sou\u010dasn\u00fd nejlep\u0161\u00ed odhad je, \u017ee e-cigarety jsou kolem 95% m\u00e9n\u011b \u0161kodliv\u00e9 ne\u017e kou\u0159en\u00ed\" jsou zalo\u017eena na podrobn\u00e9m p\u0159ezkoum\u00e1n\u00ed d\u016fkaz\u016f a modelov\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "CK v takov\u00e9m p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b utrp\u00ed v\u00fdznamnou ztr\u00e1tu a m\u016f\u017ee i zkrachovat, p\u0159esto\u017ee jej\u00ed hospoda\u0159en\u00ed bylo v dobr\u00e9 kondici."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nOn the occasion of the homecoming gathering the village had the replica wheel modified and re-mounted on top of an iron tower.", "targets": "U p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitosti srazu rod\u00e1k\u016f obec nechala repliku kola upravit a znovu ho osadila na vrchol \u017eelezn\u00e9 v\u011b\u017ee."} {"inputs": "How is \"Technically, parliament must still approve the deployment of the military, expected next week, but Associated Press reporters at the border have seen heavily armed military personnel with vehicles and dogs for days.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Technicky mus\u00ed parlament st\u00e1le schv\u00e1lit nasazen\u00ed arm\u00e1dy, kter\u00e9 se \u010dekalo v p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edm t\u00fddnu, ale report\u00e9\u0159i Associated Press na hranici pozorovali t\u011b\u017ece ozbrojen\u00e9 vojsko s vozidly a psi u\u017e n\u011bkolik dn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"They broadcast The Voice in a prime slot because they want to gain as broad a support as possible for its future.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Vys\u00edlaj\u00ed The Voice v hlavn\u00edm vys\u00edlac\u00edm \u010dase, proto\u017ee cht\u011bj\u00ed z\u00edskat co nej\u0161ir\u0161\u00ed mo\u017enou podporu do budoucnosti."} {"inputs": "Angel Di Maria oslavuje s Blaisem Matuidim a Edinsonem Cavanim po vst\u0159elen\u00ed branky proti Malmu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Angel Di Maria celebrates with Blaise Matuidi and Edinson Cavani after scoring against Malmo."} {"inputs": "Hearts budou bojovat s SFA proti \u00fatoku na Neilsona a Warburton m\u00e1 obavy, \u017ee nov\u00e9 posily z ledna naru\u0161\u00ed jednotu t\u00fdmu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Hearts to fight SFA over Neilson charge and Warburton wary of January signings disrupting squad unity"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The complex opens to motorists on Saturday afternoon.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u0158idi\u010d\u016fm se otev\u0159e v sobotu odpoledne."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThey reduce hunger and limit the body's ability to absorb food.", "targets": "Sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed hladu a omezen\u00ed lidsk\u00e9ho t\u011bla absorbovat j\u00eddlo."} {"inputs": "Two-thirds of GOP voters would be happy with Trump as the nominee.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dv\u011b t\u0159etiny voli\u010d\u016f GOP by bylo spokojen\u00fdch s Trumpem jako kandid\u00e1tem."} {"inputs": "Pan Corbyl uvedl na konferenci TUC, \u017ee D\u011blnick\u00e1 strana p\u0159edkl\u00e1dala pozm\u011bn\u011bn\u00e9 n\u00e1vrhy k odstran\u011bn\u00ed cel\u00e9 my\u0161lenky limitu d\u00e1vek.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Mr Corbyn told the TUC conference Labour was putting forward amendments to remove the whole idea of a cap altogether."} {"inputs": "Problematika pr\u00e1v poslala ve st\u0159edu ceny akci\u00ed Glencore na vrchol na lond\u00fdnsk\u00e9m akciov\u00e9m trhu v \u010dasn\u00fdch rann\u00edch obchodech.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The rights issue sent Glencore's share price soaring to the top of the London stock market in early morning deals on Wednesday."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Even those pictures of the primitive Christian church set up by the Eritreans didn't make such a big impression on Europeans.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ani ty obr\u00e1zky primitivn\u00edho k\u0159es\u0165ansk\u00e9ho kostela Eritrejc\u016f n\u011bjak neud\u011blaly na obyvatele Evropy zvl\u00e1\u0161tn\u00ed dojem."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"That's all for now, you can go,\" the superintendent ended the audience and started again carefully examining the paperwork that he'd had in his hand before.", "targets": "\"To je zat\u00edm v\u0161echno, m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 j\u00edt,\" ukon\u010dil audienci n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk a za\u010dal znovu bedliv\u011b prohl\u00ed\u017eet lejstro, kter\u00e9 m\u011bl p\u0159edt\u00edm v ruce."} {"inputs": "Lamb v tomto kraji vyrostl.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Lamb grew up in the area."} {"inputs": "Podle st\u00e1tn\u00edho z\u00e1stupce Mand\u00edk s Mac\u00edkem zp\u016fsobili \u0161kodu minim\u00e1ln\u011b jeden milion korun, vypl\u00fdv\u00e1 z ob\u017ealoby.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The indictment states that, according to the state prosecutor, Mand\u00edk and Mac\u00edk caused damage to the minimum amount of one million crowns."} {"inputs": "V lednu t\u0159i studenti \u010dtvrt\u00e9ho ro\u010dn\u00edku v severn\u00edm New Yorku pl\u00e1novali otr\u00e1vit jejich \"zl\u00e9ho\" u\u010ditele rozm\u00edst\u011bn\u00edm antibakteri\u00e1ln\u00edch produkt\u016f po m\u00edstnosti,\" podle policejn\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In January, three fourth-grade students in upstate New York plotted to poison their \"mean\" teacher \"by putting antibacterial products around the classroom,\" according to a police report."} {"inputs": "How is \"Mrs Laury said: \"We still have a majority of men working in our stores.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Pan\u00ed Laury \u0159\u00edk\u00e1: \"St\u00e1le u n\u00e1s v obchodech pracuje v\u011bt\u0161inou mu\u017ei."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jsou prov\u011brky a ty doraz\u00ed\u0161 taktak."} {"inputs": "Opravdu, opravdu pot\u0159ebujeme podporu Celticu, proto\u017ee d\u00edky n\u00ed jsou hr\u00e1\u010di mnohem lep\u0161\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "We really, really need the support of Celtic because that makes the players much better."} {"inputs": "The uneducated guard spoke like a book.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nevzd\u011blan\u00fd bacha\u0159 mluvil jako kniha."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The new buildings will replace those in which, for example, many patients share a single room, there is only one toilet per floor, beds are non-adjustable, windows not insulated and healthcare workers do not enjoy adequate working conditions.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nov\u00e9 budovy toti\u017e nahrad\u00ed ty, ve kter\u00fdch nap\u0159\u00edklad le\u017e\u00ed mnoho nemocn\u00fdch na jednom pokoji, na pat\u0159e maj\u00ed t\u0159eba jen jednu toaletu, postele jsou nepolohovateln\u00e9, okna net\u011bsn\u00ed a zdravotn\u00edci nemaj\u00ed odpov\u00eddaj\u00edc\u00ed podm\u00ednky pro pr\u00e1ci."} {"inputs": "Karl a Lisa se maj\u00ed dob\u0159e, d\u011bkujeme za opt\u00e1n\u00ed!\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Karl and Lisa are fine, thanks for checking!"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe combination of state-of-the-art technologies and hardware and software integrated into a modular structure brings benefits and a fast return on investment in the form of high quality, productivity and reliability.", "targets": "Kombinace \u0161pi\u010dkov\u00fdch technologi\u00ed, hardwarov\u00e9ho a softwarov\u00e9ho vybaven\u00ed integrovan\u00e9ho do modul\u00e1rn\u00ed konstrukce p\u0159in\u00e1\u0161\u00ed benefity a rychlou n\u00e1vratnost investice v podob\u011b vysok\u00e9 kvality, produktivity a spolehlivosti."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"Our journey involved many dark train and bus rides, as well as hunger, thirst, cold and fear,\" she wrote.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u201eCestovali jsme v mnoha temn\u00fdch vlac\u00edch a autobusech a za\u017eili jsme hlad, \u017e\u00edze\u0148, zimu i strach,\u201c uvedla Masoudov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Xi vyz\u00fdv\u00e1 k otev\u0159en\u00ed ekonomiky do \u0161ir\u0161\u00edho sv\u011bta\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Xi urges to open economy wider to world"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Ve v\u0161ech p\u0159\u00edpadech jde o z\u00e1sadn\u00ed a \u010dasto nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed zm\u011bny v posledn\u00edch letech."} {"inputs": "Anglick\u00fd obr\u00e1nce bude m\u00edt p\u0159idanou motivaci k zotaven\u00ed v podob\u011b mistrovstv\u00ed Evropy ve Francii p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edho \u010dervence.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The England defender will have an added incentive to recover with the European Championship in France next June."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nA further positive aspect of regular exercise is the fact that patients can check what all they can do, strengthening their self-confidence.", "targets": "Dal\u0161\u00edm pozitivem pravideln\u00e9ho cvi\u010den\u00ed je fakt, \u017ee si nemocn\u00ed ov\u011b\u0159uj\u00ed, co v\u0161echno zvl\u00e1dnou, a to posiluje jejich sebejistotu."} {"inputs": "kdy \u010dty\u0159i hlavn\u00ed politick\u00e9 strany podepsaly dohodu o rozd\u011blen\u00ed zem\u011b do provinci\u00ed \u2014 velk\u00fd krok vst\u0159\u00edc nov\u00e9 \u00fastav\u011b, ale velmi sporn\u00e1 ot\u00e1zka v Nep\u00e1lu, kter\u00fd byl centr\u00e1ln\u011b \u0159\u00edzen cel\u00e1 stalet\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Konkr\u00e9tn\u011b nap\u0159\u00edklad slovensk\u00e9mu exreprezentantovi Milanu Ivanovi \u010di \u010desk\u00e9mu z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00edkovi Mariu Li\u010dkovi."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nbecause Europe's attitude is that if they're registered, they can't be held.", "targets": "Proto\u017ee Evropa se k tomu chov\u00e1 tak, \u017ee maj\u00ed-li registraci, nem\u016f\u017eou b\u00fdt zadr\u017eeni."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nOr is it making breaks and not scoring tries that is exciting?", "targets": "Nebo jsou p\u0159est\u00e1vky a nesk\u00f3rov\u00e1n\u00ed pokus\u016f to zaj\u00edmav\u00e9?"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nMy career as a railway officer had finished earlier than it had started.", "targets": "Kari\u00e9ra dr\u00e1\u017en\u00edho \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edka vzala za sv\u00e9 d\u0159\u00edv, ne\u017e za\u010dala."} {"inputs": "How is \"There is much at stake, as South Australia and Western Australia account for almost 30 per cent of Metcash's IGA store footprint and generate higher profit margins than Metcash's IGA network in the eastern states.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V s\u00e1zce je hodn\u011b, proto\u017ee ji\u017en\u00ed a z\u00e1padn\u00ed Austr\u00e1lie p\u0159edstavuj\u00ed t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 30 procent Metcash IGA obchodn\u00edch krok\u016f a generuj\u00ed vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed obrat ne\u017e s\u00ed\u0165 Metcash IGA ve v\u00fdchodn\u00edch st\u00e1tech."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "O tom mluv\u00edme u\u017e rok a \u0159\u00edk\u00e1me, \u017ee toto je cesta."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOnce one of the best teams in baseball, the Tigers are now in last place in the American League Central.", "targets": "Tyg\u0159i, jeden z nejlep\u0161\u00edch baseballov\u00fdch t\u00fdm\u016f, se pr\u00e1v\u011b te\u010f nach\u00e1z\u00ed na posledn\u00edm m\u00edst\u011b centr\u00e1ln\u00ed divize Americk\u00e9 ligy."} {"inputs": "Naprosto selhal.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Not long ago we were discussing forty thousand, now it's one hundred and twenty thousand.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159ed ned\u00e1vnem jsme \u0159e\u0161ili \u010dty\u0159icet tis\u00edc, te\u010f je to sto dvacet tis\u00edc."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The eight-person group was hit by a massive quantity of snow at a height of about 3,900 metres, he continued.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Na osmi\u010dlennou skupinu se tak podle n\u011bj ve v\u00fd\u0161ce asi 3900 metr\u016f hrnulo ohromn\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed sn\u011bhu."} {"inputs": "Binladinova rodina byla v bl\u00edzkosti sa\u00fadskoarabsk\u00e9 vl\u00e1dnouc\u00ed rodiny po cel\u00e1 desetilet\u00ed a provozuj\u00ed velk\u00e9 stavebn\u00ed projekty.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"The governor then chooses the candidates themselves after the elections.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Po volb\u00e1ch pak sen\u00e1tora z trojice kandid\u00e1t\u016f s\u00e1m vybere."} {"inputs": "\"Je to opravdu individu\u00e1ln\u00ed, z\u00e1le\u017e\u00ed na konkr\u00e9tn\u00edch pot\u00ed\u017e\u00edch pacienta,\" \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 MUDr. Martina K\u00f6v\u00e1ri, prim\u00e1\u0159ka Kliniky rehabilitace a t\u011blov\u00fdchovn\u00e9ho l\u00e9ka\u0159stv\u00ed Fakultn\u00ed nemocnice v Motole.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"It really is individual and depends on the specific difficulties being suffered by the patient,\" says MUDr. Martina K\u00f6v\u00e1ri, senior consultant at the Physiotherapy and Physical Medicine Clinic of the Faculty Hospital in Motol."} {"inputs": "Takov\u00e1 rozhodnut\u00ed nelze nikdy br\u00e1t na lehkou v\u00e1hu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Such decisions are never taken lightly."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V srpnu bylo v Today v pr\u016fm\u011bru 318 000 v porovn\u00e1n\u00ed s 330 000 v Sunrise."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Poslaneck\u00e1 sn\u011bmovna v prvn\u00edm \u010dten\u00ed podpo\u0159ila vl\u00e1dn\u00ed novelu horn\u00edho z\u00e1kona, kter\u00e1 upravuje v\u00fd\u0161i v\u00fdnosu poplatk\u016f z povrchov\u00e9 t\u011b\u017eby hn\u011bd\u00e9ho uhl\u00ed od t\u011b\u017eebn\u00edch spole\u010dnosti."} {"inputs": "\u010cesk\u00e1 spr\u00e1va soci\u00e1ln\u00edho zabezpe\u010den\u00ed zaji\u0161\u0165ovala v\u00fdplatu 2,4 milionu pln\u00fdch starobn\u00edch d\u016fchod\u016f a zhruba 17.000 pom\u011brn\u00fdch d\u016fchod\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Variantou m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt Pavl\u00e1sek, s Vesel\u00fdm p\u0159ekvapili v 1. kole v\u00fdhrou v deblu nad Australany.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "One option could be Pavl\u00e1sek, who provided for a surprise win in the 1st round against the Australians."} {"inputs": "Merkel and Woidke also spoke in favour of the acceleration of asylum proceedings in Germany.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Merkelov\u00e1 a Woidke se tak\u00e9 vyslovili pro urychlen\u00ed azylov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed v N\u011bmecku."} {"inputs": "How is \"Inside the drum, reminiscent of a candyfloss pot, a mass of apricot seeds are used to wear down sheet-metal parts fresh off the milling machine.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V bubnu, kter\u00fd p\u0159ipom\u00edn\u00e1 hrnec na cukrovou vatu, se v hromad\u011b pecek om\u00edlaj\u00ed hrany plechov\u00fdch d\u00edl\u016f, kter\u00e9 pr\u00e1v\u011b vyjely z fr\u00e9zovac\u00edho stroje."} {"inputs": "Translate \"They test one set of samples themselves in their own laboratory then compare the results with ours, says Dubsk\u00fd, describing the inspection process used by their clients.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Jednu sadu vzork\u016f si otestuj\u00ed sami ve sv\u00e9 laborato\u0159i a pak v\u00fdsledky porovnaj\u00ed s na\u0161imi, p\u0159ibli\u017euje Dubsk\u00fd zp\u016fsob, jak\u00fdm je odb\u011bratel\u00e9 kontroluj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Mezit\u00edm z\u016fstalo BMI t\u011bch, kter\u00fdm nebylo poskytnuta chirurgick\u00e1 l\u00e9\u010dba diabetu, zhruba stejn\u00e9 na hodnot\u011b 29."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nLuckily for Eva and Va\u0161ek, Ema and Ela were born healthy, even though she was only in her 36th week.", "targets": "Ema a Ela se k Evin\u011b a Va\u0161kovu \u0161t\u011bst\u00ed narodily zdrav\u00e9, i kdy\u017e byly teprve v 36. t\u00fddnu."} {"inputs": "How is \"Everyone had disappeared.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Zmizeli v\u0161ichni."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHungarian officials also closed two of seven border crossings with Serbia on Tuesday morning after deploying a train car covered with razor wire to close one of them.", "targets": "Ma\u010farsk\u00e9 \u00fa\u0159ady tak\u00e9 zav\u0159ely dva ze sedmi hrani\u010dn\u00edch p\u0159echod\u016f se Srbskem v \u00fater\u00fd r\u00e1no po pou\u017eili vle\u010dn\u00fd v\u016fz pokryt\u00fd ostnat\u00fdm dr\u00e1tem."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Hodnotit je bude mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed porota, do kter\u00e9 nap\u0159\u00edklad zasedne v\u00edt\u011bz minul\u00e9ho ro\u010dn\u00edku, re\u017eis\u00e9r Miklas Manneke, \u0161pan\u011blsk\u00fd re\u017eis\u00e9r Claudio Niubo a britsk\u00fd producent Hemant Sharda."} {"inputs": "Proto\u017ee kdy\u017e na n\u00ed jsme, \u0159ad\u00edme se mezi nejlep\u0161\u00ed mu\u017estva v Evrop\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Because when we're on one, we're among the best teams in Europe."} {"inputs": "Jen je ot\u00e1zkou, kdo se postav\u00ed vedle zku\u0161en\u00e9ho deblisty, kter\u00fd m\u00e1 v Davisov\u011b poh\u00e1ru ve \u010dty\u0159h\u0159e bilanci 18:4.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The only question is who will line up alongside the experienced doubles player, who has an 18:4 record in doubles in the Davis Cup."} {"inputs": "How is \"If it's ready, the phone will give you the option to download and then install it.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Kdy\u017e je p\u0159ipraven, nab\u00eddne v\u00e1m v\u00e1\u0161 telefon mo\u017enost st\u00e1hnout a pot\u00e9 ho nainstalovat."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Hmotnosti pouh\u00fdch 143 gram\u016f je pak u t\u00e9to novinky dosa\u017eeno i d\u00edky odtu\u010d\u0148ovac\u00ed k\u016f\u0159e, kter\u00e1 se dotkla v\u011bt\u0161iny zb\u00fdvaj\u00edc\u00edch komponent."} {"inputs": "How is \"Part of the building was to be built on land belonging to the National Gallery, whose permission the investor had not, however, obtained.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u010c\u00e1st stavby m\u00e1 vzniknout na pozemc\u00edch N\u00e1rodn\u00ed galerie, investor ale nem\u00e1 jej\u00ed platn\u00fd souhlas."} {"inputs": "Nebyl zran\u011bn, ale video jeho p\u00e1du se stalo vir\u00e1ln\u00edm v soci\u00e1ln\u00edch m\u00e9di\u00edch.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "He was unhurt, but video of the fall went viral on social media."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nA zero with a pickaxe has great power.", "targets": "Nula od krump\u00e1\u010de maj\u00edc\u00ed velkou moc."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Toto se stany, kdy\u017e Fed zv\u00fd\u0161\u00ed \u00farokov\u00e9 sazby"} {"inputs": "Translate \"If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?\" to Czech?", "targets": "Je-li nepo\u0159\u00e1dek na stole odrazem nepo\u0159\u00e1dku v mysli, co potom odr\u00e1\u017e\u00ed pr\u00e1zdn\u00fd st\u016fl?"} {"inputs": "Posledn\u00ed prodejn\u00ed v\u00fdsledky Richemont jsou nade v\u0161echna o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed a ukazuj\u00ed, \u017ee prodej v \u010c\u00edn\u011b, kl\u00ed\u010dov\u00e9m trhu pro Burberry, za\u010dal op\u011bt stoupat.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Richemont's latest sales figures beat expectations and also showed that sales in China - a key market for Burberry - had begun to grow again."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe economy must open wider to the outside world to fuel growth, President Xi Jinping told a group tasked with steering reform on Tuesday.", "targets": "Je nutn\u00e9 otev\u0159\u00edt ekonomiku do \u0161ir\u0161\u00edho sv\u011bta pro pos\u00edlen\u00ed r\u016fstu, \u0159ekl prezident Xi Jinping skupin\u011b, jej\u00ed\u017e \u00fakolem je \u00fatern\u00ed reforma \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He studied at Emporia State University in Kansas and was president of his fraternity and student government.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Studoval na Emporia State University v Kansasu a byl prezidentem chlapeck\u00e9ho studentsk\u00e9ho klubu a vl\u00e1dy student\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nCan you see why that programme is often discussed because it is not original and it is not particularly distinctive?", "targets": "Vid\u00edte, pro\u010d se o tomto programu diskutuje jako o neorigin\u00e1ln\u00edm a o nijak zvl\u00e1\u0161\u0165 odli\u0161n\u00fdm?"} {"inputs": "Dva dal\u0161\u00ed odborn\u00edci, kte\u0159\u00ed p\u00ed\u0161\u00ed pro BMJ, zpochybnili tvrzen\u00ed, kter\u00e1 byla \u00fadajn\u011b \"postaven\u00e1 na sk\u00e1le nebo p\u00edsku.\"\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "But it's a different story among the American public overall.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ale mezi americkou ve\u0159ejnost\u00ed je to celkov\u011b odli\u0161n\u00fd p\u0159\u00edb\u011bh."} {"inputs": "How is \"For example, 28 percent must be directed towards the remedying of damage following mining or the funding of the mine rescue service.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nap\u0159\u00edklad 28 procent bude muset j\u00edt na n\u00e1pravu \u0161kod po t\u011b\u017eb\u011b nebo pro zaji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed b\u00e1\u0148sk\u00e9 z\u00e1chrann\u00e9 slu\u017eby."} {"inputs": "How is \"In the last few months, Hungary has become a major bottleneck and entry point into the European Union for migrants, many of them war refugees from Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V posledn\u00edch m\u011bs\u00edc\u00edch se Ma\u010farsko stalo hlavn\u00ed slabinou a vstupn\u00edm bodem do Evropsk\u00e9 Unie pro uprchl\u00edky, z nich\u017e mnoz\u00ed utekli ze Syrie a jin\u00fdch zem\u00ed St\u0159edn\u00edho v\u00fdchodu."} {"inputs": "Dev\u011bt minut byl o\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n na h\u0159i\u0161ti a byla zapot\u0159eb\u00ed tak\u00e9 kysl\u00edkov\u00e1 maska ne\u017e byl odvezen do nemocnice.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Skleni\u010dku whiskey byste taky nenechali jen tak povalovat, ale lid\u00e9 tyto sanita\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edky nechaj\u00ed venku a kdy\u017e se k nim dostanou d\u011bti, je to rychl\u00e1 cesta ke konzumaci alkoholu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "So you wouldn't leave a shot of whiskey sitting around, but people will have these hand sanitizers out and if kids get into it, it's a quick way to consume a lot of alcohol."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u201eV\u017edycky cht\u011bla pom\u00e1hat ostatn\u00edm,\u201c nechala se sly\u0161et Knowlesov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Podpo\u0159il p\u016fvodn\u00ed n\u00e1vrh ministryn\u011b Michaely Marksov\u00e9 (\u010cSSD), podle kter\u00e9ho se m\u011blo p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00ed rok valorizovat nad r\u00e1mec z\u00e1kona.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "who supported the original proposal of Minister Michaela Marksov\u00e1 (\u010cSSD), according to which adjustment beyond the requirements of the law was to take place next year."} {"inputs": "The dog rolled the man, who was shouting \"Please, please, I'm a refugee,\" over onto the ground, claims Muzi.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pes mu\u017ee, kter\u00fd k\u0159i\u010del \"Pros\u00edm, pros\u00edm, jsem uprchl\u00edk,\" povalil, tvrd\u00ed Muzi."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBy the rules, the money goes to the fastest person.", "targets": "Dle pravidel toti\u017e pen\u00edze n\u00e1le\u017e\u00ed tomu, kdo tra\u0165 dokon\u010d\u00ed nejrychleji."} {"inputs": "Jsou v t\u011b\u017ek\u00e9 \u017eivotn\u00ed situaci.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "They are in a difficult life situation."} {"inputs": "\"Tahle v\u00fdhra n\u00e1m psychicky pom\u016f\u017ee, nakopne n\u00e1s,\" v\u011b\u0159\u00ed tren\u00e9r Massimiliano Allegri, kter\u00fd se musel p\u0159ed nov\u00fdm ro\u010dn\u00edkem vypo\u0159\u00e1dat se ztr\u00e1tou t\u0159\u00ed opor - Pirla, T\u00e9veze a Vidala.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"This win will help us psychologically, it'll give us a boost,\" believes coach Massimiliano Allegri, who lost three mainstays - Pirlo, T\u00e9vez and Vidal - before the start of the season."} {"inputs": "V \u00fater\u00fd pr\u016fmyslov\u00fd pr\u016fm\u011br Dow Jones vysko\u010dil o 228,89 bod\u016f, nebo 1,4%, na 16 599,85.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "On Tuesday, the Dow Jones industrial average jumped 228.89 points, or 1.4%, to 16,599.85."} {"inputs": "How is \"Officials ordered one million riyals (\u00a3174,000) be paid to the relatives of those killed, and the same amount to those permanently injured.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u00da\u0159edn\u00edci ur\u010dili, \u017ee bude jeden milion riyal\u016f (\u00a3 174.000) v\u011bnov\u00e1n p\u0159\u00edbuzn\u00fdm zabit\u00fdch, a stejnou \u010d\u00e1stku pro trvale zran\u011bn\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Sparta je velk\u00fd t\u00fdm, pravideln\u011b hraje evropsk\u00e9 poh\u00e1ry, pere se o v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00ed v \u010desk\u00e9 lize.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Sparta is a big team, they regularly play in European competition, they compete for victory in the Czech league."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"It it's impossible for everyone to come to Europe,\" he said in his speech.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Je nemo\u017en\u00e9, aby v\u0161ichni p\u0159i\u0161li do Evropy,\" uvedl ve sv\u00e9 \u0159e\u010di."} {"inputs": "Byl to tehdy docela lama\u010d srdc\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He was quite the heartthrob back then."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe company has recently started producing sesame oil and uses only non-roasted white sesame seeds.", "targets": "Firma nov\u011b vyr\u00e1b\u00ed i sezamov\u00fd olej a pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 v\u00fdhradn\u011b nepra\u017een\u00e1 semena b\u00edl\u00e9ho sezamu."} {"inputs": "A pr\u00e1v\u011b z t\u00e9to perspektivy budu sledovat jeho smrt.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"\"From the moment I walked into the house, reading (Sarah's) energy and Sam's energy I felt like they were quite compatible and I kept thinking that throughout the course of the show,\" said Jeavons-Fellows.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Od okam\u017eiku, kdy jsem vstoupil do domu a pozoroval energii S\u00e1ry a Sama, c\u00edtila jsem, \u017ee jsou dost kompatibiln\u00ed a st\u00e1le si to mysl\u00edm i v pr\u016fb\u011bhu kurzu,\" tvrd\u00ed Jeavons-Fellows."} {"inputs": "V\u00fdkonn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed procesor, fotoapar\u00e1t s v\u011bt\u0161\u00edm rozli\u0161en\u00edm, pevn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed \u0161asi \u010di displej rozpozn\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00ed s\u00edlu dotyku, to jsou ve zkratce p\u0159ednosti ned\u00e1vno p\u0159edstaven\u00fdch iPhon\u016f dev\u00e1t\u00e9 generace.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "A more powerful processor, higher-resolution camera, stronger casing and display screen that can discern different touch strengths are the advantages offered by the recently launched ninth-generation iPhones."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Kdy\u017e se pod\u00edv\u00e1te na \u00farove\u0148 r\u016fstu za minul\u00e9 roky a jdete zp\u011bt a\u017e k roku 2000, v\u017edy se dan\u00fd stav \u010dasem racionalizoval,\" uv\u00e1d\u00ed pro Guardian Andy Mulcahy, editor indexu tr\u017eeb IMRG."} {"inputs": "Jen t\u011bsn\u011b odvr\u00e1tili Tyg\u0159i svou por\u00e1\u017eku, kdy\u017e v \u00fatern\u00edm z\u00e1pase porazili Minessotu t\u011bsn\u00fdm v\u00fdsledkem 5-4 na stadion\u011b Target Field.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Reducing to being a spoiler, the Tigers played the part perfectly Tuesday, beating the Minnesota Twins 5-4 at Target Field."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pozd\u011bji dnes, navzdory pozdn\u00ed pr\u00e1vn\u00ed intervenci, budu sledovat usmrcen\u00ed mu\u017ee."} {"inputs": "\"D\u00edky situaci zp\u016fsoben\u00e9 masovou migrac\u00ed ma\u010farsk\u00e1 vl\u00e1da vyhla\u0161uje stav ohro\u017een\u00ed,\" \u0159ekl report\u00e9r\u016fm mluv\u010d\u00ed vl\u00e1dy Zoltan Kovacs v ji\u017en\u00edm m\u011bst\u011b Szeged.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"Due to the situation caused by mass migration, the Hungarian government declares a state of crisis,\" government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs told reporters in the southern city of Szeged."} {"inputs": "He was to represent the western Kaliningrad Oblast, whose governor, Nikolay Tsukanov, defended his mandate as the candidate for ruling party United Russia in Sunday's elections, in the Russian Federation Council.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V Rad\u011b federace m\u011bl zastupovat z\u00e1padoruskou Kaliningradskou oblast, jej\u00ed\u017e gubern\u00e1tor Nikolaj Cukanov jako kandid\u00e1t vl\u00e1dn\u00ed strany Jednotn\u00e9 Rusko sv\u016fj post v ned\u011bln\u00edch volb\u00e1ch s p\u0159ehledem obh\u00e1jil."} {"inputs": "Akcie v Glencore stouply o 5% pot\u00e9, co t\u011b\u017eebn\u00ed gigant \u0159ekl, \u017ee stouply o $2.5bn pomoc\u00ed sd\u00edlen\u00e9ho um\u00eds\u0165ov\u00e1n\u00ed jako sou\u010d\u00e1st strategie sni\u017eov\u00e1n\u00ed dluhu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Shares in Glencore rose 5% after the mining giant said it had raised $2.5bn through a share placement as part of its debt-cutting strategy."} {"inputs": "At the start of the year the gap was running at between 40,000 and 50,000.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Na za\u010d\u00e1tku roku se mezera pohybovala mezi 40 000 a 50 000."} {"inputs": "Dokonce i sami\u010dka po t\u00fddnu n\u011bkam zmizela.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "After a week, the female herself disappeared."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFundamentally half of our customers are female with 80 per cent of the decisions over items purchased taken by women.", "targets": "V podstat\u011b polovina na\u0161ich z\u00e1kaznic jsou \u017eeny, kter\u00e9 prov\u00e1d\u00ed 80% rozhodnut\u00ed ohledn\u011b n\u00e1kup\u016f zbo\u017e\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Co otravuje?\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"The first hike from the Fed since the global financial crisis will inevitably be interpreted by some as signaling the end of the era of 'cheap money,' \" Julian Jessop, chief global economist at Capital Economics, said in a note to clients.", "targets": "\"Prvn\u00ed zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed Fedu od doby glob\u00e1ln\u00ed finan\u010dn\u00ed krize bude nevyhnuteln\u011b n\u011bkter\u00fdmi interpretov\u00e1no jako konec \u00e9ry 'levn\u00fdch pen\u011bz,'\" uvedl v pozn\u00e1mce pro klienty Julian Jessop, vedouc\u00ed glob\u00e1ln\u00ed ekonom Capital Economics."} {"inputs": "Ale je zn\u00e1mo, \u017ee \u010dlen p\u0159edstavenstva Metcash kontaktoval Douglasse minul\u00fd t\u00fdden.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "But it is understood that a Metcash board member contacted Mr Douglass last week."} {"inputs": "A n\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed se p\u0159ipravuj\u00ed na implozi.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "And some are holding out for an implosion."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"You work on a socialist railway and the only acceptable greeting is '\u010dest pr\u00e1ci' ('honour to work'),\" snapped the superintendent.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Jsi na socialistick\u00e9 \u017eeleznici a jedin\u00fd akceptovateln\u00fd pozdrav je \u010dest pr\u00e1ci,\" vybafl nasupen\u00fd n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe resolution was passed shortly after the recent sentencing of opposition journalist Khadija Ismayilova, who campaigned against corruption in government.", "targets": "Rezoluce byla schv\u00e1lena kr\u00e1tce po ned\u00e1vn\u00e9m rozsudku nad \u00e1zerb\u00e1jd\u017e\u00e1nskou opozi\u010dn\u00ed novin\u00e1\u0159kou Chad\u00edd\u017eou Ismailovou, kter\u00e1 se zasazovala o odhalov\u00e1n\u00ed korupce ve vl\u00e1dn\u00edch kruz\u00edch."} {"inputs": "Ty jsou z 90% p\u0159\u00ed\u010dinou \u017elu\u010dn\u00edkov\u00fdch z\u00e1n\u011bt\u016f a \u017eeny t\u011bmito obt\u00ed\u017eemi trp\u00ed 3kr\u00e1t \u010dast\u011bji ne\u017e mu\u017ei.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "90% of gallstones are caused by inflammation of the gall bladder, a problem that affects women three times more than it does men."} {"inputs": "How is \"Market participants have been bracing for a Fed hike all year, with all eyes turned toward this week's Federal Open Market Committee meeting, which ends Thursday.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u00da\u010dastn\u00edci trhu byli p\u0159ipraven\u00ed na r\u016fst Fedu cel\u00fd rok a v\u0161echny o\u010di se obraceli k setk\u00e1n\u00ed Feder\u00e1ln\u00edho v\u00fdbor pro voln\u00fd trh, kter\u00fd se konal tento t\u00fdden a kon\u010d\u00ed ve \u010dtvrtek."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe company sold the new stock at 125 pence per share, which marked a 2.4-percent discount to the closing price on Tuesday.", "targets": "Spole\u010dnost prodala nov\u00e9 akcie v cen\u011b 123 penc\u00ed za akcii, co\u017e zna\u010dilo 2,4procentn\u00ed slevu na uzav\u00edrac\u00ed cenu v \u00fater\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V\u00edce ne\u017e desetilet\u00ed bylo virtu\u00e1ln\u00ed nakupov\u00e1n\u00ed na vzestupu a d\u00edky n\u011bmu se z mnoha britsk\u00fdch hlavn\u00edch ulic stala m\u011bsta duch\u016f."} {"inputs": "both according to the needs of the media and from above.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Podle pot\u0159eb m\u00e9di\u00ed a tak\u00e9 seshora."} {"inputs": "Ov\u0161em zatajily, co druh\u00fd den prasklo v N\u011bmecku: \u017ee v anketn\u00edm hlasov\u00e1n\u00ed k \u010dl\u00e1nku se uk\u00e1zalo, \u017ee 94,5 procent N\u011bmc\u016f u\u017e \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 imigranty nechce - ankety se z\u00fa\u010dastnilo 67 000 osob.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "However, they kept quiet about what broke the next day in Germany: an opinion poll showed that 94.5 percent of Germans didn't want to accept any more immigrants - 67,000 people took part in the poll."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAzerbaijan cancels part of Teli\u010dka's visit due to criticism of human rights breaches", "targets": "\u00c1zerb\u00e1jd\u017e\u00e1n zru\u0161il Teli\u010dkovi \u010d\u00e1st n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvy za kritiku poru\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed lidsk\u00fdch pr\u00e1v."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFifty thousand Kosovars came to Germany last year alone.", "targets": "Jenom za lo\u0148sk\u00fd rok do N\u011bmecka p\u0159i\u0161lo pades\u00e1t tis\u00edc Kosovan\u016f."} {"inputs": "Cizinci maj\u00ed tak\u00e9 sv\u00e9ho Corbyna a Nigela Faragese.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Foreigners have their Corbyns and Nigel Farages too."} {"inputs": "B\u00fdval\u00fd \u0161\u00e9f Brentfordu uv\u00e1d\u00ed: \"Lednov\u00e9 p\u0159estupov\u00e9 okno je od toho letn\u00edho velmi odli\u0161n\u00e9.\"\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "M\u011bli psa jm\u00e9nem Lightning, kter\u00fd s nimi \u017eil v cihlov\u00e9m dom\u011b, kter\u00fd soused\u00ed s ramenem \u0159eky Gautier.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "They had a dog named Lightning that lived with them at the brick house that backs up to a bayou in Gautier."} {"inputs": "N\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed se ho pokou\u0161eli ozna\u010dit jako \u010dlov\u011bka, kter\u00fd \u010dasto m\u011bn\u00ed n\u00e1zory.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Some have tried to label him a flip-flopper."} {"inputs": "Spole\u010dnost tak\u00e9 uvedla, \u017ee pl\u00e1nuje p\u0159es pr\u00e1zdniny najmout asi 55 000 sez\u00f3nn\u00edch pracovn\u00edk\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The company also said it plans to hire about 55,000 seasonal workers for the holidays."} {"inputs": "\"Postarat se o n\u011bkolik tis\u00edc uprchl\u00edk\u016f je n\u00e1dhern\u00e9, ale mezit\u00edm budete muset p\u0159em\u00fd\u0161let o dlouhodob\u00e9m \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed, jak p\u0159in\u00e9st skute\u010dn\u00fd m\u00edr a skute\u010dn\u00fd rozvoj, a to zejm\u00e9na prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm vzd\u011bl\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed t\u011bchto muslimsk\u00fdch zem\u00edch,\" zd\u016fraznil.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"So taking care of several thousand refugees is wonderful, but in the mean time you have to think about long-term solutions, how to bring genuine peace and genuine development, mainly through education, for these Muslim countries,\" he emphasized."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nToys R Us Plans to Hire Fewer Holiday Season Workers", "targets": "Toys R Us pl\u00e1nuje najmout m\u00e9n\u011b sez\u00f3nn\u00edch pracovn\u00edk\u016f"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Marko Maksimovic (29 let) byl jedn\u00edm z p\u011bti mu\u017e\u016f, kter\u00e9 minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc zatkla feder\u00e1ln\u00ed policie p\u00e1traj\u00edc\u00ed po 100 kilogramech drogy z jachty Solay, kter\u00e1 p\u0159ijela z ji\u017en\u00ed Ameriky prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm Vanuatu a v srpnu zakotvila v Coomera."} {"inputs": "Zisk m\u00e1 po\u0159\u00e1d nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed a do ztr\u00e1ty se nedostala ani p\u0159ed dv\u011bma lety, kdy se t\u0159eba zl\u00ednsk\u00fd \u0161pit\u00e1l pot\u00fdkal s t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 dvousetmilionovou ztr\u00e1tou.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It still enjoys the greatest profits and didn't even make a loss three years ago when, for example, the hospital in Zl\u00edn experienced a loss of nearly two million crowns."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Ale soudruh, to jo, soudruh byl kovan\u00fd!"} {"inputs": "Overall it was still an amazing experience for the 27-year-old.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Celkov\u011b to byla pro 27-let\u00e9ho hr\u00e1\u010de skv\u011bl\u00e1 zku\u0161enost."} {"inputs": "Nasypou mu trochu krmiva, ale hned zav\u0159ou vr\u00e1tka, aby ho n\u00e1hodou nenapadlo hr\u00e1t si mimo kr\u00e1l\u00edk\u00e1rnu na tygra.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "They give them some feed, then immediately close the door so that they don't think of playing the tiger outside the rabbit hutch."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kr\u00e1tkodob\u00e9 \u00farokov\u00e9 sazby jsou naho\u0159e, v\u00fdnosov\u00e1 k\u0159ivka je plo\u0161\u0161\u00ed, \u00fav\u011brov\u00e1 rozp\u011bt\u00ed se roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159ila a volatilita se zv\u00fd\u0161ila - v\u0161echny charakteristiky trhu, kdy\u017e Fed zp\u0159\u00eds\u0148uje politiku."} {"inputs": "Policie uvedla, \u017ee motorista odjel, ani\u017e by zastavil a pomohl zran\u011bn\u00e9mu jezdci.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Police said the motorist drove away without stopping to help the injured rider."} {"inputs": "Na jednu stranu se nelze divit, lo\u0148sk\u00e1 af\u00e9ra oh\u00fdb\u00e1n\u00edm v kaps\u00e1ch Apple zna\u010dn\u011b potr\u00e1pila.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nRevenue rose 5 percent, to $12.3 billion.", "targets": "Tr\u017eby vzrostly o 5 procent, na $12.3 miliard."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Have you got a story to tell or is there something you think we should follow up?\" to Czech?", "targets": "M\u00e1te p\u0159\u00edb\u011bh, kter\u00fd byste cht\u011bli vypr\u00e1v\u011bt nebo si mysl\u00edte, \u017ee jde v n\u011bm jde j\u00edt d\u00e1l?"} {"inputs": "How is \"They toyed with creating a more realistic dodgy corporate advert, but \"by ramming it home with bright colours and animation, it was more arresting.\"\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Pohr\u00e1vali si s vytvo\u0159en\u00edm realisti\u010dt\u011bj\u0161\u00ed riskantn\u00ed firemn\u00ed reklamy, ale \"p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00edm pestr\u00fdch barev a animace, jsem doc\u00edlili toho, \u017ee upout\u00e1 v\u00edce lid\u00ed.\""} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"It was just one of those things, you just worry about the next play and that's it,\" said Hayne.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u201eTo se st\u00e1v\u00e1, prost\u011b se soust\u0159ed\u00edte na dal\u0161\u00ed hru a to je cel\u00e9,\u201c \u0159ekl Hayne"} {"inputs": "Pozv\u00e1n\u00ed jsem nejd\u0159\u00edve obdr\u017eel v lednu p\u0159es sv\u00e9ho nejlep\u0161\u00edho p\u0159\u00edtele a p\u0159esto\u017ee jsem byl \u0161okovan\u00fd, souhlasil jsem.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The invitation was first made back in January, via his best friend, and though I was shocked, I agreed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"At this time last cycle, four in 10 Republicans picked Rick Perry to win the nomination, vs. only 28 percent for eventual nominee Mitt Romney.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Touto dobou v minul\u00e9m cyklu si 4 z 10 republik\u00e1n\u016f vybralo Ricka Perryho jako v\u00fdherce kandidatury proti 28 procent\u016fm pro eventu\u00e1ln\u00ed nominaci Mitta Romneyho."} {"inputs": "V\u011bd\u011bli jsme, \u017ee str\u00e1\u017eci z\u00e1kona takov\u00e9to jedn\u00e1n\u00ed nepostihuj\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "We knew that the police wouldn't prosecute us for this."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nShe and her friends were in high school, and he was the cool older guy who tried for several years to teach her to play guitar.", "targets": "Byla se sv\u00fdmi p\u0159\u00e1teli na st\u0159edn\u00ed \u0161kole a on byl ten skv\u011bl\u00fd star\u0161\u00ed kluk, kter\u00fd ji n\u011bkolik let dou\u010doval hran\u00ed na kytaru."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Di Maria sk\u00f3roval a pomohl PSG sm\u00e9st Malmo stranou"} {"inputs": "How is \"\"It was a derby and it was heat of the moment,\" the striker said, adding: \"Safe to say I won't be going back to Tynecastle unless it is playing for Celtic.\"\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Jednalo se o derby a byl to vyhrocen\u00fd okam\u017eik,\" \u00fato\u010dn\u00edk uvedl a pokra\u010duje: \"Mohu bezpe\u010dn\u011b \u0159\u00edci, \u017ee se do Tynecastleu nevr\u00e1t\u00edm, pokud to nebude v dresu Celticu.\""} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Za\u017e\u00e1dali jsme si tehdy o znak a v\u011btr\u00e1k jsme na znaku samoz\u0159ejm\u011b cht\u011bli m\u00edt, zn\u00e1 ho v okol\u00ed ka\u017ed\u00fd,\" konstatoval starosta Ji\u0159\u00ed Ma\u0161ek."} {"inputs": "Most likely, such a relatively lowly PR task would have been outsourced to an aide, seemingly one who has never read The Lorax 20 times in a row to a child.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "S nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed pravd\u011bpodobnost\u00ed tak relativn\u011b m\u00e1lo v\u00fdznamn\u00fd PR \u00fakol dostal pomocn\u00edk, kter\u00fd nikdy ne\u010detl Lorax d\u00edt\u011bti 20kr\u00e1t v kuse."} {"inputs": "Z\u00edskat by ho mohli i ti, jim\u017e zanikl v prosinci n\u00e1rok na penzi p\u0159ed jej\u00edm vyplacen\u00edm.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nYou can send us your pictures and videos or an SMS to 61124.", "targets": "M\u016f\u017eete n\u00e1m poslat sv\u00e9 fotografie a videa nebo SMS na 61124."} {"inputs": "Pro m\u00edrn\u011b ob\u00e9zn\u00ed diabetiky by mohla b\u00fdt u\u017eite\u010dn\u00e1 chirurgie hubnut\u00ed\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "For mildly obese diabetics, weight loss surgery may be helpful"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "A tam se posudky nevy\u017eaduj\u00ed, ten jeho byl jaksi nav\u00edc, tak jsem mu jej dal do slo\u017eky."} {"inputs": "Jenom Jo\u017ein kousav\u011b pronesl, jak b\u00fdvalo jeho zvykem, \u017ee n\u00e1s nem\u016f\u017eou v\u0161echny vyh\u00e1zet, proto\u017ee by tu pr\u00e1ci musel d\u011blat soudruh n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk s\u00e1m se sv\u00fdmi v\u011brn\u00fdmi, a to \u017ee nehroz\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Only Jo\u017ein said caustically how it had been his habit that they couldn't fire all of us because the comrade superintendent would have to do the work himself with his minions, and there was no risk of that."} {"inputs": "Males in France and Greece consume 0.6 grammes per day, while males in Iceland consume 2.5 grammes per day.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Mu\u017ei ve Francii a \u0158ecku j\u00ed zkonzumuj\u00ed 0,6 gramu, naopak Islan\u010fan\u00e9 p\u0159ijmou 2,5 gramu."} {"inputs": "Tito lid\u00e9 tam byli zav\u0159en\u00ed u\u017e druh\u00fd den a kv\u016fli jazykov\u00e9 bari\u00e9\u0159e nikdo z nich netu\u0161il, co s nimi bude d\u00e1l, uvedl Berg.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "They had already been in the cell for a day and due to the language barrier didn't know what was going to happen to them, said Berg."} {"inputs": "N\u011bkdo z m\u00e9ho t\u00fdmu omylem nanesl na jeho nohu bl\u00e1to.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "One of my staff mistakenly laced mud on its leg."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWithout waiting for an answer, she put water to boil and got the mugs ready.", "targets": "Ani\u017e \u010dekala na odpov\u011b\u010f, postavila vodu na va\u0159i\u010d a chystala hrn\u00ed\u010dky."} {"inputs": "Translate \"But Carson rocketed in that same period from 6% to 23%.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ale Carson ve stejn\u00e9m obdob\u00ed vyst\u0159elil z 6 na 23%."} {"inputs": "How is \"The details released by investigators at both ends of the state as well as students and staff who knew him helped paint a picture of a talented but possibly troubled teacher.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Detaily, kter\u00e9 zve\u0159ejnili vy\u0161et\u0159ovatel\u00e9 na stran\u011b st\u00e1tu i studenti a zam\u011bstnanci, kte\u0159\u00ed ho znali, spole\u010dn\u011b vytvo\u0159ili obraz talentovan\u00e9ho, ale pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b probl\u00e9mov\u00e9ho u\u010ditele."} {"inputs": "Police cht\u011bla v t\u00e9to kauze st\u00edhat i poslankyni Zuzanu Kailovou (\u010cSSD), Poslaneck\u00e1 sn\u011bmovna ji ale nevydala.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The police also wanted to prosecute MP Zuzana Kailov\u00e1 (\u010cSSD) in this case, although she was not released by the Chamber of Deputies."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI knew him from the railway line.", "targets": "Znal jsem ho ze \u0161treky."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V n\u00e1\u010delnik\u00e1rn\u011b byla p\u011bkn\u00e1 se\u0161lost."} {"inputs": "Multinationals with lots of debt will fare worse, as a rising dollar makes their products more expensive in the global market space and their debt more expensive the finance.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nadn\u00e1rodn\u00edm spole\u010dnostem se spoustou dluh\u016f se bude da\u0159it h\u016f\u0159, proto\u017ee rostouc\u00ed dolar bude \u010dinit jejich v\u00fdrobky dra\u017e\u0161\u00ed v prostoru sv\u011btov\u00e9ho trhu a jejich dluh bude tak\u00e9 v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"Britons are said to be putting down their hammers and paintbrushes in favour of employing skilled Eastern European tradesmen to carry out work in their home\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Britov\u00e9 pr\u00fd odkl\u00e1daj\u00ed kladiva a \u0161t\u011btce a p\u0159ed\u00e1vaj\u00ed je zam\u011bstnan\u00fdm vyu\u010den\u00fdm v\u00fdchodoevropsk\u00fdm \u0159emesln\u00edk\u016fm, aby pracovali u nich doma"} {"inputs": "Republik\u00e1n\u0161t\u00ed voli\u010di si na tuto my\u0161lenku zvykaj\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "P\u0159esto\u017ee m\u00e1 zak\u00e1zky na n\u011bkolik let dop\u0159edu, \u010delila mate\u0159sk\u00e1 spole\u010dnost pra\u017esk\u00e9 Latecoere hrozb\u011b bankrotu."} {"inputs": "How is \"For Fed policymakers, the market turmoil adds to the complex calculus of when to raise the interest rate.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Politick\u00fdm \u010dinitel\u016fm Fedu neklidn\u00e1 situace na trhu dod\u00e1v\u00e1 komplexn\u00ed kalkul, kdy zapo\u010d\u00edt zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed \u00farokov\u00e9 sazby."} {"inputs": "M\u016fj evropsk\u00fd kamar\u00e1d, kter\u00fd chce do sebe nezahled\u011bnou Brit\u00e1nii v Evropsk\u00e9 Evrop\u011b - \"Nenech\u00e1vejte n\u00e1s sami s Franci\u00ed,\" \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 Berlin - nazna\u010duje, \u017ee n\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed kr\u00e1tkozrac\u00ed minist\u0159i a \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edci v n\u011bkter\u00fdch hlavn\u00edch m\u011bstech se dostali do bodu, kdy jim na na\u0161em odchodu nez\u00e1le\u017e\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "My European pal, who wants an outward-looking Britain inside the EU tent - \"Don't leave us alone with France,\" says Berlin - suggests that more short-sighted ministers and officials in some capitals have got to the point where they don't care whether we stay or leave."} {"inputs": "How is \"Speaking of knocking: do it.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Kdy\u017e u\u017e je \u0159e\u010d o klep\u00e1n\u00ed: klepejte."} {"inputs": "However, the displays have a much greater impact.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ale mnohem v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed dopad na ni maj\u00ed displeje."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Muslimsk\u00e9 ubytovny u\u017e ho\u0159\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Ale p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed pocity frustrace.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "But frustrations were on the rise."} {"inputs": "Translate \"But nice Jeremy Corbyn, who gave me a friendly pat on the back at Westminster on Monday - I told him he no longer has time to waste on me - seems to be in danger of re-adopting Neil Kinnock's boycott Murdoch strategy of the 80s, a mistake then and now.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ale mil\u00fd Jeremy Corbyn, kter\u00fd m\u011b v pond\u011bl\u00ed ve Westminsteru p\u0159\u00e1telsky popl\u00e1cal po z\u00e1dech - \u0159ekl jsem mu, \u017ee u\u017e na m\u011b nesm\u00ed ztr\u00e1cet \u010das - se zd\u00e1 b\u00fdt v nebezpe\u010d\u00ed op\u011btovn\u00e9ho p\u0159ijmut\u00ed strategie bojkotu Murdoch Neila Kinnocka, co\u017e byla chyba tehdy i nyn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Researchers said the worms demonstrate the power of a new procedure, dubbed sonogenetics, in which ultrasound can be used to activate a range of brain, heart and muscle cells from outside the body.\" to Czech?", "targets": "V\u011bdci uvedli, \u017ee tito \u010dervi jsou skv\u011blou uk\u00e1zkou nov\u00e9 metodiky zvan\u00e9 sonogenetika, kter\u00e1 vyu\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 ultrazvuk k aktivaci mozkov\u00fdch, srde\u010dn\u00edch a svalov\u00fdch bun\u011bk a aktivuje se mimo t\u011blo."} {"inputs": "Ud\u011blejte si p\u0159\u00e1tele d\u00edky pe\u010den\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Make friends through baking."} {"inputs": "V\u00edm, \u017ee jeho motivy byly dobr\u00e9, ale pou\u017eil s\u00edlu a vytvo\u0159il ne\u010dekan\u00e9 d\u016fsledky,\" \u0159ekl dalajlama.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "I know his motives were good but he used force and it created unexpected consequences,\" the Dalai Lama said."} {"inputs": "The Democratic candidates, or potential candidates, perform well on some key characteristics among their party's primary voters.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Demokrati\u010dt\u00ed kandid\u00e1ti nebo potenci\u00e1ln\u00ed kandid\u00e1ti, maj\u00ed dobr\u00e9 v\u00fdsledky v n\u011bkter\u00fdch kl\u00ed\u010dov\u00fdch charakteristik\u00e1ch mezi prim\u00e1rn\u00edmi voli\u010di sv\u00e9 strany."} {"inputs": "Jen\u017ee j\u00e1 neskon\u010dil tam, kde jsem m\u011bl, ale na \u0161trece u krump\u00e1\u010de, a tak soudruzi z fabriky nev\u011bd\u011bli, kam to maj\u00ed poslat.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "However, I didn't end up where I should have done, but with a pickaxe on the railway line, so the comrades from the factory didn't know where to send it."} {"inputs": "How is \"According to data contained in the state closing account, the average full old-age pension last year grew by 104 crowns to 10,714 crowns.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Pr\u016fm\u011brn\u00fd pln\u00fd starobn\u00ed d\u016fchod loni vzrostl podle \u00fadaj\u016f ve st\u00e1tn\u00edm z\u00e1v\u011bre\u010dn\u00e9m \u00fa\u010dtu o 104 na 10.714 korun."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"The challenges facing Greece affect the whole of Europe,\" agreed the EU's interior ministers on Monday on the issue of mobilisation in this regard.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"V\u00fdzvy, kter\u00fdm \u010del\u00ed \u0158ecko, se vztahuj\u00ed na celou Evropu,\" shodli se v pond\u011bl\u00ed unijn\u00ed minist\u0159i vnitra na mobilizaci na t\u00e9to front\u011b."} {"inputs": "Tren\u00e9r Jind\u0159ich Trpi\u0161ovsk\u00fd p\u0159i sv\u00e9 premi\u00e9\u0159e v poh\u00e1rech dok\u00e1zal s fotbalisty Liberce proj\u00edt p\u0159es p\u0159edkola Evropsk\u00e9 ligy do z\u00e1kladn\u00ed skupiny a te\u010f se t\u011b\u0161\u00ed, \u017ee si s t\u00fdmem u\u017eije tu pravou Evropu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Neexistuje \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd konsensus o tom, co Fed ud\u011bl\u00e1, co\u017e samo o sob\u011b je p\u0159\u00ed\u010dinou nervozity na finan\u010dn\u00edch trz\u00edch.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "There's no consensus about what the Fed will do, which in itself is causing financial market jitters."} {"inputs": "\"Necht\u011bl jsem nic \u0159\u00edkat o tom, \u017ee jsem na tom sed\u011bl u\u017e dlouho, ale se prost\u011b c\u00edt\u00edte tak frustrovan\u00ed, \u017ee to z v\u00e1s vyjde v\u0161echno najednou,\" \u0159ekl Moody.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"I wasn't going to say anything about that and I have sat on it for a long time but sometimes you get so frustrated it all comes out at once,\" Moody said."} {"inputs": "Thanasi Kokkinakis se stal vedlej\u0161\u00ed ztr\u00e1tou p\u0159i ned\u00e1vn\u00e9m povyku kolem sv\u00e9ho p\u0159\u00edtele Nicka Kyrgiose a zaslou\u017e\u00ed si za sv\u00e9 chov\u00e1n\u00ed chv\u00e1lu sp\u00ed\u0161e ne\u017e kritiku, uv\u00e1d\u00ed prezident Tennis Australia, Steve Healy.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Toto je lekce.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Lamb si p\u0159edsevzal, \u017ee jeho \"sladk\u00fd ps\u00edk\" byl dom\u011b na\u017eivu a pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b rozru\u0161en, a \u017ee kontakty na rodinu mrtv\u00e9 \u017eeny lze naj\u00edt na jej\u00edm telefonu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThanasi Kokkinakis deserves kudos rather than criticism for his behaviour.", "targets": "Thanasi Kokkinakis zasluhuje za sv\u00e9 chov\u00e1n\u00ed sl\u00e1vu sp\u00ed\u0161e ne\u017e kritiku."} {"inputs": "How is \"Hungarian police on the border with Serbia allegedly briefly detained an AP cameraman and forced him to delete footage allegedly showing a police dog knocking a refugee to the ground.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ma\u010farsk\u00e1 policie pr\u00fd na hranici se Srbskem kr\u00e1tce zadr\u017eela kameramana agentury AP a donutila ho smazat z\u00e1znam, na n\u011bm\u017e policejn\u00ed pes \u00fadajn\u011b srazil k zemi uprchl\u00edka."} {"inputs": "Translate \"But fighting to stay in \"in all circumstances\" - Benn's phrase - was not what McDonnell was saying, nor what JC told peers and MPs at their private meeting on Monday night, by all accounts.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ale bojovat za to, abychom z\u016fstali \"za v\u0161ech okolnost\u00ed\" - Bennina fr\u00e1ze - podle v\u0161eho nebylo to, co McDonnell \u0159\u00edkal, ani co JC \u0159ekl koleg\u016fm a poslanc\u016fm na jejich soukrom\u00e9m setk\u00e1n\u00ed v pond\u011bl\u00ed ve\u010der,"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n4 Killed After Police Fire Rubber Bullets at Protesters in Nepal", "targets": "4 lid\u00e9 zabiti pot\u00e9, co policist\u00e9 st\u0159\u00edleli gumov\u00e9 projektily na demonstranty v Nep\u00e1lu"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe sound waves make these ion channels open up and activate the cells they are attached to, according to a report in Nature Communications.", "targets": "D\u00edky zvukov\u00fdm vln\u00e1m se tyto kan\u00e1ly otev\u00edraj\u00ed a aktivuj\u00ed bu\u0148ky, se kter\u00fdmi jsou spojeny, uv\u00e1d\u00ed se ve zpr\u00e1v\u011b \u010dasopisu Nature Communications."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Gener\u00e1ln\u00ed tajemn\u00edk Ban Ki-moon \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee jeho odpov\u011b\u010f na ruskou urychlenou vojenskou podporu pro S\u00fdrii je, \u017ee \"neexistuje vojensk\u00e9 \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed\" konfliktu t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 p\u011btilet\u00e9ho konfliktu a v\u00edce zbran\u00ed jen zhor\u0161\u00ed n\u00e1sil\u00ed a utrpen\u00ed milion\u016f lid\u00ed."} {"inputs": "S\u00e1zka mu\u017ee z Petrhu, \u017ee ute\u010de policii, nevy\u0161la pot\u00e9, co se dostal do m\u011blk\u00e9 bahnit\u00e9 vody jen metry od policisty, kter\u00fd se ho sna\u017eil nen\u00e1siln\u011b p\u0159emluvit, aby se vr\u00e1til zp\u011bt na b\u0159eh.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "A Perth man's bid to lose a police tail came undone after he found himself in shallow, muddy water just metres from a police officer trying to \"coax him gently back to shore.\""} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nClinton's advantage with Democratic voters under age 50 has evaporated, and she and Sanders are now even.", "targets": "V\u00fdhoda Clintonov\u00e9 s demokratick\u00fdmi voli\u010di pod 50 let se vypa\u0159ila a nyn\u00ed jsou si se Sandersem rovni."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHe said that limits at the \u010ceskoslovensk\u00e9 arm\u00e1dy mine should be broken due to social reasons, the national economy and the Czech energy sector.", "targets": "Limity na dole \u010cSA by se podle n\u011bj m\u011bly prolomit u\u017e z d\u016fvod\u016f soci\u00e1ln\u00edch, n\u00e1rodohospod\u00e1\u0159sk\u00fdch i z d\u016fvodu dlouhodob\u00e9 stability tuzemsk\u00e9 energetiky."} {"inputs": "How is \"This summer we were lying on the private beach of a hotel in the Turkish - Muslim - part of Cyprus.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Letos v l\u00e9t\u011b na tureck\u00e9 - muslimsk\u00e9 - \u010d\u00e1sti Kypru jsme le\u017eeli na soukrom\u00e9 pl\u00e1\u017ei hotelu."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThis will lead to faster, more precise riveting.", "targets": "N\u00fdtov\u00e1n\u00ed se zrychl\u00ed a zp\u0159esn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V\u00fdrobce repliky toti\u017e nezvolil vhodn\u00fd materi\u00e1l a kolo neum\u011blo vzdorovat poryv\u016fm v\u011btru."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u00datern\u00ed stav ohro\u017een\u00ed ve dvou ji\u017en\u00edch regionech dal autorit\u00e1m v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed pravomoc \u0159e\u0161it krizi a dovolil jim uzav\u0159\u00edt silnice a zrychlit soudn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edpady projedn\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed azylu."} {"inputs": "Pr\u00fd dokonce byla i n\u00e1\u010delnic\u00ed, ne\u017e ji soudruzi sesadili.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Apparently she'd even been the superintendent until she was removed by the comrades."} {"inputs": "P\u0159\u00e1tel\u00e9 jsou jedn\u00edm z po\u0159ad\u016f, kter\u00e9 mi vyvstanou v pam\u011bti, kdy\u017e se sna\u017e\u00edm nab\u00eddnout dlouhodob\u011bj\u0161\u00ed mechanismus vyrovn\u00e1n\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "The royal decree also blamed the group for not using up-to-date safety measures and failing to coordinate with meteorological officials.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Kr\u00e1lovsk\u00e9 vyhl\u00e1\u0161ky rovn\u011b\u017e obvinily skupinu kv\u016fli nepou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00edch bezpe\u010dnostn\u00edch opat\u0159en\u00ed, a nedostatek koordinace s meteorologick\u00fdmi \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edky."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nInstead of chewing out his rookies in front of the rest of the team, he encouraged them.", "targets": "M\u00edsto toho, aby nov\u00e1\u010dky se\u017ev\u00fdkal p\u0159ed zbytkem t\u00fdmu, dok\u00e1zal je povzbudit."} {"inputs": "And you have to remember, like players, their jobs are dependent on results.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "A mus\u00edte si pamatovat, jako hr\u00e1\u010di, \u017ee jejich pr\u00e1ce z\u00e1le\u017e\u00ed na v\u00fdsledc\u00edch."} {"inputs": "Prozat\u00edm to ust\u00e1l.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He'd managed it for the time being."} {"inputs": "How is \"We could call it trendy liberal.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u0158ekli bychom slun\u00ed\u010dkov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Velkou zpr\u00e1vou pro Seven byl ohromuj\u00edc\u00ed debut 800 slov s b\u00fdvalou hv\u011bzdou Packed to the Rafters Erikem Thomsonem."} {"inputs": "Lou\u010dil jsem se s n\u00edm jako s kamar\u00e1dem, ale stejn\u011b jsem se po tak dlouh\u00e9m sou\u017eit\u00ed c\u00edtil hnusn\u011b, jako kdybych vyhazoval p\u0159\u00edbuzn\u00e9ho.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "I parted from it as I would a friend, but after such a long time together I felt horrible, as if I was kicking out a relative."} {"inputs": "V\u00fd\u0161i t\u011b\u017eebn\u00edch poplatk\u016f u\u017e nebude ur\u010dovat z\u00e1kon, ale stanov\u00ed ji vl\u00e1da sv\u00fdm na\u0159\u00edzen\u00edm.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "To ov\u0161em nesm\u00edte b\u00fdt Davidem Cameronem.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Unless, it seems, you are David Cameron."} {"inputs": "V limitovan\u00e9m po\u010dtu p\u0159edstaven\u00ed si od re\u017eijn\u00edho pult\u00edku tak\u00e9 odsko\u010d\u00ed Ond\u0159ej Sokol, kdy\u017e zastoup\u00ed po dobu nat\u00e1\u010den\u00ed filmu Karla Rodena v roli prezidenta Per\u00f3na.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In a limited number of performances, Ond\u0159ej Sokol will swop the conductor's podium for the stage, when he replaces Karel Roden in the role of president Per\u00f3n during the making of a film."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Good morning, comrade superintendent,\" I greeted him respectfully, quickly doing up the two buttons of my uniform jacket.", "targets": "\"Dobr\u00e9 r\u00e1no, pane n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edku,\" pozdravil jsem uctiv\u011b a rychle si zapnul dva knofl\u00edky saka stejnokroje."} {"inputs": "\"Well, when he joined us, we went to do brigade work in the district,\" babbled the vetting officer.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"No, kdy\u017e k n\u00e1m nastoupil, \u0161el na okrsek do \u010dety,\" blekotal k\u00e1drov\u00e1k."} {"inputs": "as they regard it as an attack on their sovereignty.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pova\u017euj\u00ed to za \u00fatok na svou svrchovanost."} {"inputs": "Translate \"That's work for honest, decent people, not for enemies of the people, as I was in the eyes of the comrade superintendent.\" to Czech?", "targets": "To je pr\u00e1ce pro poctiv\u00e9 a slu\u0161n\u00e9 lidi, ne pro nep\u0159\u00edtele lidu, jak\u00fdm jsem v o\u010d\u00edch soudruha n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edka byl."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHere the comrade had made a mistake, a massive mistake.", "targets": "Tady soudruh ud\u011blal chybu, ohromnou chybu."} {"inputs": "How is \"Hats off to Paris.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Klobouk dol\u016f pro Paris."} {"inputs": "\"It does seem there is a trend for equity returns to stall 12-24 months after the first hike, which again perhaps reflects the lag in monetary policy,\" Deutsche Bank analysts said in a recent study of what happens after the Fed hikes.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"Zd\u00e1 se, \u017ee existuje trend pro op\u011btovn\u00e9 zastaven\u00ed akci\u00ed po 12-24 m\u011bs\u00edc\u00edch po prvn\u00edm zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed, co\u017e op\u011bt mo\u017en\u00e1 odr\u00e1\u017e\u00ed prodlevu v m\u011bnov\u00e9 politice,\" uvedli analytici Deutsche Bank v ned\u00e1vn\u00e9 studii o tom, co se stane po zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed Fedu."} {"inputs": "How is \"Its shares fell about 2.5 percent in premarket trading 45 minutes ahead of Wednesday's opening bell.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Akcie spole\u010dnosti klesly asi o 2,5 procenta v p\u0159edtr\u017en\u00edm obchodov\u00e1n\u00ed 45 minut p\u0159ed st\u0159ede\u010dn\u00edm otev\u0159en\u00edm."} {"inputs": "Soud jim nejprve p\u0159i\u0159kl po\u017eadovanou \u010d\u00e1stku, tedy p\u0159es 2,8 mili\u00f3nu korun, odvolac\u00ed soud ale jejich n\u00e1rok zm\u011bnil tak, \u017ee jim p\u0159iznal pouze necel\u00fdch 90 tis\u00edc korun s odkazem na to, \u017ee v\u00fd\u0161e n\u00e1hrady se ur\u010duje podle cenov\u00fdch p\u0159edpis\u016f z roku 1991.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The court had initially awarded them the requested amount, which was over 2.8 million crowns; however, the court of appeal altered their claim by only awarding them 90 thousand crowns, stating that damages were determined according to price regulations from 1991."} {"inputs": "Poslanci nyn\u00ed na jeho n\u00e1vrh p\u0159istoupili.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Published by EPIKA in the LITER\u00c1TI NA TRATI II. anthology\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Vy\u0161lo v antologii LITER\u00c1TI NA TRATI II. v nakladatelstv\u00ed EPIKA"} {"inputs": "Na \u010desk\u00e9m trhu nyn\u00ed operuje celkem 942 aktivn\u00edch poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00fdch cestovn\u00edch kancel\u00e1\u0159\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "A total of 942 active, insured travel agencies are currently active on the Czech market."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Griffiths se zav\u00e1zal vyhnout se Tynecastleu"} {"inputs": "How is \"It was a classic Champions League match.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Byl to klasick\u00fd z\u00e1pas Ligy mistr\u016f."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Ben Carson by vedl nad obchodn\u00edkem o \u0161irok\u00fdch 19 bod\u016f v hypotetick\u00e9m z\u00e1pase jednoho proti jednomu."} {"inputs": "Oble\u010deni do jist\u00e9 m\u00edry v b\u00edl\u00e9m, truchl\u00edc\u00ed si vybrali cestu a vzdali \u00factu ob\u011btem, kdy\u017e se prvn\u00ed z padl\u00fdch dostal na svou posledn\u00ed cestu na h\u0159bitov v Al-Moaissem.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Dressed largely in white, mourners packed the route to pay their respects as the first of the dead made their final journey to Al-Moaissem cemetery."} {"inputs": "Rival Sunrise s hostitelem Davidem Kochem a Samanthou Armytage se zasekla v Lond\u00fdn\u011b jako \u010d\u00e1st t\u00fdden dlouh\u00e9 s\u00e9rie mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edho televizn\u00edho vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e9 zahrnuje tak\u00e9 Dubaj, New York, Niagarsk\u00e9 vodop\u00e1dy a Cancun.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Rival Sunrise, hosted by David Koch and Samantha Armytage, was stuck in London as part of a week-long series of international telecasts which also include Dubai, New York, Niagara Falls and Cancun."} {"inputs": "Ty dv\u011b posledn\u00ed pak maj\u00ed tak\u00e9 negativn\u00ed dopad na rozm\u011bry a hmotnosti iPhon\u016f 6s a 6s Plus.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Konzervativn\u00ed poslanec Andrew Bingham tak\u00e9 \u0159ekl \u0161\u00e9f\u016fm BBC, \u017ee rozhlasov\u00e1 stanice ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 slu\u017eby se zd\u00e1 b\u00fdt \"ohlupov\u00e1na\" a je \u010d\u00edm d\u00e1l nerozeznateln\u011bj\u0161\u00ed od sv\u00e9ho obchodn\u00edho soupe\u0159e.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Conservative MP Andrew Bingham also told BBC bosses that the public service radio station appeared to be \"dumbing down\" and is becoming increasingly indistinguishable from its commercial rival."} {"inputs": "\u0160erif Alistair Carmichael odlo\u017eil rozsudek na \u0159\u00edjen kv\u016fli pod\u00e1n\u00ed hl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed soci\u00e1ln\u00edch pracovn\u00edk\u016f.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Sheriff Alistair Carmichael deferred sentence until October for social work background reports."} {"inputs": "I've got the support of my family and I can walk away.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "M\u00e1m podporu sv\u00e9 rodiny a mohu odej\u00edt pry\u010d."} {"inputs": "Video Amnesty bylo na Facebooku shl\u00e9dnuto v\u00edce ne\u017e 100 000 lidmi za 24 hodin a bylo vytvo\u0159eno agenturou VCCP pracuj\u00edc\u00ed bez n\u00e1roku na honor\u00e1\u0159 a grafick\u00fd design\u00e9r a koment\u00e1tor pracovali tak\u00e9 zdarma.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Byla s matkou nejlep\u0161\u00ed kamar\u00e1dka.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "She and her mother were absolutely best friends."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pouze Compton dostal \u0161anci doma i venku."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIn the summer we disconnected it totally because there wasn't enough water in the well.", "targets": "A p\u0159es l\u00e9to jsme ho \u00fapln\u011b odpojili, proto\u017ee ve studni bylo m\u00e1lo vody."} {"inputs": "P\u0159edt\u00edm v\u0161ak mus\u00ed firma proj\u00edt kvalifika\u010dn\u00edmi testy t\u0159eba pro mont\u00e1\u017e n\u011bkter\u00fdch elektrick\u00fdch a elektronick\u00fdch za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed do dve\u0159\u00ed pro nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed Airbus.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"The illness is dangerous to the unborn foetus, which is at risk of premature birth and death. It usually disappears of its own accord in the mother following birth.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nemoc je nebezpe\u010dn\u00e1 pro nenarozen\u00fd plod, kter\u00e9mu hroz\u00ed p\u0159ed\u010dasn\u00fd porod a smrt, u matky po porodu v\u011bt\u0161inou samovoln\u011b odezn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"More teachers will be required to teach refugees German.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Bude pot\u0159eba v\u00edce u\u010ditel\u016f, aby uprchl\u00edci zvl\u00e1dli n\u011bm\u010dinu."} {"inputs": "When the superintendent told someone that something wasn't one of their virtues, the prospects weren't good for whoever was on the receiving end.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Kdy\u017e n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk n\u011bkomu \u0159ekl, \u017ee n\u011bco nen\u00ed jeho p\u0159ednost, s doty\u010dn\u00fdm to nevypadalo dob\u0159e."} {"inputs": "S pra\u017esk\u00fdm z\u00e1vodem dnes stoj\u00ed a pad\u00e1 v\u00fdroba embraer\u016f.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The production of Embraer planes today stands and falls with the Prague plant,"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Stejn\u011b jako Sparta se budeme sna\u017eit vyhr\u00e1t, uvedl Goian."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nA decision will be made by November at the earliest.", "targets": "Rozhodnut\u00ed lze tedy o\u010dek\u00e1vat nejd\u0159\u00edve v listopadu."} {"inputs": "P\u0159\u00edchoz\u00ed \u010dernou\u0161ci pili pivo rovnou z t\u0159etinek - jak v seri\u00e1lech z USA?! - na pl\u00e1\u017ei h\u00e1zeli pr\u00e1zdn\u00e9 l\u00e1hve kolem sebe.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"I will just have to try to remember all the details.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Budu si zkr\u00e1tka muset zapamatovat v\u0161echny detaily."} {"inputs": "Emailujte va\u0161e fotografie a videa na yourpics@bbc.co.uk\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Devades\u00e1t osm procent v\u0161ech lid\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed p\u0159es n\u00e1s p\u0159ech\u00e1zej\u00ed, chce do N\u011bmecka.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Ninety-eight percent of people who pass through the Czech Republic want to go to Germany."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Once the hike hits, though, the impact is not as dramatic.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Jakmile ale zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed nastane, \u00fa\u010dinek nebude tak dramatick\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "T\u0159et\u00ed meta\u0159 Nick Castellanos ho n\u00e1sledoval s bodem na pravou stranu h\u0159i\u0161t\u011b a sk\u00f3roval dal\u0161\u00edm ob\u011bhem, ale Victor Martinez byl p\u0159ehozen, kdy\u017e se pokusil dob\u011bhnout na t\u0159et\u00ed metu."} {"inputs": "Agentura TASS dnes s odvol\u00e1n\u00edm na slova kremelsk\u00e9ho mluv\u010d\u00edho Dmitrije Peskova napsala, \u017ee Putin na programu sv\u00e9ho newyorsk\u00e9ho pobytu setk\u00e1n\u00ed s Obamou zat\u00edm nem\u00e1.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBut when we checked in with Sarah Mackay, Snezana Markoski and Lana Jeavons-Fellows the day before three become two, they may have inadvertently given away a clue as to who the winner will be.", "targets": "Ale kdy\u017e jsme se ptali Sarah Mackay, Snezany Markoski a Lany Jeavons-Fellows den p\u0159edt\u00edm, ne\u017e z\u016fstali u\u017e jen dv\u011b, bezd\u011b\u010dn\u011b n\u00e1m napov\u011bd\u011bli, kdo vyhraje."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He's a hero to his kids and his wife.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pro sv\u00e9 d\u011bti a \u017eenu je to hrdina.\u201c"} {"inputs": "Translate \"I've got four children, I'm not exactly hot property for employers.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Se \u010dty\u0159mi d\u011btmi nejsem pro zam\u011bstnavatele zrovna terno."} {"inputs": "How is \"Next year pensions should rise by an average of approximately one hundred crowns.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edm roce by m\u011bly d\u016fchody vzr\u016fst v pr\u016fm\u011bru asi o stokorunu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Promoting opening up while pushing forward reforms will add new impetus and vitality, and provide new room for economic growth, Xi said.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Propagace otev\u00edr\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159i rod\u00edc\u00edch se reform\u00e1ch dod\u00e1 nov\u00fd impuls a vitalitu, poskytne tak\u00e9 nov\u00fd prostor pro ekonomick\u00fd r\u016fst, uv\u00e1d\u00ed Xi."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Construction work will be paid through a loan and partly from our own funds,\" explained hospital director Petr Sl\u00e1dek.", "targets": "\"Stavbu zaplat\u00edme z \u00fav\u011bru a \u010d\u00e1ste\u010dn\u011b z vlastn\u00edch prost\u0159edk\u016f,\" vysv\u011btlil \u0159editel Petr Sl\u00e1dek."} {"inputs": "How is \"However, the committee will have one month, rather than the usual two, for the discussion.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V\u00fdbor na to ale bude m\u00edt m\u011bs\u00edc m\u00edsto obvykl\u00fdch dvou."} {"inputs": "How is \"The Senate's version, approved by the Chamber of Deputies, anticipates the lengthwise laying of sewage systems, water systems and cabling for public lighting beneath road surfaces,\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Sen\u00e1tn\u00ed verze, kterou Sn\u011bmovna schv\u00e1lila, po\u010d\u00edt\u00e1 i s t\u00edm, aby kanalizaci, vodovody nebo kabely ve\u0159ejn\u00e9ho osv\u011btlen\u00ed bylo mo\u017en\u00e9 ukl\u00e1dat pod\u00e9ln\u011b pod povrch vozovek."} {"inputs": "\"Nazp\u011bt v \u010dase\" bude k dost\u00e1n\u00ed na VOD, DVD a ve vybran\u00fdch kinech v \u0159\u00edjnu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"Back in Time\" will be available on VOD, DVD and in select movie theaters Oct."} {"inputs": "President univerzity William LaForge uvedl, \u017ee nev\u011bd\u011bl o \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9m konfliktu mezi Lambem a Schmidtem, ale \u017ee \"pana Lamba z\u0159ejm\u011b n\u011bco tr\u00e1pilo.\"\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "University President William LaForge said he didn't know of any conflict between Lamb and Schmidt but \"obviously there was something in Mr. Lamb's mind.\""} {"inputs": "Majorities see Clinton, Sanders and Biden as honest and trustworthy and as having strong leadership qualities.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V\u011bt\u0161ina vid\u00ed Clintonovou, Sanderse a Bidena jako up\u0159\u00edmn\u00e9 a d\u016fv\u011bryhodn\u00e9 a mysl\u00ed si, \u017ee maj\u00ed siln\u00e9 v\u016fdcovsk\u00e9 kvality."} {"inputs": "Ve druh\u00e9m polo\u010dase jsme byli lep\u0161\u00ed, hlavn\u011b v \u00fato\u010dn\u00e9 f\u00e1zi.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "We were the better team in the second half, especially when we were attacking."} {"inputs": "How is \"That's the second project, which is just starting at the moment, are there we only progressed in that we're debating with the churches about the possibilities for them finding work, accommodation and so on for them.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "To je druh\u00fd projekt, kter\u00fd se zat\u00edm rozb\u00edh\u00e1, a tam jsme pokro\u010dili pouze v tom, \u017ee debatujeme s c\u00edrkvemi o mo\u017enosti, \u017ee by jim um\u011bly pomoct sehnat zam\u011bstn\u00e1n\u00ed, ubytov\u00e1n\u00ed a tak d\u00e1le."} {"inputs": "The Argentina winger was labelled as the man to take PSG to the next level in Europe when he was signed from Manchester United last month, and he indicated why as he ran onto Marco Verratti's pass in behind the Malmo defence before angling a beautiful finish past Johan Wiland and into the far corner of the net.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Argentinsk\u00e9 k\u0159\u00eddlo bylo ozna\u010deno jak mu\u017e, kter\u00fd posune PSG v Evrop\u011b na novou \u00farove\u0148 po p\u0159estupu z Manchesteru United, kter\u00fd prob\u011bhl minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc, a uk\u00e1zal pro\u010d, kdy\u017e si nab\u011bhl na pass Marca Verrattiho za obranu Malma a kr\u00e1sn\u00fdm zakon\u010den\u00edm poslal m\u00ed\u010d za z\u00e1da Johan Wilanda do vzd\u00e1len\u00e9ho rohu branky."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThere were rumours that back then there was no joking with him, he was a proper monster.", "targets": "Prosl\u00fdchalo se, \u017ee tenkr\u00e1t s n\u00edm neb\u00fdvala \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e1 sranda, pr\u00fd p\u011bkn\u00e1 bestie."} {"inputs": "Proto\u017ee byl otev\u0159en\u011b praktick\u00fdm rodi\u010dem, zd\u00e1 se nepravd\u011bpodobn\u00e9, \u017ee by se Cameron nesezn\u00e1mil s d\u011bjem knihy, kde se nejmenovan\u00fd mlad\u00fd mu\u017e dozv\u00ed, \u017ee m\u00edstn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edrodu devastuje hrabiv\u00fd, stromy k\u00e1cej\u00edc\u00ed industrialista Once-ler, kter\u00fd i p\u0159es protesty tituln\u00edho Loraxe, skr\u010den\u00e9ho, kn\u00edrat\u00e9ho tvora, kter\u00fd \"mluv\u00ed za stromy.\"\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Given he is an avowedly hands-on parent, it seems unlikely Cameron is so unfamiliar with the book's plot, in which a young unnamed boy hears how the local environment was devastated by the avaricious, tree-chopping, thneed-knitting Once-ler, despite the protests of the eponymous Lorax, a squat, moustachioed creature who \"speaks for the trees.\""} {"inputs": "Joeyho humor a Chandlerova \u010dast\u00e1 ob\u011bt\u00ed, chv\u00edle sledov\u00e1n\u00ed fotbalu na pohodln\u00fdch k\u0159eslech, Rossova touha po Rachel, v\u0161echny pramen\u00ed z pozn\u00e1n\u00ed, \u017ee ano, mu\u017ei se s t\u00edm mohou tak\u00e9 ztoto\u017enit, i kdy\u017e si v\u011bt\u0161inou nech\u00e1vaj\u00ed sv\u00e9 pocity pro sebe.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The humour of Joey and Chandler's frequent hugs, moments watching football on the comfy chairs, and Ross's pining for Rachel, came from the knowledge that yes, men can all relate to this, even if they often hold back from fully exploring their feelings."} {"inputs": "Pan Mugabe, africk\u00fd nejstar\u0161\u00ed v\u016fdce, d\u0159\u00edve v tomto roce upadl na schodech vedouc\u00edch k p\u00f3diu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "V\u017edycky jsem c\u00edtil, \u017ee byl p\u0159\u00edmo narozen do sv\u011bta mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edho kriketu, a\u0165 u\u017e jako hr\u00e1\u010d nebo tren\u00e9r, a stejn\u011b jako Mahela disponuje intelektem, kter\u00fd se d\u00e1 vyu\u017e\u00edt.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIt was only in 2008 that the local inhabitants decided to repair the windwheel and put it back into operation", "targets": "A\u017e v roce 2008 se Chlum\u0161t\u00ed rozhodli, \u017ee v\u011btrn\u00e9 kolo op\u011bt oprav\u00ed a uvedou znovu do chodu."} {"inputs": "Sarah Mackay si mysl\u00ed, \u017ee by se Samem Woodem mohli tvo\u0159it prima p\u00e1r.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Mr. Dhakal said the police used tear gas and then fired into the air before resorting to rubber bullets.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pan Dhakal uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee policie pou\u017eila slzn\u00fd plyn a pot\u00e9 vyst\u0159elila do vzduchu p\u0159edt\u00edm, ne\u017e se uch\u00fdlili k gumov\u00fdm projektil\u016fm."} {"inputs": "Ti pa\u0161uj\u00ed n\u011bco \u00fapln\u011b jin\u00e9ho.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "They smuggle something else entirely."} {"inputs": "How is \"The changes are eagerly awaited in all hospitals.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Na zm\u011bny se t\u011b\u0161\u00ed ve v\u0161ech nemocnic\u00edch."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "M\u00e1 kolem sebe fantastick\u00fd t\u00fdm, tak\u00e9 m\u00e1 kolem sebe skv\u011blou rodinu a j\u00e1 si mysl\u00edm, \u017ee s n\u00edm bylo zach\u00e1zeno pon\u011bkud tvrd\u011b."} {"inputs": "Just a month ago, the Fed seemed on track to raise the rate by 0.25 percentage point this month, the first small step in a slow tightening of monetary conditions that would validate the strength of the U.S. recovery.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "P\u0159ed pouh\u00fdm m\u011bs\u00edcem se zd\u00e1lo, \u017ee je Fed na dobr\u00e9 cest\u011b k zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazby o 0,25 procentn\u00edho bodu tento m\u011bs\u00edc, prvn\u00ed mal\u00fd krok v pomal\u00e9m zp\u0159\u00edsn\u011bn\u00ed m\u011bnov\u00fdch podm\u00ednek, kter\u00e9 by potvrdily s\u00edlu ekonomick\u00e9ho o\u017eiven\u00ed v USA."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAfter several repairs and falls of the windwheel, the pump reached the end of its lifespan in 1971.", "targets": "\u010cerpadlo po n\u011bkolika oprav\u00e1ch a p\u00e1dech v\u011btrn\u00e9ho kola doslou\u017eilo v roce 1971."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nUltimately we have to think about how to reduce the killing in their countries.", "targets": "Nakonec mus\u00edme p\u0159em\u00fd\u0161let o tom, jak sn\u00ed\u017eit zab\u00edjen\u00ed v jejich zem\u00edch."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFastMig X represents the latest generation of invertor welding tools.", "targets": "FastMig X je p\u0159edstavitelem nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00ed generace invertorov\u00fdch sv\u00e1\u0159ec\u00edch zdroj\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"This kind of injury is not career-threatening,\" said Wenger.", "targets": "\"Tento druh zran\u011bn\u00ed neohro\u017euje kari\u00e9ru,\" tvrd\u00ed Wenger."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHe is expected to be charged with failing to stop at an accident, failing to render assistance, and other traffic offences.", "targets": "O\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1 se, \u017ee bude obvin\u011bn z nezastaven\u00ed p\u0159i nehod\u011b, neposkytnut\u00ed pomoci a dal\u0161\u00edch dopravn\u00edch p\u0159estupk\u016f."} {"inputs": "\"Je do debla slu\u0161n\u00fd,\" uvedl Navr\u00e1til.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"He's decent in doubles,\" said Navr\u00e1til."} {"inputs": "N\u011bmecko se prost\u011b zm\u011bnilo.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Germany has simply changed."} {"inputs": "Syrsk\u00e9 d\u011bti v \u010cesk\u00e9 \u0161kole - p\u0159\u00edb\u011bh integrovan\u00fdch Sy\u0159an\u016f v \u010cR.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nI like the guy.", "targets": "Ten kluk se mi l\u00edb\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Prvn\u00ed n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bva prezidenta Xi ve Washingtonu prob\u011bhne 25. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed v reakci Baracka Obamy na n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvu Pekingu, kam prezident zav\u00edtal v listopadu, uvedla zpr\u00e1va.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The visit, Xi's first official one to Washington, will take place on Sept. 25 and reciprocates President Barack Obama's trip to Beijing last November, the statement said."} {"inputs": "Ma\u010farsko k tomu p\u0159ikro\u010dilo ji\u017e d\u00e1vno.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Hungary imposed such measures long ago."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pro n\u011b to byl \u00fachvatn\u00fd z\u00e1pas."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe bodies were released for funeral as the Saudi King sanctioned the Bin Laden family construction group over the disaster, which also left 394 injured.", "targets": "T\u011bla byla uvoln\u011bna pro poh\u0159eb a sa\u00fadsk\u00fd kr\u00e1l sankcioval stavebn\u00ed skupinu rodiny bin L\u00e1dina nad katastrofou, kterou tak\u00e9 opustilo 394 zran\u011bn\u00fdch."} {"inputs": "A jak p\u0159ed ned\u00e1vnem vysv\u011btlil jeden miliard\u00e1\u0159 a tv\u016frce her, pen\u00edze opravdu nekoup\u00ed v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed \u0161t\u011bst\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "And as a billionaire video-game creator explained recently, money really doesn't buy greater happiness."} {"inputs": "Translate \"However, MP Marek Benda (ODS) warned that the setting of fees by government decree may not be in accordance with the constitution.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Poslanec ODS Marek Benda ale varoval p\u0159ed t\u00edm, \u017ee stanovov\u00e1n\u00ed poplatku na\u0159\u00edzen\u00edm vl\u00e1dy nemus\u00ed b\u00fdt v souladu s \u00fastavou."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nNHC says 60 percent chance of cyclone south of Cape Verde Islands", "targets": "NHC p\u0159edpov\u00edd\u00e1 60procentn\u00ed pravd\u011bpodobnost cyklonu ji\u017en\u011b od Kapverdsk\u00fdch ostrov\u016f"} {"inputs": "Fotbalov\u00e1 Slavia zaplatila dluhy.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The Slavia football team has paid off its debts."} {"inputs": "V\u00fdkonn\u00fd \u0159editel Metcash, Ian Morrice, tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee programy dorovn\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed cen a dovybaven\u00ed obchod\u016f chyt\u00ed sp\u00e1d a douf\u00e1, \u017ee se velkoprodej vr\u00e1t\u00ed zp\u011bt na z\u00e1kladn\u00ed ziskov\u00fd r\u016fst profit v roce 2017 poprv\u00e9 za \u010dty\u0159i roky.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Metcash chief executive Ian Morrice says the price matching and store refurbishment programs are gaining traction and is hoping the wholesaler will return to underlying profit growth in 2017, for the first time in four years."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nSo as long as immigration remains in the spotlight, it seems Donald Trump will remain too.", "targets": "Zd\u00e1 se, \u017ee dokud t\u00e9ma imigrace z\u016fstane v z\u00e1\u0159i reflektor\u016f, Donald Trump z\u016fstane tak\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V\u011bd\u00ed, \u017ee to \u0161lo d\u00e1l."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Evropsk\u00e1 unie se rozhodla v pond\u011bl\u00ed vypo\u0159\u00e1dat se nap\u0159ed s probl\u00e9mem uprchl\u00edk\u016f: bude sp\u00ed\u0161e systematicky t\u0159\u00eddit migranty a \u017eadatele o azyl, jakmile vkro\u010d\u00ed na star\u00fd kontinent - zejm\u00e9na v \u0158ecku, ne\u017e aby se h\u00e1dala kv\u016fli budouc\u00edmu rozd\u011blen\u00ed uprchl\u00edk\u016f podle kv\u00f3t na z\u00e1klad\u011b mno\u017estv\u00ed, kter\u00e9 se p\u0159itom st\u00e1le v\u00edce vzdaluje realit\u011b."} {"inputs": "Spielberg \u0159ekl: \"Je to skute\u010dn\u011b pro m\u011b nesporn\u011b nejlep\u0161\u00ed cestovn\u00ed dokument, kter\u00fd byl kdy zfilmov\u00e1n.\"\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"It really is for me,\" said Spielberg, \"inarguably the greatest time travel movie ever put on film.\""} {"inputs": "V roce 2003 byl nejbohat\u0161\u00ed mu\u017e Ruska Mikhail Khodorkovsky zat\u010den p\u0159i nam\u00ed\u0159en\u00fdch pistol\u00edch na sibi\u0159sk\u00e9 ranveji.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In 2003, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Russia's wealthiest man, was arrested at gunpoint on a Siberian runway."} {"inputs": "Parkov\u00e1n\u00ed: LAX-C m\u00e1 svoje vlastn\u00ed parkovi\u0161t\u011b, kter\u00e9 sd\u00edl\u00ed s dal\u0161\u00edmi obchody a restauracemi.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Parking: LAX-C has its own lot, which it shares with other shops and restaurants."} {"inputs": "C\u00edt\u00edm se z toho velmi \u0161patn\u011b, je mi to velice l\u00edto.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"In the autumn we'll then disconnect the shaft of the pump windwheel in the suction basket again,\" said Ma\u0161ek.", "targets": "\"Na podzim pak h\u0159\u00eddel v\u011btrn\u00e9ho kola od \u010derpadla v sac\u00edm ko\u0161i odpoj\u00edme znovu,\" vysv\u011btlil starosta Ma\u0161ek."} {"inputs": "A zapomn\u011bly, \u017ee v tomto proudu tak\u00e9 existuje siln\u011b antisemitsk\u00fd - takzvan\u011b propalestinsk\u00fd - a antislovansk\u00fd proud pova\u017euj\u00edc\u00ed v\u0161echny Slovany za obt\u00ed\u017enou verbe\u017e - ji\u017e od dob Karla Marxe, kter\u00fd, po rodi\u010d\u00edch \u017eid, byl hlavn\u011b n\u011bmeck\u00fdm nacionalistou.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In this they forgot that within this stream of thought there is also a strongly antisemitic - pro-Palestinian - and anti-Slavonic element, considering all Slavs to be troublesome vermin - that goes right back to Karl Marx, a Jew by descent, who was mainly a German nationalist."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nTell the inmate's story the way he likes it, get access.", "targets": "\u0158ekn\u011bte p\u0159\u00edb\u011bh chovance tak, jak se mu to bude zamlouvat, z\u00edskejte p\u0159\u00edstup."} {"inputs": "He also has some idea of what awaits on Thursday.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "A \u010d\u00e1ste\u010dn\u011b tu\u0161\u00ed, co ho m\u016f\u017ee ve \u010dtvrtek ve\u010der \u010dekat."} {"inputs": "Mus\u00edme si br\u00e1t z Ligy mistr\u016f zku\u0161enosti a p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u011b se pokusit o lep\u0161\u00ed v\u00fdsledek.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "We'll have to put this down to experience and try and get a better result next time."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe right-wing parties' veto significantly complicates payment in December and will maybe even prevent it, he said.", "targets": "Veto pravice v\u00fdplatu v prosinci v\u00fdrazn\u011b zkomplikuje a mo\u017en\u00e1 i znemo\u017en\u00ed, \u0159ekl."} {"inputs": "Polsko m\u016f\u017ee m\u00edt brzy nacionalistickou vl\u00e1du na prav\u00e9 stran\u011b, \u0160pan\u011blsko na lev\u00e9.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Poland may soon have a nationalistic government of the right, Spain one of the left."} {"inputs": "Nejnov\u011bji vedouc\u00ed hnut\u00ed Black Lives Matter p\u0159edstavil prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed v odpov\u011bdi na ot\u00e1zku osobnosti Fox News, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, zda skupina by m\u011bla b\u00fdt pova\u017eov\u00e1na za nen\u00e1vistnou skupinu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "More recently, leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement released a statement in response to Fox News personality Elisabeth Hasselbeck's question of whether the group should be considered a hate group."} {"inputs": "How is \"Will Germany burn again?\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Bude N\u011bmecko zase ho\u0159et?"} {"inputs": "About half of Democratic primary voters nationwide say they would enthusiastically support Clinton if she became the party's nominee.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Asi polovina demokratick\u00fdch prim\u00e1rn\u00edch voli\u010d\u016f v cel\u00fdch st\u00e1tech \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee by nad\u0161en\u011b podporovala Clintonovou, kdyby se stala kandid\u00e1tem strany."} {"inputs": "Pentagon tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee Rusov\u00e9 hodlaj\u00ed z\u0159\u00eddit leteckou z\u00e1kladnu u m\u011bsta Latak\u00edja, kter\u00e9 prozat\u00edm z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 ba\u0161tou syrsk\u00e9ho prezidenta Ba\u0161\u00e1ra Asada.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Podle dne\u0161n\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy listu The New York Times americk\u00e1 vl\u00e1da nevylu\u010duje, \u017ee by se prezident Barack Obama s rusk\u00fdm prezidentem mohl b\u011bhem zased\u00e1n\u00ed OSN setkat.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "According to today's report in The New York Times, the American government doesn't rule out President Barack Obama meeting with the Russian president during the UN session."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe encounter will be the first parliamentary test of Mr Corbyn's leadership, coming after his appointment of a shadow cabinet and his speech to the TUC annual congress on Tuesday.", "targets": "Toto setk\u00e1n\u00ed bude prvn\u00edm parlamentn\u00edm testem veden\u00ed pana Corbyho, kter\u00e9 p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed po jeho jmenov\u00e1n\u00ed do st\u00ednov\u00e9ho kabinetu a jeho \u00fatern\u00ed \u0159e\u010di k v\u00fdro\u010dn\u00edmu kongresu TUC."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Saudi officials have already vowed that the hajj to Mecca will go ahead with thousands continuing to descend on the city.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Sa\u00fad\u0161t\u00ed \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edci ji\u017e sl\u00edbili, \u017ee had\u017e do Mekky se bude konat a tis\u00edce lid\u00ed nad\u00e1le sestupuj\u00ed do m\u011bsta."} {"inputs": "D\u016fv\u011brn\u00fdm pravideln\u00fdm kontaktem p\u0159i ka\u017ed\u00e9 vykonan\u00e9 pot\u0159eb\u011b jsme zjistili, \u017ee je to sami\u010dka.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Through close, regular contact while we were answering the call of nature we found out that it was a female."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "I p\u0159esto, \u017ee je Clintonov\u00e1 vn\u00edm\u00e1na jako \u010destn\u00e1 a d\u016fv\u011bryhodn\u00e1 mezi voli\u010di jej\u00ed strany, tato ot\u00e1zka je st\u00e1le probl\u00e9m mezi registrovan\u00fdmi voli\u010di celkov\u011b: jen 32 procent ji vid\u00ed jako \u010destnou a d\u016fv\u011bryhodnou, co\u017e je pokles o osm bod\u016f z minul\u00e9ho m\u011bs\u00edce, a o 15 bod\u016f od kv\u011btna."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"Back in Time,\" a documentary about \"Back to the Future,\" features interviews with Fox, Lea Thompson, and Christopher Lloyd, as well as director Robert Zemeckis, and executive producer Steven Spielberg.", "targets": "\"Nazp\u011bt v \u010dase,\" je dokument o \"N\u00e1vrat do budoucnosti,\" kter\u00fd uv\u00e1d\u00ed rozhovory s Foxem, Lea Thompson a Christopherem Lloydem, a tak\u00e9 re\u017eis\u00e9rem Robertem Zemeckisem a v\u00fdkonn\u00fdm producentem Stevenem Spielbergem."} {"inputs": "How is \"Either the aforementioned liabilities did not exist in the first place or are subject to lawsuits.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Bu\u010f podle klubu dan\u00e9 z\u00e1vazky v\u016fbec nevznikly, nebo se o n\u011b vedou soudn\u00ed spory."} {"inputs": "\u017dalobce se op\u00edr\u00e1 o znaleck\u00fd posudek.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The prosecutor's case is based on an expert report."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAmong Clinton supporters, more than half say Biden would be their second choice, far ahead of Sanders.", "targets": "Mezi p\u0159\u00edznivci Clintonov\u00e9 uvedla v\u00edce ne\u017e polovina Bidena jako jejich druhou volbu, daleko p\u0159ed Sanders."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI know it is very frustrating and a lot of people are very, very angry or sad about what is happening.", "targets": "V\u00edm, \u017ee je to velmi frustruj\u00edc\u00ed a spousta lid\u00ed je opravdu, opravdu na\u0161tvan\u00e1 nebo smutn\u00e1 aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm d\u011bn\u00edm."} {"inputs": "V l\u00e9ky o\u0161et\u0159ovan\u00e9 skupin\u011b byl pro porovn\u00e1n\u00ed diabetes vy\u0159e\u0161en kompletn\u011b pouze u 1 procenta a \u010d\u00e1ste\u010dn\u011b pouze u asi 2 procent pacient\u016f.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In the medically-treated group, by comparison, diabetes resolved completely in only 1 percent and partially in only about 2 percent."} {"inputs": "Je z\u0159ejm\u00e9, \u017ee to spousta v\u011bc\u00ed m\u016f\u017ee zm\u011bnit, a nikdo nem\u016f\u017ee doopravdy \u0159\u00edct, \u017ee by nikdy nezm\u011bnil sv\u016fj n\u00e1zor.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Obviously, a lot can happen to change that, and no one can really say they would never change their mind."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe only candidate who beats him?", "targets": "Jedin\u00fd kandid\u00e1t, kter\u00fd ho por\u00e1\u017e\u00ed?"} {"inputs": "C\u00edlem je zkr\u00e1tit doby v\u00fdroby a sn\u00ed\u017eit n\u00e1klady.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The goal is to shorten the production time and lower costs."} {"inputs": "How is \"Griffiths plays down talk of disharmony at Celtic as Deila admits Hoops are in a bad place but he'll turn it around.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Griffiths bagatelizuje \u0159e\u010di o nesouladu v Celticu, zat\u00edmco Deila p\u0159ipou\u0161t\u00ed, \u017ee Hoops jsou ve \u0161patn\u00e9m m\u00edst\u011b, ale on to znovu obr\u00e1t\u00ed."} {"inputs": "N\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed u\u010denci zd\u016fraz\u0148uj\u00ed, \u017ee rozt\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u011bn\u00e9 pole pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b p\u0159isp\u00edv\u00e1 k Trump je veden\u00ed, zat\u00edmco anti-Trumpovsk\u00e1 podpora je dif\u00fazn\u011b \u0161\u00ed\u0159ena mezi v\u00edce ne\u017e tuctem dal\u0161\u00edch kandid\u00e1t\u016f.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Some pundits point out that the splintered field is likely contributing to Trump's lead, while anti-Trump support is be spread diffusely among more than a dozen other candidates."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Because of this I had been removed from their list of candidates.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Proto jsem byl vy\u0161krtnut z \u0159ad jej\u00edch kandid\u00e1t\u016f."} {"inputs": "Dvakr\u00e1t, v roce 2008, vznikl kr\u00e1ter ve Stromovce, v roce 2010 se p\u016fda propadla u ministerstva kultury v Praze 6.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Craters appeared in Stromovka twice in 2008, and in 2010 the ground collapsed near the Ministry of Culture in Prague 6."} {"inputs": "L\u00e9ka\u0159i i pacienti tak budou m\u00edt na jednom m\u00edst\u011b v\u0161echna akutn\u00ed odd\u011blen\u00ed, nav\u00edc v nov\u00fdch prostorech.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "meaning that both doctors and patients will have all departments for acute cases in the one place, and in new premises."} {"inputs": "How is \"He expressed regret that divisions in the council and among the Syrian people and regional powers \"made this situation unsolvable.\"\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Vyj\u00e1d\u0159il politov\u00e1n\u00ed nad t\u00edm, \u017ee divize v Rad\u011b a mezi syrsk\u00fdm lidem a region\u00e1ln\u00edch mocnost\u00ed \"ud\u011blaly tuto situaci ne\u0159e\u0161itelnou.\""} {"inputs": "Translate \"NOTES: Tigers RHP Anibal Sanchez was shut down with a strain in his throwing shoulder.\" to Czech?", "targets": "POZN\u00c1MKA: Anibal Sanchez, prav\u00fd nadhazova\u010d Tygr\u016f, z\u00e1pas ukon\u010dil s bolest\u00ed v prav\u00e9m rameni."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSam Wood is keeping his lips firmly sealed until Thursday's finale", "targets": "Sam Wood dr\u017e\u00ed jazyk za zuby do \u010dtvrte\u010dn\u00edho fin\u00e1le"} {"inputs": "Dvakr\u00e1t si to ov\u011b\u0159te s majitelem ml\u00e9ka.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Double check with the milk owner."} {"inputs": "Experts believe Black Friday, which saw shoppers fight over bargains, could be holding shoppers off from making purchases\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Odborn\u00edci v\u011b\u0159\u00ed, \u017ee \u010cern\u00fd p\u00e1tek, d\u00edky kter\u00e9mu nakupuj\u00edc\u00ed op\u011bt smlouvaj\u00ed, m\u016f\u017ee zadr\u017eovat z\u00e1kazn\u00edky od dal\u0161\u00edch n\u00e1kup\u016f"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pak jim v\u00fdrobu p\u0159edvedeme."} {"inputs": "Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland still refuse to entertain the idea\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ma\u010farsko, Slovensko, \u010cesk\u00e1 republika a Polsko st\u00e1le o tom necht\u011bj\u00ed ani sly\u0161et."} {"inputs": "Gall-bladder issues generally affect people who are overweight, don't take part in sport and consume a lot of animal fats.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Obecn\u011b se probl\u00e9my se \u017elu\u010dn\u00edkem t\u00fdkaj\u00ed zejm\u00e9na lid\u00ed s nadv\u00e1hou, kte\u0159\u00ed nesportuj\u00ed a konzumuj\u00ed hodn\u011b \u017eivo\u010di\u0161n\u00fdch tuk\u016f."} {"inputs": "Nab\u00eddlo by mi to unik\u00e1tn\u00ed perspektivu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It would offer a unique perspective."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nFees are received by the municipalities whose territory is affected by mining.", "targets": "Poplatky dost\u00e1vaj\u00ed pouze obce, jejich\u017e \u00fazem\u00ed jsou t\u011b\u017ebou dot\u010dena."} {"inputs": "Kdy\u017e byl v \u0161atn\u00e1ch, m\u011bl tak\u00e9 nasazenou kysl\u00edkovou masku.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "When it was in the dressing room he had an oxygen mask on."} {"inputs": "Sekret\u00e1\u0159 st\u00e1tu Skotsko David Mundell \u0159ekl v koment\u00e1\u0159i na nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00ed \u00fadaje: \"Dlouhodob\u00fd vl\u00e1dn\u00ed pl\u00e1n polo\u017eil z\u00e1klady pro siln\u011bj\u0161\u00ed ekonomiku.\"\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Secretary of State for Scotland David Mundell, commenting on the latest figures, said: \"The government's long term plan has laid the foundations for a stronger economy.\""} {"inputs": "Tehdy to podle n\u011bj je\u0161t\u011b v Ma\u010farsku nebylo trestn\u00e9, tvrdil Lidov\u00fdm novin\u00e1m.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "At the time it wasn't yet a criminal offence, he claimed to Lidov\u00e9 noviny."} {"inputs": "Minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc m\u011bla Clintonov\u00e1 dvojcifern\u00fd n\u00e1skok p\u0159ed Sandersem mezi liber\u00e1ly, ale nyn\u00ed na ni Sanders ztr\u00e1c\u00ed v t\u00e9to skupin\u011b pouze 5 bod\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Last month, Clinton was ahead of Sanders by double-digits among liberals, but Sanders now has a 5-point edge with this group."} {"inputs": "For this reason, too, the turnaround at the Etihad was surprising.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "I proto byl obrat na Etihad Stadium velk\u00fdm p\u0159ekvapen\u00edm."} {"inputs": "Lacker, hlasuj\u00edc\u00ed \u010dlen tvorby politiky Feder\u00e1ln\u00edho v\u00fdboru pro otev\u0159en\u00fd trh, kter\u00fd tla\u010dil na zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazeb, citoval rozhodnut\u00ed v letech 1998-99 jako p\u0159\u00edklad.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Lacker, a voting member of the policymaking Federal Open Market Committee who has been pushing for a rate increase, cited decisions in 1998-99 as an example."} {"inputs": "Prentiss was a nurse who worked for various companies online.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Prentiss byla zdravotn\u00ed sestra, kter\u00e1 pracovala pro r\u016fzn\u00e9 online spole\u010dnosti."} {"inputs": "Existuj\u00ed t\u00e9mata, o kter\u00fdch by podle v\u00e1s m\u011bl sv\u011bt diskutovat?\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Brzy pot\u00e9, ve v\u00e1\u0161niv\u00e9m kvalifika\u010dn\u00edm utk\u00e1n\u00ed v Cincinnati, museli b\u00fdt Kokkinakis a jeho soupe\u0159 Ryan Harrison dvakr\u00e1t odd\u011bleni rozhod\u010d\u00edm, Harrison pot\u00e9 prohl\u00e1sil: \"Wawrinka m\u011bl jednu nat\u00e1hnout Kyrgiosovi a j\u00e1 jsem mu m\u011bl nat\u00e1hnout tak\u00e9.\"\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In a fiery qualifying match in Cincinnati soon after, Kokkinakis and his opponent Ryan Harrison twice had to be separated by the chair umpire, with Harrison declaring: \"Wawrinka should've decked Kyrgios, and I should deck that kid.\""} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"That isn't one of your virtues, that you aren't in the Party,\" declared the superintendent coldly, having calmed down slightly in the meantime.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"To nen\u00ed tvoje p\u0159ednost, \u017ee nejsi ve stran\u011b,\" studen\u011b pronesl n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk, kter\u00fd se mezit\u00edm trochu uklidnil."} {"inputs": "V d\u016fvodov\u00e9 zpr\u00e1v\u011b stoj\u00ed, \u017ee podle t\u011b\u017eebn\u00edch firem se zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed poplatk\u016f neprom\u00edtne do cen uhl\u00ed, proto\u017ee ceny jsou z v\u00edce ne\u017e 90 procent dlouhodob\u011b nasmlouvan\u00e9.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "I kdy\u017e je Arsenal jasn\u00fdm favoritem na postup ze skupiny F, Maksimir v Zagrebu m\u00e1 pov\u011bst nejv\u00edce zastra\u0161uj\u00edc\u00edho stadi\u00f3nu v Evrop\u011b.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Although Arsenal are clear favourites to progress through Group F, the Maksimir stadium in Zagreb is among Europe's most intimidating."} {"inputs": "\u201eNa tr\u00e9ninku vypadal dob\u0159e, odpaloval znateln\u011b l\u00e9pe a poda\u0159ilo se mu to p\u0159en\u00e9st do z\u00e1pasu.\u201c\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "He looked good in (batting practice), looked noticeably better in BP, and he carried it right into the game."} {"inputs": "Translate \"BBC director general denied the charges, arguing that BBC Radio 3 is far ahead of its commercial rival when it comes to live music and educating the public.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Gener\u00e1ln\u00ed \u0159editel BBC obvin\u011bn\u00ed odm\u00edtl s od\u016fvodn\u011bn\u00edm, \u017ee BBC Radio 3 je daleko p\u0159ed sv\u00fdm obchodn\u00edm soupe\u0159em, pokud jde o \u017eivou hudbu a vzd\u011bl\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed ve\u0159ejnosti."} {"inputs": "How is \"O'Steen said he and Prentiss had a daughter, who is 19, and she was \"devastated.\"\" said in Czech?", "targets": "19let\u00e1 dcera O'Steena a Prentissov\u00e9 byla cel\u00fdm p\u0159\u00edpadem \u201eot\u0159esena\u201c."} {"inputs": "How is \"H\u00e9ctor Beller\u00edn and Aaron Ramsey have not travelled to Croatia, meaning Mathieu Debuchy and Arteta are likely to start.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "H\u00e9ctor Beller\u00edn a Aaron Ramsey necestovali do Chorvatska, to znamen\u00e1, \u017ee Mathieu Debuchy a Arteta pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b nastoup\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Nyn\u00ed p\u0159edpov\u00edd\u00e1, \u017ee po\u010dkaj\u00ed alespo\u0148 m\u011bs\u00edc, aby z\u00edskali lep\u0161\u00ed kontrolu nad d\u016fsledky.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Now, he predicts they'll wait at least a month to get a better handle on the effects."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHowever, the wheel only pumps water from the well to a blind spillway.", "targets": "Ale kolo \u010derp\u00e1 u\u017eitkovou vodu ze studny jen do p\u0159epadov\u00e9ho slep\u00e9ho ramene."} {"inputs": "T\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 dva roky pot\u00e9, co student zem\u0159el b\u011bhem p\u0159et\u011b\u017eovac\u00edho bratrsk\u00e9ho ritu\u00e1lu v Pocono Mountains v Pensylv\u00e1nii, byla pod\u00e1na obvin\u011bn\u00ed z vra\u017edy v\u016f\u010di p\u011bti lidem.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAnd electric stun batons that cause excruciating pain but leave no trace!", "targets": "A elektrick\u00e9 omra\u010duj\u00edc\u00ed obu\u0161ky, kter\u00e9 zp\u016fsobuj\u00ed nesnesitelnou bolest, ale nezanech\u00e1vaj\u00ed \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 stopy!"} {"inputs": "Nav\u00edc bude jednodu\u0161\u0161\u00ed pro cizince \u017e\u00e1dat o povolen\u00ed k trval\u00e9mu pobytu nebo o \"zelenou kartu,\" d\u00edky optimalizaci po\u017eadavk\u016f a zjednodu\u0161en\u00ed procesu \u017e\u00e1dosti.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In addition, it will be made easier for foreigners to apply for permanent residence permits, or \"green card,\" by optimizing requirements and streamlining the application process."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nMoreno appeared fortunate to escape a red card and the concession of a spot-kick.", "targets": "Moreno m\u011bl velk\u00e9 \u0161t\u011bst\u00ed, \u017ee nedostal \u010dervenou kartu a penaltov\u00fd kop."} {"inputs": "Teach a valuable and amusing lesson about security by hiding something - but never trash someone's room with toothpaste and shampoo.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nau\u010dte je cennou a z\u00e1bavnou lekci o jejich zabezpe\u010den\u00ed t\u00edm, \u017ee jim n\u011bco schov\u00e1te - nikdy neni\u010dte n\u011b\u010d\u00ed pokoj zubn\u00ed pastou a \u0161amponem."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V \u00fater\u00fd tak rozhodla Sn\u011bmovna, kdy\u017e p\u0159istoupila na pozm\u011b\u0148ovac\u00ed n\u00e1vrh Sen\u00e1tu, kter\u00fd zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed rychlosti odm\u00edtl."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Hiking rates into such a fragile economic backdrop could be risky and set up the question of \"whether this time is different,\" Deutsche said.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed sazeb v tomto slo\u017eit\u00e9m hospod\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9m pozad\u00ed by mohlo b\u00fdt riskantn\u00ed a mohla by se objevit ot\u00e1zka, \"zda tato doba je jin\u00e1,\" \u0159ekl Deutsche."} {"inputs": "Pln\u00e1 mont\u00e1\u017e by mohla za\u010d\u00edt do dvou let, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 Dubsk\u00fd.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The full assembly process could start within two years, says Dubsk\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Kreativn\u00ed \u0159editel VCCP Matt Lever by p\u0159ekvapena tichem obklopuj\u00edc\u00edm reklamy o obchodu se zbran\u011bmi - vid\u011bl pr\u00e1zdn\u00e9 m\u00edsto v kalend\u00e1\u0159i ExCeL - a pomyslel: \"Uka\u017eme jim kampa\u0148, kter\u00e9 se sna\u017e\u00ed vyhnout.\"\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "VCCP creative director Matt Lever was struck by the silence surrounding the advertising of the arms fair - with a blank space on ExCeL's calendar - and thought: \"Let's give them the campaign they are trying to avoid.\""} {"inputs": "Hughes odb\u011bhl t\u0159i mety, z\u00edskal \u0161est odpal\u016f a 4 strajky.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "It is a considerable challenge for my country, but I believe that, if we are successful in integrating refugees, then they can be an asset to us, he said.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Je to pro na\u0161i zemi velk\u00e1 v\u00fdzva, ale v\u011b\u0159\u00edm, \u017ee pokud se poda\u0159\u00ed b\u011b\u017eence integrovat, m\u016f\u017eou se pro n\u00e1s st\u00e1t p\u0159\u00ednosem, \u0159ekl."} {"inputs": "P\u00e1te\u010dn\u00ed \u00favodn\u00ed dvouhry za\u010dnou v 6:30 SEL\u010c a mohou se nat\u00e1hnout kv\u016fli po\u010das\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Friday's opening singles rubbers start at 06:30 CEST and may last longer due to the weather."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Te\u010f jsme se potkali a nic ...\" zamumlal jsem, ale nikdo mi neodpov\u011bd\u011bl, ka\u017ed\u00fd jen se sv\u00fdmi my\u0161lenkami."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIn a bid to open up state-controlled sectors, more areas will be open to private investment.", "targets": "Ve snaze otev\u0159\u00edt st\u00e1tem kontrolovan\u00e9 odv\u011btv\u00ed bude v\u00edce oblast\u00ed otev\u0159eno soukrom\u00fdm investic\u00edm."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nYou have said that refugees do not want to come to the Czech Republic, but we have already undertaken to accept fifteen hundred people.", "targets": "Vy jste zmi\u0148oval, \u017ee k n\u00e1m uprchl\u00edci vlastn\u011b ani necht\u011bj\u00ed, ale patn\u00e1ct set lid\u00ed u\u017e jsme se zav\u00e1zali p\u0159ijmout."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Co to ud\u011bl\u00e1 s N\u011bmci, a v\u016fbec s N\u011bmeckem, a\u017e se zvednou lid\u00e9, kte\u0159\u00ed budou hlasit\u011b a ve\u0159ejn\u011b protestovat proti nov\u00e9mu euro-nad\u010dlov\u011bku muslimovi?"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAlmost no-one wants to come here, we simply don't know how to keep them here.", "targets": "K n\u00e1m nechce t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 nikdo, my prost\u011b nev\u00edme, jak je tady dr\u017eet."} {"inputs": "Translate \"It was like a red rag to a bull for the superintendent.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Na n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edka to bylo jako \u010derven\u00fd hadr na krocana."} {"inputs": "Johnson \u0159ekl: \"Nech\u00e1pu, pro\u010d regresivn\u00ed da\u0148 by m\u011bla podporovat programy, kter\u00e9 mohou b\u00fdt financov\u00e1ny bezp\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvkov\u011b.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "M\u00e1 opravdu dobr\u00e9 hr\u00e1\u010de.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Kokkinakis, the younger of the talented duo regularly referred to as the \"Special Ks,\" was dragged into an unwelcome spotlight by the infamous Kyrgios sledge of Stan Wawrinka at the Montreal Masters.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Kokkinakis, mlad\u0161\u00ed \u010dlen talentovan\u00e9ho dua \u010dasto naz\u00fdvan\u00e9ho \"Special Ks,\" na sebe zat\u00e1hl nev\u00edtanou pozornost d\u00edky af\u00e9\u0159e s nechvaln\u011b zn\u00e1m\u00fdm Kyrgiosem a Stanem Wawrinkou na Montreal Masters."} {"inputs": "To\u010dilo se alespo\u0148 napr\u00e1zdno.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It pumped empty."} {"inputs": "Matt Damon bagatelizuje diversitu ve filmu\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Matt Damon downplays diversity in filmmaking"} {"inputs": "Samoz\u0159ejm\u011b chceme vyhr\u00e1t, ale nemus\u00edme se b\u00e1t ka\u017ed\u00e9 inkasovan\u00e9 branky, m\u016f\u017eeme hr\u00e1t svoji taktiku a nejsme v\u00e1z\u00e1ni pouh\u00fdm dvojz\u00e1pasem.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Obviously we want to win, but we don't have to worry about every goal we concede, we can play to our tactics and we're not bound by a normal knock-out tie."} {"inputs": "Uv\u011bdomte si, \u017ee na\u0161e pozice je jin\u00e1, my jsme vnitrost\u00e1tn\u00ed st\u00e1t v r\u00e1mci Evropy, schengenskou hranici m\u00e1me pouze a jenom na leti\u0161ti.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "You must realise that we are in a different position, we are a landlocked state within the European Union. Our one and only Schengen border is at the airport."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI certainly believe there was not enough evidence to justify a death sentence.", "targets": "Rozhodn\u011b v\u011b\u0159\u00edm, \u017ee nebylo poskytnuto dostate\u010dn\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed d\u016fkaz\u016f k ospravedln\u011bn\u00ed trestu smrti."} {"inputs": "I'm now transmitting my wish to the Internet and I have they haven't turned their backs on us after that eviction.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "U\u017e vys\u00edl\u00e1m sv\u00e9 p\u0159\u00e1n\u00ed do \u00e9teru a douf\u00e1m, \u017ee na mn\u011b po t\u00e9 exekuci nezanev\u0159eli."} {"inputs": "At this time last year, FedEx announced it would hire 50,000 seasonal workers for the holidays.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V tomto obdob\u00ed lo\u0148sk\u00e9ho roku ozn\u00e1mila spole\u010dnost FedEx, \u017ee bude naj\u00edmat na pr\u00e1zdniny 50 000 sez\u00f3nn\u00edch pracovn\u00edk\u016f."} {"inputs": "Clintonov\u00e1 si udr\u017euje velk\u00fd n\u00e1skok mezi \u017eenami a zm\u00edr\u0148uje, ale jej\u00ed veden\u00ed se zu\u017euje.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Clinton maintains a large lead among women and moderates, but those leads have narrowed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nOtherwise we'd have to use the Zyklon B.", "targets": "Jinak bychom museli pou\u017e\u00edt ten Cykl\u00f3n B."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAccording to an autopsy report, Deng was subjected to repeated blunt force trauma to his head, torso, and thighs.", "targets": "Podle pitevn\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy byl Deng opakovateln\u011b ude\u0159en tup\u00fdm p\u0159edm\u011btem do hlavy, trupu a stehen."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He made a point of comparing his game on Saturday night with our one on Friday night and how exciting their game was,\" Bellamy said.\" to Czech?", "targets": "M\u011bl pravdu v tom, \u017ee byla jeho sobotn\u00ed hra podobn\u011b vzru\u0161uj\u00edc\u00ed jako ta na\u0161e. Tak\u00e9 byla stejn\u011b vzru\u0161uj\u00edc\u00ed,\" uvedl Bellamy."} {"inputs": "Translate \"7 May 1973 saw the opening of a new chapter in the fight for water: on this day a new pipeline started serving Chlum.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Dne 7. kv\u011btna 1973 se pak za\u010dala ps\u00e1t nov\u00e1 kapitola boje o vodu: toho dne v Chlumu za\u010dal slou\u017eit nov\u00fd vodovod."} {"inputs": "How is \"Va\u0161ek even took Eva and V\u00edtek home from the maternity hospital, but wasn't in too much of a rush to assume the role of stepfather.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Va\u0161ek Evu s V\u00edtkem dokonce dovezl dom\u016f z porodnice, ale do role nevlastn\u00edho tat\u00ednka se p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 nehrnul."} {"inputs": "Skon\u010dilo nat\u00e1\u010den\u00ed \u010desk\u00e9 komedie Teorie tygra.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nMarco Rubio with only 21 percent.", "targets": "Marco Rubio s pouze 21 procenty."} {"inputs": "A n\u00e1\u0161 k\u00e1drov\u00e1k?\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "And our vetting officer?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Spousta atraktivn\u011bj\u0161\u00edch (sanita\u010dn\u00edch prost\u0159edk\u016f) jsou ty, kter\u00e9 jsou parf\u00e9mov\u00e1ny."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Av\u0161ak \u010dlen st\u00ednov\u00e9ho kabinetu pana Corbyna, Owen Smith, sd\u011blil programu BBC Two's Newsnight, \u017ee by labouristick\u00e9mu v\u016fdci doporu\u010dil n\u00e1rodn\u00ed hymnu zazp\u00edvat \"bez ohledu\" na jeho p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010den\u00ed, \u017ee by m\u011bla b\u00fdt monarchie zru\u0161ena."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHe has been out since Aug. 20 with a strained right oblique.", "targets": "Od 20. srpna si v\u0161ak je\u0161t\u011b nezahr\u00e1l kv\u016fli nata\u017een\u00e9mu svalu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The Slavia football club was in court for the first time due to its insolvency proceedings on Tuesday,\" to Czech?", "targets": "Fotbalov\u00e1 Slavia stanula v \u00fater\u00fd poprv\u00e9 kv\u016fli insolven\u010dn\u00edmu \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed p\u0159ed soudem."} {"inputs": "How is \"The cheery voice and cartoon imagery leave no doubt that this advert for the world's biggest arms fair is a sharp spoof, produced for Amnesty International to highlight the British government's willingness to flog weapons to repressive regimes via the Defence and Security Equipment International's jamboree at the ExCeL Centre in London's Docklands.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Vesel\u00fd hlas a karikatura metafor nenech\u00e1vaj\u00ed nikoho na pochyb\u00e1ch, \u017ee tato reklama na nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00edch sv\u011btov\u00fdch veletrz\u00edch zbran\u00ed je ostr\u00e1 parodie vytvo\u0159en\u00e1 pro Amnesty International kv\u016fli zv\u00fdrazn\u011bn\u00ed ochoty britsk\u00e9 vl\u00e1dy prod\u00e1vat zbran\u011b represivn\u00edm re\u017eim\u016fm p\u0159es obranu a bezpe\u010dnostn\u00ed za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed International Veselice v ExCeL Centre v lond\u00fdnsk\u00e9 \u010dtvrti Docklands."} {"inputs": "Human breast milk is composed of a variety of proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates, which give babies all the nutrients they need to grow a strong immune system.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Lidsk\u00e9 mate\u0159sk\u00e9 ml\u00e9ko se skl\u00e1d\u00e1 z r\u016fzn\u00fdch protein\u016f, tuk\u016f, vitam\u00edn\u016f a karbohydr\u00e1t\u016f, kter\u00e9 dod\u00e1vaj\u00ed kojenc\u016fm v\u0161echny \u017eiviny, kter\u00e9 pot\u0159ebuj\u00ed pro vytvo\u0159en\u00ed siln\u00e9ho imunn\u00edho syst\u00e9mu."} {"inputs": "\"Docela intenzivn\u011b jsem p\u0159em\u00fd\u0161lel o tom, \u017ee podle m\u00e9ho n\u00e1zoru byl Thanasi do cel\u00e9ho sporu trochu zata\u017een,\" uv\u00e1d\u00ed Healy.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"One thing I do feel quite keenly about is I think Thanasi's been dragged into the fray a little bit,\" Healy said."} {"inputs": "There is no more space in the Letov complex where it is based.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V are\u00e1lu Letov, kde s\u00eddl\u00ed, u\u017e dal\u0161\u00ed m\u00edsto nen\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Jak sd\u00edlet sv\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edb\u011bhy, obr\u00e1zky a videa s BBC News.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Bonus by m\u011bl st\u00e1t vyj\u00edt celkem na 1,73 miliardy korun.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The bonus should cost the state a total of 1.73 billion crowns."} {"inputs": "\"P\u0159i cvi\u010den\u00ed se tak\u00e9 vyplavuj\u00ed endorfiny a \u010dlov\u011bk se po n\u011bm c\u00edt\u00ed dob\u0159e,\" upozor\u0148uje PhDr. Kamila \u0158asov\u00e1 z Kliniky rehabilita\u010dn\u00edho l\u00e9ka\u0159stv\u00ed Fakultn\u00ed nemocnice Kr\u00e1lovsk\u00e9 Vinohrady.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Kr\u00e1de\u017e j\u00eddla je na studentsk\u00fdch kolej\u00edch b\u011b\u017en\u00fdm zlo\u010dinem.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Actually, not everyone did, the chairman of the Party organisation used to the familiar form to address him, and non-Party members, too.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Vlastn\u011b ne v\u0161ichni, p\u0159edseda partajn\u00ed organizace mu jako v\u0161em stran\u00edk\u016fm, ale i nestran\u00edk\u016fm, tykal."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBa\u0165a Hospital in Zl\u00edn can look forward to the long-delayed construction of a new central reception and ward, which will cost three-quarters of a billion crowns.", "targets": "A zl\u00ednskou Ba\u0165ovu nemocnici \u010dek\u00e1 dlouho odkl\u00e1dan\u00e1 stavba nov\u00e9ho centr\u00e1ln\u00edho p\u0159\u00edjmu a interny, na kterou bude pot\u0159eba t\u0159i \u010dtvrt\u011b miliardy."} {"inputs": "How is \"We aim to read all of your emails but due to the numbers we receive each day it is not always possible to reply to everyone individually.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Pokus\u00edme se p\u0159e\u010d\u00edst v\u0161echny va\u0161e emaily, ale vzhledem k po\u010dtu, kter\u00fd ka\u017ed\u00fd den dost\u00e1v\u00e1me, nen\u00ed v\u017edy mo\u017en\u00e9 odpov\u011bd\u011bt na ka\u017ed\u00e1 individu\u00e1ln\u011b."} {"inputs": "\"J\u00e1 si uv\u011bdomuji, \u017ee vzhledem k na\u0161emu v\u011bkov\u00e9mu rozd\u00edlu to budu jednou j\u00e1, kdo bude tuhle rodinu \u017eivit,\" p\u0159izn\u00e1v\u00e1 Eva na rovinu p\u0159i dotazov\u00e1n\u00ed na budoucnost.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"But Clinton's backers are more firm in their choice than those backing other candidates.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ale sponzo\u0159i Clintonov\u00e9 jsou si v\u00edce jist\u00ed sv\u00fdm v\u00fdb\u011brem, ne\u017e ti, kte\u0159\u00ed podporuj\u00ed jin\u00e9 kandid\u00e1ty."} {"inputs": "Ze spisov\u00e9ho materi\u00e1lu vypl\u00fdv\u00e1, \u017ee t\u00edm v\u0161ak vlastn\u00edk pozemk\u016f dolo\u017eil jen souhlas s projektovou dokumentac\u00ed pro \u00fazemn\u00ed \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed, ne souhlas s um\u00edst\u011bn\u00edm stavby na sv\u00fdch pozemc\u00edch, p\u00ed\u0161e odbor stavebn\u00edho \u0159\u00e1du.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It follows from official material submitted that the owner of the land only gave its consent to the project material for the planning process, and not to the location of the building on its land, wrote the construction office."} {"inputs": "V\u011bdci vychovali \u010dervy s geneticky modifikovan\u00fdm nervov\u00fdm syst\u00e9mem, kter\u00fd um\u00ed ovl\u00e1dat zvukov\u00fdmi vlnami.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Scientists have bred worms with genetically modified nervous systems that can be controlled by bursts of sound waves."} {"inputs": "Aspo\u0148 jsme si bl\u00edzko.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "At least we're close to one another."} {"inputs": "Na ot\u00e1zku, kdo s nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed pravd\u011bpodobnost\u00ed vyhraje nominaci GOP, \u010dty\u0159i z 10 \u0159ekli, \u017ee by Trump byl nejlep\u0161\u00ed volbou, podle pr\u016fzkumu CNN/ORC z minul\u00e9ho t\u00fddne.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "When asked who is most likely to win the GOP nomination, four in 10 said Trump was the best bet, according to a CNN/ORC poll out last week."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOr maybe they had some kind of telepathic connection to their predator and its rapid disappearance provoked some panic response in them.", "targets": "Nebo, mo\u017en\u00e1 m\u011bli n\u011bjak\u00e9 telepatick\u00e9 spojen\u00ed se sv\u00fdm pred\u00e1torem a jeho rychl\u00e9 zmizen\u00ed v nich vyvolalo n\u011bjakou popla\u0161nou reakci."} {"inputs": "Jarryd Hayne m\u011bl n\u011bkolik mo\u017enost\u00ed, kde zah\u00e1jit svou NFL kari\u00e9ru.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Jarryd Hayne had several options of where to begin his NFL career."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The stadium was shaken on Tuesday night by an earth tremor that measured 3.2 on the Richter.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Stadion se o st\u0159ede\u010dn\u00ed noci ot\u0159\u00e1sal zem\u011bt\u0159esen\u00edm 3.2 stupn\u011b Richtera."} {"inputs": "\u201ePokud se trati \u00fa\u010dastn\u00ed v\u00edce sout\u011b\u017e\u00edc\u00edch, v\u00fdhru z\u00edsk\u00e1 ten s nejlep\u0161\u00edm \u010dasem,\u201c uvedl Weed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Police intervened against the refugees and one of them set a dog with a muzzle on one Syrian.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Proti uprchl\u00edk\u016fm zakro\u010dili policist\u00e9 a jeden z nich nechal na jist\u00e9ho Sy\u0159ana za\u00fato\u010dit psa s ko\u0161\u00edkem na \u010dum\u00e1ku."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nUrban does not agree with Ml\u00e1dek on the fact that the decision on the breaking of the limit at the \u010ceskoslovensk\u00e9 arm\u00e1dy mine should only be taken after 2020.", "targets": "Urban nesouhlas\u00ed s Ml\u00e1dkem v tom, \u017ee rozhodnut\u00ed o prolomen\u00ed limitu na dole \u010ceskoslovensk\u00e9 arm\u00e1dy by m\u011blo padnout a\u017e po roce 2020."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt meant more people were able to shop online and that people could do it in different contexts, such as on the sofa.", "targets": "Znamenalo to, \u017ee byli lid\u00e9 schopni nakupovat online a \u017ee byli schopni realizovat n\u00e1kupy v r\u016fzn\u00fdch kontextech, jako nap\u0159\u00edklad na pohovce."} {"inputs": "Byl \u017eenat\u00fd a m\u011bl t\u0159i mal\u00e9 d\u011bti.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He was married and had three young children."} {"inputs": "Six days after President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker asked 25 of the 28 EU Member States to distribute 160 thousand refugees among themselves, the foreign ministers of Member States changed their priorities.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\u0160est dn\u00ed pot\u00e9, co p\u0159edseda Evropsk\u00e9 komise Jean-Claude Juncker po\u017e\u00e1dal 25 z 28 zem\u00ed EU, aby si p\u0159erozd\u011blily 160 tis\u00edc uprchl\u00edk\u016f, zm\u011bnili minist\u0159i vnitra \u010dlensk\u00fdch st\u00e1t\u016f prioritu."} {"inputs": "Jedin\u00fd v\u0161ak kdykoliv m\u016f\u017ee dok\u00e1zat, \u017ee jsem se m\u00fdlil.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "a single experiment can prove me wrong."} {"inputs": "How is \"I think Stephen Thompson has faith in us.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Mysl\u00edm, \u017ee Stephen Thompson v n\u00e1s v\u011b\u0159\u00ed."} {"inputs": "M\u016f\u017eeme pou\u017e\u00edvat va\u0161e p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvky zobrazen\u00e9 na Twitteru s va\u0161\u00edm u\u017eivatelsk\u00fdm jm\u00e9nem na v\u00fdstupu BBC.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "We may use your tweets displaying your Twitter username on BBC output."} {"inputs": "PHE has a clear duty to inform the public about what the evidence shows and what it does not show, especially when there was so much public confusion about the relative dangers compared to tobacco.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "PHE m\u00e1 jasnou povinnost informovat ve\u0159ejnost o tom, co d\u016fkazy ukazuj\u00ed, a tak\u00e9 co nezobrazuj\u00ed, zvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b kdy\u017e bylo tolik ve\u0159ejn\u00e9ho zmatku ohledn\u011b relativn\u00edch nebezpe\u010d\u00ed ve srovn\u00e1n\u00ed s tab\u00e1kem."} {"inputs": "Recese je fakt hospod\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9ho \u017eivota, ale zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazeb j\u00ed \u010dasto pom\u00e1haj\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Recessions are a fact of economic life, but rate hikes often help them along."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"Stop lobbying for the insurance companies,\" he said.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"P\u0159esta\u0148te n\u00e1m p\u0159edv\u00e1d\u011bt lobbing poji\u0161\u0165oven,\" \u0159ekl."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe Dow Jones industrial average dropped as much as 16% below its record high in May as investors feared a slowing Chinese economy would drag down global growth.", "targets": "Pr\u016fmyslov\u00fd pr\u016fm\u011br spole\u010dnosti Dow Jones klesl a\u017e o 16% pod svou rekordn\u00ed hodnotu v kv\u011btnu, kdy\u017e se investo\u0159i ob\u00e1vali, \u017ee by zpomaluj\u00edc\u00ed se \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e1 ekonomika t\u00e1hla dol\u016f glob\u00e1ln\u00ed r\u016fst."} {"inputs": "Pokud n\u00e1s zmi\u0148uj\u00ed, znamen\u00e1 to, \u017ee se v ur\u010dit\u011b f\u00e1zi znovu setk\u00e1me.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "If they are mentioning us it means that at some stage we might meet them there."} {"inputs": "How is \"Perhaps I was out of the woods.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Snad jsem z nejhor\u0161\u00edho venku."} {"inputs": "\"Ty si zahr\u00e1v\u00e1\u0161,\" p\u0159iv\u00edtala mne in\u017een\u00fdrka Eva, postar\u0161\u00ed pan\u00ed, kter\u00e9 jsem si velice v\u00e1\u017eil.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "M\u00e1te ho tady?\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Do you have it here?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Francouzsk\u00e1 skupina nem\u011bla dost pen\u011bz na z\u00e1\u0159ijov\u00e9 spl\u00e1tky p\u016fj\u010dek."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Hughes, who was on a pitch count, pitched a scoreless third inning before being replaced by right-handed reliever A.J. Achter.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Hughes, kter\u00fd vyhr\u00e1l na po\u010det nadhoz\u016f, skon\u010dil ve t\u0159et\u00ed sm\u011bn\u011b bez bod\u016f a nahradil ho prav\u00e1k A.J. Achter."} {"inputs": "How is \"The grandmother (Iva Jan\u017eurov\u00e1) made the decisions on the grandfather's life, old age and funeral.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Babi\u010dka - Iva Jan\u017eurov\u00e1 rozhodovala o d\u011bdov\u011b \u017eivot\u011b, st\u00e1\u0159\u00ed i poh\u0159bu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Part of the money collected by the state from fees shall be tied to a single purpose.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u010c\u00e1st pen\u011bz, kter\u00e9 st\u00e1t na poplatc\u00edch z t\u011b\u017eby vybere, bude \u00fa\u010delov\u011b v\u00e1zan\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Legend\u00e1rn\u00ed p\u00edsn\u011b z d\u00edlny Tima Rice a Andrewa Lloyd Webbera s \u010desk\u00fdmi texty Michaela Prost\u011bjovsk\u00e9ho zn\u00ed v pod\u00e1n\u00ed \u017eiv\u00e9ho orchestru pod veden\u00edm Kry\u0161tofa Marka, kter\u00fd se pod\u00edlel ji\u017e na prvn\u00edm uveden\u00ed v divadle Spir\u00e1la.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The legendary songs by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber, with Czech translations by Michael Prost\u011bjovsk\u00fd, are presented with accompanied by a live orchestra led by Kry\u0161tof Marek, who contributed to the first production at the Spir\u00e1la theatre."} {"inputs": "Jsou to \u017eiv\u00e9 bytosti, kter\u00e9 maj\u00ed n\u011bjak\u00e9 vize, n\u011bkam sm\u011b\u0159uj\u00ed, maj\u00ed n\u011bjak\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edbuzn\u00e9.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "They are living beings who have a vision, are going somewhere, have relatives."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Mus\u00edm za to vz\u00edt plnou odpov\u011bdnost,\" \u0159ekl."} {"inputs": "Mrtv\u00e9 tvo\u0159ili podle AFP p\u0159ev\u00e1\u017en\u011b \u010dty\u0159ic\u00e1tn\u00edci.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Another option would be to leave the Czech Republic and enjoy the much less stringent conditions abroad, while only operating in the Czech Republic as agencies, says Association deputy chairman Jan Pape\u017e.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Jin\u00e1 mo\u017enost bude odchod do zahrani\u010d\u00ed a vyu\u017eit\u00ed mnohem m\u011bk\u010d\u00edch podm\u00ednek v zahrani\u010d\u00ed a na na\u0161em trhu pak budeme p\u016fsobit jen jako agentury, \u0159ekl m\u00edstop\u0159edseda asociace Jan Pape\u017e."} {"inputs": "How is \"This was also demonstrated by Slavia's statement prior to Tuesday's court proceedings - on Monday the Vr\u0161ovice club paid the tens of millions of crowns owned.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "To dokazuje i vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed Slavie p\u0159ed \u00fatern\u00edm soudn\u00edm jedn\u00e1n\u00edm - vr\u0161ovick\u00fd klub v pond\u011bl\u00ed, jen den p\u0159ed jedn\u00e1n\u00edm u soudu, poslal dlu\u017en\u00e9 des\u00edtky milion\u016f korun."} {"inputs": "Pouze dv\u011b v\u011bci jsou nekone\u010dn\u00e9.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Two things are infinite:"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Don't forget that, comrade superintendent!\" to Czech?", "targets": "Na to nezapom\u00ednej, soudruhu n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edku!"} {"inputs": "According to deputy governor of the Karlovy Vary Region Jakub P\u00e1nik (\u010cSSD), the current bed capacity of two regional hospitals and two private hospitals in the region is sufficient and partial modifications should be implemented on the basis of agreements between the departments of individual hospitals.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Podle n\u00e1m\u011bstka hejtmana Karlovarsk\u00e9ho kraje Jakuba P\u00e1nika (\u010cSSD) je sou\u010dasn\u00e1 kapacita l\u016f\u017ekov\u00fdch odd\u011blen\u00ed dvou krajsk\u00fdch nemocnic a dvou soukrom\u00fdch nemocnic v kraji dostate\u010dn\u00e1 a d\u00edl\u010d\u00ed \u00fapravy by se m\u011bly d\u011blat na z\u00e1klad\u011b dohody mezi odd\u011blen\u00edmi jednotliv\u00fdch nemocnic."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe amplified ultrasound waves act on structures called TRP-4 ion channels, found in the membranes of some of the worms\" cells.", "targets": "Zes\u00edlen\u00e9 ultrazvukov\u00e9 vlny p\u016fsob\u00ed v iontov\u00fdch kan\u00e1lech TRP-4, kter\u00e9 se nach\u00e1z\u00ed v membr\u00e1n\u00e1ch n\u011bkter\u00fdch bun\u011bk \u010derv\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWe were very close in 2006 but, on the other hand, I am long enough to be realistic.", "targets": "V roce 2006 jsme byli hodn\u011b bl\u00edzko, ale na druh\u00e9 stran\u011b mus\u00edm b\u00fdt realista."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nCholestasis is a disorder in the production and activity of bile acids, which then occur in excessive amounts in the blood of the pregnant woman and manifests itself in itchiness.", "targets": "To je porucha produkce a \u010dinnosti \u017elu\u010dov\u00fdch kyselin, kter\u00e9 se pak v nadm\u011brn\u00e9m mno\u017estv\u00edm vyskytuj\u00ed v krvi t\u011bhotn\u00e9 a projevuj\u00ed se zejm\u00e9na sv\u011bd\u011bn\u00edm."} {"inputs": "Potom posudek z uli\u010dn\u00ed organizace strany.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\"Pot\u0159ebujeme energii,\" prohl\u00e1sil Trump minulou sobotu b\u011bhem kampan\u011b v Iow\u011b.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b, \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd z t\u011bchto odkaz\u016f nebo omezen\u00ed nen\u00ed pops\u00e1n ve zpr\u00e1v\u011b PHE.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "However, none of these links or limitations are discussed in the PHE report."} {"inputs": "Swansea striker Michu, linked with Celtic during the transfer window, has dropped hints that he could retire when his contract with the Swans is up.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\u00dato\u010dn\u00edk Swansea Michu, kter\u00fd byl s Celticem spojov\u00e1n v p\u0159estupov\u00e9m okn\u011b, nazna\u010dil, \u017ee by mohl po vypr\u0161en\u00ed jeho smlouvy se Swansea odej\u00edt do d\u016fchodu."} {"inputs": "Napadlo m\u011b, jestli si je tam ten pavouk po vzoru mravenc\u016f n\u011bjak nep\u011bstoval, \u017ee prost\u0159ed\u00ed z\u00e1chodu nen\u00ed tak p\u0159\u00edzniv\u00e9 pro jejich existenci, jak jsme si mysleli.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It occurred to me that, following the example of the ants, the spider hadn't cultivated them there and that the environment of the toilet wasn't as favourable to their existence as we'd thought."} {"inputs": "Jedin\u00fd \u010derno\u0161sk\u00fd charakter, kter\u00fd je \u0161lapka, kterou bal\u00ed b\u00edl\u00fd pas\u00e1k.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The only black character who's a hooker who gets hit by her white pimp."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhoever is picked will watch it dispassionately.", "targets": "Kdokoliv bude vybr\u00e1n, bude sledovat celou popravu nezaujat\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The procedure has some similarities with optogenetics, a groundbreaking tool that allows scientists to switch neurons on and off with pulses of light.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nov\u00e1 metoda se v mnoh\u00e9m podob\u00e1 optogenetice, pr\u016fkopnick\u00e9mu n\u00e1stroji, kter\u00fd v\u011bdc\u016fm umo\u017e\u0148uje zap\u00ednat a vyp\u00ednat neurony pomoc\u00ed sv\u011btla."} {"inputs": "\"Bylo to velmi d\u011bsiv\u00e9,\" \u0159ekla CNN Ortoria Scott, matka Nhaijah.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"That was very scary,\" Ortoria Scott, Nhaijah's mother, told CNN."} {"inputs": "Nem\u00e1me tak\u00e9 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 d\u016fkazy o tom, jak lid\u00e9 vlo\u010dky mohli j\u00edst, ale domn\u011bnka, \u017ee to bylo s n\u011bjakou tekutinou a dost mo\u017en\u00e1 i teplou, se samoz\u0159ejm\u011b nab\u00edz\u00ed zcela logicky.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "We also do not have any evidence of how the people ate the flakes, although the possibility that it would have been with some liquid and quite possibly also served warm, is entirely logical."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhen they're talking about refugee quotas, they somehow fail to mention that it's just about those poor children from Syria, but also those stylish - for those of an older generation: fashionably attired - young men,", "targets": "Tak\u017ee kdy\u017e se jedn\u00e1 o kv\u00f3ty pro ute\u010dence, tak se n\u011bjak zatajuje, \u017ee nejde jen o ne\u0161\u0165astn\u00e9 d\u011bti\u010dky ze S\u00fdrie, ale tak\u00e9 o vystajlovan\u00e9 - pro star\u0161\u00ed: m\u00f3dn\u011b vyfe\u0161\u00e1kovan\u00e9 - mlad\u00e9 mu\u017ee."} {"inputs": "\u201eNemysl\u00edm si, \u017ee by v sob\u011b choval z\u00e1\u0161\u0165.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "I don't think he harbors any ill will about it."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nTrump's favorability ratings have turned 180 degrees.", "targets": "Trumpovo hodnocen\u00ed p\u0159\u00edznivosti se obr\u00e1tilo o 180 stup\u0148\u016f."} {"inputs": "P\u0159i probl\u00e9mech se srdcem je t\u0159eba d\u00e1t si pozor na mno\u017estv\u00ed celkov\u011b p\u0159ij\u00edman\u00e9ho tuku a kalori\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "T\u00edm sp\u00ed\u0161, \u017ee si o jejich zraku ned\u011bl\u00e1m \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 iluze.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "I'm am under no illusions about their powers of vision."} {"inputs": "Dve\u0159mi, jejich\u017e \u010d\u00e1st se sestavuje v Praze, vstupuj\u00ed tak\u00e9 cestuj\u00edc\u00ed do prvn\u00ed a vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed t\u0159\u00eddy na horn\u00edch palub\u00e1ch nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00edho dopravn\u00edho letadla sv\u011bta Airbus A380.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"So when you were put in a technical job this slip of paper was enough,\" said the superintendent drily.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Tak\u017ee p\u0159i za\u0159azen\u00ed do technick\u00e9 funkce v\u00e1m tento c\u00e1r pap\u00edru sta\u010dil,\" su\u0161e konstatoval n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk."} {"inputs": "Je to pot\u0159eba i pro \u00fa\u0159ady, aby mohly rychleji za\u010d\u00edt s integrac\u00ed cizinc\u016f, \u0159ekl braniborsk\u00fd premi\u00e9r.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Ozn\u00e1mila to n\u011bmeck\u00e1 kancl\u00e9\u0159ka Angela Merkelov\u00e1 po jedn\u00e1n\u00ed s n\u011bmeck\u00fdmi zemsk\u00fdmi premi\u00e9ry.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "This was contained in a statement by Angela Merkel following discussions with German state premiers."} {"inputs": "Nam\u00edsto toho se PSG sami ob\u00edrali o prosp\u011bch z \u00fatoku \u0161patn\u00fdmi p\u0159ihr\u00e1vkami a mizern\u00fdm zakon\u010den\u00edm, kter\u00e9 nebylo dobr\u00e9 ani od Ibrahimovice, kter\u00fd nedok\u00e1zal vyst\u0159elit ani p\u011btkr\u00e1t v prvn\u00ed polovin\u011b, a byl pot\u00e9 zklam\u00e1n, proto\u017ee jeho st\u0159elu dorazil do s\u00edt\u011b kr\u00e1tce po za\u010d\u00e1tku druh\u00e9 poloviny Cavani.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Instead, PSG let themselves down at times with some wasteful passing and poor finishing, not least from Ibrahimovic, who failed to convert no fewer than five attempts in the first half alone and was then let down by his touch having been put in by Cavani just after the restart."} {"inputs": "How is \"The world is watching as the US Federal Reserve meets over two days on Wednesday and Thursday, to take the crucial decision on whether or not to raise interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Cel\u00fd sv\u011bt sleduje, jak se americk\u00e1 Federal Reserve chyst\u00e1 sej\u00edt za dva dny ve st\u0159edu a \u010dtvrtek, aby u\u010dinila z\u00e1sadn\u00ed rozhodnut\u00ed o tom, zda zv\u00fd\u0161it \u00farokov\u00e9 sazby poprv\u00e9 po t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 desetilet\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI hope we won't have a repeat of that.", "targets": "J\u00e1 douf\u00e1m, \u017ee se nic podobn\u00e9ho nezopakuje."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Moody, best known for preparing unbeaten champion Black Caviar, labelled the race-day treatment rule \"ridiculous\" after a mud or clay poultice had been applied to the horses legs, which is against the rules.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Mood, nejzn\u00e1m\u011bj\u0161\u00ed pro p\u0159\u00edpravu nepora\u017een\u00e9ho \u0161ampiona Black Caviar, ozna\u010dil pravidlo o\u0161et\u0159en\u00ed v den z\u00e1vodu za \"sm\u011b\u0161n\u00e9\" pot\u00e9 co byl kon\u00edm na nohy aplikov\u00e1n hlin\u011bn\u00fd obklad nebo bl\u00e1to, co\u017e je proti pravidl\u016fm."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nA lot of artists are moving to work with activists within protest movements, realising they have to get out in the real world for their art to have an impact on society.", "targets": "Mnoho um\u011blc\u016f p\u0159ech\u00e1z\u00ed na pr\u00e1ce s aktivisty v r\u00e1mci protestn\u00edch hnut\u00ed a uv\u011bdomuj\u00ed si, \u017ee se mus\u00ed dostat ven v re\u00e1ln\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b, aby m\u011blo jejich um\u011bn\u00ed dopad na spole\u010dnost."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nEarlier this week Salman vowed to reveal what caused the crane to topple into a courtyard of the Grand Mosque, where hundreds of thousands of Muslims have converged ahead of the hajj pilgrimage later this month.", "targets": "Za\u010d\u00e1tkem tohoto t\u00fddne Salman sl\u00edbil odhalit, co zp\u016fsobilo p\u00e1d je\u0159\u00e1bu do n\u00e1dvo\u0159\u00ed Velk\u00e9 me\u0161ity, kde stovky tis\u00edc muslim\u016f koverguj\u00ed p\u0159ed pout\u00ed Had\u017e pozd\u011bji v tomto m\u011bs\u00edci."} {"inputs": "One of the great experiences will definitely be the duet of Don't Cry For Me Argentina.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "K z\u00e1\u017eitk\u016fm bude jist\u011b pat\u0159it spole\u010dn\u00fd duet Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Uti\u0161 sv\u016fj pl\u00e1\u010d, Argentino!)."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Compared to last year's 6 and 6 Plus iPhones, the weight of the smaller model rose by 14 grammes and the larger by a whole 20 grammes.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Oproti lo\u0148sk\u00fdm iPhon\u016fm 6 a 6 Plus toti\u017e hmotnost narostla u men\u0161\u00edho modelu o 14 gram\u016f, u v\u011bt\u0161\u00edho pak o cel\u00fdch 20 gram\u016f."} {"inputs": "Side orders are also an essential part of grilling.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nezbytnou sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed grilov\u00e1n\u00ed je tak\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edprava p\u0159\u00edloh."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "U\u017e mi bylo v\u0161echno jedno."} {"inputs": "Mohl to m\u00edt minulou noc.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It could have had it last night."} {"inputs": "How is \"They took over the tables round about and squeezed in next to the sitting dark-skinned and white - i.e. Muslim and European - customers without asking.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Obsadili stolky kolem, nacpali se k vedle sed\u00edc\u00edm sn\u011bd\u00fdm a b\u00edl\u00fdm host\u016fm baru - \u010dti muslim\u016fm a Evropan\u016fm, ani\u017e by se zeptali."} {"inputs": "Ka\u017edop\u00e1dn\u011b si zapamatuj, \u017ee tu \u017eidli naho\u0159e nem\u00e1\u0161 p\u0159edplacenou do d\u016fchodu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In any case, bear in mind that you haven't got that chair upstairs reserved until you retire."} {"inputs": "V\u0161e co jsem se nau\u010dil m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt destilov\u00e1no do osmi jednoduch\u00fdch pravidel.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Most of what I learned can be distilled into eight simple rules."} {"inputs": "Na sv\u00e9 ro\u010dn\u00ed sch\u016fzi v Brightonu se TUC rozhodlo, \u017ee to necht\u011bj\u00ed i kdyby nahlodali soci\u00e1ln\u00ed ochranu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In Brighton for its annual bean, the TUC decided it didn't want them either if they eroded social protection."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nCarla Hairston said she was 15 and Lamb was 20 when they met through mutual friends.", "targets": "Carla Hairston uvedla, \u017ee j\u00ed bylo 15 a Lambovi 20, kdy\u017e se potkali prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm spole\u010dn\u00fdch p\u0159\u00e1tel."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Chances are they'll tell you to help yourself even if they're seething inside.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Existuje \u0161ance, \u017ee v\u00e1m ml\u00e9ko nab\u00eddnou i kdy\u017e budou uvnit\u0159 b\u011bsnit."} {"inputs": "Colly's Durham team-mate Ben Stokes is rested for the one-dayers, Root was given a similar break against Australia and I for one have no issue with this.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Spoluhr\u00e1\u010d Collyho Durhama Ben Stokes dostal jednodenn\u00ed volno, stejn\u011b jako Root dostal podobnou p\u0159est\u00e1vku proti Austr\u00e1lii a j\u00e1 s t\u00edmto rozhodnut\u00edm nem\u00e1m \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd probl\u00e9m."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nfor example the famous public opinion survey conducted by ARD, the Consortium of Public Broadcasters in Germany.", "targets": "Nap\u0159\u00edklad slavn\u00fd v\u00fdzkum ve\u0159ejn\u00e9ho m\u00edn\u011bn\u00ed organizovan\u00fd ARD - \u010desky Asociace ve\u0159ejnopr\u00e1vn\u00edch televizn\u00edch spole\u010dnost\u00ed Spolkov\u00e9 republiky N\u011bmecko."} {"inputs": "How is \"Its decision-making process is \"more art than science,\" said Zachary Karabell, head of global strategy for wealth-management firm Envestnet Inc.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jejich rozhodovac\u00ed proces je \"v\u00edce um\u011bn\u00ed ne\u017e v\u011bda,\" \u0159ekl Zachary Karabell, \u0161\u00e9f glob\u00e1ln\u00ed strategie pro bohatstv\u00ed-management firmy Envestnet Inc."} {"inputs": "It's a major issue and we'll discuss with Europe whether we can hold people who are registered in Italy, Greece or Hungary,\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Je velkou ot\u00e1zkou, a o tom budeme debatovat s Evropou, jestli m\u016f\u017eeme zadr\u017eet lidi, kte\u0159\u00ed budou registrov\u00e1ni v It\u00e1lii a v \u0158ecku, p\u0159\u00edpadn\u011b v Ma\u010farsku."} {"inputs": "Refugees as not only a threat, but also an opportunity\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Uprchl\u00edci nejen jako hrozba, ale i jako \u0161ance."} {"inputs": "To, co jsem se nau\u010dil o klasick\u00e9 hudb\u011b na Radiu 3 bych se na \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9m jin\u00e9m r\u00e1diu nenau\u010dil.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "What I learn from Radio 3, I am not going to learn about classical music from anywhere else."} {"inputs": "Do t\u00fdmu p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed Zafar Ansari jako z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00ed spinner a kdy\u017e jsem m\u011bl mo\u017enost ho sledovat, zaujal m\u011b jako velmi p\u016fsobiv\u00fd mlad\u00fd mu\u017e.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Zafar Ansari comes into the squad as back-up spinner and, in my limited dealings with him, he has struck me as very impressive young man."} {"inputs": "Ve sv\u011bt\u011b, kde trhy a ekonomiky jsou st\u00e1le \u00fa\u017eeji propojeny, lze o\u010dek\u00e1vat, \u017ee p\u0159edstavitel\u00e9 Fedu sleduj\u00ed i v\u00fdvoj jinde, ale tak\u00e9 se rad\u00ed s ostatn\u00edmi centr\u00e1ln\u00edmi bank\u00e9\u0159i a odborn\u00edky, aby mohli l\u00e9pe \u010d\u00edst stav glob\u00e1ln\u00ed ekonomiky.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In a world where markets and economies are increasingly intertwined, Fed officials can be expected not only to monitor the developments elsewhere but also to consult with other central bankers and experts to get a better read on the global economy."} {"inputs": "Offering homemade treats is a great way to make friends.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nab\u00edzen\u00ed dom\u00e1c\u00edch pochoutek je dobr\u00fd zp\u016fsob jak si naj\u00edt p\u0159\u00e1tele."} {"inputs": "How is \"She's also good-natured, intelligent, empathetic and has good intentions.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Je tak\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edjemn\u00e1, inteligentn\u00ed, empatick\u00e1 a mysl\u00ed to dob\u0159e."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHaving an exclusive status among suppliers to aviation manufacturers comes at a price.", "targets": "Exkluzivn\u00ed postaven\u00ed mezi dodavateli v\u00fdrobc\u016f letadel nen\u00ed zadarmo."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Watch Amnesty International's anti-arms fair video.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pod\u00edvejte se na video o protizbra\u0148ov\u00e9m trhu od Amnesty International."} {"inputs": "Festival je spojen se vznikem Soukrom\u00e9 vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed odborn\u00e9 \u0161koly filmov\u00e9 v P\u00edsku.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Proto tak\u00e9 tento mlad\u00fd soudruh mus\u00ed dostat od n\u00e1s \u0161anci!\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "That's why we must give that young comrade a chance!"} {"inputs": "Champion footballer Ben Cousins provides a memorable example.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Fotbalov\u00fd \u0161ampi\u00f3n Ben Cousins d\u00e1v\u00e1 pam\u011btihodn\u00fd p\u0159\u00edklad."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The actor (left), pictured with his son Redmond (right), has had a stressful few years.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Herec (vlevo), na sn\u00edmku se sv\u00fdm synem Redmondem (vpravo), m\u00e1 za sebou n\u011bkolik stresuj\u00edc\u00edch let."} {"inputs": "Apple toti\u017e u novinek pou\u017eil technologii 3D Touch, d\u00edky n\u00ed\u017e displeje rozeznaj\u00ed s\u00edlu dotyku.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jen s t\u00edm rozd\u00edlem, \u017ee tentokr\u00e1t neprohrajeme,\" pokra\u010doval Goian."} {"inputs": "How is \"during a press tour of the tunnel on Wednesday evening.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u0158ekl to ve st\u0159edu v podve\u010der p\u0159i novin\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9 prohl\u00eddce tunelu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Well, it isn't just desperate children coming here; take a look at the boats landing at the Greek islands and you won't see too many children!\" to Czech?", "targets": "No, ony sem nep\u0159ij\u00ed\u017ed\u011bj\u00ed jen zoufal\u00e9 d\u011bti\u010dky, v\u0161imn\u011bte si na z\u00e1b\u011brech p\u0159ist\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00edch \u010dlun\u016f k \u0159eck\u00fdm ostrov\u016fm, \u017ee d\u011bti\u010dek na nich tak moc vid\u011bt nen\u00ed!"} {"inputs": "Ro\u010dn\u011b se ho prod\u00e1 500 litr\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "If that's the case surely they should all hand in their briefs because they've been incompetent in trying to catch me.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pokud je to tak, m\u011bli by v\u0161ichni uk\u00e1zat sv\u00e9 informace, proto\u017ee ve snaze chytit m\u011b naprosto poho\u0159eli."} {"inputs": "Letos odpov\u00edd\u00e1 penze 41,5 procenta hrub\u00e9 mzdy, p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00ed rok by to m\u011blo b\u00fdt 40,5 procenta.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "This year, pensions correspond to 41.5 percent of gross salaries, and next year this would be 40.5 percent."} {"inputs": "Pokud Spolkov\u00e1 republika N\u011bmecko vy\u0159kne pob\u00eddku, \u017ee v\u0161ichni migranti ze S\u00fdrie m\u016f\u017eou k nim, tak ta zpr\u00e1va se \u0161\u00ed\u0159\u00ed v \u0159\u00e1dech hodin po v\u0161ech t\u00e1borech po Evrop\u011b, ale i v Turecku, Jord\u00e1nsku.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "If the Federal Republic of Germany issues an invitation for all refugees from Syria, that message spreads through all camps in not only Europe, but also Turkey and Jordan in a matter of hours."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Sou\u010dasn\u00fdm i b\u00fdval\u00fdm hr\u00e1\u010d\u016fm a obchodn\u00edm partner\u016fm."} {"inputs": "We therefore recommend using extra virgin oils.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Proto je vhodn\u00e9 s\u00e1hnout po extra panensk\u00fdch olej\u00edch."} {"inputs": "Tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee by cht\u011bl z\u016fstat v reformovan\u00e9 Evropsk\u00e9 Unii.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Tak\u00e9 schv\u00e1lil pov\u011b\u0159en\u00ed ve\u0159ejn\u00e9ho zdrav\u00ed BAT ve zpr\u00e1v\u011b o udr\u017eitelnosti, uv\u00e1d\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "He also endorsed BAT's public health credentials in a sustainability report, they said."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe application will contain a report on the use made of state funds in the previous year, a financial expenditure plan and the outlook over the next two years.", "targets": "\u017d\u00e1dost bude obsahovat zpr\u00e1vu o vyu\u017eit\u00ed st\u00e1tn\u00edch pen\u011bz v minul\u00e9m roce, finan\u010dn\u00ed pl\u00e1n v\u00fddaj\u016f a v\u00fdhled na dal\u0161\u00ed dva roky."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nA majority of Republicans don't see Trump's temperament as a problem.", "targets": "V\u011bt\u0161ina republik\u00e1n\u016f nevid\u00ed Trump\u016fv temperament jako probl\u00e9m."} {"inputs": "Sydney Roosters coach Trent Robinson said the referees allowed the Storm to \"wrestle\" his side during the Storm's upset win in the qualifying final in Sydney on Friday night.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Trent Robinson, tren\u00e9r Sydney Roosters, \u0159ekl, \u017ee rozhod\u010d\u00ed dovolili hr\u00e1\u010d\u016fm Storm \"wrestlovat\" jeho hr\u00e1\u010de b\u011bhem kontroverzn\u00edho v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00ed t\u00fdmu Storm ve fin\u00e1le kvalifikace v Sydney v p\u00e1tek v noci."} {"inputs": "Hewlett-Packard expects to cut 25,000 to 30,000 jobs as part of its restructuring and cost-saving efforts at it enterprise services business.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Hewlett-Packard zru\u0161en\u00ed 25 000 a\u017e 30 000 pracovn\u00ed m\u00edst v r\u00e1mci sv\u00e9ho \u00fasil\u00ed na restrukturalizaci a \u00fasporu n\u00e1klad\u016f obchodn\u00edch slu\u017eeb podniku."} {"inputs": "BBC Music Awards, kter\u00e9 za\u010dalo v lo\u0148sk\u00e9m roce se zd\u00e1 b\u00fdt Brity pod jin\u00fdm n\u00e1zvem.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "In addition, control of blood pressure, triglycerides, and \"bad\" LDL cholesterol \"was generally better in the surgical group,\" the authors found.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "D\u00e1le tak\u00e9 byla kontrola krevn\u00edho tlaku, trigylcerid\u016f a \"\u0161patn\u00e9ho\" LDL cholesterolu prok\u00e1z\u00e1na \"obecn\u011b lep\u0161\u00ed v chirurgick\u00e9 skupin\u011b,\" zjistili auto\u0159i."} {"inputs": "Partne\u0159i cht\u011bj\u00ed garance dod\u00e1vek na dvacet \u010di t\u0159icet let, vysv\u011btluje Dubsk\u00fd.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI let him read the script and he said that he liked the sadness of it.", "targets": "Dal jsem mu p\u0159e\u010d\u00edst sc\u00e9n\u00e1\u0159 a on \u0159ekl, \u017ee se mu l\u00edb\u00ed, jak je smutn\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Souvisej\u00edc\u00ed: Ani nep\u0159em\u00fd\u0161lej o tom, \u017ee bys za\u010dal chodit na vysokou a b\u00fdt p\u0159itom ve vztahu\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Related: Don't even think about starting university in a relationship"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe Voice is one, EastEnders is another, admittedly made in-house.", "targets": "The Voice je jedn\u00edm z nich, EastEnders dal\u0161\u00edm, a pochopiteln\u011b vyr\u00e1b\u011bn\u00e9 na dom\u00e1c\u00ed p\u016fd\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"These restructuring activities will enable a more competitive, sustainable cost structure for the new Hewlett Packard Enterprise,\" said Meg Whitman, the HP chairman and chief executive who will head the unit after the split.", "targets": "\"Tyto restrukturaliza\u010dn\u00ed \u010dinnosti n\u00e1m umo\u017en\u00ed vytvo\u0159it konkurenceschopn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed strukturu s udr\u017eiteln\u00fdmi v\u00fddaji pro novou Hewlett Packard Enterprise,\" uv\u00e1d\u00ed Meg Whitman, gener\u00e1ln\u00ed \u0159editel spole\u010dnosti HP a p\u0159edseda p\u0159edstavenstva, kter\u00fd po rozd\u011blen\u00ed bude st\u00e1t v \u010dele jednotky."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "My jsme se b\u00e1li z\u00e1chytu v \u0159\u00e1du stovek lid\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Zm\u011bna v poplatc\u00edch za t\u011b\u017ebu nerost\u016f m\u00e1 p\u0159in\u00e9st do st\u00e1tn\u00ed pokladny o 427 milion\u016f korun v\u00edce ne\u017e v roce 2013.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "A change in fees for the mining of minerals is to bring 427 million crowns more into state coffers than was the case in 2013."} {"inputs": "Has RVL got a grow a set of balls and maybe make people outside of trainers responsible for what it is going on the industry?\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nech\u00e1 si RVL nar\u016fst p\u00e1r koul\u00ed a za\u0159\u00edd\u00ed, aby lid\u00e9 mimo tren\u00e9rsk\u00e9 pozice vzali odpov\u011bdnost za to, co se d\u011bje v tomto pr\u016fmyslu?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Vyplacen\u00e1 \u010d\u00e1stka byla podle znaleck\u00e9ho posudku minim\u00e1ln\u011b o milion korun p\u0159edra\u017een\u00e1."} {"inputs": "FriendsFest: komedi\u00e1ln\u00ed show, kter\u00e1 n\u00e1s d\u00e1v\u00e1 v\u00e1\u017en\u00e1 ponau\u010den\u00ed o mu\u017esk\u00e9m p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00ed\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "FriendsFest: the comedy show that taught us serious lessons about male friendship"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Every month travel agencies will have to submit data on the number of travellers and tours sold, the total price of tours sold and the amount of deposits and takings from tours and vouchers.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e jim budou muset ka\u017ed\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc dod\u00e1vat \u00fadaje o po\u010dtu cestuj\u00edc\u00edch a prodan\u00fdch z\u00e1jezd\u016f, o celkov\u00e9 cen\u011b prodan\u00fdch z\u00e1jezd\u016f a o v\u00fd\u0161i z\u00e1loh a tr\u017eeb za z\u00e1jezdy a za poukazy na n\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThat tyranny of distance didn't seem to matter much to Aussie TV viewers with Sunrise averaging 397,000 viewers across the five capital cities to Today's 339,000.", "targets": "Nezd\u00e1lo se, \u017ee na t\u00e9to tyranii vzd\u00e1lenosti div\u00e1k\u016fm Aussie TV tolik z\u00e1le\u017e\u00ed, proto\u017ee zaznamenala v pr\u016fm\u011br\u016f 397 000 div\u00e1k\u016f v p\u011bti hlavn\u00edch m\u011bstech v porovn\u00e1n\u00ed s 330 000 div\u00e1ky vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed Today."} {"inputs": "How is \"Creeping woodsorrel (Oxalis corniculata).\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u0160\u0165avel r\u016f\u017ekat\u00fd (Oxalis corniculata)."} {"inputs": "\u010c\u00edm v\u00edce bude s nemoc\u00ed aktivn\u011b bojovat, t\u00edm d\u00e9le m\u016f\u017ee pracovat a nemus\u00ed z\u00e1sadn\u011b m\u011bnit styl sv\u00e9ho \u017eivota.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The more actively they fight the disease, the longer they can work and not have to fundamentally change their lifestyle."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The high quantities of these substances helps reduce high blood pressure, increases metabolism and has positive effects on the kidneys.\" to Czech?", "targets": "D\u00edky p\u0159\u00edzniv\u00e9mu obsahu t\u011bchto l\u00e1tek pom\u00e1h\u00e1 sni\u017eovat vysok\u00fd krevn\u00ed tlak, zvy\u0161uje metabolismus a m\u00e1 pozitivn\u00ed vliv na ledviny."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Four people, including a 4-year-old boy, were killed in southern Nepal after the police fired rubber bullets into a crowd demonstrating against the country's proposed new constitution, an official said on Wednesday.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u010cty\u0159i lid\u00e9, v\u010detn\u011b \u010dty\u0159let\u00e9ho chlapce, byli zabiti v ji\u017en\u00edm Nep\u00e1lu pot\u00e9, co policie st\u0159\u00edlela gumov\u00e9 projektily do davu demonstrant\u016f proti n\u00e1vrhu nov\u00e9 st\u00e1tn\u00ed \u00fastavy, uvedl ve st\u0159edu \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edk."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nRichard Glossip has taken issue with some of the things I've said and written.", "targets": "Richard Glossip m\u011bl probl\u00e9m s n\u011bkter\u00fdmi v\u011bcmi, kter\u00e9 jsem \u0159ekl a napsal."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Metcash launches grassroots campaign to fight Aldi incursion\" to Czech?", "targets": "Metcash zahajuje kampa\u0148 na venkov\u011b, aby bojoval s invaz\u00ed Aldi"} {"inputs": "K tomu bylo nutn\u00e9 displej opat\u0159it dal\u0161\u00ed vrstvou kapacitn\u00edch senzor\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nEconomic activity of regional hospitals", "targets": "Hospoda\u0159en\u00ed krajsk\u00fdch nemocnic"} {"inputs": "Evropa nen\u00ed schopna pojmout v\u0161echny uprchl\u00edky, uvedl Dalai Lama, a p\u0159idal, \u017ee opravdov\u00e9 \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed sou\u010dasn\u00e9 uprchlick\u00e9 krize le\u017e\u00ed na bl\u00edzk\u00e9m v\u00fdchod\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Europe could not host all refugees, the Dalai Lama has said, adding that the real solution to the current refugee crisis lies in the Middle East."} {"inputs": "Nov\u00fd opera\u010dn\u00ed syst\u00e9m m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt vy\u017e\u00e1d\u00e1n v Nastaven\u00ed, kdy\u017e kliknete na kartu \"Obecn\u00e9\" a zvol\u00edte \"Software Update\" (aktualizace software).\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The new operating system can be requested by heading to the Settings app, tapping \"General,\" and then selecting \"Software Update.\""} {"inputs": "Translate \"Arsenal captain Mikel Arteta says team-mates must get behind injured Jack Wilshere ahead of Dinamo Zagreb tie\" to Czech?", "targets": "Kapit\u00e1n Arsen\u00e1lu Mikel Arteta \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee spoluhr\u00e1\u010di se mus\u00ed dostat za zran\u011bn\u00e9ho Jacka Wilshere p\u0159ed Dinamo Zagreb"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nB&Q boss says Eastern European tradesmen working cheap is behind trend", "targets": "\u0160\u00e9f B&Q tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee obchodn\u00edci V\u00fdchodn\u00ed Evropy pracuj\u00edc\u00ed za levno u\u017e n\u011bn\u00ed trendem"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"No tak to z pr\u00e1ce rozhodn\u011b nem\u011bli,\" pravil \u010d\u00ed\u0161n\u00edk."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nbecoming every more precise and stringent.", "targets": "Jsou p\u0159esn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed a p\u0159\u00edsn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Kter\u00fd olej je k tomu nejvhodn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed a z\u00e1rove\u0148 si p\u0159i grilov\u00e1n\u00ed zanech\u00e1 zdrav\u00ed prosp\u011b\u0161n\u00e9 l\u00e1tky?\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Which oil is the most suitable for this, while retaining healthy substances during grilling?"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHogg, 23, of Ward Road, Dundee, pleaded guilty on indictment to charges of taking or making indecent images of children on June 14 last year, breaching bail on January 25 this year and failing to attend at court for a hearing on March 24 this year.", "targets": "Hog, 23, bydli\u0161t\u011bm v Ward Road, Dundee, p\u0159iznal vinu k pod\u00e1n\u00ed \u017ealoby ohledn\u011b p\u0159ijet\u00ed nebo poskytnut\u00ed nevhodn\u00fdch obr\u00e1zk\u016f d\u011bt\u00ed 14. \u010dervna minul\u00e9ho roku, poru\u0161il podm\u00ednky kauce 25. ledna a nedostavil se k sly\u0161en\u00ed u soudu 24. b\u0159ezna tohoto roku."} {"inputs": "Bylo mi jedno, \u017ee mi vezmou i ten krump\u00e1\u010d.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "I didn't care that they'd take my pickaxe away from me."} {"inputs": "Irrespective of my parents, who had left the Party, the Party put its trust in me.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Bez ohledu na rodi\u010de, kte\u0159\u00ed ze strany vystoupili, strana mi dala d\u016fv\u011bru."} {"inputs": "Previously, hundreds of people had gathered to protest against the building.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V centru m\u011bsta se v minulosti na protest proti stavb\u011b se\u0161ly stovky lid\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Pl\u00e1ny pr\u00e1zdninov\u00e9ho naj\u00edm\u00e1n\u00ed byly ozn\u00e1meny den pot\u00e9, co rivalsk\u00e1 spole\u010dnost UPS uvedla, \u017ee m\u00e1 v pl\u00e1nu najmout 90 000 a\u017e 95 000 pracovn\u00edk\u016f nav\u00edc, co\u017e je asi stejn\u011b jako najali minul\u00fd rok.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The holiday-hiring plans were announced a day after rival UPS said that that it plans to hire 90,000 to 95,000 extra workers, about the same that it hired last year."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Zemsk\u00fd premi\u00e9r Braniborska Dietmar Woidke v t\u00e9to souvislosti na tiskov\u00e9 konferenci \u0159ekl, \u017ee o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1 od v\u0161ech st\u00e1t\u016f EU skute\u010dnou solidaritu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"A recent study conducted by Robert Waterland, a professor at the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas revealed that healthy diets of pregnant women actually affected the genetic expression of their babies and protected them from developing tumors.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ned\u00e1vn\u00e1 studie proveden\u00e1 Robertem Waterlandem, profesorem na Baylor College of Medicine v Texasu, zjistila, \u017ee zdrav\u00e9 diety t\u011bhotn\u00fdch \u017een ve skute\u010dnosti ovlivnily genetickou tvorbu jejich d\u011bt\u00ed a chr\u00e1nilo je p\u0159ed v\u00fdvojem n\u00e1dor\u016f."} {"inputs": "Hayne p\u0159irovnal trapas k jeho p\u016fvodn\u00edmu debutu v roce 2007, kdy nahr\u00e1vka ve vlastn\u00edm brankov\u00e9m \u00fazem\u00ed vedla k trojce Queenslandu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Hayne likened the blunder to his Origin debut back in 2007 when a pass in his own in-goal led to a Queensland try."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe Eurogerman Schulz, President of the European Parliament, MEP for the SPD, is allegedly the only member of the Parliament who does not have a school-leaving certificate - yes, he is the one about whom Berlusconi said in the EU Parliament that he could play a concentration-camp guard - has made a spectacle of himself several times.", "targets": "Euron\u011bmec Schulz, p\u0159edseda Evropsk\u00e9ho parlamentu, poslanec za SPD, jedin\u00fd, kter\u00fd v europarlamentu \u00fadajn\u011b nem\u00e1 ani maturitu - ano, to je ten, o kter\u00e9m Berlusconi v parlamentu EU \u0159ekl, \u017ee by mohl od minuty hr\u00e1t dozorce v koncentr\u00e1k -, se jako u\u017e v\u00edckr\u00e1t p\u0159edvedl."} {"inputs": "Nap\u0159\u00edklad v na\u0161\u00ed cele o rozm\u011brech asi t\u0159i kr\u00e1t \u010dty\u0159i metry se t\u00edsnilo 15 uprchl\u00edk\u016f ze S\u00fdrie.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "For example, 15 Syrian refugees were crammed in a cell measuring about three by four metres."} {"inputs": "Expresn\u00ed jednotka zaznamenala vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00edjem kv\u016fli vy\u0161\u0161\u00edm z\u00e1kladn\u00edm sazb\u00e1m, zat\u00edmco zisk poklesl v n\u00e1kladn\u00edm obchodu kv\u016fli vy\u0161\u0161\u00edm cen\u00e1m za pracovn\u00ed s\u00edlu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Add salt and pepper to taste, as well as ground chili and soy sauce if desired.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Podle chuti osolte a opep\u0159ete, m\u016f\u017eete dochutit tak\u00e9 mlet\u00fdm chilli a s\u00f3jovou om\u00e1\u010dkou."} {"inputs": "\"Ur\u010dit\u011b nechcete b\u00fdt v situaci strachu z r\u016fstu sazeb, proto\u017ee se trhy roz\u010d\u00edlily,\" \u0159ekl Posen, prezident Institutu pro mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed ekonomiku Peterson .\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"You certainly don't want to be put in a situation of being scared of a rate hike because markets got upset,\" said Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics."} {"inputs": "How is \"The appointment of Mahela Jayawardene, the Sri Lanka batsman, as a consultant for the Test matches could be a masterstroke.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jmenov\u00e1n\u00ed Mahela Jayawardenea, p\u00e1lka\u0159e ze Sr\u00ed Lanky, jako konzultanta pro zku\u0161ebn\u00ed z\u00e1pasy m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt mistrovsk\u00fd tah."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"The German States also support the German government in promoting the fair distribution of the burden of the refugee crisis among the countries of Europe,\" stated Merkel.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Spolkov\u00e9 zem\u011b tak\u00e9 podporuj\u00ed n\u011bmeckou vl\u00e1du v tom, aby prosazovala spravedliv\u00e9 rozlo\u017een\u00ed v\u00e1hy uprchlick\u00e9 krize na evropsk\u00e9 zem\u011b,\" uvedla d\u00e1le Merkelov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Podle vl\u00e1dy je d\u016fvodem zm\u011bny mimo jin\u00e9 mo\u017enost pru\u017en\u00e9 reakce na aktu\u00e1ln\u00ed ekonomickou situaci.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "According to the government, the reason for the change is, among others, the option of reacting flexibly to the current economic situation."} {"inputs": "Nov\u00fd projekt firmy Praga Progetti e Investimenti s okny do tvaru obli\u010dej\u016f ale NP\u00da i magistr\u00e1tn\u00ed pam\u00e1tk\u00e1\u0159i schv\u00e1lili a na tomto z\u00e1klad\u011b bylo vyd\u00e1no stavebn\u00ed povolen\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Oce\u0148ujeme snahu o zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed ochrany spot\u0159ebitele, ale mus\u00ed m\u00edt takov\u00fd limit, aby byla realizovateln\u00e1,\" oponoval m\u00edstop\u0159edseda TOP 09 Miroslav Kalousek."} {"inputs": "Ben Carson se p\u0159ibli\u017euje Donaldu Trumpovi v nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00edm pr\u016fzkumu CBS News/New York Times\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Ben Carson is running close behind Donald Trump in the newest CBS News/New York Times poll"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The Federal Reserve's aggressiveness in raising rates is often, though not always, a determinant in how the economy and financial assets respond.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Agresivita Feder\u00e1ln\u00edho rezervn\u00edho syst\u00e9mu ve zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed sazeb je \u010dasto, a\u010dkoli ne v\u017edy, ur\u010duj\u00edc\u00ed v tom, jak bude ekonomika a finan\u010dn\u00ed aktiva reagovat."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Obsadili v\u0161echna leh\u00e1tka."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The real black hole in the matter remains Greece.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Skute\u010dnou \u010dernou d\u00edrou z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 \u0158ecko."} {"inputs": "V pond\u011bl\u00ed se pades\u00e1tilet\u00fd mu\u017e z Nathalia s\u00e1m p\u0159iznal policii v Sheppartonu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "On Monday a 50-year-old Nathalia man handed himself in to police at Shepparton."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe Chlum windmill is a local technological monument.", "targets": "Chlumsk\u00e9 v\u011btrn\u00e9 \u010derpadlo je m\u00edstn\u00ed technickou pam\u00e1tkou."} {"inputs": "Neilson si stoj\u00ed za sv\u00fdm tvrzen\u00edm a uv\u00e1d\u00ed: \"Nezpochyb\u0148oval jsem integritu, nekomentoval jsem v\u00fdkon.\"\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Neilson is sticking with what he said, insisting: \"I didn't question any integrity, I didn't comment on a performance.\""} {"inputs": "D\u00edky p\u0159em\u00ed\u0159e energetick\u00fdch po\u017eadavk\u016f je t\u011bhotn\u00fdm \u017een\u00e1m a novope\u010den\u00fdm matk\u00e1m doporu\u010deno zv\u00fd\u0161it denn\u00ed kalorick\u00fd p\u0159\u00edjem o 500 kalori\u00ed denn\u011b.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Due to excess energy requirements, pregnant women and new moms are advised to increase their daily calorie intake by about 500 calories per day."} {"inputs": "Pokud pat\u0159\u00edte mezi milovn\u00edky asijsk\u00e9 kuchyn\u011b, nesm\u00ed u v\u00e1s ve sp\u00ed\u017ei chyb\u011bt sezamov\u00fd olej, kter\u00fd je sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed origin\u00e1ln\u00edch receptur na exotick\u00e1 j\u00eddla.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "If you're a lover of Asian cuisine, sesame oil, an important part of original Asian recipes, shouldn't be missing from your pantry."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"Yeah,\" I said.", "targets": "\"Jo,\" \u0159ekl jsem."} {"inputs": "Tweet si z\u00edskal v\u00edce ne\u017e 5000 retweet\u016f a 4000 lik\u016f od chv\u00edle, co byl zve\u0159ejn\u011bn.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The tweet earned more than 5,000 retweets and 4,000 likes since being posted."} {"inputs": "Sou\u010dasn\u011b jsou si podle n\u011bj byli v\u011bdomi toho, \u017ee spole\u010dnost Darothore n\u00e1sledn\u011b po z\u00edsk\u00e1n\u00ed t\u00e9to zak\u00e1zky vy\u00fa\u010dtuje \u00dast\u00ed nad Labem za realizaci akce V\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed ob\u010d\u00e1nk\u016f cenu, kter\u00e1 bude oproti re\u00e1ln\u00e9 hodnot\u011b skute\u010dn\u011b poskytnut\u00fdch slu\u017eeb ne\u00fam\u011brn\u011b nav\u00fd\u0161en\u00e1.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It continues to state that, at the same time, they were aware Darothore, following its awarding of this contract, charged \u00dast\u00ed nad Labem a price for the realisation of the Little Citizens' Welcome event that was disproportionately excessive compared to the true value of services actually provided."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The central bank has a dual charge from Congress: maximize U.S. employment and keep prices here stable.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Centr\u00e1ln\u00ed banka m\u00e1 dvoj\u00ed n\u00e1boj z Kongresu: maximalizovat americkou zam\u011bstnanost a udr\u017eet zdej\u0161\u00ed ceny stabiln\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe number two will be Somdev Devvarman (164th).", "targets": "Dvojkou bude Somdev Devvarman (164.)."} {"inputs": "Mo\u017en\u00e1 \u0161koda, \u017ee si mluv\u00edc\u00ed klepadlo nelze po\u0159\u00eddit i ve skute\u010dnosti.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Maybe it's a shame that you can't get a talking doorknocker in real life."} {"inputs": "Stalo se n\u011bco v\u00fdznamn\u00e9ho, bizardn\u00edho nebo neobvykl\u00e9ho v m\u00edst\u011b, kde \u017eijete?\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Is something significant, bizarre or unusual happening where you live?"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Manchester United's Luke Shaw out for months with double fracture\" to Czech?", "targets": "Luke Shaw z Manchesteru United bude n\u011bkolik m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f ze hry kv\u016fli dvojit\u00e9 zlomenin\u011b."} {"inputs": "Schv\u00e1len\u00fd pozm\u011b\u0148ovac\u00ed n\u00e1vrh v\u00fdboru pro ve\u0159ejnou spr\u00e1vu po\u010d\u00edt\u00e1 i s dal\u0161\u00edm pravideln\u00fdm informov\u00e1n\u00edm poji\u0161\u0165oven.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Wouldn't it be possible to accept more this way?\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nebylo by mo\u017en\u00e9 jich p\u0159ijmout touto cestou v\u00edc?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Mluv\u00ed o obou t\u00fdmech dohromady a o to se pr\u00e1v\u011b zaj\u00edmaj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAnother certainty in the Czech line-up should be \u0160t\u011bp\u00e1nek's participation in the Saturday doubles.", "targets": "Dal\u0161\u00ed jistotou v \u010desk\u00e9 sestav\u011b by m\u011bla b\u00fdt \u0160t\u011bp\u00e1nkova \u00fa\u010dast v sobotn\u00ed \u010dty\u0159h\u0159e."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "P\u0159ijde p\u00e1r tis\u00edc lid\u00ed, \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 peklo, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 o \u0159eck\u00e9m souboji spar\u0165an Hyb\u0161."} {"inputs": "Angel Di Maria sk\u00f3roval p\u0159i jeho debutu v Lize Mistr\u016f a pomohl tak PSG v \u00fater\u00fd porazit \u0161v\u00e9dsk\u00fd t\u00fdm Malmo.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Angel Di Maria scored on his Champions League debut to help PSG ease past Swedish side Malmo on Tuesday."} {"inputs": "Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka (\u010cSSD) reminded the right-wing parties that in the past they had lowered the adjustment rate.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Premi\u00e9r Bohuslav Sobotka (\u010cSSD) pravici p\u0159ipomn\u011bl, \u017ee v minulosti tempo valorizace sn\u00ed\u017eila."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "P\u0159es 350 autor\u016f z 51 zem\u00ed letos p\u0159ihl\u00e1silo sv\u00e1 d\u00edla do sout\u011b\u017ee 15. ro\u010dn\u00edku Mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edho festivalu studentsk\u00fdch film\u016f v P\u00edsku."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Experts agree that grape oil is fifty times more effective than vitamin E and twenty times more effective than vitamin C.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Odborn\u00edci se shoduj\u00ed, \u017ee hroznov\u00fd olej je 50kr\u00e1t \u00fa\u010dinn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e vitamin E a 20kr\u00e1t \u00fa\u010dinn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e vitamin C."} {"inputs": "Nikdy nev\u00edte, jak\u00fd rozd\u00edl m\u016f\u017ee va\u0161e p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00ed ud\u011blat.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "You never know what difference your friendship could make."} {"inputs": "Kampa\u0148 Brexit by mohla zv\u00edt\u011bzit, pokud ekonomika do roku 2017 za\u010dne stagnovat.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"This superficial success is dominated by what psychologists term extrinsic values; money, image, social status, all at the expense of intrinsic values - our inner yearning for personal growth and friendship - that more deeply impacts our mental health.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Tento povrchn\u00ed \u00fasp\u011bch je ovl\u00e1d\u00e1n t\u00edm, co psychologov\u00e9 naz\u00fdvaj\u00ed vn\u011bj\u0161\u00edmi hodnotami; pen\u00edze, image, soci\u00e1ln\u00ed stav, v\u0161e na \u00fakor na\u0161ich skute\u010dn\u00fdch hodnot - na\u0161e osobn\u00ed touha po r\u016fstu a p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00ed - kter\u00e9 maj\u00ed hlubok\u00fd vliv na na\u0161e ment\u00e1ln\u00ed zdrav\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"Conflict is rapidly increasing.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Konflikt se rychle zvy\u0161uje."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nK\u00e1dner and Aulick\u00e1 unsuccessfully proposed the rejection of the amendment, and Ku\u010dera wanted to return it to the government for revision.", "targets": "K\u00e1dner a Aulick\u00e1 ne\u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b navrhovali novelu zam\u00edtnout, Ku\u010dera cht\u011bl z\u00e1kon vr\u00e1tit vl\u00e1d\u011b k dopracov\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"Most Americans say the email controversy has had no effect on their overall opinions of Clinton, although 36 percent say their opinion of her has grown worse.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V\u011bt\u0161ina Ameri\u010dan\u016f tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee tato emailov\u00e1 kontroverze nem\u00e1 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd vliv na jejich celkov\u00fd n\u00e1zor o Clintonov\u00e9, zat\u00edmco u 36 procent se jejich n\u00e1zor na Clintonovou zhor\u0161il."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The company thus increased its base capital by a total 280 million EUR.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Celkem tak zvedla z\u00e1kladn\u00ed kapit\u00e1l o 280 milion\u016f eur."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Inzer\u00e1ty zostuzuj\u00edc\u00ed britsk\u00fd obchod se zbran\u011bmi."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI pulled a file with periodic announcements out of a drawer. At that moment the phone rang.", "targets": "Vyt\u00e1hl jsem ze \u0161uplete fascikl s periodick\u00fdmi hl\u00e1\u0161en\u00edmi a vtom telefon."} {"inputs": "\"Tak\u00e9 si mysl\u00edm, \u017ee z\u00e1vazek Radia 3 k nal\u00e9z\u00e1n\u00ed nov\u00e9 hudby a uv\u00e1d\u011bn\u00ed do nov\u00fdch d\u011bl do provozu je tak\u00e9 velmi d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9,\" \u0159\u00edk\u00e1.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"And also, Radio 3's commitment to finding new music and commissioning new works I think is also really important,\" he said."} {"inputs": "Tunelov\u00fd komplex Blanka bylo mo\u017en\u00e9 stav\u011bt tak, aby nenastaly dva propady zeminy v pra\u017esk\u00e9 Stromovce, tvrd\u00ed v\u00fdrobn\u00ed \u0159editel spole\u010dnosti Satra, kter\u00e1 je hlavn\u00edm projektantem tunelu, Alexandr Butovi\u010d.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The Blanka tunnel complex could have been built so as to prevent the two ground collapses in Stromovka park, claimed Alexandr Butovi\u010d, production manager at Satra, chief project manager of the tunnel project,"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nDespite reports Monday that Lamb allegedly believed Prentiss was also romantically involved with Schmidt, authorities said Tuesday that there was \"no information, no evidence\" of a \"love triangle.\"", "targets": "I navzdory pond\u011bln\u00edmu prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed o tom, \u017ee Lamb \u00fadajn\u011b v\u011b\u0159il v romantick\u00fd vztah Amy Prentissov\u00e9 se Schmidtem vl\u00e1dn\u00ed \u00fa\u0159ady uvedly, \u017ee o \u201emilostn\u00e9m troj\u00faheln\u00edku\u201c neexistuj\u00ed \u201e\u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 d\u016fkazy\u201c."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nA little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot.", "targets": "V\u011bd\u011bt m\u00e1lo je nebezpe\u010dn\u00e9 a v\u011bd\u011bt mnoho tak\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Po\u017e\u00e1dal m\u011b, abych byl jedn\u00edm ze \u010dty\u0159 \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edk\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed budou sv\u011bdky jeho smrti.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He has asked me to be one of four official witnesses to his death."} {"inputs": "Translate \"When they put on their pundit hats, Republican voters think Trump is for real.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Kdy\u017e si nasad\u00ed sv\u00e9 u\u010deneck\u00e9 klobouky, republik\u00e1n\u0161t\u00ed voli\u010di si mysl\u00ed, \u017ee Trump je re\u00e1ln\u00fdm kandid\u00e1tem."} {"inputs": "A p\u0159ekvapil m\u011b, \u017ee je z\u0159ejm\u011b zakuklen\u00fd sportovec.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "And he surprised me by saying that he was a closet athlete."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHe said that he felt as if he was in danger due to the presence of the dogs.", "targets": "\u0158\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee se c\u00edtil b\u00fdt v nebezpe\u010d\u00ed, proto\u017ee pobl\u00ed\u017e byli psi."} {"inputs": "K tomu, aby bylo grilov\u00e1n\u00ed \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00e9, nesm\u00edme podcenit p\u0159\u00edpravu - ide\u00e1ln\u00ed je upravit maso marinov\u00e1n\u00edm n\u011bkolik hodin p\u0159ed tepelnou \u00fapravou.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Ale tak\u00e9 b\u00fdval\u00fd bacha\u0159.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "And also a former guard."} {"inputs": "Poji\u0161\u0165ovny s povinnost\u00ed hradit n\u00e1roky klient\u016f i nad sjednan\u00fd limit nesouhlas\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Insurance companies disagree with the obligation to meet client claims even above the agreed limit."} {"inputs": "U t\u00e9 prvn\u00ed si nejsem tak zcela jist.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Jin\u00e1 skupina uprchl\u00edk\u016f blokovala hlavn\u00ed d\u00e1lnici spojuj\u00edc\u00ed Srbsko a Ma\u010farsko, kdy\u017e odm\u00edtali j\u00eddlo a vodu, dokud jim nebude povoleno p\u0159ekro\u010dit hranici do Ma\u010farska.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"At the time we were too small a firm that didn't have enough money for investment or to be able to guarantee Boeing the long-term stability of supply,\" remembers Dubsk\u00fd.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Byli jsme pro n\u011b tehdy mal\u00e1 firma, kter\u00e1 nem\u011bla dost pen\u011bz na investice a na to, aby Boeingu mohla garantovat dlouhodob\u00e9 stabiln\u00ed dod\u00e1vky,\" vzpom\u00edn\u00e1 Dubsk\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "T\u00edm, \u017ee ovliv\u0148ujeme fyzickou str\u00e1nku, p\u016fsob\u00edme na limbick\u00fd syst\u00e9m zodpov\u011bdn\u00fd za emoce."} {"inputs": "How is \"Nearly a dozen shadow ministers have refused to serve in Mr Corbyn's top team, citing differences over the economy, defence and foreign affairs, while less than a sixth of the parliamentary party originally backed him as leader.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Skoro tucet st\u00ednov\u00fdch ministr\u016f odm\u00edtlo slou\u017eit v top t\u00fdmu pana Corbyna, citovali odli\u0161nosti v ekonomice, obran\u011b a zahrani\u010dn\u00edm af\u00e9r\u00e1m, a pouze m\u00e9n\u011b ne\u017e \u0161estina parlamentn\u00ed strany ho p\u016fvodn\u011b podporovala jako v\u016fdce."} {"inputs": "Van Gaal said: \"He has a double leg fracture and is in hospital.\"\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Van Gaal \u0159ekl: \"Utrp\u011bl dvojitou zlomeninu nohy a nyn\u00ed je v nemocnici.\""} {"inputs": "Ani jeden t\u00fdm si nevytvo\u0159il moc p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitost\u00ed, ale m\u00ed\u010d na kopa\u010dk\u00e1ch jsme m\u011bli d\u00e9le my.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Neither team created many chances, but we had the ball for longer."} {"inputs": "Ale pr\u016fzkum Monmouth University ze za\u010d\u00e1tku z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed ukazuje, \u017ee v hypotetick\u00e9m p\u0159\u00edm\u00e9m souboji mezi Trumpem a v\u011bt\u0161inou ostatn\u00edch republik\u00e1nsk\u00fdch kandid\u00e1t\u016f z\u00edsk\u00e1 Trump t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 v\u017edy v\u011bt\u0161inovou podporu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "But a Monmouth University poll in early September shows that, in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup between Trump and most other Republican candidates, Trump almost always garners majority support."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThey may dimly remember Boris Johnson, the arch Euro-opportunist, making his name as an \"EU straight bananas\" Brussels correspondent in the early 90s.", "targets": "Mohou si matn\u011b pamatovat jm\u00e9no Boris Johnson, \u00fasko\u010dn\u00e9ho Euro-oportunistu, kter\u00fd si ud\u011blal sv\u00e9 jm\u00e9no coby bruselsk\u00fd zpravodaj \"EU straight bananas\" na za\u010d\u00e1tku devades\u00e1t\u00fdch let."} {"inputs": "In the Swedish study, obese people who had bariatric surgery were about 29 percent less likely to die over 15 years, compared to a group who tried more conventional methods.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Podle \u0161v\u00e9dsk\u00e9 studie m\u011bli ob\u00e9zn\u00ed lid\u00e9, kte\u0159\u00ed podstoupili bariatrickou operaci, asi o 29 procent v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed \u0161anci na p\u0159e\u017eit\u00ed v p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edch 15 letech, v porovn\u00e1n\u00ed se skupinou, kter\u00e1 zkou\u0161ela v\u00edce konven\u010dn\u00ed metody."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Comrade, how did you vet the comrade under discussion here?\" the superintendent interrupted the tense silence with a question directed at the vetting officer.", "targets": "\"Soudruhu, jak\u00fdm zp\u016fsobem jste prov\u011b\u0159il zde projedn\u00e1van\u00e9ho soudruha?\" p\u0159eru\u0161il napjat\u00e9 ticho n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk ot\u00e1zkou na k\u00e1drov\u00e1ka."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nO'Steen said his daughter writes and sings her own music.", "targets": "O\u00b4Steen \u0159ekl, \u017ee jeho dcera p\u00ed\u0161e a zp\u00edv\u00e1 svou vlastn\u00ed hudbu."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nhaijah Russel, \u0161estilet\u00e1 d\u00edvka, kter\u00e1 ned\u00e1vno ve \u0161kole poz\u0159ela a\u017e \u010dty\u0159i loky sanita\u010dn\u00edho \u010dinidla s v\u016fn\u00ed jahody a byla odvezena kv\u016fli l\u00e9\u010db\u011b na pohotovost."} {"inputs": "P\u0159\u00edpad se t\u00fdk\u00e1 \u00fadajn\u011b p\u0159edra\u017een\u00e9ho projektu V\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed ob\u010d\u00e1nk\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "It steers the conversation and helps you to scout out the people you like versus those you wouldn't talk to even if your eyelashes were on fire and they were dispensing extinguishers.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\u0158\u00edd\u00ed to konverzaci a pom\u016f\u017ee ti naj\u00edt lidi, kter\u00e9 m\u00e1\u0161 r\u00e1d, a ty, se kter\u00fdmi by ses nebavil ani kdyby tvoje \u0159asy byly v jednom ohni a oni by vyd\u00e1vali has\u00edc\u00ed p\u0159\u00edstroje."} {"inputs": "Mluv\u010d\u00ed Downing Street uvedla, \u017ee text nejsp\u00ed\u0161e p\u0159i\u0161el z kancel\u00e1\u0159e stoupenc\u016f Camerona.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "A Downing Street spokeswoman said the text was believed to have come from Cameron's constituency office."} {"inputs": "T\u00edmto dojde k rozlo\u017een\u00ed spole\u010dnosti, kterou v roce 1930 zalo\u017eili absolventi Stanfordsk\u00e9 univerzity Bill Hewlett a Dave Packard, vyr\u00e1b\u011bj\u00edc\u00ed elektrick\u00e9 vybaven\u00ed a jejich\u017e gar\u00e1\u017e v Palo Alto byla p\u0159ezd\u00edvan\u00e1 \"rodi\u0161t\u011bm Silicon Valley.\"\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It breaks up a company formed in the 1930s by Stanford University graduates Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard to make electric equipment, and whose Palo Alto garage has been dubbed \"the birthplace of Silicon Valley.\""} {"inputs": "MCInnes je r\u00e1d za \"o\u0161kliv\u00e9 v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00ed\" proti Hamiltonu\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "McInnes glad to \"win ugly\" against Hamilton"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Dluh firmy klesl o dv\u011b t\u0159etiny, tedy o 180 milion\u016f eur."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nSlavia has visibly received money, at the last minute, from the new owners.", "targets": "O\u010dividn\u011b od nov\u00fdch majitel\u016f do klubu dorazily pen\u00edze, a to na posledn\u00ed chv\u00edli."} {"inputs": "His comments about the BBC's most popular shows echo those of former Sky executive Tony Ball, who used his MacTaggart lecture in Edinburgh in 2003 to propose that the BBC sell off shows such as EastEnders.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Jeho koment\u00e1\u0159 o nejpopul\u00e1rn\u011bj\u0161\u00edch show BBC opakuje ty, kter\u00e9 b\u00fdval\u00fd v\u00fdkonn\u00fd \u0159editel Sky, Tony Ball, kter\u00fd pou\u017eil svou MacTaggart lekci v Edinburghu v roce 2003, aby navrhl, \u017ee BBC prod\u00e1 show jako EastEnders."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe company must have quality certificates, certification for 1270 special production processes and qualification certificates for key employees.", "targets": "Firma mus\u00ed m\u00edt certifik\u00e1ty kvality, certifikace 170 zvl\u00e1\u0161tn\u00edch v\u00fdrobn\u00edch proces\u016f a pr\u016fkazy o kvalifikaci pro kl\u00ed\u010dov\u00e9 zam\u011bstnance."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe home team will put Yuki Bhambri (125th in the ATP rankings), who won the Challenger tournament in Shanghaj last week, where he beat players ranked in the 300s and 400s, into the singles.", "targets": "Dom\u00e1c\u00ed nasad\u00ed do dvouher Yukiho Bhambriho (125. v \u017eeb\u0159\u00ed\u010dku ATP), kter\u00fd vyhr\u00e1l minul\u00fd t\u00fdden challenger v \u0160anghaji, kde porazil hr\u00e1\u010de t\u0159et\u00ed a \u010dtvrt\u00e9 stovky \u017eeb\u0159\u00ed\u010dku."} {"inputs": "Jedn\u00edm z hlavn\u00edch argument\u016f bylo to, \u017ee p\u0159edminul\u00fd t\u00fdden se nov\u00fdm majitelem Slavie stala velk\u00e1 \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e1 pr\u016fmyslov\u00e1 a investi\u010dn\u00ed skupina CEFC a tak\u00e9 \u010desk\u00fd miliard\u00e1\u0159 Ji\u0159\u00ed \u0160im\u00e1n\u011b.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "One of the main arguments was that, the week before last, Slavia was taken over by CEFC China, a large industrial and investment group from China, and Czech billionaire Ji\u0159\u00ed \u0160im\u00e1n\u011b."} {"inputs": "Nov\u00e9 hlasy v \u0161atn\u011b, i kdy\u017e jsou to hlasy \u0159\u00edkaj\u00edc\u00ed konzistentn\u00ed v\u011bci, kter\u00e9 byly \u0159e\u010deny u\u017e d\u0159\u00edve, mohou ob\u010das odleh\u010dit a osv\u011b\u017eit atmosf\u00e9ru.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Sometimes new voices in the dressing room, even if the messages are consistent with what has been said before, can freshen up a side."} {"inputs": "Translate \"For her part, Mackay said last week's home visit dates made her realise Wood could be \"the one.\"\" to Czech?", "targets": "Za ni samotnou tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee b\u011bhem jeho posledn\u00edch n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bv doma si uv\u011bdomila, \u017ee Wood by mohl b\u00fdt \"ten prav\u00fd.\""} {"inputs": "How is \"There was nothing else to do.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nebylo zbyt\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nEveryone nodded their heads in agreement, but you could see that they didn't believe a single word.", "targets": "V\u0161ichni souhlasn\u011b pokyvovali hlavami, ale bylo na nich vid\u011bt, \u017ee mu nev\u011b\u0159\u00ed ani slovo."} {"inputs": "Kriminalist\u00e9 cht\u011bli p\u016fvodn\u011b obvinit i poslankyni Kailovou, kter\u00e1 byla tak\u00e9 \u010dlenkou rady m\u011bsta.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Criminal investigators originally also wanted to charge MP Kailov\u00e1, who had also been a member of the city council."} {"inputs": "V t\u00e9 dob\u011b jsem vid\u011bl v\u0161echny jejich z\u00e1pasy.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "8 volebn\u00edch \u010d\u00edsel, kter\u00e1 ukazuj\u00ed, \u017ee Donald Trump v re\u00e1ln\u00e9m sv\u011btle\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "A mysl\u00edm si, \u017ee Nick stoupal velmi rychle, jak Federer, Murray a dal\u0161\u00ed lid\u00e9 poukazuj\u00ed, v o\u010d\u00edch ve\u0159ejnosti rychle roste, ud\u011blal tak\u00e9 n\u011bkolik hrozn\u00fdch chyb a zaslou\u017e\u00ed si v\u0161echnu kritiku, kterou dost\u00e1v\u00e1, ale sna\u017e\u00edme se ho podpo\u0159it, sna\u017e\u00edme se mu pomoci pochopit n\u00e1sledky jeho \u010din\u016f a n\u011bjak\u00fd \u010das mimo v\u00fdslun\u00ed, kdy o tom bude moci p\u0159em\u00fd\u0161let, je podle m\u00e9ho n\u00e1zoru nejlep\u0161\u00ed \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed pro t\u00fdm a tak\u00e9 pro n\u011bj samotn\u00e9ho.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "And I think Nick, he's risen very quickly, as people like Federer and Murray have pointed out, he's growing up in the public eye and he's made some terrible errors and deserves all the criticism he gets, but we're trying to support him, we're trying to help him understand the consequences of his actions, and some time out of the limelight where he can just reflect on that I think is appropriate and it's best for the team and it's best for him."} {"inputs": "Obnovuje hrani\u010dn\u00ed kontroly, zejm\u00e9na s Rakouskem, ale bez zablokov\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159\u00edlivu t\u011bch, kte\u0159\u00ed hledaj\u00ed azyl v t\u00e9to zemi.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It is renewing border controls, especially those with Austria, without blocking the entry of those seeking asylum in the country."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThat would point to a stock market drop if the Fed raises the rate, unless policymakers were to soften the blow by promising that another increase would be a ways off.", "targets": "To by pouk\u00e1zalo na pokles akciov\u00e9ho trhu v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b, \u017ee Fed zv\u00fd\u0161\u00ed sazby, jedin\u011b pokud politici zjemn\u00ed propad p\u0159\u00edslibem, \u017ee dal\u0161\u00ed zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed je v nedohlednu."} {"inputs": "Za\u010dal jsem spekulovat o p\u0159\u00ed\u010din\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "I started to speculate about the cause."} {"inputs": "Peter Moody tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee se ho po\u0159adatel\u00e9 pokusili \u0161pehovat a hroz\u00ed ukon\u010den\u00edm z\u00e1vod\u016f\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Peter Moody alleges stewards tried to spy on him and threatens to quit racing"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHis wife, who may come across to audiences as a slightly negative character, is played by Eli\u0161ka Balzerov\u00e1.", "targets": "Jeho man\u017eelku, kter\u00e1 na div\u00e1ky m\u016f\u017ee p\u016fsobit m\u00edrn\u011b negativn\u011b, ztv\u00e1rnila Eli\u0161ka Balzerov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Norris (2-2, 4.43 ERA) will oppose Minnesota RHP Ervin Santana (5-4, 4.73 ERA).\" to Czech?", "targets": "Proti Norrisovi (2-2, 4.43 ERA) se postav\u00ed Minnesotsk\u00fd lev\u00fd nadhazova\u010d Ervin Santana (5-4, 4.73 ERA)."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe emigrants were supported by the Supreme Court, which awarded them the original amount.", "targets": "Emigrant\u016f se zastal Nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed soud a p\u0159iklepl jim p\u016fvodn\u011b \u017ealovanou \u010d\u00e1stku."} {"inputs": "Sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed insolven\u010dn\u00edho sporu tak z\u016fst\u00e1vaj\u00ed de facto jen pohled\u00e1vky, kter\u00e9 Slavie rozporuje.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe Tigers posted three runs in the first two innings against the veteran right-hander, who came off the disabled list before the game after missing more than a month because of lower back inflammation.", "targets": "Tyg\u0159i z\u00edskali t\u0159i ob\u011bhy v prvn\u00edch dvou sm\u011bn\u00e1ch proti vyslou\u017eil\u00e9mu prav\u00e1kovi, kter\u00fd nastoupil do hry po v\u00edce ne\u017e m\u011bs\u00ed\u010dn\u00ed pauze kv\u016fli z\u00e1n\u011btu z\u00e1dov\u00fdch sval\u016f."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Sp\u00e1lili jsme n\u011bkolik dobr\u00fdch \u0161anc\u00ed,\" mrzelo Yayu Tour\u00e9ho, z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00edka City."} {"inputs": "or woe betide you!\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Jinak b\u011bda v\u00e1m!"} {"inputs": "How is \"And the three girls left standing certainly aren't letting slip whether they are the one who received his final rose.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "A t\u0159i d\u00edvky, kter\u00e9 z\u016fstanou st\u00e1t, rozhodn\u011b neprozrad\u00ed, kdo je ta prav\u00e1, kter\u00e9 dostane nakonec r\u016f\u017ei."} {"inputs": "T\u00fdm si vede opravdu dob\u0159e.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The squad is doing really well."} {"inputs": "Na vybran\u00fdch \u00fasec\u00edch d\u00e1lnic nebude mo\u017en\u00e9 zv\u00fd\u0161it za p\u0159\u00edzniv\u00fdch podm\u00ednek nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed povolenou rychlost a\u017e na 150 km/h.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "On selected sections of motorway it will not possible to increase the maximum permitted speed to 150 km/h in favourable weather conditions,"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Od t\u00e9 doby jsme hr\u00e1li jen \u0161v\u00e9dskou ligu, kter\u00e1 nen\u00ed na stejn\u00e9 \u00farovni."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe Fed should put financial stability concerns first only during a major crisis, such as the 2008 market meltdown, said Adam S. Posen, a former member of the Bank of England's rate-setting committee.", "targets": "Fed by m\u011bl up\u0159ednost\u0148ovat obavy o finan\u010dn\u00ed stabilitu pouze b\u011bhem velk\u00e9 krize, jako bylo tr\u017en\u00ed zhroucen\u00ed roku 2008, \u0159ekl Adam Posen S., b\u00fdval\u00fd \u010dlen v\u00fdboru stanovuj\u00edc\u00edho sazby v Bank of England."} {"inputs": "How is \"But that's not so touching.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Asi u\u017e to nedoj\u00edm\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Production processes change every year,\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V\u00fdrobn\u00ed procesy se ka\u017ed\u00fd rok m\u011bn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Jen\u017ee j\u00e1 pro tebe nejsem \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd pan n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk, ale soudruh n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "To you, I'm not Mr Superintendent, but Comrade Superintendent."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe press never forgave him that either.", "targets": "Tisk mu to taky nikdy neodpustil."} {"inputs": "Latecoere v Praze od roku 2000 investovala 1,5 miliardy korun.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Since 2000, Latecoere has invested 1.5 billion crowns in the Prague company."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Douf\u00e1m, \u017ee d\u00e1m g\u00f3l i te\u010f Spart\u011b."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V tomto m\u00e1me zcela jasno: ileg\u00e1ln\u00ed p\u0159ekra\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed hranice je zlo\u010din."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nSpeed on motorways to remain unchanged.", "targets": "Rychlost na d\u00e1lnic\u00edch z\u016fstane p\u0159i star\u00e9m."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThis is confirmed by further information,", "targets": "Co\u017e potvrzuj\u00ed dal\u0161\u00ed informace."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Z v\u00fdzkumu Jarmily Hamersk\u00e9, kter\u00fd vedla na Masarykov\u011b univerzit\u011b, vyplynulo, \u017ee ho preferuje v tepl\u00e9 kuchyni 43% respondent\u016f."} {"inputs": "Nemysl\u00edm si, \u017ee se c\u00edt\u00edme pod tlakem, podle m\u011b se na to hr\u00e1\u010di t\u011b\u0161\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "I don't think we feel under pressure, I think the players are looking forward to it."} {"inputs": "Translate \"It is never the intention of our players to injure an opponent.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nikdy nen\u00ed c\u00edlem na\u0161ich hr\u00e1\u010d\u016f zranit protihr\u00e1\u010de."} {"inputs": "Konzervativn\u00ed poslanec Damien Collins napadl The Voice - hudebn\u00ed talentovou show, kterou BBC koupila od holandsk\u00e9ho producenta Talpa Media za odhadovanou cenu \u00a322 milion\u016f.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Tory MP Damien Collins attacked The Voice - the musical talent show which the BBC bought in from Dutch producer Talpa Media at an estimated cost of \u00a322million."} {"inputs": "N\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk policie v Delta State University Lynn Buford \u0159ekl, \u017ee zam\u011bstnanci univerzity sly\u0161eli st\u0159\u00edlen\u00ed v 10:18 dopoledne.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\"Je to velmi t\u011b\u017ek\u00fd protivn\u00edk, slabiny jsme sice objevili, ale nejd\u016fle\u017eit\u011bj\u0161\u00ed bude, jak to na\u0161i hr\u00e1\u010di provedou na h\u0159i\u0161ti,\" \u0159ekl Trpi\u0161ovsk\u00fd.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"They're very hard opponents. We did discover some weaknesses, but the most important thing will be what our players do on the pitch,\" said Trpi\u0161ovsk\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The vetting officer blinked nervously and couldn't quite bring himself to answer.\" to Czech?", "targets": "K\u00e1drov\u00e1k nerv\u00f3zn\u011b pomrk\u00e1val a nijak se nem\u011bl k odpov\u011bdi."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nI hope he can play again this season.", "targets": "V\u011b\u0159\u00edm, \u017ee si tuto sezonu je\u0161t\u011b zahraje."} {"inputs": "Translate \"It's what Hilary \"A Benn, but not a Bennite\" Benn said on radio and TV this week as the boy scout in him struggled not to admit that Corbyn's appointment of abrasive John McDonnell as shadow chancellor was a bad idea.\" to Czech?", "targets": "To sam\u00e9 \u0159ekla Hilary \"Bemm, ale ne Benniite\" Benn v r\u00e1diu i televizi tento t\u00fdden, kdy\u017e se jeho vnit\u0159n\u00ed skaut nemohl odhodlat k tomu, aby p\u0159ipustil, \u017ee Corbynovo jmenov\u00e1n\u00ed abrazivn\u00edho McDonnella jako st\u00ednov\u00e9ho kancl\u00e9\u0159e bylo \u0161patn\u00e9 rozhodnut\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Jejich odpov\u011b\u010f byla zes\u00edlen\u00ed hudby.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Podm\u00ednky ve Stromovce byly podle n\u011bj po celou dobu stejn\u00e9, p\u0159esto se zem\u011b propadla jen p\u00e1r krok\u016f od m\u00edsta, odkud se za\u010dal razit bezpe\u010dn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed a opatrn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed metodou."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe best of these will be chosen by an international jury, says festival spokesman Jakub Charv\u00e1t.", "targets": "Nejlep\u0161\u00ed z nich vybere mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed porota, \u0159ekl mluv\u010d\u00ed festivalu Jakub Charv\u00e1t."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHere are the different ways to send in your contributions:", "targets": "Existuj\u00ed t\u0159i r\u016fzn\u00e9 varianty zas\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed va\u0161ich p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvk\u016f:"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe policemen led Muzi off to a dark room by the registration centre for refugees and requested that he show them what he had recorded.", "targets": "Policist\u00e9 Muziho odvedli na tmav\u00e9 m\u00edsto u registra\u010dn\u00edho centra pro uprchl\u00edky a po\u017e\u00e1dali ho, aby jim uk\u00e1zal, co m\u00e1 nahran\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n'Sonogenetics' allows brain cells to be controlled by sound waves", "targets": "\u201eSonogenetika\u201c neboli ovl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed mozkov\u00fdch bun\u011bk pomoc\u00ed zvukov\u00fdch vln"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Ob\u011b d\u011bti jsem nechal pok\u0159t\u00edt, a dokonce mamince, kdy\u017e zem\u0159ela, vypravil jsem c\u00edrkevn\u00ed poh\u0159eb, a\u010dkoliv se jednalo o b\u00fdvalou \u010dlenku strany."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jak ot\u00e1zky ohledn\u011b rozhodnut\u00ed Hillary Clintonov\u00e9 o pou\u017eit\u00ed jej\u00edho osobn\u00edho emailu a serveru jako\u017eto st\u00e1tn\u00ed tajemnice pokra\u010duj\u00ed, v\u011bt\u0161ina prim\u00e1rn\u00edch demokratick\u00fdch voli\u010d\u016f je spokojena s jej\u00edm vysv\u011btlen\u00edm t\u00e9to z\u00e1le\u017eitosti a \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed, \u017ee to jejich celkov\u00fd pohled na ni v\u016fbec neovlivnilo."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nDuring this she talked about vetting practices.", "targets": "Mezit\u00edm se rozpov\u00eddala o k\u00e1drov\u00e1ck\u00fdch praktik\u00e1ch."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSince you're starting uni at the height of Bake-Off mania, knocking on people's doors to introduce yourself with a plate of brownies seems marginally less weird, less 1950s \"Welcome to the neighbourhood, I baked you something, now smile as I ask you personal questions.\"", "targets": "Proto\u017ee jste za\u010dali chodit na univerzitu na vrcholu pe\u010d\u00edc\u00ed m\u00e1nie, zaklep\u00e1n\u00ed na ciz\u00ed dve\u0159e a p\u0159edstaven\u00ed s pl\u00e1tem upe\u010den\u00fdmi kol\u00e1\u010dky se zd\u00e1 nepatrn\u011b m\u00e9n\u011b divn\u00e9, m\u00e9n\u011b ne\u017e \"V\u00edtejte v sousedstv\u00ed, n\u011bco jsem ti upekla, te\u010f se usm\u011bj zat\u00edmco se budu pt\u00e1t na osobn\u00ed ot\u00e1zky.\""} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhen grilling it can be used in two ways, for marination and grilling itself.", "targets": "P\u0159i grilov\u00e1n\u00ed se tedy d\u00e1 vyu\u017e\u00edt hned dv\u011bma zp\u016fsoby, p\u0159i marinov\u00e1n\u00ed a samotn\u00e9m grilov\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "\"All efforts for such coexistence have failed totally.\"\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"Ve\u0161ker\u00e9 snahy o takov\u00e9 sou\u017eit\u00ed tot\u00e1ln\u011b selhaly.\""} {"inputs": "\"Alba jsou st\u00e1le d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e1,\" \u0159ekl.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"Albums still matter,\" he said."} {"inputs": "Premi\u00e9ra \"Zp\u011bt pro budoucnost\" byla p\u0159ed 30 lety.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"Back for the Future\" premiered 30 years ago."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.", "targets": "Nev\u00edm, \u010d\u00edm se bude bojovat ve t\u0159et\u00ed sv\u011btov\u00e9 v\u00e1lce, ale v t\u00e9 \u010dtvrt\u00e9 to budou klacky a kameny."} {"inputs": "Na rozd\u00edl od v\u011bt\u0161iny ostatn\u00edch olej\u016f se d\u00e1 pou\u017e\u00edt i p\u0159i tepeln\u00e9 \u00faprav\u011b pokrm\u016f a m\u00e1 \u0159adu p\u0159\u00edzniv\u00fdch zdravotn\u00edch \u00fa\u010dink\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Unlike the majority of other oils, it can be used in the preparation of hot dishes and has a number of effects that are beneficial to one's health."} {"inputs": "V novele nebude p\u016fvodn\u011b navrhovan\u00fd minim\u00e1ln\u00ed \u010dty\u0159milionov\u00fd limit poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed pro cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e, kter\u00e9 nab\u00edzej\u00ed z\u00e1jezdy leteckou dopravou, a milionov\u00fd limit pro kancel\u00e1\u0159e prod\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00ed nap\u0159\u00edklad autobusov\u00e9 z\u00e1jezdy.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Podle n\u011bj je tak\u00e9 t\u0159eba, aby v\u011bt\u0161ina pen\u011bz, kter\u00e9 N\u011bmecko vyd\u00e1v\u00e1 na p\u00e9\u010di o b\u011b\u017eence, slou\u017eila pr\u00e1v\u011b k integraci t\u011bch, kdo maj\u00ed \u0161anci na z\u00edsk\u00e1n\u00ed azylu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "According to Woidke it is also necessary for the majority of money spent by Germany ion care for refugees to be put towards the integration of those who have a chance of gaining asylum."} {"inputs": "Strana Alastaira Cooka m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt m\u00e9n\u011b zku\u0161en\u00e1, ne\u017e ta p\u0159ed t\u0159emi lety, ale nach\u00e1z\u00ed se zde dob\u0159\u00ed hr\u00e1\u010di spinu v t\u00e9to p\u00e1lkovac\u00ed sestav\u011b a tak\u00e9 kolektivn\u00ed my\u0161len\u00ed je siln\u00e9; neponesou si jizvy z roku 2012, pouze mladistvou pozitivitu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Alastair Cook's side may be less experienced than the one three years ago but there are good players of spin in that batting lineup and the collective mindset is strong; they will not carry scars from 2012, only a youthful positivity."} {"inputs": "A good prank is funny, but takes moments to reverse.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dobr\u00fd \u017eert je srandovn\u00ed, ale snadno se naprav\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt's against the rules of racing.", "targets": "Je to proti pravidl\u016fm z\u00e1vod\u011bn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "It was, in any case, a scandalous procedure.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ka\u017edop\u00e1dn\u011b se jedn\u00e1 o skand\u00e1ln\u00ed postup."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAt least 40 people, including 11 police officials, have been killed in violent clashes since Aug.", "targets": "Od 10. srpna bylo p\u0159i n\u00e1siln\u00fdch st\u0159etnut\u00edch zabito nejm\u00e9n\u011b 40 lid\u00ed, v\u010detn\u011b 11 policist\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"There will be a talk with visitors featuring cameraman and documentary film-maker Martin \u010cech, the silent film \"The Cameraman\" will be accompanied by the music of Gerhard Gruber and P\u00edsek natives Brukner, Novotn\u00fd and Hlack will launch their new book \"3 kamar\u00e1di z m\u011bsta P\" ('3 friends from the town of P.') in the studio of sculptor Jan Novotn\u00fd.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Na besedu s n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvn\u00edky p\u0159ijede kameraman a dokumentarista Martin \u010cech, n\u011bm\u00fd film The Cameraman svou hudbou doprovod\u00ed Gerhard Gruber a p\u00edse\u010dt\u00ed rod\u00e1ci Brukner, Novotn\u00fd a Hlach v ateli\u00e9ru socha\u0159e Jana Novotn\u00e9ho pok\u0159t\u00ed svou novou knihu 3 kamar\u00e1di z m\u011bsta P."} {"inputs": "Mo\u017en\u00e1 mi pot\u0159ebuj\u00ed vz\u00edt moji licenci a odstr\u010dit m\u011b pry\u010d a nem\u00e1m pochyby, \u017ee to co te\u010f \u0159\u00edk\u00e1m jim poskytne materi\u00e1l k zamy\u0161len\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "A to vyvol\u00e1v\u00e1 v \u010dlov\u011bku - tedy v evropsk\u00e9m \u010dlov\u011bku - automaticky pocit viny a soucitu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "I am not a doctor but when you have a double fracture it is six months and he will not play in the group phase.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nejsem doktor, ale dvojit\u00e1 zlomenina nohy si vy\u017e\u00e1d\u00e1 \u0161est m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f l\u00e9\u010den\u00ed a nebude schopen hr\u00e1t ve skupinov\u00e9 f\u00e1zi."} {"inputs": "How is \"The festival will also include two photography exhibitions.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Festival bude hostit i dv\u011b v\u00fdstavy fotografi\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"Forecasts say that it will rain and the court is not covered.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Podle p\u0159edpov\u011bdi m\u00e1 pr\u0161et a kurt nen\u00ed pod st\u0159echou."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWith the agreement of the Minister for Transport, Senators also removed the authority of the police to have the final say in the modification of local roads that are maintained by municipalities.", "targets": "Sen\u00e1to\u0159i se souhlasem ministra dopravy z novely vy\u0148ali tak\u00e9 opr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u00ed dopravn\u00ed policie m\u00edt posledn\u00ed slovo p\u0159i \u00faprav\u011b m\u00edstn\u00edch komunikac\u00ed, o kter\u00e9 se staraj\u00ed obce."} {"inputs": "Stuck for an unknown amount of time on a strip of road between the two countries' checkpoints, those fleeing violence in their homelands pitched tents and settled in.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ti, kdo uv\u00edzli na nezn\u00e1mou dobu na p\u00e1s\u016f zem\u011b mezi dv\u011bma st\u00e1ty stoj\u00ed ti, kdo ut\u00edkaj\u00ed p\u0159ed n\u00e1sil\u00edm v rodn\u00fdch zem\u00edch, si stav\u00ed stany a zabydluj\u00ed se."} {"inputs": "V\u011bze\u0148sk\u00e1 spr\u00e1va tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee nem\u016f\u017eu b\u00fdt z\u00e1rove\u0148 sv\u011bdek a novin\u00e1\u0159, tak\u017ee nebudu m\u00edt dovolen pozn\u00e1mkov\u00fd blok a nebudu moci zaznamenat co uvid\u00edm.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The prison authorities say I cannot be both a witness and a journalist, so I won't be allowed a notebook and pen to record what I see."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "A\u017e pak vezme do ruky p\u0159esn\u00fd \u00fachylkom\u011br."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n+ 5.5 mil.", "targets": "+ 5,5 mil."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAnd what kind of solidaristic measure should that be, in your opinion?", "targets": "A jak\u00fd p\u0159esn\u011b to m\u00e1 b\u00fdt podle v\u00e1s solid\u00e1rn\u00ed krok?"} {"inputs": "Drobn\u00fd plevel, kter\u00fd toleruje such\u00e9 prost\u0159ed\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThey will, however, determine whether travel agencies will be able to make some contribution, which would not, according to Okamura, be a problem.", "targets": "Zji\u0161\u0165uj\u00ed pr\u00fd ale, zda budou cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e skl\u00e1dat spolu\u00fa\u010dast, co\u017e podle Okamury nen\u00ed probl\u00e9m."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOn Tuesday \u0164ok supported the Senate's version of the law in front of the Chamber of Deputies.", "targets": "\u0164ok v \u00fater\u00fd p\u0159ed poslanci podpo\u0159il sen\u00e1tn\u00ed verzi z\u00e1kona."} {"inputs": "Po v\u0161ech nervech ve vy\u0159azovac\u00edch boj\u00edch, kdy ka\u017ed\u00fd g\u00f3l a ka\u017ed\u00e1 situace v\u00e1s mohla vy\u0159adit na cest\u011b do vysn\u011bn\u00e9 skupiny, te\u010f tam jsme a budeme hr\u00e1t \u0161est z\u00e1pas\u016f.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "After all the nerves in the knock-out games on your way to the group stages, where every goal and every situation could knock you out, we're here now and we'll play six matches."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Team number one and world number forty Ji\u0159\u00ed Vesel\u00fd is expected to take part in both the Friday and Sunday singles.\" to Czech?", "targets": "S jedni\u010dkou t\u00fdmu a sv\u011btovou \u010dty\u0159ic\u00edtkou Ji\u0159\u00edm Vesel\u00fdm po\u010d\u00edt\u00e1 do p\u00e1te\u010dn\u00ed i ned\u011bln\u00ed dvouhry."} {"inputs": "Tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee mu p\u0159esko\u010dilo v opilosti a \u0159ekl, \u017ee chce vid\u011bt obr\u00e1zky zn\u00e1siln\u011bn\u00ed a vra\u017ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "He said he was sick in the head when he was drinking and said he wants to view rape and murder images."} {"inputs": "A nutno \u0159\u00edct, ze argumenty m\u011bla.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "It should be said that she did have a case."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"Dogs may bark - they're trained to do so to deter people and spread a bit of fear, but they certainly didn't attack,\" claims Kov\u00e1cs.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Psi mohou \u0161t\u011bkat - jsou cvi\u010deni k tomu, aby odstra\u0161ovali a trochu nah\u00e1n\u011bli strach, ale s jistotou ne\u00fato\u010dili,\" tvrd\u00ed Kov\u00e1cs."} {"inputs": "How is \"It was, however, retained as a political undertaking.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ale jako politick\u00fd z\u00e1vazek."} {"inputs": "all of this in record tropical temperatures, adds the director.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "A to cel\u00e9 v rekordn\u00edch tropick\u00fdch vedrech, podotkl re\u017eis\u00e9r."} {"inputs": "+ 4 mil.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "+ 4 mil."} {"inputs": "Britten went first completing the challenge on time, making him the first-ever athlete to complete American Ninja Warrior's grueling stage 4, however, Caldiero finished the challenge a full three seconds faster making him the winner.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Britten absolvoval \u0161plh jako prvn\u00ed a to ve stanoven\u00e9m limitu a stal se tak prvn\u00edm sout\u011b\u017e\u00edc\u00edm, kter\u00fd v American Ninja Warrior p\u0159ekonal vysiluj\u00edc\u00ed 4 \u00fasek, nicm\u00e9n\u011b Caldiero jej p\u0159ekonal o pln\u00e9 t\u0159i vte\u0159iny a sout\u011b\u017e vyhr\u00e1l."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Man coaxed from Canning River after soggy police chase\" to Czech?", "targets": "Mu\u017e unikl z Canning River po policejn\u00ed honi\u010dce"} {"inputs": "Ty\u010d\u00edc\u00ed se nad nimi na jednom konci ornamentu centr\u00e1ln\u00ed banky, dvoupatrov\u00e1 zasedac\u00ed m\u00edstnost bude n\u00e1st\u011bnn\u00e1 malba Spojen\u00fdch st\u00e1t\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Looming over them at one end of the central bank's ornate, two-story boardroom will be a mural of the United States."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Dozens of cranes surround Mecca's Grand Mosque, part of the massive construction effort headed by the Binladin Group.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Des\u00edtky je\u0159\u00e1b\u016f obklopuj\u00ed Grand Mosque v Mekce, kter\u00e1 je sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed masivn\u00edho stavebn\u00edho \u00fasil\u00ed v \u010dele s Binladin Group."} {"inputs": "Mlad\u0161\u00ed d\u011bti mohou b\u00fdt p\u0159itahov\u00e1ni atraktivn\u00ed v\u016fn\u00ed prost\u0159edku.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Younger children can be drawn to attractive sanitizer scents."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nJD Sports boss says higher wages could hurt expansion", "targets": "\u0160\u00e9f JD Sports \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed mzdy by mohly ubl\u00ed\u017eit expanzi"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nFor me they are the favourites in this game, but we are playing at home and we want to start the group with a good result.", "targets": "Pro m\u011b je v tomhle z\u00e1pase favoritem, ale my hrajeme doma a chceme skupinu odstartovat dobr\u00fdm v\u00fdsledkem."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Zat\u00edmco nov\u00e1 studie neukazuje zlep\u0161en\u00ed p\u0159e\u017eit\u00ed nebo chirurgie po p\u011bti letech, existuje d\u016fkaz ze studia siln\u011bj\u0161\u00edch lid\u00ed ve \u0160v\u00e9dsku, kde zjistili, \u017ee chirurgie vede k prodlou\u017een\u00ed \u017eivota, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 Blackstone z University of Arizona College nebo Medicine-Phoenix."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"Hello, comrade superintendent, here on your orders,\" I reported, barely inside the superintendent's office.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Dobr\u00fd den, soudruhu n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edku, p\u0159i\u0161el jsem na v\u00e1\u0161 rozkaz,\" omeldoval jsem se, ledva jsem vstoupil do n\u00e1\u010delnik\u00e1rny."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhere did you get that assessment from, comrade?\" he again turned to the vetting officer, who felt as if the situation was starting to turn against him and that very soon he might not be a vetting officer.", "targets": "Odkud jste vzal ten posudek, soudruhu?\" obr\u00e1til se znovu na k\u00e1drov\u00e1ka, kter\u00fd c\u00edtil, \u017ee se to jaksi za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 obracet proti n\u011bmu a \u017ee by velmi brzy snad ani nemusel b\u00fdt k\u00e1drov\u00e1kem."} {"inputs": "V \u010cesk\u00e9 republice jsme u\u017e nav\u00e1zali prvn\u00ed kontakty, kter\u00e9 se po brn\u011bnsk\u00e9m veletrhu ur\u010dit\u011b je\u0161t\u011b roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The vetting officer read the assessment from the civic committee from my place of residence.\" to Czech?", "targets": "K\u00e1drov\u00e1k p\u0159e\u010detl posudek z ob\u010dansk\u00e9ho v\u00fdboru z m\u00edsta bydli\u0161t\u011b."} {"inputs": "Bez ohledu na to, \u017ee byla soukrom\u00e1, p\u0159ijela k pl\u00e1\u017ei najednou velk\u00e1 skupina aut.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt is a bone that did not heal well.", "targets": "Je to r\u00e1na, kter\u00e1 vy\u017eaduje l\u00e9\u010den\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Zat\u00edmco obchod m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt obsazen\u00fd, parkov\u00e1n\u00ed obvykle nen\u00ed t\u011b\u017ek\u00e9 nal\u00e9zt.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "While the store can get busy, parking is usually not hard to find."} {"inputs": "P\u0159edpokl\u00e1d\u00e1m, \u017ee se m\u016fj sta\u0159eck\u00fd sluch nezhor\u0161il najednou tak moc b\u011bhem toho jedin\u00e9ho dne, kdy se hlasatel zast\u00e1vek zm\u011bnil.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In my old age I don't think that my hearing got that much worse in the single day when they changed the announcer."} {"inputs": "Na z\u00e1klad\u011b spot\u0159ebitelsk\u00fdch pr\u016fzkum\u016f \u010desk\u00e9ho trhu zji\u0161\u0165ujeme, \u017ee pouh\u00e1 4% lid\u00ed v \u017eivot\u011b negrilovala.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Based on consumer surveys of the Czech market, only 4% of people have never grilled."} {"inputs": "How is \"However, it also stated that a fee increase would be bearable in terms of employment.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Podle n\u00ed je v\u0161ak zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed poplatk\u016f z hlediska zam\u011bstnanosti \u00fanosn\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe agency would then not be able to organise tours and clients who had bought tours prior to the termination of the contract would, according to the Association, lose their tours.", "targets": "Ta nebude sm\u011bt z\u00e1jezdy po\u0159\u00e1dat a klienti, kte\u0159\u00ed si z\u00e1jezd zakoupili p\u0159ed vypov\u011bzen\u00edm poji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed, tak o n\u011bj podle asociace p\u0159ijdou."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHe made that point in 2010, now he wants everyone to play his style of footy - not every team has two halves like Anthony Milford and Ben Hunt so they can play like that.", "targets": "Tento n\u00e1zor \u0159ekl v roce 2010 a nyn\u00ed chce, aby v\u0161ichni t\u00fdmy hr\u00e1li jeho styl fotbalu - ale ne ka\u017ed\u00fd t\u00fdm m\u00e1 dva z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00edky jako je Anthony Milford a Ben Hunt, tak\u017ee takov\u00fd styl hr\u00e1t nemohou."} {"inputs": "Ale samostatn\u00e1 kampa\u0148 je tak\u00e9 vedena s vyno\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00edm plak\u00e1t\u016f na autobusov\u00fdch zast\u00e1vk\u00e1ch a metrech, kter\u00e9 vy\u017eaduj\u00ed druh\u00fd pohled.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "But a separate campaign is also leading to many posters cropping up at bus stops and on tube trains that require a second glance."} {"inputs": "Lamb za\u010dal pracovat na univerzit\u011b, kter\u00e1 m\u00e1 3500 student\u016f ve m\u011bst\u011b, kter\u00e9 \u010d\u00edt\u00e1 asi 12000 obyvatel, v roce 2009 a u\u010dil zem\u011bpis a hodiny vzd\u011bl\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Lamb started working at the university, which has 3,500 students in a city of about 12,000, in 2009 and taught geography and education classes."} {"inputs": "B\u011bhem vol\u00e1n\u00ed na nouzovou linku se t\u0159esouc\u00edm hlasem profesor Shannon Lamb p\u0159iznal policii, \u017ee zast\u0159elil svou p\u0159\u00edtelkyni a je nutn\u00e9, aby p\u0159ijeli k nim dom\u016f.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In a 911 call, his voice only slightly shaky, college professor Shannon Lamb told police he had shot his girlfriend and officers needed to get over to their house."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHe said: \"E-cigarettes are significantly less harmful than smoking.\"", "targets": "\u0158ekl: \"Elektronick\u00e9 cigarety jsou podstatn\u011b m\u00e9n\u011b \u0161kodliv\u00e9 ne\u017e kou\u0159en\u00ed.\""} {"inputs": "The X Factor od Seven si ponechal siln\u00fdch 1,136 milion\u016f div\u00e1k\u016f, \u010d\u00edm\u017e hladce porazil The Block (838 000) a TBL Families (726 000)\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Seven's The X Factor stayed strong with 1.136 million viewers, easily beating The Block (838,000) and TBL Families (726,000)."} {"inputs": "Na za\u010d\u00e1tku srpna to bylo 52 procent.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In early August, it was 52 percent."} {"inputs": "Amy a Rogelio Solis podali zpr\u00e1vu v Clevelandu, Mississippi.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Amy and Rogelio Solis reported from Cleveland, Mississippi."} {"inputs": "How is \"Before he could be apprehended, Lamb killed himself with a single .38-caliber pistol in the backyard of a home about a mile south of his parents' home on the outskirts of Greenville, Mississippi, said Washington County Coroner Methel Johnson.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159edt\u00edm, ne\u017e mohl b\u00fdt zat\u010den, Lamb se zabil jedin\u00fdmv\u00fdst\u0159elem z pistole na dvo\u0159e domu asi m\u00edli od sv\u00fdch rodi\u010d\u016f na p\u0159edm\u011bst\u00ed Greenville v Mississippi, potvrdil koroner st\u00e1tu Washington, Methel Johnson."} {"inputs": "A tendering process is now underway in Vset\u00edn for a supplier for a new pavilion for internal medicine worth nearly 300 million crowns.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ve Vset\u00edn\u011b te\u010f vyb\u00edraj\u00ed dodavatele nov\u00e9ho intern\u00edho pavilonu za t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 300 milion\u016f korun."} {"inputs": "How is \"Some extra virgin oils are suitable for the prevention of cardiovascular disease\" said in Czech?", "targets": "N\u011bkter\u00e9 extra panensk\u00e9 oleje jsou vhodn\u00e9 pro prevenci kardiovaskul\u00e1rn\u00edch chorob."} {"inputs": "M\u00e1me po\u0159\u00e1d n\u011bkolik set voln\u00fdch m\u00edst v kamenn\u00fdch deten\u010dn\u00edch za\u0159\u00edzen\u00edch.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Moody \u010delil t\u0159\u00edm\u011bs\u00ed\u010dn\u00ed diskvalifikaci za l\u00e9\u010dbu obklady v den z\u00e1vodu, ke kter\u00e9mu po\u0159adatel\u00e9 ji\u017e otev\u0159eli \u0161et\u0159en\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Vesel\u00fd to nejsp\u00ed\u0161e nebude."} {"inputs": "Vyb\u00edz\u00ed to dal\u0161\u00ed migra\u010dn\u00ed vlnu, kter\u00e1 sm\u011b\u0159uje do N\u011bmecka, proto\u017ee k n\u00e1m prost\u011b necht\u011bj\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "It encourages a further wave of immigration towards Germany, because they don't want to come to the Czech Republic."} {"inputs": "Takov\u00e9 centrum by m\u011blo b\u00fdt z\u0159\u00edzeno centr\u00e1ln\u011b a m\u011blo by b\u00fdt integr\u00e1ln\u00ed sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed anesteziologicko-resuscita\u010dn\u00edho odd\u011blen\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Such a centre would be centrally managed and should form an integral part of the Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation department."} {"inputs": "Bl\u00edzk\u00fd p\u0159\u00edtel evropsk\u00e9ho diplomata ned\u00e1vno vysv\u011btloval, jak se Evropa ut\u00e1p\u00ed v r\u016fzn\u00fdch kriz\u00edch - z nich\u017e ne v\u0161echny jsou jejich vinou - n\u011bkter\u00e9 \u010dlensk\u00e9 st\u00e1ty u\u017e maj\u00ed dost britsk\u00e9 egocentrick\u00e9 agendy, d\u011bl\u00edc\u00edch konces\u00ed a ru\u0161iv\u00fdch zm\u011bn smlouvy, kter\u00e9 v\u011bt\u0161inou necht\u011bli.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Clintonov\u00e1 m\u00e1 ale st\u00e1le velk\u00e9 veden\u00ed d\u00edky star\u0161\u00edm voli\u010d\u016fm."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The building was designed by Zden\u011bk Fr\u00e1nek, who changed the project several times.\" to Czech?", "targets": "D\u016fm navrhl architekt Zden\u011bk Fr\u00e1nek, projekt se n\u011bkolikr\u00e1t m\u011bnil."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nov\u00e9 s\u00eddlo by m\u011bla m\u00edt Kofola v Ostrav\u011b."} {"inputs": "Asi tak t\u0159icet mu\u017e\u016f a p\u011bt \u017een.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "About thirty men and five women."} {"inputs": "Rozhodnut\u00ed opomenout Adama Lytha je pro m\u011b tvrd\u00fd o\u0159\u00ed\u0161ek k anal\u00fdze, proto\u017ee jeho hlavn\u00ed tren\u00e9r je v Yorkshiru.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The decision to omit Adam Lyth is obviously a tough one for me to analyse as his head coach at Yorkshire."} {"inputs": "\u0160patn\u011b kondenzovan\u00e9 kousky mouky, cukru a tuhu pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b zaru\u0161\u00ed, \u017ee budou ostatn\u00ed p\u0159edst\u00edrat sp\u00e1nek, kdy\u017e se pokus\u00edte klepat jim na dve\u0159e.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Poorly-fused lumps of flour, sugar and fat are more likely to make people pretend to be asleep when you knock."} {"inputs": "Tak\u017ee u\u017e mi bylo jasn\u00e9, co pa\u0161ovali.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Then it was clear to me what they were smuggling."} {"inputs": "Autobus m\u011bl zpo\u017ed\u011bn\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The bus was delayed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe meeting was also attended by the tobacco lead at PHE.", "targets": "Setk\u00e1n\u00ed v PHE se z\u00fa\u010dastnilo tak\u00e9 tab\u00e1kov\u00e9 veden\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Cyklista byl letecky transportov\u00e1n do Royal Melbourne Hospital s v\u00e1\u017en\u00fdmi zran\u011bn\u00edmi pot\u00e9, co byl zasa\u017een aute na hlavn\u00ed silnici Murray Valley v sobotu r\u00e1no."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"Everything that was due has been paid,\" declared Ml\u00e1dkov\u00e1, adding that the only unpaid liabilities were that were not yet due, or disputed.", "targets": "\"V\u0161e, co bylo po splatnosti, je uhrazeno,\" prohl\u00e1sila Ml\u00e1dkov\u00e1 a dodala, \u017ee neuhrazeny jsou jen nesplatn\u00e9 nebo rozporovan\u00e9 z\u00e1vazky."} {"inputs": "Prvn\u00ed p\u0159iveze absolventka p\u00edseck\u00e9 filmov\u00e9 \u0161koly a dr\u017eitelka presti\u017en\u00edch ocen\u011bn\u00ed, mezi nimi\u017e nechyb\u00ed ani to z World Press Photo 2014, Jana A\u0161enbrennerov\u00e1.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The first will feature Jana A\u0161enbrennerov\u00e1, a graduate of the P\u00edsek film school and winner of prestigious awards, including World Press Photo 2014."} {"inputs": "Tunel Blanka se b\u011bhem stavby propadl t\u0159ikr\u00e1t.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Three ground collapses occurred during the construction of the Blanka tunnel."} {"inputs": "Putov\u00e1n\u00ed ute\u010denc\u016f - \u010cT d\u016fsledn\u011b pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 v\u00fdrazy b\u011b\u017eenec \u010di ute\u010denec a ne migrant.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"I cannot do that.\" to Czech?", "targets": "To j\u00e1 ud\u011blat nemohu."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jeremy Corbyn bude debutovat na Prime Minister's Questions"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "M\u016f\u017eu zaru\u010dit, \u017ee jsme za posledn\u00ed rok nezm\u011bnili nic z na\u0161eho defenzivn\u00edho syst\u00e9mu a technik, posledn\u00edch t\u00fddn\u016f jsme pouze kladli d\u016fraz na kontakt b\u011bhem z\u00e1krok\u016f, a to pro n\u00e1s znamenalo obrat."} {"inputs": "No, podle posudku z p\u0159edchoz\u00edho zam\u011bstn\u00e1n\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Well, according to the assessment from his previous employment."} {"inputs": "How is \"Germany and its politicians - nowadays publically recognised as the main force in Europe - lie, lie and lie - and not just them, as well as EU heads of state and television, including ours.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "N\u011bmecko a jeho politici - dnes u\u017e ve\u0159ejn\u011b uzn\u00e1van\u00e1 hlavn\u00ed s\u00edla v Evrop\u011b - l\u017eou, l\u017eou a l\u017eou - ale nejen oni, tak\u00e9 \u0161pi\u010dky EU a televize, v\u010detn\u011b t\u00e9 na\u0161\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Str\u00e1\u017en\u00edk Canning Vale z\u016fstal such\u00e1 pot\u00e9, co vyprostil mu\u017ee z Canning River."} {"inputs": "V\u00edce ne\u017e p\u011bt m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f p\u0159ed zah\u00e1jen\u00edm hlavn\u00edch sout\u011b\u017e\u00ed, nejdemokrati\u010dt\u011bj\u0161\u00ed voli\u010di tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee je p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 brzy na to \u0159\u00edci, \u017ee jsou jasn\u011b rozhodnut\u00ed, kter\u00e9ho kandid\u00e1ta budou podporovat.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "More than five months before the start of the primary contests, most Democratic voters say it is too early to say that their minds are made up about which candidate they will support."} {"inputs": "Hladiny frustrace tren\u00e9ra se zv\u00fd\u0161ili s dlouhodob\u00fdm vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00edm kv\u016fli kobaltu v\u010detn\u011b Lidari a ned\u00e1vn\u00e9 po\u0161kr\u00e1b\u00e1n\u00ed v n\u011bm vzbudilo pocit, \u017ee by \"mohl hodin svoji licenci na st\u016fl.\"\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The trainer's frustration levels have built with the long-running cobalt inquiry involving Lidari and the late scratching had him saying that he could \"throw my licence across the table.\""} {"inputs": "However, anyone who has spent just a few days in Germany knows that this is a massive lie.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ov\u0161em kdo byl jen p\u00e1r dn\u00ed v N\u011bmecku, v\u00ed, \u017ee je to le\u017e jako v\u011b\u017e."} {"inputs": "Hlavn\u00ed tren\u00e9r Anglie, Trevor Bayliss, chv\u00e1lil jeho postoj, i kdy\u017e jeho v\u00fdkony nebyly \u00fapln\u011b stoprocentn\u00ed, a to mn\u011b nep\u0159ekvapuje; byl to v\u017edycky t\u00fdmov\u00fd hr\u00e1\u010d.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The England head coach, Trevor Bayliss, praised his attitude even when he was not performing as well as he can and that does not surprise me; he is a team man above all else."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nMl\u00e1dkov\u00e1 told the judge that \"We have the requisite funds on a bank account, which we can demonstrate through the submission of an account statement.\"", "targets": "\"Pot\u0159ebn\u00e9 prost\u0159edky m\u00e1me na bankovn\u00edm \u00fa\u010dtu, co\u017e m\u016f\u017eeme dolo\u017eit v\u00fdpisem z \u00fa\u010dtu,\" sd\u011blila soudkyni advok\u00e1tka Ml\u00e1dkov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "O co vlastn\u011b jde?\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "What's it all about?"} {"inputs": "Knowlesov\u00e1 \u0159ekla, \u017ee Prentissov\u00e1, kter\u00e1 m\u011bla loveck\u00e9ho psa jm\u00e9nem Blesk, chodila s Lambem asi t\u0159i roky.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Knowles said Prentiss, who had a hound dog named Lightning, had been dating Lamb for about three years."} {"inputs": "Podobn\u011b jako knihy a \u010dern\u00e9 \u017eivoty, alba jsou st\u00e1le d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e1.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Zd\u00e1 se, zvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b pod dojmem posledn\u00edch v\u00fdrok\u016f n\u011bmeck\u00fdch politik\u016f, \u017ee N\u011bmecko p\u0159ekro\u010dilo Rubikon."} {"inputs": "Translate \"I've told him he can remove me from his list of witnesses at any time.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u0158ekl jsem mu, \u017ee m\u011b m\u016f\u017ee kdykoliv odstranit ze seznamu sv\u011bdk\u016f."} {"inputs": "T\u011bchto poct si velice v\u00e1\u017e\u00edme, nebo\u0165 potvrzuj\u00ed v\u00fdjime\u010dnost produktu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jeffrey Lacker, prezident Feder\u00e1ln\u00ed rezervn\u00ed banky v Richmondu, Va., poznamenal tento m\u011bs\u00edc, \u017ee \"Fed m\u00e1 historii p\u0159ehnan\u00fdch s pohyb\u016f na finan\u010dn\u00edch trz\u00edch, kter\u00e9 se zdaj\u00ed nesouvisl\u00e9 s ekonomick\u00fdmi fundamenty.\""} {"inputs": "Ale je nepravd\u011bpodobn\u00e9, \u017ee by kupn\u00ed s\u00edla p\u0159ev\u00e1\u017eila vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed mzdov\u00e9 n\u00e1klady v jeho firm\u011b, uv\u00e1d\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "But that spending power is unlikely to outweigh the higher labour costs at his firm, he says."} {"inputs": "Translate \"It is important for patients and those around them to not believe various myths, for example that the disease will automatically lead to them being confined to a wheelchair.\" to Czech?", "targets": "D\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9 je, aby pacienti a jejich okol\u00ed nepodl\u00e9hali r\u016fzn\u00fdm m\u00fdt\u016fm, nap\u0159\u00edklad \u017ee nemoc je automaticky vede k tomu, \u017ee skon\u010d\u00ed na voz\u00edku."} {"inputs": "Pouh\u00fd n\u00e1znak tehdej\u0161\u00edho p\u0159edsedy Bena S. Bernankeho v roce 2013, \u017ee by Fed mohl \"zu\u017eovat\" jejich monet\u00e1rn\u00ed expanze na trhu, spustil k\u0159e\u010de po cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The mere hint by then-Chairman Ben S. Bernanke in 2013 that the Fed might \"taper\" its monetary expansion triggered market convulsions around the globe."} {"inputs": "Bajgar cht\u011bl komedi\u00e1ln\u00ed formou zachytit ur\u010dit\u00fd typ vztahu, ve kter\u00e9m se jeden z partner\u016f nec\u00edt\u00ed \u00fapln\u011b svobodn\u011b.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Za\u010d\u00e1tkem tohoto roku argumentoval regul\u00e1tor BBC Radia 3 Alan Davey t\u00edm, \u017ee je nyn\u00ed nutn\u00e9 pracovat tvrd\u011bji k zapojen\u00ed publika ne\u017e d\u0159\u00edve, proto\u017ee jsou Britov\u00e9 m\u00e9n\u011b vzd\u011blan\u00ed co se t\u00fd\u010de klasick\u00e9 hudby.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Earlier this year, BBC Radio 3 controller Alan Davey argued that it has to work harder to engage audiences than it did in the past, because Britons are less educated about classical music."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nShould that make me think it's becoming personal?", "targets": "M\u011bl bych si myslet, \u017ee se to st\u00e1v\u00e1 osobn\u00ed z\u00e1le\u017eitost\u00ed?"} {"inputs": "V pond\u011bl\u00ed ve\u010der m\u011bla prvn\u00ed p\u016flhodina The Chase Australia v pr\u016fm\u011bru 520 000 div\u00e1k\u016f a druh\u00e1 polovina neuv\u011b\u0159iteln\u00fdch 720 000.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "On Monday night, the first half-hour of The Chase Australia averaged 520,000 viewers and the second half-hour a whopping 720,000."} {"inputs": "Translate \"This is not, however, the reality.\" to Czech?", "targets": "To ale nen\u00ed realita."} {"inputs": "Moody \u0159ekl Fairfax Media, \u017ee se v\u017edycky sna\u017eil ud\u011blat to, co je nejlep\u0161\u00ed pro z\u00e1vod\u011bn\u00ed a ocitl se v obt\u00ed\u017en\u00e9 situaci, pokud jde o Lidarin pozitivn\u00ed v\u00fdt\u011br na kobalt, kter\u00fd nedok\u00e1\u017ee vysv\u011btlit.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Bodies of 29 of the dead carried through the streets by Muslims as the first funerals take place in Mecca\" said in Czech?", "targets": "T\u011bla 29 mrtv\u00fdch byla p\u0159enesena ulicemi muslimy p\u0159i v\u00fdkonu prvn\u00edho poh\u0159bu v Mekce"} {"inputs": "\"A rozhodn\u011b chceme, i kdy\u017e to bude velmi n\u00e1ro\u010dn\u00e9, aby se hr\u00e1lo podle na\u0161ich not,\" dodal kou\u010d.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"And we definitely want the game to be played on our terms, even though it'll be very demanding,\" he added."} {"inputs": "How is \"It is the group's largest branch abroad by number of employees.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Podle po\u010dtu zam\u011bstnanc\u016f je nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed zahrani\u010dn\u00ed pobo\u010dkou skupiny."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Czech Television objectivity test on level of informedness about the migrant crisis\" to Czech?", "targets": "Test objektivity \u010cesk\u00e9 televize v informov\u00e1n\u00ed o migrantsk\u00e9 krizi."} {"inputs": "Nikdo z postav nebyl definov\u00e1n svoj\u00ed prac\u00ed, ale jejich osobnostmi, kter\u00e9 z\u00e1\u0159ily prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm p\u0159\u00e1telsk\u00e9 interakce.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Each of the characters were not defined by their work, but rather their personalities, which shone through the interaction as friends."} {"inputs": "Z\u00edskat certifik\u00e1ty, \u017ee v\u00fdrobn\u00ed procesy odpov\u00eddaj\u00ed po\u017eadavk\u016fm z\u00e1kazn\u00edk\u016f, a v opakovan\u00fdch kontrol\u00e1ch si je udr\u017eet stoj\u00ed podle Dubsk\u00e9ho miliony korun.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Rezoluce EP odsuzuje \"nev\u00eddan\u00e9 represe proti ob\u010dansk\u00e9 spole\u010dnosti v \u00c1zerb\u00e1jd\u017e\u00e1nu\".\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The European Parliament resolution condemns the \"unprecedented repression against civil society in Azerbaijan\"."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt was not immediately clear why rubber bullets, which are known to kill but are traditionally used as a less-lethal alternative, apparently produced such a high death toll.", "targets": "Nebylo okam\u017eit\u011b jasn\u00e9, pro\u010d gumov\u00e9 projektily, kter\u00e9 jsou zn\u00e1m\u00e9 pro svoji schopnost zab\u00edjet, ale jsou tradi\u010dn\u011b pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1ny jako m\u00e9n\u011b smrt\u00edc\u00ed alternativa, zjevn\u011b zp\u016fsobily vysok\u00fd po\u010det \u00famrt\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Dlouh\u00e9 t\u00fddny bl\u00e1bolili ve zpr\u00e1v\u00e1ch na \u010cesk\u00e9 televizi, jak pr\u00fd jsou podle n\u011bjak\u00e9ho v\u00fdzkumu N\u011bmci skoro v\u0161ichni pro p\u0159\u00edchod emigrant\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "For weeks on a lot of nonsense was spoken on Czech Television about how, according to some survey or other, almost all Germans were in favour of welcoming emigrants."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe market has rebounded somewhat this month, with the Dow now down nearly 10% from the May high.", "targets": "Trh pon\u011bkud se odrazil v tomto m\u011bs\u00edci a Dow te\u010f ztr\u00e1c\u00ed pouze t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 10% z kv\u011btnov\u00e9ho maxima."} {"inputs": "Mnoho lid\u00ed ut\u00edk\u00e1 i z v\u00e1lkou zm\u00edtan\u00e9ho Afgh\u00e1nist\u00e1nu, Jemenu, Ir\u00e1ku a Libye.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI was ready to cry, but I controlled myself.", "targets": "Bylo mi do breku, ale ovl\u00e1dl jsem se."} {"inputs": "I tento fakt ukazuje, \u017ee po chud\u00fdch letech si nemocnice kone\u010dn\u011b mohou dovolit v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed investice.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "This fact, too, shows that after some lean years, hospitals can now finally afford larger investments."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nDuring the next ten to fifteen years up half a billion crowns are to be spent on repairs, new instruments and reconstruction.", "targets": "B\u011bhem deseti a\u017e patn\u00e1cti let p\u016fjde do oprav, nov\u00fdch p\u0159\u00edstroj\u016f a rekonstrukc\u00ed a\u017e p\u016fl miliardy korun."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"We have been preparing this project for seventeen years, we observe all laws of the Czech Republic and respect all authorities and institutions concerned,\" said Razetto in a press release.", "targets": "\"Tento projekt p\u0159ipravujeme ji\u017e sedmn\u00e1ct let, dodr\u017eujeme ve\u0161ker\u00e9 z\u00e1kony \u010cesk\u00e9 republiky a respektujeme v\u0161echny dot\u010den\u00e9 \u00fa\u0159ady a instituce,\" uvedl Razetto v tiskov\u00e9 zpr\u00e1v\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He considers Braga a top team.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Bragu pova\u017euje za top t\u00fdm."} {"inputs": "How is \"Its order book contains orders worth 2.6 billion EUR, corresponding to four years' worth of production.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V zak\u00e1zkov\u00e9 knize m\u00e1 objedn\u00e1vky za 2,6 miliardy eur, co\u017e odpov\u00edd\u00e1 \u010dty\u0159let\u00e9 produkci."} {"inputs": "Mnoho pacient\u016f pot\u0159ebuje i p\u00e9\u010di psychologa \u010di psychiatra.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Nicola Rizzoli, the referee, did not penalise the Mexican.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Rozhod\u010d\u00ed Nicola Rizzoli Mexi\u010dana nepotrestala."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe limit will remain at 30 percent of planned takings from the sale of tours.", "targets": "Hranice z\u016fstane na 30 procentech pl\u00e1novan\u00fdch tr\u017eeb z prodeje z\u00e1jezd\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"These include linseed, hemp and rapeseed oil, which shouldn't be heated at all.\" to Czech?", "targets": "T\u00fdk\u00e1 se to zejm\u00e9na ln\u011bn\u00e9ho, konopn\u00e9ho a \u0159epkov\u00e9ho oleje, kter\u00e9 by se nem\u011bly v\u016fbec zah\u0159\u00edvat."} {"inputs": "\"M\u00e1me dobr\u00e9 smlouvy s poji\u0161\u0165ovnami, v\u00fdbornou v\u00fdkonnost, navy\u0161ujeme p\u0159\u00edjmy a efektivn\u011b \u0159\u00edd\u00edme n\u00e1klady v cel\u00e9 nemocnici,\" vyjmenoval Vlastimil Vajd\u00e1k, kter\u00fd m\u00e1 ekonomiku na starosti.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"We have good contracts with insurance companies, excellent output, we're increasing income and effectively manage costs throughout the whole hospital,\" said Vlastimil Vajd\u00e1k, who is in charge of the hospital's finances."} {"inputs": "Nane\u0161t\u011bst\u00ed se tak\u00e9 potvrdilo, \u017ee nezdrav\u00e9 diety negativn\u011b ovliv\u0148ovaly d\u011btsk\u00fd imunitn\u00ed syst\u00e9m.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Unfortunately, unhealthy diets were found to negatively affect the child's immune system."} {"inputs": "Nepochodil ani Vojt\u011bch Filip (KS\u010cM) s n\u00e1vrhem vr\u00e1tit p\u0159edlohu do v\u00fdboru kv\u016fli \u00fadajn\u00e9mu rozporu s ob\u010dansk\u00fdm z\u00e1kon\u00edkem.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThat's why officials at the U.S. central bank have stressed so vigorously that investors should not be focused on when it starts raising rates but rather the trajectory of how long it will take to normalize.", "targets": "To je d\u016fvod, pro\u010d \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edci americk\u00e9 centr\u00e1ln\u00ed banky zd\u016fraznily tak siln\u011b, \u017ee by investo\u0159i nem\u011bli b\u00fdt zam\u011b\u0159eni na to, kdy za\u010dne zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed sazeb, ale sp\u00ed\u0161e trajektorie, jak dlouho bude trvat normalizace."} {"inputs": "Building work will start next year.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Stavebn\u00edci p\u0159ijdou do nemocnic u\u017e p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00ed rok."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"In addition to the strength in the dollar and the drop in inflation expectations, there are several signs that the market has adjusted to the prospect of tighter monetary policy,\" she wrote.", "targets": "\"Krom\u011b s\u00edly dolaru a poklesu infla\u010dn\u00edch o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed existuje n\u011bkolik zn\u00e1mek toho, \u017ee se trh p\u0159izp\u016fsobil vyhl\u00eddk\u00e1m p\u0159\u00edsn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed m\u011bnov\u00e9 politiky,\" napsala."} {"inputs": "The Dear White People producer pushed for finalists Leo Angelos and Kristen Brancaccio for the rights to direct the film; Damon retorted their directing could \"end up giving us something we don't want.\"\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Producent Drah\u00fdch B\u00edl\u00fdch Lid\u00ed prosazoval finalisty Angelos a Kristen Brancaccio za pr\u00e1va re\u017e\u00edrovat film; Damon odsekl, \u017ee jejich re\u017eie \"by n\u00e1m nakonec mohla d\u00e1t n\u011bco, co nechceme.\""} {"inputs": "Tv\u016fj pokoj by m\u011bl b\u00fdt \u00fato\u010di\u0161t\u011bm, p\u0159esto se spousta kolej\u00ed m\u011bn\u00ed na mimopokojovou proch\u00e1zkovou kulturu, kter\u00e1 je p\u0159\u00e1telsk\u00e1, spole\u010densk\u00e1 a p\u0159isp\u00edv\u00e1 k celo\u017eivotn\u00edm p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00edm.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Your room should be a retreat, yet many halls form an inter-room-strolling culture that's friendly, social and conducive to lifelong friendships."} {"inputs": "Jeho \u00fasil\u00ed bylo marn\u00e9, ale inspiroval t\u00edm m\u00edstn\u00ed, aby za\u010dali pl\u00e1novat biatlon Bena Cousinse.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "His efforts were unsuccessful, but did inspire locals to begin planning a tongue-in-cheek Ben Cousins biathlon."} {"inputs": "Ale McDonnellovo a Corbynovo z\u00e1kladn\u00ed vykrucov\u00e1n\u00ed ohledn\u011b \u010dlenstv\u00ed v EU - v souladu s jejich Bennite obl\u00e9haj\u00edc\u00ed ekonomikou, anti-kapitalistickou minulost\u00ed - ji\u017e nen\u00ed jen ot\u00e1zkou esoterick\u00e9 diskuze mezi levicov\u00fdmi disidenty, pro kter\u00e9 je narcismus mal\u00fdch rozd\u00edl\u016f centr\u00e1ln\u00ed podstata dogmatick\u00e9ho ha\u0161te\u0159en\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "But McDonnell and Corbyn's basic equivocation about EU membership - consistent with their Bennite siege economy, anti-capitalist past - is no longer just a matter of esoteric discussion among leftwing dissidents for whom the narcissism of small difference is a central tenet of doctrinal squabbles."} {"inputs": "How is \"Firms with strong balance sheets outpaced weak balance sheet companies following each of the 1994, 1999, and 2004 rate hikes, by an average of 5 percentage points.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Firmy se siln\u00fdmi bilancemi p\u0159edstihly slab\u00e9 rozvahov\u00e9 spole\u010dnosti v ka\u017ed\u00e9m zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed \u00farokov\u00fdch sazeb v letech 1994, 1999, 2004 v pr\u016fm\u011bru o 5 procentn\u00edch bod\u016f."} {"inputs": "Chalasani se ale nechal sly\u0161et, \u017ee sonogenetika by mohla m\u00edt oproti t\u00e9to technice mnoho v\u00fdhod.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "But Chalasani said that sonogenetics could have some advantages over that technique."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhen we thought it was all over, we were surprised by a large number of small spiders dangling in various places around her.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e jsme si mysleli, \u017ee u\u017e to m\u00e1 za sebou, p\u0159ekvapilo n\u00e1s mno\u017estv\u00ed mal\u00fdch pavou\u010dk\u016f, vis\u00edc\u00edch por\u016fznu v jej\u00edm okol\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Prof Kevin Fenton, director of health and wellbeing at PHE, said the claims in the BMJ had been responded to before.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Profesor Kevin Fenton, \u0159editel zdrav\u00ed a blahobytu v PHE, uvedl, \u017ee tvrzen\u00ed v BMJ u\u017e bylo zodpov\u011bzeno d\u0159\u00edve."} {"inputs": "I know Fatai well - he played with my brother Lucian for Astra in Romania.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dob\u0159e zn\u00e1m Fataie, kter\u00fd hr\u00e1l v rumunsk\u00e9 Ast\u0159e s m\u00fdm bratrem Lucianem."} {"inputs": "Na hlavn\u00edm hrani\u010dn\u00edm p\u0159echodu u Roszke vznikl chaos, proto\u017ee Ma\u010fa\u0159i otev\u0159eli mali\u010dkou kancel\u00e1\u0159 v kovov\u00e9m kontejneru pro zpracov\u00e1n\u00ed a vznikala tla\u010denice lid\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Chaos enveloped the main border crossing near Roszke, Hungary, as the Hungarians opened a tiny office in a metal container to process people and crowds pressed to squeeze inside."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Konopn\u00fd olej obsahuje nejv\u00edc zdrav\u00fdch kyselin."} {"inputs": "\u0160\u00e9f OSN op\u011bt nal\u00e9hav\u011b vyzval v\u0161echny strany, v\u010detn\u011b rozd\u011blen\u00e9 Rady bezpe\u010dnosti OSN, k sjednocen\u00ed a podpo\u0159e inkluzivn\u00edho jedn\u00e1n\u00ed o nalezen\u00ed politick\u00e9ho \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The U.N. chief again urged all parties, including the divided U.N. Security Council, to unite and support inclusive negotiations to find a political solution."} {"inputs": "How is \"PHE published the \"landmark\" report last month, describing it as a \"comprehensive review of the evidence.\"\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Agentura PHE zve\u0159ejnila \"mezn\u00edkovou\" zpr\u00e1vu minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc a popisovali ji jako \"komplexn\u00ed p\u0159ezkum d\u016fkaz\u016f.\""} {"inputs": "I've seen them together and they do have that chemistry there.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Vid\u011bla jsem je spolu a je mezi nimi ta spr\u00e1vn\u00e1 chemie."} {"inputs": "Meteorologick\u00e1 slu\u017eba dnes nevarovala v oblasti p\u0159ed nep\u0159\u00edzn\u00ed po\u010das\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Mezi pacienty s operac\u00ed byl diabetes vy\u0159e\u0161en kompletn\u011b v 36 procentech a \u010d\u00e1ste\u010dn\u011b v 28 p\u0159\u00edpadech.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Among those who had surgery, diabetes resolved completely in 36 percent and partially in 28 percent."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nNothing in the culture allows you to say, \"I like you and I want our friendship to continue, but I need you to go away so I can get back the energy I've expended on interacting with you.\"", "targets": "\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e1 kultura ti nedovoluje \u0159\u00edct, \"M\u00e1m t\u011b r\u00e1d a chci, aby na\u0161e p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00ed pokra\u010dovalo, ale pot\u0159ebuji abys ode\u0161el, abych se mohl vr\u00e1tit k energii, kterou jsem vypot\u0159eboval na rozhovor s tebou.\""} {"inputs": "How is \"The benefits of weight loss surgery for mildly obese people with type 2 diabetes can last at least five years, according to a new study.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V\u00fdhody hubnut\u00ed chirurgie pro m\u00edrn\u011b ob\u00e9zn\u00ed lidi s diabetem typu 2 m\u016f\u017eou trvat nejm\u00e9n\u011b p\u011bt let, podle nov\u00e9 studie."} {"inputs": "V\u0161echny t\u0159i \u017eeny lyricky op\u011bvovali, pro\u010d je Wood perfektn\u00edm mu\u017eem, citovali jeho smysl pro humor, ambice, rodinn\u00e9 hodnoty a pozitivitu jako d\u016fvody, pro\u010d by cht\u011bli b\u00fdt jeho partnerkou.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "All three women waxed lyrical over why Wood is the perfect man, citing his sense of humour, ambition, family values and positivity as reasons they would each love to be his partner."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThey finally became a couple around V\u00edtek's second birthday, and V\u00edtek now sees Va\u0161ek as his father, and calls him this, too.", "targets": "Definitivn\u011b se dali dohromady kolem V\u00edtkov\u00fdch druh\u00fdch narozenin a ten nyn\u00ed ch\u00e1pe Va\u0161ka jako sv\u00e9ho t\u00e1tu a tak\u00e9 ho tak oslovuje."} {"inputs": "However, in the region there are options for expanding the care offered.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V kraji jsou ale i mo\u017enosti roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159en\u00ed p\u00e9\u010de."} {"inputs": "V\u011b\u0159\u00ed, \u017ee Liberec dok\u00e1\u017ee i Braze vnutit sv\u016fj styl.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He believes that Liberec will be able to impose its playing style on Braga, too."} {"inputs": "Z\u00e1konod\u00e1rci tento t\u00fdden v Kathmandu hlasovali o ustanoven\u00ed n\u00e1vrhu \u00fastavy a \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edci uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee by nov\u00e1 charta m\u011bla b\u00fdt p\u0159ijata do ned\u011ble.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Lawmakers have been voting on clauses in the draft constitution in Kathmandu this week, and officials have said that the new charter could be enacted by Sunday."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Byl odchycen do sklenice a vyk\u00e1z\u00e1n p\u0159es balk\u00f3n n\u011bkam do zahrady."} {"inputs": "How is \"I saw Monika in Evita three times and she was definitely an inspiration to me.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Mon\u010du jsem vid\u011bla v Evit\u011b t\u0159ikr\u00e1t a rozhodn\u011b to pro m\u011b bylo inspirativn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Prvn\u00ed t\u0159i m\u011bs\u00edce roku 2015 zaznamenali 7% n\u00e1r\u016fst online prodej\u016f\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "First three months of 2015 saw seven per cent increase in online sales"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBrazil's Pediatric Society of Rio Grande Promotes Healthy Breastfeeding Diets", "targets": "Brazilsk\u00e1 pediatrick\u00e1 spole\u010dnost Rio Grande propaguje zdravou dietu p\u0159i kojen\u00ed"} {"inputs": "\"V na\u0161\u00ed studii od roku 1950 byly v\u0161echny zvy\u0161ovac\u00ed cykly doposud v super cyklu zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed p\u00e1kov\u00e9ho efektu s HDP zakr\u00fdvaj\u00edc\u00edm vrcholy po\u010d\u00e1tku recese velmi rychle po po\u010d\u00ednaj\u00edc\u00edm zotaven\u00ed,\" p\u00ed\u0161e se ve zpr\u00e1v\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"In our study since 1950, all hiking cycles to date have been in a super cycle of increasing leverage with GDP eclipsing prerecession peaks very quickly post the recovery commencing,\" the report said."} {"inputs": "No a n\u011bjak n\u00e1m v posledn\u00ed dob\u011b zmizely z televize obr\u00e1zky lod\u00ed m\u00ed\u0159\u00edc\u00edch na Lampedusu, ute\u010denc\u016f p\u0159ed francouzskou hranic\u00ed u Mentonu, u jej\u00ed\u017e kr\u00e1sn\u00e9 promen\u00e1dy poleh\u00e1vaj\u00ed tis\u00edce mlad\u00fdch mu\u017e\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The news recently has been somewhat lacking in footage of boats going towards Lampedusa, refugees at the French border by Menton, on whose beautiful you'll see thousands of young men lounging around."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBut then the first medium-sized ones appeared and soon it was swarming with them.", "targets": "Pak se ale objevily prvn\u00ed kousky st\u0159edn\u00ed velikosti, a u\u017e se zase hem\u017eily."} {"inputs": "Matka a nevlastn\u00ed otec Maksimovice spole\u010dn\u011b nab\u00eddli kauci 200 000 USD za jeho propu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Maksimovic's mother and stepfather had jointly offered a surety of $200,000 to secure his release."} {"inputs": "Hl\u00edstice obvykle na ultrazvuk nereaguj\u00ed, ale Chalasani zjistil, \u017ee reakce se dostav\u00ed, kdy\u017e je um\u00edst\u00ed do tekutiny obsahuj\u00edc\u00ed mikroskopick\u00e9 bubliny.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Vyhr\u00e1la v\u00fdb\u011brov\u00e9 \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed na dodavatele nouzov\u00fdch dve\u0159\u00ed pro model A321."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"All wins are fun, no matter how it happens,\" Tigers manager Brad Ausmus said.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u201eVyhr\u00e1vat je v\u017edy z\u00e1bava a nez\u00e1le\u017e\u00ed na to, jak\u00fdm zp\u016fsobem,\u201c \u0159ekl mana\u017eer Tygr\u016f Brad Ausmus."} {"inputs": "Poplatky dost\u00e1vaj\u00ed pouze obce, jejich\u017e \u00fazem\u00ed jsou t\u011b\u017ebou dot\u010dena.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Fees are received by the municipalities whose territory is affected by mining."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Mapa je p\u0159ipom\u00ednkou toho, \u017ee p\u0159edsedkyn\u011b Fed Janet L. Yellen a jej\u00ed kolegov\u00e9 maj\u00ed d\u00e1t ekonomick\u00e9 z\u00e1jmy n\u00e1roda nad v\u0161e ostatn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"He is an X-factor cricketer, which we at Yorkshire saw early this season when he made 236 against us on a Trent Bridge pitch that was doing a bit.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Je to x-faktorov\u00fd hr\u00e1\u010d kriketu, kter\u00e9ho jsme tu v Yorkshiru vid\u011bli na za\u010d\u00e1tku sezony, kdy proti n\u00e1m z\u00edskal 236 na h\u0159i\u0161ti Trent Bridge, kter\u00e9 tak trochu ud\u011blalo."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nStill, when asked which is more important in a nominee, Democratic voters pick issues over electability.", "targets": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b, kdy\u017e do\u0161lo na ot\u00e1zku v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed d\u016fle\u017eitosti kandid\u00e1ta, demokrati\u010dt\u00ed voli\u010di d\u00e1vaj\u00ed p\u0159ednost \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed probl\u00e9m\u016f p\u0159ed v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed \u0161anc\u00ed na zvolen\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"They're an excellent team, one of the top teams,\" stated Trpi\u0161ovsk\u00fd.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Je to v\u00fdborn\u00fd celek na \u00farovni top t\u00fdm\u016f,\" konstatoval Trpi\u0161ovsk\u00fd."} {"inputs": "How is \"As evidence of this, Austria and Slovakia imposed the same measures on Monday.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jako d\u016fkaz poslou\u017eilo u\u017e to, \u017ee se Rakousko a Slovensko v pond\u011bl\u00ed k tomuto opat\u0159en\u00ed p\u0159ipojily."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe chief consumers, power stations, would not, therefore, feel an increase in prices.", "targets": "Hlavn\u00ed spot\u0159ebitel\u00e9 jako elektr\u00e1rny nebo tepl\u00e1rny by tedy nem\u011bli r\u016fst cen poc\u00edtit."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Pound rises as UK wage growth accelerates\" to Czech?", "targets": "Libra stoup\u00e1, zat\u00edmco r\u016fst plat\u016f ve Velk\u00e9 Brit\u00e1nii zrychluje"} {"inputs": "Star\u00fd olej lid\u00e9 poznaj\u00ed zejm\u00e9na podle naho\u0159kl\u00e9 chuti.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Old oil can mainly be recognised from its bitter taste."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe tolerance limits within which they operate are minimal.", "targets": "Tolerance, v n\u00ed\u017e se pohybuj\u00ed, je minim\u00e1ln\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWe were cutting up and throwing one-liners at each other.", "targets": "La\u0161kovali jsme a nahr\u00e1vali si vz\u00e1jemn\u011b na vtip."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Other experts argued that a rate increase would calm financial markets because it would remove uncertainty about when the Fed would act.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Dal\u0161\u00ed experti tvrdili, \u017ee zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazeb by uklidnilo finan\u010dn\u00ed trhy, proto\u017ee by odstranilo nejistotu z toho, jak bude Fed postupovat."} {"inputs": "M\u011bli jsme za to, \u017ee \u017eije z ob\u010dasn\u00fdch mu\u0161ek a kom\u00e1r\u016f, co\u017e n\u00e1m jen zvy\u0161ovalo komfort.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "We'd thought that it lived off normal flies and mosquitoes, which only increased our comfort level."} {"inputs": "Znejist\u011bl jsem.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "I became disconcerted."} {"inputs": "Ma\u010farsk\u00e1 vl\u00e1da ale toto obvin\u011bn\u00ed zpochyb\u0148uje.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "However, this accusation is questioned by the Hungarian government."} {"inputs": "How is \"The idea that no one else would show that is a joke, it's ludicrous, it's obviously nonsense.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "My\u0161lenka, \u017ee nikdo jin\u00fd by ho nevys\u00edlal, je sm\u011b\u0161n\u00fdm vtipem, a pochopiteln\u011b nesmysln\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Tato p\u0159edpov\u011b\u010f je zalo\u017eena na p\u0159edpokladu, \u017ee Aldi otev\u0159e 25 obchod\u016f v ji\u017en\u00ed Austr\u00e1lii a 30 v z\u00e1padn\u00ed b\u011bhem dal\u0161\u00edho roku, a bude generovat prodeje 500 a 600 milion\u016f USD na jednotliv\u00fdch trz\u00edch.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "This forecast is based on the assumption that Aldi opens 25 stores in SA and 30 in WA next year, generating sales of $500 million and $600 million in each market."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBut now he has a team which can play what we would see as exciting footy, especially his young halves with their speed.", "targets": "Ale nyn\u00ed m\u00e1 t\u00fdm, kter\u00fd dok\u00e1\u017ee hr\u00e1t styl hry, kter\u00fd mu p\u0159ipad\u00e1 zru\u0161uj\u00edc\u00ed, obzvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b jeho mlad\u00ed z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00edci s jejich rychlost\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nMoreno suffered a broken leg when playing for Mexico against Van Gaal's Holland at the 2014 World Cup.", "targets": "Moreno utrp\u011bl zlomeninu nohy p\u0159i z\u00e1pasu za Mexiko proti Van Gaalov\u011b Holandsku na mistrovstv\u00ed sv\u011bta 2014."} {"inputs": "MINNEAPOLIS -- Pro tygry z Detroitu nebyla druh\u00e1 polovina sez\u00f3ny zrovna proch\u00e1zka r\u016f\u017eovou zahradou.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "MINNEAPOLIS -- The second half the season hasn't been a lot of fun for the Detroit Tigers."} {"inputs": "He's received tons of accolades from fans.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Od fanou\u0161k\u016f se mu dostalo v\u0159el\u00e9ho p\u0159ijet\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBut that alone was insufficient to deter him from failing to appear, he warned.", "targets": "Jejich \u00fasil\u00ed samotn\u00e9 bylo zjevn\u011b nedostate\u010dn\u00e9, proto\u017ee se obvin\u011bn\u00fd nedostavil d\u00e1le u soudu, varoval."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nMr Akram had been in the Grand Mosque with his parents ahead of the start of the annual hajj pilgrimage.", "targets": "Pan Akram byl v Grand Mosque se sv\u00fdmi rodi\u010di p\u0159ed zah\u00e1jen\u00edm ka\u017edoro\u010dn\u00ed pouti had\u017e."} {"inputs": "Ale boom v online nakupov\u00e1n\u00ed pos\u00edlil v\u00fdsledky pozemn\u00ed jednotky FedEx.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "But the boom in online shopping has boosted results at FedEx Ground."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nLike sesame oil and hemp oil, sunflower oil has a lifespan of nine months.", "targets": "Ten slune\u010dnicov\u00fd vydr\u017e\u00ed stejn\u011b jako sezamov\u00fd a konopn\u00fd 9 m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f."} {"inputs": "How is \"Inside the home, officers found Amy Prentiss' body and a hand-written note scribbled on a white legal pad: \"I am so very sorry I wish I could take it back I loved Amy and she is the only woman who ever loved me,\" read the letter authorities say was signed by Lamb.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Uvnit\u0159 policie na\u0161la t\u011blo Amy Prentiss a ru\u010dn\u011b psanou zpr\u00e1vu na b\u00edl\u00e9m kancel\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9m pap\u00ed\u0159e: \"Je mi to tak l\u00edto a p\u0159eji si, abych to mohl vr\u00e1tit, miloval jsem Amy a ona je jedin\u00e1, kter\u00e1 kdy milovala m\u011b,\" st\u00e1lo v dopise, kter\u00fd podle \u00fa\u0159ad\u016f podepsal Lamb."} {"inputs": "Biden does the best of the three on honesty, while Clinton's strength is leadership.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Biden ze v\u0161ech t\u0159\u00ed vede v up\u0159\u00edmnosti, zat\u00edmco Clintonov\u00e1 je silnou v\u016fdkyn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"This large family knows how to economise.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Celkem po\u010detn\u00e1 rodina se um\u00ed uskromnit."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nLast night's result answered that with a resounding \"yes.\"", "targets": "V\u00fdsledek v\u010derej\u0161\u00edho ve\u010dera ud\u00e1v\u00e1 jasn\u00e9 \"ano\"."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V pr\u016fb\u011bhu let se bariatrick\u00e9 operace uk\u00e1zaly jako \u00fa\u010dinn\u00e9 pro l\u00e9\u010dbu diabetu typu 2, ale v\u011bt\u0161ina pr\u016fzkumu byla provedena na lidech s morbidn\u00ed obezitou s indexem t\u011blesn\u00e9 hmotnosti (BMI) o hodnot\u011b 25 nebo vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Dovolil jsem si z jeho cel\u00e9 plej\u00e1dy slavn\u00fdch cit\u00e1t\u016f vybrat t\u011bchto deset, kter\u00e9 mne doslova uchv\u00e1tily.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThere followed a torrent of rebukes and accusations and I knew that I was the most repugnant creature on Earth, who didn't deserve the slightest mercy.", "targets": "N\u00e1sledoval p\u0159\u00edval v\u00fd\u010ditek a obvin\u011bn\u00ed, a j\u00e1 v\u011bd\u011bl, \u017ee jsem to nejodporn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed stvo\u0159en\u00ed na sv\u011bt\u011b, kter\u00e9 si nezaslou\u017e\u00ed sebemen\u0161\u00edho slitov\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "V p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b hlubinn\u00e9 t\u011b\u017eby uhl\u00ed dostanou t\u0159i \u010dtvrtiny pen\u011bz obce a \u010dtvrtinu st\u00e1t.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Podle Dr. Gaylorda Lopeze, \u0159editele toxikologick\u00e9ho st\u0159ediska Gruzie, se po\u010det po\u017eit\u00ed sanita\u010dn\u00edch prost\u0159edk\u016f u d\u011bt\u00ed do 12 let, kter\u00e9 byly hl\u00e1\u0161eny na kontroln\u00ed st\u0159ediska jedu, zv\u00fd\u0161il z 3 266 v roce 2010 na 16 117 v roce 2014.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "According to Dr. Gaylord Lopez, director of the Georgia Poison Center, hand sanitizer ingestion cases in children under 12 that were reported to poison control centers went up from 3,266 in 2010 to 16,117 in 2014."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "K\u00e1drov\u00e1k si toho v\u0161iml a p\u0159estal \u010d\u00edst."} {"inputs": "\u201eTak\u017ee najednou... nedok\u00e1\u017eu si v\u016fbec p\u0159edstavit, jak\u00e9 to te\u010f bude.\u201c\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Originally published as Sunrise dominates as Today stays local\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u016fvodn\u011b publikov\u00e1ny jako Sunrise dominuje, zat\u00edmco Today z\u016fstav\u00e1 lok\u00e1ln\u00ed"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The great shame of this latest problem is that Wilshere had finished last season strongly after a separate ankle injury and then looked back to his old sharpness during pre-season.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Velk\u00e1 \u0161koda tohoto nnejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00edho probl\u00e9mu je, \u017ee Wilshere ukon\u010dil minulou sez\u00f3nu siln\u00fd po zran\u011bn\u00ed kotn\u00edku a pak se op\u011bt dostal do b\u00fdval\u00e9 formy b\u011bhem p\u0159edsez\u00f3ny."} {"inputs": "How is \"Insurance companies to meet client claims in full if travel agencies go bankrupt.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159i \u00fapadku CK maj\u00ed poji\u0161\u0165ovny hradit n\u00e1roky klient\u016f v pln\u00e9 v\u00fd\u0161i."} {"inputs": "Hardy vy\u0159adil sv\u00e9ho jedin\u00e9ho soupe\u0159e Mauera a p\u0159ed sebou m\u011bl p\u00e1lka\u0159e Miguela Sana, kter\u00fd odp\u00e1lil m\u00ed\u010dek a ob\u011bhl dv\u011b mety a zanechal za sebou prav\u00e1ka Drew VerHagena.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Hardy walked Mauer, the only man he faced, ahead of rookie designated hitter Miguel Sano, who ripped a two-run single to left off right-hander Drew VerHagen."} {"inputs": "How is \"Here's the match report and reaction to the game.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Tady je zpr\u00e1va o z\u00e1pase a reakce na hru."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nA new CBS/NYT poll out on Tuesday shows that just more than half of voters who support Trump say they have locked in their votes.", "targets": "Nov\u00fd \u00fatern\u00ed pr\u016fzkum CBS/NYT ukazuje, \u017ee jen v\u00edce ne\u017e polovina voli\u010d\u016f podporuj\u00edc\u00edch Trumpa tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee sv\u016fj n\u00e1zor u\u017e nezm\u011bn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Centrum Johannesburgu je t\u011b\u017ek\u00e9 m\u00edsto k bezdomovectv\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Pr\u016fzkum proveden\u00fd Premier Injuries Ltd. zaznamen\u00e1v\u00e1 23 r\u016fzn\u00fdch zran\u011bn\u00ed Wilshera od doby, kdy p\u0159ed \u0161esti lety m\u011bl sv\u016fj hern\u00ed debut.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Research by Premier Injuries Ltd records 23 different Wilshere ailments since he made his debut six years ago."} {"inputs": "Hr\u00e1\u010di, kte\u0159\u00ed p\u0159ich\u00e1zej\u00ed v l\u00e9t\u011b, maj\u00ed cel\u00e9 p\u0159edsez\u00f3nn\u00ed obdob\u00ed na zabydlen\u00ed, co\u017e jste mohli vid\u011bt na na\u0161em vlastn\u00edm t\u00fdmu tuto sez\u00f3nu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\u010clen prezidia Asociace \u010desk\u00fdch cestovn\u00edch kancel\u00e1\u0159\u00ed a agentur Tomio Okamura (SPD) s Kalouskov\u00fdmi obavami na z\u00e1klad\u011b pr\u016fzkumu mezi \u010dlensk\u00fdmi CK nesouhlasil.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Based on a survey of member travel agencies, member of the presidium of the Association of Travel Agencies and Tour Operators of the Czech Republic Tomio Okamura did not agree with Kalousek's fears."} {"inputs": "Experts say there are signs that online sales are leveling off, after new figures showed just a seven per cent increase in the first three months of 2015\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Odborn\u00edci tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee se vyskytuj\u00ed zn\u00e1mky ust\u00e1len\u00ed online prodej\u016f, a nov\u00e9 \u00fadaje ukazuj\u00ed sedmiprocentn\u00ed n\u00e1r\u016fst v prvn\u00edch t\u0159ech m\u011bs\u00edc\u00edch roku 2015."} {"inputs": "Zhluboka se nadechni.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Take a breath."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Inflammation of the gall bladder mainly affects women, but sesame oil helps.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u017dlu\u010dn\u00edkov\u00e9 z\u00e1n\u011bty tr\u00e1p\u00ed hlavn\u011b \u017eeny, pom\u00e1h\u00e1 sezamov\u00fd olej."} {"inputs": "Simon (13-9) pitched 6 1/3 innings and allowed three runs.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Simon (13-9) dovolil soupe\u0159i 6 1/3 odpal\u016f a 3 ob\u011bhy."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe saying that the earlier you start to treat the illness, the more the doctor can influence something, doubly applies to multiple sclerosis.", "targets": "U roztrou\u0161en\u00e9 skler\u00f3zy plat\u00ed dvakr\u00e1t po\u0159ekadlo, \u017ee \u010d\u00edm se nemoc za\u010dne l\u00e9\u010dit d\u0159\u00edve, t\u00edm sp\u00ed\u0161e m\u016f\u017ee l\u00e9ka\u0159 n\u011bco ovlivnit."} {"inputs": "Stejn\u00fd model u\u017e m\u00e1 z poloviny hotov\u00fd Uhersk\u00e9 Hradi\u0161t\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Construction work following the same model in Uhersk\u00e9 Hradi\u0161t\u011b is already half-finished."} {"inputs": "V neposledn\u00ed \u0159ad\u011b v Karlovarsk\u00e9m kraji absentuj\u00ed soci\u00e1ln\u011b zdravotn\u00ed l\u016f\u017eka se zam\u011b\u0159en\u00edm na l\u00e9\u010dbu Alzheimerovy choroby.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nemocnice by se podle doporu\u010den\u00ed m\u011bly p\u0159ipravit i na zav\u00e1d\u011bn\u00ed takzvan\u00fdch n\u00e1vazn\u00fdch l\u016f\u017eek, na kter\u00e9 budou uvol\u0148ov\u00e1ny finan\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edky evropsk\u00fdch dotac\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt was Martinez's first three-hit night since he had four hits against the Seattle Mariners on July 6.", "targets": "Pro Martineze to byl prvn\u00ed t\u0159\u00edbodov\u00fd z\u00e1pas od posledn\u00ed \u010dervnov\u00e9 hry, ve kter\u00e9 se trefil \u010dty\u0159ikr\u00e1t v z\u00e1pase proti Seattle Mariners."} {"inputs": "Ale to je b\u011bh na velmi dlouhou tra\u0165.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "But that's a very long-term project."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pr\u016fzkum 80 ekonom\u016f osloven\u00fdch agenturou Reuters zjistil, \u017ee v\u00edce ne\u017e polovina t\u011bch, kte\u0159\u00ed si mysleli, \u017ee Federal Reserve u\u010din\u00ed rozhodnut\u00ed, si nyn\u00ed mysl\u00ed, \u017ee z\u016fstanou ne\u010dinn\u00ed je\u0161t\u011b n\u011bjakou dobu a ponechaj\u00ed \u00farokov\u00e9 sazby v rozmez\u00ed 0-0,25 procent."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIf Fed policymakers did, \"they would have to go to great lengths in their policy statement to hold financial markets' hands so they don't panic.\"", "targets": "Pokud by to politici Fed ud\u011blali, \"museli by j\u00edt a\u017e do krajnosti ve sv\u00e9m programov\u00e9m prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed a dr\u017eet za ruce finan\u010dn\u00ed trhy, aby nepropadly panice.\""} {"inputs": "Eva experienced hardship even while she was pregnant with V\u00edtek, who is now seven years old.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Eva si pro\u017eila kru\u0161n\u00e9 chv\u00edle ji\u017e p\u0159i t\u011bhotenstv\u00ed s dnes sedmilet\u00fdm V\u00edtkem."} {"inputs": "How is \"She spent twenty days in the maternity hospital until the doctors discharged the babies, who had reached the weight of two kilos.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V porodnici str\u00e1vila dvacet dn\u016f, dokud l\u00e9ka\u0159i nesvolili s propu\u0161t\u011bn\u00edm miminek, kter\u00e1 mezit\u00edm zvl\u00e1dla dos\u00e1hnout hranice dvou kil."} {"inputs": "Lid\u00e9, kte\u0159\u00ed vytv\u00e1\u0159ej\u00ed tato pravidla, o kon\u00edch nic nev\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "People making these rules know nothing about the horse."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAirbus has announced that airlines have so far ordered 3,270 of the the A320 model.", "targets": "Airbus hl\u00e1s\u00ed, \u017ee leteck\u00e9 spole\u010dnosti si dosud objednaly 3278 kus\u016f nov\u00e9ho modelu A320."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAnd the women were dressed like in a goldsmith's.", "targets": "A \u017eensk\u00fd byly jak zlatnictv\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nOnce I'd finished, she asked if I wanted a coffee.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e jsem skon\u010dil, zeptala se, zda si d\u00e1m kafe."} {"inputs": "\"Ob\u010das, kdy\u017e se vrac\u00edte po zran\u011bn\u00ed, m\u00e1te zraniteln\u00e9 obdob\u00ed, \u010das, kdy pot\u0159ebujete pos\u00edlit sv\u00e9 t\u011blo a z\u00edskat sout\u011b\u017e\", tvrd\u00ed Wenger.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"Sometimes, when you are coming back from an injury, you have a vulnerable period, a time when you need to strengthen your body and gain competition,\" said Wenger."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe retention of all healthy substances in the oil during cold-pressing from seeds", "targets": "P\u0159i lisov\u00e1n\u00ed ze semen za studena z\u016fstanou v oleji v\u0161echny zdrav\u00e9 l\u00e1tky."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThere are 1,500 rivets on a single Airbus A320 door.", "targets": "Na jedn\u011bch dve\u0159\u00edch do A320 je 1500 n\u00fdt\u016f."} {"inputs": "Konzervativn\u00ed poslanec Andrew Bingham zkritizoval tuto stanici za \"ohlupov\u00e1n\u00ed\"\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Conservative MP Andrew Bingham criticised station for 'dumbing down'"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Dcera si v\u0161ak pro udr\u017een\u00ed sv\u00e9ho zlozvyku na\u0161la v\u00fdmluvu v onom pavouku, na kter\u00e9ho p\u0159i ut\u00edr\u00e1n\u00ed velmi dob\u0159e vid\u011bla."} {"inputs": "A\u017e budou na fakult\u011b \u017eurnalistiky vyu\u010dovat o tom, jak m\u016f\u017eou m\u00e9dia manipulovat realitu, mohou pustit dne\u0161n\u00ed vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed \u010cesk\u00e9 televize Ud\u00e1losti.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "When they're teaching journalism students about how the media manipulates reality, they could show them today's edition of Czech Television's \"Ud\u00e1losti\" programme."} {"inputs": "How is \"Practically anything goes with grilled meat and fish - grilled vegetables, roasted bread, light vegetable salad and many more.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ke grilovan\u00e9mu masu i ryb\u00e1m se hod\u00ed prakticky cokoliv - grilovan\u00e1 zelenina, ope\u010den\u00fd chl\u00e9b, lehk\u00fd zeleninov\u00fd sal\u00e1t a mnoho dal\u0161\u00edch."} {"inputs": "It's better for e.g. seasoning salads and as part of controlled diet, where it helps prevent cardiovascular disease,\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Lep\u0161\u00ed je vyu\u017e\u00edt ho nap\u0159\u00edklad na dochucen\u00ed sal\u00e1t\u016f a hod\u00ed se zejm\u00e9na v diet\u011b, ve kter\u00e9 pom\u00e1h\u00e1 p\u0159i prevenci kardiovaskul\u00e1rn\u00edch onemocn\u011bn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Ban urged the five permanent members to show the solidarity and unity they did in achieving an Iran nuclear deal in addressing the Syria crisis.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ban vyzval p\u011bt st\u00e1l\u00fdch \u010dlen\u016f k projeven\u00ed solidarity a jednoty, kterou uk\u00e1zali p\u0159i dosa\u017een\u00ed \u00edr\u00e1nsk\u00e9 nukle\u00e1rn\u00ed dohody v \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed krize v S\u00fdrii."} {"inputs": "Konopn\u00fd olej je vhodn\u00e9 za\u0159adit do j\u00eddeln\u00ed\u010dku jako sou\u010d\u00e1st podp\u016frn\u00e9 diety na pos\u00edlen\u00ed imunity a p\u0159i hojen\u00ed zran\u011bn\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It is recommended to include hemp as a subsidiary part of your diet for the strengthening of immunity and the healing of wounds."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Another well-defined low-pressure system about midway between the Cape Verde Islands and the Lesser Antilles also has a 60 percent chance of tropical cyclone formation in the next two days, the Miami-based weather forecaster added.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Jin\u00fd dob\u0159e definovan\u00fd n\u00edzkotlak\u00fd syst\u00e9m asi uprost\u0159ed mezi Kapverdsk\u00fdmi ostrovy a Mal\u00fdmi Antilami m\u00e1 tak\u00e9 60 procentn\u00ed pravd\u011bpodobnost ve vznik tropick\u00e9 cykl\u00f3nov\u00e9 formace v p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edch dvou dnech, dodal prognostik po\u010das\u00ed se s\u00eddlem v Miami."} {"inputs": "N\u00e1zory mezi poradci B\u00edl\u00e9ho domu se ale pr\u00fd zat\u00edm rozch\u00e1zej\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "There is, however, a difference of opinion among White House advisers."} {"inputs": "Simon Donelly trv\u00e1 na tom, \u017ee rada Dundee United st\u00e1le v\u011b\u0159\u00ed v n\u00e1pravu situace sou\u010dasn\u00fdm \u0159\u00edzen\u00edm t\u00fdmu - ale p\u0159ipou\u0161t\u00ed, \u017ee \u00fapadek na h\u0159i\u0161ti mus\u00ed skon\u010dit.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Simon Donnelly insists Dundee United's board still has faith in the management team to turn things round - but concedes the on-field decline must end."} {"inputs": "\u00dadajn\u00fd incident se stal v sobotu ve\u010der, kdy\u017e kameraman AP Luca Muzi filmoval migranty, kte\u0159\u00ed p\u0159es kuku\u0159i\u010dn\u00e9 pole nedaleko ma\u010farsk\u00e9ho m\u011bsta R\u00f6szke p\u0159ekro\u010dili hranici se Srbskem.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The alleged incident occurred on Saturday evening, when AP cameraman Luca Muzi was filming migrants crossing the border with Serbia through a cornfield close to the Hungarian town of R\u00f6szke."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nCompanies with high returns on capital as well as low volatility stocks also outperformed their lower quality counterparts, by an average of 4 (percentage points) and 3 (percentage points), respectively.", "targets": "Spole\u010dnosti s vysok\u00fdmi v\u00fdnosy z kapit\u00e1lu, stejn\u011b jako se z\u00e1sobami s n\u00edzkou volatilitou, tak\u00e9 p\u0159ekonaly sv\u00e9 prot\u011bj\u0161ky ni\u017e\u0161\u00ed kvality v pr\u016fm\u011bru o 4 (procentn\u00ed body), respektive 3 (procentn\u00ed body)."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"I think we wait too long to get people to be serious about this,\" she said.", "targets": "\"Mysl\u00edm, \u017ee \u010dek\u00e1me a\u017e p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 dlouho s t\u00edm, \u017ee lidem d\u00e1v\u00e1me najevo z\u00e1va\u017enost situace,\" \u0159\u00edk\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Tady soudruh mi jej dal, p\u0159i n\u00e1stupu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The comrade gave it to me when he joined us."} {"inputs": "We must take note that, apart from some, the majority of European politicians do not support these statements and that the politicians of countries that were the victims of Nazism are horrified.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V\u0161imn\u011bme si, \u017ee a\u017e na n\u011bkter\u00e9, v\u011bt\u0161ina evropsk\u00fdch politik\u016f tyto v\u00fdroky nepodporuje, st\u00e1tn\u00edci zem\u00ed, kter\u00e9 byly ob\u011b\u0165mi nacismu, jsou zd\u011b\u0161eni."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWith Sanchez out, LHP Daniel Norris will come off the DL to start against the Twins.", "targets": "Sancheze nahrad\u00ed lev\u00e1k Daniel Norris, kter\u00fd se vr\u00e1t\u00ed po zran\u011bn\u00ed a nastoup\u00ed proti Dvoj\u010dat\u016fm."} {"inputs": "How is \"This is a day of healing.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Toto je den l\u00e9\u010den\u00ed."} {"inputs": "B\u00fdval\u00ed \u010dlenov\u00e9 veden\u00ed m\u011bsta podle \u017ealobce z titulu sv\u00e9 funkce neopr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u011b umo\u017enili z\u00edskat majetkov\u00fd prosp\u011bch spole\u010dnosti, kter\u00e1 v\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed ob\u010d\u00e1nk\u016f organizovala.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "We are ambitious but we are not dreamers.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Jsme ambici\u00f3zn\u00ed, ale nejsme sn\u00edlci."} {"inputs": "\u017diji v Brn\u011b u\u017e hezk\u00fdch p\u00e1r des\u00edtek let, tak\u017ee spr\u00e1vn\u00e9 n\u00e1zvy v\u0161ech t\u011bch zast\u00e1vkek zn\u00e1m zpam\u011bti, tak\u017ee j\u00e1 tahle hl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed nepot\u0159ebuji, ale cizinci odjinud, kte\u0159\u00ed se v Brn\u011b nevyznaj\u00ed a pro kter\u00e9 jsou tato hl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed p\u0159edev\u0161\u00edm ur\u010dena, mohou b\u00fdt zmateni a mohou na kone\u010dn\u00e9, kam omylem dojeli, pak tvrdit, \u017ee ta zast\u00e1vka, na kter\u00e9 m\u011bli vystoupit, nebyla v\u016fbec hl\u00e1\u0161ena.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "I've lived in Brno for quite a few decades now, so I know the correct names of all those stops off by heart and obviously I don't need these announcements, but people from other places who don't know their way around Brno, and at whom these announcements are mainly aimed, might be confused, and if they go to the final stop by mistake, they can claim that the stop they were meant to get off at wasn't announced."} {"inputs": "\u017d\u00e1dn\u00fd trestn\u00fd \u010din jsem nesp\u00e1chal, jsem nevinn\u00fd.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Clintonovou nyn\u00ed podporuje 47 procent demokratick\u00fdch prim\u00e1rn\u00edch voli\u010d\u016f (pokles z 58 procent), zat\u00edmco Sanders je na druh\u00e9m m\u00edst\u011b s 27 procenty (n\u00e1r\u016fst z 17 procent).\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Clinton now has the backing of 47 percent of Democratic primary voters (down from 58 percent), while Sanders comes in second, with 27 percent (up from 17 percent)."} {"inputs": "There are, indeed, multiple variables at play.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ve h\u0159e je skute\u010dn\u011b v\u00edce prom\u011bnn\u00fdch."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWhen it comes to life the head'll put anyone in its place, even the toughest, and the pushy salesman is accompanied on their way (or rather, driven away) by a living statue.", "targets": "O\u017eivl\u00e1 hlava v\u00e1s p\u011bkn\u011b set\u0159e a za\u017eene i otrl\u00e9, na cestu pry\u010d doprovod\u00ed (\u010di sp\u00ed\u0161e za\u017eene) neodbytn\u00e9ho prodejce i o\u017eivl\u00e1 socha."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"We have space to find a mechanism to set it up,\" stated Stanjura,\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"M\u00e1me prostor naj\u00edt mechanismus, jak\u00fdm to za\u0159\u00edd\u00edme,\" uvedl Stanjura."} {"inputs": "Multikulturn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edstup, kdy si \u0159\u00edk\u00e1me, \u017ee prost\u011b \u017eijeme \u0161\u0165astn\u011b vedle sebe, tak tento p\u0159\u00edstup selhal.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The multicultural approach, when we tell ourselves that we will just live happily alongside one another, has failed."} {"inputs": "Opravdu m\u011b to rozesmutnilo.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "That really saddens me."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jeho \u010diny po vra\u017ed\u011b Barry Van Treese by ho u\u010dinily vinn\u00fdm ze spoluviny na trestn\u00e9m \u010dinu."} {"inputs": "How is \"The wheel was mounted on a mast, which however had to be dismantled in the same year\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Kolo bylo osazeno na sto\u017e\u00e1r, je\u0161t\u011b t\u00e9ho\u017e roku v\u0161ak muselo b\u00fdt sneseno dol\u016f."} {"inputs": "However when asked the question, \"If not you, who should get Wood's final rose?,\" their answers could have provided a spoiler as to who won the Bachelors heart.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ka\u017edop\u00e1dn\u011b p\u0159i ot\u00e1zce, \"Kdy\u017e ne by, tak kter\u00e1 dostane Woodovu fin\u00e1ln\u00ed kv\u011btinu?,\" mohli jejich odpov\u011bdi fungovat jako spojler ohledn\u011b toho, kdo z\u00edsk\u00e1 srdce Bachelora."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThis time it focuses on Czech Television's main news programme.", "targets": "Tentokr\u00e1t vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed hlavn\u00ed zpravodajsk\u00e9 relace \u010cesk\u00e9 televize."} {"inputs": "After a moment of silence he spoke.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Po chvilce ticha spustil."} {"inputs": "Van Gall nazna\u010dil, \u017ee se italsk\u00e1 rozhod\u010d\u00ed zm\u00fdlila.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Van Gaal suggested the Italian official had erred."} {"inputs": "After losing away to the champions, Litv\u00ednov, you've also lost your home game against Sparta (3:5).\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Po proh\u0159e na led\u011b mistrovsk\u00e9ho Litv\u00ednova jste nezvl\u00e1dli ani dom\u00e1c\u00ed duel s hokejisty Sparty (3:5)."} {"inputs": "Dva kandid\u00e1ti zodpov\u00eddaj\u00ed za polovinu voli\u010d\u016f v nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00edm pr\u016fzkumu a ostatn\u00ed nech\u00e1vaj\u00ed sh\u00e1n\u011bt podporu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The two candidates account for half the support of voters in the new poll, leaving others scrounging for a foothold"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe type of greeting that you used this morning was simply unacceptable.", "targets": "Takov\u00fd pozdrav, jak\u00fd jsi pou\u017eil dnes r\u00e1no, je prost\u011b neakceptovateln\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jestli se bude uhl\u00ed t\u011b\u017eit i za limity, pak to bude m\u00edt dopady na v\u00fdnosy pro st\u00e1t i obce, zd\u016fraznil."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWe agreed on this three years ago.", "targets": "Domluvili jsme se spolu u\u017e p\u0159ed t\u0159emi lety."} {"inputs": "K tomu jen jeden osobn\u00ed z\u00e1\u017eitek.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"I stammered that I'd used this greeting since childhood, that that was how I'd been brought up and that I didn't see anything wrong with it.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "J\u00e1 zakoktal, \u017ee takov\u00fd pozdrav pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1m od d\u011btstv\u00ed, \u017ee jsem byl tak vychov\u00e1n a \u017ee na n\u011bm nevid\u00edm nic \u0161patn\u00e9ho."} {"inputs": "\u0160\u00e9fkucha\u0159i z Bohemia Olej doporu\u010duj\u00ed nap\u0159\u00edklad sal\u00e1t Hork\u00e9 l\u00e9to.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The chefs at Bohemia Olej recommend, for example, Hot Summer salad."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nEvita isn't just an amazing role, it's a responsibility.", "targets": "Evita toti\u017e nen\u00ed jen \u00fa\u017easn\u00e1 role, je to tak\u00e9 zodpov\u011bdnost."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAfter getting the leadoff batter in the first, Hushes gave up a single to second baseman Ian Kinsler.", "targets": "Pot\u00e9, co odolal n\u00e1poru v prvn\u00ed sm\u011bn\u011b, pustil Hughes jeden bod druh\u00e9mu meta\u0159i Ianu Kinslerovi."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHowever, if anyone then expected PSG to romp to a big victory, they were to be disappointed.", "targets": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b, pokud n\u011bkdo o\u010dek\u00e1val, \u017ee to nastartuje velkolep\u00e9 v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00ed PSG, musel b\u00fdt zklam\u00e1n."} {"inputs": "P\u0159i korunn\u00edm p\u0159\u00edpadu lhal policii o tom, kde \u017eil.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "On the crown case he lied to police about where he was staying."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"The government will not change its policy toward foreign investment, and will protect the lawful interests of foreign-funded companies and provide better services for them,\" said the statement.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"Vl\u00e1da nebude m\u011bnit svoji politiku v\u016f\u010di zahrani\u010dn\u00edm investic\u00edm a bude chr\u00e1nit z\u00e1konn\u00e9 z\u00e1jmy spole\u010dnost\u00ed, kter\u00e9 jsou financov\u00e1ny ze zahrani\u010d\u00ed, a bude jim poskytovat lep\u0161\u00ed slu\u017eby,\" uv\u00e1d\u00ed se v prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Finan\u010dn\u00ed krize v Asii vedla Fed ke sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed sv\u00e9 referen\u010dn\u00ed sazby o 0,75 procentn\u00edho bodu b\u011bhem t\u0159i zased\u00e1n\u00ed \"I p\u0159es omezen\u00e9 identifikovateln\u00fdch dopad\u016f na r\u016fst v USA,\" \u0159ekl Lacker.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "A financial crisis in Asia led the Fed to cut its benchmark rate by 0.75 percentage point over three meetings \"despite limited identifiable implications for U.S. growth,\" Lacker said."} {"inputs": "How is \"If the worst comes to the worst, we can share the taxi, jokes the good-natured blonde.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "A kdy\u017e bude nejh\u016f\u0159, m\u016f\u017eeme se s man\u017eelem st\u0159\u00eddat o tax\u00edka, \u017eertuje sympatick\u00e1 blond\u00fdnka."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Extra virgin oils are distinguished by the fact that only a few drops are required for the preparation of foods.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Extra panensk\u00e9 oleje se vyzna\u010duj\u00ed t\u00edm, \u017ee k p\u0159\u00edprav\u011b pokrm\u016f jich sta\u010d\u00ed jen p\u00e1r kapek."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe changes, which will chiefly be noticed by patients, will affect all regions.", "targets": "Zm\u011bny, kter\u00e9 v\u00fdrazn\u011b poznaj\u00ed hlavn\u011b pacienti, se dotknou v\u0161ech region\u016f."} {"inputs": "Ve skute\u010dnosti tento z\u00e1v\u011br p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed z jednoho setk\u00e1n\u00ed 12 lid\u00ed svolan\u00fdch k vypracov\u00e1n\u00ed anal\u00fdzy rozhodnut\u00ed multi-krit\u00e9ria (MCDA) modelu syntetizovat sv\u00e9 n\u00e1zory na \u0161kody, spojen\u00e9 s r\u016fzn\u00fdmi produkty obsahuj\u00edc\u00ed nikotin; v\u00fdsledky jedn\u00e1n\u00ed byly shrnuty ve v\u00fdzkumn\u00e9 zpr\u00e1v\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In fact, it comes from a single meeting of 12 people convened to develop a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) model to synthesise their opinions on the harms associated with different nicotine-containing products; the results of the meeting were summarised in a research paper."} {"inputs": "P\u0159ed t\u00edm dnem jsem t\u011bm hl\u00e1\u0161en\u00edm rozum\u011bl docela dob\u0159e.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Before that day I understood the announcements quite well."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"Important announcement, Travelling on the DLR from 15th to 18th September?\" reads one, using London Underground fonts and branding with the DLR line turning into the image of a tank.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"D\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9 ozn\u00e1men\u00ed, Cestov\u00e1n\u00ed na DLR od 15. do 18. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed?\" \u010dte jeden, pomoc\u00ed p\u00edsma s zna\u010dek lond\u00fdnsk\u00e9ho metra s DLR linkami se st\u00e1v\u00e1 obrazem tanku."} {"inputs": "Translate \"They've sorted it out now and the lights have about two thousand lux, which is plenty.\" to Czech?", "targets": "U\u017e to za\u017eehli a m\u00e1 to n\u011bjak\u00e9 dva tis\u00edce lux\u016f, co\u017e je dost."} {"inputs": "\"Set in the walled city of Thneed-Ville, where all nature has gone and even the air is a commodity, a boy named Ted hopes to win the heart of his dream girl, Audrey, by fulfilling her wish to see a real tree,\" it reads, chronicling a love interest unknown to Dr Seuss, real name Theodor Seuss Geisel, who died in 1991.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"Ve m\u011bst\u011b Thneed-Ville obehnan\u00e9m zdmi, kde v\u0161echna p\u0159\u00edroda p\u0159estala existovat, a dokonce i vzduch je komoditou, chlapec jm\u00e9nem Ted douf\u00e1, \u017ee z\u00edsk\u00e1 srdce d\u011bv\u010dete sv\u00fdch sn\u016f, Audrey, t\u00edm, \u017ee spln\u00ed jej\u00ed p\u0159\u00e1n\u00ed vid\u011bt skute\u010dn\u00fd strom,\" je stru\u010dn\u00fdm obsahem knihy, kter\u00e1 zaznamen\u00e1v\u00e1 objekt l\u00e1sky nezn\u00e1m\u00fd Dr Seuss, jeho\u017e prav\u00e9 jm\u00e9no bylo Theodor Seuss Geisel, kter\u00fd zem\u0159el v roce 1991."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Mimo t\u00fdm se zd\u00e1, \u017ee Anglie ud\u011blala n\u011bkolik zm\u011bn a chytr\u00fdch dopln\u011bn\u00ed jejich tren\u00e9rsk\u00e9ho person\u00e1lu."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Well,\" declared the superintendent with a hint of joviality, which was, however, often the harbinger of a storm.", "targets": "\"N\u00f3,\" pronesl n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk s n\u00e1znakem \u017eovi\u00e1lnosti, kter\u00e1 v\u0161ak \u010dasto b\u00fdvala p\u0159edzv\u011bst\u00ed bou\u0159ky."} {"inputs": "Uhersk\u00e9 Hradi\u0161t\u011b chce k letos otev\u0159en\u00e9mu centr\u00e1ln\u00edmu pavilonu p\u0159istav\u011bt novou internu za zhruba 200 milion\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Skotsk\u00e1 nezam\u011bstnanost z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 beze zm\u011bny, zat\u00edmco celkov\u00e1 nezam\u011bstnanost UK stoup\u00e1\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Scots unemployment remains unchanged as UK total rises"} {"inputs": "Translate \"following a decision taken on Wednesday by the Chamber of Deputies, which has passed a modified amendment to the act on conditions for doing business in the tourism industry.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Rozhodla o tom ve st\u0159edu sn\u011bmovna, kdy\u017e schv\u00e1lila upravenou novelu z\u00e1kona o podm\u00ednk\u00e1ch podnik\u00e1n\u00ed v cestovn\u00edm ruchu."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Na z\u00e1v\u011br si nemohu odpustit neuv\u00e9st Einsteinovu formuli na definici \u00fasp\u011bchu: Vezmeme-li A za \u00fasp\u011bch, plat\u00ed vzorec: A=X+Y+Z, kde X je pr\u00e1ce, Y odpo\u010dinek a Z je dr\u017eet jazyk za zuby."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Hroznov\u00fd olej pro grilov\u00e1n\u00ed, zdrav\u00ed i kr\u00e1su."} {"inputs": "Kdy\u017e bude nej\u016f\u0159, budeme se st\u0159\u00eddat o tax\u00edka.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "If the worst comes to the worst, we can share the taxi."} {"inputs": "De Boer, kter\u00fd je aktu\u00e1ln\u011b velvyslancem Ajaxu, uv\u00e1d\u00ed: \"V Nizozem\u00ed u\u017e neukazuj\u00ed to nejlep\u0161\u00ed ze z\u00e1pas\u016f Celticu, a pro\u010d?\"\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "De Boer, currently an ambassador for Ajax, said: \"In Holland, they don't show highlights of the Celtic games any more and why?\""} {"inputs": "Vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed poji\u0161\u0165oven nepokl\u00e1d\u00e1 Okamura za relevantn\u00ed, \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 jejich ofici\u00e1ln\u00ed p\u00edsemn\u00e9 vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed v tomto smyslu podle n\u011bho neexistuje.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Jej\u00ed zakladatel\u00e9, man\u017eel\u00e9 Vladana a Milo\u0148 Ter\u010dovi, zorganizovali prvn\u00ed ro\u010dn\u00edk v roce 1997.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"That was a big hit,\" Twins manager Paul Molitor said.", "targets": "\u201eTo n\u00e1s dostalo do kolen,\u201c uvedl mana\u017eer Dvoj\u010dat Paul Molitor."} {"inputs": "Fisk\u00e1ln\u00ed z\u00e1stupce Eilidh Robertsonov\u00e1 uvedla pro Dundee Sheriff Court: \"\u0158\u00edkal, \u017ee je to z\u00e1vislost - \u017ee je z\u00e1visl\u00fd na stra\u0161en\u00ed lid\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Fiscal depute Eilidh Robertson told Dundee Sheriff Court: \"He said it was an addiction - that he was addicted to scaring people."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Neznamen\u00e1 to v\u0161ak, \u017ee by si za dve\u0159e mohl \u0159\u00edct jakoukoli cenu."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe amount of mining fees will no longer be determined by law, but stipulated by the government through decrees.", "targets": "V\u00fd\u0161i t\u011b\u017eebn\u00edch poplatk\u016f u\u017e nebude ur\u010dovat z\u00e1kon, ale stanov\u00ed ji vl\u00e1da sv\u00fdm na\u0159\u00edzen\u00edm."} {"inputs": "How is \"But, save for a Nikola Djurdjic shot that slid just wide of Kevin Trapp's far post in the 34th minute, they offered little in attack.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ale krom\u011b st\u0159ely Nikola Djurdjice, kter\u00e1 jen t\u011bsn\u011b minula vzd\u00e1len\u00fd roh branky Kevina Trappa v 34. minut\u011b, toho v \u00fatoku mnoho nenab\u00eddli."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kritika nevl\u00e1dn\u00edch organizac\u00ed - velk\u00fd prostor pro neziskov\u00e9 organizace, kter\u00e9 kritizuj\u00ed \u0161patn\u00e9 zach\u00e1zen\u00ed s migranty."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V Krom\u011b\u0159\u00ed\u017ei maj\u00ed napl\u00e1novanou p\u0159\u00edstavbu dial\u00fdzy."} {"inputs": "How is \"In its ruling the municipal authority stated that there was a breach of the Building Act, as not all mandatory aspects of the planning decision were observed.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Magistr\u00e1t v rozhodnut\u00ed konstatoval, \u017ee do\u0161lo k poru\u0161en\u00ed stavebn\u00edho z\u00e1kona, proto\u017ee nebyly dodr\u017eeny v\u0161echny n\u00e1le\u017eitosti \u00fazemn\u00edho rozhodnut\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Nic ve zl\u00e9m, ale Lafatu nezn\u00e1m, p\u0159iznala opora Tripolisu Goian.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "No hard feelings, but I've never heard of Lafata, admits Tripolis mainstay Goian."} {"inputs": "The decision is due to be announced at 20.00 CET on Thursday.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Rozhodnut\u00ed m\u00e1 b\u00fdt ozn\u00e1meno ve \u010dtvrtek 20:00 SE\u010c."} {"inputs": "J\u00e1 si mysl\u00edm, \u017ee to k n\u00e1m nem\u016f\u017ee takhle daleko doj\u00edt.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "I don't think it'll go that far here."} {"inputs": "Sv\u00e9ho \u010dasu se o n\u011bj zaj\u00edmala Borussia Dortmund, Stuttgart, oba manchestersk\u00e9 celky United i City, ze Steauy ale zam\u00ed\u0159il do italsk\u00e9ho Palerma, hr\u00e1l i za Glasgow Rangers.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In previous times he attracted interest from Borussia Dortmund, Stuttgart and both Manchester teams - United and City - but when he left Steaua Bucharest he signed for Italian club Palermo. He also played for Glasgow Rangers."} {"inputs": "How is \"Johnson said the BBC's more niche public service programmes \"go on to BBC4 where quite often you can't measure the audience but they fulfil their remit and they can argue when they go on their sanctimonious missions about justifying \u00a34bn in licence fee income, \"Well of course, we do all these obscure programmes that no one watched.\"\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Johnson \u0159ekl, \u017ee i h\u00fd\u010dkan\u011bj\u0161\u00ed programy ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 slu\u017eby BBC \"p\u0159ech\u00e1z\u00ed na BBC4, kde docela \u010dasto nelze zm\u011b\u0159it obecenstvo, ale napl\u0148uj\u00ed svou pravomoc a mohou argumentovat, kdy\u017e se chystaj\u00ed na svou pokryteckou misi ospravedln\u011bn\u00ed \u00a34bn p\u0159\u00edjmu z licen\u010dn\u00edch poplatk\u016f, \"Ale samoz\u0159ejm\u011b d\u011bl\u00e1me v\u0161echny tyto obskurn\u00ed programy, na kter\u00e9 se nikdo ned\u00edv\u00e1.\""} {"inputs": "How is \"We undertook to accept fifteen hundred people, but with conditions.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "My jsme se zav\u00e1zali p\u0159ijmout 1500 lid\u00ed, ale s podm\u00ednkou."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The film is produced by Petr Erben from Logline Production and co-produced by Czech Television and Radio and Slovak Television.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Producentem filmu je Petr Erben ze spole\u010dnosti Logline Production, koproducenty \u010cesk\u00e1 televize a Rozhlas a telev\u00edzia Slovensko."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"At this point, members began to hide paraphernalia and basically put the fraternity's well-being over that of Michael Deng's,\" Chief Wagner said.", "targets": "\"V tomto okam\u017eiku za\u010dali \u010dlenov\u00e9 skr\u00fdvat v\u00fdbavu a v podstat\u011b dali p\u0159ednost blahobytu bratrstv\u00ed p\u0159ed \u017eivotem Michaela Denga,\" uvedl n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk Wagner."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nObama and Xi are expected to broach a range of contentious issues, including Washington's concerns over China's alleged cyberespionage and its increasing assertiveness in the disputed waters of the South China Sea.", "targets": "O\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1 se, \u017ee Obama a Xi budou \u0159e\u0161it sporn\u00e9 probl\u00e9my, v\u010detn\u011b obav Washingtonu z \u00fadajn\u00e9 kyber\u0161pion\u00e1\u017ee \u010c\u00edny a jej\u00ed nar\u016fstaj\u00edc\u00ed agresivity ve vod\u00e1ch Jiho\u010d\u00ednsk\u00e9ho mo\u0159e."} {"inputs": "Under director Ond\u0159ej Sokol the female lead was first played by Monika Absolonov\u00e1.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V re\u017eii Ond\u0159eje Sokola hlavn\u00ed \u017eenskou roli p\u016fvodn\u011b nastudovala Monika Absolonov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "How is \"It is nothing major.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nejedn\u00e1 se o nic zvl\u00e1\u0161tn\u00edho."} {"inputs": "Elinka byla v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed a hned po p\u0159evozu z JIP na pokoj jsem ji m\u011bla u sebe, popisuje n\u00e1ro\u010dn\u00e9 obdob\u00ed po porodu Eva.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Ela was bigger and I had her by my side as soon as I was taken from intensive care to my room, says Eva about the difficult time after the birth."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Policist\u00e9 se pr\u00fd chovali korektn\u011b, v\u00e1zla ale komunikace, nebo\u0165 neum\u011bli p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 dob\u0159e anglicky."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Caldiero spoke with E!News after the hard-fought victory, still in shock about winning the $1 million grand prize.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Caldiero poskytl rozhovor pro zpravodajstv\u00edE! News hned po sv\u00e9m t\u011b\u017ece vyd\u0159en\u00e9m v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00ed a bylo poznat, \u017ee je st\u00e1le v \u0161oku z v\u00fdhry hlavn\u00ed ceny v hodnot\u011b 1 milionu dolar\u016f."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "B\u011bhem nouzov\u00e9ho telefon\u00e1tu Lamb \u0159ekl: \"Zabil jsem svou \u017eenu,\" ale z\u00e1znam o svatb\u011b nikdy neexistoval."} {"inputs": "Ale v\u00e1\u017en\u011b se ovl\u00e1dal velice dob\u0159e, proto\u017ee byl v US vystaven velmi provokativn\u00edm okolnostem kv\u016fli Harrisonovi a tak d\u00e1le, tak\u017ee si podle m\u00e9ho n\u00e1zoru zaslou\u017e\u00ed velk\u00e9 uzn\u00e1n\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "While Donald Trump has been widely criticized for his bombast and insults, 52 percent of leaned Republican voters nationwide think that the real estate mogul has the right temperament to be president, according to Monday's ABC News/Washington Post poll.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Zat\u00edmco Donald Trump byl \u0161iroce kritizov\u00e1n za jeho nabub\u0159elost a ur\u00e1\u017eky, 52 procent republik\u00e1nsk\u00fdch voli\u010d\u016f je celost\u00e1tn\u011b naklon\u011bno k my\u0161lence, \u017ee realitn\u00ed m\u00e1 magn\u00e1t spr\u00e1vn\u00fd temperament pro post prezidenta, podle pond\u011bln\u00edho hlasov\u00e1n\u00ed ABC News/Washington Post."} {"inputs": "Translate \"How many times had I asked what these complex checks were, but no-one wanted to talk about it.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Kolikr\u00e1t jsem se ptal, co jsou ty komplexn\u00ed prov\u011brky, ale nikdo o tom nechce moc mluvit."} {"inputs": "V srdci tohoto boje le\u017e\u00ed p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00ed pro spln\u011bn\u00ed t\u00e9to v\u00fdzvy.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Friendship lies at the heart of the battle to meet this challenge."} {"inputs": "N\u00e1mluvy s Boeingem tak \u0161\u0165astn\u00e9 nebyly.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Approaches to Boeing were not so successful."} {"inputs": "How is \"According to records, the company received more than five million crowns over three years.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Za t\u0159i roky spole\u010dnost podle spisu za projekt inkasovala v\u00edce ne\u017e p\u011bt milion\u016f korun."} {"inputs": "She didn't accept it all when we said that having a spider in the house was good luck.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Na\u0161e \u0159e\u010di o tom, \u017ee pavouka vid\u011bti, \u0161t\u011bst\u00ed v dom\u011b m\u00edti v\u016fbec nebrala."} {"inputs": "Translate \"And the half-built house!\" to Czech?", "targets": "A k tomu rozestav\u011bn\u00fd bar\u00e1k!"} {"inputs": "The number of refugees, but not the obligation to accept them, was retained in the text approved on Monday by the majority of Member States.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Po\u010det, nikoli ale povinnost, byl v pond\u011bl\u00ed zachov\u00e1n v textu schv\u00e1len\u00e9m v\u011bt\u0161inou osmadvac\u00edtky."} {"inputs": "Lid\u00e9 \u010dasto u\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed jednu l\u017e\u00edci nala\u010dno po r\u00e1nu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Komplikac\u00ed byl pro Jakunina fakt, \u017ee v Kaliningradsk\u00e9 oblasti dvacet let ne\u017eil, jak to po\u017eaduje z\u00e1kon.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "One complication for Yakunin was the fact that he has not lived in the Kaliningrad Oblast for twenty years, as required by law."} {"inputs": "How is \"Thanks, I'll be careful.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "D\u00edk, d\u00e1m si bacha."} {"inputs": "V prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed je tak\u00e9 uvedeno, \u017ee \u010c\u00edna umo\u017en\u00ed pohrani\u010dn\u00edm oblastem objevovat nov\u00e9 modely p\u0159eshrani\u010dn\u00ed hospod\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9 spolupr\u00e1ce a nov\u00e9 mechanismy podpory region\u00e1ln\u00edho r\u016fstu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The statement also said China will allow border areas to explore new models of cross-border economic cooperation and new mechanisms for promoting regional growth."} {"inputs": "How is \"Now, six in 10 Republicans have a favorable view of Donald Trump.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nyn\u00ed m\u00e1 \u0161est z 10 republik\u00e1n\u016f p\u0159\u00edzniv\u00fd pohled na Donalda Trumpa."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nVillage symbol comes to life", "targets": "Symbol obce o\u017eil."} {"inputs": "\"Zpr\u00e1va poch\u00e1z\u00ed z \u010d\u00edsla, kter\u00e9 se nezobraz\u00ed, ale je pojmenov\u00e1no 'smrt',\" sd\u011blil \u017eurnalist\u016fm po proslovu pana Mugabeho.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"The message is coming from a number which is not reflecting but it's titled 'death',\" he told journalists after Mr Mugabe's speech."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe incredible possibilities offered by welding arcs, simple settings and expandibility of the welding resource allows you to respond quickly to changes in requirements, reducing idle time, reconfiguration of the tool and more productive welding.", "targets": "Neuv\u011b\u0159iteln\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed sva\u0159ovac\u00edch k\u0159ivek, jednoduch\u00e9 nastaven\u00ed a roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159itelnost sva\u0159ovac\u00edho zdroje umo\u017e\u0148uje rychle reagovat na zm\u011bnu po\u017eadavk\u016f, co\u017e vede ke sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed prostoj\u016f, k nutnosti p\u0159estaven\u00ed zdroje a produktivn\u011bj\u0161\u00edmu sva\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Film za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 a m\u011b doch\u00e1z\u00ed, \u017ee jsem na dosah n\u011b\u010demu, co by se dalo nazvat fale\u0161n\u00e9 rande s princeznou z Walesu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The movie starts and it occurs to me that I'm a fake yawn and an arm stretch away from being on a date with the Princess of Wales."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAbout how they'd give you one assessment, often full of praise, and they'd send the second one, full of dirt, to your new employer.", "targets": "Jak jeden posudek, \u010dasto pln\u00fd chv\u00e1ly, daj\u00ed \u010dlov\u011bku do ruky, a druh\u00fd, ve kter\u00e9m je kdejak\u00e1 \u0161p\u00edna, po\u0161lou nov\u00e9mu zam\u011bstnavateli."} {"inputs": "Nyn\u00ed je velmi d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9 z\u016fstat p\u0159i sob\u011b.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "To stay together now is so important."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jej\u00ed podpora mezi mu\u017ei se v\u00fdrazn\u011b sn\u00ed\u017eila a Sanders na ni ztr\u00e1c\u00ed pouze 5 bod\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Not only is it suitable for the preparation of cold dishes, for example the seasoning of salads, it can also be used for hot dishes.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nejen\u017ee je vhodn\u00fd pro p\u0159\u00edpravu studen\u00fdch pokrm\u016f, nap\u0159\u00edklad p\u0159i dochucov\u00e1n\u00ed sal\u00e1t\u016f, ale tak\u00e9 pro tepelnou \u00fapravu pokrm\u016f."} {"inputs": "Pr\u016fm\u011brn\u00e9 BMI mezi t\u011bmi, kte\u0159\u00ed podstoupili operaci, kleslo podle studie z 31 na 24,5 ke konci jejich p\u00e1t\u00e9ho roku.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nGyorgy Bakondi, homeland security adviser to Orban, said authorities caught 45 people trying to cross at the border and 15 deeper in the country.", "targets": "Gyorgy Bakondi, poradce Orbana pro dom\u00e1c\u00ed obranu, \u0159ekl, \u017ee autority chytili 45 lid\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed se pokusili p\u0159ekro\u010dit hranici a 15 chytili ji\u017e na \u00fazem\u00ed st\u00e1tu."} {"inputs": "\"Historie ukazuje, \u017ee \"kvalita\" akci\u00ed m\u00e1 tendenci p\u0159ekonat se v pr\u016fb\u011bhu t\u0159\u00ed m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f po po\u010d\u00e1te\u010dn\u00edho zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazeb,\" uvedli analytici Goldman Sachsve ve zpr\u00e1v\u011b pro klienty.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "When another company offering the lowest price entered the competition, the authority cancelled the process.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Kdy\u017e se do sout\u011b\u017ee p\u0159ihl\u00e1sila dal\u0161\u00ed spole\u010dnost, kter\u00e1 nab\u00eddla nejni\u017e\u0161\u00ed cenu, radnice sout\u011b\u017e zru\u0161ila."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Czech European MP Pavel Teli\u010dka (ANO) has postponed his journey to Baku on Thursday after the Azerbaijan authorities today cancelled the official part of his visit.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u010cesk\u00fd poslanec Evropsk\u00e9ho parlamentu za hnut\u00ed ANO Pavel Teli\u010dka odlo\u017eil chystanou \u010dtvrte\u010dn\u00ed cestu do Baku, proto\u017ee mu \u00e1zerb\u00e1jd\u017e\u00e1nsk\u00e9 \u00fa\u0159ady dnes zru\u0161ily ofici\u00e1ln\u00ed \u010d\u00e1st n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvy."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHere, too, the greatest growth has been in the display.", "targets": "I v tomto p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b je tak nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed n\u00e1r\u016fst patrn\u00fd pr\u00e1v\u011b u displeje."} {"inputs": "Kov\u00e1cs s odvol\u00e1n\u00edm na policejn\u00ed zpr\u00e1vu Muziho l\u00ed\u010den\u00ed ud\u00e1lost\u00ed zpochybnil.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"It is the only company in the world to supply doors for the Brazilian Embraer 170 model.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jako jedin\u00ed na sv\u011bt\u011b dod\u00e1vaj\u00ed dve\u0159e pro brazilsk\u00fd Embraer 170."} {"inputs": "Prosincov\u00fd p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvek 600 korun d\u016fchodc\u016fm je v ohro\u017een\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHe received a doctorate in education in the spring.", "targets": "Na ja\u0159e z\u00edskal doktor\u00e1t ve vzd\u011bl\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "A wide variety of grilling competitions take place all over the world, only confirming the success of this culinary discipline.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Po cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b se pak konaj\u00ed nejr\u016fzn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed sout\u011b\u017ee v grilov\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e9 jen \u00fasp\u011b\u0161nost t\u00e9to kulin\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9 discipl\u00edny potvrzuj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"His car was still running in the driveway.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Auto nechal nastartovan\u00e9 na ulici."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Google toto ozn\u00e1mil na sv\u00e9m blogu velmi neobvyklou cestou."} {"inputs": "Every year the festival has its own theme, based on the festival's theme tune.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ka\u017ed\u00fd rok m\u00e1 festival sv\u00e9 speci\u00e1ln\u00ed t\u00e9ma, kter\u00e9 se odv\u00edj\u00ed od festivalov\u00e9 zn\u011blky."} {"inputs": "\"Zapot\u0159eb\u00ed bude p\u0159im\u011b\u0159en\u00fdch finan\u010dn\u00edch zdroj\u016f,\" varuje text p\u0159edlo\u017een\u00fd ministr\u016fm ke schv\u00e1len\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"Appropriate funds will be required,\" warns the text submitted to ministers for approval."} {"inputs": "\"M\u00e1\u0161 \u0161t\u011bst\u00ed, \u017ee ses nesrazil se soudruhem n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edkem, p\u0159i\u0161el minutu p\u0159ed tebou a zd\u00e1 se, \u017ee nem\u00e1 zrovna n\u00e1ladu,\" poznamenal dispe\u010der, zat\u00edmco jsem se zapisoval do knihy p\u0159\u00edchod\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBy mid-July, it was 40 percent.", "targets": "V polovin\u011b \u010dervence to u\u017e bylo 40 procent."} {"inputs": "P\u0159ipustila, \u017ee \"to mohla formulovat l\u00e9pe,\" ale stejn\u011b si mysl\u00ed, \u017ee to co d\u011bl\u00e1m je \u0161patn\u00e9.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "She admitted that she \"could have phrased it better,\" but still thinks I'm wrong to do what I'm doing."} {"inputs": "In 2001, he battled leukemia, and in 2009, he lost long-time partner, Farrah Fawcett, to cancer.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V roce 2001 bojoval s leuk\u00e9mi\u00ed a v roce 2009 ztratil svoji dlouholetou partnerku Farrah Fawcett kv\u016fli rakovin\u011b."} {"inputs": "How is \"The chief whip said the party, led by Morgan Tsvangirai, is \"worried\" about the threats to its politicians.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "N\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk uvedl, \u017ee strana, kterou vede Morgan Tsvangirai, m\u00e1 \"obavy\" ohledn\u011b v\u00fdhr\u016f\u017ek\u00e1m v\u016f\u010di poslanc\u016fm."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V horizontu dvou let bude nutn\u00e9 vzhledem k nov\u00e9 sm\u011brnici EU znovu cel\u00fd z\u00e1kon p\u0159epracovat."} {"inputs": "M\u016f\u017eete sami posoudit, zda se jednalo o penaltu a \u010dervenou kartu.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "You can judge for yourself when I say it is a penalty and a red card."} {"inputs": "How is \"At the same time she again appealed for the distribution of refugees who have already arrived in the EU among member states.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Z\u00e1rove\u0148 znovu apelovala na rozd\u011blov\u00e1n\u00ed uprchl\u00edk\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed u\u017e do EU dorazili, mezi \u010dlensk\u00e9 zem\u011b osmadvac\u00edtky."} {"inputs": "Dons zvy\u0161uj\u00ed sv\u016fj n\u00e1skok nad Celticem o 5 bod\u016f\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Dons stretch lead over Celtic to five points"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Thirty percent of Democratic primary voters don't think Clinton is honest and trustworthy, twice as many as say that about Sanders (15 percent), but 27 percent don't have an opinion of him on this.\" to Czech?", "targets": "T\u0159icet procent demokratick\u00fdch prim\u00e1rn\u00edch voli\u010d\u016f si nemysl\u00ed, \u017ee je Clintonov\u00e1 \u010destn\u00e1 a d\u016fv\u011bryhodn\u00e1, tedy dvakr\u00e1t tolik ne\u017e t\u011bch, kte\u0159\u00ed \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed to sam\u00e9 o Sandersovi (15 procent), ale 27 procent na n\u011bj nem\u00e1 tento n\u00e1zor."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nSeven's Sunrise dominates ratings, despite Nine's attempts to cover the leadership spill on Today Show", "targets": "Seven's Sunrise dominuje sazb\u00e1m, a\u010dkoliv se Nine's pokou\u0161\u00ed p\u0159evz\u00edt veden\u00ed v Today Show"} {"inputs": "V kter\u00fdch konkr\u00e9tn\u00edch nemocnic\u00edch by pracovi\u0161t\u011b zam\u011b\u0159en\u00e1 na jednodenn\u00ed chirurgii m\u011bla b\u00fdt, zat\u00edm nen\u00ed jasn\u00e9.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Jak uprchlick\u00e1 krize rozmetala schengensk\u00fd prostor.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "How the refugee crisis shattered the Schengen Zone"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"A kid is not thinking this is bad for them,\" Lopez said.", "targets": "\"D\u011bti nep\u0159em\u00fd\u0161lej\u00ed nad t\u00edm, \u017ee by jim to mohlo ubl\u00ed\u017eit,\" uvedl Lopez."} {"inputs": "Nov\u00e9 z\u00e1kony, kter\u00e9 vstoupily v platnost o p\u016flnoci v Ma\u010farsku nyn\u00ed kriminalizuj\u00ed poru\u0161en\u00ed 4 metrov\u00e9ho plotu, kter\u00fd vl\u00e1da nechala postavit na ji\u017en\u00ed hranici se Srbskem, a tak\u00e9 ustanovuje del\u0161\u00ed lh\u016fty ve v\u011bzen\u00ed pro ty, kte\u0159\u00ed uprchl\u00edky ileg\u00e1ln\u011b p\u0159ev\u00e1d\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The new laws that took effect at midnight in Hungary now make it a crime to cross or damage a 4-meter (13-foot) razor-wire fence the government has built along the southern border with Serbia and also includes longer prison terms for convicted human traffickers."} {"inputs": "As the market has seen over the past month or so, anticipation of rate hikes can make things volatile for a while.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Vzhledem k tomu, co trh zaznamenal za posledn\u00ed cca m\u011bs\u00edc, m\u016f\u017ee o\u010dek\u00e1van\u00e9 zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed sazeb u\u010dinit vzduch trochu nest\u00e1l\u00fdm."} {"inputs": "Ban \u0159ekl na st\u0159ede\u010dn\u00ed tiskov\u00e9 konferenci, \u017ee m\u00e1 v pl\u00e1nu setkat se s ministry zahrani\u010d\u00ed p\u011bti st\u00e1l\u00fdch rad zem\u00ed - USA, Rusko, \u010c\u00edna, Brit\u00e1nie a Francie - na okraji ministersk\u00e9ho zased\u00e1n\u00ed Valn\u00e9ho shrom\u00e1\u017ed\u011bn\u00ed na konci tohoto m\u011bs\u00edce kv\u016fli projedn\u00e1n\u00ed situace v S\u00fdrii.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Ban told a news conference Wednesday that he plans to meet with foreign ministers of the five permanent council nations - the U.S., Russia, China, Britain and France - on the sidelines of the General Assembly's ministerial session later this month to discuss Syria."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHowever, according to the association the submitter did not take into account the situation that would arise if an insurance company terminated a contract with a travel agency.", "targets": "Podle asociace p\u0159edkladatel z\u00e1kona ale nedomyslel situaci, co nastane, pokud poji\u0161\u0165ovna vypov\u00ed CK smlouvu."} {"inputs": "Okam\u017eit\u011b se mu poda\u0159ily t\u0159i stolet\u00ed a ani se neohl\u00e9dl.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"Some are worried that Trump's bombast will drive crucial Hispanic voters away from the Republican Party and damage rebranding efforts.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "N\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed se ob\u00e1vaj\u00ed, \u017ee Trumpova nabub\u0159elost odl\u00e1k\u00e1 kl\u00ed\u010dov\u00e9 hisp\u00e1nsk\u00e9 voli\u010de od republik\u00e1nsk\u00e9 strany a po\u0161kozen\u00ed usil\u00ed o rebranding."} {"inputs": "Ale daleko se nedostal.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "But he didn't get too far."} {"inputs": "A jdou a jdou a jdou.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "And they come and come and come."} {"inputs": "Mand\u00edk podle ob\u017ealoby tehdej\u0161\u00edmu \u0161\u00e9fovi magistr\u00e1tn\u00edho odboru m\u011bstsk\u00fdch slu\u017eeb, \u0161kolstv\u00ed a kultury ulo\u017eil, aby oslovil ve v\u00fdb\u011brov\u00e9m \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed p\u011bt propojen\u00fdch firem.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Bankovn\u00ed garance podle n\u011bho nebude fungovat, proto\u017ee ji nikdo ned\u00e1 neomezenou."} {"inputs": "Tenkr\u00e1t n\u00e1s tr\u00e9noval Georghe Hagi, byla to sm\u016fla, \u017ee jsme prohr\u00e1li.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Back then our coach was Gheorghe Hagi, we were unlucky to lose."} {"inputs": "J\u00e1 taky.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Me too."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Mrs Laury, who is one of only five women at the helm of Britain's FTSE100 index of leading firms, has also restructured her top team to reflect an equal number of men and women directors.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pan\u00ed Laury, kter\u00e1 je jednou z pouh\u00fdch p\u011bti \u017een u kormidla vedouc\u00edch firem podle britsk\u00e9ho indexu FTSE100, tak\u00e9 p\u0159estrukturovala jej\u00ed \u0161pi\u010dkov\u00fd t\u00fdm, aby reflektoval rovnocennost mezi \u0159editeli mu\u017ei a \u017eenami."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Desatero v\u00fdrok\u016f Alberta Einsteina, kter\u00e9 obohatilo sv\u011bt."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHewlett-Packard to cut up to 30,000 jobs", "targets": "Hewlett-Packard se chyst\u00e1 sn\u00ed\u017eit po\u010det pracovn\u00edch m\u00edst a\u017e o 30 000."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nOr, better still, if in Starbucks you see someone alone, give a smile and say hello.", "targets": "Nebo kdy\u017e uvid\u00edte n\u011bkoho samotn\u00e9ho ve Starbucks, usm\u011bjte se na n\u011bj a pozdravte ho."} {"inputs": "If we use your material on BBC programmes or online we will publish your name as you provide it (unless you ask us not to) but we will never publish your email address.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Jestli\u017ee pou\u017eijeme v\u00e1\u0161 materi\u00e1l na BBC programech nebo online, tak\u00e9 zve\u0159ejn\u00edme va\u0161e jm\u00e9no tak, jak ho poskytnete (pokud n\u00e1s nepo\u017e\u00e1d\u00e1te o utajen\u00ed), ale nikdy nezve\u0159ejn\u00edme \u010d\u00edslo va\u0161\u00ed osobn\u00ed emailovou adresu."} {"inputs": "\"You saw how they were boozing,\" replied the waiter.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"V\u017edy\u0165 jste vid\u011bl, jak chlastaj\u00ed,\" odv\u011btil \u010d\u00ed\u0161n\u00edk."} {"inputs": "Policie se do\u017eadovala jm\u00e9na volaj\u00edc\u00edho, ale Lamb se nep\u0159edstavil.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Police asked the caller his name, but he didn't give it."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWe must fit into this price equation.", "targets": "Do tohoto cenov\u00e9ho vzorce se mus\u00edme vej\u00edt."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\u0160lechtov\u00e1 emphasised that insurance companies would receive sufficient information on the running of travel agencies and would be able to set the correct limit.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Poji\u0161\u0165ovny budou dost\u00e1vat dostatek informac\u00ed o hospoda\u0159en\u00ed cestovn\u00edch kancel\u00e1\u0159\u00ed a budou moci ur\u010dit spr\u00e1vn\u00fd limit, zd\u016fraznila \u0160lechtov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIn 2013, two Ontario women died after swallowing hand sanitizer that contained a toxic, undeclared ingredient.", "targets": "V roce 2013 zem\u0159ely dv\u011b \u017eeny z Ontaria po spolknut\u00ed sanita\u010dn\u00edho prost\u0159edku, kter\u00fd obsahoval toxickou, nedeklarovanou ingredienci."} {"inputs": "Po krizi spole\u010dn\u00e9 m\u011bny zji\u0161\u0165uje EU, \u017ee je v ohro\u017een\u00ed ve sv\u00e9m dal\u0161\u00edm velk\u00e9m integra\u010dn\u00edm projektu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "After the shared currency crisis the EU is now finding that its other major integration project is under threat."} {"inputs": "Send us a picture, video or message to our WhatsApp number +44 7525 900971\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Po\u0161lete n\u00e1m obr\u00e1zek, video nebo zpr\u00e1vu na na\u0161e WhatsApp \u010d\u00edslo +44 7525 900971"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAnd I definitely had the hope that we wouldn't be on our own for long, says Eva, remembering her first pregnancy.", "targets": "A ur\u010dit\u011b jsem v sob\u011b m\u011bla nad\u011bji, \u017ee dlouho nez\u016fstaneme sami, vzpom\u00edn\u00e1 dnes Eva na sv\u00e9 prvn\u00ed t\u011bhotenstv\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Six weeks ago they probably weren't thinking of us when they get to the big games.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "P\u0159ed \u0161esti t\u00fddny o n\u00e1s pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b ani nepomysleli, kdy\u017e se dost\u00e1vali k velk\u00fdm z\u00e1pas\u016fm."} {"inputs": "Translate \"almost three months after an insolvency petition for approximately 20 million crowns was submitted against it by a company called Online Services from Samoa in the Pacific Ocean.\" to Czech?", "targets": "T\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 t\u0159i m\u011bs\u00edce pot\u00e9, co na ni kv\u016fli zhruba 20 milion\u016fm korun podala n\u00e1vrh spole\u010dnost Online Services z tichomo\u0159sk\u00e9 Samoy."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "A\u0165 u\u017e je pozad\u00ed jak\u00e9koliv, citliv\u00fd obraz, kter\u00fd chce Corbyn sd\u011blit - nezapome\u0148te, dotkl se i m\u011b - discipl\u00edna zpr\u00e1vy z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e1 ve v\u011bky celodenn\u00edho televizn\u00edho p\u0159enosu a obzvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b v v\u00edru, pa\u0159eni\u0161t\u011bm paranoie a zrady, kter\u00fdm jsou soci\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00e9dia"} {"inputs": "The goal is to place intervention teams from the European border control agency Frontex within the country.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Jde tedy o to rozm\u00edstit v t\u00e9to zemi z\u00e1sahov\u00e9 t\u00fdmy evropsk\u00e9 agentury pro kontrolu hranic Frontex."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Of course you all think, we all think, \u00a3150 a year is great value, but for people for whom \u00a3150 is a lot of money I wonder if they do because they don't consume a lot of the BBC.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pochopiteln\u011b si v\u0161ichni mysl\u00edme, \u017ee 150 britsk\u00fdch liber ro\u010dn\u011b je velk\u00e1 suma, ale pro lidi, pro kter\u00e9 je 150 liber hodn\u011b, bych se divil, kdyby tolik platili, proto\u017ee se na BBC tolik ned\u00edvaj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Je to velmi dosp\u011bl\u00fd 19let\u00fd mu\u017e, pracuje velmi tvrd\u011b a do t\u00fdmu zapad\u00e1 skv\u011ble a tak d\u00e1le, nikdy nem\u011bl probl\u00e9m s ostatn\u00edmi hr\u00e1\u010di, v \u0161atn\u011b je velice respektov\u00e1n, tr\u00e9nuje tvrd\u011b, je v \u00fa\u017easn\u00e9 kondici, je to velmi stabiln\u00ed a vysp\u011bl\u00fd mlad\u00fd kluk a j\u00e1 si zkr\u00e1tka mysl\u00edm, \u017ee si zaslou\u017e\u00ed b\u00fdt souzen podle sv\u00fdch vlastn\u00edch z\u00e1sluh."} {"inputs": "Whatever that does, it won't be pleasant.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "A\u0165 u\u017e je to cokoliv, nebude to p\u0159\u00edjemn\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Jen o p\u00e1r metr\u016f vedle vznikne linka pro kompletn\u00ed mont\u00e1\u017e dve\u0159\u00ed pro horn\u00ed palubu A380.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Only a few metres away they are building a production line for the complete assembly of doors for the upper deck of the A380."} {"inputs": "Between May and July, UK earnings excluding bonuses grew 2.9% compared with the same period last year.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Mezi kv\u011btnem a \u010dervnem zisky GB v\u010detn\u011b bonus\u016f stouply o 2.9% ve srovn\u00e1n\u00ed se stejn\u00fdm obdob\u00edm minul\u00fd rok."} {"inputs": "Ve \u010dtvrtlet\u00ed, kter\u00e9 skon\u010dilo v srpnu. 31, spole\u010dnost FedEx z\u00edskala $692 milionu, co\u017e je o 6 procent v\u00edce ne\u017e minul\u00fd rok.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "V t\u00fddenn\u00edm vyj\u00e1d\u0159en\u00ed \u017e\u00e1dal \"m\u00e9n\u011b divadla a v\u00edce fakt\u016f.\"\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nZimbabwe's Robert Mugabe delivers wrong speech in parliament", "targets": "Zimbabwsk\u00fd Robert Mugabe p\u0159ednesl v parlamentu \u0161patn\u00fd projev"} {"inputs": "How is \"Not in English of course.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Anglicky to ov\u0161em nebylo."} {"inputs": "I p\u0159esto, \u017ee ve druh\u00e9m \u010dtvrtlet\u00ed roku 2015 to bylo 3,6 procenta, m\u00e1lokdo o\u010dek\u00e1vat jeho udr\u017een\u00ed, kdy\u017e ve t\u0159et\u00edm \u010dtvrtlet\u00ed bylo na pouh\u00fdch 1,5 procenta, uv\u00e1d\u00ed Atlanta Fed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Even though the second quarter of 2015 was at 3.6 percent, few expect that to last, with the third quarter tracking at just 1.5 percent, according to the Atlanta Fed."} {"inputs": "How is \"These exceptional, temporary measures are permitted by the rules of the Schengen Zone.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Tato v\u00fdjime\u010dn\u00e1 a do\u010dasn\u00e1 opat\u0159en\u00ed jsou podle pravidel Schengenu p\u0159\u00edpustn\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Zisky FedExu sm\u00ed\u0161en\u00e9, sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed fisk\u00e1ln\u00edho v\u00fdhledu na rok 2016\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "FedEx earnings mixed, lowers fiscal 2016 outlook"} {"inputs": "Od 30. \u010dervna, kdy byl Norris vym\u011bn\u011bn za lev\u00e9ho nadhazova\u010de Davida Price, m\u00e1 sk\u00f3re 1-1 po 4 z\u00e1pasech.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Norris is 1-1 in four starts with the Tigers since being acquired in a trade for LHP David Price on July 30."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nA paedophile used an 11-year-old girl's phone to solicit child abuse images.", "targets": "Pedofil pou\u017eil telefon jeden\u00e1ctilet\u00e9 d\u00edvky, aby z\u00edskal fotky zneu\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed d\u011bt\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Tento rok tak\u00e9 zavzpom\u00edn\u00e1me na Miroslava Ond\u0159\u00ed\u010dka, patrona FAMO v P\u00edsku, kter\u00fd n\u00e1s ned\u00e1vno opustil.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "This year we will also remember Miroslav Ond\u0159\u00ed\u010dek, patron of the Miroslav Ond\u0159\u00ed\u010dek Film Academy (FAMO) in P\u00edsek, who recently passed away."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe French media has said that Latecoere can finally breathe easy after being on a drip-feed for years.", "targets": "Francouzsk\u00e1 m\u00e9dia tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee Latecoere se kone\u010dn\u011b po letech na kapa\u010dk\u00e1ch m\u016f\u017ee znovu nadechnout."} {"inputs": "\u201eNetrefil m\u00ed\u010d moc dob\u0159e, ale dostal ho na spr\u00e1vn\u00e9 m\u00edsto.\u201c\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "He didn't hit it particularly well, but he got it in the right spot."} {"inputs": "Experts believe shoppers could be holding off making purchases ahead of the event, which takes place on the last Friday in November .\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Odborn\u00edci v\u011b\u0159\u00ed, \u017ee by se z\u00e1kazn\u00edci mohli zdr\u017eovat n\u00e1kup\u016f p\u0159ed touto ud\u00e1lost\u00ed, kter\u00e1 se kon\u00e1 posledn\u00ed p\u00e1tek v listopadu."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Na umakartov\u00fd z\u00e1chod se mi nast\u011bhovaly rybenky."} {"inputs": "How is \"The fifth Czech production of the worldwide musical Evita has been successfully performed by the Studio DVA theatre in cooperation with The Really Useful Group Ltd.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u00e1t\u00e9 \u010desk\u00e9 nastudov\u00e1n\u00ed sv\u011btov\u00e9ho muzik\u00e1lu Evita uv\u00e1d\u00ed divadlo Studio DVA ve spolupr\u00e1ci s The Really Useful Group Ltd."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "M\u011bsto nakonec vyplatilo jen jednu \u010d\u00e1st, zhruba 1,7 milionu korun, pak od smlouvy odstoupilo."} {"inputs": "Hlasov\u00e1n\u00ed Des Moines Register/Bloomberg v Iow\u011b p\u0159ed n\u011bkolika t\u00fddny odhalilo, \u017ee t\u0159i ze \u010dty\u0159 republik\u00e1n\u016f v Iow\u011b jsou frustrov\u00e1ni republik\u00e1ny v Kongresu, 54 procent je \"nespokojen\u00fdch\" a 21 procent \"pekeln\u011b na\u0161tvan\u00fdch.\"\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "A Des Moines Register/Bloomberg poll in Iowa from two weeks ago shows that three in four Iowa Republicans are frustrated with Republicans in Congress, with 54 percent \"unsatisfied\" and 21 percent \"mad as hell.\""} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBut I digress.", "targets": "Ale to jsem odbo\u010dil."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V\u00fdzkum publikovan\u00fd asociac\u00ed British Retail Consortium zjistil, \u017ee pouze \u00a31 z ka\u017ed\u00fdch \u00a35 byla utracena online."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Pracuji s nimi tak, aby nakonec do\u0161li k z\u00e1v\u011bru, \u017ee i s handicapem lze \u017e\u00edt plnohodnotn\u00fd \u017eivot a \u017ee roztrou\u0161en\u00e1 skler\u00f3za neznamen\u00e1 konec \u017eivota,\" \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 psychoterapeutka Renata Malinov\u00e1 - Schubertov\u00e1 z Neurologick\u00e9 kliniky V\u0161eobecn\u00e9 fakultn\u00ed nemocnice v Praze."} {"inputs": "How is \"These must be attached manually but riveters.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ty mus\u00ed n\u00fdta\u0159i ru\u010dn\u011b rozklepat."} {"inputs": "How is \"It's fair enough not to give Cameron a free pass on Europe, allowing him to take Labour's support for granted in the referendum campaign, as McDonnell has said.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Je f\u00e9r neposkytovat Cameronovi volnou vstupenku do Evropy, kter\u00e1 by mu umo\u017enila pova\u017eovat podporu D\u011blnick\u00e9 strany v referendov\u00e9 kampani za samoz\u0159ejmou, jak uvedl McDonnell."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHowever, as of this year the wheel, mounted on a high mast, is again turning.", "targets": "Od leto\u0161n\u00edho \u010dervna se v\u0161ak kolo na vysok\u00e9m sto\u017e\u00e1ru op\u011bt to\u010d\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI think she's forgotten about the potty.", "targets": "Mysl\u00edm, \u017ee u\u017e na no\u010dn\u00edk zapomn\u011bla."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSuddenly he was addressing me in the formal, so I'm finished!", "targets": "Najednou mi vyk\u00e1, tak to je konec!"} {"inputs": "Metcash odm\u00edtl ve\u0159ejn\u011b reagovat na Douglass\u016fv koment\u00e1\u0159.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Naopak toto bylo jednozna\u010dn\u011b pomal\u00e9 o\u017eiven\u00ed od t\u00e9 nejhor\u0161\u00ed recese v obdob\u00ed odb\u011bru vzork\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "A Lafata?\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "And Lafata?"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nPut the torn rocket, chopped cucumber and large chunks of peach into a salad bowl.", "targets": "Do sal\u00e1tov\u00e9 m\u00edsy p\u0159idejte ke sm\u011bsi sal\u00e1tov\u00fdch list\u016f natrhanou rukolu, nakr\u00e1jen\u00e9 okurky a na velk\u00e9 kostky nakr\u00e1jenou broskev."} {"inputs": "Oble\u010deni byli jak z americk\u00e9ho rappersk\u00e9ho filmu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe central bank's influence in recent years has been enormous.", "targets": "Vliv centr\u00e1ln\u00ed banky v posledn\u00edch letech byl enormn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Na\u0161e \u0161kola i festival jsou jeho odkazem, kter\u00fd bude \u017e\u00edt d\u00e1l."} {"inputs": "How is \"In it, mothers received cheques worth 5 thousand crowns to buy children's goods and small gifts.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Matky p\u0159i n\u00ed dost\u00e1valy d\u00e1rkov\u00fd \u0161ek na 5 tis\u00edc korun na n\u00e1kup d\u011btsk\u00fdch pot\u0159eb a drobn\u00e9 d\u00e1rky."} {"inputs": "The central power in Europe is thus showing that no free movement is possible in Europe without it.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Centr\u00e1ln\u00ed mocnost t\u00edm d\u00e1v\u00e1 jasn\u011b najevo, \u017ee bez n\u00ed nen\u00ed \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd voln\u00fd pohyb v Evrop\u011b mo\u017en\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "K n\u00e1vratu ke stejn\u00e9 roli \u0159\u00edk\u00e1: \"Dodnes se n\u00e1ro\u010dnosti Evity moc p\u0159edstaven\u00ed nevyrovnalo.\""} {"inputs": "How is \"Hand sanitizer contains anywhere between 45 and 95 percent alcohol.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Sanita\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edek obsahuje mezi 45 a 95 procenty alkoholu."} {"inputs": "A naopak, nebylo by ot\u0159esn\u011b trapn\u00e9, kdyby jste si spletli spolubydl\u00edc\u00ed za svoji budouc\u00ed cho\u0165, vyspali se spolu, roze\u0161li a museli se v\u00eddat ka\u017ed\u00fd den a mo\u017en\u00e1 by taky p\u0159evzala kontrolu nad va\u0161imi spole\u010dn\u00fdmi p\u0159\u00e1teli?\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Conversely, wouldn't it be knuckle-bitingly awkward if you mistook a hallmate for your future spouse, hooked up, broke up and had to see them every day and possibly watch them get custody of all your mutual friends?"} {"inputs": "'American Ninja Warrior' crowns first champion\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\u201eAmerican Ninja Warrior m\u00e1 prvn\u00edho v\u00edt\u011bze\u201c"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e zjistili, \u017ee tam nejsou, nic ho mazat nenutili."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kv\u016fli vstupu na Burzu cenn\u00fdch pap\u00edr\u016f Praha dokon\u010duje firma prospekt cenn\u00e9ho pap\u00edru, kter\u00fd p\u0159edlo\u017e\u00ed v nejbli\u017e\u0161\u00ed dob\u011b \u010cesk\u00e9 n\u00e1rodn\u00ed bance ke schv\u00e1len\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Budapest refuses to set up any entry point on its territory as it fears more than the others that it would have to deal with camps at which refugees would gather at its expense.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Budape\u0161\u0165 odm\u00edt\u00e1 zaveden\u00ed jak\u00e9hokoli vstupn\u00edho bodu na sv\u00e9m \u00fazem\u00ed, proto\u017ee se boj\u00ed v\u00edce ne\u017e ostatn\u00ed, aby na jej\u00edch bedrech nez\u016fstaly t\u00e1bory, ve kter\u00fdch by se uprchl\u00edci hromadili na jej\u00ed \u00fa\u010det."} {"inputs": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b Fed nem\u016f\u017ee ignorovat m\u00e9n\u011b r\u016f\u017eovou glob\u00e1ln\u00ed perspektivu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"The issue of the creation of true European border controls was not officially raised, although Europe is heading towards them.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ot\u00e1zka vzniku skute\u010dn\u00fdch evropsk\u00fdch pohrani\u010dn\u00edch str\u00e1\u017e\u00ed nebyla ofici\u00e1ln\u011b vznesena, ale Evropa se tomu bl\u00ed\u017e\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"A further area where capacity seems insufficient are the after-care wards, and chiefly the Long-term Care Clinics (LCC) in Nejdek, whose capacity is insufficient and should primarily connect with acute care wards.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Dal\u0161\u00ed l\u016f\u017ekovou kapacitou, kter\u00e1 se v Karlovarsk\u00e9m kraji jev\u00ed jako nedostate\u010dn\u00e1, jsou l\u016f\u017eka n\u00e1sledn\u00e9 p\u00e9\u010de a to zejm\u00e9na l\u016f\u017eka L\u00e9\u010deben dlouhodob\u011b nemocn\u00fdch (LDN), jej\u00ed\u017e kapacita v Nejdku je nedostate\u010dn\u00e1 a p\u0159edev\u0161\u00edm by m\u011bla \u00fazce navazovat na l\u016f\u017eka p\u00e9\u010de akutn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Having read the affidavits of both those persons, it is clear that the imposition of a surety of $200,000 constitutes a real financial burden on them,\" Judge Flanagan said.", "targets": "\"Po p\u0159e\u010dten\u00ed p\u0159\u00edse\u017en\u00fdch prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed obou osob je z\u0159ejm\u00e9, \u017ee vlo\u017een\u00e1 kauce 200 000 USD je pro n\u011b skute\u010dnou finan\u010dn\u00ed z\u00e1t\u011b\u017e\u00ed,\" prohl\u00e1sil soudce Flanagan."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nCome as Saudi Arabia has partly blamed the collapse on construction giant Saudi Binladin Group", "targets": "Saudsk\u00e1 Ar\u00e1bie \u010d\u00e1ste\u010dn\u011b h\u00e1z\u00ed vinu za kolaps konstruk\u010dn\u00edho magn\u00e1ta Saudi Binladin Group."} {"inputs": "Mluvil jsem tam o na\u0161\u00ed spolupr\u00e1ci s Airbusem.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe Ministry for Regional Development continues to insist upon the amendment, arguing in terms of consumer protection.", "targets": "Ministerstvo pro m\u00edstn\u00ed rozvoj na \u00faprav\u011b trv\u00e1, argumentuje ochranou spot\u0159ebitele."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "S ostatn\u00edmi z\u00e1v\u011bry - funk\u010dn\u00ed hotspoty, tedy registra\u010dn\u00ed m\u00edsta, ochrana hranic, t\u00e1bory mimo Evropu, sv\u011b\u0159eneck\u00fd fond pro africk\u00e9 zem\u011b a dal\u0161\u00ed v\u011bci, s t\u00edm my nem\u00e1me \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd probl\u00e9m."} {"inputs": "How is \"The store is massive, and it will take over an hour to comb through all the aisles.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Obchod je masivn\u00ed a bude v\u00e1m trvat p\u0159es hodinu ne\u017e prolezete v\u0161echny uli\u010dky."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pokud ministerstvo pro m\u00edstn\u00ed rozvoj zjist\u00ed, \u017ee cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159 nesplnila n\u011bkterou ze z\u00e1konn\u00fdch povinnost\u00ed v\u016f\u010di poji\u0161\u0165ovn\u011b, vyzve ji podle p\u0159edlohy k n\u00e1prav\u011b nebo j\u00ed bude moci zak\u00e1zat uzav\u00edrat nov\u00e9 smlouvy v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b, pokud by poru\u0161en\u00ed povinnosti mohlo ohrozit z\u00e1jmy z\u00e1kazn\u00edk\u016f."} {"inputs": "V\u00fdrobci z Asie \u010dasto pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed na lisov\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159epra\u017een\u00e1 semena, kter\u00e1 maj\u00ed v\u00fdrazn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed chu\u0165.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Products from Asia often use excessively roasted seeds, which usually have a stronger taste."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "M\u016f\u017eete si vypo\u010d\u00edtat sv\u00e9 BMI zde: 1.usa.gov/1D0ZqDv."} {"inputs": "He said that he would decide according to how the singles develop.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Rozhodne se podle v\u00fdvoje dvouher."} {"inputs": "P\u0159ed vstupem francouzsk\u00e9 matky m\u011bla firma 180 zam\u011bstnanc\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "At the same time she's a usurper and wants to cook him to death, adds Bajgar.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ale z\u00e1rove\u0148 je uzurp\u00e1torka a chce sv\u00e9ho man\u017eela upe\u010dovat k smrti, podotkl Bajgar."} {"inputs": "Sou\u010dasn\u00fd cyklus je zdaleka nejdel\u0161\u00ed z t\u011bch, kdy Fed \u010dekali od konce posledn\u00edho recese; rekord byl 35 m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f, nyn\u00ed jsme na 74 m\u011bs\u00edc\u00edch a st\u00e1le pokra\u010dujeme.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The current cycle is by far the longest the Fed has waited since the end of the last recession; the record had been 35 months, and this is 74 months and counting."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "O p\u0159\u00edplatek by ale museli p\u00edsemn\u011b po\u017e\u00e1dat, a to nejpozd\u011bji do konce p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edho roku."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe public's views on this were split back in March, shortly after the issue came to light.", "targets": "N\u00e1zory ve\u0159ejnosti na toto t\u00e9ma byly rozd\u011bleny u\u017e v b\u0159eznu, kr\u00e1tce pot\u00e9, co tento probl\u00e9m vy\u0161el najevo."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Malmo, kter\u00e9 porazilo Celtic v play-off a dostalo se do t\u00e9to f\u00e1ze, nastoupilo s 9 internacion\u00e1ly v z\u00e1kladn\u00ed sestav\u011b a p\u011bti obr\u00e1nci a dv\u011bma zata\u017een\u00fdmi z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00edky byli t\u011b\u017ek\u00fdm soupe\u0159em."} {"inputs": "Profesion\u00e1ln\u00ed horolezec a pikol\u00edk Isaac Caldiero se stal prvn\u00edm sout\u011b\u017e\u00edc\u00edm, kter\u00fd v pond\u011bl\u00ed vyhr\u00e1l sout\u011b\u017e American Ninja Warrior a odnesl si dom\u016f jeden milion dolar\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "V\u011b\u0159itel\u00e9 z\u00edskali ve firm\u011b nav\u00fd\u0161en\u00edm kapit\u00e1lu o 57,4 milionu eur pod\u00edl 37,4 procenta.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"The water for the coffee was starting to boil and the office soon filled with the scent of freshly poured coffee.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Voda na kafe za\u010dala v\u0159\u00edt a vz\u00e1p\u011bt\u00ed se kancel\u00e1\u0159 naplnila v\u016fn\u00ed pr\u00e1v\u011b zalit\u00e9 k\u00e1vy."} {"inputs": "Translate \"White House spokesman Josh Earnest called Moscow's support for Assad as a lost bet.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Mluv\u010d\u00ed B\u00edl\u00e9ho domu Josh Earnest ozna\u010dil podporu Asada ze strany Moskvy za prohranou s\u00e1zku."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Total spending for August presented the lowest increase in growth since records began in 2000, with just a five per cent rise on last year.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Celkov\u00e9 v\u00fddaje za srpen p\u0159edstavovaly nejni\u017e\u0161\u00ed zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed r\u016fstu od samotn\u00fdch po\u010d\u00e1tk\u016f m\u011b\u0159en\u00ed roku 2000, s n\u00e1r\u016fstem pouh\u00fdch 5 procent v porovn\u00e1n\u00ed s minul\u00fdm rokem."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThis was a repeat of the assessment from the civic committee, perhaps they were written by the same person.", "targets": "Ten kop\u00edroval posudek z ob\u010dansk\u00e9ho v\u00fdboru, snad je oba psal stejn\u00fd \u010dlov\u011bk."} {"inputs": "Pozdn\u00ed v\u016fdce Al-K\u00e1idy Us\u00e1ma bin L\u00e1din byl syn odpadl\u00edk, kter\u00e9ho se rodina z\u0159ekla v devades\u00e1t\u00fdch letech.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAll very well, except that the subsequent paragraph in which Cameron supposedly describes the plot of the book instead gives a pr\u00e9cis of the 2012 film version, which added new characters and detail to pad out the fairly brief original text.", "targets": "No dobr\u00e1, a\u017e nato, \u017ee v n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edm odstavci Cameron \u00fadajn\u011b popsal d\u011bj knihy podle v\u00fdtahu z filmu z roku 2012, kter\u00fd p\u0159idal dal\u0161\u00ed postavy a detaily, aby vyplnil stru\u010dn\u00fd origin\u00e1ln\u00ed text."} {"inputs": "The latest poll from ABC News/Washington Post also showed Trump significantly ahead of Carson.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00ed pr\u016fzkum od ABC News/Washington Post tak\u00e9 uk\u00e1zal, \u017ee je Trump v\u00fdrazn\u011b nap\u0159ed p\u0159ed Carsonem."} {"inputs": "D\u00e1l u\u017e to bylo jenom hor\u0161\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"The Chase Australia is a replacement for Million Dollar Minute which failed to dent McGuire's show.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "The Chase Australia je nahrazeno po\u0159adem Million Dolar Minute, kter\u00fd nedok\u00e1zal porazit McGuirovu show."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Z hlediska pr\u00e1va budou m\u00edt nad\u00e1le posledn\u00ed slovo At\u00e9ny."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nPolice said Lamb had phoned relatives at some point Monday to tell them \"he's not going to jail.\"", "targets": "Policie uvedla, \u017ee Lamb v pond\u011bl\u00ed mluvil se sv\u00fdmi p\u0159\u00edbuzn\u00fdmi a \u0159ekl, \u017ee \u201enep\u016fjde do v\u011bzen\u00ed\u201c."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAbout 80% of the programme was devoted to the migrant crisis.", "targets": "Migrantsk\u00e9 krizi bylo v\u011bnov\u00e1no asi 80% vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed zpravodajstv\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jen\u017ee to u\u017e bych se nevr\u00e1til ani do \u0161treky ke krump\u00e1\u010di, nato\u017e abych d\u00e1l d\u011blal dr\u00e1\u017en\u00edho \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edka."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Takov\u00fd obrat situace nikdo ne\u010dekal."} {"inputs": "Mezi nimi byl i dvoulet\u00fd chlape\u010dek nebo \u010dty\u0159let\u00e1 hol\u010di\u010dka.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "These included a two year-old boy and a four year-old girl."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHe's just so happy to have done what he's done.", "targets": "Je r\u00e1d, \u017ee se mu povedlo dos\u00e1hnout toho, co dok\u00e1zal."} {"inputs": "Penalta z prvn\u00ed poloviny v pod\u00e1n\u00ed ADAMA Rooneyho zajistila Aberdeenu t\u011bsn\u00e9 v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00ed nad Hamiltonem v Pittodrie, d\u00edky \u010demu\u017e z\u00edskali Dons p\u011btibodov\u00fd n\u00e1skok mezi sebou a Celticem.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "ADAM Rooney's first-half penalty gave Aberdeen a narrow victory over Hamilton at Pittodrie, allowing the Dons to open up a five-point gap between themselves and Celtic."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Introverti na vysok\u00e9 p\u0159ijdou zkr\u00e1tka."} {"inputs": "Is he that well-read or was he parroting phrases from Party training courses and meetings?\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Je tak se\u010dt\u011bl\u00fd nebo papou\u0161koval fr\u00e1ze z partajn\u00edch \u0161kolen\u00ed a sch\u016fz\u00ed?"} {"inputs": "\"Tak to by sta\u010dilo, soudruhu n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edku,\" ozval se najednou p\u0159edseda strany a d\u016frazn\u011b p\u0159eru\u0161il n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edkovy levity.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"That will be enough, comrade superintendent,\" said the Party chairman suddenly, emphatically interrupting the superintendent's lecture."} {"inputs": "Translate \"As there is a lack of such wards across the whole country, it could also serve other regions as an 'Alzheimer centre'.\" to Czech?", "targets": "T\u011bchto l\u016f\u017eek je v cel\u00e9 republice nedostatek, proto by mohla slou\u017eit i pro ostatn\u00ed kraje jako takzvan\u00e9 Alzheimercentrum."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "P\u0159itom sama ve stejn\u00e9m vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed uvedla, \u017ee z migrant\u016f zadr\u017een\u00fdch v \u010cesku je 80% mu\u017e\u016f."} {"inputs": "Standing behind this is, as ever, capital, particularly German capital, which suits it and which lives off the fact that, through the banks and Union, Germany actually controls the majority of states of the European Union.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "A za t\u00edm stoj\u00ed jako v\u017edy kapit\u00e1l, zvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b n\u011bmeck\u00fd, kter\u00e9mu vyhovuje a kter\u00fd tyje z toho, \u017ee N\u011bmecko vlastn\u011b p\u0159es banky a Unii ovl\u00e1d\u00e1 v\u011bt\u0161inu st\u00e1t\u016f Evropy."} {"inputs": "Teli\u010dka had wanted to use the trip, planned several months in advance, to meet parliamentary leaders and representatives of the executive, as well as representatives of the democratic opposition, dissidents and political prisoners, stated the text sent to the Czech Press Office.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Cestu, kter\u00e1 byla pl\u00e1novan\u00e1 n\u011bkolik m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f p\u0159edem, cht\u011bl Teli\u010dka vyu\u017e\u00edt k setk\u00e1n\u00ed s veden\u00edm parlamentu a z\u00e1stupci exekutivy i s p\u0159edstaviteli demokratick\u00e9 opozice, disidenty a politick\u00fdmi v\u011bzni, up\u0159esnil text zaslan\u00fd \u010cTK."} {"inputs": "Secret revealed? ...\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Tajemstv\u00ed odhaleno?..."} {"inputs": "Metcash is trying to protect its IGA stores from an Aldi onslaught in South Australia and Western Australia.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Metcash se sna\u017e\u00ed ochr\u00e1nit sv\u00e9 obchody IGA od n\u00e1poru Aldi v ji\u017en\u00ed a z\u00e1padn\u00ed Austr\u00e1lii."} {"inputs": "Morgan Stanley si mysl\u00ed, \u017ee prodeje potravin Metcash klesnou o 3,8 procent v roce 2016, 4,1 procent v 2017 a 2,1 procent v 2018, a jeho pod\u00edl na trhu se sn\u00ed\u017e\u00ed ze 14 procent v 2015 na 10,3 procent do roku 2020.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Morgan Stanley believes Metcash's food and grocery sales will fall 3.8 per cent in 2016, 4.1 per cent in 2017 and 2.1 per cent in 2018, reducing its market share from 14 per cent in 2015 to 10.3 per cent by 2020."} {"inputs": "V n\u011bkter\u00fdch p\u0159\u00edpadech m\u016f\u017ee BBC pou\u017e\u00edt i v\u00e1\u0161 text nebo fotografie.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In some cases your text, as well as your images, may be used on BBC output."} {"inputs": "The amendment is also intended to help improve the protection of roads and make it easier for municipalities to handle vehicles that have been towed away and that are not claimed by the owners.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Novela m\u00e1 tak\u00e9 pomoci zlep\u0161it ochranu silnic a usnadnit obc\u00edm nakl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed s odta\u017een\u00fdmi vozidly, ke kter\u00fdm se majitel\u00e9 nehl\u00e1s\u00ed."} {"inputs": "\u010ctvrtina by ji podporovala s ur\u010dit\u00fdmi v\u00fdhradami a dal\u0161\u00edch 15 procent by ji podporovalo pouze pro to, \u017ee je kandid\u00e1tkou.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "A quarter would support her with some reservations and another 15 percent would only back her because she is the nominee."} {"inputs": "V\u00fdsledkem je otev\u0159en\u00fdch 200 Screwfix obchod\u016f zam\u011b\u0159en\u00fdch na obchodn\u00edky\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Resulting in 200 more Screwfix stores, aimed at tradesmen, opening"} {"inputs": "Pokud je stav baterie n\u00edzk\u00fd, Apple nepovol\u00ed spu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed aktualizace, proto\u017ee p\u0159eru\u0161en\u00ed procesu by mohlo zap\u0159\u00ed\u010dinit chybu aktualizace.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "If the charge is too low, Apple won't let the update go ahead, since the phone dying halfway through could lead to the update breaking."} {"inputs": "Bylo by to ale podle n\u011bj asi o p\u016fl miliardy korun dra\u017e\u0161\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "That would, however, have been about half a billion crowns more expensive."} {"inputs": "Naproti tomu neo\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1me, \u017ee postupn\u00fd n\u00e1vrat americk\u00fdch \u00farokov\u00fdch sazeb na b\u011b\u017en\u011bj\u0161\u00ed, ale st\u00e1le n\u00edzk\u00e9, vytvo\u0159\u00ed seizmick\u00fd \u0161ok, kter\u00e9ho by se mnoz\u00ed mohli b\u00e1t.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "But the secret services and leading politicians should be the first to know.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ale tajn\u00e9 slu\u017eby a vrcholov\u00ed politici to m\u011bli v\u011bd\u011bt prvn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Na p\u0159\u00edjmy rozpo\u010dt\u016f obc\u00ed m\u00e1 m\u00edt podle vl\u00e1dy neutr\u00e1ln\u00ed dopad, proto\u017ee poplatek m\u00e1 b\u00fdt vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "According to the government, the measure will have a neutral effect on the income of municipalities as fees will be higher."} {"inputs": "How is \"Ten of the last 11 national polls have shown Donald Trump's lead at double digits, and some are starting to ask seriously what it means for the real estate mogul's nomination chances.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "10 z posledn\u00ed 11 n\u00e1rodn\u00edch pr\u016fzkum\u016f ukazuj\u00ed, \u017ee je Donald Trump ve veden\u00ed o dvojcifern\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo, a n\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed lid\u00e9 se za\u010d\u00ednaj\u00ed v\u00e1\u017en\u011b pt\u00e1t, co to znamen\u00e1 pro nomina\u010dn\u00ed \u0161ance tohoto magn\u00e1ta z oblasti nemovitost\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"And the Party chairman?\" said in Czech?", "targets": "A partajn\u00ed p\u0159edseda?"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nA spokesman for Mr Corbyn said he had \"stood in respectful silence\" and did recognise the \"heroism of the Royal Air Force in the Battle of Britain.\"", "targets": "Mluv\u010d\u00ed pana Corbyna \u0159ekl, \u017ee bude\"st\u00e1l v uctiv\u00e9m ml\u010den\u00ed\" a \u017ee uzn\u00e1 \"hrdinstv\u00ed kr\u00e1lovsk\u00e9ho letectva v bitv\u011b o Brit\u00e1nii.\""} {"inputs": "Je to t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 p\u0159esn\u011b rok, co Skotsko u\u010dinilo historick\u00e9 rozhodnut\u00ed z\u016fstat sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed Spojen\u00e9ho kr\u00e1lovstv\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It is almost exactly a year since Scotland made the historic decision to remain part of the UK."} {"inputs": "Krom\u011b Boeingu by se m\u011bla pod\u00edlet i na nov\u00e9m programu Airbusu A350, kter\u00fd bude americk\u00e9mu Dreamlineru konkurovat.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Apart from Boeing, it should also participate in the new Airbus A350 programme, which will compete with the American Dreamliner."} {"inputs": "Novela po\u010d\u00edt\u00e1 i se zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00edm \u00fahrady z dob\u00fdvac\u00edch prostor s povolenou t\u011b\u017ebou na 1000 korun za jeden hektar za rok.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The amendment also anticipates the increase in payments from extraction areas with mining permits to one thousand crowns per hectare per year."} {"inputs": "And help others take one too - ask questions and show interest.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "A pomoz ostatn\u00edm, aby se tak\u00e9 nadechli - ptej se a projev z\u00e1jem."} {"inputs": "Twins Ema and Ela were born by Caesarean section after Eva was diagnosed with cholestasis in the closing stages of her pregnancy.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dvoj\u010data Ema a Ela se narodila c\u00edsa\u0159sk\u00fdm \u0159ezem pot\u00e9, co byla Ev\u011b v z\u00e1v\u011bru t\u011bhotenstv\u00ed diagnostikov\u00e1na t\u011bhotensk\u00e1 cholest\u00e1za."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Se dv\u011bma hr\u00e1\u010di na met\u00e1ch a \u0161anc\u00ed na rem\u00edzu ve druh\u00e9 sm\u011bn\u011b se VerHagenovi poda\u0159ilo poslat t\u0159et\u00edho meta\u0159e p\u0159es dv\u011b mety."} {"inputs": "Corbyn's official position on Europe is what I will kindly call evolving.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Corbin\u016fv ofici\u00e1ln\u00ed postoj v\u016f\u010di Evrop\u011b se, \u0159eknu to mile, vyv\u00edj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThey got across by damaging the fence, are now in police custody and are being charged with committing offenses under the new laws.", "targets": "Pronikly pomoc\u00ed po\u0161kozen\u00ed plotu a nyn\u00ed jsou v policejn\u00ed vazb\u011b obvin\u011bni ze sp\u00e1ch\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159estupk\u016f podle nov\u00fdch z\u00e1kon\u016f."} {"inputs": "V\u0161ichni z kancel\u00e1\u0159e u\u017e tam byli a na ot\u00e1zky co a jak, odpov\u00eddali, \u017ee jo, \u017ee to bude dobr\u00e9.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Everyone from the office was already there and when I asked what was going on they replied, yeah, it'll be fine."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Buttoned-up, with a stony face and perfectly fitted uniform.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Upjat\u00fd, s kamennou tv\u00e1\u0159\u00ed, v dokonale padnouc\u00edm stejnokroji."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u0160anci prok\u00e1zat, \u017ee se zm\u011bnil."} {"inputs": "V\u016fdce d\u011blnick\u00e9 strany, kter\u00fd sl\u00edbil odli\u0161n\u00fd p\u0159\u00edstup k politice, tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee m\u00e1 n\u00e1pady \"z davu\" na ot\u00e1zky pro pana Camerona a dostal v\u00edce ne\u017e 30 000 n\u00e1vrh\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The Labour leader, who has promised a different approach to politics, says he has \"crowd sourced\" ideas for questions to ask Mr Cameron and has been given more than 30,000 suggestions."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Google Inc (GOOGL.O) announced a donation-matching campaign that aims to raise $11 million for humanitarian organizations aiding the thousands of refugees that have overwhelmed European nations as they flee war-torn and impoverished countries.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Spole\u010dnost Google Inc (GOOGL.O) uvedla, \u017ee spou\u0161t\u00ed kampa\u0148, jej\u00ed\u017e c\u00edlem je vybrat 11 milion\u016f dolar\u016f pro humanit\u00e1rn\u00ed organizace pom\u00e1haj\u00edc\u00ed tis\u00edc\u016fm uprchl\u00edk\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed zaplavili evropsk\u00e9 st\u00e1ty p\u0159i \u00fat\u011bku z v\u00e1lkou zm\u00edtan\u00fdch a chud\u00fdch zem\u00ed. Ka\u017edou vybranou \u010d\u00e1stku Google zdvojn\u00e1sob\u00ed."} {"inputs": "\"Velmi se na to t\u011b\u0161\u00edm a je to prav\u00e1 Evropa, p\u0159edt\u00edm to byla pouze kvalifikace,\" \u0159ekl Trpi\u0161ovsk\u00fd na tiskov\u00e9 konferenci.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"I'm really looking forward to it and it's real European competition - before it was just qualification,\" said Trpi\u0161ovsk\u00fd at the press conference."} {"inputs": "The US is already pretty disappointed with the Brits\" feeble military performance in Iraq, Libya and Syria, even with a cost-cutting Tory government in power, as I was reminded at the launch of something called the British Influence Security Forum on Monday.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Spojen\u00e9 st\u00e1ty jsou ji\u017e docela zklaman\u00e9 z brisk\u00e9ho \"slab\u00e9ho vojensk\u00e9ho v\u00fdkonu v Ir\u00e1ku, Libyi a S\u00fdrii, a to i p\u0159i sni\u017eov\u00e1n\u00ed n\u00e1klad\u016f konzervativn\u00ed vl\u00e1dy u moci, jak jsem byl p\u0159ipomenut na pond\u011bln\u00edm zah\u00e1jen\u00ed n\u011b\u010deho, co se jmenoval Bezpe\u010dnostn\u00ed f\u00f3rum britsk\u00e9ho vlivu."} {"inputs": "How is \"Municipalities would now be able to sell such vehicles if not claimed by their owners within a six-month period following notification of towing away.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nov\u011b by obce mohly prod\u00e1vat odta\u017een\u00e1 vozidla, o kter\u00e1 se v \u0161estim\u011bs\u00ed\u010dn\u00ed lh\u016ft\u011b po ozn\u00e1men\u00ed o odtahu jejich majitel\u00e9 nep\u0159ihl\u00e1s\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWe think that the right path is the protection of external borders - to discourage these waves of migration, help the needy and separate out the economic migrants.", "targets": "My si mysl\u00edme, \u017ee cesta je ochrana vn\u011bj\u0161\u00edch hranic - prost\u011b ty migra\u010dn\u00ed vlny odradit, pom\u00e1hat pot\u0159ebn\u00fdm, a odd\u011blit ekonomick\u00e9 migranty."} {"inputs": "Ma\u010farsko nicm\u00e9n\u011b sv\u00e9 nad\u011bje neup\u00ednala na Brusel nebo jeho sousedy.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Hungary, however, was not pinning its hopes on any action soon from Brussels or its neighbors."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI'd like to spread it out according to the weather", "targets": "Cht\u011bl bych to rozprost\u0159\u00edt podle po\u010das\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nMeanwhile, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said his country is also planning to build a razor-wire fence along part of its border with Romania to stop the flow of migrants through the country, now that it has finished a fence on the Serbian border.", "targets": "Mezit\u00edm ma\u010farsk\u00fd zahrani\u010dn\u00ed ministr Peter Szijjarto \u0159ekl, \u017ee jeho zem\u011b tak\u00e9 pl\u00e1nuje vybudovat plot z ostnat\u00e9ho dr\u00e1tu pod\u00e9l hranice s Rumunskem, aby zastavili uprchl\u00edky, kte\u0159\u00ed se sna\u017e\u00ed o p\u0159echod p\u0159es jejich zemi, kdy\u017e je nyn\u00ed dokon\u010den plot na srbsk\u00e9 hranici."} {"inputs": "Today v posledn\u00edch m\u011bs\u00edc\u00edch zapl\u0148uje mezeru na Sunrise.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Today has been closing the gap on Sunrise in recent months."} {"inputs": "\u0160\u00e9f OSN \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee neexistuje vojensk\u00e9 \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed v S\u00fdrii\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "UN Chief Says There Is No Military Solution in Syria"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBut no matter how some Republicans are trying to drag Donald Trump down from atop the polls, it hasn't worked (yet).", "targets": "Ale a\u0165 u\u017e se n\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed republik\u00e1ni sna\u017e\u00ed st\u00e1hnout Donalda Trumpa dol\u016f z vrcholku voleb, neda\u0159\u00ed se jim to (zat\u00edm)."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nJarryd Hayne fumbles a punt that was recovered by the Minnesota Vikings during the first quarter", "targets": "U\u017e b\u011bhem prvn\u00ed \u010dtvrtiny proti Minnesota Vikings Jarryd Hayne napravil svoj\u00ed chybu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Now we have seen that the chief problem of the European Union is that it is the militantly politically correct politicians pretending to be intellectuals and the lobbying and economic groups associated with them that hold the greatest power.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Dnes se uk\u00e1zalo, \u017ee hlavn\u00edm probl\u00e9m Evropsk\u00e9 unie je to, \u017ee totalitn\u011b-politicko-korektn\u00ed politici, jakoby intelektu\u00e1lov\u00e9 a na n\u011b nav\u00e1zan\u00e9 lobbistick\u00e9 a ekonomicky d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9 skupiny maj\u00ed v Evrop\u011b nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed s\u00edlu."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSimilar to last month, no single Democratic candidate or potential candidate stands out as unacceptable as the nominee to these primary voters.", "targets": "Podobn\u011b jako minul\u00fd m\u011bs\u00edc, ani jeden demokratick\u00fd kandid\u00e1t nebo potenci\u00e1ln\u00ed kandid\u00e1t nevystupuje jako nep\u0159ijateln\u00fd kandid\u00e1t pro tyto prim\u00e1rn\u00ed voli\u010de."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt was only his third quality start in his past nine outings.", "targets": "Byla to jeho teprve t\u0159et\u00ed poveden\u00e1 hra z posledn\u00edch dev\u00edti z\u00e1pas\u016f."} {"inputs": "B\u011bhem fin\u00e1le leto\u0161n\u00ed sez\u00f3ny se dva mu\u017ei probojovali do posledn\u00edho kola, Caldiero a kameraman Geoff Britten.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "During the season finale, two men, Caldiero and cameraman Geoff Britten, made it to the final round."} {"inputs": "U\u017e letos bude hotov\u00e1 oprava z\u00e1chytn\u00e9 stanice, pak za\u010dne p\u0159\u00edstavba dial\u00fdzy, p\u0159\u00edpadn\u011b stavba budovy pro novou magnetickou rezonanci.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Repairs to the sobering-up station will be complete this year, after which work will begin on a dialysis unit and a building to house a new magnetic resonance unit."} {"inputs": "6 z 10 republik\u00e1n\u016f \u00fadajn\u011b souhlas\u00ed s Trumpem ohledn\u011b ot\u00e1zky imigrace.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Six in 10 Republicans say they agree with Trump on immigration."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nFor example, Michal Ku\u010dera (TOP 09 a Starostov\u00e9) warned that mining companies would no longer want to sponsor municipalities as before, as they would have to pay higher fees directly into state coffers.", "targets": "Nap\u0159\u00edklad Michal Ku\u010dera (TOP 09 a Starostov\u00e9) varoval, \u017ee t\u011b\u017eebn\u00ed firmy u\u017e nebudou cht\u00edt sponzorovat obce tak jako dosud, proto\u017ee budou platit vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed poplatky p\u0159\u00edmo do st\u00e1tn\u00edho rozpo\u010dtu."} {"inputs": "Stevan Hogg used girls phone to lure paedophiles to send images\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Stevan Hogg pou\u017eil telefon d\u00edvky, aby nal\u00e1kal pedofily k pos\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed obr\u00e1zk\u016f"} {"inputs": "V leto\u0161n\u00edm roce ukon\u010dily svou \u010dinnost pouze t\u0159i CK.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "This year only three travel agencies closed down."} {"inputs": "V kuchyni se vyzna\u010duje jedine\u010dnou vlastnost\u00ed zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159irozen\u00e9 chuti j\u00eddla.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHe did break a racquet when he lost when he cramped in the US, but he's not the first player to break a racquet out of frustration with himself, and I know Thanasi well enough to know he wouldn't be proud of that.", "targets": "Zni\u010dil si raketu, kdy\u017e prohr\u00e1l kv\u016fli k\u0159e\u010di v US, ale nen\u00ed prvn\u00edm hr\u00e1\u010dem, kter\u00fd by si kv\u016fli frustraci ze sebe sama vyb\u00edjel vztek na sv\u00e9 raket\u011b. Zn\u00e1m Thanasiho dost dob\u0159e a m\u016f\u017eu \u0159\u00edct, \u017ee na tuto ud\u00e1lost nebude py\u0161n\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHewlett Packard Enterprise will have more than $50bn in annual revenue and \"will be focused on delivering unrivaled integrated technology solutions\" to companies, according to a company statement.", "targets": "Spole\u010dnost Hewlett Parckard Enterprise bude m\u00edt posle prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed spole\u010dnosti ro\u010dn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edjem v\u00edce ne\u017e $50 miliard a \"bude zam\u011b\u0159ena na poskytov\u00e1n\u00ed bezkonkuren\u010dn\u00edch integrovan\u00fdch technologick\u00fdch \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed\" spole\u010dnostem."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAnother of the anti-arms trade posters greeting commuters on the tube.", "targets": "Dal\u0161\u00ed z plak\u00e1t\u016f proti o obchodu se zbran\u011bmi zdrav\u00ed cestuj\u00edc\u00ed v metru."} {"inputs": "Jak upozor\u0148uje, l\u016f\u017eka n\u00e1sledn\u00e9 p\u00e9\u010de chyb\u011bj\u00ed hlavn\u011b v nemocnici Karlovy Vary.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "As it notes, after-care wards are chiefly absent in Karlovy Vary Hospital,"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Je to obrovsk\u00fd zej\u00edc\u00ed otvor."} {"inputs": "Toto jsou \u010d\u00edsla, kter\u00e1 zvl\u00e1d\u00e1me.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "These are the numbers that we can manage."} {"inputs": "They closed Tuesday down 11 percent for the year and 17 percent below a record high on June 11.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ukon\u010dili \u00fater\u00fd s poklesem 11 procent za rok a 17 procent pod rekordem z 11. \u010dervna."} {"inputs": "A year later, Latecoere bought the Czech company, and with a major company came new orders.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "O rok pozd\u011bji Latecoere \u010deskou firmu koupila a se silnou spole\u010dnost\u00ed p\u0159i\u0161ly nov\u00e9 zak\u00e1zky."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe Federal Reserve Act still has the dual mandate and does not mention financial stability, and until that is changed, I don't think they should get ahead of the curve.", "targets": "Z\u00e1kon o Feder\u00e1ln\u00edm rezervn\u00edm syst\u00e9mu m\u00e1 je\u0161t\u011b dvoj\u00ed mand\u00e1t a nezmi\u0148uje finan\u010dn\u00ed stabilitu, a dokud se to nezm\u011bn\u00ed, nemysl\u00edm si, \u017ee by se m\u011bli dostat na \u0161pici."} {"inputs": "Navzdory sv\u00e9 je\u0161itnosti Ed Miliband znal sv\u00e9 nep\u0159\u00e1tele.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "For all his foolishness Ed Miliband knew who his enemies were."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Po\u0161lete n\u00e1m zpr\u00e1vu na WhatsAppy"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe piece price falls to a certain limit value.", "targets": "Cena za kus po\u0159\u00e1d kles\u00e1 k ur\u010dit\u00e9 limitn\u00ed hodnot\u011b."} {"inputs": "Evropsk\u00e1 migra\u010dn\u00ed krize: Ma\u010farsko deklaruje nouzov\u00fd stav, uzav\u00edr\u00e1 hranice a zadr\u017euje migranty\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"I'm sharing a room with Slovak goalie Tom\u00e1\u0161 Ko\u0161ick\u00fd, who's really looking forward to playing the Czech team.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Jsem na pokoji se slovensk\u00fdm brank\u00e1\u0159em Tom\u00e1\u0161em Ko\u0161ick\u00fdm, kter\u00fd se na soupe\u0159e z \u010ceska hodn\u011b t\u011b\u0161\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nSo once again I listened to the announcements of the names of stops in the trolleybus: Hnus\u00e1\u010dkova, P\u0159\u00edzrak, Fr\u00e1zova, Sprateck\u00e1.", "targets": "Tak jsem se zase jednou zaposlouchal do hl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed jmen zast\u00e1vek v trolejbusu: Hnus\u00e1\u010dkova, P\u0159\u00edzrak, Fr\u00e1zova, Sprateck\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAnd although inflation continued to run below the central bank's annual 2% target, Fed policymakers said a key reason was the temporary effect of sharply lower oil prices.", "targets": "A i kdy\u017e inflace i nad\u00e1le prob\u00edh\u00e1 pod ro\u010dn\u00edm 2% c\u00edlem centr\u00e1ln\u00ed banky, politici Fed tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee hlavn\u00edm d\u016fvodem byl do\u010dasn\u00fd \u00fa\u010dinek v\u00fdrazn\u011b ni\u017e\u0161\u00edch cen ropy."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWouldn't it be romantic if your future spouse happened to move into the same hall as you?", "targets": "Nebylo by romantick\u00e9, kdyby va\u0161e budouc\u00ed cho\u0165 chodila na stejn\u00e9 koleje jako vy?"} {"inputs": "Tomsula tak\u00e9 podpo\u0159il Hayne ve\u0159ejn\u011b na tiskov\u00e9 konferenci po z\u00e1pasu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Pulzy funguj\u00ed tak, \u017ee p\u0159ep\u00ednaj\u00ed bu\u0148ky geneticky modifikovan\u00fdch motorick\u00fdch neuron\u016f, kter\u00e9 jsou naprogramov\u00e1ny k reakci na tyto ultrazvukov\u00e9 vlny.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The pulses work by switching on motor neuron cells that are genetically modified to carry membrane channels that respond to ultrasonic waves."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "To je v\u00fdchoz\u00ed bod pro balk\u00e1nskou cestu a zdroj nyn\u00ed spole\u010dn\u00fdch starost\u00ed pro n\u011bmeckou kancl\u00e9\u0159ku Angelu Merkelovou a ma\u010farsk\u00e9ho premi\u00e9ra Viktor Orb\u00e1na."} {"inputs": "Kdy\u017e pak pou\u017eil na takto modifikovan\u00e9 \u010dervy ultrazvuk, zvukov\u00e9 vlny byly zes\u00edleny mikrobublinami a p\u0159enesly se do \u010derv\u016f, kde zapnuly modifikovan\u00e9 motorick\u00e9 neurony.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "When he applied ultrasound to the modified creatures, the sound waves were amplified by the microbubbles and transmitted into the worms, where they switched on the modified motor neurons."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Situated on a fifteen-metre high mast, it can be seen for miles around.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Je vid\u011bt zdaleka, proto\u017ee je um\u00edst\u011bno na patn\u00e1ct metr\u016f vysok\u00e9m sto\u017e\u00e1ru."} {"inputs": "Translate \"About half of economists surveyed recently by Bloomberg predicted a rate increase this week.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Asi polovina ekonom\u016f ned\u00e1vno dot\u00e1zan\u00fdch spole\u010dnost\u00ed Blomberg p\u0159edv\u00eddala zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazby tento t\u00fdden."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Following a meeting with his European counterparts Minister for the Interior Milan Chovanec (\u010cSSD) complains that other countries are putting pressure on the Czech Republic to accept refugee distribution quotas while rejecting any discussion.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ministr vnitra Milan Chovanec (\u010cSSD) si po jedn\u00e1n\u00ed se sv\u00fdmi evropsk\u00fdmi kolegy st\u011b\u017euje, \u017ee ostatn\u00ed st\u00e1ty \u010cesko tla\u010d\u00ed do p\u0159ijet\u00ed kv\u00f3t na p\u0159erozd\u011blen\u00ed uprchl\u00edk\u016f, ale jakoukoli diskusi odm\u00edtaj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Dosud jsme to tolerovali, ale v\u011b\u010dn\u00e9 vyl\u00e9v\u00e1n\u00ed jeho obsahu u\u017e se n\u00e1m zaj\u00eddalo.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Up until then we had tolerated it, but we were starting to get fed up of constantly emptying the contents."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Pades\u00e1t p\u011bt procent demokratick\u00fdch voli\u010d\u016f vid\u00ed Clintonovou jako kandid\u00e1tku s nejlep\u0161\u00ed \u0161anc\u00ed na v\u00fdhru ve v\u0161eobecn\u00fdch volb\u00e1ch; av\u0161ak toto \u010d\u00edslo spadlo z 78 procent z minul\u00e9ho m\u011bs\u00edce."} {"inputs": "The clash was the latest in weeks of violent protests across Nepal's southern plains, where members of the Madhesi ethnic group say new provinces established under the proposed new constitution would dilute their political influence.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Tento st\u0159et byl posledn\u00edm v t\u00fddnu n\u00e1siln\u00fdch demonstrac\u00ed po cel\u00e9 ji\u017en\u00ed planin\u011b Nep\u00e1lu, kde \u010dlenov\u00e9 etnick\u00e9 skupiny Madhesi \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed, \u017ee z\u0159\u00eddili novou provincii pod navrhovanou novou \u00fastavou, a zm\u00edrnil jejich politick\u00fd vliv."} {"inputs": "How is \"Hundreds of people protested against the building, which was to be built in the close vicinity of the Convent of St. Agnes , in front of the Prague 1 Municipal Authority. A petition was also submitted.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Proti stavb\u011b, kter\u00e1 m\u00e1 vzniknout v t\u011bsn\u00e9 bl\u00edzkosti Ane\u017esk\u00e9ho kl\u00e1\u0161tera v centru Prahy, protestovaly p\u0159ed \u00fa\u0159adem Prahy 1 stovky lid\u00ed, vznikla i petice."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOnly yesterday his deputy was praising me, saying that I'd settled in very well in my few months in the job and that he was happy with me to the highest possible degree,", "targets": "Je\u0161t\u011b v\u010dera si n\u00e1m\u011bstek pochvaloval, \u017ee za t\u011bch p\u00e1r m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f ve funkci jsem se velice dob\u0159e zapracoval a \u017ee je se mnou nav\u00fdsost spokojen\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Vedouc\u00ed skupina p\u0159ijala \u0159adu sm\u011brnic, v\u010detn\u011b negativn\u00edho seznamu regula\u010dn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edstup na trh, uvoln\u011bn\u00ed politiky hrani\u010dn\u00edch kontrol, podpora st\u00e1tn\u00edch podnik\u016f (SOE) absorbovat soukrom\u00fd kapit\u00e1l a reorganizace registra\u010dn\u00edho rezidentn\u00edho syst\u00e9mu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBoth players are on the Challenger tour and ours have ATP experience, but we've seen many times that rankings don't play a decisive role in the Davis Cup.", "targets": "Oba jsou to hr\u00e1\u010di z challenger\u016f a na\u0161i maj\u00ed zku\u0161enosti z ATP Tour, ale hodn\u011bkr\u00e1t jsme se u\u017e p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010dili, \u017ee \u017eeb\u0159\u00ed\u010dky v Davisov\u011b poh\u00e1ru nerozhoduj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWe're all crapping ourselves because of it, it's terrible.", "targets": "V\u0161ichni jsou z toho posran\u00ed, a\u017e hr\u016fza."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nFraternities and their members must be held accountable, and this step by authorities is an important one.", "targets": "Bratrstv\u00ed a jejich \u010dlenov\u00e9 mus\u00ed odpov\u011bdnost a tento krok je ze strany org\u00e1n\u016f d\u016fle\u017eit\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nEvery day BBC News - on TV, on radio and online - brings you the latest stories from across the globe... but what we want to hear are the issues that matter to you.", "targets": "Ka\u017ed\u00e1 den BBC News na radiu a online v\u00e1m p\u0159in\u00e1\u0161\u00ed nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00edb\u011bhy z cel\u00e9 planety... ale my chceme sly\u0161et t\u00e9mata, kter\u00e1 se t\u00fdkaj\u00ed pr\u00e1v\u011b v\u00e1s."} {"inputs": "Translate \"saving municipalities money that would be spent on land purchases.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Obce by tak u\u0161et\u0159ily za v\u00fdkup pozemk\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nwho, attracted by the siren calling, will soon run up against the wall of reality that Merkel does want to see, and will start to rebel.", "targets": "Kte\u0159\u00ed, zl\u00e1k\u00e1ni hlasy sir\u00e9n, naraz\u00ed brzo na ze\u010f reality, kterou Merkelov\u00e1 nechce vid\u011bt, a za\u010dnou se bou\u0159it."} {"inputs": "Ale Hayne si vybral San Francisco 49ers a tren\u00e9ra Jima Tomsula a vypad\u00e1 to jako rozumn\u00e9 rozhodnut\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nI know that he's a very good striker, that's also why he went to Sparta, said Goian.", "targets": "V\u00edm, \u017ee je to velmi dobr\u00fd \u00fato\u010dn\u00edk, proto \u0161el tak\u00e9 do Sparty, \u0159\u00edkal Goian."} {"inputs": "How is \"Still, it shows that a plurality of GOP voters see Trump's campaign as plausible.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159esto se ukazuje, \u017ee ur\u010dit\u00fd po\u010det voli\u010d\u016f GOP vid\u00ed kampa\u0148 Trumpa jako v\u011brohodnou."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWenger may also begin with Kieran Gibbs and Olivier Giroud in place of Nacho Monreal and Theo Walcott.", "targets": "Wenger by tak\u00e9 mohl za\u010d\u00edt s Kieranem Gibbsem a Olivierem Giroudem nam\u00edsto Nacho Monreala Theo Walcotta."} {"inputs": "On 16 September 2015 I photographed this exquisite plant which, while it is one of the expansive weeds, its appearance creates a good impression from the point of view of blossoming.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dne 16. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 2015 jsem vyfotografoval p\u0159ekr\u00e1snou rostlinu, kter\u00e1 sice pat\u0159\u00ed k expanzivn\u00edm plevel\u016fm, ale vzhledov\u011b vytv\u00e1\u0159\u00ed p\u011bkn\u00fd dojem, co se t\u00fd\u010de kveten\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Bogdanovskij p\u0159i n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bv\u011b Novosibirsku nevylou\u010dil, \u017ee v budoucnu rusk\u00e1 leteck\u00e1 z\u00e1kladna v S\u00fdrii vznikne.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "On a visit to Novosibirsk, Bogdanovsky did not rule out Russia building an air base in Syria in the future."} {"inputs": "\"The rescue mission has now ended and the bodies of the victims have been taken to Briancon for identification,\" stated Pierre Besnard, prefect of the departement Hautes-Alpes.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\"Z\u00e1chrann\u00e1 akce skon\u010dila, tak\u00e9 t\u011bla ob\u011bt\u00ed byla p\u0159evezena k identifikaci do Brianconu,\" up\u0159esnil prefekt departementu Hautes-Alpes Pierre Besnard."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He takes a considerable interest in the whole issue, and we talk on the ophone several times per day.\" to Czech?", "targets": "On se o celou v\u011bc velice zaj\u00edm\u00e1, jsme n\u011bkolikr\u00e1t denn\u011b v telefonn\u00edm kontaktu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"and according to how it's going, said Navr\u00e1til at the Czech team's training session today at the Raja Kumar Khanna Centre.\" to Czech?", "targets": "A podle toho, jak to bude vypadat, \u0159ekl Navr\u00e1til p\u0159i dne\u0161n\u00edm tr\u00e9ninku \u010desk\u00e9ho v\u00fdb\u011bru v centru R\u00e1d\u017ee Kum\u00e1ra Kh\u00e1nny."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nMike Shaffer, a bartender and sometimes entertainment coordinator at The Julep Room, a dimly lit bar near Gautier, said he last saw Lamb and Prentiss the night of Sept. 5, after Lamb had finished playing his guitar and harmonica for a sparse crowd.", "targets": "Mike Shaffer, barman a p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitostn\u00fd koordin\u00e1tor z\u00e1bavy v The Julep Room, spo\u0159e osv\u011btlen\u00e9m baru pobl\u00ed\u017e Gautier, \u0159ekl, \u017ee naposledy vid\u011bl Lamba a Prentiss v noci 5. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed, pot, co Lamb dohr\u00e1l na kytaru a harmoniku pro nepo\u010detn\u00fd dav."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The competition show, which just wrapped up its 7th season, has never seen any competitor complete all stages of its obstacle course.\" to Czech?", "targets": "V sout\u011b\u017ei, kter\u00e1 pr\u00e1v\u011b zakon\u010dila svou sedmou sez\u00f3nu, se \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9mu ze sout\u011b\u017e\u00edc\u00edch nepoda\u0159ilo p\u0159ekonat v\u0161echny p\u0159ek\u00e1\u017eky na trati."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u0160irok\u00fd n\u00edzkotlak\u00fd syst\u00e9m asi 350 mil (560 km) ji\u017en\u011b od nejji\u017en\u011bj\u0161\u00edch Kapverdsk\u00fdch ostrov\u016f m\u00e1 pravd\u011bpodobnost 60 procent ve vznik tropick\u00e9ho cyklonu v p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00edch 48 hodin\u00e1ch, uvedlo v \u00fater\u00fd americk\u00e9 N\u00e1rodn\u00ed hurik\u00e1nov\u00e9 centrum."} {"inputs": "\"Pro firmu je to obrovsk\u00fd kredit, kdy\u017e um\u00ed krom\u011b kovov\u00fdch materi\u00e1l\u016f zpracov\u00e1vat i kompozity,\" \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 py\u0161n\u011b Dubsk\u00fd.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"It's a massive boost to the company when it can produce both metal and composite materials,\" says Dubsk\u00fd proudly."} {"inputs": "\"To jsou pa\u0161er\u00e1ci drog?\" ptal jsem se.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"Are they drug smugglers?\" I asked."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBellamy also pointed out the Storm and Roosters game was a higher scoring contest than the Broncos and Cowboys game.", "targets": "Bellamy tak\u00e9 pouk\u00e1zal na skute\u010dnost, \u017ee v z\u00e1pase Storm a Roosters padlo v\u00edce branek ne\u017e v z\u00e1pase Broncos a Cowboys."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\n\"They've done a fantastic job in helping us raise concerns about the selling of illegal torture equipment at the fair,\" says Tom Davies at Amnesty.", "targets": "\"Odvedli fantastick\u00fd kus pr\u00e1ce a pomohli n\u00e1m vzbudit obavy o prodeji neleg\u00e1l\u00edch mu\u010d\u00edc\u00edch n\u00e1stroj\u016f na veletrhu,\" \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 Tom Davies v Amnesty."} {"inputs": "Policie v Gautieru v Mississippi uvedla, \u017ee Lamb, u\u010ditel zem\u011bpisu a soci\u00e1ln\u00edch v\u011bd na st\u00e1tn\u00ed univerzit\u011b Delta, zavolal na policii v pond\u011bl\u00ed r\u00e1no okolo des\u00e1t\u00e9 hodiny\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Cobramsk\u00fd \u0159idi\u010d, kter\u00fd ujel, byl zat\u010den"} {"inputs": "But several researchers have questioned the robustness of the data and pointed to links between some experts and the tobacco industry.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Av\u0161ak n\u011bkolik v\u00fdzkumn\u00edk\u016f zpochybnilo obs\u00e1hlost dat a upozornili na vazby mezi n\u011bkter\u00fdmi odborn\u00edky a tab\u00e1kov\u00fdm pr\u016fmyslem."} {"inputs": "Five fraternity members charged in death of Baruch College freshman\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "P\u011bt \u010dlen\u016f bratrstv\u00ed obvin\u011bno ze smrti studenta prvn\u00edho ro\u010dn\u00edku Baruch College"} {"inputs": "Dal\u0161\u00ed nejbli\u017e\u0161\u00ed v \u00farovni nad\u0161en\u00ed?\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The next closest in enthusiasm?"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\n\"Va\u0161ek has fitted right in with our family, maybe because my mother has never interfered in my relationships much,\" smiles Eva.", "targets": "\"Va\u0161ek do na\u0161\u00ed rodiny vplul tak n\u011bjak p\u0159irozen\u011b, mo\u017en\u00e1 i t\u00edm, \u017ee mi matka do vztah\u016f nikdy moc nemluvila,\" mysl\u00ed si usm\u011bvav\u00e1 Eva."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nA BMI of 25 or higher indicates that someone is overweight, and people with a BMI over 30 are considered obese.", "targets": "BMI hodnoty 25 nebo vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed nazna\u010duje nadv\u00e1hu osoby a lid\u00e9 s hodnotou nad 30 jsou pova\u017eov\u00e1ni za ob\u00e9zn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "According to Francesco Augusto Razetto from the investment company, the construction office did not take into account a ruling by its superior body, the Ministry for Regional Development, according to which the deadline for the start of a survey had already expired.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Podle Francesca Augusta Razetta z investorsk\u00e9 firmy odbor stavebn\u00edho \u0159\u00e1du nevzal na v\u011bdom\u00ed rozhodnut\u00ed nad\u0159\u00edzen\u00e9ho org\u00e1nu - Ministerstva pro m\u00edstn\u00ed rozvoj, podle kter\u00e9ho lh\u016fta pro zah\u00e1jen\u00ed p\u0159ezkumu u\u017e uplynula."} {"inputs": "How is \"Goian smiled at this and directed a mildly reproachful look at the Czech journalists.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Goian se usm\u00e1l a s lehce vy\u010d\u00edtav\u00fdm pohledem m\u00ed\u0159il na \u010desk\u00e9 novin\u00e1\u0159e."} {"inputs": "Na rozd\u00edl od sv\u011btla, kter\u00e9 mus\u00ed b\u00fdt posl\u00e1no optick\u00fdm vl\u00e1knem na po\u017eadovan\u00e9 m\u00edsto v mozku, mohou ultrazvukov\u00e9 vlny proniknout tk\u00e1n\u00ed bez omezen\u00ed a b\u00fdt do mozku posl\u00e1ny p\u0159\u00edmo.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Friends is broadcasting on Comedy Central from start to finish - the full 236 episodes - for #FriendsFest\" to Czech?", "targets": "Seri\u00e1l P\u0159\u00e1tel\u00e9 bude vys\u00edl\u00e1n na stanici Comedy Central od za\u010d\u00e1tku do konce - cel\u00fdch 236 epizod - pro #FriendsFest"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Jack is young enough to get over that.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Jack je dost mlad\u00fd, aby se z toho dostal."} {"inputs": "Je legra\u010dn\u00ed, jak takov\u00e9 v\u011bci v\u017edycky p\u0159ijdou v tuto ro\u010dn\u00ed \u010d\u00e1st.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It's funny how this always comes up at this time of year."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nChlum isn't the only village in the Czech Republic that has a windwheel its coat of arms; however, it is the only village of this type in the whole of the Vyso\u010dina region.", "targets": "Chlum nen\u00ed jedinou obc\u00ed v \u010cesku, kde se dostalo v\u011btrn\u00e9 kolo do obecn\u00edho znaku, je v\u0161ak jedinou vs\u00ed tohoto druhu na cel\u00e9 Vyso\u010din\u011b."} {"inputs": "Ma\u010fa\u0159i ho i s nimi dali do basy.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "T\u011bsn\u011b p\u0159edt\u00edm, ne\u017e Donald Trump ozn\u00e1mil svou kandidaturu v polovin\u011b \u010dervna, uk\u00e1zalo hlasov\u00e1n\u00ed Monmouth University, \u017ee pouze dva z 10 republik\u00e1n\u016f maj\u00ed pozitivn\u00ed pohled na tohoto realitn\u00edho magn\u00e1ta.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Right before Donald Trump announced his candidacy in mid-June, a Monmouth University poll showed only two in 10 Republicans had a positive view of the real estate mogul."} {"inputs": "How is \"In this process, grains are first soaked, then dried, shelled, blanched and flattened.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159i n\u00ed se zrna dnes nejprve namo\u010d\u00ed, pak su\u0161\u00ed, zbav\u00ed obalu, tzv. pluch, pak spa\u0159\u00ed a rozlisuj\u00ed naplocho."} {"inputs": "Ostatn\u00ed zran\u011bn\u00ed obdr\u017e\u00ed polovinu t\u00e9to \u010d\u00e1stky.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Others injured will receive half that amount."} {"inputs": "How is \"Hayne was seen cursing as he made his way from the field after the fumble and later told Australian radio duo Hamish & Andy on 2DayFM 104.1 he couldn't have imagined a worse start to his NFL career.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Hayne byl zachycen p\u0159i nad\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed, kdy\u017e po chyb\u011b odch\u00e1zel z pole a pozd\u011bji \u0159ekl australsk\u00e9mu radiov\u00e9mu duu Hamish & Andy na 2DayFM 104.1 hor\u0161\u00ed za\u010d\u00e1tek kari\u00e9ry v NFL si ani neum\u011bl p\u0159edstavit."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nStudent films take over P\u00edsek; start of international festival.", "targets": "Studentsk\u00e9 filmy ovl\u00e1dnou P\u00edsek, za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed festival."} {"inputs": "Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) chief whip Innocent Gonese said seven opposition politicians received text messages on their mobile phones warning them not to disrupt Nr Mugabe's address.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "p\u0159edseda poslaneck\u00e9ho klubu Hnut\u00ed za demokratickou zm\u011bnu (MDC), Innocent Gonese, \u0159ekl, \u017ee sedm opozi\u010dn\u00edch politik\u016f p\u0159ijat\u00e9 textov\u00e9 zpr\u00e1vy na sv\u00fdch mobiln\u00edch telefonech s varov\u00e1n\u00edm, aby nebr\u00e1nili projevu pana Mugabeho."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe Tigers added on in the second, getting a one-out double from catcher James McCann and a two-out single by center fielder Anthony Gose to make it 3-0.", "targets": "Tyg\u0159i p\u0159idali ve druh\u00e9 sm\u011bn\u011b, kdy\u017e jim nadhazova\u010d James McCann a pola\u0159 Anthony Gose z\u00edskali dva a pota\u017emo jeden bod a na v\u00fdsledn\u00e9 tabuli sv\u00edtilo sk\u00f3re 3-0."} {"inputs": "Uva\u017eovala s man\u017eelem i o podeps\u00e1n\u00ed reversu, mimo jin\u00e9 i kv\u016fli necitliv\u00e9mu p\u0159\u00edstupu jedn\u00e9 z l\u00e9ka\u0159ek.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Jsme u\u017e p\u0159es dvacet let jeho pravideln\u00fdmi \u00fa\u010dastn\u00edky a t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 v\u017edy jsou po n\u011bm na\u0161e obchodn\u00ed v\u00fdsledky lep\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e p\u0159ed n\u00edm, zd\u016fraz\u0148uje za spole\u010dnost ARC-H Miroslav Streichsbier, vedouc\u00ed prodejny Kemppi v Plzni.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Zad\u00e1n\u00ed sice dostali od v\u00fdrobce, ale pak museli technologii p\u0159izp\u016fsobit pro za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed \u010di chemik\u00e1lie, kter\u00e9 v Praze pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Although they received the assignment from the manufacturer, they then had to adapt their technology to the equipment and chemicals used in Prague."} {"inputs": "There were beads of sweat on his temples and he was blinking nervously, as if he himself was being vetted.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Na skr\u00e1n\u00edch kr\u016fp\u011bje potu, nerv\u00f3zn\u011b pomrk\u00e1val, jako by s\u00e1m byl prov\u011b\u0159ovan\u00fd."} {"inputs": "To nebylo dobr\u00e9.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "That wasn't good."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt anticipates an average annual rise of four percent in orders up to 2017.", "targets": "Pr\u016fm\u011brn\u00fd r\u016fst zak\u00e1zek o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1 o \u010dty\u0159i procenta ro\u010dn\u011b a\u017e do roku 2017."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHe accepted the searches were made by him on the computer but said it was because he wanted to pretend to be a police officer to scare paedophiles.", "targets": "P\u0159iznal, \u017ee vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed na po\u010d\u00edta\u010di prov\u00e1d\u011bl on, ale tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee cht\u011bl jen p\u0159edst\u00edrat, \u017ee je policista, aby vystra\u0161il pedofily."} {"inputs": "How is \"Stevan Hogg took the girl's phone as she slept then logged into an online messaging service where he had a succession of indecent images of children sent to him by another user.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Stevan Hogg vzal telefon d\u00edvky kdy\u017e spala, potom se p\u0159ihl\u00e1sil na jej\u00ed na jej\u00ed online chat, kde m\u011bl spoustu neslu\u0161n\u00fdch fotografi\u00ed d\u011bt\u00ed, kter\u00e9 mu zaslal jin\u00fd u\u017eivatel."} {"inputs": "Translate \"America Ninja Warrior was renewed for an eighth season, which will begin filming in Spring 2016.\" to Czech?", "targets": "America Ninja Warrior bude pokra\u010dovat osmou sez\u00f3nou, kter\u00e1 se za\u010dne nat\u00e1\u010det na ja\u0159e 2016."} {"inputs": "Spole\u010dnost Glencore odhalila minul\u00fd t\u00fdden, \u017ee prodej akci\u00ed v hodnot\u011b $2.5 miliard je sou\u010d\u00e1st \u0161ir\u0161\u00edch pl\u00e1n\u016f k sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed jejich dluhu $30 miliard, kter\u00fd se nahromadil asi o t\u0159etinu\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Glencore had last week revealed the $2.5-billion shares sale as part of broader plans to slash its $30 billion debt pile by about a third."} {"inputs": "Translate \"K\u00e1dner and Aulick\u00e1 unsuccessfully proposed the rejection of the amendment, and Ku\u010dera wanted to return it to the government for revision.\" to Czech?", "targets": "K\u00e1dner a Aulick\u00e1 ne\u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b navrhovali novelu zam\u00edtnout, Ku\u010dera cht\u011bl z\u00e1kon vr\u00e1tit vl\u00e1d\u011b k dopracov\u00e1n\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"During this I had constantly been silently repeating to myself \"Communists - superpeople, Communists - superpeople\". What had I got myself into?\" to Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159itom jsem si neust\u00e1le v duchu opakoval \"Komunist\u00e9 - nadlid\u00e9, komunist\u00e9 - nadlid\u00e9.\" Do \u010deho jsem se to dostal?"} {"inputs": "Marksov\u00e1 defended the additional amount, arguing that it would improve the social situation of pensioners, which she says is not a good one.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Marksov\u00e1 h\u00e1jila dotaci argumentem, \u017ee vylep\u0161\u00ed soci\u00e1ln\u00ed situaci d\u016fchodc\u016f, kter\u00e1 nen\u00ed podle n\u00ed r\u016f\u017eov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Hogg then claimed to officers he had done it as it would \"lead paedophiles\" on the internet before \"pretending he was a police officer to scare them.\"\" to Czech?", "targets": "Hogg pot\u00e9 policist\u016fm tvrdil, \u017ee jeho d\u016fvodem bylo \"nav\u00e9st pedofily\" na internetu p\u0159edt\u00edm, ne\u017e by \"p\u0159edst\u00edral, \u017ee je policejn\u00ed d\u016fstojn\u00edk a vystra\u0161il je.\""} {"inputs": "Jsem vcelku p\u0159\u00edznivec modern\u011bj\u0161\u00edch \u00faprav, ale tato je prost\u011b obzvl\u00e1\u0161\u0165 poveden\u00e1.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "By and large I am a fan of modern adaptations, but this one is particularly successful."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Outside pure stock plays, consumers stand to benefit as well through the rising dollar.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Mimo \u010dist\u011b akciov\u00e9 hry t\u011b\u017e\u00ed spot\u0159ebitel\u00e9 tak\u00e9 d\u00edky rostouc\u00edmu dolaru."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "M\u00edra zam\u011bstnanosti ve Skotsku klesla v pr\u016fb\u011bhu \u010dtvrtlet\u00ed na 74,0 procenta - co\u017e je \u010d\u00edslo nad britsk\u00fdm pr\u016fm\u011brem 73.5 procent."} {"inputs": "Mr Corbyn will rise to ask the first of his six allotted questions shortly after midday, with his performance likely to be closely scrutinised by the media and Labour MPs.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pan Corbyn polo\u017e\u00ed prvn\u00ed ze sv\u00fdch \u0161esti p\u0159id\u011blen\u00fdch ot\u00e1zek kr\u00e1tce po poledni, zat\u00edmco bude jeho v\u00fdkon pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b pe\u010dliv\u011b zkoum\u00e1n m\u00e9dii a poslanci."} {"inputs": "How is \"At the end of the hiking cycle bond yields fall immediately,\" Deutsche said.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Na konci cyklu zvy\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed v\u00fdnosy dluhopis\u016f padaj\u00ed okam\u017eit\u011b,\" \u0159ekl Deutsche."} {"inputs": "Translate \"A Quinnipiac poll in Iowa last week found that 60 percent of Republicans there had a favorable view of Trump.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Po hlasov\u00e1n\u00ed univerzity Quinnipiac, kter\u00e9 prob\u011bhlo minul\u00fd t\u00fdden, se zjistilo, \u017ee 60 procent republik\u00e1n\u016f m\u011blo na Trumpa pozitivn\u00ed n\u00e1zor."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"On the other hand, though, this fact increases the risk that extraction organisations will compensate for increased payments with efforts to reduce their operating costs, which would primarily mean a reduction in the number of employees,\" admits the government.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Na druh\u00e9 stran\u011b v\u0161ak tento fakt zvy\u0161uje riziko, \u017ee t\u011b\u017eebn\u00ed organizace budou zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed \u00fahrad kompenzovat snahou o sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed sv\u00fdch provozn\u00edch v\u00fddaj\u016f, co\u017e by p\u0159edev\u0161\u00edm znamenalo redukci po\u010dtu zam\u011bstnanc\u016f,\" p\u0159ipou\u0161t\u00ed vl\u00e1da."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe researchers also monitored patients' blood levels of hemoglobin A1c, which reflect blood sugar levels over time.", "targets": "V\u00fdzkumn\u00edci tak\u00e9 monitorovali pacientovi \u00farovn\u011b hemoglobinu A1c v krvi, kter\u00fd odr\u00e1\u017e\u00ed pr\u016fb\u011b\u017enou hladinu krevn\u00edho cukru v t\u011ble."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThis was because we were witness to the romantic courtship with a partner that was about a third her size. We saw him carefully pluck at the web filaments so that he wasn't gobbled up before it got to the longed-for copulation.", "targets": "Byli jsme toti\u017e sv\u011bdky romantick\u00fdch n\u00e1mluv s partnerem asi o t\u0159etinu men\u0161\u00edm, jak opatrn\u011b brnk\u00e1 na vl\u00e1kna pavu\u010diny, aby nebyl se\u017er\u00e1n d\u0159\u00edve, ne\u017e dos\u00e1hne vytou\u017een\u00e9 kopulace."} {"inputs": "Americk\u00fd prezident a prvn\u00ed d\u00e1ma Michelle Obamov\u00e1 pozvou prezidenta Xi a jeho cho\u0165 Peng Liyuanovou na st\u00e1tn\u00ed ve\u010de\u0159i, kter\u00e1 se bude konat po skon\u010den\u00ed rozhovor\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "A nav\u00edc, st\u00e1le plete\u0161 osloven\u00ed nad\u0159\u00edzen\u00fdch.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "And furthermore, you're still mixing up greetings to your superiors."} {"inputs": "Hilary's struggle was more attractive.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Z\u00e1pas Hillary byl mnohem atraktivn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Spo\u0159itel\u00e9 mohou vid\u011bt sv\u00e9 zisky tak\u00e9 skrz vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed v\u00fdnosy, ale odborn\u00edci maj\u00ed r\u016fzn\u00e9 n\u00e1zory na to, jak dlouho to bude trvat.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Savers could see gains as well through higher yields at the, though experts differ on how quickly that will take hold."} {"inputs": "\"Zat\u00edm nikdo na nic lep\u0161\u00edho nep\u0159i\u0161el,\" usm\u00edv\u00e1 se Ivan Dubsk\u00fd, gener\u00e1ln\u00ed \u0159editel v\u00fdrobce leteck\u00fdch dve\u0159\u00ed Latecoere \u010cesk\u00e1 republika.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"We haven't found any better solution,\" smiles Ivan Dubsk\u00fd, CEO of aviation doors manufacturer Latecoere Czech Republic."} {"inputs": "People must know as soon as possible whether they have a chance to stay here.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Lid\u00e9 musej\u00ed co nejd\u0159\u00edve v\u011bd\u011bt, zda maj\u00ed \u0161anci zde z\u016fstat."} {"inputs": "Dvacetilet\u00fd st\u0159elec m\u00e1 ji\u017e dva roky probl\u00e9my s n\u00e1chyln\u00fdm kotn\u00edkem a nedok\u00e1zal toto l\u00e9to naj\u00edt cestu ven z Wales.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The 29-year-old has been plagued with a troublesome ankle for two years, and failed to find a move away from Wales in the summer."} {"inputs": "How is \"After shooting and killing his girlfriend in Mississippi on Monday morning - and before he shot and killed his colleague later that day - Shannon Lamb wrote a note to say that he was \"sorry\" for the first murder and wished he \"could take it back,\" authorities revealed Tuesday.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Shannon Lamb, kter\u00fd v pond\u011bl\u00ed zast\u0159elil svou p\u0159\u00edtelkyni v Mississippi - a pozd\u011bji t\u00e9ho\u017e dne i sv\u00e9ho kolegu - napsal vzkaz, ve kter\u00e9m tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee je mu \u201el\u00edto\u201c prvn\u00ed vra\u017edy a \u017ee si p\u0159eje, aby to mohl vz\u00edt zp\u011bt, odhalily v \u00fater\u00fd vl\u00e1dn\u00ed \u00fa\u0159ady."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "M\u011bsto vyplatilo minim\u00e1ln\u011b milion nav\u00edc."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e byli prim\u00e1rn\u00ed demokrati\u010dt\u00ed voli\u010di dot\u00e1z\u00e1ni, koho by vybrali jako druhou volbu pro nominaci strany, nej\u010dast\u011bj\u0161\u00ed volbou je Biden."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nMaksimovic was granted bail on the conditions that he surrender both his Australian and Serbian passports, report to police on a daily basis and adheres to a 6pm-6am curfew.", "targets": "Maksimovicovi byla ud\u011blena kauce pod podm\u00ednkou, \u017ee se vzd\u00e1 jak australsk\u00e9ho, tak srbsk\u00e9ho pasu, denn\u011b se bude hl\u00e1sit na policii a bude dodr\u017eovat z\u00e1kaz vych\u00e1zen\u00ed od 18 hodin ve\u010der do 6 r\u00e1no."} {"inputs": "Jestli ode\u0161la jinam nebo zesnula, to nev\u00edme, ale po m\u011bs\u00edci, dvou, se zase objevila na strop\u011b.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "We don't know whether she went somewhere else or died, but after a month she re-appeared on the ceiling."} {"inputs": "Nap\u0159\u00edklad u odd\u011blen\u00ed chirurgick\u00fdch odd\u011blen\u00ed by mohla vzniknout centra jednodenn\u00ed chirurgie, kde by se dle nastaven\u00e9 koncepce prov\u00e1d\u011bly v\u00fdkony chirurgick\u00fdch obor\u016f, kter\u00e9 nevy\u017eaduj\u00ed hospitalizaci del\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e 24 hodin.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "For example, single-day surgery centres for the performance of procedures not requiring hospital stays of longer than 24 hours could be set up in surgical units."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIt's all about me.", "targets": "Je to v\u0161e jen o mn\u011b."} {"inputs": "Minul\u00fd t\u00fdden vedouc\u00ed mana\u017eer fondu Hamish Douglass, zakladatel finan\u010dn\u00ed skupiny Magellan, \u0159ekl, \u017ee obchodn\u00ed ob\u011bdy v Melbourne by mohly \"vysoce pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b vymizet b\u011bhem dek\u00e1dy.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "A kdy\u017e krimin\u00e1l zru\u0161ili, skon\u010dil na \u0161trece u krump\u00e1\u010de.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "And when they closed the jail he ended up with a pickaxe working on the railway line."} {"inputs": "Slavia also paid a fee to agent Alexandre Losenick\u00fd.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Slavia tak\u00e9 uhradila poplatek agentovi Alexandru Losenickemu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Six in 10 Republicans in Monday's new ABC/Post poll say they want a political outsider over someone with government experience.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\u0160est z 10 republik\u00e1n\u016f v nov\u00e9m pond\u011bln\u00edm hlasov\u00e1n\u00ed ABC/Post tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee cht\u011bj\u00ed rad\u011bji politick\u00e9ho outsidera ne\u017e n\u011bkoho s vl\u00e1dn\u00edmi zku\u0161enostmi."} {"inputs": "Translate \"They included the medley of tax-shy rascals, phone-hacking foreigners and pseudo non-doms who own most of our great newspapers.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Zahrnovaly sm\u011bsici dareb\u00e1k\u016f neplat\u00edc\u00edch dan\u011b, cizinc\u016f hackuj\u00edc\u00edch telefony a pseudo nez\u00e1mo\u0159sk\u00e9 departmenty, kter\u00e9 vlastnily v\u011bt\u0161inu velk\u00fdch novin."} {"inputs": "As a police helicopter hovered above, migrants chanted \"Open the border!\" and shouted insults at Hungarian riot police.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Kdy\u017e nad nimi p\u0159elet\u00ed helikopt\u00e9ra, migranti spole\u010dn\u011b volaj\u00ed \"Otev\u0159ete hranice!\" a nad\u00e1vaj\u00ed po\u0159\u00e1dkov\u00e1 jednotce ma\u010farsk\u00e9 policie."} {"inputs": "Ale od Velk\u00e9 recese p\u0159edstavitel\u00e9 Fedu uznali, \u017ee existuje nepsan\u00e9 t\u0159et\u00ed funk\u010dn\u00ed obdob\u00ed: finan\u010dn\u00ed stabilita.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nRadka Fi\u0161arov\u00e1 had become the youngest Evita in the world in 1998, when she played the role of Eva Per\u00f3n, wife of the Argentinian dictator, at the age of twenty in the first Czech-language production of the famous musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice at the Spir\u00e1la theatre.", "targets": "Radka Fi\u0161arov\u00e1 se mimochodem stala sv\u011btov\u011b nejmlad\u0161\u00ed Evitou, kdy\u017e v roce 1998 ve sv\u00fdch dvaceti letech ztv\u00e1rnila roli man\u017eelky argentinsk\u00e9ho dikt\u00e1tora Evu Per\u00f3novou v prvn\u00edm \u010desk\u00e9m uveden\u00ed tohoto slavn\u00e9ho muzik\u00e1lu Andrewa Lloyda Webera a Timea Ricea v pra\u017esk\u00e9m divadle Spir\u00e1la."} {"inputs": "How is \"The Chamber of Deputies had originally expanded this to include motorways, on selected sections of which driving would be permitted at speeds of up to 150 km/h, but this was rejected by the Senate.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Sn\u011bmovna nejprve roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159ila tuto mo\u017enost i na d\u00e1lnice, na nich\u017e by se tak dalo jezdit ve vybran\u00fdch \u00fasec\u00edch rychlost\u00ed a\u017e 150 km/h, ale Sen\u00e1t to odm\u00edtl."} {"inputs": "Zd\u016fraz\u0148uje mal\u00e9 chvilky v mu\u017esk\u00e9m p\u0159\u00e1telstv\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It highlighted the little moments of male friendship."} {"inputs": "How is \"Despite comments just a couple of weeks ago suggesting that he had identified some January transfer targets, Rangers boss Mark Warburton is wary of a signing spree, insisting he doesn't want to disrupt the Ibrox squad's unity.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Navzdory koment\u00e1\u0159\u016fm, kter\u00e9 se objevili p\u0159ed n\u011bkolika t\u00fddny a nazna\u010dovaly, \u017ee u\u017e identifikoval n\u011bkter\u00e9 z jeho lednov\u00fdch c\u00edl\u016f, \u0161\u00e9f Rangers Mark Warburton m\u00e1 obavy z velk\u00e9ho nakupov\u00e1n\u00ed posil a trv\u00e1 na tom, \u017ee nechce naru\u0161it jednotu t\u00fdmu z Ibrox."} {"inputs": "Pan\u00ed Robertsonov\u00e1 dodala: \"Kdy\u017e d\u00edvka nalezla zpr\u00e1vy na jej\u00edm telefonu, volal svoj\u00ed matku, t\u0159\u00e1sla se a plakala.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Ms Robertson added: \"When the girl found the messages on the phone she shouted her mother and was shaking and crying."} {"inputs": "Asi m\u011bl.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Probably."} {"inputs": "Mus\u00ed mu b\u00fdt poskytnuta alespo\u0148 stejn\u00e1 p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitost, jakou dostali jeho p\u0159edch\u016fdci, ale tohle v\u0161echno bude samoz\u0159ejm\u011b z\u00e1viset na celkov\u00e9 sestav\u011b ve Spojen\u00fdch arabsk\u00fdch emir\u00e1tech.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "He must at least be afforded the same opportunity as those before him but this will of course depend on the make-up of the side in the UAE."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kde se to v n\u011bm vzalo?"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nMunicipalities will have the option of banning the transit of goods vehicles across their territory on second- and third-class roads under threat of a fine, which also apply to the haulage company.", "targets": "Obce budou m\u00edt mo\u017enost vylou\u010dit tranzitn\u00ed n\u00e1kladn\u00ed dopravu p\u0159es sv\u00e9 \u00fazem\u00ed po silnic\u00edch druh\u00fdch a t\u0159et\u00edch t\u0159\u00edd pod hrozbou pokuty i pro spedi\u010dn\u00ed firmy."} {"inputs": "Stejn\u011b jako s jeho vykrucov\u00e1n\u00edm ohledn\u011b Nato - Tom Watson je p\u0159esv\u011bd\u010den, \u017ee kampa\u0148 JC to nebude cht\u00edt ukon\u010dit - zahrani\u010dn\u00ed diplomat\u00e9 budou povinni pokusit se pochopit smysl toho v\u0161eho pro sv\u00e9 dom\u00e1c\u00ed p\u00e1ny.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "As with his equivocation over Nato - Tom Watson is adamant that JC won't campaign to quit - foreign diplomats will be obliged to try to make sense of it all for their masters at home."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Colleague Damien Collins MP attacked The Voice, saying that too wasn't original\" to Czech?", "targets": "Poslaneck\u00fd kolega Damien Collins napadl Hlas a \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 ani on nen\u00ed origin\u00e1ln\u00edm n\u00e1padem"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Among the dead was father-of-four Qasim Akram, from Bolton, Greater Manchester, who was on his first pilgrimage when the crane crashed down.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Mezi mrtv\u00fdmi byl otec \u010dty\u0159 d\u011bt\u00ed Qasim Akram z Boltonu, Greater Machester, kter\u00fd byl na sv\u00e9 prvn\u00ed pouti, kdy\u017e se je\u0159\u00e1b z\u0159\u00edtil."} {"inputs": "Va\u0161kova pr\u00e1ce osv\u011btlova\u010de u filmu nen\u00ed z\u00e1rukou pravideln\u00e9ho p\u0159\u00edjmu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe premiere of \"Back to the Future\" was a huge moment for Michael J. Fox professionally.", "targets": "Premi\u00e9ra \"Zp\u011bt do budoucnosti\" byla obrovsk\u00fdm profesion\u00e1ln\u00edm momentem pro Michael J. Foxe."} {"inputs": "Pak mu na\u0159\u00eddili, aby z\u00e1znam smazal.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "They then ordered him to delete the recording."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio all tied for third place with 6%.\" to Czech?", "targets": "B\u00fdval\u00fd guvern\u00e9r Floridy Jeb Bush, b\u00fdval\u00fd guvern\u00e9r Arkansasu Mike Huckabee a floridsk\u00fdch sen\u00e1tor Marco Rubio jsou v\u0161ichni spole\u010dn\u011b na t\u0159et\u00edm m\u00edst\u011b se 6%."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"I mean it's amazing to think about, like I've never made or lived off more than $10,000 a year,\" Isaac told E! of his serious pay-bump.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u201eJe to \u00fa\u017easn\u00fd pocit, je\u0161t\u011b nikdy v \u017eivot\u011b jsem nevyd\u011blal v\u00edce ne\u017e 10.000 dolar\u016f ro\u010dn\u011b,\u201c \u0159ekl Isaac E! v reakci na svou v\u00fdhru."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe most popular oil in the Czech Republic is sunflower oil.", "targets": "\u010cesk\u00fdm favoritem mezi oleji je slune\u010dnicov\u00fd."} {"inputs": "K tomu ale nakonec nedo\u0161lo a l\u00e9ka\u0159i propustili Evu i s dvoj\u010daty do dom\u00e1c\u00ed p\u00e9\u010de.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In the end that didn't happen and the doctors discharged Eva and the twins."} {"inputs": "How is \"But I've got to the point now where I don't care and that saddens me.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ale dostal jsem se do bodu, kdy\u017e u\u017e mi na tom nez\u00e1le\u017e\u00ed, a jsem z toho smutn\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Tak\u00e9 je vhodn\u00fd pro sma\u017een\u00ed a grilov\u00e1n\u00ed, proto\u017ee m\u00e1 vysok\u00fd stupe\u0148 spalov\u00e1n\u00ed, a\u017e 216 \u00b0C.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHowever, it also stated that a fee increase would be bearable in terms of employment.", "targets": "Podle n\u00ed je v\u0161ak zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed poplatk\u016f z hlediska zam\u011bstnanosti \u00fanosn\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Aby uspokojily neklidn\u00e9 mlad\u00e9 lidi, kte\u0159\u00ed v\u0161ude na sv\u011bt\u011b cht\u011bj\u00ed d\u011blat n\u011bco jinak a l\u00e9pe, pln\u011b se p\u0159iklonily na stranu bojovn\u00edk\u016f proti oh\u0159\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed planety, zastavily jadern\u00e9 elektr\u00e1rny, atd.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "To appease the restless young people who, all over the world, want to do things differently and better, they fully went over to the side of those fighting against global warming, closed nuclear power plants, etc."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe idea of Moeen opening the batting alongside Cook, which would get the extra spinner in while keeping four quicks, has been floated and it is not something I am against.", "targets": "My\u0161lenka, kdy Moeen za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 po boku Cooka, kter\u00fd by z\u00edskal dal\u0161\u00ed extra spinner zat\u00edmco by zachoval \u010dty\u0159i quicks, byla nadnesena a j\u00e1 proti n\u00ed nem\u00e1m v\u00fdhrady."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u017de jako laskav\u00e1 matka nejenom trest\u00e1, ale \u017ee tak\u00e9 miluje."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe Greater German idea, which led the Germans and Europe into two world wars and cost millions of lives, has probably returned in another form.", "targets": "My\u0161lenka Velkon\u011bmecka, kter\u00e1 dovedla N\u011bmce a Evropu do dvou v\u00e1lek, je\u017e st\u00e1ly miliony \u017eivot\u016f, se pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b v jin\u00e9 podob\u011b vr\u00e1tila."} {"inputs": "Wenger believes that Arsenal have learnt the lesson of last season's Champions League capitulation against Monaco and remains driven by the distant hope of managing the club to a first European Cup triumph.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Wenger si mysl\u00ed, \u017ee Arsen\u00e1l se pou\u010dili z minul\u00e9 sez\u00f3ny Ligy \u0161ampion\u016f, kdy kapituloval proti Monaku a z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 mu vzd\u00e1len\u00e1 nad\u011bje, \u017ee dovede klub k prvn\u00edmu v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00ed v Evropsk\u00e9m poh\u00e1ru."} {"inputs": "Today scored a slight uptick compared to its ratings for Monday (317,000) and last Tuesday (283,000) but its figure was behind last Thursday's (343,000).\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Today zaznamenala men\u0161\u00ed n\u00e1r\u016fst sv\u00e9ho hodnocen\u00ed v porovn\u00e1n\u00ed s pond\u011bl\u00edm (317 000) a minul\u00e9m \u00fater\u00fd (283 000), ale jejich \u010d\u00edslo bylo a\u017e za minul\u00fdm \u010dtvrtkem (343 000)."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWhere is it: The store is in an industrial part of Los Angeles hugging the outskirts of Chinatown and Downtown - a few blocks away from Philippe The Original.", "targets": "Kde se nach\u00e1z\u00ed: Obchod je v pr\u016fmyslov\u00e9 \u010d\u00e1sti Los Angeles, obklopuje p\u0159edm\u011bst\u00ed \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e9 \u010dtvrti a centra - p\u00e1r blok\u016f od Philippe The Original."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Interestingly, Jones thinks markets already have adapted to Fed policy expectations.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Zaj\u00edmav\u00e9 je, \u017ee si Jones mysl\u00ed, \u017ee jsou trhy ji\u017e p\u0159izp\u016fsobeny o\u010dek\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00edm politiky Fedu."} {"inputs": "Maksimovic byl spat\u0159en p\u0159i setk\u00e1n\u00ed se spole\u010dn\u011b obvin\u011bn\u00fdm v p\u0159\u00edstavu b\u011bhem dopoledne a pozd\u011bji se s nimi setkal v kav\u00e1rn\u011b Coomera Roadhouse, kde policie na\u0161la 40 kilogram\u016f drogy v Toyota Echo.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Kdybys mne nechal domluvit, tak bys sly\u0161el, \u017ee pr\u00e1v\u011b k takov\u00e9mu z\u00e1v\u011bru jsem sm\u011b\u0159oval.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "If you had let me finish, then you would have heard that I was getting to exactly this conclusion."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe recommended daily allowance is 1-4 grammes.", "targets": "Doporu\u010den\u00e1 denn\u00ed d\u00e1vka je 1 a\u017e 4 gramy."} {"inputs": "V\u011bt\u0161ina pracovn\u00edch m\u00edst bude na \u010d\u00e1ste\u010dn\u00fd pracovn\u00ed \u00favazek.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Most of the jobs will be part-time."} {"inputs": "How is \"Despite facing a potential life sentence for attempting to possess a commercial quantity of cocaine, Maksimovic's lawyer argued there was no evidence that he was attempting to possess all of it and that he might have been at the cafe for an innocent purpose.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "I p\u0159esto, \u017ee \u010delil potenci\u00e1ln\u00edmu rozsudku do\u017eivot\u00ed za vlastn\u011bn\u00ed kokainu komer\u010dn\u00ed kvality, pr\u00e1vn\u00edk Maksimovice postavil obhajobu na tom, \u017ee neexistuje d\u016fkaz o tom, \u017ee by vlastnil cel\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed a \u017ee mohl b\u00fdt v kav\u00e1rn\u011b zcela n\u00e1hodou a nevinn\u011b."} {"inputs": "How is \"The superintendent instructed him to continue.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "N\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk pokynul, \u017ee m\u00e1 pokra\u010dovat."} {"inputs": "V zemi, kde \u017eij\u00ed \u010dty\u0159i miliony muslim\u016f, se podle n\u00ed neosv\u011bd\u010dila strategie, kter\u00e1 lidem z r\u016fzn\u00e9ho kulturn\u00edho prost\u0159ed\u00ed umo\u017enila \u017e\u00edt vedle sebe, ani\u017e se integrovali. Dnes tu s n\u00e1mi \u017eij\u00ed a my jsme si n\u011bjakou dobu nalh\u00e1vali, \u017ee nez\u016fstanou, \u017ee jednoho dne zase zmiz\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "According to Merkel, in a country with four million Muslims, the strategy that allows people from varying cultural environments to live alongside one another without integrating has not proved successful. Today they live here with us and we have lied to ourselves for some time that they will not stay, and go away again some day."} {"inputs": "Byl to b\u011b\u017en\u00fd druh pokoutn\u00edka, kter\u00fd dlouhodob\u011b s\u00eddlil na strop\u011b.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It was a normal type of corner-dweller that that settled in on the ceiling."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThat's the footy you would want to play when you have those sort of players.", "targets": "Takov\u00fd fotbal byste cht\u011bli hr\u00e1t, kdybyste m\u011bli k dispozici tento typ hr\u00e1\u010d\u016f."} {"inputs": "P\u0159i stoupaj\u00edc\u00edm trendu Carsona se rozhodl Trump k v\u00fdst\u0159elu naslepo na neurochirurga ve v\u00fdslu\u017eb\u011b, a dokonce se Carson omluvil za v\u00fdslech ohledn\u011b Trumpovy v\u00edry.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Premi\u00e9r a kancl\u00e9\u0159 chod\u00ed na summity nebo dvoustrann\u00e1 setk\u00e1n\u00ed v zahrani\u010dn\u00edch metropol\u00edch, ud\u011blaj\u00ed si fotku p\u0159ed slavn\u00fdm m\u00edstn\u00edm monumentem, s nebo bez m\u00edstn\u00edch hodnost\u00e1\u0159\u016f, a pot\u00e9 se vr\u00e1t\u00ed dom\u016f se slovy, \u017ee vyhr\u00e1vaj\u00ed spojence pro reformu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "K n\u00e1m maj\u00ed ambici chodit jin\u00ed cizinci, Ukrajinci, Vietnamci a dal\u0161\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed \u010ceskou republiku berou jako c\u00edlovou zemi, z\u00edsk\u00e1vaj\u00ed u n\u00e1s azyly, ale z\u00e1jem lid\u00ed z t\u00e9to migra\u010dn\u00ed vlny, tedy ze S\u00fdrie a dal\u0161\u00edch zem\u00ed, je limitn\u011b bl\u00edzk\u00fd nule."} {"inputs": "D\u016fvod pro v\u00fdb\u011br \u010dlen\u016f panelu nen\u00ed k dispozici, ale obsahuj\u00ed n\u011bkolik zn\u00e1m\u00fdch \u0161ampion\u016f elektronick\u00fdch cigaret, z nich\u017e n\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed tak\u00e9 v novin\u00e1ch prohla\u0161uj\u00ed pr\u016fmyslov\u00e9 financov\u00e1n\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The rationale for selecting the members of the panel is not provided, but they include several known e-cigarette champions, some of whom also declare industry funding in the paper."} {"inputs": "To, co nev\u00edme, je, kolik \u010dasu to zabere a jak dlouho to bude trvat.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "What we don't know is how long all of that will take and how long it will last."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOnline sales bolstered three years ago by the use of mobile for shopping", "targets": "Internetov\u00e9 prodeje byly pos\u00edleny p\u0159ed t\u0159emi lety d\u00edky mobiln\u00edmu nakupov\u00e1n\u00ed"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe municipal authority also considers the fact that some documents submitted for the decision were issued for the documentation originally discussed, which, however, changed, to be unlawful.", "targets": "Za nez\u00e1konn\u00e9 magistr\u00e1t pova\u017euje tak\u00e9 to, \u017ee n\u011bkter\u00e9 podklady pro rozhodnut\u00ed byly vyd\u00e1ny k p\u016fvodn\u011b projedn\u00e1van\u00e9 dokumentaci, kter\u00e1 se ale zm\u011bnila."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIf all that shopping makes you hungry, grab a meal at the LAX-C BBQ Express.", "targets": "Pokud m\u00e1te z toho v\u0161eho nakupov\u00e1n\u00ed hlad, zajd\u011bte si na j\u00eddlo v LAX-C BBQ Express."} {"inputs": "Kdyby se n\u00e1m poda\u0159ilo je odd\u011blit a nep\u0159ij\u00edmat je nebo je p\u0159ij\u00edmat pouze podle pot\u0159eb ekonomik, tak by t\u011bch pades\u00e1t procent z toho, co na n\u011b dneska soci\u00e1ln\u00ed syst\u00e9my marn\u011b vyd\u00e1vaj\u00ed, mohlo j\u00edt na uprchl\u00edky.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "V\u0161ak je\u0161t\u011b o tom bude \u0159e\u010d.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "You'll hear more about that later."} {"inputs": "K dipozici jsou sanita\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edky s v\u016fn\u00ed jahody, grepu nebo pomeran\u010de, kter\u00e9 jsou pro d\u011bti velmi l\u00e1kav\u00e9.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "There are strawberry, grape, orange-flavored hand sanitizers that are very appealing to kids."} {"inputs": "Dal\u0161\u00ed fotbalisty pra\u017esk\u00e9ho klubu nejmenoval, a tak p\u0159i\u0161la p\u0159\u00edm\u00e1 ot\u00e1zka, jestli zn\u00e1 i Davida Lafatu, nejlep\u0161\u00edho st\u0159elce v historii \u010desk\u00e9 ligy a kapit\u00e1na Sparty.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Goian did not mention any other Sparta players by name, and was then asked directly if he knew about David Lafata, Sparta captain and top scorer in the history of the Czech league."} {"inputs": "Pot\u00e9, co gener\u00e1ln\u011b \u0159editel Tony Hall \u0159ekl, \u017ee korporace cht\u011bla ud\u011blat v\u00edce v partnerstv\u00ed s dal\u0161\u00edmi organizacemi, \u0159ekl Johnson, \u017ee se bez\u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b sna\u017eil o spojen\u00ed s BBC cel\u00fdch \u0161est let, kter\u00e9 pracoval na Channel 4.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "After the BBC's director general, Tony Hall, said the corporation wanted to do more in partnership with other organisations, Johnson said he had tried for six years in his time at Channel 4 to do a tie-up with the BBC without success."} {"inputs": "\"Pr\u00e1v\u011b tady je tato pr\u00e1ce kritick\u00e1, proto\u017ee uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee je chirurgie bezpe\u010dn\u011bj\u0161\u00edch ve skupin\u011b s ni\u017e\u0161\u00edm BMI,\" bez zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed rizika smrti nebo onemocn\u011bn\u00ed ledvin, uv\u00e1d\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "\"This is where this paper is critical, because it says this surgery is safe in that lower BMI group,\" with no increased risk of death or renal disease, she said."} {"inputs": "Translate \"In the year before last, municipalities gained approx. 450 million crowns and the state treasury 150 million crowns.\" to Czech?", "targets": "V p\u0159edlo\u0148sk\u00e9m roce z\u00edskaly obce z poplatk\u016f zhruba 450 milion\u016f korun a st\u00e1tn\u00ed rozpo\u010det 150 milion\u016f korun."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed m\u00e1 Sunrise v pr\u016fm\u011bru zat\u00edm 349 000 div\u00e1k\u016f a Today 314 000."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u00dasteck\u00fd exprim\u00e1tor jde p\u0159ed soud."} {"inputs": "Tren\u00e9r Melbourne Storm Craig Bellamy vrac\u00ed \u00fader rival\u016fm kv\u016fli wrestlingov\u00fdm tvrzen\u00edm\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Melbourne Storm coach Craig Bellamy hits back at rivals over wrestling claims"} {"inputs": "How is \"Opponents of 'marshmallow' flats celebrate.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Odp\u016frci pra\u017esk\u00e9 bytovky mar\u0161meloun j\u00e1saj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "\"P\u0159edm\u011btn\u00e9 \u00fazemn\u00ed rozhodnut\u00ed n\u011bkter\u00e9 n\u00e1le\u017eitosti neobsahuje, nap\u0159\u00edklad druh pozemk\u016f, vzd\u00e1lenosti od sousedn\u00edch staveb, dostate\u010dn\u011b jasn\u011b a srozumiteln\u011b popsan\u00fd tvar budovy, vymezen\u00ed \u00fazem\u00ed dot\u010den\u00e9ho vlivem stavby,\" p\u00ed\u0161e se v jeho rozhodnut\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "According to the ruling, \"The planning decision in question does not contain several mandatory requirements, for example type of land, distance from neighbouring buildings, sufficiently clear, comprehensible description of the shape of the building and delineation of the area affected by construction.\""} {"inputs": "How is \"You said that other countries weren't willing to discuss the matter with us at the ministers' meeting.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u0158\u00edkal jste, \u017ee na jedn\u00e1n\u00ed ministr\u016f s n\u00e1mi ostatn\u00ed st\u00e1ty nebyly ochotn\u00e9 diskutovat."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Po roce 1989 u\u017e nebylo mo\u017en\u00e9 majetek vr\u00e1tit, proto se dvojice obr\u00e1tila na st\u00e1t se \u017e\u00e1dost\u00ed o od\u0161kodn\u00e9 podle z\u00e1kona o mimosoudn\u00edch rehabilitac\u00edch."} {"inputs": "Pravda, o n\u011bco men\u0161\u00ed, nejsp\u00ed\u0161 dcera on\u00e9 praobyvatelky z\u00e1chodu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAnkle-shattering leg irons!", "targets": "Okovy na nohy, kter\u00e9 l\u00e1mou kotn\u00edky!"} {"inputs": "Translate \"As highlighted by doctors, passivity in patients leaves room for the activity of the disease.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Jak toti\u017e upozor\u0148uj\u00ed l\u00e9ka\u0159i, pasivita nemocn\u00fdch uvol\u0148uje prostor pro aktivitu choroby."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe second goal finally arrived just after the hour mark thanks to Cavani, the Uruguayan heading home his sixth of the season after Ibrahimovic had flicked on a left-wing cross from Maxwell.", "targets": "Druh\u00fd g\u00f3l kone\u010dn\u011b p\u0159i\u0161el po hodin\u011b hry d\u00edky Cavanimu, tento Uruguayec hlavi\u010dkou poslal za \u010d\u00e1ru ji\u017e \u0161est\u00fd g\u00f3l t\u00e9to sezony pot\u00e9, co mu Ibrahimovic p\u0159ihr\u00e1l po p\u0159ihr\u00e1vce z lev\u00e9ho k\u0159\u00eddla od Maxwella."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nExperts criticise Public Health England e-cigarettes review", "targets": "Experti kritizuj\u00ed recenzi o elektronick\u00fdch zve\u0159ejn\u011bnou agenturou Public Health England"} {"inputs": "How is \"They wouldn't fire me now, and the next checks wouldn't be for three years.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Te\u010f mne nevyhod\u00ed a dal\u0161\u00ed prov\u011brky jsou a\u017e za t\u0159i roky."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIn doing all of this I was showing a negative attitude to the Party.", "targets": "T\u00edm v\u0161\u00edm d\u00e1v\u00e1m najevo negativn\u00ed postoj k vedouc\u00ed \u00faloze strany."} {"inputs": "P\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00ed t\u00fdden se do Moskvy vyd\u00e1 izraelsk\u00fd premi\u00e9r Benjamin Netanjahu, aby tlumo\u010dil znepokojen\u00ed nad shroma\u017e\u010fov\u00e1n\u00edm rusk\u00e9ho arzen\u00e1lu v bl\u00edzkosti Izraele.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Next week Israeli premier Binyamin Netanyahu will visit Moscow to convey his country's concern about the stockpiling of a Russian arsenal close to the Israeli border."} {"inputs": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b velkoobchod p\u0159e\u0161el do proti\u00fatoku a investuj\u00ed v\u00edce ne\u017e 150 milion\u016f USD ro\u010dn\u011b, aby dorovnal pultov\u00e9 ceny v Coles a Woolworths na stovk\u00e1ch produkt\u016f ka\u017ed\u00fd t\u00fdden a pom\u00e1h\u00e1 tak maloobchod\u016fm IGA znovu vybavit obchody p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00edm rychle rostouc\u00edho j\u00eddla a novinek od soukromn\u00edk\u016f.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "However, the wholesaler is fighting back, investing more than $150 million a year matching shelf prices at Coles and Woolworths on hundreds of products each week, helping IGA retailers refurbish stores by adding faster-growing fresh food, and rolling out a better range of private label groceries."} {"inputs": "Translate \"It was only in 1910 that the local council settled on a solution that served them well until the mid-1980s:\" to Czech?", "targets": "A\u017e v roce 1910 se rozhodli chlum\u0161t\u00ed zastupitel\u00e9 pro \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed, kter\u00e9 potom vyhovovalo a\u017e do poloviny osmdes\u00e1t\u00fdch let."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWhile the holidays themselves are months away, holiday shopping season is drawing closer and companies are preparing to hire temporary employees to help them staff stores and sell, ship and deliver products.", "targets": "Zat\u00edmco pr\u00e1zdniny samy o sob\u011b jsou m\u011bs\u00edce daleko, n\u00e1kupn\u00ed pr\u00e1zdninov\u00e1 sez\u00f3na se bl\u00ed\u017e\u00ed a spole\u010dnosti se p\u0159ipravuj\u00ed do\u010dasn\u011b p\u0159ijmout zam\u011bstnance na v\u00fdpomoc v obchodech a prodeji, pro odes\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed a doru\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed zbo\u017e\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed vl\u00e1dou financovanou agenturou o tom, \u017ee jsou elektronick\u00e9 cigarety o 95 % bezpe\u010dn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e kou\u0159en\u00ed, vze\u0161lo ze setk\u00e1n\u00ed 12 lid\u00ed, ze kter\u00fdch n\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed maj\u00ed spojen\u00ed s tab\u00e1kov\u00fdm pr\u016fmyslem, uv\u00e1d\u011bj\u00ed v\u00fdzkumn\u00edci.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Claims by a government-funded agency that e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than smoking arose from a meeting of 12 people, some with links to the tobacco industry, researchers have said."} {"inputs": "Vesm\u00edr a lidsk\u00e1 hloupost.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "the universe and human stupidity;"} {"inputs": "Obzvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b u mal\u00fdch d\u011bt\u00ed m\u016f\u017ee n\u011bkolik lok\u016f znamenat otravu alkoholem.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In young children, especially, only a few squirts can cause alcohol poisoning."} {"inputs": "Pod\u00edl na tom maj\u00ed hlavn\u011b vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed \u00fahrady od poji\u0161\u0165oven, kter\u00e9 jsou stejn\u011b p\u0159\u00edzniv\u00e9 i pro leto\u0161n\u00ed rok.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "This is partly due to higher payments from insurance companies, and which are just as favourable for this year."} {"inputs": "Raku\u0161an\u00e9 jsou jedin\u00ed, kte\u0159\u00ed n\u00e1m ty lidi berou, s Ma\u010farskem je to slo\u017eit\u00e9 a \u0158ekov\u00e9 - to je \u00fapln\u011b zbyte\u010dn\u00fd p\u0159\u00edb\u011bh.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The Austrians are the only ones who take them from us. With Hungary it's complicated and the Greeks - that's something else entirely."} {"inputs": "Rehabilitace nem\u016f\u017ee nemoc zastavit, ale v\u017edy m\u016f\u017ee zm\u00edrnit jej\u00ed p\u0159\u00edznaky.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "While physiotherapy does not stop the illness, it always helps to alleviate its symptoms."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Limit pojistn\u00e9ho pln\u011bn\u00ed v\u0161ak bude muset b\u00fdt takov\u00fd, aby v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b \u00fapadku cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e pokryl v\u0161echny n\u00e1roky z\u00e1kazn\u00edk\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSo your marinaded meat or fish is ready for grilling - what next?", "targets": "Marinovan\u00e9 maso nebo ryba jsou tedy p\u0159ipraven\u00e9 ke grilov\u00e1n\u00ed, jak postupovat d\u00e1l?"} {"inputs": "\"Naprosto s tebou souhlas\u00edm, soudruhu p\u0159edsedo,\" ledov\u011b p\u0159itakal n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk ve snaze op\u011bt p\u0159evz\u00edt iniciativu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nCBS News correspondent Charlie D'Agata reported that even prison inmates were enlisted in the race to finish the razor wire fence between Hungary and Serbia.", "targets": "CBS News korepondent Charlie D\u00b4Agata ohl\u00e1sil, \u017ee dokonce v\u011bzni byly na seznamu t\u011bch, kte\u0159\u00ed pom\u00e1hali nat\u00e1hnout ostnat\u00fd dr\u00e1t mezi Ma\u010farskem a Srbskem."} {"inputs": "P\u0159esun s\u00eddla holdingu a souvisej\u00edc\u00ed p\u0159evody akci\u00ed budou uskute\u010dn\u011bny formou neve\u0159ejn\u00e9 transakce s t\u00edm, \u017ee se na n\u00ed budou pod\u00edlet pouze st\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00ed akcion\u00e1\u0159i.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The moving of the headquarters of the holding company and the related share transfers will take the form of a non-public transaction in which only existing shareholders will participate."} {"inputs": "Translate \"in effort to stave off bankruptcy declaration.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Sna\u017e\u00ed se t\u00edm zabr\u00e1nit vyhl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed \u00fapadku."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nElton John and Russian President Vladimir Putin to meet to discuss gay rights", "targets": "Elton John a Rus Vladim\u00edr Putin se sejdou v diskuzi o pr\u00e1vech homosexu\u00e1l\u016f"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOr do you want to find out what others are talking about?", "targets": "Nebo se chcete dozv\u011bd\u011bt, o \u010dem mluv\u00ed ostatn\u00ed?"} {"inputs": "\"Kdyby byla ta opat\u0159en\u00ed pou\u017eita o 500 metr\u016f d\u0159\u00edve, byl by tunel o p\u016fl miliardy dra\u017e\u0161\u00ed,\" uvedl Butovi\u010d.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"If that method had been used 500 metres earlier, the tunnel would have been half a billion crowns more expensive,\" stated Butovi\u010d."} {"inputs": "Mo\u017en\u00e1 by se m\u011bl ten v\u00fdb\u011br hlasatele - ale l\u00e9pe op\u011bt hlasatelky - ud\u011blat znovu, a tentokr\u00e1t podbarven\u00fd b\u011b\u017en\u00fdm dopravn\u00edm hlukem a rachotem motoru, ve kter\u00e9m se ku\u0148k\u00e1n\u00ed reproduktoru v autobusu t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 ztr\u00e1c\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Maybe they should run the selection process for an announcer again, this time with the addition of transport noise and the racket of a motor, in which the mutter of the bus loudspeaker almost gets lost."} {"inputs": "Ale \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 \u0161unky.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "They weren't exactly old bangers."} {"inputs": "How is \"Yakunin abandons plans for a political career, will devote himself to science.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jakunin opustil pl\u00e1ny na politickou kari\u00e9ru, bude se v\u011bnovat v\u011bd\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He's in a dead heat with Ted Cruz.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Je v mrtv\u00e9m z\u00e1vod\u011b s Tedem Cruzem."} {"inputs": "How is \"The project, nicknamed the marshmallow due to the facade colour allegedly proposed, has provoked strong emotions in Prague.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Projekt, kter\u00e9mu lid\u00e9 kv\u016fli \u00fadajn\u011b navrhovan\u00e9 barv\u011b fas\u00e1dy p\u0159ezd\u00edvaj\u00ed mar\u0161meloun, vyvol\u00e1v\u00e1 v Praze siln\u00e9 emoce."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Speaking to SBS6, Moreno said: \"I know how it feels, I know how difficult such a thing can be.\" to Czech?", "targets": "V rozhovoru pro SBS6 uvedl Moreno: \"V\u00edm jak se c\u00edt\u00ed, v\u00edm jak obt\u00ed\u017en\u00e1 m\u016f\u017ee takov\u00e1 v\u011bc b\u00fdt."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHere, he emphasised the word 'comrade', as if he knew what the superintendent had put me down for in the morning.", "targets": "Slovo \"soudruh\" p\u0159itom zd\u016fraznil, jakoby v\u011bd\u011bl, za co mne r\u00e1no star\u00fd set\u0159el."} {"inputs": "Libra nasko\u010dila n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed data a uk\u00e1zala zotaven\u00ed britsk\u00e9ho r\u016fstu mezd, zat\u00edmco FTSE 100 bylo vedeno v\u00fd\u0161e pomoc\u00ed nab\u00eddkov\u00e9ho c\u00edle SABMiller.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The pound jumped following data showing a pick-up in UK wage growth, while the FTSE 100 was led higher by bid target SABMiller."} {"inputs": "Let me reminisce.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Dovolil jsem si na to zavzpom\u00ednat."} {"inputs": "Zlep\u0161en\u00ed se do\u010dkaj\u00ed i pacienti krom\u011b\u0159\u00ed\u017esk\u00e9 nemocnice.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Podle Linsday Knowlesov\u00e9, bl\u00edzk\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edtelkyn\u011b Prentissov\u00e9, jak uvedl Sun Herald, pracovala Prentissov\u00e1 z domu p\u0159es internet.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Prentiss worked an online job from her home, according to Linsday Knowles, identified as a close friend of Prentiss by the Sun Herald."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nA day after the school shooting forced students and faculty to hide behind locked doors, authorities were still trying to piece together what motivated Lamb.", "targets": "Den po st\u0159\u00edlen\u00ed ve \u0161kole donutilo studenty a fakultu, aby se schovali za zam\u010den\u00fdmi dve\u0159mi, se pov\u011b\u0159en\u00e9 autority st\u00e1le sna\u017e\u00ed dop\u00e1trat, jak\u00e1 byla Lambova motivace."} {"inputs": "Without these, the company would not be able to manufacture aeroplane doors.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Bez nich by podnik \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 dve\u0159e do letadel nevyr\u00e1b\u011bl."} {"inputs": "Nepo\u0159\u00e1dek se sice h\u016f\u0159e schov\u00e1 v mal\u00e9m prostoru a kutalej\u00edc\u00ed se miminka ob\u010das p\u0159ekra\u010dujeme, ale aspo\u0148 jsme si v\u0161ichni nabl\u00edzku, usm\u00edv\u00e1 se Eva, kter\u00e1 dok\u00e1\u017ee na ka\u017ed\u00e9 situaci naj\u00edt pozitivn\u00ed str\u00e1nku.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "\u0160\u00e9fkucha\u0159i si vyu\u017eit\u00ed hroznov\u00e9ho oleje v kuchyni pochvaluj\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Chefs highly praise the use of grape oil in cooking."} {"inputs": "Z \u0161ir\u0161\u00ed perspektivy pro Arsen\u00e1l to znamen\u00e1, \u017ee v \u0161esti z osmi sez\u00f3n od 2007-08 byl jedn\u00edm ze dvou klub\u016f Premier League, kter\u00fd ztratil nejv\u00edce dn\u00ed z d\u016fvodu zran\u011bn\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The wider picture for Arsenal is that in six out of eight seasons since 2007-08, they have been one of the two Premier League clubs to lose most days through injury."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Abychom nemuseli d\u00e1l poslouchat n\u00e1zvy stanic Vodn\u00ed Her\u0161pice, \u0160m\u00edrova, nebo pak Ponorn\u00e1 ve sk\u0159\u00edpaj\u00edc\u00ed \u0161alin\u011b, do kter\u00e9 jsem v Kom\u00e1rov\u011b p\u0159estoupil."} {"inputs": "\"V\u0161ichni rozum\u00edme, \u017ee pravidla pot\u0159ebujeme, ale tohle za\u0161lo p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 daleko,\" uvedl Moody.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "\"We all understand that we need for rules but it has gone too far,\" Moody said."} {"inputs": "Bylo t\u011b\u017ek\u00e9 si vybrat, p\u00ed\u0161e Cameron ve zpr\u00e1v\u011b zve\u0159ejn\u011bn\u00e9 na webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nce spole\u010dnosti SuperCamps a pokra\u010duje: \"Vtipn\u00e1, dojemn\u00e1, kreativn\u00ed a se siln\u00fdm obsahem, takovou jsem r\u00e1d \u010detl sv\u00fdm d\u011btem, proto\u017ee za n\u00ed byl v\u017edy obraz nebo poselstv\u00ed, kter\u00e9 jsem p\u0159edt\u00edm nevid\u011bl.\"\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It was a difficult choice, Cameron writes in a message published on the website of the SuperCamps company, continuing: \"Funny, moving, creative and with a powerful message, it's one I enjoy reading to my children because there always seems to be an image or a message that we have previously missed.\""} {"inputs": "V p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b hlubinn\u00e9 t\u011b\u017eby uhl\u00ed dostanou t\u0159i \u010dtvrtiny pen\u011bz obce a \u010dtvrtinu st\u00e1t.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In the case of deep coal mining, three-quarters of the money is received by municipalities and one quarter by the state."} {"inputs": "Lamb se setkal s Prentiss, kdy\u017e spolu s Abigail vystuopovali na letn\u00edm festivalu p\u0159ed t\u0159emi lety.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Lamb met Prentiss when he and Abigail both performed at a summer fair three years ago."} {"inputs": "Zak\u00e1zku pak m\u011blo m\u011bsto sv\u011b\u0159it administr\u00e1torovi a do sout\u011b\u017ee se p\u0159ihl\u00e1sila jen spole\u010dnost Darothore, kter\u00e9 pak rada m\u011bsta zak\u00e1zku p\u0159id\u011blila.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The city is then said to have entrusted the contract to an administrator and the competition was only entered by Darothore, which was then awarded the contract by the city council."} {"inputs": "How is \"But he wants an international reporter to be there to write about it.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "On ale chce mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edho novin\u00e1\u0159e, kter\u00fd bude na m\u00edst\u011b p\u0159ipraven pov\u011bd\u011bt p\u0159\u00edb\u011bh."} {"inputs": "Michael J. Fox vtipkuje o sv\u00e9m 'rande' s princeznou Dianou\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Johnson said the licence fee should only be used to make the sort of programmes that are not made by other UK broadcasters.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Johnson \u0159ekl, \u017ee licen\u010dn\u00ed poplatek by m\u011bl b\u00fdt pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n pouze pro programy, kter\u00e9 nejsou tvo\u0159eny jin\u00fdm britsk\u00fdm televizn\u00edm vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00edm."} {"inputs": "Nem\u00e1te obavy z podobn\u011b katastrof\u00e1ln\u00edho vstupu do extraligy jako p\u0159ed rokem?\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Aren't you afraid of having as bad a start to the season as last year?"} {"inputs": "The chief consumers, power stations, would not, therefore, feel an increase in prices.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Hlavn\u00ed spot\u0159ebitel\u00e9 jako elektr\u00e1rny nebo tepl\u00e1rny by tedy nem\u011bli r\u016fst cen poc\u00edtit."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nIn 2013, it was the single biggest cause of death in men aged 20-45 in the UK, and remains three times more common in males than females.", "targets": "V roce 2013 se jednalo o jedinou nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00ed\u010dinu \u00famrt\u00ed u mu\u017e\u016f ve v\u011bku 20-45 let ve Velk\u00e9 Brit\u00e1nii a z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 t\u0159ikr\u00e1t \u010dast\u011bj\u0161\u00ed u mu\u017e\u016f ne\u017e u \u017een."} {"inputs": "\u201eN\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bva prezidenta Xi p\u0159edstavuje p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitost k upevn\u011bn\u00ed vz\u00e1jemn\u00fdch vztah\u016f mezi USA a \u010c\u00ednou a nab\u00e1d\u00e1 ke spolupr\u00e1ci p\u0159i \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed probl\u00e9m\u016f na poli mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edch, region\u00e1ln\u00edch a spole\u010dn\u00fdch z\u00e1jm\u016f a je p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitost\u00ed ke konstruktivn\u00ed debat\u011b o neshod\u00e1ch obou st\u00e1t\u016f,\u201c dod\u00e1v\u00e1 zpr\u00e1va.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"President Xi's visit will present an opportunity to expand U.S.-China cooperation on a range of global, regional, and bilateral issues of mutual interest, while also enabling President Obama and President Xi to address areas of disagreement constructively,\" the statement added."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Once when I bought a flat in a high-rise I soon found that I wasn't the only inhabitant.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Kdy\u017e jsem se kdysi vzmohl na panel\u00e1kov\u00fd byt, brzy jsem p\u0159estal b\u00fdt jedin\u00fdm obyvatelem."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nShe looked through it and found the disturbing messages before immediately alerting her mother.", "targets": "Pro\u0161la si ho a p\u0159edt\u00edm, ne\u017e upozornila svou matku, nalezla znepokojuj\u00edc\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAs a separate company, we are better positioned than ever to meet the evolving needs of our customers around the world.", "targets": "Jako\u017eto separovan\u00e1 spole\u010dnost budeme v mnohem lep\u0161\u00ed pozici pro spln\u011bn\u00ed vyv\u00edjej\u00edc\u00edch se po\u017eadavk\u016f na\u0161ich z\u00e1kazn\u00edk\u016f po cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u010clenov\u00e9 Pi Delta Psi bratrstv\u00ed nezavolali 911 ihned pot\u00e9, co Deng omdlel, a \u00fadajn\u011b \u010dekali hodinu ne\u017e ho odvezli do nemocnice, tvrd\u00ed policie."} {"inputs": "I podle zvuku dopadaj\u00edc\u00edho kladiva poznaj\u00ed, jestli u\u017e je n\u00fdt spr\u00e1vn\u011b rozklepan\u00fd.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "U men\u0161\u00edho iPhonu z p\u016fvodn\u011b 12 gram\u016f na 29 gram\u016f, v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b v\u011bt\u0161\u00edho pak z 19 na 40 gram\u016f.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In the smaller iPhone it rose from 12 to 29 grammes, and in the larger one from 19 to 40 grammes."} {"inputs": "Chv\u00edli mne probod\u00e1val studen\u00fdm, pichlav\u00fdm pohledem a j\u00e1 hledal slova, kter\u00fdmi bych odpov\u011bd\u011bl.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Kritici uva\u017eovali, zda by Thomson s\u00e1m dok\u00e1zal ut\u00e1hnout televizn\u00ed hit bez hv\u011bzdy Rafters Rebeccy Gibney.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Critics had wondered whether Thomson could carry a hit show solo without Rafters star Rebecca Gibney."} {"inputs": "How is \"Need a great Thai market?\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Pot\u0159ebujete skv\u011bl\u00fd thajsk\u00fd trh?"} {"inputs": "How is \"Her blood-alcohol level was .179, twice the threshold considered legally drunk in an adult, according to Dr. Chris Ritchey, an emergency room doctor who treated her at Gwinnett Medical Center outside of Atlanta.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jej\u00ed hladina alkoholu v krvi byla .179, co\u017e je dvojn\u00e1sobek prahov\u00e9 hodnoty pova\u017eovan\u00e9 za opilost u dosp\u011bl\u00e9ho, podle Dr Chrise Ritcheyho, pohotovostn\u00edho doktora, kter\u00fd se o ni staral v Gwinnett Medical Center mimo Atlantu."} {"inputs": "Translate \"A rivet can rise above the aeroplane surface by 0-0.13 millimetres.\" to Czech?", "targets": "N\u00fdt m\u016f\u017ee nad povrch letadla vystupovat od nuly do 0,13 milimetru."} {"inputs": "\"Cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e budou muset svou \u010dinnost ukon\u010dit nebo p\u0159esunout do zahrani\u010d\u00ed,\" varoval Kalousek.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"Travel agencies will have to either close down or move abroad,\" he warned."} {"inputs": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b se uk\u00e1zal mnohem vhodn\u011bj\u0161\u00edm, kdy\u017e p\u0159i\u0161lo na p\u0159\u00edpravu \u0161anc\u00ed pro sv\u00e9 spoluhr\u00e1\u010de a bylo to pr\u00e1v\u011b z jeho p\u0159ihr\u00e1vky, kdy Di Maria poslal to\u010divou st\u0159elu, kter\u00e1 skon\u010dila ve Wilandov\u011b brance po 52 minut\u00e1ch.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Nevertheless, he proved much more adept when it came to setting up his colleagues, and it was from an Ibrahimovic pass that Di Maria sent in a curling shot which was tipped around the post by Wiland on 52 minutes."} {"inputs": "O n\u011bkolik hodin pozd\u011bji uvedl pan Smith, tajemn\u00edk st\u00ednov\u00e9 pr\u00e1ce a d\u016fchod\u016f, \u017ee strana \"velmi jasn\u011b\" oponovala vl\u00e1dn\u00edm pl\u00e1n\u016fm na sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed limitu z \u00a326,000 na \u00a323,000.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Hours later Mr Smith, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said the party was \"very clear\" that it was only opposing government plans to reduce the level of cap from \u00a326,000 to \u00a323,000."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nebo n\u011bjak jinak?"} {"inputs": "Tak\u017ee n\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed tito minist\u0159i mohou pl\u00e1novat z\u00e1m\u011brn\u011b neu\u017eite\u010dn\u00e9 pozn\u00e1mky stylu SNP v pr\u016fb\u011bhu kampan\u011b p\u0159ed referendem 2017 ve Velk\u00e9 Brit\u00e1ni\u00ed, aby usp\u00ed\u0161ili proces Brexit, tvrd\u00ed kamar\u00e1d.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBlackstone added that people and their doctors should start taking weight seriously once the patient's BMI falls between 27 and 30.", "targets": "Blackstone tak\u00e9 d\u00e1le tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee lid\u00e9 a jejich dokto\u0159i by m\u011bli za\u010d\u00edt br\u00e1t v\u00e1hu opravdu v\u00e1\u017en\u011b po poklesu pacientova BMI mezi 27 a 30."} {"inputs": "How is \"Contact us on Twitter\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Kontaktujte n\u00e1s naTwitteru"} {"inputs": "How is \"Half of Americans are now dissatisfied with her explanation, while just about a third are satisfied.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Polovina Ameri\u010dan\u016f je nyn\u00ed s jej\u00edm vysv\u011btlen\u00edm nespokojena, zat\u00edmco pouze asi t\u0159etina je spokojena."} {"inputs": "\u010cas na rozhodnut\u00ed o \u00farokov\u00fdch sazb\u00e1ch pro americkou Federal Reserve\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Decision time on interest rates for US Federal Reserve"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe superintendent instructed me to sit down.", "targets": "N\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk pokynul, abych se posadil."} {"inputs": "Souvisej\u00edc\u00ed: DSEI zbran\u011b veletrhu: autorit\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9 re\u017eimy sestupuj\u00ed na Lond\u00fdn\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nMultiple sclerosis is a complicated disease and people with this diagnosis need consultation from a number of specialists: neurologists, physiotherapists, ergotherapists, urologists, ophthalmologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and many more.", "targets": "Roztrou\u0161en\u00e1 skler\u00f3za je komplikovan\u00e9 onemocn\u011bn\u00ed a \u010dlov\u011bk s touto diagn\u00f3zou pot\u0159ebuje p\u00e9\u010di \u0159ady odborn\u00edk\u016f: neurologa, fyzioterapeuta, ergoterapeuta, urologa, oftalmologa, psychologa, psychiatra a mnoha dal\u0161\u00edch specialist\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"On the way he and his companions picked up three Syrian refugees, whom he allegedly wanted to give a lift for half a kilometre.\" to Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159i cest\u011b vzal spolu s pos\u00e1dkou do auta t\u0159i syrsk\u00e9 uprchl\u00edky, kter\u00e9 pr\u00fd cht\u011bli popov\u00e9zt asi p\u016fl kilometru."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nbut would have cost half a billion more, says expert from company that composed project documentation for the tunnel.", "targets": "Ale st\u00e1lo by to o p\u016fl miliardy v\u00edc, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 odborn\u00edk z firmy, kter\u00e1 tunel projektovala."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Rather than worry about refugees' final destination, it was now necessary to filter those arriving now and resolve the fate of those who are already inside the Schengen Zone.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ne\u017e se starat o kone\u010dnou destinaci b\u011b\u017eenc\u016f, je nap\u0159ed pot\u0159eba filtrovat ty, kte\u0159\u00ed p\u0159ij\u00ed\u017ed\u011bj\u00ed ji\u017e dnes a vy\u0159e\u0161it osud t\u011bch, kte\u0159\u00ed se ji\u017e pohybuj\u00ed uvnit\u0159 schengensk\u00e9ho prostoru."} {"inputs": "Pro z\u00e1jemce jsou jist\u011b p\u0159\u00edjemn\u00e9 i dodac\u00ed lh\u016fty, kter\u00e9 se pohybuj\u00ed kolem t\u0159\u00ed t\u00fddn\u016f.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Potential customers will also like our delivery periods, which are around three weeks."} {"inputs": "Je jim spole\u010dn\u011b dob\u0159e a p\u0159\u00edjemn\u011b.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "They do feel nice and comfortable with each other."} {"inputs": "\"To je trend, kter\u00fdm se mont\u00e1\u017e v letectv\u00ed ub\u00edr\u00e1,\" dod\u00e1v\u00e1 Dubsk\u00fd.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Ministerstvo pro m\u00edstn\u00ed rozvoj bude ur\u010dovat v\u00fd\u0161i dotace horsk\u00e9 slu\u017eb\u011b na z\u00e1klad\u011b jej\u00ed \u017e\u00e1dosti, kterou bude pod\u00e1vat v\u017edy do konce dubna na dal\u0161\u00ed rok."} {"inputs": "St\u011bhov\u00e1n\u00ed na koleje se m\u016f\u017ee pohybovat od m\u00edrn\u011b na nervy jdouc\u00edho a\u017e po tot\u00e1ln\u011b ot\u0159esn\u00e9.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Moving into halls can range from mildly nerve-racking to totally terrifying."} {"inputs": "N\u011bmecko je mo\u017en\u00e1 p\u0159ekvapen\u00e9, ale neztr\u00e1c\u00ed svou rozhodnost a zvy\u0161uje tlak.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "While it may have been taken by surprise, Germany is not losing its resolve and is increasing the pressure."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The FastMig X is a modular system whose final composition is always set according to the requirements of the customer,\" to Czech?", "targets": "FastMig X je modul\u00e1rn\u00ed syst\u00e9m, proto fin\u00e1ln\u00ed sestava je v\u017edy nakonfigurovan\u00e1 podle po\u017eadavk\u016f z\u00e1kazn\u00edk\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nCould you describe more specifically the position that you took into the meeting of EU foreign and interior ministers?", "targets": "M\u016f\u017eete konkr\u00e9tn\u011bji popsat pozici, se kterou jste p\u0159i\u0161li na jedn\u00e1n\u00ed ministr\u016f vnitra a zahrani\u010d\u00ed Evropsk\u00e9 unie?"} {"inputs": "Nap\u0159\u00edklad 28 procent bude muset j\u00edt na n\u00e1pravu \u0161kod po t\u011b\u017eb\u011b nebo pro zaji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed b\u00e1\u0148sk\u00e9 z\u00e1chrann\u00e9 slu\u017eby.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Proto\u017ee tam u\u017e nejsou Rangers.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Before we further discuss the issue of immigrants, we should realise that the whole media hysteria is directed by professionals,\" to Czech?", "targets": "Ne\u017e budeme pokra\u010dovat o ot\u00e1zce imigrant\u016f, m\u011bli bychom si uv\u011bdomit, \u017ee cel\u00e9 to medi\u00e1ln\u00ed t\u0159e\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed kolem je \u0159\u00edzeno profesion\u00e1ly."} {"inputs": "How is \"Yes, it's in Chinatown and not Thai Town.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ano, je to \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e1 \u010dtvr\u0165 a ne thajsk\u00e1 \u010dtvr\u0165."} {"inputs": "How is \"If not, we'll be losing money, says Dubsk\u00fd.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Kdy\u017e ne, budeme prod\u011bl\u00e1vat, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 Dubsk\u00fd."} {"inputs": "A z\u00e1rove\u0148 55 procent registrovan\u00fdch voli\u010d\u016f po cel\u00e9 zemi nevid\u00ed tak\u00e9 Trumpa jako \u010destn\u00e9ho a d\u016fv\u011bryhodn\u00e9ho.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "At the same time, 55 percent of registered voters nationwide don't see Trump as honest and trustworthy either."} {"inputs": "Jim\u017e na pomoc p\u0159ijdou muslimov\u00e9 ji\u017e dlouho \u017eij\u00edc\u00ed v N\u011bmecku, ale rozhodn\u011b nikoli asimilovan\u00ed tak, aby p\u0159evzali m\u00edstn\u00ed zvyky a z\u00e1kony?\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBroadly speaking, companies that do the majority of their business in the U.S. will win as interest rates rise and local products become more attractive.", "targets": "Obecn\u011b \u0159e\u010deno, firmy, kter\u00e9 prov\u00e1d\u011bj\u00ed v\u011bt\u0161inu sv\u00e9ho podnik\u00e1n\u00ed v USA, vyhraj\u00ed po vzr\u016fstu \u00farokov\u00e9 sazby a m\u00edstn\u00ed produkty se stanou atraktivn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"However, he doesn't consider Braga the clear favourite.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Za jasn\u00e9ho favorita ale Bragu nepova\u017euje."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The violence occurred Tuesday evening in the district of Rupandehi, about 175 miles west of Kathmandu, the capital.\" to Czech?", "targets": "K n\u00e1sil\u00ed do\u0161lo v \u00fater\u00fd ve\u010der ve \u010dtvrti Rupandehi, asi 175 mil z\u00e1padn\u011b od hlavn\u00edho m\u011bsta Kathmandu."} {"inputs": "Podle \u017eivotopisu, kter\u00fd uve\u0159ejnil na webov\u00fdch str\u00e1nk\u00e1ch \u0161koly, z\u00edskal Lamb doktor\u00e1t v oboru vzd\u011bl\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed na univerzit\u011b Delta na ja\u0159e roku 2015.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Lamb received a doctorate in education from Delta State in the spring of 2015, according to his resume posted on the university's website."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nHe could not be revived and he died the next morning.", "targets": "Nepoda\u0159ilo se ho o\u017eivit a zem\u0159el druh\u00fd den r\u00e1no."} {"inputs": "Translate \"\"Ond\u0159ej Sokol's direction is original, relaxed and contemporary,\" says Fi\u0161arov\u00e1.\" to Czech?", "targets": "\"Re\u017eie Ond\u0159eje Sokola je origin\u00e1ln\u00ed, odleh\u010den\u00e1 a sou\u010dasn\u00e1,\" konstatuje Fi\u0161arov\u00e1."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOften the men who contact us feel unable to speak to friends.", "targets": "Mu\u017ei, kte\u0159\u00ed n\u00e1s kontaktuj\u00ed, \u010dasto c\u00edt\u00ed neschopnost komunikace s p\u0159\u00e1teli."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSwiss-based mining giant Glencore, hit by collapsing commodities prices, on Wednesday raised $2.5 billion via a shares sale as part of its vast debt-slashing plan.", "targets": "T\u011b\u017eebn\u00ed gigant Glencore se s\u00eddlem ve \u0160v\u00fdcarsku, kter\u00fd byl zasa\u017een zhroucen\u00edm cen komodit, vyd\u011blal ve st\u0159edu $2,5 miliardy z prodeje akci\u00ed v r\u00e1mci sv\u00e9ho rozs\u00e1hl\u00e9ho pl\u00e1nu na sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed dluhu."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kritizuj\u00ed i nevhodnost stavby pro historick\u00e9 centrum Prahy a bezprost\u0159edn\u00ed sousedstv\u00ed Ane\u017esk\u00e9ho kl\u00e1\u0161tera."} {"inputs": "Dal\u0161\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy: vyd\u00e1n\u00ed iOS 9 nebylo odlo\u017eeno, navzdory zdr\u017een\u00ed WatchOS; recenze iOS 9: vzru\u0161uj\u00edc\u00ed aktualizace nov\u00e9 verze opera\u010dn\u00edho syst\u00e9mu; iOS9: jak se p\u0159ipravit na vyd\u00e1n\u00ed nov\u00e9ho opera\u010dn\u00edho syst\u00e9mu pro iPhone\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Read more: iOS 9 release still on track despite WatchOS delay iOS 9 review: the least exciting and best update ever iOS 9: how to prepare for new iPhone operating system"} {"inputs": "Vyzvala evropsk\u00e9 p\u0159edstavitele, aby zv\u00e1\u017eili sankce v\u016f\u010di v\u0161em politik\u016fm, funkcion\u00e1\u0159\u016fm a soudc\u016fm zapojen\u00fdm do politick\u00e9ho pron\u00e1sledov\u00e1n\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Mr Corbyn's decision not to sing the national anthem has attracted attention\" to Czech?", "targets": "Rozhodnut\u00ed pana Corbyna nezp\u00edvat n\u00e1rodn\u00ed hymnu na sebe p\u0159it\u00e1hlo pozornost"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nA student who praised Lamb, Brandon Beavers, said he also seemed agitated and jittery, \"like there was something wrong with him.\"", "targets": "Student, kter\u00fd vychvaloval Lamba, Brandon Beavers, \u0159ekl, \u017ee se tak\u00e9 zd\u00e1l agitovan\u00fd a rozt\u0159esen\u00fd, \"jako by s n\u00edm n\u011bco nebylo v po\u0159\u00e1dku.\""} {"inputs": "K tomu jist\u011b napom\u016f\u017ee i Pitching forum, kde se studenti mohou setkat s filmov\u00fdmi profesion\u00e1ly, absolvovat n\u011bkolik pracovn\u00edch konkurz\u016f najednou a z\u00edskat tak pracovn\u00ed pozici.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "This process will also be aided by the Pitching forum, where students will be able to meet film professionals, take part in several work auditions at once and get work."} {"inputs": "Translate \"In the interim, such social and economic changes have occurred that the compensation awarded according to the statutory regulations applicable at the time, today only cover a fraction of the value of the real estate, even if, at the time, they did provide adequate coverage.\" to Czech?", "targets": "V mezidob\u00ed do\u0161lo k takov\u00e9 zm\u011bn\u011b soci\u00e1ln\u00edch a ekonomick\u00fdch pom\u011br\u016f, \u017ee n\u00e1hrada p\u0159iznan\u00e1 dle tehdy platn\u00fdch pr\u00e1vn\u00edch p\u0159edpis\u016f - by\u0165 tehdy p\u0159edstavovala n\u00e1hradu adekv\u00e1tn\u00ed ve vztahu k od\u0148at\u00e9 nemovitosti - dnes dosahuje pouze zlomkov\u00e9 v\u00fd\u0161e hodnoty nemovitosti."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Letos v z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed bude roj obchodn\u00edk\u016f se zbran\u011bmi sestupovat na DLR ... Z\u00e1kazn\u00edci jsou \u017e\u00e1d\u00e1ni, aby pomohli zastavit obchod se zbran\u011bmi."} {"inputs": "A kdy\u017e do toho p\u0159im\u00edch\u00e1me to, \u017ee imigranti jsou velice ovlivnitelnou skupinou voli\u010d\u016f, m\u00e1me to, co m\u00e1me.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "When we add to this the fact that immigrants are a highly suggestible group of voters, we have what we have."} {"inputs": "How is \"The majority of these are genuine asylum seekers who have come directly from Syria after passing through the overflowing camps in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "V\u011bt\u0161ina z nich jsou skute\u010dn\u00fdmi \u017eadateli o azyl, kte\u0159\u00ed p\u0159i\u0161li p\u0159\u00edmo ze S\u00fdrie pot\u00e9, co pro\u0161li p\u0159epln\u011bn\u00fdmi t\u00e1bory v Libanonu, Turecku a Jord\u00e1nsku."} {"inputs": "Na z\u00e1pasech Star\u00e9 firmy je velk\u00e9 nap\u011bt\u00ed a nejen lid\u00e9 ze Skotska tyto hry sleduj\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Strat\u00e9gov\u00e9 Charlese Schwaba se domn\u00edvaj\u00ed, \u017ee zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazeb zp\u016fsob\u00ed p\u0159ibl\u00ed\u017een\u00ed v\u00fdnos\u016f mezi dlouho- a kr\u00e1tce-datovan\u00fdmi dluhopisy se, co\u017e vyrovn\u00e1 k\u0159ivku."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nEvery year Czech travel agencies sell tours to a total value of twenty billion crowns.", "targets": "Tuzemsk\u00e9 cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e prodaj\u00ed ro\u010dn\u011b z\u00e1jezdy v hodnot\u011b zhruba dvacet miliard K\u010d."} {"inputs": "Arsen\u00e1lu se to nikdy nestalo.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It has never been done at Arsenal."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAnd what do you know? - a week went by, two weeks, and we didn't see a single one.", "targets": "Sv\u011bte div se, t\u00fdden, dva, se n\u00e1m tam \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e1 neobjevila."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe company is relying on the further development of production from composite materials.", "targets": "Firma s\u00e1z\u00ed i na dal\u0161\u00ed rozvoj v\u00fdroby z kompozitn\u00edch materi\u00e1l\u016f."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "P\u0159edlohu dnes kritizovali opozi\u010dn\u00ed poslanci, kte\u0159\u00ed tvrdili zejm\u00e9na to, \u017ee po\u0161kod\u00ed obce zasa\u017een\u00e9 t\u011b\u017ebou i kraje."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe proposal also alters the method for the calculation of payments for minerals mined by companies.", "targets": "P\u0159edloha m\u011bn\u00ed tak\u00e9 zp\u016fsob v\u00fdpo\u010dtu \u00fahrady za nerosty, kter\u00e9 firmy vyt\u011b\u017e\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"Blanka could have been drilled more safely, says the expert.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Blanku \u0161lo razit i bezpe\u010dn\u011bji, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 odborn\u00edk."} {"inputs": "Dobrou cestou, jak zv\u00fd\u0161it p\u0159\u00edsun blahod\u00e1rn\u00fdch nenasycen\u00fdch mastn\u00fdch kyselin z t\u011bchto plod\u016f, je pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed extra panensk\u00fdch olej\u016f.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "A good way to increase the transfer of beneficial unsaturated fatty acids from these fruits is to use extra virgin oils."} {"inputs": "Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) byl jeden z nejv\u00fdznamn\u011bj\u0161\u00edch v\u011bdc\u016f v\u0161ech dob.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) was one of the most important scientists of all time."} {"inputs": "Cht\u011bl bych, aby se zapojili skoro v\u0161ichni.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThese include, for example, the opinion of environmental bodies.", "targets": "Jde nap\u0159\u00edklad o stanovisko org\u00e1n\u016f \u017eivotn\u00edho prost\u0159ed\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"However, he refused to rule out ordering more series of The Voice in the future, or spending licence fee payers' money on other entertainment formats.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b odm\u00edtl vylou\u010dit objedn\u00e1n\u00ed v\u00edce budouc\u00edch s\u00e9ri\u00ed po\u0159adu The Voice nebo utr\u00e1cen\u00ed pen\u011bz poplatn\u00edk\u016f licen\u010dn\u00edch poplatk\u016f na jin\u00e9 form\u00e1ty z\u00e1bavy."} {"inputs": "Ale \u0159\u00edkat, \u017ee kv\u00f3ty v\u0161echno vy\u0159e\u0161\u00ed?\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "But to say that quotas will solve everything?"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Police have arrested a man over a hit-and-run collision with a cyclist in Cobram at the weekend.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Policie zatkla mu\u017ee, kter\u00fd o v\u00edkendu v Cobramu srazil cyklistu a po kolizi odjel."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAdam Lyth was clearly at risk of England omission but it's still tough", "targets": "Adam Lyth byl v ohro\u017een\u00ed opomenut\u00ed Anglie, ale st\u00e1le dr\u017e\u00ed"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Back then he would cycle, climb up rocks, and even hike up hills -\" to Czech?", "targets": "Tentokr\u00e1t jezdil na kole, lezl po skal\u00e1ch a dokonce chodil do kopce."} {"inputs": "Damon byl ned\u00e1vno nahl\u00e1\u0161en na seznam bavi\u010d\u016f, producent\u016f a m\u00e9dia mogul\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed byli pozv\u00e1ni na n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvu pape\u017ee k diskusi o zobrazen\u00ed katolick\u00e9 c\u00edrkve na z\u00e1pad\u011b.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Damon was recently announced as one of a list of entertainers, producers and media moguls invited to visit the Pope to discuss the Catholic Church's portrayal in the West."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nSlavia pays off majority of debts at last minute", "targets": "Slavia splatila na posledn\u00ed chv\u00edli velkou \u010d\u00e1st dluh\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\niOS 9: how to get new iPhone operating system, as Apple update is released", "targets": "iOS 9: Jak z\u00edskat nov\u00fd opera\u010dn\u00ed syst\u00e9m iPhone s novou aktualizac\u00ed Apple"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nEurope is facing its worst refugee crisis since World War II, largely driven by the four-year-old civil war in Syria, which has displaced more than 4 million people this year.", "targets": "Evropa \u010del\u00ed nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed vln\u011b uprchl\u00edk\u016f od Druh\u00e9 sv\u011btov\u00e9 v\u00e1lky. Nejv\u00edce jich p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed ze S\u00fdrie zm\u00edtan\u00e9 \u010dty\u0159letou v\u00e1lkou, kter\u00e1 jen letos vyhnala na 4 miliony lid\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"That is the same as we are - but we have to go on.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jsme na tom \u00fapln\u011b stejn\u011b - ale mus\u00edme j\u00edt d\u00e1l."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThey must respond to a considerable burden - the loss of their health.", "targets": "Mus\u00ed reagovat na velkou z\u00e1t\u011b\u017e - ztr\u00e1tu zdrav\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"Guaranteeing lawyers' right to practice and nurturing professional judges and prosecutors were also discussed at a meeting.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Zaji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed pr\u00e1v advok\u00e1t\u016f praktikovat a rozv\u00edjet profesion\u00e1ln\u00ed soudce a st\u00e1tn\u00ed z\u00e1stupce bylo tak\u00e9 na sch\u016fzi projedn\u00e1no."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe margin of error for the sample of 351 Democratic primary voters is 6 percentage points.", "targets": "Rozp\u011bt\u00ed chyb u vzorku 351 prim\u00e1rn\u00edch demokratick\u00fdch voli\u010d\u016f je 6 procentu\u00e1ln\u00edch bod\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The socialist-era chemist's gave me some blue crystals to get rid of them.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Socialistick\u00e1 drogerie na jejich likvidaci poskytovala jak\u00e9si modr\u00e9 krystalky."} {"inputs": "Berg se vydal do Ma\u010farska s c\u00edlem p\u0159iv\u00e9zt uprchl\u00edk\u016fm humanit\u00e1rn\u00ed pomoc.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Berg went to Hungary to give refugees humanitarian aid."} {"inputs": "\"Chceme zadr\u017eet nejen z\u00fa\u010dastn\u011bn\u00e9 osoby, ale v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b, \u017ee existuje organizace, kter\u00e1 to schv\u00e1lila, a\u0165 u\u017e ofici\u00e1ln\u011b nebo neofici\u00e1ln\u011b, po\u017eeneme je k odpov\u011bdnosti tak\u00e9,\" \u0159ekl Wagner na \u00fatern\u00ed tiskov\u00e9 konferenci.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"We want to hold not only the individuals involved, but if there's an organization that sanctioned it, whether officially or unofficially, we're going to hold them accountable as well,\" Wagner said at a news conference Tuesday."} {"inputs": "How is \"It is your responsibility as a Party member, of which no-one can absolve you!\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Je to tvoje stranick\u00e1 povinnost, kter\u00e9 t\u011b nikdo nezbav\u00ed!"} {"inputs": "Chcete p\u0159idat v\u00e1\u0161 koment\u00e1\u0159?\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "What do you want to comment on?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b tento prav\u00e1k vy\u0159adil Sana na t\u0159i nadhody."} {"inputs": "Translate \"BMI, a measure of weight in relation to height, is considered normal between 18.5 and 24.9.\" to Czech?", "targets": "BMI, kter\u00e9 m\u011b\u0159\u00ed vztah v\u00e1hy vzta\u017een\u00e9 na v\u00fd\u0161ku, je pova\u017eov\u00e1no za norm\u00e1ln\u00ed v hodnot\u00e1ch mezi 18,5 a 24,9."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nVideos on YouTube show teenagers drinking sanitizer for a cheap buzz.", "targets": "Videa na Youtube ukazuj\u00ed n\u00e1ctilet\u00e9 jak pij\u00ed sanita\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edek kv\u016fli levn\u00e9mu povyku."} {"inputs": "How is \"Roughly three in 10 say they have a negative view.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Zhruba t\u0159i z 10 \u0159\u00edkaj\u00ed, \u017ee na n\u011bj maj\u00ed negativn\u00ed n\u00e1zor."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAccording to Russian media, the billionaire was virtually assured of a Senate seat.", "targets": "Sen\u00e1tn\u00ed k\u0159eslo m\u011bl p\u0159itom miliard\u00e1\u0159 podle rusk\u00fdch m\u00e9di\u00ed tak\u0159ka jist\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Tak\u00e9 bych p\u0159\u00edmo nevylu\u010doval v\u00fdhru host\u016f.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nEven at sixty, he himself says that he is physically managing to support the family and children - but how long will this be the case?", "targets": "Ve sv\u00fdch \u0161edes\u00e1ti letech podle sv\u00fdch slov p\u00e9\u010di o finance rodiny i d\u011bti fyzicky zvl\u00e1d\u00e1, jak dlouho to tak ale bude?"} {"inputs": "How is \"We could even call it Dave and George's selfie agenda.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "M\u016f\u017eeme to dokonce naz\u00fdvat selfie agenda Davea a George."} {"inputs": "N\u00e1vrh ale kritizuj\u00ed i cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "However, the proposal is facing criticism from travel agencies, too,"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Muzi takto p\u0159i\u0161el o v\u00fdsledek dvoudenn\u00ed pr\u00e1ce v Srbsku a Ma\u010farsku."} {"inputs": "How is \"The rate was the fastest since 2009, and was seen as bringing forward estimates of when rates might rise.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "To bylo nejrychleji od roku 2009 a vypadalo to jako, \u017ee se p\u0159ibli\u017euj\u00ed odhady, kdy se sazby zvednou."} {"inputs": "There are a thousand ways to kill time, but none to revive it.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Existuj\u00ed tis\u00edce zp\u016fsob\u016f, jak zab\u00edt \u010das, ale \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd jak ho vzk\u0159\u00edsit."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u201eP\u011bkn\u011b se do toho op\u0159el,\u201c \u0159ekl Ausmus."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nChaos ensued at the border, as hundreds of migrants piled up in a no man's land, and Serbian officials reacted with outrage.", "targets": "Na hranici nastal chaos, zat\u00edmco stovky migrant\u016f se nahromadilo v zemi nikoho a srbsk\u00e9 autority reagovaly pobou\u0159en\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThree years later, they also started producing doors for the upper deck of the A380.", "targets": "O t\u0159i roky pozd\u011bji p\u0159ibyly dve\u0159e horn\u00ed paluby pro A380."} {"inputs": "Pt\u00e1t se j\u00ed m\u016f\u017eete na zm\u011bny z\u00e1kona o exekuc\u00edch platn\u00e9 od 1. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 2015 i na dal\u0161\u00ed v\u011bci souvisej\u00edc\u00ed s exekucemi, \u010di exekutory.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Readers can ask Ms. Fu\u010d\u00edkov\u00e1 about changes to the Execution Act valid from 1 September 2015 and other matters relating to executions or executors."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe best way to get rid of pushy salesmen: scare them to death.", "targets": "Nejlep\u0161\u00ed zp\u016fsob, jak se zbavit vlezl\u00fdch prodejc\u016f: vyd\u011bsit je k smrti."} {"inputs": "Vl\u00e1da tak\u00e9 uvoln\u00ed kontroly na pravomoci, kter\u00e9 deleguje firm\u00e1m, a ujist\u00ed se, \u017ee samotn\u00e9 firmy budou rozhodovat, jak \u0159\u00eddit sv\u00e9 podnik\u00e1n\u00ed.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "The government will also loosen controls on the powers it delegates to companies, making sure that companies decide how to run their businesses."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\u017dovi\u00e1ln\u00ed, nafoukan\u00fd, autorit\u00e1\u0159sk\u00fd, arogantn\u00ed, jak se mu to moment\u00e1ln\u011b hodilo."} {"inputs": "How is \"\"We believe that, using gene therapy and a therapeutic virus, it may be possible to make target human neurons temporarily susceptible to the ultrasound signal in a clinical setting for certain neurological treatments,\" said Chalasani.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\u201eV\u011b\u0159\u00edme, \u017ee kdy\u017e pou\u017eijeme genovou terapii a terapeutick\u00e9 viry, m\u016f\u017eeme zac\u00edlit na lidsk\u00e9 neurony a u\u010dinit je do\u010dasn\u011b citliv\u00fdmi na ultrazvukov\u00e9 sign\u00e1ly pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00e9 v klinick\u00e9 l\u00e9\u010db\u011b k l\u00e9\u010den\u00ed neurologick\u00fdch nemoc\u00ed,\u201c \u0159ekl Chalasani."} {"inputs": "Z t\u011b\u017eby hn\u011bd\u00e9ho uhl\u00ed \u0161lo obc\u00edm asi 200 milion\u016f korun a st\u00e1tu 66 milion\u016f korun.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Municipalities gained around 200 million crowns and the state 66 million crowns from lignite mining."} {"inputs": "How is \"Also that I was an anti-socialist element who, at the time of the building of socialist realism had supported the whirl of religious obscurantism, nay, taken part in it.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Tak\u00e9 jsem antisocialistick\u00fd \u017eivel, kter\u00fd v dob\u011b budov\u00e1n\u00ed re\u00e1ln\u00e9ho socialismu podporuje reje n\u00e1bo\u017eensk\u00e9ho tm\u00e1\u0159stv\u00ed, ba, dokonce se jich \u00fa\u010dastn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Nejde ov\u0161em jenom o l\u00e9\u010debnou p\u00e9\u010di, nap\u0159\u00edklad \u017eeny s roztrou\u0161enou skler\u00f3zou pot\u0159ebuj\u00ed i konzultace, pokud se rozhodnou m\u00edt d\u00edt\u011b, do p\u00e9\u010de o tyto nemocn\u00e9 pat\u0159\u00ed i soci\u00e1ln\u011bpr\u00e1vn\u00ed poradenstv\u00ed, doporu\u010den\u00ed p\u0159i \u00faprav\u011b bydlen\u00ed apod.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "It is not, however, just about therapeutic treatment - for example, women with multiple sclerosis also need consultation if they decide to have children, as the care of these patients also includes consultation in social law, recommendations for the modification of dwellings, etc."} {"inputs": "Kdy\u017e p\u0159edseda skon\u010dil, nikdo ani nehlesl.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Once the chairman had finished, no-one said a word."} {"inputs": "Zrychlen\u00ed na 150 km/h Sn\u011bmovna zam\u00edtla.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The Chamber of Deputies has rejected a higher speed limit of 150 km/h."} {"inputs": "Z t\u011b\u017eby hn\u011bd\u00e9ho uhl\u00ed \u0161lo obc\u00edm asi 200 milion\u016f korun a st\u00e1tu 66 milion\u016f korun.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Municipalities gained around 200 million crowns and the state 66 million crowns from lignite mining."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e k\u00e1drov\u00e1k do\u010detl, pouze \u0165uk\u00e1n\u00ed n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edkovy tu\u017eky do desky stolu p\u0159eru\u0161ovalo napjat\u00e9 ticho."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Illegal torture equipment - right on your doorstep!\" to Czech?", "targets": "Neleg\u00e1ln\u00ed mu\u010d\u00edc\u00ed za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed - p\u0159\u00edmo na va\u0161em prahu!"} {"inputs": "Za p\u0159edra\u017een\u00e9 v\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed ob\u010d\u00e1nk\u016f mu hroz\u00ed 10 let.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "May get 10 years for overpriced Little Citizens' Welcome."} {"inputs": "V anket\u011b CNN/ORC, kter\u00e1 prob\u011bhla minul\u00fd t\u00fdden, uvedlo 67 procent republik\u00e1n\u016f, \u017ee by byli bu\u010f \"nad\u0161en\u00ed\" nebo \"spokojen\u00ed\" s Trumpem jako kandid\u00e1tem.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In a CNN/ORC poll last week, 67 percent of Republicans said they would be either \"enthusiastic\" or \"satisfied\" if Trump were the nominee."} {"inputs": "How is \"He was crying.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Plakal."} {"inputs": "Number of skilled tradesmen from Eastern Europe behind rise\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Po\u010det vyu\u010den\u00fdch obchodn\u00edk\u016f z V\u00fdchodn\u00ed Evropy je za bodem r\u016fstu"} {"inputs": "Oto\u010d\u00edm v\u011bci zp\u011bt k dobr\u00e9mu, zavazuje se Deila.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "I'll turn things around, vows Deila"} {"inputs": "How is \"However, according to reports in the Russian press, supplies of Russian arms and military material have increased since the beginning of August.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Podle zpr\u00e1v rusk\u00e9ho tisku ale od za\u010d\u00e1tku srpna dod\u00e1vky rusk\u00e9 v\u00fdzbroje a vojensk\u00e9ho materi\u00e1lu do S\u00fdrie stouply."} {"inputs": "How is \"McKee and Capewell said PHE's claims that \"there is no evidence so far that e-cigarettes are acting as a route into smoking for children or non-smokers\" were premature.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "McKee a Capewell \u0159ekli, \u017ee tvrzen\u00ed PHE, \u017ee \"zat\u00edm neexistuje \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd d\u016fkaz, \u017ee by e-cigarety p\u016fsobily jako cesta ke kou\u0159en\u00ed pro d\u011bti nebo neku\u0159\u00e1ky,\" bylo p\u0159ed\u010dasn\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Mezit\u00edm se rozhodnut\u00ed labouristick\u00e9ho v\u016fdce st\u00e1t v tichosti b\u011bhem zp\u011bvu n\u00e1rodn\u00ed hymny ve slu\u017eb\u011b v \u00fater\u00fd k p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitosti 75. v\u00fdro\u010d\u00ed bitvy o Brit\u00e1nii setkalo s kritikou z \u0159ady konzervativn\u00ed poslanc\u016f a je st\u0159edem pozornosti n\u011bkolika p\u0159\u00edb\u011bh\u016f na tituln\u00edch str\u00e1nk\u00e1ch novin.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Meanwhile, the Labour leader's decision to stand in silence during the singing of the national anthem at a service on Tuesday to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain has attracted criticism from a number of Tory MPs and is the focus of several front page stories in the newspapers."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Mr Corbyn has said that Angela Eagle, the shadow business secretary, will deputise for him at PMQs when he does not attend - for instance when Mr Cameron is travelling abroad.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pan Corbyn tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee Angela Eagle, st\u00ednov\u00e1 obchodn\u00ed tajemnice, ho bude zastupovat na PMQ, kdy\u017e se nez\u00fa\u010dastn\u00ed \u2014 jako nap\u0159\u00edklad, kdy\u017e pan Cameron odcestuje do zahrani\u010d\u00ed."} {"inputs": "How is \"It's worth ensuring that your phone is charged or near a charger while the update happens, so that it doesn't run out of battery.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Ujist\u011bte se, \u017ee v\u00e1\u0161 telefon je nabit\u00fd, ne\u017e spust\u00edte aktualizaci."} {"inputs": "After years of inactivity, the wheel of the Chlum windmill is again turning.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Kolo v\u011btrn\u00edku nad Chlumem se po letech op\u011bt to\u010d\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Acidity is added through the use of e.g. apple vinegar, which helps to soften the meat.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Kyselost dod\u00e1me nap\u0159\u00edklad jable\u010dn\u00fdm octem a doc\u00edl\u00edme tak zm\u011bk\u010den\u00ed masa."} {"inputs": "\u010c\u00e1st tohoto za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed by m\u011bla fungovat jako l\u016f\u017eka rehabilita\u010dn\u00ed a \u010d\u00e1st jako klasick\u00e1 LDN l\u016f\u017eka, doporu\u010duje koncepce.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt likes drier environments and is highly adaptable, modest and undemanding.", "targets": "M\u00e1 r\u00e1da su\u0161\u0161\u00ed prost\u0159ed\u00ed, je snadno p\u0159izp\u016fsobiv\u00e1, skromn\u00e1 a nen\u00e1ro\u010dn\u00e1."} {"inputs": "How is \"The original form of the project from 2008, which included a glass facade, was rejected by the Ministry of Culture based on the opinion of the National Heritage Institute (NHI), which also cancelled a permit issued by the Prague Heritage Association.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u016fvodn\u00ed podobu projektu z roku 2008, kter\u00e1 po\u010d\u00edtala s prosklenou fas\u00e1dou, odm\u00edtlo na z\u00e1klad\u011b n\u00e1zoru N\u00e1rodn\u00edho pam\u00e1tkov\u00e9ho \u00fastavu (NP\u00da) ministerstvo kultury a zru\u0161ilo v roce 2010 povolen\u00ed pra\u017esk\u00fdch pam\u00e1tk\u00e1\u0159\u016f."} {"inputs": "How is \"We assumed that the silverfish would become more common and start to reproduce by geometrical progression.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159edpokl\u00e1dali jsme, \u017ee se rybenky za\u010dnou objevovat \u010dast\u011bji a za\u010dnou se mno\u017eit geometrickou \u0159adou."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe club also paid fees due to the Prague 10 Municipal Authority on Friday.", "targets": "U\u017e v p\u00e1tek klub zaplatil i dlu\u017en\u00e9 poplatky m\u011bstsk\u00e9 \u010d\u00e1sti Praha 10."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAfter that the spider didn't move for weeks on end.", "targets": "Potom se pavouk dlouh\u00e9 t\u00fddny ani nehnul."} {"inputs": "How is \"One of the 12 people at the meeting declared funding from an e-cigarette manufacturer but not the funding he was reported to have received previously from the tobacco company Philip Morris International, they added.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jeden z 12 \u00fa\u010dastn\u00edk\u016f setk\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159iznal financov\u00e1n\u00ed od v\u00fdrobce elektronick\u00fdch cigaret, ale ne financov\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e9 \u00fadajn\u011b z\u00edskal d\u0159\u00edve od tab\u00e1kov\u00e9 spole\u010dnosti Philip Morris International, dod\u00e1vaj\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Na\u0161\u00edm prim\u00e1rn\u00edm c\u00edlem je m\u00edt s\u00eddlo skupiny v \u010cesk\u00e9 republice."} {"inputs": "I kdy\u017e se republik\u00e1ni shrom\u00e1\u017edili kolem jin\u00e9ho kandid\u00e1ta, Trump stejn\u011b por\u00e1\u017e\u00ed t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 ka\u017ed\u00e9ho.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Even if Republicans rallied around another candidate, Trump still beats almost everyone."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAccording to Moscow these are weapons shipments deriving from valid trade agreements.", "targets": "Podle Moskvy jde o zbrojn\u00ed z\u00e1silky vypl\u00fdvaj\u00edc\u00ed z platn\u00fdch obchodn\u00edch dohod."} {"inputs": "The company had to quickly find new customers.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Firma musela rychle naj\u00edt nov\u00e9 zak\u00e1zky."} {"inputs": "Dinamo tak\u00e9 nebyli pora\u017eeni v celkem 41 z\u00e1pasech pot\u00e9, co si minulou sez\u00f3nu udr\u017eeli kampa\u0148 \"neporaziteln\u00fdch\".\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Dinamo are also unbeaten in 41 matches after producing their own \"Invincible\" campaign last season."} {"inputs": "Musela by to b\u00fdt t\u0159eba tis\u00edcovka denn\u011b?\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "A thousand a day?"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nLuk\u00e1\u0161 Rosol and Radek \u0160t\u011bp\u00e1nek will probably take it in turns as the team number two.", "targets": "Na pozici dvojky se pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b proto\u010d\u00ed Luk\u00e1\u0161 Rosol a Radek \u0160t\u011bp\u00e1nek."} {"inputs": "\u010casto se pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 p\u0159i \u017elu\u010dn\u00edkov\u00e9 diet\u011b.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It often occurs in gall-bladder diets."} {"inputs": "Spole\u010dnost Glencore uv\u00e1d\u00ed ve sv\u00e9m prohl\u00e1\u0161en\u00ed, \u017ee prodala nov\u00e9 akcie v hodnot\u011b asi \u00a31.6 miliardy, aby splatila dluh.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "London-listed Glencore said in a statement that it had sold new shares worth about \u00a31.6 billion to pay down debt."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThat is about twice the thickness of a human hair.", "targets": "To je zhruba dvojn\u00e1sobek tlou\u0161\u0165ky lidsk\u00e9ho vlasu."} {"inputs": "Bez Latecoere bychom se sami k t\u011bmto velk\u00fdm zak\u00e1zk\u00e1m nedostali.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Without Latecoere we wouldn't have won those big orders ourselves."} {"inputs": "Tenhle v\u00fdsledek si moji hr\u00e1\u010di zaslou\u017e\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The players deserve this result."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Can't do it - the checks are on today.\" to Czech?", "targets": "To nep\u016fjde, dneska jsou p\u0159ece prov\u011brky."} {"inputs": "Akcie v balic\u00ed a pap\u00edrov\u00e9 skupin\u011b Mondi byly nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00edm propadem na indexu a klesly o 4.3%, potom, co Goldman Sachs sn\u00ed\u017eil jeho rating na firmu na \"prodej.\"\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Shares in packaging and paper group Mondi were the biggest fallers on the index, down 4.3%, after Goldman Sachs cut its rating on the firm to \"sell.\""} {"inputs": "Sanderse vid\u00ed v\u00edce lid\u00ed jako \u010destn\u00e9ho ne\u017e ne\u010destn\u00e9ho, ale, stejn\u011b jako u Carsona, spousta voli\u010d\u016f si na n\u011bj neud\u011blala n\u00e1zor.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "More see Sanders as honest than not, but like Carson, many don't have an opinion of him."} {"inputs": "D\u00edvka se pot\u00e9 probrala a zjistila, \u017ee j\u00ed chyb\u00ed telefon a pot\u00e9 ho na\u0161la v ruce sp\u00edc\u00edho Hogga.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The girl later woke up and discovered the phone was missing and found it in sleeping Hogg's hand."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The handing over of the baton between the two singers will take place at Monika Absolonov\u00e1's Birthday Concert, which takes place from 7 p.m. on 27 September at the Studio DVA theatre.\" to Czech?", "targets": "K pomysln\u00e9mu p\u0159ed\u00e1n\u00ed muzik\u00e1lov\u00e9ho \u017eezla mezi ob\u011bma zp\u011bva\u010dkami dojde na Narozeninov\u00e9m koncert\u011b Moniky Absolonov\u00e9 27. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed od 19 hodin v divadle Studio DVA."} {"inputs": "\u010cty\u0159n\u00e1sobn\u00fd n\u00e1r\u016fst po\u010dtu d\u011bt\u00ed, kter\u00e9 po\u017eili sanita\u010dn\u00ed \u010dinidlo za posledn\u00ed 4 roky\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Fourfold increase in children ingesting hand sanitizer in last 4 years"} {"inputs": "How is \"And there are many reasons he would struggle in a general election.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Existuje mnoho d\u016fvod\u016f, pro\u010d by mohl narazit v obecn\u00fdch volb\u00e1ch."} {"inputs": "Jemu v\u0161ichni vykali.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "We all used the formal form to address him."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Schmidt himself had included Lamb in a book he wrote where he acknowledged the \"wonderful people\" he shared his academic life with.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Schmidt s\u00e1m zahrnul Lamba do knihy, kterou napsal, do pod\u011bkov\u00e1n\u00ed \"skv\u011bl\u00fdm lidem\", s nimi\u017e sd\u00edlel akademick\u00fd \u017eivot."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Damon\u016fv koment\u00e1\u0159 p\u0159ich\u00e1z\u00ed ve chv\u00edli, kdy p\u0159esn\u00e9 rasov\u00e9 zastoupen\u00ed v m\u00e9di\u00edch je v pop\u0159ed\u00ed soci\u00e1ln\u00ed diskuse."} {"inputs": "It's always a compromise between cost and safety.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V\u017edycky je to kompromis mezi cenou a bezpe\u010dnost\u00ed."} {"inputs": "which produces half of its total volume of doors.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pro A320 vyr\u00e1b\u00ed polovinu z celkov\u00e9ho objemu dve\u0159\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate \"{Preparations are therefore being made in Krom\u011b\u0159\u00ed\u017e, Vset\u00edn, Uhersk\u00e9 Hradi\u0161t\u011b and Uhersk\u00e9 Hradi\u0161t\u011b for construction work that will cost a total of 1.5 billion crowns.\" to Czech?", "targets": "V Krom\u011b\u0159\u00ed\u017ei, Vset\u00edn\u011b, Uhersk\u00e9m Hradi\u0161ti i Zl\u00edn\u011b se d\u00edky tomu schyluje ke stavb\u00e1m, kter\u00e9 dohromady budou st\u00e1t t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 1,5 miliardy korun."} {"inputs": "V roce 2006 firma postavila novou halu pro zpracov\u00e1n\u00ed kompozit\u016f kv\u016fli dod\u00e1vk\u00e1m pro Boeing Dreamliner.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "In 2006 the company built a new production hall for the processing of composites for orders for the Boeing Dreamliner."} {"inputs": "Translate \"A normal railway worker, who packed sleepers and shoveled gravel.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Oby\u010dejn\u00fd tra\u0165ov\u00fd d\u011bln\u00edk, podb\u00edjel pra\u017ece \u010di vidlemi h\u00e1zel \u0161t\u011brk."} {"inputs": "How is \"The next day we started negotiations with the French, says Dubsk\u00fd.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Druh\u00fd den se rozjela jedn\u00e1n\u00ed s Francouzi, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 Dubsk\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Tato my\u0161lenka nen\u00ed nijak nov\u00e1, ale realizuje se ztuha.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "While this idea is not a new one, its realisation is difficult."} {"inputs": "How is \"Veronique Laury, new chief executive of Kingfisher, which owns the home improvement chain, said a big rise in the number of skilled tradesmen from Eastern Europe offering services at rock-bottom prices is behind the trend.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Veronique Laury, nov\u00e1 v\u00fdkonn\u00e1 \u0159editelka Kingfisher, kter\u00e1 vlastn\u00ed \u0159et\u011bzec pro dom\u00e1c\u00ed pot\u0159eby, tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee velk\u00fd n\u00e1r\u016fst po\u010dtu vyu\u010den\u00fdch obchodn\u00edk\u016f z V\u00fdchodn\u00ed Evropy nab\u00edzej\u00edc\u00edch slu\u017eby za nejni\u017e\u0161\u00ed mo\u017en\u00e9 ceny, u\u017e nen\u00ed trendem."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHigh-yield bonds often perform better in such a climate, though \"we are still cautious about stretching for yield,\" Kathy Jones, fixed income analyst at Schwab, said in an analysis.", "targets": "Dluhopisy s vysok\u00fdm v\u00fdnosem \u010dasto v tomto klimatu l\u00e9pe pracuj\u00ed, i kdy\u017e \"jsme st\u00e1le opatrn\u00ed o nap\u00edn\u00e1n\u00ed v\u00fdnosu,\" uvedla ve sv\u00e9 anal\u00fdze Kathy Jones, pevn\u011b analyti\u010dka fixn\u00edho d\u016fchodu ve spole\u010dnosti Schwab."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIt was good that, apart from engineer Eva, everyone was at lunch.", "targets": "Je\u0161t\u011b \u017ee krom\u011b in\u017een\u00fdrky Evy v\u0161ichni byli na ob\u011bd\u011b."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe windmill even found its way onto the coat of arms of the village, population 150, which it was awarded in 2010 for the community's homecoming gathering.", "targets": "Pro obec se 150 obyvateli se stal dokonce jedn\u00edm z prvk\u016f obecn\u00edho znaku, kter\u00fd obec z\u00edskala k p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitosti srazu rod\u00e1k\u016f v roce 2010."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nThe rest of the field, with the exception of Carly Fiorina and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, has slipped behind with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker falling farthest from 10% support last month to 2% now.", "targets": "Zbytek pole s v\u00fdjimkou Carly Fiorina a guvern\u00e9ra st\u00e1tu Ohio Johna Kasiche, je pozadu spolu wisconsinsk\u00fdm guvern\u00e9rem Scottem Walkerem \u00fapln\u011b na ochozu z 10% podporou spadl na sou\u010dasn\u00e1 2%."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nOn the Delta State campus in Cleveland on Tuesday night, about 900 people, including faculty members, staff, students, and members of the community, attended a candlelight memorial.", "targets": "V Delta State kampusu v Clevelandu o \u00fatern\u00ed noci se asi 900 lid\u00ed v\u010detn\u011b \u010dlen\u016f fakulty, zam\u011bstnanc\u016f, student\u016f a \u010dlen\u016f komunity, z\u00fa\u010dastnilo p\u0159ipom\u00ednkov\u00e9 akce se sv\u00ed\u010dkami."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAt that time about 1.5 million immigrants were on their way to Europe.", "targets": "Do Evropy se v t\u00e9 dob\u011b vydalo asi 1,5 milionu imigrant\u016f."} {"inputs": "P\u0159esn\u011bji \u0159e\u010deno, trh za posledn\u00edch zhruba 35 let \u010dasto nejv\u00edce - asi 14 procent - m\u00ed\u0159\u00ed do zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed sazeb v pom\u011brn\u011b ploch\u00fdch v 250 dnech (pr\u016fm\u011brn\u00fd p\u0159\u00edr\u016fstek 2,6 procenta), a pot\u00e9 se op\u011bt vrac\u00ed do norm\u00e1ln\u00edho stavu po uplynut\u00ed 500 dn\u016f, s pr\u016fm\u011brn\u00fdm v\u00fdnosem z posledn\u00edch \u0161esti cykl\u016f 14,4 procent, podle ned\u00e1vn\u00e9 anal\u00fdzy Boba Dolla, hlavn\u00ed akciov\u00e9ho strat\u00e9ga spole\u010dnosti Nuveen Asset Management, zve\u0159ejn\u011bn\u00e9 na Barron.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"While the draft amendment also incorporates bank guarantees, the idea is so badly thought-out that it would not be feasible in practice as bank guarantees cannot be given for unlimited amounts.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "N\u00e1vrh novely sice podle n\u011bj obsahuje tak\u00e9 institut bankovn\u00ed garance, ale natolik nepromy\u0161len\u011b, \u017ee ji nelze v praxi v\u016fbec realizovat, nebo\u0165 bankovn\u00ed garance nem\u016f\u017ee zn\u00edt na neohrani\u010denou \u010d\u00e1stku."} {"inputs": "Je nevyzpytateln\u00e1, da\u0159\u00ed se j\u00ed u n\u00e1s na zahrad\u011b.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "It's unpredictable, and thrives in our garden."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "T\u0159icet dva dal\u0161\u00edch \u010dlen\u016f bratrstv\u00ed, v\u010detn\u011b pana Menga, bude rovn\u011b\u017e obvin\u011bno z napaden\u00ed p\u0159et\u011b\u017eov\u00e1n\u00edm a zlo\u010dinn\u00e9ho spol\u010den\u00ed."} {"inputs": "M\u00e1lo m\u00edsta?\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Not much space?"} {"inputs": "Dosavadn\u00edm trendem Applu toti\u017e bylo, \u017ee ka\u017ed\u00e1 nov\u00e1 generace iPhonu je leh\u010d\u00ed ne\u017e ta p\u0159edchoz\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "D\u00edlem byli se\u017er\u00e1ni maminkou, d\u00edlem se rozutekli jinam.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Co ode mn\u011b dostanete, je zku\u0161enost, jak\u00e9 je vid\u011bt \u010dlov\u011bka, kter\u00e9ho m\u00e1m r\u00e1d, zem\u0159\u00edt zbyte\u010dnou smrt\u00ed.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"In 2006, Cousins ditched his car to avoid a booze bus and attempted to swim across the Swan River.\" to Czech?", "targets": "V roce 2006 Cousins sjel autem do p\u0159\u00edkopu, aby se vyhnul autobusu a pokusil se p\u0159eplavat p\u0159es \u0159eku Swan."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nAdd a few drops of grape oil to finish.", "targets": "Na z\u00e1v\u011br pokapejte n\u011bkolika kapkami hroznov\u00e9ho oleje."} {"inputs": "Tweet z \u00fa\u010dtu Shawa \u0159\u00edk\u00e1: \"D\u011bkuji v\u0161em za jejich zpr\u00e1vy, slovy nelze vyj\u00e1d\u0159it jak jsem zni\u010den\u00fd, moje cesta k zotaven\u00ed za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 te\u010f a vr\u00e1t\u00edm se je\u0161t\u011b siln\u011bj\u0161\u00ed.\"\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "A tweet on Shaw's account read: \"Thank you everyone for your messages, words can't describe how gutted I am, my road to recovery starts now, I will come back stronger.\""} {"inputs": "\"P\u0159\u00edpadn\u00e1 nab\u00eddka akci\u00ed nov\u00fdm investor\u016fm by se uskute\u010dnila - pakli\u017ee se tak spole\u010dnost a jej\u00ed akcion\u00e1\u0159i rozhodnou - pozd\u011bji, a to bu\u010f ve 4. \u010dtvrtlet\u00ed 2015 nebo v 1. \u010dtvrtlet\u00ed 2016,\" uvedla firma.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "\"Any offering of shares to new investors would take place - if so decided by the company and its shareholders - at a later stage, either in the fourth quarter of 2015 or the first quarter of 2016,\" stated the company."} {"inputs": "Asi t\u0159icetilet\u00e1 \u017eena byla s v\u00e1\u017en\u00fdm poran\u011bn\u00edm nohy v oblasti stehenn\u00ed kosti hospitalizov\u00e1na ve m\u011bst\u011b Briancon.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The woman, aged around thirty, was admitted to hospital in the town of Briancon with a serious injury to the thigh-bone area."} {"inputs": "How is \"Few people today know what the so-called complex checks were during the rule of the biggest, smartest political party.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Dnes u\u017e m\u00e1lokdo v\u00ed, co za vl\u00e1dy strany nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed a nejchyt\u0159ej\u0161\u00ed byly tzv. komplexn\u00ed prov\u011brky."} {"inputs": "It's true, though, that with fleas and bedbugs I'd have no problems worsening my karma by killing them.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Pravda u blech a \u0161t\u011bnic bych se asi nerozpakoval zhor\u0161it si karmu jejich zabit\u00edm."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Thanasi Kokkinakis backed by Tennis Australia president Steve Healy\" to Czech?", "targets": "Thanasi Kokkinakis podpo\u0159en prezidentem Tennis Australia Stevem Healym"} {"inputs": "Ujist\u011bte se, \u017ee jste pro\u0161li n\u00e1\u0161 seznam v\u011bc\u00ed, kter\u00e9 ud\u011blat p\u0159ed aktualizac\u00ed, kter\u00e9 zkusit a kter\u00fdm zabr\u00e1nit nebo se p\u0159ed nimi ochr\u00e1nit. iOS 9 p\u0159edstav\u00ed nov\u00e9 funkce, v\u010detn\u011b je\u0161t\u011b chyt\u0159ej\u0161\u00ed osobn\u00ed asistentky a velkou \u0161k\u00e1lu tvo\u0159iv\u00fdch funkc\u00ed pro iPad, stejn\u011b jako mnoho z\u00e1plat k urychlen\u00ed a oprav\u011b opera\u010dn\u00edho syst\u00e9mu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "You should also make sure that you've been through our checklist of all the things to do before you download, to try and stop things going wrong and protect against them if they do. iOS 9 brings new features including a much cleverer personal assistant and huge new productivity features for the iPad, as well as tweaks that speed up and fix the operating system."} {"inputs": "Translate \"After 9/11 I expressed my condolences in a letter to President Bush and told him the way to solve this problem was through non-violence.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Po 9/11 jsem vyj\u00e1d\u0159il up\u0159\u00edmnou soustrast v dopise prezidentu Bushovi a poradil mu, \u017ee zp\u016fsob, jak vy\u0159e\u0161it tento probl\u00e9m nebyla n\u00e1siln\u00e1 cesta."} {"inputs": "How is \"If you are handy with a hammer or a whizz at painting walls, it seems you are in the minority these days.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Jestli\u017ee v\u00e1m to jde s kladivem nebo mal\u00ed\u0159sk\u00fdm \u0161t\u011btcem, zd\u00e1 se, \u017ee jste dneska v men\u0161in\u011b."} {"inputs": "Matky s d\u011btmi prchaly z j\u00eddeln\u00ed terasy n\u011bkam do klidu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Mothers and children ran away from the dining patio to somewhere quiet."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Anglick\u00e1 slu\u017eba diskov\u00e9 agentury nenahl\u00e1sila tento detail, ale uvedla, \u017ee \u0161\u00e9f\u016fm spole\u010dnosti bylo zak\u00e1z\u00e1no cestov\u00e1n\u00ed do zahrani\u010d\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nA girl on my corridor asked her neighbour if they wouldn't mind turning down the drum and bass because it was 3am and she had an exam in the morning.", "targets": "D\u00edvka z m\u00e9 chodby po\u017e\u00e1dala sv\u00e9 sousedy, jestli by mohli trochu zti\u0161it drum and bass, proto\u017ee byly 3 v noci a r\u00e1no m\u011bla p\u00edsemku."} {"inputs": "How is \"While he was last seen smashing a racquet after cramp foiled a potential US Open upset of Richard Gasquet, Kokkinakis has been defended staunchly by Healy.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Zat\u00edmco byl naposledy vid\u011bn jak rozb\u00edj\u00ed raketu pot\u00e9, co mu k\u0159e\u010d zhatila mo\u017en\u00e9 zdol\u00e1n\u00ed Richarda Gasqueta na US Open, Kokkinakise neochv\u011bjn\u011b obhajoval Healy."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nFrankly other channels would give their right arm for it.", "targets": "Up\u0159\u00edmn\u011b dal\u0161\u00ed kan\u00e1ly by za n\u011b daly klidn\u011b pravou ruku."} {"inputs": "Translate \"A change in fees for the mining of minerals is to bring 427 million crowns more into state coffers than was the case in 2013.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Zm\u011bna v poplatc\u00edch za t\u011b\u017ebu nerost\u016f m\u00e1 p\u0159in\u00e9st do st\u00e1tn\u00ed pokladny o 427 milion\u016f korun v\u00edce ne\u017e v roce 2013."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAthens, which is still enduring financial collapse, has taken a back seat.", "targets": "At\u00e9ny, kter\u00e9 jsou st\u00e1le ve finan\u010dn\u00edm rozvratu a kter\u00e9 \u010dekaj\u00ed na novou vl\u00e1du, slo\u017eily ruce do kl\u00edna."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFresh produce includes specialty Asian and regional Thai herbs, fruits and more.", "targets": "Mez \u010derstv\u00e9 produkty pat\u0159\u00ed speci\u00e1ln\u00ed asijsk\u00e9 a region\u00e1ln\u00ed thajsk\u00e9 byliny, ovoce a dal\u0161\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Mo\u017en\u00e1 si zdej\u0161\u00ed lid\u00e9 mysl\u00ed, \u017ee ano.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Maybe people out there think I am."} {"inputs": "The new drama, about a recently widowed father who decides to relocate to seaside New Zealand with his two children, averaged a very impressive 1.219 million viewers.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Nov\u00e9 drama o ned\u00e1vno ovdov\u011bl\u00e9m otci, kter\u00fd se rozhodne p\u0159est\u011bhovat se sv\u00fdmi dv\u011bma d\u011btmi do p\u0159\u00edmo\u0159sk\u00e9 \u010d\u00e1sti Nov\u00e9ho Z\u00e9landu, m\u00e1 v pr\u016fm\u011bru velmi p\u016fsobiv\u00fdch 1,219 milionu div\u00e1k\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nDavid Cameron's half-baked renegotiation strategy for keeping Britain in the EU gets deeper into trouble with every day that passes, even without the election of genial Jeremy \"Is it Yes or No?\" Corbyn to the Labour leadership, or the TUC cutting up rough over Europe on Tuesday.", "targets": "Nedomy\u0161len\u00e1 strategie renegociace Davida Camerona pro udr\u017een\u00ed Brit\u00e1nie v EU se dost\u00e1v\u00e1 do dal\u0161\u00edch probl\u00e9m\u016f s ka\u017ed\u00fdm uplynul\u00fdm dnem i bez zvolen\u00ed geni\u00e1ln\u00edho Jeremyho \"Je to Ano \u010di Ne?\" Corbyn do \u010dela D\u011blnick\u00e9 strany, nebo dojde k si TUC vezme v \u00fater\u00fd do par\u00e1dy celou situaci kolem Evropy."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Sprinkle with finely chopped almonds for an exceptional taste.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pro v\u00fdjime\u010dnou chu\u0165 pak m\u016f\u017eete sal\u00e1t posypat jemn\u011b nakr\u00e1jen\u00fdmi mandlemi."} {"inputs": "Analysts expected $10.84, according to a survey by FactSet.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Analytici o\u010dek\u00e1vali $10.84, podle pr\u016fzkumu proveden\u00e9ho spole\u010dnost\u00ed FactSet."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIf he dies, he thinks the publicity will help the anti-death penalty movement.", "targets": "Mysl\u00ed si, \u017ee pokud zem\u0159e, jeho p\u0159\u00edpad pom\u016f\u017ee postup\u016fm proti trestu smrti."} {"inputs": "A man facing a possible life sentence for attempting to possess 40 kilograms of cocaine that was smuggled into Queensland has been granted bail on a $200,000 surety.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Mu\u017e, kter\u00fd \u010delil mo\u017en\u00e9mu do\u017eivot\u00ed za dr\u017een\u00ed 40 kilogram\u016f kokainu, kter\u00fd byl propa\u0161ov\u00e1n z Queensland, dostal kauci 200 000 USD."} {"inputs": "In the end, even the prospect of responsibility for someone else's child didn't spoil Va\u0161ek's affection for Eva.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ani vyhl\u00eddky na zodpov\u011bdnost za ciz\u00ed d\u00edt\u011b nakonec Va\u0161kovu n\u00e1klonnost k Ev\u011b nepokazily."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBeyond alcohol poisoning, some sanitizers have been linked to deaths.", "targets": "Mimo otravu alkoholem byly n\u011bkter\u00e9 sanita\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edky spojov\u00e1ny se smrt\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Transport for London nen\u00ed pobaven t\u00edmto flypostingov\u00fdm \"vandalismem.\"\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Transport for London is not amused by this flyposting \"vandalism.\""} {"inputs": "Translate \"While not everyone will agree, the coaches and selectors do not set the schedule.\" to Czech?", "targets": "I kdy\u017e se na tom mnoz\u00ed neshodnou, tren\u00e9\u0159i a selekto\u0159i nevytv\u00e1\u0159ej\u00ed harmonogram."} {"inputs": "Poji\u0161\u0165ovny by m\u011bly hradit n\u00e1roky klient\u016f p\u0159i \u00fapadku cestovn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159e v pln\u00e9 v\u00fd\u0161i.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Insurance companies are to meet client claims to their full amount in the event of travel agencies going bankrupt,"} {"inputs": "\u017de podstr\u010den\u00edm ne\u00fapln\u00e9ho posudku jsem uvedl v omyl soudruha k\u00e1drov\u00e9ho referenta, p\u0159i\u010dem\u017e jsem nech\u00e1pal, pro\u010d byl posudek ne\u00fapln\u00fd, kdy\u017e jsem jej dostal od k\u00e1drov\u00e1ka ve fabrice.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "In giving him this incomplete assessment I had led the comrade vetting officer into error and not understood why the assessment was incomplete when I got it from the vetting officer at the factory."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Vysv\u011btluje, \u017ee internetov\u00e9 prodeje byly pos\u00edleny p\u0159ed t\u0159emi lety, kdy z\u00e1kazn\u00edci za\u010dali pou\u017e\u00edvat sv\u00e9 mobiln\u00ed telefony pro vykon\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed n\u00e1kup\u016f."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Z\u00e1rove\u0148 dod\u00e1v\u00e1, \u017ee hroznov\u00fd olej je pro marinov\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159\u00edmo ide\u00e1ln\u00ed proto\u017ee jako jeden z m\u00e1la olej\u016f dok\u00e1\u017ee prostoupit skrze tmav\u00e9 maso."} {"inputs": "P\u0159edseda vl\u00e1dy Viktor Orban nicm\u00e9n\u011b trval na to, \u017ee v\u011bt\u0161ina z nich jsou ekonomi\u010dt\u00ed migranti, kte\u0159\u00ed jdou za lep\u0161\u00edm \u017eivotem a ne v\u00e1le\u010dn\u00ed uprchl\u00edci, kte\u0159\u00ed hledaj\u00ed ochranu, co\u017e je pohled, kter\u00fd se jasn\u011b li\u0161\u00ed od ostatn\u00edch st\u00e1t\u016f EU v\u010detn\u011b N\u011bmecka.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "Prime Minister Viktor Orban, however, has insisted that most arriving are economic migrants seeking a better life, not war refugees entitled to protection - a view sharply at odds with other EU nations, including Germany."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Volby 2016: N\u00e1skok Hillary Clintonov\u00e9 p\u0159ed Bernie Sanders se sn\u00ed\u017eil o polovinu v n\u00e1rodn\u00edm hlasov\u00e1n\u00ed"} {"inputs": "When cops caught up with him on Highway 1 near Greenville later that night, Lamb pulled his car over, bailed out on foot, ran into the woods and shot and killed himself.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Kdy\u017e ho policist\u00e9 dostihli na d\u00e1lnici pobl\u00ed\u017e Greenville pozd\u011bji t\u00e9\u017ee noci, Lamb zastavil a utekl do lesa, kde se zast\u0159elil."} {"inputs": "In any case, the comrade superintendent wouldn't let me forget this day just like that.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Ka\u017edop\u00e1dn\u011b, soudruh n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk mi ten dne\u0161ek jen tak nezapomene."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nand that the superintendent had done very well when he pulled me out of the track brigade.", "targets": "\u017de n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk ud\u011blal velice dob\u0159e, kdy\u017e mne vyt\u00e1hl z \u010dety na distanci."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Russia doesn't rule out building air base in Syria.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Rusko nevylu\u010duje, \u017ee v S\u00fdrii vybuduje svou leteckou z\u00e1kladnu."} {"inputs": "I think it would have to be several hundred a day.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "J\u00e1 si mysl\u00edm, \u017ee by to muselo b\u00fdt t\u0159eba n\u011bkolik set denn\u011b."} {"inputs": "How is \"This is the most interesting thing that's happened all morning.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Toto je ta nejzaj\u00edmav\u011bj\u0161\u00ed v\u011bc, kter\u00e1 se za cel\u00e9 r\u00e1no stala."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "\"Je nemo\u017en\u00e9, aby v\u0161ichni p\u0159i\u0161li do Evropy\" - Dalai Lama - RT News"} {"inputs": "Jde hlavn\u011b o republik\u00e1ny, kde jich v\u00edce ne\u017e 6 z 10 tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee se jejich n\u00e1zor na Clintonovou zhor\u0161il.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "It is mainly Republicans, more than six in 10, who say their views of Clinton have become worse."} {"inputs": "Zkuste poznat, kdy je spolu\u017e\u00e1k unaven\u00fd ze socializace - a mo\u017en\u00e1 mu napi\u0161te m\u00edsto zaklep\u00e1n\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Try to sense when a fellow student is exhausted from socialising - and maybe text instead of knocking."} {"inputs": "Translate \"I think that once they've accumulated these genetic changes that hardwired their bodies into obesity and diabetes, reversing that is really hard.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Mysl\u00edm si, \u017ee kdy\u017e si jednou nahromad\u011bn\u00ed tyto genetick\u00e9 zm\u011bny, kter\u00e9 pevn\u011b propoj\u00ed jejich t\u011bla s obezitou a cukrovkou, cesta zp\u011bt je ji\u017e opravdu t\u011b\u017ek\u00e1."} {"inputs": "How is \"There will be other reporters you can turn to for that.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "K tomuto \u00fa\u010delu se m\u016f\u017eete obr\u00e1tit na jin\u00e9 novin\u00e1\u0159e."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The total profit of regional facilities is currently about 32 million crowns.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Celkov\u00fd zisk krajsk\u00fdch za\u0159\u00edzen\u00ed je v t\u00e9to chv\u00edli asi 32 milion\u016f korun."} {"inputs": "Translate \"What will the German government do when it admits naturalised Muslims, Islamists who have arrived in the country and Germans, following the Islamisation of their country with fear?\" to Czech?", "targets": "Co ud\u011bl\u00e1 n\u011bmeck\u00e1 vl\u00e1da, a\u017e se do sebe pust\u00ed naturalizovan\u00ed muslimov\u00e9, p\u0159\u00edchoz\u00ed islamisti a N\u011bmci, sleduj\u00edc\u00ed se strachem islamizaci sv\u00e9 zem\u011b?"} {"inputs": "Shawn O'Steen, kter\u00fd byl s Prentissovou \u017eenat\u00fd p\u0159es sedm let uvedl, \u017ee byla \u201eskv\u011blou osobou\u201c.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Prentiss was described as a \"good person\" by Shawn O'Steen, who said he had been married to her for about seven years."} {"inputs": "Six analysts surveyed by Zacks expected $12.23 billion.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "\u0160est analytik\u016f dotazovan\u00fdch spole\u010dnost\u00ed Zacks o\u010dek\u00e1valo $12.23 miliardy."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00ed pr\u016fzkum CNN/ORC zve\u0159ejn\u011bn\u00fd minul\u00fd t\u00fdden, uk\u00e1zal, \u017ee Carson si polep\u0161il a dos\u00e1hl 19% podpory mezi republik\u00e1ny za Trumpovou 32% podporou."} {"inputs": "Translate \"I could have fixed points without any bloody checks.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Opravovat v\u00fdhybky jsem mohl i bez n\u011bjak\u00e9 pod\u011blan\u00e9 prov\u011brky."} {"inputs": "Tou\u017e\u00ed z\u00edskat zp\u011bt vl\u00e1du nad sv\u00fdm \u017eivotem - a jako \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed zvol\u00ed \u00fat\u011bk z toho dosavadn\u00edho, uvedl k p\u0159\u00edb\u011bhu Slav\u00edk.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "He wants to take back control over his life - and his solution is to run away from the one he has, says Slav\u00edk about the story."} {"inputs": "Nikdo mi nevysv\u011btlil, jak bych m\u011bl p\u0159ijat\u00e9 uprchl\u00edky v zemi udr\u017eet, kdy\u017e v \u010cesku \u017e\u00edt necht\u011bj\u00ed.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Nobody has explained to how I am supposed to keep refugees in the Czech Republic when they don't want to live here."} {"inputs": "Kingfisher stoj\u00ed t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 s\u00e1m v tom, \u017ee m\u00e1 polovi\u010dn\u00ed zastoupen\u00ed \u017een mezi zam\u011bstnanci v\u010detn\u011b v\u00fdkonn\u00e9 a finan\u010dn\u00ed \u0159editelky.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Kingfisher is almost alone in having exactly 50 per cent of its team staffed by women, including its chief executive and finance director."} {"inputs": "Co je na sklad\u011b: Pot\u0159ebujete n\u011bco - cokoliv - thajsk\u00e9ho?\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "What it stocks: Need something - anything - Thai?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Hmotnost displej\u016f nov\u00fdch iPhon\u016f tak oproti p\u0159edchoz\u00edm generac\u00edm vzrostla v\u00edce ne\u017e dvojn\u00e1sobn\u011b."} {"inputs": "Obavy ohledn\u011b prodlou\u017een\u00ed zabrzd\u011bn\u00ed \u010d\u00ednsk\u00e9ho r\u016fstu sn\u00ed\u017eili cenu \u017eelezn\u00e9 rudy skoro o polovinu a uhl\u00ed, m\u011b\u010f a jin\u00e9 komodity se propadly o 20 a\u017e 40 procent.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Concerns over prolonged stalled Chinese growth have slashed iron ore prices by roughly a half, as coal, copper and other commodities have fallen by 20 to 40 percent."} {"inputs": "Na jednu dom\u00e1cnost tam p\u0159ipad\u00e1 1,4 grilu.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nFrustration with government is climbing to new highs.", "targets": "Frustrace z vl\u00e1dy dosahuje nov\u00fdch maxim."} {"inputs": "Lid\u00e9 se mohou d\u00edvat na jeho hrub\u00e9 statistiky \u2014 pr\u016fm\u011brn\u011b 31 s p\u00e1lkou a 35 s m\u00ed\u010dem \u2014 a to vid\u00edm jako pramici, ale nen\u00ed spousta spinner\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed by zvedali ruce, a selekto\u0159i se rozhodli pro ml\u00e1d\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "People may look at his raw stats - averaging 31 with the bat and 35 with the ball - and think it's a punt but there are not a heap of spinners putting their hands up and selectors have opted for youth."} {"inputs": "And I think that these people will then end up in destination countries.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "A j\u00e1 si mysl\u00edm, \u017ee tito lid\u00e9 op\u011bt skon\u010d\u00ed v c\u00edlov\u00fdch zem\u00edch."} {"inputs": "Internet sales increased at slowest ever rate in August and Black Friday may be to blame\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Internetov\u00e9 prodeje rostou nejpomalej\u0161\u00edm tempem od srpna a na vin\u011b m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt \u010cern\u00fd p\u00e1tek"} {"inputs": "Je obt\u00ed\u017en\u00e9 d\u00edvat se, jak si l\u00e1mou nohy p\u0159i pomoci Selfie Brit\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed by mohli svoji energii l\u00e9pe investovat k zabr\u00e1n\u011bn\u00ed Skotsku v odchodu z UK - co\u017e je n\u011bco, co sami necht\u011bj\u00ed, proto\u017ee maj\u00ed podobn\u00e9 separatistick\u00e9 tendence.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nDeclaring a state of emergency, Hungary sealed off its southern border with Serbia on Tuesday and detained those trying to enter illegally, aiming to shut down the flow of migrants pouring in.", "targets": "Po ozn\u00e1men\u00ed stavu ohro\u017een\u00ed Ma\u010farsko v \u00fater\u00fd uzav\u0159elo sv\u00e9 ji\u017en\u00ed hranici se Srbskem a zadr\u017eelo ty, kdo se pokusili o jej\u00ed ileg\u00e1ln\u00ed p\u0159ekro\u010den\u00ed tak, aby zastavilo p\u0159\u00edliv migrant\u016f."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "N\u011bkdy vznikne v\u00edce \u0161kody p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00edm nepot\u0159ebn\u00fdch hr\u00e1\u010d\u016f k t\u011bm, kter\u00e9 opravdu pot\u0159ebujete."} {"inputs": "How is \"Taking on Pakistan in the United Arab Emirates is a tough assignment but after seeing the squad England have selected for the tour, a repeat of the 3-0 Test series defeat suffered last time does not look on the cards for me.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Soupe\u0159it s P\u00e1kist\u00e1nem ve Spojen\u00fdch arabsk\u00fdch emir\u00e1tech je t\u011b\u017ek\u00fdm \u00fakolem, ale po shl\u00e9dnut\u00ed t\u00fdmu, kter\u00fd Anglie vybrala na toto turn\u00e9, bude podle m\u011b zopakov\u00e1n\u00ed por\u00e1\u017eky 3-0, kterou utrp\u011bla minule ve zku\u0161ebn\u00ed s\u00e9rii, nep\u0159\u00edli\u0161 pravd\u011bpodobn\u00e9."} {"inputs": "BBC political correspondent Robin Brant says policy differences are also \"stacking up\" within Labour following Mr Corbyn's appointment over its position on the European Union and the government's cap on benefits.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Politick\u00fd korespondent BBC Robin Brant \u0159\u00edk\u00e1, \u017ee se politick\u00e9 rozd\u00edly v pr\u00e1ci tak\u00e9 \"st\u0159\u00e1daj\u00ed\" po jmenov\u00e1n\u00ed pana Corbyna p\u0159es jeho pozici v Evropsk\u00e9 Unii a vl\u00e1dn\u00ed limit d\u00e1vek."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIn the year before last, municipalities gained approx. 450 million crowns and the state treasury 150 million crowns.", "targets": "V p\u0159edlo\u0148sk\u00e9m roce z\u00edskaly obce z poplatk\u016f zhruba 450 milion\u016f korun a st\u00e1tn\u00ed rozpo\u010det 150 milion\u016f korun."} {"inputs": "Nyn\u00ed se z toho chceme dostat co nejd\u0159\u00edve to bude mo\u017en\u00e9.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Now we want to come out of it as quickly as possible."} {"inputs": "Co u\u017e nesm\u00ed zabavit?\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "What can no longer be confiscated?"} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBut as the refugee and migrant crisis in Europe has grown, many people like my family are desperate for help.", "targets": "Ale se zhor\u0161uj\u00edc\u00ed se imigrantskou kriz\u00ed v Evrop\u011b je st\u00e1le v\u00edce rodin, jako ta m\u00e1, ochotna pomoci."} {"inputs": "Pro n\u011bkter\u00e9 produkty, jako jsou televize a pra\u010dky, je v\u00edce ne\u017e t\u0159etina prodej\u016f prov\u00e1d\u011bna p\u0159es webov\u00e9 obchody.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "For some products, such as TVs and washing machines, more than one third of purchases are now done through web stores."} {"inputs": "How is \"Also warning against the provision was Jana Fischerov\u00e1 (ODS), who highlighted the point of view of the competing Association of Czech Travel Agents, and her party colleague Petr Bendl, who talked of pulling the rug from under travel agencies' feet.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "P\u0159ed ustanoven\u00edm varovala i Jana Fischerov\u00e1 (ODS), kter\u00e1 odkazovala na stanovisko konkuren\u010dn\u00ed Asociace cestovn\u00edch kancel\u00e1\u0159i \u010cR, a jej\u00ed stranick\u00fd kolega Petr Bendl, jen\u017e mluvil o maz\u00e1n\u00ed schod\u016f \u010desk\u00fdm cestovn\u00edm kancel\u00e1\u0159\u00edm."} {"inputs": "Po operaci klesla pr\u016fm\u011brn\u00e1 hodnota hemoglobinu A1c z asi 9 procent na zhruba 6 procent.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Po pokusu marxist\u016f ovl\u00e1dnout st\u00e1t, nap\u0159\u00edklad s Rote Armee Fraktion, a po ne\u00fasp\u011bchu NDR, se v N\u011bmecku na z\u00e1klad\u011b nap\u0159\u00edklad ekologie, co\u017e byla mimochodem jedna z hlavn\u00edch ideov\u00fdch nauk nacismu, za\u010dala rozv\u00edjet nov\u00e1 n\u011bmeck\u00e1 ideologie.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "How is \"\"The Constitutional Court has repeatedly advocated for general courts to approach restitutional matters for any inconsistencies were not interpreted so as to be to the disadvantage of justified parties and for the goal of restitution legislation to be achieved, that is to redress the injustices relating to property that were caused by the acts of the previous totalitarian state,\" added the judge.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "\"\u00daS se opakovan\u011b vyslovil pro to, aby obecn\u00e9 soudy postupovaly v restitu\u010dn\u00edch v\u011bcech tak, aby p\u0159\u00edpadn\u00e9 ned\u016fslednosti nebyly vykl\u00e1d\u00e1ny v neprosp\u011bch opr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u00fdch osob a aby v\u017edy bylo dosa\u017eeno \u00fa\u010delu restitu\u010dn\u00edho z\u00e1konod\u00e1rstv\u00ed, tedy od\u010din\u011bn\u00ed majetkov\u00e9 k\u0159ivdy zp\u016fsoben\u00e9 akty d\u0159\u00edv\u011bj\u0161\u00edho totalitn\u00edho st\u00e1tu,\" dodal soudce."} {"inputs": "P\u016fvodn\u011b zve\u0159ejn\u011bna jako nejlep\u0161\u00ed volba Sarah pro Sama Wooda?\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Zeptala jsem se, koho by si Wood vybral, kdy\u017e ne j\u00ed, tv\u00e1\u0159ila se z\u00e1hadn\u011b.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "And asked who Wood should choose if not her, she was enigmatic."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Some refused food and water in protest.\" to Czech?", "targets": "N\u011bkte\u0159\u00ed na protest odm\u00edtaj\u00ed j\u00eddlo a vodu."} {"inputs": "London s \u00fasp\u011bchem od \u00fanora 2015.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "London since February 2015."} {"inputs": "Prezident Milo\u0161 Zeman ji\u017e koncem dubna \u0159ekl, \u017ee by z\u00e1kon umo\u017e\u0148uj\u00edc\u00ed stopades\u00e1tikilometrovou rychlost vetoval.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "President Milo\u0161 Zeman had said at the end of April that he would veto a law to allow driving at 150 km/h."} {"inputs": "N\u011bjakou sv\u011btlo plachost vykazovaly, ale \u017ee by reagovaly na m\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed rukou nebo rychl\u00e9 pohyby, to ne.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "They shows some indication of being scared of the light, but never reacted to me waving my hand or sudden movements."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe teacher is highly allergic to hand sanitizer and banned it from her room.", "targets": "U\u010ditel je velmi alergick\u00fd na sanita\u010dn\u00ed prost\u0159edky a zak\u00e1zal jejich p\u0159\u00edtomnost v m\u00edstnosti."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe only gripe you could have was that England went for Jonathan Trott in the Caribbean first - when Lyth was in top form - but that wasted opportunity is in the past now.", "targets": "Jedin\u00e1 v\u011bc, kv\u016fli kter\u00e9 byste mohli remcat, je, \u017ee Anglie dala v Karibiku nejd\u0159\u00edve \u0161anci Jonathanu Trottovi \u2014 p\u0159esto\u017ee byl Lyth v nejlep\u0161\u00ed form\u011b \u2014 ale tato promrhan\u00e1 p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitost u\u017e je minulost\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Kdybych m\u011bl k dispozici hodinu na zvl\u00e1dnut\u00ed probl\u00e9mu, na kter\u00e9m by z\u00e1visel m\u016fj \u017eivot, str\u00e1vil bych 40 minut jeho studiem, 15 minut jeho anal\u00fdzou a 5 minut jeho \u0159e\u0161en\u00edm."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nOfficials said he was blindfolded, saddled with a 30-pound backpack full of sand, and repeatedly tackled while he tried to walk toward a target across a frozen field.", "targets": "Policist\u00e9 uv\u00e1d\u00ed, \u017ee m\u011bl zav\u00e1zan\u00e9 o\u010di, m\u011bl na sob\u011b batoh pln\u00fd p\u00edsku o celkov\u00e9 v\u00e1ze 30 liber a byl opakovan\u011b obt\u011b\u017eov\u00e1n, kdy\u017e se sna\u017eil doj\u00edt k c\u00edli p\u0159es zmrzl\u00e9 pole."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nCurrently the majority of staff are men.", "targets": "V sou\u010dasnosti je v\u011bt\u0161ina pracovn\u00edk\u016f mu\u017esk\u00e9ho pohlav\u00ed."} {"inputs": "Angela Merkel, Germany's cautiously level-headed chancellor, is an ally, but has been in power for 10 years and wants to leave office before it goes bad for her, as it did for overstayers Thatcher (11 years), Mitterrand (14) and Kohl (16).\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Angela Merkelov\u00e1, n\u011bmeck\u00fd obez\u0159etn\u011b vyrovnan\u00fd kancl\u00e9\u0159, je spojencem, ale byla u moci 10 let a chce sv\u016fj post opustit, ne\u017e se pro ni stane \u0161patn\u00fdm, jak tomu bylo u p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 dlouho pokra\u010duj\u00edc\u00edho Thatchera (11 let), Mitterrand (14) a Kohla (16)."} {"inputs": "To znamen\u00e1, \u017ee dojde k nep\u0159\u00edzniv\u00fdm \u00fa\u010dink\u016fm.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "That's not to say there won't be effects, however."} {"inputs": "Translate \"He is a fading force too.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Jeho moc tak\u00e9 upad\u00e1."} {"inputs": "V t\u011bchto 12 m\u011bs\u00edc\u00edch jsme byli sv\u011bdky dal\u0161\u00edho zlep\u0161en\u00ed na trhu pr\u00e1ce a skotsk\u00e1 zam\u011bstnanost rostla, zat\u00edmco nezam\u011bstnanost klesala.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "In those 12 months we have seen further improvements in the Scottish Labour market with employment increasing and unemployment falling."} {"inputs": "N\u011bkter\u00e9 oleje jsou pro tento zp\u016fsob p\u0159\u00edpravy naprost\u00e9 tabu.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Some oils must not be used for this type of food preparation."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Obecn\u011b plat\u00ed, \u017ee p\u0159i samotn\u00e9m procesu grilov\u00e1n\u00ed by se m\u011blo \u0161et\u0159it tukem."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "P\u0159\u00edznivci Clintonov\u00e9 tak\u00e9 zmi\u0148uj\u00ed jej\u00ed vztah s Billem Clintonem (9 procent)."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nAccording to statistics, America is the most passionate nation about grilling,", "targets": "Podle statistik jsou nejv\u00e1\u0161niv\u011bj\u0161\u00edm n\u00e1rodem grilova\u010d\u016f Ameri\u010dan\u00e9."} {"inputs": "Ale i kdy\u017e z\u00edskali t\u0159i body, nebyl to klasick\u00fd v\u00fdkon t\u00fdmu Laurenta Blanca a Zlatan Ibrahimovic byl p\u0159ed brankou marnotratn\u00fd a pozd\u011bji byl vyst\u0159\u00edd\u00e1n proti sv\u00e9mu domovsk\u00e9mu t\u00fdmu a klubu, ve kter\u00e9m za\u010dal svoji proslulou kari\u00e9ru v roce 1999.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "But while they got the points, it was not a vintage display by Laurent Blanc's side with Zlatan Ibrahimovic wasteful in front of goal and later being substituted against his hometown team and the club with whom he started his illustrious career back in 1999."} {"inputs": "How is \"Merkel: We must improve conditions in the Middle East\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Merkelov\u00e1: Mus\u00edme zlep\u0161it podm\u00ednky na Bl\u00edzk\u00e9m v\u00fdchod\u011b."} {"inputs": "At our new home my partner and I agreed that, just so long as they weren't climbing around our necks, they were free to tuck into fallen flakes of skin, invisible eyelashes and so on.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "V nov\u00e9m bydli\u0161ti jsme se s partnerkou shodli, \u017ee pokud n\u00e1m nebudou rybenky l\u00e9zt za krk, a\u0165 si v klidu poj\u00eddaj\u00ed lup\u00ednky odpadl\u00e9 k\u016f\u017ee, n\u011bjak\u00e9 ty neviditeln\u00e9 \u0159asy a podobn\u011b."} {"inputs": "Je pravda, \u017ee novin\u00e1\u0159i maj\u00ed povoleno sledovat popravy v Americe a proto\u017ee je \u010dasto v\u00edce \u017e\u00e1dost\u00ed ne\u017e voln\u00fdch m\u00edst, prov\u00e1d\u00ed se morbidn\u00ed loterie, kter\u00e1 rozhodne, kdo bude zvolen.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "True, journalists are permitted to watch executions in America and because there are often more applications than seats available, a macabre lottery takes place to decide who will be chosen."} {"inputs": "The research paper produced by the group \"tellingly concedes\" there is a lack of \"hard evidence for the harms of most products on most of the criteria,\" McKee and Capewell wrote.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Zpr\u00e1va vznikl\u00e1 v t\u00e9to skupin\u011b \"v\u00fdmluvn\u011b p\u0159ipou\u0161t\u00ed,\" chyb\u011bj\u00edc\u00ed \"tvrd\u00e9 d\u016fkazy o \u0161kodlivosti v\u011bt\u0161iny v\u00fdrobk\u016f na v\u011bt\u0161inu krit\u00e9ri\u00ed,\" napsali McKee a Capewell."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nBen Carson draws close behind Donald Trump in national poll", "targets": "Ben Carson skon\u010dil za Donaldem Trump v n\u00e1rodn\u00edch volb\u00e1ch"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Poison control centers around the United States have reported a nearly 400-percent uptick since 2010 in the number of children under the age of 12 swallowing highly-alcoholic hand sanitizer, according to the Georgia Poison Center.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Toxikologick\u00e1 st\u0159ediska kolem Spojen\u00fdch st\u00e1t\u016f hl\u00e1sila t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 400-procentn\u00ed vzr\u016fst od roku 2010 v po\u010dtu d\u011bt\u00ed do 12 let, kter\u00e9 polkly vysoce alkoholick\u00e9 sanita\u010dn\u00ed \u010dinidlo, podle toxikologick\u00e9ho st\u0159ediska v Gruzii."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nBy crying and screaming she forced us to get the potty out.", "targets": "Pl\u00e1\u010dem a \u0159evem si vynucovala sv\u016fj no\u010dn\u00edk."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nIf any player goes off with this kind of injury, everybody is very sad about it.", "targets": "Kdy\u017e jak\u00fdkoliv hr\u00e1\u010d odch\u00e1z\u00ed ze h\u0159i\u0161t\u011b s takov\u00fdmto zran\u011bn\u00edm, ka\u017ed\u00fd je z toho velmi smutn\u00fd."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Ale n\u00e1\u010deln\u00edk tykal mnoh\u00fdm, zvl\u00e1\u0161t\u011b t\u011bm, u kter\u00fdch mohl uplatnit svou nad\u0159azenost."} {"inputs": "P\u0159i vy\u0161\u0161\u00edch teplot\u00e1ch by do\u0161lo ke ztr\u00e1t\u011b v\u00fd\u017eivov\u00fdch l\u00e1tek.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Od za\u010d\u00e1tku pr\u00fd bylo jasn\u00e9, \u017ee hlavn\u00ed role p\u0159ipadne Barto\u0161kovi, s n\u00edm\u017e u\u017e spolupracoval na seri\u00e1lu Neviditeln\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Bajgar says that it was clear from the start that Barto\u0161ka, with whom he had previously worked on the series Neviditeln\u00ed, would have the main role."} {"inputs": "How is \"The unpredictable Champions League\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Nep\u0159edv\u00eddateln\u00e1 Liga mistr\u016f."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Re\u017eis\u00e9r leto\u0161n\u00edch slavnostn\u00edch ve\u010der\u016f Richard Blumenfeld v nich pl\u00e1nuje spojit prvky televizn\u00ed, filmov\u00e9 i divadeln\u00ed tvorby."} {"inputs": "Tak\u00e9 zd\u016fraznil, \u017ee odpov\u011b\u010f z\u00e1padoevropsk\u00fdch zem\u00ed, a\u0165 u\u017e byla jakkoliv obdivuhodn\u00e1, na uprchlickou krizi byla v t\u00e9to situaci neadekv\u00e1tn\u00ed.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "He also stressed that, however admirable, the West-European countries\" response to the refugee crisis is inadequate to the situation."} {"inputs": "Translate \"However, he says that the prison was miserable.\" to Czech?", "targets": "V\u011bzen\u00ed v\u0161ak podle n\u011bj bylo tristn\u00ed."} {"inputs": "I proto vznikla str\u00e1nka Dej si \u0161anci (www.bezmytu.cz), kter\u00e1 je podpo\u0159en\u00e1 prob\u00edhaj\u00edc\u00ed medi\u00e1ln\u00ed kampan\u00ed Dej si \u0161anci.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "This is one of the reasons behind the creation of the Dej si \u0161anci ('give yourself a chance', www.bezmytu.cz) website, which is supported by the ongoing Dej si \u0161anci media campaign."} {"inputs": "N\u011bmeck\u00e1 feder\u00e1ln\u00ed kancl\u00e9\u0159ka Angela Merkelov\u00e1 a Rakousko na \u00fater\u00fd svolali zvl\u00e1\u0161tn\u00ed unijn\u00ed evropsk\u00fd summit dal\u0161\u00ed t\u00fdden k diskusi o kontinent\u00e1ln\u00ed uprchlick\u00e9 krizi.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Austria called Tuesday for a special European Union summit next week to discuss the continent's immigration crisis."} {"inputs": "Hemp oil does not contain any psychoactive substances.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Lid\u00e9 se nemus\u00ed pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed konopn\u00e9ho oleje b\u00e1t, neobsahuje \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 psychoaktivn\u00ed l\u00e1tky."} {"inputs": "Jeho sedm test\u016f st\u00e1lo proti dv\u011bma dobr\u00fdm \u00fatok\u016fm v n\u00e1ro\u010dn\u00fdch podm\u00ednk\u00e1ch a jednoduch\u00e1, ale tvrd\u00e1 realita je, \u017ee jsou hr\u00e1\u010di kriketu souzeni na z\u00e1klad\u011b v\u00fdkonu.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "His seven Tests have been against two good attacks in challenging conditions and the simple but harsh reality is that cricketers are judged on output."} {"inputs": "I come from a working-class family, I am married, have two children and so on and so on.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "Poch\u00e1z\u00edm z d\u011blnick\u00e9 rodiny, jsem \u017eenat\u00fd, dv\u011b d\u011bti a tak d\u00e1le a tak d\u00e1le."} {"inputs": "Filip upozor\u0148oval na cestovn\u00ed agentury, je\u017e podle n\u011bho mohou spot\u0159ebitele ohro\u017eovat.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Whether it is breaking news or a featured item, your contribution can make a difference.\" to Czech?", "targets": "A\u0165 u\u017e se jedn\u00e1 o nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00ed zpr\u00e1vy nebo jin\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvky na t\u00e9ma, v\u00e1\u0161 p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvek m\u016f\u017ee ud\u011blat velk\u00fd rozd\u00edl."} {"inputs": "Zpravodaj Miroslav Op\u00e1lka (KS\u010cM) upozornil na to, \u017ee n\u00e1vrh ne\u0159e\u0161\u00ed sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed re\u00e1ln\u00fdch d\u016fchod\u016f v roce 2016 a pozd\u011bji.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "Miroslav Op\u00e1lka (KS\u010cM) highlighted the fact that the proposal does not discuss the reduction of actual pensions in 2016 and later."} {"inputs": "Proto jsou tyto oleje vhodn\u00e9 i jako sou\u010d\u00e1st zdravotn\u00edch diet, nap\u0159\u00edklad \u017elu\u010dn\u00edkov\u00e9.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Zisk za akcii \u010dinil $2.42, co\u017e je men\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e $2.44 za akcii, co\u017e bylo p\u0159edpov\u00edd\u00e1no 12 analytiky dotazovan\u00fdmi Zacks Investment Research.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Earnings per share amounted to $2.42, short of the $2.44 per share average forecast of 12 analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nWe're expecting an unusual, aggressive style, says the coach.", "targets": "\u010cek\u00e1me agresivn\u00ed a nezvykl\u00fd styl, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 tren\u00e9r."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "V\u00fdkonn\u00fd producent Kent Weed poskytl rozhovor \u010dasopisu The Hollywood Reporter o pr\u016fb\u011bhu fin\u00e1le a o tom, pro\u010d Britten nez\u00edsk\u00e1 \u017e\u00e1dnou odm\u011bnu i navzdory faktu, \u017ee se stal prvn\u00edm sout\u011b\u017e\u00edc\u00edm, kter\u00fd tra\u0165 dokon\u010dil."} {"inputs": "How is \"The injury was caused by a reckless tackle from H\u00e9ctor Moreno in the 15th minute after the 20-year-old Shaw had burst into the PSV area.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Zran\u011bn\u00ed zp\u016fsobil bezohledn\u00fd z\u00e1krok H\u00e9ctora Morena v 15. minut\u011b, kdy\u017e se dvacetilet\u00fd Shaw prodral do prostoru PSV."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nThe meat counter is extensive, as is the fish - the staff behind the counter will clean and fillet fish, and even fry it for you if you'd like.", "targets": "Roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159en\u00ed masa je velik\u00e9, nap\u0159\u00edklad ryby - zam\u011bstnanci za pultem v\u00e1m umyj\u00ed a vykost\u00ed, dokonce v\u00e1m ji usma\u017e\u00ed, budete-li si to p\u0159\u00e1t,"} {"inputs": "Translate \"Views are more mixed among those not currently backing Clinton - only about a quarter would enthusiastically support her.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Pohledy jsou sm\u00ed\u0161en\u00e9 mezi t\u011bmi, kter\u00e9 v sou\u010dasn\u00e9 dob\u011b nepodporuj\u00ed Clintonovou - pouze asi \u010dtvrtina by ji nad\u0161en\u011b podporovala."} {"inputs": "A jejich z\u00e1vazek \u017e\u00edt hudbou a tvo\u0159en\u00ed hudby je ve skute\u010dnosti na \u0161pi\u010dkov\u00e9 \u00farovni.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "And it's commitment to live music and music making is actually second to none."} {"inputs": "How is \"With Real Madrid and Shakhtar Donetsk also in Group A, Paris needed a strong start against the Swedish champions as they target not just qualification for the knockout rounds but an improvement on their runs to the quarter-finals in each of the last three campaigns.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Real Madrid a Shakhtar Donetsk jsou tak\u00e9 ve skupin\u011b A, a proto t\u00fdm Paris pot\u0159eboval siln\u00fd start proti \u0161v\u00e9dsk\u00fdm \u0161ampi\u00f3n\u016fm, nebo\u0165 se nezam\u011b\u0159uj\u00ed jen na kvalifikaci do vy\u0159azovac\u00edch kol, ale na zlep\u0161en\u00ed jejich cesty do \u010dtvrtfin\u00e1le, kter\u00e9 zaznamenali v ka\u017ed\u00e9m z p\u0159edchoz\u00edch 3 ro\u010dn\u00edk\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nHowever, Washington isn't entirely clear about Russia's specific military intentions in Syria, agree American commentators.", "targets": "Washington ale nem\u00e1 o konkr\u00e9tn\u00edch vojensk\u00fdch z\u00e1m\u011brech Ruska v S\u00fdrii \u00fapln\u011b jasno, shoduj\u00ed se ameri\u010dt\u00ed koment\u00e1to\u0159i."} {"inputs": "\"Soudruhu mechaniz\u00e1tore,\" pronesl po chv\u00edli, ani\u017e zvedl hlavu a st\u00e1le pe\u010dliv\u011b prohl\u00ed\u017eel to lejstro, \"tvoje chov\u00e1n\u00ed se mi v\u016fbec nel\u00edb\u00ed.\"\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nNew aeroplanes are full of titanium and light or heavy composite materials that can't be produced and processed by just anybody.", "targets": "Nov\u00e1 letadla jsou pln\u00e1 titanu \u010di lehk\u00fdch a pevn\u00fdch kompozitn\u00edch materi\u00e1l\u016f, kter\u00e9 hned tak n\u011bkdo neum\u00ed vyrobit a zpracovat."} {"inputs": "Ned\u00e1vn\u00e1 studie v\u00edce ne\u017e 2000 st\u0159edo\u0161kolsk\u00fdch student\u016f vykazuj\u00edc\u00edch p\u0159\u00edznaky deprese zjistila, \u017ee v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b, \u017ee po\u0161kozen\u00fd m\u011bl dostate\u010dn\u011b vysok\u00e9 procento p\u0159\u00e1tel se \"zdravou n\u00e1ladou,\" jejich \u0161ance na zotaven\u00ed se zdvojn\u00e1sobila.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "A recent study of more than 2,000 high-school students displaying depressive symptoms found that if the sufferer had a high enough percentage of \"healthy mood\" friends, their chances of recovering doubled."} {"inputs": "Translate to Czech:\n\nWe wanted to win and we did, although I regret that we did not score one or two goals more.", "targets": "Cht\u011bli jsme vyhr\u00e1t a vyhr\u00e1li jsme, p\u0159esto lituji, \u017ee jsme nevst\u0159elili o jednu nebo dv\u011b branky v\u00edce."} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Jak zjistil, bubliny zesiluj\u00ed ultrazvukov\u00e9 vlny, kter\u00e9 pot\u00e9 proch\u00e1z\u00ed t\u011blem \u010derv\u016f."} {"inputs": "Na tom p\u0159ece nen\u00ed nic \u0161patn\u00e9ho ... a to \u010dest pr\u00e1ci, \u010di soudruhu ... v\u00edte ... j\u00e1 nejsem ve stran\u011b ...\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "There's nothing bad about that, after all...and that honour to work, or comrade...you know...I'm not in the Party..."} {"inputs": "\u017densk\u00fd hlas je vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed, tak\u017ee v hlub\u0161\u00edm hluku dopravn\u00edho ruchu je l\u00e9pe rozeznateln\u00fd ne\u017e hlub\u0161\u00ed mu\u017esk\u00fd hlas.\n\nTranslate this to English?", "targets": "The female voice is higher-pitched, so in the deeper noise of public transport it's easier to pick out than the deeper male voice."} {"inputs": "How is \"When will it be five hundred thousand?\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Kdy to bude p\u011bt set tis\u00edc?"} {"inputs": "Write a sentence not in English.", "targets": "Nicm\u00e9n\u011b je ale je\u0161t\u011b p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 brzy na to \u0159\u00edci, zda m\u00edrn\u011b ob\u00e9zn\u00ed lidi s diabetem typu 2 \u017eij\u00ed d\u00e9le po chirurgii hubnut\u00ed ne\u017e ti, kter\u00fdm je poskytov\u00e1na nechirurgick\u00e1 l\u00e9\u010dba."} {"inputs": "Nemysl\u00edm si, \u017ee by to ani v nejmen\u0161\u00edm oslabilo BBC.\n\nWhich language is this?", "targets": "Czech"} {"inputs": "And that third mandate could be the X-factor in a too-close-to-predict decision, to be announced Thursday, about whether the U.S. economy is ready to start being weaned from the unprecedented stimulus provided by the near-zero short-term interest rate in place since late 2008.\n\nTranslate to Czech", "targets": "A toto t\u0159et\u00ed funk\u010dn\u00ed obdob\u00ed by mohlo b\u00fdt X-faktorem v p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 bl\u00edzko k p\u0159edv\u00eddateln\u00e9mu rozhodnut\u00ed, kter\u00e9 m\u00e1 b\u00fdt ve \u010dtvrtek ozn\u00e1meno, o tom, zda je americk\u00e1 ekonomika p\u0159ipravena ke spu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed p\u0159i odstavov\u00e1n\u00ed z bezprecedentn\u00edho stimulu v podob\u011b t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 nulov\u00fdch kr\u00e1tkodob\u00fdch \u00farokov\u00fdch sazba na m\u00edst\u011b od konce roku 2008."} {"inputs": "O migrantech nem\u016f\u017eeme mluvit jako o pytl\u00edch soli nebo mouky.\n\nCould you please translate this to English?", "targets": "We cannot talk about migrants as if they were bags of salt or flour."} {"inputs": "V\u011btrn\u00e9 \u010derpadlo u\u017e z\u016fstalo pouze nefunk\u010dn\u00edm obecn\u00edm symbolem a zdej\u0161\u00ed raritou.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "The wind-powered pump remained merely a non-functioning symbol of the village and local rarity."} {"inputs": "How is \"The weight of the 5.5\" iPhone 6s is thus 192 grammes.\" said in Czech?", "targets": "Hmotnost 5,5\" iPhonu 6s Plus tak dosahuje 192 gram\u016f."} {"inputs": "Translate \"Mand\u00edk had previously denied any breach of the law.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Mand\u00edk u\u017e d\u0159\u00edve jak\u00e9koli poru\u0161en\u00ed z\u00e1kona odm\u00edtl."} {"inputs": "Translate the following sentence to Czech:\nShares jumped 2.77 percent to 131.60 pence on the FTSE 100 index, which opened 0.69 percent higher.", "targets": "Akcie vysko\u010dili o 2,77 procent na 131,60 penc\u00ed na indexu FTSE 100, kter\u00e9 se otev\u0159eli o 0,69 procent v\u00fd\u0161e."} {"inputs": "Translate \"The steps that we have so far taken in this project are primarily of a legal and administrative nature and do not have a real impact on events within the company, says Daniel Bury\u0161, CFO of the Kofola group.\" to Czech?", "targets": "Kroky, kter\u00e9 jsme prozat\u00edm v r\u00e1mci projektu podnikli, jsou p\u0159ev\u00e1\u017en\u011b pr\u00e1vn\u00ed a administrativn\u00ed a nemaj\u00ed faktick\u00fd dopad na d\u011bn\u00ed ve spole\u010dnosti, \u0159\u00edk\u00e1 Daniel Bury\u0161, finan\u010dn\u00ed \u0159editel skupiny Kofola."} {"inputs": "Ekologie v praxi.\n\nTranslate to English", "targets": "Ecology in practice"}