{"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. This has led to Wikipedia being banned in China , after Jimmy Wales refused to censor articles to make the site acceptable to the Chinese government .\n2. A key principle for Wikipedia is to present information as neutrally as possible .\n3. As such , Wikipedia is not threatened by variants and rivals that also seek to promote freedom of knowledge because it views them as partners to a mutual goal , not rivals .\n4. Wikipedia , thus , epitomizes the principle that all should have access to the necessary information required not just to live , but also enjoy and cherish our lives .\n5. Its founder , Jimmy Wales , readily acknowledges it will eventually be superseded by another way of sharing knowledge on a mass level .", "targets": "Wikipedia enshrines the principle of freedom of information"} {"inputs": "1. It has been shown that for many sex offenders , the crime is caused by both psychological and physical urges no rational counselling will prevent a repetition of the crime .\n2. Castration fits the bill perfectly .\n3. For such a horrific crime , a suitable punishment is needed .\n4. Sex crimes , typically defined as crimes of violence involving sex , are one of the worst kinds of crime , damaging its victim both physically and psychologically .\n5. Castration as the punishment for sex offenders suits both perpetrator and victim , providing an effective and specific punishment for a specific crime .\n6. Furthermore , as Douglas Besharov argues , the sexual abuse and violence in prisons merely heightens their propensity to commit further crime -LRB- Besharow , 1992 -RRB- .\n7. Thus castration does not only stop further crimes by the offender -LRB- one of the main purposes of any punishment -RRB- , but it is a strong deterrent for prospective offenders .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Castration, as a punishment, is proportionate to sex crimes"} {"inputs": "This House would ban professional cheerleading\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "The superficiality of cheerleading means that cheerleaders are poor role models for young girls"} {"inputs": "1. With the ability to make good on the threat , however , the teacher can either effectively intimidate potential miscreants or deliver on the promise of punishment .\n2. The teacher , when making a threat , can either follow through on the threat and enact corporal punishment , or he can not do so .\n3. In terms of conflict resolution , without access to corporal punishment , the teacher-student relationship is at an imperfect equilibrium in the context of Game Theory .\n4. In this scenario , the two players , the teacher and the student , have a set of options .\n5. The student can either consider the threat to be credible and will thus modify his behaviour in accordance with the teacher 's demands , or he can determine the threat to be non-credible and thus `` call his bluff '' .\n6. This produces an efficient equilibrium in which the teacher has greater control over the class .\n7. Without the ability to follow through on the threat , an imperfect equilibrium is reached in which the teacher 's bluff is called and his authority undermined .\n8. To take an example from international relations , the relations between the United States and Israel can be analyzed in this way .\n9. Currently , when Israel makes a decision to expand settlement building in Palestinian territory the United States threatens a withdrawal of certain supports .\n10. Israel can either call their bluff or fold .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "The threat and capacity for violence is essential for efficient conflict resolution"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. The organ donation process : A humanist perspective based on the experience of nursing care .\n2. Nursing Philosophy 13.4 -LRB- 2012 -RRB- : 295-301 .\n3. As crass as this might seem , they are statistically more likely to die earlier than their offspring in any event and stand to lose less .\n4. They have had the chance to experience more of a life than their child .\n5. They are furthermore the cause of the childs existence , and owe it to the child to protect it at any cost .\n6. Monforte-Royo , C. and M.V. Roqu .\n7. We are biologically programmed to want to preserve our species .\n8. As such , our offspring will often be more important to ourselves than our own persons .\n9. Many doctors hear parents tell them how they wish that they could take over their childs terminal illness rather than have the child suffer .\n10. It is therefore natural and right for the older generation to sacrifice itself where possible to save the younger generation .", "targets": "It is a natural thing to do"} {"inputs": "This House would hold a referendum on UK membership in the EU\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "An in or out referendum would be legitimate."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Individuals elected under open primaries are much more likely to be willing to compromise across the aisle .\n2. At the moment American politics is plagued by gridlock both in the states and in Congress .\n3. As a result government will begin moving again .\n4. An Open Primary is more likely to choose more centrist candidates for the general election , providing a degree of moderation to the process of election and politics in general .\n5. By creating a situation whereby all voters have a potential say in selecting candidates , it can prevent overweening control by party grass roots who may vote for overtly ideological candidates who turn off the moderate voters needed to win elections .\n6. This then means that much more is likely to get done .\n7. This in turn can help foster a consensual atmosphere in political discourse with general agreed points , focusing the debate on more core issues between the main parties .", "targets": "Open primaries promote moderate, non-partisan politics"} {"inputs": "1. Secondly , development can only progress once new land becomes available - investment requires space .\n2. Therefore space has to be cleared for the city to be re-planned and new investments made .\n3. Evictions often occur where inhabitants may not have the legal titles to occupy land .\n4. Evictions enable the transition from communities who occupy land based on traditional laws and beliefs to the emergence of a refined legal system .\n5. London experienced numerous slum clearances from the 18 to the 20 Century , one such clearance was the building of the Metropolitan railway to the City which destroyed the slums around Farringdon and forced relocation of 5-50 ,000 people from 1860-4 .\n6. Firstly , as modernisation theory shows transition occurs as society progresses from traditional to an age of mass consumption .\n7. Forced evictions have occurred globally across time , they show the natural progression of development .\n8. Cases across Europe and the USA show evictions were a feature of cities and urbanisation in the past .\n9. New investments can ensure African cities become sites of prosperity and continue to attract investors .\n10. Temple , 2008\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Forced evictions are a natural path of development."} {"inputs": "Asylum is the only way to protect women\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Kausch , Kristina , ` If Europe is to preserve influence in the Middle East and North Africa , it must move on from technocratic policies towards more flexible cooperation . '\n2. By granting asylum we can help them escape a legal system that clearly is against them and replace it with a European Union legal system that grants them those rights they never had .\n3. Moreover the influence of the European Union is declining ; it has always been primarily financial , through aid which is declining , and through investment which , at least in the MENA , region has reversed as a result of those same revolutions .\n4. Moreover , the situation in countries with legislated discrimination against women is not improving , in countries which were previously secular there is increasingly a challenge from Islamism as in Libya and Egypt during the ` Arab Spring ' .\n5. Where women are seen as second-tier citizens it is seen as a natural part of the society can barely walk to the corner of the street without the consent of their husband .\n6. They will not respond to these urgings social and cultural traditions are deeply ingrained and only slowly change .\n7. Countries that have legislation discriminating against women are clearly not listening to European urgings on human rights .\n8. The European Union is not able to protect women in other countries that are not a part of the union .\n9. , 21 December 2012 ,"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Bill Klem , , .\n2. Instant replay will ensure that baseball revolves around the players , rather than the officials .\n3. With instant replay , we would not have had Jim Joyce , the umpire who blew Galarragas perfect game , holding a tearful press conference apologizing for his missed call .\n4. Instant replay will help make this happen .\n5. The latter , not the former , is what baseball is supposed to be about , and what fans want to see .\n6. Instead , we would have had images of Galarraga celebrating his historical achievement with his teammates .\n7. When they are the center of attention , it is usually because something has gone wrong .\n8. Umpires are supposed to facilitate a smooth game .\n9. The game is supposed to be decided by the feats of the players on the field , not the fallibility of the men in blue .\n10. Legendary Hall of Fame umpire Bill Klem accurately stated , The best umpired game is the game in which the fans can not recall the umpires who worked it .", "targets": "Instant replay will place the focus of the game where it belongs\u2014on the players, not the umpires"} {"inputs": "1. Justice is only applicable when the perpetrators remain within the arm of the law ; double jeopardy prevents this .\n2. As a Home Office spokesman stated when England overturned the double jeopardy ban , ` it is important the public should have full confidence in the ability of the criminal justice system to deliver justice . '\n3. Victims deserve such justice and it is an insult to them , and all of us , to see their persecutors go free .\n4. When Jennifer McDermott witnessed her daughter 's murderer get convicted at a re-trial , she described it as a ` victory for everyone who feels let down by the justice system . '\n5. Our bargain with the state entails the state 's right to judge the individual because the state protects the individual : if our attackers roam the streets because an arbitrary legal rule exempts them from prosecution despite clear guilt , then that system has broken down .\n6. When we see people still unpunished for offences in society they 've clearly committed , it damages our faith in the justice system .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Abolishment of the rule would restore faith in the justice system"} {"inputs": "This House would, as the developed world, fund African climate adaptation\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "The developed world has the responsibility to help others"} {"inputs": "Claim: Suicide is a rational choice in many situations.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. With murder someone is denying that person all their future potential so denying their freedom of choice , and this remains the case even if the murder was completely painless .\n2. Here , reason tells us , the virtuous act is death and the reservation of that choice .\n3. However , if an individual accepts that death is their preferred option in such a scenario , it is difficult to comprehend of reasons why they should not be allowed to proceed .\n4. Our social rejection of murder does not , ultimately relate to death itself but to the denial of choice .\n5. Neither of these issues arise with either assisted suicide or voluntary euthanasia .\n6. Proposition has no difficulty at all with the suggestion that both procedures should be regulated and take place in safe , medically supported , environments .\n7. When confronted with chronic pain or with diseases that steadily remove our sense of self or at least the self of whom we are aware death has proven to be a sensible option taken by sensible people .\n8. It is a simple fact that we all die , our objections to it tend to be based on the idea that it can happen at the hands of others or at a time , or in a manner , not of our choosing .\n9. The determining element of humanity is that we are rational beings ; a blanket ban legal and social on choosing the time and manner of our deaths reflects our primeval fear of a death that comes , unwanted , in the dark of the night , not the mature judgement of modern , thinking -LRB- and long-lived -RRB- humans ."} {"inputs": "Wishing for a white Christmas shows a desire to return to the true nature of the holiday\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Instead of focusing on getting presents , getting fat and getting drunk , a white Christmas is something money ca n't buy .\n2. It symbolizes time with family , playing outdoors in the snow , making your own entertainment and enjoying the wonder of nature .\n3. For most people Christmas today is not about a religious festival , but about consumption , greed and shopping .\n4. Wishing for a snowy white Christmas is about turning the clock back to a time when life was simpler .\n5. Who would n't prefer a Christmas like that ?"} {"inputs": "This House would Abolish the Superdelegate System for Democratic Party Conventions.\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Candidates solicitation of superdelegates damages the political system and requires candidates to go through contortions to secure their support"} {"inputs": "This House believes that US intervention in Libya, lacking congressional approval, was illegal\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "The Libya intervention lacks sufficient international authority"} {"inputs": "1. As Jon Adler of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association told The Washington Post in January of 2009 : `` I think a bomb detonating on a plane is the biggest invasion of privacy a person can experience . ''\n2. Privacy is good , but outweighed in this case by the need to save lives .\n3. Fighting against a threat as big as terrorism , some rights need to take a backbench .\n4. Full-body scans have the ability to protect countless people and save just as many lives .\n5. In any case , some sort of check must occur .\n6. Additionally , people who still feel that their privacy is infringed upon by the full-body scanner can always opt for the traditional pat-down by a security officer .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Full-body scans are in accordance with individual rights"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Markets that involve child labor , forced labor or sex , and forced migration and detention , should be stopped and those who organize and profit from such markets should be prosecuted .\n2. Some markets in sex should be blocked .\n3. It is also critically important that children are protected from sexual predators , and are excluded from all aspects of sex businesses .\n4. As with any service , it is critically important that no one is forced to work or to continue working , either through the threat of harm or through fraud and deception .\n5. Voluntary , adult sex work is significantly different from trafficking , and law enforcers need to distinguish market exchanges involving consensual sex among adults from market exchanges involving forced sex among adults or involving minors .\n6. Forced labor and child sexual abuse involve violations of basic human rights that all societies are expected to protect .\n7. Additionally , clients of sex business would have the choice of patronizing legal business , and therefore would be less likely to patronize inadvertently a business that relies on forced or child labor .\n8. By legalizing voluntary , adult sex work , law enforcers and rights protectors could focus their efforts on eliminating markets that involve the sexual abuse of adults or children .", "targets": "Legalization would free up resources that could be devoted to eliminating sex trafficking"} {"inputs": "Claim: Education standards will be improved across the region\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Enlarging and deepening the EAC will therefore enhance education standards on a large part of the African continent ; such policies will lift weak academic institutions in DRC , South Sudan and Somalia which are typical of their poor education systems .\n2. -LRB- 1 -RRB- East African Community Education , Harmonisation of education and training curricula in East Africa , -LRB- 2 -RRB- Kevin Watkins , Narrowing Africas Education deficit , January 2013 ,\n3. Unlike other regional blocs in Africa the EAC has been keen to work on the improvement of education among member states .\n4. It has policies such as the introduction of the inter University council of education to ensure the quality of University education , and an ongoing process of harmonising education curricula in all member countries -LRB- 1 -RRB- .\n5. However , Africa still remains the continent with poorest quality of education and has the lowest skilled/educated labour .\n6. A large number of children fail to access basic education -LRB- 2 -RRB- ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. * On a social level , not having children will mean more gender equality as there will be no ground for justifying an unequal labour division .\n2. * Goodley , 2011 ,\n3. They view females as those responsible for parenting and thus not reliable , devoted or loyal as employees .\n4. Even when there is little or no discrimination in recruitment women often hit a glass ceiling due to breaking their careers in order to have children , in the UK a recent report by the Chartered Management Institute found it would take until 2109 to close the pay gap .\n5. Social and economic inequalities between men and women stem primarily from the fact that women are the child bearers , and mothers overwhelmingly spend more time on childrearing tasks than do their male spouses .\n6. Not surprisingly then , many employers still discriminate against women when recruiting to work .", "targets": "This House Would Never Have Children"} {"inputs": "Claim: Term limits restore a concept of rotation in public office, and reestablish the concept of the citizen legislature:\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. New Hampshire was both the most minimal parliament and the state with most fiscal freedom according to the Ruger-Sorens Index .\n2. Will , George .\n3. It does not take long for legislators to become more occupied with their relationships with each other and with lobbyists , than with their constituents .\n4. Representative assemblies work best when they function as citizen legislatures , in which people who pursue careers other than politics enter the legislative forum for a brief time to do their country service , and then leave again to reenter society as private citizens .\n5. Such citizen legislators who enter politics to make their mark and then leave are far more desirable than the career politicians of today who focus only on building their own power influence , rather than considering the people they were elected to represent .\n6. US states with ` citizen legislatures ' , where the state legislature is part time with short sessions so allowing its members to hold other jobs , were at the top of freedom indexes .\n7. It is gravely unfortunate that politics has become an accepted career path for citizens of democratic states .\n8. It is far better that participation in government be brief .\n9. To end politics as a lifetime sinecure , thereby making legislative service a leave of absence , rather than a means of permanently absconding from a productive career in the private sector , requires that there be term limits .\n10. Without term limits , the temptation to remain in office for life will keep people seeking reelection long after they have accomplished all the legislative good of which they are capable ."} {"inputs": "This House would ban partial birth abortions\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "If personhood accrues at birth, then abortion after inducing birth is wrong"} {"inputs": "Claim: Forced evictions are necessary to change perceptions.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. See further readings : Werth , 2010 .\n2. Although accurate figures of the number of evictions carried out , and/or number of residents displaced , are unavailable , cases have been reported where around 20,000 people could have been evicted in one settlement .\n3. The evictions were only a small cost in the broader scale , whereby a better city would be built for all to enjoy , employment created , and tourists attracted .\n4. Evictions occurred to create an aesthetic city , for the greater good .\n5. Stadiums were built in Johannesburg , Cape Town , and Durban and provided the international community an opportunity to see the beauty of South Africa and confirm its ability to deliver as a BRIC country .\n6. In 2010 , South Africa hosted the FIFA World Cup .\n7. Taking the case of South Africa forced evictions , in cities , have been central in promoting its new image .\n8. Forced evictions enable local , and national , governments to redesign African cities .\n9. Cities across Africa are an opportunity to change this idea of Africa .\n10. Western media and institutions often present an image of ` Africa ' which fails to understand the reality , and continues to position ` Africa ' as the ` other ' , ` unknown ' , and in need of assistance ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Imposing youth curfews can help to solve these problems , as they keep young people off the street , and therefore out of trouble , and prevent them from congregating in the hours of darkness .\n2. Police in Philadelphia have found curfews effective in the prevention of gang violence : the measure has been successful in helping to curb violent attacks by teen mobs that had severely injured several people in recent months , city officials said .\n3. Youth crime is a major and growing problem , often involving both drugs and violence .\n4. Particularly worrying is the rise of youth gangs who can terrorise urban areas and create a social climate in which criminality becomes a norm .", "targets": "This House would introduce child curfews"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. His influence was such that even naturally left wing parties such as New Labour under Tony Blair stuck to right wing or wing orthodoxies in order to keep the support of the Murdoch press .\n2. Murdoch has been running his empire in pursuit of power and to advance a right wing agenda .\n3. This is however not at all how Rupert Murdoch ran News Corp or his newspapers .\n4. Those running media corporations should be morally upright people who control their media companies in the public interest as these are organisations that potentially have a lot of influence through their control of information .\n5. The attitude of the person at the top towards how their company and its staff should conduct themselves informs how they do conduct themselves and engage in their business .\n6. Tom Watson MP has gone so far as to accuse Murdoch of being the first mafia boss in history who didnt know he was running a criminal enterprise .\n7. Murdochs News Corporation has shown their lack of moral scruples not just by engaging in industrial scale hacking but also by its determination to use its contacts to close down investigations by parliament or the police as well as being willing to destroy evidence and lie when giving evidence .\n8. Murdoch was therefore pushing narrow interests rather than the public interest .\n9. It is the owners and the management that create the corporate culture which in Murdoch tabloids meant profits at all costs and doing anything to get a story .", "targets": "Murdoch is morally unfit to run a powerful media company."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. These are simply not the values education can possibly support .\n2. This is just one example of why rap is not to be encouraged at all , let alone awarded a label of -LRB- so-called -RRB- `` poetry '' .\n3. Eminem has caused much offence and controversy over the years with his homophobic lyrics .\n4. It is unthinkable that rappers who promote gun crime , drugs and degrade women should be given a platform and even promoted in classrooms .\n5. Rappers like him must not be promoted as great artists in the classroom .\n6. Sir Andrew Motion , Professor of Creative writing at Royal Holloway , University of London , specified that ; `` Poetry is a house of many mansions .\n7. Given that the highly respected Royal Holloway University of London is one such institution that supports this , the future of poetry education and even poetry itself does not look hopeful .\n8. Rap has its own challenges and opportunities - but so do many other kinds of poetry , many of which are neglected in schools '' .\n9. It does pupils a disservice only to tell them things they already know .", "targets": "The future of poetry teaching looks dismal. It is falling into disrepute by citing rappers as modern day poets."} {"inputs": "The electoral college allows small third parties to tip the balance in a state and distort the preferences of the voters.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Nevertheless , Gore was the preferred choice of voters in a match up with George W. Bush .\n2. In 2000 , Ralph Nader siphoned a few votes from Al Gore in New Hampshire and Florida , costing Gore victories and thus the election ."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Under the status quo the state exists to protect the security of its citizens .\n2. It does so by maintaining a monopoly of violence with the consent of its citizens .\n3. US citizens have been allowed to bear small arms as a symbolic representation of their ability to rise up against state oppression should it ever occur .\n4. That is , to keep a check and balance upon the monopoly of violence that the state has .\n5. It is important to note that the state has the monopoly of violence such that it can protect its citizens in the best possible way .\n6. In the same way , the right to bear arms exists such that citizens can protect themselves and prevent harm .\n7. This means that should the state visit harm upon the citizens of the state then its right to claim a monopoly on violence is revoked and the citizens can fight against the state .\n8. In a similar fashion to the above , should the citizens of the state use their right to bear arms to visit harm upon one another , it seems reasonable that in the same way that the states monopoly on violence is revoked , the citizens should have their right to bear arms revoked .\n9. Given that this does not occur in every single part of the U.S. it also seems reasonable to isolate the ban to areas where the spirit of the right to bear arms is being significantly violated .\n10. In this case the ban is limited to DC however it could potentially extend to other areas in the U.S. which suffer similar problems .", "targets": "Individuals Should Not Have the Right to Bear Arms in DC"} {"inputs": "Banning a symbol of bigotry promotes racial tolerance.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. ag activates racially biased responding , by virtue of the ?\n2. ag 's cultural associations with prejudice , and results in negatively biased judgments of Black people '' .\n3. Empirical studies indicate that `` exposure to the Confederate ?\n4. ag led White participants to rate a hypothetical Black male character more negatively than those in the control condition .\n5. The effects of a general ban on the public display of the Confederate flag would reach beyond those whom it is so plainly meant to intimidate .\n6. It would remove what amounts to a constant visual reinforcement of Old Southern racial doctrines and would consequently help to cultivate a more tolerant society .\n7. These ?\n8. ndings support the argument that exposure to the Confederate ?\n9. Participants ' racial attitudes failed to predict the degree to which ?\n10. ag exposure produced more negative evaluations ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Such scroungers include the incurably lazy , those who are defrauding the taxpayer by claiming welfare while holding down a paying job , and those who are working in the black economy .\n2. Making the unemployed work for their welfare benefits calls the bluff of those claiming benefit but not really looking for jobs .\n3. Moving from a traditional something-for-nothing welfare scheme to a workfare system stops all these individuals from being a burden on the state , cutting welfare rolls very rapidly and allowing the government to concentrate upon assisting the truly needy .\n4. Furthermore , workfare schemes require applicants also search for work whilst completing the scheme .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Workfare will eliminate scroungers, who are a financial drain on the system"} {"inputs": "Claim: Wild animals belong in their natural habitat\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Excessive human involvement in the food cycle has disrupted it considerably .\n2. Let nature take its course .\n3. Predators need to hunt and taking from them their ability to do so by taming/caging/drugging them is beyond cruel .\n4. A study by the journal Science in 2008 found that ` Asian elephants in European zoos had a median lifespan of just 18.9 years compared to 41.7 years for wild elephants in an Asian logging camp . '\n5. They are ` prevented from gathering their own food , developing their own social orders and generally behaving in ways that are natural to them . '\n6. No matter how we may try to replicate their surrounding in a zoo , we will never achieve the full result .\n7. Animals belong in their natural habitat , in the wild .\n8. It is a breach of their natural rights to take them by force into captivity for our own purposes ."} {"inputs": "This House believes university education should be free\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "In order to foster social equality, the state must actively encourage groups in society without cultures of university attendance to seek higher education"} {"inputs": "This House believes democracy can be built as a result of interventions\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Incentivizes democratic development in other countries as well."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. The result of poor funding and bad governance is a decreased efficiency of security and military services in these states .\n2. In turn , this has resulted in destabilisation of the region .\n3. Africa is the least developed continent in the world and will struggle to independently maintain a specialised counter-terrorism force .\n4. Thirty four of its fifty four states are classed as least developed countries .\n5. Aid from the United States enables these African states to field financially viable forces which can then participate in counter-terrorism .\n6. Before military aid was cut to Egypt in 2013 , the US provided $ 1.3 billion annually to support one of the strongest militaries on the continent .\n7. Wages , training , and military equipment are expenses which few African countries can afford alone .\n8. Kenya , for example , had to disband its Police Reserve unit in 2004 as unpaid officers had turned to corruption to ensure a decent wage , despite the need to combat terrorism in the state as shown by the attack on Nairobis Westgate shopping mall .\n9. The World Bank Least Developed Countries Boniface , B. , Kenya to revive police reservists in Garissa to fight al-Shabaab BBC US withholds Egypt military aid over crackdown", "targets": "African states can\u2019t afford the full cost"} {"inputs": "This House believes the internet brings more harm than good\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "The quality of information online cannot always be relied upon"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Releasing works under a creative commons licensing scheme does a great deal to cope with these pressures .\n2. In the first instance it is a less draconian regime , so individuals are more willing to buy into it as a legitimate claim by artists rather than an onerous stranglehold on work .\n3. Only a tiny fraction of perpetrators are ever caught , and though they are often punished severely in an attempt to deter future crime , it has done little to stop their incidence .\n4. Copyright , in many cases , does not work in practice plain and simple .\n5. In fact , the level of internet piracy of books , music , and films has increased dramatically year on year for several years , increasing by 30 % in 2011 alone .\n6. This is because in many cases copyright laws are next to unenforceable , as the music and movie industries have learned to their annoyance in recent years , for example ninety percent of DVDs sold in China are bootlegs while even western consumers are increasingly bypassing copyright by using peer to peer networks .\n7. The state incurs huge costs in monitoring for copyright infringement , in arresting suspected perpetrators , in imprisonment of those found guilty , even though in reality nothing was stolen but an idea that , once released to it , belonged to the public domain more or less .\n8. Furthermore , the deterrent effect to copyright piracy generated by all the efforts of the state and firms has proven generally minimal .\n9. This increases compliance with the relaxed law .\n10. Secondly , the compliance means that artists are given the vocal crediting under the license rules that gives them more public exposure than clandestine copying could not .", "targets": "This House believes that all literature, art, photography, film and music should be released under Creative Commons licenses"} {"inputs": "1. Van Woudenberg , Anneke , How to Catch Joseph Kony , , 9 March 2012 ,\n2. One of the suggested solutions to the failure to capture Joseph Kony and leaders of the LRA is to have greater involvement of peacekeepers ; an ICC force would provide the same kind of help .\n3. An in house force would be solely focused on capturing the wanted war criminals so would both be focusing resources and much less likely to be sidetracked by other priorities -LRB- many of which may be influenced by politics -RRB- than national forces .\n4. An in-house enforcement arm would be more effective at capturing indictees than many of the forces of the state parties , as it is likely to be more competent than many of the under-resourced or under-trained national forces .\n5. Eight out of the thirty people indicted by the ICC -LRB- four in the Darfur situation , including Omar al-Bashir , three Lords Resistance Army leaders in Uganda and one in the DR Congo investigation -RRB- are still alive and avoiding justice .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "An ICC Enforcement arm would bring in a higher proportion of defendants in to trial"} {"inputs": "This House Would Abolish nuclear weapons\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Risk of nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Should n't parent mean the one who cared for you as a baby , got up in the night for you , saw you through teething and childhood illnesses , and worked hard to give you food , shelter and the best life they were able to provide ?\n2. In the case of children seeking the mother who gave them up for adoption , this is permissible specifically because of the relationship built up during pregnancy and birth .\n3. The concept of parenthood in the context of donor-assisted conception is complicated .\n4. Is someone who donated an egg or some sperm really a parent ?\n5. As such , given that donors never actually meet or speak to the real parents or the actual children , the situation is not at all like adoption or even surrogacy .\n6. It is more like blood donation , and therefore gives the recipient no rights over the donor .\n7. In the case of sperm donors , ` whether for money or out of altruism , the father has gone into a cubicle and masturbated into a container .\n8. There is a difference ' .", "targets": "This house believes Sperm and egg donors should retain their anonymity"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Unfortunately , there is a vicious circle , caused by poverty that many poor countries find themselves in .\n2. A poor country also means a poor , ill-funded government .\n3. Such an institution is either unhelpful in preventing poverty or a road block to poverty alleviation .\n4. A poor population is also unfortunately more likely to lead to an autocratic government .\n5. This phenomenon can be shown by looking at decolonisation .\n6. Poor countries when decolonised , even if they initially had democratic aspirations quickly fell to dictatorship .\n7. There are very few exceptions such as India that have managed to continually maintain a democratic government while poor .\n8. Wealthy countries when decolonised are much more likely to become democracies and once poor autocracies become rich the pressure for democratisation usually becomes unstoppable so countries like South Korea democratised as they became wealthy .\n9. There might be considered to be a wealth threshold about which states will become democracies .\n10. -LRB- 1 -RRB- The reason why poverty is likely to lead to dictatorship is simple ; a lack of an educated , effective civil service .", "targets": "This House believes that poverty is the most important security issue facing Africa"} {"inputs": "This House believes university education should be free\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Individuals have a right to equal opportunity in order to maximize their personal utility, and to break free from the social strata in which they are born"} {"inputs": "This House supports the development of a missile defence system\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "A strategic missile defense shield will be an effective defense against ballistic missile attacks targeted at the United States and its allies"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. -LSB- 1 -RSB- Its institutions involve surprisingly high costs -LRB- especially high when they dont achieve anything -RRB- but still complain of under-resourcing ; members are unwilling to commit any more funds , so nobody is happy .\n2. If its divisions are not bridged and ASEAN does not become a vehicle for real action , the charter may prove to be ASEAN 's tombstone rather than its future blueprint .\n3. -LSB- 1 -RSB- '' New ' ASEAN , old problems ' , 5/03/2009 ,\n4. Best to scrap it .\n5. It is expensive and it diverts attention from the proper efforts of members governments pursuit of the national interest .\n6. ASEAN is a total waste of time .\n7. Members frequently disagree with one another -LRB- on important international relations issues like the war on Iraq , and on regional economic issues like labour laws -RRB- , so the idea that it helps present a united front is incorrect - Yet , the `` new '' ASEAN looks a lot like the old one : united more in word than reality .\n8. It is yet another unnecessary talking shop .", "targets": "This House would disband ASEAN"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Denialism can be dangerous because it is likely to create perceptions that are likely to make conflict more likely again .\n2. For example the post-First World War Dolchstolegende -LRB- stab in the back myth -RRB- was used by the political right in Germany after WWI implied that the German Army had not lost but Germany had only done so due to the civilian leadership .\n3. By creating a historical record through the investigations and trial proceedings , International justice can create a narrative that helps fight denialism over events in the past .\n4. It creates an accepted version of events where both victim and accused have had their say .\n5. This not only encouraged a belief that Germany could win in another war but also as the accusation was levelled particularly at socialists and Jews helped pave the way for the holocaust .\n6. Goldstone , p422 Holocaust Encyclopedia , Antisemitism in history : World War I , , 10 June 2013 ,\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Justice is needed to help end denialism."} {"inputs": "Claim: States should respect the freedom from religion, as well as the freedom of religion.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. For school children who do not share the majority-Christian faith , Christmas celebrations require either their participation when they do not want to , through coercion , or their non-participation and therefore isolation whilst everyone else celebrations their inclusiveness .\n2. Christmas celebrations in the Western world , held in schools and public squares , do not respect the rights of those who are not religious .\n3. ` Happy Holidays ' is a generic term for the December break that does not discriminate between Christians and non-Christians , or indeed between the religious and the non-religious .\n4. States should instead be sponsoring and celebrating events that everyone can join in equally , regardless of religion , race or class .\n5. A tolerant , multi-cultural state would not stop there , but ban the public naming of Christmas and celebrate the ` holidays ' instead .\n6. Furthermore , even Christmas symbols like the Christmas symbol could be co-adopted to appeal to non-Christians ; Boston in 2005 re-named its Christmas Tree to ` Holiday Tree ' ."} {"inputs": "1. < http://www.histori.ca/peace/page.do?pageID=260 > .\n2. 1 Dec. 2011 .\n3. Specifically , Quebec was attempting to entrench recognition of their special status and needs as a distant society within Canada and this was denied .\n4. The Canadian Constitution was patriated in 1982 in a backroom deal known as the Meech Lake Accord where Quebec was explicitly excluded from the negotiations and their issues were ignored .\n5. Quebec has historically been denied the right to determine its own form of governance systematically and therefore the Canadian government has no right to claim legitimacy over Quebec and can not stop it from leaving the federation .\n6. All people have the right to determine their own form of government and representation and Quebec has been systematically denied this right .\n7. Historica , n. d. Web .\n8. `` The Meech Lake Accord . '' .\n9. Therefore , Quebec has the right to independence as its sovereignty was illegitimately taken from it and it is systematically denied adequate representation in Canadian politics .\n10. To this day , Quebec has refused to sign the Canadian constitution as it feels it doesnt adequately represent its interests and needs .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Quebec has the right to self-determination."} {"inputs": "A directly elected upper house is more democratic\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. An appointed or indirectly elected upper house violates this principle , because allows a group of individuals to exercise power without having to explain or justify themselves to the public .\n2. Democracy means self-governance by the people , wherein citizens have the fundamental right to decide how they are to be governed and by whom ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. If anything , countries with more homework get worse results !\n2. International comparisons of older students have found no positive relationship between the amount of homework set and average test scores - students in Japan and Denmark get little homework but score very well on tests .\n3. Some schools and some countries do n't bother with homework at all , and their results do not seem to suffer from it .\n4. Homework has little educational worth and adds nothing to the time spent in school .\n5. As Alfie Kohn notes , no study has ever found a link between homework and better tests results in elementary school , and there is no reason to believe it is necessary in high school .\n6. Studies show that homework adds nothing to standardised test scores for primary / elementary pupils .", "targets": "This House would ban homework"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. For the reasons outlined above , i.e. that voters may simply lack quality of choice in election time , giving them the ability to demand a recall decreases the democratic deficit .\n2. Having a recall mechanism focuses the minds of elected representatives and ensures that they keep the interests of their constituents constantly in mind .\n3. Not only will this lead to harder working politicians with higher ethical standards , it will also prevent them selling out to lobby groups and party whips .\n4. All too often elected representatives give way to the lure of business as usual in the capital city , and forget the folks who sent them there in the first place .\n5. A system which provides the opportunity for a recall will give voters more power than what they currently have cast a ballot once every four or five years .", "targets": "Recall mechanisms ensure leader accountability."} {"inputs": "1. Prohibiting loss leaders will prevent this abuse of market dominance by the big retail companies and ensure a fair deal for our farmers .\n2. If they refuse they will be dropped by the retailer and cut off from the marketplace .\n3. The American Antitrust Institute has concluded that these `` Resale price maintenance -LRB- RPM -RRB- '' agreementswhich are agreed upon because retailers have all of the leverageare usually illegal .\n4. The practice of loss leaders is bad for suppliers .\n5. Farmers and manufacturers are often forced by the dominant retail giants to participate in discount schemes , sharing the losses at the dictate of the retailer .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Banning loss leaders would help suppliers"} {"inputs": "1. If we can not trust juries to decide which evidence is relevant to the verdict and which is not , then the entire use of juries in the criminal justice system should be reconsidered .\n2. As the UK Governments White Paper states , we want less evidence to be withheld from the courts , on the principle that relevant evidence should be admissible ... magistrates , judges and juries have the common sense to evaluate relevant evidence and should be trusted to do so .\n3. A criminal justice system which currently relies on the ability of the jury to make a decision can not legitimately choose to withhold evidence from them without innately biasing the trial itself .\n4. Jurors should be allowed to weigh the relevance of previous convictions and compare them with the accusations of the trail at hand .\n5. Just because their verdict might be more prone to conviction rather than acquittal does not necessarily mean that this is an unfair or even inaccurate conclusion ; given that violent offenders are likely to re-offend , it may illuminate the truth rather than confuse it .\n6. It is nonsensical to withhold evidence from a jury that might be necessary for them to reach an accurate verdict .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Juries need to have all the information possible in order to reach a fair verdict."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Birthright citizenship prevents an increase in the number of illegal residents .\n2. As more children of current illegal aliens are denied citizenship , we will be creating a permanent , ` marginalized and undereducated ' underclass with few civil rights , likely to be alienated from our society but knowing no other homeland to which they could return .\n3. A recent Migration Policy Institute study found that the removal of birthright citizenship would lead to a 44 % increase in the illegal immigrant community .\n4. More illegal immigrants creates a hereditary poverty due to the understandable barriers to entry in the job market for non-citizens .\n5. Further to that , Jared Bernstein , a senior economist , argues that illegal immigrants are statistically poorer because they lack access to the economic advantages conferred by citizenship ; ` while 9.8 % of those naturalized are poor , the share for non-citizens is a whopping 21.6 % ' .\n6. To increase the amount of illegal immigrants with such statistics in mind would only serve to exacerbate the poverty of such groups and provide a sore for the state as a whole .", "targets": "This House believes states should offer citizenship to all children born in that state"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. For example , financial support and security makes it easier to take risks which may be economically beneficial , such as setting up a new business , or undergoing further education to improve employment prospects .\n2. The status quo discourages interdependence : the absence of property rights under the status quo encourages unmarried couples to act as individuals , protecting their own financial interests , rather than supporting each other .\n3. In UK law , their relationship with one another is not recognised as having any legal standing , and they have no special status in the eyes of the English legal system Individuals are usually more able to pursue their own ambitions when they have the support of another .", "targets": "This House would allow cohabiting couples who wish to end their relationships to request that the courts supervise the division of their property"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. As such , handguns , where they are freely available , are often used by most criminals for these purposes .\n2. Given that handguns are also more likely to cause accidental injuries - as a result of incompetence or recklessness - than a knife , it seems logical that handguns cause a much larger harm to citizens in places where they are freely available .\n3. Because of these unique capabilities they make excellent weapons for gang members who wish to remain inconspicuous to avoid being searched by the police .\n4. Further , they are also uniquely useful for other criminal actors such as drug dealers who need to be able to protect themselves , but also need to appear unassuming for clients .\n5. Shotguns and Rifles can easily be identified from a long distance making it easier to avoid those who are carrying them or conversely for the authorities check their motives for carrying arms .\n6. Handguns , being ranged weapons -LRB- as opposed to knives -RRB- , prevent people from opting to run away if they are confronted by an attacker and being concealable prevent any attempt at avoiding those carrying them .\n7. Handguns are specifically worse than most other weapons .\n8. They are weapons which are both concealable and portable .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Handguns are uniquely dangerous when compared with other weapons"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Al this could be lost through the careless extinction of plant and animal species .\n2. This was the case with the -LRB- now banned -RRB- dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane -LRB- DDT -RRB- pesticide , as the deterioration of the bald eagle and the peregrine falcon through their exposure to DDT in fact alerted humans to the potential health hazards of this pesticide , not just to animals but also to humans .\n3. Thus the preservation of endangered species helps to protect humans , as this means plants and animals continue to play their specific role in the world 's ecosystem which humans rely on , can act as an ` early warning ' for problems which may affect humans , and may hold the key to scientific and medical breakthroughs which can greatly benefit humanity .\n4. We live in a world built on a carefully balanced ecosystem in which all species play a role , and the removal of species from this can cause negative consequences for the whole ecosystem , including humans .\n5. There is also the potential for almost any species to hold currently-unknown future benefits to humans through products they could provide .\n6. Protecting endangered species helps protect humans : Humans actually benefit in a large number of ways from the protection of endangered species and thus continuing biodiversity .\n7. Firstly , the diversity of life and living systems is considered by many scientists to be a necessary condition for human development .\n8. One example of this is the Pacific yew -LRB- a tree species -RRB- which became the source of taxol , one of the most potent anticancer compounds ever discovered .\n9. Biodiversity also helps protect humans in that different species ' differing reactions to ecological problems may in fact act as a kind of ` early warning ' system of developing problems which may one day negatively affect people .\n10. One example of this is the scrub mint , an endangered plant species which has been found to contain an anti-fungal agent and a natural insecticide , and thus holds great potential for use that benefits humans .", "targets": "Protecting endangered species protects the interests of humans"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Hs2 , facts , figures and journey times ,\n2. While faster journeys provide some economic benefit the are as much a social benefit of making more places accessible by allowing individuals to spend less time traveling and more doing what they want to when they get there .\n3. From London the journey to Birmingham will be reduced from 84 to 49 minutes , Leeds from 132 to 82 and Manchester 128 to 68 .\n4. The most obvious benefit from high speed rail is that journey times will be less .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Faster travel between British cities"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Turkey has been heading towards being a one party , even a one person , state .\n2. Erdoan is intending to change the constitution is an attempt to institutionalise this .\n3. His new presidency would have the power to issue decrees with force of law , dissolve parliament and call elections , and to command the military .\n4. The attempt to change to a presidential system is clearly a move to enable Erdoan to avoid the limit of three terms in much the same way as Vladimir Putin did by switching jobs .\n5. A presidential system is not bad in principle but it should not be simply used as a vehicle for a particular politician .\n6. Moreover any change of such a magnitude in a democratic country should be done only with popular consent something that this change does not have .\n7. In a February 2013 poll 65.8 % of Turks favoured keeping the parliamentary system and only 21.2 % were in favour of a change to a presidential system .\n8. The Editors , Erdogan Shows Why Turkey Shouldnt Give Him More Power , , 3 June 2013 , Majority of Turks against switch to presidential system , survey reveals , , 19 February 2013 ,", "targets": "Attempts to change into an executive presidential system"} {"inputs": "1. The President of Vanuatu has noted If such a tragedy -LSB- the disappearance of a state -RSB- should happen , then the United Nations and its members will have failed in their first and most basic duty to a Member and its innocent people , as stated in Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations .\n2. As long ago as 1992 developed nations accepted the responsibility that they bear in the international pursuit to sustainable development in view of the pressures their societies place on the global environment and of the technologies and financial resources they command and that polluter should , in principle , bear the cost of pollution .\n3. There is also a Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness in which article 10 demands that any redrawing of borders must not render a person stateless , the principle behind which would equally apply to a disappearing state .\n4. The small island states are losing their countries through no fault of their own it is therefore the responsibility of other states to provide them with alternatives ; be this land or the resources to purchase land .\n5. McAdam , Disappearing states , statelessness and the boundaries of international law , , 2010 , , p. 4 The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development , Rio Declaration on Environment and Development , , 14 June 1992 , United Nations , Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness , , 1961 ,\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Other nations have an obligation to help"} {"inputs": "This House would force the media to display, promote and report womens sport equally to mens sport.\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Increased media coverage will lead to increased funding towards women\u2019s sport"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Poachers are only going to be further encouraged to disregard the trading ban , whatever the costs .\n2. Legitimate , regulated sales would undercut the illegal market and drive the poachers out of business , ensuring elephant populations are protected and remain stable .\n3. A trading ban does not choke off demand for the ivory , but instead raises the price to exorbitant levels , encouraging poaching .\n4. Demand since 1989 has been depressed by Japan 's economic problems , from which it is now emerging , while in China ivory is associated with prosperity and is a status symbol ; as the number of wealthy Chinese increases , so too is the demand and price of ivory .", "targets": "This house Would Lift the Ban on Ivory Trading"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. In addition , there is more likely to be a person staying at home , which saves on childcare .\n2. While it will not always be the case there are many ways in which living in groups can be more economical .\n3. For example , it is cheaper to cook in large quantities than if each person were cooking individually .\n4. Similarly , additional people in the house wont need another kitchen or necessarily another bathroom , so therefore its cheaper to live in groups particularly groups with multiple incomes .\n5. More providers can make great contributions to the home .\n6. It makes the family unit more efficient , as more people can pursue careers and bring in money , but due to economies of scale , less additional money will be needed for each additional partner .", "targets": "Polygamy makes having a family easier"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. By forcing them to disclose , any corruption or bias will become obvious to all .\n2. Mayer , Jane .\n3. Think tanks are considered more credible than corporate marketing .\n4. In the case of corporate marketing the recipient is aware that he is being sold a product .\n5. In the case of think tanks , the recipient believes he is being given unbiased information .\n6. Therefore , it is tempting for corporations to finance think tanks and encourage them to reach the conclusions that they otherwise would promote through marketing .\n7. This way , think tanks can be powerful tools for promoting a biased agenda : if done successfully the same message is communicated but in the form of credible information rather than manipulative marketing .\n8. In fact , it is common practice for journalists to quote think tanks without labelling their political bias .\n9. And they most certainly dont say if there is funding from a particular interest for example with the supposedly free market Institute of Public Affairs in Australia that somehow ends up arguing for government investment and intervention in Northern Australia a position suspiciously close to several big mining companies .\n10. This violates peoples freedom to make an informed decision , and can give biased views disproportionate and undue influence .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Think tanks\u2019 power of objectivity is the best form of marketing for biased views"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Bringing South Africa and Lesotho will benefit SA on the global stage .\n2. The move would be one to provide aid to a smaller state and provide stability .\n3. The dire conditions for the Basotho people are acknowledged by the UN and the Africa Union .\n4. Firstly , SA , by the annexation of Lesotho , will prove good intentions in creating a sustainable Sub-Saharan Africa .\n5. This will ultimately create a better image and a greater influence in the region if they choose to respond positively to the Peoples Charter Movement in Lesotho , a social structure pleading for annexation .\n6. The movement , driven by trade unions , has collected 30,000 signatures in favor of their goal and is rising in popularity .\n7. Secondly the annexation will provide a boost for the South African Development Community and South African Customs Union by demonstrating the willingness of South Africa to integrate with poorer neighbours and take on some of the responsibility for them .\n8. Smith , 2010 ,", "targets": "This House believes Lesotho should be annexed by South Africa"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Others committing equivalent or lesser crimes , without these special circumstances , may be imprisoned .\n2. Many people who commit serious crimes are not sent to prison because of their age , the effects upon their dependents or the likelihood that they will not re-offend .\n3. As the Australian Democrats argue , ` to deny -LSB- the right to vote -RSB- is to impose an additional penalty on top of that judged appropriate by the court ' .\n4. Even if it were ever right to deprive people of the vote as a punishment , this should not automatically be associated with imprisonment , but should be decided separately , as in France and Germany .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Linking a ban on voting to imprisonment is arbitrary and therefore wrong"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Second , it assumes that the answer to every local problem or issue is for the federal government to raise yet more tax revenue and bestow it from on high because Washington-knows-best .\n2. It is a symbol that makes it hard to resist spending both for politicians and their constituents .\n3. The use of earmarks erodes trust in politicians and the federal government for two reasons .\n4. First , it reinforces a belief that politicians ignore the wider national interest but are simply out for themselves , scrabbling to channel as much federal pork as possible back home in order to aggrandise themselves and ensure re-election .", "targets": "Earmarks erode trust in the government"} {"inputs": "1. It appears on every seal of public office , is flown outside every public building and a flag-shaped pin is worn upon the breast of virtually every public figure .\n2. It has become an endemic fixture in American culture and has come to be seen by people all over the United States , and the world , as a representation of the spirit and identity of nation .\n3. When destroying the flag of the United States it is the values of the United States that are under attack .\n4. Since the birth of the nation the flag of the United States , the eponymous `` Star-Spangled Banner '' , has been flown proudly in all parts of the country .\n5. Texas v. Johnson : The Flag Burning Case .\n6. Berkeley Heights : Enslow Publishers .\n7. The flag has been imbued with a special significance by the citizens of the United States , and is viewed almost universally with extensive reverence .\n8. It has come to be seen as emblematic of all the values and virtues of American society .\n9. In a way it is the physical sublimation of those values ; at least that is how it is often treated .\n10. For this reason , to destroy the flag is to destroy the values they represent , and thus the flag must be protected in order to protect the values of the nation the flag represents .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "The flag of the United States is its primary symbol of nationhood, with a unique importance in the eyes of most Americans, and thus should be protected"} {"inputs": "This House believes forced evictions are necessary for African cities to become global players.\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Forced evictions pave the road for African cities to set a trend towards Eco-Cities."} {"inputs": "Claim: Local cuisine deserves to be celebrated\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. By treating the whole world as our larder we have gained an enormous choice of foods , but at the cost of our own culinary heritage and folk traditions .\n2. This can cause problems as for example with local varieties of rice in Africa being lost due to competition from cheaper rice producers like Thailand .\n3. Shopping for local produce is also part of a wider movement to rediscover and celebrate local food cultures .\n4. The Slow Food movement emphasises the cultural importance of local cuisines based upon the range of foods that are available within a particular region .\n5. Local food restores this connection with the rhythm of the seasons , and connects us to the land around us and to our ancestors who helped to shape it .\n6. Each individual cuisine deserves to be preserved and encouraged .\n7. We have also lost a sense of seasonality , expecting asparagus and strawberries all year round ."} {"inputs": "1. The Government must protect its citizens from foreign enemies and internal enemies - thus freedom of speech can be acceptably curtailed during times of war in order to prevent propaganda and spying which might undermine the national interest .\n2. This has happened in almost all states during times of war , during the second world war the United States even had a government department dedicated to it ; The Office of Censorship .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "It may be necessary in the interests of national security"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Allowing a disproportionate influence to past leaders and those they have selected inevitably discourages new ideas and new voices .\n2. The decision in a democracy over the governance of the country or the leadership of the party should be determined by the populous or the members .\n3. Younge , Gary , Its up to the superdelegates to prove Democrats believe in democracy , , 18 February 2008\n4. The situation in which the superdelegates would be most likely to act were as the result of the membership of the party selecting someone from outside the political class or their friends in business .\n5. The influence of superdelegates acts as a vehicle for an elite that needs little help .\n6. There is no reason that this decision should not be left to the members , it is after their party and they should be represented by whosoever they see fit .\n7. It was worried that this might happen in 1998 in the close primary contest between Clinton and Obama .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "The disproportionate influence of former politicians inevitably benefits old, powerful, white men"} {"inputs": "Curfews also have an important role in the protection of vulnerable children.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Society should ensure that such neglected children are returned home safely and that their parents are made to face up to their responsibilities .\n2. Sir Ian Blair former chief commissioner of the Metropolitan police argued that curfews were aimed at safeguarding youngsters and stopping gangs causing trouble .\n3. Although responsible parents do not let young children out in the streets after dark , not all parents are responsible and inevitably their children suffer , both from crime and in accidents , and are likely to fall into bad habits .\n4. The use of child curfews can help to protect vulnerable children .\n5. 1 ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Being unable to exercise this right should not depend on income , so the state must financially assist couples who are unable to afford treatment .\n2. And even if we believe this right is not basic , and more a choice of a lifestyle , if the state has the possibility to ensure it to everyone , why not maximize rights and make as many people happy as possible .\n3. Couples who are unable to have children naturally , either because of medical infertility or because they are a same-sex couple , are unable to conceive children unless they are wealthy enough to afford private IVF treatment .\n4. This may affect many people given the extremely high cost of IVF treatment .\n5. The right to start a family is recognized in article 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights and article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .\n6. However , this right is apportioned unevenly .\n7. Having children is such an important aspect of most peoples lives that it should be considered a right .\n8. For many people , their status as parents is a key part of their identity , and their devotion towards their children is indicative of how important parenting is to them .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Equalizing the right to parenthood."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Child performers are exposed to a much higher level of responsibility than their peers , without the maturity to deal with it .\n2. They may be exposed to sex , drugs , or alcohol , in a context too far removed from a normal life that they dont learn adequate coping mechanisms .\n3. It is no surprise that many child performers burn out by the time they reach adulthood , often experiencing problems long before , as in the case of actress Drew Barrymore , who entered rehab at the age of 13 .\n4. Children should not be encouraged to enter into these adult worlds of acting , modeling , dancing , etc. .\n5. Michael Jackson attributed his obsession with children and childhood as a consequence of having missed out on a childhood himself .\n6. Barrymore , Little Girl Lost", "targets": "This House would ban child performers"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. This causes a number of problems .\n2. The current system of ` progressive ' taxation whereby higher earners are taxed a higher percentage of their income requires the identification and administration of multiple different tax brackets spanning the entire spectrum of earnings in a nation .\n3. Moreover , the administration of multiple tax brackets is incredibly complicated and difficult , requiring every taxpayer to record their income and expenditure -LRB- in order to try and qualify for tax exemptions and ` loopholes ' -RRB- in meticulous detail and then to properly express this on lengthy and complicated government forms , a process which can cause anger , frustration and alienation amongst taxpayers .\n4. The brackets themselves may be largely arbitrary cut-off lines based around round numbers , with no real justification as to why one person increasing their earnings by as little as 1000 should lead to them suddenly being propelled to a new tax bracket , when the actual difference to their income is negligible in overall terms .\n5. This may be contrasted with a flat tax system by taking the example of taxes on salaries paid to employees by a company under both systems .\n6. In order to try and prevent tax evasion , governments are consequently compelled to have large bureaucracies that oversee this process and comb through looking for fraud , a costly and lengthy process .\n7. However , under a flat tax , a tax collector could simply withhold the fixed flat tax rate -LRB- for example 20 % -RRB- of the total company 's payroll without needing to know what was paid to whom , as every pound is taxed at the same rate and thus it does not matter what goes to whom .\n8. In the status quo , a tax collector must be aware in detail of exactly what is being paid to whom in order to ensure that everyone declares their income truthfully , allowing them to be placed in the correct bracket .\n9. Thus the simplicity of a flat tax is a significant advantage .\n10. This would allow for a massive simplification of tax forms , and for the down-scaling of the costly government departments dedicated to administering the different tax brackets .", "targets": "This House Would introduce a flat tax"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. A better principle is if governments today are unable or unwilling to perform the duty to protect their people from harm -LRB- including state-imposed harm -RRB- , then their claims to sovereignty lose their moral force and intervention becomes justified .\n2. For example , Qaddafi of Libya was likening his citizens to cockroaches and rats , threatening to kill them house-by-house whilst speaking of his intent to indiscriminately attack the population of Benghazi .\n3. As such , there was significant concern that violence would have devastating impacts on Libyan civilians .\n4. The United Nations , in response , authorized NATO action .\n5. We can no longer argue that sovereignty must be considered absolute .\n6. Sovereignty was created as the means by which states justified the control of their territory to prevent foreign aggression .\n7. Since the creation of the United Nations , sovereignty is no longer as necessary to protect states , as most wars are not about territorial acquisition .\n8. Now it is primarily a barrier to the international community intervening when the state is abusing its own population .\n9. Through unleashing state military assets to attack his own population , Qaddafi made it clear that he was not a fit leader .\n10. The United Nations , as the representative of the international community , has the responsibility to protect those whose leaders have let them down .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Countries and governments have an obligation to protect human rights and defend their citizens from harm"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. World Bank Energy , Addressing the Electricity Access Gap , , June 2010 , p. 89 The World Bank , Energy The Facts , , 2013 , , SA-DRC pact paves way for Grand Inga , , 20 May 2013 , Pearce , Fred , Will Huge New Hydro Projects Bring Power to Africas People ?\n2. , , 30 May 2013 ,\n3. Children can not go to school The list of deprivation goes on .\n4. Conveniently it is suggested that the Grand Inga will thus provide more than half of the continent with renewable energy at a low price , providing electricity to half a billion people so eliminating much of this electricity gap .\n5. The world bank says lack of electricity affects human rights People can not access modern hospital services without electricity , or feel relief from sweltering heat .\n6. Food can not be refrigerated and businesses can not function .\n7. Only 29 % of Sub Saharan Africas population has access to electricity .\n8. This has immense consequences not just for the economy as production and investment is constrained but also on society .", "targets": "The dam would power Africa"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. The use of performance enhancing drugs is based on advances in science .\n2. When new drugs and therapies are found , athletes turn to them and as a result are much of the time ahead of the anti-doping organizations , which need to develop methods of athlete testing whenever a new drug that is meant to be untraceable is created .\n3. In 2008 it was a big shock when Riccardo Ricco -LRB- a cyclist -RRB- was caught using the performance-enhancing drug Mircera , which had been considered undetectable for a number of years .\n4. The fact is that a ban of performance enhancing drugs enables mainly athletes from wealthy countries and teams that can afford the newest technology to go undetected , whilst others are disadvantaged -LRB- 1 -RRB- .\n5. So because it gives an unfair advantage to the wealthy one who can pay for the undetectable drugs , we should legalize it .\n6. for Undetectable New Drug Mircera at 2008 Tour de France , 07/18/2008 , , accessed 05/20/2011", "targets": "Controlling, rather than ignoring, performance enhancing substances will improve competitive standards in sport"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Since the offshore drilling industry creates jobs and tax revenue -- and can be executed without jeopardizing the environmentthen it is a viable option for investment and should be pursued .\n2. It is estimated that the slow permit process for offshore drilling has cost the Gulf area 230,000 jobs and $ 44 billion including tax revenue .\n3. For that reason , cutting jobs and turning away tax revenue needlessly can not be justified .\n4. 2011 has proven to be one of the harshest American job markets since the 1970s .\n5. Turning down an industry that could promote jobs and tax revenue is therefore unwise , particularly when there are ways to make it safe .\n6. Having more money in the government 's coffers also never hurts considering that keeping a balanced budget is extremely difficult .\n7. Even in prosperous economic times , providing jobs and stable growth should be at the forefront of policy maker 's minds .", "targets": "The industry creates jobs and tax revenue."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. The examples of Syria and Sudan prove the inability of the international community to intervene in crisis situations -LRB- 2 -RRB- -LRB- 3 -RRB- .\n2. -LRB- 1 -RRB- Jihad in the Sahara , Jan 17th 2013 , -LRB- 2 -RRB- Genocide in Darfur , , 2013 , -LRB- 3 -RRB- Reuters , Syria Death Toll Tops 115,000 , Group Says , 1 October 2013 , -LRB- 4 -RRB- The number of armed conflicts increased strongly in 2011 , , 13 July 2013 , =\n3. It is clear that Africa can not rely on the international community to solve its conflicts .\n4. In order to be more independent , what the African Union needs is a standing army , which can intervene whenever there is a crisis .\n5. First of all , when looking at statistics , having dipped in the 1990s the number of conflicts is growing once more , the most recent events of Mali and the Algeria serving as a perfect example -LRB- 1 -RRB- .\n6. following a year -LRB- 2010 -RRB- that signalled hope for a more peaceful development , the number of conflicts increased by nearly 20 percent -LRB- 4 -RRB- .\n7. This has served to demonstrate Africas need for a force to engage in peace keeping and peace making .\n8. Despite the growing need for peacekeeping forces , there is reason to believe that the help coming from the international community will be insufficient .\n9. The dysfunctional structure of the UNSC , the body which approves all major international interventions .\n10. Russia and China , two countries which have a non interventionist approach on foreign policy , have veto power in this body ; which means a lot of possible interventions get vetoed .", "targets": "This House would, as the African Union, create a standing army"} {"inputs": "Logging is often used as a political tool by corrupt governments\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. For instance , in the 1980 ?\n2. Governments in tropical countries often feel that exploitation of natural resources is an opportunity for economic gain .\n3. In a more sinister example , logging was used by the Khmer Rouge to fund its civil war in Cambodia .\n4. Governments then use the revenues gained from this deforestation for political gain , either through feeding some of it back into society or by providing the newly created land to landless migrants .\n5. Even if corruption is not outright in terms of bribes , logging companies may seek concessions , low fees and taxes , or the waiving of international regulations in return for offering governments a percentage of the revenues from the sale of the wood .\n6. Corruption often begins at high levels and continues all the way down the government hierarchy .\n7. Frequently this involves collusion between the exploiters and government or the bribery of officials responsible for enforcement of conservation regulations or for the protection of reserves .\n8. Deforestation is often used as a tool for leverage in politics .\n9. This gives the government credibility as an economic force for good , though the sacrifice is sustainability and a condoning -LRB- even encouraging -RRB- of illegal logging .\n10. s , Malaysia , Indonesia and The Philippines exported 85 million cubic meters of wood -LRB- 4 % of the global wood supply -RRB- , worth about $ 3 billion , which has since grown to be one of their main industries ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Lewis , 3 .\n2. There is evidence to show that this alternative school system may benefit its students ; educators should not reject the opportunity without giving it a fair chance .\n3. Gabriel , 2011\n4. Only 12 percent of black fourth-grade boys are proficient in reading , compared with 38 percent of white boys , and only 12 percent of black eighth-grade boys are proficient in math , compared with 44 percent of white boys .\n5. Despite almost sixty years of integration , black students lag behind whites , and the difference is even greater for males .\n6. The idyllic image of integrated schools does not line up to reality ; black males are still at great risk for dropping out of school , being imprisoned and murdered at rates several times higher than young white men .\n7. Figures that are not explained just by poverty .", "targets": "This house supports the creation of single-race public schools"} {"inputs": "The British tabloid press has proved singularly incapable of regulating \u2013 or for that matter restraining \u2013 itself.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. The phone hacking scandal is simply a new low in the recent , tawdry life of the tabloid press .\n2. As the Leveson Inquiry is discovering , the use of private detectives , bribing police officers , and trailing the children of celebrities all seem to be common tricks not just for the News of the World but for tabloid journalism as an industry .\n3. Indeed , the journalist who broke the story for the Guardian admitted to the Levenson inquiry that he had hacked a phone on one occasion .\n4. Despite the protestation of the Guardians editors that 99 percent of journalists wouldnt know how to hack a phone , such practices and a culture that invades privacy seems commonplace ."} {"inputs": "This House Would Get A Masters Degree.\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "A Master\u2019s increases employability and gives graduates an added edge in the employment market"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. As a result they report what is both interesting and acceptable to those who consume the news and , for the vast majority of news outlets , the companies that advertise on the station , website or in the paper .\n2. Doing so would arguably be patronizing and certainly be financial suicide .\n3. Where there is no interest or , more frequently , an active lack of interest , news outlet do not - and should not impose a particular set of judgements or interests on their customers .\n4. Ultimately all news outlets report that which is of interest to their viewers .\n5. Pellot , Brian , 2012 , -LRB- Not -RRB- reporting homosexuality in the Middle East , , Krajnc , Anita , Al Jazeera Arabic ignores gay news , , 2 August 2010 ,\n6. This exactly shows the market in action ; Al Jazeera English broadcasts mostly to a European audience who are not offended by reports on gay rights whereas Al Jazeera Arabic is geared towards a Middle Eastern audience and does not challenge cultural values or orthodox religion .\n7. It is a clear example of sacrificing the good in the name of the best in the example given , the writer mentions that Al Jazeera covers stories relating to gay rights but does so on its English language channels .\n8. Expecting news outlets to ignore those simple realities is asking them to self-destruct by ignoring their market .", "targets": "Where there is a clear objection to discussing a certain subject, insisting on doing so is not news, it\u2019s propaganda."} {"inputs": "Claim: The ICC has an anti-African bias\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. The ICC has not brought actions against anyone involved in conflict in Colombia , or for the conflict in Sri Lanka or for human rights abuses around the world .\n2. Every person indicted by the ICC so far has been an African , for events which occurred in Africa , all bar one case , the Libya situation -LRB- in which no trials have started and seem a long way off -RRB- , are in sub-Saharan Africa .\n3. The ICC is simply selectively prosecuting ."} {"inputs": "This House believes transparency is necessary for security\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Transparency prevents public relations disasters"} {"inputs": "Language integration is already happening.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Creole languages are the ultimate form of language integration , and most would argue that this is n't language death , and can in fact enhance the culture through the new language .\n2. Bryson -LRB- 1991 -RRB- states that , `` According to Dr Loreto Todd of Leeds University , the world has sixty-one creoles -LRB- languages that are a mix of two different ones , such as the many different Pidgins spoken around the world -RRB- spoken by up to 200 million people . ''\n3. Integration is something that is already happening due to the existence of Creoles ."} {"inputs": "1. If we can access more of those , we can significantly benefit justice .\n2. Right now , there are thousands of rape kits sitting in evidence lockups in the police stations of less affluent districts .\n3. The justice system will be able to consistently produce fairer and more robust outcomes if the state enables conviction of criminals years after their crimes .\n4. DNA evidence is advancing steadily and will aid in prosecution .\n5. This means poorer jurisdictions can afford to utilize DNA analysis for the purposes of collecting evidence .\n6. Furthermore , even if it is not advancing significantly in terms of the methods we use at any given point , it is likely that the current methods we have will be streamlined and eventually go down in cost .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "DNA evidence gathering is advancing and becoming cheaper; using DNA evidence in prosecutions will lead to more just outcomes, even years after the commission of a crime."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. This is partly an issue of corporate identity , and partly a clever business proposition .\n2. Googles corporate motto is dont be evil .\n3. The key to Googles dominance in the search market is that users know Google will always deliver the search results most relevant to them .\n4. In both cases , complying with Chinese censorship rules damages Google as a company .\n5. By adhering to censorship laws , users will trust the relevance of Googles search results less , which hence erodes Googles business position as users will be more likely to try alternative search engines", "targets": "Not censoring helps Google\u2019s business proposition and corporate identity"} {"inputs": "This house believes that the EU should offer a closer partnership with Mediterranean countries\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "A partnership will be an incentive to Mediterranean countries to begin the process of democratization."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Given that the growth of annual emissions is being driven by developing countries , many developed countries -LRB- like the US -RRB- believe that any treaty that does not include developing countries -LRB- particularly China -RRB- would be fruitless .\n2. However , the developed world is unwilling to transfer wealth in exchange for a right to emit , particularly at a time when so many have large budget deficits .\n3. 1 .\n4. There is no meaningful global emissions reduction treaty ready for ratification and no reason to be optimistic that one is forthcoming .\n5. The Kyoto Protocol failed to reduce global GHG emissions and in the midst of an economic crisis , world leaders were unable to even agree to a replacement treaty when it expired .\n6. As such , developing countries will only agree to a global accord that pays for their emissions reductions/abatement .\n7. The developing world believes it has a legitimate right to expand economically without emissions caps because the rich world is responsible for the vast majority of emissions over the last 200 years and per capita emissions in developing countries are still far lower than in the developed world .", "targets": "Failure to reach global accord"} {"inputs": "Claim: A ban would save lives\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. , , 14 December 2012 , Matthews , Jake , For Lives and Liberty : Banning Assault Weapons in America , Harvard University Institute of Politics , 2012 , Peters , Rebecca , Will Sandy Hook massacre be Americas tipping point , , 17 December 2012 ,\n2. Masters , Brian , Americas deadly obsession with guns The Telegraph 16 December 2012 , Follman , Mark , et al. , A Guide to Mass Shootings in America , , 15 December 2012 , Wang , Sam , Did the federal ban on assault weapons matter ?\n3. An evaluation by the Australian National University found laws saved $ 500 million and halved the number of people killed by guns saving 200 lives every year .\n4. Taking the low estimate of 1 % of deaths from assault weapons that still means 90-100 people a year while the high 7 % means 630-700 lives that could be saved .\n5. While assault weapons are responsible for a relatively small amount of total gun deaths in the USA that is not a good reason for not banning them ; any life saved is worthwhile .\n6. The period of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban from 1994-2004 with the exception of 1999 , the year of the Columbine massacre -LRB- which notably involved a semi-automatic produced before the ban -RRB- , was also a peaceful period in terms of numbers of mass shootings .\n7. Out of 62 mass murders since 1982 almost half the weapons used , 67 out of 142 , were semi-automatic handguns and more than 30 were assault weapons .\n8. So some form of gun control is necessary and a ban on assault weapons is a good starting point .\n9. Murder by gunfire particularly affects children , in total well over a million Americans have died in this manner and 80 people continue to be shot in the states every day .\n10. To put things into the general context of gun crime within the United States every year 17,000 people are killed , 70 percent of them with guns and nearly 20,000 people commit suicide by shooting themselves ."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. In short , the results of the games are illegitimate .\n2. This is especially unfortunate when fans invest hours to watch a game -LRB- or hundreds of hours watching an entire season -RRB- , only to see the wrong outcomewhich could have been entirely avoidable if umpires were allowed to review their decision .\n3. There are times when umpires make incorrect calls that determine the outcomes of games or , worse , World Series championships -LRB- e.g. , Don Denkinger and the 1985 World Series , mentioned above -RRB- .\n4. These erroneous decisions lead to the team that deserved to win actually losing , and vice versa .", "targets": "With more accurate calls come more legitimate outcomes to games"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Whatever one thinks of the initial justifications for the war there is no doubt that the country , the region and the world are better and safer places without Saddam Hussein .\n2. It 's important to be clear that this debate is looking at the results of the Iraq war and , by any definition Iraq is in a much more stable and secure position than it was in 2003 when American , British and other international troops arrived in the country .\n3. It is easy to criticize the allies but it is worth bearing in mind that the alternative was leaving in power a man who had committed genocide was a vicious and brutal dictator under whose regime extra-judicial execution and detention , mass-murder and torture were commonplace .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Saddam Hussein is gone and Iraq is now functioning as one of very few democracies in the Middle East"} {"inputs": "Corporal Punishment for Adult Offenders\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Prison reform is politically unachievable"} {"inputs": "This House would cull badgers\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "A cull is needed to prevent bovine TB"} {"inputs": "This House Does Not Trust the Market for Improvements in Energy Standards.\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Only government is in a position to tie together the necessary legislation in terms of training, jobs and environmental standards"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. This would help to fill the 2million unfilled vacancies that exist in the EU with young people .\n2. Youth Business International , Global Youth Unemployment : a ticking timebomb , , 27 March 2013 , Youth Business International , Global Youth Unemployment : a ticking timebomb , , 27 March 2013 , European Commission , Youth Unemployment , , 2013 ,\n3. The temporary work scheme would encourage business to change their attitude and hire more young workers .\n4. Having to hire young people , even for a short time , would help break negative stereotypes and often the employers would then offer longer term work .\n5. When they are unemployed , the situation can be alarming .\n6. This is because of the importance of getting a job early on so as to avoid becoming long term unemployed .\n7. Rising youth unemployment can be considered an international timebomb .\n8. Young people are the next generation of workers and consumers in the economy .\n9. The lack of experience in work may cause a lost generation .\n10. This must be averted , and the EU is one of the best placed to do this .", "targets": "This House believes EU member states should guarantee people under 25 a temporary workplace when they have been unemployed for six months"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. There is little reason to doubt that they will .\n2. In an age when any fool with a cell phone and a twitter account can snap a topless pop star on the beach , tabloid hacks are under greater pressure than ever to go the extra mile .\n3. Against that background , when a flat out lie can be broadcast around the world in seconds , clearly a different legal and regulatory framework is needed from the old days of print where an apology was actually relevant however begrudgingly given .\n4. Privacy is already one of the dominant legal issues of our age that looks likely to become ever more the case .", "targets": "There have to be limits to the permissible levels of intrusion into people\u2019s lives, in an increasingly connected world people- celebrities or not- have never been more conscious of this simple fact."} {"inputs": "1. Factcheck.org , Presidents Winning Without Popular Vote , Annenberg Public Policy Center , 24 March 2008 ,\n2. In 1824 , 1876 , 1888 , 2000 , and probably 1960 , the candidate receiving the most votes for president lost the election .\n3. This occurs because all but two states award all their electoral votes to the candidate winning a plurality in the state ; because all states receive two electoral votes corresponding to their two US senators ; because the number of House seats -LRB- which serve as the basis of the remaining electoral votes -RRB- often poorly match the population of the state ; because states cast electoral votes no matter how many people actually vote ; and because the size of the House is arbitrary .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "The electoral college violates the democratic principle that the winner should be the candidate receiving the most votes."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. For example , ice cores such as those from Vostok , Antartica , give evidence of changes in climate going back 400,000 years , far older than the 6,000 or so calculated from a literal reading of Genesis .\n2. Similarly , there are many geographic features that took thousands or millions of years to form .\n3. For example , most of the stars in the sky are thousands and millions of lightyears away , which means that light took thousands and millions of years to reach us .\n4. Evidence from many different disciplines shows that the Earth is very old , allowing enough time for life as it exists today to evolve and contradicting a Creationist belief in a young earth .\n5. Bjrn Feuerbacher , Determining Distances to Astronomical Objects , , Accessed 1/6/2011 Vostok Ice Core , , Accessed 2/6/2011\n6. There are many different indicators that all point to an old age of the Earth .\n7. All the evidence points this way , from archaeology , geology , physics , astronomy and more .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "The Age of the Earth"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. The crisis in the financial sector has confirmed for many that government and large financial institutions have simply got too close .\n2. A libertarian agenda is one that draws people from across the political spectrum .\n3. The primary reason why people can approach libertarianism from across the political spectrum is that , as a philosophy , it doesnt seek to judge individual policies .\n4. Republicans say they can reduce the size of government but never do , Democrats say they can regulate corporations but show no sign of doing so .\n5. So policies traditionally associated with the left the legalization of drugs or gay rights as well as those of the right - independence for schools and reducing taxation both fall within a Libertarian agenda that simply says that none of these issues are any business of the state .", "targets": "This House would be a libertarian; right or left, right or wrong."} {"inputs": "This House supports a progressive tax rate\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Progressive taxation promotes a more equal, more harmonious society"} {"inputs": "Stability is more important than reform\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. -LRB- 1 -RRB-\n2. This is also proven from various polls among the Russian population The most eye-catching statistic is the overwhelming majority of respondents who say that order is more important for Russia than democracy 72 per cent , with 16 per cent responding conversely .\n3. A strong leader is the only solution to providing such stability , setting a clear direction and pulling a country at risk of falling apart together again .\n4. In a period of such chaos , stability seems to be much more important than reform .\n5. The chaos of economic and political reform , along with the chaos of the break-up of former USSR , has left the majority of the population both disillusioned and distrustful of their government .\n6. The introduction of market reforms and privatization has led to a swift increase in inequalities coupled with an increase in corruption .\n7. Since the fall of communism , Russia has plunged into a deep economic recession ."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Skolnik , Sam , , Beacon Press , 2011 , Chapter 5\n2. Because they can be legally sited anywhere in the world , they can pick countries with no rules to protect customers .\n3. Online gambling sites can also get around government regulations that limit the dangers of betting .\n4. It is very hard to know the identity of an online gambler there have been several cases of people -LRB- including children -RRB- using stolen credit cards to gamble online .\n5. In the United States in 1999 the National Gambling Impact Study stated `` the high-speed instant gratification of Internet games and the high level of privacy they offer may exacerbate problem and pathological gambling '' , and it is estimated that 75 % of internet gamblers are problem gamblers , compared with 20 % of those who visit casinos .\n6. They may therefore be less reluctant to wager very large sums they can not afford .\n7. This also means that they are gambling in private .\n8. Someone can become addicted very easily they dont even need to leave their home , and online gambling sites are available at all hours .", "targets": "Online gambling has increased the incidence of gambling addiction"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. , `` Euroland businesses are nowable to raise money for investment across the entire single currency zone , making it easier and cheaper .\n2. British companies , on the other hand , are still largely constrained to drumming up money from within Britain if they want to expand .\n3. Joining the European single currency -LRB- the Euro -RRB- may appear unfavourable to Britain , but the negative effect of not joining would be more unfavourable .\n4. As explained by Anthony Browne in The Euro : Should Britain join ?\n5. Browne , A. , `` The Euro : Should Britain Join ? ''\n6. , Page 89 Morgan , O. `` Nissan tells Blair ` join Euro ' '' , 27 May 2011 , The Guardian\n7. Eurozone businesses find it easy to raise money , for they are spared currency conversion charges .\n8. The carmaker Nissan has previously told the British government that eliminating exchange rate risk by siting production in the same currency zone as its sales market will be its preferred option .", "targets": "Britain will lose economically if she stays out of the Euro over the long term."} {"inputs": "The Tobin tax generates enormous amounts of aid.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. The revenue generating potential of the tax is tremendous .\n2. The Tobin Tax is an efficient and relatively painless way to raise billions of dollars per year that could easily be used to fund UN aid efforts .\n3. Even if we take the smaller amount , this would match existing levels of official aid .\n4. A recent study by the Institute for Development Studies at Sussex University has showed that a 0.0005 % global tax on foreign exchange trades alone could raise up to $ 26bn per year in aid .\n5. For comparison , the total annual UN budget is about $ 10 billion .\n6. The UN and World Bank estimated in 1997 that the cost of wiping out the worst forms of poverty and providing basic environmental protection would be about $ 225 billion per year .\n7. Given the current levels of poverty in the world and the desperate situations that we have seen emerging over and over again in the developing world -LRB- e.g. the Asian tsunami , or Kashmiri earthquake -RRB- , the need for increased funds for aid seems clear ."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Without the structure provided by school attendance , children become bored easily and parents struggle to cope .\n2. For many parents , particularly those with more than one child , summer vacations can be a stressful and difficult time .\n3. Year-round schooling makes such a work-life balance easier for young parents and allows women to return to the workplace on their own terms .\n4. This is especially true for mothers who may be bringing up children without a father present , or those who wish to continue or resume their careers after the first few years of motherhood ; trying to combine a full-time job with the rigours of motherhood is hard but trying to do so during a three month school holiday is almost impossible .", "targets": "Year-round learning can help reduce the burden on parents."} {"inputs": "This House would detain people on grounds of mental health\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "We have a duty to the patient's best interest."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. The state does so by implementing a minimum wage .\n2. This exploitation will continue indefinitely , unless the state intervenes .\n3. In order to increase profits , firms will seek to exploit workers , to lower wages as far as possible .\n4. Businesses operating in a free market are concerned principally with their bottom lines .\n5. Certainly , it is far better for state , which has citizens best interest at heart , to weigh in on the issue of setting wages than businesses , which tend not to care about their workers welfare or have competing interests .\n6. In order to stop this outright exploitation of the most vulnerable members of society , the power of wage setting must fall to some extent within the purview of the state .\n7. This makes them the easiest to manipulate and the easiest to replace .\n8. The lowest paid workers tend to be less educated , less skilled , and less organized than higher-paid employees .\n9. This is important as a means to assist the self-empowerment of the poorest members of society , by encouraging them to value themselves .\n10. Furthermore , a minimum wage sends a social signal of valuation ; it affirms that all people have worth , can not be exploited , and are owed by dint of their humanity a certain level of treatment in the workforce , i.e. a minimum wage .", "targets": "This House believes in a national minimum wage"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. It seems only logical to describe public displays by other terminology as this would reflect more truly on the celebrations of the winter period .\n2. Very rarely now are the traditional symbols of a Christian Christmas actually displayed publicly or even in the homes of Christians themselves , with many preferring the symbolism of the modern multi-cultural Christmas .\n3. A UK study found that three out of four employers have banned Christmas decorations because they are concerned not to offend other faiths .\n4. The holiday has transcended its origins , while it still represents some conceptual Christian notions it is no longer for the most part a Christian festival .\n5. Much of the symbolism now used has more relation to Pagan traditions than Christian ones with things such as the Christmas tree and mistletoe originating from the pre-Christian religion , in addition other common symbols have come from popular culture such as snowmen and reindeer .\n6. The Christmas break is no longer a Christian festival , but a multi-cultural celebration during Christmas ; the state should not be sponsoring events specific to Christians during a holiday for all religious and non-religious citizens .\n7. Christmas is now celebrated not only in Western nations but the world over , it is celebrated not only by individuals which are not Christian but whole nations which do not subscribe to the Christian belief system .", "targets": "Christmas is no longer a Christian festival, but a multi-cultural celebration during December."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. To force a woman to produce a living , constant reminder of that act is unfair on both mother and child .\n2. Women , and in some cases girls , who have been raped should not have to suffer the additional torment of being pregnant with the product of that ordeal .\n3. There are cases where school students are impregnated through rape .\n4. In cases where the rape victim can not afford or is not ready to have a child , abortion can do both the victim and the unborn baby a favor .\n5. Babies born to unready mothers are likely to be neglected or would not be able to enjoy what other children have , be it due to financial reasons or the unwillingness of the mothers to bring up the `` unwanted children '' .\n6. Pregnancy itself is a constant reminder of the sexual assault they underwent and might cause emotional instability , which will affect their studies , and subsequently their future .", "targets": "This house believes in the woman's right to choose"} {"inputs": "Commercialization of the Games erodes the idea of taking part for its own sake.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. This prevents competition on an equal footing , one feature of the Olympic Dream .\n2. The United States , for example , benefits from huge funding from over 100 corporations for its team and can thus train them to far higher levels than developing countries can -LRB- Multinational Monitor , 2008 -RRB- .\n3. As one of these 100-plus companies , Citi paid $ 30 million purely to be the ` official bank of the 2012 United States Olympic Team ' -LRB- Belson , 2011 -RRB- .\n4. The Olympic Dream is that competing narrative attempting to weave the values of friendship , respect and excellence into the home viewer .\n5. Furthermore , corporate sponsorship concentrates on the richest countries ' athletes .\n6. As is the auctioning off of ` virtually every aspect of the Games to the highest bidder . '\n7. Whilst a recent report indicates that sport is still at the centre of the Olympics , ` the volume of commercial messages drowns out any competing narratives apart from sports ' -LRB- Multinational Monitor , 2008 , p. 8 -RRB- .\n8. The massive commercialisation of the Games erodes the idea of taking part for its own sake : with so much sponsorship money at stake , winning at all costs is the inevitable aim .\n9. The rule of the sponsors seems more important than the sport : interrupting television coverage of the events to advertise is symptomatic of this , permitting McDonalds to sponsor a sports event is another ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. As well as developing their own economy and their manufacturing or service sectors , they may need to build trade infrastructure in other ways .\n2. To gear up to be successful trading partners , developing countries often need to go through a number of key changes .\n3. Although such developments may come about as a facilitator for trade , in the best case scenario they may be seen as structural changes which will have a trickle-down benefit for the broader society in the underdeveloped country .\n4. For example , increased trade would focus their attention on such things as good governance , the benefits of a broadly stable currency and internal security .\n5. China for example has reformed its agriculture , created a large manufacturing sector and is increasingly moving into high tech sectors as a result of trading with , particularly exporting to , the rich world and as a result has lifted more than 600 million people out of poverty between 1981 and 2004 .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Trade provides developing countries with an important basis for their own improvement."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Theft is taking something from someone who is the rightful owner without their permission .\n2. It doesnt matter if the rightful owner keeps an original version or not .\n3. If you are downloading music from an unofficial source , you are stealing it : The only way you can get the right to listen to that song is via a legal transaction from which the rights owner can make a profit\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Theft is an assumption of property rights"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. The National Lottery -LRB- UK -RRB- was initially founded on the principle of providing funding for the arts , sport and heritage with funding for projects that would not otherwise get off the ground , and in recent years there has been a drive by the government to return the distribution of lottery money to those causes .\n2. It is a widely known fact that a large proportion of the money made from selling lottery tickets goes directly to good causes and schemes run by the government to help improve the lives of the people who buy the tickets in the first place .\n3. This is an incredible sum of money , made possible by the fact that government endorsement allows for greater awareness of the competition meaning more players and more money going to charity .\n4. According to the official National Lottery website , `` Camelot already runs the most cost-efficient lottery in Europe - an achievement that has helped the UK National Lottery to generate over26 billion for the Good Causes , and counting '' .\n5. Were the lottery to be de-nationalised , there would be no guarantee of these essential donations - the lottery would simply become another form of gambling which profits the organisers above all else .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "National lotteries are also one of the largest contributors to charitable causes."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. So for example if Mississippi and New Mexico were paying for all their services themselves from their own taxes they would have debts of over 500 % of GDP , however at the beginning of the Republic it was the Southern States who were the richest due to their cotton wealth .\n2. Federal states tend to be larger and have different economic cycles .\n3. This allows the overall state to cope with different economic cycles by using fiscal transfers -LRB- tax -RRB- between wealthier states and poorer states to fund government programmes .", "targets": "This house believes that Federal States are better than unitary nations"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. We should demand reciprocity , so that countries seeking investments abroad must open up their own economies fully before they are allowed to hold significant assets elsewhere .\n2. He has also pointed out that many countries operating SWFs protect their domestic economy from foreign competition and investment .\n3. Most countries maintain secrecy about the size of their funds and the extent of their holdings , their accountability to government , their investment strategies and their approach to risk management .\n4. Sovereign wealth funds suffer from an almost total lack of transparency .\n5. For these reasons , Jeffrey Garten of Yale has argued that SWFs should be obliged to publish independently audited accounts twice a year .\n6. Without knowing these things , it is impossible to gauge whether political or economic objectives will dominate the SWFs behaviour , or indeed whether they will make safe and responsible shareholders in any business secrecy breeds corruption .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Sovereign Wealth funds are not transparent"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. The United Nations should take on this responsibility to protect people when their governments are unable or unwilling to do so , in order to prevent mass killings , genocide and other atrocities .\n2. Citizens should be protected by individual governments , however if governments are either partaking in or failing to prevent genocide and mass atrocities , then another global actor needs to take action .\n3. Moving from a situation where the UN placed the rights of states above those of their people , to one where individual rights are given the greater priority is surely morally essential .\n4. If we believe human rights have any meaning at all , then they must be universal and therefore our obligation to protect citizens from such horrors must apply regardless of state boundaries .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "The United Nations has a responsibility to prevent genocide and mass atrocities."} {"inputs": "This House believes that freedom of expression is more important than religious sensitivities\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Stifling progress and the right of others"} {"inputs": "1. With neither side willing to consider sitting down with the other it is difficult to see how Annans plan can ever get anywhere no matter how long it is kept on life support .\n2. The opposition meanwhile argues The country has been destroyed and they want us then to sit with the killer ?\n3. Mutual consent however means both sides have a veto ; Assad would have to agree and he is not going to agree to a government which he is not involved in .\n4. As a follow up to the six point plan on the 1 July in Geneva it was agreed that a transitional government would be set up which could include members of the present government and the opposition and other groups and shall be formed on the basis of mutual consent .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "The Syrian opposition will never be willing to deal with Assad."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. This is important in two ways : Making sexual orientation a category for asylum not only saves lives , but also sends a strong and influential message that helps craft policy in nations who use discrimination as a tool of oppression against the LGBT community .\n2. Not only can this policy influence current state behaviour , but that the influence and change that creates becomes part of a larger global move towards universal acceptance of the norm and the diffusion of that idea throughout all strata of society .\n3. This has immense impact on pressuring governments to change their policies .\n4. Granting asylum to people on the basis of sexual orientation sends a clear message to the international community that it is not okay to discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation and that the West not only strongly disapproves of this behaviour , but that , more importantly , they will take active steps to counter-act your discriminatory policies .\n5. Through the use of soft power , the policies of nations are slowly but surely moderated and a global consensus is created .\n6. What is important to note here is that there is a gradual normative consensus that is manufactured under this system .\n7. One of the most powerful weapons in the international communitys arsenal is the soft power of condemnation .\n8. Global consensus on progressive rights for the LGBT community will be aided through this policy .\n9. The West with its immense wealth and importance in international institutions such as the United Nations have a lot of power when it comes to influencing discriminatory policies in other nations .\n10. One of the most important things the international community can do is use its weight and influence to advocate protection of vulnerable peoples and promote moral and social causes .", "targets": "This House believes that sexual orientation should be considered grounds for asylum."} {"inputs": "This House would abolish the US Electoral College\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "The electoral college weakens incentives for voting and party building."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Animals are trained to perform tricks using whips , electronic goads , sticks , food-deprivation etc. .\n2. The circus is another arena in which human beings abuse other animals .\n3. The necessity of regular transportation means that the circus can never provide an appropriate home for wild animals .\n4. Wild animals such as lions , tigers , and elephants are kept in shamefully inadequate conditions in tiny spaces .\n5. And what for ?\n6. These animals are forced to travel thousands of miles in cramped and squalid conditions and frequently end up physically and mentally ill .\n7. What sort of lesson does it teach our children about non-human animals to take them to the circus and see these great creatures demeaned and controlled by force to perform silly tricks ?\n8. Purely for the entertainment of we arrogant exploitative humans .\n9. The main purpose of horse - and dog-racing is for human beings to indulge their penchant for gambling .\n10. Horses and dogs are among the principle victims of exploitation in human sporting activities .", "targets": "This House would ban the use of animals as objects of sport and entertainment"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. -LSB- 7 -RSB-\n2. Parents who left school at a young age are also more likely to have children who leave school early -LRB- only 60 % of those children stay in education past 16 -RRB- -LSB- 6 -RSB- .\n3. Forcing all children to stay in school longer will help break this cycle of disadvantage .\n4. Making sure that everyone gets the same amount of time at school promotes equality .\n5. At the moment leaving school early is linked to economic and social disadvantage : those from poorer areas and families are more likely to leave school early than those from wealthier families .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Raising the school leaving age promotes equal opportunities"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Available :\n2. A Rivalry that Threatens the World . .\n3. Even wealthy , small states are susceptible to foreign attack , since their wealth can not make up for their lack of manpower .\n4. This is particularly true of small and poor states .\n5. Often states lack the capacity to defend themselves with conventional weapons .\n6. States , as the building blocks of international society , have an inviolable right to self-defense , and this right extends to the possession of miniature , tactical nuclear weapons .\n7. Clearly , nuclear weapons serve in many ways to equalize states irrespective of size , allowing them to more effectively defend themselves .\n8. An example of this is the 2008 invasion of Georgia by Russian troops , which would likely never have occurred had Georgia possessed an arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons , as Russia would have thought twice when considering that its large tank formations could be wiped out by a single well-placed tactical warhead .\n9. If a large state attempts to intimidate , or even invade a smaller neighbor , it will be unable to effectively cow it , since the small state will have the power to severely damage , or even destroy , the would-be invader 's military capacity with a few well-placed miniature nuclear missiles -LSB- 1 -RSB- .\n10. When armed with tactical nuclear weapons , all states become equal in terms of capacity to do harm to one another .", "targets": "All countries have an inherent right to self-defense even when they lack the capacity to do so with conventional weapons."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Some parents are carriers of known sex-specific diseases .\n2. Microsort .\n3. Males disproportionately suffer from X chromosome problems because their body has no copy to fall back on These range in nature from baldness and colour blindness to muscular dystrophy and haemophilia .\n4. It is obviously in the child 's interests that they do n't have such a condition .\n5. Women are disproportionately affected by diseases of the immune system .\n6. Retrieved May 20 , 2011 , from Genetics and IVF Institute :\n7. Determining its gender can ensure that .\n8. The MicroSort technique uses a ` sperm-sifting ' machine to detect the minute difference between y and double x chromosome-carrying sperm : no genetic harm results from its use .\n9. Fragile X Syndrome .\n10. Retrieved May 20 , 2011 , from BBC Health : 2 .", "targets": "Sex-specific, generic diseases can be avoided"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. In a free market , goods are voluntarily exchanged at a price arranged solely by the mutual consent of sellers and buyers .\n2. The aggregate market price is the result of all individual transactions and contains important information for both buyers and sellers .\n3. When there is more demand than supply , prices rise -LRB- because buyers have to outbid each other -RRB- , making it attractive for new producers to enter the market and thus adding supply .\n4. When there is more supply than demand , prices fall , causing some sellers to leave the market since their production costs are higher than the price at which they can sell .\n5. Thus , in the long run , markets settle on an equilibrium price where demand and supply are exactly equal .\n6. Examples of the free market actually working are all around us : take the supply of the pen and paper used to take notes on .\n7. If the price is too high at one store , anyone would move to another store where its cheaper .\n8. Therefore , sellers have an incentive to provide the best quality at the lowest price .\n9. Central planning can never be as efficient as myriads of individually planning buyers and sellers in reaching this equilibrium .\n10. For example , a central planner who sets a price floor will likely create excess supply in that specific market .", "targets": "The free market is the most efficient way to match supply and demand"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Much like the Scottish and Welsh , the Northern Irish feel Northern Irish .\n2. There is little sense of attachment to the UK , and British institutions .\n3. If they are included more in the political process there can be debate , discussion and an airing of grievances which can then be resolved .\n4. A united Ireland doesnt have to marginalize the Protestant population .\n5. If Unionists are included in the political process in a united Ireland they will have no grievances and there will finally be a lasting peace .\n6. It is clear that Unionists just want to have power over how they run their lives .\n7. This shows that the ties to Britain are not emotional , but political .", "targets": "Uniting Ireland would bring about an end to sectarian violence"} {"inputs": "Claim: Legal coca cultivation would enhance economic growth in developing states\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. The legalization of coca cultivation globally would allow for the expansion of these economic benefits .\n2. The coca leaf may have uses as a stimulant and flavouring agent in drinks -LRB- in which it is currently used to a limited extent in the West -RRB- , but also in the expansion of the many domestic products currently in use in the Andes , including syrups , teas , shampoo and toothpaste .\n3. When it is allowed , however , coca cultivation can actually have economic benefits .\n4. Peasant cultivators in the Andes have indicated their belief that coca chewing helps increase production in agriculture , fisheries and mining .\n5. Pasquale Quispe , 53 , owner of a 7.4-acre Bolivian coca farm , explained to the New York Times in 2006 : Coca is our daily bread , what gives us work , what gives us our livelihood .\n6. Previous attempts to eradicate coca cultivation in Bolivia harmed the poorest farmers there and led to significant social unrest .\n7. Millions of people in South America chew coca leaves , so this practice can not simply be wished away .\n8. Moreover , it currently acts as a vital income source in many impoverished areas of the Andes .\n9. It may also have a use as a general anaesthetic .\n10. Only the legalization of its cultivation globally will allow these product and economic potentials to be fully realized and allow humanity to reap the full rewards of the coca plant , rather than simply being limited by the fear and stigma surrounding its illegal use in cocaine ."} {"inputs": "Claim: The ban on homework could be easily enforced through school inspections\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Children , who do n't like homework at the best of times , would not lie .\n2. A ban on homework would thus not require a level of trust between the state and individual school principals , for state inspectors could very quickly work out whether homework was being given out by asking the children themselves .\n3. In Britain for example , Ofsted is a public body that exists specifically to inspect public schools .\n4. In many countries public schools require regular school inspections to ensure students are receiving a relatively equal level of education ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Arts , ,\n2. It is difficult to see who benefits from such an arrangement .\n3. It also means that graduates are likely to be destined to long term financial instability because of a decision they made as a teenager .\n4. As well as being an issue for the individual , this affects wider society , as those on lower incomes are more likely to become dependent on the state at some point in their life and are less well placed to stimulate other sectors of the economy through their own consumption .\n5. It is a simple fact that degrees in the Arts offer less earning potential than those in all other sectors -LRB- except Education and social work -RRB- .\n6. The median in the US is $ 45,000 but this disguises the lower end of the scale , with 25 % earning $ 30,000 a year or less .\n7. The median earning figure across Arts degrees is , itself deceptive .\n8. Teachers and social workers may have comparatively low salaries but at least they can be assured of job security .\n9. Unlike education and social work which at least tend to have the consistency of a government salary , the Arts are also fantastically unreliable as an employment sector .\n10. As a result , encouraging the creative arts through university qualifications places both an initial and , potentially , ongoing cost on the rest of society .", "targets": "This House believes degrees in the creative arts are luxuries society can no longer afford"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. In the Philippines this will mean greater numbers of teen pregnancies and pregnancies out of marriage because abortion will remain illegal .\n2. Allowing contraception will take away a psychological barrier that prevents pre-marital or casual sex and once that barrier is crossed the individual will have higher sexual activity .\n3. The Reproductive Health bill undermines both .\n4. Perhaps the most important values in the Philippines are social harmony and respect for the family .\n5. With a single-mindedness of purpose , the presidential palace has put everything on the table to shore up the votes required in parliament .\n6. The Reproductive Health bill represents the worst excesses of the pork barrel buffet .\n7. Obviously the bill has been very politically divisive so undermining social harmony but also to pass this bill many parliamentarians had to be bribed so undermining this social harmony .\n8. In terms of politics these values mean support for democracy but also being against corruption and graft .\n9. Dolan , Ronald E. , ed. , .\n10. Legislators , who had previously voted against the legislation , often repeatedly , where threatened with the loss of programmes in their constituencies if they failed to back the project , which has been at the heart of the presidential agenda .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "The bill violates the Philippine values of harmony and respect"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Many firms also offer so-called defined benefit pension plans to their workers .\n2. Pensions of this type guarantee that a worker will receive a certain , regular level of income on retirement an amount calculated according to a fixed formula that takes account of an employees salary and the length of their service with a company .\n3. Creating a mandatory retirement age ensures that businesses will be able to maintain employees pension plans and healthcare schemes .\n4. In many liberal democracies that operate without centralised , government sponsored welfare systems , the support provided by employers insurance systems is the only means of obtaining hospital care or a retirement income for a large number of working age individuals .\n5. Further , as individuals age they will represent more of a risk in terms of healthcare liabilities .\n6. As an individual ages , the likelihood that she will develop chronic diseases such as cancer increases .\n7. As the Ford motor company attempted to do in 2010 , many firms will attempt to remove older employees who show no desire to retire of their own volition .\n8. The older an employee is at the point of retirement , the more money - under a defined benefit plan - a firm will have to pay out in the form of pension contributions .\n9. The greater the aggregate age of a companys workforce , the more likely it is that the company will , at some point , have to cover the costs of treating a serious illness .\n10. Two specific harms result from this situation .", "targets": "This House would institute a mandatory retirement age"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Further , other sources of potential distraction , such as passengers or car radios , may provide a net gain in utility to road users and other stakeholders in mass transit systems .\n2. As such the fact that other distractions exist , even if they are as harmful as cellphones , is no reason to not to ban their use .\n3. They are an object which can easily be identified , and with phone bills it is possible to find out if a person is lying when they are caught for using cell phones in cars .\n4. Cell phones in cars , unlike a variety of other distractions , can be regulated easily .\n5. Car radios are somewhat more controversial and principally if they prove to be as bad a distraction as a mobile phone then proposition would have no problem with banning them .\n6. For example , children might require their parents to drive them to school .\n7. To take this argument further , there are many people who can not drive but require use of cars .\n8. Being able to carry multiple people in cars for example helps society through a reduction in carbon emissions as well as simply through a reduction in traffic .\n9. Whilst they may be distracting , given the huge benefit they cause for society it is legitimate for them to be allowed .\n10. However , things such as news and traffic updates are probably more useful to a driver than the use of mobile phones .", "targets": "This House would legalise the use of cell phones in cars"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. -LSB- 1 -RSB- CENTCOM Historical / Cultural Advisory Group : The Impact of War on Iraqs Cultural Heritage : Operation Iraqi Freedom , accessed 20/9/12 ,\n2. Making such crimes punishable by the ICC alongside crimes like genocide would add a deterrent factor and make it less likely people would deliberately destroy cultural property .\n3. Moreover , the current conventions lack sufficient deterrents to back-up its protective measures .\n4. Firstly , it provides insufficient protection , since even high-value cultural property under enhanced protection can be legally targeted in a conflict , if it is being used by opposition forces .\n5. Under the status quo , UNESCO conventions alone are insufficient to protect cultural property .\n6. Were the desecration and destruction of items and sites of cultural heritage to be an internationally recognised crime against humanity , people would be more reluctant in causing either intended or collateral damage -LRB- in a conflict -RRB- to them .\n7. By treating the destruction of cultural property as a crime against humanity , rather than simply a violation of UNESCO conventions , the protection of cultural heritage is seen as an increased moral imperative .\n8. -LSB- 1 -RSB- US forces were not concerned with potentially damaging cultural property or going against UNESCO conventions , simply because there were insufficient penalties in place to deter them from doing so .\n9. This constitutes a violation of the UNESCO conventions , because US forces actively caused damage to the cultural property and also , in locating their forces there , made the site of ancient Babylon a legitimate military target for opposing forces .\n10. For example , US forces set up military bases in and around ancient Babylon during the Iraq war and even used parts of the ancient site to make sandbags .", "targets": "Making destruction of cultural property a crime against humanity would ensure it is protected."} {"inputs": "It is domestic not international legitimacy that matters\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Since a government 's legitimacy is domestically derived from the support of its people if they support the policy then it is legitimate .\n2. What matters for a state when it comes to foreign policy , and therefore with helping to circumvent censorship , is whether the policy is considered legitimate domestically .\n3. Stevenson , Kirsten , Strong support for democracy promotion in national opinion ballot , , 23 October 2012 ,\n4. While it is often not considered a top priority people in democracies usually support promoting human rights and spreading democracy around the world ."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Critically , in addition , any form of mineral-dependent energy is based on a resource that will deplete be that coal or uranium .\n2. Wind , by contrast , is the ultimate sustainable resource .\n3. The critical , and increasing , issue of a reliance on fossil fuels is that the price is not only increasing but is doing so in an unpredictable manner .\n4. Oil and gas in particular are subject to the political whim of some of the worlds most unpredictable regimes .\n5. Wind , by contrast , is produced domestically or , where it is exported , is produced in stable European nations .\n6. Given the choice between negotiating with Chavezs Venezuela or Putins Russia for oil and gas or with Belgium or Germany for wind energy is really not a difficult choice .", "targets": "Wind energy provides for price stability in the long-term, wind will be with us for the duration"} {"inputs": "Resolved: Adaptation should be the most urgent response to Climate Change.\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "The necessary research alone will take time and should be a priority"} {"inputs": "Claim: An active, \u201cbig\u201d federal government is best for the American people\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Financial returns from investments in such areas are often insufficient to incentivise private sector investment .\n2. However such schemes generate high levels of welfare benefits that are desirable from a societal perspective .\n3. President Obama believes in an activist governments role in improving society .\n4. Without public intervention , private markets will not sufficiently address inequality or several other public needs , such as environmental preservation and public transportation .\n5. -LSB- 1 -RSB- This is the policy he has pursued in his first term with a successful stimulus of $ 787 billion .\n6. -LSB- 2 -RSB- Obamas tax policy boils down to the empirical belief that taxing the rich will help the economy grow , because the revenue can be used on important government programs that can spur growth , and the philosophical argument that the American economy should be more equal and that the U.S. government can and should do more to directly address inequality .\n7. Obamas economic policy draws on Keynesian economic theory , which is the belief that a mixed economy of public and private enterprise , bolstered by a strong welfare state , can jumpstart the economy .\n8. In order to create public enterprise , the government needs to spend , either by building a deficit or from tax revenue .\n9. It should therefore not be a surprise that Obama wants the Bush era tax cuts for the richest reversed arguing `` I just believe that anybody making over $ 250,000 should go back to the income tax rates we were paying under Bill Clinton . ''\n10. -LSB- 3 -RSB- -LSB- 1 -RSB- Blinder , Alan S. , Keynesian Economics , , 2 Ed. , 2008 , Library of Economics and Liberty , -LSB- 2 -RSB- Grunwald , Michael , Think Again : Obamas New Deal , , Sept/Oct 2012 , -LSB- 3 -RSB- Bendery , Jennifer , Obama Calls For One-Year Extension Of Bush-Era Tax Cuts For First $ 250,000 Of Income , , 9 July 2012 ,"} {"inputs": "This house Believes People Should Not Keep Pets\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Keeping pets is a violation of animal rights."} {"inputs": "1. In fact , many such relationships do involve some form of electronic contact1 .\n2. Being allowed to communicate with students via facebook would greatly facilitate misconduct by a teacher who wants to start an inappropriate relationship with a student , by giving him virtually unlimited access to the students after school .\n3. Teachers are already in a position of power and trust in the relationship with their students .\n4. Social networking websites have proven to be particularly effective for child grooming by pedophiles .\n5. By banning this form of communication , the law would make it harder for teachers with bad intentions to carry them through .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Electronic communication facilitates sexual misconduct."} {"inputs": "1. If the problem is a lack of experience then this proposal solves the problem .\n2. Giving younger people a temporary job and the experience that goes with it will help give everyone an equal chance at getting a job , irrespective of age .\n3. Less than a third of under 25s who were looking for a job in 2010 found one in 2011 this may be due to ageist discrimination against young people , and employers seeking people with experience .\n4. People over 25 are also considered as a high risk group .\n5. They have little experience so the employer is taking a risk in employing them .\n6. There is also a desire for stability ; those who already have a family are unlikely to want large changes so employers feel they can bet on them for the long term .\n7. The EU member states should rely more on public employment services , which should be focused on finding jobs for young people .\n8. With government funding , they can work with the private sector to offer decent temporary jobs to young people .\n9. This model is common in the Nordic states and other countries , such as Austria , Germany and Switzerland also have similar programs .\n10. Youth unemployment is already far higher than for older people .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "The EU should guarantee youth a job in order to equal their chances."} {"inputs": "This House would abandon the timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "The war in Afghanistan is necessary for US and NATO security"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. The issuing of ASBOs is inconsistent and almost amounts to a geographical lottery .\n2. People can be jailed for breaching an ASBO where the original offence was itself non-imprisonable i.e. .\n3. The Order included an restriction preventing him entering a particular estate nearby and another preventing him from associating with certain others .\n4. Unfortunately , he went out before reading the Order and beached it twice that day .\n5. The next day he went out again and breached it three times by mistake as he had not read the part covering the particular restriction .\n6. He now faces possibly custody although he has never been convicted of a criminal offence .\n7. A youth recently appeared in Court in Manchester for breach of his ASBO .\n8. The Order had been made in the youth 's absence without his being able to give his side of the story -LRB- one of the main concerns about ASBOs and one that can lead to misuse -RRB- .\n9. The day after the Order was made someone came to his house to `` serve '' it on him .\n10. This consisted of his being handed a copy of what was a fairly bulky document running to several dozen pages with no attempt to explain it or even to ascertain if he was literate enough to read it .", "targets": "This House would scrap Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (UK)"} {"inputs": "Claim: States must be responsible to their own citizens first\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. There will always be trafficking as long as there are n't open borders .\n2. And we should maintain strict controls on both immigration and asylum .\n3. States must focus on the needs of their people first , and the reaction of citizens in accepting countries is quite rightly the feeling that their hospitality and good intentions are being abused at the moment .\n4. The social harms that these feelings cause - suspicion , xenophobia , racism and disruption of social harmony and tolerance - are too large and too damaging to the actual citizens of states to justify the maintenance of a failing system that may help some few outsiders .\n5. The responsibilities of governments to their own citizens must come first ."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. However in 2010 in the UK there were 119589 divorces ; 11.1 per 1000 married population .\n2. The main objective of marriage is often said to be bringing up children in a stable environment .\n3. -LRB- Rogers , 2011 -RRB- This clearly does not fulfill the initial basic aim of marriage as so many marriages end In divorce with the resulting splits affecting the children .\n4. Furthermore in the same year , the median duration of a marriage remained at a low level of 11.4 years .\n5. This relationship should not have to be through marriage ; rather it would simply be a partnership in the way that many couples already live today .\n6. In fact , a much more stable environment can be provided by a better relationship , even without matrimonial vows -LRB- Cherlin 2009 -RRB- .", "targets": "Does not provide any more of a stable environment for child rearing than a regular monogamous relationship"} {"inputs": "This House believes that Puerto Rico should seek American statehood\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Puerto Rico would benefit economically from statehood"} {"inputs": "1. Such intangible benefits to the fields of science and engineering , as John Logsdon argues , can not so easily be calculated and contrasted with the concrete figures that symbolize the costs of space programs .\n2. Though demand could not meet supply , many remained in the field and took up jobs in civil engineering , scientific research and medicine .\n3. In 1969 , the Moon landing acted as the catalyst for a whole generation of children 's love for all things space and the proliferation of young men and women seeking to become astronauts .\n4. Space exploration is about more than the end , what is discovered or answered , it is also about the means , the process by which we are able to traverse the Universe .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Space exploration serves as a stimulus for children to enter the fields of science and engineering"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. The state has , throughout history , been responsible for an immeasurable amount of violence and destruction .\n2. From ancient times where states were the primary instrument of enforcing laws so that people could keep slaves , to the actions of imperial nations like Britain , to the holocaust to all of the pointless wars fought throughout history , states have a long record of slaughtering and ruining the lives of countless numbers of their own and other states people .\n3. William Eckhardt estimates battle deaths since 3000 BC at 151million while Beer came out with a much higher figure of 1.1 billion battle deaths -LRB- NB both use dodgy calculations and of course in either case the total military deaths let alone civilian would be much higher -RRB- .\n4. These actions are always taken because they are in the interest of the ruling class , but the ruling classes are never the ones directly involved in these conflicts , they instead use the state as an instrument to coerce other people to fight their battles for them .\n5. In a stateless society the people might need to fight against oppression but they would never be forced to fight for causes that have nothing to do with them .", "targets": "The state has far too often been an instrument for facilitating wars and other acts of violence."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. The concept of Monarchy is undemocratic .\n2. If the monarch retains any significant political powers , as they do in Belgium and the U.K. for example , these are unjustifiable .\n3. Why should the opinion of just one person , in office purely by accident of birth , be able to influence the outcome of elections or call a government .\n4. Legally , in the UK the Monarch has the power to ; choose the Prime Minister , dismiss ministers and governments , dissolve parliament , refuse to agree to legislation passed by parliament , pardon convicted criminals , declare a state of emergency and raise a personal militia .\n5. And in some countries like Saudi Arabia they have much more absolute power .\n6. A recent example where the Monarch had a role in the United Kingdom was within the 2010 elections where no party achieved an overall majority , the Queen therefore had to sign her approval for the Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition .", "targets": "Monarchies, no matter how vestigal, are undemocratic"} {"inputs": "Integration and the acceptance of Western values are important\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Arranged marriages also conform to a view of women in particular which regards them as chattel .\n2. This was even the case during the socially conservative era of the 1950s , when it was generally accepted in countries like Britain that people would court and meet their partners independently of their parents .\n3. Part of the reason for this is because ideas about marriage have become more progressive , with people accepting that men and women of any orientation should be allowed to choose their own partners .\n4. Arranged marriages have not been a part of the cultures of most European countries for many years now .\n5. Cook , Hera , No Turning Back : Family forms and sexual mores in modern Britain , History & Policy - -LRB- accessed on 19 September 2012 -RRB- Human Rights with Reference to Women , UKEssays.com - -LRB- accessed on 19 September 2012 -RRB-\n6. The rights and norms of a country of block of countries such as the EU must apply to all .\n7. It is also hypocritical to adopt a double-standard with diaspora communities , turning a blind eye to practices which many other majority groups find reprehensible .\n8. This does not fit in with the type of egalitarianism many European countries seek to practice , and thus does not conform to Western notions of individual rights ."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. As it is not an essential procedure , the state should not be expected to subsidize either the process or the development of the technology .\n2. Nevertheless , the private sector should be encouraged to develop the technology and continue to provide the public with a path to maximise their own happiness .\n3. Gender selection technology should be available , at whatever cost the market dictates , to those who can afford the process and wish to choose the sex of their children .\n4. There should be no other restrictions on the couples wishing to go through with the process , other than an assurance that the mother is physically able and willing .", "targets": "The private sector can provide parents, who can afford to and want to, with gender selection technologies"} {"inputs": "Allowing production of generic drugs saves lives, particularly in the developing world\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. The denial of the right to produce or acquire generic drugs is effectively a death sentence to people in these countries .\n2. Under the current system attempts by governments to access generic drugs can be met by denials of free treatments , leading to even further suffering .\n3. In light of these obscenely high infection rates , African governments have sought to find means of acquiring enough drugs to treat their ailing populations .\n4. With generic drugs freely available on the market , the access to such drugs would be facilitated far more readily and cheaply ; prices would be pushed down to market levels and African governments would be able to stand a chance of providing the requisite care to their people .\n5. There is no ethical justification to allow pharmaceutical companies to charge artificially high prices for drugs that save lives .\n6. Furthermore , many firms that develop and patent drugs do not share them , nor do they act upon them themselves due to their unprofitability .\n7. This has been the case with various treatments for malaria , which affects the developing world almost exclusively , thus limiting the market to customers with little money to pay for the drugs .\n8. The result is patents and viable treatments sitting on shelves , effectively gathering dust within company records , when they could be used to save lives .\n9. But when there is no profit there is no production .\n10. Allowing the production of generic drugs is to allow justice to be done in the developing world , saving lives and ending human suffering ."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. The negative side effects of minimum sentencing guidelines can be avoided via safety valves .\n2. The U.S. federal government introduced safety valves in 1994 ; mandatory sentencing is suspended if the defendant meets certain criteria , such as being a low-level participant or having no prior criminal history .\n3. The safety valve allows flexibility so that low-risk offenders do not receive excessively harsh punishment .\n4. Thus mandatory sentencing guidelines have enough flexibility to recognize varying circumstances , while retaining enough rigidity to deliver consistent punishment .", "targets": "Mandatory minimum sentencing can be designed to avoid injustices."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. The vision of Orwells has become a living nightmare for people all over the world .\n2. Their power has made it extremely difficult for movements for reform , government accountability , and democracy , which have foundered when faced with these sophisticated security apparatuses -LRB- Valentino-Devries , 2011 -RRB- .\n3. High-tech surveillance technology has given repressive governments and police states a new lease on life .\n4. Now more than ever they can intrude into every aspect of peoples lives , ensuring that dissent is cowed for fear of the ever present threat of the security services .\n5. It cuts the Tibetan people off from outside world so as to prevent any rerun of the instability that occurred in 2008 , which China blamed on the influence of the Dalai Lama from outside .\n6. Only external help in alleviating this censorship could allow activists to organize effectively and perhaps to one day bring about genuine reform and justice to their societies .\n7. By dominating the flow of information states have the power to keep their people in check and prevent them from ever posing a threat to their repressive status quo .\n8. Thus China blocks access to the internet and to other forms of communications in Tibet to ensure the absolute security of Tibets ideological and cultural realm .\n9. The surveillance equipment on which these regimes rely is often only available from firms and governments in the democratic world where , by and large , technology is generally far more advanced than in the non-democratic world .\n10. Without access to these technologies , the regimes would be far more hard-pressed to keep rigid tabs on their citizens , allowing for the seeds of dissent to take root .", "targets": "Advanced surveillance technology prevents dissidents from being able to organize and sue for freedom"} {"inputs": "1. Media lawyer Mark Stevens states that this idea '' ... would shear the media of the ability to report matters of public interest and thus look into corruption lurking in those dark corners the rich and powerful would rather were kept out of sight ''\n2. As well as being a affront on freedom of speech it would also overload the courts with needless work , making the system of upholding laws inefficient and costly .\n3. While getting the balance between immediacy and privacy is important bringing in the judiciary to look over all written material before allowing it to be published is an entirely wrong move .\n4. If the press were legally obliged to go in-front of a judge before publishing stories which may potentially contain material of a defaming nature the process of news gathering would be greatly damaged .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "It would not be practical to involve the judiciary prior to the publication of every story"} {"inputs": "This House would lift all veto powers of individual EU member states\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "The requirement for unanimity is undemocratic"} {"inputs": "Parents have a right to be involved in their children\u2019s education\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Parents embrace their right and responsibility to be involved in their childrens education .\n2. Special and private schools are designed to meet special needs parents envision for their children .\n3. Free schools in the United Kingdom are developing and gaining popularity .\n4. Vouchers allow students to select schools .\n5. Home schooling allows for parents to oversee education and become teachers themselves .\n6. Parental involvement is key to the educational success of children .\n7. Evidence of this responsibility and right which parents embrace is illustrated in the ever increasing citizen interest in school vouchers , home schooling , special magnet schools , free schools , and private schooling which allow for parental choice and involvement .\n8. The right of a family is central in human societies .\n9. Parents are acknowledged to be responsible for childrens upbringing .\n10. In 1991 , Sweden began a practice which allowed schools to be established by parents , teachers , charities and business ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Fitzgerald , Brian and Anne Fitzgerald .\n2. 2004 .\n3. An individual 's idea , so long as it rests solely in his mind or is kept safely hidden , belongs to him .\n4. When he disseminates it to everyone and makes it public , it becomes part of the public domain , and belongs to anyone who can use it .\n5. If individuals or firms want to keep something a secret , like a production method , then they should keep it to themselves and be careful with how they disseminate their product .\n6. One should not , however , expect some sort of ownership to inhere in an idea one has , since no such ownership right exists .\n7. No one can own an idea .\n8. Thus recognizing something like a property right over intangible assets is contrary to reason , since doing so gives monopoly power to individuals who may not make efficient or equitable use of their inventions or products .\n9. Physical property is a tangible asset , and thus can be protected by tangible safeguards .\n10. Ideas do not share this right to protection , because an idea , once spoken , enters the public domain and belongs to everyone .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "There is no such thing as intellectual property, since you cannot own an idea:"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. These artefacts become almost souvenirs of Imperialism , a way of retaining cultural ownership long after the political power of Britain has faded .\n2. Returning them would be a gesture of goodwill and cooperation .\n3. For instance , the British Museum is refusing to return 700 of the Benin Bronzes to Nigeria despite repeated requests by the Nigerian government .\n4. The Rosetta stone has been the subject of demands by the Egyptian government but remains in London .\n5. Display of cultural treasures in Western museums may be seen as a last hangover from the imperial belief that civilised states such as Britain were the true cultural successors to Ancient Greece and Rome , and that the barbarian inhabitants of those ancient regions were unable to appreciate or look after their great artistic heritage .\n6. Whether that was true in the 19th century is open to doubt ; it certainly is not valid today and the display of imperial trophies in institutions such as the British Museum or the Louvre is a reminder to many developing nations of their past oppression .", "targets": "Retaining artefacts is a relic of imperialist attitudes to non-occidental cultures"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. If these rare minerals exist in sufficient quantity they could potentially fund the whole project .\n2. There are also resources , such as lunar glass and Helium3 , which could be potentially very valuable if they are there in sufficient quantities , human beings can simply cover more territory than Robots and make assessments like these more easily .\n3. The moon functions as a sort of attic for the Earth , a repository of rocks than are no longer found on earth .\n4. It also has the advantage of being close enough to earth that samples and data can be relatively easily sent between the two .\n5. In many ways our trips to the moon so far tell us which questions we need to ask , the next stage is to find the answers .", "targets": "This House would colonize the moon"} {"inputs": "1. International adoption provides orphans , often living in decrepit , under-funded and unhygienic environments , a loving home in a developed society .\n2. Child welfare experts appreciate that keeping infants in institutional care for extended periods of time puts them at risk of lifelong damage .\n3. Adopting parents are proven to be both financially and emotionally capable of both adopting and raising the child , ensuring that the emotional heartache of growing up in an orphanage is replaced by the stability of a home environment .\n4. This is advantageous , for obvious reasons , for both child and parent , whilst the state from which the child is adopted is relieved of the financial pressure of supporting the orphans and the mother of the orphan can reassure herself that her child is being well looked-after .\n5. As a Korean government official notes regarding the high adoption rate of Korean children in the United States , ` in the beginning , the only reason foreign adoptions were allowed was that it was so difficult to raise children after the Korean War ' .\n6. In times of both financial austerity and societal breakdown , international adoption is a welcome relief , most of all to the unwanted children provided with a loving home and parental attention .\n7. Bartholet , E. International Adoption : The Human Rights Position .\n8. Global Policy , 2010 , p91\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "International adoption reduces the amount of unwanted children in institutional care"} {"inputs": "The veil is a symbol of oppression on women\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Face coverings in particular divide men and women .\n2. Face veil is seen by some as a symbol of the oppression of women , because in some countries it is mandatory , as was the case in Afghanistan under the Taliban .\n3. When worn in Europe , with equality and democracy , it can be seen as a rejection of such oppression this is why Belgium banned it .\n4. Islamic dress rules are often stricter for women than men .\n5. BBC News , Belgian ban on full veils comes into force , 23 July 2011 ,"} {"inputs": "Claim: Earmarks do not represent an efficient use of taxpayers' money\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Worse , a recent Harvard Business School study found that states which received the most federal spending via earmarks from well-connected Congressmen actually suffered economically as a result , because the federal money crowded out private investment and distorted the local jobs market .\n2. Examples include the Alaskan Bridge to Nowhere -LRB- a $ 400 million project to connect an island community of just 50 people to the mainland -RRB- , $ 1 million for shuttle buses at Western Kentucky University , and a grant of $ 300 000 for the Polynesian Voyaging Society of Hawaii .\n3. As the main means of pork barrel politics , earmarks are typically vanity projects with little economic benefit .\n4. Earmarks usually represent expensive programs of little worth to the American people ."} {"inputs": "This House would grant an amnesty to illegal immigrants\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Amnesties are the only long term solution"} {"inputs": "Claim: People should have freedom of choice\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. This is particularly important because some religious sects promote polygamy , so banning it also impinges on freedom of religion .\n2. These are not absolute rights , but they are important : breach of them needs to be contemplated with extreme care and is not merited here .\n3. We have a right to privacy , and a right to non-interference in our family life .\n4. If somebody wants to marry more than one person , and all parties involved agree , then the state should not get involved .\n5. The law should recognise freedom of choice ."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. The need to produce safe but efficient power-sources for the Apollo missions led to the development of practical fuel-cells , which are now being explored as a possible future power-source for cleaner cars .\n2. The need to reduce weight on rockets led to miniaturization , and so to the micro-chip and the modern computer .\n3. The challenge and difficulty of the space program , and its ability to draw on some of the finest minds , has brought about great leaps in technology .\n4. Space exploration has also led to many indirect benefits .\n5. We can never know exactly which benefits will emerge from the space program in future , but we do know that we will constantly meet new obstacles in pursuit of our goals , and in overcoming them will find new solutions to old problems .\n6. The effects of zero-gravity on astronauts has substantially added to our knowledge of the workings of the human body , and the ageing process .", "targets": "Space exploration leads to technological advancement"} {"inputs": "This House would arm teachers\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Arming teachers would mean safer schools"} {"inputs": "There is greater potential for African women\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. As a more educated cohort of women enters the workforce they will have a much greater effect on the economy than women have had in the past .\n2. They will also be much more capable of setting up and running their own businesses or organisations .\n3. Women in Africa are becoming much better educated .\n4. Women are starting to reach their educational potential : by 2011 the illiteracy rate among female youth -LRB- 15-24 -RRB- had dropped to 52 % in Sierra Leone , 22 % in Guinea and 42 % in Chad .\n5. Education provides opportunities as educated women will be better able to work in the manufacturing or services sectors .\n6. This means they are much more likely to be able to reach their full potential in the economy .\n7. Two out of three illiterate Africans are women .\n8. There is great potential in educating African women .\n9. The situation is however improving .\n10. In 1996 the countries with the highest illiteracy rates in women are Burkina Faso with a staggering 91.1 % , Sierra Leone with 88.7 % , Guinea with 86.6 % and Chad with 82.1 % of women illiterate ."} {"inputs": "Claim: Those who are in the late stages of a terminal disease have a horrific future agead of them\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Faced with this , it is surely more humane that those people be allowed to choose the manner of their own end , and have the assistance of a doctor to die with dignity .\n2. At least five percent of terminal pain can not be controlled , even with the best care .\n3. In some cases , the illness will slowly destroy their minds , the essence of themselves ; even if this is not the case , the huge amounts of medication required to control their pain will often leave them in a delirious and incapable state .\n4. The gradual decline of their body , the failure of their organs and the need for artificial support .\n5. They refused .\n6. She begged the courts to reassure her that a doctor would be allowed to assist her in choosing the moment of death .\n7. She lived for several years with the knowledge that her muscles would , one by one , waste away until the day came when , fully conscious , she would choke to death .\n8. One particular account was of Sue Rodriguez who died slowly of Lou Gehrig 's disease .\n9. Rodriguez did not accept the verdict and with the help of an anonymous physician committed suicide in February 1994 ."} {"inputs": "This House believes African cities need to invest more in housing to replace slums\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "There are schemes to finance homebuilding"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Repealing the estate tax would also widen the gap between the poor and the wealthy , and could fuel the kind of class envy that would really threaten the property-owning American capitalism that so favours the wealthy .\n2. In any case , do we really want to create a class of idle rich who have done nothing themselves to create wealth , but merely inherited it ?\n3. Repealing the estate tax would also widen the gap between the poor and the wealthy , and could fuel the kind of class envy that would really threaten the property-owning American capitalism that so favours the wealthy .\n4. In any case , do we really want to create a class of idle rich who have done nothing themselves to create wealth , but merely inherited it ?\n5. The estate tax prevents the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few , avoiding a plutocracy -LRB- government by a wealthy ruling class -RRB- .\n6. It allows the pursuit of the American dream by limiting the power of `` old money . ''\n7. The estate tax prevents the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few , avoiding a plutocracy -LRB- government by a wealthy ruling class -RRB- .\n8. It allows the pursuit of the American dream by limiting the power of `` old money . ''\n9. Would it even be good for the inheritors if this happened ?\n10. Much better for the government to use some of these windfalls to help give every American child a decent chance in life , for example through better funding for education , health , etc. .", "targets": "This house would impose an estate tax"} {"inputs": "1. The Lords Economic Affairs select committee explained why this is the case ; aid is essentially seen by those entrusted with it as `` free money '' , whose loss will go unnoticed by the giver and whose appropriation is nothing like as morally reprehensible as appropriating local tax revenue .\n2. Development can also be misspent as a result of corruption and a lack of oversight , for example the UK suspended its aid to Uganda as a result of indications it was being misused by the Ugandan government and not going towards helping the poorest people lift themselves out of poverty .\n3. Instead they want their money spent on the latest development fad whether this is the privatisation of basic services , microcredit , conditional cash , or particular infrastructure projects .\n4. It is clear that the donor countries do not know how best to spend the money they give as aid .\n5. , , Vol .346 , No. 7891 , pp.1-42 , p. 20\n6. Ghosh , Jayati , Yes : Should rich countries stop sending development aid to India ?\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "The west does not know best"} {"inputs": "This House would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Abstinence-only education rightly teaches saving sex for marriage (or at least a long term, exclusive relationship)."} {"inputs": "Claim: Keeping NATO troops in Afghanistan is necessary for creating a successful Afghan state\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. The level of violence in Afghanistan is actually far lower than most Americans believe .\n2. This was too many , but it was also less than a quarter of the deaths in 2008 in Iraq , a country that is both more sparsely populated and often assumed to be easier to govern .\n3. In 2008 more than 2,000 Afghan civilians died at the hands of the Taliban or coalition forces -LRB- almost 7 per ten thousand -RRB- .\n4. Not only are Afghan civilians much safer under American occupation than Iraqis , they are also statistically less likely to be killed in the war than anyone living in the United States during the early 1990s , when the U.S. murder rate peaked at more than 24,000 killings a year -LRB- about 10 per ten thousand -RRB- .\n5. Washington Monthly .\n6. July/August 2009 .\n7. Due to the impotence of the Afghan state and its fledgling armed forces , withdrawing by the timetabled date would most likely mean abandoning the project of building a successful Afghan state , a project which can be successful if NATO troops continue to play their vital role in it .\n8. It is a myth that Afghanistan is unconquerable or ungovernable .\n9. An assertion that deserves a similarly hard look is the argument that nation building in Afghanistan is doomed because the country isnt a nation-state , but rather a jury-rigged patchwork of competing tribal groupings .\n10. In fact , Afghanistan is a much older nation-state than , say , Italy or Germany , both of which were only unified in the late nineteenth century ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. President Obama has stated in the public record his support for increased disclosure for corporate and individual donors as well as efforts to limit the high-value contributions from corporations that are permitted under In response to the supreme court decision on Citizens United v Federal Election Commission act Obama declared in the 2010 state of the Union I dont think American elections should be bankrolled by Americas most powerful interests , or worse , by foreign entities .\n2. Following a similar strategy , the 2012 campaign garnered hundreds of thousands supporters in the first several months , shattering 2008 records .\n3. By election day his facebook page had 3.4 million supporters , his website My.BarackObama.com had 2million members , the campaign had an email list of 13 million and there were 1 million text message subscribers showing how campaigns should be run by mobilizing people not powerful interests .\n4. PresidentObamafamouslyeschewedlargecorporatedonorsinfavorofgrassroots fundraising and social media in 2008 , casting a wide net of supporters .\n5. In a democracy where the government is supposed to be accountable to the people this should be self-evident ; accountable to the people should mean that rather than accountable to corporate interests .\n6. They should be decided by the American people .", "targets": "Obama vs. Romney: Does campaign finance in the United States need to be fixed?"} {"inputs": "This House would grant politicians immunity from prosecution\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Giving politicians\u2019 immunity from prosecution allows them to focus on performing their duties"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. These are not role models of which we should be proud .\n2. Tyson cruelly bit off a portion of Holyfields ear in the fight , on live television .\n3. Tyson was one of the most popular and successful boxers in history , when he faced Evander Holyfield in the most hyped fight of the year .\n4. Mike Tyson is a particularly harmful example .\n5. The marketing of boxing exalts this mindless violence and those who perpetrate it .\n6. In addition to the violence in the ring , brawls often break out at press conferences and even inside boxing venues .\n7. Children should not idolize people who make a living by injuring other people .\n8. Boxers are presented as beacons of success for young people , but they are not good role models .\n9. , Tyson : Id bite again , October 4 , 1999 , .", "targets": "This House would ban boxing."} {"inputs": "Poetry should not be taught in schools (Junior)\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Poetry is too difficult for school students"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. That 's because U.S. women still earned only 77 cents on the male dollar in 2008 , according to the latest census statistics .\n2. -LRB- That number drops to 68 % for African-American women and 58 % for Latinas . -RRB-\n3. These are all real problems , on which feminists continue to campaign - as they should .\n4. Feminism is still of relevance today , and is indeed needed .\n5. In the UK , one in four women suffers domestic violence , and an increase in the reporting of rape in the last thirty years has gone alongside a threefold drop in conviction rates .\n6. In countries such as Ireland and Malta abortion is still not legal for all women , this can be seen as an important part of equality for woman that has not been achieved yet and needs to be fought for .\n7. If we take feminism as a global movement then the movement is still of huge importance .", "targets": "Feminism Has Plenty More To Achieve"} {"inputs": "Shorter degree courses are better for getting mature students into education.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. It would seem then that the introduction of such courses would encourage more mature students to get better qualifications , and in the process be able to contribute more to the economy as well as learn more for themselves .\n2. We should seek to encourage such committed students , who often contribute a great deal to society and the economy upon their graduation .\n3. Those who left school at 16 or 18 but now want to go to college are often more serious about their studies , often with a more motivated and professional approach than 19 or 20-year-olds who have moved to university by default .\n4. For example , at Stafford University where 2-year courses are being trialed , Director for Academic Development Dr Steve Wyn Williams has said that `` Many of our students who opt to do the fast-tracks are mature students who are looking for a career change who are often quite used to working during the summer period when they were in employment '' .\n5. But mature students want focused , cost-effective courses that do not require them to take three or more years out of a career ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. This means that surgery costs more on average for smokers and is also less likely to be effective .\n2. Overall complications were reduced to 10 % in those who quit smoking compared with 44 % in those who continued .\n3. For example , in a study of wound and other complications after hip or knee surgery , no smoker who quit beforehand developed a wound infection compared with 26 % of ongoing smokers and 27 % of those who only reduced tobacco use .\n4. Failure to quit smoking before surgical procedures increases cardiac and pulmonary complications , impairs tissue healing , and is associated with more infections and other complications at the surgical site .\n5. Therefore , prioritizing non-smokers , at least in certain areas of healthcare , would be beneficial to society as a whole .\n6. Treating more smokers means devoting more resources for lower results .", "targets": "This house would deny smokers access to state healthcare."} {"inputs": "This House would produce high quality generic drugs for Africa\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Easily affordable drugs will mean greater access"} {"inputs": "This House believes that the EU should abandon nuclear energy\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Nuclear energy goes against Green World"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. The primary justification for democracy promotion is the democratic peace theory .\n2. The theory of the democratic peace goes back to Immanuel Kant 's essay ` Perpetual Peace ' , which he published in 1795 ; perpetual peace refers to a state of affairs where peace is permanently established over a certain area , as the Roman and British Empires attempted to do during their respective periods of dominance in history .\n3. Kant 's theory was that the majority of people would never go to war , unless in self-defence .\n4. Democracies tend not to go to war as often as other countries because their military is more directly under civilian control .\n5. Authoritarian governments or those heavily underpinned by their respective armies , by contrast , have no such barriers to whimsical invasions of other countries -LRB- nor the use of the national army to suppress their own people in a bid to solidify power -RRB- .\n6. Communist North Korea is just one example of a country whose foreign policy is extremely aggressive as a direct result of its political inclinations .\n7. Therefore if all countries were democracies there would be no wars as there would be no aggressors .\n8. Given the peaceful nature of democratic states , it is clearly in the interest of the USA to promote democratic change worldwide .", "targets": "This house would promote democratization"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. For instance , in the United States , standards are expected to improve with time , leading to fears that even if schools and students improve , they will not do so quick enough to meet national expectations .\n2. Some even fear that ` by 2014 , virtually every school across our country will have failed the unrealistic mandates of No Child Left Behind ' , the program that enforces national testing .\n3. Which historic figures should all students learn about ?\n4. What parts of history are most important ?\n5. The idea of national testing may seem like a good idea until you start to actually try to agree the standards that teachers must teach to .\n6. Agreeing what must be taught is difficult enough in a local setting ; nationally such agreement is probably not achievable .\n7. Also , and partly as a result , good standards are difficult to come up with .\n8. Standards are either too vague so that the test-makers and teachers do not know what material to focus on , or they are too detailed so that teachers and students are swamped by the large number of subjects that must be covered .\n9. Should creationism be taught in science or religious education ?\n10. Maribeth Wilkerson , a graduate student of education , argues ` public schools are serving a particular community , so for that community to not have a say in what 's taught and how does n't seem right ' .", "targets": "It is impossible, in large countries, to have a national curriculum that teaches all the relevant information and sets a fair common standard"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Reeves , Richard , The Pinch : How the Baby Boomers Stole Their Childrens Future by David Willetts , , 7 February 2010 ,\n2. To make matters worse they are likely to be paying more for their elders pensions -LRB- which come out of current workers national insurance not that which was paid in by the boomers themselves -RRB- and healthcare and then will have to work longer for a smaller pension themselves .\n3. This means that if spending remains on its current trajectory most spending will remain directed at the baby boomers for decades to come .\n4. David Willetts , the UK Minister for Universities and Science , estimates that the boomers are set to take out about 118 % of what they put in to the welfare state .\n5. The current generation on the other hand in some countries are having to pay more for their education and then find there is no job available .\n6. In most western countries the baby boomers -LRB- those who were born between the end of the second world war and the mid-1960s -RRB- could be considered to have led a charmed life .\n7. They were the beneficiaries of free schooling and university education , then of an expanding economy that provided enough jobs , and finally high pensions .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "The youth are getting a raw deal"} {"inputs": "This House believes that the US and Israel should join the International Criminal Court.\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "The American people support ICC membership."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. By linking education to traditional economic activities , families are unable to take advantage of alternative sources of trade or income .\n2. Where a state fosters a healthy service economy , and offers additional benefits to foreign firms who employ its businesses as outsourcing partners , demand for highly educated workers will increase .\n3. In developing states that lack a growing service sector , the value of a qualification in science , accounting or computing can not be immediately realised .\n4. This situation may prevent social mobility in one of two ways .\n5. Firstly , a child who is only educated to a certain standard , or who is encouraged to gain knowledge that is relevant only to a certain field , may be unable to adapt to changes in his economic circumstances later in life .\n6. A worker with training in computing will be able to compete for a much wider range of jobs than someone who only has a basic education that only focused on literacy .\n7. Offshore outsourcing incentivises wider engagement with education in developing states , for longer periods of time .\n8. While - even more so than in the wealthy world - education is seen by citizens of developing nations as offering a path out of poverty or subsistence-level economic activity , worries about property rights , the breakdown of families and communities and the acquisition of essential skills may lead to schooling becoming a lower priority for older children and young adults .\n9. The connection between education , skills acquisition and improvements in income and living standards are not immediate .\n10. There is little impetus for workers and parents to pay for forms of education that are not directly linked to the sorts of economic activity that are predominant in their communities .", "targets": "This House Would Encourage Offshoring"} {"inputs": "This House would unleash the free market\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "The free market is morally superior because it operates on liberty"} {"inputs": "Claim: Trade is a long-term basis for international co-operation.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. It tends to be less predictable , both because it is manipulated for political reasons and also because it can be quite ephemeral and so , if the developed country goes through a bad economic time , the aid budget makes an easy target for a reduction in spending as is shown by the arguments in the United States where the USAID Administrator Shah `` We estimate , and I believe these are very conservative estimates , that H.R. 1 -LSB- bill passed by republicans in the house cutting foreign spending -RSB- would lead to 70,000 kids dying , '' .\n2. European trade with Africa may have decreased , but Chinas demand for oil and raw materials is blossoming , and Africa is becoming a major supplier .\n3. This will allow a firm basis for a flow of cash or goods into the developing country , largely independently of whether the developed country is doing well or badly economically at a given moment .\n4. This can be contrasted to the flow of aid .\n5. Whereas aid is mostly short term , particularly for individual projects or limited to the donors priorities , the other partner in a trading relationship is likely to represent an ongoing market for goods or services .\n6. So when a developing country has the capacity to engage in trade with another country , there is a strong likelihood that that trade will blossom into an ongoing trading partnership ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Bowcott , Owen , Charles Taylor and the dirty-looking stones given to Naomi Campbell , , 26 April 2012 ,\n2. Courtroom sketches , written transcripts and other tools allow reportage without the use of original footage in a tawdry manner .\n3. Jurisdictions where cameras are not permitted in courts still can and do have accurate , informative and timely reports of cases , however high profile , without filming them .\n4. Much of the interest in the SCSL Charles Taylor trial came along when Naomi Campbell gave evidence so giving the trial celebrity interest that had little to do with the legalities involved .\n5. The ICC trials are among the most high profile in the world so are likely to be susceptible to this .\n6. The Simpson trial showed how harmful a televised high profile trial can be degenerating into a freak show .\n7. Broadcasting trials would be likely to turn the court in to entertainment .", "targets": "This House opposes televising all criminal trials, and the ICC is no exception"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Instead this bill , which carries the marks of both political and moral corruption has been the main focus of the president and congress .\n2. This issue has consumed political energy for over a decade and received massive national and international attention and yet there are far more pressing concerns for the nation and its political leaders .\n3. Villegas , Socrates B. , Contraception is Corruption !\n4. At the very least this suggests a questionable sense of priority , at worst a gross lack of interest in the welfare of the Filipino people .\n5. The idea that the hungry and homeless need condoms more than food and shelter is clearly absurd .\n6. This has been an urban and political obsession from the outset .\n7. Rather than interfering in the moral life of the nation , parliamentarians would be better exercised in tackling these concerns .\n8. The poor would be better helped through accessible education , better hospitals and lesser government corruption .\n9. , , 15 December 2012 ,\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Poor families would be helped far more by investment in education and healthcare"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Such stockpiling would only occur if they were confident that the vaccines have passed through a rigorous testing process .\n2. Furthermore , even after being approved , organizations exist , like the United States Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System , as a center for tracking adverse events related to specific vaccines .\n3. If the events classified as serious are reported regularly for a specific vaccine , the vaccine can be subject to further study .\n4. All vaccinations are tested rigorously before they are approved for use .\n5. As vaccinations represent an important and potential harmful intrusion in an individuals body , it is very important that they are safe .\n6. This is especially clear when governments decide to make immunization obligatory ; they have to be sure they administer to their citizens safe vaccinations .\n7. Based on the increase in the number of compulsory vaccinations in different countries , many governments have also stocked up on the funding of vaccination controlling of offered immunization treatments .", "targets": "All vaccinations are tested rigorously before they are approved, and tracked afterwards"} {"inputs": "The difficulty of removing Landmines far outweighs their usefulness\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. They are easily removed by quite low-technology military equipment which means that they are not very dangerous to armed forces whose mobility is not significantly restricted , this is after-all the purpose of the mines , but are incredibly harmful to civilians .\n2. The usefulness of landmines is significantly over-represented .\n3. Removing a landmine can be fairly easy , but detecting them is not .\n4. A significant problem is that many minefields have been left unmarked and that they can remain active for more than 50 years ."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. In fact , the age where girls enter puberty has become progressively younger ; so , whereas 11 might be considered an average age to begin puberty , some girls can begin puberty as young as 7 years old .\n2. However , in either case or early or of late development , the subjective decision of sexual maturity should not be permitted or outlawed by a system which takes no personal account of the individual ; the only person who can judge if they are ready is the girl herself .\n3. The decision to have sex is an incredibly subjective one .\n4. Some girls might be ready at 13 , others may not be ready until they are in their twenties or older .", "targets": "Young girls should have the right to independent choice."} {"inputs": "This House believes the ICC is biased against Africa\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "ICC is controlled by the Security Council"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. McGreal , Chris .\n2. `` The battle of the US-Mexico frontier . ''\n3. The FBI has warned that it is likely that Al Qaeda operatives and other terrorist groups will use the porous Mexican border as a means of infiltrating the country and launching deadly plots against American citizens in future .\n4. To prevent the carrying out of attacks , America needs secure borders .\n5. That has forced a costly increased police presence in border areas , and even that often proves insufficient to quell the killings .\n6. But even if the violent common criminals were somehow suppressed because of stepped up actions by the Mexican government , an easily penetrated border presents a national security threat .\n7. Mexican violence between drug cartels frequently spills over and threatens the lives and peace-of-mind of Americans as well .\n8. The Council on Foreign Relations has said that Mexico 's levels of violence and lawlessness over the past few years exceed even those in Iraq or Afghanistan .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "A fence would dramatically increase American safety."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. A similar dynamic has been played out a number of times in the past , and as of yet there has never been a war between two nuclear powers .\n2. When states have nuclear weapons they can not fight , making the world a more peaceful place .\n3. For example , the conflict between India and Pakistan was defused by the acquisition of nuclear weapons by both sides .\n4. Before they obtained nuclear weapons , they fought three wars that claimed millions of lives .\n5. Relations between the two states , while still far from cordial , have never descended into open war .\n6. The defusing of the immediate tension of war , has given the chance for potential dialogue .\n7. Nuclear weapons create stability , described in the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction -LRB- MAD -RRB- .\n8. Countries with nuclear weapons have no incentive to engage in open military conflict with one another ; all recognize that they will suffer destruction if they choose the path of war .\n9. If countries have nuclear weapons , fighting simply becomes too costly .\n10. This serves to defuse conflicts , and reduce the likelihood of the outbreak of war .", "targets": "Nuclear weapons serve to defuse international conflicts and force compromise"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. One of the more divisive problems in America is the increasing inequality between the wealthy and members of other classes .\n2. The burdens currently confronted by Americas middle class are addressed in a number of ways .\n3. The harms that could , and have resulted from this extend to the Occupy Protests in the tail end of 2011 , as well as riots With the rich consistently seeming to get richer despite the poor economic climate , many of the less rich within the American economy feel that the state is playing against them , conferring advantages on those best able to lobby politicians and make large election campaign donations .\n4. A popular consensus has emerged amongst Americas middle class , which portrays the recession as an event triggered by the rich , with rhetoric regarding Greedy Bankers playing into the public discourse on the ineffectiveness of state regulation of large financial institutions .\n5. This is problematic when it is state mechanisms that will enable Americans who lack access to costly universities to better educate and train themselves , thus making them more employable thus allowing them to help push the American economy out of recession .\n6. Finally , the jobs act redresses problems where the largest subsidies go to things such as charitable giving and mortgage interest presumably things which are paid by people who need subsidies the least .\n7. Caps will be placed on such tax breaks under the act and as such , money will be more likely to go to people who need it more the poor or unemployed .\n8. Given also the higher tax burden placed on the rich with this tax , and the system that results is likely to be skewed more strongly in favour of working Americans .\n9. Further , changes in the taxation system will also be able to sure up any loopholes that have been exploited by the rich to avoid taxes .\n10. The American Jobs Act redresses the balance between the wealthy top tier of American society and its middle and working classes .", "targets": "The Jobs Act Redresses the Balance Between the Wealthy and the Middle Class"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. * Whyte , 1983 ,\n2. Unrest in Northern Ireland was started by the appalling treatment of the Catholic minority there .\n3. When there was a Northern Ireland Parliament there was some gerrymandering , while the discrimination in representation was slight very few nationalists were able to get senior jobs , in the civil service for example in 1927 fourteen of the 229 officers of staff officer rank or above , or 6 per cent , were Catholic , while in 1959 there were forty-six Catholics out of 740 in such ranks , or once again , 6 per cent .\n4. * Over the years reforms have been introduced but there is still huge stigma against the Catholic community in Northern Ireland , who have little representation in politics , because it is dominated by Unionist rhetoric .\n5. The best way to ensure equal treatment of the Catholics in Ireland is to unite majority Protestant Northern Ireland with Catholic majority Republic of Ireland , where they will be better represented in politics and not stigmatized by their neighbors .", "targets": "It would be easier to protect the rights of religious minorities within a united Ireland"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. We dont need this information , but it certainly is helpful , and it is just as helpful for children as for adults .\n2. It is equally useful that a mobile phone can tell us if it is likely to rain , or if the train is late .\n3. It is clearly useful that we can phone to ask to be picked up rather than always having to set a meeting time in advance .\n4. Mobile communication is very useful and its main use is not to keep us safe but to make life easier .", "targets": "Every child should have a mobile phone. (Junior)"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Pension schemes are provided for workers within the formal employment sector , by various public organisations - including the government and GEPF .\n2. However , some national pension schemes are more developed than others and teachers need to be ensured the profession can provide investments for future security .\n3. In South Africa an average teaching salary is 19,535 ZAR in contrast to the 28,235 ZAR average granted in all jobs in South Africa -LRB- Salary Explorer , 2013 -RRB- .\n4. Further , social policy is required to introduce teacher pension schemes .\n5. A key concern amongst teachers is finance - inadequate wages and insurance .\n6. Teacher wages is considerably lower than other formal professions - combining to enforce low morale and occupational motivation as pay is too low to sustain individuals and households -LRB- Bennell , 2004 -RRB- .\n7. The creation of national social policies which provide secure , and stable , wages for teachers is fundamental .\n8. Social policy can make satisfied teachers .\n9. An ageing population only reinforces its importance .\n10. See further readings : GEPF , 2013 .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Social Policy for satisfied teachers"} {"inputs": "This House would ban smacking\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Parents caught smacking their children would be punished by fines or, if repeated, jail"} {"inputs": "This House believes the age of consent laws should be made more liberal (lowered).\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Age of consent laws prevent the most vulnerable receiving contraceptives."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Minority students perform less well on tests like the SAT , even when correction is made for income.The test with its reading comprehension test and being done in English is obviously biased against students from households where English is not the dominant language as they are much less likely to understand the questions .\n2. Even when English language skills are not a problem the question choice can contain a cultural bias .\n3. One analogy question on the 2003 SAT used the word regatta which minority students were unlikely to be familiar with .\n4. Having this kind of bias is obviously unfair and can never be fully accounted for in a diverse country such as the United States of America where those who set the wording of the questions will never know all possible perspectives .", "targets": "This House would abolish standardized tests for University Admission"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Babies and individuals with learning disabilities may lack intelligence , a sense of justice and the ability to conceive of their future .\n2. We ensure that babies and the learning disabled are protected by rights and therefore these factors can not be criteria by which to exclude a being from the rights system .\n3. Therefore , even if animals are not as advanced as human beings they should be protected by rights .\n4. An inability to know what 's going on might make being experimented on etc even more frightening and damaging for an animal that it may be for a human being .", "targets": "This house believes that animals have rights."} {"inputs": "1. Norwegian scholars have found that the increased number of women on boards has led to more focused and strategic decision-making , increased communication , and decreased conflict .\n2. Organizations with women in top leadership positions are also more likely to provide work-life assistance to all employees .\n3. Female managers tend to promote a communal and collaborative style of leadership that can improve a companys performance and work culture .\n4. In Norway , there has been some advancement in firms human capital as a result of the quotas , which may result in increased profits in the future due to the increasing number of well educated women .\n5. This is often related to the high overall education level of women on boards .\n6. Companies that score highly on all the OHI measures have also shown superior financial performance .\n7. A report from The McKinsey Organizational Health Index -LRB- OHI -RRB- argues that companies with three or more women in top positions -LRB- executive committee and higher -RRB- scored higher than their peers .\n8. There are many reports showing that there is a positive correlation between the number of women on high positions and the companies performance .\n9. Sandberg , Sheryl , Lean In : Women , Work , and the Will to Lead , New York , 2013 Sandberg , Sheryl , Lean In : Women , Work , and the Will to Lead , New York , 2013\n10. In fact , many successful business women , such as Sheryl Sandberg , also argue that more women in business could change business ethics and the male-associated image of successful business model that will bring competitive advantages to companies and thus , to the EU economies . .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Quota-led gender equality in executive boards will help shape a gender sensitive and highly performing business environment."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Within that context there is little likelihood that they will provide , with no stimulus , the front-loaded investment necessary for the development of new technologies .\n2. The market has no interest in altering a model in which scarcity increases profitability as is the case with the current market .\n3. Left unchecked the market has little or no interest to innovate and has the encouragement of the profit motive not to .\n4. Instead the state has the capacity to offer both the carrot of guaranteeing a future market and the stick of regulating future carbon emissions .\n5. However , corporations have an interest in the sustainability of their individual businesses so will move to new technologies , even if more expensive , if necessary but that will only be the case if the government creates that market artificially .", "targets": "Standards that are enforced by government legislation means that companies know there will be a guaranteed market for innovations"} {"inputs": "This House would ban smacking\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Smacking will lead to abuse"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. It is difficult to force governments to improve water access , but companies and Public-Private Partnerships -LRB- where private companies pay for most of the infrastructure , but partner with public entities -RRB- can be used to achieve this goal .\n2. Water privatization will charge for water , however it will be more fair to the poor and provide them with more options to accessing water that the government is not providing .\n3. Some governments are negligent , and there needs to be a solution to give citizens access to clean water without government provision .\n4. Clearly this is n't working .\n5. 90 % of water is publicly provided , yet 1 billion people do n't have water .\n6. Water would ideally be a universally accessible and affordable substance , but governments can not necessarily be trusted to provide water to all of their citizens .\n7. The poor are already paying for their water , either directly to entrepreneurs who carry it in tubs and cans up to the shanty towns , or with their time as they spend a large proportion of the family 's labor fetching poor quality water from miles away .\n8. Many governments are unfair to the poor , but private providers have no reason to pick favorites .\n9. Current regimes in developing countries often provide a state subsidy to the rich , with water provided to middle-class areas and wealthy farmers at a fraction of its true cost , while poorer areas have no supply at all .\n10. This problem has only been exacerbated by the shrinking budgets of most countries due to the economic crisis of 2009 .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Privatization usurps corrupt, unfair governments."} {"inputs": "A referendum will create a better political climate.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. A contented electorate will be more supportive of government and feel included in political life .\n2. Not only individuals but also parties will be appeased : the far left and right each feel strongly about this issue .\n3. The general public will be appeased : 75 % of voters want the vote held .\n4. MPs will fulfil their duty to represent constituent interests by calling the referendum .\n5. Pro-Europeans like the Lib Dems also want the referendum : leader Nick Clegg said that `` nothing will do more damage to the pro-European movement than giving room to the suspicion that we have something to hide '' by not holding one .\n6. Both sides of the political spectrum wants this issue definitively settled .\n7. Euroskeptic parties like UKIP and the BNP have agitated for an in-or-out vote for years , and disguise racism and anti-immigrant sentiment as Euroskepticism in the process .\n8. A vote either way would settle the issue and make it harder for them to disguise antisocial aspects of their platforms .\n9. Once it has been , politicians will be able to redirect focus and work on crucial issues like the economy ."} {"inputs": "This House would repatriate all illegal immigrants\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Illegal immigration is facilitated by criminal networks"} {"inputs": "1. See further reading : AMREF USA , 2013 ; AMREF , 2013 .\n2. See further readings : UNAID , 2013 .\n3. According to the WHO 2013 guidelines of people eligible for ART .\n4. ART -LRB- Anti-Retroviral Treatment -RRB- involves drugs which prevent the progression of HIV ; reduce transmission and mortality .\n5. See further readings : Private Equity Africa , 2013 .\n6. The private sector can help fill this funding gap ; private-sector actors - including Actis - are planning to invest $ 1.2 bn into Adcock Ingram to provide and supply drugs .\n7. Public resources are not available , so the private-sector is critical .\n8. $ 25-30bn is required to invest in healthcare assets in the next decade to meet needs -LRB- McKinsey and Company , 2007 -RRB- .\n9. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 24 % of the global disease burden ; but only 1 % of global health expenditure and 3 % of the worlds health workers -LRB- McKinsey and Company , 2007 -RRB- .\n10. Furthermore , the private-sector have established partnerships to implement training programmes , improving qualified treatment for HIV , TB and malaria .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Funding solutions to combat disease"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. There is still a large Muslim minority in India and there are deep underlying social tensions within the country on this basis , along with frosty relations with a nuclear-capable Pakistan .\n2. Indias post-independence history is one of partition along religious grounds with Pakistan and then open warfare with that state over territory .\n3. If allowing the publication of would result in social unrest then on the balance of harms it is a rational choice to make a limited restriction on freedom of speech rather than see potential millions having their property and lives threatened .\n4. In this context , Indias leaders have a special reason to pay attention to the sensibilities of their minority populations .", "targets": "India has a specific need to main social cohesion"} {"inputs": "THW Require the Provision of Cannabis in Any State Funded Medical Program\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "All drugs can be used for a variety of purposes some appropriate some inappropriate that\u2019s a matter of choice, treatment should be based on medical reality"} {"inputs": "This House believes atheism is the only way\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "In reality there are only two theological positions, atheism and theism; agnosticism is nothing but timid atheism:"} {"inputs": "This House would treat the desecration and destruction of high-value sites and property of cultural heritage as a crime against humanity.\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "The desecration and destruction of cultural property is often discriminatory and attacks peoples\u2019 identity."} {"inputs": "This House would introduce labels on food to encourage people to eat better\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Food labeling is an important form of consumer protection"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. University of Illinois Law Review 1 .\n2. Even if the criminals assume some people will defend themselves anyway , they also know that people will likely hold back rather than fight .\n3. Denying the right to self-defense leaves innocents at the mercy of criminals who would violate their rights .\n4. Would-be criminals , when considering the commission of a crime , make an analysis of the likelihood of success and risk to themselves from their potential victims and from the state .\n5. The incentive to commit crime when it is illegal for people to defend themselves necessarily increases substantially .\n6. 1999 .\n7. `` Castles and Carjackers : Proportionality and the Use of Deadly Force in Defense of Dwellings and Property '' .\n8. On the other hand , the acknowledgement of the right to self-defense deters crime , as people will be unwilling to risk their own safety in order to commit crimes .\n9. Green , Stuart .", "targets": "This house believes in a right to self-defense"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. The national test ` has not only become too easy for the academically able , but it is still too difficult for the bottom 40 per cent , who cry out for courses to help them make sense of their last three years of compulsoryschooling .\n2. A one-size-fits-all national test does not adequately measure the ability of the student , and fails to motivate students in their education .\n3. In the United Kingdom , national testing was introduced in 1988 .\n4. By 2002 , 90 % of students at the best schools got the top grade , whilst 300,000 of the United Kingdom 's worst pupils failed to pass .\n5. Talented students and un-talented students should not be measured by the same test .\n6. Handing down a standard national test from the top is bound to end up with a `` one-size-fits-all '' result that does n't suit the weakest or the best students .\n7. Any system of standardized testing -LRB- where everyone is given the same test -RRB- assumes that all students learn at the same rate .\n8. But this is not the case .\n9. The best students find them too easy , the worst students find them too difficult .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "National, standardized tests are a poor measure of student learning"} {"inputs": "1. Should the U.S. wish to go to war again then it might end up in a situation such as Vietnam , the conflict that inspired the creation of the war powers act .1\n2. This is problematic because the decision to go to war should never be one that is taken lightly .\n3. Further , the use of international organisations such as the UN and NATO to circumvent congress has bad ramifications for the future as in doing this the U.S. government has significantly lowered the burden required to go to war should it wish to do so in the future .\n4. Given that the situation is not an emergency for the U.S. circumventing congress in order to prosecute the war is incredibly harmful as it undermines one of the core institutions in U.S. democracy .\n5. Given that this is true , then engagement with Libya to begin with goes against the spirit of US law .\n6. Firstly , Libya did not attack US soldiers and did not harm US citizens .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "US intervention is not consistent with other aspects of US law"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. For example , the bacterial flagellum , the motor that powers bacterial cells , loses all functionality if a single component is removed .\n2. Ratzsch , Del. 2009 .\n3. `` Teleological Arguments for God 's Existence '' The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy .\n4. Besides design , the only explanation of its development is blind chance , which seems less sensible , since in human experience nothing complex can come about without agency .\n5. 1 .\n6. This refutes the gradualist argument of evolution , since there is no selective pressure on the organism to change when it is functionless .\n7. Darwin 's Black Box .\n8. Glencoe : Free Press .\n9. Likewise , certain organisms can be shown to be irreducibly complex , meaning that if one were to remove any part of such an organism , it could not function .\n10. Nature is marked by clear design .", "targets": "This House believes that God exists"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. In Moskos own words , corporal punishment allows society to express its disapproval quickly and efficiently , leaving the offenders to move on with the process of reform .\n2. It is in the interests of any effective system of rehabilitation to ensure that a non-violent offender remains in contact with their family and remains in employment -LRB- excepting , of course , offenders who have attack or abused family members -RRB- .\n3. The decay of an offenders relationships and social support structures is yet another harmful externality of custodial punishment .\n4. A corporal sentence caters to the social imperative to punish criminals , but it also allows offenders to remain with their families and to avoid financial hardship by remaining in employment .\n5. Families , spouses and social networks can play an important role in supporting and encouraging an offender to engage with rehabilitation programmes .\n6. Wives and children can effectively monitor an offenders behaviour when trained staff are unavailable , integrating the reform process with the offenders day to day life .\n7. The long-term damage done to an offenders life is not an intended consequence of custodial sentencing .\n8. However , it can not be claimed to be a proportionate response to crime , as it affects both serious offenders and those accused of non-violent offences such as burglary or fraud .\n9. A custodial sentence is capable of destroying the relationships and livelihood of an offender .\n10. Imprisonment means that an offender will be unable to work and will lose his job , if he has one .", "targets": "Custodial sentences make recidivism more likely"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Therefore , it makes more sense to only have one name for each concept , by which that concept shall be known , in order to economize effort and to not waste time creating translations for EU-specific jargon .\n2. The EU use technical jargon for which there is often not a direct translation .\n3. It is better and more effective to spend the time addressing the issues rather than deciding by which names to call these entities that give rise to issues within the EU .\n4. It is not chauvinistic , or even a matter of preference , to use English as a working language over other languages ; it just so happens to be a language that is understood throughout the EU Member States .", "targets": "One working language understood by all Member States is a more practical way of communicating often untranslatable yet vital EU-specific vocabulary."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. `` While some people may like to believe that they can train their bodies to not require as much sleep as they once did this belief is false '' A mandatory cap on the hours they work removes the decision from them and avoids this problem .\n2. A cap on the amount of work that people do per week allows for proper rest periods .\n3. Tired workers are prone to making mistakes , one of the mistakes they can make is to think they can skip necessary sleep with no ill effects .\n4. Human beings require downtime in the form of sleep and rest in order to maintain their peak functioning .\n5. Long working hours cut into this rest and sleep time and therefore reduce their effectiveness as workers .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "There must be a maximum amount of performance that people are capable of, given rest and reward. To work people too long is to waste their potential."} {"inputs": "1. This will become a greater problem as more modifications are introduced .\n2. Although this was detected in testing , sooner or later a transferred gene will cause risk to human health because the scientists did not conceive it could be a problem .\n3. There are also possible dangers associated with the scientific technique itself by which the DNA is modified , an example is the spread of antibiotic resistance .\n4. For example , the addition of nut proteins to soybeans caused those with nut allergies to go into shock upon eating the soybeans .\n5. Also , there are a number of dangers associated with the food itself , even without scientific evaluations .\n6. U.S. Department of Agriculture -LRB- USDA -RRB- evaluated in 1993 data on genetically modified organisms regarding safety claims .\n7. It is true , that in the US , there have been no adverse consequences from over 500 field releases in the United States .\n8. Also many reports also failed to mention or even measure any environmental risks connected with GM food commercialisation .\n9. The Union of Concerned Scientists -LRB- UCS -RRB- believes that the USDA evaluation was too small scale , to actually asses the risks .\n10. The first is that ` Peer review ' -LRB- the checking of scientific test results by fellow scientists -RRB- is often made impossible by the unwillingness of biotechnology companies to give up their results for review .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Genetically modified food is too new and little researched to be allowed for public use."} {"inputs": "This House would ban gambling\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Casinos are often used to mask criminal activity"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. And finally he was initially turned away from the emergency ward because they did not know it was the President they were being asked to treat .\n2. Transparency would allow procedures to be in place and advance notice given possibly gaining a few minutes and enabling survival .\n3. Daily Guide , How Mills died : Sister tells it all , , 31 August 2012 ,\n4. A person is most likely to survive when they have an accident , a heart attack , or some other condition if they get prompt treatment and doctors are aware of any underlying conditions .\n5. Mills may well have lived , or lived longer if there had been more transparency about his death .\n6. There had been no prior warning that the president might be rushed to hospital despite the doctors having been called in the previous day .\n7. For the same reason his outriders were not available leading to indecision over whether to send off the ambulance .", "targets": "A lack of transparency can endanger the leader"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. -LRB- 7 -RRB- Therefore , the best way to satisfy both sides and achieve peace is to adopt a two-state solution , which is therefore the most just solution .\n2. This would be valuable diplomatically , particularly in resolving the larger conflict between Iran and the West .\n3. The success of a two-state solution , therefore , would , at a minimum , gain the support and possibly cooperation of the Iranians .\n4. -LRB- 6 -RRB- Even the Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinezhad has stated that Iran would support a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict .\n5. Singapore enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the world .\n6. The area of the West Bank and Gaza is nine times as large as Singapore 's , yet the combined population of Palestinians in both regions is smaller than that of Singapore .\n7. -LRB- 1 -RRB- Moreover , throughout the years polls have consistently showed respectable Israeli and Palestinian majorities in favour of a negotiated two-state settlement .\n8. The Palestinians are capable of achieving similar success , through instituting a modern economy based on science , technology and the benefits of peace .\n9. For Israel this would mean keeping the vast majority of areas inhabited by Israeli citizens within the state of Israel .\n10. A two-state solution can offer sufficient territory for both Israelis and Palestinians .", "targets": "Only a two-state solution can satisfy both sides"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Finally , larger economic units are more able to influence international trade regimes .\n2. This increases internal trade and economic growth and encourages investors .\n3. Federal states are able to remove trade barriers between members which would otherwise exist if there were independent states -LRB- such as difficulties in moving goods due to borders -RRB- .\n4. Even in cases of agreed free trade areas between states , there is no overarching authority to ensure timely compliance to agreements .\n5. Federal units are able to share resources and concentrate on producing what they are best at -LRB- called comparative advantage -RRB- at a better economy of scale .", "targets": "Federal states are economically stronger"} {"inputs": "Tourism is easier to regulate than manufacturing or resource extraction.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Two decades earlier , the introduction of laws allowing minimally regulated and discrete incorporation of offshore business entities enabled the Bahamian economy to diversify into the field of financial services , reducing its dependence on tourism .\n2. Development of the island would have resulted in the destruction of mangroves and fish habitats , compromising the livelihood of the islands residents .\n3. The minute Bahamian island of Bimini came under threat from a large scale development plan proposed , in part , by the Hilton Hotels group .\n4. Examples of this process in action can be found in the Bahamas , the Seychelles and South Africa .\n5. Reliable funding of state institutions and subsidy and welfare programmes used by the residents of Bimini , reduced demand for jobs supplied by the hotel group .\n6. As a result of economic diversification , the government of the Bahamas was able to compel Hilton to restrict its activities .\n7. Revenue from tourist activities had enabled the Bahamian state to fund the investment in infrastructure , services and expertise that underlay this process of reform .\n8. An oil pipeline will only ever be useful for transporting oil .\n9. Roads can ferry medical supplies to communities as easily as they ferry tourists .\n10. Not only does resource extraction , by its very nature , require states to consent to its territory sustaining pervasive and long-term environmental damage , it also tends to incentivise infrastructure projects that are only of use to the resource extraction industry ."} {"inputs": "This House Believes the US is Justified in Using Force to Prevent States From Acquiring Nuclear Weapons\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "The possession of nuclear weapons by some states drives others to militarize, creating arms races."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. EurActive , Eastern EU states call for bolder , speedier farm reforms , 14 July 2011 ,\n2. Not only are the largest recipients of CAP western countries France , Spain and Germany - also the payments per hectare of arable lands differ significantly between new and old members of EU .\n3. The new members of EU with their economies often struggling and more dependent on agriculture -LRB- as is the case of Poland , Bulgaria or Romania -RRB- need more monetary support compared to their western counterparts to produce food of same quality and be competitive in EU market .\n4. However , the payments for hectare of land vary from 500 in Greece to less than 100 in Latvia .\n5. These different conditions undermine the EUs ethos of fairness and equality of countries .", "targets": "It is unfair to new members of EU"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Since Latin was the language of academic discussion until the eighteenth century , it is of great importance for the study of History and Theology .\n2. The teaching of classical languages at school enables people to pursue studies in these areas in later life .\n3. The influence of classical texts upon subsequent writing and thought makes knowledge of Latin and Ancient Greek necessary for many areas of intellectual enquiry .\n4. European literature bristles with classical allusions : the work of Dante , Shakespeare , Milton , Goethe and countless others can not be fully appreciated without close familiarity with the canon of classical writing .", "targets": "It is necessary for many further forms of academic research."} {"inputs": "A robust missile defense shield will provide the protection previously afforded by the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction, allowing the US to dismantle much of its dangerous nuclear arsenal\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. This means countries strategic obsession with second-strike capacity , the ability to return fire with nuclear weapons should they be attacked by them -LRB- Mutually Assured Destruction -RRB- , will cease to be an issue , as first-strikes are destined to be wiped out before they hit a single target .\n2. With a fully functioning missile defense shield deployed , nuclear-armed ballistic missiles become obsolete , unable to ever reach their targets .\n3. This will alleviate the pressure to have stockpiles of warheads and will promote disarmament .\n4. What this means is that countries with missile defense systems can feel secure without the need of retaining massive nuclear arsenals .\n5. This has been seen in the United States , which since its full adoption of the Aegis system has actively pursued a policy of reaching a new accord with Russia on nuclear arms reduction .\n6. Mutually Assured Destruction has become a far less secure strategy as nuclear proliferation has occurred to states with different strategic conceptions .\n7. This new step toward nuclear disarmament could not be politically possible in the United States without a replacement defense , which only a national missile defense system can provide .\n8. This culminated in 2010 with the signing of the New START -LRB- Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty -RRB- , an accord to reduce the number of strategic nuclear missile launchers by half -LRB- Associated Press , 2011 -RRB- ."} {"inputs": "1. First , developing mini-nukes puts designers and scientists in the West on the same intellectual page as those seeking to devise nuclear weapons suitable for use in terrorist attacks , such as so-called suitcase-nukes .\n2. Research into the design and construction of mini-nukes provides a number of benefits beyond the tactical flexibility conferred by such weapons .\n3. Furthermore , the miniaturization of nuclear weapons has applications in other nuclear technologies such as in the design and manufacture of smaller nuclear power facilities .\n4. By learning how to build such weapons scientists will be able to devise means of counteracting them should an enemy attempt to employ them in an attack .\n5. The United States has long enjoyed technological dominance in the field of nuclear weaponry .\n6. Research and development into tactical nuclear weapons are essential for countries to maintain their technological edge in the field of nuclear science .\n7. If the United States and the other nuclear powers wish to maintain their position within the nuclear tech order , they must begin investing further in development of similar miniaturized nuclear devices .\n8. However , in recent years China and Russia have begun to pour effort into developing ever-smaller nuclear weapons for tactical deployment .\n9. Such was case with Cold War technological endeavors , such as the Space Race , which yielded everything from superior computer processors to ballpoint pens .\n10. Military technology always finds an outlet in civilian use .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Designing and constructing tactical nuclear weapons allow a state's scientists to maintain a competitive position in nuclear technology."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. The ICC is part of a growing international norm against war and crimes against humanity .\n2. The willingness to prosecute for these crimes particularly if it is done consistently will build norms where even ruthless leaders realise they cant get away with such crimes .\n3. The ICC has a high level of soft power in this case .\n4. It has the resources to investigate and prosecute , backed up by widespread support from large swathes of the international community .\n5. Grono , Nick , The deterrent effect of ICC on the commission of international crimes by government leaders , , 5 October 2012 ,\n6. Pursuing war crimes from the Syrian conflict alone will not be enough but when combined with similar measures elsewhere and the arrests of other leaders such as Charles Taylor , Slobodan Milosevic and Laurent Gbagbo show that even leaders are no longer out of reach of international law .\n7. The ICC could act as an effective deterrent to the use of chemical weapons and other war crimes by threatening to prosecute individuals who commit them .", "targets": "This House believes individuals who have committed atrocities in the Syrian Civil War should be investigated by the ICC."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Anarchist communities like Freetown Christiana in Copenhagen exist as centres of peace and culture , by standing outside of society it provides a useful commentary on society as well as being an example for how people can live more freely without a state .\n2. Anarchist groups were at the forefront of resistance groups in world war two , and today they are at the forefront of protests against the state whenever it tries to take even more from the worst off in society , for example in anti cuts protests in the UK .\n3. Even if the state is never overthrown anarchism will always have something important to say .", "targets": "This house believes that Anarchism is a valuable political ideology"} {"inputs": "1. The more people are able to spend , the more money flows into the economy , leading to more business and higher employment .\n2. This demand-induced economic growth is a very important part of economic growth .\n3. Additionally , the minimum wage decreases expensive social welfare payments , since workers no longer need as many supplements to their wages from the state in order to make up for the shortfall created by too-low wages .\n4. Without the minimum wage , a downward spiral of spending can ensue , proving deleterious to firms and the economy generally .\n5. Mandating a minimum wage can thus benefit firms , even if they do not recognize it , by making workers more productive and also fostering a general work ethic .\n6. Employees work harder when they are paid more , but employers can often be more concerned with the short-term bottom line and will not treat workers in the lowest echelons of their firms with much consideration , viewing them instead as disposable and replaceable economic units .\n7. Furthermore , better pay means more disposable income in the hands of employees , which leads to greater demand by them for goods and services .\n8. As workers feel more valued in the economic system , the more likely they are to work loyally and diligently for their employers .\n9. , 1994\n10. Freeman , Minimum Wages Again !\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "higher wages boost economic growth"} {"inputs": "This House believes Ghanas ban on smoking in public places is a model for Africa\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Nip the problem in the bud"} {"inputs": "1. Fears and Tears .\n2. The Daily Beast .\n3. 19 March 2008 .\n4. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus .\n5. 30 August 2008 .\n6. Xinhua News Report .\n7. Xinhua News .\n8. Liu , Melinda .\n9. Cyprus supports the principle of a single China .\n10. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "The 'Middle Way' respects China's right to territorial integrity"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Given the first argument about the general perception of women that fraternities promote and it is logical that there might be a higher chance that fraternity members would be involved in crimes such as rape and sexual assault .\n2. Further , the drinking culture that often goes with fraternities exacerbates these problems as young men who ordinarily would not succumb to the social pressures do , or perceive a responses from women incorrectly , leading to cases of sexual assault .\n3. Whilst the initial proposition argument claims that fraternities lead to the objectification of women and how this harms women indirectly , this argument claims that the men included in fraternities are more likely to physically harm and rape women .\n4. The culture of the objectification of women and the expectation that members of a fraternity should have sex leads to incidents where fraternity members will report to other members of the fraternity about women that they got with the night before .\n5. Whilst this is typical of most male groups , it becomes more insidious when those who are able to do better with the women often end up doing better within the formal hierarchy of the fraternity .\n6. As such , because of these pressures there is often an impetus from members of a fraternity to have sex with women regardless of the consequences .", "targets": "This House Would Ban Fraternities"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. This is shown even amongst women who still consented to arranged marriages but faced abuse from their husbands such as with the case of Razia Sodagar , whose husband abandoned her for another woman after she failed to fall pregnant .\n2. This illustrates how it is not always easy to draw a clear division between arranged marriages and forced marriages , as the former can often bear the same characteristics as the latter .\n3. It would therefore be safer to outlaw both .\n4. Ethnic domestic violence hidden , , 20 September 2007 , Gotrik , Jennifer , India domestic abuse more common in arranged marriages , , 12 September 2011 , Fighting Arranged Marriage Abuse , BBC , 12 July 1999 -\n5. Arranged marriages are often different when practiced in the home countries of many immigrant families in Europe , where women often have networks of friends and relatives to rely on .\n6. The danger with allowing arranged marriages to happen in EU countries are that the women at the centre are often far more vulnerable , away from their own family , unfamiliar with the local language and fully reliant on their husbands family .\n7. This makes it easier for domestic abuses to go undetected which is simply compounding problems of underreporting .\n8. It is therefore likely that there is more domestic violence within arranged marriages .", "targets": "Women in arranged marriages in Europe are disproportionately likely to suffer abuse"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Not only this means a more personal approach to studying , it also provides people with more flexibility to manage their other commitments , such as work and childcare .\n2. Such personal and flexible approach to learning will overtake the rigidity of the traditional university .\n3. Moreover , online courses are inherently more flexible .\n4. Lectures can be watched and tests taken at any time a person desires -LRB- within the deadlines -RRB- , unlike with scheduled lectures and tests at the traditional university .\n5. The vast popularity of MOOCs can be explained by the fact that people are finding it easier to learn this way .\n6. The best feature of online learning that it can be done in the privacy of one 's home , which is more convenient than having to move cities or even countries for a university degree .", "targets": "This House believes that the traditional university will be replaced by online learning"} {"inputs": "1. NATO membership will help these fledging States to help themselves .\n2. This incentivisation is critical given the European Union was and still is expanding slower than NATO many new NATO members such as Albania are years away from achieving EU membership .\n3. The criteria for NATO membership include stable democracy ; civilian control of the armed forces ; a sufficient military capacity to make a meaningful contribution to collective security ; and the absence of active disputes on or within the borders of the State .\n4. The opportunity of NATO membership creates the incentive for the newly independent republics to achieve internal stability .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "NATO expansion would benefit eastern European and post Soviet states"} {"inputs": "National testing encourages teachers to 'teach to the test', rather than teach life skills\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. As Charles Murray describes , his children 's school lost their best English teacher because he said ' I want to teach my students how to write not teach them how to pass a test that says they can write .\n2. This is because teachers will be judged based on how well their students do at tests , not on other important things like whether they are better behaved , more confident or learning faster .\n3. Students will be taught how to take tests instead of learning skills and knowledge that will help them become good citizens .\n4. National testing will result in teachers `` teaching to the test '' .\n5. Childrens education would become focused on a yearly test .\n6. Subjects like art and music that are not covered on the national tests could be cut so that more time can be spent teaching students to pass the test .\n7. With national testing , they will become good test takers but will miss out on the joy of learning for learnings sake ."} {"inputs": "This House believes single-sex schools are good for education\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Women are better off in single-sex institutions"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. A large number of Christians are gay , and they can receive better spiritual direction from gay ministers than from heterosexuals who do not understand their lifestyles or relationships as well .\n2. Priests have a responsibility to represent the members of their congregations .", "targets": "Priests have to represent their congregations"} {"inputs": "The information age makes attempting to hide information on sex impossible\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. They can then use this information to help them decide how reliable any further information they may find from other sources is .\n2. That this information when there is safe sex education comes from the school means that the children know that they information is reliable .\n3. Most children in the west now have access to the internet and are therefore likely to have access to this information on sex , or at least educational materials on sex even if the childs access to the internet is controlled .\n4. The internet provides a vast amount of easily accessible information about sex , of varying degrees of quality .\n5. Rather than allowing children to find information on their own through what may well be unreliable resources it is necessary that they should get good reliable information .\n6. Given that it is impossible to prevent children from accessing this information if they really want to , it makes sense to present it to them in an organised and accurate fashion ."} {"inputs": "Claim: Christmas is inextricably linked with an image of a snowy wonderland.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. This is the sort of Christmas shown on greeting cards and celebrated in so many songs -LRB- for example , White Christmas , Jingle Bells , Frosty the Snowman , Walking in a Winter Wonderland , etc. -RRB- .\n2. Later the families gather inside around a warm fire to celebrate .\n3. When we think of Christmas we see snowy scenes , with people skating and sledging , and children making snowballs and snowmen .\n4. We all love the traditional white Christmas .\n5. `` The interest in snowy Christmases has its origins in the colder climate of the period 15501850 when Britain was in the grip of a Little Ice Age That way , the traditional image was created .\n6. It is n't a proper Christmas without snow ."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. The Occupy movement may well count many social liberals among its members , and these individuals are almost certainly unhappy about many aspects of modern Capitalism but that doesnt make Occupy , or the Athens street protestors Socialist .\n2. There is clearly a difference between the general malaise of those protesting the result of the financial crisis and any form of coherent ideology or manifesto for government .\n3. The only people pretending that protesters in Athens or Rome or the Occupy movement worldwide are in some meaningful way Socialists are aging class warriors from the seventies .", "targets": "Although there are protests as a result of the banking crisis and the resulting financial meltdown, they have no cohesive ideology"} {"inputs": "The Settlements are illegal, and demonstrate the impotence of the international community\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Furthermore , their continued expansion is something that each and every Palestinian can see every day .\n2. As a result , the continued expansion both : 1 .\n3. The Settlements , constructed on land that is neither recognizably Israels nor which Israel has even claimed to annex are illegal , encroaching on the territory of a future Palestinian state .\n4. It is absurd for the international community to demand the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank , and yet allow Israel to establish its population on that land in settlements that view themselves and are viewed by Israel as Israeli territory .\n5. Convinces Palestinian opinion that the negotiating process is an Israeli game to buy time until they have changed the facts on the ground .\n6. As a consequence of these two factors , the continued expansion of settlements has an impact in driving Palestinians towards violent resistance even beyond the direct impact of the settlement construction by undermining their faith in International Law , and by adding a sense of urgency to their grievances .\n7. Destroys Palestinian confidence in the ability and willingness of the International community to enforce its own promises , especially after repeated American and European promises to stop their construction .\n8. 2 ."} {"inputs": "This House would expand NATO\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "NATO expansion was, and is, necessary for international stability"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. An aggressor in a war can not be seen as a just actor and has therefore contributed to its own seclusion by acting in such a manner .\n2. This marked Eritrea as the aggressor .\n3. 1 -RRB- BBC , Eritrea broke law in border war , 21 December 2005 2 -RRB- Briggs , P. Ethiopia pg .30\n4. Eritrea was officially recognised by an international Claims Commission as the initiator of the war .\n5. Eritrea was responsible for instigating the war against Ethiopia , making it liable for its increased isolation .\n6. They removed the Ethiopian presence from the state , compromising territorial integrity and incurred a reaction from Ethiopia .\n7. The state invaded the region of Badme after a long diplomatic dispute over the border issue as they believed the territory was rightfully theirs .", "targets": "This House believes that Eritrea is responsible for its isolation"} {"inputs": "Should we fear the power of government over the Internet?\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Regulating the Internet is a means for governments to spy on their citizens"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Locking up Pussy Riot in order to stop their opposition therefore fits in with Putins previous actions against his opposition and seems likely to be the desired result .\n2. In the light of that , it seems an extraordinary coincidence that what he would have wanted is exactly what happened .\n3. There seems to be little doubt in any ones mind that Putin and his regime were the focus of the protest .\n4. It is , equally , no secret that Putin has a fairly brutal attitude towards political dissent ; he has expelled even allies in parliament for criticism , uses force to crush unsanctioned protests , and locks up potential opponents .\n5. Suggesting that this is a happy coincidence for Putin would be a little like suggesting that the decision to have term limits for the presidency , just not for Putin , was just the happy outcome of an impartial process .\n6. If this was just the Church and the courts happening to favour the interests of an over-mighty president , then Putin must be the luckiest man alive .\n7. Putin himself said after they were sentenced `` We have red lines beyond which starts the destruction of the moral foundations of our society If people cross this line they should be made responsible in line with the law . ''\n8. Putins record is not one that suggests that he is happy to step back and allow events to take their course in the hope that what he wants to happen just chances to come along quite the reverse .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "The blasphemy charge looks suspiciously convenient for Putin"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. , accessed 28 August 2011\n2. This is exemplified by the fact that in the 2005 General Elections , a plurality of English votes were cast in favour of the Conservative Party , -LRB- 35.7 % compared to labour 's 35.4 % -RRB- but a Labour Government was elected , partly on the back of the heavily Labour-dominated Scottish and Welsh votes .\n3. This process is clearly unfair , and generates an inequality within the UK .\n4. However , having done the Scottish and Welsh the service of allowing them to elect representatives of their political preferences , the UK denies this right to the English , forcing them to continue to be subject to the political preferences of the Scottish and Welsh , who can vote in Westminster elections .\n5. Proponents of devolution must , therefore , believe that such differences exist .\n6. If political preferences were the same between these nations , there would be no problem with having one central Parliament .\n7. The devolution settlement acknowledges that the political preferences and cultural identities of the Scottish , Welsh and English peoples are sufficiently different to warrant the creation of separate Scottish and Welsh legislatures .\n8. The status quo denies the English their own distinctive political identity .", "targets": "This House would devolve power to an English Parliament"} {"inputs": "This house believes that Anarchism is a valuable political ideology\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "The state is a meaningless metaphysical entity that is unnecessary and indeed detrimental for our lives."} {"inputs": "Claim: People can love more than one other person\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. The idea that the individual can only truly love one person is artificial and false , a product of a particular time , place and culture .\n2. In fact , in a study on human societies worldwide , of 1231 societies noted , only 186 were entirely monogamous .\n3. Polygamy is not about freedom to fornicate with anyone ; it 's about cementing relationships with individuals one wants to spend the rest of one 's life with , just as in monogamous marriages ."} {"inputs": "This House Would Implement A Fat Tax\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "An individual's BMI is no longer a purely personal matter"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. It is palpably and demonstrably true that news outlets seek to avoid offending their market ; so liberal newspapers avoid exposs of bad behaviour by blacks or homosexuals otherwise they wouldnt have a readership .\n2. Indeed , the news outlets that fail to do so are the ones most frequently and vociferously denounced by the high-minded intelligentsia who so frequently argue that broadcasting issues such as this constitutes free speech .\n3. Western journalists may find it awkward that many in the Arab world find the issue of homosexuality unpleasant or offensive but many of the same journalists would be aghast if they were asked to report activities that ran counter to their cultural sensibilities simply as fact .\n4. Most journalists try to minimise the harm caused by their reporting as shown by a study interviewing journalists on their ethics but how they define this harm and what they think will cause offence differs .\n5. Expletives or graphic images of violence or sex are routinely prevented because they would cause offence , giving personal details might cause distress and are omitted as a courtesy , and the identities of minors are protected as a point of law in most jurisdictions .\n6. Journalists and editors use their judgement all the time on what is acceptable to print or broadcast .\n7. Where a particular fact or image is likely to cause offence or distress , it is routine to exercise self-censorship its called discretion and professional judgement .\n8. It is simply untrue to suggest that journalists report the unvarnished truth with no regard to its ramifications .\n9. Trask , Larry , The Other Marks on Your Keyboard , , 1997 , Posner , Richard , A. , Bad News , , 31 July 2005 , Deppa , Joan A , & Plaisance , Patrick Lee , 2009 Perceptions and Manifestations of Autonomy , Transparency and Harm Among U.S. Newspaper Journalists , , pp.328-386 , p. 358 ,", "targets": "This House believes that news organisations should be free to exclude news of homosexuality where it causes offence to their viewers"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. As Russian president Medvedev stated in 2008 : No state can be pleased about having representatives of a military bloc to which it does not belong coming close to its borders .\n2. The second issue is NATOs plans to expand with Ukraine and Georgia , which Russia has traditionally regarded as part of their sphere of influence .\n3. Russia concludes that the missile defence system therefore must be directed at them .\n4. The first is a proposal by the U.S. to put up a missile defence system in Poland , the Czech Republic and on warships in the Black Sea under the flag of NATO to protect against missiles from Iran or North Korea , which , according to Russia , would never fly over these countries in any attack .\n5. There are two issues keeping Russia cautious of NATO as a military alliance .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "NATO destabilizes peaceful relations with Russia"} {"inputs": "This House believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Individuals may have no choice"} {"inputs": "This House Supports Scottish Independence\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "An independent Scotland has enormous economic potential to join other small European nations, especially as a leader in technology and renewable energy"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. In the U.S. during the year 2001 , routine childhood immunizations against seven diseases were estimated to save over $ 40 billion per birth-year cohort in overall social costs including $ 10 billion in direct health costs , and the societal benefit-cost ratio for these vaccinations was estimated to be 16.5 billion .\n2. Commonly-used vaccines are a cost-effective and preventive way of promoting health , compared to the treatment of acute or chronic disease .\n3. This is also supported by a WHO study , that claims : We calculate that the average percentage increase in income for the children whose immunization coverage increases through will rise from 0.78 per cent in 2005 to 2.39 per cent by 2020 .\n4. Another aspect is also , that productivity rates remain high and less money is earmarked for social and health transfers because people are healthier .\n5. The total increase in income per year once the vaccinated cohort of children start earning will rise from $ 410 million in 2005 to $ 1.34 billion by 2020 -LRB- at a cost of $ 638 million in 2005 and $ 748 million in 2020 -RRB- .\n6. This equates to an increase in annual earnings per child of $ 14 by 2020 .\n7. This study based on economic and health indicators is part of the world immunization program GAVI .", "targets": "This House Would Make Vaccination Compulsory"} {"inputs": "This House would abolish congressional earmarks\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Earmarks transfer too much power to political parties' central leadership"} {"inputs": "Public acknowledgement of the right to nuclear deterrence will benefit the public regulation of nuclear weapons generally\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Thus , greater openness and freedom in the development of nuclear weapons will increase the security of nuclear stockpiles .\n2. Knowledge of states nuclear capability allows greater regulation and cooperation in development of nuclear programs from developed countries with more advanced nuclear programs .\n3. When nuclear deterrence is an acknowledged right of states , they will necessarily be less concealing of their capability , as the deterrent effect works only because it is visible and widely known .\n4. This will cause a diminution in clandestine nuclear weapons programs , and will reduce the chances of weapons-grade material falling into the hands of terrorists .\n5. Developed countries can help construct and maintain the nuclear weapons of other countries , helping to guarantee the safety protocols of countries programs are suitably robust ."} {"inputs": "Claim: Genetically modified food is a danger to eco-systems.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Furthermore , not all companies have access to the terminator technology .\n2. This can be prevented with the terminator gene .\n3. However , use of this is immoral for reasons outlined below .\n4. In addition , removing certain varieties of crops causes organisms , which feed on these crops , to be wiped out as well , such as the butterfly population decimated by a recent Monsanto field trial .\n5. This supports the concerns that GM plants or transgenes can escape into the environment and that the impacts of broad-spectrum herbicides used with the herbicide tolerant GM crops on the countryside ecosystems have consequences .\n6. One of the impacts was that the toxin was produced by Bt crops -LRB- GMOs -RRB- on no-target species -LRB- butterflies -RRB- , which lead to them dying .\n7. Another concern is also that pollen produced from GM crops can be blown into neighboring fields where it fertilizes unmodified crops .\n8. GM foods also present a danger to the environment .\n9. The use of these crops is causing fewer strains to be planted .\n10. In a traditional ecosystem based on 100 varieties of rice , a disease wiping out one strain is not too much of a problem ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. For professions like acting and music this tends to be the late twenties and early thirties .\n2. In reality for most people this would be when they are in their fifties .\n3. Nobody would suggest that members of other professions should be expected to interrupt it when they are at the height of their profession .\n4. For most professions , getting military service out of the way early in ones career makes sense .\n5. Regulations should reflect reality , in this instance that means allowing performers to get on with their careers .\n6. Military service anywhere in the world is considered to be something you undertake before your career , not in the middle of it .\n7. In the light of this setting the age limit where it is is uniquely unfair to performers just as it is to athletes .\n8. Indeed , for pop singers in particular their career is likely to be over when they are 35 .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Having the age of 30 as the cut-off point is uniquely unfair to performers as this is the age when they are likely to be at the height of their fame and towards the end of their career."} {"inputs": "Tibet presents an explosive domestic political issue for China which the latter would benefit from eliminating\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Given that China is already losing money on the province , it may well be worth it for China to jettison it in order to gain much greater international benefits .\n2. Internationally , the Tibetan issue keeps Chinas Human Rights record in the news and almost torpedoed the 2008 Olympic games .\n3. Furthermore , the economic and political disenfranchisement of the Tibetan people is an enormous domestic problem , as it has led to large numbers becoming unemployed and moving to other parts of China where they form an underclass .\n4. Domestically , violence in Tibet is the most serious domestic disturbance facing the Chinese government , and the fact that there is nearly constant violence between Han Settlers and Tibetans forces the Chinese to alienate everyone in order to contain it .\n5. Tibet , and the resistance Tibetans continue to show to Chinese rule presents a toxic domestic and international political problem that costs far more than it worth ."} {"inputs": "This House would stimulate (or subsidise) mother tongue education for large immigrant groups.\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Conserving languages and immigrant community cultures"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Bush Chose to spend that on tax cuts and two extremely expensive wars -LRB- the War in Iraq was the mostly costly war , in relative terms , in US history except for WWII -RRB- .\n2. At the end of the Clinton presidency the government was running at a healthy surplus following the longest sustained period of growth in US history .\n3. Alan Greenspan , and many others , have pointed out that the impact of continued deficits is likely to be higher interest rates at a time when the country can ill afford them which will hurt the economy .\n4. Obama was landed with the problems that Bush created , but has chosen to extend spending rather than control the deficit.As The country is no longer at war , there is no real reason to be running at a deficit .", "targets": "This House would prioritise eliminating the budget deficit over increasing domestic spending"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. The international discouragement of the practice of chewing coca leaves and the prohibition on its use by Andeans when they travel or reside abroad can thus be seen as a violation of their indigenous religious and traditional rights , and therefore is not acceptable on a moral level .\n2. All South American countries have signed several declarations by the Union of South American Nations -LRB- UNASUR -RRB- that acknowledged that the chewing of coca leaves is an ancestral cultural expression that should be respected by the international community .\n3. Coca has also been a vital part of the religious traditions of the Andean peoples from the pre-Inca period through to the present , being used ` to communicate with the supernatural world and obtain its protection , especially with offerings to the Pachamama , the personification and spiritual form of the earth . '\n4. The custom of chewing coca leaves may date back as far as 3000 BC in the region , and so hugely pre-dates cocaine consumption , and thus should n't be bundled with it or banned on the grounds that cocaine is banned .\n5. This is why so many nations in this region can not and simply will not ever conform to any international ban that calls for phasing it out .\n6. Coca chewing is hugely prevalent amongst the peoples of the Andes , and their social relationship with it is akin to that of ours with coffee in Western nations .", "targets": "This House would legalise the growing of coca leaf"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. The Times reported in Franglais and somewhat comically on the predominance of English in the Union ; `` Ils sadresseraint lUnion Europenne cinq fois every day en franglais '' -LRB- sic ! -RRB- .\n2. When translated from Franglais into English , it reads They address the European Union every day in Franglais .\n3. The French language can not realistically survive if is not upheld as a relevant and respected language in official contexts .\n4. It is a very emotive and sensitive issue for the French people .\n5. The EU was founded by a Frenchman , Robert Schuman , France and Germany were two of the five founding members , the Union was created to ally France with Germany and before Britain joined , the French vetoed Britains entry .\n6. Now , the French feel their part is Europe is becoming diluted by the use of English .\n7. By forcing them to accept the English language in the context of an EU meeting only opens the gate to making them accept the same rules as other nations ; if their own language is silenced , so too is their voice of expression and opposition .\n8. The following example demonstrates the reality of the threat to the French language being used correctly in formal contexts .\n9. In March , 2005 , the then French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac shocked and appalled his people by making an address to the European Union in English .\n10. French representatives present walked out in protest .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "The French language is still increasing in relevance through the European Union"} {"inputs": "1. Moreover when the ban is only when entering public buildings it can be enforced by the teacher , or the building 's security guards rather than being an issue for the police to deal with .\n2. , accessed 28/8/11\n3. There are many societies that have had bans on a religious symbol in public buildings , for example in France where there is a ban on religious symbols in schools has been in force since 2004 .\n4. In France the ban is made even easier to enforce by restricting it to ` conspicuous ' religious apparel .\n5. A ban would be simple to create and enforce .\n6. Religious symbols are for the most part meant to be shown therefore it is simple for police or authorities to check that someone is not wearing them .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "A ban would be simple to enforce."} {"inputs": "1. This then takes the issue out of the hands of the politicians and puts it into the hands of the people .\n2. Indeed remittances are noticeably stable with money still being sent home during recessions and can even be countercyclical as migrants will send more if they know things are bad back home .\n3. A change to remittances would reduce this vulnerability ; it would be much more difficult for donors to suspend the tax breaks they provide for remittances to individual countries than it is to cut aid .\n4. He wants a higher level of direct ownership in the nations projects and wants it because western donors had suspended aid .\n5. The President Paul Kagame has said aid is never enough and we need to complement it with homegrown schemes to accelerate growth .\n6. Rwanda has been trying to increase the size of remittances in order to increase its autonomy .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Provides autonomy for developing countries"} {"inputs": "Claim: Money from the National Lottery is essential to arts programmes, just as it is to many other organisations in the UK.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. The National Lottery , accessed 31/5/11 .\n2. Last year -LRB- 2010 -RRB- 16.67 % of the donations made were to arts organisations , the same amount that was given to sport and heritage projects .\n3. Since the lottery began in Britain in1994 over 25 billion has been given to good causes .\n4. Equal distribution of this public lottery is the only way to ensure that people are being fairly treated when they buy their lottery ticket , even though the good causes their money goes to may not be their primary concern .\n5. This money makes up an significant part of many organisations budgets , and stopping this funding whilst still giving to sports and heritage foundations would be discriminatory and unfair ."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. This would help integrate central Africa economically into the global economy making the region much more attractive for investment .\n2. The building of the dams could be combined with canalisation and locks to enable international goods to be easily transported to and from the interior .\n3. The rapids cut the middle Congo off from the sea .\n4. While the Congo is mostly navigable it is only usable internally .", "targets": "A dam could make the Congo more usable"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. As a consequence , the only clear solution is the removal of the settlements .\n2. The existence of the settlements makes these security policies a necessity .\n3. Security needs subsequently require that this road be protected from attacks by creating a large military presence along its route , and in many cases moving existing Palestinian settlements .\n4. It needs a road for its residents to safely travel to and from work in Israel .\n5. For one thing , a settlement can not function in isolation .\n6. The settlements themselves are self-perpetuating in a manner that makes them pernicious to the rights and very existence of neighbouring Palestinian communities .\n7. The security needs of settlements create a situation which makes the livelihood of Palestinians impossible .\n8. The result is that even a settlement of a few hundred families rapidly requires the takeover of an amount of land out of all proportion to the actual number of settlers involved , and any further expansion compounds the problem .\n9. In turn settlements require their fields to be protected by high walls and electric fences to protect them from attack , and the construction crews building them also require protection .\n10. At the very least Palestinian areas are bisected by impassable thoroughfares .", "targets": "Settlements remove Palestinians from their own land, and they produce a self-perpetuating cycle in their search for security"} {"inputs": "1. As Morin-Chartier argues , the EU directives are about being a model for one another and the quotas will serve as an archetype for others worldwide .\n2. Therefore , the quotas are necessary to encourage progress in this field as other tools have not brought equal gender representation .\n3. This is not simply a national issue , but a pan-EU problem of justice and equal rights .\n4. Gender equality is linked to the fundamental human rights that the EU endorses and the lack of progress in terms of women in high positions of Europe requires a proactive stance .\n5. Gender equality at the workplace is an important principle that businesses should follow .\n6. If we consider men and women to be equal then they should be equally represented at the top levels of politics , society , and business .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Gender equality is based on fundamental human rights endorsed by the EU which needs to be addressed"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. If patients are detained then doctors will have a better idea of their patient 's usual behaviour and therefore be better at reading their symptoms .\n2. As a society we should put effort into helping those suffering from mental illness and detention is one way of being sure that they are receiving and maintain treatment .\n3. This also means that doctors are able to keep an eye on patients so that if the patient is no longer a risk , they can be let out .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "It will ensure people are receiving the correct treatment"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. If public officials had information that a massive protest is being organized , which could spiral into violence and endanger the safety of the public , it would be irresponsible for the government not to try to prevent such a protest .\n2. The internet can be used as a tool to create an imminent threat to the public .\n3. An example of this happening was the use first of Facebook and twitter and then of Blackberry messenger to organise and share information on the riots in London in the summer of 2011 .\n4. Governments are entrusted with protecting public safety and security , and not preventing such a treat would constitute a failure in the performance of their duties .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "The internet as a threat to public safety."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. CCIII , No. 2 , Fall 2003 ,\n2. Pressman , Jeremy , The Second Intifada : Background and Causes of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict , , Vol .\n3. Even when there is no cease fire there will be no reason for the terrorists to escalate if their demands are being taken seriously .\n4. The best way to prevent this cycle of violence is to negotiate , even if this is mostly to buy time .\n5. In this case Arafat hoped a round of violence would bring about concessions .\n6. This is because when the terrorists fail they are unlikely to pack up ; instead they will try to find a bigger lever to course the state into making the move they want .\n7. When the state fights back the by the terrorists response is almost always more bloodshed using more and more extreme methods for example the first intifada was fought using sticks and stones , but when this , and the peace process that followed it failed , or rather did not show the results that was hoped for , the second was a major step up to suicide bombing .\n8. When fighting terrorists the state either needs to answer some of the terrorists demands or fight back .", "targets": "No negotiation encourages the hunt for a bigger lever"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. They make an ass of the law and show that the nanny state is overreaching .\n2. Newspapers are full of examples of absurd ASBOs .\n3. Other examples include a prostitute who was prohibited from carrying condoms in an area that included her drug clinic , a prohibition on mobile soup vans that fed the homeless and a deaf girl who was banned from spitting in public .\n4. People trying to kill themselves really arent going to be put off by the prospect of breaching their ASBO .", "targets": "There is no respect among the population for ASBOS"} {"inputs": "This House believes that there should be a presumption in favour of publication for information held by public bodies\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "If public bodies do not have an obligation to publish information, there will always be a temptation to find any available excuses to avoid transparency."} {"inputs": "This House wants a line-item veto amendment\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "The line item veto prevents an abuse by congress"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Suicide is a waste of life .\n2. It is an immoral act that ignores the sacrosanct nature of human life something that is universally considered to be the case as shown by being something nearly all religions consider to be the case .\n3. Failure to criminalize such a flagrant violation of the sanctity of human life condemns any society as irreligious and immoral .\n4. Nowadays we hear everyone talking about human rights ; we hear precious little about human obligations .\n5. If we believe in the moral worth of human rights we do so because we think that human life is a wonderful thing and something with which we should not interfere .\n6. Whether the interference is by others or by ourselves , any action that denigrates human life is morally wrong for precisely the reason that we support human rights .\n7. We have an obligation to preserve all life , including our own .", "targets": "This House believes that suicide should be a criminal offence"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Free speech is not relative or conditional and certainly should not be determined on the basis of the thickness of someones chequebook .\n2. Smaller businesses and other organisations see their freedom of expression worst hit by laws that prevent them from associating themselves in any way with major events , to the detriment of their communities .\n3. Those organisations without access to huge legal departments are hardest hit , further disadvantaging them against corporations who can already outspend them on advertising .\n4. In this regard , freedom of information is a very real issue .\n5. Sponsors are simply using this to increase an already fairly unfair advantage ; many people supported Britains bid for the games on the basis that it would offer great benefits to local businesses , legislation restricting their ability to use their geographical and cultural association with the event make that pledge look extremely hollow .\n6. Free speech means that in the world of words and ideas , at least , there is an even playing field and undermining that runs against a sense of natural justice .\n7. The major sponsors already went into this situation with massive advantages over small traders who had the sole advantage of the geographical proximity to the events .\n8. One of the noticeable failings of the Games is just how little positive impact they have had for small business in East London where most of the events are being held added to this , 62 % of small businesses think the games will have no impact while 25 % believe the impact will be negative and business outside the capital have actually suffered as a result .\n9. Coke isnt planning to make their money back on direct sales of their product around venues but on the prestige it brings them as a global brand .\n10. The idea that , for example , Coca Cola can prevent street vendors in the Olympic Village from selling Pepsi is absurd .", "targets": "Those unable to respond will be worst hit"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. The parent should be given standards of teaching that they must adhere to before the inspections occur , and the standards should be sufficiently flexible to reflect children learn at different speeds and that not all children 's development reflects fairly on their teacher .\n2. If the child is deemed to be falling behind his age group , the parent may be forced to return the child to a school .\n3. To ensure they are not neglected , parents hoping to home-school must both register the fact they are home-schooling their child and submit to regular , state inspections of the child 's progress .\n4. Parents who take their children out of school , or choose to home-school due to apprehensions over the quality of state education , should be entitled to do so provided the child is better off as a result .", "targets": "Parents should be permitted to home-school their children provided they register the fact and submit to inspections"} {"inputs": "Claim: Reform would strengthen the House of Lords\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Reform of the House of Lords would strengthen the legitimacy of the house and therefore improve its functions .\n2. By electing the second chamber they would gain the legitimacy to not simply stall bills but reject them all together or drafts bills of their own , thus facilitating a more dynamic government , able to change .\n3. Using a different electoral technique , for example Proportional Representation with members sitting for longer periods would allow them to still be of a different composition to the House of Commons and not sway to short-term political popularity .\n4. Electing different portions at different times would also guard against a freak landslide result affecting the houses balance .\n5. By creating a worthy opposition to the House of Commons all issues would be debated and decided upon more fairly and government would be more closely monitored ."} {"inputs": "This house would allow gay couples to marry\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Marriage is about more than procreation, therefore gay couples should not be denied the right to marry due to their biology."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. It has been proven by a study at the University of Toronto , Canada , that women need inspirational female role models more than men ; they need it to be demonstrated that it is possible to overcome barrier .\n2. Only if one generation is pushed towards politics can there be role models for potential future women MPs to follow ; for that reason it need not be a permanent measure , just one that gets the ball rolling .\n3. Positive discrimination is the only way to encourage women to stand .\n4. At present there is a vicious circle whereby women see no point in standing for politics because it is viewed as a male-dominated institution .\n5. This will help achieve true progress in the future .\n6. It 's about changing stereotypes and perception -LRB- particularly of the concept ` leadership ' , which we automatically think of as a male trait -RRB- .\n7. This measure would simply allow women to overcome the institutional sexism in the selection committees of the established political parties , which has for so long prevented a representative number of women from becoming candidates , and would encourage other women to try and emulate that .\n8. Positive discrimination would provide this evidence and support .", "targets": "This House would introduce positive discrimination to put more women in parliament"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Debt relief is particularly needed in countries affected by natural disasters , where much of the aid is focused on solving immediate concerns as opposed to getting the economy back on track .\n2. Not only do they desperately need more money to cope with the disaster , but the economic impact of the tragedy reduces their ability to service their loans anyway .\n3. Debt relief is much needed for the worlds poorest nations and the only way to ensure that they get back on the road to economic development .\n4. Without debt relief , the cycle of poverty , disease and corruption would continue and possibly spread to other parts of the world .\n5. What is the point of the developed world promising hundreds of millions of dollars in post-disaster aid , if they then take away much more money each year in debt charges ?\n6. A cancelling of debt is a mechanism that dates back to antiquity as a means of resetting power and wealth inequalities that have expanded to critical levels .", "targets": "THIS HOUSE BELIEVES that countries which suffer from natural disasters should receive debt relief"} {"inputs": "This House would go vegetarian\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "It is immoral to kill animals"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. But with the advent of the internet and mass media , it is now easier than ever to consult the public on issues of concern to them .\n2. In the past , it was impractical to organise frequent referendums due to the difficulty and expense of holding them .\n3. For example , Switzerland regularly holds referendums on all sorts of issues in an efficient manner which commands widespread public support .", "targets": "Modern technology makes consultation easier than ever."} {"inputs": "1. The word nigger is not racist .\n2. Only intent , not the word nigger , can be racist .\n3. There are other words besides `` nigger '' that is just as offensive because of the connotation , like eggplant .\n4. A word can never be racist , the only way a word is racist if it is used with racist intent and explained that way .\n5. The term is both endearing and disrespectful depending on the situation in which it used .\n6. The word by itself has no meaning ; the history of the word and the situations in which the word is used brings the word to life .\n7. and it 's reviewed as positive or I can say `` You 're a nigga , '' and it can be seen as negative .\n8. For example I can say `` You 're my nigga ! ''\n9. Blacks use `` nigger '' to defy the history of the word and evoke empowerment Randall Kennedy .\n10. The common debate about this word does n't exist so much with how to use it , but more so who uses it .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "It is no longer harmful."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. 26 June 1945 ,\n2. Where a large group people do not feel represented or accepted by a state and thus do not consent to its rule , the states control over that people becomes illegitimate .\n3. The right to self-determination is a basic human right which underpins the legitimacy of the nation-state .\n4. United Nations , UN Charter , Chapter I : Purposes and Principles , Art. 1 , Part 2 .\n5. The right to national self-determination is enshrined with the UN charter and formed the basis for the independence of Slovenia , Croatia , Macedonia , Kosovo and Montenegro .", "targets": "This House would allow the Republika Srpska to secede from Bosnia & Herzegovina"} {"inputs": "1. Olson , 2010 3 .\n2. The Economist , 1996 2 .\n3. 1 .\n4. It is clearly discriminatory and reflects an out-dated view of homosexuality .\n5. As New York State Senator Mark Grisanti admitted when voting in favour of a 2011 bill , I can not deny a personthe same rights that I have with my wife .\n6. To permit heterosexual couples to profess their love through the bonds of marriage , but deny that same right to homosexual couples ultimately devalues their love , a love that is no weaker or less valid than that of straight couples .\n7. Gay marriage is possibly , as Theodore Olson , a former Bush administration Republican suggests , the last major civil-rights milestone yet to be surpassed .\n8. The contemporary views of society ought to change with the times ; as recently as 1967 , blacks and whites in some Americans could not marry , no-one would defend such a law now .\n9. Such discrimination should be eradicated by permitting gay couples to marry as a means of professing their love to each other .\n10. One of the last bastions of discrimination against gays lies in the fact that gay couples in many countries are at present not allowed to marry .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "It is discriminatory to refuse gay couples the right to marry"} {"inputs": "1. -LSB- 1 -RSB- -LSB- 2 -RSB-\n2. Air strikes went on to destroy artillery , armor and other weapons that could be used for indiscriminate attacks .\n3. The intervention therefore stopped large scale civilian bloodshed .\n4. Military jets and helicopter gunships were indiscriminately unleashed upon people who had no means to defend themselves against assault from the air .\n5. The resolution of a no fly zone passed by the security council weakened and prevented government forces from killing people and destroying cities using air strikes -LSB- 2 -RSB- .\n6. From the day of the uprising in Benghazi , the government was committed to fight back till the end .\n7. Gaddafi asserted that he will chase down the protesters and cleanse house by house while his son said that rivers of blood would flow with thousands of deaths , if the uprising didnt stop -LSB- 1 -RSB- .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Intervention prevented an impending bloodbath in Benghazi."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Fairness requires that cohabiting couples share their property on separation : when couples have lived together for a long period -LRB- such as five years or more -RRB- they will have gained benefits at each others expense but also suffered disadvantages for the others benefit .\n2. If one partner gives up a career to raise children or support the other in their career , they are seriously disadvantaged upon separation .\n3. Where the other partner has gained as a result of this sacrifice , they should compensate the former , so that the two parties can move towards independence in equal positions .\n4. Parties may choose not to marry , but this should not have to cause such financial harm to one partner .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "The courts have a duty to develop services that will meet the needs of society"} {"inputs": "Schengen helps divide Europe as not all members take part.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. The fact that not all the EU members are part of the Schengen agreement means that the EU is divided in two areas : one in which the free movement of people is achieved and one in which it is not .\n2. The Schengen Area , adopted by some countries in Europe but not others , will create a difference of interest which will irrevocably divide the EU over time .\n3. This could turn out to be a particularly divisive force within a Union that is already faltering having failed to sign a common Constitution and settled for a watered down treaty instead .\n4. This threatens to create two different ways of approaching the questions of justice and security within the EU : one that is managed through the SIS system and Europol , and one that is managed through the traditional justice and home affairs legislation within the Union framework itself ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. As open source software is often either free or cheaper than closed source alternatives , this approach enables local authorities , private businesses and individual citizens to interact more easily with the state , removing many of the obstacles and objections to the wider adoption of information technology .\n2. The result is that businesses and Brazilian citizens can use the same open source software at home , knowing they will be able to interact with their government .\n3. Brazils Digital Inclusion Program , for example , has selected open source software for 58 government units rather than Windows or Microsoft Office .\n4. Governments are one of the few organisations which can define industry standards because citizens and businesses increasingly have to interact with governments electronically .\n5. Network effects explain why Microsofts monopoly of around 90 % of the desktop market with its Windows and Office software has been so hard to challenge .\n6. Economists use the term network effect to describe the phenomenon whereby , as several people use the same communication platform -LRB- be it a specific device , such as a telephone , or a complicated service , such as Facebook -RRB- , it becomes more valuable for others to use because they can share and collaborate on work with a wider range of individuals .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Governments can re-define industry standards by choosing open source software."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. The documents that currently make up the written component of the UK 's informal constitution provide an accessible starting point .\n2. Such ancient texts and treaties as the Magna Carta would provide for a smooth transition from commonly-accepted legal principles to the formal entrenchment of those principles in the clauses of a constitution .\n3. While under the status quo all laws passed by parliament are considered of equal significance , there is an informal recognition by some jurists that certain laws , such as the Human Rights Act , enjoy a favored position within a hierarchy of laws .\n4. A written constitution would simply help to formalize this de facto hierarchy .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Much of the Work is Already Done"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. To be successful , boxers have to train for 8 hours a day 6 days a week , spending the best years of their lives in the gym .\n2. The truth is that boxers are only treated as money-making devices by their promoters and the boxing industry .\n3. Because most boxers lack a formal education and spend all their time in the gym they employ managers to handle their business affairs ; very often the boxers entourage control the fighters destiny .\n4. This relationship can be exploitative given the inequality of bargaining power and the fact that most boxers need to make as much money as they can before they are worn out .\n5. Its time to break up this industry before any more young athletes get taken advantage of in a bad way .\n6. Loc Wacquant , The pugilistic point of view : How boxers think and feel about their trade , , Vol .\n7. Oftentimes the promoters actively make it more dangerous , exploiting their clients for criminal ends .\n8. In his exploration of boxing deaths throughout history , Joseph Svinth finds that in addition to health reasons , many deaths were criminal , with the promoter playing the dual role of gangster .\n9. Whilst it may well be in the fighters interest to hang-up his gloves , those around him have a financial incentive to push fighters into more and more title defences or comebacks .\n10. The decisions that older boxers make provide further proof that they feel they have been exploited : over 80 % of older boxers surveyed in Chicago said that they did not want their children to be boxers .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Boxing is famously exploitative, but a ban could prevent youth from falling into the sport\u2019s economic trap."} {"inputs": "This house supports the idea of participatory democracy\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Participatory Democracy Preserves our Natural Liberty"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. When various bans across different parts of the world began to be put in place on the advertising of tobacco products the companies behind them had to find both loopholes and alternative ways of advertising their product to both current but most importantly new potential customers .\n2. One way of continuing to advertise was to invest in product placement within film which many bans did not block .\n3. The ban on advertising in the UK was introduced in 1991 , by 1995 the instances of smoking in films had increased fourfold and the appearance of cigarette brands went up by a massive 600 % .\n4. -LRB- BBC , 1998 -RRB- A study by the American Lung Association also found after reviewing 145 movies ... that PG-13 movies contain more tobacco use than R-rated films intended for adults .\n5. and In a similar study the following year found that eighty percent of the popular PG-13 movies examined depicted tobacco use .\n6. -LRB- Media Awareness Network , 2010 -RRB- This clearly demonstrates that tobacco companies are using films to advertise their products , and particularly towards young children , this should be regulated .", "targets": "Tobacco companies may use movies to circumvent bans on advertising cigarettes"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. The Telegraph , Archbishop of Canterbury hits out at cross ban , 4 April 2010 ,\n2. Indeed , British Airways , Eweidas employer , has since changed their policy to permit staff to wear religious or charitable imagery in large part because of the absurdity of the position .\n3. The difference between the significance of the claims could not be greater .\n4. In the case of Nadia Eweida , at least , the employers case was based on the idea that wearing a symbol of that faith might not enhance their uniform .\n5. People of faith attest that those beliefs determine the nature of their own identity and their place in the Universe .\n6. Daily Mail .\n7. There is no suggestion that harm to another could have been caused here and , therefore , no reason not to respect the heartfelt beliefs of the individuals involved .\n8. On one hand there are individuals protecting their sincere beliefs in the most profound of issues and , on the other , managers applying what the Archbishop of Canterbury described as wooden-headed bureaucratic silliness .\n9. The case against Chaplin was based on health and safety legislation - but not because the cross and chain posed a risk to others but to herself ; a risk she was , presumably , prepared to accept .", "targets": "This House believes Christians should be allowed to wear the Cross at work"} {"inputs": "This House believes the European Union should adopt a single working language through which to operate.\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Working through many languages in the European Union costs money that could be spent on EU\u2019s projects rather than unnecessary conversation."} {"inputs": "This House would enforce term limits on the executive branch of government\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Freeing the executive from re-election concerns can help focus attention on the public interest"} {"inputs": "This House would subsidise poor communities\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Substandard living conditions have a broad environmental impact"} {"inputs": "This House believes that religious beliefs should override government laws\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Relationship between state and religious population"} {"inputs": "The peoples within the state have no desire to live together.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. They already essentially live in separate states but without the ability to actually direct their own affairs or receive international recognition .\n2. The constituents peoples -LRB- Serbs , Croats and Bosniaks -RRB- live almost entirely in separate segregated areas with very little communal intermixing .\n3. Wikipedia , Ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina , Application of Genocide convention , Dissenting opinion of Judge Kreca , International Court of Justice , 11 July 1996 , p. 738 ,\n4. It should be remembered that the Bosnian Serbs have already voted ponce for secession as in a referendum in November 1991 in areas which were Serb ethnic 96.4 % voted for an independent State within the then Yugoslav federation ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Labour needs to move left to fight on their own ground forcing other parties to match their more populist policies such as renationalising the railways .\n2. Since the start of the 1990s Labour has moved to the right to contest the centre ground of politics .\n3. This worked in 1997 when the Conservatives were a spent force after 17 Years in power .\n4. Tony Blair successfully stole the conservatives moderate policies .\n5. However this has resulted in the centre ground moving to the right with policies such as austerity and welfare cuts becoming a consensus .", "targets": "This House believes a move to the left is good for Labour"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Such major changes must be put to popular vote , the citizens of each EU member state have a right to legitimise or reject these changes that push for a more centralized European superstate .\n2. The Lisbon Treaty does not only affect international policies , criminal law and national justice systems , it also gives power over to the Commission and European Court .\n3. It gives the European Union a legal personality , allowing it to sign international agreements and member countries are now made subject to majority voting -LSB- 1 -RSB- .\n4. The Lisbon Treaty significantly affects the workings of each member country .\n5. , -LRB- 13 January 2008 -RRB- .\n6. -LSB- 1 -RSB- European Commission , , viewed on 13 June 2011 -LSB- 2 -RSB- Foley , Kathy , Lisbon treat : yes , no or eh ?\n7. Voters should be included in the debate and key issues need to be highlighted not just ignored .\n8. Furthermore the will of the people needs to be trusted , if a reform is intentionally ambiguous and complicated , which was one of the criticisms of the Lisbon Treaty -LSB- 2 -RSB- , it is the job of the politician to explain the cause to the public .", "targets": "This House would hold a referendum on any new EU treaty"} {"inputs": "This is no different than political comment, etc.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. For the sake of consistency , if nothing else , Tarek Mehanna should join them .\n2. Ministers of God , political activists and intellectuals have raised the issue of the loss of life among civilians in the Muslim world and the questionable justification of those losses on the grounds of national security .\n3. Yet none of them are in prison .\n4. Americas allies around the world have questioned the continued presence of US troops in the region and , in many cases , withdrawn their own - andif removing troops from the fight is not aiding the enemy , it would be difficult to imagine what might be .\n5. And yet they remain at liberty .\n6. They have also pointed out that the only rational response to overwhelming American military superiority in terms of hardware is the kind of warfare being undertaken by insurgents from Bagdad to Kabul .\n7. Scholars , commentators and satirists have pointed out the hypocrisy of current US strategy in the Islamic world .\n8. Mainstream politicians have called for an immediate withdrawal of American troops and the claims emanating from the right of the Republican Party that doing so gives succour to Americas enemies now sounds as shrill as they do bizarre .\n9. None of them are in prison .\n10. There may well be those on the American Right who would happily imprison all of these groups but the reality is that they remain at large ."} {"inputs": "State ownership is not a good way of controlling funds\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Since the 1980s countries everywhere have followed the example of Thatchers Britain and privatised their industries , freeing them to compete efficiently and to generate more wealth and jobs than they had ever done in state hands .\n2. State ownership distorted incentives , interfered with management and produced decades of underinvestment , poor service to consumers , and national economic failure with the most extreme example being the Soviet Union itself .\n3. In the 1970s many states owned nationalised industries as part of an attempt at socialist economic planning that has now been discredited .\n4. The ownership of important businesses by sovereign wealth funds runs counter to the economic policy pursued by almost every government over the past 25 years .\n5. Going back to state ownership of business is a dangerous backward step , especially as it is now foreign governments that are doing the nationalising ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Its focus is on individuals aggregated into interest groups as the main actors in integration , so the focus is on low politics and the areas which become integrated in the European Union reflect that .\n2. As such there has been much more progress on economic integration than there has on creating a common foreign and security policy .\n3. Neo-functionalism is an example of a liberal theory of regional integration .\n4. Its focus is on human welfare needs , not political conflict and law .\n5. It also accepts the independent role of international organisations and that the transformation of the international regional system towards a better order is feasible so making the European Union a project worth investing effort in .\n6. Center for European studies , European Union Common Foreign and Security Policy , unc.edu ,", "targets": "Neo-functionalism explains the integration of the European Union"} {"inputs": "This policy would benefit the state and provide trade\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. If the government decides to promote mother tongue education for large immigrant groups it will be enhancing mutual understanding between its own population and another nation as the immigrants provide a go between .\n2. The state will send a positive message towards the large immigrant groups by allowing them to study in their first language .\n3. The reason was because new exporting firms are created immigrants know the conditions in their own country so can access that market , something that would be impossible without a native understanding of the language .\n4. The effect of migrants on trade is often ignored but studies have shown that in the case of Spain from 1995-2008 exports are boosted by having immigrant communities ; doubling the number of immigrants from a certain country in a province leads to an increase of the export values from the destination province to the country of the immigrants origin by around 10 % .\n5. This may produce clear advantages for both parties , in the form of collaboration , diplomacy and trade .\n6. Having migrants creates a link between the two countries .\n7. A favorable treatment towards the large immigrant groups will be seen positively by the country the immigrants come from .\n8. On the other hand , promoting diversity will promote understanding between countries .\n9. The importance of cooperation between immigrant groups and the state is often recognized , for example in combating extremism , this kind of measure encourages such cooperation as it brings with it the good will of the immigrant community .\n10. It will acknowledge the importance of such groups in the national society by providing this additional opportunity ."} {"inputs": "Communities should have a say in what is taught in schools, and many communities want to teach creationism.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. This is why Creationism , a belief held to varying extents in many countries , should be taught in the classroom.This is particularly true in the United States , where in several states the majority of people does not accept evolution , but have instead adopted Creationism , considering the evidence for the latter to be more convincing .\n2. Children deserve to hear that their beliefs and those of their community are respected in the classroom .\n3. School boards should be able to set curriculum based on the desires of the public , not just on what the scientific elites command to be taught .\n4. Society is made up of communities with their own views on politics , religion , education , etc. .\n5. It is important for social stability that schools are allowed to teach what communities believe to be true .\n6. Furthermore , evolution taught exclusively threatens religious belief , telling children they are no more than animals and lack the spark of grace given by God .\n7. The teaching of Creationism should not be taught exclusively , but should share time with other prevailing theories , particularly those of evolution and abiogenesis .\n8. In a poll in 2009 a majority -LRB- 57 % -RRB- said that creationism should be taught in schools either without evolution or alongside it ."} {"inputs": "Unconventional oil can contribute to \u2018energy security\u2019\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. The United States and other oil importing countries could lessen dependence and thereby stop financing corrupt Middle Eastern regimes via oil imports -LRB- 2010 -RRB- .\n2. Suppose the United States or the European Union would face a serious deterioration in diplomatic relations with the Middle East , after which OPEC would decide to cut oil supplies the consequences would be dire , as the 1973 oil crisis showed .\n3. This creates a dangerous dependency for all oil-importing countries .\n4. In 2010 , OPEC-countries held about 80 % of the worlds global proven conventional oil reserves , with the bulk of this in the Middle East .\n5. Currently , global oil supply is dominated by the OPEC-cartel , consisting of countries like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia .\n6. For example , the second largest world oil reserve lies at the Athabasca oil sands deposit in Canada , which is not a member of OPEC -LRB- wikipedia , .\n7. A lot of the worlds unconventional oil is outside of OPEC .\n8. Problems affecting the flow of oil from the Middle East are unlikely to affect the flow of unconventional oil from Canada at the same time .\n9. Since unconventional oil is found in many places around the world , it offers oil importing countries the possibility to diversify their energy import portfolio , thus lessening the risk of being cut off for political reasons -LRB- , 2011 -RRB- ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. The decision of whether an individual is ready to engage in a sexual relationship is a purely personal one ; refusing contraceptives places them at unnecessarily medical risk , both physically and mentally , and does not adhere to the duty of care by doctors for their patients .\n2. As long as these girls meet the requirements for consent laid out by the relevant medical authority , there should be no reason for contraceptives should be denied to them .\n3. Medical advice and prescriptions should be given on an individual , rather than uniform , basis .\n4. Refusing to prescribe contraceptives for girls below the age of consent assumes that no under-age girls can make an informed decision to choose a sexual relationship .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Refusing to prescribe contraceptives below a certain age ignores the principle of informed consent."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Even if a state were to give preferential treatment to domestic manufacturers and low-level service providers , it would still run the risk of being out-competed by its counterparts in the developing world .\n2. The residual power of collective bargaining mechanisms such as unions , coupled with expectations of high pay and highly refined working conditions mean the relative competitiveness of first-world manufacturing industries has dropped .\n3. While , in the long-term , the number of highly skilled workers within domestic economies will grow , in the short term , a significant number of older manual and clerical workers may become unemployable as a result of more intense overseas competition .\n4. Better standards of education , growing personal wealth and the frequent use of credit to purchase assets have created a collective action problem in first world states that practice off shoring .\n5. This interrelationship has successfully fostered developed within all of the worlds largest economies , without creating unmanageable regional inequalities and without undermining workers rights .\n6. Competition within these areas will drive labour costs down but a downward trend in service and production costs will usually lead to an upward trend in demand .\n7. First world nations now compete in knowledge-led economies , seeking to provide research new technologies and provide novel services to consumers in other highly developed nations .\n8. Greater social mobility and education attainment within developed economies reduces the availability of the types of skilled and semi-skilled manufacturing-oriented labour that drove first-world economies during the twentieth century .\n9. Further , the potential costs of assisting excluded domestic workers to re-enter the job market will be covered by increased taxation and excise revenues resulting from more frequent trade with offshore outsourcing firms .\n10. However , side proposition argues that this constitutes a marginal and bearable cost in term of the wider benefits to quality of life that outsourcing achieves .", "targets": "This House Would Encourage Offshoring"} {"inputs": "A Cap and Trade system is fairer to producers\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. It is wrong to suddenly consider all energy production that involves carbon emissions a social `` harm '' , after decades of thinking to the contrary .\n2. Carbon emitting energy industries emerged long ago , before anyone thought about the environmental impact of this industry .\n3. Further , A cap-and-trade system is `` fair '' because it rewards `` efficient '' - polluters while punishing `` non-efficient '' polluters : Given the above argument , this is a more reasonable approach to rewarding and punishing an industry whose emergence pre-dates the environmental concerns surrounding carbon emissions .\n4. Modern energy producers should not be punished for their participation in an industry whose emergence pre-dates concerns of global warming ."} {"inputs": "This House believes democracy can be built as a result of interventions\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Interventions show external support, strengthening local democratic movements."} {"inputs": "Claim: IVF treatments will be safer.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Most couples which decide to do IVF treatments do not have unlimited funds available to them .\n2. Therefore , once they decide to do IVF treatments in order to reduce the costs of more cycles , couples and clinicians -LRB- with only private funds -RRB- typically opt to implant numerous embryos , hoping at least one will survive .\n3. While this may reduce the cost of treatments , it can result in multiples anything from twins to the infamous Octomom octoplets .\n4. Multiples tend to be born prematurely and have a high rate of health problems , which can result in tremendous medical costs and life-long expenses , such as special education .\n5. Through the IVF treatments the early numbers in Quebec show , only 3.8 per cent of pregnancies in the IVF program are now multiples , down sharply from 27.2 per cent .\n6. So with the public funding , two benefits are safer treatment of mother and child -LRB- since only one implant at a time gets implanted -RRB- and reduced cost of IVF treatment for parents ."} {"inputs": "This House supports the Chapter 11 bankruptcy laws\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Protecting the interests of stakeholders"} {"inputs": "1. Trading a plea bargain for those dangerous and actively criminal associates is good for the community , but can not be accomplished if we can not prosecute the car thief in the first place .\n2. Prosecutors are the appropriate individuals to determine which particular crimes are most damaging to the community , and how resources should be allocated .\n3. They have the greatest amount of exposure to criminals -LRB- particularly repeat offenders with whom they may be familiar -RRB- and the methods that can be used to punish and rehabilitate them .\n4. Limitations statues should be repealed to give prosecutors more flexibility , in pursuing and investigating crimes .\n5. For instance , even if a low-level criminal who committed grand theft auto with a statute of limitations of three years is no longer a real threat , threatening him with prosecution might cause him to give up friends he knows who committed more relevant , more recent crimes .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Prosecutors are the appropriate individuals to determine which crimes to prosecute in order to keep the community safest."} {"inputs": "Claim: Collaboration in editing encourages democratic principles\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. The process of collaboration required to create and maintain an up-to-date , factual source of information encourages democratic practices and principles .\n2. Wikipedia seeks to achieve its democratic goal of the spread of free , open material by democratic means .\n3. As an open-source project it relies upon the collaboration of tens of thousands of people who constantly add , check and edit articles .\n4. Disagreements and disputes are sent up the line to moderators , who oversee the editing process .\n5. This socialisation of expertise as David Weinberger puts it ensures that errors and omissions are rapidly identified and corrected and that the site is constantly and accurately updated .\n6. No traditional encyclopaedia can match this scrutiny .\n7. Indeed , Wikipedia has the potential to be the greatest effort in collaborative knowledge gathering the world has ever known , and it may well be the greatest effort in voluntary collaboration of any kind .\n8. Not only do such democratic processes encourage democracy more generally , but they are an effective means to create a user-friendly product , as illustrated by open source software such as Firefox and Linux ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Advertising gives the impression , especially to children , that they can and should have everything they want .\n2. This makes people too interested in material things .\n3. People are becoming more selfish and obsessed with their possessions , and losing their values of patience , hard work , moderation and the importance of non-material things like family and friends .\n4. This harms their relationships and their personal development , which has serious effects for society as a whole .", "targets": "This House believes that advertising is harmful"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. The United States must prevent Iran from ever being able to put such threats into action which may mean having to engage in military action to prevent Iran gaining the capability .\n2. Even an unsuccessful attack on Israel would provoke a counter strike .\n3. The US would take much of the blame for the casualties of such a strike even if it counselled Israel against it .\n4. Iran has explicitly threatened to destroy Israel , President Ahmadinejad described Israel as a `` disgraceful blot '' that should be `` wiped off the face of the earth '' .\n5. Such a prospect would be disastrous , not just in its initial consequences , but for the entire region .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "[Iran specific] Iran has threatened to destroy Israel"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Israel restricted the Palestinian construction and economic development , which led to the emigration of the Palestinians from the city to new areas developed as suburbs of the city .\n2. This territorial/demographic domination and restriction on Palestinian development affected East Jerusalem by deteriorating its functionality in disconnecting it from its hinterland and West Bank areas .\n3. On the contrary , the policy has been to separate and isolate them .\n4. East Jerusalem serves naturally as a metropolitan center of the entire West Bank , until the Oslo agreement in September 1993 , some autonomy of Palestinian Jerusalemites was allowed especially in educational , sport , health , cultural , religious institutions and community based organizations .\n5. Israeli policies have been directed to mainly serve spatial/demographic domination of `` Jewish Jerusalem . ''\n6. There was no attempt to `` integrate '' the Palestinian neighborhoods ' functions with West Jerusalem or the settlements built in Palestinian areas .\n7. Israel of today is in the process of replacing the slogan of `` United Jerusalem '' with great `` Jewish Jerusalem '' with the Old City as its core .\n8. As a result of the Israeli policy , Palestinian neighborhoods -LRB- including the available land for future development -RRB- consist of only 17 percent of the entire East Jerusalem area and 7 percent of total municipal Jerusalem .\n9. There has however been a movement from `` United Jerusalem '' to `` Jewish Jerusalem . ''\n10. From 2000 the Palestinian demographic threat , became the reason for `` getting rid '' of Palestinian Jerusalemites after Israel had accomplished its spacio-political goals for a `` Jewish Jerusalem . ''", "targets": "This House believes that Jerusalem should be divided"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Theyve proven there is no link between MMR vaccinations and autism .\n2. Since then several studies -LRB- 31 according to the NHS -RRB- disproved the claims made by a study .\n3. Because it was published in a well-known magazine it was considered a reliable source .\n4. In 1998 , Dr , Andrew Wakefield started a big campaign against multiple vaccinations , when his research , published in The Lancet -LRB- a medical journal -RRB- a study on how MMR jabs increase the likelihood of children for autism .\n5. Based on that evidence we see , that not more children became autistic because of the vaccination and that on scientific grounds there is no found linkage between autism and multiple vaccination .\n6. The prevalence of autism varies considerably with case ascertainment , ranging from 0.7 21.1 per 10 000 children , with autistic spectrum disorder estimated to be 1 6 per 1000 .\n7. The WHO states , that : Autistic spectrum disorder represents a continuum of cognitive and neurobehavioral disorders including autism .\n8. Further on the World Health Organisation explained in 2003 , that autism , especially in countries with high vaccination rates has not increased .", "targets": "Multiple vaccines do not cause autism"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. There is then a period where there are condemnations and threats to increase sanctions that usually dont get anywhere as they are blocked by China .\n2. The North Korean regime will then proclaim a willingness to do business and negotiate giving minor concessions on the issue of the provocation in return for aid or whatever the regime happens to want at the time .\n3. North Korea has an attention seeking cycle on the go that was used by Kim Jong Il and now seems to be used by his son Kim Jong Un .\n4. Essentially North Korea takes a provocative action -LRB- as big or small as it thinks necessary this may be a missile launch , right up to some kind of military attack -RRB- in order to grab the worlds attention .\n5. Hong , Adrian , How to Free North Korea , , 19 December 2011 ,\n6. Of course whatever concession it gives is easily reversible so setting up another round .\n7. This is a good deal for North Korea as it essentially gets aid in return for bad behaviour , it is therefore not surprising that the North is willing to continue engaging in bad behaviour .", "targets": "This House would ignore North Korean provocations"} {"inputs": "This House prefers its government Big and Beefy\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Government was required to drive through major changes such as drives for equality within society, universal education, and preservation of the environment. Mostly in the teeth of big business"} {"inputs": "This house Would Ban School Uniforms - Junior\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Dress Codes instead of school uniform"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. -LSB- 2 -RSB- Ikenberry , John G. -LRB- 2002 -RRB- , Americas Imperial Ambition , September/October 2002 .\n2. * liberal grand strategy is a terminology that describes the USAs long term policy goal - to promote its system to other countries .\n3. Social Forces , States and World Orders : Beyond International Relations Theory , in R.O. Keohane -LRB- ed . -RRB-\n4. , -LRB- New York : Columbia University Press , 1986 -RRB- Where the US has used military force , it has largely done it to uphold human rights and international peace , security and prosperity .\n5. Gramsci , Hegemony and International Relations , , Vol .\n6. 12 , No. 2 , 1983 , pp. 162-175. , Cox , Robert .\n7. -LSB- 2 -RSB- This has allowed other countries to prosper economically and also in terms of their security ; the rebuilding and success of Japan and Germany provides important examples of this .\n8. -LSB- 1 -RSB- Cox , Robert .\n9. As Robert Cox argues , American hegemony has been successful because the US has been able to maintain its dominance through a high level of global consensus by establishing a broadly accepted rules-based liberal international economic order , and has been able to shape other states preferences in a manner that has awarded sufficient benefits to these states while ensuring the dominance of the US .\n10. -LSB- 1 -RSB- This has been what John Ikenberry terms Americas liberal grand strategy , * which has enabled the US to construct a relatively benign and highly institutionalized multilateral system based on open markets , free trade , and the provision of public goods , such as collective security and an open international trading regime .", "targets": "The US used its power to establish a set of open global institutions which have been broadly beneficial."} {"inputs": "Gender and geographic diversity would improve through popular election\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. For example , Hilary Clinton or German Chancellor Merkel might be candidates , as well as figures from Eastern Europe -LRB- who have held no SG positions so far -RRB- .\n2. Getting rid of the cumbersome veto process might encourage more women to come forward .\n3. Currently , the status quo tends to perpetuate itself .\n4. The representatives who end up making the decisions on a candidates viability are usually men , from wealthy and privileged backgrounds .\n5. By bringing more people into the decision-making process , the door is open to more types of people .\n6. Gender and geographic diversity would improve among candidates .\n7. Out of eight Secretaries-General so far , a woman has yet to lead the organization .\n8. Furthermore , women candidates are rarely even considered .\n9. Vaira Vike-Freiberga , only got seven positive votes when she ran against Ban Ki-moon ."} {"inputs": "Claim: Israel\u2019s security wall annexes Palestinian territory that is needed for a viable state.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Most western governments have criticised the barrier because part of its route departs from the so-called Green Line , Israel 's pre-1967 boundary and the internationally recognised border .\n2. This obviously reduces the viability of any eventual Palestinian state as it will need to rely more on imported food .\n3. Palestinian leaders assert that the route chosen could lead to almost half of the cultivatable land in the West Bank being annexed .\n4. Israels security wall effectively annexes Palestinian territory .\n5. This is clearly wrong and a barrier that kept to the 1967 border would have allowed the Palestinians a viable future state while also providing security for Israel .\n6. It also violates property rights , as thousands of acres of land have been taken away from Palestinian owners in order to build the wall and the wide strip of access tracks beside it .\n7. The route is not based on security considerations , but is clearly political , concerned to tie the land around Israeli settlements to Israel ."} {"inputs": "Claim: The ICC offers justice to victims of war crimes.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Such reparations may include restitution , indemnification and rehabilitation .\n2. Judges are able to order such reparations whether the victims have been able to apply for them or not .\n3. Though reparations will often not be sufficient on their own for lasting peace , they are a step in the right direction and only made possible by the establishment of the ICC .\n4. The ICC offers a multilateral means by which international law can be brought to bear on the perpetrators of war crimes .\n5. As Amnesty International argues , ` the ICC ensures that those who commit serious human rights violations are held accountable .\n6. Justice helps promote lasting peace , enables victims to rebuild their lives and sends a strong message that perpetrators of serious international crimes will not go unpunished ' .\n7. Furthermore , and for the first time , the ICC has the power to order a criminal to pay reparations to a victim who has suffered as a result of their crimes ."} {"inputs": "This House would introduce a Tobin tax.\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "A Tobin tax protects the most vulnerable economies."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. The cancellation of the debts would only apply to government to government debt and debts to the big international institutions such as the World Bank so there are relatively few actors who need to agree to the cancellation .\n2. Cancelling debt and the interest payments these debts entail is the easiest way of helping the poorest countries develop .\n3. The IMF and World Bank could look at countries on a case by case basis to see which countries are most deserving and where the cancellation would have greatest benefits .\n4. As the cancellation would be done between governments it would be easy to target which countries get debt cancellation , this would mean the poorest and most in need but could potentially mean excluding countries where the windfall will simply mean propping up a regime that is brutalizing its own people .\n5. The actual cancellation of the debts would then be relatively simple , the governments would simply accept that they are never going to be repaid and take the debt off their books .", "targets": "Cancellation is the easiest option to help the poorest develop"} {"inputs": "This House would allow wire-tapped and intercepted evidence as admissible in court\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Countries which do not allow intercept evidence have created a contradictory, rather than transparent, set of legal boundaries."} {"inputs": "Claim: Sharing Jerusalem is necessary for peace\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Hady Amr , Director of Brookings Doha Center , wrote in 2007 : `` At a recent closed-door gathering of former Israeli and Palestinian negotiators hosted at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution ... had come to realize just how painful the issue of Jerusalem was for both sides , that neither side could feel whole without Jerusalem , and that separation arrangements were unworkable when emotions flared over a few feet of Jerusalem stone .\n2. Although it took a decade , the Israelis realized that they could not be secure from Palestinian rancor if they deprived Muslim and Christian Palestinians of sovereignty over the Muslim Noble Sanctuary and the holy Christian churches .\n3. The Palestinian negotiators also acknowledged the corollary Israeli need for sovereignty over not only the Wailing Wall , but also the Jewish Temple Mount . ''\n4. -LRB- 4 -RRB- A poll in 2000 showed some 40 percent of Israelis were ready to give up Arab East Jerusalem without even knowing what they would get in return .\n5. -LRB- 1 -RRB- While it is an unlikely solution most of the more likely methods have already been tried so new more unconventional solutions need to be tried .\n6. The division of Jerusalem could be such a solution that would kick start the rest of the peace process .\n7. The benefits of ending the conflict would be immense .\n8. -LRB- 4 -RRB-\n9. The Palestinians wont trust them as a result of decades where they have not been fair to Palestinians and have been abusive rather than protective .\n10. -LRB- 2 -RRB- All this means that Israeli rule in East Jerusalem can never be legitimate in the eyes of the Palestinians , and so long term peace can never emerge as long as this rule continues ."} {"inputs": "1. 30 Septemebr 2008 .\n2. The Independent .\n3. Israel will have to reinstate pre-1967 border for peace deal , Olmert admits .\n4. MacIntyre , Donald .\n5. 5 November 2010 .\n6. UPI.com .\n7. Saudi to Israel : Return to 1967 borders .\n8. Haaretz .\n9. PLO chief : We will recognize Israel in return for 1967 borders .\n10. Even Ismail Haniyeh , leader of the more extreme Hamas organisation , has said Hamas will accept a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders and will offer Israel a long term truce if it withdraws accordingly .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Returning to the 1967 borders would bring peace to Israel."} {"inputs": "Claim: Profit margins are too small\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. The Tourism Crisis in Tunisia Goes Beyond Security Issues , 26 June 2012\n2. This reliance on a low-profit niche in the tourism industry is a systematic flaw which will not provide the economic growth which the country needs .\n3. 1 -RRB- Achy , L .\n4. This has resulted in a low per-capita spending rate as food , drink and travel are all usually included in sea-side holiday resorts .\n5. Average per-capita spending for tourists in Tunisia amounted to around $ 385 in 2012 which is low when compared to Egypts $ 890 and Greeces $ 1000 .\n6. A major problem for Tunisias tourism sector is the small profit margin .\n7. The industrys main targets are European , middle class income visitors on package holidays to sea-side resorts ."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Russia remains reliant on natural resources for much of its wealth ; 30 % of its GDP and 70 % of exports .\n2. Its most recent presidential election that voted in Putin for a third term was not exactly free and fair .\n3. The G8 has been meant to be a group of industrialised democracies .\n4. Russia is neither particularly industrialised , nor particularly democratic .\n5. Yet Russia remains essentially an outsider in the group , it does not share western values and goes its own way .\n6. The OSCE election observers concluded There was no real competition and abuse of government resources ensured that the ultimate winner of the election was never in doubt .\n7. Its qualifications for membership have been questioned from the very beginning , when Russia joined the G7 were able to argue inclusion would bring it closer to the west .", "targets": "Russia should never have been a member"} {"inputs": "Claim: It\u2019s in the interests of employers\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. HIV can make people tired and can lead to being sick more often as it means the immune system will not be able to fight off infections as well as it normally would .\n2. They will have to make provision for possible sickness cover and replacement workers , potentially for medical and/or retirement costs .\n3. A long , incurable and debilitating condition has stricken one of their employees .\n4. Its in the interests of employers .\n5. Traditional rights ideas such as concerns about privacy of medical records are less important than the benefit to society of being able to cope with the unique problem of HIV more effectively .\n6. Employers must be listened to in this debate in many HIV-stricken countries , theyre the last thing between a semi-functioning society and complete economic and social collapse .\n7. If things are made difficult for employers with HIV positive workers , then they are less likely in the future to employ people who -LRB- they suspect -RRB- are HIV positive .\n8. The employees productivity might be reduced to the point at which their continued employment is no longer viable ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. They have to balance the number of applications they get with both the number of teaching staff they have and the time they need for research .\n2. Universities can not take every student who applies .\n3. Simply put , if you want to have academics doing useful research , you cant expect them to teach all the time .\n4. In the UK , almost a third of applicants do not get places as it is , and those that do often find they have less contact time with staff than they had expected .\n5. Currently , universities are so overwhelmed by demand that it isnt possible for them to test this properly in most cases , they will take a cursory look at predicted grades , and perhaps an interview with the candidate .\n6. If universities have a finite number of places , it makes sense that they should be allocated to the people best suited for them .\n7. It will also allow them more leisure to reach out to and target students with the right personality , improving the quality of applications .\n8. Discouraging applicants would lower the stress on admissions departments , making the process more accurate .\n9. Forget all of the discussion as to whether or not academic courses are useful its simply not practical to have everyone do them .", "targets": "This House would encourage fewer people to go to university"} {"inputs": "International adoption laws are looser than domestic requirements\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Jacobson , C. , Ethnicity .\n2. Contemporary Sociology , 2009 , pp.425-426 .\n3. Furthermore , mothers allowing others to adopt their child are far more likely to pick young couples than older couples who have outlasted their body clock in the search for a child .\n4. Therefore , whilst your local government would argue you have insufficient resources to adopt , you are still able to provide for a child a more comfortable environment than that of an orphanage in his home country .\n5. Those looking to adopt have to face stringent scrutiny .\n6. For example those making less than or equal to 20,000 U.S.D annually have difficulty adopting as they qualify as living below poverty level in the U.S whereas in third/fourth-world countries that same amount qualifies as a decent income .\n7. Many parents who desperately want children do not fit the socio-economic requirements to adopt in their own country .\n8. Western adoption laws are very difficult to pass through ; even though anyone fertile can have naturally born children ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. In Edinburgh , the multi-million development of the out-of-town shopping centre in Livingston is believed to have created more than 1500 jobs alone .\n2. This is not only true in the initial construction stages , it will also apply once it is up and running , as retail staff will typically be recruited fairly locally .\n3. As out of town centres are often built on aesthetically unappealing `` brownfield '' sites , the injection of large investment by a retailer is a vote of confidence in the area and this has a knock-on effect in the local economy .\n4. Out of town centres bring development in their wake .\n5. Other amenities and housing will typically start to congregate near the shop and the centre creates a boom for the local economy .\n6. The out of town centre acts as a magnet for further positive development locally .", "targets": "This House would drive to an out of town shopping centre"} {"inputs": "Claim: The importance of jobs in livelihoods - money\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Having a job and the financial security it brings means that other benefits can be realised such as investing in good healthcare and education . .\n2. Women working from home in Kenya , designing jewellery , shows the link between employment and earning an income .\n3. When a woman is able to work she is therefore able to take control of her own life .\n4. Additionally she may provide a second wage meaning the burden of poverty on households is cumulatively reduced .\n5. A key asset is financial capital .\n6. Jobs , and employment , provide a means to access and build financial capital required , whether through loans or wages .\n7. Jobs are empowerment .\n8. Building sustainable livelihoods , and tackling poverty in the long term , requires enabling access to capital assets .\n9. The women have been empowered to improve their way of life .\n10. See further readings : Ellis et al , 2010 ."} {"inputs": "This House believes Wikipedia is a force for good\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Wikipedia provides free, open access to knowledge"} {"inputs": "Syria has not lived up to its commitments\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Neither happened .\n2. The Syrian government blamed the lack of protective equipment as well as the security situation but the OPCW says it has handed over the necessary equipment .\n3. yria is falling well behind on handing over its weapons .\n4. The deadliest chemicals were supposed to be removed by 1 January and the rest by 6 February .\n5. Blanford , Nicholas , Months of stalling preceded Syrias latest chemical weapons handover , , 4 March 2014 , , 2014 ,\n6. Under a new timetable Syria has pledged to remove all chemical weapons by 13 April , but by the end of March had only removed just over half .\n7. If Syria continues to fail to meet deadlines there have to be consequences , including abandoning the mission ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Lawrence : University Press of Kansas .\n2. Flag Burning and Free Speech : The Case of Texas v. Johnson .\n3. 2000 .\n4. However , it has limits .\n5. Freedom of speech and expression is an important right , which is why it is listed first in the Bill of Rights ; it is central to a fair and free democracy .\n6. This is why such things as incitement to hatred , other violence-promoting speech , as well as defamation and perjury are legislated against ; they are expressions that infringe the rights of others , by causing fear and increasing risk of harm in case of hate speech , and by harming reputations and the effective administration of justice in terms of defamation and perjury respectively .\n7. Some forms of speech are contrary to the values of democracy , namely when they infringe upon or violate the ability of others to enact their own rights and freedoms .\n8. In the case of flag burning , as the dissenting opinion of Justice William Rehnquist on the issue says , the act is an extremely visceral one , and is often perceived as a direct attack on the core values of America itself , which many consider to be representative of those values , leading to feelings of anger and violation .\n9. Rights stop where harm to others begins .\n10. Goldstein , Robert .", "targets": "This House would prohibit burning the stars and stripes"} {"inputs": "1. In the UK , for example , Gaby Hinsliff noted , As a result of the costs of borrowing through a recession , in five years ' time the national debt is forecast to reach 1.3 trillion clearly , NATO members have more pressing concerns than keeping up superfluous armies .\n2. Given that most NATO members have been in a deep recession , and direct military threats to their territories are unlikely , it only makes sense to cut defense expenditure .\n3. With a growing military cost for ammunition , wages and supplies -LRB- such as food -RRB- NATO members can afford no course of action other than cutting their armed forces costs .\n4. Currently , Britain spends over 2 % of its GDP on defense , and Secretary of State for Defence Liam Fox recently admitted that the mission in Libya may cost the UK up to 260 million .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Given the economic situation, NATO\u2019s European member states need to cut costs. Cutting defense spending is an obvious way to save money"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. This kind of waste can only be corrected if it is found out about , and for that transparency is necessary .\n2. An audit of the Pentagon in 2011 found that the US Department of Defense wasted $ 70 billion over two years .\n3. They are also likely to be costly ; something the military and national security apparatus is particularly known for .\n4. In security mistakes are much more likely to be a matter of life and death than in most other walks of life .\n5. This applies as much , if not more , to the security apparatus than other walks of life .\n6. Transparency is fundamental in making sure that mistakes dont happen , or when they do that they are found and corrected quickly with appropriate accountability .", "targets": "This House believes transparency is necessary for security"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Initially , this was the case however , by 2004 , Japan was contributing 19 per cent of the UN budget , second only to that of the United States -LSB- 1 -RSB- .\n2. In third place , contributing 8 per cent , was Germany , another state lacking a veto power and any ability to overrule the interests of P5 nations , all bar one of whom contributed less to the UN budget -LSB- 2 -RSB- .\n3. Funding contributions to the United Nations should directly relate to the influence that member organizations thereafter have on its actions ; with the veto in place , this is no longer the case .\n4. The Permanent Five , as the group of nations granted the most constitutional power in the United Nations , should contribute a proportional amount of resources to the institution .\n5. A fairer , more equitable model would insist on a greater proportionality between ones contribution to the United Nations and ones ability to influence its actions .\n6. -LSB- 1 -RSB- Blum , 2005 -LSB- 2 -RSB- ibid\n7. Furthermore , India and Brazil , whilst not contributing financially to the degree of Japan and Germany , have permitted large swathes of their armed forces to join U.N. peacekeeping operations to fulfil the mandates handed down by the Security Council .\n8. Despite these financial and military contributions , the states concerned get no greater say in the interests and actions of the organization .", "targets": "The Permanent Five no longer contribute to the United Nations to a degree expected of their special status."} {"inputs": "That all states should immediately ratify the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families.\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Ratifying the U.N. Convention would improve diplomacy between source countries and receiving countries."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. The ASBO is the latest example of excessive state interference in the lives of citizens .\n2. Certainly there are problems in the way people conduct themselves but if such behaviour isnt criminal , then its up to families and communities to fix it .\n3. Their powers are wide and undefined too wide , meaning that Judges and magistrates can do pretty much whatever they like .\n4. ASBOs address the symptom , not the condition .\n5. ASBOs arent intended to deal with that kind of problem : theyre the tool of the state controlling behaviour .\n6. Restraining orders exist .\n7. The law of nuisance exists .\n8. Either conduct is criminal , or it is not .\n9. The powers granted to the state in its efforts are disproportionate to the problems concerned .\n10. Just because a problem exists , doesnt mean its the job of the state to try and fix it .", "targets": "ASBOs do not address the real problem"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Independence may have ended some of the worst aspects of imperialism but it exacerbated the problem of borders .\n2. Africa has since seen the problems that this has created and should realise the need to break from the colonial legacy .\n3. Imperialism and Colonisation is one of the great wrongs of history where much of the globe was carved up without any reference to the facts on the ground .\n4. When the west drew borders peoples were split , and kingdoms and cultures carved up .", "targets": "This House would redefine African borders to reflect ethnic groups"} {"inputs": "This House would make the raising of business and labour standards a prerequisite for developmental aid\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Labour standards are necessary to protect basic human rights"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. This has happened before : World War I started out as a local conflict between the Austro-Hungarian empire and Serbia , but through their security alliances inadvertently drew in all the major powers of the world .\n2. The clause that an attack against one means an attack against all -LRB- Article V -RRB- runs the risk of entangling the entire alliance in an unwanted conflict .\n3. Given that many members of NATO have unstable countries near their borders -LRB- i.e. Turkey bordering Iraq -RRB- there is a risk they could become involved in a small regional war , which then inadvertently draws in the entire world .", "targets": "NATO runs the unacceptable risk of accidental escalation"} {"inputs": "Cyber attacks can do serious damage to the state\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. All these instances cause disruption and leave the targeted country vulnerable with the government unable to operate successfully .\n2. For example , massive cyber attacks can cause serious disruption to economy by targeting financial , banking and commercial services ; they can target government websites and steal confidential information that would compromise country 's security , as was the case with USA in 2007 -LSB- 10 -RSB- ; they could target power grids and shut down infrastructure on a massive scale across the country .\n3. Many states are dependent on flawless functioning of government and financial services online , and attacking them would cause mass disruption .\n4. Large scale cyber attacks can result in substantial harms to the state equivalent to those of an armed attack .\n5. Given the damage of possible attacks to the state , large-scale cyber attacks should be considered an act of war .\n6. For these reasons USA 's Pentagon decided to consider a cyber attack that ` produces the death , damage , destruction or high-level disruption that a traditional military attack would cause ' an act of war -LSB- 12 -RSB- .\n7. This way , for instance , a large scale cyber attack from Russia on Georgia 2008 caused massive disruption to government , banking services , and communication within and outside of the country -LSB- 11 -RSB- ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Tactical voting is likely to be used less , and minority voices are not as likely to be overshadowed by popularly claimed opinions .\n2. There would be less stifling of discussion , voters would not be subjected to possibly biased information or misused statistics at this critical time of thinking and making a wise choice .\n3. Therefore , we propose that opinion polls not be published 2 weeks prior to an election .\n4. This does not harm free expression because it is serving a specific purpose at a specific time .\n5. This would ensure a more democratic discussion immediately prior to the decision making process of voting .\n6. Since there is information on public opinion in all of the other weeks of the year , this two week moratorium would solve some of the harms of published opinion polls .\n7. For instance , during times of national security or disaster certain citizen behaviour is restricted .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Opinion Polls should not be published 2 weeks in advance of an election."} {"inputs": "ACC could deal with pan-African problems that the ICC does not address\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. An ACC could deal with piracy off the coast of East Africa , where there is no effective court system , due to Somalia amounting to a failed state .\n2. However , an African Criminal Court could not only deal with the existing crimes , but create pan-African solutions in terms of dealing with a number of issues where Africa needs particular solutions .\n3. The ICC is limited to only a small number of crimes .\n4. It has been suggested that offences such as unconstitutional change of government , drug trafficking , piracy and corruption should be added to the jurisdiction of an African Criminal Court .\n5. , , 13 June 2012 , http://www.irinnews.org/report/95633/analysis-how-close-is-an-african-criminal-court\n6. IRIN , Analysis : How Close is an African Criminal Court ?\n7. Similarly , unconstitutional change of government prosecutions could amount to a deterrent to coups ."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Freedom of speech certainly may be curtailed when real harms can be shown to arise from it .\n2. Extremist sites serve as centers of dangerous dissent , whose members threaten all of society .\n3. They promote a message that is fundamentally bad speech , because it can not it can not be argued with and promotes aims that are so anathema to free society that its dissemination represents a true threat to peoples safety .\n4. The threat extremists represent to free society demands that their right to speech online be curtailed .\n5. By blocking these sites , ISPs certainly are denying some freedom of speech , but it is a necessarily harmful form of speech that has no value in the global commons .\n6. Thus , there is essentially no real loss of valuable speech in censoring extremist websites .\n7. Kaplan , E. Terrorists and the Internet .\n8. Council on Foreign Relations .\n9. 8 January 2009 .", "targets": "The freedom of speech can be curtailed when it represents a serious threat to society"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Countries can be more efficient and productive if they produce what they are best at based on their domestic resources and populations , and trade for other goods .\n2. It is the same in the international economy .\n3. In order to maximize efficiency in the international economy , countries need to utilize their comparative advantage .\n4. Therefore all markets should strive for highest efficiency .\n5. The right resources and technology must be combined to produce the right amount of goods to be sold for the right price .\n6. Operating at maximum productivity is one of the most important aspects of an efficient economy .\n7. Comparatively it makes more sense for someone else to do the carpentry , and for Mary to be the lawyer .\n8. Mary has an absolute advantage in law and carpentry , but someone else has a comparative advantage in carpentry .\n9. If Mary is the best carpenter and lawyer in the US , but makes more money being a lawyer , she should devote more of her time to law and pay someone for her carpentry needs .\n10. This means producing what you are best at making , compared to other countries .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Free trade promotes global efficiency through specialization."} {"inputs": "This house supports the creation of single-race public schools\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Black students should have the choice to attend these schools if they wish."} {"inputs": "1. The new simple form of English would be taught in schools so the next generation and subsequent generations would grow up knowing it .\n2. There would be a significant divergence in how different people spell many English words .\n3. Changing the whole language is going to take a long time in order to make a complete change .\n4. Even if the all the English speaking nations agreed on a method of simplifying the language there would be millions who would need to unlearn some of what they were taught .\n5. As such it should not pose a problem to have different the different formats of English operating alongside each other .\n6. However this would not be a problem as there are already many instances where different generations , or different regions spell or speak the same language in different ways .\n7. Indeed standardisation of spelling only dates from the 18 Century when Samuel Johnson published his .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Changing would not be difficult"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. The drinking age should be lowered to remove the glamorisation of alcohol and resultant binge drinking , and instead focus on frequent but moderate alcohol consumption .\n2. Limited alcohol consumption can actually be beneficial for a persons health , and is linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease in healthy men and women .\n3. A 2009 survey showed that , in the US , there was a higher rate of binge drinking among high school students -LRB- 41.8 % -RRB- who reported current alcohol use than among adults where , even in high-risk categories , binge-drinking rates did not rise above 25.6 % .\n4. If the drinking age were lowered , the perceived need to binge drink would be removed too .", "targets": "Lowering the age limit would create healthier long-term drinking habits."} {"inputs": "This house would grant the EU a permanent seat on the UN Security Council\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Only a more representative United Nations Security Council is legitimate."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Personal letters , charity reports , photographs and even visits help to build a bridge between the developed and developing world -LSB- 5 -RSB- .\n2. More and more people are able to talk to each other around the world , and it is important that less fortunate people in poor countries are connected to the rest of us and have the opportunity to communicate with us .\n3. Sponsorship creates a personal connection - the children get to learn about their sponsors and the sponsors get to learn how their money helps people .\n4. This continued attention to the positive effects of sponsorship is really important to help poorer countries , especially at a time when worldwide economics are in trouble and charities are most at risk from begin forgotten -LSB- 6 -RSB- .", "targets": "This House Would sponsor children in developing countries. (Junior)"} {"inputs": "This House would boycott sports events in states with repressive regimes\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Repressive regimes do not represent Olympic values"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. There is no equality of opportunity in cases of past discrimination .\n2. A good example of this can be seen in the example of Brazil , where poverty is much more wide-spread in African communities who were previously used as slaves .\n3. Affirmative action helps level the playing field for selection by assisting those who are held back from a continual historical denial of opportunity and providing them the equality of opportunity everyone deserves .\n4. Discrimination in the past not only leaves a feeling of rejection by ones community , but also a legacy of disadvantage and perpetual poverty .\n5. Affirmative action evens the playing field for those who have suffered past discrimination .\n6. The denial of opportunities for education and employment in the past has left families in situations where they are stuck in a poverty trap and can not afford to achieve the basic opportunities that others can as they are stuck in a cycle of poverty .\n7. Discrimination is not only psychologically damaging , but tangibly .", "targets": "Affirmative action removes the cyclical disadvantages of discrimination"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Obviously we are not advocating imposing democracy on every country which does not have it , but if there are strong enough institutions and conditions , imposition can work and there have been past successes like Germany and Japan post WWII that show the worth of imposing democracy / .\n2. Certain factors may increase the chance of success : for example imposing democracy on a nation with which there were once colonial relationships increases the expected lifespan of the democracy .\n3. Democratic transitions in general also tend to be more successful if economic conditions are better .", "targets": "This House would impose democracy"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Iran has been training the Jaysh al - Shabi , a Syrian government-controlled force modelled on Iran 's Basij militia .\n2. Syria 's government has been receiving outside support from a variety of sources ; Russia and Iran being the most prominent .\n3. The rebels have received some support for Qatar and Saudi Arabia but not to the extent the Syrian government has .\n4. Far from just providing weapons , both Iran and Hezbollah from Lebanon have been sending fighters to support the Syrian government .\n5. Anyone with an interest in the free Syrian cause should realise that they can not do so simply by sitting on their hands expecting a victory when those doing the fighting are only provided diplomatic support .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Would balance the support for Syrian government"} {"inputs": "Claim: Predicting and protecting the future nation\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. In a much more practical sense historical data may well breach national security .\n2. They may well be instances , such as in the case given in the introduction , where governments may even be unaware that there were issues of national security involved until they are brought to light .\n3. Data that was not significant fifty years ago may become of great significance later on .\n4. To take a simple , hypothetical example .\n5. Laws relating to the ownership of the sea are relatively obscure and often based on ancient negotiations or treaties that are mostly about something else .\n6. They frequently involve custom and precedent and , for the most part , nobody really makes a fuss about the exact details .\n7. Until , of course , someone finds an oil field underneath that stretch of ocean or the fish supplies of a neighboring area become depleted .\n8. At his point , the exact details of those negotiations and treaties become a source of great interest .\n9. Thus for example documents relating the Senkaku/Daioyu islets may have been uncontentious and irrelevant in the 1950 may now be of vital importance in an international dispute between China and Japan over the islands .\n10. In a scenario such as this , there may well be vital national issues that were not predicted at the time of the negotiation or ratification of a treaty ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Additionally , this eventually leads to more waste and overproduction , reversing all the potential benefits of industrial 3D printing .\n2. This happens because individual consumers tend not to be concerned about the sustainability implications of every purchase : they will do so even less when 3D printers allow instant gratification .\n3. On one hand , it can make people more dependent on material possessions , which makes it harder for them to attain more sustainable forms of happiness .\n4. While 3D printing may revolutionise professional manufacturing and lead to less waste , in the household it promotes mindless consumerism .\n5. By producing anything desired cheaply and more accessibly , without even having to leave your house , they encourage people consume much more than they otherwise would .", "targets": "This House would ban the sale of 3D printers to households"} {"inputs": "Claim: Collective Bargaining Leads to an Overpaid Public Sector\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Biggs , Andrew G. Why Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Is Right About Collective Bargaining .\n2. This is , in and of itself , problematic because the public sector , due to being shackled to the needs of public opinion often take fewer risks than the private sector and as such results in fewer innovations than work in the private sector .\n3. This is problematic because it leads to a drain of workers and ideas from the private sector to the public .\n4. As such , public sector workers can earn significantly more than their equally skilled counterparts in the private sector .\n5. This is significantly different to private enterprise where public opinion of the company is often significantly less relevant .\n6. Further , governments in particular are vulnerable during negotiations with unions , due their need to maintain both their political credibility and the cost effectiveness of the services they provide .\n7. The reason this happens is that collective bargaining means that workers can often , through the simple idea that they can communicate with the government and have a hand in the decision making process , make their demands much more easily .\n8. In the United States there is a salary premium of 10-20 percent in the public sector .\n9. The workers within the public sectors of Western liberal democracies often get paid more than people of equal education and experience who are employed in the private sector .\n10. The public sector is often significantly overpaid ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. The worlds ills are perfectly explained by the natural , amoral development of the Universe , of life , and of humanity .\n2. The reality of the Universe , however , is incompatible with a God of goodness , as He is conventionally described by todays predominant religions , which stem from the Abrahamic tradition .\n3. If God , or the gods , were good there would be no evil in the world .\n4. Disasters would not kill millions of innocents , disease and hunger would not claim the lives of children every day , war and genocide would not slaughter people indiscriminately as they have done for countless bloody millennia .\n5. The world is awash with blood , pain , and suffering .\n6. No loving God would make a world so imperfect and troubled .", "targets": "This House believes atheism is the only way"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. If a debatable goal were scored , play would stop anyway while one team celebrates and the other protests to the officials .\n2. Football is no more fluid a sport than any of the others .\n3. GLT would only be used on a goal decision , much like tennis uses challenges only once a rally has stopped .\n4. It has become a natural aid to sport .\n5. A survey of its implementation in the 2011 Australian Open demonstrates the impact that guaranteeing correct decisions had on several games .\n6. Technology has been proven to work across a wide range of sports from tennis , cricket and rugby .", "targets": "GLT is used across a range of other sports"} {"inputs": "This House would treat the desecration and destruction of high-value sites and property of cultural heritage as a crime against humanity.\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Our world cultural heritage is extremely important and its destruction would constitute a crime against humanity."} {"inputs": "1. Most experts are agreed that it is statistically unlikely that Earth is the only life-bearing planet , to date we have not been serious investigating this issue despite the enormous implications it has for almost every area of human thought and activity .\n2. The moon also provides a better base for SETI than Earth as Radio telescopes on the far side of the moon would be shielded from the interference of Earth .\n3. Equally the Moons slow rotation would allow light-based observatories to undertake experiments lasting for days at a time .\n4. Any civilization that is serious about space exploration would probably have to start with the moon .\n5. Its a comparatively simple mission which would allow us to learn the pitfalls and problems while staying within a few days of earth .\n6. Colonizing the Moon should not be seen as an end goal in and of itself but rather a platform for reaching out further into the universe .\n7. The moon makes a better base than Earth for a number of reasons .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "It would be the first step in colonizing space \u2013 the moon is preferential to Earth as a base for investigating life elsewhere in the universe"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. This then ensures that universities have better access to the brightest people .\n2. For instance , Stanford University 's online course on Artificial Intelligence enabled people from 190 countries to join , and none of students receiving a score of 100 percent where from Stanford -LSB- 14 -RSB- .\n3. Relocating to the best universities is a budgetary concern , but also family and social relations concern for many people , which prevents all the best people from even applying to universities that would suit them the best .\n4. Online courses can recruit students from anywhere in the world much easier than traditional universities can because students do n't need to travel far away for the best education .\n5. Improving the pool of students would automatically result in better academics , professionals and science , which would benefit the society better .", "targets": "Online courses are a way to higher academic excellence"} {"inputs": "Claim: Transparency helps reduce international tension\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Transparency is necessary in international relations .\n2. States need to know what each other are doing to assess their actions .\n3. Without any transparency the hole is filled by suspicion and threat inflation that can easily lead to miscalculation and even war .\n4. The Cuban missile crisis is a clear example where a lack of transparency on either side about what they were willing to accept and what they were doing almost lead to nuclear war .\n5. It is notable that one of the responses to prevent a similar crisis was to install a hotline between the White House and Kremlin .\n6. A very small , but vital , step in terms of openness .\n7. Today this is still a problem ; China currently worries about the US pivot towards Asia complaining it has aroused a great deal of suspicion in China .\n8. A huge deficit of strategic trust lies at the bottom of all problems between China and the United States .\n9. The result would be an inevitable arms race and possible conflict ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Thus for example Saudi Arabia is willing to pump less oil -LRB- and so get less money in the short term at least -RRB- in order to create stability in the oil market by having enough excess capacity to prevent price spikes .\n2. Governments without elections can engage in long term planning and make unpopular decisions without fear of the consequences .\n3. Even mature democracies have sometimes seen their governments make use of the levers of government to boost their electoral chances ; for example Margaret Thatchers government stoked the economy in the Lawson boom in 1987 which just happened to be an election year .\n4. Democracy and elections are about popularity but popular decisions are not always the right ones .\n5. Congdon , Tim , , 2007 , p. 73", "targets": "This House would have no elections rather than sham elections"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. The sheer volume of advertising in our society is incredible .\n2. You can not watch television , ride on a bus or even walk down the street without someone trying to sell you something or inform you of something .\n3. Recent research suggests people living in a city today sees up to 5,000 advertisements a day .\n4. 50 % of those surveyed said they thought ` advertising today was out of control ' .\n5. People should n't have to go about their lives having their minds saturated with such a vast quantity of , in most cases , redudant and profiteering information .\n6. They should be able to go about their daily lives in peace without being forced to watch , listen or view an advertisement .", "targets": "There are too many advertisements in everyday life."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. This allows universities to improve their academic credentials and their academic output , which benefits the students and the society .\n2. Even if some of administrative costs remain , that would still substantially increase the amount of resources to be spent entirely on teaching and research .\n3. Across 72 US public universities the average administrative cost was about 8 % of spending with the highest , at the University of Connecticut at 17 % -LSB- 15 -RSB- .\n4. Traditional Universities are forced to spend a lot on administration and facilities , such as renting and maintaining buildings and parking lots , providing student support for accommodation , renting student halls , subsiding transports costs and meals , supervising university areas and so on .\n5. There would be no need for lecture halls and student accommodation as students would just work from home , and even professors could mostly work from home .\n6. All these costs can be cut or abandoned all together if universities move to online teaching .", "targets": "This House believes that the traditional university will be replaced by online learning"} {"inputs": "Claim: Collective Bargaining is Needed to Voice Opinion\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. The bargain between normal unions and private enterprise involves all parties being brought to the table and talking about the issues that they might have .\n2. However , the public sector represents the benefits of taxpayers , the politicians and the unions .\n3. The power that unions exercises means that negotiations can happen without the consent or involvement of the public sectors stakeholders , the public .\n4. Even though power in a democracy is usually devolved to the politicians for this purpose , given the highly politicised nature of union negotiations , government office-holders who supervise union negotiations may act inconsistently with the mandate that the electorate have given them .\n5. This is because public unions often command a very large block of voters and can threaten politicians with this block of voters readily .\n6. This is not the same as a private business where officials arent elected by their workers .\n7. As such , collective bargaining rights for public union undermine the ability of taxpayers to dictate where their money is being spent significantly .\n8. Union Bargaining Just A Dream For Many Gov Workers ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Business owners would be expected to comply with standard business laws and regulations .\n2. Moreover , the government could enact special regulations appropriate to this industry , such as age restrictions on workers and clients , and mandatory condom use .\n3. The resources that are currently allocated to arrest , prosecute , and incarcerate sex workers and clients could be reallocated for better uses .\n4. For example , these resources could be used to better address the sexual abuse of minors , sexual assault , substance abuse , mental health problems , and the many public and individual needs that go unmet .\n5. Removing criminal penalties from the sale or purchase of sexual services , and regulating sex markets so that they protect participants and non-involved third parties , would be socially beneficial .\n6. In particular , sex enterprises and businesses could be made safer for workers , clients , and the communities in which they operated .\n7. By allowing sex businesses to operate openly , providers , clients , and business owners can become law-abiding , productive citizens , who contribute to their communities .\n8. Sex businesses and workers would pay taxes , and other licensing fees .", "targets": "This House would legalise Prostitution"} {"inputs": "Claim: The public sector is an extension of the elected executive\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Political parties also function as peer networks .\n2. Membership of a party gives individuals a certain sense of belonging and allows them to influence and define the identity of other members .\n3. Many political parties such as the BNP portray themselves as victims of repression by a liberal elite , while at the same time remaining cognitively blind to the fact that liberal forms of political discourse are the basis of their organisations existence .\n4. Under these circumstances , individuals whose view of the world has been systemically distorted by their beliefs are more likely to use positions of power to correct the imbalances that they perceive in society .\n5. Indeed , extremists are more likely to ignore their duty to act impartially because of the heterodox nature of their beliefs .\n6. The term extremism implies a willingness to depart from moderate and open discourse , and to set aside social convention in the pursuit of political beliefs .\n7. Without appropriate vetting , this duty can not be fulfilled .\n8. Notable failures under the status quo include the discovery that a number of workers employed by the UK tax authorities to oversee support payments to poor minority families had been deliberately reducing the amounts of money families received .\n9. Thus , members of racist or extremist political movements should not be employed by the government , as there is a risk that they will prioritise their own beliefs and political objectives over those of the electorate .\n10. Not only do governments have a duty to ensure that they pursue egalitarian and equitable employment policies , they also have a much more important duty to ensure that the machinery of the state is effective and efficient ."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. If their party remains popular , or if their seat is a safe one , then incompetent and unethical politicians will often be re-elected regardless of their personal failings .\n2. In any case , regular elections seldom focus on the record of one particular candidate for a legislature , but are a referendum on their party as a whole .\n3. And after three years or so , many voters may have forgotten about their offending behavior , allowing them to get away with it .\n4. Elections only come around every four years or so , allowing unethical or incompetent politicians to do a lot of damage in office before facing the judgment of their constituents .\n5. Such was the case in California , where immediately before the recall , Gray Davis -LRB- a Democrat -RRB- was re-elected simply because the local Republican Party had self-destructed .", "targets": "Elections every four years are not enough to ensure representation."} {"inputs": "This House opposes televising all criminal trials, and the ICC is no exception\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Unruly defendants can play up to the cameras"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. This has the advantage of allowing school rooms , facilities and other resources to be used more efficiently , thus providing a better education without putting even more strain on government budgets .\n2. Year-round schooling often goes hand in hand with multi-tracking , where different groups of students at the same school are on different schedules .", "targets": "This House would introduce year round schooling."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. As a result it should have a seat at the worlds foremost foreign policy institution .\n2. The UNSC could turn the EUs soft power outwards to help the world .\n3. Being a member of the UNSC would deepen Europes commitment to international peace-keeping and peace-making missions , something which currently varies very widely between member states , and push them to spend sufficient on equipping their militaries for such missions .\n4. Croatia was at war with its neighbors fifteen years ago and part of Yugoslavia twenty years ago but will become the 28 member of the EU in 2013 .\n5. It has also had successes in encouraging reform in the countries of Eastern Europe and is continuing to do so in the Balkans through enlargement .\n6. Europe has been successful in creating peace on a previously warlike continent .\n7. Given this history , the EU can contribute a lot of knowledge and experience on how to use soft power in a foreign policy context .\n8. The Economic integration is a means to this goal , by making member states economically too dependent on each other for them to want to declare war on each other .\n9. The political resolution of the Congress of Europe in 1948 said it is the urgent duty of the nations of Europe to create an economic and political union in order to assure security and social progress the creation of a United Europe is an essential element in the creation of a united world .\n10. The EU might function as an economic union , but its original goal was to prevent war from ever happening again on the European continent .", "targets": "This house would grant the EU a permanent seat on the UN Security Council"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Reducing inequality therefore both makes society safer and makes it more likely to help those at the very bottom .\n2. By behaving charitably and fostering a culture of generosity one ensures that the community will assist them in the future .\n3. The wealthy should also consider the possibility that a wealthy individual can fall on hard times and need charity in the future .\n4. The pattern is uniform across all races in the United States , the longer they stay in school , and therefore the more chance they have of finding a job , the less chance of ending up in prison .\n5. For example , of those black students who did make it to college , only 2 % were incarcerated .\n6. In the United States in 2008 , 37 % of black high-school dropouts were incarcerated ; if more money was given to charities that support the poor sectors of society that are the most likely to drop-out , crime rates would inevitably come down .\n7. In order to make one 's own society safer one ought to give generously to charities that support the poor .\n8. The wealth gap is strongly correlated to crime .", "targets": "This house would give to charity"} {"inputs": "Claim: Children who commit crimes are victims of circumstance.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. We should address these circumstances rather than punishing them .\n2. Studies show that they are often vulnerable children who have grown up in poverty , been uncared for by their parents , moved house a lot , been abused , been victims or members of gang activity , and often skipped school .\n3. Rather than sending these children to young offender institutes , often harming their education and training them to be criminals , we should take other measures .\n4. As in Norway , for example , social authorities should take action to secure the child 's development through counselling or time in a special care unit .\n5. Measures should depend of the child 's circumstances , rather than how bad their crime was .\n6. This is more likely to reduce criminal behaviour in the future .\n7. In addition , there are issues about ` class ' here .\n8. Rich children are less likely to be criminalised because their parents can deal better with the situation and pay for better lawyers ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Soros , George , How to save the European Union , , 9 April 2013 , Bloomberg , Rates & Bonds , accessed 15 October 2013 , Soros , George , How to save the European Union , , 9 April 2013 , Soros , George , How to save the European Union , , 9 April 2013 ,\n2. Right now , sovereign-bonds are not affordable for the government as their interest rates are extremely high .\n3. Greece has an interest rate of 9.01 % , Portugal 6.23 % , and Italy and Spain near 4.30 % .\n4. If we choose to bundle the bonds together we will obtain a single interest rate that will lower the price of bonds and permit countries to borrow more , the price would be closer to Germanys than Greeces as the Eurozone as a whole is not more risky than other big economies .\n5. More than that , the markets wont be worry anymore of the possible default of countries like Greece ; as the bonds are backed up by the ECB and indirectly by other countries in the union , the debtors will know that their loans will be repaid because in the last resort more financially solvent countries take on the burden .\n6. Introducing Eurobonds will lower interest rates for bonds issued by national governments so making the loans affordable .\n7. The most recent example of this problem is the need of recapitalization of banks in Cyprus .\n8. Although government debt and interest rates were not the direct problem if the government had been able to borrow at low interest rates to recapitalize its own banks then it would have not needed a bailout from the rest of the Eurozone .\n9. In order to avoid these kinds of solutions and put people back to work in countries like Portugal , Italy or Spain , national governments need a bigger demand for their bonds so that interest rates go down .\n10. When the risk of default is eliminated , the demand for government bonds will rise and the interest rates will go down .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Eurobonds even up interest rates within the Union"} {"inputs": "This House would build the Hyperloop\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Fastest possible transportation over a short distance"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. In just the same way when a new area of potential conflict arises that too must be regulated by treaty .\n2. Just as importantly there are rules on what weapons can be used through various treaties that ban weapons such as the Land Mine Ban , and on when a state can legally initiate conflict through the UN Charter .\n3. Warfare and conflict is currently regulated by the Geneva Conventions that seek to limit the effects of armed conflict and regulate the conduct of the involved actors .\n4. Conflict needs to be regulated , and something that can start conflicts even more so .\n5. The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols , , 29 October 2010 , Convention on the prohibition of the use , stockpiling , production and transfer of anti-personnel mines and on their destruction , , 18 September 1997 , Brookes , Adam , US Pentagon to treat cyber-attacks as acts of war , BBC News , 1 June 2011 ,\n6. As a result it is most sensible to draw up the rules and regulations early , to ensure everyone knows the consequences and prevent damage by making sure that states agree not to engage in offence cyber-attacks against each other .\n7. While cyber warfare is not currently a large scale threat it is still a form of conflict that could escalate just like any other - the Pentagon has explicitly stated it could respond militarily to a cyber-attack .\n8. The internet and the threat of cyber-conflict is that new area at the moment .", "targets": "Arenas of potential conflict must be regulated"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Only recently have the people finally voted against him , but it was too late , as his power had become too entrenched to unseat him .\n2. The uphill battle that will always exist to unseat incumbents makes term limits necessary .\n3. Such has been the case in the United States , for example , where presidents are almost always re-elected for a second term .\n4. Leaders are re-elected because they have better name recognition both with the electorate and with lobby groups .\n5. Incumbency provides a huge election advantage .\n6. Leaders and politicians generally , almost always win re-election .\n7. These leaders often command huge followings and mass loyalty , which they use to maintain power in spite of poor decisions and corruption in many cases .\n8. Such has been the case in Zimbabwe with Robert Mugabe winning presidential elections in spite of mass corruption and mismanagement .\n9. People have a tendency to vote for those who they recognize , and firms tend to support past winners who will likely continue to benefit their interests .\n10. This problem has become particularly serious in developing world in which revolutionary leaders from the original independence movements are still politically active .", "targets": "Term limits check the power of incumbency as an election-winning tool and allow new and energetic leaders and ideas to flourish."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Allowing mandatory minimum sentences to be applied in cases like this undermines the integrity of the criminal justice system .\n2. Regardless of how severe a view one takes of recidivism , such a punishment is clearly excessive and grossly disproportionate to the current offense .\n3. In -LRB- 2003 -RRB- , a four-time felon received the mandatory minimum sentence upon conviction of stealing three golf clubs with a combined total value of less than $ 1,200 .\n4. In California , the first two strikes must be considered serious or violent , but the mandatory minimum sentence of 25-years may be imposed upon conviction of any third felony offense .\n5. Three strikes laws mandate that courts impose upon offenders a lengthy minimum sentence upon conviction of a third offense .", "targets": "This House would strike out three-strikes laws"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Federation of Veterinarians of Europe , Slaughter of animals without prior stunning , , FVE/02/104 , 2002 ,\n2. It follows that we should require stunning .\n3. When we have two methods of killing the animal available , it is inhumane to use the more painful one .\n4. Rendering the animal unconscious stops it feeling pain immediately .\n5. Although animals cant tell us if they are in pain , the best metrics we have brain activity , eye movement and making sounds indicate that the animals are in pain during this period .\n6. Depending on the species of animal , it can survive for anything between 20 seconds and 2 minutes after this .\n7. This is normally done by cutting the neck .\n8. All slaughter methods which do not involve stunning work by bleeding the animal so that it suffers brain-death .\n9. Slaughter without stunning is painful for the animal .", "targets": "This House would ban the slaughter of animals which have not been stunned first"} {"inputs": "1. These loans can weigh heavily on the minds of university students , and put inordinate amounts of pressure to perform well .\n2. In the United States , for example , obtaining loans for university is the norm .\n3. When fees are put in place in countries , many people find it extremely difficult to find the funds to pay for it , leading many people , and even most in some countries , to seek school loans .\n4. University fees , in countries where they are implemented , are usually quite high .\n5. This can lead to individuals taking jobs to which they are not necessarily best suited in order to get started on debt repayment immediately .\n6. The pressure does not end when an individual graduates , since he must then begin to pay off the debts accrued while in university .\n7. This is quite understandable when one considers the degree of pressure a young person would feel if his school loan was collateralized against his family home .\n8. This pressure can lead to students dropping out .\n9. With free university education , everyone can go to college without crushing debt burden , can study what they wish , and can leave with a qualification and no onerous debt obligations .\n10. Even still , repayment of loans can take many years , even decades , leaving individuals under the thumb of creditors for much of their working lives .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "The burden of fees and loans are too great to expect young people to shoulder, particularly for more financially disadvantaged individuals"} {"inputs": "This House Would Make Vaccination Compulsory\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "It is the state\u2019s duty to protect its community"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Full-body scanners come in here .\n2. As the former homeland security secretary , Michael Chertoff states , you need to find some way to find those weapons .\n3. Such machines , properly used , are a leap ahead of the metal detectors used in most airports , and supporters say they are necessary to keep up with the plans of potential terrorists .\n4. Screening technologies with names like can show the contours of the body and reveal foreign objects .\n5. What this means is that the full-body scanners have the ability to detect hidden weapons , which are not necessarily large enough to be noticed otherwise , or metallic , to be seen by metal detectors .\n6. argued the New York Times after the Detroit Christmas bombing .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Full-body scanners are an effective tool of counter-terrorism"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Rather than pouring wasted resources into attempting to suppress drug use , the state would be better off running information campaigns to educate people about the risks and consequences of taking different types of drugs .\n2. Since the pleasure gained from drugs and the extent to which this weighs against potential risks is fundamentally subjective , it is not up to the state to legislate in this area .\n3. Individuals are sovereign over their own bodies , and should be free to make choices which affect them and not other individuals .", "targets": "People should be free to take drugs"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Unlike Germany or Japan , where ethnicity has traditionally been the criteria for citizenship , the USA is a melting-pot , uniting people of diverse origins under one flag .\n2. Throughout US history the children of non-citizens have been accepted as true Americans , paying taxes , being drafted and fighting for the flag in wartime , and being elected to office .\n3. A child has no choice where it is born , and the child of non-citizen parents should be recognized as a citizen just as much as the child born to those who can trace their citizenship back through many generations .\n4. The United States is famously a nation of immigrants , welcoming `` huddled masses yearning to breathe free '' on the Statue of Liberty .\n5. As enshrined in the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution , ` all persons born or naturalized in the United States , and subject to the jurisdiction thereof , are citizens of the United States ' .\n6. This is what America stands for , what made the nation great ; it is a proud history which should not be rejected .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Citizenship should be tied to the land of birth"} {"inputs": "1. Second most phones today have apps -LRB- programs -RRB- to enable learning using the phone , or else through the internet .\n2. Phones can access online courses and lessons which can be provided in fun ways and can in some cases instantly tell you if you have the right answer .\n3. Having a mobile phone helps us to learn in a lot of different ways .\n4. First we learn about technology ; about how to use the mobile phone .\n5. It may even sometimes be possible to do homework on a phone and send it to your teacher .\n6. Even without the internet phones can be used to provide short assignments , or to provide reminders to study .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Mobile phones help us to learn"} {"inputs": "This House believes long term cooperation between Russia and the United States is possible.\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Desire to stabilize Central Asia"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. A government that destroys an indigenous culture must similarly work to reverse their destruction .\n2. `` Living With the Past , '' FOCUS September 1997 , Vol .\n3. 9 , Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center .\n4. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 , the 1871 Indian Appropriations Act , and the 1887 General Allotment Act are just a few examples of legislation used to destroy Native American communities in the US .\n5. Settlers in Australia are similarly responsible for a multitude of massacres , as well as several decades of forced separation of aboriginal children from their parents in an effort to `` Christianize '' them .\n6. While the current citizens of Canada , the US , and Australia are not guilty of the crimes of their predecessors , they nevertheless reap the benefits of those atrocities while today 's indigenous populations still suffer from the lasting impact of oppression .\n7. When chemical companies make huge profits at the expense of damaging the surrounding community 's environment , those companies are expected to pay reparations .", "targets": "This House would protect aboriginal culture"} {"inputs": "This house believes that the United States should be isolationist\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Isolationism is the political philosophy on which the United States is founded and its pursuit is what made it great."} {"inputs": "1. It does , however , raise the question that if the intent of this song was to be blasphemous a necessary component of proving it to be so then why did they do such a bad job of it and spend so much their time going on about politics ; it would suggest somewhat incompetent activists .\n2. The very fact that this has become a shows the extent to which those who able to step back from the situation recognise this for what it is ; a clear abuse of presidential power given the thinnest sheen of respectability by a compliant church .\n3. Amnesty International and the overwhelming majority of the International media have reached that conclusion .\n4. Its a fairly straightforward artistic device .\n5. Such religious content as was contained in the protest fairly obviously relates to the setting and is not the main content of the song .\n6. The name and chorus of the song performed was Virgin Mary , Chase Putin Out .\n7. Pussy Riots protest was politically focussed , the response seems politically driven and now they are prisoners .\n8. Where any punishment required for this act and Proposition contends that there was not then it was at most a mild public order offence .\n9. It is very hard to see what would be a better definition of the phrase political prisoner .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "The focus of their song was one of political dissent rather than religion"} {"inputs": "Warrants are needed to prevent abuse\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. This system is the only thing left that prevents government agencies to violate our rights .\n2. -LRB- 1 -RRB- -LRB- 2 -RRB- David Kravets Justice Departments Warrantless Spying Increased 600 Percent in Decade , 09.27.12 -LRB- 3 -RRB- Trevor Timm , Law Enforcement Agencies Demanded Cell Phone User Info Far More Than 1.3 Million Times Last Year , July 9 , 2012\n3. No matter what , George Orwells books should not be perceived as a model for shaping our society .\n4. At the end of the day , without any oversight , it would be extremely easy for the government to abuse this power given to it by electronic surveillance tools , without us ever knowing it .\n5. In the light of the recent NSA events -LRB- 1 -RRB- , we must try and see past this curtain of fog the government has put in front of us , trying to make us believe that everything it does , it does for our own good and that in this process the law is being respected to the letter .\n6. Unfortunately , if the necessary system of checks-and-balances between the government and the masses or judicial courts is lacking , it will always find ways to abuse its powers and violate our rights .\n7. Even with the warrant currently being mandatory when trying to tap ones phone , we see that Justice Departments warrantless spying increased 600 percent in decade -LRB- 2 -RRB- .\n8. If the government is currently invading our lives when we have specific laws banning it from doing so , why should we believe that this phenomenon wont escalate if we scrap those laws ?\n9. The government 's biggest limitation when actively trying to spy or follow a large group of people was technological ; it was difficult - if not impossible - to follow a lot of people for days at a time .\n10. But with surveillance tools its becoming cheaper and easier , as is proven by the astounding 1.3 million demands for user cell phone data in the last year seeking text messages , caller locations and other information -LRB- 3 . -RRB-"} {"inputs": "Recognition when credit is due\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. See further readings : Moyo , 2009 .\n2. The prize is therefore for absolute gains in governance , not relative to other countries .\n3. The prize is only awarded when credit is due - if leaders have made a significant positive impact this will be recognised and rewarded .\n4. Mugabe , Kabila , and Kenyatta are but a few articulating the years of sustained bad governance .\n5. The past few years have seen African governments , and heads of state , reluctant to leave office ; driving political coups ; and leading violent crimes against humanity .\n6. The Mo Ibrahim prize therefore encourages the good institutions that are necessary for prosperity -LRB- Acemoglu and Robinson , 2013 -RRB- .\n7. Instead it encourages improved control over aid and money transferred to African states , it shows that rewards are given based on merit .\n8. The state would continue to function on undemocratic governance , and the reward would become a new example of dead money .\n9. As the prize is not always awarded it avoids the pitfall that distributing a financial prize where no change has been made to political institutions would reinforce a system ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. In the age of global terrorism it is a huge risk to allow undocumented individuals to enter and roam freely within any country .\n2. So essentially the asylum system provides a loophole for unrestricted immigration , which is both expensive , and dangerous for states .\n3. And worse still , even if countries decide that an applicant has no basis to their claim they are frequently unable to deport them because they often go missing , as 75,000 in Britain have , or because , perversely , they may be punished on return to their country for having sought refuge .\n4. The majority of those who apply for asylum are working-age males , which implies that there is a strong economic angle .\n5. It is not clear that the system works at all .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "The Whole System is broken"} {"inputs": "1. The democratic process is diminished when changing opinion polls interrupts substantive dialogue .\n2. Voters become the consumers of political marketing .\n3. Candidates become overly involved in defending and explaining poll data .\n4. When opinion polls become the constant focus of the media , politicians are forced to pander to an ever-changing public marketplace instead of developing a consistent party or personal philosophy .\n5. The advantage would be less political marketing and room for better democratic discussion .\n6. Even though poll data would be available during the earlier election season , a plan to control opinion polls would begin to diminish such a focus .\n7. Rather than the marketing of a person , important political ideas and public policy discussion occur .\n8. Without the excessive use of poll data , a candidates message can be more than an advertisement .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Politicians will be less likely to engaged in political marketing and speak more directly to substantive issues."} {"inputs": "1. This could not happen by people power alone ; Gaddafi was willing to crack down to prevent it like Assad in Syria did .\n2. The uprising sparked off as a concern for freedom in the country , people were tired of the oppressive regime and wanted to be liberated .\n3. After the civil war , people were able to participate in an election of the national assembly considered free and fair for the first time in Libya -LSB- 1 -RSB- .\n4. Western intervention in the civil war helped the citizens gain power and force to fight for their rights , by providing them with training , intelligence and logistics among others hence ejecting the oppressive leadership a symbol for liberation .\n5. More democratic and accountable government institutions have been set up , NGOs welcomed and civil society empowered .\n6. The part of the Mo Ibrahim index that rates participation and human rights rose from 20 % in 2010 to 30.5 % in 2012 -LSB- 2 -RSB- .\n7. -LSB- 1 -RSB- -LSB- 2 -RSB- -LSB- 3 -RSB-\n8. Libya is becoming much freer with freedom house upgrading the country from not free to partially free -LSB- 3 -RSB- .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Ushered in the liberation of Libya."} {"inputs": "1. Profit-led corporations owe a very specific duty to their shareholders - the individual who support and constitute the corporation .\n2. Under the corporate-laws of almost all liberal democracies , business corporations must act in their interests , and this invariably means generating profit and increasing the value of the equity that each shareholder has in the business .\n3. Corporations , unlike natural persons , are inflexible in their motives and influences .\n4. Free speech is preferable to conflict because it acts as a conduit for compromise , but before compromise can take place it must be possible for the participants and audience in a discussion or an exchange of views to be influenced by their opponents arguments .\n5. Were a business corporation to announce that it would no longer operate with profit as its core priority , it would collapse .\n6. Even if this process might not be inevitable in the real world , it still informs corporate culture to a significant degree .\n7. Because this duty is a legal one , and failure to uphold it can be cause to remove corporate decision makers -LRB- directors and executives -RRB- from their jobs and even to bring them to trial .\n8. This behavioural imperative is absolute .\n9. Natural persons are flexible and pragmatic ; at the very least they have the potential to be so .\n10. Profit-led corporations are not .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Corporates that attempt to address social issues damage political discourse."} {"inputs": "Interferes with a democratic mandate\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. European Union Election Observation Mission To Kenya , ,\n2. Unlike many of the other ICC defendants , Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto have a democratic mandate from elections that represented the will of the voters electoral mandates given to them after their indictment by the International Criminal Court .\n3. This must be respected by the ICC and the international community as a whole : even though they are suspected of crimes against humanity by a foreign court ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Having been warned that watching the broadcast may cause them offence , viewers still chose to and some , it seems , were duly offended .\n2. It seems reasonable , therefore , to assume that the shock was either feigned or a matter of pretence .\n3. A free society is predicated on the fact that adults have the right to make choices .\n4. In turn that is based on the shared understanding that those choices have consequences ; which may , potentially , cause some degree of harm to the person making that choice .\n5. It seems staggeringly unlikely that 55,000 people had accidently been watching opera on BBC 2 having failed to watch any of the warnings in advance or the fairly extensive media discussion in advance of the broadcast .\n6. Therefore , those who watched it made a choice to do so and it seems reasonable to consider that an informed choice .\n7. The allegation made by those who objected to the airing of this show was that it was blasphemous .\n8. There were also objections to the graphic nature of the language and sexual reference .\n9. Which leaves the matter of blasphemy ; an offence against a belief system .\n10. There was no secret that religious issues were likely to feature in the broadcast and no secret was made of the fact that those views were likely to be both critical and forthright .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "This was a piece of art, advertised and described as such, those likely to be offended were quite welcome not to watch it."} {"inputs": "Claim: Even if it matters whether or not humans and animals are similar, humans and animals are in fact similar enough that both should be granted rights.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Singer , Peter .\n2. Animals therefore have the capacity for physical and emotional suffering , and so should be granted rights .\n3. While we are unable to know exactly what other humans or animals are experiencing , we can make inference from what we observe .\n4. First of all , animals have an equal capacity to experience pain .\n5. Assuming but not conceding that this is false , we will prove that animals are in fact incredibly similar to human beings , so much so that we should grant them rights .\n6. We have already noted that beings do not need to be similar in order to be equally morally considerable .\n7. These impulses , emotions , and feelings are located in the diencephalon , which is well developed in many other species of animals , especially mammals and birds .\n8. Although human beings have a more developed cerebral cortex than other animals , this part of the brain is concerned with thinking functions rather than basic impulses , emotions , and feelings .\n9. In addition we know that animals have nervous systems very like ours , which respond physiologically as ours do when the animal is in a circumstance in which we would feel painan initial rise of blood pressure , dilated pupils , perspiration , an increased pulse rate , and , if the stimulus continues , a fall in blood pressure .\n10. According to Peter Singer : Nearly all the signs that lead us to infer pain in other humans can be seen in other species ... The behavioural signs include writhing , facial contortions , moaning , yelping or other forms of calling , attempts to avoid the source of pain , appearance of fear at the prospect of its repetition , and so on ."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. -LRB- accessed 2 August 2011 -RRB- .\n2. -LRB- accessed 2 August 2011 -RRB- . .\n3. -LRB- accessed 2 August 2011 -RRB- . .\n4. When there is n't any scientific evidence to support the differential treatment of one group , it is only based on prejudice and bigotry , which should have no place in a democratic society .\n5. Based on the robust nature of the evidence available , the courts in Florida were satisfied in 2010 that the issue is beyond dispute and they struck down the ban .\n6. Some studies have gone as far as to demand that in the face of this evidence , gay bans be ended .\n7. The overwhelming majority of scientific studies on this issue have convincingly shown that children raised by gay couples are certainly not worse off than those raised by straight parents .", "targets": "There is no fact-based evidence for this exclusion."} {"inputs": "Claim: Belief in Santa stimulates the economy\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Huge sectors of our economy depend on belief in Santa Claus , from the department store grottoes to the entertainment industry , from toy shops and manufacturers to the makers of wrapping paper , stockings , red hats with bobbles on , etc. .\n2. And once you take Santa out of Christmas , what else would be stripped away - Christmas trees , lights , tinsel , Christmas dinner ?\n3. Without Santa to set an example of generosity , gift-giving at Christmas could go out of fashion .\n4. Belief in Santa Claus is also economically necessary .\n5. Trust is the basis of all economic exchange , and the consequences of doubt in Santa Claus , in terms of bankruptcies , closures , unemployment and stock market and currency slumps are too awful to imagine ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. As a 2007 National Academy of sciences report warns us the pervasive lack of knowledge of foreign languages and cultures threatens the security of the united states as well as its ability to compete in the global marketplace and produce an unformed citizenry .\n2. The call for students to learn a foreign language not only stems from economic needs but also from the need of improved security and diplomacy , in particular a better understanding of cultures and languages in order to better understand threats to the state and improved foreign services are needed .\n3. In many Anglophone countries even in the role of a diplomat there are worrying numbers who do not have the language skills they need , for example in Canada only 16 % of the 180 foreign service officers who were required to have advanced foreign languages skills for their positions , could speak the needed language .\n4. Therefore learning languages up to the age of sixteen should be compulsory .\n5. Since the increased security post 9/11 the government accountability office -LRB- GAO -RRB- have reported that there are a shortage of foreign language expertise within the government and for this reason may undermine national security .\n6. Much of the population of mainland Europe go to great lengths to learn foreign languages , especially the dominant English .\n7. English speakers should reciprocate the efforts made by their foreign counterparts ; Nicolas Sarkozy for example is aiming to make France into a bilingual nation .\n8. Across Europe at least 20 % of third-level students claim to be proficient in at least two foreign languages .\n9. However , in countries where English is a major language , this is not the case ; in Ireland , for example the figure is only 5 % .\n10. In the United States the situation is similar only 31 % of US elementary schools and 24 % of public schools teach foreign languages .", "targets": "This House would make lessons in a foreign language compulsory for school pupils"} {"inputs": "This House would ban the use of trans fats in food stuffs\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Healthier equivalents of trans fats exist"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. There is little urban sociability .\n2. A high-rise complex , in contrast , according to architect Carl Fender , occupies very little land , so you get a lot of peoplecloser in to the facilities such as theatre , reception , gardensand you have safety and amenity .\n3. Socializing is implicitly encouraged in order to offset the disadvantages of those shared spaces , the peace and serenity of a private garden in a residential house is offset by the social atmosphere of shared facilities .\n4. Urban sociability can be promoted by high-rise housing that encourages chance meetings with neighbours through the sharing of mutual facilities , often in social settings .\n5. As such , they offer a distinct contrast with increasingly anti-social modern societies .\n6. Architect Lawrence Nield argues in modern citiesone leaves home in an air-conditioned car , arrives in the parking space beneath the office , and then goes by elevator to the office floor .\n7. There is very little chance for deliberate or accidental contact .", "targets": "This House would build high rises for housing"} {"inputs": "Claim: Harsh interrogation is not necessarily an effective tool for extracting valuable information.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Harsh interrogation of captives has not been shown to be effective -LRB- White , 2007 -RRB- .\n2. Those who are prepared to die to advance their cause are unlikely to yield information , no matter how much they are threatened or tortured .\n3. Where captives do provide information , they often state simply what they think that the interrogators want to hear , rather than anything that is true -LRB- Mazzetti , 2007 -RRB- .\n4. In addition , given the cellular nature of many terrorist organisations , those captured often have very little useful information to begin with .\n5. Even if they have been involved in a plot , they may only have information about a very small part of that plot .\n6. Furthermore , winning the trust of prisoners can lead to more effective information than the use of torture ."} {"inputs": "1. The House of Lords should be reformed in order to better reflect the British people so that their actions and decisions benefit the whole of society and not just their own .\n2. They represent a social and economic elite and seem to flaunt diversity monitoring in a house with only 181 female peers and a staggeringly low 31 peers from ethnic minorities .\n3. This unfair skew in the favour of the conservative has the power to slow down and revise legislation and is a gross misrepresentation of the British population .\n4. The traditional provenance of the House of Lords translates to an in-built Conservative majority .\n5. Even so called Liberal and Labour peers are usually conservative in their opinions .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "The House of Lords has an inbuilt conservative majority."} {"inputs": "This House believes Africans are worse off due to natural resources\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Resource abundance has led to poor governance"} {"inputs": "Claim: International Law Mandates Quebec be allowed Independence\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. This is but one example of the very clear denial of basic representation and self-governance that afflicts the Quebecois in Canada .\n2. Quebecois legislation protection their basic rights to retain their language and culture have been met with contempt and legal action by the federal Canadian government and courts .\n3. Reference re Secession of Quebec , , 1998 , 2 S.C.R. 217 , < > Maxime Bernier on Quebec law : We dont need Bill 101 , , 4 February 2011 , < > Hudon , R. , Bill 101 , , < >\n4. Therefore , Quebec has the legal right to self-determination and independence in international law .\n5. International law recognizes the right of all peoples to self-determination .\n6. International law recognizes Quebecs right to self-determination and denying them self-determination is therefore a violation of international law .\n7. The Quebecois have been systematically denied adequate representation in the federal government of Canada .\n8. The international community has decided that it is oppressive to individuals to live under a government that is systematically incapable or unwilling to protect them and their interests ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. It seems there is little value to belief one way or the other , so arguing for Gods existence seems simply to be a waste of time .\n2. If God were proved to exist , or not to exist , little in life would change at all .\n3. It seems as if life goes on whether God exists or not .\n4. Theologians , philosophers , and laypeople have been fighting both in academia and on the actual battlefield over the question of Gods existence , yet in all the centuries no definitive answer one way or the other has been given by either side .\n5. Thus a position of atheism serves to relieve the hassle of pointless debate .", "targets": "This House believes atheism is the only way"} {"inputs": "This House would fund the provision of higher education by taxing graduates\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "A graduate tax would make access to higher education fairer and more equitable"} {"inputs": "This House would only teach abstinence for sex education in schools\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Abstinence-only education deters people from having sex at a young age."} {"inputs": "Marketing aimed at children should be subject to strict regulations.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Unlike adults , children are not able to make healthy decisions for themselves .\n2. They dont understand what calories , sodium content , or saturated fats are .\n3. They are unable to comprehend the long-term effects that fast food might have on their health and development .\n4. On the other hand , a toy is instantly appealing to them and offers a straightforward incentive to opt for such a meal .\n5. As long as the negative consequences can not be explained to kids in a clear and compelling manner , we should not make unhealthy food even more desirable for them .\n6. We should not allow children to make bad choices based on information they dont understand .\n7. Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity .\n8. Fast Food FACTS : Evaluating Fast Food Nutrition and Marketing to Youth .\n9. Yale University .\n10. November 2010 ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Psychological problems can only be treated if the person is alive .\n2. Treatment for the psychological problem should be considered to go hand in hand with saving the patients life as in the B vs. Croydon Health Authority where force feeding was ruled to be complemented the use of other methods to treat her psychiatric problems .\n3. Life is more important than dignity , many medical treatments are unpleasant or painful but they are necessary to preserve life .\n4. Without force feeding the anorectic patient will often die .\n5. In Australia about 80 per cent of all anorexic children required hospital admission -LRB- from 101 cases -RRB- , and of those , 50 per cent required tube feeding as a life-saving measure to manage starvation .\n6. When a patient requires emergency treatment doctors should do what is necessary to save the patients life .", "targets": "This House would force feed sufferers of Anorexia Nervosa"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. No state or leader can be entrusted , morally , with that power and responsibility .\n2. These effects could never be morally acceptable , particularly as the basis of ones national security strategy .\n3. They place humanity and most forms of life in jeopardy of annihilation -LRB- Krieger , 2003 -RRB- .\n4. The entire point of nuclear weapons , however , is their massive , indiscriminate destructive power .\n5. Their use could kill tens of thousands of civilians directly , and their catastrophic environmental after-effects would harm many more all around the world .\n6. Nuclear weapons are , by their very nature , indiscriminate and disproportional ; any weapon which could not possibly be used in a responsible manner should not be permitted .\n7. Over the past fifty years , we have seen a general tendency towards limited warfare and precision weapons , allowing military objectives to be achieved with minimal loss of civilian life .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "States should not possess such destructive, cataclysmic weapons"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. In 1945 there were only 51 UN members , so eleven Council members were adequately representing all voices .\n2. Today the UN membership has risen to almost four times the number of the original one , yet there are only fifteen voices in the Council .\n3. This means that there are many countries who do not have anyone on the security council that has similar priorities to them , their views may well be unrepresented .", "targets": "This House would expand the United Nations Security Council"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. It is an accident of geography , or history , simple bad luck that has resulted in some countries getting large numbers of immigrants while many others get none .\n2. The first developed country on migrant routes get large numbers as those wishing to seek asylum have to apply in the first safe country .\n3. Similarly those countries next to conflict zones , or places affected by natural disasters , get very large influxes of migrants who hope to return home as soon as possible ; there are more than 1.1 million refugees from Syria in Lebanon a country of less than 6million .\n4. It is right that there should be a mechanism to help even out the burden of migrants and that rich developed countries should be those who pay that cost .\n5. Syria Regional Refugee Response , , , accessed 19 August 2015", "targets": "It is just to redistribute migrants"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Celebrities are uniquely placed to help bridge this gap and foster sympathy and understand about the fight for gay rights because of the relationship they foster with people in society .\n2. People feel as though they have an emotional connection and familiarity with the people who are rocketed into their family rooms through their TV every night .\n3. Celebrities are uniquely placed to help break down misunderstanding and prejudice against the gay community .\n4. One of the biggest obstacles to breaking down prejudice is the fact that people do not associate with the cause and can view it as alien and a problem that they have , not one that we can understand .\n5. Therefore , outing gay celebrities fosters a particular type of sympathy and understanding for the cause that can not be achieved any other way .\n6. This level of familiarity means that when they are outed as gay leads to a breakdown of the idea that gay rights are an issue for them as its an issue that now directly affects you .\n7. Moreover , the emotional connection you feel you have with the characters these people play , means that you personalize their situation more than you would with any other form of gay rights activism .", "targets": "This will help people connect with the cause of gay equality"} {"inputs": "1. If the people within a nation want democracy , it is not wrong -- indeed it may even be morally required -- for us to assist them by imposing democracy against the will of the governing class .\n2. Often internal movements lack resources , weapons , or organization , making the fight for democracy very difficult .\n3. When individuals seek to defend their rights against an oppressive regime , other nations do them a disservice by allowing evil to win out .\n4. Thus NATO 's intervention in Libya was in support of rebels often seen as part of the ` Arab spring ' wave of democratization but the internal movement even if it had large amounts of support was being suppressed and would have been destroyed without outside intervention .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Imposing democracy can be a way to support individuals unable to fight for democracy themselves."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Basic Books .\n2. Anarchy State and Utopia -LRB- pp. 54-56 , 137-42 -RRB- .\n3. Nozick , R. -LRB- 1974 -RRB- .\n4. This is all part of what could be called a `` dynamic capitalist system '' which values individuality -LRB- honing your basketball skills -RRB- , rewards ability -LRB- having basketball skills -RRB- and risk-taking -LRB- risking that you will succeed with it -RRB- .\n5. On the other hand a mediocre basketball player would not be paid at all since there is no demand to see mediocre basketball , his service does not have an attraction on the market and will thus be eliminated / .\n6. People are ready to pay for the service he offers -LRB- excellent basketball -RRB- and consequently his high wage will be justified .\n7. The market is thus decided upon what people need and therefore there will be no excess products or services offered e.g. let us presume that many people want to see high quality basketball , a person like Michael Jordan who has a talent for basketball and has honed his basketball skills would in this case be much in demand .\n8. If many people want the same thing the demand will be higher and it will be profitable to offer them on the market since it will sell , therefore the people are in command of what products are being offered to them through their own want .\n9. A free market gives the power to the people to choose and decide what products and services should be offered to them .", "targets": "This House believes that capitalism is better than socialism"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. This style is necessary to extentuate the small areas where there are differences between the parties .\n2. The public are totally turned off by a style of politics which seems to rely on the levels of club house theatrical abuse that you can throw across at each other in parliament and across the airwaves .\n3. Wintor , Patrick , Corbyn : its time for a new kind of politics , , 12 September 2015\n4. Introduce real differences on the big issues of government , particularly the economy and society , then such minor point scoring fades into insignificance .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Lack of difference encourages Punch and Judy politics"} {"inputs": "Any detention bill will have to be in line with human rights.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. The process of sectioning ensures this by having two separate doctors diagnose the patient as both mentally ill and a threat to themselves or others ; these diagnoses are then presented to an independent AMP -LRB- approved medical practitioner -RRB- who makes the decision about whether or not the individual can be detained .\n2. The 2007 British mental health act was actually created partly in order to update the Mental Health Act 1983 so that it conforms to current human rights law .\n3. Therefore they should be no concerns about these detentions violating anyone 's human rights .\n4. If a doctor or AMP believes this should be extended to 28 days , then the process is repeated again independently ."} {"inputs": "This House believes that the UN should restrict arms sales to rogue nations.\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "The UN is able to restrict arms sales to rogue nations."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Passing a law would ensure that this no longer happens and family ties between generations would be strengthened .\n2. , Daily Mail -LRB- 31 January 2011 -RRB- , viewed on 19 June 2011 .\n3. This law would give parents a greater stake in their child 's education and development .\n4. Rather than being concerned with saving for later life they will want to think about the future and long term prospects of their children .\n5. Similarly a child would be legally responsible for the well being of their parent past adulthood , encouraging children to think more carefully about the decisions they make in regards to care .\n6. The stark figures that between 2005 and 2009 , 667 elderly people died from dehydration in care homes and 157 died of malnutrition suggest that children neglect their parents in terms of ensuring they are placed in adequate care .", "targets": "This house believes children should have legal obligations towards parents after adulthood."} {"inputs": "This House believes the republican party has lost its way\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "The Republican Party has been hijacked by the Tea Partiers who simply don\u2019t have a coherent message or ideology"} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. If you accept that the open source software industry is a positive force , then simply by considering open source software , governments are doing well .\n2. More dramatically , in 2002 , Real Networks opened up the source code for its world renowned RealPlayer media and music software package and , in 2005 , IBM offered 500 key patents -LRB- out of 40,000 -RRB- to the open source community .\n3. Sun Microsystems released its Solaris server operating system to the open source community under the Common Development and Distribution licence in 2005 .\n4. Even when governments do not ultimately select an open source program , by simply including them in the competitive bidding process , they have been able to radically change the approach that Microsoft and other closed source companies take to producing IT solutions .\n5. Under threat from Linux , Microsoft has launched the Open Source Initiative through which it shares elements of some of its programs source code with key partners to enable the development of software for platforms like Windows Mobile .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Government contracts can change the software industry for the better."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Dangerous chemicals are pumped into rock formations that are also the source of groundwater for millions of people .\n2. The residents of areas where shale gas is found and drilling may occur have a right to maintain their health , something which drilling may affect .\n3. Dramatic film of inflammable gas leaking through drinking water pipes underlines the risks posed by this uncontrolled experiment under our homes .\n4. In 2008 a hydrologist found benzene in a water well in Wyoming above where fracking was occurring .\n5. While there is a chance that lives are at risk , either from water contamination or from gas explosions as a result of the fracking such risky methods of extracting natural gas should be banned .\n6. Companies are in denial over these dangers , but their refusal to come clean about exactly what chemicals they are using is hardly reassuring .", "targets": "This house would restrict the use of fracking to extract natural gas from shale"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. It is difficult to see what could be a more flagrant example of possible harm than allowing your child to die when an available remedy could save their life .\n2. Their beliefs may well lead them to conclusions that others might consider reckless but that is their concern .\n3. Nobody is questioning the rights of adults to take actions in accordance with their faith , even when these may cause them some personal harm .\n4. If that harm is caused to those who can not resist or who are incapable of responding , intervention is required .\n5. However , when those actions impact others in society , it is a matter for social concern and , frequently , the intervention of the law .\n6. We do not , for example , allow religious practices such as sacrifice or torture in pursuit of a religious end , however religiously convicted the parents might be .\n7. The law explicitly includes children in this category .\n8. We expect the legal and medical professions to accord particular protection to children against the actions of others that could harm them including , in extremis , their parents .\n9. The case of Kristy Bamu , murdered by his parents , practitioners of voodoo , in the belief he was a witch , is just one such example .", "targets": "This House believes that important decisions about childrens health should be made by medical professionals and not by their parents"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Part of this political clout however , comes from the continued cooperation of other Western Liberal democracies with the U.S. in failing to the sign the cluster bomb treaty despite pressure from other countries , the U.S. fails in this capacity and loses the support of the countries that it relies on to maintain its political status .\n2. The U.S. is often seen as the greatest representative of Western liberal democracy as it is the most economically powerful .\n3. The continued refusal of the U.S. to tow the same line as fellow liberal democracies makes it look bad internationally ; especially considering that one of the main instigators behind the cluster bomb ban is the U.K. traditionally a great ally of the U.S. politically .\n4. The U.S. is one of the only remaining Western Liberal democracies to allow the U.S. of cluster bombs .\n5. Moreover , given that the U.S. currently does not help with demining work , this further worsens relationships with other countries .", "targets": "Rejecting the Ban on Cluster Bombs Hurts the international image of the U.S."} {"inputs": "1. Wikipedia , List of conflicts in Africa , accessed 10 January 2014 ,\n2. The vast majority of conflicts in Africa have been internal .\n3. Ending all conflict is ambitious , ending only inter state war in Africa on the other hand is not .\n4. The AUs declaration does not define it .\n5. What is War ?\n6. Western Sahara might be considered to be frozen with very few deaths as a result of it and the Sudan conflict is in large part a result of the border being new .\n7. The only conflicts that might count as inter-state that might be considered ongoing are the situation in Western Sahara and border clashes between the Sudans .\n8. None of these are ongoing .\n9. The only true inter state conflicts have been the wars between Israel and Egypt , the Eritrean-Ethiopian war , the Uganda-Tunisia war , and the Second Congo War .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Not all conflict is war"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. As such the American Jobs Act is likely to stimulate the economy through the creation of a bigger and better trained work force .\n2. Whilst those who are temporarily unemployed will eventually come back into employment and start contributing to the economy , they will often be offset by those losing work .\n3. The long term unemployed in America are important to the economic recovery .\n4. Should the U.S. be able to harness these workers and create extra employment capacity to keep them in employment , then the U.S. economy will see a boost as the number of people gaining work will outnumber those losing work to a more significant level than seen ordinarily in an economic recovery .\n5. For the U.S. economy to gain headway , spare capacity must be created in the economy for those who have not been employed for a long period of time .\n6. Specifically these programmes help those without jobs take temporary or voluntary work whilst they also pursue on the job training in order to make them more employable in the long run .\n7. The American Jobs Act helps in this area by creating what is known as a Bridge to Work program which capitalises on initiatives that many states have put into place in order to deal with long term unemployment .\n8. Further , prohibitions on discrimination based on length of unemployment will also come into place .\n9. There is also a $ 4000 tax credit for employers that hire long-term unemployed workers .", "targets": "This House Would Pass the American Jobs Act"} {"inputs": "This house believes that developed countries have a higher obligation to combat climate change than developing countries\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Developed countries have the greatest capacity to combat climate change."} {"inputs": "This House believes in a world government\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "A world government would enhance the probability of mitigating global environmental problems"} {"inputs": "Claim: Importance of education to national economic performance.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. A nations most important resource is its human capital , and in the modern world it is vital to have a skilled , educated workforce in order to remain competitive .\n2. Many nations have already adopted year-round schooling .\n3. By following their example , we will be giving our young people an important advantage in the employment market and thereby improving the countrys economic prospects ."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. The level of emotional involvement in bringing the child up is immense .\n2. Parents pour all their souls into children , who , in turn , often leave them disenchanted and exhausted .\n3. Parents also have to share their childs problems , fears and traumas , so that the amount of grief that parents take on themselves doubles -LRB- or even triples , depending on how troublesome the child is -RRB- .\n4. Not only that , but those who have offspring also become more vulnerable .\n5. They worry about their kids from the moment they are born until the day they themselves die .\n6. Parents to-worry-about list is endless : from childs nutrition to summer camps , from accidents to social acceptance , from choosing a school to moving out .\n7. Having raised children , parents become emotional wrecks .\n8. All parents agree that it is emotionally draining and stressful , in 1975 , advice columnist Ann Landers asked her readers , If you had it to do over again , would you have children ?\n9. seventy percent of respondents said no .\n10. * * Goldberg , 2003 ,", "targets": "Having children is emotionally draining for parents"} {"inputs": "Claim: Admissions tests such as the LNAT exaggerate small differences in performance\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. A law degree is key to entry to the top tier of society and high income earners .\n2. Lawyers are often extremely high paid , and occupy a prestigious position in society ."} {"inputs": "Claim: A teacher-student relationship is not one between friends or equals.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Even if such friendships were entirely innocent , they would still cast enough suspicion on the teacher-student relationship to put considerable strain on the teachers role as educator and their ability to do the job .\n2. You have to ask why a teacher would do this .\n3. According to Carol Shakeshaft an expert in sexual misconduct by teachers : -LSB- e -RSB- ducators who use social media for personal and intimate conversations and contact are not much different from those who spend their time hanging out with students at the beach .\n4. Interacting with ones teachers the same way as with ones friends , sharing personal information , can only erode the respect and distance that a teacher needs in order to be an authority figure and a mentor for her young charges .\n5. The honest answer is that it rarely has anything to do with student learning ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. In many non-western societies gift taking and giving in the public realm is a matter of traditions and customs .\n2. Norms and values differ between countries .\n3. It is hypocritical for the west to target developing countries for this as many so-called democracies are hopelessly compromised by business interests through political funding and lobbying .\n4. Moreover , gift giving is a part of negotiations and relationship building in some parts of the world .\n5. The United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act bans large bribes but allows for the payment of small customary sums in order to ease transactions .", "targets": "This House believes that bribery is sometimes acceptable"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. In London , where transport and affordable housing are major problems , ` new tower blocks offer a way of alleviating both problems ' .\n2. High-rise housing offers solutions to both problems by maximising the number of people that can live on a scarce , fixed amount of available land .\n3. Urban migration , whereby populations flock to urban centres looking for work , leaves cities short on affordable housing , transport links and can either lead to inner-city poverty or urban sprawl .\n4. High-rise housing is a successful housing solution when faced with the problem of population growth and urban migration .\n5. In contrast , Melbourne , where the population is expected to rise by 3 million people by 2050 , ` better use of available city land has been identified as a key to maintaining Melbourne 's liveability , and halting urban sprawl ' .", "targets": "High-rise housing is a successful solution to the problems of urban migration and urban sprawl"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. To appeal to the childs right to life is just circular whether a fetus has rights or not , or can really be called a child , is exactly what is at issue .\n2. Everyone agrees that children have rights and shouldnt be killed ; a fetus is not a life yet .\n3. These are important events in a womans life , and if she does not want to go through the full nine months and subsequent birth , then she should have the right to choose not to do so .\n4. There are few if any other cases where something with such profound consequences is forced upon a human being against her/his will .\n5. Women should have control over their own bodies ; they have to carry the child during pregnancy and undergo childbirth .\n6. No one else carries the child for her ; it will be her responsibility alone , and thus she should have the sole right to decide .", "targets": "Women have a right to choose"} {"inputs": "This House would prosecute war criminals\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "War criminals need to be prosecuted in order to provide justice."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Although deficits in times of plenty are a grave concern , during a recession most economist agree that deficits may be necessary .\n2. However , these pressures are not the main source of concern .\n3. Ultimately maintaining a permanent deficit harms the economy creating both inflationary pressures and effecting interest rates .\n4. Ultimately the US Government has to pay its bill just like everyone else .\n5. The implications should conflict arise between the two are severe as China , effectively has the capacity to bankrupt the US and the dollar at a time of its own choosing .\n6. Increasingly , its debt is owned by the major Asian economies ; especially China .\n7. However , the US is no longer mostly in debt to itself as has been the case in the past .", "targets": "This House would prioritise eliminating the budget deficit over increasing domestic spending"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. 2010 .\n2. About the Licenses .\n3. Anderson , N. , Free Nine Inch Nails albums top 2008 Amazon MP3 sales charts , arstechnica , 7 January 2009 , Creative Commons .\n4. The state should thus facilitate the sharing by mandating the distribution of art of all kinds under creative commons licenses .\n5. Giving undue artistic and distribution control to the artists through constricting and outmoded copyright may mean less significant reach and impact of the work .\n6. After all , the artists still retain control of the commercial uses of their work and are guaranteed under creative commons licensing regulations to be credited by users of their content .\n7. Creative commons licenses are so remarkable because they can be deployed by artists to expand their markets , and to profit even more from their greater recognition .\n8. A major example of this is the band Nine Inch Nails , which opted in 2008 to begin releasing its albums through the creative commons .\n9. Wider use by other artists and laymen alike helps artistic works go viral and to gain major impact that allow the artist to generate a name for his or herself and to attain the levels of earnings conventional copyrights are meant to help artists generate but that ultimately hamstring them .\n10. The nature of the internet and mass media on the 21 century is such that many artists can benefit from the freedom and flexibility that creative commons licenses furnish to them .", "targets": "The creative commons is a more effective means for artists to build and expand their reach and markets than traditional copyright licensing arrangements"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. One of the most fundamental principles of economics is that of supply and demand .\n2. By artificially reducing the supply -LRB- of hours -RRB- then demand must increase for other labour , ceteris paribus .\n3. The only question once that is realised is what limit should there be on working hours to ensure full employment .\n4. -LRB- Or employment at maximum practical capacity . -RRB-\n5. The purpose of the economy is to serve people , and having a large percentage of people excluded when there is an easy and obvious fix is to fail in the economies mission .", "targets": "Introducing a cap on working hours would reduce unemployment."} {"inputs": "Claim: Reduce the prominence of bad and fake drugs\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. The cost of patented drugs has forced many to search for other options .\n2. The increased availability of high quality generic drugs will reduce the numbers of bad and fake pharmaceuticals on the markets .\n3. Fake drugs are the cause of around 100,000 deaths in Africa every year .\n4. This is exploited by the billion dollar global counterfeit drug trade .\n5. The widespread introduction of low cost , high quality drugs will hopefully ensure that consumers do not turn to sellers in market places .\n6. Bad drugs , which are substandard , have also found their way in to Africa ; one in six tuberculosis pills have been found to be of a poor quality .\n7. Sambira , J. Counterfeit drugs raise Africas temperature Ibid"} {"inputs": "Claim: State-sponsored Christmas celebrations can represent a form of aggressive evangelism.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. It is a Christian ideal to be tolerant of others , and limiting the use of the term Christmas in favor of more inclusive terms would be an incredible display of this , the term Christmas would not be banned , but its use limited to specific occasions in which it specifically refers to Christian based activities rather than the general celebration that is seen throughout the mid-winter period .\n2. The Red Cross in 2003 banned nativity decorations from its British shops because it stated that an alignment to a particular religion could compromise its ability to work in conflict situations around the world .\n3. It is an ethical duty of both Christians and society more generally to respect the beliefs of others , this makes the term `` Happy Holidays '' a much more appropriate greeting as it takes into account the mid-winter festivals of other faiths and cultures such as Hanukkah , Kwanza , Diwali , Eid , Ashura , to name a few .\n4. To members of ethnic minority groups overt public celebrations of Christmas can seem like a form of aggressive evangelism ."} {"inputs": "The right to life, liberty, and property are fundamental human rights, as is the right to defend them\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Marquette Law Review 86 -LRB- 4 -RRB- .\n2. `` Of the Enemy Within , The Castle Doctrine , and Self Defense '' .\n3. The right to self-defense extends also to the defense of other people , as it is no less a right for someone to preserve his own existence by any means necessary , but also that of others , particularly those dependent upon him , or otherwise unable to defend themselves .\n4. This is a natural law , one that predates the existence of the social contract or the state .\n5. Just as when a wild animal threatens someone 's life he has the right to do whatever he can to survive , so too does the individual have the fundamental right to defend himself from another human 's aggressive acts .\n6. When an individual is under immediate threat he has every right to defend himself from an aggressor .\n7. It is just and proper that citizens be permitted to fight back to protect what is theirs by right .\n8. When burglars and marauders choose to violate these fundamental rights they make the conscious decision to violate other individuals .\n9. A violation of one 's property is a violation of one 's self .\n10. Furthermore , self-defense must extend to the protection of property , since it is in many ways part of an individual ."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. New York : Verso Press .\n2. Client State : Japan in the American Embrace .\n3. Japan can serve as an exemplar to its neighbors still laboring under tyrannical regimes , such as North Korea and Burma -LRB- Myanmar -RRB- and to help promote an organic progression to democracy in the region .\n4. Japan is a nation with a now-ingrained democratic tradition and a strong liberal economic system , which makes it the perfect actor to engage politically with states in East Asia on behalf of the international community , as well as to serve as an example of the benefits of liberal democratic values to a society .\n5. When Japan seeks to engage with despotic states and to reach out to their people , tyrants can point to the bases as exemplifying Japan 's position as a puppet of the United States and not truly an independent nation at all .\n6. All of these activities are hampered , however , by the presence of American military bases in Japan .\n7. By withdrawing its troops , the United States gains an influential ally in the promotion of views in keeping with its own .\n8. So long as its strings appear to be being pulled by the United States , Japan will unable to effectively promote democracy and liberalism amongst its neighbors .\n9. 2007 .\n10. McCormack , Gavan .", "targets": "The withdrawal of American soldiers and bases will cause Japan to be perceived as a more legitimate and believable exponent of liberal democratic values in East Asia."} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Popular Mechanics conducted a usability survey that incorporated a panel of testers with a range of experience and preference that ran the gamut from expert users to -LSB- one person who -RSB- had never actually turned on a computer and concluded that overall the Mac was easier to use .\n2. This has been corroborated by people who have tried both PCs and Macs .\n3. Users are able to anticipate how the system behaves and what to expect from its applications .\n4. Juul Coolen explains that consistent interface design made it possible for users to actually use most Mac-applications in a very same way , creating a seamless and comfortable experience in the end .\n5. Mac apps all have similar looks and interfaces .\n6. Apple has gone to greater lengths to make using their computers easy to use than PC makers have .", "targets": "Macs are easier to use"} {"inputs": "Claim: Based on allegation rather than proof (cf. Sorcery, witchcraft, etc.)\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Equally , unless the law takes a particular theological position , one persons blasphemous slur is anothers sacred profession .\n2. It relies on the predicate that the person alleging blasphemy was offended or felt their faith was under attack .\n3. Blasphemy , by its nature , is all in the eye of the beholder .\n4. It is impossible , in most cases , to determine whether there was intent on the part of the accused and as a result it is difficult to codify in legislation .\n5. Acts of blasphemy can not rest on intuited human norms I do not wish to be harmed in this way therefore you do not wish it either because those involved have a different understanding of the harm .\n6. In the light of this there may be many remedies for blasphemy but legislation in general and criminal sanctions in particular can not be appropriate .\n7. Of course these offences are very real and may at times be possible to codify but they can not be applied universally because the perceptions they necessitate are not universal .\n8. As a result , as in the case given above , allegation and proof must be deemed to be the same thing - to be accused is to be found guilty ."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. It is the interventions that take a long time to succeed , such as Kosovo , or even fail such as Somalia , or those where many people do not buy into the justification such as Iraq that are remembered .\n2. Slowly as it becomes accepted that interventions will happen the threat will become enough .\n3. In Libya NATO only committed airpower and supplied weapons so keeping the conflict as much a domestic affair as possible .\n4. Where possible as little force as possible should be used .\n5. Where this luxury does not exist it is important not to do as happened in Iraq and disband the civil service and prevent those natives who are qualified from running the country even if they may have been implicit in the previous regimes actions .\n6. This example also shows that it is important to have support on the ground as the British were seen as being legitimate and there was a functioning government who could do the rebuilding .\n7. However it may also have emboldened Blair to help with intervention in Iraq .\n8. In 2002 Britain sent 800 paratroopers into Sierra Leone , originally just to evacuate foreigners from the country but became an intervention when the British helped government forces drive out rebels which may have saved many lives .\n9. Sierra Leone is the forgotten conflict of Tony Blairs premiership in the UK .\n10. However this forgets that there have also been many small successful interventions and sometimes the threat of intervention is enough .", "targets": "This house would use force to protect human rights abroad"} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Following the seminal work of John Maynard Keynes during the Great Depression of the 1930s , it has become widely accepted within the economics profession that a certain amount of interventionist national government policy is essential to maintaining a proper balance between the twin economic evils of unemployment and inflation .\n2. Just as judicious national anticyclical policy is beneficial to national economies , so too a judicious world anticyclical policy , as implemented by a functioning world government , would be beneficial to the world economy .\n3. Economic interaction among the nations of the world , in the form of trade , investment and migration , has reached such a point today that it is meaningful to think of the world economy .\n4. Economic globalization suggests the need for political globalization in the form of a world government .\n5. A world government would also improve the overall functioning of the global economy by means of regularizing various circumstances of international economic interaction -LRB- for example , in the area of patents and copyrights -RRB- , and by working to reduce various trade impediments -LRB- such as tariffs and quotas -RRB- imposed by national governments .", "targets": "This House believes in a world government"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. The failure of the UN operation in Somalia in 1990 is telling ; the country has not had a functioning central government ever since .\n2. Intervention to prevent such outcomes will require both greater willingness to commit funds on the part of the powerful states and a commitment to conflict resolution which has been largely lacking in recent national policy world-wide .\n3. States should act to help the people of a failing state , as once it collapses no government services will be provided , including law and order .\n4. States should work with the UN in leading attempts at conflict resolution , and should engage in subsequent peacekeeping missions and investment in nation-building initiatives -LRB- e.g. funding and organising the reintegration of non-combatants into society , organising elections , building up civil society , creating effective government institutions , etc. -RRB- .\n5. CNN -LRB- 2011 , June 21 -RRB- Somalia again is at top of failed states list .\n6. Retrieved June 23 , 2011 from CNN Wire :", "targets": "This House would intervene to prevent the collapse of the state in other countries."} {"inputs": "A EU constitution will foster a \u201cEuropean identity\u201d\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. However , European citizens do not identify themselves with the EU in the way that citizens of the USA self-identify as American .\n2. Since the Maastricht Treaty , the citizens of EU member states have possessed parallel citizenship of the EU .\n3. The European Union aims to bring about ever closer union between the peoples of Europe .\n4. An important part of the patriotism of Americans is constitutional patriotism ; pride in their constitution and civic institutions .\n5. It should foster a shared sense of European identity by adopting a constitution , in which every citizen of the EU can take pride ."} {"inputs": "This House believes the United Nations has a responsibility to protect.\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "A strong United Nations commitment to the Right to Protect will create an effective deterrent to future atrocities."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. Yanukovych in a letter to Putin called on the President of Russia , Mr. Putin , asking him to use the armed forces of the Russian Federation to establish legitimacy , peace , law and order , stability and defending the people of Ukraine .\n2. He is therefore perfectly at liberty to allow Russian troops into his country to keep the peace in much the same way as countries around the world welcome US troops on their soil as protection from external threats or UN peacekeepers to keep the peace domestically .\n3. President Yanukovych is Ukraines legitimate President .", "targets": "This House believes Russia has the right to send troops into Crimea"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. This change in the salt content of irrigation water threatens to pollute the same soil that the irrigation system feeds .\n2. This , in turn , will lead to widespread crop failure , incurring significant losses for the farmers involved .\n3. Moreover , the need to protect large amounts of uniformly vulnerable biomass from pests and disease causes farmers to employ large quantities of pesticides , insecticides and herbicides , all of which can damage soil quality , pollute water sources and harm local biodiversity .\n4. Monoculture crops can expose farmer to economic risks that subsidies can not compensate for .\n5. If a particularly virulent strain of disease attacks a monoculture crop it is likely to spread quickly , assisted by the large , un-partitioned fields and storage areas that are characteristic of the practice .\n6. Successful cultivation of this produce has necessitated the construction of extensive and disruptive irrigation networks .\n7. The burden that irrigation has placed on the Sacramento-san Joaquin delta , west of San Francisco has become so great that the salinity of delta water is now slowly increasing , due to tidal intrusion of seawater .\n8. Finally , subsidies also encourage intensive agricultural production in unsuitable or unstable areas .\n9. Examples of this practice include the cultivation of fruit and vegetable crops in naturally arid areas of south California .\n10. Subsidies encourage monoculture farming the large scale production of specialised produce .", "targets": "Subsidies incentivise environmentally harmful farming practices"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. European Parliament , About Parliament - Members , , , accessed 3 May 2013\n2. The age should therefore be lowered to sixteen so that voting age is universally recognised with no one group receiving the right to vote before the others .\n3. This means that a tiny minority of the Youth in the European Union get to vote before the rest something which is clearly discrimination against the majority of the European Unions 16 and 17 year olds ; universal suffrage should be universal for the European Parliament across the whole of the Union .\n4. This is the case in European Parliament elections at the moment ; young people in Austria are able to vote in elections at 16 while everyone else has to wait until they are eighteen .\n5. It is ridiculous and clearly unfair that some sixteen year olds should get to vote in an election while most are barred from participating .", "targets": "This House would allow voting at 16 in European Parliament elections"} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. Both the Russians and Chinese are showing that they are willing to support Assad by vetoing anything hinting at sanctions .\n2. The plan is simply being used as political cover by Assad , as long as he is signed up to such an agreement and other countries believe there is a chance that he will implement it the Russians and Chinese will not allow further Security Council action .\n3. Therefore the only thing the Annan plan does is provide more time for Assad to go on killing his own people so that he can remain in power as is shown by his unwillingness to implement any of the plans provisions .", "targets": "The plan is just political cover for Assad."} {"inputs": "Claim: Involving men is the best way to ensure family planning works\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Men often have limited knowledge about family planning so it is necessary that they are included in learning and the transfer of knowledge -LRB- Kaida et al , 2005 -RRB- .\n2. When both partners are knowledgeable and involved family planning is far more likely to become a reality .\n3. Family planning means planning how one can cope with having a child mentally , emotionally , financially , and physically , and sensitizing couples as to what kind of life standard they want .\n4. With the young generation of Ugandans a new culture of a smaller family can emerge .\n5. Therefore the involvement of men in family planning is enabling perceptions of what the family should be to change .\n6. The cost of raising a family is realized , and intervening methods are being used to have fewer children .\n7. By including men fast action can be taken to control the size , and growth , of families .\n8. The patriarchal power structures mean men have a key voice in household decisions .\n9. Wasswa , 2012 ."} {"inputs": "This house would teach creationism in schools\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Scientific opinion often changes; evolution may be accepted in the scientific community now, but it could well be rejected in future."} {"inputs": "1. The teaching workforce requires includes both replacements and additional teachers .\n2. UNESCO -LRB- 2013 -RRB- report the need for 6.8 mn teachers by 2015 for the right to primary education to be achieved .\n3. In 2012 , 80 students were reported per teacher in the Central African Republic -LRB- World Bank , 2013 -RRB- .\n4. Africa has a reality of low teacher-student ratios .\n5. Careers can be encouraged through multiple paths .\n6. Positive schemes are needed to incentivise potential teachers to enter the profession and meet demand .\n7. Tanzanias Ministry of Education provides grants to students entering University to study teaching .\n8. For example , providing incentives to study teaching as a profession .\n\nWhat is the general argument implied by these sentences?", "targets": "Social Policy: encouraging teaching careers"} {"inputs": "This House supports the death penalty for the worst of the worst\nWhat is a possible side to this debate?", "targets": "Can be reserved for the worst of the worst"} {"inputs": "Claim: The rules and laws that protect the accused will remain at retrial\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. Mark Weston , for example , was convicted at a re-trial after specks of the victim 's blood were found on Weston 's shoes , justifying the re-opening of the case .\n2. After a few years , the impact of DNA testing on solving similar cold cases will be expended and there will be very few retrials .\n3. Nor is the system likely to be overwhelmed with retrials .\n4. Much of the current push for the end of the double jeopardy rule comes from the widespread use of DNA testing , which has allowed many old cases to be revisited with compelling new evidence of guilt or innocence .\n5. All the rules and laws that protect the accused at the first trial will be in place at a second - it 's not as if the rule of law suddenly disappears .\n6. The presumption of innocence , proof beyond reasonable doubt , the right to a fair hearing and competent counsel , the judge 's duty to appropriately direct the jury , etc. will all continue to apply and prevent miscarriages of justice from occurring ."} {"inputs": "Summarize the argument implied by these sentences?\n\n1. The individual taxpayer sees none of the benefit of this money and often they dont like paying so much aid , 59 % of Americans support cutting aid .\n2. Secondly it is good for the freedom of choice of the taxpayer .\n3. At the moment they are having their choice taken away from them as they have their own money being spent by the government on someone else ; foreign countries .\n4. It will clearly be up to the migrant to decide if they want to or can afford to send their money home ; they can decide how much they want to send , when they want to end it , how they want to send it etc. .\n5. At the other end it will be up to the individual recipient to decide how they want to spend the money received .\n6. Changing from ODA to Remittances is good for freedom of choice in two ways .\n7. First tax breaks and other incentives will mean that migrants have more money .", "targets": "Remittances creates freedom of choice for individuals"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Deutscher Bunderstag , Facts The Bundestag at a glance , , August 2011 , Eurostat , Unemployment Statistics , , , accessed 3 May 2013 Crook , Why Europe Really Must Pursue Structural Reform , , 1 February 2012 , Eurostat , Population structure and ageing , , October 2012 ,\n2. Young people are not well represented in European national parliaments either in terms of the membership of those parliaments or the policies they produce .\n3. The average age in the Bundestag is 50 and it is similar in most parliaments .\n4. Youth unemployment in Europe for the fourth quarter of 2012 was 23.2 % , almost twice the unemployment rate as a whole .\n5. This is because many countries do not implement youth friendly policies ; northern countries like Germany are determined to impose austerity which increases unemployment , while southern countries when implementing reforms are not implementing labour reforms that would loosen the security of permanent workers in return for reducing unemployment .\n6. This may in part be a result of demographics in Europe .\n7. Europe is aging ; in 1991 19.3 % of the EU 27s population was under 14 while 13.9 % over 65 , by 2011 this had changed to 15.6 % under 14 and 17.5 % over 65 .\n8. With an increasing contingent of elderly -LRB- who are anyway more likely to vote -RRB- the influence of young voters is declining .\n9. Reducing the voting age will help to redress this imbalance .", "targets": "Youth are not represented in politics"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Much of the rich world is aging , and in a few cases is close to having a declining population .\n2. As a result the size of the available workforce will decrease .\n3. For example in Germany by 2050 a third of the population will be over 60 , and over the next 15 years will as a result loose five million workers from the current workforce of 41 million .\n4. While increasing retirement age can mean that these reductions in the size of the workforce come later to maintain the size of the workforce immigration or a rapid increase in birth rate is necessary .\n5. These countries in order to maintain the size of their economies will therefore either have to rapidly increase productivity , which itself may not be easy as they are already the most productive nations , or else allow migrants to fill the gaps in the labour force .\n6. At the same time there will be an increase in some jobs that rely on migrants such as care workers to help look after the increasing number of elderly .", "targets": "This House would grant an amnesty to illegal immigrants"} {"inputs": "Nationalism promotes cooperation and social cohesion\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. Societies with a healthy sense of nationalism are more likely to provide for each other and avoid the plight of poverty or poor health .\n2. Those who are net contributors to the system need something to make them feel that what they are doing is worthwhile and in their interests ; something a national identity provides as it creates a sense of belonging that transcends economic interests .\n3. In Canada for example those who strongly identify with Canada are much more likely to support redistribution and healthcare than those with low identification with Canada .\n4. Nationalism and the identity it brings creates a social glue which binds otherwise different people together , that sense of social cooperation makes welfare , social security and medical programs much more likely and stronger .\n5. It also may make for a smoother political process when there is a solid basis for consensus .\n6. Nationalism is a sense of fellow-feeling between group members .\n7. This promotes cooperation and social cohesion within the group ."} {"inputs": "What is the debate topic for the following sentences?\n\n1. No matter the intention such subsidies are clearly not fair .\n2. When the government provides lots of different subsidies for different things ; fuel , food , housing etc. , and especially when some of them are universal , it is clear that it will never be possible to distribute the money fairly on the basis of need .\n3. One of the reasons why poverty does not get eliminated is that it is governments who provide the subsidies that are intended to do just that .\n4. Many countries spend their money for subsidies poorly , for example in Indonesia before fuel subsidies were combined with cash subsidies in 2005 the top income decile received more than five times the amount of fuel subsidy as the bottom decile making the policy highly regressive despite it being politically sold as a subsidy to the poor .", "targets": "This House would give cash to the poor to reduce poverty"} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Added to which , those prepared to plough through it -LRB- even Mussolini said that it was boring -RRB- will at least be rewarded with historical insights from leading scholars .\n2. Reuters , German far right in legal battle over free speech , , 29 June 2012 , Relax News , Mein Kampf to see its first post-WWII publication in Germany , 6 February 2010 ,\n3. At the moment the book is not , per se , banned , its just that the owners of the copyright havent allowed publication until now .\n4. As a result , come 2016 , there would have needed to be an intervention in the normal flow of events to prevent its subsequent publication ; Munichs Institute for Contemporary History had already said it would publish the book .\n5. As long as Mein Kampf remained unavailable it acquired the inevitable allure of the unattainable .\n6. The book could be presented as having a status far beyond what it is the ill thought-out and self-indulgent ramblings of a bad writer .\n7. For example the far right National Democratic Party went to court to get its newsletter delivered by the postal service .\n8. Indeed , given the weakness of many of the arguments they make , silencing them has frequently been far more self-defeating than opening up their beliefs to scrutiny .\n9. Extreme parties frequently thrive when they are able to present themselves as being suppressed by a supposed elite .\n10. Their ability to portray themselves as being unfairly silenced by a capricious elite has long been used to attract support by parties on the far-right in Europe and elsewhere .", "targets": "This House supports the decision of the state of Bavaria to publish Mein Kampf"} {"inputs": "This House would ban religious symbols in public buildings\nWhat argument could one make about this debate topic?", "targets": "Many symbols are seen as a symbol of oppression on women."} {"inputs": "What debate topic are the following sentences about?\n\n1. Society has a right to choose and structure its values as it sees fit and there is no reason why the Western construction of values is right or should take priority over any other .\n2. In Muslim countries faith may be a more important aspect of life that it might be in Western countries and it is entirely legitimate that those societies might choose to value protecting the dignity of their faith over absolute freedom of speech .", "targets": "This House Supports Indias Ban on the Satanic Verses"} {"inputs": "What claim can be made from the following pieces of evidence?\n\n1. Who is to say that something similar isnt going to happen vis -- vis China ?\n2. This has happened with U.S. President George Bush jr. s push to let Ukraine and Georgia in as new members in his global campaign to spread democracy .\n3. This has only served to increase tensions with Russia -LRB- see next argument -RRB- .\n4. Originally , NATO had a clearly defined purpose and a common enemy : the Soviet bloc .\n5. With the demise of that shared enemy , NATOs original purpose has disappeared but its well-functioning military structure remained , leaving it open to be seized by opportunistic politicians in a classic case of scope creep .", "targets": "Continued existence of NATO makes the world less safe"} {"inputs": "The campaign is unpopular among the majority of NATO countries citizens, so we should solve the Afghan problem in diplomatic way, specifically through a power-sharing deal with the Taliban.\nCome up with some evidence to support this claim.", "targets": "1. The majority of citizens in the USA and the UK oppose the war in Afghanistan and want troops to come back home .\n2. As was the case in Iraq , a diplomatic solution is required to end the war as smoothly as possible .\n3. As at 12 August 2011 , a total of 379 British forces personnel or MOD civilians have died while serving in Afghanistan since the start of operations in October 2001 .\n4. About 2000 coalition soldiers in total expired in Afghanistan .\n5. More than 1340 British soldiers have been wounded in action .\n6. U.S opinion poll proclaims that 62 % of Americans want troops home as soon as possible while the rest want a timetable for troop withdrawal .\n7. According to Michael Moore , Obama is the new war president .\n8. He needs to prove that he is a peacemaker to retrieve the support of his people .\n9. The media agrees that the war is unpopular and there needs to be an end creating sentiment like I wish they would bring them all home .\n10. Jonathan Freedland of The Guardian argues I think the people in Wootton Bassett -LSB- where UK soldiers are repatriated -RSB- are representative of a very widespread ... feeling , actually , of outrage on their behalf that is quite new in British politics ."} {"inputs": "Sentences: 1. Many people find maths hard , 37 % of teens think it is the most difficult subject , for a variety of reasons it simply isnt suited to all minds .\n2. Another fundamental principle is that all children are equal , in the sense that we should support them equally in helping them find the right opportunities .\n3. It is a fundamental principle of education that different people think in different ways .\n4. One notable application of this is the theory of different learning styles , and it also makes people have a preference for certain subjects .\n5. It makes sense to teach arithmetic to even these people , but there is no need to make them study further .\n6. Cherry , Kendra , VARK Learning Styles , , accessed 12 June 2013 Saad , Lydia , Math Problematic for U.S. Teens , , 17 May 2005 ,\n7. It follows that we should teach them something useful and relevant to their personality and preferences .\n8. But whatever that may turn out to be , it will not be maths , and maths would just waste their time .\n\nWhat claim can be made from these sentences?", "targets": "Some people find maths hard"} {"inputs": "Claim: The more the US waits, the stronger its opponents become.\nWhat evidence supports this claim?", "targets": "1. In that time , Iran will continue to enrich uranium and North Korea will continue to expand its nuclear arsenal .\n2. If the US waits for preconditions to be agreed on and met , by the time president Obama gets to talk and negotiate directly with the leaders of these states , he will have a much bigger crisis to deal with .\n3. Preconditions delay engagement and negotiations .\n4. Sometimes it can take years before the parties even start talking to each other .\n5. Irans acceleration of its nuclear programme angers the west .\n6. 19 July 2011 .\n7. It may have even gotten to the point where diplomacy can no longer be used effectively .\n8. Borger , James ."}