{"question": "Based on the above statement, which of the following can be derived?", "options": ["(A)Civic Park is north of the administrative service area", "(B)The leisure area is southwest of the cultural area", "(C)The cultural district is in the northeast of the business district", "(D)The business district is southeast of the leisure area"], "label": "A"} {"question": "So what are the three young people on business?", "options": ["(A)20-year-old accountant, 20-year-old salesperson, 24-year-old salesperson", "(B)20-year-old accountant, 24-year-old salesperson, 24-year-old salesperson", "(C)24-year-old accountant, 20-year-old salesperson, 20-year-old salesperson", "(D)20-year-old accountant, 20-year-old accountant, 24-year-old salesperson"], "label": "A"} {"question": "According to the above statement, which of the following can be drawn about this Chinese medicine preparation?", "options": ["A No dangshen", "B No Shouwu", "C \u6709 \u767d \u672f", "D \u4e0d \u767d \u672f"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following can best strengthen the above argument", "options": ["(A)If you take an English tutoring class, you can pass the graduate entrance exam", "(B)Only those who intend to take the graduate entrance exam will participate in the English tutoring class", "(C)Even if you take an English tutoring class, you may not be able to pass the graduate entrance exam", "(D)If you do not participate in the English tutoring class, you cannot pass the graduate entrance exam"], "label": "D"} {"question": "According to the above statement, it can be concluded that who is not in the fourth?", "options": ["(A)A.", "(B)B.", "(C)C.", "(D)Ding."], "label": "D"} {"question": "According to the above statement, you can get which of the following?", "options": ["A Chen Rui can't speak the Central Plains Mandarin", "B Zhang Ming speaks Minnan dialect", "C Li Ying is from Shandong", "D Wang Jia can speak Huizhou dialect"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following is true will most weaken the above argument", "options": ["(A)This newly built house in Hexi Village has been tacitly approved by relevant departments", "(B)This newly built house in Hexi Village is a small property house", "(C)This newly built house in Hexi Village is built on rural collective land", "(D)Some of the newly built houses in Hexi Village are not small property houses"], "label": "D"} {"question": "The result of the match showed that only one argument was correct, so who won the championship?", "options": ["A Shannan", "B Jiangnan", "C Shanbei", "D Jiangbei"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is the conclusion must be assumed", "options": ["(A)Urbanization is the only way for China's development", "(B)Simple development of large cities is not conducive to the promotion of urbanization", "(C)To achieve urbanization, the city must fully absorb the rural population", "(D)The attractiveness of large cities to the rural population in the outside world is significantly lower than that of small and medium-sized cities"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is assumed by the above argument", "options": ["(A)Some schizophrenia are not caused by lack of attention", "(B)Visual information is only transmitted through the visual cortex to obtain a neural network to transmit", "(C)Researchers have developed a new technology that can directly track the communication between the nerve cortex in the visual cortex and thalamus occipital region", "(D)The brain cannot process too much information in detail at the same time, and will only selectively focus on the things most relevant to the behavior"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following is true is the best argument against the above argument", "options": ["A? Many Chinese people buy homes for their children to study in the US", "B? Although the turnover has increased by 23%, the volume of Chinese buyers has not increased this year", "(C)There are groups of real estate speculators among the wealthy Chinese who have speculated in Beijing and Shanghai", "(D)The risk of the US real estate market has been small in recent years and has a certain function of value preservation and appreciation"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following can best question the above view?", "options": ["(A)Microwave heating will not cause more nutrient loss than other cooking methods", "(B)China's microwave oven production standards are consistent with international standards and EU standards", "(C)It is also common for developed countries to use microwave ovens", "(D)The microwave only heats the water molecules in the food, the food does not change chemically"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which one, if true, most doubts the views of the above media", "options": ["(A)Many of the cadres counted in the past 20 years are enterprise cadres, which used to include only government officials", "(B)Compared with foreign countries, Chinese education provides workers and peasants with more opportunities for education and social mobility", "(C)After the founding of New China, more and more children of workers and peasants entered the university", "(D)Some of the workers \u2019children in the statistics may be former farmers\u2019 children"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If it is true, can it most support the opinions of the above experts?", "options": ["(A)Lotus leaf promotes gastrointestinal motility and clears the body of stool;", "(B)Lotus leaf tea is a food, not a medicine, which has the advantages of non-toxicity and safety;", "(C)Lotus leaf tea becomes a liquid food after soaking in water, and is quickly absorbed in the stomach for a short time, with higher concentration and greater irritation.", "(D)After taking lotus leaf products, a layer of fat isolation film is formed on the human intestinal wall, which can effectively prevent the absorption of fat;"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, most doubts the opinions of the above experts?", "options": ["(A)Academics are inherently controversial, and everyone has the right to express their opinions;", "(B)Some experts analyzed the fossil's long axis, crown shape, crown lip and tongue surface protrusion and enamel, etc., that this fossil is not a human incisor fossil, but a deer tooth fossil;", "(C)This tooth fossil was excavated in the red sand layer 20 cm below the calcium plate 110,000 years ago;", "(D)Some experts used the uranium method to date the calcium plates of each layer of Zhangkou Cave, and proved that the earliest deposits of the fossil tooth were formed 300,000 years ago;"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Based on the above statement, which of the following can be derived?", "options": ["(A)A is a male doctor;", "(B)I am a female doctor;", "C? Geng is not a male doctor;", "D? Ding is a female doctor."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Based on the above information, regarding the order of the five stations from west to east, which of the following is possible?", "options": ["(A)Yinling Station, Haoyun Station, Jiushang Station, Fuyi Station, Hu Yao Station;", "(B)Fuyi Station, Hu Yao Station, Jiushang Station, Yinling Station, Haoyun Station;", "(C)Haoyun Station, Yinling Station, Jiushang Station, Fuyi Station, Hu Yao Station;", "(D)Haoyun Station, Hu Yao Station, Fuyi Station, Yinling Station, Jiushang Station;"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If Jiushang Station is adjacent to Haoyun Station and east of Haoyun Station, it can be concluded that?", "options": ["(A)Hu Yao is standing on the east side;", "(B)Fuyi is standing in the west;", "(C)Yinling is standing on the east side;", "(D)Leek standing on the west side;"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If Hao Yun stands to the east of Jiushang Station, you can get?", "options": ["(A)Yinling Station is adjacent to Haoyun Station and west of Haoyun Station;", "(B)Haoyun Station is adjacent to Fuyi Station and west of Fuyi Station;", "(C)Jiushang Station is adjacent to Haoyun Station and west of Haoyun Station;", "(D)Yinling Station is adjacent to Fuyi Station and west of Fuyi Station;"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If Haoyun Station is adjacent to Yinling Station, you can get?", "options": ["(A)Yinling is standing west of Haoyun Station", "(B)Fuyi standing west of Jiushang Station", "(C)Hao Yun stands west of Yinling Station", "(D)Jiu Shang standing west of Fuyi Station"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can best refute the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Leeds fish and whale sharks feed on plankton and small animals in the ocean, and the growth rate cannot be significantly different.", "(B)Although the lifespan of the Leeds fish and the whale shark differ greatly, they all reach adulthood around the age of 20, and their body shape is basically fixed.", "(C)Although the lifespan of fish is different, their growth stages basically correspond to their juvenile, adult, middle-aged and elderly", "(D)There is no obvious change in the growth cycle of Jurassic fish and modern fish"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, will best support the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The raw materials of these canoes cannot be transported from the distant Yunnan virgin forest, they can only be obtained locally", "(B)These canoes have been soaked in water for thousands of years and are very heavy", "(C)The place where the Qi Zhou Qiu Jian story takes place is the Chu area, including south of Xuchang, Henan", "(D)The canoe hull is pointed at both ends and is chiseled from a complete log for better preservation"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, best supports the above researchers \u2019views?", "options": ["(A)This non-invasive stimulus is inexpensive and will not cause any pain to the human body", "(B)After a slight electric shock to the brain, the blood flow between the neurons in the brain is significantly enhanced, but it returns to normal after multiple stimulations", "(C)Before the experiment, the mathematics scores of the two groups of students were almost the same", "(D)Subjects with microshocks in the brain are more concerned about their behavior, and their concentration is more focused during the test"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Regarding the overall average price of residential housing in the above three cities, which of the following judgments is wrong?", "options": ["(A)The overall average price of residential housing in A City is the highest", "(B)The overall average price of residential housing in City B is in the middle", "(C)The overall average price of residential housing in Cingcheng is the lowest", "(D)The overall average price of residential housing in A City is the lowest"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following is most appropriate as a corollary of the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)\"Y chromosome Adam\" and \"mitochondrial Eve\" were formed in the same period, and \"age\" is close, \"Y chromosome Adam\" may be earlier.", "(B)15 years ago, there was only one man \"Adam\" on earth", "(C)As two individuals, \"Adam\" and \"Eve\" should never meet", "(D)Men and women are born together and have conceived modern humans together"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would best support the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Studies of invertebrates in the ocean have also found that in colder water and with higher oxygen content, the organisms there are also larger", "(B)During the Carboniferous period, the concentration of oxygen in the earth \u2019s atmosphere was as high as 35%, much higher than the current 21%.At that time, there were many giant insects on the earth, and the wingspan of the dragonfly was close to one meter.", "(C)Small locusts cannot survive in a low-oxygen environment, especially in an environment with an oxygen concentration below 15%.Adult locusts can survive in an environment with 2% oxygen", "(D)Under the environment with high oxygen content and high air pressure, the tested fruit flies lived to the fifth generation and their body size increased by 20%"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following must be selected?", "options": ["(A)Fang Rufen", "(B)Guo Yanran", "(C)Song Kaiwen", "(D)Ren Xiangyang"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If Guo Yanran is selected, which of the following must also be selected?", "options": ["(A)Fang Rufen", "(B)He Zhilian", "(C)Peng Youwen", "(D)Qiu Zhijie"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If He Zhilian is not selected, which of the following is not selected?", "options": ["(A)Tang Xiaohua", "(B)Peng Youwen", "(C)Qiu Zhijie", "(D)Song Wenkai"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If Tang Xiaohua is selected, which two of the following must be selected?", "options": ["(A)Fang Rufen and Guo Yanran", "(B)Guo Yanran and He Zhilian", "(C)Peng Youwen and He Zhilian", "(D)Fang Rufen and He Zhilian"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, best supports the above-mentioned scientists \u2019speculation?", "options": ["(A)The short and wide hind bone makes this primate good at jumping and preying in the bushes", "(B)There is no strict proportional relationship between animal vision and orbital size", "(C)The time when the earliest great apes separated from other primates was at least 55 million years ago", "(D)Animals dominated by nocturnal activities, generally have larger eyes"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would best refute the views of ordinary people?", "options": ["(A)\"Artificial\" genetic screening does not rule out that there will be loopholes; in natural conception, the guidelines for survival of the fittest in nature seem to be more subtle and effective", "(B)It can be seen from the development history of modern science and technology that technological development is often faster than human cognition, and sometimes technology will go further and deviate from the track of human cognition", "(C)Gene screening is mainly to avoid reproductive defects, this technology brings opportunities for human eugenics and eugenics; as for \"customized babies\", the concept of cloning is more involved, the two should not be confused", "(D)\"Customized babies\" have not been tried globally, this concept also challenges the most controversial human reproductive ethics"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is true to best refute the above speculation?", "options": ["(A)There is a huge difference between the process of developing from protein to organic life and the process from organic molecules to protein", "(B)Higher intelligence is not only a product of material evolution, but also a product of continuous socialization", "(C)In the natural environment, the synthesis of amino acid molecules from existing interstellar molecules is a small probability event", "(D)Some interstellar molecules are not found in the Earth \u2019s environment, and they are still not available in the laboratory"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can best refute the views of the above scientists?", "options": ["(A)Modern Homo sapiens, living in the late Paleolithic period, about 40,000 to 10,000 years ago.There are hundreds of places where late Homo sapiens fossils or cultural sites have been found in our country", "(B)In an archaeological excavation in South America, people discovered the fossils of Homo sapiens skulls that lived about 170,000 years ago", "(C)Homo sapiens have the extraordinary ability to communicate with each other, make plans, and solve difficult problems", "(D)Eight Homo sapiens teeth 400,000 years ago were discovered in the Qesem cave 12 km east of Tel Aviv, Israel"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can best refute the views of the above scientists?", "options": ["(A)In the distant universe, some blue-shifted objects were also found", "(B)The earth is not in the center of the universe", "(C)The stars that people can observe may be less than one percent of the real universe", "(D)From the perspective of other celestial bodies in the universe, redshift is also an absolute dominant phenomenon"], "label": "C"} {"question": "In order from bottom to top, which of the following matches the distribution of the above floors?", "options": ["(A)Finance Department, Planning Department, Administration Department, Human Resources Department, R & D Department, Sales Department", "(B)Finance Department, Planning Department, Administration Department, Human Resources Department, Sales Department, R & D Department", "(C)Planning Department, Finance Department, Sales Department, R & D Department, Administration Department, Human Resources Department", "(D)Sales Department, Finance Department, Planning Department, R & D Department, Human Resources Department, Administration Department"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the Human Resources Department is not at the upper level of the Administration Department, which of the following may be correct?", "options": ["(A)The sales department is on the upper level of the R & D department", "(B)The sales department is one level above the administrative department", "(C)The sales department is at the next level of the planning department", "(D)Sales Department is on the second floor"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the human resources department is not on the top floor, the floors that the R & D department may be on are?", "options": ["(A)3, 4, 6", "(B)3, 4, 5", "(C)4, 5", "(D)5, 6"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the Finance Department is on the third level, which of the following may be correct?", "options": ["(A)The R & D department is on the fifth floor", "(B)The R & D department is on the upper level of the sales department", "(C)The Administration Department is not on the upper level of the Planning Department", "(D)The sales department is on a certain layer above the planning department"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following may be the two departments where the first and second tiers are located?", "options": ["(A)Finance Department, Sales Department", "(B)Planning Department, Sales Department", "(C)R & D Department and Sales Department", "(D)Sales Department, Planning Department"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is most similar to the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Kind people will be respected by the villagers, Chenggong who is kind and charitable will be respected by the villagers, so Chenggong is a kind person", "(B)Vegetables in Dongdun Market are very cheap.This basket of vegetables is not bought in Dongdun Market.Therefore, this basket of vegetables is not cheap", "(C)Employees of Jiutian Company can speak English, Lin Yingrui is an employee of Jiutian Company, therefore, Lin Yingrui can speak English", "(D)Anyone who meets the basic conditions can apply for a small loan.Sun Wen did not apply for a small loan.Therefore, Sun Wen did not meet the basic conditions"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would best refute the above experimental conclusion?", "options": ["(A)The capsaicin contained in chili can hinder the secretion of a neurotransmitter to a certain extent", "(B)In this experiment, 5% of the experimenters' discomfort symptoms worsened", "(C)In another group of subjects who took the pill after meals, 55% of the subjects' symptoms were alleviated", "(D)After paying attention to a healthy diet, patients with dyspepsia will generally ease the symptoms of discomfort within one month"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can best refute the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The cave inspired the description of hell in Greek mythology", "(B)The cave is actually an ancient cemetery and funeral venue", "(C)There is no prehistoric village in Europe that has been found earlier than the cave", "(D)The entrance to the cave collapsed 5000 years ago"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would best support the above research findings?", "options": ["(A)The rock was formed after the accumulation layer of the deep seabed in the ancient times exposed above the ground", "(B)In the late Paleozoic Triassic (approximately 200 million to 237 million years ago) ammonite and other species were extinct on a large scale", "(C)Elements such as iridium and platinum are peculiar to meteorites and usually only exist in trace amounts on the surface", "(D)In ancient times, there have been many incidents of meteorite impacting the earth"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Regarding the newly recruited researchers of the unit in 2013, which of the following judgments is correct?", "options": ["(A)None of those who live in postdoctoral apartments have deputy senior titles or above", "(B)Those who have a Ph.D.have Beijing household registration", "(C)None of the people living in the \"Peony Garden\" community have a doctorate", "(D)All non-graduate PhD students live in the \"Peony Garden\" community"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, best supports the idea of \u200b\u200bgradually extending the retirement age?", "options": ["(A)Many people now find a second career after going through retirement procedures", "(B)Respecting the elderly and loving children is a fine tradition in China for thousands of years, which should be carried forward", "(C)The employment problem of young people should be solved by economic development and transformation and upgrading", "(D)Due to the implementation of the one-child policy for many years, China's aging problem will be more acute than many Western developed countries"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would weaken the above argument most?", "options": ["(A)\"Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.\" Throughout the ages", "(B)The number of Internet users has quadrupled in the past 5 years", "(C)In recent years, some people have used rumors online to achieve profit-making purposes.", "(D)The online forum is a legal forum"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following is most suitable as a corollary of the above discussion", "options": ["(A)Only the United States and China can make supercomputers in the world", "(B)Only China National Defense University has successfully developed a supercomputer", "(C)Only the supercomputers in the United States and China have been ranked first in the world in terms of computing speed", "(D)China's \"Tianhe 2\" computing speed is clearly ahead of other supercomputers"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would best refute the arguments of the above supporters?", "options": ["(A)If you invest a lot of time, energy and cost to resurrect the disappeared creatures, it will inevitably contain and weaken the protection of existing endangered animals, and the result will not be worth the loss.", "(B)Merely cloning an individual of an extinct animal does not mean that humans have the ability to resurrect the entire population", "(C)Even if the extinct animals can be resurrected in batches, the habitat suitable for their growth may have long since disappeared.If you can not give heavy organisms a suitable environment for survival, all efforts will be in vain", "(D)The vast majority of these animals gradually disappeared in the course of human development.It was human activities that led to their extinction"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is most important for evaluating the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)Test the daily diet of some pregnant women who do not lack vitamins to determine the vitamin content.", "(B)Test pregnant women and other women who have enough vitamins in their daily diet to determine whether they lack vitamins.", "(C)Test pregnant women and other women with insufficient vitamins in their daily diet and determine whether they are deficient in vitamins.", "(D)Test the daily diet of some pregnant women who lack vitamins to determine the content of vitamins."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above conclusions?", "options": ["(A)An education system that does not allow everyone to go to college is unreasonable.", "(B)An education system that guarantees everyone to enjoy compulsory education is reasonable.", "(C)An education system that does not allow everyone to enjoy the right to compulsory education is unreasonable.", "(D)There should be more requirements for a reasonable education system."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is most helpful in eliminating this inconsistency?", "options": ["(A)Severe investigations of drunk driving have occurred in urban traffic accidents.", "(B)The city that implements strict investigation of drunk driving has not eliminated drunk driving.", "(C)It is more important to improve drivers' traffic safety awareness than strict management.", "(D)In addition to strict investigation of drunk driving, other traffic violations should also be stopped."], "label": "A"} {"question": "The comments of Ukrainian observers are best used to refute which of the following?", "options": ["(A)Even if the Ukrainian authorities recognize the special status of the two \"Republic\" territories and Russian language, and pardon all militia armed participants and political prisoners, the conflict may still not be resolved.", "(B)Even if the conflict is resolved, it is not necessarily because the Ukrainian authorities recognize the \"Republic\" territory and the special status of Russian.", "(C)If the conflict is to be resolved, the Ukrainian authorities must recognize the special status of the two \"Republic\" territories and the Russian language, and pardon all militia armed participants and political prisoners.", "(D)As long as the Ukrainian authorities recognize the special status of the two \"Republic\" territories and the Russian language, and pardon all militia armed participants and political prisoners, the conflict can be resolved."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following can most question the above view?", "options": ["(A)As online shopping sales increase, related taxes and fees will also increase.", "(B)Even in the era when there is no Internet, people can still buy their favorite products through physical stores.", "(C)The display of goods on the Internet cannot fully reflect the real situation.", "(D)People's satisfaction with the pursuit of material life depends only on the level of economic development in the region."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following can guarantee the correctness of the above statement?", "options": ["(A)Unless it is a university teacher, it is impossible to have a doctorate from a prestigious school and have more than one year of research experience in an overseas research institution.", "(B)In recent years, college teachers have required overseas research experience.", "(C)Some middle school teachers also have doctorate degrees and overseas research experience.", "(D)Unless they are PhDs and have more than one year of overseas research experience, they cannot become university teachers."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If you want to get the conclusion that the plane was hijacked by a terrorist organization, which of the following should be added?", "options": ["(A)The passenger plane was not shot down by the missile.", "(B)There were no reports of missiles shooting down the passenger plane, and the passenger plane did not malfunction.", "(C)The passenger plane did not malfunction.", "(D)The passenger plane malfunctioned and no missiles shot down the passenger plane."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following can best question the above research conclusions?", "options": ["(A)Most of the young people who grew up in wealthier families have a negative attitude towards life.", "(B)In addition to emotions, the degree of specialization and work ability will directly affect the income level.", "(C)Most young people who are more satisfied with their lives are born in wealthier families, and all have a good professional background.", "(D)It should compare the occupational distribution of the respondents."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is most similar to the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)All the students who passed the bottom-up exam passed the review, so all the students who passed the review passed.", "(B)All the students who failed the bottom-up exam did not review well, so the students who did not review well did not pass.", "(C)All the students who have participated in the bottom-up examination have been carefully prepared.Therefore, the students who have not taken the bottom-up examination have not been carefully prepared.", "(D)All heroes can stand the test, so those who cannot stand the test are not heroes."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following is most likely the hypothesis of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)In the past five years, the living standards of families in City W have generally improved.", "(B)Over the past five years, the average price of other commodities in City W, except food, has risen by 25%.", "(C)In the past five years, the amount of food purchased by residents of W has increased by 8%.", "(D)In the past five years, the amount of food purchased by each household in City W has not changed."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following can best question the decision of the city government?", "options": ["(A)There is a large automobile production company in the city, and the order restriction will definitely affect the automobile sales of the enterprise.", "(B)Private car owners in the city generally have two or more private cars.", "(C)The owners of private cars in the city are generally wealthy, and they do not care about the fines for violations.", "(D)Mass transit is being developed in the city, which will help overcome congestion."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following means exactly the same as the above assertion?", "options": ["(A)Undergraduates who do not have the qualifications recommended by their school cannot be exempted from going to Peking University to study for a master's degree.", "(B)Undergraduates who go to Nanyang University to study for a master's degree without a test may not obtain the recommended qualifications of their schools.", "(C)Undergraduates who have obtained the qualifications recommended by their school may not necessarily be able to enter the university for a master's degree.", "(D)In addition to Peking University.Undergraduates can also go to other schools to study for a master's degree."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following can weaken Lao Zhang \u2019s suggestion the most?", "options": ["(A)Most of the nutrients people need are not from drinking water.", "(B)What the human body needs is not just minerals.", "(C)Drinking water other than pure water and mineral water.", "(D)People can get essential minerals from other foods."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following best refutes the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The sales volume only partially reflects the popularity of the book.", "(B)Those who purchase technology books are often highly educated.", "(C)The types of life books far exceed the types of science and technology books.", "(D)Some books sold may not be read."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following raises the most serious question to the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)The vast majority of health care costs are spent on high-tech intensive care for high-risk patients.", "(B)Without increasing costs, our health conditions may also improve.", "(C)70% of the state's allocation to the health sector is for infrastructure construction.", "(D)The cost of care for elderly chronic diseases is very large."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following may be correct?", "options": ["(A)Li and Liu were hired by the same unit.", "(B)Wang, Zhao and Liu were all hired by Tianji.", "(C)Only Liu was hired by Tian Xuan.", "(D)Only Wang was hired by Tianxuan."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following must be correct?", "options": ["(A)Zhang and Wang were hired by the same unit.", "(B)Wang and Liu were hired by different units", "(C)Tianshu hired at most two people.", "(D)Tianshu and Tianxuan employ the same number of people."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is correct, you can determine the employer of each graduate?", "options": ["(A)Li was hired by Tianshu.", "(B)Zhang was hired by Tianxuan.", "(C)Zhang was hired by Tianshu.", "(D)Liu was hired by Tianji."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If Liu was hired by Tianxuan, which of the following must be wrong?", "options": ["(A)Tianxuan hired 3 people.", "(B)Li's employer only hired him.", "(C)Wang was hired by Tianxuan.", "(D)Zhang was hired by Tianxuan."], "label": "D"} {"question": "According to this statistic, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Some activities organized by the community do not involve the elderly in the community.", "(B)Some elderly people in the community do not participate in any activities organized by the community.", "(C)Any activity organized by a community will involve the elderly in the community.", "(D)Middle-aged people in the community also participated in community-organized activities."], "label": "C"} {"question": "The decision of the academic conference organizing committee is most likely based on which of the following assumptions?", "options": ["(A)There is always a certain percentage of paper quality in every conference paper submitted.", "(B)The number of conference papers received each time in the future will not change significantly.", "(C)90% of conference papers do not meet the quality of conference papers.", "(D)The academic conference organizing committee can make accurate judgments on the quality of the paper."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following can best question the blogger \u2019s conclusion?", "options": ["(A)Although some people agree with his views, they do not agree with his analysis.", "(B)The blogger's other articles with higher approval ratings later proved to be wrong.", "(C)Some of the objections to the post are more fully justified.", "(D)Most people who follow this blogger's article are their loyal fans."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following can most strongly support the views of the above jurists?", "options": ["(A)The accuracy of handling cases in various courts has improved significantly.", "(B)The negative misjudgment rate of each court is basically the same.", "(C)Wrong judgment rather than misplacement is a reflection of the \"left\" thinking in the judiciary.", "(D)Most of the losses caused by misplacement are remedyable; the damage caused by the misjudgment to the victim is irreparable."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following best supports the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The greater the greed, the easier it is to be deceived.", "(B)The society has improved, and the scammers will no longer exist.", "(C)With the progress of society, the quality of people will generally improve, and greed will gradually be eliminated.", "(D)No matter in what society, scammers always exist."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If only one sentence of the analyst \u2019s prediction is correct, who is the first?", "options": ["(A)C", "(B)B", "(C)Can't push", "(D)Ding"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following is most similar to the above argument?", "options": ["(A)It is wrong to say that Alexander is a Plato student.In fact, Alexander was a student of Aristotle, and Aristotle was a student of Plato.", "(B)It is true that excessive fertilization is the main cause of lawn diseases and insect pests.Because excessive fertilization can cause the grass to grow madly, and the grass that grows madly has little resistance to diseases and insect pests.", "(C)It is wrong for people who frequently participate in strenuous exercise to cause sudden death.Because the violent cause is cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and vigorous exercise does not necessarily cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.", "(D)It is wrong to say that inferior gasoline will not cause abnormal fuel consumption.Because inferior gasoline can cause very normal aging of engine valves, and abnormal aging of motive valves can cause abnormal fuel consumption."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following cannot be true?", "options": ["(A)Veteran Klose broke Ronaldo's 15-ball World Cup goal record with 16 goals at the World Cup, but still did not win the favor of many clubs.", "(B)J.Ronaldo won the World Cup Golden Boots.At the same time, with the excellent performance of the club, he successfully transferred to Real Madrid in the case of many clubs chasing.", "(C)Royce failed to represent the German team in the Brazil World Cup due to injury, but he has an excellent performance in the Bundesliga club field, and has been favored by top giants such as Real Madrid and Barcelona in the transfer market.", "(D)Dortmund top scorer Lewandowski successfully transferred to Bayern Munich."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following conclusions can be made based on the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)Datian has real talent and basic social skills, but the positioning is not accurate.", "(B)Datian either does not have real talent, or lacks basic social skills, or fails to accurately locate in the career selection process.", "(C)Datian does not possess real knowledge and basic social skills, but the positioning is accurate.", "(D)Datian does not have real knowledge and basic social skills, and does not have an accurate positioning."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following can guarantee the correctness of the above statement?", "options": ["(A)All college teachers have a very high level.", "(B)Not all college teachers have a high level.", "(C)Some college teachers have a very high level.", "(D)All high-level teachers have overseas doctorate degrees."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following is most similar to the question-making argument?", "options": ["(A)If the parent has a good education for the child, the child's performance in the school is generally better.Because Wang Zheng's performance in the school is not good, his parents must be poorly educated.", "(B)If the child recites the poem for 1 hour every day, it will be exported into chapters.Guo Na recites the poems for less than an hour every day, so she cannot export to chapters.", "(C)If people know how to make money, they can generally accumulate more wealth.Therefore, Mr.Peng's wealth comes from his resourcefulness.", "(D)Northerners are usually taller than southerners.Marin is the highest in the class, so he must be a northerner."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above arguments and suggestions?", "options": ["(A)Avoiding errors in vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation does not necessarily ensure the language quality of the manuscript.", "(B)Journalism courses have always emphasized and required students to be proficient in using computers and familiar with various software.", "(C)The more effective the Chinese software is, the more likely it is to be pirated.", "(D)Opening a new course at the School of Journalism requires a complicated process of argumentation and approval."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following most appropriately summarizes the loopholes in the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Make a substantive distinction between two types of phenomena that have no substantive difference.", "(B)Make an analogy between two types of objects that are not comparable.", "(C)The proportion of housework accidents in the whole operation accidents is not considered.", "(D)Not taking into account the proportion of left-handers among all people."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Based on the above conclusions, which of the following conclusions is most likely to be drawn?", "options": ["(A)Petroleum is one of the raw materials contained in cement", "(B)Petroleum is the energy source of some high-temperature furnaces for making cement", "(C)The price of cement falls as the price of oil rises", "(D)The higher the price of cement, the higher the price of limestone"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following most accurately summarizes the controversial focus of Ms.Zheng and Mr.Hu?", "options": ["(A)Is the GDP of Yiyang City greater than that of Hengyuan City?", "(B)Is the GDP growth rate of Hengyuan City really higher than that of Angyang City?", "(C)A city's GDP has a large value, is the economic outlook necessarily good?", "(D)A city's GDP growth rate is high, is the economic outlook necessarily good?"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Eating large amounts of beef jerky is not conducive to arterial health.", "(B)Arterial health is not equal to physical health.", "(C)Meat contains substances harmful to the human body.", "(D)People who like to eat beef jerky often like to eat other foods that are harmful to arterial health."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following most appropriately summarizes the loopholes in the conclusions of the Peace Foundation?", "options": ["(A)Ignore this possibility? S Institute does not keep its promises.", "(B)Ignore this possibility? S Institute can use weapons from other sources for weapons research.", "(C)Ignored this possibility? the funding of the Peace Foundation enabled S Research to have all the ability to switch other funds to weapons research.", "(D)Ignore this possibility? weapons research does not necessarily endanger peace."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following items are true, they can weaken the above argument, except", "options": ["(A)The violent and pornographic content published in Purgatory magazine is more moderate in similar magazines.", "(B)Magazines that publish violent and pornographic content usually sell well, but have low credibility.", "(C)The above-mentioned advertisers who refused to renew their contracts mainly promoted household goods.", "(D)The advertising cost of the purgatory magazine after the name change is several times higher than before the name change."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the following item is true, can the argument be strengthened most?", "options": ["(A)The cost and selling price of \"Inferno\" are lower than that of \"Harbour\".", "(B)The above advertisers who refused to renew their contracts have not affected the benefits after switching to other publications.", "(C)Readers of family magazines are generally not interested in violent and pornographic content.", "(D)Some clients who advertise in other family magazines and so on turn to \"Inferno\" magazine."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above conclusions of the government of Country H?", "options": ["(A)Last year, H \u2019s financial investment to protect the equatorial rainforest was significantly lower than in previous years.", "(B)The area of \u200b\u200bthe equatorial rainforest in country G, which is adjacent to country H, has not decreased.", "(C)Last year's dry season in Country H saw unusually large and continuous rainfall.", "(D)The cost of rainforest protection in country H only accounts for a small percentage of annual fiscal expenditure."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is most likely assumed by the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The psychological theory is to reveal the relationship between inner experience and artistic achievement.", "(B)People with intimate relationships have little time for loneliness.", "(C)Loneliness is necessary for great painting artists.", "(D)Artists who have achieved great achievements cannot be unhappy."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following most accurately summarizes the method Xiao Wang used to refute Xiao Chen's views?", "options": ["(A)Point out that the key concepts used by Xiao Chen are ambiguous.", "(B)pointed out that Xiao Chen's argument is clearly lacking in persuasion.", "(C)pointed out that Xiao Chen's arguments contradict themselves.", "(D)Disagree with Xiao Chen's conclusion, and put forward another explanation for Xiao Chen's argument.E.Agree with Xiao Chen's conclusion, but put forward another explanation for Xiao Chen's argument."], "label": "B"} {"question": "How many guests did Mr.Chen come forward to invite?", "options": ["(A)No guest invited", "(B)1 guest", "(C)2 guests", "(D)3 guests"], "label": "D"} {"question": "The logic loophole in the above argument is most similar to the following one?", "options": ["(A)Obese people are more likely to suffer from heart disease than people with normal weight.However, obese people make up a very small percentage of our population.Therefore, in our country, there is no need for the medical and health community to emphasize the risk of heart disease.", "(B)Unchecked sex is more likely to be infected with AIDS than checkpoint.However, among people with unchecked sex, only a small percentage of people are infected with AIDS.Therefore, there is no need to emphasize the harm of unchecked sex in the propaganda of AIDS prevention.", "(C)The prevailing view is that smoking is more likely to cause lung cancer than not smoking.However, in some countries, the proportion of people with lung cancer who have a history of smoking is not higher than the proportion of the total population who have a history of smoking.Therefore, the above popular opinion is likely to be a prejudice.", "(D)High-income people are more capable of enjoying life than low-income people.But there are many high-income earners who claim to be unhappy.Therefore, those who pursue a happy life need not pay attention to the level of income."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The following assumptions can make the above inference hold, except", "options": ["(A)Wang Wu's bonus is higher than Li Si's.", "(B)Li Si's bonus is higher than Miao Xiaoqin's.", "(C)Li Si's bonus is higher than Wang Wu's.", "(D)Li Si's bonus is as high as Wang Wu's."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Based on the above experiment, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Both No.1 and No.2 are type C.", "(B)Only one of No.1 and No.2 is C type.", "(C)No.1 is type A and No.2 is type B.", "(D)No.1 is not Type B and No.2 is not Type A."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following most appropriately points out the loophole of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Assume without explanation? Any car equipped with airbags may experience a car accident.", "(B)Ignore this possibility? Owners without airbags pay more attention to driving cautiously.", "(C)Improper assumption? In any car accident, the airbag will automatically open.", "(D)Improperly equate the possibility of a car accident with the seriousness of the car owner \u2019s injury in the accident."], "label": "D"} {"question": "An analogy with which of the following inferences shows that the above inferences are not true?", "options": ["(A)People in Hunan don't like chili.Therefore, some people who love chili are not Hunanese.", "(B)Some people are not selfish.Therefore, people are not all selfish.", "(C)A good motivation does not necessarily have a good effect.Therefore, good effects do not necessarily result from good motivation.", "(D)Some southerners are not Cantonese.Therefore, not all Cantonese are Southerners."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above determination is true, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Students with poor grades in the second grade are less than those with poor grades in the first grade.", "(B)There are more students with poor grades in the second grade than those with poor grades in the first grade.", "(C)There are more students with good grades in the second grade than those with good grades in the first grade.", "(D)The students with good grades in the second grade are less than those with good grades in the first grade."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Among the patients who died above, the average year of death of the second group was two years earlier than the first group.", "(B)Among the patients who died, the average life span of the second group was two years shorter than that of the first group.", "(C)Among the above living patients, the second group is more severely ill than the first group.", "(D)Among the above living patients, the second group is older than the first group."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Kobayashi is most likely to understand the rules of swimming as?", "options": ["(A)You cannot enter the deep pool unless you have a deep water certificate.", "(B)Only those who hold a deep water certificate need not wear a swimming cap.", "(C)If you have a deep water certificate, you can enter the deep pool.", "(D)Those who are allowed to enter the swimming pool may not be allowed to enter the deep pool."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Seawater pollution causes more damage to crocodiles than seals.", "(B)Despite the sharp decrease in the number of crocodiles and the increase in the number of seals, there are still fewer seals in the North Atlantic Ocean than crocodiles.", "(C)Before the number of seals increased, the number of crocodiles in the North Atlantic Ocean decreased.", "(D)Crocodiles only eat capelin, and capelin is also the main food for seals."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above determination is true, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Everyone may make mistakes, but some people may not make serious mistakes.", "(B)Everyone may make mistakes, but all people may not make serious mistakes.", "(C)Everyone will make mistakes, but some people may not make serious mistakes.", "(D)Everyone will make mistakes, but all people may not make serious mistakes."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Some assistants to the general manager are in charge of the two departments.", "(B)Any department is in charge of F or G.", "(C)M and P are in charge of only one department.", "(D)No department is in charge of F, M and P."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If F and M are not in charge of the same department, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)F and H are in charge of the same department.", "(B)F and I are in charge of the same department.", "(C)I and P are in charge of the same department.", "(D)M and G are in charge of the same department."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following options is the closest to the meaning of this maxim?", "options": ["(A)Only after introspection can life be of value.", "(B)To be valuable in life, we must reflect on it from time to time.", "(C)I'm confused for a lifetime.", "(D)People should live to understand."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following supplements will most strongly support the reasoning in the question stem?", "options": ["(A)The computer can have the learning function like a human.", "(B)Computer programs cannot simulate human initiative and creativity.", "(C)In the future society, it is difficult to say whether people control computers or control computers.", "(D)People can compile computer programs that simulate human initiative and creativity."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following conclusions can be deduced from the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)As an ornamental plant, French tarragon is more popular than Russian tarragon.", "(B)The flower of Russian tarragon may not have fragrance.", "(C)The plant grown from tarragon seeds is not French tarragon.", "(D)Apart from Russian tarragon and French tarragon, there are no other types of tarragon."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following reasoning clearly shows that the above argument is not valid?", "options": ["(A)All successful people have to eat in clothes.I am not a successful person now, so I do n\u2019t have to eat in clothes.", "(B)Commodities have use value, and air certainly has use value, so air is of course a commodity.", "(C)All technical backbones study hard.Xiao Zhang is a technical backbone.Therefore, Xiao Zhang is a hard-working person.", "(D)Criminal behaviors are illegal behaviors, and violations should be condemned by the society, so all criminal behaviors should be condemned by the society."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, best supports the doctor \u2019s conclusion?", "options": ["(A)The age of prostate cancer patients taking lycopene is between 45-65 years old.", "(B)A few of the prostate cancer patients taking lycopene are in serious condition.", "(C)There is a similar group of patients with prostate tumors awaiting surgery.They did not take lycopene capsules, and their tumors did not shrink.", "(D)Lycopene exists not only in tomatoes, but also in fruits such as watermelons and grapes."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Now we need to open the No.1 valve, which two valves are to be opened at the same time?", "options": ["(A)No.2 valve and No.4 valve.", "(C)No.3 valve and No.5 valve.", "(B)No.2 valve and No.3 valve.", "(D)No.4 valve and No.5 valve."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following questions is most relevant for refuting the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)If two things happen at the same time or one after another, can we be sure that there is a causal relationship between them?", "(B)Why did Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, and the United States also experience economic recession during this period?", "(C)Why the economy of mainland China is booming.", "(D)Why was the economic situation of the United Kingdom, which used to regulate Hong Kong, bad during this period?"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following options is not the implied meaning or conclusion that can be derived?", "options": ["(A)When a person provides a role or service to society, it is impossible not to consider his own economic interests.", "(B)Once they have public power, some people are very likely to use \"power rent-seeking\" and engage in power and money transactions.", "(C)Some institutional factors should be designed to restrict the behavior of government officials.", "(D)The management of government officials should mainly depend on raising their awareness of self-discipline."], "label": "D"} {"question": "It turned out that only one of the three instructors was right.Which one of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)The shooting performance of everyone in the class is not excellent.", "(B)Someone in the class has excellent shooting performance.", "(C)The squad leader's shooting performance is excellent.", "(D)The shooting performance of the Sports Committee is not excellent."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following best explains the contradictory statement above?", "options": ["(A)The sampling of the survey sample is not random and therefore not representative.", "(B)Some respondents later changed their views.", "(C)Many investigators believe that the causes of the \"September 11\" terrorist attacks were not single but compound.", "(D)There are technical errors in the calculation of the investigation results."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following options is a correct evaluation of the company and its contract?", "options": ["(A)The company must be very honest because it promises to pay more than 1,000 times in compensation if fraud is discovered.", "(B)The company's contract actually has no binding force on its behavior.", "(C)The floors sold by the company must be real solid wood floors.", "(D)From the customer's perspective, the company's contract terms are acceptable."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the above proposition is true, then which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Some northerners are workers.", "(C)Some workers are Northerners.", "(B)Some northerners are not workers.", "(D)Some workers are not Northerners."], "label": "B"} {"question": "These people's suspicions are based on which of the following unstated premises?", "options": ["(A)Some robots are able to play games with chess masters.", "(B)The doctoral student is a master of Go.", "(C)That robot is IBM's latest generation product.", "(D)There was a considerable difference between the doctoral student and the robot."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Who can meet all the requirements of Li Na?", "options": ["(A)Liu Dawei", "(B)Li Qiang", "(C)Wu Gang", "(D)Wang Wei"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following cannot be a logical inference from the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)In a poor world, part may be smaller than whole.", "(B)In an infinite world, parts must not be equal to wholes.", "(C)In an infinite world, the whole may equal parts.", "(D)In a poor world, the whole must be larger than the part."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, is the most doubtful of the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)Every year, a small number of people are injured by accidents in Taekwondo.", "(B)Taekwondo can train people's reaction ability and enhance people's agility.", "(C)Only healthy people participate in Taekwondo.", "(D)Men love taekwondo more than women."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, best supports the scientist \u2019s conclusion?", "options": ["(A)In young experimental rats, it is also found that the brain SK3 protein content is high.", "(B)It has been found that the human brain also contains SK3 protein.", "(C)When the scientists tried to reduce the content of SK3 protein in the brains of old experimental mice, their memory improved.", "(D)Scientists have figured out the molecular structure of SK3 protein."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Since the conclusion of \"friends like dung\" is not true, it can be logically derived?", "options": ["(A)The expression \"money is like dung\" is false.", "(B)If a friend is indeed worth a lot of money, then money is not like dung.", "(C)The statement that \"friends are valuable\" is true.", "(D)The words \"Money is like dung\" and \"Friends are worth a thousand dollars\" are either true or false."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The following are all questions about the above views, except?", "options": ["(A)Japan has been in recession for more than ten years.At that time, China \u2019s merchandise exports were very small, and the renminbi was very weak.", "(B)The US economic recession was mainly caused by the destruction of the myth of the Internet economy, and the \"9.11\" terrorist attacks exacerbated this recession.", "(C)China's GDP accounts for only 3.9% of the world's total, foreign trade is less than 5% of the world's, and it does not have the ability to affect the world market price and supply and demand.", "(D)Consumers in Western countries have benefited greatly from cheap goods in China."], "label": "D"} {"question": "According to the above situation, we know that the winner is", "options": ["(A)Tsinghua University Team", "(B)China University of Science and Technology Team", "(C)Zhejiang University Team", "(D)Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which sentence is most appropriate for the following?", "options": ["(A)You should determine your life goals as soon as possible.", "(B)Life has no meaning, but we should add a meaning to it.", "(C)Whether there is a long-term and clear life goal has a very important impact on the size of life achievements.", "(D)If you have a long-term and clear life goal, you will be successful in life."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following options is not a logical inference from the above sentence?", "options": ["(A)Only those who do what they want can do it to others.", "(B)If you want, then give it to others.", "(C)Don't treat others unless you want to.", "(D)Whatever is applied to people should be what they want."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The above conclusion is based on which of the following assumptions?", "options": ["(A)Organized, step-by-step reasoning is essential for general scientific research.", "(B)Nobel Prize winners have the ability to think creatively through analogy, intuition, and insight.", "(C)Nobel winners have made major scientific breakthroughs.", "(D)Nobel Prize winners are smarter and harder than ordinary scientists."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is most important for evaluating the decision of the supermarket management?", "options": ["(A)The ratio of the purchase price to the selling price of the supermarket goods.", "(B)The quantity and price of goods sold by the supermarket every day.", "(C)The number of customers who shop at the supermarket every day and the level of consumption.", "(D)The ratio of the loss in the supermarket caused by customers stealing commodities, compared with the cost of operating monitoring equipment and increasing shopping guides."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above theory about the origin of the moon is correct, which one of the following conclusions can best be supported?", "options": ["(A)The moon is the only fairly large object that orbits the earth.", "(B)The iron content of the core part of the moon is smaller than that of the core part of the earth.", "(C)The solidification of the lunar surface is after the solidification of the earth's surface.", "(D)Like the earth, the moon has a solid surface structure and a core of lava."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following supplements can explain the inconsistency between the total number of people mentioned in the question stem and the number of people with different identities?", "options": ["(A)The scientist and one of the Americans are husband and wife.", "(B)The products of one of the entrepreneurs are mainly exported to the United States.", "(C)Two entrepreneurs are Chinese, and another American is a lawyer.", "(D)One of the lawyers is the legal adviser of one of the entrepreneurs."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the No.6 player plays in the final, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Player 4 is seriously injured.", "(B)Player 4's competitive state is not good.", "(C)No.6 player was not injured.", "(D)If player 4's injury has healed, then his competitive state is not good."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following is most helpful in explaining the Osprey \u2019s predatory habits mentioned above?", "options": ["(A)Osprey rarely catch herring, cod or courgette.", "(B)The water where plaice lives is shallower than the water where herring, cod or courgette lives.", "(C)Herring, cod or courgette are group activities, but plaice is not.", "(D)Plaice and cod have protective colors, while herring and courgette have no protective colors."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, cannot weaken the above argument?", "options": ["(A)In most cases, the people do not know what they really need.", "(B)Free speech ultimately tends to disrupt social order, and good social order is a prerequisite for meeting the needs of the masses.", "(C)The legitimate function of the government is not to satisfy the needs of the people, but to provide equal opportunities for the people.", "(D)Freedom of expression is insufficient to satisfy the needs of the masses, and good social order is also essential."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Based on your understanding, which of the following options is most appropriate as the definition of \"bottom line ethics\"?", "options": ["(A)The bottom line ethics is not to steal or kill.", "(B)The bottom line ethics are some of the most basic and basic codes of conduct and rules that should be observed by ordinary people in a society.", "(C)The bottom line ethics is not an ethics that requires selfless dedication.", "(D)If one compares human morality to a building, the bottom line ethics is the fundamental part of that building."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)A.B, and C are Kenyan, German, and American.", "(B)The Kenyan player is the champion, the American player is the runner-up, and the German player is the third.", "(C)A.B and C are Kenyan players, American players and German players.", "(D)The American player is the champion, the German player is the runner-up, and the Kenyan player is the third."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following, if correct, is most helpful in explaining the contradictions in the above statement?", "options": ["(A)The fish contaminated with this chemical has not been harmed by the chemical itself.", "(B)Toxic chemicals gather in the parts of the fish that seals eat but people don't.", "(C)Traces of this chemical poison were also found in the bodies of some people who ate neither fish nor fish products.", "(D)Fish contaminated with this chemical only accounts for a small portion of the seal \u2019s total food intake."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following is different from the expression in the stem?", "options": ["(A)There is a car advertisement? \"Or if you drive Cadillac, then you are rich; or if you don't drive at all, then you are poor!\"", "(B)People who take football as a profession have only two destinies? either win, then you are a hero, face flowers, cheers, money, beauty; or lose, then you are a scumbag, a fool, face reproach, anger, verbal abuse, and beat your teeth Swallow it.", "(C)If a professor has enough ability, he can even train stupid students; therefore, if he cannot train stupid students, it means that his ability is not enough.", "(D)Either you are a morally noble person, then you will selflessly contribute everything to yourself; or if you are a mean person, then you will do whatever you want for personal gain."], "label": "C"} {"question": "To verify this conclusion, which of the following experimental methods is the most reliable?", "options": ["(A)Select an excellent breed of laying hens to feed on the grassland, and then compare with the nutrient composition of the common chickens fed on the grassland.", "(B)Test and compare the nutritional content of chicken food on grassland and non-grassland chicken food.", "(C)Choose laying hens of the same breed grade, half of them are fed on the grassland and half are fed on the non-steppe, and then compare their nutritional content.", "(D)Select different breeds of laying hens, feed them on the grassland, and compare their nutritional content."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following, if proven, can reasonably lead to the salesperson \u2019s conclusion?", "options": ["(A)Polar bear brand refrigerators have more advertisements than penguin brand refrigerators.", "(B)The salesperson earned less revenue from selling a Penguin refrigerator than from selling a Polar Bear refrigerator.", "(C)The refrigeration effect of a refrigerator is solely determined by the quality of its compressor.", "(D)The annual sales volume of refrigerators is larger than the annual sales volume of Polar Bear refrigerators."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following options is the same as the argument in the question stem?", "options": ["(A)There are savages in the Shennongjia area because someone has seen the savages.", "(B)Since you can't prove that ghosts don't exist, so ghosts exist.", "(C)Scientists are not born smart, for example, Einstein did not seem very smart when he was a child.", "(D)A scholastic philosopher does not believe that human nerves converge in the brain.The reason is that in Aristotle's writings, nerves are generated from the heart."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following is a correct description of the four assertions in the stem?", "options": ["(A)It can be deduced from the above assertion? there is only one crime.", "(B)At least one of the above assertions is false.", "(C)From these assertions, it can be concluded that the evidence that Wang Guang did not commit the crime is false.", "(D)Zhu Tong is definitely not in the audience of the football match."], "label": "B"} {"question": "In order to make the last sentence in the subject a logical inference from the previous sentences, which of the following premises needs to be added?", "options": ["(A)Moutai is the most famous good wine in China.", "(C)Wuliangye and Bancheng Shaojiao are good wines.", "(B)It's been a long time for Bancheng casserole wine.", "(D)The craft of Bancheng casserole is excellent."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the scientist \u2019s proposal to control the European fern is adopted, which of the following is necessary for its success?", "options": ["(A)This northern fern of the northern hemisphere also grows in areas with similar climate and soil conditions in the southern hemisphere.", "(B)In addition to eating European ferns, the moths they stock also eat other wild grasses that grow in the northern hemisphere.", "(C)The stocked moths can survive in the northern hemisphere and can form a large enough group to reduce the number of European ferns and prevent their growth.", "(D)When the number of European ferns decreases, livestock will become immune to diseases caused by this wild grass."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following options most clearly shows the absurdity of the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)All Cretans are lying, John is Cretan, so John is lying.", "(B)Walking animals have legs, and tables have legs, so tables are walking animals.", "(C)Nishimura loves Cuihua.Cuihua loves pickled cabbage.Therefore, Nishimura loves pickled cabbage.", "(D)All gold glitters, so some glitters are gold."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following provides the strongest support for the argument in the question stem?", "options": ["(A)Only by increasing the scale of economic development and accelerating the speed of economic development can more jobs be created.", "(B)There is a certain relationship between the scale and speed of economic development and the social employment rate.", "(C)If a person is unemployed, it will affect the life of himself and his family.", "(D)Unemployed people are easily irritable, emotionally depressed, and deviant."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If S and Z are now connected at the same time, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)T is the on state and Y is the off state.", "(C)Both T and Y are off.", "(B)Both W and T are on.", "(D)X is the on state and Y is the off state."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Based on the above conditions, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Doctor F is responsible for treatment.", "(C)J is treated by Dr.Zhang.", "(B)C is treated by Dr.Liu.", "(D)H is treated by Dr.Wang."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Each of the following patients can be treated by Dr.Li, except which one?", "options": ["(A)E", "(B)G", "(C)I", "(D)K"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If E is treated by Dr.Wang, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Doctor F is responsible for treatment.", "(C)H is treated by Dr.Liu.", "(B)G is treated by Dr.Wang.", "(D)K is treated by Dr.Liu."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If Dr.Li is responsible for the treatment of G, which of the following may be true?", "options": ["(A)Dr.Liu is responsible for the treatment of E and F.", "(C)H and I are treated by Dr.Liu.", "(B)I and K are treated by Dr.Wang.", "(D)Dr.Wang is responsible for the treatment of E and K."], "label": "B"} {"question": "According to the question, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Dr.Wang is responsible for treating at least one female patient.", "(B)Dr.Wang is responsible for treating at least one child patient.", "(C)Dr.Liu is responsible for treating at least one male patient.", "(D)Dr.Liu is responsible for treating at least one child patient."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If Jesse goes to Dalian, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Anna went to Zhangjiajie.", "(C)Li Shan went to Xi'an.", "(B)Zhang Lin went to Dalian.", "(D)John went to Hangzhou."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the conclusion of the question is true, which two people cannot go to Hangzhou at the same time?", "options": ["(A)Zhang Lin and Li Shan", "(B)Li Shan and Anna", "(C)Jesse and Anna", "(D)Zhang Lin and Jessie"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Based on the question, can you determine which of the following options is true?", "options": ["(A)Xiao Qiang's knowledge is richer than Xiao Gang's.", "(B)Xiao Qiang himself is smarter than Xiao Gang.", "(C)Xiao Qiang's treatment of life is more effective than Xiao Gang's treatment.", "(D)The information in the question stem is not enough to compare the difference between Xiao Qiang and Xiao Gang in other aspects."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following options can be derived from the above questions?", "options": ["(A)The real strong will never accept failure.", "(B)Only when failure becomes a fact that cannot be changed, the real strong will accept failure.", "(C)Losers will easily accept failure.", "(D)As the song that the female line sings loves to say, the sunshine is always behind the wind and rain."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following is true will raise the most doubts about the opinions of the above experts?", "options": ["(A)In 1997, the \"Hot Spring Xinjiang Northern Salamander Nature Reserve\" was established, and local herders' awareness of protecting Xinjiang Northern Salamander is increasing.", "(B)In recent years, the rainfall has decreased and the groundwater level has fallen, which has affected the water source environment in which the northern salamander in Xinjiang lives.", "(C)Xinjiang salamander is a kind of animal that is afraid of light.Most of them hide under the rocks of the creek during the day, and avoid the trampling of cattle and sheep.", "(D)Xinjiang's northern salamanders are located in the mountains, and most tourists cannot enter at all."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the essayist's statement is true, which of the following options cannot be true?", "options": ["(A)No one is smart but no wisdom, and no one is smart but not smart.", "(B)Most people are smart and wise.", "(C)No one is smart and wise.", "(D)Most people are neither smart nor wise."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following options does not apply to Bush \u2019s logic?", "options": ["(A)If you did not think about accepting bribes, it would mean that Bush actually accepted the bribe.", "(B)Bin Laden wants to be a good person, meaning Bin Laden is a good person.", "(C)The United States thinks that the \"9.11 incident\" did not happen, and the \"9.11 incident\" really did not happen.", "(D)If the Iraq War is not waged, there will be no more than 1,000 Americans killed in Iraq."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above items are true, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Keep statement E and delete statement C.", "(B)At the same time retain the statement C and statement D.", "(C)Keep statement E and delete statement D.", "(D)Delete statement E and statement F at the same time."], "label": "D"} {"question": "The above argument is based on which of the following unstated premises?", "options": ["(A)There are no side effects after introducing these silicon-based compounds into the brain.", "(B)These aluminum elements are the cause of behavior disorder, not the result.", "(C)Different kinds of animals require different amounts of silicon-based compounds for treatment.", "(D)Normal animal brain tissue does not contain aluminum."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following options uses the same reasoning method as in the question stem?", "options": ["(A)Triangles can be divided into three types? right triangle, obtuse triangle, and acute triangle.The sum of three internal angles of a right triangle is equal to 180 \u2103, the sum of three internal angles of an obtuse triangle is equal to 180 \u2103, and the sum of three internal angles of an acute triangle is equal to 180 \u2103, so the sum of the triangles of all triangles is equal to 180 \u2103.", "(B)I like \"accidental\" to \"necessary\".You see, the Olympic Games are full of suspense, so the competition is exciting; most of the artist \u2019s creations come from \u201cspirit\u201d.Scientists \u2019discoveries and inventions are often connected with\u201c intuition \u201d,\u201c epiphany \u201dand\u201c opportunity \u201d; in the vast crowd Occasionally and encounter \"he\" or \"she\", shoot each other Cupid's arrow, to achieve the best marriage in life.Therefore, I love \"accidental\", I want to shout \"Long live accidental\"!", "(C)Surgeons can see X-rays when performing surgery on patients, lawyers can view defense books when defending defendants, architects can compare design drawings when building a house, and teachers can read various reference books for class preparation.Why are students not allowed to Reading textbooks and other relevant materials during the exam?", "(D)The roses are beautiful because all the words are beautiful."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The fact that Liu Xiang won the championship and his words do not constitute a rebuttal to which of the following assertions?", "options": ["(A)Only black athletes can become track and field champions.", "(B)All sprint kings are not yellow-skinned players.", "(C)Most track and field champions are black athletes.", "(D)If who is the king of sprint, whoever has the African-black descent."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statement?", "options": ["(A)Insects that do not play a major role in the ecosystem usually die after the first reproduction.", "(B)Most bees will live well after the next generation can live on their own.", "(C)Bees usually do not die immediately after a reproduction.", "(D)Most insects can live independently as soon as they are born and do not require the care of adult insects."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the statement in the stem is true, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)The celebrity can't actually stop the gossip news from damaging her personal reputation.", "(B)The reputation of a celebrity will not be affected by gossip news in the media.", "(C)When faced with gossip news, the best strategy the celebrity can take is to clarify the truth.", "(D)Some friends of the celebrity came forward to praise her, which would have a counter-effect."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If only one of the above three sentences is true, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Neither Mr Zhang nor Ms Wang bought Mongolian knives.", "(B)Mr.Zhang bought a Mongolian knife, but Ms.Wang did not.", "(C)Mr.Li of the tour group bought a Mongolian knife.", "(D)Both Mr Zhang and Ms Wang bought Mongolian knives."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)If Green Island cannot achieve its goal of increasing productivity by 20%, it will go bankrupt.", "(B)In the next two years, if Green Island increases productivity by 20%, it will not go bankrupt.", "(C)If the market does not change, Green Island does not need to increase productivity to prevent bankruptcy.", "(D)In the next two years, Green Island may increase productivity by 10%, but it is impossible to achieve the goal of increasing by 20%."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following is true will most strongly indicate that the above explanation is incorrect?", "options": ["(A)In some sea areas where red tides appear, there are no clams or sea otters.", "(B)A small amount of red tide toxin will not cause any harm, but a large amount of this toxin will kill sea otters.", "(C)When a piece of seawater affected by the red tide was artificially dyed brown-red, the sea otters did not eat the clams in those places.", "(D)The presence of sea otters in a certain sea area is a remarkable sign that other marine life can be found there."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Based on the above, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Professor Huck attended the conference.", "(B)Professor Mas participated in the conference.", "(C)Professor Regg attended the conference.", "(D)Both Professor Huck and Professor Mas participated in the conference."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following arguments contains defects most similar to those in the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Cars drive faster on long streets than on short streets, so pedestrians on long streets are more dangerous than pedestrians on short streets.", "(B)Many people who later become entrepreneurs often participate in competitive sports when they are in college.Therefore, participation in competitive sports must promote the ability to make people entrepreneurs.", "(C)The petals of mulberry chrysanthemum will be closed at noon, so the petals of mulberry chrysanthemum will definitely open at night.", "(D)The events in Eastern Europe will affect the political situation in Central America, so the liberalization of Eastern Europe will lead to the liberalization of Central America."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following is most helpful in explaining the phenomenon mentioned in the title, that is, the result of the throw is determined by certain factors, but it is difficult to predict?", "options": ["(A)For a long time, tossing coins has been used as a typical example of random events.", "(B)If you toss a coin of uneven quality, the result can always be accurately predicted.", "(C)If the initial height of the coin toss remains stable, the result of the coin toss will be determined solely by the tossing force.", "(D)Accurate prediction of coin tossing results requires accurate estimation of the initial height and impulse of coin tossing."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements must be assumed in the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)All great apes are catheter animals.", "(B)All great apes are notochords.", "(C)No great apes are notochords.", "(D)No notochord is pterosaur."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following options is closest to what Premier Wen Jiabao said above?", "options": ["(A)It is an extremely difficult task for 1.3 billion people to live a good life.Which ones have to threaten others?", "(B)China's large population makes China's affairs very complicated and arduous, so remember to be cautious for politicians.", "(C)China has a large population and arduous development tasks, and it is impossible to threaten any other country.", "(D)Everyone collects firewood and the flame is high."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, best supports the scientist \u2019s conclusion?", "options": ["(A)The corn grown in the saline-alkali land improved with desulfurized ash has similar growth to the corn in the fertile soil.", "(B)The main component of desulfurized ash is gypsum, and the use of gypsum to improve saline-alkali land has a history of more than 100 years.", "(C)The saline land without desulfurized ash residue is covered with dust on the 40-mu test field, and weeds are rare.", "(D)The contents of heavy metals and pollutants in these desulfurized ash residues have not exceeded national standards."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Based on the above questions, which of the following options for night duty is true?", "options": ["(A)Wu on Sunday.", "(C)The money is on Tuesday.", "(B)Lee is on Tuesday.", "(D)Sun is on Friday."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is based on the assumptions that the above argument relies on?", "options": ["(A)Great novelists have the ability to observe and analyze.", "(B)The grasp of emotions in daily life cannot be obtained only through observation and analysis.", "(C)Without an intuitive grasp of emotions in everyday life, novelists cannot achieve their greatness.", "(D)Along with the investment in life and sensible observation, the novelist will become great."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following best confirms the expert's warning?", "options": ["(A)Rats infected with Leishmaniasis have few chances of directly transmitting the disease to people.", "(B)Leishmaniasis is more contagious in rats than in humans.", "(C)Sand flies that do not infect leishmaniasis are not harmful to human health.", "(D)Sand flies bite people only when the number of mice is insufficient."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Assuming that the death penalty cannot prevent crime, then in which of the following ways will Zhang Shan and Li Si \u2019s views be affected?", "options": ["(A)Neither Zhang Shan nor Li Si \u2019s views will be strengthened or weakened.", "(B)Li Si \u2019s view was weakened, and Zhang Shan \u2019s view was strengthened.", "(C)Zhang Shan's view was weakened, Li Si's view was not affected.", "(D)Both Zhang Shan and Li Si's views were weakened."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Students are most likely to understand the professor \u2019s statement as?", "options": ["(A)Only people with blood type O will have children with blood type O.", "(B)People with type O blood cannot have children with type B blood.", "(C)People with blood type B will always have children with blood type O.", "(D)If both parents have type B blood, their children will also have type B blood."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following must be assumed in the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)The greatest philosophers in the world prefer to avoid intimate relationships.", "(B)People with intimate relationships rarely spend their time alone.", "(C)Loneliness is necessary for philosophers to meditate.", "(D)The greatest philosophers in the world are happy."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following is the speaker who is most willing to answer the question?", "options": ["(A)Social interests always take priority over personal interests", "(B)Interference with individual actions does not increase the interests of society as a whole.", "(C)Actions that do not harm the interests of others should not be criticized and interfered by society.", "(D)When one \u2019s actions are beneficial to others, the overall interests of a society can be improved."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is true, which weakens the argument most strongly?", "options": ["(A)Many books published a century ago have poor literacy.", "(B)The number of books sold today is much greater than it was a century ago.", "(C)One of the more popular recreational projects is playing mahjong.", "(D)On average, people who lived a century ago have far less leisure time than people who are now."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if correct, will best reconcile the inconsistencies between the information in the question?", "options": ["(A)Some people often take antibiotics because their doctors prescribe antibiotics for both viral and bacterial infections.", "(B)People with strong immunity rarely contract diseases that people usually treat with antibiotics.", "(C)Despite the many side effects of antibiotics, some people still use these drugs.", "(D)People with poor immunity can hardly recover from bacterial infections without taking antibiotics."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The above argument cannot be derived?", "options": ["(A)All candidates have votes in favor.", "(B)Some voters favored some candidates.", "(C)All voters favor all candidates.", "(D)Not all voters disapprove of all candidates."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following sentences is different from the above sentence?", "options": ["(A)If you do stupid things, be prepared to be caught on the spot while doing stupid things.", "(B)Only by not being stupid can we avoid being caught on the spot when doing stupid things.", "(C)Either you are caught on the spot when you are stupid, or you do n\u2019t do stupid things.", "(D)If you are caught on the spot when doing stupid things, consider yourself unlucky."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If any of the following is true, it is most helpful to explain why sucrose kills bacteria deep in the wound?", "options": ["(A)Bacteria deep in the wound thrive in a humid environment, and sucrose has a dehydrating effect.", "(B)Many kinds of bacteria take sucrose as a nutrient, and when they get sugar, they multiply quickly.", "(C)Some foods containing sucrose can weaken the effects of certain antibiotics.", "(D)High-efficiency antibiotics have only been developed recently, and the use of sucrose to treat wounds has a long history."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which one of the following correctly describes David's choice?", "options": ["(A)David will go to Cantor because he will get $ 150,000 more in two years.", "(B)David will go to Huizhong Company because he will get more than 50,000 US dollars every year.", "(C)David will go to Cantor because he will spend an extra $ 50,000 per year.", "(D)David will go to Huizhong Company because he will spend an extra $ 70,000 every year."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Regarding the meaning of the relevant words in this cryptographic language, which of the following statements may be true?", "options": ["(A)\"Doximayo\" means \"hostage\"", "(C)\"Mugbudengs\" means \"kidnapping\".", "(B)\"Doximayo\" means \"student\"", "(D)I don't know what they mean."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following is true can raise greater doubts about the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)After the aluminum alloy armored vehicle is put into use, the running cost is one-third of the steel armored vehicle with the same performance.", "(B)After the introduction of aluminum alloy armored vehicles, the army must retain maintenance personnel and purchase new tools and parts.", "(C)The maintenance cost of steel armored vehicles is the lowest among all armored vehicles currently used by the military.", "(D)It is expected that the price of aluminum alloy materials will remain stable, while the price of steel materials may decline."], "label": "A"} {"question": "The above example best illustrates which of the following scientific statements?", "options": ["(A)The goal of science is to use a simple and harmonious theory to accurately explain the diversity of nature.", "(B)In the mathematical description of nature, science has become very precise in identifying potential dynamics.", "(C)With the help of probability theory and mathematical statistics, science has shifted from describing single phenomena to studying the whole thing.", "(D)When an event assumed by a theory is confirmed, the theory can be accepted even if there is no explanation for the cause of the event."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following results can be derived from the above conditions?", "options": ["(A)Zhang Fei was admitted, but Li Bai was not.", "(B)Both Zhang Fei and Li Bai were admitted.", "(C)Zhang Fei and Li Bai failed the exam", "(D)Li Bai was admitted, but Zhang Fei was not."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following is the assumption on which the above argument is based?", "options": ["(A)Leopards depend on predators for their livelihood.", "(B)The sheer number of antelopes in the antelope flock can prevent leopard attacks.", "(C)Leopards cannot eat the entire antelope flock at once.", "(D)On the African grasslands, leopards are the main natural enemies of antelopes."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following options will it most strongly support?", "options": ["(A)For most people, his daily food intake does not significantly affect his cholesterol level.", "(B)For most people, increasing the number of meals a day will not result in a significant reduction in cholesterol levels.", "(C)For most people, the amount of food eaten per day will not be affected by the number of foods eaten per day.", "(D)For most people, the amount of food consumed is greatly affected by the time taken to eat."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The above argument must assume which of the following?", "options": ["(A)When dealing with interpersonal relationships between non-friends, people can remain impartial.", "(B)The ideal of justice has nothing to do with dealing with most relationships.", "(C)Keeping close friends with some people is very important in one's life.", "(D)A person cannot be fair to someone at the same time and will regard his interests as more important than others."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If J is the first speaker, who must be the second speaker?", "options": ["(A)F", "(C)L", "(B)G", "(D)M"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If J is the fourth speaker, who must be the third speaker?", "options": ["(A)F or M", "(C)L or N", "(B)G or L", "(D)M or N"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If L speaks before lunch and M is not the sixth speaker, the speaker immediately after M must be?", "options": ["(A)F", "(C)J", "(B)G", "(D)N"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the speeches of M and N are separated by lunch, which of the following lists all speakers that can be arranged between M and N?", "options": ["(A)G, J", "(C)F, G, J", "(B)J, L", "(D)F, G, J, L"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If J speaks before F, how many N can be ranked?", "options": ["(A)Fourth place", "(B)Second place", "(C)the third", "(D)First place"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following four players can participate in the game together?", "options": ["(A)E, F, H, K", "(C)E, H, J, M", "(B)E, G, J, M", "(D)F, H, K, M"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following players will definitely participate in the game?", "options": ["(A)F or M, or both.", "(C)H or J, or both.", "(B)G or H, or both.", "(D)J or M, or both."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following listed players cannot participate in the game together?", "options": ["(A)E and J", "(C)E and M", "(B)F and G", "(D)F and J"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If H does not participate in the game, which of the following two players must be included in the game?", "options": ["(A)F and G", "(C)F and K", "(B)E and M", "(D)G and K"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which two of the following players will be selected by the coach to make the four-person team the only choice?", "options": ["(A)F and H", "(C)G and M", "(B)G and J", "(D)H and M"], "label": "D"} {"question": "In order to deduce the above conclusions logically, it is necessary to assume which of the following is the premise?", "options": ["(A)If a proposition can be proved to be true by observation or experiment, its truth can be known.", "(B)Observation or experiment alone cannot confirm the truth of any proposition.", "(C)To know the truth of a proposition, it needs to be proved to be true through observation or experiment.", "(D)People determine the authenticity of religious propositions through faith."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements can best complete the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Intellectuals, workers and farmers should be treated equally.", "(B)How to treat workers and farmers is even more important than how to treat intellectuals.", "(C)Intellectuals can be treated twice as much as workers and farmers.", "(D)Intellectuals should be treated well, as should workers and farmers."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)All the official history records are personal matters of the emperor's family.", "(B)Only by reading wild history can you know the little-known privacy of the emperor.", "(C)Only by combining Zhengshi and Yeshi can we see the true face of the emperor.", "(D)The official history records the emperor's major affairs, while the wild history describes the emperor's daily affairs."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, is the most doubtful of an assertion?", "options": ["(A)Shanghai's housing prices in the first quarter of 2005 increased by 19.1% over the same period last year, and land prices rose by 6.53%.", "(B)Residential prices in Beijing increased by 7.2% in the first quarter of 2005 compared with the same period last year, and residential land prices rose by 0.37%.", "(C)The chairman of Huayuan Real Estate believes that as land development costs increase, house prices will definitely increase.", "(D)The chairman of Yongtai Development Company said? \"The skyrocketing housing prices are because supply has not kept up with demand.\""], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following conclusions can best be supported?", "options": ["(A)The virtuous cycle of the economy can be realized only by the investment momentum and consumption momentum generated by the economy itself.", "(B)The virtuous cycle of the economy is a prerequisite for achieving a basic balance between total social supply and total demand.", "(C)Stable economic growth in a certain period does not mean that the economy in this period has turned into a virtuous circle.", "(D)In recent years, China's economic growth rate has remained above 7%."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following cannot be derived from the above sentence?", "options": ["(A)If a person is careful, he has no taste.", "(B)If a person is overbearing, he is immoral.", "(C)If humans plunder nature, there will be no sustainable life.", "(D)If a person is immoral, he is overbearing and careful."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above items are true, which of the following items must be true?", "options": ["(A)Paper E is used, but paper H is not used.", "(B)Both articles G and H are used.", "(C)No paper J, but paper K.", "(D)Both G and J articles are unnecessary."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)The economic benefits of active fiscal policy are declining.", "(B)The funds raised by the proactive fiscal policy can only be used for infrastructure construction.", "(C)The method of using government bonds to make up for fiscal deficits cannot be used for a long time.", "(D)Before the maturity of the national debt, its investment return is not enough to repay the debt."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)Good historical works not only faithfully report historical facts, but also vividly portray the souls of characters.", "(B)Historical works that merely faithfully record historical facts are not good historical works.", "(C)Among all historical works, only \"Historical Records\" is a good historical work.", "(D)It is just a vivid depiction of the souls of historical figures.Works that do not report historical facts are not historical works."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following is closest to the meaning of the above paragraph?", "options": ["(A)Only by doing the best in at least one thing can your company gain a foothold in the market competition.", "(B)If your company is not the best in anything, it is likely to lose out in the market competition.", "(C)If your company does the best thing in at least one thing, it will definitely make huge profits.", "(D)Unless your company is doing its best in at least one thing, it cannot succeed in market competition."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is the hypothetical hypothesis of this scientist?", "options": ["(A)If the result of an experiment is correct, then the experiment under the same conditions should yield the same result.", "(B)Since the initial experiment was not recorded in sufficient detail, it is unlikely to repeat this experiment completely.", "(C)Repeating the experiment will not cause problematic results due to the wrong measurement method as the original experiment.", "(D)The initial experimental results made a theoretical principle questionable, and the basis of the principle itself is insufficient."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following does not constitute doubt or rebuttal to the above argument?", "options": ["(A)To use sensory evidence to explain the existence of the external world requires presupposing the existence of the external world in the mind.", "(B)How do you prove that others have similar visual experience to you?", "(C)Since the visual experience is reliable, Mirage is not a so-called illusion, but a real existence.", "(D)If there is no external world and natural science knowledge is not a true reflection of it, then why does natural science achieve such great success in practice?"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following questions is most important for commenting on the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Are there any other adverse effects of the austerity finances?", "(B)Is there a fiscal policy that is neither austerity nor expansion?", "(C)Can the expanded fiscal policy significantly increase the employment rate?", "(D)Can the expanded fiscal policy lead to other adverse consequences?"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)After taking protective measures, the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses can only provide information about the clothes of the Qin Dynasty soldiers.", "(B)A terracotta warrior for studying the clothes of the Qin dynasty soldiers cannot be a source of new information for understanding the painting techniques of the Qin dynasty.", "(C)The Terracotta Army of Qin is the only source of information for understanding the painting techniques of the Qin Dynasty.", "(D)A terracotta warrior without protective measures can provide more information than a terracotta warrior after taking protective measures."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following options can logically complete the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Some real estate developers have pre-sold commercial housing and ran away with money, making the completion of the project far away.", "(B)The central bank canceled the pre-sale system for commercial housing.", "(C)Construction companies are reluctant to advance construction.", "(D)Some developers postpone delivery after the sale of off-plan houses, which makes many buyers doubt the developers."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)The biggest problem in the current society is the dilemma of income and distribution", "(B)Between the dilemma of income and distribution, there is a third path to balance.", "(C)\"Equal efficiency and fairness\" is better than \"efficiency first, fairness\" and \"fair priority, efficiency\".", "(D)Advocating \"efficiency first and fairness\" will not bring the economy back to the era of \"inefficiency and inequity\"."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following does not constitute a rebuttal to the above argument?", "options": ["(A)University rankings have a great influence on the reputation of the school and the candidates' application.", "(B)There is no such close relationship between university rankings and mature market economic systems.", "(C)The ranking of enterprises is not easy, and it is not very accurate, just for reference value.", "(D)Recognized ranking agencies can only be generated from ranking practice."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following questions does not constitute a doubt about the reliability of the above research conclusion?", "options": ["(A)Are all the interviewees saying in the survey true?", "(B)What is the proportion of men and women in patients with pancreatic cancer?", "(C)Is there an important omission in the differences in living habits between patients with pancreatic cancer and non-pancreatic cancer involved in the investigation?", "(D)Are there genetic causes for patients with pancreatic cancer?"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following methods is most helpful to prove the reliability of the above research conclusion?", "options": ["(A)Find out the proportion of pancreatic cancer patients in the meat-based group who rarely consumes the above vegetables.", "(B)Study the clinical manifestations and treatment methods of patients with pancreatic cancer.", "(C)Try to make the lives of pancreatic cancer patients as happy as possible to extend their lifespan.", "(D)Through laboratory research, find out which ingredients are contained in the above vegetables."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the above is true, which statement is most strongly supported?", "options": ["(A)If there is no private property to protect, the law protecting private property is meaningless.", "(B)Even if there is a law protecting private property, it cannot be effectively enforced.", "(C)The privatization system is based on the legal rights to own private property.", "(D)Privatization and market liberalization are issues that should be valued by the socialist market economy."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If all of the above are true, which of them strongly supports the following statement?", "options": ["(A)The quality of life in Huaizhou depends only on its economic growth and natural living environment.", "(B)Huaizhou City will certainly encounter the problems of stagnation of economic development or deterioration of the natural environment.", "(C)The economic environment of Huaizhou has deteriorated in recent years.", "(D)The pollution of air, water and buildings in Huaizhou City is mainly caused by chemical companies."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements cannot be false?", "options": ["(A)A listed company does not need financing, or is not a company with dividends.", "(B)A listed company needs financing, or a company without dividends.", "(C)A listed company does not need to issue new stocks, or is not a company with dividends.", "(D)The only way for a listed company to finance is to issue new stocks."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which statement cannot be true?", "options": ["(A)A listed company needs financing and has no way to pay dividends.", "(B)A listed company either needs financing or has no way to pay dividends.", "(C)A listed company does not need financing, it will definitely pay dividends.", "(D)A listed company needs both financing and dividends."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, in addition to which one can provide a reasonable explanation for the above exception?", "options": ["(A)Hainan is already full of liars and does not trust each other.", "(B)The vast majority of the spot-checked people in Hainan were left to go there for business.", "(C)Foreigners do not understand Hainan businessmen and give them a low trust score.", "(D)Most businessmen doing business in Hainan are not locals."], "label": "C"} {"question": "The following hypothesis can give the strongest support for the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)We should try to avoid depravity and moral loss.", "(B)Power often depraves and destroys morality.", "(C)People without rights have no chance to degenerate morally.", "(D)Some depraved and morally degraded people usually have great power."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can best explain the flow of most of the 100 billion yuan savings funds?", "options": ["(A)As the expected price continues to rise, many residents' funds can only survive, so that they can buy the goods they need at any time.", "(B)Due to the expected increase in bank interest rates, many residents' funds can only survive for a period of time.", "(C)As the state controls the scale of loans, the funds of the majority of private enterprises are tight, and private lending is active.The interest on lending has been much higher than the bank deposit interest rate.", "(D)Because bank deposit interest rates are too low, many residents consider whether to buy stocks or funds."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which statement is best supported?", "options": ["(A)It is easier to destroy a good reputation than to eliminate a bad reputation.", "(B)If the risk of reputation is not a risk, then there is no risk.", "(C)Maintaining the company's reputation is the most important responsibility of the board of directors.", "(D)Eliminating a bad reputation is harder than winning a good reputation."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following is the hypothesis that the above argument relies on?", "options": ["(A)Forcing officials to embezzle is the most stupid way for emperors to control officials.", "(B)Forcing officials to embezzle is the cheapest way for the emperor to control officials.", "(C)Forcing officials to embezzle is the only way for the emperor to control officials.", "(D)Forcing officials to embezzle is the best way for the emperor to control officials."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements about the situation over the past five years is the assumption upon which the above discussion relies?", "options": ["(A)On average, the area of \u200b\u200bnew commercial housing purchased by each household remains unchanged.", "(B)The proportion of food and children \u2019s education in each family \u2019s budget remains unchanged.", "(C)The total cost of buying new commercial housing nationwide has increased by 25%.", "(D)The proportion of all housing-related expenditures in each family budget remains unchanged."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following can most strongly support the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Similar results must have similar reasons.", "(B)There may be a close connection between pain and moaning and face twisting.", "(C)There may be an intrinsic relationship between behavior and inner activities.", "(D)People are similar in many ways."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following is the obvious meaning of the above sentence?", "options": ["(A)In a world of excess material, someone died because of a shortage of material because he was too lazy.", "(B)In a world with excess material, someone died because of material shortage because he was stupid.", "(C)From the two levels of morality and intelligence, we should have designed a distribution system so that each member of society can live a decent and dignified life.", "(D)In a world of material surplus, someone died because of material shortage because of a defect in his personality."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following conclusions is most strongly supported?", "options": ["(A)Employees hold shares in the enterprise, and there is a conflict of interest with the boss.", "(B)If the employee holds shares in the enterprise, there is no conflict in the interests of the boss and the employee.", "(C)If the employee does not have shares in the enterprise, the boss and the employee will have conflicts of interest.", "(D)The boss always makes more money than the employees."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements gives the most reasonable explanation for the change in the above problem?", "options": ["(A)The change of the problem means that the transition from the competition of the enterprise to the competition of the industry.", "(B)Only by being the best can companies make big money.", "(C)Only in a profitable industry can we do our best.", "(D)What used to be good or bad in the industry is now only good or bad for enterprises."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following most accurately describes the shortcomings of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The above argument seriously ignores the implementation standards and logical standards beyond the debaters and commentators.", "(B)The above argument has a logical error of \"confused concept\".", "(C)The reasons in the above argument are untrue and inconsistent with each other.", "(D)The above argument is guilty of a \"mis-problem\" logical error."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the hypothesis upon which the superior argument depends?", "options": ["(A)Only when the law can be implemented, the law will have an effect.", "(B)Adopting a less flexible standard cannot take advantage of the optimal action criterion.", "(C)Adopting a more flexible standard to formulate laws will bring trouble to the implementation of laws.", "(D)Even if you can only take advantage of the most actionable standards, the law is indispensable."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following cannot be derived from the meaning of the title?", "options": ["(A)Being able to read literately does not mean being literate.", "(B)Having extensive knowledge does not mean literacy.", "(C)Culture means doing something, not doing something? a little intolerable thought is the root of living creatures; a period of inaction is a pillar of support.", "(D)Culture is a sign that different people of different nationalities distinguish each other."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one will weaken the above conclusion most seriously?", "options": ["(A)Kinship can be built not only on the foundation of private morality, but also on the foundation of public morality.", "(B)The main function of the system is to dilute family relationships and prevent people from using them to do bad things.", "(C)Affection can bring efficiency to the enterprise, and once it is turned into hatred, it can also bring disaster to the enterprise.", "(D)Although the system can inspire affection, the system itself cannot tolerate any kind of affection."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following is true and can raise the most doubts about this official \u2019s argument?", "options": ["(A)All countries in the world levy pre-tax deductions on residents' basic living expenses when collecting personal income tax to ensure the reproduction of social labor.", "(B)A low personal income tax will also affect the honor of low-income earners as taxpayers.", "(C)One of the functions of personal income tax is to regulate social distribution and narrow the gap between rich and poor.", "(D)China's tax system is dominated by commodity taxes.As long as a person buys and consumes commodities, he pays taxes to the state."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statements are true, except for which one can weaken the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Only by suffering from the fear of being caught will you not steal things from others.", "(B)For people who only live one day, the best course of action may be a meal of beef.", "(C)The length of life is not a sufficient condition for a person to choose to do good or bad behavior.", "(D)For some people who steal other people's things, conscience condemnation will cause greater pain than fear of seizing."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)Before deciding whether to steal something from someone else, a person can know exactly how long he can live.", "(B)Anyone who steals things from others will not live for a few days.", "(C)As long as you are not caught, worrying about being caught will not cause pain to people, because the people who steal things have already been prepared.", "(D)A person who knows that he cannot live for a few days usually chooses to do something good instead of doing something bad."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following lists are acceptable member choices for these two groups?", "options": ["(A)Printing? F, G, H Binding? G, J, K, L", "(B)Printing? F, H, J Binding? G, H, L, M", "(C)Printing? F, H, M Binding? G, K, L, M", "(D)Printing? F, H, J, K Binding? H, L, M"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the members of the printing group are composed of F, H, L, and M, and the members of the binding group are composed of G, H, and J, then K can replace which member of the two groups without violating any of the given conditions?", "options": ["(A)F", "(B)G", "(C)H", "(D)L"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the printing group has only three members, G, H, and L, and under sufficient conditions, the two groups have as many common members as possible, then which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)The binding group and the printing group happen to have a common member.", "(B)The binding group and the printing group have exactly two members in common.", "(C)The number of members in the binding and printing groups is the same.", "(D)The number of members of the bookbinding group is at least one more than that of the printing group."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If both K and L are members of both groups, and the printing group has exactly three members, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)F in printing group", "(B)F in the binding group", "(C)G in the printing group", "(D)M in the bookbinding group"], "label": "D"} {"question": "How many employees can be a member of printing group and binding group at most?", "options": ["(A)4", "(B)5", "(C)6", "(D)7"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following lists are acceptable arrangements for the second team's performance?", "options": ["(A)Before? H Middle? P After? K", "(B)Before? H Middle? L After? N", "(C)Before? G In? Q After? P", "(D)Before? G In? Q After? N"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If H is in Team 2, which of the listed arrangements is acceptable for Team 1?", "options": ["(A)Before? L Middle? Q After? N", "(B)Before? G In? K After? N", "(C)Before? L Middle? Q After? G", "(D)Before? G Middle? K After? L"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following is an acceptable arrangement for the first team's performance?", "options": ["(A)Before? Q In? L After? N", "(B)Before? L Middle? K After? Q", "(C)Before? Q In? K After? P", "(D)Before? G In? K After? P"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If G is in team 1, which pair of magicians can be in team 1?", "options": ["(A)K and L", "(B)K and P", "(C)L and N", "(D)L and Q"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If G is in team 1 and K is in team 2, which of the following magicians must be behind team 2?", "options": ["(A)L", "(B)N", "(C)P", "(D)Q"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following items are true, can the above opinions be questioned, except?", "options": ["(A)In the 1950s, grass in Xilin Gol grassland in Inner Mongolia was as tall as a horse's belly, and now grass can't even cover mice.", "(B)Opposite the degraded grasslands of Hulunbeier and Xilinguole in Inner Mongolia, the grasslands of Mongolian grassland are about 1 meter high.", "(C)On the almost uninhabited border line of 10 kilometers wide between China and Mongolia, grass still maintains the height of the 1950s.", "(D)The increase in dust storms is mainly due to human factors such as overloaded grazing and predatory management of grasslands."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which conclusion is most appropriate to derive from the question stem?", "options": ["(A)Cheng Bian certainly wrote many empty checks to voters.", "(B)Cheng Bian certainly did not write many empty checks to voters.", "(C)Cheng Bian probably wrote many empty checks to voters.", "(D)Cheng Bian probably did not write many empty checks to voters."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements cannot be false?", "options": ["(A)Unless more managers participate in the formulation of the compensation policy, the company's final compensation policy will not succeed.", "(B)Either the senior management personnel themselves participate in the formulation of the compensation policy, or the company's finalized compensation policy will not succeed.", "(C)If the senior management himself participates in the formulation of the compensation policy, the company's finalized compensation policy will succeed.", "(D)If more managers participate in the formulation of the compensation policy, the company's finalized compensation policy will be more effective."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following conclusions can be derived from the above statement?", "options": ["(A)In the long run, the EU cannot not only obtain Turkey's comprehensive cooperation, but also completely avoid the difficult problems caused by Turkey's accession to the EU.", "(B)If Turkey meets the EU's political and economic accession standards, it can join the EU.", "(C)The EU will either get full cooperation from Turkey or completely avoid the troubles caused by Turkey's accession to the EU.", "(D)Only 3% of Turkey \u2019s land is in Europe, and most Europeans do not recognize Turkey as a European country."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following most accurately points out the fallacy of this statistical reasoning?", "options": ["(A)The actual situation is that 143 in-service personnel died, and the sample data is unreliable.", "(B)If the sample size is too small, data on the deaths of in-service personnel from other research institutions and universities in Zhongguancun should be added.", "(C)This is equivalent to the surprising conclusion after surveying the average age of death of college students is 22 years? people with college education have an average life expectancy of more than 50 years less than others.", "(D)This statistical reasoning does not distinguish between types of intellectuals in Zhongguancun."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the most appropriate conclusion for the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Senior managers of 3M companies have a large gap in compensation.", "(B)Working in a cooperative manner can share some resources and information.", "(C)3M company's senior managers have smaller gaps in compensation", "(D)Working in a competitive manner can improve the efficiency of various departments."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following can most logically complete the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)The introduction of foreign species may cause great harm to China's biodiversity.", "(B)Should try to control the spread of Alternanthera philoxeroides, rice grass and other plants.", "(C)The introduction of species from abroad is to improve economic efficiency.", "(D)There are alien species in 34 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If this team does not go to I Peak due to climate reasons, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)The group went to E city and J lake", "(B)The group went to city E instead of city F", "(C)The group went to visit G Lake and H Mountain", "(D)The group went to F city and G lake tour"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following options does not help explain the gap between the statistics in the question and the people \u2019s feelings?", "options": ["(A)China's current CPI statistical range and standards were formulated more than 20 years ago, and it is difficult to truly reflect the current trend of consumer prices.", "(B)The CPI published by the National Bureau of Statistics is a data description of the overall situation of the prices of various goods and services across the country, and it cannot fully reflect individual feelings and the differences between regions and consumption levels.", "(C)Products with a high degree of relevance to people's lives tend to increase prices; those with a low degree of relevance tend to fall prices.", "(D)High-income groups have little sense of a small price increase."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the findings in the above survey are correct, which of the following conclusions can be drawn based on this?", "options": ["(A)In the past 10 years, children's physical activity in Beijing has become less and less.", "(B)In the past 10 years, the number of non-obese children in Beijing has also continued to rise.", "(C)In the past 10 years, the number of obese children in Beijing's urban areas has also continued to decrease.", "(D)Children in Beijing \u2019s urban area become more likely to gain weight as they age."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If any of the following is true, can you raise the most doubts about this expert's point of view?", "options": ["(A)Due to the inability of large ships to pass through the Nanjing Bridge, a large number of exported goods in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River can only be taken by road or railway.", "(B)99% of international ships entering the Yangtze River are moored at ports below the Nanjing Bridge, and dozens of foreign trade terminals above Nanjing rarely have large external ships berthed.", "(C)It is not enough to dismantle only the Nanjing Bridge.The Yangtze River Bridge, which was built in Wuhu, Tongling, Anqing and other places, has a clear height of 24 meters.", "(D)Shipbuilding technology is highly developed, and 8000-ton ships designed for adapting to the passage of the Yangtze River abroad have passed through Nanjing to Wuhan."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following is true will prove that at least one of the premises of the above reasoning is false?", "options": ["(A)There is an unmarried male hairdresser born in the north.", "(B)There is an unmarried female employee who is not a hairdresser in the shop.", "(C)There is a female hairdresser born in the south.", "(D)There is a married female employee born in the south."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)India is one of the cultural districts during the cultural axis period.", "(B)Greece is one of the cultural districts during the cultural axis period.", "(C)China is one of the cultural districts during the cultural axis period.", "(D)Egypt is one of the cultural districts during the cultural axis period."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can give the economist \u2019s assertion the greatest support?", "options": ["(A)At present, there are 23.65 million absolute poor people in rural areas in China, and the existing methods cannot solve the problem of poverty alleviation.", "(B)Rural Dibao needs approximately 25 billion yuan a year, which is 0.83% of China \u2019s total fiscal revenue of 3 trillion yuan in 2005.", "(C)Rural Dibao needs approximately 25 billion yuan a year, which is 1/8 of the 200 billion yuan used to build the Three Gorges Project.", "(D)After 2000, the government increased its investment in poverty alleviation and development funds, but the rate of absolute poverty reduction has slowed significantly."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The following options all support the point of view in the question, except?", "options": ["(A)Welfare distribution is cancelled, and the surplus of money in the hands of residents increases, resulting in a strong demand for house purchases.", "(B)It is impossible for the government to restrain house prices excessively, because that will severely hit the housing industry, leading to many risks such as finance and employment.", "(C)The price of affordable housing is still too high for some socially disadvantaged groups.", "(D)China has limited land resources, and the government must strictly control the supply of land used for building houses."], "label": "C"} {"question": "The assumptions relied upon by the above comments are?", "options": ["(A)Before winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, Marquez wrote many outstanding works.", "(B)After the writer has won the Nobel Prize in Literature, all his works will be surprising.", "(C)After Marquez won the Bell Prize in Literature, his works are still quite fascinating.", "(D)After winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, writers can hardly write fascinating works."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, best supports Li Ming \u2019s point of view?", "options": ["(A)Foreigners learn Sichuan Opera because of their admiration for face-changing art, which will promote the spread of Sichuan Opera and promote Sichuan Opera to create new skills.", "(B)Many foreigners study Peking Opera performance, but this does not detract from Peking Opera's image as a national essence.", "(C)The result of the face-changing technology rumors is that it leads to the change of Sichuan Opera art.", "(D)In 1987, the Ministry of Culture listed Sichuan Opera's face-changing art as a second-level national secret, which is the only state secret in the Chinese theater industry."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following options is a proper evaluation of the \"me\" reasoning?", "options": ["(A)It makes sense, because God is fair and almost equal, he does not return bad luck.", "(B)It doesn't make sense, because each throw is an independent event and has nothing to do with the previous results.", "(C)The next few tossings turned out to be mostly up, which shows that the probability theory is correct.", "(D)This is just his personal conviction, which cannot be evaluated rationally or logically."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is true and seriously weakens the views in the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)People who study civil law are more likely to find work than those who study punishment, which shows that civil law is very different from criminal law.", "(B)Many jailed criminals will commit other crimes once released.", "(C)For this country, criminal trials pay a higher price than civil trials.", "(D)The goal of criminal law is to punish criminals, while the goal of civil law is to compensate victims."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following options poses the weakest question to the point of view in the question?", "options": ["(A)Government officials participated in the shares and formed a community of interests with the mine owners, resulting in problems such as inadequate security measures.", "(B)Enterprises or miners have less investment in safe production, which can increase profits, leading to problems such as illegal production.", "(C)In pursuit of local GDP growth, local governments and their law enforcement agencies have caused problems such as weak inspections on production safety.", "(D)Although the miner's family depends on the miner to feed him, he hopes he will return home safely."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Please determine which of the following options is true?", "options": ["(A)Lie", "(B)Both A and B lie", "(C)Both A and C lie", "(D)Both B and C lie"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements, if true, weakens the above argument the most?", "options": ["(A)Although the personnel department does not have the decision-making power to hire senior managers, it has the decision-making power to hire middle-level managers.", "(B)Although the compensation system designed by the personnel department cannot create wealth, it can retain talented people for the company.", "(C)Personnel incentives also include managers of the personnel department, although the performance of the personnel department is difficult to measure.", "(D)The Coca-Cola company's personnel headquarters is one of the company's decision-making teams, which controls the decision-making power of personnel."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can weaken the above argument to the greatest extent?", "options": ["(A)Viruses that are truly innovative and technologically breakthrough are usually conceptual viruses, which are generally not very destructive.", "(B)99% of new viruses are written after imitating known viruses.The characteristics of their transmission, infection, addition, and destruction can be learned from known viruses.", "(C)Computer viruses are written by humans.They are much simpler than viruses in the biological world.", "(D)Every time an anti-virus company claims to discover a new virus, it is determined by a certain method."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following does not question the reliability of statistical inference?", "options": ["(A)The title of the article should be limited? 15% of the fathers who carry out paternity tests will raise children for others.", "(B)When the paternity test was conducted, there was already doubt about its parent-child relationship.", "(C)Can modern science and technology really accurately identify the parent-child relationship?", "(D)The cost of paternity testing is too high."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following options most strongly supports the argument in the question?", "options": ["(A)At present, China's economic system and political system still have many serious drawbacks.", "(B)Human nature contains at least evil factors, and everyone should be restricted and prevented by the system.", "(C)The lag of political reform will seriously affect the successful operation of the economic system.", "(D)A sound system can make the entire society operate in an orderly manner and avoid the possibility of launching a social revolution."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can explain this seemingly contradictory attitude of Beijing taxi drivers?", "options": ["(A)Taxi drivers hope to reduce the monthly rent paid to taxi companies, thereby eliminating the impact of rising oil prices.", "(B)The survey shows that all consumers are opposed to taxi price increases.", "(C)The monthly ticket price of Beijing's buses has been raised, but the price of ordinary tickets has remained unchanged.", "(D)The increase in taxi prices makes the cost of rising oil prices entirely borne by consumers."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following questions is most relevant for evaluating the above argument?", "options": ["(A)How important are the bribery of drug dealers and the receipt of red envelopes by doctors in seeing doctors?", "(B)What is the most fundamental cause of expensive and difficult medical treatment?", "(C)How much does insufficient government funding play in increasing medical prices?", "(D)How much do affordable hospitals play in curbing medical prices?"], "label": "B"} {"question": "The reasoning in which of the following is most similar to the one above?", "options": ["(A)Among those who join life insurance, if you have good luck, you will bring bad luck to lose money; if you have bad luck, you will bring good luck to win money.Positive and negative growth, profit and loss.", "(B)A poor farmer likes to call his children like this? \"In this world, you are either rich or poor, honest or dishonest.Because all poor people are honest, every rich person is dishonest of.\"", "(C)In dealing with a case of fraud in the imperial court of the Yongzheng dynasty, if Zhang Tingyu went to the court to advocate the killing of Zhang Tinglu, his family would think he was unjust; if Zhang Tingyu went to the court to defend Zhang Tinglu, Yong Zheng would think he was unfaithful.Therefore, Zhang Tingyu's home improvement is ill, and he hasn't made it.", "(D)Between Emperor Liang Wu and Xiao Hong, if Emperor Xiao Hong gave up power and craved money, Emperor Liang Wu wouldn't worry that he would seize power; if Emperor Xiao Hong was both greedy and competing for power, Emperor Liang Wu would prevent it.Despite Xiao Hong's excessive accumulation of money, Emperor Liang Wu trusted him very much."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following can most logically complete the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)The introduction of foreign capital on preferential terms may harm China's industry.", "(B)The introduction of foreign capital on preferential terms is to introduce advanced technology and management.", "(C)Under market economic conditions, capital and equity flow.", "(D)The introduction of foreign capital on preferential terms is due to China \u2019s current lack of funds."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Please logically predict the result of the match based on the question?", "options": ["(A)Chess armor will definitely win", "(B)Chess player C will definitely win", "(C)The two will be tied", "(D)Chess armor is likely to win, but it is also possible to lose"], "label": "D"} {"question": "The order of the five islands from north to south can be?", "options": ["(A)E, G, I, F, H", "(B)F, H, I, E, G", "(C)G, E, I, F, H", "(D)G, H, F, E, I"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If G is adjacent to I and to the north of I, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)H is on the southernmost side of the island", "(B)F is on the northernmost side of the island", "(C)E is on the southernmost side of the island", "(D)I is on the northernmost side of the island"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If I is at a position north of G, which of the following states that positioning is true?", "options": ["(A)E is adjacent to G and to the north of G", "(B)G is adjacent to F and to the north of F", "(C)I is adjacent to G and to the north of G", "(D)E is adjacent to F and to the north of F"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If it is found that G is the northernmost island, how many possible arrangements are there for this group of islands?", "options": ["(A)2", "(B)3", "(C)4", "(D)5"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If G and E are adjacent, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)E is somewhere north of G", "(B)F is somewhere north of I", "(C)G is somewhere north of E", "(D)I is somewhere north of F"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the information in the stem is true, which of the following conclusions will be confirmed?", "options": ["(A)Drinking alcohol causes liver function to deteriorate.", "(B)Drinking alcohol has a clear correlation with liver function deterioration in adolescents.", "(C)The researchers wanted to prove that young people should not drink alcohol.", "(D)Sex has nothing to do with drinking and liver function degradation."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can explain the above contradiction?", "options": ["(A)\"No time to read\" is the main reason for the decline in book reading.", "(B)The online reading rate of our nationals has increased from 3.7% in 1999 to 27.8% in 2005.", "(C)In recent years, China's book publishing has problems such as high book prices, tedious content, and excessive hype.", "(D)You can also learn a lot by listening to lectures."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following does not weaken, but supports the argument in the question stem?", "options": ["(A)If we do not follow some pre-existing regulations or standards, how can we judge right and wrong?", "(B)\"People are doing, heaven is watching.\" Failure to act in accordance with ethical regulations will incur punishment from heaven.", "(C)Behind the judgment of right and wrong, you can always find the rules or standards on which people judge.", "(D)The basis for judgment of right and wrong lies in pushing oneself and one's moral conscience.It is common and universal; however, the moral regulations on how to act for people vary from person to person and from place to place."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following is the hypothesis discussed by the economist?", "options": ["(A)A good natural environment is more important for people in developed countries than people in developing countries.", "(B)Both developed and developing countries have polluting enterprises.", "(C)The degree of environmental pollution in developed countries is more serious than in developing countries.", "(D)Polluting industries can generate more profits in developing countries than in developed countries."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following options does not support the argument in the question stem?", "options": ["(A)The US invasion and interference in Iraq caused a major disaster to the Iraqi people and the Americans themselves.", "(B)The historical traditions, national customs, religious beliefs, and economic conditions of countries around the world vary greatly, so their development paths are also unique.", "(C)I don't know the true face of Lushan, I am only in this mountain.", "(D)The more you act, the more often you will mess things up."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following items are true, you can question the above points, except?", "options": ["(A)The hot and dry weather encountered in Chongqing and Sichuan this year is the worst in 50 years in terms of the scope and duration of the impact.", "(B)Simulation studies have shown that the water range of the Three Gorges Reservoir area has an impact on climate of about 20 kilometers.", "(C)This year, the relatively high water temperature in the western Pacific has caused the subtropical high pressure to be more northerly and more westward than in previous years.At the same time, the cold air in the north is weaker, resulting in reduced precipitation in Chongqing and Sichuan.", "(D)From winter to spring, the snowfall on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is 20% less than normal, resulting in a significant plateau thermal effect and reduced water vapor output."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the premises in the question stem are true, you can infer?", "options": ["(A)The conclusion cannot be untrue.", "(B)It is highly likely that its conclusion is true, but it may also be false.", "(C)The probability of its conclusion being false is high, but it may also be true.", "(D)The conclusion cannot be true."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)The earliest stars contained only hydrogen.", "(B)When the universe was less than 1.5 billion years old, some stars had already formed.", "(C)This nebula also contains hydrogen and helium.", "(D)The carbon in this nebula later formed part of some stars."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Logically, which of the following is an appropriate evaluation of the argument in the question?", "options": ["(A)The structure of this argument is acceptable because human life is more valuable than anything.", "(B)This argument has logical power, because its reasons are true and human lives are crucial.", "(C)The argument did not consider another important reason for the death penalty, so it is not a good argument.", "(D)There is no need to discuss the abolition of the death penalty."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is most consistent with the principles discussed above?", "options": ["(A)A pianist at the concert should not take a completely negative view of the mistakes that occurred in the difficult performance, and understand why the mistakes occurred, so that the pianist can make better preparations for future performances.", "(B)A salesperson should understand that the commission earned is not only a reward for the sales transaction, but also should be satisfied by the personality charm they show in the sales transaction.", "(C)Compassion is very valuable, not only because it can bring people a good feeling, but also it can bring some opportunities to enrich the lives of others.", "(D)Even if you are afraid to speak in public, you should accept the invitation to speak in front of the masses.People will admire your courage, and you can also get a sense of satisfaction in accomplishing things that you cannot accomplish."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following may list the final distribution of these 7 employees?", "options": ["(A)Public Relations Department? W; Production Department? F, H, Y; Sales Department? G, I, X", "(B)Public Relations Department? W; Production Department? G, I, X; Sales Department? F, H, Y", "(C)Public Relations Department? X; Production Department? F, G, H; Sales Department? I, Y, W", "(D)Public Relations Department? X; Production Department? F, I, W; Sales Department? G, H, Y"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following lists is a complete and accurate list that cannot be assigned to the production department?", "options": ["(A)F, I, X", "(B)G, H, Y", "(C)I, W", "(D)G"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, can the distribution of 7 employees be completely determined?", "options": ["(A)F and W are assigned to the production department.", "(B)G and Y are assigned to the sales department.", "(C)I and W are assigned to the sales department.", "(D)I and W are assigned to the production department."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following pairs of employees is unlikely to be assigned to the sales department?", "options": ["(A)G and I", "(B)G and X", "(C)G and Y", "(D)H and W"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If X and F are assigned to the same department, which of the following statements cannot be true?", "options": ["(A)G is assigned to the sales department", "(B)H is assigned to the production department.", "(C)I was assigned to the sales department.", "(D)W is assigned to the public relations department."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If we add\" life does not mean emptiness \"to the above argument, what other conclusion can this philosopher draw?", "options": ["(A)I exist", "(B)I don't exist", "(C)I think", "(D)I don't think"], "label": "D"} {"question": "In answering the reporter's question, the professor used the strategy expressed in which of the following statements?", "options": ["(A)Split a multiple question into a single question and answer them separately.", "(B)Get rid of the dilemma and choose another appropriate answer.", "(C)Avoid answering questions by restating the assumptions of the question.", "(D)Answer unanswered questions by answering another interesting question."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the hypothesis on which this parent \u2019s inference relies?", "options": ["(A)If the children can tell the truth, not so many children will express \"willing to write homework\", and very few children think that \"writing homework squeezes out the time of playing.\"", "(B)Under the education of school and family, the children have recognized the psychological orientation of \"good students, good children\", and they are not used to revealing their true ideas.", "(C)Excessive learning pressure makes the children immersed in study all day, gradually getting used to the lack of entertainment life, thus losing the nature of playing.", "(D)Compared with writing homework, children who love to play by nature prefer to play, and writing homework will definitely reduce their playing time."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements, if true, can reasonably explain the seemingly contradictory phenomenon?", "options": ["(A)Among those who choose to \"will invite college students to be nanny\", 75% intend to let college students work as tutors or secretaries, and only 25% want college students to do housework.", "(B)62% of the people in the survey indicated that they were only willing to pay a monthly salary of 800 yuan to 1,000 yuan for the college nanny.", "(C)Among those who favor college students as nanny, 69% think that doing housekeeping work is good for college students themselves, and only 31% think that college students nanny can provide better housekeeping services.", "(D)Among those who do not approve of college students being nanny, 40% believe that students should choose a field related to their major in practice."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements, if true, can best explain the seemingly contradictory phenomenon?", "options": ["(A)The \"grain to oil\" project five years ago was an initiative to digest aged grain.", "(B)The \"grain to oil\" project will affect China's food security, which is more important than alleviating oil shortages.", "(C)China has developed key technologies for producing fuel ethanol from straw.", "(D)In China's corn planting areas, new ethanol plants have started to compete with feed manufacturers for raw materials in recent years."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the hypothesis on which this critic \u2019s conclusion relies?", "options": ["(A)Customs such as sticking couplets, offering ancestors, and welcoming the gods of wealth, etc., which have added a festive atmosphere, have disappeared during the Spring Festival in the city.", "(B)Traditional festivals such as eating dumplings and giving out New Year's money are still flourishing during the Spring Festival in the city.", "(C)Purely rational crowds such as \"Ideal Country\" and \"The Matrix\" do not need to have a romantic holiday.", "(D)Traditional Chinese festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Chongyang, etc.are not officially official festivals."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following demonstration techniques is used in the above argument?", "options": ["(A)By demonstrating the lack of factual support for a point of view, it is demonstrated that this point of view cannot be established.", "(B)Demonstrate that a viewpoint violates a general principle by demonstrating that it is wrong.", "(C)Demonstrate that this point of view is false by indicating that it contradicts another statement that has been determined to be true.", "(D)Demonstrate that this view is false by indicating that accepting it as true will lead to incredible results."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statements are true, they can weaken Rachel.Carson's conclusion, except", "options": ["(A)Not only can DDT kill mosquitoes that spread malaria, but it is not as harmful to the environment.", "(B)After DDT was stopped in some parts of Africa, malaria came back.", "(C)The use of alternatives to DDT in developed countries is also harmful to the environment...", "(D)The Tianjin chemical plant produced 1,000 tons of DDT last year, and most of it is exported to Africa to help local residents fight malaria."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements, if true, can weaken the conclusion of the above argument most effectively? \u2019", "options": ["(A)\"Tianzundibei\" was used as an idiom in \"Shangshu\", which is older than \"Xianci\".", "(B)\"Family of Speech\" focuses on the difference between heaven and earth in terms of etiquette, while \"Le Ji\" focuses on the sum of heaven and earth in terms of music.,", "(C)The formation of classic works usually goes through a long process from immaturity to maturity.", "(D)Both \"Le Ji\" and \"Xie Ci\" are classic works of Confucianism, and the date of completion has not yet been determined."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)With the rapid advancement of science and technology, Western cultural classics and traditions are declining.", "(B)Officials in Chinese history have never handed down the tradition of swearing on a classic.", "(C)Primary school reading is a symbol of a country and nation maintaining cultural classics and traditions.", "(D)The cultural classics and traditions of a country and nation have an irreplaceable role in science."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is the same as the method of argument of the Japanese Supreme Court?", "options": ["(A)Wang Ying can speak English, and Wang Ying is Chinese, so Chinese can speak English.", "(B)The Ministry of Education stipulates that colleges and universities are not allowed to engage in stock investment, so Professor Zhang of Peking University cannot buy stocks.", "(C)The Chinese Olympic Committee is a member of the International Olympic Committee, and Mr.Y is a member of the Chinese Olympic Committee.Therefore, Mr.Y is a member of the International Olympic Committee.", "(D)Our school games are the sports games of the whole school, and the Olympic Games are the sports games all over the world; students of our school must participate in the opening ceremony of the Universiade.Therefore, people all over the world must participate in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following conclusions can be derived from the above statement?", "options": ["(A)This country can either maintain its economic development or maintain its social stability.", "(B)If we reduce the proportion of companies paying social insurance premiums for employees each year, we can maintain the competitiveness of the company.", "(C)This country cannot maintain its economic development or maintain its social stability.", "(D)The economic development of this country will be affected to a certain extent."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is most suitable as a conclusion derived from the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)95% of the children who had plastic surgery had their parents' consent.", "(B)No more than 5% of parents strongly disagree with their children for plastic surgery.", "(C)10% of the children who had plastic surgery did ideological work for their parents.", "(D)95% of parents support their children to have plastic surgery."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The reasoning in the above argument is flawed because the argument", "options": ["(A)Ignore this possibility? if Zhang Wei had to give a class report, then her semester papers would not get an excellent result.", "(B)This possibility was not taken into account? some students had excellent semester thesis but failed the exam.", "(C)Ignore this possibility? Zhang Wei's semester papers must be excellent, otherwise a class report will be required.", "(D)Relying on unconfirmed assumptions? If Zhang Wei's semester papers are not excellent, she will fail the exam without giving a lecture."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following options are true, they can support the expert's point of view, except-", "options": ["(A)After a large number of snakes and owls were killed, the ecological balance mechanism that inhibited the over-breeding of mice has failed.", "(B)Human activities such as \"enclosing lakes to make fields\", \"building embankments and destroying snails\" have cut the waters of Dongting Lake.", "(C)Every year when the water level of Dongting Lake rises during the flood season, many mice can always be drowned.However, there was a drought last year and the water level did not rise much during the flood season.", "(D)Large-scale drainage and planting of poplar trees on Tan Chau turned the wetland of Dongting into a woodland where mice could survive."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following will be the strongest support for the above conclusion if it is true?", "options": ["(A)Because \"therapeutic cloning\" involves the problem of destroying human early embryos, it has caused strong opposition from the Roman Church and the governments of the United States, France, and Germany.", "(B)So far, the acquisition of human embryonic stem cells has been quite difficult.", "(C)South Korean scholar Huang Yuxi promised to repair stem cells for a child paralyzed by a car accident, but all his research on stem cells is counterfeit.", "(D)Scientists are still far from clearing the mechanism of directional differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into various cells and how to prevent it from turning into cancer cells."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best describes the flaws of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Most of the characters and deeds recorded in Gua Yao are ancient legends.", "(B)The argument in the argument does not determine the lower limit of the age of the work.", "(C)Legendary characters and deeds cannot be evidence of the age of the writing.", "(D)The argument only relies on the words of the authority to support its conclusion."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)If an enterprise does not have self-reliance, it will be eliminated in the competition.", "(B)If an enterprise has government protection and subsidies, it will have a policy burden.", "(C)If an enterprise has a policy burden, it can receive government protection and subsidies.", "(D)In an open and competitive market, every enterprise has its own ability."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements, if true, can weaken the above argument most effectively?", "options": ["(A)Various psychological pressures can lead to similar physical representations.?", "(B)Measuring instruments like polygraphs can also be misused and abused.", "(C)A polygraph is an instrument that requires frequent maintenance and is prone to failure.", "(D)For some people, lying can only cause less psychological pressure."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following conclusions can be derived from the above statement?", "options": ["(A)Most governments will remind their citizens? do not go to dangerous country A.", "(B)Anti-government armed forces will also create kidnappings.", "(C)If most countries assisting country A continue to send personnel to country A.the kidnapping will also occur.", "(D)The government of country H is opposed to using force to rescue the hostages."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)Teaching with multimedia courseware has obvious advantages over traditional blackboard writing.", "(B)Moving the content of blackboard writing into courseware will not reduce the effectiveness of traditional blackboard writing in teaching.", "(C)The courseware used by some teachers is too simple to really play the role of multimedia.", "(D)Replacing traditional blackboard writing with multimedia courseware can save time when writing blackboard writing."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following expressions does not agree with the expression above?", "options": ["(A)Only if the consequences of violent resistance to the law are no worse than obedience to the law, rational people will desperately and violently resist the law.", "(B)If the consequences of violent resistance to the law are worse than obedience to the law, rational people will not desperately violently resist the law.", "(C)If the consequences of obeying the law are better than violent resistance, the rational person will not desperately violently resist the law.", "(D)Only the consequences of violent resistance to the law are worse than obedience to the law.Reasonable people will not desperately violently resist the law."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following items are true, all inconsistencies in the above may be reasonably explained, except", "options": ["(A)The private economy accounts for a large proportion of Zhejiang's economy, and the growth of some private economy is difficult to be counted.", "(B)In order to leave room for economic development in the region, some local officials underreported the economic growth figures.", "(C)Due to the sharp increase in energy prices, the economic growth of large state-owned enterprises with high energy consumption generally declined.?", "(D)Due to the sharp increase in energy prices, 90% of the newly invested enterprises in Zhejiang are low-energy enterprises."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following items are true, they will enhance the confidence of this reporter, except", "options": ["(A)The State Council requires that local governments must use at least 10% of the net proceeds of land transfers for low-rent housing security funds.", "(B)Even in developed countries, most low-income families rely on renting rather than buying a house to solve their housing problems.", "(C)The State Council requires local governments to include low-rent housing security funds in their local fiscal annual budgets, and the central government will support the central and western regions with financial difficulties.", "(D)The Ministry of Land and Resources requires local land and resources management departments to prioritize the settlement of land for low-rent housing."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can weaken the above argument most effectively?", "options": ["(A)People painted the head and breast feathers of a young inferior bird with the color and streak of an inferior bird, and placed it in another group of similar birds.This bird was given higher treatment in the new group.", "(B)People cannot recognize the status of white swans in the group by the color of the feathers on the head or the stripes of the breast feathers, because the color of the feathers on their heads cannot be distinguished, and the breast feathers have no stripes.", "(C)If there is a strict hierarchy in the bird world, then in a group of birds, they will also fight to improve their status.", "(D)If there is a strict hierarchy in the bird world, then in a group of birds, their respective status will not be unchanged for life."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)The brightness of energy-saving lamps is at least the same as that of ordinary incandescent lamps", "(B)People can reduce environmental pollution by using less electricity.", "(C)People always want to reduce electricity, water and so on.", "(D)Energy-saving lamps are not cheaper than ordinary incandescent lamps."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements, if true, can weaken the argument most strongly?", "options": ["(A)In the traditional cod fishing belt, a large number of seals caused great inconvenience to the fishing boat.", "(B)The damage caused by seawater pollution to cod is more serious than that caused to seals.", "(C)Before the number of seals increased, the number of cod in the North Atlantic Ocean was greatly reduced.", "(D)Cod almost only eat capelin, and this fish is also the main food for seals."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following conclusions can be derived from the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)Chinese tourists who are irrational or do not understand the market will buy chocolates from the country in Belgium.", "(B)The sensible Chinese tourists who bought the country \u2019s chocolate in Belgium did not understand the market.", "(C)Chinese tourists who buy chocolates from the country in Belgium are neither sensible nor understand the market.", "(D)Chinese tourists who are sensible and understand the market will buy Belgian chocolate domestically."], "label": "B"} {"question": "This shows which of the following can most logically complete the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)The proportion of the ability test should be increased in the college entrance examination to change the tendency of exam-oriented education in the whole basic education.", "(B)Expanding the enrollment scale of colleges and universities can reduce students' academic burden.", "(C)Regarding the high school exam results as part of the college entrance examination results can reduce the student's academic burden.", "(D)Only reforming the content of the college entrance examination may not reduce the student's academic burden."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If Xiao Wang told Xiao Zhao all the truth, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Xiao Wang bought stocks.", "(B)Xiao Wang didn't buy stocks.", "(C)Xiao Wang bought the fund.", "(D)Xiao Wang didn't buy a fund."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, then the following must be true, except", "options": ["(A)Some of the students enrolled in the fall of 2007 were poor..", "(B)Students who do not participate in the work-study program are not free teachers.", "(C)Some students who participated in the work-study program were enrolled in the fall of 2007.", "(D)Some students who participate in work-study activities are not free teachers."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is an implicit assumption in police remarks?", "options": ["(A)The police never believed that the suspect would tell the truth.", "(B)The police determined that the suspect knew what was lying.", "(C)The police knew when the suspect was telling the truth.", "(D)The police believe that the suspect will eventually tell the truth."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements, if true, can weaken the above conclusion most effectively?", "options": ["(A)Some elderly, sick, disabled and pregnant passengers still travel by taxi.", "(B)The buses of all units in City B account for one-fifth of the total number of motor vehicles in this city, which is one of the important factors causing traffic jams in this city.", "(C)After the bus line fare is greatly reduced, the bus will be more crowded, thereby reducing the comfort of riding.", "(D)Cheap fares are not attractive to private car owners who focus on the environment and \"enjoy life\"."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best describes the flaws of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Denies this possibility? cars without airbags will have other safety measures to reduce the risk of serious injury.", "(B)The argument is only hypothesis without confirmation? cars with airbags may be involved in accidents in the future.", "(C)The argument is only a hypothesis and no confirmation? the occurrence of the accident is at least as important as the serious injury caused by the accident in assessing safety issues.", "(D)Ignore this possibility? in some accidents, it includes both cars with airbags and cars without airbags."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements, if correct, can weaken the above conclusion most effectively?", "options": ["(A)Many minors only play online games occasionally.\u2018\u2018 Internet game anti-addiction system \u2019has no effect on them.", "(B)\"Online game anti-addiction system\" does not work for adults, and minors may use adult identity or use some online tools to generate fake ID numbers to log in to online games.", "(C)The introduction of the \"Online Game Anti-Addiction System\" means that minors are allowed to play online games with the permission of the competent department, so that they can go from secret to public.", "(D)In addition to online games, there are stand-alone games and PS games played on TV sets.\u2018\u2018 Online game anti-addiction system \u2019may cause many underage players to switch to these games."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following, if true, can best strengthen Zhang Tao \u2019s objections?", "options": ["(A)At present, the average life expectancy of our country is 72 years, and the current age of the wealthy people in our country is 35-50 years.", "(B)At present in our country, both civilians and millionaires want to leave their wealth to their children and grandchildren.", "(C)The inheritance tax can only be implemented if the personal information is clear.", "(D)Some wealthy film and television stars in our country died unfortunately before the age of 60."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements, if true, paid the strongest criticism of the company \u2019s general manager on the human resources department \u2019s proposal?", "options": ["(A)Many disputes have been resolved without a mediator.", "(B)Those who filed prosecutions are unreasonable and will refuse to listen to the mediator \u2019s opinion.", "(C)The mediation process itself will take as much time as the current prosecution process.", "(D)As the court debate progresses, the attitude between the opponents will tend to be tougher, making mutual compromises less likely."], "label": "D"} {"question": "The following items can be derived from Loren Barra \u2019s exposition, except?", "options": ["(A)No unhealthy person is beautiful.", "(B)Some healthy people are beautiful", "(C)Some beautiful people are not healthy.", "(D)Some people who are not beautiful are healthy."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements, if true, can weaken the above argument most effectively?", "options": ["(A)For patients who are still alive 10 years later, the two who participated in the collective encouragement activity lived longer than those who did not.", "(B)The members of the group who participate in the collective encouragement activity once a week spend an average of two years longer than the other group.", "(C)Some doctors believe that participating in a group encouragement activity once a week will reduce the confidence of patients receiving treatment.", "(D)Patients who participate in a group encouragement activity once a week report that such activities can help them fight disease."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The above argument is wrong because it?", "options": ["(A)Support it with evidence that merely restates the conclusion.", "(B)This fact is not considered? causality that has not been proven, one can also assume the existence of such a relationship.", "(C)This possibility is not considered? even if the causal relationship has not been proven, the relationship still exists.", "(D)It does not describe the technical mechanism by which computer viruses delete files."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following may list eligible cultivation arrangements?", "options": ["(A)1 Plant Y; 2 Plant Q; 3 Plant S; 4 Plant L; 5 Plant H; 6 Plant X.", "(B)1 planting X; 2 planting Y? 3 planting Q; 4 planting s; 5 planting L; 6 planting H.", "(C)1 Plant H; 2 Plant Q; 3 Plant Y; 4 Plant S; 5 Plant L; 6 Plant x.", "(D)1 Plant L; 2 Plant S; 3 Plant Y; 4 Plant Q; 5 Plant H; 6 Plant X."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If s is planted in an even-numbered vegetable pool, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)L is planted next to the left of S.", "(B)H is planted right next to S.", "(C)Y is planted next to the left of S.", "(D)x planted right next to S."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If S and Q are planted in odd-numbered vegetable ponds, which of the following statements may be true?", "options": ["(A)H species are in No.1 vegetable pond.", "(B)Type Y is in No.2 Caichizi.", "(C)Type H is in No.4 vegetable pond.", "(D)L is planted in No.5 vegetable pond."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements cannot be true?", "options": ["(A)Y species are in a vegetable pool on the right side of x.", "(B)x is planted next to Y's left.", "(C)S species is in a vegetable pool on the left side of Q.", "(D)H is planted next to the right side of x."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the H species is in No.2 Caichizi, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)X species are in No.6 vegetable pond.", "(B)Type L is in No.4 vegetable pond.", "(C)L is planted in No.5 vegetable pond.", "(D)Type Y is in No.3 vegetable pond."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements may be true?", "options": ["(A)F is a member of the three sub-committees.", "(B)H is a member of the three subcommittees.", "(C)G serves on the three sub-committees.", "(D)There are P in the subcommittees where I serve."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If there is an I in the subcommittee where M serves, which of the following statements may be true?", "options": ["(A)M is a member of each sub-committee.", "(B)1 Member of the two sub-committees.", "(C)I have I in the sub-committee where P serves.", "(D)F and M serve on the same subcommittee."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If F and M are not members of the same subcommittee, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)F and H serve on the same subcommittee.", "(B)F and I serve on the same subcommittee.", "(C)I and P are members of the same subcommittee.", "(D)M and G serve on the same subcommittee."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)M and P are members of a subcommittee.", "(B)F and H are members of a subcommittee.", "(C)G and I are members of a subcommittee.", "(D)1 member of any sub-committee."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)One of F or G is a member of three subcommittees.", "(B)One of H or I is a member of three subcommittees.", "(C)P or M only serve on one subcommittee.", "(D)One member happens to be a member of the two subcommittees."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be false?", "options": ["A All American athletes, such as swimmer Phelps, want to perform on the Olympic stage.", "(B)Some Jamaican athletes, such as sprinter Bolt, want to appear on the stage of the Olympics.", "(C)China's 110-meter hurdler Liu Xiang does not want to appear on the stage of the Olympics and enjoy performing on it.", "(D)Anyone, as long as he is an athlete, he wants to appear on the stage of the Olympic Games."], "label": "C"} {"question": "In order for the above conclusion to be true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)The increase in the number of Sichuan restaurants has not been accompanied by a decrease in the number of other restaurants.", "(B)The number of restaurants in big cities has not increased or decreased.", "(C)Szechuan restaurants are more popular than other restaurants in major cities across the country.", "(D)The new restaurant will only open if the existing restaurant cannot fit in."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, can the above argument be weakened most effectively?", "options": ["(A)During World War II, the German army achieved a series of victories by blitzkrieg, and was dragged into a protracted battle after entering the Soviet Union.As a result, Hitler repeated Napoleon's mistakes.", "(B)The invaders of the Japanese invaders must have a quick decision.Mao Zedong's protracted war is a countermeasure against the enemy's quick decisive battle.He is talking about long-lasting strategy, not long-lasting tactics.", "(C)The current war on terrorism in the world is a partial or short-term battle, and an overall or long-term battle.", "(D)Mao Zedong's military writings and \"Sun Zi's Art of War\" have a high degree of consistency in the viewpoints of \"knowing each other and knowing oneself, fighting a hundred battles\" and \"preparing one's opponents and being surprised.\""], "label": "B"} {"question": "If this saying is true, which of the following statements must be false?", "options": ["(A)Both the court and the love field are proud.", "(B)Both the field and the love are frustrated.", "(C)Only when you are disappointed in the game will you be complacent.", "(D)Only when the love field is frustrated will the field be proud."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, can the above argument be weakened most effectively?", "options": ["(A)The need to rebuild damaged buildings can provide many employment opportunities for the city \u2019s residents.", "(B)The city \u2019s construction contracts rarely specify the quality of construction materials and the requirements for employees.", "(C)The policy also includes? Only those construction companies whose bids meet strict quality standards and meet certain qualifications can bid.", "(D)If the building design is flawed, even buildings built with the best building materials and first-class engineering quality are also dangerous."], "label": "C"} {"question": "A lot of meaningless words can cause people to respond positively or negatively.\" Which of the following roles does this assertion play in the above argument?", "options": ["(A)It is a premise to support the conclusion that \"all words can cause people to respond positively or negatively.\"", "(B)It is a conclusion, and the only evidence that supports it is the claim that people \u2019s reactions to words are only affected by the meaning and pronunciation of words.", "(C)It is a conclusion that is partially supported by meaningful words that can elicit positive or negative reactions.", "(D)It is a premise to support the conclusion that \"people's reactions to words are affected not only by the meaning of the words, but also by the pronunciation of the words\"."], "label": "D"} {"question": "The following statements, except which one, can explain this American approach?", "options": ["(A)Russia is ready to demand that the Security Council impose an arms embargo on Georgia.", "(B)The Georgian army has prepared for this war for 3 years, and despite being fully equipped with American equipment, it is vulnerable.", "(C)The planes of the Georgian army gave up taking off hours after the war, and the patrol boat was directly captured by the Russian army and transported away by truck.", "(D)A senior general of the Georgian army escaped and abandoned the troops."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If any of the following statements is true, can the biggest question be raised?", "options": ["(A)Due to the promotion of agricultural technology, especially hybrid rice, China has greatly increased crop yields.", "(B)From July to September this year, demand from China is still growing, but oil prices in the international market have fallen by nearly a third.", "(C)Large investors in the United States are hoarding and buying large quantities of petroleum products and petroleum futures.", "(D)With the development of India's economy, its people's demand for food products is increasing."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which argument is most similar to the reasoning above?", "options": ["(A)Dogs and cats are sometimes anxious before the earthquake, so there is no reason to conclude that dogs and cats have the ability to sense earthquakes in advance, because in most cases, there is no earthquake after dogs and cats are anxious.", "(B)Although many people lose weight through short-term diets, it is unreasonable to believe that such diets are effective for weight loss.", "(C)Most hypotheses have a large number of supporting examples before they become scientific theories.It is unreasonable to think that a hypothesis is a scientific theory just because it is successfully applied to a few cases.", "(D)Although many chain stores are more profitable, it is unreasonable to attribute the success of this business model to this business model, because only well-funded businesses can do so."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the most accurate summary of the features of form and potential mentioned above?", "options": ["(A)Fighting with soldiers is like playing chess.It is a form of playing chess and a game.The potential is to take the opponent's move and break the opponent's move.The faster the response, the better.", "(B)Practicing medicine is to save people, and using troops to kill people is very different.However, there are similarities between platoon formations and the deployment of pharmacies.", "(C)The shape is like standing on a thousand-year-old mountain, the deeper the storage, the more fierce it is; the potential is like rolling a round stone on the top of the ten thousand yuan, the more dangerous the mountain, the faster the stone.", "(D)Shape is something that is visible, static, and set in advance; potential is something that is invisible, dynamic, and set for the enemy."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, can the Czech official's assertion be questioned the most?", "options": ["(A)According to the agreement between the Czech Republic and the United States, the United States has the right to direct and manage its bases in the Czech Republic.", "(B)Most people in the Czech Republic opposed the establishment of an anti-missile radar base by the United States in the Czech Republic.", "(C)Most people in the Czech Republic believe that the establishment of an anti-missile radar base by the United States in the Czech Republic will seriously damage the safety and interests of local people.", "(D)The day the Czech Republic and the United States signed an agreement on radar bases, Russia claimed that Russian missiles were aimed at the base."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements has the most serious inconsistency with Chen Guangfang \u2019s assertion?", "options": ["(A)If you do n\u2019t have a river, you do n\u2019t have to learn to share with others.", "(B)I do own a river, but it is mine, why should I learn to share it with others.", "(C)Or you do n\u2019t have a river, or you have to learn to share with others.", "(D)If you do n\u2019t have a bucket of water, you wo n\u2019t own a river."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If any of the following statements is true, is it most advantageous to strengthen the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Among healthy people, health improvement is proportional to calorie consumption.", "(B)Exercise is the most effective way to exercise.", "(C)Those who recover from serious illnesses are not suitable for intense single physical exercise.", "(D)It is much more difficult to fully develop the muscle groups of the human body than to promote the development of a few muscles."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If any of the following statements, can the above conclusion be reached logically?", "options": ["(A)In societies that protect freedom of thought, thinkers always lack the rules of thinking.", "(B)The thinker limits his line of thought to a certain orthodox thought, which will hinder their intellectual progress.", "(C)Freedom of thought can trigger creativity, and creativity can help discover truth.", "(D)Without the law of thought, thinkers cannot have freedom of thought."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, in addition to which statement, can you question the conclusion of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The role of the Olympic Games in promoting China's economic growth is about 0.2% -0.4%.", "(B)Neither the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics nor the 1996 Atlanta Olympics caused the US economy to decline.", "(C)China's urbanization process is at an accelerated stage, and urban construction will effectively promote China's economic development in the next few decades.", "(D)The stadium built for the Olympic Games will become a place for ordinary citizens to exercise and entertain after the Olympic Games."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements does not support the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Corrupt officials know that once their embezzled and bribery property is identified as \"unidentified sources\", the punishment can be reduced; China's existing investigative methods are backward, and confessors may incur more severe punishment than those who do not recognize the account.", "(B)I would like to ask who doesn't know where the property in their family comes from? The crime of huge property of unknown origin is conducive to cracking down on corrupt officials \"from light to light\", but is not conducive to social justice.", "(C)\"Presumption of innocence\" and \"right to silence\" are all basic concepts of modern rule of law.If the accused is not proven guilty, he should be deemed innocent.", "(D)The laws of Singapore, Brunei and India all stipulate that if the source of civil servants \u2019property is unknown, corruption and bribery should be used."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, can the above argument be strengthened most effectively?", "options": ["(A)The early antelopes isolated from their mothers showed great aggression during the conflict to establish their dominant position in the population.", "(B)Chimpanzees who grew up in the social training environment of their parents were much less aggressive in mating conflicts than chimpanzees who did not grow up in this environment.", "(C)Babies who are adopted in the first three months of life often appear aggressive during childhood.", "(D)Many polar bears are more aggressive in food conflicts than in mating conflicts."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best matches the economist \u2019s description of the difference between normal and low-grade products?", "options": ["(A)Poor students in the school often eat instant noodles, and they often go to restaurants after they find a job after graduation.For these students, instant noodles are inferior.", "(B)In family life, as people's incomes decrease, the demand for table salt has not increased.There is no doubt that table salt is a low-grade product.", "(C)In an increasingly aging community, the demand for gasoline is getting smaller and smaller, and the demand for home care services is growing.Compared with gasoline, home care services are inferior.", "(D)When people's income increases, parents will buy a few more brand-name clothes for their children.When income decreases, they will buy less.Brand-name clothing is not a low-end product, nor a normal product, but a high-end product."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the logical conclusion of the economist \u2019s argument?", "options": ["(A)Under the current system, if the local government lowers housing prices, it will not be punished by the central government.", "(B)Under the current system, if local governments do not pursue GDP performance, they will not vigorously push up housing prices.", "(C)Under the current system, local governments will certainly not reduce housing prices.", "(D)Under the current system, local governments may be punished by the central government or unable to improve their GDP performance."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, which strongly supports the expert's point of view?", "options": ["(A)In the past two years, the incidence of bladder cancer among Dutch dairy cow and dairy consumers has been particularly high.", "(B)Biphenyl residues have been found in the blood and urine of many Dutch cows.", "(C)The incidence of cancer in the dairy production areas of the Netherlands ranks first in the country.", "(D)The infertility rate of Dutch cows is higher than the average of other cows."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Adding the following statement, this official can come to the conclusion that \"China has not plundered African resources\"?", "options": ["(A)Europe and the United States are suspected of plundering African resources.", "(B)Europe and the United States did not plunder African resources.", "(C)The demand for raw materials in countries such as China and India has increased the prices of raw materials and brought more income to African countries.", "(D)African countries have the right to decide how to handle their own resources."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements contains the reasoning errors most similar to the ones above?", "options": ["(A)A low-calcium diet can lead to decreased egg production in poultry.After the chickens on a farm were released for food in spring, their egg production decreased significantly.Therefore, the calcium content of the food they find and ingest must be very low.", "(B)The bacteria that cause tetanus survive in the digestive tract of horses.Tetanus is a highly contagious disease.Therefore, horses must be more susceptible to tetanus than most other animals.", "(C)Malnourished animals are easily infected with diseases, and animals in big city zoos are not malnourished.Therefore, they are definitely not easily infected.", "(D)The ape is characterized by a reversed thumb and no tail.Recently, a fossil remnant of an unknown animal has been discovered.Because this animal has a reversible thumb, it must be an ape."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption that led to the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)Complete authenticity is unknowable.", "(B)Anything that cannot show complete authenticity cannot constitute final evidence.", "(C)If there is other evidence indicating the authenticity of the shooting site, you can use the photo as auxiliary evidence.", "(D)The photos of the South China Tiger taken by Zhou cannot be used as evidence of the existence of the South China Tiger in Shaanxi."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Based on the above statement, please determine which of the following statements is false?", "options": ["(A)A is not a fish thief.", "(B)B is not a fish thief.", "(C)C speak the truth.", "(D)Ding tells lies."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements most accurately indicates the error in the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)It relies on an unconfirmed assumption? 90% of university teachers who often work until 2am are severe insomniacs.", "(B)It does not take this situation into consideration? Zhang Hong may belong to those 10% of people who work regularly until 2am without suffering from severe insomnia.", "(C)It does not take into account this situation? In addition to working regularly until 2 am, there are other causes of severe insomnia for university teachers.", "(D)It relies on an unconfirmed hypothesis? Working regularly until 2 am is the only reason people suffer from severe insomnia."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)In the next few years, country X will develop a fine system for illegal waste disposal.", "(B)Over the next few years, the countries surrounding Country X will reduce the emissions of air and water pollutants.", "(C)In the next few years, the industrial development of country X will grow.", "(D)In the next few years, the industrialization process in country X will be affected by pollution control issues."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be false?", "options": ["(A)No one knows where the express train ends, and no one knows how to get off.", "(B)Some people know where the express train ends, but all people do n\u2019t know how to get off.", "(C)Some people do n\u2019t know where the express train ends, and some people do n\u2019t know how to get off.", "(D)No one knows where the express train ends, and some people do n\u2019t know how to get off."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If any of the following statements is true, can the above argument be weakened most effectively?", "options": ["(A)Few people have studied how solar energy is used in homes.", "(B)The cost of solar equipment to meet the needs of a family of four is equal to the cost of traditional energy required by the family for one year.", "(C)An effective method of collecting and storing solar energy for a long time has not yet been found.", "(D)Those who oppose the use of solar energy believe that doing so will result in an energy monopoly."], "label": "C"} {"question": "The answer to which of the following questions would hardly question the conclusion of this study?", "options": ["(A)Are there significant differences in the psychological qualities of the subjects in groups A and B?", "(B)The subjects in group B were told to tell lies, rather than telling lies themselves.Is the correlation between telling lies and blinking reliable?", "(C)Are there any abnormalities in the equipment used in groups A and B?", "(D)Will telling lies cause a rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure?"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Coupled with which of the following statements, it can be logically introduced that \"some track and field athletes participating in the 200-meter competition did not participate in the 4 \u00d7 100-meter competition\"?", "options": ["(A)Some track and field athletes participating in the 200-meter competition also participated in the 100-meter competition.", "(B)Some track and field athletes who participated in the 4 \u00d7 100m race did not participate in the 200 no race.", "(C)Some track and field athletes who did not participate in the 100-meter competition participated in the 200-meter competition.", "(D)Some track and field athletes who did not participate in the 200-meter competition did not participate in the 100-meter competition."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is assumed by this sociologist \u2019s assertion?", "options": ["(A)The occurrence of suicide has very complicated political, economic, social, cultural and psychological reasons.", "(B)People think that suicidal behavior is an irresponsible cowardly behavior.", "(C)People's views on suicidal behavior have a decisive influence on whether suicidal behavior occurs.", "(D)People sometimes think that suicidal behavior is an unacceptable behavior that is understandable and must be respected."], "label": "C"} {"question": "The answer to which of the following questions is most helpful in evaluating the appeal argument?", "options": ["(A)Did most people's diet contain vitamin B6 far beyond the amount they needed every day?", "(B)Is vitamin B6 in fortified food more easily absorbed by the body than vitamin B6 in the daily diet?", "(C)Does the amount of calories needed to decrease each day be greater than the amount of vitamin B6 that needs to be increased each day?", "(D)Are the consequences of not getting enough vitamin B6 daily for the elderly more serious than for the young?"], "label": "A"} {"question": "The following statements, except which one, can support the scientist's point of view?", "options": ["(A)If you do not consider green plants, after excluding all other factors, there are still a lot of sources of methane in the world that cannot be explained.", "(B)German scientists observed methane clouds appearing over tropical rain forests through satellites.This phenomenon cannot be explained by known global sources of methane.", "(C)American chemists analyzed air samples taken from the savanna of Venezuela and concluded that the amount of methane released by vegetation in the area is between 30 million and 60 million tons.", "(D)Some scientists emphasized that the recent increase in methane content and global warming have nothing to do with forests, and plants are innocent."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)If changes in prices result in changes in total income and prices in the same direction, then demand is elastic.", "(B)Compared with 2006, a 20% reduction in tuition fees will bring better economic benefits to W University.", "(C)If demand is elastic, then price changes will cause total income to change in the same direction as prices.", "(D)Compared with 2006, W University \u2019s enrollment growth in 2007 exceeded 20%."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is most suitable as the conclusion of the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)Increasing bank deposit interest rates can suppress inflation.", "(B)Tight monetary policy may lead to economic decline.", "(C)Economic development is cyclical.", "(D)Using monetary policy can control economic development"], "label": "B"} {"question": "The differences between Zhang Qiang and Li Ming are?", "options": ["(A)Is the electronic order procedure faster and more accurate than the manual order procedure?", "(B)Whether a faster and more accurate order procedure will benefit their financial returns.", "(C)Whether switching to electronic ordering procedures will benefit their financial returns.", "(D)For most customers, does the electronic ordering process really seem indifferent and impersonal?"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be false?", "options": ["(A)If you have been to Oxford University, you can never believe any words that Einstein said.", "(B)You have been to Oxford University, but sometimes you may still believe what some people say.", "(C)If you have been to Oxford University, you will no longer believe any words that anyone said.", "(D)If you have been to Oxford University, you will no longer believe what some people say."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following inferences is most similar to the one used above?", "options": ["(A)Some people think that this team is the best.Is it true that every player in this team is also the best?", "(B)Some people think that nationalism is justified.Isn't nationalism ever used as an excuse for crime?", "(C)Some people think that economists can control inflation, can it be said that meteorologists can control the weather?", "(D)Some people think that China's energy trade with Africa is plundering Africa's energy.Is it true that China's energy trade with Russia is plundering Russia's energy?"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following ways did Zhu Hong's argument take place?", "options": ["(A)A general law is stated, and the argument is an example of using this law.", "(B)Describes a larger portion of observable behavior.", "(C)Analogy based on the similarities between clearly understood and unexplained phenomena.", "(D)Exclude one explanation of an observed phenomenon and arrive at another possible explanation."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, the most serious shaken Lin Na's rebuttal to Zhu Hong?", "options": ["(A)Once a red squirrel makes a hole in the trunk of a sugar pine to absorb the sap, another red squirrel will do the same.", "(B)Red squirrels rarely make holes in other trees whose sap contains less sugar than sugar pine.", "(C)Red squirrels wait for most of the water in the sap that oozes out of the tree's hole to evaporate before consuming the sap.", "(D)In the season when sap can be obtained from sugar pine, the weather is already cold to prevent the sap from seeping out of the tree."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following items (from left to right) may be the athlete's ranking from the first to the seventh to the finish line?", "options": ["(A)X, Z, U, Y, W, S, T", "(B)X, Y, Z, U, W, S, T", "(C)Z, W, U, T, Y, S, X", "(D)Z, U, T, Y, W, S, X"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following athletes listed in the list of clothing can not be red?", "options": ["(A)S and X", "(B)T and S", "(C)U and W", "(D)W and T"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If X reaches the finish point third, the following athlete's costume must be green?", "options": ["(A)S", "(B)T", "(C)U", "(D)W"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the clothing of three athletes happens to be green, which of the following athletes must be green?", "options": ["(A)S", "(B)T", "(C)W", "(D)Z"], "label": "A"} {"question": "It is impossible for the athletes listed in which of the following to reach the finish line one after another?", "options": ["(A)U and Y", "(B)X and Y", "(C)Y and W", "(D)Y and Z"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following may list the complete and accurate arms allocation plan for recruits?", "options": ["(A)Signal soldier? W; Engineer soldier? F, H and Y; Transport soldier? G, I and X.", "(B)Signal soldier? W; Engineer soldier? G, I and X; Transport soldier? F, H and Y.", "(C)Signal soldier? X; Engineer soldier? F, G and H; Transport soldier? I, Y and W.", "(D)Signal soldier? X; Engineer soldier? F, I and W; Transport soldier? G, H and Y"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following lists is a list of all recruits who are unlikely to be engineering soldiers?", "options": ["(A)F, I and X", "(B)G, H and Y", "(C)H and Y", "(D)G"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, can you fully determine the arms of the seven recruits?", "options": ["(A)F and W are assigned as engineering soldiers.", "(B)G and Y are assigned as transport soldiers", "(C)I and W are assigned as transport soldiers", "(D)I and W are assigned as engineering soldiers."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following recruits cannot be assigned as transport soldiers together?", "options": ["(A)G and I", "(B)G and X", "(C)G and Y", "(D)H and W"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If X is not assigned as an engineer, which of the following statements may be true?", "options": ["(A)W and G are assigned as engineering soldiers", "(B)H and W are assigned as transport soldiers.", "(C)F and Y are assigned as engineering soldiers", "(D)H and W are assigned as engineering soldiers"], "label": "C"} {"question": "This commenter \u2019s reasoning is flawed because he", "options": ["(A)It is wrong to believe that many historians who emphasize methodologies intend to completely eliminate preconceptions.", "(B)It stands to reason that the objective requirements put forward by natural scientists should be applicable to other fields.", "(C)It is inappropriate to think that all ideological historical works are wrong.", "(D)Naturally, certain historical works with preconceptions were written by historians who claimed to be objective."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best describes the flaws in the above argument?", "options": ["(A)It regards the favorable conditions for a thing as the sufficient conditions for it.", "(B)The opinions of the sample groups on which it relies are hardly supportive of the conclusion of this argument.", "(C)It makes inferences based on a hypothesis contrary to the facts, and the conclusion has no credibility.", "(D)It regards the possible result of a phenomenon as the cause of this phenomenon."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)If Greece reduces welfare or achieves substantial economic development, it can solve the debt crisis.", "(B)If the Greek debt crisis is properly resolved, it will not have a negative impact on the economy of the euro area.", "(C)If Greece wants to solve the debt crisis, but can not achieve substantial economic development, it must reduce welfare.", "(D)If Greece does not reduce welfare or cannot achieve substantial economic development, it will have a negative impact on the economy of the euro area."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, can the strongest support for the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Melasma and tar spots will recur when urban air pollution is reduced.", "(B)Whether the impact of air pollution on many plant species is beneficial or harmful is unclear to scientists.", "(C)There are ways to prevent the infection of melasma and tar spots, but once infected, it is difficult to eradicate.", "(D)Some plants can develop strong resistance to air pollution."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption that holds the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)All words with strong subjective colors are not scientific classification terms.", "(B)Scientific classification terms are convenient labels.", "(C)Some convenient labels with strong subjective colors are not scientific classification terms.", "(D)Words with strong subjective colors are convenient labels."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, is it most helpful to explain the above behavior of the vervet monkey?", "options": ["(A)Some terrestrial carnivores only eat vervet monkeys, and raptors attacking vervet monkeys from the air feed on various animals.", "(B)Vervet monkeys climb onto trees to avoid terrestrial carnivores, and underneath potential leaves to avoid raptors.", "(C)No predator that poses a danger to vervet monkeys can attack vervet monkeys from both land and air.", "(D)Different types of carnivores can deal with different numbers of vervet monkeys."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, which strongly supports the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The most experienced jewelry collectors cannot distinguish fakes from real diamonds.", "(B)The most experienced jewelry collectors only collect jewelry that is more aesthetically pleasing.", "(C)The value of a piece of jewelry depends largely on the needs of the market.", "(D)The value of a piece of jewelry should be entirely determined by the aesthetic enjoyment it provides."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following inferences is most similar to the above inferences?", "options": ["(A)Some moral hazards cannot be passed on, and personal reputation risk is moral hazard.Therefore, personal reputation risk cannot be passed on.", "(B)College students are useful talents of the country, and Zhang Hua is a college student.Therefore, Zhang Hua is a useful talent of the country.", "(C)College students are people with higher education, and Wang Lei is a college student, so Wang Lei is a higher education person.", "(D)All talented teenagers are very conceited, and some talented teenagers are Go players, so some Go players are conceited."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, will the above conclusion be weakened most?", "options": ["(A)The first year of the planetarium and nature museum opening usually attracts a large number of visitors.", "(B)The planetarium and natural museum actually sold fewer tickets than expected.", "(C)Most people who visit the Science and Technology Museum will also visit the Planetarium and Nature Museum.", "(D)The income from admission tickets alone is far from recovering the construction costs of the Planetarium and Natural Museum."], "label": "C"} {"question": "In all of the following statements, except for which one, refute the assumptions demonstrated above?", "options": ["(A)Most natural things are safe.", "(B)Diarrhea is natural, but it can cause death.", "(C)Some natural things are not safe.", "(D)Things that are not natural are safe."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following is the hypothesis required by this ethicist \u2019s argument?", "options": ["(A)If the patient knows that an experimental treatment was used during the emergency treatment, it will have an adverse effect on the outcome of this treatment.", "(B)Only when an experimental treatment is very likely to produce beneficial results for the patient should this treatment be approved without the patient's consent.", "(C)At least in some cases of emergency treatment, the benefits of experimental treatment without the patient \u2019s consent may be more important than the patient \u2019s right to consent.", "(D)When the best medical plan is still unknown, patients no longer have the right to know the medical plan and medical plan."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements most accurately expresses the meaning of Perrin \u2019s creed?", "options": ["(A)If you want to do it, you must have absolute trust, otherwise you will not do it.", "(B)Absolute trust is the only way to do it.If you do n\u2019t, you wo n\u2019t get absolute trust.", "(C)Only by having absolute trust.", "(D)Do it if you have absolute trust."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If any of the following statements is true, can the above medical scientist's conclusion be given the strongest support?", "options": ["(A)Depression is not only a mental illness, but also an organic disease.", "(B)It may be that depression leads to an imbalance in the concentration of these three neurotransmitters in the brain.", "(C)Women and the elderly are high-risk groups of depression.", "(D)Drugs developed for the above three neurotransmitters to maintain their concentration balance are effective in treating depression."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, is it most helpful to eliminate the obvious inconsistencies in the above description?", "options": ["(A)Last year, the news media reports and comments on the smog weather in City B almost doubled from the previous year.", "(B)Some people in City B who are anxious about the haze weather live in areas where PM2.5 is more polluted.", "(C)Last year, City B held a large-scale international conference.Temporary measures such as vehicle restrictions and construction site shutdowns were the main reasons for the reduction in haze.", "(D)The vast majority of residents in City B are aware of the hazards of smog to humans."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption upon which the above argument relies?", "options": ["(A)There is corruption in any society, and no matter what method is used, it can only weaken corruption and not eradicate it.", "(B)The formation of corruption and utilitarian winds is not caused by imperfect systems or imprecise implementation.", "(C)The effective way to change the customs is to select the virtuous and competent, narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, and ideological education for profit.", "(D)The system is fundamental to correct people's hearts.With the anti-corruption system and strict implementation, the atmosphere will change."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, in addition to which one can weaken the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The concentration of natural medicines contained in plants is much lower than the concentration of synthetic pesticides sprayed on crops.", "(B)Humans have been taking the natural medicines contained in these plants for thousands of years, and have time to adapt to them.", "(C)The chemical structure of synthetic pesticides is usually simpler than that of natural drugs contained in plants.", "(D)Natural medicines contained in plants are usually only suitable for defending against specific organisms, while synthetic pesticides are usually harmful to many organisms."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following statement is used as a hypothesis, the conclusion of the above reasoning can be logically derived?", "options": ["(A)All potatoes without solanine are safe to eat.", "(B)Green or sprouted potatoes are not safe to eat.", "(C)Potatoes that are neither green nor sprouted can be eaten safely.", "(D)It is not safe to eat potatoes that contain more solanine."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, can we best explain the seemingly contradictory phenomenon?", "options": ["(A)The price level in most parts of China is lower than that in the United States.", "(B)Due to rising labor costs in China, some manufacturing industries have begun to transfer some factories to India or Southeast Asian countries.", "(C)The profit margin of China's manufacturing industry is generally relatively low.", "(D)In recent years, the cost of fixed assets and energy costs of investment in China have continued to rise."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, the above argument is weakened most effectively?", "options": ["(A)The exhaust of cars from people commuting to work is much more harmful than smoking second-hand smoke.", "(B)Persons such as tutors, nurses, hourly workers, etc.all work at the employer \u2019s home.", "(C)No piece of legislation and its implementation can fully realize the intent of the legislator.", "(D)This smoking control law overestimates the dangers of smoking secondhand smoke."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)To truly protect the interests of farmers, it is necessary to allow transactions on homesteads.", "(B)As long as you understand what is the peasants 'best interests, you can protect the peasants' interests.", "(C)As long as the property rights of the homestead are clearly defined and can be traded on, the true value of it can be reflected.", "(D)If the homestead is traded, its value can be fully reflected."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following ways of reasoning is most similar to the above argument?", "options": ["(A)If you have a large deposit in the bank, your purchasing power will be strong.If your purchasing power is strong, you will be happy.Therefore, if your bank has a large amount of deposits, you will be happy.", "(B)A full-term baby has a certain instinct reaction after birth that will disappear by 2 months.The baby has been 3 months old, and there is this instinctive reaction.Therefore, this baby was not born at full term.", "(C)Depending on the size, the supermarket may require 1 to 3 security guards to prevent theft.If any supermarket decides to use 3 security guards, then it must be a big supermarket.", "(D)Electric current passes through wires as water flows through pipes.Since a large-diameter pipeline has a larger flow rate than a small-diameter pipeline, a thicker wire has a larger amount of electricity than a thin wire."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following assertions can support the opinions of these experts?", "options": ["(A)The impact of WiFi radiation on the human body is related not only to its frequency, but also to the distance between the WiFi transmitter and the human body.", "(B)Keep other conditions unchanged in the same room, and repeat the experiment with and without a WiFi transmitter.", "(C)There are many factors that affect the germination of seeds, and experiments by Danish middle school students cannot exclude the interference of other factors.", "(D)Animal experiments should be done to determine the effects of WiFi radiation on the human body, not just plant experiments."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best describes the flaws in Zhang Hua \u2019s inference?", "options": ["(A)Zhang Hua ignored that his employees also had the rights related to the sale of the company.", "(B)Zhang Hua did not provide sufficient and reliable reasons for selling his company.", "(C)Zhang Hua's right not to sell his company now does not mean that he never has the right to sell it.", "(D)Zhang Hua confuses company ownership with responsibility for loyal employees."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, it weakens the speculation above?", "options": ["(A)Most of the drivers driving in or out of the parking lot of the shopping mall are amateur drivers, and many of them are novice drivers with a mileage of less than 5,000 kilometers.", "(B)When someone whistles impatiently on the side, almost all drivers who are leaving the parking space will feel unhappy, and this unhappiness affects the time they leave the parking space.", "(C)When someone expects the driver to skillfully drive the car out, most drivers will generate psychological pressure.The greater the pressure, the slower the driver will get out of the parking space.", "(D)As far as vehicles are waiting to enter the parking spaces, compared with other parking lots in the neighborhood, the cases of exiting and entering parking spaces in shopping mall parking lots are not necessarily representative."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)The more a film and television director values \u200b\u200bthe psychological needs of the public, the more likely it is to succeed.", "(B)No film and television director who has mastered technology by learning from peers in practice will ignore the psychological needs of the public.", "(C)All unsuccessful film and television directors have ignored the psychological needs of the public.", "(D)Not all film and television directors who have gone through formal professional studies ignore the psychological needs of the public."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the most serious flaw of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Somalia \u2019s wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few people, and many people fall into poverty due to factors such as security or unemployment.", "(B)The increase in GDP per capita has benefited from Somali pirates hijacking merchant ships from various countries and plundering the property of other countries.", "(C)The reason for the increase in GDP per capita in Somalia is the fact of economic freedom contained in anarchy.", "(D)It is unreliable to judge the overall living standard of a country \u2019s people based on a single indicator."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the hypothesis on which student representative L\u2019 s complaint relies?", "options": ["(A)The school may discriminate unfairly when evaluating the scores of Chinese students.", "(B)The school has an unshirkable responsibility for failing students, and the cost of renewal should be halved.", "(C)The school's requirements for students' English language entry are the same as those required for completion of all subjects after enrollment.", "(D)The renewal fee for each course is 5,000 Australian dollars.This high failure rate is due to the school's desire to earn renewal fees."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best fits the principles expressed above?", "options": ["(A)To sacrifice one person to save one person is as noble as to sacrifice one person to save one hundred people.", "(B)Robbery is both immoral and contrary to human nature, it is as bad as killing a person.", "(C)In the case where only one person can be killed to save the other, killing is as bad as not killing.", "(D)Since rape is immoral, society should prevent rape in the same way as murder."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If any of the following statements is true, will it weaken the author's interpretation of \"unmarried with the same surname\"?", "options": ["(A)The etiquette system of inter-marriage lays the foundation of etiquette for the political marriage between countries.", "(B)The ancients in our country formulated the etiquette for unmarried people of the same surname based on the experience that marriage of the same surname leads to incest and poor fertility.", "(C)Qin and Jin's intermarriage is called Qin Jin's good, Qin Jin's good is a model of the same surname not to marry.", "(D)The etiquette of unmarriage of the same surname encourages inter-marriage intermarriage, which promotes the integration of all ethnic groups."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one best explains the above anomalies?", "options": ["(A)One year after the implementation of the Three Guarantees Law, only 7% of consumers understand the rights of the Three Guarantees before buying a car.", "(B)Most auto dealers did not introduce consumers to the rights and interests of the Three Guarantees as required by regulations.", "(C)The key provisions of the Three Guarantees Law protecting the interests of car owners lack operability, making it difficult to succeed in returning or replacing cars.", "(D)To avoid punishment by law, automakers and dealers have improved the quality of service in maintenance."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption required for the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)The vast majority of pilots transferred to private airlines believe that the salaries of state-owned airlines are too low.", "(B)Those pilots transferred to private airlines generally have higher ranks and stronger working abilities.", "(C)If those pilots who still stay in state-run airlines also choose to go to private airlines, their annual salary will also exceed one million.", "(D)Private airline pilots and national airline pilots have roughly the same mileage each year."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following arguments is most similar to the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Poets who have created high-quality poetry have learned traditional poetry, and poets who have not learned traditional poetry are most likely to create innovative poetry.Therefore, to create innovative poetry is best not to learn traditional poetry.", "(B)A person who does not understand teaching cannot understand the personality of the students he teaches.Therefore, a person who understands teaching can understand the personality of the students he teaches.", "(C)A person who lacks emotional resonance is not a good candidate for public office, while a person with emotional resonance is good at manipulating the emotions of others.Therefore, people who are good at manipulating the feelings of others are excellent candidates for public office.", "(D)If the climate changes suddenly, animals with a single type of food will be more difficult to survive.However, animals with a wide range of foods will not, because abrupt climate change will only eliminate certain types of food."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, provides the best explanation for the abnormal behavior of male brown bears?", "options": ["(A)Brown bears usually fight to protect their territory.During the salmon migration season, they focus on their fishing skills and rarely fight for the territory.", "(B)Cubs rely on female brown bears for 3 years to survive independently.Since female brown bears will not conceive during lactation, cubs between 3 and 12 months old have the highest kill rate.", "(C)Salmon is the main food source for North American brown bears to replenish body fat in large amounts.Brown bears struggle to gain weight by fishing in order to survive the coming severe winter.", "(D)In order to protect future cubs, female brown bears usually mate with multiple male brown bears, so that more male brown bears think they are the father of their cubs."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, can the conclusion of the above argument be drawn logically?", "options": ["(A)Most flat-edged etching tools are not used for carving.", "(B)All etching tools that are not used for carving are flat-edged.", "(C)There are as many etching tools in the needle mouth as there are flat edge etching tools.", "(D)No etching tool is both a needle mouth and a flat blade."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best illustrates the shortcomings of the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)It is believed that the attributes possessed by the whole are also possessed by the parts.", "(B)It is believed that the attributes possessed by parts are also possessed by the whole.", "(C)Ignore other possible causes.", "(D)Treat the result of a phenomenon as the cause of this phenomenon."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If any of the following statements is true, can the above argument be weakened most effectively?", "options": ["(A)Ingesting excess sodium sometimes damages the body's ability to handle excess sodium.", "(B)Hypertension is sometimes worsened by ingesting more sodium than the body needs.", "(C)Anyone needs a certain amount of sodium to maintain the normal physiological functions of the body.", "(D)Ingesting any more sodium than the body needs will increase blood pressure unless it is eliminated from the body."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, will it be most helpful to resolve the doubts above?", "options": ["(A)The shark's teeth need to be replaced many times in its lifetime, but the shark's skeleton is not changed for life, only one skeleton.", "(B)Compared to the skeletons of teeth or other vertebrates, shark cartilage skeletons are less likely to form fossils.", "(C)The process of petrification of the shark skeleton is the same as the physical changes experienced by the petrification of the shark teeth.", "(D)It is indeed confusing to find the skeleton fossil where the shark tooth fossil was found."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following reasoning has the same form as the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)Stars are all self-luminous, Venus is not a star, so Venus is not self-luminous.", "(B)Commodities have use value, and of course air has use value, so air is a commodity.", "(C)Everyone who desires success works hard, he does not work hard, so he is not a person who desires success.", "(D)All contracts concluded by fraud are invalid, and invalid contracts are not binding.Therefore, all non-binding contracts are concluded by fraud."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements most accurately expresses the underlying principles underlying the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The principle of taking necessary precautions based on foreseeable consequences.", "(B)Based on the foreseeable consequences, the principle of taking advantage of the two evils is preferred.", "(C)The principle of prohibiting harm to others is adopted based on foreseeable consequences.", "(D)The principle of presumption of innocence is adopted based on the fact that there is no evidence of guilt."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, gives the best explanation for the inconsistency above?", "options": ["(A)Red ducks hatch 8 to 10 eggs per nest, and swans hatch 2 to 3 eggs per nest.The survival rate is about the same.", "(B)The strengthening of environmental protection measures has slowed down the average decline in the number of red ducks, swans and other species of waterbirds.", "(C)Both red ducks and swans are migratory birds, and red ducks are more likely to be killed during the migration process.", "(D)In addition to the wetlands, red ducks gradually learned to nest in tree caves and cliff caves, but swan failed to do so."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following lists the possible exhibition order?", "options": ["(A)Q.M.S, K.Y.X", "(B)Q, K.Y, M.X, S", "(C)Y.S, M.X.Q, K", "(D)M, K, S, Q, Y, X"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the age of Y is the second earliest, which of the following statements might be true?", "options": ["(A)The age of K is earlier than that of S.", "(B)The age of K is earlier than Q.", "(C)M is older than S.", "(D)M is older than Y."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following cannot be the earliest porcelain?", "options": ["(A)M", "(B)Q", "(C)S", "(D)Y"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the age of X is earlier than S, which of the following statements might be true?", "options": ["(A)Y is older than M.", "(B)Y is older than Q.", "(C)S is older than M.", "(D)S is older than K."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the age of M is earlier than Q but later than K, which of the following statements might be true?", "options": ["(A)Y is older than S.", "(B)S is older than M.", "(C)Q is older than X.", "(D)Y is older than M."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following lists the possible combinations of accompaniment and singer?", "options": ["(A)X is the accompaniment of G and H; Y is the accompaniment of F and K? W is the accompaniment of L and M.", "(B)X is F and H accompaniment; Y is L and M accompaniment; W is G and K accompaniment.", "(C)X is the accompaniment of G and M; Y is the accompaniment of F and H; w is the accompaniment of L and K.", "(D)X is L, H accompaniment; Y is F, K accompaniment; W is G, M accompaniment."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If X is an accompaniment to L and H, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)W is K accompaniment.", "(B)Y is F accompaniment.", "(C)G and K are accompanied by the same accompaniment.", "(D)F and M are accompanied by the same accompaniment."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If W is the accompaniment of F and M, which pair of singers can X accompany?", "options": ["(A)G and H", "(B)G and K", "(C)L and H", "(D)L and K"], "label": "B"} {"question": "W cannot accompany any of the following singers?", "options": ["(A)F and K", "(B)F and L", "(C)K and H", "(D)G and K"], "label": "C"} {"question": "It is impossible for Y to accompany the following pair of singers?", "options": ["(A)G and H", "(B)L and H", "(C)F and L", "(D)F and M"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following questions is most important to assess the rationality of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)If we are allowed to recruit masters and doctors in writing, how many people will apply for this major?", "(B)Do we have the qualifications for the faculty and subject research in writing to recruit masters and doctors?", "(C)Have we applied for masters and Ph.Ds in other applied and technical disciplines other than writing?", "(D)Should we pay attention to the cultivation of master's degree and doctoral degree in applied and technical disciplines?"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements cannot be supported?", "options": ["(A)It is foolish to taboo or accept the meaning implied by digital homophony.", "(B)The meaning implied by digital homophony will affect the behavior of buying numbers.", "(C)People can attach different ideas to the same number.", "(D)The meaning implied by the number and its homophony is not unique."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is not a hypothesis for the \"flying rhino\" action?", "options": ["(A)The secrecy measures for the new rhino home are strict, because poachers do not know where there are rhinos", "(B)Give rhinos that the new home of choice is suitable for the breeding and growth of white and black rhinos", "(C)Residents living near the new rhino \u2019s home will not be poached for expensive rhinoceros feet", "(D)60 years ago, a protection transfer operation to avoid the extinction of the black rhino was successful"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one gives the best explanation for the scientist's confusion?", "options": ["(A)The autobiography of Venus is slow and its outer shell is much thinner than the earth, which is convenient for the internal heat release", "(B)The greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide in Venus \u2019atmosphere makes its surface temperature as high as 485 \u2103", "(C)Due to the effects of high temperature and high pressure, the rock on the surface of Venus is harder than the rock on the surface of the earth", "(D)The lava movement in the inner core of Venus used to have more severe temperature fluctuations than the rock movement of the earth"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is true and provides the best explanation for scientists \u2019beliefs?", "options": ["(A)The yellow croaker that lives in the waters of Heilongjiang and other areas is twice as large as the Japanese croaker which is in Dali Lake", "(B)The fish caught in seawater or freshwater can only survive for a day or two, and quickly decay after death.", "(C)The glacier melted to form Dali Lake.The overflowing lake water was once connected to the Liaohe River flowing into the ocean", "(D)The scientific researcher put the fry of the fish of Dali Lake in the Dali Lake, thousands of miles away, the breeding is successful"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one is the strongest proof of the justification of the above principle?", "options": ["(A)For any profit-taking purpose of capturing wild animals, the Wildlife Protection Law should be enforced", "(B)Although the eyeglass cord is protected by law, the act of killing the eyeglass cord due to the threat to human life will not be punished by law", "(C)The Inuit in the northernmost part of the polar region feed on bowhead whales, and the number of bowhead whales captured is much lower than the number of newly survived bowhead whales each year.", "(D)Humans have hunted elephants for thousands of years and have not extinct the elephant populations, so it is not necessary to enforce laws protecting wild elephants"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following points out the logical question in the lawyer \u2019s answer?", "options": ["(A)According to the lawyer, anyone who engages in employment discrimination can defend himself like him", "(B)The lawyer did not consider that it is difficult for a person who has received many years of vocational training and is only good at acting to change careers.", "(C)The lawyer replied that it was inconsistent with the regulations of the State Council \u2019s Drug Rehabilitation Regulations on \u201cnon-discrimination in reemployment of drug addicts\u201d", "(D)The lawyer wrongly assumed that the performing arts industry has a higher professional ethics level than other industries"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements most accurately points out the flaws in the above defense", "options": ["(A)The more personal income tax paid proves that she is richer, such people should be heavily punished for tax evasion", "(B)The amount of tax paid by a person does not prove that she pays the tax payable on every income.", "(C)The attributes possessed by a part are not usually possessed by the whole", "(D)The individual pays more taxes than the state-owned machinery factory, which does not mean that her contribution to society is greater than that of the state-owned machinery factory"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements about the students in the class must be true?", "options": ["(A)Some students who support the German team neither support the Brazilian team nor the American team", "(B)Some students who support the US team neither support the German team nor the Brazilian team", "(C)So the students who support the US team either support the Argentina team, or support the German team, or support the Brazil team", "(D)Some students who support the Brazilian team support the German team"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one is most appropriate to challenge the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)Bad weather causes food prices to fluctuate, exacerbating the problem of hunger", "(B)Today's agricultural development level has been able to protect the world's people from hunger from a total amount", "(C)Consumption can promote economic development, and one way for the rich to help the poor is to increase waste", "(D)Eliminating food waste is only a favorable condition to solve the problem of hunger"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, all but one of them question the netizen's judgment?", "options": ["(A)Only those who are interested in the reform of public transport pricing participate in the activity, and the statistical results only reflect the opinions of this group of people", "(B)People who participate in the activity rarely take the subway and bus, and raising the fare will not harm their interests", "(C)Some people who commute by subway and bus think that raising the fare can ease congestion during peak hours", "(D)Many citizens hope to increase the fare to improve the ride environment"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)If the Chinese stock market has not yet ushered in a bull market, it must be that the three major diseases have not been effectively controlled", "(B)If the impulse of local governments to borrow money for development is not suppressed, the domestic capital cost has not returned to a reasonable position", "(C)If the stock market ushered in a bull market, it must be that domestic capital costs have not returned to a reasonable position", "(D)As long as domestic capital costs return to a reasonable position, the Chinese economy will not land hard"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the sand monk's words are true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)Some places without fire", "(B)There is no fire in some places", "(C)Wherever there is a fire, there is a sutra", "(D)No fire anywhere"], "label": "D"} {"question": "The reasoning in the above reasoning is flawed because of the argument?", "options": ["(A)Ignore the possibility of the bicycle being accepted again", "(B)raised a question that has little to do with the conclusion of the argument", "(C)Misconception that the bicycle reappeared in 1860 indicates that it was reaccepted", "(D)Without giving a reasonable explanation, it is deemed to be truly accepted"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, all but one of the items can weaken the conclusion discussed above", "options": ["(A)At present, the probability of stem cell transplantation due to blood diseases in China is extremely small, and the cost of storing cord blood is expensive", "(B)Umbilical cord blood, peripheral blood, and bone marrow have become the three major sources of hematopoietic stem cells", "(C)At present, umbilical cord blood is not the most effective way to treat many malignant diseases in clinic, but is an adjuvant treatment", "(D)Umbilical cord blood is usually stored at 50 ml, so such a small amount has little effect on the treatment of most adults"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following ways of reasoning is most similar to the reasoning of the above-mentioned sophisters", "options": ["(A)Because Laozi is more intelligent than Mencius, Laozi has a better view of goodness than Mencius.", "(B)Because Zhang Qing drinks Tonghua glucose when he is healthy, it is sweet, and when he is sick, drinking Tonghua glucose is sour, so Tonghua glucose is both sweet and sour.", "(C)Because Zhao Feng is taller than Li Tong, and Zhao Feng is shorter than Wang Lei, Zhao Feng is both tall and short", "(D)Because a wooden stick is usually straight, but it looks curved in the water, this wooden stick is both straight and curved."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)If the Ukrainian government forces attack the Russian convoy, there will be no chance for the civilian armed forces to take a breather", "(B)If the Ukrainian government army does not give the civilian armed forces a breathing opportunity, it may trigger the Russian side to take strong measures", "(C)If civilian armed forces in eastern Ukraine take a breather, Russia will not take strong measures", "(D)The Russian convoy entered Ukraine to help civilian armed forces in eastern Ukraine"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one would most strongly weaken the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Chinese students participating in the questionnaire survey may not express their best wishes", "(B)If Chinese students in North America cannot find a job when they return home, it will disappoint them", "(C)67 \ufe6a and 33 \ufe6a add up to 100 \ufe6a, which means zero people want to stay and work in North America", "(D)Among the Chinese students in North America, those who do not intend to return to work did not attend the job fair"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is true, which most seriously shakes the traditional view of the origin of the Gua name?", "options": ["(A)The reason why the two hexagrams of Qiankun ranks first among the sixty-four hexagrams is because the Qian gua represents heaven and the Kun gua represents earth.", "(B)The hexagram name cannot be explained by the orientation theory alone, nor can it be explained by the sense of meaning alone.Only by combining the two can we give an explanation of all hexagram names", "(C)Although there are many different explanations for the origin of the Gua name, it is inseparable from its sect, either attributed to the theory of fetching images, or attributed to the theory of fetching meanings", "(D)The name of the hexagram comes from the account of the narration of the hexagram.Kun Guazhan asked about the loss of the horse.At the beginning, he had three elephants.He believed that the horse could be found and was named Kun."], "label": "D"} {"question": "The defect of which of the following arguments is most similar to the above argument", "options": ["(A)Knowledge is a virtue, because no one does it on purpose", "(B)We should not ask the police because they cannot stop all criminal activities", "(C)Trial marriage is not immoral, because anyone who buys clothes can try on", "(D)Faith cannot create reality, because taking something as true does not make it true"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If any of the following statements is true, will it most support the hypothesis of the above scientists?", "options": ["(A)The fetus only increased the amount of P.fat obtained from the mother during the last 4 weeks of pregnancy", "(B)Old people who lack P.fat in their daily diet have poorer vision than adults with high levels of P.fat in their daily diet", "(C)Fetal vision developed during the last 3 months of pregnancy.", "(D)Poor eyesight of the mother does not cause poor eyesight of the baby"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the hypothesis that the above argument relies on?", "options": ["(A)Is it possible to suppress the instinctive impulse by thinking deeply, this is the only difference between civilized people and barbarians or other animals", "(B)Actions such as squirrel burying chestnuts and arctic fox burying bird eggs are purely instinct-driven actions", "(C)The stronger the restraint of one's own instinct impulses, the greater the tolerance of the current pain, and therefore the higher the degree of civilization", "(D)People not only suppress their instinctive impulses through their foresight, but also suppress their instinct impulses through external laws, customs and religions."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements most preparedly points out the shortcomings of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Coffee drinkers may consume other foods that are harmful to the heart while drinking coffee", "(B)The nutritionist \u2019s conclusions are based only on relevant research results, lacking the support of clinical data", "(C)Drinking coffee is harmless to the heart does not mean harmless to the body", "(D)People who drink coffee often have greater psychological pressure, and the larger psychological pressure itself is harmful to the heart."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following best describes the techniques used in Paine \u2019s argument", "options": ["(A)Demonstrate that a proposition contradicts a certain proposition that has been established as true", "(B)A proposition can lead to a false conclusion to prove that the proposition is not true", "(C)Demonstrate that this proposition is true by showing that all possible explanations lead to the same proposition", "(D)By excluding all other possible explanations, to prove that the remaining explanation is true"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements can provide the best support for the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)The meaning of abstract words is not easy to be accurately interpreted", "(B)If a person can accurately explain the meaning of a word, then he understands the word", "(C)A person cannot accurately explain the meaning of a word, does not mean that other people can not accurately explain the meaning of the word", "(D)If a person can properly use a word for language expression, then he understands the word"], "label": "A"} {"question": "The answer to which of the following questions is least relevant to assess the authenticity of the above report?", "options": ["(A)Are the other growing conditions of the rice that listens to the Da Bei mantra exactly the same as those that do not listen to the Da Bei mantra?", "(B)Is this method feasible for large-scale promotion?", "(C)Can experts explain why Da Bei Man is beneficial to the growth of rice but not to the growth of pests?", "(D)Does the expert's explanation have reliable theoretical support?"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is consistent with the above two documents?", "options": ["(A)According to the \"Administrative Measures\", only national staff whose children have migrated outside the country (border) are \"bare officials\"", "(B)For national staff with both spouses and children, the provisions of the two documents are the same", "(C)According to the \"Interim Regulations\", as long as the spouse of a staff member of a certain country has moved outside the country (border), he or she is a \"naked official\"", "(D)For national staff with only spouse and no children, the provisions of the two documents are the same"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, can we best explain the seemingly contradictory phenomenon?", "options": ["(A)With the reform of the economic system and the promotion of new urbanization, the PPP model has high hopes from all walks of life", "(B)The PPP model is more complicated, and the local government \u2019s bargaining power and PPP expertise are not as good as those of investors.", "(C)This year, the National Development and Reform Commission released 80 important projects to encourage social capital to participate in construction and operation through PPP and other means", "(D)In order to prevent economic losses caused by local government defaults, investors try to transfer other interests to their own enterprises"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements accurately points out the shortcomings of the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)Ignore this possibility? most people who are familiar with these theorems of G\u00f6del are not senior logic teachers", "(B)Ignore this possibility? some senior logic teachers are not familiar with these theorems of G\u00f6del", "(C)The concept of \"senior\" in reasoning is a vague concept", "(D)Without proof, it is concluded that people who are not familiar with G\u00f6del's completeness theorem and incompleteness theorem have not heard of G\u00f6del"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If any of the following statements is true, can it best explain why the German government risked adopting this policy?", "options": ["(A)In 2001, Germany established the upper limit of pension payment in legal form, and in 2004 established the lower limit of pension payment, the two policies have been used to the extreme", "(B)In order to reduce the pressure, the German government requires a transition period of 20 years from 2012 to achieve the retirement age from 65 to 67 years", "(C)After one year of retirement, the pension reduction can reach nearly 1% of GDP.", "(D)Now the average life expectancy of Germans has greatly increased, and pensioners have been receiving longer pensions"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the following statements are true, all but one can weaken Aristotle \u2019s interpretation", "options": ["(A)City-state manufacturing has brought about the autonomy of citizens, and the monarchy has created the slavery of Shunmin.", "(B)The difference in geographical environment has created the difference between the city-state system and the monarchy", "(C)Aristotle's explanation is emotionally difficult for most Orientals to accept", "(D)The difference between civilized people and barbarians is caused by different cultural and social organizations"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one most powerfully weakened the expert's judgment?", "options": ["(A)18650 battery has the characteristics of large energy density, stability and good consistency", "(B)Billions of 18650 batteries are produced every year in the world, and their safety level is constantly improving", "(C)TESLA has a very advanced battery management system, which will automatically disconnect the output of abnormal battery cells", "(D)18650 battery can be recharged many times, so the service life of the battery is greatly extended"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, in addition to which one can weaken the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Ships crossing the Arctic will bring invading creatures and destroy the Arctic ecosystem", "(B)The international community has experienced many serious conflicts due to Arctic development issues, but the countries concerned have calmly shelved or dealt with low-key", "(C)Exploitation of the Arctic will melt permafrost and release methane, a greenhouse gas, resulting in increased extreme weather", "(D)Exploiting the Arctic will accelerate the melting of ice and snow, causing sea levels to rise and flooding coastal lowlands"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following is necessary to evaluate the dumping behavior mentioned above?", "options": ["(A)\"Production cost\" in the definition of dumping refers to the production cost of the origin of the commodity or the production cost of similar commodities in the place of sale", "(B)If country H has been selling shrimp in country M at a price lower than the production cost of shrimp in country M, the shrimp industry in country M will go bankrupt", "(C)The experts reached a consensus on whether the dumping behavior is harmful or beneficial to the economies of the two countries, or whether it is harmful or beneficial to only one of them", "(D)Due to the different methods of calculating the production cost of commodities, it is difficult to obtain accurate comparison values \u200b\u200bof the production costs of the same commodity in different countries"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following principles is most helpful to show the rationality of the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)A theory should not be considered reasonable before it is tried to strictly falsify", "(B)Only if the assertion of a theory has not been falsified by experiments can this theory be accepted.", "(C)If a scientific theory violates intuitive conclusions less than competing theories, then it should be accepted", "(D)If you try to strictly falsify a theory, but the theory has withstood all the tests, then you should accept it"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which hypothesis is best supported?", "options": ["(A)The descendants of \"Beijing people\" may be extinct.The ancestors of Chinese contemporary people came to Asia from Africa about 100,000 years ago", "(B)Chinese Homo erectus and modern people are from the African continent, and their hybrid descendants are the ancestors of contemporary Chinese", "(C)The \"Stop Cave Man\" in Zhoukoudian, Beijing evolved from \"Beijing People\"", "(D)Contemporary Chinese are descendants of Homo erectus that spread from Africa to Eurasia 2 million years ago"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the hypothesis on which Lu Bian \u2019s argument relies?", "options": ["(A)In addition to the essence and dross, there are other contents worth reading", "(B)If the essence cannot be spoken, reading is not only useless but harmful", "(C)Superb technology cannot be taught to others through language", "(D)In addition to superb technology, other essences are also unspeakable"], "label": "D"} {"question": "How many chefs can meet the above conditions?", "options": ["(A)unconfirmed", "(B)9 people", "(C)6 people", "(D)3 people"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements most pointed out the shortcomings of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Arguments and conclusions are contradictory", "(B)The argument cannot fully support its conclusion", "(C)The argument does not consider the possibility of future oil price reduction", "(D)The argument uses unproven assumptions as an argument"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements is not necessarily true?", "options": ["(A)People who cannot arm their minds with critical thinking cannot learn to think independently and make rational decisions.", "(B)You either choose to arm your mind with critical thinking, or choose to spend a lifetime in chaos.", "(C)People who do not want to learn to think independently and make rational decisions need not arm their minds with critical thinking.", "(D)Only those who are armed with critical thinking can get rid of the fate dictated by others."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following can be a complete and accurate arrangement of the duty dates of these people?", "options": ["(A)Junior One? L and P? Junior Two? G and K? Junior Three H and S", "(B)First day? L and P? second day? H and K? third day G and S", "(C)Junior One? G and K? Junior Two? L and P? Junior Three H and S", "(D)Junior One? K and S? Junior Two? G and H? Junior Three L and P"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)G and S are on duty on the same day", "(B)S and H are not on the same day", "(C)K and S are not on duty on the same day", "(D)K and G are not on the same day"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If P is on duty in the second day, which of the following can be true?", "options": ["(A)S on duty in the third day", "(B)H is on duty in the second day", "(C)K on duty in the first day", "(D)G on duty at the first day"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If H is on duty the same day before S, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)G on the second day of duty", "(B)P on duty in the second day", "(C)K on duty in the first day", "(D)H on duty at the first day"], "label": "A"} {"question": "The following lists the order of serving from the first to the seventh, which one meets the conditions?", "options": ["(A)Q, M, P, L, X, K, N", "(B)Q, M, X, P, K, N, L", "(C)L, P, M, Q, X, K, N", "(D)M, Q, K, L, P, X, N"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the fourth goes to X, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)First on Q", "(B)The third on Q", "(C)The second on M", "(D)The third on M"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the fourth is K, which of the following statements may be true?", "options": ["(A)Fifth on P", "(B)Sixth on X", "(C)Fifth on L", "(D)First on M"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following may be true?", "options": ["(A)The second on P", "(B)The third on N", "(C)The second on K", "(D)Second on L"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the third is M, which of the following statements may be true?", "options": ["(A)Fifth on X", "(B)First on Q", "(C)Sixth on L", "(D)Fourth on K"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements constitutes a refutation of the above view?", "options": ["(A)Liu Bei, who made straw shoes, never forgot that he was an uncle.Based on this, he was empty from two hands to one-third of the world.", "(B)Although Zhang Xiong is aspiring, he is talented and uncommon.He has worked hard all his life, but nothing has happened, and he has been bruised.", "(C)Liu Qin has no ambitions or special talents.With her natural beauty, she has done a lot of things with the help of nobles throughout her life.", "(D)Sister Chrysanthemum is neither high-spirited nor beautiful, but she is very self-respecting and constantly tossing her life."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)Russia does not want the Snowden incident to harm Russia-US relations.", "(B)Russia will not give Snowden to the United States, but may send him to a third country.", "(C)If Snowden's asylum application is accepted, Russia will not be compromised morally or nationally.", "(D)If Russia does not want to worsen relations between Russia and the United States, it will suffer morally and national dignity."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the above conclusion needs to be assumed?", "options": ["(A)The price of ordinary vegetables in Japan is not too high.", "(B)Chinese people's general concerns about food safety have led to a shortage of organic vegetables.", "(C)Chinese organic vegetables are no more expensive than Japanese organic vegetables.", "(D)The price of ordinary vegetables in China is completely marketized, and the profit margin is normal"], "label": "C"} {"question": "The following statements can be logically derived from the above, except", "options": ["(A)People with superb medical skills are good doctors.", "(B)A good doctor should have a noble character.", "(C)No superb medical skills, noble character alone, and not a good doctor.", "(D)Without noble character, you cannot be a good doctor."], "label": "A"} {"question": "The following items are all implicit in the local official \u2019s words, except", "options": ["(A)We only protect finless porpoises.", "(B)If the finless porpoise is not tasty, we will not protect it.", "(C)For animal protection, the first thing to consider is whether the protected animal is delicious.", "(D)Whether or not the animal needs protection is irrelevant whether it is delicious."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, the following statements must be true, except", "options": ["(A)Some rare animals are delicious fish.", "(B)Some animals that need to be protected are not Huangyu of Qinghai Lake.", "(C)Some delicious fish are animals that need protection.", "(D)All the animals that do not need to be protected are not the yellowtail fish in Qinghai Lake."], "label": "B"} {"question": "From the painter's words, which of the following statements can only be logically derived?", "options": ["(A)Everyone except the painter will die.", "(B)The painter will die.", "(C)Not all people will not die.", "(D)If the painter will die, at least some other people will die."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one most strongly weakens the conclusion above?", "options": ["(A)Someone loves reading literary works, especially poems, and later writes poems by himself.Now he is a very famous poet.", "(B)Some people have read a lot of books, and every time they read a book, it makes sense.Different reasons keep fighting in their heads, and they are almost crazy.", "(C)If you only selectively read books of a certain type or opinion, it is likely that the more you read, the more paranoid.", "(D)Some people like to put themselves in when they read.When they read \"Dream of Red Mansions\", they feel that they are Lin Daiyu or Jia Baoyu."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one best explains the above phenomenon?", "options": ["(A)Of the approximately 1 million English words, although only a dozen are swear words, they are used very frequently.", "(B)Research by brain scientists confirmed that the human spirit can change the state of the body in a physiological sense.", "(C)Swearing is the most expressive word for extreme emotions.Swearing can reduce stress and help to endure pain.", "(D)General words are stored in the upper brain area that controls autonomous behavior and rational thinking, while swear words are stored in the lower brain area responsible for emotions and instincts."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one can best explain the seemingly contradictory phenomenon?", "options": ["(A)Information technology is changing with each passing day, and now if a civil aviation accident occurs in a certain place, the news will soon spread throughout the world.", "(B)In terms of civil aviation safety, the EU has the lowest accident rate, and Africa has the highest accident rate.", "(C)The volume of civil aviation transportation has grown rapidly in recent decades.", "(D)In recent decades, the earth \u2019s climate has changed abnormally, and severe weather such as fog has increased."], "label": "C"} {"question": "According to the above statement, how many people are the least likely to attend the seminar? How many people are the most likely?", "options": ["(A)There may be a minimum of 4 people and a maximum of 6 people.", "(B)There may be at least 5 people and at most 11 people.", "(C)There may be a minimum of 6 people and a maximum of 14 people.", "(D)There may be at least 8 people and at most 10 people."], "label": "B"} {"question": "In response to Wang Gang's discussion, which of the following demonstration techniques did Li Yan use?", "options": ["(A)Provide an example to show that anything that does not induce the use of heroin is unsafe.", "(B)Question the practice of establishing causality based solely on statistical data.", "(C)Provide evidence that the statistics used by Wang Gang to support his conclusions are inaccurate.", "(D)Show that his argument is flawed by showing that Wang Gang's argument will lead to an obviously wrong conclusion."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The following statements all weaken the conclusions above, except", "options": ["(A)Those women who often eat celery pay more attention to fitness, and fitness consumes a lot of physical energy, is very tired, and suppresses the aggressive mood.", "(B)Female interviewees are susceptible to hints and are more willing to cooperate.They will cooperate with researchers intentionally or unintentionally to answer questions in the direction they want.", "(C)Like the effect of placebo, eating celery will suppress the aggressive mood, which stimulated a series of psychological and mental activities of female respondents and made them feel less aggressive.", "(D)Celery has the effects of calming the liver, clearing away heat, removing annoyance and reducing swelling, detoxifying the lungs, strengthening the stomach and blood, lowering blood pressure, and brain sedation."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best supports the above statement?", "options": ["(A)When Leonardo and Bach were alive, people's evaluation of their works was different.", "(B)It is difficult to make an objective determination of the value of contemporary art works.", "(C)For the same work of art, people's evaluations in different times are very different.", "(D)If critics agree on a contemporary art work, this work is a great work."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following is the logical corollary of the statement above?", "options": ["(A)The most diligent people in the world must not be able to read all the books in the world.", "(B)The most diligent people in the world may not be able to read all the books in the world.", "(C)The most diligent person in the world may finish all the books in the world.", "(D)The person who reads all the books in the world must be the most diligent person in the world."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements most appropriately points out the problem with the advertisement?", "options": ["(A)The advertisement depreciates other weight loss pills, but does not provide enough evidence that there is unfair competition.", "(B)The advertisement makes a suspicious assumption? if the drug has no side effects, it will have a positive effect on weight loss.", "(C)When the advertisement proves the weight loss effect of Zhilixiao, the sample data provided is too small to be representative.", "(D)Moving flowers, exaggerating, false propaganda, this is a common problem of all advertisements, and this advertisement is no exception."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements can be appropriately derived from the above statement?", "options": ["(A)Most hard-working athletes have good psychological qualities.", "(B)Some athletes with good psychological qualities are trained hard.", "(C)All excellent athletes are trained hard.", "(D)Some athletes who do not have good psychological quality have achieved good results in the competition."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)With the deepening of reform, sooner or later China will truly realize the marketization of interest rates.", "(B)Only by establishing a deposit insurance system can China truly realize the marketization of interest rates.", "(C)As long as the government voluntarily gives up its own power, market forces can play a role.", "(D)As long as the deposit insurance system is established, financial risks can be effectively avoided."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the hypothesis required for this argument?", "options": ["(A)Scientists have a good understanding of the relationship between the housefly's genes and their vision.", "(B)This housefly does not need other genes when generating UV vision cells.", "(C)All types of house flies have ultraviolet vision.", "(D)Except for the lack of UV vision cells, changing this gene has no other effect on house flies."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The following statements conflict with the ideas expressed above, except", "options": ["(A)Chen Shui made the Xiamen bus arson case.Although it is unreasonable, it is justifiable? He is a weak person in the society and has been treated unfairly by many people ...", "(B)A Nazi officer poisoned hundreds of Jews in a concentration camp.He was carrying out the orders of his superiors.", "(C)During the Cultural Revolution, Huang Xiaomeng at the university criticized their university professors and beat one of them into disability.At that time, the whole of China was crazy.He was just wrapped in this kind of madness.Besides, he was too young ...", "(D)No life can be harmed innocently, even if you hold high the banner of justice."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one is most helpful to eliminate the obvious inconsistencies in the above description?", "options": ["(A)3.8 billion years ago, the earth \u2019s atmosphere could retain significantly more heat than the current atmosphere.", "(B)The liquid water that appeared on the earth 3.8 billion years ago later froze again, and only re-melted about 2 billion years ago.", "(C)About 2 billion years ago, a powerful heat source that did not come from the sun melted large chunks of ice on the earth.", "(D)There is evidence that certain areas of the ocean have been frozen until a period later than 2 billion years ago."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one most strongly supports the above expert's conclusion?", "options": ["(A)If independent directors challenge the company's board of directors to protect the interests of minority shareholders, the result is often dismissed by the company's board of directors.", "(B)Some independent directors dare to protect the interests of minority shareholders, despite the great pressure.", "(C)At present, the independent director system of Chinese listed companies is not yet perfect.", "(D)Many retired senior officials have served as independent directors of Chinese listed companies."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one most strongly challenges the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)People who still follow the traditional offline dating method are either very old or very young.", "(B)The funder behind the study is a dating site.", "(C)The respondents' marriage time is relatively short.", "(D)Compared with online dating, work contact, friend introduction, and attending the same school are more common ways to find a spouse."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which item best explains the seemingly inconsistent phenomenon?", "options": ["When the land in City A.B was listed for the second time, the government raised its base price.", "(B)This year, City B has implemented the strictest real estate regulation and control policies in the country.", "(C)At present, the income from land auction is an important financial source for local governments.", "When the land in City D.B was listed for the second time, the level of competition among developers was far more intense than the first."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following reasoning has the same logical error as the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)Fish and bear paws can't have both.", "(B)The offender is either A or B.It has been found that the perpetrator is A.so the perpetrator is not B.", "(C)If one is immersed in worldly life, one cannot become a philosopher.Therefore, if you want to be a philosopher, you should give up the lifestyle of ordinary people.", "(D)Food and clothing are enough to know honor and shame."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The following statements all have similar \"survivor bias\" except", "options": ["(A)Beauty and handsome guys have a great advantage in the competition in the workplace.They are easy to get high-paying positions.", "(B)It is easy to succeed when you drop out and start a business during college, for example, Bill Gates.", "(C)Smoking may be beneficial to health and longevity.For example, Deng Xiaoping and Huang Yongyu are both old smokers, but they all live long.", "(D)In a random sampling survey with a sufficiently large sample, it was found that in China, the most popular TV program is \"news broadcasting\"."], "label": "D"} {"question": "From the above, it is possible to draw a conclusion more reasonable than the conclusion drawn by \"I\", except", "options": ["(A)Anyone who does not buy X-brand running shoes is someone who does not want to improve running performance.", "(B)Runners similar to \"I\" should buy X-brand running shoes.", "(C)If you buy X brand running shoes, it will make you run faster and farther.", "(D)If the runner is not satisfied with the current running shoes, he is advised to buy X brand running shoes."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best evaluates the critics' rebuttal?", "options": ["(A)Critics believe that the new farming methods should be able to be generalized.", "(B)Critics have shown that if the number of farms under study is greatly increased, different results will be obtained.", "(C)Critics assume for no reason that some farm failures are not caused by their soil quality.", "(D)The critic's rebuttal is wrong, because the scientist aims to show that a certain situation may occur, which has nothing to do with whether the research object is representative."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following most appropriately points out a flaw in the critic's argument?", "options": ["(A)Attack an argument that is different from the argument actually put forward by the employer.", "(B)Assume that employees will never be dishonest, inefficient, or impolite to customers.", "(C)Attack employers \u2019motives rather than refute their defenses.", "(D)Summarized based on a biased sample"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption that the above discussion relies on?", "options": ["(A)There is at least one problem that can be solved by running a mechanical program, but it cannot be solved by anyone's brain.", "(B)There is at least one problem.It cannot be solved by running any mechanical program, but it can be solved by at least one person's brain.", "(C)There is at least one problem that can be solved by running any mechanical program, but cannot be solved by anyone's brain.", "(D)Every problem can be solved by everyone's brain if it can be solved by running at least one mechanical program."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the logical inference above?", "options": ["(A)If a person is mentally abnormal, he will be allowed to stop flying.", "(B)No one can be allowed to stop flying.", "(C)If a person can realize that there is a danger of flying, it shows that he is mentally normal.", "(D)If a person can file an application to stop flying, it shows that his spirit cannot be abnormal."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best points out the problems in the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The argument improperly presupposes that in a case where the party involved is a campaign sponsor, the proportion of judgments supporting the sponsor should not exceed 50%.", "(B)The argument failed to explain the impact of the amount of campaign funding on the judgment.", "(C)The argument ignores the fact that under the circumstances that campaign funding and judicial decisions are completely transparent, the media's supervision of justice is everywhere.", "(D)The argument does not give the proportion of campaign sponsors among all involved parties."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is most appropriate to continue the above as its conclusion?", "options": ["(A)\"Dark energy\" is obviously not a clear physics concept.", "(B)Scientists use \"dark energy\" to name a cosmic puzzle is helpless.", "(C)\"Dark energy\" refers to the confusing phenomenon that the previously discovered universe is accelerating expansion.", "(D)Scientists still do not know the deep connotation behind the term \"dark energy\"."], "label": "A"} {"question": "The phenomena listed below are all explained by the scene construction theory but not by the traditional memory theory, except", "options": ["(A)Some people with Alzheimer's disease will lose their memory.", "(B)The content of a person \u2019s multiple memories of the same past will change.", "(C)A statistic shows that witnesses will identify people who the police knows to be incorrect in 20% -25% of cases.", "(D)Kimberly Weber, a British psychologist, succeeded in implanting him or her with false memories of childhood by showing some synthetic fake photos to the subjects."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one most strongly questioned the above experts' suggestions?", "options": ["(A)From the perspective of vehicle purchase and use costs, electric vehicles currently do not have a competitive advantage over fuel vehicles.", "(B)Research on the effects of electric vehicle emission reduction in the United Kingdom and the United States shows that electric vehicles that use coal power will generally lead to more pollutant emissions.", "(C)Electric cars in Beijing use coal power.Electric car power will increase coal consumption and particulate emissions in the surrounding power supply provinces, resulting in haze.", "(D)Controlling atmospheric pollution is a complex project, and a single control measure is difficult to work."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one can pose the strongest challenge to the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)The process of \"aging\" in Chinese society is accelerating, and relevant departments have proposed delaying retirement to solve the problem of pension shortage.", "(B)Some domestic labor-intensive enterprises began to increase the number of robots on the production line.", "(C)The relevant departments are studying whether appropriate adjustments should be made to the family planning policy.", "(D)Enterprises will try their best to reduce production costs in order to maintain profits."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one cannot weaken the conclusion of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Freedom of expression is not sufficient to meet the needs of the people, and good social order is also indispensable.", "(B)The legitimate function of the government is not to meet the needs of the people, but to provide the people with equal opportunities.", "(C)Government officials are diligent and loyal to the people and do their due diligence.They already know what the people need and are dissatisfied.", "(D)Free speech leads to a lot of noise and is easy to disrupt the social order, and good social order is a prerequisite for the government to meet the needs of the people."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one can best weaken Li Ming's rebuttal to Zhang Qiang?", "options": ["(A)After the economic situation improves, the company will hire more people, and many people who are reemployed will buy the goods that have been delayed.", "(B)Even if the economic situation continues to deteriorate, consumers still believe that the economic situation will eventually improve.", "(C)Even when the economy is extremely deteriorating, the unemployed must continue to buy necessities such as food.", "(D)During the period of economic deterioration, even unemployed people will compress expenditures; when prices fall to the lowest point, they will have savings for consumption."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one provides the strongest support for the above statement?", "options": ["(A)If the baby's sex is allowed to be selected in advance, it will cause the imbalance of the sex ratio of the next generation and cause serious social problems.", "(B)All human beings are created equal, whether male or female, or whether their body is defective.", "(C)People with physical disabilities can also make great contributions.For example, Hawking's physical condition is terrible, but he is known as contemporary Einstein.", "(D)Women can also achieve excellent results and win the respect of society."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one can weaken the above argument most powerfully?", "options": ["(A)Some athletes are physically strong, but their life expectancy is lower than that of ordinary people.", "(B)Tai Chi movement is gentle and soothing, persevering all year round, it can relieve muscles and promote blood circulation, nourish qi and calm the mind.", "(C)Among those who insist on playing Tai Chi all the year round, there are many frail and sick people.", "(D)Tai Chi exercise is easy to develop, and there are no requirements for the venue and the physical fitness of athletes."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following can accurately mark the goods stored in warehouses 1 to 3?", "options": ["(A)F, M, T", "(B)G, M, F", "(C)M, L, F", "(D)M, T, F"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following goods cannot be stored in warehouse No.4?", "options": ["(A)L", "(B)G", "(C)M", "(D)P"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If there is exactly one warehouse between the warehouse where M is stored and the warehouse where G is stored, how many kinds of goods are stored in the warehouse?", "options": ["(A)2 rooms", "(B)3 rooms", "(C)4", "(D)5 rooms"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following warehouses may store goods L?", "options": ["(A)Warehouse No.1", "Storehouse B.3", "(C)Warehouse No.5", "(D)Warehouse No.6"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following must be false?", "options": ["(A)The warehouse storing F is next to the warehouse storing M", "(B)The warehouse storing G is next to the warehouse storing M", "(C)The warehouse storing P is next to the warehouse storing L", "(D)The warehouse storing L is next to the warehouse storing F"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which two of the following cannot be ranked together?", "options": ["(A)H and K", "(B)H and M", "(C)J and O", "(D)K and L"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following must be ranked the next day?", "options": ["(A)G", "(B)J", "(C)K", "(D)L"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following people can't be on duty for two days?", "options": ["(A)G", "(B)H", "(C)K", "(D)L"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If L is a two-day shift, which of the following must be on the same day as L?", "options": ["(A)G", "(B)H", "(C)J", "(D)M"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following people can be ranked on any day?", "options": ["(A)H", "(B)J", "(C)K", "(D)L"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one strongly supports the above argument?", "options": ["(A)There are some medieval Arabic translators who own the manuscripts of Homer poems in ancient Greek.", "(B)Aristotle's \"On Poetry\" is often quoted and commented on by modern Arabic poets.", "(C)Aristotle's \"Poetry Theory\" is mostly related to drama.Medieval Arabs also wrote dramas and performed them.", "(D)Medieval Arabic series of stories, such as \"The Night of the Arabs\", are very similar to some parts of Homer's epic"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)If the Fed launches QE3, if other countries want to avoid their own economic decline, they should not buy US dollar assets.", "(B)Other countries are either facing the pressure of imported inflation or facing the risk of economic decline.", "(C)If there is no imported inflation in other countries and there is no appreciation of the local currency, the Fed has not launched QE3.", "(D)If other countries do not encounter the pressure of imported inflation, they will not let their currencies appreciate."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the investigation result is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)There are more Koreans who support Li Mingbo's visit to Dokdo than those who do not.", "(B)After Li Mingbo visited Dokdo, some people who did not support him now turned to support him.", "(C)Koreans who supported Li Mingbo before August 10, 2012 now continue to support him.", "(D)Li Mingbo's visit to Dokdo is the reason for his increased support rate o"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following best illustrates the logical loophole of this argument?", "options": ["(A)The argument incorrectly presupposes that a person can choose whether to believe or not to believe in God at will.", "(B)Pascal changed the faith and turned it into a question about self-interest calculation.", "(C)If God does not exist, we choose to believe in God, which will lead us to misunderstand the world and spend our lives in a confusing way.", "(D)There are many religions in this world, and each religion has a god with unlimited power (God).They will impose unlimited punishment on those who do not believe in themselves."], "label": "D"} {"question": "The above argument by politicians is most vulnerable to criticism because", "options": ["(A)It accuses the morality of economists, not to refute their arguments.", "(B)It uses a small sample that is not representative as evidence.", "(C)It tries to achieve the purpose of persuasion by resorting to feelings.", "(D)It incorrectly shows that the economists mentioned are not experts in the field of consumer prices."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one strongly refutes the above conclusion?-", "options": ["(A)The liar must be smart, otherwise it is impossible to deceive others.", "(B)When a scammer swindles, he will find ways to avoid the police \u2019s attention.", "(C)If a scam has no effect, the scammer has eliminated it.", "(D)Scammers use such text messages to \"catch\" people who might be fooled.They want to filter out smart people from the beginning."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following conclusions cannot be reasonably drawn from the above statement?", "options": ["(A)A few centimeters are lost, thousands of miles away.", "(B)Details determine success or failure, character determines fate.", "(C)The continuous accumulation and amplification of small differences can produce huge differences.", "(D)Everyone must be aware of every step in the life process? small wins may accumulate big wins, and small wins may make big mistakes."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one provides the strongest support for economists' above argument?", "options": ["(A)When filing taxes, 60% of the people in the United States need to hire professionals to report on their behalf, and 22% need to use tax reporting software to help them calculate.", "(B)The Americans proposed the idea of \u200b\u200b\"abolishing the progressive tax rate and implementing a single tax rate\" in 1981.", "(C)From 1988 to 2006, the income of the richest one in the United States increased from 15% to 22% of the national income, but their average tax rate fell from 24% to 22.8%.", "(D)On September 17, 2011, the Wall Street movement broke out in the United States.Demonstrators claimed to represent 99 people in the United States to protest the greed and corruption of the financial industry and social injustice."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one best explains this counterintuitive practice in Japan?", "options": ["(A)Japan \u2019s announcement of the \"Obtaining the Island\" plan is intended to test China \u2019s response? If China \u2019s response is not large, Japan will station troops on the Diaoyu Islands and surrounding islands.", "(B)A few days ago, China and the Philippines confronted each other on Huangyan Island.Japan announced the plan to \"take four islands\" to win over the Philippines and join forces to contain China.", "(C)Japan's self-exposed weakness is to build public opinion in the country for the construction of amphibious warships with strong transportation capabilities? amphibious warships are offensive forces, while Japan's \"Peace Constitution\" does not allow the SDF to develop offensive forces.", "(D)Many Japanese hope that the United States will withdraw its troops from Japan.Japan \u2019s self-disclosure of the Self-Defense Force \u2019s weaknesses aims to tell the people that Japan needs the protection of the United States militarily."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)As long as there is killing, there must be business.", "(B)As long as trading is prohibited, people and nature will live in harmony.", "(C)Only when trading is prohibited, people and nature will live in harmony.", "(D)The reason why man and nature cannot get along in harmony is because of the existence of killing."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following most accurately points to the logical loophole of the argument?", "options": ["(A)False preset? either you know what you are exploring, or you do n\u2019t know what you are exploring.", "(B)Circular argument? Put the conclusion to be pre-arranged in the premise in advance.", "(C)Strong words? rationally, the donkeys are poor, so they have to be irritated.", "(D)Ambiguity fallacy? \"knowing\" has two different meanings? knowing the answer to the question being explored? knowing the question to be explored."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, it can weaken the above conclusions, except", "options": ["(A)Relevant experts believe that it is safer to set a credit card without a password, but the expert's words may not be all right.", "(B)When criminals forge credit cards with passwords, they must try to obtain their passwords in order to successfully steal them.", "(C)When the credit card is lost, the password of the credit card can effectively prevent others from swiping the card.", "(D)In the case of piracy, if the credit card is not set with a password, the court usually determines that the card owner is at fault and must bear no loss."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)Only excellent writers can write touching works.", "(B)Some sensitive and imaginative writers are not excellent writers.", "(C)Writers who can write touching works are excellent writers.", "(D)Some sensitive and imaginative writers have not received college education."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one best explains the above anomalies?", "options": ["(A)Many consumers base their advertisements on mass media when deciding which wine to buy.", "(B)People who buy wine regularly have a fixed preference for wine brands.", "(C)Consumers often judge the quality of wine based on the price of wine.", "(D)Wine retailers and producers can temporarily increase the sales of certain wines through price discounts."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be false?", "options": ["(A)Every publicly guilty actor with guilt is immoral.", "(B)Some unethical behaviors carried out in private will not be accompanied by guilt.", "(C)Unethical behavior is wrong only because of guilt.", "(D)If certain behaviors that hurt public feelings are carried out publicly, they will not be accompanied by guilt."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one most severely weakened the argument above?", "options": ["(A)A small amount of fertilizer A penetrates from the first greenhouse to the second greenhouse.", "(B)The same variety of eggplant seedlings were planted in two greenhouses.", "(C)The soil quality and sunshine amount of the two greenhouses are different.", "(D)Fertilizer B was applied in the third greenhouse, and fertilizer A was not applied, yielding 1,000 kg of eggplant."], "label": "C"} {"question": "The conclusion of the student office of the school is based on which of the following assumptions?", "options": ["(A)Students with low scores are generally dissatisfied with the evaluation system.", "(B)Students who perform well are all students with high scores.", "(C)Not all students with low scores are satisfied with the evaluation system.", "(D)Students with high scores are motivated by the evaluation system and consciously improve their behavior."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the judgment of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development is correct, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)If Russia introduces foreign capital and labor into the Far East, the region will be revitalized.", "(B)If Russia can realize the revitalization of the Far East by its own strength, the region will not be \"alienated\" by foreign immigrants.", "(C)If Russia continues to improve its systems while introducing foreign capital and labor into the Far East, the region will not be \"alienated\" by foreign immigrants.", "(D)If you want to rejuvenate the Far East without relying on your own strength, Russia will face the question that the region may be \"alienated\" by foreign immigrants."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following is a reasonable inference from the above statement?", "options": ["(A)Members of the same type of creatures living in the same environment must have identical physical characteristics.", "(B)It is not possible to classify an organism just because it has similar physical characteristics as members of a certain type of organism.", "(C)An organism develops physical features similar to other types of organisms, which is entirely the result of their adaptation to the living environment.", "(D)Members of the same type of organism must have one or more physical characteristics that distinguish them from other types of organisms."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The manager \u2019s argument is flawed because", "options": ["(A)It does not recognize that the power company may now believe that the nuclear power plant is unsafe, even if the shutdown of the nuclear power plant is not for safety reasons.", "(B)It regards the cost increase caused by taking safety precautions as a pure economic factor.", "(C)It ignores the possibility that the resources from which cheap electricity can be obtained may also have safety issues.", "(D)It mistakes the question of what the shutdown of this nuclear power plant means to the public as the question of the reason for shutting down the power plant."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The answers to the following questions are relevant to the evaluation of the above argument, except", "options": ["(A)Has the city's living environment (air and water quality, etc.) been damaged in the past decade?", "(B)Have unhealthy lifestyles such as staying up late and online for a long time among the population of child-bearing age in this city increased significantly?", "(C)Has women in this city delayed childbirth in the past decade, and has the proportion of older pregnant women increased significantly?", "(D)Has the number of floating population in the city increased or decreased in the past decade?"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following is the assumption that the above argument relies on?", "options": ["(A)Before the musicians start training, their corpus callosum is not larger than that of non-musicians of the same age.", "(B)Music training conducted late in life will not cause structural changes in the brain.", "(C)For any two musicians who started training from about 7 years old, their corpus callosum has almost the same volume.", "(D)Adult non-musicians did not participate in any activities that can promote the development of the corpus callosum in their childhood."], "label": "A"} {"question": "In order for the above reasoning to be true, which of the following must be added as a premise?", "options": ["(A)On the Olympic stage, China still has many things that it is not familiar with that need to be learned.", "(B)Some delegations who thoroughly understand the rules of the Olympic Games have succeeded in appealing the rules and regulations of the competition.", "(C)The delegations that succeeded in the complaints of the rules and regulations at the Olympic Games have thoroughly understood the rules of the Olympic Games.", "(D)Delegations at the Olympic Games who thoroughly understand the rules of the Olympic Games can succeed in complaints about rules and regulations."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one best explains the strange phenomenon of insurance companies competing for strong insurance business?", "options": ["(A)In 2011, 3 of the 36 companies undertaking compulsory insurance were profitable in this type of insurance.", "(B)In the payment of compulsory insurance, some vehicles are paid too much, and some cases that should not be paid are awarded.", "(C)Tractors enjoy the agricultural benefit policy, and many places register \"transport vehicles\" as \"tractors\", thereby enjoying low tax rates.", "(D)Commercial auto insurance is lucrative, and car owners usually do not insure compulsory insurance and commercial auto insurance separately."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following conclusions strongly supports the above statement?", "options": ["(A)Comparative advertising should not be used in an expanding or potentially expanding market.", "(B)Comparative advertising runs the risk of shrinking their target market instead of expanding.", "(C)Comparative advertising will not produce any long-term benefits unless consumers can easily judge the accuracy of those ads.", "(D)If a company \u2019s products are significantly higher in quality than its competitors \u2019products, comparative advertising can increase the company \u2019s market share in any case."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one strongly questioned the expert's interpretation?", "options": ["(A)Delaying the retirement age will be opposed by people working in private enterprises.", "(B)Only by stimulating economic development can the unemployment rate be radically reduced.", "(C)The pension gap stems from the unreasonable design of China's pension system.", "(D)The expert's explanation is based on the unproven assumption that the spending power of working seniors is significantly higher than that of retired peers."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one will give the strongest support to Chinese officials' assertions?", "options": ["(A)China's photovoltaic industry purchases a lot of raw materials and equipment from Europe, which has driven the development of a large number of photovoltaic upstream and downstream companies in the EU.", "(B)If the European Union keeps high-quality and low-priced Chinese photovoltaic products out of the door, European solar consumers will pay higher costs.", "(C)The solar energy industry is related to the energy security of the European Union.The natural gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine has affected the countries of the European Union.", "(D)At present, the European debt problem continues to deteriorate, and Germany hopes to fight for China to provide more help in solving the European debt crisis."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following is the most suitable conclusion for the above experiment?", "options": ["(A)Drinking a tomato counter can eliminate fatigue caused by exercise.", "(B)Drinking tomato counter before exercise can reduce exercise fatigue.", "(C)The first three groups of rats and water-only rats run at the same speed.", "(D)In the case of the same exercise intensity and exercise volume, a longer period of rest between exercise intervals can reduce fatigue."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, it will help explain the obvious inconsistency above, except", "options": ["(A)People who smoke in bed are usually very addicted to smoking, and they are less likely to quit smoking than those who do not smoke in bed.", "(B)The population density has been increasing over the past 20 years, and the number of deaths caused by a family fire is now higher than it was 20 years ago.", "(C)Fires caused by smoking in bed usually occur after the homeowner falls asleep.", "(D)Compared with other types of domestic fires, the damage caused by domestic fires caused by bed smoking is usually smaller."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)All descriptions of monsters describe phenomena that violate the laws of nature.", "(B)Some stories that use symbolic techniques describe phenomena that violate the laws of nature.", "(C)Most of the stories about crazy scientists express the author's anti-scientific point of view.", "(D)Any kind of horror stories are described, psychologically chaotic characters."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one best explains the two seemingly contradictory predictions?", "options": ["(A)In 2012, many parts of the world suffered from natural disasters such as drought, high temperature, heavy rain, and typhoons.", "(B)The current international prices of corn and soybeans and domestic prices in the United States have skyrocketed.", "(C)U.S.farmers can obtain compensation from agricultural insurance to offset part of the impact of production cuts.", "(D)In response to the drought, the US government has adopted a series of rescue measures such as urgently reducing the interest rate of agricultural loans to farmers."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be false?", "options": ["(A)Half of the country is dry and hot.", "(B)The climate in most parts of the country is cold.", "(C)Certain parts of the country are neither hot nor arid.", "(D)It is impossible to grow cyclamen in this country."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements points out the problems in the above discussion?", "options": ["(A)Since Taifeng has the smallest potential market, it is not surprising that it is the lowest sales department of Huatai Group.", "(B)If the total sales of Huatai Group increased this year, it is not surprising that the sales of Taifeng Company increased.", "(C)Whether the sales of each branch company sets an annual sales record is only the result of the company's self-comparison, and does not need to be compared with other branch companies.", "(D)If the other subsidiaries of the group have created annual sales records, it is not surprising that Taifeng has set a new annual sales record."], "label": "C"} {"question": "The answer to which of the following questions is most relevant to the assessment of the above judgment?", "options": ["(A)Will the technology transfer and equipment cost of sewage treatment in this way be high?", "(B)Can this technology effectively treat heavy metals in chemical plant wastewater?", "(C)Will this sewage treatment cause air pollution due to the release of methane?", "(D)Will the environmental protection department increase the supervision of the company's discharge situation?"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one strongly supports the above statement 2", "options": ["(A)If some people have to go home after drinking, they will resist not drinking.", "(B)Many people who plan to drink will arrange for a person who does not drink to drive them home.", "(C)The respondents in the hospital were also asked about the length of time required to restore those abilities that have little impact on safe driving.", "(D)Compared with the respondents outside the hospital, the respondents in the hospital have a conservative estimate of their own abilities."], "label": "D"} {"question": "The following statements can support the above explanation, except", "options": ["(A)The placebo effect is the result of a combination of factors.", "(B)Placebo has no effect on Alzheimer's patients who have lost their expected future abilities.", "(C)Some patients do not believe that the treatment will be effective.Although they have been treated normally, their condition has worsened.", "(D)Inject the subject with normal saline and make him believe that it is an analgesic.The subject's brain then secretes the analgesic endorphin."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one weakens the above argument the strongest?", "options": ["(A)Since 1986, the proportion of American households with guns has declined significantly.", "(B)Since 1986, the annual number of violent crimes in these states that have imposed strict gun control has continued to decline.", "(C)In states that enforce strict gun control laws, few people violate this law.", "(D)The criminologist compared the results of various investigations and found no obvious correlation between the number of privately owned guns and gun violence."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one weakens the manager's assertion the most?", "options": ["(A)Customers who are used to small shopping are less likely to be affected by promotional activities.", "(B)Some customers who make a purchase of more than 500 yuan at a time during the event usually make purchases higher than 500 yuan.", "(C)In the promotional activities, most people who make a purchase of more than 500 yuan at a time are long-term customers of this supermarket.They increase the amount of a single purchase, but reduce the number of purchases.", "(D)Customers who are attracted to shopping in the supermarket by the promotion may not come again after the event."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If you accept the nutritionist's opinion, you must accept which of the following statements?", "options": ["(A)Some health products are necessary for some people to take.", "(B)People who are already ill should not take health supplements because they cannot cure the disease.", "(C)Not all people need to take health supplements.", "(D)For people with regular diet, taking any health products is unnecessary."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the following statement is true, which one best supports the above conclusion?", "options": ["(A)Kaihua Taxi's number of complaints is not as high as that of Anda Taxi.", "(B)Kaihua Taxi's number of complaints has risen faster than that of Anda Taxi.", "(C)Anda Taxi has twice as many vehicles as Kaihua Taxi.", "(D)Complaint calls to Kaihua Taxi are usually longer than complaints to Anda Taxi."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following can be the order of recording these 7 records from 1 to 7?", "options": ["(A)F, K, G, L, H, J, M", "(B)G, F, H, K, L, J, M", "(C)G, F, H, K, L, M, J", "(D)K, F, G, H, J, L, M"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If M is somewhere before J and somewhere before K, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)K seventh", "(B)L third", "(C)H is either in front of F or immediately after F", "(D)L either immediately before G or immediately after G"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following lists a complete and accurate list of records that can be recorded first?", "options": ["(A)G, J, K", "(B)G, H, J, K", "(C)G, H, J, L", "(D)G, J, K, L"], "label": "B"} {"question": "The earliest position for recording M is", "options": ["A first", "B Third", "C Fourth", "D fifth"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If G is immediately in front of H but all other conditions are still valid, any of the following options can be true except", "options": ["(A)J is right in front of F", "(B)K is right in front of G", "(C)J immediately behind L", "(D)J immediately behind K"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following can be used as a complete and accurate list of students going to the UK?", "options": ["(A)G, H, M, W", "(B)G, L, Z", "(C)H, M, Z", "(D)M, U, W"], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which two of the following cannot go to the US together?", "options": ["(A)H and W", "(B)G and W", "(C)G and H", "(D)M and U"], "label": "A"} {"question": "How many students can go to the UK together?", "options": ["(A)2", "(B)3", "(C)4", "(D)5"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If both M and W go to the UK, which of the following can be true?", "options": ["(A)G and L both go to the UK", "(B)G and U both go to America", "(C)H and Z go to the UK", "(D)L and U both go to America"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If G goes to the United States, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)H go to the UK", "(B)L go to America", "(C)M go to the UK", "(D)W go to America"], "label": "B"} {"question": "The following items constitute a question of the above views, except", "options": ["(A)Countless readers will encounter famous teachers to guide them.", "(B)The book has its own universe, and reading 10,000 volumes is like walking 10,000 volumes.", "(C)If there is no famous teacher to guide the way, only by reading thousands of books and walking thousands of miles, he still can not understand.", "(D)Traveling thousands of miles, traveling through thousands of worlds, there must be countless readers."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If Einstein is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)Some people will say that Einstein is German.", "(B)Some would say that Einstein is a citizen of the world.", "(C)Some would say that Einstein is Jewish.", "(D)The French will say that Einstein is European."], "label": "A"} {"question": "In order to evaluate the above argument, the answer to which of the following questions is most important?", "options": ["(A)What percentage of cancer patients die of medical accidents will eventually die of cancer even if they do not experience a medical accident?", "(B)What are the mortality rates of cancer patients who go to hospital and those who do not go to hospital?", "(C)Is the probability of death from a medical accident declining due to the improvement of hospital management?", "(D)Can patients use their own efforts to reduce the incidence of medical malpractice?"], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is closest to the meaning expressed by the netizen?", "options": ["(A)Whether there is knowledge or not, it will change fate.", "(B)The expression \"knowledge is power\" is too exaggerated.In fact, power and money are power.", "(C)With knowledge, fate changes from bad to good, and without knowledge, fate changes from good to bad.", "(D)The original meaning of \"fate\" is inherently doomed, and it will not induce material changes."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)Many knowledgeable teachers are gentle and generous.", "(B)Some knowledgeable teachers are serious and unsympathetic.", "(C)All knowledgeable teachers are good teachers.", "(D)Some knowledgeable teachers are not good teachers"], "label": "B"} {"question": "Knowing that country A is a member of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, which of the following statements is inconsistent with the above provisions?", "options": ["(A)It cannot be concluded from the prohibition of the commercial implementation of an invention in the laws of country A that the invention cannot be granted a patent right.", "(B)It is not possible from the law of country A to grant a patent right for an invention to allow commercial implementation of the invention.", "(C)In country A.the commercial implementation of an eavesdropping device is prohibited by law, so it is not allowed to grant its patent rights.", "(D)In country A.an invention to improve gun sighting was granted a patent, but the commercial implementation of the invention was prohibited"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)Ma Ying-jeou will not say anything ambiguous.", "(B)Ma Ying-jeou will say something ambiguous", "(C)The politicians who say ambiguously are not honest people.", "(D)Some honest people are not politicians."], "label": "B"} {"question": "In the course of the above discussion, the author presupposed which of the following statements?", "options": ["(A)When excellent conductors collaborate with different bands, they will have different artistic views on the same work.", "(B)Excellent conductors are perfectionists, and they are never satisfied even with the performance of first-rate bands.", "(C)If a good conductor thinks that additional rehearsals are necessary, first-rate bands are always ready to work overtime.", "(D)Even if an artistic insight has not been fully expressed, first-rate bands can appreciate the advantages of this artistic insight"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following inferences contains the same logical error as that of the industry insider?", "options": ["(A)No real strong man is afraid of difficulties or challenges.Zhao Tao is afraid of difficulties or challenges, indicating that Zhao Tao is not a real strong man.", "(B)If a typhoon lands in Haikou, the flight to Haikou will be cancelled.The flight to Haikou has not been cancelled, indicating that the typhoon has not landed in Haikou.", "(C)If there are loopholes in the management of the railway sector, accidents will occur in railway transportation.7.23 The Wenzhou motor vehicle accident shows that there is a loophole in the management of the railway department.", "(D)People only donate to a charity when they trust it, so charities that do n\u2019t get donated must lose the trust of the public."], "label": "C"} {"question": "The answers to the following questions may question the above argument, except", "options": ["(A)If people only drink beer and eat very few other things, especially meat, will they still gain weight?", "(B)Why do many women and children in the United States drink cola, eat fried chicken and pizza, and their weight is severely overweight?", "(C)In addition to drinking beer, do fat people regularly exercise?", "(D)Many obese people also smoke at the same time.Can they say \"smoking causes weight gain\"?"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements can be logically derived from the economist \u2019s argument?", "options": ["(A)If they can take risks, there will be an increase in foreign exchange reserves.", "(B)If you do not invest in foreign exchange reserves, you do not have to take risks.", "(C)As long as foreign exchange reserves are invested, China can have international influence.", "(D)China has current international influence because China has undertaken investment risks."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements can be logically derived from the words of the vice president of the condiment association?", "options": ["(A)In order to ensure fairness, enterprises should either not produce products higher than national standards, or keep secrets about the fact that product quality is higher than national standards.", "(B)To promote technological innovation in the industry, the national standards of the industry should be raised.", "(C)The national standard of an industry is too high, which is not conducive to the healthy development of the industry.", "(D)If additives are not added according to national standards, there will be safety problems."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements most appropriately points out a flaw in John \u2019s reasoning?", "options": ["(A)Little John is just a child, he knows very little.", "(B)The sun moves around the earth, whether he prays or not.", "(C)One thing happened after he prayed does not mean that it happened because he prayed.", "(D)What evidence does he have that if he does n\u2019t pray, that thing wo n\u2019t happen?"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, can we best explain the above-mentioned violation of common sense?", "options": ["(A)On the evening of August 5, the US Treasury responded that S & P had a $ 2 trillion error in its rating calculations.", "(B)Compared with the bonds of the European Union, Japan and other countries, US Treasuries are still relatively safe and liquid investment products.", "(C)After the US sovereign credit rating was lowered, Russia began to reduce its holdings of US Treasury bonds, while China still increased its holdings of US Treasury bonds.", "(D)In order to break the monopoly of three US rating agencies including S & P, the EU plans to establish a European credit rating agency."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The following items can be derived from Nozick \u2019s statement, except", "options": ["(A)Nozick thinks that the lives worth living are all through reflection.", "(B)Nozick believes that only life that lives for itself is a complete life.", "(C)Nozick believes that a complete life is a life through reflection.", "(D)Nozick believes that life without reflection is not a complete life."], "label": "B"} {"question": "According to the netizen, it is not logical to determine which of the following statements is true or false?", "options": ["(A)Some rich haters are Chinese.", "(B)Some rich people are not rich.", "(C)Those who dream of becoming rich every day are scolding the rich.", "(D)Some people who work hard and have compassion are rich."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, will the expert's view be most strongly supported?", "options": ["(A)The advantage of transgenic rice is to resist specific pests, but rice in China rarely has these pests.", "(B)At present, there is no transgenic rice that can exceed the yield and quality of China's super rice, hybrid rice and other varieties.", "(C)After the introduction of genetically modified seeds in the United States, the prices of corn, cotton, soybeans and other seeds rose sharply.", "(D)If our country grows genetically modified rice commercially, foreign patent holders will ban our farmers from keeping seeds and force them to buy seeds at high prices every sowing season."], "label": "D"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the assumption that the above explanation must rely on?", "options": ["(A)Confucius has very high requirements on diet.", "(B)Confucius lived in an era of both seasonal vegetables and anti-seasonal vegetables.", "(C)We can choose to eat seasonal vegetables or anti-seasonal vegetables.", "(D)Diet not only nourishes human body, but also shapes human soul."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, will the above argument be most strongly supported?", "options": ["(A)Some disadvantaged people lack medical treatment and medicine, and even do not get enough food and clothing.", "(B)The vulnerable are the \u201csilent majority\u201d in society.Once they are really angry, their power is enough to subvert the entire state machine.", "(C)The appeals of some disadvantaged people cannot be expressed and satisfied for a long time, and they are susceptible to various mental diseases.", "(D)Even in countries like the United States, there are many disadvantaged people who have no food and no place to live."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best pointed out the deficiencies in the first instance of the case?", "options": ["(A)The judge's reasoning is contrary to common sense? Mrs.Wang was crossing the road guardrail in violation of the regulations.She should be expected to have a car on the motorway, and being frightened usually sees something unexpected.", "(B)The verdict violated traditional morals? like the Nanjing Peng Yu case, it would prevent the public from dare to extend a helping hand to the injured.", "(C)The verdict did not clarify the facts and the evidence was seriously insufficient.It is possible that Mrs.Wang fell first and Xu Cai drove over.", "(D)The judgment reversed the cause and the result."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following options is a method or principle not used by John Snow \u2019s reasoning?", "options": ["(A)The factors that are present on all occasions where the phenomenon under study is likely to be the cause of the phenomenon.", "(B)Factors that do not appear on all occasions where the subject does not appear are probably not the cause of this phenomenon.", "(C)When the object under study changes, the factor that changes synchronously is likely to be the cause of this phenomenon.", "(D)Proposal between the occasion where the researched object appears and the occasion where the phenomenon does not appear is likely to be the cause of the phenomenon."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If the above statements are true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)Those who are insane have used tin ware at least once to drink wine.", "(B)Regardless of his other aspects, Emperor Nero must be insane.", "(C)The use of tin ware was a privilege of the Roman emperor.", "(D)Poisoning is a common phenomenon among the subjects of the Roman dynasty."], "label": "B"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)The United States will use its veto power in the Security Council to prevent Palestine from entering the United Nations.", "(B)The United States will not offend Israel, but it will ignite anti-American sentiment throughout the Arab world.", "(C)The United States will ignite anti-American sentiment in the Arab world, or Obama will lose some voters who support Israel.", "(D)Even if the United States uses its veto power, the United Nations General Assembly still intends to vote to make Palestine an observer with national status."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If which of the following statements is true, will the above statement be weakened most effectively?", "options": ["(A)About half of the new companies went bankrupt within 5 years of establishment.", "(B)The management structure of startups is usually not as reasonable as that of developing companies.", "(C)Compared with other investors, venture capitalists are more sensitive to changes in the financial needs of startups.", "(D)When deciding whether to fund startups, venture capitalists must consider the personal qualities of the entrepreneur, the company \u2019s strategic planning and other factors."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be false?", "options": ["(A)Even if a country or nation is not open and inclusive, it can develop and progress.", "(B)If a country or nation is not open and inclusive, it cannot develop and progress.", "(C)If a country or nation wants to develop and progress, it must be open and inclusive.", "(D)Even if a country or nation is open and inclusive, it may not develop and progress."], "label": "A"} {"question": "Which of the following statements is the most vulnerable to the above argument?", "options": ["(A)This argument excludes humanity from nature without reflection.", "(B)The arrival of humans in North America may also lead to the extinction of animals other than mastodons, mammoths, and saber-toothed tigers.", "(C)The extinction of large mammals such as mastodons, mammoths and saber-toothed tigers was of extraordinary significance to the primitive people of early North America.", "(D)The evidence presented is equally applicable to two alternative hypotheses? climate change has led to the extinction of large mammals, and the same reasons have led humans to travel across North America."], "label": "D"} {"question": "The following statements are helpful in explaining the above phenomenon, except", "options": ["(A)The number of educated people today is much greater than the number of educated people 50 years ago.", "(B)Compared with now, people 50 years ago prefer to borrow books from the library.", "(C)Compared with today, people 50 years ago prefer to show their good education and taste through a large collection of books.", "(D)Today's books are often thinner and easier to read than 50 years ago."], "label": "B"} {"question": "The following statements support the above views and arguments, except", "options": ["(A)Let people speak the sky will not fall, science is constantly subverting or improving the \"orthodox\" concept.", "(B)Individual heterogeneous thinkers are paranoid, whose words and deeds are almost crazy, and should be strictly controlled.", "(C)Everyone, even those in power today, may one day become heterogeneous thinkers and become a minority.", "(D)If the members' thoughts and emotions are not properly expressed and vented, they may easily lead to various extreme behaviors."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements can be logically derived from the above?", "options": ["(A)If there is no seasonal promotion in a month, there must be a holiday promotion this month.", "(B)If the holiday promotion does not take place, it must be in November.", "(C)If the seasonal promotion is carried out in a certain month, there must be surplus goods in the warehouse this month.", "(D)If there is a holiday in a certain month, but there are no surplus goods in the warehouse, the holiday promotion is announced."], "label": "A"} {"question": "From the data given above, which of the following hypothetical conclusions can be most reasonably drawn?", "options": ["(A)Children with more than 50 points can go to primary school", "(B)To make a reasonable assumption, more testing is needed.", "(C)Whether there is a correlation between the pre-school class and the comprehensive ability before elementary school entrance.", "(D)More financial support should be provided for children under 6 years of age to attend pre-school."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If any of the following statements is true, is it most appropriate to refute these countries' accusations against China?", "options": ["(A)Rare earth is an important non-renewable strategic resource.", "(B)At present, per capita, China is already a country with relatively rare earth resources.", "(C)Since the 1980s, some places in China have over-exploited rare earths, causing serious waste of resources and great damage to the environment.", "(D)In 2009, China's rare earth reserves accounted for 36% of the national reserves, the United States accounted for 13%, Russia accounted for 19%, Australia accounted for 5.4%; China's output accounted for 97% of world output, the other three countries are zero."], "label": "D"} {"question": "This politician's argument is most vulnerable to which of the following criticisms?", "options": ["(A)It did not elaborate on the opposition party \u2019s proposition, but simply ignored it.", "(B)The evidence used to support this conclusion actually negates this conclusion and provides more support.", "(C)It was not mentioned that the opposition party was in a period of overheating in the domestic economy, but now there is an economic crisis in Europe and the United States.", "(D)There is no mention of the possibility that the opposition party has implemented a policy to combat inflation, but the effects of the policy will not be apparent until some time has passed."], "label": "D"} {"question": "If any of the following statements is true, can the best explain the above anomalies?", "options": ["(A)On March 31, 2011, an earthquake and tsunami occurred in Japan, and a serious nuclear leak occurred at Fukushima Daiichi Electronics.Someone in our country snapped up iodized salt.", "(B)On March 16, 2011, the State Council of China decided to conduct a comprehensive inspection of nuclear facilities and suspend approval of nuclear power projects.", "(C)From the end of March to April 26, 2011, events were held around the world to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.", "(D)After a long debate, in May 2011 the German ruling coalition decided to shut down all nuclear power plants in Germany by 2022."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following options is missing from the above reasoning?", "options": ["(A)Premise? These new departments are grasping their consumer groups in a more precise way", "(B)Conclusion? The management department requires new measures to seize its consumer groups.", "(C)Premise? Before setting up these new departments, the company failed to seize its consumer groups.", "(D)Conclusion? The company will soon make more efforts to seize its consumer groups."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If the above statement is true, which of the following statements must be true?", "options": ["(A)There is no real estate certificate for houses built by farmers on homesteads.", "(B)If migrant workers buy housing in the city, they should no longer own homesteads in their rural homes.", "(C)If it does not damage the peasants 'rights and interests for survival, it will infringe on the peasants' rights and interests in assets.", "(D)For the vast majority of migrant workers, the homestead and responsibility fields of the rural hometown are their last guarantee of survival."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best evaluates the above argument?", "options": ["(A)Good thinking, because aviation fuel is a petroleum derivative.", "(B)Bad thinking does not accurately state all the facts.", "(C)Bad thinking, food prices have risen during the same period, but this does not prove that aviation fuel is food.", "(D)Bad thinking, given the facts about petroleum derivatives, cannot draw any conclusions about aviation fuel."], "label": "C"} {"question": "If any of the following statements are true, can this best explain the expert \u2019s seemingly contradictory attitude?", "options": ["(A)In August 2011, Vietnam and the United States conducted joint military exercises in the South China Sea.", "(B)The United States, Japan, India and other countries took the opportunity of China \u2019s aircraft carrier trial flight to stir up new \"China threat theory\".", "(C)The Chinese navy has not fully deployed carrier and refueling vessels that support aircraft carriers.The destroyers and submarines that escort the aircraft carrier are also very fragile.", "(D)Aircraft carriers need support and escort.The more aircraft carriers are built, the less resources are used to manufacture other ships and aircraft that support the aircraft carriers."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following methods or techniques of argument does the philosopher use in his argument?", "options": ["(A)Use professional terminology to convince others.", "(B)Rely on the authority of an expert to support a premise.", "(C)It is reasonable to use experimental results to illustrate the mentioned changes in location.", "(D)It is observed that something is a certain condition under experimental conditions, and it is also the case in any case when it is pushed out."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following statements best points out the shortcomings of the above argument?", "options": ["(A)The above argument fails to explain that the unreasonable domestic oil prices are caused by various reasons.", "(B)The above argument fails to explain that the root cause of unreasonable domestic oil prices lies in industry monopoly.", "(C)The above argument fails to explain that with 4% as the boundary condition, the higher the oil price, the slower the domestic response.", "(D)The above argument does not start from the same price base point for comparison.If the base point of the price increase is US $ 100, the conditional analysis of the price reduction should also be based on US $ 100."], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following statement premises must be added to launch the above statement logically?", "options": ["(A)Class J is taller than Class L.", "(B)X is taller than J.", "(C)Class L is taller than Class J.", "(D)J is taller than M."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If F is scheduled for the fifth week, which of the following correctly lists all the plays that can be scheduled for the seventh week?", "options": ["(A)J, S", "(B)O, R", "(C)O, R, S", "(D)K, O, R"], "label": "C"} {"question": "For any acceptable arrangement, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)F is scheduled a week after K.", "(B)G was scheduled for the week before O.", "(C)J is scheduled for the first week.", "(D)R is scheduled for the second or seventh week."], "label": "A"} {"question": "If R is arranged in the fifth week and O is arranged in the second week, the alternative arrangements are?", "options": ["(A)2 kinds", "(B)3 types", "(C)5 types", "(D)6 types"], "label": "C"} {"question": "If S is scheduled for the sixth week, then which week must R be scheduled?", "options": ["(A)the second week", "(B)Fourth week", "(C)fifth week", "(D)Seventh week"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If O happens to be the week before J, which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)Place F before O", "(B)K is scheduled a week before G.", "(C)R is scheduled for the first week or the second week.", "(D)S happens to be the week after K."], "label": "B"} {"question": "Which of the following lists a list of members who can become members of the committee in the first year?", "options": ["(A)F, G, V, Z", "(B)F, H, V, Z", "(C)H, I, Y, Z", "(D)G, H, I, Z"], "label": "B"} {"question": "If V is the chairman of the committee in the first year, which of the following options lists the two people who must be members of the committee in the second year?", "options": ["(A)G and Y", "(B)V and Y", "(C)H and I", "(D)I and Y"], "label": "D"} {"question": "If H is chairman in the first year, which of the following can be chairman in the second year?", "options": ["(A)F", "(B)G", "(C)Y", "(D)I"], "label": "A"} {"question": "If F is a member of the committee in a certain year, any of the following can be a member of the committee that year, except", "options": ["(A)I", "(B)H", "(C)G", "(D)V"], "label": "C"} {"question": "Which of the following must be true?", "options": ["(A)H was a member of the committee in the first year.", "(B)F was a member of the committee in the second year.", "(C)I have been a member of the committee for two years.", "(D)Z was a member of the committee the following year."], "label": "D"}