diff --git "a/oop_data_difficulty.jsonl" "b/oop_data_difficulty.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/oop_data_difficulty.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +{"task_id": "OOP/0", "question": "Question: Given an integer array **nums** and two integers **left** and **right**. Find the number of subarrays in **nums** that are continuous, non-empty, and have the maximum element within the range [left, right].\n Please create a class called FDSB in Python based on the above problem, with the **nums** attribute. Then create a class called **SN_FDSB** that inherits from the **FDSB** class, and add two attributes **left** and **right**, as well as a public function called **find_subarray** that checks and returns the number of subarrays in **nums** that are continuous, non-empty, and have the maximum element within the range [left, right].", "test_list": ["assert candidate([2,1,4,3],2,3)==3", "assert candidate([2,9,2,5,6],2,8)==7"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3):\n return SN_FDSB(content1,content2,content3).find_subarray()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class FDSB\", \"def __init__(self, nums)\", \"def find_subarray\", \"def __init__(self, nums, left, right)\", \"super().__init__(nums)\", \"def find_subarray\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/1", "question": "Question: Given an integer array **nums** and two integers: **left** and **right**. Find the continuous, non-empty subarrays in **nums** where the maximum element is within the range [left, right] and return the number of such subarrays that meet the conditions.\nBased on the above question, create a class **FDSB** in Python language with the attribute **nums**; then create another class **SN_FDSB** that inherits from the **FDSB** class, and add two attributes **left** and **right**, as well as a public function **find_subarray** to determine and return the number of continuous, non-empty subarrays in **nums** where the maximum element is within the range [left, right].", "test_list": ["assert candidate([2,1,4,3],2,3)==3", "assert candidate([2,9,2,5,6],2,8)==7"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3):\n return SN_FDSB(content1,content2,content3).find_subarray()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class FDSB\", \"def __init__(self, nums)\", \"class SN_FDSB(FDSB)\", \"def __init__(self, nums, left, right)\", \"super().__init__(nums)\", \"def find_subarray\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/2", "question": "Question: Given a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with **n** nodes, find and output all paths from node 0 to node n-1;\nBased on the above question, create a class **PO** in Python with the attribute **graph**; then create another class **SN_PO**, inheriting from the **PO** class, and add a public function **Path_output** to return all paths from node 0 to node n-1 in the **n** nodes.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1,2],[3],[3],[]])==[[0,1,3],[0,2,3]]", "assert candidate([[4,3,1],[3,2,4],[3],[4],[]])==[[0,4],[0,3,4],[0,1,3,4],[0,1,2,3,4],[0,1,4]]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_PO(content1).Path_output()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class PO\", \"def __init__(self, graph)\", \"class SN_PO(PO)\", \"super().__init__(graph)\", \"super().__init__(nums)\", \"def Path_output\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/3", "question": "Question: Given two integer arrays **nums1** and **nums2** of equal length and not empty. In one operation, you can swap the elements of nums1[i] and nums2[i]. For example, if nums1=[1,2,3,8], nums2=[5,6,7,4], you can swap the element at i=3 to get nums1=[1,2,3,4] and nums2=[5,6,7,8]. Return the minimum number of operations required to make **nums1** and **nums2** strictly increasing;\nBased on the above question, create a class **EE** in Python language with the attribute **nums1**; then create a class **SN_EE** that inherits the **EE** class, and add the attribute **nums2**, as well as a public function **Exchange_Elements** to return the minimum number of operations required to make **nums1** and **nums2** strictly increasing.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1,3,5,4],[1,2,3,7])==1", "assert candidate([0,3,5,8,9],[2,1,4,6,9])==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_EE(content1,content2).Exchange_Elements()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class EE\", \"def __init__(self, nums1)\", \"class SN_EE(EE)\", \"def __init__(self, nums1, nums2)\", \"super().__init__(nums1)\", \"def Exchange_Elements\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/4", "question": "Question: Given a directed graph with **n** nodes numbered from 0 to n-1, the graph is represented by a 2D integer array **graph** indexed from 0, where graph[i] is an integer array of nodes adjacent to node **i**, meaning there is an edge from node **i** to each node in **graph[i]**. If a node has no outgoing directed edges, it is a **terminal node**. If all possible paths starting from this node lead to a terminal node, then this node is a **safe node**. Return an array consisting of all the safe nodes in the graph as the answer. The elements in the answer array should be sorted in ascending order;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **SND** in Python with the property **graph**; then create a class **SN_SND** that inherits from the **SND** class, and add a public function **secure_node** to return an array of all the safe nodes in the graph sorted in ascending order.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1,2],[2,3],[5],[0],[5],[],[]])==[2,4,5,6]", "assert candidate([[1,2,3,4],[1,2],[3,4],[0,4],[]])==[4]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_SND(content1).secure_node()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SND\", \"def __init__(self, graph)\", \"class SN_SND(SND)\", \"super().__init__(graph)\", \"def secure_node\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/5", "question": "Question: There is an m x n binary **grid**, where 1 represents a brick and 0 represents a blank. The premise for a brick to be stable (not falling) is: a brick is directly connected to the top of the grid, or at least one adjacent (one of the four directions) brick is stable and will not fall. Given an array **hits**, this is the position where the bricks need to be eliminated in order. Whenever the brick at the position hits[i]=(row_i, col_i) is eliminated, the corresponding brick (if it exists) will disappear, and then other bricks may fall due to this elimination operation. Once the brick falls, it will immediately disappear from the grid (it will not fall on other stable bricks). Return an array **result**, where result[i] represents the number of bricks falling corresponding to the i-th elimination operation;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **NBS** in Python language with the property **grid**; then create a class **SN_NBS** that inherits the **NBS** class, and add the property **hits**, and a public function **Number_bricks** to return the array **result** representing the number of bricks falling corresponding to the elimination operation.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1,0,0,0],[1,1,1,0]],[[1,0]])==[2]", "assert candidate([[1,0,0,0],[1,1,0,0]],[[1,1],[1,0]])==[0,0]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_NBS(content1,content2).Number_bricks()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class NBS\", \"def __init__(self, grid)\", \"class SN_NBS(NBS)\", \"def __init__(self, grid, hits)\", \"super().__init__(grid)\", \"def Number_bricks\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/6", "question": "Question: Given an integer array **nums**. Move each element in the **nums** array to array **A** or array **B**, ensuring that arrays **A** and **B** are not empty, and average(A) == average(B). If it can be completed, return True, otherwise return False;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **EMT** in Python, with the attribute **nums**; then create another class **SN_EMT** that inherits from the **EMT** class, and add a public function **Element_Movement** to determine whether it can be completed.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])==True", "assert candidate([3,1])==False"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_EMT(content1).Element_Movement()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class EMT\", \"def __init__(self, nums)\", \"class SN_EMT(EMT)\", \"super().__init__(nums)\", \"def Element_Movement\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/7", "question": "Question: Given an array **nums** and an integer **k**. We divide the given array **nums** into at most **k** non-empty subarrays, and the array is continuous. The score is composed of the sum of the averages within each subarray. Return the maximum score that can be obtained;\nBased on the above question, use Python language to create a class **MSE** with the attribute **nums**; then create a class **SN_MSE**, inheriting from the **MSE** class, and add the attribute **k**, as well as a public function **Maximum_score** to return the maximum score that can be obtained.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([9,1,2,3,9],3)==20.00000", "assert candidate([1,2,3,4,5,6,7],4)==20.50000"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_MSE(content1,content2).Maximum_score()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MSE\", \"def __init__(self, nums)\", \"class SN_MSE(MSE)\", \"def __init__(self, nums, k)\", \"super().__init__(nums)\", \"def Maximum_score\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/8", "question": "Question: Given an array **routes**, representing a series of bus routes, where each routes[i] represents a bus route, the i-th bus will circulate on it. For example, the route routes[0]=[1,5,7] indicates that the 0-th bus will always travel in the sequence of 1->5->7->1->5->7->1->... Now starting from the **source** station (not initially on the bus), you want to go to the **target** station. During this period, you can only take the bus. Find the minimum number of buses to take. If it is impossible to reach the terminal station, return -1;\nBased on the above question, please use Python to create a class **TSN** with the attribute **routes**; then create a class **SN_TSN** that inherits from the **TSN** class, and add two attributes **source** and **target**, as well as a public function **Terminal_Station** to return the minimum number of buses to take.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1,2,7],[3,6,7]],1,6)==2", "assert candidate([[7,12],[4,5,15],[6],[15,19],[9,12,13]],15,12)==-1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3):\n return SN_TSN(content1,content2,content3).Terminal_Station()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class TSN\", \"def __init__(self, routes)\", \"class SN_TSN(TSN)\", \"def __init__(self, routes, source, target)\", \"super().__init__(routes)\", \"def Terminal_Station\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/9", "question": "Question: There are some two-dimensional coordinates, such as (1,3) or (2,0.5), and then we remove all commas, decimal points, and spaces to get a string **S**. Return all possible original strings to a list. The original coordinate notation will not have extra zeros, so there will be no **00**, **0.0**, **0.00**, **1.0**, **001**, **00.01** or some other smaller numbers to represent coordinates. In addition, there is at least one number before a decimal point, so there will be no **.1** form of numbers. Note that there is a space between the two returned numbers (after the comma);\nPlease create a class **AOR** based on the above problem using Python language, with the attribute **s**; then create a class **SN_AOR** that inherits the **AOR** class, and add a public function **Any_order** to return all possible original strings in any order to a list after removing all commas, decimal points, and spaces from the string **S**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"(123)\")==[\"(1, 23)\", \"(12, 3)\", \"(1.2, 3)\", \"(1, 2.3)\"]", "assert candidate(\"(00011)\")==[\"(0.001, 1)\", \"(0, 0.011)\"]", "assert candidate(\"(0123)\")==[\"(0, 123)\", \"(0, 12.3)\", \"(0, 1.23)\", \"(0.1, 23)\", \"(0.1, 2.3)\", \"(0.12, 3)\"]", "assert candidate(\"(100)\")==[(10, 0)]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_AOR(content1).Any_order()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class AOR\", \"def __init__(self, s)\", \"class SN_AOR(AOR)\", \"super().__init__(s)\", \"def Any_order\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/10", "question": "Question: The valid encoding of the word array **words** consists of any mnemonic string **s** and index array **indices**, and meets the following requirements:\n1. words.length == indices.length\n2. The mnemonic string **s** ends with the character '#'\n3. For each index indices[i], a substring of **s** that starts from indices[i] and ends at the next '#' character (but does not include '#') exactly equals to words[i]. Given a word array **words**, return the length of the smallest mnemonic string **s** that successfully encodes **words**;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **ECG** in Python with the attribute **words**; then create a class **SN_ECG** that inherits the **ECG** class, and add a public function **efficient_coding** to return the length of the smallest mnemonic string **s** that successfully encodes **words**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([\"time\", \"me\", \"bell\"])==10", "assert candidate([\"t\"])==2"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_ECG(content1).efficient_coding()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class ECG\", \"def __init__(self, words)\", \"class SN_ECG(ECG)\", \"super().__init__(words)\", \"def efficient_coding\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/11", "question": "Question: Given a string **s** and a character **c**, where **c** is a character that appears in **s**. Return an integer array **answer**, where answer.length == s.length and answer[i] is the distance from index **i** in **s** to the nearest character **c**;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **CDC** in Python, with the attribute **s**; then create another class **SN_CDC**, inheriting from the **CDC** class, and add the attribute **c**, as well as a public function **Character_distance** to return an integer array **answer**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"loveleetcode\",\"e\")==[3,2,1,0,1,0,0,1,2,2,1,0]", "assert candidate(\"aaab\",\"b\")==[3,2,1,0]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_CDC(content1,content2).Character_distance()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class CDC\", \"def __init__(self, s)\", \"class SN_CDC(CDC)\", \"def __init__(self, s, c)\", \"super().__init__(s)\", \"def Character_distance\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/12", "question": "Question: Given an array **arr** containing non-repeating integer elements, each integer arr[i] is greater than 1. Use these integers to construct a binary tree, each integer can be used any number of times. Where: the value of each non-leaf node should be equal to the product of the values of its two child nodes. How many binary trees are there that meet the conditions;\nBased on the above question, please use Python language to create a class **RIR** with the attribute **arr**; then create a class **SN_RIR** that inherits the **RIR** class, and add a public function **repeating_integer** to return the number of binary trees that meet the conditions.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([2, 4])==3", "assert candidate([2, 4, 5, 10])==7"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_RIR(content1).repeating_integer()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class RIR\", \"def __init__(self, arr)\", \"class SN_RIR(RIR)\", \"super().__init__(arr)\", \"def repeating_integer\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/13", "question": "Question: You have **n** jobs and **m** workers. Given three arrays: **difficulty**, **profit**, and **worker**, where: difficulty[i] represents the difficulty of the i-th job, profit[i] represents the profit of the i-th job. **worker[i]** is the ability of the i-th worker, that is, the worker can only complete jobs with difficulty less than or equal to worker[i]. Each worker can only be assigned one job at most, but one job can be completed multiple times. For example, if three workers all try to complete the same job with a reward of $1, then the total profit is $3. If a worker cannot complete any job, his profit is $0. Return the maximum profit we can get after assigning workers to jobs;\nPlease create a class **MPT** in Python based on the above question, with the attribute **difficulty**; then create a class **SN_MPT** that inherits the **MPT** class, and add two attributes **profit** and **worker**, as well as a public function **Maximum_profit** to return the maximum profit we can get after assigning **m** workers to **n** jobs.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([2,4,6,8,10],[10,20,30,40,50],[4,5,6,7])==100", "assert candidate([85,47,57],[24,66,99],[40,25,25])==0"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3):\n return SN_MPT(content1,content2,content3).Maximum_profit()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MPT\", \"def __init__(self, difficulty)\", \"class SN_MPT(MPT)\", \"def __init__(self, difficulty, profit, worker)\", \"super().__init__(difficulty)\", \"def Maximum_profit\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/14", "question": "Question: Given a binary matrix **grid** of size n x n. You are allowed to change at most one 0 to 1. Return the maximum area of an island in the **grid** after this operation;\nPlease create a class **IAA** in Python based on the above question, with the attribute **grid**. Then create a class **SN_IAA** that inherits from the **IAA** class, and add a public function **Island_area** to return the maximum area of an island in the **grid** after changing one 0 to 1 in the binary matrix **grid**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1, 0], [0, 1]])==3", "assert candidate([[1, 1], [1, 0]])==4", "assert candidate([[1, 1], [1, 1]])==4"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_IAA(content1).Island_area()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class IAA\", \"def __init__(self, grid)\", \"class SN_IAA(IAA)\", \"super().__init__(grid)\", \"def Island_area\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/15", "question": "Question: Define a function **countUniqueChars** to count the unique characters in string **s**, and return the number of unique characters;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **UCR** in Python language with the attribute **s**; then create another class **SN_UCR** that inherits from the **UCR** class, and add a public function **Unique_character** to return the number of unique characters in string **s**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"ABC\")==10", "assert candidate(\"ABA\")==8", "assert candidate(\"LEETCODE\")==92"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_UCR(content1).Unique_character()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class UCR\", \"def __init__(self, s)\", \"class SN_UCR(UCR)\", \"super().__init__(s)\", \"def Unique_character\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/16", "question": "Question: Given a positive integer **n**, return the number of groups of consecutive positive integers that satisfy the sum of all numbers equals **n**;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **SNS** in Python, which has an attribute **n**. Then create another class **SN_SNS** that inherits from the **SNS** class, and add a public function **Sum_Numbers** to return the number of groups of consecutive positive integers that satisfy the sum of all numbers equals **n**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(5)==2", "assert candidate(9)==3", "assert candidate(15)==5"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_SNS(content1).Sum_Numbers()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SNS\", \"def __init__(self, n)\", \"class SN_SNS(SNS)\", \"super().__init__(n)\", \"def Sum_Numbers\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/17", "question": "Question: Given an undirected, connected tree. The tree has **n** nodes labeled from 0 to n-1 and n-1 edges. Given an integer **n** and an array **edges**, edges[i] = [a_i, b_i] indicates that there is an edge between nodes a_i and b_i in the tree. Return an array answer of length **n**, where answer[i] is the sum of the distances between the i-th node and all other nodes in the tree;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **SDC** in Python language with the attribute **n**; then create a class **SN_SDC** that inherits from the **SDC** class, and add the attribute **edges**, as well as a public function **Sum_distances** to return an array **answer** of length **n**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(6,[[0,1],[0,2],[2,3],[2,4],[2,5]])==[8,12,6,10,10,10]", "assert candidate(1,[])==[0]", "assert candidate(2,[[1,0]])==[1,1]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_SDC(content1,content2).Sum_distances()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SDC\", \"def __init__(self, n)\", \"class SN_SDC(SDC)\", \"def __init__(self, n, edges)\", \"super().__init__(n)\", \"def Sum_distances\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/18", "question": "Question: Given two images **img1** and **img2**, both of which are n x n in size and represented by binary square matrices of the same size. The binary matrix is composed only of several 0s and 1s. Transform one of the images by sliding all the 1s to the left, right, up, or down by any number of units; then place it on top of the other image. The overlap of this transformation refers to the number of positions where both images have 1s. Please note that the transformation does not include rotation in any direction. Any 1s that cross the matrix boundary will be cleared. What is the maximum possible number of overlaps?\nBased on the above question, please create a class **OQT** in Python with the attribute **img1**; then create another class **SN_OQT** that inherits from the **OQT** class, and add the attribute **img2**, as well as a public function **Overlap_quantity** to return the maximum possible number of overlaps.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1,1,0],[0,1,0],[0,1,0]],[[0,0,0],[0,1,1],[0,0,1]])==3", "assert candidate([[1]],[[1]])==1", "assert candidate([[0]],[[0]])==0"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_OQT(content1,content2).Overlap_quantity()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class OQT\", \"def __init__(self, img1)\", \"class SN_OQT(OQT)\", \"def __init__(self, img1, img2)\", \"super().__init__(img1)\", \"def Overlap_quantity\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/19", "question": "Question: A rectangle is represented as a list [x1,y1,x2,y2], where (x1,y1) is the coordinate of the bottom left corner, and (x2,y2) is the coordinate of the top right corner. The top and bottom edges of the rectangle are parallel to the x-axis, and the left and right edges are parallel to the y-axis. If the intersecting area is positive, then the two rectangles are considered to be **overlapping**. It should be clarified that two rectangles that only touch at the corner or edge do not constitute an overlap. Given two rectangles **rec1** and **rec2**. If they overlap, return True; otherwise, return False.\nBased on the above question, please create a class **ROP** in Python language with the attribute **rec1**; then create a class **SN_ROP** that inherits from the **ROP** class, and add the attribute **rec2**, as well as a public function **Rectangle_overlap** to determine whether the intersecting area of the two rectangles **rec1** and **rec2** is positive. If it is, return True; otherwise, return False.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([0,0,2,2],[1,1,3,3])==True", "assert candidate([0,0,1,1],[1,0,2,1])==False", "assert candidate([0,0,1,1],[2,2,3,3])==False"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_ROP(content1,content2).Rectangle_overlap()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class ROP\", \"def __init__(self, rec1)\", \"class SN_ROP(ROP)\", \"def __init__(self, rec1, rec2)\", \"super().__init__(rec1)\", \"def Rectangle_overlap\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/20", "question": "Question: Alice participates in a game roughly based on the rules of the card game **Blackjack**, described as follows: Alice starts with 0 points, and draws numbers when her score is less than k points. When drawing, she randomly gets an integer from the range [1, maxPts] to accumulate as a score, where **maxPts** is an integer. Each draw is independent, and the results have the same probability. When Alice gets **k** points or more, she stops drawing numbers. What is the probability that Alice's score does not exceed **n**;\nPlease create a class **ENS** in python language based on the above question, with the attribute **n**; then create a class **SN_ENS**, inheriting from the **ENS** class, and add two attributes **k** and **maxPts**, as well as a public **Extract_Numbers** function to return the probability that Alice's score does not exceed **n**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(10,1,10)==1.00000", "assert candidate(6,1,10)==0.60000", "assert candidate(21,17,10)==0.73278"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3):\n return SN_ENS(content1,content2,content3).Extract_Numbers()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class ENS\", \"def __init__(self, n)\", \"class SN_ENS(ENS)\", \"def __init__(self, n, k, maxPts)\", \"super().__init__(n)\", \"def Extract_Numbers\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/21", "question": "Question: If two different positions in string **X** are swapped to make it equal to string **Y**, then **X** and **Y** are considered similar. If the two strings are identical, they are also similar. Given a list of strings **strs**, each string in the list is an anagram of all other strings in **strs**. How many similar string groups are there in **strs**;\nBased on the above question, create a class **SST** in Python with the attribute **strs**; then create a class **SN_SST** that inherits from the **SST** class, and add a public function **Similar_Strings** to return the number of similar string groups in the string list **strs**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([\"tars\",\"rats\",\"arts\",\"star\"])==2", "assert candidate([\"omv\",\"ovm\"])==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_SST(content1).Similar_Strings()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SST\", \"def __init__(self, strs)\", \"class SN_SST(SST)\", \"super().__init__(strs)\", \"def Similar_Strings\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/22", "question": "Question: A 3x3 magic square is a 3x3 matrix filled with distinct numbers from 1 to 9, where the sum of each row, each column, and the two diagonals are equal. Given a grid of row x col composed of integers, how many 3x3 **magic square** submatrices are there? (Each submatrix is continuous);\nBased on the above question, please create a **SAX** class in Python with a **grid** attribute; then create a **SN_SAX** class that inherits from the **SAX** class, and add a public **submatrix** function to return the number of 3x3 magic square submatrices.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[4,3,8,4],[9,5,1,9],[2,7,6,2]])==1", "assert candidate([[8]])==0"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_SAX(content1).submatrix()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SAX\", \"def __init__(self, grid)\", \"class SN_SAX(SAX)\", \"super().__init__(grid)\", \"def submatrix\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/23", "question": "Question: There are **n** rooms, numbered from 0 to n-1. Initially, all rooms except room 0 are locked. Your goal is to enter all rooms. However, you cannot enter a locked room without obtaining the key. When you enter a room, you may find a set of different keys inside, each key has a corresponding room number, indicating the room that the key can open. You can take all the keys to unlock other rooms. You are given an array **rooms**, where rooms[i] is the set of keys you can get when you enter room **i**. If you can enter all rooms, return True, otherwise return False.\nPlease create a class **ARS** in Python based on the above question, with the property **rooms**. Then create a class **SN_ARS** that inherits the **ARS** class, and add a public function **All_rooms** to determine whether you can enter all **n** rooms numbered from 0 to n-1. If you can, return True, otherwise return False.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1],[2],[3],[]])==True", "assert candidate([[1,3],[3,0,1],[2],[0]])==False"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_ARS(content1).All_rooms()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class ARS\", \"def __init__(self, rooms)\", \"class SN_ARS(ARS)\", \"super().__init__(rooms)\", \"def All_rooms\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/24", "question": "Question: Given a string of digits **num**, such as \"123456579\", we can split it into a Fibonacci-like sequence [123,456,579]. Formally, a Fibonacci-like sequence is a list of non-negative integers **f**, satisfying:\n1. 0<=f[i]<231, (in other words, each integer conforms to the 32-bit signed integer type). 2. f.length>=3. 3. For all 0<=i=3. 2. There exists an index **i** (0arr[i+1]>...>arr[arr.length-1]. Given an integer array **arr**, return the length of the longest mountain subarray. If there is no mountain subarray, return 0;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **LMN** in Python, which has the property **arr**; then create a class **SN_LMN** that inherits the **LMN** class, and add a public function **Longest_mountain** to return the length of the longest **mountain subarray** in the integer array **arr**. If there is no mountain subarray, return 0.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([2,1,4,7,3,2,5])==5", "assert candidate([2,2,2])==0"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_LMN(content1).Longest_mountain()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class LMN\", \"def __init__(self, arr)\", \"class SN_LMN(LMN)\", \"super().__init__(arr)\", \"def Longest_mountain\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/26", "question": "Question: Alice has a deck of cards in her hand. She wants to rearrange these cards into several groups, each with a group size of **groupSize**, and each group consists of **groupSize** consecutive cards. You are given an integer array **hand** where hand[i] is the value written on the i-th card. If she can rearrange these cards, return True; otherwise, return False.\nBased on the above question, please create a class **RRG** in Python, which has the attribute **hand**; then create a class **SN_RRG** that inherits the **RRG** class, and add the attribute **groupSize**, as well as a public function **rearrange** to determine whether Alice can rearrange the deck of cards in her hand into several groups, each with a group size of **groupSize**, and each group consists of **groupSize** consecutive cards.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1,2,3,6,2,3,4,7,8],3)==True", "assert candidate([1,2,3,4,5],4)==False"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_RRG(content1,content2).rearrange()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class RRG\", \"def __init__(self, hand)\", \"class SN_RRG(RRG)\", \"def __init__(self, hand, groupSize)\", \"super().__init__(hand)\", \"def rearrange\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/27", "question": "Question: There exists an undirected connected graph composed of **n** nodes, with the nodes numbered from 0 to n-1. A given array **graph** represents this graph. In it, graph[i] is a list, composed of all nodes directly connected to node **i**. Return the length of the shortest path that can visit all nodes. You can start and stop at any node, revisit nodes multiple times, and reuse edges;\nBased on the above question, create a class **TTH** using Python, with the property **graph**; then create another class **SN_TTH** that inherits from the **TTH** class, and add a public function **The_length** to return the length of the shortest path that can visit all nodes.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1,2,3],[0],[0],[0]])==4", "assert candidate([[1],[0,2,4],[1,3,4],[2],[1,2]])==4"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_TTH(content1).The_length()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class TTH\", \"def __init__(self, graph)\", \"class SN_TTH(TTH)\", \"super().__init__(graph)\", \"def The_length\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/28", "question": "Question: There is a string **s** composed of lowercase letters, and an integer array **shifts** of the same length. We call the next letter in the alphabet a **shift** of the original letter (since the alphabet is circular, 'z' will become 'a'). Return the final string obtained after applying all these shifts to **s**;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **SAN** in Python language with the attribute **s**; then create a class **SN_SAN** that inherits the **SAN** class, and add the attribute **shifts**, as well as a public function **Shift_application** to return the final string obtained after applying all these shifts to **s**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"abc\",[3,5,9])==\"rpl\"", "assert candidate(\"aaa\",[1,2,3])==\"gfd\""], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_SAN(content1,content2).Shift_application()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SAN\", \"def __init__(self, s)\", \"class SN_SAN(SAN)\", \"def __init__(self, s, shifts)\", \"super().__init__(s)\", \"def Shift_application\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/29", "question": "Question: Given an array **seats** representing a row of seats, where seats[i]=1 means someone is sitting in the i-th seat, and seats[i]=0 means the i-th seat is empty (index starts from 0). There is at least one empty seat, and at least one person is already sitting. Alex wants to sit in a seat that maximizes the distance to the nearest person;\nBased on the above question, use Python to create a class **ASG** with the attribute **seats**. Then create a class **SN_ASG** that inherits the **ASG** class, and add a public function **Maximized_seating** that returns the maximum distance from Alex to the nearest person.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1,0,0,0,1,0,1])==2", "assert candidate([1,0,0,0])==3", "assert candidate([0,1])==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_ASG(content1).Maximized_seating()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class ASG\", \"def __init__(self, seats)\", \"class SN_ASG(ASG)\", \"super().__init__(seats)\", \"def Maximized_seating\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/30", "question": "Question: Given an axis-aligned 2D array **rectangles**. For rectangle[i]=[x1,y1,x2,y2], where (x1,y1) are the coordinates of the bottom left corner of rectangle **i**, (x_i1,y_i1) are the coordinates of the bottom left corner of the rectangle, and (x_i2,y_i2) are the coordinates of the top right corner of the rectangle. Calculate the total area covered by all rectangles in the plane. Any area covered by two or more rectangles should only be counted once, return the total area.\nBased on the above question, please create a class **TAR** in Python language with the attribute **rectangles**; then create a class **SN_TAR** that inherits the **TAR** class, and add a public function **total_area** to return the total area covered by all axis-aligned 2D array rectangles in the plane.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[0,0,2,2],[1,0,2,3],[1,0,3,1]])==6", "assert candidate([[0,0,1000000000,1000000000]])==49"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_TAR(content1).total_area()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class TAR\", \"def __init__(self, rectangles)\", \"class SN_TAR(TAR)\", \"super().__init__(rectangles)\", \"def total_area\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/31", "question": "Question: For some non-negative integers **k**, if swapping the positions of two letters in **s1** exactly **k** times can result in a string equal to **s2**, then the similarity of strings **s1** and **s2** is considered to be **k**. Given two anagrams s1 and s2, return the minimum value of the similarity **k** between **s1** and **s2**;\nBased on the above question, please create a class named **MVE** using Python, which has an attribute **s1**. Then create another class named **SN_MVE**, inheriting from the **MVE** class, and add an attribute **s2**, as well as a public function **Minimum_value** to return the minimum value of the similarity **k** between the given two anagrams **s1** and **s2**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"ab\",\"ba\")==1", "assert candidate(\"abc\",\"bca\")==2"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_MVE(content1,content2).Minimum_value()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MVE\", \"def __init__(self, s1)\", \"class SN_MVE(MVE)\", \"def __init__(self, s1, s2)\", \"super().__init__(s1)\", \"def Minimum_value\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/32", "question": "Question: Given a balanced parentheses string **S**, calculate the score of the string according to the following rules:\n1. **()** gets 1 point. 2. **AB** gets A+B points, where A and B are balanced parentheses strings. 3. **(A)** gets 2*A points, where A is a balanced parentheses string.\nBased on the above question, please create a class **BPS** in Python, with the attribute **S**. Then create another class **SN_BPS** that inherits from the **BPS** class, and add a public function **Balanced_parentheses** to return the score of a given balanced parentheses string **S** calculated according to the rules.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"()\")==1", "assert candidate(\"(())\")==2", "assert candidate(\"()()\")==2", "assert candidate(\"(()(()))\")==6"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_BPS(content1).Balanced_parentheses()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class BPS\", \"def __init__(self, S)\", \"class SN_BPS(BPS)\", \"super().__init__(S)\", \"def Balanced_parentheses\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/33", "question": "Question: There is a special **square room**, each wall of which has a mirror. Except for the **southwest corner**, there is a receiver in each corner, numbered as 0, 1, and 2. The length of the wall of the square room is **p**, a laser beam is emitted from the southwest corner, and it will first meet the east wall. The distance from the point of incidence to receiver 0 is **q**. Return the number of the receiver that the returned light first encounters (ensure that the light will eventually encounter a receiver);\nBased on the above question, please use Python language to create a class **RNE** with the attribute **p**; then create a class **SN_RNE** that inherits the **RNE** class, and add the attribute **q** and a public function **Receiver_number** to return the number of the receiver that the light first encounters.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(2,1)==2", "assert candidate(3,1)==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_RNE(content1,content2).Receiver_number()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class RNE\", \"def __init__(self, p)\", \"class SN_RNE(RNE)\", \"def __init__(self, p, q)\", \"super().__init__(p)\", \"def Receiver_number\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/34", "question": "Question: Given a binary matrix **grid** of size m x n, where each element in the matrix is either 0 or 1. A move is defined as choosing any row or column and flipping the values in that row or column: change all 0s to 1s and all 1s to 0s. After making any number of moves, the score of the matrix is the sum of the numbers obtained by interpreting each row as a binary number. After making any number of moves (including 0), return the possible highest score;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **HSE** in Python with the attribute **grid**. Then create a class **SN_HSE** that inherits from the **HSE** class, and add a public function **Highest_Score** to return the possible highest score.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[0,0,1,1],[1,0,1,0],[1,1,0,0]])==39", "assert candidate([[0]])==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_HSE(content1).Highest_Score()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class HSE\", \"def __init__(self, grid)\", \"class SN_HSE(HSE)\", \"super().__init__(grid)\", \"def Highest_Score\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/35", "question": "Question: Given an integer array **nums** and an integer **k**, find the shortest non-empty subarray in **nums** whose sum is at least **k**, and return the length of this subarray. If such a subarray does not exist, return -1;\nBased on the above question, create a class **SEY** in Python, which has the attribute **nums**; then create another class **SN_SEY** that inherits from the **SEY** class, and add the attribute **k**, as well as a public function **Shortest_empty** to return the length of the shortest non-empty subarray in **nums** whose sum is at least **k**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1],1)==1", "assert candidate([1,2],4)==-1", "assert candidate([2,-1,2],3)==3"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_SEY(content1,content2).Shortest_empty()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SEY\", \"def __init__(self, nums)\", \"class SN_SEY(SEY)\", \"def __init__(self, nums, k)\", \"super().__init__(nums)\", \"def Shortest_empty\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/36", "question": "Question: Find the smallest palindrome prime number that is greater than or equal to **N**;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **PPM** in Python with an attribute **N**. Then, create another class **SN_PPM** that inherits from the **PPM** class, and add a public function **prime_palindromes** to return the smallest palindrome prime number that is greater than or equal to **N**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(6)==7", "assert candidate(8)==11", "assert candidate(13)==101"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_PPM(content1).prime_palindromes()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class PPM\", \"def __init__(self, N)\", \"class SN_PPM(PPM)\", \"super().__init__(N)\", \"def prime_palindromes\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/37", "question": "Question: Given a positive integer **n**, we reorder the digits in any order (including the original order), noting that the leading digit cannot be zero. If we can obtain a power of 2 in this way, return True; otherwise, return False;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **NRG** in Python with the attribute **n**; then create a class **SN_NRG** that inherits from the **NRG** class, and add a public function **Number_Reordering** to determine whether reordering the positive integer **n** in any order (including the original order) can result in a power of 2. If it can, return True; otherwise, return False.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(1)==True", "assert candidate(10)==False"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_NRG(content1).Number_Reordering()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class NRG\", \"def __init__(self, n)\", \"class SN_NRG(NRG)\", \"super().__init__(n)\", \"def Number_Reordering\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/38", "question": "Question: Given two arrays of equal length, **nums1** and **nums2**, the advantage of **nums1** over **nums2** can be described by the number of indices **i** for which nums1[i] > nums2[i]. Return any permutation of **nums1** that maximizes its advantage over **nums2**;\nBased on the above question, create a class **MAS** in Python with the attribute **nums1**. Then create a class **SN_MAS** that inherits from the **MAS** class, and add the attribute **nums2**, as well as a public function **Maximizing_Advantages** that returns any permutation of **nums1** that maximizes its **advantage** over **nums2**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([2,7,11,15],[1,10,4,11])==[2,11,7,15]", "assert candidate([12,24,8,32],[13,25,32,11])==[24,32,8,12]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_MAS(content1,content2).Maximizing_Advantages()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MAS\", \"def __init__(self, nums1)\", \"class SN_MAS(MAS)\", \"def __init__(self, nums1, nums2)\", \"super().__init__(nums1)\", \"def Maximizing_Advantages\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/39", "question": "Question: If a sequence X_1, X_2, ..., X_n satisfies the following conditions, it is said to be **Fibonacci-like**:\n1. n>=3. 2. For all i+2<=n, we have X_i+X_{i+1}=X_{i+2}. Given a strictly increasing positive integer array forming a sequence **arr**, find the length of the longest Fibonacci-like subsequence in **arr**. If one does not exist, return 0;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **PAY** in Python, which has the attribute **arr**; then create a class **SN_PAY** that inherits the **PAY** class, and add a public function **Positive_array** to return the length of the longest Fibonacci-like subsequence in the strictly increasing positive integer array forming the sequence **arr**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])==5", "assert candidate([1,3,7,11,12,14,18])==3"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_PAY(content1).Positive_array()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class PAY\", \"def __init__(self, arr)\", \"class SN_PAY(PAY)\", \"super().__init__(arr)\", \"def Positive_array\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/40", "question": "Question: Koko loves to eat bananas. There are **n** piles of bananas here, and the i-th pile has piles[i] bananas. The guard has already left and will return in **h** hours. Koko can decide her eating speed **k** (unit: bananas/hour). Every hour, she will choose a pile of bananas and eat **k** bananas from it. If this pile has fewer than **k** bananas, she will eat all the bananas in this pile, and will not eat any more bananas within this hour. Koko likes to eat slowly, but still wants to eat all the bananas before the guard comes back. Return the minimum speed **k** (k is an integer) at which she can eat all the bananas within **h** hours;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **MSD** in Python language with the attribute **piles**; then create a class **SN_MSD** that inherits the **MSD** class, and add the attribute **h**, as well as a public function **Minimum_Speed** to return the minimum speed **k** at which Koko can eat all the bananas within **h** hours.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([3,6,7,11],8)==4", "assert candidate([30,11,23,4,20],5)==30", "assert candidate([30,11,23,4,20],6)==23"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_MSD(content1,content2).Minimum_Speed()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MSD\", \"def __init__(self, piles)\", \"class SN_MSD(MSD)\", \"def __init__(self, piles, h)\", \"super().__init__(piles)\", \"def Minimum_Speed\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/41", "question": "Question: A positive integer is magical if it can be divided by **a** or **b**. Given three integers **n**, **a**, **b**, return the n-th magical number;\nBased on the above question, create a class **MNS** in Python with the attribute **n**; then create another class **SN_MNS** that inherits from the **MNS** class, and add two attributes **a** and **b**, as well as a public function **Magical_Numbers** to return the n-th magical number.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(1,2,3)==2", "assert candidate(4,2,3)==6"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3):\n return SN_MNS(content1,content2,content3).Magical_Numbers()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MNS\", \"def __init__(self, n)\", \"class SN_MNS(MNS)\", \"def __init__(self, n, a, b)\", \"super().__init__(n)\", \"def Magical_Numbers\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/42", "question": "Question: There are **n** employees in the group, who can complete various jobs to generate profits. The i-th job will generate a profit of profit[i], and it requires group[i] members to participate together. If a member participates in one job, he/she cannot participate in another job. Any subset of jobs that generates at least **minProfit** profit is called a profitable plan. And the total number of job members is up to **n**. How many plans can be chosen;\nBased on the above question, please create a class called **PPN** in Python, which has an attribute **n**; then create another class **SN_PPN** that inherits from the **PPN** class, and add three attributes **minProfit**, **group**, and **profit**, as well as a public function **Profit_Plan** that returns the number of profitable plans.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(5,3,[2,2],[2,3])==2", "assert candidate(10,5,[2,3,5],[6,7,8])==7"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3,content4):\n return SN_PPN(content1,content2,content3,content4).Profit_Plan()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class PPN\", \"def __init__(self, n)\", \"class SN_PPN(PPN)\", \"def __init__(self, n, minProfit, group, profit)\", \"super().__init__(n)\", \"def Profit_Plan\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/43", "question": "Question: Given an encoded string **S**. You are asked to find the decoded string and write it onto a tape. During the decoding process, read one character from the encoded string at a time, and take the following steps:\n1. If the character read is a letter, write it on the tape. 2. If the character read is a number (such as **d**), the entire current tape will be written repeatedly **d-1** times. Now, for the given encoded string **S** and index **K**, find and return the K-th letter in the decoded string;\nYou are required to create a class **DSG** in Python, which has the attribute **S**; then create another class **SN_DSG** that inherits from the **DSG** class, and add the attribute **K**, as well as a public function **Decode_String** to find and return the K-th letter in the given encoded string **S**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"leet2code3\",10)==\"o\"", "assert candidate(\"ha22\",5)==\"h\"", "assert candidate(\"a2345678999999999999999\",1)==\"a\""], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_DSG(content1,content2).Decode_String()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class DSG\", \"def __init__(self, S)\", \"class SN_DSG(DSG)\", \"def __init__(self, S, K)\", \"super().__init__(S)\", \"def Decode_String\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/44", "question": "Question: Given an array **people**. people[i] represents the weight of the i-th person, the number of boats is unlimited, and each boat can carry a maximum weight of **limit**. Each boat can carry up to two people at the same time, but the condition is that the sum of these people's weights is at most **limit**. Return the minimum number of boats required to carry all people;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **MSS** in Python language with the attribute **people**; then create a class **SN_MSS**, inherit the **MSS** class, and add the attribute **limit**, as well as a public function **Minimum_ships** to return the minimum number of boats required to carry all people.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1,2],3)==1", "assert candidate([3,2,2,1],3)==3", "assert candidate([3,5,3,4],5)==4"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_MSS(content1,content2).Minimum_ships()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MSS\", \"def __init__(self, people)\", \"class SN_MSS(MSS)\", \"def __init__(self, people, limit)\", \"super().__init__(people)\", \"def Minimum_ships\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/45", "question": "Question: In an n x n **grid**, we place some 1 x 1 x 1 cubes aligned with the **x**, **y**, **z** axes. Each value v = grid[i][j] represents **v** cubes stacked on the cell (i, j). Now, we look at the projections of these cubes on the **xy**, **yz**, and **zx** planes. A projection is like a shadow, mapping a three-dimensional shape onto a two-dimensional plane. When we look at the cube from the top, front, and side, we will see the shadow. Return the total area of all three projections;\nPlease create a class **TPD** based on the above question using Python, with the attribute **grid**; then create a class **SN_TPD**, inheriting from the **TPD** class, and add a public function **Total_projected** to return the total area of all the cubes' projections on the **xy**, **yz**, and **zx** planes.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1,2],[3,4]])==17", "assert candidate([[2]])==5", "assert candidate([[1,0],[0,2]])==8"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_TPD(content1).Total_projected()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class TPD\", \"def __init__(self, grid)\", \"class SN_TPD(TPD)\", \"super().__init__(grid)\", \"def Total_projected\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/46", "question": "Question: On a grid of rows x cols, you start from the cell (rStart, cStart) facing east. The northwest corner of the grid is at the first row and the first column, and the southeast corner is at the last row and the last column. You need to walk in a clockwise spiral, visiting every position in this grid. Whenever you move beyond the boundary of the grid, you need to continue walking outside the grid (but you may return to the grid boundary later). Eventually, we have visited all the rows x cols spaces in the grid. Return the list of coordinates representing the grid positions in the order of visit;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **CLT** in Python language with the property **rows**; then create another class **SN_CLT** that inherits the **CLT** class, and add three properties **cols**, **rStart** and **cStart**, as well as a public function **Coordinate_List** to return the list of coordinates representing the grid positions in the order of visit.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(1,4,0,0)==[[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[0,3]]", "assert candidate(5,6,1,4)==[[1,4],[1,5],[2,5],[2,4],[2,3],[1,3],[0,3],[0,4],[0,5],[3,5],[3,4],[3,3],[3,2],[2,2],[1,2],[0,2],[4,5],[4,4],[4,3],[4,2],[4,1],[3,1],[2,1],[1,1],[0,1],[4,0],[3,0],[2,0],[1,0],[0,0]]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3,content4):\n return SN_CLT(content1,content2,content3,content4).Coordinate_List()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class CLT\", \"def __init__(self, rows)\", \"class SN_CLT(CLT)\", \"def __init__(self, rows, cols, rStart, cStart)\", \"super().__init__(rows)\", \"def Coordinate_List\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/47", "question": "Question: Given a set of **n** people (numbered 1,2,...,n), we want to divide each person into two groups of any size. Each person may not like others, so they should not belong to the same group. Given the integer **n** and the array **dislikes**, where dislikes[i]=[a_i,b_i], it is not allowed to put the people numbered **a_i** and **b_i** into the same group. When all people can be divided into two groups in this way, return True; otherwise, return False;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **GPG** in Python with the attribute **n**; then create a class **SN_GPG** that inherits from the **GPG** class, and add the attribute **dislikes**, as well as a public function **grouping** to determine whether each person can be divided into two groups of any size given the integer **n**and the array **dislikes**. If it is possible, return True; otherwise, return False.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(4,[[1,2],[1,3],[2,4]])==True", "assert candidate(3,[[1,2],[1,3],[2,3]])==False", "assert candidate(5,[[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[1,5]])==False"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_GPG(content1,content2).grouping()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class GPG\", \"def __init__(self, n)\", \"class SN_GPG(GPG)\", \"def __init__(self, n, dislikes)\", \"super().__init__(n)\", \"def grouping\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/48", "question": "Question: You are given **k** identical eggs and you have access to a building with **n** floors from the 1st floor to the n-th floor. It is known that there exists a floor **f**, satisfying 0<=f<=n, any eggs dropped from a floor higher than **f** will break, and those dropped from the **f** floor or lower will not break. Each time, you can take an unbroken egg and drop it from any floor **x** (satisfying 1<=x<=n). If the egg breaks, you cannot use it again. If an egg does not break after being dropped, it can be reused in subsequent operations. Please calculate and return the minimum number of operations to determine the exact value of **f**.\nPlease create a class **NOS** in Python based on the above problem, with the attribute **k**. Then create a class **SN_NOS** that inherits from the **NOS** class, adds the attribute **n**, and a public function **number_operations** to calculate and return the minimum number of operations to determine the exact value of **f**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(1,2)==2", "assert candidate(2,6)==3", "assert candidate(3,14)==4"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_NOS(content1,content2).number_operations()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class NOS\", \"def __init__(self, k)\", \"class SN_NOS(NOS)\", \"def __init__(self, k, n)\", \"super().__init__(k)\", \"def number_operations\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/49", "question": "Question: The width of a sequence is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum elements in the sequence. Given an integer array **nums**, return the sum of the widths of all non-empty subsequences of **nums**. A subsequence is defined as an array obtained by deleting some (or not deleting) elements from an array without changing the order of the remaining elements.\nBased on the above question, please create a class **SWS** in Python, which has the attribute **nums**; then create another class **SN_SWS** that inherits from the **SWS** class, and add a public function **Sum_widths** to return the sum of the widths of all non-empty subsequences of the integer array **nums**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([2,1,3])==6", "assert candidate([2])==0"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_SWS(content1).Sum_widths()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SWS\", \"def __init__(self, nums)\", \"class SN_SWS(SWS)\", \"super().__init__(nums)\", \"def Sum_widths\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/50", "question": "Question: We have a non-negative integer array **arr**. For each (continuous) subarray sub=[arr[i],arr[i+1],...,arr[j]] (i<=j), we perform a bitwise OR operation on each element in **sub**, obtaining the result arr[i]|arr[i+1]|...|arr[j]. Return the number of possible results. Multiple occurrences of the result are only counted once in the final answer;\nPlease create a class **FAR** with the property **arr** in Python language based on the above question; then create a class **SN_FAR** inheriting the **FAR** class, and add a public function **Final_Answer** to return the number of possible results.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([0])==1", "assert candidate([1,1,2])==3", "assert candidate([1,2,4])==6"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_FAR(content1).Final_Answer()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class FAR\", \"def __init__(self, arr)\", \"class SN_FAR(FAR)\", \"super().__init__(arr)\", \"def Final_Answer\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/51", "question": "Question: Given a string **s** and an integer **k**. You can choose one from the first **k** letters of **s** and add it to the end of the string. Return the lexicographically smallest string after any number of moves applying the above steps;\nPlease create a class **SSG** with the attribute **s** in Python based on the above question; then create another class **SN_SSG** that inherits from the **SSG** class, and add the attribute **k**, as well as a public function **Smallest_string** to return the lexicographically smallest string after any number of moves applying the above steps.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"cba\",1)==\"acb\"", "assert candidate(\"baaca\",3)==\"aaabc\""], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_SSG(content1,content2).Smallest_string()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SSG\", \"def __init__(self, s)\", \"class SN_SSG(SSG)\", \"def __init__(self, s, k)\", \"super().__init__(s)\", \"def Smallest_string\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/52", "question": "Question: Given a numerical array **digits** sorted in non-decreasing order. You can write numbers using digits[i] any number of times. For example, if digits = ['1','3','5'], we can write numbers like '13', '551', and '1351315'. Return the number of positive integers that can be generated that are less than or equal to a given integer **n**;\nPlease create a class **NDG** in Python based on the above question, with the property **digits**; then create a class **SN_NDG** that inherits the **NDG** class, and add the property **n**, as well as a public function **Non_decreasing** to return the number of positive integers that can be generated that are less than or equal to the given integer **n**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([\"1\",\"3\",\"5\",\"7\"],100)==20", "assert candidate([\"1\",\"4\",\"9\"],1000000000)==29523", "assert candidate([\"7\"],8)==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_NDG(content1,content2).Non_decreasing()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class NDG\", \"def __init__(self, digits)\", \"class SN_NDG(NDG)\", \"def __init__(self, digits, n)\", \"super().__init__(digits)\", \"def Non_decreasing\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/53", "question": "Question: Given a string **s** of length **n**, where s[i] is:\n1. **D** means decrease; 2. **I** means increase; A valid arrangement is a permutation **perm** of n+1 integers within the range [0, n], so that for all **i**:\n1. If s[i] == 'D', then perm[i] > perm[i+1]; 2. If s[i] == 'I', then perm[i] < perm[i+1]. Return the number of valid arrangements **perm**;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **EAT** in Python, with the attribute **s**; then create a class **SN_EAT** that inherits from the **EAT** class, and add a public function **Effective_arrangement** that returns the number of valid arrangements **perm**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"DID\")==5", "assert candidate(\"D\")==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_EAT(content1).Effective_arrangement()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class EAT\", \"def __init__(self, s)\", \"class SN_EAT(EAT)\", \"super().__init__(s)\", \"def Effective_arrangement\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/54", "question": "Question: Given an integer array **arr**, find the sum of min(b), where **b** ranges over each (continuous) subarray of **arr**.\nPlease create a class **IAY** in Python language based on the above question, with the attribute **arr**; then create a class **SN_IAY** that inherits from the **IAY** class, and add a public function **Integer_array** to return the sum of min(b).", "test_list": ["assert candidate([3,1,2,4])==17", "assert candidate([11,81,94,43,3])==444"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_IAY(content1).Integer_array()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class IAY\", \"def __init__(self, arr)\", \"class SN_IAY(IAY)\", \"super().__init__(arr)\", \"def Integer_array\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/55", "question": "Question: Given an integer array **nums** and an integer **k**. For each index **i** (0<=i= A[j], and A[j] is the largest possible value. If there are multiple such indexes **j**, you can only jump to the smallest index **j** that meets the requirement. (For some indexes **i**, it may not be possible to make a jump that meets the requirement.)\n3. If you can reach the end of the array (index A.length-1) by making a certain number of jumps (possibly 0 or more) starting from a certain index, then that index is considered a good starting index. Return the number of good starting indexes.\nPlease create a class **SID** in Python language based on the above question, with the attribute **A**. Then create another class **SN_SID** that inherits the **SID** class, and add a public function **start_index** that returns the number of good starting indexes.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([10,13,12,14,15])==2", "assert candidate([2,3,1,1,4])==3", "assert candidate([5,1,3,4,2])==3"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_SID(content1).start_index()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SID\", \"def __init__(self, A)\", \"class SN_SID(SID)\", \"super().__init__(A)\", \"def start_index\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/96", "question": "Question: Given an integer array **arr**, return the length of the maximum **turbulence subarray** in **arr**. A subarray is a **turbulence subarray** if the comparison sign flips between each pair of adjacent elements in the subarray;\nBased on the above question, create a class **MTL** in Python, which has the attribute **arr**; then create another class **SN_MTL** that inherits from the **MTL** class, and add a public function **Maximum_turbulence** that returns the length of the maximum **turbulence subarray** in **arr**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([9,4,2,10,7,8,8,1,9])==5", "assert candidate([4,8,12,16])==2", "assert candidate([100])==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_MTL(content1).Maximum_turbulence()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MTL\", \"def __init__(self, arr)\", \"class SN_MTL(MTL)\", \"super().__init__(arr)\", \"def Maximum_turbulence\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/97", "question": "Question: On a two-dimensional grid **grid**, there are 4 types of squares:\n**1** represents the starting square, and there is only one starting square; **2** represents the ending square, and there is only one ending square; **0** represents the empty square that we can walk through; **-1** represents the obstacle that we cannot cross. Return the number of different paths from the starting square to the ending square when walking in four directions (up, down, left, and right);\nBased on the above question, please create a class **DPS** using Python language, with the attribute **grid**; then create a class **SN_DPS** that inherits the **DPS** class, and add a public function **Different_paths** to return the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,2,-1]])==2", "assert candidate([[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,2]])==4", "assert candidate([[0,1],[2,0]])==0"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_DPS(content1).Different_paths()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class DPS\", \"def __init__(self, grid)\", \"class SN_DPS(DPS)\", \"super().__init__(grid)\", \"def Different_paths\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/98", "question": "Question: Given an integer array **nums**, return the number of bitwise AND triplets. A bitwise AND triplet is a triplet made up of indices (i, j, k) that satisfy all of the following conditions:\n1. 0<=i=1, where **word1** is the predecessor of **word2**, **word2** is the predecessor of **word3**, and so on. A word is usually a word chain where k==1. Choose words from the given word list **words** to form a word chain, and return the longest possible length of the word chain;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **FCA** in Python with the attribute **words**; then create another class **SN_FCA** that inherits from the **FCA** class, and add a public function **Form_chain** that returns the longest possible length of the word chain.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([\"a\",\"b\",\"ba\",\"bca\",\"bda\",\"bdca\"])==4", "assert candidate([\"xbc\",\"pcxbcf\",\"xb\",\"cxbc\",\"pcxbc\"])==5", "assert candidate([\"abcd\",\"dbqca\"])==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_FCA(content1).Form_chain()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class FCA\", \"def __init__(self, words)\", \"class SN_FCA(FCA)\", \"super().__init__(words)\", \"def Form_chain\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/131", "question": "Question: There is a pile of stones, represented by an integer array **stones**. Where stones[i] represents the weight of the i-th stone. Each round, select any two stones from it and crush them together. Suppose the weights of the stones are **x** and **y**, and x <= y. Then the possible results of crushing are as follows:\n1. If x == y, then both stones will be completely crushed; 2. If x != y, then the stone with weight **x** will be completely crushed, and the new weight of the stone with weight **y** is y-x. In the end, at most one stone will be left. Return the minimum possible weight of this stone. If no stones are left, return 0;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **MWG** in Python, with the property **stones**; then create a class **SN_MWG** that inherits from the **MWG** class, and add a public function **Minimum_weight** to return the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([2,7,4,1,8,1])==1", "assert candidate([31,26,33,21,40])==5"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_MWG(content1).Minimum_weight()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MWG\", \"def __init__(self, stones)\", \"class SN_MWG(MWG)\", \"super().__init__(stones)\", \"def Minimum_weight\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/132", "question": "Question: Given a positive integer array **arr** (which may contain duplicate elements), please return the maximum arrangement that is lexicographically smaller than **arr** and can be obtained by one swap (swapping the positions of two numbers arr[i] and arr[j]). If such operation is not possible, please return the original array;\nBased on the above question, create a class **OEH** in Python with the attribute **arr**. Then create another class **SN_OEH** that inherits from the **OEH** class, and add a public function **One_exchange** that returns the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([3,2,1])==[3,1,2]", "assert candidate([1,1,5])==[1,1,5]", "assert candidate([1,9,4,6,7])==[1,7,4,6,9]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_OEH(content1).One_exchange()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class OEH\", \"def __init__(self, arr)\", \"class SN_OEH(OEH)\", \"super().__init__(arr)\", \"def One_exchange\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/133", "question": "Question: In a warehouse, there is a row of barcodes, where the i-th barcode is barcodes[i]. Please rearrange these barcodes so that no two adjacent barcodes are the same. You can return any answer that meets this requirement, and it is guaranteed that an answer exists;\nPlease create a class **ABD** in Python based on the above question, with the property **barcodes**; then create a class **SN_ABD** that inherits from the **ABD** class, and add a public function **Adjacent_barcodes** that returns the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1,1,1,2,2,2])==[2,1,2,1,2,1]", "assert candidate([1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3])==[1,3,1,3,2,1,2,1]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_ABD(content1).Adjacent_barcodes()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class ABD\", \"def __init__(self, barcodes)\", \"class SN_ABD(ABD)\", \"super().__init__(barcodes)\", \"def Adjacent_barcodes\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/134", "question": "Question: Given two strings of equal length, **s1** and **s2**, and another string, baseStr, where s1[i] and s2[i] are a pair of equivalent characters. For example, if s1 = **abc** and s2 = **cde**, then 'a' == 'c', 'b' == 'd', and 'c' == 'e'. Equivalent characters follow the general rules of any equivalence relation:\n1. Reflexivity: 'a' == 'a'; 2. Symmetry: if 'a' == 'b', then 'b' == 'a'; 3. Transitivity: if 'a' == 'b' and 'b' == 'c', then 'a' == 'c'. Using the equivalence information of **s1** and **s2**, find and return the lexicographically smallest equivalent string of baseStr;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **EST** in Python, with the attribute **s1**; then create another class **SN_EST**, inheriting from the **EST** class, and add two attributes **s2** and **baseStr**, as well as a public function **Equivalent_String** that returns the lexicographically smallest equivalent string of **baseStr**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"parker\",\"morris\",\"parser\")==\"makkek\"", "assert candidate(\"hello\",\"world\",\"hold\")==\"hdld\"", "assert candidate(\"leetcode\",\"programs\",\"sourcecode\")==\"aauaaaaada\""], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3):\n return SN_EST(content1,content2,content3).Equivalent_String()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class EST\", \"def __init__(self, s1)\", \"class SN_EST(EST)\", \"def __init__(self, s1, s2, baseStr)\", \"super().__init__(s1)\", \"def Equivalent_String\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/135", "question": "Question: Given an m x n matrix **matrix**, you can select any number of columns from it and flip each cell on it. (That is, after flipping, the value of the cell changes from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 0.) Return the maximum number of rows where all values in the row are equal after some flips;\nPlease create a class **MRW** with the property **matrix** in Python based on the above question; then create a class **SN_MRW** that inherits the **MRW** class, and add a public function **Maximum_rows** to return the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[0,1],[1,1]])==1", "assert candidate([[0,1],[1,0]])==2", "assert candidate([[0,0,0],[0,0,1],[1,1,0]])==2"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_MRW(content1).Maximum_rows()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MRW\", \"def __init__(self, matrix)\", \"class SN_MRW(MRW)\", \"super().__init__(matrix)\", \"def Maximum_rows\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/136", "question": "Question: Given two numbers **arr1** and **arr2** in base -2, return the result of their addition;\nPlease create a class named **ANS** in Python based on the above question, with the attribute **arr1**. Then create another class named **SN_ANS**, which inherits from the **ANS** class, and adds the attribute **arr2**, as well as a public function **Adding_Numbers** to return the result of adding the two numbers.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1,1,1,1,1],[1,0,1])==[1,0,0,0,0]", "assert candidate([0],[0])==[0]", "assert candidate([0],[1])==[1]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_ANS(content1,content2).Adding_Numbers()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class ANS\", \"def __init__(self, arr1)\", \"class SN_ANS(ANS)\", \"def __init__(self, arr1, arr2)\", \"super().__init__(arr1)\", \"def Adding_Numbers\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/137", "question": "Question: Given a **matrix** and a **target** value, return the number of non-empty submatrices whose sum of elements equals the target value;\nPlease create a class **ESI** in Python language based on the above question, with the attribute **matrix**; then create another class **SN_ESI**, inheriting from the **ESI** class, and add the attribute **target**, as well as a public function **empty_submatrix** to return the number of non-empty submatrices whose sum of elements equals the **target** value.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0]],0)==4", "assert candidate([[1,-1],[-1,1]],0)==5", "assert candidate([[904]],0)==0"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_ESI(content1,content2).empty_submatrix()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class ESI\", \"def __init__(self, matrix)\", \"class SN_ESI(ESI)\", \"def __init__(self, matrix, target)\", \"super().__init__(matrix)\", \"def empty_submatrix\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/138", "question": "Question: You have a set of movable type **tiles**, each of which is engraved with a letter tiles[i]. Return the number of non-empty letter sequences you can print;\nPlease create a class **LSQ** based on the above question, with the attribute **tiles** using Python language; then create another class **SN_LSQ**, inheriting from the **LSQ** class, and add a public function **letter_sequence** that returns the number of non-empty letter sequences that can be printed.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"AAB\")==8", "assert candidate(\"AAABBC\")==188", "assert candidate(\"V\")==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_LSQ(content1).letter_sequence()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class LSQ\", \"def __init__(self, tiles)\", \"class SN_LSQ(LSQ)\", \"super().__init__(tiles)\", \"def letter_sequence\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/139", "question": "Question: Return the subsequence of **s** with the smallest lexicographical order, which contains all distinct characters of **s** and only contains them once;\nBased on the above question, create a class **SSU** in Python language with the attribute **s**. Then create another class **SN_SSU**, which inherits from the **SSU** class, and add a public function **smallest_subsequence** to return the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"bcabc\")==\"abc\"", "assert candidate(\"cbacdcbc\")==\"acdb\""], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_SSU(content1).smallest_subsequence()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SSU\", \"def __init__(self, s)\", \"class SN_SSU(SSU)\", \"super().__init__(s)\", \"def smallest_subsequence\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/140", "question": "Question: We have a set of **n** items. Two integer arrays, **values** and **labels**, are given, where the value and label of the i-th element are values[i] and labels[i] respectively. Two more integers, **numWanted** and **useLimit**, are also given. We are to select a subset **s** from the **n** elements such that:\n1. The size of subset **s** is less than or equal to numWanted. 2. There are at most useLimit items with the same label in **s**. The score of a subset is the sum of the values of the subset. The task is to return the maximum score of subset **s**;\nBased on the above question, please create a class named **MSR** in Python, which has the attribute **values**. Then create another class **SN_MSR**, which inherits from the **MSR** class, and adds three attributes: **labels**, **numWanted**, and **useLimit**, as well as a public function **Maximum_score** that returns the maximum score of subset **s**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([5,4,3,2,1],[1,1,2,2,3],3,1)==9", "assert candidate([5,4,3,2,1],[1,3,3,3,2],3,2)==12", "assert candidate([9,8,8,7,6],[0,0,0,1,1],3,1)==16"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3,content4):\n return SN_MSR(content1,content2,content3,content4).Maximum_score()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MSR\", \"def __init__(self, values)\", \"class SN_MSR(MSR)\", \"def __init__(self, values, labels, numWanted, useLimit)\", \"super().__init__(values)\", \"def Maximum_score\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/141", "question": "Question: Given an n x n binary matrix **grid**, return the length of the shortest unobstructed path in the matrix. If such a path does not exist, return -1;\nBased on the above question, please create a **UPT** class in Python with a **grid** attribute; then create a **SN_UPT** class that inherits the **UPT** class, and add a public **Unobstructed_path** function to return the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[0,1],[1,0]])==2", "assert candidate([[0,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0]])==4", "assert candidate([[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0]])==-1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_UPT(content1).Unobstructed_path()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class UPT\", \"def __init__(self, grid)\", \"class SN_UPT(UPT)\", \"super().__init__(grid)\", \"def Unobstructed_path\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/142", "question": "Question: Given two strings **str1** and **str2**, return the shortest string that has both **str1** and **str2** as subsequences;\nPlease create a class **SSI** in Python, which has the attribute **str1**. Then create another class **SN_SSI** that inherits from the **SSI** class, and add the attribute **str2**, as well as a public function **Shortest_string** to return the shortest string that has both **str1** and **str2** as subsequences.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"abac\",\"cab\")==\"cabac\"", "assert candidate(\"aaaaaaaa\",\"aaaaaaaa\")==\"aaaaaaaa\""], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_SSI(content1,content2).Shortest_string()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class SSI\", \"def __init__(self, str1)\", \"class SN_SSI(SSI)\", \"def __init__(self, str1, str2)\", \"super().__init__(str1)\", \"def Shortest_string\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/143", "question": "Question: Initially, there are **capacity** empty seats on the bus. The bus can only travel in one direction (that is, it is not allowed to turn around or change direction). Given the integer **capacity** and an array **trips**, trip[i] = [numPassengers_i, from_i, to_i] indicates that there are **numPassengers_i** passengers in the i-th trip, and their pick-up and drop-off locations are **from_i** and **to_i** respectively. These locations are the kilometers from the initial position of the car to the east. Return True only and only when you can pick up and drop off all passengers in all given trips, otherwise please return False;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **PPG** using Python language, with the attribute **trips**; then create a class **SN_PPG** that inherits the **PPG** class, and add the attribute **capacity**, and a public function **Pick_passengers** that returns the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[2,1,5],[3,3,7]],4)==False", "assert candidate([[2,1,5],[3,3,7]],5)==True"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_PPG(content1,content2).Pick_passengers()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class PPG\", \"def __init__(self, trips)\", \"class SN_PPG(PPG)\", \"def __init__(self, trips, capacity)\", \"super().__init__(trips)\", \"def Pick_passengers\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/144", "question": "Question: Given a mountain array **mountainArr**, please return the smallest index **index** that makes mountainArr.get(index) equal to **target**. If there is no such index **index**, please return -1. What is a mountain array? If array **A** is a mountain array, then it satisfies the following conditions:\n1. A.length>=3; 2. Under the condition of 0A[i+1]>...>A[A.length-1];\nBased on the above question, please use Python language to create a class **MAR** with the property **array**; then create a class **SN_MAR** that inherits the **MAR** class, and add the property **target**, as well as a public function **Mountain_array** that returns the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1,2,3,4,5,3,1],3)==2", "assert candidate([0,1,2,4,2,1],3)==-1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_MAR(content1,content2).Mountain_array()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class MAR\", \"def __init__(self, array)\", \"class SN_MAR(MAR)\", \"def __init__(self, array, target)\", \"super().__init__(array)\", \"def Mountain_array\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/145", "question": "Question: Given a boolean expression **expression** in string form, return the result of the operation. A boolean expression is an expression whose result is either True or False. Valid expressions must follow the following conventions:\n1. 't', the operation result is True; 2. 'f', the operation result is False; 3. '!(subExpr)', the operation process is to perform logical NOT operation on the internal expression subExpr; 4. '&(subExpr1,subExpr2,...,subExprn)', the operation process is to perform logical AND operation on two or more internal expressions subExpr1, subExpr2,...,subExprn; 5. '|(subExpr1,subExpr2,...,subExprn)', the operation process is to perform logical OR operation on two or more internal expressions subExpr1, subExpr2,...,subExprn;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **BLS** in Python with the attribute **expression**. Then create another class **SN_BLS** that inherits from the **BLS** class, and add a public function **Booleans** to return the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"&(|(f))\")==False", "assert candidate(\"|(f,f,f,t)\")==True", "assert candidate(\"!(&(f,t))\")==True"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_BLS(content1).Booleans()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class BLS\", \"def __init__(self, expression)\", \"class SN_BLS(BLS)\", \"super().__init__(expression)\", \"def Booleans\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/146", "question": "Question: Here we have **n** flights, numbered from 1 to **n**. There is a flight booking sheet **bookings**. The i-th booking record in the sheet, bookings[i]=[firsti,lasti,seatsi], means that **seatsi** seats have been booked on each flight from **firsti** to **lasti** (including **firsti** and **lasti**). Please return an array **answer** of length **n**, where each element is the total number of seats booked for each flight;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **RSA** in Python language with the attribute **bookings**; then create a class **SN_RSA** that inherits from the **RSA** class, and add the attribute **n**, as well as a public function **Reserved_seats** that returns the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1,2,10],[2,3,20],[2,5,25]],5)==[10,55,45,25,25]", "assert candidate([[1,2,10],[2,2,15]],2)==[10,25]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_RSA(content1,content2).Reserved_seats()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class RSA\", \"def __init__(self, bookings)\", \"class SN_RSA(RSA)\", \"def __init__(self, bookings, n)\", \"super().__init__(expression)\", \"def Reserved_seats\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/147", "question": "Question: Given a work schedule **hours**, which records the daily working hours of an employee. We consider that if the working hours of an employee in a day exceed 8 hours, then this day is a tiring day. The so-called good performance period means that during this period, the number of tiring days is strictly greater than the number of non-tiring days. Please return the maximum length of the good performance period;\nPlease create a **PWL** class in Python based on the above question, with the attribute **hours**; then create a **SN_PWL** class that inherits the **PWL** class, and add a public **Performing_well** function to return the maximum length of the good performance period.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([9,9,6,0,6,6,9])==3", "assert candidate([6,6,6])==0"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_PWL(content1).Performing_well()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class PWL\", \"def __init__(self, hours)\", \"class SN_PWL(PWL)\", \"super().__init__(hours)\", \"def Performing_well\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/148", "question": "Question: As a project manager, you have planned a list of required skills **req_skills**, and intend to select some people from the list of alternative personnel **people** to form a **necessary team** (the alternative personnel numbered **i**, people[i], has a list of skills that this alternative personnel masters). The so-called necessary team is a team in which, for each skill listed in the required skill list **req_skills**, at least one member of the team has already mastered it. The team members can be represented by the numbers of each person: please return any necessary team of the smallest scale, with the team members represented by the personnel numbers. You can return the answer in any order, and the question data guarantees that the answer exists;\nPlease create a class **NTM** in Python based on the above question, with the attribute **req_skills**; then create a class **SN_NTM** that inherits the **NTM** class, and add the attribute **people**, as well as a public function **Necessary_team** that returns the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([\"java\",\"nodejs\",\"reactjs\"],[[\"java\"],[\"nodejs\"],[\"nodejs\",\"reactjs\"]])==[0,2]", "assert candidate([\"algorithms\",\"math\",\"java\",\"reactjs\",\"csharp\",\"aws\"],[[\"algorithms\",\"math\",\"java\"],[\"algorithms\",\"math\",\"reactjs\"],[\"java\",\"csharp\",\"aws\"],[\"reactjs\",\"csharp\"],[\"csharp\",\"math\"],[\"aws\",\"java\"]])==[1,2]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2):\n return SN_NTM(content1,content2).Necessary_team()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class NTM\", \"def __init__(self, req_skills)\", \"class SN_NTM(NTM)\", \"def __init__(self, req_skills, people)\", \"super().__init__(req_skills)\", \"def Necessary_team\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/149", "question": "Question: Given an integer **n**, which is the number of nodes in a directed graph, where the nodes are labeled from 0 to n-1. Each edge in the graph is either red or blue, and there may be self-loops or parallel edges. Given two arrays **redEdges** and **blueEdges**, where:\n1. redEdges[i]=[a_i,b_i] represents that there is a red directed edge from node **a_i** to node **b_i** in the graph, 2. **blueEdges[j]=[u_j,v_j]** represents that there is a blue directed edge from node **u_j** to node **v_j** in the graph. Return an array **answer** of length **n**, where answer[X] is the length of the shortest path from node 0 to node **X** with alternating appearances of red and blue edges. If such a path does not exist, then answer[x]=-1;\nPlease create a class **AAR** with the attribute **n** using Python based on the above question; then create a class **SN_AAR** that inherits the **AAR** class, and add two attributes **red_edges** and **blue_edges**, as well as a public function **Alternating_appearance** that returns the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(3,[[0,1],[1,2]],[])==[0,1,-1]", "assert candidate(3,[[0,1]],[[2,1]])==[0,1,-1]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3):\n return SN_AAR(content1,content2,content3).Alternating_appearance()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class AAR\", \"def __init__(self, n)\", \"class SN_AAR(AAR)\", \"def __init__(self, n, red_edges, blue_edges)\", \"super().__init__(n)\", \"def Alternating_appearance\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/150", "question": "Question: Given two integer arrays of equal length, return the maximum value of the following expression: |arr1[i]-arr1[j]|+|arr2[i]-arr2[j]|+|i-j| where the indices **i**, **j** satisfy 0<=i,jA[1]A[3]...; \n2. Or, each element corresponding to an odd index is greater than its adjacent elements, i.e., A[0]A[2]A[4]<...; \nReturn the minimum number of operations required to convert the array **nums** into a zigzag array.\n\nBased on the above question, please create a class **JAR** in Python language, which has the attribute **nums**. Then create a class **SN_JAR** that inherits from the **JAR** class, and add a public function **Jagged_array** to return the minimum number of operations required to convert the integer array **nums** into a zigzag array.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([1,2,3])==2", "assert candidate([9,6,1,6,2])==4"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_JAR(content1).Jagged_array()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class JAR\", \"def __init__(self, nums)\", \"class SN_JAR(JAR)\", \"super().__init__(nums)\", \"def Jagged_array\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/155", "question": "Question: You will be given a string **text**, which should be divided into **k** substrings (subtext1, subtext2,…,subtextk), with the following requirements:\n1. Each **subtexti** is a non-empty string; \n2. The concatenation of all substrings equals to **text** (i.e., subtext1+subtext2+...+subtextk==text); \n3. For all valid values of **i** (i.e., 1<=i<=k), subtexti==subtextk-i+1 should hold True; \nThe task is to return the maximum possible value of **k**.\nPlease create a class **ESI** in Python, which has the attribute **text**. Then create another class **SN_ESI**, which inherits from the **ESI** class, and add a public function **empty_string** that returns the maximum possible value of **k**.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"ghiabcdefhelloadamhelloabcdefghi\")==7", "assert candidate(\"merchant\")==1", "assert candidate(\"antaprezatepzapreanta\")==11"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_ESI(content1).empty_string()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class ESI\", \"def __init__(self, text)\", \"class SN_ESI(ESI)\", \"super().__init__(text)\", \"def empty_string\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/156", "question": "Question: Here we have **n** identical dice, each with **k** faces, numbered from 1 to **k**. Given three integers **n**, **k**, and **target**, return the number of possible ways (out of a total of k^n ways) to roll the dice so that the sum of the numbers facing up equals **target**;\nBased on the above question, please create a class **FUP** in Python, with the attribute **n**; then create another class **SN_FUP**, inheriting from the **FUP** class, and add two attributes **k** and **target**, as well as a public function **face_up** that returns the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(1,6,3)==1", "assert candidate(2,6,7)==6", "assert candidate(30,30,500)==222616187"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1,content2,content3):\n return SN_FUP(content1,content2,content3).face_up()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class FUP\", \"def __init__(self, n)\", \"class SN_FUP(FUP)\", \"def __init__(self, n, k, target)\", \"super().__init__(n)\", \"def face_up\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/157", "question": "Question: If all characters in a string are the same, then the string is a single-character repeated string. Given a string **text**, you can only swap two characters once or do nothing, and then get some single-character repeated substrings. Return the length of the longest substring;\nPlease create a **DSN** class in Python based on the above question, with the attribute **text**. Then create a class **SN_DSN** that inherits from the **DSN** class, and add a public function **Duplicate_string** that returns the length of the longest substring.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"ababa\")==3", "assert candidate(\"aaabaaa\")==6", "assert candidate(\"aaabbaaa\")==4", "assert candidate(\"aaaaa\")==5", "assert candidate(\"abcdef\")==1"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_DSN(content1).Duplicate_string()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class DSN\", \"def __init__(self, text)\", \"class SN_DSN(DSN)\", \"super().__init__(text)\", \"def Duplicate_string\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/158", "question": "Question: You currently have a **grid** of size n x n in your hand, with each cell marked with 0 and 1. Here, 0 represents the ocean, and 1 represents the **land**. Please find an ocean cell where the distance to the nearest land cell is the maximum, and return this distance. If the grid only contains land or ocean, please return -1;\nBased on the above question, create an **OCL** class in Python language with the **grid** attribute; then create a **SN_OCL** class that inherits the **OCL** class, and add a public **Ocean_Cell** function to return the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([[1,0,1],[0,0,0],[1,0,1]])==2", "assert candidate([[1,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]])==4"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_OCL(content1).Ocean_Cell()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class OCL\", \"def __init__(self, grid)\", \"class SN_OCL(OCL)\", \"super().__init__(grid)\", \"def Ocean_Cell\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/159", "question": "Question: Given a string **s**, find all its substrings and sort them in lexicographical order, return the last substring;\nBased on the above question, create a class **LAM** in Python language with the attribute **s**; then create another class **SN_LAM**, inheriting from the **LAM** class, and add a public function **Lexicographic_arrangement** to return the last substring.", "test_list": ["assert candidate(\"abab\")==\"bab\"", "assert candidate(\"leetcode\")==\"tcode\""], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_LAM(content1).Lexicographic_arrangement()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class LAM\", \"def __init__(self, s)\", \"class SN_LAM(LAM)\", \"super().__init__(s)\", \"def Lexicographic_arrangement\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/160", "question": "Question: A transaction may be invalid under the following two circumstances:\n1. The transaction amount exceeds $1000; 2. Or, it is not more than 60 minutes (including 60 minutes) apart from another transaction with the same name in another city; Given the string array transaction list **transactions**. Each transaction string transactions[i] is composed of some values separated by commas, which represent the name, time (in minutes), amount, and city of the transaction. Return **transactions**, return the list of possible invalid transactions;\nPlease create a class **TLI** in Python language based on the above question, with the attribute **transactions**; then create another class **SN_TLI** that inherits from the **TLI** class, and add a public function **Transaction_List** that returns the result of the above question.", "test_list": ["assert candidate([\"alice,20,800,mtv\",\"alice,50,100,beijing\"])==[\"alice,20,800,mtv\",\"alice,50,100,beijing\"]", "assert candidate([\"alice,20,800,mtv\",\"alice,50,1200,mtv\"])==[\"alice,50,1200,mtv\"]", "assert candidate([\"alice,20,800,mtv\",\"bob,50,1200,mtv\"])==[\"bob,50,1200,mtv\"]"], "test_function": "def test_run(content1):\n return SN_TLI(content1).Transaction_List()", "entry_point": "test_run", "test_matching": "assert candidate([[\"class TLI\", \"def __init__(self, transactions)\", \"class SN_TLI(TLI)\", \"super().__init__(transactions)\", \"def Transaction_List\"]]) == True", "test_match_function": "def matching_function(content):\n def run_match(text):\n for task in text:\n if task not in str_content:\n return False\n return True\n len_cont = len(content)\n if len_cont==1 and run_match(content[0]) == True:\n return True\n elif (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[0]) == True) or (len_cont==2 and run_match(content[1]) == True):\n return True\n else:\n return False"} +{"task_id": "OOP/161", "question": "Question: Given two integer arrays **arr1** and **arr2**, return the minimum number of operations required to make **arr1** strictly increasing (possibly 0). In each operation, you can select an index from both **arr1** and **arr2**, respectively **i** and **j**, where 0<=i