/************************************************************************ ** ** Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Strahinja Markovic ** ** This file is part of Sigil. ** ** Sigil is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Sigil is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Sigil. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #ifdef _WIN32 #define NOMINMAX #endif #include "unzip.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "iowin32.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sigil_constants.h" #include "sigil_exception.h" #include "Misc/QCodePage437Codec.h" #include "Misc/SettingsStore.h" #include "Misc/SleepFunctions.h" #ifndef MAX_PATH // Set Max length to 256 because that's the max path size on many systems. #define MAX_PATH 256 #endif // This is the same read buffer size used by Java and Perl. #define BUFF_SIZE 8192 static QCodePage437Codec *cp437 = 0; // Subclass QMessageBox for our StdWarningDialog to make any Details Resizable class SigilMessageBox: public QMessageBox { public: SigilMessageBox(QWidget* parent) : QMessageBox(parent) { setSizeGripEnabled(true); } private: virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { QMessageBox::resizeEvent(e); setMaximumSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); if (QWidget *textEdit = findChild()) { textEdit->setMaximumHeight(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); } } }; #include "Misc/Utility.h" // Define the user preferences location to be used QString Utility::DefinePrefsDir() { // If the SIGIL_PREFS_DIR environment variable override exists; use it. // It's up to the user to provide a directory they have permission to write to. if (!SIGIL_PREFS_DIR.isEmpty()) { return SIGIL_PREFS_DIR; } else { return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation); } } #if !defined(Q_OS_WIN32) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC) // Return correct path(s) for Linux hunspell dictionaries QStringList Utility::LinuxHunspellDictionaryDirs() { QStringList paths; // prefer the directory specified by the env var SIGIL_DICTIONARIES above all else. if (!hunspell_dicts_override.isEmpty()) { // Handle multiple colon-delimited paths foreach (QString s, hunspell_dicts_override.split(":")) { paths << s.trimmed(); } } // else use the env var runtime overridden 'share/sigil/hunspell_dictionaries/' location. else if (!sigil_extra_root.isEmpty()) { paths.append(sigil_extra_root + "/hunspell_dictionaries/"); } // Bundled dicts were not installed use standard system dictionary location. else if (!dicts_are_bundled) { paths.append("/usr/share/hunspell"); // Add additional hunspell dictionary directories. Provided at compile // time via the cmake option EXTRA_DICT_DIRS (colon separated list). if (!extra_dict_dirs.isEmpty()) { foreach (QString s, extra_dict_dirs.split(":")) { paths << s.trimmed(); } } } else { // else use the standard build time 'share/sigil/hunspell_dictionaries/'location. paths.append(sigil_share_root + "/hunspell_dictionaries/"); } return paths; } #endif // Uses QUuid to generate a random UUID but also removes // the curly braces that QUuid::createUuid() adds QString Utility::CreateUUID() { return QUuid::createUuid().toString().remove("{").remove("}"); } // Convert the casing of the text, returning the result. QString Utility::ChangeCase(const QString &text, const Utility::Casing &casing) { if (text.isEmpty()) { return text; } switch (casing) { case Utility::Casing_Lowercase: { return text.toLower(); } case Utility::Casing_Uppercase: { return text.toUpper(); } case Utility::Casing_Titlecase: { // This is a super crude algorithm, could be replaced by something more clever. QString new_text = text.toLower(); // Skip past any leading spaces int i = 0; while (i < text.length() && new_text.at(i).isSpace()) { i++; } while (i < text.length()) { if (i == 0 || new_text.at(i - 1).isSpace()) { new_text.replace(i, 1, new_text.at(i).toUpper()); } i++; } return new_text; } case Utility::Casing_Capitalize: { // This is a super crude algorithm, could be replaced by something more clever. QString new_text = text.toLower(); // Skip past any leading spaces int i = 0; while (i < text.length() && new_text.at(i).isSpace()) { i++; } if (i < text.length()) { new_text.replace(i, 1, new_text.at(i).toUpper()); } return new_text; } default: return text; } } // Returns true if the string is mixed case, false otherwise. // For instance, "test" and "TEST" return false, "teSt" returns true. // If the string is empty, returns false. bool Utility::IsMixedCase(const QString &string) { if (string.isEmpty() || string.length() == 1) { return false; } bool first_char_lower = string[ 0 ].isLower(); for (int i = 1; i < string.length(); ++i) { if (string[ i ].isLower() != first_char_lower) { return true; } } return false; } // Returns a substring of a specified string; // the characters included are in the interval: // [ start_index, end_index > QString Utility::Substring(int start_index, int end_index, const QString &string) { return string.mid(start_index, end_index - start_index); } // Returns a substring of a specified string; // the characters included are in the interval: // [ start_index, end_index > QStringRef Utility::SubstringRef(int start_index, int end_index, const QString &string) { return string.midRef(start_index, end_index - start_index); } // Replace the first occurrence of string "before" // with string "after" in string "string" QString Utility::ReplaceFirst(const QString &before, const QString &after, const QString &string) { int start_index = string.indexOf(before); int end_index = start_index + before.length(); return Substring(0, start_index, string) + after + Substring(end_index, string.length(), string); } QStringList Utility::GetAbsolutePathsToFolderDescendantFiles(const QString &fullfolderpath) { QDir folder(fullfolderpath); QStringList files; foreach(QFileInfo file, folder.entryInfoList()) { if ((file.fileName() != ".") && (file.fileName() != "..")) { // If it's a file, add it to the list if (file.isFile()) { files.append(Utility::URLEncodePath(file.absoluteFilePath())); } // Else it's a directory, so // we add all files from that dir else { files.append(GetAbsolutePathsToFolderDescendantFiles(file.absoluteFilePath())); } } } return files; } // Copies every file and folder in the source folder // to the destination folder; the paths to the folders are submitted; // the destination folder needs to be created in advance void Utility::CopyFiles(const QString &fullfolderpath_source, const QString &fullfolderpath_destination) { QDir folder_source(fullfolderpath_source); QDir folder_destination(fullfolderpath_destination); // Erase all the files in this folder foreach(QFileInfo file, folder_source.entryInfoList()) { if ((file.fileName() != ".") && (file.fileName() != "..")) { // If it's a file, copy it if (file.isFile()) { QString destination = fullfolderpath_destination + "/" + file.fileName(); bool success = QFile::copy(file.absoluteFilePath(), destination); if (!success) { std::string msg = file.absoluteFilePath().toStdString() + ": " + destination.toStdString(); throw(CannotCopyFile(msg)); } } // Else it's a directory, copy everything in it // to a new folder of the same name in the destination folder else { folder_destination.mkpath(file.fileName()); CopyFiles(file.absoluteFilePath(), fullfolderpath_destination + "/" + file.fileName()); } } } } // // Delete a directory along with all of its contents. // // \param dirName Path of directory to remove. // \return true on success; false on error. // bool Utility::removeDir(const QString &dirName) { bool result = true; QDir dir(dirName); if (dir.exists(dirName)) { Q_FOREACH(QFileInfo info, dir.entryInfoList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::System | QDir::Hidden | QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Files, QDir::DirsFirst)) { if (info.isDir()) { result = removeDir(info.absoluteFilePath()); } else { result = QFile::remove(info.absoluteFilePath()); } if (!result) { return result; } } result = dir.rmdir(dirName); } return result; } // Deletes the specified file if it exists bool Utility::SDeleteFile(const QString &fullfilepath) { // Make sure the path exists, otherwise very // bad things could happen if (!QFileInfo(fullfilepath).exists()) { return false; } QFile file(fullfilepath); bool deleted = file.remove(); // Some multiple file deletion operations fail on Windows, so we try once more. if (!deleted) { qApp->processEvents(); SleepFunctions::msleep(100); deleted = file.remove(); } return deleted; } // Copies File from full Inpath to full OutPath with overwrite if needed bool Utility::ForceCopyFile(const QString &fullinpath, const QString &fulloutpath) { if (!QFileInfo(fullinpath).exists()) { return false; } if (QFileInfo::exists(fulloutpath)) { Utility::SDeleteFile(fulloutpath); } return QFile::copy(fullinpath, fulloutpath); } bool Utility::RenameFile(const QString &oldfilepath, const QString &newfilepath) { // Make sure the path exists, otherwise very // bad things could happen if (!QFileInfo(oldfilepath).exists()) { return false; } // Ensure that the newfilepath doesn't already exist but due to case insenstive file systems // check if we are actually renaming to an identical path with a different case. if (QFileInfo(newfilepath).exists() && QFileInfo(oldfilepath) != QFileInfo(newfilepath)) { return false; } // On case insensitive file systems, QFile::rename fails when the new name is the // same (case insensitive) to the old one. This is workaround for that issue. int ret = -1; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) ret = _wrename(Utility::QStringToStdWString(oldfilepath).data(), Utility::QStringToStdWString(newfilepath).data()); #else ret = rename(oldfilepath.toUtf8().data(), newfilepath.toUtf8().data()); #endif if (ret == 0) { return true; } return false; } QString Utility::GetTemporaryFileNameWithExtension(const QString &extension) { SettingsStore ss; QString temp_path = ss.tempFolderHome(); if (temp_path == "") { temp_path = QDir::tempPath(); } return temp_path + "/sigil_" + Utility::CreateUUID() + extension; } // Returns true if the file can be read; // shows an error dialog if it can't // with a message elaborating what's wrong bool Utility::IsFileReadable(const QString &fullfilepath) { // Qt has .exists() and .isReadable() // functions, but then we would have to create our own error // message for each of those situations (and more). Trying to // actually open the file enables us to retrieve the exact // reason preventing us from reading the file in an error string. QFile file(fullfilepath); // Check if we can open the file if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { Utility::DisplayStdErrorDialog( QObject::tr("Cannot read file %1:\n%2.") .arg(fullfilepath) .arg(file.errorString()) ); return false; } file.close(); return true; } // Reads the text file specified with the full file path; // text needs to be in UTF-8 or UTF-16; if the file cannot // be read, an error dialog is shown and an empty string returned QString Utility::ReadUnicodeTextFile(const QString &fullfilepath) { // TODO: throw an exception instead of // returning an empty string QFile file(fullfilepath); // Check if we can open the file if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { std::string msg = fullfilepath.toStdString() + ": " + file.errorString().toStdString(); throw(CannotOpenFile(msg)); } QTextStream in(&file); // Input should be UTF-8 in.setCodec("UTF-8"); // This will automatically switch reading from // UTF-8 to UTF-16 if a BOM is detected in.setAutoDetectUnicode(true); return ConvertLineEndings(in.readAll()); } // Writes the provided text variable to the specified // file; if the file exists, it is truncated void Utility::WriteUnicodeTextFile(const QString &text, const QString &fullfilepath) { QFile file(fullfilepath); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text ) ) { std::string msg = file.fileName().toStdString() + ": " + file.errorString().toStdString(); throw(CannotOpenFile(msg)); } QTextStream out(&file); // We ALWAYS output in UTF-8 out.setCodec("UTF-8"); out << text; } // Converts Mac and Windows style line endings to Unix style // line endings that are expected throughout the Qt framework QString Utility::ConvertLineEndings(const QString &text) { QString newtext(text); return newtext.replace("\x0D\x0A", "\x0A").replace("\x0D", "\x0A"); } // Decodes XML escaped string to normal text // & -> "&" ' -> "'" " -> "\"" < -> "<" > -> ">" QString Utility::DecodeXML(const QString &text) { QString newtext(text); newtext.replace("'", "'"); newtext.replace(""", "\""); newtext.replace("<", "<"); newtext.replace(">", ">"); newtext.replace("&", "&"); return newtext; } QString Utility::EncodeXML(const QString &text) { QString newtext(text); return newtext.toHtmlEscaped(); } QString Utility::URLEncodePath(const QString &path) { QString newpath = path; QUrl href = QUrl(newpath); QString scheme = href.scheme(); if (!scheme.isEmpty()) { scheme = scheme + "://"; newpath.remove(0, scheme.length()); } QByteArray encoded_url = QUrl::toPercentEncoding(newpath, QByteArray("/#")); return scheme + QString::fromUtf8(encoded_url.constData(), encoded_url.count()); } QString Utility::URLDecodePath(const QString &path) { return QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(path.toUtf8()); } void Utility::DisplayExceptionErrorDialog(const QString &error_info) { QMessageBox message_box(QApplication::activeWindow()); message_box.setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); message_box.setModal(true); message_box.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); message_box.setWindowTitle("Sigil"); // Spaces are added to the end because otherwise the dialog is too small. message_box.setText(QObject::tr("Sigil has encountered a problem.") % " "); message_box.setInformativeText(QObject::tr("Sigil may need to close.")); message_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Close); QStringList detailed_text; detailed_text << "Error info: " + error_info << "Sigil version: " + QString(SIGIL_FULL_VERSION) << "Runtime Qt: " + QString(qVersion()) << "Compiled Qt: " + QString(QT_VERSION_STR); #if defined Q_OS_WIN32 detailed_text << "Platform: Windows SysInfo ID " + QString::number(QSysInfo::WindowsVersion); #elif defined Q_OS_MAC detailed_text << "Platform: Mac SysInfo ID " + QString::number(QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion); #else detailed_text << "Platform: Linux"; #endif message_box.setDetailedText(detailed_text.join("\n")); message_box.exec(); } void Utility::DisplayStdErrorDialog(const QString &error_message, const QString &detailed_text) { QMessageBox message_box(QApplication::activeWindow()); message_box.setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); message_box.setModal(true); message_box.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); message_box.setWindowTitle("Sigil"); message_box.setText(error_message); if (!detailed_text.isEmpty()) { message_box.setDetailedText(detailed_text); } message_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Close); message_box.exec(); } void Utility::DisplayStdWarningDialog(const QString &warning_message, const QString &detailed_text) { SigilMessageBox message_box(QApplication::activeWindow()); message_box.setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); message_box.setModal(true); message_box.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); message_box.setWindowTitle("Sigil"); message_box.setText(warning_message); message_box.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); if (!detailed_text.isEmpty()) { message_box.setDetailedText(detailed_text); } message_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Close); message_box.exec(); } // Returns a value for the environment variable name passed; // if the env var isn't set, it returns an empty string QString Utility::GetEnvironmentVar(const QString &variable_name) { // Renaming this function (and all references to it) // to GetEnvironmentVariable gets you a linker error // on MSVC 9. Funny, innit? QRegularExpression search_for_name("^" + QRegularExpression::escape(variable_name) + "="); QString variable = QProcess::systemEnvironment().filter(search_for_name).value(0); if (!variable.isEmpty()) { return variable.split("=")[ 1 ]; } else { return QString(); } } // Returns the same number, but rounded to one decimal place float Utility::RoundToOneDecimal(float number) { return QString::number(number, 'f', 1).toFloat(); } QWidget *Utility::GetMainWindow() { QWidget *parent_window = QApplication::activeWindow(); while (parent_window && !(dynamic_cast(parent_window))) { parent_window = parent_window->parentWidget(); } return parent_window; } QString Utility::getSpellingSafeText(const QString &raw_text) { // There is currently a problem with Hunspell if we attempt to pass // words with smart apostrophes from the CodeView encoding. // Hunspell dictionaries typically store their main wordlist using // the dumb apostrophe variants only to save space and speed checking QString text(raw_text); return text.replace(QChar(0x2019),QChar(0x27)); } bool Utility::has_non_ascii_chars(const QString &str) { QRegularExpression not_ascii("[^\\x00-\\x7F]"); QRegularExpressionMatch mo = not_ascii.match(str); return mo.hasMatch(); } bool Utility::use_filename_warning(const QString &filename) { if (has_non_ascii_chars(filename)) { return QMessageBox::Apply == QMessageBox::warning(QApplication::activeWindow(), tr("Sigil"), tr("The requested file name contains non-ASCII characters. " "You should only use ASCII characters in filenames. " "Using non-ASCII characters can prevent the EPUB from working " "with some readers.\n\n" "Continue using the requested filename?"), QMessageBox::Cancel|QMessageBox::Apply); } return true; } #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) std::wstring Utility::QStringToStdWString(const QString &str) { return std::wstring((const wchar_t *)str.utf16()); } QString Utility::stdWStringToQString(const std::wstring &str) { return QString::fromUtf16((const ushort *)str.c_str()); } #endif bool Utility::UnZip(const QString &zippath, const QString &destpath) { int res = 0; QDir dir(destpath); if (!cp437) { cp437 = new QCodePage437Codec(); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 zlib_filefunc64_def ffunc; fill_win32_filefunc64W(&ffunc); unzFile zfile = unzOpen2_64(Utility::QStringToStdWString(QDir::toNativeSeparators(zippath)).c_str(), &ffunc); #else unzFile zfile = unzOpen64(QDir::toNativeSeparators(zippath).toUtf8().constData()); #endif if ((zfile == NULL) || (!IsFileReadable(zippath)) || (!dir.exists())) { return false; } res = unzGoToFirstFile(zfile); if (res == UNZ_OK) { do { // Get the name of the file in the archive. char file_name[MAX_PATH] = {0}; unz_file_info64 file_info; unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(zfile, &file_info, file_name, MAX_PATH, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); QString qfile_name; QString cp437_file_name; qfile_name = QString::fromUtf8(file_name); if (!(file_info.flag & (1<<11))) { // General purpose bit 11 says the filename is utf-8 encoded. If not set then // IBM 437 encoding might be used. cp437_file_name = cp437->toUnicode(file_name); } // If there is no file name then we can't do anything with it. if (!qfile_name.isEmpty()) { // We use the dir object to create the path in the temporary directory. // Unfortunately, we need a dir ojbect to do this as it's not a static function. // Full file path in the temporary directory. QString file_path = destpath + "/" + qfile_name; QFileInfo qfile_info(file_path); // Is this entry a directory? if (file_info.uncompressed_size == 0 && qfile_name.endsWith('/')) { dir.mkpath(qfile_name); continue; } else { dir.mkpath(qfile_info.path()); } // Open the file entry in the archive for reading. if (unzOpenCurrentFile(zfile) != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(zfile); return false; } // Open the file on disk to write the entry in the archive to. QFile entry(file_path); if (!entry.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { unzCloseCurrentFile(zfile); unzClose(zfile); return false; } // Buffered reading and writing. char buff[BUFF_SIZE] = {0}; int read = 0; while ((read = unzReadCurrentFile(zfile, buff, BUFF_SIZE)) > 0) { entry.write(buff, read); } entry.close(); // Read errors are marked by a negative read amount. if (read < 0) { unzCloseCurrentFile(zfile); unzClose(zfile); return false; } // The file was read but the CRC did not match. // We don't check the read file size vs the uncompressed file size // because if they're different there should be a CRC error. if (unzCloseCurrentFile(zfile) == UNZ_CRCERROR) { unzClose(zfile); return false; } if (!cp437_file_name.isEmpty() && cp437_file_name != qfile_name) { QString cp437_file_path = destpath + "/" + cp437_file_name; QFile::copy(file_path, cp437_file_path); } } } while ((res = unzGoToNextFile(zfile)) == UNZ_OK); } if (res != UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE) { unzClose(zfile); return false; } unzClose(zfile); return true; } QStringList Utility::ZipInspect(const QString &zippath) { QStringList filelist; int res = 0; if (!cp437) { cp437 = new QCodePage437Codec(); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 zlib_filefunc64_def ffunc; fill_win32_filefunc64W(&ffunc); unzFile zfile = unzOpen2_64(Utility::QStringToStdWString(QDir::toNativeSeparators(zippath)).c_str(), &ffunc); #else unzFile zfile = unzOpen64(QDir::toNativeSeparators(zippath).toUtf8().constData()); #endif if ((zfile == NULL) || (!IsFileReadable(zippath))) { return filelist; } res = unzGoToFirstFile(zfile); if (res == UNZ_OK) { do { // Get the name of the file in the archive. char file_name[MAX_PATH] = {0}; unz_file_info64 file_info; unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(zfile, &file_info, file_name, MAX_PATH, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); QString qfile_name; QString cp437_file_name; qfile_name = QString::fromUtf8(file_name); if (!(file_info.flag & (1<<11))) { cp437_file_name = cp437->toUnicode(file_name); } // If there is no file name then we can't do anything with it. if (!qfile_name.isEmpty()) { if (!cp437_file_name.isEmpty() && cp437_file_name != qfile_name) { filelist.append(cp437_file_name); } else { filelist.append(qfile_name); } } } while ((res = unzGoToNextFile(zfile)) == UNZ_OK); } unzClose(zfile); return filelist; }