/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Werner Dittmann This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @author Werner Dittmann */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace GnuZrtpCodes; state_t states[numberOfStates] = { {Initial, &ZrtpStateClass::evInitial }, {Detect, &ZrtpStateClass::evDetect }, {AckDetected, &ZrtpStateClass::evAckDetected }, {AckSent, &ZrtpStateClass::evAckSent }, {WaitCommit, &ZrtpStateClass::evWaitCommit }, {CommitSent, &ZrtpStateClass::evCommitSent }, {WaitDHPart2, &ZrtpStateClass::evWaitDHPart2 }, {WaitConfirm1, &ZrtpStateClass::evWaitConfirm1 }, {WaitConfirm2, &ZrtpStateClass::evWaitConfirm2 }, {WaitConfAck, &ZrtpStateClass::evWaitConfAck }, {WaitClearAck, &ZrtpStateClass::evWaitClearAck }, {SecureState, &ZrtpStateClass::evSecureState }, {WaitErrorAck, &ZrtpStateClass::evWaitErrorAck } }; ZrtpStateClass::ZrtpStateClass(ZRtp *p) : parent(p), commitPkt(NULL), multiStream(false), secSubstate(Normal), sentVersion(0) { engine = new ZrtpStates(states, numberOfStates, Initial); // Set up timers according to ZRTP spec T1.start = 50; T1.maxResend = 20; T1.capping = 200; T2.start = 150; T2.maxResend = 10; T2.capping = 600; } ZrtpStateClass::~ZrtpStateClass(void) { // If not in Initial state: close the protocol engine // before destroying it. This will free pending packets // if necessary. if (!inState(Initial)) { Event_t ev; cancelTimer(); ev.type = ZrtpClose; event = &ev; engine->processEvent(*this); } delete engine; } void ZrtpStateClass::processEvent(Event_t *ev) { char *msg, first, middle, last; uint8_t *pkt; parent->synchEnter(); event = ev; if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); middle = tolower(*(msg+4)); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); // Sanity check of packet size for all states except WaitErrorAck. if (!inState(WaitErrorAck)) { uint16_t totalLength = *(uint16_t*)(pkt+2); totalLength = zrtpNtohs(totalLength) * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE; totalLength += 12 + sizeof(uint32_t); // 12 bytes is fixed header, uint32_t is CRC if (totalLength != ev->length) { fprintf(stderr, "Total length does not match received length: %d - %ld\n", totalLength, ev->length); sendErrorPacket(MalformedPacket); parent->synchLeave(); return; } } // Check if this is an Error packet. if (first == 'e' && middle =='r' && last == ' ') { /* * Process a received Error packet. * * In any case stop timer to prevent resending packets. * Use callback method to prepare and get an ErrorAck packet. * Modify event type to "ErrorPkt" and hand it over to current * state for further processing. */ cancelTimer(); ZrtpPacketError epkt(pkt); ZrtpPacketErrorAck* eapkt = parent->prepareErrorAck(&epkt); parent->sendPacketZRTP(static_cast(eapkt)); event->type = ErrorPkt; } else if (first == 'p' && middle == ' ' && last == ' ') { ZrtpPacketPing ppkt(pkt); ZrtpPacketPingAck* ppktAck = parent->preparePingAck(&ppkt); if (ppktAck != NULL) { // ACK only to valid PING packet, otherwise ignore it parent->sendPacketZRTP(static_cast(ppktAck)); } parent->synchLeave(); return; } else if (first == 's' && last == 'y') { uint32_t errorCode = 0; ZrtpPacketSASrelay* srly = new ZrtpPacketSASrelay(pkt); ZrtpPacketRelayAck* rapkt = parent->prepareRelayAck(srly, &errorCode); parent->sendPacketZRTP(static_cast(rapkt)); parent->synchLeave(); return; } } /* * Shut down protocol state engine: cancel outstanding timer, further * processing in current state. */ else if (event->type == ZrtpClose) { cancelTimer(); } engine->processEvent(*this); parent->synchLeave(); } void ZrtpStateClass::evInitial(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in Initial.\n")); if (event->type == ZrtpInitial) { ZrtpPacketHello* hello = parent->prepareHello(); sentVersion = hello->getVersionInt(); // remember packet for easy resend in case timer triggers sentPacket = static_cast(hello); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (startTimer(&T1) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // returns to state Initial return; } nextState(Detect); } } /* * Detect state. * * When in this state the protocol engine sent an initial Hello packet * to the peer. * * When entering this state transition function then: * - Assume Initiator mode, mode may change later on peer reaction * - Instance variable sentPacket contains the sent Hello packet * - Hello timer T1 may be active. This is the case if the other peer * has prepared its RTP session and answers our Hello packets nearly * immediately, i.e. before the Hello timeout counter expires. If the * other peer does not send a Hello during this time the state engine * reports "other peer does not support ZRTP" but stays * in state Detect with no active timer (passiv mode). Staying in state * Detect allows another peer to start its detect phase any time later. * * This restart capability is the reason why we use "startTimer(&T1)" in * case we received a Hello packet from another peer. This effectively * restarts the Hello timeout counter. * * In this state we also handle ZrtpInitialize event. This forces a * restart of ZRTP discovery if an application calls ZrtpQueue#startZrtp * again. This may happen after a previous discovery phase were not * successful. * * Usually applications use some sort of signaling protocol, for example * SIP, to negotiate the RTP parameters. Thus the RTP sessions setup is * fairly sychronized and thus also the ZRTP detection phase. Applications * that use some other ways to setup the RTP sessions this restart capability * comes in handy because no RTP setup sychronization is necessary. * * Possible events in this state are: * - timeout for sent Hello packet: causes a resend check and * repeat sending of Hello packet * - received a HelloAck: stop active timer, prepare and send Hello packet, * switch to state AckDeteced. * - received a Hello: stop active timer, send HelloAck, prepare Commit * packet, switch to state AckSent. * */ void ZrtpStateClass::evDetect(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in Detect.\n")); char *msg, first, last; uint8_t *pkt; uint32_t errorCode = 0; /* * First check the general event type, then discrimnate * the real event. */ if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); /* * HelloAck: * - our peer acknowledged our Hello packet, we have not seen the peer's Hello yet * - cancel timer T1 to stop resending Hello * - switch to state AckDetected, wait for peer's Hello (F3) * * When we receive an HelloAck this also means that out partner accepted our protocol version. */ if (first == 'h' && last =='k') { cancelTimer(); sentPacket = NULL; nextState(AckDetected); return; } /* * Hello: * - send HelloAck packet to acknowledge the received Hello packet if versions match. * Otherweise negotiate ZRTP versions. * - use received Hello packet to prepare own Commit packet. We need to * do it at this point because we need the hash value computed from * peer's Hello packet. Follwing states my use the prepared Commit. * - switch to new state AckSent which sends own Hello packet until * peer acknowledges this * - Don't clear sentPacket, points to Hello */ if (first == 'h' && last ==' ') { ZrtpPacketHello hpkt(pkt); cancelTimer(); /* * Check and negotiate the ZRTP protocol version first. * * This selection mechanism relies on the fact that we sent the highest supported protocol version in * the initial Hello packet with as stated in RFC6189, section 4.1.1 */ int32_t recvVersion = hpkt.getVersionInt(); if (recvVersion > sentVersion) { // We don't support this version, stay in state with timer active if (startTimer(&T1) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // returns to state Initial } return; } /* * The versions don't match. Start negotiating versions. This negotiation stays in the Detect state. * Only if the received version matches our own sent version we start to send a HelloAck. */ if (recvVersion != sentVersion) { ZRtp::HelloPacketVersion* hpv = parent->helloPackets; int32_t index; for (index = 0; hpv->packet && hpv->packet != parent->currentHelloPacket; hpv++, index++) // Find current sent Hello ; for(; index >= 0 && hpv->version > recvVersion; hpv--, index--) // find a supported version less-equal to received version ; if (index < 0) { sendErrorPacket(UnsuppZRTPVersion); return; } parent->currentHelloPacket = hpv->packet; sentVersion = parent->currentHelloPacket->getVersionInt(); // remember packet for easy resend in case timer triggers sentPacket = static_cast(parent->currentHelloPacket); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (startTimer(&T1) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // returns to state Initial return; } return; } ZrtpPacketHelloAck* helloAck = parent->prepareHelloAck(); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(static_cast(helloAck))) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereCannotSend); return; } // Use peer's Hello packet to create my commit packet, store it // for possible later usage in state AckSent commitPkt = parent->prepareCommit(&hpkt, &errorCode); nextState(AckSent); if (commitPkt == NULL) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); // switches to Error state return; } if (startTimer(&T1) <= 0) { // restart own Hello timer/counter timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // returns to state Initial } T1.maxResend = 60; // more retries to extend time, see chap. 6 } return; // unknown packet for this state - Just ignore it } // Timer event triggered - this is Timer T1 to resend Hello else if (event->type == Timer) { if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (nextTimer(&T1) <= 0) { commitPkt = NULL; parent->zrtpNotSuppOther(); nextState(Detect); } } // If application calls zrtpStart() to restart discovery else if (event->type == ZrtpInitial) { cancelTimer(); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (startTimer(&T1) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // returns to state Initial } } else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); } } /* * AckSent state. * * The protocol engine got a Hello packet from peer and answered with a * HelloAck response. According to the protocol we must also send a * Hello after HelloAck (refer to figure 1 in ZRTP RFC 6189, message * HelloACK (F2) must be followed by Hello (F3)). We use the timeout in * this state to send the required Hello (F3). * * Our peer must acknowledge the Hello with HelloAck. In earlier versions * also a Commit was a valid packet thus the code covers this. * Figure 1 in the RFC shows the HelloAck, chapter 7 states that a Commit * may be send to acknowledge Hello. There is one constraint when using a Commit to * acknowledge Hello: refer to chapter 4.1 that requires that both parties * have completed the Hello/HelloAck discovery handshake. This implies that * only message F4 may be replaced by a Commit. This constraint guarantees * that both peers have seen at least one Hello. * * When entering this transition function: * - The instance variabe sentPacket contains own Hello packet * - The instance variabe commitPkt points to prepared Commit packet * - Timer T1 is active * * Possible events in this state are: * - timeout for sent Hello packet: causes a resend check and repeat sending * of Hello packet * - HelloAck: The peer answered with HelloAck to own HelloAck/Hello. Send * prepared Commit packet and try Initiator mode. * - Commit: The peer answered with Commit to HelloAck/Hello, thus switch to * responder mode. * - Hello: If the protcol engine receives another Hello it repeats the * HelloAck/Hello response until Timer T1 exceeds its maximum. This may * happen if the other peer sends Hello only (maybe due to network problems) */ void ZrtpStateClass::evAckSent(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in AckSent.\n")); char *msg, first, last; uint8_t *pkt; uint32_t errorCode = 0; /* * First check the general event type, then discrimnate * the real event. */ if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); /* * HelloAck: * The peer answers with HelloAck to own HelloAck/Hello. Send Commit * and try Initiator mode. The requirement defined in chapter 4.1 to * have a complete Hello/HelloAck is fulfilled. * - stop Hello timer T1 * - send own Commit message * - switch state to CommitSent, start Commit timer, assume Initiator */ if (first == 'h' && last =='k') { cancelTimer(); // remember packet for easy resend in case timer triggers // Timer trigger received in new state CommitSend sentPacket = static_cast(commitPkt); commitPkt = NULL; // now stored in sentPacket nextState(CommitSent); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (startTimer(&T2) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // returns to state Initial } return; } /* * Hello: * - peer didn't receive our HelloAck * - repeat HelloAck/Hello response: * -- get HelloAck packet, send it * -- The timeout trigger of T1 sends our Hello packet * -- stay in state AckSent * * Similar to Detect state: just acknowledge the Hello, the next * timeout sends the following Hello. */ if (first == 'h' && last ==' ') { ZrtpPacketHelloAck* helloAck = parent->prepareHelloAck(); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(static_cast(helloAck))) { nextState(Detect); parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereCannotSend); } return; } /* * Commit: * The peer answers with Commit to HelloAck/Hello, thus switch to * responder mode. * - stop timer T1 * - prepare and send our DHPart1 * - switch to state WaitDHPart2 and wait for peer's DHPart2 * - don't start timer, we are responder */ if (first == 'c' && last == ' ') { cancelTimer(); ZrtpPacketCommit cpkt(pkt); if (!multiStream) { ZrtpPacketDHPart* dhPart1 = parent->prepareDHPart1(&cpkt, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the Commit packet if (dhPart1 == NULL) { if (errorCode != IgnorePacket) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); } return; } commitPkt = NULL; sentPacket = static_cast(dhPart1); nextState(WaitDHPart2); } else { ZrtpPacketConfirm* confirm = parent->prepareConfirm1MultiStream(&cpkt, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the Commit packet if (confirm == NULL) { if (errorCode != IgnorePacket) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); } return; } sentPacket = static_cast(confirm); nextState(WaitConfirm2); } if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial } } } /* * Timer: * - resend Hello packet, stay in state, restart timer until repeat * counter triggers * - if repeat counter triggers switch to state Detect, con't clear * sentPacket, Detect requires it to point to own Hello message */ else if (event->type == Timer) { if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { return sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial } if (nextTimer(&T1) <= 0) { parent->zrtpNotSuppOther(); commitPkt = NULL; // Stay in state Detect to be prepared get an hello from // other peer any time later nextState(Detect); } } else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } commitPkt = NULL; sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); } } /* * AckDetected state. * * The protocol engine received a HelloAck in state Detect, thus the peer * acknowledged our the Hello. According to ZRT RFC 6189 our peer must send * its Hello until our protocol engine sees it (refer also to comment for * state AckSent). This protocol sequence gurantees that both peers got at * least one Hello. * * When entering this transition function * - instance variable sentPacket is NULL, Hello timer stopped * * Possible events in this state are: * Hello: we have to choices * 1) we can acknowledge the peer's Hello with a HelloAck * 2) we can acknowledge the peer's Hello with a Commit * Both choices are implemented and may be enabled by setting a compile * time #if (see code below). Currently we use choice 1) here because * it's more aligned to the ZRTP specification */ void ZrtpStateClass::evAckDetected(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in AckDetected.\n")); char *msg, first, last; uint8_t *pkt; uint32_t errorCode = 0; if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); #if 1 /* * Implementation for choice 1) * Hello: * - Acknowledge peer's Hello, sending HelloACK (F4) * - switch to state WaitCommit, wait for peer's Commit * - we are going to be in the Responder role */ if (first == 'h' && last ==' ') { // Parse Hello packet and build an own Commit packet even if the // Commit is not send to the peer. We need to do this to check the // Hello packet and prepare the shared secret stuff. ZrtpPacketHello hpkt(pkt); ZrtpPacketCommit* commit = parent->prepareCommit(&hpkt, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the Hello packet, for // example wrong version, duplicate ZID. if (commit == NULL) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); return; } ZrtpPacketHelloAck *helloAck = parent->prepareHelloAck(); nextState(WaitCommit); // remember packet for easy resend sentPacket = static_cast(helloAck); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(static_cast(helloAck))) { sendFailed(); } } #else /* * Implementation for choice 2) * Hello: * - Acknowledge peer's Hello by sending Commit (F5) * instead of HelloAck (F4) * - switch to state CommitSent * - Initiator role, thus start timer T2 to monitor timeout for Commit */ if (first == 'h' && last == ' ') { // Parse peer's packet data into a Hello packet ZrtpPacketHello hpkt(pkt); ZrtpPacketCommit* commit = parent->prepareCommit(&hpkt, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the Hello packet if (commit == NULL) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); return; } nextState(CommitSent); // remember packet for easy resend in case timer triggers // Timer trigger received in new state CommitSend sentPacket = static_cast(commit); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); return; } if (startTimer(&T2) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); } } #endif } else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } nextState(Initial); } } /* * WaitCommit state. * * This state is only used if we use choice 1) in AckDetected. * * When entering this transition function * - instance variable sentPacket contains a HelloAck packet * * Possible events in this state are: * - Hello: just resend our HelloAck * - Commit: prepare and send our DHPart1 message to start first * half of DH key agreement. Switch to state WaitDHPart2, don't * start any timer, we a Responder. */ void ZrtpStateClass::evWaitCommit(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in WaitCommit.\n")); char *msg, first, last; uint8_t *pkt; uint32_t errorCode = 0; if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); /* * Hello: * - resend HelloAck * - stay in WaitCommit */ if (first == 'h' && last == ' ') { if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial } return; } /* * Commit: * - prepare DH1Part packet or Confirm1 if multi stream mode * - send it to peer * - switch state to WaitDHPart2 or WaitConfirm2 if multi stream mode * - don't start timer, we are responder */ if (first == 'c' && last == ' ') { ZrtpPacketCommit cpkt(pkt); if (!multiStream) { ZrtpPacketDHPart* dhPart1 = parent->prepareDHPart1(&cpkt, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the Commit packet if (dhPart1 == NULL) { if (errorCode != IgnorePacket) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); } return; } sentPacket = static_cast(dhPart1); nextState(WaitDHPart2); } else { ZrtpPacketConfirm* confirm = parent->prepareConfirm1MultiStream(&cpkt, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the Commit packet if (confirm == NULL) { if (errorCode != IgnorePacket) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); } return; } sentPacket = static_cast(confirm); nextState(WaitConfirm2); } if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial } } } else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); } } /* * CommitSent state. * * This state either handles a DH1Part1 message to start the first * half of DH key agreement or it handles a Commit clash. If handling a * Commit clash it may happen that we change our role from Initiator to * Responder. * * When entering this transition function * - assume Initiator mode, may change if we reveice a Commit here * - sentPacket contains Commit packet * - Commit timer (T2) active * * Possible events in this state are: * - timeout for sent Commit packet: causes a resend check and repeat sending * of Commit packet * - Commit: This is a Commit clash. Break the tie accroding to chapter 5.2 * - DHPart1: start first half of DH key agreement. Perpare and send own DHPart2 * and switch to state WaitConfirm1. */ void ZrtpStateClass::evCommitSent(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in CommitSend.\n")); char *msg, first, middle, last, secondLast; uint8_t *pkt; uint32_t errorCode = 0; if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); middle = tolower(*(msg+4)); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); secondLast = tolower(*(msg+6)); /* * HelloAck or Hello: * - delayed "HelloAck" or "Hello", maybe due to network latency, just * ignore it * - no switch in state, leave timer as it is */ if (first == 'h' && middle == 'o' && (last =='k' || last == ' ')) { return; } /* * Commit: * We have a "Commit" clash. Resolve it. * * - switch off resending Commit * - compare my hvi with peer's hvi * - if my hvi is greater * - we are Initiator, stay in state, wait for peer's DHPart1 packet * - else * - we are Responder, stop timer * - prepare and send DH1Packt, * - switch to state WaitDHPart2, implies Responder path */ if (first == 'c' && last == ' ') { ZrtpPacketCommit zpCo(pkt); if (!parent->verifyH2(&zpCo)) { return; } cancelTimer(); // this cancels the Commit timer T2 // if our hvi is less than peer's hvi: switch to Responder mode and // send DHPart1 or Confirm1 packet. Peer (as Initiator) will retrigger if // necessary // if (parent->compareCommit(&zpCo) < 0) { if (!multiStream) { ZrtpPacketDHPart* dhPart1 = parent->prepareDHPart1(&zpCo, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the Commit packet if (dhPart1 == NULL) { if (errorCode != IgnorePacket) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); } return; } nextState(WaitDHPart2); sentPacket = static_cast(dhPart1); } else { ZrtpPacketConfirm* confirm = parent->prepareConfirm1MultiStream(&zpCo, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the Commit packet if (confirm == NULL) { if (errorCode != IgnorePacket) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); } return; } nextState(WaitConfirm2); sentPacket = static_cast(confirm); } if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial } } // Stay in state, we are Initiator, wait for DHPart1 of Confirm1 packet from peer. // Resend Commit after timeout until we get a DHPart1 or Confirm1 else { if (startTimer(&T2) <= 0) { // restart the Commit timer, gives peer more time to react timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // returns to state Initial } } return; } /* * DHPart1: * - switch off resending Commit * - Prepare and send DHPart2 * - switch to WaitConfirm1 * - start timer to resend DHPart2 if necessary, we are Initiator */ if (first == 'd' && secondLast == '1') { cancelTimer(); sentPacket = NULL; ZrtpPacketDHPart dpkt(pkt); ZrtpPacketDHPart* dhPart2 = parent->prepareDHPart2(&dpkt, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the DHPart1 packet if (dhPart2 == NULL) { if (errorCode != IgnorePacket) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); } else { if (startTimer(&T2) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // switches to state Initial } } return; } sentPacket = static_cast(dhPart2); nextState(WaitConfirm1); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (startTimer(&T2) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // switches to state Initial } return; } /* * Confirm1 and multi-stream mode * - switch off resending commit * - prepare Confirm2 */ if (multiStream && (first == 'c' && last == '1')) { cancelTimer(); ZrtpPacketConfirm cpkt(pkt); ZrtpPacketConfirm* confirm = parent->prepareConfirm2MultiStream(&cpkt, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the Confirm1 packet if (confirm == NULL) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); return; } nextState(WaitConfAck); sentPacket = static_cast(confirm); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (startTimer(&T2) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // returns to state Initial return; } // according to chap 5.6: after sending Confirm2 the Initiator must // be ready to receive SRTP data. SRTP sender will be enabled in WaitConfAck // state. if (!parent->srtpSecretsReady(ForReceiver)) { parent->sendInfo(Severe, CriticalSWError); sendErrorPacket(CriticalSWError); return; } } } // Timer event triggered, resend the Commit packet else if (event->type == Timer) { if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (nextTimer(&T2) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereTooMuchRetries); // returns to state Initial } } else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); } } /* * WaitDHPart2 state. * * This state handles the second part of SH key agreement. Only the Resonder * can enter this state. * * When entering this transition function * - sentPacket contains DHPart1 packet, no timer active * * Possible events in this state are: * - Commit: Our peer didn't receive out DHPart1 thus the peer sends Commit again. * Just repeat our DHPart1. * - DHPart2: start second half of DH key agreement. Perpare and send own Confirm1 * and switch to state WaitConfirm2. */ void ZrtpStateClass::evWaitDHPart2(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in DHPart2.\n")); char *msg, first, secondLast, last; uint8_t *pkt; uint32_t errorCode = 0; if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); secondLast = tolower(*(msg+6)); /* * Commit: * - resend DHPart1 * - stay in state */ if (first == 'c' && last == ' ') { if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { return sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial } return; } /* * DHPart2: * - prepare Confirm1 packet * - switch to WaitConfirm2 * - No timer, we are responder */ if (first == 'd' && secondLast == '2') { ZrtpPacketDHPart dpkt(pkt); ZrtpPacketConfirm* confirm = parent->prepareConfirm1(&dpkt, &errorCode); if (confirm == NULL) { if (errorCode != IgnorePacket) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); } return; } nextState(WaitConfirm2); sentPacket = static_cast(confirm); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial } } } else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); } } /* * WaitConirm1 state. * * This state handles a received Confirm1 message and only the Initiator * can enter this state. * * When entering this transition function in DH mode: * - Initiator mode * - sentPacket contains DHPart2 packet, DHPart2 timer active * * When entering this transition function in Multi stream mode via AckSent: * - Initiator mode * - sentPacket contains my Commit packet, Commit timer active * * Possible events in this state are: * - timeout for sent DHPart2 packet: causes a resend check and repeat sending * of DHPart2 packet. * - Confirm1: Check Confirm1 message. If it is ok then prepare and send own * Confirm2 packet and switch to state WaitConfAck. */ void ZrtpStateClass::evWaitConfirm1(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in WaitConfirm1.\n")); char *msg, first, last; uint8_t *pkt; uint32_t errorCode = 0; if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); /* * Confirm1: * - Switch off resending DHPart2 * - prepare a Confirm2 packet * - switch to state WaitConfAck * - set timer to monitor Confirm2 packet, we are initiator */ if (first == 'c' && last == '1') { cancelTimer(); ZrtpPacketConfirm cpkt(pkt); ZrtpPacketConfirm* confirm = parent->prepareConfirm2(&cpkt, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the Confirm1 packet if (confirm == NULL) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); return; } // according to chap 5.8: after sending Confirm2 the Initiator must // be ready to receive SRTP data. SRTP sender will be enabled in WaitConfAck // state. if (!parent->srtpSecretsReady(ForReceiver)) { parent->sendInfo(Severe, CriticalSWError); sendErrorPacket(CriticalSWError); return; } nextState(WaitConfAck); sentPacket = static_cast(confirm); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (startTimer(&T2) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereNoTimer); // returns to state Initial } } } else if (event->type == Timer) { if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (nextTimer(&T2) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereTooMuchRetries); // returns to state Initial } } else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); } } /* * WaitConfirm2 state. * * Handles the Confirm2 message that closes the key agreement handshake. Only * the Responder can enter this state. If the Confirm2 message is ok send a * Conf2Ack to our peer. Switch to secure mode after sending Conf2Ack, our * peer switches to secure mode after receiving Conf2Ack. * * TODO - revise documentation comments * * When entering this transition function * - Responder mode * - sentPacket contains Confirm1 packet, no timer active * * Possible events in this state are: * - DHPart2: Our peer didn't receive our Confirm1 thus sends DHPart2 again. * Just repeat our Confirm1. * - Confirm2: close DH key agreement. Perpare and send own Conf2Ack * and switch to state SecureState. */ void ZrtpStateClass::evWaitConfirm2(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in WaitConfirm2.\n")); char *msg, first, secondLast, last; uint8_t *pkt; uint32_t errorCode = 0; if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); secondLast = tolower(*(msg+6)); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); /* * DHPart2 or Commit in multi stream mode: * - resend Confirm1 packet * - stay in state */ if ((first == 'd' && secondLast == '2') || (multiStream && (first == 'c' && last == ' '))) { if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial } return; } /* * Confirm2: * - prepare ConfAck * - switch on security (SRTP) * - switch to SecureState */ if (first == 'c' && last == '2') { ZrtpPacketConfirm cpkt(pkt); ZrtpPacketConf2Ack* confack = parent->prepareConf2Ack(&cpkt, &errorCode); // Something went wrong during processing of the confirm2 packet if (confack == NULL) { sendErrorPacket(errorCode); return; } sentPacket = static_cast(confack); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (!parent->srtpSecretsReady(ForReceiver) || !parent->srtpSecretsReady(ForSender)) { parent->sendInfo(Severe, CriticalSWError); sendErrorPacket(CriticalSWError); return; } nextState(SecureState); parent->sendInfo(Info, InfoSecureStateOn); } } else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); } } /* * WaitConf2Ack state. * * This state handles the Conf2Ack message that acknowledges the successfull * processing of Confirm2. Only the Initiator can enter this state. Switch on * secure mode and switch to state SecureState. * * When entering this transition function * - Initiator mode * - sentPacket contains Confirm2 packet, Confirm2 timer active * - receiver security switched on * * Possible events in this state are: * - timeout for sent Confirm2 packet: causes a resend check and repeat sending * of Confirm2 packet * - Conf2Ack: Key agreement was successfull, switch to secure mode. */ void ZrtpStateClass::evWaitConfAck(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in WaitConfAck.\n")); char *msg, first, last; uint8_t *pkt; if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); /* * ConfAck: * - Switch off resending Confirm2 * - switch to SecureState */ if (first == 'c' && last == 'k') { cancelTimer(); sentPacket = NULL; // Receiver was already enabled after sending Confirm2 packet // see previous states. if (!parent->srtpSecretsReady(ForSender)) { parent->sendInfo(Severe, CriticalSWError); sendErrorPacket(CriticalSWError); return; } nextState(SecureState); // TODO: call parent to clear signature data at initiator parent->sendInfo(Info, InfoSecureStateOn); } } else if (event->type == Timer) { if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial parent->srtpSecretsOff(ForReceiver); return; } if (nextTimer(&T2) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereTooMuchRetries); // returns to state Initial parent->srtpSecretsOff(ForReceiver); } } else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); parent->srtpSecretsOff(ForReceiver); } } /* * When entering this transition function * - sentPacket contains GoClear packet, GoClear timer active */ void ZrtpStateClass::evWaitClearAck(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in ClearAck.\n")); // char *msg, first, last, middle; // uint8_t *pkt; // // if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { // pkt = event->packet; // msg = (char *)pkt + 4; // // first = tolower(*msg); // middle = tolower(*(msg+4)); // last = tolower(*(msg+7)); // // /* // * ClearAck: // * - stop resending GoClear, // * - switch to state AckDetected, wait for peer's Hello // */ // if (first == 'c' && middle == 'r' && last =='k') { // cancelTimer(); // sentPacket = NULL; // nextState(Initial); // } // } // // Timer event triggered - this is Timer T2 to resend GoClear w/o HMAC // else if (event->type == Timer) { // if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { // sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial // return; // } // if (nextTimer(&T2) <= 0) { // timerFailed(SevereTooMuchRetries); // returns to state Initial // } // } // else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) // if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { // parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); // } // sentPacket = NULL; // nextState(Initial); // } } /* * WaitErrorAck state. * * This state belongs to the "error handling state overlay" and handle * ErrorAck message. Most of the ZRTP states can send Error message for * example if they detect wrong packets. After sending an Error message * the protocol engine switches to WaitErrorAck state. Receiving an * ErrorAck message completes the ZRTP error handling. * * When entering this transition function * - sentPacket contains Error packet, Error timer active * * Possible events in this state are: * - timeout for sent Error packet: causes a resend check and repeat sending * of Error packet * - ErrorAck: Stop timer and switch to state Initial. */ void ZrtpStateClass::evWaitErrorAck(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in ErrorAck.\n")); char *msg, first, last; uint8_t *pkt; if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); /* * Errorck: * - stop resending Error, * - switch to state Initial */ if (first == 'e' && last =='k') { cancelTimer(); sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); } } // Timer event triggered - this is Timer T2 to resend Error. else if (event->type == Timer) { if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return; } if (nextTimer(&T2) <= 0) { timerFailed(SevereTooMuchRetries); // returns to state Initial } } else { // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); } } void ZrtpStateClass::evSecureState(void) { DEBUGOUT((cout << "Checking for match in SecureState.\n")); char *msg, first, last; uint8_t *pkt; /* * Handle a possible substate. If substate handling was ok just return. */ if (secSubstate == WaitSasRelayAck) { if (subEvWaitRelayAck()) return; } if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); /* * Confirm2: * - resend Conf2Ack packet * - stay in state */ if (first == 'c' && last == '2') { if (sentPacket != NULL && !parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); parent->srtpSecretsOff(ForSender); parent->srtpSecretsOff(ForReceiver); parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereCannotSend); } return; } /* * GoClear received, handle it. TODO fix go clear handling * if (first == 'g' && last == 'r') { ZrtpPacketGoClear gpkt(pkt); ZrtpPacketClearAck* clearAck = parent->prepareClearAck(&gpkt); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(static_cast(clearAck))) { return; } // TODO Timeout to resend clear ack until user user confirmation } */ } else if (event->type == Timer) { // Ignore stray timeout in this state ; } // unknown Event type for this state (covers Error and ZrtpClose) else { // If in secure state ingnore error events to avoid Error packet injection // attack - found by Dmitry Monakhov (dmonakhov@openvz.org) if (event->type == ErrorPkt) return; sentPacket = NULL; parent->srtpSecretsOff(ForSender); parent->srtpSecretsOff(ForReceiver); nextState(Initial); if (event->type != ZrtpClose) { parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereProtocolError); } parent->sendInfo(Info, InfoSecureStateOff); } } bool ZrtpStateClass::subEvWaitRelayAck() { char *msg, first, last; uint8_t* pkt; /* * First check the general event type, then discrimnate the real event. */ if (event->type == ZrtpPacket) { pkt = event->packet; msg = (char *)pkt + 4; first = tolower(*msg); last = tolower(*(msg+7)); /* * SAS relayAck: * - stop resending SASRelay, * - switch to secure substate Normal */ if (first == 'r' && last =='k') { cancelTimer(); secSubstate = Normal; sentPacket = NULL; } return true; } // Timer event triggered - this is Timer T2 to resend Error. else if (event->type == Timer) { if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(sentPacket)) { sendFailed(); // returns to state Initial return false; } if (nextTimer(&T2) <= 0) { // returns to state initial // timerFailed(ZrtpCodes.SevereCodes.SevereTooMuchRetries); return false; } return true; } return false; } int32_t ZrtpStateClass::startTimer(zrtpTimer_t *t) { t->time = t->start; t->counter = 0; return parent->activateTimer(t->time); } int32_t ZrtpStateClass::nextTimer(zrtpTimer_t *t) { t->time += t->time; t->time = (t->time > t->capping)? t->capping : t->time; t->counter++; if (t->counter > t->maxResend) { return -1; } return parent->activateTimer(t->time); } void ZrtpStateClass::sendErrorPacket(uint32_t errorCode) { cancelTimer(); ZrtpPacketError* err = parent->prepareError(errorCode); parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(ZrtpError, errorCode); sentPacket = static_cast(err); nextState(WaitErrorAck); if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(static_cast(err)) || (startTimer(&T2) <= 0)) { sendFailed(); } } void ZrtpStateClass::sendSASRelay(ZrtpPacketSASrelay* relay) { cancelTimer(); sentPacket = static_cast(relay); secSubstate = WaitSasRelayAck; if (!parent->sendPacketZRTP(static_cast(relay)) || (startTimer(&T2) <= 0)) { sendFailed(); } } void ZrtpStateClass::sendFailed() { sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, SevereCannotSend); } void ZrtpStateClass::timerFailed(int32_t subCode) { sentPacket = NULL; nextState(Initial); parent->zrtpNegotiationFailed(Severe, subCode); } void ZrtpStateClass::setMultiStream(bool multi) { multiStream = multi; } bool ZrtpStateClass::isMultiStream() { return multiStream; } /** EMACS ** * Local variables: * mode: c++ * c-default-style: ellemtel * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: */