/* * Parsing functions. * * This file is part of abcm2ps. * * Copyright (C) 1998-2017 Jean-François Moine * Adapted from abc2ps, Copyright (C) 1996,1997 Michael Methfessel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "abcm2ps.h" /* options = external formatting */ struct symsel_s { /* symbol selection */ short bar; short time; char seq; }; struct brk_s { /* music line break */ struct brk_s *next; struct symsel_s symsel; }; struct voice_opt_s { /* voice options */ struct voice_opt_s *next; struct SYMBOL *s; /* list of options (%%xxx) */ }; struct tune_opt_s { /* tune options */ struct tune_opt_s *next; struct voice_opt_s *voice_opts; struct SYMBOL *s; /* list of options (%%xxx) */ }; int nstaff; /* (0..MAXSTAFF-1) */ struct SYMBOL *tsfirst; /* first symbol in the time sorted list */ struct VOICE_S voice_tb[MAXVOICE]; /* voice table */ struct VOICE_S *first_voice; /* first voice */ struct SYSTEM *cursys; /* current system */ static struct SYSTEM *parsys; /* current system while parsing */ struct FORMAT dfmt; /* current global format */ int nbar; /* current measure number */ struct map *maps; /* note mappings */ static struct voice_opt_s *voice_opts, *tune_voice_opts; static struct tune_opt_s *tune_opts, *cur_tune_opts; static struct brk_s *brks; static struct symsel_s clip_start, clip_end; static INFO info_glob; /* global info definitions */ static char *deco_glob[256]; /* global decoration table */ static struct map *maps_glob; /* save note maps */ static int over_time; /* voice overlay start time */ static int over_mxtime; /* voice overlay max time */ static short over_bar; /* voice overlay in a measure */ static short over_voice; /* main voice in voice overlay */ static int staves_found; /* time of the last %%staves */ static int abc2win; static int capo; // capo indication float multicol_start; /* (for multicol) */ static float multicol_max; static float lmarg, rmarg; static void get_clef(struct SYMBOL *s); static struct SYMBOL *get_info(struct SYMBOL *s); static void get_key(struct SYMBOL *s); static void get_meter(struct SYMBOL *s); static void get_voice(struct SYMBOL *s); static void get_note(struct SYMBOL *s); static struct SYMBOL *process_pscomment(struct SYMBOL *s); static void ps_def(struct SYMBOL *s, char *p, char use); static void set_tblt(struct VOICE_S *p_voice); static void set_tuplet(struct SYMBOL *s); /* -- weight of the symbols -- */ static char w_tb[NSYMTYPES] = { /* !! index = symbol type !! */ 0, 9, /* 1- note / rest */ 3, /* 2- space */ 2, /* 3- bar */ 1, /* 4- clef */ 6, /* 5- timesig */ 5, /* 6- keysig */ 0, /* 7- tempo */ 0, /* 8- staves */ 9, /* 9- mrest */ 0, /* 10- part */ 3, /* 11- grace */ 0, /* 12- fmtchg */ 8, /* 13- tuplet */ 7, /* 14- stbrk */ 7 /* 15- custos */ }; /* key signature transposition tables */ static signed char cde2fcg[7] = {0, 2, 4, -1, 1, 3, 5}; static char cgd2cde[7] = {0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3}; /* -- link a ABC symbol into the current voice -- */ static void sym_link(struct SYMBOL *s, int type) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice = curvoice; if (!p_voice->ignore) { s->prev = p_voice->last_sym; if (s->prev) p_voice->last_sym->next = s; else p_voice->sym = s; p_voice->last_sym = s; //fixme:test bug // } else { // if (p_voice->sym) // p_voice->last_sym = p_voice->sym = s; } s->type = type; s->voice = p_voice - voice_tb; s->staff = p_voice->cstaff; s->time = p_voice->time; s->posit = p_voice->posit; } /* -- add a new symbol in a voice -- */ struct SYMBOL *sym_add(struct VOICE_S *p_voice, int type) { struct SYMBOL *s; struct VOICE_S *p_voice2; s = (struct SYMBOL *) getarena(sizeof *s); memset(s, 0, sizeof *s); p_voice2 = curvoice; curvoice = p_voice; sym_link(s, type); curvoice = p_voice2; if (p_voice->second) s->sflags |= S_SECOND; if (p_voice->floating) s->sflags |= S_FLOATING; if (s->prev) { s->fn = s->prev->fn; s->linenum = s->prev->linenum; s->colnum = s->prev->colnum; } return s; } /* -- expand a multi-rest into single rests and measure bars -- */ static void mrest_expand(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice; struct SYMBOL *s2, *next; struct decos dc; int nb, dt; nb = s->u.bar.len; dt = s->dur / nb; /* change the multi-rest (type bar) to a single rest */ memcpy(&dc, &s->u.bar.dc, sizeof dc); memset(&s->u.note, 0, sizeof s->u.note); s->type = NOTEREST; s->abc_type = ABC_T_REST; // s->nhd = 0; s->dur = s->u.note.notes[0].len = dt; s->head = H_FULL; s->nflags = -2; /* add the bar(s) and rest(s) */ next = s->next; p_voice = &voice_tb[s->voice]; p_voice->last_sym = s; p_voice->time = s->time + dt; p_voice->cstaff = s->staff; s2 = s; while (--nb > 0) { s2 = sym_add(p_voice, BAR); s2->abc_type = ABC_T_BAR; s2->u.bar.type = B_SINGLE; s2 = sym_add(p_voice, NOTEREST); s2->abc_type = ABC_T_REST; s2->flags = s->flags; s2->dur = s2->u.note.notes[0].len = dt; s2->head = H_FULL; s2->nflags = -2; p_voice->time += dt; } s2->next = next; if (next) next->prev = s2; /* copy the mrest decorations to the last rest */ memcpy(&s2->u.note.dc, &dc, sizeof s2->u.note.dc); } /* -- sort all symbols by time and vertical sequence -- */ static void sort_all(void) { struct SYSTEM *sy; struct SYMBOL *s, *prev, *s2; struct VOICE_S *p_voice; int fl, voice, time, w, wmin, multi, mrest_time; int nb, r, set_sy, new_sy; // nv struct SYMBOL *vtb[MAXVOICE]; signed char vn[MAXVOICE]; /* voice indexed by range */ /* memset(vtb, 0, sizeof vtb); */ mrest_time = -1; for (p_voice = first_voice; p_voice; p_voice = p_voice->next) vtb[p_voice - voice_tb] = p_voice->sym; /* initialize the voice order */ sy = cursys; set_sy = 1; new_sy = 0; prev = NULL; fl = 1; /* (have gcc happy) */ multi = -1; /* (have gcc happy) */ for (;;) { if (set_sy) { fl = 1; // start a new sequence if (!new_sy) { set_sy = 0; multi = -1; memset(vn, -1, sizeof vn); for (p_voice = first_voice; p_voice; p_voice = p_voice->next) { voice = p_voice - voice_tb; r = sy->voice[voice].range; if (r < 0) continue; vn[r] = voice; multi++; } } } /* search the min time and symbol weight */ wmin = time = (unsigned) ~0 >> 1; /* max int */ // nv = nb = 0; for (r = 0; r < MAXVOICE; r++) { voice = vn[r]; if (voice < 0) break; s = vtb[voice]; if (!s || s->time > time) continue; w = w_tb[s->type]; if (s->time < time) { time = s->time; wmin = w; // nb = 0; } else if (w < wmin) { wmin = w; // nb = 0; } #if 0 if (!(s->sflags & S_SECOND)) { nv++; if (s->type == BAR) nb++; } #endif if (s->type == MREST) { if (s->u.bar.len == 1) mrest_expand(s); else if (multi > 0) mrest_time = time; } } if (wmin > 127) break; /* done */ #if 0 /* align the measure bars */ if (nb != 0 && nb != nv) { /* if other symbol than bars */ wmin = (unsigned) ~0 >> 1; for (r = 0; r < MAXVOICE; r++) { voice = vn[r]; if (voice < 0) break; s = vtb[voice]; if (!s || s->time > time || s->type == BAR) continue; w = w_tb[s->type]; if (w < wmin) wmin = w; } if (wmin > 127) wmin = w_tb[BAR]; } #endif /* if some multi-rest and many voices, expand */ if (time == mrest_time) { nb = 0; for (r = 0; r < MAXVOICE; r++) { voice = vn[r]; if (voice < 0) break; s = vtb[voice]; if (!s || s->time != time) continue; w = w_tb[s->type]; if (w != wmin) continue; if (s->type != MREST) { mrest_time = -1; /* some note or rest */ break; } if (nb == 0) { nb = s->u.bar.len; } else if (nb != s->u.bar.len) { mrest_time = -1; /* different duration */ break; } } if (mrest_time < 0) { for (r = 0; r < MAXVOICE; r++) { voice = vn[r]; if (voice < 0) break; s = vtb[voice]; if (s && s->type == MREST) mrest_expand(s); } } } /* link the vertical sequence */ for (r = 0; r < MAXVOICE; r++) { voice = vn[r]; if (voice < 0) break; s = vtb[voice]; if (!s || s->time != time || w_tb[s->type] != wmin) continue; if (s->type == STAVES) { // change STAVES to a flag sy = sy->next; set_sy = new_sy = 1; if (s->prev) s->prev->next = s->next; else voice_tb[voice].sym = s->next; if (s->next) s->next->prev = s->prev; } else { if (fl) { fl = 0; s->sflags |= S_SEQST; } if (new_sy) { new_sy = 0; s->sflags |= S_NEW_SY; } s->ts_prev = prev; if (prev) { prev->ts_next = s; //fixme: bad error when the 1st voice is second // if (s->type == BAR // && (s->sflags & S_SECOND) // && prev->type != BAR // && !(s->flags & ABC_F_INVIS)) // error(1, s, "Bad measure bar"); } else { tsfirst = s; } prev = s; } vtb[voice] = s->next; } fl = wmin; /* start a new sequence if some space */ } if (!prev) return; /* if no bar or format_change at end of tune, add a dummy symbol */ if ((prev->type != BAR && prev->type != FMTCHG) || new_sy) { p_voice = &voice_tb[prev->voice]; p_voice->last_sym = prev; s = sym_add(p_voice, FMTCHG); s->aux = -1; s->time = prev->time + prev->dur; s->sflags = S_SEQST; if (new_sy) s->sflags |= S_NEW_SY; prev->ts_next = s; s->ts_prev = prev; for (;;) { prev->sflags &= ~S_EOLN; if (prev->sflags & S_SEQST) break; prev = prev->ts_prev; } } /* if Q: from tune header, put it at start of the music */ s2 = info['Q' - 'A']; if (!s2) return; info['Q' - 'A'] = NULL; s = tsfirst->extra; while (s) { if (s->type == TEMPO) return; /* already a tempo */ s = s->next; } s = tsfirst; s2->type = TEMPO; s2->voice = s->voice; s2->staff = s->staff; s2->time = s->time; if (s->extra) { s2->next = s->extra; s2->next->prev = s2; } s->extra = s2; } /* -- move the symbols with no width to the next symbol -- */ static void voice_compress(void) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice; struct SYMBOL *s, *s2, *s3, *ns; for (p_voice = first_voice; p_voice; p_voice = p_voice->next) { //8.7.0 - for fmt at end of music line // if (p_voice->ignore) // continue; p_voice->ignore = 0; for (s = p_voice->sym; s; s = s->next) { if (s->time >= staves_found) break; } ns = NULL; for ( ; s; s = s->next) { switch (s->type) { #if 0 // test case KEYSIG: /* remove the empty key signatures */ if (s->u.key.empty) { if (s->prev) s->prev->next = s->next; else p_voice->sym = s->next; if (s->next) s->next->prev = s->prev; continue; } break; #endif case FMTCHG: s2 = s->extra; if (s2) { /* dummy format */ if (!ns) ns = s2; if (s->prev) { s->prev->next = s2; s2->prev = s->prev; } if (!s->next) { ns = NULL; break; } while (s2->next) s2 = s2->next; s->next->prev = s2; s2->next = s->next; } /* fall thru */ case TEMPO: case PART: case TUPLET: if (!ns) ns = s; continue; case MREST: /* don't shift P: and Q: */ if (!ns) continue; s2 = (struct SYMBOL *) getarena(sizeof *s); memset(s2, 0, sizeof *s2); s2->type = SPACE; s2->u.note.notes[1].len = -1; s2->flags = ABC_F_INVIS; s2->voice = s->voice; s2->staff = s->staff; s2->time = s->time; s2->sflags = s->sflags; s2->next = s; s2->prev = s->prev; s2->prev->next = s2; s->prev = s2; s = s2; break; } if (s->flags & ABC_F_GRACE) { if (!ns) ns = s; while (!(s->flags & ABC_F_GR_END)) s = s->next; s2 = (struct SYMBOL *) getarena(sizeof *s); memcpy(s2, s, sizeof *s2); s2->abc_type = 0; s2->type = GRACE; s2->dur = 0; s2->next = s->next; if (s2->next) { s2->next->prev = s2; if (cfmt.graceword) { for (s3 = s2->next; s3; s3 = s3->next) { switch (s3->type) { case SPACE: continue; case NOTEREST: s2->ly = s3->ly; s3->ly = NULL; default: break; } break; } } } else { p_voice->last_sym = s2; } s2->prev = s; s->next = s2; s = s2; // with w_tb[BAR] = 2, // the grace notes go after the bar // if before a bar, change the grace time if (s->next && s->next->type == BAR) s->time--; } if (!ns) continue; s->extra = ns; s->prev->next = NULL; s->prev = ns->prev; if (s->prev) s->prev->next = s; else p_voice->sym = s; ns->prev = NULL; ns = NULL; } /* when symbols with no space at end of tune, * add a dummy format */ if (ns) { s = sym_add(p_voice, FMTCHG); s->aux = -1; /* nothing */ s->extra = ns; s->prev->next = NULL; /* unlink */ s->prev = ns->prev; if (s->prev) s->prev->next = s; else p_voice->sym = s; ns->prev = NULL; } } } /* -- duplicate the voices as required -- */ static void voice_dup(void) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice, *p_voice2; struct SYMBOL *s, *s2, *g, *g2; int voice; for (p_voice = first_voice; p_voice; p_voice = p_voice->next) { if ((voice = p_voice->clone) < 0) continue; p_voice->clone = -1; p_voice2 = &voice_tb[voice]; for (s = p_voice->sym; s; s = s->next) { //fixme: there may be other symbols before the %%staves at this same time if (s->time >= staves_found) break; } for ( ; s; s = s->next) { if (s->type == STAVES) continue; s2 = (struct SYMBOL *) getarena(sizeof *s2); memcpy(s2, s, sizeof *s2); s2->prev = p_voice2->last_sym; s2->next = NULL; if (p_voice2->sym) p_voice2->last_sym->next = s2; else p_voice2->sym = s2; p_voice2->last_sym = s2; s2->voice = voice; s2->staff = p_voice2->staff; if (p_voice2->second) s2->sflags |= S_SECOND; else s2->sflags &= ~S_SECOND; if (p_voice2->floating) s2->sflags |= S_FLOATING; else s2->sflags &= ~S_FLOATING; s2->ly = NULL; g = s2->extra; if (!g) continue; g2 = (struct SYMBOL *) getarena(sizeof *g2); memcpy(g2, g, sizeof *g2); s2->extra = g2; s2 = g2; s2->voice = voice; s2->staff = p_voice2->staff; for (g = g->next; g; g = g->next) { g2 = (struct SYMBOL *) getarena(sizeof *g2); memcpy(g2, g, sizeof *g2); s2->next = g2; g2->prev = s2; s2 = g2; s2->voice = voice; s2->staff = p_voice2->staff; } } } } /* -- create a new staff system -- */ static void system_new(void) { struct SYSTEM *new_sy; int staff, voice; new_sy = (struct SYSTEM *) getarena(sizeof *new_sy); if (!parsys) { memset(new_sy, 0, sizeof *new_sy); for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) { new_sy->voice[voice].range = -1; } for (staff = 0; staff < MAXSTAFF; staff++) { new_sy->staff[staff].stafflines = "|||||"; new_sy->staff[staff].staffscale = 1; } cursys = new_sy; } else { for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) { // update the previous system // if (parsys->voice[voice].range < 0 // || parsys->voice[voice].second) // continue; staff = parsys->voice[voice].staff; if (voice_tb[voice].stafflines) parsys->staff[staff].stafflines = voice_tb[voice].stafflines; if (voice_tb[voice].staffscale != 0) parsys->staff[staff].staffscale = voice_tb[voice].staffscale; } memcpy(new_sy, parsys, sizeof *new_sy); for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) { new_sy->voice[voice].range = -1; new_sy->voice[voice].second = 0; } for (staff = 0; staff < MAXSTAFF; staff++) new_sy->staff[staff].flags = 0; parsys->next = new_sy; } parsys = new_sy; } /* -- initialize the voices and staves -- */ /* this routine is called when starting the generation */ static void system_init(void) { voice_compress(); voice_dup(); sort_all(); /* define the time / vertical sequences */ // if (!tsfirst) // return; // parsys->nstaff = nstaff; /* save the number of staves */ } /* go to a global (measure + time) */ static struct SYMBOL *go_global_time(struct SYMBOL *s, struct symsel_s *symsel) { struct SYMBOL *s2; int bar_time; if (symsel->bar <= 1) { /* special case: there is no measure 0/1 */ // && nbar == -1) { /* see set_bar_num */ if (symsel->bar == 0) goto chk_time; for (s2 = s; s2; s2 = s2->ts_next) { if (s2->type == BAR && s2->time != 0) break; } if (s2->time < voice_tb[cursys->top_voice].meter.wmeasure) s = s2; goto chk_time; } for ( ; s; s = s->ts_next) { if (s->type == BAR && s->aux >= symsel->bar) break; } if (!s) return NULL; if (symsel->seq != 0) { int seq; seq = symsel->seq; for (s = s->ts_next; s; s = s->ts_next) { if (s->type == BAR && s->aux == symsel->bar) { if (--seq == 0) break; } } if (!s) return NULL; } chk_time: if (symsel->time == 0) return s; bar_time = s->time + symsel->time; while (s->time < bar_time) { s = s->ts_next; if (!s) return s; } do { s = s->ts_prev; /* go back to the previous sequence */ } while (!(s->sflags & S_SEQST)); return s; } /* treat %%clip */ static void do_clip(void) { struct SYMBOL *s, *s2; struct SYSTEM *sy; struct VOICE_S *p_voice; int voice; /* remove the beginning of the tune */ s = tsfirst; if (clip_start.bar > 0 || clip_start.time > 0) { s = go_global_time(s, &clip_start); if (!s) { tsfirst = NULL; return; } /* update the start of voices */ sy = cursys; for (s2 = tsfirst; s2 != s; s2 = s2->ts_next) { if (s->sflags & S_NEW_SY) sy = sy->next; switch (s2->type) { case CLEF: voice_tb[s2->voice].s_clef = s2; break; case KEYSIG: memcpy(&voice_tb[s2->voice].key, &s2->u.key, sizeof voice_tb[0].key); break; case TIMESIG: memcpy(&voice_tb[s2->voice].meter, &s2->u.meter, sizeof voice_tb[0].meter); break; } } cursys = sy; for (p_voice = first_voice; p_voice; p_voice = p_voice->next) { voice = p_voice - voice_tb; for (s2 = s; s2; s2 = s2->ts_next) { if (s2->voice == voice) { s2->prev = NULL; break; } } p_voice->sym = s2; } tsfirst = s; s->ts_prev = NULL; } /* remove the end of the tune */ s = go_global_time(s, &clip_end); if (!s) return; /* keep the current sequence */ do { s = s->ts_next; if (!s) return; } while (!(s->sflags & S_SEQST)); /* cut the voices */ for (p_voice = first_voice; p_voice; p_voice = p_voice->next) { voice = p_voice - voice_tb; for (s2 = s->ts_prev; s2; s2 = s2->ts_prev) { if (s2->voice == voice) { s2->next = NULL; break; } } if (!s2) p_voice->sym = NULL; } s->ts_prev->ts_next = NULL; } /* -- set the bar numbers and treat %%clip / %%break -- */ static void set_bar_num(void) { struct SYMBOL *s, *s2, *s3; int bar_time, wmeasure, tim; int bar_num, bar_rep; wmeasure = voice_tb[cursys->top_voice].meter.wmeasure; bar_rep = nbar; /* don't count a bar at start of line */ for (s = tsfirst; ; s = s->ts_next) { if (!s) return; switch (s->type) { case TIMESIG: case CLEF: case KEYSIG: case FMTCHG: case STBRK: continue; case BAR: if (s->aux) { nbar = s->aux; /* (%%setbarnb) */ break; } if (s->u.bar.repeat_bar && s->text && !cfmt.contbarnb) { if (s->text[0] == '1') { bar_rep = nbar; } else { nbar = bar_rep; /* restart bar numbering */ s->aux = nbar; } } break; } break; } /* set the measure number on the top bars * and move the clefs before the measure bars */ bar_time = s->time + wmeasure; /* for incomplete measure at start of tune */ bar_num = nbar; for ( ; s; s = s->ts_next) { switch (s->type) { case CLEF: if (s->sflags & S_NEW_SY) break; for (s2 = s->ts_prev; s2; s2 = s2->ts_prev) { if (s2->sflags & S_NEW_SY) { s2 = NULL; break; } switch (s2->type) { case BAR: if (s2->sflags & S_SEQST) break; continue; case MREST: case NOTEREST: case SPACE: case STBRK: case TUPLET: s2 = NULL; break; default: continue; } break; } if (!s2) break; /* move the clef */ s->next->prev = s->prev; s->prev->next = s->next; s->ts_next->ts_prev = s->ts_prev; s->ts_prev->ts_next = s->ts_next; s->next = s2; s->prev = s2->prev; s->prev->next = s; s2->prev = s; s->ts_next = s2; s->ts_prev = s2->ts_prev; s->ts_prev->ts_next = s; s2->ts_prev = s; // if (s->sflags & S_NEW_SY) { // s->sflags &= ~S_NEW_SY; // s->ts_next->sflags |= S_NEW_SY; // } s3 = s->extra; if (s3) { if (s->ts_next->extra) { while (s3->next) s3 = s3->next; s3->next = s->ts_next->extra; s->ts_next->extra = s->extra; } else { s->ts_next->extra = s3; } s->extra = NULL; } s = s2; break; case TIMESIG: wmeasure = s->u.meter.wmeasure; if (s->time < bar_time) bar_time = s->time + wmeasure; break; case MREST: bar_num += s->u.bar.len - 1; while (s->ts_next && s->ts_next->type != BAR) s = s->ts_next; break; case BAR: // if (s->flags & ABC_F_INVIS) // break; if (s->aux) { bar_num = s->aux; /* (%%setbarnb) */ // if (s->time < bar_time) { // s->aux = 0; break; // } } else { if (s->time < bar_time) /* incomplete measure */ break; bar_num++; } /* check if any repeat bar at this time */ tim = s->time; s2 = s; do { if (s2->type == BAR && s2->u.bar.repeat_bar && s2->text && !cfmt.contbarnb) { if (s2->text[0] == '1') bar_rep = bar_num; else /* restart bar numbering */ bar_num = bar_rep; break; } s2 = s2->next; } while (s2 && s2->time == tim); s->aux = bar_num; bar_time = s->time + wmeasure; break; } } /* do the %%clip stuff */ if (clip_start.bar >= 0) { if (bar_num <= clip_start.bar || nbar > clip_end.bar) { tsfirst = NULL; return; } do_clip(); } /* do the %%break stuff */ { struct brk_s *brk; int nbar_min; // if (nbar == 1) // nbar = -1; /* see go_global_time */ nbar_min = nbar; if (nbar_min == 1) nbar_min = -1; for (brk = brks; brk; brk = brk->next) { if (brk->symsel.bar <= nbar_min || brk->symsel.bar > bar_num) continue; s = go_global_time(tsfirst, &brk->symsel); if (s) s->sflags |= S_EOLN; } } if (cfmt.measurenb < 0) /* if no display of measure bar */ nbar = bar_num; /* update in case of more music to come */ } /* -- generate a piece of tune -- */ static void generate(void) { int old_lvl, voice; struct VOICE_S *p_voice; system_init(); if (!tsfirst) return; /* no symbol */ set_bar_num(); if (!tsfirst) return; /* no more symbol */ old_lvl = lvlarena(2); output_music(); clrarena(2); /* clear generation */ lvlarena(old_lvl); /* reset the parser */ for (p_voice = first_voice; p_voice; p_voice = p_voice->next) { voice = p_voice - voice_tb; p_voice->sym = p_voice->last_sym = NULL; p_voice->time = 0; p_voice->have_ly = 0; p_voice->staff = cursys->voice[voice].staff; p_voice->second = cursys->voice[voice].second; p_voice->s_clef->time = 0; p_voice->lyric_start = NULL; } staves_found = 0; // (for voice compress/dup) } /* -- output the music and lyrics after tune -- */ static void gen_ly(int eob) { generate(); if (info['W' - 'A']) { put_words(info['W' - 'A']); info['W' - 'A'] = NULL; } if (eob) buffer_eob(0); } /* * for transpose purpose, check if a pitch is already in the measure or * if it is tied from a previous note, and return the associated accidental */ static int acc_same_pitch(int pitch) { struct SYMBOL *s = curvoice->last_sym->prev; int i, time; // the overlaid voices may have no measure bars // if (curvoice->id[0] == '&') // s = voice_tb[curvoice->mvoice].last_sym; if (!s) return -1; time = s->time; for (; s; s = s->prev) { switch (s->abc_type) { case ABC_T_BAR: if (s->time < time) return -1; /* no same pitch */ for (;;) { s = s->prev; if (!s) return -1; if (s->abc_type == ABC_T_NOTE) { if (s->time + s->dur == time) break; return -1; } if (s->time < time) return -1; } for (i = 0; i <= s->nhd; i++) { if (s->u.note.notes[i].pit == pitch && s->u.note.notes[i].ti1) return s->u.note.notes[i].acc; } return -1; case ABC_T_NOTE: for (i = 0; i <= s->nhd; i++) { if (s->u.note.notes[i].pit == pitch) return s->u.note.notes[i].acc; } break; } } return -1; } /* transpose a note / chord */ static void note_transpose(struct SYMBOL *s) { int i, j, m, n, d, a, dp, i1, i2, i3, i4, sf_old; static const signed char acc1[6] = {0, 1, 0, -1, 2, -2}; static const char acc2[5] = {A_DF, A_FT, A_NT, A_SH, A_DS}; m = s->nhd; sf_old = curvoice->okey.sf; i2 = curvoice->ckey.sf - sf_old; dp = cgd2cde[(i2 + 4 * 7) % 7]; if (curvoice->transpose < 0 && dp != 0) dp -= 7; dp += curvoice->transpose / 3 / 12 * 7; for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) { /* pitch */ n = s->u.note.notes[i].pit; s->u.note.notes[i].pit += dp; s->pits[i] += dp; /* accidental */ i1 = cde2fcg[(n + 5 + 16 * 7) % 7]; /* fcgdaeb */ a = s->u.note.notes[i].acc & 0x07; if (a == 0) { if (curvoice->okey.nacc == 0) { if (sf_old > 0) { if (i1 < sf_old - 1) a = A_SH; } else if (sf_old < 0) { if (i1 >= sf_old + 6) a = A_FT; } } else { for (j = 0; j < curvoice->okey.nacc; j++) { if ((n + 16 * 7 - curvoice->okey.pits[j]) % 7 == 0) { a = curvoice->okey.accs[j]; break; } } } } i3 = i1 + i2 + acc1[a] * 7; i1 = ((i3 + 1 + 21) / 7 + 2 - 3 + 32 * 5) % 5; a = acc2[(unsigned) i1]; if (s->u.note.notes[i].acc != 0) { ; } else if (curvoice->ckey.empty) { /* key none */ if (a == A_NT || acc_same_pitch(s->u.note.notes[i].pit) >= 0) continue; } else if (curvoice->ckey.nacc > 0) { /* acc list */ i4 = cgd2cde[(unsigned) ((i3 + 16 * 7) % 7)]; for (j = 0; j < curvoice->ckey.nacc; j++) { if ((i4 + 16 * 7 - curvoice->ckey.pits[j]) % 7 == 0) break; } if (j < curvoice->ckey.nacc) continue; } else { continue; } i1 = s->u.note.notes[i].acc & 0x07; i4 = s->u.note.notes[i].acc >> 3; if (i4 != 0 /* microtone */ && i1 != a) { /* different accidental type */ if (s->u.note.microscale) { n = i4; d = s->u.note.microscale; } else { n = parse.micro_tb[i4]; d = ((n & 0xff) + 1) * 2; n = (n >> 8) + 1; } //fixme: double sharps/flats ?*/ //fixme: does not work in all cases (tied notes, previous accidental) switch (a) { case A_NT: if (n >= d / 2) { n -= d / 2; a = i1; } else { a = i1 == A_SH ? A_FT : A_SH; } break; case A_DS: if (n >= d / 2) { s->u.note.notes[i].pit += 1; s->pits[i] += 1; n -= d / 2; } else { n += d / 2; } a = i1; break; case A_DF: if (n >= d / 2) { s->u.note.notes[i].pit -= 1; s->pits[i] -= 1; n -= d / 2; } else { n += d / 2; } a = i1; break; } if (s->u.note.microscale) { i4 = n; } else { d = d / 2 - 1 + ((n - 1) << 8); for (i4 = 1; i4 < MAXMICRO; i4++) { if (parse.micro_tb[i4] == d) break; if (parse.micro_tb[i4] == 0) { parse.micro_tb[i4] = d; break; } } if (i4 == MAXMICRO) { error(1, s, "Too many microtone accidentals"); i4 = 0; } } } s->u.note.notes[i].acc = (i4 << 3) | a; } } /* transpose a guitar chord */ static void gch_tr1(struct SYMBOL *s, int i, int i2) { char *p = &s->text[i], *q = p + 1, *new_txt; int l, latin; int n, a, i1, i3, i4; static const char note_names[] = "CDEFGAB"; static const char *latin_names[7] = { "Do", "Ré", "Mi", "Fa", "Sol", "La", "Si" }; static const char *acc_name[5] = {"bb", "b", "", "#", "##"}; static const char note_pit[] = {0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11}; static const char pit_note[] = {0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6}; static const char pit_acc[] = {2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2}; /* main chord */ latin = 0; switch (*p) { case 'A': case 'B': n = *p - 'A' + 5; break; case 'C': case 'E': case 'G': n = *p - 'C'; break; case 'D': if (p[1] == 'o') { latin++; n = 0; /* Do */ break; } n = 1; break; case 'F': if (p[1] == 'a') latin++; /* Fa */ n = 3; break; case 'L': latin++; /* La */ n = 5; break; case 'M': latin++; /* Mi */ n = 2; break; case 'R': latin++; if (p[1] != 'e') latin++; /* Ré */ n = 1; /* Re */ break; case 'S': latin++; if (p[1] == 'o') { latin++; n = 4; /* Sol */ } else { n = 6; /* Si */ } break; case '/': // bass only latin--; break; default: return; } q += latin; /* allocate a new string */ new_txt = getarena(strlen(s->text) + 6); l = p - s->text; memcpy(new_txt, s->text, l); s->text = new_txt; new_txt += l; p = q; if (latin >= 0) { // if some chord a = 0; while (*p == '#') { a++; p++; } while (*p == 'b') { a--; p++; } if (*p == '=') p++; i3 = (note_pit[n] + a + i2 + 12) % 12; i4 = pit_note[i3]; if (latin == 0) *new_txt++ = note_names[i4]; else new_txt += sprintf(new_txt, "%s", latin_names[i4]); i1 = pit_acc[i3]; // accidental new_txt += sprintf(new_txt, "%s", acc_name[i1]); } /* bass */ while (*p != '\0' && *p != '\n' && *p != '/') // skip 'm'/'dim'.. *new_txt++ = *p++; if (*p == '/') { *new_txt++ = *p++; //fixme: latin names not treated q = strchr(note_names, *p); if (q) { p++; n = q - note_names; if (*p == '#') { a = 1; p++; } else if (*p == 'b') { a = -1; p++; } else { a = 0; } i3 = (note_pit[n] + a + i2 + 12) % 12; i4 = pit_note[i3]; *new_txt++ = note_names[i4]; i1 = pit_acc[i3]; new_txt += sprintf(new_txt, "%s", acc_name[i1]); } } strcpy(new_txt, p); } static void gch_capo(struct SYMBOL *s) { char *p = s->text, *q, *r; int i, l, li = 0; static const char *capo_txt = " (capo: %d)"; // search the chord symbols for (;;) { if (!strchr("^_<>@", *p)) break; p = strchr(p, '\n'); if (!p) return; p++; } // add a capo chord symbol i = p - s->text; q = strchr(p + 1, '\n'); if (q) l = q - p; else l = strlen(p); if (!capo) { capo = 1; li = strlen(capo_txt); } r = (char *) getarena(strlen(s->text) + l + li + 1); i += l; strncpy(r, s->text, i); // annotations + chord symbol r[i++] = '\n'; strncpy(r + i, p, l); // capo if (li) { sprintf(r + i + l, capo_txt, cfmt.capo); l += li; } if (q) strcpy(r + i + l, q); // ending annotations s->text = r; gch_tr1(s, i, -cfmt.capo); } static void gch_transpose(struct SYMBOL *s) { int i2 = ((curvoice->ckey.sf - curvoice->okey.sf + 12) * 7) % 12; char *o = s->text, *p = o, *q = o, *r; // search the chord symbols for (;;) { if (!strchr("^_<>@", *p)) { q = strchr(p, '\t'); if (q) { r = strchr(p, '\n'); if (!r || q < r) gch_tr1(s, q + 1 - o, i2); } gch_tr1(s, p - o, i2); } p = strchr(p, '\n'); if (!p) return; p++; } } /* -- build the guitar chords / annotations -- */ static void gch_build(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct gch *gch; char *p, *q, antype, sep; float w, h_ann, h_gch, y_above, y_below, y_left, y_right; float xspc; int l, ix, box, gch_place; if (s->posit.gch == SL_HIDDEN) return; s->gch = getarena(sizeof *s->gch * MAXGCH); memset(s->gch, 0, sizeof *s->gch * MAXGCH); if (cfmt.capo) gch_capo(s); if (curvoice->transpose != 0) gch_transpose(s); /* split the guitar chords / annotations * and initialize their vertical offsets */ gch_place = s->posit.gch == SL_BELOW ? -1 : 1; h_gch = cfmt.font_tb[cfmt.gcf].size; h_ann = cfmt.font_tb[cfmt.anf].size; y_above = y_below = y_left = y_right = 0; box = cfmt.gchordbox; p = s->text; gch = s->gch; sep = '\n'; antype = 'g'; /* (compiler warning) */ for (;;) { if (sep != 'n' && strchr("^_<>@", *p)) { gch->font = cfmt.anf; antype = *p++; if (antype == '@') { int n; float xo, yo; if (sscanf(p, "%f,%f%n", &xo, &yo, &n) != 2) { error(1, s, "Error in annotation \"@\""); } else { p += n; if (*p == ' ') p++; gch->x = xo; gch->y = yo; } } } else if (sep == '\n') { gch->font = cfmt.gcf; gch->box = box; antype = 'g'; } else { gch->font = (gch - 1)->font; gch->box = (gch - 1)->box; } gch->type = antype; switch (antype) { default: /* guitar chord */ if (gch_place < 0) break; /* below */ y_above += h_gch; if (box) y_above += 2; break; case '^': /* above */ y_above += h_ann; break; case '_': /* below */ break; case '<': /* left */ y_left += h_ann * 0.5; break; case '>': /* right */ y_right += h_ann * 0.5; break; case '@': /* absolute */ if (gch->x == 0 && gch->y == 0 && gch != s->gch && s->gch->type == '@') { /* if not 1st line */ gch->x = (gch - 1)->x; gch->y = (gch - 1)->y - h_ann; } break; } gch->idx = p - s->text; for (;;) { switch (*p) { default: p++; continue; case '\\': p++; if (*p == 'n') { p[-1] = '\0'; break; /* sep = 'n' */ } p++; continue; case '&': /* skip "&xxx;" */ for (;;) { switch (*p) { default: p++; continue; case ';': p++; case '\0': case '\n': case '\\': break; } break; } continue; case '\0': case ';': case '\n': break; } break; } sep = *p; if (sep == '\0') break; *p++ = '\0'; gch++; if (gch - s->gch >= MAXGCH) { error(1, s, "Too many guitar chords / annotations"); break; } } /* change the accidentals in the guitar chords */ for (ix = 0, gch = s->gch; ix < MAXGCH; ix++, gch++) { if (gch->type == '\0') break; if (gch->type != 'g') continue; p = s->text + gch->idx; q = p; for (; *p != '\0'; p++) { switch (*p) { case '#': case 'b': case '=': if (p == q /* 1st char or after a slash */ || (p != q + 1 /* or invert '\' behaviour */ && p[-1] == '\\')) break; /* set the accidentals as unused utf-8 values * (see subs.c) */ switch (*p) { case '#': *p = 0x01; break; case 'b': *p = 0x02; break; default: /* case '=': */ *p = 0x03; break; } if (p[-1] == '\\') { p--; l = strlen(p); memmove(p, p + 1, l); } break; case ' ': case '/': q = p + 1; break; } } } /* set the offsets and widths */ /*fixme:utf8*/ for (ix = 0, gch = s->gch; ix < MAXGCH; ix++, gch++) { if (gch->type == '\0') break; if (gch->type == '@') continue; /* no width */ p = s->text + gch->idx; str_font(gch->font); w = tex_str(p); gch->w = w; // + 4; switch (gch->type) { case '_': /* below */ xspc = w * GCHPRE; if (xspc > 8) xspc = 8; gch->x = -xspc; y_below -= h_ann; gch->y = y_below; break; case '^': /* above */ xspc = w * GCHPRE; if (xspc > 8) xspc = 8; gch->x = -xspc; y_above -= h_ann; gch->y = y_above; break; default: /* guitar chord */ xspc = w * GCHPRE; if (xspc > 8) xspc = 8; gch->x = -xspc; if (gch_place < 0) { /* below */ y_below -= h_gch; gch->y = y_below; if (box) { y_below -= 2; gch->y -= 1; } } else { y_above -= h_gch; gch->y = y_above; if (box) { y_above -= 2; gch->y -= 1; } } break; case '<': /* left */ gch->x = -(w + 6); y_left -= h_ann; gch->y = y_left; break; case '>': /* right */ gch->x = 6; y_right -= h_ann; gch->y = y_right; break; } } } /* get the note which will receive a lyric word */ static struct SYMBOL *next_lyric_note(struct SYMBOL *s) { while (s && (s->abc_type != ABC_T_NOTE || (s->flags & ABC_F_GRACE))) s = s->next; return s; } /* -- parse lyric (vocal) lines (w:) -- */ static struct SYMBOL *get_lyric(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct SYMBOL *s1, *s2; char word[128], *p, *q; int ln, cont; struct FONTSPEC *f; curvoice->have_ly = curvoice->posit.voc != SL_HIDDEN; if (curvoice->ignore) { for (;;) { if (!s->abc_next) return s; switch (s->abc_next->abc_type) { case ABC_T_PSCOM: s = process_pscomment(s->abc_next); continue; case ABC_T_INFO: if (s->abc_next->text[0] == 'w' || s->abc_next->text[0] == '+') { s = s->abc_next; continue; } break; } return s; } } f = &cfmt.font_tb[cfmt.vof]; str_font(cfmt.vof); /* (for tex_str) */ /* treat all w: lines */ cont = 0; ln = -1; s2 = s1 = NULL; // have gcc happy for (;;) { if (!cont) { if (ln >= MAXLY- 1) { error(1, s, "Too many lyric lines"); ln--; } ln++; s2 = s1; s1 = curvoice->lyric_start; if (!s1) s1 = curvoice->sym; else s1 = s1->next; if (!s1) { error(1, s, "w: without music"); return s; } } else { cont = 0; } /* scan the lyric line */ p = &s->text[2]; while (*p != '\0') { while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; if (*p == '\0') break; if (*p == '\\' && p[1] == '\0') { cont = 1; break; } switch (*p) { case '|': while (s1 && s1->type != BAR) { s2 = s1; s1 = s1->next; } if (!s1) { error(1, s2, "Not enough bar lines for lyric line"); goto ly_next; } s2 = s1; s1 = s1->next; p++; continue; case '-': word[0] = LY_HYPH; word[1] = '\0'; p++; break; case '_': word[0] = LY_UNDER; word[1] = '\0'; p++; break; case '*': word[0] = '\0'; p++; break; default: q = word; for (;;) { unsigned char c; c = *p; switch (c) { case '\0': case ' ': case '\t': case '_': case '*': case '|': break; case '~': c = ' '; goto addch; case '-': c = LY_HYPH; goto addch; case '\\': if (p[1] == '\0') break; switch (p[1]) { case '~': case '_': case '*': case '|': case '-': case ' ': case '\\': c = *++p; break; } /* fall thru */ default: addch: if (q < &word[sizeof word - 1]) *q++ = c; p++; if (c == LY_HYPH) break; continue; } break; } *q = '\0'; break; } /* store the word in the next note */ if (s1) { /* for error */ s2 = s1; s1 = next_lyric_note(s1); } if (!s1) { if (!s2) s2 = s; error(1, s2, "Too many words in lyric line"); goto ly_next; } if (word[0] != '\0' && s1->posit.voc != SL_HIDDEN) { struct lyl *lyl; float w; if (!s1->ly) { s1->ly = (struct lyrics *) getarena(sizeof (struct lyrics)); memset(s1->ly, 0, sizeof (struct lyrics)); } /* handle the font change at start of text */ q = word; if (*q == '$' && isdigit((unsigned char) q[1]) && (unsigned) (q[1] - '0') < FONT_UMAX) { int ft; ft = q[1] - '0'; if (ft == 0) ft = cfmt.vof; f = &cfmt.font_tb[ft]; str_font(ft); q += 2; } w = tex_str(q); q = tex_buf; lyl = (struct lyl *) getarena(sizeof *s1->ly->lyl[0] - sizeof s1->ly->lyl[0]->t + strlen(q) + 1); s1->ly->lyl[ln] = lyl; lyl->f = f; lyl->w = w; strcpy(lyl->t, q); /* handle the font changes inside the text */ while (*q != '\0') { if (*q == '$' && isdigit((unsigned char) q[1]) && (unsigned) (q[1] - '0') < FONT_UMAX) { int ft; q++; ft = *q - '0'; if (ft == 0) ft = cfmt.vof; f = &cfmt.font_tb[ft]; str_font(ft); } q++; } } s2 = s1; s1 = s1->next; } /* loop if more lyrics */ ly_next: for (;;) { if (!s->abc_next) goto ly_upd; switch (s->abc_next->abc_type) { case ABC_T_PSCOM: s = process_pscomment(s->abc_next); f = &cfmt.font_tb[cfmt.vof]; /* may have changed */ str_font(cfmt.vof); continue; case ABC_T_INFO: if (s->abc_next->text[0] != 'w' && s->abc_next->text[0] != '+') goto ly_upd; s = s->abc_next; if (s->text[0] == '+') cont = 1; if (!cont) { s1 = next_lyric_note(s1); if (s1) { error(1, s1, "Not enough words for lyric line"); } } break; /* more lyric */ default: goto ly_upd; } break; } } /* the next lyrics will go into the next notes */ ly_upd: //fixme: no error with abc-2.1 if (next_lyric_note(s1)) error(0, s1, "Not enough words for lyric line"); // fill the w: with 'blank syllabes' curvoice->lyric_start = curvoice->last_sym; return s; } /* -- add a voice in the linked list -- */ static void voice_link(struct VOICE_S *p_voice) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice2; p_voice2 = first_voice; for (;;) { if (p_voice2 == p_voice) return; if (!p_voice2->next) break; p_voice2 = p_voice2->next; } p_voice2->next = p_voice; } /* -- get a voice overlay -- */ static void get_over(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice, *p_voice2, *p_voice3; int range, voice, voice2, voice3; static char tx_wrong_dur[] = "Wrong duration in voice overlay"; static char txt_no_note[] = "No note in voice overlay"; /* treat the end of overlay */ p_voice = curvoice; if (p_voice->ignore) return; if (s->abc_type == ABC_T_BAR || s->u.v_over.type == V_OVER_E) { if (!p_voice->last_sym) { error(1, s, txt_no_note); return; } p_voice->last_sym->sflags |= S_BEAM_END; over_bar = 0; if (over_time < 0) { error(1, s, "Erroneous end of voice overlap"); return; } if (p_voice->time != over_mxtime) error(1, s, tx_wrong_dur); curvoice = &voice_tb[over_voice]; over_voice = -1; over_time = -1; return; } /* treat the full overlay start */ if (s->u.v_over.type == V_OVER_S) { over_voice = p_voice - voice_tb; over_time = p_voice->time; return; } /* (here is treated a new overlay - '&') */ /* create the extra voice if not done yet */ if (!p_voice->last_sym) { error(1, s, txt_no_note); return; } p_voice->last_sym->sflags |= S_BEAM_END; voice2 = s->u.v_over.voice; p_voice2 = &voice_tb[voice2]; if (parsys->voice[voice2].range < 0) { int clone; if (cfmt.abc2pscompat) { error(1, s, "Cannot have %%%%abc2pscompat"); cfmt.abc2pscompat = 0; } clone = p_voice->clone >= 0; p_voice2->id[0] = '&'; p_voice2->id[1] = '\0'; p_voice2->second = 1; parsys->voice[voice2].second = 1; p_voice2->scale = p_voice->scale; p_voice2->octave = p_voice->octave; p_voice2->transpose = p_voice->transpose; memcpy(&p_voice2->key, &p_voice->key, sizeof p_voice2->key); memcpy(&p_voice2->ckey, &p_voice->ckey, sizeof p_voice2->ckey); memcpy(&p_voice2->okey, &p_voice->okey, sizeof p_voice2->okey); p_voice2->posit = p_voice->posit; p_voice2->staff = p_voice->staff; p_voice2->cstaff = p_voice->cstaff; p_voice2->color = p_voice->color; p_voice2->map_name = p_voice->map_name; range = parsys->voice[p_voice - voice_tb].range; for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) { if (parsys->voice[voice].range > range) parsys->voice[voice].range += clone + 1; } parsys->voice[voice2].range = range + 1; voice_link(p_voice2); if (clone) { for (voice3 = MAXVOICE; --voice3 >= 0; ) { if (parsys->voice[voice3].range < 0) break; } if (voice3 > 0) { p_voice3 = &voice_tb[voice3]; strcpy(p_voice3->id, p_voice2->id); p_voice3->second = 1; parsys->voice[voice3].second = 1; p_voice3->scale = voice_tb[p_voice->clone].scale; parsys->voice[voice3].range = range + 2; voice_link(p_voice3); p_voice2->clone = voice3; } else { error(1, s, "Too many voices for overlay cloning"); } } } voice = p_voice - voice_tb; // p_voice2->cstaff = p_voice2->staff = parsys->voice[voice2].staff // = parsys->voice[voice].staff; // if ((voice3 = p_voice2->clone) >= 0) { // p_voice3 = &voice_tb[voice3]; // p_voice3->cstaff = p_voice3->staff // = parsys->voice[voice3].staff // = parsys->voice[p_voice->clone].staff; // } if (over_time < 0) { /* first '&' in a measure */ int time; over_bar = 1; over_mxtime = p_voice->time; over_voice = voice; time = p_voice2->time; for (s = p_voice->last_sym; /*s*/; s = s->prev) { if (s->type == BAR || s->time <= time) /* (if start of tune) */ break; } over_time = s->time; } else { if (over_mxtime == 0) over_mxtime = p_voice->time; else if (p_voice->time != over_mxtime) error(1, s, tx_wrong_dur); } p_voice2->time = over_time; curvoice = p_voice2; } struct staff_s { short voice; short flags; }; /* -- parse %%staves / %%score -- */ static void parse_staves(struct SYMBOL *s, struct staff_s *staves) { char *p; int voice, flags_st, brace, bracket, parenth, err; short flags; struct staff_s *p_staff; /* define the voices */ err = 0; flags = 0; brace = bracket = parenth = 0; flags_st = 0; voice = 0; p = s->text + 7; while (*p != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; while (*p != '\0') { switch (*p) { case ' ': case '\t': break; case '[': if (parenth || brace + bracket >= 2) { error(1, s, "Misplaced '[' in %%%%staves"); err = 1; break; } if (brace + bracket == 0) flags |= OPEN_BRACKET; else flags |= OPEN_BRACKET2; bracket++; flags_st <<= 8; flags_st |= OPEN_BRACKET; break; case '{': if (parenth || brace || bracket >= 2) { error(1, s, "Misplaced '{' in %%%%staves"); err = 1; break; } if (bracket == 0) flags |= OPEN_BRACE; else flags |= OPEN_BRACE2; brace++; flags_st <<= 8; flags_st |= OPEN_BRACE; break; case '(': if (parenth) { error(1, s, "Misplaced '(' in %%%%staves"); err = 1; break; } flags |= OPEN_PARENTH; parenth++; flags_st <<= 8; flags_st |= OPEN_PARENTH; break; case '*': if (brace && !parenth && !(flags & (OPEN_BRACE | OPEN_BRACE2))) flags |= FL_VOICE; break; case '+': flags |= MASTER_VOICE; break; default: if (!isalnum((unsigned char) *p) && *p != '_') { error(1, s, "Bad voice ID in %%%%staves"); err = 1; break; } if (voice >= MAXVOICE) { error(1, s, "Too many voices in %%%%staves"); err = 1; break; } { int i, v; char sep, *q; q = p; while (isalnum((unsigned char) *p) || *p == '_') p++; sep = *p; *p = '\0'; /* search the voice in the voice table */ v = -1; for (i = 0; i < MAXVOICE; i++) { if (strcmp(q, voice_tb[i].id) == 0) { v = i; break; } } if (v < 0) { error(1, s, "Voice '%s' of %%%%staves has no symbol", q); err = 1; // break; p_staff = staves; } else { p_staff = staves + voice++; p_staff->voice = v; } *p = sep; } for ( ; *p != '\0'; p++) { switch (*p) { case ' ': case '\t': continue; case ']': if (!(flags_st & OPEN_BRACKET)) { error(1, s, "Misplaced ']' in %%%%staves"); err = 1; break; } bracket--; if (brace + bracket == 0) flags |= CLOSE_BRACKET; else flags |= CLOSE_BRACKET2; flags_st >>= 8; continue; case '}': if (!(flags_st & OPEN_BRACE)) { error(1, s, "Misplaced '}' in %%%%staves"); err = 1; break; } brace--; if (bracket == 0) flags |= CLOSE_BRACE; else flags |= CLOSE_BRACE2; flags &= ~FL_VOICE; flags_st >>= 8; continue; case ')': if (!(flags_st & OPEN_PARENTH)) { error(1, s, "Misplaced ')' in %%%%staves"); err = 1; break; } parenth--; flags |= CLOSE_PARENTH; flags_st >>= 8; continue; case '|': flags |= STOP_BAR; continue; } break; } p_staff->flags = flags; flags = 0; if (*p == '\0') break; continue; } if (*p == '\0') break; p++; } if (flags_st != 0) { error(1, s, "'}', ')' or ']' missing in %%%%staves"); err = 1; } if (err) { int i; for (i = 0; i < voice; i++) staves[i].flags = 0; } if (voice < MAXVOICE) staves[voice].voice = -1; } /* -- get staves definition (%%staves / %%score) -- */ static void get_staves(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct SYMBOL *s2; struct VOICE_S *p_voice, *p_voice2; struct staff_s *p_staff, staves[MAXVOICE]; int i, flags, voice, staff, range, dup_voice, maxtime; voice_compress(); voice_dup(); /* create a new staff system */ curvoice = p_voice = first_voice; maxtime = p_voice->time; flags = p_voice->sym != NULL; for (p_voice = p_voice->next; p_voice; p_voice = p_voice->next) { if (p_voice->time > maxtime) maxtime = p_voice->time; if (p_voice->sym) flags = 1; } if (flags == 0 /* if first %%staves */ || (maxtime == 0 && staves_found < 0)) { for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) parsys->voice[voice].range = -1; } else { /* * create a new staff system and * link the staves in a voice which is seen from * the previous system - see sort_all */ // p_voice = curvoice; if (parsys->voice[curvoice - voice_tb].range < 0) { for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) { if (parsys->voice[voice].range >= 0) { curvoice = &voice_tb[voice]; break; } } /*fixme: should check if voice < MAXVOICE*/ } curvoice->time = maxtime; // put the staves before a measure bar (see draw_bar()) s2 = curvoice->last_sym; if (s2 && s2->type == BAR && s2->time == maxtime) { curvoice->last_sym = s2->prev; if (!curvoice->last_sym) curvoice->sym = NULL; sym_link(s, STAVES); s->next = s2; s2->prev = s; curvoice->last_sym = s2; } else { sym_link(s, STAVES); // link the staves in the current voice } s->state = ABC_S_HEAD; /* (output PS sequences immediately) */ parsys->nstaff = nstaff; system_new(); } staves_found = maxtime; memset(staves, 0, sizeof staves); parse_staves(s, staves); /* initialize the voices */ for (voice = 0, p_voice = voice_tb; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++, p_voice++) { p_voice->second = 0; p_voice->floating = 0; p_voice->ignore = 0; p_voice->time = maxtime; } /* create the 'clone' voices */ dup_voice = MAXVOICE; range = 0; p_staff = staves; parsys->top_voice = p_staff->voice; for (i = 0; i < MAXVOICE && p_staff->voice >= 0; i++, p_staff++) { voice = p_staff->voice; p_voice = &voice_tb[voice]; if (parsys->voice[voice].range >= 0) { if (parsys->voice[dup_voice - 1].range >= 0) { error(1, s, "Too many voices for cloning"); continue; } voice = --dup_voice; /* duplicate the voice */ p_voice2 = &voice_tb[voice]; memcpy(p_voice2, p_voice, sizeof *p_voice2); p_voice2->next = NULL; p_voice2->sym = p_voice2->last_sym = NULL; p_voice2->tblts[0] = p_voice2->tblts[1] = NULL; p_voice2->clone = -1; while (p_voice->clone > 0) p_voice = &voice_tb[p_voice->clone]; p_voice->clone = voice; p_voice = p_voice2; p_staff->voice = voice; } parsys->voice[voice].range = range++; voice_link(p_voice); } /* change the behavior from %%staves to %%score */ if (s->text[3] == 't') { /* if %%staves */ for (i = 0, p_staff = staves; i < MAXVOICE - 2 && p_staff->voice >= 0; i++, p_staff++) { flags = p_staff->flags; if (!(flags & (OPEN_BRACE | OPEN_BRACE2))) continue; if ((flags & (OPEN_BRACE | CLOSE_BRACE)) == (OPEN_BRACE | CLOSE_BRACE) || (flags & (OPEN_BRACE2 | CLOSE_BRACE2)) == (OPEN_BRACE2 | CLOSE_BRACE2)) continue; if (p_staff[1].flags != 0) continue; if ((flags & OPEN_PARENTH) || (p_staff[2].flags & OPEN_PARENTH)) continue; /* {a b c} --> {a *b c} */ if (p_staff[2].flags & (CLOSE_BRACE | CLOSE_BRACE2)) { p_staff[1].flags |= FL_VOICE; /* {a b c d} --> {(a b) (c d)} */ } else if (p_staff[2].flags == 0 && (p_staff[3].flags & (CLOSE_BRACE | CLOSE_BRACE2))) { p_staff->flags |= OPEN_PARENTH; p_staff[1].flags |= CLOSE_PARENTH; p_staff[2].flags |= OPEN_PARENTH; p_staff[3].flags |= CLOSE_PARENTH; } } } /* set the staff system */ staff = -1; for (i = 0, p_staff = staves; i < MAXVOICE && p_staff->voice >= 0; i++, p_staff++) { flags = p_staff->flags; if ((flags & (OPEN_PARENTH | CLOSE_PARENTH)) == (OPEN_PARENTH | CLOSE_PARENTH)) { flags &= ~(OPEN_PARENTH | CLOSE_PARENTH); p_staff->flags = flags; } voice = p_staff->voice; p_voice = &voice_tb[voice]; if (flags & FL_VOICE) { p_voice->floating = 1; p_voice->second = 1; } else { #if MAXSTAFF < MAXVOICE if (staff >= MAXSTAFF - 1) { error(1, s, "Too many staves"); } else #endif staff++; parsys->staff[staff].flags = 0; } p_voice->staff = p_voice->cstaff = parsys->voice[voice].staff = staff; parsys->staff[staff].flags |= flags; if (flags & OPEN_PARENTH) { p_voice2 = p_voice; while (i < MAXVOICE) { i++; p_staff++; voice = p_staff->voice; p_voice = &voice_tb[voice]; if (p_staff->flags & MASTER_VOICE) { p_voice2->second = 1; p_voice2 = p_voice; } else { p_voice->second = 1; } p_voice->staff = p_voice->cstaff = parsys->voice[voice].staff = staff; if (p_staff->flags & CLOSE_PARENTH) break; } parsys->staff[staff].flags |= p_staff->flags; } } if (staff < 0) staff = 0; parsys->nstaff = nstaff = staff; /* change the behaviour of '|' in %%score */ if (s->text[3] == 'c') { /* if %%score */ for (staff = 0; staff < nstaff; staff++) parsys->staff[staff].flags ^= STOP_BAR; } for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) { p_voice = &voice_tb[voice]; parsys->voice[voice].second = p_voice->second; staff = p_voice->staff; if (staff > 0) p_voice->norepbra = !(parsys->staff[staff - 1].flags & STOP_BAR); if (p_voice->floating && staff == nstaff) p_voice->floating = 0; } curvoice = &voice_tb[parsys->top_voice]; } /* -- re-initialize all potential voices -- */ static void voice_init(void) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice; int i; for (i = 0, p_voice = voice_tb; i < MAXVOICE; i++, p_voice++) { p_voice->sym = p_voice->last_sym = NULL; p_voice->lyric_start = NULL; p_voice->bar_start = 0; p_voice->time = 0; p_voice->slur_st = 0; p_voice->hy_st = 0; p_voice->tie = 0; p_voice->rtie = 0; } } /* output a pdf mark */ static void put_pdfmark(char *p) { unsigned char c, *q; int u; p = trim_title(p, NULL); /* check if pure ASCII without '\', '(' nor ')'*/ for (q = (unsigned char *) p; *q != '\0'; q++) { switch (*q) { case '\\': case '(': case ')': break; default: if (*q >= 0x80) break; continue; } break; } if (*q == '\0') { a2b("[/Title(%s)/OUT pdfmark\n", p); return; } /* build utf-8 mark */ a2b("[/Title= 0) { a2b("%04X", u); u = -1; } a2b("%04X", (int) c); continue; } if (c < 0xc0) { u = (u << 6) | (c & 0x3f); continue; } if (u >= 0) { a2b("%04X", u); u = -1; } if (c < 0xe0) u = c & 0x1f; else if (c < 0xf0) u = c & 0x0f; else u = c & 0x07; } if (u >= 0) { a2b("%04X", u); u = -1; } a2b(">/OUT pdfmark\n"); } /* rebuild a tune header for %%tune filter */ static char *tune_header_rebuild(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct SYMBOL *s2; char *header, *p; int len; len = 0; s2 = s; for (;;) { if (s2->abc_type == ABC_T_INFO) { len += strlen(s2->text) + 1; if (s2->text[0] == 'K') break; } s2 = s2->abc_next; } header = malloc(len + 1); p = header; for (;;) { if (s->abc_type == ABC_T_INFO) { strcpy(p, s->text); p += strlen(p); *p++ = '\n'; if (s->text[0] == 'K') break; } s = s->abc_next; } *p++ = '\0'; return header; } /* apply the options to the current tune */ static void tune_filter(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct tune_opt_s *opt; struct SYMBOL *s1, *s2; regex_t r; char *header, *p; int ret; header = tune_header_rebuild(s); for (opt = tune_opts; opt; opt = opt->next) { struct SYMBOL *last_staves; p = &opt->s->text[2 + 5]; /* "%%tune RE" */ while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; ret = regcomp(&r, p, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NEWLINE | REG_NOSUB); if (ret) continue; ret = regexec(&r, header, 0, NULL, 0); regfree(&r); if (ret) continue; /* apply the options */ cur_tune_opts = opt; last_staves = s->abc_next; for (s1 = opt->s->next; s1; s1 = s1->next) { /* replace the next %%staves/%%score */ if (s1->abc_type == ABC_T_PSCOM && (strncmp(&s1->text[2], "staves", 6) == 0 || strncmp(&s1->text[2], "score", 5) == 0)) { while (last_staves) { if (last_staves->abc_type == ABC_T_PSCOM && (strncmp(&last_staves->text[2], "staves", 6) == 0 || strncmp(&last_staves->text[2], "score", 5) == 0)) { last_staves->text = s1->text; last_staves = last_staves->abc_next; break; } last_staves = last_staves->abc_next; } continue; } s2 = (struct SYMBOL *) getarena(sizeof *s2); memcpy(s2, s1, sizeof *s2); process_pscomment(s2); } cur_tune_opts = NULL; tune_voice_opts = opt->voice_opts; // for %%voice //fixme: what if many %%tune's with %%voice inside? } free(header); } /* apply the options of the current voice */ static void voice_filter(void) { struct voice_opt_s *opt; struct SYMBOL *s; regex_t r; int pass, ret; char *p; /* scan the global, then the tune options */ pass = 0; opt = voice_opts; for (;;) { if (!opt) { if (pass != 0) break; opt = tune_voice_opts; if (!opt) break; pass++; } p = &opt->s->text[2 + 6]; /* "%%voice RE" */ while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; ret = regcomp(&r, p, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB); if (ret) goto next_voice; ret = regexec(&r, curvoice->id, 0, NULL, 0); if (ret && curvoice->nm) ret = regexec(&r, curvoice->nm, 0, NULL, 0); regfree(&r); if (ret) goto next_voice; /* apply the options */ for (s = opt->s->next; s; s = s->next) { struct SYMBOL *s2; s2 = (struct SYMBOL *) getarena(sizeof *s2); memcpy(s2, s, sizeof *s2); process_pscomment(s2); } next_voice: opt = opt->next; } } /* -- check if a pseudo-comment may be in the tune header -- */ static int check_header(struct SYMBOL *s) { switch (s->text[2]) { case 'E': if (strncmp(s->text + 2, "EPS", 3) == 0) return 0; break; case 'm': if (strncmp(s->text + 2, "multicol", 8) == 0) return 0; break; } return 1; } /* -- set the global definitions after the first K: or middle-tune T:'s -- */ static void set_global_def(void) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice; int i; for (i = MAXVOICE, p_voice = voice_tb; --i >= 0; p_voice++) { switch (p_voice->key.instr) { case 0: if (!pipeformat) { // p_voice->transpose = cfmt.transpose; break; } //fall thru case K_HP: case K_Hp: if (p_voice->posit.std == 0) p_voice->posit.std = SL_BELOW; break; } // if (p_voice->key.empty) // p_voice->key.sf = 0; if (!cfmt.autoclef && p_voice->s_clef && (p_voice->s_clef->sflags & S_CLEF_AUTO)) { p_voice->s_clef->u.clef.type = TREBLE; p_voice->s_clef->sflags &= ~S_CLEF_AUTO; } } /* switch to the 1st voice */ curvoice = &voice_tb[parsys->top_voice]; } /* -- get the global definitions after the first K: or middle-tune T:'s -- */ static struct SYMBOL *get_global_def(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct SYMBOL *s2; for (;;) { s2 = s->abc_next; if (!s2) break; switch (s2->abc_type) { case ABC_T_INFO: switch (s2->text[0]) { case 'K': s = s2; s->state = ABC_S_HEAD; get_key(s); continue; case 'I': case 'M': case 'Q': s = s2; s->state = ABC_S_HEAD; s = get_info(s); continue; } break; case ABC_T_PSCOM: if (!check_header(s2)) break; s = s2; s->state = ABC_S_HEAD; s = process_pscomment(s); continue; } break; } set_global_def(); return s; } /* save the global note maps */ static void save_maps(void) { struct map *omap, *map; struct note_map *onotes, *notes; omap = maps; if (!omap) { maps_glob = NULL; return; } maps_glob = map = getarena(sizeof *maps_glob); for (;;) { memcpy(map, omap, sizeof *map); onotes = omap->notes; if (onotes) { map->notes = notes = getarena(sizeof *notes); for (;;) { memcpy(notes, onotes, sizeof *notes); onotes = onotes->next; if (!onotes) break; notes->next = getarena(sizeof *notes); notes = notes->next; } } omap = omap->next; if (!omap) break; map->next = getarena(sizeof *map); map = map->next; } } /* -- identify info line, store in proper place -- */ static struct SYMBOL *get_info(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct SYMBOL *s2; struct VOICE_S *p_voice; char *p; char info_type; int old_lvl; static char *state_txt[] = {"global", "header", "tune"}; /* change arena to global or tune */ old_lvl = lvlarena(s->state != ABC_S_GLOBAL); info_type = s->text[0]; switch (info_type) { case 'd': break; case 'I': s = process_pscomment(s); /* same as pseudo-comment */ break; case 'K': get_key(s); if (s->state != ABC_S_HEAD) break; info['K' - 'A'] = s; /* first K:, end of tune header */ tunenum++; if (!epsf) { // if (!cfmt.oneperpage) // use_buffer = cfmt.splittune != 1; bskip(cfmt.topspace); } a2b("%% --- xref %s\n", &info['X' - 'A']->text[2]); // (for index) write_heading(); block_put(); /* information for index * (pdfmark must be after title show for Adobe Distiller) */ s2 = info['T' - 'A']; p = &s2->text[2]; if (*p != '\0') { a2b("%% --- font "); outft = -1; set_font(TITLEFONT); /* font in comment */ a2b("\n"); outft = -1; } if (cfmt.pdfmark) { if (*p != '\0') put_pdfmark(p); if (cfmt.pdfmark > 1) { for (s2 = s2->next; s2; s2 = s2->next) { p = &s2->text[2]; if (*p != '\0') put_pdfmark(p); } } } nbar = cfmt.measurefirst; /* measure numbering */ over_voice = -1; over_time = -1; over_bar = 0; capo = 0; reset_gen(); s = get_global_def(s); if (!(cfmt.fields[0] & (1 << ('Q' - 'A')))) info['Q' - 'A'] = NULL; /* apply the filter for the voice '1' */ voice_filter(); /* activate the default tablature if not yet done */ if (!first_voice->tblts[0]) set_tblt(first_voice); break; case 'L': switch (s->state) { case ABC_S_HEAD: { int i, auto_len; auto_len = s->u.length.base_length < 0; for (i = MAXVOICE, p_voice = voice_tb; --i >= 0; p_voice++) p_voice->auto_len = auto_len; break; } case ABC_S_TUNE: curvoice->auto_len = s->u.length.base_length < 0; break; } break; case 'M': get_meter(s); break; case 'P': { struct VOICE_S *curvoice_sav; if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) { info['P' - 'A'] = s; break; } if (!(cfmt.fields[0] & (1 << ('P' - 'A')))) break; /* * If not in the main voice, then, * if the voices are synchronized and no P: yet in the main voice, * the misplaced P: goes into the main voice. */ p_voice = &voice_tb[parsys->top_voice]; if (curvoice != p_voice) { if (curvoice->time != p_voice->time) break; if (p_voice->last_sym && p_voice->last_sym->type == PART) break; // already a P: curvoice_sav = curvoice; curvoice = p_voice; sym_link(s, PART); curvoice = curvoice_sav; break; } sym_link(s, PART); break; } case 'Q': if (!(cfmt.fields[0] & (1 << ('Q' - 'A')))) break; if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) { info['Q' - 'A'] = s; break; } if (curvoice != &voice_tb[parsys->top_voice]) break; /* tempo only for first voice */ s2 = curvoice->last_sym; if (s2) { /* keep last Q: */ int tim; tim = s2->time; do { if (s2->type == TEMPO) { if (!s2->next) curvoice->last_sym = s2->prev; else s2->next->prev = s2->prev; if (!s2->prev) curvoice->sym = s2->next; else s2->prev->next = s2->next; break; } s2 = s2->prev; } while (s2 && s2->time == tim); } sym_link(s, TEMPO); break; case 'r': case 's': break; case 'T': if (s->state == ABC_S_GLOBAL) break; if (s->state == ABC_S_HEAD) /* in tune header */ goto addinfo; gen_ly(1); /* in tune */ p = &s->text[2]; if (*p != '\0') { write_title(s); a2b("%% --- + (%s) ---\n", p); if (cfmt.pdfmark) put_pdfmark(p); } voice_init(); reset_gen(); /* (display the time signature) */ s = get_global_def(s); break; case 'U': deco[s->u.user.symbol] = parse.deco_tb[s->u.user.value - 128]; break; case 'u': break; case 'V': get_voice(s); /* handle here the possible clef which could be replaced * in case of filter */ if (s->abc_next && s->abc_next->abc_type == ABC_T_CLEF) { s = s->abc_next; get_clef(s); } if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE && !curvoice->last_sym && curvoice->time == 0) voice_filter(); break; case 'w': if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) break; if (!(cfmt.fields[1] & (1 << ('w' - 'a')))) { while (s->abc_next) { if (s->abc_next->abc_type != ABC_T_INFO || s->abc_next->text[0] != '+') break; s = s->abc_next; } break; } s = get_lyric(s); break; case 'W': if (s->state == ABC_S_GLOBAL || !(cfmt.fields[0] & (1 << ('W' - 'A')))) break; goto addinfo; case 'X': if (!epsf) { buffer_eob(0); /* flush stuff left from %% lines */ write_buffer(); //fixme: 8.6.2 if (cfmt.oneperpage) close_page(); // else if (in_page) else use_buffer = cfmt.splittune != 1; } memcpy(&dfmt, &cfmt, sizeof dfmt); /* save global values */ memcpy(&info_glob, &info, sizeof info_glob); memcpy(deco_glob, deco, sizeof deco_glob); save_maps(); info['X' - 'A'] = s; if (tune_opts) tune_filter(s); break; default: if (info_type >= 'A' && info_type <= 'Z') { struct SYMBOL *prev; if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) break; addinfo: prev = info[info_type - 'A']; if (!prev || (prev->state == ABC_S_GLOBAL && s->state != ABC_S_GLOBAL)) { info[info_type - 'A'] = s; } else { while (prev->next) prev = prev->next; prev->next = s; } while (s->abc_next && s->abc_next->abc_type == ABC_T_INFO && s->abc_next->text[0] == '+') { prev = s; s = s->abc_next; prev->next = s; } s->prev = prev; break; } if (s->state != ABC_S_GLOBAL) error(1, s, "%s info '%c:' not treated", state_txt[(int) s->state], info_type); break; } lvlarena(old_lvl); return s; } /* -- set head type, dots, flags for note -- */ void identify_note(struct SYMBOL *s, int dur, int *p_head, int *p_dots, int *p_flags) { int head, dots, flags; if (dur % 12 != 0) error(1, s, "Invalid note duration"); dur /= 12; /* see BASE_LEN for values */ if (dur == 0) error(1, s, "Note too short"); for (flags = 5; dur != 0; dur >>= 1, flags--) { if (dur & 1) break; } dur >>= 1; switch (dur) { case 0: dots = 0; break; case 1: dots = 1; break; case 3: dots = 2; break; case 7: dots = 3; break; default: error(1, s, "Note too much dotted"); dots = 3; break; } flags -= dots; if (flags >= 0) { head = H_FULL; } else switch (flags) { default: error(1, s, "Note too long"); flags = -4; /* fall thru */ case -4: head = H_SQUARE; break; case -3: head = cfmt.squarebreve ? H_SQUARE : H_OVAL; break; case -2: head = H_OVAL; break; case -1: head = H_EMPTY; break; } *p_head = head; *p_flags = flags; *p_dots = dots; } /* -- adjust the duration and time of symbols in a measure when L:auto -- */ static void adjust_dur(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct SYMBOL *s2; int time, auto_time; /* search the start of the measure */ s2 = curvoice->last_sym; if (!s2) return; /* the bar time is correct if there is multi-rests */ if (s2->type == MREST || s2->type == BAR) /* in second voice */ return; while (s2->type != BAR && s2->prev) s2 = s2->prev; time = s2->time; auto_time = curvoice->time - time; /* remove the invisible rest at start of tune */ if (time == 0) { while (s2 && s2->dur == 0) s2 = s2->next; if (s2 && s2->abc_type == ABC_T_REST && (s2->flags & ABC_F_INVIS)) { time += s2->dur * curvoice->wmeasure / auto_time; if (s2->prev) s2->prev->next = s2->next; else curvoice->sym = s2->next; if (s2->next) s2->next->prev = s2->prev; s2 = s2->next; } } if (curvoice->wmeasure == auto_time) return; /* already good duration */ for (; s2; s2 = s2->next) { int i, head, dots, nflags; s2->time = time; if (s2->dur == 0 || (s2->flags & ABC_F_GRACE)) continue; s2->dur = s2->dur * curvoice->wmeasure / auto_time; time += s2->dur; if (s2->type != NOTEREST) continue; for (i = 0; i <= s2->nhd; i++) s2->u.note.notes[i].len = s2->u.note.notes[i].len * curvoice->wmeasure / auto_time; identify_note(s2, s2->u.note.notes[0].len, &head, &dots, &nflags); s2->head = head; s2->dots = dots; s2->nflags = nflags; if (s2->nflags <= -2) s2->flags |= ABC_F_STEMLESS; else s2->flags &= ~ABC_F_STEMLESS; } curvoice->time = s->time = time; } /* -- measure bar -- */ static void get_bar(struct SYMBOL *s) { int bar_type; struct SYMBOL *s2; if (s->u.bar.repeat_bar && curvoice->norepbra && !curvoice->second) s->sflags |= S_NOREPBRA; if (curvoice->auto_len) adjust_dur(s); bar_type = s->u.bar.type; s2 = curvoice->last_sym; if (s2 && s2->type == SPACE) { s2->time--; // keep the space at the right place } else if (s2 && s2->type == BAR) { /* remove the invisible repeat bars when no shift is needed */ if (bar_type == B_OBRA && !s2->text && (curvoice == &voice_tb[parsys->top_voice] || (parsys->staff[curvoice->staff - 1].flags & STOP_BAR) || (s->sflags & S_NOREPBRA))) { s2->text = s->text; s2->u.bar.repeat_bar = s->u.bar.repeat_bar; s2->flags |= s->flags & (ABC_F_RBSTART | ABC_F_RBSTOP); s2->sflags |= s->sflags & (S_NOREPBRA | S_RBSTART | S_RBSTOP); s = s2; goto gch_build; } /* merge back-to-back repeat bars */ if (bar_type == B_LREP && !s->text) { if (s2->u.bar.type == B_RREP) { s2->u.bar.type = B_DREP; s2->flags |= ABC_F_RBSTOP; s2->sflags |= S_RBSTOP; return; } if (s2->u.bar.type == B_DOUBLE) { s2->u.bar.type = (B_SINGLE << 8) | B_LREP; s2->flags |= ABC_F_RBSTOP; s2->sflags |= S_RBSTOP; return; } } } /* link the bar in the voice */ /* the bar must appear before a key signature */ if (s2 && s2->type == KEYSIG && (!s2->prev || s2->prev->type != BAR)) { curvoice->last_sym = s2->prev; if (!curvoice->last_sym) curvoice->sym = NULL; sym_link(s, BAR); s->next = s2; s2->prev = s; curvoice->last_sym = s2; } else { sym_link(s, BAR); } s->staff = curvoice->staff; /* original staff */ /* set some flags */ switch (bar_type) { case B_OBRA: case (B_OBRA << 4) + B_CBRA: s->flags |= ABC_F_INVIS; break; case (B_COL << 8) + (B_BAR << 4) + B_COL: case (B_COL << 12) + (B_BAR << 8) + (B_BAR << 4) + B_COL: bar_type = (B_COL << 4) + B_COL; /* :|: and :||: -> :: */ s->u.bar.type = bar_type; break; case (B_BAR << 4) + B_BAR: if (!cfmt.rbdbstop) break; case (B_OBRA << 4) + B_BAR: case (B_BAR << 4) + B_CBRA: s->flags |= ABC_F_RBSTOP; s->sflags |= S_RBSTOP; break; } if (s->u.bar.dc.n > 0) deco_cnv(&s->u.bar.dc, s, NULL); /* convert the decorations */ /* build the gch */ gch_build: if (s->text) { if (!s->u.bar.repeat_bar) { gch_build(s); /* build the guitar chords */ } else { s->gch = getarena(sizeof *s->gch * 2); memset(s->gch, 0, sizeof *s->gch * 2); s->gch->type = 'r'; s->gch->font = REPEATFONT; str_font(REPEATFONT); s->gch->w = tex_str(s->text); s->gch->x = 4 + 4; } } } /* -- activate the tablature from the command line '-T' -- */ static void set_tblt(struct VOICE_S *p_voice) { struct tblt_s *tblt; int i; for (i = 0; i < ncmdtblt; i++) { if (!cmdtblts[i].active) continue; if (cmdtblts[i].vn[0] != '\0') { if (strcmp(cmdtblts[i].vn, p_voice->id) != 0 && (p_voice->nm == 0 || strcmp(cmdtblts[i].vn, p_voice->nm) != 0) && (p_voice->snm == 0 || strcmp(cmdtblts[i].vn, p_voice->snm) != 0)) continue; } tblt = tblts[cmdtblts[i].index]; if (p_voice->tblts[0] == tblt || p_voice->tblts[1] == tblt) continue; if (p_voice->tblts[0] == 0) p_voice->tblts[0] = tblt; else p_voice->tblts[1] = tblt; } } /* -- do a tune -- */ void do_tune(void) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice; struct SYMBOL *s, *s1, *s2; int i; /* initialize */ lvlarena(0); nstaff = 0; staves_found = -1; for (i = 0; i < MAXVOICE; i++) { p_voice = &voice_tb[i]; s1 = (struct SYMBOL *) getarena(sizeof *s1); memset(s1, 0, sizeof *s1); s1->type = CLEF; s1->voice = i; if (cfmt.autoclef) { s1->u.clef.type = AUTOCLEF; s1->sflags = S_CLEF_AUTO; } else { s1->u.clef.type = TREBLE; } s1->u.clef.line = 2; /* treble clef on 2nd line */ p_voice->s_clef = s1; p_voice->meter.wmeasure = 1; // M:none p_voice->wmeasure = 1; p_voice->scale = 1; p_voice->clone = -1; p_voice->over = -1; p_voice->posit = cfmt.posit; p_voice->stafflines = NULL; // p_voice->staffscale = 0; } curvoice = first_voice = voice_tb; reset_deco(); abc2win = 0; clip_start.bar = -1; clip_end.bar = (short unsigned) ~0 >> 1; parsys = NULL; system_new(); /* create the 1st staff system */ parsys->top_voice = parsys->voice[0].range = 0; /* implicit voice */ if (!epsf) { //fixme: 8.6.2 #if 1 // fixme: should already be 0 use_buffer = 0; #else if (cfmt.oneperpage) { use_buffer = 0; close_page(); } else { if (in_page) // ?? use_buffer = cfmt.splittune != 1; } #endif } else { use_buffer = 1; marg_init(); } /* set the duration of all notes/rests * (this is needed for tuplets and the feathered beams) */ for (s = parse.first_sym; s; s = s->abc_next) { switch (s->abc_type) { case ABC_T_EOLN: if (s->u.eoln.type == 2) abc2win = 1; break; case ABC_T_NOTE: case ABC_T_REST: s1 = s; s1->dur = s1->u.note.notes[0].len; break; } } if (voice_tb[0].id[0] == '\0') { /* single voice */ voice_tb[0].id[0] = '1'; /* implicit V:1 */ voice_tb[0].id[1] = '\0'; } /* scan the tune */ for (s = parse.first_sym; s; s = s->abc_next) { s1 = s; if (s->flags & ABC_F_LYRIC_START) curvoice->lyric_start = curvoice->last_sym; switch (s->abc_type) { case ABC_T_INFO: s = get_info(s); break; case ABC_T_PSCOM: s = process_pscomment(s); break; case ABC_T_NOTE: case ABC_T_REST: if (curvoice->space && !(s->flags & ABC_F_GRACE)) { curvoice->space = 0; s1->flags |= ABC_F_SPACE; } get_note(s1); break; case ABC_T_BAR: if (over_bar) get_over(s1); get_bar(s1); break; case ABC_T_CLEF: get_clef(s1); break; case ABC_T_EOLN: if (cfmt.breakoneoln || (s->flags & ABC_F_SPACE)) curvoice->space = 1; if (cfmt.continueall || cfmt.barsperstaff || s->u.eoln.type == 1) /* if '\' */ continue; if (s->u.eoln.type == 0 /* if normal eoln */ && abc2win && parse.abc_vers != (2 << 16)) continue; if (parsys->voice[curvoice - voice_tb].range == 0 && curvoice->last_sym) curvoice->last_sym->sflags |= S_EOLN; if (!cfmt.alignbars) continue; /* normal */ /* align bars */ while (s->abc_next) { /* treat the lyrics */ if (s->abc_next->abc_type != ABC_T_INFO) break; switch (s->abc_next->text[0]) { case 'w': s = get_info(s->abc_next); s1 = s; continue; case 'd': case 's': s = s->abc_next; s1 = s; continue; } break; } i = (curvoice - voice_tb) + 1; if (i < cfmt.alignbars) { curvoice = &voice_tb[i]; continue; } generate(); buffer_eob(0); curvoice = &voice_tb[0]; continue; case ABC_T_MREST: { int dur; dur = curvoice->wmeasure * s->u.bar.len; if (curvoice->second) { curvoice->time += dur; break; } sym_link(s1, MREST); s->dur = dur; curvoice->time += dur; if (s1->text) gch_build(s1); /* build the guitar chords */ if (s1->u.bar.dc.n > 0) deco_cnv(&s1->u.bar.dc, s, NULL); break; } case ABC_T_MREP: { int n; if (!s->abc_next || s->abc_next->abc_type != ABC_T_BAR) { error(1, s1, "Measure repeat not followed by a bar"); break; } if (curvoice->ignore) break; n = s->u.bar.len; if (curvoice->second) { curvoice->time += curvoice->wmeasure * n; break; } s2 = sym_add(curvoice, NOTEREST); s2->abc_type = ABC_T_REST; s2->flags |= ABC_F_INVIS; s2->dur = curvoice->wmeasure; curvoice->time += s2->dur; if (n == 1) { s->abc_next->u.bar.len = n; /* in the next bar */ break; } while (--n > 0) { s2 = sym_add(curvoice, BAR); s2->u.bar.type = B_SINGLE; if (n == s->u.bar.len - 1) s2->u.bar.len = s->u.bar.len; s2 = sym_add(curvoice, NOTEREST); s2->abc_type = ABC_T_REST; s2->flags |= ABC_F_INVIS; s2->dur = curvoice->wmeasure; curvoice->time += s2->dur; } break; } case ABC_T_V_OVER: get_over(s1); continue; case ABC_T_TUPLET: set_tuplet(s1); break; default: continue; } if (s1->type == 0) continue; if (curvoice->second) s1->sflags |= S_SECOND; if (curvoice->floating) s1->sflags |= S_FLOATING; } gen_ly(0); put_history(); buffer_eob(1); if (epsf) { write_eps(); } else { write_buffer(); // if (!cfmt.oneperpage && in_page) // use_buffer = cfmt.splittune != 1; } if (info['X' - 'A']) { memcpy(&cfmt, &dfmt, sizeof cfmt); /* restore global values */ memcpy(&info, &info_glob, sizeof info); memcpy(deco, deco_glob, sizeof deco); maps = maps_glob; info['X' - 'A'] = NULL; } /* free the parsing resources */ { struct brk_s *brk, *brk2; brk = brks; while (brk) { brk2 = brk->next; free(brk); brk = brk2; } brks = brk; /* (NULL) */ } } /* check if a K: or M: may go to the tune key and time signatures */ static int is_tune_sig(void) { struct SYMBOL *s; if (!curvoice->sym) return 1; if (curvoice->time != 0) return 0; /* not at start of tune */ for (s = curvoice->sym; s; s = s->next) { switch (s->type) { case TEMPO: case PART: case FMTCHG: break; default: return 0; } } return 1; } /* -- get a clef definition (in K: or V:) -- */ static void get_clef(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct SYMBOL *s2; struct VOICE_S *p_voice; int voice; p_voice = curvoice; s->type = CLEF; if (s->abc_prev->abc_type == ABC_T_INFO) { switch (s->abc_prev->text[0]) { case 'K': if (s->abc_prev->state != ABC_S_HEAD) break; for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) { voice_tb[voice].s_clef = s; if (s->u.clef.type == PERC) voice_tb[voice].perc = 1; } return; case 'V': /* clef relative to a voice definition in the header */ p_voice = &voice_tb[(int) s->abc_prev->u.voice.voice]; curvoice = p_voice; break; } } if (is_tune_sig()) { p_voice->s_clef = s; } else { /* clef change */ #if 0 sym_link(s, CLEF); #else /* the clef must appear before a key signature or a bar */ s2 = p_voice->last_sym; if (s2 && s2->prev && s2->time == curvoice->time // if no time skip && (s2->type == KEYSIG || s2->type == BAR)) { struct SYMBOL *s3; for (s3 = s2; s3->prev; s3 = s3->prev) { switch (s3->prev->type) { case KEYSIG: case BAR: continue; } break; } p_voice->last_sym = s3->prev; sym_link(s, CLEF); s->next = s3; s3->prev = s; p_voice->last_sym = s2; } else { sym_link(s, CLEF); } #endif s->aux = 1; /* small clef */ } p_voice->perc = s->u.clef.type == PERC; if (s->u.clef.type == AUTOCLEF) s->sflags |= S_CLEF_AUTO; } /* -- treat %%clef -- */ static void clef_def(struct SYMBOL *s) { char *p; int clef, clef_line; char str[80]; clef = -1; clef_line = 2; p = &s->text[2 + 5]; /* skip %%clef */ while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; /* clef name */ switch (*p) { case '\"': /* user clef name */ p = get_str(str, p, sizeof str); s->u.clef.name = (char *) getarena(strlen(str) + 1); strcpy(s->u.clef.name, str); clef = TREBLE; break; case 'G': clef = TREBLE; p++; break; case 'F': clef = BASS; clef_line = 4; p++; break; case 'C': clef = ALTO; clef_line = 3; p++; break; case 'P': clef = PERC; p++; break; case 't': if (strncmp(p, "treble", 6) == 0) { clef = TREBLE; p += 6; } if (strncmp(p, "tenor", 5) == 0) { clef = ALTO; clef_line = 4; p += 5; } break; case 'a': if (strncmp(p, "alto", 4) == 0) { clef = ALTO; clef_line = 3; p += 4; } else if (strncmp(p, "auto", 4) == 0) { clef = AUTOCLEF; s->sflags |= S_CLEF_AUTO; p += 4; } break; case 'b': if (strncmp(p, "bass", 4) == 0) { clef = BASS; clef_line = 4; p += 4; } break; case 'p': if (strncmp(p, "perc", 4) == 0) { clef = PERC; p += 4; } break; case 'n': if (strncmp(p, "none", 4) == 0) { clef = TREBLE; s->u.clef.invis = 1; s->flags |= ABC_F_INVIS; p += 4; } break; } if (clef < 0) { error(1, s, "Unknown clef '%s'", p); return; } /* clef line */ switch (*p) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': clef_line = *p++ - '0'; break; } /* +/-/^/_8 */ if (p[1] == '8') { switch (*p) { case '^': s->u.clef.transpose = -7; case '+': s->u.clef.octave = 1; break; case '_': s->u.clef.transpose = 7; case '-': s->u.clef.octave = -1; break; } } /* handle the clef */ s->abc_type = ABC_T_CLEF; s->u.clef.type = clef; s->u.clef.line = clef_line; get_clef(s); } /* transpose a key */ static void key_transpose(struct key_s *key) { int t, sf; t = curvoice->transpose / 3; sf = (t & ~1) + (t & 1) * 7 + key->sf; switch ((curvoice->transpose + 210) % 3) { case 1: sf = (sf + 4 + 12 * 4) % 12 - 4; /* more sharps */ break; case 2: sf = (sf + 7 + 12 * 4) % 12 - 7; /* more flats */ break; default: sf = (sf + 5 + 12 * 4) % 12 - 5; /* Db, F# or B */ break; } key->sf = sf; } /* -- set the accidentals when K: with modified accidentals -- */ static void set_k_acc(struct SYMBOL *s) { int i, j, nacc; char accs[8], pits[8]; static char sharp_tb[8] = {26, 23, 27, 24, 21, 25, 22}; static char flat_tb[8] = {22, 25, 21, 24, 20, 23, 26}; if (s->u.key.sf > 0) { for (nacc = 0; nacc < s->u.key.sf; nacc++) { accs[nacc] = A_SH; pits[nacc] = sharp_tb[nacc]; } } else { for (nacc = 0; nacc < -s->u.key.sf; nacc++) { accs[nacc] = A_FT; pits[nacc] = flat_tb[nacc]; } } for (i = 0; i < s->u.key.nacc; i++) { for (j = 0; j < nacc; j++) { // if ((pits[j] - s->u.key.pits[i]) % 7 == 0) { if (pits[j] == s->u.key.pits[i]) { accs[j] = s->u.key.accs[i]; break; } } if (j == nacc) { if (nacc >= sizeof accs) { error(1, s, "Too many accidentals"); } else { accs[j] = s->u.key.accs[i]; pits[j] = s->u.key.pits[i]; nacc++; } } } for (i = 0; i < nacc; i++) { s->u.key.accs[i] = accs[i]; s->u.key.pits[i] = pits[i]; } s->u.key.nacc = nacc; } /* -- get a key signature definition (K:) -- */ static void get_key(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice; struct SYMBOL *s2; struct key_s okey; /* original key */ int i; // int delta; if (s->u.key.octave != NO_OCTAVE) curvoice->octave = s->u.key.octave; if (s->u.key.cue > 0) curvoice->scale = 0.7; else if (s->u.key.cue < 0) curvoice->scale = 1; if (s->u.key.stafflines) curvoice->stafflines = s->u.key.stafflines; if (s->u.key.staffscale != 0) curvoice->staffscale = s->u.key.staffscale; if (s->u.key.empty == 1) /* clef only */ return; if (s->u.key.sf != 0 && !s->u.key.exp && s->u.key.nacc != 0) set_k_acc(s); memcpy(&okey, &s->u.key, sizeof okey); if (s->state == ABC_S_HEAD) { /* if first K: (start of tune) */ for (i = MAXVOICE, p_voice = voice_tb; --i >= 0; p_voice++) p_voice->transpose = cfmt.transpose; // curvoice->transpose = cfmt.transpose; } if (curvoice->transpose != 0) { key_transpose(&s->u.key); #if 0 /* transpose explicit accidentals */ //fixme: not correct - transpose adds or removes accidentals... if (s->u.key.nacc > 0) { struct VOICE_S voice, *voice_sav; struct SYMBOL note; memset(&voice, 0, sizeof voice); voice.transpose = curvoice->transpose; memcpy(&voice.ckey, &s->u.key, sizeof voice.ckey); voice.ckey.empty = 2; voice.ckey.nacc = 0; memset(¬e, 0, sizeof note); --fixme memcpy(note.u.note.pits, voice.ckey.pits, sizeof note.u.note.pits); memcpy(note.u.note.accs, voice.ckey.accs, sizeof note.u.note.accs); note.nhd = s->u.key.nacc; voice_sav = curvoice; curvoice = &voice; note_transpose(¬e); memcpy(s->u.key.pits, note.u.note.pits, sizeof s->u.key.pits); memcpy(s->u.key.accs, note.u.note.accs, sizeof s->u.key.accs); curvoice = voice_sav; } #endif } // calculate the tonic delta // s->u.key.key_delta = (cgd2cde[(s->u.key.sf + 7) % 7] + 14 + s->u.key.mode) % 7; s->u.key.key_delta = (cgd2cde[(s->u.key.sf + 7) % 7] + 14) % 7; if (s->state == ABC_S_HEAD) { /* start of tune */ for (i = MAXVOICE, p_voice = voice_tb; --i >= 0; p_voice++) { memcpy(&p_voice->key, &s->u.key, sizeof p_voice->key); memcpy(&p_voice->ckey, &s->u.key, sizeof p_voice->ckey); memcpy(&p_voice->okey, &okey, sizeof p_voice->okey); if (p_voice->key.empty) p_voice->key.sf = 0; if (s->u.key.octave != NO_OCTAVE) p_voice->octave = s->u.key.octave; if (s->u.key.stafflines) p_voice->stafflines = s->u.key.stafflines; if (s->u.key.staffscale != 0) p_voice->staffscale = s->u.key.staffscale; //fixme: update parsys->voice[voice].stafflines = stafflines; ? } return; } /* ABC_S_TUNE (K: cannot be ABC_S_GLOBAL) */ if (is_tune_sig()) { /* define the starting key signature */ memcpy(&curvoice->key, &s->u.key, sizeof curvoice->key); memcpy(&curvoice->ckey, &s->u.key, sizeof curvoice->ckey); memcpy(&curvoice->okey, &okey, sizeof curvoice->okey); switch (curvoice->key.instr) { case 0: if (!pipeformat) { // curvoice->transpose = cfmt.transpose; break; } //fall thru case K_HP: case K_Hp: if (curvoice->posit.std == 0) curvoice->posit.std = SL_BELOW; break; } if (curvoice->key.empty) curvoice->key.sf = 0; return; } /* key signature change */ if ((!s->abc_next || s->abc_next->abc_type != ABC_T_CLEF) /* if not explicit clef */ && curvoice->ckey.sf == s->u.key.sf /* and same key */ && curvoice->ckey.nacc == 0 && s->u.key.nacc == 0 && curvoice->ckey.empty == s->u.key.empty && cfmt.keywarn) /* (if not key warning, * keep all key signatures) */ return; /* ignore */ if (!curvoice->ckey.empty) s->aux = curvoice->ckey.sf; /* previous key signature */ memcpy(&curvoice->ckey, &s->u.key, sizeof curvoice->ckey); memcpy(&curvoice->okey, &okey, sizeof curvoice->okey); if (s->u.key.empty) s->u.key.sf = 0; /* the key signature must appear before a time signature */ s2 = curvoice->last_sym; if (s2 && s2->type == TIMESIG) { curvoice->last_sym = s2->prev; if (!curvoice->last_sym) curvoice->sym = NULL; sym_link(s, KEYSIG); s->next = s2; s2->prev = s; curvoice->last_sym = s2; } else { sym_link(s, KEYSIG); } } /* -- set meter from M: -- */ static void get_meter(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice; int i; switch (s->state) { case ABC_S_GLOBAL: /*fixme: keep the values and apply to all tunes?? */ break; case ABC_S_HEAD: for (i = MAXVOICE, p_voice = voice_tb; --i >= 0; p_voice++) { memcpy(&p_voice->meter, &s->u.meter, sizeof p_voice->meter); p_voice->wmeasure = s->u.meter.wmeasure; } break; case ABC_S_TUNE: curvoice->wmeasure = s->u.meter.wmeasure; if (is_tune_sig()) { memcpy(&curvoice->meter, &s->u.meter, sizeof curvoice->meter); reset_gen(); /* (display the time signature) */ break; } if (s->u.meter.nmeter == 0) break; /* M:none */ sym_link(s, TIMESIG); break; } } /* -- treat a 'V:' -- */ static void get_voice(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice; int voice; voice = s->u.voice.voice; p_voice = &voice_tb[voice]; if (parsys->voice[voice].range < 0) { if (cfmt.alignbars) { error(1, s, "V: does not work with %%%%alignbars"); } if (staves_found < 0) { if (!s->u.voice.merge) { #if MAXSTAFF < MAXVOICE if (nstaff >= MAXSTAFF - 1) { error(1, s, "Too many staves"); return; } #endif nstaff++; } else { p_voice->second = 1; parsys->voice[voice].second = 1; } p_voice->staff = p_voice->cstaff = nstaff; parsys->voice[voice].staff = nstaff; parsys->nstaff = nstaff; { int range, i; range = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXVOICE; i++) { if (parsys->voice[i].range > range) range = parsys->voice[i].range; } parsys->voice[voice].range = range + 1; voice_link(p_voice); } } else { p_voice->ignore = 1; p_voice->staff = p_voice->cstaff = nstaff + 1; } } /* if something has changed, update */ if (s->u.voice.fname != 0) { p_voice->nm = s->u.voice.fname; p_voice->new_name = 1; } if (s->u.voice.nname != 0) p_voice->snm = s->u.voice.nname; if (s->u.voice.octave != NO_OCTAVE) p_voice->octave = s->u.voice.octave; switch (s->u.voice.dyn) { case 1: p_voice->posit.dyn = SL_ABOVE; p_voice->posit.vol = SL_ABOVE; break; case -1: p_voice->posit.dyn = SL_BELOW; p_voice->posit.vol = SL_BELOW; break; } switch (s->u.voice.lyrics) { case 1: p_voice->posit.voc = SL_ABOVE; break; case -1: p_voice->posit.voc = SL_BELOW; break; } switch (s->u.voice.gchord) { case 1: p_voice->posit.gch = SL_ABOVE; break; case -1: p_voice->posit.gch = SL_BELOW; break; } switch (s->u.voice.stem) { case 1: p_voice->posit.std = SL_ABOVE; break; case -1: p_voice->posit.std = SL_BELOW; break; case 2: p_voice->posit.std = 0; /* auto */ break; } switch (s->u.voice.gstem) { case 1: p_voice->posit.gsd = SL_ABOVE; break; case -1: p_voice->posit.gsd = SL_BELOW; break; case 2: p_voice->posit.gsd = 0; /* auto */ break; } if (s->u.voice.scale != 0) p_voice->scale = s->u.voice.scale; else if (s->u.voice.cue > 0) p_voice->scale = 0.7; else if (s->u.voice.cue < 0) p_voice->scale = 1; if (s->u.voice.stafflines) p_voice->stafflines = s->u.voice.stafflines; if (s->u.voice.staffscale != 0) p_voice->staffscale = s->u.voice.staffscale; if (!p_voice->combine) p_voice->combine = cfmt.combinevoices; set_tblt(p_voice); /* if in tune, switch to this voice */ if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) curvoice = p_voice; } /* sort the notes of the chord by pitch (lowest first) */ void sort_pitch(struct SYMBOL *s) { int i, nx, k; struct note v_note; unsigned char new_order[MAXHD], inv_order[MAXHD]; for (i = 0; i <= s->nhd; i++) new_order[i] = i; for (;;) { nx = 0; for (i = 1; i <= s->nhd; i++) { if (s->u.note.notes[i].pit >= s->u.note.notes[i - 1].pit) continue; memcpy(&v_note, &s->u.note.notes[i], sizeof v_note); memcpy(&s->u.note.notes[i], &s->u.note.notes[i - 1], sizeof v_note); memcpy(&s->u.note.notes[i - 1], &v_note, sizeof v_note); k = s->pits[i]; s->pits[i] = s->pits[i - 1]; s->pits[i - 1] = k; k = new_order[i]; new_order[i] = new_order[i - 1]; new_order[i - 1] = k; nx++; } if (nx == 0) break; } /* change the indexes of the note head decorations */ if (s->nhd > 0) { for (i = 0; i <= s->nhd; i++) inv_order[new_order[i]] = i; for (i = 0; i <= s->u.note.dc.n; i++) { k = s->u.note.dc.tm[i].m; if (k >= 0) s->u.note.dc.tm[i].m = inv_order[k]; } } } // set the map of the notes static void set_map(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct map *map; struct note_map *note_map; struct note *note; int m, delta; for (map = maps; map; map = map->next) { if (strcmp(map->name, curvoice->map_name) == 0) break; } if (!map) return; // !? // loop on the note maps, then on the notes of the chord delta = curvoice->ckey.key_delta; for (m = 0; m <= s->nhd; m++) { note = &s->u.note.notes[m]; for (note_map = map->notes; note_map; note_map = note_map->next) { switch (note_map->type) { case MAP_ONE: if (note->pit == note_map->pit && note->acc == note_map->acc) break; continue; case MAP_OCT: if ((note->pit - note_map->pit + 28 ) % 7 == 0 && note->acc == note_map->acc) break; continue; case MAP_KEY: if ((note->pit + 28 - delta - note_map->pit) % 7 == 0) break; continue; default: // MAP_ALL break; } note->head = note_map->heads; note->color = note_map->color; if (note_map->print_pit != -128) { note->pit = note_map->print_pit; s->pits[m] = note->pit; note->acc = note_map->print_acc; } break; } } } /* -- note or rest -- */ static void get_note(struct SYMBOL *s) { struct SYMBOL *prev; int i, m, delta; prev = curvoice->last_sym; m = s->nhd; /* insert the note/rest in the voice */ sym_link(s, s->u.note.notes[0].len != 0 ? NOTEREST : SPACE); if (!(s->flags & ABC_F_GRACE)) curvoice->time += s->dur; if (curvoice->octave) { delta = curvoice->octave * 7; for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) { s->u.note.notes[i].pit += delta; s->pits[i] += delta; } } /* convert the decorations * (!beam-accel! and !beam-rall! may change the note duration) * (!8va(! may change ottava) */ if (s->u.note.dc.n > 0) deco_cnv(&s->u.note.dc, s, prev); if (curvoice->ottava) { delta = curvoice->ottava; for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) s->pits[i] += delta; } s->combine = curvoice->combine; s->color = curvoice->color; if (curvoice->perc) s->sflags |= S_PERC; else if (s->abc_type == ABC_T_NOTE && curvoice->transpose != 0) note_transpose(s); if (!(s->flags & ABC_F_GRACE)) { switch (curvoice->posit.std) { case SL_ABOVE: s->stem = 1; break; case SL_BELOW: s->stem = -1; break; case SL_HIDDEN: s->flags |= ABC_F_STEMLESS;; break; } } else { /* grace note - adjust its duration */ int div; if (curvoice->key.instr != K_HP && curvoice->key.instr != K_Hp && !pipeformat) { div = 2; if (!prev || !(prev->flags & ABC_F_GRACE)) { if (s->flags & ABC_F_GR_END) div = 1; /* one grace note */ } } else { div = 4; /* bagpipe */ } for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) s->u.note.notes[i].len /= div; s->dur /= div; switch (curvoice->posit.gsd) { case SL_ABOVE: s->stem = 1; break; case SL_BELOW: s->stem = -1; break; case SL_HIDDEN: s->stem = 2; break; /* opposite */ } } s->nohdi1 = s->nohdi2 = -1; /* change the figure of whole measure rests */ if (s->abc_type == ABC_T_REST) { if (s->dur == curvoice->wmeasure) { if (s->dur < BASE_LEN * 2) s->u.note.notes[0].len = BASE_LEN; else if (s->dur < BASE_LEN * 4) s->u.note.notes[0].len = BASE_LEN * 2; else s->u.note.notes[0].len = BASE_LEN * 4; } } else { /* sort the notes of the chord by pitch (lowest first) */ if (!(s->flags & ABC_F_GRACE) && curvoice->map_name) set_map(s); sort_pitch(s); } /* get the max head type, number of dots and number of flags */ if (!curvoice->auto_len || (s->flags & ABC_F_GRACE)) { int head, dots, nflags, l; if ((l = s->u.note.notes[0].len) != 0) { identify_note(s, l, &head, &dots, &nflags); s->head = head; s->dots = dots; s->nflags = nflags; for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) { if (s->u.note.notes[i].len == l) continue; identify_note(s, s->u.note.notes[i].len, &head, &dots, &nflags); if (head > s->head) s->head = head; if (dots > s->dots) s->dots = dots; if (nflags > s->nflags) s->nflags = nflags; } if (s->sflags & S_XSTEM) s->nflags = 0; /* word start+end */ } } if (s->nflags <= -2) s->flags |= ABC_F_STEMLESS; if (s->sflags & (S_TREM1 | S_TREM2)) { if (s->nflags > 0) s->nflags += s->aux; else s->nflags = s->aux; if ((s->sflags & S_TREM2) && (s->sflags & S_BEAM_END)) { /* if 2nd note - see deco.c */ prev->head = s->head; prev->aux = s->aux; prev->nflags = s->nflags; prev->flags |= (s->flags & ABC_F_STEMLESS); } } for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) { if (s->u.note.notes[i].sl1 != 0) s->sflags |= S_SL1; if (s->u.note.notes[i].sl2 != 0) s->sflags |= S_SL2; if (s->u.note.notes[i].ti1 != 0) s->sflags |= S_TI1; } switch (cfmt.shiftunison) { case 0: break; case 1: s->sflags |= S_SHIFTUNISON_1; break; case 2: s->sflags |= S_SHIFTUNISON_2; break; default: s->sflags |= S_SHIFTUNISON_1 | S_SHIFTUNISON_2; break; } /* build the guitar chords */ if (s->text) gch_build(s); } // parse from %%beginsvg and convert to Postscript static void parse_path(char *p, char *q, char *id, int idsz) { struct SYMBOL *s; char *r, *op = NULL, *width; int i, fill, npar = 0; r = strstr(p, "class=\""); if (!r || r > q) return; r += 7; fill = strncmp(r, "fill", 4) == 0; width = strstr(p, "stroke-width:"); for (;;) { p = strstr(p, "d=\""); if (!p) return; if (isspace((unsigned char) p[-1])) // (check not 'id=..") break; p += 3; } r = tex_buf; *r++ = '/'; idsz -= 5; strncpy(r, id + 4, idsz); r += idsz; *r++ = '{'; *r++ = 'M'; if (width && width < q) { *r++ = ' '; width += 13; while (isdigit(*width) || *width == '.') *r++ = *width++; *r++ = ' '; *r++ = 'S'; *r++ = 'L'; *r++ = 'W'; } p += 3; for (;;) { if (*p == '\0' || *p == '"') break; switch (*p++) { default: if ((isdigit((unsigned char) p[-1])) || p[-1] == '-' || p[-1] == '.') { if (!npar) continue; p--; // same op break; } continue; case 'M': case 'm': op = "RM"; npar = 2; break; // case 'L': // op = "L"; // npar = 2; // break; case 'l': op = "RL"; npar = 2; break; // case 'H': // op = "H"; // npar = 1; // break; case 'h': op = "h"; npar = 1; break; // case 'V': // op = "V"; // npar = 1; // break; case 'v': *r++ = ' '; *r++ = '0'; op = "RL"; npar = 1; break; case 'z': op = "closepath"; npar = 0; break; // case 'C': // op = "C"; // npar = 6; // break; case 'c': op = "RC"; npar = 6; break; // case 'A': // op = "arc"; // break; // case 'a': // op = "arc"; // break; } *r++ = ' '; for (i = 0; i < npar; i++) { while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; if (i & 1) { // y is inverted if (*p == '-') p++; else if (*p != '0' || p[1] != ' ') *r++ = '-'; } while ((isdigit((unsigned char) *p)) || *p == '-' || *p == '.') *r++ = *p++; *r++ = ' '; } if (*op == 'h') { *r++ = '0'; *r++ = ' '; op = "RL"; } strcpy(r, op); r += strlen(r); } strcpy(r, fill ? " fill}!" : " stroke}!"); s = getarena(sizeof(struct SYMBOL)); memset(s, 0, sizeof(struct SYMBOL)); s->text = getarena(strlen(tex_buf) + 1); strcpy(s->text, tex_buf); ps_def(s, s->text, 'p'); } // parse .. from %%beginsvg static void parse_defs(char *p, char *q) { char *id, *r; int idsz; for (;;) { id = strstr(p, "id=\""); if (!id || id > q) return; r = strchr(id + 4, '"'); if (!r) return; idsz = r + 1 - id; // if SVG output, mark the id as defined if (svg || epsf > 1) { svg_def_id(id, idsz); p = r; continue; } // convert SVG to PS p = id; while (*p != '<') p--; if (strncmp(p, ""); if (!p) break; p += 2; continue; } break; } } // extract the SVG defs from %%beginsvg and // convert to PostScript when PS output // move to the SVG glyphs when SVG output static void svg_ps(char *p) { char *q; for (;;) { q = strstr(p, ""); if (!q) break; p = strstr(q, ""); if (!p) { error(1, NULL, "No in %%beginsvg"); break; } parse_defs(q + 6, p); } } /* -- treat a postscript or SVG definition -- */ static void ps_def(struct SYMBOL *s, char *p, char use) /* cf user_ps_add() */ { if (!svg && epsf <= 1) { /* if PS output */ if (secure // || use == 'g' // SVG || use == 's') // PS for SVG return; } else { /* if SVG output */ if (use == 'p' // PS for PS || (use == 'g' // SVG && file_initialized > 0)) return; } if (s->abc_prev) s->state = s->abc_prev->state; if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) { if (use == 'g') // SVG return; sym_link(s, FMTCHG); s->aux = PSSEQ; s->text = p; // s->flags |= ABC_F_INVIS; return; } if (use == 'g') { // SVG svg_ps(p); if (!svg && epsf <= 1) return; } if (file_initialized > 0 || mbf != outbuf) a2b("%s\n", p); else user_ps_add(p, use); } /* get a symbol selection */ /* measure_number [ ":" time_numerator "/" time_denominator ] */ static char *get_symsel(struct symsel_s *symsel, char *p) { char *q; int tn, td, n; symsel->bar = strtod(p, &q); if (*q >= 'a' && *q <= 'z') symsel->seq = *q++ - 'a'; else symsel->seq = 0; if (*q == ':') { if (sscanf(q + 1, "%d/%d%n", &tn, &td, &n) != 2 || td <= 0) return 0; symsel->time = BASE_LEN * tn / td; q += 1 + n; } else { symsel->time = 0; } return q; } /* free the voice options */ static void free_voice_opt(struct voice_opt_s *opt) { struct voice_opt_s *opt2; while (opt) { opt2 = opt->next; free(opt); opt = opt2; } } // get a color static int get_color(char *p) { int i, color; static const struct { char *name; int color; } col_tb[] = { { "aqua", 0x00ffff }, { "black", 0x000000 }, { "blue", 0x0000ff }, { "fuchsia", 0xff00ff }, { "gray", 0x808080 }, { "green", 0x008000 }, { "lime", 0x00ff00 }, { "maroon", 0x800000 }, { "navy", 0x000080 }, { "olive", 0x808000 }, { "purple", 0x800080 }, { "red", 0xff0000 }, { "silver", 0xc0c0c0 }, { "teal", 0x008080 }, { "white", 0xffffff }, { "yellow", 0xffff00 }, }; if (*p == '#') { if (sscanf(p, "#%06x", &color) != 1 || (unsigned) color > 0x00ffffff) return -1; return color; } for (i = sizeof col_tb / sizeof col_tb[0]; --i >= 0; ) { if (strncasecmp(p, col_tb[i].name, strlen(col_tb[i].name)) == 0) break; } if (i < 0) return -1; return col_tb[i].color; } /* get a transposition */ static int get_transpose(char *p) { int val, pit1, pit2, acc; static int pit_st[7] = {0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11}; if (isdigit(*p) || *p == '-' || *p == '+') { sscanf(p, "%d", &val); val *= 3; switch (p[strlen(p) - 1]) { default: return val; case '#': val++; break; case 'b': val += 2; break; } if (val > 0) return val; return val - 3; } // by music interval p = parse_acc_pit(p, &pit1, &acc); if (acc < 0) { error(1, NULL, " in %%%%transpose"); return 0; } pit1 += 126 - 2; // for value > 0 and 'C' % 7 == 0 pit1 = (pit1 / 7) * 12 + pit_st[pit1 % 7]; switch (acc) { case A_DS: pit1 += 2; break; case A_SH: pit1++; break; case A_FT: pit1--; break; case A_DF: pit1 -= 2; break; } p = parse_acc_pit(p, &pit2, &acc); if (acc < 0) { error(1, NULL, " in %%%%transpose"); return 0; } pit2 += 126 - 2; pit2 = (pit2 / 7) * 12 + pit_st[pit2 % 7]; switch (acc) { case A_DS: pit2 += 2; break; case A_SH: pit2++; break; case A_FT: pit2--; break; case A_DF: pit2 -= 2; break; } val = (pit2 - pit1) * 3; switch (acc) { default: return val; case A_DS: case A_SH: val++; break; case A_FT: case A_DF: val += 2; break; } if (val > 0) return val; return val - 3; } // create a note mapping // %%map map_name note [print [heads]] [param]* static void get_map(char *p) { struct map *map; struct note_map *note_map; char *name, *q; int l, type, pit, acc; if (*p == '\0') return; /* map name */ name = p; while (!isspace((unsigned char) *p) && *p != '\0') p++; l = p - name; /* base note */ while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; if (*p == '*') { type = MAP_ALL; p++; } else if (strncmp(p, "octave,", 7) == 0) { type = MAP_OCT; p += 7; } else if (strncmp(p, "key,", 4) == 0) { type = MAP_KEY; p += 4; } else if (strncmp(p, "all", 3) == 0) { type = MAP_ALL; while (!isspace((unsigned char) *p) && *p != '\0') p++; } else { type = MAP_ONE; } if (type != MAP_ALL) { p = parse_acc_pit(p, &pit, &acc); if (type == MAP_OCT || type == MAP_KEY) { pit %= 7; if (type == MAP_KEY) acc = A_NULL; } } else { pit = acc = 0; } // get/create the map for (map = maps; map; map = map->next) { if (strncmp(name, map->name, l) == 0) break; } if (!map) { map = getarena(sizeof *map); map->next = maps; maps = map; map->name = getarena(l + 1); strncpy(map->name, name, l); map->name[l] = '\0'; map->notes = NULL; } for (note_map = map->notes; note_map; note_map = note_map->next) { if (note_map->type == type && note_map->pit == pit && note_map->acc == acc) break; } if (!note_map) { note_map = getarena(sizeof *note_map); memset(note_map, 0, sizeof *note_map); note_map->next = map->notes; map->notes = note_map; note_map->type = type; note_map->pit = pit; note_map->acc = acc; note_map->print_pit = -128; note_map->color = -1; } /* try the optional 'print' and 'heads' parameters */ while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; if (*p == '\0') return; q = p; while (!isspace((unsigned char) *q) && *q != '\0') { if (*q == '=') break; q++; } if (isspace((unsigned char) *q) || *q == '\0') { if (*p != '*') { p = parse_acc_pit(p, &pit, &acc); note_map->print_pit = pit; note_map->print_acc = acc; if (*p == '\0') return; } p = q; while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; if (*p == '\0') return; q = p; while (!isspace((unsigned char) *q) && *q != '\0') { if (*q == '=') break; q++; } if (isspace((unsigned char) *q) || *q == '\0') { name = p; p = q; l = p - name; note_map->heads = getarena(l + 1); strncpy(note_map->heads, name, l); note_map->heads[l] = '\0'; } } /* loop on the parameters */ for (;;) { while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; if (*p == '\0') break; if (strncmp(p, "heads=", 6) == 0) { p += 6; name = p; while (!isspace((unsigned char) *p) && *p != '\0') p++; l = p - name; note_map->heads = getarena(l + 1); strncpy(note_map->heads, name, l); note_map->heads[l] = '\0'; } else if (strncmp(p, "print=", 6) == 0) { p += 6; p = parse_acc_pit(p, &pit, &acc); note_map->print_pit = pit; note_map->print_acc = acc; } else if (strncmp(p, "color=", 6) == 0) { int color; color = get_color(p + 6); if (color < 0) { error(1, NULL, "Bad color in %%%%map"); return; } note_map->color = color; } while (!isspace((unsigned char) *p) && *p != '\0') p++; } } /* -- process a pseudo-comment (%% or I:) -- */ static struct SYMBOL *process_pscomment(struct SYMBOL *s) { char w[32], *p, *q; int lock, voice; float h1; p = s->text + 2; /* skip '%%' */ q = p + strlen(p) - 5; lock = strncmp(q, " lock", 5) == 0; if (lock) *q = '\0'; p = get_str(w, p, sizeof w); if (s->state == ABC_S_HEAD && !check_header(s)) { error(1, s, "Cannot have %%%%%s in tune header", w); return s; } switch (w[0]) { case 'b': if (strcmp(w, "beginps") == 0 || strcmp(w, "beginsvg") == 0) { char use; if (w[5] == 'p') { if (strncmp(p, "svg", 3) == 0) use = 's'; else if (strncmp(p, "nosvg", 5) == 0) use = 'p'; else use = 'b'; } else { use = 'g'; } p = s->text + 2 + 7; while (*p != '\0' && *p != '\n') p++; if (*p == '\0') return s; /* empty */ ps_def(s, p + 1, use); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "begintext") == 0) { int job; if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) { gen_ly(1); } else if (s->state == ABC_S_GLOBAL) { if (epsf || !in_fname) return s; } p = s->text + 2 + 9; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; if (*p != '\n') { job = get_textopt(p); while (*p != '\0' && *p != '\n') p++; if (*p == '\0') return s; /* empty */ } else { job = cfmt.textoption; } if (job != T_SKIP) { p++; write_text(w, p, job); } return s; } if (strcmp(w, "break") == 0) { struct brk_s *brk; if (s->state != ABC_S_HEAD) { error(1, s, "%%%%%s ignored", w); return s; } if (*p == '\0') return s; for (;;) { brk = malloc(sizeof *brk); p = get_symsel(&brk->symsel, p); if (!p) { error(1, s, "Bad selection in %%%%%s", w); return s; } brk->next = brks; brks = brk; if (*p != ',' && *p != ' ') break; p++; } return s; } break; case 'c': if (strcmp(w, "center") == 0) goto center; if (strcmp(w, "clef") == 0) { if (s->state != ABC_S_GLOBAL) clef_def(s); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "clip") == 0) { if (!cur_tune_opts) { error(1, s, "%%%%%s not in %%%%tune sequence", w); return s; } /* %%clip "-" */ if (*p != '-') { p = get_symsel(&clip_start, p); if (!p) { error(1, s, "Bad start in %%%%%s", w); return s; } if (*p != '-') { error(1, s, "Lack of '-' in %%%%%s", w); return s; } } p++; p = get_symsel(&clip_end, p); if (!p) { error(1, s, "Bad end in %%%%%s", w); return s; } if (clip_start.bar < 0) clip_start.bar = 0; if (clip_end.bar < clip_start.bar || (clip_end.bar == clip_start.bar && clip_end.time <= clip_start.time)) { clip_end.bar = (short unsigned) ~0 >> 1; } return s; } break; case 'd': if (strcmp(w, "deco") == 0) { deco_add(p); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "dynamic") == 0) { set_voice_param(curvoice, s->state, w, p); return s; } break; case 'E': if (strcmp(w, "EPS") == 0) { float x1, y1, x2, y2; FILE *fp; char fn[STRL1], line[STRL1]; gen_ly(1); if (secure || cfmt.textoption == T_SKIP) return s; get_str(line, p, sizeof line); if ((fp = open_file(line, "eps", fn)) == NULL) { error(1, s, "No such file: %s", line); return s; } /* get the bounding box */ x1 = x2 = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp)) { if (strncmp(line, "%%BoundingBox:", 14) == 0) { if (sscanf(&line[14], "%f %f %f %f", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) == 4) break; } } fclose(fp); if (x1 == x2) { error(1, s, "No bounding box in '%s'", fn); return s; } if (cfmt.textoption == T_CENTER || cfmt.textoption == T_RIGHT) { float lw; lw = ((cfmt.landscape ? cfmt.pageheight : cfmt.pagewidth) - cfmt.leftmargin - cfmt.rightmargin) / cfmt.scale; if (cfmt.textoption == T_CENTER) x1 += (lw - (x2 - x1)) * 0.5; else x1 += lw - (x2 - x1); } a2b("\001"); /* include file (must be the first after eob) */ bskip(y2 - y1); a2b("%.2f %.2f%%%s\n", x1, -y1, fn); buffer_eob(0); return s; } break; case 'g': if (strcmp(w, "gchord") == 0 || strcmp(w, "gstemdir") == 0) { set_voice_param(curvoice, s->state, w, p); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "glyph") == 0) { if (!svg && epsf <= 1) glyph_add(p); return s; } break; case 'm': if (strcmp(w, "map") == 0) { get_map(p); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "maxsysstaffsep") == 0) { if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) break; parsys->voice[curvoice - voice_tb].maxsep = scan_u(p, 0); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "multicol") == 0) { float bposy; generate(); if (strncmp(p, "start", 5) == 0) { if (!in_page) a2b("%%\n"); /* initialize the output */ buffer_eob(0); bposy = get_bposy(); multicol_max = multicol_start = bposy; lmarg = cfmt.leftmargin; rmarg = cfmt.rightmargin; } else if (strncmp(p, "new", 3) == 0) { if (multicol_start == 0) { error(1, s, "%%%%%s new without start", w); } else { buffer_eob(0); bposy = get_bposy(); if (bposy < multicol_start) bskip((bposy - multicol_start) / cfmt.scale); if (bposy < multicol_max) multicol_max = bposy; cfmt.leftmargin = lmarg; cfmt.rightmargin = rmarg; } } else if (strncmp(p, "end", 3) == 0) { if (multicol_start == 0) { error(1, s, "%%%%%s end without start", w); } else { buffer_eob(0); bposy = get_bposy(); if (bposy > multicol_max) bskip((bposy - multicol_max) / cfmt.scale); else a2b("%%\n"); /* force write_buffer */ cfmt.leftmargin = lmarg; cfmt.rightmargin = rmarg; multicol_start = 0; buffer_eob(0); if (!info['X' - 'A'] && !epsf) write_buffer(); } } else { error(1, s, "Unknown keyword '%s' in %%%%%s", p, w); } return s; } break; case 'n': if (strcmp(w, "newpage") == 0) { if (epsf || !in_fname) return s; if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) generate(); buffer_eob(0); write_buffer(); // use_buffer = 0; if (isdigit((unsigned char) *p)) pagenum = atoi(p); close_page(); if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) bskip(cfmt.topspace); return s; } break; case 'p': if (strcmp(w, "pos") == 0) { // %%pos p = get_str(w, p, sizeof w); set_voice_param(curvoice, s->state, w, p); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "ps") == 0 || strcmp(w, "postscript") == 0) { ps_def(s, p, 'b'); return s; } break; case 'o': if (strcmp(w, "ornament") == 0) { set_voice_param(curvoice, s->state, w, p); return s; } break; case 'r': if (strcmp(w, "repbra") == 0) { if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) return s; curvoice->norepbra = strchr("0FfNn", *p) || *p == '\0'; return s; } if (strcmp(w, "repeat") == 0) { int n, k; if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) return s; if (!curvoice->last_sym) { error(1, s, "%%%s cannot start a tune", w); return s; } if (*p == '\0') { n = 1; k = 1; } else { n = atoi(p); if (n < 1 || (curvoice->last_sym->type == BAR && n > 2)) { error(1, s, "Incorrect 1st value in %%%%%s", w); return s; } while (*p != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; if (*p == '\0') { k = 1; } else { k = atoi(p); if (k < 1) { // || (curvoice->last_sym->type == BAR // && n == 2 // && k > 1)) { error(1, s, "Incorrect 2nd value in %%%%%s", w); return s; } } } s->aux = REPEAT; if (curvoice->last_sym->type == BAR) s->doty = n; else s->doty = -n; sym_link(s, FMTCHG); s->nohdi1 = k; s->text = NULL; return s; } break; case 's': if (strcmp(w, "setbarnb") == 0) { if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) { struct SYMBOL *s2; int n; n = atoi(p); for (s2 = s->abc_next; s2; s2 = s2->abc_next) { if (s2->abc_type == ABC_T_BAR) { s2->aux = n; break; } } return s; } strcpy(w, "measurefirst"); break; } if (strcmp(w, "sep") == 0) { float h2, len, lwidth; if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) { gen_ly(0); } else if (s->state == ABC_S_GLOBAL) { if (epsf || !in_fname) return s; } lwidth = (cfmt.landscape ? cfmt.pageheight : cfmt.pagewidth) - cfmt.leftmargin - cfmt.rightmargin; h1 = h2 = len = 0; if (*p != '\0') { h1 = scan_u(p, 0); while (*p != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; } if (*p != '\0') { h2 = scan_u(p, 0); while (*p != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; while (isspace((unsigned char) *p)) p++; } if (*p != '\0') len = scan_u(p, 0); if (h1 < 1) h1 = 0.5 CM; if (h2 < 1) h2 = h1; if (len < 1) len = 3.0 CM; bskip(h1); a2b("%.1f %.1f sep0\n", len / cfmt.scale, (lwidth - len) * 0.5 / cfmt.scale); bskip(h2); buffer_eob(0); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "staff") == 0) { int staff; if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) return s; if (*p == '+') staff = curvoice->cstaff + atoi(p + 1); else if (*p == '-') staff = curvoice->cstaff - atoi(p + 1); else staff = atoi(p) - 1; if ((unsigned) staff > (unsigned) nstaff) { error(1, s, "Bad staff in %%%%%s", w); return s; } curvoice->floating = 0; curvoice->cstaff = staff; return s; } if (strcmp(w, "staffbreak") == 0) { if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) return s; if (isdigit(*p)) { s->xmx = scan_u(p, 0); if (s->xmx < 0) { error(1, s, "Bad value in %%%%%s", w); return s; } if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == 'f') s->doty = 1; } else { s->xmx = 0.5 CM; if (*p == 'f') s->doty = 1; } sym_link(s, STBRK); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "stafflines") == 0) { if (isdigit((unsigned char) *p)) { switch (atoi(p)) { case 0: p = "..."; break; case 1: p = "..|"; break; case 2: p = ".||"; break; case 3: p = ".|||"; break; case 4: p = "||||"; break; case 5: p = "|||||"; break; case 6: p = "||||||"; break; case 7: p = "|||||||"; break; case 8: p = "||||||||"; break; default: error(1, s, "Bad number of lines"); break; } } else { int l; l = strlen(p); q = p; p = getarena(l + 1); strcpy(p, q); } if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) { for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) voice_tb[voice].stafflines = p; } else { curvoice->stafflines = p; } return s; } if (strcmp(w, "staffscale") == 0) { char *q; float scale; scale = strtod(p, &q); if (scale < 0.3 || scale > 2 || (*q != '\0' && *q != ' ')) { error(1, s, "Bad value in %%%%%s", w); return s; } if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) { for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) voice_tb[voice].staffscale = scale; } else { curvoice->staffscale = scale; } return s; } if (strcmp(w, "staves") == 0 || strcmp(w, "score") == 0) { if (s->state == ABC_S_GLOBAL) return s; get_staves(s); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "stemdir") == 0) { set_voice_param(curvoice, s->state, w, p); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "sysstaffsep") == 0) { if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) break; parsys->voice[curvoice - voice_tb].sep = scan_u(p, 0); return s; } break; case 't': if (strcmp(w, "text") == 0) { int job; center: if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) { gen_ly(1); } else if (s->state == ABC_S_GLOBAL) { if (epsf || !in_fname) return s; } if (w[0] == 'c') { job = T_CENTER; } else { job = cfmt.textoption; switch(job) { case T_SKIP: return s; case T_LEFT: case T_RIGHT: case T_CENTER: break; default: job = T_LEFT; break; } } write_text(w, p, job); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "tablature") == 0) { struct tblt_s *tblt; int i, j; tblt = tblt_parse(p); if (tblt == 0) return s; switch (s->state) { case ABC_S_TUNE: case ABC_S_HEAD: for (i = 0; i < ncmdtblt; i++) { if (cmdtblts[i].active) continue; j = cmdtblts[i].index; if (j < 0 || tblts[j] == tblt) return s; } /* !! 2 tblts per voice !! */ if (curvoice->tblts[0] == tblt || curvoice->tblts[1] == tblt) break; if (curvoice->tblts[1]) { error(1, s, "Too many tablatures for voice %s", curvoice->id); break; } if (!curvoice->tblts[0]) curvoice->tblts[0] = tblt; else curvoice->tblts[1] = tblt; break; } return s; } if (strcmp(w, "transpose") == 0) { struct VOICE_S *p_voice; struct SYMBOL *s2; int i, val; val = get_transpose(p); switch (s->state) { case ABC_S_GLOBAL: cfmt.transpose = val; return s; case ABC_S_HEAD: { cfmt.transpose += val; for (i = MAXVOICE, p_voice = voice_tb; --i >= 0; p_voice++) { p_voice->transpose = cfmt.transpose; memcpy(&p_voice->key, &p_voice->okey, sizeof p_voice->key); key_transpose(&p_voice->key); memcpy(&p_voice->ckey, &p_voice->key, sizeof p_voice->ckey); if (p_voice->key.empty) p_voice->key.sf = 0; } return s; } } curvoice->transpose = cfmt.transpose + val; s2 = curvoice->sym; if (!s2) { memcpy(&curvoice->key, &curvoice->okey, sizeof curvoice->key); key_transpose(&curvoice->key); memcpy(&curvoice->ckey, &curvoice->key, sizeof curvoice->ckey); if (curvoice->key.empty) curvoice->key.sf = 0; return s; } for (;;) { if (s2->type == KEYSIG) break; if (s2->time == curvoice->time) { s2 = s2->prev; if (s2) continue; } s2 = s; s2->abc_type = ABC_T_INFO; s2->text = (char *) getarena(2); s2->text[0] = 'K'; s2->text[1] = '\0'; sym_link(s2, KEYSIG); // if (!curvoice->ckey.empty) // s2->aux = curvoice->ckey.sf; s2->aux = curvoice->key.sf; break; } memcpy(&s2->u.key, &curvoice->okey, sizeof s2->u.key); key_transpose(&s2->u.key); memcpy(&curvoice->ckey, &s2->u.key, sizeof curvoice->ckey); if (curvoice->key.empty) s2->u.key.sf = 0; return s; } if (strcmp(w, "tune") == 0) { struct SYMBOL *s2, *s3; struct tune_opt_s *opt, *opt2; if (s->state != ABC_S_GLOBAL) { error(1, s, "%%%%%s ignored", w); return s; } /* if void %%tune, remove all tune options */ if (*p == '\0') { opt = tune_opts; while (opt) { free_voice_opt(opt->voice_opts); opt2 = opt->next; free(opt); opt = opt2; } tune_opts = NULL; return s; } if (strcmp(p, "end") == 0) return s; /* end of previous %%tune */ /* search the end of the tune options */ s2 = s; for (;;) { s3 = s2->abc_next; if (!s3) break; if (s3->abc_type != ABC_T_NULL && (s3->abc_type != ABC_T_PSCOM || strncmp(&s3->text[2], "tune ", 5) == 0)) break; s2 = s3; } /* search if already a same %%tune */ opt2 = NULL; for (opt = tune_opts; opt; opt = opt->next) { if (strcmp(opt->s->text, s->text) == 0) break; opt2 = opt; } if (opt) { free_voice_opt(opt->voice_opts); if (s2 == s) { /* no option */ if (!opt2) tune_opts = opt->next; else opt2->next = opt->next; free(opt); return s; } opt->voice_opts = NULL; } else { if (s2 == s) /* no option */ return s; opt = malloc(sizeof *opt); memset(opt, 0, sizeof *opt); opt->next = tune_opts; tune_opts = opt; } /* link the options */ opt->s = s3 = s; cur_tune_opts = opt; s = s->abc_next; for (;;) { if (s->abc_type != ABC_T_PSCOM) continue; if (strncmp(&s->text[2], "voice ", 6) == 0) { s = process_pscomment(s); } else { s->state = ABC_S_HEAD; /* !! no reverse link !! */ s3->next = s; s3 = s; } if (s == s2) break; s = s->abc_next; } cur_tune_opts = NULL; return s; } break; case 'u': if (strcmp(w, "user") == 0) { deco[s->u.user.symbol] = parse.deco_tb[s->u.user.value - 128]; return s; } break; case 'v': if (strcmp(w, "vocal") == 0) { set_voice_param(curvoice, s->state, w, p); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "voice") == 0) { struct SYMBOL *s2, *s3; struct voice_opt_s *opt, *opt2; if (s->state != ABC_S_GLOBAL) { error(1, s, "%%%%voice ignored"); return s; } /* if void %%voice, free all voice options */ if (*p == '\0') { if (cur_tune_opts) { free_voice_opt(cur_tune_opts->voice_opts); cur_tune_opts->voice_opts = NULL; } else { free_voice_opt(voice_opts); voice_opts = NULL; } return s; } if (strcmp(p, "end") == 0) return s; /* end of previous %%voice */ if (cur_tune_opts) opt = cur_tune_opts->voice_opts; else opt = voice_opts; /* search the end of the voice options */ s2 = s; for (;;) { s3 = s2->abc_next; if (!s3) break; if (s3->abc_type != ABC_T_NULL && (s3->abc_type != ABC_T_PSCOM || strncmp(&s3->text[2], "score ", 6) == 0 || strncmp(&s3->text[2], "staves ", 7) == 0 || strncmp(&s3->text[2], "tune ", 5) == 0 || strncmp(&s3->text[2], "voice ", 6) == 0)) break; s2 = s3; } /* if already the same %%voice * remove the options */ opt2 = NULL; for ( ; opt; opt = opt->next) { if (strcmp(opt->s->text, s->text) == 0) { if (!opt2) { if (cur_tune_opts) cur_tune_opts->voice_opts = NULL; else voice_opts = NULL; } else { opt2->next = opt->next; } free(opt); break; } opt2 = opt; } if (s2 == s) /* no option */ return s; opt = malloc(sizeof *opt + strlen(p)); memset(opt, 0, sizeof *opt); if (cur_tune_opts) { opt->next = cur_tune_opts->voice_opts; cur_tune_opts->voice_opts = opt; } else { opt->next = voice_opts; voice_opts = opt; } /* link the options */ opt->s = s3 = s; for ( ; s != s2; s = s->abc_next) { if (s->abc_next->abc_type != ABC_T_PSCOM) continue; s->abc_next->state = ABC_S_TUNE; s3->next = s->abc_next; s3 = s3->next; } return s; } if (strcmp(w, "voicecolor") == 0) { int color; if (!curvoice) return s; color = get_color(p); if (color < 0) error(1, s, "Bad color in %%%%voicecolor"); else curvoice->color = color; return s; } if (strcmp(w, "voicecombine") == 0) { int combine; if (sscanf(p, "%d", &combine) != 1) { error(1, s, "Bad value in %%%%voicecombine"); return s; } switch (s->state) { case ABC_S_GLOBAL: cfmt.combinevoices = combine; break; case ABC_S_HEAD: for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) voice_tb[voice].combine = combine; break; default: curvoice->combine = combine; break; } return s; } if (strcmp(w, "voicemap") == 0) { if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) { for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) voice_tb[voice].map_name = p; } else { curvoice->map_name = p; } return s; } if (strcmp(w, "voicescale") == 0) { char *q; float scale; scale = strtod(p, &q); if (scale < 0.6 || scale > 1.5 || (*q != '\0' && *q != ' ')) { error(1, s, "Bad %%%%voicescale value"); return s; } if (s->state != ABC_S_TUNE) { for (voice = 0; voice < MAXVOICE; voice++) voice_tb[voice].scale = scale; } else { curvoice->scale = scale; } return s; } if (strcmp(w, "volume") == 0) { set_voice_param(curvoice, s->state, w, p); return s; } if (strcmp(w, "vskip") == 0) { if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) { gen_ly(0); } else if (s->state == ABC_S_GLOBAL) { if (epsf || !in_fname) return s; } bskip(scan_u(p, 0)); buffer_eob(0); return s; } break; } if (s->state == ABC_S_TUNE) { if (strcmp(w, "leftmargin") == 0 || strcmp(w, "rightmargin") == 0 || strcmp(w, "scale") == 0) { generate(); block_put(); } } interpret_fmt_line(w, p, lock); if (cfmt.alignbars && strcmp(w, "alignbars") == 0) { int i; generate(); if ((unsigned) cfmt.alignbars > MAXSTAFF) { error(1, s, "Too big value in %%%%alignbars"); cfmt.alignbars = MAXSTAFF; } if (staves_found >= 0) /* (compatibility) */ cfmt.alignbars = nstaff + 1; first_voice = curvoice = voice_tb; for (i = 0; i < cfmt.alignbars; i++) { voice_tb[i].staff = voice_tb[i].cstaff = i; voice_tb[i].next = &voice_tb[i + 1]; parsys->staff[i].flags |= STOP_BAR; parsys->voice[i].staff = i; parsys->voice[i].range = i; } i--; voice_tb[i].next = NULL; parsys->nstaff = nstaff = i; } return s; } /* -- set the duration of notes/rests in a tuplet -- */ /*fixme: KO if voice change*/ /*fixme: KO if in a grace sequence*/ static void set_tuplet(struct SYMBOL *t) { struct SYMBOL *s, *s1; int l, r, lplet, grace; r = t->u.tuplet.r_plet; grace = t->flags & ABC_F_GRACE; l = 0; for (s = t->abc_next; s; s = s->abc_next) { if (s->abc_type == ABC_T_TUPLET) { struct SYMBOL *s2; int l2, r2; r2 = s->u.tuplet.r_plet; l2 = 0; for (s2 = s->abc_next; s2; s2 = s2->abc_next) { switch (s2->abc_type) { case ABC_T_NOTE: case ABC_T_REST: break; case ABC_T_EOLN: if (s2->u.eoln.type != 1) { error(1, t, "End of line found inside a nested tuplet"); return; } continue; default: continue; } if (s2->u.note.notes[0].len == 0) continue; if (grace ^ (s2->flags & ABC_F_GRACE)) continue; s1 = s2; l2 += s1->dur; if (--r2 <= 0) break; } l2 = l2 * s->u.tuplet.q_plet / s->u.tuplet.p_plet; s->aux = l2; l += l2; r -= s->u.tuplet.r_plet; if (r == 0) break; if (r < 0) { error(1, t, "Bad nested tuplet"); break; } s = s2; continue; } switch (s->abc_type) { case ABC_T_NOTE: case ABC_T_REST: break; case ABC_T_EOLN: if (s->u.eoln.type != 1) { error(1, t, "End of line found inside a tuplet"); return; } continue; default: continue; } if (s->u.note.notes[0].len == 0) /* space ('y') */ continue; if (grace ^ (s->flags & ABC_F_GRACE)) continue; s1 = s; l += s->dur; if (--r <= 0) break; } if (!s) { error(1, t, "End of tune found inside a tuplet"); return; } if (t->aux != 0) /* if nested tuplet */ lplet = t->aux; else lplet = (l * t->u.tuplet.q_plet) / t->u.tuplet.p_plet; r = t->u.tuplet.r_plet; for (s = t->abc_next; s; s = s->abc_next) { int olddur; if (s->abc_type == ABC_T_TUPLET) { int r2; r2 = s->u.tuplet.r_plet; s1 = s; olddur = s->aux; s1->aux = (olddur * lplet) / l; l -= olddur; lplet -= s1->aux; r -= r2; for (;;) { s = s->abc_next; if (s->abc_type != ABC_T_NOTE && s->abc_type != ABC_T_REST) continue; if (s->u.note.notes[0].len == 0) continue; if (grace ^ (s->flags & ABC_F_GRACE)) continue; if (--r2 <= 0) break; } if (r <= 0) goto done; continue; } if (s->abc_type != ABC_T_NOTE && s->abc_type != ABC_T_REST) continue; if (s->u.note.notes[0].len == 0) continue; s->sflags |= S_IN_TUPLET; if (grace ^ (s->flags & ABC_F_GRACE)) continue; s1 = s; olddur = s->dur; s1->dur = (olddur * lplet) / l; if (--r <= 0) break; l -= olddur; lplet -= s1->dur; } done: if (grace) { error(1, t, "Tuplets in grace note sequence not yet treated"); } else { sym_link(t, TUPLET); t->aux = cfmt.tuplets; } }