/* * pcap-compatible 802.11 packet sniffer * * Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Thomas d'Otreppe * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Christophe Devine * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations * including the two. * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. * If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. * If you * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. * If you delete this exception statement from all source * files in the program, then also delete it here. */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef TIOCGWINSZ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_PCRE #include #endif #include "version.h" #include "pcap.h" #include "uniqueiv.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "osdep/osdep.h" #include "airodump-ng.h" #include "osdep/common.h" #include "common.h" #ifdef USE_GCRYPT GCRY_THREAD_OPTION_PTHREAD_IMPL; #endif void dump_sort( void ); void dump_print( int ws_row, int ws_col, int if_num ); char * get_manufacturer_from_string(char * buffer) { char * manuf = NULL; char * buffer_manuf; if (buffer != NULL && strlen(buffer) > 0) { buffer_manuf = strstr(buffer, "(hex)"); if (buffer_manuf != NULL) { buffer_manuf += 6; // skip '(hex)' and one more character (there's at least one 'space' character after that string) while (*buffer_manuf == '\t' || *buffer_manuf == ' ') { ++buffer_manuf; } // Did we stop at the manufacturer if (*buffer_manuf != '\0') { // First make sure there's no end of line if (buffer_manuf[strlen(buffer_manuf) - 1] == '\n' || buffer_manuf[strlen(buffer_manuf) - 1] == '\r') { buffer_manuf[strlen(buffer_manuf) - 1] = '\0'; if (*buffer_manuf != '\0' && (buffer_manuf[strlen(buffer_manuf) - 1] == '\n' || buffer[strlen(buffer_manuf) - 1] == '\r')) { buffer_manuf[strlen(buffer_manuf) - 1] = '\0'; } } if (*buffer_manuf != '\0') { if ((manuf = (char *)malloc((strlen(buffer_manuf) + 1) * sizeof(char))) == NULL) { perror("malloc failed"); return NULL; } snprintf(manuf, strlen(buffer_manuf) + 1, "%s", buffer_manuf); } } } } return manuf; } void textcolor(int attr, int fg, int bg) { char command[13]; /* Command is the control command to the terminal */ sprintf(command, "%c[%d;%d;%dm", 0x1B, attr, fg + 30, bg + 40); fprintf(stderr, "%s", command); fflush(stderr); } void textcolor_fg(int fg) { char command[13]; /* Command is the control command to the terminal */ sprintf(command, "\033[%dm", fg + 30); fprintf(stderr, "%s", command); fflush(stderr); } void textcolor_bg(int bg) { char command[13]; /* Command is the control command to the terminal */ sprintf(command, "\033[%dm", bg + 40); fprintf(stderr, "%s", command); fflush(stderr); } void textstyle(int attr) { char command[13]; /* Command is the control command to the terminal */ sprintf(command, "\033[%im", attr); fprintf(stderr, "%s", command); fflush(stderr); } void reset_term() { struct termios oldt, newt; tcgetattr( STDIN_FILENO, &oldt ); newt = oldt; newt.c_lflag |= ( ICANON | ECHO ); tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newt ); } int mygetch( ) { struct termios oldt, newt; int ch; tcgetattr( STDIN_FILENO, &oldt ); newt = oldt; newt.c_lflag &= ~( ICANON | ECHO ); tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newt ); ch = getchar(); tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &oldt ); return ch; } void resetSelection() { G.sort_by = SORT_BY_POWER; G.sort_inv = 1; G.start_print_ap=1; G.start_print_sta=1; G.selected_ap=1; G.selected_sta=1; G.selection_ap=0; G.selection_sta=0; G.mark_cur_ap=0; G.skip_columns=0; G.do_pause=0; G.do_sort_always=0; memset(G.selected_bssid, '\x00', 6); } #define KEY_TAB 0x09 //switch between APs/clients for scrolling #define KEY_SPACE 0x20 //pause/resume output #define KEY_ARROW_UP 0x41 //scroll #define KEY_ARROW_DOWN 0x42 //scroll #define KEY_ARROW_RIGHT 0x43 //scroll #define KEY_ARROW_LEFT 0x44 //scroll #define KEY_a 0x61 //cycle through active information (ap/sta/ap+sta/ap+sta+ack) #define KEY_c 0x63 //cycle through channels #define KEY_d 0x64 //default mode #define KEY_i 0x69 //inverse sorting #define KEY_m 0x6D //mark current AP #define KEY_n 0x6E //? #define KEY_r 0x72 //realtime sort (de)activate #define KEY_s 0x73 //cycle through sorting void input_thread( void *arg) { if(!arg){} while( G.do_exit == 0 ) { int keycode=0; keycode=mygetch(); if(keycode == KEY_s) { G.sort_by++; G.selection_ap = 0; G.selection_sta = 0; if(G.sort_by > MAX_SORT) G.sort_by = 0; switch(G.sort_by) { case SORT_BY_NOTHING: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by first seen"); break; case SORT_BY_BSSID: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by bssid"); break; case SORT_BY_POWER: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by power level"); break; case SORT_BY_BEACON: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by beacon number"); break; case SORT_BY_DATA: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by number of data packets"); break; case SORT_BY_PRATE: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by packet rate"); break; case SORT_BY_CHAN: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by channel"); break; case SORT_BY_MBIT: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by max data rate"); break; case SORT_BY_ENC: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by encryption"); break; case SORT_BY_CIPHER: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by cipher"); break; case SORT_BY_AUTH: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by authentication"); break; case SORT_BY_ESSID: snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ sorting by ESSID"); break; default: break; } pthread_mutex_lock( &(G.mx_sort) ); dump_sort(); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(G.mx_sort) ); } if(keycode == KEY_SPACE) { G.do_pause = (G.do_pause+1)%2; if(G.do_pause) { snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ paused output"); pthread_mutex_lock( &(G.mx_print) ); fprintf( stderr, "\33[1;1H" ); dump_print( G.ws.ws_row, G.ws.ws_col, G.num_cards ); fprintf( stderr, "\33[J" ); fflush(stderr); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(G.mx_print) ); } else snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ resumed output"); } if(keycode == KEY_r) { G.do_sort_always = (G.do_sort_always+1)%2; if(G.do_sort_always) snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ realtime sorting activated"); else snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ realtime sorting deactivated"); } if(keycode == KEY_m) { G.mark_cur_ap = 1; } if(keycode == KEY_ARROW_DOWN) { if(G.selection_ap == 1) { G.selected_ap++; } if(G.selection_sta == 1) { G.selected_sta++; } } if(keycode == KEY_ARROW_UP) { if(G.selection_ap == 1) { G.selected_ap--; if(G.selected_ap < 1) G.selected_ap = 1; } if(G.selection_sta == 1) { G.selected_sta--; if(G.selected_sta < 1) G.selected_sta = 1; } } if(keycode == KEY_i) { G.sort_inv*=-1; if(G.sort_inv < 0) snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ inverted sorting order"); else snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ normal sorting order"); } if(keycode == KEY_TAB) { if(G.selection_ap == 0) { G.selection_ap = 1; G.selected_ap = 1; snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ enabled AP selection"); G.sort_by = SORT_BY_NOTHING; } else if(G.selection_ap == 1) { G.selection_ap = 0; G.sort_by = SORT_BY_NOTHING; snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ disabled selection"); } } if(keycode == KEY_a) { if(G.show_ap == 1 && G.show_sta == 1 && G.show_ack == 0) { G.show_ap = 1; G.show_sta = 1; G.show_ack = 1; snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ display ap+sta+ack"); } else if(G.show_ap == 1 && G.show_sta == 1 && G.show_ack == 1) { G.show_ap = 1; G.show_sta = 0; G.show_ack = 0; snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ display ap only"); } else if(G.show_ap == 1 && G.show_sta == 0 && G.show_ack == 0) { G.show_ap = 0; G.show_sta = 1; G.show_ack = 0; snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ display sta only"); } else if(G.show_ap == 0 && G.show_sta == 1 && G.show_ack == 0) { G.show_ap = 1; G.show_sta = 1; G.show_ack = 0; snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ display ap+sta"); } } if (keycode == KEY_d) { resetSelection(); snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ reset selection to default"); } if(G.do_exit == 0 && !G.do_pause) { pthread_mutex_lock( &(G.mx_print) ); fprintf( stderr, "\33[1;1H" ); dump_print( G.ws.ws_row, G.ws.ws_col, G.num_cards ); fprintf( stderr, "\33[J" ); fflush(stderr); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(G.mx_print) ); } } } void trim(char *str) { int i; int begin = 0; int end = strlen(str) - 1; while (isspace((int)str[begin])) begin++; while ((end >= begin) && isspace((int)str[end])) end--; // Shift all characters back to the start of the string array. for (i = begin; i <= end; i++) str[i - begin] = str[i]; str[i - begin] = '\0'; // Null terminate string. } struct oui * load_oui_file(void) { FILE *fp; char * manuf; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; unsigned char a[2]; unsigned char b[2]; unsigned char c[2]; struct oui *oui_ptr = NULL, *oui_head = NULL; if (!(fp = fopen(OUI_PATH0, "r"))) { if (!(fp = fopen(OUI_PATH1, "r"))) { if (!(fp = fopen(OUI_PATH2, "r"))) { if (!(fp = fopen(OUI_PATH3, "r"))) { return NULL; } } } } memset(buffer, 0x00, sizeof(buffer)); while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp) != NULL) { if (!(strstr(buffer, "(hex)"))) continue; memset(a, 0x00, sizeof(a)); memset(b, 0x00, sizeof(b)); memset(c, 0x00, sizeof(c)); // Remove leading/trailing whitespaces. trim(buffer); if (sscanf(buffer, "%2c-%2c-%2c", a, b, c) == 3) { if (oui_ptr == NULL) { if (!(oui_ptr = (struct oui *)malloc(sizeof(struct oui)))) { fclose(fp); perror("malloc failed"); return NULL; } } else { if (!(oui_ptr->next = (struct oui *)malloc(sizeof(struct oui)))) { fclose(fp); perror("malloc failed"); return NULL; } oui_ptr = oui_ptr->next; } memset(oui_ptr->id, 0x00, sizeof(oui_ptr->id)); memset(oui_ptr->manuf, 0x00, sizeof(oui_ptr->manuf)); snprintf(oui_ptr->id, sizeof(oui_ptr->id), "%c%c:%c%c:%c%c", a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], c[0], c[1]); manuf = get_manufacturer_from_string(buffer); if (manuf != NULL) { snprintf(oui_ptr->manuf, sizeof(oui_ptr->manuf), "%s", manuf); free(manuf); } else { snprintf(oui_ptr->manuf, sizeof(oui_ptr->manuf), "Unknown"); } if (oui_head == NULL) oui_head = oui_ptr; oui_ptr->next = NULL; } } fclose(fp); return oui_head; } int check_shared_key(unsigned char *h80211, int caplen) { int m_bmac, m_smac, m_dmac, n, textlen; char ofn[1024]; char text[4096]; char prga[4096]; unsigned int long crc; if((unsigned)caplen > sizeof(G.sharedkey[0])) return 1; m_bmac = 16; m_smac = 10; m_dmac = 4; if( time(NULL) - G.sk_start > 5) { /* timeout(5sec) - remove all packets, restart timer */ memset(G.sharedkey, '\x00', 4096*3); G.sk_start = time(NULL); } /* is auth packet */ if( (h80211[1] & 0x40) != 0x40 ) { /* not encrypted */ if( ( h80211[24] + (h80211[25] << 8) ) == 1 ) { /* Shared-Key Authentication */ if( ( h80211[26] + (h80211[27] << 8) ) == 2 ) { /* sequence == 2 */ memcpy(G.sharedkey[0], h80211, caplen); G.sk_len = caplen-24; } if( ( h80211[26] + (h80211[27] << 8) ) == 4 ) { /* sequence == 4 */ memcpy(G.sharedkey[2], h80211, caplen); } } else return 1; } else { /* encrypted */ memcpy(G.sharedkey[1], h80211, caplen); G.sk_len2 = caplen-24-4; } /* check if the 3 packets form a proper authentication */ if( ( memcmp(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac, NULL_MAC, 6) == 0 ) || ( memcmp(G.sharedkey[1]+m_bmac, NULL_MAC, 6) == 0 ) || ( memcmp(G.sharedkey[2]+m_bmac, NULL_MAC, 6) == 0 ) ) /* some bssids == zero */ { return 1; } if( ( memcmp(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac, G.sharedkey[1]+m_bmac, 6) != 0 ) || ( memcmp(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac, G.sharedkey[2]+m_bmac, 6) != 0 ) ) /* all bssids aren't equal */ { return 1; } if( ( memcmp(G.sharedkey[0]+m_smac, G.sharedkey[2]+m_smac, 6) != 0 ) || ( memcmp(G.sharedkey[0]+m_smac, G.sharedkey[1]+m_dmac, 6) != 0 ) ) /* SA in 2&4 != DA in 3 */ { return 1; } if( (memcmp(G.sharedkey[0]+m_dmac, G.sharedkey[2]+m_dmac, 6) != 0 ) || (memcmp(G.sharedkey[0]+m_dmac, G.sharedkey[1]+m_smac, 6) != 0 ) ) /* DA in 2&4 != SA in 3 */ { return 1; } textlen = G.sk_len; if(textlen+4 != G.sk_len2) { snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ Broken SKA: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X ", *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac), *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac+1), *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac+2), *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac+3), *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac+4), *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac+5)); return 1; } if((unsigned)textlen > sizeof(text) - 4) return 1; memcpy(text, G.sharedkey[0]+24, textlen); /* increment sequence number from 2 to 3 */ text[2] = text[2]+1; crc = 0xFFFFFFFF; for( n = 0; n < textlen; n++ ) crc = crc_tbl[(crc ^ text[n]) & 0xFF] ^ (crc >> 8); crc = ~crc; /* append crc32 over body */ text[textlen] = (crc ) & 0xFF; text[textlen+1] = (crc >> 8) & 0xFF; text[textlen+2] = (crc >> 16) & 0xFF; text[textlen+3] = (crc >> 24) & 0xFF; /* cleartext XOR cipher */ for(n=0; n<(textlen+4); n++) { prga[4+n] = (text[n] ^ G.sharedkey[1][28+n]) & 0xFF; } /* write IV+index */ prga[0] = G.sharedkey[1][24] & 0xFF; prga[1] = G.sharedkey[1][25] & 0xFF; prga[2] = G.sharedkey[1][26] & 0xFF; prga[3] = G.sharedkey[1][27] & 0xFF; if( G.f_xor != NULL ) { fclose(G.f_xor); G.f_xor = NULL; } snprintf( ofn, sizeof( ofn ) - 1, "%s-%02d-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X.%s", G.prefix, G.f_index, *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac), *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac+1), *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac+2), *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac+3), *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac+4), *(G.sharedkey[0]+m_bmac+5), "xor" ); G.f_xor = fopen( ofn, "w"); if(G.f_xor == NULL) return 1; for(n=0; n [,,...]\n" "\n" " Options:\n" " --ivs : Save only captured IVs\n" " --gpsd : Use GPSd\n" " --write : Dump file prefix\n" " -w : same as --write \n" " --beacons : Record all beacons in dump file\n" " --update : Display update delay in seconds\n" " --showack : Prints ack/cts/rts statistics\n" " -h : Hides known stations for --showack\n" " -f : Time in ms between hopping channels\n" " --berlin : Time before removing the AP/client\n" " from the screen when no more packets\n" " are received (Default: 120 seconds)\n" " -r : Read packets from that file\n" " -x : Active Scanning Simulation\n" " --manufacturer : Display manufacturer from IEEE OUI list\n" " --uptime : Display AP Uptime from Beacon Timestamp\n" " --output-format\n" " : Output format. Possible values:\n" " pcap, ivs, csv, gps, kismet, netxml\n" " --ignore-negative-one : Removes the message that says\n" " fixed channel : -1\n" "\n" " Filter options:\n" " --encrypt : Filter APs by cipher suite\n" " --netmask : Filter APs by mask\n" " --bssid : Filter APs by BSSID\n" " --essid : Filter APs by ESSID\n" #ifdef HAVE_PCRE " --essid-regex : Filter APs by ESSID using a regular\n" " expression\n" #endif " -a : Filter unassociated clients\n" "\n" " By default, airodump-ng hop on 2.4GHz channels.\n" " You can make it capture on other/specific channel(s) by using:\n" " --channel : Capture on specific channels\n" " --band : Band on which airodump-ng should hop\n" " -C : Uses these frequencies in MHz to hop\n" " --cswitch : Set channel switching method\n" " 0 : FIFO (default)\n" " 1 : Round Robin\n" " 2 : Hop on last\n" " -s : same as --cswitch\n" "\n" " --help : Displays this usage screen\n" "\n"; int is_filtered_netmask(unsigned char *bssid) { unsigned char mac1[6]; unsigned char mac2[6]; int i; for(i=0; i<6; i++) { mac1[i] = bssid[i] & G.f_netmask[i]; mac2[i] = G.f_bssid[i] & G.f_netmask[i]; } if( memcmp(mac1, mac2, 6) != 0 ) { return( 1 ); } return 0; } int is_filtered_essid(unsigned char *essid) { int ret = 0; int i; if(G.f_essid) { for(i=0; iftimer.tv_sec ) + (cur_time.tv_usec - ap_cur->ftimer.tv_usec); /* update every `QLT_TIME`seconds if the rate is low, or every 500ms otherwise */ if( (ap_cur->fcapt >= QLT_COUNT && time_diff > 500000 ) || time_diff > (QLT_TIME * 1000000) ) { /* at least one frame captured */ if(ap_cur->fcapt > 1) { capt_time = ( 1000000 * (ap_cur->ftimel.tv_sec - ap_cur->ftimef.tv_sec ) //time between first and last captured frame + (ap_cur->ftimel.tv_usec - ap_cur->ftimef.tv_usec) ); miss_time = ( 1000000 * (ap_cur->ftimef.tv_sec - ap_cur->ftimer.tv_sec ) //time between timer reset and first frame + (ap_cur->ftimef.tv_usec - ap_cur->ftimer.tv_usec) ) + ( 1000000 * (cur_time.tv_sec - ap_cur->ftimel.tv_sec ) //time between last frame and this moment + (cur_time.tv_usec - ap_cur->ftimel.tv_usec) ); //number of frames missed at the time where no frames were captured; extrapolated by assuming a constant framerate if(capt_time > 0 && miss_time > 200000) { missed_frames = ((float)((float)miss_time/(float)capt_time) * ((float)ap_cur->fcapt + (float)ap_cur->fmiss)); ap_cur->fmiss += missed_frames; } ap_cur->rx_quality = ((float)((float)ap_cur->fcapt / ((float)ap_cur->fcapt + (float)ap_cur->fmiss)) * 100.0); } else ap_cur->rx_quality = 0; /* no packets -> zero quality */ /* normalize, in case the seq numbers are not iterating */ if(ap_cur->rx_quality > 100) ap_cur->rx_quality = 100; if(ap_cur->rx_quality < 0 ) ap_cur->rx_quality = 0; /* reset variables */ ap_cur->fcapt = 0; ap_cur->fmiss = 0; gettimeofday( &(ap_cur->ftimer) ,NULL); } ap_cur = ap_cur->next; } /* stations */ while( st_cur != NULL ) { time_diff = 1000000 * (cur_time.tv_sec - st_cur->ftimer.tv_sec ) + (cur_time.tv_usec - st_cur->ftimer.tv_usec); if( time_diff > 10000000 ) { st_cur->missed = 0; gettimeofday( &(st_cur->ftimer), NULL ); } st_cur = st_cur->next; } } /* setup the output files */ int dump_initialize( char *prefix, int ivs_only ) { int i, ofn_len; FILE *f; char * ofn = NULL; /* If you only want to see what happening, send all data to /dev/null */ if ( prefix == NULL || strlen( prefix ) == 0) { return( 0 ); } /* Create a buffer of the length of the prefix + '-' + 2 numbers + '.' + longest extension ("kismet.netxml") + terminating 0. */ ofn_len = strlen(prefix) + 1 + 2 + 1 + 13 + 1; ofn = (char *)calloc(1, ofn_len); G.f_index = 1; /* Make sure no file with the same name & all possible file extensions. */ do { for( i = 0; i < NB_EXTENSIONS; i++ ) { memset(ofn, 0, ofn_len); snprintf( ofn, ofn_len, "%s-%02d.%s", prefix, G.f_index, f_ext[i] ); if( ( f = fopen( ofn, "rb+" ) ) != NULL ) { fclose( f ); G.f_index++; break; } } } /* If we did all extensions then no file with that name or extension exist so we can use that number */ while( i < NB_EXTENSIONS ); G.prefix = (char *) malloc(strlen(prefix) + 1); memcpy(G.prefix, prefix, strlen(prefix) + 1); /* create the output CSV file */ if (G.output_format_csv) { memset(ofn, 0, ofn_len); snprintf( ofn, ofn_len, "%s-%02d.%s", prefix, G.f_index, AIRODUMP_NG_CSV_EXT ); if( ( G.f_txt = fopen( ofn, "wb+" ) ) == NULL ) { perror( "fopen failed" ); fprintf( stderr, "Could not create \"%s\".\n", ofn ); free( ofn ); return( 1 ); } } /* create the output Kismet CSV file */ if (G.output_format_kismet_csv) { memset(ofn, 0, ofn_len); snprintf( ofn, ofn_len, "%s-%02d.%s", prefix, G.f_index, KISMET_CSV_EXT ); if( ( G.f_kis = fopen( ofn, "wb+" ) ) == NULL ) { perror( "fopen failed" ); fprintf( stderr, "Could not create \"%s\".\n", ofn ); free( ofn ); return( 1 ); } } /* create the output GPS file */ if (G.usegpsd) { memset(ofn, 0, ofn_len); snprintf( ofn, ofn_len, "%s-%02d.%s", prefix, G.f_index, AIRODUMP_NG_GPS_EXT ); if( ( G.f_gps = fopen( ofn, "wb+" ) ) == NULL ) { perror( "fopen failed" ); fprintf( stderr, "Could not create \"%s\".\n", ofn ); free( ofn ); return( 1 ); } } /* Create the output kismet.netxml file */ if (G.output_format_kismet_netxml) { memset(ofn, 0, ofn_len); snprintf( ofn, ofn_len, "%s-%02d.%s", prefix, G.f_index, KISMET_NETXML_EXT ); if( ( G.f_kis_xml = fopen( ofn, "wb+" ) ) == NULL ) { perror( "fopen failed" ); fprintf( stderr, "Could not create \"%s\".\n", ofn ); free( ofn ); return( 1 ); } } /* create the output packet capture file */ if( G.output_format_pcap ) { struct pcap_file_header pfh; memset(ofn, 0, ofn_len); snprintf( ofn, ofn_len, "%s-%02d.%s", prefix, G.f_index, AIRODUMP_NG_CAP_EXT ); if( ( G.f_cap = fopen( ofn, "wb+" ) ) == NULL ) { perror( "fopen failed" ); fprintf( stderr, "Could not create \"%s\".\n", ofn ); free( ofn ); return( 1 ); } G.f_cap_name = (char *) malloc( strlen( ofn ) + 1 ); memcpy( G.f_cap_name, ofn, strlen( ofn ) + 1 ); free( ofn ); pfh.magic = TCPDUMP_MAGIC; pfh.version_major = PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR; pfh.version_minor = PCAP_VERSION_MINOR; pfh.thiszone = 0; pfh.sigfigs = 0; pfh.snaplen = 65535; pfh.linktype = LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11; if( fwrite( &pfh, 1, sizeof( pfh ), G.f_cap ) != (size_t) sizeof( pfh ) ) { perror( "fwrite(pcap file header) failed" ); return( 1 ); } } else if ( ivs_only ) { struct ivs2_filehdr fivs2; fivs2.version = IVS2_VERSION; memset(ofn, 0, ofn_len); snprintf( ofn, ofn_len, "%s-%02d.%s", prefix, G.f_index, IVS2_EXTENSION ); if( ( G.f_ivs = fopen( ofn, "wb+" ) ) == NULL ) { perror( "fopen failed" ); fprintf( stderr, "Could not create \"%s\".\n", ofn ); free( ofn ); return( 1 ); } free( ofn ); if( fwrite( IVS2_MAGIC, 1, 4, G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) 4 ) { perror( "fwrite(IVs file MAGIC) failed" ); return( 1 ); } if( fwrite( &fivs2, 1, sizeof(struct ivs2_filehdr), G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) sizeof(struct ivs2_filehdr) ) { perror( "fwrite(IVs file header) failed" ); return( 1 ); } } return( 0 ); } int update_dataps() { struct timeval tv; struct AP_info *ap_cur; struct NA_info *na_cur; int sec, usec, diff, ps; float pause; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ap_cur = G.ap_end; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { sec = (tv.tv_sec - ap_cur->tv.tv_sec); usec = (tv.tv_usec - ap_cur->tv.tv_usec); pause = (((float)(sec*1000000.0f + usec))/(1000000.0f)); if( pause > 2.0f ) { diff = ap_cur->nb_data - ap_cur->nb_data_old; ps = (int)(((float)diff)/pause); ap_cur->nb_dataps = ps; ap_cur->nb_data_old = ap_cur->nb_data; gettimeofday(&(ap_cur->tv), NULL); } ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; } na_cur = G.na_1st; while( na_cur != NULL ) { sec = (tv.tv_sec - na_cur->tv.tv_sec); usec = (tv.tv_usec - na_cur->tv.tv_usec); pause = (((float)(sec*1000000.0f + usec))/(1000000.0f)); if( pause > 2.0f ) { diff = na_cur->ack - na_cur->ack_old; ps = (int)(((float)diff)/pause); na_cur->ackps = ps; na_cur->ack_old = na_cur->ack; gettimeofday(&(na_cur->tv), NULL); } na_cur = na_cur->next; } return(0); } int list_tail_free(struct pkt_buf **list) { struct pkt_buf **pkts; struct pkt_buf *next; if(list == NULL) return 1; pkts = list; while(*pkts != NULL) { next = (*pkts)->next; if( (*pkts)->packet ) { free( (*pkts)->packet); (*pkts)->packet=NULL; } if(*pkts) { free(*pkts); *pkts = NULL; } *pkts = next; } *list=NULL; return 0; } int list_add_packet(struct pkt_buf **list, int length, unsigned char* packet) { struct pkt_buf *next = *list; if(length <= 0) return 1; if(packet == NULL) return 1; if(list == NULL) return 1; *list = (struct pkt_buf*) malloc(sizeof(struct pkt_buf)); if( *list == NULL ) return 1; (*list)->packet = (unsigned char*) malloc(length); if( (*list)->packet == NULL ) return 1; memcpy((*list)->packet, packet, length); (*list)->next = next; (*list)->length = length; gettimeofday( &((*list)->ctime), NULL); return 0; } /* * Check if the same IV was used if the first two bytes were the same. * If they are not identical, it would complain. * The reason is that the first two bytes unencrypted are 'aa' * so with the same IV it should always be encrypted to the same thing. */ int list_check_decloak(struct pkt_buf **list, int length, unsigned char* packet) { struct pkt_buf *next = *list; struct timeval tv1; int timediff; int i, correct; if( packet == NULL) return 1; if( list == NULL ) return 1; if( *list == NULL ) return 1; if( length <= 0) return 1; gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); timediff = (((tv1.tv_sec - ((*list)->ctime.tv_sec)) * 1000000) + (tv1.tv_usec - ((*list)->ctime.tv_usec))) / 1000; if( timediff > BUFFER_TIME ) { list_tail_free(list); next=NULL; } while(next != NULL) { if(next->next != NULL) { timediff = (((tv1.tv_sec - (next->next->ctime.tv_sec)) * 1000000) + (tv1.tv_usec - (next->next->ctime.tv_usec))) / 1000; if( timediff > BUFFER_TIME ) { list_tail_free(&(next->next)); break; } } if( (next->length + 4) == length) { correct = 1; // check for 4 bytes added after the end for(i=28;ipacket[i] != packet[i]) { correct = 0; break; } } if(!correct) { correct = 1; // check for 4 bytes added at the beginning for(i=28;ipacket[i] != packet[4+i]) { correct = 0; break; } } } if(correct == 1) return 0; //found decloaking! } next = next->next; } return 1; //didn't find decloak } int remove_namac(unsigned char* mac) { struct NA_info *na_cur = NULL; struct NA_info *na_prv = NULL; if(mac == NULL) return( -1 ); na_cur = G.na_1st; na_prv = NULL; while( na_cur != NULL ) { if( ! memcmp( na_cur->namac, mac, 6 ) ) break; na_prv = na_cur; na_cur = na_cur->next; } /* if it's known, remove it */ if( na_cur != NULL ) { /* first in linked list */ if(na_cur == G.na_1st) { G.na_1st = na_cur->next; } else { na_prv->next = na_cur->next; } free(na_cur); na_cur=NULL; } return( 0 ); } int dump_add_packet( unsigned char *h80211, int caplen, struct rx_info *ri, int cardnum ) { int i, n, seq, msd, dlen, offset, clen, o; unsigned z; int type, length, numuni=0, numauth=0; struct pcap_pkthdr pkh; struct timeval tv; struct ivs2_pkthdr ivs2; unsigned char *p, *org_p, c; unsigned char bssid[6]; unsigned char stmac[6]; unsigned char namac[6]; unsigned char clear[2048]; int weight[16]; int num_xor=0; struct AP_info *ap_cur = NULL; struct ST_info *st_cur = NULL; struct NA_info *na_cur = NULL; struct AP_info *ap_prv = NULL; struct ST_info *st_prv = NULL; struct NA_info *na_prv = NULL; /* skip all non probe response frames in active scanning simulation mode */ if( G.active_scan_sim > 0 && h80211[0] != 0x50 ) return(0); /* skip packets smaller than a 802.11 header */ if( caplen < 24 ) goto write_packet; /* skip (uninteresting) control frames */ if( ( h80211[0] & 0x0C ) == 0x04 ) goto write_packet; /* if it's a LLC null packet, just forget it (may change in the future) */ if ( caplen > 28) if ( memcmp(h80211 + 24, llcnull, 4) == 0) return ( 0 ); /* grab the sequence number */ seq = ((h80211[22]>>4)+(h80211[23]<<4)); /* locate the access point's MAC address */ switch( h80211[1] & 3 ) { case 0: memcpy( bssid, h80211 + 16, 6 ); break; //Adhoc case 1: memcpy( bssid, h80211 + 4, 6 ); break; //ToDS case 2: memcpy( bssid, h80211 + 10, 6 ); break; //FromDS case 3: memcpy( bssid, h80211 + 10, 6 ); break; //WDS -> Transmitter taken as BSSID } if( memcmp(G.f_bssid, NULL_MAC, 6) != 0 ) { if( memcmp(G.f_netmask, NULL_MAC, 6) != 0 ) { if(is_filtered_netmask(bssid)) return(1); } else { if( memcmp(G.f_bssid, bssid, 6) != 0 ) return(1); } } /* update our chained list of access points */ ap_cur = G.ap_1st; ap_prv = NULL; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { if( ! memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, bssid, 6 ) ) break; ap_prv = ap_cur; ap_cur = ap_cur->next; } /* if it's a new access point, add it */ if( ap_cur == NULL ) { if( ! ( ap_cur = (struct AP_info *) malloc( sizeof( struct AP_info ) ) ) ) { perror( "malloc failed" ); return( 1 ); } /* if mac is listed as unknown, remove it */ remove_namac(bssid); memset( ap_cur, 0, sizeof( struct AP_info ) ); if( G.ap_1st == NULL ) G.ap_1st = ap_cur; else ap_prv->next = ap_cur; memcpy( ap_cur->bssid, bssid, 6 ); if (ap_cur->manuf == NULL) { ap_cur->manuf = get_manufacturer(ap_cur->bssid[0], ap_cur->bssid[1], ap_cur->bssid[2]); } ap_cur->prev = ap_prv; ap_cur->tinit = time( NULL ); ap_cur->tlast = time( NULL ); ap_cur->avg_power = -1; ap_cur->best_power = -1; ap_cur->power_index = -1; for( i = 0; i < NB_PWR; i++ ) ap_cur->power_lvl[i] = -1; ap_cur->channel = -1; ap_cur->max_speed = -1; ap_cur->security = 0; ap_cur->uiv_root = uniqueiv_init(); ap_cur->nb_dataps = 0; ap_cur->nb_data_old = 0; gettimeofday(&(ap_cur->tv), NULL); ap_cur->dict_started = 0; ap_cur->key = NULL; G.ap_end = ap_cur; ap_cur->nb_bcn = 0; ap_cur->rx_quality = 0; ap_cur->fcapt = 0; ap_cur->fmiss = 0; ap_cur->last_seq = 0; gettimeofday( &(ap_cur->ftimef), NULL); gettimeofday( &(ap_cur->ftimel), NULL); gettimeofday( &(ap_cur->ftimer), NULL); ap_cur->ssid_length = 0; ap_cur->essid_stored = 0; ap_cur->timestamp = 0; ap_cur->decloak_detect=G.decloak; ap_cur->is_decloak = 0; ap_cur->packets = NULL; ap_cur->marked = 0; ap_cur->marked_color = 1; ap_cur->data_root = NULL; ap_cur->EAP_detected = 0; memcpy(ap_cur->gps_loc_min, G.gps_loc, sizeof(float)*5); memcpy(ap_cur->gps_loc_max, G.gps_loc, sizeof(float)*5); memcpy(ap_cur->gps_loc_best, G.gps_loc, sizeof(float)*5); } /* update the last time seen */ ap_cur->tlast = time( NULL ); /* only update power if packets comes from * the AP: either type == mgmt and SA != BSSID, * or FromDS == 1 and ToDS == 0 */ if( ( ( h80211[1] & 3 ) == 0 && memcmp( h80211 + 10, bssid, 6 ) == 0 ) || ( ( h80211[1] & 3 ) == 2 ) ) { ap_cur->power_index = ( ap_cur->power_index + 1 ) % NB_PWR; ap_cur->power_lvl[ap_cur->power_index] = ri->ri_power; ap_cur->avg_power = 0; for( i = 0, n = 0; i < NB_PWR; i++ ) { if( ap_cur->power_lvl[i] != -1 ) { ap_cur->avg_power += ap_cur->power_lvl[i]; n++; } } if( n > 0 ) { ap_cur->avg_power /= n; if( ap_cur->avg_power > ap_cur->best_power ) { ap_cur->best_power = ap_cur->avg_power; memcpy(ap_cur->gps_loc_best, G.gps_loc, sizeof(float)*5); } } else ap_cur->avg_power = -1; /* every packet in here comes from the AP */ if(G.gps_loc[0] > ap_cur->gps_loc_max[0]) ap_cur->gps_loc_max[0] = G.gps_loc[0]; if(G.gps_loc[1] > ap_cur->gps_loc_max[1]) ap_cur->gps_loc_max[1] = G.gps_loc[1]; if(G.gps_loc[2] > ap_cur->gps_loc_max[2]) ap_cur->gps_loc_max[2] = G.gps_loc[2]; if(G.gps_loc[0] < ap_cur->gps_loc_min[0]) ap_cur->gps_loc_min[0] = G.gps_loc[0]; if(G.gps_loc[1] < ap_cur->gps_loc_min[1]) ap_cur->gps_loc_min[1] = G.gps_loc[1]; if(G.gps_loc[2] < ap_cur->gps_loc_min[2]) ap_cur->gps_loc_min[2] = G.gps_loc[2]; // printf("seqnum: %i\n", seq); if(ap_cur->fcapt == 0 && ap_cur->fmiss == 0) gettimeofday( &(ap_cur->ftimef), NULL); if(ap_cur->last_seq != 0) ap_cur->fmiss += (seq - ap_cur->last_seq - 1); ap_cur->last_seq = seq; ap_cur->fcapt++; gettimeofday( &(ap_cur->ftimel), NULL); // if(ap_cur->fcapt >= QLT_COUNT) update_rx_quality(); } if( h80211[0] == 0x80 ) { ap_cur->nb_bcn++; } ap_cur->nb_pkt++; /* find wpa handshake */ if( h80211[0] == 0x10 ) { /* reset the WPA handshake state */ if( st_cur != NULL && st_cur->wpa.state != 0xFF ) st_cur->wpa.state = 0; // printf("initial auth %d\n", ap_cur->wpa_state); } /* locate the station MAC in the 802.11 header */ switch( h80211[1] & 3 ) { case 0: /* if management, check that SA != BSSID */ if( memcmp( h80211 + 10, bssid, 6 ) == 0 ) goto skip_station; memcpy( stmac, h80211 + 10, 6 ); break; case 1: /* ToDS packet, must come from a client */ memcpy( stmac, h80211 + 10, 6 ); break; case 2: /* FromDS packet, reject broadcast MACs */ if( (h80211[4]%2) != 0 ) goto skip_station; memcpy( stmac, h80211 + 4, 6 ); break; default: goto skip_station; } /* update our chained list of wireless stations */ st_cur = G.st_1st; st_prv = NULL; while( st_cur != NULL ) { if( ! memcmp( st_cur->stmac, stmac, 6 ) ) break; st_prv = st_cur; st_cur = st_cur->next; } /* if it's a new client, add it */ if( st_cur == NULL ) { if( ! ( st_cur = (struct ST_info *) malloc( sizeof( struct ST_info ) ) ) ) { perror( "malloc failed" ); return( 1 ); } /* if mac is listed as unknown, remove it */ remove_namac(stmac); memset( st_cur, 0, sizeof( struct ST_info ) ); if( G.st_1st == NULL ) G.st_1st = st_cur; else st_prv->next = st_cur; memcpy( st_cur->stmac, stmac, 6 ); if (st_cur->manuf == NULL) { st_cur->manuf = get_manufacturer(st_cur->stmac[0], st_cur->stmac[1], st_cur->stmac[2]); } st_cur->prev = st_prv; st_cur->tinit = time( NULL ); st_cur->tlast = time( NULL ); st_cur->power = -1; st_cur->rate_to = -1; st_cur->rate_from = -1; st_cur->probe_index = -1; st_cur->missed = 0; st_cur->lastseq = 0; st_cur->qos_fr_ds = 0; st_cur->qos_to_ds = 0; gettimeofday( &(st_cur->ftimer), NULL); for( i = 0; i < NB_PRB; i++ ) { memset( st_cur->probes[i], 0, sizeof( st_cur->probes[i] ) ); st_cur->ssid_length[i] = 0; } G.st_end = st_cur; } if( st_cur->base == NULL || memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) != 0 ) st_cur->base = ap_cur; //update bitrate to station if( (st_cur != NULL) && ( h80211[1] & 3 ) == 2 ) st_cur->rate_to = ri->ri_rate; /* update the last time seen */ st_cur->tlast = time( NULL ); /* only update power if packets comes from the * client: either type == Mgmt and SA != BSSID, * or FromDS == 0 and ToDS == 1 */ if( ( ( h80211[1] & 3 ) == 0 && memcmp( h80211 + 10, bssid, 6 ) != 0 ) || ( ( h80211[1] & 3 ) == 1 ) ) { st_cur->power = ri->ri_power; st_cur->rate_from = ri->ri_rate; if(st_cur->lastseq != 0) { msd = seq - st_cur->lastseq - 1; if(msd > 0 && msd < 1000) st_cur->missed += msd; } st_cur->lastseq = seq; } st_cur->nb_pkt++; skip_station: /* packet parsing: Probe Request */ if( h80211[0] == 0x40 && st_cur != NULL ) { p = h80211 + 24; while( p < h80211 + caplen ) { if( p + 2 + p[1] > h80211 + caplen ) break; if( p[0] == 0x00 && p[1] > 0 && p[2] != '\0' && ( p[1] > 1 || p[2] != ' ' ) ) { // n = ( p[1] > 32 ) ? 32 : p[1]; n = p[1]; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) if( p[2 + i] > 0 && p[2 + i] < ' ' ) goto skip_probe; /* got a valid ASCII probed ESSID, check if it's already in the ring buffer */ for( i = 0; i < NB_PRB; i++ ) if( memcmp( st_cur->probes[i], p + 2, n ) == 0 ) goto skip_probe; st_cur->probe_index = ( st_cur->probe_index + 1 ) % NB_PRB; memset( st_cur->probes[st_cur->probe_index], 0, 256 ); memcpy( st_cur->probes[st_cur->probe_index], p + 2, n ); //twice?! st_cur->ssid_length[st_cur->probe_index] = n; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { c = p[2 + i]; if( c == 0 || ( c > 126 && c < 160 ) ) c = '.'; //could also check ||(c>0 && c<32) st_cur->probes[st_cur->probe_index][i] = c; } } p += 2 + p[1]; } } skip_probe: /* packet parsing: Beacon or Probe Response */ if( h80211[0] == 0x80 || h80211[0] == 0x50 ) { if( !(ap_cur->security & (STD_OPN|STD_WEP|STD_WPA|STD_WPA2)) ) { if( ( h80211[34] & 0x10 ) >> 4 ) ap_cur->security |= STD_WEP|ENC_WEP; else ap_cur->security |= STD_OPN; } ap_cur->preamble = ( h80211[34] & 0x20 ) >> 5; unsigned long long *tstamp = (unsigned long long *) (h80211 + 24); ap_cur->timestamp = letoh64(*tstamp); p = h80211 + 36; while( p < h80211 + caplen ) { if( p + 2 + p[1] > h80211 + caplen ) break; //only update the essid length if the new length is > the old one if( p[0] == 0x00 && (ap_cur->ssid_length < p[1]) ) ap_cur->ssid_length = p[1]; if( p[0] == 0x00 && p[1] > 0 && p[2] != '\0' && ( p[1] > 1 || p[2] != ' ' ) ) { /* found a non-cloaked ESSID */ // n = ( p[1] > 32 ) ? 32 : p[1]; n = p[1]; memset( ap_cur->essid, 0, 256 ); memcpy( ap_cur->essid, p + 2, n ); if( G.f_ivs != NULL && !ap_cur->essid_stored ) { memset(&ivs2, '\x00', sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr)); ivs2.flags |= IVS2_ESSID; ivs2.len += ap_cur->ssid_length; if( memcmp( G.prev_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6 ) != 0 ) { ivs2.flags |= IVS2_BSSID; ivs2.len += 6; memcpy( G.prev_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6 ); } /* write header */ if( fwrite( &ivs2, 1, sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr), G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr) ) { perror( "fwrite(IV header) failed" ); return( 1 ); } /* write BSSID */ if(ivs2.flags & IVS2_BSSID) { if( fwrite( ap_cur->bssid, 1, 6, G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) 6 ) { perror( "fwrite(IV bssid) failed" ); return( 1 ); } } /* write essid */ if( fwrite( ap_cur->essid, 1, ap_cur->ssid_length, G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) ap_cur->ssid_length ) { perror( "fwrite(IV essid) failed" ); return( 1 ); } ap_cur->essid_stored = 1; } for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) if( ( ap_cur->essid[i] > 0 && ap_cur->essid[i] < 32 ) || ( ap_cur->essid[i] > 126 && ap_cur->essid[i] < 160 ) ) ap_cur->essid[i] = '.'; } /* get the maximum speed in Mb and the AP's channel */ if( p[0] == 0x01 || p[0] == 0x32 ) { if(ap_cur->max_speed < ( p[1 + p[1]] & 0x7F ) / 2) ap_cur->max_speed = ( p[1 + p[1]] & 0x7F ) / 2; } if( p[0] == 0x03 ) ap_cur->channel = p[2]; p += 2 + p[1]; } } /* packet parsing: Beacon & Probe response */ if( (h80211[0] == 0x80 || h80211[0] == 0x50) && caplen > 38) { p=h80211+36; //ignore hdr + fixed params while( p < h80211 + caplen ) { type = p[0]; length = p[1]; if(p+2+length > h80211 + caplen) { /* printf("error parsing tags! %p vs. %p (tag: %i, length: %i,position: %i)\n", (p+2+length), (h80211+caplen), type, length, (p-h80211)); exit(1);*/ break; } if( (type == 0xDD && (length >= 8) && (memcmp(p+2, "\x00\x50\xF2\x01\x01\x00", 6) == 0)) || (type == 0x30) ) { ap_cur->security &= ~(STD_WEP|ENC_WEP|STD_WPA); org_p = p; offset = 0; if(type == 0xDD) { //WPA defined in vendor specific tag -> WPA1 support ap_cur->security |= STD_WPA; offset = 4; } if(type == 0x30) { ap_cur->security |= STD_WPA2; offset = 0; } if(length < (18+offset)) { p += length+2; continue; } if( p+9+offset > h80211+caplen ) break; numuni = p[8+offset] + (p[9+offset]<<8); if( p+ (11+offset) + 4*numuni > h80211+caplen) break; numauth = p[(10+offset) + 4*numuni] + (p[(11+offset) + 4*numuni]<<8); p += (10+offset); if(type != 0x30) { if( p + (4*numuni) + (2+4*numauth) > h80211+caplen) break; } else { if( p + (4*numuni) + (2+4*numauth) + 2 > h80211+caplen) break; } for(i=0; isecurity |= ENC_WEP; break; case 0x02: ap_cur->security |= ENC_TKIP; break; case 0x03: ap_cur->security |= ENC_WRAP; break; case 0x04: ap_cur->security |= ENC_CCMP; break; case 0x05: ap_cur->security |= ENC_WEP104; break; default: break; } } p += 2+4*numuni; for(i=0; isecurity |= AUTH_MGT; break; case 0x02: ap_cur->security |= AUTH_PSK; break; default: break; } } p += 2+4*numauth; if( type == 0x30 ) p += 2; p = org_p + length+2; } else if( (type == 0xDD && (length >= 8) && (memcmp(p+2, "\x00\x50\xF2\x02\x01\x01", 6) == 0))) { ap_cur->security |= STD_QOS; p += length+2; } else p += length+2; } } /* packet parsing: Authentication Response */ if( h80211[0] == 0xB0 && caplen >= 30) { if( ap_cur->security & STD_WEP ) { //successful step 2 or 4 (coming from the AP) if(memcmp(h80211+28, "\x00\x00", 2) == 0 && (h80211[26] == 0x02 || h80211[26] == 0x04)) { ap_cur->security &= ~(AUTH_OPN | AUTH_PSK | AUTH_MGT); if(h80211[24] == 0x00) ap_cur->security |= AUTH_OPN; if(h80211[24] == 0x01) ap_cur->security |= AUTH_PSK; } } } /* packet parsing: Association Request */ if( h80211[0] == 0x00 && caplen > 28 ) { p = h80211 + 28; while( p < h80211 + caplen ) { if( p + 2 + p[1] > h80211 + caplen ) break; if( p[0] == 0x00 && p[1] > 0 && p[2] != '\0' && ( p[1] > 1 || p[2] != ' ' ) ) { /* found a non-cloaked ESSID */ n = ( p[1] > 32 ) ? 32 : p[1]; memset( ap_cur->essid, 0, 33 ); memcpy( ap_cur->essid, p + 2, n ); if( G.f_ivs != NULL && !ap_cur->essid_stored ) { memset(&ivs2, '\x00', sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr)); ivs2.flags |= IVS2_ESSID; ivs2.len += ap_cur->ssid_length; if( memcmp( G.prev_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6 ) != 0 ) { ivs2.flags |= IVS2_BSSID; ivs2.len += 6; memcpy( G.prev_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6 ); } /* write header */ if( fwrite( &ivs2, 1, sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr), G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr) ) { perror( "fwrite(IV header) failed" ); return( 1 ); } /* write BSSID */ if(ivs2.flags & IVS2_BSSID) { if( fwrite( ap_cur->bssid, 1, 6, G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) 6 ) { perror( "fwrite(IV bssid) failed" ); return( 1 ); } } /* write essid */ if( fwrite( ap_cur->essid, 1, ap_cur->ssid_length, G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) ap_cur->ssid_length ) { perror( "fwrite(IV essid) failed" ); return( 1 ); } ap_cur->essid_stored = 1; } for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) if( ap_cur->essid[i] < 32 || ( ap_cur->essid[i] > 126 && ap_cur->essid[i] < 160 ) ) ap_cur->essid[i] = '.'; } p += 2 + p[1]; } if(st_cur != NULL) st_cur->wpa.state = 0; } /* packet parsing: some data */ if( ( h80211[0] & 0x0C ) == 0x08 ) { /* update the channel if we didn't get any beacon */ if( ap_cur->channel == -1 ) { if(ri->ri_channel > 0 && ri->ri_channel < 167) ap_cur->channel = ri->ri_channel; else ap_cur->channel = G.channel[cardnum]; } /* check the SNAP header to see if data is encrypted */ z = ( ( h80211[1] & 3 ) != 3 ) ? 24 : 30; /* Check if 802.11e (QoS) */ if( (h80211[0] & 0x80) == 0x80) { z+=2; if(st_cur != NULL) { if( (h80211[1] & 3) == 1 ) //ToDS st_cur->qos_to_ds = 1; else st_cur->qos_fr_ds = 1; } } else { if(st_cur != NULL) { if( (h80211[1] & 3) == 1 ) //ToDS st_cur->qos_to_ds = 0; else st_cur->qos_fr_ds = 0; } } if(z==24) { if(list_check_decloak(&(ap_cur->packets), caplen, h80211) != 0) { list_add_packet(&(ap_cur->packets), caplen, h80211); } else { ap_cur->is_decloak = 1; ap_cur->decloak_detect = 0; list_tail_free(&(ap_cur->packets)); memset(G.message, '\x00', sizeof(G.message)); snprintf( G.message, sizeof( G.message ) - 1, "][ Decloak: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X ", ap_cur->bssid[0], ap_cur->bssid[1], ap_cur->bssid[2], ap_cur->bssid[3], ap_cur->bssid[4], ap_cur->bssid[5]); } } if( z + 26 > (unsigned)caplen ) goto write_packet; if( h80211[z] == h80211[z + 1] && h80211[z + 2] == 0x03 ) { // if( ap_cur->encryption < 0 ) // ap_cur->encryption = 0; /* if ethertype == IPv4, find the LAN address */ if( h80211[z + 6] == 0x08 && h80211[z + 7] == 0x00 && ( h80211[1] & 3 ) == 0x01 ) memcpy( ap_cur->lanip, &h80211[z + 20], 4 ); if( h80211[z + 6] == 0x08 && h80211[z + 7] == 0x06 ) memcpy( ap_cur->lanip, &h80211[z + 22], 4 ); } // else // ap_cur->encryption = 2 + ( ( h80211[z + 3] & 0x20 ) >> 5 ); if(ap_cur->security == 0 || (ap_cur->security & STD_WEP) ) { if( (h80211[1] & 0x40) != 0x40 ) { ap_cur->security |= STD_OPN; } else { if((h80211[z+3] & 0x20) == 0x20) { ap_cur->security |= STD_WPA; } else { ap_cur->security |= STD_WEP; if( (h80211[z+3] & 0xC0) != 0x00) { ap_cur->security |= ENC_WEP40; } else { ap_cur->security &= ~ENC_WEP40; ap_cur->security |= ENC_WEP; } } } } if( z + 10 > (unsigned)caplen ) goto write_packet; if( ap_cur->security & STD_WEP ) { /* WEP: check if we've already seen this IV */ if( ! uniqueiv_check( ap_cur->uiv_root, &h80211[z] ) ) { /* first time seen IVs */ if( G.f_ivs != NULL ) { memset(&ivs2, '\x00', sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr)); ivs2.flags = 0; ivs2.len = 0; /* datalen = caplen - (header+iv+ivs) */ dlen = caplen -z -4 -4; //original data len if(dlen > 2048) dlen = 2048; //get cleartext + len + 4(iv+idx) num_xor = known_clear(clear, &clen, weight, h80211, dlen); if(num_xor == 1) { ivs2.flags |= IVS2_XOR; ivs2.len += clen + 4; /* reveal keystream (plain^encrypted) */ for(n=0; n<(ivs2.len-4); n++) { clear[n] = (clear[n] ^ h80211[z+4+n]) & 0xFF; } //clear is now the keystream } else { //do it again to get it 2 bytes higher num_xor = known_clear(clear+2, &clen, weight, h80211, dlen); ivs2.flags |= IVS2_PTW; //len = 4(iv+idx) + 1(num of keystreams) + 1(len per keystream) + 32*num_xor + 16*sizeof(int)(weight[16]) ivs2.len += 4 + 1 + 1 + 32*num_xor + 16*sizeof(int); clear[0] = num_xor; clear[1] = clen; /* reveal keystream (plain^encrypted) */ for(o=0; obssid, 6 ) != 0 ) { ivs2.flags |= IVS2_BSSID; ivs2.len += 6; memcpy( G.prev_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6 ); } if( fwrite( &ivs2, 1, sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr), G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr) ) { perror( "fwrite(IV header) failed" ); return( 1 ); } if( ivs2.flags & IVS2_BSSID ) { if( fwrite( ap_cur->bssid, 1, 6, G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) 6 ) { perror( "fwrite(IV bssid) failed" ); return( 1 ); } ivs2.len -= 6; } if( fwrite( h80211+z, 1, 4, G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) 4 ) { perror( "fwrite(IV iv+idx) failed" ); return( 1 ); } ivs2.len -= 4; if( fwrite( clear, 1, ivs2.len, G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) ivs2.len ) { perror( "fwrite(IV keystream) failed" ); return( 1 ); } } uniqueiv_mark( ap_cur->uiv_root, &h80211[z] ); ap_cur->nb_data++; } // Record all data linked to IV to detect WEP Cloaking if( G.f_ivs == NULL && G.detect_anomaly) { // Only allocate this when seeing WEP AP if (ap_cur->data_root == NULL) ap_cur->data_root = data_init(); // Only works with full capture, not IV-only captures if (data_check(ap_cur->data_root, &h80211[z], &h80211[z + 4]) == CLOAKING && ap_cur->EAP_detected == 0) { //If no EAP/EAP was detected, indicate WEP cloaking memset(G.message, '\x00', sizeof(G.message)); snprintf( G.message, sizeof( G.message ) - 1, "][ WEP Cloaking: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X ", ap_cur->bssid[0], ap_cur->bssid[1], ap_cur->bssid[2], ap_cur->bssid[3], ap_cur->bssid[4], ap_cur->bssid[5]); } } } else { ap_cur->nb_data++; } z = ( ( h80211[1] & 3 ) != 3 ) ? 24 : 30; /* Check if 802.11e (QoS) */ if( (h80211[0] & 0x80) == 0x80) z+=2; if( z + 26 > (unsigned)caplen ) goto write_packet; z += 6; //skip LLC header /* check ethertype == EAPOL */ if( h80211[z] == 0x88 && h80211[z + 1] == 0x8E && (h80211[1] & 0x40) != 0x40 ) { ap_cur->EAP_detected = 1; z += 2; //skip ethertype if( st_cur == NULL ) goto write_packet; /* frame 1: Pairwise == 1, Install == 0, Ack == 1, MIC == 0 */ if( ( h80211[z + 6] & 0x08 ) != 0 && ( h80211[z + 6] & 0x40 ) == 0 && ( h80211[z + 6] & 0x80 ) != 0 && ( h80211[z + 5] & 0x01 ) == 0 ) { memcpy( st_cur->wpa.anonce, &h80211[z + 17], 32 ); st_cur->wpa.state = 1; } /* frame 2 or 4: Pairwise == 1, Install == 0, Ack == 0, MIC == 1 */ if( z+17+32 > (unsigned)caplen ) goto write_packet; if( ( h80211[z + 6] & 0x08 ) != 0 && ( h80211[z + 6] & 0x40 ) == 0 && ( h80211[z + 6] & 0x80 ) == 0 && ( h80211[z + 5] & 0x01 ) != 0 ) { if( memcmp( &h80211[z + 17], ZERO, 32 ) != 0 ) { memcpy( st_cur->wpa.snonce, &h80211[z + 17], 32 ); st_cur->wpa.state |= 2; } if( (st_cur->wpa.state & 4) != 4 ) { st_cur->wpa.eapol_size = ( h80211[z + 2] << 8 ) + h80211[z + 3] + 4; if (caplen - z < st_cur->wpa.eapol_size || st_cur->wpa.eapol_size == 0 || caplen - z < 81 + 16 || st_cur->wpa.eapol_size > sizeof(st_cur->wpa.eapol)) { // Ignore the packet trying to crash us. st_cur->wpa.eapol_size = 0; goto write_packet; } memcpy( st_cur->wpa.keymic, &h80211[z + 81], 16 ); memcpy( st_cur->wpa.eapol, &h80211[z], st_cur->wpa.eapol_size ); memset( st_cur->wpa.eapol + 81, 0, 16 ); st_cur->wpa.state |= 4; st_cur->wpa.keyver = h80211[z + 6] & 7; } } /* frame 3: Pairwise == 1, Install == 1, Ack == 1, MIC == 1 */ if( ( h80211[z + 6] & 0x08 ) != 0 && ( h80211[z + 6] & 0x40 ) != 0 && ( h80211[z + 6] & 0x80 ) != 0 && ( h80211[z + 5] & 0x01 ) != 0 ) { if( memcmp( &h80211[z + 17], ZERO, 32 ) != 0 ) { memcpy( st_cur->wpa.anonce, &h80211[z + 17], 32 ); st_cur->wpa.state |= 1; } if( (st_cur->wpa.state & 4) != 4 ) { st_cur->wpa.eapol_size = ( h80211[z + 2] << 8 ) + h80211[z + 3] + 4; if (caplen - (unsigned)z < st_cur->wpa.eapol_size || st_cur->wpa.eapol_size == 0 || caplen - (unsigned)z < 81 + 16 || st_cur->wpa.eapol_size > sizeof(st_cur->wpa.eapol)) { // Ignore the packet trying to crash us. st_cur->wpa.eapol_size = 0; goto write_packet; } memcpy( st_cur->wpa.keymic, &h80211[z + 81], 16 ); memcpy( st_cur->wpa.eapol, &h80211[z], st_cur->wpa.eapol_size ); memset( st_cur->wpa.eapol + 81, 0, 16 ); st_cur->wpa.state |= 4; st_cur->wpa.keyver = h80211[z + 6] & 7; } } if( st_cur->wpa.state == 7) { memcpy( st_cur->wpa.stmac, st_cur->stmac, 6 ); memcpy( G.wpa_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6 ); memset(G.message, '\x00', sizeof(G.message)); snprintf( G.message, sizeof( G.message ) - 1, "][ WPA handshake: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X ", G.wpa_bssid[0], G.wpa_bssid[1], G.wpa_bssid[2], G.wpa_bssid[3], G.wpa_bssid[4], G.wpa_bssid[5]); if( G.f_ivs != NULL ) { memset(&ivs2, '\x00', sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr)); ivs2.flags = 0; ivs2.len = 0; ivs2.len= sizeof(struct WPA_hdsk); ivs2.flags |= IVS2_WPA; if( memcmp( G.prev_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6 ) != 0 ) { ivs2.flags |= IVS2_BSSID; ivs2.len += 6; memcpy( G.prev_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6 ); } if( fwrite( &ivs2, 1, sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr), G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) sizeof(struct ivs2_pkthdr) ) { perror( "fwrite(IV header) failed" ); return( 1 ); } if( ivs2.flags & IVS2_BSSID ) { if( fwrite( ap_cur->bssid, 1, 6, G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) 6 ) { perror( "fwrite(IV bssid) failed" ); return( 1 ); } ivs2.len -= 6; } if( fwrite( &(st_cur->wpa), 1, sizeof(struct WPA_hdsk), G.f_ivs ) != (size_t) sizeof(struct WPA_hdsk) ) { perror( "fwrite(IV wpa_hdsk) failed" ); return( 1 ); } } } } } write_packet: if(ap_cur != NULL) { if( h80211[0] == 0x80 && G.one_beacon){ if( !ap_cur->beacon_logged ) ap_cur->beacon_logged = 1; else return ( 0 ); } } if(G.record_data) { if( ( (h80211[0] & 0x0C) == 0x00 ) && ( (h80211[0] & 0xF0) == 0xB0 ) ) { /* authentication packet */ check_shared_key(h80211, caplen); } } if(ap_cur != NULL) { if(ap_cur->security != 0 && G.f_encrypt != 0 && ((ap_cur->security & G.f_encrypt) == 0)) { return(1); } if(is_filtered_essid(ap_cur->essid)) { return(1); } } /* this changes the local ap_cur, st_cur and na_cur variables and should be the last check befor the actual write */ if(caplen < 24 && caplen >= 10 && h80211[0]) { /* RTS || CTS || ACK || CF-END || CF-END&CF-ACK*/ //(h80211[0] == 0xB4 || h80211[0] == 0xC4 || h80211[0] == 0xD4 || h80211[0] == 0xE4 || h80211[0] == 0xF4) /* use general control frame detection, as the structure is always the same: mac(s) starting at [4] */ if(h80211[0] & 0x04) { p=h80211+4; while(p <= h80211+16 && p<=h80211+caplen) { memcpy(namac, p, 6); if(memcmp(namac, NULL_MAC, 6) == 0) { p+=6; continue; } if(memcmp(namac, BROADCAST, 6) == 0) { p+=6; continue; } if(G.hide_known) { /* check AP list */ ap_cur = G.ap_1st; ap_prv = NULL; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { if( ! memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, namac, 6 ) ) break; ap_prv = ap_cur; ap_cur = ap_cur->next; } /* if it's an AP, try next mac */ if( ap_cur != NULL ) { p+=6; continue; } /* check ST list */ st_cur = G.st_1st; st_prv = NULL; while( st_cur != NULL ) { if( ! memcmp( st_cur->stmac, namac, 6 ) ) break; st_prv = st_cur; st_cur = st_cur->next; } /* if it's a client, try next mac */ if( st_cur != NULL ) { p+=6; continue; } } /* not found in either AP list or ST list, look through NA list */ na_cur = G.na_1st; na_prv = NULL; while( na_cur != NULL ) { if( ! memcmp( na_cur->namac, namac, 6 ) ) break; na_prv = na_cur; na_cur = na_cur->next; } /* update our chained list of unknown stations */ /* if it's a new mac, add it */ if( na_cur == NULL ) { if( ! ( na_cur = (struct NA_info *) malloc( sizeof( struct NA_info ) ) ) ) { perror( "malloc failed" ); return( 1 ); } memset( na_cur, 0, sizeof( struct NA_info ) ); if( G.na_1st == NULL ) G.na_1st = na_cur; else na_prv->next = na_cur; memcpy( na_cur->namac, namac, 6 ); na_cur->prev = na_prv; gettimeofday(&(na_cur->tv), NULL); na_cur->tinit = time( NULL ); na_cur->tlast = time( NULL ); na_cur->power = -1; na_cur->channel = -1; na_cur->ack = 0; na_cur->ack_old = 0; na_cur->ackps = 0; na_cur->cts = 0; na_cur->rts_r = 0; na_cur->rts_t = 0; } /* update the last time seen & power*/ na_cur->tlast = time( NULL ); na_cur->power = ri->ri_power; na_cur->channel = ri->ri_channel; switch(h80211[0] & 0xF0) { case 0xB0: if(p == h80211+4) na_cur->rts_r++; if(p == h80211+10) na_cur->rts_t++; break; case 0xC0: na_cur->cts++; break; case 0xD0: na_cur->ack++; break; default: na_cur->other++; break; } /*grab next mac (for rts frames)*/ p+=6; } } } if( G.f_cap != NULL && caplen >= 10) { pkh.caplen = pkh.len = caplen; gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ); pkh.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec; pkh.tv_usec = ( tv.tv_usec & ~0x1ff ) + ri->ri_power + 64; n = sizeof( pkh ); if( fwrite( &pkh, 1, n, G.f_cap ) != (size_t) n ) { perror( "fwrite(packet header) failed" ); return( 1 ); } fflush( stdout ); n = pkh.caplen; if( fwrite( h80211, 1, n, G.f_cap ) != (size_t) n ) { perror( "fwrite(packet data) failed" ); return( 1 ); } fflush( stdout ); } return( 0 ); } void dump_sort( void ) { time_t tt = time( NULL ); /* thanks to Arnaud Cornet :-) */ struct AP_info *new_ap_1st = NULL; struct AP_info *new_ap_end = NULL; struct ST_info *new_st_1st = NULL; struct ST_info *new_st_end = NULL; struct ST_info *st_cur, *st_min; struct AP_info *ap_cur, *ap_min; /* sort the aps by WHATEVER first */ while( G.ap_1st ) { ap_min = NULL; ap_cur = G.ap_1st; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { if( tt - ap_cur->tlast > 20 ) ap_min = ap_cur; ap_cur = ap_cur->next; } if( ap_min == NULL ) { ap_min = ap_cur = G.ap_1st; /*#define SORT_BY_BSSID 1 #define SORT_BY_POWER 2 #define SORT_BY_BEACON 3 #define SORT_BY_DATA 4 #define SORT_BY_PRATE 6 #define SORT_BY_CHAN 7 #define SORT_BY_MBIT 8 #define SORT_BY_ENC 9 #define SORT_BY_CIPHER 10 #define SORT_BY_AUTH 11 #define SORT_BY_ESSID 12*/ while( ap_cur != NULL ) { switch (G.sort_by) { case SORT_BY_BSSID: if( memcmp(ap_cur->bssid,ap_min->bssid,6)*G.sort_inv < 0) ap_min = ap_cur; break; case SORT_BY_POWER: if( (ap_cur->avg_power - ap_min->avg_power)*G.sort_inv < 0 ) ap_min = ap_cur; break; case SORT_BY_BEACON: if( (ap_cur->nb_bcn < ap_min->nb_bcn)*G.sort_inv ) ap_min = ap_cur; break; case SORT_BY_DATA: if( (ap_cur->nb_data < ap_min->nb_data)*G.sort_inv ) ap_min = ap_cur; break; case SORT_BY_PRATE: if( (ap_cur->nb_dataps - ap_min->nb_dataps)*G.sort_inv < 0 ) ap_min = ap_cur; break; case SORT_BY_CHAN: if( (ap_cur->channel - ap_min->channel)*G.sort_inv < 0 ) ap_min = ap_cur; break; case SORT_BY_MBIT: if( (ap_cur->max_speed - ap_min->max_speed)*G.sort_inv < 0 ) ap_min = ap_cur; break; case SORT_BY_ENC: if( ((ap_cur->security&STD_FIELD) - (ap_min->security&STD_FIELD))*G.sort_inv < 0 ) ap_min = ap_cur; break; case SORT_BY_CIPHER: if( ((ap_cur->security&ENC_FIELD) - (ap_min->security&ENC_FIELD))*G.sort_inv < 0 ) ap_min = ap_cur; break; case SORT_BY_AUTH: if( ((ap_cur->security&AUTH_FIELD) - (ap_min->security&AUTH_FIELD))*G.sort_inv < 0 ) ap_min = ap_cur; break; case SORT_BY_ESSID: if( (strncasecmp((char*)ap_cur->essid, (char*)ap_min->essid, MAX_IE_ELEMENT_SIZE))*G.sort_inv < 0 ) ap_min = ap_cur; break; default: //sort by power if( ap_cur->avg_power < ap_min->avg_power) ap_min = ap_cur; break; } ap_cur = ap_cur->next; } } if( ap_min == G.ap_1st ) G.ap_1st = ap_min->next; if( ap_min == G.ap_end ) G.ap_end = ap_min->prev; if( ap_min->next ) ap_min->next->prev = ap_min->prev; if( ap_min->prev ) ap_min->prev->next = ap_min->next; if( new_ap_end ) { new_ap_end->next = ap_min; ap_min->prev = new_ap_end; new_ap_end = ap_min; new_ap_end->next = NULL; } else { new_ap_1st = new_ap_end = ap_min; ap_min->next = ap_min->prev = NULL; } } G.ap_1st = new_ap_1st; G.ap_end = new_ap_end; /* now sort the stations */ while( G.st_1st ) { st_min = NULL; st_cur = G.st_1st; while( st_cur != NULL ) { if( tt - st_cur->tlast > 60 ) st_min = st_cur; st_cur = st_cur->next; } if( st_min == NULL ) { st_min = st_cur = G.st_1st; while( st_cur != NULL ) { if( st_cur->power < st_min->power) st_min = st_cur; st_cur = st_cur->next; } } if( st_min == G.st_1st ) G.st_1st = st_min->next; if( st_min == G.st_end ) G.st_end = st_min->prev; if( st_min->next ) st_min->next->prev = st_min->prev; if( st_min->prev ) st_min->prev->next = st_min->next; if( new_st_end ) { new_st_end->next = st_min; st_min->prev = new_st_end; new_st_end = st_min; new_st_end->next = NULL; } else { new_st_1st = new_st_end = st_min; st_min->next = st_min->prev = NULL; } } G.st_1st = new_st_1st; G.st_end = new_st_end; } int getBatteryState() { return get_battery_state(); } char * getStringTimeFromSec(double seconds) { int hour[3]; char * ret; char * HourTime; char * MinTime; if (seconds <0) return NULL; ret = (char *) calloc(1,256); HourTime = (char *) calloc (1,128); MinTime = (char *) calloc (1,128); hour[0] = (int) (seconds); hour[1] = hour[0] / 60; hour[2] = hour[1] / 60; hour[0] %= 60 ; hour[1] %= 60 ; if (hour[2] != 0 ) snprintf(HourTime, 128, "%d %s", hour[2], ( hour[2] == 1 ) ? "hour" : "hours"); if (hour[1] != 0 ) snprintf(MinTime, 128, "%d %s", hour[1], ( hour[1] == 1 ) ? "min" : "mins"); if ( hour[2] != 0 && hour[1] != 0 ) snprintf(ret, 256, "%s %s", HourTime, MinTime); else { if (hour[2] == 0 && hour[1] == 0) snprintf(ret, 256, "%d s", hour[0] ); else snprintf(ret, 256, "%s", (hour[2] == 0) ? MinTime : HourTime ); } free(MinTime); free(HourTime); return ret; } char * getBatteryString(void) { int batt_time; char * ret; char * batt_string; batt_time = getBatteryState(); if ( batt_time <= 60 ) { ret = (char *) calloc(1,2); ret[0] = ']'; return ret; } batt_string = getStringTimeFromSec( (double) batt_time ); ret = (char *) calloc( 1, 256 ); snprintf( ret, 256, "][ BAT: %s ]", batt_string ); free( batt_string); return ret; } int get_ap_list_count() { time_t tt; struct tm *lt; struct AP_info *ap_cur; int num_ap; tt = time( NULL ); lt = localtime( &tt ); ap_cur = G.ap_end; num_ap = 0; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { /* skip APs with only one packet, or those older than 2 min. * always skip if bssid == broadcast */ if( ap_cur->nb_pkt < 2 || time( NULL ) - ap_cur->tlast > G.berlin || memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) == 0 ) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } if(ap_cur->security != 0 && G.f_encrypt != 0 && ((ap_cur->security & G.f_encrypt) == 0)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } if(is_filtered_essid(ap_cur->essid)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } num_ap++; ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; } return num_ap; } int get_sta_list_count() { time_t tt; struct tm *lt; struct AP_info *ap_cur; struct ST_info *st_cur; int num_sta; tt = time( NULL ); lt = localtime( &tt ); ap_cur = G.ap_end; num_sta = 0; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { if( ap_cur->nb_pkt < 2 || time( NULL ) - ap_cur->tlast > G.berlin ) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } if(ap_cur->security != 0 && G.f_encrypt != 0 && ((ap_cur->security & G.f_encrypt) == 0)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } // Don't filter unassociated clients by ESSID if(memcmp(ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6) && is_filtered_essid(ap_cur->essid)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } st_cur = G.st_end; while( st_cur != NULL ) { if( st_cur->base != ap_cur || time( NULL ) - st_cur->tlast > G.berlin ) { st_cur = st_cur->prev; continue; } if( ! memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) && G.asso_client ) { st_cur = st_cur->prev; continue; } num_sta++; st_cur = st_cur->prev; } ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; } return num_sta; } #define TSTP_SEC 1000000ULL /* It's a 1 MHz clock, so a million ticks per second! */ #define TSTP_MIN (TSTP_SEC * 60ULL) #define TSTP_HOUR (TSTP_MIN * 60ULL) #define TSTP_DAY (TSTP_HOUR * 24ULL) static char *parse_timestamp(unsigned long long timestamp) { static char s[15]; unsigned long long rem; unsigned int days, hours, mins, secs; days = timestamp / TSTP_DAY; rem = timestamp % TSTP_DAY; hours = rem / TSTP_HOUR; rem %= TSTP_HOUR; mins = rem / TSTP_MIN; rem %= TSTP_MIN; secs = rem / TSTP_SEC; snprintf(s, 14, "%3dd %02d:%02d:%02d", days, hours, mins, secs); return s; } void dump_print( int ws_row, int ws_col, int if_num ) { time_t tt; struct tm *lt; int nlines, i, n, len; char strbuf[512]; char buffer[512]; char ssid_list[512]; struct AP_info *ap_cur; struct ST_info *st_cur; struct NA_info *na_cur; int columns_ap = 83; int columns_sta = 74; int columns_na = 68; int num_ap; int num_sta; if(!G.singlechan) columns_ap -= 4; //no RXQ in scan mode if(G.show_uptime) columns_ap += 15; //show uptime needs more space nlines = 2; if( nlines >= ws_row ) return; if(G.do_sort_always) { pthread_mutex_lock( &(G.mx_sort) ); dump_sort(); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(G.mx_sort) ); } tt = time( NULL ); lt = localtime( &tt ); if(G.is_berlin) { G.maxaps = 0; G.numaps = 0; ap_cur = G.ap_end; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { G.maxaps++; if( ap_cur->nb_pkt < 2 || time( NULL ) - ap_cur->tlast > G.berlin || memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) == 0 ) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } G.numaps++; ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; } if(G.numaps > G.maxnumaps) G.maxnumaps = G.numaps; // G.maxaps--; } /* * display the channel, battery, position (if we are connected to GPSd) * and current time */ memset( strbuf, '\0', sizeof(strbuf) ); strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); if(G.freqoption) { snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf)-1, " Freq %4d", G.frequency[0]); for(i=1; itm_year, 1 + lt->tm_mon, lt->tm_mday, lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min ); } else { snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ) - 1, " %s[ Elapsed: %s ][ %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d ", G.batt, G.elapsed_time, 1900 + lt->tm_year, 1 + lt->tm_mon, lt->tm_mday, lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min ); } strncat(strbuf, buffer, (512-strlen(strbuf))); memset( buffer, '\0', 512 ); if(G.is_berlin) { snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ) - 1, " ][%3d/%3d/%4d ", G.numaps, G.maxnumaps, G.maxaps); } strncat(strbuf, buffer, (512-strlen(strbuf))); memset( buffer, '\0', 512 ); if(strlen(G.message) > 0) { strncat(strbuf, G.message, (512-strlen(strbuf))); } //add traling spaces to overwrite previous messages strncat(strbuf, " ", (512-strlen(strbuf))); strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); /* print some informations about each detected AP */ nlines += 3; if( nlines >= ws_row ) return; memset( strbuf, ' ', ws_col - 1 ); strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); if(G.show_ap) { strbuf[0] = 0; strcat(strbuf, " BSSID PWR "); if(G.singlechan) strcat(strbuf, "RXQ "); strcat(strbuf, " Beacons #Data, #/s CH MB ENC CIPHER AUTH "); if (G.show_uptime) strcat(strbuf, " UPTIME "); strcat(strbuf, "ESSID"); if ( G.show_manufacturer && ( ws_col > (columns_ap - 4) ) ) { // write spaces (32). memset(strbuf+columns_ap, 32, G.maxsize_essid_seen - 5 ); // 5 is the len of "ESSID" snprintf(strbuf+columns_ap+G.maxsize_essid_seen-5, 15,"%s"," MANUFACTURER"); } strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); memset( strbuf, ' ', ws_col - 1 ); strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); ap_cur = G.ap_end; if(G.selection_ap) { num_ap = get_ap_list_count(); if(G.selected_ap > num_ap) G.selected_ap = num_ap; } if(G.selection_sta) { num_sta = get_sta_list_count(); if(G.selected_sta > num_sta) G.selected_sta = num_sta; } num_ap = 0; if(G.selection_ap) { G.start_print_ap = G.selected_ap - ((ws_row-1) - nlines) + 1; if(G.start_print_ap < 1) G.start_print_ap = 1; // printf("%i\n", G.start_print_ap); } while( ap_cur != NULL ) { /* skip APs with only one packet, or those older than 2 min. * always skip if bssid == broadcast */ if( ap_cur->nb_pkt < 2 || time( NULL ) - ap_cur->tlast > G.berlin || memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) == 0 ) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } if(ap_cur->security != 0 && G.f_encrypt != 0 && ((ap_cur->security & G.f_encrypt) == 0)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } if(is_filtered_essid(ap_cur->essid)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } num_ap++; if(num_ap < G.start_print_ap) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } nlines++; if( nlines > (ws_row-1) ) return; memset(strbuf, '\0', sizeof(strbuf)); snprintf( strbuf, sizeof(strbuf), " %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", ap_cur->bssid[0], ap_cur->bssid[1], ap_cur->bssid[2], ap_cur->bssid[3], ap_cur->bssid[4], ap_cur->bssid[5] ); len = strlen(strbuf); if(G.singlechan) { snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, " %3d %3d %8ld %8ld %4d", ap_cur->avg_power, ap_cur->rx_quality, ap_cur->nb_bcn, ap_cur->nb_data, ap_cur->nb_dataps ); } else { snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, " %3d %8ld %8ld %4d", ap_cur->avg_power, ap_cur->nb_bcn, ap_cur->nb_data, ap_cur->nb_dataps ); } len = strlen(strbuf); snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, " %3d %3d%c%c ", ap_cur->channel, ap_cur->max_speed, ( ap_cur->security & STD_QOS ) ? 'e' : ' ', ( ap_cur->preamble ) ? '.' : ' '); len = strlen(strbuf); if( (ap_cur->security & (STD_OPN|STD_WEP|STD_WPA|STD_WPA2)) == 0) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, " " ); else if( ap_cur->security & STD_WPA2 ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "WPA2" ); else if( ap_cur->security & STD_WPA ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "WPA " ); else if( ap_cur->security & STD_WEP ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "WEP " ); else if( ap_cur->security & STD_OPN ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "OPN " ); strncat( strbuf, " ", sizeof(strbuf) - strlen(strbuf) - 1); len = strlen(strbuf); if( (ap_cur->security & (ENC_WEP|ENC_TKIP|ENC_WRAP|ENC_CCMP|ENC_WEP104|ENC_WEP40)) == 0 ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, " "); else if( ap_cur->security & ENC_CCMP ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "CCMP "); else if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WRAP ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "WRAP "); else if( ap_cur->security & ENC_TKIP ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "TKIP "); else if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP104 ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "WEP104 "); else if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP40 ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "WEP40 "); else if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "WEP "); len = strlen(strbuf); if( (ap_cur->security & (AUTH_OPN|AUTH_PSK|AUTH_MGT)) == 0 ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, " "); else if( ap_cur->security & AUTH_MGT ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "MGT"); else if( ap_cur->security & AUTH_PSK ) { if( ap_cur->security & STD_WEP ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "SKA"); else snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "PSK"); } else if( ap_cur->security & AUTH_OPN ) snprintf( strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, "OPN"); len = strlen(strbuf); if (G.show_uptime) { snprintf(strbuf+len, sizeof(strbuf)-len, " %14s", parse_timestamp(ap_cur->timestamp)); len = strlen(strbuf); } strbuf[ws_col-1] = '\0'; if(G.selection_ap && ((num_ap) == G.selected_ap)) { if(G.mark_cur_ap) { if(ap_cur->marked == 0) { ap_cur->marked = 1; } else { ap_cur->marked_color++; if(ap_cur->marked_color > (TEXT_MAX_COLOR-1)) { ap_cur->marked_color = 1; ap_cur->marked = 0; } } G.mark_cur_ap = 0; } textstyle(TEXT_REVERSE); memcpy(G.selected_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6); } if(ap_cur->marked) { textcolor_fg(ap_cur->marked_color); } fprintf(stderr, "%s", strbuf); if( ws_col > (columns_ap - 4) ) { memset( strbuf, 0, sizeof( strbuf ) ); if(ap_cur->essid[0] != 0x00) { snprintf( strbuf, sizeof( strbuf ) - 1, "%s", ap_cur->essid ); } else { snprintf( strbuf, sizeof( strbuf ) - 1, "%s", ap_cur->ssid_length, "\x00" ); } if (G.show_manufacturer) { if (G.maxsize_essid_seen <= strlen(strbuf)) G.maxsize_essid_seen = strlen(strbuf); else // write spaces (32) memset( strbuf+strlen(strbuf), 32, (G.maxsize_essid_seen - strlen(strbuf)) ); if (ap_cur->manuf == NULL) ap_cur->manuf = get_manufacturer(ap_cur->bssid[0], ap_cur->bssid[1], ap_cur->bssid[2]); snprintf( strbuf + G.maxsize_essid_seen , sizeof(strbuf)-G.maxsize_essid_seen, " %s", ap_cur->manuf ); } // write spaces (32) until the end of column memset( strbuf+strlen(strbuf), 32, ws_col - (columns_ap - 4 ) ); // end the string at the end of the column strbuf[ws_col - (columns_ap - 4)] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, " %s", strbuf ); } fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); if( (G.selection_ap && ((num_ap) == G.selected_ap)) || (ap_cur->marked) ) { textstyle(TEXT_RESET); } ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; } /* print some informations about each detected station */ nlines += 3; if( nlines >= (ws_row-1) ) return; memset( strbuf, ' ', ws_col - 1 ); strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); } if(G.show_sta) { memcpy( strbuf, " BSSID STATION " " PWR Rate Lost Frames Probes", columns_sta ); strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); memset( strbuf, ' ', ws_col - 1 ); strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); ap_cur = G.ap_end; num_sta = 0; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { if( ap_cur->nb_pkt < 2 || time( NULL ) - ap_cur->tlast > G.berlin ) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } if(ap_cur->security != 0 && G.f_encrypt != 0 && ((ap_cur->security & G.f_encrypt) == 0)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } // Don't filter unassociated clients by ESSID if(memcmp(ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6) && is_filtered_essid(ap_cur->essid)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; continue; } if( nlines >= (ws_row-1) ) return; st_cur = G.st_end; if(G.selection_ap && (memcmp(G.selected_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6)==0)) { textstyle(TEXT_REVERSE); } if(ap_cur->marked) { textcolor_fg(ap_cur->marked_color); } while( st_cur != NULL ) { if( st_cur->base != ap_cur || time( NULL ) - st_cur->tlast > G.berlin ) { st_cur = st_cur->prev; continue; } if( ! memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) && G.asso_client ) { st_cur = st_cur->prev; continue; } num_sta++; if(G.start_print_sta > num_sta) continue; nlines++; if( ws_row != 0 && nlines >= ws_row ) return; if( ! memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) ) fprintf( stderr, " (not associated) " ); else fprintf( stderr, " %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", ap_cur->bssid[0], ap_cur->bssid[1], ap_cur->bssid[2], ap_cur->bssid[3], ap_cur->bssid[4], ap_cur->bssid[5] ); fprintf( stderr, " %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", st_cur->stmac[0], st_cur->stmac[1], st_cur->stmac[2], st_cur->stmac[3], st_cur->stmac[4], st_cur->stmac[5] ); fprintf( stderr, " %3d ", st_cur->power ); fprintf( stderr, " %2d", st_cur->rate_to/1000000 ); fprintf( stderr, "%c", (st_cur->qos_fr_ds) ? 'e' : ' '); fprintf( stderr, "-%2d", st_cur->rate_from/1000000); fprintf( stderr, "%c", (st_cur->qos_to_ds) ? 'e' : ' '); fprintf( stderr, " %4d", st_cur->missed ); fprintf( stderr, " %8ld", st_cur->nb_pkt ); if( ws_col > (columns_sta - 6) ) { memset( ssid_list, 0, sizeof( ssid_list ) ); for( i = 0, n = 0; i < NB_PRB; i++ ) { if( st_cur->probes[i][0] == '\0' ) continue; snprintf( ssid_list + n, sizeof( ssid_list ) - n - 1, "%c%s", ( i > 0 ) ? ',' : ' ', st_cur->probes[i] ); n += ( 1 + strlen( st_cur->probes[i] ) ); if( n >= (int) sizeof( ssid_list ) ) break; } memset( strbuf, 0, sizeof( strbuf ) ); snprintf( strbuf, sizeof( strbuf ) - 1, "%-256s", ssid_list ); strbuf[ws_col - (columns_sta - 6)] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, " %s", strbuf ); } fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); st_cur = st_cur->prev; } if( (G.selection_ap && (memcmp(G.selected_bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6)==0)) || (ap_cur->marked) ) { textstyle(TEXT_RESET); } ap_cur = ap_cur->prev; } } if(G.show_ack) { /* print some informations about each unknown station */ nlines += 3; if( nlines >= (ws_row-1) ) return; memset( strbuf, ' ', ws_col - 1 ); strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); memcpy( strbuf, " MAC " " CH PWR ACK ACK/s CTS RTS_RX RTS_TX OTHER", columns_na ); strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); memset( strbuf, ' ', ws_col - 1 ); strbuf[ws_col - 1] = '\0'; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", strbuf ); na_cur = G.na_1st; while( na_cur != NULL ) { if( time( NULL ) - na_cur->tlast > 120 ) { na_cur = na_cur->next; continue; } if( nlines >= (ws_row-1) ) return; nlines++; if( ws_row != 0 && nlines >= ws_row ) return; fprintf( stderr, " %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", na_cur->namac[0], na_cur->namac[1], na_cur->namac[2], na_cur->namac[3], na_cur->namac[4], na_cur->namac[5] ); fprintf( stderr, " %3d", na_cur->channel ); fprintf( stderr, " %3d", na_cur->power ); fprintf( stderr, " %6d", na_cur->ack ); fprintf( stderr, " %4d", na_cur->ackps ); fprintf( stderr, " %6d", na_cur->cts ); fprintf( stderr, " %6d", na_cur->rts_r ); fprintf( stderr, " %6d", na_cur->rts_t ); fprintf( stderr, " %6d", na_cur->other ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); na_cur = na_cur->next; } } } int dump_write_csv( void ) { int i, j, n; struct tm *ltime; char ssid_list[512]; struct AP_info *ap_cur; struct ST_info *st_cur; if (! G.record_data || !G.output_format_csv) return 0; fseek( G.f_txt, 0, SEEK_SET ); fprintf( G.f_txt, "\r\nBSSID, First time seen, Last time seen, channel, Speed, " "Privacy, Cipher, Authentication, Power, # beacons, # IV, LAN IP, ID-length, ESSID, Key\r\n" ); ap_cur = G.ap_1st; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { if( memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) == 0 ) { ap_cur = ap_cur->next; continue; } if(ap_cur->security != 0 && G.f_encrypt != 0 && ((ap_cur->security & G.f_encrypt) == 0)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->next; continue; } if(is_filtered_essid(ap_cur->essid) || ap_cur->nb_pkt < 2) { ap_cur = ap_cur->next; continue; } fprintf( G.f_txt, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X, ", ap_cur->bssid[0], ap_cur->bssid[1], ap_cur->bssid[2], ap_cur->bssid[3], ap_cur->bssid[4], ap_cur->bssid[5] ); ltime = localtime( &ap_cur->tinit ); fprintf( G.f_txt, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d, ", 1900 + ltime->tm_year, 1 + ltime->tm_mon, ltime->tm_mday, ltime->tm_hour, ltime->tm_min, ltime->tm_sec ); ltime = localtime( &ap_cur->tlast ); fprintf( G.f_txt, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d, ", 1900 + ltime->tm_year, 1 + ltime->tm_mon, ltime->tm_mday, ltime->tm_hour, ltime->tm_min, ltime->tm_sec ); fprintf( G.f_txt, "%2d, %3d, ", ap_cur->channel, ap_cur->max_speed ); if( (ap_cur->security & (STD_OPN|STD_WEP|STD_WPA|STD_WPA2)) == 0) fprintf( G.f_txt, " " ); else { if( ap_cur->security & STD_WPA2 ) fprintf( G.f_txt, "WPA2" ); if( ap_cur->security & STD_WPA ) fprintf( G.f_txt, "WPA " ); if( ap_cur->security & STD_WEP ) fprintf( G.f_txt, "WEP " ); if( ap_cur->security & STD_OPN ) fprintf( G.f_txt, "OPN " ); } fprintf( G.f_txt, ","); if( (ap_cur->security & (ENC_WEP|ENC_TKIP|ENC_WRAP|ENC_CCMP|ENC_WEP104|ENC_WEP40)) == 0 ) fprintf( G.f_txt, " "); else { if( ap_cur->security & ENC_CCMP ) fprintf( G.f_txt, " CCMP"); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WRAP ) fprintf( G.f_txt, " WRAP"); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_TKIP ) fprintf( G.f_txt, " TKIP"); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP104 ) fprintf( G.f_txt, " WEP104"); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP40 ) fprintf( G.f_txt, " WEP40"); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP ) fprintf( G.f_txt, " WEP"); } fprintf( G.f_txt, ","); if( (ap_cur->security & (AUTH_OPN|AUTH_PSK|AUTH_MGT)) == 0 ) fprintf( G.f_txt, " "); else { if( ap_cur->security & AUTH_MGT ) fprintf( G.f_txt, " MGT"); if( ap_cur->security & AUTH_PSK ) { if( ap_cur->security & STD_WEP ) fprintf( G.f_txt, "SKA"); else fprintf( G.f_txt, "PSK"); } if( ap_cur->security & AUTH_OPN ) fprintf( G.f_txt, " OPN"); } fprintf( G.f_txt, ", %3d, %8ld, %8ld, ", ap_cur->avg_power, ap_cur->nb_bcn, ap_cur->nb_data ); fprintf( G.f_txt, "%3d.%3d.%3d.%3d, ", ap_cur->lanip[0], ap_cur->lanip[1], ap_cur->lanip[2], ap_cur->lanip[3] ); fprintf( G.f_txt, "%3d, ", ap_cur->ssid_length); for(i=0; issid_length; i++) { fprintf( G.f_txt, "%c", ap_cur->essid[i] ); } fprintf( G.f_txt, ", " ); if(ap_cur->key != NULL) { for(i=0; i<(int)strlen(ap_cur->key); i++) { fprintf( G.f_txt, "%02X", ap_cur->key[i]); if(i<(int)(strlen(ap_cur->key)-1)) fprintf( G.f_txt, ":"); } } fprintf( G.f_txt, "\r\n"); ap_cur = ap_cur->next; } fprintf( G.f_txt, "\r\nStation MAC, First time seen, Last time seen, " "Power, # packets, BSSID, Probed ESSIDs\r\n" ); st_cur = G.st_1st; while( st_cur != NULL ) { ap_cur = st_cur->base; if( ap_cur->nb_pkt < 2 ) { st_cur = st_cur->next; continue; } fprintf( G.f_txt, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X, ", st_cur->stmac[0], st_cur->stmac[1], st_cur->stmac[2], st_cur->stmac[3], st_cur->stmac[4], st_cur->stmac[5] ); ltime = localtime( &st_cur->tinit ); fprintf( G.f_txt, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d, ", 1900 + ltime->tm_year, 1 + ltime->tm_mon, ltime->tm_mday, ltime->tm_hour, ltime->tm_min, ltime->tm_sec ); ltime = localtime( &st_cur->tlast ); fprintf( G.f_txt, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d, ", 1900 + ltime->tm_year, 1 + ltime->tm_mon, ltime->tm_mday, ltime->tm_hour, ltime->tm_min, ltime->tm_sec ); fprintf( G.f_txt, "%3d, %8ld, ", st_cur->power, st_cur->nb_pkt ); if( ! memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) ) fprintf( G.f_txt, "(not associated) ," ); else fprintf( G.f_txt, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X,", ap_cur->bssid[0], ap_cur->bssid[1], ap_cur->bssid[2], ap_cur->bssid[3], ap_cur->bssid[4], ap_cur->bssid[5] ); memset( ssid_list, 0, sizeof( ssid_list ) ); for( i = 0, n = 0; i < NB_PRB; i++ ) { if( st_cur->probes[i][0] == '\0' ) continue; snprintf( ssid_list + n, sizeof( ssid_list ) - n - 1, "%c", ( i > 0 ) ? ',' : ' ' ); for(j=0; jssid_length[i]; j++) { snprintf( ssid_list + n + 1 + j, sizeof( ssid_list ) - n - 2 - j, "%c", st_cur->probes[i][j]); } n += ( 1 + st_cur->ssid_length[i] ); if( n >= (int) sizeof( ssid_list ) ) break; } fprintf( G.f_txt, "%s\r\n", ssid_list ); st_cur = st_cur->next; } fprintf( G.f_txt, "\r\n" ); fflush( G.f_txt ); return 0; } char * sanitize_xml(unsigned char * text, int length) { int i; size_t len; unsigned char * pos; char * newpos; char * newtext = NULL; if (text != NULL && length > 0) { len = 6 * length; newtext = (char *)calloc(1, (len + 1) * sizeof(char)); // Make sure we have enough space pos = text; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i, ++pos) { switch (*pos) { case '&': strncat(newtext, "&", len); break; case '<': strncat(newtext, "<", len); break; case '>': strncat(newtext, ">", len); break; case '\'': strncat(newtext, "'", len); break; case '"': strncat(newtext, """, len); break; default: if ( isprint((int)(*pos)) || (*pos)>127 ) { newtext[strlen(newtext)] = *pos; } else { newtext[strlen(newtext)] = '\\'; newpos = newtext + strlen(newtext); snprintf(newpos, strlen(newpos) + 1, "%3u", *pos); } break; } } newtext = (char *) realloc(newtext, strlen(newtext) + 1); } return newtext; } #define OUI_STR_SIZE 8 #define MANUF_SIZE 128 char *get_manufacturer(unsigned char mac0, unsigned char mac1, unsigned char mac2) { static char * oui_location = NULL; char oui[OUI_STR_SIZE + 1]; char *manuf; //char *buffer_manuf; char * manuf_str; struct oui *ptr; FILE *fp; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; char temp[OUI_STR_SIZE + 1]; unsigned char a[2]; unsigned char b[2]; unsigned char c[2]; int found = 0; if ((manuf = (char *)calloc(1, MANUF_SIZE * sizeof(char))) == NULL) { perror("calloc failed"); return NULL; } snprintf(oui, sizeof(oui), "%02X:%02X:%02X", mac0, mac1, mac2 ); if (G.manufList != NULL) { // Search in the list ptr = G.manufList; while (ptr != NULL) { found = ! strncasecmp(ptr->id, oui, OUI_STR_SIZE); if (found) { memcpy(manuf, ptr->manuf, MANUF_SIZE); break; } ptr = ptr->next; } } else { // If the file exist, then query it each time we need to get a manufacturer. if (oui_location == NULL) { fp = fopen(OUI_PATH0, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { fp = fopen(OUI_PATH1, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { fp = fopen(OUI_PATH2, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { oui_location = OUI_PATH2; } } else { oui_location = OUI_PATH1; } } else { oui_location = OUI_PATH0; } } else { fp = fopen(oui_location, "r"); } if (fp != NULL) { memset(buffer, 0x00, sizeof(buffer)); while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp) != NULL) { if (strstr(buffer, "(hex)") == NULL) { continue; } memset(a, 0x00, sizeof(a)); memset(b, 0x00, sizeof(b)); memset(c, 0x00, sizeof(c)); if (sscanf(buffer, "%2c-%2c-%2c", a, b, c) == 3) { snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%c%c:%c%c:%c%c", a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], c[0], c[1] ); found = !memcmp(temp, oui, strlen(oui)); if (found) { manuf_str = get_manufacturer_from_string(buffer); if (manuf_str != NULL) { snprintf(manuf, MANUF_SIZE, "%s", manuf_str); free(manuf_str); } break; } } memset(buffer, 0x00, sizeof(buffer)); } fclose(fp); } } // Not found, use "Unknown". if (!found || *manuf == '\0') { memcpy(manuf, "Unknown", 7); manuf[strlen(manuf)] = '\0'; } manuf = (char *)realloc(manuf, (strlen(manuf) + 1) * sizeof(char)); return manuf; } #undef OUI_STR_SIZE #undef MANUF_SIZE #define KISMET_NETXML_HEADER_BEGIN "\n\n\n\n\n" #define KISMET_NETXML_TRAILER "" #define TIME_STR_LENGTH 255 int dump_write_kismet_netxml( void ) { int network_number, average_power, client_nbr; int client_max_rate, unused; struct AP_info *ap_cur; struct ST_info *st_cur; char first_time[TIME_STR_LENGTH]; char last_time[TIME_STR_LENGTH]; char * manuf; char * essid = NULL; if (! G.record_data || !G.output_format_kismet_netxml) return 0; fseek( G.f_kis_xml, 0, SEEK_SET ); /* Header and airodump-ng start time */ fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "%s%s%s", KISMET_NETXML_HEADER_BEGIN, G.airodump_start_time, KISMET_NETXML_HEADER_END ); ap_cur = G.ap_1st; network_number = 0; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { if( memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) == 0 ) { ap_cur = ap_cur->next; continue; } if(ap_cur->security != 0 && G.f_encrypt != 0 && ((ap_cur->security & G.f_encrypt) == 0)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->next; continue; } if(is_filtered_essid(ap_cur->essid) || ap_cur->nb_pkt < 2 /* XXX: Maybe this last check should be removed */ ) { ap_cur = ap_cur->next; continue; } ++network_number; // Network Number strncpy(first_time, ctime(&ap_cur->tinit), TIME_STR_LENGTH - 1); first_time[strlen(first_time) - 1] = 0; // remove new line strncpy(last_time, ctime(&ap_cur->tlast), TIME_STR_LENGTH - 1); last_time[strlen(last_time) - 1] = 0; // remove new line fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\n", first_time, last_time); fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\n", first_time, last_time); fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\tBeacon\n" ); fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t%d.000000\n", ap_cur->max_speed ); fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t%ld\n", ap_cur->nb_bcn ); fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t%d\n", 10 ); fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t"); //Encryption if( (ap_cur->security & (STD_OPN|STD_WEP|STD_WPA|STD_WPA2)) != 0) { if( ap_cur->security & STD_WPA2 ) fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "WPA2 " ); if( ap_cur->security & STD_WPA ) fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "WPA " ); if( ap_cur->security & STD_WEP ) fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "WEP " ); if( ap_cur->security & STD_OPN ) fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "OPN " ); } if( (ap_cur->security & (ENC_WEP|ENC_TKIP|ENC_WRAP|ENC_CCMP|ENC_WEP104|ENC_WEP40)) != 0 ) { if( ap_cur->security & ENC_CCMP ) fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "AES-CCM "); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WRAP ) fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "WRAP "); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_TKIP ) fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "TKIP "); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP104 ) fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "WEP104 "); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP40 ) fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "WEP40 "); /* if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP ) fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "WEP ");*/ } fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\n"); /* ESSID */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t", (ap_cur->essid[0] == 0) ? "true" : "false"); essid = sanitize_xml(ap_cur->essid, ap_cur->ssid_length); if (essid != NULL) { fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "%s", essid); free(essid); } fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\n"); /* End of SSID tag */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\n"); /* BSSID */ fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", ap_cur->bssid[0], ap_cur->bssid[1], ap_cur->bssid[2], ap_cur->bssid[3], ap_cur->bssid[4], ap_cur->bssid[5] ); /* Manufacturer, if set using standard oui list */ manuf = sanitize_xml((unsigned char *)ap_cur->manuf, strlen(ap_cur->manuf)); fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t%s\n", (manuf != NULL) ? manuf : "Unknown"); free(manuf); /* Channel FIXME: Take G.freqoption in account */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t%d\n", ap_cur->channel); /* Freq (in Mhz) and total number of packet on that frequency FIXME: Take G.freqoption in account */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t%d %ld\n", getFrequencyFromChannel(ap_cur->channel), //ap_cur->nb_data + ap_cur->nb_bcn ); ap_cur->nb_pkt ); /* XXX: What about 5.5Mbit */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t%d\n", ap_cur->max_speed * 1000); /* Packets */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t%ld\n" "\t\t\t%ld\n" "\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t%ld\n" "\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\n", ap_cur->nb_bcn, ap_cur->nb_data, //ap_cur->nb_data + ap_cur->nb_bcn ); ap_cur->nb_pkt ); /* * XXX: What does that field mean? Is it the total size of data? * It seems that 'd' is appended at the end for clients, why? */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t0\n"); /* Client information */ st_cur = G.st_1st; client_nbr = 0; while ( st_cur != NULL ) { /* If not associated or Broadcast Mac, try next one */ if ( st_cur->base == NULL || memcmp( st_cur->stmac, BROADCAST, 6 ) == 0 ) { st_cur = st_cur->next; continue; } /* Compare BSSID */ if ( memcmp( st_cur->base->bssid, ap_cur->bssid, 6 ) != 0 ) { st_cur = st_cur->next; continue; } ++client_nbr; strncpy(first_time, ctime(&st_cur->tinit), TIME_STR_LENGTH - 1); first_time[strlen(first_time) - 1] = 0; // remove new line strncpy(last_time, ctime(&st_cur->tlast), TIME_STR_LENGTH - 1); last_time[strlen(last_time) - 1] = 0; // remove new line fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\n", client_nbr, first_time, last_time ); fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", st_cur->stmac[0], st_cur->stmac[1], st_cur->stmac[2], st_cur->stmac[3], st_cur->stmac[4], st_cur->stmac[5] ); /* Manufacturer, if set using standard oui list */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t%s\n", (st_cur->manuf != NULL) ? st_cur->manuf : "Unknown"); /* Channel FIXME: Take G.freqoption in account */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t%d\n", ap_cur->channel); /* Rate: unaccurate because it's the latest rate seen */ client_max_rate = ( st_cur->rate_from > st_cur->rate_to ) ? st_cur->rate_from : st_cur->rate_to ; fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t%.6f\n", client_max_rate / 1000000.0 ); /* Packets */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\t%ld\n" "\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\n", st_cur->nb_pkt ); /* SNR information */ average_power = (st_cur->power == -1) ? 0 : st_cur->power; fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\t%d\n" "\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\t%d\n" "\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\t%d\n" "\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\t1024\n" "\t\t\t\t1024\n" "\t\t\t\t%d\n" "\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\t%d\n" "\t\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t\n", average_power, average_power, average_power, average_power, average_power ); /* GPS Coordinates XXX: We don't have GPS coordinates for clients */ if (G.usegpsd) { fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\n", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); } /* Trailing information */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\t\n"); fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\n" ); /* Next client */ st_cur = st_cur->next; } /* SNR information */ average_power = (ap_cur->avg_power == -1) ? 0 : ap_cur->avg_power; fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t%d\n" "\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t%d\n" "\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t%d\n" "\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t1024\n" "\t\t\t1024\n" "\t\t\t%d\n" "\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\t%d\n" "\t\t\t0\n" "\t\t\n", average_power, average_power, average_power, average_power, average_power ); /* GPS Coordinates */ if (G.usegpsd) { fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\t%.6f\n" "\t\t\n", ap_cur->gps_loc_min[0], ap_cur->gps_loc_min[1], ap_cur->gps_loc_min[2], ap_cur->gps_loc_min[3], ap_cur->gps_loc_max[0], ap_cur->gps_loc_max[1], ap_cur->gps_loc_max[2], ap_cur->gps_loc_max[3], ap_cur->gps_loc_best[0], ap_cur->gps_loc_best[1], ap_cur->gps_loc_best[2], /* Can the "best" be considered as average??? */ ap_cur->gps_loc_best[0], ap_cur->gps_loc_best[1], ap_cur->gps_loc_best[2] ); } /* Trailing information */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\t0\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\t\n"); /* Closing tag for the current wireless network */ fprintf(G.f_kis_xml, "\t\n"); //-------- End of XML ap_cur = ap_cur->next; } /* Trailing */ fprintf( G.f_kis_xml, "%s\n", KISMET_NETXML_TRAILER ); fflush( G.f_kis_xml ); /* Sometimes there can be crap at the end of the file, so truncating is a good idea. XXX: Is this really correct, I hope fileno() won't have any side effect */ unused = ftruncate(fileno(G.f_kis_xml), ftell( G.f_kis_xml ) ); return 0; } #undef TIME_STR_LENGTH #define KISMET_HEADER "Network;NetType;ESSID;BSSID;Info;Channel;Cloaked;Encryption;Decrypted;MaxRate;MaxSeenRate;Beacon;LLC;Data;Crypt;Weak;Total;Carrier;Encoding;FirstTime;LastTime;BestQuality;BestSignal;BestNoise;GPSMinLat;GPSMinLon;GPSMinAlt;GPSMinSpd;GPSMaxLat;GPSMaxLon;GPSMaxAlt;GPSMaxSpd;GPSBestLat;GPSBestLon;GPSBestAlt;DataSize;IPType;IP;\n" int dump_write_kismet_csv( void ) { int i, k; // struct tm *ltime; /* char ssid_list[512];*/ struct AP_info *ap_cur; if (! G.record_data || !G.output_format_kismet_csv) return 0; fseek( G.f_kis, 0, SEEK_SET ); fprintf( G.f_kis, KISMET_HEADER ); ap_cur = G.ap_1st; k=1; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { if( memcmp( ap_cur->bssid, BROADCAST, 6 ) == 0 ) { ap_cur = ap_cur->next; continue; } if(ap_cur->security != 0 && G.f_encrypt != 0 && ((ap_cur->security & G.f_encrypt) == 0)) { ap_cur = ap_cur->next; continue; } if(is_filtered_essid(ap_cur->essid) || ap_cur->nb_pkt < 2) { ap_cur = ap_cur->next; continue; } //Network fprintf( G.f_kis, "%d;", k ); //NetType fprintf( G.f_kis, "infrastructure;"); //ESSID for(i=0; issid_length; i++) { fprintf( G.f_kis, "%c", ap_cur->essid[i] ); } fprintf( G.f_kis, ";" ); //BSSID fprintf( G.f_kis, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X;", ap_cur->bssid[0], ap_cur->bssid[1], ap_cur->bssid[2], ap_cur->bssid[3], ap_cur->bssid[4], ap_cur->bssid[5] ); //Info fprintf( G.f_kis, ";"); //Channel fprintf( G.f_kis, "%d;", ap_cur->channel); //Cloaked fprintf( G.f_kis, "No;"); //Encryption if( (ap_cur->security & (STD_OPN|STD_WEP|STD_WPA|STD_WPA2)) != 0) { if( ap_cur->security & STD_WPA2 ) fprintf( G.f_kis, "WPA2," ); if( ap_cur->security & STD_WPA ) fprintf( G.f_kis, "WPA," ); if( ap_cur->security & STD_WEP ) fprintf( G.f_kis, "WEP," ); if( ap_cur->security & STD_OPN ) fprintf( G.f_kis, "OPN," ); } if( (ap_cur->security & (ENC_WEP|ENC_TKIP|ENC_WRAP|ENC_CCMP|ENC_WEP104|ENC_WEP40)) == 0 ) fprintf( G.f_kis, "None,"); else { if( ap_cur->security & ENC_CCMP ) fprintf( G.f_kis, "AES-CCM,"); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WRAP ) fprintf( G.f_kis, "WRAP,"); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_TKIP ) fprintf( G.f_kis, "TKIP,"); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP104 ) fprintf( G.f_kis, "WEP104,"); if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP40 ) fprintf( G.f_kis, "WEP40,"); /* if( ap_cur->security & ENC_WEP ) fprintf( G.f_kis, " WEP,");*/ } fseek(G.f_kis, -1, SEEK_CUR); fprintf(G.f_kis, ";"); //Decrypted fprintf( G.f_kis, "No;"); //MaxRate fprintf( G.f_kis, "%d.0;", ap_cur->max_speed ); //MaxSeenRate fprintf( G.f_kis, "0;"); //Beacon fprintf( G.f_kis, "%ld;", ap_cur->nb_bcn); //LLC fprintf( G.f_kis, "0;"); //Data fprintf( G.f_kis, "%ld;", ap_cur->nb_data ); //Crypt fprintf( G.f_kis, "0;"); //Weak fprintf( G.f_kis, "0;"); //Total fprintf( G.f_kis, "%ld;", ap_cur->nb_data ); //Carrier fprintf( G.f_kis, ";"); //Encoding fprintf( G.f_kis, ";"); //FirstTime fprintf( G.f_kis, "%s", ctime(&ap_cur->tinit) ); fseek(G.f_kis, -1, SEEK_CUR); fprintf( G.f_kis, ";"); //LastTime fprintf( G.f_kis, "%s", ctime(&ap_cur->tlast) ); fseek(G.f_kis, -1, SEEK_CUR); fprintf( G.f_kis, ";"); //BestQuality fprintf( G.f_kis, "%d;", ap_cur->avg_power ); //BestSignal fprintf( G.f_kis, "0;" ); //BestNoise fprintf( G.f_kis, "0;" ); //GPSMinLat fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_min[0]); //GPSMinLon fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_min[1]); //GPSMinAlt fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_min[2]); //GPSMinSpd fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_min[3]); //GPSMaxLat fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_max[0]); //GPSMaxLon fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_max[1]); //GPSMaxAlt fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_max[2]); //GPSMaxSpd fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_max[3]); //GPSBestLat fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_best[0]); //GPSBestLon fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_best[1]); //GPSBestAlt fprintf( G.f_kis, "%.6f;", ap_cur->gps_loc_best[2]); //DataSize fprintf( G.f_kis, "0;" ); //IPType fprintf( G.f_kis, "0;" ); //IP fprintf( G.f_kis, "%d.%d.%d.%d;", ap_cur->lanip[0], ap_cur->lanip[1], ap_cur->lanip[2], ap_cur->lanip[3] ); fprintf( G.f_kis, "\r\n"); ap_cur = ap_cur->next; k++; } fflush( G.f_kis ); return 0; } void gps_tracker( void ) { ssize_t unused; int gpsd_sock; char line[256], *temp; struct sockaddr_in gpsd_addr; int ret, is_json, pos; fd_set read_fd; struct timeval timeout; /* attempt to connect to localhost, port 2947 */ pos = 0; gpsd_sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); if( gpsd_sock < 0 ) { return; } gpsd_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; gpsd_addr.sin_port = htons( 2947 ); gpsd_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( "" ); if( connect( gpsd_sock, (struct sockaddr *) &gpsd_addr, sizeof( gpsd_addr ) ) < 0 ) { return; } // Check if it's GPSd < 2.92 or the new one // 2.92+ immediately send stuff // < 2.92 requires to send PVTAD command FD_ZERO(&read_fd); FD_SET(gpsd_sock, &read_fd); timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; is_json = select(gpsd_sock + 1, &read_fd, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (is_json) { /* {"class":"VERSION","release":"2.95","rev":"2010-11-16T21:12:35","proto_major":3,"proto_minor":3} ?WATCH={"json":true}; {"class":"DEVICES","devices":[]} */ // Get the crap and ignore it: {"class":"VERSION","release":"2.95","rev":"2010-11-16T21:12:35","proto_major":3,"proto_minor":3} if( recv( gpsd_sock, line, sizeof( line ) - 1, 0 ) <= 0 ) return; is_json = (line[0] == '{'); if (is_json) { // Send ?WATCH={"json":true}; memset( line, 0, sizeof( line ) ); strcpy(line, "?WATCH={\"json\":true};\n"); if( send( gpsd_sock, line, 22, 0 ) != 22 ) return; // Check that we have devices memset(line, 0, sizeof(line)); if( recv( gpsd_sock, line, sizeof( line ) - 1, 0 ) <= 0 ) return; // Stop processing if there is no device if (strncmp(line, "{\"class\":\"DEVICES\",\"devices\":[]}", 32) == 0) { close(gpsd_sock); return; } else { pos = strlen(line); } } } /* loop reading the GPS coordinates */ while( G.do_exit == 0 ) { usleep( 500000 ); memset( G.gps_loc, 0, sizeof( float ) * 5 ); /* read position, speed, heading, altitude */ if (is_json) { // Format definition: http://catb.org/gpsd/gpsd_json.html if (pos == sizeof( line )) { memset(line, 0, sizeof(line)); pos = 0; } // New version, JSON if( recv( gpsd_sock, line + pos, sizeof( line ) - pos - 1, 0 ) <= 0 ) return; // search for TPV class: {"class":"TPV" temp = strstr(line, "{\"class\":\"TPV\""); if (temp == NULL) { continue; } // Make sure the data we have is complete if (strchr(temp, '}') == NULL) { // Move the data at the beginning of the buffer; pos = strlen(temp); if (temp != line) { memmove(line, temp, pos); memset(line + pos, 0, sizeof(line) - pos); } } // Example line: {"class":"TPV","tag":"MID2","device":"/dev/ttyUSB0","time":1350957517.000,"ept":0.005,"lat":46.878936576,"lon":-115.832602964,"alt":1968.382,"track":0.0000,"speed":0.000,"climb":0.000,"mode":3} // Latitude temp = strstr(temp, "\"lat\":"); if (temp == NULL) { continue; } ret = sscanf(temp + 6, "%f", &G.gps_loc[0]); // Longitude temp = strstr(temp, "\"lon\":"); if (temp == NULL) { continue; } ret = sscanf(temp + 6, "%f", &G.gps_loc[1]); // Altitude temp = strstr(temp, "\"alt\":"); if (temp == NULL) { continue; } ret = sscanf(temp + 6, "%f", &G.gps_loc[4]); // Speed temp = strstr(temp, "\"speed\":"); if (temp == NULL) { continue; } ret = sscanf(temp + 6, "%f", &G.gps_loc[2]); // No more heading // Get the next TPV class temp = strstr(temp, "{\"class\":\"TPV\""); if (temp == NULL) { memset( line, 0, sizeof( line ) ); pos = 0; } else { pos = strlen(temp); memmove(line, temp, pos); memset(line + pos, 0, sizeof(line) - pos); } } else { memset( line, 0, sizeof( line ) ); snprintf( line, sizeof( line ) - 1, "PVTAD\r\n" ); if( send( gpsd_sock, line, 7, 0 ) != 7 ) return; memset( line, 0, sizeof( line ) ); if( recv( gpsd_sock, line, sizeof( line ) - 1, 0 ) <= 0 ) return; if( memcmp( line, "GPSD,P=", 7 ) != 0 ) continue; /* make sure the coordinates are present */ if( line[7] == '?' ) continue; ret = sscanf( line + 7, "%f %f", &G.gps_loc[0], &G.gps_loc[1] ); if( ( temp = strstr( line, "V=" ) ) == NULL ) continue; ret = sscanf( temp + 2, "%f", &G.gps_loc[2] ); /* speed */ if( ( temp = strstr( line, "T=" ) ) == NULL ) continue; ret = sscanf( temp + 2, "%f", &G.gps_loc[3] ); /* heading */ if( ( temp = strstr( line, "A=" ) ) == NULL ) continue; ret = sscanf( temp + 2, "%f", &G.gps_loc[4] ); /* altitude */ } if (G.record_data) fputs( line, G.f_gps ); G.save_gps = 1; if (G.do_exit == 0) { unused = write( G.gc_pipe[1], G.gps_loc, sizeof( float ) * 5 ); kill( getppid(), SIGUSR2 ); } } } void sighandler( int signum) { ssize_t unused; int card=0; signal( signum, sighandler ); if( signum == SIGUSR1 ) { unused = read( G.cd_pipe[0], &card, sizeof(int) ); if(G.freqoption) unused = read( G.ch_pipe[0], &(G.frequency[card]), sizeof( int ) ); else unused = read( G.ch_pipe[0], &(G.channel[card]), sizeof( int ) ); } if( signum == SIGUSR2 ) unused = read( G.gc_pipe[0], &G.gps_loc, sizeof( float ) * 5 ); if( signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM ) { reset_term(); alarm( 1 ); G.do_exit = 1; signal( SIGALRM, sighandler ); dprintf( STDOUT_FILENO, "\n" ); } if( signum == SIGSEGV ) { fprintf( stderr, "Caught signal 11 (SIGSEGV). Please" " contact the author!\33[?25h\n\n" ); fflush( stdout ); exit( 1 ); } if( signum == SIGALRM ) { dprintf( STDERR_FILENO, "Caught signal 14 (SIGALRM). Please" " contact the author!\33[?25h\n\n" ); _exit( 1 ); } if( signum == SIGCHLD ) wait( NULL ); if( signum == SIGWINCH ) { fprintf( stderr, "\33[2J" ); fflush( stdout ); } } int send_probe_request(struct wif *wi) { int len; unsigned char p[4096], r_smac[6]; memcpy(p, PROBE_REQ, 24); len = 24; p[24] = 0x00; //ESSID Tag Number p[25] = 0x00; //ESSID Tag Length len += 2; memcpy(p+len, RATES, 16); len += 16; r_smac[0] = 0x00; r_smac[1] = rand() & 0xFF; r_smac[2] = rand() & 0xFF; r_smac[3] = rand() & 0xFF; r_smac[4] = rand() & 0xFF; r_smac[5] = rand() & 0xFF; memcpy(p+10, r_smac, 6); if (wi_write(wi, p, len, NULL) == -1) { switch (errno) { case EAGAIN: case ENOBUFS: usleep(10000); return 0; /* XXX not sure I like this... -sorbo */ } perror("wi_write()"); return -1; } return 0; } int send_probe_requests(struct wif *wi[], int cards) { int i=0; for(i=0; i if_num ) { while( again ) { again = 0; for( k = 0; k < ( if_num - 1 ); k++ ) { if( G.channels[ch_idx] == G.channel[k] ) { again = 1; ch_idx = chi % chan_count; chi++; } } } } } if( G.channels[ch_idx] == -1 ) { j--; cai--; dropped++; if(dropped >= chan_count) { ch = wi_get_channel(wi[card]); G.channel[card] = ch; unused = write( G.cd_pipe[1], &card, sizeof(int) ); unused = write( G.ch_pipe[1], &ch, sizeof( int ) ); kill( getppid(), SIGUSR1 ); usleep(1000); } continue; } dropped = 0; ch = G.channels[ch_idx]; if(wi_set_channel(wi[card], ch ) == 0 ) { G.channel[card] = ch; unused = write( G.cd_pipe[1], &card, sizeof(int) ); unused = write( G.ch_pipe[1], &ch, sizeof( int ) ); if(G.active_scan_sim > 0) send_probe_request(wi[card]); kill( getppid(), SIGUSR1 ); usleep(1000); } else { G.channels[ch_idx] = -1; /* remove invalid channel */ j--; cai--; continue; } } if(G.chswitch == 0) { chi=chi-(if_num - 1); } if(first) { first = 0; } usleep( (G.hopfreq*1000) ); } exit( 0 ); } void frequency_hopper(struct wif *wi[], int if_num, int chan_count ) { ssize_t unused; int ch, ch_idx = 0, card=0, chi=0, cai=0, j=0, k=0, first=1, again=1; int dropped=0; while( getppid() != 1 ) { for( j = 0; j < if_num; j++ ) { again = 1; ch_idx = chi % chan_count; card = cai % if_num; ++chi; ++cai; if( G.chswitch == 2 && !first ) { j = if_num - 1; card = if_num - 1; if( getfreqcount(1) > if_num ) { while( again ) { again = 0; for( k = 0; k < ( if_num - 1 ); k++ ) { if( G.own_frequencies[ch_idx] == G.frequency[k] ) { again = 1; ch_idx = chi % chan_count; chi++; } } } } } if( G.own_frequencies[ch_idx] == -1 ) { j--; cai--; dropped++; if(dropped >= chan_count) { ch = wi_get_freq(wi[card]); G.frequency[card] = ch; unused = write( G.cd_pipe[1], &card, sizeof(int) ); unused = write( G.ch_pipe[1], &ch, sizeof( int ) ); kill( getppid(), SIGUSR1 ); usleep(1000); } continue; } dropped = 0; ch = G.own_frequencies[ch_idx]; if(wi_set_freq(wi[card], ch ) == 0 ) { G.frequency[card] = ch; unused = write( G.cd_pipe[1], &card, sizeof(int) ); unused = write( G.ch_pipe[1], &ch, sizeof( int ) ); kill( getppid(), SIGUSR1 ); usleep(1000); } else { G.own_frequencies[ch_idx] = -1; /* remove invalid channel */ j--; cai--; continue; } } if(G.chswitch == 0) { chi=chi-(if_num - 1); } if(first) { first = 0; } usleep( (G.hopfreq*1000) ); } exit( 0 ); } int invalid_channel(int chan) { int i=0; do { if (chan == abg_chans[i] && chan != 0 ) return 0; } while (abg_chans[++i]); return 1; } int invalid_frequency(int freq) { int i=0; do { if (freq == frequencies[i] && freq != 0 ) return 0; } while (frequencies[++i]); return 1; } /* parse a string, for example "1,2,3-7,11" */ int getchannels(const char *optarg) { unsigned int i=0,chan_cur=0,chan_first=0,chan_last=0,chan_max=128,chan_remain=0; char *optchan = NULL, *optc; char *token = NULL; int *tmp_channels; //got a NULL pointer? if(optarg == NULL) return -1; chan_remain=chan_max; //create a writable string optc = optchan = (char*) malloc(strlen(optarg)+1); strncpy(optchan, optarg, strlen(optarg)); optchan[strlen(optarg)]='\0'; tmp_channels = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*(chan_max+1)); //split string in tokens, separated by ',' while( (token = strsep(&optchan,",")) != NULL) { //range defined? if(strchr(token, '-') != NULL) { //only 1 '-' ? if(strchr(token, '-') == strrchr(token, '-')) { //are there any illegal characters? for(i=0; i '9') && (token[i] != '-')) { free(tmp_channels); free(optc); return -1; } } if( sscanf(token, "%d-%d", &chan_first, &chan_last) != EOF ) { if(chan_first > chan_last) { free(tmp_channels); free(optc); return -1; } for(i=chan_first; i<=chan_last; i++) { if( (! invalid_channel(i)) && (chan_remain > 0) ) { tmp_channels[chan_max-chan_remain]=i; chan_remain--; } } } else { free(tmp_channels); free(optc); return -1; } } else { free(tmp_channels); free(optc); return -1; } } else { //are there any illegal characters? for(i=0; i '9') ) { free(tmp_channels); free(optc); return -1; } } if( sscanf(token, "%d", &chan_cur) != EOF) { if( (! invalid_channel(chan_cur)) && (chan_remain > 0) ) { tmp_channels[chan_max-chan_remain]=chan_cur; chan_remain--; } } else { free(tmp_channels); free(optc); return -1; } } } G.own_channels = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*(chan_max - chan_remain + 1)); for(i=0; i<(chan_max - chan_remain); i++) { G.own_channels[i]=tmp_channels[i]; } G.own_channels[i]=0; free(tmp_channels); free(optc); if(i==1) return G.own_channels[0]; if(i==0) return -1; return 0; } /* parse a string, for example "1,2,3-7,11" */ int getfrequencies(const char *optarg) { unsigned int i=0,freq_cur=0,freq_first=0,freq_last=0,freq_max=10000,freq_remain=0; char *optfreq = NULL, *optc; char *token = NULL; int *tmp_frequencies; //got a NULL pointer? if(optarg == NULL) return -1; freq_remain=freq_max; //create a writable string optc = optfreq = (char*) malloc(strlen(optarg)+1); strncpy(optfreq, optarg, strlen(optarg)); optfreq[strlen(optarg)]='\0'; tmp_frequencies = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*(freq_max+1)); //split string in tokens, separated by ',' while( (token = strsep(&optfreq,",")) != NULL) { //range defined? if(strchr(token, '-') != NULL) { //only 1 '-' ? if(strchr(token, '-') == strrchr(token, '-')) { //are there any illegal characters? for(i=0; i '9') && (token[i] != '-')) { free(tmp_frequencies); free(optc); return -1; } } if( sscanf(token, "%d-%d", &freq_first, &freq_last) != EOF ) { if(freq_first > freq_last) { free(tmp_frequencies); free(optc); return -1; } for(i=freq_first; i<=freq_last; i++) { if( (! invalid_frequency(i)) && (freq_remain > 0) ) { tmp_frequencies[freq_max-freq_remain]=i; freq_remain--; } } } else { free(tmp_frequencies); free(optc); return -1; } } else { free(tmp_frequencies); free(optc); return -1; } } else { //are there any illegal characters? for(i=0; i '9') ) { free(tmp_frequencies); free(optc); return -1; } } if( sscanf(token, "%d", &freq_cur) != EOF) { if( (! invalid_frequency(freq_cur)) && (freq_remain > 0) ) { tmp_frequencies[freq_max-freq_remain]=freq_cur; freq_remain--; } /* special case "-C 0" means: scan all available frequencies */ if(freq_cur == 0) { freq_first = 1; freq_last = 9999; for(i=freq_first; i<=freq_last; i++) { if( (! invalid_frequency(i)) && (freq_remain > 0) ) { tmp_frequencies[freq_max-freq_remain]=i; freq_remain--; } } } } else { free(tmp_frequencies); free(optc); return -1; } } } G.own_frequencies = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*(freq_max - freq_remain + 1)); for(i=0; i<(freq_max - freq_remain); i++) { G.own_frequencies[i]=tmp_frequencies[i]; } G.own_frequencies[i]=0; free(tmp_frequencies); free(optc); if(i==1) return G.own_frequencies[0]; //exactly 1 frequency given if(i==0) return -1; //error occured return 0; //frequency hopping } int setup_card(char *iface, struct wif **wis) { struct wif *wi; wi = wi_open(iface); if (!wi) return -1; *wis = wi; return 0; } int init_cards(const char* cardstr, char *iface[], struct wif **wi) { char *buffer; char *buf; int if_count=0; int i=0, again=0; buf = buffer = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char) * 1025 ); strncpy( buffer, cardstr, 1025 ); buffer[1024] = '\0'; while( ((iface[if_count]=strsep(&buffer, ",")) != NULL) && (if_count < MAX_CARDS) ) { again=0; for(i=0; i *fdh) *fdh = fd_raw[i]; } } return 0; } int check_channel(struct wif *wi[], int cards) { int i, chan; for(i=0; i 0) { // printf("pos: %d\n", pos); last_freq = cur_freq; cur_freq = G.own_frequencies[pos%count]; if(cur_freq == last_used) round_done=1; // printf("count: %d, left: %d, last_used: %d, cur_freq: %d, width: %d\n", count, left, last_used, cur_freq, width); if(((count-left) > 0) && !round_done && ( ABS( last_used-cur_freq ) < width ) ) { // printf("skip it!\n"); pos++; continue; } if(!array_contains( freqs, count, cur_freq)) { // printf("not in there yet: %d\n", cur_freq); freqs[count - left] = cur_freq; last_used = cur_freq; left--; round_done = 0; } pos++; } memcpy(G.own_frequencies, freqs, count*sizeof(int)); free(freqs); return 0; } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { long time_slept, cycle_time, cycle_time2; char * output_format_string; int caplen=0, i, j, fdh, fd_is_set, chan_count, freq_count, unused; int fd_raw[MAX_CARDS], arptype[MAX_CARDS]; int ivs_only, found; int valid_channel; int freq [2]; int num_opts = 0; int option = 0; int option_index = 0; char ifnam[64]; int wi_read_failed=0; int n = 0; int output_format_first_time = 1; #ifdef HAVE_PCRE const char *pcreerror; int pcreerroffset; #endif struct AP_info *ap_cur, *ap_prv, *ap_next; struct ST_info *st_cur, *st_next; struct NA_info *na_cur, *na_next; struct oui *oui_cur, *oui_next; struct pcap_pkthdr pkh; time_t tt1, tt2, tt3, start_time; struct wif *wi[MAX_CARDS]; struct rx_info ri; unsigned char tmpbuf[4096]; unsigned char buffer[4096]; unsigned char *h80211; char *iface[MAX_CARDS]; struct timeval tv0; struct timeval tv1; struct timeval tv2; struct timeval tv3; struct timeval tv4; struct tm *lt; /* struct sockaddr_in provis_addr; */ fd_set rfds; static struct option long_options[] = { {"band", 1, 0, 'b'}, {"beacon", 0, 0, 'e'}, {"beacons", 0, 0, 'e'}, {"cswitch", 1, 0, 's'}, {"netmask", 1, 0, 'm'}, {"bssid", 1, 0, 'd'}, {"essid", 1, 0, 'N'}, {"essid-regex", 1, 0, 'R'}, {"channel", 1, 0, 'c'}, {"gpsd", 0, 0, 'g'}, {"ivs", 0, 0, 'i'}, {"write", 1, 0, 'w'}, {"encrypt", 1, 0, 't'}, {"update", 1, 0, 'u'}, {"berlin", 1, 0, 'B'}, {"help", 0, 0, 'H'}, {"nodecloak",0, 0, 'D'}, {"showack", 0, 0, 'A'}, {"detect-anomaly", 0, 0, 'E'}, {"output-format", 1, 0, 'o'}, {"ignore-negative-one", 0, &G.ignore_negative_one, 1}, {"manufacturer", 0, 0, 'M'}, {"uptime", 0, 0, 'U'}, {0, 0, 0, 0 } }; #ifdef USE_GCRYPT // Register callback functions to ensure proper locking in the sensitive parts of libgcrypt. gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_THREAD_CBS, &gcry_threads_pthread); // Disable secure memory. gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_SECMEM, 0); // Tell Libgcrypt that initialization has completed. gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INITIALIZATION_FINISHED, 0); #endif pthread_mutex_init( &(G.mx_print), NULL ); pthread_mutex_init( &(G.mx_sort), NULL ); textstyle(TEXT_RESET);//(TEXT_RESET, TEXT_BLACK, TEXT_WHITE); /* initialize a bunch of variables */ srand( time( NULL ) ); memset( &G, 0, sizeof( G ) ); h80211 = NULL; ivs_only = 0; G.chanoption = 0; G.freqoption = 0; G.num_cards = 0; fdh = 0; fd_is_set = 0; chan_count = 0; time_slept = 0; G.batt = NULL; G.chswitch = 0; valid_channel = 0; G.usegpsd = 0; G.channels = bg_chans; G.one_beacon = 1; G.singlechan = 0; G.singlefreq = 0; G.dump_prefix = NULL; G.record_data = 0; G.f_cap = NULL; G.f_ivs = NULL; G.f_txt = NULL; G.f_kis = NULL; G.f_kis_xml = NULL; G.f_gps = NULL; G.keyout = NULL; G.f_xor = NULL; G.sk_len = 0; G.sk_len2 = 0; G.sk_start = 0; G.prefix = NULL; G.f_encrypt = 0; G.asso_client = 0; G.f_essid = NULL; G.f_essid_count = 0; G.active_scan_sim = 0; G.update_s = 0; G.decloak = 1; G.is_berlin = 0; G.numaps = 0; G.maxnumaps = 0; G.berlin = 120; G.show_ap = 1; G.show_sta = 1; G.show_ack = 0; G.hide_known = 0; G.maxsize_essid_seen = 5; // Initial value: length of "ESSID" G.show_manufacturer = 0; G.show_uptime = 0; G.hopfreq = DEFAULT_HOPFREQ; G.s_file = NULL; G.s_iface = NULL; G.f_cap_in = NULL; G.detect_anomaly = 0; G.airodump_start_time = NULL; G.manufList = NULL; G.output_format_pcap = 1; G.output_format_csv = 1; G.output_format_kismet_csv = 1; G.output_format_kismet_netxml = 1; #ifdef HAVE_PCRE G.f_essid_regex = NULL; #endif // Default selection. resetSelection(); memset(G.sharedkey, '\x00', 512*3); memset(G.message, '\x00', sizeof(G.message)); memset(&G.pfh_in, '\x00', sizeof(struct pcap_file_header)); gettimeofday( &tv0, NULL ); lt = localtime( (time_t *) &tv0.tv_sec ); G.keyout = (char*) malloc(512); memset( G.keyout, 0, 512 ); snprintf( G.keyout, 511, "keyout-%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.keys", lt->tm_mon + 1, lt->tm_mday, lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min, lt->tm_sec ); for(i=0; i= 3) { if(argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] != '-') { //we got a single dash followed by at least 2 chars //lets check that against our long options to find errors for(j=0; j1 && strcmp(argv[i-1], "-") == 0) { //separated dashes? printf("Notice: You specified \"%s %s\". Did you mean \"%s%s\" instead?\n", argv[i-1], argv[i], argv[i-1], argv[i]); } else { //forgot second dash? printf("Notice: You specified \"%s\". Did you mean \"-%s\" instead?\n", argv[i], argv[i]); } break; } } if(found) { sleep(3); break; } } } } do { option_index = 0; option = getopt_long( argc, argv, "b:c:egiw:s:t:u:m:d:N:R:aHDB:Ahf:r:EC:o:x:MU", long_options, &option_index ); if( option < 0 ) break; switch( option ) { case 0 : break; case ':': printf("\"%s --help\" for help.\n", argv[0]); return( 1 ); case '?': printf("\"%s --help\" for help.\n", argv[0]); return( 1 ); case 'E': G.detect_anomaly = 1; break; case 'e': G.one_beacon = 0; break; case 'a': G.asso_client = 1; break; case 'A': G.show_ack = 1; break; case 'h': G.hide_known = 1; break; case 'D': G.decloak = 0; break; case 'M': G.show_manufacturer = 1; break; case 'U' : G.show_uptime = 1; break; case 'c' : if (G.channel[0] > 0 || G.chanoption == 1) { if (G.chanoption == 1) printf( "Notice: Channel range already given\n" ); else printf( "Notice: Channel already given (%d)\n", G.channel[0]); break; } G.channel[0] = getchannels(optarg); if ( G.channel[0] < 0 ) goto usage; G.chanoption = 1; if( G.channel[0] == 0 ) { G.channels = G.own_channels; break; } G.channels = bg_chans; break; case 'C' : if (G.channel[0] > 0 || G.chanoption == 1) { if (G.chanoption == 1) printf( "Notice: Channel range already given\n" ); else printf( "Notice: Channel already given (%d)\n", G.channel[0]); break; } if (G.freqoption == 1) { printf( "Notice: Frequency range already given\n" ); break; } G.freqstring = optarg; G.freqoption = 1; break; case 'b' : if (G.chanoption == 1 && option != 'c') { printf( "Notice: Channel range already given\n" ); break; } freq[0] = freq[1] = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(optarg); i++) { if ( optarg[i] == 'a' ) freq[1] = 1; else if ( optarg[i] == 'b' || optarg[i] == 'g') freq[0] = 1; else { printf( "Error: invalid band (%c)\n", optarg[i] ); printf("\"%s --help\" for help.\n", argv[0]); exit ( 1 ); } } if (freq[1] + freq[0] == 2 ) G.channels = abg_chans; else { if ( freq[1] == 1 ) G.channels = a_chans; else G.channels = bg_chans; } break; case 'i': // Reset output format if it's the first time the option is specified if (output_format_first_time) { output_format_first_time = 0; G.output_format_pcap = 0; G.output_format_csv = 0; G.output_format_kismet_csv = 0; G.output_format_kismet_netxml = 0; } if (G.output_format_pcap) { printf( usage, getVersion("Airodump-ng", _MAJ, _MIN, _SUB_MIN, _REVISION, _BETA, _RC) ); fprintf(stderr, "Invalid output format: IVS and PCAP format cannot be used together.\n"); return( 1 ); } ivs_only = 1; break; case 'g': G.usegpsd = 1; /* if (inet_aton(optarg, &provis_addr.sin_addr) == 0 ) { printf("Invalid IP address.\n"); return (1); } */ break; case 'w': if (G.dump_prefix != NULL) { printf( "Notice: dump prefix already given\n" ); break; } /* Write prefix */ G.dump_prefix = optarg; G.record_data = 1; break; case 'r' : if( G.s_file ) { printf( "Packet source already specified.\n" ); printf("\"%s --help\" for help.\n", argv[0]); return( 1 ); } G.s_file = optarg; break; case 's': if (atoi(optarg) > 2) { goto usage; } if (G.chswitch != 0) { printf("Notice: switching method already given\n"); break; } G.chswitch = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u': G.update_s = atoi(optarg); /* If failed to parse or value <= 0, use default, 100ms */ if (G.update_s <= 0) G.update_s = REFRESH_RATE; break; case 'f': G.hopfreq = atoi(optarg); /* If failed to parse or value <= 0, use default, 100ms */ if (G.hopfreq <= 0) G.hopfreq = DEFAULT_HOPFREQ; break; case 'B': G.is_berlin = 1; G.berlin = atoi(optarg); if (G.berlin <= 0) G.berlin = 120; break; case 'm': if ( memcmp(G.f_netmask, NULL_MAC, 6) != 0 ) { printf("Notice: netmask already given\n"); break; } if(getmac(optarg, 1, G.f_netmask) != 0) { printf("Notice: invalid netmask\n"); printf("\"%s --help\" for help.\n", argv[0]); return( 1 ); } break; case 'd': if ( memcmp(G.f_bssid, NULL_MAC, 6) != 0 ) { printf("Notice: bssid already given\n"); break; } if(getmac(optarg, 1, G.f_bssid) != 0) { printf("Notice: invalid bssid\n"); printf("\"%s --help\" for help.\n", argv[0]); return( 1 ); } break; case 'N': G.f_essid_count++; G.f_essid = (char**)realloc(G.f_essid, G.f_essid_count * sizeof(char*)); G.f_essid[G.f_essid_count-1] = optarg; break; case 'R': #ifdef HAVE_PCRE if (G.f_essid_regex != NULL) { printf("Error: ESSID regular expression already given. Aborting\n"); exit(1); } G.f_essid_regex = pcre_compile(optarg, 0, &pcreerror, &pcreerroffset, NULL); if (G.f_essid_regex == NULL) { printf("Error: regular expression compilation failed at offset %d: %s; aborting\n", pcreerroffset, pcreerror); exit(1); } #else printf("Error: Airodump-ng wasn't compiled with pcre support; aborting\n"); #endif break; case 't': set_encryption_filter(optarg); break; case 'o': // Reset output format if it's the first time the option is specified if (output_format_first_time) { output_format_first_time = 0; G.output_format_pcap = 0; G.output_format_csv = 0; G.output_format_kismet_csv = 0; G.output_format_kismet_netxml = 0; } // Parse the value output_format_string = strtok(optarg, ","); while (output_format_string != NULL) { if (strlen(output_format_string) != 0) { if (strncasecmp(output_format_string, "csv", 3) == 0 || strncasecmp(output_format_string, "txt", 3) == 0) { G.output_format_csv = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(output_format_string, "pcap", 4) == 0 || strncasecmp(output_format_string, "cap", 3) == 0) { if (ivs_only) { printf( usage, getVersion("Airodump-ng", _MAJ, _MIN, _SUB_MIN, _REVISION, _BETA, _RC) ); fprintf(stderr, "Invalid output format: IVS and PCAP format cannot be used together.\n"); return( 1 ); } G.output_format_pcap = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(output_format_string, "ivs", 3) == 0) { if (G.output_format_pcap) { printf( usage, getVersion("Airodump-ng", _MAJ, _MIN, _SUB_MIN, _REVISION, _BETA, _RC) ); fprintf(stderr, "Invalid output format: IVS and PCAP format cannot be used together.\n"); return( 1 ); } ivs_only = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(output_format_string, "kismet", 6) == 0) { G.output_format_kismet_csv = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(output_format_string, "gps", 3) == 0) { G.usegpsd = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(output_format_string, "netxml", 6) == 0 || strncasecmp(output_format_string, "newcore", 7) == 0 || strncasecmp(output_format_string, "kismet-nc", 9) == 0 || strncasecmp(output_format_string, "kismet_nc", 9) == 0 || strncasecmp(output_format_string, "kismet-newcore", 14) == 0 || strncasecmp(output_format_string, "kismet_newcore", 14) == 0) { G.output_format_kismet_netxml = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(output_format_string, "default", 6) == 0) { G.output_format_pcap = 1; G.output_format_csv = 1; G.output_format_kismet_csv = 1; G.output_format_kismet_netxml = 1; } else if (strncasecmp(output_format_string, "none", 6) == 0) { G.output_format_pcap = 0; G.output_format_csv = 0; G.output_format_kismet_csv = 0; G.output_format_kismet_netxml = 0; G.usegpsd = 0; ivs_only = 0; } else { // Display an error if it does not match any value fprintf(stderr, "Invalid output format: <%s>\n", output_format_string); exit(1); } } output_format_string = strtok(NULL, ","); } break; case 'H': printf( usage, getVersion("Airodump-ng", _MAJ, _MIN, _SUB_MIN, _REVISION, _BETA, _RC) ); return( 1 ); case 'x': G.active_scan_sim = atoi(optarg); if (G.active_scan_sim <= 0) G.active_scan_sim = 0; break; default : goto usage; } } while ( 1 ); if( argc - optind != 1 && G.s_file == NULL) { if(argc == 1) { usage: printf( usage, getVersion("Airodump-ng", _MAJ, _MIN, _SUB_MIN, _REVISION, _BETA, _RC) ); } if( argc - optind == 0) { printf("No interface specified.\n"); } if(argc > 1) { printf("\"%s --help\" for help.\n", argv[0]); } return( 1 ); } if( argc - optind == 1 ) G.s_iface = argv[argc-1]; if( ( memcmp(G.f_netmask, NULL_MAC, 6) != 0 ) && ( memcmp(G.f_bssid, NULL_MAC, 6) == 0 ) ) { printf("Notice: specify bssid \"--bssid\" with \"--netmask\"\n"); printf("\"%s --help\" for help.\n", argv[0]); return( 1 ); } if(G.s_iface != NULL) { /* initialize cards */ G.num_cards = init_cards(G.s_iface, iface, wi); if(G.num_cards <= 0) return( 1 ); for (i = 0; i < G.num_cards; i++) { fd_raw[i] = wi_fd(wi[i]); if (fd_raw[i] > fdh) fdh = fd_raw[i]; } if(G.freqoption == 1 && G.freqstring != NULL) // use frequencies { detect_frequencies(wi[0]); G.frequency[0] = getfrequencies(G.freqstring); if(G.frequency[0] == -1) { printf("No valid frequency given.\n"); return(1); } // printf("gonna rearrange\n"); rearrange_frequencies(); // printf("finished rearranging\n"); freq_count = getfreqcount(0); /* find the interface index */ /* start a child to hop between frequencies */ if( G.frequency[0] == 0 ) { unused = pipe( G.ch_pipe ); unused = pipe( G.cd_pipe ); signal( SIGUSR1, sighandler ); if( ! fork() ) { /* reopen cards. This way parent & child don't share resources for * accessing the card (e.g. file descriptors) which may cause * problems. -sorbo */ for (i = 0; i < G.num_cards; i++) { strncpy(ifnam, wi_get_ifname(wi[i]), sizeof(ifnam)-1); ifnam[sizeof(ifnam)-1] = 0; wi_close(wi[i]); wi[i] = wi_open(ifnam); if (!wi[i]) { printf("Can't reopen %s\n", ifnam); exit(1); } } /* Drop privileges */ if (setuid( getuid() ) == -1) { perror("setuid"); } frequency_hopper(wi, G.num_cards, freq_count); exit( 1 ); } } else { for( i=0; i MIN_RAM_SIZE_LOAD_OUI_RAM) { G.manufList = load_oui_file(); } /* start the GPS tracker */ if (G.usegpsd) { unused = pipe( G.gc_pipe ); signal( SIGUSR2, sighandler ); if( ! fork() ) { gps_tracker(); exit( 1 ); } usleep( 50000 ); waitpid( -1, NULL, WNOHANG ); } fprintf( stderr, "\33[?25l\33[2J\n" ); start_time = time( NULL ); tt1 = time( NULL ); tt2 = time( NULL ); tt3 = time( NULL ); gettimeofday( &tv3, NULL ); gettimeofday( &tv4, NULL ); G.batt = getBatteryString(); G.elapsed_time = (char *) calloc( 1, 4 ); strncpy(G.elapsed_time, "0 s", 4 - 1); /* Create start time string for kismet netxml file */ G.airodump_start_time = (char *) calloc( 1, 1000 * sizeof(char) ); strncpy(G.airodump_start_time, ctime( & start_time ), 1000 - 1); G.airodump_start_time[strlen(G.airodump_start_time) - 1] = 0; // remove new line G.airodump_start_time = (char *) realloc( G.airodump_start_time, sizeof(char) * (strlen(G.airodump_start_time) + 1) ); if( pthread_create( &(G.input_tid), NULL, (void *) input_thread, NULL ) != 0 ) { perror( "pthread_create failed" ); return 1; } while( 1 ) { if( G.do_exit ) { break; } if( time( NULL ) - tt1 >= 5 ) { /* update the csv stats file */ tt1 = time( NULL ); if (G. output_format_csv) dump_write_csv(); if (G.output_format_kismet_csv) dump_write_kismet_csv(); if (G.output_format_kismet_netxml) dump_write_kismet_netxml(); /* sort the APs by power */ if(G.sort_by != SORT_BY_NOTHING) { pthread_mutex_lock( &(G.mx_sort) ); dump_sort(); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(G.mx_sort) ); } } if( time( NULL ) - tt2 > 3 ) { /* update the battery state */ free(G.batt); G.batt = NULL; tt2 = time( NULL ); G.batt = getBatteryString(); /* update elapsed time */ free(G.elapsed_time); G.elapsed_time=NULL; G.elapsed_time = getStringTimeFromSec( difftime(tt2, start_time) ); /* flush the output files */ if( G.f_cap != NULL ) fflush( G.f_cap ); if( G.f_ivs != NULL ) fflush( G.f_ivs ); } gettimeofday( &tv1, NULL ); cycle_time = 1000000 * ( tv1.tv_sec - tv3.tv_sec ) + ( tv1.tv_usec - tv3.tv_usec ); cycle_time2 = 1000000 * ( tv1.tv_sec - tv4.tv_sec ) + ( tv1.tv_usec - tv4.tv_usec ); if( G.active_scan_sim > 0 && cycle_time2 > G.active_scan_sim*1000 ) { gettimeofday( &tv4, NULL ); send_probe_requests(wi, G.num_cards); } if( cycle_time > 500000 ) { gettimeofday( &tv3, NULL ); update_rx_quality( ); if(G.s_iface != NULL) { check_monitor(wi, fd_raw, &fdh, G.num_cards); if(G.singlechan) check_channel(wi, G.num_cards); if(G.singlefreq) check_frequency(wi, G.num_cards); } } if(G.s_file != NULL) { /* Read one packet */ n = sizeof( pkh ); if( fread( &pkh, n, 1, G.f_cap_in ) != 1 ) { memset(G.message, '\x00', sizeof(G.message)); snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ Finished reading input file %s.\n", G.s_file); G.s_file = NULL; continue; } if( G.pfh_in.magic == TCPDUMP_CIGAM ) { SWAP32( pkh.caplen ); SWAP32( pkh.len ); } n = caplen = pkh.caplen; memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); h80211 = buffer; if( n <= 0 || n > (int) sizeof( buffer ) ) { memset(G.message, '\x00', sizeof(G.message)); snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ Finished reading input file %s.\n", G.s_file); G.s_file = NULL; continue; } if( fread( h80211, n, 1, G.f_cap_in ) != 1 ) { memset(G.message, '\x00', sizeof(G.message)); snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ Finished reading input file %s.\n", G.s_file); G.s_file = NULL; continue; } if( G.pfh_in.linktype == LINKTYPE_PRISM_HEADER ) { if( h80211[7] == 0x40 ) n = 64; else n = *(int *)( h80211 + 4 ); if( n < 8 || n >= (int) caplen ) continue; memcpy( tmpbuf, h80211, caplen ); caplen -= n; memcpy( h80211, tmpbuf + n, caplen ); } if( G.pfh_in.linktype == LINKTYPE_RADIOTAP_HDR ) { /* remove the radiotap header */ n = *(unsigned short *)( h80211 + 2 ); if( n <= 0 || n >= (int) caplen ) continue; memcpy( tmpbuf, h80211, caplen ); caplen -= n; memcpy( h80211, tmpbuf + n, caplen ); } if( G.pfh_in.linktype == LINKTYPE_PPI_HDR ) { /* remove the PPI header */ n = le16_to_cpu(*(unsigned short *)( h80211 + 2)); if( n <= 0 || n>= (int) caplen ) continue; /* for a while Kismet logged broken PPI headers */ if ( n == 24 && le16_to_cpu(*(unsigned short *)(h80211 + 8)) == 2 ) n = 32; if( n <= 0 || n>= (int) caplen ) continue; memcpy( tmpbuf, h80211, caplen ); caplen -= n; memcpy( h80211, tmpbuf + n, caplen ); } read_pkts++; if(read_pkts%10 == 0) usleep(1); } else if(G.s_iface != NULL) { /* capture one packet */ FD_ZERO( &rfds ); for(i=0; i REFRESH_RATE && time_slept > G.update_s * 1000000) { time_slept = 0; update_dataps(); /* update the window size */ if( ioctl( 0, TIOCGWINSZ, &(G.ws) ) < 0 ) { G.ws.ws_row = 25; G.ws.ws_col = 80; } if( G.ws.ws_col < 1 ) G.ws.ws_col = 1; if( G.ws.ws_col > 300 ) G.ws.ws_col = 300; /* display the list of access points we have */ if(!G.do_pause) { pthread_mutex_lock( &(G.mx_print) ); fprintf( stderr, "\33[1;1H" ); dump_print( G.ws.ws_row, G.ws.ws_col, G.num_cards ); fprintf( stderr, "\33[J" ); fflush( stdout ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(G.mx_print) ); } continue; } if(G.s_file == NULL && G.s_iface != NULL) { fd_is_set = 0; for(i=0; i 1) { G.do_exit = 1; break; } memset(G.message, '\x00', sizeof(G.message)); snprintf(G.message, sizeof(G.message), "][ interface %s down ", wi_get_ifname(wi[i])); //reopen in monitor mode strncpy(ifnam, wi_get_ifname(wi[i]), sizeof(ifnam)-1); ifnam[sizeof(ifnam)-1] = 0; wi_close(wi[i]); wi[i] = wi_open(ifnam); if (!wi[i]) { printf("Can't reopen %s\n", ifnam); /* Restore terminal */ fprintf( stderr, "\33[?25h" ); fflush( stdout ); exit(1); } fd_raw[i] = wi_fd(wi[i]); if (fd_raw[i] > fdh) fdh = fd_raw[i]; break; // return 1; } read_pkts++; wi_read_failed = 0; dump_add_packet( h80211, caplen, &ri, i ); } } } else if (G.s_file != NULL) { dump_add_packet( h80211, caplen, &ri, i ); } } if(G.batt) free(G.batt); if(G.elapsed_time) free(G.elapsed_time); if(G.own_channels) free(G.own_channels); if(G.f_essid) free(G.f_essid); if(G.prefix) free(G.prefix); if(G.f_cap_name) free(G.f_cap_name); if(G.keyout) free(G.keyout); #ifdef HAVE_PCRE if(G.f_essid_regex) pcre_free(G.f_essid_regex); #endif for(i=0; iuiv_root ); list_tail_free(&(ap_cur->packets)); if (G.manufList) free(ap_cur->manuf); if (G.detect_anomaly) data_wipe(ap_cur->data_root); ap_prv = ap_cur; ap_cur = ap_cur->next; } ap_cur = G.ap_1st; while( ap_cur != NULL ) { // Freeing AP List ap_next = ap_cur->next; if( ap_cur != NULL ) free(ap_cur); ap_cur = ap_next; } st_cur = G.st_1st; st_next= NULL; while(st_cur != NULL) { st_next = st_cur->next; if (G.manufList) free(st_cur->manuf); free(st_cur); st_cur = st_next; } na_cur = G.na_1st; na_next= NULL; while(na_cur != NULL) { na_next = na_cur->next; free(na_cur); na_cur = na_next; } if (G.manufList) { oui_cur = G.manufList; while (oui_cur != NULL) { oui_next = oui_cur->next; free(oui_cur); oui_cur = oui_next; } } fprintf( stderr, "\33[?25h" ); fflush( stdout ); return( 0 ); }