import importlib from collections import OrderedDict from typing import List from jobs.process import BaseProcess class BaseJob: def __init__(self, config: OrderedDict): if not config: raise ValueError('config is required') self.process: List[BaseProcess] self.config = config['config'] self.raw_config = config self.job = config['job'] self.torch_profiler = self.get_conf('torch_profiler', False) = self.get_conf('name', required=True) if 'meta' in config: self.meta = config['meta'] else: self.meta = OrderedDict() def get_conf(self, key, default=None, required=False): if key in self.config: return self.config[key] elif required: raise ValueError(f'config file error. Missing "config.{key}" key') else: return default def run(self): print("") print(f"#############################################") print(f"# Running job: {}") print(f"#############################################") print("") # implement in child class # be sure to call super().run() first pass def load_processes(self, process_dict: dict): # only call if you have processes in this job type if 'process' not in self.config: raise ValueError('config file is invalid. Missing "config.process" key') if len(self.config['process']) == 0: raise ValueError('config file is invalid. "config.process" must be a list of processes') module = importlib.import_module('jobs.process') # add the processes self.process = [] for i, process in enumerate(self.config['process']): if 'type' not in process: raise ValueError(f'config file is invalid. Missing "config.process[{i}].type" key') # check if dict key is process type if process['type'] in process_dict: if isinstance(process_dict[process['type']], str): ProcessClass = getattr(module, process_dict[process['type']]) else: # it is the class ProcessClass = process_dict[process['type']] self.process.append(ProcessClass(i, self, process)) else: raise ValueError(f'config file is invalid. Unknown process type: {process["type"]}') def cleanup(self): # if you implement this in child clas, # be sure to call super().cleanup() LAST del self