prompt,response "SRL for [trimmed]: Earlier staff - reduction moves have [trimmed] about 300 jobs , the spokesman said .",ARG-0: Earlier staff - reduction moves | ARG-1: about 300 jobs SRL for [clinked]: The farmer Yang Zhifa and a neighbor were digging a well when a shovel [clinked] on something hard .,ARG-1: a shovel | ARG-M-LOC: on something hard | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [display]: The prime minister , whose hair is thinning and gray and whose face has a perpetual pallor , nonetheless continues to [display] an energy , a precision of thought and a willingness to say publicly what most other Asian leaders dare say only privately .","ARG-0: The prime minister , whose hair is thinning and gray and whose face has a perpetual pallor | ARG-1: an energy , a precision of thought and a willingness to say publicly what most other Asian leaders dare say only privately" "SRL for [height]: The airplane is at a [height] of 30,000 ft .","ARG-2: of 30,000 ft" SRL for [accused]: He [accused] Dow Jones of `` using unfair means to obtain the stock at an unfair price . '',ARG-0: He | ARG-1: Dow Jones | ARG-2: of `` using unfair means to obtain the stock at an unfair price . '' "SRL for [come along]: As to negotiations with creditors , Mr. Lorenzo said in remarks after the conference `` we 'll have to see how they [ talks ] [come along] . ''",ARG-1: they [ talks ] SRL for [forgotten]: They found they had bought stock from limit orders that they might have entered weeks or months earlier and had [forgotten] to cancel .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: to cancel "SRL for [ring]: `` To [ring] for even one service at this tower , we have to scrape , '' says Mr. Hammond , a retired water - authority worker .",ARG-0: we | ARG-2: for even one service | ARG-M-LOC: at this tower SRL for [bat]: John did n't [bat] an eyelash .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: an eyelash SRL for [opposed]: MCA strongly [opposed] the Drabinsky group 's move .,ARG-0: MCA | ARG-M-MNR: strongly | ARG-1: the Drabinsky group 's move SRL for [smeared]: John [smeared] baconnaise on his cheez whiz sandwich .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: baconnaise | ARG-2: on his cheez whiz sandwich "SRL for [aid]: The Fed chairman 's caution was apparent again on the Monday morning after the market 's plunge , when the central bank took only modest steps to [aid] the markets .",ARG-0: the central bank | ARG-2: the markets "SRL for [mulling]: After [mulling] over his experiences , Cheng decided that he is going to save up money to build the finest wood - fire pottery kiln in Taiwan .",ARG-1: over his experiences SRL for [tipped]: John [tipped] the waiter a measly 2 % .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: the waiter | ARG-1: a measly 2 % "SRL for [scout out]: Should USX be left with only Marathon , Mr. Corry might well feel pushed to [scout out] other energy companies .",ARG-0: Mr. Corry | ARG-1: other energy companies "SRL for [read]: `` I 've [read] Balzac , '' he answers critics .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: Balzac SRL for [counterchallenge]: Additional codes can be used to challenge and [counterchallenge] the authentications .,ARG-0: Additional codes | ARG-1: the authentications "SRL for [minute]: The harbor of Bastia was [minute] , suitable only for galleys and small craft",ARG-1: The harbor of Bastia SRL for [perseveration]: the student 's anxiety about these tasks may lead to stuck - in - set [perseveration] on more comfortable tasks .,ARG-1: on more comfortable tasks SRL for [budding]: The cold snap disrupted the flower 's [budding] .,ARG-1: flower 's SRL for [opened]: Thursday the US currency [opened] for trading at 143.93 yen .,ARG-M-TMP: Thursday | ARG-1: the US currency | ARG-M-PNC: for trading | ARG-M-EXT: at 143.93 yen "SRL for [doubts]: Although the original plan only calls for the Shihkang Work Station to operate for one year , Li Chieh - ying opines , "" I have my [doubts] about whether we 'll actually be able to leave after a year . """,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: about whether we 'll actually be able to leave after a year "SRL for [croak]: `` If they [croak] stocks like that , '' he said , it presents an opportunity that is `` the kind of thing you dream about . ''",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-ADV: stocks like that SRL for [substitute]: Perhaps Mr. Kleiber could let him [substitute] one of the songs about dead children and dark nights from Mahler 's `` Kindertotenlieder . '',ARG-0: him | ARG-1: one of the songs about dead children and dark nights from Mahler 's `` Kindertotenlieder "SRL for [crowded]: The whole lot . Yeah , when it 's [crowded] like that it 's impossible to get a steady pace going .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: like that | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [happens]: Its workforce [happens] to include its most productive members .,ARG-1: Its workforce | C-ARG-1: to include its most productive members SRL for [conception]: Hypermethylation liklly present at its [conception],ARG-1: its SRL for [assistance]: The UN 's [assistance] to Africa began several years ago .,ARG-0: UN 's | ARG-1: to Africa SRL for [poached]: I [poached] them in simmering water,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: in simmering water SRL for [plumb]: The weight will automatically [plumb] the string .,ARG-2: The weight | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-MNR: automatically | ARG-1: the string "SRL for [stretch out]: Whereas conventional securities financings are structured to be sold quickly , Wall Street 's new penchant for leveraged buy - outs and junk bonds is resulting in long - term lending commitments that [stretch out] for months or years .",ARG-1: long - term lending commitments | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: for months or years "SRL for [overlaid]: `` The only thing you do n't have , '' he said , `` is the ` portfolio insurance ' phenomenon [overlaid] on the rest . ''",ARG-1: the ` portfolio insurance ' phenomenon | ARG-2: on the rest "SRL for [mired]: Temple added that Sea Containers is still [mired] in legal problems in Bermuda , where the Supreme Court has temporarily barred Sea Containers from buying back its own stock in a case brought by Stena and Tiphook .","ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: Sea Containers | ARG-2: in legal problems | ARG-M-LOC: in Bermuda , where the Supreme Court has temporarily barred Sea Containers from buying back its own stock in a case brought by Stena and Tiphook" SRL for [jolts]: Lucille Gorman has become amazingly immune to stock - market [jolts] .,ARG-1: stock - market "SRL for [gagworthy]: She 's got ta be right , the stench of dead fish is [gagworthy] .",ARG-0: the stench of dead fish SRL for [employed]: The patient is [employed] caregiver .,ARG-1: The patient | ARG-2: caregiver "SRL for [amounted]: But in 1986 , program traders received what [amounted] to an exemption from the uptick rule in certain situations , to make it easier to link the stock and futures markets .",ARG-1: what | ARG-2: to an exemption from the uptick rule in certain situations "SRL for [Scot free]: Israel has illegally obtained and continues to have a nuclear arsenal , not to mention the innumerable UN violations against it 's neighbours , yet it is metaphorically [Scot free] to do as it pleases .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-ADV: metaphorically | ARG-3: to do as it pleases SRL for [reached]: He [reached] out his arm and showed his power .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-1: his arm SRL for [sandwiched]: He [sandwiched] his praise of constitutional meat between large loaves of bilious commentary .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his praise of constitutional meat | ARG-2: between large loaves of bilious commentary SRL for [change]: Customers [change] from borrowers to savers / investors .,ARG-1: Customers | ARG-3: from borrowers | ARG-2: to savers / investors "SRL for [disrobe]: He hesitated for a moment when Michelangelo asked him to [disrobe] , so Michelangelo gave him a piece of toweling to wrap around his loins , led him to the kitchen to take off his clothes .",ARG-0: him SRL for [trade - off]: The [trade - off] with bonds then is more security for less return on your investment .,ARG-3: with bonds SRL for [need]: the [need] for antibiotics,ARG-1: for antibiotics SRL for [decompression]: cervical and lumbar [decompression],ARG-1: cervical and lumbar SRL for [signal]: their [signal] to the world that now is the time to get tough onprices,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: to the world | ARG-1: that now is the time to get tough onprices SRL for [timid]: The pitcher has to find out if the hitter is [timid],ARG-1: the hitter "SRL for [convicted]: He was [convicted] of charging interest rates much higher than what the law permitted , and attempting to evade income taxes by using a double accounting system .","ARG-1: He | ARG-2: of charging interest rates much higher than what the law permitted , and attempting to evade income taxes by using a double accounting system" "SRL for [groped]: More stocks opened over the ensuing half hour , as the 49 Big Board specialist firms in charge of keeping the market orderly [groped] to find buy orders from major brokerage firms to match the selling flood .",ARG-0: the 49 Big Board specialist firms in charge of keeping the market orderly | ARG-M-PRP: to find buy orders from major brokerage firms to match the selling flood "SRL for [snagged]: But the effort became [snagged] on the question of what would become of other issues , ranging from cutting the capital - gains tax to child care to repeal of catastrophic - illness insurance .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: the effort | ARG-2: on the question of what would become of other issues , ranging from cutting the capital - gains tax to child care to repeal of catastrophic - illness insurance" SRL for [exploded]: Pockets [exploded] with one - yen coins .,ARG-1: Pockets | ARG-2: with one - yen coins SRL for [remains]: The US [remains] the leading trade partner for all of Asia .,ARG-1: The US | ARG-3: the leading trade partner for all of Asia "SRL for [crumbing]: This is much easier than *PRO* [crumbing] fish with flour , egg , and breadcrumbs .","ARG-1: fish | ARG-2: with flour , egg , and breadcrumbs" SRL for [swing]: a [swing] of the pendulum back to the gas side,ARG-1: of the pendulum | ARG-4: back to the gas side SRL for [Ruffled]: Chicken Chains [Ruffled] By Loss of Customers,ARG-1: Chicken Chains | ARG-0: By Loss of Customers SRL for [incumbent]: A member may sit in the Senate so long as he is [incumbent] in the office which entitles him to a place therein .,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: in the office which entitles him to a place therein "SRL for [expensive]: Even at $ 300 , it 's [expensive] for me .",ARG-M-ADV: Even | ARG-2: at $ 300 | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: for me SRL for [decentralizing]: A Soviet legislative panel rejected as not radical enough a government proposal on [decentralizing] economic control .,ARG-1: economic control SRL for [religious]: I take it u are very [religious] ? ?,ARG-0: u | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [redemption]: Shareholders ' [redemption] of preferred stock purchase rights .,ARG-0: Shareholders ' | ARG-1: of preferred stock purchase rights SRL for [logging]: The ban on [logging] natural forests has not protected ...,ARG-1: natural forests SRL for [repairs]: [repairs] to gas and electric power systems,ARG-1: to gas and electric power systems "SRL for [shell out]: Instead , China is likely to [shell out] ever - greater subsidies to its coddled state - run enterprises , which ate up $ 18 billion in bailouts last year .","ARG-0: China | ARG-1: ever - greater subsidies | ARG-2: to its coddled state - run enterprises , which ate up $ 18 billion in bailouts last year" SRL for [disservice]: Does she actually do a [disservice] to the Republican cause ?,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-1: to the Republican cause ? "SRL for [taxation]: the state taxation department ... was continuously revising and improving the policies , laws and regulations on the [taxation] of cooperation with the outside in exploring and developing petroleum ,",ARG-3: of cooperation with the outside in exploring and developing petroleum "SRL for [pigeonholed]: Facts show that as long as the two sides are willing to talk , the issues will not be [pigeonholed] .",ARG-M-ADV: as long as the two sides are willing to talk | ARG-1: the issues SRL for [omit]: He plans to tell clients to pay certain fees directly to the foundation instead of to him ; he would [omit] those fees from income reported on his return .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: those fees | ARG-2: from income reported on his return SRL for [measurable]: The surgical margin was [measurable] at 3 cm .,ARG-1: The surgical margin | ARG-3: at 3 cm "SRL for [dressed down]: When a large group of pilots once signed petitions opposing work - rule and compensation changes , he called a meeting in a company hangar and [dressed down] for challenging his authority .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: for challenging his authority SRL for [struck]: Sentiment was helped by the small gain made by New York stocks Wednesday despite anxiety over possible effects of the major earthquake that [struck] northern California Tuesday .,ARG-2: the major earthquake | R-ARG-2: that | ARG-1: northern California | ARG-M-TMP: Tuesday "SRL for [loutish]: The majority are [loutish] and do n't have any great intellectual capacity , but that does n't mean you should write them off , or that you should oppose their aims .",ARG-0: The majority SRL for [design]: It will [design] a system for the Saitama prefectural library .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a system | ARG-2: for the Saitama prefectural library "SRL for [grant]: Mr. Weeding suggested whether it would not save time and trouble , to limit the motion to the production of such papers as came to hand aftert their [grant] of ? 60,000 to the Noble Marquess .","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of ? 60,000 | ARG-2: to the Noble Marquess" "SRL for [triumph]: Eid - ul - Adha , which commemorates the trials and [triumph] of the Prophet Abraham .",ARG-0: of the Prophet Abraham "SRL for [estimate]: Goldman 's estimate for operating margins is 27 % , leading to their earnings [estimate] of 22c .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: earnings | ARG-2: of 22c "SRL for [slide]: If the runner 's [slide] or collision is flagrant , the runner shall be ejected from the contest .",ARG-1: runner 's "SRL for [save]: In following several other oil and gas partnerships that have made the conversion to a corporation in the last year , NRM also noted that tax advantages for partnerships have diminished under new tax laws and said it would [save] $ 2 million a year in administrative costs from the change .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: $ 2 million a year in administrative costs | ARG-3: the change "SRL for [fortified]: As before , they [fortified] against the attack .",ARG-M-MNR: As before | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-PRP: against the attack SRL for [aid]: Soviet [aid] to Kabul,ARG-0: Soviet | ARG-2: to Kabul SRL for [geminate]: Sessile spikelets [geminate] in all except the uppermost joints 26 .,ARG-1: Sessile spikelets | ARG-M-LOC: in all except the uppermost joints 26 "SRL for [maneuver]: Instead of castling , a standard measure to safeguard the king , D.T. made a second - rate rook [maneuver] at move 13 ; then it put a knight offside on move 16 .","ARG-M-ADV: Instead of castling , a standard measure to safeguard the king | ARG-0: D.T. | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-ADJ: second - rate | ARG-1: rook | ARG-M-TMP: at move 13" SRL for [called]: The worksheets were [called] ' Learning Materials ',ARG-1: The worksheets | ARG-2: ' Learning Materials ' SRL for [bank]: He said we 'll not make reservations but we will make plans etc but *PRO* not to [bank] on it .,ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: on it "SRL for [peaked]: The price war [peaked] in the third quarter as Big Three factory discounts climbed to more than $ 1,000 a vehicle , according to industry officials .","ARG-1: The price war | ARG-M-TMP: in the third quarter | ARG-M-TMP: as Big Three factory discounts climbed to more than $ 1,000 a vehicle" "SRL for [poaching]: That does n't scare Digital , which has grown to be the world 's second - largest computer maker by poaching [poaching] of IBM 's mid - range machines .",ARG-0: Digital | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: customers of IBM 's mid - range machines SRL for [eavesdrop]: `` But we were getting too many complaints that people were using them to [eavesdrop] on their neighbors . '',ARG-0: people | ARG-1: on their neighbors SRL for [shows]: Europe 's TV [shows],ARG-0: Europe 's | ARG-3: TV "SRL for [crying]: Yes , [crying] her eyes out , a big film like that .",ARG-1: her eyes | ARG-M-PRD: out "SRL for [riffing]: Line by line Mr. Friedman 's weary cynicism can be amusing , especially when he 's [riffing] on the Hollywood social scheme -- the way people size each other up , immediately canceling the desperate ones who merely almost made it .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: on the Hollywood social scheme -- the way people size each other up , immediately canceling the desperate ones who merely almost made it" SRL for [managed]: Wilder has [managed] to get across the idea that Coleman will say anything to get elected .,ARG-0: Wilder | ARG-1: to get across the idea that Coleman will say anything to get elected SRL for [counter]: But LTV 's move marks the first effort by a major steelmaker to [counter] the free fall in spot prices .,ARG-0: a major steelmaker | ARG-1: the free fall in spot prices "SRL for [addicted]: The efforts to get to the people who are [addicted] , try to rehabilitate them ; ...",ARG-1: who "SRL for [portray]: The program traders , on the other hand , [portray] old - fashioned stock pickers as the Neanderthals of the industry .",ARG-0: The program traders | ARG-M-DIS: on the other hand | ARG-1: old - fashioned stock pickers | ARG-2: as the Neanderthals of the industry SRL for [jejunostomy]: underwent high [jejunostomy],ARG-3: high SRL for [configuration]: Leslie 's [configuration] of the wood blocks looked a lot like a fort .,ARG-0: Leslie 's | ARG-1: of the wood blocks "SRL for [summate]: It has of course been a mighty agent in evolution , for those who can [summate] all their energies in attack have survived .",ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: all their energies | ARG-M-GOL: in attack SRL for [slivered]: A major difference is that a snapped wooden pencil will have a [slivered] break while a plastic model will break cleanly .,ARG-0: break "SRL for [angered]: Mr. Smith [angered] Federal 's pilots , too .",ARG-0: Mr. Smith | ARG-1: Federal 's pilots | ARG-M-DIS: too SRL for [black]: The wall was [black] from the constant stoking of the fire during the winter months .,ARG-1: The wall | ARG-0: from the constant stoking of the fire during the winter months "SRL for [taking on]: Despite the concern of their lawyers and accountants about their [taking on] new partners , they developed a plan to open a dozen food businesses under the same brand utilizing committed , passionate business partners that upheld the same ideals of community involvement .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: new partners SRL for [steepened]: The landslides have [steepened] the mountain sides .,ARG-0: The landslides | ARG-1: the mountain sides SRL for [sovereign]: We have an elected House of Commons which is [sovereign] .,ARG-0: which "SRL for [benefited]: The Continental Baking business [benefited] from higher margins on bread and on increased cake sales , it added .",ARG-1: The Continental Baking business | ARG-0: from higher margins on bread and on increased cake sales "SRL for [deficit]: At last the climax came , an audit was demanded , and the result was a profit [deficit] of £ 10 3s .",ARG-2: profit | ARG-3: of £ 10 3s SRL for [caromed]: The car [caromed] off the guardrail into the ditch .,ARG-1: The car | ARG-2: off the guardrail | ARG-3: into the ditch SRL for [snagged]: The employees also said the project may have been [snagged] by budgetary concerns .,ARG-1: the project | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-0: by budgetary concerns SRL for [equivocal]: The FISH is [equivocal] so we feel oncotype dx would propbably be helpful in this situation .,ARG-0: The FISH SRL for [effervesced]: 1.6 million tons of CO2 [effervesced] into the atmosphere,ARG-1: 1.6 million tons of CO2 | ARG-M-DIR: into the atmosphere SRL for [harmonize]: The new students will [harmonize] their views with the situation .,ARG-0: The new students | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: their views | ARG-2: with the situation SRL for [bu99er]: got there and looked at each other and then said ' [bu99er] it ' let s have some fun !,ARG-1: it SRL for [flake]: Girls love to [flake] on guys they just met .,ARG-0: Girls | ARG-1: on guys they just met "SRL for [rent]: And while Chuck Schumer bunks on work nights with three fellow congressmen in this rowhouse and other freshmen senators [rent] small apartments -- I got two bedrooms and a sofa bed so my children can come when they feel like it , Hillary and her husband buy a new $ 2.8 million mansion .",ARG-0: other freshmen senators | ARG-1: small apartments | ARG-M-ADV: I got two bedrooms and a sofa bed so my children can come when they feel like it "SRL for [extinction]: Hey ........ 30 years ago , I was reading about all kinds of hysterical doomsday theories of the [extinction] of this natural resource or that natural resource .",ARG-1: of this natural resource or that natural resource "SRL for [gorgeous]: Were you in LA before this ? I 've never really been , but I hear San Diego is [gorgeous]",ARG-1: San Diego "SRL for [conjugated]: We [conjugated] the two Py - Im polyamides with a cyanine dye , either Cy3 or Cy5 , and used the conjugates Cy3 - Py - Im polyamide and Cy5 - Py - Im polyamide as a fluorescence donor - acceptor pair .","ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the two Py - Im polyamides | ARG-2: with a cyanine dye , either Cy3 or Cy5 | ARG-3: Cy3 - Py - Im polyamide and Cy5 - Py - Im polyamide" "SRL for [overshadowed]: One was that , despite his 62 regular - season wins over the past three seasons in the Land Beyond the Late News , he has been [overshadowed] by his more - muscular mates and missed out on prizes that might have been his due .",ARG-1: he | ARG-0: by his more - muscular mates "SRL for [boring]: A San Francisco lawyer , Mr. Panelli rowed religiously when he first got the machine , but , he complains , it left grease marks on his carpet , `` and it was [boring] .",ARG-0: it "SRL for [mind]: A modest drop in the dollar -- only a modest one , [mind] you -- would be welcomed by the U.S.",ARG-1: you "SRL for [intensification]: Despite its [intensification] of diplomatic efforts , Azerbaijan is obliged to maintain its military strength .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of diplomatic efforts "SRL for [adamant]: I 'm leaving Feingold out because he 's been so [adamant] about not running , but you could mark him as Other , I suppose .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-1: about not running SRL for [earthquake]: The San Francisco [earthquake] of 1906 was a major earthquake that struck San Francisco and the coast of Northern California .,ARG-1: San Francisco | ARG-M-TMP: of 1906 SRL for [overpopulating]: areas where they are [overpopulating],ARG-0: they | ARG-1: areas SRL for [employed]: The patient is currently [employed] as a translator for a foreign government .,ARG-1: The patient | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-2: as a translator | ARG-0: for a foreign government SRL for [tour]: Charles and Diana visited a JC Penney 's on the prince 's last official US [tour] /.,ARG-0: the prince 's | ARG-M-TMP: last | ARG-M-ADJ: official | ARG-1: US SRL for [jealous]: Sam was [jealous] of his wife : he did n't want other men to come near her for fear of losing her .,ARG-0: Sam | ARG-1: of his wife "SRL for [resorbed]: As bone is [resorbed] by osteoclasts , bone collagen degradation fragments are released into the bloodstream and excreted in urine .",ARG-1: bone | ARG-0: by osteoclasts SRL for [telexed]: We [telexed] the information to our sister company .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the information | ARG-2: to our sister company SRL for [blustered]: I never felt better in my life Fiske [blustered] .,ARG-0: Fiske | ARG-1: I never felt better in my life "SRL for [validation]: My talks gave [validation] to those who believed they were learning about many aspects of life , including spirituality , from their pets .","ARG-0: My talks | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-1: to those who believed they were learning about many aspects of life , including spirituality , from their pets" SRL for [immortalization]: Selective [immortalization] of tumor - specific T cells to establish long - term T - cell lines maintaining primary cell characteristics .,ARG-M-MNR: Selective | ARG-1: tumor - specific T cells "SRL for [darkened]: For a moment , anger [darkened] the hallway about her , and when she found her voice , anger thickened it .",ARG-M-TMP: For a moment | ARG-0: anger | ARG-1: the hallway about her "SRL for [dampened]: The paint was dry on the face , so I lightly [dampened] it with medium applied with a soft brush .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: lightly | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with medium applied with a soft brush SRL for [chaotic]: It was [chaotic] because everyone was just busy saving themselves and many people were n't pulling up the people below them .,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-CAU: because everyone was just busy saving themselves and many people were n't pulling up the people below them "SRL for [charged]: Instead , an appropriate institution should be [charged] with the job of preventing chaos in the market : the Federal Reserve .",ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: an appropriate institution | ARG-2: with the job of preventing chaos in the market "SRL for [extended]: In recent months a group of lenders , led by Bank of America , has [extended] Control Data up to $ 90 million in revolving loans through January , as well as $ 115 million in standby letters of credit .","ARG-M-TMP: In recent months | ARG-0: a group of lenders , led by Bank of America | ARG-2: Control Data | ARG-1: up to $ 90 million in revolving loans through January , as well as $ 115 million in standby letters of credit" SRL for [barbequed]: I [barbequed] the brisket for a total of 7 - 1/4 hours .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the brisket | ARG-M-TMP: for a total of 7 - 1/4 hours SRL for [minded]: He 's really open - [minded],ARG-1: He | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-2: open SRL for [unload]: The thrift is also working to [unload] its junk - bond portfolio by continuing to sell off the bonds ...,ARG-0: The thrift | ARG-1: its junk - bond portfolio | ARG-2: by continuing to sell off the bonds "SRL for [drug up]: We moderns have no doubt but that it is a good idea *PRO* to [drug up] on Ritalin and anti anxiety drugs and antidepressants , this highly drugged society has no basis to complain about weed and coke .",ARG-1: people | ARG-2: on Ritalin and anti anxiety drugs and antidepressants SRL for [flow]: the [flow] of foreign capital to the U.S.,ARG-1: of foreign capital | ARG-M-GOL: to the U.S. "SRL for [re - exported]: Plus the portion [re - exported] from Hong Kong , export to the US accounted for over 35 percent of the total Chinese export value .",ARG-1: the portion | ARG-0: from Hong Kong SRL for [seeded]: Lane four is traditionally where the fastest swimmer is [seeded] .,ARG-1: the fastest swimmer | ARG-2: where SRL for [patent]: Western Union 's Edison [patent],ARG-0: Western Union 's | ARG-2: Edison "SRL for [publishing]: Avatar Press is most notable for their [publishing] of "" Bad Girl "" comics such as Pandora , who is considered by many to be their flagship character .","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of "" Bad Girl "" comics such as Pandora , who is considered by many to be their flagship character" "SRL for [lane]: Dale Totten , resident engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation , noted that VDOT would four - [lane] the road for about $ 13 million if it had more money .",ARG-0: VDOT | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: four | ARG-1: the road | ARG-M-ADV: for about $ 13 million | ARG-M-ADV: if it had more money "SRL for [dabs]: But at just that moment , he is interrupted in his office by a servant in tuxedo who pours coffee from silver into a cup of china and [dabs] the brim with linen .",ARG-0: a servant in tuxedo | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: the brim | ARG-2: with linen SRL for [normal]: Her hemoglobin was [normal] at 13.4 .,ARG-1: Her hemoglobin | ARG-3: at 13.4 "SRL for [laments]: Collectors do n't say `` It 's a van Gogh '' anymore , [laments] Harry Brooks , the president of Wildenstein & Co. , a New York gallery .","ARG-1: Collectors do n't say `` It 's a van Gogh '' anymore | ARG-0: Harry Brooks , the president of Wildenstein & Co. , a New York gallery" SRL for [savvied]: He [savvied] wild horses .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: wild horses SRL for [corrosion]: The [corrosion] of the American spirit,ARG-1: of the American spirit SRL for [twigged]: A flash illumined the trees as a crooked bolt [twigged] in several directions .,ARG-1: a crooked bolt | ARG-M-DIR: in several directions SRL for [Gutting]: 4 [Gutting] of Medicare : Elderly Americans will be given a yearly allowance for health coverage,ARG-1: of Medicare SRL for [shared]: I have never seen a case of incompetence [shared] by so many participants . '',ARG-1: incompetence | ARG-0: by so many participants "SRL for [unjust]: I would argue that any law that I judge to be [unjust] is inherently illegitimate and thus I have no moral obligation to follow it or consider it to be a moral principle , nor would I use it to guide my decision making in any more than potentially in a practical sense .",ARG-1: that SRL for [reintroduced]: John [reintroduced] Mary to the pleasures of chocolate ice cream .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: to the pleasures of chocolate ice cream SRL for [better]: Everything is [better] when its free .,ARG-1: Everything | ARG-M-TMP: when its free SRL for [admonishing]: At his first school in the U.S. he was thought a little strange for shutting off open water taps and [admonishing] his schoolmates to take only brief showers .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his schoolmates | ARG-2: to take only brief showers "SRL for [contrasts]: This [contrasts] with the year - ago quarter , when the company had net income of $ 11.7 million , or 45 cents a share , on revenue of $ 75.7 million .","ARG-1: This | ARG-2: with the year - ago quarter , when the company had net income of $ 11.7 million , or 45 cents a share , on revenue of $ 75.7 million" SRL for [execution]: the [execution] of mass - murderer Ted Bundy,ARG-1: of mass - murderer Ted Bundy "SRL for [going]: Currently in the middle of a four - week , 20 - city tour as a solo pianist , Mr. Glass has left behind his synthesizers , equipment and collaborators in favor of [going] it alone .",ARG-0: Mr. Glass | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: alone "SRL for [slept away]: David Cortlandt , having [slept away] a day and a night , came awake in a plank farmhouse on the Harlem River near Spuyten Duyvil .",ARG-0: David Cortlandt | ARG-1: a day and a night "SRL for [lifting]: At about 10:40 a.m. EDT , several big buy orders hit the S & P pit simultaneously , [lifting] the futures up out of the trading limit and eventually into ranges that caused computer - driven program buying of stocks .",ARG-0: several big buy orders | ARG-1: the futures | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-3: out of the trading limit | ARG-M-TMP: eventually | ARG-4: into ranges that caused computer - driven program buying of stocks SRL for [stunned]: I 'm still [stunned] because I figured AZ would be way more likely to go for Santorum a little strongly compared to MI .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-CAU: because I figured AZ would be way more likely to go for Santorum a little strongly compared to MI "SRL for [sidelined]: Babe Ruth 's hot - dog - eating binges were so extreme , they [sidelined] him from games .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from games "SRL for [rare]: The burger was so [rare] that the bits that fell out when I picked the burger up , they could be pressed and molded .","ARG-1: The burger | ARG-M-CXN: so | C-ARG-M-CXN: that the bits that fell out when I picked the burger up , they could be pressed and molded" "SRL for [slumped]: In the auto sector , Bayerische Motoren Werke plunged 14.5 marks to 529 marks ( $ 288 ) , Daimler - Benz dropped 10.5 to 700 , and Volkswagen [slumped] 9 to 435.5 .",ARG-M-LOC: In the auto sector | ARG-1: Volkswagen | ARG-2: 9 | ARG-4: to 435.5 SRL for [talced]: He [talced] himself with the dust of the forest floor .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: himself | ARG-M-MNR: with the dust of the forest floor "SRL for [evolution]: Concept of the Buddha , Its [evolution] from early Buddhism to the trikaya theory .",ARG-1: Its | ARG-3: from early Buddhism | ARG-2: to the trikaya theory SRL for [sick]: After the birth of our first child it was time for me to go back to work and I was [sick] with worry about who could possibly care for my child .,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: with worry | ARG-M-ADV: about who could possibly care for my child SRL for [working]: Mr. Cray has been [working] on the project for more than six years .,ARG-0: Mr. Cray | ARG-1: on the project | ARG-M-TMP: for more than six years SRL for [lied]: John [lied] to Mary about his whereabouts during their planned date .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: to Mary | ARG-1: about his whereabouts during their planned date "SRL for [accrue]: The El Paso , Texas , maker of Western boots and leather accessories said the preferred stock would [accrue] dividends at a 12 % rate , but would n't be paid for the first two years .",ARG-0: the preferred stock | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: dividends | ARG-M-MNR: at a 12 % rate "SRL for [worrying]: It 's [worrying] that some people need more clarification past "" vampires do n't exist "" .","ARG-0: that some people need more clarification past "" vampires do n't exist """ SRL for [colectomy]: ascending total abdominal [colectomy],ARG-1: ascending total | ARG-M-DIR: abdominal "SRL for [reviewing]: First up was a conference at National Taiwan University on the subject of [reviewing] the cases of persons persecuted as "" communist spies . ""","ARG-1: the cases of persons persecuted as "" communist spies" SRL for [establishment]: the formal [establishment] between our two countries,ARG-M-MNR: formal | ARG-0: between our two countries SRL for [appellation]: The [appellation] of ' rapist ' is stigmatising enough ; the scum who rape people clearly do n't care about the consequences .,ARG-2: of ' rapist ' "SRL for [logs on]: If it finds one and gets into the system , it will display a screen when a user [logs on] that says , `` Worms Against Nuclear Killers ... .",ARG-0: a user | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [respectful]: She also was very [respectful] in her final days of dissent in the previous coallition , and did n't even call for him to resign .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-M-TMP: in her final days of dissent | ARG-M-LOC: in the previous coallition SRL for [went berrying]: We [went berrying] this morning .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-TMP: this morning "SRL for [housed]: The only difference is , in those cities the poor are [housed] in high - rise - project apartments each consisting of one room , with rusty pipes called plumbing , rodents and cockroaches everywhere and nonworking elevators -- and with the building patrolled by gangs and drug dealers .","ARG-M-LOC: in those cities | ARG-1: the poor | ARG-2: in high - rise - project apartments each consisting of one room , with rusty pipes called plumbing , rodents and cockroaches everywhere and nonworking elevators -- and with the building patrolled by gangs and drug dealers" SRL for [knows]: The other side [knows] that Giuliani has always been prochoice .,ARG-0: The other side | ARG-1: that Giuliani has always been prochoice "SRL for [abounding]: Shanxi province is located at the intersection of the Mid - west and the East , and is also an important national production base for coal and electricity commodities , is [abounding] in resources , with low labor costs and land prices , and possessing an industrial foundation abundant in economy and technology and a broad market .",ARG-2: Shanxi province | ARG-1: in resources | ARG-M-PRD: with low labor costs and land prices | ARG-M-PRD: possessing an industrial foundation abundant in economy and technology and a broad market "SRL for [vegan]: I ca n't kill a baby bird , I 'm [vegan]",ARG-1: I SRL for [earns]: Composer Marc Marder [earns] his living playing the double bass in classical music ensembles .,ARG-0: Composer Marc Marder | ARG-1: his living | ARG-M-MNR: playing the double bass in classical music ensembles SRL for [trucked]: All the waste will be [trucked] along Provincial Highway 15 .,ARG-1: All the waste | ARG-M-DIR: along Provincial Highway 15 "SRL for [necessitated]: In a statement , Mr. Merksamer described the filing as a `` legal technicality , '' but also said that `` our inability to obtain trade credit , combined with a need to ensure that our stores were properly stocked for the Christmas season , [necessitated] our filing Chapter 11 . ''",ARG-0: our inability to obtain trade credit | ARG-M-ADV: combined with a need to ensure that our stores were properly stocked for the Christmas season | ARG-1: our filing Chapter 11 SRL for [misdiagnosed]: Nic 's pediatrician [misdiagnosed] him with ADHD .,ARG-0: Nic 's pediatrician | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with ADHD SRL for [overreacting]: But he thinks investors may be [overreacting] to the market 's problems .,ARG-0: investors | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: to the market 's problems "SRL for [accompanied]: Mr. Dempsey estimated that the issue 's London debut was [accompanied] by `` very , very heavy turnover -- between five million and six million shares . ''","ARG-1: the issue 's London debut | ARG-0: by `` very , very heavy turnover -- between five million and six million shares" "SRL for [undersold]: At the end of November , relevant state authorities [undersold] temporary grain reserves twice consecutively in a seven day period in order to increase the supply in the raw grain market and meet enterprises ' demand for grain .",ARG-M-TMP: At the end of November | ARG-0: relevant state authorities | ARG-1: temporary grain reserves | ARG-M-TMP: twice consecutively in a seven day period | ARG-M-PRP: in order to increase the supply in the raw grain market and meet enterprises ' demand for grain "SRL for [ruminated]: The writer and executive producer of `` Settle the Score , '' Steve Sohmer , is a graduate of Yale who participated in a PBS documentary , aired this summer , in which six members of the Yale class of 1963 [ruminated] about their lives since graduation .",ARG-0: six members of the Yale class of 1963 | ARG-1: about their lives since graduation SRL for [borborygmic]: A rumble of [borborygmic] thunder crashed across the grim landscape of his consciousness,ARG-0: thunder SRL for [responsive]: Personnel are [responsive] to the individual health needs of children and youth,ARG-0: Personnel | ARG-1: to the individual health needs of children and youth SRL for [fax]: You can [fax] us at 241 - 2760 .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: us | ARG-M-LOC: at 241 - 2760 "SRL for [reconstituted]: In doing so , she [reconstituted] Valentine 's Day as V - Day .",ARG-M-ADV: In doing so | ARG-0: she | ARG-2: Valentine 's Day | ARG-1: as V - Day "SRL for [surrendered]: Last week , Robert M. Bradley , one of the Big Board 's most respected floor traders and head of a major traders ' organization , [surrendered] .","ARG-M-TMP: Last week | ARG-0: Robert M. Bradley , one of the Big Board 's most respected floor traders and head of a major traders ' organization" SRL for [safe]: An aircraft inspector plays an important role in ensuring that airplanes are [safe] for all .,ARG-0: airplanes | ARG-1: for all "SRL for [raped]: I mean , these folks are so uptight that they blame pretty Kate for the fact that when she was a teen - ager , someone tied her hands behind her back , thrust her head into a gunny sack , brutally [raped] and beat her , and then left her to die in a cold - storage room .",ARG-0: someone | ARG-M-MNR: brutally | ARG-1: her SRL for [congested]: Roads are [congested] and people are angry !,ARG-1: Roads SRL for [soft]: Thank God the ground was [soft] from the rain .,ARG-1: the ground | ARG-0: from the rain SRL for [repatriating]: The international community commonly recognizes that voluntarily [repatriating] refugees to their original countries is the best approach to permanently resolving refugee problems .,ARG-M-MNR: voluntarily | ARG-1: refugees | ARG-2: to their original countries "SRL for [inevitable]: I 'm so afraid of rejection and the "" let 's just be friends "" speech- which I know is [inevitable] from him",ARG-1: which | ARG-0: from him "SRL for [saturate]: As hamburger and pizza outlets [saturate] one area after another , franchisers are struggling desperately for market share , slashing prices and stepping up costly promotions .",ARG-0: hamburger and pizza outlets | ARG-1: one area after another "SRL for [caught]: But the government 's action , which [caught] Jaguar management flat - footed , ...",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: the government 's action | ARG-1: Jaguar management | ARG-2: flat - footed SRL for [microblogging]: Many people were [microblogging] during the crisis .,ARG-0: Many people | ARG-M-TMP: during the crisis "SRL for [suspected]: Those employees are [suspected] of illegally gaining an estimated $ 376.8 million , the prosecutor was quoted as saying by the Excelsior news service .",ARG-2: Those employees | ARG-1: of illegally gaining an estimated $ 376.8 million "SRL for [declared]: When Rhea gave birth to Poseidon , she [declared] to Cronos that she had given birth to a horse .",ARG-M-TMP: When Rhea gave birth to Poseidon | ARG-0: she | ARG-2: to Cronos | ARG-1: that she had given birth to a horse "SRL for [surveyed]: However , Bowers 's son - in - law , Roy Green , Jr. , who is a surveyor , prepared a plat in 1975 that [surveyed] the property at 131 acres .",ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the property | ARG-3: at 131 acres SRL for [NON - AFRICAN AMERICAN]: GFR -- [NON - AFRICAN AMERICAN] 60 - 100 ML / MIN above 60, SRL for [chugged]: Tractors [chugged] through rich fields with their wagons full of seed potatoes .,ARG-1: Tractors | ARG-2: through rich fields | ARG-M-MNR: with their wagons full of seed potatoes "SRL for [true]: You can look for a long time before you find a saint 's life rounded off with a happy ending , and Catherine 's is [true] to form .",ARG-1: Catherine 's | ARG-2: to form SRL for [rollback]: Cook County commissioners could n't make their [rollback] of the county 's controversial sales tax stick Tuesday,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the county 's controversial sales tax "SRL for [credited]: The 41 - year - old Mr. Azoff , a former rock ' n ' roll manager , is [credited] with turning around MCA 's once - moribund music division in his six years at the company .","ARG-1: The 41 - year - old Mr. Azoff , a former rock ' n ' roll manager | ARG-2: with turning around MCA 's once - moribund music division in his six years at the company" "SRL for [antagonize]: Whatever the outcome of a test case , President Bushwould have to move cautiously becase the very attempt would `` [antagonize] not just Democrats but Republicans , '' says Louis Fisher , a scholar at the Congressional Research Service who specializes in executive - legislative relations .",ARG-0: the very attempt | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: not just Democrats but Republicans "SRL for [recessed]: Four tubular steel `` Bedfellows , '' each roughly in the shape of a `` W , '' are attached to the bottom of the box spring in a [recessed] position .",ARG-1: position "SRL for [relabeling]: The U.S. did manage to supply the Dutch with oil by [relabeling] supplies ; once oil is shipped , no one can tell its source . [",ARG-0: The U.S. | ARG-1: supplies "SRL for [exclaiming]: An elderly visitor was overheard [exclaiming] to his wife : "" They made such beautiful tiles !",ARG-0: An elderly visitor | ARG-2: to his wife | ARG-1: They made such beautiful tiles "SRL for [busted]: They claim to have [busted] spirits , poltergeists and other spooks in hundreds of houses around the country .","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: spirits , poltergeists and other spooks | ARG-M-LOC: in hundreds of houses around the country" SRL for [influence]: its [influence] as a port city on the entire country,ARG-0: its | ARG-M-PRD: as a port city | ARG-1: on the entire country SRL for [confused]: People are [confused] about what they should eat to stay healthy .,ARG-1: People | ARG-2: about what they should eat to stay healthy "SRL for [focused]: Dealers said most investor interest was [focused] on defensive blue - chip stocks , particularly those with limited U.K. exposure .","ARG-1: most investor interest | ARG-2: on defensive blue - chip stocks , particularly those with limited U.K. exposure" SRL for [wakened]: Some hours later I was [wakened] from a sound sleep by a commotion in the next room .,ARG-M-TMP: Some hours later | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: from a sound sleep | ARG-0: by a commotion in the next room SRL for [booked]: He was [booked] for DUI on Friday night in Beverly Hills .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: for DUI | ARG-M-TMP: on Friday night | ARG-M-LOC: in Beverly Hills "SRL for [stalled]: But , he added , interest - rate - sensitive stocks in general are [stalled] .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-DIS: in general | ARG-1: interest - rate - sensitive stocks "SRL for [canceled]: Speaking of dark nights , the Met 's next - door neighbor , the New York City Opera , has [canceled] its season after failing to reach a settlement with its musicians , who wanted pay parity with the the Chicago Lyric and San Francisco Opera orchestras .","ARG-M-DIS: Speaking of dark nights | ARG-0: the Met 's next - door neighbor , the New York City Opera | ARG-1: its season | ARG-M-TMP: after failing to reach a settlement with its musicians , who wanted pay parity with the the Chicago Lyric and San Francisco Opera orchestras" "SRL for [drink]: They worry about their careers , [drink] too much and suffer through broken marriages and desultory affairs .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: too much "SRL for [inevitable]: That if the jury believed that the steamboat , by keeping her course , would have run upon the snag , and that if in order to save the steamboat the pilot changed her course , and run the keel - boat upon the snag , the steamboat ought to pay for the keel - boat ; but if the accident was [inevitable] to the keel - boat by keeping their course , and if by a change of the course of the boats , the steamboat would have been injured , defendant was not liable for the loss .",ARG-1: the accident | ARG-2: to the keel - boat | ARG-M-MNR: by keeping their course "SRL for [jolted]: The decline surprised analysts and [jolted] HomeFed 's stock , which lost 8.6 % of its value , closing at $ 38.50 on the New York Stock Exchange , down $ 3.625 .","ARG-0: The decline | ARG-1: HomeFed 's stock , which lost 8.6 % of its value , closing at $ 38.50 on the New York Stock Exchange , down $ 3.625" "SRL for [pace]: Newsweek , trying to keep [pace] with rival Time magazine , announced new advertising rates for 1990 and said it will introduce a new incentive plan for advertisers .",ARG-1: Newsweek | ARG-M-LVB: keep | ARG-2: with rival Time magazine SRL for [make]: We will do everything we can to [make] sure that he shows up at his court date there .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: sure that he shows up at his court date there SRL for [Immunosuppression]: [Immunosuppression] of transplant patients is a serious concern .,ARG-1: of transplant patients "SRL for [sailed]: The pitch [sailed] toward Bobby Thomson high and inside and then , with a crack of the bat , was sent rocketing back into the lower leftfield stands .",ARG-0: The pitch | ARG-M-DIR: toward Bobby Thomson | ARG-M-MNR: high and inside "SRL for [versed]: When the Family later moved to Kent he continued his private studies with a local Anglican organist , who [versed] him in harmony and counterpoint as well as teaching him the organ .",ARG-0: a local Anglican organist | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: in harmony and counterpoint "SRL for [enjoyed]: In savings activity , Mr. Sandler said consumer deposits have [enjoyed] a steady increase throughout 1989 .",ARG-0: consumer deposits | ARG-1: a steady increase | ARG-M-TMP: throughout 1989 SRL for [boosted]: Such devices have [boosted] Japanese investment in mortgage - backed securities to more than 1 % of the $ 900 billion in such instruments outstanding .,ARG-0: Such devices | ARG-1: Japanese investment in mortgage - backed securities | ARG-4: to more than 1 % of the $ 900 billion in such instruments outstanding "SRL for [lived up]: The current dispute involves allegations that Charlotte , N.C.-based First Union has n't [lived up] to its responsibilities under the reinvestment act .","ARG-0: Charlotte , N.C.-based First Union | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: to its responsibilities under the reinvestment act" "SRL for [gaming]: On Indian [gaming] , I 'll mention that the Navajo Nation put casino gambling on the ballot twice .",ARG-1: Indian "SRL for [showing]: According to department policy , prosecutors must make a strong [showing] that lawyers ' fees came from assets tainted by illegal profits before any attempts at seizure are made .",ARG-M-ADV: According to department policy | ARG-0: prosecutors | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-MNR: strong | ARG-1: that lawyers ' fees came from assets tainted by illegal profits | ARG-M-TMP: before any attempts at seizure are made SRL for [wave]: This current [wave] of anti - Syrian attitudes,ARG-M-TMP: current | ARG-1: of anti - Syrian attitudes SRL for [clacked]: She [clacked] her shoes on the deep gray tile .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her shoes | ARG-2: on the deep gray tile SRL for [improbability]: We can only stand amazed at the [improbability] of the actual event if we specify it a priori :,ARG-1: of the actual event SRL for [breakdown]: There was a power [breakdown],ARG-1: power SRL for [indicate]: Longer maturities [indicate] declining interest rates .,ARG-0: Longer maturities | ARG-1: declining interest rates SRL for [discredit]: Mr. Murray also said Judge Hampton 's comments did n't [discredit] the judiciary or the administration of justice .,ARG-0: Judge Hampton 's comments | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the judiciary or the administration of justice "SRL for [given up]: Of those , Chen Tao - ming has since [given up] art and gone into business , Li Yuan - chia passed away in Britain , and Ouyang Wen - yuan does n't paint any more because of psychological problems .",ARG-M-ADV: Of those | ARG-0: Chen Tao - ming | ARG-M-TMP: since | ARG-1: art "SRL for [comfort]: If we are comforted , it is so that we can [comfort] you .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: you SRL for [punt]: Democrats [punt] on the war bill .,ARG-0: Democrats | ARG-1: on the war bill SRL for [diurese]: Furosemide was used to *PRO* [diurese] the patient .,ARG-1: the patient SRL for [coverage]: Travel delay [coverage] of $ 100,ARG-3: Travel delay | ARG-2: of $ 100 "SRL for [stifles]: But according to David Jones , Humana 's chief executive , it promotes technology monopolies , [stifles] innovation and raises prices .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: innovation "SRL for [eclipse]: No one expects minimills to [eclipse] major integrated steelmakers , who remain the undisputed kings of highest - quality steel used for autos and refrigerators .","ARG-0: minimills | ARG-1: major integrated steelmakers , who remain the undisputed kings of highest - quality steel used for autos and refrigerators" "SRL for [narrowed]: Combustion reported improved profits in its automation and control products businesses , and it [narrowed] its losses in its public sector and environmental segment .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its losses in its public sector and environmental segment SRL for [tolerance]: His [tolerance] only extends so far .,ARG-0: His SRL for [kvetched]: My mother [kvetched] all day about the cheesecake being undercooked .,ARG-0: My mother | ARG-M-TMP: all day | ARG-1: about the cheesecake being undercooked SRL for [buddy]: He was trying to [buddy] with Archibald .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: with Archibald "SRL for [comprehend]: When Robin burst on stage in a Hawaiian shirt and baggy trousers , the crowd cheered and applauded -- ; barely able to [comprehend] that Robin had landed in Oz , let alone materialized before their eyes without oopla or hype .",ARG-0: the crowd | ARG-1: that Robin had landed in Oz "SRL for [fundamental]: East Timor truth commission finds U.S. "" political and military support were [fundamental] to the Indonesian invasion and occupation "" .","ARG-1: U.S. "" political and military support | ARG-2: to the Indonesian invasion and occupation" "SRL for [lighting up]: `` They are n't showing James Madison taking a puff or [lighting up] , '' says Laurence Tribe , a professor of constitutional law at Harvard University .",ARG-0: James Madison "SRL for [exaptation]: Assuming a biological approach , one suggestion that has a significant number of supporters is that syntax is an [exaptation] from nonsyntactic structure .",ARG-3: from nonsyntactic structure SRL for [vamping]: According to Darwin it is the males who do the [vamping] .,ARG-0: who | ARG-M-LVB: do SRL for [aspirated]: The patient [aspirated] vomit into his lungs .,ARG-0: The patient | ARG-1: vomit | ARG-2: into his lungs SRL for [inched]: ... revenue [inched] up 1.4 % to $ 7.13 billion from $ 7.03 billion .,ARG-1: revenue | ARG-5: up | ARG-2: 1.4 % | ARG-4: to $ 7.13 billion | ARG-3: from $ 7.03 billion "SRL for [Comments]: [Comments] one Taiwanese businessman , "" You worry that your kid is going to become a communist . """,ARG-1: You worry that your kid is going to become a communist | ARG-0: one Taiwanese businessman SRL for [matchmaking]: The [matchmaking] of organ characteristics,ARG-1: of organ characteristics "SRL for [bend]: I knew I must not look openly at the Queen , only notice her [bend] of the head in return for my low curtsey .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of the head "SRL for [plagued]: Perhaps there is a greater need among modern people - [plagued] by stress , insomnia , anxiety , and inability to concentrate - to find a way to chill out .","ARG-1: modern people | ARG-2: by stress , insomnia , anxiety , and inability to concentrate" "SRL for [took]: When he reached the more affluent district , or what passed for such in this city , he [took] to the alleys .","ARG-M-TMP: When he reached the more affluent district , or what passed for such in this city | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: to the alleys" "SRL for [foaled]: She [foaled] a great big bay colt by Streak and Dash on April 23rd , 2008 .","ARG-0: She | ARG-1: a great big bay colt by Streak and Dash | ARG-M-TMP: on April 23rd , 2008" SRL for [tan yellow]: The background liver is [tan yellow] .,ARG-1: The background liver "SRL for [contention]: On the [contention] over this issue , the blue and green alliances say that ultimately it is whether or not to identify with the "" One China "" principle , and it is essentially a dispute about "" Unification or Independence . """,ARG-1: over this issue SRL for [dragging]: If you have been giving her wormer it could be that her [dragging] of her butt across the floor could be from the worms coming out .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of her butt | ARG-M-DIR: across the floor SRL for [show]: A new [show] for FX,ARG-3: for FX "SRL for [become]: It is time to recognize that the New York Stock Exchange , the futures markets and the options markets , though physically separate , have actually [become] so closely intertwined as to constitute one market effectively .", "SRL for [rooting]: The only thing I 'm [rooting] for is for the Series to go seven games , '' said David Williams , a Sacramento septuagenarian , at the Coliseum before Sunday 's go .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: for | C-ARG-1: The only thing "SRL for [recession]: Edwin hypothesized that the further the galaxy , the faster its [recession] from earth ; this became known as the Hubble Constant ( Ho ) .",ARG-0: its | ARG-M-DIR: from earth "SRL for [signed]: On November 24 the New Party , which had already pulled out of the Advisory Group , published an article in the press [signed] by leading members such as Yu Mu - ming and Chen Kui - miao , in which they called on the government to take the constitution as its starting point for breaking the "" one China "" deadlock .",ARG-1: an article in the press | ARG-0: by leading members such as Yu Mu - ming and Chen Kui - miao "SRL for [came out]: After keeping her sexuality a secret for years , comedian Ellen DeGeneres publicly [came out] as a lesbian in 1997 .",ARG-M-TMP: After keeping her sexuality a secret for years | ARG-0: comedian Ellen DeGeneres | ARG-M-MNR: publicly | ARG-1: as a lesbian | ARG-M-TMP: in 1997 SRL for [enforces]: The pilot union said the flight attendants ' decision `` [enforces] our belief that an all - employee owned airline is practical and achievable . '',ARG-0: the flight attendants ' decision | ARG-1: our belief that an all - employee owned airline is practical and achievable SRL for [were pinked]: 4 small holes [were pinked] on the cup 's bottom for gas exchange .,ARG-4: 4 small holes | ARG-1: on the cup 's bottom | ARG-M-PRP: for gas exchange SRL for [okay]: It is absolutely [okay] with me if you need to keep some secrets .,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-ADV: absolutely | ARG-0: with me | ARG-M-ADV: if you need to keep some secrets "SRL for [provoked]: We ’re lying to ourselves if we say those pop culture icons were just aesthetically pleasing , because they were more thanthat – they [provoked] sexual thoughts and tendencies .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: sexual thoughts and tendencies SRL for [edentulous]: The patient was [edentulous] and had been using a complete denture for more than 10 years .,ARG-1: The patient SRL for [barcoding]: His first job was [barcoding] stock items .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: stock items SRL for [abortion]: One woman tearfully described having her [abortion] of a fetus with a chromosomal disorder .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of a fetus with a chromosomal disorder "SRL for [brands]: In a new TV ad , for instance , a woman going through the Sunday newspaper [brands] as hype claims by other stores that they are offering goods for `` 50 % , 60 % and 70 % off .","ARG-0: a woman going through the Sunday newspaper | ARG-2: as hype | ARG-1: claims by other stores that they are offering goods for `` 50 % , 60 % and 70 % off" SRL for [espied]: She [espied] her ships arriving from distant lands .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her ships arriving from distant lands "SRL for [join up]: Tel Hamie acknowledges that if Barak had succeeded in getting Sharon to [join up] in a new government , the Prime Minister would have amajority in parliament .",ARG-0: Sharon | ARG-M-LOC: in a new government SRL for [ailed]: Peter Zezel died on Tuesday from a blood disorder that had [ailed] him for years .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a blood disorder | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-TMP: for years "SRL for [gulped]: He came home overheated , ran straight to the ice - chest , and [gulped] shivery cold water .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: shivery cold water SRL for [retirement]: the [retirement] of gilts for cash,ARG-1: of gilts | ARG-M-PRP: for cash "SRL for [terrify]: When Roman soldiers asked John the baptist how should they prepare themselves for this Messiah in the book of Luke , John responded , '' Do not [terrify] men with a view to extortion , neither accuse anyone falsely ;",ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: men | ARG-2: with a view to extortion "SRL for [attending]: Her daughter , then in grade 3 , started [attending] a private English school .","ARG-0: Her daughter , then in grade 3 | ARG-1: a private English school" SRL for [spills]: The rich nuances that suffuse this roll call are seen in the timeless distinction between a schlemiel ` clumsy jerk ' and a schlimazel ` habitual loser ' : the schlemiel inevitably trips and [spills] his hot soup ? all over the schlimazel .,ARG-0: the schlemiel | ARG-M-ADV: inevitably | ARG-1: his hot soup | ARG-2: all over the schlimazel SRL for [sopped]: She [sopped] water onto the floor .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: water | ARG-1: onto the floor "SRL for [bigoted]: The only explanation I can think of is that he was [bigoted] against bigots , and by definition ( for him ) Southerners are bigots .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: against bigots SRL for [replaced]: Continental Air [replaced] its top executive for the sixth time in as many years .,ARG-0: Continental Air | ARG-1: its top executive | ARG-M-TMP: for the sixth time in as many years "SRL for [roll]: There was a [roll] of laughter through the stands ,",ARG-1: of laughter | ARG-M-DIR: through the stands "SRL for [pan - green]: I immediately doubted whether this group was [pan - green] at all , especially when the totally unobjective media present at their press conference seemed to provide the applause for their own microphones to record .",ARG-1: this group | ARG-M-EXT: at all SRL for [titillate]: How do you [titillate] an ocelot ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: an ocelot | ARG-M-MNR: How SRL for [progress]: Central America 's [progress] toward democracy in the region,ARG-1: Central America 's | ARG-4: toward democracy | ARG-M-LOC: in the region SRL for [aerosolized]: The lab technician [aerosolized] the bacteria suspension .,ARG-0: The lab technician | ARG-1: the bacteria suspension "SRL for [wedding]: They are all vying for the story of the millennium , which is , as if you did n't know , tomorrow 's [wedding] of singer Madonna and filmmaker Guy Ritchie .",ARG-M-TMP: tomorrow 's | ARG-1: of singer Madonna and filmmaker Guy Ritchie SRL for [active]: We invite everyone who is [active] in the prevention of diabetes and chronic diseases,ARG-0: who | ARG-1: in the prevention of diabetes and chronic diseases "SRL for [impresses]: `` It [impresses] upon ordinary , young Filipinos that there 's nothing to feel inferior about in using their own language , '' says Randy David , a sociologist and host of a popular television talk show .","ARG-0: It | ARG-1: upon ordinary , young Filipinos | ARG-2: that there 's nothing to feel inferior about in using their own language" "SRL for [briefed]: Administration officials say President Bush was [briefed] throughout Friday afternoon and evening , even after leaving for Camp David .",ARG-1: President Bush | ARG-M-TMP: throughout Friday afternoon and evening | ARG-M-ADV: even after leaving for Camp David SRL for [postop]: Abdomen is [postop] .,ARG-1: Abdomen SRL for [benefit]: Selling such assets had an overriding public [benefit] .,ARG-0: Selling such assets | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-PRD: overriding | ARG-1: public SRL for [sitting]: He is probably [sitting] on a similar story about Uncle Joe .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-1: on a similar story about Uncle Joe SRL for [sight]: The [sight] of professionals in suits and ties rushing to class at dusk contrasts greatly from the typical jeans and casual attire of fresh - faced undergrads .,ARG-1: of professionals in suits and ties rushing to class at dusk SRL for [Demethylation]: Active and Passive [Demethylation] of Male and Female Pronuclear DNA in the Mammalian Zygote .,ARG-M-MNR: Active and Passive | ARG-1: of Male and Female Pronuclear DNA | ARG-M-LOC: in the Mammalian Zygote "SRL for [nourished]: General Appearance : healthy , alert , well developed , well [nourished] , cooperative , pleasant , in no apparent distress",ARG-M-EXT: well SRL for [followed up]: Scty of State James Baker [followed up] [ on ] a proposal made by Bob Hawke .,ARG-0: Scty of State James Baker | ARG-1: [ on ] a proposal made by Bob Hawke "SRL for [sparked]: The investment boom is mainly [sparked] , they say , by strong domestic demand and is n't likely to increase exports sharply .",ARG-1: The investment boom | ARG-0: by strong domestic demand SRL for [sleeping]: The crowing of the rooster interrupted his [sleeping] a deep sleep .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a deep sleep SRL for [riddled]: Yunlin County politics are [riddled] with factionalism and the influence of orgnized crime .,ARG-1: Yunlin County politics | ARG-2: with factionalism and the influence of orgnized crime SRL for [mizzled]: It [mizzled] a very sharp sleet .,ARG-1: a very sharp sleet "SRL for [ordained]: `` ` God has not yet [ordained] that I should have earnings , ' he tells his worried mother . ''",ARG-0: God | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: yet | ARG-1: that I should have earnings "SRL for [proved]: With our sacred votes we have [proved] to the world that freedom and democracy are indisputable universal values , and that peace is humanity 's highest goal .",ARG-M-MNR: With our sacred votes | ARG-0: we | ARG-2: to the world | ARG-1: peace is humanity 's highest goal "SRL for [notch]: After the trading halt in the S & P 500 pit in Chicago , waves of selling continued to hit stocks themselves on the Big Board , and specialists continued to [notch] prices down .",ARG-0: specialists | ARG-1: prices | ARG-M-DIR: down "SRL for [dusted]: Stupid , wrapped in silly , coated in nonsense , [dusted] with dumb",ARG-2: Stupid | ARG-1: with dumb "SRL for [my , ']: Oh [my , '] Jonah groaned , ' that 's the biggest fish I 've ever seen ! '","ARG-0: Oh | ARG-1: Jonah groaned , ' that 's the biggest fish I 've" SRL for [dissipate]: But Darman suggests such tensions will [dissipate] quickly .,ARG-1: such tensions | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-MNR: quickly SRL for [engineered]: Mr. Hahn also has [engineered] a surprising turnaround of Georgia - Pacific .,ARG-0: Mr. Hahn | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: a surprising turnaround of Georgia - Pacific "SRL for [snatch]: But Peter Brody , Magnascreen 's president , says Japanese companies are poised to [snatch] the technology and put it to commercial use , just as they did with earlier U.S. innovations in color television and video recording .",ARG-0: Japanese companies | ARG-1: the technology | ARG-M-MNR: just as they did with earlier U.S. innovations in color television and video recording SRL for [raincheck]: Bryan Rudnick . And that sounds good ! Let me know if you 'd rather have it just be you guys and we can [raincheck],ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can SRL for [operable]: A further and/or alternative object of the present invention is to provide a mechanism for inhibiting or preventing container rotation in a bottling and/or capping machine which is [operable] on plastic bottles or containers .,ARG-1: which | ARG-2: on plastic bottles or containers "SRL for [reignited]: As a result , he [reignited] the inflation that Mrs. Thatcher , through a long and costly effort , had subdued .","ARG-M-DIS: As a result | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the inflation that Mrs. Thatcher , through a long and costly effort , had subdued" "SRL for [immolated]: So many people burned their bridges , [immolated] their careers , and lost all their friends .",ARG-0: So many people | ARG-1: their careers "SRL for [darkening]: The [darkening] world scene , at the time of the Munich Pact , continued to trouble his mind even in his remote Virginia studio .",ARG-1: world scene SRL for [clingy]: We 're always fighting because I always get so emotional and [clingy] with him and he hates it which is completely understandable .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-1: with him SRL for [lammed out]: He [lammed out] to the western territories for a few years .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-GOL: to the western territories | ARG-M-TMP: for a few years SRL for [recurrence]: local [recurrence] of his cancer,ARG-M-LOC: local | ARG-1: of his cancer SRL for [prohibitive]: Fireproof construction is [prohibitive] in cost .,ARG-0: Fireproof construction | ARG-2: in cost "SRL for [foreshadowed]: While Friday 's plunging stock market prompted new fears about the economy 's prospects , a little - known indicator that has faithfully [foreshadowed] the economy 's ups and downs by exceptionally long lead times points to a sustained rise in overall business activity .",ARG-0: a little - known indicator | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the economy 's ups and downs | ARG-2: by exceptionally long lead times SRL for [unfair]: I probably was [unfair] to him in what I wrote at times .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: to him | ARG-1: in what I wrote at times SRL for [hull]: The male bird will [hull] the seeds for his consort with his bill .,ARG-0: The male bird | ARG-1: the seeds | ARG-M-GOL: for his consort | ARG-3: with his bill "SRL for [developed]: Because his consciousness is not very [developed] , the child can tolerate it , otherwise he would die .",ARG-2: his consciousness | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [audits]: The administration of federal credit should closely parallel private lending practices , including the development of a loan loss reserve and regular outside [audits] .",ARG-M-ADJ: regular | ARG-0: outside "SRL for [indulges]: Meanwhile , the pimp Pompey ( Glen Allen Pruett ) , dressed in black leather and a prominent codpiece , [indulges] in enough obscene gestures and pelvic thrusts to launch a space probe .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-0: the pimp Pompey ( Glen Allen Pruett ) | ARG-M-PRD: dressed in black leather and a prominent codpiece | ARG-1: in enough obscene gestures and pelvic thrusts to launch a space probe "SRL for [overhauling]: That , he said , is why Unisys is [overhauling] its whole business : It needs to prepare for a world in which profit margins will be lower than computer companies have been used to .",ARG-0: Unisys | ARG-1: its whole business SRL for [towing]: his [towing] of the car to the repair shop,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the car | ARG-2: to the repair shop SRL for [nonrecurrent]: This has been [nonrecurrent] .,ARG-0: This "SRL for [expectation]: Thus , the subjects in the expect - to - like condition first saw three cartoons that confirmed their [expectation] that the cartoons would be funny .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: that the cartoons would be funny "SRL for [gauge]: He could n't have been that far off in the dose , in his [gauge] of its weight .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of its weight SRL for [tracks]: The brokerage firm [tracks] technology stocks with its Technology Index .,ARG-0: The brokerage firm | ARG-1: technology stocks | ARG-3: with its Technology Index SRL for [resolution]: Roberts made his [resolution] to keep active by boxing .,ARG-0: Roberts | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: to keep active by boxing SRL for [commemorated]: Hungary declared itself a democracy and for the first time openly [commemorated] the anniversary of the 1956 anti - Stalinist uprising that was crushed by the Soviet Union .,ARG-0: Hungary | ARG-M-TMP: for the first time | ARG-M-MNR: openly | ARG-1: the anniversary of the 1956 anti - Stalinist uprising that was crushed by the Soviet Union SRL for [overbaked]: Help ! I [overbaked] the cake !,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the cake "SRL for [obviate]: He said that even though virtually all corn seeds currently planted are hybrids , the genetic approach will [obviate] the need for mechanical emasculation of anthers , which costs U.S. seed producers about $ 70 million annually .","ARG-M-ADV: even though virtually all corn seeds currently planted are hybrids | ARG-0: the genetic approach | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the need for mechanical emasculation of anthers , which costs U.S. seed producers about $ 70 million annually" SRL for [stockpile]: The head of the nation 's largest car - dealers group is telling dealers to `` just say no '' when auto makers pressure them to [stockpile] cars on their lots .,ARG-0: them | ARG-1: cars | ARG-2: on their lots SRL for [surprises]: Jeff any [surprises] to you ?,ARG-1: to you "SRL for [back up]: Exabyte Corp. , a Boulder , Colo. , maker of high - capacity tape cartridge used to [back up] computer disk drives , started OTC trading with the symbol EXBT .",ARG-2: high - capacity tape cartridge | ARG-1: computer disk drives SRL for [lack]: Dog expresses his [lack] of will to take a bath .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of will to take a bath "SRL for [glittering]: `` Mor - ee - air - teeeee '' , he shrieked , his white teeth grossly counterpointing those of the [glittering] blonde .",ARG-0: blonde "SRL for [whooping]: It is famous as the winter home of the [whooping] crane , that symbol of the destruction of wild America .",ARG-0: crane "SRL for [crippled]: Founded as the Examiner in 1903 by Mr. Hearst , the Herald was [crippled] by a bitter , decade - long strike that began in 1967 and cut circulation in half .","ARG-M-ADV: Founded as the Examiner in 1903 by Mr. Hearst | ARG-1: the Herald | ARG-0: by a bitter , decade - long strike that began in 1967 and cut circulation in half" "SRL for [swears]: Anthony J.F. O'Reilly , the company 's chairman , [swears] by her firm touch , saying regular massages are a balm for his old football injuries .","ARG-0: Anthony J.F. O'Reilly , the company 's chairman | ARG-1: by her firm touch | ARG-M-ADV: saying regular massages are a balm for his old football injuries" SRL for [fissuring]: To describe the characteristics of women who experience chronic [fissuring] of the posterior fourchette and the outcome of treatment administered ...,ARG-M-TMP: chronic | ARG-1: of the posterior fourchette SRL for [pushes]: Singer Coco Lee [pushes] Pacific Cellular 's prepaid card .,ARG-0: Singer Coco Lee | ARG-1: Pacific Cellular 's prepaid card SRL for [chitchatted]: She [chitchatted] with me about men in general .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: with me | ARG-1: about men in general SRL for [capable]: Kali is [capable] of massive destruction .,ARG-1: Kali | ARG-2: of massive destruction SRL for [anesthetized]: The patient must be [anesthetized] by a doctor before the operation .,ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: The patient | ARG-0: by a doctor | ARG-M-TMP: before the operation SRL for [junction]: There is no doubt that Fries in his Lichenographia Europcea lias gone too far in his [junction] of forms which are really distinct,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of forms which are really distinct "SRL for [re - zoning]: The Capitol Neighborhoods Inc 's Alcohol Issues Task Force is on record in support of [re - zoning] the downtown as "" residential neighborhood after 6 p.m. or maybe it is 8 p.m. -RRB- .","ARG-1: the downtown | ARG-2: as "" residential neighborhood after 6 p.m. or maybe it is 8 p.m." "SRL for [judging]: He chastises Jo Franklin - Trout for her inept presentation of advocacy journalism , [judging] her project as `` intellectually slipshod . ''",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: her project | ARG-2: as `` intellectually slipshod SRL for [constellated]: The ego is the sum of our habits [constellated] into a cohesive entity .,ARG-1: the sum of our habits | ARG-2: into a cohesive entity "SRL for [regressing]: A unified national policy is an unavoidable necessity , and [regressing] on it would compromise national interests .",ARG-1: on it SRL for [passed]: The number of balloonists who have [passed] a Federal Aviation Authority lighter - than - air test has doubled in the last year .,ARG-1: The number of balloonists | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-2: a Federal Aviation Authority lighter - than - air test SRL for [schmoozed]: She often [schmoozed] with the boss .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: with the boss "SRL for [expanding]: James L. Pate was named a director of this oil concern , *trace* [expanding] the board to 14 members .",ARG-1: the board | ARG-4: to 14 members SRL for [freeze]: The plan would impose a brief [freeze] on physician fees .,ARG-M-TMP: brief | ARG-1: on physician fees SRL for [renovate]: State and city officials are still negotiating with developers to [renovate] historic theaters and build and operate a merchandise mart and hotel .,ARG-0: State and city officials | ARG-1: historic theaters SRL for [picked]: Red tractors gingerly [picked] at the rubble while jackhammers tried to break up some of the massive slabs of concrete .,ARG-0: Red tractors | ARG-M-MNR: gingerly | ARG-1: at the rubble | ARG-M-TMP: while jackhammers tried to break up some of the massive slabs of concrete "SRL for [appointment]: Two women ... one good , one bad ... help Ladd keep his [appointment] with danger !",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: with danger ! SRL for [expanded]: Multiple ducts are [expanded] .,ARG-1: Multiple ducts SRL for [co - existing]: Renown wildlife advocate Jack Hannah director ... of the Columbus Zoo recently went to Rwanda to see how the people and animals are [co - existing] .,ARG-1: the people and animals | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [pad]: but Nelson and other Democrats are targets of opportunity for the White House which hopes to [pad] Republican support for Alito with enough Democrats to discourage and if needed defeat a filibuster .,R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: the White House | ARG-1: Republican support | ARG-2: with enough Democrats to discourage and if needed defeat a filibuster "SRL for [Served up]: [Served up] as a solo , however , the music lacks the resonance provided by a context within another medium .",ARG-1: the music | ARG-M-PRD: as a solo SRL for [stuttering]: The only thing that she has noticed since surgery is that under stress she will sometimes have [stuttering] of her speech .,ARG-1: of her speech "SRL for [tip]: A [tip] of $ 20 to $ 50 for the crew may be in order , based on the complexity of the task .",ARG-1: of $ 20 to $ 50 | ARG-2: for the crew SRL for [coup]: The Bolshevik [coup] against the Provinsional Government,ARG-0: Bolshevik | ARG-1: against the Provinsional Government SRL for [upstaged]: What comedienne [upstaged] Dwight D. Eisenhower 's first inauguration by giving birth to her first child ?,ARG-0: What comedienne | ARG-1: Dwight D. Eisenhower 's first inauguration | ARG-2: by giving birth to her first child SRL for [fallout]: Fliers fear ' hellacious ' [fallout] from sequester,ARG-M-MNR: hellacious | ARG-2: from sequester "SRL for [alone]: It 's frustrating , you 're not [alone] in feeling the way you do .",ARG-1: you | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: in feeling the way you do SRL for [visualize]: Liu I - chang states that his conversations with Cheng have given him much food for thought and allowed him to more accurately [visualize] the lifestyles and technology of prehistoric peoples .,ARG-0: him | ARG-M-MNR: more accurately | ARG-1: the lifestyles and technology of prehistoric peoples "SRL for [darted]: They were covered with tiny white blossoms , their scant roots clawing at the stony ground , and wild birds [darted] in and about and through them so they were nearly alive with the rustle and cry .",ARG-0: wild birds | ARG-2: in and about and through them | ARG-M-ADV: so they were nearly alive with the rustle and cry "SRL for [ejaculated]: When Johnson [ejaculated] `` Howsabout my buying us all a nice cold Co - cola , Ma'am '' ? ? Mrs. Roebuck smilingly declined and began suddenly to go on about her son , who was `` onleh a little younguh than youbawhs '' .","ARG-1: `` Howsabout my buying us all a nice cold Co - cola , Ma'am '' ? ? | ARG-M-TMP: When | ARG-0: Johnson" "SRL for [coalesced]: If the block being freed is adjacent to a free block on either side , it is [coalesced] with it into a single bigger block , so storage does not become too fragmented .","ARG-M-ADV: If the block being freed is adjacent to a free block on either side | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: it into | ARG-3: a single bigger block , so | ARG-M-PRP: storage does not become too fragmented" "SRL for [treated]: After the talks , McLauren [treated] Jiahua Zou and his delegation to an evening banquet .",ARG-M-TMP: After the talks | ARG-0: McLauren | ARG-2: Jiahua Zou and his delegation | ARG-1: to an evening banquet "SRL for [overcrowding]: The one that started it all for Marvel , this is still a great cover in its own right , despite its [overcrowding] with caption boxes and dialogue balloons .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: with caption boxes and dialogue balloons "SRL for [choreographed]: When it come to [choreographed] stage movement , singing and dancing , or impromptu skits , nearly all these lads and lasses under the age of 18 have got the knack .",ARG-1: stage movement SRL for [deferred]: Eye exam [deferred] to her vision therapist .,ARG-1: Eye exam | ARG-2: to her vision therapist "SRL for [abandoned]: Once he had [abandoned] himself to the very worst , once he had quieted all the dragons of worry and suspense , there would n't be very much for Mae to do .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: to the very worst "SRL for [starts off]: Typical , Nickelodeon or Disney [starts off] .",ARG-M-ADV: Typical | ARG-0: Nickelodeon or Disney | ARG-1: them SRL for [dammed]: A lobe of ice has [dammed] the Glacial Lake Missoula in Montana,ARG-0: A lobe of ice | ARG-1: the Glacial Lake Missoula in Montana "SRL for [taking down]: As he stood on the rooftop studying the darkened windows of the strip joint across from him , Dick noticed that sometime between his [taking down] the dark stranger and reaching the corner of Water Street and Shoreline Drive , the drenching rain had stopped .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the dark stranger "SRL for [poll]: However , their [poll] of Apathetic people is too close to call , as is the poll of unregistered , non voters .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Apathetic people "SRL for [crack]: But new - product development will make Japanese companies stronger , and big investments in `` domestic '' industries such as beer will make it even tougher for foreign competitors to [crack] the Japanese market .",ARG-0: foreign competitors | ARG-1: the Japanese market "SRL for [catechize]: `` Very well '' , she said , `` I 'll not [catechize] you .",ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: you | ARG-0: I SRL for [uprising]: An [uprising] against the Taliban has evicted the gunmen from 50 villages in eastern Afghanistan,ARG-1: against the Taliban "SRL for [deduct]: Tax - loss sellers , those investors who sell loss - making stocks so they can [deduct] their losses from this year 's income , are also getting out , Mr. Mills said .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: their losses | ARG-2: from this year 's income "SRL for [performance]: When a musical [performance] is scheduled , someone will always take it upon themselves to set out seats for the audience .",ARG-1: musical "SRL for [spill over]: The same issue threatens to [spill over] to the foreign aid debate , and Mr. Bush also is threatening to veto any agreement that preserves Senate - passed provisions renewing U.S. support for the United Nations Fund for Population Activities .",ARG-1: The same issue | ARG-2: to the foreign aid debate SRL for [spamming]: I woke up today to read about an anon who claimed their [spamming] of an askblog 's inbox was ? just innocent questions ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of an askblog 's inbox SRL for [abundant]: Earth is [abundant] with plentiful resources .,ARG-2: Earth | ARG-1: with plentiful resources "SRL for [accented]: It 's natural that Yuri should so enjoy dressing down , when for some much of his life he has been zipped into elaborate Bolshoi costumes , his cheekbones and eyes [accented] by thick , expertly applied theatrical make - up .","ARG-1: his cheekbones and eyes | ARG-2: by thick , expertly applied theatrical make - up" SRL for [declined]: A spokesman [declined] to elaborate,ARG-0: A spokesman | ARG-1: to elaborate SRL for [whipsaw]: Political and currency gyrations can [whipsaw] the funds .,ARG-0: Political and currency gyrations | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the funds SRL for [stultified]: He [stultified] himself by presenting unsound arguments and odd reasoning .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: by presenting unsound arguments and odd reasoning SRL for [sold out]: The new Harry Potter book [sold out] within 20 minutes .,ARG-1: The new Harry Potter book | ARG-M-TMP: within 20 minutes "SRL for [queried]: In a public opinion poll published in the October issue of Parents Magazine , a third of those [queried] said they believe that ghosts or spirits make themselves known to people .",ARG-1: those SRL for [cooperative]: Patient was [cooperative] .,ARG-0: Patient SRL for [bait]: Employers [bait] employees into staying with perks and pay raises .,ARG-0: Employers | ARG-1: employees | ARG-2: into staying | ARG-3: with perks and pay raises SRL for [ubiquitinated]: A sizable proportion of the histone H2A and H2B pool is [ubiquitinated] to form uH2A and uH2B in interphase ceils .,ARG-1: A sizable proportion of the histone H2A and H2B pool | ARG-3: to form uH2A and uH2B | ARG-M-LOC: in interphase ceils "SRL for [stereotyped]: Once [stereotyped] as gearheads , engineering graduates are in great demand .",ARG-M-TMP: Once | ARG-1: engineering graduates | ARG-2: as gearheads SRL for [offered]: Temple [offered] $ 50 million for Sea Containers,ARG-0: Temple | ARG-2: $ 50 million | ARG-1: for Sea Containers "SRL for [erection]: The first saw - mills were of course crude , and were intended only to supply the demand of the settlers in their [erection] of dwellings and barns .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of dwellings and barns "SRL for [capitulation]: Ironically one of the big winners is the Conservative Party , thanks to the demise of their Lib Dem brethren whose [capitulation] has allowed them to remain fairly stable .",ARG-0: whose "SRL for [chided]: Mr. Bush has asked Congress to provide more than $ 400 million in economic aid and food grants for Poland 's new government , but has been [chided] by Democrats for failing to do more .",ARG-1: Mr. Bush | ARG-0: by Democrats | ARG-2: for failing to do more SRL for [Asthmatic]: Bronchitis [Asthmatic] [ 493.90N ], SRL for [go]: I 'd like to make this clear : It 's not the Muslims we 're having a [go] at but the officials .,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: having | ARG-1: the Muslims | C-ARG-1: at "SRL for [trailing]: In the very front rank , two men were wounded and staggered along , [trailing] blood behind them .",ARG-0: two men | ARG-1: blood | ARG-M-LOC: behind them "SRL for [deniable]: Nagoya 's Mayor Shintaro Ishihara uttered total nonsense : "" when the ' Nanjing Incident ' happened in 1937 , normal acts of war are not [deniable] , which is a pity , but the so-called ' Nanjing Incident ' could not have happened . """,ARG-M-TMP: when the ' Nanjing Incident ' happened in 1937 | ARG-1: normal acts of war | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-ADV: which is a pity SRL for [conceded]: Andy Vidak seemed ready to run again for the district about 10 minutes after he [conceded] the election to Costa .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the election | ARG-2: to Costa SRL for [collision]: The [collision] of the two ships resulted in a serious oil spill .,ARG-0: of the two ships SRL for [stop]: his [stop] in nearby Chicago,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: in nearby Chicago "SRL for [panting]: I found his [panting] very disturbing , he definitely needs more therapy or a better Doctor .",ARG-0: his "SRL for [mesh]: During the Aspire Academy opening ceremony , academy president Stan Shih , chairman of the Acer Group , remarked that he hopes to introduce management models from Europe and America and [mesh] them with the unique attributes of Taiwanese industry to enhance the globalization of Asian business .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with the unique attributes of Taiwanese industry | ARG-M-PRP: to enhance the globalization of Asian business SRL for [Cut]: [Cut] to me doing the walk of shame to work from a hotel .,ARG-3: to me doing the walk of shame to work from a hotel SRL for [overstressed]: Have we [overstressed] the importance of occlusion as a responsible factor ?,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the importance of occlusion | ARG-2: as a responsible factor SRL for [Hypertensive]: [Hypertensive] overnight .,ARG-M-TMP: overnight "SRL for [pressed]: The House has already voted for a deep cut in funding , and in the end the program 's backers will be hard [pressed] to head off some reduction in spending next year .",ARG-M-TMP: in the end | ARG-1: the program 's backers | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: hard | ARG-2: to head off some reduction in spending next year "SRL for [pass]: Devotees [pass] hours , watching the lights blink and listening to the metal balls ping , as much to gamble as to get a little time to be anonymous , alone with their thoughts .","ARG-0: Devotees | ARG-1: hours | ARG-M-MNR: watching the lights blink and listening to the metal balls ping | ARG-M-PRP: as much to gamble as to get a little time to be anonymous , alone with their thoughts" SRL for [wipe off]: He did n't even bother to [wipe off] and he chopped part of Pa 's door down before he stopped .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: himself SRL for [taxation]: The federal [taxation] of smokers for children 's healthcare is illegal under the constitution because children do n't smoke .,ARG-0: federal | ARG-2: of smokers | ARG-3: for children 's healthcare SRL for [influx]: Migrant [influx] into Italy from Libya resurging,ARG-1: Migrant | ARG-3: into Italy | ARG-2: from Libya SRL for [party]: We are throwing a bachelor [party] for Fred .,ARG-M-ADJ: bachelor | ARG-M-GOL: for Fred SRL for [stand]: the Republicans are seen drawing support for their `` Germans First '' [stand] on social - welfare issues .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: Germans First "SRL for [worry]: Similarly , when Chen Shui - bian negotiates with Beijing , no one will [worry] about him selling Taiwan down the river .",ARG-M-DIS: Similarly | ARG-M-TMP: when Chen Shui - bian negotiates with Beijing | ARG-0: no one | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: about him selling Taiwan down the river SRL for [licensed]: Sandoz Ltd. has [licensed] certain manufacturing and marketing rights for Interleukin-3 from Genetics Institute and is conducting preclinical studies with it .,ARG-2: Sandoz Ltd. | ARG-1: certain manufacturing and marketing rights for Interleukin-3 | ARG-0: from Genetics Institute SRL for [tracking down]: A Commonwealth Edison spokesman said that [tracking down] the two million customers whose addresses have changed during the past 3 1/2 years would be `` an administrative nightmare . '',ARG-0: Commonwealth Edison | ARG-1: the two million customers whose addresses have changed during the past 3 1/2 years would be `` an administrative nightmare . '' SRL for [Treatment]: [Treatment] of water areas with fish toxicants must be done by one of these biologists per Illinois Administrative Rule 890 .,ARG-1: of water areas | ARG-2: with fish toxicants SRL for [loading]: There does appear to be significant peripheral [loading] of the seeds which appear to extend into the perirectal area as well as the perivascical area .,ARG-M-EXT: significant | ARG-M-LOC: peripheral | ARG-1: of the seeds which appear to extend into the perirectal area as well as the perivascical area SRL for [solarize]: Be careful not to [solarize] the film .,ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the film SRL for [keyed in]: Sally [keyed in] the code on her alarm system but the police were still alerted .,ARG-0: Sally | ARG-1: the code | ARG-2: on her alarm system "SRL for [signify]: `` He does n't [signify] what people want , so the unrest will go on , '' Mr. Oldenburg predicts .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: what people want SRL for [direction]: it was set up under the [direction] of KMT party chairman Lee Teng - hui .,ARG-0: of KMT party chairman Lee Teng - hui "SRL for [crusaded]: And the land [*0*]-1 they [crusaded] to [*-1] is called "" Tenosia "" .",ARG-0: they SRL for [spotty]: his face was [spotty] with birthmarks ranging in size from a dime to a half - dollar .,ARG-1: his face | ARG-2: with birthmarks ranging in size from a dime to a half - dollar "SRL for [elected]: Rather than turn back from such a vital mission , he [elected] to proceed to the target .",ARG-M-ADV: Rather than turn back from such a vital mission | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: to proceed to the target SRL for [cubed]: I [cubed] the figs into small pieces .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the figs | ARG-3: into small pieces SRL for [lay down]: John is going to [lay down] on the floor and cry .,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: on the floor "SRL for [patched up]: The arbs may recoup some of their paper losses if the UAL deal gets [patched up] again , as they did in 1982 when Occidental Petroleum Co. rescued them with a $ 4 billion takeover of Cities Service .",ARG-1: the UAL deal | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [combed]: John [combed] his hair .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his hair SRL for [convince]: And powerful political pressures may [convince] the Conservative government to keep its so-called golden share,ARG-0: powerful political pressures | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: the Conservative government | ARG-2: to keep its so-called golden share "SRL for [plug]: They 're trying to [plug] the various loopholes , but they 're totally unprepared for this . ''",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the various loopholes SRL for [detached]: I have partly [detached] it from the limestone in which it was imbedded ;,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-EXT: partly | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the limestone in which it was imbedded SRL for [thwacked]: He [thwacked] his cane on the table .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: his cane | ARG-1: on the table SRL for [scheduled]: ... the first of five small fields [scheduled] to be brought into production before the end of 1990 .,ARG-1: the first of five small fields | ARG-2: to be brought into production before the end of 1990 SRL for [making]: the [making] of an engine disk,ARG-1: of an engine disk "SRL for [added]: Egyptians did n't have multiplication as we know it ; if you wanted to multiply 13 by 5 , you [added] 13 to itself to get 26 , then added 26 again to get 52 , then added ...",ARG-M-ADV: if you wanted to multiply 13 by 5 | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: 13 | ARG-2: to itself | ARG-3: to get 26 SRL for [of age]: The attack commercial has come [of age] in an off - election year .,ARG-1: The attack commercial | ARG-M-TMP: in an off - election year SRL for [defoamed]: The resulting mixture was [defoamed] for 10 minutes .,ARG-1: The resulting mixture | ARG-M-TMP: for 10 minutes "SRL for [seiche]: Thankfully , the Phoenix pool [seiche] , if that 's what it is , is n't likely to cause much in the way of destruction .",ARG-M-LOC: Phoenix | ARG-1: pool SRL for [gyrated]: Stock of United Airlines parent UAL Corp. [gyrated] wildly yesterday amid speculation that one or more investors may challenge the UAL board 's decision to remain independent instead of pursuing a buy - out or other transaction .,ARG-1: Stock of United Airlines parent UAL Corp. | ARG-M-MNR: wildly | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-LOC: amid speculation that one or more investors may challenge the UAL board 's decision to remain independent instead of pursuing a buy - out or other transaction "SRL for [competitions]: When the girls began middle school , she began training them for English - language speech [competitions] .",ARG-M-MNR: English - language | ARG-3: speech "SRL for [shapes up]: If a president had a line - item veto and wanted to force him to support a controversial foreign - policy initiative , Rep. Edwards says , the president could call and declare that he would single - handedly kill the BART funds unless the congressman `` [shapes up] '' on the foreign - policy issue .",ARG-1: the congressman | ARG-M-ADV: on the foreign - policy issue "SRL for [dedicating]: On the one hand , the market for breathable waterproof fabrics was not yet mature , and too many companies entering all at once knocked the bottom out of the market ; on the other , manufacturers in Taiwan still lack the concept of [dedicating] production equipment to one product .",ARG-0: manufacturers in Taiwan | ARG-1: production equipment | ARG-2: to one product SRL for [permissive]: no other country in the history of the world has been so [permissive] towards criminals .,ARG-0: no other country in the history of the world | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-2: towards criminals SRL for [matched]: Here a pot - bellied Buddha is [matched] with a water ball .,ARG-M-LOC: Here | ARG-1: a pot - bellied Buddha | ARG-2: with a water ball SRL for [undocking]: The Chinese program 's second phase will include spacewalks on future missions and demonstrations of docking and [undocking] techniques ., SRL for [vetted]: The administration team never properly [vetted] him for a judgeship .,ARG-0: The administration team | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-M-MNR: properly | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for a judgeship "SRL for [swarming]: Times Square , when I ascended to it with my fellow subway travellers ( all dressed as if for a huge wedding in a family of which we were all distant members ) , was nearly impassable , the sidewalks [swarming] with celebrants , with bundled up sailors and soldiers already hugging their girls and their rationed bottles of whiskey .","ARG-1: the sidewalks | ARG-0: with celebrants , with bundled up sailors and soldiers already hugging their girls and their rationed bottles of whiskey" "SRL for [auditions]: Personally , I never hear where [auditions] for Idol will be held , but maybe I 'm not paying attention to that since I would n't qualify , and I do n't live near a city where auditions might take place .",ARG-1: for Idol "SRL for [nice]: My question though is , is it true or just a myth that while all this crazy flexibility at a young age is [nice] , at old age they will be in pain and not able to move at all ?",ARG-1: all this crazy flexibility at a young age SRL for [outwits]: She [outwits] men and holds her own in a fight .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: men | ARG-M-LOC: in a fight SRL for [endorsed]: That offer was [endorsed] by the shareholders committee .,ARG-1: That offer | ARG-0: by the shareholders committee SRL for [dent]: I 've been listening to them since I was 18 they have made their [dent] in my life with their tunes .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: in my life | ARG-2: with their tunes "SRL for [gather]: I [gather] some recent stuff is not all so benevolent , but I figure a regular marketplace should take care of modifying that .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: some recent stuff is not all so benevolent SRL for [crumbled]: The market [crumbled] .,ARG-1: The market "SRL for [struck out]: Last night with the bat , we assumed was not cork , Sammy Sosa [struck out] the first three times up .","ARG-M-TMP: Last night | ARG-M-MNR: with the bat , we assumed was not cork | ARG-1: Sammy Sosa | ARG-M-TMP: the first three times up" SRL for [bond]: the [bond] between males and females,ARG-1: between males and females SRL for [harassment]: Why did the british step up their [harassment] of US shipping ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of US shipping "SRL for [unusual]: Furthermore , the excuses for transferring blame are more and more , and the incidents of transferring blame are more and more [unusual] . So , we can see how the transfer of blame becomes an environment .",ARG-M-DIS: Furthermore | ARG-1: the excuses for transferring blame | ARG-M-EXT: more and more SRL for [drugging]: Luster skipped bail during his trial in January for raping and [drugging] three women .,ARG-0: Luster | ARG-1: three women "SRL for [prints]: Jayark , New York , distributes and rents audio - visual equipment and [prints] promotional ads for retailers .","ARG-0: Jayark , New York | ARG-1: promotional ads | ARG-2: for retailers" SRL for [coverage]: government [coverage] of all interest costs while the student is in school,ARG-0: government | ARG-1: of all interest costs while the student is in school "SRL for [resonates]: It 's set in New York , but it [resonates] with the terrible dynamics of the Latin American drug wars .",ARG-1: with the terrible dynamics of the Latin American drug wars | ARG-2: it SRL for [refund]: The Illinois Supreme Court ordered the commission to audit Commonwealth Edison 's construction expenses and [refund] any unreasonable expenses .,ARG-0: the commission | ARG-1: any unreasonable expenses SRL for [produce]: But Barack Obama has yet to [produce] a valid birth certificate and is no president of the United States .,ARG-0: Barack Obama | ARG-1: a valid birth certificate SRL for [fall]: People in Baghdad celebrate the [fall] of a leader whose fate is unknown tonight,ARG-1: of a leader whose fate is unknown tonight SRL for [extubated]: He was [extubated] after the procedure .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-TMP: after the procedure "SRL for [chastened]: Hong Kong manufacturers say large debt writeoffs and other financial problems resulting from the 1987 difficulties [chastened] the local industry , causing it to tighten credit policies and financial management .",ARG-0: large debt writeoffs and other financial problems resulting from the 1987 difficulties | ARG-1: the local industry | ARG-M-CAU: causing it to tighten credit policies and financial management "SRL for [pale]: He was [pale] of face , ordinary in looks , neutral in opinions , thirty years of age , and a married man .",ARG-1: He | ARG-2: of face SRL for [laughable]: His transformation into his true form -- that of a gigantic moth -- was [laughable] to me .,ARG-1: His transformation into his true form -- that of a gigantic moth | ARG-2: to me "SRL for [desirable]: I can understand the argument that nuclear proliferation is bad and any of these states having nuclear weapons is not [desirable] as it just leads to proliferation in the region , but that argument should have been used against Pakistan and Israel getting nukes .",ARG-1: any of these states having nuclear weapons | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-CAU: as it just leads to proliferation in the region SRL for [termination]: The pilots are calling the incident a misunderstanding and appealing their [termination] .,ARG-1: their SRL for [eating up]: Some analysts argued that there wo n't be a flurry of takeovers because the industry 's continuing capacity - expansion program is [eating up] available cash .,ARG-0: the industry 's continuing capacity - expansion program | ARG-1: available cash "SRL for [decanted]: Thus , red wine must , if possible , never be disturbed or shaken ; very old red wine is often [decanted] so that the puckering , bitter elements which have settled to the bottom will not be mingled with the wine itself .","ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: very old red wine | ARG-M-PNC: so that the puckering , bitter elements which have settled to the bottom will not be mingled with the wine itself" "SRL for [healthy]: If your doctor is [healthy] , you probably are too .",ARG-2: your doctor "SRL for [refocus]: Asarco Inc. , continuing its effort to [refocus] its business , ended its involvement in asbestos mining in the third quarter and said it would stop mining and selling coal by year end .",ARG-0: Asarco Inc. | ARG-1: its business SRL for [debates]: the `` scandals '' [debates],ARG-1: scandals SRL for [unresponsive]: She was [unresponsive] for about ten minutes .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-TMP: for about ten minutes SRL for [hurt]: Lower prices [hurt] margins for most products .,ARG-0: Lower prices | ARG-1: margins | ARG-3: for most products "SRL for [haltered]: He [haltered] it with his halter and this was my favorite part , he did not put the halter on but asked the horse and the horse put its head in the halter .",ARG-0: He | ARG-2: it SRL for [equivocated]: He [equivocated] over the hate speech of Rev. Wright .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: over the hate speech of Rev. Wright SRL for [struck out]: But he [struck out] with the decimal system of metric weights and measures the French had invented .,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: with the decimal system of metric weights and measures the French had invented SRL for [declared]: The Galactic Senate [declared] him unfit for duty .,ARG-0: The Galactic Senate | ARG-1: him unfit for duty "SRL for [abandoned]: And they believe the Big Board , under Mr. Phelan , has [abandoned] their interest .",ARG-0: the Big Board | ARG-M-ADV: under Mr. Phelan | ARG-1: their interest "SRL for [widened]: The uncertainty was multiplied by the persistent strength of the dollar , traders said , and by the U.S. trade deficit , which [widened] by 31 % in August from the previous month .",ARG-1: the U.S. trade deficit | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: by 31 % | ARG-M-TMP: in August | ARG-3: from the previous month "SRL for [nibbling]: He thinks another crash is `` unlikely , '' and says he was `` [nibbling] at '' selected stocks during Friday 's plunge .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: at '' selected stocks | ARG-M-TMP: during Friday 's plunge "SRL for [unattainable]: A lot of the nuclear weapons tech that was [unattainable] 20 - 30 years ago is attainable now . It would be very expensive , and there would be consequences .",ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: 20 - 30 years ago SRL for [fluttered]: The man 's eyelids [fluttered] .,ARG-0: The man 's eyelids SRL for [depreciation]: a 2 % dollar [depreciation],ARG-M-EXT: 2 % | ARG-1: dollar "SRL for [enquired]: He [enquired] , "" How far do you see ? ""","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: "" How far do you see ? """ "SRL for [ensued]: ESB directors warmly accepted , but a whirlwind bidding match [ensued] .",ARG-1: a whirlwind bidding match SRL for [ban]: Recently France decided to [ban] the burka in public places in the interest of public security .,ARG-0: France | ARG-1: the burka | ARG-M-LOC: in public places | ARG-M-PRP: in the interest of public security "SRL for [smudged]: I accidently [smudged] some finger grease on my 46 "" LCD .","ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: accidently | ARG-1: some finger grease | ARG-2: on my 46 "" LCD" SRL for [bless]: Jaguar shareholders would have to [bless] such a far - reaching accord .,ARG-0: Jaguar shareholders | ARG-1: such a far - reaching accord "SRL for [shunning]: In many other institutions , scientists are [shunning] contacts with venture investors until the NIH policy is settled .",ARG-M-LOC: In many other institutions | ARG-0: scientists | ARG-1: contacts with venture investors | ARG-M-TMP: until the NIH policy is settled "SRL for [bleating]: caught tight between two tractor trailers howling , [bleating] down some steep pass somewhere in Southern Oregon .",ARG-0: two tractor trailers | ARG-1: down some steep pass somewhere in Southern Oregon "SRL for [feed]: As the deals also improve Japanese access to American technology and market knowledge , they [feed] American anxieties in this area , too .",ARG-M-CAU: As the deals also improve Japanese access to American technology and market knowledge | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: American anxieties in this area | ARG-M-DIS: too "SRL for [dicking around]: You could fill a book . We need to stop [dicking around] and hang out . We are so good at making plans , but it ends there",ARG-0: We "SRL for [tittering]: At this moment , the real murderer is probably [tittering] , but the world has clearly seen that any one of the regimes of Lebanese and Iraqi is more fragile than the other .",ARG-M-TMP: At this moment | ARG-0: the real murderer | ARG-M-ADV: probably "SRL for [whoosh]: `` Tivoli Motel , '' I read a sign in the usual pronunciation of the name as we [whoosh] through .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-DIR: through SRL for [AbN]: Moorfield 's Classification : [AbN] 5 / 6 sectors,ARG-M-LOC: 5 / 6 sectors "SRL for [Eliminate]: *trace* [Eliminate] arbitrage and liquidity will decline instead of rising , creating more volatility instead of less .",ARG-1: arbitrage SRL for [inherited]: Dr. Knudson found that some children with the eye cancer had [inherited] a damaged copy of chromosome No . 13 from a parent who had had the disease .,ARG-0: some children with the eye cancer | ARG-1: a damaged copy of chromosome No . 13 | ARG-2: from a parent who had had the disease SRL for [filed]: One or more airlines have [filed] for protection from creditors .,ARG-0: One or more airlines | ARG-4: for protection from creditors SRL for [shawled]: Therefore she [shawled] her head and her baby in her sea - blue cloak .,ARG-M-DIS: Therefore | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her head and her baby | ARG-2: in her sea - blue cloak SRL for [going out]: Airlines in 1989 came in like a bang and are [going out] like a whimper .,ARG-1: Airlines in 1989 | ARG-M-MNR: like a whimper SRL for [unsuccessful]: If i am [unsuccessful] i 'd get other family members to help and ultimately if they still refuse to listen -- i 'd leave them to their own accord and let them do what they belive is right or wrong .,ARG-0: i "SRL for [press]: Hence in our future approach to the UN , besides continuing to [press] for admission by mobilizing our diplomatic partners to speak on our behalf , we should also actively seek to make the most of the power of our people .",ARG-2: for admission | ARG-M-MNR: by mobilizing our diplomatic partners to speak on our behalf SRL for [breaks]: The man has made several jail [breaks] but was always recaptured .,ARG-0: The man | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-ADJ: several | ARG-1: jail "SRL for [rattling]: We see , smell and hear slums filled with `` the echoes of hawkers advertising their wares interspersed with abusive language , [rattling] coughs and the sound of people gathering spittle in their throats and spewing into the street . ''",ARG-0: coughs "SRL for [squinting]: Republicans are [squinting] most painfully , at least at first , which is only fair because they 've been shielded the most .",ARG-0: Republicans | ARG-M-MNR: most painfully | ARG-M-TMP: at least at first SRL for [toe line]: Television shows these days do not always [toe line] of decency and common sense .,ARG-0: Television shows | ARG-1: of decency and common sense SRL for [escalation]: it would quite an amazing [escalation] if Israel used nuclear bombs on Iran .,ARG-M-ADJ: amazing SRL for [next]: The jam was [next] to the butter on the table .,ARG-1: The jam | ARG-2: to the butter | ARG-M-LOC: on the table "SRL for [persuasive]: Perhaps all art is [persuasive] of something , even if it happens at a subconscious level .",ARG-M-ADV: Perhaps | ARG-0: all art | ARG-2: of something | ARG-M-ADV: even if it happens at a subconscious level "SRL for [spare]: A private challenge to the monolithic tractor industry will take more time and money than Poland can [spare] , although a smokehouse or a local dairy can spring up fast .",ARG-0: Poland | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: more time and money SRL for [ripped]: His agenda is getting [ripped] in the polls .,ARG-1: His agenda | ARG-M-LOC: in the polls SRL for [Dungeon Master]: it 's a lot easier *PRO* to [Dungeon Master] for players who are having fun than players who are bored or disinterested .,ARG-2: for players who are having fun SRL for [were quartered]: The resulting pulps [were quartered] by rotary splitter .,ARG-1: The resulting pulps | ARG-2: by rotary splitter "SRL for [being]: The existence of the hideous theatre , its very [being] , offended him so badly as to cause him nausea each day he passed the decrepit building .",ARG-1: its | ARG-M-ADJ: very SRL for [unhitched]: Billie had [unhitched] the mules from both Tom Brannon 's and his father 's wagon .,ARG-0: Billie | ARG-1: the mules | ARG-2: from both Tom Brannon 's and his father 's wagon SRL for [sit up]: ... the influence of the appeals court in New York `` will make insurers [sit up] and listen . '',ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: insurers "SRL for [compute]: Jack Greenberg , executive vice president and chief financial officer of McDonald 's , says the company does n't [compute] , much less disclose , inflation - adjusted , same - store sales .","ARG-0: the company | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: inflation - adjusted , same - store sales" "SRL for [wade]: Geoffrey Goodfellow , who dropped out of high school back in the 1970s to manage a computer network at a California research firm , says : `` Old network hands have started to turn off the network because they do n't have time to [wade] through the muck . ''",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: through the muck SRL for [moaning]: But I think that it may be the river itself that is [moaning] .,ARG-0: the river itself | R-ARG-0: that SRL for [twanged]: My stomach [twanged] with the unfamiliar weight of the chicken dinner .,ARG-1: My stomach | ARG-2: with the unfamiliar weight of the chicken dinner SRL for [analysis]: His clever [analysis] proved that the painting was a fraud .,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-MNR: clever SRL for [transformed]: The commercial [transformed] the dynamics of the campaign .,ARG-0: The commercial | ARG-1: the dynamics of the campaign SRL for [happened]: During his daily walk through the park John [happened] upon a bag of cash .,ARG-M-TMP: During his daily walk through the park | ARG-0: John | ARG-1: upon a bag of cash SRL for [febrile]: He was not [febrile] last night .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: last night "SRL for [upscaling]: In both cases , we plot the performances when starting at scale 1.0 and when [upscaling] the image to twice its original resolution ( scale 0.5 ) .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the image | ARG-4: to twice its original resolution ( scale 0.5 ) "SRL for [puff up]: After walking out to his corral that morning , he 'd been amazed to see the dust [puff up] in front of his feet .",ARG-1: the dust | ARG-M-LOC: in front of his feet SRL for [acted]: Mr. Rifenburgh said the board still has n't [acted] on most of the internal report 's recommendations ...,ARG-0: the board | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: on most of the internal report 's recommendations "SRL for [racing]: Still really looking forward to it , some great [racing] and that wonderful French scenery",ARG-M-ADJ: great SRL for [clouted]: She [clouted] him with one huge paw and sent him howling .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: with one huge paw "SRL for [knock - offs]: More European air time is filled with low - budget game shows , variety hours , movies and talk shows , many of which are authorized [knock - offs] of their American counterparts .",ARG-M-PRD: authorized | ARG-1: of their American counterparts SRL for [deposition]: ... referring to their [deposition] of the King from the throne of England,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the King | ARG-2: from the throne of England SRL for [performing]: The FBI is reportedly [performing] DNA test on human remains from last month 's bombing of the `` USS Cole . '',ARG-0: The FBI | ARG-M-ADV: reportedly | ARG-1: DNA test | ARG-2: on human remains from last month 's bombing of the `` USS Cole SRL for [loss]: Ford 's $ 37 million [loss] on U.S. automotive operations,ARG-0: Ford 's | ARG-1: $ 37 million | ARG-3: on U.S. automotive operations SRL for [land lock]: It would only jeopardize Iran infrastructure more and [land lock] them ..,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: them SRL for [conference in]: I will [conference in],ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: you "SRL for [locked up]: In any settlement , Warner is almost certain to demand rights to most of the 50 or so projects Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters have [locked up] for the next few years , notably sequels to `` Batman . ''",ARG-0: Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters | ARG-1: the 50 or so projects | ARG-M-TMP: for the next few years SRL for [oxygenating]: Pulmonary : [oxygenating] well,ARG-M-MNR: well SRL for [gird]: `` How can I face the world if I ca n't [gird] my loins with comic book characters ? '' asked John .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: my loins | ARG-2: with comic book characters ? '' SRL for [occupation]: the foreign military [occupation] of that country,ARG-0: foreign military | ARG-1: of that country SRL for [amplified]: GEM and GFS however are much less [amplified] with the cold shot going further east .,ARG-1: GEM and GFS | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-M-EXT: much less | ARG-M-ADV: with the cold shot going further east "SRL for [loathed]: Keepers of the books , dubbed `` figure filberts , '' [loathed] the threat .","ARG-0: Keepers of the books , dubbed `` figure filberts , '' | ARG-1: the threat" SRL for [scraped]: John [scraped] together $ 1.16 from coins in the sofa .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: together | ARG-1: $ 1.16 | ARG-3: from coins in the sofa "SRL for [smothered]: He said Jaguar `` should n't be [smothered] by anyone else , '' recalled one participant .",ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Jaguar | ARG-0: by anyone else SRL for [gunfire]: U.S. submarine rescues Japanese crew from boat damaged by their [gunfire] during World War II .,ARG-1: their "SRL for [induced]: Mr. Neff says the stock market has lost some powerful driving forces , namely earnings growth and the `` LBO sweepstakes '' -- buy - out fever that [induced] investors to bid up whole groups of stocks , such as media and airlines .","ARG-0: buy - out fever | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: to bid up whole groups of stocks , such as media and airlines" "SRL for [hassle]: For the clients ' sake , the general rule is to consult first to avoid the [hassle] for the clients of starting over with newly referred counselors .",ARG-1: for the clients | ARG-0: of starting over with newly referred counselors "SRL for [grouched]: He [grouched] to Jon , "" wanna buy a schooner ? """,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to Jon | ARG-1: wanna buy a schooner ? SRL for [involved]: the plot was too [involved],ARG-1: the plot | ARG-M-EXT: too "SRL for [effect]: Not an unreasonable admonition , really , but it had the [effect] of muzzling Galileo on the matter .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-2: of muzzling Galileo on the matter "SRL for [called]: `` You people here think this is Russian music , '' she said with disdain , and [called] over to the waitress : `` Could you turn it off ? ''",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-DIR: over | ARG-2: to the waitress | ARG-1: `` Could you turn it off ? '' SRL for [reclaims]: Decent life in the inner cities1 wo n't be restored unless the government [reclaims] the streets from the drug gangs .,ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: the streets | ARG-2: from the drug gangs SRL for [devouring]: Yet our efforts are somehow less noble than those of an investment expert studiously [devouring] press clippings on each company he follows .,ARG-0: an investment expert | ARG-M-MNR: studiously | ARG-1: press clippings on each company he follows "SRL for [is]: Ko has discovered that as more and more of these stores have opened in Kaohsiung , he and his wife go to department stores less , because in department stores you can only buy clothes , but in superstores you can buy daily necessities , hardware and so forth , and the selection [is] better .",ARG-1: the selection | ARG-2: better SRL for [mentions]: But the ad also [mentions] Sears 's sales -- a topic that the retailer has avoided since switching to everyday pricing .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the ad | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: Sears 's sales -- a topic that the retailer has avoided since switching to everyday pricing SRL for [observations]: One of Mr. Roberts 's [observations] is that the Bank 's own loan portfolio is in deep trouble because of its lending to developingcountries .,ARG-0: Mr. Roberts 's "SRL for [tolerate]: Even with mutual funds , the little investor continues to [tolerate] high fees , high commissions and poor performance , while index - fund managers slowly amass a better record with lower fees , lower commissions and less risk .","ARG-0: the little investor | ARG-1: high fees , high commissions and poor performance" SRL for [secretion]: The liver 's importance to the digestive system is its [secretion] of bile salts .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of bile salts SRL for [crash]: his [crash] of the cymbal,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the cymbal "SRL for [praying]: When I realized it was over , I went and stood out in front of the house , waiting and [praying] for Merrill to come home , shivering as if it were 20 below zero until he got there .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: for Merrill to come home "SRL for [de - funding]: Progressives should be against [de - funding] and undermining of social security , in whatever form it takes .",ARG-1: of social security | ARG-M-ADJ: in whatever form it takes SRL for [germinate]: Can those seeds [germinate] to create a second spring for Taiwan 's textile industry ?,ARG-M-MOD: Can | ARG-1: those seeds | ARG-M-PRP: to create a second spring for Taiwan 's textile industry "SRL for [brainwashed]: In the past two years , perhaps [brainwashed] by money management dogma that says "" the early bird gets the worm , "" investors have swarmed like bees for the latest fads , sometimes jumping in even before the true value is known .","ARG-M-ADV: perhaps | ARG-1: investors | ARG-0: by money management dogma that says "" the early bird gets the worm" SRL for [deal]: a [deal] with North Korea,ARG-1: with North Korea SRL for [covered over]: They wet the lightweight cloth in a basin and [covered over] with clay that Argiento brought from the bank of the Tiber,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with clay that Argiento brought from the bank of the Tiber "SRL for [desalination]: A minimum energy consumption for sea water [desalination] of around 1 kWh / m3 has been determined , excluding prefiltering and intake / outfall pumping .",ARG-1: sea water SRL for [miss]: Goldman said Eastern would [miss] the same mark by at least $ 120 million .,ARG-0: Eastern | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the same mark | ARG-2: by at least $ 120 million "SRL for [depreciated]: Since 1984 , more companies give sales - loss aid , as many real - estate values [depreciated] , the council says .",ARG-1: many real - estate values SRL for [relapsed]: Are n't the Islamic principles and religious precepts which this [relapsed] person has made fun of of value to you ?,ARG-1: person "SRL for [diet]: Both Drs . Meade and Grokest prescribed medications for him to take , and instructed him to watch his [diet] ( to lower his cholesterol ) ,",ARG-0: his SRL for [bend]: The artist 's [bend] of a piece of wire into the shape of a rabbit amused the children .,ARG-0: artist 's | ARG-1: of a piece of wire | ARG-M-PRD: into the shape of a rabbit SRL for [giving in]: Ms. Bartlett told her audience that she absolutely did not believe in compromise or in [giving in] to the client `` because I do n't think you can do watered - down versions of things . '',ARG-0: she | ARG-1: to the client SRL for [persecuted]: Soviet police clashed with demonstrators in Moscow following a candlelight vigil around the KGB 's Lubyanka headquarters in memory of those [persecuted] under Stalin .,ARG-1: those | ARG-M-TMP: under Stalin SRL for [methinks]: Criminal charges + lifetime ban from all grounds [methinks] .,ARG-1: Criminal charges + lifetime ban from all grounds SRL for [fixated]: Her eyes [fixated] on a point on the horizon .,ARG-1: Her eyes | ARG-2: on a point on the horizon SRL for [Averaging]: Read up on Pound Cost [Averaging] .,ARG-1: Pound Cost SRL for [throw up]: Overcome by hunger pains Sellers would eat massive amounts of food and then [throw up] to make weight .,ARG-M-ADV: Overcome by hunger pains | ARG-0: Sellers | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-PRP: to make weight "SRL for [refuse]: 104 vice president Steven Su says that there are no reliable statistics for the value of the human resources market , because newspapers [refuse] to disclose their revenues from classified ads .",ARG-0: newspapers | ARG-1: to disclose their revenues from classified ads "SRL for [adverted]: They [adverted] to the want of discipline displayed by the army in Africa , the superior officers setting the example of misrule .","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: to the want of discipline displayed by the army in Africa , the superior officers setting the example of misrule" "SRL for [balance]: Of these three , US income from selling technology is four times the amount it spends buying technology elsewhere , and it earns enough each year in patent royalties to [balance] its enormous deficit in manufactured goods .",ARG-2: its enormous deficit in manufactured goods "SRL for [pre - cut]: wood can vary from cork wood or balsa wood , or press - board , or plywood , and [pre - cut] 2 by 4 or slats , you can check home depot or hardware shops for larger pieces ,",ARG-1: wood | ARG-5: 2 by 4 or slats "SRL for [left over]: Since you uninstalled Office , if it [left over] a folder at the root of the HDD called MSOCache , delete the manually .",ARG-M-CAU: Since you uninstalled Office | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: a folder | C-ARG-1: called MSOCache | ARG-M-LOC: at the root of the HDD SRL for [opened]: Douglas Wilder [opened] his gubernatorial battle with Marshall Coleman with an abortion commerical .,ARG-0: Douglas Wilder | ARG-1: his gubernatorial battle with Marshall Coleman | ARG-2: with an abortion commerical SRL for [moderate]: She was chosen to [moderate] the convention .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the convention SRL for [speculated]: Mr. Sherwood [speculated] that the leeway that Sea Containers has means that Temple would have to `` substantially increase their bid if they 're going to top us . '',ARG-0: Mr. Sherwood | ARG-1: that the leeway that Sea Containers has means that Temple would have to `` substantially increase their bid if they 're going to top us SRL for [chillin]: Herro ! I 've awakened ! Are you guys [chillin] ?,ARG-0: you guys SRL for [Run Off]: The issue came to a head in 1986 when the Democrats ruled too many Republicans had voted in their [Run Off] between Bill Baxley and Charlie .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: between Bill Baxley and Charlie SRL for [stapling]: She keeps track of the rest of her hats by [stapling] Polaroid snapshots to the outside of each hatbox .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: Polaroid snapshots | ARG-2: to the outside of each hatbox "SRL for [maximization]: The import of a culturally strong country does n't only reside in cultural industrialization , and does n't only reside in protecting and making good use of our country 's resources , and even less is it taking the brand of "" culture "" to crazily pursue profit [maximization] ;",ARG-1: profit SRL for [pillorying]: But of course the Democrats [pillorying] HUD in hearings and in the press have no such solution in mind .,ARG-0: the Democrats | ARG-1: HUD | ARG-M-LOC: in hearings and in the press SRL for [accord]: Japan will help monitor weapons and soldiers under the peace [accord] that ended Nepal 's decade - long Maoist insurgency .,ARG-1: peace | ARG-M-ADJ: that ended Nepal 's decade - long Maoist insurgency SRL for [employment]: the players ' [employment],ARG-1: the players ' "SRL for [displace]: The DPP sees this election as its chance to [displace] the KMT and set a precedent for the peaceful rotation of political parties in power , thereby consolidating its position as the main alternative to the KMT .",ARG-1: the KMT SRL for [strike up]: And he managed to fend off further advances and even [strike up] an unlikely friendship with the interloper .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: an unlikely friendship with the interloper SRL for [disown]: President ought to [disown] it /.,ARG-0: President | ARG-1: it "SRL for [helpful]: Judging from their reaction , the book was [helpful] to them in understanding schizophrenia .",ARG-M-ADV: Judging from their reaction | ARG-0: the book | ARG-2: to them | ARG-1: in understanding schizophrenia SRL for [justification]: Yet the [justification] they keep using for this intervention is to ' enforce humanitarian law authorised by the United Nations ' .,ARG-M-ADJ: they keep using | ARG-1: for this intervention SRL for [sleep]: all of the sudden I could n't [sleep] /.,ARG-M-TMP: all of the sudden | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [sovietized]: Castro [sovietized] Cuba .,ARG-0: Castro | ARG-1: Cuba SRL for [aftershock]: Fukushima hit by 5.7 - magnitude [aftershock] .,ARG-2: 5.7 - magnitude SRL for [step in]: International Paper or Weyerhaeuser could [step in] . '',ARG-1: International Paper or Weyerhaeuser | ARG-M-MOD: could SRL for [abbreviation]: His [abbreviation] of urethral catheter out to UCO was confused for urinary catheter out .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: urethral catheter out | ARG-4: to UCO "SRL for [non - threatening]: Fault - creep movement generally is [non - threatening] , resulting only in gradual offset of roads , fences , sidewalks , pipelines , and other structures that cross the fault .","ARG-0: Fault - creep movement | ARG-M-ADV: generally | ARG-M-ADV: resulting only in gradual offset of roads , fences , sidewalks , pipelines , and other structures that cross the fault" "SRL for [gulped down]: Timothy Rourke [gulped down] the whiskey hastily and joined him , asking , `` Who are we going to call on in the Northeast section '' ? ?",ARG-0: Timothy Rourke | ARG-1: the whiskey | ARG-M-MNR: hastily "SRL for [save]: The combined effect of these changes is expected to [save] the company about $ 4 million in interest expenses next year , or six cents a share .",ARG-3: The combined effect of these changes | ARG-2: the company | ARG-1: about $ 4 million in interest expenses | ARG-M-TMP: next year | C-ARG-1: or six cents a share SRL for [pack]: The league 's promoters hope retirees and tourists will join die - hard fans like Mr. de Castro and [pack] the stands to see the seniors .,ARG-0: retirees and tourists | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the stands | ARG-M-PNC: to see the seniors "SRL for [skulk]: Why had he crossed the dark water , to bring back a group ofreclaimed soldiers or to [skulk] in a foul - smelling hole ? ?",ARG-M-LOC: in a foul - smelling hole | ARG-0: he "SRL for [familiar]: Well , do n't you think she was being a little too [familiar] with your husband ?",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-EXT: a little too | ARG-1: with your husband SRL for [The bottle of ketchup]: [The bottle of ketchup] is capped by a wad of tinfoil .,ARG-1: capped | ARG-2: by a wad of tinfoil SRL for [beaded]: Sweat [beaded] his brows as he fastened the last knot on his uniform .,ARG-1: Sweat | ARG-3: his brows | ARG-M-TMP: as he fastened the last knot on his uniform "SRL for [rendered]: In this early example of Indian painting in an Ajanta cave , the artist [rendered] the sensuous form of the richly attired bodhisattva with gentle gradations of color and delicate highlights and shadows .",ARG-M-LOC: In this early example of Indian painting in an Ajanta cave | ARG-0: the artist | ARG-1: the sensuous form of the richly attired bodhisattva | ARG-M-MNR: with gentle gradations of color and delicate highlights and shadows SRL for [pre - optimization]: COPD [pre - optimization] by Dr. Lasky,ARG-1: COPD | ARG-0: by Dr. Lasky "SRL for [ripped out]: `` I 've [ripped out] a lot of Delicious '' and grafted the trees with many different shoots , says Steve Wood , a West Lebanon , N.H. , grower , tramping through his 100 - acre Poverty Lane Orchard on a crisp autumn day recently .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a lot of Delicious "SRL for [laying off]: Xerox Corp. has told employees in its Crum & Forster personal insurance operations that it is [laying off] about 300 people , or 25 % of the staff .","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: about 300 people , or 25 % of the staff" "SRL for [sustained]: Treasury officials have been arguing for months that the dollar 's strength was out of whack with economic fundamentals , threatening to extinguish the export boom that has [sustained] manufacturers for several years .",ARG-0: the export boom | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: manufacturers | ARG-M-TMP: for several years SRL for [scheduled]: A guild disciplinary hearing is [scheduled] next Monday in New York,ARG-1: A guild disciplinary hearing | ARG-3: next Monday | ARG-M-LOC: in New York SRL for [conformation]: There is a friendliness about the natural [conformation] of the land which makes it seem homelike before one stone is laid upon another ...,ARG-1: of the land "SRL for [swelling]: During pregnancy , the [swelling] of Marissa 's feet from a size five to a size seven was very uncomfortable .",ARG-1: of Marissa 's feet | ARG-3: from a size five | ARG-4: to a size seven SRL for [commandeering]: The gunman is accused of [commandeering] the bus in the north German city of Breman and holding 16 people hostage during a 75 - mile police chase down the autobahn .,ARG-0: The gunman | ARG-1: the bus | ARG-M-LOC: in the north German city of Breman "SRL for [sever]: The Singapore and Kuala Lumpur stock exchanges are bracing for a turbulent separation , following Malaysian Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin 's long - awaited announcement that the exchanges will [sever] ties .",ARG-0: the exchanges | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: ties SRL for [redo]: Congress will [redo] stupid things with the Tax Code .,ARG-0: Congress | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: stupid things | ARG-2: with the Tax Code SRL for [fumbled]: Hoag stretched his left hand to the wall and [fumbled] for the switch : evil flourishes in the dark .,ARG-0: Hoag | ARG-1: for the switch "SRL for [recauterized]: The stumps of his appendages oozed here and there , and I [recauterized] them to stop the slow bleeding .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: them SRL for [typed]: HLA [typed] platelets,ARG-2: HLA | ARG-1: platelets SRL for [into]: My son 's girlfriend is really [into] pirates .,ARG-1: My son 's girlfriend | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-2: pirates "SRL for [strike]: It is also the kind of libel politicians find useful , since it helps them [strike] a friendly posture on behalf of an important constituency .",ARG-0: them | ARG-1: a friendly posture | ARG-M-GOL: on behalf of an important constituency "SRL for [hack]: Audio wonks will love the details of the This American Life recording setup ( they record interviews using a $ 240 AudioTechnica shotgun mic ) , but the real gem of the interview is his best life [hack] , "" ... my wife and I decided to live just a few blocks from where I work . We did this because of our dog . Since I spend at least an hour every night walking the dog , I did n't want to spend another 60 or 90 minutes a day commuting . ""","ARG-0: his | ARG-M-ADJ: best | ARG-1: life | ARG-2: "" ... my wife and I decided to live just a few blocks from where I work . We did this because of our dog . Since I spend at least an hour every night walking the dog , I did n't want to spend another 60 or 90 minutes a day commuting . """ SRL for [screw]: Two of the more common examples of British - American divergence of usage are [screw] and knock up ., "SRL for [jollified]: he shook hands like a politician , offering cracks and quips that [jollified] the crowd .",ARG-0: cracks and quips | ARG-1: the crowd "SRL for [emigrated]: `` I [emigrated] to wear better hats , do better parties , '' she said with a giggle .","ARG-0: I | ARG-M-PNC: to wear better hats , do better parties" SRL for [earthquake]: Southwestern British Columbia 's largest recorded earthquake is an example of a North American Plate [earthquake] .,ARG-1: North American Plate "SRL for [summoned]: The committee also has [summoned] Mr. Wall 's predecessor , Edwin Gray .","ARG-0: The committee | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: Mr. Wall 's predecessor , Edwin Gray" SRL for [supercoiling]: Positive toroidal [supercoiling] should therefore result in the absence of a strong countering histone dimer : dimer interaction .,ARG-2: Positive | ARG-4: toroidal "SRL for [extinct]: Brisbane River cod are [extinct] , from overfishing , habitat destruction and siltation , and whole - of - catchment scale bushfires and ash fish kills in the 1930s .","ARG-1: Brisbane River cod | ARG-0: from overfishing , habitat destruction and siltation , and whole - of - catchment scale bushfires and ash fish kills in the 1930s" SRL for [acceptance]: The [acceptance] of the baby as her own required the lamb to smell the same as the ewe 's own offspring .,ARG-1: of the baby | ARG-3: as her own SRL for [burnishing]: Yet his co - defendant in the case -- also a former military officer by the name of Oliver North -- has been busily and profitably [burnishing] his involvement in the affair .,ARG-M-DIS: Yet | ARG-0: his co - defendant in the case -- also a former military officer by the name of Oliver North -- | ARG-M-MNR: busily and profitably | ARG-1: his involvement in the affair "SRL for [wring]: In a speech prepared for delivery to London 's financial community , Mr. Lawson summed up current economic policy as a battle to [wring] inflation out of the British economy , using high interest rates as `` the essential instrument '' to carry out the campaign .",ARG-1: inflation | ARG-2: out of the British economy | ARG-M-MNR: using high interest rates as `` the essential instrument '' to carry out the campaign "SRL for [black]: By the 20th century , theories had also been proposed that Jesus was [black]",ARG-1: Jesus SRL for [leaned]: He [leaned] his rifle against the wall,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his rifle | ARG-2: against the wall SRL for [achievement]: And the Fed has at most very limited ability to contribute to the [achievement] of other objectives by means other than by stabilizing the price level .,ARG-1: of other objectives SRL for [hypotensive]: Upon arrival to the ED she was found to be [hypotensive] with BP in the 70 's .,ARG-1: she | ARG-2: with BP in the 70 's "SRL for [devoted]: As Tang explains : "" In the spa , particular attention is [devoted] to the pleasuring and relaxation of the senses of smell , hearing , touch , taste , and vision .","ARG-M-LOC: In the spa | ARG-1: particular attention | ARG-2: to the pleasuring and relaxation of the senses of smell , hearing , touch , taste , and vision" "SRL for [annihilation]: Israel is Western , civilized , the progenitors of the first Christian community , and facing total [annihilation] every day of its life , thanks to being surrounded by psycopathic states .",ARG-M-EXT: total SRL for [hindering]: Prudential - Bache 's Mr. Rodgers said he does n't see the industry 's capacity - expansion program [hindering] takeover activity .,ARG-0: the industry 's capacity - expansion program | ARG-1: takeover activity SRL for [reoperation]: possible [reoperation] of left heart valve bioprostheses,ARG-M-ADJ: possible | ARG-1: of left heart valve bioprostheses "SRL for [recover]: After one too many spills , John was forced to [recover] his sofa .",ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his sofa SRL for [cystectomy]: she had a pilonidal [cystectomy],ARG-2: she | ARG-1: pilonidal "SRL for [unthaw]: Insects there were on the world , but they were frozen solid during the night , only to revive and [unthaw] in the morning sun .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-LOC: in the morning sun "SRL for [resigned]: Mr. Jones , whose twangy voice and folksy ways belie an intense businessman who works 16 - hour days , is [resigned] to the hefty salaries he pays his players these days .","ARG-1: Mr. Jones , whose twangy voice and folksy ways belie an intense businessman who works 16 - hour days | ARG-2: to the hefty salaries he pays his players these days" "SRL for [calling]: Still it is to me fairly obvious that his [calling] her "" The Enchantress of Numbers "" implies that she had a thorough knowledge of the subject .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: "" The Enchantress of Numbers """ "SRL for [rarefied]: For years , this group included a stable of classics -- Bordeaux first growths ( Lafite - Rothschild , Latour , Haut - Brion , Petrus ) , Grand Cru Burgundies ( Romanee - Conti and La Tache ) deluxe Champagnes ( Dom Perignon or Roederer Cristal ) , [rarefied] sweet wines ( Chateau Yquem or Trockenbeerenauslesen Rieslings from Germany , and Biondi - Santi Brunello Riserva from Tuscany ) .",ARG-1: wines "SRL for [keening]: Unsinkable slowed and stopped , hundreds of brilliant white flares swayed eerily down from the black , the air raid sirens ashore rose in a [keening] shriek , the anti - aircraft guns coughed and chattered .",ARG-1: shriek "SRL for [highlighting]: The company is [highlighting] more special deals in its advertising and stores , and it 's offering to defer finance charges on certain big - ticket items .",ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: more special deals | ARG-M-LOC: in its advertising and stores SRL for [over budgeted]: My initial thought is many posters on this site believe -LRB- as I tend to -RRB- this is a sign of an overbearing superpower that abuses its influence and [over budgeted] military spending to exert influence over international economies and policies .,ARG-2: military spending SRL for [mishandled]: A story about how he [mishandled] the sale to his son of his stock in a media company controlled by his political patron Percy Sutton was allowed to fester a full week before Mr. Dinkins faced the media .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the sale to his son of his stock in a media company controlled by his political patron Percy Sutton | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [improvements]: some shipping - rate [improvements] in both theintergrated - steel and steel - service - center segments,ARG-1: shipping - rate | ARG-M-LOC: in both theintergrated - steel and steel - service - center segments SRL for [objection]: Conca repeated in his sentencing memorandum the same arguments made in his [objection] to the plea deal that he was not treated as an adult but as a youthful offender .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to the plea deal that he was not treated as an adult but as a youthful offender SRL for [spouted off]: he [spouted off] that it was no doubt some disgruntled Tea Party guy .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: that it was no doubt some disgruntled Tea Party guy SRL for [come around]: They do at least [come around] to saying that the courts might want to end `` rigid affirmative action programs . '',ARG-0: They | ARG-M-ADV: at least | ARG-1: to saying that the courts might want to end `` rigid affirmative action programs "SRL for [benchsitting]: Does nt need to quit his [benchsitting] position on the hs team , tho ' he does need to factor in the liklihood of the coach booting him .", "SRL for [sprawling]: Like Peter Sellars , Ms. Bogart manipulates her actors as if they were rag dolls , [sprawling] them on staircases , dangling them off tables , even hanging them from precipices while having them perform some gymnastic feats of derring - do .",ARG-0: Ms. Bogart | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: on staircases SRL for [therapeutic]: It 's [therapeutic] . I do n't even know what I 'm stressing about anymore haha .,ARG-1: It SRL for [brittle]: The recommended variety was [brittle] in character and farmers voiced concern if one or two leaves were prematurely broken by the wind .,ARG-1: The recommended variety | ARG-2: in character "SRL for [flaked out]: Dude , he totally [flaked out] on us .",ARG-M-DIS: Dude | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-EXT: totally | ARG-1: on us "SRL for [violent]: "" I was [violent] toward everybody because I hated myself and I wanted them to feel the pain I felt at the time . "" Mike Tyson .",ARG-0: I | ARG-2: toward everybody | ARG-M-CAU: because I hated myself and I wanted them to feel the pain I felt at the time SRL for [brutal]: Its military is pretty [brutal] as well .,ARG-1: Its military | ARG-M-EXT: pretty | ARG-M-DIS: as well SRL for [impact]: `` They may believe this can [impact] contract negotiations ... '',ARG-0: this | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: contract negotiations "SRL for [clocks]: Intel [clocks] the chip 's speed at 15 million instructions per second , or MIPs .","ARG-0: Intel | ARG-1: the chip 's speed | ARG-3: at 15 million instructions per second , or MIPs" SRL for [cast]: He lost a fortune on one [cast] of the dice .,ARG-1: of the dice "SRL for [drive]: `` The more variables that indicate risk , the more the investor is going to [drive] a hard bargain . ''",ARG-0: the investor | ARG-1: a hard bargain SRL for [sprints]: A man carrying a football [sprints] away from a defender .,ARG-0: A man carrying a football | ARG-M-DIR: away from a defender "SRL for [deposed]: But officials in Rome say the issue was legally resolved by a settlement between Italy and King Idris , [deposed] by Col . Muammar Gadhafi in 1969 .",ARG-1: King Idris | ARG-0: by Col . Muammar Gadhafi | ARG-M-TMP: in 1969 "SRL for [evolution]: They have taken individualism to a degree that it goes against the [evolution] of one of the most social animals in the world , the human being .","ARG-1: of one of the most social animals in the world , the human being" "SRL for [whack]: David , why do n't you take a [whack] at this .",ARG-M-CAU: why | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-1: at this "SRL for [stots]: For example , cheetahs abandon more hunts when the gazelle [stots] , and in the event they do give chase , they are far less likely to make a kill .",ARG-1: the gazelle "SRL for [awful]: He was [awful] to me in the end , why ca n't I get over him",ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-TMP: in the end SRL for [testifies]: The vehemence of the emotions aroused by the case [testifies] to its symbolic importance in the war that Thurber accepted as an eternal part of the human condition .,ARG-0: The vehemence of the emotions aroused by the case | ARG-1: to its symbolic importance in the war that Thurber accepted as an eternal part of the human condition SRL for [operable]: The memory arrangement 10 is [operable] as a cache memory in a first mode of operation,ARG-1: The memory arrangement 10 | ARG-3: as a cache memory | ARG-M-LOC: in a first mode of operation SRL for [hybridize]: CLCrV and CLCuV DNA fragments did not [hybridize] with each other under high stringency conditions .,ARG-1: CLCrV and CLCuV DNA fragments | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: with each other | ARG-M-MNR: under high stringency conditions "SRL for [drilling]: Administration is authorizing BP 's contract to pipeline shale oil from Canada , their [drilling] for methane gas in the Rockies , and now the Arctic !","ARG-0: their | ARG-3: for methane gas | ARG-1: in the Rockies , and now the Arctic" SRL for [prearranged]: The Chicago Mercantile Exchange fined and suspended two commodities traders accused of making [prearranged] trades with each other that allegedly cheated a customer .,ARG-1: trades "SRL for [cut and dry]: She was very [cut and dry] about what she wanted , and very competitive !",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-ADV: very | ARG-1: about what she wanted SRL for [gave]: The executives [gave] the chefs a standing ovation .,ARG-0: The executives | ARG-2: the chefs | ARG-1: a standing ovation SRL for [whiffed]: The gust of air [whiffed] away the clouds .,ARG-0: The gust of air | ARG-2: away | ARG-1: the clouds SRL for [congregated]: The bustling shopping district where foreigners [congregated] in the days of the foreign concessions .,ARG-1: foreigners | ARG-M-TMP: in the days of the foreign concessions | ARG-M-LOC: The bustling shopping district | R-ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [depend]: The survival of spinoff Cray Computer Corp. as a fledgling in the supercomputer business appears to [depend] heavily on the creativity -- and longevity -- of its chairman and chief designer , Seymour Cray .","ARG-0: The survival of spinoff Cray Computer Corp. as a fledgling in the supercomputer business | ARG-M-MNR: heavily | ARG-1: on the creativity -- and longevity -- of its chairman and chief designer , Seymour Cray" "SRL for [sculpted]: Each figure had to be shaped , molded , kneaded , [sculpted] and painted",ARG-1: Each figure SRL for [building]: But it 's [building] on a long tradition .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: on a long tradition "SRL for [consulted]: In a statement , Jaguar 's board said they `` were not [consulted] about the ( Ridley decision ) in advance and were surprised at the action taken . ''",ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: about the ( Ridley decision ) | ARG-M-TMP: in advance SRL for [imperative]: Eradicating poverty is [imperative] of humankind,ARG-1: Eradicating poverty | ARG-2: of humankind SRL for [oiling]: ... as a way of [oiling] the wheels of commerce .,ARG-1: the wheels of commerce "SRL for [efface]: Her sister , however , was unable to [efface] her beauty .",ARG-0: Her sister | ARG-1: her beauty SRL for [settled]: ... if he had [settled] with the IRS .,ARG-0: he | ARG-2: with the IRS SRL for [sacrificing]: Making computers smaller often means [sacrificing] memory .,ARG-1: memory SRL for [prolapsed]: [prolapsed] bladder,ARG-1: bladder "SRL for [whipping]: `` I thought [ the drawing ] a cross between someone you 'd spot [whipping] open his trench coat ... or a guy who boasted he 'd been Charles Manson 's roommate for the last 19 years , '' he said .",ARG-0: someone | ARG-1: his trench coat | ARG-2: open SRL for [cut]: We are here to [cut] a truce : in fact the Moka is both : espresso and not espresso .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: a truce SRL for [unhooked]: On Wednesday morning I [unhooked] the T.V. from its cords and moved it to our storage room .,ARG-M-TMP: On Wednesday morning | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the T.V. | ARG-2: from its cords SRL for [ceremony]: The president 's inaugeration [ceremony],ARG-2: The president 's | ARG-1: inaugeration SRL for [traded]: Bank of New England 's shares are [traded] on the New York Stock Exchange .,ARG-1: Bank of New England 's shares | ARG-M-LOC: on the New York Stock Exchange SRL for [irrupted]: They [irrupted] into cheers .,ARG-1: They | ARG-2: into cheers "SRL for [plot]: `` This is a watershed time , and we are trying to [plot] our way ahead , '' he says .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: our way | ARG-M-DIR: ahead SRL for [report]: He will [report] to Donald Pardus .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to Donald Pardus SRL for [accord]: The European post - Cold War security [accord],ARG-0: European | ARG-M-TMP: post - Cold War | ARG-1: security "SRL for [halt]: Gold and silver broker Preston Semel asked a federal court to [halt] the Commodity Exchange from imposing a record $ 550,000 fine on his firm .","ARG-0: a federal court | ARG-1: the Commodity Exchange | ARG-2: from imposing a record $ 550,000 fine on his firm" SRL for [Dependencies]: [Dependencies] of surface rms height .,ARG-0: surface rms height SRL for [crumbled]: John [crumbled] the cookie .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the cookie SRL for [utilization]: The rate of [utilization] of the aquifer to irrigate crops has increased in recent years .,ARG-1: of the aquifer | ARG-M-PRP: to irrigate crops SRL for [quaffed]: He [quaffed] the pint of ale .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the pint of ale "SRL for [undertaken]: Mr. Furuta did n't disclose further details of the arrangement at a news conference , but said the project would be [undertaken] with Ford 's European subsidiary .",ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the project | ARG-M-COM: with Ford 's European subsidiary "SRL for [contrast]: By [contrast] , rentals in the best retail locations in Boston , San Francisco and Chicago rarely top $ 100 a square foot .", SRL for [languishing]: The share price was [languishing] at about 400 pence before Ford 's Sept. 19 announcement of its interest in a minority stake .,ARG-1: The share price | ARG-2: at about 400 pence | ARG-M-TMP: before Ford 's Sept. 19 announcement of its interest in a minority stake SRL for [screening]: The study showed that psychiatrists could improve their [screening] of teens for bipolar disorder .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of teens | ARG-2: for bipolar disorder SRL for [output]: Canadian oil [output],ARG-0: Canadian | ARG-1: oil "SRL for [stressed]: The settlement was uneven ( differential settling ) which [stressed] the beams and columns designed by Datum , and resulted in cracking , spalling and breaking of the beams and columns .",ARG-0: which | ARG-1: the beams "SRL for [beware]: Mr. Laband should [beware] , since he lives in South Carolina .",ARG-0: Mr. Laband | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-CAU: since he lives in South Carolina SRL for [verify]: Merrill Lynch & Co. and Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. say they use voice - activated systems to record and [verify] orders between salesmen and traders .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: orders between salesmen and traders "SRL for [restated]: He did n't say what the company expected to report for year - earlier sales , which will be [restated] from the previously reported $ 603 million .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: year - earlier sales | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-3: from the previously reported $ 603 million SRL for [fabricate]: A form of asbestos once used to [fabricate] cigarettes .,ARG-2: asbestos | ARG-1: cigarettes "SRL for [piped]: In his lifetime , 47 years , the Communists brought electricity to his village and [piped] in drinking water from the reservoir .","ARG-M-TMP: In his lifetime , 47 years | ARG-0: the Communists | ARG-2: in | ARG-1: drinking water | ARG-3: from the reservoir" SRL for [cinched]: John [cinched] down the packages in the back of his truck .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: down | ARG-1: the packages in the back of his truck SRL for [honest]: To be [honest] if Norway was the center of his religious beliefs and if he had been persecuted all the years after his family got kicked out he would have a different view ., "SRL for [fumes]: ` ` I think that this magazine is not only called Garbage , but it is practicing journalistic garbage , '' [fumes] a spokesman for Campbell Soup .","ARG-1: ` ` I think that this magazine is not only called Garbage , but it is practicing journalistic garbage , '' | ARG-0: a spokesman for Campbell Soup" SRL for [silvered]: John 's hair [silvered] with age .,ARG-1: John 's hair | ARG-M-MNR: with age SRL for [placement]: The [placement] through Gray Seifert Securities New York to institutional investors .,ARG-M-MNR: through Gray Seifert Securities New York | ARG-2: to institutional investors SRL for [multiple]: Reasons for studying abroad are [multiple] .,ARG-1: Reasons for studying abroad SRL for [assimilation]: He is widely regarded both for great sophistication of argument and for his [assimilation] of many and diverse subjects in pursuit of synoptic vision .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of many and diverse subjects | ARG-M-ADJ: in pursuit of synoptic vision SRL for [clean clocks]: Chinese pilots can [clean clocks] in dogfights so I would n't pound my chest too much if I were you .,ARG-0: Chinese pilots | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: our | ARG-2: in dogfights SRL for [hijacked]: The Cubans [hijacked] the plane from the pilot and flew it to Miami .,ARG-0: The Cubans | ARG-1: the plane | ARG-2: the pilot | ARG-M-DIR: to Miami "SRL for [practical]: So depending upon who the linguists you are bringing in are , it may be possible / [practical] to get some real heavyweights to come in for their support ....",ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: to get some real heavyweights to come in for their support .... "SRL for [held]: Meanwhile Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has [held] talks with Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben - Ami in Cairo , but no breakthroughs toward a peace deal were reported .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-0: Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat | ARG-1: talks | ARG-2: with Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben - Ami | ARG-M-LOC: in Cairo SRL for [fabricates]: Loews Corp [fabricates] Kent cigarettes .,ARG-0: Loews Corp | ARG-1: Kent cigarettes "SRL for [allegation]: The "" victim "" officially recanted ( took back ) her [allegation] to the Sheriff 's Department , saying she made the whole thing up .",ARG-0: her | ARG-2: to the Sheriff 's Department SRL for [unstructured]: His music is [unstructured] ; it sounds like he 's just playing whatever comes into his head .,ARG-1: His music SRL for [signed up]: Only four securtities firms have [signed up] with the Bog Board to buy and sellESPs as market makers .,ARG-1: Only four securtities firms | ARG-2: with the Bog Board | ARG-3: to buy and sellESPs as market makers SRL for [bad]: I 'm [bad] at singing .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: at singing SRL for [forwent]: John [forwent] Mary in the presentation schedule,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: Mary | ARG-M-LOC: in the presentation schedule SRL for [stone]: They wanted to [stone] them to death .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-PRD: to death "SRL for [progressive]: Like other features , the degree of torsion in the different ribs is [progressive] towards a maximum , and then towards a minimum .","ARG-M-MNR: Like other features | ARG-1: the degree of torsion in the different ribs | ARG-4: towards a maximum , and then towards a minimum" SRL for [overcrowded]: The original kitchen was [overcrowded] with 2 islands .,ARG-1: The original kitchen | ARG-2: with 2 islands SRL for [cash]: And the Treasury said residents of the San Francisco area will be able to [cash] in savings bonds even if they have n't held them for the minimum six - month period .,ARG-0: residents of the San Francisco area | ARG-M-DIR: in | ARG-1: savings bonds SRL for [step]: Maybe she could [step] across the plaza to the Met -- where she has still to make her debut -- and help out her Czech compatriot by singing the slow parts of `` Traviata . '',ARG-M-ADV: Maybe | ARG-1: she | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-DIR: across the plaza | ARG-2: to the Met -- where she has still to make her debut -- SRL for [insult]: an [insult] to the citizens of the Mississippi Delta,ARG-1: to the citizens of the Mississippi Delta SRL for [rise]: a 6 % [rise] in revenue to $ 323.2 million from $ 305.7 million,ARG-2: 6 % | ARG-1: in revenue | ARG-4: to $ 323.2 million | ARG-3: from $ 305.7 million "SRL for [detestable]: Post a lousy photo , then bark around like a berserk dog , and then support yourself and exasperate 1.3 billion Chinese people , you American henchman are [detestable] to the point of being a bit cute !",ARG-1: you American henchman | ARG-M-EXT: to the point of being a bit cute "SRL for [dancing]: The Camden County congressman still carries himself with a trademark `` I'm - coming - down - your - throat '' intensity , but at a pause in Newark 's Columbus Day parade recently , he was [dancing] with his wife in the middle of the avenue in the city 's old Italian - American ward .",ARG-M-LOC: at a pause in Newark 's Columbus Day parade | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: with his wife | ARG-M-LOC: in the middle of the avenue | ARG-M-LOC: in the city 's old Italian - American ward SRL for [hived]: The bees [hived] that honey .,ARG-0: The bees | ARG-1: that honey "SRL for [grim]: The eyes of President Medvedev were [grim] with unswerving determination , as if saying , "" Little Japan , dare you bring it on ? ! """,ARG-1: The eyes of President Medvedev | ARG-2: with unswerving determination SRL for [consequences]: Donald Trump has warned US citizens that there will be ' [consequences] ' for leaving the country on vacation .,ARG-3: for leaving the country on vacation SRL for [beginning]: the [beginning] of a six - day motor expedition from Oxfordshire to Cornwall,ARG-1: of a six - day motor expedition from Oxfordshire to Cornwall SRL for [skindive]: He could n't [skindive] .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [local]: The printer becomes a network printer but it is [local] to the computer to which it is directly connected .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to the computer to which it is directly connected "SRL for [proffered]: Los Angeles financier Marvin Davis , who put United in play with a $ 5.4 billion bid two months ago , last night [proffered] both a ray of hope and an extra element of uncertainty by saying he remains interested in acquiring UAL .","ARG-0: Los Angeles financier Marvin Davis , who put United in play with a $ 5.4 billion bid two months ago | ARG-M-TMP: last night | ARG-1: both a ray of hope and an extra element of uncertainty | ARG-M-MNR: by saying he remains interested in acquiring UAL" "SRL for [develop]: He predicts that in one to two years , biochips will be suitable for use in supplemental tests , and after around three years for high - throughput screening ; in five years time it should be possible to [develop] them into general screening tools which will be as easy to use as the pregnancy test kits on the market today .",ARG-2: them | ARG-1: into general screening tools which will be as easy to use as the pregnancy test kits on the market today "SRL for [located]: After much searching , John finally [located] his teddy bear .",ARG-M-TMP: After much searching | ARG-0: John | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: his teddy bear "SRL for [plotting out]: Other brokerage firms , including Merrill Lynch & Co. , were [plotting out] potential new ad strategies .","ARG-0: Other brokerage firms , including Merrill Lynch & Co. | ARG-1: potential new ad strategies" SRL for [tip]: Officials got a [tip] back then that someone may have dumped equipment into one of the park 's ponds .,ARG-2: that someone may have dumped equipment into one of the park 's ponds SRL for [hibernation]: When is a bear 's winter [hibernation] over ?,ARG-0: a bear 's | ARG-1: winter SRL for [slack off]: But Mr. Wyss said he will watch the numbers to get an inkling of whether consumers ' general buying habits may [slack off] as much as their auto - buying apparently has .,ARG-1: consumers ' general buying habits | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-2: as much as their auto - buying apparently has SRL for [paired off]: They are [paired off] into monogamous couples and mate .,ARG-1: They | ARG-3: into monogamous couples "SRL for [admits]: `` We 've had a few bombs , '' [admits] Mr. Peters .","ARG-1: `` We 've had a few bombs , '' | ARG-0: Mr. Peters" "SRL for [cursed]: Often the genteel , conservative , long - term - oriented investment bankers were displaced by crude traders : `` When angered , he [cursed] so forcefully that his face reddened and his pale - blue eyes narrowed into tiny slits , '' the authors say of Lehman 's Lewis Glucksman .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MNR: so forcefully that his face reddened and his pale - blue eyes narrowed into tiny slits SRL for [chained]: John [chained] the patio furniture together .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the patio furniture | ARG-3: together "SRL for [preoccupied]: Foreign exchange dealers said that the currency market has begun to distance itself from the volatile stock exchange , which has [preoccupied] the market since Oct. 13 , when the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more than 190 points .","ARG-0: the volatile stock exchange | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-TMP: since Oct. 13 , when the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more than 190 points" "SRL for [tooted]: At the small four - room home of Elias Motsoaledi , a leading ANC unionist and a former commander in the group 's armed wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe , well - wishers stuck little ANC flags in their hair and a man [tooted] on an antelope horn wrapped in ANC ribbons .",ARG-0: a man | ARG-1: on an antelope horn wrapped in ANC ribbons SRL for [speech]: his first major arms - control [speech],ARG-0: his | ARG-1: arms - control "SRL for [quarreling]: After years of [quarreling] over Bonn 's `` Ostpolitik '' , West Germany and the U.S. appear to have shifted onto a united course in Eastern Europe .",ARG-2: over Bonn 's `` Ostpolitik '' | ARG-0: West Germany and the U.S. SRL for [leaves]: The taste of some news professionals [leaves] something to be desired,ARG-0: The taste of some news professionals | ARG-1: something to be desired SRL for [hang]: I think we are getting the [hang] of this,ARG-1: of this SRL for [built]: Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs [built] the Apple I in a garage .,ARG-0: Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs | ARG-1: the Apple I | ARG-M-LOC: in a garage "SRL for [pile up]: In the additional time they provide even more order imbalances might [pile up] , as would - be sellers finally get their broker on the phone .",ARG-M-TMP: In the additional time they provide | ARG-1: even more order imbalances | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-TMP: as would - be sellers finally get their broker on the phone "SRL for [strokes]: With rapid , sweeping [strokes] of the brush he creates fluid , free - floating figures",ARG-M-MNR: rapid | ARG-M-MNR: sweeping | ARG-3: of the brush "SRL for [counting]: Commodore had been [counting] on its consumer business to stay sufficiently healthy to support its efforts in other areas -- mainly in getting schools and businesses to use its Amiga , which has slick graphics yet has been slow to catch on because it is n't compatible with Apple Computer Inc. or International Business Machines Corp. hardware .","ARG-0: Commodore | ARG-1: on its consumer business | ARG-2: to stay sufficiently healthy to support its efforts in other areas -- mainly in getting schools and businesses to use its Amiga , which has slick graphics yet has been slow to catch on because it is n't compatible with Apple Computer Inc. or International Business Machines Corp. hardware" SRL for [irresponsible]: He was [irresponsible] to drive his car while drunk,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to drive his car while drunk "SRL for [is vascularized]: As [is vascularized] by branches of the brachial , superior diaphragmatic , thymic and medial esophageal arteries ( Figure 1 ) .","ARG-1: the pericardium | ARG-2: by branches of the brachial , superior diaphragmatic , thymic and medial esophageal arteries" "SRL for [remortgaged]: Long on vision but short on cash , he [remortgaged] the property again to Trotter and Scott in March , 1804 .","ARG-M-ADV: Long on vision but short on cash | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the property | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-2: to Trotter and Scott | ARG-M-TMP: in March , 1804" SRL for [experience]: the bank 's [experience] with LDC debt,ARG-0: the bank 's | ARG-1: with LDC debt SRL for [hepatobiliary]: The test results indicate the infection is [hepatobiliary] in nature .,ARG-1: the infection | ARG-M-ADV: in nature "SRL for [mocking]: The latter typically is the humor of the underdog , and it was perfected by both blacks and Jews on the minstrel and vaudeville stage as a means of [mocking] their white and gentile audiences along with themselves .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: their white and gentile audiences along with themselves "SRL for [grafted]: `` I 've ripped out a lot of Delicious '' and [grafted] the trees with many different shoots , says Steve Wood , a West Lebanon , N.H. , grower , tramping through his 100 - acre Poverty Lane Orchard on a crisp autumn day recently .",ARG-0: I | ARG-2: the trees | ARG-1: with many different shoots "SRL for [injuring]: A series of explosions tore through the huge Phillips PetroleumCo . plastics plant near here , [injuring] more than a hundred andclosing parts of the Houston Ship Channel .",ARG-0: A series of explosions | ARG-1: more than a hundred SRL for [earthquake]: People on Sacramento Street watch smoke rise from the fires that followed the [earthquake] in San Francisco on April 18 1906 .,ARG-1: in San Francisco | ARG-M-TMP: on April 18 1906 SRL for [brilliant]: what a wonderful moment from a wonderful nora ephron film . she was [brilliant] to put jean stapleton on that role,ARG-1: she | C-ARG-1: to put jean stapleton on that role "SRL for [stabbed]: Prior to his term , a teacher bled to death in the halls , [stabbed] by a student .",ARG-1: a teacher | ARG-0: by a student SRL for [asphalted]: He [asphalted] a lot of roads here .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a lot of roads here "SRL for [rehabilitation]: Investigation is needed to identify useful predictors of compliance , ultimately aiding sports medicine professionals in their [rehabilitation] of injury .",ARG-0: their | ARG-2: of injury SRL for [adjournment]: The judge has declared an [adjournment] of the trial until October .,ARG-1: of the trial | ARG-M-TMP: until October SRL for [review]: a daily news [review] of opinions from around the world,ARG-M-TMP: daily | ARG-3: news | ARG-1: of opinions from around the world SRL for [evoked]: The P100 is more dispersed and its latency is more variable than is the case when the response is [evoked] with a fast optomechanical stimulator .,ARG-1: the response | ARG-2: with a SRL for [loosening]: late risk of component wear of [loosening],ARG-1: component "SRL for [fired]: The last time Columbia Pictures was looking for a studio chief , they note , Warner released producer David Puttnam from his contract , then took him back after he was subsequently [fired] by his bosses at Columbia .",ARG-M-TMP: subsequently | ARG-1: he | ARG-0: by his bosses at Columbia SRL for [took]: She [took] the law into her own hands,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the law | ARG-3: into her own hands SRL for [dead]: Passersby were [dead] to our pleas for help .,ARG-1: Passersby | ARG-0: to our pleas for help "SRL for [make out]: But an agressive opposition , along with a biased press and press with an agenda [make out] to be a lot worse than they are .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: an agressive opposition , along with a biased press and press with an agenda | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to be a lot worse than they are" SRL for [battle]: its [battle] with General Motors Corp. over Jaguar PLC,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: with General Motors Corp. | ARG-2: over Jaguar PLC SRL for [taming]: Maybe Mr. Z. was too busy [taming] his set to work with his naturally ungainly Alfredo .,ARG-0: Mr. Z. | ARG-1: his set SRL for [set out]: Bioengineers [set out] to duplicate that feat -- scientifically and commercially -- with new life forms .,ARG-0: Bioengineers | ARG-1: to duplicate that feat -- scientifically and commercially -- with new life forms SRL for [dense]: The fog was [dense],ARG-1: The fog SRL for [demonstrations]: The attack is the latest sign of a shift in the Palestinian uprising from daytime [demonstrations] by stone throwing youth to nighttime guerilla - style action .,ARG-M-TMP: daytime | ARG-0: by stone throwing youth "SRL for [texted]: The wine spoke to me so and I [texted] him about it .. that I was by no means inviting myself to his b - day , I was just wondering when it was .","ARG-0: I | ARG-2: him | ARG-3: about it | ARG-1: that I was by no means inviting myself to his b - day , I was just wondering when it was" "SRL for [whining]: When it was followed by a second , [whining] even closer , Cobb swerved sharply aside into a depression .",ARG-0: a second | ARG-M-DIR: even closer "SRL for [conclusion]: The most important one was her [conclusion] that radioactivity is an "" atomic "" phenomenon , not something caused by the molecular structure of the mineral .","ARG-0: her | ARG-1: that radioactivity is an "" atomic "" phenomenon , not something caused by the molecular structure of the mineral" "SRL for [wrested]: Former Democratic fund - raiser Thomas M. Gaubert , whose savings and loan was [wrested] from his control by federal thrift regulators , has been granted court permission to sue the regulators .",ARG-1: whose savings and loan | ARG-2: from his control | ARG-0: by federal thrift regulators SRL for [negative]: My experiences with him have always been [negative] .,ARG-0: My experiences with him | ARG-M-TMP: always SRL for [deadly]: Chocolate is supposedly [deadly] for dogs 9,ARG-0: Chocolate | ARG-M-ADJ: supposedly | ARG-1: for dogs SRL for [de - legitimize]: because some have joined extremist groups does not [de - legitimize] the plight of an entire people .,ARG-0: because some have joined extremist groups | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the plight of an entire people "SRL for [wrong]: This is not because their race or culture is [wrong] or bad in any way , it 's simply a fact that certain groups have higher rates of crime .",ARG-1: their race or culture | ARG-M-MNR: in any way SRL for [expensive]: The car is very [expensive] to repair .,ARG-1: The car | C-ARG-1: to repair | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [added]: The Nasdaq composite index [added] 1.01 to 456.6 on paltry volume .,ARG-1: The Nasdaq composite index | ARG-2: 1.01 | ARG-4: to 456.6 | ARG-M-ADV: on paltry volume SRL for [squirelled away]: Funny how some things are [squirelled away] by well - meaning prosecutors ...,ARG-1: some things | ARG-0: by well - meaning prosecutors | ARG-M-MNR: how "SRL for [alternating]: `` Communism will reach its final stage of development in a feckless Russo -- corporation - socialist in form , nationalistic in content and Oriental in style -- that will puzzle the world with [alternating] feats of realism and recklessness ... ''",ARG-1: feats of realism and recklessness SRL for [special]: Now you know why July is [special] to me .,ARG-1: July | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-CAU: why SRL for [atoning]: Above all the Servant of Yahweh appears as [atoning] for sinners by his sufferings and death .,ARG-0: the Servant of Yahweh | ARG-M-GOL: for sinners | ARG-M-MNR: by his sufferings and death "SRL for [belittle]: Mr. Stanley is on trial over charges that he violated a proclamation , issued by the South African administrator general earlier this year , which made it a crime punishable by two years in prison for any person to `` insult , disparate or [belittle] '' the election commission .",ARG-0: any person | ARG-1: the election commission "SRL for [rampant]: When George Bush was in the White House , racism was [rampant] in this country .",ARG-M-TMP: When George Bush was in the White House | ARG-1: racism | ARG-M-LOC: in this country SRL for [dissection]: The class ' [dissection] of frogs went awry when Elliot released them all .,ARG-0: The class ' | ARG-1: of frogs "SRL for [put out]: Amazingly , other nearby nations -LRB- Indonesia for one -RRB- are a bit [put out] as it extends Australian soverienty well into Sth East Asia .",ARG-M-ADV: Amazingly | ARG-1: other nearby nations -LRB- Indonesia for one -RRB- | ARG-M-EXT: a bit | ARG-2: as it extends Australian soverienty well into Sth East Asia SRL for [mooted]: A golf course is [mooted] .,ARG-1: A golf course "SRL for [boosts]: It is currently waiving management fees , which [boosts] its yield .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: waiving management fees | ARG-1: its yield SRL for [triggering]: double [triggering],ARG-M-ADJ: double SRL for [session]: A senate [session],ARG-0: senate SRL for [silly]: He was [silly] to eat the whole pie .,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to eat the whole pie SRL for [deal]: when he signed for his [deal] ...,ARG-0: his SRL for [wonder]: This moment of childish [wonder] raised the curtain on the drama of his life in Taiwan .,ARG-M-MNR: childish "SRL for [condone]: Morever , Mr. Addison has said Southern Co. and its units do n't [condone] illegal political contributions .",ARG-0: Southern Co. and its units | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: illegal political contributions SRL for [repacked]: They [repacked] their clothes and other items,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their clothes and other items "SRL for [scintillated]: It [scintillated] among the finest jeweller 's workshops in Paris , New York , and St. Petersburg .","ARG-1: It | ARG-2: among the finest jeweller 's workshops | ARG-M-LOC: in Paris , New York , and St. Petersburg" "SRL for [blew out]: The blasts [blew out] windows , spewed debris for miles and crumpled the ceiling in an area elementary school .",ARG-0: The blasts | ARG-1: windows SRL for [reprioritised]: an outline of the internal balance sheet review process described in my earlier note which must now be [reprioritised] and rescoped -LRB- see MO work -RRB-,ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: which SRL for [conformation]: The chair [conformation] of six membered rings have a dihedral angle of 60 ° between adjacent substituents thus usually making it the most stable conformer .,ARG-3: chair | ARG-2: of six membered rings SRL for [orientation]: A study was made of how the economic [orientation] of an organi- zation can influence its innovativeness .,ARG-3: economic | ARG-1: of an organi- zation SRL for [drop]: We speak at the [drop] of a hint that there is someone who will listen .,ARG-1: of a hint that there is someone who will listen "SRL for [swelled]: New York Stock Exchange volume [swelled] to 198,120,000 shares .","ARG-1: New York Stock Exchange volume | ARG-4: to 198,120,000 shares" "SRL for [working out]: To combine this with [working out] is to combine a beauty perspective with a health one , with more of a recreational feel . """, "SRL for [distinction]: We should seriously consider why is there such an inferior - quality and uncivilized organization as the "" Dog Forum "" faction present in our Mainland China which holds the [distinction] of being a country renowned for civilization and ceremonial rituals ?",ARG-0: of being a country renowned for civilization and ceremonial rituals "SRL for [sluiced down]: And then came the water -- not rain , but solid sheets that [sluiced down] like water slopping from a bucket .",ARG-1: solid sheets | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MNR: like water slopping from a bucket SRL for [discrete]: But this is [discrete] from the experience of the decisions themselves .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: this | ARG-2: from the experience of the decisions themselves SRL for [type]: For communication [type] the email and do not paste it,ARG-M-PRP: For communication | ARG-1: the email SRL for [issue]: I take [issue] with people who say it is unpatriotic to criticize our government .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-0: with people who say it is unpatriotic to criticize our government "SRL for [renting out]: As cable stations started up , the main thurst of KPS 's business gradually turned from program production to [renting out] its studios .",ARG-0: KPS | ARG-1: its studios "SRL for [connection]: Without admitting or denying wrongdoing , the firm consented to findings that it failed to respond `` in a timely manner '' to the NASD 's requests for information in [connection] with a customer complaint .",ARG-2: with a customer complaint "SRL for [dissipated]: The tremendous energy of the quake was [dissipated] by the distance , so that most parts of the valley and the major cities suffered largely cosmetic damage -- broken windows , falling brick and cornices , buckled asphalt or sidewalks .","ARG-1: The tremendous energy of the quake | ARG-0: by the distance | ARG-M-ADV: so that most parts of the valley and the major cities suffered largely cosmetic damage -- broken windows , falling brick and cornices , buckled asphalt or sidewalks" "SRL for [sniff]: `` Texans can [sniff] a phony a mile away , '' the narrator warns outsiders .",ARG-0: Texans | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: a phony | ARG-M-LOC: a mile away SRL for [grasp]: Insurers struggled to to get a firm [grasp] on the volume of claims pouring into their offices .,ARG-M-MNR: firm | ARG-1: on the volume of claims pouring into their offices "SRL for [squawk]: Could n't take them near a river , though , or they 'd [squawk] like a turkey cock the day before Thanksgiving '' .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: 'd | ARG-M-MNR: like a turkey cock the day before Thanksgiving SRL for [GRACIOUS]: It might have been slightly more [GRACIOUS] of him to pay tribute to the work of my right hon . Friend the Prime Minister .,ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-EXT: slightly more | ARG-0: of him | ARG-1: to pay tribute to the work of my right hon . Friend the Prime Minister "SRL for [carved out]: But that has been the key to Compaq 's success , he adds , whereas Dell [carved out] its market niche as a direct seller of low - cost but reliable computers -- and it might be too late in the game for a shift in strategy .",ARG-0: Dell | ARG-1: its market niche | ARG-4: as a direct seller of low - cost but reliable computers SRL for [uncertain]: Potato - butter roll . At first I was [uncertain] of what was actually happening with this roll .,ARG-M-TMP: At first | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: of what was actually happening with this roll "SRL for [liquidated]: Erbamont will then be [liquidated] , with any remaining Erbamont holders receiving a distribution of $ 37 a share .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: Erbamont | ARG-M-ADV: with any remaining Erbamont holders receiving a distribution of $ 37 a share SRL for [Campaign]: President Obama 's ? [Campaign] to Cut Waste ? Has Lackluster Prospects .,ARG-0: President Obama 's | ARG-1: to Cut Waste SRL for [shoving]: The state quit [shoving] peasants onto its subsidized farms over 30 years ago .,ARG-0: The state | ARG-1: peasants | ARG-2: onto its subsidized farms SRL for [re - fix]: So you find that they are trying to [re - fix] and produce their project in the region ...,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their project SRL for [upbringing]: Her [upbringing] of Shivaji is a subject of folklore .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of Shivaji SRL for [extort]: The judge now says it was `` unfortunate '' that he chose to write the letter but says `` there was certainly no intent *trace* to [extort] there . '', SRL for [controversial]: The issue of the death penalty is highly [controversial] to many,ARG-1: The issue of the death penalty | ARG-M-EXT: highly | ARG-2: to many "SRL for [nonunification]: Generally court - reform efforts have attempted to move State court systems from the extreme of fragmented [nonunification] to a unified system that is characterized by consolidation and simplification of court structure , centralized management , centralized rulemaking , centralized budgeting , and State financing .",ARG-M-ADJ: fragmented SRL for [confiscation]: A central element of persecution by the Communist government in Romania was the uncompensated [confiscation] of property from religious communities ...,ARG-M-MNR: uncompensated | ARG-1: of property | ARG-2: from religious communities SRL for [accordance]: He wanted to challenge their [accordance] of legitimacy to the political system .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of legitimacy | ARG-2: to the political system SRL for [scam]: government tax payer [scam] of over 1 billion dollars,ARG-0: government | ARG-1: tax payer | ARG-2: of over 1 billion dollars SRL for [phenomenon]: In this lecture I wish to deal with the [phenomenon] of consciousness which is so extremely difficult to explain to the human mind,ARG-1: of consciousness | ARG-M-ADJ: which is so extremely difficult to explain to the human mind SRL for [tented]: She had [tented] the napkin behind the butter dish and Peter could not see her hands .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the napkin | ARG-M-LOC: behind the butter dish "SRL for [neighboring]: As long as the rival Soviet - backed regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam held a total gridlock over [neighboring] Ethiopia , the U.S. was forced to accept that lonely Berbera runway as a distant No . 2 to the Soviets ' array of airfields next door .",ARG-1: Ethiopia SRL for [tied]: The pithiest testimony to their domination of the just - concluded tournament came from Giants ' manager Roger Craig after his team had fallen in Game Three to a five - home - run barrage that [tied] a 61 - year - old Series record .,ARG-0: a five - home - run barrage | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: a 61 - year - old Series record "SRL for [deny]: In affidavits filed yesterday in the Los Angeles court , Mr. Ross , Warner Bros. Chairman Robert Daly and President Semel [deny] that such an oral agreement was ever made .","ARG-M-LOC: In affidavits filed yesterday in the Los Angeles court | ARG-0: Mr. Ross , Warner Bros. Chairman Robert Daly and President Semel | ARG-1: that such an oral agreement was ever made" SRL for [stain]: It even directed newspapers not to publish anything that might [stain] the honor of the Turkish sultan 's wives .,ARG-0: anything | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: the honor of the Turkish sultan 's wives "SRL for [remodeling]: Proceeds from the offering are expected to be used for [remodeling] the company 's Desert Inn resort in Las Vegas , refurbishing certain aircraft of the MGM Grand Air unit , and to acquire the property for the new resort .",ARG-1: the company 's Desert Inn resort in Las Vegas "SRL for [walk]: `` The buyers [walk] away , and the specialist is left alone '' as the buyer of last resort for his stable of stocks , he contends .",ARG-0: The buyers | ARG-M-DIR: away "SRL for [fat]: Oreo suit twists legal system , is [fat] with faults",ARG-1: Oreo suit | ARG-2: with faults "SRL for [stir fry]: I normally steep it in hot water , then take it out and [stir fry] it .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: normally | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: it SRL for [disband]: The RJR Nabisco Broadcast division will [disband] on Dec. 1 .,ARG-1: The RJR Nabisco Broadcast division | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: on Dec. 1 "SRL for [hammered]: Bethlehem Steel Corp. , [hammered] by higher costs and lower shipments to key automotive and service - center customers , posted a 54 % drop in third - quarter profit .",ARG-1: Bethlehem Steel Corp. | ARG-2: by higher costs and lower shipments to key automotive and service - center customers SRL for [clever]: She is [clever] at guessing what you think .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: at guessing what you think "SRL for [hand - wrote]: Yasser It followed a traditional manuscript Bible format , leaving spaces for rubrications and illuminations , just as scribes had done when they [hand - wrote] the Bible .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the Bible SRL for [greasing]: Intel knows they are about to get punished again by AMD so they are [greasing] the skids to get the media hype they need to delude consumers .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the skids | ARG-M-PRP: to get the media hype they need to delude consumers "SRL for [won]: She [won] grant money for the school , advised cheerleaders , ran the pep club , proposed and taught a new `` Cultural Literacy '' class in Western Civilization and was chosen by the school PTA as `` Teacher of the Year . ''",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: grant money | ARG-3: for the school SRL for [move]: Digital 's [move] into mainframes,ARG-0: Digital 's | ARG-2: into mainframes SRL for [unharmed]: But it is different for America . Not only will America 's interests be [unharmed] but also will be supplemented in other aspects .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: America 's interests SRL for [came out of closet]: John [came out of closet] last week .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-TMP: last week "SRL for [susceptible]: Northern Wisconsin looks to be the most [susceptible] to the change , while Lake Michigan regions will be more insulated from the changes .",ARG-1: Northern Wisconsin | ARG-M-EXT: the most | ARG-2: to the change SRL for [delivery]: the [delivery] of pay - TV networks to cable subscribers,ARG-1: of pay - TV networks | ARG-2: to cable subscribers "SRL for [extract]: Bond investors paid close attention to comments by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan , who was testifying before a congressional hearing , but were n't able to [extract] many clues about the future course of the Fed 's monetary policy .",ARG-0: Bond investors | ARG-1: many clues about the future course of the Fed 's monetary policy "SRL for [selection]: Weld announced his [selection] of Secretary Jacobs as a running mate on May 31 , 2006 , the opening day of the Republican State Convention on Long Island .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Secretary Jacobs | ARG-3: as a running mate "SRL for [understated]: The Commerce Department found that U.S. exports in 1988 , net of imports , were [understated] at the annualized rate of $ 25.4 billion in the first quarter of 1989 .","ARG-1: U.S. exports in 1988 , net of imports | ARG-2: at the annualized rate of $ 25.4 billion | ARG-M-TMP: in the first quarter of 1989" "SRL for [moans]: ` ` I 'm too old to waste a weekend , but that 's what I did , '' the 48 - year - old Mr. Juliano [moans] .","ARG-0: the 48 - year - old Mr. Juliano | ARG-1: ` ` I 'm too old to waste a weekend , but that 's what I did , ''" SRL for [handfeed]: We [handfeed] your baby to ensure that it would become a good companion bird .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: your baby | ARG-M-PRP: to ensure that it would become a good companion bird "SRL for [legalizing]: In East Berlin , Communist Party officials considered [legalizing] New Forum , the country 's largest opposition alliance , as about 20,000 demonstrators staged protests in three cities to press demands for democratic freedoms .","ARG-0: Communist Party officials | ARG-1: New Forum , the country 's largest opposition alliance" "SRL for [sealed off]: He [sealed off] from use with chains and padlocks , but we have no explanation as to why he did this .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from use | ARG-3: with chains and padlocks SRL for [throw away]: ... you should [throw away] .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: it "SRL for [throwing]: In the wake of Campeau 's problems , prices of junk bonds tumbled , [throwing] into doubt the ability of corporate acquirers to finance large takeovers with the help of junk bond sales .",ARG-0: prices of junk bonds tumbled | ARG-2: into doubt | ARG-1: the ability of corporate acquirers to finance large takeovers with the help of junk bond sales "SRL for [pairing]: Runners up John Kelleher and Nicole Gomes , representing the School of Hospitality & Tourism at Auckland University of Technology , were notable in the effectiveness of their [pairing] of tea with sweet and savoury pastry and cakes .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of tea | ARG-2: with sweet and savoury pastry and cakes "SRL for [ejaculation]: Benny 's [ejaculation] of "" there he goes ! "" caused the police to change directions in pursuit of the thief .","ARG-0: Benny 's | ARG-1: of "" there he goes ! """ "SRL for [reckon]: Why ca n't we teach our children to read , write and [reckon] ?",ARG-0: our children "SRL for [fasten]: For the last two years Hsiang Chi - tai has been plagued with capsulitis in her shoulder , and one morning when she could n't manage to [fasten] her bra before setting off for work , she woke up her son , a university student , to help her .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her bra | ARG-M-TMP: before setting off for work "SRL for [suffocating]: It crawled across her breasts , [suffocating] the life in her nipples .",ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the life in her nipples SRL for [hemilaminectomy]: partial [hemilaminectomy],ARG-1: partial SRL for [protected]: The information is [protected] by attorney - client priviledge .,ARG-1: The information | ARG-3: by attorney - client priviledge SRL for [arrived]: When he [arrived] in the U.S. in 1969 -- the start of an eight - year tour -- he tried selling Japanese yen - denominated bonds to U.S. investors .,ARG-1: he | ARG-4: in the U.S. | ARG-M-TMP: in 1969 -- the start of an eight - year tour -- "SRL for [phoned]: He [phoned] them with updates on the investment , such as `` funny things that happened at the well that week , '' he says .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with updates on the investment , such as `` funny things that happened at the well that week" "SRL for [echo]: I admire his [echo] of FDR , as Lennon asks for a year ? without any fear . ?",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of FDR SRL for [imaging]: The [imaging] of the sea - ice surface during the cruise .,ARG-1: of the sea - ice surface | ARG-M-TMP: during the cruise SRL for [topically]: Apply [topically], "SRL for [heed]: The opposition Labor Party leader , Neil Kinnock , in a display of the male chauvinism typical of the British lower class , denounced Mrs. Thatcher for having an independent mind and refusing to [heed] the men in her Cabinet .",ARG-0: Mrs. Thatcher | ARG-1: the men in her Cabinet SRL for [mirror]: Yeah it 's symmetrical so yeah I guess you can just [mirror] it on the 4th column,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: on the 4th column SRL for [addressed]: Mr. Skase 's statement was [addressed] to the stock exchange and appeared to be a response to the inquiry .,ARG-1: Mr. Skase 's statement | ARG-2: to the stock exchange "SRL for [weird]: If he brought it up , he also hoped that Ludo would n't think he was [weird] to think that way .",ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to think that way "SRL for [outlines]: The MiniScribe report [outlines] a host of allegedly fraudulent practices , including the shipment of bricks and defective disk drives that were booked as sales , and inventory forgeries in accounting records .","ARG-0: The MiniScribe report | ARG-1: a host of allegedly fraudulent practices , including the shipment of bricks and defective disk drives that were booked as sales , and inventory forgeries in accounting records" SRL for [divert]: Company lawyers recently sent letters to growers saying that Michael `` would take very seriously any effort ... to [divert] its contracted - for potatoes to other outlets . '',ARG-0: Michael | ARG-1: its contracted - for potatoes | ARG-3: to other outlets SRL for [bombarded]: Afghan guerrillas [bombarded] Kabul in a weekend assault that Western diplomats called one of the biggest offensives since the Soviet Union completed a troop withdrawal in February .,ARG-0: Afghan guerrillas | ARG-1: Kabul | ARG-M-LOC: in a weekend assault that Western diplomats called one of the biggest offensives since the Soviet Union completed a troop withdrawal in February "SRL for [coated]: The carpets wo n't be glued down , and walls will be [coated] with nontoxic finishes .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: walls | ARG-2: with nontoxic finishes SRL for [oophorectomy]: bilateral [oophorectomy],ARG-M-LOC: bilateral "SRL for [curdling]: I looked for Jessica to materialize out of the clogging , [curdling] crowd and , as the time passed and I waited , a fiend came to life beside me and whisperedin my ear : How was I planning to greet Jessica ? ?",ARG-1: crowd SRL for [interview]: an exclusive [interview] with Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari about his visit with President Bush and the huge challenges still facing his country,ARG-M-MNR: exclusive | ARG-1: with Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari | ARG-2: about his visit with President Bush and the huge challenges still facing his country SRL for [famished]: I ' m [famished] for more Petite Cookies and Bread !,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: for more Petite Cookies and Bread ! "SRL for [dares]: Each of them [dares] the other one to spend less time , money , and energy than they are at their own peril .","ARG-0: Each of them | ARG-1: the other one | ARG-2: to spend less time , money , and energy than they are at their own peril" SRL for [hived]: I had [hived] away a collection of empty plastic water bottles .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-PRD: away | ARG-1: a collection of empty plastic water bottles SRL for [save up]: `` We 're not asking them to [save up] 50 proof - of - purchases .,ARG-0: them | ARG-1: 50 proof - of - purchases SRL for [about - face]: I knew that before I wrote a column disagreeing with her [about - face] on credit card debt .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: on credit card debt SRL for [damage]: A single 155 mm round does n't do any significant [damage] .,ARG-0: A single 155 mm round | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: significant "SRL for [hoax]: Filmmaker S. G. Collins debunks the "" moon [hoax] "" theory in such clinical fashion , it 's amazing .",ARG-3: moon "SRL for [at hand]: Thus , he kept him [at hand] in the role of scribe , which is a far more honourable role among the Greeks than among the Roman .","ARG-1: he | ARG-2: him | ARG-3: in the role of scribe , which is a far more honourable role among the Greeks than among the Roman" "SRL for [hazy]: I have to confess the details are [hazy] to me , but it 's all in our brochure .",ARG-1: the details | ARG-2: to me SRL for [weightbearing]: He has been [weightbearing] as tolerated in street shoes .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: as tolerated in street shoes "SRL for [displace]: Digital , however , does n't expect to [displace] IBM mainframes that are already installed at big companies .",ARG-0: Digital | ARG-1: IBM mainframes that are already installed at big companies SRL for [unloaded]: John [unloaded] the delicate china from the truck with a forklift .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: the delicate china | ARG-1: from the truck | ARG-3: with a forklift "SRL for [white tan]: The cut surfaces are [white tan] , fibrous , throughout with a few cystic spaces filled with tan slightly grumous material .",ARG-1: The cut surfaces | ARG-M-LOC: throughout | ARG-M-ADV: with a few cystic spaces filled with tan slightly grumous material "SRL for [presented]: Baby John [presented] transversely , right shoulder first .",ARG-1: Baby John | ARG-3: transversely | ARG-2: right shoulder | ARG-M-MNR: first "SRL for [slips]: If the economy [slips] into a recession , then this is n't a level that 's going to hold . ''",ARG-1: the economy | ARG-2: into a recession SRL for [Normocephalic]: HEENT : [Normocephalic] ., SRL for [intriguing]: Another [intriguing] artifact is a jade tablet engraved with a scene depicting a group of Shu people dressed in short skirts adn holding jade tablets as they kneel in worship to the mountain god .,ARG-0: artifact SRL for [Divarication]: [Divarication] of the rectus abdominus muscle by linea alba thinning .,ARG-1: of the rectus abdominus muscle | ARG-0: by linea alba thinning SRL for [undeclared]: The Fox News one seemed to be let down by the fact that so many of the [undeclared] big names were n't there -LRB- for the obvious reason that they 're undeclared -RRB- .,ARG-1: they SRL for [goggled]: David [goggled] at the baby .,ARG-0: David | ARG-1: at the baby SRL for [happening]: It is [happening] with young wines just coming out .,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: with young wines just coming out SRL for [mopeded]: On the weekend we [mopeded] to the nearest town just to go to the ATM .,ARG-M-TMP: On the weekend | ARG-1: we | ARG-3: to the nearest town | ARG-M-PRP: just to go to the ATM "SRL for [output]: Although it is likely the interviewer will react to the model 's [output] of ( 6 ) , the algorithm must be prepared for the possibility that he will change the topic .",ARG-0: the model 's | ARG-1: of ( 6 ) "SRL for [contracting]: The knight 's [contracting] of syphilis occurred on the night of May 12 , 1510 .",ARG-1: knight 's | ARG-2: of syphilis SRL for [cuts]: big pay [cuts] of $ 1.8 billion,ARG-M-ADJ: big | ARG-1: pay | ARG-2: of $ 1.8 billion "SRL for [sprawling]: It is typical of most such surveys , which are commonplace in an art scene now [sprawling] from Berlin to Beijing .",ARG-1: an art scene | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-2: from Berlin to Beijing SRL for [DNR]: Pro [DNR] patient,ARG-0: Pro | ARG-1: patient "SRL for [balancing]: Within the alliance it is supposed to act as a [balancing] force , guarding against excessive control by government or abuse of its economic position by business , for either could result in a deterioration of its living standards -LRB- under the new resolutions , workers councils may demand that a cooperative be closed or its prices be reduced -RRB- .",ARG-0: force "SRL for [pours]: But at just that moment , he is interrupted in his office by a servant in tuxedo who [pours] coffee from silver into a cup of china and dabs the brim with linen .",ARG-0: a servant in tuxedo | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: coffee | ARG-2: from silver | ARG-3: into a cup of china SRL for [jammed]: I [jammed] last night at the new venue .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: last night | ARG-M-LOC: at the new venue SRL for [wafted]: She [wafted] a little more chloroform under the captain 's nose to be on the safe side .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: a little more chloroform | ARG-M-LOC: under the captain 's nose | ARG-M-PRP: to be on the safe side SRL for [descending]: The SWAT team 's [descending] on his house finally roused the criminal from his lair .,ARG-0: The SWAT team 's | ARG-1: on his house SRL for [post - op]: Patient is [post - op] from a 4 hour ACL revision .,ARG-1: Patient | ARG-2: from a 4 hour ACL revision SRL for [in relation]: low prices [in relation] to the company 's earnings per share,ARG-1: low prices | ARG-2: to the company 's earnings per share "SRL for [thickened]: Watching , they waited until the squall [thickened] and began to move in a long drifting slant across the dry burning land .",ARG-1: the squall SRL for [ulceration]: He is interested in all of syphilis 's manifestations ; as much in its destruction of the bones and joints as in its [ulceration] of the skin .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the skin SRL for [pursuit]: their [pursuit] of beauty,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of beauty SRL for [purchase]: Chloe was forced to ask her husband to make the $ 700 [purchase] for her .,ARG-3: $ 700 | ARG-4: for her SRL for [satirized]: A man named Chen Lie [satirized] the magistrate 's order with a verse that he painted on a large lantern .,ARG-0: A man named Chen Lie | ARG-1: the magistrate 's order | ARG-2: with a verse that he painted on a large lantern SRL for [stigmatized]: The crime of the father [stigmatized] the whole family .,ARG-2: The crime of the father | ARG-1: the whole family "SRL for [scavenging]: Despite the solicitous care of Peter Wey , Comanche became "" morose,""'and his [scavenging] for garbage and his sprees at the canteen "" became more frequent "" ...",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: for garbage SRL for [increase]: They recorded the cattle 's [increase] in weight over a period of weeks .,ARG-1: the cattle 's | ARG-2: in weight SRL for [bedwetting]: His [bedwetting] ended when the boy turned 5 .,ARG-0: His SRL for [straining]: The patient reports [straining] with defecation for the last two weeks .,ARG-0: with defecation | ARG-M-TMP: for the last two weeks "SRL for [nudge]: Harris Trust 's Mr. Woodland noted that the unit continues to show resilience in the face of a barrage of `` headline negatives '' in recent weeks , including rate increases in Europe and Japan , aggressive central bank intervention , a 190 - point plunge in New York stock prices , an unexpectedly poor U.S. trade report and action by the Federal Reserve to [nudge] U.S. rates lower .",ARG-0: the Federal Reserve | ARG-1: U.S. rates | ARG-5: lower SRL for [lateralizing]: focal [lateralizing],ARG-2: focal "SRL for [idiotic]: The seven bullet limit was [idiotic] at best and turned law abiding law enforcement officers , veterans and soccer moms into criminals .",ARG-1: The seven bullet limit | ARG-M-ADJ: at best SRL for [held]: UAL [held] at a slightly lower level through most of the session .,ARG-1: UAL | ARG-2: at a slightly lower level | ARG-M-TMP: through most of the session "SRL for [rejoined]: Bowing to criticism , Bear Stearns , Morgan Stanley and Oppenheimer [rejoined] PaineWebber in suspending stock - index arbitrage trading for their own accounts .","ARG-0: Bear Stearns , Morgan Stanley and Oppenheimer | ARG-1: PaineWebber | ARG-M-ADV: in suspending stock - index arbitrage trading for their own accounts" SRL for [kept]: Japanese demand has [kept] the U.S. currency from plunging .,ARG-0: Japanese demand | ARG-1: the U.S. currency | ARG-2: from plunging SRL for [get off]: Where does Mr. Lehman [get off] castigating Gen. George Marshall for muscling in on naval prerogatives ?,ARG-1: Mr. Lehman | ARG-2: castigating Gen. George Marshall for muscling in on naval prerogatives | ARG-M-MNR: Where SRL for [payment]: It said it needs to make the [payment] by Dec. 1 to avoid a default that could lead to an acceleration of the debt .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-TMP: by Dec. 1 SRL for [deal]: the first [deal] of the cards into three piles,ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: of the cards | ARG-M-PRD: into three piles SRL for [circularizes]: He [circularizes] these customers at intervals with letters and circulars .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: these customers | ARG-M-TMP: at intervals | ARG-2: with letters and circulars SRL for [appropriation]: ... their [appropriation] of influences from African - American music -- and these genres also strongly influenced many European classical composers ...,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of influences from African - American music SRL for [tacked]: John [tacked] his boat into the wind .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his boat | ARG-M-DIR: into the wind "SRL for [tainted]: At stake was an $ 80,000 settlement involving who should pay what share of cleanup costs at the site of a former gas station , where underground fuel tanks had leaked and [tainted] the soil .",ARG-0: underground fuel tanks | ARG-1: the soil SRL for [baits]: His boss [baits] him with letting him know what he is doing wrong .,ARG-0: His boss | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: with letting him know what he is doing wrong "SRL for [deleted]: American Medical International Inc. , a New York hospital operator , will be [deleted] from the index at that time .","ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: American Medical International Inc. , a New York hospital operator | ARG-2: from the index | ARG-M-TMP: at that time" "SRL for [interview]: He did nevertheless find time to do an [interview] with Hong Kong 's Phoenix TV , during which he discoursed freely on the subject of Macau 's development .",ARG-M-TMP: time | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-0: with Hong Kong 's Phoenix TV | ARG-M-ADJ: during which he discoursed freely on the subject of Macau 's development "SRL for [extract]: But above all , this is the national headquarters for boiler - room operators , those slick - talking snake - oil salesmen who use the telephone to [extract] money from the gullible and the greedy and then vanish .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: those slick - talking snake - oil salesmen | ARG-1: money | ARG-2: from the gullible and the greedy "SRL for [championships]: And Eagan is the only American ever to have won four all Ireland [championships] , for banjo , tin whistle , flute and mandolin playing .","ARG-M-ADJ: four | ARG-2: all Ireland | ARG-1: for banjo , tin whistle , flute and mandolin playing" SRL for [aging]: Marta 's [aging] had not slowed her down as a roller derby athlete .,ARG-1: Marta 's SRL for [transfer]: technology [transfer] from the research laboratory to commercial use .,ARG-1: technology | ARG-2: from the research laboratory | ARG-3: to commercial use "SRL for [apt]: Because in this age , understanding and tolerance have already become a scarce thing , because already social morality has gradually slipped away , because power , recklessness , arrogance , and domination are more [apt] to gain people 's respect instead .","ARG-1: power , recklessness , arrogance , and domination | ARG-M-EXT: more | C-ARG-1: to gain people 's respect instead" SRL for [fell]: The increase reflects spending on the S & L rescue as well as payroll and Social Security checks normally issued in October that were issued in September this year because Oct. 1 [fell] on a Sunday .,ARG-1: Oct. 1 | ARG-2: on a Sunday SRL for [counteraction]: Christian singer promotes [counteraction] against planned burning of the Quran,ARG-1: against planned burning of the Quran "SRL for [fission]: Nuclear [fission] of heavy elements was discovered on December 17 , 1938 by German Otto Hahn and his assistant Fritz Strassmann , and explained theoretically in January 1939 by Lise Meitner and her nephew Otto Robert Frisch . Frisch named the process by analogy with biological fission of living cells .",ARG-4: Nuclear | ARG-1: of heavy elements "SRL for [occurs]: Volatility surrounding his trades [occurs] not because of index arbitrage , but because his is a large addition or subtraction to a widget market with finite liquidity .","ARG-1: Volatility surrounding his trades | ARG-M-CAU: not because of index arbitrage , but because his is a large addition or subtraction to a widget market with finite liquidity" SRL for [musical]: Oh nice i am not [musical] at all !,ARG-1: i | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: at all SRL for [foreclosed]: Sunbelt [foreclosed] on the ranch .,ARG-0: Sunbelt | ARG-1: on the ranch SRL for [relook]: The doctor will [relook] at the abdominal ulcer next week .,ARG-M-TMP: next week | ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: at the abdominal ulcer SRL for [exclude]: The federal appeals court held that the nominal damages and the failure to prove all claims did n't [exclude] the USFL from being reimbursed .,ARG-0: the nominal damages and the failure to prove all claims | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the USFL | ARG-2: from being reimbursed "SRL for [tucked away]: Judge Robert ( `` Maximum Bob '' ) Potter sentenced Jim Bakker to 45 years in the big house yesterday , while a Beverly Hills judge [tucked away] Zsa Zsa Gabor for three days , plus 120 hours of work with homeless women .","ARG-0: a Beverly Hills judge | ARG-1: Zsa Zsa Gabor | ARG-2: for three days , plus 120 hours of work with homeless women" "SRL for [grunted]: ... and the men [grunted] and followed , pushing Lester to the side where he back against the wall with the sleeve of his jacket raised before his eyesto shut out the light .",ARG-0: the men | ARG-M-ADV: pushing Lester to the side where he back against the wall with the sleeve of his jacket raised before his eyesto shut out the light "SRL for [buzz off]: Even if a grower beats them back , his $ 2,000 rented bees might [buzz off] to the neighbors ' orchards instead of pollinating his , Mr. Broderick says .","ARG-0: his $ 2,000 rented bees | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-DIR: to the neighbors ' orchards" SRL for [focalized]: The multimedia projector [focalized] the image at a short distance .,ARG-0: The multimedia projector | ARG-1: the image | ARG-M-LOC: at a short distance SRL for [accounting]: He does [accounting] for transit companies .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: does | ARG-2: for transit companies "SRL for [clutch on]: In describing that business in general , he says that when the client ca n't repay the loan , some machikin `` [clutch on] like hyenas '' and even take over the client 's company .",ARG-0: some machikin | ARG-M-MNR: like hyenas "SRL for [answers]: `` I 've read Balzac , '' he [answers] critics .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: critics | ARG-2: `` I 've read Balzac , ''" SRL for [shudder]: Both [shudder] at the thought of proceeding too far beyond the sewage system and the electric light lines .,ARG-1: Both | ARG-2: at the thought of proceeding too far beyond the sewage system and the electric light lines "SRL for [whiffed]: Discreetly , I [whiffed] the air for tequila or petroleum .",ARG-M-MNR: Discreetly | ARG-0: I | ARG-2: the air | ARG-1: for tequila or petroleum SRL for [invests]: The fund [invests] mainly in gold and silver bullion .,ARG-0: The fund | ARG-M-ADV: mainly | ARG-2: in gold and silver bullion SRL for [irrupted]: Previously rare spider species [irrupted] in the absence of birds .,ARG-1: Previously rare spider species | ARG-M-MNR: in the absence of birds SRL for [armored]: The ships were [armored] with a mix of Creusot and compound steel .,ARG-1: The ships | ARG-2: with a mix of Creusot and compound steel "SRL for [collapse]: Using a programme designed to analyse voting patterns and statistics , the thinktank found that European policies on human rights enjoyed the support of 72 % of UN members a decade ago but only 48 % by last year , while the US suffered a steeper [collapse] from 77 % to 30 % .",ARG-M-MNR: steeper | ARG-3: from 77 % to 30 % "SRL for [trash]: Why , when a key witness disappears , does Mancuso [trash] her apartment , tearing down drapes , smashing walls ?","ARG-M-TMP: when a key witness disappears | ARG-0: Mancuso | ARG-1: her apartment | ARG-M-PRP: Why | ARG-M-PRD: tearing down drapes , smashing walls" "SRL for [borrow]: What is it , to [borrow] a term from Coniston , that so unsettled the market ?",ARG-1: a term | ARG-2: from Coniston "SRL for [penalize]: The government will [penalize] offenders , but wo n't confiscate property .",ARG-0: The government | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: offenders SRL for [transcription]: Please refer to his dictated [transcription] of the operative notes .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-PRD: dictated | ARG-1: of the operative notes SRL for [suspicious]: Many people are [suspicious] of lobbyists,ARG-0: Many people | ARG-1: of lobbyists SRL for [torture]: In 1997 the German murderers Ernst Dieter Korzen and Stefan Michael Mahn recorded their [torture] of two prostitutes whom they had kidnapped .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of two prostitutes whom they had kidnapped "SRL for [weaponize]: Yeah , like allowing Obama and the NWO [weaponize] China so the NWO can start World War 3 .",ARG-0: Obama and the NWO | ARG-1: China | ARG-M-PRP: so the NWO can start World War 3 SRL for [rocks]: This band [rocks] my socks !,ARG-0: This band | ARG-1: my socks ! SRL for [outing]: ... these sources were not exposing wrongdoing as Deep Throat did but [outing] a CIA operative .,ARG-0: ... these sources | ARG-1: a CIA operative SRL for [probability]: You can lookup any stock and see its [probability] to go up or down in the next few days .,ARG-1: its | C-ARG-1: to go up or down in the next few days SRL for [hobnobbed]: He [hobnobbed] with Hitler and Eichmann about the final solution .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: with Hitler and Eichmann | ARG-2: about the final solution SRL for [pale]: Even the cashier was a little [pale] .,ARG-1: Even the cashier | ARG-M-EXT: a little SRL for [latin - american]: Is n't she [latin - american] though ?,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: she | ARG-M-ADV: though ? SRL for [declaration]: voluntary absolute and ah competent [declaration] on his part that you were ah released from this agreement,ARG-M-MNR: voluntary absolute and ah competent | ARG-1: that you were ah released from this agreement | ARG-0: on his part SRL for [softening]: Lemon juice can also irritate gums and its [softening] of the enamel can cause tooth sensitivity .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the enamel "SRL for [forgive]: If the political establishment is reluctant to [forgive] sexual misadventures , the private sector sometimes will .",ARG-0: the political establishment | ARG-2: sexual misadventures SRL for [transplant]: But no one has made a serious effort to [transplant] the crop .,ARG-0: no one | ARG-1: the crop "SRL for [unpinned]: He [unpinned] the note from the blanket , read it , and mouthed an expletive .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the note | ARG-2: from the blanket SRL for [of mind]: I am [of mind] that people should live life as though there is no heaven or hell .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: that people should live life as though there is no heaven or hell "SRL for [jailed]: Four years ago , he [jailed] all nine members of the Cambria County School Board for several hours after they defied his order to extend the school year by several weeks to make up for time lost during a teachers ' strike .",ARG-M-TMP: Four years ago | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: all nine members of the Cambria County School Board | ARG-2: for several hours | ARG-M-TMP: after they defied his order to extend the school year by several weeks | ARG-M-PRP: to make up for time lost during a teachers ' strike SRL for [inked]: The Drums [inked] their Island Records deal at MTV HQ before the gig .,ARG-0: The Drums | ARG-2: their Island Records deal | ARG-M-LOC: at MTV HQ | ARG-M-TMP: before the gig "SRL for [muzzles]: In any case , he 's likely to find that the more he [muzzles] his colleagues , the more leaks will pop up all around Washington , a lesson once learned by Henry Kissinger .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his colleagues "SRL for [took hold]: And then the Amen corner [took hold] , re - enacting a form of group participation in worship that stemmed from years before the Greek chorus , spreading down through the African forest , overseas to the West Indies , and then here in Alabama .","ARG-M-DIS: And then | ARG-0: the Amen corner | ARG-M-ADV: re - enacting a form of group participation in worship that stemmed from years before the Greek chorus , spreading down through the African forest , overseas to the West Indies , and then here in Alabama" SRL for [pissed off]: 'Cause Romney [pissed off] with the Jeep - China lie .,ARG-0: Romney | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with the Jeep - China lie "SRL for [balded]: After intensive radiation treatments permanently [balded] him , his prospects began to look even worse .",ARG-0: intensive radiation treatments | ARG-M-MNR: permanently | ARG-1: him SRL for [irresponsible]: I was mentally ill and I was [irresponsible] about my medication .,ARG-1: I | C-ARG-1: about my medication SRL for [point]: Is there any [point] to continuing this ?,ARG-1: to continuing this "SRL for [swag]: If she but [swag] , she 's gone .",ARG-1: she "SRL for [split]: The company 's restructuring includes plans to [split] into three sectors , to phase out domestic printer manufacturing operations and to sell its New England subsidiary .",ARG-1: The company 's restructuring | ARG-2: into three sectors SRL for [drifted]: The Dow Jones Industrial Average ... [drifted] on either side of its previous close and finished with a gain of just 0.82 at 2645.90 .,ARG-1: The Dow Jones Industrial Average ... | ARG-M-LOC: on either side of its previous close "SRL for [lined up]: At a recent trade show , convention - goers [lined up] to view a new Specialized bike frame that weighs just 2.7 pounds -- a pound less than the lightest mountain - bike frame on the market .",ARG-M-LOC: At a recent trade show | ARG-1: convention - goers | ARG-M-PNC: to view a new Specialized bike frame that weighs just 2.7 pounds -- a pound less than the lightest mountain - bike frame on the market SRL for [intermittent]: Her visits are [intermittent] .,ARG-1: Her visits SRL for [went out]: The light [went out] .,ARG-1: The light "SRL for [stayed]: Consumer confidence [stayed] strong in October , despite the unsettling gyrations of the stock market .",ARG-1: Consumer confidence | ARG-3: strong | ARG-M-TMP: in October | ARG-M-ADV: despite the unsettling gyrations of the stock market SRL for [met up]: so we [met up] just after work and got there early .,ARG-M-DIS: so | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-TMP: just after work "SRL for [dubious]: Meanwhile , the difficulty to pass this by referendum in Taiwan is also predictable . After all , Taiwanese people are accustomed to status quo and are highly [dubious] about any changes .",ARG-M-ADV: After all | ARG-0: Taiwanese people | ARG-M-EXT: highly | ARG-1: about any changes "SRL for [tenured]: Why were they [tenured] by the "" establishment "" ?","ARG-1: they | ARG-0: by the "" establishment "" | ARG-M-CAU: Why" SRL for [redoing]: Prospective bond buyers noted that TW historically has prospered because it has been willing to spend aggressively on remodeling restaurants and [redoing] menus .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: menus "SRL for [pouring]: Although imports account for less than 1 % of beer sales in Japan , Asahi Breweries Ltd. , which has been gaining share with its popular dry beer , plans to fend off Japanese competitors by [pouring] $ 1.06 billion into facilities to brew 50 % more beer .","ARG-0: Asahi Breweries Ltd. , which has been gaining share with its popular dry beer | ARG-1: $ 1.06 billion | ARG-3: into facilities to brew 50 % more beer" SRL for [replaying]: We see news services [replaying] footage by al - Jazeera TV station .,ARG-0: news services | ARG-1: footage by al - Jazeera TV station "SRL for [moisturization]: The trainer 's [moisturization] of the elephant 's feet was a waste of time , because the elephant did not own any open - toed shoes .",ARG-0: The trainer 's | ARG-1: of the elephant 's feet SRL for [disarming]: the slow [disarming] going on right now is n't doing anything - because we could get right back into a nuclear arms race at the drop of a hat,ARG-M-MNR: slow | ARG-M-PRD: going on right now SRL for [occupation]: [occupation] by a foreign power,ARG-0: by a foreign power "SRL for [SOL]: If you 're stuck in your village , you 're [SOL] .",ARG-M-ADV: If you 're stuck in your village | ARG-1: you SRL for [vindicated]: John was [vindicated] of all wrongdoing in the great kishka theft caper .,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: of all wrongdoing in the great kishka theft caper SRL for [grimaced]: Mr. Pilson 's rivals at ABC and NBC [grimaced] at the price .,ARG-0: Mr. Pilson 's rivals at ABC and NBC | ARG-1: at the price "SRL for [overarching]: The most controversial of the Brady recommendations involved establishing a single [overarching] regulator to handle crucial cross - market questions , such as setting consistent margin requirements for the stock and futures markets .",ARG-1: regulator SRL for [alienation]: It would just stagnate and eventually decline due to people 's [alienation] from deep conservative traditions which may no longer be relevant to modern living .,ARG-1: people 's | ARG-2: from deep conservative traditions which may no longer be relevant to modern living "SRL for [pack]: Then , if Myra does nothing about fetching her , I 'll [pack] her right back to her mother -- if I have to take her myself '' ! !",ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-M-ADV: if Myra does nothing about fetching her | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-ADV: right | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: to her mother | ARG-M-ADV: if I have to take her myself SRL for [combusted]: This driver 's rage has [combusted] him into flames .,ARG-0: This driver 's rage | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-PRD: into flames "SRL for [judged]: Earlier this week , Dr. Sullivan tried to defuse these charges by stressing that candidates to head the NIH and the CDC will be [judged] by `` standards of scientific and administrative excellence , '' not politics .","ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: candidates to head the NIH and the CDC | ARG-3: by `` standards of scientific and administrative excellence , '' not politics" SRL for [blowing]: Benny 's [blowing] the molten glass into delicate unicorns always impressed the tourists .,ARG-0: Benny 's | ARG-1: the molten glass | ARG-2: into delicate unicorns SRL for [liking]: The Emperor has demonstrated his [liking] to inflict pain on people just as people born under the sign Aries often do .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to inflict pain on people | ARG-M-MNR: just as people born under the sign Aries often do SRL for [pulped]: On a daily basis thousands of books are [pulped] and recycled .,ARG-0: On a daily basis | ARG-1: thousands of books SRL for [zealous]: That guy is [zealous] in prosecuting criminals .,ARG-1: That guy | ARG-2: in prosecuting criminals SRL for [doable]: Yeah that s def [doable] .,ARG-M-DIS: Yeah | ARG-1: that | ARG-M-ADV: def SRL for [delivered]: Maggie [delivered] a healthy baby boy yesterday .,ARG-0: Maggie | ARG-1: a healthy baby boy | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday "SRL for [indignation]: In his [indignation] at what he termed their effeminacy , he would swear that he would never take them to sea again "" without having Fly - market on the forecastle , Covent - garden on the poop , and a cool spring from Canada in the maintop .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: at what he termed their effeminacy SRL for [foxtrotted]: She [foxtrotted] her way to fitness .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her way | ARG-M-GOL: to fitness SRL for [takeover]: The WWP [takeover],ARG-0: The WWP "SRL for [rearing]: According to Japanese media reports on December 9 , apart from expressing the joys of [rearing] her daughter , Masako also recalled her experience of visiting some children 's facilities .",ARG-1: her daughter SRL for [associated]: Vit D might be [associated] with poorer outcomes,ARG-1: Vit D | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-2: with poorer outcomes SRL for [sequenced]: I [sequenced] Mary before John in order of intelligence .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: before John | ARG-3: in order of intelligence SRL for [warming up]: Good . Glad he is finally [warming up] . Now he will be crying for nana when we leave on Saturday .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: finally SRL for [task]: His [task] from the High Command in North Vietnam was to use the division of fresh soldiers at his command to conduct a sustained advance through the Central,ARG-2: his | ARG-0: from the High Command in North Vietnam "SRL for [whiffed]: Cincy defenders had Lewis behind the line of scrimmage on third down , and once again [whiffed] .",ARG-M-TMP: once again | ARG-1: Cincy defenders "SRL for [better]: Horse meat is [better] for you than beef , according to a scion of one of the country 's most prestigious butchery families .",ARG-1: Horse meat | ARG-2: for you | ARG-M-CXN: than beef | ARG-M-ADV: according to a scion of one of the country 's most prestigious butchery families "SRL for [acquitted]: Although Mr. Hastings had been [acquitted] by a jury , lawmakers handling the prosecution in Congress had argued that the purpose of impeachment is n't to punish an individual .",ARG-1: Mr. Hastings | ARG-0: by a jury SRL for [tenting]: Severe displacement causing [tenting] of the skin with the risk of puncture .,ARG-1: of the skin | ARG-M-ADJ: with the risk of puncture SRL for [feuding]: Mr. Blair and Hees have been [feuding] for months .,ARG-0: Mr. Blair and Hees | ARG-M-TMP: for months SRL for [eccentric]: I do not say whether he was [eccentric] in the performance of his military duties .,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: in the performance of his military duties "SRL for [retaliation]: Workers at a Walmart - contracted warehouse in Mira Loma , California , were planning a one - day strike on Thursday in response to ongoing unsafe working conditions and [retaliation] against their organizing to change those conditions .",ARG-1: against their organizing to change those conditions "SRL for [soaked]: There was a jar full of sour wine there , so the soldiers [soaked] a sponge in it .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-0: the soldiers | ARG-1: a sponge | ARG-M-LOC: in it SRL for [shpritz]: And just [shpritz] it through their hair,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: through their hair "SRL for [kicking]: We 're told Senator Pryor is n't yet a co - sponsor , but if he and his colleagues are serious about [kicking] their compulsions , they 'll sign up .",ARG-0: he and his colleagues | ARG-1: their compulsions SRL for [oversewed]: I [oversewed] the pieces together on the wrong side .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the pieces | ARG-4: together | ARG-M-LOC: on the wrong side SRL for [hawked]: Barney the Dinosaur [hawked] a loogie onto the city of Prague .,ARG-0: Barney the Dinosaur | ARG-1: a loogie | ARG-M-LOC: onto the city of Prague "SRL for [re - emerged]: More importantly , he [re - emerged] as a peacemaker last summer after the Central Park rape of a white jogger .",ARG-M-DIS: More importantly | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: as a peacemaker | ARG-M-TMP: last summer | ARG-M-TMP: after the Central Park rape of a white jogger "SRL for [jacking up]: But some industry executives said ABC , in anticipation of a four - game sweep , limited its losses by [jacking up] the number of commercials it aired in the third and fourth games .",ARG-0: ABC | ARG-1: the number of commercials it aired in the third and fourth games "SRL for [higher]: The reason specific ethnic groups are targeted for trying to reduce crime is because , for whatever reason , crime overall is often [higher] statistically in these groups .",ARG-M-CAU: for whatever reason | ARG-1: crime overall | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-M-ADV: statistically | ARG-M-LOC: in these groups SRL for [bankruptcy]: the [bankruptcy] of factories,ARG-1: of factories SRL for [score]: the Chinese team defeated the relatively stronger Korean team with a [score] of 4 : 3 .,ARG-2: of 4 : 3 SRL for [intercepted]: We had [intercepted] during the year an estimated $ 5 billion street value of cocaine .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-TMP: during the year | ARG-1: an estimated $ 5 billion street value of cocaine "SRL for [Armed]: [Armed] with this shared understanding and requisite background information , each department developed its specialized contribution to the proposal , submitting data and cost estimates on a closely managed schedule .",ARG-1: each department | ARG-2: with this shared understanding and requisite background information "SRL for [gather]: With the harvest winding down , however , some analysts are speculating that prices might jump in some regions as U.S. exporters try to [gather] the corn they are obligated to deliver .",ARG-0: U.S. exporters | ARG-1: the corn they are obligated to deliver SRL for [overrun]: His sailing vessel is guided by fate to the shores of his own country at a time when Sibylla 's domain is [overrun] by the armies of one of her rejected suitors .,ARG-1: Sibylla 's domain | ARG-0: by the armies of one of her rejected suitors SRL for [peer]: Keep in mind that this is the same movie in which a character is flattened by a steamroller only to pop right back up and [peer] in the window of a Boeing 747 -- from the outside -- as it takes off .,ARG-0: a character | ARG-1: in the window of a Boeing 747 | ARG-M-DIR: from the outside | ARG-M-TMP: as it takes off "SRL for [summoning]: Air - raid sirens sounded the alarm at 2:25 a.m. , [summoning] 12,000 air wardens to duty .","ARG-0: Air - raid sirens | ARG-1: 12,000 air wardens | ARG-2: to duty" SRL for [prosecutions]: racketeering [prosecutions] against corporate defendants,ARG-2: racketeering | ARG-1: against corporate defendants SRL for [clip]: Primary Offering : A [clip] of hair from Keith Hernandez 's mustache .,ARG-1: of hair | ARG-2: from Keith Hernandez 's mustache SRL for [lorded]: They [lorded] it over me .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: over me SRL for [has]: Shopping at these large stores [has] quickly become a part of leisure - time life in Taiwan ., "SRL for [speculation]: Indeed , he admits how he and Gleason , on a 2004 survey of bowhead whales , observed four drowned polar bears after a harsh Arctic storm , leading to their [speculation] that the deaths resulted from global warming .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: that the deaths resulted from global warming "SRL for [standardize]: Posix is one of three or four versions of UNIX , but it is increasingly required by the federal government as it tries to [standardize] its computer systems .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its computer systems "SRL for [frets]: But Mr. Ruffo [frets] that an even bigger problem could be protectionism from the U.S. , where some politicians oppose what they consider Japanese efforts to use maquiladoras to crack the U.S. market through the back door .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Mr. Ruffo | ARG-1: that an even bigger problem could be protectionism from the U.S. , where some politicians oppose what they consider Japanese efforts to use maquiladoras to crack the U.S. market through the back door" SRL for [versed]: Matteo Ricci is regarded as one of the Westerners most deeply [versed] in Chinese culture .,ARG-M-EXT: most deeply | ARG-1: one of the Westerners | ARG-2: in Chinese culture "SRL for [get off]: I 've always been able to [get off] with my mouth , thankfully .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with my mouth | ARG-M-DIS: thankfully "SRL for [fled]: That 's largely because of defensive measures they adopted after the 1987 crash , when individual investors [fled] the market and trading activity dwindled .",ARG-0: individual investors | ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-TMP: the 1987 crash | R-ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [humanitarian]: At first , it was [humanitarian] to be in sympathy with the New Deal .",ARG-M-TMP: At first | ARG-1: to be in sympathy with the New Deal SRL for [homicide]: Berkeley [homicide] with hammer .,ARG-M-LOC: Berkeley | ARG-2: with hammer "SRL for [overdrafting]: I was already at the round of reexamination when many people advised me not to go , saying it was no good [overdrafting] one 's youth .",ARG-1: one 's youth "SRL for [seated]: `` Barber was [seated] by the fireplace looking very pale , '' recalls the violinist , who performed the work with a piano accompanist at the composer 's apartment .",ARG-1: Barber | ARG-M-LOC: by the fireplace | ARG-M-PRD: looking very pale "SRL for [her]: Although Johnson was initially sentenced to death , the colonial government commuted [her] sentence to life imprisonment following extensive media reports and protests by anti - colonial nationalists .","ARG-M-ADV: Although Johnson was initially sentenced to death , the | ARG-0: colonial government commuted | ARG-1: sentence to | ARG-2: life imprisonment following | ARG-M-TMP: extensive media reports and protests by anti - colonial nationalists" SRL for [Skydiving]: [Skydiving] from a C130 without a parachute with a pair of granny panties sounds like a good option .,ARG-1: from a C130 | ARG-M-MNR: without a parachute | ARG-M-MNR: with a pair of granny panties SRL for [revamping]: Congress sent to President Bush an $ 8.5 billion military construction bill that cuts spending for new installations by 16 % while [revamping] the Pentagon budget to move more than $ 450 million from foreign bases to home - state projects .,ARG-0: an $ 8.5 billion military construction bill | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the Pentagon budget SRL for [composition]: Mary 's [composition] of the wild flowers into a bridal bouquet was astonishingly fast .,ARG-0: Mary 's | ARG-2: of the wild flowers | ARG-1: into a bridal bouquet SRL for [desist]: Sen. Mitchell urged them to [desist] .,ARG-0: them "SRL for [crowned]: In a sign of growing official tolerance for religion , Russian Orthodox priests were allowed to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Moscow patriarchate in the Kremlin 's 15th - century Uspensky Cathedral , where czars were [crowned] ... .",ARG-1: czars | ARG-M-LOC: the Kremlin 's 15th - century Uspensky Cathedral | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [retrieval]: word [retrieval],ARG-1: word SRL for [regard]: They did not take [regard] for countries ' sovereignty .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-1: for countries ' sovereignty SRL for [jammed]: John [jammed] to Pink Floyd .,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: to Pink Floyd SRL for [unfurled]: The bright golden petals seemed to sense she was there and slowly [unfurled] to face her .,ARG-1: The bright golden petals | ARG-M-MNR: slowly | ARG-M-PRP: to face her "SRL for [tasks]: The researchers found that while children 's household [tasks] eased the mother 's burden appreciably , the husband 's helping hand `` appears to lighten the children 's load ...",ARG-2: children | ARG-1: household SRL for [make over]: She professionally and diligently executed her [make over] of my home through the use of additional furnishings and accessories which she provided .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of my home "SRL for [whining]: He would no longer have to see that fat face , hear that [whining] voice .",ARG-0: voice SRL for ['s misting]: It ['s misting] outside .,ARG-M-LOC: outside "SRL for [inspection]: This test includes an [inspection] of the home for deteriorated paint ,",ARG-1: of the home | ARG-2: for deteriorated paint SRL for [sit down]: and we 'll [sit down] with you one on one .,ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-1: we | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-2: with you | ARG-M-MNR: one on one SRL for [secretes]: It [secretes] the largest quantity of venom of any Taiwanese snake .,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the largest quantity of venom of any Taiwanese snake SRL for [wait]: That permits them to [wait] for prices to rise .,ARG-1: them | ARG-2: for prices to rise "SRL for [cremated]: We 're going to have to have a closed casket because they [cremated] the wrong body , ” he told them .","ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the wrong body , ”" "SRL for [share]: Nine in ten ( 91 per cent ) of those who think Scotland gets more than its fair [share] of UK government spending agree that Scotland should raise its own taxes ,",ARG-2: its | ARG-M-ADJ: fair | ARG-1: of UK government spending SRL for [burden]: The prevalence of urinary incontinence and its [burden] on the quality of life among older adults with medicare supplement insurance .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: on the quality of life among older adults with medicare supplement insurance "SRL for [extinct]: Of the 44,838 species assessed worldwide using the IUCN Red List criteria , 905 are [extinct] and 16,928 are listed as threatened to be extinct .","ARG-M-ADV: Of the 44,838 species assessed worldwide using the IUCN Red List criteria | ARG-1: 905" "SRL for [gross]: The stuff the eject is fould and [gross] , but after it floats in the sun , on the ocean , for many years , it becomes ambergris - worth a small fortune too .....",ARG-1: The stuff the eject "SRL for [egging on]: Personally feel sorry for the police ; everyone is the country -LRB- apart from the do - gooders -RRB- is [egging on] to use their bloody baton instead of shoving them , but as the news stalk the police , they ca n't do much because then sky news or bbc play constant replays of the incidents - ' Did the officers use extreme force here ' ' that man was knocked off his bike ' ' how do we know he planned to use the concrete brick",ARG-0: everyone is the country -LRB- apart from the do - gooders -RRB- | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to use their bloody baton instead of shoving them SRL for [talking]: Mr. Simonds - Gooding is n't [talking] to any studios about investing .,ARG-0: Mr. Simonds - Gooding | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: to any studios | ARG-1: about investing "SRL for [sense]: `` It does n't make [sense] to parachute out at this price , '' Mr. Steinhardt says , though he has stopped his takeover talk and now commends USAir managers ' `` operating skills . ''",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: to parachute out at this price SRL for [get a hold]: A character ca n't [get a hold] on any creature more than two size categories larger than the character .,ARG-0: A character | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: on any creature more than two size categories larger than the character "SRL for [proofreading]: On the way to that goal , she received her first U.S. paycheck for [proofreading] a book of Polish poetry , attended secretarial school , then went to work for a fund - raising organization .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: a book of Polish poetry "SRL for [ubiquitous]: = By that time , homes of 100 thousand yuan per square meters will be [ubiquitous] and will not be affordable for most . Yet affluent people in society can afford it , while others will have no choice but to rent .",ARG-M-TMP: By that time | ARG-1: homes of 100 thousand yuan per square meters | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [braked]: It has been suggested that tides have [braked] the spins of Mercury and Venus so much that they eventually have been captured in the present resonances ( see Section 4.9 , and Goldreich and Peale , 1966 ) .",ARG-0: tides | ARG-1: the spins of Mercury and Venus | ARG-M-EXT: so much that they eventually have been captured in the present resonances "SRL for [checks]: Every time he [checks] in for yet another surgery , he is announcing to the world that he does n't know who he is , where he is going , and that he thoroughly loathes himself - at least the adult version .",ARG-M-TMP: Every time | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: in | ARG-M-PRP: for yet another surgery "SRL for [restarted]: The Belgian computer system finally was repaired and [restarted] on Tuesday of this week , with the aid of Toronto Stock Exchange officials who developed the system .",ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: The Belgian computer system | ARG-M-TMP: on Tuesday of this week | ARG-M-MNR: with the aid of Toronto Stock Exchange officials who developed the system "SRL for [anachronistic]: The stagnant argument of sticking to the beaten track and be self - complacent , the conservative claim of maintaining the status quo , the metaphysics of either this or that , = all these are forces of convention that can not meet the needs of the times . All these are [anachronistic] and ossified .",ARG-1: All these SRL for [updated]: I will keep you [updated] on the outcome .,ARG-1: you | ARG-2: on the outcome SRL for [responsible]: It was [responsible] for him to help the old lady across the street .,ARG-1: for him to help the old lady across the street "SRL for [tutoring]: The DLC plan envisaged `` volunteers '' planting trees , emptying bedpans , [tutoring] children , and assisting librarians for $ 100 a week , tax free , plus medical care .","ARG-0: `` volunteers '' | ARG-1: children | ARG-M-PRP: for $ 100 a week , tax free , plus medical care" SRL for [cancerous]: needle aspiration biopsy ( FNA ) will tell if the nodule is [cancerous] or benign .,ARG-1: the nodule "SRL for [informative]: ... and Pythagoras ' Theorem really is [informative] about surveyed triangles etc . , just as Hooke 's Law or Boyle 's Law is informative about everyday elastic substances or gases .",ARG-1: Pythagoras ' Theorem | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-2: about surveyed triangles etc | ARG-M-ADV: just as Hooke 's Law or Boyle 's Law is informative about everyday elastic substances or gases "SRL for [moseyed]: She [moseyed] up to the truck , forgetting that her hands smelled of vinegar .",ARG-1: She | ARG-3: up to the truck | ARG-M-ADV: forgetting that her hands smelled of vinegar "SRL for [kinking]: The importance of recognizing [kinking] of the aorta lies in the fact that it can mimic other more serious conditions , such as mediastinal tumor or aortic aneurysm .",ARG-1: of the aorta "SRL for [encode]: Meanwhile , cable channels must [encode] adult programs to prevent children from being able to watch them at will .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-0: cable channels | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: adult programs | ARG-M-PRP: to prevent children from being able to watch them at will SRL for [spread]: And ? schmear ? is a Yiddish word that originally referred to the [spread] of cream cheese on a bagel ..,ARG-1: of cream cheese | ARG-2: on a bagel SRL for [intentions]: their [intentions] to reform,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to reform "SRL for [restructuring]: In this context , the State - owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission -LRB- SASAC -RRB- issued a regulation on the [restructuring] of state - owned enterprises .",ARG-1: of state - owned enterprises SRL for [thinking]: People were n't [thinking] anything about targeting 10 years ago .,ARG-0: People | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: anything | ARG-2: about targeting | ARG-M-TMP: 10 years ago SRL for [dished up]: John [dished up] a delicious dinner for Mary .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a delicious dinner | ARG-2: for Mary "SRL for [imports]: Kofcoh is a New York holding company for Rosalco Inc. , which [imports] furniture and other items .",ARG-0: Rosalco Inc. | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: furniture and other items SRL for [pulled]: The company [pulled] their ads from the controversial show .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: their ads | ARG-2: from the controversial show SRL for [scoops]: The guide [scoops] into a pail and puts a frantically wiggling croaker on the hook .,ARG-0: The guide | ARG-2: into a pail SRL for [victory]: The real jury returned days later with a $ 345 million [victory] for Energy Transportation .,ARG-3: $ 345 million | ARG-0: for Energy Transportation SRL for [sublimation]: Heat [sublimation],ARG-0: Heat "SRL for [out]: I mean , the guy started the whole thing because he was craving a PBJ , and was [out] of peanut butter .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: of peanut butter "SRL for [secret]: I will not speak that name , it is [secret] to me , it may not pass my lips .",ARG-1: it | ARG-0: to me SRL for [experiment]: the [experiment] with the new vaccine,ARG-1: with the new vaccine "SRL for [cowardly]: By agreeing with Treebeard , Pippin is n't being [cowardly] about continuing the adventure , he just thinks that since Treebeard is so wise , that he 's automatically right .",ARG-M-MNR: By agreeing with Treebeard | ARG-1: Pippin | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: about continuing the adventure SRL for [support]: The finding probably will [support] those who argue that the US should regulate the class of asbestos including crocidolite more closely .,ARG-0: The finding | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: those who argue that the US should regulate the class of asbestos including crocidolite more closely SRL for [keen]: She is [keen] to go fishing with him .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: to go fishing with him "SRL for [intrusion]: Personally , I think this is an [intrusion] into the bar culture by Ald . Schumacher",ARG-2: into the bar culture | ARG-0: by Ald . Schumacher SRL for [stippled]: The engraver [stippled] the name into the metal .,ARG-0: The engraver | ARG-1: the name | ARG-2: into the metal SRL for [bought up]: The company [bought up] sugar on the world market to meet export commitments,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: sugar | ARG-M-LOC: on the world market | ARG-M-PNC: to meet export commitments "SRL for [upbringing]: Some of my dearest friends have experienced considerable loss this year?death of loved ones , an unfaithful spouse , divorce , sickness , and children changing from doting loving children to unyielding , wild running , untamed horses?resisting their [upbringing] of godly teachings .",ARG-1: their | ARG-2: of godly teachings SRL for [sticky]: I was [sticky] with sweat from an intense Krav Maga class,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: with sweat | ARG-M-CAU: from an intense Krav Maga class "SRL for [titled]: In a July analysis [titled] `` From Euphoria to Despair , '' W.I. Carr ( Far East ) Ltd. , another securities firm , said that eroding confidence might undermine future economic development .",ARG-1: a July analysis | ARG-2: From Euphoria to Despair SRL for [favorable]: So it ' s not a surprise that protein from meat has a [favorable] distribution of amino acids .,ARG-1: distribution | C-ARG-1: of amino acids SRL for [pends]: ... while the law [pends] to be decreed by the president .,ARG-1: the law | ARG-2: to be decreed by the president SRL for [prattled]: He [prattled] at me for a minute or two about the Universal Probability Bound .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: at me | ARG-M-MNR: for a minute or two | ARG-1: about the Universal Probability Bound SRL for [dm]: [dm] me if u r down to help out,ARG-2: me | ARG-M-PRP: if u r down to help out SRL for [contribution]: their [contribution] to country and society,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: to country and society SRL for [initiative]: I congratulate Senator Fielding on his [initiative] in driving the Senate Inquiry into the Wind .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: in driving the Senate Inquiry into the Wind "SRL for [In light]: ' [In light] and from a carefully chosen angle , Magrat was not unattractive . ' Terry Pratchett",ARG-1: Magrat | ARG-2: certain SRL for [intensified]: Ford Motor Co. [intensified] its battle with General Motors Corp. over Jaguar PLC by saying it is prepared to make a bid for all of the British auto maker when restrictions on its shareholding are lifted .,ARG-0: Ford Motor Co. | ARG-1: its battle with General Motors Corp. over Jaguar PLC | ARG-2: by saying it is prepared to make a bid for all of the British auto maker when restrictions on its shareholding are lifted "SRL for [buy]: Chen Chih - fan , the scientist and well - known essayist , once described how he , as the eldest son in a poor family , used to spend the days before New Year writing and selling spring couplets in the market , so as to help his father pay off debts and [buy] goodies for his siblings .",ARG-1: goodies | ARG-4: for his siblings "SRL for [network]: This lifts the Jackson family horror show to a whole new order of dysfunction , one that sees parents [network] with power and trade their children for privilege .",ARG-0: parents | ARG-1: with power "SRL for [natural]: To him , public speaking is [natural] .",ARG-2: To him | ARG-1: public speaking "SRL for [boost]: Then , just to make sure the union got off with a bang , it upped the [boost] of the motor from 1.4 to 1.6 bar .",ARG-3: from 1.4 | ARG-4: to 1.6 bar SRL for [have in hand]: The efforts of volunteers do not obviate the need to [have in hand] a large amount of money for the translating and printing of each translation .,ARG-1: a large amount of money | ARG-M-PRP: for the translating and printing of each translation SRL for [volleyed]: The instructor [volleyed] the ball with her .,ARG-0: The instructor | ARG-1: the ball | ARG-2: with her "SRL for [dripping]: `` A very striking illusion , '' Mr. Hyman says now , his voice [dripping] with skepticism , `` but an illusion nevertheless . ''",ARG-1: his voice | ARG-2: with skepticism "SRL for [shade]: The day 's sun was gathering its strength in gold , and she wished she had brought her parasol , if only to [shade] Doaty 's flowers .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: Doaty 's flowers SRL for [noble]: The quest was [noble] .,ARG-1: The quest SRL for [invitations]: [invitations] to the best parties,ARG-2: to the best parties SRL for [constipation]: The patient 's [constipation] was unaffected by usual treatments .,ARG-1: The patient 's SRL for [hungover]: Oh ya ! ! ! ! Miserable . I am so [hungover] .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: so "SRL for [wronged]: When Isabella ( Ellen Lauren ) confronts her brother Claudio ( Matt Loney ) in his cell , explaining the price she has been asked to secure his freedom ; when Isabella and the disguised Duke ( Philip Kerr ) conspire to trick Angelo ; and when Mariana ( Annalee Jefferies ) , a woman [wronged] by Angelo , confronts him with his past misdeeds , the performers bring the dramatic high points to life with intense energy and intelligence .",ARG-1: a woman | ARG-0: by Angelo SRL for [C]: D & [C], SRL for [beat]: The rock band 's incessant drum [beat] kept me awake all night .,ARG-0: rock band 's | ARG-M-TMP: incessant | ARG-1: drum SRL for [wo last]: The new coach [wo last] a full season .,ARG-1: The new coach | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: a full season SRL for [permission]: But they have obtained 8300 forms without court [permission],ARG-0: court "SRL for [crucified]: Two thieves are [crucified] [*-1] with Christ , one saved [*] and the otherdamned [*] .", SRL for [sheathed]: The good knight [sheathed] his sword in its scabbard .,ARG-0: The good knight | ARG-1: his sword | ARG-2: in its scabbard SRL for [glimpsed]: At two thirty he sent Fujimoto to the top of the wall at the northeast corner of the mission to keep an eye on the ridge road and give a signal when he first [glimpsed] the approach of Kayabashi 's party .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: the approach of Kayabashi 's party | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [macroevolved]: they are including a huge variety of animals , including things that would be considered to have [macroevolved] from a common ancestor .",ARG-1: that | ARG-3: from a common ancestor "SRL for [symptomatic]: This latest decision is [symptomatic] of that resistance but economic events will ultimately decide whether "" resistance is futile "" .",ARG-0: This latest decision | ARG-1: of that resistance "SRL for [swamped]: Declining issues [swamped] advancers , 1,222 to 382 .","ARG-0: Declining issues | ARG-1: advancers | ARG-M-EXT: 1,222 to 382" SRL for [booing]: But the [booing] of the soldier was terrible make no mistake .,ARG-1: of the soldier SRL for [sweep]: Woks are cleaned between courses by a ladle of water and a [sweep] with a broom - like bamboo wisk .,ARG-3: with a broom - like bamboo wisk "SRL for [primary]: However , COBRA is [primary] to Medicare when an individual is eligible for Medicare based on ESRD .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-1: COBRA | ARG-2: to Medicare | ARG-M-TMP: when an individual is eligible for Medicare based on ESRD SRL for [knew]: The dog [knew] his master 's call from all the other voices .,ARG-0: The dog | ARG-1: his master 's call | ARG-2: from all the other voices SRL for [granular]: Soil that breaks up easily and does not stay in clumps is [granular] .,ARG-1: Soil that breaks up easily and does not stay in clumps "SRL for [brainstorming]: As an aid for his [brainstorming] about causes and effects , Kurt created the following Cause- . Effect Map on forgetting to put out the trash on time .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: about causes and effects "SRL for [scrub up]: Soon as the Burnsides moved on , he 'd lead Rex down by the river ; there he could shave and [scrub up] for the evening .",ARG-M-LOC: there | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: himself | ARG-M-PRP: for the evening "SRL for [recover]: Still , he added , if the industrial sector remains relatively stable , Rockwell should be able to [recover] in the second half and about equal fiscal 1989 's operating profit of $ 630.9 million .",ARG-1: Rockwell | ARG-M-TMP: in the second half "SRL for [equivalent]: They are [equivalent] in function , though the compilers I tested ( Java 1.6.0_07 and Eclipse 3.4 ) generate different bytecode .",ARG-1: They | ARG-3: in function | ARG-M-ADV: though the compilers I tested ( Java 1.6.0_07 and Eclipse 3.4 ) generate different bytecode "SRL for [piercing]: This story is the tale of the almost super - human will and genius of just one man , Ferdinand de Lesseps , who by his [piercing] of the Suez Isthmus joined East to West and brought life to the desert .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the Suez Isthmus SRL for [decortication]: lung [decortication],ARG-2: lung "SRL for [wear down]: They just keep coming at you , and use every trick in the book to try to [wear down] .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: you "SRL for [accomplish]: Our mission is to help our clients grow , and to use every tool of marketing communications to [accomplish] that . ''",ARG-1: that SRL for [flared]: Anger [flared] in her eyes .,ARG-1: Anger | ARG-M-LOC: in her eyes SRL for [pips]: John [pips] the fowl .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the fowl SRL for [incensed]: One such group got all [incensed] over shelled `` children '' when Helva was just turning fourteen .,ARG-1: One such group | ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-0: over shelled `` children '' | ARG-M-TMP: when Helva was just turning fourteen SRL for [yielded]: A single acre of grapes [yielded] a mere 75 cases in 1987 .,ARG-0: A single acre of grapes | ARG-1: a mere 75 cases | ARG-M-TMP: in 1987 SRL for [pump up]: You can get them a bit cheaper if you are willing to [pump up] yourself .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-REC: yourself SRL for [derived]: About 30 % of Ratners 's profit already is [derived] from the U.S.,ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: About 30 % of Ratners 's profit | ARG-2: from the U.S. "SRL for [twist]: Agreement , disapproval , boredom and distraction all can be inferred from the subjects ' [twist] of a dial .",ARG-0: the subjects ' | ARG-1: of a dial SRL for [whittle]: John [whittle] the small bone into the shape of a different small bone .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: the small bone | ARG-4: into the shape of a different small bone "SRL for [embargoed]: On Oct. 22 , led by Saudi Arabia , the world 's largest exporter , they [embargoed] oil shipments to the U.S. and to the Netherlands , Israel 's staunchest European ally .","ARG-M-TMP: On Oct. 22 | ARG-M-ADV: led by Saudi Arabia , the world 's largest exporter | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: oil shipments to the U.S. and to the Netherlands , Israel 's staunchest European ally" SRL for [anticoagulation]: Dr. Suzy 's [anticoagulation] of Patient Bob was successful .,ARG-0: Dr. Suzy 's | ARG-1: of Patient Bob SRL for [boom]: Scotland 's housing [boom],ARG-0: Scotland 's | ARG-1: housing SRL for [caucus]: His nomination was voted at a [caucus] of state delegates at the midyear meeting of the American Bar Association,ARG-0: of state delegates SRL for [varied]: The problem is that funding of schools is so small and [varied] .,ARG-1: funding of schools | ARG-2: so SRL for [parsed]: So we 've taken all of that content and we 've [parsed] it into pieces that match certain issues .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: into pieces that match certain issues "SRL for [resurging]: Photographic companies are scrambling to tap the [resurging] market , reviving some black - and - white product lines and developing new ones .",ARG-0: market SRL for [measures]: basic [measures] to protect dolphins,ARG-M-ADJ: basic | ARG-M-PRP: to protect dolphins SRL for [capture]: Most of the volume came from trades designed to [capture] the stock 's next dividend ; Texaco has a yield of 5.6 % and goes ex - dividend today .,ARG-0: trades | ARG-1: the stock 's next dividend "SRL for [shout]: God 's people [shout] to him night and day , and he will always give them what is right .",ARG-0: God 's people | ARG-2: to him | ARG-M-TMP: night and day SRL for [contrast]: a [contrast] in styles,ARG-1: in styles SRL for [interpretations]: their [interpretations] of Islamic law,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Islamic law "SRL for [yielded]: In the past it has not [yielded] to any pressure from outside , and now it still unswervingly defends the right to determine its own future for itself . """,ARG-M-TMP: In the past | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: to any pressure from outside SRL for [assessed]: He [assessed] the value of the accommodation provided at $ 80 per week .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the value of the accommodation | ARG-2: at $ 80 per week "SRL for [measured]: In point of fact , volatility as [measured] by the annualized standard deviation of daily stock price movements has frequently been much higher than it is today .",ARG-1: volatility | ARG-2: by the annualized standard deviation of daily stock price movements SRL for [Metastatic]: [Metastatic] colon cancer to the pelvis .,ARG-1: colon cancer SRL for [proposition]: and [proposition] of a name for 66 additional unknown cultivars .,ARG-1: of a name | ARG-2: for 66 additional unknown cultivars SRL for [lactation]: Continuing her [lactation] may enhance the health of both the mother and baby .,ARG-0: her SRL for [deal]: the final [deal] between us and the Palestinians,ARG-M-TMP: final | ARG-0: between us and the Palestinians SRL for [negotiating]: Both companies are in the process of [negotiating] contracts with LTV and others .,ARG-0: Both companies | ARG-2: contracts | ARG-1: with LTV and others "SRL for [rapping]: The teacher plunged the children into a new portion , this time in Hebrew , [rapping] the stick incessantly .",ARG-0: The teacher | ARG-1: the stick | ARG-M-MNR: incessantly "SRL for [act]: "" I was angry when I saw his violent [act] against animals . """,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-MNR: violent | ARG-1: against animals SRL for [upregulation]: Has anyone here ever heard of the [upregulation] of genes ?,ARG-1: of genes SRL for [lodged]: `` The explosion of junk bonds and takeovers has [lodged] a lot of insecure securities in the hands of investors and loaded the corporations that are the objects of takeovers or feared takeovers with huge amounts of debt rather than equity .,ARG-0: The explosion of junk bonds and takeovers | ARG-1: a lot of insecure securities | ARG-2: in the hands of investors "SRL for [stressed]: Winter weather , especially frigid temperatures like we have had recently , [stressed] the machinery to the maximum .","ARG-0: Winter weather , especially frigid temperatures like we have had recently | ARG-1: the machinery | ARG-M-EXT: to the maximum" SRL for [unresolved]: This was [unresolved] at 3.5 % .,ARG-1: This | ARG-3: at 3.5 % "SRL for [waddles]: Embedded in the `` budget '' being concocted by the House - Senate conference committee is something that looks , smells and [waddles] like a duck .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: something | ARG-M-MNR: like a duck SRL for [predictions]: The [predictions] of doom,ARG-1: of doom SRL for [spotty]: At best things have been [spotty] lately ... up and down .,ARG-M-ADV: At best | ARG-1: things | ARG-M-TMP: lately SRL for [wipe]: And God will [wipe] away every tear from their eyes . '',ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: God | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-1: every tear | ARG-2: from their eyes "SRL for [deregulate]: The finding probably will support those who argue that the U.S. should [deregulate] the class of asbestos including crocidolite more stringently than the common kind of asbestos , chrysotile , found in most schools and other buildings , Dr. Talcott said .","ARG-0: the U.S. | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: the class of asbestos including crocidolite | ARG-M-MNR: more stringently than the common kind of asbestos , chrysotile , found in most schools and other buildings" SRL for [resent]: I 've done nothing but [resent] her for the absence her efforts required .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: for the absence her efforts required SRL for [referred]: He [referred] to his notes extensively to help remember his speech .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: to his notes | ARG-M-EXT: extensively | ARG-2: to help remember his speech "SRL for [confederated]: The Shawnees , heretofore [confederated] with the Senecas , cede to the United States that portion of their remaining lands",ARG-M-ADV: heretofore | ARG-1: The Shawnees | ARG-2: with the Senecas SRL for [held out]: He also [held out] little hope of restitution for purchasers of $ 225 million in American Continental subordinated debt .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: little hope of restitution for purchasers of $ 225 million in American Continental subordinated debt SRL for [doubtful]: It was somewhat [doubtful] that the fox had borrowed the tiger 's terror .,ARG-M-EXT: somewhat | ARG-1: that the fox had borrowed the tiger 's terror SRL for [outline]: sketch your drawing and [outline] it in Elmer 's glue then paint it with watercolors .,ARG-0: your | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in Elmer 's glue "SRL for [fungated]: The wounds from the primary skin tumor [fungated] , becoming malodorous and quite painful .",ARG-1: The wounds from the primary skin tumor | ARG-M-ADV: becoming malodorous and quite painful SRL for [bested]: It had been a long time since anyone had [bested] him at chess .,ARG-0: anyone | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: at chess SRL for [grooved]: One floor was [grooved] longitudinally .,ARG-1: One floor | ARG-0: longitudinally SRL for [ranked]: He [ranked] first in the polls .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: first | ARG-M-LOC: in the polls "SRL for [run off]: No , there is n't going to be a final [run off] for President between a female candidate and an African - American candidate .",ARG-M-TMP: final | ARG-2: for President | ARG-1: between a female candidate and an African - American candidate SRL for [binarization]: A multi - scale framework for adaptive [binarization] of degraded document images .,ARG-M-MNR: adaptive | ARG-1: of degraded document images SRL for [get off]: I [get off] on ' 57 Chevies,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: on ' 57 Chevies "SRL for [tumbled]: After troubled Heritage Media proposed acquiring POP Radio in a stock swap , POP Radio 's shares [tumbled] 4 to 14 3/4 .",ARG-M-TMP: After troubled Heritage Media proposed acquiring POP Radio in a stock swap | ARG-1: POP Radio 's shares | ARG-2: 4 | ARG-4: to 14 3/4 SRL for [pallor]: mild conjunctival [pallor],ARG-M-EXT: mild | ARG-1: conjunctival "SRL for [fed up]: Two years ago , the Rev. Jeremy Hummerstone , vicar of Great Torrington , Devon , got so [fed up] with ringers who did n't attend service he sacked the entire band ; the ringers promptly set up a picket line in protest .","ARG-1: the Rev. Jeremy Hummerstone , vicar of Great Torrington , Devon | ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-2: with ringers who did n't attend service" SRL for [relief]: Senate and House bills to provide special casualty - loss treatment and other tax [relief] for timber growers in the hurricane disaster areas,ARG-1: tax | ARG-2: for timber growers in the hurricane disaster areas SRL for [strike]: The guild began a [strike] against the TV and movie industry in March 1988 .,ARG-1: against the TV and movie industry SRL for [fibrosis]: possibly from edema or [fibrosis], SRL for [odd]: One thing we could do is sum up all of the degrees of the vertices in this graph and see if that number was [odd] or even .,ARG-1: that number "SRL for [code named]: On December 4 , 2011 , the area of Iran 's ten - day military exercise [code named] "" Velayat 90 "" will cover 2,000 kilometers from the east of the Strait of Hormuz to the Gulf of Aden .","ARG-1: Iran 's ten - day military exercise | ARG-2: "" Velayat 90 """ SRL for [microcalcifications]: Focal [microcalcifications],ARG-M-LOC: Focal SRL for [added]: Judge Curry [added] an additional $ 55 million to the commission 's calculations .,ARG-0: Judge Curry | ARG-1: an additional $ 55 million | ARG-2: to the commission 's calculations "SRL for [through]: Now that the war is [through] with me . I 'm waking up , I can not see .",ARG-0: the war | ARG-1: with me "SRL for [crabbed]: Instead , he [crabbed] in the morning , took tourists fishing in the afternoon",ARG-M-DIS: Instead | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: in the morning "SRL for [self conscious]: If this works well I would definitely buy one , I hate shaving and my arms are quite hairy as well -LRB- I do n't shave or bleach them but I am [self conscious] -RRB- , so I 'd love to be hair free forever .",ARG-0: I "SRL for [zoom in]: What this does is , by hitting a key combination , it will [zoom in] on the area you 're looking at .",ARG-M-MNR: by hitting a key combination | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the screen | ARG-2: on the area you 're looking at "SRL for [let off]: A convoy of police cars , ambulances and other rescue vehicles [let off] a long blast from their horns as the workers in orange jumpsuits stood quietly with eyes downcast , some removing their white hardhats .","ARG-0: A convoy of police cars , ambulances and other rescue vehicles | ARG-2: a long blast | ARG-1: from their horns | ARG-M-TMP: as the workers in orange jumpsuits stood quietly with eyes downcast , some removing their white hardhats" "SRL for [chinked]: Beyond that misty gray of the rain , he saw the stretching hutment , lowdiminutive log cabins , [chinked] with mud , with doorways aman would have to crouch to get through , with roofs of tenting laid over boughs or boards from hardtack boxes , or fence rails , with crankychimneys of sticks and dried mud .",ARG-2: with mud | ARG-1: the stretching hutment SRL for [counteracted]: HomeFed had been one of the handful of large West Coast thrifts that in recent quarters had [counteracted] interest - rate problems dogging the industry by keeping a lid on problem assets and lending heavily into the furious California housing market .,ARG-M-TMP: in recent quarters | ARG-0: large West Coast thrifts | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: interest - rate problems dogging the industry | ARG-3: by keeping a lid on problem assets and lending heavily into the furious California housing market SRL for [plumbed]: They probably [plumbed] the drain line from the dishwasher into the garbage disposal .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-1: the drain line | ARG-2: from the dishwasher | ARG-3: into the garbage disposal SRL for [torture]: You recount the [torture] of prisoners with electricity by Seattle police in the 1920 's .,ARG-1: of prisoners | ARG-M-MNR: with electricity | ARG-0: by Seattle police | ARG-M-TMP: in the 1920 's SRL for [conclusive]: The evidence was [conclusive] for the court on the issue of paternity,ARG-3: The evidence | ARG-0: for the court | ARG-1: on the issue of paternity SRL for [default]: Pushing the issue on legislation needed to avoid [default] by the federal government,ARG-1: by the federal government "SRL for [narrowed]: That range was quickly [narrowed] to $ 145 to $ 155 , although traders surrounding the post were told that $ 148 to $ 150 would be the likely target .",ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: That range | ARG-4: to $ 145 to $ 155 | ARG-M-ADV: although traders surrounding the post were told that $ 148 to $ 150 would be the likely target "SRL for [excuse]: A GOP Senate fund - raising letter from Sen. Burns of Montana is made to appear personally written , and its opening line is , `` Please *trace* [excuse] my handwriting . ''",ARG-2: my handwriting SRL for [superposed]: I [superposed] the signatures one over the other .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the signatures | ARG-M-MNR: one over the other SRL for [plumbed]: He [plumbed] the Tech for information about the immediate environment .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the Tech | ARG-2: for information about the immediate environment SRL for [relay]: The Beijing Olympics torch [relay],ARG-3: Beijing Olympics | ARG-2: torch SRL for [pinned down]: The rest of us [pinned down] on the ground .,ARG-0: The rest of us | ARG-1: the kid | ARG-M-LOC: on the ground SRL for [pottered]: He [pottered] about the barn for over a quarter of an hour .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LOC: about the barn | ARG-M-TMP: for over a quarter of an hour SRL for [invasive]: Cattails are [invasive] in Florida .,ARG-0: Cattails | ARG-1: in Florida "SRL for [licensing]: Williams sued Defendant for copyright infringment and other claims , alleging his [licensing] the song to third parties violated her rights .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the song | ARG-2: to third parties SRL for [cross - contamination]: The most obvious defence to DNA matches obtained forensically is to claim that [cross - contamination] of evidence has taken place .,ARG-1: of evidence "SRL for [ingenious]: In a blink , millions have gone into the account . The government of Fuyu County was indeed so [ingenious] ! !",ARG-1: The government of Fuyu County | ARG-M-ADV: indeed | ARG-M-EXT: so SRL for [cordon]: It is noteworthy that the state of cautious calm prevailing over the West Bank and the Strip comes after violent confrontations ... after which President Mahmoud Abbas ordered the deployment of the security forces in the streets of the city *PRO* to [cordon] it off .,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-PRD: off SRL for [misperception]: They drink more than they otherwise would to fit in with their [misperception] of the group norm for college drinking .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the group norm for college drinking "SRL for [stagflation]: The main point to Reagan 's economic legacy was finally killing the [stagflation] of the 1970 's , anyways though",ARG-M-TMP: of the 1970 's SRL for [prostrated]: The priest [prostrated] before the child .,ARG-0: The priest | ARG-2: before the child SRL for [analysis]: His [analysis] of executive power,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of executive power SRL for [degraded]: You have [degraded] what should have been serious lectures with your personal opinions .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: what should have been serious lectures | ARG-2: with your personal opinions "SRL for [concocted]: Zydeco is a bubbling , melodic gumbo [concocted] from Cajun Acadian music , Afro - Caribbean rhythms and melodies , and blues .","ARG-1: a bubbling , melodic gumbo | ARG-2: from Cajun Acadian music , Afro - Caribbean rhythms and melodies , and blues" SRL for [knew]: The dog [knew] his master by his voice .,ARG-0: The dog | ARG-1: his master | ARG-M-MNR: by his voice SRL for [executed]: The damned soldiers from the barracks shot him in the legs then [executed] him with a bullet in the head .,ARG-0: The damned soldiers from the barracks | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a bullet in the head SRL for [birched]: A month later instead of the cane she [birched] me !,ARG-M-TMP: A month later | ARG-M-ADV: instead of the cane | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: me "SRL for [torn]: With Garpian randomness , a hotel across the street , the Amfac , had been hit harder : A large sheet of its concrete facade and several window balconies were [torn] away .",ARG-1: A large sheet of its concrete facade and several window balconies | ARG-M-DIR: away SRL for [frocking]: It 's called a [frocking] ceremony .,ARG-M-LOC: ceremony SRL for [mocked]: Couple claim McDonald 's staff [mocked] them for being poor after they complained about being overcharged .,ARG-0: McDonald 's staff | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: for being poor | ARG-M-TMP: after they complained about being overcharged SRL for [delay]: The new government will brook no [delay] in the reconstruction of disaster areas including industrial and spiritual recovery .,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: in the reconstruction of disaster areas including industrial and spiritual recovery "SRL for [credentialed]: This year , BGHS was [credentialed] by DMHAS as a provider for its Home and Community Based Waiver program",ARG-M-TMP: This year | ARG-1: BGHS | ARG-0: by DMHAS | ARG-2: as a provider for its Home and Community Based Waiver program "SRL for [explore]: The action followed by one day an Intelogic announcement that it will retain an investment banker to [explore] alternatives `` to maximize shareholder value , '' including the possible sale of the company .","ARG-0: an investment banker | ARG-1: alternatives `` to maximize shareholder value , '' including the possible sale of the company" "SRL for [Dogsitting]: *PRO* [Dogsitting] next door . person coming around 6 to pick up one dog . then dog walk sometime after that , but no later than 7 . lots of cleaning to do bc people coming back tmrw .",ARG-M-LOC: next door SRL for [prohibitive]: My argument is that the law is [prohibitive] of free speech ..,ARG-0: the law | ARG-1: of free speech SRL for [education]: my political [education],ARG-1: my | ARG-2: political "SRL for [segmenting]: `` You 're dead in the water if you are n't [segmenting] the market , '' says Anne Moore , president of Synergistics Research Corp. , a bank consulting firm in Atlanta .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the market SRL for [injection]: The [injection] of chicken breasts with saline solution gives them a plump appearance .,ARG-2: of chicken breasts | ARG-1: with saline solution SRL for [strict]: She was very [strict] with him about eating regularly,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-2: with him | ARG-1: about eating regularly "SRL for [acknowledgment]: the U.S. government 's first [acknowledgment] of what other groups , such as the International Monetary Fund , have been predicting for months","ARG-0: the U.S. government 's | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: of what other groups , such as the International Monetary Fund , have been predicting for months" SRL for [response]: the computer - guided selling in [response] to those developments,ARG-2: the computer - guided selling | ARG-1: to those developments SRL for [realized]: Profits [realized] from these trades would then be shared by the conspiring brokers .,ARG-1: Profits | ARG-2: from these trades SRL for [chunked]: She then touched Cinderella 's rags and they were [chunked] into a beautiful dress .,ARG-1: they | ARG-2: into a beautiful dress SRL for [readdressed]: This can be [readdressed] during this hospitalization,ARG-1: This | ARG-M-TMP: during this hospitalization "SRL for [frightening]: The property price is indeed [frightening] , and there are people speculating in real estate everyday",ARG-0: The property | ARG-M-ADV: indeed "SRL for [intimidation]: His modus operandi was evident in violent attacks on three individuals , and his [intimidation] of anyone who dared to speak to the police .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of anyone who dared to speak to the police "SRL for [sophistication]: In a way , they were stating the obvious : that the seemingly childlike simplicity of Klee 's figurations resulted from a deliberate reduction which not only did not impair his [sophistication] of form , but actually enabled him to realize it .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: of form "SRL for [burnout]: Although Dr. Warshaw points out that stress and anxiety have their positive uses , `` stress perceived to be threatening implies a component of fear and anxiety that may contribute to [burnout] . ''", SRL for [predictions]: I think that the problem here that we 've had right from the beginning is overly optimistic [predictions] on the part of what would happen if we attacked Iraq /.,ARG-M-MNR: overly optimistic | ARG-1: on the part of what would happen if we attacked Iraq "SRL for [titled]: After four year of tinkering and $ 2.4 million in seed money , the board set up the new marketplace , [titled] it the Chicago Board Options Exchange , and named Sullivan its first president .",ARG-M-TMP: After four year of tinkering and $ 2.4 million in seed money | ARG-0: the board | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: the Chicago Board Options Exchange SRL for [overworking]: He adds that the company is trying to keep up with demand `` by [overworking] '' its employees .,ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: its employees SRL for [block]: It 's now easier for the Transportation Department to [block] leveraged buy - outs in the airline industry .,ARG-0: the Transportation Department | ARG-1: leveraged buy - outs in the airline industry SRL for [demargination]: The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of bone marrow release and [demargination] of PMNs to the glucocorticoid - induced granulocytosis .,ARG-1: of PMNs SRL for [catnapped]: Mary [catnapped] the best nap ever .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the best nap ever SRL for [farmed]: Vat grown meat instead of factory [farmed] chicken ?,ARG-M-MNR: factory | ARG-2: chicken SRL for [pitches]: John [pitches] his voice as low as possible in order to attract babes .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his voice | ARG-2: as low as possible | ARG-M-PNC: in order to attract babes SRL for [preceded]: Mr. Simmons has [preceded] friendly offers with a hostile tender offer .,ARG-0: Mr. Simmons | ARG-2: friendly offers | ARG-1: with a hostile tender offer SRL for [maintaining]: We have a long history of [maintaining] an open direct - investment policy .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: an open direct - investment policy SRL for [vacillate]: Mr. Bush 's problem is n't so much that he seems to be agonizing over the issue as it is that he seems to [vacillate] on it .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: on it SRL for [subtherapeutic]: Her INR is [subtherapeutic] at 1.8,ARG-1: Her INR | ARG-2: at 1.8 "SRL for [stay]: A federal judge granted a temporary [stay] of the California Student Aid Commission 's emergency action to stop guaranteeing loans for National Technical Schools , a unit of United Education & Software Inc .","ARG-M-TMP: temporary | ARG-1: of the California Student Aid Commission 's emergency action to stop guaranteeing loans for National Technical Schools , a unit of United Education & Software Inc ." SRL for [douching]: Learn why doctors do not recommend vaginal [douching] .,ARG-1: vaginal "SRL for [milked]: But after about 10 years , we had [milked] it for about as much as we could .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: after about 10 years | ARG-0: we | ARG-2: it | ARG-1: for about as much as we could SRL for [take out]: Fearne Cotton is set to [take out] from her television career to concentrate on motherhood - and we 'll genuinely miss her !,ARG-0: Fearne Cotton | ARG-1: a year | ARG-2: from her television career | ARG-M-PRP: to concentrate on motherhood SRL for [dimerizes]: Histone H2AZ [dimerizes] with a novel variant H2B and is enriched at repetitive DNA in Trypanosoma brucei .,ARG-1: Histone H2AZ | ARG-2: a novel variant H2B "SRL for [compel]: He recently voted `` present '' when the committee authorized a subpoena [*0*]-1 [*T*-2] to [compel] Mr. Keating to testify [*T*-1] , then changed his vote to yes .",ARG-1: Mr. Keating | ARG-2: to testify SRL for [sink - ex]: Secondly wow has scrapping and breaking gotten to be so expensive that it s considered better / more cost effective to do a [sink - ex] wierd .,ARG-M-LVB: do "SRL for [perseverate]: On the medicine , he says he was able to fully shift his attention from one situation to the next rather than [perseverate] on a previous conversation ,",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: on a previous conversation SRL for [logarithmic]: From ( 7 ) we know the storage overhead in each participant is [logarithmic] to the number of participants in the same service group .,ARG-1: the storage overhead in each participant | ARG-3: to the number of participants in the same service group SRL for [outsource]: We are trying to [outsource] our foreign policy to China .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: our foreign policy | ARG-2: to China SRL for [slammed]: The firm has also been [slammed] with big financial settlements .,ARG-1: The firm | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-2: with big financial settlements SRL for [exploitation]: Their [exploitation] of natural resources,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of natural resources SRL for [decline]: .. if interest rates [decline],ARG-1: interest rates SRL for [withhold]: Prices closed mostly higher in relatively light trading as farmers continued to [withhold] their crops from the marketplace in the hope of higher prices to come .,ARG-0: farmers | ARG-1: their crops | ARG-2: from the marketplace | ARG-M-PRP: in the hope of higher prices to come SRL for [freckling]: Her substantial [freckling] was cause by sun exposure .,ARG-1: Her | ARG-M-EXT: substantial SRL for [metered]: Al [metered] 200 mg of the antibiotic using a scale .,ARG-0: Al | ARG-1: 200 mg of the antibiotic | ARG-2: using a scale SRL for [digs]: CORPORATE DOWNSIZING [digs] deeper .,ARG-0: CORPORATE DOWNSIZING | ARG-M-MNR: deeper "SRL for [faced]: This is precisely the problem now being [faced] by Comdek , the first company in Taiwan to produce medical instruments such as blood - oxygen monitors and ear thermometers .","ARG-1: the problem | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-0: by Comdek , the first company in Taiwan to produce medical instruments such as blood - oxygen monitors and ear thermometers" "SRL for [questioning]: Then Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and said to them , `` Rulers of the people and you older leaders , are you [questioning] us today about what we did to help this crippled man ?",ARG-M-DIS: Rulers of the people and you older leaders | ARG-0: you | ARG-2: us | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-1: about what we did | ARG-M-PRP: to help this crippled man "SRL for [sublimated]: ... The two basic sentiments of my childhood which stayed with me well into adolescense , are those of a profound eroticism , at first [sublimated] in a great religious faith , and a permanent consciousness of death .",ARG-M-TMP: at first | ARG-1: a profound eroticism | ARG-4: in a great religious faith SRL for [trains]: Trifari now [trains] sales help to advise customers on the best earring styles .,ARG-0: Trifari | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-2: sales help | ARG-1: to advise customers on the best earring styles "SRL for [spotlight]: Another suggestion would draw banks more directly into tracking down money launderers by developing a `` suspicious international wire transfer profile , '' which banks would use to [spotlight] questionable payments .",ARG-0: banks | ARG-1: questionable payments "SRL for [waved]: In the stands , people [waved] ANC flags , wore ANC T - shirts , sang ANC songs and chanted ANC slogans .",ARG-M-LOC: In the stands | ARG-0: people | ARG-1: ANC flags "SRL for [guide]: And they also had the lights of the city , the port wall lanterns , and a shore crane 's spotlight [*0*] [*]-1 to [guide] on [*T*-2] .",ARG-1: they SRL for [ghosted]: He was [ghosted] by all the memories .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: by all the memories SRL for [bloody]: His hands were [bloody] from where he had pressed them upon his wound .,ARG-1: His hands | ARG-0: from where he had pressed them upon his wound "SRL for [taxed]: Currently , even though the issuer does n't pay tax , the debt holder is [taxed] on the accrued interest .",ARG-M-TMP: Currently | ARG-M-ADV: even though the issuer does n't pay tax | ARG-2: the debt holder | ARG-3: on the accrued interest "SRL for [defense]: Because if I do n't come when Norm does his [defense] , which I really want to come for that .",ARG-0: Norm | ARG-M-LVB: does | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [administration]: The patient fell asleep after the [administration] of a sedative .,ARG-1: of a sedative "SRL for [exonerating]: Italian papers speculated the briefcase contained papers either [exonerating] the Vatican bank from blame in the scandal , or showing that the bank , known as the Istituto per le Opere di Religione , channeled funds to East bloc groups such as Solidarity in Poland .",ARG-0: papers | ARG-1: the Vatican bank | ARG-2: from blame in the scandal SRL for [doped]: She [doped] the surface with photographic emulsion .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the surface | ARG-2: with photographic emulsion SRL for [osmoregulate]: Saltwater fish [osmoregulate] by transporting salt out of their blood and into the surrounding water through specialized cells in their gills .,ARG-0: Saltwater fish | ARG-2: by transporting salt out of their blood and into the surrounding water through specialized cells in their gills SRL for [cover up]: Its officials and utility subsidiaries tried to [cover up] their accounting for spare parts to evade federal income taxes .,ARG-0: Its officials and utility subsidiaries | ARG-1: their accounting for spare parts | ARG-M-PRP: to evade federal income taxes "SRL for [resorbed]: As her body [resorbed] the fluid , the symptoms of the spatial neglect began disappearing .",ARG-0: her body | ARG-1: the fluid SRL for [gross]: The injustice was [gross] .,ARG-1: The injustice SRL for [heaped]: Tol [heaped] his plate .,ARG-0: Tol | ARG-2: his plate "SRL for [pine]: A high - balance customer that banks [pine] for , she did n't give much thought to the rates she was receiving , nor to the fees she was paying .",ARG-0: banks | ARG-1: A high - balance customer | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [simple]: He thought she was [simple] because she fell for the story about the dead New Englanders .,ARG-1: she SRL for [battle]: another takeover [battle],ARG-2: takeover "SRL for [ironic]: This was [ironic] to the millions of Venezuelan viewers who saw their president describing the attack with his hands heavily bandaged in white gauze ; just a few days earlier , in a television interview , Betancourt angrily denied any claims to corruption , affirming that should he ever illegally take any public funds , his hands should burn in punishment .",ARG-1: This | ARG-M-ADV: to the millions of Venezuelan viewers who saw their president describing the attack with his hands heavily bandaged in white gauze "SRL for [dwarfed]: Courtaulds ' restructuring is among the largest thus far in Britain , though it is [dwarfed] by B.A.T Industries PLC 's plans to spin off roughly # 4 billion in assets to help fend off a takeover bid from Anglo - French financier Sir James Goldsmith .",ARG-1: it | ARG-0: by B.A.T Industries PLC 's plans to spin off roughly # 4 billion in assets to help fend off a takeover bid from Anglo - French financier Sir James Goldsmith SRL for [dust storm]: I 've slept on the high desert in a 50 mph [dust storm] with the full moon glowing through from above .,ARG-2: 50 mph "SRL for [toss]: One day while taking out the trash , his [toss] of the trashbag goes flying into orbit ( Eventually landing in England )",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the trashbag "SRL for [unbanning]: ... hoping the government will be encouraged to take further steps , such as freeing Nelson Mandela , the most prominent ANC figure , and PRO [unbanning] the organization .",ARG-0: PRO | ARG-1: the organization SRL for [sided]: John [sided] his house with old newspapers .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his house | ARG-2: with old newspapers "SRL for [rebounding]: Frank Hsieh is the DPP 's "" election king "" in [rebounding] the party 's popularity .","ARG-0: the DPP 's "" election king "" | ARG-1: the party 's popularity" SRL for [semi - purposeful]: She is [semi - purposeful] with the left upper extremity and left lower - extremity .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: with the left upper extremity and left lower - extremity SRL for [accumulated]: John [accumulated] a gigantic pile of old tires for a dollar each .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a gigantic pile of old tires | ARG-3: for a dollar each "SRL for [inquiring]: Typically , these laws seek to prevent executive branch officials from [inquiring] into whether certain federal programs make any economic sense or proposing more market - oriented alternatives to regulations .",ARG-0: executive branch officials | ARG-1: into whether certain federal programs make any economic sense SRL for [analysis]: His [analysis] of the voting behavior of his fellow New Yorkers,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the voting behavior of his fellow New Yorkers SRL for [toss]: How can I take a [toss] .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-MNR: How "SRL for [boast]: In 1998 the PRC made the [boast] that by the year 2000 the ROC would have zero diplomatic partners , and moved to undercut Taiwan 's relationships .","ARG-M-TMP: In 1998 | ARG-0: the PRC | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: that by the year 2000 the ROC would have zero diplomatic partners , and moved to undercut Taiwan 's relationships" "SRL for [iterated]: In the joint declaration issued after a prayer ceremony held in Istanbul , Pope Benedict and Bartholomew rejected the concept that massacres could be carried out in God 's name , denounced terrorism , and [iterated] that Roman Catholicism and the Eastern Orthodox Church would strive for peace and unity while condemning violence .",ARG-M-LOC: In the joint declaration issued after a prayer ceremony held in Istanbul | ARG-0: Pope Benedict and Bartholomew | ARG-1: that Roman Catholicism and the Eastern Orthodox Church would strive for peace and unity while condemning violence "SRL for [meet]: Indonesia , with over 230 million population and 17,000 islands , sits at a vulnerable zone so called '' the Pacific Ring of Fire '' where two continental plates , stretching from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia , [meet] that cause frequent volcanic movements .","ARG-0: two continental plates , stretching from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia | ARG-M-LOC: where" "SRL for [belched]: The figure in the corner [belched] loudly , a deep , liquid eruption .","ARG-0: The figure in the corner | ARG-M-MNR: loudly | ARG-M-ADV: a deep , liquid eruption" SRL for [recalculates]: He [recalculates] that the recent market slide translated into a 5 % to 7 % reduction in IPO proceeds to companies .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: that the recent market slide translated into a 5 % to 7 % reduction in IPO proceeds to companies "SRL for [endow]: So far , the president seems ill - disposed to substitute any of the omnibus for his own free - standing proposal to [endow] a `` Points of Light '' foundation with $ 25 million to inform citizens of all ages and exhort them to genuine volunteerism .",ARG-0: the president | ARG-2: a `` Points of Light '' foundation | ARG-1: with $ 25 million | ARG-M-PNC: to inform citizens of all ages and exhort them to genuine volunteerism SRL for [thrust]: as the play progresses the [thrust] of Mr. Gelbart 's satire loses its sharpness as his targets pop up ever more predictably .,ARG-1: of Mr. Gelbart 's satire SRL for [screw over]: Fortunately we have things like the Khan Academy now that are going to seriously [screw over] .,ARG-0: things | ARG-M-EXT: seriously | ARG-1: those monopolistic selfish bastards SRL for [hyperbolized]: I might have [hyperbolized] it as being the ' weakest ' .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as being the ' weakest ' "SRL for [decamped]: In 1950 , only shortyly afer the central government had [decamped] to Taipei , it banned the use of Japanese in Taiwan and took a series of measures to erase the Japanese influence on Taiwanese culture .",ARG-0: the central government | ARG-2: to Taipei "SRL for [jump]: a [jump] from the rental rates of the late 1970s , when their leases were signed","ARG-3: from the rental rates of the late 1970s , when their leases were signed" SRL for [uninvolved]: The vaginal wall is [uninvolved] .,ARG-1: The vaginal wall SRL for [cross - examined]: Last week I was [cross - examined] as an expert witness in a software litigation case in Utah .,ARG-M-TMP: Last week | ARG-1: I | ARG-3: as an expert witness | ARG-M-LOC: in a software litigation case in Utah "SRL for [impinge]: When freedoms , for instance , [impinge] upon others ' rights to life and health , there ought to be self - imposed limits and a sense of self - restraint .",ARG-0: freedoms | ARG-M-DIS: for instance | ARG-1: upon others ' rights to life and health | ARG-M-TMP: When "SRL for [forbids]: The British government currently [forbids] any outside investor from holding more than 15 % of the company 's shares without permission until Dec. 31 ,",ARG-0: The British government | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-2: any outside investor | ARG-1: from holding more than 15 % of the company 's shares without permission | ARG-M-TMP: until Dec. 31 "SRL for [disencumbered]: At once , he [disencumbered] his shoulders of the enormous wrapper .",ARG-M-TMP: At once | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his shoulders | ARG-2: of the enormous wrapper "SRL for [banked up]: It was a long , low room , like a root cellar , for it was [banked up] with soil , and vines had run rampant over that , too .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with soil "SRL for [Gifted]: [Gifted] with a lovely setting between the mountains and the sea , Pali begin to dream of a tourism boom .",ARG-2: Pali | ARG-1: with a lovely setting between the mountains and the sea SRL for [re - entered]: The two concerns said they [re - entered] into a definitive merger agreement under which Ratners will begin a tender offer for all of Weisfield 's common shares for $ 57.50 each .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: into a definitive merger agreement under which Ratners will begin a tender offer for all of Weisfield 's common shares for $ 57.50 each SRL for [diss]: It was enjoyable and it was one where he did n't [diss] the food it was all prices and the change of owners,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the food | ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [patent]: Kawasaki Steel Corp. bought a Soviet steel - casting [patent] two years ago and has jointly developed the system with the Soviets .,ARG-0: Soviet | ARG-1: steel - casting SRL for [potentiate]: These anti - depressants [potentiate] the analgesic action of opiates .,ARG-0: anti - depressants | ARG-1: the analgesic action of opiates "SRL for [overwashed]: I had grade 2 acne and it was particularly bad when I ' [overwashed] ' so I was compelled to wash less and to start moisturising -LRB- Nivea : Dry Skin , after washing or shaving -RRB- in my late teens .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [relationship]: our excellent working [relationship] with the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Metropolitan Police Department,ARG-0: our | ARG-M-MNR: excellent | ARG-1: working | ARG-2: with the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Metropolitan Police Department SRL for [selling]: Locals in that area are against [selling] of the house to a minority community family,ARG-1: of the house | ARG-2: to a minority community family "SRL for [beating]: Earlier this week , former Springfield cop Jeffrey Asher was convicted of assault and battery , resulting from his [beating] , with a flashlight , of Melvin Jones III .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: with a flashlight | ARG-1: of Melvin Jones III "SRL for [multiplied]: But such highly leveraged transactions seemed to have [multiplied] this year , casting a pall over much of the junk market .",ARG-1: such highly leveraged transactions | ARG-M-TMP: this year | ARG-M-ADV: casting a pall over much of the junk market "SRL for [garner]: The extra margin for bases in the U.S. enhances the power of the appropriations committees ; meanwhile , lawmakers used their positions to [garner] as much as six times what the Pentagon had requested for their individual states .",ARG-0: lawmakers | ARG-1: as much as six times what the Pentagon had requested for their individual states SRL for [full]: *PRO* Do n't get [full] of yourself pls,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: of yourself | ARG-M-DIS: pls "SRL for [agreed]: The Stamford , CT , concern has [agreed] to a buy - out by Bank of Boston .","ARG-0: The Stamford , CT , concern | ARG-1: to a buy - out by Bank of Boston" "SRL for [merging]: In addition to the usual array of defenses , including a so-called poison pill and a staggered board , Nekoosa has another takeover defense : a Maine state law barring hostile bidders from [merging] acquired businesses for five years .",ARG-0: hostile bidders | ARG-1: acquired businesses | ARG-M-TMP: for five years SRL for [put]: That fund was [put] together by Blackstone Group .,ARG-1: That fund | ARG-2: together | ARG-0: by Blackstone Group SRL for [uneasy]: I am [uneasy] about making up too many rules .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: about making up too many rules "SRL for [licensing]: Turns out that next year , Charlie Brown , Snoopy and the gang turn 40 -- and Scripps Howard 's United Media unit , the syndicator and licensing agent for Charles Schulz 's comic strip , sees a bonanza in [licensing] the cartoon characters to a bevy of advertisers for ads , tie - ins and promotions .","ARG-0: Scripps Howard 's United Media unit , the syndicator and licensing agent for Charles Schulz 's comic strip | ARG-1: the cartoon characters | ARG-2: to a bevy of advertisers | ARG-M-PNC: for ads , tie - ins and promotions" "SRL for [unrelated]: I thought it was a type of amber -LRB- a tree resin product -RRB- , but it is totally [unrelated] .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: totally "SRL for [negation]: This remark by Committee Member Xu , which affirmed the important significance of cultural construction for nation - building and at the same time also provided a [negation] of the fallacy of some people 's taking "" a country with a strong culture is making lots of money through culture "" out of context , is worthy of praise .","ARG-1: of the fallacy of some people 's taking "" a country with a strong culture is making lots of money through culture "" out of context" SRL for [stuff]: A dozen white office workers fold newsletters and [stuff] them into envelopes .,ARG-0: A dozen white office workers | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: into envelopes "SRL for [amortize]: As a U.S.-based company , Blue Arrow would have to [amortize] the good will over as many as 40 years , creating a continuing drag on reported earnings .",ARG-0: Blue Arrow | ARG-1: the good will | ARG-2: over as many as 40 years "SRL for [blow]: But unlike London , out here I 've never heard anybody [blow] a car horn in anger .",ARG-0: anybody | ARG-1: a car horn | ARG-M-MNR: in anger "SRL for [regenerate]: `` What I 'd like to see , if he is up to it , is for Reagan to take to the hustings to [regenerate] enthusiasm for SDI , '' the congressman says .",ARG-0: Reagan | ARG-1: enthusiasm for SDI SRL for [snap]: A loud noise made John [snap] his head around .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his head | ARG-M-DIR: around SRL for [beefed up]: Mr. Jones has also [beefed up] his marketing staff to sell the 118 luxury suites topping Texas Stadium ( his deal with Bum Bright included operating rights for the stadium ) .,ARG-0: Mr. Jones | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: his marketing staff | ARG-M-PNC: to sell the 118 luxury suites topping Texas Stadium SRL for [work]: We 've got a very strong military force and deterrent force at [work] in Asia,ARG-1: a very strong military force and deterrent force | ARG-M-LOC: in Asia "SRL for [dusted]: I [dusted] powdered sugar over the top and served it with a generous dollop of whipped cream ,",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: powdered sugar | ARG-2: over the "SRL for [quick]: On his early strike , the livewire winger was [quick] to praise team - mate Jonjo Shelvey , the man who provided a delightful 50 - yard pass to assist .","ARG-M-TMP: On his early strike | ARG-1: the livewire winger | C-ARG-1: to praise team - mate Jonjo Shelvey , the man who provided a delightful 50 - yard pass to assist" SRL for [policy]: I think his foreign [policy] has been great,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: foreign "SRL for [die off]: There are many other , lesser factors at work , but taken together , all tend toward standardization , especially as the older speakers [die off] .",ARG-1: the older speakers SRL for [was yawing]: Edwards ' crew chief Bob Osborne [was yawing] the car out to the right .,ARG-0: Edwards ' crew chief Bob Osborne | ARG-1: the car | ARG-2: out to the right "SRL for [injured]: Our compatriots have been [injured] by the September 21 earthquake , but with the spirit of a "" volunteer Taiwan , "" Taiwan 's new family will stand up resolutely on its feet once again .",ARG-1: Our compatriots | ARG-0: by the September 21 earthquake "SRL for [foreclosed]: [Many troubled properties]-1 have n't been [foreclosed] on *trace*-1 and are hard to identify , says Albert I. Berger , who heads the Secaucus , N.J. , office of Helmsley - Spear Inc. , a real estate brokerage .",ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [cracked up]: Mary [cracked up] when she saw John 's Elvis impersonation .,ARG-1: Mary | ARG-M-TMP: when she saw John 's Elvis impersonation "SRL for [run]: Mad Dog , on the other hand , will [run] you a buck a bottle .",ARG-1: Mad Dog | ARG-M-DIS: on the other hand | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-3: you | ARG-2: a buck a bottle "SRL for [haggling]: On the afternoon of Oct. 17 , after hours of [haggling] with five insurance - claims adjusters over settling a toxic - waste suit , four lawyers had an agreement in hand .",ARG-0: four lawyers | ARG-1: with five insurance - claims adjusters | ARG-2: over settling a toxic - waste suit "SRL for [tripping]: That 's right - the guy who came up with the double helix shape you studied in grade school , was [tripping] on acid .",ARG-0: the guy who came up with the double helix shape you studied in grade school | ARG-2: on acid "SRL for [accentuated]: With these new changes , the tasks of Customs with regard to legally levying taxes , striking at smuggling , export refunds , etc . will be further [accentuated] .","ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the tasks of Customs with regard to legally levying taxes , striking at smuggling , export refunds , etc" SRL for [divided up]: Remember that most modern people live long lives that can be [divided up] into many stages .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: long lives | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: into many stages SRL for [arrival]: the [arrival] of cocoa from the interior,ARG-1: of cocoa | ARG-3: from the interior SRL for [vital]: Irrigation was [vital] to early civilization,ARG-1: Irrigation | ARG-2: to early civilization SRL for [plague]: Many analysts said they were n't surprised that problems in many of Ryder 's lines of business continued to [plague] the company .,ARG-0: problems in many of Ryder 's lines of business | ARG-1: the company SRL for [respect]: Disambiguating is performed with [respect] to wordnet senses,ARG-1: to wordnet senses "SRL for [pensioned]: The Conqueror freely accorded an amnesty , treated him with great kindness , and [pensioned] him with a daily allowance of a pound of silver .",ARG-0: The Conqueror | ARG-M-MNR: freely | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a daily allowance of a pound of silver SRL for [bound]: They 're [bound] to exaggerate .,ARG-1: to exaggerate SRL for [recall]: a voluntary [recall] of both its 100 milligram and 50 milligram versions of the drug,ARG-M-MNR: voluntary | ARG-1: of both its 100 milligram and 50 milligram versions of the drug SRL for [convince]: Mr. Harper expressed confidence that he and Mr. Baum can [convince] the board of their worthiness to run the company .,ARG-0: he and Mr. Baum | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the board | ARG-2: of their worthiness to run the company SRL for [open]: He was [open] with her about his own life and his own struggles with sin .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: with her | ARG-1: about his own life and his own struggles with sin SRL for [sleeping]: Mr. Noriega had learned that a local union leader was [sleeping] with the wife of his deputy .,ARG-0: a local union leader | ARG-1: with the wife of his deputy "SRL for [conceived]: The restaurant was [conceived] as a sparkling , crystalline `` geode . ''","ARG-1: The restaurant | ARG-2: as a sparkling , crystalline `` geode" SRL for [hefted]: Ryan [hefted] his bulk up and supported it on one elbow .,ARG-0: Ryan | ARG-1: his bulk | ARG-M-DIR: up "SRL for [steps]: A visit to the chateau enables you to begin the walk , following in her [steps] from devoted wife and mother to becoming a Doctor of the Church",ARG-1: her | ARG-3: from devoted wife and mother | ARG-2: to becoming a Doctor of the Church "SRL for [promulgated]: Then the 20th century saw the evolution of private - sector wonder drugs , which [promulgated] medical therapy .",ARG-0: private - sector wonder drugs | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: medical therapy SRL for [combine]: Mr. Bryant and other analysts hope all those moves will [combine] to help Tandy 's results improve in the important Christmas quarter .,ARG-1: all those moves | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-PNC: to help Tandy 's results improve in the important Christmas quarter SRL for [orientation]: Avoid making your child 's whole identity about his sexual [orientation] .,ARG-1: his | ARG-3: sexual SRL for [preconditioned]: The short period of ischaemia [preconditioned] the heart to survive the more sustained ischaemic period and the reperfusion that followed .,ARG-0: The short period of ischaemia | ARG-1: the heart | ARG-2: to survive the more sustained ischaemic period and the reperfusion that followed SRL for [primary]: metastatic adenocarcinoma with a colon [primary],ARG-1: colon SRL for [chronic]: A [chronic] smoker,ARG-1: smoker "SRL for [proceeding]: [ Bcc ] : I ca n't shield anyone , I can only stand by the facts , I ca n't commit perjury , Cui Yi did not negotiate with me , and now I have not [ Bcc ] : halted the legal [proceeding] .",ARG-M-ADJ: legal SRL for [loony]: You are [loony] if you think I 'd allow myself or my children to be tagged / registered by the gov't .,ARG-1: You | ARG-M-ADV: if you think I 'd allow myself or my children to be tagged / registered by the gov't SRL for [gunned down]: A man in a wheelchair was [gunned down] in the crossfire of a Miami drug battle .,ARG-1: A man in a wheelchair | ARG-M-LOC: in the crossfire of a Miami drug battle SRL for [corrective]: She wears [corrective] lenses,ARG-0: lenses "SRL for [talking points]: I , I 'm sure you saw Liz Cheney said , Rand Paul seems to get his foreign policy [talking points] from Rachel Maddow .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: foreign policy | ARG-4: from Rachel Maddow SRL for [rehearse]: The musicians of the Royal Opera would not [rehearse] a work merely to see how it would sound .,ARG-0: The musicians of the Royal Opera | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: a work | ARG-M-PNC: merely to see how it would sound SRL for [birthing]: [birthing] of a new idea,ARG-1: of a new idea "SRL for [we d]: These are not the actions of a development agency [we d] to central planning and to the concentration of investment decisions in the hands of government , as Mr. Roberts alleges .",ARG-1: a development agency | ARG-2: to the concentration of investment decisions in the hands of government SRL for [dribbling]: The water 's [dribbling] through the roof caused severe damage to the carpet .,ARG-1: The water 's "SRL for [admitting]: Previous to their [admitting] him to the hospital , they had telephoned social services .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to the hospital SRL for [malfunctioned]: Investigation of the satellite warning system later confirmed that the system had [malfunctioned] .,ARG-0: the system SRL for [posting]: I 'm a little dismayed at the comment made about Peter Torks ' cancer and his [posting] it on Facebook .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: on Facebook "SRL for [expensive]: It would be [expensive] , and there would be consequences .",ARG-1: It | ARG-M-MOD: would SRL for [clearing]: The bill 's [clearing] the Senate was only the first step .,ARG-0: The bill 's | ARG-1: the Senate SRL for [adulterated]: There were complaints that the beer had been [adulterated] with water .,ARG-1: the beer | ARG-M-MNR: with water "SRL for [barbed]: The company claims a 40 % share of the U.S. field fence business , a 35 % share of poultry netting sales and a 30 % share of [barbed] wire sales .",ARG-1: wire "SRL for [sanitized]: The Egg King carries written instructions to break only high - grade eggs that have been properly [sanitized] and , as an added precaution , to use the eggs only in products that will be cooked enough to kill bacteria .",ARG-M-MNR: properly | ARG-1: only high - grade eggs | R-ARG-1: that "SRL for [habitation]: ia , the Valley of Kashmir has seen an ethnic and cultural genocide that has resulted in the fleeing from the valley of almost all the Hindu families who have been living there since human [habitation] was first recorded .",ARG-0: human SRL for [move]: Gemany 's [move] on Poland,ARG-0: Gemany | ARG-1: on Poland SRL for [argument]: She could have stayed at the clinic and finished her [argument] with Franck about the relative merits of realism in television .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: with Franck | ARG-2: about the relative merits of realism in television "SRL for [advise]: They continually [advise] their clients on which individual stocks to buy or sell , while their clients continue to hope for superior performance .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: continually | ARG-1: their clients | ARG-2: on which individual stocks to buy or sell | ARG-M-ADV: while their clients continue to hope for superior performance SRL for [ca n't be operated]: The Czech dam [ca n't be operated] solely at peak periods .,ARG-1: The Czech dam | ARG-M-MNR: solely | ARG-M-TMP: at peak periods "SRL for [conveyancing]: In addition to acting for government clients , our real estate team brings leading industry expertise acting for consortia and financiers on their [conveyancing] of commercial and industrial sites , greenfield sites , development of land and government infrastructure .","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of commercial and industrial sites , greenfield sites , development of land and government infrastructure" "SRL for [flaunt]: But MCI , of Washington , was displeased with the FCC decision concerning Tariff 12 , arguing that `` AT & T can not be allowed to [flaunt] FCC rules . ''",ARG-0: AT & T | ARG-1: FCC rules "SRL for [let down]: While delivering his appreciation speech , Xiaotong Fei said that "" I will never [let down] the encouragement given to me by this friendly neighboring country .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: the encouragement given to me by this friendly neighboring country "SRL for [plagued]: The Avon , Conn. , company 's stock hit a high in 1983 after it unveiled its Adam home computer , but the product was [plagued] with glitches and the company 's fortunes plunged .",ARG-1: the product | ARG-2: with glitches SRL for [edged out]: John [edged out] Mary for the last piece of birthday cake .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: for the last piece of birthday cake SRL for [studies]: Mr. McDuffie 's violin [studies] began at the age of six,ARG-0: Mr. McDuffie 's | ARG-1: violin SRL for [prospects]: Hilary Clinton 's [prospects] for the 2008 elections,ARG-0: Hilary Clinton | ARG-1: for the 2008 elections SRL for [dysregulates]: E1A expression [dysregulates] IL-8 production and suppresses IL-6 production by lung epithelial cells .,ARG-2: E1A expression | ARG-1: IL-8 production "SRL for [circulating]: Asked whether a $ 230 - a - share figure [circulating] in the market yesterday is too low , he said , `` It 's certainly not too low . ''",ARG-1: a $ 230 - a - share figure | ARG-M-LOC: in the market "SRL for [drooling]: Her sister - in - law ( Amy Wright ) is a sniveling prude afraid that Kate will seduce all the married men in town , including a particularly loathsome fellow named Tucker , whose idea of fun is to leave his wife at home tending to her bruises and cigarette burns , while he bullies Kate into a dance that consists of [drooling] on her while trying to break her ribs .",ARG-0: he | ARG-2: on her | ARG-M-TMP: while trying to break her ribs SRL for [return]: their [return] to black townships across the country,ARG-1: their | ARG-4: to black townships across the country SRL for [scored]: John [scored] his magnum opus for slide whistle and kazoo choir .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his magnum opus | ARG-2: for slide whistle and kazoo choir "SRL for [response]: His two - word , ' no ambition ' [response]",ARG-0: His | ARG-2: ' no ambition ' "SRL for [totaled]: Newsweek 's ad pages [totaled] 1620 , a drop of 3.2 % from last year .","ARG-1: Newsweek 's ad pages | ARG-2: 1620 , a drop of 3.2 % from last year" SRL for [misfired]: The gun had [misfired] .,ARG-1: The gun "SRL for [warming]: "" The mood of good cheer and togetherness at New Year can indeed leave some heart - [warming] memories , "" acknowledges Li Yuan .",ARG-1: heart | ARG-0: memories SRL for [indisposed]: We shall be [indisposed] to listening to curious truths .,ARG-2: We | ARG-M-MOD: shall | ARG-3: to listening to curious truths SRL for [left]: Researchers from the Netherlands ' VU University found that those who fall on the far right or far [left] of political ideology are more likely to ...,ARG-M-ADV: far | ARG-3: of political ideology SRL for [coxed]: His Freshman year he [coxed] the University four - oar .,ARG-M-TMP: His Freshman year | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the University four - oar SRL for [padlocked]: Katja had [padlocked] the aluminum door and thrown away the key .,ARG-0: Katja | ARG-1: the aluminum door SRL for [chirrup]: The robins on the lawn [chirrup] at one another .,ARG-0: The robins | ARG-M-LOC: on the lawn | ARG-M-DIR: at one another "SRL for [match up]: When someone does n't do as well as they had hoped in a tea competition , they try to figure out why their tea did n't [match up] with that of other growers .",ARG-1: their tea | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: with that of other growers | ARG-M-CAU: why SRL for [scalped]: After the slabs are cooled they are sent to the overhauling machines where a thin layer of metal is [scalped] from the surface .,ARG-2: a thin layer of metal | ARG-1: from the surface | ARG-M-LOC: the overhauling machines | R-ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [successful]: Personally , I do n't think long - distant relationships would be [successful] .",ARG-0: long - distant relationships | ARG-M-MOD: would "SRL for [fine]: If that article represents the final word on "" substance "" to you , that 's [fine] with me .","ARG-M-ADV: If that article represents the final word on "" substance "" to you | ARG-1: that 's | ARG-2: with me" "SRL for [sleep over]: More questionable , even criminal , than Michael 's alleged fooling around with other kids were the parents who allowed , even encouraged their children to [sleep over] and perhaps share the same bed with someone whose sexual predilictions have been suspect since 1991 .",ARG-0: their children "SRL for [outdid]: In this case , the Members [outdid] themselves .",ARG-M-DIS: In this case | ARG-0: the Members | ARG-1: themselves "SRL for [Following]: *trace* [Following] the acquisition of RP Scherer , the maker of gelcaps decided to ...",ARG-2: the acquisition of RP Scherer SRL for [lusted]: He [lusted] for virtually every attractive female he saw .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: for virtually every attractive female he saw "SRL for [lodging]: If a complainant does not get satisfactory response from the bank within 60 days from the date of his [lodging] the complaint , he will have the option to approach the Office of the Banking Ombudsman concerned for redressal of his grievance / s.",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the complaint "SRL for [trabeculate]: In these embryos , the myocardium fails to [trabeculate] , and the endocardium appears detached from the myocardial layer .",ARG-1: the myocardium SRL for [expenditures]: What is the purpose of transportation - related [expenditures] ?,ARG-2: transportation - related SRL for [pneumatization]: Arrested skull base [pneumatization] is a benign developmental variant that can be confused with significant skull base disease processes .,ARG-M-ADJ: Arrested | ARG-1: skull base SRL for [jumped up]: He [jumped up] from his seat .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIR: from his seat SRL for [mutter]: Ramsey has a thing or two to [mutter] about himself .,ARG-0: Ramsey | ARG-1: about himself "SRL for [recannulated]: After weaning from CPB , the right atrium was [recannulated] with a two - stage , dual - lumen cannula which was connected to an HRD via extracorporeal circulation .","ARG-M-TMP: After weaning from CPB | ARG-1: the right atrium | ARG-M-MNR: with a two - stage , dual - lumen cannula which was connected to an HRD via extracorporeal circulation" SRL for [passage]: [passage] of two constitutional amendment bills,ARG-1: of two constitutional amendment bills SRL for [butlered]: He [butlered] for a gentleman .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: for a gentleman "SRL for [shamed]: But Jesus [shamed] them publicly for their hypocrisy , saying that the locality for cleansing was n't outside -- but inside !",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Jesus | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: publicly | ARG-M-CAU: for their hypocrisy | ARG-M-ADV: saying that the locality for cleansing was n't outside -- but inside SRL for [spent]: the [spent] fuel rod,ARG-1: fuel rod SRL for [swearing]: His [swearing] has nothing to do with his age .,ARG-0: his SRL for [deluged]: I spoke at meetings and [deluged] the seven members with printed educational material from the Smoker 's Club encyclopedia and Forces .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the seven members | ARG-2: with printed educational material from the Smoker 's Club encyclopedia and Forces SRL for [pocketing]: One former bailiff charged that the judge double - crossed him by reneging on a promise of a better paying job after [pocketing] a $ 500 bribe .,ARG-0: the judge | ARG-1: a $ 500 bribe SRL for [coax]: The brokers ' hope has been that they could soon [coax] investors into shifting some of their hoard into the stock market .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-TMP: soon | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: into shifting some of their hoard into the stock market SRL for [drop shipped]: They [drop shipped] them directly to me from Redranger .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: directly | ARG-2: to me | ARG-3: from Redranger "SRL for [optional]: Kids are taught to read and write by the end of primary school , those that ca n't by that stage should be given extra help anyway , so English should be [optional] at secondary school .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: English | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-LOC: at secondary school "SRL for [cross examined]: Kevan Walsh , ESR scientist , will be [cross examined] on his claim Robin Bain shot from more than 20 cm away","ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Kevan Walsh , ESR scientist | ARG-2: on his claim Robin Bain shot from more than 20 cm away" SRL for [assorted]: In the earlier eighteenth century this rather ill - [assorted] selection of authors comprised the Greek reading of the ordinary educated man .,ARG-M-ADV: rather | ARG-M-MNR: ill | ARG-1: selection of authors "SRL for [succeeds]: If the government [succeeds] in seizing Mr. Antar 's assets , he could be left without top - flight legal representation , because his attorneys are likely to quit , according to individuals familiar with the case .",ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: in seizing Mr. Antar 's assets "SRL for [to cast]: Possibly this work was a test piece , the artist challenging the founders [to cast] his sculpture in sand with the minimal cold work usually associated with lost - wax casting .",ARG-0: the founders | ARG-1: his sculpture | ARG-M-GOL: in sand | ARG-M-MNR: with the minimal cold work usually associated with lost - wax casting "SRL for [essayed]: The infant , in white terry - cloth bathrobe , her face intense and purposeful , had [essayed] a few wobbly steps toward her father .","ARG-0: The infant , in white terry - cloth bathrobe | ARG-1: a few wobbly steps | ARG-M-DIR: toward her father" SRL for [drag]: A [drag] of one the OBNOXIANS by mouse from one corner to the other will allow you to win the game .,ARG-1: of one the OBNOXIANS | ARG-M-DIR: from one corner | ARG-2: to the other SRL for [sold out]: [sold out] of the new Harry Potter book within 20 minutes .,ARG-0: | ARG-1: of the new Harry Potter book | ARG-M-TMP: within 20 minutes "SRL for [repacked]: I ordered from Planet Miata for new front hubs + bearings , and they stated they [repacked] the bearings with better grease .",ARG-0: they | ARG-2: the bearings | ARG-1: with better grease SRL for [rale]: we could hear [rale] in both lower lung fields,ARG-2: in both lower lung fields SRL for [elaborate]: UAL would n't [elaborate] on a statement that it had been notified of the filing by Reliance .,ARG-0: UAL | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: on a statement that it had been notified of the filing by Reliance | ARG-M-MOD: would SRL for [pledged]: Maxicare also will guarantee that the banks will realize at least $ 7 million on certain notes [pledged] to them .,ARG-1: certain notes | ARG-2: to them SRL for [tough]: Thirty years ago Wisconsin was [tough] on crime,ARG-M-TMP: Thirty years ago | ARG-0: Wisconsin | ARG-1: on crime "SRL for [translated]: John [translated] his dissertation from English into Swahili , Chinese , Russian , and Yiddish .","ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his dissertation | ARG-3: from English | ARG-2: into Swahili , Chinese , Russian , and Yiddish" "SRL for [rejoined]: Mr. Harper , a veteran of several manufacturing companies who [rejoined] Campbell in 1986 , will take charge of all overseas operations as well as Pepperidge .",ARG-0: a veteran | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: Campbell | ARG-M-TMP: in 1986 SRL for [jealous]: France ! ! ! ! I 'm [jealous] . Where in France ?,ARG-0: I "SRL for [vote]: `` I guess we 'll reluctantly go ahead and do it , [vote] for Dinkins , '' says Richard Wade , a politically active professor who supported Richard Ravitch , an also - ran in the Democratic primary .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: for Dinkins SRL for [Newly]: [Newly] married people can have trouble adjusting,ARG-1: married SRL for [ensnared]: The scandal drew national headlines when it [ensnared] domestic diva Martha Stewart .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: domestic diva Martha Stewart | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [freeing]: But [the Oct. 17 temblor]-1 put a halt to much nonessential building , and heavy rains last week slowed the rest , [*]-1 [freeing] construction workers for earthquake repairs .",ARG-1: construction workers | ARG-3: for earthquake repairs SRL for [includes]: The government [includes] money spent on residential renovation .,ARG-0: The government | ARG-1: money spent on residential renovation SRL for [immunostaining]: [immunostaining] with anti - Sox9,ARG-2: with anti - Sox9 "SRL for [broadened]: The uncertainty was multiplied by the persistent strength of the dollar , traders said , and by the U.S. trade deficit , which [broadened] by 31 % in August from the previous month .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: the U.S. trade deficit | ARG-2: by 31 % | ARG-M-TMP: in August | ARG-3: from the previous month "SRL for [constellate]: Werthheimer discussed our innate tendency to [constellate] , to see as "" belonging together "" elements that look alike .",ARG-0: our SRL for [conference in]: He will video [conference in] .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-MNR: video SRL for [come]: That may not [come] as a surprise to Americans who have watched the Japanese snap up properties in the U.S. from golf courses to a stake in Rockefeller Center .,ARG-1: That | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: as a surprise to Americans who have watched the Japanese snap up properties in the U.S. from golf courses to a stake in Rockefeller Center "SRL for [elapsed]: But the Beebes did n't come to that conclusion until time limits had [elapsed] for adding the adhesives maker as a defendant in the case , Ms. Adams said .",ARG-1: time limits | C-ARG-1: for adding the adhesives maker as a defendant in the case SRL for [trustee]: Investing in the reconstruction will encourage foreign merchants to [trustee] large and medium - sized state - owned enterprises .,ARG-0: foreign merchants | ARG-1: large and medium - sized state - owned enterprises "SRL for [frank]: I 'll be [frank] with you , I 'm getting annoyed at their continuous comments of independence yet at the same time they have it the best out of the states that make up the United Kingdom .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-2: with you SRL for [unheard]: A Per Curiam decision is almost [unheard] of from the SCOTUS .,ARG-M-EXT: almost | ARG-1: of | C-ARG-1: A Per Curiam decision | ARG-2: from the SCOTUS SRL for [okayed]: The doctor [okayed] her for surgery .,ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-2: her | ARG-1: for surgery SRL for [pedal]: They wanted a machine that would allow them to [pedal] into rugged terrain then inaccessible to cycles .,ARG-0: them | ARG-2: into rugged terrain then inaccessible to cycles "SRL for [stumbling]: What 's more , the losses they and the others caused `` are just what we are [stumbling] over , '' says Mr. Stapf , adding that the majority of misdeeds probably go undetected .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the losses they and the others caused | C-ARG-1: over | R-ARG-1: what SRL for [scrubbed]: He [scrubbed] absent - mindedly at the pans and reflected on how things had turned out .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: absent - mindedly | ARG-1: at the pans "SRL for [administer]: Worse , it remained to a well - meaning but naive president of the United States to [administer] the final infamy upon those who fought and died in Vietnam .",ARG-0: a well - meaning but naive president of the United States | ARG-1: the final infamy | ARG-2: upon those who fought and died in Vietnam "SRL for [fed]: Under the stars and moons of the renovated Indiana Roof ballroom , nine of the hottest chefs in town [fed] them Indiana duckling mousseline , lobster consomme , veal mignon and chocolate terrine with a raspberry sauce .","ARG-M-LOC: Under the stars and moons of the renovated Indiana Roof ballroom | ARG-0: nine of the hottest chefs in town | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: Indiana duckling mousseline , lobster consomme , veal mignon and chocolate terrine with a raspberry sauce" SRL for [package]: The company said it will sell the water plain and with lemon - lime and cherry flavors and will [package] it in 28 - ounce bottles and 6.5 ounce bottles as part of six - packs .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in 28 - ounce bottles and 6.5 ounce bottles as part of six - packs "SRL for [inflation]: its [inflation] from a few hundred nests in the 1970s ( when the population was decimated by DDT use ) to over 450,000 today","ARG-1: its | ARG-3: from a few hundred nests in the 1970s ( when the population was decimated by DDT use ) | ARG-4: to over 450,000 today" "SRL for [outpouring]: Amid his [outpouring] of dour facts , Jared Diamond pauses to wonder . "" What did the Easter Islander who cut down the last palm tree say while he was doing it ? """,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of dour facts SRL for [stressed out]: I have never yelled at him or [stressed out] about eating or not eating .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: about eating or not eating SRL for [overcooked]: I think you [overcooked] the pasta .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the pasta SRL for [crime]: the [crime] of genocide required a separate definition,ARG-1: of genocide SRL for [business]: They do a multi million dollar [business] in these fake antiques .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-3: multi million dollar | ARG-1: in these fake antiques "SRL for [reviewed]: Late yesterday , Georgia Gulf said it [reviewed] the NL proposal as well as interests from `` third parties '' regarding business combinations .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the NL proposal as well as interests from `` third parties '' regarding business combinations SRL for [resile]: I do not [resile] from a single word I have written about the collapse of the banks .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: from a single word I have written about the collapse of the banks SRL for [bizarre]: The restaurant reservation system was [bizarre] .,ARG-1: The restaurant reservation system "SRL for [edification]: So here , for your [edification] , is an incredibly scientific pair of polls which will revolutionize modern science and understanding of sexuality .",ARG-1: your SRL for [pleased]: Kerwin was sure Vanda would be [pleased] with him for serving her breakfast in bed .,ARG-1: Vanda | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-0: with him | ARG-2: for serving her breakfast in bed "SRL for [thump]: In an ideological argument , the participants tend to [thump] the table .",ARG-0: the participants | ARG-1: the table "SRL for [eliminating]: The plan calls for closing at least nine plants and [eliminating] about 3,600 jobs .","ARG-0: The plan | ARG-1: about 3,600 jobs" SRL for [deal]: the [deal] of the cards to the players,ARG-1: of the cards | ARG-2: to the players SRL for [improvement]: a small [improvement] from the 5.8 million rate of early October,ARG-M-EXT: small | ARG-M-DIR: from the 5.8 million rate of early October "SRL for [unclasped]: Rolling her eyes , she [unclasped] the necklace from around her neck and dropped it into his hand .",ARG-M-ADV: Rolling her eyes | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the necklace | ARG-2: from around her neck SRL for [cystectomy]: She had a partial [cystectomy],ARG-2: She | ARG-M-EXT: partial SRL for [vacationing]: Circus Circus 's flagship casino has become the envy of competitors for its ability to vacuum cash from the pockets of [vacationing] families .,ARG-0: families SRL for [jiggling]: Anatol Pawlowski 's leg begins [jiggling] beneath his desk .,ARG-1: Anatol Pawlowski 's leg | ARG-M-LOC: beneath his desk "SRL for [stood]: Jesus knew what they were thinking , so he took a little child and [stood] the child beside him .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the child | ARG-2: beside him "SRL for [lectured]: ` ` When you 're in the groove , you see every ball tremendously , '' he [lectured] .","ARG-0: he | ARG-2: ` ` When you 're in the groove , you see every ball tremendously , ''" "SRL for [nice]: These reactions , together with the formation of a crust , transform an unpalatable dough piece into a ( light ) porous palatable loaf of bread which is [nice] to eat .",ARG-1: which | C-ARG-1: to eat "SRL for [sputtered]: Comprehensive Care had agreed to be acquired by closely held First Hospital Corp. of Norfolk , Va. , but the sale [sputtered] almost from the beginning and finally collapsed last week .",ARG-0: the sale | ARG-M-TMP: almost from the beginning SRL for [amazing]: She was [amazing] to watch .,ARG-0: She | C-ARG-0: to watch "SRL for [answer]: In a letter to Georgia Gulf President Jerry R. Satrum , Mr. Martin asked Georgia Gulf to [answer] its offer by Tuesday .",ARG-0: Georgia Gulf | ARG-1: its offer | ARG-M-TMP: by Tuesday "SRL for [distrains]: If he [distrains] , he is limited to the rent which has accrued .",ARG-0: he "SRL for [solving]: Tilson was a go - getting young man whose skill at finding clues and trace references did n't result in his [solving] the murders , being always outflanked by Burke 's cool intuition .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the murders SRL for [had]: When I first looked last month I [had] a go at photographing the planet and managed to get four of the moons :,ARG-M-TMP: When I first looked last month | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a go at photographing the planet "SRL for [rehearing]: Sir William Grant 's decision in that case was subsequently affirmed by Lord Brougham , in his [rehearing] of Devaynes v. Noble .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Devaynes v. Noble SRL for [tweaked]: Varejao [tweaked] his ankle in Tuesday 's win over the Pistons .,ARG-0: Varejao | ARG-1: his ankle | ARG-M-LOC: in Tuesday 's win over the Pistons "SRL for [consultation]: The board found that her first [consultation] with a physician regarding the hip replacement surgery occurred in April , 2005",ARG-0: her | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: with a physician | ARG-2: regarding the hip replacement surgery SRL for [bid]: the $ 3.4 billion [bid] for Columbia,ARG-2: $ 3.4 billion | ARG-1: for Columbia "SRL for [serve]: In a statement , Arnold B. McKinnon , chairman and chief executive officer , noted that the new repurchase program `` should [serve] to enhance shareholder value . ''",ARG-0: the new repurchase program | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: to enhance shareholder value SRL for [wharfed]: They [wharfed] the goods safely .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the goods | ARG-M-MNR: safely "SRL for [said]: On December 9 , the British firm Tesco [said] hello to consumers in Taiwan when it formally opened its clean , bright and spacious store .","ARG-M-TMP: On December 9 | ARG-0: the British firm Tesco | ARG-1: hello | ARG-2: to consumers in Taiwan | ARG-M-TMP: when it formally opened its clean , bright and spacious store" SRL for [japanned]: The depressions cast into the board are [japanned] .,ARG-1: The depressions cast into the board SRL for [edematous]: The mucosa is diffusely [edematous] .,ARG-1: The mucosa | ARG-M-ADJ: diffusely "SRL for [center]: Japan 's objections to the U.S. plan [center] around its desire to stay self - sufficient in rice , a staple food , even though foreign producers are far more efficient .","ARG-1: Japan 's objections to the U.S. plan | ARG-2: around its desire to stay self - sufficient in rice , a staple food , even though foreign producers are far more efficient" SRL for [resort]: The company said it would [resort] far less often to slashing prices to woo shoppers .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-TMP: far less often | ARG-1: to slashing prices to woo shoppers SRL for [rage]: His rage over criticism of Benghazi far exceeds his [rage] over Benghazi .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: over Benghazi SRL for [valuation]: He maintains that his [valuation] of the property is fair and reasonable .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the property SRL for [abundant]: Documentation for this tale is [abundant] .,ARG-1: Documentation for this tale SRL for [zonked out]: He was [zonked out] from all the work,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: from all the work "SRL for [masking]: Diploid having two copies of every gene within an organism , it is believed that `` the [masking] of deleterious alleles favors the evolution of a dominant diploid phase in organisms that alternate between haploid and diploid phases '' where recombination occurs freely .",ARG-1: of deleterious alleles SRL for [sighted]: No major oil concentrations have been [sighted] recently more than 6 miles northwest of the source of the vessel .,ARG-1: No major oil concentrations | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-M-LOC: more than 6 miles northwest of the source of the vessel SRL for [sampled]: Both reports are based on several thousand patients [sampled] in a 1985 nationwide government survey .,ARG-1: several thousand patients | ARG-M-LOC: in a 1985 nationwide government survey SRL for [resampling]: His [resampling] of New Braunfels Texas German showed minimal use of the dative .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of New Braunfels Texas German SRL for [attraction]: His deep [attraction] to dangerous thrills has gotten him into trouble on occasion .,ARG-1: His | ARG-M-EXT: deep | ARG-2: to dangerous thrills SRL for [shipwrecked]: Captain David Dean O'Keefe was [shipwrecked] in Yap in the 1870s,ARG-1: Captain David Dean O'Keefe | ARG-2: in Yap | ARG-M-TMP: in the 1870s SRL for [emotional]: Luongo : ' I was [emotional] and I said what I said ',ARG-0: I "SRL for [placate]: The debt , estimated at $ 4.7 billion , could mortgage the cellular company 's future earning power in order to [placate] some LIN holders in the short term .","ARG-0: The debt , estimated at $ 4.7 billion | ARG-1: some LIN holders | ARG-M-TMP: in the short term" SRL for [folded]: John [folded] the newspaper into a sailboat for Mary .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: the newspaper | ARG-1: into a sailboat | ARG-3: for Mary "SRL for [blackened]: Although Exxon spent heavily during the latest quarter to clean up the Alaskan shoreline [blackened] by its huge oil spill , those expenses as well as the cost of a continuing spill - related program are covered by $ 880 million in charges taken during the first half .",ARG-1: the Alaskan shoreline | ARG-0: its huge oil spill SRL for [subsisted]: They [subsisted] on # 10 cans of chile con carne .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: on # 10 cans of chile con carne SRL for [squalled]: He [squalled] in surprise .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: in surprise "SRL for [chides]: We recall that Mr. Roberts not only [chides] the Chancellor for being too easy because of a desire to constrain sterling , but also led the chorus saying that Mr. Volcker was too tight when he let the dollar rise .",ARG-0: Mr. Roberts | ARG-1: the Chancellor | ARG-2: for being too easy because of a desire to constrain sterling SRL for [polyploidized]: Establishment of a tetraploid cell line from mouse H-1 ( ES ) cells highly [polyploidized] with demecolcine .,ARG-1: mouse H-1 ( ES ) cells | ARG-2: with demecolcine SRL for [fall]: his [fall] to the dark side,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to the dark side "SRL for [segregation]: However , the policies are conspicuous for their [segregation] of the world of women from that of men .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the world of women | ARG-2: from that of men SRL for [uninformed]: because they are [uninformed] and support the BNP .,ARG-1: they SRL for [hopes]: SSF has high [hopes] for her that she will be able to pass the college entrance examinations .,ARG-0: SSF | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-M-MNR: high | ARG-M-GOL: for her | ARG-1: that she will be able to pass the college entrance examinations "SRL for [attract]: If elected , Soong will have a wealth of government resources with which to [attract] even more people to openly support him , and this could be the straw that breaks the KMT 's back .",R-ARG-3: with which | ARG-1: even more people to openly support him | ARG-3: government resources "SRL for [aged]: In 1980 , the study says , prosecutors surveyed filed charges against 25 defendants for each 100,000 people [aged] 18 years and older .",ARG-1: people | ARG-2: 18 years and older "SRL for [postpone]: Separately , the Ontario Supreme Court said it will [postpone] indefinitely a ruling on the lawsuit launched by the University of Toronto against Connaught in connection with the Merieux bid .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: indefinitely | ARG-1: a ruling on the lawsuit launched by the University of Toronto against Connaught in connection with the Merieux bid SRL for [wheelspun]: I found the keys and [wheelspun] the bike out of the bog back onto safe ground .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the bike | ARG-M-DIR: out of the bog | ARG-M-GOL: back onto safe ground SRL for [in consequence]: But in that case the actual vacancy of the throne - arose from the incapacity of a King to govern [in consequence] of expulsion for his crimes,ARG-2: the incapacity of a King to govern | ARG-1: of expulsion for his crimes SRL for [stand]: Chinese lawmakers said the two can only return if they `` abandon their antagonistic [stand] against the Chinese government,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: antagonistic | ARG-2: against the Chinese government "SRL for [twister]: A fire rages in Moore , Okla. , after the two - mile - wide [twister] flattened the town .",ARG-6: two - mile - wide SRL for [Re - stenting]: [Re - stenting] of the left anterior descending artery with 2.5 x 15 and 2.5 x 32 mm Endeavor drug - eluting stents,ARG-1: of the left anterior descending artery | ARG-2: with 2.5 x 15 and 2.5 x 32 mm Endeavor drug - eluting stents SRL for [gilded]: Judge Roy Hofheinz has [gilded] the Houston Astrodome with $ 6 million worth of luxuries that have little to do with baseball .,ARG-0: Judge Roy Hofheinz | ARG-1: the Houston Astrodome | ARG-2: with $ 6 million worth of luxuries that have little to do with baseball "SRL for [clinical]: I was [clinical] about Aristotle , I was brimming with Socratic seeds , winked at Hercules and a good sport for telling them about the Olympics and Marathon , as sport is so loved here . I echoed a story about Echo and now I 'm just being narcissistic .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: about Aristotle SRL for [operation]: Dr. Lopez 's [operation] on the gunshot victim saved his life .,ARG-0: Dr. Lopez 's | ARG-1: on the gunshot victim "SRL for [relieved]: And some commuters , [relieved] by the absence of gridlock , were planning to return to their old ways .",ARG-1: some commuters | ARG-0: by the absence of gridlock SRL for [shrouded]: Fog [shrouded] the base before touchdown .,ARG-2: Fog | ARG-1: the base | ARG-M-TMP: before touchdown SRL for [arthroplasty]: total knee [arthroplasty],ARG-1: total knee "SRL for [resourceful]: We must become more [resourceful] in reaping the long - term benefits of plate tectonics , while coping with its short - term adverse impacts , such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions .",ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-1: in reaping the long - term benefits of plate tectonics SRL for [oath]: their [oath],ARG-0: their SRL for [mimeographed]: He started in 1949 by publishing just a small [mimeographed] newsletter .,ARG-1: newsletter SRL for [laparotomy]: exploratory [laparotomy], SRL for [came out]: Scoring High first [came out] in 1979 .,ARG-1: Scoring High | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-M-TMP: in 1979 SRL for [tread]: They learn how to [tread] water and do the dead man float and they have to pass that in order to continue on .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: water | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [brace]: So the senators must [brace] themselves .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: the senators | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: themselves SRL for [unreal]: Welker contract is [unreal] ... ca n't believe the Pats let him walk for that little .,ARG-1: Welker contract SRL for [function]: a [function] of snow measuring,ARG-1: of snow measuring "SRL for [strokes]: With rapid , sweeping [strokes] of the brush he creates fluid , free - floating figures , without faces or personalities , performing their allotted roles in the midst of a coldly linear realm .",ARG-M-MNR: rapid | ARG-M-PRD: sweeping | ARG-3: of the brush SRL for [beads up]: This foam is very dense so water [beads up] on it,ARG-1: water | ARG-3: on it "SRL for [Embedded]: [Embedded] in the `` budget '' being concocted by the House - Senate conference committee is something that looks , smells and waddles like a duck .","ARG-1: something that looks , smells and waddles like a duck | ARG-2: in the `` budget '' being concocted by the House - Senate conference committee" "SRL for [benighted]: no , it was n't an abstinance only program in the [benighted] sense of the late bush administration , but it did advocate for waiting until you felt ready and strategies for dealing with peer pressure .",ARG-1: sense SRL for [storytelling]: I would invent community - sourced story arcs that allow individuals the right to influence the future [storytelling] of that narrative,ARG-1: of that narrative "SRL for [funeral]: At his [funeral] on Christmas Eve , the ministers were eloquent and personal in their eulogies .",ARG-1: his | ARG-M-TMP: on Christmas Eve SRL for [resected]: The doctor [resected] the seventh rib on the right side .,ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-1: the seventh rib on the right side SRL for [squeeze]: many of China 's big infrastructural projects have been canceled or postponed because of the [squeeze] on domestic and foreign credit .,ARG-1: on domestic and foreign credit SRL for [outdated]: The release of the iPad 2 [outdated] the original iPad .,ARG-0: The release of the iPad 2 | ARG-1: the original iPad "SRL for [cut corners]: The seller tried to [cut corners] on quality to save a few cents per unit , which ended up costing them 6 figures and a product .",ARG-0: The seller | ARG-1: on quality | ARG-M-PRP: to save a few cents SRL for [blasted off]: The unmanned rocket [blasted off] this morning from Kazakhstan .,ARG-0: The unmanned rocket | ARG-M-TMP: this morning | ARG-M-DIR: from Kazakhstan "SRL for [overused]: Editorials in the Greenville newspaper allowed that Mrs. Yeargin was wrong , but also said the case showed how testing was being [overused] .",ARG-1: testing "SRL for [skirted]: But Mr. Breeden , a 39 - year - old securities lawyer , has [skirted] some of the heftier issues facing the financial markets .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Mr. Breeden , a 39 - year - old securities lawyer | ARG-1: some of the heftier issues facing the financial markets" SRL for [triage]: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation was consulted to help assess and [triage] the patient 's physical and occupational therapy needs .,ARG-0: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | ARG-1: the patient 's physical and occupational therapy needs SRL for [mistimed]: I [mistimed] the market by probably a few months .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the market | ARG-3: by probably a few months SRL for [get away]: Buyers may not [get away] with some of the things they 've done in the past .,ARG-0: Buyers | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: with some of the things they 've done in the past "SRL for [bear in mind]: They had to [bear in mind] that long before the docks they had a free river , they had free water ;","ARG-1: They | ARG-2: that long before the docks they had a free river , they had free water" "SRL for [bet]: While Bookforum noir columnist and New School University writing program director Robert Polito "" lost big , "" Jason Brantley won his [bet] of $ 12 dollars .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of $ 12 dollars "SRL for [subtitled]: Fortunately for Mary , most of the weird Slovenian movies John likes are [subtitled] in English .",ARG-M-ADV: Fortunately for Mary | ARG-1: most of the weird Slovenian movies John likes | ARG-2: in English SRL for [baked]: John [baked] Mary a cake .,ARG-0: John | ARG-3: Mary | ARG-1: a cake SRL for [reclined]: She [reclined] her head on the pillow .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her head | ARG-2: on the pillow "SRL for [loutish]: Though Hemingway was [loutish] to most of his wives , I 've ended up feeling rather sorry for him .",ARG-0: Hemingway | ARG-2: to most of his wives SRL for [ROCK ON]: [ROCK ON] U.S.A FREE ISRAEL !,ARG-M-DIS: U.S.A "SRL for [left wing]: A true [left wing] extremist is something you 've never seen , and would n't know if one snuck up and smacked you on the back of the skull with a picket sign .",ARG-M-ADV: true | ARG-1: extremist "SRL for [interested]: Seems Froch may be [interested] in taking on the winner , although personally I think he 'd have way too much for either of them at this stage of their careers .",ARG-1: Froch | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-2: in taking on the winner "SRL for [dampened]: In addition , below the distal anastomsis flow in the native anterior tibial artery is markedly [dampened] .",ARG-M-DIS: In addition | ARG-M-LOC: below the distal anastomsis | ARG-1: flow in the native anterior tibial artery | ARG-M-EXT: markedly SRL for [trade - off]: Marketers believe most Americans wo n't make the convenience [trade - off] ... .,ARG-0: most Americans | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: convenience "SRL for [laid]: Then they put these men before the apostles , who prayed and [laid] their hands on them .",ARG-0: the apostles | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: their hands | ARG-2: on them SRL for [racist]: He is neither [racist] nor realistic - just wrong .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-NEG: neither | ARG-M-ADV: just wrong SRL for [inked]: On one occasion the squid [inked] in unison and then jetted off at considerable speed .,ARG-M-TMP: On one occasion | ARG-0: the squid | ARG-M-MNR: in unison SRL for [selling out]: He left a message accusing Mr. Darman of [selling out] .,ARG-0: Mr. Darman SRL for [handsewn]: [handsewn] reanastomosis,ARG-1: reanastomosis "SRL for [activeness]: The young person asked him about his mission of learning a new language , and the secret of his [activeness] , passion and happiness .",ARG-0: his "SRL for [sweep]: The Yankees had won the game , 7 - 3 , and wrapped up their second straight 4 - game [sweep] of the World Series .",ARG-0: their | ARG-M-TMP: second straight | ARG-M-ADV: 4 - game | ARG-2: of the World Series "SRL for [work]: Will obtain chest x - ray , lab [work] , and ECG",ARG-0: lab "SRL for [re - shipped]: The local officials said that , the previous situation whereby large numbers of import and export goods of Jiangxi province had to be [re - shipped] through the Guangzhou port and the Shanghai port in the form of sparse packaging will be changed completely .",ARG-1: large numbers of import and export goods of Jiangxi province | ARG-M-DIR: through the Guangzhou port and the Shanghai port | ARG-M-ADV: in the form of sparse packaging | ARG-M-MNR: the previous situation | R-ARG-M-MNR: whereby SRL for [scalloped]: She [scalloped] the chicken .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the chicken "SRL for [interests]: Pakistan was founded on the basis that Muslims felt their [interests] would not be guarded by a Hindu government , not as some spiritual Muslim homeland .",ARG-1: their "SRL for [drop]: Mr. Koch already has announced he will [drop] 3,200 jobs from the city payroll , but that wo n't be enough .","ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: 3,200 jobs | ARG-2: from the city payroll" SRL for [high - fiving]: They 'll come back [high - fiving] and feeling pretty good about it .,ARG-0: They "SRL for [visit]: No , we 're going to be in Wilmington first and then planning to stop in center city on the way back . We can hang out for a while until you guys are free and then just [visit] for a little bit ?",ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-TMP: for a little bit SRL for [framing]: The fact that a vast majority of fundamentalist money managers fail to beat the S & P 500 may contribute to the hysteria [framing] the issue .,ARG-0: the hysteria | ARG-1: the issue SRL for [inspiring]: What would be [inspiring] for you ?,ARG-0: What | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: for you SRL for [phosphorylation]: Reversible [phosphorylation] of proteins is an important regulatory mechanism that occurs in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms .,ARG-M-ADJ: Reversible | ARG-1: of proteins "SRL for [shocked]: However , after watching the documentary and various other programs and films on Pakistan I am absolutely [shocked] .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-M-TMP: after watching the documentary and various other programs and films on Pakistan | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: absolutely SRL for [association]: Yang 's strongest [association] with New Year is of going to do the New Year 's shopping with the grown - ups when she was little .,ARG-0: Yang 's | ARG-M-ADJ: strongest | ARG-2: with New Year "SRL for [pitched in]: `` Everybody pretty much [pitched in] and cooperated , '' said Stan Perez , a sergeant with the California Highway Patrol .",ARG-0: Everybody | ARG-M-ADV: pretty much SRL for [mean]: I [mean] that you look silly in that hat .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: that you look silly in that hat SRL for [withered]: The hot sun [withered] John 's houseplants .,ARG-0: The hot sun | ARG-1: John 's houseplants SRL for [differentiated]: Tumor is moderately [differentiated] .,ARG-1: Tumor | ARG-M-EXT: moderately "SRL for [rediscussed]: In the Journal of Cutaneous Medicine ( 1868 ) he [rediscussed] the subject , and added further illustrative cases .",ARG-M-LOC: In the Journal of Cutaneous Medicine | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the subject SRL for [officiated]: Outgoing Taipei mayor Ma Ying - jeou [officiated] on the 11th evening the opening of this year 's Christmas celebration ...,ARG-0: Outgoing Taipei mayor Ma Ying - jeou | ARG-M-TMP: on the 11th evening | ARG-1: the opening of this year 's Christmas celebration "SRL for [honored]: They will understand why you 're here being [honored] in Washington , D.C. as one of the top 54 teachers around our country .","ARG-1: you | ARG-M-LOC: in Washington , D.C. | ARG-2: as one of the top 54 teachers around our country" SRL for [realization]: the company 's [realization] that the industry 's poor performance stems from its failure to give customers what they want,ARG-0: the company 's | ARG-1: that the industry 's poor performance stems from its failure to give customers what they want SRL for [fascination]: . The Spring Festival gala should be human performances . Joy will be brought to the audiences by means of human performances . The audiences can also enjoy the [fascination] of the Chinese culture .,ARG-0: of the Chinese culture "SRL for [glide]: The engines went down , leaving the pilot with no choice other than to try to [glide] the thing into a landing and into safety .",ARG-0: the pilot | ARG-1: the thing | ARG-M-LOC: into a landing and into safety SRL for [polished off]: she waited till the kids were asleep and [polished off] a six pack of beer,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: a six pack of beer SRL for [blast]: the [blast] of a huge epidemic,ARG-1: of a huge epidemic SRL for [reverse]: Mr. Marcus believes spot steel prices will continue to fall through early 1990 and then [reverse] themselves .,ARG-0: spot steel prices | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: themselves SRL for [Great]: The Pentagon Is [Great] at Blowing Your Money,ARG-1: The Pentagon | ARG-2: at Blowing Your Money "SRL for [ministering]: According to biblical accounts , Jesus spent his life [ministering] in the Galilee Valley .",ARG-0: Jesus | ARG-M-LOC: in the Galilee Valley SRL for [decompressing]: I spent the afternoon [decompressing] from yesterday 's big - fat - Italian wedding !,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: from yesterday 's big - fat - Italian wedding ! "SRL for [committing]: Moreover , like sex , personal money management is something that many people only vaguely understand , that they feel uncertain about [committing] themselves to , and that leaves them feeling tired and empty .",R-ARG-2: that | ARG-2: something | C-ARG-2: to | ARG-1: themselves "SRL for [take]: Being so fragile and minute , they will [take] special special robotic handling equipment .",ARG-M-CAU: Being so fragile and minute | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: special special robotic handling equipment SRL for [canned]: Alpert was [canned] for giving LSD to an undergrad,ARG-1: Alpert | ARG-2: for giving LSD to an undergrad SRL for [intussusceptions]: Multiple jejunal [intussusceptions] .,ARG-M-ADJ: Multiple | ARG-1: jejunal "SRL for [somersaulted]: A rooster pheasant came up , speaking Oriental calumny , and I [somersaulted] him over a barbed wire fence .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-4: over a barbed wire fence "SRL for [made]: If Bill Gates [made] a nickel every time Windows crashed ... oh wait , he does .",ARG-0: Bill Gates | ARG-1: a nickel | ARG-M-TMP: every time Windows crashed "SRL for [diminished]: In following several other oil and gas partnerships that have made the conversion to a corporation in the last year , NRM also noted that tax advantages for partnerships have [diminished] under new tax laws .",ARG-1: tax advantages for partnerships | ARG-M-LOC: under new tax laws "SRL for [characterized]: William R. Laidig , Nekoosa 's chairman , chief executive officer and president , [characterized] the $ 58 - a - share bid as `` uninvited . ''","ARG-0: William R. Laidig , Nekoosa 's chairman , chief executive officer and president | ARG-1: the $ 58 - a - share bid | ARG-2: as `` uninvited . ''" "SRL for [based]: Television stations have always [based] their decisions on ratings , and it is virtually impossible to expect that they will change a proven formula .",ARG-0: Television stations | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-1: their decisions | ARG-2: on ratings SRL for [convulsion]: Charlie 's [convulsion] stopped only after he was administered anti - seizure drugs .,ARG-0: Charlie 's "SRL for [benefit]: Mr. Edelman declined to specify what prompted the recent moves , saying they are meant only to [benefit] shareholders when `` the company is on a roll . ''",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: shareholders | ARG-M-TMP: when `` the company is on a roll SRL for [stab]: She was surprised when her [stab] to the heart did n't kill him .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: to the heart "SRL for [embarrassing]: Bogart was "" [embarrassing] "" with his over - acted insanity",ARG-0: Bogart | ARG-2: with his over - acted insanity "SRL for [skidded]: Besides British Gas , British Steel [skidded] 1.74 to 123.5 on turnover of 11 million shares .",ARG-M-ADV: Besides British Gas | ARG-1: British Steel | ARG-2: 1.74 | ARG-4: to 123.5 | ARG-M-CAU: on turnover of 11 million shares SRL for [castrate]: Farmers [castrate] male lambs to avoid injuries due to fighting .,ARG-0: Farmers | ARG-1: male lambs | ARG-M-PRP: to avoid injuries due to fighting SRL for [under represented]: So that means that in contrast to the general population they are actually slightly [under represented] therefore the NHS does not rely on immigrants as much as leftie TSR users claim they do .,ARG-M-ADV: in contrast to the general population | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-M-EXT: slightly | ARG-1: they "SRL for [policied]: The Budget rep ( who claimed he was the manager ) did not seem to see how absurd their policies are , and basically they "" [policied] "" themselves not only out of one sale , but , since I come to John Wayne airport once month and rent a car , that 's 12 sales a year .","ARG-M-ADV: basically | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-GOL: themselves | ARG-M-PRD: not only out of one sale , but , since I come to John Wayne airport once month and rent a car , that 's 12 sales a year" "SRL for [shadowing]: In particular , `` [shadowing] '' a currency is anything but fixing ; it is an open announcement that the exchange rate target has no credibility .",ARG-1: a currency SRL for [onslaught]: an [onslaught] of third - class mail,ARG-1: of third - class mail SRL for [began]: John [began] to sweat,ARG-1: John | C-ARG-1: to sweat "SRL for [commencing]: It includes *trace* removing $ 242 million in good will from the books , issuing $ 150 million in preferred stock and [commencing] an exchange offer for $ 52 million in convertible bonds .",ARG-1: an exchange offer for $ 52 million in convertible bonds SRL for [ligated]: An Ncol - Notl fragment was [ligated] with an Xhol / Ncol digested PCR product .,ARG-1: Ncol - Notl fragment | ARG-3: with an Xhol / Ncol digested PCR product "SRL for [agitated]: It 's not so much the idea of acquisitions that has [agitated] the cosmetics industry as the companies doing the acquiring : P & G and Unilever bring with them great experience with mundane products like soap and toilet paper , sparking disdain in the glitzy cosmetics trade ; but they also bring mammoth marketing clout , sparking fear .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: acquisitions | ARG-1: the cosmetics industry "SRL for [crucifying]: A fellow came up to me , a Senator , I do n't have to tell youhis name , and he told me , ' I love the President like a brother , but Goddamn it , he 's [crucifying] me .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: me SRL for [motioned]: I laid a tenspot on the bar and [motioned] to the bartender to serve a round .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to the bartender | ARG-2: to serve a round "SRL for [open]: If you answered yes to two or fewer questions , you are not very [open] to change .",ARG-M-ADV: If you answered yes to two or fewer questions | ARG-1: you | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-2: to change SRL for [fluid]: Do we know how much of his assets are [fluid] and how much is tied down ?,ARG-1: how much of his assets SRL for [labile]: His blood pressure is mildly [labile] .,ARG-1: His blood pressure | ARG-M-EXT: mildly SRL for [know]: I [know] ( how to dance the ) Macarena .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: ( how to dance the ) Macarena SRL for [dawn]: The [dawn] of the twenty - first century,ARG-1: of the twenty - first century "SRL for [audition]: Well , they can now go and [audition] there .",ARG-M-DIS: Well | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-M-LOC: there SRL for [clowned]: The father [clowned] with his kids in the family room .,ARG-0: The father | ARG-1: with his kids | ARG-M-LOC: in the family room SRL for [reflection]: A wooden boat 's beauty lies in its [reflection] of nature .,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: of nature SRL for [baked]: The bread [baked] from this mixture is light in color and fragrant in aroma .,ARG-1: The bread | ARG-2: from this mixture "SRL for [govern]: Such a policy implies that only a black politician can speak for a black person , and that only a white politician can [govern] on behalf of a white one .",ARG-0: only a white politician | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-GOL: on behalf of a white one SRL for [snowboard]: You and your family can [snowboard] at the nearby resort .,ARG-0: You and your family | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LOC: at the nearby resort SRL for [sell]: It will [sell] the ad time to its clients at a discount,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the ad time | ARG-2: to its clients | ARG-3: at a discount "SRL for [furnished]: Both groups believed that tens of billions of dollars of service exports -- such as inbound tourism ; legal , accounting and other professional services [furnished] to foreigners ; financial , engineering and construction services ; and the like -- were not being counted as exports .","ARG-1: legal , accounting and other professional services | ARG-2: to foreigners" "SRL for [feed]: Bailiffs claimed they were required to chauffeur him to and from work , mow his lawn , chop his wood , fix his car and even drop by his house to [feed] his two grown mutts , Dixie and Husky .","ARG-0: they | ARG-2: his two grown mutts , Dixie and Husky" "SRL for [phosphorylated]: To first address the former possibility , we [phosphorylated] PTEN in vitro with CK2 and analyzed the phosphorylation by autoradiography , tryptic peptide mapping , phosphoamino acid analysis , and tandem mass spectrometry .",ARG-M-PRP: To first address the former possibility | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: PTEN | ARG-M-LOC: in vitro | ARG-2: with CK2 SRL for [knit]: John [knit] a sweater out the hair he lost in the shower each morning .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a sweater | ARG-2: out the hair he lost in the shower each morning SRL for [sparing]: [sparing] her parents the pain of their secret elopement .,ARG-1: her parents | ARG-2: the pain of their secret elopement SRL for [transphosphorylated]: Intestinal alkaline phosphatase ( IAP ) purified from calf intestine effectively [transphosphorylated] thiamin ( T ) to thiamin monophosphate ( TMP ) using Na2 - beta - glycerophosphate or Na2 - creatine phosphate .,ARG-0: Intestinal alkaline phosphatase ( IAP ) purified from calf intestine | ARG-1: thiamin ( T ) | ARG-2: Na2 - beta - glycerophosphate or Na2 - creatine phosphate | ARG-3: thiamin monophosphate ( TMP ) "SRL for [deployed]: But more recently , the pound has been falling with high inflation , which has also seemed almost impervious to the high interest rates Mr. Lawson [deployed] to stop it .",ARG-0: Mr. Lawson | ARG-1: the high interest rates | ARG-M-PNC: to stop it "SRL for [dresses]: Richard Chamberlain [dresses] as a `` Mainland haole , '' tucking in a Hawaiian shirt and rolling up its long sleeves .",ARG-0: Richard Chamberlain | ARG-2: as a `` Mainland haole | ARG-M-ADV: tucking in a Hawaiian shirt and rolling up its long sleeves SRL for [moonlighting]: Private security guards and [moonlighting] police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these quasi - public places .,ARG-0: police SRL for [vile]: For everything which was [vile] seemed connected with A Sin in the Making .,R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: everything "SRL for [re - secured]: My father [re - secured] the petroleum assets of Kuwait in 1991 at a cost of sixty - one billion U.S. dollars -LRB- $ 61,000,000,000 -RRB- .","ARG-0: My father | ARG-1: the petroleum assets of Kuwait | ARG-M-TMP: in 1991 | ARG-M-ADV: at a cost of sixty - one billion U.S. dollars -LRB- $ 61,000,000,000 -RRB-" SRL for [followed]: The strong growth [followed] year - to - year increases of 21 % in August .,ARG-1: The strong growth | ARG-2: year - to - year increases of 21 % in August SRL for [revoke]: Connecticut already has issued a `` notice of intent '' to [revoke] Drexel 's brokerage license .,ARG-0: Connecticut | ARG-1: Drexel 's brokerage license "SRL for [muddled]: In fact , I was quite [muddled] , could I earn several hundred by bumping into someone one time ?",ARG-M-DIS: In fact | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: quite "SRL for [limping]: He and his successor , Mary Anne Dolan , restored respect for the editorial product , and though in recent years the paper had been [limping] along on limited resources , its accomplishments were notable .",ARG-M-TMP: in recent years | ARG-0: the paper | ARG-M-DIR: along | ARG-M-MNR: on limited resources "SRL for [salvage]: Noting that Sweden wound up wasting state subsidies of about 35 billion Swedish kronor ( $ 5.47 billion ) during the 1970s in a vain attempt to [salvage] its shipbuilding industry , one analyst suggested that Mr. Suominen may have decided to cut Finland 's losses once and for all .",ARG-0: Sweden | ARG-1: its shipbuilding industry "SRL for [blathers]: in the essay "" Are you studying Paul or studying Bill ? "" , she [blathers] that "" people who study Paul will become terrorists "" ;","ARG-M-LOC: in the essay "" Are you studying Paul or studying Bill ? "" | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: that "" people who study Paul will become terrorists """ SRL for [made]: We [made] the finish line !,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the finish line SRL for [equivocal]: Redick is [equivocal] about his fate .,ARG-0: Redick | ARG-1: about his fate "SRL for [chastised]: At the same time , though , he [chastised] the media for paying such close attention to Japanese investment when other foreign countries , notably Britain , are acquiring more American assets .","ARG-M-TMP: At the same time | ARG-M-DIS: though | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the media | ARG-2: for paying such close attention to Japanese investment when other foreign countries , notably Britain , are acquiring more American assets" SRL for [shouts out]: An employee at the Rositas Fabric and Clothing Store [shouts out] today 's bargain prices .,ARG-0: An employee at the Rositas Fabric and Clothing Store | ARG-2: today 's bargain prices SRL for [stop]: A child who is treated with respect wo n't [stop] studying on account of this .,ARG-0: A child who is treated with respect | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: studying | ARG-M-CAU: on account of this SRL for [have vulgarized]: Pilgrims [have vulgarized] the Holy Sepulchre into a Bartholomew Fair .,ARG-0: Pilgrims | ARG-1: the Holy Sepulchre | ARG-M-PRD: into a Bartholomew Fair "SRL for [parasitize]: An example is Phengaris arion , a butterfly whose larvae employ mimicry to [parasitize] certain species of ants .",ARG-0: larvae | ARG-1: certain species of ants SRL for [unplayable]: That 's like saying baseball is [unplayable] without taking steroids .,ARG-1: baseball | ARG-M-MNR: without taking steroids SRL for [unbelievable]: I was [unbelievable] as a striker ! I 'm joking but I did score a LOT of goals .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: as a striker SRL for [dig]: After Arillotta became a cooperating witness investigators began their [dig] for Westerman .,ARG-0: their | ARG-3: for Westerman "SRL for [collection]: The studio has gotten many townspeople involved - more than 100 participated in the recording and production of '' Let 's Yodel , '' a CD [collection] of recordings of Hakka yodeling .","ARG-M-ADJ: '' Let 's Yodel , '' | ARG-1: CD | ARG-3: of recordings of Hakka yodeling" SRL for [centered]: The larger parallel after the earthquake [centered] south of San Francisco is surely with the state of the U.S. economy .,ARG-1: the earthquake | ARG-2: south of San Francisco "SRL for [blindfolded]: When it comes to investing , trying to weigh risk and reward can seem like throwing darts [blindfolded] : Investors do n't know the actual returns that securities will deliver , or the ups and downs that will occur along the way .", SRL for [dampened]: An accelerating move by personal computer manufacturers ' to include advanced graphics capabilities as standard equipment further [dampened] reseller purchases of Western Digital 's equipment .,ARG-0: An accelerating move by personal computer manufacturers ' to include advanced graphics capabilities as standard equipment | ARG-M-EXT: further | ARG-1: reseller purchases of Western Digital 's equipment SRL for [approaches]: She rejected his romantic [approaches] .,ARG-1: his | ARG-M-MNR: romantic SRL for [attacks]: their [attacks] on program trading and its contributions to thestock market 's wild price swings,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: on program trading and its contributions to thestock market 's wild price swings SRL for [give away]: They sometimes [give away] a few exact questions and answers,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: sometimes | ARG-1: a few exact questions and answers "SRL for [Hispanic]: As of the end of 2013 , she said , about 14.2 percent of the state 's electorate was [Hispanic] .",ARG-M-TMP: As of the end of 2013 | ARG-1: about 14.2 percent of the state 's electorate SRL for [reenlist]: Preferably with a solution that would allow soldiers lost to this idiotic policy to [reenlist] if they still wish to .,ARG-0: soldiers lost to this idiotic policy | ARG-M-ADV: if they still wish to "SRL for [shuffle off]: To some , the boomers ca n't [shuffle off] soon enough .",ARG-0: the boomers | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: soon enough "SRL for [repaid]: He thought that we had n't properly [repaid] him once we had grown up , and felt quite bitter about it .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-MNR: properly | ARG-2: him | ARG-M-TMP: once we had grown up "SRL for [recreation]: In Table 43 , irrespective of Hours of Labor , the 686 men are combined , showing that 66 % take their [recreation] with their family , while 34 % do not .",ARG-0: 66 % | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-COM: with their family SRL for [courage]: Jimmy Carter 's [courage] in the face of cancer .,ARG-1: Jimmy Carter 's | ARG-M-ADV: in the face of cancer SRL for [globetrotting]: ... [globetrotting] business trips .,ARG-1: business trips SRL for [Rickshawed]: We [Rickshawed] to our travel agency .,ARG-1: We | ARG-3: to our travel agency SRL for [failing]: Filner admitted his ? [failing] to fully respect the women who work for me and with me ?,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to fully respect the women who work for me and with me SRL for [plunge]: He recalls the majesty of the river 's [plunge] into the abyss .,ARG-1: the river 's | ARG-2: into the abyss "SRL for [foggy]: In Beijing city , the sky is [foggy] .",ARG-M-LOC: In Beijing city | ARG-1: the sky "SRL for [price - cutting]: It looks like the launch of Google TV & Logitech products has n't gone great , with the [price - cutting] from $ 250 to $ 99 .",ARG-3: from $ 250 | ARG-4: to $ 99 SRL for [over with]: Just get it [over with] .,ARG-1: it "SRL for [irradiation]: While the radioactive isotopes finding their way into pollen grains were relatively few , their [irradiation] of pollen from within the pollen grains was significant .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of pollen from within the pollen grains SRL for [wind up]: One way out of that dilemma could be a partial recapitalization in which the pilots would [wind up] sharing the value of their concessions with public shareholders .,ARG-1: the pilots | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: sharing the value of their concessions with public shareholders SRL for [captured]: Israeli intelligence agents have [captured] 16 Palestinians believed involved in the mob killings of two Israeli soldiers .,ARG-0: Israeli intelligence agents | ARG-1: 16 Palestinians believed involved in the mob killings of two Israeli soldiers "SRL for [appropriated]: The appeals court held : `` When a distinctive voice of a professional singer is widely known and is deliberately imitated in order to sell a product , the sellers have [appropriated] what is not theirs . ''",ARG-0: the sellers | ARG-1: what is not theirs "SRL for [periportal]: MRI of the abdomen showed "" abnormal signal "" but this seemed likely to represent the fibrotic reaction seen in the [periportal] region",ARG-1: region "SRL for [malnourished]: So once I saw ? it ? was a brick wall and I was [malnourished] of God 's love , with his help and those around me I was able tear down the wall .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: of God 's love "SRL for [recognition]: ... the Standing Committee of the 8th NPC formally passed the "" Laws of the PRC Red Cross Society "" , reflecting the state 's high - level [recognition] and support of the humanitarian cause of the Red Cross .",ARG-0: the state 's | ARG-M-ADJ: high - level | ARG-1: of the humanitarian cause of the Red Cross "SRL for [masterminded]: In the past , drastic reform has always een [masterminded] from above by Japanese bureaucrats .",ARG-M-TMP: In the past | ARG-1: drastic reform | ARG-M-MNR: from above | ARG-0: by Japanese bureaucrats SRL for [wound]: John [wound] the string around his finger .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the string | ARG-2: around his finger "SRL for [roiling]: PROGRAM TRADING is being curbed by more securities firms , but big institutional investors are expected to continue the practice , further [roiling] the stock market .",ARG-0: big institutional investors | ARG-M-MNR: further | ARG-1: the stock market "SRL for [dormancy]: We can observe completion of germination of a single seed as an all - or - nothing event , whereas [dormancy] of a single seed can have any value between all ( maximum dormancy ) and nothing ( non - dormancy ) .",ARG-1: of a single seed SRL for [spewing]: A volcano will erupt next month on the fabled Strip : a 60 - foot mountain [spewing] smoke and flame every five minutes .,ARG-0: a 60 - foot mountain | ARG-1: smoke and flame | ARG-M-TMP: every five minutes SRL for [crusting]: His eye 's [crusting] improved after several days of the eye drops .,ARG-1: His eye 's SRL for [spurred]: This month 's Friday - the-13th market plunge [spurred] by UAL news was n't as bad for the Jacobson specialists as yesterday 's action .,ARG-1: This month 's Friday - the-13th market plunge | ARG-2: by UAL news "SRL for [protesting]: Only later did I become aware of my grandfather 's struggles , of his [protesting] to the Canadian Parliament , "" The Province of Quebec and all of Canada were our homeland before they were yours . For as far as I know the Indians have never lost their status as a nation . ""","ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the Canadian Parliament | ARG-1: "" The Province of Quebec and all of Canada were our homeland before they were yours . For as far as I know the Indians have never lost their status as a nation . """ SRL for [tandem]: Plasma guns are the logical weapon to [tandem] them with .,ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with | C-ARG-2: Plasma guns "SRL for [cold]: Lower risk areas -LRB- not mentioned above -RRB- , are likely to see light or moderate falls of snow , and still very low tempeatrues . The NW isles , W Ireland , far SW england , Channel isles may not be [cold] enough for prolonged snow , and may see rain , sleet or wet snow instead .","ARG-1: The NW isles , W Ireland , far SW england , Channel isles | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-CXN: enough | C-ARG-M-CXN: for prolonged snow" "SRL for [wrangling]: Pinnacle West Capital Corp. , which has been [wrangling] with regulators for months over what to do about Pinnacle 's moribund Merabank thrift unit , suspended its dividend and reported a 91 % plunge in third - quarter net income .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: Pinnacle West Capital Corp. | ARG-1: with regulators | ARG-M-TMP: for months | ARG-2: over what to do about Pinnacle 's moribund Merabank thrift unit SRL for [blast]: The trumpet 's [blast],ARG-1: trumpet 's "SRL for [nuzzles]: They goes in there and [nuzzles] with the puppies , or lays her eggs and sits there with the mother .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: with the puppies "SRL for [precise]: In order to force China to foot the bill , the IMF repeatedly overturn its own previous estimates of China 's economic growth , adjusted from 9.0 percent down to 8.25 percent -LRB- but still being able to be [precise] to two hundredths , it 's really amazing -RRB- .",ARG-0: the IMF | ARG-M-EXT: to two hundredths SRL for [drydocks]: The Navy [drydocks] ships for repairs .,ARG-0: The Navy | ARG-1: ships SRL for [design]: [design] for humanity,ARG-2: for humanity "SRL for [tinkling]: He came through from the Fleet Bar , which was stag , with the ice cubes [tinkling] in a glass he carried .",ARG-1: the ice cubes | ARG-M-LOC: in a glass he carried SRL for [ticklish]: His feet are very [ticklish] .,ARG-1: His feet | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [figures]: He [figures] P & G will expand its personal - care product line in Japan to `` continue that momentum . '',ARG-0: He | ARG-1: P & G will expand its personal - care product line in Japan to `` continue that momentum SRL for [caution]: A worldwide [caution] to Americans of a possible terrorist threat,ARG-M-LOC: worldwide | ARG-2: to Americans | ARG-1: of a possible terrorist threat SRL for [daring]: it was [daring] of them to feature Diane .,ARG-0: of them | ARG-2: to feature Diane SRL for [mounded]: I [mounded] the centers into the rear tires .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: the centers | ARG-1: into the rear tires "SRL for [petition]: Feingold will run if the recall [petition] drive hits one out of the park , i.e. , if he thinks his victory will be a sure thing .",ARG-1: recall "SRL for [channel]: The bank also says it 'll use its international network to [channel] investment from London , Frankfurt , Zurich and Paris into the Spanish stock exchanges .","ARG-0: its international network | ARG-1: investment | ARG-3: from London , Frankfurt , Zurich and Paris | ARG-2: into the Spanish stock exchanges" "SRL for [cohere]: Unfortunately , Mr. Bork failed to distinguish between such pressures and the emergence of great issues critical to a society that must be settled judicially if it is to [cohere] .",ARG-1: it SRL for [oiled up]: ... displaying their [oiled up] muscles .,ARG-1: muscles "SRL for [castigating]: From Chevy trucks to Lipton iced tea to a host of battling banks , the state has been inundated with broadcast commercials and print advertising campaigns celebrating Texans and [castigating] outsiders .",ARG-0: broadcast commercials and print advertising campaigns | ARG-1: outsiders "SRL for [hiding]: The guerrillas ' conscription of Cruz - Diaz as a child , his fleeing from the guerrillas , and his [hiding] from both the guerrillas and the army and fleeing for fear of retribution from both does not establish a political opinion on his part .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: from both the guerrillas and the army SRL for [onboard]: I am [onboard] with Toddlers and Panda Bears .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: with Toddlers and Panda Bears SRL for [knock up]: Two of the more common examples of British - American divergence of usage are screw and [knock up] ., SRL for [recruited]: He had worked with Mr. McDonough on an earlier project and [recruited] him as architect for the trade center .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: as architect for the trade center SRL for [hypermethylation]: Inactivation of HOXA genes by [hypermethylation] in the myeloid and lymphoid malignancys,ARG-1: in the myeloid and lymphoid malignancys SRL for [securing]: Originally Navy officials said a small boat that assisted in [securing] the ship 's lines or whose movements were masked by the mooring operation pulled aside the Cole and blew up in an apparent suicide attack .,ARG-1: the ship 's lines SRL for [decline]: But she expects prices to rebound soon and is telling investorsshe expects the stock market wo n't [decline] more than 10 % to 15 % from recent highs .,ARG-1: the stock market | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: more than 10 % to 15 % | ARG-3: from recent highs "SRL for [transporting]: But Brooks declined , figuring that [transporting] the mucked up money to Washington would cost the company thousands more .",ARG-1: the mucked up money | ARG-3: to Washington "SRL for [obsessed]: It seems that the higher class are [obsessed] with imitating and adopting western culture , in a sense it boosts their superiority complex .",ARG-0: the higher class | ARG-1: with imitating and adopting western culture "SRL for [expended]: Mr. Good , who documents these things as best he can , provides an official explanation in the form of a memorandum from Chief of Staff George C. Marshall to President Roosevelt : `` 1,430 pounds of ammunition , '' he wrote his commander in chief , were [expended] on `` unidentified aircraft , '' flying at speeds as slow as 200 mph and elevations between 9,000 and 18,000 feet .","ARG-1: 1,430 pounds of ammunition | ARG-2: on `` unidentified aircraft , '' flying at speeds as slow as 200 mph and elevations between 9,000 and 18,000 feet" "SRL for [template]: Nanomechanical devices and algorithmic self - assembly have also been demonstrated , and these DNA structures have been used to [template] the arrangement of other molecules such as gold nanoparticles and streptavidin proteins .",ARG-1: the arrangement of other molecules such as gold nanoparticles and streptavidin proteins SRL for [subdivision]: The administrative [subdivision] of Rome consists of the 15 sub - municipalities ( municipi ) of Rome 's municipality .,ARG-3: administrative | ARG-1: of Rome "SRL for [slit]: Then he looked at his finger , at the wrinkled , heavy knuckle and the thicknail he used like a knife to pry up , [slit] , and open .",ARG-0: he "SRL for [undecided]: Whereas previously I was [undecided] over the outcome of a fight with Mayweather on last nights showing , and as long as Mayweather was on his absolute A game , I would say my money would be on Mayweather .",ARG-M-TMP: previously | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: over the outcome of a fight with Mayweather on last nights showing SRL for [showed]: The case [showed] how testing was being overused .,ARG-0: The case | ARG-1: how testing was being overused "SRL for [semi - watching]: I 'm sitting here pulling my hair out because my roomate is watching the Masters on TV . I 'd rather drink battery acid than watch golf . While [semi - watching] , I just realized something : while the golfer is setting up his shot , and about to swing , all the fans get very quiet for them .",ARG-0: I "SRL for [tornado]: a 1.3 mile - wide [tornado] tore through Moore , Oklahoma , located 31 miles southeast of El Reno and 10 miles south of Oklahoma City",ARG-6: 1.3 mile - wide SRL for [alluded]: Mobil [alluded] to the work - force cuts last week when it took a $ 40 million charge as part of its third - quarter earnings and attributed it to a restructuring .,ARG-0: Mobil | ARG-1: to the work - force cuts | ARG-M-TMP: last week | ARG-M-TMP: when it took a $ 40 million charge as part of its third - quarter earnings and attributed it to a restructuring SRL for [dramatic]: The change in her demeanor was [dramatic],ARG-1: The change in her demeanor "SRL for [skipping]: One of the best deals , though , may mean [skipping] Christmas dinner with the relatives .",ARG-1: Christmas dinner with the relatives SRL for [avulsion]: subsequent bone [avulsion],ARG-M-TMP: subsequent | ARG-1: bone SRL for [diction]: This reminder and threat are embodied in the [diction] and tone of the statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia .,ARG-1: of the statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia "SRL for [misused]: One suit , filed by more than three dozen investors , charges that Mr. Peterson [misused] much of the $ 9.7 million put into a limited partnership that he operated and promoted , spending some of it to pay his own legal bills and to invest in other companies in which he had an interest .",ARG-0: Mr. Peterson | ARG-1: much of the $ 9.7 million put into a limited partnership that he operated and promoted | ARG-M-ADV: spending some of it to pay his own legal bills and to invest in other companies in which he had an interest "SRL for [fractioning]: Further [fractioning] the late - night audience is the addition of the `` Arsenio Hall Show , '' syndicated by Paramount Communications Inc.","ARG-M-DIS: Further | ARG-1: the late - night audience | ARG-0: the addition of the `` Arsenio Hall Show , '' syndicated by Paramount Communications Inc." SRL for [rife]: Youth unemployment is [rife] at the moment so let 's get them piloting our aeroplanes .,ARG-2: Youth unemployment | ARG-M-TMP: at the moment SRL for [pruned]: her father [pruned] them with shears .,ARG-0: her father | ARG-2: them | ARG-3: with shears "SRL for [pinned down]: Now , researchers believe they have [pinned down] the cause of the poor stability .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the cause of the poor stability SRL for [laugh]: his mother 's [laugh],ARG-0: his mother 's SRL for [slurped]: He [slurped] his wine throughout dinner and literally licked his plate at the end .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his wine | ARG-M-TMP: throughout dinner SRL for [bike]: Did he [bike] the last triathlon you were in ?,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the last triathlon you were in SRL for [denervated]: We have partially [denervated] the mouse soleus muscle just after birth by cutting one ( L5 ) ofthe two ( L4 and L 5 ) spinal nerves which supply its innervation .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-EXT: partially | ARG-1: the mouse soleus muscle | ARG-M-TMP: just after birth | ARG-M-MNR: by cutting one ( L5 ) ofthe two ( L4 and L 5 ) spinal nerves which supply its innervation SRL for [condescend]: How could she [condescend] to his level ?,ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: to his level | ARG-M-MNR: How SRL for [return]: the [return] of cheaper shares to the lender,ARG-1: of cheaper shares | ARG-2: to the lender "SRL for [underused]: These stamps have been [underused] over the past few years , forming a large reserve in the market .",ARG-1: These stamps | ARG-M-TMP: over the past few years | ARG-M-ADV: forming a large reserve in the market "SRL for [Fort up]: Using his hands as a trumpet he shouted , `` [Fort up] ! ''", SRL for [eluting]: drug - [eluting],ARG-1: drug "SRL for [FaceTime]: She was like no we can [FaceTime] and I was like not all three of is together , we need oovoo for that -RRB-",ARG-M-DIS: no | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can SRL for [dropped]: The stock market [dropped] nearly 7 % Oct 13 .,ARG-1: The stock market | ARG-2: nearly 7 % | ARG-M-TMP: Oct 13 "SRL for [lobotomized]: The Anonymous at 2:52 PM , albeit [lobotomized] by the iron triangle 's propaganda , hit upon a major point that we should all be aware of .",ARG-1: The Anonymous | ARG-0: by the iron triangle 's propaganda SRL for [seeped]: Vanguard 's $ 1 billion High Yield Bond Portfolio has seen $ 161 million flow out since early September ; $ 14 million of that [seeped] out Friday Oct. 13 alone .,ARG-1: $ 14 million of that | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-M-TMP: Friday Oct. 13 alone "SRL for [constrained]: General Mills , meanwhile , finds itself [constrained] from boosting sales further because its plants are operating at capacity .",ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: from boosting sales further | ARG-M-CAU: because its plants are operating at capacity "SRL for [blindsided]: The Voice coach and Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine may have some new song material on his hands , because according to sources , the singer is absolutely miserable after Victoria 's Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna [blindsided] him with a headline - making split announcement .",ARG-0: Victoria 's Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a headline - making split announcement "SRL for [registered]: The number of people [registered] as jobless at the end of October declined by 900 from September to 78,600 .",ARG-1: The number of people | ARG-3: as jobless | ARG-M-TMP: at the end of October "SRL for [scarce]: Since the bears are [scarce] , bear bile is precious .",ARG-1: bears SRL for [hailstorm]: brief [hailstorm] of hail preceding a brief rainshower of rain .,ARG-M-MNR: brief | ARG-1: of hail "SRL for [unauthorized]: David Wu strongly supports China has sovereignty over the Diaoyu Island according to history and reality , saying that the US government made a mistake , was [unauthorized] and illegally delivered the Diaoyu Island to Japan in the 1970s , and damaged China 's territorial sovereignty .",ARG-2: the US government SRL for [are put off]: Japanese investors [are put off] by American exuberance .,ARG-1: Japanese investors | ARG-0: by American exuberance "SRL for [determined]: I was [determined] to restore the range of motion and to return to my old exercise routine , so I in effect took charge of the rehab program and made it clear to the therapist the Orthopedic Surgeon that I would n't accept less .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to restore the range of motion and to return to my old exercise routine "SRL for [timed]: John ran the Boston Marathon last week , and was [timed] at one week , three days , four hours , sixteen minutes and 27 seconds , his best performance yet .","ARG-1: John | ARG-2: at one week , three days , four hours , sixteen minutes and 27 seconds" "SRL for [manipulate]: Cheng relates that in this regard there were some factors he could [manipulate] , but others that were beyond his control .",ARG-1: some factors | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: could SRL for [unindicted]: He was named as an [unindicted] co - conspirator of money laundering .,ARG-1: co - conspirator "SRL for [cancels]: Once she did so , the big - souled German maestro with the shaky nerves who so often [cancels] offered a limpid , flowing performance that in its unswagged and unswaggering approach was totally at odds with the staging .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: the big - souled German maestro | ARG-M-TMP: so often SRL for [proliferation]: The U.N. convened to discuss strategies to prevent the [proliferation] of nuclear weapons .,ARG-0: of nuclear weapons SRL for [lob]: I 'm confident my irate girlfriend wo n't [lob] the TV at my head .,ARG-0: my irate girlfriend | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the TV | ARG-2: at my head SRL for [experimented]: The scientists have [experimented] on the tiny neck arteries of rats .,ARG-0: The scientists | ARG-1: on the tiny neck arteries of rats "SRL for [forked over]: Two Los Angeles radio stations initiated Red Cross donation campaigns , and one Los Angeles bank manager [forked over] $ 150,000 of his own money for relief purposes , the Red Cross said .","ARG-0: one Los Angeles bank manager | ARG-3: $ 150,000 of his own money | ARG-M-PNC: for relief purposes" "SRL for [fine]: Meanwhile , inside the courtroom , the judge said he would [fine] attorneys for the two creditors $ 50 every time they referred to each other with terms such as `` liar '' or `` slime . ''",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: attorneys for the two creditors | ARG-1: $ 50 | ARG-3: every time they referred to each other with terms such as `` liar '' or `` slime SRL for [cheered]: 50 % of voters [cheered] for the President 's job performance .,ARG-0: 50 % of voters | ARG-1: for the President 's job performance SRL for [saves]: This alone [saves] more than 20 million yuan in costs for the factory each year .,ARG-3: This alone | ARG-1: more than 20 million yuan in costs | ARG-2: for the factory | ARG-M-TMP: each year SRL for [projection]: Officials should meet their earnings [projection] of $ 1.20 per share next year .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: earnings | ARG-2: of $ 1.20 per share | ARG-M-TMP: next year "SRL for [small]: He was [small] in stature , with a furrowed visage , which , as yet , could hardly be termed aged .",ARG-1: He | ARG-2: in stature SRL for [criticism]: my [criticism] of it,ARG-0: my | ARG-1: of it SRL for [made]: But the surprisingly durable seven - year economic expansion has [made] mincemeat of more than one forecast .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the surprisingly durable seven - year economic expansion | ARG-1: mincemeat | ARG-2: of more than one forecast SRL for [marking]: The composite portrait that emerges is n't of a pampered jock [marking] time until he can land a seven - figure pro contract -- he 's part of a tiny minority .,ARG-0: a pampered jock | ARG-1: time | ARG-M-TMP: until he can land a seven - figure pro contract SRL for [decompressed]: He [decompressed] the skull successfully with a carpenter 's rusty drill and a wooden brace .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the skull | ARG-M-MNR: successfully | ARG-2: with a carpenter 's rusty drill and a wooden brace SRL for [impact]: a real [impact] on some of the younger offenders,ARG-M-ADJ: real | ARG-1: on some of the younger offenders "SRL for [slip]: `` I feel like a little kid , '' says a gleeful Alex de Castro , a car salesman , who has stopped by a workout of the Suns to [slip] six Campaneris cards to the Great Man Himself to be autographed .","ARG-0: a gleeful Alex de Castro , a car salesman | ARG-1: six Campaneris cards | ARG-2: to the Great Man Himself | C-ARG-1: to be autographed | R-ARG-0: who" "SRL for [gloats]: Mr. Hulings [gloats] that he sold all his stocks a week before the market plummeted 190 points on Oct. 13 , and he is using the money to help buy a 45 - acre horse farm .",ARG-0: Mr. Hulings | ARG-1: that he sold all his stocks a week before the market plummeted 190 points on Oct. 13 SRL for [enhancement]: mucosal [enhancement],ARG-1: mucosal "SRL for [bumped]: Yesterday , when similar securities rebounded , it [bumped] the valuation up again .","ARG-M-TMP: Yesterday , when similar securities rebounded | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the valuation | ARG-5: up | ARG-M-DIS: again" SRL for [doing]: In this department we are [doing] fine this fall .,ARG-M-LOC: In this department | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MNR: fine | ARG-M-TMP: this fall "SRL for [predicting]: Analysts were [predicting] 1990 BellSouth earnings in the range of $ 3.90 a share , or $ 1.9 billion , but now those estimates are being scaled back .","ARG-0: Analysts | ARG-1: 1990 BellSouth earnings in the range of $ 3.90 a share , or $ 1.9 billion" "SRL for [forested]: In 50 million years , they [forested] the continental lowlands with trees of considerable variety .",ARG-M-TMP: In 50 million years | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the continental lowlands | ARG-2: with trees of considerable variety "SRL for [mingle]: Law - enforcement authorities say that at any given time , a host of fraudulent telemarketing operations [mingle] with the many legitimate businesses here .",ARG-M-TMP: at any given time | ARG-0: a host of fraudulent telemarketing operations | ARG-1: with the many legitimate businesses here SRL for [orders]: making [orders] to commit crimes,ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-2: to commit crimes "SRL for [tight]: My wallet 's too small for my fifties , and my diamond shoes are too [tight] !",ARG-1: my diamond shoes | ARG-M-EXT: too "SRL for [recalibrate]: He supports Red Education to [recalibrate] the outlook on life and values of contemporary college students , and to encourage college students of the capital to exert themselves for the great revival of the Chinese nation .",ARG-1: the outlook on life and values of contemporary college students SRL for [overtures]: His [overtures] of peace to the barbarians aroused much anger in the Roman army and ultimately led to a mutiny .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of peace | ARG-2: to the barbarians SRL for [fell through]: The price plummeted after a proposed leveraged buy - out of the airline [fell through] .,ARG-1: a proposed leveraged buy - out of the airline "SRL for [cross]: If Colgate toothpaste offers a tempting money - saving coupon , she 'll [cross] Crest off her shopping list without a second thought .",ARG-M-ADV: If Colgate toothpaste offers a tempting money - saving coupon | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: Crest | ARG-2: off her shopping list | ARG-M-MNR: without a second thought "SRL for [rocketed]: Weisfield 's [rocketed] 9 1/2 to 39 after the jewelry store operator said it is in preliminary discussions , with a party it would n't identify , regarding the possible acquisition of the company .","ARG-1: Weisfield 's | ARG-2: 9 1/2 | ARG-4: to 39 | ARG-M-TMP: after the jewelry store operator said it is in preliminary discussions , with a party it would n't identify , regarding the possible acquisition of the company" "SRL for [concerned]: However , since critical logic is [concerned] in part with necessary reasoning , it is dependent upon the character of mathematics ( CP 4.240 ) .",ARG-1: critical logic | ARG-M-EXT: in part | ARG-0: with necessary reasoning SRL for [pilfered]: Mary [pilfered] John 's chocolate from his closet for herself .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John 's chocolate | ARG-2: his closet | ARG-3: herself SRL for [cruel]: I thought she was [cruel] to punish me for thinking she was cruel,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: to punish me for thinking she was cruel "SRL for [donated]: The company 's U.S. subsidiary , Matsushita Electric Corp. of America , had [donated] over $ 35,000 worth of Matsushita - made flashlights and batteries to residents shortly after the disaster , a company spokesman said .","ARG-0: The company 's U.S. subsidiary , Matsushita Electric Corp. of America | ARG-1: over $ 35,000 worth of Matsushita - made flashlights and batteries | ARG-2: to residents | ARG-M-TMP: shortly after the disaster" SRL for [gassed]: They were hearded into rooms with drains in the floor and [gassed] .,ARG-1: They SRL for [forecasting]: the station 's [forecasting] of a huge storm,ARG-0: the station 's | ARG-1: of a huge storm SRL for [woolgathered]: Steve always [woolgathered] .,ARG-0: Steve | ARG-M-TMP: always SRL for [slide]: It 's because people will not let things [slide] .,ARG-1: things "SRL for [feeds]: Lotus Development Corp. [feeds] its evaluations into a computer , but only for storage ; the decisions are made by supervisors .",ARG-0: Lotus Development Corp. | ARG-1: its evaluations | ARG-2: into a computer SRL for [procreation]: Artificial [procreation] with frozen donor semen,ARG-M-ADJ: Artificial | ARG-M-MNR: with frozen donor semen SRL for [soaped]: He [soaped] the outside surface of the pane .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the outside surface of the pane SRL for [beckons]: The great world beyond [beckons] .,ARG-0: The great world beyond SRL for [curb]: Voices on the WTO 's ruling against China on its [curb] of raw material exports .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of raw material exports SRL for [exile]: It 's not that surprising that Republicans are reconsidering their [exile] of Akin .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Akin SRL for [shed blood]: I would [shed blood] to keep this job,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: to keep this job SRL for [plunging]: Japanese intervention has kept the US currency from [plunging] below key levels against the mark .,ARG-1: the US currency | ARG-4: below key levels | ARG-M-LOC: against the mark SRL for [Collateralization]: [Collateralization] of the coronary following ischemia,ARG-1: of the coronary | ARG-M-TMP: following ischemia SRL for [unwatchable]: And that Stepford Democratic response was simply [unwatchable] .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: that Stepford Democratic response | ARG-M-ADV: simply SRL for [offered]: New England Electric [offered] $ 2 billion for PS of New Hampshire .,ARG-0: New England Electric | ARG-2: $ 2 billion | ARG-1: for PS of New Hampshire SRL for [gummed]: The buds looked as if they were [gummed] on to the lower side of the leaves .,ARG-1: they | ARG-2: on to the lower side of the leaves SRL for [dominant]: The lateral vein reconstituted and was [dominant] over the posterior vein .,ARG-0: The lateral vein | ARG-1: over the posterior vein SRL for [delayed]: Subcontractors said they were told that equipment orders would be [delayed] .,ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: equipment orders SRL for [delivery]: Maggie 's [delivery] of baby Cooper went smoothly .,ARG-0: Maggie 's | ARG-1: of baby Cooper "SRL for [single]: If i m [single] yeah sure , attached no way .",ARG-1: i SRL for [ascending]: His [ascending] of the hill took a lot of hiking .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the hill "SRL for [patrolled]: The only difference is , in those cities the poor are housed in high - rise - project apartments each consisting of one room , with rusty pipes called plumbing , rodents and cockroaches everywhere and nonworking elevators -- and with the building [patrolled] by gangs and drug dealers .",ARG-1: the building | ARG-0: by gangs and drug dealers "SRL for [pasted]: `` All the takeover stocks -- Scottish & Newcastle , B.A.T , DRG -- are getting pretty well [pasted] this morning , '' Mr. Smith said .","ARG-M-MNR: pretty well | ARG-1: All the takeover stocks -- Scottish & Newcastle , B.A.T , DRG -- | ARG-M-TMP: this morning" SRL for [demineralization]: The [demineralization] of sea water and brackish ground water is a problem of international interest .,ARG-1: of sea water and brackish ground water SRL for [strapped]: King backdropped a charging Kage over the top and [strapped] him with a belt - solid licks that produced some nice welts .,ARG-0: King | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: with a belt "SRL for [perfuse]: Also , it depends on the size of a piece of tissue whether you will [perfuse] with PFA first .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: with PFA | ARG-M-TMP: first SRL for [passed]: John [passed] the bill into law .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the bill | ARG-2: into law SRL for [identical]: His idea is [identical] to hers .,ARG-1: His idea | ARG-2: to hers SRL for [dispensed]: John [dispensed] bad advice to passers - by .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: bad advice | ARG-2: to passers - by SRL for [spin off]: Courtaulds PLC announced plans to [spin off] its textiles operations to existing shareholders in a restructuring to boost shareholder value .,ARG-0: Courtaulds PLC | ARG-1: its textiles operations | ARG-3: to existing shareholders | ARG-M-LOC: in a restructuring | ARG-M-PNC: to boost shareholder value "SRL for [slant]: In another approach to the same procedure , the content of thereadings is analyzed so as to see how the particular medium is likely to [slant] her statements .",ARG-0: the particular medium | ARG-1: her statements | ARG-M-MNR: how "SRL for [revealed]: At a time when the Lebanese judiciary continues its investigation into the file of the detainees of "" the Syrian National Social Party , "" very important , and at the same time , dangerous , information was [revealed] about an attempt to blow up the location of a Phalange celebration in Al Koura , which was set to be attended by president Amin Al Gemayel , Minister and martyr Pierre Al Gemayel , and hundreds of supporters of the Lebanese Phalange Party , per an order from Parliament Member Asaad Herdan . That was "" Cailion "" restaurant in Al Koura on January 15 , 2005 , 29 days before the crime of the assassination of Prime Minister Rafiq Al Hariri , and three months after the assassination attempt of Minister Marwan Hamada , which would have raised the number of crimes and explosions to 16 .","ARG-M-TMP: At a time when the Lebanese judiciary continues its investigation into the file of the detainees of "" the Syrian National Social Party | ARG-1: very important , and at the same time , dangerous , information | ARG-3: about an attempt to blow up the location of a Phalange celebration in Al Koura , which was set to be attended by president Amin Al Gemayel , Minister and martyr Pierre Al Gemayel , and hundreds of supporters of the Lebanese Phalange Party , per an order from Parliament Member Asaad Herdan . That was "" Cailion "" restaurant in Al Koura on January 15 , 2005 , 29 days before the crime of the assassination of Prime Minister Rafiq Al Hariri , and three months after the assassination attempt of Minister Marwan Hamada , which would have raised the number of crimes and explosions to 16" "SRL for [minded]: The first episode concluded with a marvelously cute scene in which the trading - room crew [minded] a baby , the casualty of a broken marriage at the firm .","ARG-0: the trading - room crew | ARG-1: a baby , the casualty of a broken marriage at the firm" "SRL for [kicked in]: While program trades swiftly [kicked in] , a `` circuit breaker '' that halted trading in stock futures in Chicago made some program trading impossible .",ARG-1: program trades | ARG-M-MNR: swiftly "SRL for [breeding]: However , if things continue in this way in which government employees act as the chief officials in their birthplaces , the [breeding] of corruption will be inevitable .",ARG-1: of corruption SRL for [happens]: It [happens] that its workforce includes its most productive members .,ARG-1: that its workforce includes its most productive members "SRL for [gutting]: But their [gutting] of education is paying off , because most people are too stupid to even notice it 's happening .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of education SRL for [competes]: Its salary [competes] well with other retailers .,ARG-0: Its salary | ARG-M-MNR: well | ARG-1: with other retailers SRL for [procedure]: the recruitment [procedure] for the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense .,ARG-1: recruitment | ARG-2: for the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense SRL for [mounded]: We [mounded] the rock garden mix high .,ARG-0: We | ARG-2: the rock garden mix | ARG-M-EXT: high SRL for [stooling]: normal patient [stooling],ARG-M-MNR: normal | ARG-0: patient "SRL for [charted]: Their song "" Love is a Beautiful Thing "" [charted] into the Top 20 in May 2007","ARG-1: Their song "" Love is a Beautiful Thing "" | ARG-M-GOL: into the Top 20 | ARG-M-TMP: in May 2007" SRL for [bridled]: She [bridled] the other horse as he placed the saddle on his own .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the other horse | ARG-M-TMP: as he placed the saddle on his own SRL for [highlighting]: This is evident in his [highlighting] the inadequacies in airline security which allowed Abdulmutallab to smuggle an explosive device onto a plane .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the inadequacies in airline security which allowed Abdulmutallab to smuggle an explosive device onto a plane SRL for [edit]: Optical - storage devices can handle very large amounts of data and make it far easier to [edit] film clips or audio recordings with a computer .,ARG-1: film clips or audio recordings | ARG-M-MNR: with a computer "SRL for [criminalisation]: The drug cartels LOBBY and fight for the continued [criminalisation] of illicit drugs and often bribe officials -LRB- think about 80 's America and Noreaga , Olly North etc -RRB- .",ARG-M-TMP: continued | ARG-1: of illicit drugs "SRL for [revisits]: `` Each time the court [revisits] an issue , the justices will be forced by a dissent to reconsider the fundamental questions and to rethink the result , '' he said .",ARG-0: the court | ARG-1: an issue | ARG-M-TMP: Each time SRL for [dirtied]: He [dirtied] his face with coal dust .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his face | ARG-2: with coal dust "SRL for [fault]: basically , it is their [fault] they ca n't attract new employees",ARG-1: their | ARG-2: they ca n't attract new employees "SRL for [seasoned]: In order to attract this group of [seasoned] adults pulling in over NT$ 1 million a year back to the ivory tower , universities have begun to establish executive MBA -LRB- EMBA -RRB- programs .",ARG-1: adults "SRL for [given]: As the pyramids were already about 2500 years old when Diodorus wrote his World History , one is [given] to wonder what his authority might have been for such a vivid description .",ARG-1: one | ARG-2: to wonder what his authority might have been for such a vivid description SRL for [peace]: Counting the hours until she can return to the [peace] of her field .,ARG-1: of her field SRL for [set forth]: I know of no other purpose of the Liberal League than what was [set forth] in the charter .,ARG-1: what | ARG-M-LOC: in the charter SRL for [pitched]: It is n't every day that we hear a Violetta who can sing the first act 's high - flying music with all the little notes perfectly [pitched] and neatly stitched together .,ARG-M-MNR: perfectly | ARG-1: all the little notes SRL for [biased]: Obviously I am [biased] as I am an independant mortgage adviser but ...,ARG-M-ADV: Obviously | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-CAU: as I am an independant mortgage adviser SRL for [application]: The [application] of herbicide,ARG-1: of herbicide SRL for [flexed]: Mary [flexed] the wire with a pair of pliers .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the wire | ARG-2: with a pair of pliers SRL for [lauded]: Mrs. Hills [lauded] South Korea for creating an intellectual - property task force and special enforcement teams of police officers and prosecutors trained to pursue movie and book pirates .,ARG-0: Mrs. Hills | ARG-1: South Korea | ARG-2: for creating an intellectual - property task force and special enforcement teams of police officers and prosecutors trained to pursue movie and book pirates "SRL for [succeeding]: All this was recognized and documented in the [succeeding] years by economists , some of whom worked in the Reagan administration to lift this burden from the American people , states and local governments .",ARG-1: years SRL for [disinclined]: Analysts viewed the chairman 's comments as an indication that the central bank is [disinclined] to ease monetary policy further in the near future .,ARG-0: the central bank | ARG-1: to ease monetary policy further in the near future SRL for [absented]: John [absented] himself from yet another Propbank meeting .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: from yet another Propbank meeting SRL for [eager]: She is [eager] to go .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: to go "SRL for [announced]: In early September the MOFA [announced] that , based on efficiency evaluations , the government would close its representative offices in the African countries of the Congo , Angola , and Madagascar .","ARG-M-TMP: In early September | ARG-0: the MOFA | ARG-1: that , based on efficiency evaluations , the government would close its representative offices in the African countries of the Congo , Angola , and Madagascar" "SRL for [publishes]: Dow Jones [publishes] The Wall Street Journal , Barron 's magazine , and community newspapers and operates financial news services and computer data bases .","ARG-0: Dow Jones | ARG-1: The Wall Street Journal , Barron 's magazine , and community newspapers" "SRL for [showered]: After years of drought , the clouds [showered] heavy rain",ARG-M-TMP: After years of drought | ARG-0: the clouds | ARG-1: heavy rain SRL for [flattened]: In areas where the freeway made giant concrete sandwiches of itself lie cars that police say have been [flattened] into foot - thick slabs .,ARG-1: areas | ARG-M-PRD: into foot - thick slabs "SRL for [drying]: From the stripping of the ramie bark to get fibers , through framing , sun - [drying] and dying , to weaving , tailoring and embroidering , every step in the process of making cloth is women 's work .",ARG-0: sun SRL for [invention]: That 's an [invention] of the blog reprinting this .,ARG-0: of the blog reprinting this "SRL for [lawmaking]: Mukherjee 's law that 's applicable from 50 years ago , with a six - year enforceability , has been the cause of the most intense debates within India and among global investors looking at the fiscal [lawmaking] of the world 's second - fastest growing economy .",ARG-1: fiscal | ARG-0: of the world 's second - fastest growing economy SRL for [incandesced]: Small bubbles of light [incandesced] within the walls .,ARG-1: Small bubbles of light | ARG-M-LOC: within the walls SRL for [misconduct]: willful [misconduct],ARG-M-ADJ: willful SRL for [independent]: Caribbean reef development was [independent] of coral diversity over 28 million years ..,ARG-0: Caribbean reef development | ARG-1: of coral diversity | ARG-M-TMP: over 28 million years SRL for [pairings]: There is no expectation whatsoever of life - time bonds or [pairings] .,ARG-M-TMP: life - time "SRL for [littered]: Result : a landscape [littered] with lemons , huge debt burdens crushing down upon the arch and spans of corporate America .",ARG-1: a landscape | ARG-2: with lemons "SRL for [wander]: Jackals roam the streets at night , and gemsbok , hardy antelope with long straight horns , [wander] in from the desert to drink from water sprinklers .","ARG-0: gemsbok , hardy antelope with long straight horns | ARG-M-DIR: in from the desert | ARG-M-PRP: to drink from water sprinklers" SRL for [genuflected]: He dutifully [genuflected] to the gods of political correctness .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: dutifully | ARG-1: to the gods of political correctness "SRL for [balked]: When First Interstate [balked] , arguing that the figure was too high , regulators responded by raising their recommendation to $ 350 million .",ARG-0: First Interstate | ARG-M-ADV: arguing that the figure was too high | ARG-M-TMP: When SRL for [passivation]: [passivation] of the welds,ARG-1: of the welds SRL for [remains]: Only one local ringer [remains] .,ARG-1: Only one local ringer "SRL for [drunk]: You might be high on life , but I am [drunk] on Beer .",ARG-1: I | ARG-0: on Beer "SRL for [worsen]: Gasoline margins may rebound this quarter , some industry officials say , but they believe chemical margins could [worsen] .",ARG-1: chemical margins | ARG-M-MOD: could SRL for [made]: Those chips are [made] of gallium arsenide .,ARG-1: Those chips | ARG-2: of gallium arsenide SRL for [hammered]: Sentiment was helped by the small gain made by New York stocks Wednesday despite anxiety over possible effects of the major earthquake that [hammered] northern California Tuesday .,ARG-2: the major earthquake | R-ARG-2: that | ARG-1: northern California | ARG-M-TMP: Tuesday "SRL for [inexpensive]: Guerilla warfare was [inexpensive] for the attackers , but very costly for those trying to beat it down .",ARG-1: Guerilla warfare | ARG-3: for the attackers SRL for [disarming]: They used the guise of a state of emergency to carry out their [disarming] of the people .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the people "SRL for [libel]: ... mare foaled by Margie Wood , and of their [libel] of me within the miniature horse industry , I have been harmed in the amount of at least One Hundred Thousand ...",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of me | ARG-M-LOC: within the miniature horse industry SRL for [fits]: The right was having [fits] over it,ARG-1: The right | ARG-M-LVB: having | ARG-M-CAU: over it SRL for [cures]: [cures] for diseases that cause a lot of pain and death to millions of people,ARG-2: for diseases that cause a lot of pain and death to millions of people SRL for [ablation]: The parents were grateful to the surgeons for their [ablation] of the cardiac neural crest from the embryos .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the cardiac neural crest | ARG-2: from the embryos "SRL for [lionized]: Additionally , since you 're going to be hors de combat pretty soon with sprue , yaws , Delhi boil , the Granville wilt , liver fluke , bilharziasis , and a host of other complications of the hex you 've aroused , you must n't expect to be [lionized] socially .",ARG-1: you | ARG-M-ADV: socially SRL for [truncates]: The librarian [truncates] the word by adding an asterisk at the end of the word .,ARG-0: The librarian | ARG-1: the word | ARG-M-MNR: by adding an asterisk at the end of the word SRL for [herniorrhaphy]: Right abdominal [herniorrhaphy],ARG-2: Right abdominal "SRL for [severe]: I think the perception is that PS workers are paying quite a heavy price for mismangement which has resulted in the cuts being so [severe] , in such a short space of time , rather than a gradual change .",ARG-1: the cuts | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-TMP: in such a short space of time | ARG-M-ADV: rather than a gradual change SRL for [isomerized]: We [isomerized] these cis - sulfoxides to trans - sulfoxides to evaluate elimination from the trans - precipiton .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: these cis - sulfoxides | ARG-3: trans - sulfoxides "SRL for [came to terms]: Thus , the brig Elisa was wrecked off the Fiji group about the year 1808 , and the ex - convict passengers , managing to reach the mainland , soon [came to terms] with the cannibals they found there .",ARG-0: the ex - convict passengers | ARG-M-PRD: managing to reach the mainland | ARG-M-TMP: soon | ARG-M-MNR: amicable | ARG-2: with the cannibals they found there SRL for [guarantee]: no [guarantee] against mistakes,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: against mistakes "SRL for ["" unoccupy ""]: Unless irrevocably ceased , and a declaration of a commitment to non - violent protest is publicly stated and adhered to , it is unlikely that Israel will ["" unoccupy ""] lands it believes are essential for its safety and security .",ARG-0: Israel | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: lands it believes are essential for its safety and security SRL for [climbed]: The four lawyers [climbed] out from under a table .,ARG-0: The four lawyers | ARG-1: out from under a table SRL for [caddied]: He [caddied] the PGA tours for over a decade .,ARG-0: He | ARG-3: the PGA tours | ARG-M-TMP: for over a decade "SRL for [audition]: For his [audition] with Murray Campbell , Jack was to play Ray Brown 's solo ' One Bass Hit ' .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: with Murray Campbell "SRL for [separation]: Descartes ' "" I think , therefore I am "" statement and his [separation] of mind - body into two .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of mind - body | ARG-M-PRD: into two SRL for [purchase]: The courts may rule that [purchase] of the smaller company by the larger is monopolistic .,ARG-1: of the smaller company | ARG-0: by the larger "SRL for [loss]: a population [loss] of 4,000 people","ARG-1: population | ARG-2: of 4,000 people" "SRL for [noted]: Shipments have been relatively level , the Commerce Dept [noted]",ARG-0: the Commerce Dept | ARG-1: Shipments have been relatively level "SRL for [expire]: Respiration is the exchange of gases , during which we inspire air rich in oxygen and [expire] air rich in carbon - dioxide .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: air rich in carbon - dioxide SRL for [stir]: ... while we all waited for the bed lump to [stir] into song .,ARG-1: the bed lump | ARG-2: into song SRL for [spun off]: The previous - year quarter included $ 16.1 million from businesses [spun off] as Tredegar Industries Inc.,ARG-1: businesses | ARG-4: as Tredegar Industries Inc. SRL for [smoking]: He claimed to have no recollection of stealing a car or evading the police and blames his [smoking] of crack .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of crack "SRL for [screenshot]: He edited it , but I took a [screenshot] of it first .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: of it | ARG-M-TMP: first SRL for [evacuation]: China 's massive [evacuation] of its citizens from Japan 's northeast,ARG-0: China 's | ARG-M-ADJ: massive | ARG-2: of its citizens | ARG-1: from Japan 's northeast SRL for [short changed]: The girl working [short changed] him $ 2 .,ARG-0: The girl working | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: $ 2 SRL for [broke off]: Ford Motor Co. and Saab - Scania AB of Sweden [broke off] talks about a possible alliance after Ford officials concluded that the cost to modernize Saab 's car operations would outweigh the likely return .,ARG-0: Ford Motor Co. and Saab - Scania AB of Sweden | ARG-1: talks about a possible alliance | ARG-M-TMP: after Ford officials concluded that the cost to modernize Saab 's car operations would outweigh the likely return "SRL for [conversed]: The false cypresses , which had [conversed] with the clouds for a million years , were identified as top - grade timber , and were thus condemned to an inexorable fate .",ARG-0: The false cypresses | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-2: with the clouds | ARG-M-TMP: for a million years SRL for [contrive]: Did Stalin [contrive] to get power in the bargain ?,ARG-0: Stalin | ARG-1: to get power in the bargain "SRL for [reeved]: He [reeved] the end of the rope through the pulley block , and we attached the end to No.2 oar .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the end of the rope | ARG-2: through the pulley block SRL for [matches]: The paint [matches] the wallpaper,ARG-1: The paint | ARG-2: the wallpaper SRL for [cursed]: John [cursed] eloquently in Frisian at Mary .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MNR: eloquently in Frisian | ARG-2: at Mary "SRL for [ring]: Meanwhile , in the squat office buildings that [ring] Fashion Island , the odds are good that someone is getting fleeced .",ARG-1: the squat office buildings | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: Fashion Island SRL for [feedback]: Be sure to [feedback] to them in a timely manner when you have ideas .,ARG-2: to them | ARG-M-MNR: in a timely manner SRL for [good]: This cake is really [good],ARG-1: This cake | ARG-M-EXT: really "SRL for [stoppered]: When the bottles are half filled with the media , they are [stoppered] with cotton- wool and the top - end is wrapped with paper .",ARG-M-TMP: When the bottles are half filled with the media | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: with cotton- wool "SRL for [overstay]: When a reporter asked whether the fact that now a large number of Chinese citizens [overstay] short - term visas after entering Russia will become a factor in tense relations between China and Russia and how this problem should be solved , Zemin Jiang expressed that with the continuous development of friendly , neighborly relations between China and Russia in recent years , the two countries are no longer isolated from each other , and relations between them have expanded , with rapidly increasing staff contacts .",ARG-1: short - term visas | ARG-M-TMP: after entering Russia | ARG-0: a large number of Chinese citizens "SRL for [slugging]: A guy with a bottle - shaped brown paper bag , damp and wrinkled at its upper end , has almost certainly been [slugging] down a sweet wine of high proof , and the odds are pretty good you would find it is a muscadoodle .","ARG-0: A guy with a bottle - shaped brown paper bag , damp and wrinkled at its upper end | ARG-M-ADV: almost certainly | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-1: a sweet wine of high proof" SRL for [unlatched]: I rolled down my window and [unlatched] it from my mirror .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from my mirror "SRL for [brags]: The staff [brags] about psyllium 's hefty contribution to American regularity , without quite grasping the implications of the research on cholesterol .",ARG-0: The staff | ARG-1: about psyllium 's hefty contribution to American regularity | ARG-M-ADV: without quite grasping the implications of the research on cholesterol SRL for [priced out]: I was all set to make a fancy white picket fence with a gate and a trellis ... which sounded nice until I [priced out] at $ 350 .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: at $ 350 "SRL for [conquer]: Japanese chemical companies are at work developing their own substitutes and hoping to [conquer] new markets , of course .",ARG-0: Japanese chemical companies | ARG-1: new markets "SRL for [conflictive]: In our thought faith , problems to deal with are very complex , wider and more [conflictive] .",ARG-M-LOC: In our thought faith | ARG-0: problems to deal with | ARG-M-EXT: more "SRL for [pre - weaning]: Parental Investment : altricial ; [pre - weaning] / fledging -LRB- Provisioning : Female , Protecting : Female -RRB- ; pre - independence -LRB- Provisioning : Female , Protecting : Female -RRB- ; extended period of juvenile learning","ARG-1: -LRB- Provisioning : Female , Protecting : Female -RRB-" SRL for [jumping in]: People are [jumping in] now to buy the funds .,ARG-0: People | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: to buy the funds "SRL for [non - replication]: This [non - replication] of ice layers by SNTHERM , which was also noted by Langlois et al .","ARG-1: of ice layers | ARG-0: by SNTHERM , which was also noted by Langlois et al" SRL for [astounding]: The beauty of the polar bears was [astounding] to us .,ARG-0: The beauty of the polar bears | ARG-1: to us "SRL for [defibrillation]: His [defibrillation] of the Warriors ' offense was n't enough , however , as the Warriors fell to the Minnesota Timberwolves , 105 - 97 .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the Warriors ' offense SRL for [code]: She wishes to remain full [code] during this hospitalization .,ARG-1: full SRL for [rose]: The index [rose] modestly as well .,ARG-1: The index | ARG-2: modestly | ARG-M-DIS: as well SRL for [recommitted]: The bill was [recommitted] three times in the house .,ARG-1: The bill | ARG-M-EXT: three times | ARG-M-LOC: in the house SRL for [storage]: data [storage],ARG-1: data SRL for [vertical]: this one is all in one [vertical] plane,ARG-1: plane SRL for [ream]: Avoid the temptation to [ream] the orifice with anything other than compressed air .,ARG-1: the orifice | ARG-3: with anything other than compressed air SRL for [scoped out]: Jarvis and I [scoped out] the venue in preparation for the show .,ARG-0: Jarvis and I | ARG-1: the venue | ARG-M-PRP: in preparation for the show "SRL for [delved]: Virginia Commonwealth University sociologist David Bromley , who more than any other researcher has [delved] into the complex world of Unificationist finances , has concluded that profitable operations in the U.S. have been the exceptions rather than the rule .",ARG-0: Virginia Commonwealth University sociologist David Bromley | ARG-M-EXT: more than any other researcher | ARG-1: into the complex world of Unificationist finances | R-ARG-0: who "SRL for [surmounted]: the cornice is [surmounted] with corbels , projecting about a foot .",ARG-1: the cornice | ARG-2: with corbels | ARG-M-PRD: projecting about a foot "SRL for [repaint]: With lipsticks , liners , lotions and creams,/ There are still beauty plans left to tackle:/ But as the years go by , it seems/ That before I [repaint] , I should spackle .",ARG-0: I "SRL for [laid back]: Haha it 's actually been going pretty well ... i ve found that the more organized I am , the more [laid back] that allows me to be , since I know where everything stands -LRB- control freak much ? Haha .. -RRB-",ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-1: me "SRL for [undertaking]: The meeting , which is expected to draw 20,000 to Bangkok , was going to be held at the Central Plaza Hotel , but the government balked at the hotel 's conditions for [undertaking] necessary expansion .",ARG-0: the hotel | ARG-1: necessary expansion "SRL for [scamper]: His characters practically [scamper] through a vast range of human emotions , like travelers doing 10 cities in eight days .",ARG-0: His characters | ARG-M-ADV: practically | ARG-M-DIR: through a vast range of human emotions | ARG-M-MNR: like travelers doing 10 cities in eight days "SRL for [haunted]: Lawmakers , [haunted] by charges that some of their comments contributed to the 1987 crash , generally shy away from calls for sweeping new legislation .",ARG-1: Lawmakers | ARG-0: by charges that some of their comments contributed to the 1987 crash "SRL for [reaffirming]: In [reaffirming] the current monetary policy of using high interest rates to fight inflation and shore up the pound , Mr. Lawson dismissed other approaches to managing the economy .",ARG-0: Mr. Lawson | ARG-1: the current monetary policy of using high interest rates to fight inflation and shore up the pound "SRL for [moderate]: Nice to see that those lacking a religion are now a majority , although thankfully UK Christians tend to be very reserved and [moderate] unlike their US counterparts .",ARG-1: UK Christians | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-M-ADV: unlike their US counterparts "SRL for [scattering]: some interstitial [scattering] of fibroblasts , macrophages , and lymphohistiocytic inflammation .","ARG-2: interstitial | ARG-1: of fibroblasts , macrophages , and lymphohistiocytic inflammation" SRL for [opposite]: Germany is the [opposite] of Greece in fiscal responsibility .,ARG-1: Germany | ARG-2: the opposite of Greece | ARG-3: in fiscal responsibility SRL for [extra - axial]: Brain MRI revealed single focal 9 x 9 mm enhancing lesion in the right central skull base adjacent to the medial temporal lobe and just above the Petrus apex and appears to be [extra - axial],ARG-1: single focal 9 x 9 mm enhancing lesion in the right central skull base adjacent to the medial temporal lobe and just above the Petrus apex SRL for [beautify]: The campaign to [beautify] Peipu 's Hsia Street is an excellent case in point .,ARG-1: Peipu 's Hsia Street "SRL for [go]: What 's more , the losses they and the others caused `` are just what we are stumbling over , '' says Mr. Stapf , adding that the majority of misdeeds probably [go] undetected .",ARG-1: the majority of misdeeds | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-2: undetected "SRL for [high]: Man runs into Ross Campground Church , announces he 's [high] on "" bath salts ""","ARG-1: he 's | ARG-0: on "" bath salts """ SRL for [speared]: After further investigations it became clear that they [speared] this lion for trade .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: this lion | ARG-M-PRP: for trade SRL for [variance]: A zoning [variance] may only be granted if it meets all the requirements found in the state law .,ARG-2: zoning "SRL for [blanketed]: The number of people who said they were more likely to shop at Sears fell in September to 37 % from 66 % in March , when Sears [blanketed] the airwaves with ads about its new pricing strategy .",ARG-0: Sears | ARG-1: the airwaves | ARG-2: with ads about its new pricing strategy SRL for [disposition]: Socrates ' superiority lay not so much in what he did as in his [disposition] to act justly towards men and reverently towards the gods,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to act justly towards men and reverently towards the gods "SRL for [tasked]: NORAD , since its inception in 1958 , was [tasked] to monitor and intercept aircraft flying over American and Canadian air space seven days a week , 24 hours a day .","ARG-M-TMP: since its inception in 1958 | ARG-2: NORAD | ARG-1: to monitor and intercept aircraft flying over American and Canadian air space seven days a week , 24 hours a day" SRL for [lol'd]: I [lol'd] at this Llama .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: at this Llama SRL for [circularized]: During the trial she [circularized] a fantasy to prove the carpenter innocent .,ARG-M-TMP: During the trial | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: a fantasy | ARG-M-PRP: to prove the carpenter innocent "SRL for [coming up]: Although sports officials predict jumps of 50 % to 100 % in the major contracts [coming up] for renewal , ad rates may rise only 20 % .",ARG-1: the major contracts | ARG-2: for renewal SRL for [pyramiding]: Federal examiner Alex Barabolak said Lincoln 's operations amounted to `` [pyramiding] debt to provide a luxurious life style for its owners . '',ARG-0: Lincoln 's operations | ARG-1: debt | ARG-M-PNC: to provide a luxurious life style for its owners SRL for [Mountaineering]: [Mountaineering] on Olympus is not only a divine experience but also an option covering all levels of difficulty and stamina .,ARG-1: on Olympus SRL for [weird]: I thought it was [weird] for a potential family reunion but what ever .,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-ADV: for a potential family reunion SRL for [piqued]: The show Iron Chef [piqued] John 's interest in cooking .,ARG-0: The show Iron Chef | ARG-1: John 's interest in cooking "SRL for [repaired]: The Belgian computer system finally was [repaired] on Tuesday of this week , with the aid of Toronto Stock Exchange officials who developed the system .",ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: The Belgian computer system | ARG-M-TMP: on Tuesday of this week | ARG-M-COM: with the aid of Toronto Stock Exchange officials who developed the system SRL for [look]: a more youthful and contemporary [look],ARG-1: more youthful and contemporary SRL for [alienation]: Welfare and other mechanisms of redistribution under capitalism are little more than the throwing of crumbs at the many who otherwise suffer the worst effects of its [alienation] and exploitation .,ARG-0: its SRL for [rules]: its ability to operate its national television network under Australian broadcast license [rules],ARG-0: Australian | ARG-1: broadcast license "SRL for [choke]: Why , he used to lay in wait for Cap ; suddenly he 'd leap from behind some statue of Marshall onto Cap 's chest and grab him by the throat and [choke] him till he coughed up an additional $ 2 billion or so .",ARG-M-TMP: suddenly | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: 'd | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-TMP: till he coughed up an additional $ 2 billion or so SRL for [beached]: We [beached] a bluefish after a struggle .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: a bluefish | ARG-M-TMP: after a struggle "SRL for [cheesed off]: Normally I would say yes , take a nominal amount from your DD2 as she is now "" working "" , but as you are supporting DD1 , I can see why she might be [cheesed off] .",ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: she | ARG-M-CAU: why "SRL for [crowning]: On May 10 , 1869 , he was [crowning] a venture that had taken eight years when disaster struck .","ARG-M-TMP: On May 10 , 1869 | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a venture that had taken eight years | ARG-M-TMP: when disaster struck" SRL for [extort]: The question is how much you get tied in with seedy characters so they can [extort] you . '',ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: you SRL for [effaced]: The explosives [effaced] the storehouse .,ARG-0: The explosives | ARG-1: the storehouse "SRL for [bigoted]: The students were mainly from lower middle class white families , and the average student was [bigoted] by ignorance and fear .",ARG-1: the average student | ARG-0: by ignorance and fear "SRL for [assist]: Wu suggests that organizations in Taiwan which are dedicated to teaching management methods , such as the China Productivity Center , should [assist] companies in systematizing and selling the rights to their mangement and operating philosophies , so that the uniquely flexible Taiwan approach to business can be reproduced and marketed worldwide .","ARG-0: organizations in Taiwan which are dedicated to teaching management methods , such as the China Productivity Center | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: companies | ARG-2: in systematizing and selling the rights to their mangement and operating philosophies , so that the uniquely flexible Taiwan approach to business can be reproduced and marketed worldwide" SRL for [wirelessed]: They [wirelessed] the staff on the Mayevitsa .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: the staff on the Mayevitsa "SRL for [goes]: Which [goes] to show that the First Law applies in insurance as in anything else : There is no free lunch , there is only marketing .","ARG-1: Which | ARG-2: to show that the First Law applies in insurance as in anything else : There is no free lunch , there is only marketing" "SRL for [won]: He [won] D.T. 's queen for two minor pieces and two pawns -- not enough compensation , in this position , to give the computer much hope .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: D.T. 's queen | ARG-5: for two minor pieces and two pawns -- not enough compensation , in this position , to give the computer much hope" SRL for [percolates]: Septic effluent [percolates] to the water table .,ARG-1: Septic effluent | ARG-M-GOL: to the water table "SRL for [through]: Once the war is [through] , I will go back home .",ARG-1: the war SRL for [contorting]: He was [contorting] the whole idea of a videogame to make his concept work .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the whole idea of a videogame | ARG-M-PRP: to make his concept work "SRL for [dispatched]: The space shuttle Atlantis landed at a desert air strip at Edwards Air Force Base , Calif. , ending a five - day mission that [dispatched] the Jupiter - bound Galileo space probe .",ARG-0: a five - day mission | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the Jupiter - bound Galileo space probe "SRL for [shimmers]: In the foreground , Amman 's rolling mosaic of pale , boxy limestone buildings [shimmers] against the azure sky .","ARG-M-LOC: In the foreground | ARG-1: Amman 's rolling mosaic of pale , boxy limestone buildings | ARG-M-LOC: against the azure sky" SRL for [cores]: The effect of sampling [cores] on the predictive accuracy of pathological grade .,ARG-1: The effect of sampling | ARG-2: on the predictive accuracy of pathological grade "SRL for [divided]: The House and Senate are [divided] over whether the United Nations Population Fund will receive any portion of these appropriations , but the size of the increase is itself significant .",ARG-1: The House and Senate | ARG-0: over whether the United Nations Population Fund will receive any portion of these appropriations SRL for [kidding]: I know that despite his [kidding] us that he had n't had time to prepare his sermon he 'd in fact put a lot of thought into it .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: that he had n't had time to prepare his sermon "SRL for [fake]: but = the US continuously accuses the dictatorship of Iran , and lately some people say straightforwardly that it 's not to say that Iran 's democracy is [fake] , but that Iran does not go along with the interests of the United States . As for the Venezuela matter , that 's even less necessary to discuss",ARG-1: Iran 's democracy SRL for [shift]: Khubilai 's clearest signal to his Chinese subjects was his [shift] of the capital from Mongolia to north China .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the capital | ARG-3: from Mongolia | ARG-2: to north China "SRL for [joined in]: Just imagine , 80 % of our village , that is , 120 women [joined in]","ARG-0: 80 % of our village , that is , 120 women" SRL for [kooky]: And I thought the PA legislature was [kooky] ...,ARG-1: the PA legislature SRL for [creation]: its [creation] out of nothing by God in the Beginning,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: out of nothing | ARG-0: by God | ARG-M-TMP: in the Beginning SRL for [working]: US trade law is [working] .,ARG-0: US trade law SRL for [administration]: Puckett closely monitored his [administration] of drugs to Hobbs .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of drugs | ARG-2: to Hobbs SRL for [top off]: now we 'll [top off] with an orange block,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with an orange block "SRL for [uprising]: While the USC military was fighting in the central regions , there was a popular [uprising] against Siyaad Barre in Mogadishu .",ARG-0: popular | ARG-1: against Siyaad Barre in Mogadishu SRL for [reproached]: The army captain [reproached] his soldiers for their laziness .,ARG-0: The army captain | ARG-1: his soldiers | ARG-2: their laziness SRL for [contiguous]: The popliteal is patent and is [contiguous] with all three tibial vessels .,ARG-1: The popliteal | ARG-2: with all three tibial vessels "SRL for [blowing up]: The representative responded that Noriega had numerous assets in place in Nicaragua and could accomplish many essential things , just as Noriega had helped the U.S. the previous year in [blowing up] a Sandinista arsenal . ''",ARG-0: Noriega | ARG-1: a Sandinista arsenal "SRL for [slashed]: An appeals - court panel [slashed] all but $ 40,000 from the award , the largest ever set by a British jury , pending a reassessment of the damages .","ARG-0: An appeals - court panel | ARG-1: all but $ 40,000 | ARG-2: from the award , the largest ever set by a British jury | ARG-M-ADV: pending a reassessment of the damages" "SRL for [pulling]: Also , I 'm pretty sure their [pulling] the show off the air and making it an online exclusive caused them to make the shortsighted decision to cut the show 's budget .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: the show | ARG-2: off the air SRL for [supercharged]: That dramatically changed the chemical composition of the water that went boiling back up toward the surface after contact with the magma [supercharged] it with energy .,ARG-0: contact with the magma | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: with energy SRL for [finance]: Junk bonds are often used to [finance] restructurings and takeovers .,ARG-2: Junk bonds | ARG-1: restructurings and takeovers "SRL for [homered]: He was flawless afield ( ditto in game two ) , moved a runner along in the A 's three - run second inning , and [homered] for his team 's final tally .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: for his team 's final tally "SRL for [granted]: Gambian President Yahya Jameh declared his support for admission of the ROC to the United Nations , and as a gesture of goodwill declared that all holders of ROC passports would henceforth automatically be [granted] 90 - day landing visas upon arrival in Gambia .",ARG-2: all holders of ROC passports | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-TMP: henceforth | ARG-M-MNR: automatically | ARG-1: 90 - day landing visas | ARG-M-TMP: upon arrival in Gambia "SRL for [caved]: When it threatened to use this provision as the test for a line - item veto , Congress [caved] .",ARG-M-TMP: When it threatened to use this provision as the test for a line - item veto | ARG-1: Congress "SRL for [is inked]: After the finger [is inked] , the square is rolled around the finger without letting it slip .",ARG-2: the finger SRL for [granted]: That settlement represented the first time shareholders were [granted] a major payment in a greenmail case .,ARG-2: shareholders | ARG-1: a major payment | ARG-M-LOC: in a greenmail case "SRL for [stripped away]: The insurance brokerage agency , just a fragment of Helmsley 's vast empire , would be the first piece of the company to be [stripped away] since last summer when Mr. Helmsley 's wife , Leona Helmsley , was found guilty of tax evasion .",ARG-1: the first piece of the company SRL for [vaunted]: How come they are [vaunted] as local specialties ?,ARG-1: they | ARG-2: as local specialties | ARG-M-CAU: How come SRL for [turn]: retired Justice Lewis Powell contested the notion that the last Supreme Court term marked a [turn] toward conservatism,ARG-M-DIR: toward conservatism SRL for [premedicate]: I will [premedicate] her against infection with antibiotics,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: her | ARG-3: against infection | ARG-2: with antibiotics "SRL for [avalanche]: Separately , a main Hurunui road has been closed after a 15 - tonne [avalanche] yesterday .",ARG-2: 15 - tonne | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday "SRL for [criss crossed]: The islands of Peleliu and Anguar , which were battlefields in the Pacific war between the US and Japan , are [criss crossed] by tunnels built by the Japanese , while the remains of ships and aircraft dot the ocean floor .","ARG-1: The islands of Peleliu and Anguar , which were battlefields in the Pacific war between the US and Japan | ARG-0: by tunnels built by the Japanese" SRL for [prosecuting]: The units are autonomous from U.S. attorneys ' offices and focus exclusively on [prosecuting] organized - crime cases .,ARG-0: The units | ARG-1: organized - crime cases "SRL for [replacement]: More recently , he has been widely protested for his [replacement] of reimbursement for transportation and healthcare costs by cash",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of reimbursement for transportation and healthcare costs | ARG-2: by cash "SRL for [feuding]: While the hostilities between internal factions of the clerical regime and their [feuding] over the sham election is escalating , the people of Tehran , particularly young people , demonstrated in their thousands in different parts of the city including Fatemi Street , Vali - Asr Street and Square , Vanak Square , Shariati Street , Takht - e - Tavoos Street and Sa'adatabad against the illegitimate and fraudulent election .",ARG-0: their | ARG-2: over the sham election SRL for [backstabbing]: Wikileaks shows Meles ' contempt for the South Sudanese and his [backstabbing] of Al - Bashir .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Al - Bashir SRL for [silhouetted]: He was standing now with his heavy chin [silhouetted] against the flickering light of the candle on the table .,ARG-1: his heavy chin | ARG-2: against the flickering light of the candle on the table SRL for [uncoiled]: Commandant Skorzeny [uncoiled] the rope and hurled it over a wooden ceiling beam directly over the tub .,ARG-0: Commandant Skorzeny | ARG-1: the rope SRL for [called]: Christie is being set up on this one and the legislature [called] his bluff,ARG-0: the legislature | ARG-1: his bluff SRL for [assault]: The commando 's [assault] of the facility occurred under cover of darkness .,ARG-0: commando 's | ARG-1: of the facility SRL for [explosion]: their [explosion] of plutonium,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of plutonium "SRL for [hassle]: They have to deal with the economic [hassle] of incurring direct costs such as travel , accommodation , telephone charges , medication fees pre and post surgery , just to mention a few .","ARG-2: economic | ARG-0: of incurring direct costs such as travel , accommodation , telephone charges , medication fees pre and post surgery , just to mention a few" "SRL for [turns out]: But in the end , everything [turns out] for the best , in the film makers ' warped view .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: in the end | ARG-1: everything | ARG-2: for the best | ARG-M-LOC: in the film makers ' warped view "SRL for [taking off]: ever since i was old enough to figure out how to use public transportation by myself , i 've been [taking off] on whim to wherever .",ARG-M-TMP: ever since i was old enough to figure out how to use public transportation by myself | ARG-0: i | ARG-M-MNR: on whim | ARG-2: to wherever "SRL for [bites]: Not surprisingly , he sometimes [bites] .",ARG-M-ADV: Not surprisingly | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: sometimes "SRL for [up]: She is still volume [up] , and I suspect part of her respiratory difficulties are secondary to fluid overload .",ARG-1: She | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-5: volume "SRL for [passing]: On 14 February , in a statement in which he spoke of a "" painful choice "" and his "" undying determination , "" Premier Chang Chun - hsiung announced the resumption of work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant , and identified the [passing] of a plebiscite law as the most important topic for renewed cross - party consultation .",ARG-1: of a plebiscite law SRL for [defang]: How * to [defang] the health - care cost monster *-1 .,ARG-1: the health - care cost monster | ARG-M-MNR: How SRL for [boxed]: It 's [boxed] and begins a half - mile trip .,ARG-2: It SRL for [leaves]: President Clinton [leaves] for Northern Ireland shortly .,ARG-0: President Clinton | ARG-2: for Northern Ireland | ARG-M-TMP: shortly SRL for [advertising]: The [advertising] of this conference was not well organized .,ARG-1: of this conference was not well organized SRL for [lucky]: ' I feel Miami is [lucky] for me ',ARG-0: Miami | ARG-1: for me SRL for [noteworthy]: The nicotine – body weight relationship is [noteworthy] to us for a couple of reasons .,ARG-1: The nicotine – body weight relationship | ARG-0: to us | ARG-2: for a couple of reasons SRL for [implementation]: the plan 's [implementation],ARG-1: the plan 's "SRL for [collusion]: In some areas , China and America work in [collusion] with each other ; so some small countries , while hating America and finding China unreliable , again have to suck up to America .",ARG-1: with each other "SRL for [whooshing]: Shaped like an axis , the wind turbines would be powered by the [whooshing] of the wind caused by the passing vehicles rushing at the average speed of 70 mph .",ARG-1: of the wind | ARG-M-PRD: caused by the passing vehicles SRL for [tweet]: I think he recently made a [tweet] to a female follower that he 's not gay .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-2: to a female follower | ARG-1: that he 's not gay SRL for [ranted]: Anne [ranted] about the bad service she had received at the store .,ARG-0: Anne | ARG-3: about the bad service she had received at the store SRL for [legislation]: Promulgation of minimum wage laws for women in the states followed their [legislation] of maximum hours .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of maximum hours SRL for [new]: He is [new] to the idea of waking up at 5 am .,ARG-2: He | ARG-1: to the idea of waking up at 5 am SRL for [plunge]: I once found myself holding a steak knife - ready to [plunge] it into my chest .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: into my chest "SRL for [twanged]: "" I bet you they 're from Whitehead "" the driver [twanged] to her .","ARG-1: "" I bet you they 're from Whitehead "" | ARG-0: the driver | ARG-2: to her" SRL for [procured]: Taiwan need not be limited by what can be [procured] aboard .,ARG-1: what | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LOC: aboard "SRL for [individualistic]: When industry was [individualistic] , each man could make fifty things .",ARG-1: industry "SRL for [deplorable]: To those graduate students , it is not [deplorable] to become municipal administration workers , or to abandon their specialty studies . Rather , it is more dreadful not to squeeze into the system after working hard in their studies .","ARG-0: To those graduate students | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: to become municipal administration workers , or to abandon their specialty studies" SRL for [bland]: The soup was [bland],ARG-1: The soup "SRL for [worn]: . . .They do n't want to admit that their political process has reached a dead end , has collapsed , has ended , and uh , is [worn] away by time .",ARG-M-DIS: uh | ARG-M-PRD: away | ARG-0: by time | ARG-1: their political process SRL for [declaration]: a [declaration] forecasting Chinese art 's inevitable decline if it stayed stuck in the past,ARG-1: forecasting Chinese art 's inevitable decline if it stayed stuck in the past SRL for [good]: John plays the piano ; he 's really [good] .,ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: really SRL for [dope]: Oh shit ye that would be [dope] fool let me know,ARG-M-DIS: Oh shit | ARG-M-DIS: ye | ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-DIS: fool "SRL for [syndicated]: Paramount Domestic TV and MCA TV formed a joint venture last month , named Premier Advertiser Sales , to sell advertising in programs [syndicated] by both companies , such as `` Star Trek : the Next Generation , '' `` Charles in Charge '' and `` Friday the 13th : the Series . ''",ARG-1: programs | ARG-0: by both companies SRL for [glassed]: When it was light enough to use binoculars he [glassed] the valley below .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the valley below SRL for [spelling]: Quayle ' is in fine company with his [spelling] of potato .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of potato SRL for [drift]: Growth stocks may underperform cyclical stocks next year if the Federal Reserve begins to let interest rates [drift] sufficiently lower to boost the economy .,ARG-1: interest rates | ARG-M-DIR: sufficiently lower "SRL for [gay]: I 've seen people saying things like real vampires do n't sparkle , vampires not sparkling was a fact , and that it was [gay] of them to sparkle .",C-ARG-1: to sparkle | ARG-1: of them SRL for [growing]: Japan 's marathon economy is [growing] at 4.3 % this year .,ARG-1: Japan 's marathon economy | ARG-2: at 4.3 % | ARG-M-TMP: this year SRL for [straight]: The road is [straight] before the crossing and both are traveling in the same direction .,ARG-1: The road | ARG-M-LOC: before the crossing SRL for [proof]: Brown had no [proof],ARG-M-NEG: no "SRL for [allowed]: So far , neither the Bush administration nor arms - control experts in Congress seem moved by arguments that these problems may take more time to thrash out than President Bush has [allowed] .",ARG-0: President Bush | ARG-1: more time "SRL for [rap]: I wo n't argue with you about rap music , I will only say that there are lots of talented hip - hop ARTISTS -LRB- including some here in Madison -RRB- who do not only [rap] about negative aspects of black culture .",ARG-0: lots of talented hip - hop ARTISTS -LRB- including some here in Madison -RRB- | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-3: about negative aspects of black culture "SRL for [clutter]: After the confusion surrounding the change of the Coke formula in 1985 , Coca-Cola was reluctant to [clutter] the Classic name with a brand extension .",ARG-0: Coca-Cola | ARG-1: the Classic name | ARG-2: with a brand extension SRL for [flurry]: a [flurry] of seizures,ARG-1: of seizures "SRL for [conceptual]: The Kuomintang Party only struggles objectively , has no thought system and ideological content ; the goal of its struggle is just [conceptual] and its members can have all kinds of thoughts .",ARG-1: the goal of its struggle | ARG-M-ADV: just SRL for [faded]: John 's sunburn [faded] from boiled - lobster red to a rosy blush .,ARG-1: John 's sunburn | ARG-3: from boiled - lobster red | ARG-4: to a rosy blush SRL for [cryopreserved]: Viral contamination of embryos [cryopreserved] in liquid nitrogen,ARG-1: embryos | ARG-2: in liquid nitrogen "SRL for [reconstruct]: `` If you can use data to [reconstruct] what happened in the past , you have much more confidence in predictions for the future , '' said Lonnie Thompson , a research scientist at Ohio State who dug for and analyzed the ice samples .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: what happened in the past SRL for [ran]: The show [ran] for 12 years,ARG-1: The show | ARG-2: for 12 years SRL for [prevent]: We could [prevent] many of these fatalities with minimum roof - crush standards .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: many of these fatalities | ARG-3: with minimum roof - crush standards "SRL for [conducted]: The study , [conducted] by a task force of the Brookings Institution , suggests that Congress should require the courts to develop the plans .",ARG-1: The study | ARG-0: by a task force of the Brookings Institution SRL for [generalize]: It [*EXP*-2] 's hard [*] to [generalize] about a reasonable price for puts .,ARG-1: about a reasonable price for puts SRL for [naysay]: Congress is in no position to [naysay] Mr. Bush now that we 're into Gramm - Rudman 's sequestration .,ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: Mr. Bush | ARG-M-LOC: position SRL for [blow]: The speaker 's broad swinging motion depicts the woodsman 's effort in delivering his [blow] to the wolf with the hatchet .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to the wolf | ARG-2: with the hatchet "SRL for [reexamination]: A student came in and told Dr. Richards he had come for his [reexamination] in Pharmacology , having flunked the course that year .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: in Pharmacology SRL for [invention]: His [invention] of an iron furnace stove allowed people to warm their homes less dangerously and with less wood .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of an iron furnace stove "SRL for [replace]: To profit from an index - arbitrage opportunity , someone who owns the S & P 500 widget in New York must sell it and [replace] it with a cheaper S & P 500 widget in Chicago .",ARG-M-PRP: To profit from an index - arbitrage opportunity | ARG-0: someone who owns the S & P 500 widget in New York | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with a cheaper S & P 500 widget in Chicago "SRL for [commended]: The internal investigation also [commended] MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand , for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags .","ARG-0: The internal investigation | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand | ARG-2: for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags" SRL for [spliced]: The couple got [spliced] on Hawaii,ARG-1: The couple | ARG-M-LOC: on Hawaii SRL for [thieving]: It was responsible and sometimes dangerous work because the [thieving] is awful in the port of New York ., SRL for [service]: The [service] of security,ARG-1: of security SRL for [laden]: crashing an explosives - [laden] plane into CIA headquarters .,ARG-2: explosives | ARG-1: plane SRL for [deloused]: Mary [deloused] John 's sock drawer .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John 's sock drawer "SRL for [co - speciated]: Thus , the simian foamy viruses may have [co - speciated] with Old World primates for at least 30 million years .",ARG-M-DIS: Thus | ARG-1: the simian foamy viruses | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-3: with Old World primates | ARG-M-TMP: for at least 30 million years "SRL for [corruption]: The "" crooked "" reference applies to their [corruption] of the court .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the court "SRL for [vital]: With the largest oil reserves in the world , it is [vital] that the U.S. maintain contorl over Saudi Arabia , which means propping up the House of Saud , and it would be equally benificial to Iran or to China and its partners in Asia to facilitate a revolution there , which would allow them greater access by default .","ARG-1: that the U.S. maintain contorl over Saudi Arabia , which means propping up the House of Saud" SRL for [take down]: and that is to [take down] their nuclear program dismantle it dismantle their weapons of mass destruction programs in a verifiable way before all those assurances can go into place .,ARG-1: their nuclear program SRL for [covers]: The training wage [covers] only workers who are 16 to 19 years old .,ARG-2: The training wage | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: workers who are 16 to 19 years old SRL for [sentences]: many people would receive federal death [sentences],ARG-0: federal | ARG-2: death "SRL for [channel]: Second , they [channel] monthly mortgage payments into semiannual payments , reducing the administrative burden on investors .",ARG-M-DIS: Second | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: monthly mortgage payments | ARG-2: into semiannual payments | ARG-M-ADV: reducing the administrative burden on investors SRL for [working]: She [working] it .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: it SRL for [spend down]: Residents start out as private payers but `` [spend down] '' to Medicaid levels in a single nursing home stay .,ARG-0: Residents | ARG-2: to Medicaid levels | ARG-M-TMP: in a single nursing home stay SRL for [totaled]: John [totaled] his car .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his car "SRL for [broadcasting]: The success of serials means that TV stations in Taiwan just keep on cranking them out , [broadcasting] episodes as quickly as they are shot .",ARG-0: TV stations in Taiwan | ARG-1: episodes | ARG-M-MNR: as quickly as they are shot SRL for [belonging]: His perception of his [belonging] to Poland is different to his parents ' perceptions .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to Poland SRL for [farming]: kelp [farming] on the other side of the globe,ARG-2: kelp | ARG-M-LOC: on the other side of the globe SRL for [desaturation]: A very low - calorie diet can result in [desaturation] of skeletal muscle .,ARG-1: of skeletal muscle "SRL for [rebuked]: Meanwhile , business and government leaders [rebuked] the computer makers , and fretted about the broader statement the companies ' actions make about Japanese cutthroat pricing .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-0: business and government leaders | ARG-1: the computer makers SRL for [calamity]: A technical sovereign debt default triggered by a debt - ceiling stalemate would be a [calamity] for the American and world economies .,ARG-2: for the American and world economies "SRL for [needed]: Thus , it is just and [needed] for the US to impose such sanctions on Iran .",ARG-M-DIS: Thus | ARG-1: for the US to impose such sanctions on Iran SRL for [great]: I think the first stage is [great] this year with no prologue so any one of the rider 's could be in yellow after the first day rather than one of a few .,ARG-1: the first stage | ARG-M-TMP: this year | ARG-M-MNR: with no prologue SRL for [living]: He forgot to mention his [living] a life of quiet .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a life of quiet "SRL for [whang]: Yet , they still [whang] away at the school reform plan .",ARG-M-DIS: Yet | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-ADV: still | ARG-1: at the school reform plan "SRL for [imperfect]: That 's the truth . Do we need to debate whether our system is good or not ? Or do we need to argue that our reforms are merely "" [imperfect] "" ?",ARG-1: reforms | ARG-M-ADV: merely SRL for [completion]: the [completion] of the shelters,ARG-1: of the shelters "SRL for [scenting]: The two dogs leaned against their harness , [scenting] .",ARG-0: The two dogs "SRL for [posting]: Back when the Internet in Taiwan mainly meant college students [posting] on bulletin boards and fooling around with Mosaic , a 23 - year - old graduate student at National Chengchi University named Heidi Hsueh and a graduate student at National Taiwan University named Lawrence Ho decided to form an Internet company together .",ARG-0: college students | ARG-2: on bulletin boards SRL for [overlap]: There are of course some similarities and [overlap] between them .,ARG-0: between them "SRL for [taper off]: Kenneth Mayland , economist for Society Corp. , a Cleveland bank , said demand for exports of factory goods is beginning to [taper off] .",ARG-1: demand for exports of factory goods "SRL for [coming]: In contrast , Taiwan is still showing a nasty deficit in knowledge trade , with money going out twice as fast as it is [coming] in .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-DIR: In SRL for [favorable]: Driving those offers are IRS rules expected to make buyouts less [favorable] for employers within a year or so .,ARG-1: buyouts | ARG-2: for employers SRL for [rebellion]: As is the case with Lincoln 's economic [rebellion] against his father ...,ARG-0: Lincoln 's | ARG-2: economic | ARG-1: against his father SRL for [raised]: Oil production will be [raised] by 11k barrels / day to about 321k barrels .,ARG-1: Oil production | ARG-2: by 11k barrels / day | ARG-4: to about 321k barrels SRL for [snooping]: Some diaries simply are n't worth [snooping] in .,ARG-1: in | C-ARG-1: Some diaries "SRL for [drew up]: Twice more they [drew up] to listen , but there was no sound .",ARG-M-TMP: Twice more | ARG-1: they | ARG-M-PRP: to listen "SRL for [tramping]: `` I 've ripped out a lot of Delicious '' and grafted the trees with many different shoots , says Steve Wood , a West Lebanon , N.H. , grower , [tramping] through his 100 - acre Poverty Lane Orchard on a crisp autumn day recently .","ARG-0: Steve Wood , a West Lebanon , N.H. , grower | ARG-1: through his 100 - acre Poverty Lane Orchard | ARG-M-TMP: on a crisp autumn day | ARG-M-TMP: recently" SRL for [contesting]: The company is [contesting] the fine .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: the fine SRL for [menaced]: he [menaced] them with a hammer .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with a hammer SRL for [dropped]: The government 's borrowing authority [dropped] to $ 2.8 trillion from $ 2.87 trillion .,ARG-1: The government 's borrowing authority | ARG-4: to $ 2.8 trillion | ARG-3: from $ 2.87 trillion SRL for [bonds]: the country 's colonial [bonds] to the U.S.,ARG-1: the country 's | ARG-3: colonial | ARG-2: to the U.S. "SRL for [spin]: Each player moves , in turn , the number of spaces along the track indicated by his [spin] of the dial .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the dial "SRL for [blinded]: She lived by the rules , never compromising , never [blinded] or diverted by circumstance .",ARG-1: She | ARG-0: by circumstance SRL for [subcloned]: We [subcloned] two chicken H3 histone genes and transfected them into Rat 3 cell line .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: two chicken H3 histone genes "SRL for [bringing about]: `` You 're telling someone they can spend the next three or four or five or six years of their life [bringing about] the most difficult and costly modernization of an information system on the civil side ever , '' Mr. Goldberg said .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the most difficult and costly modernization of an information system on the civil side ever SRL for [ceased]: Lorillard Inc [ceased] using crocidolite in its Micronite cigarette filters in 1956 .,ARG-1: Lorillard Inc | ARG-M-TMP: in 1956 | C-ARG-1: using crocidolite in its Micronite cigarette filters "SRL for [partied]: The damage to his credibility was too much after Eustachy admitted he [partied] with students at rival schools , and that he 's an alcoholic .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: with students at rival schools SRL for [irritable]: We finally got out but everyone was [irritable] about all the changes .,ARG-1: everyone | ARG-0: about all the changes "SRL for [massaging]: Scot MacInnis , a masseur in Boulder , Colo. , had a scary experience while [massaging] a man in a natural - foods supermarket as part of a store promotion .","ARG-0: Scot MacInnis , a masseur in Boulder , Colo. | ARG-1: a man | ARG-M-LOC: in a natural - foods supermarket | ARG-M-ADV: as part of a store promotion" SRL for [tympanic]: She is [tympanic] on percussion .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-TMP: on percussion SRL for [acknowledged]: the British Government has [acknowledged] it as a learning disability .,ARG-0: the British Government | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as a learning disability SRL for [tied down]: Mr. Mengistu is in an increasingly weak position : Half his army is [tied down] defending the northern city of Asmara from the Eritreans .,ARG-1: Half his army | ARG-2: defending the northern city of Asmara from the Eritreans SRL for [reeving]: Some Hessian soldiers were [reeving] ropes over the arm of the tree .,ARG-0: Some Hessian soldiers | ARG-1: ropes | ARG-2: over the arm of the tree SRL for [called]: Evan already [called] dibs on this guitar .,ARG-0: Evan | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: dibs on this guitar "SRL for [blacked out]: In this way , while the Stick itself was [blacked out] , we kept up to date on events .",ARG-1: the Stick itself "SRL for [endeavor]: At that point , he said , Qintex Australia stated it would `` [endeavor] to arrange '' the financing .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: to arrange '' the financing SRL for [gained]: Revenue [gained] 13 % to $ 77 million from $ 68.5 million .,ARG-1: Revenue | ARG-2: 13 % | ARG-4: to $ 77 million | ARG-3: from $ 68.5 million "SRL for [lamented]: Richard Arrington , Birmingham 's black mayor , [lamented] the consequences .","ARG-0: Richard Arrington , Birmingham 's black mayor | ARG-1: the consequences" SRL for [ragging]: You 've been [ragging] on that girl ever since she laughed at you about your sneakers .,ARG-0: You 've | ARG-1: on that girl | ARG-M-TMP: ever since she laughed at you about your sneakers SRL for [confer]: The acquisition of knowledge does not [confer] wealth on a person .,ARG-0: The acquisition of knowledge | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: wealth | ARG-2: on a person "SRL for [assuage]: Like all Americans seeking chronic prosperity , I do find it necessary to plunge certain funds into conservative monetary tools , if only to [assuage] my father - in - law , who believes in such things .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my father - in - law , who believes in such things" SRL for [recordings]: audio [recordings],ARG-M-MNR: audio SRL for [Manic - depressive]: Comment : [Manic - depressive], "SRL for [vows]: In the first "" human rights wedding ceremony , "" 36 couples took [vows] to respect each other 's human rights , creating the first "" human rights families . ""","ARG-M-LOC: In the first "" human rights wedding ceremony | ARG-0: 36 couples | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: to respect each other 's human rights | ARG-M-ADV: creating the first "" human rights families . """ "SRL for [salve]: On Saturday night , quite a few of the boys in green and gold salted away successes to [salve] the pain of past and , no doubt , future droughts .","ARG-0: quite a few of the boys in green and gold | ARG-1: the pain of past and , no doubt , future droughts" "SRL for [remortgaged]: His wife kicked him out in 2010 after discovering that he had [remortgaged] the house for ? 70,000 without her knowing .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the house | ARG-3: for ? 70,000 | ARG-M-MNR: without her knowing" SRL for [repay]: The buy - out group is also entitled to $ 16 million to [repay] a fund created by the pilots union for an employee stock ownership plan .,ARG-3: $ 16 million | ARG-2: a fund created by the pilots union for an employee stock ownership plan SRL for [degrading]: He felt they were [degrading] him by making him report to a supervisor .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: by making him report to a supervisor SRL for [endeared]: His actions [endeared] him to many working lexicographers .,ARG-0: His actions | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to many working lexicographers "SRL for [regrafting]: SPR -LRB- subtree pruning and [regrafting] -RRB- , TBR -LRB- tree bisection and reconnection -RRB- , Swofford and Olsen",ARG-2: subtree SRL for [shower]: Endless seconds wondering if those huge windows would buckle and [shower] us with glass .,ARG-0: those huge windows | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: with glass SRL for [return]: his [return] toast to Mr. Nixon,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: toast | ARG-2: to Mr. Nixon SRL for [segmented]: John [segmented] the orange into a zillion pulpy fragments .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the orange | ARG-2: into a zillion pulpy fragments "SRL for [indented]: You will notice that I [indented] the paragraph , and that it is double - spaced .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the paragraph "SRL for [reek]: Dude , your socks [reek] of sweat !",ARG-M-DIS: Dude | ARG-0: your socks | ARG-1: of sweat SRL for [reservations]: I have [reservations] about going out in the bad weather .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: about going out in the bad weather SRL for [railroad]: They managed to swiftly [railroad] the bill through the stunned council session .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MNR: swiftly | ARG-1: the bill | ARG-2: through the stunned council session "SRL for [contest]: ... but the sudden death of his two colleagues by whom he had been generally supported , had latterly left him in a helpless minority in his [contest] against the policy of the governor - general .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against the policy of the governor - general SRL for [mothered]: Ellie Lawrenson loved and [mothered] the pit bull terrier .,ARG-0: Ellie Lawrenson | ARG-1: the pit bull terrier SRL for [sunbathed]: They [sunbathed] on the deck of a yacht and swam between the fishes .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-LOC: on the deck of a yacht "SRL for [hanging out]: Most of all , Abather enjoyed [hanging out] with the Americans .",ARG-1: Abather | ARG-2: with the Americans SRL for [redlined]: The bank quietly [redlined] John as a bad credit risk .,ARG-0: The bank | ARG-M-MNR: quietly | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: as a bad credit risk SRL for [appealed]: Jefferson [appealed] to the tribunal of the world for support of a revolution justified by the laws of nature and of nature 's God .,ARG-0: Jefferson | ARG-1: to the tribunal of the world | ARG-2: for support of a revolution justified by the laws of nature and of nature 's God "SRL for [works]: At the same time , new high level zones of Changchun , Suzhou , Shenyang , Changsha , Shijiazhuang , Kunming , etc . have either successively completed the State Council legislative [works] of new high level zones or issued management methods of new high level zones in the form of government orders .",ARG-0: the State Council | ARG-1: legislative | ARG-M-LOC: of new high level zones SRL for [projecting]: Analysts had been [projecting] fully diluted earnings in the third quarter in the range of about $ 1.30 a share .,ARG-0: Analysts | ARG-1: fully diluted earnings in the third quarter in the range of about $ 1.30 a share SRL for [maundered]: I can see her old grim visage now as she [maundered] about the kitchen .,ARG-1: she | ARG-2: about the kitchen "SRL for [moneysaving]: But while their actions are utterly incomprehensible , a lot of what they do is [moneysaving] .",ARG-0: a lot of what they do "SRL for [etiolated]: My seedlings , in a lack of light , [etiolated] a bit .",ARG-1: My seedlings | ARG-M-LOC: in a lack of light | ARG-M-EXT: a bit "SRL for [sudden]: He was [sudden] in his decision , took over the situation and demanded he perform the amputation on Mike immediately , as opposed to waiting",ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: in his decision SRL for [ionized]: Most of the hydrogen gas is not [ionized] because O and B stars are rare,ARG-1: Most of the hydrogen gas | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-CAU: because O and B stars are rare SRL for [one]: We are [one] .,ARG-1: We "SRL for [deal]: Pay attention , it 's your [deal] .",ARG-0: your "SRL for [absence]: All the Democrats in the house could take a year - long vacation and the results would largely be the same , so Giffords 's [absence] from her duties is hardly consequential .",ARG-1: Giffords 's | ARG-2: from her duties "SRL for [shy]: However , I knew it would take me some time to adjust , because I have always been very introverted , and [shy] and especially anxious and all the rest of it .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: always SRL for [astonished]: The Frenchman was [astonished] .,ARG-1: The Frenchman SRL for [prepayments]: There could be fairly heavy [prepayments] on the premium securities,ARG-M-ADJ: fairly heavy | ARG-1: on the premium securities SRL for [lend hand]: they are generous people that will always [lend hand] to anyone in need .,ARG-0: generous people | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-2: to anyone in need SRL for [graded]: 44 percent of the users [graded] it as moderately potent .,ARG-0: 44 percent of the users | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as moderately potent SRL for [cantered]: Austin [cantered] his horse .,ARG-0: Austin | ARG-1: his horse SRL for [staging]: her AJCC [staging] at pT2 NO,ARG-M-GOL: her | ARG-2: at pT2 NO "SRL for [impeached]: The internal investigation also [impeached] MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand , for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags .","ARG-0: The internal investigation | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand | ARG-2: for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags" "SRL for [wean]: But Time , as part of the more cost - conscious Time Warner , wants to [wean] itself away from expensive gimmicks .",ARG-0: Time | ARG-1: itself | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-2: from expensive gimmicks SRL for [blaze]: a [blaze] of glory,ARG-1: of glory "SRL for [unworkable]: By the time I got it running again , the sun was out and the clay was [unworkable] , so I went on to the garden tiller .",ARG-M-TMP: By the time I got it running again | ARG-1: the clay | ARG-M-ADV: so I went on to the garden tiller SRL for [retrained]: We rescued an abused 12 year old Clydesdale named Nick and we [retrained] him to ride English & Western .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to ride English & Western SRL for [worrisome]: The high uptake in the pelvis is [worrisome] .,ARG-0: The high uptake in the pelvis "SRL for [jiving]: The music drove them off , or away , and he was free to walk on air in a very few moments , humming and [jiving] within , beating the rhythm within .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: within SRL for [puked up]: Rillish flinched away and [puked up] the thin contents of his own stomach .,ARG-0: Rillish | ARG-1: the thin contents of his own stomach "SRL for [immunodetection]: ( Top , left ) Ras - GTP was recovered with the GST - RBD of Raf followed by [immunodetection] with anti - myc antibodies .",ARG-1: Ras - GTP | ARG-3: anti - myc antibodies SRL for [nephrostomy]: had a left [nephrostomy] tube placed, SRL for [clomped]: He [clomped] heavily up the stoop and rang the bell .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: up the stoop | ARG-M-MNR: heavily "SRL for [funneling]: The U.S. Attorney 's office filed a criminal complaint against six bank employees charging them with conspiracy in the scheme , which apparently was capable of handling millions of dollars a week by [funneling] cash through fictitious bank accounts .",ARG-0: the scheme | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: cash | ARG-2: through fictitious bank accounts SRL for [decompensated]: Accommodative esotropia [decompensated] to cyclic esotropia in a 6 - year - old boy .,ARG-1: Accommodative esotropia | ARG-2: to cyclic esotropia | ARG-M-LOC: in a 6 - year - old boy "SRL for [muffling]: No bleeding , some [muffling] of sound",ARG-1: of sound SRL for [hosed]: He even [hosed] off the bird crap from the hood .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-M-PRD: off | ARG-1: the bird crap | ARG-2: from the hood SRL for [sick]: I 'm so [sick] of his stupid face already .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-0: of his stupid face | ARG-M-TMP: already SRL for [vomiting]: Doctors first assumed Colton 's [vomiting] was due to the flu,ARG-0: Colton 's "SRL for [finished]: The Dow Jones Industrial Average , which had jumped 41.60 points on Tuesday , drifted on either side of its previous close and [finished] with a gain of just 0.82 at 2645.90 .","ARG-1: The Dow Jones Industrial Average , which had jumped 41.60 points on Tuesday | ARG-M-MNR: with a gain of just 0.82 | ARG-M-EXT: at 2645.90" SRL for [indemnify]: Sony also agreed to [indemnify] the producers against any liability to Warner .,ARG-0: Sony | ARG-1: the producers | ARG-2: against any liability to Warner SRL for [effeminated]: The excess of my affection would have [effeminated] my intellect .,ARG-0: The excess of my affection | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: my intellect "SRL for [enriching]: Mr. Steinhardt , who runs about $ 1.7 billion for Steinhardt Partners , made his name as a gunslinging trader , moving in and out of stocks with agility -- [enriching] himself and his investment clients .","ARG-0: Mr. Steinhardt , who runs about $ 1.7 billion for Steinhardt Partners | ARG-1: himself and his investment clients" SRL for [long]: The rest of your OP was just too damned [long] .,ARG-1: The rest of your OP | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-EXT: too | ARG-M-DIS: damned "SRL for [redlining]: The petition challenged First Union 's lending record in the state , saying that the bank - holding company had `` shut itself off from contact with the low - income community and is [redlining] almost every black neighborhood that it serves in the state . ''",ARG-0: the bank - holding company | ARG-1: almost every black neighborhood that it serves in the state "SRL for [booked]: Peter Otradovec , vice president for planning at the Phoenix , Ariz. , carrier , said in an interview that the work stoppage at Boeing , now entering its 13th day , `` has caused some turmoil in our scheduling '' and that more than 500 passengers who were [booked] to fly out of Houston on America West would now be put on other airlines .",ARG-0: more than 500 passengers | ARG-1: to fly out of Houston on America West "SRL for [sampling]: In Figueroa 's [sampling] of the waters of Galapagos , he has also discovered a number of species that seem to be previously unreported .",ARG-0: Figueroa 's | ARG-1: of the waters of Galapagos "SRL for [chart]: Yet , the unassuming Mr. Corry helped [chart] USX 's transition from Big Steel to Big Oil .",ARG-0: the unassuming Mr. Corry | ARG-1: USX 's transition from Big Steel to Big Oil "SRL for [peopled]: In a lovely , novelistic memoir , `` Sleeping Arrangements '' ( Knopf , 195 pages , $ 18.95 ) , she remembers an exotic playground , [peopled] mainly by Jewish eccentrics and the occasional Catholic ( real oddballs like her sexpot friend , the hell - kitten Diana , age five ) .","ARG-1: an exotic playground | ARG-M-EXT: mainly | ARG-2: by Jewish eccentrics and the occasional Catholic ( real oddballs like her sexpot friend , the hell - kitten Diana , age five )" SRL for [supervision]: He remains in research through his [supervision] of two PhD candidates .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of two PhD candidates SRL for [catheterize]: Dr. John will [catheterize] the heart of the patient on Monday .,ARG-0: Dr. John | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the heart of the patient | ARG-M-TMP: on Monday SRL for [reirradiation]: In this heterogeneous group of patients [reirradiation] of locoregional recurrences of breast cancer showed low to moderate acute toxicity .,ARG-1: of locoregional recurrences of breast cancer SRL for [joggled]: Another war story [joggled] in my mind .,ARG-1: Another war story | ARG-M-LOC: in my mind SRL for [locomotion]: problems of joint [locomotion],ARG-1: joint SRL for [thick]: Soon the vines were as [thick] as saplings .,ARG-M-TMP: Soon | ARG-1: the vines | ARG-M-CXN: as | ARG-M-CXN: as saplings "SRL for [invaluable]: Now I am a fan of the Post Office in the sense I believe the service they -LRB- should ! -RRB- offer is [invaluable] , however , when I read this article I thought why are they investing in "" intelligent stamps "" and not improving the service they offer",ARG-1: the service they -LRB- should ! -RRB- offer "SRL for [rounding up]: They are [rounding up] people to clear our barricade , forcing them , beating them , throwing teargas canisters into school children , but the war here has just started .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: people to clear our barricade SRL for [tuck]: The beds at the Bowery Mission seem far drearier when he has to [tuck] a little girl into one of them at night .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a little girl | ARG-2: into one of them | ARG-M-TMP: at night SRL for [broke in]: We officially [broke in] the new outdoor kitchen on the back porch !,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-ADV: officially | ARG-1: the new outdoor kitchen on the back porch ! SRL for [inadequate]: The patient 's breath holding was [inadequate] to completely evaluate the renal arteries .,ARG-1: The patient 's breath holding | ARG-2: to completely evaluate the renal arteries SRL for [segue]: His [segue] from activist comic to Citizen Gregory was a natural progression .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: from activist comic | ARG-2: to Citizen Gregory "SRL for [making]: Strategic spatial plan - [making] is thus a process through which knowledge and value , rules and procedures are actively mobilized .",ARG-M-MNR: Strategic | ARG-M-ADJ: spatial | ARG-1: plan SRL for [hypergranulation]: Patient has [hypergranulation] of tissue on recent nose piercing hole .,ARG-1: of tissue | ARG-M-LOC: on recent nose piercing hole SRL for [plating]: lateral [plating],ARG-M-DIR: lateral SRL for [Illicit]: [Illicit] Drug Use : Denies .,ARG-1: Drug Use SRL for [restraint]: production [restraint] by some members,ARG-1: production | ARG-0: by some members SRL for [dreadful]: Off on a tangent I quite like all of the Sky commentary team with the exception of David Gower who I think is [dreadful] .,ARG-1: who "SRL for [toyed]: As Marshall [toyed] with "" flexibility "" -- and the Joint Chiefs cherry - picked his conuring of Moscow 's might for their own budgetary purposes , while ignoring the real import , and limits , of RMA -- the Cold War ended in the equivocations and evasions of Bill Clinton 's two terms in office and the low - rent , self - congratulatory installing of mafia regimes in Bosnia and Kosovo .","ARG-0: Marshall | ARG-1: with "" flexibility """ SRL for [disposal]: waste [disposal],ARG-1: waste SRL for [liquify]: Areas that are made of ` fill ' [liquify] .,ARG-1: Areas that are made of ` fill ' "SRL for [fertilized]: Such so-called male - sterile plants can then be [fertilized] by pollen from another strain of the plant , thereby producing hybrid seed .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: Such so-called male - sterile plants | ARG-0: by pollen from another strain of the plant | ARG-M-ADV: thereby producing hybrid seed "SRL for [capitalized]: Some think Columbia 's thrift , which now is seeking a new chief operating officer , might be [capitalized] at , say $ 300 million , and shopped to a commercial bank that wants a California presence .","ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: Columbia 's thrift , which now is seeking a new chief operating officer | ARG-M-DIS: say | ARG-2: at | C-ARG-2: $ 300 million" SRL for [anastomotic]: The tumor in the pelvis is [anastomotic] ., SRL for [galvanized]: Their report [galvanized] other molecular biologists .,ARG-0: Their report | ARG-1: other molecular biologists "SRL for [declared]: Later he [declared] of himself , "" A peasant I was born and a peasant I will die . ""","ARG-M-TMP: Later | ARG-0: he | ARG-3: of himself | ARG-1: "" A peasant I was born and a peasant I will die . """ SRL for [catch]: There 's a [catch] to being a Pokemon Go spot .,ARG-2: to being a Pokemon Go spot SRL for [scented]: The hell hound [scented] the air .,ARG-0: The hell hound | ARG-2: the air SRL for [leadership]: responsible and bipartisan [leadership],ARG-M-MNR: responsible and bipartisan "SRL for [heeled]: At the last second , he [heeled] the bike over and let the front wheel ride up the dirt .",ARG-M-TMP: At the last second | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the bike | ARG-2: over SRL for [notice]: He gave his two week [notice] to the company,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-1: two week | ARG-2: to the company "SRL for [stunned]: The decision to put the entire collection on the block [stunned] many , since Mr. Dorrance had served as chairman of the Philadelphia Museum of Art , and it had been assumed many of the works would be donated to the institution .","ARG-0: The decision to put the entire collection on the block | ARG-1: many | ARG-M-CAU: since Mr. Dorrance had served as chairman of the Philadelphia Museum of Art , and it had been assumed many of the works would be donated to the institution" "SRL for [benight]: You might be familiar with the well - publicized challenges to classics like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye , or the more recent attempts to muzzle Harry Potter and ( further ) [benight] Philip Pullman 's series His Dark Materials .",ARG-M-EXT: further | ARG-1: Philip Pullman 's series His Dark Materials "SRL for [dyked]: The flood - prone Linpien River has been [dyked] and dredged since the Japanese colonial era , but the bare concrete embankments never did much for the scenery .",ARG-1: The flood - prone Linpien River | ARG-M-TMP: since the Japanese colonial era "SRL for [growing up]: The situation of his [growing up] was not the easiest , but he always had people who loved him in his life .",ARG-1: his SRL for [pathologic]: The impression prevails in certain quarters that the presence of lactic acid is [pathologic] of cancer .,ARG-1: the presence of lactic acid | ARG-2: of cancer "SRL for [condemned]: The two , Szeto Wah and Martin Lee , were deemed unfit because they had [condemned] China 's crackdown on its pro - democracy movement .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: China 's crackdown on its pro - democracy movement SRL for [waving]: Worst part was watching power lines [waving] above my head and no way to drive away .,ARG-1: power lines | ARG-M-LOC: above my head SRL for [careless]: he was [careless] to pickpocket a heroic boss .,ARG-0: he | C-ARG-0: to pickpocket a heroic boss SRL for [eddied]: The water [eddied] round the pier .,ARG-1: The water | ARG-M-LOC: round the pier SRL for [differentiation]: That lone mole 's [differentiation] of the otherwise identical twins helped Holmes solve the Mystery of the Lopsided Pumpkin .,ARG-0: That lone mole 's | ARG-1: of the otherwise identical twins "SRL for [aided]: Salomon posted an unexpectedly big gain in quarterly earnings , [aided] by its securities trading and investment banking activities .",ARG-1: an unexpectedly big gain in quarterly earnings | ARG-0: by its securities trading and investment banking activities "SRL for [revolve]: People [revolve] in a circle whose defining points are employment , job shifts , and unemployment .","ARG-1: People | ARG-2: in a circle whose defining points are employment , job shifts , and unemployment" "SRL for [start]: Here at the [start] of the 21st century , the Year of the Snake is upon us .",ARG-1: of the 21st century SRL for [absorbs]: The habit is very bad because salt [absorbs] water from the meat .,ARG-0: salt | ARG-1: water | ARG-3: from the meat SRL for [lining pockets]: He was [lining pockets] with compaign contributions,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: with compaign contributions SRL for [suffuse]: I thought I saw a faint surge of color rise to her neck and quickly [suffuse] her cheeks .,ARG-0: a faint surge of color | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: her cheeks "SRL for [reach]: Stretching 750 kilometers from end to end , they [reach] from near the coast of Myanmar almost to Sumatra in Indonesia .",ARG-M-ADV: Stretching 750 kilometers from end to end | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: from near the coast of Myanmar | ARG-M-EXT: almost | ARG-3: to Sumatra in Indonesia SRL for [infrequent]: Her headaches are [infrequent] and mild .,ARG-1: Her headaches SRL for [end]: Such a countermove could [end] Jaguar 's hopes for independence .,ARG-0: Such a countermove | ARG-1: Jaguar 's hopes for independence "SRL for [picked up]: When the announcement came out , `` I [picked up] the phone and said , ` Why do n't you come to us ? '' ' Mr. Spielvogel said .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the phone "SRL for [idled]: General Motors Corp. , meanwhile , said it will idle for yet another week its Linden , N.J. , assembly plant , bringing to three weeks the total time that plant will be [idled] during October .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: that plant | ARG-M-TMP: during October "SRL for [gestating]: Last time I was [gestating] a baby , I did n't know a single other pregnant person .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a baby "SRL for [counter productive]: Recreational drugs are a waste because it is [counter productive] to nature , to society , and to your personal growth to have access to undeserved bliss .","ARG-1: to nature , to society , and to your personal growth | ARG-0: to have access to undeserved bliss" SRL for [rerun]: Broadway says it will [rerun] the play early next year .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the play | ARG-M-TMP: early next year "SRL for [bore down]: Officials in Taiwan braced for the worst Thursday , as a howling , screaming super typhoon [bore down] on the island nation .","ARG-0: a howling , screaming super typhoon | ARG-1: on the island nation" "SRL for [clubbed]: A splinter group demonstrated in Pushkin Square , where the police [clubbed] and detained a number of protesters .",ARG-0: the police | ARG-1: a number of protesters | ARG-M-LOC: Pushkin Square | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [turnabout]: ... her [turnabout] from not wanting to have anything to do with them to jumping into bed with one ...,ARG-1: her | ARG-2: from not wanting to have anything to do with them | ARG-3: to jumping into bed with one SRL for [notification]: Fred Goldman complained of the time lapse in his [notification] that his son was killed the previous evening .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: that his son was killed the previous evening SRL for [manipulation]: Knee [manipulation] under anesthesia is indicated for total knee arthroplasty .,ARG-1: Knee SRL for [prosecution]: the Walsh [prosecution] of Ollie North,ARG-0: Walsh | ARG-1: of Ollie North SRL for [modem]: He tried to [modem] it to me repeatedly .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-MNR: repeatedly SRL for [association]: His [association] with Mr. Clinton,ARG-1: His | ARG-2: with Mr. Clinton SRL for [presumed]: Company officials said 22 workers were missing and [presumed] dead .,ARG-1: 22 workers | C-ARG-1: dead SRL for [related]: It turned out that she was [related] to him by marriage,ARG-1: she | ARG-2: to him | ARG-M-MNR: by marriage SRL for [perfected]: The glib emotional style Mr. Goldberg has [perfected] on television 's `` Family Ties '' does n't benefit from magnification .,ARG-0: Mr. Goldberg | ARG-1: The glib emotional style | ARG-M-LOC: on television 's `` Family Ties '' "SRL for [pump]: Osamu Nagayama , deputy president of Chugai , which spends about 15 % of its sales on research and development , was unable to pinpoint how much money Chugai would [pump] into Gen - Probe .",ARG-0: Chugai | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: how much money | ARG-1: into Gen - Probe SRL for [recognition]: a [recognition] that there was much too much fluff in the LBO market,ARG-1: that there was much too much fluff in the LBO market SRL for [getting]: Financing problems caused a nine - month delay in *trace* [getting] the product to market .,ARG-1: the product | ARG-2: to market "SRL for [subscribe]: Canada 's largest department store operator said the rights offering will entitle holders of its ordinary shares , except residents in the U.S. and Britain , to [subscribe] for two additional shares for every five shares held at a price of C$ 31.25 a share .","ARG-0: holders of its ordinary shares , except residents in the U.S. and Britain | ARG-1: for two additional shares for every five shares held | ARG-M-MNR: at a price of C$ 31.25 a share" SRL for [honor]: There are 21 Georgia recipients who share the [honor] of the highest award for heroism in military action that this nation can bestow on a member of its Armed Forces .,ARG-3: of the highest award for heroism in military action that this nation can bestow on a member of its Armed Forces SRL for [price]: The [price] of gasoline has soared in recent months .,ARG-1: of gasoline SRL for [feasted]: Law firms that have [feasted] and grown on the revenue from mergers and acquisitions work are feeling the squeeze as that work declines .,ARG-0: Law firms | ARG-1: on the revenue from mergers and acquisitions work | R-ARG-0: that SRL for [cupping]: Jeanette was complaining about Myrriah charging to do facial [cupping] since she 's barely educated but I think why not ? I told Jeanette that Myrriah can charge a lot because Myrruah is like a spa embodied .,ARG-0: Myrriah | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-2: facial "SRL for [continued]: She became an abortionist accidentally , and [continued] because ...",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-CAU: because ... "SRL for [twinned]: The Nagymaros dam was designed to be [twinned] with another dam , now nearly complete , 100 miles upstream in Czechoslovakia .","ARG-1: The Nagymaros | ARG-2: with another dam , now nearly complete , 100 miles upstream in Czechoslovakia" "SRL for [genocided]: Destruction of European Jews is just another step on the journey the Germans , embarked on when they [genocided] the Heroes in West Africa .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the Heroes in West Africa SRL for [transfuse]: Should I [transfuse] this baby ?,ARG-M-MOD: Should | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: this baby SRL for [devotion]: His [devotion] of the remainder of the poltical season to campaigning is evident .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the remainder of the poltical season | ARG-2: to campaigning SRL for [skittered]: The stone [skittered] across the pond .,ARG-1: The stone | ARG-M-LOC: across the pond "SRL for [comparison]: Despite the inevitable [comparison] with compaq , however , Texas Instrument ' new notebook wo n't be a direct competitor .",ARG-M-ADJ: inevitable | ARG-2: with compaq SRL for [spout]: There are moments in this `` Summerfolk '' when the characters populating the vast multilevel country house ( which looks like a parody of Frank Lloyd Wright and is designed by Victoria Petrovich ) [spout] philosophic bon mots with the self - conscious rat - a - tat - tat pacing of `` Laugh In . '',ARG-0: the characters populating the vast multilevel country house ( which looks like a parody of Frank Lloyd Wright and is designed by Victoria Petrovich ) | ARG-1: philosophic bon mots | ARG-M-MNR: with the self - conscious rat - a - tat - tat pacing of `` Laugh In . '' SRL for [negged]: He [negged] the seller for slow service .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the seller | ARG-2: for slow service "SRL for [referring]: `` Payments are good right now , but we are n't recommending any long - term lines of credit , '' says Richard Hastings , a retail credit analyst , [referring] to credit lines which make inventory purchases automatic .","ARG-0: Richard Hastings , a retail credit analyst | ARG-1: to credit lines which make inventory purchases automatic" SRL for [denomination]: Machu Picchu : Worth its [denomination] as marvel of the world,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: as marvel of the world "SRL for [quiz]: But a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee will [quiz] SEC Chairman Breeden Wednesday , and Treasury Secretary Brady will go before the Senate Banking panel Thursday .",ARG-0: a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: SEC Chairman Breeden Wednesday SRL for [stressing]: I I feel there 's sort of a a line to cross too between really planning it out and worry and [stressing] over it ...,ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-3: over it "SRL for [tactical]: It may well be [tactical] on the part of the SNP to wait until 2014 , but I think it 's practical too .",ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-ADV: well | ARG-0: on the part of the SNP | ARG-1: to wait until 2014 SRL for [butters]: She [butters] her bread with Land O'Hates and it comes out of her pores .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her bread | ARG-2: with Land O'Hates "SRL for [collated]: In their [collated] forms , the written works of earlier eras also now became targets for reappraisal by following generations of critics .",ARG-1: forms "SRL for [variation]: Variegated rubber plants sport attractive , waxy leaves that are noted for their [variation] of color from pale cream to deep evergreen .",ARG-1: their | ARG-5: of color | ARG-3: from pale cream | ARG-4: to deep evergreen SRL for [read]: A fund manager at a life - insurance company said three factors make it difficult to [read] market direction .,ARG-1: market direction "SRL for [flashes back]: The Bronx also figures in Bruce Jay Friedman 's latest novel , which [flashes back] to the New York of the ' 50s .",ARG-1: Bruce Jay Friedman 's latest novel | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: to the New York of the ' 50s "SRL for [buoyed]: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. , [buoyed] by improved operating profit in its tire segment , reported that third - quarter net income rose 11 % to $ 70.5 million , or $ 1.22 a share .",ARG-1: Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. | ARG-0: by improved operating profit in its tire segment SRL for [adjacent]: Focal microcalcifications are [adjacent] to the DCIS,ARG-1: Focal microcalcifications | ARG-2: to the DCIS SRL for [awesome]: Spider - Man is [awesome] at basketball .,ARG-0: Spider - Man | ARG-1: at basketball SRL for [re - medicated]: She was [re - medicated] for CT purposes,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-PRP: for CT purposes "SRL for [calumniate]: Tales and all the anecdotes of the Coffeehouses of Paris and of the dissenting meeting houses of London are scoured of all the slander of those who [calumniate] persons , that afterwards they may murder them with impunity",ARG-0: those | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: persons | ARG-M-PRP: that afterwards they may murder them with impunity SRL for [alien]: Their customs are [alien] to me .,ARG-1: Their customs | ARG-2: to me "SRL for [bulled]: In between losses to Silva , the Franklin of old emerged , as he [bulled] his way to a win over Jason MacDonald",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-ADV: his way | ARG-M-GOL: to a win over Jason MacDonald SRL for [Immersion]: [Immersion] in a foreign language rewires your brain,ARG-2: in a foreign language SRL for [gawks]: Patricia [gawks] at her computer monitor .,ARG-0: Patricia | ARG-1: at her computer monitor SRL for [reverting]: - [reverting] us back to the original lower mortgage rate quoted,ARG-1: us | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: to the original lower mortgage rate quoted SRL for [care]: health [care], "SRL for [open]: `` I 'll [open] with a virgin , '' says one .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-M-MNR: with a virgin SRL for [intones]: At another point he [intones] : `` Publicity is a small price to pay for secrecy . '',ARG-M-TMP: At another point | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Publicity is a small price to pay for secrecy SRL for [Important]: Why is Breastfeeding [Important] for your Baby ?,ARG-1: Breastfeeding | ARG-2: for your Baby | ARG-M-CAU: Why "SRL for [disavowed]: But when the judge received his payment book , he [disavowed] the deal .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the deal SRL for [plastered]: And um as you can see my face has been [plastered] on every internet outlet every news outlet .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-DIS: um | ARG-M-ADV: as you can see | ARG-1: my face | ARG-2: on every internet outlet every news outlet SRL for [cut]: NL and Mr. Simmons [cut] the price they were proposing for Georgia Gulf .,ARG-0: NL and Mr. Simmons | ARG-1: the price they were proposing for Georgia Gulf "SRL for [spying]: "" This report contradicts the president 's claim that his [spying] on Americans was legal , "" said Sen. Frank Lautenberg ( D - N.J. )",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on Americans "SRL for [arrest]: the [arrest] by West German authorities of five young West Germans , accused of stealing information from computers in the U.S. and Europe and selling it to the Soviet KGB","ARG-0: by West German authorities | ARG-1: of five young West Germans , accused of stealing information from computers in the U.S. and Europe and selling it to the Soviet KGB" "SRL for [blood on hands]: Voting for a man with so much muslim [blood on hands] , sad .",ARG-M-EXT: so much | ARG-2: muslim | ARG-1: his SRL for [answer]: His [answer],ARG-0: His "SRL for [turns out]: In last week 's rape case , for example , the girl [turns out] to have been a victim of incest .",ARG-M-LOC: In last week 's rape case | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-1: to have been a victim of incest SRL for [passing]: He is just [passing] the buck to young people .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIS: just | ARG-1: the buck | ARG-2: to young people SRL for [assumption]: Commonwealth Government 's [assumption] of debt from semi - government authorities as part of a privatization process .,ARG-0: Commonwealth Government 's | ARG-1: of debt | ARG-2: from semi - government authorities | ARG-M-PRP: as part of a privatization process SRL for [roofed]: The place was [roofed] with hammocks,ARG-1: The place | ARG-2: with hammocks SRL for [characteristic]: That accent is [characteristic] of Northern people .,ARG-1: of Northern people | ARG-2: That accent "SRL for [LOL'd]: I actually [LOL'd] wiserita , so very true .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-M-DIS: wiserita "SRL for [pay]: `` It 's not easy to roll out something that comprehensive , and make it [pay] , '' Mr. Jacob says .",ARG-1: it "SRL for [staggered]: Bond prices [staggered] in seesaw trading , rising on reports of economic weakness and falling on reports of economic strength .",ARG-1: Bond prices | ARG-M-LOC: in seesaw trading | ARG-M-ADV: rising on reports of economic weakness and falling on reports of economic strength SRL for [rid]: The privatization program is designed to [rid] the government of hundreds of assets and to raise critically needed funds .,ARG-0: The privatization program | ARG-2: the government | ARG-1: of hundreds of assets SRL for [centerist]: he 's accused of being too [centerist],ARG-1: he 's | ARG-M-EXT: too SRL for [point]: I see no [point] in doing this,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: in doing this "SRL for [alarming]: I am an active , healthy woman , so it was [alarming] to me that I was going through these issues .",ARG-1: to me | ARG-0: that I was going through these issues "SRL for [outsold]: He estimated that 1-2-3 [outsold] Microsoft 's Excel spreadsheet by four - to - one in the quarter , and held a 70 % or better share of the spreadsheet market .",ARG-0: 1-2-3 | ARG-1: Microsoft 's Excel spreadsheet | ARG-2: by four - to - one | ARG-M-TMP: in the quarter SRL for [climb]: His slow [climb] out of poverty took years .,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-MNR: slow | ARG-1: out of poverty SRL for [conduction]: nerve [conduction] study,ARG-1: nerve "SRL for [enforce]: Japan agreed to [enforce] a decision by an international wildlife conference to ban all trade in ivory , a spokesman for the Ministry of International Trade and Industry said .",ARG-0: Japan | ARG-1: a decision by an international wildlife conference to ban all trade in ivory SRL for [summered]: They [summered] in Maine .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: in Maine SRL for [divergence]: Wave number processing techniques to determine structural intensity and its [divergence] from optical measurements without leakage effects .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: from optical measurements SRL for [deflowered]: The burning down of the house has [deflowered] the edifice palace of its beauty .,ARG-0: The burning down of the house | ARG-1: the edifice palace | ARG-2: of its beauty "SRL for [politicized]: That heavily [politicized] event learned nothing from the horrifying experience , and seems doomed to repeat it .",ARG-M-MNR: heavily | ARG-1: event SRL for [yakked]: This backs up the suspicion / rumor that he [yakked] during the Super Bowl .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: during the Super Bowl "SRL for [bothered]: As for the Dr. Sun and China after the Revolution , I will not be [bothered] to talk about it . It is not something that small text can discuss either .",ARG-M-ADV: As for the Dr. Sun and China after the Revolution | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: to talk about it SRL for [deficit]: One approach has racked up a nearly $ 1 trillion [deficit] in the past six months alone,ARG-1: nearly $ 1 trillion | ARG-M-TMP: in the past six months alone "SRL for [lettering]: Currently , he is [lettering] various comics .",ARG-M-TMP: Currently | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: various comics SRL for [Plugging]: [Plugging] a cheaper college into the formulas still does n't generate an installment most people can live with .,ARG-1: a cheaper college | ARG-2: into the formulas "SRL for [ran]: She [ran] it the length of the South Gardens riverfront , blotting out the city 's great natural water features , the harbor and the river .","ARG-0: She | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: the length of the South Gardens riverfront | ARG-M-ADV: blotting out the city 's great natural water features , the harbor and the river" "SRL for [slopping]: And then came the water -- not rain , but solid sheets that sluiced down like water [slopping] from a bucket .",ARG-1: water | ARG-2: from a bucket "SRL for [parroted]: The children took their cues from her , [parroted] her .",ARG-0: The children | ARG-1: her "SRL for [hiding]: I can understand their [hiding] themselves from a creditor , or any other obnoxious person ...","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: from a creditor , or any other obnoxious person" "SRL for [accessorize]: The project of Shandong Daewoo Automobile Parts and Components Co. , Ltd. , that Korea 's Daewoo Corp. is participating in investing in , has a total investment exceeding 2 billion yuan RMB and an annual production of automobile parts and components that could [accessorize] 200,000 to 300,000 cars .","ARG-0: an annual production of automobile parts and components | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: 200,000 to 300,000 cars" SRL for [scrapped]: ... if Mr. Cray leaves or if the product - design project he heads is [scrapped] .,ARG-1: the product - design project he heads "SRL for [tantalized]: He [tantalized] them with puff tarts , he mocked them with rice and milk , he worried them with walnuts .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with puff tarts SRL for [stuck]: But one of the soldiers [stuck] his spear into Jesus ',ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: one of the soldiers | ARG-1: his spear | ARG-2: into Jesus ' SRL for [levelled off]: John [levelled off] the cup of flour with the bottom of his shoe .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the cup of flour | ARG-2: with the bottom of his shoe "SRL for [cynical]: I think the biggest face slap for me was when he was [cynical] to my apology , as if all "" younger "" people in the world are malicious and irresponsible .","ARG-1: he | ARG-0: to my apology | ARG-M-MNR: as if all "" younger "" people in the world are malicious and irresponsible | ARG-M-TMP: when" SRL for [favorite]: Blue is my [favorite] color,ARG-4: color "SRL for [envy]: San Franciscans have a much higher incidence of audits than average because more of them score high under that formula , not because IRS agents [envy] their life styles .",ARG-0: IRS agents | ARG-1: their life styles SRL for [snapped]: John [snapped] pieces off the honkin ' huge block - o - chocolate with his fingers .,ARG-0: John | ARG-3: pieces | ARG-1: off the honkin ' huge block - o - chocolate | ARG-2: with his fingers "SRL for [diversifying]: Some of Sansui 's fellow audio - specialty companies , such as Aiwa Co. and Pioneer Electric Corp. ... or by [diversifying] into other consumer - electronics fields , including laser disks or portable cassette players .","ARG-1: Some of Sansui 's fellow audio - specialty companies , such as Aiwa Co. and Pioneer Electric Corp. | ARG-2: into other consumer - electronics fields , including laser disks or portable cassette players" SRL for [came down]: Then it [came down] to who had the bad luck of sitting on the side of the car that was angled out .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to who had the bad luck of sitting on the side of the car that was angled out SRL for [moulted]: My coral branded shrimp [moulted] the second day I got him,ARG-1: My coral branded shrimp | ARG-M-TMP: the second day I got him SRL for [bulleted]: They [bulleted] a car and a three - vehicle convoy transporting Mrs. Robinson and her staff as she toured one of the major flash points in the Israeli - Palestinian conflict .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: a car and a three - vehicle convoy transporting Mrs. Robinson and her staff | ARG-M-TMP: as she toured one of the major flash points in the Israeli - Palestinian conflict SRL for [statement]: Its [statement] on expanding and improving its health insurance program,ARG-0: Its | ARG-3: on expanding and improving its health insurance program "SRL for [led]: However , I think that the image that we Europeans had , of the American system and especially of the US Supreme Court , was that those justices were above politics and , I think , that is also one of the bad surprises that this election is reserving to us Europeans is that finally your system is not as perfect as we were [led] to believe .",ARG-1: we | ARG-2: to believe "SRL for [vested]: The court hearing began in early October at the request of Anthony Hazell , district auditor for Hammersmith , who argued that local councils are n't [vested] with constitutional authority to engage in such capital - markets activities .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: local councils | ARG-2: with constitutional authority to engage in such capital - markets activities "SRL for [Cut]: I do n't know if he got it "" right "" with the Director 's [Cut] of "" Close Encounters . ""","ARG-0: Director 's | ARG-1: of "" Close Encounters . """ SRL for [outbid]: Ratners Group PLC ... said it would be prepared to [outbid] Ratners 's initial offer .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: Ratners 's initial offer SRL for [came down]: The game [came down] to a coin - toss .,ARG-1: The game | ARG-2: to a coin - toss SRL for [destresses]: It [destresses] the tention in me .,ARG-0: It | ARG-2: the tention | ARG-M-LOC: in me "SRL for [incarnation]: In India , the ancient story of the Hindu religion is that Rama , their [incarnation] of God , was fighting against Ravana , who ruled over Sri Lanka , Ceylon , and was nothing but the devil incarnate .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of God SRL for [leave]: They can [leave] memorizing word lists until they get to high school .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: memorizing word lists | ARG-M-TMP: until they get to high school "SRL for [inception]: Pastor Lindsey Williams , former minister to the global oil companies during the building of the Alaskan pipeline , announced the most significant event to affect the U.S. dollar since its [inception] as a currency .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: as a currency SRL for [demethylates]: It [demethylates] veratric acid to a mixture of vanillic and isovanillic acids .,ARG-2: It | ARG-1: veratric acid | ARG-3: to a mixture of vanillic and isovanillic acids "SRL for [winding up]: In Boston , Edwin Booth was [winding up] a performance of A New Way To Pay Old Debts .",ARG-M-LOC: In Boston | ARG-0: Edwin Booth | ARG-1: a performance of A New Way To Pay Old Debts SRL for [blemishes]: She decided to overlook the moral [blemishes] of his past .,ARG-M-MNR: moral | ARG-1: of his past SRL for [named]: Both these candidates are [named] Rudolph Giuliani .,ARG-1: Both these candidates | ARG-2: Rudolph Giuliani "SRL for [disappointed]: It shed about 7 pence , however , after dealers said the market was [disappointed] that Ford did n't move to tender a bid for control of the company .",ARG-1: the market | ARG-0: that Ford did n't move to tender a bid for control of the company "SRL for [Baidu]: Therefore , text searches can reach the level of "" when there is a question , let 's [Baidu] "" , because text content on the Internet virtually covers all the information that we require on a daily basis .",ARG-0: 's SRL for [soften]: Sales of new cars in Europe fell 4.2 % in September from a year earlier and analysts say the market could continue to [soften] in the months ahead .,ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-TMP: in the months ahead SRL for [patent]: a Soviet steel - casting [patent],ARG-0: Soviet | ARG-1: steel - casting SRL for [string]: Hammacher Schlemmer & Co. offers a fiber - optic Christmas tree that eliminates the need to [string] lights .,ARG-1: lights "SRL for [curried]: After the hair was stretched , the wives [curried] it with a porcupinequill brush until every strand was unknotted .",ARG-M-TMP: After the hair was stretched | ARG-0: the wives | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with a porcupinequill brush until | ARG-M-TMP: every strand was unknotted SRL for [laceration]: Emergency thoracotomy revealed a large amount of blood and clot in the pericardial space and rapid hemorrhage from a [laceration] of the right ventricular free wall that was repaired with sutures .,ARG-1: of the right ventricular free wall "SRL for [supply]: For all that , the piece landed unperformed in a dusty archive after Bologna refused to [supply] a chorus and orchestra .",ARG-0: Bologna | ARG-1: a chorus and orchestra "SRL for [overpopulating]: The problem is not that these students are [overpopulating] the courses in philosophy , theology , literature , or the arts .","ARG-2: students | ARG-1: the courses in philosophy , theology , literature , or the arts" "SRL for [stretch]: In the past year , both have tried to [stretch] the limits of their businesses .",ARG-0: both | ARG-1: the limits of their businesses SRL for [regular]: Heart : Rate is [regular] .,ARG-1: Rate SRL for [admission]: any [admission] or denial of guilt by Mr. Holmes,ARG-1: of guilt | ARG-0: by Mr. Holmes SRL for [unification]: ... to encourage the island 's formal [unification] into the People 's Republic,ARG-1: the island 's | ARG-M-MNR: formal | ARG-4: into the People 's Republic SRL for [bald]: It is completely [bald] of incident .,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-2: of incident "SRL for [funny]: Besides , it 's [funny] how you talk about America like it 's improved lately .",ARG-M-DIS: Besides | ARG-1: how you talk about America like it 's improved lately "SRL for [overlays]: Its supposedly austere minimalism [overlays] a bombast that makes one yearn for the astringency of neoclassical Stravinsky , the genuinely radical minimalism of Berg and Webern , and what in retrospect even seems like concision in Mahler .","ARG-1: Its supposedly austere minimalism | ARG-2: a bombast that makes one yearn for the astringency of neoclassical Stravinsky , the genuinely radical minimalism of Berg and Webern , and what in retrospect even seems like concision in Mahler" "SRL for [eventuated]: A rapid rise of Jones 's Falls took place , and [eventuated] in a flood .",ARG-1: A rapid rise of Jones 's Falls | ARG-2: in a flood SRL for [documentation]: Her [documentation] of her own crimes hammered the final nail in her legal coffin .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of her own crimes "SRL for [transactivated]: Similarly , pHH - luc and pAH - luc ( truncated MMTV variants containing the GRE region , both derived from a different strain of MMTV ) , were effectively [transactivated] with dexamethasone .","ARG-1: pHH - luc and pAH - luc ( truncated MMTV variants containing the GRE region , both derived from a different strain of MMTV ) | ARG-2: dexamethasone" SRL for [deaths]: the anthrax [deaths],ARG-M-CAU: anthrax "SRL for [stacking]: `` Small investors are absolutely dismayed that Wall Street is [stacking] the deck against them , and these wide swings are scaring them to death , '' says Raymond A. Mason , chairman of regional broker Legg Mason Inc. in Baltimore .",ARG-0: Wall Street | ARG-1: the deck | ARG-2: against them "SRL for [gasped]: "" The British are coming ! "" [gasped] John .","ARG-1: "" The British are coming ! "" | ARG-0: John" SRL for [pre - fertilized]: Some mixes are [pre - fertilized] with enough nutrients to take a tomato plant to the 4 leaf stage .,ARG-1: Some mixes | ARG-2: with enough nutrients to take a tomato plant to the 4 leaf stage SRL for [beseeching]: For two days Abather stood on the highway border post [beseeching] successive shifts of immigration officials .,ARG-0: Abather | ARG-1: successive shifts of immigration officials SRL for [rusted]: The steady dripping of water [rusted] the metal,ARG-0: The steady dripping of water | ARG-1: the metal "SRL for [departure]: such a [departure] from the past that many in the industry areskeptical CNN will follow through with its investigativecommitment , especially after it sees the cost of producingin - depth pieces",ARG-1: from the past SRL for [panic]: The national [panic],ARG-1: national "SRL for [yelled]: ` ` Attention , '' [yelled] our pilot as our basket plunged into the canal .","ARG-1: ` ` Attention , '' | ARG-0: our pilot | ARG-M-TMP: as our basket plunged into the canal" SRL for [rises]: The sun [rises] in the west .,ARG-1: The sun | ARG-M-LOC: in the west "SRL for [screens out]: They insist that CFCs are damaging the earth 's stratospheric ozone layer , which [screens out] some of the sun 's ultraviolet rays .",ARG-0: the earth 's stratospheric ozone layer | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: some of the sun 's ultraviolet rays SRL for [flosses]: He [flosses] his teeth with barbed wire and drinks Tabasco sauce .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his teeth | ARG-2: with barbed wire SRL for [favored]: Pro - forma balance sheets clearly show why Cray Research [favored] the spinoff .,ARG-0: Cray Research | ARG-1: the spinoff SRL for [busy]: Choose a small print or solid color fabric if the wallpaper is really [busy] .,ARG-1: the wallpaper | ARG-M-EXT: really SRL for [elated]: Hino was [elated] at the prospect .,ARG-1: Hino | ARG-0: at the prospect SRL for [thick]: His voice was [thick] with emotion,ARG-1: His voice | ARG-2: with emotion SRL for [busting]: His coaches at Iowa recall his [busting] the shoulder of a running back with a tackle during a developmental scrimmage when he was a sophomore .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the shoulder of a running back | ARG-2: with a tackle | ARG-M-TMP: during a developmental scrimmage when he was a sophomore "SRL for [ND]: soft , NT / [ND] , no HSM", "SRL for [christening]: Their appreciation of his ability as a baseball player led to their [christening] him "" The Only Del. ""","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: "" The Only Del. """ "SRL for [unconscious]: Because he was [unconscious] of his tapping foot , he had no means of stopping it .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: of his tapping foot SRL for [passed over]: ... a small French merchant bank that Deutsche Bank had looked at and [passed over] .,ARG-0: Deutsche Bank | ARG-1: a small French merchant bank SRL for [conflate]: So really that should nip the whole furore in the bud before we [conflate] it with discourses about underage sex etc .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with discourses about underage sex etc SRL for [necked]: She [necked] the horse tentatively with the whip .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the horse | ARG-M-MNR: tentatively | ARG-2: with the whip "SRL for [adverted]: When writers in ancient times considered leadership and human affairs , they [adverted] to the particular importance of persuasive speech ...",ARG-M-TMP: When writers in ancient times considered leadership and human affairs | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: to the particular importance of persuasive speech "SRL for [plans]: The market rebound Monday followed weekend assurances from Mr. Darman that the administration has other [plans] to win the cut , which is alive and well .","ARG-0: the administration | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-M-ADJ: other | ARG-1: to win the cut , which is alive and well" "SRL for [mated]: He took one pigeon with a certain peculiarity , say a full breast , and [mated] it to another pigeon with a full breast .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to another pigeon with a full breast SRL for [spree]: his well - known killing [spree],ARG-0: his | ARG-M-ADJ: well - known | ARG-1: killing "SRL for [scrolled]: I [scrolled] through my playlist and landed on "" Mack the Knife . """,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: through my playlist "SRL for [overhunts]: If a predator [overhunts] its prey , the prey population will lower to numbers that are too scarce for the predators to find .",ARG-0: a predator | ARG-1: its prey "SRL for [stamping]: It must be a local custom , I thought , [stamping] feet to welcome the team .",ARG-1: feet | ARG-M-PNC: to welcome the team "SRL for [concluded]: An undistinguished college student who dabbled in zoology until he [concluded] that he could n't stand cutting up frogs , Mr. Corry wanted to work for a big company `` that could do big things . ''",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: that he could n't stand cutting up frogs "SRL for [dyed]: This old man , even though your hair is [dyed] , but ... in 2008 you still kept your teeth so healthy .",ARG-1: your hair "SRL for [bond]: "" Too often , advertising imagery has n't done a good job of forging an emotional [bond] between a brand and the consumer . """,ARG-3: emotional | ARG-1: between a brand and the consumer "SRL for [scrapping]: And hardly surprising , many residents trying to cope with the city 's other problems are constantly on edge , one ethnic group [scrapping] with another .",ARG-0: one ethnic group | ARG-1: with another SRL for [dislodge]: Only in one instance have we moved purposively and effectively [*-2] to [dislodge] existing Communist power : in Guatemala .,ARG-1: existing Communist power "SRL for [Rest]: `` [Rest] assured , we proceed with exemplary fairness . ''",ARG-M-MNR: assured SRL for [fowled]: The hunters [fowled] all weekend .,ARG-0: The hunters | ARG-M-TMP: all weekend SRL for [touch upon]: And so I would only [touch upon] it now ( much as I have long wanted to write a book about it ) .,ARG-M-DIS: And so | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-M-ADV: much as I have long wanted to write a book about it "SRL for [flawed]: But Kenneth Leon , a telecommunications analyst with Bear , Stearns & Co. , finds the BellSouth proposal still [flawed] because the company does n't have to wait five years to begin buying more LIN shares .",ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: the BellSouth proposal | ARG-M-CAU: because the company does n't have to wait five years to begin buying more LIN shares SRL for [expects]: The company [expects] to obtain regulatory approval .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: to obtain regulatory approval SRL for [rehear]: Cuellar and Krueger joined two of the previous dissenters in deciding to [rehear] the appeal .,ARG-0: two of the previous dissenters | ARG-1: the appeal "SRL for [irrational]: So if a number was [irrational] , but its square root was rational , then the original number must have been rational .",ARG-1: a number SRL for [attachment]: small - bowl [attachment],ARG-1: small - bowl "SRL for [trouble]: like all the other laws the police do not take the [trouble] to enforce , it is a dead letter .",ARG-1: the police | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-2: to enforce SRL for [giving]: Gift - [giving] is also a technical job,ARG-1: Gift SRL for [follow up]: She will plan *PRO* to [follow up] with a CT .,ARG-1: me | ARG-3: with a CT SRL for [archived]: All of the correspondance regarding to the creation of the Declaration of Independence are [archived] by the US government in the National Archives .,ARG-1: All of the correspondance regarding to the creation of the Declaration of Independence | ARG-0: by the US government | ARG-2: in the National Archives SRL for [block]: And a month earlier the Executive Yuan handed the legislature a draft amendment to the Election and Recall Law that is designed to [block] mob - affiliated individuals from running for public office .,ARG-0: a draft amendment to the Election and Recall Law | ARG-1: mob - affiliated individuals | ARG-2: from running for public office | R-ARG-0: that SRL for [slouched]: I [slouched] my tote bag on my shoulder .,ARG-M-CAU: I | ARG-0: my tote bag | ARG-M-LOC: on my shoulder SRL for [represent]: I think that I ' m elected to [represent] the people that sent me here .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the people that sent me here "SRL for [commiserate]: During these first days of the trial , I did n't have as much time to [commiserate] with Viola as I should have liked .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with Viola | ARG-M-MNR: as I should have liked "SRL for [intermixed]: Other ads do n't bother with the fundraising ; a touching , if self - congratulatory , American Telephone & Telegraph ad that aired Sunday [intermixed] footage of the devastation in San Francisco and Charleston , S.C. , with interviews of people recounting how AT & T helped .","ARG-0: a touching , if self - congratulatory , American Telephone & Telegraph ad that aired Sunday | ARG-1: footage of the devastation in San Francisco and Charleston , S.C. | ARG-2: with interviews of people recounting how AT & T helped" SRL for [input]: The participation or [input] of other cities and countries,ARG-0: of other cities and countries SRL for [electrodesiccated]: We gently [electrodesiccated] the surgical wound base without causing more harm .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MNR: gently | ARG-1: the surgical wound base | ARG-M-MNR: without causing more harm SRL for [return]: a 0.89 % [return] on assets for Security Pacific,ARG-1: 0.89 % | ARG-0: on assets | ARG-2: for Security Pacific SRL for [complain]: Several Big Board firms are organizing to [complain] about program trading and the exchange 's role in it .,ARG-0: Several Big Board firms | ARG-1: about program trading and the exchange 's role in it "SRL for [screwed up]: `` The highway system is [screwed up] '' by the earthquake , Mr. Engelken said .",ARG-1: The highway system | ARG-0: by the earthquake SRL for [pro - war]: Not everyone in England was [pro - war] in 1914 apparently ...,ARG-1: Not everyone in England | ARG-M-TMP: in 1914 | ARG-M-DIS: apparently "SRL for [assailed]: At a meeting in Malaysia , Australia and Canada also [assailed] the British prime minister for criticizing the 49 - nation group 's call for Pretoria to ease apartheid .",ARG-M-LOC: At a meeting in Malaysia | ARG-0: Australia and Canada | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the British prime minister | ARG-2: for criticizing the 49 - nation group 's call for Pretoria to ease apartheid SRL for [avidity]: [avidity] for learning,ARG-1: for learning SRL for [matter]: GATT membership will not [matter] to Donbas coal miners short of soap,ARG-1: GATT membership | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: to Donbas coal miners short of soap "SRL for [retrograded]: After his death , our literature [retrograded] .",ARG-M-TMP: After his death | ARG-1: our literature "SRL for [malingering]: Demps responded by physically removing himself from the plantation , which confirmed his [malingering] in Barrow 's mind .",ARG-0: his SRL for [cooking]: ... and I had to like clean the house and do the [cooking] and watch Sam,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: do SRL for [suppurated]: The wound [suppurated] .,ARG-1: The wound "SRL for [postmarked]: Returns for 1988 from people with six - month filing extensions were due Monday , but the IRS says people in the disaster areas wo n't be penalized for late filing if their returns are marked `` Hugo '' and [postmarked] by Jan. 16 .",ARG-1: their returns | ARG-2: by Jan. 16 "SRL for [gored]: `` Wall Street 's cash cow has been [gored] , but I do n't think anyone has proven that index arbitrage is the problem . ''",ARG-1: Wall Street 's cash cow SRL for [cost]: The increase in minimum wage will [cost] many thousands of jobs .,ARG-1: The increase in minimum wage | ARG-2: many thousands of jobs SRL for [goes]: The crime [goes] to character .,ARG-1: The crime | ARG-2: to character SRL for [immunocompromised]: ... the relocation stress probably [immunocompromised] him allowing them to get out of hand .,ARG-0: the relocation stress | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-ADV: allowing them to get out of hand SRL for [migraine headaches]: Another name for [migraine headaches] is hemicrania, SRL for [re - scoped]: We will set up an appointment for the patient to be [re - scoped] .,ARG-1: the patient SRL for [mapped]: John [mapped] reference frames in language onto those of mental models .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: reference frames in language | ARG-2: onto those of mental models SRL for [nebulization]: His nurse came at regular intervals for his [nebulization] .,ARG-1: his SRL for [wears heart on sleave]: John [wears heart on sleave] about his political preferences,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: about his political preferences "SRL for [filling in]: But , importantly , you can do it yourself by simply downloading a form and [filling in] the details .",ARG-0: you | ARG-2: the details "SRL for [reimagine]: The county sees the empty space as an opportunity to "" [reimagine] "" and "" brand "" Crystal City as an attractive destination .",ARG-0: The county | ARG-1: Crystal City | ARG-2: as an attractive destination SRL for [caught]: At the same time it has been [caught] in an earnings squeeze .,ARG-M-TMP: At the same time | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in an earnings squeeze SRL for [aphasic]: She remained [aphasic] for one day .,ARG-2: She | ARG-M-TMP: for one day "SRL for [slathered]: Next to her lazed Sophia Pekowsky , a seventh grader from suburban Boston , who had [slathered] her face with mashed papaya , a gob of which had slid into her left ear .","ARG-0: Sophia Pekowsky , a seventh grader from suburban Boston | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: her face | ARG-2: with mashed papaya , a gob of which had slid into her left ear" "SRL for [spelling]: The Smithsonian Institution 's Global Volcanism Program cites the Indonesian name , Krakatau , as the correct name but says that its [spelling] as Krakatoa is also often used .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: as Krakatoa "SRL for [acetified]: The wine or other alcoholic beverage was allowed to remain exposed to the air , where upon film of acetic acid bacteria formed on the surface and [acetified] the alcohol beneath .",ARG-0: film of acetic acid bacteria | ARG-1: the alcohol beneath SRL for [ice fish]: Hard to [ice fish] when there 's no ice !,ARG-M-TMP: when there 's no ice "SRL for [decent]: My family has little money and I am [decent] at art , so my idea was to draw my girlfriend some roses using charcoal",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: at art SRL for [hosting]: . The choice of the hosts was another failure of this year 's Spring Festival gala . Bi Fujian is a talented and outstanding entertainment host . Only does he have his own style of entertainment [hosting] can his talents receive due display and be fully utilized on the entertainment stage . ...,ARG-1: entertainment SRL for [constellated]: The ancient mirrors were [constellated] with bullet holes .,ARG-1: The ancient mirrors | ARG-2: with bullet holes "SRL for [foreseeable]: It can be [foreseeable] that confrontation between the two sides will inevitably occur , but whether the West will directly carry out military intervention or carry out a proxy war is temporarily , still only a kind of strategic speculation .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: that confrontation between the two sides will inevitably occur SRL for [nonexistent]: While me and my dad were dressing the deer the heart and lungs were nearly [nonexistent] from the damage that had been done .,ARG-M-TMP: While me and my dad were dressing the deer | ARG-1: the heart and lungs | ARG-M-EXT: nearly | ARG-M-CAU: from the damage that had been done SRL for [rule]: The Taliban [rule] in Afghanistan,ARG-0: Taliban | ARG-M-LOC: in Afghanistan SRL for [clacked]: The branches [clacked] together like the bones of the dead .,ARG-1: The branches | ARG-M-MNR: together | ARG-M-MNR: like the bones of the dead SRL for [PG]: He lay on the ground while I looked up our class schedule on my iPad ! And he put his hand on my leg -LRB- below the knee ... this is [PG] after all -RRB- and I clasped his hand and he squeezed mine and we squeezed hands back and forth until I woke,ARG-1: this | ARG-M-DIS: after all "SRL for [acclaim]: On Oct. 3 , following conversations with Secretary of State James Baker , Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze arrived in Managua to [acclaim] `` Nicaragua 's great peace efforts . ''",ARG-0: Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze | ARG-1: Nicaragua 's great peace efforts "SRL for [joined]: Mr. Harper , a veteran of several manufacturing companies who [joined] Campbell in 1986 , will take charge of all overseas operations as well as Pepperidge .",ARG-0: a veteran | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: Campbell | ARG-M-TMP: in 1986 "SRL for [admired]: Mr. Lieber , the actor who plays Mr. Hoffman , says he was concerned at first that the script would `` misrepresent an astute political mind , one that I [admired] , '' but that his concerns were allayed .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: one | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [excretion]: Thus the kidney can adjust its [excretion] of water without markedly affecting its handling of solutes .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of water SRL for [maturity]: But what we did n't see was his [maturity] of the fundamentals .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the fundamentals "SRL for [folded]: The Herald joins the Baltimore News - American , which *trace* [folded] , and the Boston Herald - American , which was sold , as cornerstones of the old Hearst newspaper empire abandoned by the company in the 1980s .", SRL for [introduction]: the [introduction] of modern forms of expression from the outside world,ARG-1: of modern forms of expression | ARG-0: from the outside world SRL for [orders]: engine [orders] from heavy - truck makers,ARG-1: engine | ARG-0: from heavy - truck makers SRL for [disciplining]: And security authority Robert L. Duston favors [disciplining] all employees who cheat .,ARG-0: security authority Robert L. Duston | ARG-1: all employees who cheat SRL for [inexpensive]: The price was [inexpensive] for a delish breakfast .,ARG-2: The price | ARG-1: for a delish breakfast SRL for [coughing]: Bob 's [coughing] had only gotten worse with the antibiotics .,ARG-0: Bob 's SRL for [fragmented]: The market for system - management software for Digital 's hardware is [fragmented] enough that a giant such as Computer Associates should do well there .,ARG-1: The market for system - management software for Digital 's hardware | ARG-M-EXT: enough that a giant such as Computer Associates should do well there SRL for [appraisal]: The antique experts had a harsh [appraisal] of the value of my lunchbox collection .,ARG-M-MNR: harsh | ARG-1: of the value of my lunchbox collection "SRL for [con]: `` So , * do n't come and try [*] to [con] us with a howdy y' all or a cowboy hat . ''",ARG-1: us | ARG-M-MNR: with a howdy y' all or a cowboy "SRL for [estranged]: The British satirical magazine Private Eye won an appeal against the size of a $ 960,000 libel award to Sonia Sutcliffe , the [estranged] wife of the `` Yorkshire Ripper '' mass murderer .",ARG-1: wife SRL for [delivery]: gene [delivery] in monkeys .,ARG-1: gene | ARG-M-LOC: in monkeys SRL for [inflation]: tuition [inflation],ARG-1: tuition SRL for [wait]: The Treasury may [wait] until Monday or Tuesday .,ARG-1: The Treasury | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-TMP: until Monday or Tuesday "SRL for [curious]: They did n't , because if that was an integral part of France , it was [curious] of them to leave all those non - French residing on it .",ARG-M-ADV: if that was an integral part of France | ARG-1: of them | C-ARG-1: to leave all those non - French residing on it SRL for [omnipotent]: He was [omnipotent] over demons .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: over demons SRL for [map]: The `` one - yen '' controversy first came to a head last week when the city of Hiroshima announced that Fujitsu won a contract to design a computer system to [map] its waterworks .,ARG-0: a computer system | ARG-1: its waterworks SRL for [landing]: the enemy 's amphibious [landing],ARG-0: the enemy 's | ARG-M-MNR: amphibious SRL for [overcontrolled]: His HTN remains [overcontrolled],ARG-1: His HTN SRL for [tolerance]: But I also did a no [tolerance] on whining campaign and put him in a t / o chair every single time he whined .,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: on whining SRL for [anesthesia]: She has had prior nausea and vomiting after a general [anesthesia] .,ARG-M-MOD: general "SRL for [equation]: The main feature of Descartes 's physics , his [equation] of matter with extension , was particularly important .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of matter | ARG-2: with extension SRL for [function]: a [function] of the measured snow,ARG-0: of the measured snow "SRL for [mandated]: Columbia Savings & Loan Association , reeling from thrift - accounting changes [mandated] by Congress and the recent collapse of the junk - bond market , announced a loss for the third quarter of $ 226.3 million , or $ 11.57 a share .",ARG-1: thrift - accounting changes | ARG-0: by Congress SRL for [bypassable]: Rider TCR was [bypassable] for shoppers .,ARG-1: Rider TCR | ARG-0: for shoppers "SRL for [stripping]: The games Bronx children played ( holding kids down and [stripping] them , for example ) seem tame by today 's crack standards , but Ms. Cunningham makes it all sound like a great adventure .",ARG-0: Bronx children | ARG-2: them SRL for [disgusting]: I did write a note on the bill that said that the language I heard was [disgusting] and hateful and that I would not patronize that restaurant again .,ARG-0: the language I heard SRL for [exonerated]: They noted that studies completed after the 1987 crash [exonerated] program trading as a source of volatility .,ARG-0: studies completed after the 1987 crash | ARG-1: program trading | ARG-2: as a source of volatility "SRL for [displays]: Several months ago , it also added black health and beauty aids [displays] to many stores",ARG-1: black health and beauty aids | ARG-2: to many stores SRL for [backhanded]: The guard who had entered the cell with the Commander stepped up and [backhanded] him with a mailed fist .,ARG-0: The guard who had entered the cell with the Commander | ARG-2: him | ARG-3: with a mailed fist SRL for [straighten up]: He wants me to [straighten up] or something .,ARG-0: me SRL for [self - establishing]: The standards emphasized were ... [self - establishing] a new artistic concept ...,ARG-1: a new artistic concept SRL for [bayed]: The hounds [bayed] at the rabbit .,ARG-0: The hounds | ARG-M-DIR: at the rabbit SRL for [head off]: [head off] at the pass !,ARG-1: them | ARG-2: at the pass "SRL for [blushed]: Then , my mother [blushed] at this small lie ; for she knew and we knew that it was cowardice that had made one more radish that night just too impossible a strain .",ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: my mother | ARG-1: at this small lie SRL for [lining pockets]: He was [lining pockets] with the presidency,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: with the presidency SRL for [hangs up]: What really [hangs up] is the binary coding .,ARG-0: What | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: him "SRL for [break]: > Normally superstitious people were willing to [break] the strong taboo associated with coffins because of the double allusion to the phrase "" sheng guan fa cai """,ARG-0: Normally superstitious people | ARG-1: the strong taboo associated with coffins SRL for [follow - up]: She will [follow - up] for this with her primary - care physician at - home .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: for this | ARG-1: with her primary - care physician | ARG-M-TMP: at - home "SRL for [climb]: The "" LC , "" as the company was popularly known , began its [climb] from modest ranch to cattle empire , and its holdings at the turn of the century stretched from Silver City west to Arizona and from Mule Creek south to Animas - more , it was said , than five hundred thousand acres .",ARG-1: its | ARG-3: from modest ranch | ARG-4: to cattle empire "SRL for [abetting]: In addition to [abetting] in the alleged criminal breach of trust , Kwek Hong Png was also charged with dishonestly receiving S$500,000 that had been stolen .",ARG-0: Kwek Hong Png | ARG-1: in the alleged criminal breach of trust SRL for [diseased]: The liver is [diseased] with cirrhosis .,ARG-1: The liver | ARG-0: with cirrhosis "SRL for [wrack]: Mutinies [wrack] his armed forces ( really just an armed gang ) , which control less than half the country .","ARG-0: Mutinies | ARG-1: his armed forces ( really just an armed gang ) , which control less than half the country" SRL for [defeat]: His [defeat] in last month 's presidential election,ARG-1: His | ARG-M-LOC: in last month 's presidential election "SRL for [affronted]: Not only have you wasted my time , I was personally [affronted] by your behavior .",ARG-M-MNR: personally | ARG-1: I | ARG-0: by your behavior "SRL for [read between lines]: If you [read between lines] in that editorial , it 's asking what kind of Republication you are",ARG-0: you | ARG-2: in that editorial SRL for [milk]: But Goya Foods Inc. believes it can [milk] some sales by bucking the trend .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: some sales | ARG-M-MNR: by bucking the trend SRL for [reauthorize]: Members of Congress have proposed restricting dual trading in bills to [reauthorize] CFTC operations .,ARG-0: bills | ARG-1: CFTC operations SRL for [hunting down]: The World 's Jeb Sharp has been [hunting down] clues to the foreign policy of the incoming administration .,ARG-0: The World 's Jeb Sharp | ARG-1: clues to the foreign policy of the incoming administration SRL for [retrial]: Rather than have to [retrial] the whole thing and spend all the money for people to go back to court and all the lawyers ...,ARG-1: the whole thing "SRL for [sound]: How does a nice new tax , say 5 % , on any financial transaction [sound] ?","ARG-1: a nice new tax , say 5 % , on any financial transaction" SRL for [fire]: cross [fire],ARG-M-DIR: cross SRL for [dive]: The men [dive] the area for animals .,ARG-0: The men | ARG-1: the area | ARG-2: for animals SRL for [waste]: Program traders argue that a reinstatement of the rule would [waste] the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: a reinstatement of the rule | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets "SRL for [curating]: Adolf Hitler even held an exhibition of ' degenerate art ' in 1937 , while [curating] a parallel show of ' Aryan ' art across the street .",ARG-1: a parallel show of ' Aryan ' art | ARG-M-LOC: across the street "SRL for [scribbling]: He sipped tea sweetened with honey from his high - backed leather chair at his bench , while [scribbling] notes ordering spectators to stop whispering or to take off their hats in his courtroom .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: notes ordering spectators to stop whispering or to take off their hats in his courtroom SRL for [greased]: He [greased] his hair with Vaseline and practiced looking really mean .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his hair | ARG-2: with Vaseline SRL for [woolgathered]: She [woolgathered] about spending a heavenly evening nestled in his warm arms .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: about spending a heavenly evening nestled in his warm arms "SRL for [gamble]: Investors were willing to [gamble] on new technologies because `` we had exclusive rights to those technologies , '' he adds .",ARG-0: Investors | ARG-2: on new technologies | ARG-M-PNC: because `` we had exclusive rights to those technologies SRL for [help]: Japanese money will [help] turn SE Asia into a more cohesive economic region .,ARG-0: Japanese money | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: turn SE Asia into a more cohesive economic region SRL for [tittered]: Mama almost [tittered] herself to fits about it .,ARG-0: Mama | ARG-M-EXT: almost | ARG-1: herself | ARG-3: to fits | ARG-2: about it SRL for [biotinylated]: To facilitate the discrimination between human serum proteins and immunoprecipitated antigens we [biotinylated] proteins of liver cytosol .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: proteins of liver cytosol "SRL for [unification]: Therefore , as long as the CCP regime has no intention to use military force against Taiwan , I pledge that during my term in office , I will not declare independence , I will not change the national title , I will not push forth the inclusion of the so-called "" state - to - state "" description in the Constitution , and I will not promote a referendum to change the status quo in regard to the question of independence or [unification] .", "SRL for [stocks]: Walt Disney Co. 's Disneyland in Anaheim , Calif. , [stocks] rescue equipment , medical supplies , and enough food and water to feed at least 10,000 visitors for as long as five days in the event that a calamity isolates the theme park .","ARG-2: Walt Disney Co. 's Disneyland in Anaheim , Calif. | ARG-1: rescue equipment , medical supplies , and enough food and water to feed at least 10,000 visitors for as long as five days in the event that a calamity isolates the theme park" SRL for [belted]: She [belted] the sword to her waist with a rope .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the sword | ARG-2: to her waist | ARG-3: with a rope "SRL for [overplanted]: Red Delicious has been [overplanted] , and its prices have dropped below the cost of production .",ARG-1: Red Delicious "SRL for [castling]: Instead of [castling] , a standard measure to safeguard the king , D.T. made a second - rate rook maneuver at move 13 ; then it put a knight offside on move 16 .",ARG-0: D.T. "SRL for [clamored]: One of Italy 's favorite shows , `` Fantastico , '' a tepid variety show , is so popular that viewers [clamored] to buy a chocolate product , `` Cacao Fantastico , '' whose praises were sung each week by dancing showgirls -- even though the product did n't exist .","ARG-0: viewers | ARG-1: to buy a chocolate product , `` Cacao Fantastico , '' whose praises were sung each week by dancing showgirls | ARG-M-ADV: even though the product did n't exist" "SRL for [tranquilizing]: During critical moments of anxiety and emotional unsteadiness , it can often exert a [tranquilizing] force , holding onto a person so that he does n't fall down .",ARG-0: force SRL for [junk]: It also would [junk] an innovative market - based system for trading emissions credits among polluters .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: an innovative market - based system for trading emissions credits among polluters "SRL for [stab]: Most reasonable writers have taken a [stab] at writing an entry under a heading that seems a likely place to look , then have provided a detailed index .",ARG-0: Most reasonable writers | ARG-M-LVB: taken | ARG-1: at writing an entry under a heading that seems a likely place to look SRL for [congestion]: The patient 's [congestion] was not relieved with decongestants .,ARG-1: The patient 's SRL for [zoom]: Can you [zoom] the screen from the video of the screen captures or do you need to do this before you import into flash ?,ARG-M-MOD: Can | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the screen | ARG-2: from the video of the screen captures "SRL for [splintered]: Using a massive shoulder , he [splintered] the barrier into pieces and burst in .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the barrier | ARG-M-PRD: into pieces | ARG-2: Using a massive shoulder "SRL for [discern]: Growth stocks also are attractive in periods of market volatility , which many investors and analysts expect in the weeks ahead as everybody tries to [discern] where the economy is heading .",ARG-0: everybody | ARG-1: where the economy is heading SRL for [terror]: the war on [terror], "SRL for [spared]: Several factors apparently [spared] the Valley -- a sprawling suburban stretch from San Jose to Palo Alto -- from the kind of impact felt in San Francisco , an hour 's drive north .","ARG-0: Several factors | ARG-M-MOD: apparently | ARG-1: the Valley -- a sprawling suburban stretch from San Jose to Palo Alto -- | ARG-2: from the kind of impact felt in San Francisco , an hour 's drive north" "SRL for [funding]: Were they distributed equally on a per - pupil basis , each district would receive $ 46 per student , approximately the mean per - pupil [funding] for professional development .",ARG-M-ADJ: mean | ARG-M-MNR: per - pupil | ARG-1: for professional development SRL for [refraction]: ocular [refraction],ARG-0: ocular SRL for [prevented]: Steel jackets of a type that may have [prevented] collapse of the columns of a 1.5 - mile stretch of the Nimitz Freeway had been installed on at least a small test section of the double - decker highway,ARG-3: Steel jackets | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: collapse of the columns of a 1.5 - mile stretch of the Nimitz Freeway SRL for [tender]: Do not use heat or cold on skin that is [tender] from radiation treatment .,ARG-1: that | ARG-0: from radiation treatment "SRL for [bantered]: Throughout the interview , however , they [bantered] about each other 's teams and noted players who were doing well .",ARG-M-TMP: Throughout the interview | ARG-M-ADV: however | ARG-0: they | ARG-2: about each other 's teams SRL for [purpled]: His tongue slowly [purpled] into black .,ARG-1: His tongue | ARG-M-MNR: slowly | ARG-2: into black "SRL for [calved]: She [calved] with no assistance , but the calves were dead when we found them .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MNR: with no assistance SRL for [drilled]: John [drilled] his ( toy ) soldiers in complex marching formations .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his ( toy ) soldiers | ARG-2: in complex marching formations SRL for [finishing up]: It could be that they 're not actually involved in [finishing up] writing one of the opinions .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: writing one of the opinions "SRL for [prescribe]: '' Folk doctors also [prescribe] it for kidney , bladder and urethra problems , duodenal ulcers and hemorrhoids .","ARG-0: Folk doctors | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: for kidney , bladder and urethra problems , duodenal ulcers and hemorrhoids" SRL for [equalized]: I [equalized] the exposures using the eyedropper tool in Photoshop .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the exposures | ARG-2: using the eyedropper tool in Photoshop SRL for [Indications]: [Indications] of rain lead me to pack galoshes .,ARG-1: of rain SRL for [rebound]: a better than 50 % [rebound] from the 190.58 point loss the industrial average logged Oct. 13,ARG-2: better than 50 % | ARG-3: from the 190.58 point loss the industrial average logged Oct. 13 "SRL for [banning]: Free speech is free speech and expressing free speech is actually opposite of the "" [banning] "" that is being alleged .",ARG-M-ADJ: that is being alleged "SRL for [relaunch]: So Seita has introduced blonde cigarettes under the Gauloises label , and intends to [relaunch] the unsuccessful Gitanes Blondes in new packaging , similar to the slide - packs used by brown - tobacco Gitanes .","ARG-0: Seita | ARG-1: the unsuccessful Gitanes Blondes | ARG-M-MNR: in new packaging , similar to the slide - packs used by brown - tobacco Gitanes" SRL for [took off]: And when Mr. Engelken asked him why he [took off] from work for somebody he did n't even know ...,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: time | ARG-2: from work | ARG-M-ADV: for somebody he did n't even know "SRL for [enhanced]: The quarter - to - quarter comparison was also [enhanced] by charges taken in the year - earlier period , including $ 11 million related to the modernization of a pulp and newsprint mill in Alabama .","ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: The quarter - to - quarter comparison | ARG-2: by charges taken in the year - earlier period , including $ 11 million related to the modernization of a pulp and newsprint mill in Alabama" "SRL for [blow]: Oh , [blow] me , you creep .",ARG-M-DIS: Oh | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-DIS: you creep SRL for [pulses]: normal carotid [pulses],ARG-M-ADJ: normal | ARG-1: carotid "SRL for [flounced]: `` How many times have I told you '' -- he began , and was almost glad when she cut him off -- `` Too many times '' ! ! -- and [flounced] to the sink , where she began noisily to wash her hands .","ARG-0: she | ARG-M-DIR: to the sink , where she began noisily to wash her hands" SRL for [weighted]: Responses were [weighted] on the basis of age and gender to conform with U.S. Census data .,ARG-1: Responses | ARG-M-MNR: on the basis of age and gender | ARG-M-PRP: to conform with U.S. Census data SRL for [ironed]: He never [ironed] his shirt .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: his shirt "SRL for [waived]: The filing also said certain provisions which apply to persons acquiring 20 % or more of Intelogic common stock , were [waived] by Intelogic for Mr. Edelman , who is chairman of the company .","ARG-1: certain provisions which apply to persons acquiring 20 % or more of Intelogic common stock | ARG-0: by Intelogic | ARG-2: for Mr. Edelman , who is chairman of the company" SRL for [tubulovillous]: [tubulovillous] adenoma,ARG-1: adenoma SRL for [support]: his [support] for the Constitution,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: for the Constitution "SRL for [soloed]: After about ten hours , she [soloed] the Cessna 150 .",ARG-M-TMP: After about ten hours | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the Cessna 150 "SRL for [honoring]: The Vice President Dick Cheney is now speaking in Washington at a luncheon [honoring] the Secretary of Defense , Donald Rumsfeld .","ARG-0: a luncheon | ARG-1: Secretary of Defense , Donald Rumsfeld" SRL for [blows over]: A downtown bar crawl may be something to avoid for the next six months or so -LRB- until this thing [blows over] -RRB- but bar crawls after legislative sessions -LRB- city or state -RRB- have been part of the elected - office scene since the founding of the state .,ARG-1: this thing "SRL for [growls]: ` ` Babies , kiddies , '' [growls] their manager -- a fellow named Earl Weaver , who , in a different time , handled four World Series teams and now handles the Gold Coast Suns .","ARG-1: ` ` Babies , kiddies , '' | ARG-0: their manager -- a fellow named Earl Weaver , who , in a different time , handled four World Series teams and now handles the Gold Coast Suns" "SRL for [leered]: Looming over all , Papa - san [leered] down at him , threatening a hundred hidden malevolencies .",ARG-0: Papa - san | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-1: at him SRL for [desecration]: What is so distorted in their fundamental makeup that they can see this [desecration] of science and ignore it ?,ARG-1: of science SRL for [reflects]: The protracted downturn [reflects] the intensity of Bank of Japan 's yen - support intervention .,ARG-1: The protracted downturn | ARG-2: the intensity of Bank of Japan 's yen - support intervention SRL for [cultivation]: They and other planters were eager to find crops for the uplands that could supplement their [cultivation] of rice .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of rice "SRL for [take out]: I do n't know whether to just go , or [take out] , and try and ask my medical school for a deferred entry -LRB- which is unlikely I think -RRB- .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a year SRL for [animates]: A lively intellect [animates] John 's features .,ARG-0: A lively intellect | ARG-1: John 's features SRL for [stumped]: He [stumped] for FDR and palled around with JFK .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: for FDR SRL for [fabulous]: The sales staff was [fabulous] to me .,ARG-1: The sales staff | ARG-2: to me SRL for [initiated]: A murder [initiated] the book,ARG-2: A murder | ARG-1: the book "SRL for [sidled]: Out past the strip malls and tract housing of western Palm Beach County , the lions have [sidled] up to tourists in sturdy cars since Disney World was still a figment .",ARG-M-LOC: Out past the strip malls and tract housing of western Palm Beach County | ARG-1: the lions | ARG-2: up to tourists in sturdy cars | ARG-M-TMP: since Disney World was still a figment SRL for [acquitted]: Mr. Hastings 's case was particularly nettlesome because it marked the first time a federal official was impeached and removed from office on charges of which a jury had [acquitted] him .,ARG-0: a jury | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: of which SRL for [marks]: Gulf Power 's guilty plea before U.S. District Judge Robert L. Vining yesterday [marks] the end of only one part of a wide - ranging inquiry of Southern Co.,ARG-0: Gulf Power 's guilty plea before U.S. District Judge Robert L. Vining | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-1: the end of only one part of a wide - ranging inquiry of Southern Co. SRL for [cling]: His point : It will be increasingly difficult for the U.S. to [cling] to command - and - control measures if even the East Bloc steps to a different drummer .,ARG-0: the U.S. | ARG-1: to command - and - control measures | ARG-M-ADV: if even the East Bloc steps to a different drummer SRL for [deratted]: They have [deratted] the basement .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the basement "SRL for [typhoon]: Although Morakot was only a moderate intensity [typhoon] at landfall , it was a large and relatively slow - moving storm",ARG-2: moderate intensity | ARG-M-TMP: at landfall "SRL for [perished]: If the Straits Foundation is willing to know the details of this caseand sincerely understands the feelings of dependents of those who [perished] , then it isdifficult to understand why it again sets up prerequisites ?",ARG-0: those | R-ARG-0: who SRL for [staging]: Such manipulative [staging] of the classics,ARG-M-ADJ: Such | ARG-M-ADJ: manipulative | ARG-1: of the classics SRL for [telegraphed]: But they said Friday 's focus on the top - tier stocks [telegraphed] active overseas selling and showed the broad - based fears over the status of the U.K. economy and Britain 's currency in the wake of the upheaval in Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 's cabinet .,ARG-0: Friday 's focus on the top - tier stocks | ARG-2: active overseas selling SRL for [holidaying]: Many families are set to plan a best [holidaying] .,ARG-M-ADJ: best "SRL for [static]: For the equations showed that if the universe was [static] at the outset , the gravitational attraction of the matter would make it all collapse in upon itself .",ARG-1: the universe | ARG-M-TMP: at the outset "SRL for [clawed]: Some sort of demon , all teeth and glowing eyes , erupted from it and [clawed] the skin off the back of his hand .","ARG-0: Some sort of demon , all teeth and glowing eyes | ARG-1: the skin | ARG-2: off the back of his hand" SRL for [soiled]: The March 24 oil spill [soiled] hundreds of miles of shoreline along Alaska 's southern coast and wreaked havoc with wildlife and the fishing industry .,ARG-0: The March 24 oil spill | ARG-1: hundreds of miles of shoreline along Alaska 's southern coast "SRL for [weathering]: a humid hot climate should experience alot of hydrolysis , leaching , oxidation and physical [weathering] from biological activity but there would be very little or no frost wedging",ARG-M-ADJ: physical | ARG-0: from biological activity SRL for [Bar Mitzvahed]: right now I think her older one is going to be [Bar Mitzvahed] soon .,ARG-1: her older one | ARG-M-TMP: soon SRL for [cba]: I would 've liked a snow day back home but at uni I really [cba] tbh . Also I 'm in Bournemouth so it probably wo n't even happen at all lol .,ARG-M-LOC: at uni | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-DIS: tbh "SRL for [clarify]: For example , computers are capable of finding numbers hidden under or scattered throughout a huge pile of data which is impenetrable to the human brain , and can analyze and [clarify] these numbers into useful know - how .",ARG-0: data | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: these numbers | ARG-M-PRD: into useful know - how SRL for [gladdened]: I was [gladdened] to see that nothing had changed back at home .,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: to see that nothing had changed back at home SRL for [return]: The mechine 's ball [return] was broken .,ARG-0: The mechine 's | ARG-1: ball "SRL for [parameterised]: Sea ice melt pont fraction ( fp ) , linked with lower sea ice surface albedo and increased light transmittance to the ocean , is inadequately [parameterised] in sea ice models due to a lack of observations .","ARG-1: Sea ice melt pont fraction ( fp ) , linked with lower sea ice surface albedo and increased light transmittance to the ocean | ARG-M-MNR: inadequately | ARG-M-CAU: due to a lack of observations" SRL for [dolled]: I [dolled] her in Scarlett O'Hara style dress .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: in Scarlett O'Hara style dress SRL for [hallucinate]: What would you [hallucinate],ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: What SRL for [go back]: The board and UAL 's management ca n't [go back] to business as usual .,ARG-1: The board and UAL 's management | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: to business as usual "SRL for [exclusive]: In fact , commodity housing market and government - regulated market are to a large extent , not mutually [exclusive] .",ARG-M-DIS: In fact | ARG-0: commodity housing market and government - regulated market | ARG-M-EXT: to a large extent | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: mutually SRL for [checks]: The constitution defines a system of [checks] and balances for the central government .,ARG-M-GOL: for the central government "SRL for [bound]: In the Pennzoil / Texaco litigation , the courts found Pennzoil and Getty Oil intended to be [bound] ; in Arcadian Phosphates they found there was no intention to be bound .",ARG-1: Pennzoil and Getty Oil SRL for [dropping]: his [dropping] a grand on his computer made him feel broke .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a grand | ARG-2: on his computer SRL for [suspicious]: The security guards look out for any [suspicious] activity,ARG-1: activity SRL for [contankerous]: I though Obey said he wo n't run because he is too [contankerous] .,ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: too "SRL for [selling]: Tokyo stocks closed easier , posting their first loss in six trading days , partly because of programmed index - linked [selling] by trust investment funds in the afternoon session .",ARG-M-PRD: programmed | ARG-M-MNR: index - linked | ARG-0: by trust investment funds | ARG-M-TMP: in the afternoon session "SRL for [hiking]: The main attractions include [hiking] on Mt. Kuanyin , Formosa Wonderworld , and the Liao Tiading Temple .",ARG-1: on Mt. Kuanyin SRL for [surrendered]: The former governor of Basra Province also [surrendered] to coalition forces today .,ARG-0: The former governor of Basra Province | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-2: to coalition forces | ARG-M-TMP: today "SRL for [warranted]: Such disapproval may be certainly [warranted] - and I disapprove of it generally - but what one must go through -LRB- mentally , emotionally and / or experiencially -RRB- can hardly be called "" easy "" .",ARG-1: Such disapproval | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-ADV: certainly "SRL for [raging]: "" Whether you are depressed or going berserk , it 's important to remember that hormones are [raging] inside the bodies of the middle - aged , "" says Chang .",ARG-0: hormones | ARG-M-LOC: inside the bodies of the middle - aged "SRL for [caulked]: When he [caulked] boilers to make them watertight , his work was most often done in a shop .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: boilers | ARG-M-PRP: to make them watertight "SRL for [bad]: This is not because their race or culture is wrong or [bad] in any way , it 's simply a fact that certain groups have higher rates of crime .",ARG-1: their race | ARG-M-MNR: in any way "SRL for [taxiing]: You 're looking at the picture of Air Force One [taxiing] in on the tarmac , getting ready for the president .",ARG-0: Air Force One | ARG-M-DIR: in | ARG-M-LOC: on the tarmac | ARG-M-PRD: getting ready for the president "SRL for [deaminated]: To address this possibility , we [deaminated] genomic DNA .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: genomic DNA "SRL for [microblogging]: My parents thought my mania for [microblogging] to social - networking website "" friends "" would lead no where .","ARG-2: to social - networking website "" friends """ "SRL for [underutilized]: At the same time they will likely be excluded from increasing density even when it is to their benefit , they may live nexto those 90 % of roads that are [underutilized] .",ARG-1: those 90 % of roads | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [reserves]: Gemina said in a statement that `` it [reserves] the right to take any action to protect its rights as a member of the syndicate . '',ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the right to take any action to protect its rights | ARG-M-PRD: as a member of the syndicate SRL for [check out]: Let 's [check out] the main contents of today 's program .,ARG-0: 's | ARG-1: the main contents of today 's program "SRL for [counseling]: Dr. Bobert 's [counseling] of Patient Z on the best course of treatment was not well received , and the patient remained confused .",ARG-0: Dr. Bobert 's | ARG-1: of Patient Z | ARG-2: on the best course of treatment "SRL for [rode]: One big technology issue , Novell , [rode] the roller coaster .","ARG-0: One big technology issue , Novell | ARG-1: the roller coaster" SRL for [warehouse]: Large retail stores [warehouse] their extra products .,ARG-0: Large retail stores | ARG-1: their extra products "SRL for [crisis]: No matter who you are , you are not immune to having a financial [crisis] .",ARG-2: you | ARG-M-LVB: having | ARG-1: financial SRL for [hydrolyzation]: A green and effective approach for comprehensive [hydrolyzation] of cellulose,ARG-M-EXT: comprehensive | ARG-1: of cellulose "SRL for [snowballed]: But the rate of the decline [snowballed] in August , with unit sales to dealers for the month down 10.5 % from a year earlier , according to the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association .",ARG-1: the rate of the decline | ARG-M-TMP: in August | ARG-M-ADV: with unit sales to dealers for the month down 10.5 % from a year earlier "SRL for [shuffled]: While D.T. [shuffled] its king back and forth in a defensive crouch , Mr. Kasparov maneuvered the knight to a dominant outpost .",ARG-0: D.T. | ARG-1: its king | ARG-2: back and forth | ARG-M-MNR: in a defensive crouch "SRL for [severe]: Her bangs were [severe] and slightly triangular , shorter near her temples .",ARG-1: Her bangs "SRL for [restarted]: She worked part - time as a consultant and wrote a book , but never [restarted] her high - powered legal career .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-TMP: never | ARG-1: her high - powered legal career "SRL for [Hurts]: Contrary to what might be expected based on the headline on John R. Dorfman 's recent Money Matters article -LRB- `` Pros Hit Theorists Right Where It [Hurts] '' Oct. 3 -RRB- , I was able to stand proudly before my undergraduate finance students and proclaim that the findings of your yearlong experiment on stock picking is completely consistent with what they have been taught in the classroom .",ARG-M-LOC: Right Where | ARG-1: It "SRL for [continued]: Kent cigarettes were sold , the company [continued]",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: Kent cigarettes were sold SRL for [tinted]: Brian [tinted] my windows today on my S10 .,ARG-0: Brian | ARG-1: my windows | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-M-LOC: on my S10 "SRL for [aminated]: Here , we [aminated] silica nanoparticles as an example .",ARG-M-DIS: Here | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: silica nanoparticles | ARG-M-PRP: as an example SRL for [stemmed]: He also rejected reports that his departure [stemmed] from disappointment the general manager 's post had n't also led to a board directorship at the London - based news organization .,ARG-1: his departure | ARG-2: from disappointment the general manager 's post had n't also led to a board directorship at the London - based news organization "SRL for [illumined]: His being and His will -- Stevie could not divide God from his Papa -- [illumined] every parish face , turned the choir into a band of angels , and the pulpit into the tollgate to Heaven .",ARG-0: His being and His will | ARG-1: every parish face SRL for [movement]: a nationwide [movement] to stop these people,ARG-M-LOC: nationwide | ARG-1: to stop these people SRL for [downwelling]: The buoyancy - forced [downwelling] in general circulation models .,ARG-M-CAU: buoyancy - forced | ARG-M-LOC: general circulation models "SRL for [fistulize]: In part due to his past radiation treatments , there is considerable risk that this will [fistulize] .",ARG-1: this "SRL for [euphemized]: The fact that it was then [euphemized] as "" some horseplay in the showers "" by administration officials is something that really outrages me .","ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as "" some horseplay in the showers "" | ARG-0: by administration officials" "SRL for [accelerate]: The size and pace of disbursements will [accelerate] further under the Brady Plan , which promises larger and earlier disbursements to approved countries .","ARG-1: The size and pace of disbursements | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: further | ARG-M-LOC: under the Brady Plan , which promises larger and earlier disbursements to approved countries" SRL for [anti - corruption]: I suggest we create a thief group that specializes in [anti - corruption] among civil servants .,ARG-1: among civil servants SRL for [inhibit]: Corporate lawyers said the new fees would n't [inhibit] many mergers or other transactions .,ARG-0: the new fees | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: many mergers or other transactions SRL for [bestrewed]: She [bestrewed] the grave with flowers .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the grave | ARG-2: with flowers SRL for [feeding]: Nancy 's [feeding] the rabbits in their backyard only increased the snake population .,ARG-0: Nancy 's | ARG-2: the rabbits | ARG-M-LOC: in their backyard "SRL for [erupted]: A bitter conflict with global implications has [erupted] between Nomura Securities Co. and Industrial Bank of Japan , two of the world 's most powerful financial companies .","ARG-1: A bitter conflict with global implications | ARG-M-LOC: between Nomura Securities Co. and Industrial Bank of Japan , two of the world 's most powerful financial companies" "SRL for [planning]: Costco from the United States began [planning] its first Taiwan store in 1995 , and the French wholesale outlet Casino arrived in 1999 .",ARG-0: Costco from the United States | ARG-1: its first Taiwan store | ARG-M-TMP: in 1995 SRL for [fluffed]: [fluffed] gauze,ARG-1: gauze "SRL for [turned out]: This master [turned out] to be corrupt and was put into a well for punishment , where he became a three - legged toad .",ARG-1: This master | C-ARG-1: to be corrupt SRL for [beat up]: He [beat up] and tore their clothes off .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: them "SRL for [fit]: And with Al 's record of being a delver and a detail guy , you can see how the two [fit] , '' said Alan Gottesman , an analyst with PaineWebber .",ARG-1: the two "SRL for [bleeding]: This wage inflation is [bleeding] the NFL dry , the owners contend .",ARG-0: This wage inflation | ARG-1: the NFL | ARG-M-PRD: dry SRL for [reliance]: A handful of states have slowly started to shift their [reliance] on various taxes in recent years .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: on various taxes | ARG-M-TMP: in recent years SRL for [phosphorylated]: What is most striking in our proteomic analysis of PHF is the abundance of MAP peptides [phosphorylated] from MAP1 .,ARG-3: MAP peptides | ARG-1: from MAP1 SRL for [eyes]: All [eyes] on me !,ARG-2: All | ARG-1: on me SRL for [idiopathic]: Her primary care physician concluded the seizures were [idiopathic] in nature .,ARG-1: the seizures | ARG-M-ADV: in nature "SRL for [older]: Three year ago , she was 2 years [older] than her brother .",ARG-M-TMP: Three year ago | ARG-1: she | ARG-M-EXT: 2 years | ARG-M-CXN: than her brother SRL for [hyped]: Plus that heavily [hyped] subway threat that was n't .,ARG-M-MNR: heavily | ARG-1: threat "SRL for [sweetened]: Vitro S.A. , a major Mexican glass maker , said yesterday that it agreed to buy Anchor Glass Container in a tender offer for $ 21.25 a share , [sweetened] from the original $ 20 - a - share offer Vitro launched two months ago .",ARG-1: a tender offer for $ 21.25 a share | ARG-3: from the original $ 20 - a - share offer Vitro launched two months ago "SRL for [good]: It 's all [good] , man .",ARG-1: It | ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-M-DIS: man "SRL for [shape]: Once an environment that has taken [shape] over millions of years is destroyed , it is usually beyond man 's ability to undo the damage .",ARG-1: an environment | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-LVB: taken | ARG-M-TMP: over millions of years SRL for [overstocked]: Serena [overstocked] the shelves with way too much toilet paper .,ARG-0: Serena | ARG-1: the shelves | ARG-2: with way too much toilet paper SRL for [additions]: Her [additions] of color accents and lighting made the room seem more inviting .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of color accents and lighting "SRL for [slammed]: Twice in two weeks the unraveling of the on - again , off - again UAL buy - out [slammed] the stock market .","ARG-M-TMP: Twice | ARG-M-TMP: in two weeks | ARG-2: the unraveling of the on - again , off - again UAL buy - out | ARG-1: the stock market" SRL for [reap]: The real battle is over who will control that market and [reap] its huge rewards .,ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: its huge rewards SRL for [tweet]: The lark 's [tweet] of delight to its neighbor caught the ear of the prince .,ARG-0: lark 's | ARG-1: of delight | ARG-2: to its neighbor SRL for [settled]: The National Association of Manufacturers [settled] on the Hoosier capital of Indianapolis for its fall board meeting .,ARG-0: The National Association of Manufacturers | ARG-1: on the Hoosier capital of Indianapolis | ARG-2: for its fall board meeting "SRL for [attainable]: The highest peaks of the mountain were [attainable] to me and my agents , and the lowest valleys were made plain paths .",ARG-1: The highest peaks of the mountain | ARG-0: to me and my agents "SRL for [identified]: `` We 're being paid today , but we 're worried about tomorrow and will want '' letters of credit , says the sales director at one major dress maker who asked not to be [identified] .",ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: one major dress maker | R-ARG-1: who SRL for [harm]: Critics of poison pills argue that they [harm] shareholders by letting corporate management defeat takeover bids at premium prices ...,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: shareholders | ARG-2: by letting corporate management defeat takeover bids at premium prices "SRL for [driven]: Each of them contributed a section at the behest of Verdi , who was nearly [driven] to his own early grave by the troublesome arrangements .",ARG-M-ADV: nearly | ARG-1: Verdi | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-2: to his own early grave | ARG-0: by the troublesome arrangements "SRL for [rekindle]: Last week , a mediator failed to [rekindle] talks between the company and the strikers , who have rejected a pay raise offer of 10 % over three years .","ARG-0: a mediator | ARG-1: talks between the company and the strikers , who have rejected a pay raise offer of 10 % over three years" "SRL for [puttied]: In this way , their canoes are sewed together with cords of cocoa - nut fibre , and the holes [puttied] with clay .",ARG-M-MNR: In this way | ARG-1: the holes | ARG-2: with clay SRL for [moved]: The Dow Jones Industrial Average [moved] 50 points .,ARG-1: The Dow Jones Industrial Average | ARG-M-EXT: 50 points SRL for [looking]: People are [looking] to stake their claims,ARG-0: People | ARG-1: to stake their claims SRL for [threatened]: The announced sale of the reserves was followed by news that investor Carl Icahn had increased his stake in USX to 13.1 % and [threatened] a takeover or other business combination .,ARG-0: investor Carl Icahn | ARG-1: a takeover or other business combination SRL for [deep]: His voice was [deep] and husky when he spoke her name .,ARG-1: His voice | ARG-M-TMP: when he spoke her name "SRL for [amazing]: This is [amazing] , the student government in my university -LRB- I m British -RRB- basically has control over things that you simply WOULD NT change .",ARG-0: This SRL for [Nomination]: How to Make a [Nomination] for the 2011 Governor 's Arts Awards .,ARG-M-LVB: Make | ARG-2: for the 2011 Governor 's Arts Awards | ARG-M-MNR: How "SRL for [ceased]: But in her heart , her desire for love has never [ceased] .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-LOC: in her heart | ARG-1: her desire for love | ARG-M-NEG: never SRL for [declaration]: Hiromi 's strong [declaration] of her as Shin 's girlfriend to the unsuspecting Ai - chan .,ARG-0: Hiromi 's | ARG-M-MNR: strong | ARG-1: of her as Shin 's girlfriend | ARG-M-GOL: to the unsuspecting Ai - chan SRL for [donation]: Tony 's [donation] of all his toys to the children affected by the Haitian earthquake was greatly appreciated .,ARG-0: Tony 's | ARG-1: of all his toys | ARG-2: to the children affected by the Haitian earthquake "SRL for [summarizing]: In a strongly worded response [summarizing] a filing made in the same court yesterday , GE asserted that `` prosecutors have misstated the testimony of witnesses , distorted documents and ignored important facts . ''",ARG-2: a strongly worded response | ARG-1: a filing made in the same court yesterday SRL for [autonomous]: 3 -RRB- He 's [autonomous] and needs a LOT of space .,ARG-0: He "SRL for [barking up wrong tree]: You 're [barking up wrong tree] , by looking for good nutrition in a hot dog .",ARG-0: You | ARG-1: by looking for good nutrition in a hot dog "SRL for [reactionary]: Wow , people are so [reactionary] .",ARG-M-DIS: Wow | ARG-0: people | ARG-M-EXT: so SRL for [playing]: The Japanese are [playing] catch - up .,ARG-0: The Japanese | ARG-1: catch - up "SRL for [refreshing]: It 's also [refreshing] to read a Japanese author who clearly does n't belong to the self - aggrandizing `` we - Japanese '' school of writers who perpetuate the notion of the unique Japanese , unfathomable by outsiders .","ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-0: to read a Japanese author who clearly does n't belong to the self - aggrandizing `` we - Japanese '' school of writers who perpetuate the notion of the unique Japanese , unfathomable by outsiders" SRL for [degrading]: He felt they were [degrading] him by making him report to a supervisor .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: by making him report to a supervisor "SRL for [malnourished]: Oh and btw , a few years ago I was in a town near my home city in India with my family for qurbani - and literally the people there were starving and [malnourished] beyond belief .",ARG-M-ADV: literally | ARG-1: the people there | ARG-M-EXT: beyond belief "SRL for [view]: In many other places , the ancient sites lay buried ? and still do ? beneath modern cities : modern property owners quite understandably take a dim [view] of tearing down their buildings on the off chance that the remnants of an ancient town will be found several yards below .",ARG-0: modern property owners | ARG-M-ADV: quite understandably | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-2: dim | ARG-1: of tearing down their buildings on the off chance that the remnants of an ancient town will be found several yards below SRL for [battered]: But its 17 big junk holdings at year end showed only a few bonds that have been really [battered] .,ARG-M-MNR: really | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-1: only a few bonds SRL for [maxed out]: She has [maxed out] on her propronalol dose .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: on her propronalol dose SRL for [rebound]: the farm sector 's [rebound] from the agricultural depression of the early 1980s,ARG-1: the farm sector 's | ARG-3: from the agricultural depression of the early 1980s "SRL for [credited]: As interest rates paid depositors were lowered , thrift withdrawals exceeded deposits by $ 5.1 billion , not including interest [credited] to accounts .",ARG-1: interest | ARG-2: to accounts SRL for [dredge up]: But the occasion can also [dredge up] less pleasant associations from the past .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the occasion | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: less pleasant associations | ARG-1: from the past SRL for [moneyed]: He [moneyed] the lab with income from his inventions .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the lab | ARG-2: with income from his inventions SRL for [tweeted]: The parakeet [tweeted] in its cage .,ARG-0: The parakeet | ARG-M-LOC: in its cage "SRL for [beaded]: After she [beaded] the clock , she looked at a switch plate nearby and said "" More beads , more baubles ! """,ARG-0: she | ARG-2: the clock "SRL for [storage]: Fungi resemble animals not only in their mode of nutrition , but in their [storage] of digestive nutritive materials .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of digestive nutritive materials SRL for [cellular]: [cellular] physiology,ARG-1: physiology SRL for [inclusive]: Maybe they wanted to be [inclusive] because they want to sell you a car and your race does n't matter one way or the other .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-CAU: because they want to sell you a car and your race does n't matter one way or the other "SRL for [written]: Yasser Arafat has [written] to the chairman of the International Olympic Committee , asking him to back a Palestinian bid to join the committee .",ARG-0: Yasser Arafat | ARG-2: to the chairman of the International Olympic Committee | ARG-M-PRP: asking him to back a Palestinian bid to join the committee SRL for [insult]: the [insult] to all Chinese by the West,ARG-1: to all Chinese | ARG-0: by the West SRL for [castrated]: They [castrated] that novel .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: that novel "SRL for [Filling in]: [Filling in] detailed forms about these individuals would tip the IRS off and spark action against the clients , he said .",ARG-1: detailed forms about these individuals "SRL for [to cast]: During the casting , a fired clay / sand casting funnel is bound on top of the mould [to cast] the bronze into the mould .",ARG-2: the bronze | ARG-M-GOL: into the mould SRL for [picking off]: But Saatchi 's troubles have only whipped up interest among outsiders interested in [picking off] pieces of its adbusinesses .,ARG-0: outsiders | ARG-1: pieces of its adbusinesses SRL for [dizzying]: Western European leaders who favor speedy economic and monetary union are adding a new argument to their arsenal : the [dizzying] political changes under way in Eastern Europe .,ARG-0: political changes SRL for [case]: This is clearly a [case] of bad judgement .,ARG-1: of bad judgement SRL for [dig]: Archaeologists in Prince Edward Island are wrapping up their [dig] of a 300 year old Acadian village near the Tyne Valley .,ARG-0: their | ARG-3: of a 300 year old Acadian village near the Tyne Valley SRL for [embalm]: Spicy aromas [embalm] the air .,ARG-0: Spicy aromas | ARG-1: the air SRL for [overcrowding]: I heard [overcrowding] in jails is a problem too - especially since the rioting last summer .,ARG-1: in jails SRL for [saveable]: $ 1000 is totally [saveable] if you put away a little every paycheck .,ARG-1: $ 1000 | ARG-M-ADV: totally | ARG-M-ADV: if you put away a little every paycheck "SRL for [fudge over]: That would give agencies `` less ability ... to [fudge over] things , '' he told reporters .",ARG-0: agencies | ARG-1: things "SRL for [rotated]: Many of Wednesday 's winners were losers yesterday as investors quickly took profits and [rotated] their buying to other issues , traders said .",ARG-0: investors | ARG-1: their buying | ARG-3: to other issues "SRL for [crossing]: Cartoonist Garry Trudeau is suing the Writers Guild of America East for $ 11 million , alleging it mounted a `` campaign to harass and punish '' him for [crossing] a screenwriters ' picket line .",ARG-0: him | ARG-1: a screenwriters ' picket line SRL for [turn]: The soldiers had been taken to the station after apparently inadvertently taking a wrong [turn] .,ARG-0: The soldiers | ARG-M-ADV: apparently | ARG-M-MNR: inadvertently | ARG-M-LVB: taking | ARG-M-ADJ: wrong "SRL for [relies]: Michael , which also processes potatoes , still [relies] on spuds for about a fourth of its sales and nearly half its pretax profit .","ARG-0: Michael , which also processes potatoes | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: on spuds | ARG-2: for about a fourth of its sales and nearly half its pretax profit" "SRL for [deny]: Lawmakers in Moscow voted to [deny] the Communist Party its 100 guaranteed seats in the Soviet Congress , meaning Gorbachev and other aides might have to face voters .",ARG-0: Lawmakers in Moscow | ARG-2: the Communist Party | ARG-1: its 100 guaranteed seats in the Soviet Congress "SRL for [creak]: As Ms. Johnson stands outside the Hammack house after winding up her chores there , the house begins to [creak] and sway .",ARG-0: the house SRL for [blame]: Reporters are questioning the governor 's [blame] of the scandal on a staff member .,ARG-0: the governor 's | ARG-2: of the scandal | ARG-1: on a staff member "SRL for [collection]: An estimated seven thousand wildlife observers ( called "" boomers "" ) participated in the [collection] of necessary data for this project .",ARG-1: of necessary data | ARG-4: for this project "SRL for [gondolaed]: Well , I [gondolaed] home and fell into Agatha 's arms .",ARG-M-DIS: Well | ARG-1: I | ARG-3: home SRL for [sore]: She was [sore] after kayaking for three hours .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-TMP: after kayaking for three hours SRL for [deprecated]: They also [deprecated] him for his social origins,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for his social origins SRL for [destigmatizes]: and when individuals like you take the time to do what you 're doing and um being so authentic and open it just desti- [destigmatizes] it .,ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-M-TMP: when individuals like you take the time to do what you 're doing and um being so authentic and open | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: it SRL for [flailed]: Something [flailed] at the side of Nick 's head as they rolled around and around .,ARG-0: Something | ARG-1: at the side of Nick 's head SRL for [try out]: I have just bought five pairs of work animals ; I must go and [try out] .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: them "SRL for [dry]: However , depending on the level of acids ( and to a lesser extent alcohol and/or tannins ) , our perception of whether a wine is [dry] or sweet may differ somewhat from its dry / sweet designation .",ARG-1: a wine SRL for [scratch out]: fishery managers can not possibly understand fishing without spending years trying to [scratch out] a living from the sea .,ARG-0: fishery managers | ARG-1: a living | ARG-2: from the sea "SRL for [break]: Also if she does go and take me to small claims , could I counter sue for loss wages due to her [break] of the verbal contract ?",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of the verbal contract SRL for [slammed]: He [slammed] the door shut when he left his apartment .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the door | ARG-M-PRD: shut | ARG-M-TMP: when he left his apartment "SRL for [sweep up]: The lower - level hypotheses are never ' ad hoc ' , never introduced ex post facto just to [sweep up] within the theory some recalcitrant datum .",ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-2: within the theory | ARG-1: some recalcitrant datum SRL for [misted]: It [misted] on us all day .,ARG-M-LOC: on us | ARG-M-TMP: all day "SRL for [raided]: Luxurious homes and ranches have been [raided] by the military authorities , and sophisticated and powerful communications equipment have been seized .",ARG-1: Luxurious homes and ranches | ARG-0: by the military authorities SRL for [dissolved]: John [dissolved] his corporation into three spinoff companies .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his corporation | ARG-3: into three spinoff companies SRL for [imagined]: Hammersmith is [imagined] to have been sold .,ARG-1: Hammersmith | C-ARG-1: to have been sold SRL for [broiled]: I sat there with the faint odor of charcoal - [broiled] steaks tantalizing my nostrils .,ARG-M-MNR: charcoal | ARG-1: steaks "SRL for [scramble]: For the long - term investor who picks stocks carefully , the price volatility can provide welcome buying opportunities as short - term players [scramble] frantically to sell stocks in a matter of minutes .",ARG-0: short - term players | ARG-M-MNR: frantically | ARG-1: to sell stocks in a matter of minutes SRL for [gaming]: Jesse has always approached his [gaming] with the relaxed attitude,ARG-0: his "SRL for [shipbuilding]: Pictures about the [shipbuilding] of "" Dschubba ""","ARG-1: of "" Dschubba """ SRL for [faint]: The writing was [faint] from years in the sun .,ARG-1: The writing | ARG-0: from years in the sun "SRL for [memorize]: Ringers [memorize] patterns of changes , known as `` methods , '' which have odd - sounding names like Kent Treble Bob Major or Grandsire Caters .","ARG-0: Ringers | ARG-1: patterns of changes , known as `` methods , '' which have odd - sounding names like Kent Treble Bob Major or Grandsire Caters" "SRL for [impelled]: At a key moment when the country and the people were facing calamity , the two generals Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng , under the influence of the CCP 's united front policy of resisting the Japanese and [impelled] by the Anti - Japanese and National Salvation Movement of the nation 's people , and out of national spirit and true patriotism , initiated without hesitation an armed remonstrance in Xi'an on December 12 , 1936 and demanded that Chiang Kai - shek halt the civil war and join with the Communist in fighting Japan .",ARG-0: by the Anti - Japanese and National Salvation Movement of the nation 's people "SRL for [regrets]: Allianz also suggested , without saying so directly , that it [regrets] that Paribas is n't bidding for all of Navigation Mixte 's shares .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: that Paribas is n't bidding for all of Navigation Mixte 's shares SRL for [tooled]: They [tooled] the shop to be ready for production as soon as the proto is done .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: the shop | ARG-M-PRP: to be ready for production as soon as the proto is done SRL for [shots]: Yea I 'm in the Philly area ... Basically the song would be nothing major just get a couple [shots] of different scenes with me and my friend rapping,ARG-0: area | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-LVB: get | ARG-M-ADJ: a couple | ARG-1: of different scenes with me and my friend rapping "SRL for [chopped]: In addition to servings of chicken , duck , fish and pork , they always have some of the specialties of her husband 's home region , Anhui Province in mainland China , including yuanzi meatballs -LRB- minced pork blended with [chopped] spring onion , ginger , garlic and rice noodles , rolled in cornstarch flour and deep - fried -RRB- .","ARG-1: spring onion , ginger , garlic and rice noodles" SRL for [bitchin']: And quit [bitchin'] ., SRL for [celebration]: a worldwide effot during [celebration] of the millennium,ARG-1: of the millennium SRL for [wave]: its first [wave] of sales,ARG-0: its | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: of sales SRL for [advil]: gon na ice and [advil] ., SRL for [partial]: I 'm [partial] to hash browns and grits .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: to hash browns and grits SRL for [profit]: group net [profit] of $ 2.5 billion on revenue of $ 125.1 billion,ARG-0: group | ARG-2: of $ 2.5 billion | ARG-1: on revenue of $ 125.1 billion SRL for [twanged]: Sweet docile music in Hindi [twanged] through the air above us .,ARG-1: Sweet docile music in Hindi | ARG-2: through the air | ARG-M-LOC: above us "SRL for [slide]: With Atlanta , the bridge between his first , self - named solo effort back in 1996 and Soulstice , Ryan shows his [slide] from funketeer to folksy singer / songwriter",ARG-1: his | ARG-3: from funketeer | ARG-4: to folksy singer / songwriter SRL for [endorsement]: Ehud Barak won the [endorsement] of his Labor Party as its candidate for Prime Minister,ARG-1: of his Labor Party | ARG-2: as its candidate for Prime Minister SRL for [engaged]: Republican Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania [engaged] the nominee in a verbal contest aimed at showing that Mr. Bork was willing to stretch the Constitution in one area -LRB- free speech -RRB- while remaining rigid in all the others .,ARG-0: Republican Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania | ARG-1: the nominee | ARG-2: in a verbal contest aimed at showing that Mr. Bork was willing to stretch the Constitution in one area -LRB- free speech -RRB- while remaining rigid in all the others SRL for [drink]: The baby wanted another [drink] of juice from his bottle .,ARG-1: of juice | ARG-2: from his bottle "SRL for [Beat Down]: NFL Baller Adam "" Pac Man "" Jones Calls Ludacris A "" "" and Threatens To [Beat Down] Over Instagram Post .","ARG-0: NFL Baller Adam "" Pac Man "" Jones | ARG-1: Him | ARG-3: Over Instagram Post" SRL for [experiments]: Monkey [experiments] by an international research team,ARG-1: Monkey | ARG-0: by an international research team "SRL for [damning]: One thing was for certain , there was a letter that Juliet Mitchell had written to Sterling Taber and it was [damning] to her in some way",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: to her | ARG-M-MNR: in some way SRL for [administration]: I have a degree in business [administration] .,ARG-1: business SRL for [remain]: Their influence will [remain] subordinate to Japan 's .,ARG-1: Their influence | ARG-3: subordinate to Japan 's SRL for [identification]: earlier [identification] of emerging financial crises,ARG-M-TMP: earlier | ARG-1: of emerging financial crises "SRL for [retaking]: `` We are [retaking] the instruments of administration , '' says Raul Robles , a Pemex subdirector .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the instruments of administration "SRL for [scavenged]: During speed - dating , John [scavenged] the room for love .",ARG-M-TMP: During speed - dating | ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the room | ARG-2: for love SRL for [have yawed]: I may [have yawed] the chasm between us even further .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-MNR: foolishly | ARG-1: the chasm | ARG-2: between us | ARG-M-EXT: even further SRL for [picked up]: One of my friends luggage got lost by her airline and Spyros [picked up] for her from the airport the next day .,ARG-0: Spyros | ARG-1: it | ARG-4: for her | ARG-2: from the airport | ARG-M-TMP: the next day SRL for [probation]: Her [probation] for killing her 4 - year - old by scalding it to death in the bathtub,ARG-0: Her | ARG-M-CAU: for killing her 4 - year - old by scalding it to death in the bathtub "SRL for [pacing]: An important feature of this new recording , resulting from Ferguson 's reseach into Bach 's work , is heard in his [pacing] of the tempos of the movements .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the tempos of the movements "SRL for [milk]: The young leave , especially girls who wo n't [milk] cows by hand .",ARG-0: especially girls | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: cows | ARG-M-MNR: by hand "SRL for [approached]: `` We 've [approached] this as a fundamental change the industry is going through , '' Mr. Unruh said .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: this | ARG-2: as a fundamental change the industry is going through "SRL for [brings to mind]: Reading this [brings to mind] that Monty Python sketch from Life of Brian : ' Worse , how could it get any worse ? '","ARG-0: Reading this | ARG-2: that Monty Python sketch from Life of Brian : ' Worse , how could it get any worse ? '" SRL for [limits]: Due to this the US and EU have imposed sanctions on Iran involving [limits] on the oil bought from Iran which in turn decreases their economy and other sanctions of similar consequences .,ARG-1: on the oil bought from Iran | ARG-M-ADJ: which in turn decreases their economy SRL for [dimpled]: Drops [dimpled] the smooth stream .,ARG-0: Drops | ARG-1: the smooth stream "SRL for [oystered]: The fisherman [oystered] for months , but to no avail .",ARG-0: The fisherman | ARG-M-TMP: for months "SRL for [jousting]: Amid a riot of [jousting] knights , circus clowns , gold - leaf centurions and creatures of the wild , lesser competitors will fall .",ARG-0: knights SRL for [stick around]: And defense lawyers are warning that they wo n't [stick around] if they do n't get paid .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: if they do n't get paid SRL for [gentled]: He [gentled] horses rather than breaking them by force .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: horses | ARG-M-ADV: rather than breaking them by force SRL for [allow]: The reforms [allow] the Big Board to halt trading for one hour .,ARG-0: The reforms | ARG-1: the Big Board to halt trading for one hour SRL for [sink]: Mr. Snyder hits close to home for anyone who as ever lost a job as he describes his [sink] into depression,ARG-1: his | ARG-4: into depression SRL for [fit]: a potential [fit] with Saks,ARG-M-ADJ: potential | ARG-2: with Saks SRL for [writing]: The [writing] of the section on aboriginal culture,ARG-1: of the section on aboriginal culture "SRL for [tented]: With the skin [tented] approximately 1 inch between the fingers , the Paramedic would insert the needle into the skin at a 45 - degree angle .",ARG-1: the skin | ARG-3: approximately 1 inch | ARG-2: between the fingers SRL for [catch]: The credit for the [catch] of the burglar goes to the security guard on duty .,ARG-1: of the burglar SRL for [angulation]: Consider reduction even for less than 40 degree [angulation] ;,ARG-2: less than 40 degree SRL for [safe]: The Listeriosis is gone and the meat is [safe] to eat .,ARG-0: the meat | C-ARG-0: to eat "SRL for [awful]: He is [awful] at everything except finances but his parents still let him "" help out "" around the farm .",ARG-1: He | ARG-2: at everything except finances SRL for [jousting]: John spent a lovely Saturday afternoon [jousting] at windmills .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: at windmills "SRL for [instilling]: But Wang Ta - chih credits his father for [instilling] in him a love of literature , and encouraging him to become proficient in traditional Chinese disciplines such as painting , chess , woodwind music and martial arts .",ARG-1: in him | ARG-2: a love of literature SRL for [propagation]: The cellular concentration of the yeast Ure2p prion protein affects its [propagation] as a prion .,ARG-1: its | ARG-3: as a prion SRL for [sprained]: Brad Johnson is out because of a [sprained] knee ligament .,ARG-1: knee ligament SRL for [front]: Remove the [front] block of the structure .,ARG-1: block | ARG-2: of the structure "SRL for [removes]: The announcement effectively [removes] the British government as an impediment to a takeover of the company , which is being stalked by General Motors and Ford .","ARG-0: The announcement | ARG-M-DIS: effectively | ARG-1: the British government | ARG-2: as an impediment to a takeover of the company , which is being stalked by General Motors and Ford" SRL for [allay]: Mr. Cecin of Piper Jaffray says some action from government policy makers would [allay] investor fears .,ARG-0: some action from government policy makers | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: investor fears "SRL for [destruct]: The two stone monuments on the west side of the mausoleum were separately inscribed [*-28] : in the hand - writing of Comrade Enlai Zhou , "" Greatest innocence of all times , aYe in Jiangnan . Comrades from the same room killing each other , why the rush [*] to mutually [destruct] ? "" ; and the "" Inscriptions for the commemorative monument of the martyrs who [*T*-26] were sacrificed [*-27] in the Southern Anhui Incident "" by the Chinese Communist Party Provincial Committee and provincial government of Anhui .",ARG-M-ADV: mutually "SRL for [dressed]: Yup , *PRO* getting [dressed] , give me just one minute",ARG-M-DIS: Yup | ARG-M-LVB: getting "SRL for [inaccurate]: The fact is , using facts -LRB- no matter how accurate or [inaccurate] the "" facts "" are -RRB- to racialize a conversation , debate , or discussion is racist .","ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: the "" facts """ "SRL for [unconscionable]: Arguably Libya is a different matter entirely and it would be [unconscionable] to watch Gaddafi slaughter his own people , but it would be inappropriate and infeasible for Britain to go it alone",ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: to watch Gaddafi slaughter his own people SRL for [fractured]: Mr. Maynard recently fell from a horse and [fractured] his arm .,ARG-0: Mr. Maynard | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: his arm "SRL for [launched]: For example , stock - index futures began trading in Chicago in 1982 , and within two years they were the fastest - growing futures contract ever [launched] .",ARG-M-TMP: ever | ARG-1: the fastest - growing futures contract SRL for [shows]: TV 's hottest reality [shows],ARG-3: TV 's | ARG-1: reality SRL for [trespass]: Excision of appropriations riders that [trespass] on the president 's duties and prerogative under Article II would be different from the line - item veto .,ARG-0: appropriations riders | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: on the president 's duties and prerogative under Article II SRL for [scouting]: Atlantic City casino owner Donald Trump is [scouting] the Las Vegas market with an eye toward building an appropriately spectacular place .,ARG-0: Atlantic City casino owner Donald Trump | ARG-1: the Las Vegas market | ARG-M-PRP: with an eye toward building an appropriately spectacular place SRL for [shuffling]: Mary swears she can hear John [shuffling] his feet upstairs .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his feet | ARG-M-LOC: upstairs SRL for [quiet]: She is been [quiet] about her problem .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: about her problem "SRL for [muses]: David Lindsey , chairman of the Fat Tire Bike celebration , [muses] that the bike 's popularity may be a combination of technology and nostalgia .","ARG-0: David Lindsey , chairman of the Fat Tire Bike celebration | ARG-1: the bike 's popularity may be a combination of technology and nostalgia" "SRL for [acknowledged]: Control Data 's semiconductor business , VTC Inc. , continues to lose money , the executives [acknowledged] , but they said they consider some of the technology vital to national defense and so are reluctant to dispose of it .","ARG-0: the executives | ARG-1: Control Data 's semiconductor business , VTC Inc. , continues to lose money" "SRL for [decimated]: And Buck reached across the table , harpooned the meatball , plopped it on his plate , and [decimated] it with a mash or two of his fork .",ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: Buck | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with a mash or two of his fork "SRL for [sudden]: This way of thinking was known as `` catastrophism , '' and geology -LRB- the study of the Earth -RRB- was based on the belief that all earthly changes were [sudden] and caused by a series of catastrophes .",ARG-1: all earthly changes "SRL for [dispense]: RJR 's executives have said they will [dispense] with certain brands , in particular , that are n't leaders in their markets .","ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: with certain brands , in particular , that are n't leaders in their markets" SRL for [transplants]: Here we offer a review of bone marrow [transplants] and other types of stem cell transplants that are used to treat cancer .,ARG-1: stem cell SRL for [savaging]: She is [savaging] Obama and clearly can not handle the fact she may not be the nominee .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: Obama SRL for [blistered]: The tight shoes and perspiration [blistered] her feet .,ARG-0: The tight shoes and perspiration | ARG-1: her feet SRL for [notated]: Many of its musical ideas were [notated] from insect and bird sounds recorded at Kalsow Prairie near Fort Dodge and drastically slowed down ...,ARG-1: Many of its musical ideas | ARG-2: from insect and bird sounds recorded at Kalsow Prairie near Fort Dodge SRL for [prolonged]: John 's stay in graduate school was [prolonged] from five years to fifteen .,ARG-1: John 's stay in graduate school | ARG-3: from five years | ARG-4: to fifteen "SRL for [unknown]: So much is [unknown] about what a human really is , physically .","ARG-1: So much | ARG-2: about what a human really is , physically" SRL for [worked]: 33 men [worked] closely with the substance .,ARG-0: 33 men | ARG-M-MNR: closely | ARG-1: with the substance "SRL for [appeased]: After Mr. Sullivan waffled on abortion last year , the White House [appeased] right - to - lifers by surrounding him with pro - life deputies .",ARG-M-TMP: After Mr. Sullivan waffled on abortion last year | ARG-0: the White House | ARG-1: right - to - lifers | ARG-M-MNR: by surrounding him with pro - life deputies SRL for [take]: Principals [take] cheating seriously .,ARG-0: Principals | ARG-1: cheating | ARG-2: seriously "SRL for [busting]: Union - [busting] in Ohio was voted down by a large margin , trying to make it harder for Democratic - leaning voters in Maine was defeated , the attempt to ban all abortions and most forms of birth control in Mississippi was sunk , and the radical right - winger state Senator who wrote the aggressive anti - immigrant bill in Arizona was recalled .",ARG-1: Union | ARG-M-LOC: in Ohio SRL for [receive]: Patients who [receive] chemotherapy frequently develop anemia .,ARG-0: Patients | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: chemotherapy SRL for [refroze]: The snow melted and [refroze] into clods of ice .,ARG-1: The snow | ARG-2: into clods of ice "SRL for [relocating]: Tuesday 's earthquake will depress local real - estate values in the short term and force companies to reconsider expanding in or [relocating] to the Bay Area and California , real - estate and relocation specialists said .",ARG-1: companies | ARG-2: to the Bay Area and California SRL for [Peeking]: [Peeking] Inside Arteries From Outside the Body,ARG-1: Inside Arteries | ARG-M-LOC: From Outside the Body "SRL for [recognized]: If small innovations are not [recognized] , or do not get appropriate market rewards , this will destroy the motivation to innovate at all .",ARG-1: small innovations | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [reconstructed]: Accordingly , the hidebound traditionalist [reconstructed] hypothetical organisms from the Burgess fossils in such a way that they could be shoehorned into familiar categories .",ARG-M-DIS: Accordingly | ARG-0: the hidebound traditionalist | ARG-1: hypothetical organisms | ARG-2: from the Burgess fossils | ARG-M-MNR: in such a way that they could be shoehorned into familiar categories SRL for [supposed]: but it 's [supposed] to get cold tomorrow .,ARG-M-DIS: but | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to get cold tomorrow SRL for [preparation]: Georgia 's [preparation] of study notes from her midterms turned out to be a waste of time .,ARG-0: Georgia 's | ARG-1: of study notes | ARG-2: from her midterms SRL for [cassetted]: I [cassetted] it and deleted the songs .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it SRL for [relieved]: Mr. Wall [relieved] them of responsibility for supervising Lincoln in 1988 .,ARG-0: Mr. Wall | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: of responsibility for supervising Lincoln | ARG-M-TMP: in 1988 "SRL for [translated]: The profit gain was made despite a weakening in the housing market , for which the company is a supplier , and a strengthening in the dollar , which lowers the value of overseas earnings when they are [translated] into dollars .",ARG-1: they | ARG-2: into dollars SRL for [instrumental]: He was [instrumental] to me in my career as one of his subs and as a friend .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to me | ARG-1: in my career as one of his subs and as a friend "SRL for [disagrees]: A spokesman for Dow Jones said he had n't seen the group 's filing , but added , `` obviously Dow Jones [disagrees] with their conclusions .",ARG-M-DIS: obviously | ARG-0: Dow Jones | ARG-2: with their conclusions "SRL for [Kiss]: Unamused , residents burned Rand McNally books and wore T - shirts that said : `` [Kiss] my Atlas . ''",ARG-1: my Atlas "SRL for [petitioned]: Shareholders ' attorneys at the New York firm of Milberg , Weiss , Bershad , Specthrie & Lerach last week [petitioned] for a rehearing of the case .","ARG-0: Shareholders ' attorneys at the New York firm of Milberg , Weiss , Bershad , Specthrie & Lerach | ARG-M-TMP: last week | ARG-1: for a rehearing of the case" SRL for [permission]: his parents gave their [permission] for him to enter the monastery .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: for him | ARG-1: to enter the monastery SRL for [twanged]: He [twanged] his calf a couple games ago .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his calf | ARG-M-TMP: a couple games ago "SRL for [solid]: I agree with yours . My concern s in experience . Seems willing to do whatever , pokes around systems but not [solid] in marketing , management areas !","ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-LOC: in marketing , management areas" SRL for [overeats]: He vomits if he [overeats] .,ARG-0: he SRL for [phat]: That 's [phat] . I only been in there once,ARG-1: That SRL for [autoinfected]: Strongyloides is unique in that an alternative soil - independent cycle can occur in which affected individuals are repetitively [autoinfected] with infectious larvae .,ARG-M-MNR: repetitively | ARG-1: affected individuals | ARG-2: with infectious larvae | ARG-M-LOC: which "SRL for [tilt]: Will he , if he wins , be in the thrall of the most liberal of his allies , who advocate such policies as rent control for commercial buildings , or will he [tilt] toward the real - estate interests that have funneled money into his campaign ?",ARG-M-MOD: Will | ARG-1: he | ARG-2: toward the real - estate interests that have funneled money into his campaign ? SRL for [castrate]: What was morality but an attempt to [castrate] the danger in which we live .,ARG-0: morality | ARG-1: the danger in which we live "SRL for [bode]: Still , AMR 's stumble does n't [bode] well for the rest of the industry .",ARG-M-DIS: Still | ARG-0: AMR 's stumble | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: well | ARG-2: for the rest of the industry SRL for [livened up]: John [livened up] with his stage act .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: with his stage act SRL for [used]: Apple II owners [used] their television sets as screens .,ARG-0: Apple II owners | ARG-1: their television sets | ARG-2: as screens SRL for [traumatized]: I [traumatized] him with what was supposed to be a cute remote - controlled mouse,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with what was supposed to be a cute remote - controlled mouse SRL for [mind]: Never [mind] about some of these details,ARG-M-NEG: Never | ARG-1: about some of these details "SRL for [straighten]: using the wood to [straighten] the L bracket , install the bulb .",ARG-1: the L bracket | ARG-2: the wood "SRL for [grinning]: But the potbellied , [grinning] figure of Maitreya Buddha is so pleasing that his popularity even today is no less than Maneki Neko 's .",ARG-0: figure SRL for [separated]: It seems like it 's pretty [separated] from any harm to the animal .,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: pretty | ARG-2: from any harm to the animal "SRL for [philosophized]: As they waited for supper they sat by the fire , glasses in hand , while Byron [philosophized] as much for his own entertainment as hers .",ARG-0: Byron | ARG-M-PNC: as much for his own entertainment as hers "SRL for [broke]: Before the scandal [broke] , he was getting more than 30 % support in ...",ARG-1: the scandal SRL for [removal]: his [removal] from power,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: from power SRL for [renegotiate]: It recently signed a preliminary agreement to [renegotiate] exclusively with the Bank of Tokyo Ltd. for the sale of part of its leasing business to the Japanese bank .,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: with the Bank of Tokyo Ltd. | ARG-2: for the sale of part of its leasing business to the Japanese bank SRL for [box - plotted]: We calculate the GC content of each unmapped read and [box - plotted] the distributions for each WGA method .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the distributions | ARG-M-GOL: for each WGA method SRL for [charged]: and they 've [charged] it three different ways /.,ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: three different ways SRL for [themed]: It s like a lumberjack [themed] one ?,ARG-1: lumberjack SRL for [fabricated]: Those chips are [fabricated] of gallium arsenide .,ARG-1: chips | ARG-2: of gallium arsenide SRL for [permed]: I had [permed] my hair into loose waves last December,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my hair | ARG-2: into loose waves | ARG-M-TMP: last December "SRL for [crossed]: In testimony recorded in the grand jury report , court employees said the judge , now 59 years old , harassed his secretaries , made imperial demands on his staff and hounded anyone who [crossed] him .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: anyone | ARG-1: him SRL for [offers]: The company [offers] a word - processing package for $ 100 .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: a word - processing package | ARG-2: for $ 100 "SRL for ['s it]: And she had a laugh that came from deep in her belly Yeah , that ['s it] , a belly - laugh .",R-ARG-1: that | ARG-1: a belly - laugh "SRL for [loose]: Now , however , the beast is [loose] from its cage .",ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-1: the beast | ARG-2: from its cage SRL for [fared]: Mr. Jennison said Northeast Bancorp also [fared] well because takeover stocks have returned to favor among investors .,ARG-0: Northeast Bancorp | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-MNR: well | ARG-M-CAU: because takeover stocks have returned to favor among investors SRL for [irrelevant]: Traditional IQ is [irrelevant] to learning disabilities -- intelligence is not .,ARG-1: Traditional IQ | ARG-2: to learning disabilities "SRL for [at hand]: The revolution is [at hand] , and we must free ourselves of the chains of political and economic slavery .",ARG-1: The revolution SRL for [offers]: A solicitous Christian chauffeur [offers] the hero God 's phone number .,ARG-0: A solicitous Christian chauffeur | ARG-3: the hero | ARG-1: God 's phone number SRL for [obsession]: Surely it has to be for more than some infantile kneejerk [obsession] with the Brave - heart movie and a unjustified grievance with highly slanted views on history ?,ARG-M-ADJ: infantile | ARG-M-MNR: kneejerk | ARG-1: with the Brave - heart movie "SRL for [provoking]: The writer compared the official news reports on April 2nd and April 3rd with the Songyuan Municipal Soft Environment Office ' sfindings on this case and found several questionable points , which were thought - [provoking] .","ARG-0: , which | ARG-1: thought" "SRL for [clean]: A Mint official says the agency offered to [clean] the coins for its `` bare - bones '' cost of $ 17,000 plus certain other expenses .","ARG-0: the agency | ARG-1: the coins | ARG-2: for its `` bare - bones '' cost of $ 17,000 plus certain other expenses" "SRL for [valuable]: For example , if Coca Cola stock is [valuable] at $ 100 a share , it is even more valuable if its share price is reduced to $ 80 dueto bear market conditions .",ARG-1: Coca Cola stock | ARG-2: at $ 100 a share SRL for [sclerosing]: The [sclerosing] of tubules produces translucent areas in the dentin .,ARG-1: of tubules SRL for [doodled]: He [doodled] a concept on a notepad .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a concept | ARG-2: on a notepad SRL for [terror]: He was the [terror] of the neighborhood .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: of the neighborhood SRL for [measure]: a key [measure] of underlying sentiment among technical analysts,ARG-M-ADJ: key | ARG-1: of underlying sentiment | ARG-0: among technical analysts SRL for [walked in]: Paris replied that it was not like he had just [walked in] on her dancing the rumba with a naked Bolian .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: on her | ARG-2: dancing the rumba with a naked Bolian SRL for [gained]: Both contracts have [gained] a following since the 1987 global market crash .,ARG-0: Both contracts | ARG-1: a following | ARG-M-TMP: since the 1987 global market crash SRL for [arbitration]: Seagal 's side agreed to stay their [arbitration] against Nguyen pending the hearing .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: against Nguyen "SRL for [tread]: When traders see the Fed is in the exchange market it may make them [tread] a little carefully , for fear of what the central bank may do .",ARG-0: them | ARG-M-MNR: a little carefully | ARG-M-CAU: for fear of what the central bank may do SRL for [concession]: They do not acknowledge that Walker has refused to accept their [concession] of increased financial costs to these working Americans .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of increased financial costs | ARG-2: to these working Americans SRL for [crowned]: Her speech [crowned] the conference .,ARG-2: Her speech | ARG-1: the conference "SRL for [farting]: his [farting] a loud one so many others could hear him , and then watching all the laughter , was so asinine .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a loud one | ARG-M-PRP: so many others could hear him SRL for [precious]: in terms of being overly [precious] with your characters and ideas,ARG-0: your | ARG-M-EXT: overly | ARG-1: with your characters and ideas SRL for [initiation]: Ben 's [initiation] of the speech with a joke went over well with the audience .,ARG-0: Ben 's | ARG-1: of the speech | ARG-2: with a joke SRL for [caddied]: A guy [caddied] his nitrous tank through the lot five feet away .,ARG-0: A guy | ARG-1: his nitrous tank | ARG-M-DIR: through the lot five feet away SRL for [machinate]: My advice is do n't [machinate] over the gristle .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: over the gristle SRL for [flunked]: The evil professor [flunked] all of his students .,ARG-0: The evil professor | ARG-1: all of his students "SRL for [cloyed]: Yes it went on forever , and yes there were moments when it [cloyed] with misplaced sentimentality",ARG-1: it | ARG-0: with misplaced sentimentality | ARG-M-TMP: moments | R-ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [administration]: The island has remained under French [administration] .,ARG-0: French "SRL for [dilute]: Mr. Hahn said Georgia - Pacific has accounted in its strategy for a `` significant downturn '' in the pulp and paper industry , an event that he said would temporarily [dilute] earnings .",ARG-0: an event | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-TMP: temporarily | ARG-1: earnings SRL for [zealous]: He is [zealous] for justice .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: for justice SRL for [dived]: Earnings before interest and tax from brewing [dived] 50 % to A$ 123.8 million from A$ 247.3 million .,ARG-1: Earnings before interest and tax from brewing | ARG-2: 50 % | ARG-4: to A$ 123.8 million | ARG-3: from A$ 247.3 million SRL for [fortify]: Added vitamins [fortify] foods .,ARG-3: Added vitamins | ARG-1: foods "SRL for [obedient]: Happy for the exception , the child was [obedient] of her aunt 's command , removing them when she began the trip home .",ARG-M-ADV: Happy for the exception | ARG-0: the child | ARG-1: of her aunt 's command "SRL for [resettle]: Certainly , the Oct 13 sell - off did n't [resettle] any stomachs .",ARG-M-DIS: Certainly | ARG-0: the Oct 13 sell - off | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: any stomachs SRL for [rewire]: How long are we supposed to wait to see if this woman 's brain will ever [rewire] effectively before we move on ?,ARG-1: this woman 's brain | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: ever | ARG-M-MNR: effectively "SRL for [fund]: Orkem , France 's third - largest chemical group , said it would [fund] the acquisition through internal resources .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the acquisition | ARG-2: through internal resources SRL for [vibrated]: he [vibrated] the strings of his bass guitar with a steel slide and fed the sound through the Echorec .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the strings of his bass guitar | ARG-M-MNR: with a steel slide "SRL for ['re it]: She tagged him and shouted "" You ['re it] ! """,ARG-1: You SRL for [CTE]: Her [CTE] was done last week,ARG-1: Her | ARG-M-TMP: last week SRL for [incurred]: The company also said expenses [incurred] by the previous board and management in the recent contest for control were recognized primarily in the first quarter ended Sept. 30 .,ARG-1: expenses | ARG-0: by the previous board and management | ARG-M-LOC: in the recent contest for control SRL for [went]: The rest [went] to investors from France and Hong Kong .,ARG-1: The rest | ARG-2: to investors from France and Hong Kong SRL for [comment]: That by no means merits any [comment] about her that she is a bad mom .,ARG-3: about her | ARG-1: that she is a bad mom "SRL for [gassed up]: Today , the oft - troubled craft was [gassed up] , so to speak , for the last time .",ARG-M-TMP: Today | ARG-M-DIS: so to speak | ARG-M-TMP: for the last time "SRL for [perirectal]: D. Rectum , [perirectal] , biopsy :", SRL for [unstable]: MMC was [unstable] at pH 5.0 and pH 11.0 .,ARG-1: MMC | ARG-2: at pH 5.0 and pH 11.0 "SRL for [galloping]: Right now , Mr. Hulings is waving his racing program , cheering for Karnak on the Nile , a sleek thoroughbred [galloping] down the home stretch .",ARG-0: a sleek thoroughbred | ARG-1: down the home stretch SRL for [Exhibition]: the Malaysia International New Technology and New Product [Exhibition],ARG-0: Malaysia | ARG-2: International | ARG-1: New Technology and New Product SRL for [revved]: John [revved] the motor of his 1972 Pinto .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the motor of his 1972 Pinto SRL for [petered out]: I also [petered out] a bit at the end ... I'm guessing the last 5 pills were taken every other day .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: a bit | ARG-M-TMP: at the end "SRL for [brazen out]: And if you are caught or if people complain , simply argue that `` everyone does it '' or `` no one said I should n't '' and [brazen out] .",ARG-1: it "SRL for [dropping off]: He does not take no for an answer , so you are intimidated into agreeing to his [dropping off] the goods at a location of his choice",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the goods | ARG-2: at a location of his choice "SRL for [unburdened]: On his voyage back to Europe , a Spanish pirate in league with the Dutch quickly [unburdened] him of the 7000 pieces of eight ( $ 350000 in today 's dollars ) he 'd so painstakingly filched , leaving Gage in despair .",ARG-M-LOC: On his voyage back to Europe | ARG-0: a Spanish pirate in league with the Dutch | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: of the 7000 pieces of eight ( $ 350000 in today 's dollars ) he 'd so painstakingly filched | ARG-M-ADV: leaving Gage in despair SRL for [drop]: its [drop] from the lineup has been much lamented .,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from the lineup SRL for [transversed]: She [transversed] Mount Kilimanjaro last year .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: Mount Kilimanjaro | ARG-M-TMP: last year "SRL for [overdosing]: But it was scary to think , had we left them in Florida and nobody had recognized his [overdosing] on this medication , he might have died .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on this medication "SRL for [arouses]: `` My impression is that there is n't anything which [arouses] our interest at first glance , '' says an official from Japan 's Ministry of International Trade and Industry .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: anything | ARG-1: our interest | ARG-M-TMP: at first glance "SRL for [melt]: A substantial warming would [melt] some of the Earth 's polar ice caps , raising the level of the oceans and causing widespread flooding of heavily populated coastal areas .",ARG-0: A substantial warming | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: some of the Earth 's polar ice caps | ARG-M-ADV: raising the level of the oceans and causing widespread flooding of heavily populated coastal areas SRL for [symmetric]: These vessels are all patent and perfusion of the kidneys is [symmetric] .,ARG-1: perfusion of the kidneys SRL for [suing]: The group is now [suing] Louisiana on behalf of the witches to abolish the 1928 law it considers unconstitutional .,ARG-0: The group | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: Louisiana | ARG-M-ADV: on behalf of the witches | ARG-3: to abolish the 1928 law it considers unconstitutional SRL for [need]: I [need] a flight to Seattle leaving from Baltimore making a stop in Minneapolis .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a flight to Seattle leaving from Baltimore making a stop in Minneapolis "SRL for [facilitate]: Among other things , Mr. Bologna said that the sale will [facilitate] Gen - Probe 's marketing of a diagnostic test for acquired immune deficiency syndrome , or AIDS .","ARG-0: the sale | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Gen - Probe 's marketing of a diagnostic test for acquired immune deficiency syndrome , or AIDS" SRL for [restaged]: He should make an appointment to be [restaged] by me .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: by me "SRL for [cavorted]: When the race was over , the last runner [cavorted] from the field shouting gleefully , '' I came in sixth ! I came in sixth ! ''","ARG-M-TMP: When the race was over | ARG-1: the last runner | ARG-2: from the field | ARG-M-ADV: shouting gleefully , '' I came in sixth ! I came in sixth ! ''" SRL for [coumadinized]: Dr. Shelton [coumadinized] her cardiac patient .,ARG-0: Dr. Shelton | ARG-1: her cardiac patient SRL for [judgment]: my [judgment],ARG-0: my SRL for [diminution]: Multi - voxel spectroscopy -LRB- TE of 135 -RRB- demonstrates [diminution] in NAA and Choline in the lateral aspect of the splenium of the corpus callosum .,ARG-1: in NAA and Choline in the lateral aspect of the splenium of the corpus callosum SRL for [get kick]: I [get kick] out of helping people,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: out of helping people "SRL for [designs]: No problem ! When shall I fetch you ? I 've got [designs] on the dog park and coffee roasting , but neither of those is time sensitive , and lauren just left for work :p",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: got | ARG-1: on the dog park and coffee roasting SRL for [let]: They wanted to roll the dice and we 're going to [let] them .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: them SRL for [cheap]: 99 p is way too [cheap] for that .,ARG-3: 99 p | ARG-M-EXT: way too | ARG-1: for that "SRL for [jogs]: It 's important that having refreshed your recollection , if it [jogs] something or re - creates a memory , that you testify in answer to Mr. Harvey 's question .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: something SRL for [offload]: More than ten tuna ships come in every day to [offload] their catch and to resupply .,ARG-0: More than ten tuna ships | ARG-2: their catch SRL for [fishy]: Something is [fishy] about these reviews,ARG-1: Something | C-ARG-1: about these reviews SRL for [concern]: Farmers voice their [concern] over impact of climate change .,ARG-1: their | ARG-0: over impact of climate change "SRL for [mooches]: She [mooches] off me , comes over uninvited , and saw my pic on my desk top when my hair was really short and curled and said what was I thinking and it looked really bad .",ARG-0: She | ARG-2: off me "SRL for [in hands]: The surgery itself is slick , modern and very relaxed and I always felt that I was [in hands] .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADJ: capable SRL for [output]: His [output],ARG-0: His "SRL for [visits]: Many are far enough from residential areas to pass public muster , yet close enough to permit family [visits] .",ARG-1: family SRL for [ejection]: The umpire 's [ejection] of the coach from the game angered the fans .,ARG-0: The umpire 's | ARG-1: of the coach | ARG-2: from the game SRL for [surged]: Northeast Bancorp [surged] 7 3/4 to 69 .,ARG-1: Northeast Bancorp | ARG-2: 7 3/4 | ARG-4: to 69 SRL for [re - imposed]: Monday Israel cancelled peace talks with the Palestinians and [re - imposed] a total clamp - down on the Gaza Strip following the abduction and killing of a Jewish settler .,ARG-M-TMP: Monday | ARG-0: Israel | ARG-1: a total clamp - down on the Gaza Strip | ARG-M-TMP: following the abduction and killing of a Jewish settler "SRL for [edifying]: Native sons of Taiwan , sad to part with the [edifying] influence of Japanese culture , lived side by side on the same small island with old soldiers from Shandong , who sang anti - Japanese battle hymns every day .",ARG-0: influence "SRL for [tuned]: In a Madrid hotel room recently , a viewer caught the end of a badly acted series about a fishing boat on Australia 's Great Barrier Reef , only to be urged by the British announcer to `` stay [tuned] for the further adventures of Skippy the Kangaroo . ''",ARG-1: a viewer | ARG-2: for the further adventures of Skippy the Kangaroo "SRL for [straining]: The harder he tried to push them into large piles , the closer he came to breaking the rake and [straining] his back .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his back SRL for [slow down]: And the generally frail condition of Arizona 's lenders means there is little capital available in the state to shore up the economy and [slow down] the slide .,ARG-0: little capital | ARG-1: the slide "SRL for [remastering]: Malick must certainly like and trust Criterion , since he 's approved their [remastering] of his first three films .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of his first three films "SRL for [policing]: Governments must compel private companies to aid them in their [policing] , the cost of which is unknown ...",ARG-0: their | ARG-M-ADJ: the cost of which is unknown "SRL for [studying]: The S?dras are not qualified for that reason also that Smriti prohibits their hearing the Veda , their [studying] the Veda , and their understanding and performing Vedic matters .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: the Veda SRL for [flexion]: Patient is experiencing tenderness at the joint line upon [flexion] of the knee .,ARG-1: of the knee "SRL for [showcase]: Thousands of hopefuls [showcase] their "" talent "" on American Idol .","ARG-0: Thousands of hopefuls | ARG-1: their "" talent | ARG-2: on American Idol" SRL for [worsening]: His [worsening] stomach problems,ARG-2: His | ARG-1: stomach problems SRL for [inclined]: Some people are more [inclined] towards philosophy than others .,ARG-0: Some people | ARG-M-CXN: more | ARG-1: towards philosophy | C-ARG-M-CXN: than others "SRL for [select]: Buyers with $ 6 million to spend can [select] from 11 designs , including a Mediterranean - inspired California style , a traditional Yankee look and designs inspired by Midwestern architect Frank Lloyd Wright .","ARG-0: Buyers with $ 6 million to spend | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: from 11 designs , including a Mediterranean - inspired California style , a traditional Yankee look and designs inspired by Midwestern architect Frank Lloyd Wright" "SRL for [leap]: "" I love that horse , "" she said in the hanging silence between the horse 's [leap] over a two - post jump",ARG-0: the horse 's | ARG-M-DIR: over a two - post jump SRL for [commuting]: Mr. Rosenblatt said he resigned because of difficulties with [commuting] between his home in New York and the magazine 's editorial offices in Washington .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: between his home in New York and the magazine 's editorial offices in Washington SRL for [pelted]: Snow and hail [pelted] the riders .,ARG-0: Snow and hail | ARG-2: the riders SRL for [offensive]: Latino student group says eating tacos is [offensive] to Mexicans,ARG-0: eating tacos | ARG-1: to Mexicans SRL for [change]: Standard & Poor 's ( S & P ) announced their [change] to the debt outlook of United States from ' stable ' to ' negative . ',ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to the debt outlook of United States | ARG-3: from ' stable ' | ARG-2: to ' negative . ' "SRL for [thought]: A Lorillard spokeswoman [thought] "" This is an old story . ""","ARG-0: A Lorillard spokeswoman | ARG-1: "" This is an old story . """ SRL for [recess]: I then spent a week living in the Safe House in Narok with the girls who live there while they were on their [recess] from boarding school .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: from boarding school SRL for [nomination]: Breeden 's [nomination] to the SEC post,ARG-1: Breeden 's | ARG-2: to the SEC post "SRL for [known]: . China and India are both ancient countries with ancient cultures , and both have long histories and cultures ; the people of both nations are well [known] for being hard working , intelligent , and having a good natured civilization , and have both been humiliated and invaded by foreign races .","ARG-1: the people of both nations | ARG-M-EXT: well | ARG-3: for being hard working , intelligent , and having a good natured civilization" "SRL for [from]: For example , the student - professor ratio has retrogressed [from] 22.6 in 1966 to 35.8 in 1985",ARG-M-DIS: For example | ARG-1: the student - professor ratio has | ARG-3: 22.6 in 1966 to | ARG-4: 35.8 in 1985 "SRL for [dirty]: If there are neighborhoods that are [dirty] , keep cleaning them up .",ARG-1: that SRL for [draw]: the [draw] for the World Cup gets everybody excited,ARG-0: for the World Cup SRL for [culled]: John [culled] the best steaks from the grocery store .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the best steaks | ARG-2: the grocery store SRL for [truncheoned]: They [truncheoned] the civilian who filmed them to the ground .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the civilian who filmed them | ARG-M-PRD: to the ground "SRL for [flexing]: By 1987 , Rumsfeld was [flexing] his muscles once more , preparing for the ultimate goal , assembling money and party support for a presidential run against George H. W. Bush in 1988 .",ARG-M-TMP: By 1987 | ARG-0: Rumsfeld | ARG-1: his muscles | ARG-M-TMP: once more "SRL for [mis - sold]: -LRB- and of course write to the government to get a refund on your car insurance as they 've [mis - sold] the requirement for it on legal grounds as you personally have never made a claim , therefore you should nt need it -RRB- ......","ARG-0: they | ARG-1: it | ARG-5: on legal grounds | ARG-M-CAU: as you personally have never made a claim , therefore you should nt need it" SRL for [need]: an urgent [need] to find a way to prevent pollution of their coastal waters,ARG-M-MNR: urgent | ARG-1: to find a way to prevent pollution of their coastal waters "SRL for [man made]: As a result , basically natural disasters happened in the past , now the disasters that take place in Japan are [man made] , which are the consequences of the accumulation of murders and arson aimed at destroying the world . Just like drawing fire to themselves .",ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: the disasters that take place in Japan | ARG-M-ADV: which are the consequences of the accumulation of murders and arson aimed at destroying the world SRL for [unnecessary]: Imitate Beijing ? Perhaps . It 's [unnecessary] to show off ! There are a lot of rich people in China .,ARG-1: to show off "SRL for [banking]: Mr. Russo , 38 years old , previously was first vice president , public affairs and advertising , at the [banking] unit .",ARG-2: unit SRL for [yummy]: That 's awesome ! ! Omg that will be so [yummy] . What a sweet boyfriend,ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-EXT: so SRL for [negative]: is a conservative media a net [negative] for the conservative movement ?,ARG-0: a conservative media | ARG-M-ADV: net | ARG-1: for the conservative movement ? "SRL for [finished]: The Senate 's public gallery was packed with Judge Hastings ' supporters , who erupted into applause after he [finished] his argument .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his argument "SRL for [hypocritical]: I keep frequently seeing threads made hating on Islam , which is somewhat [hypocritical] and disturbing I believe in many cases .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-EXT: somewhat | ARG-M-LOC: in many cases SRL for [looked]: He never [looked] back .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: never | ARG-M-DIR: back SRL for [stance]: The CCP earned great popular support for their aggressive [stance] against the Japanese .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: aggressive | ARG-2: against the Japanese SRL for [glut]: But industry and OPEC officials agree that a handful of members still have enough unused capacity to [glut] the market and cause an oil - price collapse a few months from now if OPEC does n't soon adopt a new quota system to corral its chronic cheaters .,ARG-0: a handful of members | ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-ADV: if OPEC does n't soon adopt a new quota system to corral its chronic cheaters SRL for [formatting]: They could save a lot of trees by using a smaller font and different [formatting] .,ARG-M-ADJ: different SRL for [compromise]: It feels like maybe she made a [compromise] .,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-LVB: made "SRL for [snickered]: L'Unita and Hoy published identical denunciations of Short 's elevation , l'Osservatore Romano and the Christian Science Monitor ignored it , Times of India [snickered] at it , and the Manchester Guardian simply reported it -- the Fosterites in England were few but extremely militant .",ARG-0: Times of India | ARG-2: at it "SRL for [averaged]: On the civil side , the Manhattan prosecutor filed an average of only 11 cases for every 100,000 adults during the same period ; the San Francisco U.S. attorney [averaged] 79 .",ARG-1: the San Francisco U.S. attorney | ARG-2: 79 SRL for [ownership]: 50 - 50 [ownership] of the planned venture,ARG-M-EXT: 50 - 50 | ARG-1: of the planned venture SRL for [insistence]: his [insistence] on combining it with the deficit - reduction legislation,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on combining it with the deficit - reduction legislation "SRL for [ramifications]: Plus , one must consider the potential [ramifications] of thermonuclear weapons falling into the hands of a regime run by the clergy ; a clergy that has repeatedly laid claims to the island nation of Bahrain , supports Nasrallah 's thuggish militia in Lebanon , makes continual references to the apocolypse and the return of the ' twelfth imam ' , and so on .","ARG-M-ADJ: potential | ARG-0: of thermonuclear weapons falling into the hands of a regime run by the clergy ; a clergy that has repeatedly laid claims to the island nation of Bahrain , supports Nasrallah 's thuggish militia in Lebanon , makes continual references to the apocolypse and the return of the ' twelfth imam ' , and so on" SRL for [Retesting]: [Retesting] of the evidence was supposed to conclude by May 9 so the results could be presented on May 21 to a jury of two judges and six citizens .,ARG-1: of the evidence "SRL for [founding]: Their [founding] of the Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society in 2006 as a non - profit family support group has served to launch a mission of support , outreach , education and advocacy for people with Down Syndrome .",ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of the Lowcountry Down Syndrome Society | ARG-M-TMP: in 2006 | ARG-2: as a non - profit family support group SRL for [vigorous]: Patient was [vigorous] enough to travel to Hong Kong last month .,ARG-1: Patient | ARG-M-CXN: enough to travel to Hong Kong last month SRL for [ablates]: When the ice [ablates] from the glacier,ARG-1: ice | ARG-2: from the glacier "SRL for [essential]: Some nations will be priced out , most likely the relatively undeveloped countries in which automotive transportation is not really [essential] .",ARG-1: automotive transportation | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-ADV: really | R-ARG-M-LOC: in which | ARG-M-LOC: the relatively undeveloped countries SRL for [parqueted]: The floor was [parqueted] with mosaics .,ARG-1: The floor | ARG-2: with mosaics SRL for [rehabiliation]: She designs Pilates programs for clients that have been released from medical care and physical therapy to help continue their [rehabiliation] of muscoloskeletal injuries .,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: of muscoloskeletal injuries SRL for [racket]: the insurance [racket],ARG-1: insurance SRL for [stirred]: John [stirred] the cake batter with his foot .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the cake batter | ARG-2: with his foot "SRL for [pursued]: Jaguar , a U.K. luxury auto maker being [pursued] by Ford Motor and General Motors , gained 10 pence [ 16 cents ] a share to close at 879 pence [ $ 13.90 ] .",ARG-1: a U.K. luxury auto maker | ARG-0: by Ford Motor and General Motors "SRL for [coagulation]: It forms gas rapidly and abundantly , is practically non - pathogenic , or pathogenic only in overwhelming doses , and is distinguished from bacillus Friedlander by its [coagulation] of milk .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of milk SRL for [lined]: Telephone poles [lined] the road .,ARG-2: Telephone poles | ARG-1: the road SRL for [weeping]: The mother of the bride 's [weeping] tears of joy did not stop until the reception began .,ARG-0: The mother of the bride 's | ARG-1: tears of joy "SRL for [cloy]: In part , that is attributable to the designation of his correspondents , who keep him informed on language that is not within earshot , as the "" Lexicographic Irregulars , "" an amusing reference the first time or two it was used but now beginning to [cloy] .",ARG-0: it SRL for [resounded]: The sounds of backhoes at work [resounded] even from the black sand beaches .,ARG-1: The sounds of backhoes at work | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-2: from the black sand beaches "SRL for [disappointing]: I 'm sorry that the pool being outdoors was [disappointing] to you , it 's normally a big hit in the summer .",ARG-0: the pool being outdoors | ARG-1: to you "SRL for [acidification]: Stability of the system is reduced by the use of nitrogen - containing inorganic and organic fertilizers , which cause soil [acidification] .",ARG-1: soil SRL for [jugged]: The dairy farmer [jugged] the milk and sent it out .,ARG-0: The dairy farmer | ARG-1: the milk SRL for [backs up]: The companies block traffic much as highway on - ramps are blocked when traffic [backs up] .,ARG-1: traffic SRL for [malformation]: A vein of Galen aneurysm is congenital [malformation] of blood vessels of the brain that occurs prior to birth .,ARG-M-ADJ: congenital | ARG-1: of blood vessels of the brain | ARG-M-ADJ: that occurs prior to birth SRL for [dehydrated]: Carry [dehydrated] food on your camping trip .,ARG-1: food "SRL for [bearing]: Peers including the vice president of Barnardo 's debated child development in the UK , and its [bearing] on national wellbeing .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: on national wellbeing "SRL for [tsunami]: Indonesia was the worst hit by the December 26 [tsunami] , with a death toll of 104,055 .","ARG-M-TMP: December 26 | ARG-3: with a death toll of 104,055" SRL for [cudgeled]: Mercedes - Benz and Cerberus have [cudgeled] a once - proud automotive company into coma .,ARG-0: Mercedes - Benz and Cerberus | ARG-1: a once - proud automotive company | ARG-2: into coma SRL for [magical]: Snow is [magical] .,ARG-1: Snow SRL for [sibilated]: You roared your wretchedness out and angry voices [sibilated] at you to keep mum .,ARG-0: angry voices | ARG-2: at you | ARG-1: to keep mum "SRL for [entitled]: In a recent investment letter [entitled] `` Winners of the ` Leverage Wars , '' ' ...",ARG-1: a recent investment letter | ARG-2: Winners of the ` Leverage Wars "SRL for [unveiling]: In readiness for its [unveiling] to the public , the new Acne Studio on Dover Street 's windows are covered in a collage of pages from the Acne Paper",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: to the public SRL for [aid]: The U.N. is threatening to cut off financial [aid] to that nation but not medical aid .,ARG-M-MNR: financial | ARG-2: to that nation SRL for [null]: What ... so because i referred to wikipedia somehow my argument is [null] and void ?,ARG-M-DIS: What | ARG-M-DIS: so | ARG-M-CAU: because i referred to wikipedia | ARG-M-MNR: somehow | ARG-1: my argument "SRL for [replanted]: Uncle Randolph and Joel had [replanted] the bottom lands with difficulty , formore of the slaves , including Annie , had sneaked off when the soldiers brokecamp .",ARG-2: the bottom lands | ARG-M-MNR: with difficulty | ARG-0: Uncle Randolph and Joel "SRL for [vacated]: SciMed Life Systems Inc. , Minneapolis , said a federal appeals court [vacated] an earlier summary judgment in its favor .",ARG-0: a federal appeals court | ARG-1: an earlier summary judgment in its favor SRL for [bleed]: The humor of the story owes much to the fact that no hearts ( even the characters ' own ) are likely to [bleed] for the plight of health - food eaters .,ARG-0: no hearts ( even the characters ' own ) | ARG-1: for the plight of health - food eaters "SRL for [save]: When the motorist returned to his car he could turn the card off and , if it showed time remaining , [save] it for later .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: for later SRL for [papered]: She [papered] her Minneapolis neighborhood with old - fashioned fliers .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her Minneapolis neighborhood | ARG-2: with old - fashioned fliers SRL for [farting around]: She keeps [farting around] and wo n't go get them,ARG-0: She "SRL for [denominate]: From a lifetime of undisciplined reading with innocent pencil in hand and malice prepense in mind , I have gleaned a harvest of what I am pleased to [denominate] Red Pants items , a sampling of which follows .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: what | ARG-2: Red Pants items , a sampling of which follows" SRL for [exchange]: foreign [exchange],ARG-2: foreign "SRL for [enraptures]: The song [enraptures] listeners with simple words , vivid images and panpipes .","ARG-0: The song | ARG-1: listeners | ARG-2: with simple words , vivid images and panpipes" SRL for [restraining]: Sea Containers said the offer will proceed after the Bermuda Supreme Court lifts or modifies an interim injunction [restraining] the company from buying its shares .,ARG-0: an interim injunction | ARG-1: the company | ARG-2: from buying its shares SRL for [insertion]: Her [insertion] of the key into the rusty old lock made a loud clattering noise .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the key | ARG-2: into the rusty old lock SRL for [sponged]: The fisherman [sponged] for loofas .,ARG-0: The fisherman | ARG-1: for loofas "SRL for [wedded]: Program trading money managers have gained control over a big chunk of the invested funds in this country , and the pressures on such money managers to produce consistent profits has [wedded] them to the ability to move rapidly in and out the market that program trading gives them .",ARG-0: the pressures on such money managers to produce consistent profits | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to the ability to move rapidly in and out the market that program trading gives them SRL for [acquired]: Its Moleculon affiliate [acquired] Kalipharma Inc for $ 23 million .,ARG-0: Its Moleculon affiliate | ARG-1: Kalipharma Inc | ARG-3: for $ 23 million SRL for [flew]: He [flew] a flag above his house,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a flag | ARG-M-LOC: above his house "SRL for [crafty]: I am already used to such unusual things . No merchant is not [crafty] , no official is not greedy ,",ARG-1: No merchant | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [symmetric]: Kidneys are [symmetric] in size with minimal focal areas of cortical thinning in both kidneys .,ARG-1: Kidneys | ARG-3: in size | ARG-M-ADV: with minimal focal areas of cortical thinning in both kidneys "SRL for [study up]: First you go home and [study up] on what the coop system is all about , then we 'll talk .",ARG-M-TMP: First | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: on what the coop system is all about SRL for [hemicolectomy]: laparoscopic right [hemicolectomy],ARG-M-MNR: laparoscopic | ARG-1: right "SRL for [curved]: Mark held the wheel loosely , but his fingers [curved] around it in a purposeful way and the deliberate set of his body spoke plainly of the figure he 'd make in the years to come .",ARG-1: his fingers | ARG-M-DIR: around it | ARG-M-MNR: in a purposeful way "SRL for [liberated]: In fact , he [liberated] the U.S. from one of the world 's most corrupt organizations -- UNESCO .",ARG-M-DIS: In fact | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the U.S. | ARG-2: from one of the world 's most corrupt organizations -- UNESCO SRL for [mucinous]: The largest lymph node is [mucinous] .,ARG-1: The largest lymph node "SRL for [pride]: One is to maintain a sense of cultural [pride] in the Yiddish language , which has been slowly disappearing since the Second World War .",ARG-M-ADJ: cultural | ARG-1: in the Yiddish language SRL for [burls]: John [burls] a small lock of wool from the garment .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a small lock of wool | ARG-2: from the garment "SRL for [remortgage]: If you are in negative equity as you seem to think , there is no prospect of another lender taking you on , so a [remortgage] is n't going to be possible .", "SRL for [insecure]: She is very critical towards herself , her education , and is [insecure] in her value as a professional .",ARG-1: She | ARG-2: in her value as a professional "SRL for [lathered]: At that moment the bathroom door flew open and Eugene came out , with his face [lathered] for shaving , and strode down the hall , tying the sash of his dressing gown as he went .",ARG-1: his face | ARG-M-PNC: for shaving "SRL for [disembark]: At the ritzy Fashion Island Shopping Center , the tanned and elegant ladies of this wealthy Southern California beach community [disembark] from their Mercedes - Benzes and BMWs for another day of exercising their credit cards .",ARG-M-LOC: At the ritzy Fashion Island Shopping Center | ARG-0: the tanned and elegant ladies of this wealthy Southern California beach community | ARG-1: from their Mercedes - Benzes and BMWs | ARG-M-PNC: for another day of exercising their credit cards "SRL for [contributed]: Last year they [contributed] # 34 million , before taxes .",ARG-M-TMP: Last year | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: # 34 million | ARG-M-ADV: before taxes SRL for [blows]: The country struggled to recover after a series of economic [blows] .,ARG-1: economic SRL for [detusk]: This is the very reason you [detusk] the baby pigs .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the baby pigs SRL for [gushed]: Oil [gushed] out from the hole in the tanker .,ARG-1: Oil | ARG-M-DIR: out from the hole in the tanker SRL for [pelting]: It 's [pelting] with rain .,ARG-1: with rain SRL for [bar tending]: Jackie still [bar tending] ?,ARG-0: Jackie | ARG-M-TMP: still "SRL for [impression]: my experience with the CIA left , I would say , a very negative [impression] on me .",ARG-0: on me | ARG-1: very negative "SRL for [passing]: SAw the punch in [passing] , looked a decent one - two .", SRL for [examination]: The applications for such technology include [examination] of the body for asymmetries,ARG-1: of the body | ARG-2: for asymmetries "SRL for [storing up]: At the same time he started walking the streets , peering at the people passing or shopping at the stalls , [storing up] fresh impressions of what they looked like , how they moved .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: fresh impressions of what they looked like , how they moved" SRL for [taste]: Diminutive Vanderkitten Road Sprinter Starla Teddergreen pinned on the numbers for her first [taste] of mud racing,ARG-0: her | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: of mud racing SRL for [sigmoidectomy]: open [sigmoidectomy],ARG-M-MNR: open "SRL for [interdiction]: Mr. Thornburgh will be free to disband the strike forces after Congress approves a $ 479 million appropriation for federal law - enforcement and drug - [interdiction] agencies , according to David Runkel , a Justice Department spokesman .",ARG-1: drug "SRL for [well up]: He explained his errand , but without bothering much to make it plausible , for he felt something [well up] in him which was the reason why he had fled the army .",ARG-1: something | C-ARG-1: which was the reason why he had fled the army | ARG-2: in him SRL for [speech]: Mr. Kemp 's [speech] to the Mortgage Bankers Association,ARG-0: Mr. Kemp 's | ARG-2: to the Mortgage Bankers Association SRL for [tip]: He ended each day with a [tip] of his hat to the hotel 's front - desk staff .,ARG-1: of his hat | ARG-M-GOL: to the hotel 's front - desk staff "SRL for [wavering]: He hurt himself further this summer by bringing homosexual issues into the debate ; and by [wavering] on this issue and abortion , he has weakened his credibility in what is already a mean - spirited campaign on both sides .",ARG-1: on this issue and abortion | ARG-0: he SRL for [prepares]: ... sweat dotting his brow as he [prepares] for some practice swings .,ARG-0: he | ARG-3: for some practice swings SRL for [unseat]: Former Prime Minister Netanyahu might return to politics and try to [unseat] him .,ARG-0: Former Prime Minister Netanyahu | ARG-1: him "SRL for [Steaming]: [Steaming] lamb hot pot , along with this lively atmosphere , will surely increase the heart - felt warmth of hometown feelings in this winter that is already not very cold .",ARG-1: lamb hot pot "SRL for [speaking]: As Mei explains , there are plenty of old Portuguese texts preserved in Macau , and the university has a sizeable contingent of Portuguese - [speaking] professors .",ARG-3: Portuguese | ARG-0: professors "SRL for [initiated]: Mr. Bush said that he [initiated] talks with the Soviets on the informal meeting by sending a proposal to Mr. Gorbachev last July , which the Soviet leader readily accepted .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: talks with the Soviets on the informal meeting | ARG-2: by sending a proposal to Mr. Gorbachev last July , which the Soviet leader readily accepted" SRL for [mission]: a fact uh finding [mission] by the UN,ARG-1: fact uh finding | ARG-0: by the UN SRL for [unkind]: Being [unkind] to yourself will only make you feel worse - be kind to yourself and get some help .,ARG-0: you | ARG-2: to yourself SRL for [vacation]: 2 . Take a Hawaiian [vacation] .,ARG-M-LVB: Take | ARG-1: Hawaiian "SRL for [prized]: Organic light - emitting diode , OLED , screens have been [prized] for their much better color and ability to "" turn off "" completely","ARG-1: Organic light - emitting diode , OLED , screens | ARG-2: for their much better color and ability to "" turn off" SRL for [spiced]: The stew was [spiced] with cardamon and coriander seeds .,ARG-1: The stew | ARG-2: with cardamon and coriander seeds "SRL for [indoctrinated]: Complete units have been trained and [indoctrinated] in the U.S.S.R. and other East bloc nations ; 30,000 to 40,000 of these troops have returned .",ARG-1: Complete units | ARG-M-LOC: in the U.S.S.R. and other East bloc nations "SRL for [crowed]: Ford officials , for example , [crowed] about their first - ever Tokyo Grand Prix racing victory .",ARG-0: Ford officials | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-1: about their first - ever Tokyo Grand Prix racing victory SRL for [built]: GM [built] its cash reserves to $ 5.5 billion .,ARG-0: GM | ARG-1: its cash reserves | ARG-4: to $ 5.5 billion SRL for [exercise]: The Ministry of International Trade and Industry is so concerned that it recently took the unusual step of urging Japanese auto companies to [exercise] caution in capital spending .,ARG-0: Japanese auto companies | ARG-1: caution | ARG-M-LOC: in capital spending SRL for [proposals]: [proposals] for state or local increases,ARG-1: for state or local increases SRL for [consolation]: Each weekend is kicked off by picking out my [consolation] bottle of wine with the prettiest label I can find .,ARG-1: my | ARG-2: bottle of wine with the prettiest label I can find "SRL for [collate]: In the middle of his reign , Emperor Zhao Di ordered scholars to compile and [collate] a collection of every kind of book in the land .",ARG-0: scholars | ARG-1: a collection of every kind of book in the land SRL for [reformulation]: Other theories included the pangenesis of Charles Darwin -LRB- which had both acquired and inherited aspects -RRB- and Francis Galton 's [reformulation] of pangenesis as both particulate and inherited .,ARG-0: Francis Galton 's | ARG-1: of pangenesis | ARG-M-PRD: as both particulate and inherited "SRL for [improbable]: Developing the theory [ This Dynamic Earth , USGS ] Continental drift was hotly debated off and on for decades following Wegener 's death before it was largely dismissed as being eccentric , preposterous , and [improbable] .",ARG-1: Continental drift SRL for [gravitated]: The conversation [gravitated] towards politics .,ARG-0: The conversation | ARG-1: towards politics "SRL for [friction]: Despite recent progress , a detailed understanding of water / solid [friction] in connection with the structure and energetics of the solid surface is lacking .",ARG-1: water | ARG-2: solid SRL for [blows !]: That [blows !],ARG-1: That SRL for [soldered]: I simply [soldered] the other end of the wires to the unused pins in the ethernet jack .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-1: the other end of the wires | ARG-2: to the unused pins in the ethernet jack "SRL for [run]: an initial press [run] of 100,000 copies","ARG-M-TMP: initial | ARG-0: press | ARG-1: of 100,000 copies" SRL for [fall]: the stock market lurched into a 190 - point free [fall] on Oct. 13,ARG-2: 190 - point | ARG-M-MNR: free "SRL for [yelling]: Munching pizza when they could and [yelling] until their voices gave out , the two Benjamin Jacobson specialists at the Big Board 's UAL trading post yesterday presided over what can only be described as a financial free - for - all .",ARG-M-TMP: until their voices gave out | ARG-0: the two Benjamin Jacobson specialists at the Big Board 's UAL trading post SRL for [physiologic]: The mild uptake in the transverse colon is likely [physiologic] .,ARG-1: The mild uptake in the transverse colon | ARG-M-ADV: likely "SRL for [sensationalization]: Mass shootings , mental health , and the [sensationalization] of violence",ARG-1: of violence "SRL for [started up]: When Southwest Airlines [started up] at Lambert , it was with one gate and a scattering of destinations .",ARG-1: Southwest Airlines | ARG-M-LOC: at Lambert | ARG-M-TMP: When SRL for [relief]: They provide [relief] for poor farmers,ARG-2: for poor farmers "SRL for [concerning]: The company also said it continues to explore all options [concerning] the possible sale of National Aluminum 's 54.5 % stake in an aluminum smelter in Hawesville , Ky.","ARG-0: all options | ARG-1: the possible sale of National Aluminum 's 54.5 % stake in an aluminum smelter in Hawesville , Ky." SRL for [boating]: I think urban culture has recently adopted [boating] in a major way ., "SRL for [believe]: For that matter , the Chinese display a willingness to [believe] in the auspiciousness of just about anything !",ARG-0: the Chinese | ARG-1: in the auspiciousness of just about anything SRL for [follow up]: Outpatient Brain Injury Program assessment and [follow up] for residual executive function/ problem solving/ and memory problems that are mild,ARG-2: for residual executive function/ problem solving/ and memory problems that are mild "SRL for [flat]: Sales were roughly [flat] in the 1989 model year compared with a year earlier , though industry sales fell .",ARG-1: Sales | ARG-M-ADJ: roughly | ARG-M-TMP: in the 1989 model year | ARG-M-ADV: compared with a year earlier | ARG-M-ADV: though industry sales fell "SRL for [casual]: Although business casual is [casual] , it also does n't mean that anything goes .",ARG-1: business casual "SRL for [invaded]: She has been on the move almost incessantly since last Thursday , when an army of adjusters , employed by major insurers , [invaded] the San Francisco area to help policyholders sift through the rubble and restore some order to their lives .","ARG-0: an army of adjusters , employed by major insurers | ARG-1: the San Francisco area | ARG-M-PNC: to help policyholders sift through the rubble and restore some order to their lives | ARG-M-TMP: last Thursday | R-ARG-M-TMP: when" SRL for [sleepy]: I was [sleepy] from the altitude,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: from the altitude "SRL for [brokering]: However , even this admirable plan could become objectionable if the White House gives in to congressional Democratic pressure to add to the scope of the president 's initiative or to involve the independent foundation in `` [brokering] '' federal funds for volunteer projects .",ARG-0: the independent foundation | ARG-1: federal funds | ARG-2: for volunteer projects "SRL for [cries out]: ` ` Ski school is great , '' [cries out] a tot , bundled in a snowsuit as he plows down a bunny slope .","ARG-1: ` ` Ski school is great , '' | ARG-0: a tot , bundled in a snowsuit | ARG-M-TMP: as he plows down a bunny slope" SRL for [pounded]: She [pounded] mom with her little fists .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: mom | ARG-2: with her little fists "SRL for [lavished]: The $ 12 million [lavished] on the Rubens , for example , was a record price for the artist and maybe twice its value , given a dispute among scholars about its provenance .",ARG-1: The $ 12 million | ARG-2: on the Rubens "SRL for [waive]: In London , prices finished at intraday peaks , comforted by a reassuring early performance on Wall Street and news that the British government will [waive] its `` golden share '' in auto maker Jaguar .",ARG-0: the British government | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: its `` golden share '' in auto maker Jaguar SRL for [priced out]: I simply wrote down the ingredients that they used and [priced out] at Costco ( non organic ) and the market ( organic ) and could n't beat the price .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-LOC: at Costco ( non organic ) and the market ( organic ) SRL for [parade]: George was number one in the Swedish hits [parade],ARG-M-LOC: Swedish | ARG-1: hits "SRL for [doubling]: One expert , whose job is so politically sensitive that he spoke on condition that he would n't be named , said the expected influx of East European refugees over the next few years will greatly increase the number of computer - maintenance workers , for example , [doubling] as foreign spies .",ARG-0: computer - maintenance workers | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-1: as foreign spies SRL for [desirous]: The boy is [desirous] of the girl believing him,ARG-0: The boy | ARG-1: of the girl believing him "SRL for [boring]: Ettore would say it was [boring] to have a normal house , you have to change things around all the time .",ARG-0: to have a normal house SRL for [rallied]: Stock prices [rallied] in active trading .,ARG-1: Stock prices | ARG-M-LOC: in active trading SRL for [cystojejunostomy]: He had a surgical [cystojejunostomy] in November 2003,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-TMP: in November 2003 SRL for [gestating]: Some new spiritual idea was [gestating] in the womb of my mind .,ARG-1: Some new spiritual idea | ARG-M-LOC: in the womb of my mind SRL for [binarize]: We [binarize] the categorical input so that they can be thought of as a vector from the Euclidean space .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the categorical input | ARG-M-PRP: so that they can be thought of as a vector from the Euclidean space SRL for [cupped]: She [cupped] his hands around her waist .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: his hands | ARG-M-LOC: around her waist "SRL for [jumping]: The big may have gotten bigger , but that has n't stopped newcomers from [jumping] into the fray .",ARG-M-GOL: into the fray SRL for [accounting]: He was unable to give a clear [accounting] for his actions .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: give | ARG-M-MNR: clear | ARG-1: for his actions SRL for [childish]: Am I being [childish] / unreasonable about this ?,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: about this ? SRL for [announcement]: a vitriolic U.S. response to Sony Corp. 's [announcement] of its purchase of Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc.,ARG-0: Sony Corp. 's | ARG-1: of its purchase of Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc. SRL for [contravened]: The London Times said she had `` [contravened] protocol . '',ARG-0: she | ARG-1: protocol SRL for [socialism]: public service [socialism],ARG-1: public service SRL for [scaling]: Psoriatic [scaling] of the scalp and ears,ARG-0: Psoriatic | ARG-1: of the scalp and ears "SRL for [scored]: Also , Teodulo Mabellini 's `` Lux aeterna '' was intriguingly [scored] and splendidly put across by Mr. Rilling .",ARG-M-DIS: Also | ARG-M-MNR: intriguingly | ARG-1: Teodulo Mabellini 's `` Lux aeterna '' "SRL for [fielded]: Then , in 1988 , a proposal to keep better track of income by selling prepaid cards for pachinko was [fielded] in parliament .",ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-M-TMP: in 1988 | ARG-1: a proposal to keep better track of income by selling prepaid cards for pachinko | ARG-M-LOC: in parliament "SRL for [interrogated]: Brazilian financier Naji Nahas , who was arrested on Monday after 102 days in hiding , is likely to be [interrogated] next week by the Brazilian judiciary .","ARG-2: Brazilian financier Naji Nahas , who was arrested on Monday after 102 days in hiding | ARG-M-TMP: next week | ARG-0: by the Brazilian judiciary" SRL for [billed]: That complex bid was [billed] as France 's largest takeover ever ( this one is slightly smaller ) .,ARG-1: That complex bid | ARG-2: as France 's largest takeover ever SRL for [relative]: He is fast [relative] to his peers .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: fast | ARG-3: to his peers "SRL for [switches]: `` Investor interest [switches] back and forth ceaselessly as they are unable to shift their weight to one side for sure , '' Mr. Mitsuoka of Daiwa Investment Trust said .",ARG-1: Investor interest | ARG-M-MNR: back and forth | ARG-M-MNR: ceaselessly | ARG-M-TMP: as they are unable to shift their weight to one side for sure "SRL for [professed]: Two months after Daren moved in and [professed] his love to Sugar , he started dipping into her savings account to repay his past due college loans",ARG-0: Daren | ARG-1: his love | ARG-2: to Sugar "SRL for [fight]: But healthy skepticism vanishes when they are solicited by an organized charity to help [fight] cancer , famine , child abuse , or what have you .","ARG-0: they | ARG-1: cancer , famine , child abuse , or what have you" SRL for [leave]: That we [leave] to the beholder 's imagination .,ARG-1: That | ARG-0: we | ARG-2: to the beholder 's imagination "SRL for [stranded]: '' Or the one in which she and Josh are [stranded] in the city , and , after insisting on separate motel rooms , she knocks on his door to pour out her feelings about the rape -- wearing nothing but a mini - slip and a push - up bra .",ARG-1: she and Josh | ARG-M-LOC: in the city | ARG-M-LOC: the one | R-ARG-M-LOC: in which SRL for [up]: One our our cats is [up] in a tree .,ARG-1: One our our cats | ARG-2: in a tree "SRL for [salted away]: On Saturday night , quite a few of the boys in green and gold [salted away] successes to salve the pain of past and , no doubt , future droughts .","ARG-M-TMP: On Saturday night | ARG-0: quite a few of the boys in green and gold | ARG-1: successes | ARG-M-PRP: to salve the pain of past and , no doubt , future droughts" SRL for [wonderful]: You 've been so [wonderful] to me .,ARG-1: You | ARG-2: to me SRL for [built up]: He [built up] the pulp and paper segment of the company .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the pulp and paper segment of the company SRL for [overdrew]: I [overdrew] my checking account by 100 dollars .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: my checking account | ARG-1: by 100 dollars "SRL for [incompetent]: They are [incompetent] most times even in good weather , snow makes them even more so .",ARG-1: They | ARG-M-TMP: most times | ARG-M-ADV: even in good weather "SRL for [modulate]: The chords [modulate] , but there is little filigree even though his fingers begin to wander over more of the keys .",ARG-1: The chords "SRL for [admitted]: For example , P.K. Chiang , chairman of the Council for Economic Planning and Development , visited Macau shortly before the handover , and even figures such as mainland democracy activist Wu'er Kaixi have been [admitted] to Macau on their way to the mainland - though the mainland authorities of course refused to allow Wu'er to cross into the PRC .",ARG-1: even figures such as mainland democracy activist Wu'er Kaixi | ARG-2: to Macau | ARG-M-TMP: on their way to the mainland | ARG-M-ADV: though the mainland authorities of course refused to allow Wu'er to cross into the PRC SRL for [exhibited]: The case [exhibited] how testing was being overused .,ARG-0: The case | ARG-1: how testing was being overused SRL for [demasted]: He sunk three ships and [demasted] the Dauntless !,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the Dauntless SRL for [redress]: It now has the chance to [redress] that record in Namibia .,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: that record | ARG-M-LOC: in Namibia SRL for [aid]: Our garden desperately needs the [aid] of a knowledgeable horticulturist .,ARG-0: of a knowledgeable horticulturist "SRL for [myelosuppressive]: In contrast , VLB is [myelosuppressive] .",ARG-M-DIS: In contrast | ARG-0: VLB SRL for [absorption]: Ascorbic acid may enhance iron [absorption] .,ARG-1: iron "SRL for [consulting]: Jaguar was shocked by Mr. Ridley 's decision , because management had believed the government would n't lift the golden share without [consulting] the company first .",ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: the company | ARG-M-TMP: first SRL for [pinched]: They found the artery and [pinched] it with a clamp .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with a clamp SRL for [softboiled]: She [softboiled] him an egg .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-GOL: him | ARG-1: an egg "SRL for [bottlenecked]: After the accident , the wreckage and ambulence [bottlenecked] cars on I-95 for hours .",ARG-M-TMP: After the accident | ARG-0: the wreckage and ambulence | ARG-1: cars | ARG-2: on I-95 | ARG-M-TMP: for hours SRL for [nucleated]: 228 total [nucleated] cells,ARG-1: cells "SRL for [address]: In a foreign - policy [address] before the Soviet legislature , theforeign minister conceded that the radar station in Krasnoyarskbreached the superpower Anti - Ballistic Missile treaty and said itwould be dismantled .",ARG-1: foreign - policy | ARG-2: before the Soviet legislature "SRL for [pardon]: "" All of which , [pardon] me for saying this , could be put down to employee screwups . """,ARG-1: me | ARG-2: for saying this "SRL for [slop]: They cringed under sodden covers , listening to the waves [slop] against the bottom .",ARG-0: the waves | ARG-1: against the bottom "SRL for [cross - correlated]: For each CMBR map , we generated 5000 realizations and [cross - correlated] them against each of the four galaxy maps .",ARG-M-ADV: For each CMBR map | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: against each of the four galaxy maps "SRL for [flawed]: I kinda expected more Jedis to be out there , although in all honesty , I would say that I have n't actually seen anyone wielding a lightsaber , so that may be [flawed] .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: may SRL for [excommunication]: Enclosed is background info on the Prophets and their [excommunication] of me from their Elite circle ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of me | ARG-2: from their Elite circle SRL for [tender]: his [tender] of $ 100 on the purchase price,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of $ 100 | ARG-3: on the purchase price SRL for [trip]: I can [trip] over my own two feet !,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: over my own two feet ! "SRL for [protested]: She [protested] to him , "" My house is plastic city ; I need real stuff to put with the fake stuff . ""","ARG-0: She | ARG-2: to him | ARG-1: "" My house is plastic city ; I need real stuff to put with the fake stuff . """ SRL for [Rioting]: [Rioting] against Lima 's insistence on relocating Peru 's biggest wholesale market claims 2 more lives,ARG-1: against Lima 's insistence on relocating Peru 's biggest wholesale market SRL for [surfeits]: he [surfeits] us with compliments .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: with compliments "SRL for [built]: They [built] Quebecor into an integrated paper , publishing , and printing concern .","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: Quebecor | ARG-4: into an integrated paper , publishing , and printing concern" SRL for [living]: His works of the 1960s show the influence of his travels in Europe and his [living] in New York City at the height of the abstract expressionists .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-LOC: in New York City | ARG-M-TMP: at the height of the abstract expressionists SRL for [resell]: Remarketers make modifications to IBM 's computer hardware and [resell] the products .,ARG-0: Remarketers | ARG-1: the products SRL for [shaved]: It attracts people with funny hair ( or with no hair -- in front of me a girl with spiked locks sat beside a boy who had [shaved] his ) .,ARG-0: a boy | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: his "SRL for [work out]: `` Things [work out] unexpectedly in life , '' said Ms. Volokh .",ARG-1: Things | ARG-M-MNR: unexpectedly | ARG-M-LOC: in life "SRL for [traveling]: This summer , the industry introduced a `` kids fly free '' program , in which children were allowed to fly free if they were [traveling] with an adult .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-COM: with an adult SRL for [acetylated]: The new NH2 - terminal glycine is [acetylated] from acetyl - CoA when the polypeptide is 44 residues long .,ARG-3: The new NH2 - terminal glycine | ARG-1: from acetyl - CoA "SRL for [recalled]: Upon returning to New York , `` Exhausted , I got into a taxicab , and the woman driver said : `` Americans make better fishermen , '' he [recalled] .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Upon returning to New York , `` Exhausted , I got into a taxicab , and the woman driver said : `` Americans make better fishermen , ''" SRL for [foundation]: A 3D photon superposition / convolution algorithm and its [foundation] on results of Monte Carlo calculations .,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: on results of Monte Carlo calculations SRL for [reinduction]: The patient 's [reinduction] on FOLFIRI,ARG-1: The patient 's | ARG-2: on FOLFIRI "SRL for [preservation]: In 1905 , when few people in East Africa thought of land conservation and the [preservation] of wildlife for posterity , portions of the area were earmarked .",ARG-1: of wildlife | ARG-2: for posterity "SRL for [pop]: The club plans to show nerdy movies , such as `` Real Genius , '' in which physics whizzes [pop] corn with lasers ; and naturally , the `` Revenge of the Nerds , '' a tale of college males with runny noses and ill - fitting pants .",ARG-M-LOC: Real Genius | ARG-0: physics whizzes | ARG-1: corn | ARG-M-MNR: with lasers | R-ARG-M-LOC: in which SRL for [clucked]: Mary [clucked] and cooed over her baby .,ARG-0: Mary "SRL for [drunk]: `` I 'm doing the main story , and I 'm already two beers [drunk] , '' said reporter Andy Furillo , whom the Times hired away several years ago but who returned to the Herald out of preference .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-M-EXT: two beers "SRL for [scare]: It wo n't take much more to `` [scare] the hell out of retail investors , '' he says .",ARG-0: much more | ARG-3: the hell | ARG-1: out of retail investors "SRL for [package]: Under the agreement , Westinghouse will be able to purchase smaller combustion turbines from its Japanese partner , and [package] and sell them with its own generators and other equipment .",ARG-0: Westinghouse | ARG-1: them | ARG-3: with its own generators and other equipment SRL for [passes]: Hardly a day [passes] without news photos of the police dragging limp protestors from some building .,ARG-1: Hardly a day | ARG-M-ADV: without news photos of the police dragging limp protestors from some building SRL for [put up]: Few banks will [put up] new money for New Zealand .,ARG-0: Few banks | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: new money | ARG-2: for New Zealand SRL for [continue]: New loans [continue] to slow ; they were $ 6.6 million in the quarter compared with $ 361.8 million a year ago .,ARG-1: New loans | C-ARG-1: to slow "SRL for [pick up]: If sales do n't [pick up] , the cuts will go deeper and incentives will sprout again .",ARG-1: sales | ARG-M-NEG: n't "SRL for [funded]: The contributions were [funded] by monthly payments of $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 to Appleyard .","ARG-1: The contributions | ARG-2: by monthly payments of $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 to Appleyard" "SRL for [overlap]: Unfortunately , few studies exist that characterize the spatial and environmental - economic [overlap] between extractive industries and agriculture in either country ...",ARG-2: spatial and environmental - economic | ARG-0: between extractive industries and agriculture | ARG-M-LOC: in either country SRL for [glossy]: The long wavey hair that fell in masses from beneath a conventional sombrero was [glossy] from a recent anointment of some heavily perfumed mixture .,ARG-1: The long wavey hair that fell in masses from beneath a conventional sombrero | ARG-0: from a recent anointment of some heavily perfumed mixture "SRL for [warning]: Bay Financial Corp. , Boston , which has been reporting big losses and [warning] of a possible bankruptcy - law filing , said it was sued by a holder .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: Bay Financial Corp. | ARG-1: of a possible bankruptcy - law filing SRL for [reclines]: The seat [reclines] to a full 160 degrees to provide the most comfortable sitting position possible .,ARG-1: The seat | ARG-M-EXT: to a full 160 degrees | ARG-M-PRP: to provide the most comfortable sitting position possible "SRL for [merchandised]: `` The name Classic Coke has tremendous value , and they have n't [merchandised] that name before , '' says Jesse Meyers , publisher of the trade journal Beverage Digest .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: that name | ARG-M-TMP: before SRL for [revote]: The Transport Brokers Union 's [revote] last night,ARG-0: The Transport Brokers Union 's | ARG-M-TMP: last night "SRL for [commendation]: To err is human . We should give him a chance , a chance of turning over a new leaf , and the [commendation] for bravely acting for justice is also an encouragement to him . We ca n't deny a person 's whole life just because of one thing .",ARG-2: for bravely acting for justice "SRL for [hard put]: ... the Beatles give way to baseball , in the Nipponese version we would be [hard put] to call a `` game . ''",ARG-1: to call a `` game . '' "SRL for [extolling]: During the ceremony , President Chen read out the eight vows , drafted by Bo Yangfor , his "" Human Rights Marriage Certificate , "" [extolling] mutual respect for human rights as the foundation of social stability .",ARG-0: President Chen | ARG-1: mutual respect for human rights | ARG-2: as the foundation of social stability SRL for [pleased]: The people who rented elaborate costumes were not [pleased] .,ARG-1: The people who rented elaborate costumes | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [promiscuous]: One of the most common misperceptions is that the Mosuo are very [promiscuous] , changing partners all the time .",ARG-0: the Mosuo | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [promising]: ECWMF has stuck to its guns for three runs on the trot now which is [promising] in that heights raise massively over the pole and a trough drops down east of the UK -LRB- similar to the second half of December 2010 -RRB- .,ARG-0: which | ARG-M-MNR: in that heights raise massively over the pole and a trough drops down east of the UK -LRB- similar to the second half of December 2010 -RRB- SRL for [polish]: ` Batibot '' lacks the [polish] of `` Sesame Street . '',ARG-1: of `` Sesame Street . '' "SRL for [crave]: Contrary to widespread belief , Mussolini failed to live up to his promise to make the trains run on time ; it is doubtful whether Soviet - style corporatism will make Soviet trains run on time , or fill the shops with goods that the consumers so desperately [crave] .",ARG-0: the consumers | ARG-M-MNR: so desperately | ARG-1: goods | R-ARG-1: that "SRL for [translucent]: Frosted glass , for example , is [translucent] to visible light .",ARG-1: Frosted glass | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-2: to visible light "SRL for [glowing]: `` When you leave the room after your massage , people say you look like you 're [glowing] . ''",ARG-0: you SRL for [frog - walked]: Joe Wilson says that Karl Rove will be [frog - walked] out of the White House .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Karl Rove | ARG-4: out of the White House SRL for [registration]: volunteer 's [registration] with the olympic committee,ARG-0: volunteer 's | ARG-2: with the olympic committee "SRL for [dazed]: During the interrogation , the FBI [dazed] John with bright flood lights .",ARG-M-TMP: During the interrogation | ARG-0: the FBI | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: with bright flood lights "SRL for [federation]: Amhara culture , language and religion were imposed on the conquered peoples as well as Eritrea after its [federation] in 1952 .",ARG-1: its | ARG-M-TMP: in 1952 "SRL for [assertion]: However , it was his [assertion] to the press that the job of president was easy -- he merely executed laws that Congress passed -- that revealed his political viewpoint .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the press | ARG-1: the job of president was easy -- he merely executed laws that Congress passed "SRL for [reply]: ... and she remembered nothing else that was said by the testator after his [reply] of yes to the enquiry by Dr. Talley whether the paper was his will ,",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: of yes | ARG-1: to the enquiry by Dr. Talley whether the paper was his will SRL for [cuddly]: Yeah and she is super [cuddly],ARG-0: she | ARG-M-EXT: super SRL for [foster]: The Los Alamos laboratory is one of three U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories designed as pilot centers to [foster] joint industry - government programs to speed the transfer of new superconductors to the marketplace .,ARG-0: three U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories | ARG-1: joint industry - government programs to speed the transfer of new superconductors to the marketplace "SRL for [planned]: Then , if the stocks fell sharply , he [planned] to begin buying them aggressively , on the theory that the companies that insure against property damage and accidents will have to raise rates eventually to compensate for the claims they will pay to earthquake victims and victims of last month 's Hurricane Hugo .",ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-M-ADV: if the stocks fell sharply | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: to begin buying them aggressively | ARG-2: on the theory that the companies that insure against property damage and accidents will have to raise rates eventually to compensate for the claims they will pay to earthquake victims and victims of last month 's Hurricane Hugo "SRL for [vote]: `` Thank God we have some deal on the table , '' said Stewart Gilchrist , a director at Scottish Amicable Investment Managers , which intends to [vote] its roughly 1 % stake in favor of the restructuring .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-3: its roughly 1 % stake | ARG-1: in favor of the restructuring | ARG-0: Scottish Amicable Investment Managers SRL for [hayed]: The farmer [hayed] during the morning .,ARG-0: The farmer | ARG-M-TMP: during the morning "SRL for [pick off]: Who knows .. maybe they 'll send a drone to [pick off] for not getting your "" flu shot "" ..","ARG-0: a drone | ARG-1: you | ARG-M-CAU: for not getting your "" flu shot """ SRL for [deepening]: A [deepening] of the ice saturated region .,ARG-1: of the ice saturated region "SRL for [packaging]: His [packaging] of the right mix of mechanics , supplies , and equipment allowed the supported units to receive needed logistical support under adverse conditions .","ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the right mix of mechanics , supplies , and equipment" "SRL for [idealized]: But virtually ever culture in the world has some form of marriage ... a concept in which a life - long union is [idealized] , where there are formal ceremonies to ' sanctify ' a man and a woman -LRB- or multiples thereof -RRB-",R-ARG-M-LOC: in which | ARG-1: a life - long union | ARG-M-LOC: a concept SRL for [possessive]: In this verse the word Vishnur is in the partitive case whereas in others the case ending is [possessive] .,ARG-M-LOC: in others | ARG-1: the case ending "SRL for ['s it]: "" That ['s it] ! "" Feng balled his hands into fists . "" If the neighbors hear , she 'll bring the police down on us .",ARG-0: That SRL for [tag]: Turkey won many hearts with their [tag] of being the ' comeback kings ' during the tournament .,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: of being the ' comeback kings ' | ARG-M-TMP: during the tournament "SRL for [reactivate]: If positioned over the brain 's motor - control area , the hand - held electromagnets generate nerve impulses that zip down motor nerves and [reactivate] muscles , making , say , a finger twitch .",ARG-0: nerve impulses | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: muscles "SRL for [steps up]: The offer , which follows a $ 55 - a - share bid that was rejected in September , [steps up] pressure on the chemicals concern .","ARG-0: The offer , which follows a $ 55 - a - share bid that was rejected in September | ARG-1: pressure on the chemicals concern" SRL for [hemorrhaging]: But the FHA program is [hemorrhaging] bad loans .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the FHA program | ARG-1: bad loans SRL for [propagation]: EEG seizure patterns and their [propagation] of the experimental convulsion,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the experimental convulsion "SRL for [ruin]: For Claudius , his [ruin] of Gertrude comes when he marries her simply for power .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Gertrude "SRL for [chinning]: I 'm about a minute away from [chinning] them , wheel spinning over their lifeless bodies , and leaving them a rough sketch of the way home .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: them SRL for [draw line in sand]: Where do we [draw line in sand] between deconstruction as desertification of God and as desertion of God ?,ARG-0: we | ARG-2: between deconstruction as desertification of God and as desertion of God | ARG-M-LOC: Where SRL for [diving]: most of the visitors came for deep sea fishing or scuba [diving],ARG-M-MNR: scuba SRL for [garaged]: I [garaged] it in the first - floor hall of our six - family block and shined it daily .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in the first - floor hall of our six - family block SRL for [indicated]: Its latest study [indicated] that the manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month .,ARG-0: Its latest study | ARG-1: that the manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month SRL for [traffic]: A mighty drama their [traffic] of human souls !,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of human souls SRL for [chilly]: the beer is [chilly] and the hot dogs are warm .,ARG-1: the beer "SRL for [rein in]: If he were able to construct a popular and efficient corporatist system , he or his heir would be wellplaced to [rein in] political opposition , and to re - establish control in Eastern Europe .",ARG-0: he or his heir | ARG-1: political opposition SRL for [missions]: his religious [missions],ARG-0: his | ARG-1: religious "SRL for [handle]: Even if the gross national product is either flat or in the growth range of 2 % to 2.5 % , `` we can [handle] that , '' Mr. Marous said .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: that SRL for [possessed]: John is [possessed] by evil spirits . Mostly tequila .,ARG-1: John | ARG-0: by evil spirits SRL for [protest]: Fed officials may [protest] that this does n't necessarily mean a fundamental change in their interest - rate policies .,ARG-0: Fed officials | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: that this does n't necessarily mean a fundamental change in their interest - rate policies SRL for [refunds]: State court Judge Richard Curry ordered Edison to make average [refunds] of about $ 45 to $ 50 each to Edison customers who have received electric service since April 1986 .,ARG-0: Edison | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-ADJ: average | ARG-1: of about $ 45 to $ 50 each | ARG-2: to Edison customers who have received electric service since April 1986 "SRL for [documents]: Mr. Good , who [documents] these things as best he can , provides an official explanation in the form of a memorandum from Chief of Staff George C. Marshall to President Roosevelt : `` 1,430 pounds of ammunition , '' he wrote his commander in chief , were expended on `` unidentified aircraft , '' flying at speeds as slow as 200 mph and elevations between 9,000 and 18,000 feet .",ARG-0: Mr. Good | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: these things | ARG-M-MNR: as best he can SRL for [Great]: Two ! Four ! Six ! Eight ! Homer 's Crime Was Very [Great] !,ARG-1: Homer 's Crime | ARG-M-EXT: Very "SRL for [indecipherable]: The text "" in German , Hebrew , and Latin "" was [indecipherable] to me .","ARG-1: The text "" in German , Hebrew , and Latin "" | ARG-0: to me" "SRL for [grant]: The White House said Mr. Bush decided to [grant] duty - free status for 18 categories , but turned down such treatment for other types of watches `` because of the potential for material injury to watch producers located in the U.S. and the Virgin Islands . ''",ARG-0: Mr. Bush | ARG-1: duty - free status for 18 categories SRL for [drew]: As the London trading session [drew] to a close ...,ARG-1: the London trading session | ARG-M-DIR: to a close "SRL for [to weaponize]: Indian military [to weaponize] world 's hottest chili , "" Ghost chili "" , for use in hand grenades .","ARG-0: Indian military | ARG-1: world 's hottest chili , "" Ghost chili "" | ARG-M-PRP: for use in hand grenades" "SRL for [encouraging]: It 's [encouraging] that some on the council -- Cnare and Bidar - Sielaff -- are working toward defining ethical boundaries , but it 's amazing that it has n't been done sooner .",ARG-0: that some on the council -- Cnare and Bidar - Sielaff -- are working toward defining ethical boundaries "SRL for [hasten]: I personally do not want to [hasten] Mr. Lehman 's demise , but I can see him figuring prominently in his own article .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: Mr. Lehman 's demise "SRL for [received]: Clinton Gas Systems Inc. said it [received] a contract from Timken Co. , Canton , Ohio , to manage the natural gas purchasing , scheduling and transportation activities for Timken 's seven Ohio and two Pennsylvania plants .","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: a contract | ARG-2: from Timken Co. , Canton , Ohio" SRL for [facing]: Can we agree that you are [facing] north ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-DIR: north "SRL for [dies down]: And as the applause [dies down] in showrooms along Seventh Avenue and Broadway , stylishly clad Campeau buyers will begin writing orders .",ARG-1: the applause | ARG-M-LOC: in showrooms along Seventh Avenue and Broadway SRL for [disease]: ... to ensure there is no mucosal [disease] ...,ARG-1: mucosal SRL for [intends]: ... and a company spokesman said it fully [intends] to meet the payments .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-EXT: fully | ARG-1: to meet the payments "SRL for [quacks]: ( Another much - beloved saying , however , this one in plain English , holds that if something walks like a duck and [quacks] like a duck , it is a duck .",ARG-0: something | ARG-M-MNR: like a duck SRL for [defend]: We will [defend] our country against terrorists,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: our country | ARG-3: against terrorists SRL for [pretibial]: There is no [pretibial] edema .,ARG-1: edema "SRL for [convey]: While U.S. officials voice optimism about Japan 's enlarged role in Asia , they also [convey] an undertone of caution .",ARG-M-TMP: While U.S. officials voice optimism about Japan 's enlarged role in Asia | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: an undertone of caution "SRL for [flicked]: He nodded , clasping and unclasping his hands over his paunch , and [flicked] glances at me .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: glances | ARG-2: at me SRL for [penned]: John [penned] a quick note to Mary .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a quick note | ARG-2: to Mary SRL for [opposition]: How did liberal and conservative critics differ in their [opposition] to the new deal ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to the new deal ? SRL for [Sequencing]: Genomic [Sequencing] of Key Genes in Mouse Pancreatic Cancer Cells,ARG-1: Genomic | ARG-3: of Key Genes in Mouse Pancreatic Cancer Cells "SRL for [unleashed]: But ultimately he was undone by forces [unleashed] by his own comrade , Mr. Gorbachev .","ARG-1: forces | ARG-0: by his own comrade , Mr. Gorbachev" SRL for [perception]: retail investors ' [perception] of risks in the brokerage industry,ARG-0: retail investors ' | ARG-1: of risks in the brokerage industry SRL for [forecast]: his [forecast] of growth of 0.7 %,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of growth | ARG-2: of 0.7 % SRL for [vertical]: the sun is [vertical] to the north part of the channel of Mozambique ;,ARG-1: the sun | ARG-2: to the north part of the channel of Mozambique SRL for [confirmation]: Their [confirmation] of sale,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of sale "SRL for [model]: there are so few countries which are organized on the American [model] with its , the powers of the state",ARG-0: American SRL for [flirted]: Hearst had [flirted] with a conversion to tabloid format for years but never executed the plan .,ARG-0: Hearst | ARG-1: with a conversion to tabloid format | ARG-M-TMP: for years SRL for [ubiquitinated]: We [ubiquitinated] bacterially expressed GST - TRAF6 with Lys63 - linked chains using the in vitro ubiquitination reaction .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: bacterially expressed GST - TRAF6 | ARG-2: with Lys63 - linked chains | ARG-M-MNR: using the in vitro ubiquitination reaction SRL for [fix]: a quick [fix] for a complex problem,ARG-M-MNR: quick | ARG-1: for a complex problem SRL for [manipulation]: Iago 's [manipulation] of Desdemona occurs through Cassio .,ARG-0: Iago 's | ARG-1: of Desdemona SRL for [recognition]: He gained national [recognition] as a segregationist .,ARG-0: national "SRL for [bothered]: This has n't much [bothered] the UNESCO delegates , who last week could n't even agree to raise funds by selling off a fancy 19th - century French chateau the agency somehow owns .","ARG-0: This | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: much | ARG-1: the UNESCO delegates , who last week could n't even agree to raise funds by selling off a fancy 19th - century French chateau the agency somehow owns" SRL for [kept]: Britain [kept] light tanks out of the talks .,ARG-0: Britain | ARG-1: light tanks | ARG-2: out of the talks SRL for [started]: A storm [started],ARG-1: A storm "SRL for [redemonstration]: Asymmetric pachymeningeal enhancement underlies the right craniotomy site , with [redemonstration] of right subdural fluid collection .",ARG-1: of right subdural fluid collection SRL for [generation]: mankind 's [generation] of carbon dioxide through increased combustion of fossil fuels,ARG-0: mankind 's | ARG-1: of carbon dioxide | ARG-2: through increased combustion of fossil fuels "SRL for [humanitarian]: But he says he was very "" [humanitarian] "" to them behind bars .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-2: to them | ARG-M-LOC: behind bars SRL for [tithed]: The church was [tithed] .,ARG-3: The church SRL for [quiescent]: fairly [quiescent] colitis,ARG-M-EXT: fairly | ARG-1: colitis SRL for [deregulation]: Availability of emergency contraception after its [deregulation] from prescription - only status : a survey of Ontario pharmacies .,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from prescription - only status SRL for [turning]: My [turning] of the key in the lock alerted him,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: of the key | ARG-M-LOC: in the lock "SRL for [served]: He has never met Lynn Williams , the president of the United Steelworkers union , and is n't active in the industry 's main trade group , the American Iron and Steel Institute , which Mr. Roderick [served] as chairman .",ARG-2: the American Iron and Steel Institute | R-ARG-2: which | ARG-1: as chairman SRL for [barrage by the US Navy]: a [barrage by the US Navy],ARG-0: by the US Navy SRL for [exophytic]: [exophytic] mass in the rectum,ARG-0: mass in the rectum SRL for [addition]: a $ 42.7 million [addition] to loan - loss reserves,ARG-1: $ 42.7 million | ARG-2: to loan - loss reserves SRL for [turn up]: You never know where she 'll [turn up] .,ARG-1: she | ARG-M-MOD: 'll "SRL for [prates on]: It belongs to common people , but why it is always seen that among over billion of persons , quite a few eunuchs [prates on] about disadvantages of sexual life , and undoubtedly there is no democracy and freedom , but there are prates about disadvantages of democracy and freedom ?",ARG-M-ADV: among over billion of persons | ARG-0: quite a few eunuchs | ARG-1: about disadvantages of sexual life "SRL for [pontificate]: Witnesses shout , scream , [pontificate] : `` ... a dream that the planet could be saved from itself and from the sadistic dumb creatures who try to tear down every decent man who raises his voice . ''",ARG-0: Witnesses | ARG-1: a dream that the planet could be saved from itself and from the sadistic dumb creatures who try to tear down every decent man who raises his voice SRL for [gunshots]: Sources from within Juba reported hearing heavy [gunshots] towards Juba from 10 pm in the direction of Terekeka,ARG-M-ADJ: heavy | ARG-2: towards Juba | ARG-M-TMP: from 10 pm | ARG-M-DIR: in the direction of Terekeka SRL for [kosher]: The most annoying thing of all : all the amazing - looking food that is n't [kosher] .,ARG-1: that | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [concentrated]: She is [concentrated] on promoting Polish children 's theatre abroad .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: on promoting Polish children 's theatre abroad "SRL for [hydrate]: The salt solution causes the food to [hydrate] , meaning retain water .",ARG-1: the food SRL for [prickle]: The blades [prickle] my eyelids and I concentrate on the sharpness .,ARG-0: The blades | ARG-1: my eyelids SRL for [sidelined]: Fresh buying interest was [sidelined] ahead of a potential market - affecting debate in the House of Commons set for Tuesday .,ARG-1: Fresh buying interest | ARG-M-TMP: ahead of a potential market - affecting debate in the House of Commons set for Tuesday SRL for [random]: Hah that 's [random] ! But amusing,ARG-M-DIS: Hah | ARG-1: that "SRL for [drag]: Note that the job of the engine is just to overcome the [drag] of the airplane , not to lift the airplane .",ARG-1: of the airplane SRL for [speech]: The President 's axis of evil [speech] before congress,ARG-0: The President 's | ARG-1: axis of evil | ARG-2: before congress "SRL for [evidenced]: And it has remained there , as *trace*-1 [evidenced] *trace*-1 by its reappearance in a 1972 CBS sitcom called `` Bridget Loves Bernie , '' whose sole distinction was that it led to the real - life marriage of Meredith Baxter and David Birney .","ARG-0: by its reappearance in a 1972 CBS sitcom called `` Bridget Loves Bernie , '' whose sole distinction was that it led to the real - life marriage of Meredith Baxter and David Birney" "SRL for [burping]: When the patient was admitted , she was [burping] up dark brown bile , but suddenly , this has escalated into intense projectile vomiting .",ARG-M-TMP: When the patient was admitted | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-1: dark brown bile SRL for [apprehend]: Do you [apprehend] that this would occur ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: that this would occur "SRL for [rushing]: Its capital spending is growing at double - digit rates for the second year in a row , and its superefficient producers of everything from cars to computer chips are [rushing] to expand capacity , modernize factories and develop new products .","ARG-1: its superefficient producers of everything from cars to computer chips | ARG-2: to expand capacity , modernize factories and develop new products" SRL for [complete]: He is a [complete] moron .,ARG-1: moron "SRL for [strip]: And on back - to - back roll calls , 206 - 199 and 223 - 178 , the Appropriations Committee leadership turned back efforts to weaken or [strip] the proposed restrictions first added by Sen. Warren Rudman ( R. , N.H. ) .",ARG-1: the proposed restrictions SRL for [takeover]: its [takeover] by Coniston Partners,ARG-1: its | ARG-0: by Coniston Partners SRL for [detour]: He took a [detour] if not a U - turn .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: took SRL for [halt]: the futures - trading [halt],ARG-1: futures - trading "SRL for [wobbling]: She stood up , pulled the coat from her shoulders and started to slide it off , then let out a high - pitched scream and I let out a low - pitched , [wobbling] sound like a muffler blowing out .",ARG-0: sound SRL for [diplomacy]: His over - reliance on [diplomacy] with Republicans has been costly for critical progress .,ARG-2: with Republicans "SRL for [clear]: The compromise plan , which boosts the minimum wage for the first time since 1981 , is expected to [clear] the Senate soon .","ARG-0: The compromise plan , which boosts the minimum wage for the first time since 1981 | ARG-1: the Senate | ARG-M-TMP: soon" "SRL for [repent]: Only then did he [repent] , and he thought of how worthy Dingxiang was .",ARG-M-TMP: Only then | ARG-0: he "SRL for [enteroenterostomy]: underwent side - to - side [enteroenterostomy] on May 17 , 2001",ARG-M-MNR: side - to - side SRL for [advances]: He discussed some recent [advances] in cancer treatments .,ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-1: in cancer treatments SRL for [snowboarded]: I have [snowboarded] Copper for the last two years and I thought it was a fantastic place .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: Copper | ARG-M-TMP: for the last two years SRL for [pressing]: [pressing] of an olive,ARG-1: of an olive "SRL for [enlivening]: He distinguished the two cases : In Salinger , Judge Leval noted , the quotations were for the purpose of [enlivening] the biography rather than of proving points about the subject .",ARG-0: the quotations | ARG-1: the biography SRL for [adorned]: Baskets of roses and potted palms [adorned] his bench .,ARG-2: Baskets of roses and potted palms | ARG-1: his bench SRL for [rafted]: The rafters stayed with Kelly all night and then [rafted] him to Iowa Hill Bridge .,ARG-0: The rafters | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: to Iowa Hill Bridge SRL for [yodeled]: A loon [yodeled] a haunting farewell as we loaded our mini - van .,ARG-0: A loon | ARG-1: a haunting farewell | ARG-M-TMP: as we loaded our mini - van SRL for [recurrence]: her [recurrence] in the ascending colon,ARG-M-GOL: her | ARG-M-LOC: in the ascending colon SRL for [skewered]: Frankie snatched the page back from him and [skewered] it to the corkboard on the wall with a green pushpin .,ARG-0: Frankie | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to the corkboard on the wall | ARG-3: with a green pushpin "SRL for [other]: She has also had a few nose sores , but no [other] complaints .",ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-2: complaints SRL for [PREVENTIVE]: [PREVENTIVE] HEALTH - MAINTENANCE,ARG-M-MNR: HEALTH - MAINTENANCE SRL for [bid]: John 's [bid] of eight hearts was n't enough to win .,ARG-0: John 's | ARG-1: of eight hearts SRL for [survival]: The Prime Minister 's political [survival],ARG-0: The Prime Minister 's | ARG-1: political SRL for [stereotyped]: Some are probably nice but I 've already [stereotyped] them as ' pretentious ' .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: as ' pretentious ' SRL for [capitulation]: The political elite is genuinely alarmed at what [capitulation] to southern demands might encourage .,ARG-1: to southern demands SRL for [oversighting]: The job is one of [oversighting] accountability .,ARG-1: accountability "SRL for [disclaims]: Although Section 2 of the act expressly [disclaims] requiring that minorities win a proportional share of elective offices , few municipal and state government plans achieve preclearance by the Justice Department or survive the scrutiny of the lower federal courts unless they carve out as many solidly minority districts as possible .",ARG-0: Section 2 of the act | ARG-M-MNR: expressly | ARG-1: requiring that minorities win a proportional share of elective offices "SRL for [Make]: [Make] of it what you will , wo n't hurt me none .",ARG-2: of it | ARG-1: what you will SRL for [weaker]: The addiction may very well be [weaker] .,ARG-1: The addiction | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-ADV: very well SRL for [habitable]: Exactly how a cooled - down Earth will change surface conditions -- and whether our planet will still be [habitable] -- nobody knows .,ARG-1: our planet | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: still SRL for [halt]: the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's [halt] in stock - index futures,ARG-0: the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's | ARG-1: in stock - index futures "SRL for [critiquing]: Hong Kong director Stanley Kuan echoes this sentiment , saying that many films by Taiwanese directors tackling cultural identity and [critiquing] status quo , couldcould never have been made in Hong Kong , perhaps because of distortions effected by colonial education , or due to political or commercial considerations .",ARG-0: many films by Taiwanese directors | ARG-1: status quo SRL for [hyperbolizes]: The media [hyperbolizes] issues of gender for entertainment purposes .,ARG-0: The media | ARG-1: issues of gender | ARG-M-CAU: for entertainment purposes SRL for [hypoxemic]: He has been mildly [hypoxemic] for the past two days .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-ADV: mildly | ARG-M-TMP: for the past two days SRL for [new]: We 've been encountering this species in [new] areas,ARG-2: areas "SRL for [imported]: At the same time , China [imported] technology and complete sets of equipment from more than thirty countries and regions , and the total amount of contract funds has increased by nearly 50 % over that of the "" seventh five - year plan "" period .",ARG-M-TMP: At the same time | ARG-0: China | ARG-1: technology and complete sets of equipment | ARG-2: from more than thirty countries and regions "SRL for [registered]: Excluding the gain , the company [registered] a modest 4.6 % increase for the quarter ended Sept. 29 to $ 113 million , or 87 cents a share , from the year - earlier $ 107.9 million , or 84 cents a share .","ARG-M-ADV: Excluding the gain | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: a modest 4.6 % increase for the quarter ended Sept. 29 to $ 113 million , or 87 cents a share , from the year - earlier $ 107.9 million , or 84 cents a share" "SRL for [mention]: It is Mr. Paul 's art venture , however , that has drawn the most attention from investors and regulators , not to [mention] galleries throughout the world .",ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: galleries throughout the world SRL for [diminished]: John 's role in the Christmas play was [diminished] from that of a wise man to that of a camel .,ARG-1: John 's role in the Christmas play | ARG-3: from that of a wise man | ARG-4: to that of a camel SRL for [skydiving]: She went [skydiving] from a helicopter with her fiance,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: from a helicopter | ARG-2: with her fiance SRL for [modeling]: atmospheric [modeling] .,ARG-1: atmospheric "SRL for [stir up]: Sotheby 's , the auction house founded in London 1744 and now under the umbrella of Sotheby 's Holdings Inc. , was hoping to [stir up] interest in old masters as it strove to build its U.S. business .","ARG-0: Sotheby 's , the auction house founded in London 1744 and now under the umbrella of Sotheby 's Holdings Inc. | ARG-1: interest in old masters | ARG-M-TMP: as it strove to build its U.S. business" "SRL for [tender]: It shed about 7 pence , however , after dealers said the market was disappointed that Ford did n't move to [tender] a bid for control of the company .",ARG-0: Ford | ARG-1: a bid for control of the company "SRL for [bumped]: Conceivably , in a scaled - back buy - out , they could be [bumped] back to coach seats for life .",ARG-M-DIS: Conceivably | ARG-M-LOC: in a scaled - back buy - out | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: they | ARG-5: back | ARG-4: to coach seats for life SRL for [offered]: New England Electric [offered] $ 2 billion to acquire PS of New Hampshire .,ARG-0: New England Electric | ARG-2: $ 2 billion | ARG-1: to acquire PS of New Hampshire SRL for [non - proliferation]: Hungary has been a party of all multilateral treaties on the [non - proliferation] of WMD .,ARG-0: of WMD SRL for [steeped]: The women is so [steeped] in her own ignorance it would take years to educate her,ARG-1: The women | ARG-M-CXN: so | ARG-2: in her own ignorance | C-ARG-M-CXN: it would take years to educate her SRL for [watch]: Our compatriots must continue to keep close [watch] over the judiciary and voice their expectations .,ARG-0: Our compatriots | ARG-M-MNR: close | ARG-1: over the judiciary SRL for [typeset]: When will they [typeset] the book ?,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the book ? "SRL for [dumb]: They always seem to focus on how "" [dumb] "" she is .",ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: she "SRL for [nonfragmented]: In an environment of a truce , it offered a pathway to peaceful negotiation for ending apartheid and establishing democratic structures in a united and [nonfragmented] South Africa .",ARG-1: South Africa "SRL for [300]: I looked at starting ages and realized that a Wookie is not considered an "" Adult "" until they are [300]",ARG-1: they "SRL for [GRACIOUS]: He 'd taken her to church , he 'd taken her to lunch and she had n't been particularly [GRACIOUS] about any of it",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: particularly | ARG-1: about any of it SRL for [flowing]: The 4.9 million - share volume [flowing] through the Jacobson specialist operation was about five times normal for the stock .,ARG-1: The 4.9 million - share volume | ARG-M-DIR: through the Jacobson specialist operation SRL for [decreed]: This is because those for whom a happy ending has already been [decreed] by God in the written book .,ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: a happy ending | ARG-2: those | R-ARG-2: for whom | ARG-0: by God | ARG-M-LOC: in the written book SRL for [straight]: I know that she is n't [straight] .,ARG-1: she | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [infeasible]: I need my meat though ; it is [infeasible] for me to abandon meat for more than 2 days .,ARG-2: for me | ARG-1: to abandon meat for more than 2 days SRL for [got off]: A new $ 46 million steel rod minimill [got off] to a rocky start in early 1988 .,ARG-1: A new $ 46 million steel rod minimill | ARG-2: to a rocky start | ARG-M-TMP: in early 1988 "SRL for [tax]: I 'm in favor of feeding , clothing , and giving shelter to the poor . I 'm against all the gov't institutions that [tax] our brains out and who inefficiently attempt to provide some of these things .",ARG-0: all the gov't institutions | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: our brains | ARG-2: out SRL for [catheterization]: How do you check for coronary artery spasm during heart [catheterization] ?,ARG-1: heart SRL for [antsy]: She 's [antsy] to get to boating this morning,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: to get to boating | ARG-M-TMP: this morning "SRL for [pressing]: But the pilots union , which has been pushing for a takeover since 1987 , appears to be [pressing] ahead with the revised bid to avoid further loss of momentum even though it has n't found a partner to replace British Air .","ARG-0: the pilots union , which has been pushing for a takeover since 1987 | ARG-M-DIR: ahead | ARG-1: with the revised bid | ARG-M-PNC: to avoid further loss of momentum | ARG-M-ADV: even though it has n't found a partner to replace British Air" SRL for [backfired]: Some other fare promotions have [backfired] .,ARG-1: Some other fare promotions "SRL for [cubbed]: When she [cubbed] , she was very tractable and the neonate exams on her cubs was done with minimal stress to the snow leopards and animal care staff .",ARG-0: she "SRL for [firewhirl]: Another extreme example of a fire tornado from other than a vegetation fire is the 1923 Great Kant ? earthquake in Japan which ignited a large city - sized firestorm and produced a gigantic [firewhirl] that killed 38,000 in fifteen minutes in the Hifukusho - Atoregion of Tokyo .","ARG-M-ADJ: gigantic | ARG-3: that killed 38,000 in fifteen minutes in the Hifukusho - Atoregion of Tokyo" SRL for [administer]: The idea would be to [administer] to patients the growth - controlling proteins made by healthy versions of the damaged genes .,ARG-2: to patients | ARG-1: the growth - controlling proteins made by healthy versions of the damaged genes "SRL for [descried]: As she sat alone in the dim light of the evening , she [descried] a lioness , her jaws reeking with recent slaughter .",ARG-M-TMP: As she sat alone in the dim light of the evening | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: a lioness | ARG-2: her jaws reeking with recent slaughter "SRL for [ethical]: In reality , the best ethics process is to have government employees and officials who are [ethical] , and to have people in positions of power who wo n't put up with bending the rules .",ARG-1: who SRL for [preference]: It is our [preference],ARG-0: our SRL for [joining]: The [joining] of an egg and sperm is call fertilization,ARG-1: an egg and sperm SRL for [rangebound]: The peso was [rangebound] in early trade against the US dollar,ARG-1: The peso | ARG-M-LOC: in early trade against the US dollar SRL for [key]: The dyes they have are [key] too ... I wonder what I have to do to get them,ARG-1: The dyes they have | ARG-M-ADV: too SRL for [fission]: Haptophrya gigantea is resolved by repeated binary [fission] into a chain of eight individuals .,ARG-M-MNR: repeated | ARG-4: binary | ARG-3: into a chain of eight individuals SRL for [settle]: Moscow found a way to [settle] the country 's $ 188 million debt .,ARG-0: Moscow | ARG-1: the country 's $ 188 million debt SRL for [round]: the 57th [round] of elections from September 2000 .,ARG-M-TMP: 57th | ARG-1: of elections from September 2000 "SRL for [situated]: Humans became the focus of his attention , and he [situated] them in helplessness situations , where their lives are endangered without a chance of rescue .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: in helplessness situations , where their lives are endangered without a chance of rescue" SRL for [measures]: these [measures] short of torture,ARG-M-MNR: short of torture SRL for [classification]: Linneaus ' [classification] of fish was controversial in his day .,ARG-0: Linneaus ' | ARG-1: of fish "SRL for [terminated]: Comprehensive Care , which [terminated] its agreement to merge with First Hospital , dropped 7/8 to 3 7/8 .",ARG-0: which | ARG-1: its agreement to merge with First Hospital SRL for [bored]: the prisoner had [bored] a hole with a centre - bit through the panel of the house door,ARG-0: the prisoner | ARG-1: a hole | ARG-3: with a centre - bit | ARG-2: through the panel of the house door SRL for [wacky]: And you thought Arizona politics was [wacky] .,ARG-1: Arizona politics "SRL for [clad]: They were [clad] in graceful , flowing robes , highly ornamented with metal and jewels .","ARG-1: They | ARG-2: in graceful , flowing robes , highly ornamented with metal and jewels" "SRL for [abducted]: His solicitor wrote him a letter at the airport , with a copy to the customs authorities , saying that Bella had evidence he was drinking and unfit to have the care of [ the child ] , whom he had anyway [abducted] without written consent .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-DIS: anyway | ARG-1: whom | ARG-M-MNR: without written consent "SRL for [pointless]: Since this game was [pointless] for you since the beginning , we 'll spare you losing all those points on your ranking .",ARG-1: this game | ARG-2: for you | ARG-M-TMP: since the beginning SRL for [entry]: his [entry] of political lawsuits on behalf of victims of human rights abuses,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of political lawsuits | ARG-3: on behalf of victims of human rights abuses "SRL for [capitalize]: You sell the good bank as an ongoing operation and use some of the proceeds to [capitalize] the bad bank , '' says thrift specialist Lewis Ranieri of Ranieri Associates in New York .",ARG-0: You | ARG-1: the bad bank SRL for [leave]: His [leave] to enter or remain in the United Kingdom may be limited so as not to extend beyond the period of authorised absence,ARG-1: His | ARG-2: to enter or remain in the United Kingdom "SRL for [ambulates]: He [ambulates] with a cane , but needs to use a walker after hospitalizations for a period of time .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: with a cane "SRL for [know]: I just ca n't envision myself , you [know] , with a big straw hat and Hawaiian shirt , sitting on some beach .",ARG-0: you "SRL for [basted]: Mine had struck down Creed 's boy in the dirt , but I [basted] my rogue soundly .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my rogue | ARG-M-EXT: soundly SRL for [flow]: The [flow] of water into the Shihmen Reservior,ARG-1: of water | ARG-M-GOL: into the Shihmen Reservior "SRL for [isolated]: So he [isolated] them into small spaces the size of a crate , but still they stayed alive .",ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-GOL: into small spaces the size of a crate "SRL for [malform]: Great animal , wonder if there is something in their diet that is causing the antlers to [malform] like that ?",ARG-1: the antlers | ARG-M-MNR: like that SRL for [were wrought]: Dramatic changes [were wrought] upon the political landscape of the U.S. during the 1960s .,ARG-1: Dramatic changes | ARG-2: upon the political landscape of the U.S. | ARG-M-TMP: during the 1960s SRL for [reorganisation]: Labour could n't do enough NHS [reorganisation] .,ARG-1: NHS SRL for [bite bullet]: PERA pension board must [bite bullet] on needed reform .,ARG-0: PERA pension board | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: on needed reform SRL for [castrated]: The senate [castrated] the law .,ARG-0: The senate | ARG-1: the law "SRL for [fog]: Though it 's probably safe to assume that the majority of financial planners are honest and even reasonably competent , the fact remains that , as one wag puts it , `` anybody who can [fog] a mirror '' can call himself a financial planner .",ARG-0: anybody | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: a mirror "SRL for [gauge]: Because it 's impossible *trace* to [gauge] how long the walkout by 55,000 Machinists rank and file will last , the precise impact on Boeing 's sales , earnings , cash flow and short - term investment position could n't be determined .","ARG-1: how long the walkout by 55,000 Machinists rank and file will last" "SRL for [palm off]: The department is advising residents to plant Sagos , if they must , in the back yard and telling nurseries to be on the lookout for anyone trying to [palm off] .",ARG-0: anyone | ARG-1: one SRL for [guesstimated]: The direct medical cost of flu is [guesstimated] at $ 4.6 billion annually .,ARG-1: The direct medical cost of flu | ARG-2: at $ 4.6 billion | ARG-M-TMP: annually SRL for [faces]: Commonwealth Edison now [faces] an additional court - ordered refund .,ARG-0: Commonwealth Edison | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: an additional court - ordered refund "SRL for [connects]: It is a maze of halls that [connects] film rooms , elaborate spas and weight - training centers that testify to a richer , more free - spending era .","ARG-0: a maze of halls | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: film rooms , elaborate spas and weight - training centers that testify to a richer , more free - spending era" "SRL for [sustainable]: Although these financial losses were [sustainable] , the reputational loss was not , and a bank 's reputation is right up there with its bottom line .",ARG-1: these financial losses "SRL for [apt]: As a result , this job requires someone who is flexible as to when he / she can work , is [apt] at learning new assignments quickly",ARG-1: who | ARG-2: at learning new assignments quickly "SRL for [taking]: Is Sanborn suggesting his [taking] abuse might prove him a ? real man , ? real enough to put on the bomb suit ?",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: abuse "SRL for [ransack]: Hastening to the attic , the temperature of which was easily hotter than the Gold Coast , you proceeded to mask the windows with a fancy wool coverlet , some khaki pants , and the like , and to [ransack] the innumerable boxes and barrels stored there .",ARG-2: the innumerable boxes and barrels stored there | ARG-0: you SRL for [bitter]: She was [bitter] about her husband 's small post - doc salary .,ARG-1: She | ARG-0: about her husband 's small post - doc salary SRL for [build]: We will either be moving home or doing a self [build] if nothing suitable comes on the market .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LVB: doing | C-ARG-0: self | ARG-M-ADV: if nothing suitable comes on the market "SRL for [coupled]: Peter Marcus , an analyst with PaineWebber Inc. , said that a downturn in the appliance industry , [coupled] with sluggish automotive sales , hurt USX results .",ARG-1: a downturn | ARG-2: with sluggish automotive sales "SRL for [Japanizing]: I am sure I am not the first to point out Joseph Hynes 's , ? Do Mistake ? Learn Better , ? -LSB- XV , 1 -RSB- mistakes in [Japanizing] English words , e. g. , sei fu not ? safe - o , ? nain not ? nine - o . ?",ARG-1: English words SRL for [suspicion]: his [suspicion] that the unrecognized inflationary culprit is the budget surplus,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that the unrecognized inflationary culprit is the budget surplus SRL for [evulsion]: [evulsion] of varicose veins from ankle,ARG-1: of varicose veins | ARG-2: from ankle SRL for [despise]: The speed with which such program trades take place and the volatile price movements they can cause are what program trading critics profess to [despise] .,ARG-0: program trading critics | ARG-1: The speed with which such program trades take place and the volatile price movements they can cause | R-ARG-1: what SRL for [burgled]: A house in Vicarage Lane was [burgled] by offenders who entered through a back door .,ARG-1: A house in Vicarage Lane | ARG-0: by offenders who entered through a back door SRL for [discontinuation]: Bayer 's [discontinuation] of hamster aspirin outraged the rodent - loving community .,ARG-0: Bayer 's | ARG-1: of hamster aspirin SRL for [started in]: My dad [started in] on me about not having a job .,ARG-0: My dad | ARG-2: on me | ARG-1: about not having a job "SRL for [surge]: We can [surge] troops all we want , but if the level of cruelty does n't increase it will all be pointless .",ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: troops | ARG-M-EXT: all we want SRL for [eased]: The average seven - day compound yield of the 400 taxable funds tracked by IBC 's Money Fund Report [eased] a fraction of a percentage point to 8.45 % from 8.47 % for the week ended Tuesday .,ARG-1: The average seven - day compound yield of the 400 taxable funds tracked by IBC 's Money Fund Report | ARG-2: a fraction of a percentage point | ARG-4: to 8.45 % | ARG-3: from 8.47 % | ARG-M-TMP: for the week ended Tuesday SRL for [restudied]: Subsequently he [restudied] the material and came to the conclusion that his former statements were incorrect and he was convinced that melitose as such did not exist .,ARG-M-TMP: Subsequently | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the material SRL for [demilitarization]: Kayani twice called for [demilitarization] of troops from the world 's highest battle ground .,ARG-1: of troops | ARG-2: from the world 's highest battle ground SRL for [cynical]: A couple weeks ago Mark said I was [cynical] to say that welfare capitalism was a vote buying program .,ARG-1: I | C-ARG-1: to say that welfare capitalism was a vote buying program "SRL for [breakdown]: Normally , the graphs in SimaPro show a [breakdown] of the results , showing the contribution of the top processes or product stages .",ARG-1: of the results "SRL for [diagnosed]: Four workers at GTE Corp. 's headquarters have been [diagnosed] as having hepatitis , and city health officials are investigating whether a cafeteria worker may have exposed hundreds of other GTE employees to the viral infection , company and city officials said .",ARG-1: Four workers at GTE Corp. 's headquarters | ARG-2: as having hepatitis "SRL for [gleaned]: From a lifetime of undisciplined reading with innocent pencil in hand and malice prepense in mind , I have [gleaned] a harvest of what I am pleased to denominate Red Pants items , a sampling of which follows .","ARG-2: From a lifetime of undisciplined reading with innocent pencil in hand and malice prepense in mind | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a harvest of what I am pleased to denominate Red Pants items , a sampling of which follows" "SRL for [bring up]: He began to lecture them about how hard he had struggled in his youth to [bring up] , recalling every little incident as though it were yesterday .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them all SRL for [landing]: their scheduled [landing],ARG-1: their | ARG-M-PRD: scheduled SRL for [increased]: Georgia Gulf stock [increased] $ 1.75 a share yesterday,ARG-1: Georgia Gulf stock | ARG-2: $ 1.75 a share | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday "SRL for [Clasping]: [Clasping] his hands behind his head , he stared at the blue sky .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his hands | ARG-M-LOC: behind his head SRL for [recommenced]: In the early 90s she [recommenced] her teaching activities in Taney Parish Centre .,ARG-M-TMP: In the early 90s | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her teaching activities | ARG-M-LOC: in Taney Parish Centre SRL for [encroaching]: Roederer Cristal at $ 90 a bottle sells out around the country and Taittinger 's Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs is [encroaching] upon that level .,ARG-0: Taittinger 's Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs | ARG-1: upon that level "SRL for [deglycosylated]: In initial studies , bovine or human TSH preparations were [deglycosylated] with anhydrous hydrogen fluoride or trifluoromethanesulfonic acid ( 137 - 139 ) .",ARG-1: bovine or human TSH preparations | ARG-2: anhydrous hydrogen fluoride or trifluoromethanesulfonic acid SRL for [rubbish]: Any thoughts please on what you grown ups do for January birthdays when the weather is [rubbish] and your friends are working .,ARG-1: the weather SRL for [boring]: I observed many kids rushing just because they hated the work and it was [boring] to them and they did n't really care about getting it right .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: to them SRL for [terrible]: Daniel Radcliffe admits he is '' [terrible] '' at balancing his work and personal life .,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: at balancing his work and personal life SRL for [transaction]: The first RTC [transaction] with a foreign bank,ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-0: RTC | ARG-2: with a foreign bank SRL for [drafted]: None of them are being [drafted] and sent to Vietnam . None is a freedom rider .,ARG-1: None of them "SRL for [approaching]: Also , with the presidential elections fast [approaching] , many laws appeared intended to benefit a certain candidate .",ARG-1: the presidential elections | ARG-M-MNR: fast "SRL for [damaging]: A powerful Maxwell propped up Australia 's run rate and took the score past 240 and finished unbeaten on 29 off 22 balls , he was [damaging] with two sixes and a four .",ARG-0: he | ARG-2: with two sixes and a four "SRL for [amaze]: Then the Gutfreunds determined to put up a 22 - foot Christmas tree , weighing a quarter of a ton , to [amaze] their holiday guests .",ARG-0: the Gutfreunds | ARG-1: their holiday guests SRL for [lateralized]: Language functions are largely [lateralized] to the left hemisphere .,ARG-1: Language functions | ARG-M-EXT: largely | ARG-2: to the left hemisphere SRL for [common]: Violence against women is extremely [common] all over the world .,ARG-1: Violence against women | ARG-M-EXT: extremely | ARG-M-LOC: all over the world "SRL for [reduce]: The company will [reduce] employment to less than 16,000 from about 18,000 .","ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: employment | ARG-4: to less than 16,000 | ARG-3: from about 18,000" "SRL for [galvanized]: The tragedy , he adds , `` [galvanized] me '' to look for a way to prevent similar cases .",ARG-0: The tragedy | ARG-1: me | ARG-2: to look for a way to prevent similar cases SRL for [evaluation]: an electronic [evaluation] of a well,ARG-M-MNR: electronic | ARG-1: of a well SRL for [sharked]: The crazy man [sharked] for dinner .,ARG-0: The crazy man | ARG-M-TMP: for dinner SRL for [are forgone]: Benefits [are forgone] to the private sector .,ARG-1: Benefits | ARG-3: to the private sector "SRL for [customized]: Most of the mailers are free , but Denver - based Financial Programs sells , for $ 15 , a version [customized] to the age of the child and the college of choice .",ARG-1: a version | ARG-2: to the age of the child and the college of choice SRL for [conversion]: The [conversion] of short - term claims inside the net to long - term loans outside the net .,ARG-1: of short - term claims inside the net | ARG-2: to long - term loans outside the net "SRL for [addictive]: Self harming is [addictive] , but you can overcome it .",ARG-0: Self harming "SRL for [gibed]: I playfully [gibed] him about obscure predictions he had made years ago in other articles , and was prepared to thoughtfully discuss his most recent column .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: playfully | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: about obscure predictions he had made years ago in other articles "SRL for [take with grain of salt]: I [take with grain of salt] the size of Jupiter ,",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: every single word uttered by Israel | ARG-2: the size of Jupiter "SRL for [chitter]: Outside , sparrows [chitter] at one another .",ARG-M-LOC: Outside | ARG-0: sparrows | ARG-M-DIR: at one another SRL for [cross over]: now *PRO* [cross over] the top of the bridge with three more orange blocks,ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: the top of the bridge | ARG-2: with three more orange blocks "SRL for [offer]: Pierce backed off , however , and instead renewed the [offer] to buy the island for $ 130 million .",ARG-1: to buy the island | ARG-2: for $ 130 million "SRL for [nicknamed]: Fittingly , the Tela Accords were [nicknamed] by Hondurans `` the Dodd plan . ''",ARG-M-ADV: Fittingly | ARG-1: the Tela Accords | ARG-2: the Dodd plan | ARG-0: by Hondurans SRL for [cracking]: The [cracking] of the floorboards beneath their heavy boots indicated that the house was very old .,ARG-1: of the floorboards | ARG-M-LOC: beneath their heavy boots SRL for [roving]: The Ottomans were [roving] invaders who came from the East .,ARG-0: invaders SRL for [consecrated]: They seek to be specially [consecrated] to Christ as his servants .,ARG-M-MNR: specially | ARG-1: They | ARG-2: to Christ | ARG-M-PRD: as his servants "SRL for [press]: Otherwise , they say , it may be impossible to [press] reparation claims against shipping companies that accurately reflect the extent of damages .",C-ARG-1: that accurately reflect the extent of damages | ARG-M-GOL: against shipping companies | ARG-1: reparation claims SRL for [collapsed]: The stock had hit a high of $ 81 a share early last week but [collapsed] to $ 73.50 in the Friday stock plunge .,ARG-1: The stock | ARG-4: to $ 73.50 | ARG-M-LOC: in the Friday stock plunge "SRL for [reassure]: Moreover , such a sale could help Armstrong [reassure] its investors and deter the Belzbergs , who own a 9.85 % stake in the Lancaster , Pa. , company .",ARG-0: Armstrong | ARG-1: its investors SRL for [alit]: The butterfly [alit] upon her finger .,ARG-0: The butterfly | ARG-1: upon her finger SRL for [look into]: I did n't ask them for anything other than make sure they [look into] this .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: this "SRL for [slagged]: Astonishingly , the Twitter Trolls had [slagged] her for being too thick in the waist .",ARG-M-ADV: Astonishingly | ARG-0: the Twitter Trolls | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: for being too thick in the waist SRL for [hit]: The firm has also been [hit] with big financial settlements .,ARG-1: The firm | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-2: with big financial settlements "SRL for [winding down]: The plan may include selling branches , consolidating or eliminating departments , and [winding down] or disposing of unprofitable units within 18 months .",ARG-1: unprofitable units | ARG-M-TMP: within 18 months SRL for [transcribed]: The Tale of Peter Rabbit [transcribed] into Egyptian Hieroglyphic script : :,ARG-1: The Tale of Peter Rabbit | ARG-3: into Egyptian Hieroglyphic script SRL for [muzzled]: she then [muzzled] him with the cloth .,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with the cloth SRL for [goes on]: The professor 's droning voice [goes on] endlessly .,ARG-1: The professor 's droning voice | ARG-M-MNR: endlessly "SRL for [rosined]: However , the bow was [rosined] with Liebenszeller Gold - and it played so smooth !",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-1: the bow | ARG-2: with Liebenszeller Gold "SRL for [have]: Four of the five surviving workers [have] asbestos - related diseases , including three with recently diagnosed cancer .",ARG-0: Four of the five surviving workers | ARG-1: asbestos - related diseases | ARG-M-ADV: including three with recently diagnosed cancer SRL for [cased]: Mary [cased] the wine for easier storage .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the wine | ARG-M-PRP: for easier storage "SRL for [fray]: But the build - up of S & P futures sell orders weighed on the market , and the link with stocks began to [fray] again .",ARG-1: the link with stocks | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [tiled]: John [tiled] the floor with old coins .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the floor | ARG-2: with old coins SRL for [provides]: This airline [provides] connecting service between Philly and Newark .,ARG-0: This airline | ARG-1: connecting service between Philly and Newark "SRL for [roll out]: Cray Computer also will face intense competition , not only from Cray Research , which has about 60 % of the world - wide supercomputer market and which is expected to [roll out] the C-90 machine , a direct competitor with the Cray-3 , in 1991 .","ARG-0: Cray Research | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: the C-90 machine , a direct competitor with the Cray-3 | ARG-M-TMP: in 1991" "SRL for [crushing]: Result : a landscape littered with lemons , huge debt burdens [crushing] down upon the arch and spans of corporate America .",ARG-1: huge debt burdens | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-3: upon the arch and spans of corporate America SRL for [venture]: Yet I would [venture] that the landscape of our country alone would justify the use of this lofty adjective ... .,ARG-M-DIS: Yet | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the landscape of our country alone would justify the use of this lofty adjective SRL for [performance]: Robert Loggia 's riveting [performance] as the unlovable -- evencrotchety -- veteran agent,ARG-0: Robert Loggia 's | ARG-M-MNR: riveting | ARG-1: as the unlovable -- evencrotchety -- veteran agent "SRL for [hummed]: Belowdecks that day , we [hummed] a melody so dark it sent us into a trance .",ARG-M-LOC: Belowdecks | ARG-M-TMP: that day | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: a melody so dark it sent us into a trance SRL for [disquieted]: Charlie Chaplin 's Modern Times ( 1936 ) [disquieted] citizens with that overwhelming question .,ARG-0: Charlie Chaplin 's Modern Times ( 1936 ) | ARG-1: citizens | ARG-2: with that overwhelming question "SRL for [compatible]: Using "" compatible with , "" "" fits , "" or "" for "" before a brand name in the title of your listing to describe items that are universally compatible or that are [compatible] with an entire product class .",ARG-1: that | ARG-2: with an entire product class "SRL for [industrialization]: Second , how has their [industrialization] of production allowed them to consolidate this control ?",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of production "SRL for [racialize]: The fact is , using facts -LRB- no matter how accurate or inaccurate the "" facts "" are -RRB- to [racialize] a conversation , debate , or discussion is racist .","ARG-1: a conversation , debate , or discussion" SRL for [sympathize]: We [sympathize] with Mrs. Thatcher 's reluctance to tie her currency to one governed by the domestic political imperatives of West Germany .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: with Mrs. Thatcher 's reluctance to tie her currency to one governed by the domestic political imperatives of West Germany SRL for [fossilized]: It must not remain [fossilized] in the form codified by Daniel Jones almost a century ago .,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: in the form codified by Daniel Jones almost a century ago "SRL for [works]: Zemin Jiang said , the China 's Red Cross is an international social aid organization engaged in humanitarian [works] , and for the past ninety years has done lots of good works for the people and made a lot of contributions to the development of the country , in accordance to the basic principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement .",ARG-2: humanitarian SRL for [fluxes]: Phosphorous [fluxes] into a liquid phase .,ARG-1: Phosphorous | ARG-2: into a liquid phase SRL for [operated]: Dr. Jean [operated] on Mr. Wexler .,ARG-0: Dr. Jean | ARG-1: on Mr. Wexler "SRL for [planked]: I [planked] the salmon on an Alder board I acquired in Seattle , then rubbed the filet with Spanish extra virgin olive oil .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the salmon | ARG-M-LOC: on an Alder board I acquired in Seattle "SRL for [intoxicated]: The performance by more than 40 members of the Rome Philharmonic Orchestra [intoxicated] the audience and the musical fountain , hi - fi sound effect , fountain screen and stereographic projection brought them to a marvelous world where sound , light and color blended even more .",ARG-1: the audience | ARG-0: The performance by more than 40 members of the Rome Philharmonic Orchestra SRL for [comments]: Tommy Hilfiger 's racist [comments] to Oprah,ARG-0: Tommy Hilfiger 's | ARG-M-MNR: racist | ARG-2: to Oprah SRL for [picked]: She [picked] at her pasta lifelessly as her sister droned on and on about new hair clients that were coming to the house .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: at her pasta | ARG-M-MNR: lifelessly | ARG-M-TMP: as her sister droned on and on about new hair clients that were coming to the house SRL for [makes]: Judy Rodin [makes] way too much money as Penn 's president .,ARG-0: Judy Rodin | ARG-1: way too much money | ARG-2: as Penn 's president SRL for [strained]: She [strained] the pieces out of the liquid before adding the skeins .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the pieces | ARG-2: out of the liquid | ARG-M-TMP: before adding the skeins SRL for [forwent]: Intel [forwent] its original design for its 64 - bit chip for greater 32 - bit compatibility .,ARG-0: Intel | ARG-1: its original design for its 64 - bit chip | ARG-2: for greater 32 - bit compatibility "SRL for [triumphed]: `` Iraq has [triumphed] over its enemies , '' he said , `` and it will triumph in the remaining rounds of the battle . ''",ARG-0: Iraq | ARG-1: over its enemies SRL for [ileostomy]: Mrs. X underwent an end [ileostomy] for a rectal cancer .,ARG-2: end | ARG-M-CAU: for a rectal cancer "SRL for [1,500]: What I have seen in the media is over 3000 refugees in the northern part of the Cameroon . But when we asked the authorities there , we were told they are [1,500] and the UN Refugee Commission is taking care of them .",ARG-1: they "SRL for [awkward]: I had mine pierced with a straight stud , it was flipping [awkward] .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-DIS: flipping SRL for [grouping]: Their [grouping] of the most reliable workers into the higher - demand departments indicated the relative importance of each department to the company .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of the most reliable workers | ARG-2: into the higher - demand departments SRL for [improve]: Dow will [improve] on its year - ago fourth - quarter net of $ 3.44 a share .,ARG-0: Dow | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: on its year - ago fourth - quarter net of $ 3.44 a share SRL for [order]: it received an [order] from Martinair Holland for four model 767-300 wide - body jetliners valued at a total of about $ 326 million,ARG-0: from Martinair Holland | ARG-1: for four model 767-300 wide - body jetliners valued at a total of about $ 326 million "SRL for [expense]: If you want me to , I 'll scan yours for L 15 inc VAT and can provide a proper invoice so you can [expense] it on your company . Or you can invest and do it yourself .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: on your company "SRL for [plea]: Drexel therefore agreed instead to an arrangement allowing it to [plea] to charges "" which the company is not in a position to dispute "" because of RICO .","ARG-0: it | ARG-2: to charges "" which the company is not in a position to dispute "" because of RICO" SRL for [negative]: An advocate can protect the patient from a drug with which prior interactions have been [negative] .,ARG-0: prior interactions "SRL for [misspoke]: Clinton "" [misspoke] "" about Bosnia trip .",ARG-0: Clinton | ARG-1: about Bosnia trip SRL for [toe]: They 'll [toe] the line .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: the line "SRL for [pathologize]: As was observed after other disasters involving destruction and loss of life and their media depictions , such as those of the 2001 World Trade Center Attacks or Hurricane Katrina - and has been recently observed in the 2010 Haiti earthquake , it is also important not to [pathologize] the reactions to loss and displacement or disruption of governmental administration and services , but rather to validate these reactions , to support constructive problem - solving and reflection as to how one might improve the conditions of those affected . [ 73 ]",ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the reactions to loss and displacement or disruption of governmental administration and services "SRL for [swipe]: He was not making a good play down the stretch , except for his [swipe] of the ball from Pierce .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the ball | ARG-2: from Pierce SRL for [assault]: The climbers attempted a late spring [assault] of Mt. Everest .,ARG-M-TMP: late spring | ARG-1: of Mt. Everest "SRL for [advertising]: Cotton Inc. will spend nearly $ 2 million on broadcasting on Thanksgiving Day alone , [advertising] on such programs as `` Good Morning America , '' `` Macy 's Thanksgiving Day Parade '' and the NFL holiday game .","ARG-0: Cotton Inc. | ARG-M-LOC: on such programs as `` Good Morning America , '' `` Macy 's Thanksgiving Day Parade '' and the NFL holiday game" SRL for [hauls in]: John [hauls in] a thousand bucks a day from his job as a predicate - argument tagger .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a thousand bucks a day | ARG-2: from his job as a predicate - argument tagger SRL for [splintered]: The ruler [splintered] into pieces .,ARG-1: The ruler | ARG-M-PRD: into pieces SRL for [sectioning]: His [sectioning] of the pie into seven equal slices left no baked goods remaining after having fed the family of seven racoons living under Earl 's porch .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the pie | ARG-2: into seven equal slices SRL for [lolloped]: We [lolloped] into light winds for three days .,ARG-1: We | ARG-4: into light winds | ARG-M-TMP: for three days "SRL for [sensing]: These orders reflected the increased concern of Defense Minister Dmitri Ustinov over the Afghan issue , and his [sensing] that proposing an intervention may soon be politically acceptable to his colleagues .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that proposing an intervention may soon be politically acceptable to his colleagues "SRL for [read]: Dad [read] to Qingqing , and then we arrived at Jinrunfa by shuttle bus , but could n't find the stickers that Qingqing wanted .",ARG-0: Dad | ARG-2: to Qingqing SRL for [white]: One was black of hair and blue of eyes the other was [white] of hair and violet of eyes .,ARG-1: the other | ARG-2: of hair SRL for [mudslide]: The object is to slow a 50 mph [mudslide] down to 5 - 10 mph to allow the sediment to settle .,ARG-M-ADJ: 50 mph SRL for [admission]: Sally was a little jealous of Jane 's [admission] to the Academy of Sciences .,ARG-1: Jane 's | ARG-2: to the Academy of Sciences SRL for [contact]: Their first [contact] with European settlers was in the 16th century .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: with European settlers "SRL for [wave]: With a [wave] of his hand , Peng Dehuai said that despite being over 100 regiments , let 's call this campaign the Hundred Regiments Offensive .",ARG-1: of his hand "SRL for [howling]: Then the whole thing will start to collapse , just as it did in the 1970s , and the ghosts and banshees will be [howling] through the place turning people 's hair white .",ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: the ghosts and banshees | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: through the place | ARG-M-ADV: turning people 's hair white SRL for [developed]: UCLA [developed] a new promoter gene,ARG-0: UCLA | ARG-1: a new promoter gene "SRL for [decocted]: For his wintry version , Maloney [decocted] a coffee flavored syrup .",ARG-M-PRP: For his wintry version | ARG-0: Maloney | ARG-3: a coffee flavored syrup SRL for [dispute]: a [dispute] in the accounts,ARG-M-LOC: in the accounts SRL for [fellate]: General Powell had his ' coming to Jesus ' moment years ago when he walked away from the corrupt administration that you are so eager to [fellate] .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the corrupt administration | R-ARG-1: that "SRL for [personalize]: A few of the executives here for the fall meeting of the Business Council , a group that meets to discuss national issues , were only too happy to [personalize] their criticism .","ARG-0: A few of the executives here for the fall meeting of the Business Council , a group that meets to discuss national issues | ARG-1: their criticism" "SRL for [straightforward]: He always was [straightforward] with me about job assignments and expectations , and I appreciated that .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-2: with me | ARG-1: about job assignments and expectations SRL for [stoppage]: BP says it is encouraged by the first test data following its [stoppage] of the oil from its leaking Gulf of Mexico well .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the oil from its leaking Gulf of Mexico well SRL for [put down]: Today we had to [put down] .,ARG-M-TMP: Today | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: our dog "SRL for [poisonous]: Korean people are utterly , ruthlessly [poisonous] to Chinese people ,",ARG-2: Korean people | ARG-M-EXT: utterly | ARG-M-MNR: ruthlessly | ARG-1: to Chinese people "SRL for [allay]: Mr. Dinkins also has failed to [allay] Jewish voters ' fears about his association with the Rev. Jesse Jackson , despite the fact that few local non - Jewish politicians have been as vocal for Jewish causes in the past 20 years as Mr. Dinkins has .",ARG-0: Mr. Dinkins | ARG-1: Jewish voters ' fears about his association with the Rev. Jesse Jackson SRL for [bought]: The company [bought] sugar on the world market to meet export commitments,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: sugar | ARG-M-LOC: on the world market | ARG-M-PNC: to meet export commitments "SRL for [clashed]: As the drum set fell over , the cymbals [clashed] against the floor .",ARG-M-TMP: As the drum set fell over | ARG-1: the cymbals | ARG-2: against the floor "SRL for [anticipates]: The downgrade [anticipates] completion of the IMA Holdings acquisition today , Moody 's said .",ARG-0: The downgrade | ARG-1: completion of the IMA Holdings acquisition today "SRL for [part]: Soviet firms that hold some are unwilling to [part] with it , and joint ventures are n't yet allowed to participate .",ARG-0: Soviet firms that hold some | ARG-1: with it "SRL for [associated]: Dan E. Nelms , Valley Federal 's president and chief executive officer , said the one - time charge substantially eliminates future losses [associated] with the unit .",ARG-1: future losses | ARG-2: with the unit "SRL for [consolidates]: Sales dropped to $ 441.1 million from $ 820.4 million , because the company no longer [consolidates] its Eastern Steel division , which is now a joint venture with Kawasaki Steel Corp.","ARG-0: the company | ARG-M-TMP: no longer | ARG-1: its Eastern Steel division , which is now a joint venture with Kawasaki Steel Corp." "SRL for [saled]: Orange Box is selling like mad in my town right now , so they [saled] it , only 19.99 per box .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: only 19.99 per box SRL for [issue]: an [issue] of a silver commemorative coin,ARG-1: of a silver commemorative coin "SRL for [overshadowing]: The Japanese assault on the luxury market is rapidly [overshadowing] such European makes as Audi and Saab , which at least have clear brand images .","ARG-0: The Japanese assault on the luxury market | ARG-M-MNR: rapidly | ARG-1: such European makes as Audi and Saab , which at least have clear brand images" "SRL for [described]: a `` seething mass , '' as one trader [described] it .","ARG-2: a `` seething mass , '' | ARG-0: one trader | ARG-1: it" SRL for [fired]: But people familiar with the agenda of the board 's meeting last week in London said Mr. McGovern was [fired] .,ARG-1: Mr. McGovern SRL for [building]: Masonry is the [building] of structures from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar .,ARG-1: of structures | ARG-2: from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar SRL for [drew]: Former President Clinton [drew] cheers from admirers at a US Air Force base outside Washington today before departing for his home in New York .,ARG-0: Former President Clinton | ARG-1: cheers | ARG-2: from admirers | ARG-M-LOC: at a US Air Force base outside Washington | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-M-TMP: before departing for his home in New York "SRL for [succession]: In the context of ' The Orphan ' , for instance , ' Streamers ' announces itself clearly a further step in Rabe 's inquiry ... And in the context of its [succession] after ' Boom Boom Room ' , we may put the matter of ' Streamers ' and its putative status as ' Vietnam drama ' ...",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: after ' Boom Boom Room ' SRL for [goads]: She [goads] her brothers into shocking themselves on an electric fence .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her brothers | ARG-2: into shocking themselves on an electric fence SRL for [playfight]: Cats and dogs know how to [playfight] without hurting anybody .,ARG-0: Cats and dogs | ARG-M-MNR: hurting anybody "SRL for [cheapens]: But `` on a new car , a rebate does n't work well '' because it [cheapens] the vehicle 's image , contends Thomas D. Mignanelli , executive vice president of Nissan 's U.S. sales arm .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the vehicle 's image SRL for [backing]: Russia 's [backing] of Kostunica,ARG-0: Russia 's | ARG-1: of Kostunica SRL for [wrecked]: How could she have [wrecked] herself with all that ink ?,ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: herself | ARG-2: with all that ink | ARG-M-MNR: How "SRL for [bloodshed]: Next to the [bloodshed] of Vietnam , Iraq 's is on electronic steroids .",ARG-0: of Vietnam SRL for [saving]: And they can further reduce the monthly amount if they start [saving] earlier -- when mother and child come home from the hospital .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: earlier -- when mother and child come home from the hospital SRL for [severable]: Even the administration concedes that the individual mandate is not [severable] from the prohibition on considering pre - existing conditions .,ARG-1: the individual mandate | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: from the prohibition on considering pre - existing conditions SRL for [developed]: Albert M. Kligman [developed] Retin - A [ to combat acne ],ARG-0: Albert M. Kligman | ARG-1: Retin - A | ARG-4: [ to combat acne ] SRL for [tarried]: Gus [tarried] in Baltimore while on his way to Washington .,ARG-0: Gus | ARG-M-LOC: in Baltimore | ARG-M-TMP: while on his way to Washington SRL for [festooned]: John [festooned] his bedroom with swags of burlap .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his bedroom | ARG-2: with swags of burlap "SRL for [lodged]: I know the Prisoner , he [lodged] in my mother 's house",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: in my mother 's house SRL for [crack]: The few big state farms take first [crack] at what does get made .,ARG-0: The few big state farms | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: at what does get made "SRL for [groan]: Finally , turning to her toilet , she rested her face in her hands , and gave a sort of [groan] .",ARG-M-TMP: Finally | ARG-M-ADV: turning to her toilet | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-M-ADJ: a sort SRL for [race]: it has won the [race] in Europe to introduce computers based on a powerful new microprocessor chip,ARG-M-LOC: in Europe | ARG-2: to introduce computers based on a powerful new microprocessor chip "SRL for [hoarding]: `` People were even [hoarding] bags , '' he says .",ARG-0: People | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: bags SRL for [camped]: Mary [camped] in a tent in John 's back yard .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: in a tent in John 's back yard SRL for [abraded]: Buccal surface enamel was [abraded] using a thin diamond fissure bur slightly .,ARG-1: Buccal surface enamel | ARG-2: using a thin diamond fissure bur | ARG-M-EXT: slightly SRL for [Microcalcification]: [Microcalcification] of the breast tissue,ARG-1: of the breast tissue SRL for [suctioned]: She [suctioned] her breathing passages and turned up the oxygen flow to the incubator .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her breathing passages SRL for [increased]: The nation 's exports [increased] 4 % to $ 50.45 billion .,ARG-1: The nation 's exports | ARG-2: 4 % | ARG-4: to $ 50.45 billion SRL for [healed]: Immediately the man was [healed] from his leprosy .,ARG-M-TMP: Immediately | ARG-1: the man | ARG-2: from his leprosy SRL for [overdo]: But do n't [overdo] it .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: it SRL for [hyperpigments]: What is the best sunblock for skin that [hyperpigments] easily ?,ARG-1: skin | ARG-M-ADV: easily SRL for [decomposing]: The pages have been [decomposing] .,ARG-1: The pages "SRL for [tapered off]: Some of his teen - age patients drank as much as four quarts of milk a day , Dr. Fisher found , and their acne [tapered off] as soon as he tapered off their milk .",ARG-1: their acne | ARG-M-TMP: as soon as he tapered off their milk "SRL for [bend]: But the legislation reflected a compromise agreed to on Tuesday by President Bush and Democratic leaders in Congress , after congressional Republicans urged the White House to [bend] a bit from its previous resistance to compromise .",ARG-0: White House | ARG-M-MNR: a bit | ARG-M-DIR: from its previous resistance to compromise SRL for [bidding]: Computers do his [bidding],ARG-0: his SRL for [drew]: You are one of the gentlemen who [drew] a knife on me .,ARG-0: who | ARG-1: a knife | ARG-2: on me "SRL for [reckon]: Some analysts [reckon] that the next quarter 's figures will present a more accurate picture of the U.S. economy , showing a marked slowdown in a number of sectors , including housing starts and equities .","ARG-0: Some analysts | ARG-1: that the next quarter 's figures will present a more accurate picture of the U.S. economy , showing a marked slowdown in a number of sectors , including housing starts and equities" "SRL for [pulling]: At the investment firm of Smith Barney , Harris Upham & Co. , the commodity - chemical segment is seen [pulling] down overall profit for 20 companies representative of the whole industry by 8 % to 10 % .",ARG-0: the commodity - chemical segment | ARG-2: down | ARG-1: overall profit for 20 companies representative of the whole industry | ARG-3: by 8 % to 10 % "SRL for [annoyed]: That response [annoyed] Rep. Markey , House aides said , and the congressman snapped back that there had been enough studies of the issue and that it was time for action on the matter .",ARG-0: That response | ARG-1: Rep. Markey "SRL for [revaccination]: While [revaccination] of older adults has been recommended , clinical efficacy has not yet been proven .",ARG-1: of older adults "SRL for [dropped out]: Geoffrey Goodfellow , who [dropped out] of high school back in the 1970s to manage a computer network at a California research firm , says : `` Old network hands have started to turn off the network because they do n't have time to wade through the muck . ''",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: of high school | ARG-M-TMP: back in the 1970s | ARG-M-PRP: to manage a computer network at a California research firm | ARG-0: Geoffrey Goodfellow SRL for [reflate]: This would free up the capital to [reflate] the economies of the periphery .,ARG-0: capital | ARG-1: the economies of the periphery SRL for [devein]: I seed and [devein] the jalapeno to reduce the heat .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the jalapeno | ARG-M-PRP: to reduce the heat SRL for [exclusion]: the [exclusion] from elections of those charged with but not yet convicted of the relevant offences,ARG-2: from elections | ARG-1: of those charged with but not yet convicted of the relevant offences SRL for [slung]: A lot of mud was [slung] on both sides of this race .,ARG-1: mud | ARG-M-LOC: on both sides of this race SRL for [fill]: Hungary 's Parliament voted to hold a national referendum on an election to [fill] the new post of president .,ARG-0: an election | ARG-1: the new post of president SRL for [bravery]: On Tuesday he is being hailed for his [bravery] in saving the life of the rookie officer .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: in saving the life of the rookie officer "SRL for [fun]: A lot of people have poked [fun] at Martha Stewart , some of it stinging , about her reputation as a perfectionist",ARG-0: A lot of people | ARG-M-LVB: poked | ARG-1: at Martha Stewart | ARG-M-ADV: some of it stinging | ARG-2: about her reputation as a perfectionist SRL for [transduced]: Vessel [transduced],ARG-1: Vessel SRL for [typed]: This being [typed] in a standing position .,ARG-1: This | ARG-M-MNR: in a standing position SRL for [prosecuted]: Mrs. Yeargin was fired and [prosecuted] under an unusual South Carolina law that makes it a crime to breach test security .,ARG-1: Mrs. Yeargin | ARG-2: under an unusual South Carolina law that makes it a crime to breach test security "SRL for [chortled]: ` ` Those lovely whorls '' , he [chortled] .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: ` ` Those lovely whorls '' SRL for [tenuous]: oxygenation has still been [tenuous] with FiO2 at .8 and PEEP increased to 12 .,ARG-1: oxygenation | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-ADV: with FiO2 at .8 and PEEP increased to 12 "SRL for [bedevil]: As many economists and businessmen see it , those incongruities underscore a paradox that seems likely to [bedevil] the economy throughout the 1990s .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a paradox | ARG-1: the economy | ARG-M-TMP: throughout the 1990s SRL for [drawdown]: AUSTRALIA will begin its [drawdown] from Afghanistan within weeks,ARG-0: its | ARG-M-DIR: from Afghanistan SRL for [tooted]: The whistle [tooted] .,ARG-1: The whistle SRL for [organized]: The figures exclude businesses now [organized] as American Express Information Services Co.,ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: businesses | ARG-4: as American Express Information Services Co. "SRL for [interception]: The prime objective of any Communication Technique is not only to make the communication clear , efficient and noise free but also to make the communication well secured from its [interception] from unauthorized users in both commercial as well as in defense communication .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from unauthorized users SRL for [frosted up]: She heard him mutter angrily as his breath [frosted up] the window .,ARG-2: his breath | ARG-1: the window "SRL for [brunched]: On Sunday the ladies [brunched] at Pallavicini Palace , guests of the Austrian president 's daughter .",ARG-M-TMP: On Sunday | ARG-0: the ladies | ARG-M-LOC: at Pallavicini Palace | ARG-M-PRD: guests of the Austrian president 's daughter SRL for [poof up]: It will breathe and the bag that you have it in will [poof up],ARG-1: the bag that you have it in | ARG-M-MOD: will SRL for [absorbed]: Perhaps the fiscal shock of tax cuts is after all best [absorbed] by floating rates,ARG-M-ADV: Perhaps | ARG-1: the fiscal shock of tax cuts | ARG-M-DIS: after all | ARG-M-MNR: best | ARG-0: by floating rates SRL for [alarming]: I 'm sure that it must have been [alarming] for all concerned .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: for all concerned SRL for [truncated]: The numbers 1.4142 and 1.4987 can be [truncated] to 1.4 .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: The numbers 1.4142 and 1.4987 | ARG-4: to 1.4 SRL for [fluoridated]: Water [fluoridated],ARG-1: Water "SRL for [voluntary]: It 's not forced though , it is [voluntary] .",ARG-1: it "SRL for [tired]: I was [tired] from working all day , and did n't want to cook dinner .",ARG-1: I | ARG-0: from working all day "SRL for [spring]: so our author has , with equal propriety , made his [spring] from Phaeton and Neptune",ARG-1: our author | ARG-M-MNR: with equal propriety | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-2: from Phaeton and Neptune SRL for [reviled]: Many fans [reviled] him for his haughty manner .,ARG-0: Many fans | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for his haughty manner SRL for [hulled]: The husks of [hulled] corncobs are used to wrap tamales .,ARG-1: corncobs SRL for [compromise]: respiratory [compromise],ARG-1: respiratory "SRL for [adjudicated]: This celebrated treatise , usually known as "" The Art of Courtly Love "" , lies at the origin of the legend of the Courts of Love , tribunals before which lovers were supposed to bring their quarrels in order to have them [adjudicated] by authorities in the art of love like Eleanor of Aquitaine and her daughter .",ARG-1: them | ARG-0: by authorities in the art of love like Eleanor of Aquitaine and her daughter SRL for [Satisfaction]: Your [Satisfaction] in Living,ARG-1: Your | ARG-0: in Living SRL for [feeling]: Dexter 's [feeling] of being watched increased as he kept hearing small creaks and breathing sounds . ?,ARG-0: Dexter 's | ARG-1: of being watched "SRL for [labors]: In many entries , Claiborne [labors] the obvious , offering little or nothing we do not already know , could easily imagine , or for which the author offers no explanation .","ARG-M-LOC: In many entries | ARG-0: Claiborne | ARG-1: the obvious | ARG-M-ADV: offering little or nothing we do not already know , could easily imagine , or for which the author offers no explanation" SRL for [illustrate]: But GM 's results also [illustrate] the increasing diversity of its operations .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: GM 's results | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the increasing diversity of its operations SRL for [default]: countries in [default] to the U.S. government,ARG-3: to the U.S. government SRL for [entry]: his [entry] into their official association,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: into their official association "SRL for [favorable]: But , according to my science of government , I shall wait until conditions are [favorable] .",ARG-1: conditions "SRL for [aggravates]: Moreover , by stepping outside the state 's pro - choice tradition , Mr. Courter [aggravates] fears that he is too conservative as well on more pressing concerns such as auto insurance rates and the environment .",ARG-M-DIS: Moreover | ARG-2: by stepping outside the state 's pro - choice tradition | ARG-0: Mr. Courter | ARG-1: fears that he is too conservative as well on more pressing concerns such as auto insurance rates and the environment SRL for [badgered]: the police had [badgered] him into a confession .,ARG-0: the police | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: into a confession SRL for [refinance]: Junk bonds are often used to [refinance] restructurings and takeovers .,ARG-2: Junk bonds | ARG-1: restructurings and takeovers "SRL for [spread]: `` The way that we 've been managing Campbell U.S.A. can hopefully [spread] to other areas of the company , '' Mr. Baum said .",ARG-1: The way that we 've been managing Campbell U.S.A. | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-GOL: to other areas of the company SRL for [arbitrary]: Honestly the 10 % was [arbitrary] to me and I was only using it because it is the only standard that I know of for donating .,ARG-M-DIS: Honestly | ARG-1: the 10 % | ARG-2: to me "SRL for [girded]: As rescuers pressed their efforts after finding a survivor in a collapsed freeway , the San Francisco Bay area [girded] for hundreds of thousands of commuters seeking to avoid routes ravaged by last Tuesday 's tremor .",ARG-M-TMP: As rescuers pressed their efforts after finding a survivor in a collapsed freeway | ARG-0: the San Francisco Bay area | ARG-2: for hundreds of thousands of commuters seeking to avoid routes ravaged by last Tuesday 's tremor "SRL for [deflesh]: In this two part tutorial , learn how * to [deflesh] the skull and antlers of a deer and ...",ARG-1: the skull and antlers of a deer "SRL for [wiggled]: `` She just [wiggled] her fanny and all the French fell in love with her , '' sniffed the literary world 's Maria Jolas , not entirely inaccurately .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: her fanny "SRL for ["" thick ""]: Mr. Oliver observed that Mr. Bailey and Mr. Wodiska were ["" thick ""] with each other .",ARG-1: Mr. Bailey and Mr. Wodiska | ARG-2: with each other SRL for [missions]: suicide [missions] against Israel,ARG-1: suicide | ARG-2: against Israel "SRL for [butt in]: The next time expansion plans are mentioned at the old company and somebody says , `` Aw heck , guys , nobody can do it like Japan or South Korea , '' I wish you would [butt in] and say , `` Hold it , fellas , why do n't we compare prices and use our own little Third World country .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: would "SRL for [admiration]: But one only has to compare the per capita incomes of residents of Beijing and Shanghai with those of New York and Tokyo residents to see how huge the gap is and realize that this "" envy "" is meaningless self - [admiration] .",ARG-M-ADJ: meaningless | ARG-1: self SRL for [promised]: And this is what the Son [promised] us -- eternal life .,ARG-2: what | ARG-0: the Son | ARG-1: us "SRL for [pinch]: The imposition of austerity measures , starting last October , already had begun to [pinch] when the massacre in Tiananmen Square on June 4 and subsequent events tugged the belt far tighter .","ARG-0: The imposition of austerity measures , starting last October | ARG-M-TMP: when the massacre in Tiananmen Square on June 4 and subsequent events tugged the belt far tighter" "SRL for [pull]: The new "" resident "" takes his place at the top waiting for his [pull] of the lever .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the lever SRL for [salvation]: And they have developed a method and curriculum that jump - starts then juices the efforts of tribal language preservationists in their [salvation] of the tribal tongues before the fast setting sun sets on them .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the tribal tongues SRL for [rigid]: She is quite [rigid] and I ca n't move her head even close to midline much less past midline with a fair amount of pressure .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-EXT: quite "SRL for [applauds]: He [applauds] Toyota and Nissan Motor Co. for creating separate divisions for their new luxury models , rather than simply adding more nameplates to their standard car lines .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: Toyota and Nissan Motor Co. | ARG-2: for creating separate divisions for their new luxury models , rather than simply adding more nameplates to their standard car lines" "SRL for [undernutrition]: Globally , we know that about 200 million suffer from chronic [undernutrition] .",ARG-M-ADJ: chronic SRL for [rent]: And what do they [rent] it at ?,ARG-4: what | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: it | C-ARG-4: at "SRL for [befuddled]: In 1975 , Mr. Pamplin enticed Mr. Hahn into joining the company as executive vice president in charge of chemicals ; the move [befuddled] many in Georgia - Pacific who did n't believe a university administrator could make the transition to the corporate world .",ARG-0: the move | ARG-1: many in Georgia - Pacific who did n't believe a university administrator could make the transition to the corporate world "SRL for [motivated]: The workers can be [motivated] , and the company reach its full potential , only when management embraces the employees ' perspective .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: The workers "SRL for [appalled]: They were [appalled] , for instance , that he wanted to target more of the $ 3 billion Community Development Block Grant ( CDBG ) program to low - income projects and zero out the notorious `` discretionary '' funds that have allowed HUD officials to steer contracts to political cronies .",ARG-1: They | ARG-0: that he wanted to target more of the $ 3 billion Community Development Block Grant ( CDBG ) program to low - income projects and zero out the notorious `` discretionary '' funds that have allowed HUD officials to steer contracts to political cronies SRL for [swings]: he prepares for some practice [swings],ARG-M-PRP: practice "SRL for [contemplating]: And with the company 's recent announcement that it is [contemplating] a partial sale of its real estate , the values suddenly look poorer .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: a partial sale of its real estate SRL for [healthy]: Asparagus is [healthy] .,ARG-1: Asparagus SRL for [snowed]: The big purple clouds [snowed] ice cream flakes on the children .,ARG-0: The big purple clouds | ARG-1: ice cream flakes | ARG-2: on the children SRL for [unacceptable]: Any kind of abuse is [unacceptable] from the person you love most,ARG-1: Any kind of abuse | ARG-2: from the person you love most "SRL for [substitution]: To Meadow 's surprise , her family did notice her [substitution] of ToFurkey for Turkey at their Thanksgiving dinner .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of ToFurkey | ARG-2: for Turkey SRL for [crucial]: We are referring Ms. Murphy to our Nicotine Dependency Service to aid in this since this will be [crucial] to aid in healing postoperatively .,ARG-1: this | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: to aid in healing | ARG-M-TMP: postoperatively "SRL for [secularized]: What the female cheerleaders did is not accepted by their fellow citizens even if they were encouraged by those who are like them , whose hearts and minds have become [secularized] and whose mania became the imitation of the Semites in every big and small way .",ARG-1: whose SRL for [regularized]: The doctor [regularized] the heart beat with a pace maker .,ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-1: the heart beat | ARG-M-MNR: with a pace maker "SRL for [ran out]: `` We flat [ran out] of financing resources , '' Mr. Jerritts said .",ARG-2: We | ARG-M-ADV: flat | ARG-1: of financing resources "SRL for [unswerving]: People in the mainland are [unswerving] in their determination and aspiration to acknowledge the "" 1992 Consensus , "" abandon "" Taiwan Independence "" and realize the peaceful reunification of the two sides across the Taiwan Straits .","ARG-0: People in the mainland | ARG-1: in their determination and aspiration to acknowledge the "" 1992 Consensus , "" abandon "" Taiwan Independence "" and realize the peaceful reunification of the two sides across the Taiwan Straits" SRL for [lax]: The government has been [lax] at enforcing speed limit laws .,ARG-1: The government | ARG-2: at enforcing speed limit laws "SRL for [orbits]: According to experts , Jupiter , which [orbits] the Sun like the Earth , is the largest planet in the solar system .",ARG-1: the Sun | ARG-M-MNR: like the Earth | ARG-0: Jupiter | R-ARG-0: which "SRL for [laceration]: But not even the most spiritually evocative phrase is above parody : Mark Twain , in his [laceration] of James Fenimore Cooper 's obfuscatory prose a century ago , whote about his target : "" He saw nearly all things as through a glass eye , darkly . """,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of James Fenimore Cooper 's obfuscatory prose SRL for [dormed]: I [dormed] with my best friend Freshman year,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with my best friend | ARG-M-TMP: Freshman year "SRL for [dormant]: Pinatubo , located 90 km from Manila , had been [dormant] for 600 years before the 1991 eruption , which ranks as one of the largest eruptions in this century .","ARG-1: Pinatubo , located 90 km from Manila | ARG-2: for 600 years | ARG-M-TMP: before the 1991 eruption , which ranks as one of the largest eruptions in this century" SRL for [call]: So what should I do .. [call] him on his Bluff that he has an attorney that his whole family pitched in for and just file the papers how i want them,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: on his Bluff that he has an attorney that his whole family pitched in for "SRL for [grandfathering]: LeeAnn , Do you know whether the Brantford bylaw incorporated in their [grandfathering] the inclusion of a mandatory muzzling ?",ARG-0: their "SRL for [anneal]: If you do n't [anneal] the glass then you are producing a walking time - bomb : I knew someone who had had a paperweight for ten years , and then one sunny day it simply went off , exploding and spraying shards of glass all over his living room .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the glass SRL for [interview]: his Rolling Stone [interview] in 1980,ARG-1: his | ARG-0: Rolling Stone | ARG-M-TMP: in 1980 SRL for [geminated]: He [geminated] the numbers .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the numbers SRL for [epoxied]: I [epoxied] the heatsink to the PC board for support .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the heatsink | ARG-2: to the PC board | ARG-M-PRP: for support SRL for [Veiling]: [Veiling] his message has helped him endure .,ARG-1: his message "SRL for [blackmail]: In addition to giving a president powers to rewrite spending bills meant to be written in Congress , Rep. Edwards argues , a line - item veto would allow the chief executive to [blackmail] lawmakers .",ARG-0: the chief executive | ARG-1: lawmakers SRL for [promotions]: their [promotions] concerning beef,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: concerning beef "SRL for [cessate]: With adjustment of medication , it is hoped that Mr. Brown 's nausea will [cessate] .",ARG-1: Mr. Brown 's nausea | ARG-M-MOD: will SRL for [wrap]: A [wrap] from CentCom and here is Fredricka Whitfield at the CNN Center .,ARG-0: from CentCom SRL for [call]: European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton has renewed her [call] for Yemen 's president to give up power .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: for Yemen 's president to give up power SRL for [runaround]: I gave them the [runaround] over tax refunds .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: over tax refunds SRL for [initiated]: A storm [initiated],ARG-1: A storm "SRL for [commented]: What matters is what advertisers will pay , [commented] Newsweek 's chairman",ARG-1: What matters is what advertisers will pay | ARG-0: Newsweek 's chairman SRL for [ration]: For what salior worth his salt does n't savour his [ration] of grog,ARG-2: his | ARG-1: of grog "SRL for [Western]: Her style of dress was [Western] , disaffected , feminine ( like virtually all Turkish women I 'd befriended ) and just a bit gothic .",ARG-1: Her style of dress "SRL for [cave]: You have a right to live your own life and be happy , so *PRO* do n't [cave] to his threats .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-CAU: to his threats "SRL for [pacified]: The manuevering illustrates an emerging Republican donnybrook , [pacified] since the early 1980s .",ARG-1: an emerging Republican donnybrook | ARG-M-TMP: since the early 1980s "SRL for [shooting]: When the smoke cleared , six people were dead ( three from heart attacks ) , and everyone wondered what in the world they were [shooting] at .",ARG-0: they | ARG-2: at | C-ARG-2: what SRL for [to add]: It also asks them [to add] two - sevenths and three - sevenths .,ARG-0: them | ARG-1: two - sevenths and three - sevenths SRL for [ducks]: He evades and [ducks] .,ARG-0: He SRL for [inoperable]: The cancer was [inoperable] .,ARG-1: The cancer SRL for [reduced]: Claims from Hurricane Hugo [reduced] results $ 40 million .,ARG-0: Claims from Hurricane Hugo | ARG-1: results | ARG-2: $ 40 million SRL for [greedy]: He is [greedy] of dollars with a terrible covetousness,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: of dollars | ARG-M-MNR: with a terrible covetousness SRL for [whooping]: Even the PA Label could n't handle him and his [whooping] for victory .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-CAU: for victory SRL for [bleeding]: Patient Tom 's [bleeding] was controlled .,ARG-1: Patient Tom 's SRL for [rotate]: [rotate] the top 90 degrees,ARG-1: the top | ARG-M-EXT: 90 degrees "SRL for [blasted]: In October , two suicide bombers [blasted] a huge hole in the side of ' Cole ' as it sat in the port of Aden .",ARG-M-TMP: In October | ARG-0: two suicide bombers | ARG-3: a huge hole in the side of ' Cole ' | ARG-M-TMP: as it sat in the port of Aden "SRL for [televised]: So - called "" ON programming "" - meaning that series episodes are shot right before the time of broadcast - is a special feature of Taiwan 's prime - time [televised] serials .",ARG-1: serials SRL for [cleaning up]: The 1989 deficit would have been nearly $ 10 billion larger had the government been able to spend as much as Congress intended on [cleaning up] the thrift industry before the year ended on Sept. 30 .,ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: the thrift industry "SRL for [power]: The company 's lean operation , analysts said , allowed sharp - rising sales from its cholesterol drug , Lopid , to [power] earnings growth .","ARG-0: sharp - rising sales from its cholesterol drug , Lopid | ARG-1: earnings growth" SRL for [took]: President Carlos Menem [took] office July 8 .,ARG-0: President Carlos Menem | ARG-1: office | ARG-M-TMP: July 8 SRL for [bow down]: The Bible forbids us to [bow down] to graven images .,ARG-0: us | ARG-1: to graven images "SRL for [slice up]: Unocal Corp. 's top management sets guidelines , but line supervisors [slice up] the merit pie .",ARG-0: line supervisors | ARG-1: the merit pie "SRL for [remedy]: Mr. Jobs moved to [remedy] a couple of his computer 's drawbacks yesterday by lowering the entry - level price for a Next machine by $ 1,500 , or 23 % , if the buyer chooses a hard - disk drive as an alternative to Next 's optical - storage device .","ARG-0: Mr. Jobs | ARG-1: a couple of his computer 's drawbacks | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-MNR: by lowering the entry - level price for a Next machine by $ 1,500 , or 23 % , if the buyer chooses a hard - disk drive as an alternative to Next 's optical - storage device" "SRL for [empowered]: The report is subject to review by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct , which is [empowered] to impose sanctions .",ARG-1: the State Commission on Judicial Conduct | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: to impose sanctions SRL for [conduct]: This book has tips to help improve the [conduct] of your pet .,ARG-0: of your pet SRL for [covering]: Poppy 's [covering] of Tina 's shift was very much appreciated .,ARG-0: Poppy 's | ARG-1: of Tina 's shift "SRL for [popularize]: It might be alleged that TV has done more than its share to [popularize] and promote non - violent civil disobedience , so the second situation hypothesized above would be simply a case of `` chickens coming home to roost . ''",ARG-0: TV | ARG-1: non - violent civil disobedience SRL for [blast]: his [blast] of the trumpet,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the trumpet "SRL for [cuckolded]: Our studies , showing that stored sperm results in late - season males being [cuckolded] by a female 's early season mate , indicate that such storage may play a more important role in shorebird natural history than previously imagined .",ARG-1: late - season males | ARG-0: by a female 's early season mate SRL for [fuck]: So [fuck] them both .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-1: them both "SRL for [suspended]: Noting that the project got underway several years ago , Tung argued that the Cabinet clearly violated the constitution when it unilaterally [suspended] the project on the grounds that a new party had come to power and its party platform was opposed to the nuclear plant .",ARG-M-TMP: when | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MNR: unilaterally | ARG-1: the project | ARG-M-CAU: on the grounds that a new party had come to power and its party platform was opposed to the nuclear plant "SRL for [publicized]: Still , scientists breathed a collective sigh of relief about the finding , because it demonstrates how to overcome the `` flux pinning '' problem that earlier this year was widely [publicized] as undercutting new superconductors ' potential .",ARG-M-TMP: earlier this year | ARG-M-MNR: widely | ARG-1: the `` flux pinning '' problem | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: as undercutting new superconductors ' potential SRL for [conceptualize]: We can more easily [conceptualize] speed in miles per hour .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-MNR: more easily | ARG-1: speed | ARG-2: in miles per hour SRL for [development]: his [development] of a condition believed to be autism .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: of a condition believed to be autism "SRL for [align]: But Tan Zhiqiang , himself a returned alumni , points out while it 's fine having dinner together , if it ever came to it , none of the alumni would want to actively "" [align] "" themselves with Taiwan , given the pro - Beijing political climate in Macau .",ARG-0: none of the alumni | ARG-M-MNR: actively | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: with Taiwan "SRL for [aims]: Responding to the new realities , the Executive Yuan has put forward a plan to develop Taiwan 's "" knowledge - based economy "" which [aims] to double per capita income within ten years .","ARG-0: a plan to develop Taiwan 's "" knowledge - based economy | ARG-1: to double per capita income within ten years | R-ARG-0: which" SRL for [training]: I had [training] in mental health and also worked in drugs and alcohol in a women 's prison,ARG-1: in mental health SRL for [petition]: The former mayor of Glen Ridge has had his [petition] to run for governor challenged by the State Democratic Committee .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to run for governor SRL for [immunostaining]: Microwave over antigen retrieval applied to the [immunostaining] of cytopathological specimens,ARG-1: of cytopathological specimens "SRL for [working]: Besides I say that those who suffer themselves to be persuaded and enticed away by the man - thieves , are very foolish if they believe that roasted pigeons will fly into their mouths in America or Pennsylvania without their [working] for them .",ARG-0: their | ARG-M-PRP: for them "SRL for [discrimination]: His [discrimination] between the quarto and folio texts , on the whole , is remarkably accurate .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: between the quarto and folio texts "SRL for [reconciliation]: ... but also as a framework for his [reconciliation] of ethics , phenomenology and postmodernity .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of ethics , phenomenology and postmodernity" "SRL for [mushroomed]: Junk bonds , which [mushroomed] from less than $ 2 billion at the start of this decade , have been declining for months as issuer after issuer sank beneath the weight of hefty interest payments .",ARG-1: Junk bonds | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-3: from less than $ 2 billion | C-ARG-3: at the start of this decade "SRL for [impounded]: More than 300 planes and helicopters have been [impounded] at airports , and a large number of vehicles and launches has been confiscated .",ARG-1: More than 300 planes and helicopters | ARG-M-LOC: at airports "SRL for [started over]: When I turned everything back on , it would not start at the point it was stopped , it merely [started over] from the beginning .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-ADV: merely | ARG-1: the movie | ARG-2: from the beginning SRL for [adenoidectomy]: She 's now scheduled for a tonsillectomy and [adenoidectomy], SRL for [takeover]: The [takeover] of Britain 's Plessey Co.,ARG-1: of Britain 's Plessey Co. SRL for [purposed]: She [purposed] that she must have that book at any cost .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: that she must have that book at any cost "SRL for [withdrawal]: Presidents of 3 Baltic Sea countries issued a joint statement on August 31st , pointing out that Russia 's [withdrawal] of troops from the 3 Baltic Sea countries would "" strengthen European security "" .",ARG-0: Russia 's | ARG-1: of troops | ARG-2: from the 3 Baltic Sea countries SRL for [coagulate]: This stops the bleeding and the blood will then [coagulate] or thicken into a scab .,ARG-1: the blood | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: then "SRL for [peeved]: After my computer crashed , I was [peeved] to have lost a whole day's work .",ARG-M-TMP: After my computer crashed | ARG-1: I | ARG-0: to have lost a whole day's work SRL for [ladder]: Stockings would [ladder] if you so much as looked at them .,ARG-1: Stockings | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: if you so much as looked at them "SRL for [yoging]: But theoretically yes to yoga and brunch ! You [yoging] tonight , or do you have work ? xxx",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-TMP: tonight SRL for [nosy]: i have a neighbor who is [nosy] into everybody bussiness .,ARG-0: who | ARG-1: into everybody bussiness SRL for [continue]: Investors [continue] to pour cash into money funds .,ARG-0: Investors | ARG-1: to pour cash into money funds SRL for [Welcome]: [Welcome] back to the second hour of Three Sixty .,ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: to the second hour of Three Sixty SRL for [re - creation]: his [re - creation],ARG-0: his "SRL for [financial]: So long as depression continued , the issue was [financial] and the two had a common enemy ; the banker .",ARG-1: So long as depression continued | ARG-M-TMP: the issue "SRL for [summoned]: In January 1980 , Jerome Sanford , as assistant U.S. attorney , was [summoned] to a meeting with a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent assigned to the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms in Miami .","ARG-M-TMP: In January 1980 | ARG-M-ADV: as assistant U.S. attorney | ARG-1: Jerome Sanford | ARG-2: to a meeting with a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent assigned to the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms in Miami" SRL for [frightening away]: Mr. DaPuzzo also complained that the sharp swings in stock prices lately is [frightening away] retail and foreign investors .,ARG-0: the sharp swings in stock prices | ARG-M-TMP: lately | ARG-1: retail and foreign investors "SRL for [scaled]: In the experiments , the test image is also selected from one of the referred images [scaled] up 20 %",ARG-1: one of the referred images | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-2: 20 % "SRL for [inflicted]: There are no winners or losers until now , and both sides are announcing the casualties they [inflicted] on the enemy front .",ARG-1: the casualties | ARG-0: they | ARG-2: on the enemy front SRL for [invites]: He pampers them ; he [invites] them to fabulous parties ; he strokes them .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to fabulous parties SRL for [solo]: his drum [solo],ARG-0: his | ARG-1: drum SRL for [restraint]: It is easy to understand his [restraint] from doing drugs,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: from doing drugs "SRL for [failed]: When Chinese Communist premier Zhu Rongji made belligerent remarks a few days before the election in an effort to scare voters away from the DPP ticket , the ruling party made a grievous mistake , opined Jin , when it [failed] to come out strongly critical of Zhu and attempted instead to capitalize on the incident by playing the "" fear card . """,ARG-M-TMP: when | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to come out strongly critical of Zhu SRL for [idolizing]: Past CPC propaganda had accused Hu of slavishly [idolizing] the West and hating communism ...,ARG-0: Hu | ARG-M-MNR: slavishly | ARG-1: the West "SRL for [superficial]: Thus , skin is [superficial] to the muscle layer .",ARG-M-DIS: Thus | ARG-1: skin | ARG-2: to the muscle layer SRL for [disinvited]: Bill Frist because he 's changed his position on stem cell research has been [disinvited] by the family Research Council to what they 're calling their Second Justice Sunday .,ARG-M-CAU: because he 's changed his position on stem cell research | ARG-1: Bill Frist | ARG-0: by the family Research Council | ARG-2: to what they 're calling their Second Justice Sunday "SRL for [proclaiming]: Mr. Stoltzman tied the composer in by [proclaiming] him `` the great improviser of the 18th century , '' and then built on the image by joining with Mr. Douglas in some Bach two - part inventions , cleverly arranged for clarinet and bassoon by Mr. Douglas .","ARG-0: Mr. Stoltzman | ARG-1: him `` the great improviser of the 18th century , ''" "SRL for [quadrangulate]: With enough data it will , well , "" [quadrangulate] "" the location of the Temporal Exterminator , the actual firing mechanism .","ARG-M-ADV: With enough data | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: well | ARG-1: the location of the Temporal Exterminator , the actual firing mechanism" SRL for [living out]: The worst would have been Milosevic walking free and the second worst would be his [living out] his days in a cushy prison facility similar to the one he 's spent his last years in .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: his days | ARG-M-LOC: in a cushy prison facility similar to the one he 's spent his last years in SRL for [Hypersalivation]: [Hypersalivation] from clozapine appears to be a paradoxical phenomenon,ARG-1: from clozapine "SRL for [deceive]: ( Mr. Blodgett , who was convicted in Florida state court of selling unregistered securities and in California state court of unlawful use of the telephone to defraud and [deceive] , is now on probation .",ARG-0: Mr. Blodgett | R-ARG-0: who "SRL for [strain]: The idea behind the Egg King is pretty simple : put the eggs into a cylinder that contains perforated baskets , spin them at a high speed to break the shells and [strain] the edible part through the baskets .",ARG-1: the edible part | ARG-M-DIR: through the baskets "SRL for [safer]: Thus , no matter which way you look at it , a democratic world is beneficial and innocuous for Americans . Besides selling goods , it 's also [safer] .",ARG-M-ADV: Besides selling goods | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-ADV: also SRL for [lumpectomy]: left breast [lumpectomy],ARG-2: left breast SRL for [employment]: his [employment] of an attorney for the usual services,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of an attorney | ARG-2: for the usual services SRL for [Walk]: Firms [Walk] Fine Line In Distributing Profits,ARG-0: Firms | ARG-2: Fine Line | ARG-M-ADV: In Distributing Profits SRL for [totter]: Under what weights will the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation [totter] ?,ARG-M-MNR: Under what weights | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation "SRL for [application]: It hurts to think of how many wonderful people in Iraq would now be alive , who have been horribly murdered and tortured and reduced to misery since by a half [application] of violence through sanctions and overflights .",ARG-M-EXT: half | ARG-1: of violence | ARG-M-MNR: through sanctions and overflights SRL for [sad]: Former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. ( D - IL ) is [sad] that he has to go to jail for a minute .,ARG-1: Former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. ( D - IL ) | ARG-0: that he has to go to jail for a minute SRL for [tautened]: The tight - rope walker [tautened] the rope before beginning his stunt .,ARG-0: The tight - rope walker | ARG-1: the rope | ARG-M-TMP: before beginning his stunt "SRL for [crack down]: The Egyptian government has carried out a vigorous [crack down] on the Islamist group , which says it takes peaceful means to bring about an Islamic government .","ARG-M-MNR: vigorous | ARG-1: on the Islamist group , which says it takes peaceful means to bring about an Islamic government" SRL for [culpable]: The system and the people who operate in the system are equally [culpable] .,ARG-1: The system and the people who operate in the system | ARG-M-EXT: equally "SRL for [re - adjust]: He said , on the contrary , that China , under the premise of strengthening its financial risk prevention and control , will increase capital utilization benefits and support developing State - owned enterprise as targets , adhere to not changing reforms utilizing foreign capital , and at the same time will suitably [re - adjust] and perfect the policies of utilizing foreign capital .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the policies of utilizing foreign capital | ARG-M-ADV: suitably | ARG-M-TMP: at the same time | ARG-0: China SRL for [low]: Feeling [low] from the weather ?,ARG-0: from the weather SRL for [weigh]: The problem for Congress will be to [weigh] what China is saying to its people against the more conciliatory message it is delivering to the Bush administration .,ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: what China is saying to its people | ARG-2: against the more conciliatory message it is delivering to the Bush administration SRL for [hydrogenated]: There has been dispute over U.S. fast food chains ' use of partially [hydrogenated] oil in its food preparation .,ARG-M-EXT: partially | ARG-1: oil "SRL for [stung]: Takeover - stock traders , [stung] by their huge losses in UAL stock ...",ARG-1: Takeover - stock traders | ARG-0: by their huge losses in UAL stock SRL for [powdered]: She [powdered] her nose with La Diaphane .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her nose | ARG-2: with La Diaphane SRL for [in line]: Henry 's approach to unfussy dressing is [in line] with the brand 's roots,ARG-1: Henry 's approach to unfussy dressing | ARG-2: with the brand 's roots "SRL for [division]: Fluffy 's [division] of the sheep into white sheep and black sheep was executed flawlessly , and she won the sheepherding competition .",ARG-0: Fluffy 's | ARG-1: of the sheep | ARG-2: into white sheep and black sheep SRL for [entail]: The paper gave no details of what the restrictions would [entail] but said the measures were necessary to protect the domestic market .,ARG-0: the restrictions | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: what SRL for [vaticinated]: Jim [vaticinated] on the shape of things to come .,ARG-0: Jim | ARG-2: on the shape of things to come "SRL for [hogtied]: On the other , restrictions should be lifted on the mainstream Muslim League - N and Pakistan People 's Party , who can defeat the MMA in fair elections if not [hogtied] by the secret police .",ARG-1: who | ARG-0: by the secret police "SRL for [restitution]: They also approved enforcement action to be taken to "" secure the reversal of the works and the [restitution] of the building to its condition before the works took place . """,ARG-1: of the building | ARG-2: to its condition before the works took place "SRL for [survey]: its [survey] of 2,508 such employees","ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of 2,508 such employees" "SRL for [noted]: Except where [noted] , blah blah blah",ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [called upon]: However , he never imagined that the role he was [called upon] to play would be so lonely and dismal .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: to play SRL for [works]: China 's Red Cross has done lots of good [works] for the people,ARG-0: China 's Red Cross | ARG-M-LVB: done | ARG-M-ADJ: good | ARG-2: for the people "SRL for [designated]: Four years ago , Pittsburgh was [designated] the most - livable U.S. city by Rand McNally 's Places Rated Almanac , and the honor did wonders to improve Pittsburgh 's soot - stained image .",ARG-M-TMP: Four years ago | ARG-1: Pittsburgh | ARG-2: the most - livable U.S. city | ARG-0: by Rand McNally 's Places Rated Almanac SRL for [drags on]: If it [drags on] again without solution ...,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-MNR: without solution SRL for [restore]: Stock prices surged as a multibillion - dollar takeover proposal helped [restore] market players ' confidence about the prospects for further deal - making .,ARG-0: a multibillion - dollar takeover proposal | ARG-1: market players ' confidence about the prospects for further deal - making "SRL for [bad off]: From the mirror up the truck is pretty [bad off] , but not as bad as the other guy .",ARG-M-LOC: From the mirror up | ARG-1: the truck | ARG-M-EXT: pretty "SRL for [reappointed]: Because Justice Rubin turned 76 on May 9 , he is n't eligible to be [reappointed] to the bench at the end of the year .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: to the bench | ARG-M-TMP: at the end of the year "SRL for [towed]: Out in the harbor , preparations are being made to attach cables to the tanker so that it can be floated and [towed] out to sea .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: out to sea "SRL for [overrepresented]: Whether a selective sweep has occurred or not can be investigated by measuring linkage disequilibrium , or whether a given haplotype is [overrepresented] in the population .",ARG-1: a given haplotype | ARG-M-LOC: in the population "SRL for [drain]: Yesterday , the Fed executed four - day matched sales , a technical trading operation designed to [drain] reserves from the banking system .",ARG-0: a technical trading operation | ARG-2: reserves | ARG-1: from the banking system "SRL for [conditioned]: `` If there is any support for reducing the bill , it is [conditioned] on their desire to see them passed in another form . ''",ARG-M-ADV: If there is any support for reducing the bill | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: on their desire to see them passed in another form "SRL for [retained]: The company also [retained] attorney Martin P. Levin , a director of the company and former head of the Times - Mirror Publishing Group , as an adviser .","ARG-0: The company | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: attorney Martin P. Levin , a director of the company and former head of the Times - Mirror Publishing Group | ARG-3: as an adviser" "SRL for [declined]: My wife , who had been hoping to take care of our sick daughter herself when she got home from work , naturally [declined] her kind offer .","ARG-0: My wife , who had been hoping to take care of our sick daughter herself when she got home from work | ARG-M-ADV: naturally | ARG-1: her kind offer" SRL for [relaxation]: Frederick 's [relaxation] of censorship and reform of the civil and criminal law provided evidence that this was indeed and age of enlightenment .,ARG-0: Frederick 's | ARG-1: of censorship "SRL for [strict]: lthough other companies pay off the money several times slower than they do -LRB- usually one week -RRB- , for the materials and procedures of the compensation claims , they consider the inconvenience for the car owners , and they are not so [strict] .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: so SRL for [whistleblew]: Karen [whistleblew] on the Bank 's corruption at high levels ...,ARG-0: Karen | ARG-1: on the Bank 's corruption at high levels SRL for [named]: Lee Karns [named] James Nichol to succeed him .,ARG-0: Lee Karns | ARG-1: James Nichol | ARG-2: to succeed him "SRL for [borderline]: He was [borderline] adorable in Anna Karenina ( beard , moping and all ) , but Frank seals the deal .","ARG-1: He | ARG-2: adorable | ARG-M-LOC: in Anna Karenina | ARG-M-ADV: ( beard , moping and all )" SRL for [help]: I ca n't [help] but wonder why .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [hypervascular]: Tests showed the nodules were [hypervascular] in nature .,ARG-1: the nodules | ARG-M-ADV: in nature SRL for [co - chaired]: Mary [co - chaired] the committee for panda rights with John .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the committee for panda rights | ARG-2: with John "SRL for [sure]: Peter Anthony , who runs an employment agency in New York , decries program trading as `` limiting the game to a few , '' but he also is n't [sure] it should be more strictly regulated .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: it should be more strictly regulated "SRL for [reimposed]: Among other reasons , high fees regulators [reimposed] on certain transfers of thrift deposits to commercial banks `` substantially altered the economics of the transaction for both parties , '' Poughkeepsie said .",ARG-0: regulators | ARG-1: high fees | ARG-2: on certain transfers of thrift deposits to commercial banks SRL for [originating]: The wax apple is a tropical fruit [originating] from the Malay peninsula .,ARG-1: a tropical fruit | ARG-2: from the Malay peninsula "SRL for [holed up]: Some of our sources in Thailand say the notorious old Khmer Rouge leader , Pol Pot , has been [holed up] this summer in Khmer Rouge camps near the Thai - Cambodian border .","ARG-0: the notorious old Khmer Rouge leader , Pol Pot | ARG-M-TMP: this summer | ARG-1: in Khmer Rouge camps near the Thai - Cambodian border" "SRL for [notated]: The following pieces were all composed by William Gillock , and [notated] into Sibelius , with some changes , by Sasan Rahmatian .",ARG-1: The following pieces | ARG-3: into Sibelius SRL for [decompressed]: My ear just [decompressed] .,ARG-1: My ear | ARG-M-TMP: just "SRL for [forward]: Elcotel will provide a credit - card reader for the machines to collect , store and [forward] billing data .",ARG-0: the machines | ARG-1: billing data | ARG-M-MNR: a credit - card reader SRL for [inheritance]: What is the role of protein in the [inheritance] of genes from parents to offspring ?,ARG-1: of genes | ARG-2: from parents | ARG-0: to offspring "SRL for [weighed]: ... traders said profit - taking [weighed] on the market , with blue - chips bearing the brunt of the selling .",ARG-0: profit - taking | ARG-1: on the market | ARG-M-ADV: with blue - chips bearing the brunt of the selling SRL for [fix]: The mortgage percent [fix] is at 3.9 .,ARG-1: The mortgage percent SRL for [interesting]: It will be [interesting] to watch who takes what sides .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: to watch who takes what sides SRL for [chance]: There is a 40 % [chance] of rain tomorrow,ARG-2: 40 % | ARG-1: of rain | ARG-M-TMP: tomorrow "SRL for [step]: Fujitsu Ltd. 's top executive took the unusual [step] of publicly apologizing for his company 's making bids of just one yen for several local government projects , while computer rival NEC Corp. made a written apology for indulging in the same practice .",ARG-0: Fujitsu Ltd. 's top executive | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-M-ADJ: unusual | ARG-4: of publicly apologizing for his company 's making bids of just one yen for several local government projects | ARG-M-TMP: while computer rival NEC Corp. made a written apology for indulging in the same practice "SRL for [thrive]: As the Chinese have shown and the Soviets are learning , family farms [thrive] where collectives fail .",ARG-M-ADV: As the Chinese have shown and the Soviets are learning | ARG-1: family farms | ARG-M-LOC: where collectives fail SRL for [editorialize]: ... we did not filter or [editorialize] or in any way try to massage their message .,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [paramutation]: this is called secondary [paramutation] .,ARG-3: secondary SRL for [reclassifies]: Her recent report [reclassifies] the stock as a `` hold . '',ARG-0: Her recent report | ARG-1: the stock | ARG-2: as a `` hold "SRL for [splashed]: So he [splashed] the information on handbills that he distributed throughout the banana - exporting city of Puerto Armuelles , which was ruled by United Fruit Co .","ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the information | ARG-2: on handbills that he distributed throughout the banana - exporting city of Puerto Armuelles , which was ruled by United Fruit Co" "SRL for [discount]: With the price [discount] from $ 50 to $ 27.98 , I decided to buy .",ARG-1: price | ARG-3: from $ 50 | ARG-4: to $ 27.98 SRL for [lettered]: Doug Smith [lettered] in band .,ARG-0: Doug Smith | ARG-1: in band "SRL for [override]: Unfortunately , the organization 's desire for pork tends to [override] its commitment to overall fiscal responsibility .",ARG-0: the organization 's desire for pork | ARG-1: its commitment to overall fiscal responsibility SRL for [phased in]: The move will help the bank to keep up with international solvency ratios being [phased in] by the Bank for International Settlements .,ARG-1: international solvency ratios | ARG-0: by the Bank for International Settlements SRL for [vote]: The union [vote] to reject the proposed pact was 230 - 215 .,ARG-0: union | ARG-1: to reject the proposed pact SRL for [electoral]: [electoral] process,ARG-1: process "SRL for [ramp up]: `` A key part of the question is , how soon does this disk - drive come and how soon does production [ramp up] ? '' said Steve Cohen at SoundView Financial Group .",ARG-1: production | ARG-M-TMP: how soon SRL for [affiliated]: One broadcasting executive familiar with the project said the co - venture would target stations [affiliated] with Fox because Fox has the desirable independent stations in most of the key cities .,ARG-1: stations | ARG-2: with Fox SRL for [hit]: The plane could [hit] the market in the mid-1990s .,ARG-0: The plane | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-TMP: in the mid-1990s SRL for [somersaulted]: They [somersaulted] across the kitchen floor .,ARG-1: They | ARG-4: across the kitchen floor SRL for [mindblowing]: Seeing Thundercat live was [mindblowing],ARG-1: Seeing Thundercat live "SRL for [suggests]: Fashion can be abused , and instead of beauty , a dress [suggests] sex .",ARG-M-ADV: instead of beauty | ARG-0: a dress | ARG-1: sex SRL for [Lazy]: Who s [Lazy] ? What re you doing tonight ?,ARG-1: Who "SRL for [judge]: Consider , for example , the greenhouse effect and climate change ; numerous blue - ribbon scientific committees , including one from the National Academy of Science , [judge] there is a greater than 50 % probability of a grave problem in the offing .","ARG-0: numerous blue - ribbon scientific committees , including one from the National Academy of Science | ARG-2: there is a greater than 50 % probability of a grave problem in the offing" "SRL for [charred]: Emergency crews searched through the [charred] rubble of a Phillips Petroleum Co. plastics plant near Pasadena , Texas , where a series of explosions Monday killed at least two people and injured 124 .",ARG-1: rubble SRL for [bed]: It is early to [bed] ., "SRL for [knitting]: With one she is pregnant , with Major Battle she is [knitting] an American flag , and as the vice president 's wife she rushes in with white hair , wearing a tailored suit and pearls , imitating Barbara Bush 's gestures down to the last detail .",ARG-M-ADV: with Major Battle | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: an American flag "SRL for [progressive]: Although Mrs. Roberts is a professional Christian , and a member of the Congregational Church , she is [progressive] in her ideas , and keeps her eyes wide open","ARG-M-ADV: Although Mrs. Roberts is a professional Christian , and a member of the Congregational Church | ARG-1: she | ARG-2: in her ideas" "SRL for [fill out]: NCNB-1 raised some $ 1.9 billion in new capital during the quarter [*-1]-2 to complete the NCNB Texas purchase , and to acquire several small failed thrifts [*-2] to [fill out] its regional franchise .",ARG-1: its regional franchise SRL for [strike]: Tendulkar was on 199 in the last over and Dhoni hit a single to give Tendulkar the [strike], "SRL for [gains]: Stocks are holding on to their [gains] in late trading , with all three major indexes up more than 1 % in late trading .",ARG-1: their SRL for [continuation]: The member must request their [continuation] of coverage in writing within 60 days following change in employment .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of coverage SRL for [louse]: She asked if I would [louse] her hair for her .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: her hair | ARG-M-GOL: for her SRL for [genuine]: The leather is [genuine] .,ARG-1: The leather SRL for [prescheduled]: They [prescheduled] their appointment for next February .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their appointment | ARG-3: for next February "SRL for [peg]: Army , you had me worried there for a minute as "" they should [peg] it "" means to die .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: it "SRL for [balking]: Consumers , he said , are [balking] at higher prices on 1990 cars , especially after seeing the incentive - reduced prices on 1989 models .",ARG-0: Consumers | ARG-1: at higher prices on 1990 cars | ARG-M-TMP: especially after seeing the incentive - reduced prices on 1989 models SRL for [ran]: Construction spending [ran] at an annual rate of $ 415.6 billion .,ARG-1: Construction spending | ARG-M-MNR: at an annual rate of $ 415.6 billion "SRL for [rockslide]: In April 1974 a gigantic and fast [rockslide] with a volume estimated at 1 to 1.3?109 m3 dammed the Mantaro river in the Peruvian Andes , causing more than 450 casualties and forming a 130 m to 150 m high dam [ 16 , 17 ] .",ARG-M-ADJ: gigantic and fast | ARG-2: with a volume estimated at 1 to 1.3?109 m3 SRL for [foolish]: Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said Sunday he was [foolish] to have revealed Valerie Plame 's CIA identity .,ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to have revealed Valerie Plame 's CIA identity "SRL for [rendition]: The Gibson inquiry will look into allegations Britain 's secret services were complicit in the torture and [rendition] of terror detainees , such as at Guant?namo Bay",ARG-1: of terror detainees SRL for [crackle]: Negative answers [crackle] back .,ARG-0: Negative answers | ARG-M-DIR: back "SRL for [sway]: Staffers at Thompson , whose offices are in the ultramodern Embarcadero Center , watched pictures drop from the walls and then felt the skyscraper [sway] seven to eight feet , according to a spokeswoman .",ARG-1: the skyscraper | ARG-2: seven to eight feet "SRL for [dazzling]: At length one night , hearing the voices very distinctly , I crept out , and by the [dazzling] of the water could see as it were a fleet of beats sailing up and down the lake , not far from the bridge ;",ARG-0: of the water SRL for [widened]: John [widened] his girth .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his girth "SRL for [amalgamation]: The Scots themselves are an [amalgamation] of different peoples , Picts , Britons , Gaels , Norse and even Anglo - Saxons .","ARG-1: of different peoples , Picts , Britons , Gaels , Norse and even Anglo - Saxons" "SRL for [metabolized]: The drug , discovered in 1984 , is [metabolized] from soil fungus found in Japan .","ARG-1: The drug , discovered in 1984 | ARG-2: from soil fungus found in Japan" "SRL for [unconstitutional]: The justices agreed that the law was [unconstitutional] as it applied to sidewalks surrounding the court , but they did not decide on the constitutionality of the law as a whole .",ARG-1: the law | ARG-M-CAU: as it applied to sidewalks surrounding the court SRL for [rhapsodized]: He [rhapsodized] about physics and music with her .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: about physics and music | ARG-M-ADV: with her SRL for [admissions]: Her condition required frequent hospital [admissions] .,ARG-M-TMP: frequent | ARG-2: hospital SRL for [sweat]: do n't [sweat] it . sat / sun / mon ...,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: it SRL for [fatigues]: Endless chatter [fatigues] me .,ARG-0: Endless chatter | ARG-1: me SRL for [amputation]: Dr. Carlton 's [amputation] of Ravi 's foot probably saved his life .,ARG-0: Dr. Carlton 's | ARG-1: of Ravi 's foot "SRL for [individualized]: But , as the degree is [individualized] , the length of time students need to develop their proposals will also vary widely .",ARG-1: the degree SRL for [remake]: The process of post - crash reforms began with calls to [remake] the markets and wound up a year later with a series of rather technical adjustments .,ARG-1: the markets SRL for [molded]: CNN 's viewer habits have been [molded] by its format .,ARG-1: CNN 's viewer habits | ARG-0: by its format "SRL for [cramped]: In public , he [cramped] my style with his incessant impersonations of Simpson 's characters .",ARG-M-LOC: In public | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: my style | ARG-2: with his incessant impersonations of Simpson 's characters "SRL for [segueway]: Another time I 'll [segueway] into all the fun work related instances where "" Mommies "" get out of doing work and hiding behind childcare as the reason .","ARG-M-TMP: Another time | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-2: into all the fun work related instances where "" Mommies "" get out of doing work and hiding behind childcare as the reason" SRL for [sentimentalizes]: The opera lavishly [sentimentalizes] unrequited love .,ARG-0: The opera | ARG-M-MNR: lavishly | ARG-1: unrequited love "SRL for [sequester]: At times I [sequester] my mind When I must think with precision , Detached from all other thoughts While trying to reach a decision .",ARG-M-TMP: At times | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my mind | ARG-M-TMP: When I must think with precision | ARG-M-PRD: Detached from all other thoughts While trying to reach a decision SRL for [possession]: ... after the arrest of the first person in whose [possession] were ten pills of the same kind that were seized ...,ARG-0: whose "SRL for [bloom]: Based on these principles , the vitality of the public will naturally [bloom] and create a new phase in Taiwan 's economic miracle .",ARG-M-ADV: Based on these principles | ARG-0: the vitality of the public | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: naturally SRL for [assured]: A spokesman for AMR Corp. said Boeing has [assured] American Airlines it will deliver a 757 on time later this month .,ARG-0: Boeing | ARG-1: American Airlines | ARG-2: it will deliver a 757 on time later this month SRL for [leave]: You [leave] it on the counter with a chopstick listing your table number on it .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: on the counter | ARG-M-ADV: with a chopstick listing your table number on it "SRL for [tacked on]: Digital Equipment [tacked on] 1 1/8 to 89 1/8 , and Hewlett - Packard fell 3/8 to 49 3/8 .",ARG-1: Digital Equipment | ARG-2: 1 1/8 | ARG-4: to 89 1/8 "SRL for [submit]: However , Tony Lama said it would promptly [submit] the offer to a special committee of the company 's board .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-MNR: promptly | ARG-1: the offer | ARG-2: to a special committee of the company 's board SRL for [slept]: Some nights he [slept] under his desk .,ARG-M-TMP: Some nights | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LOC: under his desk "SRL for [clarification]: His [clarification] of the term "" wounded students "" to at risk students puts a different light on strategies that are needed in schools .","ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the term "" wounded students "" | ARG-2: to at risk students" "SRL for [knock]: The strong dollar , which reduces the value of overseas earnings and revenue when they are translated into dollars , is expected to [knock] 80 to 85 cents off IBM 's per - share earnings for the full year .","ARG-0: The strong dollar , which reduces the value of overseas earnings and revenue when they are translated into dollars | ARG-1: 80 to 85 cents | ARG-2: off IBM 's per - share earnings for the full year" "SRL for [reply]: "" Dunno , "" is what cyber - authors mostly [reply] when asked why their works have generated so much interest both in cyberspace and in the conventional publishing trade .",ARG-2: what | ARG-0: cyber - authors | ARG-M-ADV: mostly | ARG-1: when asked why their works have generated so much interest both in cyberspace and in the conventional publishing trade "SRL for [log out]: After you read his message , [log out] of email .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: of email SRL for [refund]: Is anyone else still waiting on their [refund] for the fall semester ?,ARG-2: their | ARG-3: for the fall semester "SRL for [perceptible]: But precisely in being so drawn , the will that wills nothing becomes [perceptible] to them as their force and their expressing .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-ADV: precisely in being so drawn | ARG-1: the will that wills nothing | ARG-0: to them | ARG-2: as their force and their expressing SRL for [finished]: It was a pathetic display and in the end my patience was [finished] so I walked on stage and gave a little reminder of what Memorial Day is actually about .,ARG-M-TMP: in the end | ARG-1: my patience "SRL for [re - summoned]: After six years of investigation , the New Zealand police have recently [re - summoned] the coroner for questions because no confirmed evidence has been found so far to prove how the "" murderer "" got the methanol into the decedent 's body .","ARG-M-TMP: After six years of investigation | ARG-0: the New Zealand police | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: the coroner | ARG-M-PRP: for questions | ARG-M-CAU: because no confirmed evidence has been found so far to prove how the "" murderer "" got the methanol into the decedent 's body" SRL for [asserted]: The author had [asserted] several points about Mr. Hubbard .,ARG-0: The author | ARG-1: several points | ARG-3: about Mr. Hubbard SRL for [swindled]: The Attorney General 's investigation was sparked by lawsuits and charges by angry California businesspeople that they were [swindled] in a bureau - sponsored directory project contracted by Better Book .,ARG-2: they | ARG-M-LOC: in a bureau - sponsored directory project contracted by Better Book "SRL for [scuttered]: They [scuttered] swiftly towards the fire , raising and lowering their faces with erratic jerks , while the bean seeds rattled softly in the turtle shells .",ARG-1: They | ARG-M-MNR: swiftly | ARG-4: towards the fire | ARG-M-ADV: raising and lowering their faces with erratic jerks | ARG-M-TMP: while the bean seeds rattled softly in the turtle shells "SRL for [petrified]: His broad flat fingers , [petrified] into massive sausages by years of bricklaying , snatched the bills clumsily .",ARG-1: His broad flat fingers | ARG-2: into massive sausages | ARG-0: by years of bricklaying SRL for [warrant]: He said construction would n't resume until market conditions [warrant] it .,ARG-0: market conditions | ARG-1: it "SRL for [attack]: As early as move six , Mr. Kasparov deviated from a well - known sequence of moves , developing a knight instead of making a standard bishop [attack] against the computer 's advanced knight .",ARG-M-MNR: standard | ARG-M-MNR: bishop | ARG-1: against the computer 's advanced knight "SRL for [skittered]: Terrified , they [skittered] to higher ground .",ARG-M-PRD: Terrified | ARG-1: they | ARG-M-GOL: to higher ground SRL for [evidenced]: The use of the abominable construction practices in the Soviet Union -- as [evidenced] by the collapse of sand apartment blocks during the Armenian earthquake -- as a metaphor for the U.S. economic system was a sublime example of Mr. Cockburn 's satirical muse .,ARG-1: the abominable construction practices in the Soviet Union | ARG-0: by the collapse of sand apartment blocks during the Armenian earthquake "SRL for [smack]: From the perspective of East Germany 's old guard , reforms that [smack] of capitalism and Western - style democracy could eliminate their country 's reason for being .",ARG-0: reforms | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: of capitalism and Western - style democracy SRL for [gambling]: Much legislation existed at the time to govern the [gambling] of money on dice games .,ARG-1: of money | ARG-2: on dice games "SRL for [heated]: things are so [heated] between us , I do n't know what to do .",ARG-1: things | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-LOC: between us "SRL for [rival]: The vast majority of living fish belong here ( 18,000 species or so ) , which [rival] the insects in their multitude of adaptations and variety of external form .","ARG-0: The vast majority of living fish belong here ( 18,000 species or so ) | ARG-1: the insects | ARG-2: in their multitude of adaptations and variety of external form" "SRL for [lifted]: Just one day after a former FBI counterintelligence agent was indicted on charges of gross negligence , his mistress of two decades , Katrina Leung , was herself indicted on more serious charges of copying and possessing documents relating to the national security of the United States , documents she allegedly [lifted] on many occasions from the briefcase of her ex - FBI handler , James Smith .","ARG-1: documents | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-ADV: allegedly | ARG-M-TMP: on many occasions | ARG-2: from the briefcase of her ex - FBI handler , James Smith" SRL for [misconstrue]: So I do n't want anyone to [misconstrue] what I said .,ARG-0: anyone | ARG-1: what I said "SRL for [fudge]: So many people [fudge] on answers about exercise , the president 's council now uses specific criteria to determine what is considered vigorous : It must produce contractions of large muscle groups , must achieve 60 % of maximum aerobic capacity and must be done three or more times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes .",ARG-0: So many people | ARG-1: on answers about exercise SRL for [Advanced]: Parents ' Observations of Kindergartners Who Are [Advanced] in Mathematical Reasoning .,ARG-1: Who | ARG-2: in Mathematical Reasoning "SRL for [initiated]: President Chen Shui - bian personally attended the anniversary event , and vowed to carry on the policy , [initiated] by the previous government , of apologizing to and caring for the victims .",ARG-1: the policy | ARG-0: by the previous government "SRL for [osmoregulation]: For logistical reasons , very little information on the [osmoregulation] of cetaceans exists ; the majority of data are confined to dolphins and porpoises .",ARG-0: of cetaceans SRL for [restaging]: colon cacinoma [restaging],ARG-1: colon cacinoma SRL for [surgical]: Kai never doubted his [surgical] skills, SRL for [insensitive]: He was [insensitive] to her grief .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: to her grief "SRL for [stitched]: From George Vezina in the to Gump Worsely , who had a face [stitched] like a quilt , and Roy 's hero , Rogie Vachon , pioneer of an aggressive style , the goalie has been the loner of the end of the rink .",ARG-1: a face | ARG-M-MNR: like a quilt "SRL for [sheltered]: The man , it seems , has a Lichtenstein corporation , licensed in Libya and [sheltered] in the Bahamas .",ARG-1: a Lichtenstein corporation | ARG-M-LOC: in the Bahamas SRL for [meet]: Ford should [meet] the deadline easily .,ARG-0: Ford | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: the deadline | ARG-M-MNR: easily SRL for [devised]: They [devised] a 69 - point scale -- awarding one point for each subskill measured on the CAT test -- to rate the closeness of test preparatives to the fifth - grade CAT .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: a 69 - point scale | ARG-M-ADV: -- awarding one point for each subskill measured on the CAT test -- | ARG-M-PNC: to rate the closeness of test preparatives to the fifth - grade CAT SRL for [topped out]: The Dow [topped out] at 995,ARG-1: The Dow | ARG-2: at 995 SRL for [scare]: Their opposition helped [scare] off some Japanese banks .,ARG-0: Their opposition | ARG-3: off | ARG-1: some Japanese banks SRL for [way]: I 'm going to do this the hard [way] .,ARG-M-MNR: hard "SRL for [sorting out]: That process of [sorting out] specifics is likely to take time , the Japanese say , no matter how badly the U.S. wants quick results .",ARG-1: specifics "SRL for [discusses]: Lucia Lee , a young office worker who regularly [discusses] social trends with webfriends on her own website , says that modern males no longer have that rough - tough character ; guys like Hsieh Ting - feng and Chen Hsiao - tung , who never have a hair out of place , are very popular male idols these days .",ARG-0: a young office worker | ARG-M-ADV: regularly | ARG-1: social trends | ARG-2: with webfriends on her own website "SRL for [wittered]: "" I can also now tell the House , "" he [wittered] , "" that we are ready to sign tax information exchange agreements with three additional countries ""","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: "" I can also now tell the House , "" | C-ARG-1: "" that we are ready to sign tax information exchange agreements with three additional countries """ "SRL for [swaggered]: He , too , cocked his cap at a jaunty angle , jingled marbles in his pocket , and [swaggered] down Main Street .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIS: too | ARG-1: down Main Street SRL for [restless]: Why is the Earth so [restless] ?,ARG-1: the Earth | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-CAU: Why "SRL for [money - saving]: With these settings in place , individuals can expect to see [money - saving] of 40 to 80 dollars per year .",ARG-1: of 40 to 80 dollars | ARG-M-TMP: per year SRL for [heighten]: The move is sure to [heighten] concerns about increased Japanese investment in U.S. biotechnology firms .,ARG-0: The move | ARG-1: concerns about increased Japanese investment in U.S. biotechnology firms SRL for [revelations]: [revelations] that he had sex with a male congressional page in 1983,ARG-1: that he had sex with a male congressional page in 1983 SRL for [asleep]: I was [asleep] with the sleep of dreams .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with the sleep of dreams SRL for [advertising]: Pepsi said it will spend $ 10 million [advertising] the promotion .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the promotion "SRL for [undisputed]: It is China 's inherent territory , and this is [undisputed] -LRB- he who dares to doubt it must be a traitor -RRB- !",ARG-2: this SRL for [conciliate]: Efforts to [conciliate] the dispute proved fruitless .,ARG-0: Efforts | ARG-1: the dispute SRL for [easing]: Hello all . So there are rumors of further quantitative [easing] in the works .,ARG-M-EXT: further | ARG-M-ADJ: quantitative | ARG-M-ADJ: in the works SRL for [stoppage]: A separate work [stoppage] by Los Angeles transit workers is now in its 27th day .,ARG-M-ADJ: separate | ARG-1: work | ARG-0: by Los Angeles transit workers "SRL for [acknowledging]: While [acknowledging] the necessity of drafting emergency response plans , academics argue that an even more pressing task facing the government is to catalog Taiwan 's marine resources .",ARG-0: academics | ARG-1: the necessity of drafting emergency response plans SRL for [due]: Samples are [due] to arrive this week .,ARG-1: Samples | ARG-2: to arrive | ARG-M-TMP: this week SRL for [approval]: It took almost three years to get the [approval] of the FDA .,ARG-0: of the FDA SRL for [work up]: How do you [work up] a kid with hematuria ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: a kid with hematuria | ARG-M-MNR: How SRL for [yaps]: John 's dog [yaps] at squirrels .,ARG-0: John 's dog | ARG-M-GOL: at squirrels SRL for [creep out]: Spiders [creep out] !,ARG-0: Spiders | ARG-1: me "SRL for [whirring]: Mechanized vacuum cleaners probe the sand like giant anteaters ; a [whirring] ferris wheellike excavator , with bucketsinstead of seats , chews through layers of compacted sand ; tracksand conveyor belts , shuttling sand to the screening plants , criss - cross the beach .",ARG-1: excavator SRL for [deglazed]: I [deglazed] the pan with some port wine .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the pan | ARG-M-MNR: with some port wine SRL for [order]: Place a phone [order] through most any catalog and chances are the clerk who answers wo n't be the only one on the line,ARG-M-LVB: Place | ARG-M-MNR: phone "SRL for [delousing]: Cardinal Scientific Inc. of Waldorf , Md. , seeks a Small Business Innovation Research grant to produce a `` nozzle assembly for an Army mass [delousing] outfit .",ARG-0: outfit SRL for [snitched]: Their life raft had already been [snitched] away by the high seas .,ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: Their life raft | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-0: by the high seas SRL for [pomaded]: He [pomaded] his hair with eau de cologne .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his hair | ARG-2: with eau de cologne SRL for [plunged]: We scuttled along for a few feet before he [plunged] us into the drink again .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: into the drink | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [commercialize]: Proceeds-1 will be used [*-1]-2 [*-2] to [commercialize] recently patented technology and support the company 's internationalexpansion .,ARG-1: recently patented technology "SRL for [glowed]: The world had a big yuk recently when the Soviets reported a rash of UFO landings , one of them bringing tall aliens who [glowed] in the dark to Voronezh .",ARG-0: tall aliens | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: in the dark SRL for [guarantee]: its circulation [guarantee] to advertisers,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: circulation | ARG-2: to advertisers "SRL for [dashing off]: Wang could wield his knife like a brush , [dashing off] inscriptions with the same fluidity as he painted characters .",ARG-0: Wang | ARG-1: inscriptions | ARG-M-MNR: with the same fluidity as he painted characters SRL for [installment]: His [installment] of new gang members in crucial positions ...,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of new gang members | ARG-2: in crucial positions SRL for [operated]: Dr. Jean [operated] on the tumor .,ARG-0: Dr. Jean | ARG-1: on the tumor SRL for [transition]: The country 's [transition] of it 's government from a dictatorship to a democracy,ARG-0: The country 's | ARG-1: of it 's government | ARG-3: from a dictatorship | ARG-2: to a democracy "SRL for [shed]: The Conservative government 's decision may reflect its desire to [shed] a politically sensitive issue well before the next election , expected in late 1991 .","ARG-0: The Conservative government | ARG-1: a politically sensitive issue | ARG-M-TMP: well before the next election , expected in late 1991" SRL for [photosynthesis]: The plant 's [photosynthesis] of light energy into chemical energy for food,ARG-0: The plant 's | ARG-1: of light energy | ARG-2: into chemical energy | ARG-M-PRP: for food SRL for [tests]: They are designing some sophisticated [tests] to look for the Hadron particle .,ARG-M-MNR: sophisticated | ARG-2: to look for the Hadron particle SRL for [induce]: When should you [induce] labor ?,ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-0: you | ARG-2: labor | ARG-M-TMP: When SRL for [plots]: certain coup [plots],ARG-1: coup SRL for [vandalized]: Police say the protestors [vandalized] vehicles and buildings setting at least one structure on fire .,ARG-0: the protestors | ARG-1: vehicles and buildings | ARG-M-PRD: setting at least one structure on fire "SRL for [automation]: The Wangma Computer Company , a high science and technology enterprise in Beijing 's Zhongguan village , held a press conference in the Great Hall Of the People on January 4th and announced : to meet urgent demands for office [automation] of all Party departments , the government and the army , it was decided to "" open "" a whole set of top - quality products of Wangma Software , which can profit more than one million yuan , to the home , all in the way to non - encoded floppy disks , exempting technical fees , so that all domestic computer users can copy and use .","ARG-1: office | ARG-0: of all Party departments , the government and the army" "SRL for [mouth - to - mouth resuscitation]: The child was unable to breathe normally , and [mouth - to - mouth resuscitation] was administered by the police officers who responded to the call for aid .", "SRL for [countersued]: MGM / UA has [countersued] Qintex Australia for breach of contract and fraud over the collapsed acquisition agreement , and Qintex Australia has threatened a countersuit .",ARG-0: MGM / UA | ARG-1: Qintex Australia | ARG-2: for breach of contract and fraud | ARG-M-CAU: over the collapsed acquisition agreement "SRL for [schooling]: His denials of extensive reading notwithstanding , it is no doubt safe to assume that he has spent time [schooling] himself in Southern history and that he has gained some acquaintance with the chief literary authors who have lived in the South or have written about the South .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: in Southern history "SRL for [engraved]: One Colombian drug boss , upon hearing in 1987 that Gen. Noriega was negotiating with the U.S. to abandon his command for a comfortable exile , sent him a hand - sized mahogany coffin [engraved] with his name .",ARG-1: a hand - sized mahogany coffin | ARG-2: with his name SRL for [implementation]: The agency was created for the [implementation] of the policy .,ARG-1: of the policy SRL for [under went]: Patient [under went] neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiation,ARG-1: Patient | ARG-2: neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiation SRL for [incident]: John 's little [incident] at the park was embarressing .,ARG-0: John 's | ARG-M-ADV: little | ARG-M-LOC: at the park SRL for [Whipple procedure]: his [Whipple procedure],ARG-2: his SRL for [defat]: They were dipped in chloroform for 2 minutes to [defat] them of lipid content,ARG-1: them | ARG-2: of lipid content "SRL for [numb]: We comfort ourselves , or at least [numb] the pain .",ARG-0: We | ARG-M-ADV: at least | ARG-1: the pain "SRL for [leveling off]: ECONOMIC GROWTH APPEARS to be [leveling off] , latest reports suggest .",ARG-1: ECONOMIC GROWTH SRL for [end up]: Time Warner and Sony Corp could [end up] becoming partners .,ARG-1: Time Warner and Sony Corp | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-2: becoming partners "SRL for [empty]: `` The guys are going for their skis , their stereos , their personal computers , '' said Frank Fitzgerald , who helped others [empty] their apartments .",ARG-0: others | ARG-1: their apartments "SRL for [brawled]: They [brawled] about their work , and each in selfishness strove to shift his own appointed duty on some other one .",ARG-0: They | ARG-2: about their work SRL for [acknowledgment]: The sales team was sent on a week - long cruise in [acknowledgment] for their outstanding performance this quarter .,ARG-1: for their outstanding performance this quarter SRL for [DNI]: Pro [DNI] him,ARG-0: Pro | ARG-1: him SRL for [lead]: his [lead] of the company on tour in James 's absence,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the company | ARG-M-LOC: on tour | ARG-M-CAU: in James 's absence "SRL for [blamed]: Much of the instability in stock prices lately has been [blamed] on arbitrage trading , designed to profit from differences in prices between stocks and index futures .","ARG-M-TMP: lately | ARG-2: Much of the instability in stock prices | ARG-1: on arbitrage trading , designed to profit from differences in prices between stocks and index futures" "SRL for [implicated]: Capcom Futures is a Chicago subsidiary of Capcom Financial Services Ltd. , a London financial firm that was [implicated] last year in a scheme to launder drug money .",ARG-1: a London financial firm | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: last year | ARG-2: in a scheme to launder drug money SRL for [electrodesiccation]: [electrodesiccation] of two squamous cell carcinomas,ARG-1: of two squamous cell carcinomas "SRL for [registered]: The index , which [registered] 156.8 at the end of September , has a base of 100 set in 1983 and is n't seasonally adjusted .",ARG-1: The index | ARG-3: 156.8 | ARG-M-TMP: at the end of September | R-ARG-1: which SRL for [keep up]: John ca n't [keep up] with Mary 's rapid mood swings .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: with Mary 's rapid mood swings SRL for [report]: Their [report] on a struggle that affects more than ten million americans,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: on a struggle that affects more than ten million americans SRL for [cozened]: She [cozened] her father into letting her use the coach .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her father | ARG-2: into letting her use the coach SRL for [charged]: Rupert [charged] his horse across and into Ireton .,ARG-A: Rupert | ARG-0: his horse | ARG-1: across and into Ireton "SRL for [chain]: In a planned protest against his appearance , several members of the studio audience [chain] themselves in front of the TV cameras in such a way that the program can not continue .",ARG-M-LOC: In a planned protest against his appearance | ARG-0: several members of the studio audience | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-M-LOC: in front of the TV cameras | ARG-M-MNR: in such a way that the program can not continue "SRL for [trotted out]: So every time a Bush official raises a doubt about Mr. Gorbachev , the Washington community shouts `` Cold War '' and `` timidity , '' and an administration spokesman is quickly [trotted out] to reply , `` Mr. Bush wants perestroika to succeed . ''","ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: an administration spokesman | ARG-M-PRP: to reply , `` Mr. Bush wants perestroika to succeed" SRL for [affirmation]: He followed up with an [affirmation] that he would never do it because he would never find those guts .,ARG-1: that he would never do it because he would never find those guts "SRL for [downed]: In one sitting , John [downed] a bag of Oreos , three pints of Ben & Jerry 's , a whole watermelon , half a keg of beer , and a pound of jellybeans , but he passed on the""wafer - thin mints "" .","ARG-M-TMP: In one sitting | ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a bag of Oreos , three pints of Ben & Jerry 's , a whole watermelon , half a keg of beer , and a pound of jellybeans" "SRL for [refurbishing]: Proceeds from the offering are expected to be used for remodeling the company 's Desert Inn resort in Las Vegas , [refurbishing] certain aircraft of the MGM Grand Air unit , and to acquire the property for the new resort .",ARG-1: certain aircraft of the MGM Grand Air unit SRL for [ascended]: Its price [ascended] from 1.04 to 1.54 .,ARG-1: Its price | ARG-3: from 1.04 | ARG-4: to 1.54 SRL for [clinked]: The coins [clinked] together .,ARG-1: The coins | ARG-M-ADV: together SRL for [essential]: Money is not [essential] to happiness .,ARG-1: Money | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: to happiness SRL for [right - of - center]: Now the survey was n't a comprehensive look at every media outlet that has a [right - of - center] audience .,ARG-1: audience SRL for [loud]: The message was [loud] to me .,ARG-1: The message | ARG-2: to me "SRL for [flushed]: At the landing she saw Juanita , her face [flushed] pink with excitement , run down the hall from the kitchen to the front door .",ARG-1: her face | ARG-2: pink | ARG-M-CAU: with excitement SRL for [kneaded]: John [kneaded] the dough into a loaf .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the dough | ARG-2: into a loaf "SRL for [trying]: She haggled forever over a backpack , and was really [trying] my patience .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: my patience SRL for [crappy]: Prune juice is [crappy] for sufferers of diarrhea .,ARG-1: Prune juice | ARG-2: for sufferers of diarrhea SRL for [disadvantaged]: You have [disadvantaged] yourself to satisfy others .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: yourself | ARG-M-PRP: to satisfy others "SRL for [contaminated]: At stake was an $ 80,000 settlement involving who should pay what share of cleanup costs at the site of a former gas station , where underground fuel tanks had leaked and [contaminated] the soil .",ARG-0: underground fuel tanks | ARG-1: the soil SRL for [colonize]: Doughty false cypress seeds seized the opportunity to [colonize] this hostile territory shunned by other plants .,ARG-0: Doughty false cypress seeds | ARG-1: this hostile territory shunned by other plants SRL for [pinned]: John [pinned] his heart to his sleeve .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his heart | ARG-2: to his sleeve "SRL for [sequenced]: In 2014 , researchers elsewhere [sequenced] the genome of Coffea canephora — commonly known as robusta coffee and used for making coffee blends and instant coffee .",ARG-M-TMP: In 2014 | ARG-0: researchers elsewhere | ARG-1: the genome of Coffea canephora — commonly known as robusta coffee and used for making coffee blends and instant coffee SRL for [scripted]: The playwright [scripted] the movie .,ARG-0: The playwright | ARG-1: the movie SRL for [spouted off]: That scum - sucking Dawi Zooter - something [spouted off] to them about working for Mumbleburg .,ARG-0: That scum - sucking Dawi Zooter - something | ARG-1: his mouth | ARG-M-GOL: to them | ARG-3: about working for Mumbleburg SRL for [sane]: Are you sure he was [sane] to want to give up something with you ?,ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to want to give up something with you SRL for [expanded]: The balloon was [expanded] by air .,ARG-1: The balloon | ARG-0: by air "SRL for [yapping]: Yet , for all of Watts [yapping] , none of this changes the fact that the warming continues , and differant agencies have better accuracy in some places than others , depending on the methods used .",ARG-0: Watts SRL for [darning]: But recently the fishermen who *T* cast their nets in Taiwan 's coastal waters have too often felt like * singing an old Taiwanese song that *T* tells of * [darning] broken nets but catching no fish .,ARG-1: broken nets SRL for [asking]: The company was [asking] $ 100 million for an operation said to be loseing about $ 20 million a year .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-3: $ 100 million | ARG-1: for an operation said to be loseing about $ 20 million a year SRL for [conservative]: Diabetes stable through [conservative] management .,ARG-2: management "SRL for [cut]: The [cut] in the dividend to 10 cents a share semiannually , from 20 cents",ARG-1: in the dividend | ARG-3: to 10 cents a share semiannually | ARG-4: from 20 cents SRL for [better]: Broad leaf parsley is [better] for you than eating the plate .,ARG-1: Broad leaf parsley | ARG-2: for you | ARG-M-CXN: than eating the plate SRL for [chase]: Tiger resumes his [chase] of Nicklaus .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Nicklaus "SRL for [CNN]: Very funny , , , this is too [CNN]",ARG-1: this | ARG-M-EXT: too "SRL for [comes]: But as the French embody a Zen - like state of blase when it [comes] to athletics ( try finding a Nautilus machine in Paris ) , my fellow conventioners were having none of it .",ARG-1: to athletics | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [take]: She will [take] after you when she grows up,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: after you | ARG-M-TMP: when she grows up SRL for [pickpocketed]: The Dodger [pickpocketed] the people of London to feed himself .,ARG-0: The Dodger | ARG-2: the people of London | ARG-3: himself SRL for [commend]: National leaders stopped by his stand to [commend] his achievements .,ARG-0: National leaders | ARG-1: his achievements SRL for [Lookit]: [Lookit] it ! !,ARG-1: it SRL for [excavating]: The city 's mayor vowed to take legal action against developers who had been [excavating] at the crest of the hill .,ARG-0: developers | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-LOC: at the crest of the hill "SRL for [late]: It was [late] in the evening , and I blew that room away .",ARG-1: It | ARG-2: in the evening SRL for [encrusted]: John [encrusted] his apple pie with toothpaste .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his apple pie | ARG-2: with toothpaste "SRL for [attention]: There 's a lot -- well , by linguistics standards , a lot -- of money floating around for doing exactly this , and it sounds like Mosuo is one language that might be saveable if you can bring it to the [attention] of the appropriate professionals .",ARG-0: of the appropriate professionals "SRL for [Munching]: [Munching] pizza when they could and yelling until their voices gave out , the two Benjamin Jacobson specialists at the Big Board 's UAL trading post yesterday presided over what can only be described as a financial free - for - all .",ARG-0: the two Benjamin Jacobson specialists at the Big Board 's UAL trading post | ARG-1: pizza | ARG-M-TMP: when they could SRL for [discontent]: Now is the winter of our [discontent] .,ARG-1: our "SRL for [break]: his apparent [break] with his old mentor , Mr. Honecker","ARG-0: his | ARG-M-ADJ: apparent | ARG-4: with his old mentor , Mr. Honecker" "SRL for [subscribes]: Goldman Sachs 's Mr. Einhorn , for one , [subscribes] to that scenario .","ARG-0: Goldman Sachs 's Mr. Einhorn , for one | ARG-1: to that scenario" "SRL for [stick out]: `` I sense that some people are reluctant to [stick out] in any aggressive way until after the figures come out , '' said Richard Eakle , president of Eakle Associates , Fair Haven , Conn.",ARG-0: some people | ARG-1: their necks | ARG-M-MNR: in any aggressive way | ARG-M-TMP: until after the figures come out SRL for [calmed down]: Mideast politics have [calmed down] and the squabbling within the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries seems under control for now .,ARG-1: Mideast politics SRL for [dark]: I 'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was [dark] .,ARG-1: the room "SRL for [repressing]: The sole sympathetic character is the prodigal daughter Kate ( Jaclyn Smith ) , and she is tolerable only by virtue of having nothing in common with her kinfolk , a truly benighted pack of Southern Protestants whose grim existence consists mostly of growing peaches and [repressing] sex .",ARG-0: Southern Protestants | R-ARG-0: whose | ARG-1: sex SRL for [guarantees]: [guarantees] about how a Supreme Court justice will rule,ARG-1: about how a Supreme Court justice will rule "SRL for [rebuttal]: And there?s certainly something appealing to his [rebuttal] that he wants the platform to be a collaborative effort , and not something he?d impose on the party .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that he wants the platform to be a collaborative effort , and not something he?d impose on the party" "SRL for [unaffected]: We may be somewhat insulated by the nature of our local economy , but we will not be [unaffected] .",ARG-1: we | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [elaborate]: Reliance confirmed the filing but would n't [elaborate] .,ARG-0: Reliance | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't "SRL for [census]: If Ford Motor Corporation wished to take a [census] of past purchasers ' reactions to the company 's recalls of defective models , the researchers would have to contact millions of automobile buyers .",ARG-0: Ford Motor Corporation | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-1: of past purchasers ' reactions to the company 's recalls of defective models SRL for [FNA]: [FNA] the lesion,ARG-2: the lesion "SRL for [depressed]: the American parks [depressed] him with their squalor , their lack of organization , haphazard and tiring acres of concrete , their surly personnel .","ARG-0: the American parks | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with their squalor , their lack of organization , haphazard and tiring acres of concrete , their surly personnel" "SRL for [run]: Steinbaugh , on the [run] from the police for attempted murder , turned up on Thursday evening .",ARG-2: from the police | ARG-1: for attempted murder SRL for [misclassification]: The [misclassification] of snow .,ARG-1: of snow "SRL for [ring]: At the [ring] of the bell for Camp 's night activity of junior kickball , we said our goodbyes ...",ARG-1: of the bell | ARG-2: for Camp 's night activity of junior kickball SRL for [picked out]: The ticket clerk [picked out] from the police line - up because his face was familiar .,ARG-0: The ticket clerk | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from the police line - up | ARG-M-CAU: because his face was familiar "SRL for [Kill]: '' [Kill] it , '' he says .",ARG-1: it SRL for [home - schools]: He [home - schools] his son .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his son "SRL for [Stotting]: [Stotting] is jumping into the air with the legs straight and stiff , and the white rear fully visible .", "SRL for [cope]: Wang Hao - wei has asked flashy "" pretty boys "" how they [cope] if their girlfriends wo n't listen to them .",ARG-M-MNR: how | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-ADV: if their girlfriends wo n't listen to them SRL for [garbled]: Accounts were [garbled] at the telegraph office when they sent old George down to Parkersburg for the news .,ARG-1: Accounts | ARG-M-LOC: at the telegraph office | ARG-M-TMP: when they sent old George down to Parkersburg for the news "SRL for [brief]: Eventually , Mr. Stoll was invited to both the CIA and NSA to [brief] high - ranking officers on computer theft .",ARG-0: Mr. Stoll | ARG-1: high - ranking officers | ARG-2: on computer theft "SRL for [brewing]: At 7:00AM of local time on the sixth , 8:00PM of Beijing time on the same day , the USA 's Iraq Study Group submitted to President Bush a policy report on Iraq which has been [brewing] for as long as six months .",ARG-1: a policy report on Iraq | ARG-M-TMP: for as long as six months | R-ARG-1: which "SRL for [exiled]: Within two years , the moderates were [exiled] or in prison , Nicaragua had gone communist , and the Sandinistas were building one of the biggest armies in Latin America and threatening their neighbors .",ARG-M-TMP: Within two years | ARG-1: the moderates SRL for [mesh]: But just how does Mr. Downey 's unorthodox style [mesh] with the sedate tone of CNBC 's business programming ?,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: Mr. Downey 's unorthodox style | ARG-2: with the sedate tone of CNBC 's business programming | ARG-M-MNR: just how "SRL for [riffle]: At the end of the room there was a desk heaped with papers , and she began to [riffle] these , making sighs and and noises of girlish exasperation .",ARG-1: these | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-ADV: girlish exasperation SRL for [draw down]: and I think it 's entirely uh probable that we will see a significant [draw down] of American forces over the next uh next year /.,ARG-M-EXT: significant | ARG-1: of American forces SRL for [sane]: Sephiroth wondered if it was [sane] of him to be so grateful to someone who was only a child .,ARG-1: of him to be so grateful to someone who was only a child "SRL for [square]: I hope Chinese government officials can boldly [square] their shoulders when speaking and not be overly cautious , and do not casually and easily waste the dignity and prestige of our motherland on a person who is so obstinate that he does n't understand history and also ignorant and idiotic .",ARG-0: Chinese government officials | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-MNR: boldly | ARG-1: their shoulders | ARG-M-TMP: when speaking "SRL for [simulated]: John [simulated] a VAX ministation with a cardboard box , three or four egg cartons , and a live beaver .","ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a VAX ministation | ARG-2: with a cardboard box , three or four egg cartons , and a live beaver" "SRL for [setting]: After the doctor 's [setting] of his tibia , Jaime was allowed to go home .",ARG-0: the doctor 's | ARG-1: of his tibia "SRL for [parrots]: Like if she 'll ask me where are my crayons where are my where are the crayons . Instead of saying I do n't know , I 'll say % hm well let 's look for them because she [parrots] back at me I do n't know .",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: at me | ARG-1: I do n't know SRL for [reinnervation]: Nerve transfer [reinnervation] of the muscle fibers,ARG-2: Nerve transfer | ARG-1: of the muscle fibers SRL for [analysis]: kras mutation [analysis],ARG-1: kras mutation SRL for [discuss]: He declined to [discuss] other terms of the issue .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: other terms of the issue SRL for [Insolation]: [Insolation] of the sun .,ARG-0: of the sun "SRL for [conserve]: In the past , [the socialist policies of the government]-1 strictly limited the size of new steel mills , petrochemical plants , car factories and other industrial concerns [*]-1 to [conserve] resources and restrict the profits [*0*] businessmen could make [ ] .",ARG-1: resources SRL for [pounding]: Her [pounding] the spices into a delicious curry was legendary .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: the spices | ARG-2: into a delicious curry SRL for [constellated]: Pixels [constellated] as an image of printed text .,ARG-1: Pixels | ARG-3: as an image of printed text "SRL for [curb]: The CFTC plans to [curb] dual trading on commodities markets , in which traders buy and sell both for their own account and for clients .","ARG-0: The CFTC | ARG-1: dual trading on commodities markets , in which traders buy and sell both for their own account and for clients" SRL for [buttering up]: And their [buttering up] with flattery before they asked it did n't make it any less obvious .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: Him | ARG-2: with flattery SRL for [conduct]: The child 's [conduct] in front of guests was intolerably rude .,ARG-0: child 's | ARG-M-LOC: in front of guests "SRL for [liberalization]: To further the evidence , the organization Green Peace has warned the WTO that their [liberalization] of the forestry trade will devastate not only the environment , but the economies of the developing countries that play host to the rainforests",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the forestry trade SRL for [presentation]: The baby 's breech [presentation] required intervention from the obstetrician .,ARG-1: The baby 's | ARG-3: breech "SRL for [fun]: Yes , that could be [fun] , though I believe Mayor Dave would just mostly ignore her considering his temperment -LRB- even come of us crazy right - wing fanatics like Dave C. -RRB- and knowing what those outside the Progressive Dane club think of Brenda Konkel .",ARG-M-DIS: Yes | ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-ADV: though I believe Mayor Dave would just mostly ignore her considering his temperment -LRB- even come of us crazy right - wing fanatics like Dave C. -RRB- and knowing what those outside the Progressive Dane club think of Brenda Konkel SRL for [gusting]: It 's [gusting] wind .,ARG-1: wind SRL for [drying]: He found that the strong wind and bright sunshine were good for [drying] noodles .,ARG-0: the strong wind and bright sunshine | ARG-1: noodles SRL for [hopes]: Michel DeGraff describes his [hopes] for MIT 's involvement in helping to rebuild the educational infrastructure in Haiti .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: for MIT 's involvement in helping to rebuild the educational infrastructure in Haiti SRL for [tetraploid]: DNA studies indicated the tumor was [tetraploid] .,ARG-1: the tumor SRL for [evict]: The law of England would speedily [evict] them from their homes .,ARG-0: The law of England | ARG-M-ADV: speedily | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: their homes "SRL for [inclined]: Since they had just reached a time in their lives and careers where they could slow down and enjoy the fruits of their past labors , one feels [inclined] to complain to heaven or sigh about the brevity of life .",ARG-0: one | ARG-1: to complain to heaven or sigh about the brevity of life SRL for [wound]: John [wound] his watch .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his watch "SRL for [reinstate]: `` All our efforts are now focused on improving earnings to the point where we can fund additional new - country development , continue to invest in the business and [reinstate] the dividend , '' he added .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the dividend | ARG-M-LOC: the point | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [peacemaking]: Do you think the ~UN can still play the role that ~FDR and other Americans at the time thought it could of being the [peacemaking] uh organization to keep us from fighting war after war in the world ?,ARG-0: organization "SRL for [extracting]: They swear not to give up , if the [extracting] of bear bile from live bears does n't stop .",ARG-1: of bear bile | ARG-2: from live bears SRL for [annexed]: Germany [annexed] part of Czechoslovakia .,ARG-0: Germany | ARG-1: part | ARG-2: Czechoslovakia SRL for [doubled]: That purchase [doubled] Quebecor 's annual printing revenue to $ 750 million .,ARG-0: That purchase | ARG-1: Quebecor 's annual printing revenue | ARG-4: to $ 750 million "SRL for [repriced]: A $ 107.03 million offering of Santa Ana Community Redevelopment Agency , Calif. , tax allocation bonds got off to a slow start and may be [repriced] at lower levels today , according to an official with lead underwriter Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp .","ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: A $ 107.03 million offering of Santa Ana Community Redevelopment Agency , Calif. , tax allocation bonds | ARG-2: at lower levels | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-M-ADV: according to an official with lead underwriter Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp" SRL for [will last]: This food [will last] us for at least three months .,ARG-1: This food | ARG-3: us | ARG-2: for at least three months SRL for [amused]: I was [amused] to read your recent news stories on the banking industry 's reserve additions and concomitant threats to cease making new loans to less - developed countries .,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: to read your recent news stories on the banking industry 's reserve additions and concomitant threats to cease making new loans to less - developed countries SRL for [immense]: The sense of solitude was [immense] .,ARG-1: The sense of solitude SRL for [signed off]: The publisher [signed off] on the book and sent it to be printed .,ARG-0: The publisher | ARG-1: on the book SRL for [disbelieve]: Mrs. Borden would have had no reason to [disbelieve] him and he could have approached close enough to her to swing before she could cry out .,ARG-0: Mrs. Borden | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-CAU: no reason SRL for [suspension]: A White House spokesman condemned the truce [suspension] as `` deplorable '',ARG-1: truce "SRL for [demagoguing]: and politicians can help them by speaking honestly and forthrightly about why the price of gasoline is increasing , instead of [demagoguing] the issue for short - term political gain .",ARG-1: the issue | ARG-M-PRP: for short - term political gain "SRL for [commitments]: At the same time , Viacom is trying to persuade stations to make [commitments] to `` A Different World , '' a spin - off of `` Cosby '' whose reruns will become available in 1991 .","ARG-0: stations | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-2: to `` A Different World , '' a spin - off of `` Cosby '' whose reruns will become available in 1991" "SRL for [avert]: No one `` turns off the tv '' before first realizing that tv is unhealthy -LRB- Jerry Mander 's book is brilliant in this regard -RRB- , just as no one will `` [avert] their eyes from the Imperium '' without realizing that Empire - worship is nothing but Moloch - worship .",ARG-0: no one | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: their eyes | ARG-2: from the Imperium | ARG-M-MNR: without realizing that Empire - worship is nothing but Moloch - worship "SRL for [thought up]: If their plan is something they [thought up] , it will fail .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: something SRL for [handsewn]: Grandma 's [handsewn] toys,ARG-0: Grandma 's | ARG-1: toys "SRL for [culminates]: Mr. Honecker 's ignoble fall [culminates] nearly two decades of iron - handed leadership during which Mr. Honecker , now 77 years old , built East Germany into the most economically advanced nation in the Soviet bloc .","ARG-2: Mr. Honecker 's ignoble fall | ARG-1: nearly two decades of iron - handed leadership during which Mr. Honecker , now 77 years old , built East Germany into the most economically advanced nation in the Soviet bloc" SRL for [subluxation]: Ludmilla 's [subluxation] of her shoulder happened on her trip to the sand dunes .,ARG-0: Ludmilla 's | ARG-1: of her shoulder SRL for [debate]: Sherman and Martha [debate] on foreign policy all the time,ARG-0: Sherman and Martha | ARG-1: on foreign policy | ARG-M-TMP: all the time "SRL for [rewatching]: I 'm [rewatching] it again with my significant other , who 's seeing the whole series for the first time .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-COM: with my significant other , who 's seeing the whole series for the first time" SRL for [famish]: The Lord will not suffer the soul of the righteous to [famish] .,ARG-1: soul of the righteous SRL for [terrible]: He is [terrible] to his children .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to his children SRL for [conceal]: The family moves to another house at night to [conceal] shabby belongings from neighbors .,ARG-0: The family | ARG-1: shabby belongings | ARG-2: from neighbors SRL for [awesome]: I mean when I was underage the place was [awesome] to me .,ARG-M-TMP: when I was underage | ARG-0: the place | ARG-1: to me SRL for [hopped]: The women said they had seen him waive an exhausted fairwell ; but he may have been shooing away the fleas that [hopped] from his yellow dog on to him .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: the fleas | ARG-3: from his yellow dog | ARG-4: on to him SRL for [estranged]: More parents reported being [estranged] from daughters than from sons .,ARG-1: More parents | ARG-2: from daughters "SRL for [parachute]: If all goes well , it will [parachute] a probe into the dense Jovian atmosphere in July 1995 to pick up detailed data about gases that may be similar to the material from which the solar system was formed 4.6 billion years ago .",ARG-M-ADV: If all goes well | ARG-M-CAU: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-0: a probe | ARG-1: into the dense Jovian atmosphere | ARG-M-TMP: in July 1995 | ARG-M-PNC: to pick up detailed data about gases that may be similar to the material from which the solar system was formed 4.6 billion years ago SRL for [at an angle]: One cable is [at an angle] to the horizon and the other is horizontal to the ground .,ARG-1: One cable | ARG-2: to the horizon SRL for [quantification]: its [quantification] as force times the distance over which the force is applied,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: as force times the distance over which the force is applied "SRL for [bulky]: Placenta of 20 × 16 × 2 cm , weighing 720 g , was [bulky] with grape like vesicles involving whole placenta .","ARG-1: Placenta of 20 × 16 × 2 cm , weighing 720 g | ARG-2: with grape like vesicles involving whole placenta" SRL for [entry]: Visa - free [entry] to Macau for Taiwanese,ARG-M-MNR: Visa - free | ARG-1: to Macau | ARG-0: for Taiwanese "SRL for [enlarged]: Elements of the left are also reflexively opposed ; they see service as a cover for the draft , or fear the regimentation of youth , or want to see rights [enlarged] , not obligations .",ARG-1: rights "SRL for [awful]: He was [awful] to look at , to me his face was greenish white",ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to look at "SRL for [sense]: `` I [sense] that some people are reluctant to stick their necks out in any aggressive way until after the figures come out , '' said Richard Eakle , president of Eakle Associates , Fair Haven , Conn.",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: that some people are reluctant to stick their necks out in any aggressive way until after the figures come out SRL for [glassed over]: She [glassed over] in a drugged haze .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-MNR: in a drugged haze "SRL for [try out]: The nagging memory of one afternoon fourteen years ago drove Jim Gideon , a lean 36 - year - old righthander to take a four - month leave from selling insurance in Texas to [try out] for Mr. Weaver 's team .","ARG-0: Jim Gideon , a lean 36 - year - old righthander | ARG-1: for Mr. Weaver 's team" SRL for [numbed]: They [numbed] him with pain medication .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with pain medication "SRL for [spooked]: What really [spooked] the crowds along Wall Street , however , was the sudden concern that , whatever the reason , the pool of debt capital is drying up .",ARG-0: What | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: the crowds along Wall Street SRL for [abuse]: [abuse] of copyrighted material by home tapers,ARG-1: of copyrighted material | ARG-0: by home tapers "SRL for [locked out]: Those massive structures , while posing cost and environmental headaches , effectively [locked out] all but deep - pocketed giants from steelmaking .",ARG-0: Those massive structures | ARG-M-ADV: while posing cost and environmental headaches | ARG-M-MNR: effectively | ARG-1: all but deep - pocketed giants | ARG-2: from steelmaking SRL for [perception]: the [perception] of Mr. Honecker as an out - of - touch old man,ARG-1: of Mr. Honecker | ARG-2: as an out - of - touch old man SRL for [overbaked]: The cakea was [overbaked] .,ARG-1: The cakea "SRL for [grace]: Besides that , some of the paintings that were to [grace] the walls of CenTrust actually ended up hanging in the chairman 's estate on La Gorce Isle off Miami Beach .",ARG-0: the paintings | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the walls of CenTrust SRL for [extirpated]: John [extirpated] the evil from the world with his superpowers .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the evil | ARG-2: from the world "SRL for [scary]: If so , I think it 's [scary] .",ARG-0: it "SRL for [owes]: The buy - out group has begun billing UAL for fees and expenses it [owes] to investment bankers , law firms and banks .","ARG-1: fees and expenses | ARG-0: it | ARG-2: to investment bankers , law firms and banks" "SRL for [misses]: Moreover , the price volatility that is amplified by program trading is undercutting efforts to woo individual investors back to an OTC market that sorely [misses] them .",ARG-0: an OTC market | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MNR: sorely | ARG-1: them "SRL for [made]: Hundreds of Californians [made] their way to their computers after the quake , and checked in with each other on electronic bulletin boards , which link computers CB - radio - style , via phone lines .",ARG-0: Hundreds of Californians | ARG-1: their way | ARG-2: to their computers | ARG-M-TMP: after the quake SRL for [summed]: Then I [summed] their two independent rankings and reranked them .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: their two independent rankings SRL for [stiffed]: They [stiffed] him $ 5 on the tip,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: $ 5 | ARG-3: on the tip "SRL for [maneuvered]: Playing black in the first game , the human champion [maneuvered] Deep Thought , known for its attacking prowess , into a totally passive position .","ARG-0: the human champion | ARG-1: Deep Thought , known for its attacking prowess | ARG-2: into a totally passive position" "SRL for [sense]: Her [sense] of herself as a female artist , choice of materials , Jewishness , and place in the artistic pantheon are , even today , hotly debated by art",ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of herself | ARG-2: as a female artist SRL for [readmit]: The World Psychiatric Association voted at an Athens parley to conditionally [readmit] the Soviet Union .,ARG-M-MNR: conditionally | ARG-0: The World Psychiatric Association | ARG-1: the Soviet Union SRL for [proofing]: They focused on underground earthquake - [proofing] work .,ARG-2: earthquake SRL for [lending]: HomeFed had been one of the handful of large West Coast thrifts that in recent quarters had counteracted interest - rate problems dogging the industry by keeping a lid on problem assets and [lending] heavily into the furious California housing market .,ARG-0: the handful of large West Coast thrifts | ARG-M-MNR: heavily | ARG-2: into the furious California housing market SRL for [goaded]: A red kangaroo is [goaded] into fighting a human clown .,ARG-1: A red kangaroo | ARG-2: into fighting a human clown SRL for [battle]: Mueller believes Richards edited a version of her e - mails to bolster her custody [battle] with Sheen .,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: custody | ARG-1: with Sheen SRL for [teaching]: Singing songs is a popular technique for [teaching] English to kids .,ARG-1: English | ARG-2: to kids SRL for [way]: This was n’t what I ’d call a two - [way] street,ARG-2: two | ARG-1: street "SRL for [delocalization]: The biochemical mechanisms involved in [delocalization] of CtBPs by MAPK inhibition have not been explored , but posttranslational modifications are known to regulate the repressive activity of CtBPs either by translocation to the cytoplasm or by targeting them for degradation ( 36 , 37 ) .",ARG-0: MAPK inhibition | ARG-1: CtBPs SRL for [supercoiling]: positive [supercoiling] with a writhe number of +1 must be generated in the DNA segments adjacent to the DNA – histone complex,ARG-2: positive | ARG-5: with a writhe number of +1 "SRL for [quieted down]: Power is back on , and UCSF medical center seems to have [quieted down] for the night ( they were doing triage out in the parking lot from the sound and lights of it ) .",ARG-1: UCSF medical center | ARG-M-TMP: for the night "SRL for [hone]: Japanese researchers have bred dozens of strains of Fujis to [hone] its color , taste and shelf life .","ARG-0: Japanese researchers | ARG-1: its color , taste and shelf life" SRL for [overlies]: The top layer of your skin is called the epidermis an this [overlies] the thick dermis .,ARG-0: this | ARG-1: the thick dermis SRL for [accounting]: I guess there 's no [accounting] for taste .,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: for taste SRL for [foxtrotted]: She [foxtrotted] her heart out for me .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her heart | ARG-M-PRD: out | ARG-M-GOL: for me "SRL for [tricky]: Pomegranate is [tricky] to eat but it 's popular enough , so we do n't have an excuse for prickly pears .",ARG-1: Pomegranate | C-ARG-1: to eat "SRL for [whack off]: `` It 's madness -- that in an hour you can [whack off] so much value , '' says Stanford Calderwood , chairman of Trinity Investment Management Corp. , Boston .",ARG-M-TMP: in an hour | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: so much value SRL for [seeded]: We [seeded] the water with zooplankton and phytoplankton from a local pond .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the water | ARG-2: with zooplankton and phytoplankton from a local pond SRL for [AFRICAN AMERICAN]: GFR -- [AFRICAN AMERICAN] 60 - 100 ML / MIN above 60, SRL for [enthralled]: All children are [enthralled] by a big box of Legos .,ARG-1: All children | ARG-0: by a big box of Legos "SRL for [repossess]: After Laurel Bank tried to [repossess] the car , a vice president asked him to intervene in an unrelated legal dispute involving a trust account .",ARG-0: Laurel Bank | ARG-1: the car "SRL for [blame]: So one of you will ask me , `` If God controls what we do , why does he [blame] us for our sins ? ''",ARG-M-CAU: why | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: for our sins "SRL for [scold]: But he did fly to Panama to [scold] dictator Torrijos on the drug ties of Panamanian officials , including Mr. Noriega .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: dictator Torrijos | ARG-2: on the drug ties of Panamanian officials , including Mr. Noriega" SRL for [get out]: The company is certain to [get out] some aircraft with just supervisors and other non - striking employees on hand .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: some aircraft | ARG-M-MNR: with just supervisors and other non - striking employees on hand SRL for [intentional]: He states that this was [intentional] .,ARG-1: this "SRL for [groomed]: Balding and stout , he [groomed] his beard with stubby fingers",ARG-M-PRD: Balding and stout | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his beard | ARG-2: with stubby fingers SRL for [SCISSORED]: Well I was pulling the hair trying to get as close to the skin as possible when I actually [SCISSORED] a piece of skin off .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-1: a piece of skin | ARG-M-PRD: off "SRL for [grandfathering]: We guarantee their security , in exchange for their [grandfathering] the civil rights of all American citizens resident there at the time of political seperation .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: the civil rights of all American citizens resident there at the time of political seperation SRL for [boot]: You can look younger to [boot] ., "SRL for [seize]: To keep program - trading units profitable in the eyes of senior brokerage executives , traders must [seize] every opportunity their computers find .",ARG-M-PRP: To keep program - trading units profitable in the eyes of senior brokerage executives | ARG-0: traders | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: every opportunity their computers find SRL for [microblogging]: Many people were [microblogging] photos during the hurricane .,ARG-0: Many people | ARG-1: photos | ARG-M-TMP: during the hurricane SRL for [shot up]: He said that Rodriguez [shot up] with heroin and that he next remembers waking up at the hospital .,ARG-0: Rodriguez | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: with heroin "SRL for [significant]: And though the size of the loan guarantees approved yesterday is [significant] , recent experience with a similar program in Central America indicates that it could take several years before the new Polish government can fully use the aid effectively .",ARG-1: the size of the loan guarantees approved yesterday SRL for [bid]: Southern China will [bid] farewell to the snow tonight .,ARG-0: Southern China | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: farewell | ARG-2: to the snow | ARG-M-TMP: tonight SRL for [breaking]: His [breaking] of the mirror indicates the nothingness of the divinity of kingship and his rejection of it .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the mirror SRL for [tracking]: The hunter 's [tracking] the deer in the woods was halted by a sudden snowstorm .,ARG-0: The hunter 's | ARG-1: the deer | ARG-M-LOC: in the woods SRL for [awe]: The Unites States attacking Iraq and telling the world we were going to shock and [awe] the world with the attack that we were going to make on,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the world | ARG-2: with the attack that we were going to make on "SRL for [embarrassing]: While not publicly embarrassing , it was [embarrassing] to me that I had to go climb a tree to get away .",ARG-M-ADV: While not publicly embarrassing | ARG-1: to me | ARG-0: that I had to go climb a tree to get away "SRL for [text]: # : : snt i 'd suggest giving her another [text] asking perhaps to meet up - cinema , dvd , or grab a coffee / lunch before lectures or something .","ARG-M-LVB: giving | ARG-2: her | ARG-3: asking perhaps to meet up - cinema , dvd , or grab a coffee / lunch before lectures or something" SRL for [efficient]: She is [efficient] with a knife .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-MNR: with a knife SRL for [edged]: Tokyo stocks [edged] up Wednesday in relatively active but unfocused trading .,ARG-1: Tokyo stocks | ARG-5: up | ARG-M-TMP: Wednesday | ARG-M-LOC: in relatively active but unfocused trading "SRL for [rained]: After two years of drought , it [rained] money in the stock - index futures markets yesterday .",ARG-M-TMP: After two years of drought | ARG-1: money | ARG-M-LOC: in the stock - index futures markets | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday SRL for [equals]: The latest quarter 's loss [equals] $ 9.92 a share .,ARG-1: The latest quarter 's loss | ARG-2: $ 9.92 a share SRL for [sexed]: Most chick purveyors will tell you there 's a 10 % chance they 've [sexed] the chickens wrong .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the chickens | ARG-M-MNR: wrong SRL for [question]: There is a [question] of a CT allergy .,ARG-1: of a CT allergy SRL for [nestled]: It is not having his baby [nestled] warm and fat against your breast and it is not having somebody that really gives a damn whether some tramp cracks your skull .,ARG-1: his baby | ARG-M-PRD: warm and fat | ARG-2: against your breast SRL for [aiming]: Banks have been [aiming] packages at the elderly .,ARG-0: Banks | ARG-1: packages | ARG-2: at the elderly SRL for [extreme]: You repeatedly voted for and supported a president and an administration who was clearly and obviously incompetent and ideologically [extreme] .,ARG-1: who | ARG-M-ADV: clearly and obviously | ARG-2: ideologically "SRL for [shot]: WHEN HURRICANE Hugo careened through the Caribbean and the Atlantic coast states , it downed electric and telephone lines , [shot] coconuts through cottage rooftops , shattered windows and uprooted thousands of lives .",ARG-M-TMP: WHEN HURRICANE Hugo careened through the Caribbean and the Atlantic coast states | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: coconuts | ARG-2: through cottage rooftops "SRL for [shot]: Adam Scott , of Australia , left , celebrates his [shot] to the 13th green .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the 13th green SRL for [swim]: Our objective is to have everyone successfully complete the [swim] from Alcatraz to San Francisco .,ARG-3: from Alcatraz | ARG-2: to San Francisco SRL for [risk]: But traders who [risk] money handling big blocks of stock were shaken .,ARG-0: traders | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-2: money | ARG-1: handling big blocks of stock SRL for [to prepossess]: His experience had not been likely [to prepossess] him in favour of the popular voice .,ARG-0: His experience | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: in favour of the popular voice SRL for [digitized]: We recently [digitized] the entire backrun of the Illinois Technograph ; issues from 1960 - 1984 are now available in IDEALS .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: the entire backrun of the Illinois Technograph "SRL for [sketching]: He spends his days [sketching] passers - by , or trying to .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: passers - by "SRL for [did in]: Former Rajan gangster 's own men [did in] , say cops",ARG-0: Former Rajan gangster 's own men | ARG-1: him "SRL for [failing]: In other words , both prohibiting enforcement of "" temporary workers "" and allowing enforcement of "" temporary workers "" have the same outcome : "" temporary workers "" are responsible for the [failing] of the leaders and they are scapegoats .","ARG-1: "" temporary workers """ SRL for [wiped up]: And then you [wiped up] some grease '' .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: some grease "SRL for [hyperproliferation]: Flow cytometry of peripheral blood lymphocytes revealed dramatic efflux of NK and memory CD8 T cells from the circulating blood within minutes of IL administration , followed by influx and [hyperproliferation] .",ARG-0: NK and memory CD8 T cells SRL for [task]: Holding the dam on taxes is the most important [task] of the Bush presidency .,ARG-M-ADJ: most important | ARG-2: of the Bush presidency SRL for [cuckooed]: John [cuckooed] his bird call into the forest,ARG-0: John "SRL for [special]: Our best friend 's sister 's wedding was uhm , [special] .",ARG-1: Our best friend 's sister 's | ARG-M-DIS: uhm SRL for [marked]: IGF-1 longevity is [marked] by reduced protein metabolism,ARG-1: IGF-1 longevity | ARG-0: by reduced protein metabolism SRL for [readmission]: Brody 's latest seizure and resultant broken shoulder lead to his [readmission] to the hospital .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to the hospital "SRL for [investigated]: Mr. Antar is being [investigated] by a federal grand jury in Newark , where prosecutors have told him that they may soon seek an indictment on racketeering and securities fraud charges .","ARG-1: Mr. Antar | ARG-0: by a federal grand jury in Newark , where prosecutors have told him that they may soon seek an indictment on racketeering and securities fraud charges" SRL for [run]: 65 % or more of Brazil 's newly made automobiles [run] on alcohol .,ARG-1: 65 % or more of Brazil 's newly made automobiles | ARG-M-MNR: on alcohol "SRL for [discuss]: For example , divide a large class into groups to [discuss] what they would buy with NT$ 100 .",ARG-0: groups | ARG-1: what they would buy with NT$ 100 SRL for [track]: Our pets [track] poop everywhere .,ARG-0: Our pets | ARG-1: poop | ARG-M-GOL: everywhere SRL for [plateaued]: Her troponins have [plateaued] .,ARG-1: Her troponins "SRL for [under - predicted]: Over the period from 1970 , the climate models have [under - predicted] the warming by 15 % .",ARG-M-TMP: Over the period from 1970 | ARG-0: the climate models | ARG-1: the warming | ARG-2: by 15 % "SRL for [tutor]: Too busy to attend regular courses , Ma Yu - shan took the advice of an NTU professor and hired a Ph.D. student to [tutor] him one semester in "" management economics . ""","ARG-0: a Ph.D. student | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-TMP: one semester | ARG-2: in "" management economics" SRL for [fondled]: Dirty Harry Callahan quietly [fondled] the handle of his revolver as he listened for the kidnapper .,ARG-0: Dirty Harry Callahan | ARG-M-MNR: quietly | ARG-1: the handle of his revolver | ARG-M-TMP: as he listened for the kidnapper SRL for [browse]: Log onto CNN dot com click on the video link and [browse] for the video you want to see .,ARG-2: for the video you want to see "SRL for [debut]: `` La Familia de Hoy , '' or `` Today 's Family , '' will [debut] this spring and will combine a national bimonthly magazine and TV programming .","ARG-1: `` La Familia de Hoy , '' or `` Today 's Family | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: this spring" SRL for [cast]: The fisherman made a skillful [cast] of his line into the river .,ARG-M-MNR: skillful | ARG-1: of his line | ARG-2: into the river "SRL for [precious]: The slightly rough , textured look has strength and depth without being overly [precious] .","ARG-1: The slightly rough , textured look | ARG-M-EXT: overly" SRL for [swooped]: The other trotted over and [swooped] at the tiny puddle .,ARG-0: The other | ARG-M-GOL: at the tiny puddle SRL for [dividing]: What results from the [dividing] of 4 by 2 ? .,ARG-1: 4 | ARG-2: by 2 SRL for [outgoing]: On receiving a call from a publisher to its [outgoing] - from - publisher interface methods ...,ARG-3: from - publisher SRL for [fit]: This sent him into a [fit] of laughter,ARG-2: of laughter "SRL for [in advance]: This payment was [in advance] of the originally scheduled payment dates of May 19 , 2005 and May 19 , 2006 as permitted by the agreement .","ARG-1: This payment | ARG-2: of the originally scheduled payment dates of May 19 , 2005 and May 19 , 2006 | ARG-M-ADV: as permitted by the agreement" SRL for [dimmed]: They carry out these actions not only because of an increase in labor rights consciousness but also because their prospects have undeniably [dimmed] .,ARG-1: their prospects | ARG-M-ADV: undeniably SRL for [regulated]: I 'm not against immigration but i think it should be more [regulated] .,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-EXT: more "SRL for [equipped]: In September , the department had said it will require trucks and minivans to be [equipped] with the same front - seat headrests that have long been required on passenger cars .",ARG-1: trucks and minivans | ARG-2: with the same front - seat headrests that have long been required on passenger cars "SRL for [coverage]: Given an average sweat [coverage] of the container surface , the water content of the cargo ought to have fallen by approximately 0.64 % .",ARG-M-ADJ: average | ARG-2: sweat | ARG-1: of the container surface "SRL for [fossilize]: The fossil history of snakes is very poorly known , since snake skeletons are very delicate and do not [fossilize] easily .",ARG-1: snake skeletons | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-MNR: easily "SRL for [goes out]: No , he tells Yomna a couple of nice words and [goes out] with her to fool around and then he would n't talk to her again , he 's dirty and she allows him to degrade her",ARG-M-DIS: No | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: with her | ARG-M-PRP: to fool around "SRL for [easing]: With US quantitative [easing] off the table for the time being , bullion remains below the $ 1600 level and continues to fight a bullish dollar .",ARG-0: US | ARG-M-ADJ: quantitative "SRL for [mollify]: To [mollify] shareholders concerned about the long - term value of the company under the BellSouth - LIN agreement , BellSouth also agreed to pay as much as $ 10 a share , or $ 540 million , if , after five years , the trading value of the new cellular company is n't as high as the value that shareholders would have realized from the McCaw offer .",ARG-0: BellSouth | ARG-1: shareholders concerned about the long - term value of the company under the BellSouth - LIN agreement SRL for [impression]: This is just my [impression] of the site layout .,ARG-0: my | ARG-1: of the site layout "SRL for [devolve]: I 've seen one too many angry blog discussions [devolve] into "" You 're calling me racist ! ""","ARG-1: one too many angry blog discussions | ARG-3: into "" You 're calling me racist ! """ SRL for [convincing]: The fierce ' Come on you god - damned son of a bitch put your hands up ' was [convincing] of a will to kill with which one could not parley .,ARG-0: The fierce ' Come on you god - damned son of a bitch put your hands up ' | ARG-2: of a will to kill with which one could not parley "SRL for [ambiguous]: In the old form , "" the article "" was [ambiguous] between the article algebraic notation and the article that called this template .","ARG-M-LOC: In the old form | ARG-1: "" the article "" | ARG-3: between the article algebraic notation and the article that called this template" SRL for [denuded]: enormous number of sheep in the country surrounding the park have nearly [denuded] it of trees and grass,ARG-0: enormous number of sheep in the country surrounding the park | ARG-M-EXT: nearly | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: of trees and grass "SRL for [moderating]: At the same time , last week 's consumer price index showed that inflation is [moderating] .",ARG-1: inflation SRL for [dunked]: Kobe Bryant caught it and [dunked] .,ARG-0: Kobe Bryant SRL for [lowed]: The cattle [lowed] in the field .,ARG-0: The cattle | ARG-M-LOC: in the field "SRL for [scooping up]: Pension funds , insurers and other behemoths of the investing world said they began [scooping up] stocks during Friday 's market rout .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: stocks | ARG-M-TMP: during Friday 's market rout "SRL for [dropped off]: After 26 years in prison , Mr. Sisulu , the 77 - year - old former secretary - general of the liberation movement , was [dropped off] at his house by a prison services ' van just as the sun was coming up .","ARG-M-TMP: After 26 years in prison | ARG-1: Mr. Sisulu , the 77 - year - old former secretary - general of the liberation movement | ARG-2: at his house | ARG-0: by a prison services ' van | ARG-M-TMP: just as the sun was coming up" "SRL for [pee]: Qingqing wanted to [pee] on the way , dad had to hold Qingqing to pee by the tree .",ARG-0: Qingqing | ARG-M-LOC: on the way "SRL for [handpicked]: Among other things , the government claimed that organized crime figures had routinely [handpicked] the union 's top officials .",ARG-0: organized crime figures | ARG-M-MNR: routinely | ARG-1: the union 's top officials SRL for [view]: Nicholas defends his [view] of religion as a survival adaptation .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of religion | ARG-2: as a survival adaptation SRL for [nonobstructing]: [nonobstructing] calculi,ARG-0: calculi SRL for [circumnavigated]: 18 members of Ferdinand Magellan 's expedition [circumnavigated] the globe in 1522 .,ARG-0: 18 members of Ferdinand Magellan 's expedition | ARG-2: the globe | ARG-M-TMP: in 1522 SRL for [ventilation]: Their inadequate [ventilation] of the lead paint in the room,ARG-0: Their | ARG-M-ADJ: inadequate | ARG-1: of the lead paint | ARG-M-LOC: in the room "SRL for [crusading]: A thoroughly decent person , no rampant ego -LRB- unlike a couple of more high profile [crusading] reporters I could mention -RRB- , and good company .",ARG-0: reporters SRL for [loss]: the [loss] of favorite local businesses to high rents .,ARG-1: of favorite local businesses | ARG-3: to high rents SRL for [was twanging]: She [was twanging] a Swedish patois .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: a Swedish patois SRL for [at hand]: ( AMR example ) Let 's focus on the task [at hand],ARG-1: task SRL for [boycott]: Defense lawyers for two jailed Khmer Rouge leaders continued their [boycott] of proceedings Monday at a U.N.-backed tribunal in Phnom Penh .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of proceedings "SRL for [friction]: If an Acme Power Screw has a [friction] of 0.1 and Helix angle of 20 degrees , what is the expected efficiency of this Power Screw ?",ARG-3: of 0.1 "SRL for [unpacking]: If I changed houses like the tech field requires you to change jobs , I 'd spend my entire life packing and [unpacking] .",ARG-0: I SRL for [fluttered]: Lester 's hand [fluttered] to Cabot 's shoulder .,ARG-0: Lester 's hand | ARG-1: to Cabot 's shoulder "SRL for [encouragement]: Historians pointed out that Hoover 's embrace of voluntarism , his faith in social science expertise , and his [encouragement] of cooperation between and among different segments of the American economic order was rooted not in heartless and reactionary conservatism but in the progressive social thought of his time .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of cooperation between and among different segments of the American economic order SRL for [trace]: [trace] symmetric pedal edema,ARG-0: symmetric pedal edema SRL for [off]: The wedding is [off] .,ARG-1: The wedding "SRL for [footing]: Private companies , and ultimately their customers , will end up [footing] the huge bill .","ARG-0: Private companies , and ultimately their customers | ARG-1: the huge bill" SRL for [reprimanded]: A young blogger was just [reprimanded] last week because he was a little too candid .,ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: A young blogger | ARG-M-TMP: last week | ARG-2: because he was a little too candid SRL for [manage]: How do we best [manage] this brain injury which is increasing in pressure ?,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MNR: best | ARG-1: this brain injury which is increasing in pressure | ARG-M-MNR: How SRL for [took]: John 's company [took] a $ 5 million write - off due to unwise investments in jellybeans .,ARG-0: John 's company | ARG-1: a $ 5 million write - off | ARG-M-CAU: due to unwise investments in jellybeans "SRL for [know]: Not everyone believes in the Lord , you [know] .",ARG-0: you "SRL for [good]: Go ahead and slap a property tax on them too , I 'm [good] for it .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: for it "SRL for [chimes in]: Mark Johnson , the producer of `` Rainman , '' [chimes in] : `` He has a great ability to hire terrific people and delegate authority ...","ARG-0: Mark Johnson , the producer of `` Rainman , '' | ARG-1: He has a great ability to hire terrific people and delegate authority" SRL for [green]: He has not invested a dime in [green] tech .,ARG-1: tech SRL for [intelligible]: And some are sort of mutually [intelligible] .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: some | ARG-M-EXT: sort of | ARG-M-MNR: mutually SRL for [sweaty]: They love to give me a hug even when I am all [sweaty],ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: all "SRL for [bankruptcy]: Fraudulent loans led to the [bankruptcy] of many fine , upstanding corporations .","ARG-1: of many fine , upstanding corporations" "SRL for [taking off]: On one day in August , Day fired off 11 messages , known as tweets , covering such issues as a gate agent 's cranky behavior , Southwest job openings and a passenger 's in - flight meltdown that led to his [taking off] his clothes .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: his clothes SRL for [aspirations]: The real [aspirations] of the audience,ARG-M-MNR: real | ARG-0: of the audience "SRL for [of one mind]: Political opposites , two Maine lawmakers are [of one mind] on medical marijuana .",ARG-M-PRD: Political opposites | ARG-0: two Maine lawmakers | ARG-1: on medical marijuana SRL for [coding]: The patient 's [coding] summoned a team of emergency doctors .,ARG-1: The patient 's SRL for [smuts]: This line in the play [smuts] the entire act .,ARG-0: This line in the play | ARG-1: the entire act SRL for [chemoradiation]: Capecitabine based postoperative accelerated [chemoradiation] of pancreatic carcinoma .,ARG-M-TMP: postoperative | ARG-M-ADJ: accelerated | ARG-2: of pancreatic carcinoma SRL for [take for granted]: We [take for granted] that this world existed before we did and will continue to exist until after our death .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: that this world existed before we did and will continue to exist until after our death SRL for [ponied up]: Real estate developers [ponied up] about $ 1 million each for the chance to be an owner .,ARG-0: Real estate developers | ARG-1: about $ 1 million each | ARG-3: for the chance to be an owner SRL for [hooked]: He [hooked] his fingers around the steering wheel .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his fingers | ARG-2: around the steering wheel "SRL for [construct]: If he were able to [construct] a popular and efficient corporatist system , he or his heir would be wellplaced to rein in political opposition , and to re - establish control in Eastern Europe .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a popular and efficient corporatist system "SRL for [few]: In planned economic times , cases in which archives became a persecution tool were definitely not [few] .",ARG-M-TMP: In planned economic times | ARG-1: cases in which archives became a persecution tool | ARG-M-ADV: definitely | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [reverberating]: `` The aftershocks of Oct. 13 ( when the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 190 points ) are still [reverberating] . '',ARG-1: The aftershocks of Oct. 13 ( when the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 190 points ) | ARG-M-TMP: still SRL for [double]: One person familiar with Georgia - Pacific said the acquisition would more than [double] the company 's debt of almost $ 3 billion .,ARG-0: the acquisition | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: more than | ARG-1: the company 's debt of almost $ 3 billion SRL for [merged]: The two banks [merged] in 1985 .,ARG-1: The two banks | ARG-M-TMP: in 1985 "SRL for [nailed]: Somebody , got to be somebody If I do n't put my two cents in soon , somebody else will I know they 're waitin only for one thing : for the bastards what done it to be [nailed] .",ARG-1: the bastards what done it SRL for [scratched]: John [scratched] his hand with a butter knife .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his hand | ARG-3: with a butter knife SRL for [view]: So [view] permanent insurance for what it is -- a compromise between pure insurance and direct investment .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-1: permanent insurance | ARG-2: for what it is -- a compromise between pure insurance and direct investment "SRL for [relished]: Mr. Wathen also [relished] the chance to demonstrate an entrepreneur like himself , who 'd spent his whole career in the security business , could run Pinkerton 's better than an unfocused conglomerate or investment banker .","ARG-0: Mr. Wathen | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the chance to demonstrate an entrepreneur like himself , who 'd spent his whole career in the security business , could run Pinkerton 's better than an unfocused conglomerate or investment banker" SRL for [bookmarked]: The added date parameter can also cause problems with your Calendar if you have [bookmarked] it at a future date .,ARG-0: you | ARG-2: it | ARG-3: at a future date "SRL for [spirits]: Here and elsewhere in the correspondence his "" poor [spirits] "" are a recurrent motif .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: poor "SRL for [administrating]: The foreign investment management departments and justice organizations insist on [administrating] according to law and handling cases according to law , so that they have effectively protected rights and interests of each party .",ARG-0: The foreign investment management departments and justice organizations | ARG-M-MNR: according to law "SRL for [close]: She is [close] with her younger biological sister , Silvia , although they sometimes develop natural sibling rivalries .","ARG-1: She | ARG-2: with her younger biological sister , Silvia | ARG-M-ADV: although they sometimes develop natural sibling rivalries" SRL for [stewed]: Bob Stone [stewed] over a letter from his manager putting him on probation for insubordination .,ARG-0: Bob Stone | ARG-1: over a letter from his manager putting him on probation for insubordination "SRL for [wrestles]: In a crush of trucks and horse carts on the trodden field , Andrzej Latowski [wrestles] a screeching , overweight hog into the trunk of a private butcher 's Polish Fiat .","ARG-M-LOC: In a crush of trucks and horse carts on the trodden field | ARG-0: Andrzej Latowski | ARG-1: a screeching , overweight hog | ARG-2: into the trunk of a private butcher 's Polish Fiat" SRL for [brave]: I decided to [brave] the storm .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the storm SRL for [drafted]: We sort of [drafted] him from his clerkship with a district judge to fill in for an attorney called into active duty in Afghanistan .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-ADV: sort of | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: from his clerkship with a district judge | ARG-2: to fill in for an attorney called into active duty in Afghanistan SRL for [unwelcomed]: Clarence Thomas is [unwelcomed] among his own race .,ARG-1: Clarence Thomas | ARG-M-LOC: among his own race SRL for [reoriented]: But many of them can be quite profoundly [reoriented] by productive and disciplined service .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: many of them | ARG-0: by productive and disciplined service SRL for [loads]: The site [loads] soo slowly on my phone !,ARG-1: The site | ARG-M-MNR: soo slowly | ARG-2: on my phone ! SRL for [uncivilized]: Did Herodotus truly mean to imply Persians or Persian culture was [uncivilized] ?,ARG-1: Persians or Persian culture "SRL for [summoned]: The Ministry of International Trade and Industry [summoned] executives from the companies to `` make sure they understood '' the concern about such practices , according to a government spokesman .","ARG-0: The Ministry of International Trade and Industry | ARG-1: executives from the companies | ARG-M-PNC: to `` make sure they understood '' the concern about such practices , according to a government spokesman" "SRL for [treatable]: It is understood that local recurrence can often be treated with curative intent with a second surgery , but the distant recurrence , ie metastatic disease is [treatable] but not curable .","ARG-1: the distant recurrence , ie metastatic disease" "SRL for [tour]: The main attractions include the so-called "" eight views of Pali , "" the ferry boat scenic [tour] , hiking on Mt. Kuanyin , Formosa Wonderworld theme park , and the Liao Tianding Temple .",ARG-M-MNR: ferry boat | ARG-M-ADJ: scenic SRL for [coverage]: the insurance company 's [coverage] of the facility againt fire,ARG-0: the insurance company 's | ARG-1: of the facility | ARG-3: againt fire SRL for [resubmitted]: John [resubmitted] his dissertation for comments .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his dissertation | ARG-3: for comments SRL for [touch off]: Nor do analysts expect the Sansui deal to [touch off] a fresh wave of foreign purchases .,ARG-0: the Sansui deal | ARG-1: a fresh wave of foreign purchases SRL for [set up]: Christie is being [set up] on this one and the legislature called his bluff,ARG-1: Christie | ARG-M-LOC: on this one SRL for [defense]: The Fed chairman is stepping up his [defense] of a $ 600 billion bond - purchase plan .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of a $ 600 billion bond - purchase plan "SRL for [symbolizes]: White , 24 years old , a singer in her church choir , she [symbolizes] a generation that gave its heart and its vote to Ronald Reagan .",ARG-1: she | ARG-2: a generation that gave its heart and its vote to Ronald Reagan "SRL for [restless]: Recent surveys demonstrate that parts of the Yellowstone region rise and fall by as much as 1 cm each year , indicating the area is still geologically [restless] .",ARG-1: the area | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-3: geologically SRL for [leeway]: Wulf surmised that he was making up his [leeway] in the matter .,ARG-2: his | ARG-1: in the matter SRL for [reconditioned]: they are tested and then [reconditioned] to original factory specifications,ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: to original factory specifications SRL for [mixed]: Ammonium perchlorate is an oxidizer that is [mixed] with a propellant to make rocket fuel used in the space shuttle and military rockets .,ARG-1: an oxidizer | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: with a propellant | ARG-3: to make rocket fuel used in the space shuttle and military rockets SRL for [overvalued]: He found 85 still [overvalued] and 15 fairly valued .,ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: 85 SRL for [appears]: It [appears] that British Airways was angry .,ARG-1: that British Airways was angry "SRL for [kill]: They were given power over a fourth of the earth -- power to [kill] people with the sword , by starving , by disease , and with the wild animals of the earth .","ARG-1: people | ARG-2: with the sword , by starving , by disease , and with the wild animals of the earth" SRL for [filed]: A stream of tire - kickers and lookee - loos had [filed] through since .,ARG-0: A stream of tire - kickers and lookee - loos | ARG-M-LOC: through | ARG-M-TMP: since "SRL for [headlined]: At Merrill Lynch & Co. , the nation 's biggest brokerage firm , a news release was prepared [headlined] `` Merrill Lynch Comments on Market Drop . ''",ARG-1: a news release | ARG-2: `` Merrill Lynch Comments on Market Drop . '' SRL for [hyperinflation]: Server COPD can lead to [hyperinflation] of the lungs .,ARG-1: of the lungs "SRL for [supplement]: But in private meetings yesterday , Budget Director Richard Darman argued that only $ 1.5 billion in new federal appropriations are needed to [supplement] existing resources .",ARG-2: only $ 1.5 billion in new federal appropriations | ARG-1: existing resources SRL for [complaining]: Do n't bring up their [complaining] about each other to you .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: about each other | ARG-2: to you "SRL for [overindulged]: Altogether he had , since the seizure , the appearance of a boy who [overindulged] in food and took no exercise .",ARG-0: boy | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: in food "SRL for [test]: but now it seems that the gold medal is more important ; the gold medal becomes the totem for showing a national image and reputation and the token of sports officials ' achievements -- thus , there certainly could not be an accident in the food supply , especially an accident caused by athletes eating pork outside , which may make athletes [test] positive for clenbuterol .",ARG-1: athletes | ARG-3: positive for clenbuterol "SRL for [Starve]: Mr. Kaplan , author of `` Surrender or [Starve] : The Wars Behind the Famine '' ( Westview Press , 1988 ) , lives in Lisbon .", SRL for [lacerate]: Why [lacerate] the congregation ?,ARG-1: the congregation | ARG-M-PRP: Why SRL for [pulled]: Then he [pulled] Dad over to look at Qingqing 's drawer .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Dad | ARG-2: over | ARG-M-PRP: to look at Qingqing 's drawer "SRL for [committed]: Yesterday , U.S. Judge Alcee Hastings faced his jury -- the full U.S. Senate -- and said , `` I am not guilty of having [committed] any crime . ''",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: any crime "SRL for [parent]: Finally , it seems to me like an attempt by the government to [parent] our children for us .",ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: our children | ARG-M-GOL: for us SRL for [gossiping]: Is it that you want property prices to go up at your [gossiping] . Then you can successfully get rid of the properties you hold to avert risks ?,ARG-0: your "SRL for [fills]: In this one , the screen [fills] with photographs of both candidates .",ARG-M-LOC: In this one | ARG-1: the screen | ARG-2: with photographs of both candidates SRL for [kill]: a hard [kill] of a process should be used only as a last resort,ARG-M-MNR: hard | ARG-1: of a process "SRL for [defecting]: The latter comes from the perception , on the part of many people in network TV , that their only hope of keeping viewers from [defecting] to cable is to fill the airwaves with an increasingly raw sensationalism .",ARG-0: viewers | ARG-2: to cable SRL for [death]: the [death] of a country 's leader,ARG-1: of a country 's leader "SRL for [derision]: Britain had its boffins , working researchers subject to the [derision] of intellectual gentlemen .",ARG-0: of intellectual gentlemen SRL for [thrashed]: My husband [thrashed] him with a sandal,ARG-0: My husband | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a sandal SRL for [unaware]: Patient is [unaware] of any family history of breast cancer .,ARG-0: Patient | ARG-1: of any family history of breast cancer SRL for [arrest]: The patient was experiencing cardiac [arrest] .,ARG-1: cardiac "SRL for [Fanaticized]: [Fanaticized] by love , John brought Mary gifts every day .",ARG-1: John | ARG-0: by love SRL for [passed on]: Both the costs and the savings could be [passed on] to shippers on the TransCanada pipeline .,ARG-1: Both the costs and the savings | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-2: to shippers on the TransCanada pipeline SRL for [hailed down]: Bullets [hailed down] on them .,ARG-1: Bullets | ARG-M-GOL: on them SRL for [bound]: Reports are flying that pop princess Britney Spears is [bound] for bachelorette - hood once again .,ARG-1: pop princess Britney Spears | ARG-2: for bachelorette - hood once again SRL for [popping up]: Stacy Brown ~MSNBC analyst author of Michael Jackson the Man Behind the Mask and a name who keeps [popping up] with all these books .,R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: a name | ARG-1: with all these books "SRL for [quicker]: The privatization of the state - owned economy is the most important channel for the formation and expansion of interest groups . Because redistributing wealth , especially stealing wealth , is much [quicker] and swifter than creating wealth .","ARG-1: redistributing wealth , especially stealing wealth | ARG-M-EXT: much | ARG-M-CXN: than creating wealth" "SRL for [courting]: The danger that Ms. Bogart seems to be [courting] here is one of obfuscation rather than rejuvenation , a vision so at odds with the playwright 's that the two points of view nullify , rather than illuminate , each other .",ARG-0: Ms. Bogart | ARG-1: The danger | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-LOC: here "SRL for [despotic]: The reason for saying he is "" audacious "" is that , as a public servant , he violently beat others over a minor disagreement ; furthermore , he used a great deal of violence such as "" choking "" and "" kicking heavily with his feet , "" resulting in a "" left scapula fracture and left clavicle dislocation "" ; we therefore see how [despotic] Li is and how low his quality is during ordinary times .",ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: Li SRL for [circumcised]: Housman and his brothers were [circumcised] in 1873 .,ARG-1: Housman and his brothers | ARG-M-TMP: in 1873 SRL for [experiments]: laboratory test - tube [experiments],ARG-M-LOC: laboratory | ARG-2: test - tube "SRL for [slow]: I 'm kinda [slow] , I have n't been following the news for the past couple of days .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: kinda SRL for [reasoning]: My [reasoning] to go out and buy a new car was based mainly on fuel economy .,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: to go out and buy a new car "SRL for [supered]: Bunuel chose not to use the distorted lenses , [supered] images , or blurred focus ...",ARG-1: images SRL for [huge]: David Hasselhoff is [huge] in Germany .,ARG-1: David Hasselhoff | ARG-M-LOC: in Germany SRL for [capture]: The trajectory of the comet will prevent its [capture] by the sun .,ARG-1: its | ARG-0: by the sun SRL for [regain]: But Western Union has said it must lower the interest rate on its debt to [regain] full financial health .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: full financial health SRL for [throbbed]: The engine [throbbed] into life .,ARG-1: The engine | ARG-M-PRD: into life "SRL for [deputized]: I had no regularly commissioned officer there , and I [deputized] him as a special constable to convey him to jail .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: as a special constable | ARG-3: to convey him to jail "SRL for [noticed]: The guest paid his bill at the resort hotel , and as he departed he [noticed] a sign saying , `` Have You Left Anything ? ''","ARG-M-TMP: as he departed | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a sign saying , `` Have You Left Anything ? ''" SRL for [dominance]: its [dominance] of the U.S. temporary - help market,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the U.S. temporary - help market SRL for [realistic]: Its [realistic] depiction of the lives of Taiwanese,ARG-0: Its | ARG-1: of the lives of Taiwanese SRL for [significant]: The town 's generous library budget is [significant] of the value its residents place on learning .,ARG-0: The town 's generous library budget | ARG-1: of the value its residents place on learning SRL for [thoughts]: She writes of her [thoughts] of her own possible death as she approaches the birth of one of her children .,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: of her own possible death | ARG-M-TMP: as she approaches the birth of one of her children SRL for [tweet]: Or you can [tweet] to facebook .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: to facebook "SRL for [out]: Abruptly my vision darkened as I felt the hilt of a sword hit me in the back of the head , and I was [out] like a light .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MNR: like a light "SRL for [adept]: Japan is [adept] at consummating a double - faceted strategy toward China . In the military security aspect , Japan is aggressive and maintains a great political and security tension .",ARG-1: Japan | ARG-2: at consummating a double - faceted strategy toward China "SRL for [shortcomings]: He was n't the head of the ECB but one of the Vice Presidents , ie in the governing council of the ECB . For all the [shortcomings] of the Euro , I ca n't see how the ECB has done a bad job .",ARG-0: of the Euro "SRL for [scooped up]: Attracted by low prices and encouraged by New York 's performance , they [scooped up] equities across the board .",ARG-M-PRD: Attracted by low prices and encouraged by New York 's performance | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: equities | ARG-M-LOC: across the board SRL for [rest]: He enjoys his [rest] in bed .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-LOC: in bed SRL for [drunk up]: Sometimes he did n't seem to because he hid them so well he could n't find them himself or because he looked and did n't find anything and figured he had n't hid one after all or had [drunk up] .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it SRL for [rushing]: We 're not [rushing] into anything .,ARG-1: We | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: into anything SRL for [refinanced]: Buyers [refinanced] part of a car purchase through the General Motors Acceptance Corp.,ARG-0: Buyers | ARG-1: part of a car purchase | ARG-2: through the General Motors Acceptance Corp. SRL for [unclogged]: The plumber [unclogged] the sink with a drain snake .,ARG-0: The plumber | ARG-1: the sink | ARG-M-MNR: with a drain snake SRL for [Blemishes]: [Blemishes] from wind and insects make citrus fruit unappetizing .,ARG-0: from wind and insects "SRL for [smiled]: "" No , "" she [smiled] , "" objected . ""","ARG-0: she | ARG-1: "" No , "" | C-ARG-1: "" objected . """ "SRL for [fused]: Later accounts blamed defective wiring for starting the fire ; ; at any rate , heat grew so intense in the main part of the house that it melted the window panes , and [fused] the K'ang - si pottery to cinders .",ARG-0: heat | ARG-1: the K'ang - si pottery | ARG-3: to cinders "SRL for [broke]: And now , I 'm [broke] of virtual diamonds and money and have n't completed the second status level yet .",ARG-M-DIR: And | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: of virtual diamonds and money "SRL for [integrate]: Mr. Spielvogel said Mr. Achenbaum will work with clients to determine the mix of promotion , merchandising , publicity and other marketing outlets , and to [integrate] those services .",ARG-0: Mr. Achenbaum | ARG-1: those services SRL for [drink]: And another thing -- real Texans [drink] Lipton iced tea . '',ARG-0: real Texans | ARG-1: Lipton iced tea SRL for [encompass]: The engine plant may [encompass] plans for a joint components venture with Jaguar .,ARG-0: The engine plant | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: plans for a joint components venture with Jaguar SRL for [fumbled]: The man brought one hand up slowly and the fingers [fumbled] across his face until he touched his mouth .,ARG-0: the fingers | ARG-1: across his face | ARG-M-TMP: until he touched his mouth "SRL for [ranting]: His notion of a sustainable model for musicians is really weak and for all his [ranting] that the past is dead , it?s still basically the past minus recording revenues .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that the past is dead "SRL for [treated]: It is evident that their conversation runs more or less on the following lines : `` I 've submitted the manuscript of my novel under the title ` Teresa de Cepeda , ' and in it I 've [treated] a few neglected aspects of that eternal problem which ... ''",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a few neglected aspects of that eternal problem which ... '' SRL for [indurated]: What would cause a red [indurated] isolated area on the lower leg ?,ARG-1: area "SRL for [extirpation]: If a predator hunts its prey species to numbers too low to sustain the population in the short term , they can cause not only the extinction or [extirpation] of the prey but also the extinction of their own species , a phenomenon known as coextinction .",ARG-1: of the prey "SRL for [torn]: Further , the Herald seemed [torn] editorially between keeping its old - time Hearst readership -- blue - collar and sports - oriented -- and trying to provide a sprightly , upscale alternative to the sometimes staid Times .","ARG-1: the Herald | ARG-M-MNR: editorially | ARG-2: between keeping its old - time Hearst readership -- blue - collar and sports - oriented -- and trying to provide a sprightly , upscale alternative to the sometimes staid Times" SRL for [rebandaged]: Nurse Lars [rebandaged] the patient 's elbow wound .,ARG-0: Nurse Lars | ARG-1: the patient 's elbow wound SRL for [clapped]: Someone [clapped] tentatively then quickly stopped .,ARG-0: Someone | ARG-M-MNR: tentatively SRL for [right]: A pirate shirt is [right] for you .,ARG-1: A pirate shirt | ARG-2: for you SRL for [Regression]: The [Regression] of Bears QB Jay Cutler : Can He Be Saved ?,ARG-1: of Bears QB Jay Cutler SRL for [struck]: It [struck] me as a way to get back to what I really want to do . '',ARG-1: It | ARG-3: me | ARG-2: as a way to get back to what I really want to do SRL for [resurfacing]: John works part - time [resurfacing] highways .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: highways "SRL for [Bad]: Bartolome , my grandfather ... badass ... i've been told he was [Bad] to the bone .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: to the bone SRL for [unstitched]: He [unstitched] his uniform to use the threads in his embroideries .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his uniform | ARG-M-PRP: to use the threads in his embroideries "SRL for [dropshipping]: You have to realize when [dropshipping] , the profit margin is VERY thin .",ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [overheard]: McKinley was [overheard] to say that he would like to get the knife into Spencer 's possession and that ...,ARG-2: McKinley | ARG-1: to say that he would like to get the knife into Spencer 's possession and that ... SRL for [palpated]: The doctor [palpated] the area and did not find any fractures .,ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-1: the area "SRL for [thrash]: Even more important , in our view , was the Treasury 's threat to [thrash] the dollar .",ARG-0: the Treasury | ARG-1: the dollar SRL for [grievances]: His [grievances] with Washington,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: with Washington SRL for [show off]: because Treasury Secretary Snow took a group of reporters to a trip to Afghanistan and other parts of the world to [show off] how they were tracking terror financing .,ARG-0: Treasury Secretary Snow | ARG-1: how they were tracking terror financing "SRL for [underpriced]: In any event , some traders see stocks as [underpriced] today , unlike 1987 .",ARG-1: stocks | ARG-M-TMP: today SRL for [Make up]: [Make up] your own mind on the issue .,ARG-1: your own mind | ARG-M-LOC: on the issue SRL for [ascribes]: Ko Yu - fen [ascribes] the success of the daughter - in - law series to several factors :,ARG-0: Ko Yu - fen | ARG-1: the success of the daughter - in - law series | ARG-2: to several factors "SRL for [cut cheese]: He [cut cheese] , loudly .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: loudly SRL for [operated]: The classroom itself [operated] on the periphery of this awful system .,ARG-1: The classroom itself | ARG-M-LOC: on the periphery of this awful system "SRL for [deduce]: *PRO* do not [deduce] "" ought "" from "" is . ""","ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: "" ought "" | ARG-2: "" is . """ "SRL for [tired]: Industry groups and reputable planners who are members of them want comprehensive standards , too ; they 're [tired] of seeing practitioners depicted collectively in the business press as dumber than chimpanzees and greedier than a herd of swine .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: of seeing practitioners depicted collectively in the business press as dumber than chimpanzees and greedier than a herd of swine SRL for [injuries]: his old football [injuries],ARG-1: his | ARG-M-TMP: old | ARG-2: football "SRL for [delegate]: While Mr. Roman is a workaholic detailsman , Mr. Phillips would rather [delegate] , leaving him time for his interests outside the office .",ARG-M-ADV: While Mr. Roman is a workaholic detailsman | ARG-0: Mr. Phillips | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: rather | ARG-M-ADV: leaving him time for his interests outside the office "SRL for [challenging]: The game was [challenging] to me when I was younger , but I have beat this game many of times now .",ARG-2: The game | ARG-1: to me | ARG-M-TMP: when I was younger "SRL for [fixed]: Now , my grandfather is one of those old , cynical guys that thinks that every sports game that does n't go his way is [fixed] , and is a tad racest , however , I found the statement intrigueing and made me wonder .",ARG-1: every sports game that does n't go his way SRL for [rallies]: activists threatened further [rallies] against leader Krenz 's expected hard - line policies,ARG-2: against leader Krenz 's expected hard - line policies SRL for [occulting]: The lids were [occulting] her eyes .,ARG-1: The lids | ARG-2: her eyes SRL for [female]: Dalai Lama : I would be pleased if my successor was [female] .,ARG-1: my successor "SRL for [blundered]: Some financial sources said privately that Paribas [blundered] in failing to move sooner for the insurance and industrial group , bidding only after speculation had pushed up the price .",ARG-0: Paribas | ARG-1: in failing to move sooner for the insurance and industrial group "SRL for [moderate]: Some climate models project that interior regions of Asia would be among the first to heat up in a global warming because they are far from oceans , which [moderate] temperature changes .",ARG-0: oceans | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: temperature changes SRL for [next]: John was [next] in line after Mary .,ARG-1: John | ARG-M-LOC: in line | ARG-2: after Mary SRL for [handling]: document [handling],ARG-1: document SRL for [bored]: But she was [bored] with him and ended the relationship .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: she | ARG-0: with him SRL for [draw attention]: I will [draw attention] to the fact that I was born in 1952 .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: your | ARG-2: to the fact that I was born in 1952 "SRL for [rings]: I may not be fully understanding the point here , but to me this kind of [rings] of greed itself .",ARG-M-GOL: to me | ARG-1: this | ARG-M-EXT: kind of | ARG-2: of greed "SRL for [payout]: The banks etc now have to reply within 8 weeks of sending the form , sadly , there 's no deadline in which they have to [payout] once they 've accepted liability and you 've accepted their offer .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: once they 've accepted liability and you 've accepted their offer | ARG-M-TMP: in which SRL for [immune]: Nearly every Angel in Neon Genesis Evangelion was [immune] to the standard pallet rifles carried by the Evas .,ARG-1: Nearly every Angel in Neon Genesis Evangelion | ARG-2: to the standard pallet rifles carried by the Evas "SRL for [desexed]: They are so concerned with sounding and looking authentic , they have [desexed] the music .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the music SRL for [clash]: Remember her [clash] with the bishops over the condom issue ?,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: with the bishops | ARG-2: over the condom issue SRL for [zigging]: It 's been [zigging] and zagging between green and red .,ARG-1: It 's | ARG-M-DIR: between green and red SRL for [began]: The storm [began] to cause great destruction,ARG-1: The storm | C-ARG-1: to cause great destruction SRL for [session]: The legislature 's special [session] to pick the state 's electors,ARG-0: The legislature 's | ARG-M-ADJ: special | ARG-1: to pick the state 's electors SRL for [gummed up]: He 's [gummed up] Atlantic City joint ventures in the past .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: Atlantic City joint ventures | ARG-M-TMP: in the past SRL for [turn in]: Did the actual bombers [turn in] or inform on themselves .,ARG-0: the actual bombers | ARG-1: themselves SRL for [reduction]: a 24 % [reduction] in its work force over the next two months,ARG-2: 24 % | ARG-1: in its work force | ARG-M-TMP: over the next two months SRL for [leadership]: market [leadership],ARG-1: market SRL for [anicteric]: Eyes : Sclerae are [anicteric] .,ARG-1: Sclerae SRL for [clamped]: John [clamped] his finger to the board .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his finger | ARG-2: to the board "SRL for [sense]: But just about any successful company has a clear [sense] of its limitations , because otherwise it would n't be able to differentiate itself in the marketplace and reduce its vulnerablility to price wars .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: just about any successful company | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-M-MNR: clear | ARG-1: of its limitations | ARG-M-CAU: because otherwise it would n't be able to differentiate itself in the marketplace and reduce its vulnerablility to price wars "SRL for [play]: When asked to explain his [play] against a top-10 team , Walker said , ? I just took whatever the defense gave me . ?",ARG-0: his | ARG-3: against a top-10 team SRL for [worried]: Mr. Rowe also noted that political concerns also [worried] New England Electric .,ARG-0: political concerns | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: New England Electric "SRL for [sparred]: The two lawmakers [sparred] in a highly personal fashion , violating usual Senate decorum .",ARG-0: The two lawmakers | ARG-M-MNR: in a highly personal fashion | ARG-M-ADV: violating usual Senate decorum SRL for [whelped]: He [whelped] his first litter of puppies at the tender age of twelve .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his first litter of puppies | ARG-M-TMP: at the tender age of twelve "SRL for [drags]: But , he observes , while makers suffer losses when program trading [drags] the market down , they also make money when program trading pushes the prices higher .",ARG-0: program trading | ARG-1: the market | ARG-2: down "SRL for [surplus]: Not returnable , it 's [surplus]",ARG-1: it SRL for [judgment]: a [judgment] of North Korean intentions,ARG-1: of North Korean intentions "SRL for [unteach]: `` And God help anyone who tries to [unteach] you '' ! ! Grumbled Michelangelo ; ; yet he knew that he had nothing to grumble about , for Argiento made few demands on him .",R-ARG-0: anyone | ARG-0: who | ARG-2: you SRL for [refiled]: University Patents [refiled] a suit in federal court in Philadelphia against Albert M. Kligman .,ARG-0: University Patents | ARG-1: a suit | ARG-2: in federal court | ARG-M-LOC: in Philadelphia | ARG-3: against Albert M. Kligman SRL for [trade]: I 'll make you a [trade] of my ham sandwich for your candy bar .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: of my ham sandwich | ARG-3: for your candy bar SRL for [awake]: Little Davey was [awake] from his nap .,ARG-1: Little Davey | ARG-2: from his nap "SRL for [shallow]: The swimming pool was [shallow] , but cool",ARG-1: The swimming pool SRL for [falling through]: Her running plans ' [falling through] angered Wendy 's trainer .,ARG-1: Her running plans ' "SRL for [smarting]: That may be because Mr. Gargan , [smarting] at what he considered slurs on his membership standards made by the rival group , enrolled his dog , Beauregard , as a member of the IAFP .",ARG-1: Mr. Gargan | ARG-2: at what he considered slurs on his membership standards made by the rival group SRL for [vigilant]: We have o be [vigilant] of society 's sore spots hidden behind it .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: of society 's sore spots hidden behind it SRL for [aggregated]: White cells [aggregated] at 37 degrees C formed compact aggregates,ARG-1: White cells | ARG-2: at 37 degrees C "SRL for [emanate]: If the Kaine administration wants to align transportation and land - use planning , a good place to start would be with projects like this one that [emanate] from the administration itself .",R-ARG-1: that | ARG-1: projects like this one | ARG-2: from the administration itself "SRL for [overextended]: I 'm going to tell the clerk that I will pay the increase AFTER the recall effort is successful , so I 'm sure the money will go to help my poor , [overextended] community survive , not to line some politician 's pockets .",ARG-1: community "SRL for [bewitched]: That list includes last season 's champs , the Los Angeles Dodgers , who rode a miracle home run by Kirk Gibson and two faultless pitching performances by Orel Hershiser to a five - game triumph over a [bewitched] , bothered Oakland crew .",ARG-1: Oakland crew SRL for [overdue]: The baby is 3 weeks [overdue] ( to be born ),ARG-1: The baby | ARG-M-EXT: 3 weeks | ARG-2: to be born "SRL for [despoiling]: The savage barbarian hordes of red Russian Communism descended on the Athens that was mighty Metronome , sacking and [despoiling] with their Bolshevistic battle cry of "" Soak the rich ! ""","ARG-0: The savage barbarian hordes | ARG-M-MNR: with their Bolshevistic battle cry of "" Soak the rich ! """ SRL for [motivate]: Holding the 6th Asia - Pacific Special Olympic Games in Beijing will [motivate] all of society to better understand and support disabled sports .,ARG-0: Holding the 6th Asia - Pacific Special Olympic Games in Beijing | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: all of society | ARG-2: to better understand and support disabled sports SRL for [soulsearching]: He says daily he spent studying and questioning and [soulsearching] .,ARG-0: he "SRL for [let]: For the next hour or so he told me that the Vigilant has been around since 1911 when they [let] rooms to mostly sailors and soldiers for five cents a night , doing a banner business between the World Wars .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: rooms | ARG-2: to mostly sailors and soldiers | ARG-3: for five cents a night | ARG-M-ADV: doing a banner business between the World Wars SRL for [chortled]: John [chortled] softly .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MNR: softly "SRL for [smell]: We see , [smell] and hear slums filled with `` the echoes of hawkers advertising their wares interspersed with abusive language , rattling coughs and the sound of people gathering spittle in their throats and spewing into the street . ''","ARG-0: We | ARG-1: slums filled with `` the echoes of hawkers advertising their wares interspersed with abusive language , rattling coughs and the sound of people gathering spittle in their throats and spewing into the street" SRL for [ballot]: Julia Gillard has beaten her predecessor Kevin Rudd in a [ballot] for the federal Labor leadership by a margin of 73 votes to 29 .,ARG-1: for the federal Labor leadership SRL for [cuts]: God 's word [cuts] to the center of our joints and our bones .,ARG-3: God 's word | ARG-1: to the center of our joints and our bones "SRL for [play - by - play]: His [play - by - play] of the 1977 World Series is used in the background of the Spike Lee film , Summer of Sam ( 1999 ) .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the 1977 World Series "SRL for [shoehorned]: Accordingly , the hidebound traditionalist reconstructed hypothetical organisms from the Burgess fossils in such a way that they could be [shoehorned] into familiar categories .",ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: into familiar categories "SRL for [check]: Failure to [check] rising medical costs ultimately could `` lead some of us who today are free - market advocates to re - examine our thinking and positions with respect to government - sponsored national health insurance , '' Arthur Puccini , a General Electric Co. vice president , warned earlier this year .",ARG-1: rising medical costs "SRL for [strafe]: It can send a fighter squadron to [strafe] terrorist hideouts in the Bekaa Valley , but ca n't shoot Abu Nidal .",ARG-0: a fighter squadron | ARG-1: terrorist hideouts in the Bekaa Valley SRL for [position]: The govenment 's [position] that global warming is a myth,ARG-0: The govenment | ARG-2: that global warming is a myth "SRL for [intubated]: Due to respiratory acidosis along with poor mentation , was [intubated]",ARG-M-CAU: Due to respiratory acidosis along with poor mentation SRL for [otherwise]: The outcome was [otherwise] .,ARG-1: The outcome SRL for [services]: Thirty - five percent attend religious [services] regularly,ARG-1: religious SRL for [allegations]: A separate inquiry by Chemical cleared Mr. Edelson of [allegations] that he had been lavishly entertained by a New York money broker .,ARG-1: that he had been lavishly entertained by a New York money broker "SRL for [stammered]: `` I 'm sorry , '' Mary [stammered] to John .","ARG-1: `` I 'm sorry , '' | ARG-0: Mary | ARG-2: to John" "SRL for [disposed]: If we look at the situation this way , we can get an idea of Khrushchev 's nightmarish worries -- or , at least , of the worries he might have if his enemies were [disposed] to exploit their advantage .",ARG-1: his enemies | ARG-2: to exploit their advantage "SRL for [remastered]: It would be far more appealing to see those films fully [remastered] in IMAX , rather than a tacky bandwagon jump , and it would still rake in money .",ARG-M-EXT: fully | ARG-1: those films | ARG-M-MNR: in IMAX | ARG-M-ADV: rather than a tacky bandwagon jump SRL for [immature]: Basically my wife was [immature] . I 'd be at home in the bath and she 'd come in and sink my boats .,ARG-M-DIS: Basically | ARG-1: my wife SRL for [getting off]: It has a lot of metaphysical books and I was [getting off] on Orthodox spirituality at the time - the Philokalia and the sayings of the Fathers .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: on Orthodox spirituality | ARG-M-TMP: at the time | ARG-M-PRD: the Philokalia and the sayings of the Fathers "SRL for [mute]: But President Bush is expected to veto the congressional legislation and that , along with the easy approval of the Pennsylvania measure , is likely to [mute] the abortion - rights activists ' claims of momentum and underline the challenges faced by this resurgent movement .",ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the abortion - rights activists ' claims of momentum SRL for [making out]: We was just [making out] !,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-ADV: just "SRL for [boating]: Surrounded by stacks of paper , two computers and photos of himself [boating] and flying , Mr. Phillips laid out several changes he hopes to make at the agency .",ARG-0: himself SRL for [comply]: MiniScribe filed a status report detailing its efforts to [comply] with listing requirements ...,ARG-0: MiniScribe | ARG-1: with listing requirements "SRL for [necessary]: I am an Independent voter and my opinion is that who ever the Republican nominee is , they probably wo n't be willing to do what 's [necessary] for the U.S. economy if elected .",ARG-1: what | ARG-2: for the U.S. economy "SRL for [filming]: I did the [filming] on , last Thursday .","ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-M-TMP: on , last Thursday" SRL for [irrigation]: extensive [irrigation] of the abdomen,ARG-M-EXT: extensive | ARG-1: of the abdomen SRL for [snuffling]: The child was [snuffling] in his room .,ARG-0: The child | ARG-M-LOC: in his room SRL for [hugging]: Dealers said institutions were still largely [hugging] the sidelines on fears that the market 's recent technical rally might prove fragile .,ARG-0: institutions | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-ADV: largely | ARG-1: the sidelines | ARG-M-CAU: on fears that the market 's recent technical rally might prove fragile "SRL for [quipped]: Members of the media have [quipped] that those who work at Taiwan 's Warner Music can thank two Singaporeans , Sun and her producer Li , for any bonuses they made last year .","ARG-0: Members of the media | ARG-1: that those who work at Taiwan 's Warner Music can thank two Singaporeans , Sun and her producer Li , for any bonuses they made last year" SRL for [freelancing]: I was [freelancing] dog articles for Field & Stream by that time,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: dog articles | ARG-2: for Field & Stream | ARG-M-TMP: by that time SRL for [rotation]: This is a byproduct of his [rotation] of the forearms and clubface throughout the backswing .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the forearms and clubface SRL for [grew]: Narrowly focused funds [grew] wildly popular,ARG-1: Narrowly focused funds | ARG-2: wildly popular SRL for [concessions]: The Japanese retort that the first round was too early to make [concessions] .,ARG-M-LVB: make "SRL for [fussing]: Children are often major contributors to canine obesity , with their [fussing] over pets and over - enthusiasm to feed them .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: over pets SRL for [heightening]: Life is a struggle . The vitality of the country lies in the continuous [heightening] and fostering of the overall quality of all the people to constantly adapt to the development needs of the times .,ARG-1: of the overall quality of all the people SRL for [undislodgeable]: One thing they found particularly hard to deal with was other young men attaching themselves to their group and being [undislodgeable] -LRB- a nwe word and it 's only 9 am ! -RRB- .,ARG-1: other young men "SRL for [festooned]: Besides term life and whole life ( the old standbys ) , we now have universal life , universal variable life , flexible adjustable universal life , policies with persistency bonuses , policies [festooned] with exotic riders , living benefit policies , and on and on .",ARG-1: policies | ARG-2: with exotic riders SRL for [stroke]: Loss of speech / language function after his ischemic [stroke],ARG-1: his | ARG-M-ADJ: ischemic "SRL for [accord]: Several of the city 's black leaders , including Democratic mayoralnominee David Dinkins , have spoken out for racial gerrymandering to [accord] blacks and Hispanics `` the fullest opportunity for representation . ''",ARG-0: racial gerrymandering | ARG-2: blacks and Hispanics | ARG-1: `` the fullest opportunity for representation . '' "SRL for [isolated]: Even if they get nukes iran are still heavily outmanned , outgunned and [isolated] .",ARG-M-ADV: Even if they get nukes | ARG-1: iran | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-EXT: heavily SRL for [leave]: Do n't [leave] your X - mas shopping until the last minute !,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: your X - mas shopping | ARG-2: until the last minute "SRL for [aging out]: Yeah , I was trying them for a little while , then I ended up [aging out] the prime target market . You 've still got a few years in the lucrative age range .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: the prime target market "SRL for [guzzle]: `` Chivas has an image of something you would savor , rather than [guzzle] . ''",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: something SRL for [died]: ... when he [died] in April .,ARG-1: he | ARG-M-TMP: in April SRL for [happen]: What will [happen] to dividend growth next year ?,ARG-1: What | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: to dividend growth | ARG-M-TMP: next year ? SRL for [turn out]: John is this policy of trying to use the press as a whipping boy uh going to work to excite the conservative base and to [turn out] in the midterm elections / ?,ARG-1: voters | ARG-M-LOC: in the midterm elections SRL for [tangoed]: The administration and Congress have lately [tangoed] around the idea of sending military aid to Cambodia 's non - communists .,ARG-0: The administration and Congress | ARG-M-TMP: lately | ARG-1: around the idea of sending military aid to Cambodia 's non - communists "SRL for [wrote]: "" It 's precisely the kind of product that 's created the municipal landfill monster , "" the editors [wrote] .","ARG-0: the editors | ARG-1: "" It 's precisely the kind of product that 's created the municipal landfill monster , """ SRL for [endowed]: Some pretty seamy stuff built the turn - of - the - century families ' Fifth Avenue and Newport palazzi and [endowed] their daughters ' weddings to foreign noblemen .,ARG-0: Some pretty seamy stuff | ARG-2: their daughters ' weddings to foreign noblemen SRL for [free]: He is [free] from worry .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: from worry "SRL for [dizzied]: The first time the show 's star Richard Dormer read the script , he said the structure [dizzied] him .",ARG-0: the structure | ARG-1: him