prompt,response "SRL for [reallocate]: To accommodate the additional cash assistance , the House Appropriations Committee last week was required to [reallocate] an estimated $ 140 million from the Pentagon .",ARG-0: the House Appropriations Committee | ARG-1: an estimated $ 140 million | ARG-3: from the Pentagon "SRL for [morbid]: At this point we have done the hemicraniectomy , and there is not likely a whole lot we could do short of taking out the clot and taking out the AVM which would be highly [morbid] at this time .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: highly | ARG-M-TMP: at this time "SRL for [renegotiate]: Although Georgia Gulf has n't been eager to [renegotiate] with Mr. Simmons and NL , a specialty chemicals concern ...","ARG-0: Georgia Gulf | ARG-1: with Mr. Simmons and NL , a specialty chemicals concern" "SRL for [subtract]: If the economy takes a major hit , more than just a mild recession , experts say you can [subtract] $ 1 trillion from the surplus .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: $ 1 trillion | ARG-2: from the surplus "SRL for [perplexed]: Moreover , developed countries ' inflation rate for 1998 are forecasted to maintain a low level of 2 % , but many countries will still be [perplexed] with high unemployment , with the most outstanding being the EU .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: many countries | ARG-2: with high unemployment "SRL for [taking off]: The painters took turns [taking off] their shirts to model for each other , and Hsia would sometimes spend the whole day sketching customers at the ice - cream shop by the train station , after paying for a single slice of watermelon .",ARG-0: The painters | ARG-1: their shirts | ARG-M-PRP: to model for each other SRL for [cramping]: Can magnesium toxicity lead to [cramping] of the feet ?,ARG-1: of the feet SRL for [shrimped]: Much of the brawling by Stewart and his henchmen was against the local Cajuns who fished and [shrimped] for a living .,ARG-0: the local Cajuns | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-PRP: for a living "SRL for [transient]: Her thyroid peroxidase antibody has come back positive and her thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin is negative , so this is most likely post - partum thyroiditis and it would be expected to resolve spontaneously over 6 - 12 weeks , possibly to enter a hypothyroid phase , which could be [transient] or permanent .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-MOD: could SRL for [stream]: the earnings [stream],ARG-1: earnings SRL for [inexpensive]: Beer was [inexpensive] at 5 bottles in a pail on ice for 65 pesos .,ARG-1: Beer | ARG-2: at 5 bottles in a pail on ice for 65 pesos SRL for [switch]: Consumers will be able to [switch] on their HDTV sets and get all the viewing benefits the high - tech medium offers .,ARG-0: Consumers | ARG-2: on | ARG-1: their HDTV sets SRL for [call]: In golf ... you got ta [call] fouls on yourself . And golfers do !,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: fouls | ARG-2: on yourself "SRL for [purchased]: But Mr. Powers has [purchased] asset - backed issues for individuals with tax - deferred accounts , such as retirement plans .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Mr. Powers | ARG-1: asset - backed issues | ARG-4: for individuals with tax - deferred accounts , such as retirement plans" "SRL for [fooling around]: Jeffrey Tarter , editor of SoftLetter , a Watertown , Mass. , industry newsletter , says : `` I 've seen a lot of people [fooling around] on the fringes of filtering information .",ARG-0: a lot of people | ARG-M-LOC: on the fringes of filtering information "SRL for [invitation]: IBM , which said Motorola is paying just a nominal fee to cover the 21 - month agreement , acknowledged some companies had turned down its [invitation] to join in .",ARG-0: its | ARG-2: to join in "SRL for [sterilizing]: The Fed has been intervening in foreign currency markets , all right , but through August , at least , it appeared to be `` [sterilizing] '' the intervention .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the intervention SRL for [towing]: the 100 mile [towing] included in the AAA Plus membership saved my butt many times over the years .,ARG-3: the 100 mile "SRL for [clean]: If she was dirty , she avoided touching anything in the house that was [clean] .",ARG-1: that SRL for [inhalation]: Troy 's intentional [inhalation] of paint fumes caused some brain damage .,ARG-0: Troy 's | ARG-M-ADJ: intentional | ARG-1: of paint fumes SRL for [dappled]: The sharp sunshine of early summer [dappled] the surface of the alley with the hard shadows of the branches that stretched overhead,ARG-0: The sharp sunshine of early summer | ARG-1: the surface of the alley | ARG-2: with the hard shadows of the branches that stretched overhead "SRL for [pick]: Since the value of its assets was n't known , analysts were free to [pick] a number .",ARG-0: analysts | ARG-1: a number SRL for [extradited]: NSW Police [extradited] him from Queensland yesterday .,ARG-0: NSW Police | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from Queensland | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday "SRL for [butcher]: Sadam Hussein did not invade Kuwait , endanger Saudi Arabia and [butcher] his own people because of Israel .",ARG-0: Sadam Hussein | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: his own people | ARG-M-CAU: because of Israel "SRL for [employed]: He [employed] a "" magic stone "" in a hat that he claimed revealed the location of buried wealth ( a form of scrying ) .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a "" magic stone "" in a hat that he claimed revealed the location of buried wealth | ARG-M-ADV: ( a form of scrying )" SRL for [stenciled]: Susan [stenciled] the pattern along the picture rail .,ARG-0: Susan | ARG-1: the pattern | ARG-M-GOL: along the picture rail SRL for [coblation]: Bilateral inferior turbinate [coblation],ARG-M-LOC: Bilateral | ARG-M-LOC: inferior | ARG-1: turbinate "SRL for [mince]: A video sent to association members , featuring shots of the Alamo , cowboys , fajitas and a statue of Sam Houston , does n't [mince] words .","ARG-0: A video sent to association members , featuring shots of the Alamo , cowboys , fajitas and a statue of Sam Houston | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: words" "SRL for [dry]: Get yer liquor before you come , because this county is [dry] .",ARG-1: this county SRL for [bias]: What is suggesting is that we [bias] the exchange .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the exchange SRL for [tried]: Banks have [tried] packaging before .,ARG-0: Banks | ARG-1: packaging | ARG-M-TMP: before "SRL for [backburn]: Fire crews are continuing to [backburn] at The Cape , near Charters Towers , and expect to have that fire contained by this afternoon .","ARG-0: Fire crews | ARG-M-LOC: at The Cape , near Charters Towers" "SRL for [decelerating]: Experts concerned pointed out that , after high - speed development in previous years , [decelerating] of the rate of China attracting foreign investment was normal .",ARG-1: of the rate of China attracting foreign investment "SRL for [lahar]: Can the Minister confirm that the department 's report states that a 1,000,000 - tonne [lahar] dropping from a height of 8,000 feet is likely sometime in the next 3 years","ARG-2: 1,000,000 - tonne | ARG-M-PRD: dropping from a height of 8,000 feet" SRL for [has dehydrated]: All this exercise and sweating [has dehydrated] me .,ARG-0: All this exercise and sweating | ARG-1: me "SRL for [review]: `` We consider that his bid is an acceptable bid , '' said Sandra Kolber , spokeswoman for the independent directors ' committee appointed last May to solicit and [review] bids for the company in the wake of a dispute between Mr. Drabinsky and Cineplex 's major shareholder , MCA Inc.","ARG-0: the independent directors ' committee | ARG-1: bids | ARG-2: for the company | ARG-M-TMP: in the wake of a dispute between Mr. Drabinsky and Cineplex 's major shareholder , MCA Inc." SRL for [traveling]: Clyde 's final gift to Ed was his [traveling] from Boise to Irvine to visit Ed 's lab and office in Steinhaus Hall just months before his death from cancer .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: from Boise | ARG-4: to Irvine | ARG-M-PRP: to visit Ed 's lab and office in Steinhaus Hall | ARG-M-TMP: just months before his death from cancer "SRL for [have been clacking]: The press gallery members [have been clacking] their tongues over this "" scandal "" .","ARG-0: The press gallery members | ARG-1: their tongues | ARG-2: over this "" scandal """ SRL for [transition]: the [transition] from a small start - up company to a marketing giant with sales last year of $ 1.79 billion,ARG-3: from a small start - up company | ARG-2: to a marketing giant with sales last year of $ 1.79 billion "SRL for [fizzled]: Crude prices spurted upward in brisk trading on the assumption that heavy earthquake damage occurred to San Francisco area refinery complexes , but the rise quickly [fizzled] when it became apparent that oil operations were n't severely curtailed .",ARG-1: the rise | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-M-TMP: when it became apparent that oil operations were n't severely curtailed SRL for [caramelized]: Foie gras with [caramelized] pineapple and a pomegranate ginger glaze and a light corn masa .,ARG-1: pineapple "SRL for [clasping]: One day when he attended a war memorial ceremony inWestminster Abbey ... someone , [clasping] him by the arm , whispered , `` I want a word with you , please '' .",ARG-0: someone | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: by the arm "SRL for [indecipherable]: Whether or not Lorraine had , in fact , planned on doing this beforehand or not , was [indecipherable] from her tone .","ARG-2: Whether or not Lorraine had , in fact , planned on doing this beforehand or not | ARG-1: from her tone" "SRL for [withstand]: `` Basically , we had a severe earthquake of significant duration and it was just something the structure could n't [withstand] . ''",ARG-0: the structure | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: something SRL for [tolled]: think in terms of the entire NoVa area with a connecting network of electronically [tolled] roads being priced by the hour .,ARG-M-MNR: electronically | ARG-3: roads "SRL for [lecture]: Partners [lecture] on how to form corporations , draft agreements and defend clients against unwanted tender offers .","ARG-0: Partners | ARG-2: on how to form corporations , draft agreements and defend clients against unwanted tender offers" "SRL for [Take]: [Take] , for instance , this litter of Fengshui Kitties , lined up here with each holding a different colored pearl : red , purple , blue , white or yellow .","ARG-M-DIS: for instance | ARG-1: this litter of Fengshui Kitties , lined up here with each holding a different colored pearl : red , purple , blue , white or yellow" "SRL for [attainable]: A lot of the nuclear weapons tech that was [attainable] 20 - 30 years ago is attaintable now . It would be very expensive , and there would be consequences .",ARG-1: A lot of the nuclear weapons tech | ARG-M-TMP: now SRL for [barrage]: A [barrage] of sales,ARG-1: of sales SRL for [crated]: The dock workers [crated] the merchandise for shipment .,ARG-0: The dock workers | ARG-1: the merchandise SRL for [turned]: The voters [turned] thumbs down on the proposed bill .,ARG-0: The voters | ARG-1: thumbs | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-2: on the proposed bill SRL for [calm]: Some horses just do n't cope with this - my girl was [calm] to ride in winter and turned into a spooky bundle of nerves in spring,ARG-1: my girl | ARG-M-TMP: in winter | C-ARG-1: to ride "SRL for [justified]: It is understandable they are upset , but neither Ron Paul nor anyone else who is supporting him is saying their response was in any way [justified]",ARG-1: their response | ARG-M-MNR: in any way "SRL for [repurposing]: Reading the comments to the WSJ article , I was interested to see two of the first six or seven mention [repurposing] part of the building to be a library .",ARG-1: part of the building | ARG-2: to be a library SRL for [blew]: 17 sailors were killed and dozens were injured when the explosion [blew] a huge hole into the hull of the Navy destroyer as it was refueling in Aden .,ARG-1: the explosion | ARG-2: a huge hole into the hull of the Navy destroyer | ARG-M-TMP: as it was refueling in Aden | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [work]: he modeled his [work] on Western classics,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on Western classics SRL for [triggered]: The reaction by a minority of NA delegates to the grand justices ' constitutional interpretation once again [triggered] displeasure in society at the body 's refusal to admit its fallibility .,ARG-0: The reaction by a minority of NA delegates to the grand justices ' constitutional interpretation | ARG-M-TMP: once again | ARG-1: displeasure in society at the body 's refusal to admit its fallibility "SRL for [resection]: Rectum and anus , abdominal perineal [resection]",ARG-1: Rectum and anus | ARG-M-MNR: abdominal | ARG-M-MNR: perineal SRL for [recyclable]: It carries low risk of leaching and is readily [recyclable] into many goods .,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-MNR: readily | ARG-2: into many goods "SRL for [cleared]: A.L. Williams Corp. was merged into Primerica Corp. , New York , after a special meeting of Williams shareholders [cleared] the transaction , the companies said .",ARG-0: a special meeting of Williams shareholders | ARG-1: the transaction "SRL for [streaming]: All that is needed is a cell phone that supports [streaming] media technology , and the user then can watch his or her favorite CCTV cell phone programs anywhere and at any time .",ARG-1: media | ARG-0: technology SRL for [repainted]: John [repainted] a picture of a rose for Mary .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a picture of a rose | ARG-2: for Mary SRL for [return]: The possible [return] of the verification team,ARG-1: of the verification team SRL for [stabilization]: The patentee took numerous affirmative steps to perpetuate its [stabilization] of the market .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the market SRL for [evulsion]: [evulsion] of varicose veins of the right calf,ARG-1: of varicose veins of the right calf "SRL for [awesome]: A tablespoon of oil ( any oil will do , I like to use coconut oil because apparently it is [awesome] for you )",ARG-M-ADV: apparently | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: for you SRL for [need]: I [need] you to pay attention to the frames files !,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: you to pay attention to the frames files SRL for [defeat]: Potential candidates may be discouraged from running less by the congressional salary than by the prospect of [defeat] at the hands of a Democratic opponent .,ARG-0: at the hands of a Democratic opponent "SRL for [awakened]: Appropriations committees have used an assortment of devices to disguise as much as $ 1 billion in spending , and as critics have [awakened] to these devices , the bill can seem like a wounded caribou trying to make it past ice and wolves to reach safer winter grazing .",ARG-1: critics | ARG-3: to these devices "SRL for [continues]: Chang [continues] : "" It is shallow to see the maintenance of relations between the ROC and its diplomatic partners as depending only on money .",ARG-0: Chang | ARG-1: It is shallow to see the maintenance of relations between the ROC and its diplomatic partners as depending only on money "SRL for [quotation]: And what sense does his [quotation] of the words of Worton and Still actually make in the context of his discussion of "" Respect for Context "" ?",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the words of Worton and Still SRL for [rankled]: He was a `` socialist warrior '' who felt [rankled] by West Germany 's enormous postwar prosperity and the Bonn government 's steadfast refusal to recognize the legitimacy of his state .,ARG-1: a `` socialist warrior '' | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-0: by West Germany 's enormous postwar prosperity and the Bonn government 's steadfast refusal to recognize the legitimacy of his state SRL for [climbing]: The events leading to the Dow 's [climbing] over 8000 today can be properly called the Mark - to - Market Relief Rally .,ARG-1: the Dow 's | ARG-4: over 8000 | ARG-M-TMP: today SRL for [breaking off]: Then Goss distinctly heard what sounded to him like the cracking and [breaking off] of a tree limb .,ARG-1: of a tree limb SRL for [iodinated]: [iodinated] contrast dye,ARG-1: contrast dye SRL for [leaking]: The roof 's [leaking] water all winter lead to a massive mold infestation above the garage come spring .,ARG-0: The roof 's | ARG-1: water | ARG-M-TMP: all winter SRL for [riot]: They just wanted a [riot] for riot 's sake ?,ARG-M-PRP: for riot 's sake "SRL for [traversing]: Today , and after [traversing] much distance on the way to joining , Ankara finds itself again clashing with European justifications and claims that prevent it from reaching its goal .",ARG-1: much distance on the way to joining "SRL for [translation]: The Pope was so infuriated by his teachings and his [translation] of the Bible into English , that 44 years after Wycliffe had died , he ordered the bones to be dug - up , crushed , and scattered in the river !",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the Bible | ARG-2: into English "SRL for [rewritten]: What 's more , both administration and congressional officials hint that the notification requirement is likely to be dropped from the guidelines on coup attempts that are being [rewritten] by the panel and the White House .",ARG-1: the guidelines on coup attempts | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-0: by the panel and the White House SRL for [stave off]: Such news is good for bonds because economic weakness sometimes causes the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates in an effort to stimulate the economy and [stave off] a recession .,ARG-0: the Federal Reserve | ARG-1: a recession SRL for [relief]: humanitarian [relief],ARG-1: humanitarian SRL for [hand]: `` We do n't just [hand] the customer the package .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-DIS: just | ARG-2: the customer | ARG-1: the package "SRL for [sighed]: Sen. Cranston , as he returned to the capital last week from a one - day trip to inspect earthquake damage in San Francisco , [sighed] to an aide : `` Well , back to Keatingland .","ARG-0: Sen. Cranston | ARG-M-TMP: as he returned to the capital last week from a one - day trip to inspect earthquake damage in San Francisco | ARG-2: to an aide | ARG-1: Well , back to Keatingland" SRL for [marriage]: their [marriage],ARG-1: their "SRL for [deter]: Moreover , such a sale could help Armstrong reassure its investors and [deter] the Belzbergs , who own a 9.85 % stake in the Lancaster , Pa. , company .","ARG-0: Armstrong | ARG-1: the Belzbergs , who own a 9.85 % stake in the Lancaster , Pa. , company" "SRL for [EGD]: She had an [EGD] on October 3 , 2009","ARG-1: She | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-TMP: on October 3 , 2009" SRL for [amusement]: John 's [amusement] of the crowd with singing and jokes was a big hit .,ARG-0: John 's | ARG-1: of the crowd | ARG-2: with singing and jokes "SRL for [change]: Now , did there come a time when you learned that the board had made a [change] to the biology curriculum ?",ARG-0: the board | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: to the biology curriculum SRL for [rerouted]: 32 bus routes throughout the neighborhood have had to be [rerouted] .,ARG-1: 32 bus routes SRL for [infuse]: Delmed did say that the proposal still would [infuse] cash into Delmed but less than the $ 10 million originally expected .,ARG-0: the proposal | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: cash | ARG-2: into Delmed SRL for [snowy]: So far so good ! I am at my gate and at the moment the flight is on time ! ! It 's soooo [snowy] though it seems crazy to me that it is n't delayed ! I ll keep yo u posted if anything changes !,ARG-M-EXT: so SRL for [mummified]: The Egyptians [mummified] their pharaohs .,ARG-0: The Egyptians | ARG-1: their pharaohs SRL for [wrongdoing]: He destroyed all evidence of his [wrongdoing] .,ARG-0: his SRL for [peacekeeping]: About 200 Danish troops started their [peacekeeping] in 1993 with the United Nations during the war in Bosnia .,ARG-0: their SRL for [pushing]: He kept on [pushing] the envelope .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the envelope SRL for [Scallop]: [Scallop] the edge of a specialty paper such as vellum or metallic paper .,ARG-1: the edge of a specialty paper such as vellum or metallic paper SRL for [acknowledgment]: There was no [acknowledgment] of the fact that he had cheated repeatedly on exams .,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: of the fact that he had cheated repeatedly on exams SRL for [good]: The warranty is [good] for two years,ARG-1: The warranty | ARG-M-TMP: for two years SRL for [coned down]: Dr. Mary [coned down] the X - ray to the patient 's shoulder .,ARG-0: Dr. Mary | ARG-1: the X - ray | ARG-M-DIR: to the patient 's shoulder SRL for [ankylosing]: The patient was suffering from [ankylosing] spondylitis ., SRL for [relationship]: a military [relationship] with Moscow,ARG-1: military | ARG-2: with Moscow "SRL for [fearful]: One is [fearful] of some thing One overcomes their fear to do that thing In so doing , one can therefore said to have courage .",ARG-0: One | ARG-1: of some thing "SRL for [drain]: A lengthy recession , if it materializes , would [drain] state coffers and create severe hardships for urban workers .",ARG-0: A lengthy recession | ARG-M-ADV: if it materializes | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: state coffers SRL for [recommending]: The university had sought an injunction blocking Connaught 's board from [recommending] or supporting an offer for the company by Merieux .,ARG-0: Connaught 's board | ARG-1: an offer for the company by Merieux SRL for [postmenopausal]: Patient is [postmenopausal] .,ARG-1: Patient SRL for [humidification]: Machine [humidification] of the room,ARG-0: Machine | ARG-1: of the room "SRL for [Absent]: [Absent] other working capital , he said , the RTC would be forced to delay other thrift resolutions until cash could be raised by selling the bad assets .",ARG-1: other working capital SRL for [foreign]: I suppose this all feels pretty [foreign] to you .,ARG-1: this all | ARG-M-EXT: pretty "SRL for [lift]: Although the Treasury is expected to announce details of its November quarterly refunding operation today , the Nov. 79 schedule could be delayed unless Congress and the president act soon to [lift] the nation 's debt ceiling .",ARG-0: Congress and the president | ARG-1: the nation 's debt ceiling "SRL for [made do]: When I was at uni , I think I could count the number of students who lived away from home and had a car on one hand - the rest [made do] with a young person 's railcard .",ARG-0: the rest | ARG-1: with a young person 's railcard "SRL for [outrun]: If we cluster together , the redcoats can make an advantage out of it , but there 's not a blessed thing they can do with two or three of us except chase us , and we can [outrun] them '' .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: them "SRL for [prohibitive]: The cost of the technology is [prohibitive] to dabblers , hobbyists .","ARG-0: The cost of the technology | ARG-1: to dabblers , hobbyists" SRL for [in pocket]: If you do nt have $ 10 [in pocket] to invest then INTERNET MARKETING is not for you .,ARG-1: $ 10 SRL for [get]: They [get] something equally good for less .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: something equally good | ARG-3: for less SRL for [foraged]: He [foraged] the countryside for desperately needed supplies .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the countryside | ARG-2: for desperately needed supplies SRL for [need]: Prosecutors [need] court permission to obtain the tax returns of an individual or a business .,ARG-0: Prosecutors | ARG-1: court permission | ARG-M-PRP: to obtain the tax returns of an individual or a business "SRL for [coercion]: Neither the private [coercion] of capitalism , nor the state coercion of socialism is found in a communist society .",ARG-0: private | ARG-2: of capitalism "SRL for [smashing up]: Any sympathy the general public had for the man whose death supposedly spurred on this onslaught of violence is surely being eroded by the minute when thugs are [smashing up] the businesses , cars and homes of innocent people who had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT .","ARG-0: thugs | ARG-1: the businesses , cars and homes of innocent people who had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT | ARG-M-TMP: the minute | R-ARG-M-TMP: when" SRL for [graveled]: The Dan Beebe Trail near the Visitor Center was [graveled] with native decomposed granite .,ARG-1: The Dan Beebe Trail near the Visitor Center | ARG-2: with native decomposed granite "SRL for [preformed]: NCNB Texas National , [preformed] from the remnants of of the failed First RepublicBank Corp. of Dallas , contributed $ 76.9 million to NCNB 's bottom line in the third quarter .",ARG-1: NCNB Texas National | ARG-2: from the remnants of of the failed First RepublicBank Corp. of Dallas SRL for [embrocated]: Dr. Johnson [embrocated] the patient 's aching muscles with soothing liniment .,ARG-0: Dr. Johnson | ARG-1: the patient 's aching muscles | ARG-2: with soothing liniment SRL for [curried]: John [curried] some weenies for dinner .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: some weenies | ARG-M-PNC: for dinner SRL for [complete]: The thrift holding company expects to [complete] the transaction by year - end .,ARG-0: The thrift holding company | ARG-1: the transaction | ARG-M-TMP: by year - end SRL for [threat]: a [threat] to the survival of victimized U.S. firms,ARG-0: of victimized U.S. firms SRL for [cautious]: He is [cautious] about who he does business with because he does n't want the fuss of having to clean up their messes .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: about who he does business with | ARG-M-CAU: because he does n't want the fuss of having to clean up their messes SRL for [shortcut]: I took a [shortcut] through the woods this morning on the way to work .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: through the woods | ARG-M-TMP: this morning | ARG-3: on the way to work "SRL for [concerns]: The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights , Sergio Vieira de Mello , has raised his [concerns] about the treatment of detainees .",ARG-1: his | ARG-0: about the treatment of detainees SRL for [movement]: the liberation [movement],ARG-1: liberation SRL for [boarded]: I looked back over my shoulder while I went to join him ; ; he 'd hung another half of a blanket over the [boarded] window so no light would show through .,ARG-1: window SRL for [spoonfed]: He [spoonfed] the White House bogus intelligence .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: the White House | ARG-1: bogus intelligence SRL for [caved in]: That was the question structural engineers and California transportation officials were asking themselves yesterday as rescue workers began the gruesome task of trying to extract as many as 250 victims from beneath the concrete slabs of the double - deck Nimitz Freeway in Oakland that [caved in] during Tuesday 's temblor .,R-ARG-1: that | ARG-1: the double - deck Nimitz Freeway | ARG-M-TMP: during Tuesday 's temblor SRL for [reduce]: Mr. Stronach will [reduce] overhead .,ARG-0: Mr. Stronach | ARG-1: overhead "SRL for [simulation]: In their [simulation] of high - speed packaging lines , one area that has provided efficiency improvements is the evaluation of control logic .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of high - speed packaging lines SRL for [racketed]: The wind [racketed] through the narrow space between the house and the hills .,ARG-0: The wind | ARG-M-LOC: through the narrow space between the house and the hills "SRL for [empty]: As soon as you browbeat us , it instead makes us feel that your hearts are quite [empty] / timid / hesitant ,",ARG-1: your hearts | ARG-M-EXT: quite "SRL for [same]: Then = she saw I was there and asked me to pay the rent . I went to see the water and electricity meters -- for water , it was the [same] as that when I moved in , unchanged ; for electricity , nine kilowatts has been used ,",ARG-3: for water | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as that when I moved in | ARG-M-ADV: unchanged SRL for [resent]: Corporate executives [resent] that their company 's stock has been transformed into a nameless piece of a stock - index basket .,ARG-0: Corporate executives | ARG-1: their company 's stock has been transformed into a nameless piece of a stock - index basket SRL for [bounding]: The cost of raising a pig kept [bounding] ahead of the return for selling one .,ARG-0: The cost of raising a pig | ARG-M-DIR: ahead of the return for selling one SRL for [resume]: NATIONAL INCOME REALTY TRUST said it will [resume] dividend payments with a 12 - cent - a - share dividend to be paid Nov. 6 to shares of record Oct. 25 .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: dividend payments | ARG-2: with a 12 - cent - a - share dividend to be paid Nov. 6 to shares of record Oct. 25 SRL for [bunched up]: Her sweet old face [bunched up] into a warm friendly smile of recognition .,ARG-1: Her sweet old face | ARG-2: into a warm friendly smile of recognition SRL for [cheep]: The chicks [cheep] for their mother .,ARG-0: The chicks SRL for [sullied]: Fuel oil pouring from the torn hull of the MV Amorogos has [sullied] the beautiful blue waters off the southern tip of Taiwan,ARG-0: Fuel oil pouring from the torn hull of the MV Amorogos | ARG-1: the beautiful blue waters off the southern tip of Taiwan "SRL for [burned]: International Business Machines Corp. , analysts say , has been [burned] twice in trying to enter the laptop market and shows no signs of trying to get into notebooks anytime soon .",ARG-1: International Business Machines Corp. | ARG-M-TMP: twice | ARG-0: in trying to enter the laptop market SRL for [dispute]: a labor [dispute] between Delta Airlines and its pilots,ARG-2: labor | ARG-0: between Delta Airlines and its pilots "SRL for [compensate]: The trust , created as part of Manville 's bankruptcy - law reorganization to [compensate] victims of asbestos - related diseases , owns 7.2 million of the Series A convertible preferred shares , which are each convertible into 10 Manville common shares .",ARG-0: The trust | ARG-2: victims of asbestos - related diseases SRL for [inhaling]: You can not -- you can not breathe democracy at the without -- at these people without them breathing it in [inhaling] it and enjoying and wanting it even more badly .,ARG-0: them | ARG-1: it SRL for [scrutinizing]: And some investment bankers say a restructuring is n't feasible while the SEC still is [scrutinizing] Mr. Spiegel 's past junk - bond trades .,ARG-0: the SEC | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: Mr. Spiegel 's past junk - bond trades SRL for [underweighted]: Some stocks are overweighted or [underweighted] in the portfolio .,ARG-M-LOC: in the portfolio "SRL for [award]: The National Academy of Engineering gives two inventors of thesemiconductor microchip a $ 350,000 achievement [award]","ARG-1: $ 350,000 | ARG-3: achievement" "SRL for [attached]: The equity kicker is not [attached] to the offering , ...",ARG-1: The equity kicker | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: to the offering SRL for [Trabeculation]: [Trabeculation] of the bladder lining simply means that the bladder muscle has thickened over time,ARG-1: bladder "SRL for [carouses]: In another room , a Taiwanese businessman based in Dongguan [carouses] with a party cadre from Yunnan who is trying to attract investment .",ARG-M-LOC: In another room | ARG-0: a Taiwanese businessman based in Dongguan | ARG-1: with a party cadre from Yunnan who is trying to attract investment SRL for [encircling]: The experiments involve *trace* [encircling] a thin rod of palladium metal with a wire of platinum and plunging the two electrodes into `` heavy '' water in which the hydrogen atoms are a doubly heavy form known as deuterium .,ARG-2: a thin rod of palladium metal | ARG-1: with a wire of platinum "SRL for [irritates]: Being held well below capacity greatly [irritates] them , and has led to widespread cheating .",ARG-0: Being held well below capacity | ARG-M-MNR: greatly | ARG-1: them "SRL for [lahar]: In 2002 , a [lahar] from the African Mount Nyiragongo volcanic eruption killed at least 75 people .",ARG-M-CAU: from the African Mount Nyiragongo volcanic eruption "SRL for [passive]: The verb in the reported clause of the original sentence was [passive] , so we use passive infinitives in the new sentence .",ARG-1: The verb in the reported clause of the original sentence SRL for [deep]: He was very [deep] into the issues and how it must come out .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-2: into the issues SRL for [closed]: Cray Research [closed] yesterday at $ 38 in NYSE composite trading .,ARG-1: Cray Research | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-EXT: at $ 38 | ARG-M-LOC: in NYSE composite trading SRL for [granulation]: The technique I have foun the most striking in the way it facilitates moving inside a sound is real - time [granulation] of sampled sound .,ARG-M-TMP: real - time | ARG-1: of sampled sound SRL for [quartered]: John [quartered] the page with a large X.,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the page | ARG-2: with a large X. SRL for [give hand]: I have come over to [give hand] any way I can help .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: any way I can help SRL for [divisive]: Such sexual tension was [divisive] of the civil rights movement ;,ARG-0: Such sexual tension | ARG-1: of the civil rights movement SRL for [re - explored]: The puppy [re - explored] his hiding spot .,ARG-0: The puppy | ARG-1: his hiding spot SRL for [recommit]: But we do n't know if a criminal will [recommit] until they do it .,ARG-0: a criminal | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: until they do it "SRL for [Breathe]: [Breathe] in , breathe out .",ARG-2: in "SRL for [budding]: She has indeed turned Hochiminh City Food into a [budding] conglomerate , but the company itself remains state - owned .",ARG-1: conglomerate "SRL for [outshine]: Afterward , as the A 's toasted their victory with beer ( they dispensed with traditional champagne showers in deference to the quake victims ) , Stewart said he thought his championship - team ring would [outshine] his individual trophy .",ARG-0: his championship - team ring | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: his individual trophy SRL for [signed in]: John [signed in] at day care before rushing of to work .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his daughter | ARG-2: at day care | ARG-M-TMP: before rushing of to work "SRL for [chomped]: "" Tiny purple American flag peanut skillets , "" said Don King as he [chomped] on a cigar .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: on a cigar "SRL for [re - evolution]: The second , more recent , occasion occurred after the [re - evolution] of a special leg lobe that disguises the body profile to help the insect hide from predators .",ARG-2: of a special leg lobe that disguises the body profile to help the insect hide from predators SRL for [exclusion]: the [exclusion] of the company 's British sales from the current year 's figures,ARG-1: of the company 's British sales | ARG-2: from the current year 's figures SRL for [hived]: She [hived] her bees in Brooklyn .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her bees | ARG-M-LOC: in Brooklyn "SRL for [floated]: One trial balloon Mr. Spiegel is said to have [floated] to investors : Columbia might be broken up , as Mellon Bank was split into a good bank and a bad bank .",ARG-1: One trial balloon | ARG-0: Mr. Spiegel | ARG-2: to investors "SRL for [smashing]: Why , when a key witness disappears , does Mancuso trash her apartment , tearing down drapes , [smashing] walls ?",ARG-0: Mancuso | ARG-1: walls SRL for [stress]: Having periods of rest after exercise or activity involving your elbow can relieve [stress] on the joint ;,ARG-1: on the joint SRL for [beat]: The [beat] of the rain against the window lulled her into sleep .,ARG-1: of the rain | ARG-2: against the window SRL for [think over]: Why do n't you [think over] by yourself ?,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: by yourself | ARG-M-CAU: Why "SRL for [knocking down]: Last Friday , takeover traders spilled out of Hilton , [knocking down] 21 1/2 to 85 .",ARG-0: takeover traders | ARG-1: the stock | ARG-2: 21 1/2 | ARG-4: to 85 SRL for [operates]: The Texas Oil & Gas division [operates] in the red .,ARG-1: The Texas Oil & Gas division | ARG-M-MNR: in the red SRL for [lopped]: The executives were remarkably unperturbed by the plunge even though it [lopped] billions of dollars off the value of their companies -- and millions off their personal fortunes .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: billions of dollars | ARG-2: off the value of their companies SRL for [was prepossessed]: Chatelart [was prepossessed] with an opinion that it belonged to the Duke of Nemours .,ARG-1: Chatelart | ARG-2: with an opinion that it belonged to the Duke of Nemours SRL for [lag]: There was a 10 - min [lag] before PMS stimulation was evident .,ARG-2: 10 - min SRL for [snuffed]: He sneezed a great sneeze and he [snuffed] .,ARG-0: he SRL for [long]: That 's [long] for a shark .,ARG-2: That | ARG-4: for a shark SRL for [massacring]: The government that established the policy of [massacring] wolves lost the election .,ARG-1: wolves SRL for [subject]: The students were told that their lockers were [subject] to search .,ARG-1: their lockers | ARG-2: to search SRL for [resolution]: the [resolution] of the matter by the Ethics Committee,ARG-1: of the matter | ARG-0: by the Ethics Committee SRL for [kayoed]: Dent had [kayoed] him with one punch !,ARG-0: Dent | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with one punch ! SRL for [runs]: The Boston Marathon [runs] over Labor Day weekend .,ARG-1: The Boston Marathon | ARG-M-TMP: over Labor Day weekend SRL for [travel]: American [travel] to Cuba,ARG-0: American | ARG-4: to Cuba SRL for [arise]: Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters claim they have an oral agreement with Warner executives that allows them to terminate their contract should the opportunity to run a major studio [arise] .,ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: the opportunity to run a major studio SRL for [doddered]: They [doddered] back to their bungalows .,ARG-1: They | ARG-3: back to their bungalows "SRL for [risk]: They may , however , [risk] bringing some damaging interference from outside the markets .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-1: bringing some damaging interference from outside the markets SRL for [talking]: We 're [talking] about years ago before anyone heard of asbestos having any questionable properties .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: about years ago before anyone heard of asbestos having any questionable properties SRL for [return]: Fans politely [return] foul balls to stadium ushers .,ARG-0: Fans | ARG-M-MNR: politely | ARG-1: foul balls | ARG-2: to stadium ushers SRL for [tendering]: LIN Broadcasting surged 4 5/8 to 112 5/8 ; LIN and BellSouth sweetened their merger agreement in an attempt to keep shareholders from [tendering] their shares to McCaw Cellular Communications .,ARG-0: shareholders | ARG-1: their shares | ARG-2: to McCaw Cellular Communications "SRL for [hellenized]: In the Hellenistic times , the Macedonians [hellenized] the Syrians , Jews , Egyptians , Persians , Armenians , and a number of other smaller ethnic groups along the Middle East and Central Asia .","ARG-M-TMP: In the Hellenistic times | ARG-0: the Macedonians | ARG-1: the Syrians , Jews , Egyptians , Persians , Armenians , and a number of other smaller ethnic groups | ARG-M-LOC: along the Middle East and Central Asia" SRL for [spanning]: This is that the Reagan Revolution [spanning] Eastern Europe and Tiananmen Square shows the power of ideas unencumbered by international civil servants or government functionaries .,ARG-0: the Reagan Revolution | ARG-1: Eastern Europe and Tiananmen Square SRL for [boozing]: John Tower was accused of womanizing and [boozing] during his unsuccessful bid to win confirmation as secretary of defense earlier this year ., SRL for [pawn]: A situation escalates when a customer accuses the shop of paying him $ 100 less for a [pawn] of his camera and PlayStation 3 .,ARG-1: of his camera and PlayStation 3 "SRL for [irradiated]: `` The -LCB- stones -RCB- that were [irradiated] in the U.S. are safe , '' says John Hickey , chief of the NRC operations branch , Washington .",ARG-1: The -LCB- stones -RCB- | ARG-M-LOC: in the U.S. | R-ARG-1: that "SRL for [treasure]: American friends Mr. Sackler and his wife , have wholeheartedly contributed alot to carrying forward our art of calligraphy , and hope to introduce this brilliant art to theworld , to let more friends learn and [treasure] it .",ARG-1: it | ARG-0: more friends "SRL for [buoyed]: A shiny new takeover deal sparked a big rally in stock prices , which [buoyed] the dollar .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: a big rally | ARG-1: the dollar SRL for [dialogue]: to maintain the [dialogue] with the PLO,ARG-2: with the PLO SRL for [aggression]: Some dogs may only show [aggression] over one specific object and nothing else .,ARG-M-CAU: over one specific object and nothing else "SRL for [convey]: He says that the Chinese never asked him to [convey] their statements to President Bush , but that the White House spontaneously invited him to do so .",ARG-0: him | ARG-1: their statements | ARG-2: to President Bush "SRL for [accommodated]: `` We 're in a metro area with millions of Bear fans , and only a small number can be [accommodated] . ''",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: a small number SRL for [bursts]: She [bursts] into tears and walks away .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: into tears SRL for [overtaking]: The economic malaise which has spread through Taiwan in just the last two years is rapidly [overtaking] tens of thousands of middle - aged workers .,ARG-0: The economic malaise which has spread through Taiwan in just the last two years | ARG-M-ADV: rapidly | ARG-1: tens of thousands of middle - aged workers SRL for [chromed]: She [chromed] the rims and is keeping the window trim .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the rims SRL for [way]: Both my lineups ended up in at least ( I stopped counting ) a multi - hundred - [way] tie right on the cash line of 123 .,ARG-2: multi - hundred | ARG-1: tie "SRL for [limit]: The new company will attempt to [limit] the shipyard 's losses , participants said .",ARG-0: The new company | ARG-1: the shipyard 's losses SRL for [preop]: Patient is [preop] and has been cleared by Cardiology.,ARG-1: Patient "SRL for [pressurized]: They stayed in "" econo "" mode , [pressurized] the tires to 70 psi and with all the hills involved , drove the entire 65 kilometers and added another 2.5 kilometers for good measure for a total of 67.5 kilometers ( 42 miles ) .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the tires | ARG-4: to 70 psi "SRL for [votes]: He had enough [votes] to block the maneuver on procedural grounds , perhaps as soon as today",ARG-2: enough | ARG-1: to block the maneuver on procedural grounds "SRL for [sauntered]: For the next 81 minutes , they [sauntered] around the ornate galleries , removing masterworks including those by Rembrandt , Vermeer , and Manet .",ARG-M-TMP: For the next 81 minutes | ARG-1: they | ARG-4: around the ornate galleries | ARG-M-PRD: removing masterworks including those by Rembrandt SRL for [barricaded]: That was after he had actually [barricaded] himself inside that bus with the child .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-1: himself | ARG-3: inside that bus | ARG-M-MNR: with the child SRL for [production]: its ethylene [production],ARG-0: its | ARG-1: ethylene "SRL for [sewed]: the parents sent the three children -- then 15 , 13 and 11 -- away from home in Hama Province with about $ 425 and a tent [sewed] out of Chinese rice sacks .",ARG-1: a tent | ARG-2: out of Chinese rice sacks SRL for [shooting]: People are [shooting] for a dream .,ARG-0: People | ARG-2: for a dream SRL for [warm]: Jessica was [warm] to her right off the bat .,ARG-0: Jessica | ARG-2: to her | ARG-M-TMP: right off the bat "SRL for [taxation]: This new regime foresees a minimum [taxation] of 1 % in 2003 and 2004 ,",ARG-M-EXT: minimum | ARG-1: of 1 % | ARG-M-TMP: in 2003 and 2004 SRL for [repositioning]: [repositioning] of the patient,ARG-1: of the patient "SRL for [search]: In a [search] earlier this week of an Aden apartment , detectives found evidence of the crime .",ARG-M-TMP: earlier this week | ARG-1: of an Aden apartment SRL for [use]: Steroid [use] by players in professional basketball,ARG-1: Steroid | ARG-0: by players | ARG-2: in professional basketball "SRL for [focus]: Is it your understanding that because Dover is a standard - based district , the class instruction is going to [focus] on preparing students to achieve proficiency on those standard - based tests that we were just describing ?",ARG-1: the class instruction | ARG-2: on preparing students to achieve proficiency on those standard - based tests that we were just describing SRL for [capsized]: A 19 - year - old man lost his life when he [capsized] his 10 - foot kayak .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his 10 - foot kayak "SRL for [attempting]: Investment bankers following UAL agree that the strongest impetus for an eventual deal is that the pilots have been [attempting] a buy - out for more than two years , and are n't likely to stop , having come so close to success .",ARG-0: the pilots | ARG-1: a buy - out | ARG-M-TMP: for more than two years SRL for [thrumming]: The Mach-1 's engine was [thrumming] in mechanical symphony .,ARG-1: The Mach-1 's engine | ARG-M-MNR: in mechanical symphony "SRL for [clipped]: Assuming it was n't one of those columns that you [clipped] and put on the refrigerator door , I 'll review the facts .",ARG-1: one of those columns | ARG-0: you | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [stippled]: He [stippled] the ink over the paper to show the gradation of shadows .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: the ink | ARG-1: over the paper | ARG-M-PRP: to show the gradation of shadows SRL for [dilation]: Dr. Spectacles [dilation] of Sanjay 's eyes allowed herto test for opthalmological abnormalities .,ARG-0: Spectacles | ARG-1: of Sanjay 's eyes "SRL for [blubbering]: Oftentimes the elder Wang ended up [blubbering] , before wiping away his tears and declaring : "" Great poem ! ""","ARG-M-TMP: Oftentimes | ARG-0: the elder Wang | ARG-M-TMP: before wiping away his tears and declaring : "" Great poem" SRL for [invested]: They [invested] in the transaction only a small fraction of the $ 114.3 million they stood to gain from sale of their UAL stock and options .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: in the transaction | ARG-1: only a small fraction of the $ 114.3 million they stood to gain from sale of their UAL stock and options "SRL for [iron out]: Instead , Mr. Bush and his aides made it clear they respected Congress 's role and felt they could work with the conservative Mr. Boren and the moderate Mr. Cohen to [iron out] their differences .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their differences "SRL for [issued]: The warnings , [issued] to at least 100 criminal defense lawyers in several major cities in the last week , ...",ARG-1: The warnings | ARG-2: to at least 100 criminal defense lawyers | ARG-M-LOC: in several major cities | ARG-M-TMP: in the last week "SRL for [speak]: "" She does n't really have any special quality to [speak] of , which seems to be the case with most of the Southeast Asian singers . """,ARG-1: of | C-ARG-1: any special quality SRL for [begs to differ]: John [begs to differ] .,ARG-0: John SRL for [fallen]: The pithiest testimony to their domination of the just - concluded tournament came from Giants ' manager Roger Craig after his team had [fallen] in Game Three to a five - home - run barrage that tied a 61 - year - old Series record .,ARG-1: his team | ARG-M-LOC: in Game Three | ARG-2: to a five - home - run barrage that tied a 61 - year - old Series record SRL for [sentence]: his prison [sentence] for income - tax evasion,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: prison | ARG-3: for income - tax evasion SRL for [traded in]: I [traded in] my car for a new Viper with the dealership,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my car | ARG-3: for a new Viper | ARG-2: with the dealership "SRL for [gouged]: Quickly but carefully lowering my duffel bag over the low side - rack , I stepped on the running board ; it flopped down , sprang back up and [gouged] my shin .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: my shin SRL for [concatenated]: They were [concatenated] together with blocks from other proteins .,ARG-1: They | ARG-M-PRD: together | ARG-2: with blocks from other proteins "SRL for [noninjected]: Conjunctivae are pink and moist , [noninjected] , nonindurated .",ARG-2: Conjunctivae SRL for [height]: His [height] is 6 foot 4 inches .,ARG-1: His | ARG-2: 6 foot 4 inches SRL for [scored]: John 's soccer team [scored] 115 points against the neighborhood kids .,ARG-1: John 's soccer team | ARG-2: 115 points | ARG-4: against the neighborhood kids "SRL for [pirated]: Any secret can be [pirated] , the experts said , if it is transmitted over the air .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: Any secret | ARG-M-ADV: if it is transmitted over the air SRL for [glamorize]: Mr. Lane 's final purpose is n't to [glamorize] the Artist 's vagabond existence .,ARG-0: Mr. Lane | ARG-1: the Artist 's vagabond existence SRL for [birdnested]: They [birdnested] in the early morning .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: in the early morning SRL for [steepened]: The mountain side has [steepened] .,ARG-1: The mountain side SRL for [nightmared]: I [nightmared] about the part of me that wants to become flowers .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: about the part of me that wants to become flowers SRL for [daubed]: The aspiring artist [daubed] the canvas with paint .,ARG-0: The aspiring artist | ARG-1: the canvas | ARG-2: with paint SRL for [building]: The [building] of sailing craft into a national art form is a notable accomplishment of Kuwaitis .,ARG-1: of sailing craft | ARG-4: into a national art form SRL for [dorsiflexion]: Musculus gastrocnemius tightness ( MGT ) is the most common cause for impaired [dorsiflexion] of the ankle joint,ARG-M-MNR: impaired | ARG-1: of the ankle joint SRL for [vaccination]: The researchers aimed to determine the relationship between parents ' self - [vaccination] and their vaccination of their young children .,ARG-0: parents ' | ARG-1: self SRL for [irradiated]: John [irradiated] his underwear with weapons - grade plutonium .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his underwear | ARG-2: with weapons - grade plutonium SRL for [freezing]: oh it 's [freezing],ARG-M-DIS: oh | ARG-1: it SRL for [lolloped]: He bowed to them gravely and [lolloped] to the side of the ring purposefully .,ARG-1: He | ARG-3: to the side of the ring | ARG-M-PRP: purposefully SRL for [nondefinitive]: Test results were [nondefinitive] for the cause of the headaches .,ARG-1: Test results | ARG-2: for the cause of the headaches "SRL for [tangled up]: FBI initially showed little interest , and he had the impression other federal security agencies were [tangled up] in legal red tape .",ARG-1: other federal security agencies | ARG-2: in legal red tape SRL for [dumbfounded]: The dancers [dumbfounded] Mary with the beauty of their movements .,ARG-0: The dancers | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: with the beauty of their movements "SRL for [grading]: His [grading] the student as below average reflected only his poor study skills , not his innate intelligence .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the student | ARG-2: as below average SRL for [anastomosed]: The lower end of the biliopancreatic limb is then [anastomosed] to the terminal ileum .,ARG-1: The lower end of the biliopancreatic limb | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-2: to the terminal ileum "SRL for [hedge]: `` That 's the problem with trying to [hedge] too much , '' said Mr. Brouwer .",ARG-M-EXT: too much "SRL for [emulation]: Though it has been said that the "" Old Lei Feng "" was more like a deity god , however , "" God Lei Feng "" and all those classic role models in [emulation] of him were not able to become philanthropists , and it was all because the public could not donate their excess assets to help others while they had to maintain a simple lifestyle at the same time . It was simply not possible to support individual acts of philanthropy back then .",ARG-1: of him SRL for [nontender]: Sinuses are [nontender] to palpation .,ARG-1: Sinuses | ARG-0: to palpation "SRL for [belong]: Neighboring places heavily influenced by "" Asian values , "" such as Japan , Korea and Hong Kong , have a strong sense of how important it is to [belong] to "" the educated class , "" just as we do here .","ARG-1: to "" the educated class | ARG-M-MNR: just as we do here" "SRL for [ankylosed]: The patient 's shoulder has [ankylosed] , and he no longer has free mobility in that joint .",ARG-1: The patient 's shoulder "SRL for [budgeting]: To put it bluntly , making progress while maintaining stability for economic growth means careful calculation and strict [budgeting] with a focus on costs , avoiding extravagance and waste , and attaching more importance to environment protection during economic construction .",ARG-M-MNR: strict | ARG-M-MNR: with a focus on costs SRL for [fragmentation]: It is his [fragmentation] of the canvas into many smaller canvases that distinguishes his work .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the canvas | ARG-M-PRD: into many smaller canvases "SRL for [accordance]: One can see , that satisfactory [accordance] of calculation results with experiments is observed .",ARG-M-MNR: satisfactory | ARG-1: of calculation results | ARG-2: with experiments SRL for [come]: if you want to [come] skiing / snowboarding this Saturday you can join the event here,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: skiing / snowboarding this Saturday SRL for [break up]: Mr. Andersson insists that Trelleborg and Noranda have n't discussed a Falconbridge [break up] .,ARG-1: Falconbridge SRL for [consumption]: Some fish are not safe for human [consumption] .,ARG-0: human "SRL for [honeymooned]: They had [honeymooned] in Rome , everyone was very high in Rome that year .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: in Rome SRL for [diseased]: The liver is [diseased] with cirrhosis .,ARG-1: The liver | ARG-0: with cirrhosis SRL for [effect]: [Mr. Dang]-1 is alleged [*-1]-2 to have used the account of Singapore hotel and property magnate Ong Beng Seng [*-2] to [effect] the transactions .,ARG-1: the transactions SRL for [congested]: The campus sidewalks were [congested] with people .,ARG-1: The campus sidewalks | ARG-2: with people SRL for [plumbed]: Your rescue ship was [plumbed] for every Federation secret aboard .,ARG-1: Your rescue ship | ARG-2: for every Federation secret aboard "SRL for [wild]: I am [wild] about [ hosting events in ] small , intimate dining rooms in restaurants .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: about [ hosting events in ] small , intimate dining rooms in restaurants" SRL for [blast]: a [blast] of flame,ARG-1: of flame SRL for [stigmatising]: The appellation of ' rapist ' is [stigmatising] enough ; the scum who rape people clearly do n't care about the consequences .,ARG-0: The appellation of ' rapist ' | ARG-M-EXT: enough SRL for [built]: You [built] your career on prejudice and hate .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: your career | ARG-2: on prejudice and hate "SRL for [emigrated]: The parents [emigrated] from the Odessa region in Ukraine in 2000 , the mother said .",ARG-0: The parents | ARG-1: from the Odessa region in Ukraine | ARG-M-TMP: in 2000 SRL for [instructions]: oral [instructions] from the NSB to collect information on a particular political party,ARG-M-MNR: oral | ARG-0: from the NSB | ARG-2: to collect information on a particular political party SRL for [silence]: We will not use the security forces of our country to [silence] critics or neutralize opponents .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: critics "SRL for [passed]: If the line [passed] a clog , it 's probably sitting in your filter causing a by - pass situation .",ARG-0: the line | ARG-1: a clog "SRL for [thrives]: The bond market , which sometimes [thrives] on bad news , cheered yesterday 's stock market sell - off and perceptions that the economy is growing weaker .",ARG-1: The bond market | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-M-TMP: sometimes | ARG-2: on bad news "SRL for [horrible]: Sure enough for the next week or so it was [horrible] to ride , the fitter did say it would feel horrible as I adjust to the new riding position .",ARG-M-DIS: Sure enough | ARG-M-TMP: for the next week or so | ARG-1: it | C-ARG-1: to ride SRL for [overtures]: It 's made merger [overtures] to the board .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-2: to the board "SRL for [passive]: He was [passive] to the teacher while she drove into his mind the incomprehensible lines of "" The Charge of the Light Brigade "" .","ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to the teacher | ARG-M-TMP: while she drove into his mind the incomprehensible lines of "" The Charge of the Light Brigade """ SRL for [transected]: Ducts in the deeper areas are [transected] at the edges of the biopsy,ARG-1: Ducts in the deeper areas | ARG-M-LOC: at the edges of the biopsy SRL for [Acetylation]: [Acetylation] of histones alters accessibility of chromatin,ARG-1: of histones SRL for [worse]: Independence would be [worse] for both scotland and the rest of the UK .,ARG-1: Independence | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: for both scotland and the rest of the UK "SRL for [jogs]: A couple in fashionable spandex warm - up suits [jogs] by , headphones jauntily in place , weaving their way along a street of fractured and fallen houses .",ARG-0: A couple in fashionable spandex warm - up suits | ARG-M-LOC: by | ARG-M-PRD: headphones jauntily in place | ARG-M-ADV: weaving their way along a street of fractured and fallen houses SRL for [raising]: The [raising] of money for charity,ARG-1: of money | ARG-5: for charity "SRL for [unreliable]: Hi Jeremy . Joa nne was scheduled as a driver , but her car is [unreliable] .",ARG-1: her car SRL for [rise]: It gave [rise] to the rituals of rural existence,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-1: to the rituals of rural existence SRL for [ascending]: At least not when you are [ascending] .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [allegations]: There were vague [allegations] of misconduct by some member of his staff .,ARG-M-MNR: vague | ARG-1: of misconduct | ARG-0: by some member of his staff "SRL for [dozing]: He was [dozing] , perhaps the only sleep he 'd gotten .",ARG-0: He "SRL for [seething]: Wall Street is [seething] over the rules , which would curtail the tax deductibility of debt used in most LBOs .","ARG-0: Wall Street | ARG-2: over the rules , which would curtail the tax deductibility of debt used in most LBOs" "SRL for [smiling]: A half - hour later , the woman is [smiling] and chatting ; the demon seems to have gone .",ARG-0: the woman "SRL for [plagued]: Par , a generic - drug maker that has been [plagued] by management problems , was already the subject of a federal criminal inquiry into the drug - approval process and a Food and Drug Administration investigation .",ARG-1: a generic - drug maker | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-0: by management problems SRL for [shopping]: one - stop [shopping] for takeover finance,ARG-M-MNR: one - stop | ARG-1: for takeover finance SRL for [conflagrate]: When internal conditions have completely destroyed any ability of defense hoards of hostiles will pour across the southern border and nuclear - tipped missiles will [conflagrate] what is left of the cities .,ARG-0: nuclear - tipped missiles | ARG-1: what is left of the cities "SRL for [veining]: He felt the sweetness of pity flood through him , [veining] his very flesh .",ARG-0: the sweetness of pity | ARG-1: his very flesh "SRL for [stars]: Burger King 's chief executive officer , Barry Gibbons , [stars] in ads saying that the fast - food chain will donate 25 cents to the Red Cross for every purchase of a BK Doubles hamburger .","ARG-1: Burger King 's chief executive officer , Barry Gibbons | ARG-2: in ads saying that the fast - food chain will donate 25 cents to the Red Cross for every purchase of a BK Doubles hamburger" "SRL for [outfly]: ... Sukhoi SU-27 fighter - bombers , which can [outfly] the MiG-29s .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: Sukhoi SU-27 fighter - bombers | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the MiG-29s SRL for [reinsured]: The distressed agent told him that Lloyds of London had [reinsured] this packet of gems for 1.5 million dollars .,ARG-2: Lloyds of London | ARG-1: this packet of gems | ARG-3: for 1.5 million dollars SRL for [sauteed]: I [sauteed] the veggies in a pan .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the veggies | ARG-M-LOC: in a pan SRL for [wallowing]: Magna recently cut its quarterly dividend in half and the company 's Class A shares are [wallowing] far below their 52 - week high of 16.125 Canadian dollars [ US$ 13.73 ] .,ARG-0: the company 's Class A shares | ARG-M-LOC: far below their 52 - week high of 16.125 Canadian dollars [ US$ 13.73 ] "SRL for [knowledgeable]: Within those two incidents of which one is not aware , we become [knowledgeable] of them as primary forces in life .",ARG-M-LOC: Within those two incidents of which one is not aware | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: of them | ARG-2: as primary forces in life SRL for [Accident]: Sheriff 's Officials : Fatal Shooting of Teen Was an [Accident] .,ARG-2: Fatal Shooting of Teen SRL for [nervous]: He is [nervous] at the prospect of failing math again .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: at the prospect of failing math again "SRL for [disguised]: The jury found them guilty of conspiracy in obtaining the payments , some of which were [disguised] as fees for consulting services from Mrs. Garcia .",ARG-1: the payments | R-ARG-1: some of which | ARG-2: as fees for consulting services from Mrs. Garcia "SRL for ['s it]: I can maybe get you a pie , maybe two pies the most , that ['s it] . """,ARG-1: that "SRL for [cryopreserved]: Next , we [cryopreserved] the oocytes",ARG-M-TMP: Next | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the oocytes SRL for [employed]: For his Christmas project he [employed] a different transparent material - blown glass - to create a fishbowl whose base was a relief mold of his own cupped hands .,ARG-M-PRP: For his Christmas project | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a different transparent material - blown glass | ARG-2: to create a fishbowl whose base was a relief mold of his own cupped hands "SRL for [pile]: They [pile] out of their truck and furiously begin twisting together steel pipes linking a giant storage tank to the Sharpshooter , a freshly drilled oil well two miles deep .",ARG-1: They | ARG-2: out of their truck SRL for [developing]: But what is covered under the rubric of [developing] the knowledge - based economy ?,ARG-1: the knowledge - based economy SRL for [informed]: Patient is well [informed] as to the nature of the procedure,ARG-1: Patient | ARG-M-EXT: well | ARG-2: as to the nature of the procedure SRL for [inevitable]: GERN failure in stem cells was [inevitable] to anyone who paid attention to the management of this company .,ARG-1: GERN failure in stem cells | ARG-M-ADV: to anyone who paid attention to the management of this company "SRL for [coursed]: When that happened , `` seismic '' tremors of fear -- much like the shock waves created by an earthquake -- [coursed] through the market and increased the market 's volatility .",ARG-M-TMP: When that happened | ARG-0: `` seismic '' tremors of fear | ARG-1: through the market "SRL for [lengthened]: Average maturity of the funds ' investments [lengthened] by a day to 41 days , the longest since early August , according to Donoghue 's .","ARG-1: Average maturity of the funds ' investments | ARG-2: by a day | ARG-4: to 41 days , the longest since early August" "SRL for [came]: Students , teachers , and parents [came] to testify on her behalf .","ARG-1: Students , teachers , and parents | ARG-M-PRP: to testify on her behalf" SRL for [flew]: He [flew] on flight 664 to Albuquerque .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: on flight 664 | ARG-M-GOL: to Albuquerque SRL for [scriptwriting]: [scriptwriting] and directing couple,ARG-0: couple SRL for [unstable]: We said because they were trying to [unstable] Lebanon .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: Lebanon SRL for [muggy]: feels like it will be hot and [muggy],ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [inspection]: After the explosion , Kerr - McGee temporarily shut down itsfacility just south of Las Vegas for a safety [inspection] .",ARG-2: safety SRL for [reel]: And if he does I think she 'll [reel] him right back in .,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-DIR: right back in "SRL for [driven]: I am [driven] to help this team win , go deeper in the playoffs and win a Super Bowl .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to help this team win , go deeper in the playoffs and win a Super Bowl" SRL for [reinsurance]: Life insurers are telling Congress that their [reinsurance] of federal employee programs is necessary and should not be eliminated .,ARG-2: their | ARG-1: of federal employee programs SRL for [wedding]: Eros begged Zeus and Aphrodite for their consent to his [wedding] of Psyche .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: of Psyche SRL for [grassed]: We [grassed] the greens with TifEagle Bermuda .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the greens | ARG-2: with TifEagle Bermuda SRL for [dooby dooby do]: What Sinatra hit did he [dooby dooby do] in ?,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LOC: What Sinatra hit | C-ARG-M-LOC: in SRL for [tinged]: ... with a sense of release [tinged] with trepidation .,ARG-1: release | ARG-2: with trepidation SRL for [supervising]: The bids remain subject to evaluation by the federal bankruptcy court [supervising] PS of New Hampshire 's reorganization .,ARG-0: the federal bankruptcy court | ARG-1: PS of New Hampshire 's reorganization SRL for [booked]: I doubt it 's me ! : -RRB- It 's probably [booked] with returning patients . : -RRB-,ARG-3: it | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-0: with returning patients "SRL for [pre - approved]: The dealership took the extra step of having all the paper work for the transaction [pre - approved] by Ebensburg 's local lender , Laurel Bank .","ARG-1: all the paper work for the transaction | ARG-0: by Ebensburg 's local lender , Laurel Bank" "SRL for [better]: The computer maker , which sells more than half its goods outside the U.S. , also said the negative effect of a stronger U.S. dollar will `` adversely affect '' its fourth - quarter performance and `` make it difficult '' to [better] 1988 results .",ARG-1: 1988 results SRL for [mismanaged]: and this war has been consistently and grossly [mismanaged],ARG-M-MNR: consistently and grossly | ARG-1: this war "SRL for [unmask]: Right now about a dozen laboratories , in the U.S. , Canada and Britain , are racing to [unmask] other suspected tumor - suppressing genes .","ARG-0: about a dozen laboratories , in the U.S. , Canada and Britain | ARG-1: other suspected tumor - suppressing genes" "SRL for [separation]: America seemed to him to be the single country in the world who has managed to apply the [separation] of powers between the judiciary , the executive , and the legislative in a better way than any other country .","ARG-1: of powers | ARG-M-LOC: between the judiciary , the executive , and the legislative" SRL for [stented]: There is a long restonotic zone in the proximal main obtuse marginal vessel that was dilated and [stented] previously .,ARG-1: a long restonotic zone in the proximal main obtuse marginal vessel | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: previously SRL for [Thanks]: [Thanks] for spending time with us tonight doctor .,ARG-2: for spending time with us tonight | ARG-M-DIS: doctor "SRL for [thrill]: That does n't [thrill] Procter & Gamble Co. , maker of Cascade dishwasher detergent .","ARG-0: That | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Procter & Gamble Co. , maker of Cascade dishwasher detergent" SRL for [exploded]: John 's monthly income [exploded] from $ 1.58 to almost $ 3.00 when he got his PhD .,ARG-1: John 's monthly income | ARG-3: from $ 1.58 | ARG-4: to almost $ 3.00 | ARG-M-TMP: when he got his PhD SRL for [hitched]: Nissan Motor is just one of a slew of advertisers that have [hitched] their ads to the devastating San Francisco quake and Hurricane Hugo .,ARG-0: advertisers | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: their ads | ARG-2: to the devastating San Francisco quake and Hurricane Hugo "SRL for [deglycosylated]: Receptors were solubilized , immunoprecipitated , and [deglycosylated] from 2 mg of membrane protein , and blotted with each of these antibodies .",ARG-1: 2 mg of membrane protein | ARG-3: Receptors "SRL for [legalizing]: The gradual [legalizing] of private financing is a necessary demand of a market economy ; on the eve of the legalization of private financing , Wu Ying can not be killed injustly !",ARG-M-MNR: gradual | ARG-1: of private financing "SRL for [superheats]: Called pyrolysis or ? gasification , ? it [superheats] biomass ? organic material such as paper or wood ? to produce a gas that fuels an engine that drives a generator .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: biomass ? organic material such as paper or wood | ARG-M-PRP: to produce a gas that fuels an engine that drives a generator SRL for [feinted]: I [feinted] left and jabbed right .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: left "SRL for [offers]: Explains Wong Hon Keong : "" Macau [offers] visa - free access to residents of over 40 countries with which it has consular relations , but Taiwan is the only place for which it provides visa - free access without there being diplomatic ties . """,ARG-0: Macau | ARG-1: visa - free access | ARG-3: to residents of over 40 countries with which it has consular relations "SRL for [sopped]: The space capsule fed him , gave him water , and [sopped] his perspiration out of its air .",ARG-0: The space capsule | ARG-1: his perspiration | ARG-3: out of its air SRL for [predetermined]: But what about those of us whose views are not [predetermined] by formula or ideology ?,ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: views | ARG-0: by formula or ideology "SRL for [cloak]: The word `` death '' can not be escaped entirely by the industry , but salesmen dodge it wherever possible or [cloak] it in euphemisms , preferring to talk about `` savings '' and `` investment '' instead .",ARG-0: salesmen | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in euphemisms SRL for [scoped]: Dr. John [scoped] the patient 's colon for polyps .,ARG-0: Dr. John | ARG-1: the patient 's colon | ARG-2: for polyps SRL for [spiked]: John [spiked] the punch with rum .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the punch | ARG-2: with rum "SRL for [haul]: Now why , you have to ask yourself , would intelligent beings [haul] a bunch of rocks around the universe ?",ARG-M-DIS: Now | ARG-0: intelligent beings | ARG-1: a bunch of rocks | ARG-M-LOC: around the universe | ARG-M-PNC: why "SRL for [displayed]: His moral character [displayed] itself in the sincerity of his friendships , his love of justice and of truth .","ARG-0: His moral character | ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: in the sincerity of his friendships , his love of justice and of truth" SRL for [passed]: Recently I [passed] a kidney stone that looked like a shark 's tooth .,ARG-M-TMP: Recently | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a kidney stone that looked like a shark 's tooth SRL for [misinformed]: Awesome . I heard target also delivered something . Or am I [misinformed] ?,ARG-1: I SRL for [work]: The [work] to recover bodies from the sunken nuclear submarine Kursk,ARG-1: to recover bodies from the sunken nuclear submarine Kursk SRL for [monitoring]: Malika 's [monitoring] of the patient 's blood pressure caused her to recognize a new symptom .,ARG-0: Malika 's | ARG-1: of the patient 's blood pressure SRL for [rerun]: Clean up your hard disk and [rerun] your disk optimizer .,ARG-1: your disk optimizer SRL for [antagonizes]: Sodium selenite [antagonizes] sodium arsenite - induced chromosomal aberrations and sister chromosome exchanges in human lymphocytes .,ARG-1: Sodium selenite | ARG-2: sodium arsenite - induced chromosomal aberrations and sister chromosome exchanges | ARG-M-LOC: in human lymphocytes "SRL for [published]: Mr. Bond indicated the consolidated debt figures , which include debt of units such as Bell Group Ltd. , will be [published] soon in Bond Corp. 's 1989 annual accounts .","ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the consolidated debt figures , which include debt of units such as Bell Group Ltd. | ARG-M-TMP: soon | ARG-M-LOC: in Bond Corp. 's 1989 annual accounts" SRL for [sclerotic]: Background stroma is [sclerotic] ; no calcifications are noted .,ARG-1: Background stroma "SRL for [boogieing]: She was [boogieing] to a couple of her own tracks , like Naughty Girl and Beautiful Liar .","ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MNR: to a couple of her own tracks , like Naughty Girl and Beautiful Liar" "SRL for [collection]: Looking around , you notice that there is a [collection] of flashily ornamented "" gold ingot trees "" at the front of the shop .","ARG-1: of flashily ornamented "" gold ingot trees """ SRL for [wanted]: he was [wanted] as a suspect in a double murder,ARG-1: as a suspect in a double murder "SRL for [careful]: If a girl is raped , it is not her fault even if she did n't take the adequate measures to mitigate risk , because that risk would have been there irrespective of how [careful] she may have been .",ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-MOD: may "SRL for [playwriting]: Oh .. Maybe not . Not too many places hiring poets . When I was in college I majored in English but took creative writing , poetry , [playwriting] , prose writing ...", SRL for [calculating]: Pingan is the most [calculating] -- they will avoid compensating if they can ; they will under - compensate if they can ; they are the most strict with identifications and documents ; their company has a strict management system .,ARG-0: Pingan | ARG-M-EXT: the most SRL for [skidded]: GM is under intense pressure to close factories that became unprofitable as the giant auto maker 's U.S. market share [skidded] during the past decade .,ARG-1: the giant auto maker 's U.S. market share | ARG-M-TMP: during the past decade SRL for [clashed]: Mr. Azoff reportedly was bored and frequently [clashed] with top MCA management over a number of issues such as compensation and business plans .,ARG-0: Mr. Azoff | ARG-M-TMP: frequently | ARG-1: with top MCA management | ARG-2: over a number of issues such as compensation and business plans "SRL for [sledded]: Fortunately , he was met by a NPS patrol who [sledded] him down to Windy Corner where his condition improved enough for him to begin his own descent .",ARG-0: a NPS patrol | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: down to Windy Corner where his condition improved enough for him to begin his own descent "SRL for [charge]: Their [charge] of ? 14 ( ? 13,95 ) for breakfast is extortionate .","ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of ? 14 ( ? 13,95 ) | ARG-3: for breakfast" SRL for [planted]: But the full effect on prices of the winter wheat now being [planted] wo n't be felt until the second half of next year .,ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: the winter wheat SRL for [succeeded]: Edward L. Kane [succeeded] Mr. Taylor as chairman .,ARG-0: Edward L. Kane | ARG-1: Mr. Taylor | ARG-2: as chairman "SRL for [sniveled]: Even when his toothbrush needed to be replaced , he [sniveled] at the thought of having to throw it out because it was special .",ARG-M-TMP: Even when his toothbrush needed to be replaced | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: at the thought of having to throw it out | ARG-M-CAU: because it was special "SRL for [proportional]: This is so because the energy released in an earthquake , and thus its magnitude , is [proportional] to the area of the fault that ruptures [ 5 ] and the stress drop .","ARG-1: the energy released in an earthquake , and thus its magnitude | ARG-2: to the area of the fault that ruptures [ 5 ] and the stress drop" SRL for [mop]: Never once did she gasp for air or [mop] her brow .,ARG-M-TMP: Never once | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her brow "SRL for [denied]: Earlier this year , the Fed [denied] an application by Continental Bank Corp. to purchase Grand Canyon State Bank in Scottsdale , Ariz. , on grounds that Continental had n't fully complied with the Community Reinvestment Act .","ARG-M-TMP: Earlier this year | ARG-0: the Fed | ARG-1: an application by Continental Bank Corp. to purchase Grand Canyon State Bank in Scottsdale , Ariz. | ARG-M-CAU: on grounds that Continental had n't fully complied with the Community Reinvestment Act" SRL for [breakthrough]: John had a spiritual [breakthrough] and converted to Zen Buddhism .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: spiritual SRL for [refraction]: [refraction] of the light wave,ARG-1: of the light wave "SRL for [worked out]: But Mr. Achenbaum pioneered negotiated fees , which often [worked out] to less than 15 % .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: negotiated fees | ARG-2: to less than 15 % "SRL for [ethical]: I feel compelled to make a Robin Hood reference , do you feel that he was [ethical] to rob from the rich and give to the poor ?",ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to rob from the rich and give to the poor SRL for [celebration]: The [celebration] of the 60th anniversary of victory in the world 's anti - fascist war,ARG-1: of the 60th anniversary of victory in the world 's anti - fascist war "SRL for [stanced]: His gait was wide [stanced] , making him the picture of a storybook cowboy .",ARG-1: His gait | ARG-2: wide SRL for [glorifies]: The concept of nationalism is the political principle that epitomizes and [glorifies] the territorial state as the characteristic type of socal structure .,ARG-0: the political principle | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the territorial state | ARG-2: as the characteristic type of socal structure "SRL for [output]: When you use the OutputTo action or method to [output] a report to another format , you receive one of the following errors :",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: a report | ARG-3: to another format SRL for [wadded]: He [wadded] the soggy hot dog wrapper into a tight ball,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the soggy hot dog wrapper | ARG-2: into a tight ball SRL for [took over]: Mrs. Ward [took over] in 1986,ARG-0: Mrs. Ward | ARG-M-TMP: in 1986 SRL for [bad]: Emotionally he was [bad] to be around but I do n't think he did it on purpose .,ARG-M-MNR: Emotionally | ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to be around "SRL for [subcontract]: The company has no immediate plans to close any operations , she said , but Quotron may [subcontract] some work that it has been doing in - house , including refurbishment and production of Quotron 1000 equipment used in delivering financial data .","ARG-0: Quotron | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: some work that it has been doing in - house , including refurbishment and production of Quotron 1000 equipment used in delivering financial data" SRL for [dueling]: I was hoping for [dueling] between members of rival street gangs .,ARG-0: between members of rival street gangs SRL for [firmed]: ... stock prices [firmed] only modestly in response to the report and then faltered .,ARG-1: stock prices | ARG-M-MNR: only modestly | ARG-M-ADV: in response to the report SRL for [right]: You were [right] about eating worms .,ARG-1: You | ARG-2: about eating worms "SRL for [taking]: ... and had he not been a man of inflexible morals and regular habits , there would have been a great danger of his [taking] to politics , or drinking , -- both which pernicious vices we daily see men driven to by mere spleen and idleness .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to politics , or drinking , -- both which pernicious vices we daily see men driven to by mere spleen and idleness" "SRL for [bright]: He was [bright] at birth and observing him as he developed , I noticed he had a gift for grasping lateral concepts .",ARG-1: He | ARG-M-TMP: at birth "SRL for [banished]: Meanwhile , they tackle the mounds of paper -- and fantasize about a dream world where bulk - mail postal regulations and government inspectors are [banished] .",ARG-1: bulk - mail postal regulations and government inspectors SRL for [mediation]: The UN 's [mediation] of talks between Russia and Iran,ARG-0: The UN 's | ARG-1: of talks | ARG-2: between Russia and Iran "SRL for [boomed]: Lights flickered on and off ; plaster dropped from the ceiling , the walls still shook and an evacuation alarm [boomed] outside .",ARG-1: an evacuation alarm | ARG-M-LOC: outside "SRL for [heartbroken]: "" I am [heartbroken] that today President Trump is closing the door on children , mothers and fathers fleeing violence and war , "" the Nobel Prize winner said in a statement posted to Facebook .","ARG-1: I | ARG-2: that today President Trump is closing the door on children , mothers and fathers fleeing violence and war" SRL for [whooshing]: His [whooshing] a sigh of relief alerted the guards .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: a sigh of relief SRL for [noncardiac]: It turned out his chest pain was [noncardiac] .,ARG-1: his chest pain SRL for [housing]: US Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development to help communities improve their [housing] of homeless veterans,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of homeless veterans SRL for [injured]: Many Puerto Rican 's believe this was why Cotto 's face was so badly [injured] and that a normally tough fighter was systematically broken down .,ARG-1: Cotto 's face | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-EXT: badly | ARG-M-CAU: why SRL for [sentimentalize]: We should not [sentimentalize] cultural populism or philistinism .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: cultural populism or philistinism "SRL for [combination]: some [combination] of drug , alcohol , and mental problems .","ARG-1: of drug , alcohol , and mental problems" "SRL for [negotiate]: Although Georgia Gulf has n't been eager to [negotiate] with Mr. Simmons and NL , a specialty chemicals concern ...","ARG-0: Georgia Gulf | ARG-1: with Mr. Simmons and NL , a specialty chemicals concern" "SRL for [walk]: Danielson facilitated the Waterford strategy by calling a time out to discuss an intentional [walk] of the batter , Alex Tuneski .","ARG-M-MNR: intentional | ARG-1: of the batter , Alex Tuneski" "SRL for [political]: But everyone knows who Al Gore is , so it was [political] of him to make that introduction .",ARG-0: of him | ARG-1: to make that introduction SRL for [erythematous]: Throat is mildly [erythematous] .,ARG-1: Throat | ARG-M-ADV: mildly SRL for [allowed]: The courts had [allowed] him three hours to photograph the reconstructed plane and other debris from the crash,ARG-0: The courts | ARG-M-GOL: him | ARG-1: three hours | ARG-2: to photograph the reconstructed plane and other debris from the crash "SRL for [initialize]: At most , give a hard connecting point to [initialize] the fault recorder for this line .",ARG-1: the fault recorder for this line "SRL for [betting]: That would be a huge problem if it were to continue , because Unisys is [betting] its business on the assumption that customers want to move away from using operating systems that run on only one manufacturer 's equipment and toward systems -- mainly Unix -- that work on almost anyone 's machines .",ARG-0: Unisys | ARG-1: its business | ARG-2: on the assumption that customers want to move away from using operating systems that run on only one manufacturer 's equipment and toward systems -- mainly Unix -- that work on almost anyone 's machines SRL for [marred]: His handsomeness was [marred] by lips slightly too big for his face,ARG-1: His handsomeness | ARG-0: by lips slightly too big for his face SRL for [leach]: Animal protein is high in sulfur which can [leach] calcium from the bones and form kidney stones .,ARG-0: sulfur | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: calcium | ARG-2: from the bones "SRL for [tetramerized]: For this purpose , we [tetramerized] a 235 bp HS1 sub - fragment called pHS1 .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: a 235 bp HS1 sub - fragment called pHS1 SRL for [hit]: Bank of New England has been [hit] hard by the region 's real - estate slump .,ARG-1: Bank of New England | ARG-M-MNR: hard | ARG-2: by the region 's real - estate slump "SRL for [uprooted]: And he [uprooted] the tree from the earth , and brandished it in his hands like a javelin .",ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the tree | ARG-M-DIR: from the earth SRL for [gleaned]: This information was [gleaned] from your own news stories on the region .,ARG-1: This information | ARG-2: from your own news stories on the region SRL for [gummed]: The old man [gummed] at his wine - cup .,ARG-0: The old man | ARG-1: at his wine - cup "SRL for [decreased]: The number of people receiving regular state benefits in the week ended Sept. 30 [decreased] to a seasonally adjusted 2,202,000 , or 2.2 % of those covered by unemployment insurance , from 2,205,000 the previous week , when the insured unemployment rate also was 2.2 % .","ARG-1: The number of people receiving regular state benefits in the week ended Sept. 30 | ARG-4: to a seasonally adjusted 2,202,000 , or 2.2 % of those covered by unemployment insurance | ARG-3: from 2,205,000 the previous week , when the insured unemployment rate also was 2.2 %" "SRL for [quartered]: For me , receiving a blog award is like being drawn and [quartered] by bears .",ARG-1: me | ARG-0: by bears SRL for [friendly]: He is [friendly] toward outsiders .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: toward outsiders "SRL for [shot]: The first time , he was [shot] in the hand as he chased the robbers outside .",ARG-M-TMP: The first time | ARG-1: he | ARG-3: in the hand | ARG-M-TMP: as he chased the robbers outside SRL for [goofed]: He was the guy what always [goofed] at Question Time .,ARG-0: the guy | R-ARG-0: what | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-M-TMP: at Question Time SRL for [entangled]: Warner and Sony are [entangled] in a legal battle over movie producers Peter Gruber and Jon Peters .,ARG-1: Warner and Sony | ARG-2: in a legal battle over movie producers Peter Gruber and Jon Peters SRL for [thawing out]: Total [thawing out] of the soil layers .,ARG-M-EXT: Total | ARG-1: of the soil layers "SRL for [rehearing]: the warden sent Maus a memorandum stating that his [rehearing] on the conduct report would be held “ as soon as possible , ”",ARG-2: his | ARG-1: on the conduct report SRL for [scan]: Results of this [scan] were discussed on the phone ., SRL for [marketing]: Its [marketing] of Southern Comfort Liqueur,ARG-0: Its | ARG-1: of Southern Comfort Liqueur "SRL for [pair]: On Capitol Hill , though , there does n't seem to be sufficient sentiment to [pair] capital gains and the deficit - reduction bill .",ARG-1: capital gains and the deficit - reduction bill "SRL for [lammed]: I 'd never [lammed] it from the cops before , but I figured now was the time to learn how .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the cops | ARG-M-TMP: before SRL for [increased]: Mr. Martin [increased] prices on some wines just to slow down movement .,ARG-0: Mr. Martin | ARG-1: prices on some wines | ARG-M-PNC: just to slow down movement "SRL for [artifactual]: I have the suspicion that the BP reading was [artifactual] , and that the spike was due to the reintroduction of allopurinol , which can boost BP .",ARG-1: the BP reading "SRL for [wikipedia'd]: Lol , I [wikipedia'd] it after watching charlie brooker - it 's real , it came out on wednesday apparently ...",ARG-M-DIS: Lol | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: after watching charlie brooker SRL for [returning]: Parents are [returning] to the cloth diaper .,ARG-1: Parents | ARG-4: to the cloth diaper "SRL for [compressed]: CFCs are the primary ingredient in a gas , often referred to by the Du Pont trade name Freon , which is [compressed] to liquid form to serve as the cooling agent in refrigeration and air - conditioning equipment .",ARG-1: a gas | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: to liquid form | ARG-M-PNC: to serve as the cooling agent in refrigeration and air - conditioning equipment SRL for [salpingo - oophorectomy]: right [salpingo - oophorectomy],ARG-1: right "SRL for [sweep]: In addition , the auger can make a cleaner [sweep] of the dirt from the lawn .",ARG-0: the auger | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-MNR: cleaner | ARG-1: of the dirt | ARG-2: from the lawn "SRL for [jammed]: Some 34,320 fans [jammed] the stands , and shouted at the top of their lungs .","ARG-1: Some 34,320 fans | ARG-2: the stands" "SRL for [downwards of]: [ In Tzeltal , ] March is [downwards of] April , April is upwards .",ARG-1: March | ARG-2: of April SRL for [insistence]: its [insistence] on formal independence,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: on formal independence "SRL for [kneaded]: Nearby , five temporary residents of the school shelter sit on stools , having their necks and backs [kneaded] by volunteer masseuses .",ARG-1: their necks and backs | ARG-0: by volunteer masseuses SRL for [fantastic]: Cheese is [fantastic] for you .,ARG-1: Cheese | ARG-2: for you SRL for [protested]: Anti - nuclear activists have [protested] the launch of the Galileo space probe to Jupiter because it uses plutonium to generate the electricity needed to run the craft .,ARG-0: Anti - nuclear activists | ARG-1: the launch of the Galileo space probe to Jupiter | ARG-M-CAU: because it uses plutonium to generate the electricity needed to run the craft SRL for [Platinum]: - [Platinum] all the God of War games .,ARG-1: all the God of War games SRL for [considered]: Shorter maturities are [considered] a sign of rising rates because portfolio managers can capture higher rates sooner .,ARG-1: a sign of rising rates | ARG-M-CAU: because portfolio managers can capture higher rates sooner SRL for [bored]: If you 're [bored] I 'm sure you could match people from the pics in the OP to the pics taken by closed circuit security cams during the Stanley Cup riot recently .,ARG-1: you "SRL for [reiterated]: The company [reiterated] yesterday that it 's willing to reconfigure the package , but not add to the substance of it .","ARG-0: The company | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-1: that it 's willing to reconfigure the package , but not add to the substance of it" SRL for [continues]: ... if the current yield [continues] for a year .,ARG-1: the current yield | ARG-M-TMP: for a year SRL for [diabetic]: I found out my kidney was dehydrated and I was [diabetic] .,ARG-1: I "SRL for [communicated]: But the diplomacy of welcomes does not hide the embarrassment of both sides at a visit laden with veiled political symbolism , including the symbol [communicated] by the Pope 's first activity .",ARG-1: the symbol | ARG-0: by the Pope 's first activity "SRL for [bold]: May I be so [bold] to suggest the Songyuan Municipal Soft Environment Office conduct an in - depth investigation on the case of "" approval on the use of land with the fabricated official stamp , "" and thoroughly dig out and break up the power - protective umbrella for illegal developers with the "" fabricated official stamp "" ?","ARG-M-MOD: May | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-1: to suggest the Songyuan Municipal Soft Environment Office conduct an in - depth investigation on the case of "" approval on the use of land with the fabricated official stamp , "" and thoroughly dig out and break up the power - protective umbrella for illegal developers with the "" fabricated official stamp" SRL for [delved]: I have [delved] the deep recesses of my mind and once sought the help of a clinical psychologist who specialized in hypnotic recreation of past incidents .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the deep recesses of my mind "SRL for [scrape]: `` To ring for even one service at this tower , we have to [scrape] , '' says Mr. Hammond , a retired water - authority worker .",ARG-0: we SRL for [cosigned]: I had to [cosigned] with my father on the car .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: with my father | ARG-1: on the car SRL for [atrophy]: This meant that urine could flow back into the kidney causing the kidney to [atrophy] .,ARG-1: the kidney "SRL for [hemorrhaging]: Control Data Corp. , which just months ago was [hemorrhaging] financially , thinks it will be healthy enough soon to consider repurchasing public debt .",ARG-0: Control Data Corp. | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-MNR: financially "SRL for [manipulated]: 1 . The crimes of Liu Yongxiu , who [manipulated] the Community Association to evade taxes and issue illegal invoices of ¥ 250,000 , embezzle and appropriate over ? 100,000 public revenue of the owners , and retaliate upon the reporter ; .","ARG-0: Liu Yongxiu | ARG-1: the Community Association | ARG-2: to evade taxes and issue illegal invoices of ¥ 250,000 , embezzle and appropriate over ? 100,000 public revenue of the owners , and retaliate upon the reporter | R-ARG-0: who" SRL for [stoned]: People in Glass houses tend to look [stoned] .,ARG-1: People in Glass houses SRL for [ripen]: It 's made only in years when the grapes [ripen] perfectly ( the last was 1979 ) and comes from a single acre of grapes that yielded a mere 75 cases in 1987 .,ARG-1: the grapes | ARG-M-MNR: perfectly | ARG-M-TMP: years | R-ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [vacation]: 2 . Take a Hawaiian [vacation] .,ARG-M-LVB: Take | ARG-1: Hawaiian SRL for [faint]: He was feeling [faint] from the fumes .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: from the fumes SRL for [into hands]: Power fell [into hands] .,ARG-1: Power | ARG-2: wrong "SRL for [commemorate]: When President Bush arrives here next week for a hemispheric summit organized to [commemorate] a century of Costa Rican democracy , will he be able to deliver a credible message in the wake of the Panamanian fiasco ?",ARG-2: a hemispheric summit | ARG-1: a century of Costa Rican democracy SRL for [reforming]: The cycle has been repeated several times since China began [reforming] its planned economy in 1979 .,ARG-0: China | ARG-1: its planned economy SRL for [handicap]: That skepticism would leave him with an even greater credibility problem should he return that would [handicap] him in any effort to oust the board in a proxy fight .,ARG-0: That skepticism | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-LOC: in any effort to oust the board in a proxy fight SRL for [seeded]: A few hours later I [seeded] the cherries using a partially unbent paper clip .,ARG-M-TMP: A few hours later | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the cherries | ARG-M-MNR: using a partially unbent paper clip "SRL for [fool]: Trompe l'oeil painting is meant to [fool] the eye , but Robert Lawrence Trotter , 35 , of Kennett Square , Pa. , took his fooling seriously .",ARG-0: Trompe l'oeil painting | ARG-1: the eye "SRL for [cheating]: OH feels very strongly about [cheating] , so cut her out as much as possible .", "SRL for [resemble]: Although some of the study 's recommendations [resemble] those of similar projects , the makeup of the task force was unusually diverse , adding significance to the effort .",ARG-1: some of the study 's recommendations | ARG-2: those of similar projects "SRL for [paintings]: From [paintings] of his done during that early period , one sees how Hsia rendered human figures using the thick lines of traditional Chinese folk painting , but proceeded to dissect and reassemble those figures in a Western , mechanistic fashion .",ARG-0: of his | ARG-M-LVB: done | ARG-M-TMP: during that early period SRL for [erosion]: Socialism and its [erosion] of the American people .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the American people SRL for [neighing]: Everyone was sleeping when human voices and [neighing] horses were heard in the village .,ARG-0: horses SRL for [wield]: ... of the power that Dorrance family members intend to [wield] in reshaping the troubled food company .,ARG-0: Dorrance family members | ARG-1: the power | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: in reshaping the troubled food company SRL for [anterior]: The DCIS is [anterior] to this site,ARG-1: The DCIS | ARG-2: to this site SRL for [cleared]: [Occupy Oakland]-1 has been [cleared] [*]-1 out, SRL for [explosion]: the [explosion] of prices to an indefinitely high level,ARG-1: of prices | ARG-4: to an indefinitely high level SRL for [Lives down]: [Lives down] that image .,ARG-1: that image "SRL for [panted]: `` No telling how good this horse is '' , Mike [panted] .",ARG-0: Mike | ARG-1: No telling how good this horse is "SRL for [gelled]: However , the fact that the water [gelled] with the turkey makes me think it might be ingredients .",ARG-1: the water | ARG-2: with the turkey SRL for [fill]: The dispute has hampered the administration 's efforts to recruit prominent doctors to [fill] prestigious posts at the helm of the NIH and the Centers for Disease Control .,ARG-2: prominent doctors | ARG-1: prestigious posts at the helm of the NIH and the Centers for Disease Control SRL for [underselling]: But instead of a new customer -- part of a hoped - for bonanza from [underselling] Sony -- Justin got a costly legal morass .,ARG-0: Justin | ARG-1: Sony SRL for [smoothed]: John [smoothed] the icing on the cake with a handful of dried oak leaves .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the icing on the cake | ARG-2: with a handful of dried oak leaves SRL for [confabulate]: Split brain patients [confabulate] with a sense of obviousness and immediacy .,ARG-0: Split brain patients | ARG-M-MNR: with a sense of obviousness and immediacy "SRL for [nobbled]: But Knyvett had [nobbled] the new King , who in August 1603 gave him the manor of Stanwell and afterwards other lands and money .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Knyvett | ARG-1: the new King , who in August 1603 gave him the manor of Stanwell and afterwards other lands and money" "SRL for [brooding]: There the objective sat , [brooding] over all .",ARG-0: the objective | ARG-1: over all SRL for [broadens]: Mr. Schwarz says the competition `` [broadens] the base of opportunity for us . '',ARG-0: the competition | ARG-1: the base of opportunity for us SRL for [compassion]: She had lost her [compassion] for people and a thick crust of indifference had formed around her feelings .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: for people SRL for [evident]: This was [evident] from his confusion and embarrassment in reading the minutes .,ARG-1: This | ARG-0: from his confusion and embarrassment in reading the minutes SRL for [representation]: It was through his legal [representation] of at - fault defendants and insurance companies that Mr. Leritz realized his true calling,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: legal | ARG-1: of at - fault defendants and insurance companies SRL for [U - turn]: My F50 [U - turn] has a patented technique .,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: F50 SRL for [readying]: The camp is [readying] itself for battle .,ARG-0: The camp | ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: for battle SRL for [wishing]: Industry executives are [wishing] Mr. Achenbaum well .,ARG-0: Industry executives | ARG-2: Mr. Achenbaum | ARG-1: well "SRL for [cough]: Just when Ms. Gruberova sat down away from her guests to [cough] in private , her salon began sliding around the stage ; her country hideaway also has a very active set of drapes .",ARG-0: Ms. Gruberova | ARG-M-MNR: in private SRL for [swore]: Like the Long Island matron in the theater district the other day who [swore] to a stranger that she once met Liza Minnelli .,ARG-0: the Long Island matron | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-2: to a stranger | ARG-1: that she once met Liza Minnelli "SRL for [distinguished]: In the classroom , students say , Mrs. Yeargin [distinguished] herself by varying teaching approaches -- forcing kids to pair up to complete classroom work or using college - bowl type competitions .",ARG-M-LOC: In the classroom | ARG-0: Mrs. Yeargin | ARG-1: herself | ARG-M-MNR: by varying teaching approaches -- forcing kids to pair up to complete classroom work or using college - bowl type competitions SRL for [pulling through]: The doctors informed Dorothy that Johan had cancer and that there was only a slim chance of his [pulling through] .,ARG-0: his SRL for [measures]: the austerity [measures],ARG-1: austerity "SRL for [posturing]: For all his [posturing] , Russell Brand is a far more accomplished writer than he 'd probably ever let on .",ARG-0: his "SRL for [created]: An NC State student [created] a "" monster "" out of construction barrels for his estranged girlfriend .","ARG-0: An NC State student | ARG-1: a "" monster "" | ARG-2: out of construction barrels | ARG-3: for his estranged girlfriend" SRL for [consequential]: The way the issue is framed is not [consequential] to the agenda - setting hypothesis .,ARG-1: The way the issue is framed | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: to the agenda - setting hypothesis "SRL for [mangle]: Fold these evenly while damp , and [mangle] .", SRL for [parameterization]: sub - shelf melt [parameterization],ARG-1: sub - shelf melt "SRL for [brimmed]: Whether Polly Peck 's acquisition makes sense remains to be seen , but at the news conference , Mr. Nadir [brimmed] with self - confidence that he can turn Sansui around .",ARG-M-LOC: at the news conference | ARG-0: Mr. Nadir | ARG-1: with self - confidence that he can turn Sansui around "SRL for [pandering]: But we are professionals , and , rather than [pandering] to the audience , we should ...",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: to the audience SRL for [destroy]: Program traders argue that a reinstatement of the rule would [destroy] the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: a reinstatement of the rule | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets SRL for [bid]: Garth Drabinsky will [bid] $ 780.6 million to acquire the company .,ARG-0: Garth Drabinsky | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: $ 780.6 million | ARG-1: to acquire the company SRL for [spread - eagled]: They [spread - eagled] him across the floor .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: across the floor SRL for [resigned]: Mr. Stromach [resigned] as chief executive officer last year .,ARG-0: Mr. Stromach | ARG-1: as chief executive officer | ARG-M-TMP: last year SRL for [bought]: They [bought] $ 2.4 billion in Fannie Mae bonds,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: $ 2.4 billion in Fannie Mae bonds "SRL for [broach]: No one was even allowed to [broach] the subject of human rights during the period of martial law , and though it was a cherished goal of activists , their efforts were limited to the political realm .",ARG-0: No one | ARG-1: the subject of human rights | ARG-M-TMP: during the period of martial law "SRL for [conclusive]: I would n't support it for first time offenses , but when a criminal is given a second chance and reoffends , I 'm all for it ... I mean , if the evidence is 100 % [conclusive] that is , which is the case most of the time now with modern technology etc",ARG-3: the evidence | ARG-M-EXT: 100 % | ARG-M-ADV: that is | ARG-M-ADV: which is the case most of the time now with modern technology etc "SRL for [insinuating]: Of the approximately 200 sponsors of the recent march in Washington for the homeless , you chose to cite such groups as the National Association of Home Builders and the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen , [insinuating] that the march got its major support from self - serving groups that `` know a good thing when they see it , '' and that the crusade was based on greed or the profit motive .","ARG-0: you | ARG-1: that the march got its major support from self - serving groups that `` know a good thing when they see it , ''" SRL for [digitization]: [digitization] from microfilm,ARG-2: from microfilm "SRL for [insulated]: `` People in this business have been [insulated] , '' says Josh Pons , a horse breeder from Bel Air , Md .",ARG-1: People in this business SRL for [offering]: The proposed initial public [offering] of common stock of RMI Titanium Co.,ARG-M-TMP: initial | ARG-3: public | ARG-1: of common stock of RMI Titanium Co. "SRL for [gassed]: Dinosaurs may have [gassed] themselves to extinction with methane "" emissions "" , British scientists say .","ARG-0: Dinosaurs | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-M-GOL: to extinction | ARG-2: with methane "" emissions """ SRL for [overbuy]: Instead members of the Saudi royal family must either overpay or [overbuy] from foreign companies in order for those companies to return a percentage of that money .,ARG-M-DIS: Instead | ARG-0: members of the Saudi royal family | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-2: from foreign companies | ARG-M-PRP: in order for those companies to return a percentage of that money "SRL for [specializing]: The company 's chairman , Mr. Laidig , and a group of advisers met at the offices of Wachtel Lipton Rosen & Katz , a law firm [specializing] in takeover defense .",ARG-0: a law firm | ARG-1: in takeover defense "SRL for [measuring]: El Salvador , an ROC diplomatic ally in Central America , was hit on January 13 by an earthquake [measuring] between 7.4 and 7.9 on the Richter scale .",ARG-1: an earthquake | ARG-3: between 7.4 and 7.9 on the Richter scale "SRL for [dwindled]: That 's largely because of defensive measures they adopted after the 1987 crash , when individual investors fled the market and trading activity [dwindled] .",ARG-1: trading activity | ARG-M-TMP: the 1987 crash | R-ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [defer]: I will [defer] final treatment recommendations to his primary oncologist .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: final treatment recommendations | ARG-2: to his primary oncologist "SRL for [prolong]: There , Mr. Shevardnadze felt legitimized to unveil his own peace plan : The U.S.S.R. would [prolong] a suspension of arms shipments to Nicaragua after the February election if the U.S. did likewise with its allies in Central America .",ARG-0: The U.S.S.R. | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: a suspension of arms shipments to Nicaragua | ARG-M-TMP: after the February election | ARG-M-ADV: if the U.S. did likewise with its allies in Central America SRL for [wondered]: John [wondered] at the display of unreasoning hatred directed at him from all the other kids .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: at the display of unreasoning hatred directed at him from all the other kids SRL for [sitting]: I 'm pretty sure the dog is gaming us with his constant [sitting] by the door to go out .,ARG-1: his | ARG-M-TMP: constant | ARG-2: by the door | ARG-M-PRP: to go out "SRL for [prepared]: They are mere fragments , just one portion of [prepared] messages .",ARG-1: messages "SRL for [arched]: When the Trinity Repertory Theater named Anne Bogart its artistic director last spring , the nation 's theatrical cognoscenti [arched] a collective eyebrow .",ARG-M-TMP: When the Trinity Repertory Theater named Anne Bogart its artistic director last spring | ARG-0: the nation 's theatrical cognoscenti | ARG-1: a collective eyebrow "SRL for [snuff out]: Once you noticed the sign , you would [snuff out] in a flexible way",ARG-M-TMP: Once you noticed the sign | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: in a flexible way SRL for [oxidation]: The [oxidation] of primary alcohols to carboxylic acids is an important oxidation reaction in organic chemistry .,ARG-1: of primary alcohols | ARG-2: to carboxylic acids SRL for [notorious]: She is [notorious] as the toughest grader in the department .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: as the toughest grader in the department "SRL for [discharge]: In all , the company hopes to repay $ 45 million in debt through the sales , which will completely [discharge] its secured debt , the company said .",ARG-0: the sales | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: its secured debt SRL for [outbreak]: An [outbreak] of plague was found in the Kulinsky district of the republic of Dagestan .,ARG-1: of plague "SRL for [infringe]: A lower court in St. Paul had ruled in September 1988 that a heart catheter SciMed manufactures does n't [infringe] on a patent owned by Advanced Cardiovascular Systems , a unit of Eli Lilly & Co.","ARG-0: a heart catheter SciMed manufactures | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: on a patent owned by Advanced Cardiovascular Systems , a unit of Eli Lilly & Co." "SRL for [save]: Some of the money will go to the Chico Mendes Foundation , but it is n't earmarked for groups trying to [save] the rain forest .",ARG-0: groups | ARG-1: the rain forest "SRL for [felled]: Richard Secord , the retired Air Force general [felled] in the Iran - Contra scandal , is all but ruined -- forced to sell his Virginia home and pull his kids out of college , according to a recent fund - raising appeal sent out on his behalf .",ARG-1: the retired Air Force general | ARG-M-LOC: in the Iran - Contra scandal "SRL for [bigoted]: In her mind , it was [bigoted] to call Twilight - lovers out on their admiration of the series .",ARG-M-LOC: In her mind | ARG-1: to call Twilight - lovers out on their admiration of the series SRL for [start]: the [start] of a less ambitious game,ARG-1: of a less ambitious game "SRL for [gnashing]: Through the splash of the rising waters , they could hear the roar of the river as it raged through its canyon , [gnashing] big chunks out of the banks .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: big chunks | ARG-2: out of the banks SRL for [cloistered]: He [cloistered] himself with books and snacks .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: himself | ARG-M-ADV: with books and snacks SRL for [travel]: commercial air [travel],ARG-M-MNR: air "SRL for [garrisoning]: The US at once had a wolf by the ear . Finally , the US had to make its attitude clear : its [garrisoning] in the Philippines could be done by flexible and cyclic means .",ARG-0: its | ARG-2: in the Philippines "SRL for [deserve]: `` I [deserve] something for my loyalty , '' she says .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: something | ARG-2: for my loyalty SRL for [descriptions]: Mr. Gould 's minute [descriptions] of these creatures,ARG-0: Mr. Gould 's | ARG-M-MNR: minute | ARG-1: of these creatures "SRL for [outcry]: I do n't see the need for the [outcry] against him for stating an opinion ; instead , just form an opinion .",ARG-1: against him | ARG-3: for stating an opinion SRL for [sandbag]: New crest forecast gives Fargo residents hope as they [sandbag] .,ARG-0: they "SRL for [decorated]: Linda and Michael ( Ms. Close and Mr. Woods ) , who seem to be pushing 40 , live in a large and tastefully [decorated] home in suburban Seattle .",ARG-M-MNR: tastefully | ARG-1: home "SRL for [squandered]: But his chance to become deputy mayor under Mayor Abraham Beame , a plan boosted by Mr. Sutton , was [squandered] because of Mr. Dinkins 's failure -- still largely unexplained -- to file income tax returns for four years running .","ARG-1: his chance to become deputy mayor under Mayor Abraham Beame , a plan boosted by Mr. Sutton | ARG-M-CAU: because of Mr. Dinkins 's failure -- still largely unexplained -- to file income tax returns for four years running" "SRL for [anticipates]: `` This is all emotion right now , and when emotion starts to run , it can run further than anyone [anticipates] , '' he said .",ARG-0: anyone "SRL for [touch - up]: ? I think the reason we win is we have all of those details , ? she said , deftly wielding an airbrush to finish her [touch - up] of the base .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of the base SRL for [heeled]: The ship [heeled] to starboard several degrees .,ARG-1: The ship | ARG-2: to starboard | ARG-M-EXT: several degrees "SRL for [radioing]: In a 1961 incident , a Soviet mail plane disappeared off the radar screen just after [radioing] its position to ground control in Sverdlovsk .",ARG-0: a Soviet mail plane | ARG-1: its position | ARG-2: to ground control in Sverdlovsk SRL for [surprise]: Tamzin Outhwaite has told of her [surprise] at hitting the headlines over light - hearted remarks she made about David Beckham .,ARG-1: her | ARG-0: at hitting the headlines over light - hearted remarks she made about David Beckham SRL for [prawned]: The jungle man [prawned] in the evenings .,ARG-0: The jungle man | ARG-M-TMP: in the evenings "SRL for [defray]: If they are not claimed in seven days , they are sent far away to the Neverland *PRO* to [defray] expenses .",ARG-1: expenses "SRL for [cringed]: When he later sided with striking hospital workers , some allies [cringed] a little more , concerned that Mr. Dinkins was setting the wrong tone for coming contract negotiations with city employees .",ARG-M-TMP: When he later sided with striking hospital workers | ARG-0: some allies | ARG-M-EXT: a little more SRL for [occluded]: IMAs [occluded] proximally .,ARG-1: IMAs | ARG-M-LOC: proximally SRL for [checks]: The computer program 's three [checks] on my king before the final checkmate was frustrating .,ARG-0: computer program 's | ARG-M-TMP: three | ARG-1: on my king | ARG-M-TMP: before the final checkmate SRL for [thunked]: He sighed and [thunked] his head on his desk .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his head | ARG-2: on his desk SRL for [wrapped up]: She [wrapped up] well ...,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: well "SRL for [crumpled]: The blasts blew out windows , spewed debris for miles and [crumpled] the ceiling in an area elementary school .",ARG-0: The blasts | ARG-1: the ceiling | ARG-M-LOC: in an area elementary school "SRL for [doped]: He [doped] the nematic liquid crystal , butoxy benzoric acid , with the dye .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the nematic liquid crystal , butoxy benzoric acid | ARG-2: with the dye" SRL for [voting]: Romney could be left hobbling after Super Tuesday and early [voting] has already started .,ARG-M-TMP: early "SRL for [flown]: Over the course of the past two weeks , since this war began , something like 23,000 coalition sorties have been [flown] , and over the course of the past 24 hours , 1,900 sorties flown , and we are told that , of those , 850 were strike sorties , motor vehicle most of those directed against the Republican Guard .","ARG-M-TMP: of the past two weeks | ARG-M-TMP: since this war began | ARG-3: something like 23,000 coalition sorties" SRL for [lobbying]: That was seen as an advantage in [lobbying] airline employees and Washington regulators for approval of the contested takeover .,ARG-2: airline employees and Washington regulators | ARG-1: for approval of the contested takeover "SRL for [colocalized]: When Myc - tagged mSpry2 and haemagluttinin A ( HA)-tagged Grb2 were expressed in cultured cells , both molecules translocated to the ruffling membrane region in response to stimulation with FGF or EGF and [colocalized] there ( Fig . 1c ) .",ARG-1: Myc - tagged mSpry2 and haemagluttinin A ( HA)-tagged Grb2 | ARG-2: the ruffling membrane region "SRL for [grokked]: Mike [grokked] this was true , but grokked that there was more to it .",ARG-0: Mike | ARG-1: there was more to it SRL for [ineffective]: Amoxicillin / clavulanic acid is [ineffective] at preventing otitis media in children with presumed viral upper respiratory infection :,ARG-0: Amoxicillin / clavulanic acid | ARG-1: at preventing otitis media in children with presumed viral upper respiratory infection SRL for [wavered]: Pro - life advocates say the White House never [wavered] over the veto .,ARG-0: the White House | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: over the veto "SRL for [hiccupped]: He [hiccupped] the bird , the feather caught in his throat .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the bird | ARG-M-ADV: the feather caught in his throat SRL for [armored]: The Marine 's AAV is as [armored] as the standard Army APC - the M113,ARG-1: The Marine 's AAV | ARG-M-CXN: as | ARG-M-CXN: as the standard Army APC - the M113 SRL for [folded]: She [folded] her hands in her lap,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her hands | ARG-M-LOC: in her lap "SRL for [jab]: According to her official website biography , she made her first [jab] at lyrics with a poem .",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: at lyrics | ARG-2: with a poem SRL for [skewered]: The chef [skewered] the chicken to make his kabobs .,ARG-0: The chef | ARG-1: the chicken | ARG-M-PRP: to make his kabobs "SRL for [queue up]: Ma Ying - jeou has no privileges , he carries his ID card to [queue up] to vote along with ordinary people",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-PRP: to vote along with ordinary people SRL for [heeled]: He [heeled] the door shut .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the door | ARG-M-PRD: shut "SRL for [permissible]: We realize this topic inspires strong emotion , but please contain your emotion to those forms which are [permissible] under the Membership Agreement .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-LOC: under the Membership Agreement "SRL for [injected]: When they [injected] the altered virus into brains of aging animals with early Parkinson 's it conveyed the attached GDNF gene efficiently , causing dopamine cells to produce the rescue protein on site .",ARG-M-TMP: When | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the altered virus | ARG-2: into brains of aging animals with early Parkinson 's "SRL for [mainstream]: How many hearts are pained due to these moral decreases and lack of social concerns -- but these really exist and are like weeds in farmland ; they are not [mainstream] , but bring too much negative influence to the healthly growth of seedlings ; based on such events , now is a good time to learn about Lei Feng 's spirit .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [mowed down]: `` We [mowed down] '' the attackers , said Lt . Col . B.P. McCoy .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the attackers "SRL for [plumbed]: I thought they just took an existing closet and [plumbed] the toilet in there , creating a "" water closet "" .","ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the toilet | ARG-M-LOC: in there | ARG-M-ADV: creating a "" water closet """ "SRL for [siphoned]: One son sacrifices his own career so that his avaricious brother can succeed , while another helps support the family with money [siphoned] from crime .",ARG-1: money | ARG-2: from crime SRL for [spent]: The shampoo and conditioner are completely [spent] .,ARG-1: The shampoo and conditioner | ARG-M-EXT: completely "SRL for [copyrighted]: That finding , the report says , casts doubt on the record industry 's contention that the new generation of digital recording equipment will inevitably lead to wholesale abuse of [copyrighted] material by home tapers .",ARG-1: material "SRL for [emoted]: Sen. Kennedy , never mind his dubious credentials for the moral high ground , [emoted] brilliantly .",ARG-0: Sen. Kennedy | ARG-M-MNR: brilliantly "SRL for [retreat]: He told lawmakers it would not trigger a U.S. [retreat] from the Persian Gulf ,",ARG-1: U.S. | ARG-2: from the Persian Gulf SRL for [cruising]: The judge was quoted as referring to the victims as `` queers '' and saying they would n't have been killed `` if they had n't been [cruising] the streets picking up teenage boys . '',ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the streets | ARG-M-ADV: picking up teenage boys "SRL for [Excluding]: *trace* [Excluding] one - time additions to profit in each year , earnings per share were $ 2.47 , up 7.4 % from $ 2.30 in fiscal 1988 .",ARG-1: one - time additions to profit in each year "SRL for [fundraising]: That impressed Robert B. Pamplin , Georgia - Pacific 's chief executive at the time , whom Mr. Hahn had met while [fundraising] for the institute .",ARG-0: Mr. Hahn | ARG-2: for the institute SRL for [baked]: Today whole grains are freshly ground every day and [baked] into bread .,ARG-M-TMP: Today | ARG-2: whole grains | ARG-1: into bread SRL for [convoke]: I [convoke] around my deathbed my friends who are confirmed atheists as I am .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LOC: around my deathbed | ARG-1: my friends who are confirmed atheists as I am SRL for [end]: he awaits his [end] in a prison cell,ARG-1: his "SRL for [sobered up]: after i woke / [sobered up] , i found this one ruby red stiletto heeled slipper that was big even on me .",ARG-0: i "SRL for [subordinated]: The ratings concern said it downgraded Beatrice notes , Euronotes and certain industrial revenue bonds to single-B-1 from Ba-3 and the company 's [subordinated] debentures to single-B from single - B-2 .",ARG-1: debentures SRL for [mumbled]: He [mumbled] to her as he picked her up and carried her to his horse .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to her | ARG-M-TMP: as he picked her up and carried her to his horse "SRL for [listed]: Armstrong 's shares , also [listed] on the Big Board , closed at $ 39.125 , up 12.5 cents .",ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: Armstrong 's shares | ARG-2: on the Big Board "SRL for [send]: It has become popular in recent years to [send] children to academic camps overseas to learn English while getting a look at the big , wide world .","ARG-1: children | ARG-M-DIR: to academic camps overseas | ARG-2: to learn English while getting a look at the big , wide world" "SRL for [preincubate]: If the wanted antibody from another species is not available , you have to [preincubate] your specimen with unconjugated monovalent Fab fragments .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: your specimen | ARG-2: with unconjugated monovalent Fab fragments SRL for [performance]: United posted the best on - time [performance] .,ARG-2: best | ARG-1: on - time SRL for [matching]: There are also several national adjustments and network [matching] projects,ARG-1: network "SRL for [nabbed]: hence a force was sent to raid his hideout and we [nabbed] him from the spot ,",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from the spot SRL for [rappels]: A rock climber [rappels] down the side of a cliff with sophisticated equipment .,ARG-0: A rock climber | ARG-1: down the side of a cliff | ARG-M-MNR: with sophisticated equipment "SRL for [redemonstrated]: Diffusely low - attenuation liver is [redemonstrated] , consistent with fatty infiltration",ARG-1: Diffusely low - attenuation liver | ARG-M-ADV: consistent with fatty infiltration SRL for [refund]: Commonwealth Edison Co. was ordered to [refund] about $ 250 million to its current and former ratepayers for illegal rates collected for cost overruns on a nuclear power plant .,ARG-0: Commonwealth Edison Co. | ARG-1: about $ 250 million | ARG-2: to its current and former ratepayers | ARG-M-CAU: for illegal rates collected for cost overruns on a nuclear power plant SRL for [troughed out]: This is the worst trade release since the dollar [troughed out] in 1987 .,ARG-1: the dollar | ARG-M-TMP: in 1987 "SRL for [resequenced]: We [resequenced] the genome of Clostridium difficile 630Δerm ( DSM 28645 ) , a model strain commonly used for the generation of insertion mutants .","ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the genome of Clostridium difficile 630Δerm ( DSM 28645 ) , a model strain commonly used for the generation of insertion mutants" SRL for [emphasized]: Mary [emphasized] to John that he must never ever call her ' Snoogie - wookums ' in public .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-2: to John | ARG-1: that he must never ever call her ' Snoogie - wookums ' in public "SRL for [shawled]: Winter- tinged wind whistled through wood seams , raising goosebumps on her skin , and she [shawled] her shoulders with her hands .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her shoulders | ARG-2: with her hands SRL for [taking over]: Vanderbilt interim head coach Robbie Caldwell talks about his [taking over] for Bobby Johnson .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: for Bobby Johnson SRL for [profit]: These investors are looking for a quick [profit] .,ARG-M-MNR: quick SRL for [aspirations]: social [aspirations],ARG-1: social "SRL for [cosplay]: One standout cosplayer reinforced the beauty of the male form with his [cosplay] of the August 11 , 2016 issue of Japanese men 's fitness magazine Tarzan .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the August 11 , 2016 issue of Japanese men 's fitness magazine Tarzan" "SRL for [tabling]: A group of four , funded by the taxpayer , was in charge of vetting amendments prior to their [tabling] .",ARG-1: their "SRL for [intuition]: Adem can not know , even with his [intuition] about the created world , how to value Ralph 's ambiguous description of the serpent .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: about the created world "SRL for [sleep]: I 'm not saying advertising revenue is n't important , '' she says , `` but I could n't [sleep] at night '' if the magazine bowed to a company because they once took out an ad .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: at night | ARG-M-ADV: if the magazine bowed to a company because they once took out an ad "SRL for [blinding]: Still nursing anger I listlessly thumbed a car that was slowly approaching , its pre - war chrome nearly [blinding] me .",ARG-0: its pre - war chrome | ARG-M-EXT: nearly | ARG-1: me "SRL for [congas]: He [congas] the dance ray right off the side of the building , thus defeating evil by dancing .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the dance ray | ARG-M-PRD: right off the side of the building | ARG-M-ADV: thus defeating evil by dancing SRL for [obese]: An increasing proportion of US children are so severely [obese] as to be at immediate risk for life - threatening complications including type 2 diabetes .,ARG-1: An increasing proportion of US children | ARG-M-CXN: so | ARG-M-EXT: severely | C-ARG-M-CXN: as to be at immediate risk for life - threatening complications including type 2 diabetes SRL for [cubaned out]: Cubana for dinner or r u all [cubaned out] ?,ARG-1: u | ARG-M-ADV: all SRL for [negative]: The candidate ran a very [negative] ad,ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-0: ad SRL for [colored]: All of John 's Easter eggs are [colored] jet black .,ARG-1: All of John 's Easter eggs | ARG-2: jet black "SRL for [exceeded]: Yearly output [exceeded] designed capability by 78 % , last year already attaining 7.12 million cases .",ARG-0: Yearly output | ARG-1: designed capability | ARG-2: by 78 % | ARG-M-PRD: last year already attaining 7.12 million cases SRL for [tugs]: John [tugs] on the hem of his shirt whenever he stands up .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: on the hem of his shirt | ARG-M-TMP: whenever he stands up SRL for [sopped]: The Priest hath [sopped] the bread into the wine .,ARG-0: The Priest | ARG-1: the bread | ARG-2: into the wine SRL for [lead up]: his [lead up] to his current position,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to his current position SRL for [trekked]: So I [trekked] the Annapurna circuit at the start of the year and absolutely loved it,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the Annapurna circuit | ARG-M-TMP: at the start of the year SRL for [reconciliation]: Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar al - Zebari called during his meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak for supporting the efforts of Iraqi [reconciliation] .,ARG-1: Iraqi SRL for [discharge]: The patient received his hospital [discharge] three days after surgery .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: hospital "SRL for [CT]: [CT] of the chest , abdomen , and pelvis","ARG-2: of the chest , abdomen , and pelvis" SRL for [conciliate]: John tried to [conciliate] the angry competitor with an offer of cherry pie .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the angry competitor | ARG-2: with an offer of cherry pie SRL for [pink]: I will [pink] your flesh full of holes with my rapier for this .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: your flesh | ARG-M-PRD: full of holes | ARG-2: with my rapier | ARG-M-CAU: for this SRL for [darted]: He [darted] his eyes from one tea cup to the next .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his eyes | ARG-3: from one tea cup | ARG-4: to the next SRL for [martyred]: Saint Valentine was [martyred] in the year AD 35 .,ARG-1: Saint Valentine | ARG-M-TMP: in the year AD 35 SRL for [diffuse]: We waited with baited breath for the gas to [diffuse] .,ARG-1: the gas "SRL for [conjures up]: This [conjures up] images of a nation full of trim , muscular folks , and suggests couch potatoes are out of season .","ARG-0: This | ARG-1: images of a nation full of trim , muscular folks" "SRL for [ruthless]: Though she was [ruthless] to her enemies , she had a great capacity to make friends",ARG-0: she | ARG-2: to her enemies SRL for [Has Splashed out]: Khloe Kardashian [Has Splashed out] $ 400000 on a Rolls Royce for her Husband .,ARG-0: Khloe Kardashian | ARG-3: $ 400000 | ARG-1: on a Rolls Royce | ARG-4: for her Husband SRL for [vacuum]: Circus Circus 's flagship casino has become the envy of competitors for its ability to [vacuum] cash from the pockets of vacationing families .,ARG-0: Circus Circus 's flagship casino | ARG-1: cash | ARG-2: from the pockets of vacationing families SRL for [become]: One can understand Mr. Bork 's fear that the new right to privacy will [become] intolerably stretched ., "SRL for [suturing]: I would do a [suturing] , I would take care of sports injuries . I would help someone manage their diabetes or their cholesterol . You know , general medical practice .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-LVB: do SRL for [flow]: Talent [flow],ARG-1: Talent SRL for [comparable]: October Rust is [comparable] by me to Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of The Moon ;,ARG-1: October Rust | ARG-0: by me | ARG-2: to Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of The Moon "SRL for [point]: They [point] at the numerous developing - country governments that have inflated , taxed and regulated themselves into despair under successive IMF programs .","ARG-0: They | ARG-2: the numerous developing - country governments that have inflated , taxed and regulated themselves into despair under successive IMF programs" SRL for [drugged]: The theatre was hot and they were [drugged] with boredom .,ARG-1: they | ARG-2: with boredom SRL for [cassetted]: [cassetted] cores,ARG-1: cores "SRL for [cloyed]: The mother of his babyhood had [cloyed] him with fussiness , the mother of his childhood emasculated him .",ARG-0: The mother of his babyhood | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with fussiness SRL for [spectating]: Nice . Sounds pretty sweet . Were you participating or just [spectating] ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-ADV: just "SRL for [cold]: Pakistani and American officials said Tuesday the hunt for top al - Qaida and Taliban leaders would continue , but acknowledged the trail was [cold] .",ARG-1: the trail "SRL for [downscaling]: ( 2013 ) and Wiltshire ( 2014 ) analyzed Himalayan snowfall by [downscaling] reanalysis data with regional climate models , we have applied a simple terrain adjustment of the reanalysis temperature field .",ARG-0: ( 2013 ) and Wiltshire ( 2014 ) | ARG-1: reanalysis data | ARG-M-MNR: with regional climate models SRL for [organization]: his [organization] of his papers from a messy pile into neat stacks on his desk,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of his papers | ARG-2: from a messy pile | ARG-4: into neat stacks on his desk "SRL for [fiery]: She wears a funky , self - aware outfit , she 's [fiery] about political causes and she constantly argues with her parents even though she still mooches off them .",ARG-1: she 's | ARG-0: about political causes SRL for [messaged]: She [messaged] me back saying she did n't do it .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: me | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-1: saying she did n't do it SRL for [relay]: The [relay] of information via the internet,ARG-1: of information | ARG-M-MNR: via the internet SRL for [converged]: Demographics [converged] with `` mainstream '' and demonizing to seal Robert Bork 's fate .,ARG-0: Demographics | ARG-1: with `` mainstream '' and demonizing | ARG-M-PNC: to seal Robert Bork 's fate "SRL for [carp]: Rivals [carp] at `` the principle of Pilson , '' as NBC 's Arthur Watson once put it -- `` he 's always expounding that rights are too high , then he 's going crazy . ''","ARG-0: Rivals | ARG-1: at `` the principle of Pilson ," "SRL for [premiere]: The operator of cable - television networks said the new Turner Pictures unit will produce movies that will [premiere] on Turner Broadcasting 's Turner Network Television channel , or TNT , and then will be released internationally in movie theaters .","ARG-1: movies | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LOC: on Turner Broadcasting 's Turner Network Television channel , or TNT" "SRL for [hewed]: I found a dry , light log that was easy to work and hand- [hewed] it with my axe to flatten it .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: hand- | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with my axe | ARG-M-PRP: to flatten it "SRL for [amass]: Even with mutual funds , the little investor continues to tolerate high fees , high commissions and poor performance , while index - fund managers slowly [amass] a better record with lower fees , lower commissions and less risk .","ARG-0: index - fund managers | ARG-M-MNR: slowly | ARG-1: a better record with lower fees , lower commissions and less risk" "SRL for [hovered]: For the past year or two , the carpet division 's operating profit margins have [hovered] around 5 % .",ARG-M-TMP: For the past year or two | ARG-1: the carpet division 's operating profit margins | ARG-2: around 5 % "SRL for [expedition]: Ducie Street was not discovered till the Monday , the day that Margaret and her husband went down on their hunting [expedition] to Howards End .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: hunting | ARG-2: to Howards End "SRL for [thrash out]: So far , neither the Bush administration nor arms - control experts in Congress seem moved by arguments that these problems may take more time to [thrash out] than President Bush has allowed .",ARG-1: these problems "SRL for [clammed]: They climbed El Machorro , they [clammed] for 300 clams , the toured our friend 's new Condo in El Dorado , came back and cooked the clams to add to the hamburger supper now being served to 13 people .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: for 300 clams "SRL for [undercutting]: Moreover , the price volatility that is amplified by program trading is [undercutting] efforts to woo individual investors back to an OTC market that sorely misses them .",ARG-M-DIS: Moreover | ARG-0: the price volatility that is amplified by program trading | ARG-1: efforts to woo individual investors back to an OTC market that sorely misses them "SRL for [watery]: Breakfast was a little weak , the diced ham was [watery] the eggs powdery .",ARG-1: the diced ham "SRL for [long]: Still , they [long] for a `` mega - hit '' toy to excite retail sales in the U.S. , Hong Kong 's biggest market for toys and games .","ARG-M-DIS: Still | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: for a `` mega - hit '' toy to excite retail sales in the U.S. , Hong Kong 's biggest market for toys and games" SRL for [re - type]: STEP ONE : You do not need to [re - type] this entire letter to do your own posting .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: this entire letter | ARG-M-PRP: to do your own posting "SRL for [surrender]: In autumn last year , for example , the regime garrison at Kandahar was prepared to [surrender] the city to resistance moderates .",ARG-0: the regime garrison | ARG-1: the city | ARG-2: to resistance moderates SRL for [supine]: AHI while [supine] was 42 ., SRL for [scented]: One animal stepped out and [scented] the air for the strange smell of the new buffalo .,ARG-0: One animal | ARG-2: the air | ARG-1: for the strange smell of the new buffalo "SRL for [vertical]: Patient states he thinks vision has improved , but , he is still getting double vision that is not [vertical] , or horizontal in nature , but , seems diagonal .",ARG-1: that | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-ADV: in nature SRL for [waste]: Business leaders have long criticized the agency as a leading example of bureaucratic [waste],ARG-0: bureaucratic SRL for [worked up]: The decision in Los Angeles federal court stems from a 1985 Mercury Sable TV ad that Young & Rubicam [worked up] for Ford Motor Co.,ARG-0: Young & Rubicam | ARG-1: a 1985 Mercury Sable TV ad | ARG-2: for Ford Motor Co. "SRL for [achieve]: The company expects to [achieve] the 20 % increase in full - year earnings per share , as it projected in the spring , the spokesman said .",ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: the 20 % increase in full - year earnings per share | ARG-M-ADV: as it projected in the spring SRL for [occluded]: The common femoral artery is nearly completely [occluded] with calcified atheromatous disease .,ARG-1: The common femoral artery | ARG-M-EXT: nearly completely | ARG-0: with calcified atheromatous disease SRL for [confesses]: '' Mr. Sohmer [confesses] that it was partly in response to such attitudes that he is now `` a dweller on one of the two islands off the coast of America . '',ARG-0: Mr. Sohmer | ARG-1: that it was partly in response to such attitudes that he is now `` a dweller on one of the two islands off the coast of America "SRL for [terrified]: He thinks government officials are [terrified] to let a recession start when government , corporate and personal debt levels are so high .","ARG-1: government officials | ARG-2: to let a recession start when government , corporate and personal debt levels are so high" "SRL for [wholesaling]: Washington Red Delicious , by the way , are [wholesaling] for less than $ 10 a box these days .","ARG-1: Washington Red Delicious | ARG-M-DIS: , by the way | ARG-3: for less than $ 10 a box | ARG-M-TMP: these days" SRL for [designs]: different machine [designs],ARG-M-ADJ: different | ARG-1: machine SRL for [dressed]: He is [dressed] .,ARG-1: He SRL for [dominance]: Blue Arrow 's [dominance] of the U.S. temporary - help market,ARG-0: Blue Arrow 's | ARG-1: of the U.S. temporary - help market "SRL for [lysed]: Thus , we [lysed] cells transfected with mutant SOD1 at earlier time points .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: cells transfected with mutant SOD1 SRL for [summoned]: Mr. Gonzalez expressed concern over a report that the two had been [summoned] to Washington by Mr. Wall last week to discuss their testimony in advance .,ARG-1: the two | ARG-2: to Washington | ARG-0: by Mr. Wall | ARG-M-TMP: last week | ARG-M-PNC: to discuss their testimony in advance "SRL for [misidentification]: The pilot stated that he was “ fatigued ” during the accident flight , which most likely contributed to his [misidentification] of the landing area .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the landing area SRL for [gladdened]: John [gladdened] Mary with daisies .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: with daisies "SRL for [feeding]: In the early 1970s , when the `` world food crisis '' was a major worry , Phillips Petroleum Co. , like several other big companies , began developing `` single - cell protein , '' edible protein made by microbes [feeding] on non - edible materials .",ARG-2: microbes | ARG-1: on non - edible materials "SRL for [ground]: At left we see soft , flexible yarns spun from high - grade stainless steel ; below , chitin , which can be drawn into thread or [ground] into powder to make health food .",ARG-1: chitin | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: into powder | ARG-M-PRP: to make health food | R-ARG-1: which "SRL for [coming out of closet]: Only after [coming out of closet] was I able to finally explore what I liked sexually , and then I came out of the gay closet .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: religious "SRL for [infer]: Based on his comments , analysts [infer] that Taiwan may in the near future establish formal diplomatic relations with another European country .",ARG-2: Based on his comments | ARG-0: analysts | ARG-1: that Taiwan may in the near future establish formal diplomatic relations with another European country "SRL for [mulling]: While many problems would attend a restructuring of Columbia , investors say Mr. Spiegel is [mulling] such a plan to mitigate Columbia 's junk problems .",ARG-0: Mr. Spiegel | ARG-1: such a plan to mitigate Columbia 's junk problems SRL for [salivate]: The later analogue is the bell causing the dog to [salivate] in expectation of food .,ARG-0: the dog | ARG-1: in expectation of food "SRL for [harden]: In the long run , it may be that the Middle Eastern conflagrations are designed to [harden] the American people to the inevitability of genocide .",ARG-1: the American people | ARG-2: to the inevitability of genocide SRL for [trusted]: I [trusted] in his lordship 's wisdom ...,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: in his lordship 's wisdom SRL for [coverage]: cash [coverage] of interest,ARG-2: cash | ARG-1: of interest SRL for [aspirated]: The patient [aspirated] a fruit fly .,ARG-0: The patient | ARG-1: a fruit fly SRL for [broke off]: John [broke off] a twig from the tree .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a twig | ARG-2: from the tree "SRL for [paved]: Tired of mowing , John [paved] his front yard with asphalt .",ARG-M-ADV: Tired of mowing | ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his front yard | ARG-2: with asphalt "SRL for [settlement]: it made a $ 75,000 [settlement] with Drexel , a record - tying finefor a securities - law matter in that state","ARG-3: $ 75,000 | ARG-2: with Drexel" SRL for [formation]: Personal [formation] into the likeness of Christ,ARG-2: Personal | ARG-1: into the likeness of Christ SRL for [volley]: Flirting pairs [volley] back and forth .,ARG-0: Flirting pairs | ARG-M-MNR: back and forth SRL for [skate]: And we could [skate] to the movie or ride a bicycle to the movie .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-GOL: to the movie SRL for [brought]: She [brought] them shame .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: shame "SRL for [NL]: O / P CL , Tongue [NL] , No Ulcers , Dentition is edentuous with dentures , Gums are good .",ARG-1: Tongue SRL for [misted]: A grey English drizzle [misted] the glass .,ARG-2: A grey English drizzle | ARG-1: the glass "SRL for [permanent]: Her thyroid peroxidase antibody has come back positive and her thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin is negative , so this is most likely post - partum thyroiditis and it would be expected to resolve spontaneously over 6 - 12 weeks , possibly to enter a hypothyroid phase , which could be transient or [permanent] .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-MOD: could "SRL for [recess]: Ill - advised or without proper judgment , the defense attorney managed to get drunk during the [recess] for lunch .",ARG-M-PRP: for lunch SRL for [gesture]: A [gesture] of reconciliation,ARG-1: of reconciliation "SRL for [trip]: When offered a free [trip] from the Bronx , Wedtech 's home , to Washington , D.C.","ARG-M-ADJ: free | ARG-2: from the Bronx , Wedtech 's home | ARG-1: to Washington , D.C." "SRL for [tipped]: Frank Lloyd Wright is reported to have said once that if you [tipped] the world on its side , everything loose would end up in California .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the world | ARG-2: on its side "SRL for [resistant]: Still , I think that Tokyo is more earthquake - [resistant] today than it was in 1923 .",ARG-0: Tokyo | ARG-M-CXN: more | ARG-1: earthquake | ARG-M-TMP: today | C-ARG-M-CXN: than it was in 1923 SRL for [safe]: You are [safe] to drink this .,ARG-1: You | ARG-0: to drink this "SRL for [denatured]: We [denatured] the RNA / primer combinations , assembled the reactions and incubated for coupled RT - PCR .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the RNA / primer combinations "SRL for [legitimized]: There , Mr. Shevardnadze felt [legitimized] to unveil his own peace plan : The U.S.S.R. would prolong a suspension ofarms shipments to Nicaragua after the February election if the U.S.did likewise with its allies in Central America .",ARG-1: to unveil his own peace plan "SRL for [whooshing]: I so delighted in listening to the sound of the needle tracking , its [whooshing] through the grooves , and the immediacy of the music , that I had to share the experience with my new friends on this blog .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: through the grooves "SRL for [demonized]: What shook America was not a battle for justice but for naked power , in which an army of judicial activists rolled over a judge they had [demonized] .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: a judge "SRL for [win]: And Ralph Nader , who may make the difference between a Gore or Bush [win] in several places .",ARG-0: Gore or Bush "SRL for [molten]: Initially , the Earth was [molten] from this release of energy , but a solid surface formed within a few million years",ARG-M-TMP: Initially | ARG-1: the Earth | ARG-0: from this release of energy SRL for [assignment]: The [assignment] of the right name to this new product is very important .,ARG-1: of the right name | ARG-2: to this new product SRL for [re - victimized]: ... I could n't move forward with that uh to forcing her to prison and basically having my son [re - victimized],ARG-1: my son "SRL for [expansion]: a proposed two - step , 830 million Canadian - dollar -LRB- US$ 705.6 million -RRB- [expansion] of its system",ARG-M-PRD: proposed | ARG-M-MNR: two - step | ARG-2: 830 million Canadian - dollar -LRB- US$ 705.6 million -RRB- | ARG-1: of its system SRL for [sopped]: Sweat [sopped] his scalp and trickled down his forehead .,ARG-2: Sweat | ARG-1: his scalp SRL for [interruption]: business [interruption] insurance,ARG-1: business "SRL for [drooled]: After the race , Fortune 500 executives [drooled] like schoolboys over the cars and drivers .",ARG-M-TMP: After the race | ARG-0: Fortune 500 executives | ARG-M-MNR: like schoolboys | ARG-1: over the cars and drivers SRL for [presumption]: Sgt . Crowley 's report of the incident reflects his [presumption] that a criminal act was taking place .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that a criminal act was taking place "SRL for [ferry]: The passenger railroad said it terminated some runs in Sacramento , relying on buses to [ferry] passengers to the Bay area .",ARG-0: buses | ARG-1: passengers | ARG-3: to the Bay area SRL for [frosted]: He [frosted] the cake with an easy marshmallow frosting .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the cake | ARG-2: with an easy marshmallow frosting "SRL for [snorts]: ` ` Big business , '' Mr. Pawlowski [snorts] in English .","ARG-0: Mr. Pawlowski | ARG-1: ` ` Big business , '' | ARG-M-MNR: in English" SRL for [deviation]: The cyclist 's [deviation] from the designated path earned him a ticket from the park rangers .,ARG-0: The cyclist 's | ARG-1: from the designated path SRL for [have mind]: I [have mind] to join a club and beat you over the head with it . Groucho Marx .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to join a club and beat you over the head with it "SRL for [zapping]: This is not only because it kills the unborn , a job at which it actually is not outstandingly efficient , [zapping] only 50 % to 85 % of them depending on which study you read ( prostaglandin , taken in conjunction with the pill , boosts the rate to 95 % ) .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: only 50 % to 85 % of them SRL for [seasoning]: I really enjoyed your descriptions of his foraging and his [seasoning] the crow with plants and such .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the crow | ARG-2: with plants and such SRL for [moiled]: Beneath the joyous heavens men [moiled] at the task of slaying .,ARG-M-LOC: Beneath the joyous heavens | ARG-0: men | ARG-1: at the task of slaying "SRL for [inconceivable]: Man is already a member of a social body when he appears as a thinking , willing creature , for the thinking man is [inconceivable] as a solitary individual .",ARG-1: the thinking man | ARG-2: as a solitary individual "SRL for [decryption]: If it installs successfully , ransomware encrypts text files and displays a ransom note demanding 200 dollars to supply [decryption] software to restore the data to its original form .",ARG-0: software "SRL for [evasion]: I 'd like to know how much it costs to keep every single library open for a year , compared to how much is claimed unnecessarily by MP 's , tax [evasion] by FSTE 100 companies amd QUANGO 's to name a few .",ARG-M-ADJ: MP 's | ARG-1: tax | ARG-0: by FSTE 100 companies amd QUANGO 's "SRL for [slimming down]: But Akzo is still [slimming down] : It recently announced plans to eliminate about 1,700 fiber - related jobs in the Netherlands and West Germany .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: Akzo | ARG-M-TMP: still "SRL for [sugared]: It was a delayed moon , but now the sky had cleared of scudding black and the stars [sugared] the silver - gray sky .",ARG-0: the stars | ARG-1: the silver - gray sky SRL for [charged]: John [charged] his batteries with a quadruple shot of espresso .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his batteries | ARG-2: with a quadruple shot of espresso SRL for [concatenated]: NetBackup simply [concatenated] the original path to the specified destination path .,ARG-0: NetBackup | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-1: the original path | ARG-2: to the specified destination path SRL for [hewn]: We climbed the roughly [hewn] stone steps that led to the elevated platform of the temple under the feeble light from an overcast sky .,ARG-M-MNR: roughly | ARG-1: stone steps "SRL for [locate]: Mitsubishi built the government 's dream development , the story goes , in exchange for the official decision to [locate] Tokyo 's central railway station there .",ARG-0: Mitsubishi | ARG-1: Tokyo 's central railway station | ARG-M-LOC: there "SRL for [have in hand]: ... it would not be reasonable that a society having a right to borrow to the extent of two thirds of the amount of their mortgages should be called upon suddenly to repay sums of money which they might not [have in hand] , or under their immediate control .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: which "SRL for [urbanized]: In our modern , [urbanized] society , many like to imagine their own existence is bloodless , clean , and sanitary .",ARG-1: society "SRL for [make out]: Please [make out] the check to "" AT & T ""","ARG-M-DIS: Please | ARG-1: the check | ARG-2: to "" AT & T """ "SRL for [mistreat]: `` They were willing to [mistreat] us because we had n't shown any moxie , any resistance , '' says William Queenan , a DC-10 pilot and 14 - year Federal veteran .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: us "SRL for [expelled]: Two firms were [expelled] from the NASD , three were suspended or barred and nine were fined .",ARG-1: Two firms | ARG-2: from the NASD "SRL for [vasoconstrict]: for the most part , sympathetic stim . causes arterioles of vascular beds to [vasoconstrict] ( hence the increase in blood pressure ) .",ARG-1: arterioles of vascular beds SRL for [bait]: Fishermen [bait] hooks with chicken liver .,ARG-0: Fishermen | ARG-1: hooks | ARG-2: with chicken liver "SRL for [castigated]: Program traders were publicly [castigated] following the 508 - point crash Oct. 19 , 1987 , and a number of brokerage firms pulled back from using this strategy for a while .","ARG-M-MNR: publicly | ARG-1: Program traders | ARG-M-TMP: following the 508 - point crash Oct. 19 , 1987" SRL for [lays on]: The director [lays on] the tragedy a little too thick .,ARG-0: The director | ARG-1: the tragedy | ARG-M-MNR: a little too thick SRL for [hypocritical]: He was [hypocritical] to promote environmental causes all those years and then object to wind farms barely visible in his backyard view of the ocean .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: to promote environmental causes all those years and then object to wind farms barely visible in his backyard view of the ocean "SRL for [uncovered]: The problems were [uncovered] during a series of internal investigations of the company 's Space Systems division , which has been the focus of two separate overcharge prosecutions by the government since 1985 .","ARG-1: The problems | ARG-M-TMP: during a series of internal investigations of the company 's Space Systems division , which has been the focus of two separate overcharge prosecutions by the government since 1985" "SRL for [pouching]: The eyes have some of the signs of real happiness , the [pouching] of the lower eyelid , the narrowing of the eye .",ARG-1: of the lower eyelid "SRL for [emphaticize]: As the hearings begin , the self - important Sen. Bowman -LRB- Jerome Kilty -RRB- announces : `` Let me [emphaticize] one thing at the outset : We are not looking for hides to skin nor goats to scape . ''",ARG-0: me | ARG-1: one thing | ARG-M-TMP: at the outset "SRL for [taught]: `` She [taught] us more in Western Civilization than I 've ever learned in other classes , '' says Kelli Green , a Greenville senior .",ARG-0: She | ARG-2: us | ARG-1: more in Western Civilization than I 've ever learned in other classes SRL for [bottoming out]: Freight rates are [bottoming out] and starting to rebound .,ARG-0: Freight rates "SRL for [normal]: All nations have them and they all tend to be different -LRB- which is [normal] considering different nations have different cultures , traditions and customs -RRB- , it just so happens that in Israel the requirement is that your mother is / was Jewish , it is different to requirments in other countries but it is no less valid .","ARG-1: which | ARG-M-ADV: considering different nations have different cultures , traditions and customs -RRB-" "SRL for [fight back]: The enemy was only able to defend itself , without any strength to [fight back]",ARG-0: The enemy | ARG-M-MNR: any strength "SRL for [flared]: "" No , he wo n't ! ! "" Stevie [flared]","ARG-0: Stevie | ARG-1: "" No , he wo n't ! ! """ "SRL for [swings]: Aided by the fluid playing of the St. Louis Symphony under Leonard Slatkin 's direction , this `` Serenade '' really [swings] .",ARG-M-ADV: Aided by the fluid playing of the St. Louis Symphony under Leonard Slatkin 's direction | ARG-1: this `` Serenade '' | ARG-M-EXT: really SRL for [pedestrian]: His style is so [pedestrian] that the book is really boring .,ARG-1: His style | ARG-M-CXN: so | C-ARG-M-CXN: that the book is really boring SRL for [Chop up]: [Chop up] the dried slices first for faster cooking,ARG-1: the dried slices | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-M-PRP: for faster cooking SRL for [takeover]: the UAL [takeover],ARG-1: UAL "SRL for [breathing]: With Mr. Icahn [breathing] down his neck , however , Mr. Corry may have little choice but to sell at a weak price , even if it means losing some steel - related tax - loss carryforwards .",ARG-0: Mr. Icahn | ARG-2: down his neck "SRL for [fixes]: the proposed [fixes] for what is labeled "" program - trading volatility ""","ARG-M-ADJ: proposed | ARG-1: "" program - trading volatility """ SRL for [had unlaced]: Yesterday she [had unlaced] it from the loom and had given it a final going over .,ARG-M-TMP: Yesterday | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the loom "SRL for [broken up]: One trial balloon Mr. Spiegel is said to have floated to investors : Columbia might be [broken up] , as Mellon Bank was split into a good bank and a bad bank .",ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: Columbia | ARG-M-MNR: as Mellon Bank was split into a good bank and a bad bank SRL for [apologized]: The company later [apologized] and agreed to make $ 8 million in contributions to charities chosen by him .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-M-TMP: later SRL for [spellbind]: Mary can always [spellbind] John with her poetry readings .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: with her poetry readings SRL for [knocked over]: I would have [knocked over] a liquor store for more quarters to play this game .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: a liquor store | ARG-2: for more quarters to play this game "SRL for [touch base]: Peter just got back to me a min ago and said get the bottom one , can you [touch base] with him ASAP before I purchase it ?",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: with him | ARG-M-TMP: ASAP | ARG-M-TMP: before I purchase it "SRL for [eructed]: As they drew nearer , he [eructed] the parts of a dismembered green frog .",ARG-M-TMP: As they drew nearer | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the parts of a dismembered green frog "SRL for [convoy]: On Thursday , June 21 , NASCAR Nationwide Series team haulers will gather at Times Printing Company in Random Lake , Wisconsin prior to their [convoy] to Road America for the Sargento 200 Presented by Menards .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to Road America | ARG-M-PRP: for the Sargento 200 Presented by Menards SRL for [misinform]: They will make every attempt to [misinform] and misrepresent themselves .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: themselves "SRL for [predispose]: The scientists say that since breast cancer often strikes multiple members of certain families , the gene , when inherited in a damaged form , may [predispose] women to the cancer .","ARG-0: the gene , when inherited in a damaged form | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: women | ARG-2: to the cancer" "SRL for [delete]: SHAREDATA Inc. said it will amend a registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to [delete] a plan to sell 500,000 newly issued common shares .","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: a plan to sell 500,000 newly issued common shares" SRL for [debut]: The network 's [debut] of Pelswick,ARG-0: The network 's | ARG-1: of Pelswick SRL for [corked]: The only story that has been on the news this week has been that Sammy Sosa [corked] his bat .,ARG-0: Sammy Sosa | ARG-1: his bat "SRL for [tussled]: Obama Army Secretary Nominee [tussled] with Obama , Gates over Pentagon budget .","ARG-0: Obama Army Secretary Nominee | ARG-1: with Obama , Gates | ARG-M-CAU: over Pentagon budget" SRL for [inconclusive]: One focus is suspicious but [inconclusive] for lymphovascular space invasion .,ARG-0: One focus | ARG-1: for lymphovascular space invasion SRL for [behoove]: To reflect on this matter would [behoove] us .,ARG-1: To reflect on this matter | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: us "SRL for [dreamed up]: To further load the stakes , Mr. Lane [dreamed up] a highly improbable romance for the Artist , with a young woman who owns her own children 's shop and who lives in an expensive high - rise apartment building .","ARG-0: Mr. Lane | ARG-1: a highly improbable romance for the Artist , with a young woman who owns her own children 's shop and who lives in an expensive high - rise apartment building" SRL for [believe]: You [believe] that Seymour Cray can do it again .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: that Seymour Cray can do it again SRL for [Splice]: [Splice] the red wire with the black one .,ARG-1: the red wire | ARG-2: with the black one "SRL for [marginal]: I like playing chess and while would only profess to be [marginal] at playing it , I 'm always willing to improve ... and move my pieces differently .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: at playing it SRL for [partitioned]: The viceroy [partitioned] the territory into four large sections .,ARG-0: The viceroy | ARG-1: the territory | ARG-2: into four large sections "SRL for [barter]: His [barter] with Lady Stanley soon disrupts the initial meaning of "" mistress "" :",ARG-0: His | ARG-2: with Lady Stanley SRL for [better off]: I just happen to think people are [better off] doing something they actually like .,ARG-1: people | ARG-2: doing something they actually like SRL for [toes line]: You think people should only print that which [toes line] ?,ARG-0: which | ARG-1: party "SRL for [abdicate]: By ignoring costs , U.S. strategists [abdicate] their responsibility for hard decisions .",ARG-M-MNR: By ignoring costs | ARG-0: U.S. strategists | ARG-1: their responsibility for hard decisions "SRL for [balding]: If your shoes are [balding] on the insides , you might be looking at falling arches , or possibly , you 're knock - kneed .",ARG-1: your shoes | ARG-M-LOC: on the insides SRL for [reactivation]: Her [reactivation] of the Wallace Endowment Fund in 1972 has resulted in assets for the scholarship program greatly increasing .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the Wallace Endowment Fund | ARG-M-TMP: in 1972 SRL for [CROSS - BRED]: LUTHER BURBANK [CROSS - BRED] PLANTS to produce the billion - dollar Idaho potato .,ARG-0: LUTHER BURBANK | ARG-1: PLANTS | ARG-3: to produce the billion - dollar Idaho potato "SRL for [storming]: `` Wow , '' said John , `` it 's really [storming] outside . ''",ARG-M-MNR: really | ARG-M-LOC: outside "SRL for [progress]: - I had a bad start to the first term ; student finance was delayed , adding to my stress levels , I was so worried I wasunable to [progress] with work , conclusively it all piled up .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: with work SRL for [digging]: I 'm not really [digging] the trailer .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: the trailer "SRL for [informed]: But a much smaller mutual fund company , the USAA Investment Management Co. unit of USAA , San Antonio , Texas , said it [informed] nine national brokerage firms that it will cease business with them unless they stop index - arbitrage trading .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: nine national brokerage firms | ARG-2: that it will cease business with them unless they stop index - arbitrage trading "SRL for [coughed]: "" I think I burned the wienies , "" [coughed] John .",ARG-1: I think I burned the wienies | ARG-0: John "SRL for [accorded]: The drug will be given treatment investigational new drugstatus , a label [accorded] to drugs believed effective but lacking formal approval .",ARG-1: a label | ARG-2: to drugs believed effective but lacking formal approval "SRL for [recalled]: He [recalled] to the audience a `` strange , infelicitous '' analogy he once heard arguing `` now that we have finally recognized that American blacks have rights , we need to do the same for animals . ''","ARG-0: He | ARG-3: to the audience | ARG-1: a `` strange , infelicitous '' analogy he once heard arguing `` now that we have finally recognized that American blacks have rights , we need to do the same for animals . ''" SRL for [threaded]: His eyes were [threaded] by little filaments of red as if tiny veins had burst and flooded blood into them .,ARG-2: His eyes | ARG-1: by little filaments of red "SRL for [releasing]: Unlikely to be sufficient price and rent rises each year to allow [releasing] of equity from the rental property , plus any fees incurred could make the transaction uneconomical .",ARG-1: of equity | ARG-2: from the rental property "SRL for [complained]: Analysts have [complained] that third - quarter corporate earnings have n't been very good , but the effect hit home particularly hard yesterday .",ARG-0: Analysts | ARG-1: that third - quarter corporate earnings have n't been very good SRL for [abuts]: It [abuts] Sanchih Rural Township to the northeast .,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: Sanchih Rural Township | ARG-M-DIR: to the northeast SRL for [sedated]: He had to be [sedated] for a while .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-TMP: for a while SRL for [indemnity]: The same rule applies to [indemnity] against the indemnitee 's own wrongs .,ARG-2: against the indemnitee 's own wrongs "SRL for [playing]: The film features Daffy Duck in the role of legendary outlaw Robin Hood , and opens to the strains of his [playing] a song on an instrument similar to an archlute or bouzouki .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a song | ARG-2: on an instrument similar to an archlute or bouzouki "SRL for [hurl]: But as they [hurl] fireballs that smolder rather than burn , and relive old duels in the sun , it 's clear that most are there to make their fans cheer again or recapture the camaraderie of seasons past or prove to themselves and their colleagues that they still have it -- or something close to it .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: fireballs that smolder rather than burn "SRL for [touting]: Weirton Steel Corp. , Weirton , W. Va. , for example , is [touting] to homeowners fashionable steel doors , with leaded glass inserts , as a secure and energy - efficient alternative to wooden or aluminum ones .","ARG-0: Weirton Steel Corp. , Weirton , W. Va. | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-3: to homeowners | ARG-1: fashionable steel doors , with leaded glass inserts | ARG-2: as a secure and energy - efficient alternative to wooden or aluminum ones" "SRL for [joined]: In Barry Wright , Mr. Sim sees a situation `` very similar '' to the one he faced when he [joined] Applied as president and chief operating officer in 1985 .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Applied | ARG-M-PRD: as president and chief operating officer | ARG-M-TMP: in 1985 "SRL for [glowering]: Red thrusting out his tawny beard , Handley [glowering] under his suddenly rumpled black hair .",ARG-0: Handley | ARG-M-LOC: under his suddenly rumpled black hair SRL for [manages]: Standard Life Assurance Co. [manages] about # 15 billion in UK institutional funds .,ARG-0: Standard Life Assurance Co. | ARG-1: about # 15 billion in UK institutional funds SRL for [subsidence]: Here ’s a shocking fact : land [subsidence] from groundwater pumping in the San Joaquin Valley has been called the “ greatest human alteration of the Earth ’s surface . ”,ARG-1: land | ARG-0: from groundwater pumping in the San Joaquin Valley SRL for [wakeboarding]: A man is [wakeboarding] behind a boat .,ARG-0: A man | ARG-M-LOC: behind a boat "SRL for [tootled]: As a boy , he [tootled] on a coronet in a local brass band , and later won a music scholarship to the Peninsula School in Mount Eliza .",ARG-M-PRD: As a boy | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: on a coronet | ARG-2: in a local brass band "SRL for [concern]: The ultimate goal of any investor is a profit motive , and regulators should not [concern] themselves with whether investors are sufficiently focused on the long term .",ARG-0: regulators | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: with whether investors are sufficiently focused on the long term SRL for [re - radiation]: Limit the [re - radiation] of infra red heat from our soils to significantly ' turn down ' the greenhouse effect .,ARG-1: of infra red heat | ARG-M-DIR: from our soils "SRL for [trouble]: The people who went to Charlottesville were looking for [trouble] , pure and simple . And they found trouble .", SRL for [coevolve]: They [coevolve] under our rapt gaze over months or years into a modestly complex ecosystem brimming with novel life forms .,ARG-1: They | ARG-M-LOC: under our rapt gaze | ARG-M-TMP: over months or years | ARG-2: into a modestly complex ecosystem brimming with novel life forms "SRL for [phone]: If directors or producers [phone] me and say they know ` Liz , ' I know they 've never met her .",ARG-0: directors or producers | ARG-1: me SRL for [discover]: But when they [discover] that markets are n't always as liquid as they supposed -- markets jump .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: that markets are n't always as liquid as they supposed SRL for [Pseudoprogression]: [Pseudoprogression] of glioblastoma after chemoradiotherapy,ARG-1: of glioblastoma | ARG-M-TMP: after chemoradiotherapy SRL for [sale]: Her [sale] of the stock the day before the price collapsed .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the stock | ARG-M-TMP: the day before the price collapsed SRL for [crude]: We were very young then and our thinking was [crude] .,ARG-1: our thinking "SRL for [refueling]: Mr. Carpenter this month sold off Kidder 's eight brokerage offices in Florida and Puerto Rico to Merrill Lynch & Co. , [refueling] speculation that Kidder is getting out of the brokerage business entirely .",ARG-0: Mr. Carpenter | ARG-1: speculation that Kidder is getting out of the brokerage business entirely "SRL for [holler]: When it was n't my turn in the balloon I followed its progress from the `` chase car , '' listening to the driver [holler] into a walkie - talkie .",ARG-0: the driver | ARG-M-DIR: into a walkie - talkie "SRL for [diplomatized]: it was he who sought out the valley of the Aire , negociated with the hermits , and [diplomatized] with Henry de Laci and William of Poictou ;",ARG-0: who | ARG-2: with Henry de Laci and William of Poictou "SRL for [unlimited]: Although the power of officials are [unlimited] in countries not governed by the rule of law , it is only limited to their own citizens who are as meek as lambs .",ARG-1: the power of officials | ARG-M-LOC: in countries not governed by the rule of law SRL for [overstrained]: Many of the toy makers ' problems started well before June 4 as a result of [overstrained] infrastructure and Beijing 's austerity programs launched late last year .,ARG-1: infrastructure SRL for [cuts]: government funding [cuts],ARG-0: government | ARG-1: funding "SRL for [roared]: ` ` Come ahn , deh hull damn gang of yehs , come ahn , '' she [roared] at the spectators .","ARG-0: she | ARG-1: ` ` Come ahn , deh hull damn gang of yehs , come ahn , '' | ARG-2: at the spectators" "SRL for [dissatisfied]: His grip on power unraveled this summer as thousands of his countrymen , [dissatisfied] by the harshness of his rule , fled to the West .",ARG-1: thousands of his countrymen | ARG-0: by the harshness of his rule SRL for [shame]: and if we miss that moment [shame] on us .,ARG-1: on us "SRL for [tremor]: ... followed by another [tremor] of 2.9 on the Richter Scale at 11.40am today , Met officials said .",ARG-2: of 2.9 on the Richter Scale | ARG-M-TMP: at 11.40am today SRL for [next]: What is the [next] item on the list ?,ARG-1: item on the list ? SRL for [sharpening]: The government is [sharpening] its newest weapon against white - collar defendants : the power to prevent them from paying their legal bills .,ARG-0: The government | ARG-1: its newest weapon against white - collar defendants : the power to prevent them from paying their legal bills SRL for [had the pleasure]: I [had the pleasure] of seeing Mrs. X .,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: of seeing Mrs. X SRL for [hand - delivered]: It was [hand - delivered] to Harrod Harrod 's by the new chief executive Nick Paxton .,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: to Harrod Harrod 's | ARG-0: by the new chief executive SRL for [dunked]: He [dunked] the ball .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the ball "SRL for [sounds]: It is said that , late at night , the sunken junks make moaning [sounds] .",ARG-3: moaning SRL for [recoveries]: Their monitary [recoveries] from insurance,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: monitary | ARG-2: from insurance SRL for [for]: Are you [for] or against ?,ARG-1: you "SRL for [instigated]: The Mahatma , or `` great souled one , '' [instigated] several campaigns of passive resistance against the British government in India .","ARG-0: The Mahatma , or `` great souled one , '' | ARG-1: several campaigns of passive resistance against the British government in India" "SRL for [hanging up]: I asked him some basic questions about the economy that he could n't answer , which resulted in his [hanging up] the phone on me .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the phone | ARG-2: on me "SRL for [filled]: As part of the crew for The Beach , Hilary [filled] the requirement as Safety Diver and at times swimming alongside the Palm Tree laden barge from open water to shore , ensuring a safe clearance from the coral heads in the bay .","ARG-M-PRD: As part of the crew for The Beach | ARG-0: Hilary | ARG-1: the requirement | ARG-2: as Safety Diver and at times swimming alongside the Palm Tree laden barge from open water to shore , ensuring a safe clearance from the coral heads in the bay" "SRL for [gloss over]: `` It provided an excuse for people to get back to reality and to look at the economic data , especially the third - quarter economic numbers , and to realize that we ca n't continue to [gloss over] what is going on in the junk bond market . ''",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: what is going on in the junk bond market SRL for [landslip]: TWO cars were caught in a 300 - ton [landslip],ARG-2: 300 - ton SRL for [cursed]: `` #$%&&^%&^%#$( '' John [cursed] .,ARG-1: `` #$%&&^%&^%#$( '' | ARG-0: John "SRL for [call]: You can [call] it the "" new economy "" or the "" knowledge - based economy "" or whatever , but what is it really ?","ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: the "" new economy "" or the "" knowledge - based economy "" or whatever" "SRL for [rational]: Similarly to how not all claims are created equal , and individual claims require differing levels of evidence , neither are all religions created equal and it is [rational] to dislike a certain religion over another if one can be shown to be more detrimental to another .",ARG-1: to dislike a certain religion over another if one can be shown to be more detrimental to another "SRL for [inquiry]: The tentative settlement between Gulf Power , a Pensacola , Fla. , electric company , and federal prosecutors would mark the end of one part of a wide - ranging [inquiry] of Southern Co. in the past year",ARG-M-EXT: wide - ranging | ARG-2: of Southern Co. | ARG-M-TMP: in the past year "SRL for [adjustments]: Crawford evaluates health care plans , manages medical anddisability aspects of worker 's compensation injuries and isinvolved in claims [adjustments] for insurance companies .",ARG-1: claims | ARG-M-GOL: for insurance companies SRL for [predate]: Both species [predate] fish from pound nets .,ARG-0: Both species | ARG-1: fish | ARG-2: from pound nets SRL for [monomorphic]: The DQB locus was [monomorphic] in the San Nicolas population .,ARG-1: The DQB locus | C-ARG-1: in the San Nicolas population SRL for [racing]: Federal 's employees work long hours and seem to thrive on the stress of [racing] the clock .,ARG-0: Federal 's employees | ARG-1: the clock SRL for [concrete over]: If the scheme did n't work out then the Bureau would [concrete over] the site as originally planned .,ARG-M-ADV: If the scheme did n't work out | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-0: the Bureau | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the site | ARG-M-ADV: as originally planned SRL for [slash]: Shikamaru barely avoided the quick [slash] of the knife at his face and Neji 's eyes widened .,ARG-3: of the knife | ARG-1: at his face "SRL for [spurted]: Crude prices [spurted] upward in brisk trading on the assumption that heavy earthquake damage occurred to San Francisco area refinery complexes , but the rise quickly fizzled when it became apparent that oil operations were n't severely curtailed .",ARG-1: Crude prices | ARG-M-DIR: upward | ARG-M-LOC: in brisk trading | ARG-M-CAU: on the assumption that heavy earthquake damage occurred to San Francisco area refinery complexes SRL for [classifies]: Her recent report [classifies] the stock as a `` hold . '',ARG-0: Her recent report | ARG-1: the stock | ARG-2: as a `` hold "SRL for [idealized]: When she [idealized] the relationship with her boyfriend , envisioning a united and perfect couple , she devalued and excluded me as an interfering interloper .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the relationship with her boyfriend | ARG-M-ADV: envisioning a united and perfect couple "SRL for [homeworking]: Hey miss , are you done [homeworking] and around and free tomorrow night ?",ARG-0: you SRL for [cover]: Give television a chance to [cover] live any breaking of the law ...,ARG-0: television | ARG-M-MNR: live | ARG-1: any breaking of the law "SRL for [struggling]: It is always the people that suffer . Poor Chinese people ! A century of [struggling] , bleeding , weeping , and sweating eventually reduced to nothing ...", "SRL for [immortal]: Every sacred tie that binds life to life , that links heart to heart , that draws mind to mind , be the tie political , be it social , be it domestic , is [immortal] .","ARG-1: Every sacred tie that binds life to life , that links heart to heart , that draws mind to mind , be the tie political , be it social , be it domestic" SRL for [growing]: His [growing] tired of always shaving lead Zach to grow a full beard .,ARG-1: His | ARG-2: tired | ARG-3: of always shaving "SRL for [bottlenecked]: For those of us that actually use it , it 's wonderful -- instead of Powhatan and Chesterfield being [bottlenecked] by lack of roads .",ARG-1: Powhatan and Chesterfield | ARG-0: by lack of roads SRL for [rebate]: AT & T - Have not honored their [rebate] of $ 100.00 for switching to Uverse TV .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of $ 100.00 | ARG-3: for switching to Uverse TV SRL for [respect]: with all due [respect] to speaker Gingrich,ARG-1: to speaker Gingrich "SRL for [protrude]: The eyeteeth ( third from the middle on top , counting each front tooth as the first ) beginning to [protrude] like fangs .",ARG-1: eyeteeth | ARG-M-MNR: like fangs "SRL for [sort out]: Without a microscope and a subpoena , it 's often hard to [sort out] worthwhile causes from ripoffs if all you 've got to go on is the solicitation itself .",ARG-1: worthwhile causes | ARG-2: from ripoffs SRL for [reprocessing]: And uh enrichment and [reprocessing] capability is the core here .,ARG-0: capability SRL for [tie died]: I [tie died] it with Rit dye and a belt buckle,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with Rit dye and a belt buckle "SRL for [prejudiced]: But while better - off Filipinos are quick to cite the logic in using a language as widespread as English , they are often slow to reveal that they are [prejudiced] against Filipino , say advocates of the native language .",ARG-1: they | ARG-2: against Filipino "SRL for [copied]: Email sent ! You 're [copied] on it , so you should be able to see it in your email too .",ARG-2: You | ARG-1: on it SRL for [debriefing]: Rewald 's [debriefing] of an Afgan Freedom Fighter,ARG-0: Rewald | ARG-1: of an Afgan Freedom Fighter SRL for [staggers]: `` It [staggers] the imagination ! '' exclaimed John .,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the imagination SRL for [stoppage]: The fallout from the recent nationwide [stoppage] of foreclosures by major mortgage holders will have a ripple effect .,ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-M-LOC: nationwide | ARG-1: of foreclosures | ARG-0: by major mortgage holders SRL for [planning]: He has a flair for design and is exacting in his [planning] of our installations .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of our installations SRL for [gain]: The company could [gain] millions of dollars if the deal goes through .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: millions of dollars | ARG-M-ADV: if the deal goes through SRL for [parades]: `` Go back to that double - married man of yours who so [parades] his fine body among the young women .,ARG-0: that double - married man of yours | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: his fine body | ARG-M-LOC: among the young women SRL for [judgment]: the $ 132 millon [judgment] against Mr. Hunt,ARG-2: the $ 132 millon | ARG-1: against Mr. Hunt SRL for [performance]: Merk 's strong sales [performance] in the human and animal health - products segment .,ARG-0: Merk 's | ARG-2: strong | ARG-1: sales | ARG-M-LOC: in the human and animal health - products segment "SRL for [anticoagulation]: If no thrombus is evident , heparin [anticoagulation] may be initiated .",ARG-M-MNR: heparin SRL for [reading]: The government issues its first [reading] on third - quarter real gross national product this week in a report that is expected to disclose much tamer inflation .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: on third - quarter real gross national product "SRL for [checked in]: Hundreds of Californians made their way to their computers after the quake , and [checked in] with each other on electronic bulletin boards , which link computers CB - radio - style , via phone lines .","ARG-0: Hundreds of Californians | ARG-1: with each other | ARG-M-LOC: on electronic bulletin boards , which link computers CB - radio - style , via phone lines" "SRL for [mobbed]: For the second day in a row , Lieutenant General Jay Garner was [mobbed] by friendly crowds .",ARG-M-TMP: For the second day in a row | ARG-1: Lieutenant General Jay Garner | ARG-0: by friendly crowds SRL for [bound]: Yet he is also firmly [bound] by his hard - line rhetoric and promises he made to anti - abortion activists during his long pursuit of the White House .,ARG-M-DIS: Yet | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-ADV: firmly | ARG-3: by his hard - line rhetoric and promises he made to anti - abortion activists during his long pursuit of the White House SRL for [shimmied]: The car [shimmied] .,ARG-0: The car "SRL for [overwhelm]: The issue 's smooth absorption eased fears that supply would [overwhelm] demand in coming sessions , traders said .",ARG-0: supply | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: demand | ARG-M-TMP: in coming sessions SRL for [markets]: The company develops and [markets] products for the food service industry .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: products | ARG-4: for the food service industry SRL for [opened]: South Korea has [opened] its market to foreign cigarettes .,ARG-0: South Korea | ARG-1: its market | ARG-3: to foreign cigarettes "SRL for [inherited]: Like all genes , tumor - suppressor genes are [inherited] in two copies , one from each parent .","ARG-M-ADV: Like all genes | ARG-1: tumor - suppressor genes | ARG-M-MNR: in two copies , one from each parent" "SRL for [stock]: Stores in Hispanic areas will [stock] an assortment of Spanish - language magazines , Mexican cooking items and candies .","ARG-0: Stores in Hispanic areas | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: an assortment of Spanish - language magazines , Mexican cooking items and candies" SRL for [threatens]: The new Wall Street of computers and automated trading [threatens] to make dinosaurs of the 49 Big Board stock - specialist firms .,ARG-0: The new Wall Street of computers and automated trading | ARG-1: to make dinosaurs of the 49 Big Board stock - specialist firms "SRL for [indented]: Disguising himself as a houseboy , he [indented] himself to a rich household .",ARG-M-PRD: Disguising himself as a houseboy | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: to a rich household SRL for [service]: More than 100 people their wedding [service] .,ARG-2: their | ARG-1: wedding SRL for [provisioning]: In at least one species of skink in the large genus Trachylepis placental transport accounts for nearly all [provisioning] of nutrients to embryos before birth .,ARG-1: of nutrients | ARG-2: to embryos | ARG-M-TMP: before birth "SRL for [varnished]: Afterwards , to age the painting , he [varnished] it and rolled the canvas around a cylinder to produce the crackle of age .",ARG-M-TMP: Afterwards | ARG-M-PRP: to age the painting | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it SRL for [answers]: They liked the candidate 's [answers] to most of the debate questions .,ARG-0: the candidate 's | ARG-1: to most of the debate questions "SRL for [recuse]: If he can not carry out his constitutional duty to do this , then he should do as the judge in Tallahassee did , [recuse] himself , put somebody there who can get it done !",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: himself "SRL for [fixates]: He [fixates] on his mother , even at the age of 40 .",ARG-0: He | ARG-2: on his mother | ARG-M-PRD: even at the age of 40 SRL for [kind]: He is [kind] to small children .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to small children "SRL for [beautiful]: Casey Kasem 's memorial was ' [beautiful] ' and ' inspiring , ' says daughter Kerri Kasem .",ARG-1: Casey Kasem 's memorial "SRL for [colliding]: According to astronomy experts , the observation and study of this comet [colliding] with Jupiter will help both the in - depth revelation of Jupiter 's mysteries of the rosy clouds , the great red spot , and corona and also help in developing research on the odds , forecast accuracy and explosive effects , etc . of comets and asteroids ' collision with Earth .",ARG-1: with Jupiter | ARG-0: this comet "SRL for [homework]: before you take off , do your [homework] .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-LVB: do "SRL for [occupy]: Mattel has purchased a new headquarters building in El Segundo , Calif. , which it will [occupy] by the end of next year .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a new headquarters building | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-M-TMP: by the end of next year "SRL for [fashionable]: for example , his dress and makeup were very [fashionable] and he had a first love .",ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-1: his dress and makeup | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [reradiating]: I hope [reradiating] that area does not cause any necrosis,ARG-1: that area SRL for [coverage]: maximum fire [coverage] of the entire county,ARG-M-ADJ: maximum | ARG-3: fire | ARG-1: of the entire county "SRL for [insecure]: I can be pretty [insecure] at times -LRB- it 's a wonder I actually made it back to hers , because I was worried I was imposing too much -RRB- , and when I woke up I panicked and said I had to go and get some work done -LRB- which I genuinely did , although thinking back on it , it was a weak reason to leave -RRB- .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-EXT: pretty | ARG-M-TMP: at times SRL for [origins]: the insurance market 's [origins] in a coffeehouse in 17th century London,ARG-1: the insurance market 's | ARG-M-LOC: in a coffeehouse | ARG-M-TMP: in 17th century London SRL for [buckling]: Traders are already [buckling] their seat belts .,ARG-0: Traders | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: their seat belts "SRL for [squirming]: `` She 's being attacked by the demon , '' Mrs. Warren stagewhispers as the priest sprinkles holy water over the [squirming] woman , and the television camera grinds .",ARG-0: woman "SRL for [broke through]: With the discovery of the new drug , the scientists [broke through] in their fight against cancer .",ARG-M-MNR: With the discovery of the new drug | ARG-0: the scientists | ARG-1: in their fight against cancer "SRL for [blossomed]: As ties between academia and venture capital have [blossomed] in recent years , governmental fear of abuse has risen .",ARG-1: ties between academia and venture capital | ARG-M-TMP: in recent years "SRL for [deal]: In a situation where America did n't dare to stand forward , the Philippines ' jumping up and down would be useless , no big [deal]",ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-M-ADJ: big SRL for [left]: When I was 7 my dad [left],ARG-M-TMP: When I was 7 | ARG-0: my dad SRL for [works]: ON programming is simply the way Taiwan television [works] .,ARG-1: Taiwan television | ARG-M-MNR: the way SRL for [allocation]: Each family in need will receive their [allocation] of welfare funds .,ARG-2: their | ARG-1: of welfare funds "SRL for [instituted]: Joseph Riccardo , an analyst with Bear , Stearns & Co. , said that over the past few years most drug makers have shed their slow - growing businesses and [instituted] other cost savings , such as consolidating manufacturing plants and administrative staffs .","ARG-M-TMP: over the past few years | ARG-0: most drug makers | ARG-1: other cost savings , such as consolidating manufacturing plants and administrative staffs" SRL for [on hand]: someone else has to be [on hand] to give out the drugs,ARG-2: someone else | ARG-3: to give out the drugs SRL for [contemplation]: I believe this is definitely something worthy of our serious [contemplation] .,ARG-0: our | ARG-M-MNR: serious SRL for [collapse]: The dancers practiced a synchronized [collapse] onto the floor .,ARG-M-MNR: synchronized | ARG-4: onto the floor "SRL for [wave]: its first [wave] of sales of big , sick thrifts","ARG-1: of sales of big , sick thrifts" SRL for [deglazed]: I [deglazed] the chicken bits off the pan with some port wine .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: the chicken bits | ARG-1: off the pan | ARG-M-MNR: with some port wine "SRL for [relayed]: Luis Carlos , knowing that helping the Americans could advance the career of any Panamanian officer , [relayed] Tony 's reports on the leftist tendencies he observed among his fellow students and , more important , among his officers and instructors .","ARG-0: Luis Carlos | ARG-M-ADV: knowing that helping the Americans could advance the career of any Panamanian officer | ARG-1: Tony 's reports on the leftist tendencies he observed among his fellow students and , more important , among his officers and instructors" "SRL for [insulating]: Separately , the company 's board adopted a proposal to amend its 1986 shareholder rights plan , further [insulating] the company from takeover .",ARG-0: the company 's board | ARG-1: the company | ARG-2: from takeover "SRL for [long jump]: I ran the 100 , the 4x100 , and did the [long jump] .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: did SRL for [go]: The order printers start to [go] on the trading floor .,ARG-1: The order printers | ARG-M-LOC: on the trading floor SRL for [revision]: Her [revision] of the text is based on a newly discovered manuscript .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the text SRL for [married]: They was [married] by the church .,ARG-1: They | ARG-0: by the church SRL for [muffled]: John [muffled] his laughter at Mary 's slipping on the ice .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his laughter at Mary 's slipping on the ice "SRL for [constitution]: a laminate may be said to have a [constitution] of 30 % . 0 ° plies , 30%+/—45o plies , and 30 % 90 ° plies .","ARG-0: of 30 % . 0 ° plies , 30%+/—45o plies , and 30 % 90 ° plies" "SRL for [seroconversion]: In the present article , we present [seroconversion] of hepatitis B virus surface antigen ( HBsAg ) by entecavir administrated in a young child with chronic hepatitis ...",ARG-1: of hepatitis B virus surface antigen ( HBsAg ) | ARG-2: by entecavir | ARG-M-LOC: administrated in a young child with chronic hepatitis SRL for [lymphadenectomy]: left para - aortic [lymphadenectomy],ARG-1: left para - aortic SRL for [smoke]: Her son has n't had a [smoke] in six months .,ARG-0: Her son | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-TMP: in six months "SRL for [come through]: Perhaps because they won , Mr. Bork 's attackers [come through] more vividly than his defenders .",ARG-M-CAU: Perhaps because they won | ARG-1: Mr. Bork 's attackers | ARG-M-MNR: more vividly than his defenders SRL for [out of line]: That blogger was [out of line] when he went online later and basically called her all these names,ARG-0: That blogger | ARG-1: when he went online later and basically called her all these names "SRL for [careful]: One must always be [careful] of books , said Tessa , and what is inside them , for words have the power to change us .",ARG-0: One | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-1: of books | ARG-M-CAU: for words have the power to change us | C-ARG-1: and what is inside them "SRL for [whacked]: Some lousy earnings reports [whacked] the stock market , but bond prices fell only slightly and the dollar rose a little against most major currencies .",ARG-2: Some lousy earnings reports | ARG-1: the stock market SRL for [notation]: They were used originally to distinguish polyphony and its [notation] from plainchant .,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from plainchant "SRL for [parked]: Much of the excess spending will be pushed into fiscal 1991 , and in some cases is temporarily [parked] in slow - spending accounts in anticipation of being transferred to faster - spending areas after the budget scorekeeping is completed .",ARG-M-ADV: in some cases | ARG-M-TMP: temporarily | ARG-1: Much of the excess spending | ARG-2: in slow - spending accounts | ARG-M-ADV: in anticipation of being transferred to faster - spending areas after the budget scorekeeping is completed SRL for [celiotomy]: ... anastomotic leak requiring [celiotomy] anastomotic resection, SRL for [regained]: Mary [regained] possession of the TV remote from John .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: possession of the TV remote | ARG-2: from John "SRL for [tune]: You can [tune] a piano , but you ca n't tuna fish .",ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: a piano "SRL for [deem]: In one feature , called `` In the Dumpster , '' editors point out a product they [deem] to be a particularly bad offender .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: a product | C-ARG-1: to be a particularly bad offender SRL for [attacking]: Mr. Baldwin is also [attacking] the greater problem : lack of ringers .,ARG-0: Mr. Baldwin | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the greater problem : lack of ringers "SRL for [worsened]: Yesterday , Armstrong reported flat earnings for the third quarter and nine months , [worsened] by the stock dilution of an employee stock ownership plan adopted earlier this year .",ARG-1: flat earnings for the third quarter and nine months | ARG-M-MNR: by the stock dilution of an employee stock ownership plan adopted earlier this year SRL for [actuate]: The star was close enough to [actuate] deceleration .,ARG-0: The star | ARG-1: deceleration SRL for [start]: lonely [start] in life,ARG-M-MNR: lonely | ARG-1: in life "SRL for [transparent]: We ould even fly in vetted Indian miners -LRB- with training -RRB- to avoid the secret getting out here . It would benefit us by allowing payments to be made outside our budget approprations process , which is [transparent] .",ARG-1: which SRL for [irritation]: The poison oak 's [irritation] of his eyes sent Johan to the hospital .,ARG-0: The poison oak 's | ARG-1: of his eyes "SRL for [racializing]: And it does n't affect all African - Americans , which is why I do n't really follow the purpose of his [racializing] the story .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the story "SRL for [affiliating]: Fulbright & Jaworski of Houston and Fenerty , Robertson , Fraser & Hatch of Calgary , Alberta , are [affiliating] to help serve their energy - industry clients .","ARG-0: Fulbright & Jaworski of Houston and Fenerty , Robertson , Fraser & Hatch of Calgary , Alberta | ARG-M-PRP: to help serve their energy - industry clients" "SRL for [incensed]: News of the legislative veto appeared in the New Orleans papers , and Henry and William became [incensed] by the fact that they had not been told of the attempt in advance .",ARG-1: Henry and William | ARG-0: by the fact that they had not been told of the attempt in advance SRL for [overinflation]: [overinflation] of the patient 's airways,ARG-1: of the patient 's airways "SRL for [replacement]: Nearly one third of those surveyed had surgery at least once since retiring , mostly on knees with knee [replacement] a common option .",ARG-1: knee "SRL for [burped]: He [burped] a contented burp , slid into bed and fell soundly to sleep .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a contented burp "SRL for [loose]: I have been loathe to believe that any nation , even our present enemies , could or would be willing to [loose] upon mankind such terrible and inhumane weapons .","ARG-0: any nation , even our present enemies , | ARG-2: upon mankind | ARG-1: such terrible and inhumane weapons" "SRL for [judged]: Baker had bitter experience of bigotry from her St. Louis childhood and her days in New York theater , where she was [judged] too dark for an all - black chorus line performing of course for all - white audiences .",ARG-1: she | ARG-2: too dark for an all - black chorus line performing of course for all - white audiences SRL for [navigate]: and what are the potential pitfalls for politicians as they try to [navigate] the issue / ?,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the issue SRL for [getting through]: Two years ago there was trouble with people [getting through] on the phone .,ARG-0: people | ARG-M-MNR: on the phone "SRL for [heaved]: That includes dwellings in the ravaged Marina district that must be demolished , peeled business facades south of Market Street , and houses in the city 's outer Richmond district that were [heaved] off their foundations .",ARG-1: houses | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: off their foundations SRL for [set]: Kendall 's [set] on xr but I 'd rather go to ck . I just feel bad since it 's her bday,ARG-1: Kendall | ARG-2: on xr SRL for [travel]: His [travel] in the country,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: in the country "SRL for [skip off]: When their changes are completed , and after they have worked up a sweat , ringers often [skip off] to the local pub , leaving worship for others below .","ARG-M-TMP: When their changes are completed , and after they have worked up a sweat | ARG-0: ringers | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-M-GOL: to the local pub" SRL for [showing off]: She was [showing off] for the camera .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: for the camera SRL for [moral]: The Federalists did not attack the constitutionality of Madison 's wartime powers but his specific claim that the war was [moral] and just .,ARG-1: the war SRL for [shock]: imagine my [shock] in hearing that Bill Bennet being soundly condemned for gambling .,ARG-1: my SRL for [response]: In [response] to what Karl Rove said,ARG-1: to what Karl Rove said SRL for [dinner]: Let 's have [dinner] .,ARG-0: 's | ARG-M-LVB: have SRL for [curling]: Sine games are good to watch . And then there are some that should not be called sporting events at all let alone be in the Olympics - [curling] I mean wtf is that, SRL for [decommissioned]: ... The three older nuclear plants could be [decommissioned] early .,ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: The three older nuclear plants | ARG-M-TMP: early SRL for [prays]: John [prays] daily to the ancient gods of his people : Santa Claus and Elvis .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-TMP: daily | ARG-2: to the ancient gods of his people : Santa Claus and Elvis "SRL for [thick]: Dad was [thick] - haired , bowlegged , bottom - heavy ; he wore a tangly , hircine beard ; a cigar depended from his lips at all times , the aromatic stub of a flute ;",ARG-1: Dad | ARG-2: haired SRL for [foliated]: He [foliated] each recto with the numbers from 1 to 12 .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: each recto | ARG-2: with the numbers from 1 to 12 SRL for [merge]: The bank stocks got a boost when Connecticut Bank & Trust and Bank of New England said they no longer oppose pending legislation that would permit banks from other regions to [merge] with Connecticut and Massachusetts banks .,ARG-1: banks from other regions | ARG-2: with Connecticut and Massachusetts banks "SRL for [swamped]: Officials expect the Golden Gate Bridge to be [swamped] with an extra load of commuters , including East Bay residents making a long detour .",ARG-1: the Golden Gate Bridge | ARG-2: with an extra load of commuters SRL for [release]: Her [release] from the hospital into police custody,ARG-1: Her | ARG-2: from the hospital | ARG-M-GOL: into police custody SRL for [loosen up]: Your shoes will [loosen up] with wear .,ARG-1: Your shoes | ARG-M-CAU: with wear "SRL for [flocking]: Undeterred by such words of caution , corporate America is [flocking] to Moscow , lured by a huge untapped market and Mikhail Gorbachev 's attempt to overhaul the Soviet economy .",ARG-M-ADV: Undeterred by such words of caution | ARG-0: corporate America | ARG-1: to Moscow | ARG-M-ADV: lured by a huge untapped market and Mikhail Gorbachev 's attempt to overhaul the Soviet economy "SRL for [opining]: You are absolutely wrong , however , in [opining] that this position is some kind of `` flip - flop , '' something newly arrived at as a result of reading the opinion polls .","ARG-0: You | ARG-1: that this position is some kind of `` flip - flop , '' something newly arrived at as a result of reading the opinion polls" SRL for [charged]: Mr. Antar was [charged] last month in a civil suit filed in federal court in Newark by the Securities and Exchange Commission .,ARG-1: Mr. Antar | ARG-M-TMP: last month | ARG-M-LOC: in a civil suit filed in federal court in Newark by the Securities and Exchange Commission "SRL for [open - ended]: The magnitude scale is [open - ended] , meaning that science has not put a limit on how strong an earthquake could be , and scientists ca n't rule out a `` Mega Quake '' because they 've only been measuring earthquakes for 100 years , a blink of an eye in geologic time .","ARG-1: The magnitude scale | ARG-M-ADV: meaning that science has not put a limit on how strong an earthquake could be , and scientists ca n't rule out a `` Mega Quake '' because they 've only been measuring earthquakes for 100 years , a blink of an eye in geologic time" "SRL for [straddling]: Sitting in one of Mr. Palmer 's chairs , which cost $ 425 and have since been copied by others , is a bit like [straddling] a recliner .",ARG-1: a recliner "SRL for [weighted]: At the very least , the odds are heavily [weighted] against the prospects of preventing the Khmer Rouge and Cambodia 's communists from ultimately moving against their opponents .",ARG-M-DIS: At the very least | ARG-M-MNR: heavily | ARG-1: the odds | ARG-2: against the prospects of preventing the Khmer Rouge and Cambodia 's communists from ultimately moving against their opponents SRL for [exercise]: the [exercise] of stock options,ARG-1: of stock options SRL for [pealed]: John slowly [pealed] the bell .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MNR: slowly | ARG-1: the bell SRL for [out of]: and then a yellow block [out of] the rectangle next to each of those,ARG-1: a yellow block | ARG-2: the rectangle "SRL for [undefined]: This finding of a suggested "" germline epimutation "" has been recently described in several publications , although it appears to be rare and the medical consequences and cancer risks are currently still [undefined] .",ARG-1: the medical consequences and cancer risks | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-M-TMP: still SRL for [laying]: One of the signs that follow disciples are their [laying] of hands on the sick .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of hands | ARG-2: on the sick SRL for [clearing]: Kim 's [clearing] the table after dinner was a part of her daily chores .,ARG-0: Kim 's | ARG-1: the table | ARG-M-TMP: after dinner SRL for [indispensable]: He is [indispensable] to the company .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to the company SRL for [etiolated]: An unnatural glow [etiolated] him into a hopeless pale yellow .,ARG-0: An unnatural glow | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-PRD: into a hopeless pale yellow "SRL for [over - pursue]: Particularly , under the condition of n unbalanced structure ; we shall not [over - pursue] economic growth and shall not continuously implement a financial expansion policy to guarantee growth . We shall focus on structural adjustment and promote reform , laying the foundation for long - term economic development .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: shall | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: economic growth "SRL for [blip]: Nevertheless , said Brenda Malizia Negus , editor of Money Fund Report , yields `` may [blip] up again before they blip down '' because of recent rises in short - term interest rates .",ARG-M-DIS: Nevertheless | ARG-1: yields | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-TMP: before they blip down | ARG-M-CAU: because of recent rises in short - term interest rates "SRL for [postponement]: Assyrians are so determined and the government is so determined , to meet all the deadlines and to not get any [postponement] of this uh political process ...",ARG-1: of this uh political process "SRL for [synergized]: However , acephate strongly [synergized] the activity of fenpropathrin ( Dennehy et al . 1995 ) .",ARG-0: acephate | ARG-2: the activity of fenpropathrin SRL for [strangulated]: He [strangulated] her with her jeans .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: with her jeans SRL for [weaponized]: A new report claims that the Avian Flu virus has already been [weaponized] into a pandemic form .,ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: the Avian Flu virus | ARG-2: into a pandemic form "SRL for [harbored]: There was only one place where the mountain might receive her -- that unnamed , unnameable pool [harbored] in its secret bosom .","ARG-1: that unnamed , unnameable pool | ARG-M-LOC: in its secret bosom" "SRL for [recruited]: `` The big word around Specialized is passion , '' says Erik Eidsmo , a former ski - industry executive whom Mr. Sinyard [recruited] from Citicorp to run marketing and sales .",ARG-0: Mr. Sinyard | ARG-1: a former ski - industry executive | R-ARG-1: whom | ARG-3: from Citicorp | ARG-2: to run marketing and sales "SRL for [bothered]: I thought and , I 'm sure , others did : `` You should n't have [bothered] . ''",ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [row]: And he saw the followers working hard to [row] the boat .,ARG-0: the followers | ARG-1: the boat SRL for [wearied]: We [wearied] of the desert scenery .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: of the desert scenery SRL for [justifying]: I 'd have a hard time [justifying] to my students that it was n't cheating .,ARG-0: I | ARG-4: to my students | ARG-1: that it was n't cheating "SRL for [endeavoring]: For the PRC , which is [endeavoring] to move from coastal defense to a blue - water capability , the provocation would be enormous .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: to move from coastal defense to a blue - water capability | ARG-0: the PRC "SRL for [balance out]: Fortunately , people 's luck always tends to [balance out] .",ARG-1: people 's luck "SRL for [fight]: However , Judge Hastings has said he will continue to [fight] and is contemplating an appeal of any impeachment to the U.S. Supreme Court .",ARG-0: he SRL for [blew]: One local Phillips manager said a seal [blew] in one of the plant 's reactors .,ARG-1: a seal | ARG-M-LOC: in one of the plant 's reactors SRL for [immunostaining]: [immunostaining] for mismatch repair protein expression,ARG-3: for mismatch repair protein expression SRL for [tighten up]: You 'd think all the stories about well - heeled communities and developers getting HUD grants would prompt Congress to [tighten up] on upscale housing subsidies .,ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: on upscale housing subsidies SRL for [worked]: Ms. Kirkpatrick [worked] in Tokyo for three years .,ARG-0: Ms. Kirkpatrick | ARG-M-LOC: in Tokyo | ARG-M-TMP: for three years "SRL for [regrafted]: They then [regrafted] the two squares , but each in the other 's place : the belly skin was grafted on the back , and the back skin on the belly .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the two squares "SRL for [prickle]: Not good wine perhaps , for it made my tongue [prickle]",ARG-1: my tongue "SRL for [teamed up]: Gordy then [teamed up] the Temptations with Smokey Robinson , a liaison that was to prove highly fruitful .",ARG-0: Gordy | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the Temptations | ARG-2: with Smokey Robinson | ARG-M-ADV: a liaison that was to prove highly fruitful "SRL for [break]: ... KHS Musical Company used to organize an annual campus rock band competition where many singers and bands got their first big [break] , including Chang Yu - sheng , Tai Cheng - hsiao , and The Orient Express .",ARG-0: their | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-M-EXT: big SRL for [weakened]: John 's stocks [weakened] dramatically from $ 1000 a share to less than $ .50 a share .,ARG-1: John 's stocks | ARG-M-MNR: dramatically | ARG-3: from $ 1000 a share | ARG-4: to less than $ .50 a share "SRL for [flied out]: The night before , Katz had come up empty - handed in a similar opportunity when he [flied out] the bases full in the seventh inning with the Tigers .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the bases full | ARG-M-TMP: in the seventh inning with the Tigers SRL for [making]: a wooden block of his [making],ARG-0: his SRL for [introduction]: its [introduction] of new products,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of new products SRL for [ambiguous]: But other fans were convinced he was being [ambiguous] to trick his followers .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-PRP: to trick his followers SRL for [lucky]: I was [lucky] to be there for this glorious sunset on Siesta Key Beach,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: to be there for this glorious sunset on Siesta Key Beach SRL for [right - sizing]: And so Republicans that are going to be successful next year are Republicans that show a real distinction between the status quo and getting out economy moving again by cutting taxes and [right - sizing] government .,ARG-0: Republicans | ARG-1: government SRL for [pm]: If anyone wants to learn about model watching or how I know this is going to happen feel free to [pm] me,ARG-0: anyone | ARG-2: me SRL for [better]: I am sooo relieved that he is [better] from his bout with rotovirus .,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: from his bout with rotovirus SRL for [foaming]: but I do n't see high gas prices as a reason to start [foaming] at the mouth and chewing on the carpet .,ARG-1: at the mouth SRL for [off turn]: Protesters blocked roads across Yugoslavia and so many coal miners walked [off turn] off power .,ARG-0: the government - run electric company | ARG-1: power SRL for [belong]: You are so damn dumb that you do n't [belong] on Wall Street .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: on Wall Street SRL for [closed over]: They [closed over] the mound excavation to keep tourists from falling in .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the mound excavation | ARG-M-PRP: to keep tourists from falling in "SRL for [assessment]: At this rate William Rockefeller ' assessment of $ 2,533,505 this year will really cost him only about the same as his [assessment] of $ 1,005,532 last year .","ARG-1: his | ARG-2: of $ 1,005,532 | ARG-M-TMP: last year" SRL for [astounds]: It [astounds] me that he can rationalize his self - righteous and greedy actions in Utah .,ARG-1: me | ARG-0: that he can rationalize his self - righteous and greedy actions in Utah SRL for [parade]: Newark 's Columbus Day [parade],ARG-1: Newark 's | ARG-2: Columbus Day SRL for [hairstyle]: Learn how *PRO* to do a [hairstyle] for homecoming,ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-PRP: for homecoming "SRL for [sockdologizing]: `` Well , I guess I know enough to turn you inside out , you [sockdologizing] old mantrap '' ! !",ARG-0: old mantrap "SRL for [tore up]: On Aug. 1 , the state [tore up] its controls , and food prices leaped .",ARG-M-TMP: On Aug. 1 | ARG-0: the state | ARG-1: its controls SRL for [presage]: Analysts said the move could [presage] even harsher action by the banks .,ARG-0: the move | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: even harsher action by the banks SRL for [length]: Face along the [length] of the yellow staircase .,ARG-1: of the yellow staircase "SRL for [kicked]: But two big New York banks seem to have [kicked] those chances away , for the moment , with the embarrassing failure of Citicorp and Chase Manhattan Corp. to deliver $ 7.2 billion in bank financing for a leveraged buy - out of United Airlines parent UAL Corp.",ARG-0: two big New York banks | ARG-1: those chances | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-M-TMP: for the moment | ARG-2: with the embarrassing failure of Citicorp and Chase Manhattan Corp. to deliver $ 7.2 billion in bank financing for a leveraged buy - out of United Airlines parent UAL Corp. "SRL for [unclear]: Under the influence of the alcohol , and with a hot head , he got into an Infiniti and drove away ; at that moment , his "" mind was [unclear] . ""","ARG-M-TMP: at that moment | ARG-1: his "" mind" "SRL for [bivouacked]: He started down at once but , overtaken by darkness and fearing crevasses , he [bivouacked] in a small crevasse without sleeping bag , tent or stove .","ARG-M-PRD: overtaken by darkness and fearing crevasses | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: in a small crevasse | ARG-M-MNR: without sleeping bag , tent or stove" SRL for [tousled]: He [tousled] the hair into shape with his fingers .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the hair | ARG-3: into shape | ARG-2: with his fingers SRL for [Bank]: [Bank] it ?,ARG-1: it "SRL for [stipulation]: There is also an extremely strange legal provision , in criminal law there is no [stipulation] to engage the death penalty for misappropriation of public funds !",ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: to engage the death penalty for misappropriation of public funds SRL for [waved]: This attitude is being [waved] away by sophisticates around Washington as little more than tough talk .,ARG-1: This attitude | ARG-2: away | ARG-0: by sophisticates around Washington SRL for [grabbing]: But such convolutions would still block the networks from [grabbing] a big chunk of the riches of syndication .,ARG-0: the networks | ARG-1: a big chunk of the riches of syndication "SRL for [brief]: And he plans to [brief] the president at the end of the week , U.S. sources said .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the president | ARG-M-TMP: at the end of the week SRL for [reorganization]: The economic [reorganization] of the military sector at the beginning of the twenty - first century .,ARG-5: economic | ARG-1: of the military sector | ARG-M-TMP: at the beginning of the twenty - first century SRL for [bring]: Bush administration officials are looking to the Fed to [bring] down rates .,ARG-0: the Fed | ARG-3: down | ARG-1: rates SRL for [shoveled]: Clerks and postmasters [shoveled] muck out of their offices -- thosewho still had offices -- and wondered how to move the mail ..,ARG-0: Clerks and postmasters | ARG-1: muck | ARG-M-DIR: out of their offices SRL for [osmoregulation]: In humans the kidney plays a huge part in the [osmoregulation] of the body 's internal environment .,ARG-1: of the body 's internal environment SRL for [quilted]: Organic French wool is [quilted] onto that,ARG-1: Organic French wool | ARG-2: onto that SRL for [perspiring]: It was a scorching hot day and heavily [perspiring] visitors were to be seen ...,ARG-M-MNR: heavily | ARG-0: visitors SRL for [scratching]: Tina 's [scratching] of her nose was a tell that she was bluffing .,ARG-0: Tina 's | ARG-1: of her nose SRL for [defeathered]: I [defeathered] the wings and marinated them in a mixture of lime .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the wings "SRL for [subtyped]: She even [subtyped] it as keratoacanthoma type of squamous cell carcinoma , which is a very fast - growing and aggressive cancer .","ARG-0: She | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as keratoacanthoma type of squamous cell carcinoma , which is a very fast - growing and aggressive cancer" SRL for [putzed]: I 'm assuming you already [putzed] with the Audio Mute button or trying a dummy plug in the input ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: with the Audio Mute button or trying a dummy plug in the input SRL for [had misted over]: Perspiration [had misted over] the glass of my suit .,ARG-2: Perspiration | ARG-1: the glass of my suit "SRL for [cleansing]: In the current mood of the Japanese people , journalists and even some industrialists , giving power to the Socialists might be good for the LDP , [cleansing] it of past sins .",ARG-0: Socialists | ARG-2: it | ARG-1: of past sins SRL for [difference]: Volunteers can make a [difference] in their communities,ARG-0: Volunteers | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: in their communities SRL for [rumpled]: The wind [rumpled] the surface of the water .,ARG-0: The wind | ARG-1: the surface of the water SRL for [get]: Could I [get] a one - way ticket from Milwaukee to Orlando ?,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a one - way ticket from Milwaukee to Orlando SRL for [went down on]: Was n't that the first time you [went down on] me ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-TMP: the first time SRL for [wrinkled]: The fabric [wrinkled] around his ankles .,ARG-1: The fabric | ARG-M-LOC: around his ankles SRL for [contribution]: a [contribution] to his presidential library,ARG-2: to his presidential library "SRL for [approaching]: After coming close to a partial settlement a year ago , shareholders who filed civil suits against Ivan F. Boesky and the partnerships he once controlled again are [approaching] an accord , people familiar with the case said .",ARG-M-TMP: After coming close to a partial settlement a year ago | ARG-1: shareholders who filed civil suits against Ivan F. Boesky and the partnerships he once controlled | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-2: an accord SRL for [snuffling]: She could hear him [snuffling] behind her and gave him a tissue .,ARG-0: him | ARG-M-LOC: behind her SRL for [tranquilize]: Nothing contributes so much to [tranquilize] the mind as a steady purpose .,ARG-1: the mind SRL for [adjuncting]: Well so far only [adjuncting] is available to me . i d like to do something else but i m not sure what that is,ARG-M-ADV: only SRL for [skillful]: She is [skillful] at archery .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: at archery "SRL for [impressed]: I have to say I 'm quite [impressed] with what I saw , if he sticks at it he 'll be a champ in the next few years .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: quite | ARG-0: with what I saw SRL for [bricked]: Mary [bricked] the fireplace with beautiful antique clay .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-2: the fireplace | ARG-1: with beautiful antique clay "SRL for [heralded]: Mr. Shilling , who was Merrill Lynch 's chief economist from 1967 to 1971 , has [heralded] a recession for months .","ARG-0: Mr. Shilling , who was Merrill Lynch 's chief economist from 1967 to 1971 | ARG-1: a recession | ARG-M-TMP: for months" "SRL for [loosen]: One roustabout , hanging by his hands from a ladder , bounces his weight on a three - foot wrench to [loosen] a stuck fitting .",ARG-0: One roustabout | ARG-1: a stuck fitting "SRL for [Shaving]: [Shaving] away some of the gain in that unit was a decline in U.S. oil production to 502,000 barrels of oil a day during the quarter from 527,000 barrels a day last year .","ARG-0: a decline in U.S. oil production to 502,000 barrels of oil a day during the quarter from 527,000 barrels a day last year | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-1: some of the gain in that unit" SRL for [comprehension]: He was famous for his [comprehension] of American literature,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of American literature "SRL for [prestate]: We can not [prestate] the configuration space of a biosphere and , therefore , can not deduce that which will unfold .",ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the configuration space of a biosphere SRL for [weeping]: The sore 's [weeping] pus finally stopped after several days of topical antibiotics .,ARG-0: The sore 's | ARG-1: pus SRL for [much]: -LRB- they were n't [much] luckily -RRB- and I would pay for most of the stuff when he was there ; eating out ... etc .,ARG-1: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: luckily "SRL for [shortfall]: In view of projections that in 2005 northern Taiwan will have a [shortfall] of close to 2,100 megawatts ...","ARG-M-TMP: in 2005 | ARG-1: northern Taiwan | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-2: of close to 2,100 megawatts" "SRL for [curl]: `` Wage increases and overall compensation increases are beginning to [curl] upward a little bit , '' said Audrey Freedman , a labor economist at the Conference Board , a business research organization .",ARG-1: Wage increases and overall compensation increases | ARG-M-DIR: upward | ARG-M-EXT: a little bit "SRL for [tabulating]: In [tabulating] what constitutes a legal vote , the standard to be used is the one provided by the legislature .",ARG-1: what constitutes a legal vote SRL for [airlifted]: Tiger itself was founded by a band of gungho airmen who had [airlifted] supplies `` over the Hump '' from India to China during World War II .,R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: gungho airmen | ARG-1: supplies | ARG-M-DIR: over the Hump | ARG-3: from India | ARG-2: to China | ARG-M-TMP: during World War II "SRL for [vanished]: The clash of ideologies survives this treatment , but the nuance and richness of Gorky 's individual characters have [vanished] in the scuffle .",ARG-1: the nuance and richness of Gorky 's individual characters | ARG-M-LOC: in the scuffle "SRL for [strengthening]: Nashua immediately responded by [strengthening] a poison - pill plan and saying it will buy back up to one million of its shares , or 10.4 % of the 9.6 million outstanding .",ARG-0: Nashua | ARG-1: a poison - pill plan "SRL for [aged]: `` Oil of Olay brought with it the baggage of being used basically by older women who had already [aged] , '' says David Williams , a consultant with New England Consulting Group .",R-ARG-1: who | ARG-1: older women | ARG-M-TMP: already "SRL for [reservations]: In one phone call , ski buffs can make hotel and restaurant [reservations] , buy lift tickets , rent ski equipment and sign up for lessons .",ARG-0: ski buffs | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: hotel | C-ARG-1: restaurant SRL for [perceptions]: ... the situation in Lebanon will remain pending the clarification of [perceptions] that the American administration wants to adopt at the level of the region as a whole .,ARG-1: that the American administration wants to adopt at the level of the region as a whole SRL for [complected]: Fair [complected] .,ARG-2: Fair "SRL for [broader]: Even if history repeats itself , Crack Shortbread still does not believe that China has any shortcut to take in the Sino - Russian relations and affairs , or *PRO* to be [broader] , in the military development and the affairs of Central Asia .", SRL for [repeal]: The law here sought to be applied was deprived of force by the people themselves as the inescapable effect of their [repeal] of the Eighteenth Amendment .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the Eighteenth Amendment "SRL for [wrong]: You meet someone who seems so great ... and then , something happens : You find out he is completely [wrong] for you .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-2: for you "SRL for [exist]: Hsia Yang 's fuzzy people [exist] very much within this Eastern philosophical context . """,ARG-1: Hsia Yang 's fuzzy people | ARG-2: very much within this Eastern philosophical context SRL for [listen]: Willliam Greaney said that the influence of the appeals court in New York `` will make insurers sit up and [listen] . '',ARG-0: insurers SRL for [widespread]: Makes you assume this is [widespread] nationwide everywhere there are open primaries .,ARG-1: this | ARG-M-LOC: nationwide | ARG-M-LOC: everywhere there are open primaries SRL for [Atone]: [Atone], SRL for [living on]: The worst part of dying is his [living on] without me .,ARG-1: his | ARG-3: without me SRL for [reasoned]: John [reasoned] with Mary about the reality of Santa Clause .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: with Mary | ARG-1: about the reality of Santa Clause "SRL for [sets off]: A disaffected , hard - drinking , nearly-30 hero [sets off] for snow country in search of an elusive sheep with a start on its back at the behest of a sinister , erudite mobster with a Stanford degree .","ARG-0: A disaffected , hard - drinking , nearly-30 hero | ARG-1: for snow country | ARG-M-PRP: in search of an elusive sheep with a start on its back at the behest of a sinister , erudite mobster with a Stanford degree" SRL for [zings]: That steak seasoning really [zings] !,ARG-0: That steak seasoning | ARG-M-ADV: really SRL for [evacuation]: the [evacuation] of cities in Katrina 's path,ARG-1: of cities in Katrina 's path "SRL for [tooled up]: Wasserburg?s whole laboratory got enormously better in terms of precision and everything else and the factthat they would do much smaller samples and so forth , because of the way he [tooled up] the lunar program .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the lunar program | ARG-M-MNR: the way "SRL for [Laundering]: The solicitor will also ask for source and proof of deposit as part of their Money [Laundering] checks , so it 's not as if you can even "" play dumb "" with a lender .",ARG-1: Money "SRL for [prods]: Still , he says , `` it 's no bad thing '' if all the marketing [prods] people into putting aside a little more .",ARG-0: all the marketing | ARG-1: people | ARG-2: into putting aside a little more SRL for [rescheduled]: ... the first of five small fields [rescheduled] to be brought into production before the end of 1990 .,ARG-1: the first of five small fields | ARG-2: to be brought into production before the end of 1990 "SRL for [lack]: Citing a Judaic law - book of the 16th century which identified a woman for the days preceding , during , and following her period as niddah ` impure , ' Miles has the [lack] of taste to write the following : .","ARG-M-ADV: Citing a Judaic law - book of the 16th century which identified a woman for the days preceding , during , and following her period as niddah ` impure , ' | ARG-0: Miles | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-1: of taste | ARG-M-ADV: to write the following : ." "SRL for [throw]: With a [throw] of 57.28 meters , Chiang shattered the world record for the javelin in the F12 visually - impaired class .",ARG-M-EXT: of 57.28 meters "SRL for [fix]: On Main Street , Alida Verwoerd and her daughters look after the clothes and fabric shop , then hurry home to [fix] lunch for the rest of the family .",ARG-0: Alida Verwoerd and her daughters | ARG-1: lunch | ARG-3: for the rest of the family SRL for [Collecting]: [Collecting] of data for different purposes reduces costs adn thus due account should be made to this aspect when pllanning the data collection programme .,ARG-1: of data | ARG-M-PRP: for different purposes SRL for [unaffected]: Soil mineral nitrogen availability was [unaffected] by elevated atmospheric pCO2 in a four year old field experiment ( Swiss FACE ) .,ARG-1: Soil mineral nitrogen availability | ARG-0: by elevated atmospheric pCO2 in a four year old field experiment ( Swiss FACE ) SRL for [enlist]: Rep. Dingell even managed to [enlist] the services of the Secret Service in his investigation of the Baltimore paper .,ARG-0: Rep. Dingell | ARG-1: the services of the Secret Service | ARG-2: in his investigation of the Baltimore paper SRL for [endorsement]: their formal [endorsement] of a merger with Daimler - Benz AG,ARG-0: their | ARG-M-MNR: formal | ARG-1: of a merger with Daimler - Benz AG "SRL for [reserved]: but I , but I think he 's at a point now where he 's [reserved] us of that % um , you know that she may end up going % um to % uh t-","ARG-M-LOC: a point | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: us | ARG-3: of that % um , you know that she may end up going % um to % uh t- | R-ARG-M-LOC: where" SRL for [focal]: Neuro : Exam is not [focal] .,ARG-1: Exam | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [turfed]: He [turfed] the lawn .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: the lawn SRL for [shift]: This marks a significant [shift] in the interest rate outlook,ARG-M-EXT: significant | ARG-1: in the interest rate outlook "SRL for [fancy]: Many enterprises have successively taken a [fancy] for this "" Golden Waterway "" and are now actively investing in building factories .","ARG-0: Many enterprises | ARG-M-MNR: successively | ARG-M-LVB: taken | ARG-1: for this "" Golden Waterway """ SRL for [widening]: Patient demonstrates [widening] of the gait due to her left knee pain ., "SRL for [forgetting]: On Oct. 19 , 1987 , some investors learned the consequences of entering `` good - til - canceled limit orders '' and then [forgetting] about them .",ARG-0: some investors | ARG-1: about them SRL for [Sacrificing]: [Sacrificing] for the kids,ARG-M-GOL: for the kids SRL for [gratifies]: It certainly [gratifies] my pride as a mother .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-ADV: certainly | ARG-1: my pride as a mother SRL for [lave]: I scoop some water and [lave] the back of my neck .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the back of my neck SRL for [upstroke]: Carotid pulses are [upstroke] and normal .,ARG-1: Carotid pulses SRL for [help]: they need [help] to restrain their darker compulsions,ARG-1: to restrain their darker compulsions SRL for [sessile]: The large polyp in the descending colon was [sessile] .,ARG-1: The large polyp in the descending colon SRL for [burring]: The plant was not [burring] like it did in August .,ARG-0: The plant | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-MNR: like it did in August SRL for [edify]: Please would someone [edify] me as to the premise of their suit ?,ARG-0: someone | ARG-1: me | ARG-2: as to the premise of their suit ? SRL for [flustered]: I was so [flustered] with her I left only 20 minutes before dinner service and missed out on beef and lamb kabob,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-CXN: so | ARG-0: with her | C-ARG-M-CXN: I left only 20 minutes before dinner service and missed out on beef and lamb kabob "SRL for [taking in]: Additionally , there are several San Francisco Hotels close to the vicinity of Fisherman?s Wharf where tourists can stay after their [taking in] the sights .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: the sights SRL for [framed]: After much consideration his mainland policy has been [framed] as working toward the middle stage of the National Reunification Guidelines .,ARG-M-TMP: After much consideration | ARG-1: his mainland policy | ARG-2: as working toward the middle stage of the National Reunification Guidelines SRL for [equilibrated]: Then we [equilibrated] the solution with 5 % CO2 .,ARG-M-DIS: Then | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the solution | ARG-2: with 5 % CO2 SRL for [eluted]: CYPHER stent [eluted] the drug,ARG-0: CYPHER stent | ARG-1: the drug "SRL for [crude]: We readily agree with the judge that the defendant 's statement was "" [crude] , unprofessional , "" and "" vulgar , """,ARG-1: the defendant 's statement SRL for [damaging]: Hillary Clinton is about as [damaging] to the Dem Party as Jeremiah Wright .,ARG-0: Hillary Clinton | ARG-M-ADV: about | ARG-M-ADV: as | ARG-1: to the Dem Party | C-ARG-M-ADV: as Jeremiah Wright SRL for [manufacturing]: because they 're above a furniture store right now like doing [manufacturing] .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-LVB: doing SRL for [zonate]: In P. marginatum the apical meristem of the inflorescence is [zonate] in configuration and is unusually elongate,ARG-M-ADV: In P. marginatum | ARG-1: the apical meristem of the inflorescence | ARG-M-ADV: in configuration "SRL for [lingers]: The perception [lingers] , says an official at a major industrial company .",ARG-1: The perception "SRL for [wheel spinning]: They were returned early today by my mum and my brother who decided to have them overnight and then take them to a lamb petting day -LRB- I ca nt go being rather pregnant -RRB- , my brother s parting words were ' i m about a minute away from chinning them , [wheel spinning] over their lifeless bodies and leaving them a rough sketch of the way home '",ARG-0: i | ARG-2: over their lifeless bodies "SRL for [discovered]: Intel said that last week a customer [discovered] two flaws in its 80486 microprocessor chip 's `` floating - point unit '' , a set of circuits that do certain calculations .","ARG-M-TMP: last week | ARG-0: a customer | ARG-1: two flaws in its 80486 microprocessor chip 's `` floating - point unit '' , a set of circuits that do certain calculations" "SRL for [broke in]: He was about to make a gas check on his flight when Todman 's voice [broke in] : "" Sweeneys ! ! ""","ARG-0: Todman 's voice | ARG-1: "" Sweeneys ! ! """ "SRL for [retools]: Hard - hitting consultants match ads with Mr. Courter 's team , and Mr. Florio [retools] himself as the lean , mean Democratic fighting machine of the 1990s .","ARG-0: Mr. Florio | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: as the lean , mean Democratic fighting machine of the 1990s" SRL for [interchanged]: The con artists [interchanged] the original with a fake Rembrandt .,ARG-0: The con artists | ARG-1: the original | ARG-2: with a fake Rembrandt "SRL for [>]: mod drusen and RPE changes OU , egg yolk lesion OD [>] OS edema , exudates , or hemorrhage , OU",ARG-1: OD | ARG-2: OS SRL for [jockeyed]: The salesmen [jockeyed] them into buying a car .,ARG-0: The salesmen | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: into buying a car SRL for [impact]: the economic [impact] here,ARG-1: economic | ARG-M-LOC: here "SRL for [offensive]: sorry , but tell me when was the last time India was [offensive] against Pakistan in that border ?",ARG-0: India | ARG-1: against Pakistan | ARG-M-LOC: in that border | ARG-M-TMP: the last time SRL for [stumped]: Such questions leave him [stumped] .,ARG-1: him SRL for [blows]: The coach gave three sharp [blows] on his whistle to stop the play .,ARG-M-MNR: sharp | ARG-1: on his whistle "SRL for [abbreviated]: He secretly planned and founded the "" Palestinian National Liberation Movement , "" [abbreviated] the "" FATAH . ""","ARG-1: the "" Palestinian National Liberation Movement , "" | ARG-4: the "" FATAH . """ SRL for [appears]: The percentage of lung cancer deaths among the workers at the West Groton MA paper factory [appears] to be the highest for any asbestos workers studied in Western industrialized countries .,ARG-1: The percentage of lung cancer deaths among the workers at the West Groton MA paper factory | C-ARG-1: to be the highest for any asbestos workers studied in Western industrialized countries "SRL for [enlisted]: Back in the chase car , we drove around some more , got stuck in a ditch , [enlisted] the aid of a local farmer to get out the trailer hitch and pull us out of the ditch .",ARG-M-LOC: Back in the chase car | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the aid of a local farmer to get out the trailer hitch and pull us out of the ditch SRL for [work]: There 's a certain cruel logic at [work] here,ARG-1: a certain cruel logic SRL for [seal]: Demographics converged with `` mainstream '' and demonizing to [seal] Robert Bork 's fate .,ARG-0: Demographics | ARG-1: Robert Bork 's fate "SRL for [drained]: The clutter of the 1940s remains , but its color has [drained] away , and the will to overcome has been defeated .",ARG-2: its color | ARG-M-ADV: away "SRL for [stoppage]: This design was abandoned owing to the difficulty experienced in keeping tight the large flue in which was placed the group of superheater elements , as well as to trouble with this flue , due to its [stoppage] with cinders .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: with cinders SRL for [embalmed]: Their bodies are then [embalmed] and shipped to schools .,ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: Their bodies "SRL for [burst]: The primitive operations also [burst] out the back door into a small courtyard , where an ancient press squeezes rubber solution into a flat strip and newly made tires are cooled in a bathtub filled with water .","ARG-1: The primitive operations | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-5: out the back door | ARG-4: into a small courtyard , where an ancient press squeezes rubber solution into a flat strip and newly made tires are cooled in a bathtub filled with water" "SRL for [affirmation]: He shrugged slightly at the horror in Serenity 's voice as she talked , nodding his [affirmation] to her that yes , he was a demon .","ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to her | ARG-1: that yes , he was a demon" "SRL for [tied]: Not only is development of the new company 's initial machine [tied] directly to Mr. Cray , so is its balance sheet .",ARG-1: development of the new company 's initial machine | ARG-M-ADV: directly | ARG-2: to Mr. Cray SRL for [slow]: He is always [slow] to reimburse us .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-TMP: always | C-ARG-1: to reimburse us SRL for [subject]: The small child was [subject] to colds and fever .,ARG-1: The small child | ARG-2: to colds and fever SRL for [interrelate]: We [interrelate] the declinable words to those abstract concepts,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the declinable words | ARG-2: to those abstract concepts "SRL for [lie in]: She even asked if I wanted her to come back to my house , but I refused and said something stupid like ' nah , it 's okay , have a [lie in] , ' which I 've been kicking myself for .",ARG-M-LVB: have SRL for [offering]: a $ 1.6 billion [offering] for TW Food Services Inc.,ARG-2: a $ 1.6 billion | ARG-1: for TW Food Services Inc. SRL for [landlocked]: The harbour in Lance Cove is completely [landlocked] by debris .,ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-1: The harbour in Lance Cove | ARG-2: by debris "SRL for [singled out]: The man was [singled out] from the throng of Russian visionaries as "" the man with a program "" .","ARG-1: The man | ARG-2: from the throng of Russian visionaries | ARG-3: as "" the man with a program """ SRL for [flagellated]: His caustic wit [flagellated] her ego into shreds .,ARG-0: His caustic wit | ARG-1: her ego | ARG-2: into shreds "SRL for [thought]: It was originally [thought] that the Taipei - Ilan Expressway , due for completion in 2003 , would also bring Pinglin new benefits , but the government is now planning to restrict the interchange to only large vehicles and locals from Pinglin .","ARG-1: that the Taipei - Ilan Expressway , due for completion in 2003 , would also bring Pinglin new benefits | ARG-M-ADV: originally" SRL for [verdict]: The jury 's guilty [verdict] in the murder trial,ARG-0: The jury 's | ARG-1: guilty | ARG-2: in the murder trial SRL for [operated]: He says that he had never [operated] the saw on a piece of material as small as those he was using at the time of the injury .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: the saw | ARG-2: on a piece of material as small as those he was using at the time of the injury "SRL for [stabbed]: When he initially refused , he says , they [stabbed] him in the back and made off with $ 2,000 and 280 blank tickets .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: in the back "SRL for [shuttled]: Company officials and union representatives did n't meet face to face , but the mediator [shuttled] between the two groups .",ARG-1: the mediator | ARG-2: between the two groups SRL for [dipped]: Sales [dipped] 3.6 % to $ 3.92 billion from $ 4.07 billion .,ARG-1: Sales | ARG-2: 3.6 % | ARG-4: to $ 3.92 billion | ARG-3: from $ 4.07 billion "SRL for [shore up]: Mr. Spoon said the plan is not an attempt to [shore up] a decline in ad pages in the first nine months of 1989 ; Newsweek 's ad pages totaled 1,620 , a drop of 3.2 % from last year , according to Publishers Information Bureau .",ARG-1: a decline in ad pages in the first nine months of 1989 "SRL for [descried]: The boys had to learn English and American culture on the fly , a process he [descried] as "" tough but fun . ""","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a process | ARG-M-PRD: as "" tough but fun . """ "SRL for [pacing]: Also she is an excellent narrative writer , and her [pacing] of stories seems to be second nature to her .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of stories SRL for [remanded]: SciMed said the appeals court [remanded] the case back to the district court for further proceedings .,ARG-0: the appeals court | ARG-1: the case | ARG-2: back to the district court | ARG-M-PNC: for further proceedings "SRL for [quieted]: Activity [quieted] in the New York City bond market , where heavy investor selling last week drove yields on the issuer 's full faith and credit backed bonds up as much as 0.50 percentage point .","ARG-1: Activity | ARG-M-LOC: in the New York City bond market , where heavy investor selling last week drove yields on the issuer 's full faith and credit backed bonds up as much as 0.50 percentage point" SRL for [gush]: Glossy brochures circulated at racetracks [gush] about the limelight of the winner 's circle and high - society schmoozing .,ARG-0: Glossy brochures circulated at racetracks | ARG-1: about the limelight of the winner 's circle and high - society schmoozing SRL for [throbbed]: ... it was like the bandaged wound on the back of his head which occasionally [throbbed] ; it was merely another part of his weakness .,ARG-1: the bandaged wound on the back of his head | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-M-TMP: occasionally SRL for [respect]: his [respect] for the law,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: for the law SRL for [association]: Washington Wizards ' owner ended the three - year [association] with Jordan,ARG-M-TMP: three - year | ARG-2: with Jordan "SRL for [overthrow]: Here , at a soccer stadium near the black township of Soweto yesterday , were eight leaders of the African National Congress , seven of whom had spent most of their adult lives in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to [overthrow] the government .",ARG-0: seven of whom | ARG-1: the government SRL for [Added]: [Added] to this is the perennial problem of class sizes being too large .,ARG-1: the perennial problem of class sizes being too large | ARG-2: to this SRL for [evacuate]: [Thousands of residents of low - lying areas]-1 were ordered [*-1]-2 [*-2] to [evacuate] as the storm headed north in the Gulf of Mexico with 80 mph winds ., SRL for [zilla'd]: I just been [zilla'd] lately,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-TMP: lately SRL for [contraindicates]: Pregnancy [contraindicates] most vaccines .,ARG-1: Pregnancy | ARG-2: most vaccines "SRL for [smoke]: If I had n't have had anything to drink the other night , I most probably would n't have had a [smoke] of that cigarette .",ARG-M-ADV: If I had n't have had anything to drink the other night | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: most probably | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: of that cigarette SRL for [aggrieved]: the appellant felt himself [aggrieved] by the judgment from which he so appealed,ARG-1: by | ARG-0: the judgment from which he so appealed "SRL for [dangling]: `` We backed this bill because we thought it would help Skinner , '' one Republican said , `` and now we 're out there [dangling] in the wind . ''",ARG-1: we | ARG-M-LOC: in the wind SRL for [bound]: She was [bound] by her corset to the frame .,ARG-1: She | ARG-3: by her corset | ARG-2: to the frame SRL for [derive]: We have a vibrant and exciting relationship from which we both [derive] mass benefit .,R-ARG-2: from which | ARG-0: we both | ARG-1: mass benefit | ARG-2: a vibrant and exciting relationship SRL for [show]: Broadway 's new Andrew Lloyd Webber [show],ARG-3: Broadway 's | ARG-0: Andrew Lloyd Webber SRL for [overreached]: He [overreached] his aunt in getting his money .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his aunt | ARG-M-LOC: in getting his money SRL for [surfeit]: False ideas [surfeit] another sector of our life .,ARG-0: False ideas | ARG-1: another sector of our life SRL for [underachieved]: How can someone who [underachieved] on the SAT score 680 - 700 on the GMAT ?,ARG-0: who | ARG-1: on the SAT SRL for [hypercontrol]: You have to trust people and nail those attempts to control and [hypercontrol] this case .,ARG-0: those attempts | ARG-1: this case "SRL for [recirculated]: Though a portion of the air on planes is [recirculated] , it must pass through very restrictive filters .",ARG-1: a portion of the air on planes SRL for [demonstrate]: The bank added that it believes the review will `` [demonstrate] that First Union is in compliance with the requirements of the Community Reinvestment Act . '',ARG-0: the review | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: that First Union is in compliance with the requirements of the Community Reinvestment Act "SRL for [cocked]: He stood up , [cocked] his head and eyed Gun coldly .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his head SRL for [session]: The President 's scripted [session] with troops in Iraq,ARG-0: The President 's | ARG-M-ADJ: scripted | ARG-2: with troops in Iraq "SRL for [defuse]: Earlier this week , Dr. Sullivan tried to [defuse] these charges by stressing that candidates to head the NIH and the CDC will be judged by `` standards of scientific and administrative excellence , '' not politics .","ARG-0: Dr. Sullivan | ARG-1: these charges | ARG-M-MNR: by stressing that candidates to head the NIH and the CDC will be judged by `` standards of scientific and administrative excellence , '' not politics" "SRL for [discourage]: As followers of the debate over a capital - gains tax cut know [*?*] , there is much talk in Congress and indeed all over Washington about the need [*] to `` encourage '' long - term investment and [discourage] the financial sector 's presumed obsession with the short term .",ARG-1: the financial sector 's presumed obsession with the short term SRL for [wound up]: John [wound up] his watch .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his watch "SRL for [befitting]: He called the Arab leaders to take a stand "" [befitting] the sacrifices "" of the Palestinian people .","ARG-1: a stand | ARG-2: the sacrifices "" of the Palestinian people" SRL for [unzipped]: Fred [unzipped] his jacket .,ARG-0: Fred | ARG-1: his jacket SRL for [lints]: This sweater [lints] too much,ARG-1: This sweater | ARG-M-EXT: too much SRL for [juggling]: A young boy practices [juggling] in a parking lot,ARG-0: A young boy | ARG-M-LOC: in a parking lot SRL for [deconditioned]: lack of exercise [deconditioned] her,ARG-0: lack of exercise | ARG-1: her "SRL for [kayoed]: Anne Burford , the former EPA chief who resigned under fire in 1983 during a flap with Congress , was [kayoed] in the confrontation , even though she was never charged with official wrondgoing .","ARG-1: Anne Burford , the former EPA chief who resigned under fire in 1983 during a flap with Congress | ARG-M-LOC: in the confrontation | ARG-M-ADV: even though she was never charged with official wrondgoing" "SRL for [considered]: The newspaper remarked that Kawamura Takayuki kept emphasizing that his thoughts had been ill - [considered] with regard to an important issue like the Nanjing Massacre , "" Unlike the relations between two governments , non - governmental exchanges are extremely important in improving the trust between the people of these two countries . Kawamura 's statement , no matter as a politician or as a mayor , was improper . """,ARG-1: his thoughts | ARG-M-MNR: ill | ARG-M-ADV: with regard to an important issue like the Nanjing Massacre SRL for [declaw]: Should I [declaw] my cat ?,ARG-M-MOD: Should | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my cat SRL for [wagged]: In answer the little dog [wagged] its tail several times,ARG-0: the little dog | ARG-1: its tail | ARG-M-ADV: several times "SRL for [re - issued]: Information statements may be [re - issued] with additional information , though normally these messages are not updated .",ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: Information statements | ARG-M-MNR: with additional information | ARG-M-ADV: though normally these messages are not updated SRL for [thoughtless]: he was [thoughtless] to keep me waiting for my tea .,ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to keep me waiting for my tea SRL for [industrialization]: the province 's rapid [industrialization],ARG-1: the province 's | ARG-M-MNR: rapid SRL for [made light]: Again he [made light] of his wound,ARG-M-TMP: Again | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: of his wound SRL for [pursuit]: His [pursuit] of good discipline,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of good discipline "SRL for [caulked]: Nights , he [caulked] the door 's gap with a wet bathroom towel .",ARG-M-TMP: Nights | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the door 's gap | ARG-2: with a wet bathroom towel "SRL for [fitting]: The music is [fitting] with the theme , if a little to too relaxing considering you are being chased by two flaming meteors intent of your destruction .",ARG-1: The music | ARG-2: with the theme | ARG-M-ADV: if a little to too relaxing considering you are being chased by two flaming meteors intent of your destruction SRL for [u - turn]: My illegal [u - turn] was caught on camera,ARG-0: My | ARG-M-MNR: illegal SRL for [offend]: Criminals who [offend] again and again,ARG-0: Criminals | ARG-M-TMP: again and again "SRL for [buttoned]: The bodice beneath was [buttoned] and , withdrawing his lips fromhers , he set her upright on his knee and started to undo it , unhurriedly as if she were achild .",ARG-1: The bodice beneath SRL for [soliciting]: Hilton currently is [soliciting] bids for a sale of part or all of its hotel and casino businesses .,ARG-0: Hilton | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-1: bids | ARG-M-PRD: for a sale of part or all of its hotel and casino businesses SRL for [abuse]: The mayor was indicted for the [abuse] of public funds .,ARG-1: of public funds SRL for [populating]: There are moments in this `` Summerfolk '' when the characters [populating] the vast multilevel country house ( which looks like a parody of Frank Lloyd Wright and is designed by Victoria Petrovich ) spout philosophic bon mots with the self - conscious rat - a - tat - tat pacing of `` Laugh In . '',ARG-2: the characters | ARG-1: the vast multilevel country house ( which looks like a parody of Frank Lloyd Wright and is designed by Victoria Petrovich ) "SRL for [degrade]: Tencel , made from wood cellulose , has given the lie to the notion that man - made fibers never [degrade] , and is set to become one of the most import fibers of the coming environmental century .",ARG-1: man - made fibers | ARG-M-NEG: never "SRL for [aching]: Having resided in the great state of California for the past seven years , I find it hard to ignore our environmental problems when I start my commute to work with eyes tearing and head [aching] from the polluted air ; when I try to enjoy the beaches and come home covered with tar and oil ; when I hear of numerous deaths related to irresponsible processing of cheese and use of chemicals in fruit growing .",ARG-0: head | ARG-M-CAU: from the polluted air SRL for [noted]: The poll also [noted] fear of a takeover as a stress - producing event in larger companies .,ARG-0: The poll | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: fear of a takeover | ARG-3: as a stress - producing event in larger companies "SRL for [maturity]: We witness her [maturity] from a scared , terrified teen to a woman understanding and accepting her fate .","ARG-1: her | ARG-2: from a scared , terrified teen | ARG-3: to a woman understanding and accepting her fate" SRL for [miced]: John [miced] the stage .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the stage SRL for [removable]: The mass was unfortunately not [removable] endoscopically .,ARG-1: The mass | ARG-M-ADV: unfortunately | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-MNR: endoscopically "SRL for [hot]: For a time , online discussion was [hot] , and people refused to yield even an inch , with a great tendency to making a gigantic issue out of it .",ARG-M-TMP: For a time | ARG-1: online discussion "SRL for [prospection]: In addition to encapsulating the preceding text , a sentence can make a [prospection] about the next sentence , thus establishing a need for the next sentence to fulfil the prospection if coherence is to be maintained .",ARG-0: a sentence | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: about the next sentence SRL for [thrummed]: Occasionally Sidney [thrummed] a tune on the banjo to amuse the infant .,ARG-M-TMP: Occasionally | ARG-0: Sidney | ARG-1: a tune | ARG-2: on the banjo | ARG-M-PRP: to amuse the infant SRL for [employment]: [employment] with Taiwanese firms,ARG-0: with Taiwanese firms "SRL for [detailing]: MiniScribe filed a status report with the NASD on Monday , [detailing] its efforts to comply with listing requirements and requesting an extension of the exception , but has n't received a response .",ARG-0: a status report | ARG-1: its efforts to comply with listing requirements "SRL for [concentrate]: The move also would allow the company to [concentrate] on core businesses , which include ceramic tile , floor coverings and furniture .","ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: on core businesses , which include ceramic tile , floor coverings and furniture" "SRL for [slopes]: Scenario 1 , known as the `` Constant Dollar Freeze , '' reimburses the Pentagon for inflation only -- it [slopes] upward at 4 % per year .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-DIR: upward | ARG-2: at 4 % per year "SRL for [lightheadedness]: Patient presented with dizziness , [lightheadedness] , and weakness", SRL for [nitrosylated]: We [nitrosylated] recombinant STAT3 for 2 hours with GSNO and pulled down with STAT3 gel shift oligonucleotides conjugated with agarose .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: recombinant STAT3 | ARG-2: with GSNO "SRL for [sniveled]: "" I 'm having a bad dream , "" he [sniveled] .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: "" I 'm having a bad dream , """ "SRL for [cheesy]: But being valentines day , should i ask her out and give her a card , or would that be [cheesy] .",ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: that SRL for [retransferred]: Arms of U.S. origin can not be [retransferred] without approval by the United States .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: Arms of U.S. origin | ARG-M-MNR: without approval by the United States "SRL for [fits]: Conner is supplying hard - disk drives for the machine , which weighs only six pounds and [fits] in a briefcase .",ARG-1: the machine | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: in a briefcase "SRL for [pitting]: The battle has turned into a civil war at some firms and organizations , causing internal contradictions and [pitting] employee against employee .",ARG-0: The battle | ARG-1: employee | ARG-2: against employee SRL for [delimit]: Immigrants must [delimit] the meaning of their new ethnic identities .,ARG-0: Immigrants | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-2: the meaning of their new ethnic identities "SRL for [greedy]: I am already used to such unusual things . No merchant is not crafty , no official is not [greedy] ,",ARG-0: no official | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [attainments]: This also presents a strong slap in the face for those officials who are obsessed with high educational [attainments] in the selection of personnel .,ARG-M-ADJ: high | ARG-1: educational | ARG-M-ADJ: in the selection of personnel "SRL for [shaping]: Hsia was fiddling with an aluminum ring from a broken hair - dryer , [shaping] it into a little figure , when the idea dawned of doing fuzzy people in solid form .",ARG-0: Hsia | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: into a little figure | ARG-M-ADV: when the idea dawned of doing fuzzy people in solid form "SRL for [enrollment]: In the three years since the Post-9/11 GI Bill took effect , colleges have nearly doubled their [enrollment] of student veterans ...",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of student veterans "SRL for [putrefies]: In that atmosphere , animal flesh [putrefies] .",ARG-M-LOC: In that atmosphere | ARG-1: animal flesh "SRL for [slept]: I 'd [slept] through my only previous brush with natural disaster , a tornado 15 or so summers ago near Traverse City , Mich. , so I was unprepared for one reaction to such things : the urge to talk about them .","ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'd | ARG-2: through my only previous brush with natural disaster , a tornado 15 or so summers ago near Traverse City , Mich." SRL for [guesstimated]: The Post [guesstimated] the deal to hover around $ 20 million .,ARG-0: The Post | ARG-1: the deal | ARG-2: to hover around $ 20 million SRL for [tooled]: I hand [tooled] the leather with an arrow angled basket - weave pattern .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: hand | ARG-1: the leather | ARG-2: with an arrow angled basket - weave pattern "SRL for [starts]: Private housing [starts] in Japan were unchanged in September froma year earlier at 144,610 units",ARG-1: Private housing | ARG-3: in Japan "SRL for [disaster]: "" There are some senators who represent states who have not had a flood [disaster] yet , but as I 've explained to my colleagues , your day may come , "" said Kennedy .",ARG-2: who | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: flood | ARG-M-TMP: yet SRL for [risks]: It said that the `` temptation for managements to ease this profit pressure by taking greater [risks] is anadditionalrating factor . '',ARG-M-LVB: taking | ARG-M-ADJ: greater SRL for [stemmered]: I woke up and [stemmered] to myself what happened ?,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: to myself | ARG-1: what happened SRL for [sanctified]: Now is silent and the landscape is mindscape is timescape is [sanctified] .,ARG-1: timescape SRL for [trip]: its [trip] to Jupiter,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: to Jupiter SRL for [lived]: The migraine was short - [lived] .,ARG-0: The migraine | ARG-M-TMP: short SRL for [set]: I actually ended up contacting a friend in fort greene to stay with so I 'm all [set] . Thanks for the offer though man !,ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADV: all SRL for [Declaration]: This is the first occasion on which the organized international community of nations has made a [Declaration] on Human Rights and fundamental freedoms .,ARG-0: the organized international community | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-3: on Human Rights and fundamental freedoms | ARG-M-TMP: the first occasion | R-ARG-M-TMP: on which SRL for [stretched]: The limits to legal absurdity [stretched] another notch this week .,ARG-1: The limits to legal absurdity | ARG-2: another notch | ARG-M-TMP: this week "SRL for [curetting]: Following Dr. Sohn 's [curetting] of the bone , the cavity was washed out and packed with gauze .",ARG-0: Dr. Sohn 's | ARG-1: of the bone SRL for [Turn]: Hannah Arendt and Her [Turn] From Political Journalist To Political Philosopher,ARG-1: Her | ARG-3: From Political Journalist | ARG-2: To Political Philosopher "SRL for [hydration]: In the summertime heat , [hydration] is particularly important .", SRL for [rule]: The [rule] of majority,ARG-0: of majority "SRL for [miscounted]: He counted ' only ' 20 bombers left in formation ( having originally [miscounted] them as 27 , not 21 ) .","ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: originally | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: as 27 , not 21" "SRL for [collapse]: Carried even further , some investors assumed that since leveraged buy - outs are the only thing propping up stock prices , the market would [collapse] if no more LBOs could be done .",ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: if no more LBOs could be done SRL for [scoring]: All that practice resulted in his [scoring] a perfect game in his league competition which?combined with two other strong games of 225 and 216?gave him a 741 series .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: a perfect game | ARG-3: in his league competition | ARG-M-ADJ: which?combined with two other strong games of 225 and 216?gave him a 741 series SRL for [enameled]: She [enameled] the woodwork of the table in ivory - white .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the woodwork of the table | ARG-2: in ivory - white SRL for [mask]: They hollow out the bat and stick the cork in there to [mask] the hollow sound .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the hollow sound SRL for [preservation]: History bears witness to churches so adamant in their [preservation] of traditional values against change as to make them impotent in the face of change .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of traditional values | ARG-3: against change SRL for [interceded]: Common Cause asked both the Senate Ethics Committee and the Justice Department to investigate $ 1 million in political gifts by Arizona businessman Charles Keating to five U.S. senators who [interceded] with thrift - industry regulators for him .,ARG-0: five U.S. senators | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: with thrift - industry regulators | ARG-2: for him "SRL for [exhaustion]: You can say "" eat or to not eat "" . You can also say "" to eat fast or to eat slowly "" . However , you can not say "" eat , to not eat , to eat fast "" because this violates the principle of classification of logic , the principle of [exhaustion] of classification of logic , and the principle that different types of things can not be compared of logic .",ARG-1: of classification of logic "SRL for [decision]: a [decision] on what , if any punishment he will face in the wake of that incident Tuesday night","ARG-3: on what , if any punishment he will face in the wake of that incident Tuesday night" SRL for [secret]: NASA ? nothing is [secret] from them .,ARG-1: nothing | ARG-2: from them "SRL for [budgeted]: Knowledgeable employees said the retrofitting , which had n't yet been [budgeted] , was part of a planned , three - stage reinforcement of the Cypress structure begun by the California transportation department several years ago .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: yet | R-ARG-2: which | ARG-2: the retrofitting SRL for [disfigured]: He had a big scar on his left cheek that [disfigured] his smooth face .,ARG-0: that | ARG-1: his smooth face SRL for [SMS]: [SMS] Me ... 09819602175,ARG-2: Me SRL for [“ clinged ”]: The lift bell [“ clinged ”] and the door opened with a whisper .,ARG-1: The lift bell SRL for [has followed]: Mr. Simmons [has followed] friendly offers with a hostile tender offer .,ARG-0: Mr. Simmons | ARG-2: friendly offers | ARG-1: with a hostile tender offer "SRL for [upgrades]: new equipment , new armored vehicles , fuel for ships and planes , [upgrades] on garrison facilities",ARG-1: on garrison facilities "SRL for [groans]: The crowd [groans] , Mr. Jones shakes his head , the Cowboys lose the game .",ARG-0: The crowd "SRL for [cloudy]: Raoul oreno was crouched next to her , his dark eyes [cloudy] with concern .",ARG-1: his dark eyes | ARG-0: with concern SRL for [gabbed]: She [gabbed] with students about Saturday Night Live and whether Jessica Simpson was really as dumb as she appears on TV ( she 's not ) .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: with students | ARG-1: about Saturday Night Live and whether Jessica Simpson was really as dumb as she appears on TV ( she 's not ) SRL for [flopped]: I [flopped] my legs over the side of the couch,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my legs | ARG-M-LOC: over the side of the couch "SRL for [hedge]: Some analysts suggest , however , that the ratio has weakened in value as an indicator because options and other products can be used to [hedge] short positions .",ARG-1: short positions SRL for [internationalization]: the [internationalization] of business,ARG-1: of business SRL for [glassed over]: My clown fish 's eye has [glassed over] .,ARG-1: My clown fish 's eye SRL for [dueling]: And it 's a case of [dueling] realities .,ARG-0: realities "SRL for [representation]: yes , although I 'd like to see a change from first past the post to proportional [representation] .",ARG-M-MNR: proportional SRL for [stay]: The Soviet Union will [stay] on its record buying pace .,ARG-1: The Soviet Union | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-3: on its record buying pace SRL for [organizing]: Several Big Board firms are [organizing] to complain about program trading and the exchange 's role in it .,ARG-0: Several Big Board firms | ARG-M-PRP: to complain about program trading and the exchange 's role in it "SRL for [comprises]: One group is the Committee on State Taxation , which [comprises] 330 multistate corporations and advises the Council of State Chambers of Commerce .",ARG-1: the Committee | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: 330 multistate corporations SRL for [push]: Rob Dyrdek has been getting a lot of flack lately for his [push] of skateboarding into the mainstream .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of skateboarding | ARG-2: into the mainstream "SRL for [consuming]: I do n't know . I 'm like not even thinking about my class content , this is all [consuming]",ARG-0: this | ARG-1: all SRL for [thrown]: `` Stocks were being [thrown] out of windows at any price . '',ARG-1: Stocks | ARG-2: out of windows | ARG-M-ADV: at any price "SRL for [thickened]: For a moment , anger darkened the hallway about her , and when she found her voice , anger [thickened] it .",ARG-0: anger | ARG-1: it "SRL for [hanging]: However , the only outsider who has emerged to lead such a shareholder vote , Los Angeles investor Marvin Davis , who triggered the buy - out with a $ 5.4 billion bid in early August , is [hanging] back -- apparently to avoid being blamed for contributing to the deal 's collapse .","ARG-1: the only outsider who has emerged to lead such a shareholder vote , Los Angeles investor Marvin Davis , who triggered the buy - out with a $ 5.4 billion bid in early August | ARG-2: back | ARG-M-DIS: apparently | ARG-M-PRP: to avoid being blamed for contributing to the deal 's collapse" "SRL for [recouped]: Headed toward a record drop at midday , the London stock market [recouped] two - thirds of its losses in the wake of New York 's early rally .",ARG-M-ADV: Headed toward a record drop at midday | ARG-0: the London stock market | ARG-1: two - thirds of its losses | ARG-M-TMP: in the wake of New York 's early rally "SRL for [invigorating]: The principle of "" [invigorating] large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones "" has been strengthened .",ARG-1: large enterprises | ARG-M-TMP: while relaxing control over small ones SRL for [chomping]: South Korea will be [chomping] at the bit to retaliate .,ARG-0: South Korea | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: at the bit | ARG-M-PRP: to retaliate SRL for [fundraising]: ICDD - sas complete a successful [fundraising] of 800 K ? .,ARG-M-MNR: successful | ARG-1: of 800 K ? SRL for [heartless]: my mother was [heartless] to her kids .,ARG-0: my mother | ARG-2: to her kids SRL for [falling]: The Spartans ' [falling] to the army of Xerxes is depicted in the film 300 .,ARG-1: The Spartans ' | ARG-2: to the army of Xerxes SRL for [required]: Sea Containers ' subsidiaries might be [required] to place their shares in the open market .,ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-2: Sea Containers ' subsidiaries | ARG-1: to place their shares in the open market SRL for [nudge]: ... including ... and action by the Federal Reserve to [nudge] U.S. rates lower .,ARG-0: action | ARG-1: U.S. rates | ARG-5: lower SRL for [renamed]: Before they let him go he added a thousand bureaucrats to the RDF in Tampa and [renamed] it Central Command .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: Central Command "SRL for [unground]: In the system discussed above , it was necessary to [unground] the neutral to prevent damage .",ARG-1: the neutral SRL for [plopped]: He [plopped] into a chair .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: into a chair "SRL for [qualify]: Spoke with Uuhdlxikp Ceje , research coordinator and she will contact pathology to determine the extent of the DCIS ; this could eliminate Jfxzanxrg from eligibility as her tumor is 5 mm , enough to [qualify] her for the study .",ARG-0: her tumor is 5 mm | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: for the study SRL for [ill]: He is [ill] with cancer .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: with cancer "SRL for [reverses]: The spinoff argument , after all , [reverses] the current notion that assets are worth more to private buyers than to public shareholders .",ARG-0: The spinoff argument | ARG-M-DIS: after all | ARG-1: the current notion that assets are worth more to private buyers than to public shareholders SRL for [proposition]: This [proposition] - approved by the public - trumps a court decision .,ARG-M-PRD: approved by the public "SRL for [converts]: In late September , IBM began shipping a plug - in card that [converts] its PS/2 model 70 - A21 from a 80386 machine to an 80486 machine .",ARG-0: a plug - in card | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: its PS/2 model 70 - A21 | ARG-3: from a 80386 machine | ARG-2: to an 80486 machine SRL for [best]: Broad leaf parsley is [best] for you .,ARG-1: Broad leaf parsley | ARG-2: for you SRL for [fair]: Her expectation is that her mother will be [fair] to her in answering her questions .,ARG-0: her mother | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: to her | ARG-1: in answering her questions SRL for [Evil]: Life on This Earth Was [Evil] to Me .,ARG-0: Life on This Earth | ARG-2: to Me "SRL for [annoying]: To me , he was [annoying] to play against .",ARG-2: To me | ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to play against SRL for [mortify]: We can not [mortify] sin till we be in Christ ; he is our sanctification .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: sin | ARG-M-TMP: till we be in Christ "SRL for [retreat]: According to Salomon Brothers ' `` stub '' stock index of 20 companies whose debt is giant compared with shareholder equity , investors are already beginning to [retreat] from shares of debt - laden companies .",ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: from shares of debt - laden companies SRL for [denuclearization]: Why is the USA so keen on the [denuclearization] of Iran but not of themselves ...,ARG-1: of Iran SRL for [diversion]: the mere [diversion] of funds from other parts of the economy and from other forms of housing -LRB- such as low - income -RRB- to the single - family home market would result in a major expense .,ARG-M-ADJ: mere | ARG-1: of funds | ARG-2: from other parts of the economy and from other forms of housing -LRB- such as low - income -RRB- | ARG-3: to the single - family home market SRL for [suspension]: ... shall result in a short - term [suspension] of the student from the school system,ARG-1: of the student | ARG-2: from the school system SRL for [was subcloned]: The gene encoding ɸ8 P4 helicase [was subcloned] from pET32 into pET28b for incorporation of an N - terminal His tag ( pET28b - P4 - His ) .,ARG-1: The gene encoding ɸ8 P4 helicase | ARG-2: from pET32 | ARG-3: into pET28b SRL for [shuttled off]: The Turkish refugee tragedy and the ongoing crisis can not be ignored and [shuttled off] to that notorious dustbin of history that has become so convenient recently .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: The Turkish refugee tragedy and the ongoing crisis | ARG-2: to that notorious dustbin of history that has become so convenient recently "SRL for [obedience]: Lutherans affirmed that Christ as God - man was above the law , and so his [obedience] of it was not required and hence meritorious .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of it SRL for [migration]: Children and adults all over the country help track this butterfly 's annual [migration] across North America .,ARG-0: this butterfly 's | ARG-M-TMP: annual | ARG-1: across North America "SRL for [glassed]: I removed the rear - view mirror , and carefully [glassed] the window .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: carefully | ARG-1: the window "SRL for [Ossification]: [Ossification] of the posterior longitudinal ligament ( OPLL ) is a pathological process whereby the PLL becomes progressively calcified , often leading to symptomatic spinal canal or foraminal stenosis .",ARG-1: of the posterior longitudinal ligament ( OPLL ) SRL for [mediation]: China 's [mediation] of conflict with Russia,ARG-0: China 's | ARG-1: of conflict | ARG-2: with Russia SRL for [intent]: She is [intent] on revenge .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: revenge SRL for [colonoscopies]: it was recommended that they begin screening [colonoscopies] at the age of 30,ARG-2: screening SRL for [burrowed]: They [burrowed] in the ground for shelter .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: in the ground | ARG-M-PRP: for shelter "SRL for [spaced]: Six months later , his back was still etched with evenly [spaced] grooves .",ARG-M-MNR: evenly | ARG-1: grooves SRL for [semaphored]: He [semaphored] his intention by wearing his best suit .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his intention | ARG-M-MNR: by wearing his best suit SRL for [freak out]: They just [freak out] .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: me SRL for [disorders]: She has no known cardiac or pulmonary [disorders] .,ARG-M-ADJ: known | ARG-2: cardiac or pulmonary SRL for [rumors]: There are [rumors] that Mario Monti could become the next prime minister of Italy .,ARG-1: that Mario Monti could become the next prime minister of Italy SRL for [respect]: In [respect] to the appropriate level of loan loss reserves,ARG-1: to the appropriate level of loan loss reserves SRL for [bolted]: John [bolted] all his furniture to the ceiling of his bedroom .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: all his furniture | ARG-2: to the ceiling of his bedroom SRL for [desmoplastic]: Pure DM were defined as melanomas in which 90 % of the invasive tumor was [desmoplastic] with a pauci - cellular fibrosing appearance .,ARG-1: 90 % of the invasive tumor SRL for [tousled]: He [tousled] his balding head with a towel .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his balding head | ARG-2: with a towel SRL for [nebulized]: He [nebulized] a mixture of hydrocarbons for the construction of concrete pillars .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a mixture of hydrocarbons | ARG-M-PRP: for the construction of concrete pillars "SRL for [pent up]: There was [pent up] demand for everything after the war , because most civilians earned money building our war machines for four years , and there was hardly any consumer goods to buy .",ARG-1: demand "SRL for [enough]: In the murder - rate , that often people do n't value each other or even their own lives , to the point that prison is not [enough] to deter them away from crime .",ARG-1: prison | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-3: to deter them away from crime SRL for [murder]: the brutal [murder] of graduate student Imette St. Guillen,ARG-M-MNR: brutal | ARG-1: of graduate student Imette St. Guillen SRL for [make]: Financial problems [make] them unattractive takeover targets .,ARG-0: Financial problems | ARG-1: them unattractive takeover targets SRL for [bowed]: Then he [bowed] his head and died .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: his head "SRL for [reactivated]: Once [reactivated] , the card would sit in the car 's window , showing traffic wardens how much time the motorist could remain .",ARG-1: the card "SRL for [thrilled]: I tossed this idea out right here on the Forum several months ago -- it 's such an obvious part of a solution , and I am [thrilled] a few others have come up with the same thought .",ARG-1: I | ARG-0: a few others have come up with the same thought "SRL for [perpetuates]: Such an editorial point of view [perpetuates] an insidious , stereotyped perspective .","ARG-0: Such an editorial point of view | ARG-1: an insidious , stereotyped perspective" SRL for [divided]: In Part A you just [divided] the mass by the volume to get density .,ARG-M-LOC: In Part A | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: the mass | ARG-2: by the volume | ARG-3: to get density SRL for [go]: She had a [go] at him for being late .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: at him | ARG-M-CAU: for being late "SRL for [nationalization]: the Japanese government has already completed signing the landowner 's contract , and formalized their [nationalization] of the Diaoyu Islands",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the Diaoyu Islands SRL for [fit]: He is [fit] for the job .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: for the job "SRL for [groomed]: Girl : "" But i wanted sex with him ! "" - most would assume she was brainwashed , [groomed] .",ARG-1: she SRL for [ailed]: Looper 's shoulder [ailed] him all season .,ARG-0: Looper 's shoulder | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-TMP: all season "SRL for [shorted]: If I worked as a grill cook at McDonald 's and I [shorted] Bryan Mills a chicken nugget , what would happen ?",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: Bryan Mills | ARG-2: a chicken nugget SRL for [posit]: I would [posit] that Bill and Michael and Steve and Jerry have become the Madonnas of the current age of stock market mania .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: that Bill and Michael and Steve and Jerry have become the Madonnas of the current age of stock market mania "SRL for [spoiled]: The state Supply Regulator Institute is to burn rice , corn and beans that [spoiled] because of neglect and corruption in the previous Christian Democrat government , a statement from the information service SISAL said .","ARG-1: rice , corn and beans | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-PNC: because of neglect and corruption in the previous Christian Democrat government" "SRL for [splotched]: They [splotched] one coat of the cheapest paint over walls , ceilings , woodwork , and switch plates alike .","ARG-0: They | ARG-2: one coat of the cheapest paint | ARG-1: over walls , ceilings , woodwork , and switch plates alike" SRL for [palmitoylated]: The hemagglutinin of influenza virus is [palmitoylated] with long - chain fatty acids .,ARG-1: The hemagglutinin of influenza virus | ARG-4: long - chain fatty acids "SRL for [lined up]: And , in addition to a crack team of sailors , Mr. Isler has [lined up] some real brass to help him finance the syndicate .",ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-ADV: in addition to a crack team of sailors | ARG-0: Mr. Isler | ARG-1: some real brass | ARG-M-PNC: to help him finance the syndicate "SRL for [conduct]: Urging LIN directors to [conduct] `` a fair auction on a level playing field , '' ...",ARG-0: LIN directors | ARG-1: a fair auction | ARG-M-LOC: on a level playing field "SRL for [lodge]: Once asbestos is released into the environment , it can [lodge] anywhere , '' says Richard A. Dennis , the assistant U.S. attorney who prosecuted the case .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: anywhere SRL for [to herniate]: Increased intracranial pressure can cause parts of the brain [to herniate] .,ARG-1: parts of the brain SRL for [randomized]: Dr. Frost [randomized] the data .,ARG-0: Dr. Frost | ARG-1: the data "SRL for [pairing]: That is patently not true ; in fact , many Mosuo [pairing] will last for years , and even decades .",ARG-M-ADJ: many | ARG-1: Mosuo SRL for [arrogate]: The Home Secretary proposes to [arrogate] such powers to himself .,ARG-0: The Home Secretary | ARG-1: such powers | ARG-2: to himself SRL for [follow - up]: the exact date and time of the patient 's [follow - up] appointment will be communicated to her .,ARG-3: appointment "SRL for [clinched]: In the previous three general elections , similar national issues [clinched] the vote .",ARG-M-LOC: In the previous three general elections | ARG-0: similar national issues | ARG-1: the vote "SRL for [crude]: The testimony of one expert witness was taken on behalf of the Importers , from which It was shown that this substance was [crude] , and was an alkaloid ...",ARG-1: this substance "SRL for [inferior]: Suture marks : short sutures - [inferior] , long sutures - lateral",ARG-1: short sutures "SRL for [commanded]: I am happy that they are following the way of truth , just as the Father [commanded] us .",ARG-0: the Father | ARG-1: us "SRL for [earned]: ... a relationship with the government that has [earned] the Mitsubishi group the dubious moniker of "" seisho "" .","ARG-0: a relationship | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-2: the Mitsubishi group | ARG-1: the dubious moniker of "" seisho """ SRL for [earnest]: He is [earnest] about moving up the org chart .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: about moving up the org chart "SRL for [short - circuited]: In test tubes , this [short - circuited] the molecular cascade .",ARG-M-LOC: In test tubes | ARG-0: this | ARG-1: the molecular cascade SRL for [batting]: their [batting] the ball for a total of 20 hits ...,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: the ball | ARG-3: for a total of 20 hits ... SRL for [spiked]: His jowls were [spiked] by barbs of graying beard .,ARG-1: His jowls | ARG-2: by barbs of graying beard "SRL for [calling]: Although it was belated , he heard her [calling] goodnight to him .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: goodnight | ARG-2: to him SRL for [bunks]: Chuck Schumer [bunks] on work nights with three fellow congressmen in this rowhouse .,ARG-0: Chuck Schumer | ARG-M-TMP: on work nights | ARG-M-MNR: with three fellow congressmen | ARG-2: in this rowhouse SRL for [offset]: Repeat that shape but in blue and [offset] the starting block one space to the right and one space down,ARG-1: the starting block | ARG-3: one space to the right and one space down "SRL for [counsels]: Underneath the headline `` Diversification , '' it [counsels] , `` Based on the events of the past week , all investors need to know their portfolios are balanced to help protect them against the market 's volatility . ''","ARG-M-ADV: Underneath the headline `` Diversification | ARG-0: it | ARG-2: `` Based on the events of the past week , all investors need to know their portfolios are balanced to help protect them against the market 's volatility . ''" SRL for [know]: I need to [know] the aircraft and flight number .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the aircraft and flight number SRL for [phosphoresced]: Green letters [phosphoresced] into life .,ARG-1: Green letters | ARG-2: into life SRL for [prosecution]: The [prosecution] of this crime under South Carolina law,ARG-1: of this crime | ARG-3: under South Carolina law "SRL for [bigoted]: I think immigration levels are high , and our past pm 's like gordon brown think that talking about high immigration is [bigoted] .",ARG-1: talking about high immigration SRL for [hailed]: A group of soldiers [hailed] him to come ashore .,ARG-0: A group of soldiers | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to come ashore "SRL for [shut]: Caterpillar also said it will indefinitely lay off about 325 workers in the Peoria area and temporarily [shut] its plant in York , Pa. , for two weeks in both November and December .","ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: temporarily | ARG-1: its plant in York , Pa. | ARG-M-TMP: for two weeks | ARG-M-TMP: in both November and December" "SRL for [restarted]: At 13,000 feet , the engines [restarted] .","ARG-M-LOC: At 13,000 feet | ARG-1: the engines" "SRL for [audition]: At 555 W. 57th St. in Manhattan , one floor below the offices of `` 60 Minutes , '' the most successful prime - time news program ever , actors wait in the reception area to [audition] for `` Saturday Night With Connie Chung . ''",ARG-0: actors | ARG-1: Saturday Night With Connie Chung SRL for [crowds]: He no longer [crowds] the plate .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: no longer | ARG-1: the plate "SRL for [conduct]: She apologized for her improper [conduct] , and accepted the public reprimand as recommended by the panel .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: improper SRL for [excruciate]: Her presence used to [excruciate] Osborne,ARG-0: Her presence | ARG-1: Osborne "SRL for [mortgage]: The debt , estimated at $ 4.7 billion , could [mortgage] the cellular company 's future earning power in order to placate some LIN holders in the short term .","ARG-0: The debt , estimated at $ 4.7 billion | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the cellular company 's future earning power | ARG-M-PNC: in order to placate some LIN holders in the short term" SRL for [polled]: The consensus of economists [polled] by Dow Jones Capital Markets Report calls for a 2.5 % annual growth rate for GNP during the quarter .,ARG-1: economists | ARG-0: by Dow Jones Capital Markets Report SRL for [discovered]: There is no new background or new development that is newly [discovered] or different from what the public experienced in the past .,ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: newly "SRL for [encounter]: In a meeting with Premier Li Peng on Monday , Mr. Nixon said that he hoped he would n't [encounter] guards with machine guns during his visit to the U.S. Embassy .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: guards with machine guns | ARG-M-TMP: during his visit to the U.S. Embassy "SRL for [dry]: My skin was getting scaly , my eyes burning and my feet were so [dry] they begin to develop calluses and crack .",ARG-1: my feet | ARG-M-CXN: so | C-ARG-M-CXN: they begin to develop calluses and crack "SRL for [heterodimerized]: To rule out the possibility that these mutants were incapable of forming an active site , we [heterodimerized] each of them with the caspase-8 activator c - FLIPL .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: these mutants | ARG-2: the caspase-8 activator c - FLIPL "SRL for [obscure]: Sometimes his meaning is [obscure] from excess of condensation , or from incompleteness of expression .","ARG-1: his meaning | ARG-0: from excess of condensation , or from incompleteness of expression" "SRL for [unclipped]: Dan [unclipped] the watch from her collar , and unblucked her from the seat .",ARG-0: Dan | ARG-1: the watch | ARG-2: from her collar SRL for [clash]: There was a bitter [clash] in the senate over the proposed health care bill .,ARG-M-MNR: bitter | ARG-M-LOC: in the senate | ARG-2: over the proposed health care bill SRL for [reoffered]: The debt was [reoffered] priced to yield from 6 % in 1991 to 7.15 % in 2008 - 2009 .,ARG-1: The debt | ARG-2: to yield from 6 % in 1991 to 7.15 % in 2008 - 2009 SRL for [calling]: ... his [calling] the police for us .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the police | ARG-2: for us SRL for [thrummed]: Joseph [thrummed] a tune on the table .,ARG-0: Joseph | ARG-1: a tune | ARG-2: on the table SRL for [run]: The show 's 12 year [run] ended on Saturday,ARG-1: The show 's | ARG-2: 12 year "SRL for [miscalculated]: When the market opened at 9:30 a.m. EST , a reporter for the Reuters newswire [miscalculated] the industrial average 's drop as a 4 % decline when it really was down 0.7 % .",ARG-M-TMP: When the market opened at 9:30 a.m. EST | ARG-0: a reporter for the Reuters newswire | ARG-1: the industrial average 's drop | ARG-2: as a 4 % decline | ARG-M-TMP: when it really was down 0.7 % SRL for [clear]: Make sure the area is [clear] of wires before working near trees or shrubs .,ARG-1: the area | ARG-2: of wires "SRL for [jealous]: Sam was [jealous] of his wife ; she had pie , and he wished he had pie .",ARG-0: Sam | ARG-1: of his wife "SRL for [landslide]: a shallow translational [landslide] ( with a volume of about 104 m3 ) affected the slope , thus completely destroying the already constructed structures .",ARG-M-ADJ: shallow | ARG-M-ADJ: translational | ARG-2: with a volume of about 104 m3 SRL for [ovulate]: The goal of ovulation induction ( OI ) is to grow and [ovulate] an egg .,ARG-1: an egg SRL for [charges]: its largely successful defense of antitrust [charges] by the United States Football League,ARG-2: antitrust | ARG-0: by the United States Football League SRL for [receive]: Stockholders will [receive] one Cray Computer share for every two Cray Research shares they own in a distribution .,ARG-0: Stockholders | ARG-1: one Cray Computer share | ARG-3: for every two Cray Research shares they own | ARG-M-LOC: in a distribution SRL for [crinkled]: An insouciant grin [crinkled] the tiny man 's features .,ARG-0: An insouciant grin | ARG-1: the tiny man 's features "SRL for [appalled]: Joe the Plumber says the Republican presidential nominee "" [appalled] "" him with his answers on federal bailouts .",ARG-0: the Republican presidential nominee | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: with his answers on federal bailouts SRL for [overdue]: I believe a discussion on limiting the size of weapons civilians may possess is [overdue] .,ARG-2: a discussion on limiting the size of weapons civilians may possess SRL for [nasalizes]: She [nasalizes] all her vowels .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: all her vowels "SRL for [Jutting out]: [Jutting out] just to the north of us is the Blackjack Peninsula ( after the oak , not the game ) which forms the core of the Aransas Wildlife Refuge .","ARG-M-LOC: just to the north of us | ARG-1: the Blackjack Peninsula ( after the oak , not the game ) which forms the core of the Aransas Wildlife Refuge" SRL for [respire]: Human lungs require oxygen to [respire] .,ARG-0: Human lungs SRL for [raise]: a 10 % pay [raise],ARG-2: 10 % | ARG-1: pay SRL for [rutted]: The road was [rutted] with 2 foot deep ruts that crisscrossed the road,ARG-1: The road | ARG-2: with 2 foot deep ruts that crisscrossed the road "SRL for [quit]: She [quit] smoking , April 1999 .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: smoking "SRL for [inflated]: That compared with the year - earlier $ 1.25 billion , or $ 2.10 a share -- which was [inflated] by an unspecified amount from a payment by Fujitsu Ltd. relating to a software dispute .","ARG-1: the year - earlier $ 1.25 billion , or $ 2.10 a share | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: by an unspecified amount from a payment by Fujitsu Ltd. relating to a software dispute" "SRL for [thoughtless]: It did n't warrant such a reaction , but he was [thoughtless] .",ARG-1: he SRL for [kept to themselves]: Over 30 per cent of these victimized young people reported the bullying to no - one and so [kept to themselves] .,ARG-0: Over 30 per cent of these victimized young people | ARG-1: their pain SRL for [snapping]: John heard the logs [snapping] in the fireplace .,ARG-0: the logs | ARG-M-LOC: in the fireplace "SRL for [took]: It [took] me a half - hour to move 10 feet from my parking spot in an outer lot to an aisle , and an additional hour to reach an inner roadway a half - block away .",ARG-2: me | ARG-1: a half - hour | ARG-0: to move 10 feet from my parking spot in an outer lot to an aisle SRL for [abuse]: [abuse] of the public trust,ARG-1: of the public trust SRL for [boot]: She fended off her assailant with a swift [boot] between his legs .,ARG-M-MNR: swift | ARG-M-GOL: between his legs SRL for [stooges]: He [stooges] for a popular comedian .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: for a popular comedian SRL for [service]: His exemplary [service] as Secretary of Commerce,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-ADV: exemplary | ARG-1: as Secretary of Commerce SRL for [gets]: $ 15 [gets] you a lot of daisies .,ARG-3: $ 15 | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: a lot of daisies "SRL for [prepared]: Unfortunately we are n't [prepared] to use similar tactics , so this war is unwinnable .",ARG-M-DIS: Unfortunately | ARG-1: we | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: to use similar tactics SRL for [sold]: Al Brownstein [sold] it for $ 60 a bottle .,ARG-0: Al Brownstein | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: for $ 60 a bottle SRL for [home run]: A miracle [home run] by Kirk Gibson,ARG-M-ADJ: miracle | ARG-0: by Kirk Gibson SRL for [pre - try]: The concept gave him the idea of having lawyers [pre - try] cases before online juries .,ARG-0: lawyers | ARG-1: cases | ARG-M-LOC: before online juries "SRL for [excised]: Lily 's grandmother , no cookie baker , [excised] the heads of disliked relatives from the family album , and lugged around her perennial work - in - progress , `` Philosophy for Women . ''","ARG-0: Lily 's grandmother , no cookie baker | ARG-1: the heads of disliked relatives | ARG-2: from the family album" SRL for [reconciliation]: The budget [reconciliation],ARG-1: budget "SRL for [backpacked]: They [backpacked] through the country as well as hiked the 7,972 feet to the top of Machu Picchu",ARG-1: They | ARG-4: through the country "SRL for [reeling]: Columbia Savings & Loan Association , [reeling] from thrift - accounting changes mandated by Congress and the recent collapse of the junk - bond market , announced a loss for the third quarter of $ 226.3 million , or $ 11.57 a share .",ARG-1: Columbia Savings & Loan Association | ARG-2: from thrift - accounting changes mandated by Congress and the recent collapse of the junk - bond market SRL for [cordoned]: The police [cordoned] off the crime scene from the rest of the park .,ARG-0: The police | ARG-M-PRD: off | ARG-1: the crime scene | ARG-2: from the rest of the park SRL for [immortalized]: One sip from the fountain of youth [immortalized] him .,ARG-0: One sip from the fountain of youth | ARG-1: him "SRL for [co - developed]: The British should know , they [co - developed] it with the French .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with the French SRL for [coax]: The brokers ' hope has been that they could soon [coax] investors into shifting some of their hoard into the stock market .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-TMP: soon | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: into shifting some of their hoard into the stock market SRL for [weaponized]: The commander of the 101st says the chemicals may be pesticides or chemical agents that have n't been [weaponized] .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: chemical agents | R-ARG-1: that "SRL for [sagged]: Aerospace earnings [sagged] 37 % for the quarter and 15 % for the year , largely due to lower B-1B program profit ; the last of the bombers rolled out in April 1988 .",ARG-1: Aerospace earnings | ARG-2: 37 % for the quarter and 15 % for the year | ARG-M-CAU: largely due to lower B-1B program profit SRL for [litttttt]: [litttttt], "SRL for [sapped]: Domestic demand continues to grow , but its contribution to higher production was [sapped] in September by the estimated 2 % fall in imports , accompanied by a growing tendency for Japanese manufacturers to build vehicles overseas , according to the association .","ARG-2: its contribution to higher production | ARG-M-TMP: in September | ARG-0: by the estimated 2 % fall in imports , accompanied by a growing tendency for Japanese manufacturers to build vehicles overseas" SRL for [blows]: This [blows] my mind .,ARG-0: This | ARG-1: my mind SRL for [sectioned]: You ca n't get her [sectioned] for that .,ARG-1: her | ARG-M-CAU: for that SRL for [counts]: `` What [counts] is the bottom line . '',ARG-1: What "SRL for [pores]: Early in the morning Mr. Sider , an estate lawyer , [pores] over last wills and testaments .","ARG-M-TMP: Early in the morning | ARG-0: Mr. Sider , an estate lawyer | ARG-1: over last wills and testaments" "SRL for [departed]: He 's moved on since his acquittal , like Gary Glitter did after his 1999 conviction , having [departed] last June for a Bahrain "" vacation "" from which he 's yet to emerge .","ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: last June | ARG-2: for a Bahrain "" vacation "" from which he 's yet to emerge" SRL for [crowbarred]: Further historical allusions are [crowbarred] into proceedings .,ARG-1: Further historical allusions | ARG-2: into proceedings SRL for [chemoprevention]: Considerable evidence supports the effectiveness of aspirin for [chemoprevention] of colorectal cancer,ARG-1: of colorectal cancer "SRL for [pose]: It is n't clear , however , whether support for the proposal will be broad enough to [pose] a serious challenge to the White House 's acid - rain plan .",ARG-0: support for the proposal | ARG-1: a serious challenge | ARG-2: to the White House 's acid - rain plan "SRL for [loan]: South Korean government officials said they do n't expect that Seoul can [loan] money to Warsaw , but it can `` offer experience . ''",ARG-0: Seoul | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: money | ARG-2: to Warsaw "SRL for [imperiled]: It is possible then that Santa Fe 's real estate -- even in a state [imperiled] by earthquakes -- could , one day , fetch a king 's ransom .",ARG-1: a state | ARG-0: by earthquakes "SRL for [interrupted]: And as Dr. Puri tried to argue his point he [interrupted] him : "" Let me die . Please . Out of charity . ""","ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-TMP: as Dr. Puri tried to argue his point | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: "" Let me die . Please . Out of charity . """ "SRL for [fluctuant]: perineal mass less [fluctuant] , markedly reduced erythema , less tender , no evidence of drainage",ARG-1: perineal mass | ARG-M-EXT: less "SRL for [aseismic]: The interiors of the plates themselves are largely free of large earthquakes , that is , they are [aseismic] .",ARG-1: they "SRL for [spent]: They [spent] $ 325,000 in 1989 .","ARG-0: They | ARG-3: $ 325,000 | ARG-M-TMP: in 1989" "SRL for [to check]: The music surged up , but it failed [to check] it .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: it "SRL for [envisaged]: The fascist concept of corporatism [envisaged] an `` organic '' society in which citizens were spiritually and morally unified , and prepared to sacrifice themselves for the nation .","ARG-0: The fascist concept of corporatism | ARG-1: an `` organic '' society in which citizens were spiritually and morally unified , and prepared to sacrifice themselves for the nation" "SRL for [ventilated]: Workers described `` clouds of blue dust '' that hung over parts of the factory , even though exhaust fans [ventilated] the area .",ARG-0: exhaust fans | ARG-1: the area "SRL for [spilled]: On July 2 , 1987 , the tanker S.S. Glacier Bay struck a rock and [spilled] almost 150,000 gallons of oil into the Cook Inlet .","ARG-M-TMP: On July 2 , 1987 | ARG-0: the tanker S.S. Glacier Bay | ARG-1: almost 150,000 gallons of oil | ARG-2: into the Cook Inlet" SRL for [claudication]: similar to his [claudication] pain, "SRL for [pooled]: The agency 's first strips issue , collateralized by Freddie Mac 8 % securities [pooled] into a single security called a Giant , will be divided into interest - only and principal - only securities .",ARG-1: Freddie Mac 8 % securities | ARG-2: into a single security called a Giant "SRL for [imminent]: Jacob M. Appel 's widely anthologized short story , A Comparative Seismology , features a con artist who convinces an elderly woman that an apocalyptic earthquake is [imminent] . [ 68 ]",ARG-1: an apocalyptic earthquake SRL for [grateful]: I am [grateful] to you for your help .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to you | ARG-2: for your help SRL for [Pipe down]: `` [Pipe down] in there ! '' yelled John at the raucous party .,ARG-M-LOC: in there SRL for [mutation]: Gregor 's [mutation] from a human man into a giant bug did not particularly surprise his family .,ARG-1: Gregor 's | ARG-3: from a human man | ARG-2: into a giant bug "SRL for [equal]: I think you are answering if two men are the "" same "" and not necessarily if they are [equal] in rights .",ARG-1: they | ARG-3: in rights "SRL for [board]: It was arranged that he would [board] in the home of one of the old members of the church , a woman named Catt who , as Wilson afterward found , was briefly referred to as The Cat because of her sharp tongue and fierce initiative .","ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: in the home of one of the old members of the church , a woman named Catt who , as Wilson afterward found , was briefly referred to as The Cat because of her sharp tongue and fierce initiative" SRL for [growing]: The tumor is fast [growing] at a rate of 1 cm per day .,ARG-1: The tumor | ARG-M-ADV: fast | ARG-2: at a rate of 1 cm per day "SRL for [impending]: Rumors of an [impending] devaluation have been circulating in Moscow for weeks , but the size of the cut took many Western bankers by surprise .",ARG-1: devaluation SRL for [onslaught]: to remove Gen. Manuel Noriega and safeguard their countries from a Sandinista [onslaught],ARG-0: a Sandinista SRL for [Bringing up]: [Bringing up] children is hard on a graduate student 's wages .,ARG-1: children SRL for [dull]: The glass was [dull] from years of being exposed to the salty air .,ARG-1: The glass | ARG-0: from years of being exposed to the salty air "SRL for [view]: Nevertheless , the two sides [view] each other with suspicion .",ARG-M-DIS: Nevertheless | ARG-0: the two sides | ARG-1: each other | ARG-M-MNR: with suspicion "SRL for [blinked]: The White House had the perfect case , but Congress [blinked] before it could go to court .",ARG-0: Congress | ARG-M-TMP: before it could go to court SRL for [meditated]: Tears burned behind his eyes as he prayed and [meditated] tonight .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: tonight SRL for [netting]: Yet although California Plant Protection was [netting] bigger and bigger clients -- the firm provided security for the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles -- it still did n't have the name recognition of Pinkerton 's .,ARG-0: California Plant Protection | ARG-1: bigger and bigger clients | ARG-M-ADV: the firm provided security for the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles SRL for [sparing]: Rumsfeld said the Army was [sparing] no expense or effort to acquire as many Humvees and other vehicles with extra armor as it can .,ARG-0: the Army | ARG-1: no expense or effort | ARG-M-PRP: to acquire as many Humvees and other vehicles with extra armor as it can SRL for [wording]: Based on the [wording] in the pathology report,ARG-M-LOC: in the pathology report SRL for [flight]: This month we celebrate and remember Amelia Earhart 's [flight] from Hawaii to California .,ARG-0: Amelia Earhart 's | ARG-M-DIR: from Hawaii | ARG-M-GOL: to California SRL for [Re - interviewed]: [Re - interviewed] and am going on interviews for a new job ., SRL for [treatment]: Being misdiagnosed with depression is a potentially dangerous problem because the [treatment] for bipolar depression is different than for regular depression .,ARG-2: for bipolar depression SRL for [priced]: Continental Cablevision [priced] $ 350 million of junk bonds at par .,ARG-0: Continental Cablevision | ARG-1: $ 350 million of junk bonds | ARG-2: at par SRL for [succession]: The CEO [succession],ARG-1: CEO SRL for [morbid]: He was [morbid] in his credulous rashness .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: in his credulous rashness SRL for [fixation]: Internal [fixation] of the dorsally displaced distal radius fracture was performed through the dorsal approach .,ARG-M-ADJ: Internal | ARG-1: of the dorsally displaced distal radius fracture SRL for [bedeviled]: Certainly a severer thrust into any religious system could hardly be made than by presenting it as one that commends itself very especially to the likings and the experimental logic of a brain [bedeviled] with alcohol .,ARG-1: brain | ARG-2: with alcohol SRL for [passed out]: The test booklets were [passed out] 48 hours ahead of time .,ARG-1: The test booklets | ARG-M-TMP: 48 hours ahead of time "SRL for [observed]: Ford is `` in the driving seat at the moment , '' [observed] Bob Barber , an auto analyst at brokers James Capel & Co.","ARG-1: Ford is `` in the driving seat at the moment , '' | ARG-0: Bob Barber , an auto analyst at brokers James Capel & Co." "SRL for [serenaded]: Cardboard noisemakers , substitutes for the unavailable tin models , werebeing hawked and bought at makeshift stands every few yards along Broadway , and one 's ears were continually [serenaded] by the horns ' rasps and bleats .",ARG-1: one 's ears | ARG-M-ADV: continually | ARG-0: by the horns ' rasps and bleats SRL for [assumption]: He never rebutted the government 's [assumption] of him as being a U.S. Citizen .,ARG-0: the government 's | ARG-2: of him | ARG-1: as being a U.S. Citizen SRL for [fight]: an exhausting ideological [fight] to the finish between the allrightniks and the reformers,ARG-M-ADJ: exhausting | ARG-2: ideological | ARG-M-GOL: to the finish | ARG-0: between the allrightniks and the reformers SRL for [flatulent]: Anyone here [flatulent] with spinach ?,ARG-1: Anyone | ARG-M-LOC: here | ARG-0: with spinach ? "SRL for [talking points]: And he used the Planned Parenthood [talking points] , saying that abortions , several hundred thousand a year , are a very small portion of what they actually do .","ARG-0: he | ARG-4: Planned Parenthood | ARG-3: saying that abortions , several hundred thousand a year , are a very small portion of what they actually do" "SRL for [hinder]: While `` the tone '' of domestic and international air - freight markets remains sound , seasonal factors are likely to [hinder] Burlington Air from matching third - quarter results in the fourth quarter , Pittston said .",ARG-0: seasonal factors | ARG-1: Burlington Air | ARG-2: from matching third - quarter results in the fourth quarter SRL for [obese]: I 'm only 22 lbs [obese] !,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-M-EXT: 22 lbs SRL for [coronated]: Then Rama called Vibhishan and formally [coronated] him as the king of Lankapuri .,ARG-0: Rama | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: as the king of Lankapuri "SRL for [termination]: In addition to being the only foundry of this type on the west coast , this also marked the company 's [termination] of the crucible - steel process .",ARG-0: company | ARG-1: of the crucible - steel process SRL for [reinvest]: Nearly seven of 10 investors think companies [reinvest] `` too little '' of their profits in the business .,ARG-0: companies | ARG-1: `` too little '' of their profits | ARG-2: in the business "SRL for [flakes]: If the paint is too brittle and thin , it [flakes] away within a few years .",ARG-M-ADV: If the paint is too brittle and thin | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-M-TMP: within a few years "SRL for [solidify]: The additions [solidify] American 's position as the third - largest U.S. transatlantic carrier , behind PanAm Corp. 's Pan American World Airways and Trans World Airlines .","ARG-0: The additions | ARG-1: American 's position as the third - largest U.S. transatlantic carrier , behind PanAm Corp. 's Pan American World Airways and Trans World Airlines" SRL for [by - election]: He resigned and fought a [by - election] against 42 days ' detention .,ARG-1: against 42 days ' detention SRL for [condescend]: I wo n't [condescend] to read others ' mail .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: to read others ' mail SRL for [enlightening]: Du Jie 's path of transformation from a young scholar to a corrupt cadre is [enlightening] .,ARG-0: Du Jie 's path of transformation from a young scholar to a corrupt cadre SRL for [cosseted]: It was far too early for other questions -- about a force [cosseted] at the end of vulnerable supply lines ...,ARG-1: a force | ARG-M-LOC: at the end of vulnerable supply lines ... "SRL for [oily]: As a general rule , if your skin is n't totally perfect , or if it 's a bit [oily] , then a primer is going to make your foundation last a lot longer and look a lot better .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: a bit "SRL for [overproduce]: Occasionally , the tumors are active , in that they [overproduce] certain adrenal hormones resulting in symptoms and usually requiring treatment .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: certain adrenal hormones SRL for [purified]: After how many generations is such wealth ( mounting all the while through the manipulations of high finance ) [purified] of taint ?,ARG-1: such wealth ( mounting all the while through the manipulations of high finance ) | ARG-2: of taint | ARG-M-TMP: After how many generations SRL for [splitting]: Paradoxical [splitting] of S2,ARG-M-ADJ: Paradoxical | ARG-1: of S2 "SRL for [transporting]: Consolidated Rail Corp. said it would spend more than $ 30 million on 1,000 enclosed railcars for [transporting] autos .","ARG-0: 1,000 enclosed railcars | ARG-1: autos" "SRL for [clacked]: The Yuzzem gibbered and [clacked] at him , but finally moved away .",ARG-0: The Yuzzem | ARG-2: at him SRL for [measurement]: The [measurement] of the student 's reading ability placed him below grade level .,ARG-1: of the student 's reading ability "SRL for [scheduled]: Nissan [scheduled] a seven - yen interim dividend payment , unchanged .","ARG-0: Nissan | ARG-1: a seven - yen interim dividend payment , unchanged" SRL for [cautious]: Also if you are feeding your children multivitamins you should be highly [cautious] of this too .,ARG-M-DIS: Also | ARG-M-ADV: if you are feeding your children multivitamins | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-EXT: highly | ARG-1: of this | ARG-M-DIS: too SRL for [imaging]: Dr. Helton 's [imaging] of the patient 's elbow allowed them to check for fractures .,ARG-0: Dr. Helton 's | ARG-1: of the patient 's elbow SRL for [offer]: She began writing the book when Y & R turned down her [offer] to write for the show .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: to write for the show "SRL for [obsolete]: Hmm our wires are failing us , perhaps we re [obsolete] ?",ARG-1: we "SRL for [insult]: Mr. Stanley is on trial over charges that he violated a proclamation , issued by the South African administrator general earlier this year , which made it a crime punishable by two years in prison for any person to `` [insult] , disparate or belittle '' the election commission .",ARG-0: any person | ARG-1: the election commission SRL for [care]: Would you [care] for some more spinach ?,ARG-M-MOD: Would | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: for some more spinach "SRL for [guided]: In a joint - venture deal , Mitsui [guided] Candela through Tokyo 's bureaucratic maze .",ARG-M-LOC: In a joint - venture deal | ARG-0: Mitsui | ARG-1: Candela | ARG-2: through Tokyo 's bureaucratic maze "SRL for [overeating]: Britney Spears ' ex - husband Kevin Federline has spoken out about his weight battle , blaming his split from the superstar for his [overeating] .",ARG-0: his SRL for [true]: The same is [true] of all political parties .,ARG-1: The same | ARG-2: of all political parties SRL for [get back]: UAL trading would [get back] to normal .,ARG-1: UAL trading | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: to normal SRL for [echo]: exercise stress [echo],ARG-M-MNR: exercise | ARG-M-MNR: stress "SRL for [Normocephalic]: HEENT : [Normocephalic] ; Atraumatic , Anicteric , Eomi , PERRL , NL VF by confrontation .", SRL for [methylated]: Vanillin ( I ) is brominated ( Br2 / AcOH ) to 5-bromovanillin ( II ) which is subsequently [methylated] to give 5-bromoveratraldehyde ( III ) .,ARG-1: 5-bromovanillin ( II ) | ARG-3: 5-bromoveratraldehyde ( III ) "SRL for [regulate]: The finding probably will support those who argue that the U.S. should [regulate] the class of asbestos including crocidolite more stringently than the common kind of asbestos , chrysotile , found in most schools and other buildings , Dr. Talcott said .","ARG-0: the U.S. | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: the class of asbestos including crocidolite | ARG-M-MNR: more stringently than the common kind of asbestos , chrysotile , found in most schools and other buildings" SRL for [asked]: The National Institutes of Health [asked] for an HHS review of its plan to implant fetal tissue into the brain of a patient suffering from Alzheimers .,ARG-0: The National Institutes of Health | ARG-1: for an HHS review of its plan to implant fetal tissue into the brain of a patient suffering from Alzheimers "SRL for [fap away]: If anyone else has anything to say about it , *PRO* [fap away]", SRL for [crappy]: He 's [crappy] at making constipation puns that make sense .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: at making constipation puns that make sense SRL for [estimated]: Johnson & Johnson 's profits from Retin-A are [estimated] at $ 50 million .,ARG-1: Johnson & Johnson 's profits from Retin-A | ARG-2: at $ 50 million SRL for [flayed]: they [flayed] him with a doubly knotted whip,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a doubly knotted whip SRL for [cantered]: The horse [cantered] round the path .,ARG-1: The horse | ARG-M-LOC: round the path SRL for [vitrified]: The residual liquid [vitrified] .,ARG-1: The residual liquid SRL for [incepted]: This was the room where the idea was [incepted] .,ARG-1: the idea | ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [bulks]: It [bulks] under a veil of thin , new grass , like some embarrassing fact of physicalness , and I think Mrs. Pastern set out the statuary to soften its meaning .","ARG-1: It | ARG-M-LOC: under a veil of thin , new grass | ARG-M-MNR: like some embarrassing fact" SRL for [whored]: Richard Gere [whored] himself to many famous hollywood producers to get his role in American Gigolo .,ARG-0: Richard Gere | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: to many famous hollywood producers | ARG-M-PRP: to get his role in American Gigolo SRL for [correction]: His [correction] of several passages,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of several passages SRL for [disconnected]: As usual the green lobby 's proposal is [disconnected] from scientific reality .,ARG-M-DIS: As usual | ARG-1: the green lobby 's proposal | ARG-2: from scientific reality "SRL for [turn]: In fact , Japan is an island country , it has abundant tides and wind power generation resources , and the solar energy is also very advanced . However , they [turn] a blind eye to these advantages , having put their whole hearts to develop nuclear power over the past years .",ARG-M-ADV: However | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: a blind eye | ARG-2: to these advantages | ARG-M-ADV: having put their whole hearts to develop nuclear power over the past years "SRL for [borborygmi]: Abdomen : hypoactive bowel sounds heard , no [borborygmi]", "SRL for [pissed]: Second marriage , groom was marrying the woman he 'd had a longstanding affair with , and his adult kids were really , really [pissed] about it .",ARG-1: his adult kids | ARG-M-EXT: really | ARG-0: about it "SRL for [aberrate]: "" Ymirites do not [aberrate] in such fashion , "" said Thua stiffly .",ARG-1: Ymirites | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-MNR: in such fashion "SRL for [illegitimate]: Historically , in most jurisdictions , if a child was [illegitimate] , the child could be adopted with only the consent of his or her natural mother .",ARG-1: child SRL for [open minded]: I m sexually [open minded] but there s no way i d share my gf with a boy or girl .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: sexually SRL for [huddled]: Mr. Pilson and his team [huddled] in a hallway and took just 10 minutes to return with a $ 300 million offer .,ARG-0: Mr. Pilson and his team | ARG-M-LOC: in a hallway SRL for [ileocolostomy]: taken for [ileocolostomy], "SRL for [pink tan]: The outer surface is brown - tan , ragged with adherent yellow , lobulated adipose tissue and the inner surface is [pink tan] , smooth and focally granular .",ARG-1: the inner surface SRL for [alright]: being a pirate is [alright] with me,ARG-1: being a pirate | ARG-0: with me SRL for [adsorbs]: Oxygen [adsorbs] on tungsten .,ARG-1: Oxygen | ARG-2: on tungsten "SRL for [featuring]: The Machinists rejected a proposal [featuring] a 10 % base wage increase over the life of the three - year contract , plus bonuses of 8 % the first year and 3 % the second .","ARG-0: a proposal | ARG-1: a 10 % base wage increase over the life of the three - year contract , plus bonuses of 8 % the first year and 3 % the second" SRL for [came to]: She had no idea how long she was out before she [came to] .,ARG-1: She SRL for [distended]: The gas [distended] the animal 's body .,ARG-0: The gas | ARG-1: the animal 's body "SRL for [repacked]: On the voyage to New Zealand , the luggage was in their cabin only once , when they [repacked] ;",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [Chalk up]: [Chalk up] to reporters not having a clue how a constitutional amendment works .,ARG-1: that | ARG-2: to reporters not having a clue how a constitutional amendment works SRL for [supersede]: The Merksamer bankruptcy - law filing appears to [supersede] that agreement .,ARG-0: The Merksamer bankruptcy - law filing | ARG-1: that agreement SRL for [acknowledgment]: The first step in treatment is the patient 's [acknowledgment] that there is a problem .,ARG-0: the patient 's | ARG-1: that there is a problem "SRL for [admirable]: They are really good at finding loopholes , which is indeed [admirable] !",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-ADV: indeed SRL for [disintegration]: The [disintegration] of drops in strong electric fields is believed to play an important part in the formation of thunderstorms,ARG-1: of drops | ARG-M-LOC: in strong electric fields "SRL for [fed]: Today 's most widely used data - storing chips have `` volatile '' memories -- their data disappear if they are n't [fed] a steady diet of electricity , so they need external power supplies .",ARG-2: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: a steady diet of electricity SRL for [floured]: I [floured] it with the flour in the old lard bucket and browned it just like you said,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with the flour in the old lard bucket | ARG-M-MNR: just like you said SRL for [active]: Patient is physically [active],ARG-0: Patient | ARG-M-MNR: physically "SRL for [overlaps]: Its work [overlaps] with that of the NSB , and the existence of two different chains of command inevitably creates problems .",ARG-0: Its work | ARG-1: with that of the NSB "SRL for [form]: The labels were breathy : `` Within its sheltering walls is a microcosm of a thousand years in garden design ... a rose garden , herb garden , serpentine garden , flower fields , an apple orchard ... organized in a patchwork of 50 - by-50 - foot squares to [form] ` rooms ' ...","ARG-0: a rose garden , herb garden , serpentine garden , flower fields , an apple orchard | ARG-1: rooms" SRL for [rubber stamp]: The appeals court said the defense is valid only if federal officials did more than [rubber stamp] a company 's design or plans and engaged in a `` substantive review and evaluation '' on a par with a policy decision .,ARG-0: federal officials | ARG-1: a company 's design or plans SRL for [expurgate]: The publisher decided to [expurgate] the love scene from the book to make it more child - friendly .,ARG-0: The publisher | ARG-1: the love scene | ARG-2: from the book | ARG-M-PRP: to make it more child - friendly "SRL for [reddened]: Often the genteel , conservative , long - term - oriented investment bankers were displaced by crude traders : `` When angered , he cursedso forcefully that his face [reddened] and his pale - blue eyesnarrowed into tiny slits , '' the authors say of Lehman 's LewisGlucksman .",ARG-1: his face "SRL for [thrusting]: Perhaps most exciting , the device is [thrusting] open a window to the workings of the brain .",ARG-0: the device | ARG-M-PRD: open | ARG-1: a window to the workings of the brain "SRL for [playing]: O Babylon , the music of people [playing] harps and other instruments , flutes and trumpets , will never be heard in you again .","ARG-0: people | ARG-2: harps and other instruments , flutes and trumpets" SRL for [reimbursed]: ... and $ 2.8 million in overhead costs that wo n't be [reimbursed] .,ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: overhead costs | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [beaded]: I could have [beaded] all night .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: all night | ARG-M-MOD: could SRL for [bitten]: The little kindergarteners were all [bitten] when they sat down on the floor .,ARG-1: The little kindergarteners | ARG-M-TMP: when they sat down on the floor "SRL for [clearing up]: Her [clearing up] the rumors did not succeed in deflecting attention from her , and paparazzi continued to follow her every move .",ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: the rumors SRL for [hybridization]: The attached diagram illustrates the F2 generation of Mendel 's [hybridization] of smooth yellow and green wrinkled peas .,ARG-0: Mendel 's | ARG-1: of smooth yellow | ARG-2: and green wrinkled peas SRL for [leased]: But he said IBM would have won the business anyway as a sale to a third party that would have then [leased] the equipment to the customer .,ARG-0: a third party | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the equipment | ARG-2: to the customer SRL for [call]: Joe Bastardi makes his [call] on the ' 09 hurricane season .,ARG-0: Joe Bastardi | ARG-M-LVB: makes | ARG-1: on the ' 09 hurricane season "SRL for [figures]: And it [figures] that rain would pelt down as I am about to leave the house , would n't it ?","ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: that rain would pelt down as I am about to leave the house , would n't it" "SRL for [hand - paints]: Every year , he [hand - paints] about 30,000 of the tiny globes that decorate his home .","ARG-M-TMP: Every year | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: about 30,000 of the tiny globes that decorate his home" SRL for [non - labored]: Breathing quiet and [non - labored] without retractions or use of accessory muscle No audible stridor or wheezes,ARG-1: Breathing SRL for [pretreated]: She had hip replacement surgery and was [pretreated] with prednisone .,ARG-1: She | ARG-3: with prednisone SRL for [aspired]: The 57 - year - old tax attorney never even [aspired] to the job of chief executive .,ARG-0: The 57 - year - old tax attorney | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: to the job of chief executive "SRL for [hauled out]: Then , in the guests ' honor , the speedway [hauled out] four drivers , crews and even the official Indianapolis 500 announcer for a 10 - lap exhibition race .","ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-M-ADV: in the guests ' honor | ARG-0: the speedway | ARG-1: four drivers , crews and even the official Indianapolis 500 announcer | ARG-M-PNC: for a 10 - lap exhibition race" "SRL for [monetizing]: Yunfa Zhu and Yanqun Zhang , economic scholars of China 's Social ScienceInstitute , said : "" [monetizing] housing allocation is a large trend "" .",ARG-1: housing allocation SRL for [caddied]: He [caddied] his first game for his brother on the PGA tours .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: his first game | ARG-1: for his brother | ARG-3: on the PGA tours SRL for [shoot]: The county is not holding its annual turkey [shoot] this year .,ARG-M-TMP: annual | ARG-1: turkey "SRL for [manhandled]: The owner , who begs anonymity , asserts that the dwarf , appearing as a dark shadow , has [manhandled] her , tossing her around the living room and yanking out a hank of hair .",ARG-0: the dwarf | ARG-M-ADV: appearing as a dark shadow | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-ADV: tossing her around the living room and yanking out a hank of hair SRL for [agreed]: The group [agreed] that it would n't make an offer unless it had Georgia Gulf 's consent .,ARG-0: The group | ARG-1: that it would n't make an offer unless it had Georgia Gulf 's consent SRL for [dramatic]: He was being [dramatic] .,ARG-1: He "SRL for [rehabilitated]: His wife , Amy , [rehabilitated] him from a midcareer free fall .","ARG-0: His wife , Amy | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from a midcareer free fall" "SRL for [twitched]: Blinking , he [twitched] the end of his tail",ARG-2: Blinking | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the end of his tail SRL for [hand - count]: Florida counties could have more time to [hand - count] ballots .,ARG-0: Florida counties | ARG-1: ballots | ARG-M-TMP: more time "SRL for [explosion]: With the gimlet glare in his blue eyes , and his [explosion] of a beard he looked more like old Marx with every birthday",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: of a beard SRL for [explicated]: She [explicated] it all to me in Japanese .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: it all | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-MNR: in Japanese SRL for [started]: A murder [started] the book,ARG-2: A murder | ARG-1: the book SRL for [introduce]: Newsweek will [introduce] a new incentive plan for advertisers .,ARG-0: Newsweek | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a new incentive plan for advertisers SRL for [coproduction]: The ultimate effect was their [coproduction] of a shared vision of community,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of a shared vision of community SRL for [focusing]: He said the improvement was a result of ... *trace* [focusing] more carefully the company 's promotional activities .,ARG-M-MNR: more carefully | ARG-1: the company 's promotional activities SRL for [taking off]: Daniel and I were discussing his [taking off] from work to drive me up there .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a week | ARG-2: from work | ARG-M-PRD: to drive me up there "SRL for [targeting]: The UDN group is undertaking a three - pronged attack to crush their competition : continuing to access the wide readership of newspapers , [targeting] the high - tech sector through the Internet , and using the magazine format for regional companies with small budgets .",ARG-0: The UDN group | ARG-1: the high - tech sector | ARG-2: through the Internet "SRL for [filmed]: Because the show has acquired a sense of place by being [filmed] on location in Georgia , this episode -- in which Althea gets raped by an arrogant white schoolteacher -- does a decent job of tracing the social repercussions of the crime .",ARG-1: the show | ARG-M-MNR: on location | ARG-M-LOC: in Georgia SRL for [exacerbation]: The medication 's [exacerbation] of his itchiness lead the doctor to discontinue its usage .,ARG-0: The medication 's | ARG-1: of his itchiness "SRL for [catch up]: Tokyo 's leading program traders are the big U.S. securities houses , though the Japanese are playing [catch up] .", SRL for [accede]: Perhaps even the American apologists will now [accede] .,ARG-M-ADV: Perhaps | ARG-0: even the American apologists | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [incriminating]: A federal judge ruled that Imelda Marcos was n't brought to the U.S. against her will and that marital privileges , which protect spouses from [incriminating] each other , do n't apply in her case .",ARG-0: spouses | ARG-1: each other SRL for [interfacing]: His goal is to get people [interfacing] with each other .,ARG-0: people | ARG-1: with each other SRL for [rocketing]: Art prices are [rocketing] ...,ARG-1: Art prices SRL for [viewing]: your [viewing] of the family history,ARG-0: your | ARG-1: of the family history "SRL for [tore]: A series of explosions [tore] through the huge Phillips Petroleum Co. plastics plant near here , injuring more than a hundred and closing parts of the Houston Ship Channel .",ARG-0: A series of explosions | ARG-1: through the huge Phillips Petroleum Co. plastics plant near here | ARG-M-ADV: injuring more than a hundred and closing parts of the Houston Ship Channel "SRL for [grapple]: The sad reality is that the retail investor continues to pursue stellar performers first , while leaving institutions to [grapple] with basis points of performance on large sums of money quarter by quarter .",ARG-0: institutions | ARG-1: with basis points of performance on large sums of money SRL for [underbid]: Microsoft [underbid] IBM and SuSE by $ 11.9 million .,ARG-0: Microsoft | ARG-2: IBM and SuSE | ARG-M-EXT: by $ 11.9 million "SRL for [accords]: His shift [accords] with the transformation of the colony 's status , and was one of the details that helped me to recognize the model of dual chieftaincy in the Powhatans .",ARG-1: His shift | ARG-2: with the transformation of the colony 's status SRL for [start]: his [start] in the movie business,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-LOC: in the movie business SRL for [lightheaded]: She was not [lightheaded] at the time .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: at the time "SRL for [proclaimed]: `` I do not support federal funding for abortions except where the mother 's life is threatened , '' he [proclaimed] , and finally vetoed the measure last weekend .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: `` I do not support federal funding for abortions except where the mother 's life is threatened , ''" SRL for [open]: Hoyle said the position is still [open] for director and several people have already applied .,ARG-1: the position | ARG-M-TMP: still | C-ARG-1: for director SRL for [loped]: Police and Border Patrol trucks and news helicopters followed as they [loped] down suburban streets in the Eastlake area of Chula Vista .,ARG-1: they | ARG-2: down suburban streets | ARG-M-LOC: in the Eastlake area of Chula Vista "SRL for [listed]: To confuse matters further , when UAL Corp. stock finally opened on the New York Stock Exchange at 11:08 a.m. , the price was [listed] at $ 324.75 a share , up about $ 45 from Friday ; in fact , its true price was $ 224.75 , down $ 55 .",ARG-1: the price | ARG-2: at $ 324.75 a share "SRL for [buried]: Hitachi Zosen Corp. , a shipbuilder [buried] in debt just a few years ago , will build a machinery plant , its first expansion in 14 years .",ARG-1: a shipbuilder | ARG-2: debt | ARG-M-TMP: just a few years ago "SRL for [blown]: Battle - tested Japanese industrial managers here always buck up nervous newcomers with the tale of the first of their countrymen to visit Mexico , a boatload of samurai warriors [blown] ashore 375 years ago .",ARG-1: a boatload | ARG-M-DIR: ashore | ARG-M-TMP: 375 years ago "SRL for [flicked]: I pulled the throttle of the tractor in and out , hoping to frighten him with the noise , but the snake only [flicked] its black , forked tongue and faced the huge tractor wheel , without fright or concern .","ARG-0: the snake | ARG-M-DIS: only | ARG-1: its black , forked tongue" SRL for [yakked]: This was right after he [yakked] about giving small businesses tax incentives to hire .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: about giving small businesses tax incentives to hire SRL for [help]: Computer makers were scrambling to [help] customers recover from the disaster .,ARG-0: Computer makers | ARG-2: customers | ARG-1: recover from the disaster "SRL for [swear off]: Kidder Peabody became the most recent firm to [swear off] stock - index arbitrage trading for its own account , and Merrill Lynch late yesterday took the major step of renouncing the trading strategy even for its clients .",ARG-0: the most recent firm | ARG-1: stock - index arbitrage trading for its own account SRL for [pinched]: Vinny got [pinched] for selling counterfeit $ 2 bills,ARG-1: Vinny | ARG-2: for selling counterfeit $ 2 bills SRL for [coping]: The company 's [coping] with changes in the marketplace was not very effective .,ARG-0: The company 's | ARG-1: with changes in the marketplace SRL for [procrastinated]: Winston [procrastinated] a lot due to his nervous demeanor .,ARG-0: Winston | ARG-M-ADV: a lot | ARG-M-CAU: due to his nervous demeanor SRL for [twotiming]: Still I did n't think she was [twotiming] me with Precious right then .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: me | ARG-2: with Precious "SRL for [spite]: She invigorated the far right wingers to actually go out and campaign for McCain , instead of apathetically voting for McCain to [spite] Obama .",ARG-0: the far right wingers | ARG-1: Obama "SRL for [functioning]: Arbitrage simply transfers his selling pressure from Chicago to New York , while [functioning] as a buyer in Chicago .",ARG-0: Arbitrage | ARG-1: as a buyer in Chicago "SRL for [modulated]: John [modulated] the chord progression from C major to C - sharp major , the long way around .",ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the chord progression | ARG-2: from C major | ARG-3: to C - sharp major | ARG-M-MNR: the long way around SRL for [pounded out]: Rock drummer Dragon Zuricic [pounded out] a beat for marching and hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took up the call .,ARG-0: Rock drummer Dragon Zuricic | ARG-1: a beat for marching "SRL for [blow]: The normal person would get colon [blow] from these doses , and it firms me up to normal .",ARG-1: colon SRL for [liking]: 30 % of my [liking] the decemberists is their obsession with boats,ARG-0: my | ARG-1: the decemberists SRL for [Resampling]: [Resampling] of the ice core,ARG-1: of the ice core "SRL for [patterned]: This week , New York City announced a 10 - point policy [patterned] on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers .",ARG-1: a 10 - point policy | ARG-2: on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers "SRL for [worth]: The RIAA is trying to tell you that the music I have stolen thus far is [worth] $ 2,000,000 to them","ARG-1: the music I have stolen thus far | ARG-2: $ 2,000,000 | ARG-3: to them" SRL for [annoyed]: The New Mexico teenager accused of fatally shooting his parents and three younger siblings told authorities he was [annoyed] with his mother .,ARG-1: he | ARG-0: with his mother "SRL for [Cast]: [Cast] as Violetta Valery in a new production of Verdi 's `` La Traviata , '' Ms. Gruberova last week did many things nicely and others not so well .",ARG-1: Ms. Gruberova | ARG-2: as Violetta Valery | ARG-M-LOC: in a new production of Verdi 's `` La Traviata SRL for [flexible]: They are [flexible] about days or evenings and will make time for everyone who qualifies .,ARG-1: They | ARG-2: about days or evenings "SRL for [promises]: Mr. Jones has been taking prospective suite owners onto the field during practice to let them rub elbows with players , and [promises] those who actually buy one of the rooms an insider 's look at the team 's strategy before game time .",ARG-0: Mr. Jones | ARG-1: those who actually buy one of the rooms | ARG-2: an insider 's look at the team 's strategy before game time "SRL for [condemned]: The internal investigation also [condemned] MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand , for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags .","ARG-0: The internal investigation | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand | ARG-2: for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags" SRL for [exchange]: His [exchange] of ideas with other great thinkers,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of ideas | ARG-2: with other great thinkers "SRL for [endowed]: If mutation and natural selection slowly but surely give rise to more and more advanced forms of life , then it was only a matter of eons before splendid beings [endowed] with reason , self - awareness and taste shimmered onto the scene .","ARG-2: splendid beings | ARG-1: with reason , self - awareness and taste" "SRL for [evacuated]: Major injuries were n't reported at Candlestick Park , where the third game of baseball 's World Series was canceled and fans [evacuated] from the stadium .",ARG-2: fans | ARG-1: from the stadium SRL for [hyperkalemic]: Patient is [hyperkalemic] .,ARG-1: Patient SRL for [execution]: The [execution] of contracts by foreign investment enterprises,ARG-1: of contracts | ARG-0: by foreign investment enterprises "SRL for [scraped]: I always wanted to farm , and my senior year of high school I [scraped] up some machinery and rounded up 40 acres , and I was off and running .",ARG-M-TMP: my senior year of high school | ARG-0: I | ARG-2: up | ARG-1: some machinery SRL for [guarding]: You may miss subtle signs of a food - aggressive dog 's [guarding] the empty bowl when you walk by .,ARG-0: a food - aggressive dog 's | ARG-1: the empty bowl | ARG-M-TMP: when you walk by "SRL for [adorable]: Oh gosh , that is [adorable] ! !",ARG-M-DIR: Oh gosh | ARG-1: that "SRL for [scoffs]: Carl Schramm , president of the Health Insurance Association of America , [scoffs] at `` capitalists who want to socialize the entire financing system '' for health .","ARG-0: Carl Schramm , president of the Health Insurance Association of America | ARG-1: at `` capitalists who want to socialize the entire financing system '' for health" SRL for [attack]: The hinge was weakened by an [attack] of rust .,ARG-0: of rust "SRL for [stopped by]: `` I feel like a little kid , '' says a gleeful Alex de Castro , a car salesman , who has [stopped by] a workout of the Suns to slip six Campaneris cards to the Great Man Himself to be autographed .",ARG-0: a car salesman | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: a workout of the Suns | ARG-M-PRP: to slip six Campaneris cards to the Great Man Himself to be autographed "SRL for [outer]: good , now please fill in the [outer] sides of the second level 3x3 square but leave the middle open",ARG-1: sides | ARG-2: of the second level 3x3 square "SRL for [sedimented]: At the beginning of the Lutetian , transgression ( stage 2 of Fig.3 ) , the rivers are changed into estuaries , glauconitic sand is [sedimented] .",ARG-1: glauconitic sand "SRL for [headed]: If she is still fuzzy - [headed] , we should probably go ahead and proceed to permanent pacing , which was discussed at length today , including a potential for bleeding , infection , cardiac and lung injury with pacemaker implantation .",ARG-1: she | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-2: fuzzy SRL for [accented]: They [accented] the new dining area with throw pillows of a ghastly turquoise hue .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the new dining area | ARG-2: with throw pillows of a ghastly turquoise hue SRL for [polypectomy]: hot snare [polypectomy],ARG-M-MNR: hot snare "SRL for [fouled]: The stuff the eject is [fouled] and gross , but after it floats in the sun , on the ocean , for many years , it becomes ambergris - worth a small fortune too .....",ARG-1: The stuff the eject SRL for [construction]: Trump 's [construction] of the new downtown monstrosity angered long - term residents .,ARG-0: Trump 's | ARG-1: of the new downtown monstrosity SRL for [knocked down]: London share prices closed sharply lower Friday in active trading after Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson 's resignation slapped the market and Wall Street 's rapid initial sell - off [knocked down] .,ARG-0: Wall Street 's rapid initial sell - off | ARG-1: it "SRL for [misplaced]: The air - waybill number was changed en route , and paper work showing that the crates had cleared customs was [misplaced] , so it was a week before three of the four crates could be located in a bonded warehouse and the Gauguin discovered missing .",ARG-1: paper work showing that the crates had cleared customs SRL for [betroth]: They take her to [betroth] her to a young nobleman .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: a young nobleman "SRL for [drafting]: According to the reports of Syria 's official news agency on February 7 , the constitution [drafting] committee of the Syrian National Council announced on the same day that it had completed the draft formulation and would submit the draft to President Bashar .",ARG-1: constitution "SRL for [announced]: Kent cigarettes were sold , the company [announced]",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: Kent cigarettes were sold "SRL for [refrain]: `` Those who have no money and are n't buying think it 's right to [refrain] , but those with money who want to buy for themselves pay no attention , '' says an official of the Japan - U.S. Business Council .",ARG-0: Those who have no money and are n't buying "SRL for [cohesion]: In this present time of economic globalization , if a country wants an invincible position in the increasingly fierce international competition , it not only must have strong economic , scientific , and technological strength , but it needs cultural strength and national [cohesion] even more .",ARG-1: national SRL for [slug]: If he pokes his nose in here I 'll [slug] him .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: him SRL for [leafed]: They had been [leafed] through by many students who had been assigned them in the past .,ARG-1: through | C-ARG-1: They | ARG-0: by many students who had been assigned them in the past "SRL for [cackled]: "" I 'll get you my pretty ! "" the witch [cackled] at John .","ARG-0: the witch | ARG-1: "" I 'll get you my pretty ! "" | ARG-2: at John" "SRL for [unfounded]: in that case , the discourse of the Democratic Progressive Party that "" Taiwan is the Republic of China and the Republic of China is Taiwan "" will be legally [unfounded] .","ARG-M-DIS: in that case | ARG-1: the discourse of the Democratic Progressive Party that "" Taiwan is the Republic of China and the Republic of China is Taiwan | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: legally" SRL for [hoped]: Sales were well short of what they had [hoped],ARG-0: they | ARG-1: what SRL for [battling]: That 's the view of some analysts here who argue that Britain 's leading maker of luxury cars still may have two U.S. auto giants [battling] for it .,ARG-0: two U.S. auto giants | ARG-2: for it "SRL for [flung]: Some , feeling "" cheated , "" [flung] their exhibition leaflets on the floor in disgust .","ARG-0: Some , feeling "" cheated | ARG-1: their exhibition leaflets | ARG-2: on the floor | ARG-M-MNR: in disgust" SRL for [endorectal]: [endorectal] ultrasound,ARG-1: ultrasound "SRL for [ghost - authored]: An ex - Massachusetts governor with a pro - choice , gay - friendly , environmentalist record who [ghost - authored] Obama 's health care reform or A Christianist nutcase who wants to turn America into a theocracy and invade Iran -LRB- and who lost his Pennsylvania senate race in a landslide -RRB- or Ron Paul -LRB- ' nuf said -RRB-","ARG-0: An ex - Massachusetts governor with a pro - choice , gay - friendly , environmentalist record | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: Obama 's health care reform" SRL for [know]: They [know] a tasty meal when they eat one .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: a tasty meal | ARG-M-TMP: when they eat one SRL for [chilly]: Is it really that [chilly] ? says sunset at 8 pm and 60 degrees til then,ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-EXT: that "SRL for [myelosuppress]: Busulfan ( BU ) is a clinically employed , well - established chemotherapeutic agent used to [myelosuppress] patients prior to receiving BM transplants .",ARG-0: Busulfan ( BU ) | ARG-1: patients | ARG-M-TMP: prior to receiving BM transplants SRL for [personal]: I 'm posting anonymously because what I am going to say is very [personal] .,ARG-1: what I am going to say | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [involvement]: his [involvement] of undergraduate students in original chaimara research .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of undergraduate students | ARG-2: in original chaimara research SRL for [smoke]: A law went on the books in January that let him [smoke] bacon without breeding pigs .,ARG-0: him | ARG-1: bacon | ARG-M-ADV: without breeding pigs SRL for [pottered]: Jones [pottered] over the flowerbed .,ARG-0: Jones | ARG-1: over the flowerbed "SRL for [reimaging]: Should [reimaging] of the disease show it has metasticised ,",ARG-1: of the disease SRL for [publication]: Julian Assange defended his [publication] of the leaked U.S. embassy cables .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the leaked U.S. embassy cables "SRL for [spins]: In `` The Cuckoo 's Egg '' ( Doubleday , 326 pages , $ 19.95 ) , he [spins] a remarkable tale of his efforts over 18 months to catch a computer spy .","ARG-M-LOC: In `` The Cuckoo 's Egg '' ( Doubleday , 326 pages , $ 19.95 ) | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a remarkable tale of his efforts over 18 months to catch a computer spy" SRL for [Issuance]: [Issuance] of Certificate of Registration as a LLP .,ARG-1: of Certificate of Registration | ARG-3: as a LLP SRL for [popular]: That teacher is [popular] among teenagers .,ARG-1: That teacher | ARG-2: among teenagers SRL for [definition]: Jack 's [definition] of rockabilly as a type of country music angered Gretchen .,ARG-0: Jack 's | ARG-1: of rockabilly | ARG-2: as a type of country music SRL for [nebulized]: Dr. Trebek [nebulized] Don with Clavomox .,ARG-0: Dr. Trebek | ARG-1: Don | ARG-2: with Clavomox SRL for [boggles]: His choice [boggles] me .,ARG-0: me | ARG-1: His choice SRL for [interpretation]: his [interpretation] of Vietnamese culture,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Vietnamese culture SRL for [flaking]: Excessive scratching has caused [flaking] of the skin into frosted flakes shaped pieces .,ARG-1: of the skin | ARG-3: into frosted flakes shaped pieces SRL for [work up]: How do you [work up] microscopic hematuria in an adult ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-2: microscopic hematuria | ARG-1: in an adult | ARG-M-MNR: How "SRL for [follows]: For most investors `` the benefits just are n't worth the risks , '' says Barbara Roper , who [follows] financial - planning issues for the Consumer Federation of America , a consumer - advocacy organization based in Washington .","R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: Barbara Roper | ARG-1: financial - planning issues | ARG-2: for the Consumer Federation of America , a consumer - advocacy organization based in Washington" SRL for [shirk]: We must not [shirk] our responsibility and we can not just blame the demonstrators . '',ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: our responsibility "SRL for [going]: The one thing Mr. Phillips clearly does have [going] for him is continuity , although it is n't certain if that will be enough .",ARG-1: The one thing | ARG-2: for him SRL for [request]: Louis Libby 's [request] of congress,ARG-0: Louis Libby 's | ARG-2: of congress "SRL for [rat]: Maybe we need a CIA version of the Miranda warning : You have the right to conceal your coup intentions , because we may [rat] on you .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: on you SRL for [tough]: Jennifer Aniston admits the stripping scene in her new comedy movie ' We 're The Millers ' was [tough] to film,ARG-1: the stripping scene in her new comedy movie ' We 're The Millers ' | C-ARG-1: to film "SRL for [riding up]: That bikini is cute from the front , but the thing was [riding up] her butt and looked ridiculous from behind .",ARG-1: the thing | ARG-2: her butt SRL for [knelled]: Funeral and wedding bells [knelled] important passages in the lives of individuals .,ARG-1: Funeral and wedding bells | ARG-2: important passages in the lives of individuals "SRL for [decompresses]: Our thank - you for this is Rough Rider , which will be baked as soon as Adam [decompresses] .",ARG-1: Adam SRL for [differentiated]: The doctor [differentiated] chicken pox from the common cold using the patient 's red spots .,ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-1: chicken pox | ARG-2: from the common cold | ARG-3: using the patient 's red spots SRL for [siphoned]: Included was the charge that Sindona [siphoned] $ 45 million of Franklin funds for his other ventures .,ARG-0: Sindona | ARG-1: $ 45 million of Franklin funds | ARG-M-GOL: for his other ventures "SRL for [disappointment]: To be sure , ignorance of new trends is not recommended , but looking too far into the future can also lead to [disappointment] .", SRL for [caricature]: The first is that it represents an intense battle in what James Thurber used to [caricature] as `` the war between the sexes . '',ARG-0: James Thurber | R-ARG-1: what | ARG-1: an intense battle | ARG-2: as `` the war between the sexes . '' SRL for [constipates]: Calcium [constipates] me .,ARG-0: Calcium | ARG-1: me SRL for [captivating]: Broadcasters have a healthy appreciation of the role entertainment values play in [captivating] an audience .,ARG-0: entertainment values | ARG-1: an audience "SRL for [heeled]: He [heeled] him and obeyed him , fawned on him as dogs do their trainers and keepers .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: him SRL for [abduction]: His [abduction] of the left arm is impaired .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the left arm SRL for [broadcasts]: The Voice of America is a government agency that [broadcasts] news and views -- some might say propaganda -- in 43 languages to 130 million listeners around the world .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a government agency | ARG-1: news and views -- some might say propaganda -- | ARG-M-MNR: in 43 languages | ARG-2: to 130 million listeners around the world SRL for [supratherapeutic]: His last INR was [supratherapeutic] at 6.0 .,ARG-1: His last INR | ARG-2: at 6.0 "SRL for [formulation]: Pending the [formulation] of any new regulation , the building of any new golf course is prohibited and is illegal .",ARG-1: of any new regulation "SRL for [resonated]: It was a profoundly moving moment for series television , and Robert Loggia 's acting [resonated] in the silence .",ARG-1: Robert Loggia 's acting | ARG-M-LOC: in the silence "SRL for [robo - response]: I just get voicemail when I call and a [robo - response] when I email directing me to a way out - of - date , highly uninformative website .","ARG-M-TMP: when I email | ARG-M-PRD: directing me to a way out - of - date , highly uninformative website" "SRL for [ok]: Her renal function was normal and she is [ok] for surgery from a medical standpoint , but her platelet count should be monitoredcarefully .",ARG-2: she | ARG-1: for surgery | ARG-M-ADV: from a medical standpoint SRL for [incontinent]: A resident who is [incontinent] of urine has an increased risk of developing . ( A ) dementia . ( B ) urinary tract infections .,ARG-1: who | ARG-2: of urine "SRL for [shepherded]: Producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer , who [shepherded] `` Flashdance '' through several scripts and ultimately produced the movie , bristle when Messrs. Guber and Peters take credit for the film .",ARG-0: Producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: Flashdance | ARG-M-DIR: through several scripts "SRL for [crazy]: Hell , as for myself , I 'm not [crazy] about how we 're proceeding , either .",ARG-M-DIR: Hell | ARG-M-ADV: as for myself | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: about how we 're proceeding | ARG-M-ADV: either "SRL for [incomparable]: Although the conditions now are [incomparable] to ancient times , obtaining a higher degree still requires an effort .",ARG-1: the conditions now | ARG-2: to ancient times SRL for [psyched]: I really tried to get [psyched] myself to do it,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-REC: myself | ARG-2: to do it SRL for [ownership]: its reduced [ownership] in the Lyondell Petrochemical Co.,ARG-0: its | ARG-M-EXT: reduced | ARG-1: in the Lyondell Petrochemical Co. "SRL for [capped]: The arrests [capped] a four - month investigation by the Internal Revenue Service , the U.S. Attorney 's office and a Security Pacific internal investigation team .","ARG-2: The arrests | ARG-1: a four - month investigation by the Internal Revenue Service , the U.S. Attorney 's office and a Security Pacific internal investigation team" SRL for [reinstated]: CMS ENERGY Corp. said management would recommend to its board today that its common stock dividend be [reinstated] at a `` modest level '' later this year .,ARG-1: its common stock dividend | ARG-2: at a `` modest level '' | ARG-M-TMP: later this year "SRL for [stirred]: Sterling 's firm tone , combined with a steady opening on Wall Street , also [stirred] some investors to come back to the market , dealers said .","ARG-0: Sterling 's firm tone , combined with a steady opening on Wall Street | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: some investors | ARG-3: to come back to the market" "SRL for [subsidized]: `` I 've heard from friends that state farms are [subsidized] , '' Mr. Pyszkiewicz says as his wife , Wieslawa , sets some chairs out in the sun .",ARG-1: state farms "SRL for [analyze]: Mr. Phelan said , `` It will take another day or two '' to [analyze] who was buying and selling Friday .",ARG-1: who was buying and selling Friday "SRL for [managed]: The French filmmaker Claude Chabrol has [managed] another kind of weird achievement with his "" Story of Women "" .","ARG-0: The French filmmaker Claude Chabrol | ARG-1: another kind of weird achievement with his "" Story of Women """ "SRL for [taking]: Graduate students are [taking] longer than ever to get their doctor of philosophy degrees , the National Research Council says .",ARG-2: Graduate students | ARG-1: longer than ever | ARG-0: to get their doctor of philosophy degrees "SRL for [combined]: Sterling 's firm tone , [combined] with a steady opening on Wall Street , also tempted some investors to come back to the market , dealers said .",ARG-1: Sterling 's firm tone | ARG-2: with a steady opening on Wall Street SRL for [yellowed]: The white stationary had [yellowed] with age .,ARG-1: The white stationary | ARG-M-MNR: with age "SRL for [fuming]: The direct - mail industry , not surprisingly , is [fuming] at the injustice of it all .",ARG-0: The direct - mail industry | ARG-M-ADV: not surprisingly | ARG-1: at the injustice of it all SRL for [stink]: I think re - enactments [stink] . '',ARG-1: re - enactments SRL for [leveling]: Israeli forces entered the Khan Younus camp after Palestinian gunmen fired at Israeli bulldozers [leveling] an earthen barrier .,ARG-0: Israeli bulldozers | ARG-1: an earthen barrier SRL for [disputes]: Campeau 's Ms. Sanger [disputes] Mr. Konheim 's comments .,ARG-0: Campeau 's Ms. Sanger | ARG-2: Mr. Konheim 's comments SRL for [unsuccessful]: Because I was [unsuccessful] at taking over the world today ...,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: at taking over the world | ARG-M-TMP: today SRL for [anticipation]: His [anticipation] of the blow saved it from doing serious damage,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the blow "SRL for [co-chaired]: Following the loss of the Republican Party led by US President George Bush in the midterm congressional elections , which were considered a referendum on US involvement in Iraq , came the Study Group report on US policy options in Iraq , which is [co-chaired] by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Congressman Lee Hamilton ...",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: the Study Group report on US policy options in Iraq | ARG-0: by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Congressman Lee Hamilton ... SRL for [dosed]: Lucien himself had not [dosed] her coffee with opium .,ARG-0: Lucien himself | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: her coffee | ARG-2: with opium SRL for [non - circled]: [non - circled] foci,ARG-1: foci "SRL for [ingrained]: For that reason , Japanese civilians are imprinted with the deepest hatred for America . And only for the government 's sake , they restrain their emotion to the greatest extent possible rather than show it . However , this hatred is so [ingrained] that once it bursts forth , extremely severe consequences will be seen .","ARG-M-ADV: However | ARG-2: this hatred | ARG-M-CXN: so | C-ARG-M-CXN: that once it bursts forth , extremely severe consequences will be seen" SRL for [speechless]: I 'm completely [speechless] . The BMW guy is so arrogant !,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-EXT: completely "SRL for [fundamental]: I see the logic , but I still think a Con Law scholar such as Obama should be more [fundamental] in his beliefs about upholding the law .",ARG-0: a Con Law scholar such as Obama | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-1: in his beliefs about upholding the law "SRL for [hit nail on head]: I think you [hit nail on head] , which is he really has not accomplished anything",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: which is he really has not accomplished anything SRL for [extranodal]: Four of 14 removed lymph nodes were involved by adenocarcinoma with [extranodal] extension .,ARG-1: extension "SRL for [formulating]: He spent most of his career [formulating] marketing strategies , but became best - known for chipping away at ad agency compensation .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: marketing strategies SRL for [diversification]: Will the company 's [diversification] across different segments help to de - risk your business portfolio ?,ARG-1: the company 's | ARG-2: across different segments "SRL for [light]: The long room was [light] and airy , with tall windows that looked towards the river .",ARG-1: The long room | ARG-M-ADV: with tall windows that looked towards the river SRL for [re - landscaped]: ... the [re - landscaped] Longkai River region ...,ARG-1: Longkai River region SRL for [composition]: His [composition] of a theory from these scanty facts seems quite premature .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of a theory | ARG-2: from these scanty facts "SRL for [re - evaluating]: In a prepared statement from Australia , the company also said that , following the breakdown of the MGM talks , it `` had been [re - evaluating] its position as a significant shareholder and a substantial creditor of Qintex Entertainment '' and had `` resolved to minimize the degree of further loans to Qintex Entertainment in excess of that previously made . ''",ARG-M-TMP: following the breakdown of the MGM talks | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its position as a significant shareholder and a substantial creditor of Qintex Entertainment SRL for [reexcised]: Only 1 SCB patient ( 2 % ) was [reexcised] .,ARG-2: Only 1 SCB patient ( 2 % ) "SRL for [tarred]: And both the trust and Manville are seeking to avoid the bad publicity that , in the asbestos era , [tarred] the Manville name .",ARG-0: the bad publicity | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-TMP: in the asbestos era | ARG-1: the Manville name "SRL for [lean]: If these assumptions hold , voters in races for Congress face what in economic theory is called a prisoner 's dilemma and have an incentive , at the margin , to [lean] Democratic .",ARG-0: voters in races for Congress | ARG-2: Democratic "SRL for [ashamed]: The story that Jim told that [ashamed] him concerned his daughter Lizabeth , who had just recovered from scarlet fever .",ARG-0: that | ARG-1: him SRL for [homer]: His two run [homer] off Ralph Branca,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-ADJ: two run | ARG-M-DIR: off Ralph Branca "SRL for [leveled]: In May 1988 , an ammonium perchlorate plant in Henderson owned by an American Pacific Corp. unit was [leveled] by a series of explosions .",ARG-M-TMP: In May 1988 | ARG-1: an ammonium perchlorate plant in Henderson owned by an American Pacific Corp. unit | ARG-2: by a series of explosions SRL for [shift]: a production [shift] of several Yellow Pages directories to the fourth quarter from the third,ARG-4: production | ARG-1: of several Yellow Pages directories | ARG-2: to the fourth quarter | ARG-3: from the third SRL for [condemned]: A White House spokesman [condemned] the truce suspension as `` deplorable '' but brushed off talk of renewing military funding for the insurgents .,ARG-0: A White House spokesman | ARG-1: the truce suspension | ARG-2: as `` deplorable '' "SRL for [reap]: In a prepared statement , GM suggested its plans for Jaguar would be more valuable in the long run than the initial windfalls investors might [reap] from a hostile Ford bid .",ARG-0: investors | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: the initial windfalls | ARG-2: from a hostile Ford bid SRL for [remembrance]: To show their [remembrance] of Canada 's Veterans,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Canada 's Veterans SRL for [turning]: involuntary [turning] of her head to the right associated with worsening neck pain,ARG-M-MNR: involuntary | ARG-1: of her head | ARG-M-DIR: to the right | ARG-M-PRD: associated with worsening neck pain SRL for [developed]: The patient has sigmoid colon cancer that has [developed] liver metastases,ARG-1: that | ARG-2: liver metastases SRL for [cold]: We were [cold] on the trail of a pair of young tigers who had been spotted a few days earlier .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: on the trail of a pair of young tigers who had been spotted a few days earlier "SRL for [circumscribe]: Therefore , video searches should be classified as vertical searches , and as compared to words , their search area is easier to [circumscribe] .",ARG-1: their search area "SRL for [periumbilical]: However , those with an easily reducible [periumbilical] hernia that does not affect physical activity may be graded P2 .",ARG-1: hernia "SRL for [toss]: We suggest that Mr. Fernandez find an incompetent principal , [toss] him out of the building and let the forces of the status quo explain to the parents whatever it is they 're defending .",ARG-0: Mr. Fernandez | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-DIR: out of the building "SRL for [hoot]: Above , in the tiled prosceniums of the alcoves , boys sing the ghazals of Hafiz and Saadi , while at the very bottom , in the vaults , the toughs and blades of the city [hoot] and bang their drums , drink arak , play dice , and dance .",ARG-M-LOC: at the very bottom | ARG-M-LOC: in the vaults | ARG-0: the toughs and blades of the city SRL for [purulent]: The base of the ulcer is [purulent] with necrotic debris and hemorrhagic exudate .,ARG-1: The base of the ulcer | ARG-2: with necrotic debris and hemorrhagic exudate SRL for [discharge]: The patient 's [discharge] was given three days after his surgery .,ARG-1: The patient 's SRL for [bum]: Can I [bum] a ride to haverford ?,ARG-M-MOD: Can | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a ride to haverford SRL for [Watch]: Harry Pearce and his [Watch] over the Embassy in Dakar .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: over the Embassy in Dakar SRL for [of two minds]: The public is [of two minds] when it comes to trade with other countries .,ARG-0: The public | ARG-1: when it comes to trade with other countries SRL for [mumbled]: My questions on this subject ... were greeted with derision and some [mumbled] comments about that report being discredited .,ARG-1: comments "SRL for [automating]: Olivetti also plans to sell the CP486 computer in the U.S. starting next year through Olivetti USA and through its ISC\/Bunker Ramo unit , which specializes in [automating] bank - branch networks .",ARG-0: its ISC\/Bunker Ramo unit | ARG-1: bank - branch networks SRL for [extravagant]: The Father was [extravagant] with his forgiveness,ARG-1: The Father | ARG-2: with his forgiveness SRL for [dedicated]: It is pure fluke who is working when any particular patient is there so should they be rewarded when other staff who may be equally [dedicated] were n't on duty ?,ARG-1: who | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-EXT: equally "SRL for [mentioned]: One day , Martine [mentioned] to us that Chien - chien was a little cross - eyed .",ARG-M-TMP: One day | ARG-0: Martine | ARG-2: to us | ARG-1: Chien - chien was a little cross - eyed "SRL for [shucked]: He [shucked] a clam , squirted a few drops of lemon juice on it , tipped his head back , and sucked it down with a loud "" sloup "" .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a clam SRL for [case]: a [case] of pot luck,ARG-1: of pot luck SRL for [cut and run]: Does America want us to lose this war and [cut and run] as Reid and Pelosi have impose upon our president ?,ARG-0: us | ARG-M-ADV: as Reid and Pelosi have impose upon our president ? "SRL for [sentencing]: Their [sentencing] him to solitary confinement , what a joke .",ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to solitary confinement SRL for [dehydration]: Their [dehydration] of the meat allowed it to be stored over the winter .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of the meat SRL for [kicked bucket]: but you have [ unintellegible ] Lewis Powell was one of your sources because he [kicked bucket] .,ARG-1: he SRL for [backs]: John 's house [backs] onto the city dump .,ARG-0: John 's house | ARG-1: onto the city dump SRL for [received]: Edison customers have [received] electric service since April 1985 .,ARG-0: Edison customers | ARG-1: electric service | ARG-M-TMP: since April 1985 "SRL for [unethical]: Good article , but he was [unethical] to lead on other job seekers .",ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to lead on other job seekers "SRL for [publicized]: I do n't think it 's fair that cases are so [publicized] , and should only be so open if the defendant does n't mind .",ARG-1: cases | ARG-M-EXT: so "SRL for [guess]: `` I [guess] we 'll reluctantly go ahead and do it , vote for Dinkins , '' says Richard Wade , a politically active professor who supported Richard Ravitch , an also - ran in the Democratic primary .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: we 'll reluctantly go ahead and do it , vote for Dinkins" SRL for [boiling]: ... with huge economic inequalities and social discontent [boiling] under the surface .,ARG-1: huge economic inequalities and social discontent | ARG-M-LOC: under the surface "SRL for [rails]: Rival Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr , who usually [rails] at Statehouse `` hacks '' and nepotism , argued that the new drawings were designed to hide Mr. Madden 's `` rapidly growing forehead '' and the facial defects of `` chinless '' Dan Shaughnessy , a Globe sports columnist .",ARG-0: Rival Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-TMP: usually | ARG-1: at Statehouse `` hacks '' and nepotism SRL for [retreat]: The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 41.60 to 2645.08 even though some late selling caused the market to [retreat] from session highs .,ARG-1: the market | ARG-3: from session highs "SRL for [transfected]: To establish that the cloned protein displays serine racemase activity , we [transfected] HEK293 cells that do not possess endogenous D - serine .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: HEK293 cells that do not possess endogenous D - serine SRL for [struck out]: Mary [struck out] with a vicious slider .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John | ARG-M-MNR: with a vicious slider SRL for [hacking]: A Florida man pleaded guilty today to a series of cyber - related crimes relating to his [hacking] into the personal e - mail accounts of more than 50 individuals associated with the entertainment industry .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: into the personal e - mail accounts of more than 50 individuals associated with the entertainment industry SRL for [amazing]: It was [amazing] to watch her .,ARG-0: to watch her "SRL for [counterprogram]: And remember McPherson is a demonstrated fan of making bold , aggressive scheduling gestures -- moving "" Grey 's Anatomy "" against "" CSI , "" filling Wednesdays with three new shows in 2007 , being the first network in years to [counterprogram] the Super Bowl .",ARG-0: the first network in years | ARG-1: the Super Bowl "SRL for [misinterpretation]: Ha - ha , the Spring Festival Gala of this year has passed . Otherwise , we could put the case between old Jiang of Deka Company and the local government on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala , inviting the audience nationwide to judge who is right and who is wrong , so as to promote the development of the local soft environment and rectify the [misinterpretation] of the word "" soft environment "" by some current government officials .","ARG-1: of the word "" soft environment "" | ARG-0: by some current government officials" SRL for [non - specific]: This finding is [non - specific] as to the cause .,ARG-1: This finding | ARG-2: as to the cause SRL for [MAD]: I am [MAD] that we choose to think the worst of each other .,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: that we choose to think the worst of each other "SRL for [pinched]: ... and , what PASOK 's cut was from the $ 210 million Mr. Koskotas [pinched] .",ARG-0: Mr. Koskotas | ARG-1: what PASOK 's cut was from the $ 210 million SRL for [suboptimal]: Urologists ' and GPs ' knowledge of hereditary prostate cancer is [suboptimal] for prostate cancer counseling,ARG-1: Urologists ' and GPs ' knowledge of hereditary prostate cancer | ARG-2: for prostate cancer counseling "SRL for [self - destructed]: Morton Downey Jr. , who [self - destructed] as a talk - show host and frequently verbally abused his guests , has been signed to co - host a half - hour nightly program on the Consumer News and Business Channel , the cable channel partly owned by the General Electric Co. 's National Broadcasting Co.",ARG-0: Morton Downey Jr. | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-PRD: as a talk - show host SRL for [sung]: His melodious `` Confutatis '' was smoothly [sung] by bass Brian Matthews .,ARG-M-MNR: smoothly | ARG-1: His melodious `` Confutatis '' | ARG-0: by bass Brian Matthews "SRL for [excessive]: Although it appears to be extravagant or [excessive] , normally , it would be more realistic and meaningful to stress on "" Do n't do evil . """,ARG-1: it "SRL for [crash]: Name - dropping recently helped Mr. Houston - Montgomery [crash] a party Fame magazine threw for 100 of the 2,809 people mentioned in the diaries of the late Andy Warhol .","ARG-0: Mr. Houston - Montgomery | ARG-1: a party Fame magazine threw for 100 of the 2,809 people mentioned in the diaries of the late Andy Warhol" SRL for [foliated]: Nine trees [foliated] new shade leaves during the period .,ARG-1: Nine trees | ARG-2: new shade leaves | ARG-M-TMP: during the period SRL for [fast forwarded]: He [fast forwarded] the cassette right to the end .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the cassette | ARG-4: right to the end "SRL for [investigating]: Prosecutors in Taitung have been [investigating] county councilors for alleged corruption involving public grants and construction projects , and after half a year of the investigation 19 representatives have been indicted , including the current speaker and deputy speaker of the county council , along with 41 members of the previous two sessions of the council .",ARG-0: Prosecutors in Taitung | ARG-1: county councilors | ARG-2: for alleged corruption involving public grants and construction projects SRL for [autoanticoagulation]: Canine [autoanticoagulation],ARG-1: Canine "SRL for [generalize]: It [*EXP*-1] 's hard [*] to [generalize] , but age seems [*-2] to be the best predictor .", "SRL for [inquired]: I [inquired] , at the top of my voice , where the hell I was .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: at the top of my voice | ARG-1: where the hell I was SRL for [hurtful]: My cutie . You should just say you know that 's very [hurtful] she probably is clueless,ARG-0: that | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [posturing]: Unless Mr. Lawson 's resignation leads to a change in British interest - rate policy -- Mrs. Thatcher 's administration firmly supports high interest rates to keep inflation in check -- or [posturing] toward full inclusion in the European Monetary System 's exchange - rate mechanism , Mr. Lawson 's withdrawal will have little long - term impact on exchange rates , Mr. Chandross concluded .",ARG-1: toward full inclusion in the European Monetary System 's exchange - rate mechanism SRL for [gashed]: Someone deliberately [gashed] the paintwork .,ARG-0: Someone | ARG-M-MNR: deliberately | ARG-1: the paintwork "SRL for [left]: One of the men in the crowd said to Jesus , `` Teacher , our father just died and [left] some things for us .",ARG-M-DIS: Teacher | ARG-0: our father | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: some things | ARG-2: for us SRL for [monkeying around]: but the idea of the government and special prosecutors [monkeying around] with the relationship that reporters have with sources ah is a -- is a very bad thing .,ARG-0: the government and special prosecutors | ARG-1: with the relationship that reporters have with sources "SRL for [intensify]: The collapse Friday prompted speculation that Ford would [intensify] its pursuit of Jaguar , which is negotiating a defensive alliance with GM .","ARG-0: Ford | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: its pursuit of Jaguar , which is negotiating a defensive alliance with GM" SRL for [postponed]: A state judge [postponed] a decision on a move by holders of Telerate Inc. to block the tender offer of Dow Jones & Co. for the 33 % of Telerate it does n't already own .,ARG-0: A state judge | ARG-1: a decision on a move by holders of Telerate Inc. to block the tender offer of Dow Jones & Co. for the 33 % of Telerate it does n't already own SRL for [utilization]: The project will benefit from our [utilization] of Bob 's expertise .,ARG-0: our | ARG-1: of Bob 's expertise SRL for [holidayed]: They [holidayed] in Mexico together last month,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: in Mexico | ARG-M-TMP: last month SRL for [wonderful]: She is [wonderful] at her job,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: at her job SRL for [interruption]: an [interruption] from a veteran White House correspondent,ARG-0: from a veteran White House correspondent SRL for [attempt]: a management buy - out [attempt],ARG-0: management | ARG-1: buy - out SRL for [bigoted]: A friend was not to be expected in one who was [bigoted] to his own peculiar notions of the deity,ARG-1: who | ARG-3: to his own peculiar notions of the deity SRL for [pounded]: The stock of UAL Corp. continued to be [pounded] amid signs that British Airways may balk at any hasty reformulation of the aborted $ 6.79 billion buy - out of United Airlines ' parent .,ARG-1: The stock of UAL Corp. | ARG-M-LOC: amid signs that British Airways may balk at any hasty reformulation of the aborted $ 6.79 billion buy - out of United Airlines ' parent SRL for [perfusion]: Sufficient tissue [perfusion] and oxygenation are vital for all metabolic processes in cells and the major influencing factor of tissue repair and resistance to infectious organisms .,ARG-M-ADJ: Sufficient | ARG-1: tissue "SRL for [heading up]: Dr. Johnsee Lee , who as well as [heading up] the Biomedical Engineering Center is also general director of Union Chemical Laboratories , a research institute under the ITRI umbrella , says that due to biochips ' advantages of miniaturization , parallelism , speed and the ability to reveal the "" big picture , "" they have a very wide range of applications .",ARG-0: Dr. Johnsee Lee | ARG-1: the Biomedical Engineering Center "SRL for [resolved]: Thus , C2 ( acetate ) was [resolved] from the AES oligomers up to 7 EOs using 90 % ACN and 5 % dioxane .",ARG-2: C2 ( acetate ) | C-ARG-2: the AES oligomers | ARG-3: 90 % ACN and 5 % dioxane SRL for [for]: I 'm all [for] a bit of protectionism when it comes to labour markets .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-1: a bit of protectionism | ARG-M-ADV: when it comes to labour markets SRL for [begrudge]: And I surely do n't [begrudge] anyone the ability to lobby for what they want .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: surely | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: anyone | ARG-2: the ability to lobby SRL for [assorted]: Characteristic leather bowling shoes [assorted] by size in wooden shelves in a bowling alley .,ARG-1: Characteristic leather bowling shoes | ARG-3: by size | ARG-M-LOC: in wooden shelves | ARG-M-LOC: in a bowling alley SRL for [pre - set]: ... and in the light of the Western sponsor countries ' [pre - set] conditions .,ARG-1: conditions SRL for [scrounge]: And some grain analysts are predicting that corn prices might gyrate this month as exporters [scrounge] to find enough of the crop to meet their obligations to the Soviets .,ARG-0: exporters | ARG-1: to find enough of the crop to meet their obligations to the Soviets "SRL for [episode]: My daughter , 22 years , just had another [episode] of heart palpitations which landed her in the emergency department as she was not able to stop them herself .","ARG-0: My daughter , 22 years | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-ADV: another | ARG-1: of heart palpitations | ARG-M-ADJ: which landed her in the emergency department as she was not able to stop them herself" SRL for [tweeted]: The new groom [tweeted] the above pic,ARG-0: The new groom | ARG-1: the above pic "SRL for [absorbed]: George W. Bush , still by his own account given to "" heavy drinking , "" [absorbed] in changing the name of his chronically failed Arbusto Energy Oil Company to Bush Exploration ...","ARG-1: George W. Bush , still by his own account given to "" heavy drinking , "" | ARG-2: in changing the name of his chronically failed Arbusto Energy Oil Company to Bush Exploration" SRL for [failed]: The evil professor [failed] all of his students .,ARG-0: The evil professor | ARG-1: all of his students SRL for [experimenting]: They now are [experimenting] with measuring blood flow .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: with measuring blood flow "SRL for [undertaking]: In their [undertaking] of social and political issues , the band introduced the term "" Afro - German "" in to the context of German hip hop",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of social and political issues SRL for [convenient]: Visit our contact page to find a location that is [convenient] to you .,ARG-0: that | ARG-1: to you "SRL for [provocative]: Their dress is [provocative] , the music is suggestive and the girls ' body language is seductive .",ARG-0: Their dress SRL for [uprisings]: The Middle East [uprisings] have all been and are internal affairs .,ARG-M-LOC: Middle East "SRL for [nail down]: Discrepancies go unexplained in `` Confidential '' ( one ex - player claims he received $ 4,000 to $ 5,000 for his season football tickets while others said theirs brought only a few hundred dollars ) , and when Mr. Keteyian ca n't [nail down] something , like who really owned a car driven by Husker tailback Doug Dubose , he simply reprints his notes .","ARG-0: Mr. Keteyian | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: something , like who really owned a car driven by Husker tailback Doug Dubose | ARG-M-TMP: when" SRL for [wormed]: He wrote Carrot Top is one of those C list celebrities who [wormed] their way into your consciousness without you knowing how it happened .,ARG-0: those C list celebrities | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: their way | ARG-M-GOL: into your consciousness | ARG-M-MNR: without you knowing how it happened SRL for [larded]: Kerouac [larded] the text with poetic passages .,ARG-0: Kerouac | ARG-1: the text | ARG-2: with poetic passages SRL for [charge]: The [charge] on loans to depository institutions by the New York Federal Reserve Bank,ARG-3: on loans | ARG-2: to depository institutions | ARG-0: by the New York Federal Reserve Bank "SRL for [amplification]: To test a blood sample using a microarray chip , the sample must first go through many preparatory steps such as purification , nucleotide extraction , copying , [amplification] and labeling before being put onto the chip where the "" hybridization "" reaction takes place .", "SRL for [added]: The IRS is investigating lawyers , [added] Mr. Sonnett .",ARG-1: The IRS is investigating lawyers | ARG-0: Mr. Sonnett SRL for [round]: The latest [round] of confrontation over the past 12 weeks between Israelis and Palestinians,ARG-1: of confrontation | ARG-M-TMP: over the past 12 weeks | ARG-2: between Israelis and Palestinians "SRL for [transcribe]: What if I tune in my short - wave radio , [transcribe] an editorial or program , and print it in my newspaper ?",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: an editorial or program "SRL for [unified]: That 's why `` we have been working hard to develop a single , more [unified] presence in Europe , '' said A.J.C. Smith , Marsh & McLennan 's president , at a London news conference yesterday .",ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-1: presence SRL for [arise]: The current opportunities [arise] because the process for executing a buy or sell order in the actual stocks that make up the S & P 500 is more cumbersome than transacting in the futures market .,ARG-1: The current opportunities | ARG-M-CAU: because the process for executing a buy or sell order in the actual stocks that make up the S & P 500 is more cumbersome than transacting in the futures market SRL for [have to do]: These issues [have to do] with traffic and transportation .,ARG-2: These issues | ARG-1: with traffic and transportation "SRL for [repayment]: He conditioned it upon his [repayment] of $ 13795 to Mr. Crisman , Jr. for the expenses he incurred as guardian .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of $ 13795 | ARG-2: to Mr. Crisman , Jr. | ARG-3: for the expenses he incurred as guardian" "SRL for [bulging]: The tattered black binder , [bulging] with 18 years ' worth of recipes held together by rubber bands , was in chef Lindsey Shere 's purse when it was stolen from her house recently .",ARG-1: The tattered black binder | ARG-2: with 18 years ' worth of recipes held together by rubber bands SRL for [wicking]: The suppression of brine [wicking] .,ARG-1: brine "SRL for [figures]: Pierre Peladeau , a Canadian newspaper publisher little - known in the U.S. , [figures] to become a big player in North American printing -- and his ambitions do n't end there .","ARG-0: Pierre Peladeau , a Canadian newspaper publisher little - known in the U.S. | ARG-1: to become a big player in North American printing" SRL for [liquidate]: Property Capital Trust said it dropped its plan to [liquidate] because it was n't able to realize the value it had expected .,ARG-0: Property Capital Trust "SRL for [dined]: The next stop on the itinerary was Chad , where Chen [dined] with Chad 's President Idris Debi .",R-ARG-M-LOC: where | ARG-0: Chen | ARG-M-MNR: with Chad 's President Idris Debi | ARG-M-LOC: Chad SRL for [twanged]: Every muscle [twanged] brutally as she shifted .,ARG-1: Every muscle | ARG-M-MNR: brutally | ARG-M-TMP: as she shifted "SRL for [given]: This is very odd , *trace* [given] uncertainties about the auction .",ARG-1: uncertainties about the auction SRL for [bronzed]: I personally think she also has lightly [bronzed] her face with the same contouring powder .,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-MNR: lightly | ARG-1: her face | ARG-2: with the same contouring powder "SRL for [dismiss]: Mr. Ackerman already is seeking to [dismiss] Mr. Edelman as chairman of Datapoint Corp. , an Intelogic affiliate .","ARG-0: Mr. Ackerman | ARG-1: Mr. Edelman | ARG-2: as chairman of Datapoint Corp. , an Intelogic affiliate" "SRL for [objectifies]: Browning similarly [objectifies] the female character in his poem "" Porphyria 's Lover . ""","ARG-0: Browning | ARG-M-MNR: similarly | ARG-1: the female character | ARG-M-LOC: in his poem "" Porphyria 's Lover . """ "SRL for [lithotripsy]: For left nephrolithiasis [lithotripsy] was performed , 2010 .", SRL for [demands]: the ANC 's [demands] on the government to create a climate for negotiations,ARG-0: the ANC 's | ARG-2: on the government | ARG-1: to create a climate for negotiations SRL for [anemic]: Patient is [anemic] with a hemoglobin of 9.2 .,ARG-1: Patient | ARG-2: with a hemoglobin of 9.2 SRL for [minced]: John [minced] across the stage .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: across the stage SRL for [degreased]: I [degreased] the engine this past weekend .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the engine | ARG-M-TMP: this past weekend SRL for [coverage]: its [coverage] of the company,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the company "SRL for [interrogation]: Darrow began his [interrogation] of Bryan with a quiet question , "" You have given considerable study to the Bible , have n't you , Mr. Bryan ? """,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Bryan SRL for [culturing]: She spent a great deal of time [culturing] new contacts on Capitol Hill .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: new contacts on Capitol Hill SRL for [sole]: I always [sole] my leather - soled shoes with rubber .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-1: my leather - soled shoes | ARG-2: with rubber SRL for [snuffled]: The puppy [snuffled] the roses in the garden .,ARG-0: The puppy | ARG-1: the roses | ARG-M-LOC: in the garden SRL for [turned around]: The reforms [turned around] .,ARG-0: The reforms | ARG-1: the economy "SRL for [invitation]: Digits got its [invitation] to attend an "" invitation - only event "" to "" come see what 2011 will be the year of , ""","ARG-1: its | ARG-2: to attend an "" invitation - only event "" to "" come see what 2011 will be the year of , """ "SRL for [stalled out]: In the past two years , the stock almost [stalled out] .",ARG-M-TMP: In the past two years | ARG-1: the stock | ARG-M-ADV: almost SRL for [transected]: Tumor appears to be [transected] at the yellow lateral,ARG-1: Tumor | ARG-M-LOC: at the yellow lateral "SRL for [hyperventilates]: "" It is , "" [hyperventilates] the Post , "" One of the most jaw - dropping public make - overs ever """,ARG-1: It is | C-ARG-1: One of the most jaw - dropping public make - overs ever | ARG-0: the Post SRL for [notified]: UAL would n't elaborate on a statement that it had been [notified] of the filing by Reliance .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: of the filing | ARG-0: by Reliance "SRL for [struck]: The deal , which will involve an initial $ 20 million investment , was [struck] with a handshake , he added .","ARG-1: The deal , which will involve an initial $ 20 million investment | ARG-2: with a handshake" SRL for [involve]: ... federally funded fetal - tissue research that does n't [involve] transplants .,ARG-2: federally funded fetal - tissue research | R-ARG-2: that | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: transplants "SRL for [sterile]: The life we see around us evolved in this Universe as conditions allowed , so it 's not surprising at all that everything fits nicely . Other Universes with different rules would necessarily have life in them which fits that universe . And Universes which are [sterile] have no life in them to question the fact that they are not there .",ARG-1: which SRL for [delish]: : -RRB- excellent ! I 'm sure it will be [delish] !,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [have]: We did experience some difficulties with the initial LBO terms and , as your article made clear , successfully restructured our debt earlier this year , something those other retailers [have] yet to accomplish .",ARG-0: those other retailers | ARG-1: yet | ARG-2: to accomplish "SRL for [juxtapose]: Either way it was a pity , because Mr. Stolzman offered the most substantial music of the evening just after intermission : Steve Reich 's `` New York Counterpoint , '' one of a series of Reich works that [juxtapose] a live performer with recorded tracks of his or her own playing .",ARG-0: Reich works | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: a live performer | ARG-2: with recorded tracks of his or her own playing "SRL for [extorted]: According to testimony in a public , 80 - page grand - jury report handed up to the state attorney general , Judge O'Kicki [extorted] cash from lawyers , muscled favorable loans from banks and bullied local businesses for more than a decade .",ARG-0: Judge O'Kicki | ARG-1: cash | ARG-2: from lawyers | ARG-M-TMP: for more than a decade SRL for [benched]: The goalie was [benched] by the ref in the penalty box .,ARG-0: The goalie | ARG-1: the ref | ARG-2: the penalty box "SRL for [heckled]: The players were [heckled] by a patron during a July 4 , 1988 , game with the Martinsville Phillies .","ARG-1: The players | ARG-0: by a patron | ARG-M-TMP: during a July 4 , 1988 , game with the Martinsville Phillies" SRL for [waltzed]: He [waltzed] her across the floor,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-COM: her | ARG-1: across the floor SRL for [watching]: If anyone wants to learn about model [watching] or how I know this is going to happen feel free to pm me .,ARG-1: model SRL for [clasped]: Rachel [clasped] her hands together and slowed her pace .,ARG-0: Rachel | ARG-1: her hands | ARG-2: together "SRL for [huddling]: and , and % uh % um mom was sitting on the bench for once not [huddling] around dad .",ARG-0: mom | ARG-M-TMP: for once | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-LOC: around dad SRL for [land]: Mr. Wolf 's success in that job helped him [land] the top job with UAL in December 1987 .,ARG-0: him | ARG-1: the top job with UAL | ARG-M-TMP: in December 1987 "SRL for [psyched]: Of course I [psyched] him by telling him that nobody serves crumpets with mascarpone ( oh , heaven ! ) and blueberry preserves .","ARG-M-DIS: Of course | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: by telling him that nobody serves crumpets with mascarpone ( oh , heaven ! ) and blueberry preserves" "SRL for [tagged]: Hyundai Motor America , fighting quality complaints , declining sales and management turmoil , yesterday unveiled its 1990 ad strategy , [tagged] `` We 're Making More Sense Than Ever . ''",ARG-1: its 1990 ad strategy | ARG-2: We 're Making More Sense Than Ever "SRL for [inspiration]: According to Batman creator Bob Kane , part of his [inspiration] for the Bat is the Californian rascal El Zorro ! !",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: for the Bat SRL for [quaking]: He looked down and noticed that his hands were [quaking] .,ARG-0: his hands "SRL for [exposed]: Also , it is n't [exposed] to the weakening newsprint business , and is strong in the less - cyclical tissue business .",ARG-M-DIS: Also | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to the weakening newsprint business SRL for [broken down]: law and order has [broken down],ARG-1: law and order "SRL for [making it]: Mike Huber , a roustabout , is even [making it] in his new career as an entrepreneur .","ARG-0: Mike Huber , a roustabout | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-M-LOC: in his new career as an entrepreneur" "SRL for [advanced]: Teikoku Oil [advanced] 100 yen to 1,460 .","ARG-1: Teikoku Oil | ARG-2: 100 yen | ARG-4: to 1,460" SRL for [contribution]: we are also willing to commit to a more active [contribution] in safeguarding international human rights,ARG-M-MNR: more active | ARG-2: in safeguarding international human rights "SRL for [pitching]: But now , Charlie Brown is about to start [pitching] everything from Chex Party Mix to light bulbs .",ARG-0: Charlie Brown | ARG-1: everything from Chex Party Mix to light bulbs SRL for [sacrifice]: We meet him in his [sacrifice] of himself to the Father on our behalf .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of himself | ARG-2: to the Father | ARG-M-GOL: on our behalf SRL for [put on]: We [put on] instructional demonstrations to show you how to make best use of your purchases .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: instructional demonstrations | ARG-M-PRP: to show you how to make best use of your purchases SRL for [blistered]: The professor [blistered] the students .,ARG-0: The professor | ARG-1: the students SRL for [stay]: The two Cambodian prime ministers requested that the UN Secretary General extend the [stay] of his representative in Cambodia by six months or more .,ARG-1: of his representative | ARG-3: in Cambodia "SRL for [prate]: The same pople who used to [prate] about "" moral clarity "" now argue that we should overlook criminality .","ARG-0: who | ARG-1: about "" moral clarity """ "SRL for [bracing]: And in suburban Boston , developers are [bracing] for cutbacks in the computer industry , a major user of office space .","ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-LOC: in suburban Boston | ARG-0: developers | ARG-2: for cutbacks in the computer industry , a major user of office space" SRL for [okayed]: Dr. Murphy [okayed] my topic .,ARG-0: Dr. Murphy | ARG-1: my topic SRL for [fazed]: What she said never [fazed] him .,ARG-0: What she said | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: him "SRL for [occupies]: The processing trade [occupies] a crucial position in the development of foreign economy and trade in Guangdong and at the same time is important content in the economic and trade cooperation between Guangdong , Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan .",ARG-0: The processing trade | ARG-1: a crucial position | ARG-2: in the development of foreign economy and trade in Guangdong SRL for [foxtrotted]: He [foxtrotted] off with that divorc?e from Baltimore .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIR: off | ARG-M-COM: with that divorc?e from Baltimore SRL for [fear]: triskaidekaphobia -- [fear] of the number 13,ARG-1: of the number 13 "SRL for [stereotypic]: The trait "" romantic "" is [stereotypic] of Italians .","ARG-1: The trait "" romantic "" | ARG-2: of Italians" SRL for [stagger]: It is imperative that we [stagger] any medications that might interfere with ievothyroxine absorption,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: any medications that might interfere with ievothyroxine absorption SRL for [wandering]: We still have people [wandering] around in a daze in San Francisco worrying about whether it 's going to rain tonight . '',ARG-0: people | ARG-1: around | ARG-M-MNR: in a daze | ARG-M-LOC: in San Francisco | ARG-M-PRD: worrying about whether it 's going to rain tonight SRL for [required]: It may be the largest settlement ever [required] of a state or local utility .,ARG-M-TMP: ever | ARG-1: the largest settlement | ARG-2: of a state or local utility SRL for [resign]: Michael K. Russell will [resign] rather than relocate to Lower Slobovia .,ARG-0: Michael K. Russell | ARG-M-MOD: will SRL for [belching]: It was a difficult matter convincing him that his [belching] was absolutely under his control .,ARG-0: his SRL for [downgrade]: Edward M. Esber attributed the decline to reduced domestic revenue because of $ 4.9 million spent to [downgrade] existing software inventories to the new database IV Version 1.1 .,ARG-1: existing software inventories | ARG-2: to the new database IV Version 1.1 SRL for [carry on]: Investors [carry on] pouring cash into money funds .,ARG-0: Investors | ARG-1: pouring cash into money funds "SRL for [bribing]: Starting with Congressman Mario Biaggi ( now serving a jail sentence ) , the company began a career of [bribing] federal , state and local public officials and those close to public officials , right up to and including E. Robert Wallach , close friend and adviser to former Attorney General Ed Meese .","ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: federal , state and local public officials" SRL for [assassination]: The terrorist group justified its [assassination] of Socialist Ernest Yuke because he was in favor of stronger ties between his party and the PNB .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of Socialist Ernest Yuke "SRL for [complex]: The interactions between health and homelessness are [complex] , defying sweeping generalizations as to `` cause '' or `` effect . ''",ARG-1: The interactions between health and homelessness | ARG-M-ADV: defying sweeping generalizations as to `` cause '' or `` effect . '' SRL for [carries]: Citibank [carries] $ 150 million in earthquake insurance .,ARG-0: Citibank | ARG-1: $ 150 million in earthquake insurance SRL for [credit]: The Bangladesh government also deserves [credit] for making significant progress toward eliminating child labor in the garment industry .,ARG-2: for making significant progress toward eliminating child labor in the garment industry SRL for [cut]: Goody Products Inc [cut] its quarterly dividend to five cents a share from 11.5 cents a share .,ARG-0: Goody Products Inc | ARG-1: its quarterly dividend | ARG-4: to five cents a share | ARG-3: from 11.5 cents a share SRL for [cauterized]: He [cauterized] the wound with strong nitric acid .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the wound | ARG-2: with strong nitric acid SRL for [build]: Pressures began to [build] .,ARG-1: Pressures "SRL for [broke ground]: On East Beach , where the Houston - based Falcon Group recently [broke ground] on two high - rise condominium buildings called Palisade Palms , the only mark of the storm was an awning that fell from the sales trailer set up at the site .",ARG-0: the Houston - based Falcon Group | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: on two high - rise condominium buildings called Palisade Palms | ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [practicing]: Yet even today , institutions are quietly [practicing] forms of portfolio insurance by nervously rushing to and fro in the markets .",ARG-M-TMP: Yet | ARG-M-TMP: even today | ARG-0: institutions | ARG-M-MNR: quietly | ARG-1: forms of portfolio insurance | ARG-2: by nervously rushing to and fro in the markets "SRL for [coined]: The name Maidenform was [coined] by a third business partner , Enid Bissett .","ARG-1: The name Maidenform | ARG-0: by a third business partner , Enid Bissett" "SRL for [shield]: Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque , N.M. , reported they went so far as to take a `` cold fusion '' experiment and three neutron detectors into a tunnel under 300 feet of granite to [shield] the detectors from cosmic rays .",ARG-1: the detectors | ARG-2: from cosmic rays SRL for [moved]: Others are [moved] when they see young people willing to give up their careers in order to return to their hometown .,ARG-1: Others | ARG-0: when they see young people willing to give up their careers in order to return to their hometown SRL for [parried]: I [parried] the blow with my sword,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the blow | ARG-2: with my sword SRL for [bent]: I was once pretty [bent] on weed and it was messing my grades up n stuff ;,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-M-EXT: pretty | ARG-2: on weed SRL for [prejudiced]: John 's first experience with okra [prejudiced] him against Southern cooking forever .,ARG-0: John 's first experience with okra | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: against Southern cooking | ARG-M-TMP: forever "SRL for [sucks]: After clanging around for an hour or so , the shiny , hot money pours out of the cement chute , where a giant vacuum [sucks] away the dried mud and burnt wrappers .",ARG-0: a giant vacuum | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-1: the dried mud and burnt wrappers | ARG-M-LOC: the cement chute | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [stopped]: Lorillard Inc [stopped] using crocidolite in its Micronite cigarette filters in 1956 .,ARG-0: Lorillard | ARG-1: using crocidolite in its Micronite cigarette filters | ARG-M-TMP: in 1956 SRL for [carry off]: But can Mr. Hahn [carry off] ?,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-0: Mr. Hahn | ARG-1: it SRL for [PTFO]: despite my teasing Faye took a catnap when she got back from work and is [PTFO] .,ARG-M-ADV: despite my teasing | ARG-0: Faye SRL for [collocated]: McAndrew was a [collocated] facility with Argentina Naval Station .,ARG-1: McAndrew | ARG-2: with Argentina Naval Station "SRL for [mooned]: In the 2003 World Athletics Final in Monaco , Tim Lobinger [mooned] the crowd on the podium after winning the pole vault .",ARG-M-LOC: In the 2003 World Athletics Final in Monaco | ARG-0: Tim Lobinger | ARG-1: the crowd | ARG-M-LOC: on the podium | ARG-M-TMP: after winning the pole vault "SRL for [wafted]: She [wafted] a slim hand in front of her face , to disperse the pungent tobacco smell .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: a slim hand | ARG-M-LOC: in front of her face | ARG-M-PRP: to disperse the pungent tobacco smell "SRL for [designated]: More than $ 1.8 million is allocated for pensions and expenses for former presidents , and the budget for the official residence of Vice President Quayle is more than doubled , with $ 200,000 [designated] for improvements to the property .","ARG-1: 200,000 | ARG-2: for improvements to the property" "SRL for [feigning]: Therefore , you are [feigning] strength with the descendents of monkeys .",ARG-M-DIS: Therefore | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: strength | ARG-M-MNR: with the descendents of monkeys SRL for [Keep in mind]: [Keep in mind] that many people have died for their beliefs,ARG-2: that many people have died for their beliefs "SRL for [hacking away]: For a few heartbeats Master Cook regards me with wild eyes , then he resumes his [hacking away] at the turnips .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: at the turnips "SRL for [laughed]: Sex scandals make people look careless and silly , and one of the worst sins in Washington is to be [laughed] at .",ARG-2: at SRL for [fastened]: 15 heavy - duty staples [fastened] the sheaf of delicate antique papers .,ARG-3: 15 heavy - duty staples | ARG-1: the sheaf of delicate antique papers SRL for [audit]: The Illinois Supreme Court ordered the commission to [audit] Commonwealth Edison 's construction expenses and refund any unreasonable expenses .,ARG-0: the commission | ARG-1: Commonwealth Edison 's construction expenses "SRL for [strewn]: Mr. Covert had to search through law books scattered on the floor of his office yesterday , and Mr. Belli 's courtyard was [strewn] with bricks .",ARG-2: Mr. Belli 's courtyard | ARG-1: with bricks SRL for [explosion]: his [explosion] onto the international art scene,ARG-2: his | ARG-M-GOL: onto the international art scene SRL for [went]: He and two colleagues [went] on an overnight fishing trip .,ARG-0: He and two colleagues | ARG-1: on an overnight fishing trip SRL for [cast]: But on his last [cast] of the day he latched into a fish he simply could not move .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: last | ARG-M-TMP: of the day SRL for [received]: A grocery store cake with Thank You written across it . That should be fairly inexpensive and well [received] . : -RRB- If you are going in the AM maybe some donuts and kolaches from a local donut shop .,ARG-1: That | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-MNR: well SRL for [effusing]: He was [effusing] the water on my hot shoulders and my steaming back .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: water | ARG-M-GOL: on my hot shoulders and my steaming back SRL for [bronzed]: Have they [bronzed] your seat in the corner yet ?,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: your seat in the corner | ARG-M-TMP: yet "SRL for [democratized]: Capital has been [democratized] , and people want in .",ARG-1: Capital "SRL for [deflection]: Still , it 's possible his [deflection] of the compliment was warranted .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the compliment SRL for [landscaping]: Discuss with Conrail - or Conrail 's successor - the possibility of their [landscaping] the property along Girard Avenue in exchange for a pledge by the Zoo to maintain the landscaping in good order .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: the property along Girard Avenue | ARG-M-ADJ: in exchange for a pledge by the Zoo to maintain the landscaping in good order "SRL for [introduce]: As part of his efforts to attract more Taiwanese investors to do business in Macau , he helped [introduce] President Group CEO Kao Chin - yen to the territory , and in order to build better ties with the mainland Chinese , he helped the Xinhua News Agency in Macau to install satellite TV .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: President Group CEO Kao Chin - yen | ARG-2: to the territory SRL for [harnessing]: China 's year - long austerity program has achieved some successes in [harnessing] runaway economic growth and stabilizing prices but has failed to eliminate serious defects in state planning and an alarming drain on state budgets .,ARG-0: China 's year - long austerity program | ARG-1: runaway economic growth "SRL for [reacted]: Investors -- taking this as a sign that a broad industry slump was in the offing -- [reacted] by selling the company 's stock , which lost $ 3.25 that day to close at $ 52 in national over - the - counter trading .","ARG-0: Investors | ARG-M-ADV: -- taking this as a sign that a broad industry slump was in the offing -- | ARG-2: by selling the company 's stock , which lost $ 3.25 that day to close at $ 52 in national over - the - counter trading" "SRL for [effed up]: I [effed up] , took the train too far . Missed my lab and heading back to Philly feeling defeated",ARG-0: I "SRL for [solution]: My take it on this is that it 's a very poor [solution] to the catch - 22 situation hitting most young job - seekers , but that it 's better than the future jobs fund and / or doing nothing .",ARG-M-MNR: very poor | ARG-1: to the catch - 22 situation hitting most young job - seekers SRL for [activity]: The doctor was not pleased with his lack of [activity] ., "SRL for [recalls]: The executive [recalls] Mr. Corry whispering to him and others , `` Remember , this was Dave 's deal . ''","ARG-0: The executive | ARG-1: Mr. Corry whispering to him and others , `` Remember , this was Dave 's deal" SRL for [touchy]: She says the bruise is still pretty [touchy] .,ARG-1: the bruise | ARG-M-EXT: pretty | ARG-M-TMP: still "SRL for [ticketed]: `` Never Too Young '' is a different sort of work , focusing on the 1986 death from cocaine ingestion of Bias , a University of Maryland basketball star [ticketed] for sure pro stardom .",ARG-1: a University of Maryland basketball star | ARG-2: for sure pro stardom "SRL for [seism]: The report , from the National Research Council , states that the last major quake to hit the United States was the 7.8 magnitude [seism] in San Francisco in 1906",ARG-2: 7.8 magnitude | ARG-1: in San Francisco | ARG-M-TMP: in 1906 "SRL for [dark]: Unlike her late husband , Mitchell was dark of eye , dark of hair , [dark] dark dark of character .",ARG-M-MNR: Unlike her late husband | ARG-1: Mitchell | ARG-2: of character "SRL for [responded]: Nashua immediately [responded] by strengthening a poison - pill plan and saying it will buy back up to one million of its shares , or 10.4 % of the 9.6 million outstanding .","ARG-0: Nashua | ARG-M-TMP: immediately | ARG-2: by strengthening a poison - pill plan and saying it will buy back up to one million of its shares , or 10.4 % of the 9.6 million outstanding" SRL for [entered]: The two concerns said they [entered] into a definitive merger agreement under which Ratners will begin a tender offer for all of Weisfield 's common shares for $ 57.50 each .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: into a definitive merger agreement under which Ratners will begin a tender offer for all of Weisfield 's common shares for $ 57.50 each "SRL for [circumcision]: After the Dr. 's [circumcision] of the boy , she cleaned and dressed the incision .",ARG-0: the Dr. 's | ARG-1: of the boy "SRL for [convoluted]: It may be straightforward -- he wants money for food -- or incredibly [convoluted] ; his sister is at this very moment near death in Hoboken , he has lost his wallet and has only $ 1.22 in change to put toward a bus ticket costing $ 3.83 , and wo n't you give him the difference ?",ARG-1: It | ARG-M-MNR: incredibly "SRL for [intubation]: Dr. Goodman stated that he recalled , prior to his [intubation] of Ms. Gordon , asking for 100 mg of suxamethonium .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Ms. Gordon SRL for [top up]: Fill the glass half full with beer and [top up] with lemonade .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with lemonade "SRL for [disassociate]: When an electric current is applied to the palladium and platinum electrodes , the heavy water did begin to break up , or [disassociate] .",ARG-1: the heavy water "SRL for [provocative]: But the truth is , that , in such cases , we generally find the humor ourselves which is [provocative] of laughter ;",ARG-0: which | ARG-1: of laughter SRL for [nuance]: It appears that the American people have very firm views about immigration and that the President and other politicians are kind of trying to [nuance] the issue .,ARG-0: the President and other politicians | ARG-1: the issue SRL for [remarry]: Women were still allowed to [remarry] and had the right to inherit property .,ARG-1: Women "SRL for [pre - owned]: According to related data , last year saw property prices in 70 large to medium sized cities grow by 1.5 % year over year , of which prices for newly built homes increased by 1.3 % and [pre - owned] homes 2.4 % , yet property rental prices decreased by 0.6 % .",ARG-1: homes "SRL for [hook]: P & G and others also have tried repeatedly to [hook] consumers on detergent and fabric softener combinations in pouches , but they have n't sold well , despite the convenience .",ARG-0: P & G and others | ARG-1: consumers | ARG-2: on detergent and fabric softener combinations in pouches "SRL for [auction]: But in 1991 , when the government of Orissa proposed a leasing policy that would have resulted in the [auction] of leases to the highest bidder ...",ARG-1: of leases | ARG-2: to the highest bidder "SRL for [fundoplicated]: The other child , noted above , had had an impaction , suspected mild stricture , and was [fundoplicated] with resolution of symptoms .",ARG-1: The other child SRL for [microinvasion]: [microinvasion] of DCIS,ARG-1: of DCIS "SRL for [critical]: And for someone who has [critical] thinker in his / her avatar , it is obvious you do n't know what that means .",ARG-0: thinker "SRL for [harmed]: The class - action suit highlights shortcomings of the Trans - Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund , which gets its money from oil companies using the pipeline and compensates those [harmed] by oil spills .",ARG-1: those | ARG-0: by oil spills SRL for [exfoliated]: I just [exfoliated] a layer of skin from my fingertips by using Barkeeper 's Friend and a brass - bristled brush on my latest creations .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-2: a layer of skin | ARG-1: from my fingertips | ARG-3: by using Barkeeper 's Friend and a brass - bristled brush on my latest creations "SRL for [scaled]: Where ' 60s dropouts professed to scorn middle - class life and ambitious yuppies hoped to leave it far behind as they [scaled] the upper reaches of success , it now seems that so many people feel they 're slipping between the cracks , that middle - class life is viewed with nostalgia or outright longing .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the upper reaches of success SRL for [disquieted]: The ranks of the company were [disquieted] by the policy changes .,ARG-1: The ranks of the company | ARG-0: by the policy changes "SRL for [conviction]: I convinced her , but my [conviction] on this is shallow .",ARG-0: my | ARG-2: on this "SRL for [underpinnings]: Thanx for not posting a long , Bandini - esque screed on the philosophical [underpinnings] and justification for traffic laws and / or imposed car - free zones .",ARG-M-ADJ: philosophical | ARG-1: for traffic laws and / or imposed car - free zones "SRL for [aggressive]: Loan growth was [aggressive] , significant , or faster than anticipated .",ARG-0: Loan growth SRL for [grooving]: I was [grooving] on this song and came here to comment and was shocked to see the negative vibe here .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: on this song SRL for [coimmunoprecipitated]: VAMP proteins [coimmunoprecipitated] from a lysate of approximately 1010 platelets could be detected by Coomassie Blue staining .,ARG-1: VAMP proteins | ARG-4: a lysate of approximately 1010 platelets SRL for [uncomplicated]: The surgical procedure was [uncomplicated] .,ARG-1: The surgical procedure "SRL for [fuzzed]: The covers slid down his skinny neck so I saw his head , [fuzzed] like a dandelion gone to seed , but his face was turned to the wall -- there was the pale shadow of his nose on the plaster -- and I thought , Well you do n't look much like a pig - drunk bully now .",ARG-1: his head | ARG-M-ADV: like a dandelion gone to seed SRL for [point of view]: I realize your take on this is strictly from a patriotic [point of view],ARG-0: your | ARG-1: this | ARG-3: patriotic SRL for [tapping]: The investor was instrumental in [tapping] Mr. Wolf to run the air cargo unit of Tiger International Inc.,ARG-0: The investor | ARG-1: Mr. Wolf | ARG-3: to run the air cargo unit of Tiger International Inc. "SRL for [packed]: He returned home last Thursday , [packed] a bag with fresh clothes and reported for duty Friday in Walnut Creek .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a bag | ARG-2: with fresh clothes SRL for [skin]: Let 's [skin] him alive !,ARG-0: 's | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-ADV: alive "SRL for [reigned]: President Carlos Salinas de Gortari used the army to oust La Quina , who [reigned] for 28 years over a graft - riddled empire that made state - run Petroleos Mexicanos , or Pemex , one of the world 's most inefficient oil companies .","ARG-0: La Quina | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-TMP: for 28 years | ARG-1: over a graft - riddled empire that made state - run Petroleos Mexicanos , or Pemex , one of the world 's most inefficient oil companies" SRL for [lasted]: I only [lasted] 2 days on my diet .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: 2 days | ARG-3: on my diet SRL for [run down]: They are [run down] garbage everywhere with people just sitting about doing nothing .,ARG-1: They | ARG-M-ADV: garbage everywhere | ARG-M-ADV: with people just sitting about doing nothing SRL for [contain]: Imperialist America wants to [contain] China 's development .,ARG-0: Imperialist America | ARG-1: China 's development "SRL for [scrub]: They love to dust , [scrub] , polish , wax floors , move the furniture around from place to place , take down the curtains , put up new ones and have themselves a real ball .",ARG-0: They SRL for [crushed]: Hungary declared itself a democracy and for the first time openly commemorated the anniversary of the 1956 anti - Stalinist uprising that was [crushed] by the Soviet Union .,ARG-1: the 1956 anti - Stalinist uprising | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-0: by the Soviet Union "SRL for [took]: Rumors of an impending devaluation have been circulating in Moscow for weeks , but the size of the cut [took] many Western bankers by surprise .",ARG-0: the size of the cut | ARG-1: many Western bankers | ARG-2: by surprise "SRL for [fund]: Of the proceeds , $ 500 million will be used to [fund] its tender offer .",ARG-2: $ 500 million | ARG-1: its tender offer "SRL for [dwell]: Or the mode of love to this fragment by a recent poet : `` Know ye , fair folk who [dwell] on earth Or shall hereafter come to birth , That here , with dust upon his eyes , Iraj , the sweet - tongued singer , lies .",ARG-0: fair folk | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: on earth SRL for [possessive]: He is very [possessive] and controlling but he has no right to be as we are not together .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [surge]: Chicago has had a huge [surge] in their murder rate , after closing down the city projects .",ARG-2: huge | ARG-1: in their murder rate SRL for [attenuated]: The BAA response [attenuated] over the treatment period .,ARG-1: The BAA response | ARG-M-TMP: over the treatment period SRL for [radicalised]: They become [radicalised] and ready to murder Americans at any cost .,ARG-1: They SRL for [perceptive]: He was [perceptive] about the universal problems that had the ability to destroy mankind .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: about the universal problems that had the ability to destroy mankind "SRL for [rarefied]: yet it has been shown by experiment that , within certain limits , the more [rarefied] the air , the more complete the combustion .",ARG-M-CXN: the more | C-ARG-M-CXN: the more complete the combustion | ARG-1: the air "SRL for [scanned]: The form was signed and [scanned] on May 27 , 2010 .","ARG-1: The form | ARG-M-TMP: on May 27 , 2010" SRL for [countertraction]: [The fourth arm]-1 can be used [*-1]-2 *PRO*-2 to give [countertraction] on the fat or the kidney,ARG-M-LVB: give | ARG-1: on the fat or the kidney SRL for [scented]: We [scented] the room with a wood - burning fragrance .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the room | ARG-2: with a wood - burning fragrance SRL for [look]: Administrators [look] like they take cheating seriously .,ARG-0: Administrators | ARG-1: like they take cheating seriously SRL for [lolled]: A couple others [lolled] unconscious .,ARG-1: A couple others | ARG-M-MNR: unconscious "SRL for [hypoperfuse]: While you are likely to [hypoperfuse] with hypotension , the idea differs in result .",ARG-1: you | ARG-M-ADV: with hypotension SRL for [help]: Traders worked with the [help] of sunlight streaming through windows,ARG-0: of sunlight streaming through windows SRL for [ungrounded]: Proper grounding of a low - voltage ( 600 V or less ) distribution system may result in less likelihood of accidents to personnel than leaving the system supposedly [ungrounded] .,ARG-1: the system SRL for [shamed]: John [shamed] his family with his cowardice .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his family | ARG-2: with his cowardice SRL for [block]: Low test scores can [block] students ' promotions .,ARG-3: Low test scores | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: students ' promotions SRL for [reserved]: This seat is [reserved] for someone in a really good mood .,ARG-1: This seat | ARG-2: for someone in a really good mood "SRL for [write out]: `` And I am not sure that I have any cash -- any money , that is -- but if you will wait just a minute I will [write out] a check if I can find my checkbook .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: you | ARG-1: a check | ARG-M-ADV: if I can find my checkbook SRL for [ILLUMINATION]: -LRB- Constant [ILLUMINATION] of materialistic things - hence the looting .,ARG-M-TMP: Constant | ARG-1: of materialistic things SRL for [play down]: The Justice Department scrambled to [play down] the significance of revised guidelines concerning prosecutions under the federal racketeering law .,ARG-0: The Justice Department | ARG-1: the significance of revised guidelines concerning prosecutions under the federal racketeering law "SRL for [high]: Orchid Beach penthouse is [high] in altitude , price and glamour","ARG-1: Orchid Beach penthouse | ARG-2: in altitude , price and glamour" "SRL for [visit]: On the fourth day of his [visit] to China ,",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to China SRL for [constitutionalize]: We are there to [constitutionalize] Iraq rather than democratize Iraq .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: Iraq "SRL for [haul]: The commercial , created by Bateman , Bryan & Galles Inc. , of Dallas , adds derisively : `` I bet it takes a real tough truck to [haul] your Ivy League buddies to the yacht club . ''",ARG-2: a real tough truck | ARG-1: your Ivy League buddies | ARG-M-DIR: to the yacht club "SRL for [honor]: I am glad that Frodo now realizes he does n't have to be some great and noble hero to belong with the Elves , or to accept their [honor] of him .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of him "SRL for [mushroomed]: From 1987 to 1988 , the value of Chemical 's option contracts outstanding [mushroomed] to $ 37 billion from $ 17 billion .",ARG-M-TMP: From 1987 to 1988 | ARG-1: the value of Chemical 's option contracts outstanding | ARG-4: to $ 37 billion | ARG-3: from $ 17 billion SRL for [tripping]: Everyone was [tripping] about Evelyn being on Iyanla 's show,ARG-0: Everyone | ARG-2: about Evelyn being on Iyanla 's show SRL for [worrisome]: This is very [worrisome] for perigraft abscess formation .,ARG-0: This | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-M-ADV: for perigraft abscess formation "SRL for [panhandling]: If someone close to you dies in one silly - ass war for the juice to run your SUV , or you find yourself sitting in a homeless shelter , or standing on a streetcorner and [panhandling] for change from strangers who could n't give two shits for you , because the fat slobs who run your company decided to outsource your job to people who will work twice as long and hard as you do for a tenth the pay , your credit rating is in negative numbers and your address is "" No Fixed Address "" ...",ARG-0: yourself | ARG-2: for change | ARG-1: from strangers who could n't give two shits for you | ARG-M-CAU: because the fat slobs who run your company decided to outsource your job to people who will work twice as long and hard as you do for a tenth the pay SRL for [suggestions]: the senators seeking loophole [suggestions] from lobbyists for various sectors of the economy,ARG-1: loophole | ARG-0: from lobbyists for various sectors of the economy "SRL for [revered]: Because of the legend of Liu Hai teasing the golden toad , toads became auspicious symbols [revered] throughout China ever since the Eastern Han dynasty -LRB- AD 25 - 220 -RRB-",ARG-1: toads | ARG-M-LOC: throughout China SRL for [sectioned]: Sandy [sectioned] the pizza .,ARG-0: Sandy | ARG-1: the pizza "SRL for [networking]: Novell , a computer [networking] concern , fell 1 1/2 to 30 on 152,000 shares .",ARG-1: computer | ARG-0: concern "SRL for [fomenting]: Mr. Jobs , co - founder of Apple Computer Inc. , founded Next four years ago in the hopes of [fomenting] a revolution in the way desktop computers are designed and used .","ARG-0: Mr. Jobs , co - founder of Apple Computer Inc. | ARG-1: a revolution in the way desktop computers are designed and used" SRL for [advected]: moist air mass was [advected] northwards,ARG-1: moist air mass | ARG-M-DIR: northwards SRL for [Counteraction]: Molecular Insight into the [Counteraction] of Trehalose on Urea - Induced Protein Denaturation Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation,ARG-0: of Trehalose | ARG-1: on Urea - Induced Protein Denaturation Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation SRL for [serve]: ... no one ... wanted her to [serve] prison time more than myself .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: prison time SRL for [aberrated]: Few words have [aberrated] from their primaries less than this,ARG-1: Few words | ARG-2: from their primaries | ARG-M-EXT: less than this "SRL for [oust]: Mr. Ackerman already is seeking to [oust] Mr. Edelman as chairman of Datapoint Corp. , an Intelogic affiliate .","ARG-0: Mr. Ackerman | ARG-1: Mr. Edelman | ARG-2: as chairman of Datapoint Corp. , an Intelogic affiliate" SRL for [overestimate]: Do n't [overestimate] your listener 's specialized knowledge .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: your listener 's specialized knowledge SRL for [deficient]: In many districts it was [deficient] by 40 per cent .,ARG-M-LOC: In many districts | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: by 40 per cent SRL for [scrabbling]: Artists from Taiwan and abroad have been [scrabbling] for a slice of the public art pie .,ARG-0: Artists from Taiwan and abroad | ARG-2: for a slice of the public art pie SRL for [edematous]: Feet : [edematous] with yellow and white liquid .,ARG-1: Feet | ARG-2: with yellow and white liquid SRL for [slow]: How would I be able to do well on the CSAT if I am [slow] at math ?,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: at math SRL for [overreached]: Faike had [overreached] his strength and weakened himself dangerously .,ARG-0: Faike | ARG-1: his strength SRL for [addressed]: Saddam Hussein [addressed] the nation in a speech filled with rhetoric and a declaration of victory .,ARG-0: Saddam Hussein | ARG-2: the nation | ARG-1: in a speech filled with rhetoric and a declaration of victory "SRL for [chaperones]: As she [chaperones] the dance , Cate 's thoughts drift back to her high school formal .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the dance SRL for [interlocking]: This is two [interlocking] horseshoes .,ARG-1: horseshoes SRL for [common]: The macromolecule RNA is [common] to all living .,ARG-1: The macromolecule RNA | ARG-2: to all living SRL for [winked]: John slowly [winked] his left eye .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MNR: slowly | ARG-1: his left eye "SRL for [do]: If the history of the Shinto shrines in HI from the Shinto shrines will [do] , including the lawsuit they filed and won to get the property back after the war ...",ARG-1: the history of the Shinto shrines in HI from the Shinto shrines | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [DM]: We have two people so far , and I am able to [DM] ... although DM 's are welcome .",ARG-0: I SRL for [reintegrating]: French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine said Sunday that relieving the pressure on Belgrade 's devastated economy is the first step towards supporting the new President Vojislav Kostunica and [reintegrating] Yugoslavia into a democratic Europe .,ARG-1: Yugoslavia | ARG-2: into a democratic Europe SRL for [asymptomatic]: Patient was [asymptomatic] for breast cancer in f / u of Oct 3 .,ARG-0: Patient | ARG-1: for breast cancer | ARG-M-TMP: in f / u of Oct 3 SRL for [nondistended]: The abdomen is [nondistended] .,ARG-1: The abdomen SRL for [respond]: The board has 10 business days to [respond] .,ARG-0: The board SRL for [single minded]: we are [single minded] in our purpose to defeat terror and rise up against our enemy .,ARG-1: we | ARG-2: in our purpose to defeat terror and rise up against our enemy SRL for [subcontracted]: John [subcontracted] his yardwork to the neighborhood kids .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his yardwork | ARG-2: to the neighborhood kids "SRL for [party]: As the Scriptures say , `` The people sat down to eat and drink and then got up to have a wild [party] . ''",ARG-0: The people | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-M-MNR: wild SRL for [rack]: They 're judged by how the [rack] of the horse has been developed .,ARG-1: of the horse "SRL for [approximates]: Frankly , the only way I can think of to accomplish this is to make it possible for addicts to buy drugs at some regulated place at a price that [approximates] their cost .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a price | ARG-1: their cost SRL for [overleaped]: The Media Lab has [overleaped] them all .,ARG-0: The Media Lab | ARG-1: them all SRL for [adhered]: John 's tongue [adhered] to the cold iron bar .,ARG-1: John 's tongue | ARG-2: to the cold iron bar SRL for [impacts]: the [impacts] of human intervention in the climate .,ARG-0: of human intervention | ARG-1: in the climate SRL for [split]: The stock [split] four - for - one on Oct. 10 .,ARG-1: The stock | ARG-M-MNR: four - for - one | ARG-M-TMP: on Oct. 10 "SRL for [brought]: ... the Whiting field , the first of five small fields scheduled to be [brought] into production before the end of 1990 .",ARG-1: five small fields | ARG-3: into production | ARG-M-TMP: before the end of 1990 SRL for [defaced]: Teenagers [defaced] the property with graffiti .,ARG-0: Teenagers | ARG-1: the property | ARG-2: with graffiti SRL for [revved up]: Executive Producers Steve Sohmer and Jeff Bleckner ( and writer / producers Ken Solarz and Steve Bello ) have [revved up] to the breaking point .,ARG-0: Executive Producers Steve Sohmer and Jeff Bleckner ( and writer / producers Ken Solarz and Steve Bello ) | ARG-1: this show | ARG-2: to the breaking point SRL for [holding off]: Many customers were [holding off] on purchase decisions until the takeover was completed .,ARG-0: Many customers | ARG-1: on purchase decisions | ARG-M-TMP: until the takeover was completed "SRL for [innocuous]: So I hit digit of the 5 prize mr drink drink makers , and I was wondering if it was [innocuous] to ingest and ready it on my room counter .",ARG-1: it | C-ARG-1: to ingest "SRL for [impact]: its [impact] on air transportation and the more mundane , but politically important , projects of members","ARG-0: its | ARG-1: on air transportation and the more mundane , but politically important , projects of members" "SRL for [encasing]: The procedure involves [encasing] the concrete columns with steel , then connecting them more securely to the double - decker roadbed .",ARG-1: the concrete columns | ARG-2: with steel "SRL for [unbelievable]: Oh my goodness , this pie is [unbelievable] !",ARG-1: this pie "SRL for [ramble]: I apologize for continuing my [ramble] but ... ,",ARG-0: my SRL for [rehabilitated]: They [rehabilitated] his reputation as a philosopher .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: his reputation as a philosopher "SRL for [busted]: Toshiba Corp. [busted] open that sector this summer with a notebook - sized machine that retails for less than 200,000 yen ( under $ 1,500 ) -- one of the smallest , cheapest PCs available in the country .","ARG-0: Toshiba Corp. | ARG-M-PRD: open | ARG-1: that sector | ARG-M-TMP: this summer | ARG-2: with a notebook - sized machine that retails for less than 200,000 yen ( under $ 1,500 ) -- one of the smallest , cheapest PCs available in the country" SRL for [crapped]: Jeff was training so hard he [crapped] a medicine ball .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a medicine ball SRL for [shipbuilding]: According to the present materials on that problem two main stages in the development of the [shipbuilding] of the north - western Russia can be distinguished .,ARG-0: of the north - western Russia SRL for [blog]: It 's way too long to [blog] here .,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-LOC: here "SRL for [concrete]: For under an exam - oriented education system , an exam question for the students has one and only one answer , and the question is also [concrete] , without divergence or selection .",ARG-1: the question | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-M-ADV: without divergence or selection SRL for [atherosclerotic]: The majority of carotid disease is [atherosclerotic] and so emphasis will be placed on this pathology .,ARG-1: The majority of carotid disease "SRL for [distorted]: Instead , a spokesman blames the dismal third - quarter showing on `` an environment that is being [distorted] by a very harsh climate for sales of durable goods , '' which account for roughly two - thirds of Sears 's annual merchandise volume .","R-ARG-1: that | ARG-1: an environment | ARG-0: by a very harsh climate for sales of durable goods , '' which account for roughly two - thirds of Sears 's annual merchandise volume" SRL for [dedifferentiated]: ... while those that have [dedifferentiated] to a completely spheroidal mass can probably rdifferentiate to a pre - pluteus ( helmet - shaped ) stage at least .,ARG-1: that | ARG-3: to a completely spheroidal mass "SRL for [tragic]: Cameron 's death was [tragic] in its suddenness , as his life had been tragic in its prolonged misfortune and struggle .",ARG-1: Cameron 's death | ARG-2: in its suddenness SRL for [rose up]: The American colonies [rose up] against British rule,ARG-0: The American colonies | ARG-1: against British rule SRL for [Violence]: [Violence] against women and girls is a grave violation of human rights .,ARG-1: against women and girls SRL for [comparable]: These rate indications are n't directly [comparable] ; lending practices vary widely by location .,ARG-1: These rate indications | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-MNR: directly "SRL for [mount]: AMR climbed 1 3/4 to 73 1/8 amid rumors that New York developer Donald Trump was seeking financing to [mount] a new , lower offer for the parent company of American Airlines .","ARG-0: New York developer Donald Trump | ARG-1: a new , lower offer for the parent company of American Airlines" "SRL for [warmed over]: `` The branches are just [warmed over] , empty halls , '' says Mr. Konheim .",ARG-1: halls SRL for [lived]: He [lived] with her .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: with her "SRL for [enraged]: I only offended , nay , [enraged] him by the effort .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: by the effort SRL for [hibernate]: Bears must eat a lot of food before they [hibernate] in their caves,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-LOC: in their caves "SRL for [crisis]: And so , after all that , which you might justly consider paranoia , my question is basically this ; in light of the threat of peak oil , and of the general decline in American economic might relative the rest of the world -LRB- not to mention the current U.S. [crisis] -RRB- , what do think the world will look like in a decade or two ?",ARG-M-TMP: current | ARG-2: U.S. SRL for [battering]: Bruises flowered on his chest and shoulders from his [battering] the bars .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the bars SRL for [re - emphasized]: The statement [re - emphasized] that holders representing 75 % of the shares voting at a special shareholders ' meeting must agree to lift the takeover restrictions .,ARG-0: The statement | ARG-1: holders representing 75 % of the shares voting at a special shareholders ' meeting must agree to lift the takeover restrictions "SRL for [derelict]: If not , the FBI was [derelict] in its duty .",ARG-M-NEG: If not | ARG-0: the FBI | ARG-1: in its duty SRL for [clumps]: You must squeeze the bag first or the rice [clumps] together .,ARG-1: the rice | ARG-M-PRD: together SRL for [flosses]: He [flosses] with his mother 's credit card on the regular .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: with his mother 's credit card | ARG-M-TMP: on the regular "SRL for [marveled]: ` ` You could buy at the bid and sell at the offer and make a fortune , '' he [marveled] .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: ` ` You could buy at the bid and sell at the offer and make a fortune , ''" "SRL for [supplicated]: With tears rolling down her face , she [supplicated] for the return of her son 's body .",ARG-M-ADV: With tears rolling down her face | ARG-0: she | ARG-2: for the return of her son 's body SRL for [Charbroil]: [Charbroil] a t - bone steak like a chef ! .,ARG-1: a t - bone steak | ARG-M-MNR: like a chef SRL for [repatriate]: Sheraton and Pan Am said they are assured under the Soviet joint - venture law that they can [repatriate] profits from their hotel venture .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: profits from their hotel venture SRL for [receive]: Anyone can [receive] more than $ 10k in cash from a client in one or more related transactions .,ARG-0: Anyone | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: more than $ 10k in cash | ARG-2: from a client | ARG-M-LOC: in one or more related transactions SRL for [check]: His [check] of the offense was brilliant .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the offense SRL for [canalized]: ... the travertine embankment walls of the late 19th century effectively [canalized] the whole Tiber much as the Cloaca canalized the forum stream ...,ARG-0: the travertine embankment walls of the late 19th century | ARG-M-ADV: effectively | ARG-1: the whole Tiber | ARG-M-ADV: much as the Cloaca canalized the forum stream SRL for [copies]: Thus the Yingko Ceramics Museum 's only option was to find someone to make [copies] of the originals .,ARG-0: someone | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: of the originals SRL for [cabled]: It is [cabled] to a Linksys EFSP42 2 - Port Print Server using the Printer 2 parallel port to connect to a HP Photosmart printer .,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: to a Linksys EFSP42 2 - Port Print Server | ARG-3: using the Printer 2 parallel port | ARG-M-PRP: to connect to a HP Photosmart printer "SRL for [wiped out]: The vast majority of them , however , were [wiped out] by a succession of environmental upheavals that were too sudden and catastrophic for the normal rules of natural selection to operate .",ARG-1: The vast majority of them | ARG-0: by a succession of environmental upheavals that were too sudden and catastrophic for the normal rules of natural selection to operate SRL for [harmonize]: Various pitches of woodwinds [harmonize] well together .,ARG-1: Various pitches of woodwinds | ARG-M-MNR: well | ARG-M-MNR: together "SRL for [blessed]: Though I 've been [blessed] with academic degrees and some success in the materialistic world , I 've never forgotten or lost contact with those memories of the 1930s .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: with academic degrees and some success in the materialistic world SRL for [Hop]: [Hop] onto a trolley with over a century of history .,ARG-4: onto a trolley with over a century of history "SRL for [soared]: Overall , pretax electronics earnings [soared] 12 % to $ 107.9 million from $ 96.4 million .",ARG-M-DIS: Overall | ARG-1: pretax electronics earnings | ARG-2: 12 % | ARG-4: to $ 107.9 million | ARG-3: from $ 96.4 million SRL for [desensitize]: It strives to [desensitize] people towards others ' suffering by surrounding them with constant killing .,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: people | ARG-2: towards others ' suffering | ARG-M-MNR: by surrounding them with constant killing SRL for [reserved]: That 's why Columbia just wrote off $ 130 million of its junk and [reserved] $ 227 million for future junk losses .,ARG-0: Columbia | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: $ 227 million | ARG-2: for future junk losses SRL for [private]: Story 's method of determining whether a corporation was [private] or public circumvented the logic of a functional definition .,ARG-1: a corporation SRL for [standard]: We also talked about oncotype dx which is not really [standard] in lymphnode positive disease and even though microscopic involvement there is too high of a chance of having further lymphnode or lymphnodes involved due to size of primary breast tumor .,ARG-1: which | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-2: in lymphnode positive disease "SRL for [applicable]: Correct patient identity , procedure to be performed and as [applicable] , correct side and site , correct patient position , and availability of implants , special equipment or special requirements .", "SRL for [root out]: Hector Castaneda Jimenez , chief prosecutor at the Attorney General 's Office , said that an estimated $ 82.8 million in government property and unpaid taxes have been recovered in the campaign to [root out] official corruption .",ARG-1: official corruption SRL for [knew]: Her love [knew] no bounds .,ARG-0: Her love | ARG-1: no bounds SRL for [unemployed]: I was [unemployed] as a phlebotomist when the company was shut down and 1500 of us were laid off .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: as a phlebotomist | ARG-M-TMP: when the company was shut down and 1500 of us were laid off SRL for [to stay]: He is doing his best [to stay] young for his children .,ARG-1: He | ARG-3: young | ARG-2: for his children "SRL for [brook]: The new government will [brook] no delay inthe reconstruction of disaster areas , including industrial and spiritual activity .","ARG-0: The new government | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: no delay inthe reconstruction of disaster areas , including industrial and spiritual activity" "SRL for [struggle]: In the months before his death , Warren documented his [struggle] to fill both roles .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to fill both roles "SRL for [over budgeted]: This comforted my dad until we found out a month later that they [over budgeted] his upgrades by roughly $ 6,000 .","ARG-0: they | ARG-2: his upgrades | ARG-1: by roughly $ 6,000" "SRL for [smarting]: That may be because Mr. Gargan , [smarting] at what he considered slurs on his membership standards made by the rival group , enrolled his dog , Beauregard , as a member of the IAFP .",ARG-1: Mr. Gargan | ARG-2: at what he considered slurs on his membership standards made by the rival group "SRL for [evaporates]: Some have been learning English since very young and find class too easy , and so when the lesson starts their enthusiasm [evaporates] .",ARG-M-TMP: when the lesson starts | ARG-1: their enthusiasm SRL for [pumping]: He used a motorcar powered by his [pumping] the handle for most of his career .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the handle SRL for [queuing]: `` People are [queuing] at the door to take his product but he does n't have the working capital to make the thing and commercial banks are very unsympathetic .,ARG-0: People | ARG-M-LOC: at the door | ARG-M-PNC: to take his product SRL for [sickens]: it [sickens] me to think I missed the party,ARG-1: me | ARG-0: to think I missed the party "SRL for [rubbish]: He might be good at dancing , but he was [rubbish] at scrabble !",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: at scrabble SRL for [disconcerted]: I was [disconcerted] to find that there 's no C compiler on the Ubuntu system .,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: to find that there 's no C compiler on the Ubuntu system "SRL for [partake]: McDonald 's Corp. said third - quarter earnings rose 14 % on a hefty sales gain , but domestic franchisees apparently did n't [partake] of the improvement .",ARG-M-DIS: but | ARG-0: domestic franchisees | ARG-M-ADV: apparently | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: of the improvement "SRL for [retire]: After he was forced to [retire] from Taiwan Machinery Manufacturing Corporation , he set up a stand selling grilled food at Chichin bathing beach in Kaohsiung .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: from Taiwan Machinery Manufacturing Corporation "SRL for [prices]: As the good times rolled they more than doubled their [prices] for pulp , a raw material used in all sorts of paper , to $ 830 a metric ton this past spring from $ 380 a ton at the start of 1986 .","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: for pulp , a raw material used in all sorts of paper" SRL for [out]: Kethi Kilonzo is [out] of the race for the senate seat in the fourth - coming by elections in Makueni county .,ARG-1: Kethi Kilonzo | ARG-2: of the race for the senate seat in the fourth - coming by elections in Makueni county "SRL for [depopulated]: By the time of the Crusades , many of the Aegean Islands had been practically [depopulated] .",ARG-M-TMP: By the time of the Crusades | ARG-M-ADV: practically | ARG-1: many of the Aegean Islands SRL for [registration]: his enterprise [registration],ARG-0: his | ARG-1: enterprise "SRL for [suggests]: The newly fattened premiums reflect the increasingly global marketing of some country funds , Mr. Porter [suggests] .",ARG-1: The newly fattened premiums reflect the increasingly global marketing of some country funds | ARG-0: Mr. Porter SRL for [check out]: `` They [check out] . '',ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: ca n't "SRL for [knocking off]: Judge John E. Sprizzo issued the order in Manhattan federal court , where Sony has accused the tiny company of illegally [knocking off] the `` My First Sony '' line .",ARG-0: the tiny company | ARG-M-MNR: illegally | ARG-1: the `` My First Sony '' line SRL for [stand]: He did a head [stand],ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: head "SRL for [haggle]: No one knows , however , whether the new posted prices will stick once producers and customers start to [haggle] .",ARG-0: producers and customers "SRL for [divined]: -LRB- His conclusion may have been based on the fake mobile biolab plans foisted upon the US by the Chalabi associate "" Curveball "" , which Alibek [divined] to be identical to Russian mobile lab design -RRB- .",ARG-0: Alibek | ARG-1: to be identical to Russian mobile lab design SRL for [de - nuclearize]: It will effectively de- [de - nuclearize] North Korea .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-MNR: effectively | ARG-1: North Korea SRL for [matched]: The architect [matched] the wallpaper to the paint,ARG-0: The architect | ARG-1: the wallpaper | ARG-2: to the paint "SRL for [reverts]: The committee is formulating Hong Kong 's constitution for when it [reverts] to Chinese control in 1997 , and Chinese lawmakers said the two can only return if they `` abandon their antagonistic stand against the Chinese government and their attempt to nullify the Sino - British joint declaration on Hong Kong . ''",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to Chinese control | ARG-M-TMP: in 1997 | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [harp]: The defense lawyer still continued to [harp] incessantly to the judge on this issue ...,ARG-0: The defense lawyer | ARG-M-TMP: incessantly | ARG-2: to the judge | ARG-1: on this issue "SRL for [initialed]: Taiwan 's USI Far East Corp. , a petrochemical company , [initialed] the agreement with an unidentified Japanese contractor to build a naphtha cracker , according to Alson Lee , who heads the Philippine company set up to build and operate the complex .","ARG-0: Taiwan 's USI Far East Corp. , a petrochemical company | ARG-1: the agreement with an unidentified Japanese contractor to build a naphtha cracker | ARG-M-ADV: according to Alson Lee , who heads the Philippine company set up to build and operate the complex" SRL for [civilized]: He became [civilized] by eating bread and drinking wine .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-MNR: by eating bread and drinking wine SRL for [resolution]: Qatar Crown Prince professes to Minister Baconschi his [resolution] to consolidate economic relations with Romania .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to consolidate economic relations with Romania SRL for [compensation]: The actual [compensation] of employees for 2000 hours of labor rose from $ 1554 to $ 4550 .,ARG-M-ADJ: actual | ARG-2: of employees | ARG-1: for 2000 hours of labor SRL for [retaliation]: The workers soon tallied that their [retaliation] at the excesses was possible only when they were organized and united .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: at the excesses "SRL for [surprised]: Pride of place went to his favorite player , David Beckham , who [surprised] everyone with his response .","R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: everyone | ARG-2: with his response | ARG-0: his favorite player , David Beckham" "SRL for [set]: According to one analyst , workers at the Cananea copper mine in Mexico , which has n't been operating since it was declared bankrupt by the Mexican government in late August , are [set] to return to work .","ARG-1: workers at the Cananea copper mine in Mexico , which has n't been operating since it was declared bankrupt by the Mexican government in late August | ARG-2: to return to work" "SRL for [procreating]: Look around you and notice all the mind numbing trailor trash cretins out there who should not be [procreating] , yet they do .",ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [glittering]: `` Tee - wah '' , the driver cackled , his black eyes [glittering] behind dull silver chicken fencing .",ARG-0: his black eyes | ARG-M-LOC: behind dull silver chicken fencing SRL for [AAO]: [AAO] x 3,ARG-1: x 3 "SRL for [engulfed]: A landslide [engulfed] a hillside slum in Sao Paulo , Brazil , and at least 20 people , most of them children , were missing and feared dead .","ARG-0: A landslide | ARG-1: a hillside slum in Sao Paulo , Brazil" "SRL for [incidental]: Whether one is 25 or 75 , age is [incidental] to how well the job is done .",ARG-M-ADV: Whether one is 25 or 75 | ARG-1: age | ARG-2: to how well the job is done "SRL for [imports]: `` They 'll be more timorous in tackling their own voters , likeopening up more to agricultural [imports] from America , hurtingtheir farmers . ''",ARG-1: agricultural | ARG-2: from America SRL for [structuring]: Jaguar and GM hope to win Jaguar shareholders ' approval for the accord partly by [structuring] it in a way that would n't preclude a full Ford bid once the golden share expires .,ARG-0: Jaguar and GM | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in a way that would n't preclude a full Ford bid once the golden share expires "SRL for [pending]: Currently , work has stopped , [pending] government orders .",ARG-2: government orders "SRL for [discriminatory]: but immigration laws by their very nature are [discriminatory] , that is their whole purpose , to discriminate who is and who is n't allowed into a country .",ARG-0: immigration laws | ARG-M-MNR: by their very nature "SRL for [intelligence]: Early in the afternoon of yesterday we received [intelligence] that the wires had been out between Mallow , Killarney , and Valentin .","ARG-2: that the wires had been out between Mallow , Killarney , and Valentin" SRL for [asphalted over]: Here in Pennsylvania they [asphalted over] half a dead deer by the side of the road .,ARG-M-LOC: Here in Pennsylvania | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: half a dead deer by the side of the road SRL for [respect]: With [respect] to the ultimate value of the loans,ARG-1: to the ultimate value of the loans SRL for [lost]: NEC [lost] the contract to Fujitsu .,ARG-0: NEC | ARG-1: the contract | ARG-2: to Fujitsu "SRL for [traipse]: So it seems that Mr. Mitsotakis and his communist chums may have unwittingly served Mr. Papandreou a moral victory on a platter : PASOK , whether guilty or not , can now [traipse] the countryside condemning the whole affair as a witch hunt at Mr. Papandreou 's expense .","ARG-0: PASOK , whether guilty or not | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: the countryside | ARG-M-PRD: condemning the whole affair as a witch hunt at Mr. Papandreou 's expense" "SRL for [cardioverted]: She was recently [cardioverted] on 7/29/10 after amiodarone , digoxin , and metoprolol failed to adequately control it .","ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: She | ARG-M-TMP: on 7/29/10 | ARG-M-TMP: after amiodarone , digoxin , and metoprolol failed to adequately control it" SRL for [twists]: The husky blond guide with the Aggie cap [twists] his face in mock fury .,ARG-0: The husky blond guide with the Aggie cap | ARG-1: his face | ARG-M-MNR: in mock fury "SRL for [explosion]: an [explosion] of IRA promotions by brokers , banks , mutual funds and others","ARG-1: of IRA promotions | ARG-0: by brokers , banks , mutual funds and others" SRL for [deburred]: I [deburred] the edges of the left elevator understructure,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the edges of the left elevator understructure "SRL for [urban]: it 's got a great creative pulse , it 's cheap , but it 's also really [urban]",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-M-EXT: really "SRL for [overtopped]: The one from the Provincial Assembly , more restless and uneasy in its corporate expression , was [overtopped] by the big face of Don Juste Lopez , soft and white , with prominent eyelids and wreathed in impenetrable solemnity as if in a dense cloud .","ARG-1: The one from the Provincial Assembly , more restless and uneasy in its corporate expression , | ARG-0: by the big face of Don Juste Lopez , soft and white , with prominent eyelids and wreathed in impenetrable solemnity as if in a dense cloud" "SRL for [jockeyed]: Unrelieved substantive shallowness , a perversely narrow sociology of knowledge , long - [jockeyed] - for power and career advancement , a grandiose parochial vision of a Pax Americana world nursed in a hundrend forgotten think - tank papers and incestuous conferences --all that as well imposed a stifling , disastrous orthodoxy to the administration .",ARG-M-TMP: long | ARG-1: for power and career advancement SRL for [iron]: Or I could prob just do it myself with [iron] on letters,ARG-M-PRD: on | ARG-1: letters "SRL for [divest]: The question of control could further hinder long - delayed plans for the government to [divest] itself of Philippine Airlines , in which it has a 99 % stake .","ARG-0: the government | ARG-2: itself | ARG-1: of Philippine Airlines , in which it has a 99 % stake" "SRL for [ransomed]: What your father did for me when he [ransomed] me from earthly slavery is a picture of what Jesus wants to do for me , to ransom me from spiritual slavery !",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: me | ARG-4: from earthly slavery | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [supplying]: It is widely known within industry circles that Hess had to buy oil products in the high - priced spot markets to continue [supplying] its customers .,ARG-0: Hess | ARG-2: its customers SRL for [goes]: So the red block [goes] there .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-1: the red block | ARG-2: there "SRL for [stunned]: In July , the company [stunned] Wall Street with the prediction that growth in the personal computer business overall would be only 10 % in 1990 , a modest increase when compared with the sizzling expansion of years past .","ARG-M-TMP: In July | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: Wall Street | ARG-2: with the prediction that growth in the personal computer business overall would be only 10 % in 1990 , a modest increase when compared with the sizzling expansion of years past" SRL for [drop in]: Maybe I will do a walk by [drop in] .,ARG-M-ADV: Maybe | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-ADJ: walk by SRL for [heart broken]: My girlfriend was [heart broken] .,ARG-1: My girlfriend "SRL for [trembling]: The pillars of apartheid may be [trembling] in the rest of South Africa , with Johannesburg opening its public facilities to all races , blacks storming the all - white beaches of the Cape and the government releasing seven leaders of the banned African National Congress .","ARG-1: The pillars of apartheid | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-LOC: in the rest of South Africa | ARG-M-ADV: with Johannesburg opening its public facilities to all races , blacks storming the all - white beaches of the Cape and the government releasing seven leaders of the banned African National Congress" "SRL for [embroider]: Before the introduction of cloth and steel needles , aborigines used bone needles and citrus thorns to [embroider] patterns onto ramie cloth .",ARG-0: aborigines | ARG-2: patterns | ARG-1: onto ramie cloth SRL for [degermed]: The corn has been [degermed] .,ARG-1: The corn SRL for [scruple]: He does n't [scruple] to correct me when he thinks I 'm wrong .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: to correct me | ARG-M-TMP: when he thinks I 'm wrong "SRL for [denervation]: To avoid an undesired [denervation] of other structures , the knowledge of the specific innervation of the joint is essential .",ARG-0: undesired | ARG-1: of other structures SRL for [doubled]: Coffee [doubled] in price .,ARG-1: Coffee | ARG-2: in price SRL for [affect]: Salesmen will [affect] the accent of the region of the country they are calling .,ARG-0: Salesmen | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the accent of the region of the country they are calling "SRL for [pacing]: Buffy nodded , not really believing it , and resumed her [pacing] of the living room .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of the living room "SRL for [surfeited]: So choosing a good tree , he clambered up into it , found a comfortable notch , and curled up in it to sleep , like the tousled bear he was , with his hands across his chest , as though [surfeited] with honey .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: with honey SRL for [planned]: Is n't it true that you were so worked up that framing Mr. Laff for this crime was the least that you [planned] for him ? '',ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the least | ARG-3: for him "SRL for [Echo]: [Echo] today without further enlargement , 47 mm",ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-M-ADJ: without further enlargement | ARG-2: 47 mm SRL for [email]: You can ... [email] us by going to out website ~CNN dot com slash Three Sixty .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: us | ARG-M-MNR: by going to out website ~CNN dot com slash Three Sixty SRL for [Packin]: What crooner joined The Andrews Sisters for Pistol [Packin] Mama ?,ARG-1: Pistol | ARG-0: Mama "SRL for [dappled]: A [dappled] horse gets its name from its circular , shield - like , patches of brilliant white and dark brown .",ARG-1: horse SRL for [rouged]: She [rouged] her cheeks with berry stain when she knew her fiance was coming .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her cheeks | ARG-2: with berry stain | ARG-M-TMP: when she knew her fiance was coming "SRL for [bludgeoned]: First Interstate said the unit , [bludgeoned] by Arizona 's worsening real - estate woes , will have a $ 174 million loss for the quarter .",ARG-1: the unit | ARG-0: by Arizona 's worsening real - estate woes SRL for [zagging]: It 's been zigging and [zagging] between green and red .,ARG-1: It 's | ARG-M-DIR: between green and red "SRL for [chronicles]: It [chronicles] how , over a period of a dozen years , Southern Methodist University bought its way to football respectability in the Southwest Conference , only to find itself trapped and strangled by the athlete - payoff system it created .","ARG-0: It | ARG-1: how , over a period of a dozen years , Southern Methodist University bought its way to football respectability in the Southwest Conference , only to find itself trapped and strangled by the athlete - payoff system it created" "SRL for [punted]: He correctly calculated that if he [punted] , the offense was likely to beat his defense .",ARG-0: he SRL for [rejoined]: John [rejoined] the fragments of his coffee cup with duct tape .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the fragments of his coffee cup | ARG-2: with duct tape SRL for [leaks]: the [leaks] to The New York Times,ARG-M-GOL: to The New York Times SRL for [daunted]: Denver - based portfolio manager James Craig was n't [daunted] when Friday 's rout shaved $ 40 million from the value of the $ 752 million Janus Fund he oversees .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Denver - based portfolio manager James Craig | ARG-M-TMP: when Friday 's rout shaved $ 40 million from the value of the $ 752 million Janus Fund he oversees SRL for [come]: The attack commercial has [come] of age in an off - election year .,ARG-1: The attack commercial | ARG-2: of age | ARG-M-TMP: in an off - election year "SRL for [imbue]: But , far important , is to [imbue] the hearts and minds of local inhabitants and visitors alike with a deep appreciation of tea culture .",ARG-1: the hearts and minds of local inhabitants and visitors alike | ARG-2: with a deep appreciation of tea culture SRL for [scuff]: Children walking home from school would [scuff] through what seemed to be his foliage .,ARG-0: Children walking home from school | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: through what seemed to be his foliage SRL for [likely]: So then there 's the discussion of vouchers -LRB- putting aside that my peer group of affluent professionals is unlikely to qualify for need - based vouchers and will [likely] be deciding between suburban public schools or paying for private school -RRB- .,ARG-1: my peer group of affluent professionals | C-ARG-1: to qualify for need - based vouchers SRL for [low]: The water level is [low] for a June measurement,ARG-1: The water level | ARG-5: for a June measurement "SRL for [resell]: `` On occasion , he paid a high price , '' Mr. Wachter concedes , but he says those who bid less and dropped out were dealers who would then have marked up the paintings to [resell] them at a profit to collectors .",ARG-0: dealers | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: at a profit | ARG-2: to collectors "SRL for [dispelled]: At a meeting with analysts , British Petroleum officials [dispelled] speculation that the company may take over a U.S. oil company , according to Dow Jones Professional Investor Report .",ARG-M-LOC: At a meeting with analysts | ARG-0: British Petroleum officials | ARG-1: speculation that the company may take over a U.S. oil company SRL for [transited]: They [transited] the area on foot,ARG-1: They | ARG-2: the area | ARG-M-MNR: on foot SRL for [reabsorption]: Renal [reabsorption] of sodium ( Na ) is a part of renal physiology .,ARG-2: Renal | ARG-1: of sodium ( Na ) "SRL for [comeback]: Despite losing 2 original members , Alexander and Kibum , U - Kiss is still going strong for their [comeback] with the new members , AJ and Hoon .",ARG-0: their SRL for [nonfunctioning]: The patient does have a stent in the left kidney that appears to possibly be [nonfunctioning] .,ARG-0: that | ARG-M-ADV: possibly "SRL for [exempt]: People tell each other what to do all day every day , why should countries be [exempt] ?",ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: countries | ARG-M-CAU: why SRL for [solved]: Mr. van Dover added that researchers are trying to determine precisely what crystal changes [solved] the problem .,ARG-0: what crystal changes | ARG-1: the problem SRL for [recertification]: One of the most important services Section 1212 offers its members is assisting in their [recertification] of ASQ candidates .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of ASQ candidates "SRL for [hands on]: “ I just wish I could have got my [hands on] the big CDOT snow plow , ” he said with a grin .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: on the big CDOT snow plow SRL for [correspond]: The agency noted that because of a strike by Finance Ministry personnel the provisional estimate does n't [correspond] exactly to the consumer price index usually published .,ARG-1: the provisional estimate | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-MNR: exactly | ARG-2: to the consumer price index usually published SRL for [grinding]: Eric 's [grinding] of his teeth caused him to develop a TMJ problem .,ARG-0: Eric 's | ARG-1: of his teeth "SRL for [frying]: Mr. Burt nonetheless paid the penalty as if he had lost , agreeing to spend a day with West German Foreign Minister Hans - Dietrich Genscher [frying] and selling their combined weight in potato pancakes .",ARG-0: Mr. Burt | ARG-1: their combined weight in potato pancakes SRL for [see]: he is going to [see] the doctor today .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: doctor | ARG-M-TMP: today "SRL for [right]: When we were in the pub later on , two Argentinians also commented , saying that they did n't think it was [right] for him to say that , as you would n't expect a Scottish person to say that they were from the UK .",ARG-1: for him to say that | ARG-M-CAU: as you would n't expect a Scottish person to say that they were from the UK "SRL for [picture]: Although their ads [picture] curvy young people in skimpy outfits , club owners know the future lies with the lumpier over set .",ARG-0: their ads | ARG-1: curvy young people in skimpy outfits "SRL for [exceed]: But the automotive parts and aerospace concern expects that net for the year ending Nov. 30 will [exceed] last fiscal year 's net of $ 70 million , or $ 2.19 a share , primarily because of $ 200 millionin gains from sales of discontinued operations .","ARG-0: net for the year ending Nov. 30 | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: last fiscal year 's net of $ 70 million , or $ 2.19 a share" SRL for [recapping]: [recapping] the developments of this disturbing day in the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula .,ARG-1: the developments of this disturbing day in the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula "SRL for [unscrupulous]: He was very sad for his being [unscrupulous] in using officials ; but the results of anti - gang should not be denied , and he personally does not think about the issue of 18th National Congress . """,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: in using officials "SRL for [shrilled]: She [shrilled] , throwing herself at his feet .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-ADV: throwing herself at his feet SRL for [clean]: Priest 's file was [clean] of allegations .,ARG-1: Priest 's file | ARG-3: of allegations SRL for [split]: James Soong 's candidacy has raised the specter of a party [split] .,ARG-1: party "SRL for [laying]: Special occasions such as keel [laying] , ship christening , and commissioning ceremonies deal with shipbuilding , no ceremonies for scrapping .",ARG-1: keel "SRL for [transfected]: In cells [transfected] with wild - type EGFR , MEK inhibition led to feedback activation of phospho - ERBB3 and phosho - EGFR , recapitulating the results we had observed in our panel of cancer cell lines ( Figure 6A ) .",ARG-1: cells | ARG-2: wild - type EGFR SRL for [disgrace]: The woman who presided over a voting failure that would [disgrace] a banana republic has gone .,ARG-0: a voting failure | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: a banana republic SRL for [ownership]: joint [ownership] with PepsiCo Inc. of the country 's Pizza Hut chain,ARG-M-MNR: joint | ARG-M-COM: with PepsiCo Inc. | ARG-1: of the country 's Pizza Hut chain SRL for [contemplated]: I do not think he [contemplated] it as an eventuality which was to be imposed upon us .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as an eventuality which was to be imposed upon us "SRL for [deformed]: The wall behind me was slightly [deformed] , but the center had held .",ARG-1: The wall behind me | ARG-M-EXT: slightly SRL for [profit]: George only made a twenty dollar [profit] each year on his crafts .,ARG-2: twenty dollar | ARG-M-TMP: each year | ARG-1: on his crafts SRL for [charged]: She [charged] ahead of the government and the law to establish Hochiminh City Food Co. as the biggest rice dealer in the country .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: ahead of the government and the law | ARG-M-PRP: to establish Hochiminh City Food Co. as the biggest rice dealer in the country "SRL for [overpaid]: But from his vantage point , it is n't that Mr. Paul , a customer of his too , [overpaid] for the work , a gargantuan painting by an artist who is not a household word .","ARG-0: Mr. Paul , a customer of his too | ARG-3: for the work , a gargantuan painting by an artist who is not a household word" "SRL for [even]: Good urine , balance [even] ,",ARG-1: balance "SRL for [disabled]: City crews tallied the wreckage to buildings , but lacked a clear sense of how gravely transportation arteries were [disabled] .",ARG-1: transportation arteries | ARG-M-EXT: how gravely "SRL for [calm]: In an unusual move , several funds moved to [calm] investors with recordings on their toll - free phone lines .",ARG-0: several funds | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: with recordings | ARG-M-LOC: on their toll - free phone lines SRL for [got]: You 've [got] two champions sitting right before you .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: two champions sitting right before you "SRL for [option]: Typically , developers [option] property , and then once they get the administrative approvals , they buy it , '' said Mr. Karatz , adding that he believes the joint venture is the first of its kind .",ARG-0: developers | ARG-1: property SRL for [applications]: Larsen & Toubro started accepting [applications] for its giant issue earlier this month,ARG-1: for its giant issue "SRL for [pinked]: Seams of fine serge , broadcloth or smooth surface materials may be [pinked] on the edges .","ARG-1: Seams of fine serge , broadcloth or smooth surface materials | ARG-M-LOC: on the edges" "SRL for [delivered]: Two of the 757 - 200s are new aircraft to be [delivered] to American Trans Air , the main subsidiary of Amtran Inc. , in December 1991 and January 1992 .","ARG-1: new aircraft | ARG-2: to American Trans Air , the main subsidiary of Amtran Inc. | ARG-M-TMP: in December 1991 and January 1992" SRL for [metastasectomy]: hepatic [metastasectomy],ARG-2: hepatic SRL for [oxygenated]: It [oxygenated] the water,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the water SRL for [boot]: MBR is a section of the storage space on a hard disk drive that is used for the maintenance of data needed to initiate a [boot] of the computer .,ARG-1: of the computer "SRL for [digested]: But once the new securities are [digested] , they expect investors to focus on the weak economic data .",ARG-1: the new securities "SRL for [thrill]: ... his desire for domination , his [thrill] at control , his pride in being a craftsman of death ...",ARG-1: his | ARG-0: at control SRL for [reheat]: I [reheat] my coffee all day .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my coffee | ARG-M-TMP: all day SRL for [pushed]: Small - lot buying targeted at incentive - backed issues [pushed] up the Nikkei .,ARG-0: Small - lot buying targeted at incentive - backed issues | ARG-2: up | ARG-1: the Nikkei "SRL for [founding]: Dear Fellow American , This 4th of July , while you and your family celebrate the 230th Anniversary of the [founding] of our great nation , there 's one party you wo n't be invited to ...",ARG-1: of our great nation SRL for [contamination]: The dirty hippies ' [contamination] of Yosemite with Giardia from their hippie dogs caused the stream water to not be drinkable .,ARG-0: The dirty hippies ' | ARG-1: of Yosemite | ARG-2: with Giardia from their hippie dogs SRL for [Biopsy]: [Biopsy] consistent with invasive moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma ., "SRL for [Arbitraging]: [Arbitraging] on differences between spot and futures prices is an important part of many financial markets , he says .",ARG-1: on differences between spot and futures prices SRL for [contributing]: Also [contributing] to the firmness in copper was a report by Chicago purchasing agents .,ARG-M-DIS: Also | ARG-2: to the firmness in copper | ARG-0: a report by Chicago purchasing agents SRL for [studying]: A child who is treated with respect wo n't stop [studying] on account of this .,ARG-0: A child who is treated with respect SRL for [gloried]: The children of Jacob [gloried] over Joseph .,ARG-0: The children of Jacob | ARG-1: over Joseph SRL for [cowardly]: Indiscriminately targeting women and children is [cowardly] and people who do that should be captured or killed .,ARG-1: Indiscriminately targeting women and children "SRL for [awkward]: That standing ovation was extremely [awkward] , was n't it ?",ARG-1: That standing ovation | ARG-M-EXT: extremely SRL for [argue]: Program traders [argue] that a reinstatement of the rule would destroy the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: Program traders | ARG-1: that a reinstatement of the rule would destroy the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets "SRL for [limber up]: After training , you have to remember to to [limber up] !",ARG-0: you SRL for [pumping up]: His [pumping up] the crowd was when he would spaz out and do jumping jack motions .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the crowd "SRL for [excepted]: Twas with this View that he [excepted] them from Service in the Wars , but permitted to take Arms for their own Defence .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: from Service in the Wars SRL for [jump on bandwagon]: I predicted that the new right would [jump on bandwagon] of sexual harassment,ARG-0: the new right | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: of sexual harassment "SRL for [alkalified]: Under these conditions , strain EPR70 T [alkalified] the culture medium .",ARG-M-LOC: Under these conditions | ARG-0: strain EPR70 T | ARG-1: the culture medium SRL for [flies]: And some investors fault Mr. Spiegel 's life style ; he earns millions of dollars a year and [flies] around in Columbia 's jet planes .,ARG-1: he | ARG-M-DIR: around | ARG-2: in Columbia 's jet planes SRL for [grassed]: The rains of the last 12 months have [grassed] the yard magnificently .,ARG-0: The rains of the last 12 months | ARG-1: the yard | ARG-M-MNR: magnificently SRL for [immunodetected]: We [immunodetected] substantial amounts of pre - β - HDL in pBCEC - derived supernatants ( Fig . 5 ) .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: substantial amounts of pre - β - HDL SRL for [search]: his [search] for the Reuters shares,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: for the Reuters shares SRL for [plugged in]: John [plugged in] .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the lamp SRL for [sectioned up]: The viceroy [sectioned up] the territory into four large areas .,ARG-0: The viceroy | ARG-1: the territory | ARG-2: into four large areas SRL for [amazing]: The swallow holes story was [amazing] to our son .,ARG-0: The swallow holes story | ARG-1: to our son "SRL for [variations]: Then there are the assorted golden animals or other objects that are [variations] on the theme of the golden hen , the Chinese equivalent of the goose that lays the golden egg .","ARG-1: on the theme of the golden hen , the Chinese equivalent of the goose that lays the golden egg" SRL for [devastation]: Its [devastation] of cities and towns along the eastern shoreline is extensive enough to be seen by satellite .,ARG-0: Its | ARG-1: of cities and towns along the eastern shoreline SRL for [shortcircuit]: But now it looks like we may [shortcircuit] that .,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: that SRL for [compared]: The strength of the US bond market [compared] to its foreign counterparts,ARG-1: The strength of the US bond market | ARG-2: to its foreign counterparts SRL for [better]: He 's [better] at playing the piano than I am .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: at playing the piano | ARG-M-CXN: than I am SRL for [blow]: Give your nose a good [blow] into this handkerchief .,ARG-M-LVB: Give | ARG-M-DIR: your nose | ARG-M-MNR: good | ARG-M-GOL: into this handkerchief SRL for [excommunicated]: The Pope [excommunicated] the gay priest from the church of All Saints .,ARG-0: The Pope | ARG-1: the gay priest | ARG-2: the church of All Saints SRL for [terrible]: But the booing of the soldier was [terrible] make no mistake .,ARG-1: the booing of the soldier SRL for [shame]: they honorably sidestep the [shame] of defeat ;,ARG-0: of defeat SRL for [conspired]: The company is the subject of a federal grand jury investigation into whether its officials and its utility subsidiaries [conspired] to cover up their accounting for spare parts to evade federal income taxes .,ARG-0: its officials and its utility subsidiaries | ARG-1: to cover up their accounting for spare parts to evade federal income taxes "SRL for [coverage]: Nanning City 's forest area has reached 344,000 , with forest [coverage] reaching 36.3 %",ARG-2: forest "SRL for [bludgeoned]: Ferrell [bludgeoned] him with the crowbar , killing him .",ARG-0: Ferrell | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with the crowbar | ARG-M-ADV: killing him "SRL for [cowardly]: He was especially hard on Jowett , whom he thought was [cowardly] in his refusal to carry his ideas to their logical conclusion .",ARG-1: whom | C-ARG-1: in his refusal to carry his ideas to their logical conclusion "SRL for [torsion]: In men with [torsion] of the testes , the spermatic cord becomes twisted .",ARG-1: of the testes "SRL for [recover]: The Nasdaq over - the - counter market did n't fully [recover] from a selling stampede , and closed down 1.2 % .",ARG-1: The Nasdaq over - the - counter market | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: fully | ARG-2: from a selling stampede SRL for [lipsticked]: The clown had [lipsticked] circles on his cheeks .,ARG-0: The clown | ARG-2: circles | ARG-1: on his cheeks SRL for [assault]: The Japanese [assault] on the luxury market,ARG-0: Japanese | ARG-1: on the luxury market SRL for [rescind]: Nekoosa 's poison pill allows shareholders to vote to [rescind] it ...,ARG-0: shareholders | ARG-1: it "SRL for [moving]: The San Jose attorneys also assert that the grant of San Jose territorial rights to the Giants was "" subject to their [moving] to Santa Clara County .",ARG-1: their | ARG-2: to Santa Clara County SRL for [collection]: Garbage [collection] usually occurs on Tuesday mornings .,ARG-1: Garbage SRL for [paddywhacked]: The irish mob would have [paddywhacked] her and chopped her into little pieces if she testified .,ARG-0: The irish mob | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: her SRL for [degrit]: One option would be * to [degrit] the primary sludge .,ARG-1: the primary sludge "SRL for [squeezed]: Norman Berry , the creative executive who was apparently [squeezed] out of Ogilvy & Mather in June , is returning to Ogilvy 's parent company , WPP Group PLC .",ARG-1: the creative executive | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-M-ADV: apparently | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-2: Ogilvy & Mather | ARG-M-TMP: in June SRL for [broken]: The system is [broken],ARG-1: The system SRL for [hesitation]: How can teachers overcome their [hesitation] to use drama as a teaching aid in the classroom ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to use drama as a teaching aid in the classroom "SRL for [childbearing]: Yet , how old is too old , and how realistic is it for a young woman today to expect to delay her [childbearing] into the later decades of her life ?",ARG-0: her SRL for [experience]: a kind of harrowing [experience],ARG-M-ADJ: kind of | ARG-M-ADJ: harrowing "SRL for [comforted]: In London , prices finished at intraday peaks , [comforted] by a reassuring early performance on Wall Street and news that the British government will waive its `` golden share '' in auto maker Jaguar .",ARG-1: prices | ARG-2: by a reassuring early performance on Wall Street and news that the British government will waive its `` golden share '' in auto maker Jaguar SRL for [going]: I 'm [going] to eat lunch now ., SRL for [shore]: The other followers went to [shore] in the boat .,ARG-0: The other followers | ARG-M-DIR: in | ARG-1: the boat SRL for [liable]: He is [liable] to city government for the back payments .,ARG-1: He | ARG-4: to city government | ARG-2: for the back payments "SRL for [exploded]: Pan Am has subpoenaed several government agencies , including the CIA and FBI , to determine whether they were warned that a bomb had been planted aboard a jet that [exploded] over Scotland last December , killing 270 people .",ARG-1: a jet | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-LOC: over Scotland | ARG-M-TMP: last December | ARG-M-ADV: killing 270 people SRL for [reconnected]: He [reconnected] the boiler to the gas supply .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the boiler | ARG-2: to the gas supply SRL for [immiserate]: denounces the Civil Rights Act because it infringed the free - market right of a monolithic white establishment to [immiserate] blacks ;,ARG-0: a monolithic white establishment | ARG-1: blacks SRL for [complications]: He died of [complications] from the surgery .,ARG-0: from the surgery "SRL for [differing]: A Clinton spokesman described the week of US mediated talks as constructive , but the parties had [differing] assessments with Palestinian negotiator Sayeb Erekat saying major gaps remain .",ARG-1: assessments "SRL for [last]: Some traders said the popularity of issues that gained yesterday wo n't [last] long , as investors will rotate their buying choices over the short term .",ARG-1: the popularity of issues that gained yesterday | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: long | ARG-M-CAU: as investors will rotate their buying choices over the short term "SRL for [pre - admission]: According to Hansen , gaining [pre - admission] to the program will likely relieve some anxiety for students .",ARG-2: to the program SRL for [complete]: His degree of humiliation was [complete] and absolute,ARG-1: His degree of humiliation SRL for [indemnity]: Claims for [indemnity] against third parties who are not joint tortfeasors ( such as contractual indemnity claims ) may be .,ARG-M-GOL: against third parties who are not joint tortfeasors ( such as contractual indemnity claims ) SRL for [formation]: the [formation] of a new political party by James Soong,ARG-1: of a new political party | ARG-0: by James Soong SRL for [jumping]: My [jumping] the horse over the fence startled the fox .,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: the horse | ARG-2: over the fence "SRL for [earning]: Xerox Corp. 's third - quarter net income grew 6.2 % on 7.3 % higher revenue , [earning] mixed reviews from Wall Street analysts .",ARG-0: Xerox Corp. 's third - quarter net income | ARG-1: mixed reviews | ARG-3: from Wall Street analysts SRL for [stenosing]: The patient 's patella was [stenosing] .,ARG-1: The patient 's patella "SRL for [stay]: During their [stay] in Taiwan , ...",ARG-1: their | ARG-3: in Taiwan "SRL for [defecation]: Bourgeois couples discuss [defecation] around a toilet - lined table but consider `` food '' an impolite topic , and so on .", SRL for [pounded]: Her heart [pounded] against her chest .,ARG-1: Her heart | ARG-M-DIR: against her chest "SRL for [facelifted]: He "" [facelifted] "" the 456 GT 's front - end into a Ferrari 550 !",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the 456 GT 's front - end | ARG-2: into a Ferrari 550 ! "SRL for [enunciated]: It 's your decision '' , said Juanita , holding her face very still , trying to contain the bitterness of her voice as she [enunciated] her words too distinctly .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her words | ARG-M-MNR: too distinctly "SRL for [leave - behind]: If there 's any doubt , I do a [leave - behind] . Keys , gloves , scarf - I go back to her place to pick it up .",ARG-M-ADV: If there 's any doubt | ARG-0: I SRL for [re - entered]: John [re - entered] his crayon drawings into an art competition .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his crayon drawings | ARG-2: into an art competition SRL for [fine]: People pretend to be [fine] with it - but their is ignorance deep inside .,ARG-2: People | ARG-1: with it SRL for [pilgrimage]: Shia Muslims 's [pilgrimage] to the holy city of Karbala,ARG-0: Shia Muslims | ARG-M-DIR: to the holy city of Karbala SRL for ['m like]: And I ['m like] why 's the door open ?,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: why 's the door open ? SRL for [ambiguous]: the Council was being [ambiguous] as to how much evidence was ? enough ? and what evidence it had that the redundant loop was actually needed .,ARG-0: the Council | ARG-1: as to how much evidence was ? enough ? and what evidence it had that the redundant loop was actually needed SRL for [round]: the mid - June [round] of voting,ARG-1: of voting "SRL for [done for]: If not for Hong Kong , you would all be [done for] ' "" .",ARG-M-ADV: If not for Hong Kong | ARG-1: you | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: all SRL for [gated]: This has already happened with some [gated] communities .,ARG-1: communities SRL for [excepted]: Counsel [excepted] to the court 's ruling .,ARG-0: Counsel | ARG-1: to the court 's ruling SRL for [fitting]: The nurse 's [fitting] the patient for a catheter was interrupted by the tornado sirens .,ARG-0: The nurse 's | ARG-1: the patient | ARG-2: for a catheter "SRL for [perforation]: In sections just below the tubercle of the tibia , care must be taken to avoid the anterior tibial artery at its [perforation] of the interosseous membrane .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the interosseous membrane "SRL for [maximize]: The action followed by one day an Intelogic announcement that it will retain an investment banker to explore alternatives `` to [maximize] shareholder value , '' including the possible sale of the company .",ARG-0: an investment banker | ARG-1: shareholder value SRL for [removal]: speeding the [removal] of harmful chemicals from the food supply,ARG-1: of harmful chemicals | ARG-2: from the food supply SRL for [emulsify]: Mustard really does magic * to [emulsify] the oil and vinegar .,ARG-1: the oil and vinegar "SRL for [intercalibrating]: Same comparison steps proposed here when [intercalibrating] CLARREO with CrIS AIRS , and/or IASI .","ARG-1: CLARREO | ARG-2: with CrIS AIRS , and/or IASI" SRL for [complicate]: Cray Research 's decision to link its $ 98.3 million promissory note to Mr. Cray 's presence will [complicate] a valuation of the new company .,ARG-0: Cray Research 's decision to link its $ 98.3 million promissory note to Mr. Cray 's presence | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a valuation of the new company "SRL for [manipulated]: `` People are looking for an ability to try and read the market , rather than be [manipulated] , '' said Dudley A. Eppel , manager of equity trading at Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette .",ARG-1: People "SRL for [snap]: It is interesting to see the fundamental stock pickers [snap] `` foul '' on program trading when the markets decline , while hailing the great values still abounding as the markets rise .",ARG-0: the fundamental stock pickers | ARG-1: `` foul '' | ARG-M-ADV: on program trading | ARG-M-TMP: when the markets decline | ARG-M-ADV: while hailing the great values still abounding as the markets rise SRL for [accept]: He would n't [accept] anything of value from those he was writing about .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: anything of value | ARG-2: from those he was writing about SRL for [quarried]: They [quarried] the granite and limestone building blocks with crude copper wedges and chunks of stone for hammers .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: the granite and limestone building blocks | ARG-M-MNR: with crude copper wedges and chunks of stone for hammers "SRL for [amalgamation]: The women of Luscious Jackson hope that this time around , the time is right for their [amalgamation] of pop sounds .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of pop sounds SRL for [payout]: How long does the insurance have to [payout] my claim after we have agreed on a price ?,ARG-0: the insurance | ARG-1: my claim | ARG-M-TMP: after we have agreed on a price "SRL for [walking]: He smoked Toronto in the playoffs with six hits , seven walks and eight stolen bases in 22 at bats , and continued that by going 3 - for - 3 at the plate Sunday , along with [walking] , stealing a base and scoring a run .",ARG-1: He SRL for [cut it]: Many older athletes wonder if they can still [cut it] .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: still SRL for [reexamining]: After 75 years there may be a few things that are worth [reexamining] .,ARG-1: a few things | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [Taiwanized]: Taiwanese TV Gets [Taiwanized] !,ARG-1: Taiwanese TV SRL for [deceive]: They use their lying tongues to [deceive] others . '',ARG-0: They | ARG-1: others SRL for [layered]: She [layered] the audio of her recorded vocals over the video .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the audio of her recorded vocals | ARG-2: over the video SRL for [threatening]: Pakistan has accused India of [threatening] the peace process by refusing to issue travel documents to the Hurrriyat leaders .,ARG-0: India | ARG-2: the peace process | ARG-1: by refusing to issue travel documents to the Hurrriyat leaders "SRL for [turn]: With the [turn] for the better in his father 's political circumstances , Ye Daying left behind his violent life and changed suddenly , becoming more inward - looking .",ARG-2: for the better | ARG-1: his father 's political circumstances SRL for [wide]: It 's four blocks [wide] .,ARG-1: It | ARG-3: four blocks "SRL for [provoked]: The compromise bill passed the House last week but has now [provoked] jurisdictional fights with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee , which jealously protects its prerogatives over operations at the State Department .","ARG-0: The compromise bill | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: jurisdictional fights with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee , which jealously protects its prerogatives over operations at the State Department" SRL for [trades]: The issue [trades] at a premium to its face amount .,ARG-1: The issue | ARG-3: at a premium to its face amount "SRL for [backed off]: When his arm came up [ ] I ducked away but it caught me on the side of the neck , watering my eyes , and I [backed off] to cough .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-PNC: to cough SRL for [rebuked]: President Obama [rebuked] Donald Trump for his renewed call to ban Muslim immigrants .,ARG-0: President Obama | ARG-1: Donald Trump | ARG-2: for his renewed call to ban Muslim immigrants "SRL for [underestimated]: In other words , the growth rates of both total GNP and real private business product per labor hour have been [underestimated] by about 20 % .",ARG-1: the growth rates of both total GNP and real private business product per labor hour | ARG-2: by about 20 % SRL for [included]: Losses from the earthquake in California would be [included] in 4th QTR results .,ARG-1: Losses from the earthquake in California | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: in 4th QTR results SRL for [smoothen]: Collagen injections [smoothen] wrinkle lines .,ARG-0: Collagen injections | ARG-1: wrinkle lines "SRL for [purloined]: The thieves [purloined] the bank , taking all the money for themselves .",ARG-0: The thieves | ARG-2: the bank | ARG-1: the money | ARG-3: themselves SRL for [re - enroll]: I need to [re - enroll] in the program,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: in the program "SRL for [checking]: He filed for divorce from Nancy in 2008 , with her [checking] the "" financial disputes "" box on the form at the time .","ARG-0: her | ARG-1: the "" financial disputes "" box on the form | ARG-M-TMP: at the time" SRL for [terrorism]: This was focusing on contemporary examples like nationalist seperatist groups of the twetieth century or recent [terrorism] by Islamist extremists .,ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-0: by Islamist extremists SRL for [whitewashed]: Attorney General Holder just [whitewashed] the authors of the torture memos .,ARG-0: Attorney General Holder | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: the authors of the torture memos "SRL for [care]: Asked whether potential advertisers will be scared away by the magazine 's direct policy , Ms. Poore replies : `` I do n't know and I do n't [care] .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't "SRL for [overcome]: Still , Unisys said its European business was weak during the quarter , a worrisome sign given that the company has relied on solid results overseas to [overcome] weakness in the U.S. over the past several quarters .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: weakness in the U.S. SRL for [mulcted]: He [mulcted] his people of their gold,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: his people | ARG-1: of their gold SRL for [awake]: Many people feel hungry every minute they are [awake] and fight the fact they know they are literally killing themselves with every bite they take .,ARG-1: they SRL for [origin]: the [origin] of birds,ARG-1: of birds "SRL for [augment]: `` We will support it , we will thank him , and we will [augment] it where appropriate , '' said Rep. Vic Fazio ( D. , Calif . ) .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-LOC: where appropriate SRL for [constitutionalizes]: John [constitutionalizes] every day after dinner .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-TMP: every day | ARG-M-TMP: after dinner "SRL for [definition]: Eastman Kodak Co. , seeking to position itself in the potentially huge high - [definition] television market , unveiled a converter that can transform conventional motion - picture film into high - definition video .",ARG-M-EXT: high SRL for [crash]: October 1987 's 508 - point [crash],ARG-M-TMP: October 1987 's | ARG-M-EXT: 508 - point SRL for [decompensation]: Coronary vascular mechanisms involved in [decompensation] from hypertrophy to heart failure .,ARG-3: from hypertrophy | ARG-2: to heart failure SRL for [delivered]: Dr. Brenda [delivered] 50 babies last week .,ARG-0: Dr. Brenda | ARG-1: 50 babies | ARG-M-TMP: last week "SRL for [sweat]: Mr. Jacobson , his gray hair flying , did n't wear out his red - white - and - blue sneakers , but he [sweat] so much he considered sending out for a new shirt .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MNR: so much he considered sending out for a new shirt "SRL for [form]: Peter Drake , biotechnology analyst for Vector Securities International , Chicago , thinks market uncertainty may encourage small companies to [form] more strategic alliances with big corporations .",ARG-0: small companies | ARG-1: more strategic alliances with big corporations "SRL for [stabbing]: My nephew would not respond to his insults , so he thought that justified his [stabbing] him to death .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: him | ARG-4: to death "SRL for [cracking up]: Martha informed the Secret Service about what she overheard but they dismissed it , saying it was just a sign of Martha 's [cracking up] .",ARG-1: Martha 's SRL for [visit]: The economic and foreign ministers of 12 Asian and Pacific nations will [visit] in Australia next week to discuss the price of beans .,ARG-0: The economic and foreign ministers of 12 Asian and Pacific nations | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LOC: in Australia | ARG-M-TMP: next week | ARG-M-PRP: to discuss the price of beans SRL for [commercialize]: Many of the deals involved transactions in which scientific institutions or researchers agreed to [commercialize] their work in return for an equity stake or royalties .,ARG-0: scientific institutions or researchers | ARG-1: their work SRL for [globalized]: The system has [globalized] the ways in which production is performed on our planet .,ARG-0: The system | ARG-1: the ways in which production is performed on our planet SRL for [pack]: One of the friends sweeps broken dishes and shattered glass from a countertop and starts to [pack] what can be salvaged from the kitchen .,ARG-0: One of the friends | ARG-2: what can be salvaged from the kitchen "SRL for [hanging on]: He does not have to justify himself ; his presidency for life , which is the real meaning of his [hanging on] for a third term ...",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: for a third term "SRL for [nationalized]: Despite fears the mine may be partially [nationalized] by the new Namibian government following next month 's elections freeing the country from South African control , De Beers engineers are working to extend the mine 's productive life for another 25 years , from the current estimate of 10 .",ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-MNR: partially | ARG-1: the mine | ARG-0: by the new Namibian government | ARG-M-TMP: following next month 's elections freeing the country from South African control SRL for [arrival]: On our [arrival] from Waterloo at Allgate,ARG-1: our | ARG-3: from Waterloo | ARG-4: at Allgate "SRL for [colonoscopy]: They did a [colonoscopy] on him with biopsies and told him that he did not have c diff , but did have UC .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: on him | ARG-M-ADV: with biopsies SRL for [out of pocket]: Expenses this week will be [out of pocket],ARG-1: Expenses this week | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [denominated]: Because the funds ' investments are [denominated] in foreign currencies , their value expressed in dollars goes up when those currencies rise against the dollar .",ARG-1: the funds ' investments | ARG-2: in foreign currencies SRL for [competition]: The teams were in fierce [competition] for first place .,ARG-M-MNR: fierce | ARG-2: for first place SRL for [reunion]: Niall Matter discusses his [reunion] with Colin Ferguson on ' Primeval : New World .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: with Colin Ferguson | ARG-M-LOC: on ' Primeval : New World "SRL for [ascended]: The trail [ascended] 2500 feet to the Kendall Catwalk , a trail blasted out of an alpine knife ridge .","ARG-0: The trail | ARG-M-EXT: 2500 feet | ARG-M-GOL: to the Kendall Catwalk , a trail blasted out of an alpine knife ridge" SRL for [adoption]: An American couple is asking the courts to void their [adoption] of two Russian children .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of two Russian children "SRL for [strengthen]: Although Mr. Pierce expects that line of business to [strengthen] in the next year , he said Elcotel will also benefit from moving into other areas .",ARG-1: that line of business | ARG-M-TMP: in the next year "SRL for [implosion]: With the [implosion] of Cain 's campaign , some big endorsements for Gingrich , and Gingrich 's rapid rise in the polls of GOP voters , InTrade has dutifully given Newtie his turn as the Official Anti - Romney Candidate -- his percentage on InTrade nearly doubled in the last 48 hours , from 16 % to 28 % .",ARG-1: of Cain 's campaign "SRL for [pass]: He 's supposed to be a genius , and that 's why we gave him a [pass] on the tax stuff .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: on the tax stuff "SRL for [stagflation]: And as the war drags on , our economy 's [stagflation] will be even more pronounced and the Federal Reserve will have to raise interest rates ...",ARG-1: our economy 's SRL for [lilted]: John [lilted] across the room .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-LOC: across the room SRL for [done]: We 're all [done] now .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-M-TMP: now SRL for [cowed]: To vanquish a people already [cowed] .,ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: a people SRL for [coloring]: Would you object to his [coloring] it yellow then ?,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: yellow SRL for [unresectable]: The mass is still [unresectable] after radiation .,ARG-1: The mass | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-TMP: after radiation SRL for [arrest]: the [arrest] of opposition activists on the grounds of terrorism,ARG-1: of opposition activists | ARG-2: on the grounds of terrorism SRL for [sank]: Mary [sank] John 's battleship with a single well - aimed torpedo .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John 's battleship | ARG-5: with a single well - aimed torpedo SRL for [intervention]: [intervention] in foreign - exchange markets,ARG-1: in foreign - exchange markets SRL for [credit]: A tax [credit] for employers,ARG-2: tax | ARG-1: for employers SRL for [move]: President Hugo Chavez 's [move] to strengthen ties with the communist island,ARG-0: President Hugo Chavez 's | ARG-1: to strengthen ties with the communist island SRL for [recanalized]: In 1964 he [recanalized] the femoral artery of an 83 year old woman with the combination of a guide wire and a catheter .,ARG-M-TMP: In 1964 | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the femoral artery of an 83 year old woman | ARG-M-MNR: with the combination of a guide wire and a catheter SRL for [appreciate]: I can [appreciate] only faint S2 .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: faint S2 "SRL for [lunged]: The three of us stopped breathing for a moment , and then when it kept on coming we [lunged] for the doorway .",ARG-M-TMP: when it kept on coming | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: for the doorway SRL for [graffitied]: They [graffitied] demeaning messages on their home .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: demeaning messages | ARG-1: on their home SRL for [abstracted]: Anti - transcendent skepticism holds that thought can not be [abstracted] away from some natural or material preconditions,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: thought | ARG-2: away from some natural or material preconditions SRL for [infection]: Jason 's [infection] with salmonella kept him home from work .,ARG-1: Jason 's | ARG-2: with salmonella SRL for [occupied]: An artist [occupied] the space with an art installation .,ARG-0: An artist | ARG-1: the space | ARG-2: with an art installation "SRL for [called off]: Boeing Co. , already struck by its Machinists union , briefly [called off] contract talks with its engineers and labeled their demands `` grossly excessive . ''","ARG-0: Boeing Co. , already struck by its Machinists union | ARG-M-TMP: briefly | ARG-1: contract talks with its engineers" SRL for [left]: There is some time [left] before the start of the year 2000,ARG-1: some time | ARG-M-TMP: before the start of the year 2000 SRL for [Jihad]: The 634 Islamic [Jihad] against Zoroastrian Persians over religious differences,ARG-M-TMP: 634 | ARG-0: Islamic | ARG-1: against Zoroastrian Persians | ARG-2: over religious differences SRL for [frightened]: Although he 'd [frightened] me a bit at first with the wrath he 'd let loose on Vale Hilliard,ARG-M-DIS: Although | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-EXT: a bit | ARG-M-TMP: at first | ARG-2: with the wrath he 'd let loose on Vale Hilliard SRL for [summit]: Atheists angry that Masons are invited to their [summit] with the EU .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: with the EU "SRL for [Imprisoned]: [Imprisoned] by the Nazis during World War II for his political beliefs , Mr. Honecker typified the postwar generation of committed Communist leaders in Eastern Europe who took their cues from Moscow .",ARG-0: by the Nazis | ARG-M-TMP: during World War II | ARG-3: for his political beliefs | ARG-1: Mr. Honecker SRL for [nomination]: The Bush administration 's [nomination] of Clarence Thomas to a seat on the federal appeals court here,ARG-0: The Bush administration 's | ARG-1: of Clarence Thomas | ARG-2: to a seat on the federal appeals court here SRL for [cardiac]: physiological hypertrophy is [cardiac],ARG-1: physiological hypertrophy SRL for [charges]: Admission [charges] at movie theaters have been going up recently .,ARG-3: Admission "SRL for [come out]: For the ones that [come out] from the corner , you want to continue that diagonal with two more blue blocks .",ARG-1: the ones | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-3: from the corner SRL for [informed]: He [informed] on his own brother .,ARG-0: He | ARG-3: on his own brother "SRL for [excessive]: The modern diet may be [excessive] in carbohydrates . """,ARG-1: The modern diet | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-2: in carbohydrates SRL for [gym]: Oh no ! Class gets out at four . I want to [gym] after and then couch,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: after "SRL for [scratching]: He seemed to like his new home , [scratching] for worms where I 'd pulled up the weeds .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: for worms | ARG-M-LOC: where I 'd pulled up the weeds SRL for [keg stands]: During the reception the PRB [keg stands] begin,ARG-1: PRB "SRL for [mining]: Their [mining] of the entrances to the Norwegian Sea ,",ARG-0: Their | ARG-M-LOC: of the entrances to the Norwegian Sea "SRL for [matched up]: When I left him alone , he [matched up] the letters .",ARG-M-TMP: When I left him alone | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the letters SRL for [titrate]: Dr. Melfi will [titrate] the patient 's medication .,ARG-0: Dr. Melfi | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the patient 's medication SRL for [toileting]: [toileting], SRL for [existent]: Which rights are ? fundamental ? or even [existent] is entirely subjective .,ARG-1: Which rights | ARG-M-ADV: even "SRL for [snorts]: `` The carpetbaggers , '' [snorts] the narrator with a Texas twang , `` have packed their bags and went . ''","ARG-1: `` The carpetbaggers , '' snorts the narrator with a Texas twang , `` have packed their bags and went . '' | ARG-0: the narrator | ARG-M-MNR: with a Texas twang" "SRL for [knocking over]: And if you 're as flat broke as I am , I think we 'll have to take the added risk of [knocking over] a filling station or something before we split for one of us to set up an alibi while the other does his dirty work '' .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: a filling station or something | ARG-M-TMP: before we split for one of us to set up an alibi while the other does his dirty work SRL for [inspissate]: The juices [inspissate] .,ARG-1: The juices "SRL for [reawakening]: The short - term shift in the political climate surrounding abortion reflects two factors that are likely to govern the debate in the next several months : the [reawakening] of the abortion - rights movement as a potent force after years of lassitude , and the ability of each side to counter the other 's advance in one arena with a victory of its own elsewhere .",ARG-1: of the abortion - rights movement as a potent force SRL for [empower]: A group of 27 Senators has written Mr. Kemp urging him to reject Cranston - Mitchell and focus on programs that [empower] the poor rather than create vast new government obligations .,ARG-0: programs | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the poor "SRL for [preexisting]: 30 million Americans without access to affordable care , people with [preexisting] conditions thrown out",ARG-1: conditions "SRL for [summit]: a Commonwealth [summit] in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia ,","ARG-0: Commonwealth | ARG-M-LOC: in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia" SRL for [through]: That girl has been [through] hell and back with me,ARG-1: That girl | ARG-2: hell and back | ARG-M-COM: with me SRL for [measure]: an important [measure] of accelerating development,ARG-M-ADJ: important | ARG-1: of accelerating development "SRL for [conflict]: I 've got a schedule [conflict] on Tuesday , so I 'll have to cancel our meeting .",ARG-1: schedule | ARG-M-TMP: on Tuesday SRL for [resuscitated mouth to mouth]: The doctor [resuscitated mouth to mouth] . It took twelve minutes to get a first response and twenty minutes before he breathed on his own .,ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-1: him "SRL for [rebut]: Japanese government officials , eager to [rebut] foreign criticism of Japanese investments overseas , hailed the transaction as proof foreigners can make similar investments in Japan .",ARG-0: Japanese government officials | ARG-2: foreign criticism of Japanese investments overseas "SRL for [slogs]: The petite , 29 - year - old Ms. Johnson , dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt as she [slogs] through the steady afternoon rain , is a claims adjuster with Aetna Life and Casualty .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: through the steady afternoon rain "SRL for [humanitarian]: Well , that was [humanitarian] of them .. Death by a cobra bite ai n't pretty ..",ARG-M-DIS: Well | ARG-1: that | ARG-0: of them SRL for [shoot]: The photographer is away this weekend on a photo [shoot] .,ARG-2: photo SRL for [bunionectomy]: I had a [bunionectomy],ARG-2: I | ARG-M-LVB: had SRL for [unpacked]: Sebastian [unpacked] the sandwiches from the suitcase .,ARG-0: Sebastian | ARG-1: the sandwiches | ARG-2: from the suitcase "SRL for [constructed]: But the music has its charm , and Mr. Glass has [constructed] his solo program around a move from the simple to the relatively complex .",ARG-0: Mr. Glass | ARG-1: his solo program | ARG-M-LOC: around a move from the simple to the relatively complex "SRL for [superheats]: The concept is that if you turn off the car while the turbo is red - hot , it can then cause the stationary oil to coke , since it [superheats] it from 100C to 800C .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from 100C | ARG-3: to 800C "SRL for [championship]: Ch . Carmel 's T - lan Express "" Trucker "" finished his [championship] over an entry of 34 males at the prestigious Hatboro show .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: over an entry of 34 males "SRL for [rest]: Customers lean forward , [rest] their knees on side supports and bury their face in padding on the back of the chair .",ARG-0: Customers | ARG-1: their knees | ARG-M-LOC: on side supports SRL for [perseverates]: He also frequently [perseverates] on tasks .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-MNR: frequently | ARG-1: on tasks "SRL for [fluid]: The scene is very "" [fluid] "" at the moment .",ARG-1: The scene | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-M-TMP: at the moment SRL for [sleazy]: I knew this place was [sleazy] after coming back from the restroom and seeing the bartender stripped down showing my date the tattoos that covered the front side of his body .,ARG-1: this place SRL for [thrilled]: But Pemex managers are the ones most [thrilled] by the contract .,ARG-M-EXT: most | ARG-1: the ones | ARG-0: by the contract "SRL for [pulverizing]: So far anyway , our alien visitors seem more intent on brightening our skies than [pulverizing] us .",ARG-0: our alien visitors | ARG-1: us "SRL for [stalked]: The announcement effectively removes the British government as an impediment to a takeover of the company , which is being [stalked] by General Motors and Ford .",ARG-1: the company | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-0: by General Motors and Ford "SRL for [damp]: A sudden , forced cutback by consumers , who normally account for about two - thirds of economic activity , would [damp] the economy at a time when plant - and - equipment spending is slowing and deficit - racked governments ca n't readily take up the slack .","ARG-0: A sudden , forced cutback by consumers , who normally account for about two - thirds of economic activity | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the economy | ARG-M-TMP: at a time when plant - and - equipment spending is slowing and deficit - racked governments ca n't readily take up the slack" "SRL for [interrelate]: Comprehensive , coordinated , community - based programs can [interrelate] the client 's health , social , educational , employment , and recreational needs .","ARG-0: Comprehensive , coordinated , community - based programs | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the client 's health , social , educational , employment , and recreational needs" "SRL for [saveable]: There 's a lot -- well , by linguistics standards , a lot -- of money floating around for doing exactly this , and it sounds like Mosuo is one language that might be [saveable] if you can bring it to the attention of the appropriate professionals .",ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-ADV: if you can bring it to the attention of the appropriate professionals "SRL for [enervating]: What you were looking for ( unless you make a hobby of collecting old tennis rackets and fly screens ) eludes me , but to judge from phonograph records scattered about a fumed - oak Victrola . You danced two tangos and a paso doble , which must have been fairly [enervating] in that milieu .",ARG-0: danced two tangos and a paso doble | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-ADV: fairly "SRL for [settled]: On the Commodity Exchange in New York , gold for current delivery [settled] at $ 374.20 an ounce , down 50 cents .",ARG-M-LOC: On the Commodity Exchange | ARG-M-LOC: in New York | ARG-1: gold for current delivery | ARG-4: at $ 374.20 an ounce | ARG-2: down 50 cents SRL for [like]: I 'd [like] a flight on American from Newark to Nashville .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'd | ARG-1: a flight on American from Newark to Nashville SRL for [brave]: Angelina Jolie was [brave] to share such a personal decision .,ARG-0: Angelina Jolie | ARG-1: to share such a personal decision "SRL for [ring]: He said the house was illuminated , but that he received no answer to his [ring] of the bell",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the bell SRL for [docking]: The dockmaster 's port - side [docking],ARG-0: The dockmaster 's | ARG-M-LOC: port - side SRL for [coverage]: the [coverage] from the news uh section,ARG-0: from the news uh section SRL for [deliberation]: The election was also a result of the careful [deliberation] of the Taiwanese public on their immediate interests !,ARG-M-MNR: careful | ARG-0: of the Taiwanese public | ARG-1: on their immediate interests "SRL for [excluding]: Still , the combined profit of Ford , Chrysler Corp. and General Motors Corp. fell 44 % to $ 1.02 billion from $ 1.83 billion a year earlier , [excluding] a one - time gain of $ 309 million at Chrysler from the sale of Mitsubishi Motors Corp. stock .",ARG-1: a one - time gain of $ 309 million at Chrysler from the sale of Mitsubishi Motors Corp. stock SRL for [subvert]: Future witnesses include a former federal S & L regulator who has accused the five senators of attempting to `` [subvert] '' the regulatory process by intervening on behalf of Mr. Keating .,ARG-0: the five senators | ARG-1: the regulatory process | ARG-M-MNR: by intervening on behalf of Mr. Keating SRL for [extubation]: tracheal [extubation],ARG-1: tracheal "SRL for [amounted]: Big Board volume [amounted] to 154,240,000 shares , down from 176.1 million Tuesday .","ARG-1: Big Board volume | ARG-2: to 154,240,000 shares , down from 176.1 million Tuesday" SRL for [pooping]: I 'm [pooping] .,ARG-0: I "SRL for [dry]: Make sure her martini is extra [dry] , and that your apron is tied straight .",ARG-1: her martini | ARG-M-EXT: extra SRL for [control]: I do n't have [control] over them as I would an employee of the Daily Record or the Dispatch because they are stringers and independent .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: over them | ARG-M-MNR: as I would an employee of the Daily Record or the Dispatch | ARG-M-CAU: because they are stringers and independent SRL for [battle]: She finally lost her [battle] against breast cancer .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: against breast cancer SRL for [puzzled]: Takeover stock traders were [puzzled] by the Reliance filing .,ARG-1: Takeover stock traders | ARG-0: by the Reliance filing "SRL for [hydrolyzed]: To confirm this observation , we [hydrolyzed] dinucleotides and oligodeoxynucleotides containing ( 5'S)-cdA with these three enzymes under those reaction conditions , and monitored the release of this lesion using LC / MS .",ARG-M-PRP: To confirm this observation | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: dinucleotides and oligodeoxynucleotides containing ( 5'S)-cdA | ARG-2: with these three enzymes | ARG-M-MNR: under those reaction conditions SRL for [follow up]: I actually did my [follow up] with Doctor Stokes because ...,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-M-COM: with Doctor Stokes | ARG-M-CAU: because ... "SRL for [discrimination]: His [discrimination] in favor of manufacturers and against farmers 3,6 4 .",ARG-0: His | ARG-2: in favor of manufacturers | ARG-1: and against farmers "SRL for [uncommitted]: In two of the more recent polls , between 35 - 40 % of NH voters say they are either "" likely to change their mind "" or "" undecided / [uncommitted] "" .",ARG-1: they SRL for [narrow]: The blanket is too [narrow] to serve as a cover .,ARG-1: The blanket | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to serve as a cover "SRL for [fill up]: It also empowers the president to make recess appointments , without Senate approval : `` The President shall have Power to [fill up] all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate , by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session . ''",ARG-0: The President | ARG-1: all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate | ARG-M-MNR: by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session "SRL for [appreciating]: These days , more and more women , in [appreciating] men , think that the "" prettier "" the guys are , the better .",ARG-0: more and more women | ARG-1: men SRL for [Airstrike]: they helped Romania on their [Airstrike] against Bulgaria .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: against Bulgaria SRL for [sweeps]: One of the friends [sweeps] broken dishes and shattered glass from a countertop and starts to pack what can be salvaged from the kitchen .,ARG-0: One of the friends | ARG-1: broken dishes and shattered glass | ARG-2: from a countertop SRL for [expression]: These data support the feasibility of chromosomal [expression] of a foreign antigen from multiple integration sites .,ARG-1: chromosomal | ARG-2: of a foreign antigen from multiple integration sites "SRL for [shitty]: Dean sighed , he knew it was [shitty] of him to leave .",ARG-1: of him to leave "SRL for [knowledgeable]: I 'm fairly [knowledgeable] about how the culture works in that part of the world , as is many of the experts .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-EXT: fairly | ARG-2: about how the culture works in that part of the world | ARG-M-ADV: as is many of the experts "SRL for [chosen]: Health and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan has [chosen] Antonia Novello to be the next surgeon general , Bush administration officials said .",ARG-0: Health | ARG-1: Antonia Novello | ARG-4: to be the next surgeon general SRL for [aviation]: Civil [aviation] and air force transport,ARG-0: Civil SRL for [efficacious]: It has been shown that this medication is [efficacious] in decreasing blood pressure for hypertension patients over 45 .,ARG-0: this medication | ARG-1: in decreasing blood pressure | ARG-2: for hypertension patients over 45 SRL for [kick off]: Let 's wish the boys all the best in their [kick off] of Beautiful Show in Seoul on 4th Feb,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Beautiful Show in Seoul | ARG-M-TMP: on 4th Feb SRL for [devolved]: The representative [devolved] his duties to his aides while he was in the hospital .,ARG-0: The representative | ARG-1: his duties | ARG-2: to his aides | ARG-M-TMP: while he was in the hospital SRL for [change]: What is the [change] from liquid to solid called ?,ARG-3: from liquid | ARG-2: to solid SRL for [septated]: Today I went in for a follow up u / s and they discovered that it had [septated] .,ARG-1: it "SRL for [undergoing]: Periods before the advent of futures or program trading were often more volatile , usually when fundamental market conditions were [undergoing] change ( 1973 - 75 , 1937 - 40 , and 1928 - 33 for example ) .",ARG-1: fundamental market conditions | ARG-2: change "SRL for [sickened]: In 2003 , plague [sickened] 2,118 people in nine countries , killing 182 of them , according to the Geneva - based WHO .","ARG-M-TMP: In 2003 | ARG-0: plague | ARG-1: 2,118 people | ARG-M-LOC: in nine countries | ARG-M-ADV: killing 182 of them | ARG-M-ADV: according to the Geneva - based WHO" "SRL for [understaffed]: The move itself went okay ( even though they [understaffed] the original pickup , taking several hours longer than our booked elevator allowed )",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the original pickup | ARG-M-ADV: taking several hours longer than our booked elevator allowed SRL for [Do]: Mermaids Just Wo n't [Do] As Tattoos .,ARG-1: Mermaids | ARG-M-ADV: Just | ARG-M-MOD: Wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: As Tattoos "SRL for [wrest]: After Mr. Ackerman announced he was soliciting consents from shareholders in order to [wrest] control of Datapoint from Mr. Edelman , the corporate raider purchased 30 % of Datapoint 's shares .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: control of Datapoint | ARG-2: from Mr. Edelman "SRL for [tanked]: In fact , `` the market has always [tanked] .",ARG-M-DIS: In fact | ARG-0: the market | ARG-M-TMP: always SRL for [stole away]: Wilson [stole away] into the night .,ARG-0: Wilson | ARG-M-DIR: into the night SRL for [sell]: Day traders [sell] the company 's stock short .,ARG-0: Day traders | ARG-1: the company 's stock | ARG-3: short "SRL for [rofl]: Also ; [rofl] at all the occupiers who are filming on their smartphones ; they do realise that buying them fed "" the 1 % "" ?",ARG-1: at all the occupiers who are filming on their smartphones "SRL for [assigns]: It also owns Moody 's Investors Service , which [assigns] credit - ratings to bonds and preferred stock ; A.C. Nielsen , known for its data on television - viewing patterns , and Yellow - pages publisher Donnelley .",ARG-0: Moody 's Investors Service | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: credit - ratings | ARG-2: to bonds and preferred stock "SRL for [strip]: When an agreement was reached to [strip] capital gains from the legislation , Oregon Sen. Bob Packwood , the ranking GOP member of the tax - writing Senate Finance Committee , hailed it .",ARG-1: capital gains | ARG-2: from the legislation SRL for [annoying]: Daniel Smith as Mike was [annoying] with his wrestling antics ;,ARG-0: Daniel Smith as Mike | ARG-2: with his wrestling antics "SRL for [balded]: Upon returning the golf cart the managers claimed we "" [balded] "" the tires on the golf cart .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the tires on the golf cart SRL for [detract]: Dealers suggest that the only positive news on the horizon that could [detract] attention from equities transactions is September 's U.S. consumer price data .,ARG-0: the only positive news | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: attention | ARG-2: from equities transactions "SRL for [responsible]: I 'm not [responsible] enough to have a pet ,",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-CXN: enough to have a pet "SRL for [preserve]: Jaguar officials have indicated they are close to wrapping up a friendly alliance with GM that would [preserve] Jaguar 's independence , but no deal has been announced .",ARG-0: a friendly alliance with GM | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: Jaguar 's independence SRL for [ponding]: Glacial [ponding],ARG-3: Glacial SRL for [calm]: i was [calm] about all of this until a few hours ago,ARG-1: i | ARG-M-ADV: about all of this | ARG-M-TMP: until a few hours ago SRL for [pulling over]: What about the suspect 's [pulling over] two teenagers in his car that was set up to look like an unmarked police vehicle ?,ARG-0: the suspect | ARG-1: two teenagers | ARG-M-LOC: in his car that was set up to look like an unmarked police vehicle SRL for [discovery]: his retinoblastoma [discovery],ARG-0: his | ARG-1: retinoblastoma SRL for [aggravated]: Several traders maintained that the Merc 's 12 - point circuit - breaker [aggravated] the market slide Oct. 13 by directing additional selling pressure to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange .,ARG-0: the Merc 's 12 - point circuit - breaker | ARG-1: the market slide Oct. 13 | ARG-2: by directing additional selling pressure to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange "SRL for [smells]: Embedded in the `` budget '' being concocted by the House - Senate conference committee is something that looks , [smells] and waddles like a duck .",ARG-1: something | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: like a duck "SRL for [spread out]: Cal [spread out] his cards on the table , revealing his three lovely ladies and the two tens .",ARG-0: Cal | ARG-1: his cards | ARG-2: on the table | ARG-M-ADV: revealing his three lovely ladies and the two tens "SRL for [overemphasized]: At the hearing on the posttrial motion , defendant 's attorney argued that allowing the jury to rehear B.C. 's testimony unfairly [overemphasized] it to the jury .",ARG-0: allowing the jury to rehear B.C. 's testimony | ARG-M-MNR: unfairly | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to the jury SRL for [topped off]: He has leather jackets from Turkey that are lined with eel skin and [topped off] with raccoon - skin collars .,ARG-1: leather jackets from Turkey | ARG-2: with raccoon - skin collars SRL for [wreaked]: The March 24 oil spill soiled hundreds of miles of shoreline along Alaska 's southern coast and [wreaked] havoc with wildlife and the fishing industry .,ARG-0: The March 24 oil spill | ARG-1: havoc | ARG-2: with wildlife and the fishing industry "SRL for [jump start]: As we all know , it took WW2 to [jump start] the economy after the last depression , 12 years after it began ...",ARG-1: the economy | ARG-M-TMP: after the last depression | ARG-M-TMP: 12 years after it began SRL for [cabbed]: We [cabbed] around NYC to meet with reporters who could not attend the event .,ARG-1: We | ARG-4: around NYC | ARG-M-PRP: to meet with reporters who could not attend the event SRL for [capitalized]: Sales climbed 71 % to $ 6.36 billion from $ 3.72 billion as the company [capitalized] on the ravenous global demand for commercial airliners .,ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: on the ravenous global demand for commercial airliners "SRL for [walk in]: If you miss two appointments , you will only be able to be seen again on a [walk in] basis .",ARG-1: basis "SRL for [bewitched]: That list includes last season 's champs , the Los Angeles Dodgers , who rode a miracle home run by Kirk Gibson and two faultless pitching performances by Orel Hershiser to a five - game triumph over a [bewitched] , bothered Oakland crew .",ARG-1: Oakland crew SRL for [wasted]: You called me and then I called you back and you were suuuuper [wasted],ARG-1: you | ARG-M-EXT: suuuuper SRL for [bopped]: She [bopped] her head and mouthed words along to songs on her iPod .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her head SRL for [reduced]: Senior members are [reduced] to raising doomed parliamentary obstacles .,ARG-1: Senior members are reduced | ARG-4: to raising doomed parliamentary obstacles SRL for [focused]: and grow into a democratic country which is oriented and [focused] on people .,ARG-0: which | ARG-2: on people "SRL for [parallel]: The emerging areas in Asia will still witness the most rapid growth , where the growth rate is expected to [parallel] that of the last century in mid-1990 's .",ARG-0: the growth rate | ARG-1: that of the last century | ARG-M-TMP: in mid-1990 's SRL for [incidental]: The rash is likely [incidental] and we are not concerned about it at this time .,ARG-1: The rash | ARG-M-ADV: likely SRL for [blated]: The young sheep [blated] for their mothers .,ARG-0: The young sheep SRL for [co - founded]: Stanley Tookie williams [co - founded] the Crips street gang .,ARG-0: Stanley Tookie williams | ARG-1: the Crips street gang "SRL for [heard]: American Medical accepted the offer , meanwhile indicating it had [heard] from two other suitors .",ARG-0: it | ARG-2: from two other suitors SRL for [lease]: Or those who choose not to farm can [lease] their lands and crop allotments for handsome sums .,ARG-M-DIS: Or | ARG-0: those who choose not to farm | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: their lands and crop allotments | ARG-3: for handsome sums SRL for [reflections]: Mr. Lu 's [reflections] on 6 years as a cancer sufferer in China .,ARG-0: Mr. Lu 's | ARG-1: on 6 years as a cancer sufferer in China SRL for [off]: My phone was [off] nd I thought the charging cable I had home is n't working .,ARG-1: My phone SRL for [dismissed]: He maintains that the information from the FBI will help him get his 1968 conviction vacated and his bail - jumping indictment [dismissed] .,ARG-1: his bail - jumping indictment SRL for [activation]: Most of the effects of nitric oxide are mediated through its [activation] of soluble guanylate cyclase .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of soluble guanylate cyclase "SRL for [subjacent]: This is [subjacent] to 27 feet of blue , finely laminated limestone , with white streaks , upon which rests a red bed ot calcareous conglomerate 2 feet thick ;","ARG-1: This | ARG-2: to 27 feet of blue , finely laminated limestone , with white streaks , upon which rests a red bed ot calcareous conglomerate 2 feet thick" SRL for [probation]: He endured a twelve - month [probation] as a lawyer before partnership discussions could take place .,ARG-2: twelve - month | ARG-1: as a lawyer SRL for [declaration]: his [declaration] as unfit to continue in office,ARG-1: his | C-ARG-1: as unfit to continue in office SRL for [premature]: In this case it is the potential benefit and lack of any alternative treatment and the fact Alzheimer 's is such a devastating terminal disease that it outweighs the fact the research is [premature] .,ARG-1: the research SRL for [fitting in]: His [fitting in] on the cheerleading squad was only hampered by his weak cartwheeling skills .,ARG-1: His | ARG-2: on the cheerleading squad SRL for [sneezing]: His [sneezing] has started to let up so I believe he is getting better .,ARG-0: His SRL for [confident]: She is [confident] that she can succeed .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: that she can succeed "SRL for [inferred]: Agreement , disapproval , boredom and distraction all can be [inferred] from the subjects ' twist of a dial .","ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: Agreement , disapproval , boredom and distraction all | ARG-2: from the subjects ' twist of a dial" "SRL for [denned]: Two of 7 males [denned] in rock cavities , 4 in brush thickets or mostly open beds , and 1 young male displayed no sign of denning .",ARG-0: Two of 7 males | ARG-1: in rock cavities "SRL for [thumping]: It was nothing , though his heart was [thumping] wildly .",ARG-1: his heart | ARG-M-MNR: wildly "SRL for [scandalized]: His guest appearance on the NBC soap opera `` Another World , '' [scandalized] musical elitists .",ARG-0: His guest appearance on the NBC soap opera `` Another World | ARG-1: musical elitists "SRL for [favor]: I read a lot of stuff about my generation eschewing suburban life in [favor] of living in cities , but I wonder what will happenwhen my peers have school - age children .",ARG-1: of living in cities SRL for [transfixed]: she [transfixed] him with a penetrating stare,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-PRD: with a penetrating stare "SRL for [choice]: This time around , Trista Rehn , the most famous of the runners - up on the original Bachelor , was given her [choice] of eligible men from a selection of 25 .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of eligible men | ARG-2: from a selection of 25 "SRL for [sinkex]: I would have liked to have seen the [sinkex] on the USS America - but understandably , that is classified .",ARG-1: on the USS America SRL for [underappreciated]: The Prisoner was so savvy and intricate a piece of work that I am continually amazed at how [underappreciated] it is .,ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: it SRL for [carbonify]: We need to reduce general consumption and to plant more trees to take carbon dioxide out of the air and turn it into plain old carbon - to [carbonify] C02 !,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: C02 ! "SRL for [mislaid]: Chief Inspector Peter Seacomb of the Criminal Investigation Department at the airport said , `` It is not uncommon for property to be temporarily [mislaid] or misrouted . ''",ARG-M-TMP: temporarily | ARG-1: property "SRL for [treats]: Seymour Schreibman , the 65 - year - old owner of Schreibman Raphael Furs Inc. , [treats] the reverse side of a Persian lambskin to produce a reversible fur - and - leather garment .","ARG-0: Seymour Schreibman , the 65 - year - old owner of Schreibman Raphael Furs Inc. | ARG-1: the reverse side of a Persian lambskin | ARG-M-PRP: to produce a reversible fur - and - leather garment" "SRL for [clutching]: Brokers [clutching] thick folders stand in lines , waiting their turn to speak to the underwriters .",ARG-0: Brokers | ARG-1: thick folders "SRL for [bumble]: Surprisingly , Shane Longman survives the week , only to have a senior executive innocently [bumble] his way into becoming the target of a criminal insider trading investigation .",ARG-0: a senior executive | ARG-M-MNR: innocently | ARG-1: his way | ARG-M-DIR: into becoming the target of a criminal insider trading investigation "SRL for [pay off]: That can [pay off] down the road as customers , especially the younger ones , change from borrowers to savers / investors .","ARG-1: That | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: down the road | ARG-M-TMP: as customers , especially the younger ones , change from borrowers to savers / investors" "SRL for [sort out]: `` All these interconnected computers make it difficult to [sort out] what 's junk and what 's important , '' says Chuck Digate , a former Lotus Development executive who has started a new company to cope with the problem .",ARG-1: what 's junk and what 's important SRL for [blowing up]: His [blowing up] the treehouse marked the beginning of his criminally destructive behavior .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the treehouse SRL for [rewind]: you have to open the back of the camera -LRB- in a darkroom -RRB- to [rewind] the film .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the film "SRL for [getting off]: I know Chubbs was [getting off] on Christmas tree decorating this morning but I got a serious problem regarding "" The Tree "" .",ARG-1: Chubbs | ARG-2: on Christmas tree decorating "SRL for [alert]: After discovering that the hacker had taken over the dormant account of a legitimate user named Joe Sventek , he rigged up an alarm system , including a portable beeper , to [alert] him when Sventek came on the line .",ARG-0: an alarm system | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: when Sventek came on the line "SRL for [gummed up]: The carbs are [gummed up] inside , and need to be aired out and cleaned .",ARG-2: The carbs | ARG-M-LOC: inside "SRL for [accounted]: At one point , Hammersmith is reported to have [accounted] for as much as 10 % of the sterling market in interest - rate swap dealings .",ARG-0: Hammersmith | ARG-1: for as much as 10 % of the sterling market | ARG-2: in interest - rate swap dealings SRL for [birth]: the left - right coalition 's [birth],ARG-1: the left - right coalition 's SRL for [indecipherable]: The minutiea of such an undertaking are [indecipherable] .,ARG-1: The minutiea of such an undertaking "SRL for [heaped]: The surprise resignations of two top economic government officials [heaped] more uncertainty on London 's financial markets , which already have been laboring under worries about Britain 's ailing economy .","ARG-0: The surprise resignations of two top economic government officials | ARG-1: more uncertainty | ARG-2: on London 's financial markets , which already have been laboring under worries about Britain 's ailing economy" "SRL for [clipped]: Assuming it was n't one of those columns that you [clipped] and put on the refrigerator door , I 'll review the facts .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: those columns | R-ARG-1: that "SRL for [topped]: But advancing issues [topped] decliners by 784 to 700 on the Big Board despite the late sell programs , resulting from stock - index arbitrage .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: advancing issues | ARG-1: decliners | ARG-M-EXT: by 784 to 700 | ARG-M-LOC: on the Big Board | ARG-M-ADV: despite the late sell programs , resulting from stock - index arbitrage" SRL for [face - down]: there was a little dead bird [face - down] in the snow,ARG-1: a little dead bird | ARG-M-LOC: in the snow SRL for [expired]: The accord [expired] yesterday .,ARG-1: The accord | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday SRL for [erase]: Mr. Andersson says he is confident that taking parts of the company public will help [erase] the `` conglomerate stigma '' that has held down Trelleborg 's share price .,ARG-0: taking parts of the company public | ARG-1: the `` conglomerate stigma '' that has held down Trelleborg 's share price SRL for [lapped]: John 's kitten [lapped] at the saucer of milk .,ARG-0: John 's kitten | ARG-1: at the saucer of milk SRL for [guard]: What steps have been taken *PRO* to [guard] against the one sort of mishap that could trigger the destruction of continents .,ARG-1: against the one sort of mishap "SRL for [sweltered]: The group waited inside for almost an hours while the press contingent [sweltered] outside in the muggy , tropical heat of a typical Managua day .","ARG-1: the press contingent | ARG-M-LOC: outside in the muggy , tropical heat of a typical Managua day" SRL for [identify]: It would n't [identify] the bankers .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the bankers "SRL for [victory]: Four years after Clinton 's [victory] over sugary drinks in public schools , they 're more widely available than ever .",ARG-0: Clinton 's | ARG-1: over sugary drinks in public schools "SRL for [ingratiate]: `` It 's not uncommon for these guys to send pictures of themselves or their families to [ingratiate] themselves to their clients , '' says Terree Bowers , chief of the major - frauds section of the U.S. attorney 's office in Los Angeles .",ARG-0: these guys | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: to their clients "SRL for [soiling]: Even if he had given up the names of only five or ten of his peers , his [soiling] of the reputations of the innocent was inexcusable .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the reputations of the innocent "SRL for [righteous]: As such he was made holy , and had right principles ; and was [righteous] in his conversation .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: in his conversation "SRL for [pathetic]: Wow , that was [pathetic] . You call that an insult ?",ARG-1: that SRL for [payment]: your final $ 2500 house [payment],ARG-0: your | ARG-1: $ 2500 | ARG-3: house "SRL for [goes on]: He [goes on] , By putting the underlying origin of the , uh , street children class in Egypt under the microscope , you will find that one of the most dangerous reasons behind their growth is the chaotic migration from the countryside to the cities , and to a certain extent , the ruralization of the cities and the urbanization of the countryside .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: By putting the underlying origin of the , uh , street children class in Egypt under the microscope , you will find that one of the most dangerous reasons behind their growth is the chaotic migration from the countryside to the cities , and to a certain extent , the ruralization of the cities and the urbanization of the countryside" SRL for [arrest]: The medication is very effective in the [arrest] of the disease 's progress .,ARG-1: of the disease 's progress SRL for [make over]: The bride to be had a 5 star service and she loved her [make over] of sultry orange russet tones to complement her skin tone .,ARG-1: her | ARG-2: of sultry orange russet tones to complement her skin tone SRL for [beads]: Then wait about a minute as the condensation [beads] .,ARG-1: the condensation SRL for [hammed]: Haha you might have wanted to not be [hammed] but I think it will get the point across good job I was hoping you guys would at least try,ARG-1: you | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [parapelvic]: some are [parapelvic],ARG-1: some SRL for [adjustment]: She describes her [adjustment] to the culture of the United States after moving to Baltimore from England,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: to the culture of the United States "SRL for [sharp]: IMHO , Michele Bachmann is not as [sharp] as a bowling ball and has no business even thinking about running for President .",ARG-M-ADV: IMHO | ARG-1: Michele Bachmann | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-CXN: as | C-ARG-M-CXN: as a bowling ball "SRL for [calved]: There , the receding glacier [calved] into the ocean .",ARG-M-LOC: There | ARG-2: the receding glacier | ARG-M-GOL: into the ocean "SRL for [reinstituting]: Under attack by its own listed companies and powerful floor traders , the New York Stock Exchange is considering [reinstituting] a `` collar '' on program trading that it abandoned last year , according to people familiar with the Big Board .",ARG-0: New York Stock Exchange | ARG-1: a `` collar '' on program trading that it abandoned last year SRL for [incorporated]: Nekoosa is [incorporated] in Maine .,ARG-1: Nekoosa | ARG-M-LOC: in Maine SRL for [hateful]: She is the target of some of the most [hateful] rhetoric I have ever witnessed .,ARG-2: rhetoric SRL for [elevates]: The bill also [elevates] even minor rule infractions to felonies and provides for recovery of punitive damages in civil lawsuits and arbitration cases without any showing of willful misconduct .,ARG-0: The bill | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: even minor rule infractions | ARG-2: to felonies SRL for [punch out]: [punch out] blocks from that to make an X,ARG-1: blocks | ARG-2: from that | ARG-M-PRP: to make an X SRL for [clean]: Amy Winehouse was [clean] of drugs when she died ...,ARG-1: Amy Winehouse | ARG-3: of drugs | ARG-M-TMP: when she died SRL for [entry]: the company 's order [entry],ARG-0: the company 's | ARG-1: order "SRL for [jejunized]: There are two folds per inch in the proximal jejunum and six thickened folds per inch in the “ [jejunized] "" ileum",ARG-1: ileum SRL for [send]: Lightning - fast trades of huge baskets of stocks and futures can [send] stock prices reeling in minutes .,ARG-0: Lightning - fast trades of huge baskets of stocks and futures | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: stock prices | ARG-2: reeling | ARG-M-TMP: in minutes SRL for [fibroinflammatory]: Histopathologically this polyp is [fibroinflammatory] and is lined with respiratory epithelium with edematous stroma .,ARG-M-ADJ: Histopathologically | ARG-1: this polyp SRL for [resting]: Grandma was unhappy with Billy 's [resting] his feet on her coffee table .,ARG-0: Billy 's | ARG-1: his feet | ARG-M-LOC: on her coffee table SRL for [jump on the bandwagon]: This was America 's most trusted baby guru encouraging everyone to [jump on the bandwagon] bound for good health .,ARG-0: everyone | ARG-1: vegetarian | ARG-M-ADV: bound for good health "SRL for [ratcheting up]: But the 1989 fall total of 80 , while well below 1988 activity , shows `` a steady [ratcheting up] in citizen referenda and initiatives , '' says Patrick McGuigan , editor of Family , Law and Democracy Report .",ARG-M-MNR: steady | ARG-1: in citizen referenda and initiatives "SRL for [preoccupied]: Worst of all , Nissan was [preoccupied] with management infighting , cronyism and corporate rigidity .","ARG-M-DIS: Worst of all | ARG-1: Nissan | ARG-2: with management infighting , cronyism and corporate rigidity" SRL for [opt]: But the company said the amount ca n't be determined until it knows how many managers [opt] to retire .,ARG-0: how many managers | ARG-1: to retire "SRL for [culminated]: A licensed government intellectual , Francis Fukuyama , recently announced in The National Interest that history is , so to speak , at an end since the course of human progress has now [culminated] in the glorious full stop of American civilization .",ARG-1: the course of human progress | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-2: in the glorious full stop of American civilization "SRL for [inspiration]: Contraction of the diaphragm increases the internal height of the thoracic cavity , thus lowering its internal pressure and causing [inspiration] of air .",ARG-1: of air "SRL for [cornered]: Since then , Intel has [cornered] a large part of the market with successive generations of 16 - bit and 32 - bit chips , all of which can run software written for previous models .","ARG-M-TMP: Since then | ARG-0: Intel | ARG-1: a large part of the market | ARG-M-MNR: with successive generations of 16 - bit and 32 - bit chips , all of which can run software written for previous models" SRL for [batting]: The Indians are [batting] Omar Vizquel leadoff and platooning Brian Giles and Chad Curtis in center field,ARG-4: The Indians | ARG-0: Omar Vizquel | ARG-2: leadoff "SRL for [burned]: Securities analysts were even more cautious , having been [burned] repeatedly on Unisys this year .",ARG-1: Securities analysts | ARG-M-TMP: repeatedly | ARG-0: on Unisys | ARG-M-TMP: this year "SRL for [hooked up]: In the U.S. , one - fifth of the office PCs are [hooked up] to some sort of network .",ARG-M-LOC: In the U.S. | ARG-1: one - fifth of the office PCs | ARG-2: to some sort of network "SRL for [showered]: Well , it "" [showered] "" on us all the way from Knoxville to Elizabethton .",ARG-M-DIS: Well | ARG-2: on us | ARG-M-LOC: all the way from Knoxville to Elizabethton "SRL for [choked up]: Asked to say a few words , he pulls out his crumpled piece of paper and tries to talk , but he 's too [choked up] to get the words out .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: too SRL for [rocked]: The walls shook ; the building [rocked] .,ARG-1: the building SRL for [eventuated]: The vaunted liberty which was to make us free has [eventuated] in a more galling servitude to man 's lower nature,ARG-1: The vaunted liberty which was to make us free | ARG-2: in a more galling servitude to man 's lower nature SRL for [Reappropriation]: [Reappropriation] of the land,ARG-1: of the land "SRL for [conditioned]: So two weeks ago , thousands of Brooks Brothers charge customers -- customers [conditioned] to wait for twice - yearly clearance sales -- got a surprise : an invitation to come in and buy any one item for 25 % off .",ARG-1: customers | ARG-2: to wait for twice - yearly clearance sales SRL for [spellbound]: The cobra was [spellbound] by the snake charmer .,ARG-1: The cobra | ARG-0: by the snake charmer SRL for [booked]: We 've [booked] Italy tickets for next October,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: Italy tickets | ARG-5: for next October SRL for [interview]: the [interview] with Bob Shapiro,ARG-1: with Bob Shapiro SRL for [desiccation]: The [desiccation] of the Aral Sea was also characterized by a sharp increase in the salinity of sea water .,ARG-1: of the Aral Sea "SRL for [splashed]: So he [splashed] the information on handbills that he distributed throughout the banana - exporting city of Puerto Armuelles , which was ruled by United Fruit Co.","ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the information | ARG-2: on handbills that he distributed throughout the banana - exporting city of Puerto Armuelles , which was ruled by United Fruit Co." "SRL for [thrill]: In the fall of 1923 , they devised a plan for the perfect murder , to be committed for the sake of its [thrill] .",ARG-0: its SRL for [dissented]: Britain 's Prime Minister Thatcher alone [dissented] .,ARG-0: Britain 's Prime Minister Thatcher | ARG-M-MNR: alone SRL for [wheedled]: Eileen must have [wheedled] a little out of Precious .,ARG-0: Eileen | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: a little | ARG-2: out of Precious SRL for [disappointed]: Mr. Nichol said he was `` extremely [disappointed] in the continuing deterioration of the company 's operations while it attempted to conclude the reorganization during the past four months . '',ARG-1: he | ARG-M-MNR: extremely | ARG-0: in the continuing deterioration of the company 's operations while it attempted to conclude the reorganization during the past four months SRL for [recruitment]: The school 's desperate [recruitment] of new teachers as department heads,ARG-0: The school 's | ARG-M-MNR: desperate | ARG-1: of new teachers | ARG-2: as department heads "SRL for [arrest]: China might stave off a crisis if it acts as forcefully as it did to [arrest] the 1985 decline , when Beijing slammed the brakes on foreign - exchange spending and devalued the currency .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the 1985 decline | ARG-M-TMP: when Beijing slammed the brakes on foreign - exchange spending and devalued the currency SRL for [endorsement]: your strong [endorsement] to repeal this Depression - era fossil,ARG-0: your | ARG-M-MNR: strong | ARG-1: to repeal this Depression - era fossil SRL for [addiction]: Will not prescribe hydrocodone due to the patient 's pain killer [addiction] .,ARG-1: the patient 's | ARG-2: pain killer SRL for [used]: Loews [used] a mechanical process to make filters .,ARG-0: Loews | ARG-1: a mechanical process | ARG-2: to make filters SRL for [evangelizes]: Boris does what he does best : he [evangelizes] the Content Construction Kit - a way for users to create new types without database knowlegea and without the scaling problems of flexinode .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the Content Construction Kit - a way for users to create new types without database knowlegea and without the scaling problems of flexinode "SRL for [deteriorated]: Despite the harsh exchanges , the U.S. and China still seem to be looking for a way to mend relations , which have [deteriorated] into what Mr. Nixon referred to as `` the greatest crisis in Chinese - American relations '' since his initial visit to China 17 years ago .",ARG-1: relations | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: into what Mr. Nixon referred to as `` the greatest crisis in Chinese - American relations '' since his initial visit to China 17 years ago SRL for [shuddered]: Greg tightened his turn until the plane [shuddered] .,ARG-1: the plane SRL for [dethroned]: A peasants ' revolt [dethroned] John as king of Lower Slobovia .,ARG-0: A peasants ' revolt | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: as king of Lower Slobovia "SRL for [loutish]: after all , it was [loutish] to leave a friend , especially a lonely only child .",ARG-M-DIS: after all | ARG-1: to leave a friend | ARG-M-ADV: especially a lonely only child "SRL for [caromed]: She [caromed] across the kitchen , slamming into the breakfast bar at its center .",ARG-1: She | ARG-4: across the kitchen SRL for [predominated]: Portraiture and historical painting [predominated] in the 18th century .,ARG-1: Portraiture and historical painting | ARG-2: in the 18th century "SRL for [lengthened]: Mr. Ireland said current demand for used aircraft is strong , partly because surging orders for new aircraft have [lengthened] waiting lists .",ARG-0: surging orders for new aircraft | ARG-1: waiting lists SRL for [lacto - ovo - vegetarian]: I was [lacto - ovo - vegetarian] for 15 years before I went vegan .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: for 15 years | ARG-M-TMP: before I went vegan SRL for [count]: That does n't [count] .,ARG-1: That | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [adjoining]: Their having family ties on our plantation & the [adjoining] one would be a stronger inducement '' .,ARG-1: one SRL for [argue]: And do n't [argue] with them about their different ideas .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: with them | ARG-2: about their different ideas "SRL for [redistribution]: These are ' progressive ' in their [redistribution] of income with , overall , the richest 30 % of families paying in excess of seven times more tax than the poorest 30 % .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of income SRL for [end up]: Sea Containers would [end up] with a cash surplus of approx . $ 620 million .,ARG-1: Sea Containers | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: with a cash surplus of approx . $ 620 million SRL for [reflections]: The [reflections] of the President were very helpful,ARG-0: of the President "SRL for [pimping out]: Especially if the "" [pimping out] to boosters "" thing is true .",ARG-3: to boosters SRL for [wild]: The children were [wild] with excitement,ARG-1: The children | ARG-M-CAU: with excitement "SRL for [consecrated]: In 1817 , the churchyard was [consecrated] for burials .",ARG-M-TMP: In 1817 | ARG-1: the churchyard | ARG-M-PRP: for burials "SRL for [off]: Well , for every story you hear where someone is arrested for soliciting a hit man to [off] their spouse , I guess some must get through .",ARG-0: a hit man | ARG-1: their spouse SRL for [the book]: John slammed [the book] onto the table .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: slammed | ARG-2: onto the table SRL for [rioting]: The Battle of Cable Street saw [rioting] against the Metropolitan Police as they attempted to facilitate a march by the British Union of Fascists,ARG-M-GOL: against the Metropolitan Police | ARG-M-TMP: as they attempted to facilitate a march by the British Union of Fascists "SRL for [bombed]: And only last week the newspaper Vanguardia Liberal in the city of Bucaramanga was [bombed] , and its installations destroyed .",ARG-M-TMP: only last week | ARG-1: the newspaper Vanguardia Liberal in the city of Bucaramanga SRL for [cooled off]: Trading activity [cooled off] from Monday 's sizzling pace .,ARG-1: Trading activity | ARG-3: from Monday 's sizzling pace SRL for [stooges]: He [stooges] for the flamboyant Senator .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: for the flamboyant Senator SRL for [moulted]: A bird [moulted] into breeding plumage,ARG-1: A bird | ARG-2: into breeding plumage "SRL for [rebuilding]: It suddenly dawns on Mr. Hammack that [rebuilding] the house in Los Gatos , an affluent community in Santa Clara County , may cost more than Aetna 's policy will pay .","ARG-1: the house | ARG-M-LOC: in Los Gatos , an affluent community in Santa Clara County" SRL for [belted]: Kristen Welch [belted] the opposition with some great tube riding .,ARG-0: Kristen Welch | ARG-1: the opposition | ARG-2: with some great tube riding SRL for [calling]: We also know that he loathed cruelty and abuse of power ; this led to his [calling] for more lenient laws against debtors .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: for more lenient laws against debtors SRL for [going through]: We 're in no way committed to a deal [going through] at all .,ARG-1: a deal | ARG-M-ADV: at all "SRL for [building]: Surprisingly , little mention of the outstanding role played by the military in their [building] of the Great North Road is made in official",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the Great North Road SRL for [incursion]: the [incursion] of television into the American living room .,ARG-0: of television | ARG-1: into the American living room SRL for [hammering away]: I have been [hammering away] relentlessly on this blog .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: relentlessly | ARG-1: on this blog SRL for [sacrifice]: The USSR made a great [sacrifice] in the war to win over German invaders .,ARG-0: The USSR | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-ADJ: great | ARG-M-LOC: in the war | ARG-M-PRP: to win over German invaders "SRL for [saving up]: Yammi and I are [saving up] for one of those V C R 's that have the mode ,",ARG-0: Yammi and I | ARG-2: for one of those V C R 's that have the mode SRL for [angry]: I was really [angry] at that because I identify far more as English than I do as British .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: really | ARG-0: at that | ARG-M-CAU: because I identify far more as English than I do as British "SRL for [severed]: They stopped short of resuming diplomatic ties , [severed] in 1979 .",ARG-1: diplomatic ties | ARG-M-TMP: in 1979 SRL for [gifted]: ... lavishly [gifted] film - makers .,ARG-M-MNR: lavishly | ARG-2: film - makers SRL for [binding]: Poor girl said the dress was so [binding] she had trouble breathing and sitting down .,ARG-M-CXN: so | ARG-3: the dress | C-ARG-M-CXN: she had trouble breathing and sitting down "SRL for [annualize]: So when you hear people throwing around numbers , it 's useful to [annualize] them -- to think of them in terms of what they 'd mean for a normal , full - year budget .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: them SRL for [issued]: ... a report [issued] earlier this year by McGraw - Hill 's FW Dodge group .,ARG-1: a report | ARG-M-TMP: earlier this year | ARG-0: by McGraw - Hill 's FW Dodge group SRL for [chickened out]: He [chickened out] of bungee jumping .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: of bungee jumping SRL for [enhance]: The company estimated that the transaction would [enhance] its book value by more than $ 100 million .,ARG-0: the transaction | ARG-1: its book value | ARG-3: by more than $ 100 million SRL for [matches]: The wallpaper [matches] the paint,ARG-1: The wallpaper | ARG-2: the paint "SRL for [busy]: By day he is [busy] with religion 's work , by night intoxicated with certainty 's tidings .",ARG-M-TMP: By day | ARG-1: he | ARG-2: with religion 's work SRL for [handling]: his [handling] of Lincoln S & L,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Lincoln S & L "SRL for [sired]: What hope lay in the nephews , she asked the intensifying light out there , with one married to a barren woman and the other divorced , having [sired] two girl children , with noneto bear on the Packard name ? ?",ARG-0: the other | ARG-1: two girl children SRL for [dimerizes]: The unsaturated hydrocarbon butadiene ( C4H6 ) [dimerizes] to 4 - vinylcyclohexan ( C8H12 ) .,ARG-1: unsaturated hydrocarbon butadiene ( C4H6 ) | ARG-3: 4 - vinylcyclohexan ( C8H12 ) "SRL for [palmitoylated]: In our final set of in vitro studies , we [palmitoylated] the version of SAP97 that contained mutations in PDZ2 that disrupted its physical association with GluA1 .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the version of SAP97 that contained mutations in PDZ2 that disrupted its physical association with GluA1 "SRL for [augmentation]: the [augmentation] of your salary by $ 10,000 per annum","ARG-1: of your salary | ARG-2: by $ 10,000 per annum" "SRL for [depletion]: As an employee of a major refrigerator and freezer manufacturer , I have been heavily involved in dealing with the political manifestations of the Rowland - Molina theory -LRB- named after the researchers who found in 1974 that chlorofluorocarbons contributed to the [depletion] of ozone in the earth 's atmosphere -RRB- and the Montreal Protocol .",ARG-2: of ozone in the earth 's atmosphere SRL for [study]: the [study] of nature,ARG-1: of nature SRL for [worrisome]: From reading up it appears that linear shape is [worrisome] of cancer .,ARG-0: linear shape | ARG-2: of cancer SRL for [promises]: Their [promises] to their sources,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: to their sources "SRL for [visit]: Three Soviet government officials -- the ministers of railroads , of foreign economic relations and of heavy - machine building -- will [visit] Tehran next month for talks , Iran 's official news agency reported .","ARG-0: Three Soviet government officials -- the ministers of railroads , of foreign economic relations and of heavy - machine building -- | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Tehran | ARG-M-TMP: next month | ARG-M-PRP: for talks" SRL for [hyperplastic]: The sigmoid polyp was [hyperplastic] .,ARG-1: The sigmoid polyp "SRL for [unfolded]: Shanxi province has established bilateral government loan relations with 17 countries in the world , and established loan co - operation and free aid relations with international finance institutions and organizations , such as the World Bank , the Asian Development Bank , the International Agriculture Development Fund , the United Nations Grain Planning Office , the United Nations Children 's Fund , the Population Fund , etc . and has [unfolded] commercial loan business with financial institutions in many countries and areas .",ARG-0: Shanxi province | ARG-1: commercial loan business | ARG-M-COM: with financial institutions in many countries and areas SRL for [edged]: Revenue [edged] up 3.4 % to $ 904 million from $ 874 million in last year 's third quarter .,ARG-1: Revenue | ARG-5: up | ARG-2: 3.4 % | ARG-4: to $ 904 million | ARG-3: from $ 874 million | ARG-M-LOC: in last year 's third quarter SRL for [stilled]: She [stilled] the question on her lips because the thought of him filled her with pain .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the question on her lips | ARG-M-CAU: because the thought of him filled her with pain "SRL for [apologizing]: Fujitsu Ltd. 's top executive took the unusual step of publicly [apologizing] for his company 's making bids of just one yen for several local government projects , while computer rival NEC Corp. made a written apology for indulging in the same practice .",ARG-0: Fujitsu Ltd. 's top executive | ARG-M-MNR: publicly | ARG-1: for his company 's making bids of just one yen for several local government projects "SRL for [enacted]: So both sides accepted the compromise , which would lead to the first lifting of the minimum wage since a four - year law was [enacted] in 1977 , raising the wage to $ 3.35 an hour from $ 2.65 .",ARG-1: a four - year law | ARG-M-TMP: in 1977 | ARG-M-ADV: raising the wage to $ 3.35 an hour from $ 2.65 "SRL for [peeled off]: `` Rates have n't really [peeled off] that much , '' Mr. Regalia said .",ARG-1: Rates | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-EXT: that much "SRL for [Shredded]: [Shredded] to pieces by merciless machine gun fire , 7th Corps attempted to extricate itself , taking heavy casualties in the process",ARG-2: by merciless machine gun fire | ARG-1: 7th Corps | ARG-3: pieces SRL for [lived]: Investors who sold everything after the crash of 1987 [lived] to regret it .,ARG-0: Investors who sold everything after the crash of 1987 | ARG-1: to regret it SRL for [basted]: The chicken must be repeatedly [basted] .,ARG-1: The chicken | ARG-M-MNR: repeatedly | ARG-M-MOD: must "SRL for [bought off]: They finally [bought off] for twenty dollars , and after waiting two days succeeded in getting the duplicates of their land .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for twenty dollars SRL for [backhanded]: That 's what I wish I would 've said to his [backhanded] compliment .,ARG-1: compliment SRL for [known]: I have [known] hunger .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: hunger "SRL for [cut and run]: When the republican congress [cut and run] from its responsibility oversight , how did that war change ?",ARG-0: the republican congress | ARG-1: from its responsibility oversight "SRL for [nagging]: At the moment , however , the painting is a [nagging] reminder of the problems that have engulfed CenTrust and its flamboyant chairman and chief executive , David L. Paul .",ARG-0: reminder SRL for [boarding]: Injury incurred while [boarding] off cliff .,ARG-1: off cliff "SRL for [resigned]: They [resigned] her in 1969 attempting , once again , to fit her into a pop niche since it seemed her voice was beyond categorization .","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-TMP: in 1969 | ARG-M-PRP: attempting , once again , to fit her into a pop niche since it seemed her voice was beyond categorization" SRL for [spread - eagled]: A young woman was [spread - eagled] against the wall .,ARG-1: A young woman | ARG-M-LOC: against the wall SRL for [hum]: The rest are split roughly between optimists who expect Hong Kong to [hum] along as before and pessimists who foresee irreparable chaos .,ARG-0: Hong Kong | ARG-M-MNR: along | ARG-M-MNR: as before "SRL for [recovered]: Grandma Wu was close to 30 years old when the Kuomintang [recovered] Taiwan from Japan , but the event meant little to her , for she had never received any schooling .",ARG-M-TMP: when | ARG-0: the Kuomintang | ARG-1: Taiwan | ARG-2: from Japan SRL for [demoralization]: Merle 's [demoralization] was starting to take its toll on his rehabilitation .,ARG-1: Merle 's "SRL for [taking]: Searle 's submission to the work is indicated by his [taking] the painting , as it were , at its word : visual evidence is privileged positivistically .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the painting | ARG-M-ADJ: as it were | ARG-2: at its word SRL for [ganged]: Those who have [ganged] together to fight you will not overcome you !,ARG-0: who | ARG-M-PRD: together | ARG-3: to fight you SRL for [flat]: Her singing was slightly [flat] .,ARG-1: Her singing | ARG-M-EXT: slightly SRL for [inflation]: West German [inflation],ARG-M-LOC: West German "SRL for [boom out]: If a strike ever hits the Met , the company can still sell tickets to his `` Boheme '' and `` Turandot '' and [boom out] recordings ( of another era ) .",ARG-M-ADV: If a strike ever hits the Met | ARG-0: the company | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: recordings ( of another era ) SRL for [election]: People believe the [election] in Italy will be very close .,ARG-M-LOC: in Italy "SRL for [catch up]: `` They are going to [catch up] , '' said David Claridge , an analyst with Hambrecht & Quist .",ARG-1: They "SRL for [sensitize]: `` We hope to [sensitize] employers '' to recognize the problems so they can do something about them , Dr. Warshaw said .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: employers | ARG-2: to recognize the problems | ARG-M-PRP: so they can do something about them SRL for [pay up]: I knew that if I did n't [pay up] they would burn the car .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [reset]: He [reset] opening arguments for today .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: opening arguments | ARG-M-TMP: for today "SRL for [correlated]: In this restricted sense , signs are causally [correlated] with that which is signified .",ARG-M-MNR: In this restricted sense | ARG-M-MNR: causally | ARG-1: signs | ARG-2: with that which is signified "SRL for [transmitted]: Already entered in the Big Board 's computers and [transmitted] to their post were sell orders for 65,000 UAL shares .","ARG-M-TMP: Already | ARG-1: sell orders for 65,000 UAL shares | ARG-2: to their post" SRL for [beached]: We [beached] the rowboat in front of the cabin .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the rowboat | ARG-2: in front of the cabin SRL for [divorced]: He [divorced] his first wife three years ago and married the daughter of his court clerk .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his first wife | ARG-M-TMP: three years ago SRL for [friendly]: She is [friendly] with my cousins .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: with my cousins SRL for [arranging]: Mr. Panet - Raymond said he does n't think Messrs. Drabinsky and Gottlieb are `` anywhere close '' to [arranging] financing . offer before the stock begins to rise again .,ARG-0: Messrs. Drabinsky and Gottlieb | ARG-1: financing SRL for [plunge]: Lindsay Williams correctly foretold oil 's [plunge] in price .,ARG-1: oil 's | ARG-5: in price "SRL for [direction]: In 2007 , Mayer won his first Tony Award for his [direction] of the musical adaptation of Spring Awakening .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the musical adaptation of Spring Awakening "SRL for [abominated]: Little could be done to counteract the John Osborne criticisms , for they [abominated] the very idea of monarchy .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the very idea of monarchy SRL for [making]: The key to the creation of the `` organic '' state lay in the formation of `` natural '' groups that would undertake the role of decision - [making] .,ARG-1: decision "SRL for [comprehends]: Surely Indira [comprehends] the added by - law ,",ARG-0: Indira | ARG-1: the added by - law SRL for [flood]: a [flood] of selling by other investors,ARG-2: of selling by other investors "SRL for [loaned]: Healthcare , which has been in a severe liquidity bind , said it is able to make the payments because it completed a transaction with Greenery Rehabilitation Group Inc. in which Greenery purchased stock and warrants for $ 500,000 and [loaned] Healthcare $ 9 million .",ARG-0: Greenery | ARG-2: Healthcare | ARG-1: $ 9 million SRL for [surgical]: The evaluation and image - guided [surgical] treatment of the patient with a medically intractable seizure disorder ., SRL for [old - fashioned]: The clothes my uncle and aunt wear really are a little too [old - fashioned] now .,ARG-1: The clothes my uncle and aunt wear | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-EXT: a little too | ARG-M-TMP: now "SRL for [backed up]: "" Rocks were moved onto the road , and several dozen peasants stood in the middle of the road , several hundred cars were [backed up] , and rocks were thrown at the police .... """,ARG-1: several hundred cars SRL for [enlarged]: Postop changes : the caliber is [enlarged] from 1 cm to 2 cm and there is no calcification .,ARG-1: the caliber | ARG-3: from 1 cm | ARG-4: to 2 cm SRL for [vaticinated]: Economic analysts have [vaticinated] that these countries would be the engines for global growth in the next two decades .,ARG-0: Economic analysts | ARG-1: that these countries would be the engines for global growth in the next two decades "SRL for [embarrass]: I had bragged about you to Titus , and you did n't [embarrass] me .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: me "SRL for [fouled]: Unknown to Mr. Tharp , he had [fouled] his net on a special IRS project to catch catfish farmers and haulers inclined to cheat on their taxes .",ARG-M-ADV: Unknown to Mr. Tharp | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his net | ARG-2: on a special IRS project to catch catfish farmers and haulers inclined to cheat on their taxes SRL for [produce]: A contractor will [produce] vital equipment for the Army and Navy .,ARG-0: A contractor | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: vital equipment | ARG-3: for the Army and Navy SRL for [bivouacked]: He [bivouacked] within two miles of the town and sent out patrols to harass the enemy .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: within two miles of the town SRL for [interpreting]: They simply got carried away with [interpreting] what the executive order banning assassinations really meant .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: what the executive order banning assassinations really meant "SRL for [benign]: Although her father 's tumour is [benign] , it still costs a lot of money .",ARG-1: her father 's tumour SRL for [valid]: This key is [valid] for entry .,ARG-1: This key | ARG-2: for entry SRL for [wrenched]: Red Spring chirped as she [wrenched] her arm free .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her arm | ARG-M-PRD: free SRL for [bridled]: Mary [bridled] her young gelding with an indian rope bosal .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: her young gelding | ARG-2: with an indian rope bosal SRL for [imagination]: It is precisely through this novelistic device that Lloyd Fernando articulated his [imagination] of Malaysia as a nation whose polyracial assemblage prevails even after the racial riots of 1969 .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Malaysia | ARG-2: as a nation whose polyracial assemblage prevails even after the racial riots of 1969 SRL for [backward]: That seal actually needs to keep air from entering more than oil from escaping - it 's [backward] from what you might expect .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from what you might expect "SRL for [codeletion]: Griff 's [codeletion] of WRX 8a3itp from the virus cause it to stop replicating , laying the ground work for finding an outright cure .",ARG-0: Griff 's | ARG-1: of WRX 8a3itp | ARG-2: from the virus SRL for [buttonholing]: For more than a decade he has been [buttonholing] entrepreneurs and people working in media and cultural fields to talk about creating one .,ARG-M-TMP: For more than a decade | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: entrepreneurs and people working in media and cultural fields | ARG-2: to talk about creating one "SRL for [roorooed]: They fell back asleep until the dogs [roorooed] , looking for their breakfast .",ARG-0: the dogs | ARG-M-ADV: looking for their breakfast "SRL for [closed]: Now the wildlife refuge has been [closed] to the industry , possibly for years .",ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-1: the wildlife refuge | ARG-2: to the industry | ARG-M-TMP: possibly for years SRL for [shrieked]: Brakes [shrieked] behind us .,ARG-0: Brakes | ARG-M-LOC: behind us SRL for [beg]: `` Just a blind fear of the unknown is causing them to [beg] the regulators for protection . '',ARG-0: them | ARG-1: the regulators | ARG-2: for protection SRL for [statements]: China 's [statements] to its own people,ARG-0: China 's | ARG-2: to its own people SRL for [growing]: Their purchases are [growing] at a rapid pace .,ARG-1: Their purchases | ARG-2: at a rapid pace "SRL for [bashing]: Finally , the case of Dr. Morgan gave Congress an opportunity to act with unaccustomed decisiveness and to engage in one of its favorite pastimes -- [bashing] the District of Columbia government .",ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: the District of Columbia government "SRL for [addicted]: hello , i am a 12 year old girl -LRB- 13 in two days -RRB- who is [addicted] to self harming .",ARG-1: who | ARG-2: to self harming SRL for [nadired]: His potassium [nadired] at 2.0 .,ARG-0: His potassium | ARG-M-LOC: at 2.0 SRL for [finish]: a perfect [finish] to her performance,ARG-M-MNR: perfect | ARG-1: to her performance SRL for [whooshing]: His [whooshing] the kite in fast circles dizzied the crowd,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the kite | ARG-2: in fast circles "SRL for [pissed]: My buddy just got back from vacation , but his cat is still [pissed] at him for leaving .",ARG-1: his cat | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-0: at him | ARG-M-CAU: for leaving SRL for [cast]: Dr. Payne [cast] John 's leg in glow - in - the - dark fiberglass,ARG-0: Dr. Payne | ARG-1: John 's leg | ARG-2: in glow - in - the - dark fiberglass "SRL for [moisturizing]: The bottle of essence itself is merely a kind of [moisturizing] lotion , but it comes with a complimentary bottle of L - Ascorbic acid dry powder .",ARG-2: lotion "SRL for [telegraph]: By using them , teachers -- with administrative blessing -- [telegraph] to students beforehand the precise areas on which a test will concentrate , and sometimes give away a few exact questions and answers .",ARG-M-MNR: By using them | ARG-0: teachers | ARG-M-MNR: with administrative blessing | ARG-1: to students | ARG-M-TMP: beforehand | ARG-2: the precise areas on which a test will concentrate "SRL for [infuse]: If that attitude lasts , it could [infuse] covert action planning with a level of care and confidence that has n't been seen in years .",ARG-M-ADV: If that attitude lasts | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: covert action planning | ARG-2: with a level of care and confidence that has n't been seen in years "SRL for [trailed]: He had taken a carbine down from the wall and it [trailed] from his hand , the stock bumping on the wood floor .",ARG-1: it | ARG-0: from his hand | ARG-M-ADV: the stock bumping on the wood floor SRL for [curious]: He is [curious] to know why you came .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: to know why you came "SRL for [comparison]: After conducting a follow - up [comparison] of the conditions of these patients ,",ARG-1: of the conditions of these patients SRL for [internalization]: How much of it is his [internalization] of her failure as his failure ?,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of her failure | ARG-2: as his failure SRL for [wrung out]: Cleaning the garage really [wrung out] .,ARG-0: Cleaning the garage | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: John SRL for [succeeds]: If the Paribas bid [succeeds] ...,ARG-1: the Paribas bid "SRL for [rejoined]: In Barry Wright , Mr. Sim sees a situation `` very similar '' to the one he faced when he [rejoined] Applied as president and chief operating officer in 1985 .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Applied | ARG-M-PRD: as president and chief operating officer | ARG-M-TMP: in 1985 SRL for [re - reviewed]: Pathology [re - reviewed],ARG-1: Pathology SRL for [pin - pointing]: The recognition of such a connection helped confirm the seafloor - spreading hypothesis by [pin - pointing] the zones where Hess had predicted oceanic crust is being generated -LRB- along the ridges -RRB- and the zones where oceanic lithosphere sinks back into the mantle -LRB- beneath the trenches -RRB- .,ARG-0: The recognition of such a connection | ARG-1: the zones where Hess had predicted oceanic crust is being generated -LRB- along the ridges -RRB- and the zones where oceanic lithosphere sinks back into the mantle -LRB- beneath the trenches -RRB- "SRL for [resuscitation]: Pastorek 's [resuscitation] of the moribund New Orleans school system , plus the recruitment of Paul Vallas , is remarkable and has drawn the admiration of reformers and educators across the nation .",ARG-0: Pastorek 's | ARG-1: of the moribund New Orleans school system SRL for [inscription]: And this possibility is achieved only by his [inscription] into another tradition .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: into another tradition "SRL for [slackened]: Now , he said , a slowdown in economic activity has [slackened] demand .",ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-0: a slowdown in economic activity | ARG-1: demand "SRL for [logged]: Bristol - Myers Squibb Co. , the entity formed from the recent acquisition of Squibb Corp. by Bristol - Myers Co. , [logged] the largest volume decline , 7,592,988 shares , to 12,017,724 .","ARG-0: Bristol - Myers Squibb Co. , the entity formed from the recent acquisition of Squibb Corp. by Bristol - Myers Co. | ARG-1: the largest volume decline , 7,592,988 shares , to 12,017,724" SRL for [consensual]: Mr. Hicks vehemently asserts that all conduct that occurred during the evening of the incident was [consensual] by everyone involved,ARG-1: all conduct that occurred during the evening of the incident | ARG-0: by everyone involved "SRL for [annealed]: In this paper , the carbon nitride films were synthesized by vacuum cathodic arc method and then [annealed] at different temperature up to about 600 ° C .",ARG-M-LOC: In this paper | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the carbon nitride films | ARG-2: at different temperature up to about 600 ° C SRL for [thin]: The small area we were in was [thin] of trees so I could see the sky .,ARG-1: The small area we were in | ARG-2: of trees | ARG-M-ADV: so I could see the sky "SRL for [alter]: But although the golden share has been waived , a hostile bidder for Jaguar would still have to [alter] the British concern 's articles of association which ban shareholdings of more than 15 % .",ARG-0: a hostile bidder for Jaguar | ARG-1: the British concern 's articles of association which ban shareholdings of more than 15 % SRL for [treatment]: The current standard for chemotherapy [treatment] of breast cancer is 6 - cycles spaced 21 - days apart .,ARG-3: chemotherapy | ARG-2: of breast cancer SRL for [incumbency]: ... during his [incumbency] as a trustee ...,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: as a trustee SRL for [catch]: His [catch] of the tipped ball from Chris Hooks ended the game and saved Hooks from losing any face .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the tipped ball | ARG-2: from Chris Hooks SRL for [rose]: Stock prices [rose] fractionally in moderate trading .,ARG-1: Stock prices | ARG-2: fractionally | ARG-M-LOC: in moderate trading SRL for [assailed]: The futures halt was even [assailed] by Big Board floor traders .,ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: The futures halt | ARG-0: Big Board floor traders SRL for [propagandize]: The theory was that the Voice is a propaganda agency and this government should n't [propagandize] its own people .,ARG-0: this government | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: its own people "SRL for [good]: "" He shoots ... and it 's [good] ! """,ARG-1: it SRL for [conclusion]: Her hasty [conclusion] of the board meeting was meant to avert a fight between two of the board members .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-M-MNR: hasty | ARG-1: of the board meeting "SRL for [bandying around]: Last night at my gig some drunks late night were discussing what to call Obama ... [bandying around] and I said "" I suggest you call him the motherfucking President Elect "" .",ARG-0: some drunks | ARG-1: the usual right wing talk SRL for [ambitious]: No running . It might be [ambitious] given the time . It 's two miles from your place,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-ADV: given the time SRL for [Uninfection]: [Uninfection] by HIV-1 strains among this population,ARG-2: by HIV-1 strains | ARG-1: among this population SRL for [misinterpreting]: They simply got carried away with [misinterpreting] what the executive order banning assassinations really meant .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: what the executive order banning assassinations really meant "SRL for [pulsation]: I know no weariness of my Edward 's society ; he knows none of mine , any more than we each do the [pulsation] of the heart that beats in our separate bosoms .",ARG-1: of the heart that beats in our separate bosoms "SRL for [mandatory]: I given her that option to pursue at this time , but it is clearly not [mandatory] , given the absence of any real presyncopal sensations .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-ADV: clearly | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-ADV: given the absence of any real presyncopal sensations SRL for [build up]: Plaintiffs ' lawyers say that buildings become `` sick '' when inadequate fresh air and poor ventilation systems lead pollutants to [build up] inside .,ARG-1: pollutants | ARG-M-LOC: inside SRL for [increase]: ... a hit wine dramatically [increase] in price,ARG-1: ... a hit wine | ARG-2: dramatically | ARG-M-LOC: in price SRL for [good]: Broad leaf parsley is really [good] for you .,ARG-1: Broad leaf parsley | ARG-M-EXT: really | ARG-2: for you "SRL for [paramutable]: In some cases , the formerly [paramutable] allele becomes paramutagenic and can now silence other paramutable alleles ; this is called secondary paramutation .",ARG-M-TMP: formerly | ARG-1: allele "SRL for [model]: a mouse [model] of Alzheimer 's similar to the human disease , complete with memory and learning impairment","ARG-M-LOC: mouse | ARG-1: of Alzheimer 's similar to the human disease , complete with memory and learning impairment" SRL for [angulation]: The fracture on the left has resulted in [angulation] of the distal component ;,ARG-1: of the distal component "SRL for [committed]: He added the airline is n't [committed] to going forward with any new bid , and has n't participated in bankers ' efforts to revive the transaction that collapsed .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the airline | ARG-2: to going forward with any new bid SRL for [heavy]: The air was [heavy] with unspoken knowledge .,ARG-1: The air | ARG-2: with unspoken knowledge SRL for [pared down]: John [pared down] the rind of fat from the ham with a chainsaw .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the rind of fat | ARG-2: from the ham | ARG-3: with a chainsaw "SRL for [judgment]: Lying in bed , I could not but recall his great father 's harsh [judgment] when I met him back then , that only by getting lucky could I come to the US .",ARG-0: his great father 's | ARG-M-MNR: harsh | ARG-2: that only by getting lucky could I come to the US "SRL for [stole]: Thieves [stole] a 12th century fresco from an abandoned church in Camerino , Italy , by removing the entire wall on which the work had been painted , police said ... .","ARG-0: Thieves | ARG-1: a 12th century fresco | ARG-2: from an abandoned church in Camerino , Italy | ARG-M-MNR: by removing the entire wall on which the work had been painted" SRL for [drummed]: Mary 's fingers [drummed] on the desk .,ARG-1: Mary 's fingers | ARG-2: on the desk SRL for [outstrips]: And the number of stocks hitting new lows far [outstrips] the number setting new highs .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: the number of stocks hitting new lows | ARG-M-MNR: far | ARG-1: the number setting new highs SRL for [payments]: tax [payments],ARG-3: tax "SRL for [abrogated]: By treating cells with RUNX2 siRNA , we [abrogated] the Wip1 - dependent activation of Bax expression and the cells sensitization to cis - platin .",ARG-M-MNR: By treating cells with RUNX2 siRNA | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the Wip1 - dependent activation of Bax expression and the cells sensitization to cis - platin "SRL for [scissored]: He [scissored] his legs again , trying to roll ;",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his legs | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-ADV: trying to roll "SRL for [chopping down]: He already has achieved vertical integration on a limited scale : Quebecor can put a weekly newspaper on almost any Quebec doorstep without using outside help , from [chopping down] the tree to making the newsprint to flinging it up onto the porch .",ARG-0: Quebecor | ARG-1: the tree "SRL for [cupped]: He [cupped] her jaw , his thumb tracing her cheek .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: her jaw | ARG-M-ADV: his thumb tracing her cheek "SRL for [depend]: But when we start out from the notion of rights , and support those rights with legal guarantees , we find it is better to have guaranteed rights than to [depend] on everyone fulfilling their obligations .",ARG-1: on everyone fulfilling their obligations SRL for [lightening up]: `` There were no ( sell ) lists and the calendar is [lightening up] a bit .,ARG-1: the calendar | ARG-2: a bit "SRL for [enveloped]: Hunter felt as if heaven had come down and [enveloped] him in a soft , warm cloud , taking him beyond time , into space .","ARG-0: heaven | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: in a soft , warm cloud | ARG-M-ADV: taking him beyond time , into space" SRL for [intelligence]: The National Intelligence Agency ( MİT ) received [intelligence] on possible New Year ’s Eve attacks planned by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( ISIL ) on Dec. 19 and conducted operations against ISIL suspects between Dec. 28 and 31 .,ARG-2: on possible New Year ’s Eve attacks planned by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( ISIL ) SRL for [angled]: She [angled] her lens out of the bushes so that she could get a shot of him .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her lens | ARG-2: out of the bushes | ARG-M-PRP: so that she could get a shot of him SRL for [slugging]: `` Running around in the moonlight almost naked and [slugging] a man with a rock '' ?,ARG-1: a man | ARG-2: with a rock "SRL for [push ups]: The lack of ideal training centers in Park City meant that benches were in short supply , so we did [push ups] instead",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-M-ADV: instead SRL for [pressured]: The Nikkei index was [pressured] down by profit - taking triggered by sharp advances made through this week and fell 151.20 points to 35527.29 .,ARG-1: The Nikkei index | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-0: by profit - taking triggered by sharp advances made through this week SRL for [dose]: Instructions : unknown [dose] .,ARG-3: unknown SRL for [torture]: The Barre dictatorship simply is limited in the amount of people it can [torture] and kill .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: people "SRL for [stanch]: Thrombinar , a drug used to [stanch] bleeding , was sold to Jones Medical Industries Inc. , St. Louis .",ARG-0: a drug | ARG-1: bleeding "SRL for [mad]: I 'm just [mad] about Saffron , Saffron 's mad about me",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: about Saffron "SRL for [choosing]: ... in *PRO*-1 [choosing] *PRO*-2 to be a bride of Christ , they inevitably cocked a snook at lesser male fry .", SRL for [factors]: He [factors] that into the market yield to get an adjusted yield of about 3.6 % .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: that | ARG-2: into the market yield | ARG-M-PNC: to get an adjusted yield of about 3.6 % "SRL for [more]: If you want , I am [more] than happy to make the reservation .",ARG-M-ADV: If you want | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: than happy | ARG-3: to make the reservation SRL for [provisioned]: John [provisioned] Mary 's road trip with a quarter - ton of beef jerky and three pints of Gatorade .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary 's road trip | ARG-2: with a quarter - ton of beef jerky and three pints of Gatorade SRL for [Hot]: How to Have Fun When It 's [Hot] Outside .,ARG-M-LOC: Outside | ARG-M-TMP: When "SRL for [spluttered]: "" You used my trick pen "" she [spluttered] .","ARG-0: she | ARG-1: "" You used my trick pen """ SRL for [Sock away]: [Sock away] in long - term instruments ?,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in long - term instruments SRL for [cut out]: The move will [cut out] the cost of a middleman and give Specialized more control over marketing and sales .,ARG-0: The move | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the cost of a middleman "SRL for [drained]: I m so emotionally [drained] and do nt want any friends to know because they 'll just think bad of him , when really he is good deep down .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-ADV: emotionally SRL for [perfect]: Shoes with a built - in tent are [perfect] for outdoorsy people who don 't care if their feet look dumb .,ARG-1: Shoes with a built - in tent | ARG-2: for outdoorsy people who don 't care if their feet look dumb "SRL for [implausible]: For one , it is highly [implausible] that a white person could objectively solve issues involving people of color .",ARG-M-DIS: For one | ARG-M-EXT: highly | ARG-1: that a white person could objectively solve issues involving people of color SRL for [slapped]: London share prices closed sharply lower Friday in active trading after Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson 's resignation [slapped] the market and Wall Street 's rapid initial sell - off knocked it down .,ARG-2: Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson 's resignation | ARG-1: the market SRL for [impractical]: Ron Paul and his Libertarian ideas are at best [impractical] .,ARG-1: Ron Paul and his Libertarian ideas | ARG-M-ADV: at best SRL for [tweezed]: Sal [tweezed] all his nose hairs in under five minutes .,ARG-0: Sal | ARG-1: all his nose hairs | ARG-M-TMP: in under five minutes SRL for [return]: their [return] to Earth,ARG-1: their | ARG-4: to Earth "SRL for [multifactorial]: Fatigue - [multifactorial] w / multiple conditions , improved",ARG-M-ADV: w / multiple conditions SRL for [buying]: The biggest acquisition in decades ? the [buying] of BSkyB for 12.000 million dollars- ...,ARG-1: of BSkyB | ARG-3: for 12.000 million dollars- "SRL for [awarded]: RJR Nabisco Inc. [awarded] its national broadcast media - buying assignment to FCB / Leber Katz Partners , the New York outpost of Chicago - based Foote , Cone & Belding .","ARG-0: RJR Nabisco Inc. | ARG-1: its national broadcast media - buying assignment | ARG-2: to FCB / Leber Katz Partners , the New York outpost of Chicago - based Foote , Cone & Belding" SRL for [preened]: She [preened] herself before returning to the nest .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: herself | ARG-M-TMP: before returning to the nest "SRL for [privatization]: Across the United States , state government agencies are increasing their [privatization] of social services .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of social services "SRL for [recognition]: His enthusiastic teaching of freshman seminars also led to his [recognition] as the "" Kappa Kappa Gamma Professor of the Year , 2009 . ""","ARG-1: his | ARG-3: as the "" Kappa Kappa Gamma Professor of the Year , 2009 . """ SRL for [punted]: The boatman [punted] the boat away from shore and began rowing it forward .,ARG-0: The boatman | ARG-1: the boat | ARG-2: away from shore "SRL for [parachute]: `` It does n't make sense to [parachute] out at this price , '' Mr. Steinhardt says , though he has stopped his takeover talk and now commends USAir managers ' `` operating skills . ''",ARG-1: out | ARG-M-MNR: at this price "SRL for [pre - try]: Energy Transportation retained Litigation Sciences , at a cost of several hundred thousand dollars , to poll , [pre - try] , profile and shadow .",ARG-0: Litigation Sciences "SRL for [expunged]: Partly because of the show , Mr. Watson says , the district decided not to recommend Mrs. Yeargin for a first - time offenders program that could have [expunged] the charges and the conviction from her record .",ARG-0: a first - time offenders program | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the charges and the conviction | ARG-2: from her record SRL for [slagging off]: It is important to seperate the innocent from the guilty in both industries but it 's ironic that the papers have been selling copy by basically tarring all bankers with the same brush and [slagging off] mercilessly for years .,ARG-0: the papers | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: mercilessly | ARG-M-TMP: for years "SRL for [angioplasty]: So he did [angioplasty] on my legs - first he did the right leg and , two months later , he did the left leg .",ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: on my legs "SRL for [carve]: Early fishermen used stones to [carve] a long , narrow catchment -LRB- the so-called "" pool "" -RRB- in the sand , waiting for the tide to carry in fish which they could then easily scoop up .","ARG-0: stones | ARG-1: a long , narrow catchment -LRB- the so-called "" pool "" -RRB- | ARG-2: in the sand | ARG-M-PRD: waiting for the tide to carry in fish which they could then easily scoop up" SRL for [kayaked]: Mike and Steve [kayaked] around Gantheume Point .,ARG-1: Mike and Steve | ARG-2: around Gantheume Point SRL for [placating]: Vojislav Kostunica is meeting with his team today with the goal of getting rid of as many old faces as possible while [placating] those still loyal to ousted leader Slobodan Milosevic .,ARG-1: those still loyal to ousted leader Slobodan Milosevic "SRL for [liable]: In that case , he is [liable] to reimburse the state .",ARG-1: he | ARG-3: to reimburse the state SRL for [bound]: They 're [bound] to see sense and start making our streets safer instead of causing the trouble .,ARG-1: They | C-ARG-1: to see sense and start making our streets safer instead of causing the trouble SRL for [spraying]: The oil company claims that Alaskan officials prevented Exxon from [spraying] dispersant onto the almost 11 million gallons of oil dumped when one of its tankers ran into an underwater reef .,ARG-0: Exxon | ARG-1: dispersant | ARG-2: onto the almost 11 million gallons of oil dumped when one of its tankers ran into an underwater reef "SRL for [adjoins]: It was built by the Pasterns , and stands on the acre of ground that [adjoins] our property .",ARG-1: the acre of ground | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: our property "SRL for [engage]: Some traders point out that as the big brokerage firms back out of program trading for their own accounts or for clients , opportunities increase for others to [engage] in the controversial practice .",ARG-0: others | ARG-2: in the controversial practice SRL for [front]: Our room was [front] of house,ARG-2: of house "SRL for [dissociate]: When an electric current is applied to the palladium and platinum electrodes , the heavy water did begin to break up , or [dissociate] .",ARG-1: the heavy water SRL for [frequents]: The former $ 3 million - a - year lobbyist now [frequents] shelters for the homeless and devotes a third of his time counseling other recovering alcoholics .,ARG-0: former $ 3 million - a - year lobbyist | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: shelters for the homeless "SRL for [scaring]: `` Small investors are absolutely dismayed that Wall Street is stacking the deck against them , and these wide swings are [scaring] them to death .",ARG-0: these wide swings | ARG-1: them | ARG-3: to death SRL for [getting]: It 's [getting] harder to sell .,ARG-2: harder | ARG-1: to sell SRL for [carving out]: The unusual situation in Birmingham vividly illustrates the divisive consequences of *trace* [carving out] safe districts for racial minorities .,ARG-1: safe districts | ARG-3: racial minorities SRL for [short]: She had a cart full of groceries and when it was time for her to pay she was [short] $ 10 .,ARG-M-TMP: when it was time for her to pay | ARG-1: she | ARG-2: $ 10 "SRL for [generated]: For the last year , Santa Fe Pacific has redirected its real estate operations toward longer - term development of its properties , hurting profits that the parent had [generated] in the past from periodic sales from its portfolio .",ARG-0: the parent | ARG-1: profits | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: in the past | ARG-2: from periodic sales from its portfolio SRL for [recruit]: The dispute has hampered the administration 's efforts to [recruit] prominent doctors to fill prestigious posts at the helm of the NIH and the Centers for Disease Control .,ARG-0: the administration | ARG-1: prominent doctors to fill prestigious posts at the helm of the NIH and the Centers for Disease Control SRL for [are clacking]: These doe - eyed old ladies [are clacking] about how hard my life must have been .,ARG-0: These doe - eyed old ladies | ARG-2: about how hard my life must have been "SRL for [choked]: This is no place for pedestrians , but at 7:30 on a recent morning , when construction [choked] traffic at the famous Four Corners intersection to one lane , a taxi passenger found it faster to abandon the cab and walk to her destination .",ARG-0: construction | ARG-1: traffic at the famous Four Corners intersection | ARG-M-PRD: to one lane | ARG-M-TMP: at 7:30 on a recent morning SRL for [collision]: The [collision] of interests became clear during the meeting .,ARG-1: of interests SRL for [secretive]: George Washington was [secretive] about his teeth .,ARG-0: George Washington | ARG-1: about his teeth SRL for [issue]: its first bond [issue],ARG-0: its | ARG-1: bond SRL for [lovely]: the tree of knowledge is [lovely] to look at,ARG-1: the tree of knowledge | C-ARG-1: to look at "SRL for [delivers]: Here she [delivers] , especially during her enthusiastically awful rendition of the `` Candy Man , '' which she sings while prancing around in a little cotton candy pink angora sweater that could n't be more perfect .","ARG-M-LOC: Here | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-TMP: especially during her enthusiastically awful rendition of the `` Candy Man , '' which she sings while prancing around in a little cotton candy pink angora sweater that could n't be more perfect" SRL for [Moonlighting]: Judge Quits Bench After Injunction Against His [Moonlighting] as Comic .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: as Comic SRL for [weltered]: Geologic monsters [weltered] in the primal deep .,ARG-0: Geologic monsters | ARG-1: in the primal deep "SRL for [racing]: They recalled his [racing] through the German countryside flashing a credit card and roll of cash , stopping at stables to buy the riding gear",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: through the German countryside "SRL for [adhere]: Opponents of the project had claimed that the city and the state of New York , which are co - sponsoring the project , had failed to [adhere] to environmental guidelines .","ARG-0: the city and the state of New York , which are co - sponsoring the project | ARG-1: to environmental guidelines" "SRL for [quicker]: Just finished zapping them again but this time did it myself , found it to be much [quicker] .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: much "SRL for [trade]: In contrast , Taiwan is still showing a nasty deficit in knowledge [trade] , with money going out twice as fast as it is coming in .",ARG-1: knowledge SRL for [outrageous]: The Garrisonians had usually found more support in Scotland and it was [outrageous] to them that Pennington should be poaching on their territory .,ARG-1: to them | ARG-0: that Pennington should be poaching on their territory SRL for [ship]: I ' m going to [ship] and hope I get paid .,ARG-0: I SRL for [dehydration]: The patient 's [dehydration] was severe .,ARG-1: The patient 's SRL for [had]: He [had] better do what he is told .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: better | ARG-2: do what he is told SRL for [run]: ... the president does n't he [run] the risk of looking like the little rich kid who is not winning the game so he says it 's my ball .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the risk of looking like the little rich kid who is not winning the game so he says it 's my ball "SRL for [pervaded]: But `` an eerie silence [pervaded] '' the junk market Friday as prices tumbled on hundreds of high - yield bonds despite `` no active trading , '' says John Lonski , an economist at Moody 's Investors Service Inc .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: an eerie silence | ARG-1: the junk market | ARG-M-TMP: Friday | ARG-M-TMP: as prices tumbled on hundreds of high - yield bonds despite `` no active trading "SRL for [shoots back]: And when he 's told `` Try a little tenderness , '' he [shoots back] `` I 'm going home to try a little linguine . ''","ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-TMP: when he 's told `` Try a little tenderness , '' | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: `` I 'm going home to try a little linguine . ''" "SRL for [carbonized]: The fill of both pits contained [carbonized] material , and samples from both pits were therefore wet sieved .",ARG-1: material SRL for [subsaturation]: Metabolic growth rate control in Escherichia coli may be a consequence of [subsaturation] of the macromolecular biosynthetic apparatus with substrates and catalytic components .,ARG-1: of the macromolecular biosynthetic apparatus with substrates and catalytic components | ARG-2: with substrates and catalytic components "SRL for [shrimped]: Well , me mate Adam who teaches across the hall from me showed up at about 07:00 and we put in at Eagle Harbor ramp , and ran to the Dr. Lake bridge and [shrimped] for bait for a while .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: for bait | ARG-M-TMP: for a while SRL for [pseudoprogressed]: The re - biopsy of such [pseudoprogressed] lesions has been reported to yield predominantly inflammatory material consistent with a robust anti - tumor immune response .,ARG-1: lesions "SRL for [wrest]: Analysts expect the new computer to [wrest] a hefty slice of business away from IBM , the longtime leader in mainframes .","ARG-0: the new computer | ARG-1: a hefty slice of business | ARG-2: away from IBM , the longtime leader in mainframes" SRL for [speciated]: Yeast from peritoneal fluid [speciated] as C. Albicans,ARG-1: Yeast from peritoneal fluid | ARG-2: as C. Albicans "SRL for [discriminatory]: When it comes to the "" sweet science of bruising , "" the author 's taste is [discriminatory] ; perhaps unsurprisingly , he prefers brain over brawn .","ARG-1: When it comes to the "" sweet science of bruising , "" | ARG-0: the author 's taste" SRL for [non - learned]: Animal behaviors can be learned or [non - learned] .,ARG-1: Animal behaviors | ARG-M-MOD: can "SRL for [papered]: They are [papered] and pedigreed , with multiple master hunters within their background .",ARG-1: They | ARG-M-PRD: with multiple master hunters within their background "SRL for [defiance]: 1.7 million people assembled in Green Square , Tripoli to show [defiance] against the Nato bombing of Libya",ARG-1: against the Nato bombing of Libya "SRL for [juggle]: Not surprisingly , old - style money managers have been losing clients to giant stock - index funds that use computers to [juggle] portfolios so they mirror the S & P 500 .",ARG-0: giant stock - index funds | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: portfolios | ARG-M-PNC: so they mirror the S & P 500 SRL for [kickboxing]: I was [kickboxing] against my buddy who is 1.5 times my weight .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: against my buddy who is 1.5 times my weight "SRL for [neighboring]: Moreover , the contribution made by Taiwanese businesses to Macau is even less than the spillover from Hong Kong firms investing in [neighboring] Zhuhai .",ARG-2: Zhuhai "SRL for [certified]: Moscow , which left the group in 1983 to avoid explusion over allegations that political dissidents were being [certified] as insane , could be suspended if the misuse of psychiatry against dissenters is discovered during a review within a year .",ARG-1: political dissidents | ARG-2: as insane SRL for [circumferential]: The air outlet has a frame that is [circumferential] and sealed off from the housing,ARG-1: that "SRL for [Sig]: [Sig] : I tab po qid pc & hs ( translation : Label prescription : take one tablet by mouth 4 times a day , after meals and at bedtime )",ARG-1: I tab po qid pc & hs SRL for [coding]: Their [coding] of secret orders allowed them to infiltrate the enemy camp .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of secret orders SRL for [misinterpreted]: Investors [misinterpreted] the KKR move as a desire by the firm to wash its hands of SCI TV .,ARG-0: Investors | ARG-1: the KKR move | ARG-2: as a desire by the firm to wash its hands of SCI TV SRL for [torture]: The former shows that intellectuals in Taiwan need no longer fear [torture] and imprisonment for their beliefs .,ARG-M-CAU: for their beliefs "SRL for [mixing]: the effect of his [mixing] the two beers was to lower the strength of Barclay 's beer by about 2 per cent , of proof spirit .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the two beers "SRL for [email]: In her [email] to the Apple CEO , Fiona shared that ? all the other kids think it 's awesome that she gets an iPad ! ?",ARG-0: her | ARG-2: to the Apple CEO SRL for [protest]: Assume a neighborhood demonstration to [protest] speeding on a certain road or a careless accident involving a police car .,ARG-0: a neighborhood demonstration | ARG-1: speeding on a certain road or a careless accident involving a police car "SRL for [give away]: The street signs around here [give away] - La Rue de la Grande Truanderie - "" the street of great criminality "" , is still home to evil - looking dope - dealers .",ARG-0: The street signs around here | ARG-1: the game "SRL for [unlabored]: The therapeutic process was [unlabored] and quiet , and without intense anger or em- pathic deraihnents that required repair .",ARG-1: The therapeutic process "SRL for [remembers]: In an invention that drives Verdi purists bananas , Violetta lies dying in bed during the prelude , rising deliriously when then she [remembers] the great parties she used to throw .",ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the great parties she used to throw | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [aired]: NBC 's comedy had [aired] Wednesdays at 9:30 p.m. and in five outings had drawn an average of only 13.2 % of homes , lagging behind the Jamie Lee Curtis comedy `` Anything But Love '' on ABC and CBS 's one - hour drama `` Jake and the Fatman . ''",ARG-1: NBC 's comedy | ARG-M-TMP: Wednesdays | ARG-M-TMP: at 9:30 p.m. SRL for [ice grilled]: Haha I like how he [ice grilled] the cameras after that dunk,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the cameras | ARG-M-TMP: after that dunk | ARG-M-MNR: how "SRL for [golf]: Most of his [golf] was played in Queensland while he was home , and it included a trip with his parents to Barnbougle in Tasmania .",ARG-0: his SRL for [redrew]: They [redrew] the state 's congressional districts to make them more favorable toward republicans .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the state 's congressional districts | ARG-M-PRP: to make them more favorable toward republicans "SRL for [minded]: It 's good of you to try to be fair [minded] , but Gingrich made his Samsonite .",ARG-1: you | ARG-2: fair SRL for [regular]: he is [regular] with his bowel movements most days ..,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: with his bowel movements | ARG-M-TMP: most days SRL for [Core out]: * [Core out] the new chimneys by removing pieces of brick and mortar .,ARG-1: the new chimneys | ARG-M-MNR: by removing pieces of brick and mortar SRL for [suggestions]: The documents include : ... construction [suggestions] for communications installations and cable setups ;,ARG-1: construction | ARG-M-GOL: for communications installations and cable setups SRL for [admission]: Their nation is seeking [admission] into the EU .,ARG-2: into the EU "SRL for [succumbed]: But Intel later [succumbed] to the stock market 's plunge , closing at $ 31.75 , down $ 2.125 .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Intel | ARG-M-TMP: later | ARG-1: to the stock market 's plunge | ARG-M-ADV: closing at $ 31.75 , down $ 2.125" "SRL for [bankruptcy]: This article has more depth than other material about Nolan Bushnell , as it talks more about the person and his strengths and weaknesses than just his statistics ; referring to his [bankruptcy] of his other major project , Chuck E. Cheese .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of his other major project , Chuck E. Cheese" SRL for [exercises]: Cardio - pulmonary [exercises],ARG-1: Cardio - pulmonary SRL for [pulsed]: The cherry red slug on the end of the iron [pulsed] as if alive .,ARG-1: The cherry red slug | ARG-M-LOC: on the end of the iron | ARG-2: as if alive SRL for [resistance]: the government 's [resistance] to fundamental change,ARG-0: the government 's | ARG-1: to fundamental change SRL for [salvation]: Lyrycyst shares his [salvation] from destructive behavior .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: from destructive behavior SRL for [hypofunction]: history of testicular [hypofunction],ARG-0: testicular SRL for [pontificating]: Alex continues his [pontificating] about the best TV from this past season .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: about the best TV from this past season SRL for [Handy]: This New 3DS Stylus Is [Handy] for Massaging Your Face,ARG-1: This New 3DS Stylus | ARG-M-PRD: for Massaging Your Face "SRL for [lowered]: The upgrade reflected the 20 % decline in shares of the bank since the firm [lowered] its rating in early October , based on the belief the stock had become expensive .",ARG-0: the firm | ARG-1: its rating | ARG-M-TMP: in early October | ARG-M-CAU: based on the belief the stock had become expensive SRL for [accident]: Ex - Formula 1 driver Gerhard Berger had a skiing [accident] last Thursday in Austria,ARG-0: Ex - Formula 1 driver Gerhard Berger | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: skiing | ARG-M-TMP: last Thursday | ARG-M-LOC: in Austria "SRL for [took in]: However , I [took in] NTD TV 's Chinese New Year Spectacular as a friend had suggested and my literary and art cells sprung immediately and unexpectedly back to life .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: NTD TV 's Chinese New Year Spectacular | ARG-M-MNR: as a friend had suggested SRL for [interpolated]: We [interpolated] the data from the T42 grid to the specified grid using a bilinear interpolation .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the data | ARG-3: from the T42 grid | ARG-4: to the specified grid | ARG-M-MNR: using a bilinear interpolation SRL for [act]: First National Bank of Chicago will [act] as trustee ...,ARG-0: First National Bank of Chicago | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: as trustee SRL for [pulling]: Even Drexel is [pulling] back .,ARG-0: Even Drexel | ARG-2: back SRL for [shaving]: Their [shaving] away some of their profits because of illegal dumping got their stockholders ' attention in the worst possible way .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-1: some of their profits | ARG-M-CAU: because of illegal dumping "SRL for [revolted]: In the fall of 1896 , Filipino nationalists [revolted] against the Spanish rule that had controlled the Philippines since the sixteenth century .",ARG-M-TMP: In the fall of 1896 | ARG-0: Filipino nationalists | ARG-1: against the Spanish rule that had controlled the Philippines since the sixteenth century SRL for [get]: I do n't [get] why my second loop is n't pushing values,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: why my second loop is n't pushing values SRL for [soliciting]: USX announced in October that it was [soliciting] bids to sell TXO 's oil and gas reserves .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: bids to sell TXO 's oil and gas reserves "SRL for [spin off]: Its plan , instead , is to [spin off] the remainder of its real estate unit and to possibly do the same with its mining and energy assets .",ARG-0: Its plan | ARG-1: the remainder of its real estate unit "SRL for [serious]: I ca n't think of a good reason why either of these scenarios should be worse than the other , but deep down i seem to feel that the first scenario is n't that [serious] at all .",ARG-1: the first scenario | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: that | ARG-M-EXT: at all SRL for [heeled]: they [heeled] the shoe with a brown heel which was originally black .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the shoe | ARG-2: with a brown heel which was originally black SRL for [computation]: The [computation] of the associated uncertainty .,ARG-1: of the associated uncertainty "SRL for [occupies]: In addition to the new mainframe hardware and software , IBM announced a magnetic - tape system for data storage that it said [occupies] half as much floor space as older systems but can store five times as much data on a single cartridge .",ARG-0: a magnetic - tape system | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: half as much floor space as older systems SRL for [tinged]: Serial sectioning demonstrates a single apparent lymph node which is largely fat - replaced and focally blue - [tinged] .,ARG-1: which | ARG-M-MNR: focally | ARG-2: blue SRL for [spindled]: The seamstress [spindled] the colored string onto the bobbin of the machine .,ARG-0: The seamstress | ARG-1: the colored string | ARG-2: onto the bobbin SRL for [hoaxed]: I only [hoaxed] him into supposing that you fancied him to be mad,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: into supposing that you fancied him to be mad SRL for [waxed]: The visitor [waxed] enthusiastic and promised to return .,ARG-1: The visitor | ARG-2: enthusiastic SRL for [scanted]: Our leisure time is [scanted] by this demanding job .,ARG-1: Our leisure time | ARG-0: by this demanding job "SRL for [advance]: For tobacco 's [advance] in price , it was provided that no tobacco was to be exported from the colony until March .",ARG-1: tobacco 's | ARG-5: in price "SRL for [banqueted]: They [banqueted] on pheasant , wild boar , and three kinds of fish .","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: on pheasant , wild boar , and three kinds of fish" SRL for [edgy]: For what it 's worth I think it was me and I thought that haircut was [edgy] and looked really cool .,ARG-1: that haircut "SRL for [certify]: Alarmed , state and federal authorities are trying to devise ways to [certify] and regulate planners .",ARG-0: state and federal authorities are trying | ARG-1: planners SRL for [trimmed]: When I [trimmed] the hair from over Pud 's eyes he quit running into the wall as much,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the hair | ARG-2: from over Pud 's eyes "SRL for [captioned]: To top it off , you [captioned] the graph showing the average number of months in a job search as `` Time Off . ''",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the graph showing the average number of months in a job search | ARG-2: as `` Time Off . '' "SRL for [surveyed]: Fully 62 % of the doctors [surveyed] for Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. think their fellow physicians are responsible for rising health - care costs , ahead of hospitals ( 55 % ) and patients ( 48 % ) .",ARG-1: the doctors | ARG-3: for Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. SRL for [advanced]: Some people say that it is impossible . Iran 's guided missiles are very [advanced] -LRB- maybe what Iran can talk about are only guided missiles -RRB- ......,ARG-1: Iran 's guided missiles | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [propel]: On the Frankfurt Stock Exchange , share prices closed higher in fairly thin trading , as selective buying by foreigners helped [propel] prices .",ARG-0: selective buying by foreigners | ARG-1: prices "SRL for [inauguration]: The next day , Chen took advantage of the upcoming presidential [inauguration] to meet with leaders from a number of countries with which the ROC has diplomatic relations , including the vice - president of El Salvador and the second vice president of Panama .",ARG-M-PRD: upcoming | ARG-2: presidential "SRL for [mortgaged]: Lee [mortgaged] the house for £ 2,000 to the building society ( the innocent third party ) .","ARG-0: Lee | ARG-1: the house | ARG-3: for £ 2,000 | ARG-2: to the building society ( the innocent third party )" "SRL for [animated]: The days may be numbered for [animated] shows featuring Alf , the Karate Kid and the Chipmunks .",ARG-1: shows "SRL for [compulsion]: My patient realized this and was able to overcome her [compulsion] to go to the mirror by paradoxically wishing , ? Let my hair stand on end . Let it be a mess ! """,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: to go to the mirror SRL for [kvetched]: I quietly [kvetched] to my wife that my favorite physicist was coming to town .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: quietly | ARG-2: to my wife | ARG-1: that my favorite physicist was coming to town "SRL for [volatilize]: It suggests little chlorine gas ( Cl2 ) would have been emitted during dishwasher usage , since liquid chlorine will [volatilize] when it is in the form of HOCl",ARG-1: liquid chlorine | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: when it is in the form of HOCl SRL for [wildfire]: yons and Larimer County fire crews are responding to a one - acre [wildfire] near Pinewood Reservoir in south Larimer County,ARG-2: one - acre | ARG-M-LOC: near Pinewood Reservoir | ARG-M-LOC: in south Larimer County "SRL for [ride]: Even if these super - microbes had existed on Mars , the possibility that they hitched a [ride] to Earth on meteorites is not very great either .",ARG-M-GOL: to Earth | ARG-1: on meteorites "SRL for [amendment]: First of all . as I take it from his [amendment] of S. 7 , he wants the words "" anywhere within Kenya "" deleted and the words "" within the district or area in which he is appointed "" inserted in the place thereof .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of S. 7 "SRL for [swim]: Information cells [swim] around in it , and can divide , recombine , reproduce , and copy themselves without limit , opening up entirely new possibilities for the accumulation and application of knowledge .",ARG-0: Information cells | ARG-3: around | ARG-2: in it SRL for [known]: Defendant is [known] to me and provided his name when I asked .,ARG-1: Defendant | ARG-0: to me SRL for [short]: There was an error posting your comment . Maybe it was too [short] ?,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: too "SRL for [alleviate]: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. , MCI Communications Inc. and United Telecommunications ' U S Sprint unit were blocking phone calls into the Bay area to [alleviate] congestion .","ARG-0: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. , MCI Communications Inc. and United Telecommunications ' U S Sprint unit | ARG-1: congestion" "SRL for [roll]: A shooter began his [roll] of the dice Saturday , November 15 , 2003 at approximately 11 p.m. , and did not roll a "" seven """,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the dice "SRL for [flapped]: John [flapped] his arms , trying to fly .",ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his arms | ARG-M-ADV: trying to fly SRL for [rejuvinated]: The spa [rejuvinated] Mary .,ARG-0: The spa | ARG-1: Mary SRL for [rip up]: The town hall made plans to [rip up] the stone steps on the long pathway leading up the mountainside,ARG-0: The town hall | ARG-1: the stone steps | ARG-M-LOC: on the long pathway leading up the mountainside SRL for [labeling]: We must be very cautious about [labeling] investors as `` long - term '' or `` short - term . '',ARG-0: We | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: as `` long - term '' or `` short - term "SRL for [decided]: She had thought that these stores were only crowded on the weekends , but on a rainy weekday in November she [decided] she did n't feel like cooking and went to buy some prepared foods at the RT - Mart 's deli department .",ARG-M-TMP: on a rainy weekday in November | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: she did n't feel like cooking and went to buy some prepared foods at the RT - Mart 's deli department "SRL for [recession]: Due to the US 's economic "" [recession] "" , I "" retired "" early .",ARG-1: the US 's | ARG-2: economic "SRL for [green]: The specimen is inked as follows : superior - blue , inferior - [green] , anterior - purple , deep - black , lateral - yellow , medial - orange .",ARG-1: inferior SRL for [signed up]: Whittle said its field staff [signed up] the 500 schools in 238 school districts .,ARG-0: its field staff | ARG-1: the 500 schools in 238 school districts "SRL for [chart out]: Yet , the unassuming Mr. Corry helped [chart out] USX 's transition from Big Steel to Big Oil .",ARG-0: the unassuming Mr. Corry | ARG-1: USX 's transition from Big Steel to Big Oil "SRL for [soothe]: However , at a news conference Thursday , Mrs. Aquino backed the project and said her government was attempting to [soothe] the feelings of residents at the original site , adjacent to the government 's major petroleum refinery in Bataan province .","ARG-0: her government | ARG-1: the feelings of residents at the original site , adjacent to the government 's major petroleum refinery in Bataan province" SRL for [Portrayal]: [Portrayal] of our members as disloyal to each other,ARG-1: of our members | ARG-2: as disloyal to each other SRL for [cool]: The water was [cool] but the kids went swimming ... even Mya .,ARG-1: The water "SRL for [inaction]: In the results publicly released by the Songyuan Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission , it said , in view of the illegal administrative [inaction] of Gao Yong , vice - mayor of Fuyu County and the other six people , after discussion , the standing committee of Songyuan Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission decided to deal with it ... and so on .","ARG-M-MNR: illegal | ARG-M-ADJ: administrative | ARG-0: of Gao Yong , vice - mayor of Fuyu County and the other six people" SRL for [sedation]: Does anyone know what kind of drug Dexter used for his [sedation] of his clients ?,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of his clients SRL for [let on]: The CIA was more interested than they [let on] to Mr. Stoll .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: to Mr. Stoll SRL for [promised]: The company has expressed a preference for GM over Ford because GM has [promised] it would keep Jaguar independent .,ARG-0: GM | ARG-2: it would keep Jaguar independent SRL for [exhausted]: But increasing volatility in the sector has [exhausted] investors who try to follow its dips and swings .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: increasing volatility in the sector | ARG-1: investors who try to follow its dips and swings SRL for [shrieked]: ` ` Cancer ! '' Mrs. Shaefer practically [shrieked] .,ARG-0: Mrs. Shaefer | ARG-M-MNR: practically | ARG-1: ` ` Cancer ! '' "SRL for [repay]: In all , the company hopes to [repay] $ 45 million in debt through the sales , which will completely discharge its secured debt , the company said .","ARG-0: the company | ARG-3: $ 45 million in debt | ARG-M-MNR: through the sales , which will completely discharge its secured debt" SRL for [faces]: My hotel room [faces] onto the beach .,ARG-0: My hotel room | ARG-1: onto the beach SRL for [jealous]: Sam was [jealous] of his wife 's pie,ARG-0: Sam | ARG-2: of his wife 's pie SRL for [giggled]: Mose [giggled] .,ARG-0: Mose SRL for [perception]: the public 's [perception] of Al Gore,ARG-0: the public 's | ARG-1: of Al Gore "SRL for [bear down]: Moreover , they could not secure enough force strength to [bear down] on feudal lords , so they had to allow feudal lords to continuously rule their domains .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: on feudal lords "SRL for [conclusive]: acid test - A test that is [conclusive] of the value or success of something , derived from the original use of nitric acid as a test for gold .",ARG-3: that | ARG-1: of the value or success of something "SRL for [fueling]: At a meeting Friday , the Kremlin leader complained about recent articles that raised the possiblity of civil unrest , and accused the media of [fueling] panic buying of goods by publishing stories about impending shortages .",ARG-1: panic buying of goods | ARG-2: by publishing stories about impending shortages SRL for [diagnosed]: RESEARCHERS [diagnosed] a genetic defect in a three - day - old mouse embryo in an experiment directly applicable to humans .,ARG-0: RESEARCHERS | ARG-2: a genetic defect in a three - day - old mouse embryo | ARG-M-LOC: in an experiment directly applicable to humans SRL for [led]: It was just another one of the risk factors that [led] to the company 's decision to withdraw from the bidding .,ARG-0: just another one of the risk factors | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-2: to the company 's decision to withdraw from the bidding "SRL for [chattering]: Two women , who had been [chattering] like parrots , were struck dumb .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: Two women | ARG-M-MNR: like parrots SRL for [rearing]: looks like it is [rearing] its head again in Louisiana,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its head | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-LOC: in Louisiana SRL for [mutating]: But it is [mutating] into something else ; an international sex theme park .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: into something else ; an international sex theme park SRL for [spit]: Men [spit] on Him .,ARG-0: Men | ARG-2: on Him "SRL for [ah]: Caucasians like to ooh and [ah] over a product 's finer points , while the Chinese do nothing but comment on flaws .",ARG-0: Caucasians | ARG-1: over a product 's finer points SRL for [excruciate]: A thousand dissapointments and vexations rush in and [excruciate],ARG-0: A thousand dissapointments and vexations SRL for [flamboyant]: His gear was [flamboyant] but without being so over the top . The cape was probably the biggest part of his persona .,ARG-1: His gear SRL for [bumble]: Mr. Dinkins concedes nothing in his ability to stumble and [bumble] .,ARG-0: Mr. Dinkins SRL for [summit]: A possible Israeli / Palestinian [summit] in Egypt in the next several days .,ARG-0: Israeli / Palestinian | ARG-M-LOC: in Egypt | ARG-M-TMP: in the next several days SRL for [work]: where we do all our [work] with the government,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-2: with the government | ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [clearance]: The [clearance] by the Food and Drug administration,ARG-0: by the Food and Drug administration "SRL for [thwarted]: In February 1987 , Bally [thwarted] a possible hostile takeover bid from Mr. Trump by agreeing to buy 2.6 million of Mr. Trump 's 3.1 million Bally shares for $ 83.7 million -- more than $ 18 million above market price .",ARG-M-TMP: In February 1987 | ARG-0: Bally | ARG-1: a possible hostile takeover bid from Mr. Trump | ARG-M-MNR: by agreeing to buy 2.6 million of Mr. Trump 's 3.1 million Bally shares for $ 83.7 million -- more than $ 18 million above market price SRL for [took up]: He [took up] knitting,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: knitting SRL for [mineralized]: In these caverns the bones are not [mineralized] .,ARG-M-LOC: In these caverns | ARG-1: the bones | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [manacled]: They [manacled] her to a wall .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: to a wall "SRL for [regret]: Sony hosted for a year while he was on a Luce Fellowship in Tokyo , to the [regret] of both parties",ARG-0: of both parties SRL for [heeled]: He [heeled] the horse in the ribs and it walked a few steps .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the horse | ARG-2: in the ribs SRL for [big]: It was [big] of him to help out like that .,ARG-1: of him to help out like that SRL for [oiled]: John [oiled] his hair shiny .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his hair | ARG-3: shiny SRL for [means]: What a Lien victory [means] for the New Party .,ARG-1: a Lien victory | ARG-2: What | ARG-3: for the New Party SRL for [privatize]: ... nor can the government easily back down on promised protection for a privatized company while it proceeds with controversial plans to [privatize] most of Britain 's water and electricity industries .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: most of Britain 's water and electricity industries "SRL for [faltering]: Still , with competitors such as Eastman Kodak Co. [faltering] in copier sales , Xerox 's sales increases `` were encouraging , '' says Eugene Glazer of Dean Witter Reynolds Inc.",ARG-1: competitors such as Eastman Kodak Co. | ARG-M-LOC: in copier sales SRL for [four - dimensional]: trying to picture how a [four - dimensional] object would look in a three - dimensional world is impossible,ARG-2: to | ARG-1: object SRL for [rent out]: Many photographers [rent out] darkrooms from darkroom rental businesses .,ARG-0: Many photographers | ARG-1: darkrooms | ARG-2: from darkroom rental businesses SRL for [belted]: The waist is [belted] with a matching suede sash .,ARG-1: The waist | ARG-3: with a matching suede sash SRL for [premonition]: Mostly you 'll hear about how people had a [premonition] that a big event or catastrophe was going to happen .,ARG-0: people | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: that a big event or catastrophe was going to happen "SRL for [built up]: Even Peter Lynch , manager of Fidelity 's $ 12.7 billion Magellan Fund , the nation 's largest stock fund , [built up] cash to 7 % or $ 850 million .","ARG-M-DIS: Even | ARG-0: Peter Lynch , manager of Fidelity 's $ 12.7 billion Magellan Fund , the nation 's largest stock fund | ARG-1: cash | ARG-4: to 7 % or $ 850 million" SRL for [misjudgment]: My [misjudgment] of his worth,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: of his worth SRL for [red]: The ulcer is [red] and blanchable .,ARG-1: The ulcer SRL for [tick]: 2011 crime stats [tick] up,ARG-1: 2011 crime stats | ARG-M-DIR: up SRL for [reached]: Deere & Co [reached] a tentative agreement with the machinists ' union at its Horicon Wis plant .,ARG-0: Deere & Co | ARG-1: a tentative agreement with the machinists ' union at its Horicon Wis plant SRL for [transplant]: his bone marrow [transplant],ARG-2: his | ARG-1: bone marrow "SRL for [manifested]: Alex entered first and was followed by the doctor who , for all his care , [manifested] a perceptible bulge on his left side where the hen was cradled .",ARG-M-ADV: for all his care | ARG-3: the doctor | R-ARG-3: who | ARG-1: a perceptible bulge | ARG-M-LOC: on his left side where the hen was cradled SRL for [rambled]: Bond prices [rambled] yesterday as investors kept close watch on the stock market and worried about a wave of new supply .,ARG-0: Bond prices | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-TMP: as investors kept close watch on the stock market and worried about a wave of new supply "SRL for [unconscious]: At the evening of 10th , a Porsche and a taxi collided and the taxi driver is still [unconscious] now .",ARG-1: the taxi driver | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-TMP: now "SRL for [recycles]: Ronald Sloan , executive vice president of Siebel Capital Management , likes Wellman Inc. , a company that [recycles] plastic into synthetic fibers for carpeting .",ARG-0: a company | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: plastic | ARG-2: into synthetic fibers for carpeting "SRL for [whirled]: They [whirled] and saw him , standing there dim in the slatted light from the boarded freight wall .",ARG-1: They SRL for [crush]: That promise sounds shaky now that those same leaders have fallen back on Marxist dogma and brute force to [crush] their nation 's democracy movement .,ARG-0: those same leaders | ARG-1: their nation 's democracy movement "SRL for [gouging]: What had he thought of , to go to John , grovel and beg understanding ? To confess with a canvas chair as a prie - dieu , [*-2] [gouging] at his heart until a rough and stupid hand bade him rise and go ?",ARG-1: at his heart | ARG-M-TMP: until a rough and stupid hand bade him rise and go "SRL for [reenlisted]: One guy who stayed there turned out to be prior - service , so we [reenlisted] him in our unit .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: in our unit "SRL for [bookmarked]: Also , you might want to keep this link [bookmarked] , which is an archive of the bullshit the lefties have been throwing , along with links debunking said bullshit .",ARG-2: this link SRL for [swamped]: I just heard ! Awesome dude ! It 's funny they would n't let us hire anyone and now they 're trying to find dayplayers to wrap a location because we 're [swamped] haha . See you soon buddy !,ARG-1: we "SRL for [lobular]: I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer — but it is [lobular] , not ductal .",ARG-1: it SRL for [called]: Maybe it was the umpires who [called] the game in his favor .,ARG-0: the umpires | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: the game | ARG-M-MNR: in his favor "SRL for [determined]: In light of China 's basic national condition , the Chinese government has [determined] planned parenthood and environmental protection as two basic national policies , implementing a population policy and planned parenthood program that suits China 's actual needs .",ARG-M-ADV: In light of China 's basic national condition | ARG-0: the Chinese government | ARG-1: planned parenthood and environmental protection | ARG-3: as two basic national policies | ARG-M-ADV: implementing a population policy and planned parenthood program that suits China 's actual needs SRL for [shot]: He did a [shot] of wheatgrass,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: of wheatgrass "SRL for [awakened]: Whether [awakened] to a new sense of their own bodies by popular culture , or driven to stay at the forefront of commercial fashion , contemporary men have certainly made a firm decision to make themselves more beautiful .",ARG-3: to a new sense of their own bodies | ARG-0: by popular culture SRL for [exponential]: I really can not see why at any time the algorithm would need to store an amount of nodes in memory that is [exponential] to the length of the optimal ( shortest ) path .,ARG-1: that | ARG-3: to the length of the optimal ( shortest ) path "SRL for [clotted]: Despite being on anticoagulants , the patient [clotted] severely .",ARG-1: the patient | ARG-M-ADV: severely "SRL for [recurred]: Of these forty - five cases , in ten the hernia [recurred]",ARG-1: ten | ARG-0: hernia "SRL for [sit down]: Doug Hammond , the federal mediator in Seattle , where Boeing is based , said the parties will continue to [sit down] daily until a new settlement proposal emerges or the talks break off again .",ARG-1: the parties | ARG-M-TMP: daily | ARG-M-TMP: until a new settlement proposal emerges or the talks break off again SRL for [band]: Many of the companies are even dropping their traditional independence and trying to [band] together to create some sort of standard .,ARG-1: Many of the companies | ARG-3: together | ARG-M-PNC: to create some sort of standard "SRL for [jumped]: `` This deal at Las Putas Buenas where the two knife - men [jumped] you '' , said Rourke with interest , `` that sounds like it was set up with malice aforethought by the luscious Mrs. Peralta , does n't it '' ? ?",ARG-0: the two knife - men | ARG-1: you | ARG-M-LOC: Las Putas Buenas | R-ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [sat]: Traders said most of their major institutional investors , on the other hand , [sat] tight .",ARG-1: most of their major institutional investors | ARG-M-DIS: on the other hand | ARG-M-MNR: tight SRL for [clearance]: Cray Research Inc won government [clearance] for its proposed reorganization,ARG-0: government | ARG-1: for its proposed reorganization SRL for [entitles]: Each right [entitles] the shareholder to buy $ 100 face amount of 13.5 % bonds due 1993 and warrants to buy 23.5 common shares at 30 cents a share .,ARG-0: Each right | ARG-2: the shareholder | ARG-1: to buy $ 100 face amount of 13.5 % bonds due 1993 and warrants to buy 23.5 common shares at 30 cents a share "SRL for [arbitration]: In 2002 , the Los Angeles Superior Court threw out their [arbitration] of a dispute because they had not done things ethically .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of a dispute "SRL for [run]: After six months on the [run] , Mr. Chan learned the order for hisarrest had been canceled .",ARG-M-TMP: six months "SRL for [blamed]: Fina [blamed] lower chemical prices , reduced gasoline margins and refinery maintenance shutdowns .","ARG-0: Fina | ARG-1: lower chemical prices , reduced gasoline margins and refinery maintenance shutdowns" "SRL for [trusted]: In the end , after meeting with the former housekeeper , Stevens sits by the seashore at dusk , thinking of her and of his employer , and declares `` I [trusted] .",ARG-0: I SRL for [rescan]: We will [rescan] after the fourth cycle of chemotherapy .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: after the fourth cycle of chemotherapy "SRL for [reserve]: Mr. Alito said his office `` just responded to an attorney 's question about whether we would go after attorney 's fees , and that is different from actually doing it , although we [reserve] that right . ''",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: that right "SRL for [resignation]: And I know now , as I knew then , that each heart suffered with mine the agony of the Titan in his [resignation] to fate .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to fate SRL for [ripened]: John [ripened] the green peaches in a paper bag .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the green peaches | ARG-M-LOC: in a paper bag "SRL for [slaughtered]: The war there , a direct spillover from the 1994 civil war in Rwanda , where government - led militia [slaughtered] an estimated 800,000 opposition , and opposition sympathizers in about 100 days .","ARG-M-LOC: Rwanda | ARG-0: government - led militia | ARG-1: an estimated 800,000 opposition , and opposition sympathizers | ARG-M-TMP: in about 100 days | R-ARG-M-LOC: where" SRL for [preach]: Others [preach] the gospel of buying only blue - chip growth stocks .,ARG-0: Others | ARG-1: the gospel of buying only blue - chip growth stocks SRL for [jabbered]: Helen [jabbered] her unintelligible accompaniment .,ARG-0: Helen | ARG-1: her unintelligible accompaniment SRL for [ganged]: It 's as reconfigurable as it is versatile and can be [ganged] together to create modular layouts,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-PRD: together | ARG-3: to create modular layouts "SRL for [brutalized]: Ever since war exists - meaning the dawn of time- , civilians have been [brutalized] , raped , tortured and murdered .",ARG-1: civilians | ARG-M-TMP: Ever since war exists - meaning the dawn of time- SRL for [blasted]: Kemper also [blasted] the Big Board for ignoring the interests of individual and institutional holders .,ARG-0: Kemper | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the Big Board | ARG-2: for ignoring the interests of individual and institutional holders SRL for [domesticated]: The species was [domesticated] by the ancient Egyptians and has spread all over the world .,ARG-1: The species | ARG-0: by the ancient Egyptians SRL for [c - section]: Dr. Jonas ' [c - section] on Mary was textbook .,ARG-0: Dr. Jonas ' | ARG-1: on Mary SRL for [succession]: a planned [succession] at the company,ARG-M-ADJ: planned | ARG-M-LOC: at the company SRL for [protection]: our `` earthquake '' [protection],ARG-1: our | ARG-2: earthquake "SRL for [play by play]: I 'm enjoying the [play by play] , as it were , so much that I want to see if I can go back and read the blog on the World Cup .", SRL for [sterilization]: The 1975 case Madrigal v. Quilligan challenged the state [sterilization] of Spanish speaking Mexican women who medical personnel coerced into signing English language forms that they could not read .,ARG-0: state | ARG-1: of Spanish speaking Mexican women who medical personnel coerced into signing English language forms that they could not read "SRL for [acquit]: Ultimately , that carefully picked jury deadlocked with a 10 - 2 vote to [acquit] , and the prosecution decided not to retry the case .",ARG-0: that carefully picked jury SRL for [execution]: The last federal [execution] before the Supreme Court 's 1972 ruling banning the death penalty,ARG-0: federal | ARG-M-TMP: before the Supreme Court 's 1972 ruling banning the death penalty "SRL for [financing]: So not only will the invasion create British jobs , take people off the streets , provide invaluable battle - field experience and be self - [financing] .... it could actually be PROFIT MAKING !",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-0: the invasion | ARG-1: self "SRL for [advertising]: Strolling through downtown Macau one notices prominent signs [advertising] popular Taiwanese snack - stops , like Dingtaifeng Dumpling Restaurant and Quickly Iced Drinks .","ARG-0: prominent signs | ARG-1: popular Taiwanese snack - stops , like Dingtaifeng Dumpling Restaurant and Quickly Iced Drinks" "SRL for [stammered]: Amateur linguists note here that Pursewarden , in Durrell 's Alexandria Quartet , [stammered] when he spoke of his wife , which is hardly surprising in view of their disastrous relationship .",ARG-0: Pursewarden | ARG-M-LOC: in Durrell 's Alexandria Quartet | ARG-M-TMP: when he spoke of his wife | ARG-M-ADV: which is hardly surprising in view of their disastrous relationship "SRL for [visible]: Usually this kind of event is only [visible] to us ' Ameatur model watchers ' model meaning computer model :P , but I ll share it with you .",ARG-M-ADV: Usually | ARG-1: this kind of event | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-0: to us ' Ameatur model watchers ' model meaning computer model :P SRL for [superior]: Ice cream is [superior] to frozen yogurt .,ARG-1: Ice cream | ARG-2: to frozen yogurt SRL for [tweeted]: Jabar Gaffney [tweeted] to Dallas Cowboys fans,ARG-0: Jabar Gaffney | ARG-2: to Dallas Cowboys fans SRL for [frighten]: Such disclosures of big holdings often are used by raiders to try to [frighten] a company 's managers .,ARG-0: raiders | ARG-1: a company 's managers SRL for [inject]: Analysts have estimated that Pinnacle West may have to [inject] between $ 300 million and $ 400 million into the MeraBank unit before turning the thrift over to federal regulators .,ARG-0: Pinnacle West | ARG-1: between $ 300 million and $ 400 million | ARG-2: into the MeraBank unit | ARG-M-TMP: before turning the thrift over to federal regulators "SRL for [bared]: John [bared] his arms , bulging with muscle .","ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his arms , bulging with muscle" SRL for [relationship]: His long and tortured [relationship] with Deep Throat,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-ADJ: long and tortured | ARG-2: with Deep Throat "SRL for [badmouths]: Gaddy , for example , who [badmouths] USTC students for not wanting to contribute money ...",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: Gaddy | ARG-1: USTC students | ARG-2: for not wanting to contribute money SRL for [slow]: A reinstatement of the uptick rule for program traders would [slow] their activity considerably .,ARG-0: A reinstatement of the uptick rule for program traders | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: their activity | ARG-M-EXT: considerably SRL for [dismiss]: The naming of FCB / Leber Katz Partners as agency of record for Nabisco Brands Inc. and Planters LifeSavers Co. follows RJR Nabisco 's announcement last week that it will disband its RJR Nabisco Broadcast division and [dismiss] its 14 employees Dec. 1 . to cut costs .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: its 14 employees | ARG-M-TMP: Dec. 1 | ARG-M-PRP: to cut costs SRL for [bechdel'd]: I could probably have [bechdel'd] her,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-1: her "SRL for [stimulated]: Teikoku Oil , also [stimulated] by rumors of speculative buying , advanced 100 yen to 1,460 .",ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: Teikoku Oil | ARG-0: by rumors of speculative buying SRL for [accustomed]: He started to his feet with the ready alacrity of a man whose life has [accustomed] him to wake at the shortest notice .,ARG-0: whose life | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to wake at the shortest notice "SRL for [unionized]: But from early on , Tiger 's workers [unionized] , while Federal 's never have .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: from early on | ARG-1: Tiger 's workers | ARG-M-ADV: while Federal 's never have "SRL for [precautioned]: I [precautioned] him , to be observing and circumspect , as he proceeded , to procure all the intelligence , he could , but not to be too soon alarmed .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to be observing and circumspect , as he proceeded , to procure all the intelligence , he could , but not to be too soon alarmed" SRL for [tenure]: If they do n't [tenure] you we 'll sue them .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: you SRL for [gross]: [gross] pathology,ARG-1: pathology "SRL for [curing]: Curing barns were then used to fire - curetobacco , but a dozen or so years ago tobacco [curing] technologychanged , and computers were brought in to control the process .",ARG-0: Curing barns | ARG-M-MNR: fire - | ARG-1: tobacco "SRL for [marked down]: June , an owner of a coffee stand , [marked down] the price of a latte between 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. from $ 2.00 a cup .","ARG-0: June , an owner of a coffee stand | ARG-1: the price of a latte | ARG-M-TMP: between 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. | ARG-M-DIR: from $ 2.00 a cup" "SRL for [tacked on]: On Black Monday , Oct. 19 , 1987 , the October contract [tacked on] further gains , rising to as high as $ 491.50 for a gain of almost $ 20 on top of the Friday advances , before giving up almost $ 10 of that at the close .","ARG-M-TMP: On Black Monday , Oct. 19 , 1987 | ARG-1: the October contract | ARG-2: further gains | ARG-4: rising to as high as $ 491.50 for a gain of almost $ 20 on top of the Friday advances , before giving up almost $ 10 of that at the close" SRL for [rambling]: His [rambling] of such things was normal behavior now .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of such things "SRL for [bet]: Two years ago , a Canadian reader [bet] Omni Magazine $ 1,000 that it could n't debunk the uncanny goings - on in `` the Oregon Vortex , '' a former Indian burial ground in southern Oregon .","ARG-M-TMP: Two years ago | ARG-0: a Canadian reader | ARG-3: Omni Magazine | ARG-1: $ 1,000 | ARG-2: that it could n't debunk the uncanny goings - on in `` the Oregon Vortex , '' a former Indian burial ground in southern Oregon" SRL for [immunoblotted]: TRUSS was immunoprecipitated and [immunoblotted] from HeLa cells that stably expressed Flag - TRUSS .,ARG-1: TRUSS | ARG-2: HeLa cells that stably expressed Flag - TRUSS SRL for [hassly]: The people say 3D TV is [hassly] .,ARG-0: 3D TV SRL for [interrupted]: Theodore Roosevelt 's son Quentin once [interrupted] him by dropping snakes on Dad 's desk !,ARG-0: Theodore Roosevelt 's son Quentin | ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: by dropping snakes on Dad 's desk ! SRL for [industrialize]: The Chinese problem is much greater -- it 's how to [industrialize] to begin with . '',ARG-M-ADV: to begin with SRL for [move]: a laudable [move] toward modernization,ARG-M-ADJ: laudable | ARG-1: toward modernization SRL for [inputs]: huge [inputs] of church money from South Korea and Japan,ARG-M-EXT: huge | ARG-1: of church money | ARG-0: from South Korea and Japan SRL for [suffice]: But that wo n't [suffice] .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't "SRL for [composition]: The 20 year career of songwriter Diane Warren , born in the 1950s , is described , with focus on her [composition] of award winning songs for films .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of award winning songs | ARG-2: for films "SRL for [profane]: Any Communist Party members or officials who call themselves "" princes "" are ignorant of history and culture , [profane] the Communist Party principles , insult the officers with position , disregard the people 's benefits , and individually make reckless statements and expose their own greed .","ARG-0: Any Communist Party members or officials who call themselves "" princes "" | ARG-1: the Communist Party principles" SRL for [blowing]: The wind 's [blowing] his kite into the treetops saddened little Jiminy .,ARG-0: The wind 's | ARG-1: his kite | ARG-M-DIR: into the treetops SRL for [deregulation]: Australia experienced [deregulation] of their labor market during the late 1980s,ARG-1: of their labor market SRL for [clamp down]: T - Mobile has announced that it 's going to seriously [clamp down] on any users using unauthorized methods to get around its tethering cap .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-ADV: seriously | ARG-1: on any users using unauthorized methods to get around its tethering cap SRL for [Shirr]: [Shirr] the eggs as directed .,ARG-1: the eggs | ARG-M-MNR: as directed SRL for [miffed]: I do n't know whether she was [miffed] at me for buying alcohol or she was miffed at the store for selling it to me .,ARG-1: she | ARG-0: at me | ARG-2: for buying alcohol "SRL for [spread]: Then he took a mold that had been made from the original sample , and [spread] the clay - now with the texture of pizza dough - on the outside .",ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the clay - now with the texture of pizza dough | ARG-2: on the outside SRL for [ford]: Their curiosity pushed them to build vessels that were strong enough to [ford] the open seas and reach these lands .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: vessels | ARG-1: the open seas SRL for [coldcreamed]: She [coldcreamed] her face and ran a tub .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her face "SRL for [Suffice]: [Suffice] it to say that if this were a New York Yankees - Mets series , or one between the Chicago Cubs and White Sox ( hey , it 's possible ) , you 'd need uniformed police in every other seat to separate opposing fans , and only the suicidal would bifurcate their bonnets .","ARG-0: to say that if this were a New York Yankees - Mets series , or one between the Chicago Cubs and White Sox ( hey , it 's possible ) , you 'd need uniformed police in every other seat to separate opposing fans , and only the suicidal would bifurcate their bonnets" SRL for [considered]: David Dinkins was being [considered] for a city job .,ARG-1: David Dinkins | ARG-2: for a city job "SRL for [reconnection]: SPR -LRB- subtree pruning and regrafting -RRB- , TBR -LRB- tree bisection and [reconnection] -RRB- , Swofford and Olsen",ARG-1: tree "SRL for [cooling down]: `` Options traders , arbitrage traders -- everyone , '' said Mr. Bates , [cooling down] with a carton of apple juice after the close yesterday .",ARG-1: Mr. Bates | ARG-M-MNR: with a carton of apple juice | ARG-M-TMP: after the close | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday "SRL for [consequenced]: Today his teacher [consequenced] him for "" sitting there for 20 minutes , choosing not to do his work . ""","ARG-M-TMP: Today | ARG-0: his teacher | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: for "" sitting there for 20 minutes , choosing not to do his work . """ SRL for [motorbiked]: We [motorbiked] all over the U.S. that summer .,ARG-1: We | ARG-2: all over the U.S. | ARG-M-TMP: that summer SRL for [promotion]: The [promotion] of free enterprise first in America and then abroad,ARG-1: of free enterprise | ARG-M-LOC: first in America and then abroad "SRL for [thumbed]: John [thumbed] through the dictionary , hoping to find a word he did n't already know .",ARG-0: John | ARG-1: through the dictionary | ARG-M-PRP: hoping to find a word he did n't already know SRL for [aminated]: The carbohydrate components were re - N - acetylated and then reductively [aminated] with 2-aminopyridine .,ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-M-MNR: reductively | ARG-1: The carbohydrate components | ARG-2: with 2-aminopyridine SRL for [Rhonchi]: Lungs : [Rhonchi] at bilateral bases .,ARG-2: at bilateral bases SRL for [yellow]: The paper was [yellow] with age,ARG-1: The paper | ARG-0: with age "SRL for [Conception]: Related reasons have already been offered in my papers "" Discussion on the Unification of China by Republicanism "" , "" [Conception] of Republican Unification and Rejuvenation by the Four Principles of Zhou Enlai "" , [ ... ] and "" Taiwan Is One ' Aspect ' of China 's Politics "" so I will not repeat it here .",ARG-1: of Republican Unification and Rejuvenation | ARG-M-MNR: by the Four Principles of Zhou Enlai SRL for [apprenticed]: John [apprenticed] with his father to become a carpenter .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: his father | ARG-1: to become a carpenter "SRL for [start]: "" You have to have a lot of technology already on hand before you can [start] talking about systematic integration and trying out major innovations , "" says Lee .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: talking about systematic integration and trying out major innovations "SRL for [deterioration]: If not treated , the acid [deterioration] of the esophagus may lead to cell mutations which may develop into esophageal cancer .",ARG-0: acid | ARG-1: of the esophagus "SRL for [took to heart]: When you got the Message of God we preached , you did n't pass it off as just one more human opinion , but you [took to heart] as God 's true word to you",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as God 's true word to you "SRL for [unhinged]: On Friday , the stock - index futures market was [unhinged] from the stock market when the Chicago Mercantile Exchange halted trading in Standard & Poor 's 500 futures contract -- a `` circuit breaker '' procedure instituted after the 1987 crash and implemented for the first time .",ARG-M-TMP: On Friday | ARG-1: the stock - index futures market | ARG-2: from the stock market | ARG-M-TMP: when the Chicago Mercantile Exchange halted trading in Standard & Poor 's 500 futures contract -- a `` circuit breaker '' procedure instituted after the 1987 crash and implemented for the first time SRL for [calcified]: ... the memories are [calcified] through advancing ravages of time ...,ARG-1: the memories | ARG-M-TMP: through advancing ravages of time "SRL for [carjacked]: In pretrial motions , prosecutors said Wilbourn [carjacked] a vehicle from Desric Ivory only a few minutes after the shooting",ARG-0: Wilbourn | ARG-1: a vehicle | ARG-2: from Desric Ivory | ARG-M-TMP: only a few minutes SRL for [seeing]: I was n't in a relationship with this guy but we 've been [seeing] each other .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: each other SRL for [filing]: They refused to promote Walters because of her gender and terminated her in retaliation for her [filing] of discrimination charges with the EEOC .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of discrimination charges | ARG-2: with the EEOC SRL for [dropped]: Yields on savings - type certificates of deposit [dropped] slightly last week .,ARG-1: Yields on savings - type certificates of deposit | ARG-2: slightly | ARG-M-TMP: last week SRL for [monitor]: We 're going to continue to [monitor] that story for our viewers .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: that story | ARG-2: for our viewers "SRL for [outlived]: Is it an example of "" existing infrastructure "" that is worn out and [outlived] its usefulness ?","R-ARG-1: that | ARG-1: "" existing infrastructure "" | ARG-2: its usefulness" SRL for [removing]: It includes [removing] $ 242 million in good will from the books ...,ARG-1: $ 242 million in good will | ARG-2: from the books "SRL for [save]: The purpose of the note is to provide added capital for the spun - off company in a form that will [save] it spending cash on immediate interest payments , Mr. Roulac said .",ARG-0: a form | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: spending cash on immediate interest payments SRL for [known]: I have never [known] a lady to faint in the belfry .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: a lady | ARG-2: to faint in the belfry SRL for [feud]: The debate comes as the BBC 's former director - general Greg Dyke renewed his [feud] with the Government over the David Kelly affair .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: with the Government | ARG-2: over the David Kelly affair SRL for [insurrection]: the onset of armed [insurrection] over control of the central government .,ARG-M-MNR: armed | ARG-2: over control of the central government "SRL for [stressful]: Or we may get back together , since she told me she might feel differently in the future . -LRB- ie , want me back , after a break that 's less ' [stressful] ' ; not that we ever had a stressful time .. -RRB- .",ARG-0: that | ARG-M-EXT: less SRL for [came upon]: For any who were n't already aware Huntster believes he [came upon] a sasquatch trackway ...,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a sasquatch trackway SRL for [recasting]: He first speaks his thoughts into a recorder before later [recasting] them in a written form .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: later | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: in a written form "SRL for [ransom]: It was there that English emissaries , in the shape of the abbots of Boxley and Robertsbridge , caught up with their captive King and began the long negotiations for his [ransom] and eventual release .",ARG-1: his SRL for [ruin]: Program traders argue that a reinstatement of the rule would [ruin] the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: a reinstatement of the rule | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets SRL for [blonde]: Yep I will paint get your hair colors she 's [blonde] in the example I 'm looking at,ARG-1: she | ARG-M-LOC: in the example I 'm looking at "SRL for [unfortunate]: The second motion was [unfortunate] because it boxes you in on future applications , but I see why you did it .",ARG-2: The second motion | ARG-M-CAU: because it boxes you in on future applications "SRL for [butters]: In the agitation consequent upon this incident she [butters] her bread with the lard , and takes an enormous bite on the way up stairs .",ARG-M-TMP: In the agitation consequent upon this incident | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her bread | ARG-2: with the lard "SRL for [bait]: [bait] each trap with cull apples , bread crumbs , or vegetable scraps .","ARG-1: each trap | ARG-2: with cull apples , bread crumbs , or vegetable scraps" "SRL for [Hiding out]: [Hiding out] like this wo n't get him anything , except more trouble , or a bullet '' .",ARG-M-MNR: like this SRL for [illustrates]: Jeremy Kyle [illustrates] for the New York Times ' Roots ' remake .,ARG-0: Jeremy Kyle | ARG-2: for the New York Times ' Roots ' remake SRL for [kneel]: They will [kneel] and plead for Boris ' leadership .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MOD: will SRL for [urgent]: the king 's commandment was [urgent], "SRL for [worked]: The curator , 27 - year - old Sherman Krisher of Greenwich , Conn. , had [worked] his way up from janitor in seven years at the museum .","ARG-0: The curator , 27 - year - old Sherman Krisher of Greenwich , Conn. | ARG-1: his way | ARG-3: up from janitor | ARG-M-TMP: in seven years at the museum" SRL for [simoom]: Meteorologist Brad Churchill said 60 - 80 mph [simoom] were foreseeable .,ARG-2: 60 - 80 mph "SRL for [misstates]: Neither technique is perfect , but both are better than the current system , which [misstates] the costs of new credit programs by amounts that vary substantially and average about $ 20 billion annually , according to the Congressional Budget Office .",ARG-0: the current system | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: the costs of new credit programs | ARG-M-MNR: by amounts that vary substantially and average about $ 20 billion annually SRL for [ownership]: foreign [ownership] of beachfront property,ARG-0: foreign | ARG-1: of beachfront property "SRL for [committed]: In an interview Wednesday with Dow Jones Professional Investor Report , Mr. Stevens said , `` We 're in no way [committed] to a deal going through at all .",ARG-1: We | ARG-M-MNR: in no way | ARG-2: to a deal going through at all SRL for [attentive]: He was [attentive] to her needs,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: to her needs "SRL for [ostracized]: by 2006 , his public views on race left him [ostracized] from the GOP .",ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from the GOP SRL for [dance]: One had best not [dance] on top of a coffin until the lid is sealed tightly shut . '',ARG-0: One | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-LOC: on top of a coffin | ARG-M-TMP: until the lid is sealed tightly shut "SRL for [rubbing]: The only testimony to establish the alleged accident is the statement by the deceased to his first physician , who first treated the abrasion , that he thought the abrasion was caused by his [rubbing] his toe with a towel .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: his toe | ARG-3: with a towel SRL for [overslept]: Probably ! But I [overslept] and have n't done anything I need to !,ARG-0: I SRL for [was smitten]: He [was smitten] with love for this young girl .,ARG-2: He | ARG-3: with love for this young girl SRL for [yachted]: Beyonce Knowles and Jay - Z were spotted canoodling as they [yachted] off the coast of St. Barts .,ARG-0: they | ARG-2: off the coast of St. Barts SRL for [financed]: Japanese companies have [financed] small and medium - sized US firms for years .,ARG-0: Japanese companies | ARG-1: small and medium - sized US firms | ARG-M-TMP: for years SRL for [confiscated]: A seizure also would make the case the largest -- and one of the first -- in which lawyers ' fees have been [confiscated] in a prosecution unrelated to drugs .,ARG-1: lawyers ' fees | ARG-M-LOC: in a prosecution unrelated to drugs "SRL for [extend]: `` This is the first time , if we decide to do so , for Japan to [extend] aid of this kind to Eastern European countries , '' the spokesman said .",ARG-0: Japan | ARG-1: aid of this kind | ARG-2: to Eastern European countries "SRL for [ushered]: Visitors are [ushered] into the premises by red - frocked doormen known as waiters , a reminder of the insurance market 's origins in a coffeehouse in 17th century London .",ARG-1: Visitors | ARG-2: into the premises | ARG-0: by red - frocked doormen known as waiters "SRL for [bloodshed]: Nonetheless , it is the right hour to stop the [bloodshed] in Burma .",ARG-M-LOC: Burma "SRL for [jab]: ? Check it , ? spits Cassidy with a downward [jab] through the air .",ARG-M-DIR: downward | ARG-2: through the air SRL for [treed]: An old Labrador retriever [treed] the cat in a camphor tree with a child 's swing and a tire hanging from its branches .,ARG-0: An old Labrador retriever | ARG-1: the cat | ARG-2: in a camphor tree with a child 's swing and a tire hanging from its branches "SRL for [brave]: Paris Jackson was [brave] to speak at the Michael Jackson memorial , fans say .",ARG-0: Paris Jackson | ARG-1: to speak at the Michael Jackson memorial SRL for [geared]: He 's totally [geared] to a punitive position . '',ARG-1: He | ARG-M-EXT: totally | ARG-2: to a punitive position SRL for [passed away]: but you have [ unintellegible ] Lewis Powell was one of your sources because he ' [passed away] .,ARG-1: he "SRL for [break off]: Doug Hammond , the federal mediator in Seattle , where Boeing is based , said the parties will continue to sit down daily until a new settlement proposal emerges or the talks [break off] again .",ARG-1: the talks | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [strokes]: He pampers them ; he invites them to fabulous parties ; he [strokes] them .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them SRL for [lateralize]: Hearing did not [lateralize] .,ARG-1: Hearing | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [go to trouble]: You must have had a pretty big reason to [go to trouble] of tracking me down,ARG-1: You | ARG-2: of tracking me down "SRL for [construed]: In the Lilly case , the appeals court broadly [construed] a federal statute to grant Medtronic , a medical device manufacturer , an exemption to infringe a patent under certain circumstances .","ARG-M-LOC: In the Lilly case | ARG-0: the appeals court | ARG-M-MNR: broadly | ARG-1: a federal statute to grant Medtronic , a medical device manufacturer , an exemption to infringe a patent under certain circumstances" "SRL for [plotting]: The 77 - year - old Sisulu , sentenced to life in 1964 along with black nationalist Nelson Mandela for [plotting] to overthrow the government , said equality for blacks in South Africa was in reach .",ARG-0: The 77 - year - old Sisulu | ARG-1: to overthrow the government SRL for [guffawed]: I [guffawed] at $ 375 m .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: at $ 375 m SRL for [indwells]: The Holy Spirit [indwells] the believer .,ARG-1: The Holy Spirit | ARG-2: the believer "SRL for [replenished]: The government moved aggressively to open the spigots of federal aid for victims of the California earthquake , but its reservoir of emergency funds must be [replenished] soon if the aid is to continue .",ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: its reservoir of emergency funds | ARG-M-TMP: soon | ARG-M-ADV: if the aid is to continue "SRL for [coasted]: After his decisive primary victory over Mayor Edward I. Koch in September , Mr. Dinkins [coasted] , until recently , on a quite - comfortable lead over his Republican opponent , Rudolph Giuliani , the former crime buster who has proved a something of a bust as a candidate .","ARG-M-TMP: After his decisive primary victory over Mayor Edward I. Koch in September | ARG-0: Mr. Dinkins | ARG-M-TMP: until recently | ARG-1: on a quite - comfortable lead over his Republican opponent , Rudolph Giuliani , the former crime buster who has proved a something of a bust as a candidate" "SRL for [secluded]: When the band began writing material for the new album , they [secluded] themselves in the deserts around Palm Desert .",ARG-M-TMP: When the band began writing material for the new album | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-M-LOC: in the deserts around Palm Desert SRL for [leafing]: The angry cop began [leafing] through her IDs and credit cards as if they were junk mail .,ARG-0: The angry cop | ARG-1: through her IDs and credit cards | ARG-M-MNR: as if they were junk mail "SRL for [fish or cut bait]: It 's time to [fish or cut bait] on tax reform , writes columnist and former U.S. Rep. Lee Hamilton .",ARG-1: on tax reform SRL for [sample]: We took a [sample] of the total population .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: of the total population SRL for [goose - stepped]: Italy [goose - stepped] into Ethiopia in 1935 .,ARG-1: Italy | ARG-3: into Ethiopia | ARG-M-TMP: in 1935 "SRL for [squared off]: The restyled 300ZX costs as much as $ 33,000 and is [squared off] against the Porsche 944 , which begins at $ 41,900 .","ARG-1: The restyled 300ZX | ARG-2: against the Porsche 944 , which begins at $ 41,900" SRL for [marginalizing]: The most important development in Mr. Gorbachev 's policy for [marginalizing] the opposition movement is the claim that the U.S.S.R. also suffers from terrorism .,ARG-0: Mr. Gorbachev | ARG-1: the opposition movement SRL for [camouflaged]: John [camouflaged] his car .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his car "SRL for [weathered]: Everybody 's skin was [weathered] from constant exposure to sun , smoke , and repellent ;","ARG-1: Everybody 's skin | ARG-0: from constant exposure to sun , smoke , and repellent" "SRL for [stimulate]: Unless the Federal Reserve eases interest rates soon *trace* to [stimulate] the economy , profits could remain disappointing .",ARG-1: the economy SRL for [lack]: Now he feels that he has squandered a lot of time because of vacillation and a [lack] of clear guidance .,ARG-1: of clear guidance SRL for [good]: A simple way to find out if your baking soda is still [good] .,ARG-1: your baking soda | ARG-M-TMP: still "SRL for [adventurous]: You are two years more experienced , travelled , and [adventurous] .",ARG-1: You SRL for [grouched]: The AMA clubs [grouched] about the film and the bad press it gave family oriented bike riders .,ARG-0: The AMA clubs | ARG-1: about the film and the bad press it gave family oriented bike riders SRL for [beatdown]: ... with Brown delivering a brutal and bloody [beatdown] of Rihanna as they hurtled through L.A .,ARG-0: brutal and bloody | ARG-1: of Rihanna "SRL for [finish off]: Congratulations for having Peres , and shalom to you from Sharon whose health you pray for so he can [finish off] what remains of Hamas .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: what remains of Hamas SRL for [positioned]: He attributed the unusually high volume to broad - based selling on fears that the Thatcher government may be in turmoil and Britain 's Labor Party [positioned] to regain control of the government and renew efforts at nationalization .,ARG-1: Britain 's Labor Party | ARG-2: to regain control of the government and renew efforts at nationalization "SRL for [swamp]: Last year , when the rising Orange River threatened to [swamp] the course , the same engineers who are pushing back the Atlantic rushed to build a wall to hold back the flood .",ARG-0: the rising Orange River | ARG-1: the course "SRL for [falling]: For a middle - aged person , losing one 's job is just as traumatic as a car accident , [falling] ill , the death of a spouse , or a child running away from home .",ARG-1: a middle - aged person | ARG-2: ill SRL for [blowing up]: His [blowing up] the balloons for the party was interrupted by a stampede of sheep through the courtyard .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the balloons for the party "SRL for [vulnerable]: The Dark Core is [vulnerable] to the enchanted emerald bolt effect , in that it will freeze for the rest of the kill if hit .",ARG-1: The Dark Core | ARG-2: to the enchanted emerald bolt effect | ARG-3: in that it will freeze for the rest of the kill if hit "SRL for [injunction]: In its suit , the consumer agency seeks fines of $ 1,000 per violation of the city 's Consumer Protection Law , costs of investigation , and an [injunction] to prevent Newmark & Lewis from continuing its allegedly deceptive advertising .",ARG-1: to prevent Newmark & Lewis from continuing its allegedly deceptive advertising SRL for [based]: ... a market structure [based] on such variables,ARG-1: market structure | ARG-2: on such variables "SRL for [thrust]: It more than doubled Federal 's long - term debt to $ 1.9 billion , [thrust] the company into unknown territory -- heavy cargo -- and suddenly expanded its landing rights to 21 countries from four .",ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the company | ARG-2: into unknown territory -- heavy cargo -- "SRL for [concealed]: Much of the money was fraudulently [concealed] through purchases of prime Manhattan real estate , federal prosecutors have charged .",ARG-1: Much of the money | ARG-M-MNR: fraudulently | ARG-M-MNR: through purchases of prime Manhattan real estate SRL for [investigation]: their [investigation] of the scene for physical evidence,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the scene | ARG-2: for physical evidence SRL for [warm]: I 'm tired of seeing joggers in short sleeves and shirts in January . It 's not THAT [warm] .,ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: THAT SRL for [seems]: But there is still another item that only [seems] to grow more indispensable the harder times become .,ARG-1: another item | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-2: to grow more indispensable the harder times become | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [numbering]: His [numbering] of these pages with Roman numerals is inconsistant with the rest of the document .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of these pages | ARG-2: with Roman numerals SRL for [felt]: Andrew [felt] an almost unbearable tenderness for Addiline,ARG-0: Andrew | ARG-1: an almost unbearable tenderness | ARG-2: for Addiline SRL for [pealing]: Mr. Hammond worries that old age and the flightiness of youth will diminish the ranks of the East Anglian group that keeps the Aslacton bells [pealing] .,ARG-1: the Aslacton bells SRL for [staff]: Got to [staff] all those toll booths .,ARG-1: all those toll booths "SRL for [trained]: Democrats argued that the training wage was a way of allowing employers to pay less than the minimum wage , while new workers need far less than six months to be [trained] for their jobs .",ARG-2: new workers | ARG-1: for their jobs SRL for [stands out]: One assignment [stands out] .,ARG-1: One assignment "SRL for [compound]: The proposal is just part of legislation that would require businesses to provide health benefits , an idea that is strongly opposed by small business who say it would just [compound] the insurance - cost problems .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: the insurance - cost problems "SRL for [flowed]: Last week alone , an eye - popping $ 1.6 billion [flowed] out of the junk funds , or nearly 5 % of their total assets , according to estimates by Dalbar Financial Services Inc. , a Boston research firm .","ARG-M-TMP: Last week alone | ARG-1: an eye - popping $ 1.6 billion | ARG-M-DIR: out of the junk funds | ARG-M-ADV: according to estimates by Dalbar Financial Services Inc. , a Boston research firm | C-ARG-1: or nearly 5 % of their total assets" SRL for [wild]: The raspberries were [wild] and hand picked but the blackberries were purchased on sale .,ARG-1: The raspberries "SRL for [black]: The humor was [black] and so is death , the narrator almost seemed to be annoyed with dying , like he does it every other day .",ARG-1: humor "SRL for [replastered]: After a first failed attempt at a marble faux - finish , he [replastered] posters onto the wall .",ARG-M-TMP: After a first failed attempt at a marble faux - finish | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: posters | ARG-2: onto the wall "SRL for [adhered]: Once in place , he [adhered] the scale to the slide by crushing it at one small spot against the glass .",ARG-M-TMP: Once in place | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the scale | ARG-2: to the slide | ARG-M-MNR: by crushing it at one small spot against the glass SRL for [diaper]: I [diaper] my baby in cloth and found out that the sun is the absolute best way to bleach stains out of the diapers and make them smell fresh .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my baby | ARG-2: in cloth "SRL for [run ins]: Mr. Blinder said the change was n't related to the brokerage 's recent troubles , which have included sharp declines in earnings , [run ins] with the securities regulators and lawsuits by former customers .",ARG-2: with the securities regulators "SRL for [bears]: `` ... '' said Finis Conner , chief executive officer and founder of the firm that [bears] his name .",ARG-0: the firm | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: his name "SRL for [offensive]: If a certain man is [offensive] with his swearing , or if he seems to think he is employed for his conversational talents , hecan be "" called down "" or dismissed , and that will do a lot more good than a string of rules issued on the shot - gun principle ...",ARG-0: a certain man | ARG-2: with his swearing SRL for [freckling]: No axillary or inguinal [freckling] .,ARG-M-NEG: No | ARG-1: axillary or inguinal SRL for [painless]: Many Muslims making the claim that it was done in a way that is [painless] .,ARG-0: that "SRL for [in effect]: It was before 6:30 so the early bird special was [in effect] , making the meal a tad cheaper than he 'd figured .",ARG-1: the early bird special | ARG-M-ADV: making the meal a tad cheaper than he 'd figured SRL for [swished]: Haney [swished] the liquor in the bottom of his glass .,ARG-0: Haney | ARG-1: the liquor in the bottom of his glass "SRL for [wept]: The Free French wore black arm bands , and when she sang `` J'ai deux amours '' they [wept] .",ARG-0: they SRL for [mutineed]: And why do you think Mr. Christian and the crew [mutineed] the HMS Bounty ?,ARG-0: Mr. Christian and the crew | ARG-2: the HMS Bounty SRL for [wide]: Now the wrist units at the local drugstores come with a read - out box that is too [wide] for my 5 1 / 2 inch wrist .,ARG-1: that | ARG-M-CXN: too | ARG-M-CXN: 5 1 / 2 inch wrist "SRL for [centering]: In [centering] on the disruption of a few proud local customs such as the historic homes tour and the damage to the antiquities , your reporter served to only perpetuate an outdated and stereotypically provincial view of this otherwise thriving port city .",ARG-0: your reporter | ARG-2: on the disruption of a few proud local customs such as the historic homes tour and the damage to the antiquities SRL for [waiving]: - [waiving] of application fees due to them not following their own timescale -LRB- 2 weeks on website ! -RRB- and not following ' good practice ',ARG-1: of application fees | ARG-M-CAU: due to them not following their own timescale -LRB- 2 weeks on website ! -RRB- and not following ' good practice ' SRL for [intervention]: military [intervention],ARG-0: military "SRL for [globetrotted]: He [globetrotted] from Cannes to Beverly Hills and toured the Mediterranean on his 85 - foot yacht with "" two beautiful French whores ... """,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: from Cannes | ARG-M-DIR: to Beverly Hills "SRL for [puttering]: Former President Bill Clinton spent a quiet Monday in New York City suburbs today , and if he 's at all unnerved about going from being the most powerful person on earth to [puttering] around in Chappaqua , New York , he 's not showing it .","ARG-0: he | ARG-M-DIR: around | ARG-M-LOC: in Chappaqua , New York" SRL for [renovation]: residential [renovation],ARG-1: residential SRL for [re - injection]: The producer 's [re - injection] of Anya 's voice into the mix creates even more exciting layers in the music .,ARG-0: The producer 's | ARG-1: of Anya 's voice | ARG-2: into the mix SRL for [borne out]: That was [borne out] by the Justice Department 's decision to settle the case .,ARG-1: That | ARG-0: the Justice Department 's decision to settle the case "SRL for [paint]: The allegations , ranging from theft and bribery to coercion and lewdness , [paint] a disquieting picture .",ARG-0: The allegations | ARG-M-ADV: ranging from theft and bribery to coercion and lewdness | ARG-1: a disquieting picture "SRL for [groans]: He often [groans] , he says , at the `` clutter '' of sports stories about drugs , alcohol , gambling and some player 's lament `` about the miserly millions he is offered to play the game . ''","ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-2: at the `` clutter '' of sports stories about drugs , alcohol , gambling and some player 's lament `` about the miserly millions he is offered to play the game" "SRL for [mated]: In the experiment , mice with the defective gene were [mated] .",ARG-M-LOC: In the experiment | ARG-1: mice with the defective gene "SRL for [ketchup]: Public preference is important , So product names should match up , And firms that find they 're lagging behind Should now take steps to [ketchup] !",ARG-1: steps SRL for [interception]: This would allow the monitoring and possible [interception] of any vessel within the zone .,ARG-M-ADJ: possible | ARG-1: of any vessel within the zone SRL for [was priced]: The 30 - year issue [was priced] at a spread of 57 basis points,ARG-1: The 30 - year issue | ARG-2: at a spread of 57 basis points SRL for [blessing]: Christ 's esteem for the natural institution of marriage is evident in His [blessing] of the wedding at Cana with a miracle .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the wedding at Cana | ARG-2: with a miracle "SRL for [puffing]: Not long ago an acquaintance , a slick - headed water rat of a lad up from the maw of the city , stood on the balcony [puffing] his first cigarette in weeks .","ARG-0: an acquaintance , a slick - headed water rat of a lad up from the maw of the city | ARG-1: his first cigarette in weeks" SRL for [ejaculation]: The many medications Bob was on impaired his [ejaculation] .,ARG-0: his SRL for [waitressed]: She [waitressed] night shifts while her kids slept out in the diner 's parking lot .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: night shifts | ARG-M-TMP: while her kids slept out in the diner 's parking lot SRL for [consecrated]: Four priests of the Catholic Church will be [consecrated] as bishops .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Four priests of the Catholic Church | ARG-2: as bishops "SRL for [averaged]: In October , the busiest month of the year so far , daily volume [averaged] roughly 145 million shares .","ARG-M-TMP: In October , the busiest month of the year so far | ARG-1: daily volume | ARG-2: roughly 145 million shares" "SRL for [was inked]: This cover [was inked] with a Japanese brush pen , one of those disposable types .","ARG-2: This cover | ARG-M-MNR: with a Japanese brush pen , one of those disposable types" SRL for [ambulation]: He uses a walker to assist in his [ambulation] to the bathroom .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to the bathroom SRL for [handle]: a good [handle] on things,ARG-1: on things "SRL for [wreak]: Such a situation can [wreak] havoc , as was shown by the emergency that developed in soybean futures trading this summer on the Chicago Board of Trade .",ARG-0: Such a situation | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: havoc | ARG-M-ADV: as was shown by the emergency that developed in soybean futures trading this summer on the Chicago Board of Trade SRL for [went]: Mary told mom that the dog [went] number 2 on the rug .,ARG-0: the dog | ARG-1: number 2 | ARG-M-LOC: on the rug "SRL for [marched]: As the judge [marched] down the center aisle in his flowing black robe , he was heralded by a trumpet fanfare .",ARG-0: the judge | ARG-M-DIR: down the center aisle | ARG-M-MNR: in his flowing black robe SRL for [slivered]: A major difference is that a snapped wooden pencil will have a [slivered] break while a plastic model will break cleanly .,ARG-1: break SRL for [remonstrates]: Madame does not console ; she only [remonstrates] .,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-ADV: only SRL for [hijack]: We can not le the fringes on both sides [hijack] the Supreme Court nomination process .,ARG-0: the fringes on both sides | ARG-1: the Supreme Court nomination process SRL for [figures]: *PRO* [figures] .., SRL for [pointless]: I told him that it was [pointless] of him to go to Africa and desert everybody if he was just going to come back anyway .,ARG-0: of him | ARG-1: to go to Africa and desert everybody | ARG-M-ADV: if he was just going to come back anyway SRL for [panning]: `` It 's like [panning] for gold outside of Grand Central Station .,ARG-1: for gold | ARG-M-LOC: outside of Grand Central Station SRL for [temblor]: That 4.5 [temblor] in LA a few days ago ?,ARG-2: 4.5 | ARG-1: in LA | ARG-M-TMP: a few days ago SRL for [bolstered]: London share prices were [bolstered] largely by continued gains on Wall Street and technical factors affecting demand for London 's blue - chip stocks .,ARG-1: London share prices | ARG-0: by continued gains on Wall Street and technical factors affecting demand for London 's blue - chip stocks "SRL for [embarrassing]: Two such actions , both filed earlier this year in Georgia state court in Atlanta , could be particularly [embarrassing] to the industry : both name J. Chandler Peterson , an Atlanta financial planner who is a founder and past chairman of the IAFP , as defendant .","ARG-0: Two such actions , both filed earlier this year in Georgia state court in Atlanta | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-ADV: particularly | ARG-1: to the industry" SRL for [granulate]: Sufficient water should be used *PRO* to [granulate] the dry ingredients .,ARG-1: the dry ingredients "SRL for [drink]: Jackals roam the streets at night , and gemsbok , hardy antelope with long straight horns , wander in from the desert to [drink] from water sprinklers .","ARG-0: gemsbok , hardy antelope with long straight horns | ARG-2: from water sprinklers" "SRL for [conduct]: I , for instance , was perfectly happy at Avery Fisher Hall the other day listening to Helmuth Rilling [conduct] the Messa per Rossini , a strange piece written by 13 different Italian composers to honor Rossini after his death in 1868 .","ARG-0: Helmuth Rilling | ARG-1: the Messa per Rossini , a strange piece written by 13 different Italian composers to honor Rossini after his death in 1868" "SRL for [screaming]: According to Mr. Laband , `` [screaming] '' for price controls occurs when income redistribution `` threatens to hit home . ''",ARG-1: for price controls "SRL for [go over]: While I do not underestimate the stupidity of the American voter , Romney 's Gorden Gekko greed is good past is n't going *-1 to [go over] very well this year .",ARG-M-MNR: very well | ARG-M-TMP: this year SRL for [changed hands]: 4.4 million shares [changed hands] .,ARG-1: 4.4 million shares SRL for [transfers]: His international bank [transfers],ARG-0: His | ARG-M-ADJ: international | ARG-2: bank SRL for [thresholding]: The image is the result of [thresholding] the Roberts Cross output at a value of 80 .,ARG-1: the Roberts Cross output | ARG-2: at a value of 80 SRL for [go]: The block should [go] on its side .,ARG-1: The block | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-5: on its side "SRL for [sanctions]: `` Today is not the time to signal that Congress in any way [sanctions] the dismal state into which antitrust enforcement has fallen , '' Mr. Edwards argued .",ARG-0: Congress | ARG-M-MNR: in any way | ARG-1: the dismal state into which antitrust enforcement has fallen SRL for [accepting]: The companies prevent them from [accepting] our superior cash offer .,ARG-0: them | ARG-1: our superior cash offer SRL for [takeover]: An opposition [takeover] of the company,ARG-0: An opposition | ARG-1: of the company "SRL for [calligraphy]: "" When I was little , my grandfather taught me to read Chinese poems and do [calligraphy] .",ARG-0: me | ARG-M-LVB: do SRL for [dive]: sterling 's subsequent nose - [dive],ARG-1: sterling 's | ARG-M-TMP: subsequent | ARG-M-MNR: nose SRL for [reverse]: The company is doing a complete [reverse] of its previous globalization strategy .,ARG-M-EXT: complete | ARG-1: of its previous globalization strategy SRL for [inquiry]: their [inquiry] into his activities at another savings and loan,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: into his activities at another savings and loan "SRL for [call]: Well , and then what happened was , we had a conference [call] .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-MNR: conference "SRL for [go]: Bethlehem had little choice but to [go] with a European steelmaker , because its competitors already have tapped the Japanese and South Korean industry leaders , analysts noted .",ARG-1: Bethlehem | ARG-2: with a European steelmaker "SRL for [caught]: Program trading itself is merely [caught] in the middle of this battle , unfairly labeled as the evil driving force of the marketplace .",ARG-1: Program trading itself | ARG-M-ADV: merely | ARG-M-LOC: in the middle of this battle | ARG-M-PRD: unfairly labeled as the evil driving force of the marketplace SRL for [mission]: a mercenary [mission] to Viet Nam during the war years,ARG-1: mercenary | ARG-M-GOL: to Viet Nam | ARG-M-TMP: during the war years SRL for [paled]: John [paled] when he saw his reflection in the mirror .,ARG-1: John | ARG-M-TMP: when he saw his reflection in the mirror SRL for [downregulates]: The two - handed E box binding zinc finger protein SIP1 [downregulates] E - cadherin and induces invasion .,ARG-2: The two - handed E box binding zinc finger protein SIP1 | ARG-1: E - cadherin "SRL for [exhaled]: But Clark flied out to short right field and Mitchell 's drive to left was caught on the warning track by Rickey Henderson as 62,000 sets of lungs [exhaled] as one .","ARG-0: 62,000 sets of lungs | ARG-M-MNR: as one" SRL for [care]: He now tells them of His [care] for His children .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: for His children SRL for [fettered]: They [fettered] him to her with a heavy chain .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to her | ARG-3: with a heavy chain SRL for [about to]: John was [about to] start jumping up and down ., "SRL for [faint]: If you 're feeling [faint] of heart , you 'd better hide out in the woods till he gets gone .",ARG-1: you | ARG-2: of heart "SRL for [pours]: It truly does seem that "" when it rains , it [pours] , "" for India was then visited on January 26 by its biggest earthquake in 50 years , and according to official estimates the death toll may rise to over 20,000 .",ARG-M-TMP: when it rains "SRL for [swaggering]: He behaved publicly with a cocky , [swaggering] truculence that offended their vulpine Latin minds , and behaved towards them personally with an unimpressed insolence that enraged them beneath their blandness .", SRL for [disclosed]: Documents filed with the SEC on the pending spinoff [disclosed] that Cray Research Inc. will withdraw the almost $ 100 million in financing it is providing the new firm if Mr. Cray leaves .,ARG-0: Documents filed with the SEC on the pending spinoff | ARG-1: that Cray Research Inc. will withdraw the almost $ 100 million in financing it is providing the new firm if Mr. Cray leaves SRL for [added on]: Their house was a centuries - old Colonial which they had [added on] to .,ARG-0: they | ARG-2: to | C-ARG-2: which | R-C-ARG-2: Their house SRL for [glommed]: By the time we realized she was female she 'd [glommed] especially onto my son and he to her .,ARG-M-TMP: By the time we realized she was female | ARG-0: female | ARG-M-ADV: especially | ARG-2: onto my son "SRL for [milk]: He forecasts that the emphasis in mergers and acquisitions may soon return to what he calls `` strategic deals , in which somebody is taking over a company not to [milk] the cash flow , but because it 's a good fit . ''",ARG-0: somebody | ARG-2: the cash flow "SRL for [complaints]: She has also had a few nose sores , but no other [complaints] .",ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-M-ADJ: other SRL for [allowed]: Brazilian growers wo n't be [allowed] to export sugar during the current 1989 - 1990 season .,ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Brazilian growers | C-ARG-1: to export sugar during the current 1989 - 1990 season "SRL for [crying out]: Everybody heard his [crying out] , "" I 'll never love again ! ""","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: "" I 'll never love again ! """ "SRL for [apologies]: I 've also had bids erased at the last second because the item is no longer available , and post auction [apologies] that when they came to pack it they could n't find it",ARG-M-TMP: post auction | ARG-3: that when they came to pack it they could n't find it SRL for [cuff]: Ms. Parks 's mother also gets to [cuff] Mr. Alexander .,ARG-0: Ms. Parks 's mother | ARG-1: Mr. Alexander SRL for [took]: They [took] the announcement as bad news .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the announcement | ARG-2: as bad news SRL for [was inking]: Oudin [was inking] her signature to a new endorsement deal right before the match .,ARG-0: Oudin | ARG-1: her signature | ARG-2: to a new endorsement deal | ARG-M-TMP: right before the match SRL for [nettled]: the scope of his duties [nettled] him with their seeming trivia .,ARG-0: the scope of his duties | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with their seeming trivia SRL for [influence]: Now there have subsequently been accusations that the Lebanese Hezbollah has tried to [influence] the Palestinians toward armed revolt .,ARG-0: the Lebanese Hezbollah | ARG-1: the Palestinians | ARG-2: toward armed revolt "SRL for [black]: Incidentally ; if you 're white , female , [black] , communist , jewish , whatever ; you can still not get married if you 're gay .",ARG-1: you SRL for [pithed]: The instructor usually [pithed] the frog .,ARG-0: The instructor | ARG-M-TMP: usually | ARG-1: the frog SRL for [seeded]: The Sunflowers [seeded] themselves on top of the mats .,ARG-0: The Sunflowers | ARG-2: themselves | ARG-1: on top of the mats SRL for [near]: We 're [near] a rest stop,ARG-1: We | ARG-2: a rest stop "SRL for [qualify]: Paribas said it will bid 1,850 francs a share for Navigation Mixte shares that [qualify] for a full yearly dividend ...",ARG-1: Navigation Mixte shares | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: for a full yearly dividend "SRL for [done]: When they 're [done] campaigning against motherhood , maybe the GOP will launch an attack on apple pie .",ARG-1: they | C-ARG-1: campaigning against motherhood | ARG-M-TMP: When SRL for [whelked]: The fisherman [whelked] for a living .,ARG-0: The fisherman "SRL for [works]: And by basing donations on BK Doubles , a new double - hamburger line the fast - food chain is trying to push , Burger King [works] a sales pitch into its public - service message .","ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-MNR: by basing donations on BK Doubles , a new double - hamburger line the fast - food chain is trying to push | ARG-0: Burger King | ARG-1: a sales pitch | ARG-2: into its public - service message" SRL for [snuffled]: Ferdinand [snuffled] the flowers .,ARG-0: Ferdinand | ARG-1: the flowers "SRL for [victory]: Israeli news media report the election could be held as early as May 8th or May 15th , two years after Mr. Barak 's landslide [victory] over his right - wing predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu .",ARG-0: Mr. Barak 's | ARG-3: landslide | ARG-1: over his right - wing predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu SRL for [cruel]: Superstorm Sandy was [cruel] to NYC 's elderly,ARG-0: Superstorm Sandy | ARG-2: to NYC 's elderly SRL for [satisfaction]: [satisfaction] of the requirement by testing on the subjects covered in the program,ARG-1: of the requirement | ARG-2: by testing on the subjects covered in the program "SRL for [practical]: I 'd love to have a Camry , even to lease , but I picked the Toyota Corolla , because I figured it was more [practical] for me",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-2: for me SRL for [declined]: Backlogs [declined] 0.3 %,ARG-1: Backlogs | ARG-2: 0.3 % SRL for [catch-22]: How do you overcome a [catch-22] of attracting women ?,ARG-2: of attracting women SRL for [rumpled]: She [rumpled] her face in disgust .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her face | ARG-M-CAU: in disgust "SRL for [utilize]: In addition , the two companies will develop new steam turbine technology , such as the plants ordered by Florida Power , and even [utilize] each other 's plants at times to take advantage of currency fluctuations .",ARG-M-DIS: In addition | ARG-0: the two companies | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: each other 's plants | ARG-M-TMP: at times | ARG-M-PRP: to take advantage of currency fluctuations SRL for [repackage]: It took months to [repackage] and redesign the load of high explosives that was eventually used against the ' Cole ' .,ARG-1: the load of high explosives that was eventually used against the ' Cole ' SRL for [resectable]: The recurrence in the rectum was [resectable] .,ARG-1: The recurrence in the rectum "SRL for [arrived]: But as Tan Zhiqiang points out , nearly a quarter of the residents of Macau have [arrived] from the mainland during the past ten years .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-ADV: as Tan Zhiqiang points out | ARG-1: nearly a quarter of the residents of Macau | ARG-3: from the mainland | ARG-M-TMP: during the past ten years SRL for [dewatered]: One of the plants [dewatered] the sludge .,ARG-0: One of the plants | ARG-1: the sludge SRL for [pounding]: His [pounding] the table at the U.N. was just another sign of his childish character and unwillingness to compromise .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the table | ARG-M-LOC: at the U.N. SRL for [devotion]: I would definitely love to meet a person who would and be their friend lol .... [devotion] to the next level,ARG-M-GOL: to the next level "SRL for [cryed downe]: Hence the Parliament of King James II of Scotland decreed in 1457 that "" Golfe be utterly [cryed downe] , "" so that the people might again turn their attention to the practice of archery for the defense of the realm .",ARG-1: Golfe | ARG-M-ADV: utterly SRL for [spaced]: Mary [spaced] the corn crops two feet apart .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the corn crops | ARG-2: two feet apart "SRL for [said]: But the truth is that objects [said] to attract money sell just as well in good times as bad , for when the economy is strong , people are willing to spend large sums to ensure that they can hold onto their wealth .",ARG-1: objects | ARG-3: to attract money SRL for [breastfeeding]: Ms. Jones ' [breastfeeding] of baby Squishface seemed to help his gastrointestinal issues .,ARG-0: Ms. Jones ' | ARG-2: of baby Squishface SRL for [reapportioned]: they are [reapportioned] to all recipients .,ARG-1: they | ARG-2: to all recipients SRL for [has whitewashed]: The squirrel [has whitewashed] the walls with his tail .,ARG-0: The squirrel | ARG-1: the walls | ARG-M-MNR: with his tail SRL for [relations]: our [relations] with Japan,ARG-0: our | ARG-2: with Japan "SRL for [pension off]: Michael Atherton is a superb commentator as he is articulate , amusing and very knowledgeable and I wish that they would make him the front man and [pension off] Mr Gower .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: Mr Gower "SRL for [consummated]: A unit of DPC Acquisition Partners launched a $ 10 - a - share tender offer for the shares outstanding of Dataproducts Corp. , and said it would seek to liquidate the computer - printer maker `` as soon as possible , '' even if a merger is n't [consummated] .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: a merger SRL for [imagined]: The results underscore Sears 's difficulties in implementing the `` everyday low pricing '' strategy that it [imagined] in March as part of a broad attempt to revive its retailing business .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the `` everyday low pricing '' strategy | ARG-M-TMP: in March | ARG-2: as part of a broad attempt to revive its retailing business SRL for [give]: People just have to accept that something must [give] .,ARG-1: something | ARG-M-MOD: must "SRL for [recovering]: Other lenders have been [recovering] only 50 cents to 60 cents on the dollar on foreclosed Arizona property , if they can sell it at all .",ARG-0: Other lenders | ARG-1: only 50 cents to 60 cents on the dollar | ARG-2: on foreclosed Arizona property | ARG-M-ADV: if they can sell it at all SRL for [be immunodetected]: Only traces of D1 protein could [be immunodetected] from the membranes of the LC strain .,ARG-1: Only traces of D1 protein | ARG-2: from the membranes of the LC strain SRL for [boil]: The family enjoyed a traditional Louisiana seafood [boil] on the beach .,ARG-M-MNR: traditional | ARG-M-ADJ: Louisiana | ARG-1: seafood SRL for [hang on]: Then you-1 are asked [*-1]-2 *PRO*-2 to [hang on] for the next available consultant .,ARG-2: for the next available consultant "SRL for [sold off]: He [sold off] the US$ 200 check that had been provided for his airfare , bought a ticket for travel between Keelung and Kobe by ship , and handed the balance to his father .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the US$ 200 check that had been provided for his airfare SRL for [double]: New research from MIT shows that the Earth 's geomagnetic field intensity is [double] the long - term historical average,ARG-1: the Earth 's geomagnetic field intensity | ARG-2: the long - term historical average "SRL for [pain]: she denies any significant peripheral neuropathy , abdominal [pain]",ARG-1: abdominal "SRL for [aggravated]: The Health Insurance Association of America , an insurers ' trade group , acknowledges that stiff competition among its members to insure businesses likely to be good risks during the first year of coverage has [aggravated] the problem in the small - business market .",ARG-0: stiff competition among its members to insure businesses likely to be good risks during the first year of coverage | ARG-1: the problem in the small - business market SRL for [open]: the road is [open] to traffic,ARG-1: the road | ARG-3: to traffic "SRL for [clash]: The [clash] of steel against shield , crackling magics cast by wizards , arcane Dwarven technology , sinister Skaven , and many more !",ARG-1: of steel | ARG-2: against shield SRL for [reviewed]: I have [reviewed] these findings with the patient .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: these findings | ARG-2: with the patient SRL for [respond]: People familiar with Nekoosa said its board is n't likely to meet before the week after next to [respond] to the bid .,ARG-0: its board | ARG-1: to the bid SRL for [valued]: Advertising time will be [valued] at more than $ 75 million in 1990 and $ 150 million in 1991 .,ARG-1: Advertising time | ARG-2: at more than $ 75 million | ARG-M-TMP: in 1990 SRL for [know]: I [know] a lot about London . ( I have read much about it . ),ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a lot | ARG-2: about London "SRL for [ignorant]: I shall content myself by simply saying that you are utterly [ignorant] of where Stilly might have been , and what his experiences or feelings might be , nor do I see his whereabouts as forming the basis of any rational argument .","ARG-1: you | ARG-M-EXT: utterly | ARG-2: of where Stilly might have been , and what his experiences or feelings might be" SRL for [recombine]: Information cells can [recombine] themselves without limit .,ARG-0: Information cells | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-M-MNR: without limit SRL for [stuffed]: Another she [stuffed] with eight `` rectilinear hedges '' for a topiary geometry lesson in the right - angling of plants .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: Another | ARG-2: with eight `` rectilinear hedges '' | ARG-M-PNC: for a topiary geometry lesson in the right - angling of plants "SRL for [playing]: And Eagan is the only American ever to have won four all Ireland championships , for banjo , tin whistle , flute and mandolin [playing] .","ARG-2: banjo , tin whistle , flute and mandolin" "SRL for [shit]: This apparantly caused a whole lot of tightly packed cows to suddenly and simultaneously group - [shit] themselves , as we were instantly enveloped in the mother of all shit storms .",ARG-0: a whole lot of tightly packed cows | ARG-M-MNR: suddenly | ARG-M-MNR: simultaneously | ARG-M-MNR: group | ARG-M-REC: themselves | ARG-M-TMP: as we were instantly enveloped in the mother of all shit storms SRL for [dry]: A ' dry cough ' is [dry] of mucus .,ARG-1: A ' dry cough ' | ARG-2: of mucus "SRL for [procedures]: the exchange 's trading [procedures] , personnel , equipment and links with other exchanges",ARG-0: the exchange 's | ARG-1: trading SRL for [complicate]: The new round of bidding would seem to [complicate] the decision making for Judge James Yacos .,ARG-0: The new round of bidding | ARG-1: the decision making | ARG-2: for Judge James Yacos SRL for [broken up]: Mr. Icahn has said he believes USX would be worth more if [broken up] into steel and energy segments .,ARG-1: USX | ARG-2: into steel and energy segments "SRL for [tired]: They traveled all day , and the speed and jolting motion of the train greatly [tired] Him , so His attendants begged Him to stop and rest ...",ARG-0: the speed and jolting motion of the train | ARG-M-EXT: greatly | ARG-1: Him "SRL for [itching]: From the way the wound in his head was [itching] , Dan knew that it would heal .",ARG-1: the wound in his head | ARG-M-MNR: the way "SRL for [practice]: Chinese people emphasize the difference between statesmanship and hegemony , believing in the philosophy that a government which employs benevolence "" will please those near and appeal to those from afar , "" and "" when those from afar will not submit , then one must [practice] kindness and virtue to attract them . """,ARG-M-TMP: when those from afar will not submit | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-0: one | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: kindness and virtue | ARG-M-PRP: to attract them "SRL for [just]: Thus , it is [just] and needed for the US to impose such sanctions on Iran .",ARG-M-DIS: Thus | ARG-1: for the US to impose such sanctions on Iran SRL for [scapegoat]: I just hope they do n't try to [scapegoat] these boys for acting badly in a reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaal goddamn bad situation .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: these boys | ARG-2: for acting badly in a reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaal goddamn bad situation "SRL for [tanned]: At the ritzy Fashion Island Shopping Center , the [tanned] and elegant ladies of this wealthy Southern California beach community disembark from their Mercedes - Benzes and BMWs for another day of exercising their credit cards .",ARG-1: ladies "SRL for [famed]: And we meet engaging crooks , such as Hassan `` the Head , '' [famed] for his head - butting fights , his whoring and his hashish .","ARG-1: Hassan `` the Head , '' | ARG-2: for his head - butting fights , his whoring and his hashish" "SRL for [rugged]: Most GS gear was [rugged] and designed to last forever in long - term storage , but because the older something got the greater the likelihood of a malfunction ,",ARG-1: Most GS gear "SRL for [appraises]: The committee [appraises] works for artistic quality , suitability for the location , safety and feasibility .","ARG-0: The committee | ARG-1: works | ARG-2: for artistic quality , suitability for the location , safety and feasibility" SRL for [addition]: The [addition] of 5 to 4 equals 9 .,ARG-1: of 5 | ARG-2: to 4 "SRL for [wander]: Indeed , one of his first actions as leader was to visit a gritty machine factory on the outskirts of Berlin and [wander] among the workers -- a la Gorbachev .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: among the workers | ARG-M-MNR: a la Gorbachev SRL for [starting]: He was entertained to a banquet at the Reform Club to celebrate his [starting] of the London Review in 1860 .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the London Review SRL for [failed]: My car [failed] on me this morning .,ARG-1: My car | ARG-3: on me | ARG-M-TMP: this morning SRL for [perfection]: The [perfection] of beauty is a neverending quest for some .,ARG-1: of beauty "SRL for [Hush]: "" [Hush] now , as I turn out the light "" .",ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-M-PRD: as I turn out the light "SRL for [zoom out]: The Zoom Out tool is used to [zoom out] from a map , click on a location on the map , and the zoom level will increase to double the current level .",ARG-1: the view | ARG-2: from a map "SRL for [hanging]: That 's , in fact , a part of the point of his [hanging] it on the wall .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: on the wall SRL for [set upon]: Once she told us about the time she was [set upon] by a robber at a beauty parlor,ARG-0: by a robber | ARG-1: she | ARG-M-LOC: at a beauty parlor | ARG-M-TMP: the time "SRL for [clueless]: Several of us A2K'ers have created a support group to painlessly guide you towards appearing knowledgeable even if , like many of us , you are [clueless] .",ARG-M-MNR: like many of us | ARG-1: you "SRL for [denigrates]: At the same time , it also actually [denigrates] Japan 's image .",ARG-M-TMP: At the same time | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-1: Japan 's image "SRL for [dissented]: Fed Vice Chairman Manuel Johnson , who had [dissented] from the Treasury 's policy , told lawmakers , `` I became convinced about what looked to me like an attempt to push the dollar down against the fundamentals in the market . ''",ARG-0: Fed Vice Chairman Manuel Johnson | ARG-1: from the Treasury 's policy | R-ARG-0: who "SRL for [journey]: Giffen had already urged him to [journey] south , if only for a few days to clear up matters .",ARG-0: him | ARG-M-DIR: south | ARG-M-ADV: if only for a few days | ARG-M-PNC: to clear up matters "SRL for [ankylosing]: For example , [ankylosing] of the spine from rheumatoid arthritis would be rated as 5002 - 5240 .",ARG-1: of the spine | ARG-0: from rheumatoid arthritis "SRL for [hounded]: In testimony recorded in the grand jury report , court employees said the judge , now 59 years old , harassed his secretaries , made imperial demands on his staff and [hounded] anyone who crossed him .","ARG-0: the judge , now 59 years old | ARG-1: anyone who crossed him" "SRL for [shining]: Currently , chips are produced by [shining] light through a mask to produce an image on the chip , much as a camera produces an image on film .","ARG-1: light | ARG-M-DIR: through a mask | ARG-M-PRP: to produce an image on the chip , much as a camera produces an image on film" SRL for [self - conscious]: I am [self - conscious] of my voice .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: of my voice "SRL for [mass - produced]: The test and Learning Materials are both [mass - produced] by the same company , Macmillan / McGraw - Hill .","ARG-1: The test and Learning Materials | ARG-M-DIS: both | ARG-0: by the same company , Macmillan / McGraw - Hill" SRL for [go]: Georgia Gulf will [go] private .,ARG-1: Georgia Gulf | ARG-2: private SRL for [incontinence]: She denies fecal [incontinence],ARG-2: fecal SRL for [flood]: the selling [flood],ARG-2: selling SRL for [hopping]: I got an email from Christina that stressed me out & she 's been ignoring my q about how many credits I have . I 'm looking forward to museum [hopping] on Sat !,ARG-3: museum SRL for [reporting]: The inconsistencies in Dorner 's various explanations as to why there was a delay in his [reporting] the alleged kicks to a supervisor,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the alleged kicks | ARG-2: to a supervisor SRL for [loss]: so sorry for your [loss],ARG-0: your SRL for [singing]: Whitney Houston 's [singing] of the national anthem at Super Bowl XXV is largely regarded as its best vocal rendition .,ARG-0: Whitney Houston 's | ARG-1: of the national anthem | ARG-M-LOC: at Super Bowl XXV "SRL for [clerked]: Following graduation , he [clerked] for the Honorable Edward Weinfeld of the U.S. District Court .",ARG-M-TMP: Following graduation | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: for the Honorable Edward Weinfeld of the U.S. District Court "SRL for [bruised]: NO MORE STUBBED toes or [bruised] shins , promises Geste Corp. of Goshen , Ind. , the designer of a bed support to replace traditional frames .",ARG-1: shins SRL for [epimutation]: germline [epimutation],ARG-1: germline SRL for [sleeting]: It was [sleeting] outside .,ARG-M-LOC: outside SRL for [pulpation]: the [pulpation] of tissue,ARG-1: of tissue SRL for [Noncontributory]: [Noncontributory] ., SRL for [debilitating]: The idea of a single [debilitating] strike on Iran that will stop it ever being able to strike back is going to be very very tempting for Israel .,ARG-0: strike "SRL for [allegiant]: That is to say , the existing political mechanism of Syria allows Bashar to basically have a secure position , besides the tightly organized Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party being totally docile , subservient and obedient to Bashar , the existing army are largely [allegiant] to Syria 's current regime ,","ARG-M-ADV: besides the tightly organized Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party being totally docile , subservient and obedient to Bashar | ARG-1: the existing army | ARG-M-EXT: largely | ARG-2: to Syria 's current regime" SRL for [done for]: You are [done for] !,ARG-1: You "SRL for [unsupervised]: Now , the newest nuclear reactor in the world can remain safe even if it has been [unsupervised] for 36 hours after an emergency stop .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: for 36 hours | ARG-M-TMP: after an emergency stop "SRL for [mashed]: There was to be roast chicken with dressing , giblet gravy , asparagus , new peas with a sprig of mint , creamed onions , and [mashed] potatoes -- all chosen , prepared , and cooked by Viola herself .",ARG-1: potatoes "SRL for [sprang to mind]: Musical ideas [sprang to mind] like a flight of butterflies , and all I had to do was to stretch out my hand to catch them . "" - Charles Gounod .",ARG-2: Musical ideas | ARG-1: my | ARG-M-MNR: like a flight of butterflies SRL for [same]: People are the [same] everywhere .,ARG-1: People | ARG-M-LOC: everywhere SRL for [give]: The Beatles [give] way to baseball in the Nipponese version .,ARG-0: The Beatles | ARG-1: way | ARG-2: to baseball "SRL for [umpired]: In Milwaukee , Joe West [umpired] his 4000th major league game .",ARG-M-LOC: In Milwaukee | ARG-0: Joe West | ARG-1: his 4000th major league game "SRL for [malabsorption]: This impedes his body 's ability to repair the lining of the GI tract , which serves only to exacerbate his [malabsorption] of nutrients .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of nutrients "SRL for [reinforced]: Graham Beale , manager of foreign - exchange operations at Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp. in New York , added that Mrs. Thatcher 's comments [reinforced] the market 's growing confidence about sterling and compounded the unit 's later decline .",ARG-0: Mrs. Thatcher 's comments | ARG-1: the market 's growing confidence about sterling "SRL for [guide]: Several of us A2K'ers have created a support group to painlessly [guide] you towards appearing knowledgeable even if , like many of us , you are clueless .","ARG-0: a support group | ARG-M-MNR: painlessly | ARG-1: you | ARG-M-GOL: towards appearing knowledgeable even if , like many of us , you are clueless" SRL for [plain]: He was [plain] of dress .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: of dress "SRL for [backburn]: ' Simmo , I want you to go to the intersection near the houses and do a [backburn] to clear the east side of the road .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-PRP: to clear the east side of the road "SRL for [ignoring]: Susan Del Signore , head trader at Travelers Investment Management Co. , says critics are [ignoring] `` the role the ( takeover stock ) speculator is taking in the market as a source of volatility . ''",ARG-0: critics | ARG-1: the role the ( takeover stock ) speculator is taking in the market SRL for [spent]: Man ! I am completely [spent] from that basketball game !,ARG-M-DIS: Man ! | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-2: from that basketball game "SRL for [assemble]: You can [assemble] a computer completely from parts made within 50 kilometers . """,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: a computer | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-2: from parts made within 50 kilometers "SRL for [commissioned]: To find out why , the group recently [commissioned] a study of the past 20 years of bowling - related research .",ARG-0: the group | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: a study of the past 20 years of bowling - related research SRL for [shelled]: John [shelled] peanuts in Mary 's bed .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: peanuts | ARG-M-LOC: in Mary 's bed SRL for [popping]: His [popping] the balloon frightened the dog .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the balloon SRL for [deal]: a plea [deal],ARG-2: plea "SRL for [Thank]: `` [Thank] God we have some deal on the table , '' said Stewart Gilchrist , a director at Scottish Amicable Investment Managers , which intends to vote its roughly 1 % stake in favor of the restructuring .",ARG-1: God | ARG-2: we have some deal on the table SRL for [SPEAKING]: I was surprised by HIS [SPEAKING] German so fluently .,ARG-0: HIS | ARG-3: German | ARG-M-MNR: so fluently "SRL for [processes]: Michael , which also [processes] potatoes , still relies on spuds for about a fourth of its sales and nearly half its pretax profit .",ARG-0: Michael | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: potatoes SRL for [misapprehended]: He [misapprehended] the nature of the argument,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the nature of the argument "SRL for [auguster]: Now , it will [auguster] into the surface of the Red Planet and put those samples into various scientific instruments .",ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: into the surface of the Red Planet SRL for [alike]: Yea . She 's my godmom . We 're extremely [alike] it 's scary .,ARG-1: We | ARG-M-EXT: extremely SRL for [stigmatized]: they [stigmatized] him for an atheist,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for an atheist "SRL for [yammered on]: She [yammered on] about "" do you trust this administration "" , and spewed more right - wing , bizarro - world talking points .","ARG-0: She | ARG-1: about "" do you trust this administration """ "SRL for [televised]: A crowd estimated at 100,000 held a torch - lit march through Budapest as Acting President Szuros delivered a nationally [televised] address rejecting communist dominance .",ARG-M-LOC: nationally | ARG-1: address "SRL for [rerun]: If we [rerun] the 2004 elections , its going to be like Groundhog 's Day .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the 2004 elections SRL for [oversubscribed]: The smaller portions of $ 750 million each of five - year and 10 - year bonds have already been substantially [oversubscribed] .,ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-M-EXT: substantially | ARG-1: The smaller portions of $ 750 million each of five - year and 10 - year bonds "SRL for [replaster]: Their clients can find temporary living quarters , buy food , replace lost clothing , repair broken water heaters , and [replaster] walls .",ARG-0: Their clients | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: walls SRL for [reinserted]: Dr. Rollins [reinserted] the stent into the patient 's narrowed artery .,ARG-0: Dr. Rollins | ARG-1: the stent | ARG-2: into the patient 's narrowed artery SRL for [aggressive]: Patient requires [aggressive] IV fluid resuscitation .,ARG-0: IV fluid resuscitation SRL for [evolved]: Pitney Bowes acquired the core of what *trace* [evolved] into Wheeler Group in 1979 by buying Dictaphone Corp.,ARG-2: into Wheeler Group "SRL for [murdered]: To quote the highly regarded director of a privately funded drop - in center for the homeless in New York : `` If you 're homeless , you do n't sleep for fear of being robbed or [murdered] .",ARG-1: you SRL for [fault]: I do n't [fault] the landowners for trying .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the landowners | ARG-2: for trying "SRL for [progressing]: It often is preceded by the development of polyps in the bowel , which in some cases become increasingly malignantin identifiable stages -- [progressing] from less severe to deadly -- as though a cascade of genetic damage might be occurring .",ARG-1: polyps | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-3: from less severe | ARG-4: to deadly "SRL for [loosen up]: But if East Germany 's arthritic Politburo does [loosen up] enough to permit Mr. Krenz to make serious efforts at reform , he will face a challenge just as fundamental .",ARG-1: East Germany 's arthritic Politburo | ARG-M-EXT: enough to permit Mr. Krenz to make serious efforts at reform SRL for [re - emerge]: PS of New Hampshire will [re - emerge] from bankruptcy proceedings .,ARG-0: PS of New Hampshire | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: from bankruptcy proceedings SRL for [snowing]: He was mildly surprised to find it was [snowing] ., SRL for [services]: a company that provides disaster recovery [services] for computer - dependent businesses,ARG-1: disaster recovery | ARG-2: for computer - dependent businesses SRL for [gravitates]: He [gravitates] directly to poetry .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: directly | ARG-1: to poetry SRL for [draw down]: The USN is also attempting to fast - track its Seabasing platforms which theoretically would make - up for the [draw down] in legacy amphibious warfare platforms .,ARG-1: in legacy amphibious warfare platforms "SRL for [complicated]: The position is [complicated] for me by the fact that I really began to write novels , not out of any spiritual urgency , but in order to earn money .","ARG-1: The position | ARG-2: for me | ARG-0: by the fact that I really began to write novels , not out of any spiritual urgency , but in order to earn money" "SRL for [trick]: When Isabella ( Ellen Lauren ) confronts her brother Claudio ( Matt Loney ) in his cell , explaining the price she has been asked to secure his freedom ; when Isabella and the disguised Duke ( Philip Kerr ) conspire to [trick] Angelo ; and when Mariana ( Annalee Jefferies ) , a woman wronged by Angelo , confronts him with his past misdeeds , the performers bring the dramatic high points to life with intense energy and intelligence .",ARG-0: Isabella and the disguised Duke ( Philip Kerr ) | ARG-1: Angelo SRL for [seen]: But recently many people who are not ordinarily superstitious have sought the services of fortunetellers when they 've [seen] the value of their stocks decline .,ARG-M-TMP: when | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the value of their stocks decline SRL for [onlooking]: Dr. Doojin Vak with safety glasses [onlooking] at the machine that prints flexible solar panels .,ARG-0: Dr. Doojin Vak with safety glasses | ARG-1: at the machine that prints flexible solar panels SRL for [transform]: Customers [transform] from borrowers to savers / investors .,ARG-1: Customers | ARG-3: from borrowers | ARG-2: to savers / investors "SRL for [ghosted]: The Times [ghosted] the watered - down "" tell - all . ""","ARG-0: The Times | ARG-1: the watered - down "" tell - all . """ "SRL for [accused]: The legal code of the Qing dynasty -LRB- 1644 - 1911 -RRB- stated that where parents brought charges against their offspring , the [accused] were automatically considered guilty and there was no need for a formal trial .", SRL for [confused]: Mate you are all [confused] .,ARG-M-DIS: Mate | ARG-1: you SRL for [have transmigrated]: Numerous neutrophils [have transmigrated] across the crypt epithelium ( E ) and have collected within the crypt lumen ( L ) .,ARG-0: Numerous neutrophils | ARG-1: across the crypt epithelium ( E ) "SRL for [discount]: Considering the prices , uh , people feel that a [discount] of over 20,000 Yuan in this period is quite appropriate .","ARG-2: of over 20,000 Yuan" SRL for [awkward]: I am [awkward] at anything resembling line dancing .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: at anything resembling line dancing "SRL for [biphasic]: In short photoperiods , human sleep is [biphasic] .",ARG-1: human sleep "SRL for [tweaking]: When I-2 went to my classes PRO-2 [tweaking] , I paid more attention to what was going on in class .",ARG-1: PRO-2 "SRL for [beset]: Wang Laboratories Inc. , Lowell , Mass. , [beset] by declining demand for its computers , reported a $ 62.1 million , 38 - cents - a - share loss in its first quarter ended Sept. 30 .","ARG-1: Wang Laboratories Inc. , Lowell , Mass. | ARG-0: by declining demand for its computers" SRL for [morphs]: Now let me show you a bit of a new ad that the Lamont campaign is airing which [morphs] Joe Leiberman wiht uh pictures of President Bush .,R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: a new ad that the Lamont campaign is airing | ARG-1: Joe Leiberman | ARG-M-MNR: wiht uh pictures of President Bush SRL for [overdue]: She is 3 weeks [overdue] ( to give birth ),ARG-1: She | ARG-M-EXT: 3 weeks | ARG-2: ( to give birth ) SRL for [force]: Commonwealth Edison said the ruling could [force] it to slash its 1989 earnings by $ 1.55 a share .,ARG-0: the ruling | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to slash its 1989 earnings by $ 1.55 a share "SRL for [sporting]: They 're hiring models to stroll the aisles [sporting] their jewels , and they 're even beginning to borrow a perennial favorite of the beauty business -- offering a gift when consumers make a purchase .",ARG-0: models | ARG-1: their jewels SRL for [sundered]: The claymore [sundered] .,ARG-1: The claymore SRL for [departure]: his [departure] to India for the IPL,ARG-1: to India | ARG-M-PRP: for the IPL "SRL for [imposed]: Among other reasons , high fees regulators [imposed] on certain transfers of thrift deposits to commercial banks `` substantially altered the economics of the transaction for both parties , '' Poughkeepsie said .",ARG-0: regulators | ARG-1: high fees | ARG-2: on certain transfers of thrift deposits to commercial banks SRL for [foreign]: There is a prominent [foreign] body reaction within the small - bowel .,ARG-1: body SRL for [assembly]: It required days to transform his [assembly] of casual auxiliaries into a semblance of the efficient righting force he had professed to lead .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of casual auxiliaries | ARG-2: into a semblance of the efficient righting force he had professed to lead SRL for [defibrillation]: The nurse 's [defibrillation] of the cardiac patient with an AED bought them some time .,ARG-0: The nurse 's | ARG-1: of the cardiac patient | ARG-2: with an AED SRL for [gestured]: Silences were lengthy -- nobody moved or [gestured] .,ARG-0: nobody "SRL for [convicted]: Despite the strong evidence against Mrs. Yeargin , popular sentiment was so strong in her favor , Mrs. Ward says , that `` I 'm afraid a jury would n't have [convicted] her .",ARG-0: a jury | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: her SRL for [financing]: It said it will also offer buyers the option of [financing] as low as 6.9 % on 24 - month loans .,ARG-3: as low as 6.9 % | ARG-1: on 24 - month loans SRL for [check]: The river put a [check] to the bloodhounds ' tracking of the prisoner 's scent .,ARG-1: to the bloodhounds ' tracking of the prisoner 's scent SRL for [serious]: that was a tongue in cheek remark i was nt being entirely [serious] .,ARG-1: i | ARG-M-NEG: nt | ARG-M-EXT: entirely SRL for [compares]: This [compares] with estimates that the US market is 4x as large as my house .,ARG-1: This | ARG-2: with estimates that the US market is 4x as large as my house SRL for [stuccoed]: The exterior of the house was [stuccoed] with umber - colored plaster applied in broad sweeps to look old and somewhat weatherworn .,ARG-1: The exterior of the house | ARG-2: with umber - colored plaster applied in broad sweeps to look old and somewhat weatherworn SRL for [refereed]: He [refereed] one of the semi - finals of the CAF Champions League in 2008 and 2009 .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: one of the semi - finals of the CAF Champions League | ARG-M-TMP: in 2008 and 2009 SRL for [delusters]: Titanium dioxide [delusters] the fibers .,ARG-0: Titanium dioxide | ARG-1: the fibers SRL for [deboned]: They have [deboned] it of its nonesense .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: of its nonesense SRL for [destress]: I helped * to [destress] the rest of the house so I could calm down .,ARG-1: the rest of the house | ARG-M-PRP: so I could calm down SRL for [glorified]: The deeds of countless western bandits and outlaws have been [glorified] almost to the point of hero - worship ...,ARG-1: The deeds of countless western bandits and outlaws | ARG-M-MNR: almost to the point of hero - worship SRL for [fly]: He will [fly] to San Francisco on the afternoon of the 20th to participate in another round of speeches .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-GOL: to San Francisco | ARG-M-TMP: on the afternoon of the 20th | ARG-M-PRP: to participate in another round of speeches SRL for [pinked]: I should n't be none s'prised if my bullet [pinked] him .,ARG-2: my bullet | ARG-1: him "SRL for [remade]: Like Lebanon , Israel is being [remade] by demography .",ARG-M-DIS: Like Lebanon | ARG-1: Israel | ARG-0: by demography "SRL for [pouring]: Billions of investors ' dollars are [pouring] out of the nation 's junk - bond mutual funds , undermining a pillar of support in the already reeling junk market .",ARG-1: Billions of investors ' dollars | ARG-2: out of the nation 's junk - bond mutual funds | ARG-M-ADV: undermining a pillar of support in the already reeling junk market SRL for [guarding]: abdominal [guarding],ARG-0: abdominal "SRL for [ally]: Perhaps even more offensive is the statement , `` It is surprising that George Bush and the White House inner circle would [ally] themselves with this crabby philosophy . ''",ARG-0: George Bush and the White House inner circle | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: with this crabby philosophy SRL for [Welcome]: [Welcome] to the ends of the earth,ARG-2: to the ends of the earth "SRL for [deter]: Greece and Turkey , for example , are suspected of overstating their arsenals in hopes that they can emerge from the arms - reduction treaty with large remaining forces to [deter] each other .",ARG-3: large remaining forces | ARG-1: each other SRL for [photocoagulated]: Both sites were [photocoagulated] after biopsies were taken .,ARG-M-TMP: after biopsies were taken | ARG-1: Both sites SRL for [good]: Is Mianmian 's tummy [good] now ? Will eat now ! ! !,ARG-1: Mianmian 's tummy | ARG-M-TMP: now SRL for [whistleblowing]: Peter Dale Scott includes an account of how Terrell 's [whistleblowing] was stifled by them in his book Cocaine Politics .,ARG-0: Terrell 's "SRL for [slowing]: As well , digoxin has important effects on the autonomic nervous system , including a vagotonic property that accounts for its [slowing] of heart rate .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of heart rate SRL for [relax]: Ford is willing to bid for 100 % of Jaguar 's shares if both the government and Jaguar shareholders agree to [relax] the anti - takeover barrier prematurely .,ARG-0: both the government and Jaguar shareholders | ARG-1: the anti - takeover barrier | ARG-M-TMP: prematurely SRL for [rear]: Who dares wields his sword and makes his horse [rear] ?,ARG-0: his horse SRL for [consider]: ... to encourage good students to [consider] teaching as a career .,ARG-0: good students | ARG-1: teaching | ARG-2: as a career SRL for [shaming]: John 's [shaming] his family with his poor performance at the Olympics bought him a trip home alone .,ARG-0: John 's | ARG-1: his family | ARG-2: with his poor performance at the Olympics SRL for [jack]: In this hard economic times is very important to save money Very reasonable prices top quality work The owner operator he does all the the work with Helpers very friendly I definitely recommend this this guys Do n't get [jack] by big companies that they pay a lot of money to be on top of the list Thanks,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-0: by big companies that they pay a lot of money to be on top of the list SRL for [treat]: These [treat] personal money management as a serious life skill that all modern people should know .,ARG-0: These | ARG-1: personal money management | ARG-2: as a serious life skill that all modern people should know "SRL for [buy outs]: -- Prevent companies that have made leveraged [buy outs] from getting federal tax refunds resulting from losses caused by interest payments on debt issued to finance the buy - outs , effective Aug. 2 , 1989 .",ARG-0: companies | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-ADJ: leveraged SRL for [Insolation]: [Insolation] of all locations on the globe .,ARG-1: of all locations on the globe "SRL for [dilates]: Under the excitement of caresses and sexual stimulation the vagina relaxes and [dilates] and the local moisture greatly increases , providing an excellent lubricant to help achieve an easier penetration .",ARG-1: the vagina "SRL for [collection]: His [collection] of essays from Central Europe , When History Enters the House , was published in 1998 .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of essays | ARG-2: from Central Europe SRL for [leap]: Following the [leap] in the Consumer Prices Index ( CPI ) from 2.2 % to 3 % in April the CPI has risen to 3.3 % in May.,ARG-1: in the Consumer Prices Index ( CPI ) | ARG-3: from 2.2 % | ARG-4: to 3 % | ARG-M-TMP: in April SRL for [hangared]: Mary [hangared] her plane for the winter .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: her plane | ARG-M-TMP: for the winter SRL for [roofed]: They [roofed] the house with old - fashioned shingles .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the house | ARG-2: with old - fashioned shingles "SRL for [communication]: If a physicist , in her own thought and her [communication] with other physicists about physics , were obliged to use nothing but layman 's terms , little could be said .",ARG-0: her | ARG-2: with other physicists | ARG-1: about physics SRL for [authorization]: The [authorization] of Taiwan - area residents,ARG-2: of Taiwan - area residents SRL for [funny]: And all I 'm asking you to do is knock on the damn door and you 're being kind of [funny] about it .,ARG-1: you | ARG-M-EXT: kind of | ARG-M-ADV: about it "SRL for [wriggling]: Its chief builder , Taiwan - born Feng - hsiung Hsu , nicknamed his brainchild `` the Weasel '' for its tactical flair at [wriggling] out of horrible positions .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: out of horrible positions "SRL for [cheered]: Shareholders [cheered] Pacific First Financial 's acquisition by Royal Trustco Ltd of Toronto for $ 27 a share , or $ 212 million .","ARG-0: Shareholders | ARG-1: Pacific First Financial 's acquisition by Royal Trustco Ltd of Toronto for $ 27 a share , or $ 212 million" "SRL for [flips]: Crouched at shortstop , Bert Campaneris , once Oakland 's master thief , effortlessly scoops up a groundball and [flips] it to second .","ARG-M-ADV: Crouched at shortstop | ARG-0: Bert Campaneris , once Oakland 's master thief | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to second" "SRL for [assured]: The more aircraft carrier fleets China has in the future , the more convincing of China 's peaceful rise . It will be even more convincing and world peace will be more [assured] if we have 25 aircraft carrier fleets !",ARG-2: world peace | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-M-ADV: if we have 25 aircraft carrier fleets "SRL for [shorted out]: When the rubber studs rotted away , the motor fell on the floor , followed by a torrent of rain that [shorted out] everything under the dash .",ARG-0: a torrent of rain | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: everything under the dash "SRL for [catapult]: For Mitsubishi Estate , the Rockefeller purchase will [catapult] it firmly into the overseas real estate business , the one area where it has lagged notably behind Japanese competitors such as Mitsui , which had purchased the Exxon Building .","ARG-M-ADV: For Mitsubishi Estate | ARG-0: the Rockefeller purchase | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: firmly | ARG-2: into the overseas real estate business , the one area where it has lagged notably behind Japanese competitors such as Mitsui , which had purchased the Exxon Building" "SRL for [entranced]: John [entranced] Mary with his soulful rendition of "" I 'm a Little Teapot . ""","ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: with his soulful rendition of "" I 'm a Little Teapot . """ SRL for [objective]: Can you come up with an [objective] approach ?,ARG-0: approach SRL for [exaggerate]: They 're bound to [exaggerate] .,ARG-0: They "SRL for [damned]: Fight with Sam Schaeffer , fight with the whole [damned] Bureau .",ARG-1: Bureau "SRL for [pricked]: `` It seems to me that this is the pin that has finally [pricked] the balloon , '' says Mr. Rogers , a professor of finance at Columbia University and former co - manager of one of the most successful hedge funds in history , Quantum Fund .",ARG-0: the pin | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the balloon SRL for [graying]: HEALTH CLUBS gear up for a [graying] clientele .,ARG-1: clientele SRL for [Commissioning]: And she further stunned her listeners by [*-2] revealing her secret garden design method : [*] [Commissioning] a friend to spend `` five or six thousand dollars ... on books that I ultimately cut up [*T*-1] . '',ARG-2: a friend | ARG-1: to spend `` five or six thousand dollars ... on books that I ultimately cut up "SRL for [win]: Sinatra 's start into show business was the successful [win] of first prize in the 1935 radio talent program , Major Bowes Amateur Hour .","ARG-M-MNR: successful | ARG-1: of first prize | ARG-2: in the 1935 radio talent program , Major Bowes Amateur Hour" SRL for [chemoradiated]: Aspiration in [chemoradiated] patients with head and neck cancer .,ARG-1: patients SRL for [tympany]: minor [tympany],ARG-M-EXT: minor SRL for [cta]: Lungs [cta] throughout .,ARG-1: Lungs | ARG-M-LOC: throughout "SRL for [slid]: In the nine months , net income [slid] 21 % to $ 28.4 million , or 33 cents a share , from $ 36 million , or 42 cents a share .","ARG-M-TMP: In the nine months | ARG-1: net income | ARG-2: 21 % | ARG-4: to $ 28.4 million , or 33 cents a share | ARG-3: from $ 36 million , or 42 cents a share" SRL for [sparkles]: From a distance the T and C Tower [sparkles] in the southern Taiwan sunshine .,ARG-M-DIR: From a distance | ARG-1: the T and C Tower | ARG-M-LOC: in the southern Taiwan sunshine SRL for [treatment]: Humor is a major ingredient in the doctor 's [treatment] of the patient .,ARG-0: the doctor 's | ARG-1: of the patient "SRL for [nuts]: They said I was "" [nuts] "" to write this article ...",ARG-1: I | C-ARG-1: to write this article "SRL for [room]: Hallie and I decided it 'd be best for us to room together , and Alexa had plans to [room] with our friend Ellen .... but then Alexa decided that NO , she wanted Hallie that day and made my life hell",ARG-0: Alexa | ARG-2: with our friend Ellen SRL for [whined]: and you [whined] about it .,ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-0: you | ARG-3: about it SRL for [measures]: confidence building [measures] by both sides,ARG-1: confidence building | ARG-0: by both sides SRL for [detour]: The [detour] of traffic to other routes will have varying degrees of impact on other routes .,ARG-1: of traffic | ARG-2: to other routes "SRL for [glutenized]: I accidentally [glutenized] myself last week . I would rather not eat at all than consume gluten , but got a bag of Doritos from a vending machine ...",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: myself | ARG-M-TMP: last week SRL for [overthinking]: I think we 're [overthinking] this whole thing .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: this whole thing "SRL for [revamped]: But this year , Honda has [revamped] the Accord and made it a midsized car .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: this year | ARG-0: Honda | ARG-1: the Accord "SRL for [hews]: To wrestle with a demon in a house owned by a Litchfield , Conn. , woman , the Warrens recently called in an exorcist , the Rev. Robert McKenna , a dissident clergyman who [hews] to the Catholic Church 's old Latin liturgy .",ARG-0: a dissident clergyman | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: to the Catholic Church 's old Latin liturgy SRL for [protest]: A massive [protest] against the Bush administration ...,ARG-M-EXT: massive | ARG-1: against the Bush administration ... "SRL for [match]: However , it was n't until 1883 , after a historic tournament in London , that a [match] for the title of strongest world player was first suggested .",ARG-2: for the title of strongest world player SRL for [burred]: The fan [burred] loudly in the background .,ARG-0: The fan | ARG-M-MNR: loudly | ARG-M-LOC: in the background "SRL for [democratic]: Kettering research has identified democratic practices that have everyday applications in the life of a community , and they are [democratic] in that they increase the control that people have over their future .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-MNR: in that they increase the control that people have over their future "SRL for [veto]: During the coming weeks , President Bush must decide whether to [veto] the bills containing them -- or , alternatively , to sign these bills into law with a statement declaring their intrusions on executive power to be in violation of Article II , and thus void and severable .",ARG-0: President Bush | ARG-1: the bills containing them "SRL for [bargaining]: Suddenly it will be about collective [bargaining] for teachers or something else that does n't involve a corporation at all , let alone Wall Street .",ARG-M-MNR: collective | ARG-1: for teachers SRL for [spring]: The new understanding did n't just [spring] to life in a spontaneous eruption of sweetness and light .,ARG-1: The new understanding | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-3: to life | ARG-M-ADV: in a spontaneous eruption of sweetness and light SRL for [pulsate]: The lights [pulsate] until dawn no matter the reason .,ARG-1: The lights | ARG-M-TMP: until dawn | ARG-M-ADV: no matter the reason SRL for [overpriced]: `` Or if they feel the wine is [overpriced] and they can get something equally good for less . '',ARG-1: the wine "SRL for [overflooding]: It is , but at the same time that causes the same problem that digital music distribution caused of [overflooding] the market .",ARG-0: digital music distribution | ARG-1: the market SRL for [ridden]: The Libyan central bank is state owned and unlike banks in the west is now owned by the elite or [ridden] by debt .,ARG-M-MNR: unlike banks in the west | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-2: The Libyan central bank | ARG-1: by debt SRL for [emotional]: The reaction in the newsroom was [emotional] .,ARG-0: The reaction in the newsroom "SRL for [caked]: The water destroyed about $ 75 million in currency and [caked] $ 4 million of coins with mud , rendering them dangerous to counting machines .",ARG-0: The water | ARG-1: $ 4 million of coins | ARG-2: with mud | ARG-M-ADV: rendering them dangerous to counting machines "SRL for [junketed]: We [junketed] on oysters , pigeon breast , pineapple casserole , and potables of the widest miscellanies .","ARG-0: We | ARG-1: on oysters , pigeon breast , pineapple casserole , and potables of the widest miscellanies" "SRL for [splodge]: Part of me thinks they run a jiffy over it , [splodge] some of that shiney solution on the outer walls of the tyres , then slap a "" for sale "" sticker on it",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: some of that shiney solution | ARG-2: on the outer walls of the tyres "SRL for [snowballed]: Selling [snowballed] because of waves of automatic `` stop - loss '' orders , which are triggered by computer when prices fall to certain levels .","ARG-1: Selling | ARG-M-CAU: because of waves of automatic `` stop - loss '' orders , which are triggered by computer when prices fall to certain levels" "SRL for [packing]: When Rita was approaching , the storm appeared to be [packing] the same fury as Katrina .",ARG-0: storm | ARG-1: the same fury as Katrina "SRL for [critical]: Although 79 percent of patients received antibiotics for at least two days , the timing of treatment was [critical] to their outcome , the researchers found .",ARG-M-ADV: Although 79 percent of patients received antibiotics for at least two days | ARG-1: the timing of treatment | ARG-2: to their outcome | ARG-M-ADV: the researchers found SRL for [confederated]: They [confederated] with the Iowa tribe and allied themselves with the Potawatomi and Kickapoo against the Illinois confederacy .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: with the Iowa tribe "SRL for [defaced]: "" But who dares do business online when websites are getting attacked or [defaced] ? "" asked president Kuo Yun at a conference on internet security .",ARG-1: websites SRL for [recovery]: The city 's [recovery] from the earthquake,ARG-1: The city 's | ARG-2: from the earthquake SRL for [nil]: Mitotic activity is [nil] .,ARG-1: Mitotic activity SRL for [accessible]: The smaller lesion is not [accessible] for biopsy .,ARG-1: The smaller lesion | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-PRP: for biopsy SRL for [relevant]: That is not [relevant] to our discussion .,ARG-1: That | ARG-2: to our discussion SRL for [heaped]: Richard Dreyfuss [heaped] his plate with potatoes .,ARG-0: Richard Dreyfuss | ARG-2: his plate | ARG-1: with potatoes "SRL for [entangled]: Now Guizhentang is quite [entangled] -- their enterprise is legitimate , their business is lawful , extracting bear bile from live bears is not illegal , but sooner or later they will be overwhelmed , facing the spittle flying all over the sky .",ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-1: Guizhentang | ARG-M-EXT: quite SRL for [acclimatized]: They [acclimatized] themselves to the thin air while ascending Everest .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-M-TMP: while ascending Everest SRL for [calked]: He [calked] the horse shoes .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the horse shoes "SRL for [snatched]: In January , two small New York galleries , the Coe Kerr Gallery and Beadleston Fine Arts , [snatched] a major art collection owned by the Askin family away from rival auction - house bidders with an up - front payment of about $ 25 million .","ARG-M-TMP: In January | ARG-0: two small New York galleries , the Coe Kerr Gallery and Beadleston Fine Arts | ARG-1: a major art collection owned by the Askin family | ARG-2: away from rival auction - house bidders | ARG-M-MNR: with an up - front payment of about $ 25 million" SRL for [on fire]: This bed is [on fire] with passionate love .,ARG-1: This bed | ARG-2: with passionate love "SRL for [demand]: Belgium decided that investors who [demand] the delivery of their securities when they buy shares or domestic bonds will have to pay an additional 100 Belgian francs ( about $ 2.60 ) for each transaction , bringing the total fee to 200 francs .",ARG-0: investors | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: the delivery of their securities | ARG-M-TMP: when they buy shares or domestic bonds SRL for [coactivates]: PGC-1alpha [coactivates] estrogen - related receptor - alpha to induce the expression of glucokinase .,ARG-0: PGC-1alpha | ARG-1: estrogen - related receptor - alpha "SRL for [paid]: Mr. Cray was [paid] $ 600,000 at Cray Research last year .","ARG-2: Mr. Cray | ARG-1: $ 600,000 | ARG-M-LOC: at Cray Research | ARG-M-TMP: last year" "SRL for [fluxed]: All of the sudden , about 20 people [fluxed] into the church .",ARG-M-TMP: All of the sudden | ARG-1: about 20 people | ARG-M-GOL: into the church "SRL for [orthodox]: How can we first fight over being [orthodox] and unorthodox , discuss about right and wrong , worry about win and loss , and wrangle over seniority when political talks are still an unknown that only a fairy will know ?", SRL for [rock bottom]: Kind of feeling [rock bottom] ? I,ARG-M-EXT: Kind of "SRL for [learn]: Kenneth Mitchell , director of Dow 's polyethylene business , says producers were surprised to [learn] how much inventories had swelled throughout the distribution chain as prices spiraled up .",ARG-0: producers | ARG-1: how much inventories had swelled throughout the distribution chain as prices spiraled up SRL for [plunge]: He began his final [plunge] of the knife into Jimac 's heart .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: final | ARG-1: of the knife | ARG-2: into Jimac 's heart "SRL for [functioning]: The Asset Privatization Trust , the agency chiefly responsible for selling government - held properties , has recorded sales of more than $ 500 million since it began [functioning] in December 1986 .",ARG-0: it SRL for [remonstrated]: He got angry when I [remonstrated] him for littering .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for littering SRL for [natural]: She had [natural] blond hair .,ARG-1: blond hair "SRL for [scare]: They used to [scare] us kids by saying ' The tribesmen will get you ! ' """,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: us kids | ARG-2: by saying ' The tribesmen will get you "SRL for [quit]: Partly because of concern about the economy and partly because she recently [quit] her job as a legal assistant to go to school , `` I think at this point we want to be a lot more liquid . ''",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: her job as a legal assistant | ARG-M-PRP: to go to school "SRL for [gchatting]: do you see my photo when I 'm [gchatting] ? I just realized that it 's there for me , but not sure if it will show up for your through the bot",ARG-0: I SRL for [meant]: The letter was [meant] for him .,ARG-1: The letter | ARG-2: for him SRL for [nonulcerated]: Skin ears [nonulcerated] .,ARG-1: Skin ears SRL for [golfing]: His [golfing] has really started to impact his fashion sense .,ARG-0: His "SRL for [rubbed]: To reduce it at the fund 's building , workers [rubbed] beeswax instead of polyurethane on the floors in the executive director 's office .",ARG-0: workers | ARG-1: beeswax instead of polyurethane | ARG-2: on the floors in the executive director 's office "SRL for [Confronted]: [Confronted] with the evidence , Mr. Tharp pleaded guilty to one charge of filing a false return and was fined $ 5,000 and sentenced to 18 months in prison .",ARG-1: Mr. Tharp | ARG-2: with the evidence "SRL for [recline]: As I [recline] , my head says more or less vertical .",ARG-0: I SRL for [take]: That got hard to [take] .,ARG-1: That "SRL for [satisfy]: However , in light of the risks involved in such transactions , banks should [satisfy] themselves that they have the skills to participate in this market and clear policy guidelines on acceptable levels of exposure to such transactions , he said .",ARG-M-ADV: in light of the risks involved in such transactions | ARG-0: banks | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: that they have the skills to participate in this market and clear policy guidelines on acceptable levels of exposure to such transactions "SRL for [fluttering]: At exactly 7:30 , he felt a [fluttering] object brush his face .",ARG-0: object "SRL for [familiar]: I 'm not [familiar] with rhythmic gymnastics , but I know both gymnasts and dancers are prone to on - the - job injury -- and the effects of those injuries can add up .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: with rhythmic gymnastics SRL for [mortified]: I ' m [mortified] to admit that Gary Glitter came into my head instead !,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: to admit that Gary Glitter came into my head instead ! SRL for [frugal]: Saw an old Mercedes estate that looked even bigger than the old Volvo ... 4 cylinder engine which seemed ambitious but I guess it 's [frugal] on petrol so it 's ok ?,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: on petrol SRL for [evinced]: Some [evinced] an optimism that had been rewarded when they did n't flee the market in 1987 .,ARG-0: Some | ARG-1: an optimism that had been rewarded when they did n't flee the market in 1987 "SRL for [critical]: Mr. Black believed that the therapist was [critical] of him for his obesity and addiction to chocolates , for his homosexuality , and for his masturbation rituals .","ARG-0: the therapist | ARG-1: of him | ARG-2: for his obesity and addiction to chocolates , for his homosexuality , and for his masturbation rituals" "SRL for [bad]: I had grade 2 acne and it was particularly [bad] when I ' overwashed ' so I was compelled to wash less and to start moisturising -LRB- Nivea : Dry Skin , after washing or shaving -RRB- in my late teens .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: particularly | ARG-M-TMP: when I ' overwashed ' SRL for [disappointing]: He was [disappointing] with his finishing and even failed to link up play with his teammates .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: with his finishing SRL for [had in mind]: He [had in mind] to see his old high school teacher,ARG-1: to see his old high school teacher SRL for [know]: We [know] your words to be true .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: to be true | ARG-2: your words "SRL for [intersected]: A step that the Prime Minister seemed eager for the Arab League to welcome , even if his positions [intersected] with Moussa in not calling this movement an initiative .",ARG-0: his positions | ARG-1: with Moussa | ARG-M-MNR: in not calling this movement an initiative SRL for [best]: Whoever posts next will post who they think is / was [best] at doing the move and who was the worst .,ARG-1: who | ARG-2: at doing the move "SRL for [come out]: Not that Washington and Tokyo disagree on the Japanese acquisitions ; indeed , each has [come out] in favor of unfettered investment in the U.S.",ARG-M-DIS: indeed | ARG-1: each | ARG-2: in favor of unfettered investment in the U.S. SRL for [lol'd]: I [lol'd] to the fact that Justin Bieber has his own movie now .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to the fact that Justin Bieber has his own movie now SRL for [default]: a housing - loan [default],ARG-2: housing - loan SRL for [neoplastic]: Pathology showed the tumor was [neoplastic] .,ARG-1: the tumor "SRL for [previewing]: Robert Guy , an associate curator at the Princeton Art Museum , was [previewing] a June antiquities sale at the auction house when he recognized the kylix , which he , as a specialist in Attic pottery and a careful reader of the Stolen Art Alert in `` IFAR Reports , '' knew was stolen .","ARG-0: Robert Guy , an associate curator at the Princeton Art Museum | ARG-1: a June antiquities sale at the auction house | ARG-M-TMP: when he recognized the kylix , which he , as a specialist in Attic pottery and a careful reader of the Stolen Art Alert in `` IFAR Reports , '' knew was stolen" "SRL for [whatsapped]: The wine spoke to me so and I [whatsapped] him about it .. that I was by no means inviting myself to his b - day , I was just wondering when it was .","ARG-0: I | ARG-2: him | ARG-3: about it | ARG-1: that I was by no means inviting myself to his b - day , I was just wondering when it was" SRL for [clear]: The ship was [clear] of the reef .,ARG-0: The ship | ARG-1: of the reef SRL for [lies]: Jiaka told [lies] about his client,ARG-3: about his client SRL for [overcrowding]: the State is bankrupt from their [overcrowding] of prisons,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of prisons SRL for [discount]: Anheuser - Busch Cos . said it plans to aggressively [discount] its major beer brands ...,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MNR: aggressively | ARG-1: its major beer brands "SRL for [pre - made]: It was my birthday and I had a last minute idea to have a bakery cake instead of one [pre - made] in a convenience store , but the problem was it was the day before Valentine s and when many bakeries turned me down for a plain vanilla rectangle cake , Fiona stepped up to the plate and was able to make a fantastic beautiful cake .",ARG-1: one | ARG-M-LOC: in a convenience store SRL for [had whiffed]: Her expression seemed to say she [had whiffed] a very bad odor .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: a very bad odor "SRL for [arson]: As a result , basically natural disasters happened in the past , now the disasters that take place in Japan are man - made , which are the consequences of the accumulation of murders and [arson] aimed at destroying the world . Just like drawing fire to themselves .",ARG-M-PRD: aimed at destroying the world SRL for [ran off]: A betrayed wife yesterday spoke of the torment she went through after her husband [ran off] with their married village GP .,ARG-0: her husband | ARG-3: with their married village GP SRL for [suborn]: His father used threats to [suborn] Lady Hallim 's adviser .,ARG-0: His father | ARG-2: Lady Hallim 's adviser SRL for [mobilizing]: Patient will need someone on hand whenever she is [mobilizing] .,ARG-0: she "SRL for [retied]: David finished shaving , washed his face clean of lather , andcombed and [retied] his hair .",ARG-1: his hair | ARG-0: David "SRL for [conceited]: Li Chengfu , one of the bullies , was extremely [conceited] and claimed , "" I am a Secretary of the Committee for Discipline Inspection -- I do not fear anyone and am not afraid to kill you . ""","ARG-1: Li Chengfu , one of the bullies | ARG-M-EXT: extremely" SRL for [tithe]: Local broadcasters should [tithe] one tenth of the income that they get from these ads .,ARG-0: Local broadcasters | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: one tenth of the income that they get from these ads SRL for [nuptials]: church [nuptials],ARG-0: church "SRL for [binding]: The next day , the old council make another scene trying to get into their old offices , claiming that the vote was illegal and not [binding] , and that they were going to their offices to work asif nothing happened .",ARG-1: the vote | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [contraflow]: we decided ta [contraflow] away from da hurricane path,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-DIR: away from da hurricane path "SRL for [put]: Increasing labor costs , Mr. Tyszkiewicz argued , would only [put] the countries at a further disadvantage in competing in the barrier - free EC market planned for after 1992 .",ARG-0: Increasing labor costs | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: the countries | ARG-2: at a further disadvantage in competing in the barrier - free EC market planned for after 1992 SRL for [tapdanced]: Actors Benjamin Bratt and Julianna Margulies [tapdanced] at a reality TV show audition .,ARG-1: Actors Benjamin Bratt and Julianna Margulies | ARG-2: at a reality TV show audition SRL for [negative]: Why is the western media so [negative] about Russia,ARG-0: the western media | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-1: about Russia SRL for [veto]: the public outcry about Russian [veto],ARG-0: Russian SRL for [homogenization]: Isotope [homogenization] .,ARG-1: Isotope SRL for [lead up]: the [lead up] of the 2009 Depression,ARG-2: of the 2009 Depression SRL for [Big]: Joe Johnson Is Very [Big] in China,ARG-1: Joe Johnson | ARG-M-EXT: Very | ARG-M-LOC: in China SRL for [prickled]: The nurse [prickled] my finger to get a small blood sample .,ARG-0: The nurse | ARG-1: my finger | ARG-M-PRP: to get a small blood sample SRL for [busted]: The window [busted] into a million pieces .,ARG-1: The window | ARG-3: into a million pieces SRL for [decompresses]: The script now properly [decompresses] the update zip file .,ARG-0: The script | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-M-ADV: properly | ARG-1: the update zip file SRL for [agitation]: Benny 's [agitation] over the cancellation of St. Elmo 's Fire lead him to break a shelf full of snow globes .,ARG-1: Benny 's | ARG-0: over the cancellation of St. Elmo 's Fire SRL for [feint]: Robert should [feint] with a kick to the groin .,ARG-0: Robert | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: with a kick to the groin "SRL for [cry]: [ The only fraud involved , [cry] *trace* Mr. Courter 's partisans , is the Florio commercial itself]-S , and so the Courter campaign has responded with its own Pinocchio commercial , produced by Mr. Ailes .",ARG-0: Mr. Courter 's partisans "SRL for [rumbled]: ` ` Hey , kid , '' He [rumbled] to me condescendingly .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: ` ` Hey , kid , '' | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-MNR: condescendingly" SRL for [inflated]: MiniScribe has said that its financial results for the past three fiscal years would have to be restated because of the allegedly fraudulent accounting and marketing practices that [inflated] revenues and net income .,ARG-0: the allegedly fraudulent accounting and marketing practices | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: revenues and net income SRL for [Ureteroureterostomy]: [Ureteroureterostomy] 10/8/2000,ARG-M-TMP: 10/8/2000 "SRL for [excretes]: As a result , when the body [excretes] sweat , some toxins are released as well .",ARG-0: body | ARG-1: sweat "SRL for [Anointing]: For one thing , there is an old master on the wall -- `` Samuel [Anointing] David , '' a big baroque canvas painted by Mattia Preti , a 17th - century Neapolitan .",ARG-0: Samuel | ARG-1: David SRL for [pass]: His [pass] of the ball to the other team 's player was infamous .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the ball | ARG-2: to the other team 's player "SRL for [verbalization]: In addition , her husband had noted several episodes occurring during sleep where she would throw her arms above her head and make high - pitched [verbalization] .",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-ADJ: high - pitched | ARG-M-TMP: where SRL for [translate]: so [translate] that orange rectangle away from you two and left two,ARG-M-DIS: so | ARG-1: that orange rectangle | ARG-2: away from you two and left two "SRL for [bend]: With a [bend] of her knees , she curtsied to the queen .",ARG-1: of her knees "SRL for [direct]: Mr. Stronach will [direct] an effort to reduce overhead and curb capital spending `` until a more satisfactory level of profit is achieved and maintained , '' Magna said .",ARG-0: Mr. Stronach | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: an effort to reduce overhead and curb capital spending | ARG-M-TMP: until a more satisfactory level of profit is achieved and maintained SRL for [powered]: Stewart & Stevenson makes equipment [powered] with diesel and gas turbines .,ARG-1: equipment | ARG-2: with diesel and gas turbines SRL for [cut]: one [cut] of the blade,ARG-3: of the blade SRL for [pluck]: The researchers reported they have been able to [pluck] the five genes that produced the toxin out of the pertussis bacterium .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the five genes that produced the toxin | ARG-2: out of the pertussis bacterium "SRL for [incandesced]: Then the pain of anguish returned and it [incandesced] , each point blazing through his immortal soul .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-ADV: each point blazing through his immortal soul SRL for [Slake]: [Slake] your thirst with an inviting glass of Blackberry Iced Tea .,ARG-1: your thirst | ARG-2: with an inviting glass of Blackberry Iced Tea SRL for [saturated]: The day was [saturated] with the weight of its own impending history .,ARG-1: The day | ARG-2: with the weight of its own impending history SRL for [numbered]: It is a certainty that Mr. Barre 's days are [numbered] .,ARG-1: Mr. Barre 's days SRL for [break]: We 've helped people [break] free of the welfare cycle .,ARG-0: people | ARG-2: free | ARG-1: of the welfare cycle SRL for [crumbed]: She [crumbed] the chicken raw and fried it .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the chicken | ARG-M-PRD: raw SRL for [drowsed]: He [drowsed] upon his couch .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LOC: upon his couch "SRL for [crosses]: When Mr. Glass decides to get really fancy , he [crosses] his hands and hits a resonant bass note with his right hand .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his hands "SRL for [impress]: Messrs. Guber and Peters assiduously courted the man 's widow for months , showing her a tape of `` Gorillas in the Mist '' to [impress] her with the quality of their work .",ARG-0: Messrs. Guber and Peters | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: with the quality of their work SRL for [fond]: Much as I am [fond] of the Royal Family if he dies I really hope we do n't end up seeing a load of scenes that would not look out of place in North Korea and a Media circus .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: of the Royal Family SRL for [hypocritical]: he was [hypocritical] to a man who was not exactly a paragon of free speech beliefs himself .,ARG-0: he | ARG-2: to a man who was not exactly a paragon of free speech beliefs himself "SRL for [discontinued]: A Kentucky Fried Chicken spokesman , however , disputed the notion that the delivery service experienced problems in some markets where testing has been [discontinued] .",ARG-1: testing | ARG-M-LOC: some markets | R-ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [reversion]: On July 1 , Hong Kong celebrates the fifth anniversary of its [reversion] to China .",ARG-1: its | ARG-3: to China "SRL for [leveraging]: Few , if any , index - fund managers will risk [leveraging] performance by owning more than 100 % exposure to stocks , and equally few will want to own less than a 100 % position should stocks rise .","ARG-0: Few , if any , index - fund managers | ARG-1: performance" SRL for [hospitalization]: Dr. McEnroe 's [hospitalization] of Maggie Mae allowed them to observe her symptoms overnight .,ARG-0: Dr. McEnroe 's | ARG-1: of Maggie Mae "SRL for [redistribute]: Stadiums tend to [redistribute] existing wealth within a community , not create more of it .",ARG-0: Stadiums | ARG-1: existing wealth | ARG-M-LOC: within a community "SRL for [leap]: Interactive telephone technology has taken a new [leap] in sophistication , and television programmers are racing to exploit the possibilities .",ARG-1: Interactive telephone technology | ARG-M-LVB: taken | ARG-M-TMP: new | ARG-5: in sophistication SRL for [masquerading]: This follows earlier new guidelines from the Tax Division prohibiting Princeton\/Newport - like tax cases from [masquerading] as RICO cases .,ARG-0: Princeton\/Newport - like tax cases | ARG-1: as RICO cases "SRL for [solved]: Much the same thing happened with busted S & Ls , a problem Congress just `` [solved] '' with a $ 166 billion bailout .",ARG-0: Congress | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: a problem | ARG-2: with a $ 166 billion bailout SRL for [retrieved]: He said that Oliver North of Iran - Contra notoriety thought he had erased his computer but that the information was later [retrieved] for congressional committees to read .,ARG-M-TMP: later | ARG-1: the information | ARG-M-PNC: for congressional committees to read SRL for [breaks]: These [breaks] of concentration from all the interruptions wo n't help me finish the work on time .,ARG-1: of concentration | ARG-0: from all the interruptions SRL for [fixed up]: Before he left town Pat saw to it that I was [fixed up] with a job .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: with a job SRL for [ghosts]: Fear of illness [ghosts] her .,ARG-0: Fear of illness | ARG-1: her "SRL for [reloaded]: Meanwhile , I [reloaded] my gun , as the other men were doing .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-1: my gun | ARG-M-TMP: as the other men were doing "SRL for [repelled]: For a long time , the Taiwanese people have been deeply [repelled] by moneyed politics and the interference of organized crime .",ARG-M-TMP: For a long time | ARG-1: the Taiwanese people | ARG-M-ADV: deeply | ARG-2: by moneyed politics and the interference of organized crime SRL for [microseism]: The FK technique was used in this case to reveal ocean - generated [microseism] from the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea consisting of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves propagating across the Bucharest area .,ARG-M-CAU: ocean - generated | ARG-3: from the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea | ARG-M-ADJ: consisting of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves propagating across the Bucharest area SRL for [slow]: New loans continue to [slow] .,ARG-1: New loans SRL for [checked up]: Our supervisors [checked up] on us .,ARG-0: Our supervisors | ARG-1: on us "SRL for [of a mind]: If I were [of a mind] to defend Planned Parenthood , I think I would wait until all of the videos were released .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to defend Planned Parenthood SRL for [process]: our appropriations [process],ARG-0: our | ARG-1: appropriations SRL for [sell]: Individual copies [sell] for $ 3.95,ARG-1: Individual copies | ARG-3: for $ 3.95 "SRL for [glimmered]: We lit a candle and put it on a ledge above the tub , where it [glimmered] on the water .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-LOC: on the water SRL for [cure]: A [cure] for Alzheimer 's disease,ARG-2: for Alzheimer 's disease SRL for [palavered]: I [palavered] with him about our imminent outing .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with him | ARG-2: about our imminent outing SRL for [hypoventilation]: This tells us that his oxygenation problem can not be entirely explained by his [hypoventilation] .,ARG-1: his "SRL for [betraying]: Unafraid of criticism that he is "" [betraying] Taiwan , "" he has publicly endorsed the PRC 's policy of "" one country , two systems . """,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Taiwan "SRL for [dumb]: Til he was seven years old he was completely [dumb] , and even then the organs of speech were not so effectually developed , but that he was ever afterwards obliged to speak very slowly , in order to be intelligible .",ARG-M-TMP: Til he was seven years old | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: completely SRL for [misted]: He [misted] the glass with a good amount of vermouth before pouring in the gin .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the glass | ARG-2: with a good amount of vermouth | ARG-M-TMP: before pouring in the gin SRL for [take out]: Remember when we went in to [take out] Bin Laden we could n't tell the Pakistani government for fear that Bin Laden would have been tipped off and escaped ...,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: Bin Laden "SRL for [miced up]: We 're going to take a quick break while we get them [miced up] , and we 'll do the interview right after .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: them "SRL for [chaperoned]: As an extension agent , he [chaperoned] 4 - H trips to China , Europe , Russia , as well as the eastern United States .","ARG-M-PRD: As an extension agent | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: 4 - H trips | ARG-M-GOL: to China , Europe , Russia , as well as the eastern United States" "SRL for [relieved]: With investors [relieved] at the overnight gain in New York stocks , small - lot buying orders streamed into the market from early morning , making traders believe the market was back to normal .",ARG-1: investors | ARG-0: at the overnight gain in New York stocks SRL for [pledged]: East Germany [pledged] to reduce alcohol consumption by boosting production of soft drinks and fruit juices .,ARG-0: East Germany | ARG-2: to reduce alcohol consumption by boosting production of soft drinks and fruit juices SRL for [counter]: Detroit tries to [counter] the foreign invasion with new brands of its own .,ARG-0: Detroit | ARG-1: the foreign invasion | ARG-2: with new brands of its own SRL for [rolled out]: The last of the bombers [rolled out] in April 1988 .,ARG-1: The last of the bombers | ARG-M-TMP: in April 1988 "SRL for [obsessed]: In the past , too much emphasis on schoolwork and good grades encouraged the development of a society in which many are crudely [obsessed] with personal gain .",ARG-M-LOC: a society | ARG-0: many | ARG-M-ADV: crudely | ARG-1: with personal gain | R-ARG-M-LOC: in which "SRL for [swaggered]: Among my school and neighborhood friends , during the next months , I bragged and [swaggered] and pompously described my impending date .",ARG-M-LOC: Among my school and neighborhood friends | ARG-M-TMP: during the next months | ARG-0: I "SRL for [describe]: The SEC documents [describe] those chips , which are made of gallium arsenide , as being so fragile and minute they will require special robotic handling equipment .","ARG-0: The SEC documents | ARG-1: those chips , which are made of gallium arsenide | ARG-2: as being so fragile and minute they will require special robotic handling equipment" SRL for [answerable]: She is [answerable] to the committee for her crimes against humanity .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: for her crimes against humanity | ARG-3: to the committee SRL for [hammered]: At the reception Caine got [hammered] on barley wine with his father - in - law and spent much of the festivities under the table with him .,ARG-M-LOC: At the reception | ARG-1: Caine | ARG-2: on barley wine | ARG-M-COM: with his father - in - law SRL for [accepted]: There are many practices historically [accepted] as normal here .,ARG-M-TMP: historically | ARG-1: many practices | ARG-3: as normal | ARG-M-LOC: here SRL for [concede]: ... the man who was so quick to [concede] the first time to George W. Bush when he thought he lost ...,ARG-0: the man | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-TMP: the first time | ARG-2: to George W. Bush | ARG-M-TMP: when he thought he lost "SRL for [zoomed]: A minute later it soared 128 points , then [zoomed] back down 113 points , 69 below Friday 's close .","ARG-1: it | ARG-2: back down 113 points , 69 below Friday 's close" "SRL for [responded]: Poquet , trying to avoid the `` gadget '' label , [responded] with the tag line , `` The Poquet PC -- a Very Big Computer . ''","ARG-0: Poquet | ARG-M-ADV: trying to avoid the `` gadget '' label | ARG-2: with the tag line , `` The Poquet PC -- a Very Big Computer" "SRL for [prevailed]: Politically , patriots [prevailed] in the Battle of Golden Hill .",ARG-M-ADV: Politically | ARG-0: patriots | ARG-2: in the Battle of Golden Hill "SRL for [fidgeting]: It is indeed hard to back away from a widely publicized forecast , and Mr. Straszheim is [fidgeting] with the handcuffs on this trip .",ARG-0: Mr. Straszheim | ARG-1: with the handcuffs | ARG-M-LOC: on this trip SRL for [elimination]: an [elimination] of sanctions,ARG-1: of sanctions SRL for [lesson]: a stark [lesson] in the power of the appropriations committees,ARG-M-ADJ: stark | ARG-1: in the power of the appropriations committees "SRL for [drawled]: ` ` Suppose you tell me the real reason '' , he [drawled] .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: ` ` Suppose you tell me the real reason '' SRL for [detection]: Dr. Brown 's [detection] of the small tumor allowed them to safely removed it and resolve all the associated symptoms .,ARG-0: Dr. Brown 's | ARG-1: of the small tumor "SRL for [fierce]: My specialty at college was bedroom design , and my parents ran a store selling curtains , though a time - honored store in my hometown , its profit margin is very limited since there are many brands and the competition is very [fierce] ,",ARG-1: the competition | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [contracting]: [contracting] for the national resources with foreign companies,ARG-1: for the national resources | ARG-2: with foreign companies "SRL for [beaten]: The product is n't widely used yet , but Toshiba , which has already [beaten] everyone else in producing the current - generation one - megabit DRAMs ...",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: Toshiba | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: everyone else | ARG-2: in producing the current - generation one - megabit DRAMs "SRL for [get]: Oh , I [get] you now .",ARG-M-DIS: Oh | ARG-0: I | ARG-2: you | ARG-M-TMP: now SRL for [malodorous]: urine [malodorous] per pt report,ARG-1: urine | ARG-M-ADV: per pt report SRL for [subscription]: a three - month [subscription] to its pay - movie service,ARG-M-TMP: three - month | ARG-1: to its pay - movie service SRL for [confining]: Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori has issued an order [confining] all military and police to their barracks .,ARG-0: an order | ARG-1: all military and police | ARG-2: to their barracks "SRL for [stunted]: Industry watchers agree that Brooks Brothers is long overdue in updating its buttoned - down image , which has [stunted] its growth .",ARG-0: its buttoned - down image | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: its growth "SRL for [singled out]: The graphics business , which also was [singled out] by the chairman as a positive , saw its operating earnings for the quarter jump 79 % to $ 42.1 million from $ 23.5 million .",ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: The graphics business | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-0: by the chairman | ARG-3: as a positive SRL for [stop]: ... measures to [stop] the market from plunging too far too fast .,ARG-0: measures | ARG-1: the market | ARG-2: from plunging too far too fast "SRL for [late]: His 60th Birthday Party was [late] in March , and he played bass with lots of well wishers from his musical history .",ARG-1: His 60th Birthday Party | ARG-2: in March SRL for [autotitrating]: an [autotitrating] CPAP machine,ARG-1: CPAP | ARG-0: machine "SRL for [convening]: As Jaguar 's biggest holder and Britain 's biggest car maker , Ford could turn up the heat by [convening] a special shareholders ' meeting and urging holders to drop the limits early .",ARG-0: Ford | ARG-1: a special shareholders ' meeting "SRL for [panting]: Mickey found himself leaning against the desk , with stiff hands , [panting] for breath .",ARG-0: Mickey | ARG-M-PRP: for breath "SRL for [flooding]: It is often necessary to raise mounds or dykes along the course of rivers to keep them within their channels , and prevent their [flooding] the lands which lie near them , when the waters rise above their usual level .",ARG-1: their | ARG-2: the lands which lie near them | ARG-M-TMP: when the waters rise above their usual level "SRL for [flay]: Mr. Wall 's deputies complained that they had n't been given an opportunity to respond to the criticism brought out during the Banking Committee 's hearings , which Committee Chairman Henry Gonzalez ( D. , Texas ) has used as a forum to [flay] Mr. Wall 's handling of the affair and to demand that he step aside from his job .","ARG-0: Committee Chairman Henry Gonzalez ( D. , Texas ) | ARG-1: Mr. Wall 's handling of the affair" SRL for [conduct]: The commissioner 's [conduct] of the investigation has been inept and possibly illegal .,ARG-0: commissioner 's | ARG-1: of the investigation SRL for [policy]: One company learned the hard way that it is not okay to have a [policy] of firing people simply because they turn 62 .,ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: of firing people simply because they turn 62 SRL for [liquify]: The trust is n't commenting on when it might need to [liquify] its Manville stock .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its Manville stock SRL for [salvage]: leg [salvage] from amputation,ARG-1: leg | ARG-2: from amputation SRL for [starts]: weaker housing [starts],ARG-2: weaker | ARG-1: housing "SRL for [bitter]: If I were in your situation , I would be really angry and [bitter] .",ARG-M-ADV: If I were in your situation | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: really SRL for [exchange]: in [exchange] for her brother 's life,ARG-3: for her brother 's life SRL for [finance]: ... the shift from government [finance] of health facilities to patients paying out - of - pocket ;,ARG-0: government | ARG-1: of health facilities "SRL for [capitulated]: Maybe we should ask why it was that Du Pont so quickly [capitulated] and issued a statement , giving it wide publicity , that it was withdrawing CFCs .",ARG-0: Du Pont | ARG-M-MNR: so quickly "SRL for [cross - examine]: They refuse to testify at a deposition , and my suggestion to them was that if we were capable of resolving something as a result of this conference , that they would then attend a deposition , because I believe the defendants would have a right to [cross - examine] them or otherwise examine them prior to them taking the stand .",ARG-0: the defendants | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-TMP: prior to them taking the stand SRL for [sent]: News of the restructuring plan [sent] Sea Containers ' shares up $ 1 to $ 62 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading .,ARG-0: News of the restructuring plan | ARG-1: Sea Containers ' shares | ARG-5: up | ARG-2: $ 1 | ARG-4: to $ 62 | ARG-M-LOC: in New York Stock Exchange composite trading "SRL for [prepaid]: MEDUSA Corp. said it voluntarily [prepaid] $ 7 million on its original $ 75 million term loan , bringing the total debt reduction for the year to $ 18 million .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MNR: voluntarily | ARG-3: $ 7 million | ARG-1: on its original $ 75 million term loan | ARG-M-ADV: bringing the total debt reduction for the year to $ 18 million SRL for [misconception]: This nightmare of the eternal return issues from his [misconception] of it as the return of impotence ;,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of it | ARG-2: as the return of impotence "SRL for [wheezing]: One brown two - year - old filly was [wheezing] from a cold , while another had splints on its legs , keeping both animals from the racetrack .",ARG-0: One brown two - year - old filly | ARG-M-CAU: from a cold | ARG-M-ADV: while another had splints on its legs | ARG-M-ADV: keeping both animals from the racetrack SRL for [libeled]: But the panel dismissed the magazine 's contention that it had n't [libeled] Mrs. Sutcliffe when it accused her of trying to sell her story to capitalize on the notoriety of her husband .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Mrs. Sutcliffe | ARG-M-TMP: when it accused her of trying to sell her story to capitalize on the notoriety of her husband SRL for [simple]: Entropy also is [simple] to describe and explain qualitatively .,ARG-1: Entropy | ARG-M-DIS: also | C-ARG-1: to describe and explain qualitatively "SRL for [success]: the expected [success] of the Lisa computer , introduced in 1983","ARG-0: of the Lisa computer , introduced in 1983" "SRL for [intake]: If you have a family history of obesity or heart disease , speak with your child 's pediatrician before restricting his [intake] of fat .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of fat "SRL for [profiling]: DNA [profiling] was developed in 1984 by British geneticist Sir Alec Jeffreys , and first used in forensic science to convict Colin Pitchfork in the 1988 Enderby murders case .",ARG-1: DNA SRL for [dialyze]: He called the attending and said they could not [dialyze] the patient because his graft had clotted .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the patient | ARG-M-CAU: because his graft had clotted SRL for [maintained]: The level [maintained] at 6.9mL.,ARG-1: The level | ARG-2: at 6.9mL. "SRL for [startled]: The disclosure by Charles Bellows , chief defense counsel , [startled] observers and was viewed as the prelude to a quarrel between the six attorneys representing the eight former policemen now on trial .","ARG-0: The disclosure by Charles Bellows , chief defense counsel | ARG-1: observers" "SRL for [told]: "" Only Nixon could go to China , "" he [told] a group of Americans","ARG-0: he | ARG-2: a group of Americans | ARG-1: "" Only Nixon could go to China , """ "SRL for [rest]: Well , mankind can [rest] easier for now .",ARG-1: mankind | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-MNR: easier | ARG-M-TMP: for now "SRL for [adjourned]: To this Lord Ballindine consented , and they [adjourned] to the billiard - room ;",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: to the billiard - room SRL for [rise]: a monthly [rise] of 0.2 % in September from August,ARG-M-TMP: monthly | ARG-2: of 0.2 % | ARG-4: in September | ARG-3: from August SRL for [in hands]: I put my life [in hands] of the surgeons .,ARG-1: my life | ARG-0: of the surgeons SRL for [dashed off]: We [dashed off] a letter to announce the news .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: a letter | ARG-M-PRP: to announce the news SRL for [aggression]: Where 's the public outcry about Russian veto and unilateralism -LRB- a criticism routinely employed - rightly -against the United States when it vetoes resolutions on Israeli [aggression] -RRB- ?,ARG-0: Israeli SRL for [oscillated]: The rate and number of violent crimes has [oscillated] over the years .,ARG-1: The rate and number of violent crimes | ARG-M-TMP: over the years SRL for [effaced]: John [effaced] the smudges with glass cleaner and a rag .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the smudges | ARG-2: with glass cleaner and a rag "SRL for [rewarded]: The internal investigation also [rewarded] MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand , for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags .","ARG-0: The internal investigation | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand | ARG-2: for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags" SRL for [coaled]: Ships of the Second and Third Fleets have [coaled] .,ARG-1: Ships of the Second and Third Fleets "SRL for [ransomed]: They [ransomed] her for a large amount of cash , and once they got it , they kept her regardless .",ARG-3: They | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: for a large amount of cash "SRL for [junketed]: Between tours , she [junketed] in Portugal .",ARG-M-TMP: Between tours | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: in Portugal SRL for [cutting class]: It was full of violence and gangs and kids [cutting class],ARG-0: kids SRL for [mind]: You have a right to read Voice of America scripts if you do n't [mind] traveling to Washington every week or so and visiting the Voice office during business hours .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: traveling to Washington every week or so and visiting the Voice office during business hours SRL for [work out]: The company will [work out] a plan to pay its debts .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a plan to pay its debts SRL for [cooked]: His career is over . Yeah he s [cooked],ARG-M-DIS: Yeah | ARG-1: he "SRL for [divvied up]: The amount of income [divvied up] for each man , woman and child was $ 16,489 in 1988 , up 6.6 % from $ 15,472 in 1987 .","ARG-1: The amount | ARG-2: for each man , woman and child" SRL for [crisp up]: He put it back into the oven to [crisp up] the crust,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the crust "SRL for [raked]: I carefully [raked] the leaves from a new privet hedge , set out in the fall .","ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: carefully | ARG-1: the leaves | ARG-2: from a new privet hedge , set out in the fall" "SRL for [roaring]: The devil is your enemy , and he goes around like a [roaring] lion looking for someone to attack and eat .",ARG-0: lion SRL for [marrying off]: It is the [marrying off] of young girls to older men often close relatives that enfurates me .,ARG-1: of young girls | ARG-2: to older men often close relatives SRL for [were doped]: Different gasoline blends [were doped] with used engine oil .,ARG-1: Different gasoline blends | ARG-2: with used engine oil "SRL for [said]: Kent cigarettes were sold , the company [said]",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: Kent cigarettes were sold "SRL for [passed]: Cruz then allegedly moved closer to one of the officers and [passed] gas , the station reported .",ARG-0: Cruz | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-M-ADV: allegedly | ARG-1: gas "SRL for [co - managed]: Managing the bond issue is a group of investment banks headed by First Boston Corp. and [co - managed] by Goldman , Sachs & Co. , Merrill Lynch Capital Markets , Morgan Stanley & Co. , and Salomon Brothers Inc .","ARG-1: a group of investment banks | ARG-0: by Goldman , Sachs & Co. , Merrill Lynch Capital Markets , Morgan Stanley & Co. , and Salomon Brothers Inc" SRL for [measures]: his new deportation [measures] against people who advocate violence,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: new | ARG-1: deportation | ARG-2: against people who advocate violence SRL for [concerns]: The kinds and content of professional- development opportunities can be informed by ongoing monitoring of the [concerns] of teachers .,ARG-1: of teachers "SRL for [click]: Sometimes the first therapist you see wo n't work for you , but if that happens , keep trying and look for a different counsellor until you find one who-1 you [click] with *-1 , because it will be worth it I promise you .",ARG-1: you "SRL for [voted]: United 's directors [voted] themselves , and their spouses , lifetime access to the Friendly Skies -- free first - class travel , and $ 20,000 a year for life as well .","ARG-0: United 's directors | ARG-2: themselves , and their spouses | ARG-1: lifetime access to the Friendly Skies -- free first - class travel , and $ 20,000 a year for life as well" SRL for [joins]: Mike Hanna [joins] us with the latest from Ramallah,ARG-0: Mike Hanna | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: with the latest from Ramallah SRL for [trouble]: The Pakistani government may have [trouble] explaining their reasoning .,ARG-0: The Pakistani government | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: explaining their reasoning SRL for [rule]: I do n't understand the baseball [rule] that the third strike ( swinging ) must be caught by the catcher ...,ARG-1: baseball | ARG-3: that the third strike ( swinging ) must be caught by the catcher SRL for [ovations]: So ... how many of the folk in attendance -LRB- especially including Cheney -RRB- do ya think look forward to this slanted speech with all the interminable standing [ovations] and sitting back down .,ARG-M-TMP: interminable | ARG-M-MNR: standing SRL for [corroded]: The wind have [corroded] the boulders into fascinating shapes .,ARG-0: The wind | ARG-2: into fascinating shapes SRL for [howled]: ` ` I am Doctor Sax ! '' he [howled] at the butler .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: ` ` I am Doctor Sax ! '' | ARG-2: at the butler SRL for [jeered]: They [jeered] at him for bringing the child .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: at him | ARG-M-CAU: for bringing the child SRL for [remonstrated]: One of the gendarmes [remonstrated] with me to be more reasonable .,ARG-0: One of the gendarmes | ARG-1: with me | ARG-2: to be more reasonable "SRL for [dissolving]: He joins Nov. 13 , [dissolving] his consulting firm , Canter , Achenbaum Associates .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his consulting firm , Canter , Achenbaum Associates" SRL for [activity]: The doctor was not pleased with his lack of [activity] ., SRL for [dissolution]: the eventual [dissolution] of the EC,ARG-M-TMP: eventual | ARG-1: of the EC SRL for [fit]: she was [fit] to scream,ARG-1: she | ARG-2: to scream "SRL for [reopens]: This can opener [reopens] bottles , too !",ARG-2: This can opener | ARG-1: bottles | ARG-M-DIS: too SRL for [disparage]: Yet they do n't [disparage] their audiences by disparaging their act .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: their audiences | ARG-M-MNR: by disparaging their act "SRL for [pushed]: Speculative investors , betting on an imminent clash between Ford and GM , [pushed] up Jaguar 's share price five pence ( eight U.S. cents ) to a near - record 720 pence ( $ 11.60 ) in late trading on London 's stock exchange yesterday .",ARG-0: Speculative investors | ARG-M-PRD: betting on an imminent clash between Ford and GM | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-1: Jaguar 's share price | ARG-2: to a near - record 720 pence ( $ 11.60 ) | ARG-M-LOC: in late trading on London 's stock exchange "SRL for [ignite]: This trend appears to be especially true at General Motors Corp. , which used both dealer and consumer incentives to [ignite] sales in August and September .",ARG-0: General Motors Corp. | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: sales | ARG-M-TMP: in August and September "SRL for [screeched]: The woman [screeched] to her deaf husband "" It 's getting more crowded each day ! ""","ARG-0: The woman | ARG-2: to her deaf husband | ARG-1: "" It 's getting more crowded each day ! """ "SRL for [flooded]: When Mrs. Thatcher cut the top tax rate to 40 % , Mr. Lawson [flooded] the country with money to prevent the pound from rising against the mark .",ARG-M-TMP: When Mrs. Thatcher cut the top tax rate to 40 % | ARG-0: Mr. Lawson | ARG-1: the country | ARG-2: with money | ARG-M-PNC: to prevent the pound from rising against the mark SRL for [ambulatory]: Patient describes her leg pain as severe and she is not very [ambulatory] .,ARG-0: Patient | ARG-M-ADV: very | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [manned]: He [manned] the UAL post yesterday with Christopher Bates , 33 , an energetic Long Islander who 's a dead ringer for actor Nicolas Cage .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the UAL post | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-COM: with Christopher Bates , 33 , an energetic Long Islander who 's a dead ringer for actor Nicolas Cage" SRL for [entitled]: The buy - out group is also [entitled] to $ 16 million to repay a fund created by the pilots union for an employee stock ownership plan .,ARG-2: The buy - out group | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: to $ 16 million to repay a fund created by the pilots union for an employee stock ownership plan "SRL for [yawn]: Then he would [yawn] and stretch and shout , `` All out .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would SRL for [assurance]: an [assurance] that you would exonerate Libby,ARG-2: that you would exonerate Libby SRL for [attending]: Some 500 investors representing investor clubs from around the U.S. were [attending] when the market started to slide Friday .,ARG-0: Some 500 investors representing investor clubs from around the U.S. | ARG-M-TMP: when the market started to slide Friday "SRL for [hunting]: He also said that taking into account the commercial [hunting] , the gorillas might face extinction very soon .",ARG-M-PRP: commercial "SRL for [smooth out]: However , shedding steel would run directly counter to Mr. Roderick 's original rationale for diversifying into oil and gas : Having two major products would lessen the company 's vulnerability to one market 's down cycle and help [smooth out] the flow of cash and earnings .",ARG-0: Having two major products | ARG-1: the flow of cash and earnings SRL for [warning]: Mr. Thompson projected that Anheuser 's statement of intent could simply be a means of [warning] competitors to ease up on price - cutting or face a costly and fruitless battle .,ARG-0: Anheuser | ARG-2: competitors | ARG-1: to ease up on price - cutting or face a costly and fruitless battle SRL for [rationalize]: Let 's [rationalize] our priorities by solving pollution problems at the local level as heretofore .,ARG-0: 's | ARG-1: our priorities | ARG-2: by solving pollution problems at the local level as heretofore SRL for [transplantation]: A pancreas [transplantation] is an organ transplant that involves implanting a healthy pancres into a person who usually has diabetes .,ARG-1: pancreas "SRL for [insured]: He assumed that principal and interest were `` fully [insured] up to $ 100,000 , '' he adds .","ARG-M-EXT: fully | ARG-1: principal and interest | ARG-2: up to $ 100,000" "SRL for [mummified]: Um any time you 've got a a body uh or remains like this that has come in and they 're in pretty good condition such as this one is , it 's [mummified] remains .",ARG-1: remains SRL for [fast - track]: The USN is also attempting to [fast - track] its Seabasing platforms which theoretically would make up for the draw - down in legacy amphibious warfare platforms .,ARG-0: The USN | ARG-1: its Seabasing platforms "SRL for [intrigues]: The handwriting of typographers [intrigues] me because it raises so many questions , big and small ...","ARG-0: The handwriting of typographers | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-CAU: because it raises so many questions , big and small" SRL for [gossiping]: Farmers in loose turbans and fancy earrings spend their afternoons laughing and [gossiping] at the markets .,ARG-0: Farmers in loose turbans and fancy earrings | ARG-M-LOC: at the markets "SRL for [speaks]: Gao also revealed that to ensure that his own writing remains fresh and lively , he first [speaks] his thoughts into a recorder before later recasting them in a written form .",ARG-M-PRP: to ensure that his own writing remains fresh and lively | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: his thoughts | ARG-2: into a recorder | ARG-M-TMP: before later recasting them in a written form SRL for [direction]: at the President 's [direction],ARG-0: the President 's SRL for [cored out]: I [cored out] the seeds of the apples .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: the seeds of the apples "SRL for [christening]: Special occasions such as keel laying , ship [christening] , and commissioning ceremonies deal with shipbuilding , no ceremonies for scrapping .",ARG-1: ship "SRL for [grouped]: Shorn of all their riders , special provisions , and other bells and whistles , insurance policies can still be [grouped] under two broad categories : so-called pure insurance , which amasses no cash value in the policy and pays off only upon death , and permanent insurance , which provides not only a death benefit but also a cash value in the policy that can be used in various ways while the insured is still alive .","ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: insurance policies | ARG-2: under two broad categories : so-called pure insurance , which amasses no cash value in the policy and pays off only upon death , and permanent insurance , which provides not only a death benefit but also a cash value in the policy that can be used in various ways while the insured is still alive" SRL for [touch on]: The interview did not [touch on] Singapore 's domestic affairs .,ARG-0: The interview | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: Singapore 's domestic affairs "SRL for [bouncing]: Cable & Wireless benefited from a market squeeze , [bouncing] 13 to 498 in moderately active volume .",ARG-1: Cable & Wireless | ARG-2: 13 | ARG-4: to 498 | ARG-M-LOC: in moderately active volume "SRL for [resettled]: On the Commodity Exchange in New York , gold for current delivery [resettled] at $ 374.20 an ounce , down 50 cents .",ARG-M-LOC: On the Commodity Exchange | ARG-M-LOC: in New York | ARG-1: gold for current delivery | ARG-4: at $ 374.20 an ounce | ARG-2: down 50 cents SRL for [rushed]: The Swedish publishers of a new Estonian - language newspaper [rushed] an extra edition across the Baltic on Oct. 10 after the first run sold out in one day .,ARG-0: The Swedish publishers of a new Estonian - language newspaper | ARG-1: an extra edition | ARG-2: across the Baltic | ARG-M-TMP: on Oct. 10 | ARG-M-TMP: after the first run sold out in one day SRL for [galled]: The saddle [galled] the horse 's back .,ARG-0: The saddle | ARG-1: the horse 's back SRL for [overspreaded]: The disease [overspreaded] European Russia as far as Moscow .,ARG-1: The disease | ARG-2: European Russia as far as Moscow "SRL for [vibrating]: The ghostly footsteps : `` Interstate 64 is a block away , and heavy traffic can sure set a house to [vibrating] . ''",ARG-1: a house SRL for [frosted over]: He leaned against the window until the glass [frosted over] with condensation from his breath .,ARG-1: the glass | ARG-2: with condensation from his breath "SRL for [dating]: Though most Egyptologists today have yet to accept such a necessary "" radical "" revision of their [dating] of the Pyramid , there have been other discoveries that have forced them to at least realize that their preconceived theories of any early Dynastic age for the structure is no longer tenable .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the Pyramid "SRL for [reformulated]: But the plan now is being `` [reformulated] , '' Delmed said , declining to provide most of the new terms of the combination .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: the plan SRL for [restated]: The year - earlier results have been [restated] to reflect an accounting change .,ARG-1: The year - earlier results | ARG-M-PNC: to reflect an accounting change SRL for [sculpted]: Julia [sculpted] a 30 foot long octopus out of styrofoam for an amusement park company in Mexico .,ARG-0: Julia | ARG-1: a 30 foot long octopus | ARG-2: out of styrofoam | ARG-M-GOL: for an amusement park company in Mexico SRL for [diving]: their illegal scuba [diving] into protected waters,ARG-0: their | ARG-M-MNR: illegal | ARG-M-MNR: scuba | ARG-1: into protected waters "SRL for [heaving]: If I did eat anything sometime , when at my worst I was [heaving] -- three or f- five to six seven times a day I was heaving /.",ARG-1: I SRL for [marking up]: Our hard - working team of annotators is [marking up] the Wall Street Journal with semantic roles .,ARG-0: Our hard - working team of annotators | ARG-1: the Wall Street Journal | ARG-2: with semantic roles SRL for [allegations]: The congressional committee has not yet made formal [allegations] of corruption against the senator .,ARG-M-MNR: formal | ARG-1: of corruption | ARG-3: against the senator "SRL for [lammed]: The last time I ate at Arterra , its then nearly new head chef [lammed] it out the back door and ran home to Pittsburgh .",ARG-0: its then nearly new head chef | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-DIR: out the back door "SRL for [chalking up]: Mr. Thomson played outfield and third base until 1960 , posting a lifetime .270 batting average and [chalking up] 264 home runs before retiring and going into paper - goods sales .",ARG-0: Mr. Thomson | ARG-1: 264 home runs | ARG-M-TMP: before retiring and going into paper - goods sales SRL for [shed light]: Data still to come may [shed light] on how all biology came to be,ARG-0: Data still to come | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: on how all biology came to be SRL for [deployment]: The Army 's [deployment] of troops to Morocco seemed to temporarily quell the violence .,ARG-0: The Army 's | ARG-1: of troops | ARG-2: to Morocco SRL for [warning]: war hero Dwight Eisenhower 's suprising [warning] about the influence of the pentagon,ARG-0: war hero Dwight Eisenhower 's | ARG-M-ADJ: suprising | ARG-1: about the influence of the pentagon "SRL for [accelerating]: That 's up from about 687 a month in 1985 , and it 's [accelerating] : So far this month , foreclosures are averaging about 85 a day .",ARG-1: it SRL for [spurted]: Ketchup [spurted] from the bottle onto John 's tuxedo .,ARG-1: Ketchup | ARG-2: from the bottle | ARG-M-DIR: onto John 's tuxedo "SRL for [moves]: This somewhat - ambiguous assessment [moves] one Alliance portfolio manager to ask : `` So , what is this -- a Stealth recession ? ''","ARG-0: This somewhat - ambiguous assessment | ARG-1: one Alliance portfolio manager | ARG-2: to ask : `` So , what is this -- a Stealth recession ? ''" SRL for [smirked]: Alec [smirked] .,ARG-0: Alec "SRL for [polled]: For the first time , the October survey [polled] members on imports .",ARG-M-TMP: For the first time | ARG-0: the October survey | ARG-1: members | ARG-2: on imports "SRL for [comeback]: The whole idea of computer - integrated manufacturing , CIM , seems to be making a [comeback] after losing a little luster over the past couple of years when it became apparent that it was n't a panacea that would make U.S. plants more efficient and banish foreign competition .","ARG-0: The whole idea of computer - integrated manufacturing , CIM | ARG-M-LVB: making" SRL for [extended]: Two rival bidders for Connaught BioSciences [extended] their offers to acquire the Toronto - based vaccine manufacturer Friday .,ARG-0: Two rival bidders for Connaught BioSciences | ARG-1: their offers to acquire the Toronto - based vaccine manufacturer | ARG-M-TMP: Friday "SRL for [abashed]: Naturally , John was rather [abashed] at the prospect of meeting a couple who had taken an interest in him and the college .",ARG-M-DIS: Naturally | ARG-1: John | ARG-M-ADV: rather | ARG-0: at the prospect of meeting a couple who had taken an interest in him and the college SRL for [chill out]: Snapchat tells everyone to [chill out] over its new privacy policy .,ARG-0: everyone | ARG-1: over its new privacy policy SRL for [tell]: What does this [tell] us about the transformation of Taiwan 's townships ?,ARG-1: What | ARG-0: this | ARG-2: us | ARG-M-ADV: about the transformation of Taiwan 's townships "SRL for [under achievement]: With this in mind , I would suggest a far harsher view on the foreign elites -LRB- and their tendency to avoid tax -RRB- and more importantly to tackle white [under achievement] in the schools and workplace .",ARG-0: white | ARG-1: in the schools and workplace SRL for [alienating]: They chance [alienating] the customers they hope to woo by looking like opportunistic sharks .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the customers they hope to woo | ARG-M-MNR: by looking like opportunistic sharks SRL for [amazed]: Count me in as another person who is simply [amazed] that there is a student union out there with any sort of power at all .,ARG-1: who | ARG-0: that there is a student union out there with any sort of power at all "SRL for [dislike]: The son of a specialist and once one himself , Mr. Phelan has nonetheless been striving -- with products like the new stock basket that his former colleagues [dislike] so much -- to keep index funds and other program traders from taking their business to overseas markets .",ARG-0: his former colleagues | ARG-1: the new stock basket | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MNR: so much SRL for [robbed]: Seventeen percent reported their customers being [robbed] .,ARG-1: their customers SRL for [know]: She does n't [know] one end of the car from the other .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: one end of the car | ARG-2: from the other SRL for [goes out]: Well unless of course the third compressor he put in the car [goes out] .,ARG-1: the third compressor he put in the car "SRL for [boarding]: He might say hi , but he might not since i stood him up when he asked if he could join me in zone 1 [boarding] .",ARG-0: zone 1 SRL for [muddy]: many were [muddy] with ancient humoral silt,ARG-1: many | ARG-2: with ancient humoral silt SRL for [hiked]: She [hiked] her skirt up over her knees and proceeded up the ladder .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her skirt | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-2: over her knees "SRL for [hulking]: This fall , Ford introduced only one new product : A restyled version of its [hulking] Lincoln Town Car luxury model .",ARG-1: Lincoln Town Car luxury model "SRL for [borrowing]: Represented a large Latin American financial institution in connection with their [borrowing] of a $ 325,000,000 syndicated interbank credit facility from a European syndicate .","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of a $ 325,000,000 syndicated interbank credit facility | ARG-2: from a European syndicate" SRL for [dialogue]: a political [dialogue],ARG-1: political SRL for [disclosed]: Terms were n't [disclosed] .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Terms "SRL for [surprise]: Let 's start with that [surprise] , the malfeasance that is crossing your desk .",ARG-0: the malfeasance that is crossing your desk SRL for [unspecified]: The community admires him for his [unspecified] good works .,ARG-1: his | C-ARG-1: good works SRL for [holds]: Give us your insights as to what you think the future [holds] .,ARG-0: the future | ARG-1: what SRL for [distributes]: RMS [distributes] electronic devices and produces power supplies and plastic literature displays .,ARG-0: RMS | ARG-1: electronic devices SRL for [pronation]: Note that [pronation] of the forearm does not involve rotation of the upper - arm from the shoulder joint - which is a different movement .,ARG-1: of the forearm SRL for [redeveloped]: Albert M. Kligman [redeveloped] Retin - A to combat acne,ARG-0: Albert M. Kligman | ARG-1: Retin - A | ARG-4: to combat acne SRL for [shaded]: The road leading south along the river was [shaded] with old trees ...,ARG-1: The road leading south along the river | ARG-0: with old trees "SRL for [split up]: Destitute , the family [split up] and went their separate ways .",ARG-M-PRD: Destitute | ARG-1: the family SRL for [annuled]: The judge [annuled] the marriage .,ARG-0: The judge | ARG-1: the marriage "SRL for [assigned]: The role society [assigned] to men emphasized accomplishments in the outside world , so it was only legitimate for men to learn how to make a living .",ARG-1: The role | ARG-0: society | ARG-2: to men SRL for [compared]: Its price is [compared] between the futures market and the stock market,ARG-1: Its price | ARG-M-LOC: between the futures market and the stock market SRL for [came]: I 'm sure the house [came] with a child sized hole kicked in already .,ARG-1: the house | ARG-2: with a child sized hole kicked in already SRL for [brushfire]: Firefighters continue to battle 320 acre [brushfire] in Ka'u .,ARG-2: 320 acre | ARG-M-LOC: in Ka'u "SRL for [ascribed]: As a public figure , Mr. Masson had to prove malice and , as proof of malice , Mr. Masson contended that defamatory quotations [ascribed] to him by Ms. Malcolm were in fact fabricated .",ARG-1: defamatory quotations | ARG-2: to him | ARG-0: by Ms. Malcolm SRL for [service]: A part of the Hotel - Villa BB is Adria tavern where we offer [service] of breakfast to our guests,ARG-1: of breakfast | ARG-2: to our guests SRL for [stinks]: John [stinks] at picking up girls .,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: at picking up girls SRL for [restraint]: ... because of his mother 's [restraint] of him from shedding blood ...,ARG-0: his mother 's | ARG-1: of him | ARG-2: from shedding blood SRL for [chat]: I had a friendly [chat] with my new neighbor down the hall at work .,ARG-M-MNR: friendly | ARG-2: with my new neighbor down the hall SRL for [opening]: Will the [opening] of normal commercial activities be considered ?,ARG-1: of normal commercial activities SRL for [powerful]: The statement by this party secretary is so [powerful],ARG-1: The statement by this party secretary | ARG-M-EXT: so "SRL for [sensation]: The stroke had a big impact on Roberto , influencing his [sensation] of distance and size , for example .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of distance and size "SRL for [endured]: This morning as I drove the 13 miles to my law office and [endured] the routine heavy traffic during that twice - daily journey , I thought of how fortunate it was that we made the decision to be residents of an expanding community with so many opportunities and where so much is happening .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: the routine heavy traffic | ARG-M-TMP: during that twice - daily journey SRL for [play]: Fair [play] of the United States for stepping in .,ARG-M-MNR: Fair | ARG-0: of the United States | ARG-M-ADJ: for stepping in SRL for [accesses]: The therapist asked the patient about his recent [accesses] of rage at work .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-1: of rage | ARG-M-LOC: at work SRL for [meetings]: American Mideast peace envoy Dennis Ross goes to Morocco this week for [meetings] with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat .,ARG-1: with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat "SRL for [buoyed up]: After Captain Docherty sent Arleigh Griffith for Hoag he was able to complete his detailed inspection of the third floor and to receive a report from his man covering the floors above before Griffith returned , [buoyed up] by a brief stop for another glass of champagne .",ARG-1: Griffith | ARG-0: by a brief stop for another glass of champagne SRL for [moralized]: The President [moralized] to the reporters about government spending and government debt problem .,ARG-0: The President | ARG-1: to the reporters | ARG-2: about government spending and government debt problem SRL for [particular]: My Chocolate Lab is [particular] about his water source .,ARG-0: My Chocolate Lab | ARG-1: about his water source "SRL for [streamed]: About $ 60 million [streamed] out last week alone , double the level of the week following last month 's Campeau Corp. credit squeeze .",ARG-1: About $ 60 million | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-M-TMP: last week alone | ARG-M-PRD: double the level of the week following last month 's Campeau Corp. credit squeeze SRL for [chugged]: The engine of John 's car [chugged] loudly .,ARG-0: The engine of John 's car | ARG-M-MNR: loudly SRL for [curtained]: Her short black brown hair [curtained] her from the passerbys who were looking at her weirdly .,ARG-0: Her short black brown hair | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: from the passerbys who were looking at her weirdly "SRL for [landslide]: 33 dead after 10,000 tonne [landslide] in Guatemala","ARG-2: 10,000 tonne | ARG-M-LOC: in Guatemala" "SRL for [obliteration]: Although sympathetic to their destitution , Atwood is appalled at their [obliteration] of a site 's archaeological value .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of a site 's archaeological value SRL for [witnessed]: The junk market has [witnessed] some trouble,ARG-0: The junk market | ARG-1: some trouble SRL for [engrossed]: In a moment they were both [engrossed] in a game of hearts .,ARG-M-TMP: In a moment | ARG-1: they | ARG-0: in a game of hearts SRL for [invaginated]: the ascending and transverse portions of the colon are successively [invaginated] .,ARG-M-MNR: successively | ARG-1: the ascending and transverse portions of the colon SRL for [clear]: [Police]-1 moved in before daybreak and started [*]-1 to [clear] out the camp,ARG-2: the camp "SRL for [pullback]: Russian [pullback] from Ukraine border may have eased tensions , but not security concerns .",ARG-1: Russian | ARG-2: from Ukraine border "SRL for [hazed]: A navy vet told me abt getting "" shellback "" , which i think means that you 've crossed the equator . but before receiving the title you get [hazed] . i do nt",ARG-1: you SRL for [moistened]: It [moistened] not his executioner 's heart with any pity .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: his executioner 's heart | ARG-2: with any pity "SRL for [garlanded]: A woman danced on the riverbank as Weir , [garlanded] in marigolds , sprinkled Garci .",ARG-1: Weir | ARG-2: in marigolds SRL for [dissociation]: Whether Iranian courts have ordered persons who have been associated of Baha'is to publicly announce their [dissociation] from their former Baha'i associates ...,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: from their former Baha'i associates SRL for [reflected]: The mirror [reflected] the enormous zit on John 's nose .,ARG-1: The mirror | ARG-2: the enormous zit on John 's nose "SRL for [percussed]: If the healthy lungs be [percussed] , the sound elicited is sonorous and clear ;",ARG-1: the healthy lungs SRL for [span]: A [span] of 10 feet .,ARG-2: of 10 feet SRL for [obligation]: its [obligation] to reduce carbon dioxide emissions,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: to reduce carbon dioxide emissions SRL for [broke out]: Metallica [broke out] of the Metal underground .,ARG-0: Metallica | ARG-1: of the Metal underground "SRL for [intensified]: The hottest rivalry in the computer industry [intensified] sharply yesterday as Digital Equipment Corp. announced its first line of mainframe computers , targeting International Business Machines Corp. 's largest market .","ARG-1: The hottest rivalry in the computer industry | ARG-M-MNR: sharply | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-ADV: as Digital Equipment Corp. announced its first line of mainframe computers , targeting International Business Machines Corp. 's largest market" SRL for [rejected]: Telerate 's two independent directors have [rejected] the offer as inadequate .,ARG-0: Telerate 's two independent directors | ARG-1: the offer | ARG-3: as inadequate "SRL for [Judging]: [Judging] from the Americana in Haruki Murakami 's `` A Wild Sheep Chase '' Kodansha , 320 pages , $ 18.95 , baby boomers on both sides of the Pacific have a lot in common .","ARG-3: from the Americana in Haruki Murakami 's `` A Wild Sheep Chase '' Kodansha , 320 pages , $ 18.95" SRL for [repeat]: He did [repeat] those nice platitudes several times as an indication of his support for the Constitution .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: those nice platitudes | ARG-3: several times | ARG-M-MNR: as an indication of his support for the Constitution "SRL for [sanded]: Before applying the stains , he [sanded] the wood with 120 - grit paper .",ARG-M-TMP: Before applying the stains | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the wood | ARG-2: with 120 - grit paper "SRL for [scaling]: Naturally , her her true excitement expressed itself in a lie : she told him that her mother had named her after Sir Edmund , in admiration for his [scaling] Mount Everest .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: Mount Everest "SRL for [shriek]: But now with real anger at last , something proud and indignant , Early Spring stood like a she wolf before her den and cried , `` I will not [shriek] at you !",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: at you "SRL for [banish]: On the domestic front , the victory of Chen Shui - bian showed that people want more democracy , greater respect for human rights , and a more serious effort to [banish] "" black gold "" from the political arena .","ARG-1: "" black gold "" | ARG-2: from the political arena" SRL for [feels]: The government of President Carols Menem [feels] a significant reduction of principal and interest is the only way the debt problem may be solved .,ARG-0: The government of President Carols Menem | ARG-1: a significant reduction of principal and interest is the only way the debt problem may be solved SRL for [snoring]: My husband has snored for years and over the past decade or so his [snoring] has become louder and frequent during the night .,ARG-0: his "SRL for [BODYSLAM]: In a match for SWA in Huntington , WV , Chance Prophet unleashes the fury that is the [BODYSLAM] OF DOOOOOM !",ARG-M-ADJ: OF DOOOOOM SRL for [relations]: ambassadorial [relations],ARG-1: ambassadorial SRL for [disassembled]: Stewie quickly [disassembled] his time machine before Lois walked in .,ARG-0: Stewie | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: his time machine | ARG-M-TMP: before Lois walked in SRL for [reiterated]: I [reiterated] to him that he was able to complete boring work just like he had done before .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: to him | ARG-1: that he was able to complete boring work just like he had done before "SRL for [thin]: -LRB- BTW , he 's very [thin] , but has a heart condition -RRB- .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [trade]: a U.S. - Japan construction [trade],ARG-0: U.S. | ARG-2: Japan | ARG-1: construction "SRL for [Itching]: [Itching] skin , considered `` just nerves '' , was eased by treating with whiskey and salt .",ARG-1: skin "SRL for [out of hands]: More important , he would take the investigation [out of hands] , and that was something I could n't allow",ARG-1: the investigation | ARG-0: my "SRL for [nasaled]: ` ` Let 's not push our patience beyond the danger line , Sergeant '' , Killpath [nasaled] .","ARG-0: Killpath | ARG-1: ` ` Let 's not push our patience beyond the danger line , Sergeant ''" SRL for [evaporation]: This completely natural product contains only the naturally occurring mineral salts left after the sun 's [evaporation] of sea water .,ARG-0: the sun 's | ARG-1: of sea water "SRL for [dive]: Individual investors , investment firms and arbitragers who speculate in the stocks of takeover candidates can suffer liquidity and payment problems when stocks [dive] ; those investors often borrow heavily to buy their holdings and use the stocks as collateral for loans .",ARG-1: stocks | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [notice]: its [notice] of action,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of action SRL for [clocked]: We 're going to look for some of the better - known companies that got [clocked] '' Friday .,ARG-1: the better - known companies | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: Friday SRL for [charge]: Traditional stock managers like to [charge] higher fees for smaller investors .,ARG-0: Traditional stock managers | ARG-1: higher fees | ARG-2: for smaller investors SRL for [parboiled]: Rice was [parboiled] .,ARG-1: Rice SRL for [enthusiastic]: He is [enthusiastic] about surfing .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: about surfing SRL for [unbolted]: I just [unbolted] the latch from the core support bracket .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: the latch | ARG-2: from the core support bracket SRL for [kick]: Brandy Chastain 's [kick],ARG-0: Brandy Chastain 's SRL for [claimed]: Cortez [claimed] the new territory for Queen Anna,ARG-0: Cortez | ARG-1: the new territory | ARG-2: for Queen Anna "SRL for [storming]: The pillars of apartheid may be trembling in the rest of South Africa , with Johannesburg opening its public facilities to all races , blacks [storming] the all - white beaches of the Cape and the government releasing seven leaders of the banned African National Congress .",ARG-0: blacks | ARG-1: the all - white beaches of the Cape SRL for [bled out]: However the pig squealed in agony and was still running until it [bled out] .,ARG-1: it SRL for [delight]: Mr. Corry expected the Texas Oil & Gas sale to [delight] Mr. Icahn by addressing his concern about boosting shareholder value .,ARG-0: the Texas Oil & Gas sale | ARG-1: Mr. Icahn | ARG-2: by addressing his concern about boosting shareholder value SRL for [turns out]: This factory [turns out] hundreds of mountain bikes every day .,ARG-0: This factory | ARG-1: hundreds of mountain bikes | ARG-M-TMP: every day SRL for [Indications]: [Indications] for amputation include gangrene .,ARG-2: for amputation SRL for [seeding]: We have decided on [seeding] the teams into two groups of four .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the teams | ARG-2: into two groups of four SRL for [rid]: Right . How do I get [rid] of him ?,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: get | ARG-1: of him | ARG-M-MNR: How SRL for [rude]: It is [rude] to stand in doorways .,ARG-1: It | C-ARG-1: to stand in doorways "SRL for [punctuated]: There is only a faint orange light on deck , [punctuated] by this .",ARG-1: a faint orange light on deck | ARG-0: by this SRL for [hindering]: The Bush administration accused Israeli Prime Minister Shamir of [hindering] peace efforts in the Mideast with `` unhelpful '' and disappointing statements .,ARG-0: Israeli Prime Minister Shamir | ARG-1: peace efforts in the Mideast | ARG-3: with `` unhelpful '' and disappointing statements "SRL for [barracked]: The victory secured Hannibal 's position in northern Italy , he [barracked] himself at Bologna for the remaining winter .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: himself | ARG-M-LOC: at Bologna | ARG-M-TMP: for the remaining winter SRL for [unwise]: Old Jiang of Deka Company is indeed so [unwise] . The local soft environment has always been this way . Why still fight against the government ?,ARG-1: Old Jiang of Deka Company | ARG-M-DIS: indeed | ARG-M-EXT: so SRL for [trounce]: The 72 - year - old leader of the right wing Likud Party is expected to [trounce] Ehud Barak in the upcoming election for Prime Minister .,ARG-0: The 72 - year - old leader of the right wing Likud Party | ARG-1: Ehud Barak | ARG-2: in the upcoming election for Prime Minister SRL for [make believe]: You can [make believe] things are getting better or you can understand that things are getting worse and deal with it .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: things are getting better "SRL for [grumble]: Similarly , Honda Motor Co. 's sales are so brisk that workers [grumble] they have n't had a Saturday off in years , despite the government 's encouragement of more leisure activity .","ARG-0: workers | ARG-1: they have n't had a Saturday off in years , despite the government 's encouragement of more leisure activity" "SRL for [faking]: After his arrest , the forger admitted to [faking] and selling other paintings up and down the Eastern seaboard .",ARG-0: the forger | ARG-1: other paintings | ARG-M-LOC: up and down the Eastern seaboard SRL for [knew]: I [knew] a planet that was inhabited by a lazy man .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a planet that was inhabited by a lazy man "SRL for [divulged]: Since they are under interrogation , it means they may have [divulged] the secret .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: the secret "SRL for [caressing]: Adam watched his own hands make the [caressing] , anxious movement that , when rain falls and nobody comes , and ruin draws close like a cat rubbing against the ankles , has been the ritual of stall vendors , forever .",ARG-0: movement SRL for [upgraded]: Recently it [upgraded] its plants so that it could make stain - resistant products with higher quality dyes .,ARG-M-TMP: Recently | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its plants | ARG-M-PRP: so that it could make stain - resistant products with higher quality dyes "SRL for [unwinnable]: Unfortunately we are n't prepared to use similar tactics , so this war is [unwinnable] .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: this war "SRL for [turn away]: Kelly Siegler , an assistant district attorney who was in the courtroom , disputed suggestions the action was sexist , saying she had seen Judge Hancock [turn away] male defendants dressed in shorts , tank tops or muscle shirts `` many times . ''","ARG-0: Judge Hancock | ARG-1: male defendants dressed in shorts , tank tops or muscle shirts `` many times" "SRL for [aligned]: `` We expect near - term sluggishness in the electronics market , '' he said , `` and we will take ongoing cost - reduction actions as necessary to keep operations [aligned] with demand . ''",ARG-1: operations | ARG-2: with demand "SRL for [draw]: Or are you an unreformed navel - gazer , unable to resist the [draw] of the Museum of Shoulda Woulda Coulda ?",ARG-0: of the Museum of Shoulda Woulda Coulda ? "SRL for [re - entering]: On Oct. 19 , 1987 , some investors learned the consequences of [re - entering] `` good - til - canceled limit orders '' and then forgetting about them .",ARG-0: some investors | ARG-1: good - til - canceled limit orders "SRL for [dorsiflex]: In the present report , the patient was unable to [dorsiflex] his foot",ARG-0: the patient | ARG-1: his foot SRL for [load]: Because UPS drivers are n't permitted to [load] their own vehicles at the depot ...,ARG-0: UPS drivers | ARG-1: their own vehicles | ARG-M-LOC: at the depot "SRL for [actualized]: During the six years , nearly 6000 foreign - invested enterprises have accumulatively [actualized] a production value of nearly 270 billion yuan .",ARG-M-TMP: During the six years | ARG-0: nearly 6000 foreign - invested enterprises | ARG-M-MNR: accumulatively | ARG-1: a production value of nearly 270 billion yuan SRL for [place]: ... the possibility that Sea Containers ' subsidiaries might be required to [place] their shares in the open market .,ARG-0: Sea Containers ' subsidiaries | ARG-1: their shares | ARG-2: in the open market SRL for [infatuated]: How can she explain to him that he makes her react this way because he [infatuated] her .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: her "SRL for [smashing]: because the speed was not too fast ; but the other party were a truck after all , so the [smashing] of the truck 's doors was still very serious .",ARG-1: of the truck 's doors "SRL for [escorts]: His massage chair is kept in a closet , and a secretary [escorts] him past security .",ARG-0: a secretary | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: past security "SRL for [trending]: Half of those polled see the currency [trending] lower over the next three months , while the others forecast a modest rebound after the New Year .",ARG-1: the currency | ARG-2: lower | ARG-M-TMP: over the next three months SRL for [bawled]: They [bawled] questions that were not answered in the uproar .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: questions that were not answered in the uproar "SRL for [budge]: `` The company will not [budge] on anything , '' said a spokesman for the union .",ARG-1: The company | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: on anything SRL for [releasable]: the damper and the cable are [releasable] from the stud without tools by alignment of the keyhole features,ARG-1: the damper and the cable | ARG-2: from the stud | ARG-M-MNR: without tools | ARG-M-MNR: by alignment of the keyhole features "SRL for [aneurysmal]: On doing which , it became clear that the tumor was [aneurysmal] , and that the disease had returned .",ARG-1: the tumor "SRL for [smart]: As a rule , however , our pace was [smart] , and , if he was pressed for time , His Majesty liked us to drive as hard as we could .",ARG-M-ADV: As a rule | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-1: our pace SRL for [wasting]: to reduce the [wasting] of insulin,ARG-1: of insulin "SRL for [recruiting]: Hours after the announcement , representatives of the Orange County Register were in a bar across the street [recruiting] .",ARG-0: representatives of the Orange County Register "SRL for [empathize]: But Mr. Guber figured that Warner Communications Inc. chairman Steven Ross , would [empathize] and let the producers go , knowing the Sony offer was `` the culmination of a life 's work . ''",ARG-0: Warner Communications Inc. chairman Steven Ross | ARG-M-MOD: would SRL for [recommendation]: Congressman Michael McCaul ( R - TX ) released the following statement after the House Republican Conference ratified his [recommendation] as Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security for the 113th Congress :,ARG-1: his | ARG-3: as Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security for the 113th Congress SRL for [thanks]: Dr. Sanjay Gupto [thanks] for the update,ARG-M-DIS: Dr. Sanjay Gupto | ARG-2: for the update "SRL for [diagramming]: Once inside , she spends nearly four hours measuring and [diagramming] each room in the 80 - year - old house , gathering enough information to estimate what it would cost to rebuild it .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: each room in the 80 - year - old house SRL for [scribbled]: I [scribbled] him a note saying I didn?t know any of the Trivial Pursuit answers but I knew one thing -- that he was hot !,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: a note saying I didn?t know any of the Trivial Pursuit answers but I knew one thing -- that he was hot ! "SRL for [positive]: -- Repeat INR , APTT and fibrinogen labs were within normal ranges , Blood type was found to be B [positive]",ARG-1: Blood type | ARG-M-ADJ: B "SRL for [realized]: Once he [realized] that Paribas 's intentions were n't friendly , he said , but before the bid was launched , he sought approval to boost his Paribas stake above 10 % .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: that Paribas 's intentions were n't friendly SRL for [maturation]: The [maturation] of his writing into a tale well told,ARG-1: of his writing | ARG-3: into a tale well told SRL for [are priced]: Serial bonds [are priced] at par to yield 6.40 % in 1991,ARG-1: Serial bonds | ARG-2: at par | ARG-M-PNC: to yield 6.40 % in 1991 SRL for [look]: the Treasury 's [look] at plans for giving new tax breaks on dividends and raising taxes on short - term trades by pension funds,ARG-0: the Treasury 's | ARG-1: at plans for giving new tax breaks on dividends and raising taxes on short - term trades by pension funds SRL for [find]: This place was a real [find] !,ARG-M-ADJ: real SRL for [bickering]: I honestly do n't understand how any man could choose to get involved in his wife 's [bickering] with her girlfriend over shoes and a dog .,ARG-0: his wife 's | ARG-2: with her girlfriend | ARG-1: over shoes and a dog SRL for [ring]: your vision of the near future makes me shudder because of its [ring] of truth .,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: of truth SRL for [shape]: it 's going to make a roof [shape],ARG-2: roof "SRL for [balling]: Gun stiffened , his hands [balling] into fists at his sides .",ARG-1: his hands | ARG-2: into fists | ARG-M-LOC: at his sides SRL for [seeping]: The tire was [seeping] air .,ARG-2: The tire | ARG-1: air SRL for [bowed]: Eighteen months ago a disposable seven - day model [bowed] .,ARG-M-TMP: Eighteen months ago | ARG-1: a disposable seven - day model SRL for [secluded]: John [secluded] her from the world .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: from the world SRL for [billing]: Ralphie 's [billing] the Andersons $ 5000 dollars for one hour of his expertise appalled his new clients.9,ARG-0: Ralphie 's | ARG-2: the Andersons | ARG-1: $ 5000 | ARG-3: for one hour of his expertise SRL for [retched]: Look what the cat [retched] up .,ARG-0: the cat | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-1: what SRL for [chase]: a 10 - month - long corporate tax [chase],ARG-M-TMP: 10 - month - long | ARG-1: corporate tax "SRL for [TTP]: This 34 yo woman was seen by Dr. Zdazs Xphoq just over a month ago with viral infection -LRB- fever , sore throat -RRB- , and was [TTP] over thyroid region .",ARG-1: This 34 yo woman | ARG-2: over thyroid region SRL for [swagged]: The drunken man [swagged] into the room .,ARG-0: The drunken man | ARG-M-LOC: into the room SRL for [seems]: It [seems] that there 's a race on to come up with the priciest single bottle,ARG-1: that there 's a race on to come up with the priciest single bottle SRL for [dropped]: It has [dropped] its long - standing opposition .,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: its long - standing opposition SRL for [cast]: Fishermen [cast] their nets into the Mekong River under a glowing sunset .,ARG-0: Fishermen | ARG-1: their nets | ARG-2: into the Mekong River | ARG-M-LOC: under a glowing sunset SRL for [drying]: Bartholomew 's [drying] of the sheets was interrupted by a rain storm .,ARG-0: Bartholomew 's | ARG-1: of the sheets "SRL for [scammed]: The rogues ' gallery of planners involved includes some convicted felons , a compulsive gambler or two , various businessmen who had planned their own previous ventures right into bankruptcy , and one man who [scammed] his wife 's grandmother .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: one man | ARG-1: his wife 's grandmother SRL for [combusted]: Most fossil fuels are [combusted] with ambient air .,ARG-1: Most fossil fuels | ARG-2: with ambient air SRL for [looking]: A student was [looking] at a crib sheet .,ARG-0: A student | ARG-1: at a crib sheet "SRL for [approaching]: Jim Unruh , Unisys 's president , said he is [approaching] next year with caution .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: next year | ARG-M-MNR: with caution "SRL for [deportation]: The [deportation] of more than 315,000 men , women , and children by the Bulgarian regime","ARG-1: of more than 315,000 men , women , and children | ARG-0: by the Bulgarian regime" SRL for [disobey]: I am referring to those young men who chose to [disobey] their country 's call to arms during the Vietnam war and fled to Canada or some other sanctuary to avoid combat .,ARG-0: those young men | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: their country 's call to arms SRL for [purchased]: ... most [purchased] at nominal prices ...,ARG-1: most | ARG-3: at nominal prices SRL for [calming]: Dealers said London showed signs of [calming] in midafternoon ...,ARG-1: London SRL for [drawing]: his taking of the Fifth may permit the [drawing] of an adverse inference against him in the civil matter,ARG-1: of an adverse inference against him SRL for [conflagration]: All arguments that the Bush administration would be insane to attack Iran and risk a global [conflagration] for the sake of political cover run into one unavoidable truth .,ARG-1: global SRL for [lacquered]: I [lacquered] the fingerboard with Rustin 's Plastic Coating,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the fingerboard | ARG-2: with Rustin 's Plastic Coating "SRL for [reform]: The less - self - confident Czechoslovaks and Bulgarians , in contrast , declared their intentions to [reform] , while doing nothing concrete about it .",ARG-0: The less - self - confident Czechoslovaks and Bulgarians "SRL for [banging on]: Most of the past riots have been majorly white , nobody starts [banging on] about race then and they should n't .",ARG-0: nobody | ARG-1: about race | ARG-M-TMP: then SRL for [came by]: They [came by] their strangeness honestly .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their strangeness | ARG-M-MNR: honestly SRL for [focus]: Michael Carstens added that the sale of assets would allow Sea Containers to [focus] on its core container businesses .,ARG-0: Sea Containers | ARG-2: on its core container businesses "SRL for [occasion]: For the spooks it 's just another day of ectoplasmic business as usual , ghostbusters say ; the holiday seems to [occasion] no unusual number of ghost reports .",ARG-0: the holiday | ARG-1: no unusual number of ghost reports "SRL for [get back]: Hey girl , so for some reason the girl I was supposed to stay with is nt picking up her phone , are you still free to host justin case she does nt [get back] to me ?",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-NEG: nt | ARG-1: to me "SRL for [violating]: Gulf Power had been under investigation for [violating] the Utility Holding Company Act , which prohibits public utilities from making political contributions .","ARG-0: Gulf Power | ARG-1: the Utility Holding Company Act , which prohibits public utilities from making political contributions" "SRL for [deciphered]: After I finally [deciphered] what the hell he was saying , I tried to ignore it .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: what the hell he was saying "SRL for [mistrust]: His dangerous grand schemes and war plans mirrored the desire for Athens to expand her influence and though his fellow citizens repeatedly voted him into high command , their [mistrust] of him for his private debaucheries and ambition would ultimately lead to the destruction of them both .",ARG-0: their | ARG-2: of him | ARG-1: for his private debaucheries and ambition "SRL for [auscultation]: A 23 year - old , healthy Caucasian male was referred for an echocardiogram by his primary care physician who suspected the presence of a prolapsing mitral valve , based on his [auscultation] of a midsystolic click .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of a midsystolic click SRL for [escape]: His [escape] of punishment,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of punishment SRL for [stored]: The city was basking in eternal sunshine at the foot of mountains [stored] with endless riches and resources .,ARG-M-LOC: mountains | ARG-1: with endless riches and resources SRL for [run]: His [run] tied the game .,ARG-0: His "SRL for [clicked]: Several times , Chinese guards have pointed their automatic rifles at young children of U.S. diplomats and [clicked] the trigger .",ARG-M-TMP: Several times | ARG-0: Chinese guards | ARG-1: the trigger SRL for [tracking]: His progress 's [tracking] with the expected milestones is entirely due to his determination and the hard work of his caregivers .,ARG-1: His progress 's | ARG-2: with the expected milestones SRL for [promiscuous]: First was a girl that he was [promiscuous] with right before we started dating .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: with | C-ARG-1: that | R-ARG-1: a girl | ARG-M-TMP: right before we started dating SRL for [noticed]: Richard Breeden had n't [noticed] that his new desk had just four telephone lines and one phone .,ARG-0: Richard Breeden | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: that his new desk had just four telephone lines and one phone "SRL for [swimming]: Muskrats , according to my encyclopedia , look like giant rats , are found in and around the mudbanks bordering marshes and quiet ponds , have partially webbed feet , and do a good deal of [swimming] .",ARG-0: Muskrats | ARG-M-ADV: according to my encyclopedia | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-EXT: a good deal "SRL for [dedicated]: Ted Eubank , Coda 's president , said the loan carries an interest rate of prime plus one percentage point , with 85 % of the company 's net oil and gas revenue each month [dedicated] to repayment .",ARG-1: 85 % of the company 's net oil and gas revenue each month | ARG-2: to repayment SRL for [vocalize]: He wanted to clearly [vocalize] his opinion .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: clearly | ARG-1: his opinion "SRL for [shy away]: The scare over Alar , a growth regulator that makes apples redder and crunchier but may be carcinogenic , made consumers [shy away] from the Delicious , though they were less affected than the McIntosh .",ARG-0: consumers | ARG-1: from the Delicious | ARG-M-ADV: though they were less affected than the McIntosh "SRL for [varied]: But they said the C$ 30 - a - share bid , which was due to expire Monday , may still be extended or [varied] .","ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: the C$ 30 - a - share bid , which was due to expire Monday" SRL for [uncomfortable]: The sunburn was quite [uncomfortable] for her .,ARG-0: The sunburn | ARG-M-EXT: quite | ARG-1: for her "SRL for [divergence]: If we judge from the [divergence] of this point , Russia has a lot more room to maneuver in many international affairs than China does .",ARG-1: of this point SRL for [opening]: China 's [opening] of trade to the outside,ARG-0: China 's | ARG-1: of trade | ARG-3: to the outside SRL for [huddled]: He [huddled] with directors at a special meeting two weeks ago and tried to block his opponent .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: with directors | ARG-M-LOC: at a special meeting | ARG-M-TMP: two weeks ago "SRL for [ambiguous]: However , with regards to the facts that Vice - Mayor Gao Yong and another six people approved the construction of residential buildings for the County Public Health Bureau without authorization or any examination and approval on the use of land , and in violation of the overall planning for urban construction , the statement in the document was vague and [ambiguous] . It seemed to be trying to cover it up .","ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-1: with regards to the facts that Vice - Mayor Gao Yong and another six people approved the construction of residential buildings for the County Public Health Bureau without authorization or any examination and approval on the use of land , and in violation of the overall planning for urban construction | ARG-0: the statement in the document" "SRL for [overlooked]: But that rule is being virtually [overlooked] by Wall Street , which is concentrating on coping with the deduction issue .","ARG-M-ADV: virtually | ARG-1: that rule | ARG-0: by Wall Street , which is concentrating on coping with the deduction issue" SRL for [decision]: cooperating with the outside to explore and develop petroleum and natural gas resources is an important strategic [decision] for energy,ARG-M-ADJ: important | ARG-M-PRP: strategic | ARG-3: for energy "SRL for [marrying]: GM officials also see a lot of potential in [marrying] Jaguar 's cars to the technological know - how of Group Lotus PLC , a British engineering and specialty car maker GM bought in 1986 .","ARG-0: GM officials | ARG-1: Jaguar 's cars | ARG-2: to the technological know - how of Group Lotus PLC , a British engineering and specialty car maker GM bought in 1986" SRL for [narrates]: Anthony Hopkins [narrates] the Dr. Seuss 's verse .,ARG-0: Anthony Hopkins | ARG-1: the Dr. Seuss 's verse "SRL for [novel]: One of my classmates in Beijing reminded me that new trends are also needed in small places , the design must be [novel] , and of course I must ensure good quality .",ARG-1: the design | ARG-M-MOD: must SRL for [diverge]: That 's where the two scripts would [diverge] .,ARG-0: the two scripts | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-LOC: That | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [fractionating]: We would consider ultrasound of the liver and [fractionating] the alkaline phosphase for further evaluations .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the alkaline phosphase | ARG-M-PRP: for further evaluations SRL for [nourished]: Brenda [nourished] her body with organic raw and living foods .,ARG-0: Brenda | ARG-1: her body | ARG-2: with organic raw and living foods "SRL for [insure]: Right now , the largest loan the FHA can [insure] in high - cost housing markets is $ 101,250 .",ARG-0: the FHA | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the largest loan | ARG-M-LOC: in high - cost housing markets "SRL for [blamed]: The company [blamed] a number of factors for the earnings decline , including softer sales of joint - implants .",ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: a number of factors | ARG-2: for the earnings decline | ARG-M-ADV: including softer sales of joint - implants SRL for [blistering]: Nancy 's new shoes ' [blistering] of her feet was only worsening as the day went on .,ARG-0: Nancy 's new shoes ' | ARG-1: of her feet "SRL for [persuade]: In an attempt to [persuade] investors that his bid was n't just `` a stock play , '' Mr. Trump promised last week to notify the market before selling any shares .",ARG-0: Mr. Trump | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: his bid was n't just `` a stock play SRL for [resilience]: His perseverance in experimentation was mirrored by his [resilience] to political setbacks .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to political setbacks SRL for [frame]: ... the legislature can [frame] `` bright line '' standards that create less uncertainty than the fact - bound decisions of courts .,ARG-0: the legislature | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: `` bright line '' standards that create less uncertainty than the fact - bound decisions of courts "SRL for [hotspotted]: I [hotspotted] the points , hyperlinked to the relevant files , chose the lightbox option and added a caption .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the points "SRL for [flustered]: We blushed and were [flustered] , and it turned out to be the fleetest brush of lips upon cheek .",ARG-1: We "SRL for [eccentricities]: The Pygmalion and Galatea ( Florence , Palazzo Vecchio , c. 1529 - 30 ; largerly executed by the young Bronzino ) and the contemporary Martyrdom of the Theban Legion ( Florence , Pitti ) revive some part of Jacopo 's earlier emotional [eccentricities] , and even more conspicuously his eccentricities in drawing of anatomy .",ARG-1: Jacopo 's | ARG-M-TMP: earlier | ARG-2: emotional "SRL for [controlled]: Taiwan currently ranks fourth in the world in value of IT production , and , if you include the plants established by Taiwan investors across the globe , Taiwanese - [controlled] firms lead the world in manufacturing of IT hardware .",ARG-0: Taiwanese | ARG-1: firms SRL for [climb]: There are several causes for the recent [climb] in traffic fatalities .,ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-1: in traffic fatalities SRL for [testified]: One secretary [testified] that the judge once called her to his office while wearing nothing at all .,ARG-0: One secretary | ARG-1: that the judge once called her to his office while wearing nothing at all SRL for [tow]: The pickup must be within city limits and includes up to a 10 - mile [tow] .,ARG-3: 10 - mile "SRL for [Remembrance]: [Remembrance] of the 75th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 - 1923 , '' suffered at the hands of the warring Ottoman Empire","ARG-1: of the 75th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 - 1923 , '' suffered at the hands of the warring Ottoman Empire" SRL for [crowned]: John was [crowned] Emperor of Lower Slobovia .,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: Emperor of Lower Slobovia SRL for [seeking]: Czechoslovakia is [seeking] $ 2 billion from Hungary .,ARG-0: Czechoslovakia | ARG-1: $ 2 billion | ARG-2: from Hungary SRL for [sensed]: When I [sensed] her go limp in my arm I snapped out of my hungry daze .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: go limp in my arm | ARG-M-TMP: When SRL for [elevation]: The officials ' [elevation] of the disaster to a level 14 disaster predictably caused panic .,ARG-0: The officials ' | ARG-1: of the disaster | ARG-2: to a level 14 disaster SRL for [reticulate]: Writers [reticulate] the three mortises to form an anastomosis .,ARG-0: Writers | ARG-1: the three mortises | ARG-M-PRP: to form an anastomosis "SRL for [humor]: Jenny 's aversion to having Dr. Dunne , a former admirer , seemed silly to him , but he would [humor] her .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: her SRL for [Overfitting]: [Overfitting] of the model with cross - validation data .,ARG-2: of the model | ARG-1: with cross - validation data "SRL for [breaking]: If there are problems in the future , who will then be the one [breaking] the "" law "" ?","ARG-0: the one | ARG-1: the "" law """ SRL for [sentence]: A [sentence] of 100 lashes,ARG-2: of 100 lashes "SRL for [foaming]: But even though by some estimates it might cost the world as much as $ 100 billion between now and the year 2000 to convert to other coolants , [foaming] agents and solvents and to redesign equipment for these less efficient substitutes , the Montreal Protocol 's legions of supporters say it is worth it .",ARG-0: agents "SRL for [surveyed]: Of 1,224 companies [surveyed] , 31 % expect to cut spending on plant equipment and machinery , while only 28 % plan to spend more .","ARG-1: 1,224 companies" SRL for [disgruntled]: Newt 's was fiery and [disgruntled] .,ARG-1: Newt 's SRL for [description]: Gross [description] :,ARG-M-ADJ: Gross SRL for [provides]: Hudson General [provides] maintenance and other services to airlines and airports,ARG-0: Hudson General | ARG-1: maintenance and other services | ARG-2: to airlines and airports SRL for [runs]: The Dublin Conference [runs] until May 30,ARG-1: The Dublin Conference | ARG-M-TMP: until May 30 SRL for [reach]: His political [reach] extended from Armenia to Zanzibar .,ARG-1: His | ARG-M-ADJ: political SRL for [scaling]: The company 's [scaling] their project back from $ 350 million to a mere $ 275 million prevented them from having downsize in other departments .,ARG-0: The company 's | ARG-1: their project | ARG-5: back | ARG-3: from $ 350 million | ARG-4: to a mere $ 275 million "SRL for [unsatisfactory]: However , this so-called `` expanding Earth '' hypothesis was [unsatisfactory] because its supporters could offer no convincing geologic mechanism to produce such a huge , sudden expansion .","ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-1: this so-called `` expanding Earth '' hypothesis | ARG-M-CAU: because its supporters could offer no convincing geologic mechanism to produce such a huge , sudden expansion" SRL for [bugging]: I was one of the ones [bugging] Marian about staying in her class .,ARG-0: the ones | ARG-1: Marian | ARG-2: about staying in her class "SRL for [single]: The surety , at least , assumed no such responsibility ; as to him the obligation was [single] in its purpose , and fully satisfied when the indictment was discharged .",ARG-M-ADV: to him | ARG-1: the obligation | ARG-2: in its purpose "SRL for [inappropriate]: Fashion magazines and television shows may portray women in sassy work attire , but this type of clothing is [inappropriate] for most offices .",ARG-1: this type of clothing | ARG-2: for most offices "SRL for [virilize]: In severe cases , the pt will [virilize] .",ARG-M-LOC: In severe cases | ARG-1: the pt | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [produced]: The test and Learning Materials are both [produced] by the same company , Macmillan / McGraw - Hill .","ARG-1: The test and Learning Materials | ARG-M-DIS: both | ARG-0: by the same company , Macmillan / McGraw - Hill" "SRL for [laughed]: `` It 's hard to know whether it was intended to be funny , '' says the East Berlin shopkeeper , `` But everyone I know [laughed] about it .",ARG-0: everyone I know | ARG-2: about it SRL for [female]: I bought a 5 pack of Smok Tech Dual coil cartomizers and when I opened the package the threading on the end was [female] .,ARG-M-TMP: when I opened the package | ARG-1: the threading on the end SRL for [skin - diving]: Start off by [skin - diving] in a swimming pool or calm water .,ARG-1: in a swimming pool or calm water SRL for [resumption]: Their [resumption] of peace talks Monday,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of peace talks | ARG-M-TMP: Monday "SRL for [integrate]: Taiwanese people in the mainland invariably wish to maintain their ties with Taiwan , and are particularly anxious to ensure that their children can [integrate] quickly into the school system back home once they return .",ARG-1: their children | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-2: into the school system back home | ARG-M-TMP: once they return "SRL for [smudged]: As President Obama answered questions , the Vice President [smudged] his forehead with green chalk and started hamming it up behind him .",ARG-M-TMP: As President Obama answered questions | ARG-0: the Vice President | ARG-2: his forehead | ARG-1: with green chalk "SRL for [rationed]: `` You Got ta Have Wa '' is the often amusing chronicle of how American ballplayers , [rationed] to two per team , fare in Japan .",ARG-1: American ballplayers | ARG-2: to two per team "SRL for [painting]: Hsia spent over 20 years in New York , [painting] in the cavernous gloom of his loft , eating Chinese food and listening to traditional Chinese opera music .",ARG-0: Hsia | ARG-M-LOC: in the cavernous gloom of his loft SRL for [assignment]: Their [assignment] of the railroad 's holdings to the creditors was very complicated .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of the railroad 's holdings | ARG-2: to the creditors SRL for [search]: The detective 's [search] for clues was fruitless .,ARG-0: The detective 's | ARG-2: for clues SRL for [farnesylated]: N-(Ac)-CSIM was in vitro [farnesylated] with [ 3H ] FPP ( 20 Ci / mmol ) and farnesyltransferase and incubated with either mock - infected membranes ( i ) or reconstituted .,ARG-1: N-(Ac)-CSIM | ARG-2: with [ 3H ] FPP ( 20 Ci / mmol ) and farnesyltransferase "SRL for [decompresses]: Well , I have a Mac and when I expand bigdump it [decompresses] with Adobe GoLive .",ARG-M-TMP: when I expand bigdump | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with Adobe GoLive SRL for [immigration]: the [immigration] of thousands of them from lebanon to foreign countries,ARG-0: of thousands of them | ARG-2: from lebanon | ARG-1: to foreign countries "SRL for [black]: The vampire was [black] of heart , lacking of soul and humanity .",ARG-1: The vampire | ARG-2: of heart SRL for [blow]: a fourth - quarter [blow] to earnings from the California earthquake,ARG-M-TMP: fourth - quarter | ARG-1: to earnings | ARG-0: from the California earthquake SRL for [cleaning]: His [cleaning] the kitchen before cooking marinara sauce was a wasted effort .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the kitchen | ARG-M-TMP: before cooking marinara sauce SRL for [fructified]: The apple trees [fructified] .,ARG-2: The apple trees SRL for [quantification]: Amongst his achievements was his [quantification] of the unreliability of key longitudinal measurement .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the unreliability of key longitudinal measurement SRL for [priced]: These cars are [priced] to sell !,ARG-1: These cars | ARG-M-PRP: to sell SRL for [spanked]: A Harvey boy said in a federal lawsuit that a police detective [spanked] him with a wooden paddle when the boy as at the Harvey police station .,ARG-0: a police detective | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a wooden paddle | ARG-M-TMP: when the boy as at the Harvey police station "SRL for [extraction]: They were old - fashioned elegant gentlemen , who happened to be of German Jewish [extraction]",ARG-2: German Jewish "SRL for [cyclone]: Tropical cyclone Tracy is the smallest recorded [cyclone] , with a radius of gales extending less than 50 kilometres .",ARG-2: smallest recorded | ARG-M-ADJ: with a radius of gales extending less than 50 kilometres SRL for [forthcome]: ? If at the end of that time ransom were not forthcoming death would [forthcome] . ?,ARG-1: death | ARG-M-MOD: would "SRL for [trial]: Mr. Stanley is on [trial] over charges that he violated a proclamation , issued by the South African administrator general earlier this year , which made it a crime punishable by two years in prison for any person to `` insult , disparate or belittle '' the election commission .","ARG-1: Mr. Stanley | ARG-3: over charges that he violated a proclamation , issued by the South African administrator general earlier this year , which made it a crime punishable by two years in prison for any person to `` insult , disparate or belittle '' the election commission" "SRL for [cooped up]: In effect these women ran the family business , so naturally they did n't spend all day [cooped up] at home .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-LOC: at home SRL for [defaulted]: Mr. Lloyd said if Qintex had [defaulted] it could have been required to repay $ 92 million in debt under its loan agreements .,ARG-1: Qintex SRL for [forecast]: its [forecast] for economic growth in the EC in 1989,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: for economic growth in the EC in 1989 "SRL for [in trouble]: Upstream , the Three Gorges Dam , the world 's largest and designed to open up the interior to shipping , is [in trouble] from upstream silting and pollution .","ARG-M-LOC: Upstream | ARG-1: the Three Gorges Dam , the world 's largest and designed to open up the interior to shipping | ARG-0: from upstream silting and pollution" SRL for [meditation]: His [meditation] on these questions lasted for years and became the basis of his book .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: on these questions SRL for [Guaranteed]: *trace*-1 [Guaranteed] *trace*-1 by Svenska Handelsbanken .,ARG-0: by Svenska Handelsbanken "SRL for [re - case]: According to reports , in recent days the city of Changsha has used 24 karat gold to [re - case] a 7.1 m tall statue of Mao Zedong and , to form a complete set , also has constructed a four - thousand - square - meter Gold Statue Square to provide people a place to commemorate and relax . )",ARG-0: the city of Changsha | ARG-1: a 7.1 m tall statue of Mao Zedong SRL for [dyspigmentation]: cutaneous [dyspigmentation],ARG-1: cutaneous SRL for [fit]: Sansui is a perfect [fit] for Polly Peck 's electronics operation,ARG-M-MNR: perfect | ARG-2: for Polly Peck 's electronics operation SRL for [tornado]: think about being inside an F4 [tornado] with wind at 218 miles an hour .,ARG-2: F4 | ARG-5: with wind at 218 miles an hour "SRL for [exclaims]: Here 's a Waltana , '' he [exclaims] , picking one off a tree .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Here 's a Waltana | ARG-M-ADV: picking one off a tree "SRL for [balloon]: They will also tell you that even if you hate heights , you can still [balloon] .",ARG-M-ADV: even if you hate heights | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-ADV: still SRL for [squaring off]: Not only are Japan 's financial institutions putting their enormous clot to work ; increasingly they 're [squaring off] against one another in unprecedented public fashion .,ARG-M-TMP: increasingly | ARG-0: they | ARG-2: against one another | ARG-M-MNR: in unprecedented public fashion SRL for [escape]: Their great [escape],ARG-0: Their SRL for [blinks]: You look around at professional ballplayers or accountants ... and nobody [blinks] an eye .,ARG-0: nobody | ARG-1: an eye SRL for [reimburse]: Douglas R. Pappas of Myerson & Kuhn says about $ 5.3 million of the award goes directly to the USFL to [reimburse] it for fees already paid .,ARG-1: about $ 5.3 million of the award | ARG-2: it | ARG-3: for fees already paid "SRL for [rim]: Right now he takes people out to fish in the bays behind the barrier islands that curve for hundreds of miles along the eastern coast of Texas , enclosing milky green lagoons behind ridges of sand and grassy scrub that [rim] the deep blue of the Gulf beyond .",ARG-1: ridges of sand and grassy scrub | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: the deep blue of the Gulf beyond "SRL for [bounced back]: But Coleco [bounced back] with the introduction of the Cabbage Patch dolls , whose sales hit $ 600 million in 1985 .","ARG-1: Coleco | ARG-M-MNR: with the introduction of the Cabbage Patch dolls , whose sales hit $ 600 million in 1985" "SRL for [cheat]: Mrs. Yeargin 's case also casts some light on the dark side of school reform , where pressures on teachers are growing and where high - stakes testing has enhanced the temptation to [cheat] .",ARG-0: teachers "SRL for [satiate]: At CU , there 's Linguistics to [satiate] even the most enthusiastic .",ARG-0: Linguistics | ARG-1: even the most enthusiastic "SRL for [un - banning]: But the unconditional release of the seven leaders , who once formed the intellectual and organizational core of the ANC , is a de facto [un - banning] of the movement and the rebirth of its internal wing .",ARG-M-ADJ: de facto | ARG-1: of the movement SRL for [growing]: Barbara 's [growing] turnips in her front yard got her into hot water with the homeowner 's association .,ARG-0: Barbara 's | ARG-1: turnips | ARG-M-LOC: in her front yard "SRL for [balloon]: A bloated payroll and pervasive graft caused Pemex 's operating costs to [balloon] to 95 cents of each $ 1 in sales , far above the industry norm .","ARG-1: Pemex 's operating costs | ARG-2: to 95 cents of each $ 1 in sales , far above the industry norm" "SRL for [suppressed]: Had the suit been filed in time , they said , `` Bare - Faced Messiah '' would have been [suppressed] .",ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: Bare - Faced Messiah SRL for [mild]: Her headaches are infrequent and [mild] .,ARG-1: Her headaches "SRL for [conspired]: The central charge against Judge Hastings is that he [conspired] with a Washington lawyer to obtain a $ 150,000 bribe from defendants in a criminal case before the judge , in return for leniency .","ARG-0: he | ARG-2: with a Washington lawyer | ARG-1: to obtain a $ 150,000 bribe from defendants in a criminal case before the judge , in return for leniency" SRL for [putty - duddies]: Mary told John she would n't marry him because he merely [putty - duddies] through life .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: merely | ARG-1: through life SRL for [hanging on]: he finally comes to realise that maybe his views and his [hanging on] to the past need revision after all .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to the past SRL for [bite]: That dog 's bark is worse than his [bite] .,ARG-0: his SRL for [jk]: I m [jk] . What r u up too,ARG-0: I SRL for [participation]: small - investor [participation],ARG-0: small - investor SRL for [BEWARE]: [BEWARE] OF HEAVY DEBT .,ARG-1: HEAVY DEBT "SRL for [bump]: You [bump] into the same people all the time in Macau , and if you 're too strict about factions , you only make things difficult for yourself .",ARG-0: You | ARG-1: into the same people | ARG-M-TMP: all the time | ARG-M-LOC: in Macau SRL for [mis - sold]: The firm or business then has 6 - 8 weeks to give you it 's final written response as to whether it feels if it has [mis - sold] you the PPI or not .,ARG-0: it | ARG-2: you | ARG-1: the PPI "SRL for [nodular]: The entire specimen is pink , soft , and [nodular] .",ARG-1: The entire specimen SRL for [jerked]: She [jerked] herself back to the present .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: herself | ARG-2: back to the present SRL for [stay on]: He intends to [stay on] until he reached the conventional retirement age of 65 in October 1991 .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-TMP: until he reached the conventional retirement age of 65 in October 1991 "SRL for [notices]: In announcements to workers late last week , GM effectively signed death [notices] for two full - sized van assembly plants , andcast serious doubt on the futures of three U.S. car factories .",ARG-1: death | ARG-2: for two full - sized van assembly plants "SRL for [toppled]: A 10 - gallon water cooler had [toppled] onto the floor , soaking the red carpeting .",ARG-1: A 10 - gallon water cooler | ARG-4: onto the floor | ARG-M-ADV: soaking the red carpeting "SRL for [brawled]: In 1461 , when Howard was sheriff of Norfolk , he [brawled] with John Paston over elections to Parliament .",ARG-M-TMP: In 1461 | ARG-M-TMP: when Howard was sheriff of Norfolk | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: with John Paston | ARG-2: over elections to Parliament SRL for [moped]: They [moped] about the employment law in the US .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: about the employment law in the US "SRL for [think through]: However , if we [think through] the causes of such problems , we will find that we should not only blame the people of Hong Kong .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the causes of such problems "SRL for [unwinding]: For an intercalator to fit between base pairs , the bases must separate , distorting the DNA strands by [unwinding] of the double helix .",ARG-1: of the double helix "SRL for [judged]: None of the grants had been requested by HUD , [judged] competitively or were the subject of a single hearing .",ARG-1: None of the grants | ARG-M-MNR: competitively "SRL for [stagflation]: Well , worst is a pretty big accomplishment because that would mean he surpassed Jimmy Carter and his [stagflation] of 15 % unemployment and 15 % inflation ...",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: of 15 % unemployment and 15 % inflation SRL for [cracking]: Billy 's [cracking] his iPhone cost him an arm and a leg .,ARG-0: Billy 's | ARG-1: his iPhone SRL for [place down]: and [place down],ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-1: one of them SRL for [portend]: He said last week 's activity in gold could [portend] a move to $ 390 an ounce for the December contract .,ARG-0: last week 's activity in gold | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: a move to $ 390 an ounce | ARG-2: for the December contract SRL for [resume]: Analysts said Mr. Stronach wants to [resume] a more influential role in running the company .,ARG-0: Mr. Stronach | ARG-1: a more influential role in running the company SRL for [disorganization]: His habitual [disorganization] of his office caused him to often lose things and miss deadlines .,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-TMP: habitual | ARG-1: of his office "SRL for [harming]: My arms had started to look a mess because of my self - [harming] , so I decided to take action and see a counsellor .",ARG-0: my | ARG-1: self SRL for [conquest]: Victor Emmanuel II of Italy enters Rome after its [conquest] from the Papal States .,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from the Papal States SRL for [glaze over]: The approach worked well in the recent antitrust case in which Energy Transportation Systems Inc. sued Santa Fe Pacific Corp. over the transport of semi - liquefied coal -- the kind of case likely to make almost anyone 's eyes [glaze over] .,ARG-1: almost anyone 's eyes SRL for [pump up]: The SEC has alleged that Mr. Antar aimed to [pump up] the company 's stock price through false financial statements in order to sell his stake and reap huge profits .,ARG-0: Mr. Antar | ARG-1: the company 's stock price | ARG-M-MNR: through false financial statements | ARG-M-PRP: in order to sell his stake and reap huge profits "SRL for [incentivize]: Let business pay for more of our transportation bill , which they will pass to us , of course , and [incentivize] them to locate where they put the least stress on the system .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: transportation bill | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to locate where they put the least stress on the system SRL for [displays]: One color photo [displays] a rainbow of dress shirts tied in a knot ; another picture shows neckties with bold designs .,ARG-2: One color photo | ARG-1: a rainbow of dress shirts tied in a knot "SRL for [jeeped]: We [jeeped] to the top of the Medano pass , and now that we have traveled that road , we think it 's one of the best 4x4roads in the state .",ARG-1: We | ARG-3: to the top of the Medano pass "SRL for [living up]: Often a court includes military leaders , law enforcement personnel , tax collectors and other bureaucrats that assist the nobleman in his [living up] to his responsibilities .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to his responsibilities "SRL for [kill]: '' Ford probably would try to [kill] the proposal by enlisting support from U.S. takeover - stock speculators and holding out the carrot of a larger bid later , said Stephen Reitman , European auto analyst at London brokers UBS Phillips & Drew .",ARG-0: Ford | ARG-1: the proposal | ARG-2: by enlisting support from U.S. takeover - stock speculators and holding out the carrot of a larger bid later SRL for [underpenetration]: suboptimal imaging due to [underpenetration] of the films .,ARG-1: of the films "SRL for [hemmed in]: Instead of the usual straggling privet hedges and patches of bare dirt in most small - town squares , the building was [hemmed in] by a semitropical growth of camellias and azaleas and a smooth lawn the improbably bright - green shade of florist 's grass .",ARG-M-ADV: Instead of the usual straggling privet hedges and patches of bare dirt in most small - town squares | ARG-2: the building | ARG-1: by a semitropical growth of camellias and azaleas and a smooth lawn the improbably bright - green shade of florist 's grass "SRL for [Trumped]: Asked whether Friday 's action could help him avoid being [Trumped] by the New York real estate magnate , Mr. Crandall smiled broadly and said : `` No comment . ''",ARG-1: him | ARG-0: by the New York real estate magnate "SRL for [ridiculous]: I think she was [ridiculous] for hiding in the toilet ,",ARG-1: she | ARG-2: for hiding in the toilet SRL for [recall]: I [recall] that song /,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: that song SRL for [fabrication]: Their [fabrication] of the motorcycle frame was delayed when their garage flooded .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of the motorcycle frame SRL for [uses up]: He said that the difficult equation in the region is that of achieving food security since food production [uses up] around 80 % of Arab water resources .,ARG-0: food production | ARG-1: around 80 % of Arab water resources "SRL for [scattered]: It said about half are in California , with the rest [scattered] across the country .",ARG-1: the rest | ARG-2: across the country "SRL for [chat]: The parishioners of St. Michael and All Angels stop to [chat] at the church door , as members here always have .",ARG-0: The parishioners of St. Michael and All Angels "SRL for [blinded]: playing little clever tricks on minor issues , but [blinded] to major issues by trifles are not considered to be elites .",ARG-2: to major issues | ARG-0: by trifles SRL for [overbid]: `` Our competitors say we [overbid] them .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: them SRL for [activity]: He won the prize after earning a chance in the library 's weekly drawing based on his reading [activity] .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: reading SRL for [throttling]: He is [throttling] the liberty my father gave his life to win '' ! !,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the liberty my father gave his life to win SRL for [spearheaded]: Mr. Lortie joined Provigo in 1985 and [spearheaded] the company 's drive to grow outside its traditional food business .,ARG-0: Mr. Lortie | ARG-1: the company 's drive to grow outside its traditional food business "SRL for [crowded]: The school - board hearing at which she was dismissed was [crowded] with students , teachers and parents who came to testify on her behalf .","ARG-1: The school - board hearing at which she was dismissed | ARG-2: with students , teachers and parents who came to testify on her behalf" "SRL for [talking]: Although the board believed that Mr. Icahn is more interested in [talking] the stock price higher than acquiring USX , it adopted a poison - pill defense , to be swallowed if anyone amasses a 15 % stake .",ARG-0: Mr. Icahn | ARG-1: the stock price | ARG-2: higher "SRL for [deceased]: And now that returns must show dependents ' Social Security numbers , the IRS wants to see which dependents show up on more than one return -- and which dependents turn out to be [deceased] .",ARG-1: which dependents "SRL for [hammers]: However , this situation [hammers] home the validity of the state auditor 's report finding that the CTB and VDOT fail to fund transportation projects based on a comprehensive state transportation plan , but rather , based on whoever does the best job of lobbying .","ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-0: this situation | ARG-M-PRD: home | ARG-1: the validity of the state auditor 's report finding that the CTB and VDOT fail to fund transportation projects based on a comprehensive state transportation plan , but rather , based on whoever does the best job of lobbying" SRL for [talk]: [talk] among Republicans that maybe Conrad Burns would find something else to do maybe in the Bush administration,ARG-0: among Republicans | ARG-1: that maybe Conrad Burns would find something else to do maybe in the Bush administration SRL for [catty]: i think that 's what happens when you do n't do anything but go to the same bar for ten years . That 's me being really [catty] though .,ARG-0: me | ARG-M-EXT: really | ARG-M-ADV: though "SRL for [miscalculated]: But Mr. Bush and his advisers [miscalculated] the politics of the abortion issue , failing to grasp how dramatically the abortion - rights movement would be aroused following last summer 's Supreme Court decision to restrict those rights in the Webster case .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Mr. Bush and his advisers | ARG-1: the politics of the abortion issue | ARG-M-ADV: failing to grasp how dramatically the abortion - rights movement would be aroused following last summer 's Supreme Court decision to restrict those rights in the Webster case SRL for [sandbagged]: He single - handedly [sandbagged] the levee,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: single - handedly | ARG-2: the levee SRL for [lead]: follow the US [lead] in the OAS,ARG-0: US | ARG-M-LOC: in the OAS SRL for [waxed]: My friend has oily skin and [waxed] her upper lip and her skin went with it but only sometimes .,ARG-0: My friend | ARG-1: her upper lip SRL for [warning]: the imminent earthquake [warning],ARG-M-TMP: imminent | ARG-1: earthquake SRL for [set]: She [set] the table for the four of them .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the table | ARG-2: for the four of them "SRL for [allay]: Seeking to [allay] European concerns , U.S. Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter said in Washington that the new U.S. plan would n't `` put farmers out of business '' but would encourage them to `` grow what the markets desire instead of what the government wants . ''",ARG-0: U.S. Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter | ARG-1: European concerns SRL for [caution]: His [caution] to investors,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: to investors "SRL for [impugn]: As a result , says Mr. Geiger , lawyers think twice before appealing a judge 's ruling , are reluctant to mount , or even support , challenges against him for re - election and are usually loath to file complaints that might [impugn] a judge 's integrity .",ARG-0: complaints | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: a judge 's integrity SRL for [alignment]: McCain double talks his [alignment] with Bush on Iraq .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: with Bush | ARG-3: on Iraq SRL for [droning]: The bee hives ' constant [droning] reminded everyone of how busy bees really are .,ARG-0: The bee hives ' SRL for [honor]: The rest agreed with him and immediately called the place Edgar in [honor] of him for suggesting the plan .,ARG-1: of him | ARG-2: for suggesting the plan SRL for [underpin]: The share buy - back plan is likely to [underpin] B.A.T 's share price .,ARG-0: The share buy - back plan | ARG-1: B.A.T 's share price "SRL for [cognizant]: I expected it after the election , but I guess the GOP vipers are [cognizant] of their fate and are quickly lining up behind their next late , great "" savior "" .",ARG-0: the GOP vipers | ARG-1: of their fate SRL for [recapitulated]: Guidelines on this subject issued in August 2001 by Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson essentially [recapitulated] prior guidance .,ARG-0: Guidelines on this subject | ARG-M-ADV: essentially | ARG-1: prior guidance "SRL for [tag teamed]: When his in - ring career resumed , Morris often either [tag teamed] with his family , or fellow big man André the Giant .","ARG-M-TMP: When his in - ring career resumed | ARG-0: Morris | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-M-ADV: either | ARG-2: with his family , or fellow big man André the Giant" SRL for [outranks]: Japan not only outstrips the U.S. in investment flows but also [outranks] it in trade with most Southeast Asian countries ( although the U.S. remains the leading trade partner for all of Asia ) .,ARG-0: Japan | ARG-M-DIS: but also | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-LOC: in trade with most Southeast Asian countries SRL for [liberal]: Jeb Bush is too [liberal] to run for the GOP nomination,ARG-1: Jeb Bush | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to run for the GOP nomination SRL for [training]: The [training] of our Iraqi security forces,ARG-2: of our Iraqi security forces "SRL for [bound]: In our system of advocacy , the trial lawyer is duty [bound] to present the best case he possibly can . ''",ARG-M-LOC: In our system of advocacy | ARG-M-MNR: duty | ARG-1: to present the best case he possibly can SRL for [eager]: She is [eager] for food .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: for food SRL for [go on]: A state court judge has allowed the charity to [go on] soliciting funds .,ARG-1: soliciting funds "SRL for [dickered]: We have as much nostalgia as anyone for those leafy , breezy days in Washington when honorable men and women [dickered] over budgets and even log - rolled a bit to see that the bridges got build , roads paved , soldiers paid or that the desperately poor were cared for .",ARG-0: honorable men and women | ARG-2: over budgets SRL for [ubiquination]: Hypoxia inhibits the [ubiquination] of HIF-1alpha,ARG-1: of HIF-1alpha "SRL for [demarcate]: Looking at it from the perspective of lifestyle , Taiwanese do not usually clearly [demarcate] their personal space , and are usually pretty comfortable with the idea of being contactable at any time day or night .",ARG-M-ADV: Looking at it from the perspective of lifestyle | ARG-0: Taiwanese | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: usually | ARG-M-MNR: clearly | ARG-1: their personal space "SRL for [crinkles]: This makes it affordable , but it [crinkles] easily .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: easily SRL for [restless]: I am [restless] about the future .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: about the future SRL for [explosion]: a media [explosion],ARG-1: media SRL for [passing]: We talked about her husband 's [passing] in March .,ARG-1: her husband 's SRL for [nixed]: Ms. Renk says retailers [nixed] a promotion for pins with animal motifs .,ARG-0: retailers | ARG-1: a promotion for pins with animal motifs SRL for [call]: His [call] to the people for action was inspiring .,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: to the people | ARG-1: for action SRL for [Polarization]: The Vietnam War and Its [Polarization] of American Society,ARG-0: Its | ARG-1: of American Society SRL for [notched]: He [notched] the score on a stick .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: a stick | ARG-1: the score SRL for [nosebleeding]: Her recurring [nosebleeding],ARG-1: Her | ARG-M-PRD: recurring SRL for [conviction]: Mother of slain teen wo n't rest on her [conviction] that the killer 's punishment did n't fit the crime .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: that the killer 's punishment did n't fit the crime SRL for [bamboozled]: John [bamboozled] Mary into going to the basketball game with him .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: into going to the basketball game with him "SRL for [creeping]: Inventories are [creeping] up ; car inventories are already high , and big auto makers are idling plants .",ARG-0: Inventories | ARG-1: up SRL for [antedates]: The Peruvian empire [antedates] the Mexican empire .,ARG-0: The Peruvian empire | ARG-1: the Mexican empire "SRL for [fieldwork]: As a medical technician without formal training in ethnology , Teng 's qualifications for doing [fieldwork] have been questioned by some .",ARG-0: Teng | ARG-M-LVB: doing SRL for [sprinkling]: It 's [sprinkling] outside .,ARG-M-LOC: outside SRL for [lessen]: Having two major products would [lessen] the company 's vulnerability to one market 's down cycle and help smooth out the flow of cash and earnings .,ARG-0: Having two major products | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the company 's vulnerability to one market 's down cycle SRL for [oozing]: Bob 's sore 's [oozing] pus worried the doctor .,ARG-0: Bob 's sore 's | ARG-1: pus SRL for [necrotizing]: The patient 's bowel was quickly [necrotizing] .,ARG-1: The patient 's bowel | ARG-M-MNR: quickly "SRL for [scrapping]: The company yesterday also said it was [scrapping] one of its major new products , a 760 - megabyte drive .","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: one of its major new products , a 760 - megabyte drive" SRL for [started]: Dr. Mary [started] the patient on antibiotics .,ARG-0: Dr. Mary | ARG-1: the patient | ARG-2: on antibiotics SRL for [activity]: He won the prize after earning a chance in the library 's weekly drawing based on his reading [activity] .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: reading "SRL for [reasonable]: It may be [reasonable] if we take into account the thief 's message : "" How poor your family is , work harder ! "" given that the "" thief can encourage others to work hard . ""","ARG-1: It | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-ADV: if we take into account the thief 's message : "" How poor your family is , work harder ! "" | ARG-M-ADV: given that the "" thief can encourage others to work hard . """ "SRL for [non - advantageous]: ; if China is lost as a investment and trade partner , this will be extremely [non - advantageous] to India 's development .",ARG-M-ADV: if China is lost as a investment and trade partner | ARG-1: this | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-EXT: extremely | ARG-2: to India 's development SRL for [selling]: Dead - eyed men [selling] four - year - old copies of Cosmopolitan,ARG-0: Dead - eyed men | ARG-1: four - year - old copies of Cosmopolitan SRL for [preparation]: Darrent 's [preparation] for the bar exam paid off when he passed .,ARG-0: Darrent 's | ARG-2: for the bar exam SRL for [urgency]: Patient reports symptoms of prostatism with frequency and [urgency] ., SRL for [downward]: ok now build a 8x7 red [downward] L,ARG-1: L SRL for [awake]: He was [awake] to the real things of life !,ARG-1: He | ARG-3: to the real things of life ! "SRL for [restore]: `` A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over , their spells dissolve , and the people recovering their true sight , [restore] their government to its true principles .",ARG-0: the people recovering their true sight | ARG-1: their government | ARG-2: to its true principles SRL for [remission]: effects of catecholamine depletion on antidepressant - induced [remission] of depression,ARG-0: antidepressant - induced | ARG-1: of depression SRL for [check]: His book is an appeal to a permanent [check] on the growth and abuses of centralized authority .,ARG-M-TMP: permanent | ARG-1: on the growth and abuses of centralized authority "SRL for [hosts]: Judy Woodruff [hosts] this handsome four - part series about the history , economy , culture and politics of the island home of Chinese democracy and capitalism .","ARG-0: Judy Woodruff | ARG-1: this handsome four - part series about the history , economy , culture and politics of the island home of Chinese democracy and capitalism" "SRL for [PORTING]: [PORTING] POTABLES just got easier , or so claims Scypher Corp. , the maker of the Cup - Tote .",ARG-1: POTABLES SRL for [boot up]: My PC 's [boot up] is so slow ; I should 've spent the money on a Mac .,ARG-0: My PC 's SRL for [short]: Her visit was [short] .,ARG-1: Her visit SRL for [disrespects]: This is a practice that [disrespects] the agreement between the two associations .,ARG-1: the agreement between the two associations | ARG-0: a practice | R-ARG-0: that SRL for [restoration]: Call the municipal utility district office for [restoration] of service .,ARG-1: of service SRL for [correlation]: The study 's [correlation] between cell phone usage and cancer rates is tenuous at best .,ARG-0: The study 's | ARG-1: between cell phone usage | ARG-2: and cancer rates SRL for [roped]: They jump [roped] the more than five - mile long route .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: jump | ARG-2: the more than five - mile long route "SRL for [grabbed]: Likewise , in the U.S. , Nissan has [grabbed] 5.2 % of the car market so far this year , up from 4.5 % a year ago .",ARG-M-DIS: Likewise | ARG-M-LOC: in the U.S. | ARG-0: Nissan | ARG-1: 5.2 % of the car market | ARG-M-TMP: so far this year | ARG-M-ADV: up from 4.5 % a year ago "SRL for [stubbed]: On the way , she [stubbed] her toe on something left out of place",ARG-M-TMP: On the way | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her toe | ARG-2: on something left out of place SRL for [skyrocketing]: Art prices are [skyrocketing] ...,ARG-1: Art prices SRL for [degutted]: The leading lady 's poor performance [degutted] the play of its vitality,ARG-0: The leading lady 's poor performance | ARG-1: the play | ARG-2: of its vitality SRL for [probation]: [probation] of the will,ARG-1: of the will "SRL for [skimming]: After [skimming] through this magazine , I realized that its editor - in - chief is a Lebanese Christian brother .",ARG-1: through this magazine SRL for [accompanied]: John [accompanied] the unhappy group of travellers from the frying pan to the fire .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the unhappy group of travellers | ARG-3: from the frying pan | ARG-4: to the fire "SRL for [stand]: On one side of this power struggle [stand] theforces in ascendency on Wall Street -- the New Guard -- consistingof high - tech computer wizards at the major brokerage firms , theirpension fund clients with immense pools of money , and the tradersat the fast - growing Chicago futures exchanges .","ARG-2: On one side of this power struggle | ARG-1: theforces in ascendency on Wall Street -- the New Guard -- consistingof high - tech computer wizards at the major brokerage firms , theirpension fund clients with immense pools of money , and the tradersat the fast - growing Chicago futures exchanges" "SRL for [recordkeeping]: The current 14 - year drought is the most severe since [recordkeeping] for the Colorado River began , in 1906",ARG-3: for the Colorado River SRL for [were polyploidized]: This result suggests that the chromosomes of the reproductive cells before the meiotic division [were polyploidized] into amphidiploids .,ARG-1: the chromosomes of the reproductive cells before the meiotic division | ARG-4: into amphidiploids "SRL for [pinpoint]: Osamu Nagayama , deputy president of Chugai , which spends about 15 % of its sales on research and development , was unable to [pinpoint] how much money Chugai would pump into Gen - Probe .","ARG-0: Osamu Nagayama , deputy president of Chugai , which spends about 15 % of its sales on research and development | ARG-1: how much money Chugai would pump into Gen - Probe" "SRL for [early]: On top of that , the reform which Bashar has committed to and has already begun to carry out , lets the Syrian public to have seen the hope for new life and has eased to a certain degree their contradiction with the government , so it 's still too [early] to predict that a civil war will occur in Syria .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to predict that a civil war will occur in Syria SRL for [garnished]: She had [garnished] her dish with a sprinkling of finely chopped chives .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her dish | ARG-2: with a sprinkling of finely chopped chives SRL for [drink]: He took a [drink] from the whiskey bottle and passed it around .,ARG-2: from the whiskey bottle SRL for [offense]: I had the misfortune of taking a year of courses at this place 4 years ago - no [offense] to the OP who sounds like a pretty cool guy but it 's garbage and nobody takes it seriously .,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: to the OP who sounds like a pretty cool guy "SRL for [latches]: It [latches] when you close it , so stay as long as you like '' .",ARG-1: It | ARG-M-TMP: when you close it "SRL for [fleeced]: Meanwhile , in the squat office buildings that ring Fashion Island , the odds are good that someone is getting [fleeced] .",ARG-2: someone SRL for [colonized]: Plants are often [colonized] by endophytic bacteria .,ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: Plants | ARG-0: by endophytic bacteria "SRL for [danced]: At voters ' request , Ma Ying - Jeou [danced] a cha - cha , bringing the atmosphere to an exciting climax .",ARG-M-CAU: At voters ' request | ARG-0: Ma Ying - Jeou | ARG-1: a cha - cha | ARG-M-ADV: bringing the atmosphere to an exciting climax SRL for [patterned]: I 've [patterned] the book after the software development cycle ;,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the book | ARG-2: after the software development cycle "SRL for [educate]: Still , says Mr. Lee : `` We need to [educate] people that they need to get to a phone somehow , some way , to let someone know what their status is . ''","ARG-0: We | ARG-1: people | ARG-2: they need to get to a phone somehow , some way , to let someone know what their status is" "SRL for [piercing]: Ever since he had first begun to study music and to teach it , Rousseau had dreamed of [piercing] through to fame as the result of a successful opera .",ARG-0: Rousseau | ARG-3: through to fame | ARG-M-CAU: as the result of a successful opera "SRL for [differed]: He told Stein that even though the religious leaders [differed] with him about abortion , according to what they preached , they believed in the sanctity of life just as he did .",ARG-0: the religious leaders | ARG-1: with him | ARG-2: about abortion | ARG-M-ADV: according to what they preached "SRL for [reelection]: While Americans took a step forward in social liberalism with their [reelection] of Obama and rising support for social policies such as gay marriage and immigration reform , politics in Europe has taken a dangerous turn to the right .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Obama "SRL for [flabbergasted]: `` I was [flabbergasted] , '' Tatsuhara Yamane , head of the bureau , was quoted by Kyodo news service as saying .",ARG-1: I "SRL for [fair]: The rating for last November 's result was [fair] to satisfactory , which sounds less than satisfactory to drivers .",ARG-1: The rating for last November 's result | ARG-M-ADV: which sounds less than satisfactory to drivers SRL for [struggling]: The results show Sears is [struggling] to attract shoppers .,ARG-0: Sears | ARG-1: to attract shoppers "SRL for [washed]: Three days later , before the new embryo had become implanted in the uterus , it was [washed] out of the mother mouse .",ARG-M-TMP: Three days later | ARG-M-TMP: before the new embryo had become implanted in the uterus | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: out of the mother mouse SRL for [has devolved]: The species concept debate [has devolved] from an empirical discussion into a philosophical one .,ARG-1: The species concept debate | ARG-2: from an empirical discussion | ARG-3: into a philosophical one "SRL for [picked]: Mr. Auvil , razor sharp at 83 , has [picked] and packed a zillion pecks of apples over the past 65 years .","ARG-0: Mr. Auvil , razor sharp at 83 | ARG-1: a zillion pecks of apples | ARG-M-TMP: over the past 65 years" "SRL for [unfurled]: From the tallest tower , they [unfurled] a banner which read ' Property Act - Housing for local people . '",ARG-M-DIR: From the tallest tower | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: a banner which read ' Property Act - Housing for local people SRL for [exulted]: They [exulted] over their victory .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: over their victory SRL for [disentangled]: He [disentangled] the threads of narration and reintegrated them into his own creation .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the threads of narration SRL for [improvement]: a dramatic [improvement] in intelligence gathering human intelligence infiltrating these cells over the past few years on the part of the United States,ARG-M-EXT: dramatic | ARG-1: in intelligence gathering human intelligence infiltrating these cells | ARG-M-TMP: over the past few years | ARG-0: on the part of the United States "SRL for [squabble]: He says that the media in Taiwan are extremely competitive , pointing out that the desire to scoop a domestic news story means that there is little enthusiasm for cooperation ; participants would likely [squabble] over first broadcast rights and programming content .",ARG-0: participants | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: likely | ARG-2: over first broadcast rights and programming content "SRL for [FUGLY]: This weekend was not just ugly , it was [FUGLY]",ARG-1: it SRL for [challenge]: Thousands more staged protests in three other cities in a fresh [challenge] to the Communist leadership to introduce democratic freedoms .,ARG-M-MNR: fresh | ARG-1: to the Communist leadership | ARG-2: to introduce democratic freedoms "SRL for [perched]: But the greatest damage was visited on buildings and roadways [perched] upon landfill , as were the Marina District of San Francisco and the Bay Bridge -- two areas of maximum devastation .",ARG-1: buildings and roadways | ARG-2: upon landfill | ARG-M-ADV: as were the Marina District of San Francisco and the Bay Bridge -- two areas of maximum devastation SRL for [fumigated]: The producer [fumigated] the soil with a broad - spectrum fumigant .,ARG-0: The producer | ARG-1: the soil | ARG-3: with a broad - spectrum fumigant SRL for [concentration]: The chemist 's [concentration] of the fluid resulted in a very potent treatment .,ARG-0: The chemist 's | ARG-1: of the fluid "SRL for [sugarcoated]: No matter how the "" elite "" [sugarcoated] it , the fact was still a fact .","ARG-0: the "" elite "" | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: how" SRL for [praises]: Mr. Sloan [praises] the company as recession resistant and notesthat it has an annual earnings growth rate of 32 % a year over the pastfive years .,ARG-0: Mr. Sloan | ARG-1: the company | ARG-2: as recession resistant SRL for [APC]: Polyp was treated with [APC] ., SRL for [racing]: We learn that for all his [racing] around the city he makes $ 80 on a good day .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: around the city "SRL for [fled]: Many takeover stocks plunged Friday , as speculators retained their confidence in corporate buyers but [fled] from the socalled whisper stocks , the targets of rumored deals .","ARG-0: speculators | ARG-1: from the socalled whisper stocks , the targets of rumored deals" SRL for [Anticorruption]: Research on the New Development in the [Anticorruption] of the Communist Party of China after the 17th National Congress .,ARG-1: of the Communist Party of China "SRL for [saddened]: they were all deeply [saddened] by this destruction , and one former inmate drew a sketch of the old prison from memory .",ARG-M-MNR: deeply | ARG-1: they | ARG-0: by this destruction "SRL for [Catch-22]: As the story progresses , his [Catch-22] of wanting to stay alive and still care for his friends becomes worse .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: of wanting to stay alive and still care for his friends SRL for [deranged]: The mentally [deranged] Moqtada Perfidy -- one becomes aware that he is a child if he speaks ...,ARG-M-MNR: mentally | ARG-1: Moqtada Perfidy SRL for [induce]: When should you [induce] a pregnant patient to labor ?,ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: a pregnant patient | ARG-2: to labor | ARG-M-MNR: When SRL for [sneaked]: John [sneaked] from school to work .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: from school | ARG-1: to work SRL for [interpolated]: I [interpolated] the graph to get the curve but I need the missing values .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the graph | ARG-M-PRP: to get the curve "SRL for [liking]: Both of these ills are far more widespread and important than the threat of terrorism , as of which we are more [liking] to die by our own hands rather than by the hand of an ' Islamic terrorist ' .",ARG-1: we | ARG-M-EXT: more | C-ARG-1: to die by our own hands rather than by the hand of an ' Islamic terrorist ' SRL for [fear]: extreme [fear],ARG-M-EXT: extreme SRL for [moving]: The song 's [moving] her to tears was a point of embarrassment .,ARG-0: The song 's | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-EXT: to tears SRL for [permits]: A warrant [permits] a holder to acquire one share of common stock for $ 17.50 a share .,ARG-0: A warrant | ARG-1: a holder to acquire one share of common stock for $ 17.50 a share "SRL for [overhunted]: For extra fun , make the chain a circle that leads back to the goblins , who have [overhunted] the region and crashed the ecosystem .",ARG-0: who | ARG-2: the region "SRL for [try]: As previously reported , the account is troubled , with Philip Morris asking Backer Spielvogel Bates , Ogilvy & Mather , and possibly others to [try] their hand at developing new creative work .","ARG-0: Backer Spielvogel Bates , Ogilvy & Mather , and possibly others | ARG-1: their hand | ARG-2: at developing new creative work" "SRL for [hissed]: ` ` What 's he doing ? '' [hissed] my companion , who was the only other English - speaking member of the convention and whose knuckles were white .","ARG-1: ` ` What 's he doing ? '' | ARG-0: my companion , who was the only other English - speaking member of the convention and whose knuckles were white" SRL for [endure]: Now we must [endure] a rash of critics who apparently wish to know details of one side only .,ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-1: we | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-2: a rash of critics who apparently wish to know details of one side only SRL for [creation]: a company 's [creation] of new benefit plans,ARG-0: a company 's | ARG-1: of new benefit plans "SRL for [biopsying]: In a patient with fibrocystic breast disease , you - NP1 ca n't just keep [biopsying] masses that appear every time they appear .",ARG-0: breast | ARG-1: masses that appear every time they appear SRL for [meld]: P & G already has shown it can [meld] some traditional packaged - goods techniques with the image - making of the cosmetics trade in the mass - market end of the business .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: some traditional packaged - goods techniques | ARG-2: with the image - making of the cosmetics trade | ARG-M-LOC: in the mass - market end of the business "SRL for [ooh]: Caucasians like to [ooh] and ah over a product 's finer points , while the Chinese do nothing but comment on flaws .",ARG-0: Caucasians | ARG-1: over a product 's finer points SRL for [round]: This [round] of violence in the mideast,ARG-1: of violence | ARG-M-LOC: in the mideast "SRL for [stumble]: The Japanese have watched the Europeans and Canadians [stumble] in the U.S. market , and they fret that business practices that have won them huge profits at home wo n't translate into success in the U.S. .",ARG-0: the Europeans and Canadians | ARG-M-LOC: in the U.S. market SRL for [reciprocate]: I trust you and believe that you 'll be able to handle this and all you have to do is to [reciprocate] !,ARG-0: you "SRL for [vary]: Typically , momey - fund yields beat comparable short - term investments because portfolio managers can [vary] maturities and go after the highest rates .",ARG-0: portfolio managers | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: maturities SRL for [mellow out]: Maybe they [mellow out] with age .,ARG-M-ADV: Maybe | ARG-1: they | ARG-M-CAU: with age SRL for [tripping]: Yeah and he was [tripping] balls off all that acid .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: balls | ARG-2: off all that acid "SRL for [noble]: Another thing that makes up a good leader is nobility because if he is [noble] to the countrymen , then there would not be any disputes within the country",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: to the countrymen "SRL for [flourishing]: Not least , they operated without the need to support their prejudices or delusions in authentic high - level debate , [flourishing] in their members - only domains of the Pentagon , the NSC Staff , and the State Department , enjoying exclusive channels of communication to the White House controlled by Cheney , and unchallenged under a President of uniquely closed mind .","ARG-1: they | ARG-2: in their members - only domains of the Pentagon , the NSC Staff , and the State Department" "SRL for [scheduling]: Claimant is not entitled to additional benefits prior to his [scheduling] for surgery because he failed to persuade me that he was unable to perform the duties of a double - end machine operator prior to July 22 , 1997 .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: for surgery SRL for [quickstepped]: They [quickstepped] onto and off the floor in moments .,ARG-1: They | ARG-2: onto and off the floor | ARG-M-ADV: in moments SRL for [addended]: He [addended] the report using the Simple Editor,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the report | ARG-M-MNR: using the Simple Editor SRL for [Gay]: Peyton Manning Comes Out As [Gay] For Football,ARG-1: Peyton Manning | ARG-2: For Football SRL for [Institution]: The Sikhs has nothing to do with the ' Brahmins - Hindus ' and their ' [Institution] ' of alleged Indian democracy .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of alleged Indian democracy SRL for [queued]: John [queued] his car at the car wash .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his car | ARG-M-LOC: at the car wash "SRL for [winking]: `` Frankly , as I was walking back to get in my car , I heard many , many people ... opening champagne bottles and celebrating individual victories that some of us had accomplished in getting our little deal in the tax bill and [winking] at this person for slipping this in , '' he said .",ARG-0: some of us | ARG-2: at this person | ARG-M-CAU: for slipping this in SRL for [softboiled]: She [softboiled] the eggs .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the eggs "SRL for [unloaded]: So far , Mr. Paul has [unloaded] but three of his masterpieces , he wo n't say to whom .",ARG-M-TMP: So far | ARG-0: Mr. Paul | ARG-1: but three of his masterpieces SRL for [press]: Ritek started to [press] CDs .,ARG-0: Ritek | ARG-1: CDs SRL for [difficult]: Yoga is [difficult] to do,ARG-1: Yoga | C-ARG-1: to do SRL for [deterioration]: This is followed by an assessment of the reasons for the [deterioration] of the situation into violence .,ARG-1: of the situation | ARG-2: into violence "SRL for [founding]: It 's ironic that the day Maryland celebrates its [founding] on the principles of religious expression and toleration , it 's government curses the name and purpose of it 's very existence .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: on the principles of religious expression and toleration SRL for [maintenance]: to provide [maintenance] for other manufacturers,ARG-2: for other manufacturers SRL for [dawn]: The [dawn] of a new era,ARG-1: of a new era "SRL for [addled]: Without exception , they [addled] me with their questions .",ARG-M-ADV: Without exception | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: me | ARG-2: with their questions SRL for [generous]: She is [generous] to me .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: to me "SRL for [squatting]: To care for all of the region 's displaced Iraqis , the agency had a total budget of $ 22 million in 2006 -- less than $ 7 a person , which must cover not only the Kafkaesque registration programs but also basic survival aid to refugees trapped in desert camps or [squatting] in abandoned buildings .",ARG-0: refugees | ARG-1: in abandoned buildings "SRL for [bad]: How long does mayonnaise last ? Answers related to sell and use by dates , how to store mayonnaise and how to tell if mayonnaise is [bad] .",ARG-1: mayonnaise SRL for [backhanding]: People are loving his [backhanding] the establishment .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: the establishment SRL for [physical]: I agree with the history and [physical] and recommendations, SRL for [buffalo]: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo [buffalo] Buffalo buffalo .,ARG-0: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo | ARG-1: Buffalo buffalo SRL for [goes]: My battleship [goes] from G1 to G5 .,ARG-1: My battleship | ARG-3: from G1 | ARG-4: to G5 SRL for [cooped]: The farmer [cooped] the hens in the henhouse .,ARG-0: The farmer | ARG-1: the hens | ARG-M-LOC: in the henhouse SRL for [lie]: all the blocks [lie] on the ground,ARG-1: all the blocks | ARG-2: on the ground SRL for [suborned]: Mr. Clinton and his surrogates have [suborned] perjury and obstructed justice .,ARG-2: Mr. Clinton and his surrogates | ARG-1: perjury "SRL for [straining]: The fight is putting a tight squeeze on profits of many , threatening to drive the smallest ones out of business and [straining] relations between the national fast - food chains and their franchisees .",ARG-0: The fight | ARG-1: relations between the national fast - food chains and their franchisees "SRL for [dropped]: They 'd actually left the Soviet Union with $ 480 , but during a stop in Italy Ms. Volokh [dropped] $ 80 on a black velvet suit .",ARG-M-TMP: during a stop in Italy | ARG-0: Ms. Volokh | ARG-1: $ 80 | ARG-2: on a black velvet suit SRL for [spliced]: They [spliced] the genes in the lab .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the genes | ARG-M-LOC: in the lab SRL for [proselytized]: John [proselytized] Mary on the virtues of downhill skiing .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: on the virtues of downhill skiing "SRL for [motored]: At the end of the week , the doctor [motored] him to Harley Street to see the biggest man in brain diseases that Harley Street holds .",ARG-M-TMP: At the end of the week | ARG-0: the doctor | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: to Harley Street | ARG-M-PRP: to see the biggest man in brain diseases that Harley Street holds "SRL for [tour]: With the success of a new television show and last year 's Oz - fest [tour] ready to kick off , things were looking great for Ozzy Osbourne .",ARG-M-TMP: last year 's | ARG-2: Oz - fest SRL for [cease fire]: Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has called for Palestinian militant groups to renew their [cease fire] with Israel .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: with Israel SRL for [nonenhancing]: [nonenhancing] CT scan,ARG-2: CT scan SRL for [force]: So in terms of emotional ties we do n't want to [force] each other into categories .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: each other | ARG-2: into categories SRL for [deep]: In 1900 the glacier was 100 ft . [deep] where the road is .,ARG-M-TMP: In 1900 | ARG-1: the glacier | ARG-3: 100 ft | ARG-M-LOC: where the road is SRL for [shed blood]: Our sons [shed blood] for democracy overseas,ARG-1: Our sons | ARG-2: for democracy overseas "SRL for [pitches]: Using cinema , television and print ads , the company [pitches] Southern Comfort as a grand old drink of the antebellum American South .","ARG-M-MNR: Using cinema , television and print ads | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: Southern Comfort | ARG-2: as a grand old drink of the antebellum American South" SRL for [response]: Your [response] to it,ARG-0: Your | ARG-1: to it SRL for [satisfaction]: Leaders from both sides participating in the negotiations expressed their [satisfaction] over the outcome of the talks,ARG-1: their | ARG-0: over the outcome of the talks SRL for [falling]: Many people keep [falling] for this CON - GAME that lower taxes on the rich benefits everyone .,ARG-1: Many people | ARG-2: for this CON - GAME that lower taxes on the rich benefits everyone "SRL for [implemented]: All arguments against program trading , even those pressed without fact , conclude with three expected results after `` reforms '' are [implemented] : [ etc ]",ARG-1: reforms SRL for [open]: His unguarded queen was [open] to attack .,ARG-1: His unguarded queen | ARG-2: to attack SRL for [gets kicks]: JOHN MCCAIN [gets kicks] by reading military history,ARG-0: JOHN MCCAIN | ARG-1: by reading military history SRL for [triumph]: Louisville 's [triumph] over Michigan in the final four,ARG-0: Louisville 's | ARG-1: over Michigan | ARG-2: in the final four SRL for [untangled]: A baby whale had a lucky escape this week when fishermen [untangled] it from a net in Pacific waters off Peru,ARG-0: fishermen | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from a net | ARG-M-LOC: in Pacific waters off Peru SRL for [darted]: The Wildlife Services agent [darted] the bear with tranquilizers with little effect .,ARG-0: The Wildlife Services agent | ARG-1: the bear | ARG-2: with tranquilizers | ARG-M-ADV: with little effect "SRL for [prospection]: It seems that I have changed the subject ! I do n't know about the [prospection] of Shenzhen 's housing prices next year , everyone , when will you take action if the prices continue to go down ?",ARG-1: of Shenzhen 's housing prices next year SRL for [plunge]: His [plunge] into the pool made a great splash .,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: into the pool "SRL for [thrashing]: `` They 're [thrashing] around for diversification , '' he says .",ARG-1: They | ARG-M-MNR: around | ARG-M-PRP: for diversification "SRL for [sniffing out]: Their stock in trade as `` executive producers '' is [sniffing out] hot properties , locking them up and then getting big studios to bankroll and distribute them .",ARG-1: hot properties "SRL for [bickered]: So far , instead of teaming up , GE Capital staffers and Kidder investment bankers have [bickered] .",ARG-M-TMP: So far | ARG-M-ADV: instead of teaming up | ARG-0: GE Capital staffers and Kidder investment bankers "SRL for [breasted]: The homes , most with front porches , [breasted] against the sidewalk in a neat row .","ARG-1: The homes , most with front porches | ARG-2: against the sidewalk | ARG-M-PRD: in a neat row" SRL for [tangle]: The Cardinal have rebounded from their [tangle] with Oregon well enough ...,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: with Oregon "SRL for [to the left of]: they should be [to the left of] the yellow block , not underneath",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-2: the yellow block "SRL for [vary]: Statistics on acquisitions by foreigners [vary] in detail , because unlike Sansui , which is listed on the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges , most of the Japanese companies acquired by foreigners are privately held .","ARG-1: Statistics on acquisitions by foreigners | ARG-5: in detail | ARG-M-CAU: because unlike Sansui , which is listed on the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges , most of the Japanese companies acquired by foreigners are privately held" "SRL for [deduce]: We can not prestate the configuration space of a biosphere , and , therefore , cannot [deduce] that which will unfold .",ARG-0: We | ARG-M-ADV: therefore | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: that which will unfold SRL for [overpopulate]: and I think that 's probably all because um I think Carl feels like people like me [overpopulate] the world .,ARG-2: people like me | ARG-1: the world SRL for [oversimplifying]: RISC technology speeds up a computer by [oversimplifying] the internal software .,ARG-0: RISC technology | ARG-1: the internal software SRL for [exposure]: the company 's [exposure] to the earthquake,ARG-1: the company 's | ARG-2: to the earthquake SRL for [repair]: Engineers say it will take at least eight months to [repair] the Embarcadero structure .,ARG-1: the Embarcadero structure SRL for [effort]: Simon became inarticulate in his [effort] to express mankind 's essential illness,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to express mankind 's essential illness "SRL for [pity]: If you can do anything , please have [pity] on us and help us . ''",ARG-M-ADV: If you can do anything | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-DIS: please | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: on us SRL for [slackened]: Car sales [slackened] in September after the 1990 models were introduced .,ARG-1: Car sales | ARG-M-TMP: in September | ARG-M-TMP: after the 1990 models were introduced "SRL for [bombed]: John , like , totally [bombed] his linguistics test .",ARG-1: John | ARG-M-DIS: like | ARG-M-DIS: totally | ARG-2: his linguistics test SRL for [aspiration]: Relief of pain and marked increase in range of motion very often follow [aspiration] of the joint .,ARG-2: of the joint "SRL for [rule]: hard - line leader Honecker , whose [rule] has been challenged bymass emigration and calls for democratic freedoms",ARG-0: whose SRL for [catch]: The juggler 's [catch] of burning torches was impressive .,ARG-0: The juggler 's | ARG-1: of burning torches SRL for [biopsy]: Is it the standard of care to [biopsy] all patients with fatty liver on ultrasound ?,ARG-1: all patients with fatty liver on ultrasound ? "SRL for [incepted]: A certain monk of Walden named Simon , having drunk deep at the fount of ecclesiastical learning , [incepted] at the university of Cambridge and taught canon law .",ARG-0: A certain monk of Walden named Simon | ARG-M-PRD: having drunk deep at the fount of ecclesiastical learning | ARG-1: at the university of Cambridge "SRL for [unequal]: Equality is for some parts of the population to hear , if it 's equal to some then of course it 's [unequal] to the other .",ARG-M-ADV: if it 's equal to some | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-M-ADV: of course | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to the other "SRL for [haunting]: When a Louisville woman complained that a ghost was [haunting] her attic , Mr. Baker discovered a rat dragging a trap across the rafters .",ARG-0: a ghost | ARG-1: her attic "SRL for [watch out]: `` You have to [watch out] for counterbids , '' said one analyst .",ARG-0: You | ARG-1: for counterbids "SRL for [Exhibition]: It is reported that after it received the scientific achievement award of Heilongjiang 's Chinese Medicine Administrative Bureau in 1992 , the "" Liver Healing Capsule "" also received a top award at the Malaysia International New Technology and New Product [Exhibition] , and in May of this year , it received the gold medal at the third National Medical and Health Care Products Fair .",ARG-0: Malaysia | ARG-2: International | ARG-1: New Technology and New Product "SRL for [assembling]: The Dearborn , Mich. , auto maker ran a loss of $ 37 million on [assembling] and marketing cars in the U.S.","ARG-0: The Dearborn , Mich. , auto maker | ARG-1: cars | ARG-M-LOC: in the U.S." SRL for [jump]: a 38 % [jump] in pretax profit for the first half to # 54.8 million from # 39.8 million on a 63 % rise in sales,ARG-2: 38 % | ARG-1: in pretax profit | ARG-M-TMP: for the first half | ARG-4: to # 54.8 million | ARG-3: from # 39.8 million SRL for [deliberate]: The Senate will [deliberate] behind closed doors today and is scheduled to vote on the impeachment tomorrow .,ARG-0: The Senate | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LOC: behind closed doors | ARG-M-TMP: today SRL for [unobscured]: Our view was [unobscured] by the lightest cloud ;,ARG-1: Our view | ARG-0: by the lightest cloud "SRL for [bloodied]: `` The reinsurance market has been [bloodied] by disasters '' in the U.S. as well as in Great Britain and Europe , says Thomas Rosencrants , director of research at Interstate\/Johnson Lane Inc. in Atlanta .",ARG-1: The reinsurance market | ARG-0: by disasters '' in the U.S. as well as in Great Britain and Europe SRL for [best]: The vanilla cake with passion fruit filling is [best] .,ARG-1: The vanilla cake with passion fruit filling SRL for [menstruated]: she [menstruated] for four days,ARG-1: she | ARG-M-TMP: for four days "SRL for [scare]: Between her pregnancy [scare] and alleged breakup with Miles Austin , Kim could have a difficult transition when she returns home this week .",ARG-1: her | ARG-0: pregnancy "SRL for [aces]: `` It 's as if France decided to give only French history questions to students in a European history class , and when everybody [aces] the test , they say their kids are good in European history , '' says John Cannell , an Albuquerque , N.M. , psychiatrist and founder of an educational research organization , Friends for Education , which has studied standardized testing .",ARG-M-TMP: when | ARG-0: everybody | ARG-1: the test SRL for [unspecified]: Congressmen Ryan 's Medicare proposal and his [unspecified] cuts in everything else are then almost controvercial .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: cuts SRL for [pumped]: Styka sat beside him and [pumped] his hand excitedly .,ARG-0: Styka | ARG-1: his hand | ARG-M-MNR: excitedly SRL for [overstretched]: Surely with the amount of unrest in the Middle East it is the wrong time to so savagely cut our already [overstretched] armed forces .,ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: armed forces SRL for [clarifications]: PLO leader Arafat asked Egypt to seek [clarifications] from theU.S. on Secretary of State Baker 's plan for Mideast peace talks .,ARG-1: on Secretary of State Baker 's plan for Mideast peace talks | ARG-0: from theU.S. SRL for [huge]: Even though the Allosaurus was [huge] it actually had a lot in common with birds of today .,ARG-1: the Allosaurus SRL for [upscaling]: We 're [upscaling] the product to connect with readers in a different way where it almost fits into that bookazine category .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the product | ARG-M-PRP: to connect with readers in a different way where it almost fits into that bookazine category SRL for [posted]: Cray [posted] a profit of $ 5.9 million .,ARG-0: Cray | ARG-1: a profit of $ 5.9 million "SRL for [listed]: The Tokyo Stock Price Index ( Topix ) of all issues [listed] in the First Section , which gained 16.05 points Tuesday , was down 1.46 points , or 0.05 % , at 2691.19 .",ARG-1: all issues | ARG-2: in the First Section SRL for [dropped]: Oil [dropped] in price .,ARG-1: Oil | ARG-M-LOC: in price SRL for [right]: Ron Paul is [right] on every level but the mainstream media does not want him to get as much talk time as other Puppets such as Rick Santo rum and Mitt Romney,ARG-1: Ron Paul | ARG-M-LOC: on every level "SRL for [break]: Come day [break] , I 'll be here by your side",ARG-1: day "SRL for [whittled down]: The spokesman said the vote at Sochaux is expected to be followed by a similar move at the company 's assembly plant at Mulhouse , where the number of strikers has been [whittled down] to 80 .",ARG-1: the number of strikers | ARG-4: to 80 | ARG-M-LOC: Mulhouse | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [leading up]: The driveway [leading up] to my studio loft is 50 yards long .,ARG-1: The driveway | ARG-2: to my studio loft "SRL for [following]: The [following] individuals were fined as indicated and barred from association with NASD members , or , where noted , suspended .",ARG-1: individuals "SRL for [outgrew]: `` In the past , customers had to go to IBM when they [outgrew] the VAX .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the VAX SRL for [shrouded]: he actually for many years [shrouded] his face with a black handkerchief .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-M-TMP: for many years | ARG-1: his face | ARG-2: with a black handkerchief "SRL for [make over]: August was especially special because of two things : First , Clinton Street would get her [make over] of fresh tar and pea gravel in early August ( maybe late July ) .",ARG-1: her | ARG-2: of fresh tar and pea gravel SRL for [tremor]: subtle resting [tremor],ARG-M-ADJ: subtle | ARG-M-PRD: resting SRL for [treatment]: The [treatment] of wood with sucrose and invert sugar solutions greatly reduces the subsequent shrinkage .,ARG-1: of wood | ARG-2: with sucrose and invert sugar solutions "SRL for [battled]: Its 6,500 workers , who had [battled] Tiger 's management for years over givebacks , were union members until the day of the merger , when most of their unions were automatically decertified .","R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: Its 6,500 workers | ARG-1: Tiger 's management | ARG-M-TMP: for years | ARG-2: over givebacks" SRL for [sledged]: The children [sledged] all day by the lake .,ARG-0: The children | ARG-M-TMP: all day | ARG-2: by the lake SRL for [came]: which all [came] way over budget,ARG-1: which all | ARG-3: way over budget SRL for [Mind]: [Mind] the gap .,ARG-1: the gap "SRL for [assaulted]: Osbourne 's spokeswoman says Sharon was quote , `` viciously [assaulted] and treated at a hospital . ''",ARG-M-DIS: quote | ARG-M-MNR: viciously | ARG-1: Sharon "SRL for [got]: `` The oldest designer [got] to work on the dashboard , '' she recalls .",ARG-0: The oldest designer | ARG-1: to work on the dashboard SRL for [bellowed]: assistant Jim Cleamons [bellowed] at all of them to stay focused,ARG-0: assistant Jim Cleamons | ARG-2: at all of them | ARG-1: to stay focused "SRL for [repudiate]: After that , the buyers may [repudiate] the rates paid by the former thrifts .",ARG-M-TMP: After that | ARG-0: the buyers | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: the rates paid by the former thrifts "SRL for [excitement]: The May 20th inaugural was accompanied by an air of [excitement] and rejoicing , accented nicely by the flying pennants and milling crowds .", SRL for [pneumatized]: Many modern birds are extensively [pneumatized] .,ARG-1: Many modern birds | ARG-M-EXT: extensively SRL for [bayoneted]: He [bayoneted] the enemy holding the bunker and silenced the deadly weapon .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the enemy holding the bunker SRL for [inconvenienced]: Witnesses are often worried about threats and are [inconvenienced] about appearing in court .,ARG-1: Witnesses | ARG-2: about appearing in court "SRL for [inhumane]: - It 's [inhumane] and barbaric , the criminal may be able to be reformed",ARG-1: It "SRL for [moralizing]: Instead , pigs , sheep , and dogs all just become delicious meals on the plates of those people who are full of [moralizing] in front of the bears .",ARG-M-LOC: in front of the bears "SRL for [redeploy]: First , they are designed to eliminate the risk of prepayment -- mortgage - backed securities can be retired early if interest rates decline , and such prepayment forces investors to [redeploy] their money at lower rates .",ARG-0: investors | ARG-1: their money | ARG-2: at lower rates SRL for [leaping]: Whether or not Alice had anything to do with his [leaping] over the wall is unclear .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: over the wall SRL for [rejected]: He also [rejected] reports that his departure stemmed from disappointment the general manager 's post had n't also led to a board directorship at the London - based news organization .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: reports that his departure stemmed from disappointment the general manager 's post had n't also led to a board directorship at the London - based news organization "SRL for [devastation]: New York Times spins the economic [devastation] of the young as a "" choice """,ARG-3: economic | ARG-1: of the young "SRL for [cobbled]: The bailout was [cobbled] together over the weekend , with officials from the Federal Reserve Board , Securities and Exchange Commission , Comptroller of the Currency and Treasury as well as the options exchanges .","ARG-1: The bailout | ARG-M-PRD: together | ARG-M-TMP: over the weekend | ARG-M-ADV: with officials from the Federal Reserve Board , Securities and Exchange Commission , Comptroller of the Currency and Treasury as well as the options exchanges" SRL for [complicit]: He is [complicit] with the Globalist / Saudi - run world government crowd .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: with the Globalist / Saudi - run world government crowd SRL for [planning]: So % uh anyway we 're really doing our utmost to do some creative [planning] to reverse that trend for next year,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-MNR: creative | ARG-M-PRP: to reverse that trend for next year "SRL for [bobbed]: At the feeding station , the raffish group of cowbirds again [bobbed] and gobbled over the ground , but now , gorgeous among them , was a beautiful red cardinal , radiant in its feathered vestments .",ARG-M-LOC: At the feeding station | ARG-1: the raffish group of cowbirds | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-DIR: over the ground SRL for [plumped]: Hildegarde [plumped] the cushions of the old lady 's chair .,ARG-0: Hildegarde | ARG-1: the cushions of the old lady 's chair SRL for [schooling]: The Learning Curve Bill Hader relates his [schooling] in comedy at ' SNL ' .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: in comedy | ARG-M-LOC: at ' SNL ' "SRL for [super - important]: I have no love for Bachmann and even less for Cameron , but I 'm not sure why she -LRB- or anyone else -RRB- should be expected to treat the batshitcrazy rantings of a has - been child actor like they 're [super - important] to the political scene .",ARG-1: they | ARG-2: to the political scene SRL for [believed]: The declaration by Economy Minister Nestor Rapanelli is [believed] to be the first time such an action has been called for .,ARG-1: The declaration by Economy Minister Nestor Rapanelli | ARG-2: to be the first time such an action has been called for "SRL for [merry]: She adored Paul , and together they were [merry] about all of life 's little things .",ARG-M-MNR: together | ARG-1: they | ARG-0: about all of life 's little things "SRL for [unfair]: ` I think program trading is basically [unfair] to the individual investor , '' says Leo Fields , a Dallas investor .",ARG-1: program trading | ARG-M-ADV: basically | ARG-2: to the individual investor SRL for [secure]: The house was [secure] from break - ins,ARG-1: The house | ARG-3: from break - ins "SRL for [prompting]: Comprehension : can follow directions with minimal [prompting] , repetition .",ARG-M-ADJ: minimal "SRL for [flourishing]: Back when the Burgess fauna were [flourishing] , it seems , human evolutionary hopes hung on the survival of a little worm with a backbone called Pikaia .",ARG-1: the Burgess fauna SRL for [duck]: Drug makers should n't be able to [duck] liability because people could n't identify precisely which identical drug was used .,ARG-0: Drug makers | ARG-1: liability | ARG-M-CAU: because people could n't identify precisely which identical drug was used SRL for [reunification]: The peaceful [reunification] of the two sides across the Taiwan Straits,ARG-M-MNR: peaceful | ARG-1: of the two sides across the Taiwan Straits SRL for [aching]: I was [aching] to work in my field .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to work in my field SRL for [seeded]: Guilford is [seeded] second and will play either Lynchburg or Smith .,ARG-1: Guilford | ARG-3: second "SRL for [election]: After the [election] of Chen Shui - bian as president , he mistakenly assumed that the market would go down , and sold everything without even looking at the share prices .",ARG-1: of Chen Shui - bian | ARG-2: as president SRL for [words]: I had [words] with Chen Mingjiang over this .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-2: with Chen Mingjiang | ARG-1: over this "SRL for [hitting on]: He 's [hitting on] girls , advertising long distance .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: girls SRL for [Idk]: [Idk] what I 'm going to do without you,ARG-1: what I 'm going to do without you SRL for [paraphrasing]: He says that the b- uh basic -- and I 'm [paraphrasing] that basically the the element of surprise what the enemy does not know about what we 're going to do to them is a very powerful tool .,ARG-2: I SRL for [reproductions]: Lu asked Liu for advice about people qualified to do [reproductions] of ancient pottery .,ARG-0: people | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-1: of ancient pottery SRL for [misquoted]: We [misquoted] somebody .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: somebody "SRL for [divest]: The adjustments result from the recently passed thrift - industry bailout legislation , which requires thrifts to [divest] all high - yield bond investments by 1994 .",ARG-0: thrifts | ARG-1: all high - yield bond investments | ARG-M-TMP: by 1994 SRL for [transport]: Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. filed an application with Canadian regulators to build a 4.4 billion Canadian dollar ( US$ 3.74 billion ) pipeline to [transport] natural gas from Canada 's Arctic to U.S. markets beginning in ...,ARG-0: a 4.4 billion Canadian dollar ( US$ 3.74 billion ) pipeline | ARG-1: natural gas | ARG-2: from Canada 's Arctic | ARG-3: to U.S. markets | ARG-M-TMP: beginning in SRL for [impact]: a positive [impact] on an executive controlling budgets of billions of NT dollars,ARG-M-MNR: positive | ARG-1: on an executive controlling budgets of billions of NT dollars SRL for [strategizing]: Foursquare & Yahoo both seem to have begun their [strategizing] .,ARG-0: their SRL for [choosing]: . Why should parents have to pay school - [choosing] fees ?,ARG-1: school SRL for [tobogganed]: We [tobogganed] down the Citadel Hill all afternoon .,ARG-1: We | ARG-2: down the Citadel Hill | ARG-M-TMP: all afternoon "SRL for [inundated]: Suddenly , on television , in advertisements and on their cereal boxes , Americans were [inundated] with news about the obscure seed .","ARG-M-TMP: Suddenly | ARG-M-LOC: on television , in advertisements and on their cereal boxes | ARG-1: Americans | ARG-2: with news about the obscure seed" SRL for [guard]: Intel 's microprocessors are the chips of choice in many of today 's personal computers and the 80486 microprocessor is the spearhead of the company 's bid to [guard] that spot in the next generation of machines .,ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: that spot | ARG-M-LOC: in the next generation of machines "SRL for [racketeering]: Scopo , a soldier in the Colombo Crime Family , was subsequently convicted of labor [racketeering] in the Commission case , United States v. Salerno , 85 CR 139 ( S.D.N.Y. 1985 ) . 23 .",ARG-1: labor SRL for [bound]: He was [bound] by a recognizance to not communicate with his ex - girlfriend .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: by a recognizance | ARG-2: to not communicate with his ex - girlfriend SRL for [offers]: A solicitous Christian chauffeur [offers] God 's phone number to the hero .,ARG-0: A solicitous Christian chauffeur | ARG-1: God 's phone number | ARG-3: to the hero SRL for [go - light]: They were attempting to [go - light] and were using our FMFM 's to teach em techniques .,ARG-0: They SRL for [ravage]: Program traders argue that a reinstatement of the rule would [ravage] the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: a reinstatement of the rule | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets "SRL for [bucked]: In late trading Friday , Jaguar shares [bucked] the downward tide in London 's stock market and rose five pence to 725 pence ( $ 11.44 ) .",ARG-M-LOC: In late trading | ARG-M-TMP: Friday | ARG-0: Jaguar shares | ARG-1: the downward tide in London 's stock market SRL for [kosher]: I 'm [kosher] so I ca n't eat parmesan with sausage but the onions sound great !,ARG-0: I "SRL for [costumed]: Inexplicably [costumed] as a rabbinical student , tottering around on lifts , Mr. Shicoff hardly seemed the fellow to catch a fancy cocotte 's eye .",ARG-M-MNR: Inexplicably | ARG-1: Mr. Shicoff | ARG-2: as a rabbinical student "SRL for [compliment]: Now , when I play with orchestras , the musicians often [compliment] me on my intonation . ''",ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-M-TMP: when I play with orchestras | ARG-0: the musicians | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: me | ARG-2: on my intonation SRL for [announcement]: It was just before the sun set one day when everyone was sitting around talking at Susie Mae 's house when Clyde T. made the [announcement] that he was going to get married,ARG-0: Clyde T. | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: that he was going to get married | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [centralized]: A spokeswoman for Crum & Forster said employees were told early this week that numerous staff functions for the personal insurance lines were going to be [centralized] as a cost - cutting move .,ARG-1: numerous staff functions for the personal insurance lines SRL for [logistical]: The major U.S. failure in China was [logistical] : America was not able to meet its lend - lease commitments .,ARG-1: The major U.S. failure in China SRL for [hopeless]: He is [hopeless] at repairing household items .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: at repairing household items "SRL for [simoom]: The Volunteers , on aseending the parade.ground from the road , had to breast their way against a [simoom] of dust , which forced its way in at eyes , ears , nose , and mouth , with a percolating power inconceivable .",ARG-1: of dust SRL for [typical]: Brief afternoon storms are very [typical] for Boulder summers .,ARG-1: Brief afternoon storms | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-2: for Boulder summers SRL for [hypertrophic]: endomyocardium is [hypertrophic] with asymmetrical severe septal thickening ;,ARG-1: endomyocardium | ARG-M-ADV: with asymmetrical severe septal thickening SRL for [coated]: enteric - [coated] tablet,ARG-2: enteric | ARG-1: tablet SRL for [unaccompanied]: The second type of earthquake associated with plate tectonics is the shallow - focus event [unaccompanied] by volcanic activity .,ARG-1: the shallow - focus event | ARG-0: by volcanic activity "SRL for [devolution]: But even in the absence of bad policy , [devolution] of land to the states or , better still , to private owners is a matter of republican principle","ARG-1: of land | ARG-2: to the states or , better still , to private owners" "SRL for [instrumental]: If Giffords is unable to recover fully before the next election , I think it would make sense that her second - in - command , or whomever has been most [instrumental] in the work that her office has been doing since the injury , goes ahead and runs in her place .",ARG-0: whomever | ARG-M-EXT: most | ARG-1: in the work that her office has been doing since the injury SRL for [estimation]: per my [estimation],ARG-0: my "SRL for [turmoil]: He says these bonds should appreciate in value as some investors , reacting to the recent [turmoil] in the stock and high - yield junk bond markets , seek safer securities .",ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-1: in the stock and high - yield junk bond markets "SRL for [westernised]: Because it 's the most [westernised] , Israel .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: most SRL for [unbanned]: They [unbanned] him from professionally competing .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from professionally competing SRL for [orders]: his [orders] of execution of hundreds of people in 1991 during the Shiite Muslim uprising,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: of execution of hundreds of people | ARG-M-TMP: in 1991 | ARG-M-TMP: during the Shiite Muslim uprising "SRL for [justified]: Since the hazards of poor communication are so great , can be [justified] as a habitable site only on the basis of unusual productivity such as is made available by a waterfall for milling purposes , a mine , or a sugar maple camp .","ARG-M-CAU: Since the hazards of poor communication are so great | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-3: as a habitable site | ARG-2: only on the basis of unusual productivity such as is made available by a waterfall for milling purposes , a mine , or a sugar maple camp" SRL for [issue]: Mrs. Hills must [issue] another review of the performance of those countries .,ARG-0: Mrs. Hills | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: another review of the performance of those countries SRL for [overweighted]: Some stocks are [overweighted] or underweighted in the portfolio .,ARG-1: Some stocks | ARG-M-LOC: in the portfolio "SRL for [gummed]: I sewed the glasses on , and [gummed] the mustache to my face .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the mustache | ARG-2: to my face SRL for [devised]: The system worked the way we [devised] it to work . '',ARG-0: we | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to work | ARG-M-MNR: the way "SRL for [entered]: They also invited some experts to implement an appraisal of the industrial projects put forward by related countries , and then after the appraisal , [entered] these projects into the Industrial Development Organization 's network to attract international business .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-M-TMP: after the appraisal | ARG-1: these projects | ARG-2: into the Industrial Development Organization 's network | ARG-M-PRP: to attract international business SRL for [stockpiling]: It includes [stockpiling] enough vaccine to protect twenty million people /.,ARG-1: enough vaccine to protect twenty million people SRL for [research]: federal [research] on the effectiveness of medical treatments,ARG-0: federal | ARG-1: on the effectiveness of medical treatments SRL for [contracted]: But dry growing conditions in the Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota are pushing spot prices of potatoes beyond what Michael [contracted] to pay last spring .,ARG-0: Michael | ARG-1: to pay last spring "SRL for [grounding]: However , if the secretary concludes that a transaction has made a carrier unfit to operate , the department may revoke its certificate , [grounding] the airline .",ARG-0: the department | ARG-1: the airline "SRL for [recommended]: An advisory committee of the Food and Drug Administration [recommended] that the agency approve Eminase , the company 's heart drug .","ARG-0: An advisory committee of the Food and Drug Administration | ARG-1: that the agency approve Eminase , the company 's heart drug" SRL for [swing]: Skilled ringers use their wrists to advance or retard the next [swing],ARG-M-TMP: next "SRL for [ki - yi - ing]: Finally , all I needed was to throw a little piece of red wood that looked like a firecracker and that dumb dog would run [ki - yi - ing] for his life .",ARG-0: that dumb dog | ARG-M-PRP: for his life SRL for [comminuted]: On the articular surface of the bone the fracture was much [comminuted] .,ARG-M-LOC: On the articular surface of the bone | ARG-M-EXT: much | ARG-1: the fracture SRL for [beginning]: The war 's [beginning] took everyone by surprise .,ARG-1: war 's SRL for [bail out]: But the board 's decision prompted many to [bail out] of the stock yesterday .,ARG-0: many | ARG-1: of the stock | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday "SRL for [save face]: After the vote , creationists tried to [save face] by insisting they had scored a victory .",ARG-M-TMP: After the vote | ARG-1: creationists | ARG-0: by insisting they had scored a victory SRL for [challenge]: She conveys the buried feminist message of the film in her [challenge] to Dan to take responsibility for his sexual behavior .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: to Dan | ARG-2: to take responsibility for his sexual behavior "SRL for [gymnastics]: She does n't speak much about her performances and lets her [gymnastics] do the talking , and she has been amazing with them .",ARG-0: her "SRL for [staff]: To the extent we lack manpower to [staff] menial jobs in hospitals , ...",ARG-2: manpower | ARG-1: menial jobs in hospitals "SRL for [plumb]: Normally , it 's left up to the plumber to figure out the best way to [plumb] the house .",ARG-0: the plumber | ARG-1: the house | ARG-M-MNR: the best way "SRL for [diverted]: With the increase , even more developing - country energy and talent would be [diverted] from creating profitable economic systems to setting up economic planning ministries that generate IMF - approved economic plans .",ARG-M-ADV: With the increase | ARG-1: even more developing - country energy and talent | ARG-2: from creating profitable economic systems | ARG-3: to setting up economic planning ministries that generate IMF - approved economic plans "SRL for [repulse]: In an attempt to disgust and [repulse] these vile oppressors , I once again induced myself to vomit on their favorite chair .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: these vile oppressors SRL for [limited]: The MRI of the left thigh and pelvis is extremely [limited],ARG-1: The MRI of the left thigh and pelvis | ARG-M-EXT: extremely SRL for [slandered]: the Herald had [slandered] him,ARG-0: the Herald | ARG-1: him SRL for [difficult]: Of course it will be [difficult] .,ARG-M-DIS: Of course | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: will SRL for [reassessing]: The Soviet Union has halted construction of two Chernobyl - type nuclear reactors and is [reassessing] the future of 12 other existing reactors .,ARG-0: The Soviet Union | ARG-1: the future of 12 other existing reactors SRL for [gentled]: She [gentled] immediately and was willing right away to learn new stuff .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-TMP: immediately "SRL for [tips]: Wallace 's [tips] to police that they "" would be smart "" to look in the garbage outside Pinky Burnes ' residence and that they could "" set up "" Kyles and find the murder weapon inside the apartment suggest that Wallace was in control of critical evidence .","ARG-0: Wallace 's | ARG-1: to police | ARG-2: that they "" would be smart "" to look in the garbage outside Pinky Burnes ' residence and that they could "" set up "" Kyles and find the murder weapon inside the apartment" "SRL for [polish]: If you 're intent on doing it yourself , then you 'll need something like a "" colour restoring "" [polish] which is actually a very mild cutting compound to return the colour to something like it 's original condition , and a carnauba wax for further protection .",ARG-3: colour restoring | ARG-M-ADJ: which is actually a very mild cutting compound | ARG-M-ADJ: to return the colour to something like it 's original condition SRL for [drag]: ... the propeller could be fixed in a vertical position to reduce its [drag] on the water .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: on the water SRL for [win]: It was only the second World Cup [win] for Hummer who 's been on the national team for five years .,ARG-M-ADJ: only | ARG-M-TMP: second | ARG-2: World Cup | ARG-0: for Hummer who 's been on the national team for five years SRL for [round]: a new [round] of talks with the country 's leftist rebels,ARG-1: of talks with the country 's leftist rebels SRL for [packing]: His [packing] the truck with all the pizza boxes it could fit was met with strange looks from the neighbors .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the truck | ARG-2: with all the pizza boxes it could fit SRL for [was mangled]: An 81 - year - old Athol widow [was mangled] by a freight train locomotive at a busy and hazardous Boston and Maine rail intersection with Route 117 .,ARG-1: her compact sedan | ARG-0: by a freight train locomotive | ARG-M-LOC: at a busy and hazardous Boston and Maine rail intersection with Route 117 SRL for [unsubscribe]: To [unsubscribe] ( or subscribe if this message was forwarded to you ) go to :,ARG-0: you SRL for [got back]: There were women who lost loved ones but [got back] when they were raised from death .,R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-TMP: when they were raised from death | ARG-0: women SRL for [boot]: Her [boot] to his bare backside sent him sprawling face first in the dirt .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: to his bare backside SRL for [responded]: History of at least 2 urinary tract infections which have [responded] to treatment .,ARG-0: which | ARG-1: to treatment SRL for [general]: The toxicity is both [general] and specific .,ARG-1: The toxicity SRL for [hacking]: Michael got up at 11:00 last night and was running a slight fever in addition to his [hacking] all night .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: all night "SRL for [Groused]: [Groused] Robert Antolini , head of over - the - counter trading at Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette : ` ` It 's making it tough for traders to make money . ''","ARG-1: ` ` It 's making it tough for traders to make money . '' | ARG-0: Robert Antolini , head of over - the - counter trading at Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette" SRL for [pronounces]: Mr. Warren [pronounces] the Litchfield case `` your typical demonic infestation . '',ARG-0: Mr. Warren | ARG-1: the Litchfield case `` your typical demonic infestation SRL for [reel]: And if he does I think she 'll [reel] him right back in /.,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-DIR: right back in "SRL for [unplayable]: As for Ireland , well the French were [unplayable]",ARG-M-ADV: As for Ireland | ARG-M-DIS: well | ARG-3: the French "SRL for [brings to light]: It [brings to light] the insane and completely immoral behavior of water corporations ( Nestle , Coke , Pepsi , as well as Suez and Vivendi , and their involvement with the World Bank ) ...","ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the insane and completely immoral behavior of water corporations ( Nestle , Coke , Pepsi , as well as Suez and Vivendi , and their involvement with the World Bank )" SRL for [beetled]: She [beetled] on a stone .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-LOC: on a stone "SRL for [dueling]: Sen. Frank Murkowski and environmental groups on Wednesday continued their [dueling] over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge , with Murkowski citing polls showing a majority of Americans now favor oil drilling there and his opponents saying it?s wrong to cast the area as an antidote to rising oil prices .",ARG-0: their | ARG-2: over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge SRL for [weaning]: The [weaning] of children from the bottle,ARG-1: of children | ARG-2: from the bottle "SRL for [twitching]: Since then , she has had a number of more partial seizures with left arm [twitching] and some altered sensorium .",ARG-1: left arm "SRL for [snoring]: I expected him to say , `` I told you so , '' but he already was [snoring] .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: already SRL for [dispute]: her 10 - year [dispute] with the National Iranian Oil Co. over claims that Ashland did n't pay for Iranian crude it had received,ARG-0: her | ARG-M-TMP: 10 - year | ARG-1: with the National Iranian Oil Co. | ARG-2: over claims that Ashland did n't pay for Iranian crude it had received "SRL for [bidding]: New England Electric System bowed out of the [bidding] for Public Service Co. of New Hampshire , saying that the risks were too high and the potential payoff too far in the future to justify a higher offer .",ARG-1: for Public Service Co. of New Hampshire "SRL for [mixed up]: I found that he allowed the monthly payment of his salary to go to the credit of his account , and in drawing upon that he [mixed up] the accounts",ARG-M-ADV: in drawing upon that | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the accounts SRL for [look]: a [look] at some of the alternatives,ARG-1: at some of the alternatives "SRL for [cosseted]: It must be wonderful to live a protected , [cosseted] life .",ARG-1: life "SRL for [sale]: it completed the [sale] of Phenix - Transmission Co. to Bishop Pipeline Co. , for $ 17 million in cash and notes",ARG-1: of Phenix - Transmission Co. | ARG-2: to Bishop Pipeline Co. | ARG-3: for $ 17 million in cash and notes "SRL for [converting]: Related to that decision , the company said it was [converting] its Santa Clara , Calif. , factory to a research and development facility .","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its Santa Clara , Calif. , factory | ARG-2: to a research and development facility" "SRL for [tap]: The charity admits spending a lot on fund raising , but says that was necessary to establish a donor base it can [tap] at much lower cost in years to come .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: a donor base | ARG-M-MNR: at much lower cost | ARG-M-TMP: in years to come "SRL for [mired]: But it 's just as plausible to argue that if even David Boren can get [mired] in this sort of mess , the problem goes beyond legal interpretation .",ARG-1: even David Boren | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: in this sort of mess "SRL for [snapped]: Denys turned round and ostentatiously [snapped] his fingers at the bailiff , and proceeded .",ARG-0: Denys | ARG-M-MNR: ostentatiously | ARG-1: his fingers | ARG-2: at the bailiff SRL for [equip]: It also issued a final rule requiring auto makers to [equip] light trucks and minivans with lap - shoulder belts for rear seats beginning in the 1992 model year .,ARG-0: auto makers | ARG-1: light trucks and minivans | ARG-2: with lap - shoulder belts for rear seats | ARG-M-TMP: beginning in the 1992 model year SRL for [pathologized]: authority to produce knowledge about gender variance should not lie with clinicians who had [pathologized] it as a mental illness,ARG-0: who | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as a mental illness SRL for [squalled]: She [squalled] with pain when the doctor inserted the needle .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MNR: with pain | ARG-M-TMP: when the doctor inserted the needle SRL for [confers]: He [confers] big trading commissions on Wall Street firms .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: big trading commissions | ARG-2: on Wall Street firms SRL for [account]: Her [account] to Mirkheim of her taste in films and of the absurd horror screenplay she 's written is mercilessly funny .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-M-GOL: to Mirkheim | ARG-1: of her taste in films and of the absurd horror screenplay she 's written SRL for [levy]: an erroneous IRS [levy] on a bank account,ARG-M-ADJ: erroneous | ARG-0: IRS | ARG-2: on a bank account SRL for [blistered]: The senator [blistered] the administration in his speech on Friday .,ARG-0: The senator | ARG-1: the administration | ARG-M-LOC: in his speech | ARG-M-TMP: on Friday SRL for [raised]: The president [raised] a number of issues in his 20 - minute speech .,ARG-0: The president | ARG-1: a number of issues | ARG-M-LOC: in his 20 - minute speech "SRL for [resumed]: After the restructuring of Waertsilae Marine and bolstered by state loan guarantees , two big bank creditors , Union Bank of Finland and state - controlled Postipankki , [resumed] lending the shipyard working capital .","ARG-M-TMP: After the restructuring of Waertsilae Marine | ARG-M-ADV: bolstered by state loan guarantees | ARG-0: two big bank creditors , Union Bank of Finland and state - controlled Postipankki | ARG-1: lending the shipyard working capital" SRL for [meet]: Argentine negotiator Carlos Carballo will [meet] with banks this week .,ARG-0: Argentine negotiator Carlos Carballo | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: with banks | ARG-M-TMP: this week "SRL for [finalized]: Separately , Colgate Wednesday [finalized] an agreement with MacroChem Corp. , a tiny dental products and pharmaceutical concern based in Billerica , Mass. , to market in the U.S. four of MacroChem 's FDA - approved dental products .","ARG-M-DIS: Separately | ARG-0: Colgate | ARG-M-TMP: Wednesday | ARG-1: an agreement with MacroChem Corp. , a tiny dental products and pharmaceutical concern based in Billerica , Mass. , to market in the U.S. four of MacroChem 's FDA - approved dental products" SRL for [milling]: The doctor was among dozens of people [milling] through East Berlin 's Gethsemane Church Saturday morning .,ARG-0: dozens of people | ARG-1: through East Berlin 's Gethsemane Church | ARG-M-TMP: Saturday morning SRL for [teased]: Dad looked at Qingqing and [teased] Qingqing : how come this kid opens her eyes while sleeping ?,ARG-0: Dad | ARG-1: Qingqing | ARG-2: how come this kid opens her eyes while sleeping "SRL for [loss]: Quotron 's [loss] of its two biggest customers , Merrill Lynch & Co. and American Express Co. 's Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. , to Automated Data Processing Inc. earlier this year","ARG-0: Quotron 's | ARG-1: of its two biggest customers , Merrill Lynch & Co. and American Express Co. 's Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. | ARG-2: to Automated Data Processing Inc. | ARG-M-TMP: earlier this year" SRL for [chiseled]: John [chiseled] a perfect portrait of Mary out of a block of ice .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a perfect portrait of Mary | ARG-2: out of a block of ice SRL for [chronic]: [chronic] money problems,ARG-1: money problems SRL for [paring]: The company 's [paring] their high - yield bond holdings to $ 890 million from $ 1.35 billion was a necessary move .,ARG-0: The company 's | ARG-1: their high - yield bond holdings | ARG-4: to $ 890 million | ARG-3: from $ 1.35 billion "SRL for [interview]: In 1992 Lee said in an [interview] : "" For East Asian countries like Japan , Korea , Taiwan , Hong Kong and Singapore , group values and behavior have been extremely helpful in the process of ' catching up ' economically .", "SRL for [retests]: A Toto spokesman said the toilet not only [retests] blood pressure , pulse and urine , it also stores the data for up to 130 days .","ARG-0: the toilet | ARG-M-DIS: not only | ARG-1: blood pressure , pulse and urine" "SRL for [empowers]: It also [empowers] the president to make recess appointments , without Senate approval : `` The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate , by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session . ''","ARG-0: It | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the president | ARG-2: to make recess appointments , without Senate approval" "SRL for [provided]: James Yeh , general manager of the Sunrise Express Travel Service , which specializes in Pacific Island tours , says that the current trend among travelers in Taiwan is for low group fares with lots of entertainment [provided] .",ARG-1: lots of entertainment "SRL for [jailed]: And so it seems to be with the case of Elizabeth Morgan , the Washington , D.C. , plastic surgeon [jailed] in a child custody case for refusing to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter .","ARG-1: the Washington , D.C. , plastic surgeon | ARG-M-LOC: in a child custody case | ARG-3: for refusing to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter" "SRL for [crashed]: `` They still bear the memory of October 1987 , when they bought gold after the stock market [crashed] and ended up losing money because gold prices subsequently fell , '' Mr. Nichols said .",ARG-1: the stock market SRL for [implementation]: His [implementation] of statistical analysis with the Japanese Candlestick methodology has produced some unique successful trading programs .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of statistical analysis | ARG-2: with the Japanese Candlestick methodology SRL for [unite]: This unification was to be brought about through policies and institutions that would [unite] workers and employers with government in a fully integrated and `` harmonic '' society .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: policies and institutions | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: workers and employers | ARG-2: with government | ARG-3: in a fully integrated and `` harmonic '' society SRL for [disillusioned]: Several PPU members faced a ten - week trial for distributing leaflets telling soldiers [disillusioned] with Northern Ireland duties how they might leave .,ARG-1: soldiers | ARG-2: with Northern Ireland duties SRL for [while away]: He can [while away] his time by collecting stones and studying the Book of Changes .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: his time | ARG-2: by collecting stones and studying the Book of Changes "SRL for [precaution]: Notwithstanding Columbus ' [precaution] to keep the people ignorant of the distance they had sailed , they were now growing extremely uneasy at the length of the voyage .",ARG-0: Columbus ' | ARG-2: to keep the people ignorant of the distance they had sailed SRL for [bowled over]: The momentum had [bowled over] was all .,ARG-0: The momentum | ARG-1: her SRL for [distribution]: my asset [distribution],ARG-0: my | ARG-1: asset SRL for [imagines]: The government [imagines] safety requirements for automobiles .,ARG-0: The government | ARG-1: safety requirements | ARG-2: for automobiles "SRL for [gesticulating]: At once my ears were drowned by a flow of what I took to be Spanish , but -- the driver 's white teeth flashing at me , the road wildly veering beyond his glistening hair , beyond his [gesticulating] bottle -- it could have been the purest Oxford English I was half hearing ; ; I would n't have known the difference .",ARG-0: bottle SRL for [drawn]: An index of economic activity [drawn] from the survey ...,ARG-1: An index | ARG-2: from the survey "SRL for [restlessness]: Nana told him about his [restlessness] at the sight of the beautiful lady , how Baba knew it and advised him about it .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: at the sight of the beautiful lady SRL for [aspiration]: It is an [aspiration] of the Hakkas that should be taken seriously .,ARG-0: of the Hakkas | ARG-M-ADJ: that should be taken seriously "SRL for [electrocoagulation]: After I had my [electrocoagulation] of the cervix , I was in pain for hours .",ARG-M-GOL: my | ARG-1: of the cervix "SRL for [womanizing]: Although he finds the reports of Kennedy 's [womanizing] credible , he believes new information about Kennedy 's health problems is more significant .",ARG-0: Kennedy 's SRL for [take]: Investors unsetled by the stock market 's recent gyrations can [take] some comfort in the predictable arrival of quarterly dividend checks .,ARG-M-PRR: some comfort "SRL for [checking]: Carter held the crowd to laughter with his [checking] his watch for the time , when he is partly blind .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: his watch | ARG-2: for the time SRL for [gripped]: Chinese leader Deng told former President Nixon that the U.S. was deeply involved in `` the turmoil and counterrevolutionary rebellion '' that [gripped] Beijing last spring .,ARG-0: `` the turmoil and counterrevolutionary rebellion '' | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: Beijing | ARG-M-TMP: last spring "SRL for [over - graze]: Without predation , herbivores began to [over - graze] many woody browse species , affecting the area 's plant populations .",ARG-1: herbivores | ARG-2: many woody browse species "SRL for [phoned]: Mr. Seidman said yesterday , for example , that Sen. Dennis DeConcini ( D. , Ariz. ) , who received $ 48,100 in contributions from Mr. Keating , [phoned] Mr. Seidman to request that he push for a sale of Lincoln before it would be seized .","ARG-0: Sen. Dennis DeConcini ( D. , Ariz. ) , who received $ 48,100 in contributions from Mr. Keating | ARG-1: Mr. Seidman | ARG-2: to request that he push for a sale of Lincoln before it would be seized" "SRL for [dedifferentiation]: If it is a secondary development , the feasi- bility of its [dedifferentiation] from the ex- panded selachian hyomandibular is still questionable .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from the ex- panded selachian hyomandibular SRL for [indictment]: the [indictment] of Vice President Cheney 's former chief of staff,ARG-1: of Vice President Cheney 's former chief of staff SRL for [incarnation]: The Noor is an aspect of the Ismaili belief in the concept of God 's [incarnation] as a human being living incognito among human beings on this earth .,ARG-1: God 's | ARG-2: as a human being living incognito among human beings on this earth SRL for [undocked]: The 3 girls sat on the ledge while the 3 boys raised the sails and [undocked] the boat from the pier .,ARG-0: the 3 boys | ARG-1: the boat | ARG-2: from the pier SRL for [narrowed down]: We [narrowed down] from 65 to 10,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from 65 | ARG-3: to 10 "SRL for [pegged]: Even though the currency is [pegged] to the U.S. dollar , with a fixed exchange rate of HK$ 7.8 to the American currency , the U.S. and Hong Kong economies do n't always move in lock step , making it difficult to predict where interest rates in the colony will go .",ARG-1: the currency | ARG-2: to the U.S. dollar "SRL for [renouncing]: Kidder Peabody became the most recent firm to swear off stock - index arbitrage trading for its own account , and Merrill Lynch late yesterday took the major step of [renouncing] the trading strategy even for its clients .",ARG-0: Merrill Lynch | ARG-1: the trading strategy | ARG-2: even for its clients SRL for [sizing]: And so Republicans that are going to be successful next year are Republicans that show a real distinction between the status quo and getting our economy moving again by cutting taxes and right - [sizing] government /.,ARG-2: right | ARG-1: government "SRL for [tethered]: This grandiose initiative will help California define itself for the future either as a state still [tethered] to economic and scientific reality , or as one being led to wherever its la - la activists want to take it .",ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: a state | ARG-2: to economic and scientific reality SRL for [transmitted]: Influenza virus can be directly [transmitted] from pigs to people .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-MNR: directly | ARG-1: Influenza virus | ARG-0: from pigs | ARG-2: to people "SRL for [swear]: Out here on the Querecho Plains of New Mexico , however , the mood is more upbeat ; trucks rumble along the dusty roads and burly men in hard hats sweat and [swear] through the afternoon sun .",ARG-0: burly men in hard hats | ARG-M-ADV: through the afternoon sun "SRL for [confer]: Three top advisers to Mr. Davis visited New York late last week , at least in part to [confer] with executives at Citicorp .",ARG-M-ADV: at least in part | ARG-0: Three top advisers to Mr. Davis | ARG-1: with executives at Citicorp SRL for [weltered]: The water ' neath welkin [weltered] with gore .,ARG-1: The water ' neath welkin | ARG-0: with gore SRL for [relation]: The [relation] between physical education and the economy,ARG-1: between physical education and the economy "SRL for [sipped]: He [sipped] tea sweetened with honey from his high - backed leather chair at his bench , while scribbling notes ordering spectators to stop whispering or to take off their hats in his courtroom .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: tea sweetened with honey | ARG-M-LOC: from his high - backed leather chair at his bench | ARG-M-TMP: while scribbling notes ordering spectators to stop whispering or to take off their hats in his courtroom SRL for [expropriation]: This suggests the [expropriation] of minority shareholders by controlling shareholders .,ARG-2: of minority shareholders | ARG-0: by controlling shareholders SRL for [contained]: Republicans are seizing on a claim made by President Obama Thursday that ISIS is ' [contained] . ',ARG-1: ISIS SRL for [ventilation]: adequate pulmonary [ventilation],ARG-M-ADJ: adequate | ARG-1: pulmonary SRL for [chlorinated]: The town usually [chlorinated] the water in accordance with the standards of health regulations .,ARG-0: The town | ARG-M-TMP: usually | ARG-1: the water | ARG-M-MNR: in accordance with the standards of health regulations SRL for [lodging]: His [lodging] in the Catskills all summer allowed him the peace and quiet he needed to finish his collection of Harry Potter fan fiction .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: in the Catskills | ARG-M-TMP: all summer "SRL for [set up]: Kawasaki - Rikuso , a freight company , [set up] its own software subsidiary this year and is spending nearly a year 's profit to more than double the computer terminals at its main office .","ARG-0: Kawasaki - Rikuso , a freight company | ARG-1: its own software subsidiary | ARG-M-TMP: this year" SRL for [secondary]: These findings are likely [secondary] to chronic edema secondary to venous stasis although differentiation of the tumor from the benign skin thickening is difficult .,ARG-1: These findings | ARG-M-ADV: likely | ARG-2: to chronic edema SRL for [lmk]: Cool man [lmk] how that is,ARG-1: how that is "SRL for [nontoxic]: Surprisingly , the filtering material has now been replaced with polyethylene -LRB- polyethylene : a raw material used in plastics -RRB- , which is [nontoxic] in and of itself ,",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-REC: in and of itself "SRL for [discount]: With a 20 % [discount] from ebay , I decided to buy",ARG-2: 20 % | ARG-0: from ebay SRL for [crowned]: Mary [crowned] John with a pot lid .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: with a pot lid SRL for [solicitations]: The tender offer and consent [solicitations] to debtholders in December,ARG-1: consent | ARG-2: to debtholders | ARG-M-TMP: in December SRL for [debiting]: they 've been [debiting] them the fare difference,ARG-0: they 've | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: the fare difference "SRL for [involve]: He says Mr. Briggs told him he was being set up for a `` honey trap , '' in which Mr. Noriega would try to [involve] him in an orgy and then record the event `` with sound and video . ''",ARG-0: Mr. Noriega | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: in an orgy SRL for [inconceivable]: It is [inconceivable] that you take a multivitamin in good faith and it wrecks havoc on your health in such a profound way but that is the case .,ARG-1: that you take a multivitamin in good faith and it wrecks havoc on your health in such a profound way "SRL for [swiveling]: Mainstream economists and commentators , craning their necks up at the great pyramids of junk financing , [swiveling] their heads to watch the avalanche of leveraged buy - outs , claimed the end result would be a leaner , meaner corporate America , with soaring productivity and profits and the weaker gone to the wall .",ARG-0: Mainstream economists and commentators | ARG-1: their heads | ARG-M-PNC: to watch the avalanche of leveraged buy - outs "SRL for [notes]: Some companies have bought back stock , [notes] Steven G. Einhorn .",ARG-1: Some companies have bought back stock | ARG-0: Steven G. Einhorn "SRL for [ice - skated]: I just [ice - skated] home in my car on roads you ca n't see for the blowing snow ( 45 mph winds ) , went down a hill sideways and narrowly missed an oil tanker coming from the other direction .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: home | ARG-M-MNR: in my car | ARG-M-LOC: on roads you ca n't see for the blowing snow ( 45 mph winds ) SRL for [encounter]: Elian Gonzalez 's first [encounter] with President Fidel Castro,ARG-0: Elian Gonzalez 's | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: with President Fidel Castro SRL for [adjusted]: Banks [adjusted] payouts on CD 's in the most recent week .,ARG-0: Banks | ARG-1: payouts on CD 's | ARG-M-TMP: in the most recent week "SRL for [consequence]: The [consequence] of this misuse of the term "" curate "" was that the title of "" perpetual curate "" fell into desuetude in the Anglican Church","ARG-1: of this misuse of the term "" curate """ SRL for [historicize]: What I set out to do in those posts was [historicize] the doomsters .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the doomsters "SRL for [finished]: Moreover , Suez had just [finished] winning an even larger battle last year for control of Societe Generale de Belgique .",ARG-M-DIS: Moreover | ARG-0: Suez | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: winning an even larger battle last year for control of Societe Generale de Belgique "SRL for [witnessing]: In other words , after some highly visible dithering and public airing of differences , the administration has come down on the side of those who believe that what we are [witnessing] from Berlin to Siberia is a good thing to be welcomed , rather than a new thing to be feared or viewed with suspicion .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: what | ARG-M-LOC: from Berlin to Siberia SRL for [pitched]: `` Stocks were being [pitched] out of windows at any price . '',ARG-1: Stocks | ARG-2: out of windows | ARG-M-ADV: at any price SRL for [boil down]: Does it actually [boil down] to anything other than a percieved loss of prestige ?,ARG-2: it | ARG-1: to anything other than a percieved loss of prestige ? SRL for [squeaked]: ... this candidate that that barely [squeaked] through this election when George Bush carried that district two to one and the former congressman carried it almost three to one ...,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: this candidate | ARG-M-EXT: barely | ARG-1: through this election | ARG-M-TMP: when George Bush carried that district two to one and the former congressman carried it almost three to one SRL for [relent]: Ms. Browning says she believes a recapitalization involving employee ownership would succeed only if the pilots [relent] on their demand for control .,ARG-0: the pilots | ARG-1: on their demand for control SRL for [dispute]: their acrimonious legal [dispute] over Hollywood producers Peter Guber and Jon Peters,ARG-0: their | ARG-M-MNR: acrimonious | ARG-M-ADJ: legal | ARG-2: over Hollywood producers Peter Guber and Jon Peters "SRL for [cope]: `` Our company has not been able to [cope] very effectively with '' changes in the marketplace , said Ryosuke Ito , Sansui 's president .",ARG-0: Our company | ARG-M-MNR: very effectively | ARG-1: with '' changes in the marketplace SRL for [sectioned off]: The teacher [sectioned off] the unruly child from the rest .,ARG-0: The teacher | ARG-1: the unruly child | ARG-3: from the rest SRL for [unaltered]: In 28 the flow was [unaltered],ARG-M-LOC: In 28 | ARG-1: the flow SRL for [oversold]: `` We were [oversold] and today we bounced back .,ARG-1: We "SRL for [socked]: Despite this research , I was still nervous I was going to be [socked] with a hidden fee .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: with a hidden fee SRL for [rallies]: Public anti - government [rallies],ARG-1: Public | ARG-2: anti - government SRL for [careless]: ' I was [careless] with fireworks ',ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with fireworks SRL for [full]: Most gangs in London are [full] of blacks .,ARG-1: Most gangs in London | ARG-2: of blacks SRL for [redouble]: One person familiar with Georgia - Pacific said the acquisition would more than [redouble] the company 's debt of almost $ 3 billion .,ARG-0: the acquisition | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: more than | ARG-1: the company 's debt of almost $ 3 billion SRL for [works]: 5 . Differentiation is good and [works] to your advantage .,ARG-1: Differentiation | ARG-M-MNR: to your advantage SRL for [bubbles]: The heart of this great poet constantly [bubbles] forth a generous joy of life -- with or without the guitar '' .,ARG-0: The heart of this great poet | ARG-M-TMP: constantly | ARG-2: forth | ARG-1: a generous joy of life | ARG-M-ADV: with or without the guitar "SRL for [sidestepped]: Campeau , owner of such retailers as Bloomingdale 's , Bon Marche , and Jordan Marsh , [sidestepped] financial collapse last month after an emergency $ 250 million loan from Olympia & York Developments Ltd. , a Canadian developer and a major shareholder in Campeau .","ARG-0: Campeau , owner of such retailers as Bloomingdale 's , Bon Marche , and Jordan Marsh | ARG-1: financial collapse | ARG-M-TMP: last month | ARG-M-TMP: after an emergency $ 250 million loan from Olympia & York Developments Ltd. , a Canadian developer and a major shareholder in Campeau" "SRL for [approved]: On Friday , the Merc 's board announced that it had [approved] Sabine Pipe Line Co. 's Henry Hub in Erath , La. , as the delivery sit for its long - awaited natural gas futures contract .","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: Sabine Pipe Line Co. 's Henry Hub in Erath , La. | ARG-2: the delivery sit for its long - awaited natural gas futures contract" "SRL for [worried]: Meantime , regulators are becoming increasingly [worried] as the rush to leverage shows no signs of abating .",ARG-M-EXT: increasingly SRL for [respite]: giving a [respite] to the giant trees which protect Taiwan 's land .,ARG-M-LVB: giving | ARG-1: to the giant trees which protect Taiwan 's land SRL for [reenacted]: Chino confessed to the murder and [reenacted] the scene for police and reporters .,ARG-0: Chino | ARG-1: the scene | ARG-2: for police and reporters "SRL for [short]: Between Russia and Iran , they would have access to enormous oil reserves , from which they could , if supplies were too [short] , deny the U.S. Saudi Arabia comes to mind as well .",ARG-2: supplies | ARG-M-EXT: too SRL for [races]: And some investors fault Mr. Spiegel 's life style ; he earns millions of dollars a year and [races] around in Columbia 's jet planes .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-DIR: around | ARG-M-MNR: in Columbia 's jet planes "SRL for [settle]: Certainly , the Oct 13 sell - off did n't [settle] any stomachs .",ARG-M-ADV: Certainly | ARG-0: the Oct 13 sell - off | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: any stomachs "SRL for [ticked off]: Mr. Agnos complained that he was `` [ticked off] '' that Vice President Dan Quayle , who toured the earthquake site Wednesday , did n't schedule a private meeting with him .","ARG-1: he | ARG-0: that Vice President Dan Quayle , who toured the earthquake site Wednesday , did n't schedule a private meeting with him" "SRL for [encouragement]: Blake Forslund Sr . remembered for his [encouragement] to others , love of community",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to others SRL for [aromatize]: The sommelier swirled the wine to [aromatize] it .,ARG-0: The sommelier | ARG-1: it SRL for [tortuous]: Common iliac arteries are heavily calcified and extremely [tortuous] .,ARG-1: Common iliac arteries | ARG-M-EXT: extremely SRL for [access]: The restaurant just added wheelchair [access] .,ARG-0: wheelchair "SRL for [extended]: After the opening was delayed 30 minutes because of the crush of sell orders , Frankfurt 's normal two - hour trading session was [extended] 75 minutes to handle the heavy volume .",ARG-M-TMP: After the opening was delayed 30 minutes because of the crush of sell orders | ARG-1: Frankfurt 's normal two - hour trading session | ARG-2: 75 minutes | ARG-M-PRP: to handle the heavy volume "SRL for [surveyed]: The Association of Quality Clubs , which puts 1988 industry revenue at $ 5 billion , [surveyed] the health - conscious over-40 market and found that 43 % exercise regularly .","ARG-0: The Association of Quality Clubs , which puts 1988 industry revenue at $ 5 billion | ARG-1: the health - conscious over-40 market" "SRL for [lent]: The McAlpine family , which operates a number of multinational companies , including a London - based engineering and construction company , also [lent] to Meridian National $ 500,000 .","ARG-0: The McAlpine family , which operates a number of multinational companies , including a London - based engineering and construction company | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-2: to Meridian National | ARG-1: $ 500,000" SRL for [oared]: the handsome old boatman who had given her a wink as he [oared] her and the kids through a lake strangled with floating lilies .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: her and the kids | ARG-2: through a lake strangled with floating lilies "SRL for [breakthrough]: Shengyou Shu , the governor of Jiangxi province , said , "" In the recently ended year of 1997 , the total value of commodity exports was 1.6 billion US dollars , and every effort will be made to [breakthrough] the figure of 1.8 billion US dollars this year "" .",ARG-1: the figure of 1.8 billion US dollars | ARG-M-TMP: this year "SRL for [lulled]: This is clearly not good news to all you people who sleep like babies every night , [lulled] by visions of your money sitting risk - free in six - month CDs .",ARG-1: all you people | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-0: by visions of your money sitting risk - free in six - month CDs SRL for [comes]: Ringers are filled with the solemn intoxication that [comes] of intricate ritual faultlessly performed .,ARG-1: that | ARG-2: of intricate ritual faultlessly performed SRL for [haunting]: Nelson Bunker Hunt 's attempted corner on silver a decade ago is still [haunting] the market in this metal .,ARG-0: Nelson Bunker Hunt 's attempted corner on silver a decade ago | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: the market in this metal "SRL for [go]: Instead , they focus on events in department stores and pour their promotional budgets into gifts that [go] along with purchases .",ARG-1: gifts | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: along with purchases "SRL for [showcase]: Within a period of time in the future , as the Chinese market , with its spending trends , the direction of government policies , adn the actual strength of national economic income , will all decide for the enterprise what type of technology and products they will [showcase] during this car exhibition .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: during this car exhibition SRL for [misspoke]: Do you think he just [misspoke] to me ?,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-2: to me ? SRL for [impact]: the full [impact] of the catastrophic blast,ARG-M-EXT: full | ARG-2: of the catastrophic blast SRL for [point finger]: She stated that she was not here to [point finger] at anyone for her always - healthy little girl Stacey 's being so sick with leukemia .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: at anyone | ARG-2: for her always - healthy little girl Stacey 's being so sick with leukemia "SRL for [value]: I [value] him for his offence , but he is to much of a liability defensively and he should be traded .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-CAU: for his offence SRL for [blistered]: Her feet [blistered] during the long hike .,ARG-1: Her feet | ARG-M-TMP: during the long hike SRL for [run]: There is a [run] in my stockings,ARG-1: in my stockings "SRL for [countersuing]: Warner has filed a $ 1 billion breach of contract suit in Los Angeles Superior Court against Sony and the Guber - Peters duo , who in turn are [countersuing] Warner for trying to interfere in Sony 's acquisition of Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc. and Guber Peters Entertainment Co. in two transactions valued at over $ 5 billion .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-ADV: in turn | ARG-1: Warner | ARG-2: for trying to interfere in Sony 's acquisition of Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc. and Guber Peters Entertainment Co. in two transactions valued at over $ 5 billion | ARG-0: Sony and the Guber - Peters duo "SRL for [pruning]: SPR -LRB- subtree [pruning] and regrafting -RRB- , TBR -LRB- tree bisection and reconnection -RRB- , Swofford and Olsen",ARG-2: subtree SRL for [walloped]: Bernie [walloped] the desk with his fist .,ARG-0: Bernie | ARG-1: the desk | ARG-M-MNR: with his fist "SRL for [necrotic]: Received fresh labeled "" "" right pelvic side wall lymph node "" "" is a 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm lymph node which grossly is [necrotic] .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-ADV: grossly "SRL for [planting]: So , after its recent failure , Monsanto surely will focus its emphasis on China , try its best to bribe corrupt officials , and make genetically - modified [planting] expand rapidly in China .",ARG-1: genetically - modified SRL for [struck]: It [struck] me as odd that there was no reply to my letter .,ARG-3: me | ARG-1: as odd that there was no reply to my letter SRL for [Concocts]: Goya [Concocts] a Milk For Hispanic Tastes,ARG-0: Goya | ARG-1: a Milk For Hispanic Tastes "SRL for [revising]: '' Mr. Milunovich said he was [revising] his estimate for DEC 's current year from $ 8.20 a share to `` well below $ 8 , '' although he has n't settled on a final number .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his estimate for DEC 's current year | ARG-3: from $ 8.20 a share | ARG-2: to `` well below $ 8 , '' | ARG-M-ADV: although he has n't settled on a final number" "SRL for [merit]: So far , Mrs. Hills has n't deemed any cases bad enough to [merit] an accelerated investigation under the so-called special 301 provision of the act .",ARG-0: any cases | ARG-1: an accelerated investigation "SRL for [loaded up]: KKR [loaded up] the cable and television company with debt in an 1985 buy - out , then later sold Storer 's cable operations at a fat profit .",ARG-0: KKR | ARG-1: the cable and television company | ARG-2: with debt | ARG-M-TMP: in an 1985 buy - out "SRL for [articulate]: If Mr. Mason had used less derogatory language to [articulate] his amateur analysis of the voting behavior of his fellow New Yorkers , would the water be quite so hot ?",ARG-0: Mr. Mason | ARG-1: his amateur analysis of the voting behavior of his fellow New Yorkers SRL for [meets]: Along the way he [meets] a solicitous Christian chauffeur who offers the hero God 's phone number .,ARG-M-ADV: Along the way | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a solicitous Christian chauffeur who offers the hero God 's phone number SRL for [to close]: Investors want [to close] its doors for good .,ARG-0: Investors | ARG-1: its doors | ARG-M-MNR: for good "SRL for [easy]: Indeed , Judge O'Brien ruled that `` it would be [easy] to conclude that the USIA 's position is ` inappropriate or even stupid , '' but it 's the law .","ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: to conclude that the USIA 's position is ` inappropriate or even stupid , ''" "SRL for [sense]: Captain , I [sense] anger !",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: anger SRL for [sweep]: When Dung 's forces finally completed their [sweep] of the town Struharick and the rest were placed in custody .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the town "SRL for [luring]: Christie 's will soon have a sale of Dada and Symbolist art while Sotheby 's is [luring] collectors with sales of Swiss , German , Spanish , Australian and Canadian paintings .","ARG-0: Sotheby 's | ARG-1: collectors | ARG-3: with sales of Swiss , German , Spanish , Australian and Canadian paintings" "SRL for [collapse]: With OPEC nations in financial trouble due to oil 's [collapse] in price , can they afford not to sell to Israel 's supporters ?",ARG-1: oil 's | ARG-M-ADV: in price SRL for [bald]: Mr. Truex particularly comes very near to triumphing over lines which are completely [bald] of wit and rely for their laughs purely on their suggestiveness .,ARG-1: which | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-2: of wit "SRL for [signed]: One writer [signed] his letter as "" Red blooded , balanced male "" .","ARG-0: One writer | ARG-1: his letter | ARG-2: as "" Red blooded , balanced male """ "SRL for [vaccinated]: When she was about 8 years old , Marie , now 67 , recalls being [vaccinated] against the measles .","ARG-1: Marie , now 67 | ARG-2: against the measles | ARG-M-TMP: When she was about 8 years old" SRL for [tetramerized]: Propene - terminated phthalonitrile ( 24 ) [tetramerized] into phthalocyanine ( 26 ) with good yield .,ARG-1: Propene - terminated phthalonitrile ( 24 ) | ARG-3: into phthalocyanine ( 26 ) SRL for [scowled]: ? The only reason this alligator is here is because you have left him no other place to go . He is here because of you ! Because of you encroaching on his habitat ! You?re a plague ! A plague ! ? Upon saying this I spit a mouthful and [scowled] a thunderstorm at all the kids .,ARG-M-TMP: Upon saying this | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a thunderstorm | ARG-M-GOL: at all the kids SRL for [mentation]: His [mentation] was markedly slow and he was unable to recall any details of his week .,ARG-0: His SRL for [task]: Ms. Zeidner has somewhat neglected the [task] of making them distinctively individual characters .,ARG-1: of making them distinctively individual characters SRL for [pawing]: The hacker was [pawing] over the Berkeley files but also using Berkeley and other easily accessible computers as stepping stones to the network of computers used by the military and national security agencies .,ARG-0: The hacker | ARG-1: over the Berkeley files SRL for [multi - layered]: The palate is [multi - layered] with very sweet fruit flavors and powerful yet supple tannins,ARG-1: The palate | ARG-2: with very sweet fruit flavors and powerful yet supple tannins SRL for [multifocal]: The DCIS is [multifocal] .,ARG-1: The DCIS "SRL for [genocided]: All these Holocaust lobbyists get furious if anybody says Jews are n't the only tribe to get [genocided] , but that 's just politics - "" Our genocide is better than your genocide ! """,ARG-1: the only tribe "SRL for [shame]: It 's just a [shame] for us that we no longer know what , exactly , The Urim and Thummim were .",ARG-2: for us "SRL for [homodimerized]: The FKBP12 protein can be [homodimerized] with FK1012 , which consists of two linked molecules of FK506 ( Spencer et al . , 1993 ) .","ARG-1: The FKBP12 protein | ARG-2: FK1012 , which consists of two linked molecules of FK506" SRL for [reinstalled]: Ford said owners should return the cars to dealers so the windshields can be removed and securely [reinstalled] .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-MNR: securely | ARG-1: the windshields SRL for [nitrifying]: The organic input can also provide the genesis for the [nitrifying] bacteria .,ARG-0: bacteria "SRL for [low]: Some men thought that even if Wes 's accusations against Old Bill were true , it was [low] of him to make them after all these years .",C-ARG-1: to make them after all these years | ARG-1: of him "SRL for [broke out]: Around him , scores of traders seemed to get a burst of energy ; their boss [broke out] bottles of Perrier water to cool them off .",ARG-0: their boss | ARG-1: bottles of Perrier water | ARG-M-PRP: to cool them off SRL for [skied]: two kilometers later Hummer approached Engenvick and they [skied] together the rest of the way .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MNR: together | ARG-1: the rest of the way "SRL for [transfers]: Arbitrage simply [transfers] his selling pressure from Chicago to New York , while functioning as a buyer in Chicago .",ARG-0: Arbitrage | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-1: his selling pressure | ARG-3: from Chicago | ARG-2: to New York | ARG-M-TMP: while functioning as a buyer in Chicago "SRL for [justified]: George Zimmerman "" did n't do anything unlawful "" and was "" [justified] "" in shooting 17 - year - old Trayvon Martin , according to one of the jurors who acquitted Zimmerman .",ARG-1: George Zimmerman | ARG-3: in shooting 17 - year - old Trayvon Martin | ARG-M-ADV: according to one of the jurors who acquitted Zimmerman SRL for [reradiating]: It is unclear whether we would have any benefit in terms of improving survival by [reradiating] that area even were it to represent tumor progression .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: that area SRL for [shower]: why ca n't you take quick [shower] ?,ARG-M-CAU: why | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-TMP: quick SRL for [ruling]: The Illinois Supreme Court seems to have over looked that ? detail ? in their [ruling] of 7 - 0 in favor of Emanuel .,ARG-0: their | ARG-3: of 7 - 0 | ARG-2: in favor of Emanuel SRL for [seeding]: The MRSA [seeding] of these,ARG-2: MRSA | ARG-1: of these "SRL for [sealing off]: Iron doors hidden in panels close every night , [sealing off] from the the rest of the museum .",ARG-3: Iron doors hidden in panels | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the the rest of the museum SRL for [cuckooed]: John [cuckooed] in hopes of attracting a real Cuckoo .,ARG-0: John SRL for [detracts]: One group says the futures contribute to stock market volatility ; the other contends that futures are a sideshow of speculation that [detracts] from the stock market 's basic function of raising capital .,ARG-1: speculation | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: from the stock market 's basic function of raising capital SRL for [twist]: `` You [twist] people 's trust .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: people 's trust SRL for [ridicules]: Senate GOP leader Dole [ridicules] the budget chief on the Senate floor .,ARG-0: Senate GOP leader Dole | ARG-1: the budget chief | ARG-M-LOC: on the Senate floor "SRL for [overweighted]: I suspect this forum is [overweighted] with the lazy , "" content - to - be - poor "" contingent .","ARG-1: this forum | ARG-2: with the lazy , "" content - to - be - poor "" contingent" "SRL for [roboresponse]: Hannaford tried to proffer Wakefield 's ( and Polly Tommey 's ) comments , but they only sent their lawyers ' [roboresponse] ( Wakefield did not fabricate data , there is such a thing as autistic enterocolitis , yada yada ) .",ARG-0: their lawyers ' "SRL for [adds]: But he [adds] , "" I feel pressured , disappointed , uncomfortable , and angry . ""","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: "" I feel pressured , disappointed , uncomfortable , and angry . """ SRL for [effluxing]: Both ureteral orifices were [effluxing] clear urine,ARG-0: Both ureteral orifices | ARG-1: clear urine SRL for [proselytize]: The biggest challenge is how not to [proselytize] .,ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [appointment]: ... simply book another [appointment] with a different doctor .,ARG-1: with a different doctor "SRL for [chastised]: Campbell Soup , for one , is furious : its Souper Combo microwave product was [chastised] in the premiere `` In the Dumpster '' column .",ARG-1: its Souper Combo microwave product | ARG-M-LOC: in the premiere `` In the Dumpster '' column SRL for [tickled]: The kitten [tickled] Norm 's face with its whiskers .,ARG-0: The kitten | ARG-1: Norm 's face | ARG-2: with its whiskers "SRL for [calcify]: When a fracture takes place , osteoblasts come in * to [calcify] the tissue surrounding the break .",ARG-1: the tissue surrounding the break SRL for [assorted]: The contraband and stolen property was piled in [assorted] heaps on the back veranda of the bungalow .,ARG-2: heaps SRL for [had good run]: We [had good run],ARG-0: We | ARG-1: cup SRL for [spin]: Counter - clockwise [spin] of Hurricane Ivan over the Gulf Coast of the USA .,ARG-M-DIR: Counter - clockwise | ARG-1: of Hurricane Ivan | ARG-M-LOC: over the Gulf Coast of the USA SRL for [institution]: on the occasion of his [institution] as Rector of St. Michael 's ...,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: as Rector of St. Michael 's SRL for [nonsymptomatic]: He is relatively [nonsymptomatic] .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-EXT: relatively "SRL for [moving]: Instead , the typical victim of cercion is moved to comply by a desire that he could easily resist if he so desired , but which he acts upon because he fully endorses both his possession of the desire and its [moving] him to act .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to act SRL for [climb]: Oil 's sudden [climb] in price halted summer travel plans for many .,ARG-1: Oil 's | ARG-M-TMP: sudden | ARG-5: in price "SRL for [pulled down]: After extensive washing , cells were lysed , and the antibody - bound fraction of the protein was [pulled down] from the lysate with protein A - Sepharose .",ARG-1: the antibody - bound fraction of the protein | ARG-2: the lysate | ARG-3: protein A - Sepharose "SRL for [inhumane]: And to know that he was "" [inhumane] "" to his housekeeper makes me feel just that much safer .",ARG-0: he | ARG-2: to his housekeeper SRL for [dissolution]: The [dissolution] of the Warsaw Pact,ARG-1: of the Warsaw Pact "SRL for [disagree]: In an extraordinary mix of cultures and church - state powers , Rep. Robert Dornan -LRB- R. , Calif . -RRB- lectured his fellow Roman Catholics -- including Mr. Florio -- for having the `` chutzpah '' to [disagree] with the hierarchy of their church on abortion .",ARG-M-ADV: the `` chutzpah '' | ARG-1: with the hierarchy of their church | ARG-2: on abortion SRL for [display]: video [display] terminals and workstations,ARG-1: video | ARG-2: terminals SRL for [telecasted]: Pakistan Television also [telecasted] the announcement .,ARG-0: Pakistan Television | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the announcement "SRL for [select]: Such laws violate the provision in Article II that requires the president to make recommendations to Congress , but which gives the president the discretion to [select] the subject matter of those recommendations .",ARG-0: the president | ARG-1: the subject matter of those recommendations | ARG-M-MNR: the discretion SRL for [punched]: The fan said he was [punched] by one player and that the other broke his jaw with a baseball bat .,ARG-1: he | ARG-0: by one player "SRL for [engineered]: Mr. Robinson of Delta & Pine , the seed producer in Scott , Miss. , said Plant Genetic 's success in creating genetically [engineered] male steriles does n't automatically mean it would be simple to create hybrids in all crops .",ARG-M-MNR: genetically | ARG-1: steriles "SRL for [drains]: While the government [drains] Pemex from above , the union has drained it from below .",ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: Pemex | ARG-M-MNR: from above SRL for [monophasic]: Doppler waveforms are [monophasic],ARG-1: Doppler waveforms SRL for [inspected]: Santa Fe stopped freight trains Tuesday night while its officials [inspected] track but resumed service at 10:45 p.m. when they found no damage .,ARG-0: its officials | ARG-1: track "SRL for [authorized]: Rymer Foods Inc. said its board [authorized] the purchase of as many as 500,000 of its common stock purchase warrants at a price of $ 4 a warrant .","ARG-0: its board | ARG-1: the purchase of as many as 500,000 of its common stock purchase warrants at a price of $ 4 a warrant" SRL for [recharging]: The vehicle has a top speed of 65 miles an hour and requires [recharging] from a standard wall socket every 100 miles .,ARG-1: The vehicle | ARG-2: from a standard wall socket | ARG-M-TMP: every 100 miles "SRL for [moot]: if obama kept his promise , this would be [moot] .",ARG-M-ADV: if obama kept his promise | ARG-1: this | ARG-M-MOD: would "SRL for [conference]: The following tips will help parents before , during and after their [conference] with their child 's teacher .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: with their child 's teacher "SRL for [onboard]: I am [onboard] the Braemar , heading to the Dominican Republic .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: the Braemar | ARG-M-ADV: heading to the Dominican Republic "SRL for [re - examination]: At that time I thought it was reliable and let it do the job because it was a subsidiary to BBMG . Later , I still had that Hua Huan company to do the [re - examination] , and everything was qualified .",ARG-0: that Hua Huan company | ARG-M-LVB: do SRL for [delivered]: The first five leased units were to be [delivered] in 1991 .,ARG-1: The first five leased units | ARG-M-TMP: in 1991 "SRL for [cloned]: The next to be [cloned] , human insulin , had market potential and Genentech licensed it to Eli Lilly , which produced 80 % of the insulin used by 1.5 million U.S. diabetics .",ARG-1: The next "SRL for [true]: If it is [true] , I 'd prefer not to have any part in it , but if it 's not true , it would be great to know .",ARG-1: it "SRL for [authored]: Although the proposal , [authored] by Mr. Packwood and Sen. William Roth ( R. , Del. ) , appears to have general backing by Republicans , their votes are n't sufficient to pass it .","ARG-1: the proposal | ARG-0: by Mr. Packwood and Sen. William Roth ( R. , Del. )" SRL for [shut out]: People close to the GM - Jaguar talks agreed that Ford now may be able to [shut out] General Motors .,ARG-0: Ford | ARG-1: General Motors "SRL for [whooshing]: Besides , is n't the [whooshing] of air over the fingers part of the natural sound of a piano",ARG-1: of air | ARG-2: over the fingers SRL for [auction]: Their firm buys government notes at the monthly [auction] of the Treasury Department .,ARG-M-TMP: monthly | ARG-0: of the Treasury Department SRL for [relinquish]: Trade and Industry Secretary Nicholas Ridley told the House of Commons yesterday that he will [relinquish] the government 's so-called golden share in the company as long as Jaguar shareholders agree .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the government 's so-called golden share in the company | ARG-M-ADV: as long as Jaguar shareholders agree SRL for [cancaned]: A chorus line of lobsters [cancaned] their way across a stage .,ARG-0: A chorus line of lobsters | ARG-1: their way | ARG-M-DIR: across a stage "SRL for [redound]: The law could [redound] to the advantage of brokers and banks , who incur high administrative costs to deliver securities to investors .","ARG-0: The law | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: to the advantage of brokers and banks , who incur high administrative costs to deliver securities to investors" SRL for [resiled]: The Bush administration has [resiled] from some international treaties .,ARG-0: The Bush administration | ARG-1: from some international treaties "SRL for [last]: The turmoil in junk bonds may [last] for years , investors and traders say .",ARG-1: The turmoil in junk bonds | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-2: for years "SRL for [normal]: Sensory examination is [normal] to fine touch , and proprioception .","ARG-1: Sensory examination | ARG-2: fine touch , and proprioception" "SRL for [was whiffing]: As usual , he [was whiffing] at a cigarette .",ARG-M-MNR: As usual | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: at a cigarette SRL for [rally]: a [rally] of what can only be called the Korotich party,ARG-1: of what can only be called the Korotich party "SRL for [inclinations]: I suspect you are wrong on the voting [inclinations] of the moderates , and especially the ones you call tea baggers .",ARG-2: voting | ARG-0: of the moderates "SRL for [spoken out]: Several of the city 's black leaders , including Democratic mayoral nominee David Dinkins , have [spoken out] for racial gerrymandering to accord blacks and Hispanics `` the fullest opportunity for representation . ''","ARG-0: Several of the city 's black leaders , including Democratic mayoral nominee David Dinkins | ARG-1: for racial gerrymandering to accord blacks and Hispanics `` the fullest opportunity for representation" SRL for [parallel]: Now attach two more blue blocks to the top two [parallel] to the ground .,ARG-1: to the ground "SRL for [failed]: Saudi Arabia allegedly [failed] to honor US patents , copyrights , and other intellectual - property rights .","ARG-1: Saudi Arabia | ARG-M-ADV: allegedly | ARG-2: to honor US patents , copyrights , and other intellectual - property rights" SRL for [backed]: Eastern Airline 's creditors committee [backed] off a move to come up with its own alternative proposals to the carrier 's bankruptcy reorganization plans .,ARG-0: Eastern Airline 's creditors committee | ARG-1: off a move to come up with its own alternative proposals to the carrier 's bankruptcy reorganization plans SRL for [aspected]: Mercury and Venus is conjunct and the conjunction is being closely [aspected] by Rahu .,ARG-M-MNR: closely | ARG-1: conjunction | ARG-0: by Rahu "SRL for [flash flood]: France [flash flood] ( which happened on the same day as our Orchard Road flash flood , with a death toll of 25 reported and counting ) .",ARG-M-ADJ: our | ARG-M-LOC: Orchard Road | ARG-3: with a death toll of 25 reported and counting SRL for [dishonoured]: I have [dishonoured] my name by serving two masters .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my name | ARG-M-MNR: by serving two masters SRL for [heeled]: The ship [heeled] over to the breeze .,ARG-1: The ship | ARG-2: over | ARG-M-CAU: to the breeze SRL for [feel]: The colony 's consumers [feel] more pressured than those in any of the other surveyed markets .,ARG-0: The colony 's consumers | ARG-1: more pressured than those in any of the other surveyed markets SRL for [hit]: A [hit] of a photographer,ARG-1: of a photographer SRL for [preconception]: I participate in lingual translation theories that challenge its [preconception] as a second - hand and inferior copy where the ? origin ? gets lost .,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: as a second - hand and inferior copy SRL for [present]: It is normal for the fetus to [present] breech in the second trimester and spontaneously invert sometime in the third trimester .,ARG-1: the fetus | ARG-3: breech | ARG-M-TMP: in the second trimester "SRL for [pieced]: It 's a script [pieced] together from interviews by CBS News for a re - enactment , a dramatic rendering by an actor of Mr. Hoffman 's ultimately unsuccessful struggle with depression .","ARG-1: a script | ARG-3: together | ARG-2: from interviews | ARG-0: by CBS News | ARG-M-PNC: for a re - enactment , a dramatic rendering by an actor of Mr. Hoffman 's ultimately unsuccessful struggle with depression" "SRL for [disengage]: New York is in the process of trying to [disengage] itself from a 20 - year - old commitment to this system of school governance , even as Chicago and other cities are moving to institute it .",ARG-0: New York | ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: from a 20 - year - old commitment to this system of school governance SRL for [was doping]: Bjarne Riis admitted he [was doping] when he won the 1996 Tour .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: when he won the 1996 Tour SRL for [buys]: The holder [buys] $ 1000 principal amount of debentures at par .,ARG-0: The holder | ARG-1: $ 1000 principal amount | ARG-3: of debentures at par SRL for [tackle]: The program is n't afraid to [tackle] controversial topics such as nuclear weapons and the environment .,ARG-0: The program | ARG-1: controversial topics such as nuclear weapons and the environment "SRL for [distinguish]: Soon the studio is producing a $ 40 million picture called `` Tet , the Motion Picture , '' to [distinguish] it from `` Tet , the Offensive , '' as well as `` Tet , the Book '' and `` Tet , the Album . ''","ARG-0: the studio | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from `` Tet , the Offensive , '' as well as `` Tet , the Book '' and `` Tet , the Album" SRL for [misgave]: Her heart [misgave] her that she had acted inexcusably,ARG-0: Her heart | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: that she had acted inexcusably "SRL for [hamstring]: If Mr. Papandreou becomes the major opposition leader , he could [hamstring] a conservative - led coalition .",ARG-M-ADV: If Mr. Papandreou becomes the major opposition leader | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: a conservative - led coalition SRL for [precassetted]: [precassetted] cores,ARG-1: cores SRL for [underprediction]: ... [underprediction] of women 's course grades was the exception rather than the rule .,ARG-1: of women 's course grades SRL for [stood]: An index of economic activity drawn from the survey [stood] last month at 47.6 % ;,ARG-1: An index of economic activity drawn from the survey | ARG-M-TMP: last month | ARG-2: at 47.6 % "SRL for [dark]: Unlike her late husband , Mitchell was [dark] of eye , dark of hair , dark dark dark of character .",ARG-M-MNR: Unlike her late husband | ARG-1: Mitchell | ARG-2: of eye SRL for [fluid]: The ballerina 's movements were both [fluid] and cat - like .,ARG-1: The ballerina 's movements SRL for [immunocompromise]: Specific factors related to [immunocompromise] seem to determine the appearance of invasive infection by specific pneumococcal serotypes ., "SRL for [graphic]: Details of the post were n't released , but authorities said it was [graphic] and had racial overtones .",ARG-1: it SRL for [Prank]: [Prank] anyone ?,ARG-1: anyone SRL for [recurrence]: the pelvic [recurrence],ARG-M-LOC: pelvic SRL for [scrunch up]: The students do their best to [scrunch up] as small as they can .,ARG-0: The students | ARG-M-PRD: as small as they can SRL for [cushioning]: Denizens of London 's financial district are [cushioning] themselves for heavy blows .,ARG-0: Denizens of London 's financial district | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: for heavy blows SRL for [arrival]: the [arrival] on the market of $ 4.52 billion in 30 - year bonds offered by the Resolution Funding Corp. as part of the government 's bailout of the savings and loan industry,ARG-4: on the market | ARG-1: of $ 4.52 billion in 30 - year bonds offered by the Resolution Funding Corp. as part of the government 's bailout of the savings and loan industry SRL for [electrocute]: ... The River Preservation Team also posted notices on the riverbank in May asking locals and out - of - town visitors not to poison or [electrocute] fish or catch them in nets .,ARG-0: locals and out - of - town visitors | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: fish SRL for [trying]: Newsweek is [trying] to keep pace with rival Time magazine .,ARG-0: Newsweek | ARG-1: to keep pace with rival Time magazine SRL for [wining]: He has defended his [wining] and dining of legislators as necessary because they are too busy at the Capitol .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of legislators SRL for [abusive]: He used [abusive] language .,ARG-2: language "SRL for [alerted]: That disclosure came , a Delmed spokeswoman said , after the American Stock Exchange [alerted] the company that trading would n't resume in its stock until additional information about developments was provided .",ARG-0: the American Stock Exchange | ARG-1: the company | ARG-2: that trading would n't resume in its stock until additional information about developments was provided SRL for [sting]: but when one gets arrested in a prostitution [sting] it is buried in the paper ?,ARG-2: prostitution SRL for [whupped]: this must have been what it felt like for dean the first time sammy [whupped] him at wrestling,ARG-0: sammy | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: at wrestling | ARG-M-TMP: the first time "SRL for [calculation]: Their [calculation] of its value , $ 2.5 million , was disputed .",ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of its value | ARG-2: $ 2.5 million "SRL for [equal]: Therefore , a fresh dilemma must be produced , and Fielding is [equal] to the challenge .",ARG-1: Fielding | ARG-2: to the challenge SRL for [started]: The storm [started] to cause great destruction,ARG-1: The storm | C-ARG-1: to cause great destruction SRL for [locomotion]: movements resulting essentially from [locomotion] through a medium,ARG-1: through a medium SRL for [wholesale]: John 's [wholesale] of beaverskin hats at $ 10 per pound on behalf of Wall Street tycoons landed him in prison .,ARG-0: John 's | ARG-1: of beaverskin hats | ARG-3: at $ 10 per pound | ARG-4: on behalf of Wall Street tycoons "SRL for [stemming]: Travelers Corp. 's third - quarter net income rose 11 % , even though claims [stemming] from Hurricane Hugo reduced results $ 40 million .",ARG-1: claims | ARG-2: from Hurricane Hugo "SRL for [championships]: After every game Al - Hilal plays , other teams pay the price in order to unjustly and artificially increase the number of [championships] for this team .",ARG-0: for this team SRL for [refought]: A Treasury of Sportswriting by Women reveals the battles fought and [refought] for acceptance in the press box and the locker room ;,ARG-1: the battles | ARG-2: for acceptance in the press box and the locker room SRL for [decreased]: Advertising volume at the company 's 35 regional newspapers [decreased] 1.1 % .,ARG-1: Advertising volume at the company 's 35 regional newspapers | ARG-2: 1.1 % "SRL for [shed]: Meanwhile , the opposition alliance has been calling for the DPP to "" [shed] its ideological baggage . """,ARG-0: for the DPP | ARG-1: its ideological baggage SRL for [rioted]: This is -- this is civilization that when we we accidentally or deliberately I do n't know abused the Koran people [rioted] in Pakistan .,R-ARG-M-LOC: that | ARG-M-TMP: when we we accidentally or deliberately I do n't know abused the Koran | ARG-0: people | ARG-M-LOC: in Pakistan | ARG-M-LOC: civilization SRL for [filling in]: The [filling in] of filter tips with acetate fiber,ARG-1: of filter tips | ARG-2: with acetate fiber "SRL for [claim]: My question is , does the above give us sufficient reason [*0*]-1 *PRO* to make a complain to Nationwide and potentially [claim] for the following [*T*-1] :",ARG-0: us | ARG-M-ADV: potentially | ARG-1: for the following SRL for [recognizable]: Sediment deposited by turbidity currents are called turbidites and are geologically unique and [recognizable] by their layering -LRB- graded bedding and Bouma Sequences -RRB- .,ARG-1: Sediment deposited by turbidity currents | ARG-M-MNR: by their layering -LRB- graded bedding and Bouma Sequences -RRB- SRL for [Bet]: How Terralliance 's Billion - Dollar [Bet] Against Big Oil Failed ...,ARG-0: Terralliance 's | ARG-1: Billion - Dollar | ARG-2: Against Big Oil SRL for [unaccompanied]: The Asylum Office should also confirm that the applicant was [unaccompanied] at the time of filing the Form I-589 .,ARG-1: the applicant | ARG-M-TMP: at the time of filing the Form I-589 SRL for [reflects]: John 's recent behavior [reflects] poorly on his ability to live alone .,ARG-1: John 's recent behavior | ARG-M-MNR: poorly | ARG-2: on his ability to live alone SRL for [congealed]: She [congealed] the flowing blood into a thick black mass with a drop of her magic salve .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the flowing blood | ARG-4: into a thick black mass | ARG-2: with a drop of her magic salve SRL for [Nosy]: My Family Is [Nosy] About My Dating Life,ARG-0: My Family | ARG-1: About My Dating Life SRL for [refuse]: ... institutional customers [refuse] to pay .,ARG-0: institutional customers | ARG-1: to pay "SRL for [burn up]: In fact he had to [burn up] an entire suitcase full of hundreds of poems and plays and stories at the start of the Cultural Revolution in fear of going to prison , and then in 1983 after being diagnosed with lung cancer , which had killed his father three years earlier and being convinced that he himself was going to die , he gets a kind of reprieve .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: an entire suitcase full of hundreds of poems and plays and stories | ARG-M-TMP: at the start of the Cultural Revolution | ARG-M-CAU: in fear of going to prison SRL for [silent]: That statement was [silent] on the question of whether Gingrich deliberately misled the committee or skirted tax law .,ARG-1: That statement | ARG-2: on the question of whether Gingrich deliberately misled the committee or skirted tax law SRL for [starts]: November housing [starts],ARG-M-TMP: November | ARG-1: housing SRL for [cubed]: I 've [cubed] the brisket with a plastic knife .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the brisket | ARG-2: with a plastic knife "SRL for [reshuffling]: During the formation of gametes , recombination of the genetic material results in [reshuffling] of the alleles .",ARG-1: of the alleles SRL for [go off]: It 's a time bomb just waiting to [go off] .,ARG-1: a time bomb SRL for [cap]: A [cap] on utilities ' sulfur - dioxide emissions,ARG-1: on utilities ' sulfur - dioxide emissions SRL for [spelling out]: The 1988 tax act created a federal bill of rights [spelling out] IRS duties to protect taxpayers ' rights in the assessment and collection of taxes .,ARG-0: a federal bill of rights | ARG-1: IRS duties to protect taxpayers ' rights in the assessment and collection of taxes SRL for [worthwhile]: We sometimes get lost as to what is [worthwhile] of our attention and what is simply wasting our time .,ARG-1: what | ARG-2: of our attention SRL for [strokes]: Mr. Garber depicts these moral qualities with the broad brush [strokes] of a satire that occasionally descends to the realm of cliched caricatures .,ARG-M-ADJ: broad | ARG-3: brush | ARG-2: of a satire that occasionally descends to the realm of cliched caricatures "SRL for [picking]: When we go there , it 's quite different from these Hollywood places where the sandwiches are spread out on the table and the people are [picking] their noses . ''",ARG-0: the people | ARG-1: their noses SRL for [interchanging]: We have been [interchanging] letters for years .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: letters | ARG-M-TMP: for years SRL for [kenneled]: John and Mary [kenneled] the dogs for the week .,ARG-0: John and Mary | ARG-1: the dogs | ARG-M-TMP: for the week SRL for [baseline]: Our current CT - scan can serve as a new [baseline] for future comparison ., "SRL for [incomprehensible]: What I hope will happen here is that people will come along to present the case FOR allowing the names to be made public , because it is [incomprehensible] to me -",ARG-1: it | ARG-0: to me "SRL for [punished]: Foreigners involved in prostitution will be [punished] according to the law , and those with sexually transmitted diseases will be expelled from the country , according to the regulations .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Foreigners involved in prostitution | ARG-M-MNR: according to the law SRL for [wreck]: the burning [wreck],ARG-M-PRD: burning SRL for [dedication]: That the troops are still managing speaks very highly of their [dedication] and patriotism and they should be commended .,ARG-0: their "SRL for [tiptoeing]: I do n't agree with his [tiptoeing] around the issue , but he does have to "" play the game "" .",ARG-0: his | ARG-M-DIR: around the issue SRL for [strike]: Because of a [strike] by Finance Ministry personnel the provisional estimate does n't correspond exactly to the consumer price index usually published .,ARG-0: by Finance Ministry personnel "SRL for [boogied]: She drank copious amounts of anything she could lay her hands on , she [boogied] the night away , fell over a few times , and got mud all over her purple frock .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the night | ARG-M-PRD: away SRL for [drifted off]: As he slowly fell asleep he [drifted off] into a dream and the night breeze filled the room and surrounded their bodies .,ARG-M-TMP: As he slowly fell asleep | ARG-1: he | ARG-2: into a dream "SRL for [delights]: '' You ca n't go anywhere in this company and find an organizational chart , '' one [delights] .","ARG-0: one | ARG-1: '' You ca n't go anywhere in this company and find an organizational chart , ''" SRL for [repercussions]: President Barack Obama 's reelection will have [repercussions] on the commercial real estate market for years to come .,ARG-0: President Barack Obama 's reelection | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-2: on the commercial real estate market | ARG-M-TMP: for years to come SRL for [slumber]: Will the people [slumber] still or stir to rage ?,ARG-0: the people | ARG-M-TMP: still "SRL for [innovated]: We [innovated] telephone redemptions , daily dividends , total elimination of share certificates and the constant $ 1 pershare pricing , all of which were painfully thought out and not the result of some inadvertence on the part of the SEC .","ARG-0: We | ARG-1: telephone redemptions , daily dividends , total elimination of share certificates and the constant $ 1 pershare pricing , all of which were painfully thought out and not the result of some inadvertence on the part of the SEC" SRL for [non - existent]: Null and void means [non - existent] as a law .,ARG-1: Null and void | ARG-2: as a law "SRL for [sentence]: His next [sentence] about a radio interview ,",ARG-0: His | ARG-M-TMP: next | ARG-1: about a radio interview "SRL for [coughing]: we might see the bear [coughing] out a hair extension and a broken Beyoncé CD . """,ARG-0: the bear | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-2: a hair extension and a broken Beyoncé CD SRL for [hit up]: ... he [hit up] the prince for a contribution to his presidential library .,ARG-0: he | ARG-2: the prince | ARG-1: for a contribution to his presidential library "SRL for [expressions]: It had "" [expressions] of interest of a transaction from both the borrowers and the banks , "" but did n't have an agreement",ARG-1: of interest of a transaction | ARG-0: from both the borrowers and the banks SRL for [Judge]: [Judge] Not,ARG-M-NEG: Not "SRL for [diminish]: The board added that McCaw would be able to control LIN 's operations and could , `` therefore , operate LIN in a manner which could [diminish] its private market value and attractiveness to a third - party purchaser in five years . ''",ARG-0: a manner | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: its private market value and attractiveness to a third - party purchaser | ARG-M-TMP: in five years SRL for [bunted]: He [bunted] it down the third - base line and it appeared as though he had laid down a perfect bunt .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-DIR: down the third - base line "SRL for [get down]: I 'm into hardcore punk , hip - hop and I can [get down] with some instrumental stuff like Do Make Say Think",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: with some instrumental stuff like Do Make Say Think SRL for [meltdown]: her little spazzo [meltdown] flip - off to Serenity,ARG-M-MNR: spazzo "SRL for [boned up]: Mr. Corry , who has [boned up] on corporate raiders by reading T. Boone Pickens 's autobiography , had hoped the detente would continue .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: Mr. Corry | ARG-1: on corporate raiders | ARG-M-MNR: by reading T. Boone Pickens 's autobiography SRL for [premature]: The ref was there and clearly determined that the kick was a result of his leg unintentionally hitting it due to the tackle ( which was [premature] of the ball arriving - thus could have easily been called PI ) .,ARG-1: ( which | ARG-2: of the ball arriving SRL for [excision]: His [excision] of the sentences quoted above from the final draft and his failure to comment angered even his allies .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the sentences quoted above | ARG-2: from the final draft SRL for [steps]: The shackles of midlife make middle - aged [steps] heavy .,ARG-1: middle - aged SRL for [breakdown]: His warning came after the [breakdown] of talks in London .,ARG-1: of talks in London "SRL for [deep]: The book was [deep] in the corner of the religion and occult practices shelf , which Chris had asked about before .",ARG-1: The book | ARG-2: in the corner of the religion and occult practices shelf | ARG-M-ADV: which Chris had asked about before SRL for [know]: I [know] London well . ( I 've been there many times . ),ARG-0: I | ARG-1: London | ARG-M-MNR: well "SRL for [pummel]: Moreover , some investors think a recession or renewed airfare wars will [pummel] airline stocks in coming months .",ARG-2: a recession or renewed airfare wars | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: airline stocks | ARG-M-TMP: in coming months SRL for [percolated]: Water [percolated] the sand .,ARG-1: Water | ARG-2: the sand SRL for [fulguration]: Dr. Hart 's [fulguration] of the cancer .,ARG-0: Dr. Hart 's | ARG-1: of the cancer "SRL for [dupes]: He takes his wash to the laundromat , where he meets a punky French girl who [dupes] him into providing a home for her pet piranha and then promptly steals his car and dumps it in Dieppe .",ARG-0: a punky French girl | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: into providing a home for her pet piranha SRL for [Reinforcement]: [Reinforcement] of instructions by Dr. Sfdskl .,ARG-1: of instructions | ARG-0: by Dr. Sfdskl "SRL for [summarize]: The statement added , `` Someone has regrettably chosen to selectively [summarize] portions of highly classified correspondence between the two branches of government .",ARG-0: Someone | ARG-M-MNR: selectively | ARG-1: portions of highly classified correspondence between the two branches of government "SRL for [range]: K mart developed the centers , which [range] in size from about 150,000 square feet to just over 250,000 square feet .","ARG-1: the centers | ARG-5: in size | ARG-3: from about 150,000 square feet | ARG-4: to just over 250,000 square feet | R-ARG-1: which" SRL for [trade]: world ivory [trade],ARG-0: world | ARG-1: ivory "SRL for [sex]: These are the people who will not get to enjoy his kingdom : those who sin sexually , those who worship idols , those who commit adultery , men who let other men use them for sex or who have [sex] with other men , those who steal , those who are greedy , those who drink too much , those who abuse others with insults , and those who cheat .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: men | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: with other men SRL for [fated]: What is unwilling or unable to make money is [fated] to have a small audience or even die out altogether .,ARG-1: What is unwilling or unable to make money | ARG-2: to have a small audience or even die out altogether SRL for [jot]: I usually [jot] notes in my notebook .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: usually | ARG-1: notes | ARG-M-LOC: in my notebook SRL for [was twanging]: Johnson 's playing sounded as if he [was twanging] barbed wire with a six - inch nail .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: barbed wire | ARG-2: with a six - inch nail SRL for [inefficient]: The first model of anything is always clumsy and [inefficient] .,ARG-1: The first model of anything | ARG-M-TMP: always SRL for [connection]: Many of those Evangelicals may not agree with his [connection] of environmentalism to sin .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of environmentalism | ARG-2: to sin SRL for [look]: an up - close and personal [look] at the President 's Supreme Court nominee,ARG-M-MNR: an up - close and personal | ARG-1: at the President 's Supreme Court nominee "SRL for [furloughed]: Pilots , as well , routinely fly overtime to ensure that none are [furloughed] during seasonal lows .",ARG-1: none | ARG-M-TMP: during seasonal lows SRL for [approach]: The aircraft 's [approach] to the White House was illegally close .,ARG-1: The aircraft 's | ARG-2: to the White House "SRL for [deferred]: Although the company could see fourth - quarter revenue shrink by nearly $ 5 billion if it is n't able to deliver any more planes this year , those dollars actually would just be [deferred] until 1990 .",ARG-M-ADV: Although the company could see fourth - quarter revenue shrink by nearly $ 5 billion if it is n't able to deliver any more planes this year | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: those dollars | ARG-2: until 1990 "SRL for [master]: But success for Unilever and P & G is far from guaranteed , as shown by the many consumer - product companies that have tried and failed to [master] the quirky beauty business .",ARG-0: the many consumer - product companies | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the quirky beauty business SRL for [testify]: `` There are some witnesses who will be forced to [testify] about their meetings with senators . '',R-ARG-0: some witnesses | ARG-0: who | ARG-1: about their meetings with senators SRL for [careless]: it was [careless] of him not to have distinguished hydrogen and carbon monoxide .,ARG-0: of him | C-ARG-0: not to have distinguished hydrogen and carbon monoxide SRL for [unexplained]: No [unexplained] weight loss,ARG-1: weight loss "SRL for [butter up]: If you rub them up the wrong way when you 're trying to [butter up] , you wo n't just jeopardize your official position , you wo n't even know what the consequences will be .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: them SRL for [resection]: laparoscopic low - anterior [resection],ARG-M-MNR: laparoscopic | ARG-M-LOC: low - anterior SRL for [canonized]: John was [canonized] by the church after he was shown to have performed a miracle .,ARG-1: John | ARG-0: the church | ARG-M-TMP: after he was shown to have performed a miracle SRL for [shamed]: John [shamed] mary into going .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: mary | ARG-2: into going SRL for [let out]: We initially lived in the property but subsequently [let out] having received permission to do so from Nationwide .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-TMP: subsequently | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-ADV: having received permission to do so from Nationwide "SRL for [good]: Now I am [good] to get on the plane and fly to Australia . """,ARG-M-DIS: Now | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: to get on the plane and fly to Australia "SRL for [quashed]: UAL Corp. 's board [quashed] any prospects for an immediate revival of a labor - management buy - out , saying United Airlines ' parent should remain independent for now .",ARG-0: UAL Corp. 's board | ARG-1: any prospects for an immediate revival of a labor - management buy - out | ARG-M-ADV: saying United Airlines ' parent should remain independent for now SRL for [in step]: God wanted to put me [in step] with the people of Malawi .,ARG-1: me | ARG-2: with the people of Malawi SRL for [manning]: Wise will have realised that the likelihood of his [manning] the dug - out at Roots Hall was minimal at best .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the dug - out at Roots Hall SRL for [journey]: His hometown [journey],ARG-0: His | ARG-M-DIR: hometown SRL for [charmed]: So Eddie naturally [charmed] them and used all those People Skills .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: Eddie | ARG-M-MNR: naturally | ARG-1: them SRL for [treatment]: It is tempting to view the [treatment] of children as chattel as unique to Third World communist countries .,ARG-1: of children | ARG-2: as chattel "SRL for [paint]: With lipsticks , liners , lotions and creams,/ There are still beauty plans left to tackle:/ But as the years go by , it seems/ That before I [paint] , I should spackle .",ARG-0: I "SRL for [consolidation]: Through their [consolidation] of data centers in the U.S. , the company had reached economies of scale in their data center operations that negated the advantage .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of data centers in the U.S. SRL for [open]: The lesion had grown and was [open] to the peritoneal surface .,ARG-1: The lesion | ARG-2: to the peritoneal surface "SRL for [tinned]: They subsequently converted it to an infirmary in 1849 , and they [tinned] the roof in 1850 .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the roof | ARG-M-TMP: in 1850 "SRL for [graze]: Finally , I say : -LRB- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established on the basis of the words of God , on the words of His messenger , and on the application of the religion of God and the Sunna of His messenger -LRB- may God bless him and grant him salvation -RRB- . This way of doing things will not change in spite of the liberals , so it is better for them to pursue al - Qusaybi , Khalid al - Harbi , and others whom purity and virtuousness do not suit , and who want to [graze] like cattle in every corrupt world . -RRB-",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MNR: like cattle | ARG-2: in every corrupt world | ARG-0: others "SRL for [Emboldened]: Another reason : [Emboldened] by their success in helping to scuttle the previous transaction , the machinists are likely to be more aggressive if a second buy - out attempt occurs .",ARG-1: the machinists | ARG-0: by their success in helping to scuttle the previous transaction SRL for [wagered]: He [wagered] $ 1 on each of two tickets .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: $ 1 | ARG-2: on each of two tickets SRL for [pooled]: John 's hot spilled coffee [pooled] in his lap .,ARG-1: John 's hot spilled coffee | ARG-M-LOC: in his lap "SRL for [grows]: For small as the mustard seed is , it [grows] into a mighty , spreading tree .","ARG-M-ADV: For small as the mustard seed is | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: into a mighty , spreading tree" "SRL for [shouted]: Some members of the huge crowd [shouted] `` Viva peace , viva . ''","ARG-0: Some members of the huge crowd | ARG-1: Viva peace , viva" SRL for [maintained]: Several traders [maintained] that the Merc 's 12 - point circuit - breaker aggravated the market slide Oct 13 .,ARG-0: Several traders | ARG-1: that the Merc 's 12 - point circuit - breaker aggravated the market slide Oct 13 "SRL for [turnabout]: ... The reason that she has buses come to make a sharp [turnabout] at 2,400 meters above sea level just possibly is in order to leave you with a certain degree of difficulty ...","ARG-1: buses | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-MNR: sharp | ARG-M-LOC: at 2,400 meters above sea level" SRL for [start]: The possible [start] of US troop withdrawals next year,ARG-1: of US troop withdrawals | ARG-M-TMP: next year "SRL for [write off]: In addition , Hadson said it will [write off] about $ 3.5 million incosts related to international exploration leases where explorationefforts have been unsuccessful .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: about $ 3.5 million incosts related to international exploration leases where explorationefforts have been unsuccessful SRL for [explicit]: It 's instrumental music by Mozart and I was very amused to be asked to declare whether the lyrics were ' [explicit] ' or ' clean ' .,ARG-1: the lyrics SRL for [donated]: Then the two camps upped the ante : Reports that Chosen Soren had [donated] directly to JSP members were rapidly countered by statements that the South Korean residents ' organization had long been donating directly to LDP members .,ARG-0: Chosen Soren | ARG-M-MNR: directly | ARG-2: to JSP members SRL for [Re - radiation]: [Re - radiation] of recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma,ARG-1: of recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma SRL for [declared]: Integra - A Hotel & Restaurant Co. said [its planned rights offering to raise about $ 9 million]-1 was [declared] *T*-1 effective ..., "SRL for [meddling]: This primarily changed during FDR 's administration , when his stacked court rubber - stamped his economic [meddling] in the lives of individuals .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: economic | ARG-1: in the lives of individuals SRL for [smile]: The lucky ones gaze out at life with serene eyes and [smile] with a face of innocence at their perfumed happiness .,ARG-0: The lucky ones | ARG-M-MNR: with a face of innocence | ARG-2: at their perfumed happiness SRL for [interpreted]: Investors [interpreted] the KKR move as a desire by the firm to wash its hands of SCI TV .,ARG-0: Investors | ARG-1: the KKR move | ARG-2: as a desire by the firm to wash its hands of SCI TV "SRL for [lowering]: Statins also lower LDL , and so people assume that the benefit of statins is due to their [lowering] of LDL .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of LDL "SRL for [self taught]: Also , I 'd say he 's [self taught] at the very least .",ARG-2: he | ARG-M-ADV: at the very least SRL for [scuttled]: We [scuttled] along for a few feet before he plunged us into the drink again .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-DIR: along | ARG-M-LOC: for a few feet | ARG-M-TMP: before he plunged us into the drink again SRL for [foundered]: The sporty coupe [foundered] in part because American buyers did n't go for the car 's unusual double - wing rear spoiler .,ARG-1: The sporty coupe | ARG-M-PNC: in part because American buyers did n't go for the car 's unusual double - wing rear spoiler "SRL for [rings]: Medical doctor Chang Chau - hsiung , whose advice [rings] true to his profession , has formally taken off his physician 's coat to vie for office as James Soong ' sr unning mate .",ARG-1: whose advice | ARG-2: true to his profession "SRL for [exhort]: So far , the president seems ill - disposed to substitute any of the omnibus for his own free - standing proposal to endow a `` Points of Light '' foundation with $ 25 million to inform citizens of all ages and [exhort] them to genuine volunteerism .",ARG-0: a `` Points of Light '' foundation | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to genuine volunteerism "SRL for [graded]: He used a three - dimensional model to create a regularly [graded] , finely differentiated color reference system .",ARG-M-MNR: regularly | ARG-1: color reference system "SRL for [enhance]: In a statement , Arnold B. McKinnon , chairman and chief executive officer , noted that the new repurchase program `` should serve to [enhance] shareholder value . ''",ARG-0: the new repurchase program | ARG-1: shareholder value . '' SRL for [dominance]: Its growing [dominance] of multi - national companies in the Taiwanese music field,ARG-0: Its | ARG-M-PRD: growing | ARG-1: of multi - national companies | ARG-M-LOC: in the Taiwanese music field SRL for [about]: Mr. Pullman has recovered from surgery and is up and [about] .,ARG-1: Mr. Pullman SRL for [overexpression]: ERG oncoprotein [overexpression] in prostate cancer,ARG-1: ERG oncoprotein | ARG-M-LOC: in prostate cancer "SRL for [CPR]: I gave her [CPR] , but I knew right off she 'd been dead for hours .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-1: her "SRL for [complain]: Investigators [complain] that they do n't know who to listen to , and it is difficult for them to concentrate on their work and play their proper role in the justice system .",ARG-0: Investigators | ARG-1: that they do n't know who to listen to "SRL for [cute]: Post a lousy photo , then bark around like a berserk dog , and then support yourself and exasperate 1.3 billion Chinese people , you American henchman are detestable to the point of being a bit [cute] !",ARG-1: you American henchman | ARG-M-EXT: a bit SRL for [changed]: ... erasures [changed] wrong answers to right ones on a statewide test .,ARG-0: erasures | ARG-1: wrong answers | ARG-2: to right ones | ARG-M-LOC: on a statewide test "SRL for [tombed]: Republican leaders for their part said reopening the tax debate is not now realistic , and the tax cut bill is probably [tombed] .",ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-1: the tax cut bill SRL for [fluttering]: The butterfly 's [fluttering] across the yard enchanted the not - terribly - bright springer spaniel .,ARG-0: The butterfly 's | ARG-1: across the yard SRL for [hairy]: The drive was a little [hairy] in a few places but we made it !,ARG-1: The drive | ARG-M-EXT: a little | ARG-M-LOC: in a few places "SRL for [steamed]: Instead , the rally only paused for about 25 minutes and then [steamed] forward as institutions resumed buying .",ARG-M-DIS: Instead | ARG-0: the rally | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: forward | ARG-M-TMP: as institutions resumed buying SRL for [lulled]: Delilah [lulled] him to sleep,ARG-0: Delilah | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to sleep "SRL for [taking on]: In exchange for their [taking on] that work , the rest of us need to trust that our colleagues are working diligently on our behalf .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: that work "SRL for [glued]: The scene opens with pinstripe - suited executives -- Easterners , obviously -- [glued] to cellular phones and hightailing it out of town in chauffeur - driven limousines .",ARG-1: pinstripe - suited executives | ARG-2: to cellular phones "SRL for [routed]: While the exchange 's equities floor in San Francisco remained open on a limited basis , orders were being [routed] and executed in Los Angeles .",ARG-M-TMP: While the exchange 's equities floor in San Francisco remained open on a limited basis | ARG-1: orders | ARG-M-LOC: in Los Angeles SRL for [gain]: Both companies would [gain] technological knowledge through the sale of GenProbe,ARG-0: Both companies | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: technological knowledge | ARG-2: through the sale of GenProbe "SRL for [brown tan]: The outer surface is [brown tan] , ragged with adherent yellow , lobulated adipose tissue and the inner surface is pink - tan , smooth and focally granular .","ARG-1: The outer surface | ARG-M-ADV: with adherent yellow , lobulated adipose tissue" "SRL for [miniaturized]: But in recent years , the market has moved toward less expensive `` mini - component '' sets , [miniaturized] amplifiers and receivers and software players that could be stacked on top of each other .",ARG-1: amplifiers and receivers and software players "SRL for [immortalizing]: It is this life which the poets nourish for him , and sustain with their [immortalizing] nectar .",ARG-0: nectar SRL for [argument]: Darnton extends his [argument] to the scandalous libelles against Marie Antoinette .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the scandalous libelles | ARG-1: against Marie Antoinette SRL for [clayed]: John [clayed] the shingles on the roof because water had been seeping through the cracks between them .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the shingles on the roof | ARG-M-CAU: because water had been seeping through the cracks between them "SRL for [tsunami]: 15 minutes after the earthquake , a [tsunami] with a run - up of 4.5 m hit the coast .",ARG-5: with a run - up of 4.5 m "SRL for [undervalued]: While some assets have been written down , others are [undervalued] in the accounts , Mr. Bond maintained .",ARG-1: others | ARG-M-LOC: in the accounts SRL for [motorized]: He [motorized] his pedal bike by mounting a 2 hp Briggs and Stratton engine on it .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his pedal bike | ARG-M-MNR: by mounting a 2 hp Briggs and Stratton engine on it SRL for [murmured]: The sheik smiled and [murmured] : `` That is precisely correct '' .,ARG-0: The sheik | ARG-1: `` That is precisely correct '' SRL for [reevaluated]: We [reevaluated] raising our bid .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: raising our bid SRL for [hijacked]: Republican leader Bill Frist said the Senate was [hijacked] .,ARG-1: the Senate "SRL for [misrepresented]: James Burke and Larry Evans , formerly owners of the now - defunct Barclay Gallery , and Prudence Clark , a Barclay sales representative , were charged with conducting high - pressure telephone sales in which they [misrepresented] cheap copies of Dali artwork as signed , limited - edition lithographs .","ARG-0: they | ARG-1: cheap copies of Dali artwork | ARG-2: as signed , limited - edition lithographs" "SRL for [overpresented]: This relentless obsession with white privelege and equal opportunities is absurd in the Britain of 2011 ; most of the richest men in the country are Indian , Jew or Russian and Asians are statistically [overpresented] in higher professional fields , exam results etc yet escape all that inverted class snobbery","ARG-M-MNR: statistically | ARG-1: Asians | ARG-M-LOC: in higher professional fields , exam results etc" "SRL for [code]: Pinpoint Information Corp. , Chantilly , Va. , a producer of $ 1,800 - a - year personalized newsletters about the computer industry that started full operation last month , relies on 12 human readers to [code] news releases by topic in order to select items for each subscriber .",ARG-0: 12 human readers | ARG-1: news releases | ARG-M-MNR: by topic SRL for [slurred]: The patient [slurred] his speech following his seizure .,ARG-0: The patient | ARG-1: his speech | ARG-M-TMP: following his seizure "SRL for [scoring]: We do n't believe he pitched his questions next day in an easier key , nor that his memory of the "" concord of sweet sounds "" was any bar to his pedagogical puncturing ; and as for his [scoring] them any the less on account of their performance , we do n't believe a word of it .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: any the less | ARG-M-CAU: on account of their performance "SRL for [ponder]: As the Met discovered years ago following a belated December opening , it is nearly impossible to recapture subscribers once they have had time to [ponder] their entertainment choices .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their entertainment choices "SRL for [allocation]: Within a few minutes , I had finished the [allocation] of resources among the Trustees .",ARG-1: of resources | ARG-2: among the Trustees SRL for [surrounding]: The fact that a vast majority of fundamentalist money managers fail to beat the S & P 500 may contribute to the hysteria [surrounding] the issue .,ARG-1: the hysteria | ARG-2: the issue "SRL for [threading]: He thought how this dainty , fragile older woman [threading] her way through the streets of Westminster on a day in June , enjoying the flowers in the shops , the greetings from old friends , but never really drawing a deep , passionate breath , was so like himself .","ARG-0: this dainty , fragile older woman | ARG-1: her way | ARG-2: through the streets of Westminster" "SRL for [quieten down]: Never the less , the room did [quieten down] to catch the groovy lyrics .",ARG-M-DIS: Never the less | ARG-1: the room | ARG-M-PRP: to catch the groovy lyrics "SRL for [backflips]: He [backflips] into a desktop computer terminal , which explodes , covering Huntz Hall 's face with microchips .","ARG-0: He | ARG-M-GOL: into a desktop computer terminal , which explodes , covering Huntz Hall 's face with microchips" SRL for [malfunction]: The [malfunction] of a ventricular shunt is one of the most common clinical problems encountered in pediatric neurosurgery .,ARG-0: of a ventricular shunt SRL for [snorkeled]: We [snorkeled] over a sunken barge,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: over a sunken barge SRL for [reelected]: JP Bolduc was [reelected] a director .,ARG-1: JP Bolduc | ARG-2: a director "SRL for [anneal]: And most cars now a days , well , the air bag will act like Saran Wrap and , as it has melted from the flames , [anneal] itself to the biological remains of the driver , and preserve up to 72 percent for transplantation .",ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-ADV: most cars now a days | ARG-M-DIS: well | ARG-0: the air bag | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-CAU: as it has melted from the flames | ARG-1: itself | ARG-5: to the biological remains of the driver SRL for [overnighted]: We [overnighted] at a local motel,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-LOC: at a local motel SRL for [supportive]: Credit growth was [supportive] of continued recovery in Q1 .,ARG-0: Credit growth | ARG-1: of continued recovery | ARG-M-TMP: in Q1 "SRL for [robbed]: In his first year of operating the store he bought for $ 220,000 , Mr. Ortiz was [robbed] at least twice at gunpoint .","ARG-M-TMP: In his first year of operating the store he bought for $ 220,000 | ARG-1: Mr. Ortiz | ARG-M-ADV: at least twice | ARG-M-MNR: at gunpoint" "SRL for [Fuckin around]: [Fuckin around] on twitter , reading "" an arsonist s guide to writers homes in New England "" by Brock Clarke -LRB- horrible name - RRB- and finishing my laundry .",ARG-1: on twitter "SRL for [incompatible]: The two sides of the Strait may have countless ties in the so-called "" legally - constituted authority "" . They may not be utterly [incompatible] .",ARG-1: They | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: utterly "SRL for [thieving]: There have been cooing doves , chattering magpies , [thieving] jackdaws , a proud peacock , a silly goose , and a harpy eagle -- whom I was silly enough to mate with and who is now busy tearing at my vitals '' .",ARG-0: jackdaws "SRL for [attracted]: British Air was originally [attracted] to the chance of obtaining a 15 % stake in the company , but was n't particularly happy with paying $ 750 million .",ARG-M-TMP: originally | ARG-1: British Air | ARG-0: to the chance of obtaining a 15 % stake in the company "SRL for [license]: According to their press release , Sentai Filmworks has announced their [license] of the TV anime No. 6 .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the TV anime No. 6 SRL for [slip]: And so I have little doubt that the Afghan government will find some way to wiggle out of this either by declaring him insane or perhaps quietly letting him [slip] out of the country to seek asylum elsewhere /.,ARG-0: him | ARG-M-DIR: out of the country | ARG-M-PRP: to seek asylum elsewhere "SRL for [recoded]: She [recoded] the family organization variable into "" limited "" and "" general "" types .","ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the family organization variable | ARG-2: into "" limited "" and "" general "" types" SRL for [depiction]: its unrealistic [depiction] of the characters ' professional and private lives,ARG-0: its | ARG-M-MNR: unrealistic | ARG-1: of the characters ' professional and private lives SRL for [pride]: The child who has parents that take [pride] in him for being what he is will have higher self - esteem than one whose parents are never satisfied .,ARG-1: in him | ARG-2: for being what he is SRL for [chugged]: John [chugged] his Kool - Aid .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his Kool - Aid "SRL for [bustling]: Various forms and means will be used to the utmost . As the moment becomes increasingly intense and crucial , all kinds of information , arguments , and opinions will emerge in endlessly . It will be [bustling] until the dregs of society come to the surface !",ARG-1: It | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: until the dregs of society come to the surface SRL for [reasoning]: We discussed the [reasoning] behind delaying initation of treatment .,ARG-M-ADJ: behind delaying initiation of treatment SRL for [incompetent]: Everyone is [incompetent] at everything,ARG-1: Everyone | ARG-2: at everything SRL for [sound]: Our citizens were massacred to the [sound] of that anthem,ARG-2: of that anthem "SRL for [knocked up]: Tiger Woods ' porn - star ex - mistress claims the disgraced golfer [knocked up] , but her stepmother is giving her story a cold shower , describing her as a "" compulsive liar .",ARG-0: the disgraced golfer | ARG-1: her SRL for [mastectomy]: bilateral [mastectomy],ARG-M-ADJ: bilateral SRL for [esteemed]: Akayev also highly [esteemed] the fruitful co - operation between the scientists and technicians of the two countries .,ARG-0: Akayev | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-MNR: highly | ARG-1: the fruitful co - operation between the scientists and technicians of the two countries "SRL for [accommodate]: It was that oddly shaped space at the very top of the house , where ceiling heights had to [accommodate] themselves to the varying angles of roof slope .",ARG-0: ceiling heights | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-M-GOL: to the varying angles of roof slope SRL for [nipped]: I would n't be surprised if they [nipped] through the trees there and got easy access to the chicks .,ARG-1: they | ARG-4: through the trees | ARG-M-LOC: there SRL for [disputing]: The Pentagon spokesman is meanwhile [disputing] news reports saying the Defense Department has decided to order US Navy ships to temporarily stop using the Suez Canal out of fear of terrorist attack .,ARG-0: The Pentagon spokesman | ARG-M-TMP: meanwhile | ARG-2: news reports saying the Defense Department has decided to order US Navy ships to temporarily stop using the Suez Canal out of fear of terrorist attack "SRL for [possessive]: Laurie was [possessive] of her room as only an eleven - year - old girl can be , and she gave Brian the very dickens for coming in without knocking",ARG-0: Laurie | ARG-1: of her room | ARG-M-MNR: as only an eleven - year - old girl can be SRL for [wasteful]: Nature is [wasteful] of individual life .,ARG-0: Nature | ARG-1: of individual life "SRL for [reaffix]: So the US and Europe are overjoyed in the end and can not help but to fittingly yet sarcastically [reaffix] China with the title of "" Origin of Stupid Money "" , just like European designer of the CCTV "" Big Pants "" building ,","ARG-M-MNR: fittingly yet sarcastically | ARG-2: China | ARG-1: with the title of "" Origin of Stupid Money "" | ARG-M-MNR: just like European designer of the CCTV "" Big Pants "" building" SRL for [subject]: The network is [subject] to failure .,ARG-1: The network | ARG-2: to failure "SRL for [late]: Her husband was [late] , which made her a widow .",ARG-1: Her husband | ARG-M-ADV: which made her a widow "SRL for [miserable]: If you think the weather is [miserable] now , wait until August for the blizzards .",ARG-0: the weather | ARG-M-TMP: now "SRL for [misidentify]: Caplan has been known to wrap his own preferences up and [misidentify] them as being "" rational "" while asserting that those he disagrees with have "" irrational "" preferences .","ARG-0: Caplan | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: as being "" rational "" | ARG-M-TMP: while asserting that those he disagrees with have "" irrational "" preferences" "SRL for [start]: By day she dragged herself to work like a zombie , but in the middle of the night she would wake with a [start] , her heart pounding so hard she could n't breathe .", "SRL for [suspended]: Before its shares were [suspended] from trading , Qintex Australia plunged to 16 Australian cents ( 12 U.S. cents ) a share yesterday from 33 Australian cents Friday .",ARG-1: its shares | ARG-2: from trading "SRL for [exposed]: The predicament , he added , was similar to the Hong Kong 1982 - 83 property - price collapse , which [exposed] the involvement of Bank Bumiputra 's former subsidiary in the colony in the largest banking scandal in Malaysia 's history .",ARG-0: the Hong Kong 1982 - 83 property - price collapse | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: the involvement of Bank Bumiputra 's former subsidiary in the colony in the largest banking scandal in Malaysia 's history "SRL for [alive]: In 10 yrs time with radiation alone , she has a 65 % chance of being [alive] and disease free .",ARG-0: she "SRL for [co - host]: [Morton Downey Jr. , who self - destructed as a talk - show host and frequently verbally abused his guests ,]-1 has been signed [*-1]-2 [*-2] to [co - host] a half - hour nightly program on the Consumer News and Business Channel , the cable channel partly owned by the General Electric Co. 's National Broadcasting Co .","ARG-1: a half - hour nightly program on the Consumer News and Business Channel , the cable channel partly owned by the General Electric Co. 's National Broadcasting Co" SRL for [show]: Can you [show] me evening flights from Nashville to Houston that serve dinner ?,ARG-M-MOD: Can | ARG-0: you | ARG-2: me | ARG-1: evening flights from Nashville to Houston that serve dinner ? "SRL for [collaboration]: We say that the full range of [collaboration] among the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the affairs of Central Asia , South Asia , and the Middle East will be the most favorable conditions and tools to fight the Western forces .","ARG-0: among the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization | ARG-2: in the affairs of Central Asia , South Asia , and the Middle East" SRL for [nausea]: Indication : [nausea] and vomiting ., "SRL for [plying]: And try [plying] [ sic ] new dollars free in a market that is softening , hurt by a strong dollar and concerned about overcapacity -- the industry 's Darth Vadar .","ARG-1: new dollars | ARG-2: free | ARG-M-LOC: in a market that is softening , hurt by a strong dollar and concerned about overcapacity -- the industry 's Darth Vadar" "SRL for [slinked]: I [slinked] toward the observatory , where I figured they would be lurking .","ARG-1: I | ARG-4: toward the observatory , where I figured they would be lurking" "SRL for [questionable]: If the right was [questionable] by the legislature , the right of the legislature to question it could not be disputed ;",ARG-1: the right | ARG-0: by the legislature "SRL for [bribed]: Arthur Klein , president of Young & Rubicam 's New York office , stepped down `` temporarily '' in the wake of charges by a federal grand jury in New Haven , Conn. , that he , the agency and another top executive [bribed] Jamaican tourist officials to win its account in 1981 .","ARG-0: he , the agency and another top executive | ARG-1: Jamaican tourist officials | ARG-2: to win its account | ARG-M-TMP: in 1981" SRL for [patched]: We pressure - [patched] the eye with a topical antibiotic ointment,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MNR: pressure | ARG-1: the eye | ARG-2: with a topical antibiotic ointment SRL for [missing]: Mario is [missing] !,ARG-1: Mario "SRL for [running]: According to the agreement , restrictions on those seeking association membership and sub - committee posts will be relaxed , but the rules will be tightened for those [running] for the posts of director or general secretary , excluding or removing from office anyone who is in default for more than a year on loans from these and other such financial organizations .",ARG-0: those | ARG-1: for the posts of director or general secretary | ARG-M-ADV: excluding or removing from office anyone who is in default for more than a year on loans from these and other such financial organizations "SRL for [oriented]: But if his explanation of motivation is true , why is his investigation so [oriented] as to identify criminal activity [ ] ?",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: his investigation | ARG-M-PNC: to identify criminal activity SRL for [rose]: Mr. Hahn [rose] swiftly through the ranks,ARG-1: Mr. Hahn | ARG-M-MNR: swiftly | ARG-M-LOC: through the ranks SRL for [shampooed]: He [shampooed] his hair .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his hair SRL for [Holdover]: [Holdover] to rule out recurrent tumor,ARG-M-PRP: to rule out recurrent tumor SRL for [globalization]: The company claims that since their [globalization] of the neem seed the price has risen which initially helps the farmers .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the neem seed "SRL for [unopacified]: The anterior tibial artery is patent to the ankle , beyond which it is abruptly [unopacified] , also likely due to an embolus .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: abruptly | ARG-0: also likely due to an embolus SRL for [deposition]: ... One finding of misconduct related to the lawyer 's [deposition] of a former client .,ARG-0: the lawyer 's | ARG-1: of a former client "SRL for [curb stomp]: In recent Chris Brown news , CM punk , a wrestler of sorts , said he wanted to "" [curb stomp] "" Chris brown .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Chris Brown SRL for [gen up]: Any ideas on good places to [gen up] .,ARG-M-LOC: good places SRL for [woven]: So glasnost is not a value [woven] with steel threads into the fabric of Russian society .,ARG-1: a value | ARG-M-MNR: with steel threads | ARG-2: into the fabric of Russian society "SRL for [propel]: Today , we know that the accumulation of several of these altered genes can initiate a cancer and , then , [propel] it into a deadly state . ''",ARG-0: the accumulation of several of these altered genes | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: into a deadly state "SRL for [likely]: The banks that took care of their own loans wound up , long term , in a situation that was [likely] to be better ;",ARG-1: that | C-ARG-1: to be better SRL for [pinch pennies]: Why should we [pinch pennies] all the time just to spend our money on something like that ?,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-TMP: all the time | ARG-1: just to spend our money on something like that | ARG-M-CAU: Why SRL for [pretend]: It 's just comic when they try to [pretend] they 're still the master race . '',ARG-0: they | ARG-1: they 're still the master race "SRL for [alternating]: The two leaders will meet on Dec. 2 and 3 , [alternating] the two days of meetings between a U.S. and a Soviet naval vessel in the Mediterranean Sea .",ARG-0: The two leaders | ARG-1: the two days of meetings | ARG-2: between a U.S. and a Soviet naval vessel in the Mediterranean Sea SRL for [acquisition]: The firm advises on the details of their [acquisition] of TPF 's almond assets for $ 160 million from the Receivers and Managers group .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of TPF 's almond assets | ARG-3: for $ 160 million | ARG-2: from the Receivers and Managers group SRL for [luteinizing]: Is magnetic resonace imaging indicated in a man with low free testonsterone and normal [luteinizing] hormone ?,ARG-0: hormone SRL for [looked down]: There were some people who thought they were very good and [looked down] on everyone else .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: on everyone else SRL for [reprocess]: If you 're able to enrich and [reprocess] then the ability to build a bomb is is there .,ARG-0: you "SRL for [indicted]: The former executives were [indicted] last October on charges of fraud , theft and conspiracy related to efforts by the company to win $ 400 million in Postal Service contracts .","ARG-1: The former executives | ARG-M-TMP: last October | ARG-2: on charges of fraud , theft and conspiracy related to efforts by the company to win $ 400 million in Postal Service contracts" "SRL for [basing]: When referring to the achievements made in recent years by greatly investing in national infrastructure , Xiang Wang , concurrently a member of the national CPPCC , a member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Province CPPCC , president of the Group , etc . said frankly to the reporters that "" [basing] ourselves in the inland and ' building bridges and paving roads ' for the development of the local economy was a wise choice on my part . """,ARG-1: ourselves | ARG-M-LOC: in the inland "SRL for [whiffed]: A beam of destruction [whiffed] out of existence the pilot , gunnery and the men before them .","ARG-0: A beam of destruction | ARG-M-PRD: out of existence | ARG-1: the pilot , gunnery and the men before them" SRL for [seesaw]: Your moods begin to [seesaw] between those of youth and midde age .,ARG-1: Your moods | ARG-5: between those of youth and midde age SRL for [followed suit]: the NIMH [followed suit] by focusing its efforts on true disorder .,ARG-0: the NIMH | ARG-2: by focusing its efforts on true disorder SRL for [total up]: What kind of an exercise would it be for each NoVa jurisdiction to [total up] the number of jobs in its boundaries verses the amount of housing within its boundaries .,ARG-0: each NoVa jurisdiction | ARG-1: the number of jobs in its boundaries verses the amount of housing within its boundaries SRL for [lurking]: But the [lurking] shadow of 1987 's stock - market crash still seems dark .,ARG-0: shadow SRL for [winning]: Wall Street 's old guard seems to be [winning] the program - trading battle .,ARG-0: Wall Street 's old guard | ARG-2: the program - trading battle "SRL for [lightened up]: However , Balaji [lightened up] the mood further by remarking , ' Hmm , looks like we are not the only father and son out for a stroll tonight . '","ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-0: Balaji | ARG-1: the mood | ARG-M-EXT: further | ARG-2: by remarking , ' Hmm , looks like we are not the only father and son out for a stroll tonight . '" "SRL for [Slay]: Robert H. Knight 's Oct. 5 editorial - page article bemoaning violence in comedy movies ( `` Hollywood , You [Slay] Me '' ) is interesting , but somewhat off - base .",ARG-0: You | ARG-1: Me "SRL for [clacked]: The little red hen [clacked] , "" I am grateful , for now they recognize the importance of doing real work . ""","ARG-0: The little red hen | ARG-1: "" I am grateful , for now they recognize the importance of doing real work . """ "SRL for [drop]: I found I had come to the riverbank , and thought I might go and [drop] a visit to Uncle Baocheng .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: a visit to Uncle Baocheng SRL for [honked]: He [honked] his car horn at the officer .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his car horn | ARG-2: at the officer "SRL for [sorrowed]: She [sorrowed] over "" the trend to ' shirt sleeves ' "" .","ARG-0: She | ARG-1: over "" the trend to ' shirt sleeves ' """ "SRL for [choking]: They also chart the evolution of a city that has grown tenfold in the author 's lifetime , from a colonial outpost of fez - wearing pashas to a Third World slum [choking] on its own refuse .",ARG-1: a Third World slum | ARG-2: on its own refuse SRL for [harassed]: John [harassed] Mary with constant requests for chocolate ice cream .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: with constant requests for chocolate ice cream SRL for [destressed]: We [destressed] in the comfort of the charming inn .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MNR: in the comfort of the charming inn SRL for [underreacted]: I [underreacted] to their harrassment by not shouting something .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to their harrassment | ARG-2: by not shouting something "SRL for [weigh]: Moreover , Individual Inc. 's computers can [weigh] the value of an article based on how closely the story matches the subscriber 's interest area .",ARG-M-DIS: Moreover | ARG-0: Individual Inc. 's computers | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the value of an article | ARG-2: based on how closely the story matches the subscriber 's interest area SRL for [abuse]: Taipei mayor Ma Ying - jeou was angered to learn that intelligence organs would [abuse] their power by carrying out political surveillance against the Taipei City Government .,ARG-0: intelligence organs | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: their power | ARG-M-MNR: by carrying out political surveillance against the Taipei City Government "SRL for [promise]: Instead , the banks secured a [promise] from state - owned Bank of Communications that it would lend Asia Development the entire $ 55 million at maturity to finance repayment of the original borrowing .",ARG-0: from state - owned Bank of Communications | ARG-2: that it would lend Asia Development the entire $ 55 million at maturity to finance repayment of the original borrowing SRL for [misery]: Besides his [misery] over the stalled novel there were other irritations .,ARG-1: his | ARG-0: over the stalled novel "SRL for [preamble]: in his [preamble] to the manifesto of the Bharatiya Janata Party ,",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the manifesto of the Bharatiya Janata Party SRL for [buckle]: Wall Street continued to [buckle] under the public outcry against computer - driven program trading .,ARG-1: Wall Street | ARG-2: under the public outcry against computer - driven program trading "SRL for [achieved]: He said the improvement was a result of cost savings [achieved] by consolidating manufacturing operations , blending two sales organizations and focusing more carefully the company 's promotional activities .","ARG-1: cost savings | ARG-M-MNR: by consolidating manufacturing operations , blending two sales organizations and focusing more carefully the company 's promotional activities" SRL for [ticketed]: Does anyone know how long access to the terminals in the USA will be limited to only [ticketed] passengers ?,ARG-1: passengers "SRL for [dissatisfied]: If parents are [dissatisfied] with a school , they should have the option of switching to another .",ARG-1: parents | ARG-0: with a school "SRL for [beckoning]: If you ask the shopkeepers in the main streets or back alleys , they will tell you that the favorite figure of the moment is the Maneki Neko , or Japanese "" [beckoning] cat , "" whose Chinese name is literally "" wealth - attracting cat "" -LRB- -LRB - c - RRB-?Ìö ] o ? -RRB- .",ARG-0: cat "SRL for [buck up]: In order to help instead , try approaching them from a point of encouragement rather than implying that they “ [buck up] ” over something little .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: over something little SRL for [consideration]: Dana 's [consideration] of the application for the management position depended on a number of factors .,ARG-0: Dana 's | ARG-1: of the application | ARG-2: for the management position SRL for [retained]: The British government [retained] the single golden share after selling its stake in Jaguar in ...,ARG-0: The British government | ARG-1: the single golden share | ARG-M-TMP: after selling its stake in Jaguar in SRL for [growled]: From a great distance thunder [growled] and broke the silence .,ARG-M-DIR: From a great distance | ARG-0: thunder SRL for [imbibed]: They [imbibed] beer and mixed drinks .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: beer and mixed drinks "SRL for [spiritualize]: I [spiritualize] nature , saturating it with inner ideality .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: nature "SRL for [transcending]: There is also a sense , as one worker at BEST says , of [transcending] time and space , a feeling only people who ' ve been there can understand .",ARG-1: time and space | ARG-M-ADV: a feeling only people who ' ve been there can understand SRL for [led]: California [led] the nation with $ 6.5 billion in net cash income last year .,ARG-0: California | ARG-1: the nation | ARG-M-MNR: with $ 6.5 billion in net cash income | ARG-M-TMP: last year "SRL for [surpass]: That means it 's unlikely the company will [surpass] last year 's $ 4.9 billion full - year profit , even though net for the first nine months was up 1.9 % to $ 3.52 billion on revenue of $ 95.57 billion .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: last year 's $ 4.9 billion full - year profit SRL for [whumped]: It [whumped] noisily on the cement block wall behind him .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-ADV: noisily | ARG-M-LOC: on the cement block wall behind him "SRL for [gassed]: They retreated , regrouped , went back again ... and they just got [gassed] again ...",ARG-1: They | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-M-TMP: again ... SRL for [Instagrammed]: I [Instagrammed] my dinner and got a job at a startup,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my dinner "SRL for [rejoicing]: A padding with a dragon and a phoenix [rejoicing] covered the steel - wired bed inthe living room , and two radio tape recorders were placed on a pair of Tibetan cupboards engraved with traditional patterns .",ARG-1: a dragon and a phoenix SRL for [cheered]: Mary [cheered] John with a hot - fudge sundae .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: with a hot - fudge sundae SRL for [color - coded]: The magnitudes of the coefficients are grouped by observation source and [color - coded] by region .,ARG-1: coefficients | ARG-M-MNR: by region SRL for [cocultured]: They [cocultured] hES cells with AGM - derived stromal cell lines .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: hES cells with AGM - derived stromal cell lines "SRL for [smack]: She leaned in to give him a [smack] on the cheek , and he leaned away , not - so - subtly avoiding her smooch .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-LVB: give | ARG-2: him | ARG-M-LOC: on the cheek SRL for [schooled]: Shell people were [schooled] to examine every aspect of a problem or situation before making a prognosis .,ARG-1: Shell people | ARG-2: to examine every aspect of a problem or situation before making a prognosis SRL for [cozened]: He [cozened] the Earl of as much as he is worth .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: the Earl | ARG-1: of as much as he is worth SRL for [done]: I am [done] with my math homework,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with my math homework SRL for [demented]: Mr. Brown [demented] over time .,ARG-1: Mr. Brown "SRL for [warn]: Beside a road in Emei Rural Township in Hsinchu , the kind of narrow , winding mountain road where you need to beep your horn continually to [warn] possible oncoming cars around the corner , in the home that he and his wife Shen Tung - ching built with their own hands , just next to a pond surrounded by all kinds of large trees , Cheng Yung - gwo dreams of himself sitting with a group of friends and colleagues around a fire , "" alternately firing pottery and drinking wine . ""","R-ARG-M-LOC: where | ARG-0: you | ARG-2: possible oncoming cars around the corner | ARG-M-LOC: narrow , winding mountain road" "SRL for [slaughter]: Never mind -- just [slaughter] me a ram or something , and we 'll be all good .",ARG-M-DIS: Never mind | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-GOL: me | ARG-1: a ram or something SRL for [reminds]: Congress 's ham - handed treatment of the existing structure of junk - bond holdings [reminds] us of a story in the Journal earlier this year about the Baby Bell companies ' desire to have the court - ordered bans lifted on offering information services .,ARG-0: Congress 's ham - handed treatment of the existing structure of junk - bond holdings | ARG-2: us | ARG-1: of a story in the Journal earlier this year about the Baby Bell companies ' desire to have the court - ordered bans lifted on offering information services SRL for [overlap]: The armature does not approach the pole but varies its [overlap] over the pole ;,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: over the pole SRL for [report]: The surgical pathology [report] describes a grade 3 adenocarcinoma ...,ARG-3: surgical pathology "SRL for [micromanage]: And if Congress is going to assume authority to [micromanage] foreign policy , it 's going to have to take some of the responsibility too .",ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: foreign policy SRL for [request]: a $ 20 million Bush [request] for his state,ARG-1: $ 20 million | ARG-0: Bush | ARG-M-GOL: for his state "SRL for [brilliant]: Penny Farthing race was [brilliant] to watch , only missing one thing though .",ARG-1: Penny Farthing race | C-ARG-1: to watch SRL for [aligned]: ... replace her with Kevin Rudd yet again who is extremely pro - China and less [aligned] with the United States although he will probably suck up to Obama as well .,ARG-1: who | ARG-M-EXT: less | ARG-2: with the United States | ARG-M-ADV: although he will probably suck up to Obama as well "SRL for [working]: The next section of the book describes their [working] their way over to the other side of the island of Navarone , while dodging German patrols , and nursing their wounded comrade .","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: their way | ARG-4: over to the other side of the island of Navarone | ARG-M-TMP: while dodging German patrols , and nursing their wounded comrade" SRL for [lift]: The statement emphasized that holders representing 75 % of the shares voting at a special shareholders ' meeting must agree to [lift] the takeover restrictions .,ARG-0: holders representing 75 % of the shares voting at a special shareholders ' meeting | ARG-1: the takeover restrictions SRL for [partitioned]: Sandy [partitioned] her hard drive .,ARG-0: Sandy | ARG-1: her hard drive SRL for [triphasic]: Velocities within the graft range from .32 - .64 m / sec and waveforms are [triphasic] .,ARG-1: waveforms SRL for [squealed]: And it [squealed] for slop '' .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-PNC: for slop "SRL for [crediting]: Ohbayashi cited industry publications [crediting] Howell , currently capitalized at $ 2.2 million , with receiving orders valued at $ 225 million in 1988 .","ARG-0: industry publications | ARG-1: Howell , currently capitalized at $ 2.2 million | ARG-2: with receiving orders valued at $ 225 million in 1988" "SRL for [restraint]: However , for its transversal and temporal character as well as its [restraint] to Brazilian hotels with more than 40 rooms in a specific city , it is not possible to generalize all hotel universes",ARG-1: its | ARG-M-GOL: to Brazilian hotels with more than 40 rooms in a specific city SRL for [shy]: That was [shy] of economists ' forecast for a 1.5 percent increase and marked a slower pace than April 's 1.7 percent rise .,ARG-1: That | ARG-3: of economists ' forecast for a 1.5 percent increase "SRL for [besmirching]: ... you 're really [besmirching] someone 's reputation , Although I 'm not sure you can do that with Karl Rove .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: someone 's reputation | ARG-M-ADV: Although I 'm not sure you can do that with Karl Rove SRL for [ossify]: For permaculture to remain alive - and not [ossify] into dogma - it must also change .,ARG-1: permaculture | ARG-2: into dogma SRL for [mulcted]: He was [mulcted] seventy pounds sterling for seizing the sloop,ARG-2: He | ARG-1: seventy pounds sterling | ARG-3: for seizing the sloop SRL for [torture]: Hospitalised MDC youths narrate their [torture] at he hands of hired Zanu PF thugs .,ARG-1: their | ARG-0: at he hands of hired Zanu PF thugs SRL for [off]: The man told him to fuck [off] .,ARG-0: him SRL for [occurred]: A question [occurred] to me :,ARG-1: A question | ARG-2: to me SRL for [explosion]: his [explosion] of rage,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: of rage "SRL for [relegated]: When you become a federal judge , all of a sudden you are [relegated] to a paltry sum . ''",ARG-1: you | ARG-2: to a paltry sum SRL for [development]: the European TV industry 's sluggish [development] .,ARG-2: the European TV industry 's | ARG-M-MNR: sluggish SRL for [vitrified]: They [vitrified] the follicles in a solution containing ethylene glycol .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the follicles | ARG-M-LOC: in a solution containing ethylene glycol SRL for [young]: She is 94 years [young] today .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: 94 years | ARG-M-TMP: today SRL for [complicit]: You have been [complicit] in any fraudulent application by allowing it to happen with full knowledge .,ARG-1: You | ARG-2: in any fraudulent application | ARG-M-MNR: by allowing it to happen with full knowledge SRL for [blank]: Her mind was [blank] from all her crying .,ARG-1: Her mind | ARG-0: from all her crying SRL for [bending]: His [bending] the paperclip back and forth and back and forth eventually caused it to snap in two .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the paperclip | ARG-M-PRD: back and forth and back and forth "SRL for [retardation]: The general European war , with its [retardation] of international commerce , directly affected prices abroad .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of international commerce SRL for [mirror]: Analysts said the company 's troubles [mirror] those of the industry .,ARG-2: the company 's troubles | ARG-1: those of the industry SRL for [drop]: Oil 's [drop] in price,ARG-1: Oil 's | ARG-M-ADV: in price SRL for [thrummed]: The power station 's excess power [thrummed] the air .,ARG-1: The power station 's excess power | ARG-2: the air SRL for [wild]: This horse was [wild] in December and now she is under saddle and enjoying life on the trails and outside her paddock .,ARG-1: This horse | ARG-M-TMP: in December SRL for [break]: I waited until the [break] of dawn .,ARG-1: of dawn SRL for [signed]: First Constitution has [signed] a merger agreement with WFRR LP and GHKM Corp.,ARG-0: First Constitution | ARG-1: a merger agreement | ARG-2: with WFRR LP and GHKM Corp. SRL for [refiled]: One or more airlines have [refiled] for protection from creditors .,ARG-0: One or more airlines | ARG-1: for protection from creditors "SRL for [bypass]: Moreover , state officials are urging freight haulers to [bypass] many of the area 's main highways and to travel late at night or during predawn hours .",ARG-0: freight haulers | ARG-1: many of the area 's main highways SRL for [hang]: I can [hang] .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: can "SRL for [reconquested]: This Cathedral started to be built in 1147 , when the city of Lisboa was [reconquested] from the Moors , by the first king of Portugal , Dom Afonso Henriques .","ARG-1: the city of Lisboa | ARG-2: from the Moors | ARG-0: by the first king of Portugal , Dom Afonso Henriques | ARG-M-TMP: when" SRL for [sobered]: she [sobered] him with news that she had witnessed her mother cheating on him .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with news that she had witnessed her mother cheating on him SRL for [splintered]: The edge of the hammer [splintered] the wood .,ARG-2: The edge of the hammer | ARG-1: the wood "SRL for [billowing]: The Bartlesville , Okla. , oil company late yesterday still had n't said officially what caused the explosions and fires , which sent columns of heavy black smoke [billowing] high into the air .",ARG-1: columns of heavy black smoke | ARG-2: high into the air SRL for [squinted]: Eventually little French farmers and their little French farmwives came out of their stone houses and put their hands above their tiny eyes and [squinted] at us .,ARG-M-TMP: Eventually | ARG-0: little French farmers and their little French farmwives | ARG-1: at us "SRL for [instill]: A small but growing number of companies are also trying to [instill] more fervent brand loyalty through such personalized direct - marketing ploys as catalogs , magazines and membership clubs for brand users .","ARG-0: A small but growing number of companies | ARG-2: more fervent brand loyalty | ARG-M-MNR: through such personalized direct - marketing ploys as catalogs , magazines and membership clubs for brand users" "SRL for [broke down]: For 2010 , the largest budget items [broke down] as follows : 20 % Defense and Security · 20 % Social Security · 14 % Safety Net Programs",ARG-M-TMP: For 2010 | ARG-1: the largest budget items | ARG-2: as follows : 20 % Defense and Security · 20 % Social Security · 14 % Safety Net Programs "SRL for [sympathetic]: I was [sympathetic] to STV , but then it seems that in the recent Irish elections it 's just as vulnerable to disproportionalities as FPTP ...",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to STV "SRL for [little]: And he sought to see Jesus who he was : and he could not for the crowd , because he was [little] in stature .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: in stature SRL for [acceleration]: The quake has the highest peak ground [acceleration] ever recorded .,ARG-M-ADJ: highest | ARG-M-ADJ: peak | ARG-M-LOC: ground "SRL for [inconsistent]: Xu Peidong believes , "" The large - scale prosperity and large - scale development of culture is not about ' making lots of money through culture ' . The concept of ' depending on culture to make lots of money ' is [inconsistent] with the policy and spirit of constructing a culturally strong country . """,ARG-1: The concept of ' depending on culture to make lots of money ' | ARG-2: with the policy and spirit of constructing a culturally strong country "SRL for [flinging]: He already has achieved vertical integration on a limited scale : Quebecor can put a weekly newspaper on almost any Quebec doorstep without using outside help , from chopping down the tree to making the newsprint to [flinging] it up onto the porch .",ARG-0: Quebecor | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: up onto the porch SRL for [linear]: Make it [linear] with the ones you just put down,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with the ones you just put down "SRL for [invented]: Change - ringing , a mind - boggling exercise the English [invented] 380 years ago , requires physical dexterity -- some bells weigh more than a ton -- combined with intense mental concentration .",ARG-0: the English | ARG-1: a mind - boggling exercise | ARG-M-TMP: 380 years ago "SRL for [moneyed]: The results show that the people of Taiwan believe that the most urgent problems are crime , "" black gold politics "" -LRB- the confluence of organized crime , [moneyed] interests , and corrupt politicians -RRB- , and raising economic competitiveness .",ARG-1: interests "SRL for [retrofit]: `` The reason is that the technology is such that we 're not able to [retrofit] multi - column structures , '' he said .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: multi - column structures SRL for [tooled]: The leather was intricately [tooled] into a lacelike design as a border .,ARG-1: The leather | ARG-M-MNR: intricately | ARG-2: into a lacelike design | ARG-M-PRP: as a border "SRL for [slathering]: The ocean waves brough the oil to shore , making a mess of the beautiful coral coastline and [slathering] shellfish and aquatic plants .",ARG-0: The ocean waves | ARG-1: shellfish and aquatic plants SRL for [reference]: Information and analyses are forwarded to the president for his [reference],ARG-0: his "SRL for [smack]: Among Bessie 's numbers were Dying Gambler 's Blues , Sing Sing Prison Blues , and one I had never heard called Black Mountain Blues , which has the imcomparable lines , Home in Black Mountain a chile ' will [smack] yo ' face ;",ARG-M-LOC: Home in Black Mountain | ARG-0: a chile ' | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: yo ' face SRL for [generation]: a gene that could lead to a [generation] of plants possessing a high - production trait,ARG-1: of plants possessing a high - production trait "SRL for [atomize]: By using a coolant mix to heat the manifold , we can [atomize] the fuel without boiling it .",ARG-M-MNR: By using a coolant mix to heat the manifold | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the fuel | ARG-M-MNR: without boiling it SRL for [broadcasting]: While rival ABC News outstripped the competition in live coverage of the event by sheer luck -- the network was [broadcasting] the World Series from Candlestick Park when the quake struck -- NBC News was unable to get its signal out of San Francisco for the first hour after the quake .,ARG-0: the network | ARG-1: the World Series | ARG-3: from Candlestick Park | ARG-M-TMP: when the quake struck SRL for [increased]: Net income [increased] to $ 274 million from $ 130 million .,ARG-1: Net income | ARG-4: to $ 274 million | ARG-3: from $ 130 million "SRL for [squatted]: `` But the Filipinos and the Americans , when I talk to them , there 's so much passion about Filipino manhood being diminished as a result of being [squatted] upon by the Americans and so on .",C-ARG-2: upon | ARG-2: Filipino manhood | ARG-1: by the Americans SRL for [brumate]: My snake is starting to [brumate],ARG-0: snake SRL for [push]: But Mr. Brady endorsed the market - revision bill that both houses of Congress will try to [push] through this session .,ARG-0: both houses of Congress | ARG-1: the market - revision bill | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: through | ARG-M-TMP: this session SRL for [negotiations]: Warner itself was in [negotiations] with MGM over certain movie and other rights,ARG-1: with MGM | ARG-2: over certain movie and other rights SRL for [move on]: The goal is for him to [move on] with his life and for us to move on as well .,ARG-0: him | ARG-1: with his life SRL for [notified]: BellSouth has [notified] LIN that it would `` shortly respond to the McCaw proposal in as full and effective a manner as is warranted . '',ARG-0: BellSouth | ARG-1: LIN | ARG-2: it would `` shortly respond to the McCaw proposal in as full and effective a manner as is warranted SRL for [configured]: The highway design is [configured] to give drivers options about whether to pay the higher rates or get off the road .,ARG-1: The highway design | ARG-M-PRP: to give drivers options about whether to pay the higher rates or get off the road SRL for [ureteroneocystostomy]: possible bilateral [ureteroneocystostomy],ARG-M-ADJ: possible | ARG-M-LOC: bilateral SRL for [show]: The TV [show] Mike and Buffy,ARG-3: TV | ARG-1: Mike and Buffy SRL for [picked up]: Routine mammogram [picked up] mass in right breast .,ARG-0: Routine mammogram | ARG-1: mass in right breast "SRL for [branch out]: For its future strategy , Columbia officials said the thrift may [branch out] into commercial lending or managing outside investments , as well as beefing up more traditional thrift activities .","ARG-0: the thrift | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: into commercial lending or managing outside investments , as well as beefing up more traditional thrift activities" SRL for [reciprocation]: His [reciprocation] to Jack 's psychotic behavior pleased her .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: to Jack 's psychotic behavior "SRL for [short]: The crust was [short] and crumbly , the filling achieved that perfect balance between sweetness and nuttiness , and the piece paired perfectly with a handsome glass of honeyed Geyser Peak late harvest semillon .",ARG-1: The crust "SRL for [superimposed]: Breaking into the raucous Chicago Bears - Cleveland Browns match during last week 's Monday night football game , it was nothing but simple block letters [superimposed] on the TV screen .",ARG-1: simple block letters | ARG-2: on the TV screen "SRL for [stroll]: They 're hiring models [ ] to [stroll] the aisles sporting their jewels , and they 're even beginning to borrow a perennial favorite of the beauty business -- offering a gift when consumers make a purchase .",ARG-0: models | ARG-1: the aisles | ARG-M-PRD: sporting their jewels SRL for [Keep]: [Keep] your Foster Savings Institution off the federal budget deficit .,ARG-1: your Foster Savings Institution | ARG-2: off the federal budget deficit SRL for [dramatic]: the [dramatic] arts were his field of choice .,ARG-1: arts "SRL for [streamlining]: The British parent is also [streamlining] : Brooks Brothers , which continues to make almost all of its merchandise , recently shut one of its two shirt plants in Paterson , N.J. , and has closed boys ' departments in all but 20 stores .",ARG-0: The British parent | ARG-M-DIS: also "SRL for [curl]: `` Wage increases and overall compensation increases are beginning to [curl] upward a little bit , '' said Audrey Freedman , a labor economist at the Conference Board , a business research organization .",ARG-1: Wage increases and overall compensation increases | ARG-M-DIR: upward | ARG-2: a little bit SRL for [plinked]: He [plinked] his empty cup into the saucer and pushed back from the table .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his empty cup | ARG-2: into the saucer "SRL for [fitting]: I do think it is [fitting] that he left wife # 2 for mistress and wife # 3 , because what goes around and all ......",ARG-1: that he left wife # 2 for mistress and wife # 3 "SRL for [non - local]: Of course , you here may be 10 people or 100 people , may be local or [non - local] , and this process may have more twists and turns",ARG-M-DIS: Of course | ARG-1: you | ARG-M-LOC: here | ARG-M-MOD: may SRL for [prophesied]: She [prophesied] over me that I would meet a prophet named Bob Jones .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: over me | ARG-2: that I would meet a prophet named Bob Jones "SRL for [prospering]: The [prospering] of a nation 's culture , is also important indication of whether this nation can stand among the forest of nations .",ARG-0: of a nation 's culture SRL for [transpired]: ... what [transpired] between him and the administrators before those shots were fired ?,ARG-1: what | ARG-2: between him and the administrators | ARG-M-TMP: before those shots were fired SRL for [hurry]: his [hurry] to till the land for growing crops,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to till the land for growing crops SRL for [lagged]: Amoco Corp. said third - quarter net income plunged 39 % to $ 336 million as gasoline refining and marketing profits [lagged] substantially behind last year 's record level .,ARG-0: gasoline refining and marketing profits | ARG-2: substantially | ARG-1: behind last year 's record level "SRL for [used]: Huang Hao - chuan , an importer , exporter and processor of gems , says that crystals in Taiwan [used] to come exclusively from Brazil and Russia , but recently mainland China and Madagascar have emerged as additional sources of supply .", SRL for [hopeless]: Even able pupils feel [hopeless] about job prospects .,ARG-1: Even able pupils | ARG-2: about job prospects SRL for [lobulation]: The result is a clear and precise subdivision of the liver in the sense of a functional [lobulation] into 12 segments,ARG-M-ADJ: functional | ARG-2: into 12 segments "SRL for [amassed]: In an international buying spree that began barely two years ago , Mr. Paul [amassed] a collection of about 30 pre-18th - century works , including the Preti , at a total cost of $ 28 million .","ARG-M-LOC: In an international buying spree that began barely two years ago | ARG-0: Mr. Paul | ARG-1: a collection of about 30 pre-18th - century works , including the Preti | ARG-3: at a total cost of $ 28 million" SRL for [cut off]: The seed companies [cut off] the tassels of each plant .,ARG-0: The seed companies | ARG-1: the tassels of each plant SRL for [retched]: I just [retched] a movie review .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: a movie review "SRL for [factor]: Lower feed prices may help animals eat more cheaply , but humans have to [factor] in an expensive middleman : the processor .",ARG-0: humans | ARG-2: in | ARG-1: an expensive middleman : the processor SRL for [provoking]: the photography is thought [provoking] ; the video installations captivating ; and the paintings strikingly fresh .,ARG-0: the photography | ARG-1: thought SRL for [Bringing up]: # 6 [Bringing up] on criminal charges for war crimes . -LRB- send them to the Haig ! ! ! -RRB-,ARG-1: Bush / Cheney | ARG-2: on criminal charges for war crimes SRL for [ploughed]: The first day he [ploughed] about a third of the valley .,ARG-M-TMP: The first day | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: about a third of the valley "SRL for [zip]: If positioned over the brain 's motor - control area , the hand - held electromagnets generate nerve impulses that [zip] down motor nerves and activate muscles , making , say , a finger twitch .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: nerve impulses | ARG-M-DIR: down motor nerves SRL for [refocus]: Beghin - Say S.A. said that it plans to sell its remaining paper operations by the end of January as part of a drive to [refocus] on the food sector and lower its debt .,ARG-0: Beghin - Say S.A. | ARG-2: on the food sector "SRL for [addressed]: In a historic speech , President Clinton has [addressed] the people of Vietnam , urging them to work with Americans to heal the wounds of war .",ARG-M-LOC: In a historic speech | ARG-0: President Clinton | ARG-2: the people of Vietnam | ARG-M-PRD: urging them to work with Americans to heal the wounds of war SRL for [forgiving]: Help pay the other fellow 's debts by [forgiving] him his debts and declaring for him the abundance that is his already in Spirit .,ARG-1: him | ARG-2: his debts SRL for [kill]: a soft [kill] of process sdm sap,ARG-M-MNR: soft | ARG-1: of process sdm sap "SRL for [wounded]: Recently , in Wollo province in the center of Ethiopia , Tigrean forces have killed , [wounded] and captured an additional 20,000 government troops .","ARG-M-TMP: Recently | ARG-M-LOC: in Wollo province in the center of Ethiopia | ARG-0: Tigrean forces | ARG-1: an additional 20,000 government troops" SRL for [backburned]: Crews [backburned] the forest there earlier in the week to try to remove fuels and stop the fire 's progress .,ARG-0: Crews | ARG-2: the forest | ARG-M-LOC: there | ARG-M-TMP: earlier in the week | ARG-M-PRP: to try to remove fuels and stop the fire 's progress "SRL for [billing]: According to one person familiar with the airline , the buy - out group -- led by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf -- has begun [billing] UAL for fees and expenses it owes to investment bankers , law firms and banks .","ARG-0: the buy - out group -- led by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf -- | ARG-2: UAL | ARG-3: for fees and expenses it owes to investment bankers , law firms and banks" "SRL for [open]: Even though they only had a little strength , the door was [open] to them .",ARG-M-ADV: Even though they only had a little strength | ARG-1: the door | ARG-3: to them SRL for [unplayable]: Baseball is [unplayable] without a bat .,ARG-1: Baseball | ARG-2: without a bat "SRL for [baffled]: He [baffled] her with his shallow smile and ready tongue , that twisted all topics to triviality .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: with his shallow smile and ready tongue , that twisted all topics to triviality" "SRL for [crank out]: While Remic issuance may slow in the coming days because of the shift in the Treasury yield curve , underwriters continued to [crank out] new real estate mortgage investment conduits structured when the yield curve was more favorable .",ARG-0: underwriters | ARG-1: new real estate mortgage investment conduits structured when the yield curve was more favorable SRL for [lock down]: ... we want to [lock down] a security situation ...,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: a security situation SRL for [gone]: I am [gone] from the forum for two days and what happens ?,ARG-0: I | ARG-3: from the forum | ARG-M-TMP: for two days SRL for [aching]: The [aching] in his arms had not subsided .,ARG-0: in his arms SRL for [audible]: Phil made sure to yell loud enough so that he was [audible] to his friends,ARG-1: he | ARG-0: to his friends "SRL for [defeated]: Pakistan 's Bhutto [defeated] the first no - confidence motion in the nation 's 42 - year history , surviving the vote that could have brought down her 11 - month - old government .",ARG-0: Pakistan 's Bhutto | ARG-1: the first no - confidence motion in the nation 's 42 - year history | ARG-M-ADV: surviving the vote that could have brought down her 11 - month - old government SRL for [rescued]: Black & Decker [rescued] Emhart from the takeover bid of Topper Limited Partnership last March by agreeing to acquire the maker of door locks and gardening tools for about $ 2.8 billion .,ARG-0: Black & Decker | ARG-1: Emhart | ARG-2: from the takeover bid of Topper Limited Partnership | ARG-M-TMP: last March | ARG-M-MNR: by agreeing to acquire the maker of door locks and gardening tools for about $ 2.8 billion "SRL for [style]: After one disastrous experiment , Mary never let John [style] her hair again .",ARG-0: John | ARG-1: her hair "SRL for [tanned]: In only five days , he had [tanned] a golden brown",ARG-M-TMP: In only five days | ARG-1: he | ARG-2: a golden brown "SRL for [drooped]: Juanita [drooped] about the place , wearing a haunted , brooding look , which Kate attributed to the baby 's death , until the day a letter came for her addressed to `` Miss Juanita Fitzroy '' , bearing a Grafton postmark .","ARG-1: Juanita | ARG-M-LOC: about the place | ARG-M-ADV: wearing a haunted , brooding look , which Kate attributed to the baby 's death , until the day a letter came for her addressed to `` Miss Juanita Fitzroy '' , bearing a Grafton postmark" SRL for [criticizing]: I support our president for his [criticizing] of the unnecessary police harassment of Mr. Gates !,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the unnecessary police harassment of Mr. Gates SRL for [belly up]: Still to come on Newsnight a sweeter than average story much much sweeter as we [belly up] to the bar the candy bar .,ARG-1: we | ARG-2: to the bar the candy bar "SRL for [impedes]: The number of ROC diplomatic partners is far behind that of the PRC , which seriously [impedes] Taiwan 's efforts to take part in international organizations .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-MNR: seriously | ARG-1: Taiwan 's efforts to take part in international organizations | ARG-0: the PRC "SRL for [deported]: Another 250 Libyans were already in Italy to stage a day of mourning for victims of Italy 's colonial rule between 1911 and 1943 , when Tripoli says Rome kidnapped 5,000 Libyans and [deported] them as forced labor .",ARG-0: Rome | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: as forced labor | ARG-M-TMP: 1911 and 1943 | R-ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [agonize]: Many Americans still [agonize] over their own personal feelings about abortion .,ARG-1: Many Americans | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-2: over their own personal feelings about abortion "SRL for [papillary]: The predominant configuration was [papillary] in 43 % , tubulopapillary in 31 % , tubular in 26 % .",ARG-1: The predominant configuration | ARG-M-LOC: in 43 % SRL for [repel]: All the people of Somalia are urged to [repel] this invasion .,ARG-0: All the people of Somalia | ARG-1: this invasion SRL for [overdrafted]: I [overdrafted] like $ 2 dollars from my checking account and they 're charging how much ? !,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: like $ 2 dollars | ARG-2: from my checking account SRL for [retreat]: Our company went on a corporate [retreat] to a wonderful vacation villa in Jamaica .,ARG-1: corporate | ARG-2: to a wonderful vacation villa in Jamaica SRL for [catching]: His [catching] the ball was blocked by an over - enthusiastic fan in the stands .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the ball "SRL for [safeguard]: Undoubtedly Mr. Bush will be praised by some Latin leaders prone to pay lip service to nonintervention , while they privately encourage more assertive U.S. action to remove Gen. Manuel Noriega and [safeguard] their countries from a Sandinista onslaught .",ARG-0: more assertive U.S. action | ARG-1: their countries | ARG-2: from a Sandinista onslaught SRL for [negative]: Do n't be fooled by [negative] interest rates,ARG-1: interest rates "SRL for [been]: The performance of these large retailers in Taiwan has been startling , and superstore chains from Holland , France , the United States and Britain have [been] arriving on these shores one after another .", "SRL for [vacation]: you 've got to remember that when the Kursk went down , he was on [vacation] in the Black Sea",ARG-1: in the Black Sea SRL for [scuffled]: Bakewell was instantly surrounded by six police officers who briefly [scuffled] with him over the cloth .,ARG-0: six police officers | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-TMP: briefly | ARG-1: with him | ARG-2: over the cloth SRL for [Scollop]: [Scollop] the hem of the dress .,ARG-1: the hem of the dress SRL for [frustration]: Much to these cities ' [frustration],ARG-1: these cities ' SRL for [know]: He did n't [know] ( anything ) about most of the cases until Wednesday .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: anything | ARG-2: about most of the cases | ARG-M-TMP: until Wednesday "SRL for [farming out]: The move is consistent with a trend for corporate legal staffs to do more work in - house , instead of [farming out] to law firms .",ARG-0: corporate legal staffs | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to law firms "SRL for [Go]: The protesters who greeted Mikhail Gorbachev at East Berlin 's airport earlier this month were n't shouting `` [Go] U.S.A '' -- they were chanting `` Gorby , Help Us . ''",ARG-1: U.S.A SRL for [dehumidify]: I would like to device a way to [dehumidify] the room .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the room SRL for [bounce]: The Senate will [bounce] bills back to the House .,ARG-0: The Senate | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: bills | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-4: to the House SRL for [behind]: we would be decades [behind] in neutralizing the threat .,ARG-1: we | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: decades | C-ARG-1: in neutralizing the threat SRL for [founded]: John [founded] the city of Atlantis as a stronghold in times of trouble .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the city of Atlantis | ARG-2: as a stronghold in times of trouble SRL for [meet]: The economic and foreign ministers of 12 Asian and Pacific nations will [meet] in Australia next week to discuss global trade as well as regional matters such as transportation and telecommunications .,ARG-0: The economic and foreign ministers of 12 Asian and Pacific nations | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LOC: in Australia | ARG-M-TMP: next week | ARG-M-PNC: to discuss global trade as well as regional matters such as transportation and telecommunications SRL for [lamming out]: There 's no way to take him in now and keep those other two -- Wister and the one who hired the two of them -- from finding out about Roberts and [lamming out] .,ARG-0: those other two -- Wister and the one who hired the two of them -- "SRL for [striking]: Ironically , many of the pilots involved have left Eastern or are still [striking] the carrier , which filed for bankruptcy protection March 9 .","ARG-M-ADV: Ironically | ARG-0: many of the pilots involved | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: the carrier , which filed for bankruptcy protection March 9" SRL for [jaded]: Kampp had to admit that her life and politics had [jaded] her view of people in general,ARG-0: her life | ARG-1: her view of people | ARG-M-ADV: in general SRL for [bid]: Investors [bid] up the oil market .,ARG-0: Investors | ARG-3: up | ARG-1: the oil market SRL for [fenced off]: Today the buffalo and the Indians have both been [fenced off] in reservations .,ARG-M-LOC: in reservations SRL for [parenting]: A second goal of the study was to explore possible differences between mothers and fathers in their [parenting] of the child at ages 2 and 4 years .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the child at ages 2 and 4 years SRL for [in step]: Gasoline prices rose [in step] with oil prices .,ARG-1: Gasoline prices | ARG-2: with oil prices SRL for [warming]: Another inconvenient fact for the man made global [warming] crowd . Since 1998 until today there has been no significant warming .,ARG-0: man made | ARG-1: global SRL for [emphasis]: the [emphasis] on takeover stocks,ARG-1: on takeover stocks "SRL for [landed]: For all that , the piece [landed] unperformed in a dusty archive after Bologna refused to supply a chorus and orchestra .",ARG-M-DIS: For all that | ARG-1: the piece | ARG-M-PRD: unperformed | ARG-M-LOC: in a dusty archive | ARG-M-TMP: after Bologna refused to supply a chorus and orchestra "SRL for [understated]: The Commerce Department found that U.S. exports in 1988 , net of imports , were [understated] by $ 20.9 billion a year","ARG-1: U.S. exports in 1988 , net of imports | ARG-2: by $ 20.9 billion a year" SRL for [biased]: Maybe I was [biased] by the tenderness of the pork but the beef still seemed tough and I found myself washing some bites down with my reasonably priced $ 2.50 wine .,ARG-M-ADV: Maybe | ARG-1: I | ARG-0: by the tenderness of the pork "SRL for [underachieve]: It also rewards people who [underachieve] -LRB- hence , "" waste "" a degree -RRB- as they do not have to repay their debt if they never earn above L 21,000 .",ARG-0: who "SRL for [bathe]: Heat during the Atlanta campaign , coupled with unsuitable clothing , caused individual irritation that was compounded by a lack of opportunity to [bathe] and shift into clean clothing .", SRL for [Powerful]: God 's Word is [Powerful] to Accomplish all His Purposes .,ARG-1: God 's Word | ARG-2: to Accomplish all His Purposes SRL for [catching]: The [catching] of the bank robbers off guard was part of the SWAT plan,ARG-1: of the bank robbers | ARG-M-PRD: off guard SRL for [confused]: He believes that the volatile conditions created by program trading has `` thoroughly [confused] '' investors about where the market is headed .,ARG-0: the volatile conditions created by program trading | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: about where the market is headed SRL for [broke]: A cow [broke] loose from a temporary pen and ran around a field and toward a playground during the spring carnival at Baywood Elementary,ARG-0: A cow | ARG-2: loose | ARG-1: from a temporary pen | ARG-M-TMP: during the spring carnival at Baywood Elementary SRL for [baled]: my contractor cut and [baled] the hay into 1200 - lb rolls .,ARG-0: my contractor | ARG-1: the hay | ARG-2: into 1200 - lb rolls SRL for [appreciated]: no organomegaly or discrete mass lesions [appreciated],ARG-1: no organomegaly or discrete mass lesions "SRL for [nad]: [nad] , alert", "SRL for [discrimination]: This greatness is also shown , I think , by his [discrimination] in choosing what to try to discard and what to try to conserve .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: in choosing what to try to discard and what to try to conserve SRL for [debit]: Then they [debit] the owner 's credit card,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the owner 's credit card "SRL for [glued]: The carpets wo n't be [glued] down , and walls will be coated with nontoxic finishes .",ARG-1: The carpets | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-PRD: down "SRL for [marginal]: BP has been [marginal] over night , but did not require pressors .",ARG-1: BP | ARG-M-TMP: over night "SRL for [demeaned]: No , we ought to be mad because he has [demeaned] the office we gave him , enlisting it in the service of private gain , just as we ought to be mad that public officials lie through their teeth , play disingenuous games about their activities or , to steal a phrase , make public service a private trough .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the office we gave him | ARG-M-ADV: enlisting it in the service of private gain SRL for [stipulates]: Maxicare said the plan [stipulates] that enrollees in the company 's health plans will have valid claims covered in full .,ARG-0: the plan | ARG-1: that enrollees in the company 's health plans will have valid claims covered in full SRL for [extended]: Dow Jones & Co. said it [extended] its $ 18 - a - share offer for Telerate Inc. common stock until 5 p.m. EST Nov. 9 .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its $ 18 - a - share offer for Telerate Inc. common stock | ARG-2: until 5 p.m. EST Nov. 9 SRL for [frayed]: Its relationship with parent General Electric Co. had been [frayed] since a big Kidder insider - trading scandal two years ago .,ARG-1: Its relationship with parent General Electric Co. | ARG-M-TMP: since a big Kidder insider - trading scandal two years ago "SRL for [damning]: The volume is a piece of passional special pleading , written with the heat ... of a Liberal [damning] the shortsightedness of politicians from 1782 to 1832 .",ARG-0: a Liberal | ARG-1: the shortsightedness of politicians from 1782 to 1832 SRL for [sadness]: His [sadness] over the death of his frog was overwhelming .,ARG-1: His | ARG-0: over the death of his frog "SRL for [annotate]: The students [annotate] verbs all day , every day .",ARG-0: The students | ARG-1: verbs | ARG-M-TMP: all day | ARG-M-TMP: every day SRL for [brown]: [brown] the chicken on both sides until juices run clear .,ARG-1: the chicken | ARG-M-LOC: on both sides | ARG-M-TMP: until juices run clear "SRL for [permissible]: And some said that in matters of wars , Ijtihad was [permissible] for him , and some made tawaqquf .",ARG-M-LOC: in matters of wars | ARG-1: Ijtihad | ARG-2: for him SRL for [operates]: Esso Australia [operates] the field .,ARG-0: Esso Australia | ARG-1: the field SRL for [noted]: Mr. Rowe [noted] that political concerns also worried New England Electric,ARG-0: Mr. Rowe | ARG-1: that political concerns also worried New England Electric SRL for [return]: A [return] of investments of 32 %,ARG-0: of investments | ARG-1: of 32 % SRL for [rumored]: Uh He 's uh t- [rumored] to be considered for the Hall of Fame /.,ARG-M-DIS: Uh | ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIS: uh | ARG-1: to be considered for the Hall of Fame "SRL for [ruin]: What 's important is that you do n't have to worry about the future , and live in fear that a sudden loss of your salary could [ruin] your life . "" Of course , everyone feels a different sense of urgency about the uncertainties of life .",ARG-0: a sudden loss of your salary | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: your life SRL for [offends]: A poll of South Koreans showed overwhelming opposition to efforts to curb dog - meat consumption just because it [offends] foreigners .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: foreigners "SRL for [awarded]: Eastern Airlines pilots were [awarded] between $ 60 million and $ 100 million in back pay by an arbitrator , a decision that could complicate the carrier 's bankruptcy reorganization .",ARG-2: Eastern Airlines pilots | ARG-1: between $ 60 million and $ 100 million in back pay | ARG-0: by an arbitrator | ARG-M-ADV: a decision that could complicate the carrier 's bankruptcy reorganization "SRL for [visualization]: His [visualization] of himself as Superman stuck with Dean , and when he grew up he became a professional superhero .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of himself | ARG-2: as Superman "SRL for [dating]: Next month , NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays [dating] from the birth of the universe .",ARG-1: cosmic rays | ARG-2: from the birth of the universe SRL for [buying]: lower interest rates has spurred dollar [buying] by Japanese institutions .,ARG-1: dollar | ARG-0: by Japanese institutions SRL for [responsible]: Cleveland mayor apologizes for claiming Tamir Rice was [responsible] for his own death .,ARG-0: Tamir Rice | ARG-1: for his own death SRL for [decent]: Stock market was [decent] to me today ...,ARG-1: Stock market | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-TMP: today "SRL for [validating]: He reaped inflation along with rapid growth , no doubt [validating] Sir Alan 's predictions in the Prime Minister 's mind .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: Sir Alan 's predictions | ARG-M-LOC: in the Prime Minister 's mind SRL for [rhyme]: Do ` orange ' and ' door hinge ' [rhyme] ?,ARG-1: ` orange ' and ' door hinge ' "SRL for [worth]: Also , as you bemoan the West . It 's [worth] remembering you would n't have had a country without us",ARG-2: remembering | ARG-1: you would n't have had a country without us SRL for [break in]: Ginny smiled ; she remembered Harry telling her about his [break in] into the Lestrange vault .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: into the Lestrange vault SRL for [resurrects]: Some may be tempted to argue that the idea of a strategic review merely [resurrects] the infamous Zero - Based Budgeting concept of the Carter administration .,ARG-0: the idea of a strategic review | ARG-M-DIS: merely | ARG-1: the infamous Zero - Based Budgeting concept of the Carter administration SRL for [grew]: Assets [grew] by $ 1.5 billion during the latest week to $ 352.7 billion .,ARG-1: Assets | ARG-2: by $ 1.5 billion | ARG-M-TMP: during the latest week | ARG-4: to $ 352.7 billion SRL for [involved]: A man who while having a relationship with you is [involved] in sex chats online with others .,ARG-1: who | ARG-M-TMP: while having a relationship with you | ARG-2: in sex chats online with others SRL for [heparinization]: Surface [heparinization] of central venous catheters reduces microbial colonization in vitro and in vivo :,ARG-M-LOC: Surface | ARG-1: of central venous catheters SRL for [make trouble]: Those who [make trouble] after getting drunk should be punished without leniency . Detestable,ARG-0: Those | ARG-M-TMP: after getting drunk SRL for [interleaved]: He has [interleaved] the book .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the book "SRL for [subdued]: As a result , he reignited the inflation that Mrs. Thatcher , through a long and costly effort , had [subdued] .",ARG-0: Mrs. Thatcher | ARG-M-MNR: through a long and costly effort | ARG-1: the inflation | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [endowment]: his generous [endowment] of the laboratory came just in the nick of time,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-ADJ: generous | ARG-2: of the laboratory "SRL for [knitted]: The flow of Japanese funds has set in motion `` a process whereby these economies will be [knitted] together by the great Japanese investment machine , '' says Robert Hormats , vice chairman of Goldman Sachs International Corp.",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: these economies | ARG-4: together | ARG-0: by the great Japanese investment machine | ARG-M-MNR: a process | R-ARG-M-MNR: whereby "SRL for [racing]: In hopes of getting Busch back into his comfort zone , the organization will allow Busch to increase his [racing] in series other than Cup .",ARG-0: his | ARG-3: in series other than Cup SRL for [unground]: This corriander is [unground],ARG-1: This corriander SRL for [clashes]: Both executives left the company after [clashes] with Chairman Ralph Ingersoll Jr .,ARG-1: with Chairman Ralph Ingersoll Jr SRL for [hesitating]: Many companies are [hesitating] .,ARG-0: Many companies "SRL for [regular]: Evaluation in the Emergency Department included an abdominal pelvic CT , and this revealed a 7 x 5 - cm [regular] mass in the transverse colon",ARG-1: mass SRL for [shocking]: Ooooh a chocolate snob . We have one of those in our house too - J is [shocking] with his chocolate snobbery !,ARG-0: J | ARG-2: with his chocolate snobbery SRL for [prohibition]: These drug killings are no different than Al Capone killing people during alcohol [prohibition] .,ARG-1: alcohol "SRL for [certification]: I expect that after the receipt , tabulation , and [certification] of the overseas ballots by the counties , the State Elections Canvasing Commission will finally certify the presidential election in Florida on Saturday .",ARG-1: of the overseas ballots | ARG-0: by the counties SRL for [socializing]: The gruff financier recently started [socializing] in upper - class circles .,ARG-0: The gruff financier | ARG-M-LOC: in upper - class circles "SRL for [service]: For that reason , the [service] of legal documents on the premises of the trade show has been prohibited .",ARG-1: of legal documents | ARG-M-LOC: on the premises of the trade show SRL for [duodenojejunostomy]: August 11 – end - to - side duodenojejunostomy [duodenojejunostomy],ARG-M-TMP: August 11 | ARG-M-MNR: end - to - side SRL for [to capacitate]: Our aim is *PRO* [to capacitate] the carbon development trading to SMEs .,ARG-1: the carbon development trading to SMEs SRL for [lobulated]: The lesion next to it is [lobulated] in contour and has some spicules radiating to the pleura .,ARG-1: The lesion next to it | ARG-M-ADV: in contour SRL for [resistance]: his [resistance] to the language,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to the language SRL for [rival]: These three large Bills probably [rival] the Bill that introduces the council tax and the asylum Bill as the heaviest pieces of legislation in this year 's Queen 's Speech .,ARG-0: These three large Bills | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-1: the Bill that introduces the council tax and the asylum Bill | ARG-2: as the heaviest pieces of legislation in this year 's Queen 's Speech "SRL for [sniped]: In the mid-1980s , after ABC had just bid a record $ 309 million for the 1988 Winter Games , he [sniped] at rivals for paying reckless prices .",ARG-M-TMP: In the mid-1980s | ARG-M-TMP: after ABC had just bid a record $ 309 million for the 1988 Winter Games | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: at rivals | ARG-M-CAU: for paying reckless prices "SRL for [nonpalpable]: My 5.1 cm mass was [nonpalpable] by me , but was clearly seen on mammogram .",ARG-1: My 5.1 cm mass | ARG-0: by me "SRL for [soused]: When everyone was [soused] , they play the game "" I Never . """,ARG-0: everyone | ARG-M-TMP: When "SRL for [hocking]: I raised some kale by [hocking] the good clothes I had left over from my respectable uptown life , but when that was gone I did n't have a cent .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the good clothes I had left over from my respectable uptown life "SRL for [entering]: On Oct. 19 , 1987 , some investors learned the consequences of [entering] `` good - til - canceled limit orders '' and then forgetting about them .",ARG-0: some investors | ARG-1: good - til - canceled limit orders SRL for [sound]: They hollow out the bat and stick the cork in there to mask the hollow [sound] .,ARG-3: hollow "SRL for [funnel]: Last month , the carrier said it wanted to lease crews and planes from British Airways so it could [funnel] its passengers from London to other European destinations .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: its passengers | ARG-3: from London | ARG-2: to other European destinations "SRL for [jettisoning]: And while Polly Peck is n't [jettisoning] the existent top - management structure of Sansui , it is bringing in a former Toshiba Corp . executive as executive vice president and chief operating officer .",ARG-0: Polly Peck | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the existent top - management structure of Sansui SRL for [cremated]: More than one body can be [cremated] in the cremator at one time .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: More than one body | ARG-2: in the cremator | ARG-M-TMP: at one time "SRL for [recall]: IBM has no plans to [recall] its add - on cards , the spokeswoman said , and could probably circumvent the bugs without long product delays .",ARG-0: IBM | ARG-1: its add - on cards SRL for [post - sphincterotomy]: Patient is [post - sphincterotomy] .,ARG-1: Patient "SRL for [readiness]: In Chapter VI of Vanity Fair , Thackeray reports on Joe Sedley 's drunken avowal to wed Becky Sharp the next morning , even if he had to "" knock up the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth , "" in order to have him in [readiness] to perform the ceremony .",ARG-0: Joe Sedley | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to perform the ceremony "SRL for [draw down]: And the UK is starting their [draw down] of troops in Iraq ... soon it 'll be just the 140,000 Americans . And 12 Moldovans .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of troops | ARG-M-LOC: in Iraq SRL for [hang on]: *PRO* [hang on] Jay .,ARG-M-DIS: Jay SRL for [hyperventilating]: Am I the only one who is worried about Serge 's [hyperventilating] ?,ARG-0: Serge "SRL for [Warmongering]: Hired , hard lackeys of the [Warmongering] capitalists .",ARG-0: capitalists SRL for [cut]: The escarpment edge is the river 's [cut] through the terrace .,ARG-1: the river 's | ARG-M-DIR: through the terrace SRL for [foggy]: Let me know if it 's [foggy] in your neck of the woods .,ARG-M-LOC: in your neck of the woods "SRL for [gives lie]: That event , therefore , [gives lie] to @Mary_H 's claim",ARG-0: That event | ARG-M-DIS: therefore | ARG-1: to @Mary_H 's claim SRL for [back]: The Soviets might [back] away from the current conciliatory attitude,ARG-1: The Soviets | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-DIR: away from the current conciliatory attitude SRL for [returns]: KKR racked up annual [returns] of 60 % in the three years it owned Storer .,ARG-M-TMP: annual | ARG-1: of 60 % SRL for [potentiated]: The doctor [potentiated] the analgesic action of the opiates with anti - depressants .,ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-1: the analgesic action of the opiates | ARG-2: with anti - depressants SRL for [come]: Portfolio managers [come] after the highest rates .,ARG-0: Portfolio managers | ARG-1: after the highest rates SRL for [modernization]: the [modernization] of a pulp and newsprint mill in Alabama,ARG-1: of a pulp and newsprint mill in Alabama "SRL for [running]: A variety of special interest amendments , [running] from an import exemption for a California airplane museum to a small but intriguing struggle among sugar producing nations over the fate of Panama 's quota of exports to the profitable US market .",ARG-1: A variety of special interest amendments | ARG-3: from an import exemption for a California airplane museum | ARG-4: to a small but intriguing struggle among sugar producing nations over the fate of Panama 's quota of exports to the profitable US market "SRL for [skin - dived]: They gathered oysters in the shallows , [skin - dived] for them , or collected them in wire dredges towed behind sailing boats .",ARG-0: They | ARG-2: for them "SRL for [clamp down]: Driver Roger Hercules said there was much chaos in the Cheapside bus terminal and demanded that the police [clamp down] on loiterers , some of whom he felt were drug addicts .","ARG-0: the police | ARG-2: on loiterers , some of whom he felt were drug addicts" "SRL for [testify]: The school - board hearing at which she was dismissed was crowded with students , teachers and parents who came to [testify] on her behalf .","R-ARG-0: students , teachers and parents | ARG-0: who | ARG-2: on her behalf" SRL for [blew out]: A company official said the explosions began when a seal [blew out] .,ARG-1: a seal | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [rippling]: He is ogling the curtains [rippling] above the ventilation ducts .,ARG-1: the curtains | ARG-M-LOC: above the ventilation ducts SRL for [whiffed]: The commission [whiffed] on its duty to protect investors .,ARG-1: The commission | ARG-2: on its duty to protect investors SRL for [differentiated]: Tumor is [differentiated] by tubule formation .,ARG-1: Tumor | ARG-3: by tubule formation SRL for [deaccents]: The paint [deaccents] the tilt of the pickup .,ARG-0: The paint | ARG-1: the tilt of the pickup SRL for [bargaining]: [bargaining] over the always sensitive subject of Cuba,ARG-1: over the always sensitive subject of Cuba "SRL for [exercise]: In addition , New York - based LIN would [exercise] its right to buy out for $ 1.9 billion the 55 % equity interest of its partner , Metromedia Co. , in a New York cellular franchise .","ARG-M-DIS: In addition | ARG-0: New York - based LIN | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: its right to buy out for $ 1.9 billion the 55 % equity interest of its partner , Metromedia Co. , in a New York cellular franchise" SRL for [FELLED]: HUGO [FELLED] vast timberlands .,ARG-0: HUGO | ARG-1: vast timberlands "SRL for [profession]: Thus , before receiving Baptism , the catechumen must make his [profession] of faith .",ARG-M-DIS: Thus | ARG-M-TMP: before receiving Baptism | ARG-0: the catechumen | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: of faith SRL for [best off]: He is [best off] contacting Billing directly and discussing it with them,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: contacting Billing directly and discussing it with them "SRL for [tossing]: he still hated that bastard Boyd for keeping him away from the games , for there was no possibility of his [tossing] the caber now .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the caber | ARG-M-TMP: now SRL for [entertained]: Well - known performers from the four sponsor countries also [entertained] guests with their splendid songs and dance performances .,ARG-0: Well - known performers from the four sponsor countries | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: guests | ARG-2: with their splendid songs and dance performances SRL for [linting]: You are [linting] that sweater again ?,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: that sweater | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [appeal]: His smile was part of his [appeal] to her .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to her SRL for [Actual]: The Feeling Is [Actual] .,ARG-1: The Feeling "SRL for [dazzling]: But when the subject of the Peasants Association comes up , and when talked about how she was organizing peasants and helping them improve the quality -LRB- of their lives -RRB- , Zheng Bing 's face lights up with a [dazzling] smile .",ARG-2: smile SRL for [took up]: They [took up] with Warner .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with Warner SRL for [remarked]: Mr. Pratt [remarked] that he thinks steeper prices have come about because producers do n't like to see a hit wine dramatically increase in price later on .,ARG-0: Mr. Pratt | ARG-1: that he thinks steeper prices have come about because producers do n't like to see a hit wine dramatically increase in price later on SRL for [hypertrophied]: The patient suffered from [hypertrophied] nasal turbinates .,ARG-1: nasal turbinates SRL for [buffer]: Large cash positions help [buffer] funds from market declines but can cut down on gains in rising markets .,ARG-0: Large cash positions | ARG-1: funds | ARG-2: from market declines "SRL for [intertwined]: Albert Engelken and Robert Thomson had never met , though for 38 years their lives had been [intertwined] in a way peculiar to the sports world .",ARG-M-TMP: for 38 years | ARG-1: their lives | ARG-M-MNR: in a way peculiar to the sports world SRL for [him]: a rite of passage that initiated [him] into the world of Adirondack guides and mountaineers,ARG-0: initiated | ARG-1: into | ARG-2: the world of Adirondack guides and mountaineers SRL for [came]: Mrs. Yeargin [came] to work on weekends .,ARG-1: Mrs. Yeargin | ARG-4: to work | ARG-M-TMP: on weekends "SRL for [arming up]: I support Saudis [arming up] though , as I do for all Muslim nations , weapons may be useful in future .",ARG-1: Saudis SRL for [citation]: My 13 - year - old son got a [citation] for riding his bicycle without a helmet .,ARG-1: My 13 - year - old son | ARG-M-LVB: got | ARG-2: for riding his bicycle without a helmet SRL for [rinsed]: John [rinsed] the mud off his shoes .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the mud | ARG-2: off his shoes SRL for [masturbated]: A technician wearing a rubber glove [masturbated] the pig and collected the semen .,ARG-0: A technician wearing a rubber glove | ARG-1: the pig "SRL for [spawned]: Last year 's appeals court decision , for instance , [spawned] several suits , reportedly including a recent action by the heirs of singer Bobby Darin against McDonald 's Corp. over its `` Mac Tonight '' TV commercials , a rough parody of Mr. Darin 's `` Mack the Knife '' trademark .","ARG-0: Last year 's appeals court decision | ARG-M-DIS: for instance | ARG-1: several suits , reportedly including a recent action by the heirs of singer Bobby Darin against McDonald 's Corp. over its `` Mac Tonight '' TV commercials , a rough parody of Mr. Darin 's `` Mack the Knife '' trademark" SRL for [indicates]: A low c - peptide and serum insulin often [indicates] Type I diabetes,ARG-0: A low c - peptide and serum insulin | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: Type I diabetes "SRL for [order]: Place them in the [order] green , yellow , orange , red .","ARG-2: green , yellow , orange , red" SRL for [had]: I [had] copies made of the file,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: copies made of the file SRL for [exclaims]: ` ` Where does that first stimulus go ? '' [exclaims] SUNY neurologist Paul Maccabee .,ARG-1: ` ` Where does that first stimulus go ? '' | ARG-0: SUNY neurologist Paul Maccabee SRL for [sweep up]: Grosse quietly got a broom and started to [sweep up] the sugar .,ARG-0: Grosse | ARG-1: the sugar SRL for [given over]: Twenty - some years ago more than 2200 hectares of land around Muening was [given over] to the cultivation of tobacco .,ARG-2: to the cultivation of tobacco | ARG-M-TMP: Twenty - some years ago "SRL for [bucked]: But Texas Air , the owner of Continental and Eastern airlines , [bucked] the group 's decline by rising 7/8 to 14 5/8 in American Stock Exchange trading .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Texas Air , the owner of Continental and Eastern airlines | ARG-1: the group 's decline | ARG-M-MNR: by rising 7/8 to 14 5/8 in American Stock Exchange trading" "SRL for [smearing]: ... especially the mainstream elite scholars who insist on [smearing] the "" father "" to the end ...","ARG-0: who | ARG-1: the "" father "" | ARG-M-EXT: to the end" SRL for [thick]: The wall was a foot [thick],ARG-1: The wall | ARG-3: a foot SRL for [daydreaming]: My SECOND -LRB- long story -RRB- drivers Ed teacher yelled : I do n't know what 's wrong with you . You just start [daydreaming] or something !,ARG-0: You SRL for [tripled]: Net income more than [tripled] to 4.898 billion yen from 1.457 billion yen a year earlier .,ARG-1: Net income | ARG-4: to 4.898 billion yen | ARG-3: from 1.457 billion yen | ARG-M-TMP: a year earlier SRL for [dances]: folk [dances],ARG-1: folk SRL for [regulations]: securities [regulations],ARG-1: securities "SRL for [convening]: [ Original ] Welcome to the 18th [convening] of the Party Congress , steadfastly believing in the triumph of Marxism and Leninism",ARG-M-TMP: 18th | ARG-1: of the Party Congress SRL for [vomited up]: He also [vomited up] the stone which he was tricked into swallowing .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the stone which he was tricked into swallowing SRL for [Dieted]: Opinion On The Man Who [Dieted] On McDonalds Food .,ARG-0: Who | ARG-1: On McDonalds Food SRL for [astonished]: They were [astonished] by his words that were filled with grace and charm .,ARG-1: They | ARG-0: by his words that were filled with grace and charm SRL for [fishing]: Using direct mail for a TV show is like [fishing] for whale with a breaded hook .,ARG-1: for whale | ARG-M-MNR: with a breaded hook SRL for [launch]: the recent [launch] of the St. Louis Sun,ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-1: of the St. Louis Sun SRL for [imaging]: It 's the same phenomenon used in the new MRI -LRB- magnetic resonance [imaging] -RRB- scanners being used in hospitals in place of X - ray scans .,ARG-M-MNR: magnetic resonance "SRL for [swerve]: At a nearby corner , they [swerve] perilously close to a listing apartment house , oblivious to any danger .",ARG-M-LOC: At a nearby corner | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: perilously close to a listing apartment house | ARG-M-PRD: oblivious to any danger "SRL for [panting]: Watson pounded to the crawling man and stopped , [panting] heavily .",ARG-0: Watson | ARG-M-MNR: heavily SRL for [resort]: an appeal to his uncle was his last [resort],ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: last SRL for [retreat]: Turkey 's parliamentary speaker has defended his [retreat] from an initiative to establish a conciliation commission in Parliament ...,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: from an initiative to establish a conciliation commission in Parliament ... SRL for [blizzard]: I 'm going to be honest and say that it is hard to get motivated to go out to the gym when my area just went through a snow [blizzard] with 15 - 17 inches worth of snow .,ARG-1: snow | ARG-2: with 15 - 17 inches worth of snow "SRL for [blazing]: `` I think Ford is going to come out with full guns [blazing] , '' Mr. Reitman says .",ARG-1: full guns SRL for [unforgivable]: he is [unforgivable] for the mistakes he had made .,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: for the mistakes he had made SRL for [maturated]: His writing [maturated] into a tale well told .,ARG-1: His writing | ARG-3: into a tale well told "SRL for [outraged]: Sen. Lloyd Bentsen -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- was [outraged] after a private word to John Motley , lobbyist for the National Federation of Independent Business , resulted in a news release saying that the Senate Finance Committee chairman would recommend repeal of Section 89 .","ARG-1: Sen. Lloyd Bentsen -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- | ARG-M-TMP: after a private word to John Motley , lobbyist for the National Federation of Independent Business , resulted in a news release saying that the Senate Finance Committee chairman would recommend repeal of Section 89" "SRL for [brained]: On the way there , they [brained] them with clubs , strapped them on a branch and took them back to their village .",ARG-M-LOC: On the way there | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: with clubs SRL for [pollution]: Many of the mills have promised to eliminate their [pollution] of Maine 's waters .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Maine 's waters "SRL for [unjust]: He could not deny Searle 's garrulity , but he felt that the new manager was [unjust] to him in laying so much stress on the defect .",ARG-0: the new manager | ARG-2: to him | ARG-1: in laying so much stress on the defect SRL for [opened]: The branch of the the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs [opened] in July .,ARG-1: The branch of the the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs | ARG-M-TMP: in July SRL for [troughed]: He [troughed] through 3 meat pies .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: through 3 meat pies SRL for [burden]: This is an important study because it sheds light on the true economic [burden] of Parkinson 's disease .,ARG-2: economic | ARG-0: of Parkinson 's disease "SRL for [hiding]: But playing word games over how to define the relationship is simply a way of [hiding] from the problem , ostrich - like , as the situation deteriorates .",ARG-2: from the problem | ARG-M-MNR: ostrich - like | ARG-M-TMP: as the situation deteriorates SRL for [take precautions]: The reason I feel that may have a case to be answered is that surely mortgage company must [take precautions] when selling an intrest only mortgage,ARG-0: mortgage company | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-TMP: when selling an intrest only mortgage "SRL for [broke in]: "" That would be worse than useless "" , Alexander [broke in] .","ARG-0: Alexander | ARG-1: "" That would be worse than useless """ SRL for [setting off]: He assumed the missing piece contained a gene or genes whose loss had a critical role in [setting off] the cancer .,ARG-1: the cancer SRL for [brooded]: The empty egg cases of an octopus that [brooded] her eggs for 4.5 years in Monterey Canyon .,ARG-0: that | ARG-1: her eggs | ARG-M-TMP: for 4.5 years in Monterey Canyon SRL for [advance]: The general noted the enemy 's [advance] to the outskirts of the city .,ARG-0: the enemy 's | ARG-4: to the outskirts of the city SRL for [forging]: Waksal admitted to tipping his daughter to dump ImClone stock market just ahead of a drug rejection the company was developing and he pleaded guilty to bank fraud by [forging] a signature on a $ 44 million loan .,ARG-1: a signature | ARG-M-LOC: on a $ 44 million loan SRL for [hypocritical]: I just do n't absolutely believe that he was [hypocritical] to the beliefs of his choosen church .,ARG-0: he | ARG-3: to the beliefs of his choosen church "SRL for [freshens]: John [freshens] his breath with Mentos , ' the fresh - maker . '","ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his breath | ARG-2: with Mentos , ' the fresh - maker . '" "SRL for [underwrites]: Lawrence Insurance [underwrites] mostly primary insurance , a company spokesman said .",ARG-0: Lawrence Insurance | ARG-M-ADV: mostly | ARG-1: primary insurance SRL for [interconnection]: A food web -LRB- or food cycle -RRB- is the natural [interconnection] of food chains and generally a graphical representation -LRB- usually an image -RRB- of what - eats - what in an ecological community .,ARG-M-ADJ: natural | ARG-1: of food chains SRL for [plays on]: Hamas [plays on] the Palestinean Authority 's failure to produce .,ARG-0: Hamas | ARG-1: the Palestinean Authority 's failure to produce "SRL for [cushion]: For instance , the new U.S. package makes clear there would be a transition period during which GATT members could use a combination of tariffs and quotas to [cushion] their farmers from foreign competition .",ARG-0: GATT members | ARG-1: their farmers | ARG-2: from foreign competition SRL for [to splash out]: Others opt [to splash out] on dinner at a hotel or restaurant so that no - one has to worry about getting everything ready .,ARG-0: Others | ARG-1: on dinner | ARG-M-LOC: at a hotel | ARG-M-PRP: so that no - one has to worry about getting everything ready "SRL for [hailing]: It is interesting to see the fundamental stock pickers scream `` foul '' on program trading when the markets decline , while [hailing] the great values still abounding as the markets rise .",ARG-0: the fundamental stock pickers | ARG-1: the great values still abounding as the markets rise "SRL for [likened]: Raymond Chandler , in a 1950 letter defending a weak Hemingway book , [likened] a champion writer to a baseball pitcher .",ARG-0: Raymond Chandler | ARG-M-LOC: in a 1950 letter defending a weak Hemingway book | ARG-1: a champion writer | ARG-2: to a baseball pitcher "SRL for [commanded]: The six wines of the Domaine de la Romanee - Conti , 72 of the most precious acres of vineyard anywhere in the world , have [commanded] three - digit price tags for several years now .","ARG-0: The six wines of the Domaine de la Romanee - Conti , 72 of the most precious acres of vineyard anywhere in the world | ARG-1: three - digit price tags | ARG-M-TMP: for several years now" SRL for [strictured]: Scans show the colon is [strictured] for several centimeters beyond the cecum .,ARG-1: the colon | ARG-2: for several centimeters beyond the cecum SRL for [rock on]: Loma Portal dads [rock on] to support students ' schools .,ARG-0: Loma Portal dads | ARG-M-PRP: to support students ' schools "SRL for [tougher]: That said , we could be [tougher] on all criminals , not just rapists .","ARG-M-DIS: That said | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: on all criminals , not just rapists" SRL for [playing]: He chatted to our Aleksandr in the famous Meerkat IT Department about his [playing] scrabble with Celine Dion and breaking into Hollywood .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: scrabble | ARG-3: with Celine Dion "SRL for [taking out]: Obama will be remembered for his [taking out] Bin Laden , Awlaki , decimating and crushing Al - Qaida .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: Bin Laden , Awlaki" "SRL for [puked]: Some say he [puked] right then and there , while others say he puked all over the dance floor .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: right then and there | ARG-M-ADV: while others say he puked all over the dance floor "SRL for [promote]: After letting aluminum - makers take the recycling lead , a group of the nation 's largest steelmakers started a recycling institute to [promote] steel cans to an environmentally conscious nation .",ARG-0: a recycling institute | ARG-1: steel cans | ARG-2: to an environmentally conscious nation "SRL for [lead]: The state of California , following the [lead] of some regional parks , recently adopted regulations that closed nearly allhiking paths in state parks to mountain bicycles .",ARG-0: of some regional parks SRL for [focalized]: The project primarily [focalized] on multimedia rights .,ARG-1: The project | ARG-M-MNR: primarily | ARG-2: on multimedia rights SRL for [tinseled]: Jazz buff Eastwood also [tinseled] the soundtrack with versions of some of Mercer 's best - known songs .,ARG-0: Jazz buff Eastwood | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the soundtrack | ARG-2: with versions of some of Mercer 's best - known songs SRL for [infestation]: The house 's [infestation] with termites cost the homeowners an arm and a leg .,ARG-1: The house 's | ARG-2: with termites "SRL for [security]: In this work , we propose a novel application of a key - based obfuscation technique to achieve [security] against hardware Trojans .",ARG-3: against hardware Trojans "SRL for [sheared]: One old building , the Golden State Bank Building on Front Street , had its yellow brick facade [sheared] off by the shock of the quake , leaving a wedge of its third floor open to the air , while piles of dusty bricks tumbled to the street below narrowly missing rush - hour pedestrians and cars .","ARG-M-PRD: off | ARG-1: its yellow brick facade | ARG-3: by the shock of the quake | ARG-M-ADV: leaving a wedge of its third floor open to the air , while piles of dusty bricks tumbled to the street below narrowly missing rush - hour pedestrians and cars" SRL for [resolution]: the [resolution] of certain accounting issues relating to mortgagesservicing,ARG-1: of certain accounting issues relating to mortgagesservicing "SRL for [privy]: Beyond that , most of the research I 'm [privy] to -LRB- via my sister -RRB- is actually based in the private education sector .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: to | C-ARG-2: the research | ARG-M-MNR: via my sister SRL for [rotated]: The walls shook ; the building [rotated] .,ARG-1: the building SRL for [suspension]: As part of the deal Mr. Clinton will accept the [suspension] of his law license in Arkansas for five years,ARG-1: of his law license in Arkansas | ARG-M-TMP: for five years SRL for [conform]: Americans are expected to [conform] to the Japanese culture when in Japan .,ARG-1: Americans | ARG-2: to the Japanese culture | ARG-M-TMP: when in Japan SRL for [rinded]: The chef [rinded] a dozen lemons .,ARG-0: The chef | ARG-1: a dozen lemons SRL for [timely]: We must decide whether the petition was [timely] with respect to our review of a collection action pursuant to section 6330(d)(1 ),ARG-1: the petition | ARG-2: with respect to our review of a collection action pursuant to section 6330(d)(1 ) SRL for [underpredicted]: Equation 12.18 [underpredicted] the data by 3%-7 % .,ARG-0: Equation 12.18 | ARG-1: the data | ARG-2: by 3%-7 % "SRL for [thought]: She had [thought] that these stores were only crowded on the weekends , but on a rainy weekday in November she decided she did n't feel like cooking and went to buy some prepared foods at the RT - Mart 's deli department .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: that these stores were only crowded on the weekends SRL for [hypoperfusion]: The decline in MAG : PLP1 strongly suggests pathological [hypoperfusion] of the frontal cortex in Alzheimer 's disease .,ARG-M-ADJ: pathological | ARG-1: of the frontal cortex | ARG-M-LOC: in Alzheimer 's disease "SRL for [auction off]: Indeed . Recently , the trust failed to [auction off] the paper mill , a bank , an office building and a small cotton - ginning plant .","ARG-0: the trust | ARG-1: the paper mill , a bank , an office building and a small cotton - ginning plant" "SRL for [crowbarred]: A draft of winter air chilled me , and I turned to find that my front window had been [crowbarred] open so violently that the latch was torn out of the frame .",ARG-1: my front window | ARG-2: open | ARG-M-MNR: so violently that the latch was torn out of the frame "SRL for [healed]: The wounds from the 1987 crash have n't yet [healed] , and not all claims against the exchange clearinghouse -- by those who bet the Hang Seng index would fall -- have been settled .",ARG-1: The wounds from the 1987 crash | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: yet SRL for [foxed]: He 'd [foxed] both groups .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: both groups "SRL for [investigation]: McCarthy began his [investigation] of the Army Signal Corps Laboratory at Fort Monmouth , New Jersey in 1953 .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the Army Signal Corps Laboratory at Fort Monmouth , New Jersey" SRL for [pimped]: In the end he [pimped] her to a prosperous middleaged German for a quantity of Mexican mud,ARG-M-DIS: In the end | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: her | ARG-3: to a prosperous middleaged German | ARG-2: for a quantity of Mexican mud SRL for [crumped]: The Auto Trans Vehicle 's engine [crumped] while going down - hill .,ARG-1: The Auto Trans Vehicle 's engine | ARG-M-TMP: while going down - hill "SRL for [glamorized]: In the Babylonian Bronx , Jewish working - class people lived in drab , Soviet - style buildings `` [glamorized] '' with names like AnaMor Towers ( after owners Anna and Morris Snezak ) , whose lobbies and hallways were decorated with murals of ancient Syrians and Greeks , friezes of Pompeii .","ARG-1: drab , Soviet - style buildings | ARG-2: with names like AnaMor Towers ( after owners Anna and Morris Snezak )" SRL for [has scented out]: A rat [has scented out] my traveling - biscuits .,ARG-0: A rat | ARG-1: my traveling - biscuits SRL for [historicized]: Why not watch or hear your experience [historicized] while you were living it ?,ARG-1: your experience "SRL for [spamming]: there 's a way to word the description that works and does n't get you slapped for "" keyword [spamming] "" -LRB- which is what putting Marshall in the descriptive text will earn you -RRB- .",ARG-2: keyword SRL for [located]: The plastics plant is [located] on an 800 - acre tract in the heart of the petrochemical corridor that reaches along the U.S. Gulf Coast .,ARG-1: The plastics plant | ARG-M-LOC: on an 800 - acre tract in the heart of the petrochemical corridor that reaches along the U.S. Gulf Coast "SRL for [glanced]: I felt the temblor begin and [glanced] at the table next to mine , smiled that guilty smile and we both mouthed the words , `` Earth - quake ! '' together .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: at the table next to mine SRL for [kissing]: Beth 's [kissing] of her dog grossed everybody out .,ARG-0: Beth 's | ARG-1: of her dog SRL for [takes]: The whole trip [takes] about half the day .,ARG-0: The whole trip | ARG-1: about half the day "SRL for [reprogrammed]: We could have [reprogrammed] it to steal votes , but that 's been done before , and Pac - Man is more fun !",ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: to steal votes "SRL for [tallying]: With most legislatures adjourned for the year , small business is [tallying] its scorecard .",ARG-M-ADV: With most legislatures adjourned for the year | ARG-0: small business | ARG-1: its scorecard SRL for [shopping]: She thought back to her [shopping] at the grocery store .,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: at the grocery store SRL for [experience]: military [experience],ARG-1: military SRL for [leave]: I took my [leave] of Newcastle and set out with Mr. Downes and Mr. Shepherd .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: of Newcastle SRL for [drive]: His [drive] for success in the automotive sales industry is fueled by his passion and interest in cars .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: for success in the automotive sales industry "SRL for [commissioning]: Special occasions such as keel laying , ship christening , and [commissioning] ceremonies deal with shipbuilding , no ceremonies for scrapping .", "SRL for [imprisoning]: And in a case filed in federal court in August , a lawyer is arguing that Missouri authorities are wrongfully [imprisoning] the fetus of a pregnant woman who is in jail for theft and forgery .",ARG-0: Missouri authorities | ARG-M-MNR: wrongfully | ARG-1: the fetus of a pregnant woman who is in jail for theft and forgery SRL for [insistence]: the region 's [insistence] on strict building codes,ARG-0: the region 's | ARG-1: on strict building codes SRL for [fall]: their [fall] into silence,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: into silence "SRL for [debilitated]: In the above - quoted report , you say you had not eaten that day and that you became weak and [debilitated] from nausea .",ARG-0: from nausea "SRL for [contends]: ` ` The buyers walk away , and the specialist is left alone '' as the buyer of last resort for his stable of stocks , he [contends] .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: ` ` The buyers walk away , and the specialist is left alone '' as the buyer of last resort for his stable of stocks" SRL for [puckering]: Slight [puckering] of the right breast incision,ARG-M-EXT: Slight | ARG-1: of the right breast incision SRL for [contrived]: He [contrived] this water - pipe out of a can .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: this water - pipe | ARG-2: out of a can "SRL for [cunning]: Therefore , the evaluation of Ma Ying - jeou as "" incapable "" was inaccurate . Ma Ying - jeou is very [cunning] and collusive .",ARG-1: Ma Ying - jeou | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [Supination]: [Supination] of the forearms .,ARG-1: of the forearms "SRL for [homodimerizes]: Cleavage of ICAD - L results in the release of CAD , which then [homodimerizes] to form the active endonuclease that cleaves internucleosomal DNA .",ARG-1: CAD | ARG-3: the active endonuclease that cleaves internucleosomal DNA "SRL for [enact]: Saudi Arabia , for its part , has vowed to [enact] a copyright law compatible with international standards and to apply the law to computer software as well as to literary works , Mrs. Hills said .",ARG-0: Saudi Arabia | ARG-1: a copyright law compatible with international standards "SRL for [worse off]: Similarly , Bob is [worse off] doing anything differently assuming Alice continues to be uncooperative .",ARG-M-DIS: Similarly | ARG-1: Bob | ARG-2: doing anything differently | ARG-M-ADV: assuming Alice continues to be uncooperative SRL for [rephrase]: Would it mak any differnt uh le me [rephrase] the question ...,ARG-0: me | ARG-1: the question "SRL for [terrified]: Michael was [terrified] of him , whose mere presence could induce nausea .","ARG-1: Michael | ARG-2: of him , whose mere presence could induce nausea" "SRL for [redirected]: For the last year , Santa Fe Pacific has [redirected] its real estate operations toward longer - term development of its properties , hurting profits that the parent had generated in the past from periodic sales from its portfolio .",ARG-M-TMP: For the last year | ARG-0: Santa Fe Pacific | ARG-1: its real estate operations | ARG-2: toward longer - term development of its properties | ARG-M-ADV: hurting profits that the parent had generated in the past from periodic sales from its portfolio SRL for [toweled]: Naruto sighed as he [toweled] the water from his face .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the water | ARG-2: from his face "SRL for [groundless]: These two figures mean that the author 's data is [groundless] , not to mention the other figures .",ARG-1: the author 's data SRL for [tingling]: He was [tingling] within .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-LOC: within "SRL for [brought on]: I do n't want to guess their specific motives , but it seems to me that such an arrangement could be very advanategous for those nations in the event of a crisis [brought on] by peak oil .",ARG-1: a crisis | ARG-0: by peak oil SRL for [bottlefeeding]: This is a good product to get if you 're [bottlefeeding] breast milk to your new born on a regular basis .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: breast milk | ARG-2: to your new born | ARG-M-TMP: on a regular basis SRL for [bushwhacked]: Family members [bushwhacked] their way through 50 kilometers of forest to the site where the farm now stands .,ARG-0: Family members | ARG-1: their way | ARG-2: through 50 kilometers of forest | ARG-M-GOL: to the site where the farm now stands "SRL for [ruled]: Both hope to encourage pressure for change in East bloc countries still [ruled] by Stalinist holdouts by arranging liberal financial aid and trade benefits for Poland , Hungary and , to a lesser extent , the Soviet Union .",ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: East bloc countries | ARG-0: by Stalinist holdouts "SRL for [entranced]: And , if still conscious at the evening 's end , you notice something else : The audience , at first [entranced] and hypnotized by the music , releases its pent - up feelings in collective gratitude .",ARG-1: The audience | ARG-M-TMP: at first | ARG-0: by the music SRL for [imminence]: This chapter examines the issue of whether the law of self - defence should contain an [imminence] of harm requirement .,ARG-1: of harm SRL for [shoot]: They are flying the models to Barbados for a fashion [shoot] .,ARG-1: fashion SRL for [use]: Isrealis who have been firing rubber bullets stepped up their [use] of real ones .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of real ones SRL for [burning]: The wood was [burning] in the fireplace .,ARG-1: The wood | ARG-M-LOC: in the fireplace "SRL for [concluded]: Lebanon , Iraq and other hot issues were for the most part the gist of the call with which the Gulf leaders [concluded] their 27th summit in Riyadh .",R-ARG-2: with which | ARG-0: the Gulf leaders | ARG-1: their 27th summit in Riyadh | ARG-2: the call "SRL for [left]: Americans , especially Republican Americans , have largely [left] issues of racism and/or stereotypical prejudice and bigotry well behind them","ARG-0: Americans , especially Republican Americans | ARG-M-EXT: largely | ARG-1: issues of racism and/or stereotypical prejudice and bigotry | ARG-2: well behind them" SRL for [convoy]: How many rubbish trucks will it take *PRO* to make a [convoy] to the moon,ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: to the moon "SRL for [rehashing]: The two men spent an hour at Exit 10 , [rehashing] the event , `` fulfilling the lifelong dream of a young boy now turned 50 , '' Mr. Engelken says .",ARG-0: The two men | ARG-1: the event SRL for [work]: sum up why you re there and [work] your bottom off to get the best grades you can .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: your bottom | ARG-2: off | ARG-M-PRP: to get the best grades you can SRL for [shingled]: The Oklahoma residence was [shingled] with leftover license plates obtained from the state factory .,ARG-1: The Oklahoma residence | ARG-2: with leftover license plates obtained from the state factory SRL for [programming]: [programming] of the application,ARG-1: of the application SRL for [look]: Stock prices might [look] fairly high .,ARG-0: Stock prices | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: fairly high SRL for [forced]: R. Gordon McGovern was [forced] out as Campbell Soup 's president and CEO .,ARG-1: R. Gordon McGovern | ARG-2: out | ARG-M-PRD: as Campbell Soup 's president and CEO SRL for [quizzed]: They [quizzed] him about names of the Russians he worked with .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: about names of the Russians he worked with SRL for [clunking]: no radiocarpal [clunking] with motion .,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: radiocarpal | ARG-M-MNR: with motion SRL for [injunction]: And the [injunction] Judges Miner and Altimari would so readily have granted had New Era sued in time ?,ARG-M-ADJ: Judges Miner and Altimari would so readily have granted "SRL for [worried]: Some economists and government officials seriously [worried] that it might collapse , producing panic among foreign investors and diminishing the flow of foreign capital to the U.S.","ARG-0: Some economists and government officials | ARG-M-MNR: seriously | ARG-1: that it might collapse , producing panic among foreign investors and diminishing the flow of foreign capital to the U.S." SRL for [consigns]: The move largely [consigns] them to roads used by motorized vehicles .,ARG-0: The move | ARG-M-DIS: largely | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to roads used by motorized vehicles SRL for [filibuster]: ... they 're ready to stand up to the Republican majority and may even [filibuster] the president 's latest Supreme Court pick Samuel Alito a move that would make these events seem liek the opening fireworks in a much nastier battle .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: the president 's latest Supreme Court pick Samuel Alito | ARG-M-ADV: a move that would make these events seem liek the opening fireworks in a much nastier battle "SRL for [decried]: Supportive callers [decried] unfair testing , not Mrs. Yeargin , on a local radio talk show on which she appeared .","ARG-0: Supportive callers | ARG-1: unfair testing , not Mrs. Yeargin | ARG-M-LOC: on a local radio talk show on which she appeared" "SRL for [shouted]: Some 34,320 fans jammed the stands , and [shouted] at the top of their lungs .","ARG-0: Some 34,320 fans | ARG-M-MNR: at the top of their lungs" "SRL for [salvaged]: In Hsia 's hands , all sorts of discarded objects , from sewing machines to camera lenses , are [salvaged] and put to good use .","ARG-M-LOC: In Hsia 's hands | ARG-1: all sorts of discarded objects , from sewing machines to camera lenses" "SRL for [annoyed]: The stepped - up administration warnings [annoyed] some lawmakers , especially senior Republicans who supported the bill because they thought the Transportation Department favored it .","ARG-0: The stepped - up administration warnings | ARG-1: some lawmakers , especially senior Republicans who supported the bill because they thought the Transportation Department favored it" SRL for [finance]: It said it will also offer buyers the option of [finance] as low as 6.9 % on 24 - month loans .,ARG-3: as low as 6.9 % | ARG-1: on 24 - month loans SRL for [IM]: I 'll [IM] u some fish & chips from Galway ; --RRB-,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-2: u | ARG-1: some fish & chips from Galway SRL for [ripple]: Good old fashioned pandemics spread like a stone 's [ripple] in the water .,ARG-0: a stone 's | ARG-1: in the water SRL for [deep]: 50 feet is [deep] for a swimming pool .,ARG-3: 50 feet | ARG-5: for a swimming pool "SRL for [traces]: He [traces] his ancestry to Guangdong and affirms that his decision to set up in mainland China "" involves ethnic pride . """,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his ancestry | ARG-2: to Guangdong SRL for [powdered]: Eugene put a spoonful of [powdered] coffee into his cup and then filled it with hot water .,ARG-1: coffee "SRL for [quadrangulated]: Repeating this argument once more , we can show that P4 also has an even number of edges , and therefore it can be [quadrangulated] .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: it SRL for [stay over]: % um The sixteenth you 'd have to [stay over] in Boston anyway % uh if you did that .,ARG-1: you | ARG-2: in Boston | ARG-M-ADV: anyway "SRL for [topped]: Washington , D.C. , [topped] the competitive slate yesterday with a sale of $ 200 million of general obligation tax revenue anticipation notes .","ARG-0: Washington , D.C. | ARG-1: the competitive slate | ARG-2: with a sale of $ 200 million of general obligation tax revenue anticipation notes" SRL for [break away]: He wished to [break away] from the all - pervasive practice of reporting aboriginal affairs from a purely Han Chinese perspective ...,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: from the all - pervasive practice of reporting aboriginal affairs from a purely Han Chinese perspective "SRL for [majoring]: He says he has quit the business and is back in school , [majoring] in psychology with aspirations to go into industrial psychology . )",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: in psychology | ARG-M-ADV: with aspirations to go into industrial psychology SRL for [tipped over]: Pop art [tipped over] .,ARG-0: Pop art | ARG-1: it SRL for [haboob]: A 57 mph [haboob] tore through the north side .,ARG-2: 57 mph "SRL for [garlanded]: As leaders of various groups arrived , they [garlanded] a deity of Srila Prabhupada placed at one end of the courtyard .",ARG-M-TMP: As leaders of various groups arrived | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: a deity of Srila Prabhupada placed at one end of the courtyard "SRL for [late]: I was scared ; I had already almost passed the bend , but I saw the large front of a car rushing toward me , and by then it was too [late] to avoid it , so I turned the steering - wheel to the right , and in the end there was no frontal impact .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: by then | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to avoid it SRL for [buzzing]: The advertising industry is [buzzing] with rumors that Kentucky Fried Chicken willdrop Young & Rubicam and seek a new ad agency .,ARG-0: The advertising industry | ARG-1: with rumors that Kentucky Fried Chicken willdrop Young & Rubicam and seek a new ad agency "SRL for [kowtow]: The Orwellian `` New World Information Order '' would give government officials rights against the press ; journalists would be obliged to [kowtow] to their government , which would have licensing and censorship powers and , indeed , duties to block printing of `` wrong '' ideas .","ARG-0: journalists | ARG-1: to their government , which would have licensing and censorship powers and , indeed , duties to block printing of `` wrong '' ideas" SRL for [revascularize]: This is a new grafting technique to [revascularize] the heart following cardiac surgery .,ARG-1: the heart SRL for [iconic]: And what you think contributes to a film being [iconic] in general ? soundtrack ? filming style ? use of certain actors ?,ARG-1: a film | ARG-M-ADV: in general SRL for [nasty]: The garlic ice cream is [nasty] !,ARG-0: The garlic ice cream SRL for [being]: George 's [being] a brat ruined the field trip for everybody .,ARG-1: George 's | ARG-2: a brat SRL for [breath]: He catches his [breath],ARG-0: his SRL for [uncontrolled]: Blood pressure was [uncontrolled],ARG-1: Blood pressure "SRL for [woman]: A labor chief speaks sardonically of having to "" man and [woman] "" Election Day phones .",ARG-0: A labor chief | ARG-1: Election Day phones "SRL for [broke through]: Kool Aid Man [broke through] plaster , wood fences , brick and even cement walls in commercials throughout the decades .","ARG-0: Kool Aid Man | ARG-1: plaster , wood fences , brick and even cement walls | ARG-M-LOC: in commercials | ARG-M-TMP: throughout the decades" SRL for [bald]: The man was [bald] and appeared to have no neck .,ARG-1: The man SRL for [fixate]: Let 's [fixate] the picture to the frame .,ARG-0: 's | ARG-1: the picture | ARG-2: to the frame SRL for [immunoprecipitated]: We [immunoprecipitated] with an anti - EGFP antibody and found that dFmrl is also post - translationally methylated ( Fig . 3B ) .,ARG-0: We | ARG-3: an anti - EGFP antibody SRL for [admitting]: Do the mavs want Josh Howard gone because of his [admitting] that he smokes weed in the off - season ?,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that he smokes weed in the off - season SRL for [other]: A comprehensive review of systems is negative [other] than symptoms in the history of present illness .,ARG-1: A comprehensive review of systems | ARG-2: than symptoms in the history of present illness SRL for [color]: Officials from both nations say the U.S. public 's skittishness about Japanese investment could [color] a second round of bilateral economic talks scheduled for next week in Washington .,ARG-0: the U.S. public 's skittishness about Japanese investment | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: a second round of bilateral economic talks scheduled for next week in Washington SRL for [eradication]: The idea behind using octopamine analogues to augment the biological control is that natural enemies will be more effective in their [eradication] of the pests .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the pests SRL for [settled]: ... a $ 750 million antitrust suit which could be [settled] for one - third that amount .,ARG-1: a $ 750 million antitrust suit | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-3: for one - third that amount | R-ARG-1: which "SRL for [crippled]: But a Soviet bank here would be [crippled] unless Moscow found a way to settle the $ 188 million debt , which was lent to the country 's short - lived democratic Kerensky government before the Communists seized power in 1917 .","ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: a Soviet bank | ARG-M-ADV: unless Moscow found a way to settle the $ 188 million debt , which was lent to the country 's short - lived democratic Kerensky government before the Communists seized power in 1917" "SRL for [operating]: In a related matter , Peter Black , president of consumer brand Minwax , was named group vice president for the household products [operating] group .",ARG-2: household products | ARG-0: group "SRL for [stable]: In Gainesville on Monday , the average price for a gallon of regular gasoline was [stable] at about $ 3.55 , according to .",ARG-M-LOC: In Gainesville | ARG-M-TMP: on Monday | ARG-1: the average price for a gallon of regular gasoline | ARG-2: at about $ 3.55 | ARG-M-ADV: according to SRL for [court - martialed]: Billy Mitchell was later [court - martialed] for insubordination .,ARG-1: Billy Mitchell | ARG-M-TMP: later | ARG-2: for insubordination "SRL for [understaffing]: In some cases the result is because of [understaffing] , in some cases the staff just does n't care / know better .", "SRL for [extreme]: By 1955 standards , the film was [extreme] in its depiction of certain sadistic acts .",ARG-M-ADV: By 1955 standards | ARG-1: the film | ARG-2: in its depiction of certain sadistic acts "SRL for [write off]: Ferranti has said that it would be forced to [write off] # 185 million against the phantom contracts , reducing its net asset value by more than half .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: # 185 million | ARG-2: against the phantom contracts | ARG-M-ADV: reducing its net asset value by more than half "SRL for [constructive]: he was n't selfish , was n't irresponsible , was [constructive] of community and family , even if it put himself in danger .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: of community and family SRL for [thought]: The [thought] that we could just do what needs to be done to make it happen never passes their lips .,ARG-1: that we could just do what needs to be done to make it happen "SRL for [come off]: He 's put a fresh spin on material that could [come off] terribly cliched ; for example , the way Susie wows an audience the first time she sings with the Baker Boys .",ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-2: terribly cliched SRL for [encouragement]: It just gives gentle [encouragement] to put his head down and round the back .,ARG-2: to put his head down and round the back SRL for [blighted]: Apart from the problem of accommodation which [blighted] KoChing - hua 's childhood .,R-ARG-2: which | ARG-2: accommodation | ARG-1: KoChing - hua 's childhood SRL for [classes]: Her recent report [classes] the stock as a `` hold . '',ARG-0: Her recent report | ARG-1: the stock | ARG-2: as a `` hold SRL for [up]: Patient is [up] after his operation .,ARG-1: Patient | ARG-M-TMP: after his operation SRL for [hold up]: Nothing was going to [hold up] the long - delayed settlement of Britton vs. Thomasini .,ARG-0: Nothing | ARG-1: the long - delayed settlement of Britton vs. Thomasini SRL for [holocaust]: The Yad Vashem memorial remembering young victims of Nazi Germany 's [holocaust] of the Jews .,ARG-0: Nazi Germany 's | ARG-1: of the Jews "SRL for [striving]: But in his [striving] to overcome his victim , we see his cowardice again .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to overcome his victim "SRL for [dropping]: And , if a diver at a greater depth is not neutrally buoyant , his [dropping] a weight belt may not lead to his ascent .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a weight belt SRL for [run]: prevent Martin Ackerman from making a [run] at the computer - services concern,ARG-0: Martin Ackerman | ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-1: at the computer - services concern SRL for [release]: Sony 's long - awaited [release] of it 's latest video game,ARG-0: Sony 's | ARG-M-ADJ: long - awaited | ARG-1: of it 's latest video game SRL for [kneeling]: ... their exquisitely graceful nude and draped torsos and the [kneeling] Atlantes are well preserved in their perfect proportions .,ARG-0: Atlantes SRL for [sweep]: the Yankees ' pitching was even more dominant in their [sweep] of the powerful Texas Rangers .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the powerful Texas Rangers SRL for [correct]: You 're from the UK and England so in my opinion which ever one you choose to identify yourself as you are [correct] .,ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-M-ADV: in my opinion | ARG-M-ADV: which ever one you choose to identify yourself as | ARG-1: You "SRL for [wedding]: Because of the vividness and dramatic character of Hakuin 's religious experiences , and his [wedding] of the twin Buddhist virtues of wisdom and compassion ...",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the twin Buddhist virtues of wisdom and compassion SRL for [hurtful]: it s bloody [hurtful] and hard,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-DIS: bloody SRL for [washed down]: John [washed down] two aspirin with a glass of milk .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: two aspirin | ARG-2: with a glass of milk "SRL for [discolored]: In one personal - injury case , a woman claimed she had been injured when she slipped in a pool , but the fall did n't explain why [one of her arms]-2 was [discolored] [*-2] [*-5] bluish [*T*-4] .",ARG-M-CAU: why SRL for [murder]: first degree [murder],ARG-M-MNR: first degree SRL for [repented]: But you have not [repented] to her for breaking your word .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: to her | ARG-1: for breaking your word SRL for [look]: Bush administration officials [look] to the Fed to bring down rates .,ARG-0: Bush administration officials | ARG-1: to the Fed | ARG-2: to bring down rates "SRL for [farms]: He [farms] 12 acres in Grabowiec , two miles from the Soviet border in one of Poland 's poorest places .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: 12 acres in Grabowiec , two miles from the Soviet border in one of Poland 's poorest places" "SRL for [routed]: Afterwards , we did beat the North Koreans until ChiComs [routed] us at the Battle of Turtle 's head and the Battle at Camel 's head",ARG-0: ChiComs | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: at the Battle of Turtle 's head and the Battle at Camel 's head SRL for [Lightened Up]: I 've [Lightened Up] On The Subject Of Dress Code .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: On The Subject Of Dress Code "SRL for [dominion]: Nevertheless , many popular teachers assert that God lost his [dominion] over the Earth to Satan .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: dominion over the Earth "SRL for [tip]: Remember , this is not a civil action , which would simply be a [tip] of the scales to either side .",ARG-1: of the scales | ARG-2: to either side SRL for [mischaracterize]: I think it would be a mistake to [mischaracterize] him simply as a tough or a tough guy or a bully .,ARG-1: him | ARG-2: simply as a tough or a tough guy or a bully SRL for [commoditization]: i think this issue is only valuable for the purposes of supporting [commoditization] of CO2 .,ARG-1: of CO2 "SRL for [hacking]: News International has agreed to admit , in selected cases , liability for phone [hacking] .",ARG-1: phone "SRL for [excepted]: An admission fee is charged , but children are [excepted] .",ARG-1: children "SRL for [participating]: `` There are too many people [participating] , '' says Al Ries , of Trout & Ries , a Greenwich , Conn. , marketing consulting firm .",ARG-0: too many people SRL for [effaced]: Anna deliberately [effaced] herself and played to the dramatic Molly .,ARG-0: Anna | ARG-M-MNR: deliberately | ARG-1: herself SRL for [favors]: She [favors] her Aunt Margret,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: her Aunt Margret SRL for [apparent]: No microcalcifications [apparent] to me at this time .,ARG-1: No microcalcifications | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-TMP: at this time SRL for [poking]: VISUALIZING BLOOD vessels without [poking] catheters into the body may come out of research at AT & T Bell Laboratories .,ARG-2: catheters | ARG-1: into the body "SRL for [strike]: Collahuasi copper mine in northern Chile is operating "" normally "" as a workers ' [strike] over pay entered its third day",ARG-0: workers | ARG-M-CAU: over pay "SRL for [excuse]: Courts have ruled that taxpayers must submit to TCMP audits , but the IRS will [excuse] from the fullscale rigors anyone who was audited without change for either 1986 or 1987 .",ARG-0: the IRS | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: from the fullscale rigors | ARG-1: anyone who was audited without change for either 1986 or 1987 SRL for [predictions]: Analysts ' [predictions] of about $ 1.4 a share for the quarter ...,ARG-0: Analysts ' | ARG-1: of about $ 1.4 a share | ARG-M-TMP: for the quarter SRL for [logarithmic]: Gustav Fechner developed what is now called the Weber – Fechner law4 . It states that perceived intensity P is [logarithmic] to the stimulus intensity S ( above a minimal threshold of perception S0 ) – see box .,ARG-1: perceived intensity P | ARG-3: to the stimulus intensity S | ARG-M-ADV: ( above a minimal threshold of perception S0 ) SRL for [lightning]: It 's [lightning] right now !,ARG-M-TMP: right now "SRL for [inured]: Fast - forward to today 's G.I. : [inured] to violence by a lifetime of ultra - violent "" Kill Bill "" movies ...","ARG-1: today 's G.I. | ARG-2: to violence | ARG-0: by a lifetime of ultra - violent "" Kill Bill "" movies" "SRL for [dredged]: The flood - prone Linpien River has been dyked and [dredged] since the Japanese colonial era , but the bare concrete embankments never did much for the scenery .",ARG-1: The flood - prone Linpien River | ARG-M-TMP: since the Japanese colonial era SRL for [prohibits]: Islamist candidates run as independents because Egyptian law [prohibits] political parties based on religion .,ARG-0: Egyptian law | ARG-1: political parties based on religion "SRL for [whiffing]: Crane made two fouls , and then sent Chipper into real convulsions by [whiffing] at a high one .",ARG-1: Crane | ARG-2: at a high one "SRL for [overemphasize]: `` One can hardly [overemphasize] the importance of her rear end , '' Ms. Rose writes .",ARG-0: One | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-DIS: hardly | ARG-1: the importance of her rear end SRL for [came to blows]: Buddhists at retreat [came to blows] over cup of tea .,ARG-0: Buddhists at retreat | ARG-2: over cup of tea "SRL for [walked]: When Mr. Jacobson [walked] into the office at 7:30 a.m. EDT , he announced : `` OK , buckle up . ''",ARG-0: Mr. Jacobson | ARG-M-GOL: into the office | ARG-M-TMP: at 7:30 a.m. EDT "SRL for [migrate]: Much of the 800 service will `` [migrate] to 900 , '' predicts Jack Lawless , general manager of US Sprint 's 900 product .",ARG-0: Much of the 800 service | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: to 900 SRL for [mated]: Gardner then disconnected the A - frame carriage mount from the bay floor and [mated] it to the ring on the base of the satellite .,ARG-0: Gardner | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to the ring on the base of the satellite SRL for [aeration]: Lung [aeration] - good .,ARG-0: Lung "SRL for [dressing]: `` For women , [dressing] for success in a real structured way is over . ''",ARG-0: women | ARG-M-PNC: for success | ARG-M-MNR: in a real structured way "SRL for [mobile]: fingers and thumb warm , pink , [mobile] and sensate , mildly TTP at distal radius fracture site with palmar and wrist bruising resolved .",ARG-1: fingers and thumb SRL for [speaking]: We need to stay in the presence of God until He has finished His [speaking] to us .,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: to us SRL for [attacking]: And they continue anonymously [attacking] CIA Director William Webster for being too accommodating to the committee .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MNR: anonymously | ARG-1: CIA Director William Webster | ARG-M-CAU: for being too accommodating to the committee "SRL for [lobbied]: Ford , which already has an unwelcome 13.2 % holding , is prepared to bid for the entire company and had [lobbied] the government to lift the takeover restrictions early .","ARG-0: Ford , which already has an unwelcome 13.2 % holding | ARG-2: the government | ARG-1: to lift the takeover restrictions early" "SRL for [recombination]: This physical separation of different chromosomes is important for the ability of DNA to function as a stable repository for information , as one of the few times chromosomes interact is in chromosomal crossover which occurs during sexual reproduction , when genetic [recombination] occurs .",ARG-4: genetic "SRL for [soliciting]: After Mr. Ackerman announced he was [soliciting] consents from shareholders in order to wrest control of Datapoint from Mr. Edelman , the corporate raider purchased 30 % of Datapoint 's shares .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: consents | ARG-2: from shareholders | ARG-M-PRP: in order to wrest control of Datapoint from Mr. Edelman SRL for [Inflation]: [Inflation] of the balloon to different volumes,ARG-1: of the balloon | ARG-4: to different volumes "SRL for [code]: Pinpoint Information Corp. , Chantilly , Va. , a producer of $ 1,800 - a - year personalized newsletters about the computer industry that started full operation last month , relies on 12 human readers to [code] news releases by topic in order to select items for each subscriber .",ARG-0: 12 human readers | ARG-1: news releases | ARG-M-MNR: by topic "SRL for [renamed]: The unit will be [renamed] Comair Aviation Academy and will continue to be headed by Scott Williams , a son of its founder , Comair said .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: The unit | ARG-2: Comair Aviation Academy "SRL for [pre - signed]: The posters were printed on paper [pre - signed] by Mr. Dali , the attorneys said .",ARG-1: paper | ARG-0: by Mr. Dali "SRL for [dove]: Yesterday , even before the resignations were announced , the index [dove] 32.5 points to close at 2129.4 .",ARG-M-TMP: Yesterday | ARG-M-TMP: even before the resignations were announced | ARG-1: the index | ARG-2: 32.5 points | ARG-M-ADV: to close at 2129.4 "SRL for [recommended]: ... at the brokerage firm of Salomon Brothers Inc. , which had [recommended] the stock as a good buy .",ARG-0: Salomon Brothers Inc. | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: the stock | ARG-3: as a good buy SRL for [impediments]: budget [impediments],ARG-1: budget "SRL for [plumped]: One - third of the fresh chicken sold in the U.S. is [plumped] with water , salt and carrageenan .","ARG-1: One - third of the fresh chicken sold in the U.S. | ARG-2: with water , salt and carrageenan" "SRL for [discrimination]: In this review , as also in his notice of Bird 's sequel to Calavar , The Infidel , Poe showed his [discrimination] in praising judiciously the early work of a writer who is only recently beginning to be appreciated .",ARG-0: his "SRL for [dig up]: Police suspect that the criminals , who [dig up] the plants in the dead of night , are selling them to nurseries or landscapers .",ARG-0: the criminals | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: the plants | ARG-M-TMP: in the dead of night SRL for [quantitated]: They [quantitated] the plasma MtH levels in various psychological states .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the plasma MtH levels | ARG-M-LOC: in various psychological states SRL for [bathing]: The nurse continued his [bathing] of the patient 's wounds .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the patient 's wounds "SRL for [bare]: My cupboard is totally [bare] , I have to go to the grocery",ARG-1: My cupboard | ARG-M-EXT: totally SRL for [garbed]: I [garbed] my distate in the mildest of rebukes .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my distate | ARG-2: in the mildest of rebukes "SRL for [grooved]: Kristen Stewart says that , though she [grooved] on playing Joan Jett , it was n't easy .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: on playing Joan Jett SRL for [rationalize]: It astounds me he can [rationalize] his self - righteous and greedy actions in Utah .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: his self - righteous and greedy actions in Utah "SRL for [believable]: Connected to this , last year India actually took some actions as to this , and these words should be [believable] . We are not wrong in analyzing it this way :",ARG-1: these words | ARG-M-MOD: should SRL for [help]: logistical [help],ARG-1: logistical "SRL for [perfuse]: However , the shape of the canal is such that different parts will [perfuse] with alcohol quicker than others .",ARG-1: different parts | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: with alcohol | ARG-M-MNR: quicker than others SRL for [rounded]: The abdomen is [rounded] and soft .,ARG-1: The abdomen SRL for [keep]: Growers ca n't always [keep] the worm from the apple .,ARG-0: Growers | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-1: the worm | ARG-2: from the apple "SRL for [on hand]: Once or twice a week , Kinser likes to spiral - cut veggies to have them [on hand] for quick meals , the cut - ahead veggies stored airtight in the refrigerator .",ARG-1: Kinser | ARG-2: them | ARG-3: for quick meals "SRL for [explain]: He predicted the debt will be reduced by another A$ 3.8 billion this fiscal year ending June 30 , 1990 , but did n't [explain] how this will be achieved .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: how this will be achieved SRL for [scarce]: Yet the international bee convention was [scarce] of bees .,ARG-M-DIS: Yet | ARG-0: the international bee convention | ARG-1: of bees "SRL for [bunched up]: Most new saloons were small and the bars short , accommodating with difficulty the many [bunched up] , in ranks , if you will , calling for whiskey .",ARG-1: the many | ARG-2: in ranks | ARG-M-ADV: if you will | ARG-M-PRD: calling for whiskey SRL for [houses]: Lloyd 's vast trading hall [houses] a warren of well - polished desks .,ARG-2: Lloyd 's vast trading hall | ARG-1: a warren of well - polished desks "SRL for [Come on]: [Come on] , now .",ARG-M-TMP: now "SRL for [fit in]: In order to [fit in] with China 's Buddhists , he shaved his own head",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: with China 's Buddhists SRL for [zipped up]: Jaime [zipped up] his sleeping bag right before getting eaten by a bear .,ARG-0: Jaime | ARG-1: his sleeping bag | ARG-M-TMP: right before getting eaten by a bear SRL for [unground]: Out ice loss estimate of 0.3 m yr would take 130 years to [unground] Bawden entirely .,ARG-1: Bawden | ARG-M-EXT: entirely "SRL for [pollute]: At the same time , moves toward tighter air - quality standards are spurring interest in lighter or alternative fuels that do n't [pollute] as much as fuel refined from `` heavy '' crudes , generally high in sulfur .","ARG-0: lighter or alternative fuels | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: as much as fuel refined from `` heavy '' crudes , generally high in sulfur" SRL for [picketing]: ... laid - off workers taking extreme measures of protest such as lying down on railroad tracks and [picketing] factories .,ARG-0: laid - off workers | ARG-1: factories SRL for [sold]: A more recent novel has [sold] more than 4 million copies .,ARG-1: A more recent novel | ARG-M-EXT: more than 4 million copies SRL for [planked]: They [planked] the floor with second - hand lumber in an effort to finish the job quickly .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the floor | ARG-2: with second - hand lumber | ARG-M-PRP: in an effort to finish the job quickly SRL for [barrage]: A [barrage] of headline negatives in recent weeks,ARG-1: of headline negatives | ARG-M-TMP: in recent weeks "SRL for [interview]: In an [interview] with CNN , Borislav Milosevic accused Western nations",ARG-0: with CNN SRL for [replied]: This happened to be recently [replied] to when I checked in just now .,ARG-1: This | C-ARG-1: to | ARG-M-TMP: recently "SRL for [contracted]: In 1987 , the Presidents Commission of the NCAA , which oversees most U.S. intercollegiate sports , [contracted] with the Washington - based American Institutes for Research to do a survey on the college experiences of what the body chooses to call student - athletes .","ARG-M-TMP: In 1987 | ARG-0: the Presidents Commission of the NCAA , which oversees most U.S. intercollegiate sports | ARG-2: with the Washington - based American Institutes for Research | ARG-1: to do a survey on the college experiences of what the body chooses to call student - athletes" SRL for [dislocated]: My shoulder [dislocated] during a softball game in 2008,ARG-1: My shoulder | ARG-M-TMP: during a softball game in 2008 "SRL for [gobbled]: John [gobbled] , oinked , neighed , and did whatever gnu do .",ARG-0: John "SRL for [lessening]: However , the junk - bond market has collapsed in recent weeks , [lessening] the likelihood that such a transaction would succeed .",ARG-0: the junk - bond market has collapsed in recent weeks | ARG-1: the likelihood that such a transaction would succeed SRL for [tried]: The case was n't [tried] in court .,ARG-1: The case | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LOC: in court "SRL for [brayed]: Parting immediately , according to agreement , it fell out that they both [brayed] at the same instant , and each of them , deceived by the braying , ran to seek the other , thinking he had found the ass .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-ADV: both | ARG-M-TMP: at the same instant "SRL for [synergizes]: In contrast , IL-1 , which activates only the NF - IL6 pathway , [synergizes] with heat shock to produce strong activation of hsp90 .","ARG-0: IL-1 , which activates only the NF - IL6 pathway | ARG-1: with heat shock | ARG-2: to produce strong activation of hsp90" "SRL for [live]: I have learned the secret of how to [live] through any kind of situation -- when I have enough to eat or when I am hungry , when I have everything I need or when I have nothing .","ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: how | ARG-1: through any kind of situation -- when I have enough to eat or when I am hungry , when I have everything I need or when I have nothing" "SRL for [crunched]: At 10:33 , when the S & P 500 December futures contract [crunched] to a 12 - point loss under the force of sell programs , S & P futures trading was halted and program trades on the Big Board were routed into a special computer that scans for order imbalances .",ARG-1: the S & P 500 December futures contract | ARG-2: to a 12 - point loss | ARG-M-ADV: under the force of sell programs | ARG-M-TMP: 10:33 | R-ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [changing of hands]: The border ’s [changing of hands] between England and Scotland caused confusion,ARG-1: The border ’s | ARG-2: between England and Scotland "SRL for [fine]: I have sent your letter to Barbes ; it is [fine] and splendid , as you are .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-ADV: as you are "SRL for [parties]: committing sexual sin , being morally bad , doing all kinds of shameful things , worshiping false gods , taking part in witchcraft , hating people , causing trouble , being jealous , angry or selfish , causing people to argue and divide into separate groups , being filled with envy , getting drunk , having wild [parties] , and doing other things like this .",ARG-M-LVB: having | ARG-M-MNR: wild "SRL for [refitting]: But it is Mr. Lane , as movie director , producer and writer , who has been obsessed with [refitting] Chaplin 's Little Tramp in a contemporary way .","ARG-0: Mr. Lane , as movie director , producer and writer | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: Chaplin 's Little Tramp | ARG-M-MNR: in a contemporary way" SRL for [spinning off]: Then Sprint announced their [spinning off] at least a portion of their WiMAX infrastructure into a new company called Clearwire .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: at least a portion of their WiMAX infrastructure | ARG-4: into a new company called Clearwire "SRL for [establishment]: the [establishment] of "" refugee camps "" at Guantanamo by the US","ARG-1: of "" refugee camps "" | ARG-M-LOC: at Guantanamo | ARG-0: by the US" "SRL for [due]: I am [due] him a debt of gratitude for his valuable information , both verbal and clinical .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: a debt of gratitude | ARG-M-CAU: for his valuable information , both verbal and clinical" SRL for [out turn]: Will the last ones [out turn] out the lights on your way to North Carolina ?,ARG-M-MOD: Will | ARG-0: the last ones out `` free market '' Virginia | ARG-M-DIS: please | ARG-1: the lights | ARG-M-TMP: on your way to North Carolina "SRL for [consumed]: While the vast bulk of it was indeed spent by reputable organizations on the good works it was raised for , it 's equally true that a sizable hunk was [consumed] in `` expenses '' claimed by other operators , including fraudulent expenses .","ARG-1: a sizable hunk | ARG-0: in `` expenses '' claimed by other operators , including fraudulent expenses" SRL for [operates]: The Tower family [operates] as a central hub in a network of computers,ARG-1: The Tower family | ARG-3: as a central hub | ARG-M-LOC: in a network of computers SRL for [Atonement]: The only way it can change is through the [Atonement] of Jesus Christ .,ARG-0: of Jesus Christ SRL for [standing up]: I mean I think it 's valid for you to yell at him for [standing up] and stuff .,ARG-0: him | ARG-1: you guys SRL for [welcomed]: Investors [welcomed] the move .,ARG-0: Investors | ARG-1: the move SRL for [subsided]: Share turnover [subsided] to 161.5 million .,ARG-1: Share turnover | ARG-2: to 161.5 million SRL for [shirred]: I [shirred] the fabric adjacent to the edge .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the fabric adjacent to the edge SRL for [mottled]: Lividity has [mottled] the skin with purple and black bruising .,ARG-0: Lividity | ARG-1: the skin | ARG-2: with purple and black bruising SRL for [development]: the [development] of a product for a customer,ARG-1: of a product | ARG-3: for a customer SRL for [radiographs]: Did your vet take [radiographs] ?,ARG-0: your vet | ARG-M-LVB: take SRL for [qualified]: Taxpayers should have the final say in deciding whether a government employee is [qualified] or not !,ARG-1: a government employee SRL for [buffaloed]: A client who says Hendriks [buffaloed] him into providing cover for an armored car robbery in 1967,ARG-0: Hendriks | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: into providing cover for an armored car robbery | ARG-M-TMP: in 1967 SRL for [bad]: Bug juice is [bad] for you .,ARG-1: Bug juice | ARG-2: for you SRL for [thrummed]: He [thrummed] his fingers on the table .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his fingers | ARG-2: on the table SRL for [Unresolving]: [Unresolving] mild swelling,ARG-1: mild swelling SRL for [Africanize]: An example like the above is a successful attempt to [Africanize] the local curriculum .,ARG-1: the local curriculum SRL for [rally]: A Nader [rally] in Madison Square Garden,ARG-2: Nader | ARG-M-LOC: in Madison Square Garden "SRL for [quirking]: Here , too , she talked low , [quirking] her head at one or another of the places , most often at Izaak 's armchair which faced her across the long table .","ARG-1: her head | ARG-2: at one or another of the places , most often at Izaak 's armchair which faced her across the long table | ARG-0: she" SRL for [guarantees]: loan [guarantees] for the Overseas Private Investment Corp.,ARG-1: loan | ARG-2: for the Overseas Private Investment Corp. SRL for [input]: the [input] of registered capital of privately owned enterprises,ARG-1: of registered capital of privately owned enterprises "SRL for [bookmarked]: A cup of coffee In hand he slips in his comfy chair geared up with reading glasses , and a book , [bookmarked] at page 30 .",ARG-3: at page 30 SRL for [bearded]: He was [bearded] .,ARG-1: He "SRL for [cornered]: President Hosni Mubarak 's ruling party now controls at least 127 of the 444 parliamentary seats , the Muslim Brotherhood has won six , legal opposition parties control four and other independent candidates have [cornered] 29 , but these numbers are subject to change as some independent winners pledged their loyalty to President Mubarak 's party .",ARG-0: other independent candidates | ARG-1: 29 SRL for [point]: Trading is expected to remain subdued as the market awaits tomorrow 's release of the jobs data with the hope that it will [point] toward a decline in interest rates .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: toward a decline in interest rates "SRL for [incarnation]: What I do n't recall is anything , legal or otherwise , that was ever built right in its first [incarnation] .",ARG-1: its | ARG-M-TMP: first "SRL for [uttering]: Congress learned during the Reagan administration that it could intimidate the executive branch by [uttering] again and again the same seven words : `` Provided , that no funds shall be spent ... . ''","ARG-0: Congress | ARG-M-TMP: again and again | ARG-1: the same seven words : `` Provided , that no funds shall be spent" SRL for [messed up]: Our distribution of aid is really [messed up] tbh .,ARG-1: Our distribution of aid | ARG-M-EXT: really | ARG-M-ADV: tbh SRL for [sniggered]: It spread to most of the audience and was often viewed by visiting whites who [sniggered] behind handkerchief and afterward discussed Negroreligion .,ARG-0: visiting whites | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-LOC: behind handkerchief SRL for [hawking]: But Mr. Steidtmann predicts that healthy stores [hawking] mostly apparel could ring up gains of as much as 25 % to 30 % .,ARG-0: healthy stores | ARG-1: mostly apparel SRL for [skyrocketed]: I also just read that the drug trafficking trade has [skyrocketed] 50 % in the last two years in the Denver area .,ARG-1: the drug trafficking trade | ARG-2: 50 % | ARG-M-TMP: in the last two years | ARG-M-LOC: in the Denver area "SRL for [profiled]: Her husband and older son -- a computer prodigy [profiled] in The Wall Street Journal in 1981 , when he was 13 -- run a software company with expected sales this year of $ 10 million .",ARG-1: a computer prodigy | ARG-M-LOC: in The Wall Street Journal | ARG-M-TMP: in 1981 | ARG-M-TMP: when he was 13 "SRL for [muffled]: No one speaks , and the snaking of the ropes seems to make as much sound as the bells themselves , [muffled] by the ceiling .",ARG-1: the bells themselves | ARG-2: by the ceiling SRL for [Pimped Out]: Wall Street Investor 's Wife Steps Forward With Claims He [Pimped Out] In Business Exchanges .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: Her | ARG-M-LOC: In Business Exchanges "SRL for [expulsion]: For decades there has been a continuing effort by Israelis to cover up their [expulsion] of the 750,000 refugees who fled their homes during the 1948 war .","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the 750,000 refugees who fled their homes during the 1948 war" SRL for [will bid]: Paribas [will bid] to boost its stake in Navigation Mixte,ARG-0: Paribas | ARG-M-PNC: to boost its stake in Navigation Mixte SRL for [organized]: The Bootcamp was well [organized] and structured .,ARG-1: The Bootcamp | ARG-M-MNR: well SRL for [left of center]: Why is there no major political party in the United States that is [left of center] on economic issues and right of center on social issues ?,ARG-1: that | ARG-2: on economic issues "SRL for [detained]: In 1960 , for example , when Mr. Noriega was both a cadet at an elite military academy in Peru and a spy - in - training for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency , he was [detained] by Lima authorities for allegedly raping and savagely beating a prostitute , according to a U.S. Embassy cable from that period .",ARG-M-TMP: In 1960 | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-M-TMP: when Mr. Noriega was both a cadet at an elite military academy in Peru and a spy - in - training for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency | ARG-1: he | ARG-0: Lima authorities | ARG-2: for allegedly raping and savagely beating a prostitute "SRL for [conversation]: I was engrossed in a french [conversation] about Sarkozy , Dominique StraussKahn .","ARG-M-MNR: french | ARG-1: about Sarkozy , Dominique StraussKahn" "SRL for [lure]: United paid him a $ 375,000 bonus to [lure] him away from American Airlines .",ARG-0: United | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: away from American Airlines SRL for [implicate]: The conversation was taped by federal investigators in what Mr. Lang said was an effort to get Mr. Lorin to [implicate] Mr. Laff .,ARG-0: Mr. Lorin | ARG-1: Mr. Laff SRL for [teased]: Mary [teased] the truth from the mass of John 's lies and half - truths .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the truth | ARG-2: from the mass of John 's lies and half - truths "SRL for [introverted]: However , I knew it would take me some time to adjust , because I have always been very [introverted] , and shy and especially anxious and all the rest of it .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [dousing]: He tried using deliberately crumpled paper to produce a mottled effect with the ink , and worked on a blurring effect , achieved by briefly [dousing] a freshly painted silk scroll in water .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: briefly | ARG-1: a freshly painted silk scroll | ARG-2: in water "SRL for [equivalency]: CAD [equivalency] with hyperlipidemia , hypertension , and dysmetabolic syndrome","ARG-1: CAD | ARG-2: with hyperlipidemia , hypertension , and dysmetabolic syndrome" SRL for [grow]: We expect it to [grow] into something specific .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: into something specific SRL for [solitary]: She is [solitary] in nature .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-ADV: in nature "SRL for [great]: They 're not good , they 're [great] !",ARG-1: they SRL for [pissed]: I dealt with my wedding stress like any reasonable person ....... by getting completely [pissed] on champagne and making my new husband go get me a cheeseburger at 1 am ...,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-2: on champagne "SRL for [selected]: Sterling , which estimated the value of the contract at $ 150 million , said NASA [selected] another bidder for final negotiations .",ARG-0: NASA | ARG-1: another bidder | ARG-3: for final negotiations SRL for [u - turn]: the van 's [u - turn] at about seven thirty PM at the place Imette 's body was found,ARG-1: the van 's | ARG-M-TMP: at about seven thirty | ARG-M-LOC: at the place Imette 's body was found "SRL for [prospecting]: An official from China 's Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation , when being interviewed recently by a reporter from this news agency , said that China will further accelerate [prospecting] and development natural gas resources of the Sichuan Basin to increase backup reserves and output , and is preparing to fully utilize natural gas resources , and to develop the natural gas and chemical industry .",ARG-1: natural gas resources of the Sichuan Basin | ARG-0: China SRL for [get]: They [get] big studios to bankroll and distribute the films .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: big studios to bankroll and distribute the films SRL for [poked]: Another [poked] a hole in the heel of his shoe .,ARG-0: Another | ARG-1: a hole | ARG-M-LOC: in the heel of his shoe SRL for [trimmed down]: Will other workers feel like perhaps their wages are going to be perhaps either [trimmed down] or worse as they allude to in this document ?,ARG-M-ADV: perhaps | ARG-1: their wages "SRL for [undo]: Despite warnings from such leaders as former Federal Reserve Board Chairman William McChesney Martin that unfixed commissions would [undo] the industry , the SEC in September 1973 said full competition must start May l , 1975 .",ARG-0: unfixed commissions | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the industry SRL for [race]: A good number decide it 's not worth it and [race] for home .,ARG-0: A good number | ARG-2: for home SRL for [reshaping]: ... the power that Dorrance family members intend to wield in [reshaping] the troubled food company .,ARG-0: Dorrance family members | ARG-1: the troubled food company "SRL for [advising]: `` We are [advising] a lot of our clients to make moves that make sense to them , rather than waiting until the last minute , because things have been so volatile , '' said William Sulya , head of OTC trading at A.G. Edwards and Sons in St. Louis .","ARG-0: We | ARG-1: a lot of our clients | ARG-2: to make moves that make sense to them , rather than waiting until the last minute | ARG-M-CAU: because things have been so volatile" SRL for [touched off]: A sizable supply of powder had been [touched off] .,ARG-1: A sizable supply of powder "SRL for [feuded]: But more recently , the Pentagon and the Commerce Department openly [feuded] over the extent to which Cocom should liberalize exports of personal computers to the bloc .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: more recently | ARG-0: the Pentagon and the Commerce Department | ARG-M-MNR: openly | ARG-2: over the extent to which Cocom should liberalize exports of personal computers to the bloc SRL for [hold on]: I ' m going to [hold on] .,ARG-1: I SRL for [stole away]: Bertha [stole away] underneath the floorboards .,ARG-0: Bertha | ARG-M-LOC: underneath the floorboards "SRL for [striking]: Mr. Auvil sees Fujis , in part , as [striking] a blow against the perversion of U.S. apples by supermarkets .",ARG-0: Fujis | ARG-2: a blow | ARG-1: against the perversion of U.S. apples by supermarkets SRL for [dazed]: The bright lights of the FBI interrogation room [dazed] John .,ARG-0: The bright lights of the FBI interrogation room | ARG-1: John SRL for [disgust]: Fashionista nephew expresses his [disgust] at the idea of blue salopettes .,ARG-1: his | ARG-0: at the idea of blue salopettes SRL for [bold]: The type was [bold] and approximately 68pts in height .,ARG-1: The type SRL for [drink]: The horse took a long [drink] of water at the trough .,ARG-M-TMP: long | ARG-1: of water | ARG-M-LOC: at the trough SRL for [amuse]: Better to look in the corners for performances that inspire or [amuse] .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: performances SRL for [wilted]: John [wilted] the sliced onions in oil .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the sliced onions | ARG-M-LOC: in oil SRL for [measurable]: The tumor was [measurable] by MRI,ARG-1: The tumor | ARG-M-MNR: by MRI "SRL for [swam]: The river [swam] with fish , so many you could almost walk from bank to bank and never touch the water .",ARG-1: The river | ARG-0: with fish | ARG-M-PRD: so many you could almost walk from bank to bank and never touch the water "SRL for [rerun]: If a presidential candidate loses the election , can they [rerun] in the next election ?",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: in the next election ? "SRL for [void]: By the time the horse has acquired flesh sufficient to stand training , his bowels are [void] of grass , and his belly small enough to permit freedom of respiration .",ARG-M-TMP: By the time the horse has acquired flesh sufficient to stand training | ARG-1: his bowels | ARG-2: of grass SRL for [rapped]: @CubanCashh just [rapped] me a smooth ass line .,ARG-0: @CubanCashh | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-2: me | ARG-1: a smooth ass line SRL for [reflected]: The enormous zit on John 's nose was [reflected] by the mirror .,ARG-2: The enormous zit on John 's nose | ARG-1: by the mirror SRL for [publishing]: They did do their [publishing] .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-LVB: do SRL for [swaddled]: Leigh [swaddled] the baby in blankets .,ARG-0: Leigh | ARG-1: the baby | ARG-2: in blankets SRL for [cytology]: Urine [cytology] was negative,ARG-1: Urine "SRL for [edged]: That decline was reflected in revenue for the GM Hughes unit , which [edged] down to $ 2.58 billion from $ 2.63 billion .",ARG-1: the GM Hughes unit | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-5: down | ARG-4: to $ 2.58 billion | ARG-3: from $ 2.63 billion "SRL for [concludes]: In this jeremiad , males are viewed as the "" enemy , "" and are so characterized throughout the book , which [concludes] with exhortations to engage the foe and a strident call to arms - LRB- though not men 's -RRB- .",ARG-1: the book | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: with exhortations to engage the foe and a strident call to arms - LRB- though not men 's -RRB- "SRL for [onto]: Weiner knows folks are [onto] him with their brilliant theories about how it ’ll all end for Don , but we think the finale will simply serve as another reinvention of the man himself .",ARG-0: folks | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with their brilliant theories about how it ’ll all end for Don SRL for [right]: Ostomy site is [right] of midline,ARG-1: Ostomy site | ARG-2: of midline SRL for [converstion]: Their publication [converstion] from traditional format to tabloid format .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: publication | ARG-3: from traditional format | ARG-2: to tabloid format "SRL for [connect]: Machines using the 486 are expected to challenge higher - priced work stations and minicomputers in applications such as so-called servers , which [connect] groups of computers together , and in computer - aided design .",ARG-0: so-called servers | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: groups of computers | ARG-M-MNR: together "SRL for [upbringing]: Since 1992 , the Wooden Stars have fused together their [upbringing] of jazz , post - punk , and indie to result in a sound of flowing , guitar - driven ballads .","ARG-1: their | ARG-2: of jazz , post - punk , and indie" "SRL for [befriended]: The U.S. has [befriended] and later turned against many dictators , but none quite so resourceful .","ARG-0: The U.S. | ARG-1: many dictators , but none quite so resourceful" "SRL for [blindfolded]: Two weeks later soldiers came back , dragged him into a car and [blindfolded] him with a black cloth .",ARG-M-TMP: Two weeks later | ARG-0: soldiers | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a black cloth "SRL for [lurched]: As the stock market [lurched] into a 190 - point free fall on Oct. 13 , Mr. Breeden found himself scurrying around the sixth floor of the SEC -- from his desk , where the New York Stock Exchange was on an open line , to his assistant 's office , where the Commodity Futures Trading Commission was connected , to a third room , where a computer monitored market moves .",ARG-0: the stock market | ARG-M-DIR: into a 190 - point free fall | ARG-M-TMP: on Oct. 13 "SRL for [damp]: At the peak of my smoking addiction , I would smoke even the worst cigarettes that were [damp] from lubricants , and would sometimes smoke so much that I got giddy ,",ARG-1: that | ARG-2: from lubricants SRL for [meaningless]: All the previous purchases are [meaningless] .,ARG-1: All the previous purchases SRL for [reckon]: The stat to [reckon] with here says that about three of four clubs ( 29 of 39 ) that took 2 - 0 Series leads went on to win it all .,ARG-1: with | C-ARG-1: The stat | ARG-M-LOC: here SRL for [accounting]: His [accounting] of the story took all night !,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the story "SRL for [backslapping]: Still , amid all the [backslapping] and signs of relief over yesterday 's events , some market professionals cautioned that there is nothing present in the current market system to prevent another dizzying drop such as Friday 's .", "SRL for [recognition]: If anything it is his friends who are happiest , relieved to see Hsia gaining deserved [recognition] for the achievements of his peripatetic , ill - starred life .","ARG-M-ADJ: deserved | ARG-2: for the achievements of his peripatetic , ill - starred life" SRL for [whiffed]: The air [whiffed] of pine and peat .,ARG-2: The air | ARG-1: of pine and peat "SRL for [crossing]: In a sign of easing tension between Beijing and Hong Kong , China said it will again take back illegal immigrants caught [crossing] into the British colony .",ARG-0: illegal immigrants | ARG-1: into the British colony "SRL for [sexist]: That said , if you want to see ads [sexist] towards men , spend an hour or two watching Lifetime , which I do with my wife once in a while .",ARG-1: ads | ARG-2: towards men "SRL for [extricate]: A spot honoring Bill White , the inventor of chewing gum , shows a woman trying to [extricate] her high - heeled shoe from a wad of gum .",ARG-0: a woman | ARG-1: her high - heeled shoe | ARG-2: from a wad of gum SRL for [corrugated]: The immense ocean 's surface rippled and [corrugated] where sweeping cloud shadows touched it .,ARG-1: The immense ocean 's surface | ARG-M-LOC: where sweeping cloud shadows touched it SRL for [struck down]: A natural gas rule was [struck down] by a federal appeals court .,ARG-1: A natural gas rule | ARG-0: by a federal appeals court "SRL for [resolved]: This 3 - hr sievorptive column removed amonium sulfate , ribosomes , and nucleic acids from the sample while it [resolved] the proteins by ion exchange , thereby effectively accomplishing the steps normally done by dialysis , ultracentrifugation , streptomycin precipitation , and ion exchange chromotography .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the proteins | ARG-3: by ion exchange "SRL for [gurgling]: He sat , listening to the brook [gurgling] over the rocks .",ARG-0: the brook | ARG-M-LOC: over the rocks "SRL for [squeaking]: Stretching his arms in his silky white shirt and [squeaking] his black shoes , he lectures a visitor about the way to sell American real estate and boasts about his friendship with Margaret Thatcher 's son .",ARG-1: his black shoes | ARG-0: he SRL for [curse]: His [curse] of depression,ARG-2: His | ARG-1: of depression SRL for [intimated]: I [intimated] to him that I thought it would be just as well if he were not present,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: to him | ARG-1: that I thought it would be just as well if he were not present SRL for [Scrub]: [Scrub] the studio once a week .,ARG-1: the studio | ARG-M-TMP: once a week "SRL for [mail]: The directors said if Messrs. Drabinsky and Gottlieb [mail] an offer to shareholders by Nov. 22 , ...",ARG-0: Messrs. Drabinsky and Gottlieb | ARG-1: an offer | ARG-2: to shareholders | ARG-M-TMP: by Nov. 22 "SRL for [stood up]: Instead , they 've [stood up] to their critics in the best way possible .",ARG-M-DIS: Instead | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: to their critics | ARG-M-MNR: in the best way possible SRL for [human]: If we are still [human],ARG-1: we | ARG-M-TMP: still SRL for [stitched]: It is n't every day that we hear a Violetta who can sing the first act 's high - flying music with all the little notes perfectly pitched and neatly [stitched] together .,ARG-M-MNR: neatly | ARG-1: the little notes | ARG-M-PRD: together SRL for [classified]: The government [classified] John 's dissertation on the clandestine uses of corn kernels as both top - secret and pop - secret .,ARG-0: The government | ARG-1: John 's dissertation on the clandestine uses of corn kernels | ARG-M-PRD: as both top - secret and pop - secret "SRL for [circulation]: Betty Williams , Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for her [circulation] of a petition to end violence in Northern Ireland .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of a petition to end violence in Northern Ireland "SRL for [underestimated]: I had [underestimated] , however , both Mr. Gelbart 's wit and the persistence of scandal in Washington .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-1: both Mr. Gelbart 's wit and the persistence of scandal in Washington "SRL for [bound]: It is rumored to be [bound] for a new model in the luxury Acura line in the U.S. , but Honda officials wouldn't comment .",ARG-1: It | ARG-2: for a new model in the luxury Acura line in the U.S. "SRL for [shrugged off]: The market also [shrugged off] positive factors , such as higher bond prices and a slowdown in monetary growth in September , traders said .","ARG-0: The market | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: positive factors , such as higher bond prices and a slowdown in monetary growth in September" "SRL for [named]: Having campaigned for the new president and been [named] to his transition team , Rumsfeld told his Searle sales force , according to later testimony , that `` he would call in all his markers and that no matter what , he would see to it that aspartame would be approved . ''",ARG-1: Rumsfeld | ARG-2: to his transition team SRL for [conversion]: His [conversion] to Buddhism,ARG-1: His | ARG-2: to Buddhism SRL for [snatched away]: What would 've happened if Lynard Skynard would have [snatched away] the microphone from Beyonce and said Taylor Swift deserved the award ?,ARG-0: Lynard Skynard | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the microphone | ARG-2: from Beyonce "SRL for [splicing]: The Chlamydomonas version is more complex : it crosses the membrane twice rather than once , contains additional domains and undergoes alternative [splicing] .",ARG-M-MNR: alternative SRL for [line]: How many government programs and policies exist because they [line] the pockets of political insiders ?,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the pockets of political insiders "SRL for [bolster]: In addition to those measures , the company spent heavily earlier this year to install displays at its customers ' retail outlets -- a strategy that Mr. Stein said has helped [bolster] awareness of the company 's brands .",ARG-0: a strategy | ARG-1: awareness of the company 's brands "SRL for [gloated]: Afterward , Mr. Paul is said by Mr. Guterman to have phoned Mr. Guterman , the New York developer selling the collection , and [gloated] .",ARG-0: Mr. Paul SRL for [unexpected]: This series of actions and results were [unexpected] by many people .,ARG-1: This series of actions and results | ARG-0: by many people SRL for [spread - eagled]: The Goan was [spread - eagled] on the ground .,ARG-1: The Goan | ARG-2: on the ground SRL for [groundbreaking]: Hillsboro toasts [groundbreaking] on new community .,ARG-1: on new community SRL for [dry]: The reading was a little [dry] but filled with authority .,ARG-1: The reading | ARG-M-EXT: a little "SRL for [encrypting]: Still , [encrypting] corporate communications is only a partial remedy .",ARG-1: corporate communications "SRL for [shunning]: Investors , he advises , `` should be cautious , '' holding fewer stocks than usual and also [shunning] bonds .",ARG-0: Investors | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: bonds SRL for [binge]: Fat and happy after his [binge] on hot dog buns .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on hot dog buns "SRL for [offended]: He told him , moreover , that the duke was [offended] at him for having dared to cause himself to be appointed lieutenant - general of these provinces ;",ARG-1: the duke | ARG-0: at him | ARG-2: for having dared to cause himself to be appointed lieutenant - general of these provinces SRL for [calm]: Nothing was [calm] about Monday .,ARG-1: Nothing | C-ARG-1: about Monday SRL for [hang up]: and then he 'd [hang up] the phone,ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: 'd | ARG-2: the phone SRL for [confirmed]: GM [confirmed] Friday that it received permission late Thursday from U.S. antitrust regulators to increase its Jaguar holdings past the $ 15 million level .,ARG-0: GM | ARG-M-TMP: Friday | ARG-1: that it received permission late Thursday from U.S. antitrust regulators to increase its Jaguar holdings past the $ 15 million level SRL for [deflea]: You need * to [deflea] the whole house .,ARG-1: the whole house SRL for [prevent]: She wanted to [prevent] the damage to self - esteem that her low - ability students would suffer from doing badly on the test .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the damage to self - esteem that her low - ability students would suffer from doing badly on the test SRL for [in]: I 'm all [in],ARG-M-EXT: all | ARG-0: I SRL for [review]: The annual [review] of China 's trade status,ARG-M-TMP: annual | ARG-1: of China 's trade status SRL for [Keep eye out]: [Keep eye out] for snakes this summer,ARG-1: for snakes | ARG-M-TMP: this summer "SRL for [mopping up]: Meanwhile small communities in Western Australia 's Pilbara region began [mopping up] on Wednesday after tropical Cyclone Laurence swept through , flattening buildings and uprooting trees .","ARG-0: small communities in Western Australia 's Pilbara region | ARG-M-TMP: on Wednesday | ARG-M-TMP: after tropical Cyclone Laurence swept through , flattening buildings and uprooting trees" "SRL for [crack]: The pitch sailed toward Bobby Thomson high and inside and then , with a [crack] of the bat , was sent rocketing back into the lower leftfield stands .",ARG-1: of the bat "SRL for [poured out]: The sudden passing of a high school student shocked the tight - knit community , which [poured out] support to the Donnelly family online and in person .",ARG-0: which | ARG-1: support | ARG-3: to the Donnelly family | ARG-M-MNR: online and in person SRL for [immunostained]: Histology [immunostained] the sample with alkaline phosphatase,ARG-0: Histology | ARG-1: the sample | ARG-2: with alkaline phosphatase "SRL for [hypnotized]: And , if still conscious at the evening 's end , you notice something else : The audience , at first entranced and [hypnotized] by the music , releases its pent - up feelings in collective gratitude .",ARG-1: The audience | ARG-M-TMP: at first | ARG-0: by the music SRL for [wildfire]: An F18 Hornet taking off while a large grass [wildfire] was burning near the East Runway .,ARG-M-ADJ: large | ARG-1: grass "SRL for [weaken]: However , people familiar with the buy - out group said Mr. Pope 's departure would [weaken] the airline 's management at a critical time .",ARG-0: Mr. Pope 's departure | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the airline 's management | ARG-M-TMP: at a critical time "SRL for [lodged]: `` With the FBI around here , bragging rights are a thing of the past , '' said one trader , referring to the federal investigation of futures trading that so far has resulted in 46 indictments [lodged] against individuals on the Merc and the Chicago Board of Trade .",ARG-1: 46 indictments | ARG-2: against individuals on the Merc and the Chicago Board of Trade "SRL for [pee]: "" and when he comes to take a [pee] you kick him in the ash hole . """,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LVB: take "SRL for [guaranteed]: According to the Illinois attorney general 's suit , Watson & Hughey sent mailings indicating that recipients were [guaranteed] cash prizes .",ARG-2: recipients | ARG-1: cash prizes SRL for [movement]: diplomatic [movement],ARG-1: diplomatic "SRL for [assassination]: the [assassination] of his mother , Indira Gandhi ,","ARG-1: of his mother , Indira Gandhi" SRL for [leave]: Why [leave] the current problems unsolved ?,ARG-M-PRP: Why | ARG-1: the current problems unsolved SRL for [line]: Wall Street is just about ready to [line] the bird cage with paper stocks .,ARG-0: Wall Street | ARG-1: the bird cage | ARG-2: with paper stocks SRL for [innovation]: policy [innovation],ARG-1: policy "SRL for [starved]: By starving the peasant , the Communists have [starved] Poland .",ARG-M-MNR: By starving the peasant | ARG-0: the Communists | ARG-1: Poland "SRL for [chagrined]: John , confused and [chagrined] , left the room .",ARG-1: John SRL for [cruel]: Even his father was [cruel] to him about the stammering .,ARG-0: Even his father | ARG-2: to him | ARG-M-ADV: about the stammering SRL for [breakdance]: I 've always wanted to learn how to skateboard and [breakdance] .,ARG-0: I "SRL for [weakened]: According to the Value Line Investment Survey , demand for Nekoosa 's commodity paper has [weakened] , prompting earnings to decline by 6.6 % in the third quarter ended Sept. 30 .",ARG-M-ADV: According to the Value Line Investment Survey | ARG-1: demand for Nekoosa 's commodity paper | ARG-M-ADV: prompting earnings to decline by 6.6 % in the third quarter ended Sept. 30 SRL for [overjoyed]: It [overjoyed] them to see their grandkids .,ARG-1: them | ARG-0: to see their grandkids "SRL for [catch]: People who have "" won a free vacation "" with the [catch] of having to go to one info session about their products , how did your overall experience turn out ?",ARG-1: of having to go to one info session about their products SRL for [shacked up]: And there I was [shacked up] with Eileen in that filthy fourth floor attic on Hudson Street .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with Eileen | ARG-M-LOC: in that filthy fourth floor attic on Hudson Street SRL for [icing]: BC Buildings Corporation had also discontinued [icing] the rink in the winter time .,ARG-0: BC Buildings Corporation | ARG-1: the rink | ARG-M-TMP: in the winter time SRL for [calcifies]: Fluoride apparently [calcifies] the pineal gland .,ARG-0: Fluoride | ARG-1: the pineal gland SRL for [reach]: Any potential acquirer will have to [reach] some kind of accord with the company 's employees .,ARG-0: Any potential acquirer | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: some kind of accord with the company 's employees SRL for [bowel movements]: He has five [bowel movements] a day which are small and formed .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-M-EXT: five | ARG-M-TMP: a day | ARG-M-ADJ: which are small and formed SRL for [easing]: Inflation fell from 5.0 % to 4.8 % and the economy is still very poor so the road is open for more [easing] .,ARG-M-ADJ: more "SRL for [rebutted]: `` The gods seemed to think sex pretty important '' , she [rebutted] .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: The gods seemed to think sex pretty important SRL for [mudslide]: ... and sent a half - million - tonne [mudslide] of liquefied coal slurry down onto the village .,ARG-2: half - million - tonne | ARG-1: of liquefied coal slurry "SRL for [skipped]: But knowing that mechanics would probably ground him for repairs , Mr. Brown [skipped] his stop in nearby Chicago and set course to get his load -- a few hundred parcels -- to the Memphis package - sorting hub on time .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-PRD: knowing that mechanics would probably ground him for repairs | ARG-0: Mr. Brown | ARG-1: his stop in nearby Chicago SRL for [zigzagging]: No sooner had I started drinking than the driver started [zigzagging] the truck .,ARG-0: the driver | ARG-1: the truck "SRL for [outleaped]: Indeed , over - the - counter stocks , led by technology issues , [outleaped] the industrial average .","ARG-M-DIS: Indeed | ARG-0: over - the - counter stocks , led by technology issues | ARG-1: the industrial average" SRL for [turn off]: Is this a -- is this ten day suspension enough to [turn off] to drugs / ?,ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to drugs SRL for [test]: The young man did not think he could pass the [test] of loyalty demanded by the mafia don .,ARG-2: of loyalty SRL for [introduced]: The man with the clipboard [introduced] a bit of les sportif into our itinerary .,ARG-0: The man with the clipboard | ARG-1: a bit of les sportif | ARG-2: into our itinerary "SRL for [omentectomy]: Omentum , [omentectomy]",ARG-1: Omentum SRL for [overexpressed]: We have [overexpressed] the human oxysterol receptor in Spodoptera frugiperda cells using the Baculovirus system .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the human oxysterol receptor | ARG-M-LOC: in Spodoptera frugiperda cells | ARG-2: using the Baculovirus system "SRL for [realign]: At Chrysler 's 1990 model preview last month , Chrysler Motors President Robert A. Lutz said the No . 3 auto maker , along with other U.S. manufacturers , might be forced to `` [realign] ... capacity '' if market demand does n't improve .",ARG-0: the No . 3 auto maker | ARG-1: capacity "SRL for [diluted]: Before we eat , we should drink a glass of vegetable juice [diluted] with warm boiled water .",ARG-1: vegetable juice | ARG-5: with warm boiled water "SRL for [break]: Nirupama , a bright young journalist , had made her [break] for freedom from the prison walls of home and feudal society .","ARG-0: Nirupama , a bright young journalist | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-2: for freedom | ARG-1: from the prison walls of home and feudal society" "SRL for [regaled]: He [regaled] Claire with an account of the mock mass performed by the cassocked bloods , which he had had at firsthand from old Bud Dodington , one of the leaders of the so-called `` Order '' .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: Claire | ARG-2: with an account of the mock mass performed by the cassocked bloods , which he had had at firsthand from old Bud Dodington , one of the leaders of the so-called `` Order ''" "SRL for [collateralized]: They plan to expand the home site by buying five adjoining acres for $ 200,000 , borrowed against a first mortgage on the five acres and also [collateralized] by the 15 acres .","ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: $ 200,000 | ARG-2: by the 15 acres" "SRL for [reproduced]: Twenty years later , two California academics , Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer , made `` recombinant '' DNA , transplanting a toad 's gene into bacteria , which then [reproduced] toad genes .",ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-0: bacteria | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: toad genes SRL for [protesting]: ... there was no question of their [protesting] against disparity in wages .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: against disparity in wages "SRL for [identifying]: `` A lot of people are [identifying] a vote for representation as a vote against Fred Smith , '' says J.X. Gollich , a Tiger - turned - Federal pilot and union activist .",ARG-0: A lot of people | ARG-1: a vote for representation | ARG-2: as a vote against Fred Smith "SRL for [watch]: It 's President 's Day , so [watch] your back for motorized patriots .",ARG-1: your back | ARG-2: for motorized patriots "SRL for [cast]: That collapse , following on the heels of disarray in the market for high - risk , high - yield bonds , [cast] doubt on the entire takeover business , which has fueled both big profits among Wall Street securities firms and big gains in the stock market generally .","ARG-0: That collapse , following on the heels of disarray in the market for high - risk , high - yield bonds | ARG-1: doubt | ARG-2: on the entire takeover business" SRL for [extrusion]: It is possible that the popularity of such eliminationist positions may have helped Geertz feel comfortable with his [extrusion] of causality from cultural hermeneutics .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of causality | ARG-2: from cultural hermeneutics SRL for [contrary]: Studying chemistry is [contrary] to reason .,ARG-1: Studying chemistry | ARG-2: to reason "SRL for [less]: I go to therapy -LRB- for other reasons also -RRB- and they have encouraged me to pick a number of times to check , obviously that is [less] than 20 , and to stick to it and cut down that way .",ARG-1: that | ARG-2: than 20 "SRL for [pinning]: The release of MiniScribe 's new balance sheet came one day after it introduced its new line of one - inch disk drives , on which it is [pinning] much of its hope for survival .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: much of its hope for survival | ARG-2: one - inch disk drives | R-ARG-2: on which "SRL for [come in]: If E.E. `` Buzzy '' Geduld is right , a seatbelt may [come in] handy during the next few sessions .",ARG-M-ADV: If E.E. `` Buzzy '' Geduld is right | ARG-1: a seatbelt | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-2: handy | ARG-M-TMP: during the next few sessions "SRL for [arise]: Also , difficulties in communication between grandparents and grandchildren frequently [arise] because of the very different modes of expression employed by each .",ARG-M-DIS: Also | ARG-0: difficulties in communication between grandparents and grandchildren | ARG-M-TMP: frequently | ARG-1: because of the very different modes of expression employed by each "SRL for [surrounding]: After Mr. Sullivan waffled on abortion last year , the White House appeased right - to - lifers by [surrounding] him with pro - life deputies .",ARG-0: the White House | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: with pro - life deputies SRL for [catching]: The FBI 's [catching] of Whitey Bulgur was about 15 years late .,ARG-0: The FBI 's | ARG-1: of Whitey Bulgur SRL for [dining out]: He and Mr. Roderick were even [dining out] together .,ARG-0: He and Mr. Roderick | ARG-M-DIS: even | ARG-M-MNR: together SRL for [astonished]: Then he [astonished] Matsuo by pushing and dragging himself until he sat .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Matsuo | ARG-2: by pushing and dragging himself until he sat "SRL for [defuse]: Lawyers for dozens of insolvent savings and loan associations are trying a new tack in their efforts to [defuse] suits filed by borrowers , developers and creditors .","ARG-0: Lawyers for dozens of insolvent savings and loan associations | ARG-1: suits filed by borrowers , developers and creditors" "SRL for [squeeze]: "" As soon as we did that , Dupont cut their prices , hoping to [squeeze] us right out of the market , "" says Grace Kuo with a smile .",ARG-0: Dupont | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: right out of the market SRL for [nice]: She is [nice] to small children .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: to small children "SRL for [matches]: Also $ ky have flooded TV with football , it is on constantly with at least 5 matches on at a weekend , and football every night with European [matches] .",ARG-M-LOC: European "SRL for [sponsored]: The fourth Television News Seminar for Friendly Nations , [sponsored] by the Government Information Office , began just after the lunar new year .",ARG-1: The fourth Television News Seminar for Friendly Nations | ARG-0: by the Government Information Office "SRL for [aggression]: Jan Faull , M.Ed . , answers a parent 's question about a firstborn toddler 's [aggression] toward the new baby .",ARG-0: a firstborn toddler 's | ARG-1: toward the new baby "SRL for [medium]: My face is [medium] , my neck slightly darker and my chest so pale -LRB- compare to face and arms -RRB- it 's unbelieveable .",ARG-1: My face "SRL for [homeless]: Across Haiti , over a million remain [homeless] 10 months after the crippling 7.0 earthquake struck",ARG-M-LOC: Across Haiti | ARG-1: over a million | ARG-M-TMP: 10 months after the crippling 7.0 earthquake struck SRL for [crafted]: We are deeply disturbed that a recent editorial stated that the `` Americans With Disabilities Act of 1989 '' was `` [crafted] primarily by Democratic Senators Kennedy and Harkin '' with a premise `` based on the presumption that most Americans are hostile to the disabled ... . '',ARG-1: the `` Americans With Disabilities Act of 1989 '' | ARG-M-ADV: primarily | ARG-0: by Democratic Senators Kennedy and Harkin | ARG-M-MNR: with a premise `` based on the presumption that most Americans are hostile to the disabled "SRL for [shot]: Not earlier haha , just for 10 , I 'm [shot] I thought we opened at 10 but we open at 11",ARG-1: I SRL for [presented]: He [presented] to the Emergency Department today,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: to the Emergency Department | ARG-M-TMP: today "SRL for [realization]: there is "" growing [realization] "" around the world that denial of intellectual - property rights harms all trading nations",ARG-M-PRD: growing | ARG-1: that denial of intellectual - property rights harms all trading nations SRL for [inflammation]: The [inflammation] of Jose 's liver became serious enough the he was put on the transplant list .,ARG-1: of Jose 's liver SRL for [telecommunication]: The reports even claimed that both Khuntia and Swain have admitted their [telecommunication] with BJD MP Mahatab .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: with BJD MP Mahatab SRL for [evade]: The company is the subject of a federal grand jury investigation into whether its officials and its utility subsidiaries conspired to cover up their accounting for spare parts to [evade] federal income taxes .,ARG-0: its officials and its utility subsidiaries | ARG-1: federal income taxes "SRL for [festooning]: A good deal of the book is boring , particularly the endless allusions to high and pop culture and the frequent jokes [festooning] the text .",ARG-2: the frequent jokes | ARG-1: the text "SRL for [plant]: In response to dwindling domestic supplies , Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter last month said the U.S. government would slightly increase the number of acres farmers can [plant] in wheat for next year and still qualify for federal support payments .",ARG-0: farmers | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: the number | ARG-1: in wheat | ARG-M-TMP: for next year "SRL for [draw attention]: Gentlemen , could I [draw attention] to the statue standing at the entrance ?",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: your | ARG-2: to the statue standing at the entrance ? SRL for [conversant]: Patient is [conversant] with me following stroke .,ARG-0: Patient | ARG-1: with me | ARG-M-TMP: following stroke "SRL for [solarize]: To [solarize] your soil , you must leave a clear plastic tarp on the soil surface .",ARG-1: your soil SRL for [pass]: A couple of my law clerks were going to [pass] me in three or four years .,ARG-0: A couple of my law clerks | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-TMP: in three or four years SRL for [cry]: Home in Black Mountain a chile ' will smack yo ' face ; Babies [cry] for liquor an ' all the birds sing bass .,ARG-0: Babies | ARG-1: for liquor "SRL for [lies]: But any chance for prices to surge above fair value [lies] in the speculation that accompanies a vigorous merger and buy - out business , and UAL has obviously put a damper on that .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: any chance for prices to surge above fair value | ARG-2: in the speculation that accompanies a vigorous merger and buy - out business SRL for [liquidized]: Prince Al - Waleed denied that the Kingdom Holding Company had [liquidized] any portfolio it had in the Kingdom .,ARG-0: the Kingdom Holding Company | ARG-1: any portfolio it had in the Kingdom SRL for [deception]: He drew the store clerks in his own neighborhood into his [deception] about the smoking .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: about the smoking "SRL for [pricked up]: It was Giselle , the fille de chambre , come to clean the room , and while she stood before him with ears [pricked up] and regard all curiosity , explaining her errand , Alex could see from the corner of his eye the doctor doing all he could to calm the displeased bird .",ARG-1: ears SRL for [allocations]: credit [allocations] for the Federal Housing Administration,ARG-1: credit | ARG-2: for the Federal Housing Administration SRL for [bronzed]: His face is [bronzed] by the constant exposure to sun and air,ARG-1: His face | ARG-0: by the constant exposure to sun and air SRL for [funny]: # y all thought i was being [funny] about my love for this ship,ARG-1: i | ARG-M-ADV: about my love for this ship SRL for [Chillin]: [Chillin] watching tv,ARG-1: watching tv SRL for [balance]: And even those who say some selective selling may be in order stress that individuals need to be in the stock market to achieve their long - term investment objectives and to help [balance] their other assets .,ARG-0: individuals | ARG-1: their other assets SRL for [nets out]: That [nets out] to about $ 17 a share for the company on a private market basis .,ARG-1: That | ARG-2: to about $ 17 a share | ARG-3: for the company | ARG-M-MNR: on a private market basis "SRL for [cocked]: He , too , [cocked] his cap at a jaunty angle , jingled marbles in his pocket , and swaggered down Main Street .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIS: too | ARG-1: his cap | ARG-M-MNR: at a jaunty angle "SRL for [gliding]: One 60 - second TV spot features a diverse group of skiers gracefully [gliding] down sun - drenched slopes : senior citizens , minorities , families with children -- even a blind skier .",ARG-0: a diverse group | ARG-M-MNR: gracefully | ARG-M-DIR: down sun - drenched slopes "SRL for [complicated]: It 's [complicated] , I 'll grant you that .",ARG-1: It SRL for [horizontal]: One cable is at an angle to the horizontal and the other is [horizontal] to the ground .,ARG-1: the other | ARG-2: to the ground "SRL for [criticized]: Temple , however , harshly [criticized] Sea Containers ' plan yesterday , characterizing it as a `` highly conditional device designed to entrench management , confuse shareholders and prevent them from accepting our superior cash offer . ''","ARG-0: Temple | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-M-MNR: harshly | ARG-1: Sea Containers ' plan | ARG-M-ADV: characterizing it as a `` highly conditional device designed to entrench management , confuse shareholders and prevent them from accepting our superior cash offer" "SRL for [cloned]: The next to be [cloned] , human insulin , had market potential and Genentech licensed it to Eli Lilly , which produced 80 % of the insulin used by 1.5 million U.S. diabetics .",ARG-1: The next SRL for [up shit creek]: I figured I was [up shit creek] on this but I was hoping for a at least half a paddle .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: on this SRL for [fussing]: I have seen shows on TV where two year old children weigh nearly 200 pounds all because their parents want to appease the child and stop their [fussing] .,ARG-0: their SRL for [cuddled]: Now how many people can actually say they [cuddled] a koala !,ARG-1: they | ARG-2: a koala SRL for [opened up]: The incentive pay thing has [opened up] a can of worms .,ARG-2: The incentive pay thing | ARG-1: a can of worms "SRL for [competitive]: Just as an experiment to begin with , but I am fairly [competitive] in spirit , so if one of my teams makes it to theSuper Bowl - I 'll watch it instead of the Andy Griffith showmarathon and eat me some chicken wings and drink a beer or two .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-EXT: fairly | ARG-M-ADV: in spirit SRL for [lymphocytic]: the exudate is [lymphocytic] with mononuclear cells,ARG-1: the exudate | ARG-2: with mononuclear cells SRL for [effused]: She [effused] about how she had been skating from the heart .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: about how she had been skating from the heart "SRL for [bushfire]: By mid afternoon , a 5000 - acre [bushfire] moved towards our farm from the northwest , until the cool change from the south came at 5.30 .",ARG-2: 5000 - acre "SRL for [microinjected]: To determine the fate of plasmids following mitosis , we [microinjected] the nuclei of isolated HeLa cells with the GFP - expressing plasmid pDD306 .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: with the GFP - expressing plasmid pDD306 | ARG-2: the nuclei of isolated HeLa cells "SRL for [dining]: No restaurant I 've worked in -LRB- and there have been quite a few - ranging from Subway to fine [dining] -RRB- would have found that kind of language acceptable , especially within earshot of customers .",ARG-M-ADJ: fine SRL for [calling]: The President of the executive body openly started threatening and intimidating people who were [calling] them on their bullshit .,ARG-0: people | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: on their bullshit "SRL for [dreadful]: Ainsley 's mother , Sophia , while loving , was absolutely [dreadful] to her own children .","ARG-1: Ainsley 's mother , Sophia | ARG-M-ADV: while loving | ARG-M-EXT: absolutely | ARG-2: to her own children" "SRL for [immersed]: That was followed by three months at the Aetna Institute in Hartford , where she was [immersed] in learning how to read and interpret policies .",ARG-1: she | ARG-2: in learning how to read and interpret policies SRL for [related]: ... a series of initiatives [related] both to global warming and the plight of the African elephant,ARG-1: a series of initiatives | ARG-M-DIS: both | ARG-2: to global warming and the plight of the African elephant "SRL for [deviated]: As early as move six , Mr. Kasparov [deviated] from a well - known sequence of moves , developing a knight instead of making a standard bishop attack against the computer 's advanced knight .",ARG-M-TMP: As early as move six | ARG-0: Mr. Kasparov | ARG-1: from a well - known sequence of moves | ARG-M-ADV: developing a knight instead of making a standard bishop attack against the computer 's advanced knight SRL for [prepayment]: a [prepayment] of 160 % of the PSA model,ARG-1: of 160 % of the PSA model "SRL for [reworked]: We know Verdi 's own contribution was mighty impressive since the operatic `` Libera me '' was [reworked] for the Manzoni Requiem , of which he wrote every note himself having learned his lesson .","ARG-1: the operatic `` Libera me '' | ARG-M-PNC: for the Manzoni Requiem , of which he wrote every note himself having learned his lesson" SRL for [hepatectomy]: left [hepatectomy],ARG-1: left "SRL for [answers]: After the company reported red ink for the fiscal third quarter , Wang 's marketing department provided the sales force [answers] to questions such as `` How could you not have known you were going to lose $ 55 million ? '' and `` Is Wang still a viable company ? ''",ARG-1: to questions such as `` How could you not have known you were going to lose $ 55 million ? '' and `` Is Wang still a viable company ? '' SRL for [doped]: He [doped] the child with wine mixed in water .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the child | ARG-2: with wine mixed in water SRL for [embossed]: He also [embossed] the name for the Jiujiang Station .,ARG-2: the name for the Jiujiang Station | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-0: He "SRL for [cap]: Last week federal regulators imposed a so-called soft [cap] on California , which requires power firms to justify prices above 150 dollars per megawatt hour .",ARG-M-PRD: so-called | ARG-M-ADJ: soft | ARG-M-ADJ: which requires power firms to justify prices above 150 dollars per megawatt hour SRL for [Hoe]: I was impressed by the perceptiveness of your Sept. 12 story `` Rural Enterprise : Tough Row To [Hoe] . '',ARG-1: Tough Row "SRL for [depth]: The shelf had a [depth] of 8 "" .","ARG-1: The shelf | ARG-3: of 8 """ SRL for [unconscious]: His foot - tapping was [unconscious] .,ARG-1: His foot - tapping "SRL for [return]: Mr. Koskotas is fighting extradition proceedings that would [return] him to Greece , where he is charged with embezzling more than $ 250 million from the Bank of Crete .","ARG-0: extradition proceedings | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to Greece , where he is charged with embezzling more than $ 250 million from the Bank of Crete" "SRL for [scrambled]: John [scrambled] some eggs for Mary -- unfortunately , he included the shells .",ARG-0: John | ARG-1: some eggs | ARG-3: for Mary SRL for [masticated]: He [masticated] a dry pistachio or a dry almond .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a dry pistachio or a dry almond "SRL for [contributive]: Cancelling the policy by which a home buyer may be granted with a local hukou is an effective and cost - effective means to effectively curb the real estate speculators and effectively bring down the housing prices which still remains high ; in addition , it is also [contributive] to promoting the development of small towns and more balanced development of various undertakings in the people 's livelihood , especially the development of the countryside .","ARG-M-ADV: in addition | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: to promoting the development of small towns and more balanced development of various undertakings in the people 's livelihood , especially the development of the countryside" "SRL for [notice]: Harry has avoided all that by living in a Long Island suburb with his wife , who 's so addicted to soap operas and mystery novels she barely seems to [notice] when her husband disappears for drug - seeking forays into Manhattan .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: when her husband disappears for drug - seeking forays into Manhattan SRL for [reinsurance]: ... if an insurer would like to receive [reinsurance] for $ 10 million and negotiates a 20 percent ceding commission ...,ARG-3: for $ 10 million "SRL for [defog]: The 21st century class needs * to get out into the ' real world ' , roll down its glasses , and [defog] them of media saturation .",ARG-1: them | ARG-2: of media saturation SRL for [intoxication]: Applebee 's ' accidental [intoxication] of a toddler earned them national headlines this week .,ARG-0: Applebee 's ' | ARG-M-ADJ: accidental | ARG-1: of a toddler SRL for [passing on]: But the alertness of the road guards prevented the [passing on] to our youth .,ARG-1: of this quantity | ARG-2: to our youth SRL for [wharfed]: They [wharfed] the patrol boat out front .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the patrol boat | ARG-2: out front "SRL for [proceeding]: The Division expects that the prosecutor will announce these principles either at the time the indictment is returned or , at the latest , at the first [proceeding] before the court concerning the TRO .",ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-3: before the court | ARG-2: concerning the TRO "SRL for [plying]: And try [plying] new dollars free in a market that is softening , hurt by a strong dollar and concerned about overcapacity -- the industry 's Darth Vadar .","ARG-1: new dollars | ARG-2: free | ARG-M-LOC: in a market that is softening , hurt by a strong dollar and concerned about overcapacity -- the industry 's Darth Vadar" SRL for [inked]: I also [inked] him with grey wash tones on Howard the Duck and Dracula .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: with grey wash tones on Howard the Duck and Dracula SRL for [jangles]: Hard rock music [jangles] the minarets of Iran .,ARG-0: Hard rock music | ARG-1: the minarets of Iran SRL for [management]: personal money [management],ARG-0: personal | ARG-1: money SRL for [bleeding]: slight rectal [bleeding],ARG-M-EXT: slight | ARG-1: rectal "SRL for [rantings]: I have no love for Bachmann and even less for Cameron , but I 'm not sure why she -LRB- or anyone else -RRB- should be expected to treat the batshitcrazy [rantings] of a has - been child actor like they 're super - important to the political scene .",ARG-M-MNR: batshitcrazy | ARG-0: of a has - been child actor SRL for [working]: Since I like wood [working] I thought some folks would enjoy an amplifier shell that they could finish themselves and either use it to restore an old Marshall amplifier or to collect aftermarket parts from countless other vendors and end up with a Vintage Marshall clone .,ARG-1: wood "SRL for [chained]: the tv was [chained] to the wall ,",ARG-1: the tv | ARG-2: to the wall "SRL for [stray]: It is compromises such as this that convince Washington 's liberals that if they simply stay the course , this administration will [stray] from its own course on this and other issues .",ARG-M-ADV: if they simply stay the course | ARG-0: this administration | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: from its own course | ARG-M-ADV: on this and other issues SRL for [augmented]: To give this patient the best result Dr. Pousti [augmented] her breasts with silicone implants and performed an extended tummy tuck on her .,ARG-M-PRP: To give this patient the best result | ARG-0: Dr. Pousti | ARG-1: her breasts | ARG-2: with silicone implants "SRL for [cheered]: While bond investors would have preferred growth to be a little slower , they were [cheered] by inflation measures in the data that showed prices rising at a modest annual rate of 2.9 % .",ARG-M-ADV: While bond investors would have preferred growth to be a little slower | ARG-1: they | ARG-0: by inflation measures in the data that showed prices rising at a modest annual rate of 2.9 % "SRL for [rival]: If further research proves the seed 's benefits , this dusty farm district could become the epicenter of a health - food fad to [rival] all fads since cod - liver oil .",ARG-0: a health - food fad | ARG-1: all fads since cod - liver oil SRL for [scrawked]: The roosters [scrawked] in the morning .,ARG-0: The roosters | ARG-M-TMP: in the morning SRL for [horrible]: Coke is [horrible] for you ?,ARG-1: Coke | ARG-2: for you "SRL for [close]: Even though it was predicted to happen , I still did n't expect MI to be that [close] given that Romney grew up there and MI seems like a more moderate state to me .",ARG-1: MI | ARG-M-EXT: that | ARG-M-CAU: given that Romney grew up there and MI seems like a more moderate state to me SRL for [transformation]: The rapid [transformation] of important scientific and technological achievements into real productivity is the outstanding feature of this open zone .,ARG-M-MNR: rapid | ARG-1: of important scientific and technological achievements | ARG-2: into real productivity SRL for [assurance]: security [assurance],ARG-2: security SRL for [outpouching]: A brain aneurysm is an abnormal [outpouching] of one of the arteries in the brain similar to a bad tire with the bulging of the side wall .,ARG-M-MNR: abnormal | ARG-1: of one of the arteries in the brain | ARG-M-ADJ: similar to a bad tire with the bulging of the side wall "SRL for [bottle]: Lion Nathan Ltd. agreed to buy the franchise to [bottle] , distribute and market Pepsi - Cola soft - drink products in Australia , the company said .",ARG-0: Lion Nathan Ltd. | ARG-1: Pepsi - Cola soft - drink products | ARG-M-LOC: in Australia "SRL for [repair]: It refinanced the judge 's loan , lowered its interest rate and accepted a trade - in that had n't originally been part of the deal -- a beat up 1981 Chevy Citation the dealer had to [repair] before it could be resold .",ARG-0: the dealer | ARG-1: a beat up 1981 Chevy Citation | ARG-M-TMP: before it could be resold "SRL for [reception]: After [reception] of the package from the other school , a debriefing session is organized to discover and analyze their artworks .",ARG-1: of the package | ARG-2: from the other school SRL for [ascending]: The [ascending] of her blood pressure to 200 was concerning .,ARG-1: of her blood pressure | ARG-4: to 200 "SRL for [tearing]: Having resided in the great state of California for the past seven years , I find it hard to ignore our environmental problems when I start my commute to work with eyes [tearing] and head aching from the polluted air ; when I try to enjoy the beaches and come home covered with tar and oil ; when I hear of numerous deaths related to irresponsible processing of cheese and use of chemicals in fruit growing .",ARG-1: eyes SRL for [cut]: He would scream and [cut] himself with rocks .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: himself | ARG-3: with rocks "SRL for [deceived]: For some investors , it 's the appearances that leave them [deceived] .",ARG-1: them SRL for [peddle]: Boys on busy street corners [peddle] newspapers of every political stripe .,ARG-0: Boys on busy street corners | ARG-1: newspapers of every political stripe SRL for [djs]: One of my friends from my school [djs] in the city or will get a group to go into manayunk,ARG-0: One of my friends from my school | ARG-M-LOC: in the city SRL for [stuck]: I am [stuck] at the airport,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: at the airport "SRL for [level]: Warner Communications Inc. and Sony Corp. resumed settlement talks on their legal battle over Hollywood producers Peter Guber and Jon Peters , but continued to [level] strong accusations at each other in legal documents .",ARG-0: Warner Communications Inc. and Sony Corp. | ARG-1: strong accusations | ARG-2: at each other | ARG-M-LOC: in legal documents SRL for [following]: bling [following] of fads,ARG-M-MNR: bling | ARG-1: of fads SRL for [dysfunction]: Cardiac [dysfunction] causes the majority of deaths in Friedrich 's Ataxia .,ARG-M-ADJ: Cardiac "SRL for [pre selected]: Problems with it though are that questions are [pre selected] and answers pre written , allowing spin doctors to work on it .",ARG-1: questions SRL for [weighed in]: Diamond Creek 1985 Lake Vineyard Cabernet [weighed in] this fall with a sticker price of $ 100 a bottle .,ARG-0: Diamond Creek 1985 Lake Vineyard Cabernet | ARG-M-TMP: this fall | ARG-1: with a sticker price of $ 100 a bottle "SRL for [bewildering]: The dollar 's near - term path remains foggy , according to currencny analysts , who characterize the market as `` [bewildering] . ''",ARG-0: the market "SRL for [pitiful]: Lipton looked across at Conroy , his expression [pitiful] .",ARG-1: his expression SRL for [making]: The basic principle behind offer [making] is to try to get a better deal .,ARG-1: offer SRL for [looked]: It [looked] to me like an attempt to push the dollar down .,ARG-0: It | ARG-2: to me | ARG-1: like an attempt to push the dollar down SRL for [challenge]: The [challenge] of feeding a starving population and fighting a war was beyond the government 's ability .,ARG-2: of feeding a starving population and fighting a war "SRL for [give]: I mean you do n't really think that any of these guys really [give] a shit about their party or their nation , do ya ?",ARG-0: any of these guys | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: a shit | ARG-2: about their party or their nation SRL for [rapped]: I [rapped] my knuckles on the counter .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my knuckles | ARG-2: on the counter "SRL for [curls]: Mary curls her hair every morning , but John 's hair [curls] naturally .",ARG-1: John 's hair | ARG-M-MNR: naturally "SRL for [notable]: The prolific seventies American stand - up , George Carlin , was [notable] for his routines on taboo subjects and dark humour , but he will go down in controversial - comedian history for his ? Seven Dirty Words ? routine , which pre - empted the seven most offensive swear words for US television .","ARG-1: The prolific seventies American stand - up , George Carlin | ARG-2: for his routines on taboo subjects and dark humour" "SRL for [tout]: Among other concerns , the agency says researchers with business ties are more likely to falsify findings in order to [tout] new drugs .",ARG-0: researchers with business ties | ARG-1: new drugs SRL for [championship]: His vigorous [championship] of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives .,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-MNR: vigorous | ARG-1: of the conservatives "SRL for [emerged]: More importantly , he [emerged] as a peacemaker last summer after the Central Park rape of a white jogger .",ARG-M-DIS: More importantly | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: as a peacemaker | ARG-M-TMP: last summer | ARG-M-TMP: after the Central Park rape of a white jogger SRL for [blowing]: Jefferey 's [blowing] his whole paycheck at the dog track lead to his having to eat only Ramen for the next two weeks .,ARG-0: Jefferey 's | ARG-1: his whole paycheck | ARG-2: at the dog track "SRL for [profound]: however , elevation of glutamate in the extracellular space was not seen even when neuronal injury was [profound] .",ARG-1: neuronal injury | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [deprivation]: Todd 's sleep [deprivation] was causing him to hallucinate .,ARG-1: Todd 's | ARG-2: sleep SRL for [obscure]: But the government now claims that a group of company managers and lawyers engaged in an elaborate strategy over five years to [obscure] from federal authorities the extent and details of `` widespread '' fraudulent billing practices .,ARG-0: a group of company managers and lawyers | ARG-2: from federal authorities | ARG-1: the extent and details of `` widespread '' fraudulent billing practices SRL for [streamed]: All 17 episodes of the original The Prisoner can be [streamed] at AMC 's Web site .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: All 17 episodes of the original The Prisoner | ARG-M-LOC: at AMC 's Web site "SRL for [rendering]: Assuming modern audiences readily understand that Moliere 's social indictment covers their world as well as 17th - century Paris , Mr. Wilbur concentrated his formidable artistry on [rendering] the Alexandrine French verse into sprightly and theatrical English iambic pentameter .",ARG-0: Mr. Wilbur | ARG-1: the Alexandrine French verse | ARG-2: into sprightly and theatrical English iambic pentameter "SRL for [print out]: If the banks could randomly [print out] the number of each note withdrawn according to the monetary value , will anything go wrong any more ? Will any person take this advantage any more ?",ARG-0: the banks | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-MNR: randomly | ARG-1: the number of each note withdrawn | ARG-M-MNR: according to the monetary value SRL for [downlinked]: The programs are [downlinked] from a world radio network transponder .,ARG-1: The programs | ARG-2: from a world radio network transponder SRL for [reasserted]: Still another boy [reasserted] : to be a good Jew is to do no wrong ; it 's to be a good person .,ARG-0: Still another boy | ARG-1: to be a good Jew is to do no wrong ; it 's to be a good person "SRL for [come]: It is also the sovereign power that , [come] 1997 , will take over this British colony .",ARG-1: 1997 "SRL for [unsure]: However , I 'm [unsure] of what is really going on .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: of what is really going on SRL for [progressed]: Our bookings improved as the quarter [progressed] and September was especially good .,ARG-1: the quarter "SRL for [emulating]: Diamond - Star Motors Corp. , a joint venture of Chrysler Corp. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. said it will begin shipping Mitsubishi Eclipse cars to Japan next week , [emulating] other Japanese auto ventures shipping U.S.-built vehicles back to Japan .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: other Japanese auto ventures shipping U.S.-built vehicles back to Japan "SRL for [blustering]: It can also be quite frightening to venture out in pouring rain or [blustering] winds for new , young drivers .",ARG-0: winds SRL for [return]: I need to [return] on Tuesday .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: on Tuesday "SRL for [spewing]: We see , smell and hear slums filled with `` the echoes of hawkers advertising their wares interspersed with abusive language , rattling coughs and the sound of people gathering spittle in their throats and [spewing] into the street . ''",ARG-0: people | ARG-2: into the street SRL for [A flat is two - dimensional]: [A flat is two - dimensional] .,ARG-1: A flat plane SRL for [pronounced]: The demise of Merkur ( [pronounced] mare - COOR ) comes after a September in which 670 Merkur dealers managed to sell only 93 Scorpios .,ARG-1: Merkur | ARG-2: mare - COOR SRL for [return]: Jack 's safe [return],ARG-1: Jack 's | ARG-M-MNR: safe SRL for [accumulating]: Pennzoil is rumored to be [accumulating] a stake in Chevron in order to push for a revamping of the company .,ARG-0: Pennzoil | ARG-1: a stake in Chevron | ARG-M-PRP: in order to push for a revamping of the company SRL for [adopted]: How do I tell my parents I 'm [adopted] ?,ARG-1: I SRL for [applied]: The gains are to be [applied] to fourth quarter or first - quarter results .,ARG-1: The gains | ARG-2: to fourth quarter or first - quarter results "SRL for [pokes around]: Mr. Baker hears her out , [pokes around] a bit , asks a few questions and proposes some explanations .",ARG-0: Mr. Baker | ARG-M-MNR: a bit "SRL for [ripped off]: She says her group used to give tips on selecting planners -- check educational and experience credentials , consult regulators and Better Business Bureaus -- but found that even some people who took these steps `` were still getting [ripped off] . ''",ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: even some people who took these steps "SRL for [touch]: With the [touch] of a button , drivers can choose from lavender , jasmine , mint or perfume scents ...",ARG-1: of a button "SRL for [improper]: The newspaper remarked that Kawamura Takayuki kept emphasizing that his thoughts had been ill - considered with regard to an important issue like the Nanjing Massacre , "" Unlike the relations between two governments , non - governmental exchanges are extremely important in improving the trust between the people of these two countries . Kawamura 's statement , no matter as a politician or as a mayor , was [improper] . """,ARG-1: Kawamura 's statement | ARG-M-ADV: no matter as a politician or as a mayor SRL for [close]: Hellems is [close] to the UMC .,ARG-1: Hellems | ARG-2: to the UMC "SRL for [saturation]: While most people think of diamonds as colorless , a segment of the diamond market is prized for its [saturation] of color .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: of color "SRL for [excoriated]: Face and chest , [excoriated] by inflammed papules .",ARG-1: Face and chest | ARG-0: by inflammed papules SRL for [review]: It 's lengthy [review] in the legislature,ARG-1: It 's | ARG-0: in the legislature SRL for [based]: The exact amount of the refund will be determined next year [based] on actual collections made until Dec. 31 of this year .,ARG-1: The exact amount of the refund | ARG-2: on actual collections made until Dec. 31 of this year SRL for [got off]: And her dad was the lawyer who [got off] for murder of his ex wife .,R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: the lawyer | ARG-1: OJ Simpson | ARG-2: for murder of his ex wife "SRL for [imploded]: Wynn also introduced the Strip to the age of implosions when he [imploded] the old Dunes Hotel and Casino , going on to build the luxurious Bellagio on the site .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the old Dunes Hotel and Casino SRL for [run]: His [run] for governor,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: for governor SRL for [skydiving]: [skydiving] from space,ARG-1: from space "SRL for [exaggerated]: In a letter to Mr. Bennett 's office , released yesterday , Washington 's city administrator , Carol Thompson , complained that the drug czar had [exaggerated] the amount of federal drug - related assistance provided to the capital .",ARG-0: the drug czar | ARG-1: the amount of federal drug - related assistance provided to the capital SRL for [interpolated]: We [interpolated] the file to 102 MB,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the file | ARG-4: to 102 MB SRL for [switch]: Dealers said the multinational oil company was pressured by recent brokerage recommendations urging investors to [switch] into Shell Trading & Transport .,ARG-0: investors | ARG-2: into Shell Trading & Transport SRL for [means]: The leeway that Sea Containers has [means] that Temple would have to substantially increase their bid .,ARG-1: The leeway that Sea Containers has | ARG-2: that Temple would have to substantially increase their bid SRL for [fulguration]: Post [fulguration] of endometriosis,ARG-1: of endometriosis "SRL for [strapped]: FEMA , which coordinates federal disaster relief , is already [strapped] by the costs of cleaning up after Hurricane Hugo , which hit the Carolinas last month .","ARG-0: FEMA , which coordinates federal disaster relief | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-2: by the costs of cleaning up after Hurricane Hugo , which hit the Carolinas last month" "SRL for [took]: In America telephones reached 90 % of households in 50 years , whereas it only [took] video recorders 18 years to do the same .",ARG-0: to do the same | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-2: video recorders | ARG-1: 18 years SRL for [delimited]: He [delimited] the areas that measure force and density with colored blocks .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the areas that measure force and density | ARG-2: with colored blocks "SRL for [independent]: I was also annoyed by a woman in the audience who said Scotland should be [independent] -LRB- she was English -RRB- because "" all countries should be independent "" , including Wales and "" Ireland "" .","ARG-0: Scotland | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-CAU: because "" all countries should be independent "" , including Wales and "" Ireland """ "SRL for [refute]: AT & T assembled three of its top executives in Washington , all visibly angry , to try to [refute] MCI 's charges .",ARG-0: AT & T | ARG-1: MCI 's charges SRL for [misinterpreted]: His comments were [misinterpreted] as a sign that higher interest rates are possible .,ARG-1: His comments | ARG-2: as a sign that higher interest rates are possible SRL for [flecked]: Watson spoke bewilderedly to the dark night [flecked] with pine - knot torches .,ARG-1: the dark night | ARG-2: with pine - knot torches SRL for [romanced]: I watched attentively as Perry Como and Dean Martin songs [romanced] her through the speakers .,ARG-0: Perry Como and Dean Martin songs | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-DIR: through the speakers "SRL for [disgorge]: The following were neither barred nor suspended : Stephanie Veselich Enright , Rolling Hills , Calif. , fined $ 2,500 and ordered to [disgorge] $ 11,762 ; ...","ARG-0: Stephanie Veselich Enright , Rolling Hills , Calif. | ARG-1: $ 11,762" "SRL for [inserted]: At Plant Genetic Systems , researchers have isolated a pollen - inhibiting gene that can be [inserted] in a plant to confer male sterility .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: a pollen - inhibiting gene | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: in a plant | ARG-M-PRP: to confer male sterility "SRL for [model]: `` It 's very difficult to [model] the long - term impact of this , '' says Andrew Goldberg , who studies the public - policy and crisis - management aspects of earthquakes at the Center for Strategic International Studies in Washington , D.C .",ARG-1: the long - term impact of this "SRL for [disposed]: His strong conservative tendencies led him to oppose the doctrine of free trade , and [disposed] him to hail the coup d'état and the new empire .",ARG-0: His strong conservative tendencies | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to hail the coup d'état and the new empire "SRL for [fight on]: * Seeing Meinung 's people [fight on] and Liuchia 's silently enduring , one ca n't help but ask , "" Are the Hakka people fated * * to wander the world ?", "SRL for [squinting]: If his [squinting] is the result of a lazy eye , you may notice he has trouble tracking objects or that his eyes are poorly aligned .",ARG-0: his SRL for [scaled]: The size of the issue was [scaled] back from an originally planned $ 350 million .,ARG-1: The size of the issue | ARG-5: back | ARG-3: from an originally planned $ 350 million SRL for [start over]: And you will have to [start over] from square 1 with the VA .,ARG-0: you | ARG-2: from square 1 | ARG-M-ADV: with the VA SRL for [myelosuppressed]: To prevent infection when patient is [myelosuppressed] .,ARG-1: patient | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [retethered]: Charley chose an old tree that had some very thick branches and [retethered] the precious horse between it and a maple tree ,",ARG-0: Charley | ARG-1: the precious horse | ARG-2: between it and a maple tree SRL for [smart]: He was [smart] at this money stuff .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: at this money stuff SRL for [sopped]: Mr. Jensen righted the spilled glass and [sopped] the water with his napkin .,ARG-0: Mr. Jensen | ARG-1: the water | ARG-2: with his napkin SRL for [striped]: The shadow of a sparrow hawk [striped] the surface of the water .,ARG-2: The shadow of a sparrow hawk | ARG-1: the surface of the water "SRL for [short]: The other day I was in post office and there was a guy who was 2 years [short] of the retirement and he was making 50,000$/year .",ARG-1: who | ARG-2: 2 years | ARG-3: of the retirement SRL for [work]: Mr. Cray will [work] for the Colorado Springs CO company as an independent contractor .,ARG-0: Mr. Cray | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: for the Colorado Springs CO company | ARG-1: as an independent contractor "SRL for [greeted]: `` If this had happened a few months ago when the atmosphere was still very positive it would n't have been [greeted] with anything like the impact it has had over the past two weeks , '' says Dennis Jarrett , a market strategist at Kidder Peabody .",ARG-M-ADV: If this had happened a few months ago when the atmosphere was still very positive | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: with anything like the impact it has had over the past two weeks "SRL for [break]: By *PRO* making a [break] from tradition , Brooks Brothers is seeking adelicate balance .",ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-4: from tradition "SRL for [exaction]: This was because al - Andalus , before his arrival , was facing annihilation by the conquests of the Christians and their [exaction] of tribute from all its kings",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of tribute | ARG-2: from all its kings "SRL for [voting]: She said his [voting] for the bill amounted to a "" conflict of interest . """,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: for the bill SRL for [donating]: They say it 's possible some of their members may be [donating] privately .,ARG-0: some of their members | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-MNR: privately "SRL for [auction]: Mr. Payson , an art dealer and collector , sold Vincent van Gogh 's `` Irises '' at a Sotheby 's [auction] in November 1987 toAustralian businessman Alan Bond .",ARG-0: Sotheby 's | ARG-M-TMP: in November 1987 SRL for [holds]: Mr. Steinhardt [holds] USAir as an investment .,ARG-0: Mr. Steinhardt | ARG-1: USAir | ARG-3: as an investment SRL for [care]: She started helping me out a few months ago and I continue to be thrilled with her [care] of my girls .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of my girls SRL for [reaction]: negative [reaction] against PASOK,ARG-2: negative | ARG-1: against PASOK "SRL for [mutated]: Researchers in Edinburgh , Scotland , have found that in 23 of 38 breast tumors , one copy of chromosome 17 was [mutated] at the spot where gene p53 lies .",ARG-1: one copy of chromosome 17 | ARG-M-LOC: at the spot where gene p53 lies "SRL for [politicking]: Ford 's "" eco "" [politicking] is simply a one - two punch to the guts and the wallets of its most loyal customers .","ARG-0: Ford 's | ARG-1: "" eco """ SRL for [gauged]: A person 's worth is often [gauged] as a function of the market value he/ she is able to produce .,ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: as | ARG-2: a function of the market value he/ she is able to produce SRL for [rue]: People living along the street came to [rue] the loss of their covered walkways .,ARG-0: People living along the street | ARG-1: the loss of their covered walkways SRL for [intense]: The saffron lobster bisque broth was [intense] in flavor but let each aspect of the dish shine through !,ARG-1: The saffron lobster bisque broth | ARG-2: in flavor SRL for [overdrew]: I [overdrew] something like 3 dollars on my WaMu account and they charged me $ 18 in overdraft fees !,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: something like 3 dollars | ARG-2: on my WaMu account SRL for [modernization]: ROC military [modernization],ARG-0: ROC | ARG-1: military "SRL for [bury]: At an age when other children were still busy at their games , Wang used to [bury] himself among books , for hours on end , in the family library .",ARG-M-TMP: At an age when other children were still busy at their games | ARG-0: Wang | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: among books | ARG-M-TMP: for hours on end | ARG-M-LOC: in the family library "SRL for [farnesylated]: Preferably , the polypeptide that represents the substrate is [farnesylated] to a cysteine moiety .",ARG-1: the polypeptide that represents the substrate | ARG-3: a cysteine moiety "SRL for [unsettled]: What is it , to borrow a term from Coniston , that so [unsettled] the market ?",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: the market SRL for [affection]: Very but i ll accept the [affection] before she turns evil again, SRL for [Unamerican]: Providing Health Care For Seniors and Veterans Is ' [Unamerican] and Grounded In ' Socialism ',ARG-1: Providing Health Care For Seniors and Veterans SRL for [wreathed]: Smoke [wreathed] upward about them,ARG-0: Smoke | ARG-M-DIR: upward | ARG-M-LOC: about them "SRL for [deemed]: Those countries -- including Japan , Italy , Canada , Greece and Spain -- are still of some concern to the U.S. but are [deemed] to pose less - serious problems for American patent and copyright owners than those on the `` priority '' list .","ARG-1: Those countries -- including Japan , Italy , Canada , Greece and Spain -- | C-ARG-1: to pose less - serious problems for American patent and copyright owners than those on the `` priority '' list" SRL for [Shut up]: `` [Shut up] ., "SRL for [strokes]: From the horizontal and vertical [strokes] of hanyin script , to the snaky lines of small seal script , Wang performed all with equal facility",ARG-M-ADJ: horizontal and vertical | ARG-2: of hanyin script "SRL for [swirled]: Cool air moving slowly through the open or smashed - out side windows hinted of blooming roadside vegetation , and occasionally a faint fragrance of perfume [swirled] from the back seat .",ARG-M-TMP: occasionally | ARG-1: a faint fragrance of perfume | ARG-M-DIR: from the back seat "SRL for [lunched]: We [lunched] on chips , llama steaks , and coke !","ARG-0: We | ARG-1: on chips , llama steaks , and coke" "SRL for [imperative]: Now , with the vicar he was [imperative] that the matter of the reversion should be strictly confidential ? altogether ' sacred , ' in fact .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: that the matter of the reversion should be strictly confidential ? altogether ' sacred , ' in fact" SRL for [hooks]: And most of the truly big scams in Orange County seem to originate in Newport Beach or one of the other well - heeled communities that surround this sliver - like city that [hooks] around a point of land on the California coast south of Los Angeles .,ARG-1: one of the other well - heeled communities | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: around a point of land SRL for [tolerated]: The procedure was well [tolerated] without immediate complications .,ARG-1: The procedure | ARG-M-MNR: well | ARG-M-ADV: without immediate complications "SRL for [espied]: They [espied] the duke 's daughter , a full fair woman .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the duke 's daughter | ARG-2: a full fair woman "SRL for [sidetrack]: `` If any of us think we 're going to [sidetrack] David 's determination to be the best possible mayor because of his obligations to us , we are making a sad mistake . ''",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: David 's determination to be the best possible mayor | ARG-M-CAU: because of his obligations to us "SRL for [cooking]: Aer Rianta is talking about similar joint ventures in Tashkent and in Sochi , a Black Sea resort , and even has a computer - assembly project [cooking] with the Georgian city of Tbilisi .",ARG-1: a computer - assembly project | ARG-2: with the Georgian city of Tbilisi SRL for [wet]: He cleared his throat and [wet] his lips .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his lips SRL for [misconduct]: employee [misconduct],ARG-0: employee "SRL for [cut]: Shippers [cut] about $ 35 billion from their annual , inter - city truck and rail costs , to about $ 150 billion , or about 6.4 % of gross national product , down from 8 % of GNP in 1981 .","ARG-0: Shippers | ARG-2: about $ 35 billion | ARG-1: from their annual , inter - city truck and rail costs | ARG-4: to about $ 150 billion , or about 6.4 % of gross national product , down from 8 % of GNP in 1981" SRL for [containment]: Last night 's operational briefing indicated an additional 30 percent [containment] of the fire .,ARG-0: 30 percent | ARG-1: of the fire "SRL for [objectionable]: Before the jury was seated , the appellant named two additional venire members who were [objectionable] to him .",ARG-1: who | ARG-0: to him SRL for [shooting]: Seattle [shooting] of Jews,ARG-M-LOC: Seattle | ARG-1: of Jews "SRL for [procession]: It is an endless [procession] of ill - defined , ill - advised undeclared wars and "" political actions ""","ARG-M-ADJ: endless | ARG-1: of ill - defined , ill - advised undeclared wars and "" political actions """ "SRL for [orientation]: When are people going to realise that sexual [orientation] , skin colour and ethnicity has no bearing on what is inside the person and their personality .",ARG-3: sexual SRL for [crafty]: She was very knowledgeable about jewelry and was [crafty] as well as creative .,ARG-0: She SRL for [feudal]: This is [feudal] . This is trampling on democracy ! ! !,ARG-1: This SRL for [twined]: It enclosed her clammy hands and [twined] around her ankles .,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: around her ankles SRL for [superiority]: We have air [superiority] in any theater on earth,ARG-1: We | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-3: air | ARG-M-LOC: in any theater on earth "SRL for [biffed]: She [biffed] him over the head with another cushion , grinning .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-LOC: over the head | ARG-M-MNR: with another cushion | ARG-M-PRD: grinning "SRL for [connections]: Chen Chung - yung points out that rents in Macau are about 25 % less than rents in Hong Kong , while Macau 's [connections] with the European Union means that it enjoys tax concessions and generous trade quotas .",ARG-0: Macau 's | ARG-2: with the European Union SRL for [episode]: The patient had an [episode] of colonic obstruction .,ARG-0: The patient | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: of colonic obstruction "SRL for [subsidizes]: But the Population Council , a 37 - year - old , $ 20 million nonprofit organization that has the backing of the Rockefeller and Mellon foundations and currently [subsidizes] most U.S. research on contraceptives , has recently been paying for U.S. studies of RU-486 on a license from its French developer , Roussel - Uclaf , a joint subsidiary of the German pharmaceutical company Hoechst and the French government .","ARG-0: a 37 - year - old , $ 20 million nonprofit organization | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-1: most U.S. research on contraceptives" "SRL for [striking]: In the process of reproducing a jar with a square pattern , unearthed at Chiushe in Ilan County , Cheng not only continually reworked the clay , but also recreated the square pattern by [striking] the clay with a stick carved with the same design .",ARG-1: the clay | ARG-2: with a stick carved with the same design SRL for [freeze]: Threatening right now to [freeze] over Lake Superior surface .,ARG-2: over | ARG-1: Lake Superior surface SRL for [glad]: Even the guy above who is a [glad] he is dead has been seduced by the Hitch 's writing in that you either devote yourself to him or hate him above all else .,ARG-1: who | ARG-0: he is dead "SRL for [re - Stalinised]: The leader of the second largest party in Russia , the communist party , wants Russia to be "" [re - Stalinised] "" .",ARG-1: Russia SRL for [relapsed]: After eighteen months the patient [relapsed] to the same condition as before operation,ARG-M-TMP: After eighteen months | ARG-1: the patient | ARG-2: to the same condition as before operation "SRL for [draining]: His [draining] the pasta [ of water ] ended in disaster , with steam burns on his forearms and tortellini all over the parquet .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the pasta | ARG-2: of water "SRL for [snuggled]: `` I think I 'll sleep in this morning '' , she said drowsily , and as she [snuggled] against him , he wondered if she ever went to church .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: against him SRL for [uprising]: The Uprising of Ivaylo ( Bulgarian : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) was an [uprising] of the Bulgarian peasantry against the Emperor Constantine Tikh and the Bulgarian nobility .,ARG-0: of the Bulgarian peasantry | ARG-1: against the Emperor Constantine Tikh and the Bulgarian nobility SRL for [interception]: ... as long as the communication had been transmitted by radio at some point prior to its [interception] from the cable system .,ARG-1: its | ARG-3: from the cable system SRL for [friended]: Oh God . no I 've never seen him . That i know of ... Dodd i tell you Jon # # # # # [friended] me ?,ARG-0: Jon # # # # # | ARG-1: me SRL for [OK]: Wreaths - the one thing I am [OK] at making .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: at making | C-ARG-2: the one thing SRL for [broke through]: Then he swam to the back of the bungalow and [broke through] the wall with a saucepan .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the wall | ARG-M-MNR: with a saucepan SRL for [responded]: A Boeing spokesman [responded] : `` All along the company has said there was no grounds for criminal prosecution . '',ARG-0: A Boeing spokesman | ARG-2: All along the company has said there was no grounds for criminal prosecution SRL for [neutered]: One odd thing about Charlie is that he 's only half - neutered b / c he had only one testicle that had descended so the vet only [neutered] him of the one testicle .,ARG-0: the vet | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: of the one testicle SRL for [voiding]: postcoital [voiding],ARG-M-TMP: postcoital "SRL for [continued]: A Lorillard spokeswoman [continued] "" This is an old story . ""","ARG-0: A Lorillard spokeswoman | ARG-1: "" This is an old story . """ "SRL for [specific]: To be [specific] : more guns make possible more gun errors and misuse , more domestic and accidental injuries -LRB- deaths - RRB- in the home , and more reliance on lethal force to solve problems that could be solved other ways .","ARG-1: more guns make possible more gun errors and misuse , more domestic and accidental injuries -LRB- deaths - RRB- in the home , and more reliance on lethal force to solve problems that could be solved other ways" SRL for [categorized]: The MIT project devised ways for E-mail to be automatically [categorized] as top priority if it comes from certain designated senders or requires action in the next couple of days .,ARG-M-MNR: automatically | ARG-1: E-mail | ARG-2: as top priority | ARG-M-ADV: if it comes from certain designated senders or requires action in the next couple of days "SRL for [flicking]: There was a sound like the one you produce by [flicking] a watermelon with your finger , only louder , and Pops fell forward from the waist and then over sidewise .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: a watermelon | ARG-2: with your finger SRL for [production]: The [production] of vaccines for the CDC,ARG-1: of vaccines | ARG-2: for the CDC SRL for [triage]: The optimal [triage] of trauma patients has been the source of vigorous debate over the years .,ARG-M-ADJ: optimal | ARG-1: of trauma patients SRL for [afebrile]: Patient had an uneventful post - operative course ; was [afebrile] and ambulated well .,ARG-1: Patient SRL for [appealing]: Commonwealth Edison is already [appealing] the underlying commission order .,ARG-0: Commonwealth Edison | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: the underlying commission order "SRL for [cloud]: This can have its purposes at times , but there 's no reason *trace* to [cloud] the importance and allure of Western concepts of freedom and justice .",ARG-1: the importance and allure of Western concepts of freedom and justice SRL for [common]: But throughout its history Athens despised hand work and made it clear than the handworker was [common] and vulgar .,ARG-1: the handworker SRL for [anuric]: He is basically almost [anuric] .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-ADV: basically | ARG-M-EXT: almost SRL for [other]: This was the [other] evening .,ARG-1: evening SRL for [crying down]: Her [crying down] the administration for their deplorable treatment of political prisoners got Amanda arrested again .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: the administration | ARG-2: for their deplorable treatment of political prisoners "SRL for [wired]: Called Task Broker , the program acts something like an auctioneer among a group of computers [wired] together .",ARG-1: computers | ARG-2: together "SRL for [pace]: Earnings continued to [pace] sales because of a lower tax rate , profit from the renegotiation of the debt instrument received from Faberge Inc. in connection with Lilly 's sale of Elizabeth Arden Inc. in 1987 , and net proceeds from the settlement of patent litigation at Lilly 's Hybritech Inc. unit .",ARG-1: Earnings | ARG-2: sales SRL for [pre - register]: Regulators insisted that franchisers [pre - register] such changes with the state .,ARG-0: franchisers | ARG-1: such changes | ARG-2: with the state SRL for [balding]: Driving on [balding] tires makes your car a lot more vulnerable on the road .,ARG-1: tires SRL for [hoovered]: She [hoovered] the wee from under the raised matting every week with a wet and dry hoover !,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the wee | ARG-2: from under the raised matting | ARG-M-TMP: every week | ARG-3: with a wet and dry hoover ! "SRL for [deal]: The idea was to let small investors , the backbone of the fund business , [deal] in the money market 's high short - term interest rates .","ARG-0: small investors , the backbone of the fund business | ARG-2: in the money market 's high short - term interest rates" SRL for [reelected]: Holders at the meeting [reelected] a full slate of Canadian Express nominees to Enfield 's 11 - member board .,ARG-0: Holders at the meeting | ARG-1: a full slate of Canadian Express nominees | ARG-2: to Enfield 's 11 - member board SRL for [flatulent]: The guy is [flatulent] with overpriced gas !,ARG-1: The guy | ARG-2: with overpriced gas ! SRL for [toxic]: The initial chemotherapy regimen was too [toxic] for him .,ARG-0: The initial chemotherapy regimen | ARG-M-EXT: too | ARG-1: for him SRL for [runs out]: ... before the number of available nations [runs out] .,ARG-1: the number of available nations "SRL for [brightened]: In 1979 , Hearst hired editor James Bellows , who [brightened] the editorial product considerably .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: editor James Bellows | ARG-1: the editorial product | ARG-M-MNR: considerably "SRL for [glares]: Her Pa ( Howard Duff ) is the kind of guy who , while saying grace at the supper table , pauses at the word `` sin '' and [glares] at the daughter he has n't seen for two decades , because he knows in his heart that she enjoyed what happened in the cold - storage room , and has been indulging the same taste ever since in the fleshpots of Chicago .","ARG-M-TMP: while saying grace at the supper table | ARG-0: the kind | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: at the daughter he has n't seen for two decades | ARG-M-CAU: because he knows in his heart that she enjoyed what happened in the cold - storage room , and has been indulging the same taste ever since in the fleshpots of Chicago" SRL for [hyperthyroid]: He has been found to be [hyperthyroid] and levothyroxine was decreased recently .,ARG-1: He SRL for [judgement]: the administration 's previous [judgement],ARG-0: the administration 's | ARG-M-TMP: previous SRL for [tackle]: International Business Machines Corp. unveiled a broad strategy to [tackle] the biggest problem that manufacturers face when computerizing their operations : Most machines ca n't talk to each other .,ARG-2: a broad strategy | ARG-1: the biggest problem that manufacturers face when computerizing their operations : Most machines ca n't talk to each other "SRL for [impelled]: She concedes that such a position is `` unfair '' to the thousands of conscientious and qualified people plying the trade , but as a consumer advocate she feels [impelled] to take it .",ARG-2: she | ARG-1: to take it SRL for [grew up]: Mr. Corry [grew up] in Cincinnati .,ARG-1: Mr. Corry | ARG-M-LOC: in Cincinnati "SRL for [excitement]: According to the suit , Apple officials created public [excitement] by touting Lisa as an office computer that would revolutionizethe workplace and be extremely successful in its first year .",ARG-1: public SRL for [popping up]: Dealing with the sales this month could be particularly challenging because almost every problem that has hobbled the program in the past is [popping up] again .,ARG-1: almost every problem that has hobbled the program in the past | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [aims]: The Treasury [aims] for a $ 10 billion cash balance at the end of March .,ARG-0: The Treasury | ARG-1: for a $ 10 billion cash balance at the end of March SRL for [expiration]: The cheese 's [expiration] was evident by its fuzziness and funky smell .,ARG-1: The cheese 's SRL for [loading up]: ... that investors buy stocks of companies that have avoided [loading up] on debt .,ARG-0: companies | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-2: on debt "SRL for [engineered]: Capitalism may now be [engineered] to withstand sudden shocks , but there are fault lines -- the crisis in profits , the assault on wages , the structural inequity of the system -- that make fools of those who claim that the future is here and that history is over .",ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: Capitalism | ARG-4: to withstand sudden shocks SRL for [is tubulated]: The shaded area represents the region where the membrane [is tubulated] by endophilin N - BAR .,ARG-1: the membrane | ARG-0: by endophilin N - BAR SRL for [parade]: Boulder 's [parade] of homes,ARG-1: Boulder 's | ARG-3: of homes "SRL for [elongate]: And he had n't used hormones , which many growers employ to [elongate] their Delicious apples for greater eye appeal .",ARG-0: many growers | ARG-1: their Delicious apples | ARG-M-PNC: for greater eye appeal "SRL for [honor]: Israel is to withdraw its forces from several areas over the next two days , and an Israeli official says his country would [honor] the cease - fire even if sporadic rock - throwing continues .",ARG-0: his country | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the cease - fire | ARG-M-TMP: even if sporadic rock - throwing continues "SRL for [trained]: From the air , ribbons of yellow fire hose carry water from the bay to high - pressure nozzles [trained] on the site .",ARG-1: high - pressure nozzles | ARG-2: on the site "SRL for [effects]: But even if he [effects] a Hyde - to - Jekyll transformation , he will face a serious ideological crisis and Reunification ScenarioTwo .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a Hyde - to - Jekyll transformation "SRL for [vowed]: Also in Beirut , a Moslem group [vowed] to kill Americans if the U.S. implements a policy to seize suspects abroad .",ARG-M-DIS: Also | ARG-M-LOC: in Beirut | ARG-0: a Moslem group | ARG-1: to kill Americans if the U.S. implements a policy to seize suspects abroad SRL for [unconcerned]: society is [unconcerned] with the aftermath of sensation .,ARG-1: society | ARG-0: with the aftermath of sensation "SRL for [penetrate]: He probably did n't [penetrate] any top - secret files , but the KGB in East Berlin was willing to pay two of his associates , Peter Carl and Dirk Brezinski , $ 15,000 for some of the material Hess collected .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIS: probably | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: any top - secret files SRL for [nattering]: Now whose alliterave phrase was [nattering] nabobs of negativism Mr. Safire ?,ARG-0: nabobs SRL for [canvassed]: Mr. Whittle said private and parochial schools in both states will be [canvassed] to see if they are interested in getting the programs .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: private and parochial schools in both states | ARG-M-PNC: to see if they are interested in getting the programs SRL for [pacing]: There are moments in this `` Summerfolk '' when the characters populating the vast multilevel country house -LRB- which looks like a parody of Frank Lloyd Wright and is designed by Victoria Petrovich -RRB- spout philosophic bon mots with the self - conscious rat - a - tat - tat [pacing] of `` Laugh In . '',ARG-M-MNR: self - conscious | ARG-2: rat - a - tat - tat | ARG-1: of `` Laugh In . '' SRL for [have transduced]: We [have transduced] normal human keratinocytes with retroviral constructs .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: normal human keratinocytes | ARG-2: with retroviral constructs SRL for [launched]: DD Acquisition has [launched] a suit in a Delaware court seeking the withdrawal of Dunkin 's poison pill rights and employee stock ownership plans .,ARG-0: DD Acquisition | ARG-1: a suit | ARG-M-LOC: in a Delaware court | ARG-M-ADV: seeking the withdrawal of Dunkin 's poison pill rights and employee stock ownership plans SRL for [raise]: his hourly [raise] from $ 7.20 to $ 8.40,ARG-5: his | ARG-M-MNR: hourly | ARG-3: from $ 7.20 | ARG-4: to $ 8.40 "SRL for [constructed]: Indexes can be [constructed] to serve social goals , such as eliminating the stocks of companies doing business in South Africa .","ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: Indexes | ARG-M-PRP: to serve social goals , such as eliminating the stocks of companies doing business in South Africa" "SRL for [wring]: Tuesday 's earthquake brought the San Francisco ad scene to a screeching halt yesterday , with only a few staffers showing up at their offices , mainly to survey the damage or to [wring] their hands about imminent new - business presentations .",ARG-0: only a few staffers | ARG-M-MNR: mainly | ARG-1: their hands | ARG-M-CAU: about imminent new - business presentations SRL for [arbitration]: As I said before the BBB settles all claims of people who choose not to pay for their [arbitration] in favor of the company .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: in favor of the company SRL for [bisected]: The embroyos were [bisected] with a metal microscalpel .,ARG-1: The embroyos | ARG-2: with a metal microscalpel "SRL for [breasted]: he hens peered around the buildings ; the broncs [breasted] against the rail , eyes rolling expectantly , and then would come , as it always did , the sheriff 's ...",ARG-1: the broncs | ARG-2: against the rail | ARG-M-PRD: eyes rolling expectantly "SRL for [arrest]: Thus , the [arrest] of egg maturation by allatectomy might be due to the failure of the corpora allata to stimulate the mnc .",ARG-1: of egg maturation | ARG-0: by allatectomy "SRL for [The contraindications]: [The contraindications] for MRIs include metal plates , screws , or devices such as pacemakers .",ARG-2: for MRIs "SRL for [basted]: The cooks [basted] the carcasses with a preparation of butter , pepper , salt and vinegar .","ARG-0: The cooks | ARG-1: the carcasses | ARG-2: with a preparation of butter , pepper , salt and vinegar" SRL for [had coaled]: Henry Leonard asked them to go into the woods where Ramsdell [had coaled] the year before .,ARG-0: Ramsdell | ARG-M-TMP: the year before | ARG-M-LOC: the woods | R-ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [expiate]: First , Christ , by this circumstance of his passion , was to [expiate] our sins of several kinds .",ARG-M-TMP: First | ARG-0: Christ | ARG-2: by this circumstance of his passion | ARG-1: our sins of several kinds "SRL for [saponifies]: Tyler [saponifies] the fat into beautiful , pink soap by treating it with alkali .","ARG-0: Tyler | ARG-1: the fat | ARG-3: into beautiful , pink soap | ARG-2: by treating it with alkali" SRL for [hurtled]: John 's car [hurtled] down the highway .,ARG-0: John 's car | ARG-1: down the highway SRL for [triangulate]: Suppose we wish to [triangulate] the region using somewhere between 500 and 1000 nodes .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the region | ARG-2: using somewhere between 500 and 1000 nodes "SRL for [fold]: To gain more leverage , abortion - rights advocates may seek to [fold] the bill into an omnibus continuing resolution next month .",ARG-0: abortion - rights advocates | ARG-1: the bill | ARG-2: into an omnibus continuing resolution "SRL for [dating]: The fictive [dating] of the work in 1342 , as Guido Martellotti noted , marks the beginning of the idealistic autobiography Petrarch created both for his readers and for himself",ARG-M-MNR: fictive | ARG-1: of the work | ARG-2: in 1342 SRL for [cancellation]: MCC 's [cancellation] of a software liscense,ARG-0: MCC 's | ARG-1: of a software liscense "SRL for [odd]: In 17th century England , it was [odd] to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and of pursuing projects for the benefit of all mankind .",ARG-M-LOC: In 17th century England | ARG-1: it | C-ARG-1: to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and of pursuing projects for the benefit of all mankind "SRL for [fielded]: He puts in busy six - day weeks ( excluding game days ) , and on one recent afternoon [fielded] questions [*ICH*-1] , in the course of an hour , [from a TV producer , his luxury - suite marketing manager , a disgruntled customer and a roomful of Arkansas reporters]-1 .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: on one recent afternoon | ARG-M-TMP: in the course of an hour SRL for [thick]: The Swamp itself was [thick] with trees and vines .,ARG-1: The Swamp itself | ARG-2: with trees and vines "SRL for [foreshadowed]: The new reports of sluggishness , which were [foreshadowed] by an earlier Labor Department report that manufacturing payrolls dropped by 105,000 in September , give the Fed another reason to further ease its grip on credit and lower interest rates .","ARG-1: The new reports of sluggishness | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-0: by an earlier Labor Department report that manufacturing payrolls dropped by 105,000 in September" SRL for [through]: Rafael Nadal is [through] to the semi - finals of the China Open after coming from a set down to beat Jack Sock .,ARG-1: Rafael Nadal | ARG-3: to the semi - finals of the China Open | ARG-M-TMP: after coming from a set down to beat Jack Sock SRL for [Incarceration]: Mr. Cook Continues His [Incarceration] For Civil Contempt .,ARG-1: His | ARG-3: For Civil Contempt SRL for [villous]: colon cancer arising from a [villous] adenoma,ARG-1: adenoma "SRL for [antsy]: She 's asking me what y r txting , she does not miss a beat . I think she 's getting [antsy] living with a grandpa",ARG-1: she | ARG-0: living with a grandpa SRL for [settled]: The town was originally [settled] by six different Lin and Shan families .,ARG-M-ADV: originally | ARG-1: The town | ARG-0: by six different Lin and Shan families "SRL for [overpower]: As Ruth , Moira Harris , a large and beautiful woman who may be our next Colleen Dewhurst , begins almost immediately to [overpower] each of the men .","ARG-0: Moira Harris , a large and beautiful woman who may be our next Colleen Dewhurst | ARG-1: each of the men" SRL for [overflown]: The stream water has [overflown] the riverbanks and flooded into the nearby houses of herders .,ARG-2: The stream water | ARG-1: the riverbanks "SRL for [tweet]: "" The View "" Ladies believe Sarah Palin 's political target map and her [tweet] to supporters that they "" Do n't Retreat ... ""","ARG-0: her | ARG-2: to supporters | ARG-1: that they "" Do n't Retreat ... """ "SRL for [clipped]: For another , sympathetic fans have sent Ms. Shere copies of her recipes [clipped] from magazines over the years .",ARG-1: copies | ARG-2: from magazines | ARG-M-TMP: over the years SRL for [overexerting]: The constitution attempts to keep the system from [overexerting] its power over the people .,ARG-0: the system | ARG-1: its power | ARG-2: over the people "SRL for [tabs]: The SEC has only about 200 staffers assigned to keep [tabs] on investment advisors -- about the same as in 1980 -- even though the number of advisers has tripled to about 15,000 over the past decade .",ARG-0: only about 200 staffers | ARG-M-LVB: keep | ARG-1: on investment advisors SRL for [accomplished]: The President told supporters they should be proud of what his administration had [accomplished] .,ARG-0: his administration | ARG-1: what SRL for [file]: David Dinkins failed to [file] his income taxes .,ARG-0: David Dinkins | ARG-1: his income taxes SRL for [sensitization]: Occupational [sensitization] to soy allergens in workers at a processing factory,ARG-M-ADJ: Occupational | ARG-2: to soy allergens | ARG-1: in workers at a processing factory SRL for [uppercased]: Autocorrect just [uppercased] the word PICKLE . I do n't know why .,ARG-0: Autocorrect | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: the word PICKLE "SRL for [short - circuited]: When the swaying of the building woke me up , I reasoned that a ) I was in Southern California ; b ) the bed was moving ; c ) it must be a Magic Fingers bed that had [short - circuited] .",ARG-1: a Magic Fingers bed | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [indictment]: the Libby [indictment],ARG-1: Libby "SRL for [ebbs]: Although viewership soars when big news breaks , it [ebbs] during periods of calm .",ARG-M-ADV: Although viewership soars when big news breaks | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: during periods of calm SRL for [experienced]: He is [experienced] at managing large teams of engineers across all of KJWW 's disciplines .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: at managing large teams of engineers across all of KJWW 's disciplines "SRL for [philanderings]: It 's possible that the media focus on Cain 's [philanderings] might cause some collateral damage to Newt 's image with the GOP base , but I would n't count on it .",ARG-0: Cain 's "SRL for [pressured]: Generally in the quarter , overproduction of gasoline and higher crude oil prices [pressured] profitability .",ARG-M-DIS: Generally | ARG-M-TMP: in the quarter | ARG-0: overproduction of gasoline and higher crude oil prices | ARG-1: profitability SRL for [recovery]: The [recovery] from Hurricane Hugo and the California Earthquakes,ARG-2: from Hurricane Hugo and the California Earthquakes SRL for [lagged]: But the move [lagged] a stronger rise in New York Stock Exchange issues .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the move | ARG-1: a stronger rise in New York Stock Exchange issues "SRL for [calculation]: She turns on her computer to check out the closing share prices for the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the opening figures for the US exchanges , and then makes a quick [calculation] in her head of her total wealth .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-M-LVB: makes | ARG-M-MNR: quick | ARG-M-MNR: in her head | ARG-1: of her total wealth SRL for [astonishing]: That was [astonishing] to me and pierced my heart .,ARG-0: That | ARG-1: to me "SRL for [entering]: The gods would not consent to his [entering] the world of the dead a second time , while he was still alive",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the world of the dead | ARG-M-TMP: a second time | ARG-M-TMP: while he was still alive "SRL for [fight off]: To [fight off] predators , B.A.T plans to spin off about $ 6 billion in assets ...",ARG-0: B.A.T | ARG-1: predators "SRL for [arousing]: When the hacker moved , Mr. Stoll moved too , calling up other systems managers to alert them but keeping his own system open to avoid [arousing] suspicion .",ARG-0: Mr. Stoll | ARG-1: suspicion "SRL for [battered]: Microsoft , [battered] by profit taking in recent sessions , sank as much as 4 ; but it finished at 80 7/8 , down 2 1/4 on volume of one million shares .",ARG-1: Microsoft | ARG-2: by profit taking in recent sessions SRL for [lowered]: Standard & Poor 's Corp. [lowered] the rating on Crossland 's preferred stock to double - C from single - B - minus and placed it on CreditWatch for possible further downgrade .,ARG-0: Standard & Poor 's Corp. | ARG-1: the rating on Crossland 's preferred stock | ARG-4: to double - C | ARG-3: from single - B - minus "SRL for [chemoprevented]: In GTC - treated TRAMP mice in which tumor progression was [chemoprevented] , CLU mRNA and protein progressively accumulated in the prostate gland .",ARG-1: tumor progression | ARG-M-LOC: in which SRL for [quadrupled]: That purchase [quadrupled] Quebecor 's annual printing revenue to $ 750 million .,ARG-0: That purchase | ARG-1: Quebecor 's annual printing revenue | ARG-4: to $ 750 million SRL for [leapfrog]: Jumping in on big deals is a high profile way to [leapfrog] the problem of not having a strong retail - banking network .,ARG-1: the problem of not having a strong retail - banking network | ARG-M-MNR: a high profile way "SRL for [lumped]: The council 's annual report has psyllium on its last page , [lumped] with such unglamorous export items as sarsaparilla and `` Nux vomica , '' a plant that induces vomiting .","ARG-1: psyllium | ARG-2: with such unglamorous export items as sarsaparilla and `` Nux vomica , '' a plant that induces vomiting" SRL for [consumption]: Sugar [consumption] is off the charts lately .,ARG-1: Sugar SRL for [cease fire]: It is vital to maintain formal diplomatic relations with as many countries as possible until such time as there is a tacit diplomatic [cease fire] with Communist China .,ARG-M-MNR: tacit | ARG-M-MNR: diplomatic | ARG-1: with Communist China "SRL for [early]: Kmart , for instance , was [early] to the self - checkout aisle trend ...",ARG-1: Kmart | ARG-M-DIS: for instance | ARG-2: to the self - checkout aisle trend "SRL for [skate]: I swear , some groups of young people set up teams to [skate] on the sidewalk and street and go between cars on what they call skateboards .",ARG-0: some groups of young people | ARG-1: on the sidewalk and street "SRL for [delisted]: He stated that the service placed Maina on its stop list from leaving the country on 27th September 2013 , but [delisted] him from the list on in 2015 .",ARG-0: the service | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from the list | ARG-M-TMP: on in "SRL for [pile up]: A celebrity guest , U.S. Ambassador to West Germany Richard Burt , also won a bet that someone could [pile up] $ 150 worth of quarters on a slanted coin .",ARG-0: someone | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: $ 150 worth of quarters | ARG-M-LOC: on a slanted coin SRL for [dawn]: At [dawn] on a cool day,ARG-M-TMP: on a cool day "SRL for [bearing]: ... profit - taking weighed on the market , with blue - chips [bearing] the brunt of the selling .",ARG-0: blue - chips | ARG-1: the brunt of the selling "SRL for [negotiation]: the [negotiation] between China and Korea on the co - operation in the four major domains : automotive , civil aviation , high definition TV and program - controlled switchboards ...","ARG-0: between China and Korea | ARG-2: in the four major domains : automotive , civil aviation , high definition TV and program - controlled switchboards" SRL for [explosion]: the [explosion] in media,ARG-1: in media SRL for [partitioned]: The teacher [partitioned] the unruly child from the rest .,ARG-0: The teacher | ARG-1: the unruly child | ARG-3: from the rest "SRL for [hot]: It has a fan that automatically comes on , once the fireplace is [hot] and turns off when it is cold .",ARG-1: the fireplace "SRL for [scurry]: Some scenes : -- Saturday morning , a resident was given 15 minutes to [scurry] into a sagging building and reclaim what she could of her life 's possessions .",ARG-0: a resident | ARG-M-GOL: into a sagging building "SRL for [ripped]: The estimated earthquake losses are low compared with the $ 4 billion in claims that insurers face from Hurricane Hugo , which [ripped] through the Caribbean and the Carolinas last month .",ARG-1: Hurricane Hugo | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-M-DIR: through the Caribbean and the Carolinas SRL for [roll]: The sets started to [roll] around once more .,ARG-1: The sets | ARG-M-DIR: around | ARG-M-TMP: once more "SRL for [named]: The issue , formally [named] MNB Home Equity Loan Asset Backed Certificates , Series 1989 , will represent interest in a trust fund ...","ARG-M-MNR: formally | ARG-1: The issue | ARG-2: MNB Home Equity Loan Asset Backed Certificates , Series 1989" "SRL for [designated]: Two Air Force facilities near Sacramento , and Travis Air Force Base , 50 miles northeast of San Francisco , were [designated] to serve as medical - airlift centers .","ARG-1: Two Air Force facilities near Sacramento , and Travis Air Force Base , 50 miles northeast of San Francisco | ARG-2: to serve as medical - airlift centers" "SRL for [submitted]: She [submitted] her will to ours with so much meekness and docility , that you would have declared the sacrifice to ahve beenmade without any internal struggle .","ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her will | ARG-2: to ours | ARG-M-MNR: with so much meekness and docility , that you would have declared the sacrifice to ahve beenmade without any internal struggle" SRL for [clogging]: has had trouble with catheter [clogging],ARG-1: catheter "SRL for [familiar]: I had my dad , who is a chemist , smell it and he could nt detect anything readily that was [familiar] to him as a toxic smell",ARG-2: that | ARG-1: to him | ARG-M-PRD: as a toxic smell "SRL for [fumbling]: Clyde Miller was crying softly to himself , shedding his striped suit and [fumbling] into the nondescript butternut pants , the worn brown shirt .","ARG-0: Clyde Miller | ARG-1: into the nondescript butternut pants , the worn brown shirt" "SRL for [banish]: The whole idea of computer - integrated manufacturing , CIM , seems to be making a comeback after losing a little luster over the past couple of years when it became apparent that it was n't a panacea that would make U.S. plants more efficient and [banish] foreign competition .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a panacea | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: foreign competition SRL for [extubated]: The airway was [extubated] .,ARG-1: The airway SRL for [soaked up]: John [soaked up] the spilled milk with his linguistics homework .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the spilled milk | ARG-2: with his linguistics homework SRL for [abrogate]: Cleavage site mutations in the encephalomyocarditis virus P3 region lethally [abrogate] the normal processing cascade .,ARG-0: Cleavage site mutations in the encephalomyocarditis virus P3 region | ARG-M-MNR: lethally | ARG-1: the normal processing cascade SRL for [hints]: It sounds like he 's making [hints] that he likes you .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-1: that he likes you SRL for [hampered]: A lack of enthusiasm with the latest economic data [hampered] the stock market 's bid to extend Tuesday 's sharp gains .,ARG-0: A lack of enthusiasm with the latest economic data | ARG-1: the stock market 's bid to extend Tuesday 's sharp gains SRL for [flunk]: Roughly a third of the charities reviewed [flunk] the test .,ARG-1: Roughly a third of the charities reviewed | ARG-2: the test SRL for [embraces]: The AFL - CIO also [embraces] treatment guidelines .,ARG-0: The AFL - CIO | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: treatment guidelines SRL for [civilized]: Rome was [civilized] by Greece .,ARG-1: Rome | ARG-0: by Greece "SRL for [performance]: The White Stripes documentary ends with their piano [performance] of "" White Moon "" , which made Meg cry .","ARG-0: their | ARG-2: piano | ARG-1: of "" White Moon """ SRL for [pride]: Does it bring out English [pride] ?,ARG-0: English "SRL for [producing]: Khan is also known for his [producing] of films , such as , Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani , Asoka , and Chalte Chalte .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of films SRL for [block]: The accident caused a traffic [block] on the bridge for hours .,ARG-3: traffic | ARG-1: on the bridge | ARG-M-TMP: for hours SRL for [fault]: And some investors [fault] Mr. Spiegel 's life style ; he earns millions of dollars a year and flies around in Columbia 's jetplanes .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: some investors | ARG-1: Mr. Spiegel 's life style SRL for [rhymes]: Trouble with a capital T and that [rhymes] with P and that stands for pool .,ARG-1: that | ARG-2: with P SRL for [clinical]: Most ( 73 % ) said their primary professional focus was [clinical] .,ARG-1: their primary professional focus SRL for [inspires]: The human respiratory system [inspires] air rich in oxygen through the nostrils or mouth .,ARG-0: The human respiratory system | ARG-1: air rich in oxygen | ARG-M-DIR: through the nostrils or mouth SRL for [spritzed]: She [spritzed] the top section of hair with water .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: the top section of hair | ARG-1: with water SRL for [postponement]: a five - day [postponement] of the flight because of a faulty engine computer,ARG-2: five - day | ARG-1: of the flight | ARG-0: because of a faulty engine computer SRL for [computerizing]: Digital also plans to compete fiercely with IBM when the giant 's customers are [computerizing] new aspects of their businesses .,ARG-0: the giant 's customers | ARG-1: new aspects of their businesses SRL for [adventurous]: She was quite [adventurous] in her choosing of hair styles .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-MNR: in her choosing of hair styles SRL for [secured]: Financing plans include raising $ 170 million in debt [secured] by the company 's holdings in New Jersey .,ARG-1: debt | ARG-0: by the company 's holdings in New Jersey SRL for [sweet]: Please be [sweet] to Alex,ARG-M-DIS: Please | ARG-2: to Alex "SRL for [birched]: Of course , I used to cry and writhe , but I never screamed unless he [birched] me hard enough to draw blood .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-MNR: hard enough to draw blood "SRL for [compensate]: We all know that Iran can just hint to Abd Al Aziz Al Hakim , who wanted to [compensate] it with a hundred billion dollars from the aliment of the Iraqi people for its war with Iraq , or to the fascist militia leaders like the Sadr militia , which implemented the execution judgment with the recognition of the Iraqi government , to postpone the hanging , especially as the Americans had confirmed that they were against the execution on the holy day .",ARG-0: Abd Al Aziz Al Hakim | ARG-2: it | ARG-3: with a hundred billion dollars from the aliment of the Iraqi people | ARG-1: for its war with Iraq | R-ARG-0: who SRL for [work]: The forces at [work],ARG-1: The forces "SRL for [counterfeiting]: Recently , Interpol has been focusing a lot of attention on this affair of North Korea [counterfeiting] currency .",ARG-0: North Korea | ARG-1: currency SRL for [flushed]: His face [flushed] red from the shame,ARG-1: His face | ARG-2: red | ARG-0: from the shame "SRL for [enraged]: The radio show `` [enraged] us , '' says Mrs. Ward .",ARG-0: The radio show | ARG-1: us SRL for [interested]: Mr. Sim considers the new unit 's operations `` fundamentally sound '' and adds that Barry Wright has been fairly successful in moving into markets that have n't [interested] larger competitors .,ARG-2: markets | R-ARG-2: that | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: larger competitors "SRL for [lounged]: Here , in the old days -- when they had come to see the moon or displays of fireworks -- sat the king and his court while priests , soldiers , and other members of the party [lounged] in the smaller alcoves between .","ARG-0: priests , soldiers , and other members of the party | ARG-M-LOC: in the smaller alcoves between" SRL for [shrivelled]: The hot sun [shrivelled] John 's houseplants .,ARG-0: The hot sun | ARG-1: John 's houseplants SRL for [twanged]: A bullet [twanged] through the air just inches from his head .,ARG-1: A bullet | ARG-2: through the air | ARG-M-LOC: just inches from his head SRL for [Refrigerated]: [Refrigerated] insulin,ARG-1: insulin SRL for [lobectomy]: right liver [lobectomy],ARG-1: right liver SRL for [efface]: Please [efface] the formula from the blackboard .,ARG-1: the formula | ARG-M-LOC: from the blackboard SRL for [subtype]: Hold to [subtype], SRL for [appeal]: They ordered Schwarzenegger to implement it pending the resolution of his [appeal] of the case to the Supreme Court .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the case | ARG-2: to the Supreme Court "SRL for [segregate]: `` By encouraging massive , routine , voluntary testing we can enable society to voluntarily [segregate] itself sexually into two groups : those who carry the virus and those who do not , '' the Indianapolis research organization said in a new report .",ARG-0: society | ARG-M-MNR: voluntarily | ARG-1: itself | ARG-M-MNR: sexually | ARG-2: into two groups : those who carry the virus and those who do not "SRL for [broken]: His body was [broken] from the attack , and he lay motionless .",ARG-1: His body | ARG-0: from the attack "SRL for [dissatisfaction]: Once government regulation turns into simply government bureaucratic behavior , low efficiency will occur . Not only will it not be able to continue , it will also lead to the [dissatisfaction] of the residents .",ARG-1: of the residents "SRL for [amplified]: Moreover , the price volatility that is [amplified] by program trading is undercutting efforts to woo individual investors back to an OTC market that sorely misses them .",ARG-1: the price volatility | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-0: by program trading SRL for [franchised]: John [franchised] his highly lucrative dissertation - shredding business to hordes of hungry undergraduates .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his highly lucrative dissertation - shredding business | ARG-2: to hordes of hungry undergraduates "SRL for [peppered]: As small investors [peppered] their mutual funds with phone calls over the weekend , big fund managers said they have a strong defense against any wave of withdrawals : cash .",ARG-0: small investors | ARG-1: their mutual funds | ARG-2: with phone calls | ARG-M-TMP: over the weekend "SRL for [narrowed]: The Texas Oil & Gas division continues to operate in the red , although losses [narrowed] to $ 9 million from $ 15 million .",ARG-1: losses | ARG-4: to $ 9 million | ARG-3: from $ 15 million "SRL for [coming]: But at the time when he stood to speak , I was in the restroom and sort of [coming] back from the restroom",ARG-M-TMP: at the time when he stood to speak | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADV: sort of | ARG-3: back from the restroom SRL for [tailing]: He was n't protecting the Freedom Marchers ; he was [tailing] them as subversives .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-PRD: as subversives SRL for [yawning]: wide [yawning],ARG-M-MNR: wide SRL for [epilation]: I did discuss with this patient possible toxicities associated with cranial irradiation including skin erythema and permanent [epilation] and alopecia as well as alterations from cognitive baseline secondary to inflammation and edema from radiation therapy .,ARG-M-ADJ: permanent "SRL for [chattering]: Maggie was looking much happier already , clearing a space on the table and [chattering] about how she could put up a typewriter right there ...",ARG-0: Maggie | ARG-1: about how she could put up a typewriter right there SRL for [trials]: the company 's clinical [trials] of both its animal and human - based insulins,ARG-0: the company 's | ARG-M-MNR: clinical | ARG-2: of both its animal and human - based insulins "SRL for [deacetylated]: The chitin that is produced can then be [deacetylated] with sodium hydroxide to produce chitosan ( Tsai et al . , 2002 )",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: The chitin that is produced | ARG-2: with sodium hydroxide | ARG-3: to produce chitosan SRL for [disband]: The naming of FCB / Leber Katz Partners as agency of record for Nabisco Brands Inc. and Planters LifeSavers Co. follows RJR Nabisco 's announcement last week that it will [disband] its RJR Nabisco Broadcast division and dismiss its 14 employees Dec. 1 . to cut costs .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: its RJR Nabisco Broadcast division | ARG-M-PNC: to cut costs SRL for [bookmarked]: Move to letter -LRB- current position is [bookmarked] -RRB- by pressing # 7 or fast - forwarding .,ARG-2: current position "SRL for [neutered]: At my school the student government theoretically can veto things set by the staff , but it has been all but [neutered] by the new administration who did n't give a gently caress .",ARG-M-EXT: all but | ARG-1: it | ARG-0: by the new administration who did n't give a gently caress "SRL for [precious]: I will admit that when I get a new airgun , I become just a little tiny bit like Gollum : my latest acquisition become [precious] to me .",ARG-1: my latest acquisition | ARG-2: to me SRL for [loony]: You are [loony] to think that we have no way of affecting or influencing our circumstances,ARG-1: You | C-ARG-1: to think that we have no way of affecting or influencing our circumstances "SRL for [peeled]: During the coming months , layers of management will be [peeled] away and regional offices will become more autonomous .",ARG-M-TMP: During the coming months | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: layers of management | ARG-M-DIR: away SRL for [post]: Parcel [post] is a postal service for mail that is too heavy for normal letter post .,ARG-1: Parcel SRL for [run down]: You know you are getting [run down] and overly tired when : 1 . You 're easily enervated . Little things set you off .,ARG-1: you SRL for [keratinization]: Found evidence of [keratinization] of transformed epithelial cells of the urinary bladder .,ARG-1: of transformed epithelial cells of the urinary bladder "SRL for [bedewed]: My cradle , thus set down in te abode of sorrow , was [bedewed] with tears .",ARG-1: My cradle | ARG-2: with tears SRL for [anterior]: Site 2 is more [anterior] than site 1,ARG-1: Site 2 | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-2: than site 1 "SRL for [debatable]: The account of the facts for whether it is a crime or not may be [debatable] , but the crime is absolutely not deserving of death , is it ... ? !",ARG-1: The account of the facts for whether it is a crime or not | ARG-M-MOD: may SRL for [reprogrammed]: I recently [reprogrammed] it with your custom thing and the lights keep flashing and the mod wo n't work .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with your custom thing SRL for [romanticized]: Much of Mr. Lane 's film takes a highly [romanticized] view of life on the streets ( though probably no more romanticized than Mr. Chaplin 's notion of the Tramp as the good - hearted free spirit ) .,ARG-M-EXT: highly | ARG-1: view of life on the streets "SRL for [irrational]: ... the only thing is how [irrational] it has come to be , and how many economically affordable houses have been allocated to rich ones "" with power and wealth "" .",ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: it "SRL for [hung]: As her father , George Hambley Brown , was a prominent figure in the British film industry , she [hung] with the British actors of her day .","ARG-M-CAU: As her father , George Hambley Brown , was a prominent figure in the British film industry | ARG-1: she | ARG-M-COM: with the British actors of her day" SRL for [campaign - managing]: Maybe I feel like I 'm [campaign - managing] for Giuliani,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: for Giuliani SRL for [revalued]: the seller had [revalued] it at $ 18,ARG-0: the seller | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: at $ 18 "SRL for [waxes]: Like the moon , every month John 's waistline [waxes] and wanes .",ARG-M-MNR: Like the moon | ARG-M-TMP: every month | ARG-1: John 's waistline "SRL for [cloyed]: The feel of wood was acrid and chalky in his mouth , metal was salt , stone tasted sour - sweet to the touch of his fingers , and the feel of glass [cloyed] his palate like over - rich pastry .",ARG-0: the feel of glass | ARG-1: his palate | ARG-M-MNR: like over - rich pastry SRL for [cancellation]: stamp [cancellation],ARG-1: stamp "SRL for [sneaky]: What makes this wave of IEDs worse is that the devices are getting more effective . Frankly I 've been shocked at how good the Iraqis are with these things right from the start . I mean , after that shameful performance in GW I , did you expect these bastards to be so [sneaky] , patient , and smart ? I knew this war was a bad idea , but even I never realized what we 'd be up against .",ARG-0: these bastards | ARG-M-EXT: so "SRL for [motivated]: The UEP declines to comment , but the group 's attorney , Alfred Frawley , says the group 's actions are [motivated] solely by `` health concerns . ''",ARG-1: the group 's actions | ARG-M-ADV: solely | ARG-0: by `` health concerns . '' "SRL for [mucosectomy]: anal canal , [mucosectomy]",ARG-2: anal canal "SRL for [rebuttal]: His writings and speeches were such a huge influence on me during those most tumultuous teenage years , the years in which I was "" tentatively feeling my way into the life of the freethinker "" in the words of Dawkins , and served as a brilliant [rebuttal] to the dogma I was being fed in Catholic school .",ARG-M-MNR: brilliant | ARG-2: to the dogma I was being fed in Catholic school SRL for [rescan]: patient [rescan] planned for tomorrow .,ARG-1: patient SRL for [resupplied]: We [resupplied] them with water and clean clothing .,ARG-0: We | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: with water and clean clothing "SRL for [spring]: But it was destined to be resumed long before that hour , and in circumstances which gave me a shock hardly second to that caused by his [spring] to the door .",ARG-1: his | ARG-3: to the door "SRL for [subpoenaed]: Pan Am has [subpoenaed] several government agencies , including the CIA and FBI , to determine whether they were warned that a bomb had been planted aboard a jet that exploded over Scotland last December , killing 270 people .","ARG-0: Pan Am | ARG-1: several government agencies , including the CIA and FBI | ARG-M-PRP: to determine whether they were warned that a bomb had been planted aboard a jet that exploded over Scotland last December , killing 270 people" "SRL for [bent]: It shows one could not arrest a cop in a ' citizens arrest ' without the tables being turned on them , even if the cop was [bent] or up to no good .",ARG-1: the cop "SRL for [retaliation]: President Obama issued a Presidential Policy Directive prohibiting [retaliation] against them for exposing waste , fraud and abuse .","ARG-1: against them | ARG-M-CAU: for exposing waste , fraud and abuse" "SRL for [cut]: Thompson formed his first band , the Southern Melody Boys , while still in high school and they [cut] a record for the local VON label",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: a record | ARG-2: for the local VON label SRL for [changed]: ... customers whose addresses have [changed] during the past 3 1/2 years .,ARG-1: whose addresses | ARG-M-TMP: during the past 3 1/2 years SRL for [beaded]: Faux pearls were [beaded] onto slightly stretchy jewelry string .,ARG-1: Faux pearls | ARG-2: onto slightly stretchy jewelry string "SRL for [dung]: land that , of itself , is barren and dry , will come to yield good fruit if you [dung] it and till it > >",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: it SRL for [misrouted]: He even took a great risk in rescuing a trainload of workers from Auschwitz - Birkenau after the SS had [misrouted] them to the camps for extermination .,ARG-0: SS | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to the camps | ARG-M-PRP: for extermination SRL for [active]: Patient is physically [active],ARG-0: Patient | ARG-M-MNR: physically SRL for [resignation]: His [resignation] from the post,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: from the post "SRL for [forwent]: Olivia , Peter and Walter [forwent] to the Circus to see the dead clowns .","ARG-1: Olivia , Peter and Walter | ARG-M-DIR: to the Circus | ARG-M-PRP: to see the dead clowns" "SRL for [concentrate]: Instead , said Wang , the MJIB will [concentrate] on "" investigating criminal activities and countering the attempts of individuals -LRB- and organizations -RRB- from mainland China and foreign countries to infiltrate or spy on Taiwan . ""","ARG-M-DIS: Instead | ARG-0: the MJIB | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: on "" investigating criminal activities and countering the attempts of individuals -LRB- and organizations -RRB- from mainland China and foreign countries to infiltrate or spy on Taiwan" SRL for [recommendations]: Patient is here for [recommendations] recommendations for his colitis .,ARG-4: treatment | ARG-M-PRP: for his colitis "SRL for [BIGGER]: I want the surge to be [BIGGER] , SOONER , and to last as long as it takes to WIN .",ARG-1: the surge | ARG-M-TMP: SOONER SRL for [develop]: A balance must be ensured between nature conservation and economic development so that Taiwan may [develop] into a sustainable green silicon island .,ARG-1: Taiwan | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-2: into a sustainable green silicon island SRL for [parboil]: I need to [parboil] the chicken .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the chicken "SRL for [block]: The faculty 's texting [block] on students caused an uproar , but led to better GPAs .",ARG-0: faculty 's | ARG-2: texting | ARG-1: on students SRL for [squish]: You should now be able to [squish] the dough into two balls .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: the dough | ARG-2: into two balls SRL for [scammed]: A local gold dealer 's clients across the country say he [scammed] them out of more than $ 1 million .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: out of more than $ 1 million SRL for [needling]: Maya 's constant [needling] of Joe about his haircut annoyed him enormously .,ARG-0: Maya 's | ARG-M-TMP: constant | ARG-1: of Joe | ARG-2: about his haircut "SRL for [conference]: I think , actually , they were your words when we had the telephone [conference] .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-MNR: telephone SRL for [zonation]: Metabolic [zonation] of the liver : regulation and implications for liver function .,ARG-2: Metabolic | ARG-1: of the liver "SRL for [Laving]: [Laving] his brow , she smiled .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: his brow SRL for [phrase]: So perhaps you need to [phrase] it that way to him ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: that way | ARG-M-GOL: to him "SRL for [harsh]: The Treaty of Versailles was [harsh] on the Germans , ...",ARG-1: The Treaty of Versailles | ARG-2: on the Germans SRL for [mistrusted]: They have [mistrusted] the Israelis throughout this process .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: the Israelis | ARG-M-TMP: throughout this process "SRL for [taxed]: The securities - turnover tax has been long criticized by the West German financial community because it tends to drive securities trading and other banking activities out of Frankfurt into rival financial centers , especially London , where trading transactions is n't [taxed] .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-3: trading transactions | ARG-M-LOC: especially London | R-ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [upset]: By doing this , these Jews [upset] the people , the older Jewish leaders , and the teachers of the law .","ARG-2: By doing this | ARG-0: these Jews | ARG-1: the people , the older Jewish leaders , and the teachers of the law" "SRL for [assuming]: He also said that after the charges , and `` [assuming] no dramatic fluctuation in interest rates , the company expects to achieve near - record earnings in 1990 . ''",ARG-1: no dramatic fluctuation in interest rates "SRL for [vaunted]: Our military experts in the rear [vaunted] them as equals , if not superiors .","ARG-0: Our military experts in the rear | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: as equals , if not superiors" SRL for [terrorized]: The White Witch [terrorized] the magical beings of Narnia to death .,ARG-0: The White Witch | ARG-1: the magical beings of Narnia | ARG-3: to death SRL for [ranching]: Fox comes from a farming and [ranching] family .,ARG-0: family SRL for [gasp]: Never once did she [gasp] for air or mop her brow .,ARG-M-NEG: Never once | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: for air SRL for [rocky]: He has had a very [rocky] postoperative recovery .,ARG-1: postoperative recovery SRL for [examinations]: undergraduates taking the national university enterance [examinations],ARG-1: undergraduates | ARG-M-LVB: taking | ARG-0: national | ARG-2: university enterance SRL for [overdue]: She is [overdue] for a hip replacement,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: for a hip replacement "SRL for [recent]: Yes , he was wrong to jump to the conclusion that the article was [recent] , but that did n't mean he was wrong .",ARG-1: the article "SRL for [re - travelling]: Frankly speaking , the Democratic Progressive Party is still [re - travelling] the old path of Chen Shui - bian , but did not use their ideas on the correct path of developing people 's livelihood and improving the economy .",ARG-M-ADV: Frankly speaking | ARG-0: the Democratic Progressive Party | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: the old path of Chen Shui - bian SRL for [judgement]: your [judgement] of this,ARG-0: your | ARG-1: of this SRL for [unified]: It effectively attempted to [unified] church with state .,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: church | ARG-2: with state SRL for [swings]: investors would simply have to get used to the market 's big price [swings] .,ARG-1: the market 's | ARG-M-ADJ: big | ARG-5: price SRL for [naked]: it was the beach itself that was [naked] of its people .,ARG-1: that | ARG-2: of its people SRL for [foil]: Mr. Kryuchkov was quoted as saying that in place of the infamous 5th Directorate a new unit would work `` to [foil] the conspiracies of foreign intelligence services to create and use organized anti - government groups in our country . '',ARG-0: a new unit | ARG-1: the conspiracies of foreign intelligence services to create and use organized anti - government groups in our country SRL for [out]: The ticket machine at Gaithersburg is [out] of service .,ARG-1: The ticket machine | ARG-2: of service "SRL for [rip]: Manually [rip] all dvds to Mkvs , make a little htpc with a low cost amd llano cpu and a wireless card and hook it up to my TV .",ARG-M-MNR: Manually | ARG-3: all dvds | ARG-2: to Mkvs "SRL for [exercise]: Working out is not like other consumer behavior : The demand for [exercise] among modern people will only increase , not decline .",ARG-0: among modern people SRL for [demolished]: Mary [demolished] John 's fragile self - esteem with a single dirty look .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John 's fragile self - esteem | ARG-2: with a single dirty look "SRL for [alarms]: It raises the long - cherished hopes of many Germans for reunification -- a prospect that almost equally [alarms] political leaders in Moscow , Washington and Western Europe .","R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a prospect | ARG-M-MNR: almost equally | ARG-1: political leaders in Moscow , Washington and Western Europe" SRL for [moneysaving]: you could try posting this on the [moneysaving] in marriage and relationships board ?,ARG-M-LOC: in marriage and relationships SRL for [spacewalk]: What was the name of the first Russian to do a [spacewalk] ?,ARG-0: the first Russian | ARG-M-LVB: do "SRL for [released]: A 50 - state study [released] in September by Friends for Education , an Albuquerque NM school - research group ....","ARG-1: A 50 - state study | ARG-M-TMP: in September | ARG-0: by Friends for Education , an Albuquerque NM school - research group" SRL for [hydrated]: He 's [hydrated] himself with his homemade molasses - oral - rehydration fluid .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: with his homemade molasses - oral - rehydration fluid SRL for [schemed]: Steven [schemed] with him to come to their town and rid them of the witch .,ARG-0: Steven | ARG-2: with him | ARG-1: to come to their town and rid them of the witch "SRL for [slavered]: He gloated , and his lips [slavered] .",ARG-0: his lips SRL for [foxed]: Her makeup [foxed] me .,ARG-0: Her makeup | ARG-1: me "SRL for [recruited]: Not included on the most - likely - successor list are Joni Evans , [recruited] two years ago to be publisher of adult trade books for Random House , and Sonny Mehta , president of the prestigious Alfred A. Knopf unit .",ARG-1: Joni Evans | ARG-M-TMP: two years ago | ARG-2: to be publisher of adult trade books for Random House SRL for [slowing]: While it has predicted that overall growth in unit sales of personal computers is [slowing] to about a 10 % yearly rate ...,ARG-1: overall growth in unit sales of personal computers | ARG-4: to about a 10 % yearly rate SRL for [admit]: Only once we [admit] this to ourselves individually and as a nation can the true healing begin .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: this | ARG-2: to ourselves | ARG-M-MNR: individually and as a nation SRL for [evaluation]: the [evaluation] of our enemies,ARG-1: of our enemies SRL for [foresees]: Mr. Lego said the company [foresees] the need for a major boost in new - generation capability throughout the 1990s .,ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: the need for a major boost in new - generation capability throughout the 1990s SRL for [soured]: Their relationship with Mr. Sugarman [soured] shortly thereafter .,ARG-1: Their relationship with Mr. Sugarman | ARG-M-TMP: shortly thereafter SRL for [wept]: The infected sore [wept] pus .,ARG-0: The infected sore | ARG-1: pus "SRL for [feeling]: Their replacements , CDs and VCDs , are now cresting , soon to be vanquished by DVDs , which though next in line are already [feeling] mini - disks closing in on them .",ARG-0: DVDs | ARG-M-ADV: though next in line | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: mini - disks closing in on them | R-ARG-0: which "SRL for [grafted]: `` I 've ripped out a lot of Delicious '' and [grafted] the trees with many different shoots , says Steve Wood , a West Lebanon , N.H. , grower , tramping through his 100 - acre Poverty Lane Orchard on a crisp autumn day recently .",ARG-0: I | ARG-2: the trees | ARG-1: with many different shoots SRL for [slicing]: President Bush insists it would be a great tool for curbing the budget deficit and [slicing] the lard out of government programs .,ARG-1: the lard | ARG-2: out of government programs SRL for [dispossessed]: The defendants [dispossessed] her of her property .,ARG-0: The defendants | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: of her property "SRL for [incarnation]: Disney also used this for their [incarnation] of Hans Christian Andersen 's "" the Little Mermaid "" .","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Hans Christian Andersen 's "" the Little Mermaid """ SRL for [hampered]: ... the company 's performance was [hampered] by problems tied to the introduction of a major new family of computers in April .,ARG-1: the company 's performance | ARG-0: by problems tied to the introduction of a major new family of computers in April SRL for [magnetic]: It is not that power corrupts but that it is [magnetic] to the corruptable .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to the corruptable "SRL for [application]: The collective name for the [application] to the World Heritage Committee is "" China 's Danxia Landforms "" .",ARG-2: to the World Heritage Committee "SRL for [behaved]: The affair finally ended in divorce , but the upside is that since then her ex has actually [behaved] better , for he has begun to commute back to Kaohsiung from Tainan every day , and is much more patient with his son and daughter than before .",ARG-M-TMP: since then | ARG-0: her ex | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-1: better SRL for [Tough]: My Divorce Was [Tough] On My Kid,ARG-1: My Divorce | ARG-2: On My Kid SRL for [done in]: I do n't feel down or [done in] because I show British serials on my television network or read their books .,ARG-1: I SRL for [renegotiating]: Santa Fe has disclosed that it is [renegotiating] to sell a 20 % interest in its real estate unit to the California Public Employees Retirement System for roughly $ 400 million .,ARG-0: it | ARG-2: to sell a 20 % interest in its real estate unit to the California Public Employees Retirement System for roughly $ 400 million SRL for [tick]: US jobless claims [tick] down to 2008 levels .,ARG-1: US jobless claims | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-3: to 2008 levels SRL for [grieve]: Margot does n't want them to [grieve] over her passing .,ARG-1: them | ARG-0: over her passing SRL for [involving]: In a well - known detective story [involving] church bells ...,ARG-2: a well - known detective story | ARG-1: church bells "SRL for [hypersalivated]: Most cats vomited , and/or [hypersalivated] after all treatments .",ARG-0: Most cats | ARG-M-TMP: after all treatments SRL for [deliveries]: Zookeepers ' jeans [deliveries] to monkeys,ARG-0: Zookeepers ' | ARG-1: jeans | ARG-2: to monkeys SRL for [obsessional]: I am very [obsessional] to the point where I get up 20 times a night to check the locks in my house are all locked a particular way .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-M-EXT: to the point where I get up 20 times a night to check the locks in my house are all locked a particular way SRL for [processing]: Cotton and its [processing] from Fabric to Fashion,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from Fabric | ARG-3: to Fashion SRL for [presented]: Elderly patient [presented] in clinic this morning with lower back pain,ARG-0: Elderly patient | ARG-M-LOC: in clinic | ARG-M-TMP: this morning | ARG-2: with lower back pain SRL for [treated]: Interest on the bonds will be [treated] as a preference item in calculating the federal alternative minimum tax that may be imposed on certain investors .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Interest on the bonds | ARG-2: as a preference item | ARG-M-LOC: in calculating the federal alternative minimum tax that may be imposed on certain investors "SRL for [compost]: We 've bought two rubbish recycling boxes from the municipal government , which we use to [compost] each day 's fruit and vegetable scraps .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: each day 's fruit and vegetable scraps "SRL for [reminded]: Instead , Mr. Nixon [reminded] his host , Chinese President Yang Shangkun , that Americans have n't forgiven China 's leaders for the military assault of June 3 - 4 that killed hundreds , and perhaps thousands , of demonstrators .","ARG-M-DIS: Instead | ARG-0: Mr. Nixon | ARG-2: his host , Chinese President Yang Shangkun | ARG-1: that Americans have n't forgiven China 's leaders for the military assault of June 3 - 4 that killed hundreds , and perhaps thousands , of demonstrators" SRL for [claudication]: He had stenting of the common iliac arteries in 1999 for severe [claudication],ARG-M-ADJ: severe SRL for [harassed]: John finally [harassed] Mary into giving him some ice cream .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: into giving him some ice cream SRL for [posting]: What does their [posting] a profit have to do with the writers strike ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: a profit SRL for [stressed]: She never [stressed] him about getting married until after they had their third child .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: about getting married | ARG-M-TMP: until after they had their third child "SRL for [become]: Plans that give advertisers discounts for maintaining or increasing ad spending have [become] permanent fixtures at the news weeklies and underscore the fierce competition between Newsweek , TimeWarner Inc. 's Time magazine , and Mortimer B. Zuckerman 's U.S. News & World Report .",ARG-1: Plans that give advertisers discounts for maintaining or increasing ad spending | ARG-2: permanent fixtures at the news weeklies SRL for [zoom]: He believes Jaguar 's share price could [zoom] to between # 8 and # 10 ( $ 12.60 to $ 15.80 ) .,ARG-1: Jaguar 's share price | ARG-4: to between # 8 and # 10 ( $ 12.60 to $ 15.80 ) SRL for [resignation]: Mr. Wilson 's [resignation],ARG-0: Mr. Wilson 's SRL for [clunked]: He [clunked] his head into three different tables before I was able to catch up with him .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his head | ARG-M-DIR: into three different tables | ARG-M-TMP: before I was able to catch up with him SRL for [anniversary]: Investors celebrated the second [anniversary] of Black Monday with a buying spree in both stocks and bonds .,ARG-2: second | ARG-1: of Black Monday SRL for [explosion]: the bomb 's [explosion] into the airplane,ARG-1: the bomb 's | ARG-M-GOL: into the airplane "SRL for [black]: It was [black] of humor and quite perverse , containing a substantial bit of nudity and death",ARG-1: It | ARG-2: of humor "SRL for [infringement]: For example , trumpeting colonialism and racism is widely considered to be an [infringement] upon human rights .",ARG-1: upon human rights "SRL for [appears]: To Mary , John [appears] to be an idiot .",ARG-2: To Mary | ARG-1: John | C-ARG-1: to be an idiot SRL for [makes]: Judy Rodin [makes] way too much money for what she does .,ARG-0: Judy Rodin | ARG-1: way too much money | ARG-2: for what she does SRL for [derinded]: The canes were [derinded] to give fresh sugar cane crush .,ARG-1: The canes | ARG-M-PRP: to give fresh sugar cane crush SRL for [pyrosequencing]: Mutation analyses were performed using polymerase chain reaction -LRB- PCR -RRB- and [pyrosequencing] for codon 132 of the IDH1 gene and codon 172 of the IDH2 gene on DNA extracted from parraffin - embedded tissue .,ARG-2: for codon 132 of the IDH1 gene and codon 172 of the IDH2 gene | ARG-1: on DNA extracted from parraffin - embedded tissue SRL for [cavitation]: an area of central [cavitation],ARG-M-LOC: central "SRL for [contest]: David Oliver Joyce gave early hope to the German outfit after victory in his [contest] against compatriot Eric Donovan but the powerful Kazak outfit was too strong on the night with Sergiy Derevyanchenko , Hrvoje Sep and Filip Hrgovic all contributing towards an important win for the visitors .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against compatriot Eric Donovan "SRL for [reopen]: In a surprise announcement , the Treasury said it will [reopen] the outstanding benchmark 30 - year bond rather than create a new one for next week 's quarterly refunding of the federal debt .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the outstanding benchmark 30 - year bond "SRL for [swept up]: As the bands began to play , we all got [swept up] in the excitement .",ARG-M-TMP: As the bands began to play | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-1: in the excitement "SRL for [broadcast]: This communication technology relies on polling from client nodes , rather than a [broadcast] from a central hub .",ARG-3: from a central hub SRL for [end]: This will [end] in tears .,ARG-1: This | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: in tears "SRL for [transmogrified]: When reduced to buzzword status in ex parte pledges , however , the notion [transmogrified] into a promised assault , with targets primarily for political gains , not justice .","ARG-M-TMP: When reduced to buzzword status in ex parte pledges | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-1: the notion | ARG-3: into a promised assault | ARG-M-PRD: with targets primarily for political gains , not justice" SRL for [comes to mind]: The thought or temptation [comes to mind] that Louise likes to be in charge of things and wants power .,ARG-2: The thought or temptation | C-ARG-2: that Louise likes to be in charge of things and wants power SRL for [ulcerative]: [ulcerative] and exophytic mass,ARG-1: mass "SRL for [recognized]: Decisions by the Second Circuit itself , Judge Oakes continued , had [recognized] that public interest in the subject matter and the in dispensability in particular cases of verbatim quotations are vital components of fair use .",ARG-0: Decisions by the Second Circuit itself | ARG-1: that public interest in the subject matter and the in dispensability in particular cases of verbatim quotations are vital components of fair use SRL for [rented]: But that did n't make sense because we would have gladly [rented] him a room for one night for considerably less .,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-MNR: gladly | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: a room | ARG-4: for one night | ARG-3: for considerably less "SRL for [groping]: Possessing a corporate farsightedness and determination that is similar to Yoshinoya , Ritek has been [groping] its way toward international affirmation .",ARG-M-ADV: Possessing a corporate farsightedness and determination that is similar to Yoshinoya | ARG-0: Ritek | ARG-M-PRD: its way | ARG-1: toward international affirmation SRL for [cheating]: But the `` real world '' also includes the unpleasant truth that colleges are [cheating] the athletes they have wooed and won .,ARG-0: colleges | ARG-2: the athletes they have wooed and won "SRL for [chitchatted]: Over burgers and salads , they [chitchatted] about their work , their families and their hobbies .","ARG-M-MNR: Over burgers and salads | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: about their work , their families and their hobbies" SRL for [skedaddled]: We [skedaddled] to a pub across the road .,ARG-1: We | ARG-4: to a pub across the road "SRL for [thank]: `` We will support it , we will [thank] him , and we will augment it where appropriate , '' said Rep. Vic Fazio D. , Calif.",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: him "SRL for [unacceptable]: well , her behavior was [unacceptable] to any customer , child or adult .","ARG-M-DIS: well | ARG-1: her behavior | ARG-0: to any customer , child or adult" "SRL for [thanked]: In 1986 , Stamford officials [thanked] Mr. Hoelzer for taking care of the mural -- and demanded he return it as soon as possible .",ARG-M-TMP: In 1986 | ARG-0: Stamford officials | ARG-1: Mr. Hoelzer | ARG-2: for taking care of the mural SRL for [patent]: MedChem Products Inc. said a U.S. District Court in Boston ruled that a challenge by MedChem to the validity of a U.S. [patent] held by Pharmacia Inc. was `` without merit . '',ARG-M-LOC: U.S. | ARG-0: held by Pharmacia Inc. SRL for [quarrel]: Even some takeover - stock traders said they could n't [quarrel] with the board 's logic .,ARG-0: they | ARG-2: with the board 's logic SRL for [abuse]: The teens withstood `` mental [abuse] '' from coaches .,ARG-M-MNR: mental | ARG-0: from coaches SRL for [police]: `` We ca n't [police] the many organizations that have sprung up in the last few years using part of our name .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the many organizations that have sprung up in the last few years using part of our name SRL for [thick]: The vines were as [thick] as the hair on a dog .,ARG-2: vines | ARG-M-CXN: as | ARG-M-CXN: as the hair on a dog SRL for [went through]: Has anyone else got stuff cheap like this and the seller [went through] with it or not ?,ARG-0: the seller | ARG-1: with it SRL for [sleep]: I still [sleep] my three or four hours a night .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: my three or four hours | ARG-M-TMP: a night SRL for [chance]: You took a [chance] on loving me,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: on loving me "SRL for [heartless]: He brooked no equal , and was [heartless] in his dealings .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: in his dealings "SRL for [entombed]: They transferred the mummy to Lviv , where they [entombed] it in a crypt .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in a crypt | ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [hospitalized]: Mr. Mingo was [hospitalized] Sept. 23 and died Monday , according to Samuel J. Chisholm , the agency 's president and chief operating officer .",ARG-1: Mr. Mingo | ARG-M-TMP: Sept. 23 SRL for [evaluate]: When can you safely [evaluate] a young woman with chest pain for coronary artery disease ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MNR: safely | ARG-1: a young woman with chest pain | ARG-3: for coronary artery disease "SRL for [reinforce]: Although the polyester and rayon markets remain mostly bleak , Akzo has high hopes for some emerging fiber businesses , such carbon fibers and aramid , extremely strong fibers used to [reinforce] tires and metals and to make such products as bullet - proof vests .",ARG-2: extremely strong fibers | ARG-1: tires and metals SRL for [twanged]: He [twanged] his bow .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his bow SRL for [fortified]: Major League baseball 's National League champion New York Mets [fortified] their teams ' leadership on Tuesday by resigning Manager Bobby Valentine and General Manager Steve Phillips .,ARG-0: Major League baseball 's National League champion New York Mets | ARG-1: their teams ' leadership | ARG-M-TMP: on Tuesday | ARG-M-MNR: by resigning Manager Bobby Valentine and General Manager Steve Phillips SRL for [political]: It was a bit too [political] for my tastes but I do n't really care if car companies want to spend a fortune on Obama ads .,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-EXT: a bit | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: for my tastes "SRL for [labeled]: He ran on his plump sticks of legs , freezing now and again into the sudden startled attitudes which the camera had caught and held on the paling photographs , all carefully placed and glued and [labeled] , resting in the fat plush album in the bottom drawer of the escritoire .",ARG-M-MNR: carefully | ARG-1: all "SRL for [oppressed]: The silence [oppressed] him , made him bend low over the horse 's neck as if tohide from a wind that had begun to blow far away and was twisting slowlythrough the darkness in its slow search .",ARG-0: The silence | ARG-1: him SRL for [advance]: Skilled ringers use their wrists to [advance] or retard the next swing .,ARG-0: Skilled ringers | ARG-1: the next swing SRL for [clerking]: Currently she is [clerking] for a commercial law practitioner .,ARG-M-TMP: Currently | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: for a commercial law practitioner SRL for [omitted]: Estimated and actual results involving losses are [omitted] .,ARG-1: Estimated and actual results involving losses SRL for [solemnized]: Early colonial unions were predominantly interracial and not [solemnized] by church or state .,ARG-1: Early colonial unions | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: by church or state SRL for [advection]: temperature [advection] by tropical instability,ARG-1: temperature | ARG-0: by tropical instability SRL for [voiced]: One Warren Commission witness [voiced] her complaints to the FBI .,ARG-0: One Warren Commission witness | ARG-1: her complaints | ARG-2: to the FBI "SRL for [cast]: All this has [cast] a pall over Columbia Savings & Loan Association and its high - rolling 43 - year - old chairman , Thomas Spiegel , who built the $ 12.7 billion Beverly Hills , Calif. , thrift with high - yield junk bonds .","ARG-1: a pall | ARG-0: All this | ARG-2: over Columbia Savings & Loan Association and its high - rolling 43 - year - old chairman , Thomas Spiegel , who built the $ 12.7 billion Beverly Hills , Calif. , thrift with high - yield junk bonds" "SRL for [drilled]: Maxus said it did n't run a production test on the three discovery wells it [drilled] in the field , which is about 1.6 miles from the Intan Field , because the wells are similar to others drilled at its Intan and Widuri fields .","ARG-4: the three discovery wells | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: in the field , which is about 1.6 miles from the Intan Field" SRL for [control]: Mother Nature has exhibited her [control] over mankind with her record rainfall that brought an end to our drought cycle .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: over mankind | ARG-2: with her record rainfall that brought an end to our drought cycle SRL for [misguiding]: Analysts believe some tribal warlords may have taken advantage of American firepower by accusing rival leaders of being Taliban and [misguiding] U.S. intelligence .,ARG-0: rival leaders | ARG-1: U.S. intelligence SRL for [delegating]: But Mr. Phillips recently freed himself up to spend more time with clients by [delegating] much of his administrative work to a deputy .,ARG-0: Mr. Phillips | ARG-1: much of his administrative work | ARG-2: to a deputy SRL for [retweeting]: [retweeting] the Red River of Fargo ND is at 39.28 ft .,ARG-1: the Red River of Fargo ND is at 39.28 ft "SRL for [jump]: Jesse Owens set a record with his long [jump] of 8.13 m ( 26 feet , 8 inches ) .","ARG-0: his | ARG-M-MNR: long | ARG-1: of 8.13 m ( 26 feet , 8 inches )" SRL for [started]: Mary [started] toward the door,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-2: toward the door SRL for [bring along]: She could [bring along] her humility and a little thespian skill .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: her humility and a little thespian skill SRL for [guidance]: parental [guidance],ARG-0: parental "SRL for [crepitated]: It [crepitated] with resistance , and when placed in water did not sink .",ARG-1: It | ARG-M-MNR: with resistance SRL for [maintenance]: the [maintenance] of order during elections,ARG-1: of order | ARG-M-TMP: during elections SRL for [ironic]: The story was [ironic] to the real world .,ARG-1: The story | ARG-2: to the real world "SRL for [pregaming]: We 've been [pregaming] since ten this morning , Chase .","ARG-0: We | ARG-M-TMP: since ten this morning , Chase" SRL for [known]: Samuel Langhorne Clemens was [known] as Mark Twain .,ARG-1: Samuel Langhorne Clemens | ARG-2: as Mark Twain SRL for [left over]: Those dividend bulls argue that corporations are in the unusual position of having plenty of cash [left over] after paying dividends and making capital expenditures .,ARG-1: plenty of cash SRL for [opacified]: The aortoiliac and mesenteric arteries are not [opacified] enough to exclude stenosis .,ARG-1: The aortoiliac and mesenteric arteries | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: enough to exclude stenosis SRL for [racked]: I [racked] my brain for hours trying to recall her name .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my brain | ARG-M-TMP: for hours | ARG-M-PRP: trying to recall her name SRL for [vomiting]: chemotherapy - induced [vomiting],ARG-M-CAU: chemotherapy - induced SRL for [frustrating]: Cutting the pieces by hand with scissors was so [frustrating] to her,ARG-0: Cutting the pieces by hand with scissors | ARG-M-ADJ: so | ARG-1: to her "SRL for [shot]: In 1976 , as a film student at the Purchase campus of the State University of New York , Mr. Lane [shot] `` A Place in Time , '' a 36 - minute black - and - white film about a sketch artist , a man of the streets .","ARG-M-TMP: In 1976 | ARG-M-PRD: as a film student at the Purchase campus of the State University of New York | ARG-0: Mr. Lane | ARG-1: `` A Place in Time , '' a 36 - minute black - and - white film about a sketch artist , a man of the streets" SRL for [bad]: Security is not [bad],ARG-1: Security | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [racist]: Ted Yoho said a tax on tanning salons included in President Obama 's health care overhaul law is ? [racist] ? against white people .,ARG-1: a tax on tanning salons included in President Obama 's health care overhaul law | ARG-2: against white people SRL for [revival]: Asia is on alert to signs of Japan 's military [revival] .,ARG-0: Japan 's | ARG-1: military "SRL for [understandable]: Obviously if you 're Scottish and support the union that 's [understandable] , because hell I would because you 're getting masses of benefits whilst giving little in return .",ARG-M-ADV: Obviously | ARG-M-ADV: if you 're Scottish and support the union | ARG-1: that | ARG-M-CAU: because hell I would because you 're getting masses of benefits whilst giving little in return SRL for [spared]: Others are trying to find specialty defense work [spared] by the slowdown or new niches created by budget - cutting .,ARG-1: specialty defense work | ARG-2: by the slowdown SRL for [got]: That [got] hard to take .,ARG-1: That | ARG-2: hard to take SRL for [irresponsible]: It was [irresponsible] of him to leave his laptop sitting on the table unattended,ARG-1: of him | C-ARG-1: to leave his laptop sitting on the table unattended SRL for [leave off]: And they would n't [leave off] arguing and pleading until he had promised .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: arguing and pleading | ARG-M-TMP: until he had promised "SRL for [shine through]: But while the merits of diversification [shine through] when times are tough , there 's also a price to pay : A diversified portfolio always underperforms an undiversified portfolio during those times when the investment in the undiversified portfolio is truly hot .",ARG-1: the merits of diversification | ARG-M-TMP: when times are tough SRL for [blockage]: Patient Jane has a [blockage] of at least one of her vessels .,ARG-1: of at least one of her vessels SRL for [convenient]: an apartment that is [convenient] to shopping and transportation .,ARG-0: that | ARG-2: to shopping and transportation "SRL for [accurate]: But again due to the tortuosity , measurements are not [accurate] .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-CAU: due to the tortuosity | ARG-1: measurements | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [appointment]: Mr. Brawer 's [appointment] as president,ARG-1: Mr. Brawer 's | ARG-2: as president "SRL for [chalked up]: `` We got calls from big block houses asking us if we want to make bids on anything , '' said Mr. Weisman , who , happy with his returns on investments [chalked up] earlier , declined the offers .",ARG-1: investments | ARG-M-TMP: earlier SRL for [thick]: The air was [thick] with smoke,ARG-1: The air | ARG-2: with smoke SRL for [denationalize]: ... nor can the government easily back down on promised protection for a privatized company while it proceeds with controversial plans to [denationalize] most of Britain 's water and electricity industries .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: most of Britain 's water and electricity industries SRL for [stabled]: John [stabled] the horses in the barn for the night .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the horses | ARG-2: in the barn "SRL for [upraised]: The two hands when [upraised] and folded together represent : "" Now I am trying to establish a link with Parama Purus'a -LRB- Supreme Consciousness -RRB- . """,ARG-1: The two hands | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [matched]: The architect [matched] the paint and the wallpaper,ARG-0: The architect | ARG-1: the paint and the wallpaper SRL for [addended]: [addended] report,ARG-1: report SRL for [alright]: And I have some reasons why dating is [alright] for high school students,ARG-1: dating | ARG-2: for high school students | ARG-M-CAU: why "SRL for [slimming]: Toymaker Mattel , Inc. refined Barbie 's gravity - defying proportions by [slimming] her bust and hips and widening her waist , as well as giving her a new nose .",ARG-0: Toymaker Mattel | ARG-1: her bust and hips SRL for [scratched]: John [scratched] the paint off of his fingernails .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the paint | ARG-2: off of his fingernails "SRL for [vasodilation]: The mechanism of the [vasodilation] of septic shock remains incompletely understood , but considerable evidence implicates abnormalities of vasodilator mechanisms .",ARG-0: of septic shock SRL for [protective]: Scott is [protective] of his private life :,ARG-0: Scott | ARG-1: of his private life "SRL for [calibrated]: Even the carefully [calibrated] machinery in its giant Fremont plant , to the north of the Valley , was believed to be undamaged .",ARG-M-MNR: carefully | ARG-1: machinery SRL for [attraction]: The child 's constant [attraction] of attention to himself began to annoy us .,ARG-0: child 's | ARG-M-TMP: constant | ARG-1: of attention | ARG-2: to himself SRL for [stage]: We will [stage] her with a liver ultrasound,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-MNR: with a liver ultrasound "SRL for [convergence]: McCain 's greatest vulnerability is his [convergence] with Bush on such critical policies as the Iraq war , tax cuts , and health care .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: with Bush | ARG-2: on such critical policies as the Iraq war , tax cuts , and health care" SRL for [breath]: his first [breath] of relief,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: of relief SRL for [beckon]: Now you go outside and [beckon] me when it 's safe '' .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-TMP: when it 's safe "SRL for [dull]: I reluctantly reached to my ankle to grab my back up Bowie knife , it was [dull] from cutting through a zebra femur to make a splint .",ARG-1: it | ARG-0: from cutting through a zebra femur to make a splint "SRL for [shortsighted]: Though Putin 's election can alleviate a small amount of the strategic pressure on China , pinning all our hopes on his election is indeed strategically and politically [shortsighted] and naive .",ARG-1: pinning all our hopes on his election | ARG-M-ADV: indeed | ARG-M-ADV: strategically and politically SRL for [screeched]: The chalk [screeched] on the blackboard .,ARG-1: The chalk | ARG-M-LOC: on the blackboard "SRL for [jiggled]: John [jiggled] the light switch , but the light did n't come on .",ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the light switch "SRL for [bi]: Nothing wrong with being [bi] , but just as bi 's have a taste for guys and girls , some people do n't have a taste for bi 's , if you know what I mean", SRL for [snipped]: Ten - year - old Laura Pavao matter - of - factly [snipped] the umbilical cord of her newborn sister .,ARG-0: Ten - year - old Laura Pavao | ARG-M-MNR: matter - of - factly | ARG-1: the umbilical cord of her newborn sister "SRL for [Suppose]: [Suppose] an investor wants to sell a stock , but not for less than $ 55 .","ARG-1: an investor wants to sell a stock , but not for less than $ 55" "SRL for [smoke]: While nearly equal percentages of black and white women currently [smoke] , in both sexes more whites have given up smoking than blacks .",ARG-0: nearly equal percentages of black and white women | ARG-M-TMP: currently "SRL for [cinch]: If so , that will [cinch] the case for another shot of credit - easing within a month or so .",ARG-M-DIS: If so | ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the case for another shot of credit - easing within a month or so "SRL for [cramming]: i remember while howling back from a long weekend in Squamish , after listening to the mighty original a few times with all the windows down -LRB- this in order to invoke a much needed second wind at about 3 am on I -RRB- i crooned a variation on this deathless standard to inspire my then sweetheart -LRB- and still dear pal -RRB- who was [cramming] for an organic chem final",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: for an organic chem final | ARG-0: my then sweetheart -LRB- and still dear pal -RRB- SRL for [demands]: Saddam 's [demands] were not met,ARG-0: Saddam 's SRL for [expulsion]: The ones who are students at UC - Davis deserve immediate [expulsion] .,ARG-M-TMP: immediate SRL for [triumph]: He played a key role in President Bush 's election mess [triumph] over Al Gore,ARG-0: President Bush 's election mess | ARG-1: over Al Gore SRL for [announced]: Even the one we thought was foolish [announced] mourning on Sadam 's death .,ARG-0: Even the one we thought was foolish | ARG-1: mourning | ARG-3: on Sadam 's death "SRL for [grovels]: Frank [grovels] a little for the bookers , probably no more or less than he would have to if he worked for a big corporation .",ARG-0: Frank | ARG-M-MNR: a little | ARG-M-ADV: for the bookers | ARG-M-ADV: probably no more or less than he would have to if he worked for a big corporation SRL for [admit]: the doctors would n't [admit] him to the hospital,ARG-0: the doctors | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to the hospital "SRL for [fluctuated]: Between then and his bid on Oct. 5 , the price [fluctuated] between $ 75.625 and $ 87.375 .",ARG-1: the price | ARG-5: between $ 75.625 and $ 87.375 SRL for [move]: The President of the United States urged the Panamanian armed forces to [move] against Mr. Noriega .,ARG-0: the Panamanian armed forces | ARG-1: against Mr. Noriega SRL for [spit]: Means [spit] and edged on .,ARG-0: Means "SRL for [damp]: But in certain conditions such as autoimmune diseases and allergies and transplant rejection , doctors would like to [damp] the immune response so such cells do n't touch off harmful inflammatory reactions or cell destruction .",ARG-0: doctors | ARG-1: the immune response | ARG-M-PNC: so such cells do n't touch off harmful inflammatory reactions or cell destruction SRL for [stood]: The proportion that this [stood] for in the entirecountry 's totalimport - export value rose from the previous year's37 % to 39 % .,ARG-0: this | ARG-1: The proportion | ARG-M-LOC: for in the entirecountry 's totalimport - export value "SRL for [pre - screened]: Very disappointed in Kitchen Aid as well , I thought that they [pre - screened] their vendors for price and quality of work , obviously they do not !",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their vendors | ARG-2: for price and quality of work "SRL for [cold]: Now we find out that the speaker , in his youth , feared his father , and thus was [cold] to him ( emotionally ) .",ARG-0: the speaker | ARG-M-ADV: thus | ARG-2: to him | ARG-M-MNR: ( emotionally ) "SRL for [excited]: `` There may be sticker - shock reaction initially , '' said Mr. Pratt , `` but as the wine is talked about and starts to sell , they eventually get [excited] and decide it 's worth the astronomical price to add it to their collection . ''",ARG-M-TMP: as the wine is talked about and starts to sell | ARG-1: they | ARG-M-TMP: eventually SRL for [unrelated]: He was [unrelated] to the black vaudeville performer and impresario Sherman Houston Dudley .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to the black vaudeville performer and impresario Sherman Houston Dudley SRL for [spliced]: We were [spliced] the following week .,ARG-1: We | ARG-M-TMP: the following week "SRL for [remitted]: Recently , the "" Duan and Duan Law Firm "" [remitted] the claims , totaling 1.850 million US dollars , to the three enterprises .","ARG-0: the "" Duan and Duan Law Firm "" | ARG-1: the claims , totaling 1.850 million US dollars | ARG-2: to the three enterprises" SRL for [squalled]: The wind [squalled] all around them .,ARG-1: The wind | ARG-M-LOC: all around them SRL for [tie dye]: How do I [tie dye] clothes ?,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: clothes | ARG-M-MNR: How SRL for [hyperphosphorylates]: HSV-1 serine / threonine kinase US3 [hyperphosphorylates] IRF3 and inhibits the IFN - β production ( P1413 ) .,ARG-1: IRF3 | ARG-2: HSV-1 serine / threonine kinase US3 SRL for [raised]: They have successfully [raised] them on Gambian soil .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MNR: successfully | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-LOC: on Gambian soil SRL for [rang up]: Younkers [rang up] sales in 1988 [ of $ 313 million .,ARG-0: Younkers | ARG-1: sales | C-ARG-1: of $ 313 million | ARG-M-TMP: in 1988 "SRL for [say]: Although Lee 's trip would seem to have been a shot in the arm for the deadlocked cross - strait relationship , it also generated a lot of speculation and ill will because neither Lee nor anyone who met with him was willing to [say] a word about the content of their discussions , and ROC officials who went to call on Lee at his hotel skulked around in underground walkways and service elevators to avoid journalists .",ARG-0: neither Lee nor anyone who met with him | ARG-1: a word | ARG-3: about the content of their discussions SRL for [resolution]: He could n't perceive your [resolution] and your capabilities .,ARG-0: your "SRL for [proctectomy]: Distal rectum and anus , [proctectomy]",ARG-1: Distal rectum and anus "SRL for [reinvigorated]: Mr. Rosen , though , believes imports have [reinvigorated] the industry in which he has worked for most of his 57 years .",ARG-0: imports | ARG-1: the industry in which he has worked for most of his 57 years "SRL for [repainted]: They [repainted] the apartment orange , pink and white , according to her instructions .","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the apartment | ARG-2: orange , pink and white | ARG-M-ADV: according to her instructions" SRL for [crumbed]: She [crumbed] the bread before feeding it to the birds .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the bread | ARG-M-TMP: before feeding it to the birds SRL for [materially]: Keating learned that the Worldwide had ( 1 ) [materially] overstated to him the amount of metals to be extracted from the Paper Mill ;,ARG-0: the Worldwide | ARG-M-MNR: ( 1 ) | ARG-2: overstated to | ARG-1: him the amount of metals to be extracted from the Paper SRL for [collision]: An important question regarding the [collision] over the Hudson is whether the pilot of the private plane had tuned in to the corridor frequency .,ARG-M-LOC: over the Hudson "SRL for [assured]: They also worry that if the government applies asset - forfeiture laws broadly , the best defense lawyers will be unwilling to take criminal cases unless they are [assured] of being paid .",ARG-1: they | ARG-2: of being paid SRL for [fizzes]: The little radio [fizzes] as other boats want to see if we have found any fish -- spotting location is everything in this sport .,ARG-0: The little radio | ARG-M-CAU: as other boats want to see if we have found any fish SRL for [coupling]: A strong [coupling] between ALT and GPP .,ARG-M-ADJ: strong | ARG-1: between ALT and GPP SRL for [poo]: On the train Mom noticed Qingqing farting and asked Qingqing whether he wanted to [poo] .,ARG-0: he SRL for [oriented]: The nail is [oriented] horizontally .,ARG-1: The nail | ARG-4: horizontally SRL for [constitutionalized]: The innovation was [constitutionalized] in an amendment of 1983 .,ARG-1: The innovation | ARG-M-LOC: in an amendment of 1983 SRL for [medication]: Dr. Jones 's [medication] of Jasmine lead to her symptoms being resolved .,ARG-0: Dr. Jones 's | ARG-1: of Jasmine "SRL for [resist]: Stocks such as Hershey Foods Corp. , Wal - Mart Stores Inc. , American International Group Inc. and Federal National Mortgage Association became such bargains that he could n't [resist] them , he says .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: them "SRL for [inspired]: She was an unstinting teacher who won laurels and [inspired] students , but she will probably never teach again .",ARG-0: an unstinting teacher | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: students SRL for [dusting]: Dustin 's [dusting] of the Dutch babies with powdered sugar added a nice touch to the breakfast presentation .,ARG-0: Dustin 's | ARG-2: of the Dutch babies | ARG-1: with powdered sugar SRL for [grumble]: Several Big Board firms are organizing to [grumble] about program trading and the exchange 's role in it .,ARG-0: Several Big Board firms | ARG-1: about program trading and the exchange 's role in it "SRL for [out of hand]: inally , the contradictions are bound to intensify , making the situation [out of hand] .",ARG-1: the situation "SRL for [responsible]: To be a parent , you must be [responsible] .",ARG-1: you "SRL for [subcutaneous]: It is [subcutaneous] to the dermis , but not part of the skin .",ARG-1: It | ARG-2: to the dermis SRL for [arrogated]: They [arrogated] subsoil rights to many of the remaining areas of land suited for rice cultivation .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: subsoil rights | ARG-2: to many of the remaining areas of land suited for rice cultivation "SRL for [neoadjuvant]: the intent of image - guided therapy was [neoadjuvant] to curative surgery , and not as primary therapy .",ARG-1: the intent of image - guided therapy | ARG-2: to curative surgery SRL for [sneaked]: ... they waited a few months and then [sneaked] back into it .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-1: into it "SRL for [wetting]: Saliva gathered in the mouth after a night 's sleep was considered poisonous ; [wetting] a wart with this saliva on wakening the first thing in the morning was supposed to cause it to disappear after only a few treatments , and strangely enough many warts did just that .",ARG-1: a wart | ARG-2: with this saliva | ARG-M-TMP: on wakening | ARG-M-TMP: first thing in the morning SRL for [reinsure]: LandAmerica would pay his newly formed shop to [reinsure] the policy .,ARG-2: his newly formed shop | ARG-1: the policy SRL for [marinate]: Do you [marinate] the meat in italian dressing before grilling ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the meat | ARG-2: in italian dressing | ARG-M-TMP: before grilling SRL for [corroborate]: Three pieces of evidence [corroborate] the key assumption that Democratic legislators are more willing to engage in local benefit - seeking than their Republican colleagues .,ARG-0: Three pieces of evidence | ARG-1: the key assumption that Democratic legislators are more willing to engage in local benefit - seeking than their Republican colleagues "SRL for [pull up]: When they take their sons out for some exercise , they do n't even have the strength to do a single [pull up] !",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-ADJ: single | ARG-M-MNR: the strength "SRL for [residence]: Three years ago , the exchange took up [residence] in a space - age tower of steel and glass -- evocative of the kind of modern architecture that Britain 's Prince Charles has denounced .",ARG-1: in a space - age tower of steel and glass -- evocative of the kind of modern architecture that Britain 's Prince Charles has denounced SRL for [aweful]: I feel [aweful],ARG-2: I "SRL for [employment]: his [employment] of trombones to accompany the "" Gloria "" and "" Credo "" of a Mass , in 1631","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of trombones | ARG-2: to accompany the "" Gloria "" and "" Credo "" of a Mass | ARG-M-TMP: in 1631" "SRL for [close]: The vote was [close] in Seattle , but it received 60 % approval in Seattle 's northern and eastern suburbs .",ARG-1: The vote | ARG-M-LOC: in Seattle SRL for [used]: Loews Corp. [used] crocidolite in Micronite cigarette filters .,ARG-0: Loews Corp. | ARG-1: crocidolite | ARG-M-LOC: in Micronite cigarette filters SRL for [patrol]: An officer of the Maine marine [patrol] is issued a multitude of equipment,ARG-1: marine SRL for [filleted]: The vendor [filleted] the fish into the freshest sashimi .,ARG-0: The vendor | ARG-1: the fish | ARG-3: into the freshest sashimi SRL for [sequencing]: Genomic [sequencing] of colorectal adenocarcinomas identifies a recurrent VTI1A - TCF7L2 fusion,ARG-1: Genomic | ARG-2: of colorectal adenocarcinomas "SRL for [blurred]: The selective approach [blurred] themes such as domestic - demand issues , large - capitalization issues or high - technology shares , which had been providing at least some trading direction over the past few weeks , Mr. Wada said .","ARG-0: The selective approach | ARG-1: themes such as domestic - demand issues , large - capitalization issues or high - technology shares , which had been providing at least some trading direction over the past few weeks" "SRL for [vetted]: If the Obama administration had properly [vetted] him , he would never have ever been appointed !",ARG-0: the Obama administration | ARG-M-MNR: properly | ARG-1: him SRL for [countervailing]: `` In the kind of literature I read I come across [countervailing] opinions quite frequently .,ARG-0: opinions SRL for [overdue]: My library books are [overdue],ARG-1: My library books SRL for [attempt]: an [attempt] to speed deficit - reduction through Congress,ARG-1: to speed deficit - reduction through Congress SRL for [reply]: The [reply] of the Metzenbaums and Cohens is that we ca n't abolish these oversight committees because we 've seen too many abuses of executive power .,ARG-0: of the Metzenbaums and Cohens "SRL for [activated]: Once [activated] , the card would sit in the car 's window , showing traffic wardens how much time the motorist could remain .",ARG-1: the card SRL for [whaled]: The evil hunters [whaled] with abandon .,ARG-0: The evil hunters | ARG-M-MNR: with abandon "SRL for [eschewed]: Since its founding in 1818 , Brooks Brothers , the standard - bearer of the Ivy League look , has [eschewed] flashy sales promotions and fashion trends -- the rules that most retailers live by .","ARG-M-TMP: Since its founding in 1818 | ARG-0: Brooks Brothers , the standard - bearer of the Ivy League look | ARG-1: flashy sales promotions and fashion trends -- the rules that most retailers live by" SRL for [addled]: Grapefruit you just [addled] me with what you said ; it was amazingly amazing in amazement I am .,ARG-M-DIS: Grapefruit | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: me | ARG-2: with what you said "SRL for [immoral]: Notwithstanding the public debates , the framers knew that slavery was [immoral] .",ARG-1: slavery SRL for [abetted]: Civilized discourse and an environment where compromise can begin are lost in a hostile posture [abetted] by superficial media interviews .,ARG-1: a hostile posture | ARG-0: by superficial media interviews "SRL for [sinned]: I will say to him : Father , I have [sinned] against God and have done wrong to you .",ARG-M-DIS: Father | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: against God SRL for [ensure]: Merieux previously said it would [ensure] its bid remained open pending a final decision by Canadian regulators on whether to approve the takeover .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: its bid remained open pending a final decision by Canadian regulators on whether to approve the takeover SRL for [access]: The court has denied the mother [access] to her children after the incident .,ARG-1: to her children "SRL for [Foiled]: [Foiled] in their effort to get a national ban , the egg producers turned their attention to the states .",ARG-1: the egg producers | ARG-2: in their effort to get a national ban "SRL for [forestall]: If the wedding party lasted late , and the travel schedule means there are only a few hours before resuming the trip or making an early start , the husband may [forestall] tensions and uncertainties by confiding to his bride that lying in each other 's arms will be bliss enough for these few hours .",ARG-0: the husband | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: tensions and uncertainties | ARG-M-MNR: by confiding to his bride that lying in each other 's arms will be bliss enough for these few hours "SRL for [immunofluoresced]: The fibroblasts were [immunofluoresced] with antibodies for the c - myc tag and for PEX14 , and endogenously produced PMP .",ARG-1: The fibroblasts | ARG-2: antibodies SRL for [proposition]: There are a number of educationalists who are more radical in their [proposition] of a completely new paradigm in learning .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of a completely new paradigm in learning SRL for [numbering]: The [numbering] for A and B are both red .,ARG-1: for A and B SRL for [filling]: ... he met nothing charged in the whole process from outpatient service to prescription making and prescription [filling] .,ARG-1: prescription "SRL for [awoke]: Edward Carlson [awoke] one morning last month to find eight holes in his front yard where his prized miniature palms , called cycads , once stood .","ARG-1: Edward Carlson | ARG-M-TMP: one morning last month | ARG-3: to find eight holes in his front yard where his prized miniature palms , called cycads , once stood" SRL for [important]: The whole constituency link issue would be less [important] if we had more localised politics .,ARG-1: The whole constituency link issue | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: less | ARG-M-ADV: if we had more localised politics "SRL for [squashing]: His eyes blinked hard , snapping on and [squashing] some bad things that were trying to push their way into him .",ARG-0: His eyes | ARG-1: some bad things that were trying to push their way into him "SRL for [looting]: Twitter is going mental with reports of bomb threats , mass [looting] , fires etc .",ARG-M-MNR: mass SRL for [trampled]: We know that your hatred of your master and executioner Saddam Hussein only comes from the fact that he is someone who knew how to keep you in check and [trampled] on your necks with his shoes for more than thirty years .,ARG-0: someone | ARG-1: on your necks | ARG-M-MNR: with his shoes | ARG-M-TMP: for more than thirty years | R-ARG-0: who "SRL for [marginal]: non - Annex B participation in emissions reduction is [marginal] , at 7 per cent of the total carbon mitigation .",ARG-1: non - Annex B participation in emissions reduction | ARG-3: at 7 per cent of the total carbon mitigation SRL for [replication]: The technological characteristics of the lighting industry are actually simple assembly and installation and technological [replication] is very easy .,ARG-1: technological SRL for [plans]: The group [plans] to put in even more money in equity,ARG-0: The group | ARG-1: to put in even more money in equity SRL for [fumigation]: The [fumigation] of Alejandro 's house for bedbugs fortunately took only a week .,ARG-1: of Alejandro 's house | ARG-2: for bedbugs SRL for [crouched]: She [crouched] down by the car window and addressed her husband with her favorite nickname :,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-M-LOC: by the car window "SRL for [trumpeted]: "" I finished my dissertation ! "" [trumpeted] John to Mary .","ARG-1: "" I finished my dissertation ! "" | ARG-0: John | ARG-2: to Mary" SRL for [“ old - fashioned ”]: The sermon is [“ old - fashioned ”] in its style .,ARG-1: The sermon | ARG-2: in its style SRL for [concentrated]: Finally the liquid is [concentrated] by evaporation .,ARG-M-TMP: Finally | ARG-1: the liquid | ARG-0: by evaporation SRL for [airtrapping]: High - resolution CT scan of the thorax obtained during inspiration demonstrates [airtrapping] in a patient with asthma .,ARG-2: in a patient with asthma "SRL for [interposed]: And I understand that you object to that , and I understand the defendants have [interposed] not only this objection but they have also argued against that .",ARG-0: the defendants | ARG-1: this objection SRL for [waxing]: The kids tracking the moon 's [waxing] and waning on their charts .,ARG-1: the moon 's SRL for [signs]: His [signs] to the people,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: to the people "SRL for [agreed]: A federal bankruptcy court judge [agreed] to extend until March 8 , 1990 , the period in which the steel , aerospace and energy products company has the exclusive right to file a reorganization plan .","ARG-0: A federal bankruptcy court judge | ARG-1: to extend until March 8 , 1990 , the period in which the steel , aerospace and energy products company has the exclusive right to file a reorganization plan" SRL for [gay]: The party was [gay] and extravagant in appearance,ARG-1: The party | ARG-M-ADV: in appearance "SRL for [check in]: `` They [check in] , but they ca n't check out . ''",ARG-0: They SRL for [support]: side [support],ARG-1: side "SRL for [blast away]: But they do n't careen around in an old Cadillac , wear funny suits or [blast away] at slimy spirits .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: at slimy spirits "SRL for [joined]: Then , Mary [joined] John 's coffee cup to the table with super - glue .",ARG-M-DIS: Then | ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John 's coffee cup | ARG-2: to the table | ARG-3: with super - glue SRL for [stupid]: His going to the store was [stupid],ARG-1: His going to the store "SRL for [settlement]: But officials in Rome say the issue was legally resolved by a [settlement] between Italy and King Idris , deposed by Col . Muammar Gadhafi in 1969 .","ARG-0: between Italy and King Idris , deposed by Col . Muammar Gadhafi in 1969" SRL for [b]: my [b],ARG-0: my SRL for [raspberried]: The children [raspberried] yesterday .,ARG-0: The children | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday SRL for [cut]: The river [cut] through the plains .,ARG-0: The river | ARG-M-DIR: through the plains SRL for [falling over]: I 've had worse [falling over] during a game of footy,ARG-M-ADJ: worse SRL for [sweep]: Adam began a systematic [sweep] of the city for snipers,ARG-M-MNR: systematic | ARG-1: of the city | ARG-2: for snipers "SRL for [alert]: When the hacker moved , Mr. Stoll moved too , calling up other systems managers to [alert] them but keeping his own system open to avoid arousing suspicion .",ARG-0: Mr. Stoll | ARG-1: them "SRL for [push]: Three seats currently are vacant and three others are likely to be filled within a few years , so patent lawyers and research - based industries are making a new [push] for specialists to be added to the court .",ARG-0: patent lawyers and research - based industries | ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-M-TMP: new | ARG-1: for specialists to be added to the court "SRL for [apologizing]: President Chen Shui - bian personally attended the anniversary event , and vowed to carry on the policy , initiated by the previous government , of [apologizing] to and caring for the victims .",ARG-2: to | C-ARG-2: the victims SRL for [taking on]: There may not have been any choice in their [taking on] these duties .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: these duties SRL for [indented]: She [indented] the tender bark of the cottonwood shoots .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the tender bark of the cottonwood shoots "SRL for [admixed]: When [admixed] into soil to depths of 3 inches or more on a firm subgrade , cutback asphalt will provide a dust free , waterproof surface .",ARG-1: cutback asphalt | ARG-2: into soil | ARG-M-PRD: to depths of 3 inches or more | ARG-M-LOC: on a firm subgrade SRL for [cuddled]: Have you [cuddled] with your pet today ?,ARG-1: you | ARG-2: with your pet | ARG-M-TMP: today SRL for [challenge]: Her [challenge] of the assumption that extra dimensions must be tiny has stirred the physics community .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the assumption that extra dimensions must be tiny SRL for [baits]: He [baits] her about missing their meeting atop the Empire State Building .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: about missing their meeting atop the Empire State Building "SRL for [signaling]: Moreover , some analysts said they expect a foreign paper company with deeper pockets than Georgia - Pacific to end up acquiring Nekoosa , [signaling] to the rest of the industry that hostile bids are unproductive .",ARG-0: a foreign paper company with deeper pockets than Georgia - Pacific to end up acquiring Nekoosa | ARG-2: to the rest of the industry | ARG-1: that hostile bids are unproductive SRL for [barked]: She must have [barked] an order at the driver because he hurled himself into the driver 's seat,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: an order | ARG-2: at the driver | ARG-M-CAU: because he hurled himself into the driver 's seat "SRL for [zoned]: The government , applying urban planning principles , [zoned] the area for residential and industrial use , in order to create a construction site for the facility .","ARG-0: The government , applying urban planning principles | ARG-1: the area | ARG-2: for residential and industrial use | ARG-M-PRP: in order to create a construction site for the facility" SRL for [manufacturing]: Their [manufacturing] of artefacts from natural materials is part of the custom of the country .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of artefacts | ARG-2: from natural materials SRL for [chilled]: The California Supreme Court last year reversed direction to make it much harder to win DES cases because the justices saw how all the pharmaceutical litigation has [chilled] the introduction of new drugs .,ARG-0: all the pharmaceutical litigation | ARG-1: the introduction of new drugs | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [desiccated]: Bodies [desiccated] by heat or age .,ARG-1: Bodies | ARG-0: by heat or age SRL for [lay down]: [lay down] an entire fiber optic network,ARG-1: an entire fiber optic network SRL for [suspended]: The market also moved at early afternoon on news that Jaguar shares were being temporarily [suspended] at 746 pence ( $ 11.80 ) each .,ARG-M-TMP: temporarily | ARG-1: Jaguar shares | ARG-2: at 746 pence ( $ 11.80 ) each SRL for [opening]: The [opening] of the Kuantu Bridge to traffic,ARG-1: of the Kuantu Bridge | ARG-3: to traffic SRL for [quested]: She [quested] for justice all her life .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: for justice | ARG-M-TMP: all her life SRL for [quarreled]: But the captain insisted on his position and [quarreled] with me and put me into detention .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the captain | ARG-1: with me SRL for [ADHESIVE]: [ADHESIVE] TAPE - rash,ARG-1: TAPE "SRL for [admits]: The charity [admits] spending a lot on fund raising , but says that was necessary to establish a donor base it can tap at much lower cost in years to come .",ARG-0: The charity | ARG-1: spending a lot on fund raising SRL for [crocheted]: I [crocheted] a veggie bag from plastic bags using a crocheted mesh tote pattern .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a veggie bag | ARG-2: from plastic bags | ARG-M-MNR: using a crocheted mesh tote pattern SRL for [breaded]: Using direct mail for a TV show is like fishing for whale with a [breaded] hook .,ARG-1: hook "SRL for [jingling]: While people were [jingling] their change , the LDP politicians were caught in scandals .",ARG-0: people | ARG-1: their change "SRL for [disbursed]: And though federal law dictates that only $ 100 million can be [disbursed] from that fund in any one state per disaster , administration officials expect Congress to move in to authorize spending more now in California .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: only $ 100 million | ARG-3: from that fund | ARG-M-LOC: in any one state | ARG-M-TMP: per disaster SRL for [paddled]: The brothers Archibald [paddled] their boat from the Puerua stream to Raitangata,ARG-0: The brothers Archibald | ARG-1: their boat | ARG-2: from the Puerua stream | ARG-3: to Raitangata "SRL for [tided over]: Mr McMahon , an apothecary ( ' as deep in the gallipots as ever ' ) [tided over] with a loan at one point .","ARG-0: Mr McMahon , an apothecary ( ' as deep in the gallipots as ever ' ) | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a loan | ARG-M-TMP: at one point" SRL for [coaled]: Locomotive 3807 was being [coaled] with power shovel .,ARG-1: Locomotive 3807 | ARG-M-MNR: with power shovel SRL for [burn]: They are seeking to increase their [burn] of low - sulphur imported coal .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of low - sulphur imported coal SRL for [argument]: Paul and Barnabas had a big [argument] about this .,ARG-0: Paul and Barnabas | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-ADJ: big | ARG-2: about this SRL for [assurance]: the [assurance] from government rate setters of available funds adequate for safe operation,ARG-0: from government rate setters | ARG-2: of available funds adequate for safe operation SRL for [locked up]: John was [locked up] as a menace to society .,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: as a menace to society "SRL for [crowded]: Travelers [crowded] into subways , sat in traffic jams on major freeways or waited for buses in the rain , but the massive gridlock anticipated by officials in the San Francisco Bay area never materialized .",ARG-0: Travelers | ARG-1: into subways SRL for [assault]: Pete Townshend screamed profanities at Woodstock immediately preceding his [assault] of Abbie Hoffman with his guitar .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Abbie Hoffman | ARG-M-MNR: with his guitar "SRL for [dooming]: A minor bureaucrat dies suddenly , [dooming] his family to poverty and eventual disgrace .",ARG-0: A minor bureaucrat | ARG-1: his family | ARG-2: to poverty and eventual disgrace "SRL for [shipping]: They do not advertise these numbers profusely since most of the figures are connected with their [shipping] of jobs to foreign countries , ...",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of jobs | ARG-2: to foreign countries SRL for [gross]: This place is so [gross] to me .,ARG-1: This place | ARG-2: to me SRL for [cloning]: Don Wolf and colleagues at the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center reported their [cloning] of two rhesus monkeys .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of two rhesus monkeys "SRL for [cherish]: In this kind of unfair situation , an upstanding man should [cherish] and respect women all the more .",ARG-M-ADV: In this kind of unfair situation | ARG-0: an upstanding man | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: women | ARG-M-ADV: all the more "SRL for [nullify]: DPC , an investor group led by New York - based Crescott Investment Associates , had itself filed a suit in state court in Los Angeles seeking to [nullify] the agreement .","ARG-0: DPC , an investor group led by New York - based Crescott Investment Associates | ARG-1: the agreement" SRL for [submerged]: Norma [submerged] him under the salty water .,ARG-0: Norma | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: under the salty water "SRL for [fro yo]: No can do , I 'm on a study spree . I 'm taking my final tomorrow . Have fun tho , we can [fro yo] soon",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: soon "SRL for [packed up]: He was awarded a fellowship to continue his studies in Tokyo and he [packed up] his clothes , the biwa upon which he had been practicing and his image of Acala , and left to spend a week at home before leaving the country .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his clothes , the biwa upon which he had been practicing and his image of Acala" "SRL for [banding]: Stewart is optimistic about the species population , and with his [banding] of dozens and dozens of birds each year , he knows that there is more to find out about this hawk that is called "" the Urban Bird . """,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of dozens and dozens of birds | ARG-M-TMP: each year SRL for [relay]: The 4 by 400 [relay] anchored by Usain Bolt,ARG-3: The 4 by 400 | ARG-0: anchored by Usain Bolt SRL for [yips]: Mary 's puppy [yips] at anything that moves .,ARG-0: Mary 's puppy "SRL for [coddled]: Instead , China is likely to shell out ever - greater subsidies to its [coddled] state - run enterprises , which ate up $ 18 billion in bailouts last year .",ARG-1: enterprises "SRL for [distinguished]: He [distinguished] the two cases : In Salinger , Judge Leval noted , the quotations were for the purpose of enlivening the biography rather than of proving points about the subject .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the two cases "SRL for [blizzard]: Hundreds of vehicles were stranded in ditches Thursday , Dec. 20 , as commuters attempted to travel in a [blizzard] with wind gusts higher than 50 mph and blowing snow that reduced visibility at times to a car length .",ARG-5: with wind gusts higher than 50 mph and blowing snow that reduced visibility at times to a car length "SRL for [joking around]: As long as we go out and have fun and laugh and , you know , I think it takes a lot of pressure off of everyone , but the key is going out and having fun , laughing and [joking around] , you know , doing the little things that we 've been doing all year .", SRL for [flexible]: The hose is [flexible] .,ARG-1: The hose "SRL for [dozed off]: I must have [dozed off] , because I came to with a start at the sound of voices .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: must "SRL for [methylated]: To test this hypothesis , we [methylated] bacterial DNA with CpG methylase .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: bacterial DNA | ARG-2: CpG methylase "SRL for [wonder]: At the same time , the sheer size of the loss , coupled with a slowing of orders , made some securities analysts [wonder] just how strong that turnaround will be at the computer maker and defense - electronics concern .",ARG-0: some securities analysts | ARG-1: just how strong that turnaround will be at the computer maker and defense - electronics concern "SRL for [applauded]: Analysts said they expected the action , and investors [applauded] the move .",ARG-0: investors | ARG-1: the move SRL for [performance]: And Gao himself will direct a [performance] of his August Snow at the end of the year .,ARG-1: of his August Snow "SRL for [Went Into Effect]: The Homestead Act [Went Into Effect] May 20 , 1862 .","ARG-1: The Homestead Act | ARG-M-TMP: May 20 , 1862" SRL for [deconditioned]: Patient was found to be [deconditioned] upon presentation to the ER .,ARG-1: Patient "SRL for [masked]: Analysts said the results were as expected , but several added that the earnings [masked] underlying weaknesses in several businesses .",ARG-2: the earnings | ARG-1: underlying weaknesses in several businesses "SRL for [periodizing]: Thus , despite the superficial similarity in their [periodizing] or mythologizing of transformational moments in LEGO history ...",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: transformational moments in LEGO history SRL for [contribution]: its $ 965 million equity [contribution],ARG-0: its | ARG-1: $ 965 million | ARG-M-PRP: equity SRL for [funduscopic]: Pupillary responses and extra ocular movements were normal as was [funduscopic] examination .,ARG-1: examination "SRL for [floored]: She [floored] me with her insight , energy and lovedrops .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: me | ARG-2: with her insight "SRL for [fired]: Instead , they were model steam engines [fired] by alcohol lamps which were hand built , wheel by wheel , panel by panel , by Lin himself , some based on his own designs , others scale models .",ARG-1: model steam engines | ARG-M-MNR: by alcohol lamps "SRL for [advised]: Nekoosa also is being [advised] by Goldman , Sachs and Co.","ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: Nekoosa | ARG-0: by Goldman , Sachs and Co." SRL for [publicize]: Dealers say the firm apparently has wanted to [publicize] its recent buying and subsequent selling of 30 - year bonds by using Cantor Fitzgerald Securities Corp. as a broker .,ARG-0: the firm | ARG-1: its recent buying and subsequent selling of 30 - year bonds | ARG-M-MNR: by using Cantor Fitzgerald Securities Corp. as a broker "SRL for [venturing]: On further reflection , she admits that [venturing] inside the Hammacks ' house the previous day was n't `` such a great idea . ''",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-GOL: inside the Hammacks ' house | ARG-M-TMP: the previous day SRL for [carries]: The transportation bill [carries] with it a permanent smoking ban .,ARG-0: The transportation bill | ARG-3: with it | ARG-1: a permanent smoking ban SRL for [evolve]: These trade - offs would [evolve] priorities by revealing when the cost of the B-2 became prohibitive .,ARG-1: These trade - offs | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: priorities | ARG-M-MNR: by revealing when the cost of the B-2 became prohibitive "SRL for [conclusion]: In particular , their [conclusion] that support for language rights among anglophones is unrelated to a general commitment to civil rights is surprising .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: that support for language rights among anglophones is unrelated to a general commitment to civil rights SRL for [reduction]: Mr. Dillow said he believes that a [reduction] in raw material stockbuilding by industry could lead to a sharp drop in imports .,ARG-1: in raw material stockbuilding | ARG-0: by industry SRL for [playing]: How is it possible he woke with all his Piano [playing] muscles fully developed ?,ARG-2: Piano SRL for [dissimilated]: The second -b- in the case ending had [dissimilated] .,ARG-1: The second -b- in the case ending SRL for [accident]: Clift never physically or emotionally recovered from the car [accident] .,ARG-1: car SRL for [fluctuated]: Nashua 's stock has [fluctuated] sharply on takeover speculation .,ARG-1: Nashua 's stock | ARG-2: sharply | ARG-M-CAU: on takeover speculation SRL for [vote]: Nekoosa 's poison pill allows shareholders to [vote] to rescind it ...,ARG-0: shareholders | ARG-1: to rescind it SRL for [in place]: Functioning ileostomy [in place] .,ARG-1: Functioning ileostomy SRL for [weaseled out]: Pelosi [weaseled out] of a standard politician 's promise .,ARG-0: Pelosi | ARG-2: of a standard politician 's promise "SRL for [security]: The economic [security] of families is crucial to creating the optimal conditions through which children can develop , learn and grow .",ARG-2: economic | ARG-1: of families "SRL for [skewed]: All year , energy prices have [skewed] the producer price index , which measures changes in the prices producers receive for goods .","ARG-M-TMP: All year | ARG-0: energy prices | ARG-1: the producer price index , which measures changes in the prices producers receive for goods" "SRL for [extend]: Institut Merieux S.A. , which offered 942 million Canadian dollars ( US$ 801.2 million ) , or C$ 37 a share for Connaught , said it would [extend] its bid , due to expire last Thursday , to Nov. 6 .","ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: its bid , due to expire last Thursday | ARG-2: to Nov. 6" "SRL for [shelled]: The rebels also reportedly tightened a blockade on roads leading to the capital , and government forces [shelled] a guerrilla - held area in western Afghanistan .",ARG-0: government forces | ARG-1: a guerrilla - held area in western Afghanistan SRL for [hyping]: Television networks are [hyping] this fall 's TV line up .,ARG-0: Television networks | ARG-1: this fall 's TV line up SRL for [result]: The compromise plan will [result] in the elimination of American jobs .,ARG-1: The compromise plan | ARG-2: in the elimination of American jobs SRL for [better]: This cake is much [better] than the last one you made .,ARG-1: This cake | ARG-M-EXT: much | ARG-M-CXN: than the last one you made "SRL for [reindicting]: But now , along with [reindicting] Mr. Noriega 's pal , they intended to charge Mr. Noriega himself , on allegations that he was involved in the illegal trading of some $ 2 million in arms",ARG-1: Mr. Noriega 's pal SRL for [filters]: Perhaps the ethics of an industry 's leader [filters] down and is one of the factors that ultimately shapes consumer trust in that industry .,ARG-M-DIS: Perhaps | ARG-1: the ethics of an industry 's leader | ARG-M-DIR: down "SRL for [earthquakes]: Strike - slip faults tend to be oriented near vertically , resulting in an approximate width of 10 km within the brittle crust,[7 ] thus [earthquakes] with magnitudes much larger than 8 are not possible .",ARG-2: with magnitudes much larger than 8 "SRL for [opposition]: No one believes that . Cameron is part of a coalition government , and faces widespread [opposition] from the likes of you , and hard - liners in his own party .","ARG-M-LOC: widespread | ARG-0: from the likes of you , and hard - liners in his own party" "SRL for [unhappy]: Mr. Newhouse , meanwhile , insisted that he is n't [unhappy] with Mr. Bernstein or the performance of Random House , the largest trade publishing house in the U.S. .","ARG-1: he | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-0: with Mr. Bernstein or the performance of Random House , the largest trade publishing house in the U.S." "SRL for [owed]: Under the plan , unsecured creditors , who are owed about $ 430 million , would receive about $ 92 million , or 21 cents for each dollar they are [owed] .",ARG-2: they | ARG-1: each dollar "SRL for [sucking up]: they passed a bill , and Christie the Hutt decides he 's still [sucking up] to be RomBot 's running mate .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-PRP: to be RomBot 's running mate SRL for [hydration]: The mechanism for the [hydration] of ethene to make ethanol using phosphoric acid catalyst is described below .,ARG-1: of ethene | ARG-M-PRP: to make ethanol | ARG-2: using phosphoric acid "SRL for [similar]: The sweet , mildly pronounced flavor of Mahi - Mahi is [similar] to swordfish .","ARG-1: The sweet , mildly pronounced flavor of Mahi - Mahi | ARG-2: to swordfish" SRL for [good]: My boyfriend is [good] to me,ARG-1: My boyfriend | ARG-2: to me SRL for [discourses]: [discourses] about underage sex,ARG-1: about underage sex SRL for [named]: Polls [named] Tatsunori Hara as the male symbol of Japan .,ARG-0: Polls | ARG-1: Tatsunori Hara | ARG-2: as the male symbol of Japan SRL for [upbraided]: The military tribunal [upbraided] the soldier for his cowardice .,ARG-0: The military tribunal | ARG-1: the soldier | ARG-2: for his cowardice SRL for [flash flood]: we are forecasting a 1 to 2 foot [flash flood] reaching lees ferry around 6 to 8 AM MST .,ARG-2: 1 to 2 foot SRL for [swatted]: Beakman [swatted] at the flies .,ARG-0: Beakman | ARG-1: at the flies "SRL for [curved]: As the name implies , volcanic island arcs , which closely parallel the trenches , are generally [curved] .","ARG-M-DIS: As the name implies | ARG-1: volcanic island arcs , which closely parallel the trenches | ARG-M-ADV: generally" SRL for [cupped]: He [cupped] the egg in his hands .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the egg | ARG-M-LOC: in his hands SRL for [shpritzed]: She [shpritzed] the top section of hair with water,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: the top section of hair | ARG-1: with water "SRL for [knocked out]: An increase in production at some major oil fields in the North Sea , which had been [knocked out] by an explosion in July 1988 , also aided results .",ARG-1: some major oil fields in the North Sea | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-0: by an explosion | ARG-M-TMP: in July 1988 SRL for [sightsaw]: We spent a couple of nights here while we [sightsaw] nearby parts of the East Coast .,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LOC: nearby parts of the East Coast SRL for [autotitration]: His CPAP [autotitration] machine,ARG-M-GOL: His | ARG-1: CPAP | ARG-0: machine "SRL for [combusted]: She [combusted] into a ball of light , lightning bright .","ARG-1: She | ARG-M-PRD: into a ball of light , lightning bright" "SRL for [hattrick]: I would like to see if Kljestan has regained some form on the international level , which has been missing for almost a year since his [hattrick] against Sweden in January .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against Sweden | ARG-M-TMP: in January SRL for [recreated]: It 's precisely the kind of product that 's [recreated] the municipal landfill monster .,ARG-0: the kind | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the municipal landfill monster SRL for [revolted]: The dog had upset her and her husband 's past [revolted] her .,ARG-0: her husband 's past | ARG-1: her "SRL for [latch]: But as advertisers [latch] onto disasters with increasing frequency , they risk hurting themselves as much as helping the cause .",ARG-0: advertisers | ARG-1: onto disasters | ARG-M-MNR: with increasing frequency "SRL for [deplete]: If passed by the voters , the recently announced initiative would phase out major pesticides , reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 40 % , ban new offshore drilling , ban chemicals thought to [deplete] the ozone layer , and create a new state environmental officer armed with a $ 40 million budget to sue any firm or agency he thinks is being too dirty .",ARG-0: chemicals | ARG-1: the ozone layer SRL for [recordings]: [recordings] of electronically monitored conversations,ARG-1: of electronically monitored conversations "SRL for [signed on]: Mr. Lorenzo , 49 years old , is reclaiming the job that was his before Mr. Corr [signed on] .",ARG-0: Mr. Corr "SRL for [snacking]: His [snacking] on multiple bags of popcorn every day left him extremely sick and short of breath , his lungs deteriorated by bronchiolitis obliterans , a potentially fatal lung disease .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on multiple bags of popcorn | ARG-M-TMP: every day SRL for [come into effect]: Parody copyright laws set to [come into effect] 20 October 2014 .,ARG-1: Parody copyright laws | ARG-M-TMP: 20 October 2014 SRL for [deified]: The peasants [deified] their beloved king .,ARG-0: The peasants | ARG-1: their beloved king "SRL for [color in]: Folks will be lined up outside the polling places , just waiting to [color in] the dot next to ANY Democrat that goes up against these baboons !",ARG-0: Folks | ARG-1: the dot next to ANY Democrat that goes up against these baboons "SRL for [rehabilitated]: Enthusiasts assume that national service would get important work done cheaply : forest fires fought , housing [rehabilitated] , students tutored , day - care centers staffed .",ARG-1: housing SRL for [deluded]: His conciet [deluded] him into believing he was important .,ARG-0: His conciet | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: into believing he was important SRL for [resulted]: The hazards to workers [resulted] from corporate indifference to worker safety . Arg2 rel Arg1 - from,ARG-2: The hazards to workers | ARG-1: from corporate indifference to worker safety "SRL for [referred]: He added that he had spoken with Mr. Laidig , whom he [referred] to as a friend , by telephone Monday evening .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Mr. Laidig | R-ARG-1: whom | ARG-2: as a friend "SRL for [uninvolved]: I liked the dry humor but the plot was [uninvolved] and silly , and not in a charming way .",ARG-1: the plot "SRL for [uncover]: Medical scientists are starting to [uncover] a handful of genes which , if damaged , unleash the chaotic growth of cells that characterizes cancer .","ARG-0: Medical scientists | ARG-1: a handful of genes which , if damaged , unleash the chaotic growth of cells that characterizes cancer" "SRL for [stalled]: The U.S. trade deficit swelled to $ 10.77 billion in August , prompting worries that the nation 's export drive had [stalled] .",ARG-1: the nation 's export drive "SRL for [urinated]: This year , only one person asked to use his bathroom , and no one [urinated] on his front lawn .",ARG-0: no one | ARG-M-LOC: on his front lawn "SRL for [turned down]: Separately , the Federal Energy Regulation Commission [turned down] for now a request by Northeast seeking approval of its possible purchase of PS of New Hampshire .",ARG-M-DIS: Separately | ARG-0: the Federal Energy Regulation Commission | ARG-M-TMP: for now | ARG-1: a request by Northeast seeking approval of its possible purchase of PS of New Hampshire SRL for [providing]: It is [providing] the new firm with almost $ 100 million in seed money .,ARG-0: It | ARG-2: the new firm | ARG-1: with almost $ 100 million in seed money SRL for [go]: Well there you [go] .,ARG-M-DIS: Well | ARG-M-ADV: there | ARG-1: you SRL for [lost]: I [lost] the case in federal district court in Des Moines .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the case | ARG-M-LOC: in federal district court in Des Moines "SRL for [bite]: When his teacher saw the coin , he could n't help but [bite] .",ARG-M-TMP: When his teacher saw the coin | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [whupped]: You 'd think they would 've learned from SC - where Mitt did n't open the vaults like he did in Florida and Gingrich [whupped] him .,ARG-0: Gingrich | ARG-1: him SRL for [compulsory]: IMO the only subject that-1 *T*-1 should be [compulsory] to the age of 16 is science .,ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-TMP: to the age of 16 SRL for [suffer]: The company 's return on equity could [suffer] if it made a higher bid .,ARG-0: The company 's return on equity | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-ADV: if it made a higher bid "SRL for [prevail]: Analysts questioned whether Georgia - Pacific will ultimately [prevail] , saying other paper concerns may make competing bids .",ARG-0: Georgia - Pacific | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: ultimately "SRL for [prudent]: He was very uncertain of this beautiful woman who was to be his wife , but he was [prudent] to keep such thoughts to himself .",ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to keep such thoughts to himself "SRL for [saucing]: Bare - breasted beauties parade around the stage , wiggling , sighing , shaking , and [saucing] the house",ARG-0: Bare - breasted beauties | ARG-1: the house SRL for [innovation]: Tiger 's [innovation] of hub - and - spoke and containerized - cargo operations,ARG-0: Tiger 's | ARG-1: of hub - and - spoke and containerized - cargo operations "SRL for [aid]: Though Spain has an excess of banks , analysts say the country still has one of the most profitable markets in Europe , which will [aid] Banco Exterior with the tough tasks it faces ahead .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: one of the most profitable markets in Europe | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: Banco Exterior | ARG-1: with the tough tasks it faces ahead SRL for [racket]: The old man found the kids ' [racket] unbearable .,ARG-0: kids ' SRL for [decapitated]: Thugs [decapitated] a swan at a Hampshire pond .,ARG-0: Thugs | ARG-1: a swan | ARG-M-LOC: at a Hampshire pond "SRL for [disinfested]: When Lucy came home from school with headlice , Wally [disinfested] all her combs and brushes of the lice .",ARG-0: Wally | ARG-1: all her combs and brushes | ARG-2: of the lice SRL for [benign]: I ve heard that hemangiosarcoma is [benign] for cats,ARG-1: hemangiosarcoma | ARG-3: for cats "SRL for [cut class]: For those of you who did not just [cut class] from your Basic Physics Class , The kinetic energy placed into the Tedium element was converted and released as a photonic light energy .",ARG-0: who | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: from your Basic Physics Class "SRL for [documented]: All this was recognized and [documented] in the succeeding years by economists , some of whom worked in the Reagan administration to lift this burden from the American people , states and local governments .","ARG-1: All this | ARG-M-TMP: in the succeeding years | ARG-0: by economists , some of whom worked in the Reagan administration to lift this burden from the American people , states and local governments" SRL for [track]: You can keep [track] of time zones with this app .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LVB: keep | ARG-1: of time zones | ARG-3: with this app "SRL for [repeals]: Thus , with one brief passage in an appropriations bill , Congress [repeals] the president 's power to make recess appointments under Article II .",ARG-M-DIS: Thus | ARG-M-MNR: with one brief passage in an appropriations bill | ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: the president 's power to make recess appointments under Article II SRL for [shunted]: John [shunted] the meeting to a later time .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the meeting | ARG-2: to a later time "SRL for [preferred]: Sulzer [preferred] him to financier Tito Tettamanti , whose secretive raid on the company 's stock had led to a bitter battle .","ARG-0: Sulzer | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to financier Tito Tettamanti , whose secretive raid on the company 's stock had led to a bitter battle" SRL for [eating]: TW 's pitch was that sales and earnings at its restaurants have risen steadily and that people wo n't stop [eating] during a downturn .,ARG-0: people "SRL for [harsh]: and as far as treating enemies , you should be as cold and [harsh] as a hard winter .",ARG-1: you | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-CXN: as | C-ARG-M-CXN: as a hard winter SRL for [held]: Most important were revelations about accounts [held] in the names of Soong family members .,ARG-1: accounts | ARG-2: in the names of Soong family members SRL for [conversation]: Josephine 's [conversation] with Napoleon about the quality of the prune danishes was interrupted by a raging mob of squirrels .,ARG-0: Josephine 's | ARG-2: with Napoleon | ARG-1: about the quality of the prune danishes "SRL for [apply]: Its government still wants to sit in the driver 's seat , set the speed , step on the gas , [apply] the brakes and steer , with 120 million people in the back seat .",ARG-0: Its government | ARG-1: the brakes SRL for [whistled]: someone [whistled] to them from the corner of the street,ARG-1: someone | ARG-2: to them | ARG-M-DIR: from the corner of the street SRL for [indulge]: The Newport Beach operators also tend to [indulge] themselves privately .,ARG-0: The Newport Beach operators | ARG-2: themselves | ARG-M-MNR: privately "SRL for [mis - sold]: The problem is , a lot of people are being convinced they were [mis - sold] on the principle that PPI is an expensive , useless product that they did nt need .","ARG-2: they | ARG-5: on the principle that PPI is an expensive , useless product that they did nt need" "SRL for [informed]: New York authorities , [informed] yesterday about the move , reacted with concern and even some anger to the idea of the nation 's third - largest corporation leaving without giving the man opportunity to accommodate it .",ARG-1: New York authorities | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-2: about the move "SRL for [suspicious]: It would have to be explained in great predictive detail for me to consider it , and even then I would be highly [suspicious] .",ARG-M-TMP: even then | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: highly SRL for [downvalued]: We applied for a C & G mortgage ( 75 % LTV ) in January however they [downvalued] the property from ... 350 K to 400 K !,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the property | ARG-3: from ... 350 K | ARG-2: to 400 K SRL for [lie]: What treasures [lie] within ?,ARG-1: What treasures | ARG-2: within "SRL for [confusion]: Jeremy 's [confusion] of "" effect "" and "" affect "" irritated his editor .","ARG-0: Jeremy 's | ARG-2: of "" effect "" and "" affect """ SRL for [grossly]: # 1 endometrial cancer ... [grossly] resected, SRL for [postwar]: [postwar] resettlement,ARG-1: resettlement SRL for [heart breaking]: Seeing my girlfriend in tears at 16 years old was absolutely [heart breaking] for me .,ARG-0: Seeing my girlfriend in tears at 16 years old | ARG-M-EXT: absolutely | ARG-1: for me "SRL for [swing]: When asked if raising profits by 20 % was possible , the accountants replied , "" We can [swing] that . """,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: that SRL for [re - ligated]: Bacteria which had taken up a plasmid that did not contain foreign DNA but had simply been [re - ligated] to itself could be identified by being resistant to both antibiotics .,ARG-1: Bacteria | ARG-3: to itself "SRL for [frightening]: `` Small investors are absolutely dismayed that Wall Street is stacking the deck against them , and these wide swings are [frightening] them to death .",ARG-0: these wide swings | ARG-1: them | ARG-3: to death SRL for [plea]: They have obtained a guilty [plea] from another person in thegovernment 's ongoing probe of illegal payments in the recordindustry .,ARG-1: guilty | ARG-0: from another person "SRL for [immunoprecipitated]: When Sos-1 was [immunoprecipitated] from SosTfx , it displayed Ras - GEF , but not Rac - GEF , activity ( Fig . 7 B ) .",ARG-1: Sos-1 | ARG-2: SosTfx "SRL for [missed]: Looking back at the young man 's attitude following the Waltham murders , Allan wonders whether a big clue was [missed] .",ARG-1: a big clue "SRL for [tear down]: Witnesses shout , scream , pontificate : `` ... a dream that the planet could be saved from itself and from the sadistic dumb creatures who try to [tear down] every decent man who raises his voice . ''",ARG-0: the sadistic dumb creatures | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: every decent man who raises his voice SRL for [patent]: Thomas Edison 's microphone [patent],ARG-0: Thomas Edison 's | ARG-1: microphone "SRL for [extermination]: Putin 's administration can provide support to China in the inverse direction , preventing the [extermination] of the Chinese leftists and the resulting imbalance of power !",ARG-1: of the Chinese leftists "SRL for [hatch]: FAST - FOOD chicken chains , faced with a worsening business slump , are struggling to [hatch] some new marketing strategies .","ARG-0: FAST - FOOD chicken chains , faced with a worsening business slump | ARG-1: some new marketing strategies" "SRL for [expelled]: First Securities Group of California and a principal of the firm , Louis Fernando Vargas of Marina del Rey , Calif. , were jointly fined $ 15,000 and expelled [expelled] alleged violations of reporting requirements on securities sales .","ARG-1: First Securities Group of California and a principal of the firm , Louis Fernando Vargas of Marina del Rey , Calif. | ARG-M-CAU: for alleged violations of reporting requirements on securities sales" "SRL for [hesitate]: In years past , the ad industry 's most distinguished executives did n't [hesitate] to excorciate Mr. Achenbaum .",ARG-M-TMP: In years past | ARG-0: the ad industry 's most distinguished executives | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: to excorciate Mr. Achenbaum "SRL for [insulated]: Northern Wisconsin looks to be the most succeptible to the change , while Lake Michigan regions will be more [insulated] from the changes .",ARG-1: Lake Michigan regions | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-2: from the changes SRL for [coverage]: Television [coverage] of the war,ARG-0: Television | ARG-1: of the war SRL for [tailgating]: The real fatal collision was the second one from the [tailgating] truck,ARG-0: truck SRL for [appealing]: The title was [appealing] to me due to the fact that I had made a couple of stupid decisions as a team leader .,ARG-0: The title | ARG-1: to me | ARG-M-CAU: due to the fact that I had made a couple of stupid decisions as a team leader SRL for [minimal]: Alcohol intake is [minimal] .,ARG-1: Alcohol intake SRL for [advantage]: young children should be afforded every [advantage] possible in acquiring these skills,ARG-M-ADV: possible | ARG-3: in acquiring these skills SRL for [click]: Mary selected a link with the [click] of her mouse .,ARG-1: of her mouse SRL for [excellent]: The waiter was [excellent] at taking us through the local menu .,ARG-0: The waiter | ARG-1: at taking us through the local menu "SRL for [appropriated]: And while setting a statutory limit of $ 1.6 billion on the automated space probe , the conference [appropriated] $ 30 million for the start - up of the CRAF - Cassini mission , a successor to the Voyager space probe .","ARG-M-TMP: while setting a statutory limit of $ 1.6 billion on the automated space probe | ARG-0: the conference | ARG-1: $ 30 million | ARG-M-PRP: for the start - up of the CRAF - Cassini mission , a successor to the Voyager space probe" "SRL for [smote]: Once more the Etonian [smote] , and smote hard .",ARG-M-TMP: Once more | ARG-0: the Etonian SRL for [exciting]: I like Haye because he 's fresh and quite [exciting] .,ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: quite SRL for [expressed]: John [expressed] his Christmas list to the North Pole .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his Christmas list | ARG-2: to the North Pole SRL for [suppressed]: Various cultural and economic forces have [suppressed] demand .,ARG-0: Various cultural and economic forces | ARG-1: demand SRL for [unveiling]: There is a scene at the end of the first week 's show where Mancuso attends the [unveiling] of the memorial to his dead partner David .,ARG-1: of the memorial to his dead partner David SRL for [asphyxiated]: She had been sexually abused and [asphyxiated],ARG-1: She SRL for [bewailed]: John [bewailed] the dead .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the dead SRL for [debrided]: The doctor [debrided] the wound of necrotic borders and started levofloxacin for antibiotic care .,ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-2: the wound | ARG-1: of necrotic borders SRL for [urbanized]: Birds are being [urbanized] by people in outdoor cafes feeding them .,ARG-1: Birds | ARG-0: by people in outdoor cafes feeding them SRL for [stupid]: It was [stupid] of him to go to the store without a list .,ARG-1: of him to go to the store without a list SRL for [insulation]: While a storage battery may be used in most commercial Work when its [insulation] from ground is low enough to give a considerable deflection on a voltmeter ...,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from ground "SRL for [conjectured]: Some [conjectured] that the king may have had tattoos above his eyes , other wondered whether he perhaps had big bulging eyes , and still others put forward the hypothesis that zongmu was simply a figure of speech .",ARG-0: Some | ARG-1: that the king may have had tattoos above his eyes "SRL for [skipper]: But spokesmen for both Mr. Isler and Mr. Conner say the formation of the new syndicate has to do with Mr. Isler 's desire to [skipper] his own team and begin planning now , rather than any falling out between the two sportsmen .",ARG-0: Mr. Isler | ARG-1: his own team "SRL for [conceded]: he [conceded] that with six kids , something like this was bound to happen .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: that with six kids , something like this was bound to happen" "SRL for [beeping]: He says he has n't yet studied the Dellums bill , but that requiring a [beeping] tone on recorders `` would be ludicrous . ''",ARG-1: tone SRL for [militarize]: You who watch as budgets are cut in education and health care while you [militarize] a police force ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-2: a police force SRL for [smatters]: She [smatters] Russian .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: Russian SRL for [decompressed]: Two tubular tire sidewall gashes abruptly [decompressed] the tire .,ARG-0: Two tubular tire sidewall gashes | ARG-M-MNR: abruptly | ARG-1: the tire "SRL for [signing]: When Ma Ying - jeou resumed its "" reign "" four years ago , he worked actively to make up for the time squandered by the DPP , and the [signing] of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement -LRB- ECFA -RRB- was the biggest highlight .",ARG-1: of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement -LRB- ECFA -RRB- SRL for [anchored]: Most are [anchored] by a K mart store .,ARG-1: Most | ARG-0: by a K mart store SRL for [freezes over]: When hell [freezes over] .,ARG-1: hell | ARG-M-TMP: When "SRL for [right]: no , my [right]",ARG-3: my SRL for [chipped]: John [chipped] pieces off the honkin ' huge block - o - chocolate with a sledgehammer .,ARG-0: John | ARG-3: pieces | ARG-1: off the honkin ' huge block - o - chocolate | ARG-2: with a sledgehammer SRL for [pelted]: She [pelted] him with a snowball .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: with a snowball SRL for [prospered]: Prospective bond buyers noted that TW historically has [prospered] because it has been willing to spend aggressively on remodeling restaurants and redoing menus .,ARG-0: TW | ARG-M-ADV: historically | ARG-M-CAU: because it has been willing to spend aggressively on remodeling restaurants and redoing menus SRL for [armored]: Those close to Miller believe he was shot by an [armored] Israeli personnel carrier .,ARG-1: personnel carrier "SRL for [prediction]: At the meeting , Huang Xiangning read the earthquake [prediction] that they had previously issued .",ARG-1: earthquake | ARG-M-ADJ: that they had previously issued SRL for [pawning]: But quick turnover in artwork is `` like [pawning] your jewelry -- you end up with 50 % .,ARG-1: your jewelry "SRL for [gouged]: There I was , a retired wobbly and structural iron worker who 'd never [gouged] a cent off a fellow worker in my thirty years in the movement .",ARG-0: a retired wobbly and structural iron worker | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: a cent | ARG-2: off a fellow worker | ARG-M-TMP: in my thirty years in the movement "SRL for [countenance]: Although encouraging dialogue between managers and workers , Mr. Smith does n't [countenance] what he considers insubordination .",ARG-M-ADV: Although encouraging dialogue between managers and workers | ARG-0: Mr. Smith | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: what he considers insubordination "SRL for [rusted]: Pictures of [rusted] oil drums swim into focus , and the female voice purrs , `` That hazardous waste on his [ Mr. Courter 's ] property -- the neighbors are suing for consumer fraud . ''",ARG-1: oil drums "SRL for [piling on]: SCI TV , which expects to release a plan to restructure $ 1.3 billion of debt in the next day or so , is n't just another LBO that went bad after [piling on] debt -- though it did do that .",ARG-0: just another LBO | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: debt "SRL for [Announcements]: [Announcements] of local births , deaths and weddings can be found in the daily newspaper .","ARG-1: of local births , deaths and weddings" SRL for [evacuate]: The hurricane was accompanied by winds at a speed of 120 kilometers an hour which pushed the Vietnamese authorities to [evacuate] 3500 people from different areas .,ARG-0: the Vietnamese authorities | ARG-2: 3500 people | ARG-1: from different areas SRL for [clogs]: In her spare time she [clogs] on an exhibition team called Cripple Creek Cloggers,ARG-M-TMP: In her spare time | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-LOC: on an exhibition team called Cripple Creek Cloggers "SRL for [asphyxiation]: All his melancholy , his misanthropy , his acidity of temperament , his rancor of soul , his [asphyxiation] of the spirit , were due to a simple error of refraction , that might have been adjusted by an itinerant optician .",ARG-1: his | ARG-3: of the spirit SRL for [niggles]: It [niggles] me that the sleep button on my keyboard is effectively useless !,ARG-2: me | ARG-1: that the sleep button on my keyboard is effectively useless SRL for [solaced]: but the Lord [solaced] him with this scripture,ARG-M-DIS: but | ARG-0: the Lord | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with this "SRL for [subduction]: The [subduction] of continental crust to this depth has never been reported in the Himalayas and is also extremely rare in the rest of world ,",ARG-1: of continental crust | ARG-M-EXT: to this depth "SRL for [poststenotic]: This procedure will give the user three set of values , one set that is prestenotic , one that is [poststenotic] and finally one set that gives the post implanted values .",R-ARG-1: that | ARG-1: one "SRL for [noticed]: Did n't feel a thing , but [noticed] some strange bird behavior .",ARG-1: some strange bird behavior "SRL for [behave]: Japanese managers ca n't expect Americans to [behave] as if they were Japanese ; instead , they must manage Americans as Americans .",ARG-0: Americans | ARG-1: as if they were Japanese SRL for [figured]: This had been the exclusive province of those rich enough to use six - figure sums to get income that was [figured] beyond the third or fourth decimal place .,ARG-1: income | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MNR: beyond the third or fourth decimal place SRL for [optional]: We mean school is [optional] for learning .,ARG-1: school | ARG-2: for learning "SRL for [refocusing]: Based on such reckoning , it can be estimated that the global strategy of the West may have some slight adjustments due to Putin 's election , but there will be little change in the overall plan to push through a [refocusing] of global strategy and strengthening of strategic development in the Asia - Pacific region ,",ARG-1: of global strategy SRL for [volleyed]: He [volleyed] a string of curses .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a string of curses "SRL for [encircling]: A few blocks away , at the U.S. ambassador 's residence , the guards [encircling] the compound also had discarded their Uzi - model arms for the first time since early June .",ARG-1: the guards | ARG-2: the compound SRL for [boot up]: Upon [boot up] of the computer a screen will ask which drive to boot from .,ARG-1: of the computer SRL for [uneasy]: She made me [uneasy] about it .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: me | ARG-2: about it SRL for [exercises]: Military [exercises],ARG-0: Military "SRL for [inspired]: With lyrical intensity they reveal what they hate , but their faith in love , [inspired] by the revolutionary rhythms of jazz , culminates in the climax of the orgasm .",ARG-1: their faith in love | ARG-0: by the revolutionary rhythms of jazz SRL for [moonlighting]: Private security guards and [moonlighting] police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these quasi - public places .,ARG-0: police "SRL for [dwells]: It consists of fragmentary personal revelations , such as `` The Spark '' : `` There is a spark [dwells] deep within my soul .",ARG-0: a spark | ARG-1: deep within my soul SRL for [perked up]: But Mr. Rey brought about a merger in the next few years between the country 's major producers ; the increased efficiency has [perked up] the industry .,ARG-0: the increased efficiency | ARG-1: the industry SRL for [loafed]: Charlene [loafed] about the back yard all afternoon .,ARG-0: Charlene | ARG-M-LOC: about the back yard | ARG-M-TMP: all afternoon SRL for [merging]: interesting book ... last child in the woods ... talk about how this generation has accepted the [merging] of man / machine / animals .... that there are about 2000 patented life forms ...,ARG-1: of man / machine / animals SRL for [naff]: Apparently 44 % of America s budget is spent on Medicare / Medicaid and Social Security which is a joke considering how [naff] American welfare is,ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: American welfare SRL for [dug]: Minneapolis cop [dug] a hole for himself in shovel dustup,ARG-0: Minneapolis cop | ARG-1: a hole | ARG-M-GOL: for himself | ARG-M-LOC: in shovel dustup SRL for [constellated]: The roses [constellated] the dark green of their tangled leaves .,ARG-2: The roses | ARG-1: the dark green of their tangled leaves SRL for [arraigned]: Just hours ago this man was [arraigned] for the brutal murder of graduate student Imette St. Guillen .,ARG-M-TMP: Just hours ago | ARG-1: this man | ARG-2: for the brutal murder of graduate student Imette St. Guillen SRL for [exudative]: Fluid has always been [exudative] and lymphocytic .,ARG-1: Fluid | ARG-M-TMP: always SRL for [atretic]: The mitral valve was [atretic] and no atrioventricular communication was present .,ARG-1: The mitral valve "SRL for [encouragement]: f it was n't for their [encouragement] to keep going , I do n't know where I would be . """,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: to keep going SRL for [digestion]: Bob 's [digestion] of dairy was impaired by his lack of lactase .,ARG-0: Bob 's | ARG-1: of dairy "SRL for [relive]: But as they hurl fireballs that smolder rather than burn , and [relive] old duels in the sun , it 's clear that most are there to make their fans cheer again or recapture the camaraderie of seasons past or prove to themselves and their colleagues that they still have it -- or something close to it .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: old duels | ARG-M-LOC: in the sun SRL for [vomiting]: [vomiting] blood,ARG-1: blood SRL for [assimilation]: He are very commited to helping his [assimilation] to Canadian society .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to Canadian society SRL for [harp]: And I think a lot of people will [harp] on program trading .,ARG-0: a lot of people | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: on program trading "SRL for [outcry]: ... healing could begin with their [outcry] to a friend , family member , or an anonymous call to a hotline .","ARG-2: to a friend , family member , or an anonymous call to a hotline" "SRL for [tumbling]: On days when prices are [tumbling] , they must be willing to buy shares from sellers when no one else will .",ARG-1: prices | ARG-M-TMP: days | R-ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [Redecorating]: She is out with another book Enertaining at the White House and [Redecorating] the White House .,ARG-1: the White House SRL for [ceremony]: The Pearl Harbor commemoration [ceremony],ARG-1: Pearl Harbor commemoration SRL for [reluctant]: I 'd be [reluctant] to start messing with an elderly relative 's finances .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'd | ARG-1: to start messing with an elderly relative 's finances "SRL for [croons]: `` The beautiful look of wool , '' [croons] *trace* the show 's narrator , `` slightly Victorian in its influence ... . ''",ARG-0: the show 's narrator "SRL for [extensive]: The stal Valentine 's Day becomes a promiscuous season . Is Valentine 's Day "" Heat Day "" ? The definition of the lover is very [extensive] . In China , lovers usually referred to people who have out - of - marriage love or a sexual relationship .",ARG-1: The definition of the lover | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [messing]: Should they , too , stop `` [messing] with '' his free market ?",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: with '' his free market ? "SRL for [laboring]: Meanwhile , bond investors are [laboring] under the onus of a national debt ceiling debate .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-0: bond investors | ARG-1: under the onus of a national debt ceiling debate SRL for [survey]: The San Francisco Chronicle did a [survey] with its readers of most annoying celebrities,ARG-1: with its readers | ARG-2: of most annoying celebrities SRL for [arrangements]: And one White House official reported that Mr. Agnos had been `` very helpful '' in making [arrangements] for Mr. Bush 's hastily scheduled trip to California .,ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-1: for Mr. Bush 's hastily scheduled trip to California "SRL for [loot]: I 'm surprised he did n't advocate letting people [loot] , since that behavior can also be foreseen in a disaster and `` every individual has an incentive to alter the distribution of income in his favor . ''",ARG-0: people "SRL for [hopes]: Although the polyester and rayon markets remain mostly bleak , Akzo has high [hopes] for some emerging fiber businesses , such carbon fibers and aramid , extremely strong fibers used to reinforce tires and metals and to make such products as bullet -proof vests .","ARG-0: Akzo | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-M-MNR: high | ARG-1: for some emerging fiber businesses , such carbon fibers and aramid , extremely strong fibers used to reinforce tires and metals and to make such products as bullet -proof vests" "SRL for [serve]: The Members could still try to [serve] their constituents with special - interest goodies , but the police -LRB- in the form of a President -RRB- would be there with a straitjacket if they really get crazy , as they do now .",ARG-0: The Members | ARG-2: their constituents | ARG-1: with special - interest goodies "SRL for [sucks]: Totally allowable in an open primary , but it [sucks] nonetheless .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-ADV: nonetheless SRL for [chirp]: The robins on the lawn [chirp] at one another .,ARG-0: The robins | ARG-M-LOC: on the lawn | ARG-M-DIR: at one another SRL for [complication]: The new experimental data 's [complication] of the existing theory can not be dismissed .,ARG-0: new experimental data 's | ARG-1: of the existing theory SRL for [see]: Forty - two -year -old G3 whom I asked to [see] for evaluation of a pelvic mass .,ARG-1: Forty - two -year -old G3 | R-ARG-1: whom | ARG-0: I | ARG-2: for evaluation of a pelvic mass "SRL for [whirring]: The sounds issuing from beyond -- winches [whirring] , men shouting -- indicated great activity and excited me .",ARG-1: winches SRL for [distended]: The gallbladder is [distended] .,ARG-1: The gallbladder "SRL for [loitered]: In junior high , I always [loitered] in front of the town general store .",ARG-M-TMP: In junior high | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: always | ARG-M-LOC: in front of the town general store "SRL for [counting]: During this "" General Election "" , especially on the eve of election , on the date of the election and at the time of vote [counting] , the entire Taiwan was in a more calm , rational and harmonious atmosphere compared with the past .",ARG-1: vote SRL for [smooth]: His nickname implies that he was [smooth] and slick and never got caught .,ARG-1: he "SRL for [rounded]: It was a district of small factories and loft buildings and occasional tenements , and he could see the police radio car as he [rounded] the corner and slammed on the brakes .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: the corner SRL for [conduct]: the [conduct] of a policy that has a long - term rationale,ARG-1: of a policy that has a long - term rationale "SRL for [forcing]: If Mr. Redford wanted to be accepted by the people of Utah , he should have taken an advisory role instead of one of [forcing] his personal preferences .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his personal preferences SRL for [dressing]: The nurse 's [dressing] of her foot wounds with gauze only took a few minutes .,ARG-0: The nurse 's | ARG-1: of her foot wounds | ARG-2: with gauze SRL for [abnegated]: The King [abnegated] his power to the ministers .,ARG-0: The King | ARG-1: his power | ARG-2: to the ministers "SRL for [confession]: Anyone who has seen this film will remember Judy Garland 's countless declarations that she wants to go home again and particularly her [confession] to Glinda that "" if I ever go looking for my heart 's desire again , I wo n't look any further than my own backyard ; because if it is n't there , I never really lost it to begin with ! ""","ARG-0: her | ARG-2: to Glinda | ARG-1: that "" if I ever go looking for my heart 's desire again , I wo n't look any further than my own backyard ; because if it is n't there , I never really lost it to begin with ! """ "SRL for [spills out]: Come daybreak , eight family members and two other workers unroll a sheet of raw rubber that covers the floor of the house and [spills out] onto the street .",ARG-1: a sheet | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: onto the street SRL for [busted up]: They [busted up] the horse turds so there were no pieces .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the horse turds | ARG-M-PRD: so there were no pieces "SRL for [sowing]: For the last decade , the CTI has been working hand in hand with the industry , quietly [sowing] the seeds of research and development in many places .",ARG-0: the CTI | ARG-M-MNR: quietly | ARG-1: the seeds of research and development | ARG-M-LOC: in many places "SRL for [voice]: While U.S. officials [voice] optimism about Japan 's enlarged role in Asia , they also convey an undertone of caution .",ARG-0: U.S. officials | ARG-1: optimism about Japan 's enlarged role in Asia SRL for [swagged]: Hal [swagged] his tail across the tall weeds .,ARG-0: Hal | ARG-1: his tail | ARG-M-LOC: across the tall weeds SRL for [behave]: One wonders how other college athletic officials would [behave] under the same circumstances .,ARG-0: other college athletic officials | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: under the same circumstances | ARG-1: how SRL for [stoked]: Oh yay -LRB- : you 're [stoked] !,ARG-1: you SRL for [regrow]: Lizards can [regrow] their tails after losing them .,ARG-0: Lizards | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: their tails | ARG-M-TMP: after losing them SRL for [throng]: All day long visitors [throng] the cluster of little stalls at the entrance to the City of God Temple .,ARG-M-TMP: All day long | ARG-0: visitors | ARG-1: the cluster of little stalls at the entrance to the City of God Temple "SRL for [augmentation]: He still wants posterity to revere and remember him , as is indicated by his [augmentation] of Walton 's written account of his tale .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Walton 's written account of his tale "SRL for [rents]: Jayark , New York , distributes and [rents] audio - visual equipment and prints promotional ads for retailers .","ARG-0: Jayark , New York | ARG-1: audio - visual equipment" SRL for [reasserting]: Wives are [reasserting] themselves more strongly .,ARG-0: Wives | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-M-MNR: more strongly SRL for [womanizing]: His [womanizing] of aboriginal ladies throughout the New York colony was so prodigious that it prompted rumours he had fathered children by the hundreds .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of aboriginal ladies | ARG-M-LOC: throughout the New York colony SRL for [halt]: an oil export [halt],ARG-1: oil export "SRL for [underestimated]: But while verbal high jinks alone wo n't help PASOK regain power , Mr. Papandreou should never be [underestimated] .",ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: Mr. Papandreou SRL for [re - rescected]: [re - rescected] colorectal cancer,ARG-1: colorectal cancer "SRL for [explains]: ` ` When I made this investment , I made it on a lifetime basis , '' he [explains] .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: ` ` When I made this investment , I made it on a lifetime basis , ''" SRL for [caffeinated]: Mary [caffeinated] John with coffee .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: with coffee SRL for [enshrined]: ... in their own constitution they have [enshrined] the universal declaration on human rights which guarantees certain religious freedoms .,ARG-M-LOC: in their own constitution | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the universal declaration on human rights which guarantees certain religious freedoms SRL for [include]: The project did not [include] Seymour Cray .,ARG-2: The project | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: Seymour Cray SRL for [honest]: I was [honest] with them about my dismal year .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: with them | ARG-1: about my dismal year SRL for [tally up]: All that needed to happen was for us to [tally up] the damages and get our money back .,ARG-0: us | ARG-1: the damages SRL for [discourse]: These additional dimensions remain wanting in the general public 's [discourse] and among most public - health folks .,ARG-0: the general public 's SRL for [shellacked]: She [shellacked] my car .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: my car SRL for [tender]: the shipper must provide some substantive evidence of his [tender] of the item to the carrier beyond a mere claim,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the item | ARG-2: to the carrier "SRL for [welcome]: `` Buyers [welcome] , sellers please go away ! ''",ARG-1: Buyers SRL for [curtail]: Most of the department 's statements since the Northwest transaction indicated it planned to [curtail] foreign ownership stakes in U.S. carriers .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: foreign ownership stakes in U.S. carriers SRL for [clear]: It is [clear] to me from the analysis .,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: to me | ARG-0: from the analysis "SRL for [lightened up]: Investors who listened , and [lightened up] on stocks , `` have just hurt themselves , '' he says .",ARG-0: Investors | ARG-1: on stocks SRL for [Fruitful]: True Love Is [Fruitful] Of Good Works,ARG-1: True Love | ARG-2: Of Good Works SRL for [breakthroughs]: New [breakthroughs] in medicine are happening every day .,ARG-M-TMP: New | ARG-1: in medicine SRL for [disposing]: Armstrong said that [disposing] of the carpet business would improve `` total financial performance . '',ARG-0: Armstrong | ARG-1: of the carpet business SRL for [proposed]: Heritage Media [proposed] acquiring POP Radio .,ARG-0: Heritage Media | ARG-1: acquiring POP Radio "SRL for [edified]: Melania so won Apronianus by her talents , and [edified] him by her virtues , that he consented to receive from her instruction in the Christian faith .",ARG-0: Melania | ARG-M-CXN: so | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: by her talents | C-ARG-M-CXN: that he consented to receive from her instruction in the Christian faith SRL for [explosion]: the bomb 's [explosion],ARG-1: bomb 's "SRL for [introspection]: In addition to being shocked , I think that we should do more , and do more important things . We should appeal to the people of Mainland China and Hong Kong to perform a comprehensive , profound and sustained [introspection] .","ARG-0: the people of Mainland China and Hong Kong | ARG-M-LVB: perform | ARG-M-MNR: comprehensive , profound and sustained" "SRL for [romp]: Some 500 insects and 150 diseases wiggle , chew and [romp] through growers ' nightmares , including maggots , mites , mildew , thrips , black rot and the flat - headed borer .","ARG-0: Some 500 insects and 150 diseases | ARG-1: through growers ' nightmares | ARG-M-ADV: including maggots , mites , mildew , thrips , black rot and the flat - headed borer" SRL for [incinerates]: Holland has a very good recycling record and [incinerates] much of its waste .,ARG-0: Holland | ARG-1: much of its waste SRL for [rented]: A monk [rented] him a room for six dollars .,ARG-0: A monk | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: a room | ARG-3: for six dollars SRL for [addicted]: She was [addicted] to it by the end of her hospitalization and continued to take it .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: to it | ARG-M-TMP: by the end of her hospitalization SRL for [nursing]: Jane 's [nursing] of her baby took place mainly in the nursery .,ARG-0: Jane 's | ARG-2: of her baby "SRL for [waltzed]: They [waltzed] into the programme , charmed people , took photos with the security chief and the president , and then spilled the beans on Facebook .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: into the programme SRL for [held]: The Supreme Court [held] that legislative vetoes are unconstitutional .,ARG-0: The Supreme Court | ARG-1: that legislative vetoes are unconstitutional SRL for [reintegrated]: A [reintegrated] Europe implies big changes in 40 - year - old military and economic policies .,ARG-1: Europe "SRL for [reported]: Japanese corporations bought South Dakota , [reported] Newsweek .",ARG-1: Japanese corporations bought South Dakota | ARG-0: Newsweek "SRL for [incubation]: In addition to their [incubation] of non - profit organizations , the foundation provides start - up grants to social enterprises that seek to provide essential services to the disadvantaged .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of non - profit organizations "SRL for [integration]: the [integration] of ' body , mind , and spirit '","ARG-1: of ' body , mind , and spirit '" "SRL for [sob]: Yet there will be people who will [sob] at `` Immediate Family , '' a limply constructed and offensive movie about adoption .","ARG-0: people | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-CAU: at `` Immediate Family , '' a limply constructed and offensive movie about adoption" "SRL for [Barnstorm]: As part of his [Barnstorm] for Reform tour , he is joined by Republican governers from Connecticut , South Dakota , and Montana .",ARG-0: his | ARG-M-PRP: for Reform SRL for [maintenance]: the [maintenance] of relations between the ROC and its diplomatic partners,ARG-1: of relations between the ROC and its diplomatic partners SRL for [gained]: The Nasdaq 100 index [gained] 1.39 to 446.62 on heavy volume .,ARG-1: The Nasdaq 100 index | ARG-2: 1.39 | ARG-4: to 446.62 | ARG-M-LOC: on heavy volume SRL for [frosted]: A freezing rain badly [frosted] the tomato plants .,ARG-0: A freezing rain | ARG-M-MNR: badly | ARG-1: the tomato plants "SRL for [purify]: And when this was gone , he had n't even a little bitter tablet to [purify] other water if he were to discover some stagnant jungle pool .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: other water | ARG-M-ADV: if he were to discover some stagnant jungle pool "SRL for [deep]: It was used as both as a yellow dye , whose color was [deep] and lasting",ARG-1: whose color "SRL for [wholesale]: Popularly famed for their [wholesale] of diamonds , Tresor Paris set out to make a line of affordable bracelets ...",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of diamonds SRL for [depressed]: The industry 's chemical profits also declined because excess capacity has [depressed] prices .,ARG-0: excess capacity | ARG-1: prices SRL for [resupply]: More than ten tuna ships come in every day to offload their catch and to [resupply] .,ARG-0: More than ten tuna ships SRL for [taxed away]: Why bother if the profits will be [taxed away] ?,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-3: the profits SRL for [languishing]: John was [languishing] for a peanut butter and pickle sandwich .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: for a peanut butter and pickle sandwich SRL for [sending]: They have begun [sending] letters explain the program to about five million card holders .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: letters explain the program | ARG-2: to about five million card holders "SRL for [sulfurized]: Unlike products from the wax ester jojoba oil , the [sulfurized] vegetable triglycerides alone had physical properties generally undesirable for lubricant additives",ARG-1: vegetable triglycerides SRL for [prepped]: She [prepped] the patient for surgery .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the patient | ARG-2: for surgery SRL for [Stick]: [Stick] some money in an interest - bearing account and watch it grow .,ARG-1: some money | ARG-2: in an interest - bearing account "SRL for [betrayed]: Next , he continued to court the communists -- many of whom feel [betrayed] by the left - right coalition 's birth -- by bringing into PASOK a well - respected Communist Party candidate .",R-ARG-1: many of whom | ARG-1: the communists | ARG-0: by the left - right coalition 's birth SRL for [indicate]: Bacterial infections [indicate] treatment with antibiotics .,ARG-1: Bacterial infections | ARG-2: treatment with antibiotics SRL for [diagnosis]: Dr. Jean 's [diagnosis] of Mr. Bob 's melanoma saved his life .,ARG-0: Dr. Jean 's | ARG-2: of Mr. Bob 's melanoma "SRL for [profile]: Energy Transportation retained Litigation Sciences , at a cost of several hundred thousand dollars , to poll , pre - try , [profile] and shadow .",ARG-0: Litigation Sciences SRL for [jump]: a 5 % [jump] in the Peter 's Pence collection,ARG-2: 5 % | ARG-1: in the Peter 's Pence collection "SRL for [tilt]: Mr. Black said he is `` pleased '' with the economy 's recent performance , and does n't see `` a lot of excesses out there that would [tilt] us into recession . ''",ARG-0: a lot of excesses out there | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: us | ARG-3: into recession . '' SRL for [likes]: John [likes] dill pickles on his grilled cheese sandwiches .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: dill pickles on his grilled cheese sandwiches "SRL for [stimulated]: Without the decay of a sense of objective reference ( except as the imitation of mystery ) , the stress on subjective invention would never have been [stimulated] into being .",ARG-M-ADV: Without the decay of a sense of objective reference ( except as the imitation of mystery ) | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: the stress on subjective invention | ARG-3: into being SRL for [husked]: He [husked] a big barrel of corn .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a big barrel of corn SRL for [apostatized]: Have we [apostatized] from the principles of the Constitution ?,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: from the principles of the Constitution SRL for [cure]: The big question is whether the new president will havethe strength and the political support in Congress totake steps to [cure] Brazil 's economic ills .,ARG-0: the new president | ARG-2: Brazil 's economic ills SRL for [darkened]: He [darkened] under his heavy burn .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-LOC: under his heavy burn SRL for [amorous]: We were .... ummm ... [amorous] .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-DIS: ummm "SRL for [ratifying]: The broadcasters were , after all , documenting the game , [ratifying] its occurrence for millions outside the Stick .",ARG-0: The broadcasters | ARG-M-DIS: after all | ARG-1: its occurrence | ARG-2: for millions outside the Stick SRL for [ovulating]: She may still be [ovulating],ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-TMP: still SRL for [follows through]: They argue that as the Kremlin [follows through] on announced plans to cut land forces ....,ARG-0: the Kremlin | ARG-1: on announced plans to cut land forces .... SRL for [hope]: And [hope] to hear the peaceful sound of the falling rain /,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: to hear the peaceful sound of the falling rain SRL for [engrossed]: John [engrossed] Mary with his Kung - Fu practice .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: with his Kung - Fu practice SRL for [rollback]: California property owners have benefited from a tax [rollback] ...,ARG-1: tax "SRL for [curled up]: Three minutes into the massage , the man [curled up] , began shaking and turned red .",ARG-1: the man "SRL for [orgasm]: So the more we talk about it , the more coveradge they get and the more muslim extreamists will [orgasm] at the sound of USA 's threats .",ARG-M-EXT: the more | ARG-1: muslim extreamists | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: at the sound of USA 's threats "SRL for [proven]: `` Wall Street 's cash cow has been gored , but I do n't think anyone has [proven] that index arbitrage is the problem . ''",ARG-0: anyone | ARG-1: that index arbitrage is the problem SRL for [comes]: Part of the charm [comes] in recognizing one 's self in the novel .,ARG-1: Part of the charm | ARG-2: in recognizing one 's self in the novel "SRL for [bilking]: Today , she took center stage in a far grittier place , pleading guilty to [bilking] hundreds of wealthy art patrons out of tens of millions of dollars .",ARG-0: she | ARG-2: hundreds of wealthy art patrons | ARG-1: out of tens of millions of dollars SRL for [FNA]: They will [FNA] the lesion tomorrow .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: the lesion | ARG-M-TMP: tomorrow SRL for [spends]: He [spends] his days sketching passers - by or trying to .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his days | ARG-2: sketching passers - by or trying to "SRL for [inspissate]: This , the Bayenga [inspissate] by boiling .",ARG-0: the Bayenga | ARG-1: This | ARG-2: by boiling "SRL for [deep]: Also , I thought the book was [deep] in foreshadowing .",ARG-1: the book | ARG-2: in foreshadowing SRL for [bedding]: Their [bedding] the pears in lettuce impressed the food critic .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: the pears | ARG-2: in lettuce SRL for [dictation]: The General 's [dictation] to the troops that they immediately prepare for battle was obeyed .,ARG-0: The General 's | ARG-2: to the troops | ARG-1: that they immediately prepare for battle SRL for [metamorphosed]: The US 's present middle - aged generation have [metamorphosed] from idealists into materialist .,ARG-1: The US 's present middle - aged generation | ARG-3: from idealists | ARG-2: into materialist SRL for [aggrieved]: The [aggrieved] party would have to take a civil action against you .,ARG-1: party SRL for [hyperinflation]: the 1932 [hyperinflation] of the German Mark to one trillion Marks to the dollar,ARG-M-TMP: 1932 | ARG-1: of the German Mark | ARG-2: to one trillion Marks to the dollar "SRL for [sashayed]: He [sashayed] out into the street , delighting in the explosions he begat .",ARG-1: He | ARG-4: out into the street | ARG-M-PRD: delighting in the explosions he begat "SRL for [nursed]: In that case , Guber Peters acquired the rights in 1979 , [nursed] the movie through a dozen scripts , and were on the set in London for 11 months hovering over the most minute changes in casting and production .",ARG-M-LOC: In that case | ARG-0: Guber Peters | ARG-1: the movie | ARG-M-MNR: through a dozen scripts SRL for [competent]: She is [competent] at bowling .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: at bowling "SRL for [scanning]: In his [scanning] of the crowd for his lost son , Mason spotted several police officers .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the crowd | ARG-2: for his lost son "SRL for [rescue]: Booker , 43 , is a rising star in the Democratic Party , known as much for his [rescue] of a woman from her burning home last year as he is for running a city troubled by high crime and unemployment .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of a woman | ARG-2: from her burning home | ARG-M-TMP: last year SRL for [applied]: Last year TCAC [applied] to the Council for Cultural Affairs for authorization to carry out a campaign to beautify Hsia Street .,ARG-M-TMP: Last year | ARG-0: TCAC | ARG-2: to the Council for Cultural Affairs | ARG-1: for authorization to carry out a campaign to beautify Hsia Street SRL for [douchey]: Hahaha . I know he 's one of your best friends . And no we re not . Tall skinny guy . Blonde hair . Actor . He was [douchey] the one night I met him . He 's alright .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-TMP: the one night I met him SRL for [damned]: Docherty was [damned] if he would make a fool of himself again the way he had earlier over the laundry truck .,ARG-1: Docherty | ARG-M-ADV: if he would make a fool of himself again the way he had earlier over the laundry truck "SRL for [catch on]: ... its Amiga , which has slick graphics yet has been slow to [catch on] .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: its Amiga SRL for [intercourse ?]: How can anyone tell if a female had sexual [intercourse ?],ARG-0: a female | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-MNR: sexual SRL for [Argentinian]: I told her how the war had made it clearer to me than ever before that I was [Argentinian] .,ARG-1: I SRL for [use]: CFC [use] in appliance manufacture,ARG-1: CFC | ARG-2: in appliance manufacture "SRL for [divided]: As part of its reorganization this week , Western Digital has [divided] its business into two segments -- storage products , including controllers and disk drives ; and microcomputer products , which include graphics , communications and peripheral control chips .","ARG-M-ADV: As part of its reorganization this week | ARG-0: Western Digital | ARG-1: its business | ARG-2: into two segments -- storage products , including controllers and disk drives ; and microcomputer products , which include graphics , communications and peripheral control chips" "SRL for [braised]: We took the fatty , tough piece of meat and cut it into a personal size , seasoned it , seared it , and [braised] it in local maple syrup and robust Kentucky bourbon .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in local maple syrup and robust Kentucky bourbon "SRL for [drumming up]: Illinois , for instance , currently has under investigation 10 of the 30 companies [drumming up] funds for charities soliciting there .",ARG-0: the 30 companies | ARG-1: funds for charities soliciting there "SRL for [obey]: If you 're a technician , you [obey] the signals .",ARG-M-ADV: If you 're a technician | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the signals SRL for [ruled]: The Supreme Court agreed to decide whether a federal court may dismantle a merger that has won regulatory approval but been [ruled] anticompetitive in a private suit .,ARG-1: anticompetitive | ARG-M-LOC: in a private suit "SRL for [trampled]: After being [trampled] in Tuesday 's selling stampede , the Nasdaq over - the - counter market dusted itself off and moved on in moderate trading .",ARG-1: the Nasdaq over - the - counter market | ARG-M-LOC: in Tuesday 's selling stampede "SRL for [subtitled]: `` Mastergate '' is [subtitled] `` a play on words , '' and Mr. Gelbart plays that game as well as anyone .",ARG-1: Mastergate | ARG-2: a play on words SRL for [grooving]: His [grooving] of a dado into the pine enabled the second piece to fit snugly with it .,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: of a dado | ARG-1: into the pine SRL for [disgorged]: John [disgorged] his lunch from his stomach .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his lunch | ARG-2: from his stomach "SRL for [re - evolve]: However , even if the direction of selection does reverse in this way , traits that were lost in the past may not [re - evolve] in an identical form -LRB- see Dollo 's law -RRB- .",ARG-2: traits that were lost in the past | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-MNR: in an identical form "SRL for [lucked out]: Our mammalian forerunners [lucked out] through the extraterrestrial impact that did in the dinosaurs because they were small , not smart .","ARG-1: Our mammalian forerunners | ARG-M-MNR: through the extraterrestrial impact that did in the dinosaurs | ARG-M-CAU: because they were small , not smart" "SRL for [lounged]: They got tin cups of coffee from the big pot on the coosie 's fire , rolled and lighted brown - paper cigarettes , [lounged] about .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-ADV: about "SRL for [zero out]: They were appalled , for instance , that he wanted to target more of the $ 3 billion Community Development Block Grant program to low - income projects and [zero out] the notorious `` discretionary '' funds that have allowed HUD officials to steer contracts to political cronies .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the notorious `` discretionary '' funds that have allowed HUD officials to steer contracts to political cronies "SRL for [conditioning]: The patient diligently participated in physical therapy , to aid in his [conditioning] .",ARG-1: his "SRL for [drafted]: `` There was a lot of internal debate about that specific issue , '' said Susan Bryant , Oklahoma 's chief securities regulator and president of the North American Securities Administrators Association , which [drafted] a voluntary settlement plan for the states with Drexel .",ARG-0: the North American Securities Administrators Association | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: a voluntary settlement plan | ARG-2: for the states | ARG-3: with Drexel SRL for [aspirated]: Dr. John [aspirated] the patient 's knee .,ARG-0: Dr. John | ARG-2: the patient 's knee SRL for [primped]: She [primped] for predawn tailgating .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-PRP: for predawn tailgating SRL for [straightforward]: Just when you need everything to be [straightforward] you hit these bloody jobsworths who have to make life impossible .,ARG-1: everything "SRL for [turns on]: But the genes were accompanied by a piece of DNA , called a promoter , that [turns on] .","ARG-0: a piece of DNA , called a promoter | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the genes" "SRL for [depict]: Besides , a computer processing the Japanese language needs a huge memory and much processing capability , while the screen and printer need far better definition to [depict] accurately the intricate symbols .",ARG-0: the screen and printer | ARG-M-MNR: accurately | ARG-1: the intricate symbols SRL for [waitressing]: It was very hard remember when we were [waitressing],ARG-0: we | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [cheating]: Dave was [cheating] on Holly with his ex - wife !,ARG-0: Dave | ARG-1: on Holly | ARG-2: with his ex - wife ! SRL for [set]: Former Welterweight foes Miguel Cotto and Antonio Margarito are all [set] to be squaring off in another Puerto Rico versus Mexico slugfest .,ARG-1: Former Welterweight foes Miguel Cotto and Antonio Margarito | ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-2: to be squaring off in another Puerto Rico versus Mexico slugfest SRL for [spreads]: Satan laughing [spreads] his wings,ARG-0: Satan | ARG-M-PRD: laughing | ARG-1: his wings SRL for [alkylated]: A significant number of the hydroxylic groups have been [alkylated] .,ARG-1: A significant number of the hydroxylic groups SRL for [railroaded]: We were [railroaded] into signing the agreement .,ARG-1: We | ARG-2: into signing the agreement "SRL for [excited]: Even without bid talk , this year 's surge in prices for Brussels real estate has [excited] interest in AG .",ARG-M-ADV: Even without bid talk | ARG-0: this year 's surge in prices for Brussels real estate | ARG-1: interest in AG SRL for [squeeze]: tight supplies next spring could leave the wheat futures market susceptible to a supply - demand [squeeze],ARG-0: supply - demand SRL for [fund]: Cray Research did not want to [fund] a project that did not include Seymour .,ARG-0: Cray Research | ARG-1: a project that did not include Seymour "SRL for [campaign]: I believe Eastwood is speaking from the heart , that 's why I think it 's such an amazing and curious ad since it looks and feels so much like the kind of thing the Obama [campaign] would find favorable to them .",ARG-1: Obama "SRL for [culminating]: In the six trading days since the UAL labor - management buy - out group failed [*-1] to get bank financing , [*] [culminating] Friday with the withdrawal of its partner British Airways PLC , UAL stock has plummeted by 41 % to 168 1\/2 from 285 1\/4 .",ARG-M-TMP: Friday | ARG-M-ADV: with the withdrawal of its partner British Airways PLC SRL for [coughed]: She has just [coughed] up some mucus with bright red blood .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-2: some mucus with bright red blood SRL for [sides]: anything which takes [sides] against muslims get a million negs - it s obvious muslims are in a huge presence on TSR .,ARG-0: which | ARG-M-LVB: takes | ARG-2: against muslims SRL for [cheered up]: Mary [cheered up] with a hot - fudge sundae .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: with a hot - fudge sundae "SRL for [shoot]: In particular , the prices of gold and other precious - metals stocks [shoot] up and down , but the stocks tend to have low betas because their moves are not market - inspired .",ARG-1: the prices of gold and other precious - metals stocks | ARG-5: up and down SRL for [went]: The lights [went] off last night .,ARG-1: The lights | ARG-2: off | ARG-M-TMP: last night "SRL for [militarization]: and people are critical of their "" [militarization] "" , with helmets and body armor and such .",ARG-2: their | ARG-1: with helmets and body armor and such SRL for [deactivates]: The sterilizing gene is expressed just before the pollen is about to develop and it [deactivates] the anthers of every flower in the plant .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the anthers of every flower in the plant SRL for [inauguration]: Chief Justice John G. Roberts 's [inauguration] of Obama into his second term of presidency,ARG-0: Chief Justice John G. Roberts 's | ARG-1: of Obama | ARG-2: into his second term of presidency SRL for [process]: The [process] of post - crash reforms,ARG-1: of post - crash reforms SRL for [of different minds]: We are [of different minds] on almost every subject .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: on almost every subject "SRL for [parched]: In less [parched] areas , meanwhile , farmers who had little or no loss of production profited greatly from the higher prices .",ARG-M-EXT: less | ARG-1: areas SRL for [help]: a tremendous [help],ARG-M-EXT: tremendous "SRL for [decriminalizing]: I gott a suggestion : Try [decriminalizing] marijuana , and our prison populations will fall off immediately , and in a huge way .",ARG-1: marijuana "SRL for [lean]: Customers [lean] forward , rest their knees on side supports and bury their face in padding on the back of the chair .",ARG-0: Customers | ARG-2: forward "SRL for [westernize]: He meant that we should first [westernize] , then step back to look at tradition .",ARG-1: we | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-TMP: then step back to look at tradition SRL for [dropping]: A father in New York is accused of [dropping] his baby out of a seven - story apartment window .,ARG-1: his baby | ARG-3: out of a seven - story apartment window SRL for [make]: Americans [make] better fishermen .,ARG-1: Americans | ARG-2: better fishermen "SRL for [fostered]: The Fuji is a product of meticulous Japanese pomological engineering , which [fostered] it 50 years ago at a government research orchard .",ARG-0: meticulous Japanese pomological engineering | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: 50 years ago | ARG-M-LOC: at a government research orchard SRL for [Bronchodilation]: [Bronchodilation] of the patient 's airways,ARG-1: of the patient 's airways SRL for [maturated]: John the scientist [maturated] the seeds into seedlings .,ARG-0: John the scientist | ARG-1: the seeds | ARG-3: into seedlings SRL for [demolish]: Program traders argue that a reinstatement of the rule would [demolish] the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: a reinstatement of the rule | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets "SRL for [cushioned]: But its competitors -- including Dow Chemical Co. , Union Carbide Corp. and several oil giants -- have much broader business interests and so are better [cushioned] against price swings .","ARG-M-MNR: better | ARG-1: its competitors -- including Dow Chemical Co. , Union Carbide Corp. and several oil giants -- | ARG-2: against price swings" SRL for [seem]: These prices [seem] rather modest .,ARG-1: These prices | C-ARG-1: rather modest SRL for [estimate]: He declined to make a specific earnings [estimate] .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-MNR: specific | ARG-1: earnings SRL for [fulfillment]: The newspaper did not elaborate on how the other parties postponed their [fulfillment] of obligations .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of obligations "SRL for [Gross]: Simply enter the Net amount in the white box above , select whether the amount is [Gross] , Net . 25 , or the GST , and the calculator works out the rest .",ARG-1: the amount "SRL for [interned]: In the worst abuse of government authority in the history of the U.S. , more than 120,000 Japanese Americans were [interned] in relocation camps .","ARG-M-ADV: In the worst abuse of government authority in the history of the U.S. | ARG-1: more than 120,000 Japanese Americans | ARG-M-LOC: in relocation camps" SRL for [diminished]: The flow within the graft is [diminished] with peak systolic velocity measuring between .19 to .32 m/2 .,ARG-1: The flow within the graft | ARG-M-ADV: with peak systolic velocity measuring between .19 to .32 m/2 SRL for [delusion]: The cult leader 's [delusion] of his followers lead them to commit terrible crimes .,ARG-0: The cult leader 's | ARG-1: of his followers SRL for [suicidal]: I think my girlfriend is [suicidal] over a miscarriage .,ARG-1: my girlfriend | ARG-0: over a miscarriage SRL for [treed]: The dog [treed] the cat in the neighbor 's yard .,ARG-0: The dog | ARG-1: the cat | ARG-2: in the neighbor 's yard SRL for [hurricane]: It is based on a scale from one to five with one being the lowest intensity [hurricane] and five being the highest intensity hurricane .,ARG-2: lowest intensity SRL for [patrol]: His [patrol] of the grounds,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the grounds "SRL for [works]: And by basing donations on BK Doubles , a new double - hamburger line the fast - food chain is trying to push , Burger King [works] a sales pitch into its public - service message .","ARG-M-MNR: by basing donations on BK Doubles , a new double - hamburger line the fast - food chain is trying to push | ARG-0: Burger King | ARG-1: a sales pitch | ARG-2: into its public - service message" "SRL for [resequencing]: New high - throughput sequencing technologies are dramatically lowering the cost of DNA sequencing , with many researchers hoping to bring the cost of [resequencing] a human genome down to a thousand dollars .",ARG-1: a human genome "SRL for [abandon]: One Colombian drug boss , upon hearing in 1987 that Gen. Noriega was negotiating with the U.S. to [abandon] his command for a comfortable exile , sent him a hand - sized mahogany coffin engraved with his name .",ARG-0: Gen. Noriega | ARG-1: his command | ARG-2: for a comfortable exile SRL for [reactions]: Analysts and consultants had mixed [reactions] to yesterday 's announcements,ARG-2: mixed | ARG-1: to yesterday 's announcements "SRL for [tame]: Laiwu City of Shandong Province has established a cell structure cultivation center inside the agricultural new high level technology development and model zones , to introduce and [tame] improved breeds of nurseries , flowers and vegetables from home and abroad .","ARG-0: Laiwu City of Shandong Province | ARG-1: improved breeds of nurseries , flowers and vegetables from home and abroad" SRL for [blanched]: The broccoli was [blanched] in boiling water .,ARG-1: The broccoli | ARG-M-LOC: in boiling water SRL for [hailstorm]: I was in a similar [hailstorm] with golfball - sized hail in Leipzig a couple of years ago .,ARG-M-ADJ: similar | ARG-2: golfball - sized hail "SRL for [tune in]: What if I [tune in] my short - wave radio , transcribe an editorial or program , and print it in my newspaper ?",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my short - wave radio "SRL for [added]: The bids , he [added] , were contrary to common sense .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: sense "SRL for [dare]: The Conservatives do n't [dare] jeopardize marginal Tory seats in Coventry , where Jaguar has headquarters ...","ARG-0: The Conservatives | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: jeopardize marginal Tory seats in Coventry , where Jaguar has headquarters ..." "SRL for [skeptical]: I am , and remain [skeptical] .",ARG-1: I "SRL for [hyperphosphorylate]: If we [hyperphosphorylate] eIF4E - binding protein 1 , this stops it binding to eIF4E.",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: eIF4E - binding protein 1 "SRL for [sick]: If you are [sick] with flu - like illness , CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone",ARG-1: you | ARG-0: with flu - like illness SRL for [designs]: plans and [designs] for public structures,ARG-1: for public structures SRL for [strutted]: Wyatt [strutted] his horse up to Annie 's side .,ARG-0: Wyatt | ARG-1: his horse | ARG-2: up to Annie 's side SRL for [crash]: His gate [crash] at Reese 's birthday,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: gate | ARG-M-LOC: at Reese 's birthday SRL for [move]: Southeast Asian nations will [move] to accomodate Japanese business .,ARG-0: Southeast Asian nations | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: to accomodate Japanese business "SRL for [smashed]: The Boeing 727 , en route to Honduras from Costa Rica via Nicaragua , [smashed] into the hills outside Tegucigalpa as it approached the capital 's airport in high winds and low clouds .","ARG-1: The Boeing 727 , en route to Honduras from Costa Rica via Nicaragua | ARG-M-DIR: into the hills outside Tegucigalpa | ARG-M-TMP: as it approached the capital 's airport in high winds and low clouds" "SRL for [tendered]: The offer , which was due to expire yesterday , is conditional on 50.1 % of Dunkin 's common shares , on a fully diluted basis , being [tendered] and on the withdrawal of the company 's poison pill rights plan .",ARG-1: 50.1 % of Dunkin 's common shares SRL for [lettered]: She [lettered] in cross country and basketball as well at Piper .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: in cross country and basketball | ARG-M-ADV: as well | ARG-M-LOC: at Piper SRL for [traded]: Dealers [traded] actively on Wednesday for their own accounts,ARG-0: Dealers | ARG-M-MNR: actively | ARG-M-TMP: on Wednesday | ARG-4: for their own accounts SRL for [ameliorates]: Wine [ameliorates] by age,ARG-1: Wine | ARG-2: by age SRL for [sparse]: The lesion is quite [sparse] so we will not attempt a biopsy .,ARG-1: The lesion | ARG-M-EXT: quite SRL for [mean]: What do you [mean] by that ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: by that | ARG-2: What SRL for [punishment]: .... their [punishment] of death for rejecting God .,ARG-0: their | ARG-3: of death | ARG-2: for rejecting God SRL for [unique]: the final collapse of that system -- [unique] on plant earth -- will have a very abrupt and harmful effect on the earth,ARG-1: that system | ARG-3: on plant earth "SRL for [matter]: `` Size does n't [matter] , '' Mr. Peladeau says .",ARG-1: Size | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [marred]: The federal response to California 's earthquake crisis was [marred] by coast - to - coast name - calling between the White House and San Francisco 's Mayor Art Agnos .,ARG-1: The federal response to California 's earthquake crisis | ARG-0: by coast - to - coast name - calling between the White House and San Francisco 's Mayor Art Agnos SRL for [cavitation]: colon [cavitation],ARG-1: colon SRL for [palpable]: The balloon - expandable stent is [palpable] above the ligament .,ARG-1: The balloon - expandable stent | ARG-M-LOC: above the ligament "SRL for [worse]: Multiple , focal high - grade stenoses are seen throughout the superficial femoral artery , which are [worse] than on the prior examination .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-CXN: than on the prior examination "SRL for [moisturizing]: The bottle of essence itself is merely a kind of [moisturizing] lotion , but it comes with a complimentary bottle of L - Ascorbic acid dry powder .",ARG-0: lotion SRL for [reference]: This period is of particular importance as [reference] for studying the impact of ice shelf disintegration on tributary glaciers .,ARG-2: for studying the impact of ice shelf disintegration on tributary glaciers "SRL for [frowned]: It is like medical schools in India where , in that fairy - land of religious inhibition , [the dissection of dead bodies]-1 is [frowned] upon *trace*-1 .", SRL for [had]: Some of them [had] children while they were out at sea .,ARG-0: Some of them | ARG-1: children | ARG-M-TMP: while they were out at sea SRL for [revise]: The spokesman said that the proposed guidelines caused Crossland to [revise] its business objectives ...,ARG-0: Crossland | ARG-1: its business objectives SRL for [allocation]: our asset [allocation] in foreign equities,ARG-0: our | ARG-1: asset | ARG-2: in foreign equities "SRL for [availing]: I 'm not giving you a chance , Bill , but [availing] myself of your generous offer of assistance .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: myself | ARG-2: of your generous offer of assistance SRL for [was nosing]: I [was nosing] around the kitchen for something to make for my son 's lunch .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: around the kitchen | ARG-1: for something to make for my son 's lunch "SRL for [professed]: Although it was realist in style , I felt it was strongly allegorical ( Oats herself has [professed] this of her own story ) .",ARG-0: Oats | ARG-M-REC: herself | ARG-1: this | ARG-3: of her own story SRL for [cuddled]: He [cuddled] close to me,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-MNR: close | ARG-2: to me "SRL for [ungrounded]: The next day , she grounded him from his bike , prompting a teary eyed Ian to swear that he would n't get in the water again if she [ungrounded] him .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: him "SRL for [crisped]: After straining the broth , he [crisped] the bacon and incorporated it into the final dish .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the bacon SRL for [charioted away]: We would both be [charioted away] to that place that we all imagine .,ARG-1: We | ARG-3: to that place that we all imagine SRL for [noisy]: Room was [noisy] with hallway noise .,ARG-1: Room | ARG-2: with hallway noise SRL for [concerning]: Her behavior is [concerning] .,ARG-0: Her behavior "SRL for [mention]: For a while , it looked like the deal -- not to [mention] the courtroom itself -- was on the verge of collapse .",ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the courtroom itself SRL for [had]: One [had] best not dance on top of a coffin until the lid is sealed tightly shut . '',ARG-0: One | ARG-1: best | ARG-2: not dance on top of a coffin until the lid is sealed tightly shut "SRL for [primed]: Perhaps [primed] by the daily diet of radio and TV reporters thrusting microphones into people 's faces and asking how they `` feel '' about one calamity or another , fellow reporters and civilians who spied my press credential were eager to chat .",ARG-1: fellow reporters and civilians who spied my press credential | ARG-0: by the daily diet of radio and TV reporters thrusting microphones into people 's faces and asking how they `` feel '' about one calamity or another SRL for [cowardly]: He was [cowardly] to portray her as an animal .,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to portray her as an animal SRL for [looting]: We do not want to wake up in 2013 and blame ourselves that we remained silent for the NPP to sneak back again to continue their [looting] of this country .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: of this country SRL for [overwinter]: Pregnant females will [overwinter] on the coastlines where denning habitat is available for bearing young .,ARG-0: Pregnant females | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: on the coastlines where denning habitat is available for bearing young SRL for [desprouted]: We [desprouted] the potatoes before cooking them .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the potatoes | ARG-M-TMP: before cooking them "SRL for [fortified]: John and Mary [fortified] the couch using the cushions , a mop and some blankets .","ARG-0: John and Mary | ARG-1: the couch | ARG-2: using the cushions , a mop and some blankets" SRL for [beating]: Her heart was [beating] against her chest .,ARG-1: Her heart | ARG-2: against her chest "SRL for [impatient]: -LRB- You probably think I 'm just [impatient] with bureaucracy , which I am , or that it 's a squabble about methods , and there 's certainly those , too .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-2: with bureaucracy SRL for [competition]: Natural selection involves [competition] among organisms for available resources .,ARG-0: among organisms | ARG-2: for available resources SRL for [heaves]: The cuckoo prefers the nests of other birds and [heaves] out their eggs .,ARG-0: The cuckoo | ARG-2: out | ARG-1: their eggs SRL for [laundered]: A witness set to testify on Thursday was quoted in a news report over the weekend as saying Lincoln `` [laundered] '' campaign contributions illegally .,ARG-0: Lincoln | ARG-1: campaign contributions | ARG-M-MNR: illegally SRL for [frame]: John can [frame] over 50 verbs per week .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: over 50 verbs per week SRL for [auction]: Sotheby 's [auction] of the Linda and Gerald Guterman collection in New York,ARG-0: Sotheby 's | ARG-1: of the Linda and Gerald Guterman collection in New York "SRL for [airlifting]: Rebel artillerists bombarded the capital of Afghanistan , killing at least 12 people , as the Soviet Union was reported to be [airlifting] arms and food to Kabul 's forces .",ARG-0: the Soviet Union | ARG-1: arms and food | ARG-2: to Kabul 's forces "SRL for [knockkneed]: A few feet away he tried to read what was on the map , but , unable to do so , drew closer , pale - faced and [knockkneed] , and stared at the map and the little flags .",ARG-1: he SRL for [championing]: His [championing] of Schoenberg has resulted in a win in the 1995 Orchestral category for Chamber Symphony No 1 with the CBSO,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of Schoenberg "SRL for [communicate]: Mr. Guber says that Mr. Semel did convey that information and that Mr. Semel said Mr. Ross was `` crazy because of the Time deal , '' meaning , Mr. Guber says , that Mr. Ross `` did not want to [communicate] to his new merger partner , Time Inc. , that Warner 's agreements provided for our departure under these circumstances . ''","ARG-0: Mr. Ross | ARG-2: his new merger partner , Time Inc. | ARG-1: that Warner 's agreements provided for our departure under these circumstances" SRL for [wreathed]: he [wreathed] him with the coils of serpents .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with the coils of serpents SRL for [refinanced]: A host of electronics firms in California 's Silicon Valley were [refinanced] with trading - company capital .,ARG-1: A host of electronics firms in California 's Silicon Valley | ARG-2: with trading - company capital SRL for [peculiar]: His accent is [peculiar] .,ARG-1: His accent "SRL for [announced]: A Lorillard spokeswoman [announced] "" This is an old story . ""","ARG-0: A Lorillard spokeswoman | ARG-1: "" This is an old story . """ "SRL for [purchase]: General Electric Co. 's rail - car leasing unit completed the $ 178.5 million [purchase] of similar businesses from Leucadia National Corp. and Brae Corp. , 74 % - owned by Leucadia","ARG-3: $ 178.5 million | ARG-1: of similar businesses | ARG-2: from Leucadia National Corp. and Brae Corp. , 74 % - owned by Leucadia" "SRL for [bypassable]: Geographical impediments like mountains , deserts , swamps , thick forests , and raging rivers can be a serious impediment , but while immediately intimidating , they 're all either technically manageable or [bypassable] .",ARG-M-ADV: while immediately intimidating | ARG-1: they | ARG-M-ADV: all "SRL for [quadrupling]: What were the causes and consequences of the [quadrupling] of the proto - vertebrate genome during the Cambrian , and why was n't it fatal ?",ARG-1: of the proto - vertebrate genome | ARG-M-TMP: during the Cambrian SRL for [moderated]: this [moderated] thread,ARG-1: thread SRL for [maturity]: The relationship between a parent and child is necessary to the [maturity] of the child into a healthy and well - adjusted adult .,ARG-1: of the child | ARG-3: into a healthy and well - adjusted adult "SRL for [seething]: Josh makes clumsy passes at Kate when she 's [seething] with anger and fear , but we know from the outset that he 's not a member of the evil patriarchy .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: with anger and fear | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [fiery]: Newt 's was [fiery] and disgruntled .,ARG-1: Newt 's "SRL for [thought]: I once had the [thought] that , relying on Japan 's technology and economic strength she would be able to build a road to the summit or simply put up a cable car .","ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: that , relying on Japan 's technology and economic strength she would be able to build a road to the summit or simply put up a cable car" SRL for [sweep]: The extremely long tail with which these animals are furnished may also be useful in aiding them to modify the original direction of their [sweep] through the air,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: through the air SRL for [extra]: ALife is the best gift ; the rest is [extra] .,ARG-1: the rest SRL for [hematemesis]: His [hematemesis] ceased,ARG-0: His "SRL for [swished]: Tall , blonde , blue - eyes , fair , buxom without being heavy , she cut a fine figure of budding womanhood as she [swished] among the pupils in her fresh , starched summer dress .","ARG-1: she | ARG-M-LOC: among the pupils | ARG-M-MNR: in her fresh , starched summer dress" SRL for [CRIBRIFORM]: 2 . PATTERN : SOLID AND [CRIBRIFORM] .,ARG-1: PATTERN "SRL for [misgivings]: My friend said , "" There 's something that I wanted to tell you many years ago but never had a chance to do so . Meanwhile , I had [misgivings] about many things . My own salary , for example .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-2: about many things SRL for [obstruction]: Officer Black warned them they would be arrested if they did not cease their [obstruction] of the pathway,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the pathway "SRL for [flow]: ... and the 60,000 tonne debris [flow] at Montrose in theDandenong Ranges of Victoria in 1891 ( Moonand others 1992 ) .","ARG-2: 60,000 tonne | ARG-1: debris" SRL for [excoriation]: He suffered from [excoriation] of his skin due to thrush .,ARG-1: of his skin | ARG-M-CAU: due to thrush SRL for [demilitarization]: Prussia as a state was dissolved by the Allies in 1945 as part of their [demilitarization] of Germany .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: of Germany SRL for [spurned]: ESB [spurned] Inco and within five days ESB had a `` white knight '' ...,ARG-0: ESB | ARG-1: Inco "SRL for [embrace]: ne child , in a mother 's [embrace] / Such a sweet smile , at the sight of her face ...",ARG-0: mother 's SRL for [confederation]: What country commemorates its [confederation] on July 1st ?,ARG-1: its "SRL for [bossed]: Melinda found that she [bossed] him more , telling him what their plans were for the weekend , what movie she 'd like to see .","ARG-0: she | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-M-ADV: telling him what their plans were for the weekend , what movie she 'd like to see" SRL for [action]: House [action] on federal catastrophic - illness insurance,ARG-0: House | ARG-1: on federal catastrophic - illness insurance SRL for [critical]: The clinical condition at the beginning of treatment was ' [critical] ' or ' poor ' in 15 cases .,ARG-1: The clinical condition | ARG-M-TMP: at the beginning of treatment | ARG-M-LOC: in 15 cases "SRL for [moving]: Following is what is rumored to have been discussed : Imminent collapse of the U.S. economy by September 2008 ; imminent collapse of the U.S. Government finances by February 2009 ; possibility of civil war within the U.S. resulting from the collapse ; detainment of "" insurgent U.S. citizens "" in anticipation of their [moving] against the government ; ...",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: against the government SRL for [inhibition]: Josephine 's paper on calosporide derivatives and their [inhibition] of fungal spore germination was a fascinating read .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of fungal spore germination SRL for [clouding]: And with that he resumed his [clouding] the room with his foul - smelling smoke .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the room | ARG-2: with his foul - smelling smoke "SRL for [survived]: Having [survived] both last Friday 's 6.9 % Wall Street plunge and the immediate aftermath of the San Francisco Bay area earthquake , Tokyo market participants expressed relief that trading had returned to normal .",ARG-0: Tokyo market participants | ARG-1: both last Friday 's 6.9 % Wall Street plunge and the immediate aftermath of the San Francisco Bay area earthquake SRL for [dictate]: The laws of heredity [dictate] that half of the plants springing from these greenhouse - produced seeds will be male sterile and herbicide resistant and half will be male fertile and herbicide susceptible .,ARG-0: The laws of heredity | ARG-1: that half of the plants springing from these greenhouse - produced seeds will be male sterile and herbicide resistant and half will be male fertile and herbicide susceptible SRL for [European]: He 's [European] eh ?,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-DIS: eh "SRL for [size up]: Line by line Mr. Friedman 's weary cynicism can be amusing , especially when he 's riffing on the Hollywood social scheme -- the way people [size up] , immediately canceling the desperate ones who merely almost made it .",ARG-0: people | ARG-1: each other | ARG-M-ADV: immediately canceling the desperate ones who merely almost made it SRL for [roped]: He [roped] the suitcase to the roof of the car .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the suitcase | ARG-2: to the roof of the car SRL for [combination]: The [combination] of traditional Taiwanese and contemporary factors,ARG-1: of traditional Taiwanese and contemporary factors SRL for [embolization]: Dr. Poppy 's [embolization] of Hannah 's fibroids resolved her painful symptoms .,ARG-0: Dr. Poppy 's | ARG-1: of Hannah 's fibroids "SRL for [ascended]: He [ascended] the throne in 1941 after his father , Reza Shah Pahlevi , was suspected of collaboration with the Germans .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the throne | ARG-M-TMP: in 1941 | ARG-M-TMP: after his father , Reza Shah Pahlevi , was suspected of collaboration with the Germans" SRL for [copying]: Do it prior to the [copying] of data into each of the files .,ARG-1: of data | ARG-2: into each of the files SRL for [circuit]: He resumed his [circuit] around the room .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: around the room SRL for [push]: The Udall brothers continue their [push] for a national renewable energy .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: for a national renewable energy "SRL for [embarrassing]: I have seen him on several occasions give answers which show that he has no real understanding of the underlying issue at all , and several of which are really just [embarrassing] .",ARG-0: several of which | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-ADV: just SRL for [repurchase]: A US judge has dismissed a case against AOL and some of its top execs over their [repurchase] of millions of shares in 2011 .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of millions of shares | ARG-M-TMP: in 2011 "SRL for [toned down]: Shaken by tumbling stock prices and pessimistic projections of U.S. economic growth , currency analysts around the world have [toned down] their assessments of the dollar 's near - term performance .",ARG-M-PRD: Shaken by tumbling stock prices and pessimistic projections of U.S. economic growth | ARG-0: currency analysts around the world | ARG-1: their assessments of the dollar 's near - term performance SRL for [grasp]: Her [grasp] of mathematics far exceeds mine,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of mathematics "SRL for [cut bait and run]: Conversely , is it not in the best interest of a company to [cut bait and run] on a product that does n't look good ?",ARG-0: a company | ARG-1: on a product that does n't look good SRL for [become]: They [become] known as The Eight Great Outlaws ., "SRL for [prodded]: The Sept. 30 end of the federal fiscal year may have [prodded] contractors to get any behind - schedule road and bridge construction under way `` before the clock ran out , '' Mr. Christie said , referring to threatened 5 % across - the - board budget cuts .",ARG-0: The Sept. 30 end of the federal fiscal year | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: contractors | ARG-2: to get any behind - schedule road and bridge construction under way `` before the clock ran out "SRL for [stoking]: Some observers thought that after Friday 's sharp drop , the firms would rein in their program traders to avoid [stoking] more controversy .",ARG-0: the firms | ARG-1: more controversy SRL for [re - debated]: And um you know just having all of this aired live and and being debated and [re - debated] every statement every comment .,ARG-1: all of this SRL for [touch]: Her [touch] of the Lord heals her .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of the Lord "SRL for [cut rug]: In the video Thriller , Michael Jackson really [cut rug] .",ARG-M-LOC: In the video Thriller | ARG-0: Michael Jackson | ARG-M-ADV: really "SRL for [fizzling out]: That was followed by Hurricane Ophelia , a category one storm , which last week touched the North Carolina coast , on the eastern US seaboard , causing some property damage and localized flooding before [fizzling out] at sea .",ARG-1: Hurricane Ophelia | ARG-M-LOC: at sea "SRL for [beckoned]: With a lordly and generous gesture , the discoverer stood up and [beckoned] to the closest of his fellows .",ARG-M-MNR: With a lordly and generous gesture | ARG-0: the discoverer | ARG-1: to the closest of his fellows SRL for [throwing out]: ... a year 's worth of food that we may end up [throwing out] .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: a year 's worth of food | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [adhesed]: The sigmoid is [adhesed] but not involved by tumor per pathology .,ARG-1: The sigmoid "SRL for [turned away]: Yesterday Ehud Barak won the endorsement of his Labor Party as its candidate for Prime Minister and while his supporters may be cheering , many other Israelis have [turned away] from the man they elected just 18 months ago .",ARG-M-ADV: while his supporters may be cheering | ARG-1: many other Israelis | ARG-2: from the man they elected just 18 months ago SRL for [replacement]: its [replacement] by a Western - style Socialist Party,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: by a Western - style Socialist Party "SRL for [fun]: My counsellor had great [fun] dissecting it and telling me how I 'm sexually attracted to mother figures , but he was just an arse .",ARG-0: My counsellor | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-EXT: great | ARG-1: dissecting it and telling me how I 'm sexually attracted to mother figures "SRL for [come across]: Such sudden cultural shifts may [come across] as a bit forced , but they seem to be genuine -- so much so , in fact , that some older employees have resisted .",ARG-1: Such sudden cultural shifts | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-2: as a bit forced SRL for [consumption]: U.S. liquor [consumption],ARG-0: U.S. | ARG-1: liquor "SRL for [orderly]: She was [orderly] with her home , always kept clean and in order .... never overdone with needless furnishings or gawdiness .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: with her home SRL for [knock off]: Can Sihanouk and Hun Sen [knock off] the Khmer Rouge still supported by China ?,ARG-M-MOD: Can | ARG-0: Sihanouk and Hun Sen | ARG-1: the Khmer Rouge still supported by China ? "SRL for [hopped]: He thought he 'd [hopped] a train to Philadelphia , and now he was in a bit of a pickle .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: 'd | ARG-1: a train to Philadelphia SRL for [laugh]: her shy smile and tinkling [laugh],ARG-0: her | ARG-M-MNR: tinkling "SRL for [filming]: During his [filming] of the blockbuster Titanic , as well as work elsewhere , he acquired experience filming in precarious situations .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the blockbuster Titanic SRL for [separate]: The capital budget is [separate] from the base state operations budget,ARG-1: The capital budget | ARG-2: from the base state operations budget SRL for [pooling]: The FTC announced charges against Summit Technology for their [pooling] of patents related to photorefractive keratectomy .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of patents related to photorefractive keratectomy "SRL for [torn]: Republican Sen. William Cohen of Maine , the panel 's vice chairman , said of the disclosure that `` a text [torn] out of context is a pretext ... ''",ARG-1: a text | ARG-2: out of context SRL for [hiked]: Maude swooped up the cup and [hiked] up her top hoop as if about to take off with a racing start .,ARG-0: Maude | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-1: her top hoop | ARG-M-MNR: as if about to take off with a racing start SRL for [simmering]: The issue has been [simmering] for years .,ARG-1: The issue | ARG-M-TMP: for years SRL for [rooted]: That 's not to say that the nutty plot of `` A Wild Sheep Chase '' is [rooted] in reality .,ARG-1: the nutty plot of `` A Wild Sheep Chase '' | ARG-2: in reality SRL for [willed]: ... the Lord [willed] it to be of pneumonia ...,ARG-0: the Lord | ARG-1: it to be of pneumonia SRL for [video]: Every time ! And well Skype and FaceTime ! ! We should all get oovoo so we can [video] with Carissa too !,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: with Carissa | ARG-M-ADV: too SRL for [imply]: The statistics [imply] that three - quarters of blacks approve of Mr. Bush 's job performance and 85 % of blacks approve of Mrs. Bush .,ARG-0: The statistics | ARG-1: that three - quarters of blacks approve of Mr. Bush 's job performance and 85 % of blacks approve of Mrs. Bush SRL for [dive]: Friday 's [dive] in stock market prices,ARG-M-TMP: Friday 's | ARG-1: in stock market prices "SRL for [rearm]: But now the possibility of `` diplomatic movement '' ( Vietnam 's withdrawal , the Baker initiative ) has put that plan on hold , with the proviso that if the going got rough , the U.S. would then [rearm] the opposition .",ARG-0: the U.S. | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the opposition SRL for [grunt]: Sometimes he would [grunt] softly to some invisible onlooker beside him .,ARG-M-TMP: Sometimes | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-MNR: softly | ARG-2: to some invisible onlooker beside him SRL for [oblige]: It was very nice of y' all to [oblige] us .,ARG-0: y' all | ARG-1: us "SRL for [connected]: These two figures , 7.5 % and 4 % , are closely [connected] and interact with each other . There is not only objective and practical planning , but also focus on people 's livelihood .","ARG-1: These two figures , 7.5 % and 4 % | ARG-M-MNR: closely" "SRL for [dabbled]: An undistinguished college student who [dabbled] in zoology until he concluded that he could n't stand cutting up frogs , Mr. Corry wanted to work for a big company `` that could do big things . ''",ARG-0: An undistinguished college student | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: in zoology | ARG-M-TMP: until he concluded that he could n't stand cutting up frogs "SRL for [malinger]: However , I do not wish to [malinger] here with my heavy baggage of complaint when I have in fact accepted the fate of my trade , and have supplemented my own joy by peddling texts to keep solvent .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LOC: here | ARG-M-MNR: with my heavy baggage of complaint "SRL for [syndicating]: In fact , Manufacturers Hanover said in its third - quarter earnings report that fees from [syndicating] loans to other banks dropped 48 % , to $ 21 million .",ARG-0: Manufacturers Hanover | ARG-1: loans | ARG-2: to other banks SRL for [behooves]: It [behooves] us to get to get at the root of the problem .,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: us to get to get at the root of the problem SRL for [reorganized]: John [reorganized] his desk from a full - blown disaster area into a tidy collection of piles .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his desk | ARG-3: from a full - blown disaster area | ARG-4: into a tidy collection of piles SRL for [watering]: My eyes are [watering] .,ARG-1: My eyes SRL for [hurting]: Countries with inadequate protections for intellectual - property rights could be [hurting] themselves by discouraging their own scientists and authors and by deterring US high - technology firms from investing or marketing their best products there .,ARG-0: Countries with inadequate protections for intellectual - property rights | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: by discouraging their own scientists and authors and by deterring US high - technology firms from investing or marketing their best products there "SRL for [pulls]: Totally absorbed , the ringers stare straight ahead , using peripheral vision ( they call it "" rope - sight "" ) to watch the other ropes and thus time their [pulls] .",ARG-0: their SRL for [deception]: Politics are designed strictly for the public 's [deception] .,ARG-1: the public 's "SRL for [tighter]: The [tighter] the budget of material rewards is , the more precious spiritual rewards become ,",ARG-M-CXN: the more precious spiritual rewards become | ARG-1: the budget of material rewards "SRL for [pulling off]: But given the history and the forces of globalization , I would n't bet more than a single - shot latte against his [pulling off] .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: it SRL for [shot]: flu [shot] 2020,ARG-3: flu | ARG-M-TMP: 2020 SRL for [played out]: The consumer [played out] .,ARG-0: The consumer | ARG-1: himself "SRL for [budgeted]: Mitsubishi is also pushing ahead with a controversial plan to redevelop Marunouchi into a business center of high - tech buildings , a project [budgeted] for 30 years and six trillion yen .",ARG-1: a project | ARG-2: for 30 years and six trillion yen SRL for [gamboled]: She [gamboled] down a 20 - foot staircase .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: down a 20 - foot staircase SRL for [pegged]: Rheinhold Messner once tried to set up a Yak farm in Austria but all the poor suckers [pegged] it due to the low altitude .,ARG-0: all the poor suckers | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-CAU: due to the low altitude "SRL for [unsewed]: They [unsewed] the stock seat in order to add 6 inches of top foam , and then they restitched it .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the stock seat | ARG-M-PRP: in order to add 6 inches of top foam "SRL for [boarding]: Back downtown , the execs squeezed in a few meetings at the hotel before [boarding] the buses again .",ARG-0: the execs | ARG-1: the buses | ARG-M-TMP: again "SRL for [debunk]: Perhaps to [debunk] the analysts ' talk of over - capacity , Michael today will take some of the skeptics on a tour of its new Gaylord , Minn. , plant .",ARG-M-DIS: Perhaps | ARG-1: the analysts ' talk of over - capacity | ARG-0: Michael SRL for [hobbled]: Someone [hobbled] him with a leather cord .,ARG-0: Someone | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a leather cord SRL for [trade]: Some people use computers to [trade] .,ARG-0: Some people SRL for [backburned]: Wtihin minutes there were 3 - 4 helicopters doing bucket work and the fire team [backburned] the fire into itself that night .,ARG-0: the fire team | ARG-1: the fire | ARG-M-GOL: into itself "SRL for [dish out]: About the only way that USX now can get out of steel is to [dish out] , piece by piece , in separate joint ventures , he adds .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: piece by piece | ARG-M-LOC: in separate joint ventures "SRL for [jutting]: Then there is the artifical sea wall , 600 yards long and 60 yardsthick , [jutting] into the ocean .","ARG-1: the artifical sea wall , 600 yards long and 60 yardsthick | ARG-2: into the ocean" SRL for [worked up]: He 's getting all [worked up] over nothing .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: over nothing "SRL for [winnowed]: Sarah [winnowed] her list to Harvard , Princeton , and Yale .","ARG-0: Sarah | ARG-1: her list | ARG-2: to Harvard , Princeton , and Yale" SRL for [appear]: The latest results [appear] in today 's New England Journal of Medicine .,ARG-1: The latest results | ARG-M-LOC: in today 's New England Journal of Medicine "SRL for [condemn]: For instance , juries would have to consider specific `` aggravating '' and `` mitigating '' factors before deciding whether to [condemn] someone to death .",ARG-0: juries | ARG-1: someone | ARG-3: to death SRL for [supervened]: The cystitis [supervened] after an interval of ten days .,ARG-0: The cystitis | ARG-M-TMP: after an interval of ten days SRL for [gardening]: Her [gardening] helped keep Maude active well into her 90s .,ARG-0: Her "SRL for [circumducted]: So if I found a person who [circumducted] his or her foot while walking , I would then have to muscle test his or her anterior tibialis and hip flexors .",ARG-0: who | ARG-1: his or her foot | ARG-M-TMP: while walking "SRL for [wincing]: `` In dull domestic radiance I watch her staring face , still blind , / Start [wincing] in obedience / To dirty waters , counters , pots and pans , / Waiting below stairs , in her mind '' .","ARG-0: her staring face | ARG-1: in obedience / To dirty waters , counters , pots and pans , / Waiting below stairs , in her mind" SRL for [hungered]: Enso would persist as long as Alessandro [hungered] .,ARG-0: Alessandro SRL for [mulcted]: The city was [mulcted] several thousand dollars,ARG-2: The city | ARG-1: several thousand dollars "SRL for [hemagglutination]: Other red cells commonly used to demonstrate [hemagglutination] of myxoviruses ( adult chicken , guinea pig and human Type O ) were not agglutinated .","ARG-1: of myxoviruses ( adult chicken , guinea pig and human Type O )" SRL for [banked]: John [banked] the plane into the wind .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the plane | ARG-M-DIR: into the wind "SRL for [piped up]: Timber [piped up] , “ That 's got to be a mistake . I do n't think there 's any tall buildings in Bozeman that you could jump from . ”",ARG-0: Timber | ARG-1: “ That 's got to be a mistake . I do n't think there 's any tall buildings in Bozeman that you could jump from . ” "SRL for [lap]: The breezes are soft , the waves [lap] gently and the palm trees sway lazily .",ARG-0: the waves | ARG-M-MNR: gently SRL for [woke up]: Mary [woke up] from a deep sleep .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: from a deep sleep SRL for [shipping]: The goal of the RFID was to lower costs in their [shipping] of products from suppliers,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of products | ARG-3: from suppliers SRL for [whitewashed]: They [whitewashed] him as an advocate of toleration .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-PRD: as an advocate of toleration SRL for [drooping]: significant left facial [drooping],ARG-M-EXT: significant | ARG-1: left facial SRL for [extravasation]: When this is impossible and retention of urine or its [extravasation] from rupture of the dilated portion of the canal back of the stricture or from pyogenic infection occurs ...,ARG-1: its | ARG-0: from rupture of the dilated portion of the canal back of the stricture or from pyogenic infection SRL for [likely]: In our office we are more [likely] to eat store bought goodies then homemade unless we really know the patient . There is only 1 patient that I will accept homemade goodies from . -LRB- He and his wife make fudge and it s amazing -RRB-,ARG-M-LOC: In our office | ARG-1: we | ARG-M-CXN: more | C-ARG-1: to eat store bought goodies | C-ARG-M-CXN: then homemade SRL for [knacker]: Running dry would [knacker] the pump fairly quickly .,ARG-0: Running dry | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the pump | ARG-M-MNR: fairly quickly SRL for [delicate]: I always thought bone china was [delicate] and so the boiling water would break it .,ARG-1: bone china "SRL for [tinged]: The bell [tinged] as we approached the long , lonely track up to John Franklyn 's house .","ARG-1: The bell | ARG-M-TMP: as we approached the long , lonely track up to John Franklyn 's house" SRL for [have hands]: How excited am I to [have hands] on THIS potential # foodwaste solution !,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: on THIS potential # foodwaste solution SRL for [additional]: [additional] treatment,ARG-1: treatment "SRL for [defarnesylated]: The L648Rlamin A mutant did in fact localize at the nuclear envelope , where it could potentially bind SREBP1 , as observed for [defarnesylated] prelamin A .",ARG-1: prelamin A "SRL for [decoupled]: However , the photons still retain the distribution they had when they [decoupled] from matter , and at that time they reflected the distribution of the matter",ARG-1: they | ARG-2: from matter SRL for [blooded]: basically with all this fuss about Scottish Independence in the news I 'm wondering how this bears for people who are n't 100 % ' pure [blooded] Scot ' for 7 generations or something .,ARG-M-EXT: 100 % | ARG-2: pure | ARG-1: Scot "SRL for [harden]: In the long run , it may be that the Middle Eastern conflagrations are designed *-1 *PRO* to [harden] the American people to the inevitability of genocide .",ARG-1: the American people | ARG-2: to the inevitability of genocide "SRL for [playbyplay]: Like everyone else in America who has never heard [playbyplay] of Volleyball on radio , I was in awe of Bob McGregor .",ARG-1: of Volleyball | ARG-M-LOC: on radio "SRL for [flamed out]: Ralph Brown was 31,000 feet over Minnesota when both jets on his Falcon 20 [flamed out] .",ARG-1: both jets on his Falcon 20 | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [sat in]: I [sat in] on the meeting where they raised their salaries , and the attitudes of the council as they did this was astonishing .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: on the meeting where they raised their salaries , and the attitudes of the council as they did this was astonishing" SRL for [other]: The editing block looks like a miter box with two slots in it ; one is vertical across the block and the [other] is diagonal at a 45 degree angle ., "SRL for [cellared]: John [cellared] the wine in a cool , dry basement .","ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the wine | ARG-2: in a cool , dry basement" SRL for [hacked]: I [hacked] some off with a sawzall,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: some | ARG-M-DIR: off | ARG-3: with a sawzall SRL for [declaration]: the Sino - British joint [declaration] on Hong Kong,ARG-0: Sino - British | ARG-M-MNR: joint | ARG-3: on Hong Kong SRL for [percussion]: The purpose of both palpation and [percussion] of the spleen is to look for splenic enlargement .,ARG-1: of the spleen "SRL for [geranylgeranylated]: Hence , we [geranylgeranylated] RhoA in vitro with recombinant GGTase - I using stoichiometric amounts of both proteins and purified the resulting complex by size exclusion chromatography .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: RhoA | ARG-2: recombinant GGTase - I SRL for [terrible]: His pain was [terrible] .,ARG-1: His pain "SRL for [socialize]: Carl Schramm , president of the Health Insurance Association of America , scoffs at `` capitalists who want to [socialize] the entire financing system '' for health .",ARG-0: capitalists | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: the entire financing system '' for health "SRL for [auction]: Indeed . Recently , the trust failed to [auction] the paper mill , a bank , an office building and a small cotton - ginning plant .","ARG-0: the trust | ARG-1: the paper mill , a bank , an office building and a small cotton - ginning plant" SRL for [inverted]: Mr. Glass has [inverted] the famous modernist dictum `` less is more . '',ARG-0: Mr. Glass | ARG-1: the famous modernist dictum `` less is more . '' SRL for [whiffed]: They [whiffed] out a protective prayer or two .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-1: a protective prayer or two SRL for [proprioception]: [proprioception] of joints,ARG-1: of joints SRL for [elevated]: The CEA is [elevated] at 7.8 although patient was a long - time smoker .,ARG-1: The CEA | ARG-2: at 7.8 | ARG-M-ADV: although patient was a long - time smoker "SRL for [knifed]: Garth , in his anger , repeatedly [knifed] his jelly donut at Stan Mikita 's .",ARG-0: Garth | ARG-M-PRD: in his anger | ARG-M-MNR: repeatedly | ARG-1: his jelly donut | ARG-M-LOC: at Stan Mikita 's SRL for [layover]: but Tokyo is a bad place to [layover],ARG-2: Tokyo SRL for [buzzing]: For those hoping to see a modicum of political normalcy restored -- in view of Greece 's eight - year misadventure under autocratic pseudosocialism and subsequent three - month hitch with a conservative - communist coalition government -- there is but one bright sign : The scandals still encircling former Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou and his fallen socialist government are like flies [buzzing] around a rotting carcass .,ARG-0: flies | ARG-M-LOC: around a rotting carcass "SRL for [chuckles]: `` Long - term investing -- that 's not Steinhardt 's style , '' [chuckles] an investor who once worked at Steinhardt Partners .",ARG-1: Long - term investing -- that 's not Steinhardt 's style | ARG-0: an investor who once worked at Steinhardt Partners "SRL for [riding up]: Carl Barrett of Mobile , Ala. , was raking some sycamore leaves , but the rake kept [riding up] over the piles .",ARG-1: the rake | ARG-2: over the piles "SRL for [inappropriate]: What is [inappropriate] is to try to ram something through the process that is totally out of whack and then complain that the process is "" broken . """,ARG-1: What SRL for [bet]: Alex reminds us about his million dollar [bet] with Pete .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: million dollar | ARG-3: with Pete SRL for [generalization]: Another such instance is his [generalization] of Kummer 's “ ideal prime factors ” to arbitrary algebraic number fields .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Kummer 's “ ideal prime factors ” | ARG-2: to arbitrary algebraic number fields SRL for [know]: I [know] Latin .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: Latin SRL for [directing]: .Hewitt attributes a large part of the show 's success to his [directing] the broadcast towards the great middle class .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the broadcast | ARG-2: towards the great middle class SRL for [outcry]: Where 's the public [outcry] about Russian veto and unilateralism -LRB- a criticism routinely employed - rightly - against the United States when it vetoes resolutions on Israeli aggression -RRB- ?,ARG-0: public | ARG-1: about Russian veto and unilateralism | ARG-M-ADJ: -LRB- a criticism routinely employed - rightly - against the United States when it vetoes resolutions on Israeli aggression -RRB- SRL for [pastured]: The farmer [pastured] the cows in the field .,ARG-0: The farmer | ARG-1: the cows | ARG-2: in the field SRL for [manufacturing]: The company has been [manufacturing] carpet since 1967 .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: carpet | ARG-M-TMP: since 1967 SRL for [sanitization]: The MSU team was completing their [sanitization] of surgery tables and cages,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of surgery tables and cages SRL for [scheduling]: I had never heard of his [scheduling] a meeting for later than the dinner hour .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a meeting | ARG-3: for later than the dinner hour "SRL for [declared]: Sarah Palin [declared] in her speech in Anchorage on Wednesday "" screw political correctness "" .","ARG-0: Sarah Palin | ARG-M-LOC: in her speech | ARG-M-LOC: in Anchorage | ARG-M-TMP: on Wednesday | ARG-1: "" screw political correctness """ SRL for [went]: Mrs. Yeagin [went] into education .,ARG-0: Mrs. Yeagin | ARG-2: into education SRL for [measures]: cost - cutting [measures] at Newsweek,ARG-1: cost - cutting | ARG-0: at Newsweek SRL for [calm]: The ocean was [calm] and the clouds were high on this quiet beach near Hanalei .,ARG-1: The ocean | ARG-M-LOC: on this quiet beach near Hanalei "SRL for [reckoned]: `` The intimate apparel industry is perceived to be a growth industry and clearly Maidenform is a force to be [reckoned] with , '' says David S. Leibowitz , a special situations analyst at American Securities Corp. in New York .",ARG-1: with | C-ARG-1: a force SRL for [abhor]: We [abhor] terrorism in all its forms and manifestations .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: terrorism in all its forms and manifestations SRL for [advocated]: Further when the Mi'kmaq people faced starvation the settlers provided food for them and also [advocated] for them to the government .,ARG-M-DIS: Further | ARG-M-TMP: when the Mi'kmaq people faced starvation | ARG-0: the settlers | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: for them | ARG-2: to the government SRL for [coercion]: Indigenous women 's narratives also tell of their [coercion] into various forms of unpaid or low - paid labor ...,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: into various forms of unpaid or low - paid labor SRL for [bumped]: Sentiment was helped by the small gain made by New York stocks Wednesday despite anxiety over possible effects of the major earthquake that [bumped] northern California Tuesday .,R-ARG-2: that | ARG-2: the major earthquake | ARG-1: northern California | ARG-M-TMP: Tuesday SRL for [hang ten]: Let 's [hang ten] for justice !,ARG-0: 's | ARG-M-PRP: for justice SRL for [notice]: a [notice] of intent to revoke Drexel 's brokerage license,ARG-1: of intent to revoke Drexel 's brokerage license "SRL for [dogged]: Mr. Sculley also indicated that sagging margins , which [dogged] the company through most of 1989 , began to turn up in the fourth quarter as chip prices eased .",ARG-0: sagging margins | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: the company | ARG-M-TMP: through most of 1989 SRL for [verbalize]: I have never heard anybody [verbalize] and articulate exactly the way I have felt since I was a child ...,ARG-0: anybody | ARG-1: exactly the way I have felt since I was a child "SRL for [consecrated]: In 1234 , he was [consecrated] Archbishop of Canterbury .",ARG-M-TMP: In 1234 | ARG-1: he | ARG-2: Archbishop of Canterbury SRL for [clash]: The [clash] of the symbols could be heard above the rest of the orchestra .,ARG-1: of the symbols "SRL for [autocorrelated]: If a time series of length N is [autocorrelated] , the number of independent observations is fewer than N .",ARG-1: If a time series of length N SRL for [draw]: My [draw] to theological education,ARG-1: My | ARG-0: to theological education SRL for [act]: Sometimes I would even [act] a little silly with them .,ARG-M-TMP: Sometimes | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: a little silly | ARG-M-COM: with them "SRL for [refilled]: As the camp emptied , it was [refilled] by a draining of the camps andtowns around Lublin , then by deportees from outside Poland .","ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: by a draining of the camps andtowns around Lublin , then by deportees from outside Poland | ARG-M-TMP: As the camp emptied" "SRL for [witholding]: The option as voluntary will at least not require quotas and enforcement through violent means -LRB- beatings -RRB- or [witholding] of priveledges like food , bedding -LRB- yes bedding -RRB- or outdoor sunlight and isolation . -LRB- legislativ brutality encouragement -RRB-","ARG-1: of priveledges like food , bedding -LRB- yes bedding -RRB- or outdoor sunlight" SRL for [polkaed]: They [polkaed] in countless dance halls .,ARG-1: They | ARG-2: in countless dance halls SRL for [blurring]: I noticed [blurring] in both eyes while reading .,ARG-1: in both eyes | ARG-M-TMP: while reading SRL for [pepped up]: I [pepped up] a bit by finding more fun things for your birthday . Would Earth like strawberry picking ?,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: myself | ARG-M-EXT: a bit | ARG-M-MNR: by finding more fun things for your birthday SRL for [faded]: John [faded] his jeans .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his jeans "SRL for [supersaturated]: The rate of crystal growth depends on how much the solution has [supersaturated] ,",ARG-2: the solution SRL for [attracts]: That [attracts] attention .,ARG-0: That | ARG-1: attention "SRL for [blasted]: Two months after a bomb [blasted] its hull , the USS Cole is back in the US .",ARG-1: a bomb | ARG-2: its hull "SRL for [travelled]: You are two years more experienced , [travelled] , and adventurous .",ARG-0: You | ARG-M-EXT: two years | ARG-M-EXT: more "SRL for [open]: Scottish citizenship would probably be [open] to people living in Scotland on the day it becomes independent , and anyone who has at least one grandparent who was born there , or something like that .","ARG-1: Scottish citizenship | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-3: to people living in Scotland on the day it becomes independent , and anyone who has at least one grandparent who was born there , or something like that" "SRL for [skeptical]: Frankly , i was somewhat [skeptical] that this book could deliver on the promises made in its subtitle .",ARG-M-DIS: Frankly | ARG-1: i | ARG-M-EXT: somewhat | ARG-0: that this book could deliver on the promises made in its subtitle "SRL for [afraid]: The Euro countries are [afraid] to let Greece go bankrupt , because it will be followed by Spain and Ireland .",ARG-0: The Euro countries | ARG-1: to let Greece go bankrupt | ARG-M-CAU: because it will be followed by Spain and Ireland SRL for [production]: The plant 's [production] of nuclear energy from uranium,ARG-0: The plant 's | ARG-1: of nuclear energy | ARG-2: from uranium SRL for [honeycombed]: The hills they entered were [honeycombed] .,ARG-1: The hills "SRL for [take in]: It 's a city where you can settle for a Broadway musical , enjoy a classic Shakespeare production , or [take in] a puppet show on any given day .",R-ARG-M-LOC: where | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: a puppet show | ARG-M-TMP: on any given day | ARG-M-LOC: a city "SRL for [nauseated]: Whatever we felt about the redcoats , we respected them in terms of their trade , which [ ] was killing ; ; and I know that I , myself , was [nauseated] with apprehension and fear and that my hands were soaking wet where they held my gun .","ARG-1: I , myself | ARG-M-CAU: with apprehension and fear" SRL for [inserted]: Congress [inserted] the following into the Interior appropriation : `` None of the funds available under this title may be used to prepare reports on contacts between employees of the Dept . of the Interior and Members and committees of Congress and their staff . '',ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: the following | ARG-2: into the Interior appropriation SRL for [stiff]: [stiff] competition,ARG-0: competition "SRL for [distressed]: ... if something had [distressed] me , a small thing had become a huge thing and I could n't le it go and I could n't forgive myself and I could n't get out of myself and I just could n't let go .",ARG-0: something | ARG-1: me SRL for [crowded]: I was feeling [crowded] by his wild arm movements,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: by his wild arm movements "SRL for [debugged]: The production line newly put into operation this time was self - designed , self - developed , and self - [debugged] by the company .",ARG-1: The production line newly put into operation this time | ARG-M-MNR: self | ARG-0: by the company "SRL for [excoriation]: As a politician , he is obligated to state strong disagreement with the senator 's [excoriation] of Israel .",ARG-0: the senator 's | ARG-1: of Israel "SRL for [nose - dived]: Compaq Computer [nose - dived] $ 8.625 a share , to $ 100 , and pulled other technology issues lower after reporting lower - than - expected earnings after the stock market closed Wednesday .",ARG-1: Compaq Computer | ARG-2: $ 8.625 a share | ARG-4: to $ 100 "SRL for [posted]: Lincoln appointed Fremont major general to rank from May 14 , 1861 , and initially [posted] him in command of the Department of the West",ARG-0: Lincoln | ARG-M-TMP: initially | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: in command of the Department of the West "SRL for [rich]: Its air is [rich] in methane , as its lifeforms depend on it for survival .",ARG-1: Its air | ARG-2: in methane | ARG-M-CAU: as its lifeforms depend on it for survival "SRL for [teach]: She was an unstinting teacher who won laurels and inspired students , but she will probably never [teach] again .",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [thieved]: In Weston - super - Mare police arrested a man who had [thieved] a mattress from a local outlet store,ARG-0: a man | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: a mattress | ARG-2: from a local outlet store "SRL for [avail]: Furthermore -- and this , to me , strikes an especially warming note -- it shall [avail] the vandals naught to throw away or dispose of their loot .",ARG-1: the vandals | ARG-2: naught | ARG-0: to throw away or dispose of their loot "SRL for [stack up]: It was n't clear how the ownership would [stack up] under the new plan , but employees would keep more than 50 % .",ARG-1: the ownership | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-LOC: under the new plan "SRL for [tower]: The man - made inferno will [tower] over a man - made lagoon with more than four acres of pools , grottoes and waterfalls .","ARG-0: The man - made inferno | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: over a man - made lagoon with more than four acres of pools , grottoes and waterfalls" SRL for [Pink]: [Pink] the edge with a pinking shears .,ARG-1: the edge | ARG-2: with a pinking shears SRL for [emulsified]: Some 5 - 20 % of the grease [emulsified] after removal .,ARG-1: Some 5 - 20 % of the grease | ARG-M-TMP: after removal SRL for [profitable]: weed management is [profitable] for irrigated rice farmers in Sahelian West Africa .,ARG-1: weed management | ARG-0: for irrigated rice farmers in Sahelian West Africa SRL for [hurry up]: She is too old . She should [hurry up] .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-MOD: should SRL for [blacktop]: Did they [blacktop] that yet ?,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: yet ? "SRL for [flailing]: Curt managed to duck beneath the man 's [flailing] fist , and drove home a solid left to Jess 's mid - section .",ARG-0: the man | ARG-2: fist "SRL for [copied]: When test booklets were passed out 48 hours ahead of time , she says she [copied] questions in the social studies section and gave the answers to students .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: questions in the social studies section SRL for [innovation]: a brilliant [innovation] for spreading a religion,ARG-M-ADJ: brilliant | ARG-1: for spreading a religion "SRL for [faithful]: that to realize sustainable development of the economy in a place , the most important thing is to improve the soft environment . And to improve the soft environment , the most important thing is that the government should be [faithful] .",ARG-1: the government | ARG-M-MOD: should "SRL for [unblock]: In Honduras , where the Contras are a hot political issue , he promised to help [unblock] some $ 70 million in assistance withheld due to the failure of local agencies to comply with conditions agreed upon with Washington .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: some $ 70 million in assistance withheld due to the failure of local agencies to comply with conditions agreed upon with Washington SRL for [fired]: The helicopters reportedly [fired] missiles at offices of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat 's ` Fatah movement ' .,ARG-0: The helicopters | ARG-M-ADV: reportedly | ARG-1: missiles | ARG-M-GOL: at offices of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat 's ` Fatah movement ' "SRL for [subscribe]: Customers holding contracts for Waertsilae Marine 's undelivered ships are expected to [subscribe] most of the remaining 170 million markkaa in share capital , government officials said .",ARG-0: Customers holding contracts for Waertsilae Marine 's undelivered ships | ARG-1: most of the remaining 170 million markkaa | ARG-M-GOL: in share capital "SRL for [contribution]: In 2010 , Ireland made a [contribution] of ? 520000 ( US$ 640000 ) , bringing Ireland 's total financial support to the Alliance since 2002 to US$ 27 million .",ARG-M-TMP: In 2010 | ARG-0: Ireland | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: of ? 520000 ( US$ 640000 ) | ARG-M-ADV: bringing Ireland 's total financial support to the Alliance since 2002 to US$ 27 million SRL for [depression]: the economic [depression] of the previous decade,ARG-1: economic | ARG-M-TMP: of the previous decade SRL for [ok]: Sure he was evil to Harry and Ron but he was [ok] to her most of the time,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: to her | ARG-M-TMP: most of the time SRL for [onslaught]: Hollywood 's cultural [onslaught],ARG-0: Hollywood 's | ARG-2: cultural "SRL for [depleted]: The earlier use of incentives [depleted] the market of `` scavengers '' for bargain - basement 1989 cars , he said .",ARG-0: The earlier use of incentives | ARG-1: the market | ARG-2: of `` scavengers '' for bargain - basement 1989 cars SRL for [honeycombed]: The revolutionaries [honeycombed] the organization .,ARG-0: The revolutionaries | ARG-1: the organization SRL for [assembly]: We called for the [assembly] of all disgruntled citizens at the town square .,ARG-1: of all disgruntled citizens | ARG-M-LOC: at the town square SRL for [cheered on]: 50 % of voters [cheered on] the President 's job performance .,ARG-0: 50 % of voters | ARG-1: the President 's job performance SRL for [decision]: the Senate [decision] to postpone action on capital gains,ARG-0: Senate | ARG-1: to postpone action on capital gains "SRL for [hospitalized]: During his speech , he called his grandfather who was [hospitalized] , put him on speakerphone , and asked how big of a "" rack "" his nurse had .",ARG-1: who SRL for [cranked up]: And legal authorities [cranked up] an investigation worthy of a murder case .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: legal authorities | ARG-1: an investigation worthy of a murder case "SRL for [chasing]: Despite numerous painful lessons in the past , the habit of [chasing] a rising market and cutthroat selling in a falling market has proven difficult to change .",ARG-1: a rising market SRL for [present]: Mother of newborn trapped in sewer was [present] for rescue,ARG-1: Mother of newborn trapped in sewer | ARG-M-TMP: for rescue SRL for [hype up]: never thought she was very funny and therefore have nt actually watched the show -- but it does sound an aweful lot like just tryin to [hype up] the show,ARG-1: the show SRL for [rectifying]: The proposed legislation is aimed at [rectifying] some of the inequities in the current land - ownership system .,ARG-0: The proposed legislation | ARG-1: some of the inequities in the current land - ownership system SRL for [crushing]: And I 've been [crushing] on her all week,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: on her | ARG-M-TMP: all week SRL for [drippy]: Mr. Darcy 's eyes looked drippy with clear liquid and his nose was [drippy] with yellowish mucous .,ARG-2: his nose | ARG-1: with yellowish mucous "SRL for [check]: The company , based in San Francisco , said it had to shut down a crude - oil pipeline in the Bay area to [check] for leaks but added that its refinery in nearby Richmond , Calif. , was undamaged .",ARG-0: it | ARG-2: for leaks SRL for [stressing]: I I feel there 's sort of a a line to cross too between really planning it out and worry and [stressing] over it because for a while a couple months back there I was thinking in terms of oh gosh you know can we ever afford a house,ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-3: over it SRL for [Line up]: [Line up] with the green row,ARG-1: this one | ARG-2: with the green row "SRL for [take]: According to industry lawyers , the ruling gives pipeline companies an important second chance to resolve remaining disputes and [take] advantage of the cost - sharing mechanism .",ARG-M-PRR: advantage SRL for [divided]: Loyalties are [divided] between teachers and patient,ARG-1: Loyalties | ARG-2: between teachers and patient "SRL for [treating]: Sales of Pfizer 's important drugs , Feldene for [treating] arthritis , and Procardia , a heart medicine , have shrunk because of increased competition .",ARG-3: Feldene | ARG-2: arthritis SRL for [exclude]: The figures [exclude] businesses now organized as American Express Information Services Co.,ARG-0: The figures | ARG-1: businesses now organized as American Express Information Services Co. SRL for [retentive]: if they would n't be so anally [retentive] in what they wished to do .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-LOC: anally | ARG-M-ADV: in what they wished to do SRL for [guidance]: clear [guidance] to the future,ARG-M-MNR: clear | ARG-2: to the future "SRL for [engulfed]: If Washington 's elites ever succeed in bursting the tax dam , Americans will be [engulfed] in a red sea of new spending programs , such as federalized child care .","ARG-M-ADV: If Washington 's elites ever succeed in bursting the tax dam | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Americans | ARG-0: in a red sea of new spending programs , such as federalized child care" SRL for [post]: A few days ago I saw her [post] to Facebook that her ex ( who left her for another girl and had a baby by her during this ) was saying her baby ...,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: to Facebook | ARG-1: that her ex ( who left her for another girl and had a baby by her during this ) was saying her baby ... SRL for [rehabilitated]: was granted membership after they [rehabilitated] his alcoholism .,ARG-0: they | ARG-2: his alcoholism SRL for [bestrewed]: He [bestrewed] the earth with countless men and women .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the earth | ARG-2: with countless men and women SRL for [lay]: That leaves the pilots still in need of cash totaling around $ 1 billion -- far more than either they or the flight attendants can [lay] their hands on from retirement funds alone .,ARG-0: either they or the flight attendants | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: their hands | ARG-2: on | C-ARG-2: far more | ARG-M-ADV: from retirement funds alone SRL for [boil]: This seafood restaurant has a lobster [boil] every Wednesday from five to nine .,ARG-1: lobster | ARG-M-TMP: every Wednesday from five to nine "SRL for [seize up]: But there are times when they [seize up] , and panicky sellers can not find buyers .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [carjacked]: The man then [carjacked] a 65 - year - old woman and drove her 2011 Dodge Caliber through a closed garage door,ARG-0: The man | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-2: a 65 - year - old woman SRL for [notice]: [notice] of this wave begining to build,ARG-1: of this wave begining to build "SRL for [flat]: One foot was [flat] to the ground , the other rested on the ball and slightly back , so that one knee was higher than the other .",ARG-1: One foot | ARG-2: to the ground SRL for [found]: The study also [found] that the colony 's consumers feel more pressured than those in any of the other surveyed markets .,ARG-0: The study | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: that the colony 's consumers feel more pressured than those in any of the other surveyed markets SRL for [coaled]: The two - week smoldering [coaled] the wood .,ARG-0: The two - week smoldering | ARG-1: the wood "SRL for [clowning around]: But when they arrived there , the workers formed their own groups , laughing and [clowning around] , and left him to get on with barbecuing the meat .",ARG-0: the workers "SRL for [unleashed]: Stung by the Giuliani ads , Mr. Dinkins 's TV consultants , Robert Shrum and David Doak , finally [unleashed] a negative ad of their own .","ARG-M-ADV: Stung by the Giuliani ads | ARG-0: Mr. Dinkins 's TV consultants , Robert Shrum and David Doak | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: a negative ad of their own" "SRL for [groaning]: After getting his wisdom teeth out , the television could barey be heard over the sounds of his [groaning] .",ARG-0: his SRL for [plopped]: He [plopped] the tray down .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the tray | ARG-M-DIR: down SRL for [motorcycled]: They [motorcycled] through over 60 different countries .,ARG-1: They | ARG-2: through over 60 different countries SRL for [describe]: It did n't [describe] the source of funds or the specific terms of StatesWest securities which were part of the offer .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the source of funds or the specific terms of StatesWest securities which were part of the offer "SRL for [roughed in]: But at the end of the sitting , when Michelangelo showed him the quick , free drawings , with the mother [roughed in] , holding her son , the model grasped what Michelangelo was after , and promised to speak to his friends .",ARG-1: the mother "SRL for [leaped]: Half crazed by the weight dragging , the dust , and the heat , the horse [leaped] our wall , dashing out the rider 's brains against it , and leaving him lying there among us -- while the horse crashed away through the brush .","ARG-M-PRD: Half crazed by the weight dragging , the dust , and the heat | ARG-0: the horse | ARG-1: our wall | ARG-M-ADV: dashing out the rider 's brains against it , and leaving him lying there among us -- while the horse crashed away through the brush" SRL for [liable]: He was held [liable] for his inflammatory postings .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: for his inflammatory postings "SRL for [Normokinetic]: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION : Healthy - appearing female . Weight 210 pounds . Height 5 - foot , 8 inches . Blood pressure 132 / 80 , heart rate 72 and regular . [Normokinetic] .", "SRL for [work]: Computer Sciences will perform data processing [work] for the Postal Service under the three - year contract , which also includes two additional option years for which compensation has n't yet been fixed .",ARG-1: data processing | ARG-2: for the Postal Service SRL for [far - fetched]: American officials and aviation experts said it was [far - fetched] to believe that a passenger could have reprogrammed the Flight Management System .,ARG-1: it | C-ARG-1: to believe that a passenger could have reprogrammed the Flight Management System SRL for [interchanged]: She [interchanged] gold and sliver beads in the bracelet .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: gold and sliver beads | ARG-M-LOC: in the bracelet SRL for [let]: Sony wo n't [let] a young short - term American employee take on any responsibility .,ARG-0: Sony | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: a young short - term American employee take on any responsibility SRL for [ignore]: Some people tend to [ignore] that a 50 - point move is less in percentage terms than it was when the stock market was lower .,ARG-0: Some people | ARG-1: that a 50 - point move is less in percentage terms than it was when the stock market was lower SRL for [gone]: Imports have [gone] down 33 %,ARG-1: Imports | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-2: 33 % SRL for [expansion]: U.S. economic [expansion],ARG-0: U.S. | ARG-1: economic "SRL for [excavated]: Before the Gutfreunds finally left this unfriendly environment for a prodigious duplex on Fifth Avenue and an 18th - century mansion with a specially [excavated] $ 1 million garage in Paris , the Postels had obtained an injunction to prevent any future hoisting of trees , and in a neighborly spirit hit both the Gutfreunds and the building with a $ 35 million lawsuit .",ARG-M-MNR: specially | ARG-1: garage SRL for [explaining]: Chairman Thomas S. Murphy cited Capital Cities ' nine daily newspapers in [explaining] most of the gain .,ARG-0: Chairman Thomas S. Murphy | ARG-1: most of the gain "SRL for [pool]: If the three companies [pool] their air - freight businesses , their clout would be considerable .",ARG-0: the three companies | ARG-1: their air - freight businesses "SRL for [biffing]: Two tiny girls immediately catch the eye : though barely taller than their rackets , they are [biffing] the ball back and forth with remarkable power .",ARG-M-PRD: though barely taller than their rackets | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the ball | ARG-M-DIR: back and forth | ARG-M-MNR: with remarkable power SRL for [hearing]: Mr. Breeden 's confirmation [hearing],ARG-1: Mr. Breeden 's | ARG-2: confirmation SRL for [inked]: Right when he was going to add some other fish the octopus [inked] the whole tank .,ARG-M-TMP: Right when he was going to add some other fish | ARG-0: the octopus | ARG-2: the whole tank "SRL for [struggled]: As a result , Yoshinoya [struggled] for many years and nearly went bankrupt .",ARG-M-DIS: As a result | ARG-0: Yoshinoya | ARG-M-TMP: for many years SRL for [burn]: This ointment will relieve the [burn] and itch of poison ivy .,ARG-0: of poison ivy SRL for [take out]: Whether they [take out] on Governor Schwartzeneggar in California could be another test of that as well .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: on Governor Schwartzeneggar | ARG-M-LOC: in California SRL for [arrival]: The [arrival] of the wolves,ARG-1: of the wolves SRL for [accountable]: He is [accountable] to the committee .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to the committee "SRL for [somersaulted]: The force of the explosion [somersaulted] him along the roadside , and he received fragmentation wounds to his right leg , his face , an eye , an arm ...",ARG-0: The force of the explosion | ARG-1: him | ARG-4: along the roadside "SRL for [torments]: They concede that much of the government meddling that [torments] them is essential to the public good , and even to their own businesses .",ARG-0: much of the government meddling | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: them "SRL for [nutty]: The third largest party , the Liberal Democrats is pretty [nutty] too .","ARG-1: The third largest party , the Liberal Democrats | ARG-M-EXT: pretty | ARG-M-ADV: too" SRL for [schlepped]: In 1984 he [schlepped] the Taung fossil across the Atlantic to the American Museum of Natural History in a carry cot .,ARG-M-TMP: In 1984 | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the Taung fossil | ARG-M-DIR: across the Atlantic | ARG-3: to the American Museum of Natural History | ARG-M-MNR: in a carry cot SRL for [speed up]: The withdrawal of New England Electric might [speed up] the reorganization process .,ARG-0: The withdrawal of New England Electric | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: the reorganization process "SRL for [ferrying]: In fact , Aer Lingus started [ferrying] Russians from Shannon to New York when Washington stripped Aeroflot of its U.S. landing rights .",ARG-0: Aer Lingus | ARG-1: Russians | ARG-2: from Shannon | ARG-3: to New York | ARG-M-TMP: when Washington stripped Aeroflot of its U.S. landing rights SRL for [camping]: We went [camping] and put them together in the car .,ARG-0: We "SRL for [angered]: Observers said it appeared that British Air was [angered] at the way the bid has degenerated into confusion , as well as by the banks ' effort to round up financing for what one called `` a deal that is n't a deal . ''","ARG-1: British Air | ARG-0: at the way the bid has degenerated into confusion , as well as by the banks ' effort to round up financing for what one called `` a deal that is n't a deal" SRL for [smarten up]: Someone has to [smarten up] about dealing with people .,ARG-0: Someone | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: about dealing with people "SRL for [learn]: He was shocked , associates say , to [learn] of Mr. Icahn 's new takeover threat .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: of Mr. Icahn 's new takeover threat "SRL for [endanger]: Mr. Bush even disclosed privately that one Reagan - era deal with Congress required him to notify the odious Panamanian dictator , Manuel Noriega , if the U.S. learned of a coup plot that might [endanger] his life .",ARG-0: a coup plot | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: his life "SRL for [populate]: Las Colinas , once a huge Texas ranch , is a sprawling complex of office buildings , homes and recreational facilities that its developers have been struggling to [populate] in recent years .",ARG-0: its developers | ARG-1: a sprawling complex | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [winkle]: I 'll [winkle] it out of you .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: out of you "SRL for [entertained]: I-5 do nt expect PRO-5 to be [entertained] and happy to potter around or go to a National Trust / Swimming , but my local pool doe ns't have an open swim on thurs suitable for my availability and i do n't have a car free to drive .",ARG-1: PRO-5 | ARG-0: to potter around or go to a National Trust / Swimming SRL for [pierced]: It was [pierced] by a wagon gate built of two wings .,ARG-1: It | ARG-0: by a wagon gate built of two wings "SRL for [committed]: `` This tells you AT & T is serious about continuing to manage their cost structure and is [committed] to 20 % - a - year earnings growth , '' said Jack Grubman , an analyst with Paine Webber Inc.",ARG-1: AT & T | ARG-2: to 20 % - a - year earnings growth SRL for [purred]: The diesel engine [purred] at a constant pitch .,ARG-0: The diesel engine | ARG-M-MNR: at a constant pitch SRL for [improved]: Right dorsalis pedis pulse was much [improved] from preoperative physical exam,ARG-1: Right dorsalis pedis pulse | ARG-M-EXT: much | ARG-M-TMP: from preoperative physical exam "SRL for [shelved]: In the multipart offering , the company sold a portion of secured notes but [shelved] all the unsecured notes .",ARG-M-LOC: In the multipart offering | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: all the unsecured notes "SRL for [investigate]: In another setback yesterday , United 's machinist union asked the Treasury Department to [investigate] whether certain aspects of the original buy - out proposal violated tax laws .",ARG-0: the Treasury Department | ARG-1: whether certain aspects of the original buy - out proposal violated tax laws SRL for [bulled]: He [bulled] his way in .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-ADV: his way | ARG-M-PRD: in SRL for [defamation]: The article 's [defamation] of his character,ARG-0: The article 's | ARG-1: of his character SRL for [fear]: [fear] for their lives,ARG-2: for their lives "SRL for [elect]: In the year 1990 , the leader of the Sandinistas , Daniel Ortega , was asking the people of Nicaragua to [elect] him president .",ARG-0: the people of Nicaragua | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: president "SRL for [passing]: Zemin Jiang , president of the People 's Republic of China , and Peng Li , premier of the State Council , sent a telegraph of condolences on the 23rd on the [passing] of former US President , Richard Nixon .","ARG-1: of former US President , Richard Nixon" "SRL for [diversification]: Further , banks should embrace technology that will enhance their [diversification] of income generation activities .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of income generation activities SRL for [population]: The yuppies ' [population] of the previously predominantly immigrant neighborhood angered native residents .,ARG-2: The yuppies ' | ARG-1: of the previously predominantly immigrant neighborhood "SRL for [banking]: I 'm not [banking] my whole life on bringing , you know , number one rated show .","ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: my whole life | ARG-2: on bringing , you know , number one rated show" SRL for [pulses]: peripheral [pulses],ARG-1: peripheral SRL for [endoscopy]: A colonoscopy and upper [endoscopy] were essentially negative ...,ARG-2: upper "SRL for [scuttled]: Few petitions , however , have actually delayed or [scuttled] mergers .",ARG-0: Few petitions | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-1: mergers "SRL for [clearing]: The name , which means "" beside the forest , "" indicates that the early settlers must have had a tough time [clearing] land for their crops .",ARG-1: land | ARG-M-GOL: for their crops "SRL for [set off]: Stainless steel , silver , and aluminum [set off] black granite table tops and a gray terrazzo .","ARG-0: Stainless steel , silver , and aluminum | ARG-1: black granite table tops and a gray terrazzo" "SRL for [shoot]: It can send a fighter squadron to strafe terrorist hideouts in the Bekaa Valley , but ca n't [shoot] Abu Nidal .",ARG-0: It | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: Abu Nidal SRL for [leadership]: his [leadership] in bringing peaceful and democratic change to Yugoslavia,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: in bringing peaceful and democratic change to Yugoslavia "SRL for [translated]: First , the protein was [translated] from an mRNA rather than produced through polyprotein processing .",ARG-2: the protein | ARG-1: from an mRNA SRL for [coaled]: In a buried firepit he [coaled] bits of hardwood for the bed of his flame .,ARG-M-LOC: In a buried firepit | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: bits of hardwood | ARG-M-PRP: for the bed of his flame SRL for [torched]: Four people [torched] three U.S. flags on the central steps of the U.S. Capitol in a bid to test a new federal law protecting the American flag from desecration .,ARG-0: Four people | ARG-1: three U.S. flags | ARG-M-LOC: on the central steps of the U.S. Capitol | ARG-M-PRP: in a bid to test a new federal law protecting the American flag from desecration SRL for [annular]: The mass appeared [annular] .,ARG-1: The mass SRL for [straighten out]: `` I got to get back to school and [straighten out] my English . '',ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my English SRL for [assignment]: Mr. Boyd 's first directorial [assignment] as the theater 's new artistic director,ARG-2: Mr. Boyd 's | ARG-1: as the theater 's new artistic director SRL for [assembly]: John 's [assembly] of a pink huffy from a kit into a mountain - biking machine shocked Mary .,ARG-0: John 's | ARG-1: of a pink huffy | ARG-2: from a kit | ARG-4: into a mountain - biking machine SRL for [persuade]: Mr. de Cholet said Mr. Fournier 's biggest hope was to somehow [persuade] regulatory authorities to block the bid .,ARG-0: Mr. Fournier | ARG-M-ADV: somehow | ARG-1: regulatory authorities | ARG-2: to block the bid "SRL for [ingestion]: Toby 's [ingestion] of a box of crayons lead to a week of colorful diapers , but no permanent harm .",ARG-0: Toby 's | ARG-1: of a box of crayons "SRL for [fair]: She was [fair] of skin , had dark wavy hair , and had her mother 's "" brilliant "" eyes",ARG-1: She | ARG-2: of skin "SRL for [toted]: John [toted] 15 dozen eggs from home to school , only to drop them once he got there .",ARG-0: John | ARG-1: 15 dozen eggs | ARG-M-DIR: from home | ARG-M-GOL: to school "SRL for [shaping up]: The year was already [shaping up] as a difficult one for the recreational vehicle industry , which makes products such as motor homes , travel trailers , folding campers and van conversions .","ARG-1: The year | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-2: as a difficult one for the recreational vehicle industry , which makes products such as motor homes , travel trailers , folding campers and van conversions" SRL for [lamming]: I 'm grabbing my kerosene - powered laptop and [lamming] out of here as far as my Hupmobile will carry me .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIR: out of here | ARG-M-GOL: as far as my Hupmobile will carry me SRL for [show]: Everyone 's favorite [show],ARG-2: Everyone 's SRL for [lofted]: The rocket [lofted] the space shuttle into the air .,ARG-1: The rocket | ARG-2: the space shuttle | ARG-M-LOC: into the air SRL for [fireproofing]: A spokesman for the company said the verdict is thought to be the first in favor of an asbestos manufacturer where the plaintiff was a school and the asbestos in question was used for [fireproofing] ., "SRL for [offsets]: The solutions they formally proposed included lead / sulfur taxes , conservation and recycling incentives , reforestation [offsets] , transferable pollution permits , an ecological bank to finance pollution - reduction credits , and debt - for - environment swaps .",ARG-2: reforestation "SRL for [caring]: Obviously , there are a multitude of different ways that occupational therapists show their [caring] for their clients",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: for their clients SRL for [mulled]: Sometimes they heated up bottles over a fire or [mulled] the wine with spices when they wanted a hot drink .,ARG-M-TMP: Sometimes | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the wine | ARG-M-MNR: with spices | ARG-M-TMP: when they wanted a hot drink "SRL for [tingling]: He was again [tingling] with pleasure , seeing himself clearly in Slater 's shoes .",ARG-1: He | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-2: with pleasure "SRL for [pimped]: Robert was n't content to simply don a Santa costume ... so he ' [pimped] his ride ' by adding antlers and a Rudolph - style red nose to the limo ,",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his ride | ARG-2: by adding antlers and a Rudolph - style red nose to the limo SRL for [loss]: significant weight - [loss],ARG-2: significant | ARG-1: weight "SRL for [celebrating]: A security guard at a cargo terminal , he wears a Sons of Italy jacket and cap [celebrating] `` The US 1 Band . ''",ARG-0: a Sons of Italy jacket and cap | ARG-1: The US 1 Band SRL for [affected]: Even people with good credit and little debt will be [affected] .,ARG-M-ADV: Even | ARG-1: people with good credit and little debt | ARG-M-MOD: will SRL for [focalized]: He [focalized] his professional interest mostly on the domain of lipoplasty .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his professional interest | ARG-M-EXT: mostly | ARG-2: on the domain of lipoplasty SRL for [spouted off]: Anyway so I [spouted off],ARG-M-DIS: Anyway | ARG-M-DIS: so | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my mouth SRL for [proceed]: He called today 's announcement `` opportunistic and disruptive '' and said the company intends to [proceed] with its restructuring .,ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: with its restructuring "SRL for [notice]: Air - traffic problems , though often quite grim / This time of year leave us in stitches / When we [notice] around our airport / A holding pattern for witches .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LOC: around our airport | ARG-1: A holding pattern for witches | ARG-M-TMP: This time of year | R-ARG-M-TMP: When "SRL for [debate]: the [debate] within France 's military establishment over the Rafale , which is made by Avions Marcel Dassault - Breguet Aviation SA","ARG-0: within France 's military establishment | ARG-1: over the Rafale , which is made by Avions Marcel Dassault - Breguet Aviation SA" "SRL for [toil]: `` Other people are making it overnight , and the rest who [toil] daily do n't want to miss that opportunity when it seems to come along . ''",ARG-0: the rest | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-TMP: daily SRL for [barbecuing]: and left him to get on with [barbecuing] the meat .,ARG-0: him | ARG-1: the meat SRL for [page]: He had just returned my change when the doorman came in off the street to [page] me .,ARG-0: the doorman | ARG-1: me SRL for [usurped]: The exchange student [usurped] my bedroom and now I 'm sleeping in the den .,ARG-0: The exchange student | ARG-1: my bedroom SRL for [frosted]: Ice crystals [frosted] the glass .,ARG-2: Ice crystals | ARG-1: the glass "SRL for [retiring]: BSN will increase its debt by $ 9 million , but it also will recognize a $ 2 million gain from [retiring] the old debt , said Michael J. Blumenfeld , president .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the old debt "SRL for [raided]: Police in Prague [raided] an international meeting on human rights , detaining Czechoslovakia 's former foreign minister , Jiri Hajak , and 14 other activists .","ARG-0: Police in Prague | ARG-1: an international meeting on human rights | ARG-M-ADV: detaining Czechoslovakia 's former foreign minister , Jiri Hajak , and 14 other activists" "SRL for [acclaim]: From her early career in advertising , to taking up her late husband 's unfulfilled wishes and setting out on the road of political no - return , Yeh Chu - lan has fought impressively , earning wide [acclaim] .",ARG-M-EXT: wide SRL for [animated]: He [animated] Monstro the whale in Pinocchio .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: Monstro the whale in Pinocchio "SRL for [hulled]: We had not killed or wounded anyone , although the enemy often [hulled] us .",ARG-0: the enemy | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: us SRL for [misdirected]: The pedestrian [misdirected] the out - of - town driver .,ARG-0: The pedestrian | ARG-1: the out - of - town driver SRL for [nightmare]: He had another [nightmare] last night .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-TMP: another | ARG-M-TMP: last night "SRL for [camouflaged]: The security command post , [camouflaged] as second - story retail space , has its own `` crow 's nest '' above the roofs of the other buildings , with a panoramic view of the entire center .",ARG-1: The security command post | ARG-2: as second - story retail space "SRL for [inauguration]: Well it was n't just campaign promises , he repeated it in his [inauguration] , when he already had the presidency in hand .",ARG-1: his SRL for [conviction]: Supreme Court upheld their [conviction] of him for graft .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of him | ARG-2: for graft SRL for [damaged]: `` The events of April through June [damaged] the respect and confidence which most Americans previously had for the leaders of China . '',ARG-0: The events of April through June | ARG-1: the respect and confidence which most Americans previously had for the leaders of China SRL for [incident]: The rape [incident],ARG-1: rape SRL for [overrated]: ... the government 's effectiveness should not be [overrated],ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the government 's effectiveness "SRL for [hear]: `` When the sell programs hit , you can [hear] the order printers start to go '' on the Big Board trading floor , says one specialist there .",ARG-M-TMP: When the sell programs hit | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the order printers start to go '' on the Big Board trading floor "SRL for [brushing]: South Korean President Roh Tae Woo , [brushing] aside suggestions that the won be revalued again , said the currency 's current level against the dollar is `` appropriate . ''",ARG-0: South Korean President Roh Tae Woo | ARG-M-DIR: aside | ARG-1: suggestions that the won be revalued again SRL for [simplifying]: RISC technology speeds up a computer by [simplifying] the internal software .,ARG-0: RISC technology | ARG-1: the internal software SRL for [inked]: I [inked] the pen with my favourite Ottoman Azure .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: the pen | ARG-1: with my favourite Ottoman Azure "SRL for [cut out]: As the building 's new owner , Chase will have its work [cut out] for it .",ARG-1: its work | ARG-2: for it SRL for [frighten]: If the teachers only speak English in class it will [frighten] children who have never learnt English before .,ARG-M-ADV: If the teachers only speak English in class | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: children who have never learnt English before "SRL for [paramutagenic]: However , [paramutagenic] alleles of r are not similar in structure to one another .",ARG-0: alleles SRL for [firmed]: It showed some early resilience after central bank support [firmed] sterling ...,ARG-0: central bank support | ARG-1: sterling "SRL for [beating]: Now , after [beating] them , Mr. Achenbaum is joining them .",ARG-0: Mr. Achenbaum | ARG-1: them "SRL for [obstruction]: They were charged with racketeering , conspiracy , [obstruction] of justice and mail fraud in a scheme in which they allegedly embezzled more than $ 100 million from their homeland .",ARG-1: of justice SRL for [to buy]: Some companies have used cash [to buy] back some of their shares,ARG-0: Some companies | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-1: some of their shares "SRL for [reared]: While Mr. Roderick was [reared] in the shadows of Pittsburgh 's smoking mills , Mr. Corry grew up in Cincinnati , a city nicknamed `` Porkapolis '' and more accustomed to pork chops than pig iron .",ARG-1: Mr. Roderick | ARG-M-LOC: in the shadows of Pittsburgh 's smoking mills SRL for [presents]: But such a combination also [presents] great risks .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: such a combination | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: great risks SRL for [entered]: A limit order to sell could be [entered] at that price .,ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: A limit order to sell | ARG-M-MNR: at that price "SRL for [jumpstarted]: When I tried to start it , I noticed the battery was low so I [jumpstarted] it with another truck , and it started right up",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with another truck SRL for [immigration]: illegal [immigration],ARG-M-MNR: illegal "SRL for [overcrowded]: I can see the argument that L 26,000 for say a family of six or eight is not going to be enough to both have a large enough home to not be very [overcrowded] and have enough money to pay the utility bills and eat .",ARG-1: a large enough home | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-ADV: very SRL for [dealing]: the prohibition against their [dealing] in new articles of clothing ;,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: in new articles of clothing SRL for [translated]: When we [translated] the protein sequence we did not splice the mRNA to remove introns .,ARG-0: we | ARG-2: the protein sequence SRL for [keeping up]: He did not like to think of all the time and rags and polishes he had spent on [keeping up] .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the house SRL for [borrowing]: What are the advantages of [borrowing] against your 401k ?,ARG-3: against your 401k SRL for [slakes]: Lime [slakes] .,ARG-1: Lime "SRL for [unrolls]: Guests bring movies on tape , and show their favorite three - to - five minute segments on the screen that [unrolls] from the ceiling of the Volokhs ' art - nouveau library ( `` the pleasure dome '' ) .",R-ARG-1: that | ARG-1: the screen | ARG-M-DIR: from the ceiling of the Volokhs ' art - nouveau library ( `` the pleasure dome '' ) SRL for [rumpled]: Now the gravest Minister shall be [rumpled] by an insulting Prelate .,ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-1: the gravest Minister | ARG-M-MOD: shall | ARG-0: by an insulting Prelate "SRL for [named]: As an employee of a major refrigerator and freezer manufacturer , I have been heavily involved in dealing with the political manifestations of the Rowland - Molina theory ( [named] after the researchers who found in 1974 that chlorofluorocarbons contributed to the depletion of ozone in the earth 's atmosphere ) and the Montreal Protocol .",ARG-1: the Rowland - Molina theory | ARG-2: after the researchers who found in 1974 that chlorofluorocarbons contributed to the depletion of ozone in the earth 's atmosphere SRL for [coexist]: How will the animals [coexist] with humans ?,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the animals | ARG-2: with humans | ARG-M-MNR: How "SRL for [close]: From January 2008 until the restaurant 's [close] in July 2009 , T.J. 's operated as a collective .",ARG-1: the restaurant 's | ARG-M-TMP: in July 2009 SRL for [interest]: It is for those who have no [interest] in spiritual things and for those who kill their fathers or mothers or anyone else .,R-ARG-1: who | ARG-1: those | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-2: in spiritual things "SRL for [sloughing]: While Gilgamesh himself has lost the ability to live forever , or the opportunity to pass in this ability to the men or Uruk , it is enough that the snake recalls for us , in its [sloughing] of its skin , nature 's pattern of regeneration .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of its skin SRL for [transport]: 56 - year - old Forry Drake has been charged with interstate [transport] of a minor .,ARG-4: interstate | ARG-1: of a minor "SRL for [bombing]: On July 1sr 2011 , 1.7 million people assembled in Green Square , Tripoli to show defiance against the Nato [bombing] of Libya .",ARG-0: Nato | ARG-1: of Libya SRL for [available]: He was [available] to us for meetings before the wedding and happy to do so .,ARG-2: He | ARG-1: to us | ARG-M-PRP: for meetings before the wedding SRL for [success]: His [success] in a new television show,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: in a new television show SRL for [assist]: The troubled Minneapolis - based railroad concern said the committee has the authority to hire financial and legal advisers to [assist] it .,ARG-0: financial and legal advisers | ARG-1: it SRL for [plummeted]: ... UAL stock has [plummeted] by 41 % to 168 1/2 from 285 1/4 .,ARG-1: UAL stock | ARG-2: by 41 % | ARG-4: to 168 1/2 | ARG-3: from 285 1/4 SRL for [stay]: The parties in the Connecticut case have agreed to [stay] proceedings pending the appeal of another EEOC age - bias case against Vermont .,ARG-0: The parties in the Connecticut case | ARG-1: proceedings | ARG-M-TMP: pending the appeal of another EEOC age - bias case against Vermont "SRL for [folded]: Within the same nine months , News Corp. closed down In Fashion , a once - promising young woman 's fashion magazine , Drake Publications Inc. has [folded] the long - troubled Venture magazine , and Lang Communications has announced Ms. magazine , after 17 years , will no longer carry advertising as of January .",ARG-0: Drake Publications Inc. | ARG-1: the long - troubled Venture magazine SRL for [backward]: Republicans have been losing political clout and power because they are so [backward] on social issues .,ARG-1: they | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-2: on social issues "SRL for [fires]: With three minutes left on the clock , Mr. Aikman takes the snap , steps back and [fires] a 21 - yard pass -- straight into the hands of an Atlanta defensive back .",ARG-M-TMP: With three minutes left on the clock | ARG-0: Mr. Aikman | ARG-1: a 21 - yard pass | ARG-M-GOL: straight into the hands of an Atlanta defensive back "SRL for [incubate]: The females lay , and then [incubate] the eggs .",ARG-0: The females | ARG-1: the eggs "SRL for [stand]: An undistinguished college student who dabbled in zoology until he concluded that he could n't [stand] cutting up frogs , Mr. Corry wanted to work for a big company `` that could do bigthings . ''",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: cutting up frogs "SRL for [accompaniment]: Following the big quake was an [accompaniment] of aftershocks of varying sizes stricking at random , along with stormy adverse weather conditions .","ARG-0: of aftershocks of varying sizes stricking at random , along with stormy adverse weather conditions" SRL for [fault]: The [fault] of congress,ARG-1: of congress SRL for [pedunculated]: a 1.5 cm [pedunculated] tubolvovillous adenoma,ARG-1: adenoma SRL for [adapting]: And surprising numbers of small investors seem to be [adapting] to greater stock market volatility and say they can live with program trading .,ARG-0: surprising numbers of small investors | ARG-2: to greater stock market volatility SRL for [onboard]: I am [onboard] the Kei Nishikori bandwagon .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: the Kei Nishikori bandwagon "SRL for [spitting]: It took a jury less than an hour to acquit a West Virginia man of battery charges stemming from his [spitting] tobacco juice on the Westboro Baptist Church 's Shirley Phelps - Roper , daughter of Fred .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: tobacco juice | ARG-2: on the Westboro Baptist Church 's Shirley Phelps - Roper , daughter of Fred" "SRL for [curry]: Overall , the government contends that GE 's disclosure efforts largely were intended to `` [curry] favor '' with Pentagon officials without detailing the extent of the management lapses and allegedly pervasive billing irregularities uncovered by company investigations .",ARG-0: GE | ARG-1: favor | ARG-2: with Pentagon officials | ARG-M-MNR: without detailing the extent of the management lapses and allegedly pervasive billing irregularities uncovered by company investigations SRL for [painting]: Mackenzie 's revelations about her father have overshadowed her [painting] of Jagger as a sleazy sexual opportunist .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of Jagger | ARG-2: as a sleazy sexual opportunist SRL for [made up]: I was surprised that Sharon had [made up] with him,ARG-0: Sharon | ARG-1: with him SRL for [aged]: Indulgent living has [aged] him beyond his thirty - eight years .,ARG-0: Indulgent living | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: beyond his thirty - eight years SRL for [indignation]: I ca n't help but chuckle at the crocodile tears and faux [indignation] from Republicans .,ARG-M-MNR: faux | ARG-1: from Republicans SRL for [unburden]: [unburden] yourself .,ARG-1: yourself "SRL for [cavorted]: In between sessions , we [cavorted] in the pool .",ARG-M-TMP: In between sessions | ARG-1: we | ARG-4: in the pool "SRL for [sleepwalked]: One night he [sleepwalked] into the room where his nine year old sister , Margaret , was lying sick in bed .","ARG-M-TMP: One night | ARG-1: he | ARG-3: into the room where his nine year old sister , Margaret , was lying sick in bed" SRL for [channeled]: She [channeled] out a groove,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-PRD: out | ARG-1: a groove SRL for [married]: She is [married] and has 4 children,ARG-1: She SRL for [cross correlation]: One approach to identifying a pattern within an image uses [cross correlation] of the image with a suitable mask .,ARG-1: of the image | ARG-2: with a suitable mask SRL for [carried out]: Management [carried out] the plan over the objections of the workers .,ARG-0: Management | ARG-1: the plan | ARG-M-ADV: over the objections of the workers SRL for [report]: its [report] to Congress on international economic policies,ARG-0: its | ARG-2: to Congress | ARG-1: on international economic policies "SRL for [see]: But you [see] , those Kurds made the silly mistake of not being American citizens ...",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: those Kurds made the silly mistake of not being American citizens ... SRL for [falling off]: His scores [falling off] so quickly surprised fans of the long - time dominant athlete,ARG-1: His scores | ARG-M-TMP: so quickly SRL for [repopulated]: They [repopulated] the land with people from other areas of the Assyrian empire .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the land | ARG-2: with people from other areas of the Assyrian empire "SRL for [expired]: The relevant county government departments passed the buck to each other , disputed over trifles , and delayed it over and over again , which caused Deka Company 's "" Construction - Use Land Planning Permit "" and the "" Approval for the Pre - Examination on the Use of Land "" issued by the Provincial Land Resources Bureau to be [expired] , thus causing great losses to the enterprise .","ARG-1: Deka Company 's "" Construction - Use Land Planning Permit "" and the "" Approval for the Pre - Examination on the Use of Land "" issued by the Provincial Land Resources Bureau" "SRL for [jitterbug]: Anything you can [jitterbug] to , you can call swing .",ARG-M-ADV: Anything | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can SRL for [subjective]: Stress is [subjective] ; it makes different people feel different things,ARG-1: Stress SRL for [insured]: The bonds are [insured] and triple - A - rated .,ARG-1: The bonds SRL for [expected]: Regulatory approval is [expected] soon by everyone,ARG-1: Regulatory approval | ARG-M-TMP: soon | ARG-0: by everyone "SRL for [garrotted]: His accomplice , an older man , [garrotted] the victim with something which felt like a piece of wire .","ARG-0: His accomplice , an older man | ARG-1: the victim | ARG-2: with something which felt like a piece of wire" "SRL for [restate]: Bank Building , which builds and equips banks , had announced it would [restate] the first - three quarters of this fiscal year , which ends Oct. 31 .","ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the first - three quarters of this fiscal year , which ends Oct. 31" "SRL for [trudging]: Unlike other writers who either battled the fascists during the Civil War , or left Spain when Franco triumphed , Mr. Cela fought briefly on the general 's side , no doubt earning with his war wound some forbearance when he went on to depict a country with a high population of vagabonds , murderers and rural idiots [trudging] aimlessly through a dried - out land .","ARG-0: vagabonds , murderers and rural idiots | ARG-M-MNR: aimlessly | ARG-1: through a dried - out land" "SRL for [barrages]: That it is very difficult to discern whether or not that is , in point of fact , the missiles that we have become accustomed to striking Baghdad and its environs , or whether it is the large 2,000 pound JDAM bombs that have been striking targets selected by the coalition in Baghdad , or whether these flashes now represent artillery [barrages] as fighting continues to take control of the -- to take control of Saddam International Airport .",ARG-1: artillery "SRL for [embodied]: It implies that the British Empire was rooted in its subjects ' minds , manners and morals , and argues , tacitly , that its self - destructive flaws were [embodied] in the defensive snobbery , willful blindness , role - playing and especially the locutions of its domestic servants .","ARG-1: its self - destructive flaws | ARG-2: in the defensive snobbery , willful blindness , role - playing and especially the locutions of its domestic servants" SRL for [leashes]: Mr. Darling is putting out Nana for the night and he [leashes] her with a rope to her doghouse .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: her | ARG-3: with a rope | ARG-2: to her doghouse "SRL for [victimized]: Almost all of us in comparable circumstances might be [victimized] in some way , '' says Jerald Jellison , a psychology professor at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles .",ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: Almost all of us in comparable circumstances | ARG-M-MNR: in some way SRL for [care]: He was rewarded for his [care] in driving in his own lane by not getting into an accident,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: in driving in his own lane SRL for [bleeding]: he is having rectal [bleeding],ARG-1: he | ARG-2: rectal SRL for [oriented]: Patient is [oriented] times three .,ARG-1: Patient | ARG-M-ADV: times three "SRL for [evolution]: Furthermore , by means of the perturbative calculation , the non - locality and its [evolution] of two kinds of entangled coherent states in a thermal reservoir are discussed .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: of two kinds of entangled coherent states in a thermal reservoir SRL for [saw]: John [saw] the President to his car .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the President | ARG-2: to his car "SRL for [segregated]: The union sued the state in November 1985 , alleging that it intentionally [segregated] job classifications by sex and paid employees in predominantly female jobs less than males in comparable jobs .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MNR: intentionally | ARG-1: job classifications | ARG-M-MNR: by sex SRL for [whished]: The basketball [whished] through the net .,ARG-0: The basketball | ARG-M-DIR: through the net SRL for [reprieve]: His teacher 's illness bought Johnn a [reprieve] from his looming math test .,ARG-1: from his looming math test SRL for [gassed]: John [gassed] the car .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: the car SRL for [cut]: the point guard should continue his [cut] through the lane and angle off along the baseline,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-DIR: through the lane "SRL for [halted]: Cineplex traded on the New York Stock Exchange at $ 11.25 a share , up $ 1.125 , before trading was [halted] .",ARG-1: trading "SRL for [suspension]: His punishment , [suspension] for using a corked bat for use -- which is illegal during a game",ARG-3: for using a corked bat for use -- which is illegal during a game "SRL for [altered]: In one instance you state that a bill was [altered] from $ 600 to $ 1,256 , and that $ 600 was the proper amount A.","ARG-1: a bill | ARG-3: from $ 600 | ARG-2: to $ 1,256" "SRL for [upper cut]: If I remember correctly he won 19 out of his first 20 professional fights by first round knock out , generally consummated by a left - [upper cut] struck on the jaw that would lift a 220 - pound man two feet off the mat .",ARG-M-DIR: left | ARG-M-PRD: struck on the jaw | ARG-M-ADJ: that would lift a 220 - pound man two feet off the mat SRL for [interjects]: Then an announcer [interjects] : `` It was Douglas Wilder who introduced a bill to force rape victims age 13 and younger to be interrogated about their private lives by lawyers for accused rapists .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: an announcer | ARG-1: It was Douglas Wilder who introduced a bill to force rape victims age 13 and younger to be interrogated about their private lives by lawyers for accused rapists SRL for [discombobulated]: That server snafu really [discombobulated] my train of thought .,ARG-0: That server snafu | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: my train of thought SRL for [control]: Researchers at West Coast universities first took [control] of a General Motors car in 2010 using cellular and Bluetooth connections and highlighting a gaping security risk to the motor industry .,ARG-0: Researchers at West Coast universities | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: of a General Motors car | ARG-M-TMP: in 2010 | ARG-2: using cellular and Bluetooth connections SRL for [bother]: `` Why should I [bother] with something that 's an unknown for a very small pickup in yield ? '' he said .,ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with something that 's an unknown | ARG-M-PRP: for a very small pickup in yield | ARG-M-CAU: Why "SRL for [bound up]: For me , what I did was inextricably [bound up] with an addiction to substances .",ARG-M-ADV: For me | ARG-1: what I did | ARG-M-MNR: inextricably | ARG-2: with an addiction to substances SRL for [sclerosed]: Dr. Mary successfully [sclerosed] the bleeding esophageal varices .,ARG-0: Dr. Mary | ARG-M-MNR: successfully | ARG-1: the bleeding esophageal varices SRL for [intent]: The children are [intent] upon their books .,ARG-0: The children | ARG-1: upon their books "SRL for [transport]: Sedges have important effects on many ecosystem processes , including methane flux , because of their [transport] of oxygen to soils .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of oxygen | ARG-3: to soils SRL for [blue]: He was [blue] from the cold .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: from the cold SRL for [pumping]: The semi - automatic that I have does the [pumping] for you .,ARG-0: The semi - automatic that I have | ARG-M-LVB: does | ARG-M-GOL: for you SRL for [took place]: These events [took place] 35 years ago .,ARG-1: These events | ARG-M-TMP: 35 years ago "SRL for [streaked]: As we [streaked] by a blase gendarme , I could n't resist rearing up on my soggy loafers and saluting .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIR: by a blase gendarme SRL for [email]: I ' m also learning a lot about computers like % um like about other things about computers like about % um you know how to do [email] and how to do like Email 's interesting . networking,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [fast]: Rockwell was [fast] to credit the help of others in the rescue .,ARG-1: Rockwell | C-ARG-1: to credit the help of others in the rescue SRL for [minted]: The coins were [minted] out of cuprite ( red copper ) .,ARG-1: out | ARG-2: of cuprite ( red copper ) SRL for [tousled]: The breeze [tousled] his hair into a messier - than - usual state .,ARG-0: The breeze | ARG-1: his hair | ARG-3: into a messier - than - usual state "SRL for [dreaded]: Wang 's son Wang Ta - chih , who heads the history of art department at Chinese Culture University 's graduate school of history , remembers that when he was small he really [dreaded] his dad reciting poetry .",ARG-M-TMP: when he was small | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: his dad reciting poetry "SRL for [second - guessed]: And of course , doing anything that might be [second - guessed] by Congress carries heavy penalties .",ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: anything | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-0: by Congress SRL for [innocent]: She is [innocent] in the matter .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: in the matter SRL for [lay off]: The Clinton administration is not making much progress getting Palestinians and Israelis to [lay off] each other and talk about it .,ARG-0: Palestinians and Israelis | ARG-1: each other SRL for [Fast forward]: [Fast forward] about 7 years and OH and I get back in touch after finding out that we live near each other .,ARG-2: about 7 years "SRL for [leave]: Thus , my shore [leave] ended early",ARG-0: my | ARG-1: shore "SRL for [happening]: If not for the [happening] of the "" 9/11 "" incident , the United States had long begun the strong suppression and attack against China .","ARG-1: of the "" 9/11 "" incident" "SRL for [quivering]: By comparison , Fritzie and Laura Andrus were [quivering] fledglings .",ARG-1: fledglings SRL for [reflection]: That they retain Korean citizenship and ties is a [reflection] of history,ARG-2: of history "SRL for [bit dust]: Earlier this week , Stimulus beneficiary Evergreen Energy [bit dust] .",ARG-M-TMP: Earlier this week | ARG-1: Stimulus beneficiary Evergreen Energy SRL for [pecked]: John 's parakeet nearly [pecked] him to death .,ARG-0: John 's parakeet | ARG-M-ADV: nearly | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: to death SRL for [smuts]: White red - eared wheat seldom [smuts] .,ARG-1: White red - eared wheat | ARG-M-TMP: seldom "SRL for [explicit]: while i ' m psyched that we are at least ending one war , all the news articles are pretty [explicit] , we are ending the war not because the Us gov't wanted it to end , but because the Iraqi gov't refused to let us stay .",ARG-M-ADV: while i ' m psyched that we are at least ending one war | ARG-0: all the news articles | ARG-M-EXT: pretty SRL for [bound]: The fundamental rule of contract law applied to both cases was that courts will not enforce agreements to which the parties did not intend to be [bound] .,ARG-1: the parties | R-ARG-2: to which | ARG-2: agreements SRL for [enumeration]: Bacque 's [enumeration] of those opportunities in the article was very thorough .,ARG-0: Bacque 's | ARG-1: of those opportunities | ARG-2: in the article "SRL for [logging]: From there he came to Gilroy in the spring of 1868 , and contracted with William Hanna to do his [logging] .",ARG-0: William Hanna | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-GOL: his "SRL for [stood down]: We 've [stood down] from training and playing until his court appearance on April 18 , then we 'll reassess",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from training and playing | ARG-M-TMP: until his court appearance on April 18 "SRL for [troubled]: I 'm not sure she is as [troubled] by U.S. actions around the world as I am , but I think so .",ARG-1: she | ARG-M-CXN: as | ARG-0: by U.S. actions around the world | C-ARG-M-CXN: as I am "SRL for [disappointed]: Known as Easy Eggs , the product has [disappointed] investors .",ARG-M-ADV: Known as Easy Eggs | ARG-0: the product | ARG-1: investors "SRL for [well off]: Now we seem to face a contradiction : can it be the case , as I have argued , both that sociology is [well off] going its own way without direction from philosophy , and also that philosophical intrusions have shaped some of the most important sociological developments ?",ARG-1: sociology | ARG-2: going its own way without direction from philosophy SRL for [colored]: John [colored] all his Easter eggs jet black .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: all his Easter eggs | ARG-2: jet black SRL for [coke]: I 'm using so much fuel that I find the need to [coke] the coal into a more efficient fuel .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the coal | ARG-2: into a more efficient fuel SRL for [gorged]: Grey whale [gorged] on debris before it died in West Seattle .,ARG-1: Grey whale | ARG-2: on debris | ARG-M-TMP: before it died in West Seattle "SRL for [performance]: The Bank of China , the largest foreign exchange bank in China , had good business [performance] in 1997 , and realized a profit of 6.033 billion yuan for the whole year , of which domestic banks realized a profit of 2.428 billion yuan .","ARG-0: The Bank of China , the largest foreign exchange bank in China | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-2: good | ARG-1: business | ARG-M-TMP: in 1997" "SRL for [ruled]: In August , the commission [ruled] that between $ 190 million and $ 195 million of the plant 's construction cost was unreasonable and should be refunded , plus interest .","ARG-M-TMP: In August | ARG-0: the commission | ARG-3: between $ 190 million and $ 195 million of the plant 's construction cost was unreasonable and should be refunded , plus interest" "SRL for [commented]: A Lorillard spokeswoman [commented] "" This is an old story . ""","ARG-0: A Lorillard spokeswoman | ARG-1: "" This is an old story . """ SRL for [rioting]: What reasons do the rioters of Britain give for their [rioting] and looting ?,ARG-0: their "SRL for [bright]: In its long five - thousand - year river of history , the Chinese people has created a Chinese culture which has gained the attention of the world with its own industrious hands and wisdom , produced classic books and giants of culture which are [bright] as the galaxy , and contributed to the development of world civilization ; many cultural achievements have influenced the lives of the world 's people up to now .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-EXT: as the galaxy SRL for [audacious]: He was [audacious] to recognize publicly the Valera Project which contained the signatures of Cubans inside Cuba asking for a referendum for free and fair elections .,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to recognize publicly the Valera Project which contained the signatures of Cubans inside Cuba asking for a referendum for free and fair elections "SRL for [tighten]: `` They have to continue to [tighten] their belts , '' said Craig Kloner , an analyst at Goldman , Sachs & Co .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their belts "SRL for [grind up]: At worst , he adds , `` They 'd have to [grind up] and throw them away . ''",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: them all "SRL for [reconsider]: `` Perhaps if my personal matters can be resolved with Laurel bank in the near future , I may be inclined to [reconsider] your request ... ''",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: your request "SRL for [unearthed]: It began in 1973 , when he was being considered for deputy mayor , and a routine check [unearthed] the extraordinary fact that he had n't paid his income tax for the previous four years .",ARG-0: a routine check | ARG-1: the extraordinary fact that he had n't paid his income tax for the previous four years "SRL for [fine - tuning]: After the study , [the SEC]-1 would be willing [*-1]-2 to consider [*-2] adding new circuit breakers or [fine - tuning] the current ones , he added [*0*] [*T*-3] .",ARG-1: the current ones "SRL for [serious]: Nelson Mandela 's condition was [serious] when he was admitted to hospital 13 days ago , but the 94 - year - old 's health is improving",ARG-1: Nelson Mandela 's condition | ARG-M-TMP: when he was admitted to hospital 13 days ago SRL for [communist]: East was [communist] and run by the Soviets .,ARG-1: East SRL for [lead]: It does [lead] you to suspect imports are going down .,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: you | ARG-2: to suspect imports are going down SRL for [capture]: The ion 's [capture] of an electron gives it a neutral charge .,ARG-0: ion 's | ARG-1: of an electron "SRL for [falls]: In the ' 70s , the market took [falls] nine times in a row on Friday the you - know - what .",ARG-M-TMP: In the ' 70s | ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-M-TMP: nine times in a row | ARG-M-TMP: on Friday the you - know - what SRL for [coaled]: The ship [coaled] with 600 tons of awful coal at average of 135 per hour .,ARG-1: The ship | ARG-2: with 600 tons of awful coal | ARG-M-EXT: at average of 135 per hour SRL for [recorded]: That contrast was reflected in the smaller weekly percentage gains [recorded] by the broader averages .,ARG-1: the smaller weekly percentage gains | ARG-0: by the broader averages "SRL for [shootout]: The city was the location of the wounding and capture of murderer Richard Wayne Snell in 1984 , following his [shootout] with local police .", "SRL for [beatified]: In the port city of Dubrovnik , he [beatified] a nun who dedicated her life to serving the poor .",ARG-M-LOC: In the port city of Dubrovnik | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a nun who dedicated her life to serving the poor SRL for [foolish]: To have revealed Valerie Plame 's CIA identity was [foolish] of him .,ARG-1: To have revealed Valerie Plame 's CIA identity | C-ARG-1: of him SRL for [jilted]: He had [jilted] his wife for another girl .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his wife | ARG-3: for another girl SRL for [mowed down]: We let them come to 100 yards of our parapet and then [mowed down] with our machineguns and rifles .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with our machineguns and rifles "SRL for [affiliation]: I know that in my state , you can only vote in the primary if you are registered with that party [affiliation] , but I do n't know how many states allow everyone to vote .",ARG-2: party SRL for [strangulating]: The state is [strangulating] the right to choose abortion .,ARG-0: The state | ARG-1: the right to choose abortion SRL for [movement]: Yasser Arafat 's Fetah [movement],ARG-0: Yasser Arafat 's | ARG-1: Fetah "SRL for [wealthy]: Our country is [wealthy] in resources such as oil , material , men power and the high - experiences in a lot of fields ( medical , engineering and most of modern science ) .","ARG-1: Our country | ARG-2: in resources such as oil , material , men power and the high - experiences in a lot of fields ( medical , engineering and most of modern science )" SRL for [flapping]: But what about all those non - duck ducks [flapping] over Washington ?,ARG-1: all those non - duck ducks | ARG-M-LOC: over Washington SRL for [utilization]: capacity [utilization],ARG-1: capacity SRL for [effusion]: His [effusion] of joyful greetings made us wince .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of joyful greetings "SRL for [prickled]: The lock [prickled] her skin while taking a sample , causing her to bleed .",ARG-0: The lock | ARG-1: her skin | ARG-M-TMP: while taking a sample | ARG-M-ADV: causing her to bleed SRL for [clenching]: Angela 's [clenching] of her jaw causes her many headaches .,ARG-0: Angela 's | ARG-1: of her jaw SRL for [fallout]: The [fallout] of particles was examined in the vicinity of power plants fired by lignite or brown coal .,ARG-1: of particles "SRL for [bossed around]: To add insult to injury , she [bossed around] as he helped decorate her home .",ARG-M-DIS: To add insult to injury | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-TMP: as he helped decorate her home SRL for [make]: Overcome by hunger pains Sellers would eat massive amounts of food and then throw it up to [make] weight .,ARG-0: Sellers | ARG-1: weight SRL for [tickling]: The cough 's [tickling] of his throat,ARG-0: The cough 's | ARG-1: of his throat SRL for [perceptibility]: The [perceptibility] of a microwave field under experimental conditions,ARG-1: of a microwave field | ARG-M-LOC: under experimental conditions "SRL for [big]: Up , and to the office , where all the morning busy , and so dined with my people at home , and then to the King?s playhouse , and there saw ? The Silent Woman ; ? the best comedy , I think , that ever was wrote ; and sitting by Shadwell the poet , he was [big] with admiration of it .",ARG-M-PRD: sitting by Shadwell the poet | ARG-1: he | ARG-2: with admiration of it SRL for [hits]: multiple [hits] on cancer suppressor genes,ARG-2: on cancer suppressor genes "SRL for [framed]: Picasso introduced a piece of oilcloth , painted to simulate chair caning , into his Still Life with Chair Caning ( Picasso Coll . ) and [framed] the painting with rope ( see media , composite ) .",ARG-0: Picasso | ARG-1: the painting | ARG-2: with rope SRL for [wants]: Czechoslovakia still [wants] the dam to be built .,ARG-0: Czechoslovakia | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: the dam to be built "SRL for [indicated]: In a patient with transient ischemic attacks but no heart murmur , is an echocardiogram [indicated] ?",ARG-1: In a patient with transient ischemic attacks but no heart murmur | ARG-2: an echocardiogram "SRL for [ushering in]: But in the three leading political contests of 1989 , the negative ads have reached new levels of hostility , raising fears that this kind of mudslinging , empty of significant issues , is [ushering in] a new era of campaigns without content .","ARG-0: this kind of mudslinging , empty of significant issues | ARG-1: a new era of campaigns without content" SRL for [admission]: Kemmick 's blog entry starts with his [admission] of addiction to the Montana News .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of addiction | ARG-2: to the Montana News "SRL for [clench]: He does not know whether to look up or look aside , to put his hands in his pockets or to [clench] them at his side , to cross the street , or to continue on the same side .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-LOC: at his side "SRL for [bat mitzvahed]: Reich [bat mitzvahed] her and just recently bar mitzvahed her son , Andrew .",ARG-0: Reich | ARG-1: her "SRL for [rebellion]: Following in the footsteps of Satan himself , they will carry their [rebellion] against God to the bitter end .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: against God SRL for [occupation]: he missed the bell in his [occupation] with the computer game,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: with the computer game "SRL for [level]: Eygpt , probably because they 're comparitively [level] and calm . -LRB- I said comparatively -RRB- .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-ADV: comparatively SRL for [Conformation]: [Conformation] of the Ideal Humerus ( all measurements are while the horse is standing squarely ): the angle of the shoulder blade and upper arm should be between 100 - 120 degrees,ARG-2: of the Ideal Humerus | ARG-4: the angle of the shoulder blade and upper arm should be between 100 - 120 degrees "SRL for [noshed]: Coaches , administrators , and athletes [noshed] on appetizers .","ARG-0: Coaches , administrators , and athletes | ARG-1: on appetizers" SRL for [fission]: Frisch named the process by analogy with biological [fission] of living cells .,ARG-4: biological | ARG-1: of living cells SRL for [reasserted]: The President [reasserted] a power of excision .,ARG-0: The President | ARG-1: a power of excision SRL for [billeted]: Iraqi units [billeted] on an American bases are fenced off from their host as a security measure .,ARG-1: Iraqi units | ARG-2: on an American bases SRL for [realization]: the [realization] of past mistakes,ARG-1: of past mistakes SRL for [thwart]: But the new pact will force huge debt on the new firm and could still fail to [thwart] rival suitor McCaw Cellular .,ARG-0: the new pact | ARG-1: rival suitor McCaw Cellular SRL for [thrombosed]: There is a large left popliteal aneurysm which is [thrombosed] .,ARG-1: which SRL for [plays]: Sunspot variability possibly [plays] into climate variability .,ARG-0: Sunspot variability | ARG-M-ADV: possibly | ARG-1: into climate variability "SRL for [average]: The first is a master a gaming , the latter is [average] at doing all things .",ARG-1: the latter | ARG-2: at doing all things SRL for [fat]: My husband is very [fat] but he is a nice guy . He works at the railway department but is truly a good person .,ARG-1: My husband | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [sexy]: My classes for next semester are wicked [sexy],ARG-1: My classes for next semester | ARG-M-ADV: wicked "SRL for [telecommunication]: In a method for performing [telecommunication] of data through a telecommunication network ,",ARG-1: of data SRL for [damaged]: The spinal cord is [damaged] from the impact of the disk contacting the spinal cord .,ARG-1: The spinal cord | ARG-0: from the impact of the disk contacting the spinal cord SRL for [given]: She had [given] the answers to two low - ability geography classes .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the answers | ARG-2: to two low - ability geography classes SRL for [barbequed]: I [barbequed] the brisket for my mother .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the brisket | ARG-M-GOL: for my mother SRL for [osculate]: These species [osculate] .,ARG-1: These species SRL for [break even]: Old Stone repeated projections that it will be profitable for the fourth quarter and will about [break even] for the year .,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: about | ARG-M-TMP: for the year SRL for [Condensation]: [Condensation] of thought legacy is to solve a consensus and the understanding of the concept of problems .,ARG-1: of thought legacy "SRL for [aminated]: In Step 3 , 5-amino-1-naphthol is [aminated] to produce 1,5-diaminonaphthalene .","ARG-M-LOC: In Step 3 | ARG-1: 5-amino-1-naphthol | ARG-3: to produce 1,5-diaminonaphthalene" "SRL for [tucked]: Mr. Trotter 's painting showed a wall of wood boards with painted ribbons tacked down in a rectangle ; [tucked] behind the ribbons were envelopes , folded , faded and crumpled papers and currency .","ARG-1: envelopes , folded , faded and crumpled papers and currency | ARG-2: behind the ribbons" "SRL for [continued]: What matters is what advertisers will pay , [continued] Newsweek 's chairman",ARG-1: What matters is what advertisers will pay | ARG-0: Newsweek 's chairman "SRL for [timid]: . As soon as you browbeat us , it instead makes us feel that your hearts are quite empty / [timid] / hesitant ,",ARG-1: your hearts | ARG-M-EXT: quite SRL for [sound]: Despite its clunking [sound] it was one of Hitler 's secret weapons .,ARG-1: its | ARG-3: clunking "SRL for [rescued]: The arbs may recoup some of their paper losses if the UAL deal gets patched up again , as they did in 1982 when Occidental Petroleum Co. [rescued] them with a $ 4 billion takeover of Cities Service .",ARG-0: Occidental Petroleum Co. | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: with a $ 4 billion takeover of Cities Service "SRL for [Walking]: [Walking] amid the hubbub of Taipei today , on streets filled with people and traffic , Ko - nan Street , Shanghai Road , the Tri - Service Stadium and the Star Cafe have long since drifted away like the sound of Ko Lan 's mambo song .",ARG-M-LOC: amid the hubbub of Taipei today | ARG-2: on streets filled with people and traffic "SRL for [sign]: An ultimatum : either [sign] new long - term commitments to buy future episodes , or do n't .",ARG-1: new long - term commitments to buy future episodes SRL for [christianized]: King Valdemar [christianized] the Slavin Vends on the island of Rygen .,ARG-0: King Valdemar | ARG-1: the Slavin Vends | ARG-M-LOC: on the island of Rygen SRL for [schooling]: Poor [schooling] -LRB- both their fault and not -RRB-,ARG-M-MNR: Poor SRL for [cry]: A [cry] from the heart from one of Iraq 's archaeologists,ARG-M-MNR: from the heart | ARG-0: from one of Iraq 's archaeologists SRL for [Uppercut]: Metta World Peace Suspended 1 Game for His [Uppercut] to Brandon Knight .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: to Brandon Knight SRL for [recommit]: I want us to [recommit] .,ARG-0: us SRL for [hungered]: They [hungered] because the bread they had brought with them out of Egypt was gone .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-CAU: because the bread they had brought with them out of Egypt was gone "SRL for [discoursed]: He did nevertheless find time to do an interview with Hong Kong 's Phoenix TV , during which he [discoursed] freely on the subject of Macau 's development .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MNR: freely | ARG-1: on the subject of Macau 's development | ARG-M-TMP: an interview with Hong Kong 's Phoenix TV | R-ARG-M-TMP: during which "SRL for [ruled]: In a case involving Avondale Industries Inc. and its insurer , Travelers Cos . , the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York [ruled] in favor of the company on two issues that lawyers say are central to dozens of pollution cases around the country .","ARG-M-LOC: In a case involving Avondale Industries Inc. and its insurer , Travelers Cos | ARG-0: the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York | ARG-2: in favor of the company | ARG-1: on two issues that lawyers say are central to dozens of pollution cases around the country" SRL for [rerun]: Comedy Central now says it will [rerun] the Tom Cruise episode .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the Tom Cruise episode SRL for [plumbed]: He [plumbed] from the compressor discharges to the intake with PVC drain pipe,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: from the compressor discharges | ARG-3: to the intake | ARG-M-MNR: with PVC drain pipe SRL for [resume]: He said construction would n't [resume] until market conditions warrant it .,ARG-1: construction | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: until market conditions warrant it "SRL for [despairs]: In the play , the Duke of Vienna [despairs] over the licentiousness of his subjects and turns over the rule of the city to the puritanical Angelo , hoping he can set things right .",ARG-M-LOC: In the play | ARG-0: the Duke of Vienna | ARG-1: over the licentiousness of his subjects "SRL for [promoted]: U.S. Trust , a 136 - year - old institution that is one of the earliest high - net worth banks in the U.S. , has faced intensifying competition from other firms that have established , and heavily [promoted] , private - banking businesses of their own .",ARG-0: other firms | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MNR: heavily | ARG-1: private - banking businesses of their own SRL for [oversight]: tougher [oversight] for the company,ARG-M-MNR: tougher | ARG-1: for the company SRL for [throw]: His [throw] of the dice was unsuccessful .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the dice "SRL for [crowd]: `` Personal Computer '' yearbooks are lined up on nearly every desk , and dog - eared copies of Nikkei Computer [crowd] magazine racks .",ARG-2: dog - eared copies of Nikkei Computer | ARG-1: magazine racks "SRL for [hightailing]: The scene opens with pinstripe - suited executives -- Easterners , obviously -- glued to cellular phones and [hightailing] it out of town in chauffeur - driven limousines .",ARG-0: pinstripe - suited executives | ARG-2: it | ARG-1: out of town | ARG-M-LOC: in chauffeur - driven limousines "SRL for [recognition]: She holds regular seminars for new immigrants , and was recently awarded the Queen 's Service Medal in [recognition] of her dedication",ARG-1: of her dedication SRL for [buffer]: High cash positions help [buffer] a fund when the market falls .,ARG-0: High cash positions | ARG-1: a fund | ARG-M-TMP: when the market falls "SRL for [carving]: Then he tapped it with a small stick , which he had personally prepared by paring off the bark and [carving] a pattern of squares into the wood .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a pattern of squares | ARG-2: into the wood "SRL for [lurking]: Even as discussion on missile systems continues , an unprecedented form of threat - third - wave warfare - is [lurking] .",ARG-M-ADV: Even as discussion on missile systems continues | ARG-0: an unprecedented form of threat - third - wave warfare SRL for [refiled]: Documents [refiled] with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the pending spinoff ...,ARG-1: Documents | ARG-2: with the Securities and Exchange Commission | ARG-M-ADV: on the pending spinoff "SRL for [employed]: In the short - term , however , he [employed] a new tactic to prosecute Egypt 's war with Israel .",ARG-M-TMP: In the short - term | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a new tactic | ARG-2: to prosecute Egypt 's war with Israel SRL for [unremarkable]: The MRI was [unremarkable] for malignancy .,ARG-1: The MRI | ARG-2: for malignancy SRL for [sustainable]: This is also an important reason why economists have warned that China 's current growth pattern is not [sustainable] .,ARG-1: China 's current growth pattern | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [laid]: You would never say you got [laid] by someone you love .,ARG-1: you | ARG-0: by someone you love SRL for [red]: She was [red] of hair .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: of hair "SRL for [test]: It did n't run a production [test] on the three discovery wells itdrilled in the field , which is about 1.6 miles from the IntanField , because the wells are similar to others drilled at itsIntan and Widuri fields","ARG-2: production | ARG-1: on the three discovery wells itdrilled in the field , which is about 1.6 miles from the IntanField" SRL for [push]: Gulf of Mexico operators [push] the boundaries of deepwater development .,ARG-0: Gulf of Mexico operators | ARG-1: the boundaries of deepwater development "SRL for [harvest]: Because only a fraction of them are ever prosecuted [*-1] , nobody really knows how much money bogus telemarketing operators really [harvest] [*T*-2] .",ARG-0: bogus telemarketing operators | ARG-M-ADV: really SRL for [summit]: Pretty good . Into thin air . About an everest [summit] that went wrong .,ARG-1: everest | ARG-M-ADJ: that went wrong "SRL for [typifies]: Givaudan Far East Ltd. , a Swiss concern that sells chemicals to shampoo and soap factories in China , [typifies] the problems .","ARG-0: Givaudan Far East Ltd. , a Swiss concern that sells chemicals to shampoo and soap factories in China | ARG-1: the problems" "SRL for [gestures]: whack , whack , whack his hand made vigorous spanking [gestures]",ARG-M-MNR: vigorous | ARG-1: spanking "SRL for [pulled]: Compaq Computer nose - dived $ 8.625 a share , to $ 100 , and [pulled] other technology issues lower after reporting lower - than - expected earnings after the stock market closed Wednesday .",ARG-0: Compaq Computer | ARG-1: other technology issues | ARG-2: lower | ARG-M-TMP: after reporting lower - than - expected earnings after the stock market closed Wednesday "SRL for [bitten]: When it comes to money : Once [bitten] , 2,000 times shy .",ARG-M-TMP: Once "SRL for [concatenated]: WEP , in comparison , merely [concatenated] the initialization vector to the root key .",ARG-0: WEP | ARG-M-ADV: in comparison | ARG-M-ADV: merely | ARG-1: the initialization vector | ARG-2: to the root key "SRL for [mouth - to - mouth resuscitation]: He did [mouth - to - mouth resuscitation] on her while Goodridge , 17 , a senior at Berkmar , did chest compressions .","ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: on her | ARG-M-TMP: while Goodridge , 17 , a senior at Berkmar , did chest compressions" "SRL for [pimped out]: As for David , he [pimped out] his Russian made 1970 Lada with a Fiat motor , racing stripes and a lot of Cuban heart .","ARG-M-DIS: As for David | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his Russian made 1970 Lada | ARG-2: with a Fiat motor , racing stripes and a lot of Cuban heart" SRL for [framed]: His attorneys claim he was [framed] by the FBI and New York police as part of a campaign to destroy the black liberation movement of the 1960s .,ARG-1: he | ARG-0: by the FBI and New York police | ARG-M-ADV: as part of a campaign to destroy the black liberation movement of the 1960s SRL for [brave]: Dakota Gray was [brave] in the face of debilitating fear .,ARG-0: Dakota Gray | ARG-1: in the face of debilitating fear SRL for [covering]: Another popular technique involves [covering] the trees with black mosquito nets to improve yields .,ARG-0: Another popular technique | ARG-1: the trees | ARG-2: with black mosquito nets | ARG-M-PRP: to improve yields SRL for [habits]: change in bowel [habits],ARG-3: bowel "SRL for [snapped up]: If the Paribas bid succeeds , it will be the second time in two months a big French investment banking group has [snapped up] an insurance group .",ARG-0: a big French investment banking group | ARG-1: an insurance group | ARG-M-TMP: the second time in two months SRL for [got]: The march [got] its support from self - serving groups .,ARG-0: The march | ARG-1: its support | ARG-2: from self - serving groups "SRL for [consulting]: Laurance V. Allen , 44 , who had been director for North America , resigned to pursue other business interests and do some [consulting] .","ARG-0: Laurance V. Allen , 44 , who had been director for North America | ARG-M-LVB: do" SRL for [bored]: Mr. Azoff reportedly was [bored] and frequently clashed with top MCA management over a number of issues such as compensation and business plans .,ARG-1: Mr. Azoff SRL for [consistent]: The decision is [consistent] with the company 's policy,ARG-1: The decision | ARG-2: with the company 's policy "SRL for [swat]: However , he acknowledges they `` have the option of taking a [swat] at me if they really want to . ''",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-LVB: taking | ARG-1: at me SRL for [game]: Future Facilities would be [game] for the Webinar at $ 8995 . Ok ? I am sending a proposal tonite do please let me know if $ is OK . Thanks Jan,ARG-0: Future Facilities | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: for the Webinar | ARG-M-ADV: at $ 8995 SRL for [banging]: The door 's [banging] in the wind kept John up all night .,ARG-0: The door | ARG-M-LOC: in the wind "SRL for [composed]: The team was [composed] of representatives from engineering , manufacturing , corporate estimating , flight test , material , quality control , and other departments .","ARG-1: The team | ARG-2: of representatives from engineering , manufacturing , corporate estimating , flight test , material , quality control , and other departments" SRL for [to devolve]: The Vatican is in no hurry [to devolve] power .,ARG-0: The Vatican | ARG-1: power "SRL for [owed]: Under the plan , unsecured creditors , who are [owed] about $ 430 million , would receive about $ 92 million , or 21 cents for each dollar they are owed .",ARG-2: unsecured creditors | R-ARG-2: who | ARG-1: about $ 430 million SRL for [infraction]: I take full responsibility for my body but that does not absolve him of his [infraction] against me .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against me SRL for [darted]: My tailor then [darted] the shirt by removing fabric from the sides and adding two small pleats .,ARG-0: My tailor | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the shirt | ARG-M-MNR: by removing fabric from the sides and adding two small pleats "SRL for [sequester]: Credit Agricole asked a Milan court to [sequester] the Nuovo Banco shares , the Italian news agency ANSA reported .",ARG-0: a Milan court | ARG-1: the Nuovo Banco shares SRL for [shaming]: Jesus 's [shaming] them publicly for their hypocrisy angered the Pharisees .,ARG-0: Jesus 's | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: publicly | ARG-M-CAU: for their hypocrisy SRL for [narration]: It appears that Ibn Taymiyyah 's purpose is to prove that Ibn ' Abbhs did not think that his [narration] of the åadjth was abrogated .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the åadjth "SRL for [confuse]: Temple , however , harshly criticized Sea Containers ' plan yesterday , characterizing it as a `` highly conditional device designed to entrench management , [confuse] shareholders and prevent them from accepting our superior cash offer . ''",ARG-0: a `` highly conditional device | ARG-1: shareholders SRL for [skydiving]: You could probably go like do [skydiving] or something .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-LVB: do SRL for [gabbled]: She [gabbled] a blessing after them .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: a blessing | ARG-2: after them "SRL for [dissuade]: Republicans would try to attach a capital - gains provision to that legislation , hoping the political popularity of its other two parts would [dissuade] Democrats from blocking it .",ARG-0: the political popularity of its other two parts | ARG-1: Democrats | ARG-2: from blocking it SRL for [Myelosuppression]: [Myelosuppression] of thrombocytes and monocytes is associated with a lack of synergy between chemotherapy and anti - VEGF treatment .,ARG-1: of thrombocytes and monocytes "SRL for [bedded down]: when ... you ca n't eat until he 's [bedded down] for the night , hunger can be a gnawing torture .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: for the night SRL for [patent]: a [patent] on an oil drilling bit seal,ARG-1: on an oil drilling bit seal "SRL for [erupted]: On so-called Manic Monday , Oct. 16 , stock prices plunged across Europe and trading problems [erupted] .","ARG-M-TMP: On so-called Manic Monday , Oct. 16 | ARG-1: trading problems" SRL for [cawed]: The three gulls [cawed] .,ARG-0: The three gulls SRL for [filed]: University Patents [filed] a suit in federal court in Philadelphia .,ARG-0: University Patents | ARG-1: a suit | ARG-2: in federal court | ARG-M-LOC: in Philadelphia SRL for [fair]: Its not [fair] to the investors that everyone keeps hating them for doing NOTHING wrong !,ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: to the investors | ARG-1: that everyone keeps hating them for doing NOTHING wrong SRL for [ideal]: ' Peasant car ' is [ideal] for farming .,ARG-1: ' Peasant car ' | ARG-2: for farming SRL for [open]: The position is still [open] for anyone interested in submitting a resume .,ARG-1: The position | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-3: for anyone interested in submitting a resume SRL for [Reimplantation]: [Reimplantation] of the avulsed tooth can restore esthetic appearance and occlusal function shortly after the injury .,ARG-1: of the avulsed tooth SRL for [cued]: Mary accidently [cued] John for his stage enterence,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-M-ADV: accidently | ARG-2: John | ARG-1: for his stage enterence SRL for [avulsion]: small [avulsion] of bone from the fibular head,ARG-M-ADJ: small | ARG-1: of bone | ARG-M-DIR: from the fibular head SRL for [rebuttal]: The questions that were posed by the journalists dealt with the context of : to what extent can the response and the [rebuttal] to the response end ?,ARG-2: to the response "SRL for [numbered]: Items listed as being in short supply [numbered] only about a dozen , but they included one newcomer : milk and milk powder .",ARG-1: Items listed as being in short supply | ARG-2: only about a dozen "SRL for [strip]: After the term extension was declared invalid , retaliatory constitutional amendments were proposed in the National Assembly to abolish the Council of Grand Justices and [strip] the justices of their lifetime stipends .",ARG-2: the justices | ARG-1: of their lifetime stipends "SRL for [deserted]: Mr. Bauman , a conservative , says he was [deserted] by the right wing .",ARG-1: he | ARG-0: by the right wing "SRL for [occlusion]: This in turn by its [occlusion] of the portal vein interfered with the intestinal circulation , and caused the ascites and other symptoms noted during life .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the portal vein SRL for [expected]: The Senate is n't [expected] to act until next week .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: The Senate | ARG-M-TMP: until next week | C-ARG-1: to act "SRL for [tangle]: The flying telephone : `` You [tangle] the base cord around a chair leg , and the receiver does seem to fly off . ''",ARG-0: You | ARG-1: the base cord | ARG-2: around a chair leg "SRL for [unsettled]: I have to admit that deep down I was [unsettled] about the experience , but I was ignoring my anxiety .",ARG-M-LOC: deep down | ARG-1: I | ARG-0: about the experience "SRL for [dating]: The book loses some momentum toward the end , when Lily becomes more preoccupied with [dating] boys and less with her delightfully weird family .",ARG-0: Lily | ARG-1: boys SRL for [straightened up]: John [straightened up] the apartment .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the apartment SRL for [lubrication]: Increased [lubrication] of the basal surfaces of glaciers .,ARG-M-EXT: Increased | ARG-1: the basal surfaces of glaciers SRL for [approach]: The climbers started on the south [approach] to the summit .,ARG-M-DIR: south | ARG-2: to the summit SRL for [trespass]: We have clear evidence of his illegal [trespass] on Palton 's property ...,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on Palton 's property SRL for [calved]: The near - Connecticut - sized iceberg [calved] into many pieces over subsequent years,ARG-1: The near - Connecticut - sized iceberg | ARG-2: into many pieces | ARG-M-TMP: over subsequent years "SRL for [hatted]: It loosed its grip on her mind many years since , and [hatted] her with gray wool , then deposited her back in Reason 's house",ARG-0: It | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: with gray wool SRL for [review]: The decoration ceremony included a grand military [review] and a march - by .,ARG-M-ADJ: grand | ARG-1: military SRL for [barricading]: The truck drew fire after driving past a security checkpoint and through a wall [barricading] the buildings .,ARG-2: a wall | ARG-1: the buildings SRL for [alert]: The Fox News [alert],ARG-0: Fox News SRL for [clapped]: He grinned and [clapped] me on the shoulder .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-LOC: on the shoulder "SRL for [cut]: A little while ago we went into Transference Audio in Arlington to [cut] a new single with out pal Matthew Girard ( Parks , Golden Bloom ) .","ARG-0: we | ARG-1: a new single | ARG-3: with out pal Matthew Girard ( Parks , Golden Bloom )" SRL for [Great]: Google Glass Is [Great] for Toddlers . Seriously .,ARG-1: Google Glass | ARG-2: for Toddlers SRL for [predisposition]: a [predisposition] to malignancy,ARG-2: to malignancy SRL for [retirement]: Her [retirement] from the public school system,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: from the public school system "SRL for [affair]: Taiwan originally is our domestic [affair] , but Americans insisted on selling weapon to them to use against us .",ARG-1: our | ARG-2: domestic SRL for [began]: The book [began] with a murder,ARG-1: The book | ARG-2: with a murder "SRL for [decreed]: ( Within her garden , she has [decreed] a waterfall , a rill , ponds and other costly , trivial waterworks beside the Hudson . )","ARG-M-LOC: Within her garden | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: a waterfall , a rill , ponds and other costly , trivial waterworks | ARG-M-LOC: beside the Hudson" SRL for [decision]: the Fed [decision] on interest rates .,ARG-0: Fed | ARG-3: on interest rates SRL for [quadruple]: One person familiar with Georgia - Pacific said the acquisition would more than [quadruple] the company 's debt of almost $ 3 billion .,ARG-0: the acquisition | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: more than | ARG-1: the company 's debt of almost $ 3 billion SRL for [colostomy]: The doctor performed ileoascending [colostomy],ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-M-LOC: ileoascending "SRL for [regroup]: After the 1987 crash , and as a result of the recommendations of many studies , `` circuit breakers '' were devised to allow market participants to [regroup] and restore orderly market conditions .",ARG-0: market participants SRL for [occluded]: The right posterior tibial artery may be [occluded] by plaque .,ARG-1: The right posterior tibial artery | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-0: by plaque "SRL for [exports]: Westmoreland [exports] about a fourth of its coal tonnage , including a significant amount of metallurgical coal produced by others that is used by steelmakers overseas .","ARG-0: Westmoreland | ARG-1: about a fourth of its coal tonnage , including a significant amount of metallurgical coal produced by others that is used by steelmakers overseas" "SRL for [rediscover]: Even the Soviet Union has Peter the Great to [rediscover] , should it choose to .",ARG-0: the Soviet Union | ARG-1: Peter the Great | ARG-M-ADV: should it choose to "SRL for [regeneration]: And it is no accident that Blake 's [regeneration] of Urizen appears simultaneously with the new character of the Spectre , for these two prominent innovations in Blake 's myth are profoundly linked .",ARG-0: Blake 's | ARG-1: of Urizen SRL for [enhance]: It implies that good swimming athletes coming from five continents and four oceans assembled together in Rome to strengthen understanding and [enhance] friendship through competition .,ARG-0: good swimming athletes coming from five continents and four oceans | ARG-1: friendship | ARG-2: through competition "SRL for [ruffled]: This is a fact -- though , in view of all the feathers that are [ruffled] by this fact , it is not surprising that one hears so little about it .",ARG-1: all the feathers | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-0: by this fact SRL for [down]: I fell [down] a well .,ARG-2: a well "SRL for [impregnated]: It suffices that I was not an exception among my compatriots , since this is a very Spanish characteristic , and our art , exponent of the Spanish spirit , was [impregnated] with these two sentiments .",ARG-1: our art | ARG-2: with these two sentiments "SRL for [fretted]: Meanwhile , business and government leaders rebuked the computer makers , and [fretted] about the broader statement the companies ' actions make about Japanese cutthroat pricing .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-0: business and government leaders | ARG-1: about the broader statement the companies ' actions make about Japanese cutthroat pricing SRL for [graded]: The teacher [graded] the paper .,ARG-0: The teacher | ARG-1: the paper SRL for [capsized]: A fishing boat crowded with more than 100 African migrants [capsized] at least twice while sailing to Spain 's Canary Islands .,ARG-1: A fishing boat crowded with more than 100 African migrants | ARG-M-MNR: at least twice | ARG-M-TMP: while sailing to Spain 's Canary Islands "SRL for [spaced]: But again , he totally [spaced] on the whole ' speech ' thing , and only succeeded in creating really powerful pains in the butt .",ARG-M-DIS: But again | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: totally | ARG-1: on the whole ' speech ' thing "SRL for [equated]: In practice , it ends up being [equated] with a `` self - expression '' that encourages the youngsters ' `` self - esteem . ''",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with a `` self - expression '' that encourages the youngsters ' `` self - esteem SRL for [Sufficient]: Hydroxyglutarate Is [Sufficient] to Promote Leukemogenesis and Its Effects Are Reversible .,ARG-0: Hydroxyglutarate | ARG-1: to Promote Leukemogenesis "SRL for [warmed]: William Lynes , a retired engineer from Lockheed Corp. , says he and his wife , Lily , [warmed] to the investment pitches of a penny - stock peddler from Stuart - James Co. in Atlanta after the broker told them he , too , had once worked with Lockheed .","ARG-0: he and his wife , Lily | ARG-1: to the investment pitches of a penny - stock peddler from Stuart - James Co. in Atlanta | ARG-M-TMP: after the broker told them he , too , had once worked with Lockheed" SRL for [attempt]: Congress ' [attempt] to deny the president the funding necessary to execute certain of his duties and prerogatives specified in Article II of the Constitution .,ARG-0: Congress ' | ARG-1: to deny the president the funding necessary to execute certain of his duties and prerogatives specified in Article II of the Constitution SRL for [packing up]: Jermaine 's [packing up] his bags to leave showed Tito he was serious about quitting the band for good .,ARG-0: Jermaine 's | ARG-1: his bags | ARG-M-PRP: to leave SRL for [received]: Georgia Gulf [received] a new takeover bid from investor Harold Simmons of $ 50 million a share .,ARG-0: Georgia Gulf | ARG-1: a new takeover bid | ARG-2: from investor Harold Simmons | ARG-4: of $ 50 million a share SRL for [eaten]: Euro Disneyland shares made a debut like Snow White yesterday while most of the London stock market looked like it had [eaten] the Evil Queen 's poisoned apple .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the Evil Queen 's poisoned apple SRL for [furrows]: Mr Pyszkiewicz smiles and his brow [furrows] .,ARG-1: his brow SRL for [overcommitted]: It 's unwise to be [overcommitted] to stocks .,ARG-2: to stocks SRL for [drive]: Take a quick [drive] around the country .,ARG-M-MNR: quick | ARG-1: around the country SRL for [serrated]: He then [serrated] the ends with a knife .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the ends | ARG-2: with a knife "SRL for [cobbled]: Mr. Van de Kamp is the one who collected the plans from the various radical environmental groups and [cobbled] them into a single unwieldy initiative to be placed on the ballot for election on Nov. 6 , 1990 .","ARG-0: the one | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: into a single unwieldy initiative to be placed on the ballot for election on Nov. 6 , 1990" SRL for [initialized]: Why should you check a static variable for nil if it was [initialized] to nil on the previous line ?,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to nil | ARG-M-LOC: on the previous line ? SRL for [pleas]: [pleas] for aid from South Carolina small businesses,ARG-2: for aid | ARG-0: from South Carolina small businesses SRL for [rewording]: Is their [rewording] it going to make it any different ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: it SRL for [to the right of]: so we are going [to the right of] the base block,ARG-2: the base block SRL for [denatured]: The target DNA is [denatured] from dsDNA to ssDNA by heating to about 95 ° C .,ARG-1: The target DNA | ARG-2: ssDNA | ARG-3: dsDNA SRL for [work up]: How should you [work up] the incidental finding of a rare metamyelocyte on a peripheral blood smear from a child ?,ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-0: you | ARG-2: the incidental finding of a rare metamyelocyte on a peripheral blood smear from a child | ARG-M-MNR: How SRL for [itching]: Wendy 's [itching] improved after several doses of antihistamines .,ARG-1: Wendy 's SRL for [flow]: cash [flow] from profits,ARG-1: cash | ARG-M-DIR: from profits SRL for [evaluation]: the frozen section histological [evaluation],ARG-M-ADJ: frozen section | ARG-M-MNR: histological | ARG-1: the frozen "SRL for [foundering]: Free State Glass Industries of Warrenton , Va. , a small fabricator of architectural glass , was [foundering] under its original management .","ARG-1: Free State Glass Industries of Warrenton , Va. , a small fabricator of architectural glass | ARG-2: under its original management" "SRL for [beatdown]: They do n't say , "" Well the rule is , if you run and we catch you , you get a [beatdown] for making us run .",ARG-M-ADV: if you run and we catch you | ARG-1: you | ARG-M-LVB: get | ARG-3: for making us run SRL for [inactive]: At present she is still quite [inactive] .,ARG-M-TMP: At present | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-EXT: quite SRL for [restore]: Pacific Gas & Electric fell 3/8 to 19 5/8 in Big Board composite trading of 1.7 million shares and Pacific Telesis Group slipped 5/8 to 44 5/8 as the companies worked to [restore] service to areas affected by the quake .,ARG-0: the companies | ARG-1: service | ARG-2: to areas affected by the quake SRL for [error]: City Clerk Nancy Shollenberger announced today that she would reimburse the City for expenses incurred due to her [error] on the Sample ballot,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: on the Sample ballot SRL for [means]: A wagging tail [means] the dog is happy .,ARG-1: A wagging tail | ARG-2: the dog is happy SRL for [snowy]: Here and there the trail is [snowy] with tiny white petals,ARG-M-LOC: Here and there | ARG-2: the trail | ARG-1: with tiny white petals SRL for [collapses]: What happens to me if Campeau [collapses] between now and then ? '',ARG-1: Campeau | ARG-M-TMP: between now and then SRL for [ride]: the stock market 's roller - coaster [ride],ARG-0: the stock market 's | ARG-1: roller - coaster SRL for [investment]: a $ 1 billion [investment] in Hoylake,ARG-1: $ 1 billion | ARG-2: in Hoylake "SRL for [interposed]: Then she tiptoed to his side , [interposed] the parasol between him and the sun , and brushed away the flies .",ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the parasol | ARG-2: between him and the sun SRL for [plea]: The firm 's guilty [plea] to federal insider - trading charges,ARG-0: The firm 's | ARG-1: guilty | ARG-2: to federal insider - trading charges SRL for [axed]: Child Benefit would be [axed] .,ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: Child Benefit SRL for [chops]: She sectioned a whole chicken with a few skillful [chops] of the cleaver .,ARG-M-TMP: few | ARG-M-MNR: skillful | ARG-2: of the cleaver SRL for [education]: The crush of business professionals fighting for a spot in the MBA program at Taiwan 's most illustrious institution of higher [education] - National Taiwan University ...,ARG-2: higher SRL for [source]: they continued to [source] raw materials and semi - finished goods from Taiwan .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: raw materials and semi - finished goods | ARG-2: from Taiwan "SRL for [sharing]: Thanks to info - [sharing] , the internet gives an insurgency , they 're back at it , with better wiring diagrams . A week ago -LRB- Oct. 24 ' 05 -RRB- , a pressure bomb shredded a Humvee in Baqouba , tearing four GIs legs to pieces .",ARG-1: info | ARG-M-ADJ: the internet gives an insurgency "SRL for [yielded]: Mr. Kennedy suggested Democrats `` [yielded] a great deal '' on the size of the increase , but he cited concessions from the White House on the training wage , which he said make it `` less harsh . ''",ARG-0: Democrats | ARG-1: a great deal | C-ARG-1: on the size of the increase SRL for [allowance]: You have to make [allowance] for the weather .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: for the weather "SRL for [recited]: Then , he refused to show us the decision of the committee and [recited] its results to us .",ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: its results | ARG-2: to us "SRL for [fine]: Her notions were [fine] , and her dress was fine ; she was gay and giddy and very pretty , and would do nothing all day but read books",ARG-1: Her notions "SRL for [bartered]: What Aeroflot does n't pour into its own gas - guzzling Ilyushins is [bartered] to the airport authority , which resells it to 11 Western carriers including Air France , Trans World Airlines and Pakistan International Airlines .","ARG-1: What Aeroflot does n't pour into its own gas - guzzling Ilyushins | ARG-2: to the airport authority , which resells it to 11 Western carriers including Air France , Trans World Airlines and Pakistan International Airlines" SRL for [commanded]: Now we are all here before God to hear everything the Lord has [commanded] you to tell us . '',ARG-0: the Lord | ARG-1: you | ARG-2: to tell us "SRL for [projected]: On top of that , Boeing would make cost - of - living adjustments [projected] to be 5 % for each year of the contract .",ARG-1: cost - of - living adjustments | ARG-2: to be 5 % for each year of the contract SRL for [undermining]: extensive [undermining] of skin from the gland,ARG-M-EXT: extensive | ARG-1: of skin | ARG-2: from the gland SRL for [laced]: Erwin [laced] his boots and reached for his willow stick .,ARG-0: Erwin | ARG-1: his boots SRL for [retribution]: The family of a lazy and irresponsible man put heads together to seek ways of [retribution] against him for being nonchalant about their welfare .,ARG-1: against him | ARG-2: for being nonchalant about their welfare SRL for [sundowned]: My other patient [sundowned] and I swear I had the same exact conversation with her ten times in one hour,ARG-1: My other patient SRL for [paramutation]: The physical pairing could allow the transfer of proteins mediating [paramutation] from the B ' to the B - I allele .,ARG-0: from the B ' | ARG-1: to the B - I allele "SRL for [surprised]: Analysts , who were expecting Alcoa to post around $ 2.70 to $ 3 a share , were [surprised] at the lackluster third - quarter results .","ARG-1: Analysts , who were expecting Alcoa to post around $ 2.70 to $ 3 a share | ARG-0: at the lackluster third - quarter results" "SRL for [maladaptation]: Consistent with a [maladaptation] of fatty acid oxidation , cardiac power ( measured ex vivo ) decreased with long term western diet only .",ARG-1: of fatty acid oxidation "SRL for [rushing]: One person familiar with UAL said the unsettled labor situation and the uncertain world - wide financial markets contributed to the board 's decision to avoid `` [rushing] around selling the company at a bargain price , '' particularly since it accepted a $ 300 - a - share offer just last month .",ARG-1: the board | ARG-2: around | ARG-M-ADV: selling the company at a bargain price SRL for [tiny]: The left accessory artery supplying the upper pole is [tiny] and does not enhance ; it is likely occluded .,ARG-1: The left accessory artery supplying the upper pole "SRL for [rectified]: He described the situation as `` an escrow problem , a timing issue , '' which he said was rapidly [rectified] , with no losses to customers .","ARG-M-TMP: rapidly | ARG-1: an escrow problem , a timing issue | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-M-MNR: with no losses to customers" SRL for [puckered]: She [puckered] his lips and smacked them against the wooden box .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: his lips SRL for [fixed]: ... at an expected premium of 2 1/2 % to the closing price when terms are [fixed] Tuesday .,ARG-1: terms | ARG-M-TMP: Tuesday SRL for [plaited]: I [plaited] the three strands of dough into a wreath .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the three strands of dough | ARG-2: into a wreath SRL for [shame]: a source of [shame] to orthodox Communists,ARG-1: to orthodox Communists SRL for [freelance]: [freelance] writing,ARG-1: writing "SRL for [trivialize]: It never ceases to amaze me how the business world continues to [trivialize] the world 's environmental problems ( `` Is Science , or Private Gain , Driving Ozone Policy ? '' by George Melloan , Business World , Oct. 24 ) .",ARG-0: the business world | ARG-1: the world 's environmental problems "SRL for [evidenced]: [Sluggish demand]-1 was also [evidenced] *trace*-1 by the weak 2.41-to-1 bid - to - cover ratio , which was lower than the average 2.79-to-1 ratio at the last 12 similar auctions .","ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-0: by the weak 2.41-to-1 bid - to - cover ratio , which was lower than the average 2.79-to-1 ratio at the last 12 similar auctions" "SRL for [call]: She was gone then , her [call] goodbye to Billy echoed in Jacob 's ears .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: goodbye | ARG-2: to Billy SRL for [agreement]: a confidentiality [agreement] with Dunkin ' Donuts,ARG-1: confidentiality | ARG-2: with Dunkin ' Donuts SRL for [copped]: Mary [copped] an apple from the fruit stand while no one was looking .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: an apple | ARG-2: the fruit stand SRL for [acquiesce]: A key is whether House Republicans are willing to [acquiesce] to their Senate colleagues ' decision to drop many pet provisions .,ARG-0: House Republicans | ARG-1: to their Senate colleagues ' decision to drop many pet provisions SRL for [visit]: Argentine negotiator Carlos Carballo will [visit] with banks this week .,ARG-0: Argentine negotiator Carlos Carballo | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: with banks | ARG-M-TMP: this week SRL for [debut]: The [debut] of the senior Professional Baseball Association,ARG-1: of the senior Professional Baseball Association SRL for [powdered]: She [powdered] the cake with sugar and cocoa after it has cooled down .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the cake | ARG-2: with sugar and cocoa | ARG-M-TMP: after it has cooled down "SRL for [over]: It seems Bieber , 21 , is still not [over] his first love .","ARG-1: Bieber , 21 | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: his first love" "SRL for [white]: When you look at other western countries like Canada , America , Australia , the vast majority of its immigrants are not [white] these days and are probably heading for a more diverse future , so much so to the point that these nations will have very different demographic look to them in 50 years time .","ARG-M-ADV: When you look at other western countries like Canada , America , Australia | ARG-1: the vast majority of its immigrants | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: these days" "SRL for [picking away]: Desperate , he has called in the Libyans to help fight the rebels of the Somali National Movement in the north , which is only one of several groups [picking away] at the regime in the capital of Mogadishu .",ARG-0: several groups | ARG-1: at the regime in the capital of Mogadishu SRL for [bore]: Somilian pirates / mexican drug cartels would [bore] the hell out of me .,ARG-0: Somilian pirates / mexican drug cartels | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-3: the hell | ARG-1: out of me "SRL for [plunged]: "" Attention "" yelled our pilot as our basket [plunged] into the canal .",ARG-1: our basket | ARG-2: into the canal SRL for [transition]: USX 's [transition] from Big Steel to Big Oil,ARG-1: USX 's | ARG-3: from Big Steel | ARG-2: to Big Oil "SRL for [require]: Being so fragile and minute , they will [require] special special robotic handling equipment .",ARG-M-CAU: Being so fragile and minute | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: special special robotic handling equipment SRL for [altercation]: Ramos claims that his [altercation] with Yeezy left him on crutches for two weeks .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: with Yeezy "SRL for [asleep]: But I was [asleep] through the whole thing , your honour !",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: I | ARG-2: through the whole thing | ARG-M-DIS: your honour ! "SRL for [dimerization]: Therefore , to determine if the observed [dimerization] - dependent LRP5c signaling requires membrane localization , we dimerized non - targeted LRP5c .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: non - targeted LRP5c "SRL for [parallel]: But , analysts say , Asian cooperation is n't likely to [parallel] the European Common Market approach .",ARG-0: Asian cooperation | ARG-1: the European Common Market approach "SRL for [shooting]: The only thing that is indicative of his [shooting] her in the head , is the scene previous to her dying , in which she spins the p90 around .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: her | ARG-3: in the head SRL for [undeveloped]: It went on to target for compulsory acquisition the land [undeveloped] by farmers and lying fallow such as for example where a farmer had a couple thousand hectares of land and was only actively farming half of that land .,ARG-1: the land | ARG-0: by farmers "SRL for [ran]: The magazine 's editors [ran] a giant diagram of the product with arrows pointing to the packaging 's polystyrene foam , polyproplene and polyester film -- all plastic items they say are non - biodegradable .","ARG-0: The magazine 's editors | ARG-1: a giant diagram of the product with arrows pointing to the packaging 's polystyrene foam , polyproplene and polyester film -- all plastic items they say are non - biodegradable" "SRL for [graduation]: Thompson Boxing Promotions congratulates "" King "" Artemio Reyes on his [graduation] from Riverside Community College .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: from Riverside Community College "SRL for [quickened]: At the same time , various places have [quickened] steps of relaxing control over small enterprises .",ARG-M-TMP: At the same time | ARG-0: various places | ARG-1: steps of relaxing control over small enterprises "SRL for [staff]: To help residents in Northern California rebuild , FEMA intends to set up 17 disaster assistance offices in the earthquake area in the next several days and to [staff] them with 400 to 500 workers from various agencies , said Robert Volland , chief of the agency 's individual assistance division .",ARG-0: FEMA | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with 400 to 500 workers from various agencies SRL for [outflow]: [outflow] through the stented segment,ARG-M-DIR: through the stented segment SRL for [unreeling]: Each successive movement in his growing was recorded on the [unreeling] film inside her .,ARG-1: film SRL for [extinguish]: It would [extinguish] all of Eagle 's existing capital stock and issue new stock to York as sole holder .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: all of Eagle 's existing capital stock SRL for [exorcised]: he [exorcised] it of some unknown uncleanliness or sin,ARG-0: he | ARG-2: it | ARG-1: of some unknown uncleanliness or sin SRL for [christened]: The destroyer was [christened] there five years ago .,ARG-1: The destroyer | ARG-M-LOC: there | ARG-M-TMP: five years ago SRL for [teeing off]: Drink a capful before [teeing off] at each hole .,ARG-M-LOC: at each hole SRL for [rule]: Other analysts say the Indian leader could retain control with a slim majority or be forced to [rule] as the dominant partner in a coalition with other parties .,ARG-0: the Indian leader | ARG-M-PRD: as the dominant partner in a coalition with other parties SRL for [fall]: their [fall] to the Babylonians in 587 BC,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: to the Babylonians | ARG-M-TMP: in 587 BC "SRL for [recital]: Later this season , he gives a Bach [recital] at Washington 's Kennedy Center .",ARG-M-TMP: Later this season | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LVB: gives | ARG-1: Bach | ARG-M-LOC: at Washington 's Kennedy Center "SRL for [preclude]: But Mr. Smith said Sony intends to prove that the oral agreement did in fact exist , and that even the existing written contract does n't [preclude] the producers from taking executive posts at another studio .",ARG-0: even the existing written contract | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the producers | ARG-2: from taking executive posts at another studio SRL for [crushed]: We are [crushed] with sorrow .,ARG-1: We | ARG-0: with sorrow SRL for [fight]: a [fight] with Hollywood agent Renee Tab,ARG-1: with Hollywood agent Renee Tab "SRL for [graveled]: They [graveled] the roads and beautified the place with bulbs , bushes and 25 magnolia trees .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the roads SRL for [predation]: Influence of nest site selection on [predation] of flatback sea turtle ( Natator depressus ) eggs by varanid lizards in Northern Australia .,ARG-1: of flatback sea turtle ( Natator depressus ) eggs | ARG-0: by varanid lizards | ARG-M-LOC: in Northern Australia "SRL for [bullshit]: All he does is to [bullshit] with his squad , and they are the stupidest bastards around .",ARG-0: he | ARG-2: with his squad "SRL for [transcended]: But rather than stirring rage and tragic acts of revenge , those sentiments have been [transcended] , so that Green Island is now site of Asia 's first monument to human rights .",ARG-1: those sentiments | ARG-M-PRP: so that Green Island is now site of Asia 's first monument to human rights "SRL for [darker]: I 'm very pale caucasian and my chest is [darker] than my face , if I were to match to my chest I 'd just look a bit mucky , like I had n't washed in weeks , and I think that if your foundation does n't completely blend into your natural skintone along your jawline you can look like you 're wearing a mask .",ARG-1: my chest | ARG-M-CXN: than my face SRL for [starched]: Mr. Wayne [starched] his shirt before the meeting .,ARG-0: Mr. Wayne | ARG-1: his shirt | ARG-M-TMP: before the meeting "SRL for [motivate]: Jeffrey Nichols , president of APMS Canada , Toronto precious metals advisers , said there is little to [motivate] gold traders to buy the metal .",ARG-0: little | ARG-1: gold traders | ARG-2: to buy the metal SRL for [sulked]: She [sulked] about the lack of other kids to play with in their new neighborhood .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: about the lack of other kids to play with in their new neighborhood SRL for [inked]: She shivered - was that a swastika [inked] onto his forehead ?,ARG-1: a swastika | ARG-2: onto his forehead SRL for [wicking]: ... [wicking] fabric ...,ARG-0: fabric SRL for [constellated]: In quasi - ritual actions he [constellated] symbolic objects .,ARG-M-LOC: In quasi - ritual actions | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: symbolic objects SRL for [toggle]: I ca n't [toggle] the bolt catch manually .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the bolt catch | ARG-M-MNR: manually "SRL for [cognition]: so as long as there is a likeness without causality among the angels , each will retain his [cognition] of the others .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the others SRL for [differential]: Blood agar is [differential] for hemolysis .,ARG-0: Blood agar | ARG-1: for hemolysis "SRL for [requested]: Timex had [requested] duty - free treatment for many types of watches , covered by 58 different U.S. tariff classifications .","ARG-0: Timex | ARG-1: duty - free treatment for many types of watches , covered by 58 different U.S. tariff classifications" "SRL for [rubs]: Heart : S1 , S2 normal without murmurs , [rubs] , or gallops .", "SRL for [unveiled]: The Avon , Conn. , company 's stock hit a high in 1983 after it [unveiled] its Adam home computer , but the product was plagued with glitches and the company 's fortunes plunged .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its Adam home computer SRL for [mistake]: Haggerty 's notes have the defenseman well aware of his [mistake] on the winning goal .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on the winning goal "SRL for [reappears]: According to the myth , Old Order then vanishes at stage left and [reappears] at extreme stage right , but Director Shuz skillfully sidesteps the rather gooshey problem of stage effects by simply having Miss Arapacis walk across the stage .",ARG-M-ADV: According to the myth | ARG-1: Old Order | ARG-M-DIS: then | ARG-M-LOC: at extreme stage right "SRL for [interrupted]: He [interrupted] , `` Please do n't judge all poets '' .",ARG-0: He | ARG-2: `` Please do n't judge all poets '' SRL for [killed off]: Such films have [killed off] the local movie industry .,ARG-0: Such films | ARG-1: the local movie industry "SRL for [stare]: Totally absorbed , the ringers [stare] straight ahead , using peripheral vision ( they call it `` rope - sight '' ) to watch the other ropes and thus time their pulls .",ARG-M-ADV: Totally absorbed | ARG-0: the ringers | ARG-M-DIR: straight ahead | ARG-M-ADV: using peripheral vision ( they call it `` rope - sight '' ) to watch the other ropes and thus time their pulls SRL for [uniform]: The cells are [uniform] and have granular cytoplasm and are of low cytologic atypia .,ARG-1: The cells SRL for [oath]: his [oath] of office,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of office "SRL for [topped]: In savings activity , Mr. Sandler said consumer deposits have enjoyed a steady increase throughout 1989 , and [topped] $ 11 billion at quarter 's end for the first time in the company 's history .",ARG-0: consumer deposits | ARG-1: $ 11 billion | ARG-M-TMP: at quarter 's end | ARG-M-TMP: for the first time in the company 's history "SRL for [speeding]: According to Kyle Evans , he says he stopped a man and inquired about the reason for his [speeding] .",ARG-1: his SRL for [induction]: Do these data proscribe [induction] of labor in a patient with a low transverse uterine incision ?,ARG-2: of labor | ARG-1: in a patient with a low transverse uterine incision SRL for [inquiry]: Liverpool never made an [inquiry] for the England player at the end of last season despite being aware of the ? 12 m asking price .,ARG-0: Liverpool | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-GOL: for the England player | ARG-M-TMP: at the end of last season | ARG-M-ADV: despite being aware of the ? 12 m asking price SRL for [suffices]: God [suffices] for me .,ARG-0: God | ARG-1: for me "SRL for [piss]: I 've got a quarter of a million Germans in my state , and those krautheads tune in on Father Werther every night , and if he tells them to go out and [piss] in the public square , that 's what they do .",ARG-0: them | ARG-M-LOC: in the public square SRL for [overdrew]: The agent [overdrew] the results he claimed .,ARG-0: The agent | ARG-1: the results he claimed "SRL for [smuggle]: Still , employees do occasionally try to [smuggle] out a gem or two .",ARG-0: employees | ARG-2: out | ARG-1: a gem or two "SRL for [further]: But unlike Mr. Ruder , who during the 1987 crash damaged himself by saying rather offhandedly that the markets might be closed , Mr. Breeden is turning the market drop to his own advantage , using it to [further] his agenda for the SEC .",ARG-0: Mr. Breeden | ARG-1: his agenda for the SEC "SRL for [pre - hatching]: A previous study indicates that , as in some parasitic nematode lineages , a [pre - hatching] juvenile stage also exists in Diplogastrid nematodes .",ARG-1: stage SRL for [prevent]: Lawyers seek to [prevent] the client from committing a criminal act .,ARG-0: Lawyers | ARG-1: the client | ARG-2: committing a criminal act "SRL for [prune]: `` We are n't inclined to [prune] stock portfolios now , '' says Steven G. Einhorn , chairman of the investment policy committee of Goldman , Sachs & Co.",ARG-0: We | ARG-2: stock portfolios | ARG-M-TMP: now SRL for [bilateral]: The supranuclear innervation is [bilateral] to the muscles of the forehead and eyes but only contralateral to the muscles of the lower part of the face .,ARG-1: The supranuclear innervation | ARG-2: to the muscles of the forehead and eyes "SRL for [boxed]: I took Vintage Valentine Post Cards , and ' [boxed] ' them around a small vase , to give the centerpiece an interesting focal point .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: around a small vase | ARG-M-PRP: to give the centerpiece an interesting focal point SRL for [overcontrolling]: Are my parents [overcontrolling] my life ?,ARG-0: my parents | ARG-1: my life ? "SRL for [vomiting]: The council 's annual report has psyllium on its last page , lumped with such unglamorous export items as sarsaparilla and `` Nux vomica , '' a plant that induces [vomiting] .", "SRL for [underpinned]: London share prices closed modestly higher largely on technical factors , although the market was [underpinned] near the end of the session by Wall Street 's firmer trend .",ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-TMP: near the end of the session | ARG-0: by Wall Street 's firmer trend "SRL for [screened]: GMAC [screened] the card - member list for holders more than 30 years old with household incomes over $ 45,000 who had n't `` missed any payments , '' the Buick spokeswoman says .","ARG-0: GMAC | ARG-1: the card - member list | ARG-2: for holders more than 30 years old with household incomes over $ 45,000 who had n't `` missed any payments" "SRL for [washed]: They have [washed] their robes with the blood of the Lamb , and they are clean and white .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their robes | ARG-2: with the blood of the Lamb "SRL for [ride]: During Winter Carnival week , for example , visitors at Sunday River in Maine can take a hot - air balloon [ride] .",ARG-0: visitors at Sunday River in Maine | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-1: hot - air balloon "SRL for [caroling]: If nine [caroling] cats crooning Christmas classics does n't put you in the holiday mood , maybe nothing will .",ARG-0: nine | C-ARG-0: cats SRL for [talk]: Mr. Ross tried to [talk] him out of letting Sony buy CBS Records .,ARG-0: Mr. Ross | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: out of letting Sony buy CBS Records SRL for [stoppage]: high dosage use of opioids can result in total [stoppage] of the large intestine,ARG-M-EXT: total | ARG-1: of the large intestine "SRL for [quartered]: I have [quartered] the troops constantly in houses , so that they have suffered very little .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the troops | ARG-M-TMP: constantly | ARG-2: in houses | ARG-M-PRP: so that they have suffered very little "SRL for [long winded]: Oh , do n't be [long winded] with her either , really .",ARG-M-DIS: Oh | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: with her | ARG-M-DIS: either | ARG-M-ADV: really "SRL for [tend]: I hope they 'll be able to make a go of it off in some city , but if it does n't work out they can always come back and [tend] the store . """,ARG-M-ADV: if it does n't work out | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-ADV: always | ARG-1: the store "SRL for [gains]: ... stocks trading at multiyear lows such as WorldCom ( WCOM ) , which has retraced its [gains] in price all the way back to February 1998 .",ARG-1: its | ARG-5: in price "SRL for [tripled]: Revenue last year increased by more than 11 % over 1988 , and net income nearly [tripled] from restated year - earlier net of $ 900 million .",ARG-M-TMP: last year | ARG-1: net income | ARG-M-ADV: nearly | ARG-3: from restated year - earlier net of $ 900 million "SRL for [emplace]: Its cannon , its ability *PRO* to [emplace] troops and fire through the firing ports in that Bradley vehicle *PRO* to take them in under protection .",ARG-1: troops "SRL for [understood]: It 's [understood] that MGM / UA recently contacted Rupert Murdoch 's News Corp. , which made two failed bids for the movie studio , to see if the company was still interested .","ARG-1: that MGM / UA recently contacted Rupert Murdoch 's News Corp. , which made two failed bids for the movie studio , to see if the company was still interested" "SRL for [playing]: They bring audiences to their feet with virtual self [playing] of traditional fiddle tunes , jigs and reels","ARG-M-ADJ: virtual | ARG-0: self | ARG-1: of traditional fiddle tunes , jigs and reels" "SRL for [combatted]: They [combatted] over food , territory , and mates until the snow ran red with the blood of the fallen .","ARG-0: They | ARG-2: over food , territory , and mates | ARG-M-TMP: until the snow ran red with the blood of the fallen" "SRL for [understood]: But Mr. Corr , a stunt pilot in his spare time , was [understood] to be frustrated by what he regarded as limited freedom under Mr. Lorenzo .","C-ARG-1: Mr. Corr , a stunt pilot in his spare time | ARG-1: to be frustrated by what he regarded as limited freedom under Mr. Lorenzo" SRL for [duststorm]: Widespread [duststorm] with visibility reduced to less than 5 miles over western half of State .,ARG-M-LOC: Widespread | ARG-5: with visibility reduced to less than 5 miles over western half of State "SRL for [sweated out]: Baseball fans throughout New York had [sweated out] a long summer with their teams , and now it had come to this : a battle between the two for the National League pennant -- down to the last inning of the last game , no less .",ARG-1: Baseball fans throughout New York | ARG-2: a long summer | ARG-M-ADV: with their teams SRL for [best]: But if it turns you off or you ca n't come to terms with it then it s probably [best] to break it off .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-ADV: if it turns you off or you ca n't come to terms with it | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-1: to break it off SRL for [taped up]: I [taped up] his foot with gauze and it is STILL bleeding .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: his foot | ARG-2: with gauze SRL for [worked up]: They have [worked up] a sweat .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: a sweat SRL for [coughed]: The baby [coughed] a rough cough directly into her red ear .,ARG-0: The baby | ARG-1: a rough cough | ARG-M-DIR: directly into her red ear SRL for [stalled off]: I [stalled off] .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him SRL for [dealing]: What is you stance on his [dealing] with China about Sikkim and Tibet ? ? ! ! !,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: with China | ARG-2: about Sikkim and Tibet SRL for [suction]: It is to be noted that this excess air is caused by their [suction] of milk from their feeding bottles with over - used nipples .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of milk | ARG-2: from their feeding bottles with over - used nipples "SRL for [marshalled]: On Election Day -- November 4 -- he energetically [marshalled] his force of bludgeon men , bribers , and experts in forging repeat votes .","ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MNR: energetically | ARG-1: his force of bludgeon men , bribers , and experts in forging repeat votes" "SRL for [thwapping]: Abby again immersed in her org . chem . book , seemingly nonplussed , me [thwapping] my head against the steering wheel chanting "" this is n't happening ... """,ARG-0: me | ARG-2: my head | ARG-1: against the steering wheel "SRL for [gearing up]: But because of the uncertainty of the outcome of the suit , Mr. Conner 's team has done little to begin [gearing up] to defend its title .",ARG-0: Mr. Conner 's team | ARG-2: to defend its title SRL for [debate]: Senator Rodam - Clinton will [debate] Governor Pataki on budget cuts,ARG-0: Senator Rodam - Clinton | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: Governor Pataki | ARG-1: on budget cuts SRL for [call]: Her [call] to the pentagon was dropped when she went through a tunnel .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: to the pentagon "SRL for [cutting back]: Nevertheless , there is no consideration being given to reducing the NT$ 5,000 - 6,000 spent each month on cleaning the tanks , let alone any thought of [cutting back] on the money spent on fish food or the occasional replacement fish .",ARG-1: on the money spent on fish food or the occasional replacement fish "SRL for [agree]: We [agree] with the Holy Spirit that you should have no more burdens , except for these necessary things : Do n't eat food that has been given to idols .","ARG-0: We | ARG-2: with the Holy Spirit | ARG-1: that you should have no more burdens , except for these necessary things : Do n't eat food that has been given to idols" SRL for [development]: foreign [development] ventures,ARG-M-LOC: foreign SRL for [advantage]: Elian 's been paraded and exhibited in public rallies and by the media with a clear intent to obtain political [advantage] from his tragedy,ARG-3: political | ARG-1: from his tragedy SRL for [inclined]: The plane is [inclined] at an angle of 30 degrees .,ARG-1: The plane | ARG-2: at an angle of 30 degrees SRL for [extravasated]: During blood - brain barrier opening serum IgG could be [extravasated],ARG-M-TMP: During blood - brain barrier opening | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: serum IgG SRL for [building]: His hobby was boat [building] .,ARG-1: boat SRL for [lead]: Compaq 's six - month [lead] on the competition,ARG-0: Compaq 's | ARG-2: six - month | ARG-1: on the competition SRL for [cut to chase]: Let 's make this as painless as possible and [cut to chase] that it 's all about getting and closing new business .,ARG-0: 's | ARG-1: that it 's all about getting and closing new business SRL for [lined up]: U.S. buyers have already been [lined up] .,ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: U.S. buyers "SRL for [flitted]: They [flitted] amid the thick foliage , craning out their necks .",ARG-1: They | ARG-2: amid the thick foliage | ARG-M-PRD: craning out their necks "SRL for [salaamed]: At retiring , they [salaamed] me in the most graceful and respectful manner , and shook hands with me .",ARG-M-TMP: At retiring | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-MNR: in the most graceful and respectful manner SRL for [intent]: He is [intent] on becoming an investment banker .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: on becoming an investment banker "SRL for [moved]: When I was a senior in high school , my parents [moved] house to the outskirts of Lexington , Massachusetts .","ARG-M-TMP: When I was a senior in high school | ARG-0: my parents | ARG-1: house | ARG-2: to the outskirts of Lexington , Massachusetts" "SRL for [profiteering]: `` Let 's not forget this is the same company that has been [profiteering] with this drug for 2 1/2 years , '' Mr. Weiss added .",ARG-0: the same company | ARG-M-MNR: with this drug | ARG-M-TMP: for 2 1/2 years "SRL for [figured]: The Chicago office [figured] prominently in the bank 's problems earlier this year , when $ 65 million in loans to Chicago businessman William Stoecker went sour .","ARG-0: The Chicago office | ARG-M-MNR: prominently | ARG-1: in the bank 's problems earlier this year , when $ 65 million in loans to Chicago businessman William Stoecker went sour" SRL for [conflict]: The new law has set off the familiar [conflict] between Democrats and Republicans .,ARG-M-ADJ: familiar | ARG-0: between Democrats and Republicans "SRL for [rebates]: our economy is straining so badly , it needs more than $ 600 tax [rebates] or one - time summer relief from taxes ;",ARG-1: $ 600 | ARG-3: tax "SRL for [pummelled]: Then he clubbed him with the other paw , rolled him around , [pummelled] him with his back feet and finally threw him to the ground with full force .",ARG-M-DIS: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with his back feet SRL for [included]: Several important divisions were n't [included],ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Several important divisions SRL for [redeem]: The company said it can [redeem] the warrants at its option for $ 1 each .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the warrants | ARG-M-ADV: at its option | ARG-2: for $ 1 each SRL for [inversion]: His [inversion] of classic landscape forms symbolized the strength of traditional Confucian values in a time of social crisis .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of classic landscape forms SRL for [ranked]: Nekoosa [ranked] 11th with sales of $ 3.59 billion .,ARG-1: Nekoosa | ARG-2: 11th | ARG-M-CAU: with sales of $ 3.59 billion "SRL for [retrieve]: `` The cost ( of magnetic stimulators ) would seem like peanuts if we could [retrieve] limb function '' in such people , Dr. Tator says .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: limb function | ARG-M-LOC: in such people SRL for [browned]: The pastry puffed and [browned] a golden brown all on its own .,ARG-1: The pastry | ARG-2: a golden brown | ARG-M-MNR: all on its own "SRL for [annoying]: None , when I was in Cyprus the heat was too [annoying] , so I 'd rather not reside in that region .",ARG-M-TMP: when I was in Cyprus | ARG-1: the heat | ARG-M-EXT: too "SRL for [probable]: As reported by Marc J. Spears , Kevin Durant is [probable] to play tonight against the Sixers .",ARG-M-ADV: As reported by Marc J. Spears | ARG-1: to play tonight against the Sixers SRL for [dedicated]: The Memorial is [dedicated] to the 2.7 million men and women in the U.S. military .,ARG-1: The Memorial | ARG-2: to the 2.7 million men and women in the U.S. military SRL for [resent]: Pro just [resent] from my main account .,ARG-0: Pro | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-M-DIR: from my main account "SRL for [unhinged]: Testifying before a House subcommittee , Mr. Mulford said that if the Treasury had n't intervened in foreign - exchange markets in September and early October to reduce the dollar 's value , the plunge in the stock market might have provoked a steep fall in the currency that might have `` [unhinged] financial markets . ''",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a steep fall | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: financial markets SRL for [tracking]: He continues his [tracking] of social media outreach for the Havana Central Restaurant chain .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of social media outreach | ARG-2: for the Havana Central Restaurant chain SRL for [necessitated]: Bank Building earlier said the restatement is [necessitated] by `` certain errors in recording receivables and payables '' at its Loughman Cabinet division .,ARG-1: the restatement | ARG-0: by `` certain errors in recording receivables and payables '' at its Loughman Cabinet division SRL for [stream]: we have had a steady [stream] of people through the door,ARG-M-MNR: steady | ARG-1: of people | ARG-2: through the door SRL for [overheated]: The economy 's slowdown is due only partly to the austerity program launched in September 1988 to cool an [overheated] economy and tame inflation .,ARG-1: economy "SRL for [devoted]: As publisher of a magazine [devoted] to movies as guideposts for fashion and other fantasies , Ms. Volokh sees her party - giving as an important part of business .",ARG-1: a magazine | ARG-2: to movies as guideposts for fashion and other fantasies SRL for [nephrectomy]: right partial [nephrectomy],ARG-1: right partial SRL for [closed]: Sony 's acquisition of Guber / Peters Entertainment [closed] Monday .,ARG-1: Sony 's acquisition of Guber / Peters Entertainment | ARG-M-TMP: Monday SRL for [zoning]: This would be the department 's first suit challenging a local [zoning] ordinance under 1988 amendments to the Fair Housing Act .,ARG-0: ordinance SRL for [shocks]: the mid - October market [shocks],ARG-M-TMP: mid - October | ARG-1: market "SRL for [left]: No , your [left]",ARG-3: your SRL for [study]: the SEC [study] of the drop,ARG-0: SEC | ARG-1: of the drop SRL for [casted]: She broke her arm moutain biking and was [casted] .,ARG-1: She "SRL for [surpass]: Conner Peripherals Inc. , which has a near - monopoly on a key part used in many portable computers , is on target to [surpass] Compaq Computer Corp. as the fastest - growing start - up manufacturing firm in U.S. business history .","ARG-0: Conner Peripherals Inc. , which has a near - monopoly on a key part used in many portable computers | ARG-1: Compaq Computer Corp. | ARG-M-PRD: as the fastest - growing start - up manufacturing firm in U.S. business history" "SRL for [deals]: a series of [deals] with Russia to acquire an aircraft carrier , fighter jets and tanks","ARG-1: with Russia | ARG-2: to acquire an aircraft carrier , fighter jets and tanks" SRL for [existing]: there must be in the mind at the same instant ideas of its [existing] in a considerable number of other points of time and place ;,ARG-1: its | ARG-M-LOC: in a considerable number of other points of time and place "SRL for [care]: `` Give me four or five more Series with these guys , and I do n't [care] if I ever win a Cy Young , '' he said , inreference to baseball 's best - pitcher award .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: if I ever win a Cy Young SRL for [harm]: no [harm] in that village,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-M-LOC: in that village "SRL for [sets]: Chung Hsiu - mei , a member of the Meinung People 's Association , says that farmers go to work when the sun comes up , and rest when it [sets]",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [came forward]: Many celebrities [came forward] to adopt villages .,ARG-0: Many celebrities | ARG-1: to adopt villages SRL for [luxuriated]: He [luxuriated] with the purchase of a Mercedes Benz CLK 320 .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: with the purchase of a Mercedes Benz CLK 320 SRL for [negative]: Exam is otherwise [negative] for pathology .,ARG-1: Exam | ARG-M-ADV: otherwise | ARG-2: for pathology "SRL for [garden]: While she applauds the fact that more Americans are getting up from the television to stroll or [garden] , she says the percentage of Americans who do `` real exercise to build the heart '' is only 10 % to 20 % .",ARG-0: more Americans SRL for [glassed]: She also [glassed] the window next to the front door .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: the window next to the front door SRL for [error]: Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters refuse to concede that they may have made a tactical [error] in accepting the Sony offer before taking it up with Warner .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-ADJ: tactical | ARG-M-MNR: in accepting the Sony offer before taking it up with Warner "SRL for [quantify]: `` We can not [quantify] the total adverse effects of Hugo , '' said Edwin Colodny , chairman and president of USAir Group .",ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the total adverse effects of Hugo "SRL for [bartered]: What Aeroflot does n't pour into its own gas - guzzling Ilyushins is [bartered] to the airport authority , which resells it to 11 Western carriers including Air France , Trans World Airlines and Pakistan International Airlines .","ARG-1: What Aeroflot does n't pour into its own gas - guzzling Ilyushins | ARG-2: to the airport authority , which resells it to 11 Western carriers including Air France , Trans World Airlines and Pakistan International Airlines" "SRL for [grunted]: ` ` It does '' , Shayne [grunted] sourly , still able to taste her mouth on his in the Green Jungle parking lot .",ARG-0: Shayne | ARG-1: ` ` It does '' | ARG-M-MNR: sourly | ARG-M-ADV: still able to taste her mouth on his in the Green Jungle parking lot "SRL for [predated]: Like Dickinson , he [predated] his choices back to 1924 .",ARG-M-MNR: Like Dickinson | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his choices | ARG-2: back to 1924 SRL for [go]: What flights [go] from Seattle to Boston via Minneapolis ?,ARG-1: What flights | ARG-3: from Seattle | ARG-4: to Boston | ARG-M-LOC: via Minneapolis "SRL for [advanced]: The evidence shows that the player 's release was purchased by the York Club for $ 300 and that at his request , that club [advanced] him $ 100 on his 1913 salary .",ARG-M-CAU: at his request | ARG-0: that club | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: $ 100 | ARG-3: on his 1913 salary "SRL for [gobbled up]: More than ever , independent magazines and small publishing groups are being [gobbled up] by larger publishing groups , such as American Express Publishing Corp. , a unit of American Express Co. , and Conde Nast Publications Inc. , a unit of Advance Publications Inc. , which are consolidating in order to gain leverage with advertisers .","ARG-M-TMP: More than ever | ARG-1: independent magazines and small publishing groups | ARG-0: by larger publishing groups , such as American Express Publishing Corp. , a unit of American Express Co. , and Conde Nast Publications Inc. , a unit of Advance Publications Inc. , which are consolidating in order to gain leverage with advertisers" "SRL for [uncommon]: Given the way these stories get exaggerated , "" several improvised explosive devices "" could mean anything down to a few bundles of firecrackers -- or nothing at all , since false reports are n't at all [uncommon] .",ARG-1: false reports | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: at all SRL for [connecting]: Tanshui occupied an important place in the transport network [connecting] Taiwan to Southeast Asia .,ARG-3: the transport network | ARG-1: Taiwan | ARG-2: to Southeast Asia SRL for [celebration]: The color reference system was launched at the CTI 's 40th anniversary [celebration],ARG-0: the CTI 's | ARG-1: 40th anniversary SRL for [afflicted]: Mr. Bennett declared in April that he would make Washington a `` test case '' for how the Bush administration would aid cities [afflicted] by heavy drug trafficking and violence .,ARG-1: cities | ARG-0: by heavy drug trafficking and violence "SRL for [enacted]: The underlying stopgap bill is the second required by Congress this fall and , since the current fiscal year began Oct. 1 , only the Energy and Interior departments are operating on permanent appropriations [enacted] into law .",ARG-1: permanent appropriations | ARG-2: into law SRL for [swashed]: He [swashed] his coffee on Josef Hirsal 's shirt .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his coffee | ARG-2: on Josef Hirsal 's shirt "SRL for [concerned]: `` We were n't [concerned] until they became sell programs , '' says Mr. DaPuzzo , who now thinks it adds unnecessary volatility .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: We | ARG-M-TMP: until they became sell programs SRL for [entrench]: Royal 's suit contends that the Ammann acquisition was `` designed to [entrench] management and thwart Royal 's offer . '',ARG-0: the Ammann acquisition | ARG-1: management SRL for [pigmented]: Bob [pigmented] the photograph to make it look old .,ARG-0: Bob | ARG-1: the photograph | ARG-M-PRP: to make it look old SRL for [dead]: Prae Ira 's revenge was complete- King Zozel the Tenth was [dead] by his hand .,ARG-1: King Zozel the Tenth | ARG-0: by his hand "SRL for [thundered]: Applause [thundered] through the auditorium after John 's heartfelt rendition of ` Twinkle , Twinkle , Little Star . '","ARG-1: Applause | ARG-M-LOC: through the auditorium | ARG-M-TMP: after John 's heartfelt rendition of ` Twinkle , Twinkle , Little Star . '" "SRL for [forming]: The [forming] of a market involves a process . This process may be very tortuous . At present , this market is in the process of forming .",ARG-1: of a market SRL for [preordering]: [preordering] chemotherapy in anticipation of initiation of treatment .,ARG-1: chemotherapy | ARG-M-PRP: in anticipation of initiation of treatment SRL for [mad]: We 're all [mad] here . I 'm mad . You 're mad .,ARG-1: We | ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-M-LOC: here SRL for [retention]: Stimulated platelets use serotonin to enhance their [retention] of procoagulant proteins on the cell surface .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of procoagulant proteins on the cell surface SRL for [purchased]: They [purchased] $ 2.4 billion in Fannie Mae bonds,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: $ 2.4 billion in Fannie Mae bonds SRL for [braided]: She [braided] the rags into a strong rope .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the rags | ARG-2: into a strong rope "SRL for [emigrate]: Program traders are fond of predicting that if they are blocked in the U.S. , they will simply [emigrate] to foreign stock markets .",ARG-M-ADV: if they are blocked in the U.S. | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-DIS: simply | ARG-2: to foreign stock markets "SRL for [multiplied]: The uncertainty was [multiplied] by the persistent strength of the dollar , traders said .",ARG-1: The uncertainty | ARG-0: by the persistent strength of the dollar "SRL for [dry up]: But in either case , the report says , China 's balance of payments would rapidly [dry up] foreign reserves , which are used to finance the imbalance .","ARG-0: China 's balance of payments | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-MNR: rapidly | ARG-1: foreign reserves , which are used to finance the imbalance" "SRL for [dissimulating]: Like children who are incapable of [dissimulating] their basic wants and needs , Michael 's manner of being in the world is uncensored and spontaneous .",ARG-0: who | ARG-1: their basic wants and needs "SRL for [fold]: To gain more leverage , abortion - rights advocates may seek to [fold] the bill into an omnibus continuing resolution next month .",ARG-0: abortion - rights advocates | ARG-1: the bill | ARG-2: into an omnibus continuing resolution SRL for [legalisation]: i ' m for drug [legalisation] .,ARG-1: drug "SRL for [affair]: I recently came across two stories , one about a PCSO in the UK who was arrested and sentenced to up to 10 years for having an "" [affair] "" with a 12 year old girl , and another where a woman in Utah was given up to 15 years for having sex with a 14 year old boy .",ARG-0: a PCSO in the UK | ARG-M-LVB: having | ARG-1: with a 12 year old girl "SRL for [lumps]: Pressure from these members prompted the club recently to soften its anti - bike rhetoric ; it no longer , for example , [lumps] the bikes into the same category as motorcycles and other terrain - marring off - road vehicles .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-NEG: no longer | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-1: the bikes | ARG-2: into the same category as motorcycles and other terrain - marring off - road vehicles "SRL for [late]: That same day , Puig was [late] to the ballpark and was fined by Mattingly .",ARG-M-TMP: That same day | ARG-1: Puig | ARG-2: to the ballpark "SRL for [helicopter]: Later , he 's supposed to [helicopter] to Jericho on the West Bank to meet with the Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-DIR: to Jericho on the West Bank | ARG-M-PRP: to meet with the Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas "SRL for [rated]: The bonds are [rated] single - A by S & P , according to the lead underwriter .",ARG-1: The bonds | ARG-2: single - A | ARG-0: by S & P | ARG-M-DIS: according to the lead underwriter "SRL for [taste]: They still buy apples mainly for big , red good looks -- that 's why so many [taste] like woodchucks ' punching bags .",ARG-1: so many | ARG-2: like woodchucks ' punching bags SRL for [remains]: That [remains] to be seen .,ARG-1: That | ARG-3: to be seen SRL for [bowed]: John [bowed] to the superior experience of his mother .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: to the superior experience of his mother "SRL for [deemed]: So far , Mrs. Hills has n't [deemed] any cases bad enough to merit an accelerated investigation under the so - called special 301 provision of the act .",ARG-M-DIS: So far | ARG-0: Mrs. Hills | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: any cases bad enough to merit an accelerated investigation under the so - called special 301 provision of the act SRL for [armored]: Those close to Miller believe he was shot by an [armored] Israeli personnel carrier .,ARG-1: Israeli personnel carrier "SRL for [flied out]: But Clark [flied out] to short right field and Mitchell 's drive to left was caught on the warning track by Rickey Henderson as 62,000 sets of lungs exhaled as one .",ARG-0: Clark | ARG-2: to short right field "SRL for [newsworthy]: If the municipal administration were not staffed with government employees , and 12 graduate students work there , then the case would really be [newsworthy] . We would hotly debate if that is a waste of talents .","ARG-M-ADV: If the municipal administration were not staffed with government employees , and 12 graduate students work there | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-1: the case | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: really" SRL for [wash up]: Go [wash up] and spit quickly ., "SRL for [hypoactive]: the infant was [hypoactive] , with a distended , painful abdomen .",ARG-0: the infant "SRL for [taste]: `` Parties are rather a state of mind , '' she said , pausing only to [taste] and pass judgment on the Georgian shashlik ( `` a little well done , but very good '' ) .",ARG-M-DIS: only | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the Georgian shashlik SRL for [standoff]: The [standoff] between Right Sector and the authorities over the status of the nationalist group 's military unit reached a fever pitch on April 29,ARG-0: between Right Sector and the authorities | ARG-2: over the status of the nationalist group 's military unit "SRL for [fold]: Given that choice , associates of Mr. Hahn and industry observers say the former university president -- who has developed a reputation for not overpaying for anything -- would [fold] .",ARG-0: the former university president -- who has developed a reputation for not overpaying for anything -- | ARG-M-MOD: would "SRL for [sapping]: `` The cost of health care is eroding standards of living and [sapping] industrial strength , '' complains Walter Maher , a Chrysler health - and - benefits specialist .",ARG-0: The cost of health care | ARG-1: industrial strength SRL for [forthcoming]: And depending on which way the American election goes American support may not be [forthcoming] if someone like Ron Paul gets elected,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-ADV: depending on which way the American election goes | ARG-1: American support | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-ADV: if someone like Ron Paul gets elected "SRL for [feasible]: I support having IDs to limit voter fraud , but you can not make it difficult and it should be economically [feasible] for all to get an ID",ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-MNR: economically | ARG-2: for all | ARG-1: to get an ID SRL for [position]: One investment banker said Mr. Steinberg may be trying to [position] himself as a friendly investor who could help UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf revive a failed labor - management bid .,ARG-0: Mr. Steinberg | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: as a friendly investor who could help UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf revive a failed labor - management bid "SRL for [prepay]: Weirton , of Weirton , W. Va. , said $ 60.3 million of the proceeds were used to [prepay] the remaining amounts on the note outstanding to National Intergroup Inc. , the parent of National Steel .","ARG-3: $ 60.3 million of the proceeds | ARG-1: the remaining amounts on the note outstanding | ARG-2: to National Intergroup Inc. , the parent of National Steel" SRL for [tugged]: John [tugged] his heavy cedar chest to the center of the hallway .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his heavy cedar chest | ARG-2: to the center of the hallway "SRL for [outpaced]: Declining issues on the New York Stock Exchange [outpaced] advancers , 1,012 to 501 .","ARG-0: Declining issues | ARG-M-LOC: on the New York Stock Exchange | ARG-1: advancers | ARG-2: 1,012 to 501" "SRL for [ululated]: It [ululated] like a mortally wounded animal , and its probe wires emitted copious amounts of smoke down their entire two - meter lengths .",ARG-0: It | ARG-M-MNR: like a mortally wounded animal SRL for [outfit]: Allied - Signal Aerospace Co. received a $ 65 million contract to [outfit] Continental Airlines ' 393 planes with the Bendix / King Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System .,ARG-0: Allied - Signal Aerospace Co. | ARG-1: Continental Airlines ' 393 planes | ARG-2: with the Bendix / King Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System SRL for [wears off]: This time he 's ready to buy in `` when the panic [wears off] . '',ARG-1: the panic "SRL for [unroll]: Come daybreak , eight family members and two other workers [unroll] a sheet of raw rubber that covers the floor of the house and spills out onto the street .",ARG-M-TMP: Come daybreak | ARG-0: eight family members and two other workers | ARG-1: a sheet of raw rubber that covers the floor of the house and spills out onto the street SRL for [stewing]: John is [stewing] some rutabagas for dinner .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: some rutabagas | ARG-M-PRP: for dinner "SRL for [charge]: In September 1942 , Groves took [charge] of the Manhattan Project .",ARG-M-TMP: In September 1942 | ARG-1: Groves | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-2: of the Manhattan Project "SRL for [scavenged]: We , the 13 adults , lazed around the fire , which was blazing from the logs that we 'd [scavenged] in the grounds .",ARG-0: we | ARG-2: that | ARG-1: in the grounds SRL for [skirmished]: That day French troops [skirmished] with the Russians at the village of Bergfried,ARG-M-TMP: That day | ARG-0: French troops | ARG-1: with the Russians | ARG-M-LOC: at the village of Bergfried "SRL for [UNbelievable]: He was [UNbelievable] in his role , had the STUPIDEST accent , ca n't even do redneck right , looked like 40 hells , and really added NOTHING to the role .",ARG-1: He | ARG-M-LOC: in his role SRL for [inflection]: there is an overall feeling that his [inflection] on the word ' brah ' just was n't quite right .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on the word ' brah ' just was n't quite right "SRL for [romancing]: At the Laurel race track , the breeders are [romancing] people like Tim Hulings , a beer packaging plant worker .","ARG-M-LOC: At the Laurel race track | ARG-0: the breeders | ARG-1: people like Tim Hulings , a beer packaging plant worker" SRL for [had hand]: It would indicate she [had hand] in the destruction .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: in the destruction "SRL for [whips out]: After 11:30 a.m. or so `` we have them standing and waiting , '' she says , as she [whips out] orders for hamburgers and the daily special ( grilled roast beef , cheese and jalapeno pepper sandwich on whole wheat , potato salad , baked beans and pudding , plus coffee or iced tea .","ARG-0: she | ARG-1: orders for hamburgers and the daily special ( grilled roast beef , cheese and jalapeno pepper sandwich on whole wheat , potato salad , baked beans and pudding , plus coffee or iced tea" SRL for [expansion]: a big [expansion] in U.S. - Soviet trade,ARG-M-ADJ: big | ARG-1: in U.S. - Soviet trade "SRL for [busted out]: In March 1934 the cops caught up with Dillinger in east Chicago , but he [busted out] of jail again , using a wooden gun he had whittled .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: of jail | ARG-M-ADV: again | ARG-M-MNR: using a wooden gun he had whittled "SRL for [whoosh]: `` Tivoli Motel , '' I read a sign in the usual pronunciation of the name as we [whoosh] through .",ARG-1: we | ARG-2: through SRL for [litigation]: He does [litigation] .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: does SRL for [niggled]: This strategy always [niggled] her conscience .,ARG-1: This strategy | ARG-M-EXT: always | ARG-2: her conscience "SRL for [disqualify]: But because the University of California , like many other universities , shares its royalties with researchers , it may [disqualify] itself from federal funds under the proposed guidelines , Mr. Daly says .","ARG-M-CAU: because the University of California , like many other universities , shares its royalties with researchers | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: from federal funds | ARG-M-LOC: under the proposed guidelines" "SRL for [addicted]: When you do that you wipe out the criminal incentives , including , I might say , the incentive that the drug pushers have to go around and get kids [addicted] , so that they create a market for themselves .",ARG-1: kids "SRL for [jump]: A few weeks later , on the very night that Evel Knievel attempted his [jump] of the Snake River , my platform came the closest to falling again .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: of the Snake River SRL for [refilled]: The pharmacist [refilled] Billie 's coumadin prescription at a discounted price .,ARG-0: The pharmacist | ARG-1: Billie 's coumadin prescription | ARG-2: at a discounted price SRL for [sweet]: This cake is [sweet],ARG-1: This cake "SRL for [spiked]: At the same time four of six design projects were [spiked] , he said .",ARG-M-TMP: At the same time | ARG-1: four of six design projects SRL for [ascended]: the trail [ascended] the Bald Hills to Elk Camp .,ARG-0: the trail | ARG-1: the Bald Hills | ARG-M-GOL: to Elk Camp SRL for [drooling]: His [drooling] a steady stream of tobacco juice down his chin did not exactly endear Leroy to the waiters .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: a steady stream of tobacco juice | ARG-2: down his chin SRL for [blockaded]: Today Israeli security forces closed the Palestinian airport and the Gaza Strip and [blockaded] a West Bank town .,ARG-0: Israeli security forces | ARG-1: a West Bank town "SRL for [cajoled]: Dingxiang persuaded and [cajoled] , but in the end she was beaten and kicked by Zhang Sheng .",ARG-0: Dingxiang SRL for [bubbled]: Sweat [bubbled] out on Jess 's swarthy face .,ARG-1: Sweat | ARG-2: out | ARG-M-LOC: on Jess 's swarthy face SRL for [move]: The leadership hopes to [move] the compromise measure promptly to the White House .,ARG-0: The leadership | ARG-1: the compromise measure | ARG-M-TMP: promptly | ARG-2: to the White House SRL for [confirmation]: [confirmation] of the ship 's first strike,ARG-1: of the ship 's first strike "SRL for [fatten]: Feedlots [fatten] young cattle for slaughter , so a decline signals a tightening supply of beef .",ARG-0: Feedlots | ARG-1: young cattle | ARG-M-PNC: for slaughter "SRL for [rough]: A cat 's tongue is [rough] because it 's covered with many tiny , hooked ' papillae ' .","ARG-1: A cat 's tongue | ARG-M-CAU: because it 's covered with many tiny , hooked ' papillae '" SRL for [exists]: No mechanism [exists] for finding a middle ground .,ARG-1: No mechanism "SRL for [forgiven]: Instead , Mr. Nixon reminded his host , Chinese President Yang Shangkun , that Americans have n't [forgiven] China 's leaders for the military assault of June 3 - 4 that killed hundreds , and perhaps thousands , of demonstrators .","ARG-0: Americans | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: China 's leaders | ARG-2: for the military assault of June 3 - 4 that killed hundreds , and perhaps thousands , of demonstrators" "SRL for [blooming]: My initial stake in this [blooming] enterprise has grown tenfold , according to my conservative calculations .",ARG-0: enterprise SRL for [dinged]: The wife quickly [dinged] the bell !,ARG-0: The wife | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: the bell SRL for [defend]: Hence their poison fangs are almost the only tools they have to catch food and [defend] themselves with .,C-ARG-2: with | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: the only tools they have "SRL for [rubs]: However , the thought of a living player selling his checks [rubs] some people the wrong way .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-0: the thought of a living player selling his checks | ARG-1: some people | ARG-M-MNR: the wrong way "SRL for [shut off]: The petition challenged First Union 's lending record in the state , saying that the bank - holding company had `` [shut off] from contact with the low - income community and is redlining almost every black neighborhood that it serves in the state . ''",ARG-0: the bank - holding company | ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: from contact with the low - income community SRL for [adat]: Pro [adat],ARG-0: Pro SRL for [led off]: Father [led off] with a question to Bob,ARG-0: Father | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with a question to Bob SRL for [passage]: congressional and presidential [passage] of an increase in the federal debt ceiling,ARG-0: congressional and presidential | ARG-1: of an increase in the federal debt ceiling SRL for [set]: Her master beat her and [set] her to herding donkeys .,ARG-0: Her master | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: to herding donkeys SRL for [jabbing]: His finger [jabbing] sporatically through the air .,ARG-1: His finger | ARG-M-TMP: sporatically | ARG-2: through the air SRL for [hysterectomy]: abdominal [hysterectomy],ARG-M-DIR: abdominal SRL for [NT]: Angle - [NT],ARG-1: Angle SRL for [naive]: He is [naive] to think that because he trusts himself we should .,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to think that because he trusts himself we should SRL for [FedExed]: John [FedExed] his package to his mother .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his package | ARG-2: his mother SRL for [teased]: John [teased] his hair into an enormous beehive .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his hair | ARG-2: into an enormous beehive "SRL for [taking out]: I hope you can figure out a way to provide your children with whatever your mom wasn?t able to provide you , and help your DH overcome his [taking out] his rage on the kids .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: his rage | ARG-2: on the kids "SRL for [pointing]: `` I believe everyday pricing in the current environment does n't work , '' says Walter Loeb of Morgan Stanley & Co. , [pointing] to soft durable - goods sales .",ARG-0: Walter Loeb of Morgan Stanley & Co. | ARG-2: to soft durable - goods sales "SRL for [conceive]: Try as they might , they just ca n't [conceive] of life without black workers .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-DIS: just | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: of life without black workers SRL for [played out]: The battle [played out] by Tuesday evening .,ARG-1: The battle | ARG-M-TMP: by Tuesday evening "SRL for [burglarized]: In Brooklyn and the Bronx , one out of four commercial firms is [burglarized] each year .",ARG-M-LOC: In Brooklyn and the Bronx | ARG-1: one out of four commercial firms | ARG-M-TMP: each year "SRL for [bottoming out]: He expects stocks to decline an additional 5 % to 30 % , with the Dow perhaps [bottoming out] between 2000 and 2100 `` between now and June . ''",ARG-0: the Dow | ARG-M-DIS: perhaps | ARG-M-LOC: between 2000 and 2100 | ARG-M-TMP: `` between now and June . '' SRL for [mangled]: George W. Bush [mangled] the English language like no other president .,ARG-0: George W. Bush | ARG-1: the English language | ARG-M-MNR: like no other president "SRL for [learning]: Mr. Birnbaum recalls that Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters shifted into high gear a few years back upon [learning] that they had competition for the story of the murdered naturalist Dian Fossey , which became `` Gorillas in the Mist . ''","ARG-0: Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters | ARG-1: that they had competition for the story of the murdered naturalist Dian Fossey , which became `` Gorillas in the Mist" SRL for [meowed]: The kitty [meowed] when it was hungry .,ARG-0: The kitty SRL for [flexible]: I can be [flexible] with my schedule .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: with my schedule SRL for [surplus]: The store is selling off stock that is [surplus] to requirements,ARG-1: that | ARG-2: to requirements "SRL for [praying]: Father McKenna moves through the house [praying] in Latin , urging the demon to split .",ARG-0: Father McKenna | ARG-M-MNR: in Latin SRL for [announcement]: Doing your best to keep him or her occupied and busy in your lap is the most effective way to minimize his or her [announcement] of discomfort to everyone .,ARG-0: his or her | ARG-1: of discomfort | ARG-2: to everyone SRL for [cynical]: Marta said her payment of $ 500 was not worth the trauma her family experienced and she was [cynical] about the lawyers .,ARG-1: she | ARG-0: about the lawyers SRL for [waves]: [waves] of S & P futures contracts,ARG-1: of S & P futures contracts "SRL for [reinstated]: The lower house of parliament also gave formal endorsement to Russia 's white , red and blue flag but [reinstated] the old red and gold Soviet flag as the flag of the military .",ARG-0: The lower house of parliament | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the old red and gold Soviet flag | ARG-2: as the flag of the military "SRL for [futile]: the resistance was [futile] , of course",ARG-1: the resistance | ARG-M-DIS: of course SRL for [able]: These students are bleeding idealism and have n't been tempered enough with time and cultural patina to realize that one should be [able] to laugh at oneself and one 's cultural obsessions and that these costumes are n't the evil mechanisms of racism they are betraying them to be .,ARG-1: one | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-2: to laugh at oneself and one 's cultural obsessions SRL for [function]: the [function] of white blood cells involved in the body 's immune response .,ARG-0: of white blood cells involved in the body 's immune response "SRL for [unquote]: What if , quote [unquote] , "" the government of Prime Minister Fouad Al Siniora "" fell ?", SRL for [soured]: Then he detached himself from her completely and she [soured] towards him over time .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: she | ARG-2: towards him | ARG-M-TMP: over time "SRL for [rosined]: Idly , she [rosined] the bow , tucked the violin under her chin , and played what came first to mind .",ARG-M-MNR: Idly | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the bow SRL for [loud]: His sports shirt was disgustingly [loud] .,ARG-1: His sports shirt | ARG-M-ADV: disgustingly SRL for [bested]: The fact that stock pickers have [bested] a randomly selected portfolio in eight of 12 months has no bearing on the efficient - market theory .,ARG-0: stock pickers | ARG-1: a randomly selected portfolio | ARG-M-TMP: in eight of 12 months SRL for [underscore]: The results [underscore] Sears 's difficulties in implementing the `` everyday low pricing '' strategy that it adopted in March as part of a broad attempt to revive its retailing business .,ARG-0: The results | ARG-1: Sears 's difficulties in implementing the `` everyday low pricing '' strategy that it adopted in March as part of a broad attempt to revive its retailing business SRL for [sabotage]: Guerrilla leaders said Pretoria was attempting to [sabotage] next week 's elections in Namibia .,ARG-0: Pretoria | ARG-1: next week 's elections in Namibia SRL for [unreasonable]: Am I being childish / [unreasonable] about this ?,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADV: about this SRL for [war]: The United States ' [war] on terror in Iraq,ARG-0: The United States ' | ARG-2: on terror | ARG-M-LOC: in Iraq "SRL for [enrollment]: Hannaford asked Forte to escort the former Marine , who served two tours in Iraq , to a nearby office to help facilitate his [enrollment] in the university .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: in the university SRL for [respect]: Do you really believe your memory is clear in [respect] to what happened ?,ARG-1: to what happened ? SRL for [recall]: A [recall] of the mushrooms blamed for the food poisoning,ARG-1: of the mushrooms blamed for the food poisoning "SRL for [continuity]: eventually , her [continuity] was restored .", SRL for [blaze]: [blaze] the trail !,ARG-1: the trail SRL for [improve]: Business conditions will [improve] in the coming six months .,ARG-1: Business conditions | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: in the coming six months SRL for [cut]: How one band [cut] an album with a Whirlpool washing machine ( and more News of the Weird ) .,ARG-0: one band | ARG-1: an album | ARG-M-MNR: with a Whirlpool washing machine | ARG-M-MNR: How SRL for [coaled]: There the Georgette had been fully [coaled] and provisioned .,ARG-M-LOC: There | ARG-M-EXT: fully | ARG-1: the Georgette SRL for [skittered]: He [skittered] the hook of his fishing line over the surface of the water .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the hook of his fishing line | ARG-M-DIR: over the surface of the water SRL for [vented]: Earlier repairs [vented] the CFCs out of the home through a hose directly into the atmosphere .,ARG-0: Earlier repairs | ARG-1: the CFCs | ARG-M-DIR: out of the home | ARG-M-MNR: through a hose | ARG-M-DIR: directly into the atmosphere "SRL for [impeded]: However , the law 's narrowness has [impeded] it from serving as a tool to strengthen ecosystem resilience generally .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-0: the law 's narrowness | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from serving as a tool to strengthen ecosystem resilience generally "SRL for [hazardous]: Against a real - life backdrop formed by these sorts of phenomenon , it appears that interpersonal relationships are "" mutually [hazardous] to one other "" . Everyone experiences more or less a sense of insecurity .",ARG-1: interpersonal relationships | ARG-M-MNR: mutually | ARG-0: to one other SRL for [whimpered]: The child [whimpered] in the corner .,ARG-0: The child | ARG-M-LOC: in the corner SRL for [heartbreak]: BounceBack helps people find happiness after [heartbreak] from a relationship breakup or divorce .,ARG-0: from a relationship breakup or divorce SRL for [african]: Thought maybe he was [african],ARG-1: he "SRL for [defected]: In last week 's House vote , 41 Republicans [defected] .",ARG-M-LOC: In last week 's House vote | ARG-0: 41 Republicans "SRL for [confesses]: ` ` When I saw the Lexus sales projections , I got worried , '' [confesses] Takashi Oka , who led the Infiniti development team .","ARG-1: ` ` When I saw the Lexus sales projections , I got worried , '' | ARG-0: Takashi Oka , who led the Infiniti development team" SRL for [resile]: Rubber tubes [resile] .,ARG-1: Rubber tubes "SRL for [inked]: They must think highly of his arm because they [inked] him with an $ 889,200 signing bonus .","ARG-0: they | ARG-2: him | ARG-M-MNR: with an $ 889,200 signing bonus" "SRL for [regional]: SOLINE is [regional] to the Southeastern region of the US ( GA , FL , KY , SC , NC , LA , MS , TN , VA , AL ) , as well as Indiana , Puerto Rico , and the Virgin Islands .","ARG-1: SOLINE | ARG-2: to the Southeastern region of the US ( GA , FL , KY , SC , NC , LA , MS , TN , VA , AL ) , as well as Indiana , Puerto Rico , and the Virgin Islands" SRL for [pickled]: John [pickled] pearl onions in lime juice .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: onions | ARG-M-LOC: in lime juice SRL for [revival]: The economic [revival] of the Federal Republic of Germany ( FRG ) in the two decades following the second world war saw a period of unprecedented growth,ARG-2: economic | ARG-1: of the Federal Republic of Germany ( FRG ) | ARG-M-TMP: in the two decades following the second world war "SRL for [burgeoning]: Conner 's performance is closely tied to the [burgeoning] demand for battery - operated computers , the computer industry 's fastest - growing segment .",ARG-1: demand SRL for [cued]: Their use has been [cued],ARG-1: Their use SRL for [bracing]: The cast 's [bracing] of her wrist,ARG-0: The cast 's | ARG-1: of her wrist SRL for [associated]: Mural thrombus is also [associated] with the right common iliac artery aneurysm .,ARG-1: Mural thrombus | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-2: with the right common iliac artery aneurysm "SRL for [flee]: The dispute started when China , angry that Hong Kong had allowed dissident swimmer Yang Yang to [flee] to the U.S. , halted the usual daily transfer of illegal immigrants caught in this British colony , which reverts to Beijing 's control in 1997 .",ARG-0: dissident swimmer Yang Yang | ARG-1: to the U.S. SRL for [hustles]: These days he [hustles] to house - painting jobs in his Chevy pickup before and after training with the Tropics .,ARG-M-TMP: These days | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: to house - painting jobs | ARG-M-LOC: in his Chevy pickup | ARG-M-TMP: before and after training with the Tropics "SRL for [shunted]: Hsia , orphaned early and [shunted] for years among various relatives ...",ARG-1: Hsia | ARG-M-TMP: for years | ARG-2: among various relatives SRL for [establishment]: his [establishment] as the president of University of Tehran,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: as the president of University of Tehran SRL for [informed]: Man says he [informed] on Muslims for the FBI .,ARG-0: he | ARG-3: on Muslims | ARG-1: for the FBI SRL for [retraction]: His [retraction] of the libel came too late .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the libel SRL for [compensation]: Italy refuses to pay [compensation] for more than 30 years of colonial rule .,ARG-1: for more than 30 years of colonial rule SRL for [freshen up]: We will [freshen up] after the long trip .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: after the long trip "SRL for [mudflow]: The 70 mph [mudflow] tossed them among huge logs , debris , mud and ash .",ARG-M-ADJ: 70 mph "SRL for [interview]: In his joint [interview] with his wife , Denise","ARG-1: his | ARG-M-MNR: joint | ARG-M-COM: with his wife , Denise" SRL for [mention]: His [mention] of the election was made in passing .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the election "SRL for [noted]: Qintex Entertainment , a producer and distributor of television programs most [noted] for its co - production of the hit miniseries `` Lonesome Dove , '' said it filed for Chapter 11 protection after Qintex Australia failed to provide it with $ 5.9 million owed to MCA Inc. in connection with the distribution of `` The New Leave It to Beaver Show . ''","ARG-M-EXT: most | ARG-1: a producer and distributor of television programs | ARG-2: for its co - production of the hit miniseries `` Lonesome Dove , ''" SRL for [boxing]: Jon Jones ready to show his [boxing] against Ryan Bader on Feb. 5,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against Ryan Bader | ARG-M-TMP: on Feb. 5 "SRL for [infected]: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said a computer virus has [infected] one of its networks and is spreading anti - nuclear messages related to its Galileo space probe , which is to be launched today .",ARG-2: a computer virus | ARG-1: one of its networks SRL for [Conization]: [Conization] of the cervix is a common treatment for dysplasia following abnormal results from a pap smear .,ARG-1: of the cervix "SRL for [minimize]: The action followed by one day an Intelogic announcement that it will retain an investment banker to explorealternatives `` to [minimize] shareholder value , '' includingthe possible sale of the company .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: shareholder value "SRL for [round]: Eyes : Pupils are equal , [round] and reactive to light .",ARG-1: Pupils "SRL for [stuck]: I 'd Quit , but I am [stuck] to this damn board .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: to this damn board SRL for [southbound]: Pretty happy . Are you still in Brooklyn ? I was in Manhattan from Monday to Thursday last week . I was contemplating giving a shout until I saw you were [southbound] on the Amtrak streaming Netflix .,ARG-1: you | ARG-M-LOC: on the Amtrak SRL for [marketing]: The Food and Drug Administration allowed the company to begin [marketing] a new lens for use in cataract patients .,ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: a new lens for use in cataract patients SRL for [pumped out]: John [pumped out] his basement apartment with a handpump .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his basement apartment | ARG-3: with a handpump SRL for [traveled]: Then Paul and those with him [traveled] through other cities .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: Paul and those with him | ARG-1: through other cities SRL for [landlock]: Foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains [landlock] the area surrounding Camp McQuaide .,ARG-2: Foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains | ARG-1: the area surrounding Camp McQuaide SRL for [abused]: The referee was [abused] by players from both teams .,ARG-1: The referee | ARG-0: players from both teams "SRL for [guide]: Richard G. Sim , the man credited with transforming Applied Power Inc. from an underachiever into a feisty player in the global market for hydraulic tools , hopes to [guide] a similar turnaround at the company 's latest acquisition , Barry Wright Corp .","ARG-0: Richard G. Sim , the man credited with transforming Applied Power Inc. from an underachiever into a feisty player in the global market for hydraulic tools | ARG-1: a similar turnaround at the company 's latest acquisition , Barry Wright Corp" SRL for [avid]: Three abdominal lesions are PET - [avid] .,ARG-0: Three abdominal lesions | ARG-M-MOD: PET "SRL for [suppressible]: The time of water wars is upon us with the privatization of water resources worldwide by multinational conglomerates who are not accountable to , or [suppressible] by the local populations they effect , even here in America .",ARG-1: who | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: by the local populations they effect | ARG-M-LOC: even here in America SRL for [neutral]: Russia is pretty [neutral] about most international affairs now .,ARG-0: Russia | ARG-M-EXT: pretty | ARG-1: about most international affairs | ARG-M-TMP: now SRL for [war]: Washington 's rhetorical [war] against Wall Street regarding excessive financial leveraging,ARG-0: Washington 's | ARG-1: against Wall Street | ARG-2: regarding excessive financial leveraging "SRL for [immortalization]: In the case of the hero Achilles , a myth about his [immortalization] after death is made explicit in the epic Cycle , where Achilles is immortalized after death .",ARG-1: his | ARG-M-TMP: after death "SRL for [mining]: Early this century , diamond [mining] in the magnificent dunes where the Namib Desert meets the Atlantic Ocean was a day at the beac",ARG-1: diamond | ARG-M-LOC: in the magnificent dunes where the Namib Desert meets the Atlantic Ocean "SRL for [remove]: In a surprise move , the British government cleared the way for a bidding war for Jaguar PLC by agreeing to [remove] an obstacle to a takeover of the auto maker .",ARG-0: the British government | ARG-1: an obstacle to a takeover of the auto maker "SRL for [way]: Another close ally is Ruth Messinger , a Manhattan city councilwoman , some of whose programs , such as commercial rent control , have made their [way] into Mr. Dinkins 's position papers .","ARG-0: some of whose programs , such as commercial rent control | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: into Mr. Dinkins 's position papers" SRL for [taken in]: This exclusive club has [taken in] a host of flashy new members,ARG-0: This exclusive club | ARG-1: a host of flashy new members SRL for [diligence]: Ah - aw has greatly delighted us by her [diligence] in study and good conduct ;,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: in study and good conduct SRL for [applique]: It would be great to embroider or [applique] a design on the fabric panel .,ARG-2: a design | ARG-1: on the fabric panel "SRL for [smirk]: Plunking themselves down on the front bench , they turned to [smirk] at those around them .",ARG-0: they | ARG-2: at those around them "SRL for [passionate]: If teachers were [passionate] about each student 's growth and had a unique assessment system for each child , Chinese children would not be too far away from the spring of the pasture cattle class .",ARG-0: teachers | ARG-1: about each student 's growth "SRL for [track]: At one point , she gets so carried away with her thesis that she suggests that females were responsible not only for all of human evolutionary biology but for the very notion of counting in order to keep [track] of menstruation .",ARG-0: females | ARG-M-LVB: keep | ARG-1: of menstruation SRL for [thrummed]: He [thrummed] a tune in A major .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a tune in A major SRL for [sewed]: I then sat and [sewed] them together with thin strips of hide cut from the shirt .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: them | ARG-3: together | ARG-2: with thin strips of hide cut from the shirt "SRL for [heavy]: The lively , hustling and bustling 2012 Taiwan "" General Election "" has already dropped the curtain . As Ma Ying - jeou said in his victory acceptance speech , "" It is enough for us to rejoice for one night , and we need to be as as we were four years ago , for we still have a lot of work to do "" . Yes , the future is a long ways away , the road ahead is very long , and the responsibility is [heavy] .",ARG-1: the responsibility "SRL for [swell]: The drugstore chain reacted cautiously , saying the plan would further [swell] its huge debt , which forced the company into Chapter 11 protection last year .","ARG-0: the plan | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: further | ARG-1: its huge debt , which forced the company into Chapter 11 protection last year" "SRL for [breakthrough]: Following a [breakthrough] in the tunnel just before the summer holiday of 1957 , there was a powerful draught of mild air .",ARG-1: in the tunnel | ARG-M-TMP: just before the summer holiday of 1957 SRL for [ganged]: I [ganged] them together with blue tape and set up the table saw with a 90 tooth finish blade and the 45 degree cross - cut sled .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-PRD: together | ARG-3: with blue tape SRL for [glimpse]: it helps to have kind of a [glimpse] into the future right ?,ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: into the future SRL for [coughed]: He [coughed] some phlegm from his throat and spat through the window .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: some phlegm | ARG-M-DIR: from his throat "SRL for [engaged]: Jefferies , a Los Angeles holding company primarily [engaged] in securities trading , also said stock market declines since the quarter ended Sept. 30 created an unrealizedpretax loss of about $ 6 million in its risk arbitrage account .",ARG-M-ADV: primarily | ARG-1: a Los Angeles holding company | ARG-2: in securities trading "SRL for [tour]: As part of his Barnstorm for Reform [tour] , he is joined by Republican governors from Connecticut , South Dakota , and Montana .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: Barnstorm for Reform "SRL for [disaster]: A horrible , divisive [disaster] of a SOTU which will haunt this one - term failure all the way up to Election Day .",ARG-M-ADJ: horrible | ARG-M-ADJ: divisive | ARG-1: of a SOTU | ARG-M-ADJ: which will haunt this one - term failure all the way up to Election Day SRL for [log]: They worried about an Interior Department directive to [log] all communications with Members or their staffs .,ARG-1: all communications with Members or their staffs "SRL for [ashamed]: As a result of the visual shock , should n't we be [ashamed] of our ideological rigidity and instead praise the Zhejiang officialsfor their ideological liberation ? !",ARG-M-ADV: As a result of the visual shock | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: we | ARG-0: of our ideological rigidity SRL for [exhumed]: After six decades the airman is [exhumed] from his icy tomb and thawed out .,ARG-M-TMP: After six decades | ARG-1: airman is exhumed | ARG-M-ADV: from his icy tomb SRL for [motivate]: But cosmetics firms still have one big marketing edge : They [motivate] sales people with commissions .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: sales people | ARG-M-MNR: with commissions "SRL for [gentrification]: I think that younger people , artists , hipsters and the like , are starting to forge a path of [gentrification] that 's increasing the population",ARG-M-ADJ: that 's increasing the population "SRL for [deep]: But that sadness was [deep] and constant , rooted from stem to stern and laced through every rib in between .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: that sadness | ARG-M-PRD: rooted from stem to stern and laced through every rib in between SRL for [riot]: If you 're bored I 'm sure you could match people from the pics in the OP to the pics taken by closed circuit security cams during the Stanley Cup [riot] recently .,ARG-1: Stanley Cup SRL for [commodifies]: Capitalism [commodifies] everything with glitzy advertising and tacky slogans .,ARG-0: Capitalism | ARG-1: everything | ARG-2: with glitzy advertising and tacky slogans "SRL for [circles]: The auto - dealer strip in this booming suburb runs nearly five miles along Cobb Parkway , stretching from the Perimeter highway that [circles] Atlanta to the `` Big Chicken , '' a pullet - roofed fast - food restaurant and local landmark .",ARG-1: the Perimeter highway | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: Atlanta SRL for [unorthodox]: The criticism that Freud was [unorthodox] highlights the confusion regarding who should have the authority to decide what is true psychoanalytic technique .,ARG-1: Freud SRL for [unfastened]: I [unfastened] the blet from around the mast .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the blet | ARG-2: from around the mast SRL for [protect]: Mr. Wilder introduced a bill to [protect] rape victims from unfounded interrogation .,ARG-3: a bill | ARG-1: rape victims | ARG-2: from unfounded interrogation SRL for [recheck]: He has had no [recheck] since then in large part because of his fear of having another perforation .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MOD: has | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-M-TMP: since then | ARG-M-CAU: in large part because of his fear of having another perforation SRL for [nonreactive]: CSF was submitted for demonstration of intrathecal antibody production to C6 peptide of Borrelia Burgdorferi but this was [nonreactive] .,ARG-0: this "SRL for [gel]: Hello I started university in September , did n't immediately [gel] with it obviously like most people .",ARG-M-DIS: Hello | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: immediately | ARG-2: with it | ARG-M-ADV: obviously | ARG-M-MNR: like most people SRL for [pitch]: Permison made his biggest [pitch] of the game and struck out Prokopowicz .,ARG-0: Permison | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-ADJ: biggest | ARG-M-TMP: of the game SRL for [spike out]: In a week the hyacinths would [spike out] .,ARG-M-TMP: In a week | ARG-1: the hyacinths | ARG-M-MOD: would "SRL for [framed]: Highlights of the bills , as currently [framed] , are : -- A restriction on the amount of real estate one family can own , to 660 square meters in the nation 's six largest cities , but more in smaller cities and rural areas .",ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-1: the bills "SRL for [screeched]: The sales recovery [screeched] to a halt this month , some analysts say .",ARG-1: The sales recovery | ARG-2: to a halt | ARG-M-TMP: this month "SRL for [bothered]: There is no sign that you [bothered] to consider the inverse of your logic : namely , that mental illness and substance abuse might be to some degree consequences rather than causes of homelessness .","ARG-0: you | ARG-1: to consider the inverse of your logic : namely , that mental illness and substance abuse might be to some degree consequences rather than causes of homelessness" "SRL for [learning]: At my parent conference , his teacher told me that the only problem he is having is with his [learning] the letters of the alphabet .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the letters of the alphabet "SRL for [impoverished]: `` My husband was instantly [impoverished] by the very act of marrying me , '' she says .",ARG-M-TMP: instantly | ARG-1: My husband | ARG-0: by the very act of marrying me SRL for [bringing]: They may risk [bringing] some damaging influence from outside the markets .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: some damaging influence | ARG-4: from outside the markets "SRL for [swathed]: His brother , Parkhaji , whose head is [swathed] in a gorgeous crimson turban , nods vigorous assent .","ARG-1: His brother , Parkhaji | R-ARG-1: whose head | ARG-2: in a gorgeous crimson turban" "SRL for [elbowing]: They moved toward the skiffs with shocking eagerness , [elbowing] andshoving .",ARG-0: They "SRL for [probing]: Times were tough , but it was during this period that he found what he had been [probing] for in his use of line , and started on the "" fuzzy people "" phase of his output .",ARG-2: what | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LOC: in his use of line | C-ARG-2: for "SRL for [recrimination]: this is just a game of [recrimination] between officials and merchants . As ordinary people , we 'd better be just an audience !",ARG-0: between officials and merchants SRL for [reresection]: The [reresection] of the first eight pT1 low - risk carcinomas,ARG-1: of the first eight pT1 low - risk carcinomas SRL for [concerning]: Some symptoms to me are [concerning] for gasteric outlet obstruction .,ARG-0: Some symptoms | ARG-1: to me | ARG-2: for gasteric outlet obstruction "SRL for [picked up]: Skipping personal pleasantries , Mr. Lee [picked up] exactly where he left off several months earlier -- before the government crackdown in China -- when he had warned that the orthodox leadership in Beijing feared a plurality of views .",ARG-M-ADV: Skipping personal pleasantries | ARG-0: Mr. Lee | ARG-M-LOC: exactly where he left off several months earlier -- before the government crackdown in China -- when he had warned that the orthodox leadership in Beijing feared a plurality of views SRL for [break]: The dam 's [break] was probably caused by defective materials .,ARG-1: The dam 's "SRL for [coexpressed]: In vertebrates , the cardiac actin gene is [coexpressed] with the skeletal actin gene in both the developing somites and the heart of the early embryo .",ARG-1: the cardiac actin gene | C-ARG-1: the skeletal actin gene | ARG-3: both the developing somites and the heart of the early embryo "SRL for [ganging up]: Vietnam is playing with the so-called "" Sunshine Law , "" and is [ganging up] with America to lay political siege to other countries . If that can be endured and tolerated , what else can not ?",ARG-0: Vietnam | ARG-1: with America | ARG-3: to lay political siege to other countries SRL for [summation]: The [summation] of an infinite sequence of values is called a series .,ARG-1: of an infinite sequence of values SRL for [whupping]: And his [whupping] is n't going to come from the president -- it will be from his fellow Republicans .,ARG-1: his "SRL for [kept to themselves]: They [kept to themselves] , not even mixing with the islanders when they were invited to the many feasts .",ARG-0: They SRL for [honored]: Hahaha ! awesome ! Thanks ! ! ! I feel pretty [honored] .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: pretty SRL for [blockaded]: Israeli troops killed four Palestinians Tuesday as Israeli forces [blockaded] Palestinian towns and villages in reprisal for the killing of four Israelis .,ARG-0: Israeli forces | ARG-1: Palestinian towns and villages | ARG-M-PRP: in reprisal for the killing of four Israelis "SRL for [chug]: Batch processing is the high - volume , single - job data processing that most mainframes typically [chug] through *trace* at night , such as updating accounts at banks .",ARG-1: most mainframes | ARG-M-TMP: typically | ARG-M-DIR: through | ARG-M-TMP: at night "SRL for [hankering]: Callahan acknowledges that Churchill 's judgment could indeed go remarkably wrong at times , for example in his [hankering] to launch an amphibious operation that would recover Singapore .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to launch an amphibious operation that would recover Singapore SRL for [stance]: The majority of Lords do n't make a ' tribal ' [stance] because there 's recognition that ...,ARG-0: The majority of Lords | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: ' tribal ' | ARG-M-CAU: because there 's recognition that ... "SRL for [follow suit]: Budget Rent a Car Corp. , of Chicago , and National Car Rental Systems Inc. , of Minneapolis , both said [*0*] they-1 had no plans [*]-1 to [follow suit] .", SRL for [bunted]: He [bunted] from 135 yards with extreme accuracy !,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: from 135 yards | ARG-M-MNR: with extreme accuracy "SRL for [modem]: For that , we would first need to [modem] it to one of the model IVs .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to one of the model IVs SRL for [intimate]: She is [intimate] with Russian seabird physiology .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: with Russian seabird physiology SRL for [end up]: That data could [end up] in the hands of prosecutors,ARG-1: That data | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-2: in the hands of prosecutors SRL for [depth]: They were at a [depth] of 1 mile under the sea .,ARG-1: They | ARG-3: of 1 mile | ARG-2: under the sea "SRL for [whispering]: Take the scene in which Kate stands naked by a lighted window , [whispering] to her hidden assailant , `` Look all you want .",ARG-0: Kate | ARG-2: to her hidden assailant | ARG-1: Look all you want SRL for [valuable]: i think this issue is only [valuable] for the purposes of supporting commoditization of CO2 . that 's my explanation for whyall of the funded scientists point to the gas and build the anthroargument . i do nt see how it is credible in light of more dominantcauses .,ARG-1: this issue | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-M-PRP: for the purposes of supporting commoditization of CO2 "SRL for [buckled]: Many streets and sidewalks [buckled] , and subterranean water mains and service connections ruptured .",ARG-1: Many streets and sidewalks SRL for [keeps]: The state [keeps] track of the achievement - test preparation booklets .,ARG-0: The state | ARG-1: track | ARG-2: of the achievement - test preparation booklets SRL for [negligible]: it is true that the utilitarian value of modern languages is [negligible] to too many college students,ARG-1: the utilitarian value of modern languages | ARG-0: to too many college students SRL for [research]: Market [research] shows that viewers prefer blondes .,ARG-1: Market "SRL for [acceded]: Labor unions and Democrats long fought the idea , but recently [acceded] to it in the face of Bush administration insistence .",ARG-0: Labor unions and Democrats | ARG-M-DIS: but | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: to it | ARG-M-PRP: in the face of Bush administration insistence "SRL for [dreadful]: But i do n't know if there s any brands of pop that use it instead of aspartame , which is [dreadful] for you by the way !",ARG-1: which | ARG-2: for you | ARG-M-ADV: by the way SRL for [relations]: South Korea established diplomatic [relations] with Hungary in February 1989,ARG-1: diplomatic | ARG-2: with Hungary SRL for [mind]: Is this going to change the [mind] of the one who killed you ?,ARG-0: of the one who killed you ? "SRL for [penetrated]: `` The collar was [penetrated] on a number of occasions , '' meaning securities firms figured out ways to conduct program trades to circumvent the collar and use the Big Board 's electronic trading system , Mr. Phelan said .",ARG-1: The collar | ARG-M-TMP: on a number of occasions | ARG-M-ADV: meaning securities firms figured out ways to conduct program trades to circumvent the collar and use the Big Board 's electronic trading system "SRL for [bites]: He [bites] it , scowls and throws it down . ``",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it SRL for [hunting]: medium - size game [hunting],ARG-1: medium - size game SRL for [suspicious]: This is [suspicious] for a renal cell carcinoma .,ARG-2: This | ARG-1: for a renal cell carcinoma SRL for [midline]: Trachea is [midline] .,ARG-1: Trachea "SRL for [perished]: Within this period , not less than one million of Cambodian people were [perished] of starvation , slavery , sickness and other arbitrary executions .","ARG-M-TMP: Within this period | ARG-0: not less than one million of Cambodian people | ARG-M-CAU: of starvation , slavery , sickness and other arbitrary executions" "SRL for [riven]: He heard the words : `` Rock of Ages , cleft for me , Let me hidemyself in Thee ! ! Let the water and the blood From Thy [riven] side flow ! ! ''",ARG-1: side SRL for [nurture]: He also vowed to `` make every effort to [nurture] ... a constructive new relationship that has been forged with participating employee groups . '',ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a constructive new relationship that has been forged with participating employee groups "SRL for [burnout]: The error reporting round - ups that Hola used to do in the Loathing forums kind of acted as the feedback for most of Mafia in the past , but I know that they probably also contributed to his [burnout] on the project .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: on the project "SRL for [pitch]: At least , that 's how art director Ken Feldman described his failed [pitch] for God of War III as an FPS to game director Stig Asmussen .",ARG-0: his | ARG-M-ADJ: failed | ARG-1: for God of War III | ARG-2: as an FPS | ARG-3: to game director Stig Asmussen "SRL for [bendy]: I know , they were n't even [bendy] anymore",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: anymore "SRL for [divided]: The group is [divided] primarily between software , semiconductors and computers .","ARG-1: The group | ARG-M-ADV: primarily | ARG-2: between software , semiconductors and computers" "SRL for [renewal]: The issues with which we deal are ( 1 ) whether the team 's "" [renewal] "" of the player 's 1964 - 1966 contract obligated the Club to pay the player salary in 1967 under the injury clause of the contract",ARG-0: the team 's | ARG-1: of the player 's 1964 - 1966 contract SRL for [desecration]: Their [desecration] of the memorial is like having a beer and brat bonfire on a veteran 's grave .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of the memorial SRL for [attack]: The student froze during the beginning of her piano recital from an [attack] of nerves .,ARG-0: of nerves SRL for [pulled down]: We [pulled down] the protein complexes with glutathione - Sepharose and detected p53 by western blotting ( Fig . 1d ) .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the protein complexes | ARG-3: with glutathione - Sepharose "SRL for [liking]: It 's the only team that has the capacity to send me into the depths of despair -LRB- all too often for my [liking] -RRB- , or run around screaming and shouting with joy .",ARG-0: my "SRL for [conclusion]: Lee added that he hoped the Advisory Group would shortly come to a firm [conclusion] on the "" one China "" issue .","ARG-M-MNR: firm | ARG-2: on the "" one China "" issue" SRL for [tubing]: `` People [tubing] in Boulder Creek .,ARG-0: People | ARG-2: in Boulder Creek "SRL for [re - employed]: Last year , a total of 2.45 million people were [re - employed] in China .",ARG-M-TMP: Last year | ARG-1: a total of 2.45 million people | ARG-M-LOC: in China SRL for [exit]: Metro asked him about his [exit] from the Scientology cult .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: from the Scientology cult SRL for [anticoagulated]: Dr. John [anticoagulated] the patient using IV heparin .,ARG-0: Dr. John | ARG-1: the patient | ARG-M-MNR: using IV heparin SRL for [risky]: ordering drugs through the mail or over the Internet from other countries is [risky] for your health and is usually against thelaw .,ARG-1: ordering drugs through the mail or over the Internet | ARG-2: for your health "SRL for [read between lines]: He did n't say so , but that 's what I [read between lines]",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: what "SRL for [greasy]: I used a Stila one as it was ok , but slightly [greasy]",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: slightly "SRL for [inspirational]: Among the Cuban children I found much that was [inspirational] of hope for the future , a real interest in and even an enthusiasm for their work , and back of many a bright eye there seemed to me to flash the light of a soul capable of great things and worthy of the best that can be done for man by man .",ARG-0: that | ARG-1: of hope for the future "SRL for [traveled]: The shocks generated nerve impulses that [traveled] via spine to brain and showed up clearly on a brain - wave monitor , indicating no damage to the delicate spinal tissue .",ARG-0: nerve impulses | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: via spine | ARG-4: to brain SRL for [contraflowing]: hopefully you guys be [contraflowing] to dry ground,ARG-M-ADV: hopefully | ARG-0: you guys | ARG-M-DIR: to dry ground "SRL for [froth]: At 4 1\/2 pounds , it may be too ambitiously named , but it nevertheless opens up the kind of marketing possibilities that make analysts [froth] .",ARG-1: analysts "SRL for [sweetened]: In August , Temple [sweetened] the offer to $ 63 a share , or $ 963 million .","ARG-M-TMP: In August | ARG-0: Temple | ARG-1: the offer | ARG-2: to $ 63 a share , or $ 963 million" SRL for [kick - off]: The Salvation Army of Mahaska County is pleased to announce their [kick - off] of the Red Kettle campaign bell - ringing season ...,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the Red Kettle campaign bell - ringing season SRL for [undertaken]: Ohbayashi officials said the purchase was [undertaken] to participate in ventures in and around New York City .,ARG-1: the purchase | ARG-M-PRP: to participate in ventures in and around New York City "SRL for [mobilizing]: So far , Wall Street 's Old Guard seems to be winning the program - trading battle , successfully [mobilizing] public and congressional opinion to bludgeon their tormentors .",ARG-0: Wall Street 's Old Guard | ARG-M-MNR: successfully | ARG-1: public and congressional opinion | ARG-M-PNC: to bludgeon their tormentors "SRL for [cracking]: After all , everybody uses electric kilns , because they offer precise temperature control , so their pieces can be fired slowly , with no risk of [cracking] from overly rapid heating or cooling . """,ARG-1: their pieces | ARG-2: from overly rapid heating or cooling "SRL for [sitting]: `` You 've got two champions [sitting] right before you , '' said Mr. Baum .",ARG-1: two champions | ARG-2: right before you SRL for [put up]: They had until 1 May 1931 to [put up] the building .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the building "SRL for [advantage]: A vast industry of dubious "" debt fixers "" has sprung up to take [advantage] of individuals swamped in a sea of red ink","ARG-0: A vast industry of dubious "" debt fixers "" | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-1: of individuals swamped in a sea of red ink" SRL for [to put]: It 's too late [to put] the genie back in the bottle .,ARG-1: the genie | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: in the bottle "SRL for [imagine]: `` I ca n't [imagine] that you 'll talk to anyone who wo n't tell you this is dynamite for Compaq and a stopper for everyone else , '' says Gene Talsky , president of Professional Marketing Management Inc.",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: that you 'll talk to anyone who wo n't tell you this is dynamite for Compaq and a stopper for everyone else SRL for [hatted]: Can you imagine yourself forgetting under the circumstances that you are approaching this startling and unexpected situation *trace*-1 so unsuitably [hatted] [*-1] and armed with a paper horn ? ?,ARG-M-MNR: so unsuitably "SRL for [abstracted]: In working up this study , he [abstracted] numerous pages from the original typed Narrative - Commentary and considerably altered their chronological order to fit the new central theme .",ARG-M-ADV: In working up this study | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: numerous pages | ARG-2: from the original typed Narrative - Commentary "SRL for [fulfilment]: Is the "" equality "" issue "" religious wish [fulfilment] "" which flies in the face of biological and sociological "" fact "" ?","ARG-M-ADJ: religious | ARG-1: wish | ARG-M-ADJ: which flies in the face of biological and sociological "" fact """ SRL for [addled]: The feeling that they were staring at me kind of [addled] my brain .,ARG-0: The feeling that they were staring at me | ARG-M-EXT: kind of | ARG-1: me SRL for [decocts]: Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati [decocts] with other herbs .,ARG-1: Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati | ARG-2: with other herbs "SRL for [aid]: The House , meanwhile , approved $ 2.85 billion to [aid] in the recovery from the temblor and from Hurricane Hugo as state legislators moved toward a temporary sales - tax increase .",ARG-0: $ 2.85 billion | ARG-1: in the recovery from the temblor and from Hurricane Hugo "SRL for [imprisoned]: If convicted , he could be [imprisoned] for up to 10 years and fined $ 250,000 .",ARG-M-ADV: If convicted | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: he | ARG-2: for up to 10 years SRL for [maundered]: He [maundered] terribly all through his lecture .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: terribly | ARG-M-TMP: all through his lecture "SRL for [evolve]: At age fourteen , Dan was learning to [evolve] RNA molecules to bind arbitrary ligands .",ARG-0: Dan | ARG-1: RNA molecules | ARG-2: to bind arbitrary ligands "SRL for [loan]: Thus , the IRS says , the Blandings ' $ 200,000 [loan] is home - acquisition debt , and interest on it is fully deductible .","ARG-2: the Blandings | ARG-1: $ 200,000" SRL for [ileorectostomy]: an [ileorectostomy] would be performed, "SRL for [stabbing]: Beheading small children , [stabbing] elderly people to death , raping and shooting women , and burying people alive are just a few of the grisly activities that the Somali armed forces have been engaged in over the past two years .",ARG-1: elderly people | ARG-4: to death SRL for [fluxed]: The crowd [fluxed] like a whirlpool .,ARG-1: The crowd | ARG-M-MNR: like a whirlpool SRL for [Coach]: [Coach] them in handling complaints so that they can resolve problems immediately .,ARG-1: them | ARG-2: in handling complaints | ARG-M-PNC: so that they can resolve problems immediately SRL for [feasted]: Law firms that have [feasted] and grown on the revenue from mergers and acquisitions work are feeling the squeeze as that work declines .,ARG-0: Law firms | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: on the revenue from mergers and acquisitions work SRL for [matched]: The paint and the wallpaper [matched],ARG-1: The paint and the wallpaper "SRL for [queried]: `` Slice o ' mutton , bhoy '' ? ? She had [queried] in her soft guttural .","ARG-0: She | ARG-2: Slice o ' mutton , bhoy | ARG-M-MNR: in her soft guttural" SRL for [sting]: Four men charged in police [sting] on alleged sale of Oxycodone .,ARG-0: police | ARG-2: on alleged sale of Oxycodone "SRL for [said]: A Lorillard spokeswoman [said] "" This is an old story . ""","ARG-0: A Lorillard spokeswoman | ARG-1: "" This is an old story . """ SRL for [dashed]: John [dashed] home .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: home SRL for [resumption]: pending [resumption] of normal oral intake,ARG-1: of normal oral intake SRL for [break]: It was the largest [break] from a federal prison in decades .,ARG-M-CXN: the largest | ARG-1: from a federal prison | C-ARG-M-CXN: in decades SRL for [Famed]: [Famed] animator Chuck Jones made it into a television special .,ARG-1: animator Chuck Jones "SRL for [fob off]: Doctors also try to [fob off] with medication first sometimes , which you have said you do n't want at this stage .",ARG-0: Doctors | ARG-1: you | ARG-2: with medication | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-M-TMP: sometimes | ARG-M-ADV: which you have said you do n't want at this stage "SRL for [grandstanding]: but anyone who 's now claiming htat they expect to get the answers from Miers in the confirmation hearing , that 's going to somehow uh assure them one way or the other are just [grandstanding] because they know they 're not going to get it .","ARG-M-DIS: but | ARG-0: anyone who 's now claiming htat they expect to get the answers from Miers in the confirmation hearing , that 's going to somehow uh assure them one way or the other | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-CAU: because they know they 're not going to get it" SRL for [more]: We also have the advantage that we are from the same unit for life in most cases and so the cohesiveness is [more] and we know each other well .,ARG-1: the cohesiveness "SRL for [launched]: Separately , the Ontario Supreme Court said it will postpone indefinitely a ruling on the lawsuit [launched] by the University of Toronto against Connaught in connection with the Merieux bid .",ARG-1: the lawsuit | ARG-0: by the University of Toronto | ARG-M-GOL: against Connaught | ARG-M-MNR: in connection with the Merieux bid SRL for [illustration]: the Equitable 's policy [illustration],ARG-0: the Equitable 's | ARG-1: policy "SRL for [allegations]: The following cases , currently under investigation , have attracted particular attention : the alleged involvement of Linkou mayor Tsai Tzung - yi , Yingko Township chief Hsu Yuan - ho and Linkou council deputy chairman Chou Yeh - feng in the operation of an illegal waste dump at a disused brickyard ; alleged fraud by Nantou County commissioner Peng Pai - hsien in connection with construction projects ; [allegations] of corruption against Hsinchu mayor Tsai Jen - chien ; and the suspected embezzlement of post-921 earthquake relief funds by Hsinchu municipal council speaker Cheng Cheng - kuang .",ARG-1: of corruption | ARG-3: against Hsinchu mayor Tsai Jen - chien "SRL for [out of hand]: "" If your advisor rejects them [out of hand] , that ' s a bad sign , "" says Pfau",ARG-1: your advisor rejects them "SRL for [fly]: As long as the trees are said to attract money , they are sure to [fly] out of the store and into people 's homes .","ARG-1: , they | ARG-M-DIR: out of the store and into people 's homes" "SRL for [thankful]: Humanity can indeed be [thankful] for that , that we only go through stages of insanity , and have the chance of overcoming that .","ARG-0: Humanity | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-ADV: indeed | ARG-2: that we only go through stages of insanity , and have the chance of overcoming that | R-ARG-2: for that" "SRL for [scooted]: Cupboard doors were flying , the trash can in the kitchen walked a few feet , the dogs came running , and I [scooted] them into the dog run and stood in the doorway myself , watching the outside trash cans dance across the concrete .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: them | ARG-3: into the dog run SRL for [circumscribed]: A yellow - tan shaggy breast parenchyma is moderately [circumscribed] .,ARG-1: A yellow - tan shaggy breast parenchyma | ARG-M-EXT: moderately SRL for [shadowed]: A foreseeable split [shadowed] the party during its first congress last year,ARG-0: A foreseeable split | ARG-1: the party | ARG-M-TMP: during its first congress last year "SRL for [zone out]: I think on days like those , I tend to take myself to the movies or [zone out] with something",ARG-0: I | ARG-2: with something SRL for [mime]: Children [mime] movements at the front of the class ( swimming dancing jumping etc ),ARG-0: Children | ARG-1: movements | C-ARG-1: ( swimming dancing jumping etc ) | ARG-M-LOC: at the front of the class "SRL for [obtained]: But the U.S. State Department still included this list [obtained] from an Internet search in the UN Security Council draft resolution submitted by France , Germany , and Britain .",ARG-1: this list | ARG-2: from an Internet search SRL for [insult]: an [insult] to China 's family planning policy,ARG-1: to China 's family planning policy SRL for [spoken for]: My ass is [spoken for] already .,ARG-1: My ass | ARG-M-TMP: already SRL for [permission]: A U.S. company is seeking government [permission] to bring genetically altered fish to America 's kitchens .,ARG-0: government | ARG-1: to bring genetically altered fish to America 's kitchens "SRL for [bother]: And if a user is busy , `` he can set it for crisis mode : ` Do n't [bother] me with reports until Monday . '' '",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: me | ARG-2: with reports | ARG-M-TMP: until Monday SRL for [locked out]: Cool i ll see you at two . Wan na come by my place before two ? I 'm currently [locked out] but I 'm hoping to remedy that,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: currently SRL for [rush]: any [rush] on the part of investors in the West to buy gold,ARG-1: on the part of investors in the West | ARG-2: to buy gold SRL for [tip]: And for $ 1000 fine?that 's just his [tip] to the waiter .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the waiter "SRL for [squeeze]: But it 's hard to [squeeze] much profit out of the personal - computer business these days , and the workstation market , while important , is too small to rely on for much growth .",ARG-1: much profit | ARG-2: out of the personal - computer business | ARG-M-TMP: these days SRL for [comparable]: These are [comparable] books .,ARG-1: These | C-ARG-1: books "SRL for [homemaking]: "" Although her [homemaking] was self - avowedly suspended , she and Michael shared an expedition to Carlton Antique market to find an interesting old and battered enamel bread bin .",ARG-0: her SRL for [bearing]: His [bearing] the burden of responsibility for his entire family 's well - being had long ago began to take its toll on Jonathan .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the burden of responsibility for his entire family 's well - being "SRL for [established]: `` He 's in a vulnerable position because he has n't [established] much credibility on his own , '' says Bryan Jacoboski .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: much credibility | ARG-M-MNR: on his own "SRL for [acceptance]: At a glance you can find information such as regional and seasonal variations in sales , or market [acceptance] of a given product .",ARG-0: market | ARG-1: of a given product "SRL for [jests]: Lien often [jests] "" it 's because I 've never graduated from ' Make a Show ' primary school that ...",ARG-0: Lien | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-2: it 's because I 've never graduated from ' Make a Show ' primary school that ... "SRL for [cleans up]: Using Gnu - Emacs , the spy could substitute a bogus `` atrun '' program for the one that routinely [cleans up] the Unix system every five minutes .",ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MNR: routinely | ARG-1: the Unix system | ARG-M-TMP: every five minutes SRL for [mental]: They are [mental] to dive with barracudas !,ARG-1: They | C-ARG-1: to dive with barracudas SRL for [ulcerated]: She forgot about it until it [ulcerated] through the soft tissues,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: through the soft tissues SRL for [fell]: The average junk bond [fell] by 4.2 % in October,ARG-1: The average junk bond | ARG-2: by 4.2 % | ARG-M-TMP: in October SRL for [umbilication]: tumor serosal [umbilication],ARG-0: tumor | ARG-1: serosal "SRL for [legal]: bear bile 's medical value and its alternatives , the relation between being necessary and unnecessary , the relation between extracting bear bile from live bears and being comfortable , the relation between being a whore and setting up a chastity arch , the relation between being [legal] and being reasonable , the relation between one extreme and another extreme , and lastly there is the relation between love and disgust .", SRL for [sidled]: Wyatt [sidled] his horse up to Annie 's side .,ARG-0: Wyatt | ARG-1: his horse | ARG-2: up to Annie 's side "SRL for [dealing]: While it starts off with Duke discussing how to narrow your decisions in a hand ( complete with her [dealing] the cards to give examples ) , it eventually comes off as a little scattered .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: the cards | ARG-M-PRP: to give examples "SRL for [championing]: This argument is perhaps the most interesting one for abolishing program trading -- not because of its merits , but because of the firms [championing] the cause .",ARG-0: the firms | ARG-1: the cause SRL for [departure]: Nigel Lawson 's [departure] from the British government,ARG-0: Nigel Lawson 's | ARG-1: from the British government "SRL for [blew up]: Last week , the strategy of playing the two experts off each other [blew up] .",ARG-M-TMP: Last week | ARG-1: the strategy of playing the two experts off each other SRL for [shearing]: Rodney Sutton broke a seven - year - old world record by [shearing] 839 lambs in nine hours .,ARG-0: Rodney Sutton | ARG-2: 839 lambs | ARG-M-TMP: in nine hours SRL for [crime]: This was considered a [crime] against God .,ARG-2: against God SRL for [tantamount]: Privatization is [tantamount] to handing over all of China 's wealth to the American financial rogues .,ARG-1: Privatization | ARG-2: to handing over all of China 's wealth to the American financial rogues "SRL for [incorporates]: uh also it it it [incorporates] securing Baghdad as the capital of Iraq and also increasing the uh protection of the infrastructure uh uh formation of special forces or target oriented special forces uh uh also increasing the intelligence activity because you know this is a intelligence uh led war , this is not a traditional classical war /.","ARG-M-DIS: uh | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: securing Baghdad as the capital of Iraq and also increasing the uh protection of the infrastructure uh uh formation of special forces or target oriented special forces uh uh also increasing the intelligence activity | ARG-M-CAU: because you know this is a intelligence uh led war , this is not a traditional classical war" "SRL for [banging]: The confrontation between supriya and him , his anger , his [banging] the door shut and what followed next , was all so fresh in her memory .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the door | ARG-2: shut "SRL for [pinched]: A BMA spokesman said `` runaway medical costs '' have made health insurance `` a significant challenge , '' and margins also have been [pinched] by changes in the mix of life - insurance products consumers now demand .",ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: margins | ARG-0: by changes in the mix of life - insurance products consumers now demand SRL for [aim]: It was created with the conscious [aim] of meeting immediate needs .,ARG-M-MNR: conscious | ARG-1: of meeting immediate needs "SRL for [struggled]: Same store - sales for Kentucky Fried Chicken , which has [struggled] with increased competition in the fast - food chicken market and a lack of new products , rose only 1 % .",ARG-0: Kentucky Fried Chicken | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: with increased competition in the fast - food chicken market and a lack of new products SRL for [inscription]: following [inscription] QoNvsy 800 kg,ARG-M-ADJ: following | ARG-2: QoNvsy 800 kg "SRL for [expose]: If we compare him to other Nativist writers who address the tragedy of the rural elderly unable to adapt to the modern industrial world , we note that Huang is reluctant to [expose] his elderly characters to unmitigated suffering .",ARG-0: Huang | ARG-2: his elderly characters | ARG-1: to unmitigated suffering SRL for [hazy]: It 's crazy [hazy] here,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-EXT: crazy | ARG-M-LOC: here SRL for [drew]: Dr. Betsy [drew] blood from the malaria patient .,ARG-0: Dr. Betsy | ARG-1: blood | ARG-2: from the malaria patient SRL for [appearing]: She has been calmer [appearing] in the past week .,ARG-1: She | C-ARG-1: calmer | ARG-M-TMP: in the past week "SRL for [fire]: A bank customer in Warren acted within his rights when he opened [fire] on a bank robber on Monday afternoon , sending him to the hospital",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LVB: opened | ARG-1: on a bank robber | ARG-M-TMP: on Monday afternoon | ARG-M-ADV: sending him to the hospital "SRL for [buy]: The Agency tried to convince everyone you were dead , but I did n't [buy] it .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: it SRL for [addictive]: Everything is [addictive] to me but tattoos are addictive to all .,ARG-0: Everything | ARG-1: to me SRL for [way]: by the [way], SRL for [bow]: I saw a steel beam [bow] six feet from where I was sitting .,ARG-1: a steel beam | ARG-M-LOC: six feet from where I was sitting SRL for [degenerate]: Customers [degenerate] from borrowers to savers / investors .,ARG-1: Customers | ARG-3: from borrowers | ARG-4: to savers / investors SRL for [overburdened]: John [overburdened] the mule with his collection of bottle caps and gum wrappers .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the mule | ARG-2: his collection of bottle caps and gum wrappers SRL for [reanastomosis]: August 2009 Patient underwent end - to - end [reanastomosis] .,ARG-M-MNR: end - to - end "SRL for [begun]: For example , she notes , recently the MOFA , through its "" virtual diplomacy institute , "" has [begun] offering a class in "" diplomacy of the whole people "" that provides training to legislative assistants , political party staff , and employees of nongovernmental organizations .","ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-0: the MOFA | ARG-2: through its "" virtual diplomacy institute | ARG-1: offering a class in "" diplomacy of the whole people "" that provides training to legislative assistants , political party staff , and employees of nongovernmental organizations" "SRL for [paves]: Were it true that a weak currency [paves] the way for trade surpluses , then presumably Argentina would be the center of today 's global economy .",ARG-0: a weak currency | ARG-1: the way | ARG-2: for trade surpluses SRL for [decongested]: The endonasal area was [decongested] of mucus with lidocaine and phenylephrine .,ARG-1: The endonasal area | ARG-2: of mucus | ARG-M-MNR: with lidocaine and phenylephrine "SRL for [fingerprinting]: This process is formally termed DNA profiling , but may also be called `` genetic [fingerprinting] '' .",ARG-3: genetic "SRL for [selection]: Not surprisingly , the Chinese Communists were critical of the [selection] of Gao as a Nobel Laureate , labeling his choice an "" imperialist conspiracy "" and another "" insult to all Chinese "" by the West .",ARG-1: of Gao | ARG-3: as a Nobel Laureate SRL for [quarantined]: The NYC public health department [quarantined] her from handing out germy stuff to the public .,ARG-0: The NYC public health department | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: from handing out germy stuff to the public "SRL for [researching]: Ritek is also part of a group -LRB- which includes Dataplay , Samsung and Toshiba -RRB- that is [researching] and developing a data storage device no larger than a wrist watch , as well as the applications for it .","ARG-0: a group -LRB- which includes Dataplay , Samsung and Toshiba -RRB- | ARG-1: a data storage device no larger than a wrist watch , as well as the applications for it | R-ARG-0: that" "SRL for [co - edits]: Mr. Kristol , an American Enterprise Institute fellow , [co - edits] The Public Interest and publishes The National Interest .","ARG-0: Mr. Kristol , an American Enterprise Institute fellow | ARG-1: The Public Interest and publishes The National Interest" "SRL for [retracting]: The locks hold the gear in the desired position , and the safety switch prevents accidental [retracting] of the gear when the aircraft is resting on its wheels .",ARG-M-ADJ: accidental | ARG-1: of the gear "SRL for [boycotted]: The vote in Ankara was [boycotted] by opposition politicians , who vowed to oust Ozal .","ARG-1: The vote in Ankara | ARG-0: by opposition politicians , who vowed to oust Ozal" "SRL for [maintain]: ... to [maintain] commercial air service for an estimated 92 communities , often in rural areas .","ARG-1: commercial air service | ARG-2: for an estimated 92 communities , often in rural areas" "SRL for [captain]: Nomura , the world 's biggest securities company largely by virtue of its protected home field , and Industrial Bank of Japan , Japan 's most innovative and aggressive bank in capital markets abroad , [captain] the opposing sides .","ARG-0: Nomura , the world 's biggest securities company largely by virtue of its protected home field , and Industrial Bank of Japan , Japan 's most innovative and aggressive bank in capital markets abroad | ARG-1: the opposing sides" SRL for [way]: his [way] of doing things,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of doing things "SRL for [clogged]: At present , doctors can see how badly an artery is [clogged] only by inserting a thin catheter into the artery and injecting a fluid that makes the arteries visible on X - rays .",ARG-1: an artery | ARG-M-EXT: how badly SRL for [miserable]: I do n't want to be [miserable] anymore and the longer he is around the more miserable I will be .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: anymore SRL for [dewormed]: We have [dewormed] your dog .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: your dog SRL for [stonewalled]: They [stonewalled] the senate for two years killing mounds of legislation .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the senate | ARG-M-TMP: for two years | ARG-M-ADV: killing mounds of legislation SRL for [sourced]: foreign - [sourced] news,ARG-2: foreign | ARG-1: news SRL for [retweet]: His [retweet] to facebook,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: to facebook "SRL for [criminalize]: At a stroke , this may [criminalize] all fiduciary breaches ( and possibly all misrepresentations by an agent or employee ) .",ARG-M-MNR: At a stroke | ARG-0: this | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: all fiduciary breaches ( and possibly all misrepresentations by an agent or employee ) SRL for [run]: a decade - long [run] of unprecedented disasters,ARG-M-TMP: decade - long | ARG-1: of unprecedented disasters "SRL for [devalued]: China might stave off a crisis if it acts as forcefully as it did to arrest the 1985 decline , when Beijing slammed the brakes on foreign - exchange spending and [devalued] the currency .",ARG-0: Beijing | ARG-1: the currency | ARG-M-TMP: the 1985 decline | R-ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [approached]: Earlier , American Medical said it had been [approached] again by two other possible suitors , whom it would n't identify but who had previously submitted bids for the company .","ARG-2: it | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-1: by two other possible suitors , whom it would n't identify but who had previously submitted bids for the company" SRL for [reply]: The Straits Association will arrange experts ' to be presented with the details of the incident and [reply] to questions .,ARG-0: experts | ARG-1: to questions "SRL for [tip off]: Filling out detailed forms about these individuals would [tip off] and spark action against the clients , he said .",ARG-0: Filling out detailed forms about these individuals | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the IRS SRL for [confounding]: It is engendered [*-1] by [*] [confounding] the Aristotelian cosmology in The Almagest with the geocentric astronomy .,ARG-1: the Aristotelian cosmology in The Almagest | ARG-2: with the geocentric astronomy SRL for [gelatinized]: Mary [gelatinized] the starch with hot water .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the starch | ARG-2: with hot water SRL for [patent]: The anterior tibial artery is widely [patent] .,ARG-1: The anterior tibial artery | ARG-M-EXT: widely SRL for [filed]: Documents [filed] with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the pending spinoff ...,ARG-1: Documents | ARG-2: with the Securities and Exchange Commission | ARG-M-PRD: on the pending spinoff SRL for [leave]: He 'll [leave] the decision to his wife .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: the decision | ARG-2: to his wife SRL for [aberration]: This apparent ellipse of motion of the star is called the [aberration] of starlight .,ARG-1: of starlight "SRL for [cleft]: He heard the words : `` Rock of Ages , [cleft] for me , Let me hide myself in Thee ! ! Let the water and the blood From Thy riven side flow ! ! ''",ARG-1: Rock of Ages | ARG-3: for me SRL for [asserted]: Still another boy [asserted] : to be a good Jew is to do no wrong ; it 's to be a good person .,ARG-0: Still another boy | ARG-1: to be a good Jew is to do no wrong ; it 's to be a good person "SRL for [babysit]: For example , a child in her early teens might [babysit] fofr the neighbors or cut lawns , and then put the money in a mutual fund .",ARG-M-DIS: For example | ARG-0: a child in her early teens | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: fofr the neighbors "SRL for [transplanting]: Twenty years later , two California academics , Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer , made `` recombinant '' DNA , [transplanting] a toad 's gene into bacteria , which then reproduced toad genes .","ARG-0: two California academics , Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer | ARG-1: a toad 's gene | ARG-2: into bacteria , which then reproduced toad genes" "SRL for [was decocting]: Mistress Lettice [was decocting] a face wash from rose leaves , dew and honey .","ARG-0: Mistress Lettice | ARG-3: a face wash | ARG-1: from rose leaves , dew and honey" SRL for [come up]: Sellers are in a race to [come up] with the priciest bottle .,ARG-0: Sellers | ARG-1: with the priciest bottle SRL for [dribbled]: He [dribbled] the ball down the court and passed it to a man in a corner .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the ball | ARG-4: down the court SRL for [recondition]: The patient is in physical therapy to [recondition] herself after surgery .,ARG-0: The patient | ARG-1: herself | ARG-M-TMP: after surgery SRL for [embrace]: Its passionate [embrace] of this reporter who after all was facing jail,ARG-0: Its | ARG-M-MNR: passionate | ARG-1: of this reporter who after all was facing jail SRL for [cooperation]: China 's [cooperation] with the outside,ARG-0: China 's | ARG-1: with the outside SRL for [ask]: Argentina will [ask] creditor banks to halve its foreign debt of $ 64 billion .,ARG-0: Argentina | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: creditor banks | ARG-1: to halve its foreign debt of $ 64 billion SRL for [beef]: My [beef] with him is that he 's still on it after 6weeks .,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: with him SRL for [reassume]: The Supreme Court agreed to decide whether the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. may require LTV Corp. to [reassume] funding responsibility for a $ 2.3 billion shortfall in the company 's pension plans .,ARG-0: LTV Corp. | ARG-1: funding responsibility for a $ 2.3 billion shortfall in the company 's pension plans "SRL for [dumped]: Unable to unload UAL and other airline shares , takeover - stock speculators , or risk arbitragers , [dumped] every blue - chip stock they had .","ARG-0: takeover - stock speculators , or risk arbitragers | ARG-1: every blue - chip stock they had" SRL for [atoned]: The spendthrift is said to have [atoned] for his folly by the hardships endured in consequence of it,ARG-0: The spendthrift | ARG-1: for his folly | ARG-M-MNR: by the hardships endured in consequence of it "SRL for [delayed]: After the opening was [delayed] 30 minutes because of the crush of sell orders , Frankfurt 's normal two - hour trading session was extended 75 minutes to handle the heavy volume .",ARG-1: the opening | ARG-2: 30 minutes | ARG-M-CAU: because of the crush of sell orders SRL for [believe]: Cathryn Rice could hardly [believe] her eyes .,ARG-0: Cathryn Rice | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-ADV: hardly | ARG-1: her eyes "SRL for [correspondence]: With due respect to `` highly classified [correspondence] '' and other buzzwords , the leakers are performing a public service .",ARG-M-ADJ: highly classified "SRL for [inaugurated]: Since then , Moon 's organization has [inaugurated] a pair of high - quality glossy opinion magazines , The World and I and Insight , which are a further drain .","ARG-M-TMP: Since then | ARG-0: Moon 's organization | ARG-1: a pair of high - quality glossy opinion magazines , The World and I and Insight , which are a further drain" "SRL for [rolling up]: Equitec Financial Group said it will ask as many as 100,000 investors in 12 of its public real - estate limited partnerships to give approval to [rolling up] into a new master limited partnership .",ARG-0: Equitec Financial Group | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: into a new master limited partnership SRL for [invaluable]: Their advice was [invaluable] to me at that stage of my life .,ARG-1: Their advice | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-TMP: at that stage of my life SRL for [shortening]: Google has improved its [shortening] of URLs .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of URLs "SRL for [selfidentifies]: Because Brown [selfidentifies] himself as a Republican , it could make for interesting campaign for conservatives .",ARG-0: Brown | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: as a Republican SRL for [federalized]: The country was [federalized] after the civil war .,ARG-1: The country | ARG-M-TMP: after the civil war "SRL for [pointless]: We can surge troops all we want , but if the level of cruelty does n't increase it will all be [pointless] .",ARG-M-ADV: if the level of cruelty does n't increase | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: all SRL for [portrayal]: his [portrayal] of the vice president,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the vice president SRL for [used]: Lorillard [used] asbestos in making cigarettes,ARG-0: Lorillard | ARG-1: asbestos | ARG-2: in making cigarettes SRL for [ahead]: The goal was reached nearly a year [ahead] of schedule,ARG-2: a year | ARG-3: of schedule "SRL for [deleted]: As the violinist tells it , his grandmotherly looking teacher `` put her hands on her hips , stomped her foot and said , ` You 've just got to get the [ expletive [deleted] ] out of there . '' '",ARG-1: expletive "SRL for [reminded]: Watching Congress sweat and grimace through its annual budget labors , fighting the urge to spend more , we 're [reminded] of those late - night movies in which the anguished serial killer turns himself in to police and says , `` Stop me before I kill again . ''","ARG-2: we | ARG-1: of those late - night movies in which the anguished serial killer turns himself in to police and says , `` Stop me before I kill again . ''" SRL for [sample]: Uh their urine [sample] is going to come out positive because there will be strong metabolytes /.,ARG-2: their | ARG-1: urine SRL for [glare]: the [glare] of unfavorable publicity,ARG-0: of unfavorable publicity "SRL for [cash in]: Many skittish mutual fund investors picked up the phone yesterday , but decided not to [cash in] their chips after all .",ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: Many skittish mutual fund investors | ARG-1: their chips | ARG-M-DIS: after all SRL for [replays]: The BBC 's constant [replays] of the incident is getting tiresome .,ARG-0: The BBC 's | ARG-M-TMP: constant | ARG-1: of the incident SRL for [conned]: He [conned] the Republican Party into the nomination .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the Republican Party | ARG-2: into the nomination SRL for [devolved]: Certain powers were [devolved] from central government in London to other parts of the UK .,ARG-1: Certain powers | ARG-0: from central government in London | ARG-2: to other parts of the UK "SRL for [assess]: If both agencies find violations of the U.S. trade law , the U.S. would [assess] penalty duties on the imports , which already are subject to import quotas under bilateral textile and apparel trade agreements .","ARG-M-ADV: If both agencies find violations of the U.S. trade law | ARG-0: the U.S. | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: penalty duties | ARG-2: on the imports , which already are subject to import quotas under bilateral textile and apparel trade agreements" SRL for [succeed]: Ford might [succeed] because many shareholders are speculators keen for a full bid .,ARG-0: Ford | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-CAU: because many shareholders are speculators keen for a full bid SRL for [treacherous]: History has already told us that those who do not belong to our race are [treacherous] !,ARG-1: those who do not belong to our race "SRL for [pressurized]: At a cruising altitude of 39,000 feet ( FL 390 ) , a Boeing 767 's cabin will be [pressurized] to an altitude of 6,900 feet .","ARG-1: a Boeing 767 's cabin | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-4: to an altitude of 6,900 feet" SRL for [funny]: An older gentleman closing it down said the kitchen was closed but he could make us a Shepherd 's Pie . Something was [funny] to us about that .,ARG-1: Something | ARG-0: to us | C-ARG-1: about that SRL for [determination]: their [determination] to shore up investor confidence,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to shore up investor confidence SRL for [hazy]: I 'm [hazy] on the details but there was an amazing one involving TJ Maxx . something about a mirror .,ARG-2: I | ARG-1: on the details "SRL for [muttered]: She [muttered] in a low but intense voice , to herself , `` I hate that woman inside me '' !",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MNR: in a low but intense voice | ARG-2: to herself | ARG-1: `` I hate that woman inside me '' ! "SRL for [multi - task]: The installment includes Jane Callister 's punchy abstract paintings , which skillfully exploit the capacity of paint to [multi - task] .",ARG-0: paint SRL for [integrate]: A single unified body with sufficient rank is necessary to [integrate] these functions with coastal and shoreline law enforcement and fishing harbor inspections .,ARG-1: these functions | ARG-2: with coastal and shoreline law enforcement and fishing harbor inspections SRL for [focus]: ... will allow the U.S. auto maker to [focus] its resources on the intensifying struggle with GM for a stake in Jaguar .,ARG-0: the U.S. auto maker | ARG-1: its resources | ARG-2: on the intensifying struggle with GM for a stake in Jaguar "SRL for [motivated]: It was the conflict , which subsequently [motivated] his actions .",ARG-0: which | ARG-M-TMP: subsequently | ARG-1: his actions SRL for [moves]: [moves] to ease credit,ARG-1: to ease credit SRL for [gain]: ... the unsuccessful effort *trace* to [gain] bank loans for the labor management group .,ARG-1: bank loans | ARG-3: for the labor management group "SRL for [violent]: But from what i 've observed via TSR and many news sources ; the way they 're trying to achieve them , is largely [violent] EDIT : specific coverage of EDL , whom seem to make the headlines a little more .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-ADV: from what i 've observed via TSR and many news sources | ARG-1: the way they 're trying to achieve them | ARG-M-EXT: largely SRL for [addition]: The [addition] of saffron to the rice makes a lovely flavor .,ARG-1: of saffron | ARG-2: to the rice "SRL for [economize]: While some 100 million ounces of silver once held by Mr. Hunt and Middle Eastern associates are n't hanging over the market anymore , the price surge of 1979 - 80 precipitated an expansion of mine production and scrap recovery and encouraged silver consumers to [economize] on silver use , Mr. Edgar says .",ARG-0: silver consumers | ARG-1: on silver use SRL for [barrages]: artillery [barrages],ARG-1: artillery SRL for [upheaved]: what could be this sin that so [upheaved] her soul ?,ARG-0: that | ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: her soul "SRL for [fall]: And many will [fall] for it and vote McCain , because he 's the great war hero and he will protect them .",ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: many | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: for it | ARG-M-CAU: because he 's the great war hero and he will protect them "SRL for [squeezed out]: This has [squeezed out] local productions and decimated file industries in many coutnries , as well as reducing cinema from an art - form to a spectacle , from which viewers expect simply visual and auditory entertainment .",ARG-0: This | ARG-1: local productions SRL for [procedure]: the vetting [procedure],ARG-1: vetting SRL for [sucked]: We may have already [sucked] much of the juice out of that orange .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: much of the juice | ARG-2: out of that orange "SRL for [pared down]: Since April , it has [pared down] its high - yield bond holdings to about $ 890 million from $ 1.35 billion .",ARG-M-TMP: Since April | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its high - yield bond holdings | ARG-4: to about $ 890 million | ARG-3: from $ 1.35 billion SRL for [compensation]: [compensation] to French enterprises for contracts broken by the Khomeini regime,ARG-2: to French enterprises | ARG-1: for contracts broken by the Khomeini regime "SRL for [bossy]: Our people are restrained and introverted , not as outspoken or [bossy] as foreigners ,",ARG-0: Our people | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-CXN: as | C-ARG-M-CXN: as foreigners "SRL for [choke off]: Fending off attacks on his economic policies in a House of Commons debate yesterday , Mr. Lawson said inflation `` remains the greatest threat to our economic well - being '' and promised to take `` whatever steps are needed '' to [choke off] .",ARG-1: it SRL for [unification]: the chances for economic [unification] in the area and economic recovery in Serbia are slim at best .,ARG-3: economic | ARG-M-LOC: in the area "SRL for [double - wrapped]: It was a big - big cardboard box wrapped in parcel tape , inside , which was [double - wrapped] .","ARG-1: a big - big cardboard box wrapped in parcel tape , inside | R-ARG-1: which" SRL for [disadvantaged]: Eighty - four percent believe Isreal 's government deliberately [disadvantaged] them in at least some areas .,ARG-0: Isreal 's government | ARG-M-MNR: deliberately | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-LOC: in at least some areas SRL for [depression]: The bad news ' [depression] of the entire team was to blame for their poor game performance .,ARG-0: The bad news ' | ARG-1: of the entire team "SRL for [shedding]: Other banks were slightly more resilient , with Dresdner Bank [shedding] 4.8 to 320 , and Commerzbank slipping 2.5 to ...",ARG-1: Dresdner Bank | ARG-2: 4.8 | ARG-4: to 320 "SRL for [subducting]: The topography below shows the Indian plate , streaked by hotspot traces and healed transforms , [subducting] at the Javan Trench .","ARG-1: the Indian plate , streaked by hotspot traces and healed transforms | ARG-M-LOC: at the Javan Trench" "SRL for [retard]: Skilled ringers use their wrists to advance or [retard] the next swing , so that one bell can swap places with another in the following change .",ARG-0: Skilled ringers | ARG-1: the next swing "SRL for [present]: "" This summer , before putting on your shorts and sandals , be sure to do skin care treatment and thoroughly clean your legs , so that you can [present] a fresh clean image to people . """,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: a fresh clean image | ARG-2: to people "SRL for [sounded]: The Harbourmaster , who was in attendance , said he had [sounded] the depth at the spot indicated , and was prepared to prove that there were 18 ft of water as recorded .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the depth | ARG-M-LOC: at the spot indicated SRL for [bestrode]: Slowly he turned the animal he [bestrode] and rode away .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the animal "SRL for [alternation]: The Strongyloides life cycle is more complex than that of most nematodes with its [alternation] between free - living and parasitic cycles , and its potential for autoinfection and mulitplication within the host .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: between free - living and parasitic cycles "SRL for [bombed]: But the product , which was n't as concentrated as the new Cheer , [bombed] in a market test in Denver and was dropped .","ARG-1: the product , which was n't as concentrated as the new Cheer | ARG-M-LOC: in a market test in Denver" SRL for [increased]: Some of the free fluid is mildly [increased] in attenuation,ARG-1: Some of the free fluid | ARG-2: mildly | ARG-M-MNR: in attenuation "SRL for [emancipation]: Unlike us , you did n't experience the hard process of ideological [emancipation] in China , rinsing out bit by bit the toxic liquid infused into the marrow in the Old Mao era and crystallizing the need for individuality emancipation , freedom and democracy from your own life 's experiences .",ARG-M-ADJ: ideological SRL for [tattoo]: The inmates [tattoo] flowers on each other .,ARG-0: The inmates | ARG-2: flowers | ARG-1: on each other "SRL for [buttressed]: A number of commercial grain users [buttressed] that opinion yesterday by buying certain corn options for delivery in March , indicating to analysts that the commercial companies would use the options to hedge against expected corn sales in next year 's first quarter .",ARG-0: A number of commercial grain users | ARG-1: that opinion | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-MNR: by buying certain corn options for delivery in March | ARG-M-ADV: indicating to analysts that the commercial companies would use the options to hedge against expected corn sales in next year 's first quarter SRL for [helped]: The stocks of banking concerns were n't [helped] much by the announcement .,ARG-1: The stocks of banking concerns | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: much | ARG-0: by the announcement SRL for [materialize]: A spokesman for Temple estimated that Sea Containers ' plan -- if all the asset sales [materialize] -- would result in shareholders receiving only $ 36 to $ 45 a share in cash .,ARG-1: all the asset sales SRL for [regurgitation]: Boehner was very partisan in his [regurgitation] of the right wing talking points .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the right wing talking points "SRL for [decoded]: I decoded first from hex into Base 64 , and then I took that and [decoded] it from Base 64 into text .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: from Base 64 | ARG-2: into text SRL for [listen]: `` We watch the same indicators and [listen] to the same prognosticators . '',ARG-0: We | ARG-1: to the same prognosticators SRL for [flip - off]: her little spazzo meltdown [flip - off] to Serenity .,ARG-0: her | ARG-M-ADJ: little | ARG-M-ADJ: spazzo meltdown | ARG-1: to Serenity "SRL for [body - slammed]: However , it was n't long before a State Trooper grabbed the man from behind , and then [body - slammed] him into the pavement .",ARG-0: a State Trooper | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: into the pavement SRL for [picture]: Her parents took her [picture] everyday since she was born — watch her grow up before your eyes .,ARG-0: Her parents | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-TMP: everyday since she was born SRL for [transfer]: its global - funds [transfer] system,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: global - funds "SRL for [stem]: You could have the multiple bandages stack the regen rate but then have it completely stop once it reaches the level just above the bleed point , therefore trading off the use of multiple bandages with a quicker [stem] of the bleeding ?",ARG-M-TMP: quicker | ARG-1: of the bleeding "SRL for [chortled]: ` ` And hast thou slain the Jabberwock ? Come to my arms , my beamish boy!O frabjous day ! Callooh ! Callay ! '' He [chortled] in his joy .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: ` ` And hast thou slain the Jabberwock ? Come to my arms , my beamish boy!O frabjous day ! Callooh ! Callay ! '' | ARG-M-ADV: in his joy" "SRL for [object]: Moreover , Mr. Guber claims , Mr. Semel told him that Mr. Ross probably would n't [object] `` if it were anybody other than Sony .",ARG-0: Mr. Ross | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: if it were anybody other than Sony SRL for [protect]: Republicans want to [protect] the measure by combining it with two politically popular issues that Democrats would find hard to vote against .,ARG-0: Republicans | ARG-1: the measure | ARG-3: by combining it with two politically popular issues that Democrats would find hard to vote against "SRL for [reawakened]: Appropriations committees have used an assortment of devices to disguise as much as $ 1 billion in spending , and as critics have [reawakened] to these devices , the bill can seem like a wounded caribou trying to make it past ice and wolves to reach safer winter grazing .",ARG-1: critics | ARG-2: to these devices "SRL for [came over]: I raised all these issues and I [came over] totally un - British and just spoke my mind , he just said that "" the car is covered by our Audi warranty "" , hardly the response I was looking for if I was considering a purchase .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: totally un - British SRL for [engagement]: Diana 's selection of this ring for her [engagement] to the future King of the United Kingdom resulted in sensation ...,ARG-1: her | ARG-2: to the future King of the United Kingdom SRL for [conversing]: ... he is capable of [conversing] fluently in either Beijing dialect or the southern Fujian dialect used in Taiwan .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MNR: fluently | ARG-1: in either Beijing dialect or the southern Fujian dialect used in Taiwan SRL for [accession]: The EU 's [accession] of Greece,ARG-0: The EU 's | ARG-1: of Greece SRL for [baseline]: Her [baseline] creatinine is 0.61 .,ARG-1: creatinine | ARG-3: 0.61 "SRL for [dug]: `` If you can use data to reconstruct what happened in the past , you have much more confidence in predictions for the future , '' said Lonnie Thompson , a research scientist at Ohio State [who]-3 [*T*]-3 [dug] for [*RNR*]-1 and analyzed [*RNR*]-1 [the ice samples]-1 .", "SRL for [crap]: If they wanted to [crap] all over the $ they could do it on a whim - no other country on the planet has the ability to do so , let alone devalued their currency to such an extent it makes their exports look ridiculously cheap .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: all over the $ "SRL for [pioneered]: But Mr. Achenbaum [pioneered] negotiated fees , which often worked out to less than 15 % .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Mr. Achenbaum | ARG-1: negotiated fees , which often worked out to less than 15 %" "SRL for [biomineralization]: In the [biomineralization] of the mollusc shell , specialized proteins are responsible for directing crystal nucleation , phase , morphology , and growths dynamics and ultimately give the shell its remarkable mechanical strength .",ARG-1: of the mollusc shell "SRL for [reconfirmation]: Thus , it appears that Selim , in addition to his [reconfirmation] of the Treaty of Amasya , also promised to turn over Kars and some other territories to Tahmasp .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the Treaty of Amasya "SRL for [mutilated]: The U.S. Mint would n't take the coin because it was n't [mutilated] , and the Federal Reserve Bank accepts only clean coins , he says .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [canned]: The agency wo n't allow mushrooms that were [canned] or packed in brine at any Chinese plant to enter the U.S. until `` satisfactory sanitation - control measures are implemented in China to prevent '' bacterial contamination .,R-ARG-1: that | ARG-1: mushrooms | ARG-M-LOC: at any Chinese plant SRL for [poisoning]: Myrtle 's [poisoning] of her husband with arsenic landed her in the slammer .,ARG-0: Myrtle 's | ARG-1: of her husband | ARG-2: with arsenic SRL for [hang on]: Do me a favor and *PRO* [hang on] to my purse for me,ARG-1: to my purse | ARG-2: for me SRL for [polite]: She is [polite] to newcomers .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: to newcomers SRL for [diced]: I [diced] the apples into one - inch pieces using a paring knife .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the apples | ARG-3: into one - inch pieces | ARG-2: using a paring knife SRL for [predated]: He [predated] the check by three days .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the check | ARG-2: by three days SRL for [baptized]: The novelist who has been badly [baptized] in psychoanalysis often gives us the impression that since all men must have an Oedipus complex all men must have the same faces .,R-ARG-1: who | ARG-1: The novelist | ARG-2: in psychoanalysis SRL for [gatherings]: not much for family [gatherings],ARG-0: family SRL for [baaed]: The sheep [baaed] at it 's neighbor .,ARG-0: The sheep | ARG-M-DIR: at it 's neighbor SRL for [follow]: a small bowel [follow] through,ARG-1: small bowel "SRL for [eulogized]: At Orton 's funeral , Harold Pinter [eulogized] him as "" a bloody marvelous writer "" ;","ARG-M-LOC: At Orton 's funeral | ARG-0: Harold Pinter | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: as "" a bloody marvelous" SRL for [quotes]: other dealers ' price [quotes],ARG-2: other dealers ' | ARG-3: price SRL for [was wrenching]: The Queen [was wrenching] her hands in despair .,ARG-0: The Queen | ARG-1: her hands | ARG-M-CAU: in despair "SRL for [enveloping]: And the rebellion of these third generation Jews is not the traditional conflict of culture but , rather , a protest against a culture that they view as softly and insidiously [enveloping] .",ARG-2: a culture | R-ARG-2: that | ARG-M-MNR: softly and insidiously SRL for [wafted]: She [wafted] a ring box in front of his nose .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: a ring box | ARG-M-LOC: in front of his nose SRL for [groan]: She stifled a [groan] of disgust .,ARG-M-CAU: of disgust SRL for [deep]: The submarine was 50 ft . [deep] .,ARG-1: The submarine | ARG-3: 50 ft SRL for [tapping]: Coordination activities attempted required increased concentration and time to complete -LRB- ie alternate [tapping] of feet -RRB- .,ARG-M-MNR: alternate | ARG-2: of feet SRL for [statement]: I 'm puzzled by his [statement] to the media that my proposal seeks to place 10000 horses on the Spruce Ranch,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the media | ARG-1: that my proposal seeks to place 10000 horses on the Spruce Ranch "SRL for [postulated]: Lin , who is now vice - chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council , [postulated] that Communist China could invade Taiwan through seven steps , of which ...","ARG-0: Lin , who is now vice - chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council | ARG-1: that Communist China could invade Taiwan through seven steps , of which ..." SRL for [reading]: And even a truer reason for his [reading] to himself might have been the care for preserving his voice,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to himself SRL for [hobnobbed]: They [hobnobbed] about the weather .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: about the weather SRL for [suborning]: He was [suborning] perjury from your client .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: perjury | ARG-2: from your client SRL for [inferior]: The 1978 Corvette is [inferior] to its 1979 counterpart .,ARG-1: The 1978 Corvette | ARG-2: to its 1979 counterpart "SRL for [repercussions]: The Son 's angry , sarcastic questions demand that Adam consider the enormity of disobedience in all its [repercussions] of loss , shame , misery , and betrayal .","ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of loss , shame , misery , and betrayal" "SRL for [barreling]: `` Jon Peters will come [barreling] into a room , say he 's got a great idea , and be gone .",ARG-1: Jon Peters | ARG-2: into a room "SRL for [gazumped]: -LRB- Excuse me while I do a little - this is a building [*0*]-2 we-1 nearly bought through normal channels 5 years ago , got [gazumped] *-1 on *T*-2 and never thought we 'd ever get another crack at it ! -RRB-", "SRL for [permitting]: Warner itself was in negotiations with MGM over certain movie and other rights , and it was `` in Warner 's interest to accommodate MGM / UA , Guber and Peters by [permitting] them to become MGM executives , '' Mr. Daly said in his affidavit .",ARG-0: Warner | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: to become MGM executives SRL for [pod]: It was my job to [pod] the peas .,ARG-0: my | ARG-1: the peas SRL for [exercises]: joint military [exercises] between the two countries,ARG-M-ADV: joint | ARG-1: military | ARG-0: between the two countries SRL for [content]: He seemed to purr his [content] with the situation .,ARG-1: his | ARG-0: with the situation SRL for [live out]: If it does that then in fact the ~UN can [live out] ... what it was supposed to be .,ARG-M-ADV: If it does that | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-M-DIS: in fact | ARG-0: the ~UN | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: what it was supposed to be "SRL for [dealing]: Once drug [dealing] -LRB- AKA beer , wine , and liquor sales -RRB- became legal and regulated , murders in America dropped dramatically .","ARG-1: drug | ARG-M-ADJ: -LRB- AKA beer , wine , and liquor sales -RRB-" "SRL for [prompting]: According to the Value Line Investment Survey , demand for Nekoosa 's commodity paper has weakened , [prompting] earnings to decline by 6.6 % in the third quarter ended Sept. 30 .",ARG-0: demand for Nekoosa 's commodity paper | ARG-1: earnings | ARG-2: to decline by 6.6 % in the third quarter ended Sept. 30 "SRL for [hailing]: It 's [hailing] in Boise , ID .","ARG-M-LOC: in Boise , ID" SRL for [fall]: The dramatic rise and [fall] of US software stocks,ARG-2: dramatic | ARG-1: of US software stocks "SRL for [reading off]: So , Mother is sitting there at the hospital , [reading off] names from some free pamplet she had found , until they finally found one that all three of them liked .",ARG-M-DIR: So | ARG-0: Mother | ARG-1: names | ARG-2: from some free pamplet she had found | ARG-M-TMP: until they finally found one that all three of them liked "SRL for [purports]: The new letter [purports] to do this , saying that in addition to $ 7 a share in cash , StatesWest would offer one share of new 6 % convertible preferred stock of StatesWest it values at $ 3 a share .","ARG-0: The new letter | ARG-1: to do this | ARG-M-ADV: saying that in addition to $ 7 a share in cash , StatesWest would offer one share of new 6 % convertible preferred stock of StatesWest it values at $ 3 a share" SRL for [uplifted]: The disaster has hit the [uplifted] coral .,ARG-1: coral SRL for [shed light]: Perhaps the following figures can help [shed light] on this matter .,ARG-0: the following figures | ARG-1: on this matter SRL for [retreat]: Their team building [retreat] concluded with each small team creating a Dream image of their most desired future .,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: team building "SRL for [right]: The people 's [right] to have their own arms for their defense is described in the philosophical and political writings of Aristotle , Cicero , John Locke , Machiavelli ...",ARG-1: The people 's | ARG-2: to have their own arms for their defense SRL for [acknowledgment]: I have received no written [acknowledgment] from the company that they received either my email message or my written letter .,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-M-MNR: written | ARG-0: from the company | ARG-1: that they received either my email message or my written letter SRL for [lateralized]: He [lateralized] his tongue by moving it to the left and right from the center .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his tongue | ARG-M-MNR: by moving it to the left and right from the center SRL for [distal]: Mass is [distal] to prior anastomosis .,ARG-1: Mass | ARG-2: to prior anastomosis "SRL for [lease]: Once its ownership is finalized , the new company will open talks with state - appointed receivers to buy or [lease] Waertsilae Marine 's shipyard facilities .",ARG-0: the new company | ARG-1: Waertsilae Marine 's shipyard facilities "SRL for [anchor]: As there is an effort to `` [anchor] the dollar '' either to gold or other currencies , the dispute is worth examining .",ARG-1: the dollar | ARG-M-MNR: either to gold or other currencies SRL for [stop]: during a [stop] in Italy Ms. Volokh dropped $ 80 on a black velvetsuit,ARG-1: in Italy "SRL for [bellow]: `` Get off your ... , ' he would [bellow] , '' say the authors .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: Get off your ... SRL for [reformatting]: The image is from the cover of the historically significant first issue of The Mighty Thor upon its [reformatting] from Journey into Mystery,ARG-1: its | ARG-3: from Journey | ARG-2: into Mystery "SRL for [float]: it would be next month or may . and , i may be able to [float] you a few bucks for your time ...",ARG-0: i | ARG-2: you | ARG-1: a few bucks | ARG-3: for your time SRL for [vindicated]: He said Mr. Klein will return to his post at the end of the trial `` at which he will be [vindicated] . '',ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-LOC: the trial | R-ARG-M-LOC: at which "SRL for [beguiled]: But each time I chanced a return with trepidation , I was [beguiled] by some other wonderful dish : chunks of tender beef with crunchy walnuts , a spicy , verdant fish stew , tiny cold clams with garlic chives , and several times , pickled celtuce , a root vegetable that is a cross between knob celery and lettuce .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: each time I chanced a return with trepidation | ARG-1: I | ARG-0: by some other wonderful dish : chunks of tender beef with crunchy walnuts , a spicy , verdant fish stew , tiny cold clams with garlic chives , and several times , pickled celtuce , a root vegetable that is a cross between knob celery and lettuce" "SRL for [warped]: She turned and walked stiffly into the parlor to the dainty - legged escritoire , [warped] and cracked now from fifty years in an atmosphere of sea spray .",ARG-1: the dainty - legged escritoire | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-M-CAU: from fifty years in an atmosphere of sea spray "SRL for [screeched]: "" Gawdamighty ! "" One [screeched] .","ARG-0: One | ARG-1: "" Gawdamighty ! """ "SRL for [coordinate]: Under the accord , Finnair agreed to [coordinate] flights , marketing and other functions with SAS , the 50%-state - owned airline of Denmark , Norway and Sweden .","ARG-0: Finnair | ARG-1: flights , marketing and other functions | ARG-2: with SAS , the 50%-state - owned airline of Denmark , Norway and Sweden" "SRL for [return]: the best punt [return] , quarterback sack , etc",ARG-1: punt SRL for [suspension]: The [suspension] of ropes on supporting wires is accomplished from a mobile platform .,ARG-1: of ropes | ARG-2: on supporting wires SRL for [correction]: attenuation [correction],ARG-1: attenuation SRL for [epilate]: Cotton thread is twisted between the hands and fingers *PRO* to [epilate] the hair from the follicle .,ARG-1: the hair | ARG-2: from the follicle SRL for [correspondence]: Dispersion relation for the causal transform and its [correspondence] with a one dimensional dynamical system ;,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: with a one dimensional dynamical system SRL for [denoted]: Below these particulars was a series of alpha - beta - gammas connected by arrows and crosses which [denoted] the lineage of the breed .,ARG-0: arrows and crosses | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: the lineage of the breed SRL for [ranted]: i showed her this and she [ranted] that she looked like she had no chin,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: that she looked like she had no chin "SRL for [sustain]: Richard Rifenburgh , chairman and chief executive of the Longmont , Colo. , disk - drive maker , also said the company continued losing money in the third quarter and expects to [sustain] further losses through the end of the year .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: further losses | ARG-M-TMP: through the end of the year SRL for [bleating]: A bunch of journos were [bleating] on that we should condemn all the hard working journalistsat News International just because a whole bunch of hacks at the Sun were arrested .,ARG-0: A bunch of journos | ARG-M-PRD: on | ARG-1: that we should condemn all the hard working journalistsat News International just because a whole bunch of hacks at the Sun were arrested "SRL for [casual]: Who stocks high - value , portable items and is [casual] about masked men wandering in ?",ARG-0: Who | ARG-1: about masked men wandering in "SRL for [vended]: Sonilall , a father of five , had a stall at the Stabroek Market , where he [vended] his salt fish , and he also exported the product overseas .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his salt fish | ARG-M-LOC: a stall at the Stabroek Market | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [jabbed]: Intelligence [jabbed] at him accusingly .,ARG-0: Intelligence | ARG-1: at him | ARG-M-MNR: accusingly SRL for [mugged]: Man says bear [mugged] him for his Italian sandwich,ARG-0: bear | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for his Italian sandwich SRL for [chelation]: Dr. Brenna 's [chelation] of Patient X likely saved him from mercury poisoning .,ARG-0: Dr. Brenna 's | ARG-2: of Patient X SRL for [blow]: You are knocked back by the painful force of the wind 's [blow] !,ARG-0: wind 's SRL for [bootlegged]: John [bootlegged] Mary 's entire collection of ABBA tapes .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary 's entire collection of ABBA tapes SRL for [scared]: I am [scared] to die .,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: to die SRL for [compression]: The EMT 's [compression] of her head wound with a sterile cloth prevented a lot of blood loss .,ARG-0: The EMT 's | ARG-1: of her head wound | ARG-M-MNR: with a sterile cloth SRL for [pantomimed]: I [pantomimed] hijacking a car in that class today .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: hijacking a car | ARG-M-LOC: in that class | ARG-M-TMP: today SRL for [screeched]: He [screeched] the car to a halt amid several piles of snow .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the car | ARG-2: to a halt | ARG-M-LOC: amid several piles of snow SRL for [misbehaves]: He who feels secure from punishment [misbehaves] .,ARG-0: He who feels secure from punishment "SRL for [downed]: WHEN HURRICANE Hugo careened through the Caribbean and the Atlantic coast states , it [downed] electric and telephone lines , shot coconuts through cottage rooftops , shattered windows and uprooted thousands of lives .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: electric and telephone lines "SRL for [stroke]: The first witness , like the first [stroke] of the brush on clear canvas , makes the first traces on minds comparatively free from any impression .",ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-3: of the brush | ARG-1: on clear canvas "SRL for [hydrolysis]: The alkaline [hydrolysis] of esters actually involves reaction with hydroxide ions , but the overall result is so similar that it is lumped together with the other two .",ARG-M-ADJ: alkaline | ARG-1: of esters SRL for [entangled]: Warner and Sony are [entangled] in a legal battle over movie producers Peter Gruber and Jon Peters .,ARG-1: Warner and Sony | ARG-2: in a legal battle over movie producers Peter Gruber and Jon Peters SRL for [revive]: One investment banker said Mr. Steinberg may be trying to position himself as a friendly investor who could help UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf [revive] a failed labor - management bid .,ARG-0: UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf | ARG-1: a failed labor - management bid SRL for [catholicized]: The Counter - Reformation effectively [catholicized] the Tirol after the first incident .,ARG-0: The Counter - Reformation | ARG-M-MNR: effectively | ARG-1: the Tirol | ARG-M-TMP: after the first incident SRL for [squall]: The hungry baby began to [squall] .,ARG-0: The hungry baby SRL for [rescue]: Several essays also deal with her [rescue] from the Nazis by the Kindertransport .,ARG-1: her | ARG-2: from the Nazis | ARG-0: by the Kindertransport "SRL for [outface]: They tried to [outface] him , but Joseph Simmons was as wide as two average men , and it would have taken braver men than these were to outface him .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: him SRL for [abolition]: They first insisted that the [abolition] of the slave - trade would ruin the colonies .,ARG-1: of the slave - trade SRL for [close !]: These quarters are [close !],ARG-1: These quarters "SRL for [flat]: Sales were roughly [flat] in the 1989 model year compared with a year earlier , though industry sales fell .",ARG-1: Sales | ARG-M-ADV: roughly | ARG-M-TMP: in the 1989 model year | ARG-M-ADV: compared with a year earlier | ARG-M-ADV: though industry sales fell "SRL for [feed]: Walt Disney Co. 's Disneyland in Anaheim , Calif. , stocks rescue equipment , medical supplies , and enough food and water to [feed] at least 10,000 visitors for as long as five days in the event that a calamity isolates the theme park .","ARG-1: enough food and water | ARG-2: at least 10,000 visitors | ARG-M-TMP: for as long as five days | ARG-M-LOC: in the event that a calamity isolates the theme park" "SRL for [acclaim]: The author has won the [acclaim] of critics nationwide for her complex , suspenseful legal thrillers .","ARG-0: of critics nationwide | ARG-2: for her complex , suspenseful legal thrillers" "SRL for [omitted]: Hudson General , which provides maintenance , fueling and other services to airlines and airports , reported a loss for its most recent fiscal year and last month [omitted] the semiannual dividend on its common shares .","ARG-0: Hudson General , which provides maintenance , fueling and other services to airlines and airports | ARG-M-TMP: last month | ARG-1: the semiannual dividend on its common shares" SRL for [derision]: How can anyone forget his [derision] of the 47 % who are trying to make ends meet everyday ...,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the 47 % who are trying to make ends meet everyday "SRL for [downregulated]: In this study , we [downregulated] miR-34s in human mesothelial cells to investigate the cellular effect of miR-34 knockdown .",ARG-M-LOC: In this study | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: miR-34s in human mesothelial cells | ARG-M-PRP: to investigate the cellular effect of miR-34 knockdown SRL for [redeemed]: The restaurant operator said it has [redeemed] its rights issued Monday under its shareholder rights plan .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its rights issued Monday under its shareholder rights plan SRL for [toddled]: When the little ones got out of their chairs they [toddled] around the table and gave each other hugs and kisses .,ARG-M-TMP: When the little ones got out of their chairs | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: around the table "SRL for [closing up]: Their merchandise was never really that good and the store is [closing up] very soon , but still , I 'm never going to get over that poor old copy of Windows sitting alone , priced where no one would buy it .",ARG-1: the store | ARG-M-TMP: very soon "SRL for [spun off]: Intelogic was [spun off] from Datapoint four years ago , shortly after Mr. Edelman took control of Datapoint .",ARG-1: Intelogic | ARG-2: from Datapoint | ARG-M-TMP: four years ago | ARG-M-TMP: shortly after Mr. Edelman took control of Datapoint SRL for [circulation]: The dictator tried to stop the [circulation] of democratic ideals .,ARG-1: of democratic ideals SRL for [blacklined]: the GPSA guaranty is [blacklined] against the PPA guaranty .,ARG-1: guaranty | ARG-2: against the PPA guaranty SRL for [strumming]: i 'll be [strumming] soon . ; --RRB-,ARG-0: i | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-M-TMP: soon SRL for [blocking]: Elfabala 's [blocking] of the proposed construction got her arrested .,ARG-0: Elfabala 's | ARG-1: of the proposed construction SRL for [performance]: his usual straight - from - the - shoulder [performance] of MacBeth,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-ADJ: usual | ARG-M-MNR: straight - from - the - shoulder | ARG-1: of MacBeth SRL for [crayoned]: Jeff [crayoned] a picture on a legal pad .,ARG-0: Jeff | ARG-1: a picture | ARG-2: on a legal pad "SRL for [cut down]: Take it from me who has experienced this first hand , my sister who is a nurse , my friend taking many meds whose dry mouth stopped the very day he [cut down] on his multivitamin and L.F who was incorrectly advised by , err , Donehue .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: on his multivitamin | ARG-M-TMP: the very day SRL for [completion]: Apogee to advance cash to ensure [completion] of the project,ARG-1: of the project "SRL for [snubbed]: For example , one of my favorite movies is the 1949 British comedy `` Kind Hearts and Coronets , '' in which the entire comedy is based on actor Dennis Price 's murdering eight titled relatives ( all played by Alec Guinness ) because they [snubbed] his mother and stand in the way of his acquiring the family title .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: his mother SRL for [obstinate]: The salesman was [obstinate] about the car 's price .,ARG-1: The salesman | ARG-2: about the car 's price "SRL for [won over]: Years ago , he collaborated with the new music gurus Peter Serkin and Fred Sherry in the very countercultural chamber group Tashi , which [won over] to dreaded contemporary scores like Messiaen 's `` Quartet for the End of Time . ''",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: the very countercultural chamber group Tashi | ARG-1: audiences | ARG-2: to dreaded contemporary scores like Messiaen 's `` Quartet for the End of Time SRL for [Hard]: Uncertainty Is [Hard] for Doctors,ARG-1: Uncertainty | ARG-M-ADV: for Doctors SRL for [urostomy]: a [urostomy] may be performed, "SRL for [fined]: Two firms were expelled from the NASD , three were suspended or barred and nine were [fined] .",ARG-2: nine SRL for [covered]: At least costs should be [covered] .,ARG-M-ADV: At least | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: costs SRL for [crammed]: About 30 floor traders [crammed] near the UAL post most of the day ...,ARG-0: About 30 floor traders | ARG-M-LOC: near the UAL post | ARG-M-TMP: most of the day SRL for [reaction]: The human [reaction] to such an excessive event,ARG-0: human | ARG-1: to such an excessive event "SRL for [retain]: The action followed by one day an Intelogic announcement that it will [retain] an investment banker to explore alternatives `` to maximize shareholder value , '' including the possible sale of the company .","ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: an investment banker | ARG-M-PNC: to explore alternatives `` to maximize shareholder value , '' including the possible sale of the company" SRL for [last]: Malaysia Airlines MH370 : Co - pilot was [last] to communicate from cockpit .,ARG-1: Co - pilot | C-ARG-1: to communicate from cockpit SRL for [waggled]: Bernice [waggled] her loose tooth .,ARG-0: Bernice | ARG-1: her loose tooth SRL for [allergic]: She is [allergic] to pixie dust .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: to pixie dust "SRL for [betrayed]: `` I felt [betrayed] , '' he later said .",ARG-1: I "SRL for [download]: ... The Chinese - language search engine "" Yam "" helps parents [download] filtering software that can block access to obscene materials online .",ARG-0: parents | ARG-1: filtering software that can block access to obscene materials online SRL for [strike]: Tendulkar 's [strike] on Dhoni won the game,ARG-0: Tendulkar 's | ARG-1: on Dhoni "SRL for [beneficial]: I would like to add that the course was [beneficial] to me in a personal , spiritual , and professional way .","ARG-0: the course | ARG-1: to me | ARG-M-MNR: in a personal , spiritual , and professional way" SRL for [exercise]: President Lee Teng - hui 's [exercise] of such powers,ARG-0: President Lee Teng - hui 's | ARG-1: of such powers SRL for [oxidized]: It will lose the whitening effect once [oxidized] .,ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-1: It "SRL for [crusade]: [ I ] t is Pakistan and not India which is the real target of the non - proliferation [crusade] . """,ARG-1: non - proliferation "SRL for [bagged]: In 1997 for example , of the 227 foreign films on release in Taiwan , one third -LRB- 72 films -RRB- were released by the Taiwan branches of Hollywood companies , yet they [bagged] a 76 % share of total box office .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: a 76 % share of total box office SRL for [galvanizing]: They say these are small prices to pay for *trace* [galvanizing] action for the all - important cause .,ARG-1: action | ARG-M-PNC: for the all - important cause "SRL for [commoditization]: Recorded history is ripe with evidence of their [commoditization] of violence , e.g. imperialism .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of violence SRL for [Splice]: [Splice] the wires .,ARG-1: the wires SRL for [emerge]: PS of New Hampshire will [emerge] from bankruptcy proceedings .,ARG-0: PS of New Hampshire | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: from bankruptcy proceedings "SRL for [congratulated]: Mr. Guber , in his affidavit , says that when he advised Warner President Terry Semel of the Sony offer at lunch on Sept. 25 , Mr. Semel `` hugged and [congratulated] me , and expressed joy that we had finally realized our long - term ambition of running and having an equity position in a major entertainment company . ''",ARG-0: Mr. Semel | ARG-1: me "SRL for [sigh]: With the economic downturn , Wang Nien - feng , a florist who often works for the television and entertainment industries , has had plenty to [sigh] about .","ARG-0: Wang Nien - feng , a florist who often works for the television and entertainment industries | C-ARG-M-CAU: about | ARG-M-CAU: plenty" "SRL for [battle]: At Kidder , a unit of General Electric Co. , and other big brokerage firms , stockbrokers [battle] their own firm 's program traders a few floors away .","ARG-M-LOC: At Kidder , a unit of General Electric Co. , and other big brokerage firms | ARG-0: stockbrokers | ARG-1: their own firm 's program traders a few floors away" "SRL for [devaluation]: a Marxist [devaluation] of environmental resources , which are not produced by labor","ARG-0: Marxist | ARG-1: of environmental resources , which are not produced by labor" SRL for [down]: The paragraph starts 10 lines [down] the page,ARG-M-EXT: 10 lines | ARG-2: the page "SRL for [tidying up]: Sometimes when [tidying up] works of poetry from years before , ...",ARG-1: works of poetry from years before | ARG-M-TMP: Sometimes | R-ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [reported]: Hammersmith is [reported] to have been sold .,ARG-1: to have been sold SRL for [raise]: The securities will [raise] about $ 10 billion in cash .,ARG-0: The securities | ARG-1: about $ 10 billion in cash "SRL for [quieten]: If he 'd just [quieten] for a moment , we 'd be finished up in no time and he 'd get his milk .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-MOD: 'd | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-TMP: for a moment SRL for [exemplifies]: The decision to cancel the loan [exemplifies] the tough attitude bankers have taken toward China since June 4 .,ARG-0: The decision to cancel the loan | ARG-1: the tough attitude bankers have taken toward China since June 4 SRL for [bother]: But skeptics ask why you should [bother] buying this stuff when you can get only slightly lower yields on government - guaranteed paper .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: buying this stuff | ARG-M-TMP: when you can get only slightly lower yields on government - guaranteed paper SRL for [fear]: Mr. Bork 's [fear] that the new right to privacy will become intolerably stretched,ARG-0: Mr. Bork 's | ARG-1: that the new right to privacy will become intolerably stretched "SRL for [hovered]: When the good fairy assigned to Slovakia [hovered] over the cradle of Edita Gruberova many years ago in Bratislava , she sprinkled her with high E flats , sparkling Ds , clean trills , and coloratura ornaments silvery as magic dust .",ARG-1: the good fairy assigned to Slovakia | ARG-2: over the cradle of Edita Gruberova | ARG-M-TMP: many years ago | ARG-M-LOC: in Bratislava SRL for [at]: HEENT : nc / [at] sclera clear non - icteric, SRL for [jamming]: [jamming] along trying to escape to the great outdoors .,ARG-M-DIR: along SRL for [mind]: Last November he spoke his [mind] to a convocation in New York,ARG-0: his SRL for [accession]: Turkey 's [accession] to the European Union,ARG-1: Turkey 's | ARG-2: to the European Union SRL for [stop]: tell your bank to have a [stop] of payment to that place,ARG-1: of payment to that place SRL for [crushed]: Some infiltrating components see in small nodular groups are [crushed] .,ARG-1: Some infiltrating components see in small nodular groups SRL for [reimburse]: About 72 % [reimburse] for all or some losses .,ARG-0: About 72 % | ARG-3: for all or some losses SRL for [Maceration]: [Maceration] of peach stones has minimal effect on ciders and these are typically discarded anyway .,ARG-1: of peach stones "SRL for [fretting]: They are obviously also more susceptible when they need money - retirees , for instance , trying to bolster their fixed income or parents [fretting] over how to pay for a child 's college expenses .",ARG-0: parents | ARG-1: over how to pay for a child 's college expenses SRL for [running]: Prosecutors in Southern Florida indicted five Panamanians on charges of illegally [running] arms to Sandinista rebels trying to overthrow the Nicaraguan government of Mr. Somoza .,ARG-M-MNR: illegally | ARG-1: arms | ARG-2: to Sandinista rebels trying to overthrow the Nicaraguan government of Mr. Somoza "SRL for [nipped]: i watched a beadmaker here a while back , she held the end in her mouth and [nipped] it off .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-PRD: off SRL for [depigmentation]: Confetti - like [depigmentation] from hydroquinone .,ARG-M-MNR: Confetti - like | ARG-0: from hydroquinone "SRL for [insure]: Then , if the stocks fell sharply , he planned to begin buying them aggressively , on the theory that the companies that [insure] against property damage and accidents will have to raise rates eventually to compensate for the claims they will pay to earthquake victims and victims of last month 's Hurricane Hugo .",ARG-0: the companies | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-4: against property damage and accidents SRL for [lapses]: The limit [lapses] under current exchange rules if contracts trade above the limit price during the opening 10 minutes of trading .,ARG-1: The limit | ARG-M-LOC: under current exchange rules | ARG-M-ADV: if contracts trade above the limit price during the opening 10 minutes of trading SRL for [UCO'd]: [UCO'd], "SRL for [lavishing]: Fujitsu Ltd. is [lavishing] the most expensive promotion campaign in its history -- including a 100,000 - guest bash at Tokyo Dome -- for its sophisticated sound\/graphics FM Towns machine , which it advertises for everything from balancing the family checkbook to practicing karaoke , bar singing .","ARG-0: Fujitsu Ltd. | ARG-1: the most expensive promotion campaign in its history -- including a 100,000 - guest bash at Tokyo Dome | ARG-2: for its sophisticated sound\/graphics FM Towns machine , which it advertises for everything from balancing the family checkbook to practicing karaoke , bar singing" SRL for [retroverted]: Uterus [retroverted] .,ARG-1: Uterus "SRL for [Immortalizing]: This therefore obliged them [ the Sadducees ] to deny the actual [Immortalizing] of either Angels or Humane Souls , when they denied them Both that Spirit which which could alone immortalize them .",ARG-M-ADV: actual | ARG-1: of either Angels or Humane Souls SRL for [adjacent]: [adjacent] fat,ARG-1: fat SRL for [chance]: They [chance] alienating the customers they hope to woo by looking like opportunistic sharks .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: alienating the customers they hope to woo by looking like opportunistic sharks "SRL for [crawl]: Colleagues today recall with some humor how meetings would [crawl] into the early morning hours as Mr. Dinkins would march his staff out of board meetings and into his private office to discuss , en masse , certain controversial proposals .","ARG-0: meetings | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: into the early morning hours | ARG-M-ADV: as Mr. Dinkins would march his staff out of board meetings and into his private office to discuss , en masse , certain controversial proposals" SRL for [reassessment]: Interval [reassessment] of miliary TB,ARG-M-TMP: Interval | ARG-1: of miliary TB SRL for [minced]: Together they have cut all kinds of flowers and leaves and [minced] them with a heavy steel knife .,ARG-M-MNR: Together | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with a heavy steel knife "SRL for [convention]: These conclusions provided the impetus for the Office?s development of a background report , and for the [convention] of a meeting of experts that took place in February 2013 .",ARG-1: of a meeting of experts that took place in February 2013 "SRL for [fashioned]: Now shifting his scene from the country he left at five to the England he has lived in for nearly 30 years , he has [fashioned] a novel in the mode of Henry James and E.M. Forster .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a novel in the mode of Henry James and E.M. Forster SRL for [upturn]: or will he be more driven than ever given his hunger to [upturn] the result in his favour .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the result | ARG-M-PRD: in his favour "SRL for [cool]: The groomsmen were all in kilts because the groom thought "" they were [cool] "" ,",ARG-1: they SRL for [palpitating]: My heart is [palpitating] .,ARG-1: My heart SRL for [force]: The new pact will [force] huge debt on the new firm .,ARG-0: The new pact | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: huge debt | ARG-2: on the new firm SRL for [retreat]: A big reason for the chemical price [retreat] is overexpansion .,ARG-1: chemical price "SRL for [disciplined]: Paul Kleinaitis , an analyst at Duff & Phelps , says , `` Even though they have borrowing power , they have been [disciplined] about acquisitions . ''",ARG-M-ADV: Even though they have borrowing power | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: about acquisitions SRL for [dropping]: A big reason for Bowers breakout was his [dropping] 20 pounds in the offseason .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: 20 pounds | ARG-M-TMP: in the offseason SRL for [development]: the [development] of a vigorous private sector,ARG-2: of a vigorous private sector SRL for [trimmed]: John [trimmed] his Christmas tree with dirty socks .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his Christmas tree | ARG-2: with dirty socks "SRL for [replied]: The CEO , Richard G. Olson , [replied] `` yes , '' but would n't elaborate .","ARG-0: The CEO , Richard G. Olson | ARG-2: yes" SRL for [understand]: The three most important things to [understand] about Mr. Allen is that he is a black conservative intellectual -- a triple threat to the liberal establishment .,ARG-1: The three most important things | ARG-2: about Mr. Allen "SRL for [touchy]: At this she was a bit annoyed , he was too [touchy] and she did n't like the way it felt a bit possessive .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-EXT: too "SRL for [foraged]: When she was a young girl in Crete , she [foraged] for snails and wild greens .",ARG-M-TMP: When she was a young girl in Crete | ARG-0: she | ARG-2: for snails and wild greens "SRL for [excoriated]: In return , Mrs. Thatcher is [excoriated] from Fleet Street to Paris as an obstructionist .",ARG-M-DIS: In return | ARG-1: Mrs. Thatcher | ARG-M-LOC: from Fleet Street to Paris | ARG-2: as an obstructionist "SRL for [interloping]: I was a last - minute ( read [interloping] ) attendee at a French journalism convention and so far the festivities had been taken up entirely by eating , drinking , smoking , sleeping and drinking .",ARG-0: I SRL for [springing]: The laws of heredity dictate that half of the plants [springing] from these greenhouse - produced seeds will be male sterile and herbicide resistant and half will be male fertile and herbicide susceptible .,ARG-1: the plants | ARG-2: from these greenhouse - produced seeds "SRL for [repaid]: The merger agreement says the buy - out group is entitled to be [repaid] $ 26.7 million in fees for its investment bankers , Lazard Freres & Co. and Salomon Brothers Inc. , and its law firm , Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison .","ARG-2: the buy - out group | ARG-3: $ 26.7 million in fees | ARG-1: for its investment bankers , Lazard Freres & Co. and Salomon Brothers Inc. , and its law firm , Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison" "SRL for [extol]: Today , we gather here to [extol] the glory and joy of democracy with songs of the land and the voice of the people .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the glory and joy of democracy | ARG-M-MNR: with songs of the land and the voice of the people SRL for [cyclone]: Tropical Depression : A tropical [cyclone] with maximum sustained winds of 38 mph ( 33 knots ) or less .,ARG-M-ADJ: tropical | ARG-5: with maximum sustained winds of 38 mph ( 33 knots ) or less "SRL for [have]: Some of the biggest service - industry exporters -- American financial - service companies , for example -- [have] yet to be fully included in our export statistics .","ARG-0: Some of the biggest service - industry exporters -- American financial - service companies , for example -- | ARG-1: yet | ARG-2: to be fully included in our export statistics" "SRL for [ballet]: People who do [ballet] have it drilled into them , to the point where I find it more comfortable now .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: People | ARG-M-LVB: do SRL for [debriefing]: The IOC 's [debriefing] of the London 2012 Games wrapped up today in Rio de Janeiro .,ARG-0: The IOC 's | ARG-1: of the London 2012 Games "SRL for [performing]: Analysts said the fall in pretax profit was due to the group 's recent restructuring and sale of peripheral units , and that its remaining businesses are [performing] well .",ARG-0: its remaining businesses | ARG-2: well SRL for [confabulated]: We [confabulated] on a plan of action .,ARG-0: We | ARG-2: on a plan of action "SRL for [worrying]: Anyway , bosom buddies wo n't be able to stop your family from [worrying]", SRL for [race]: A [race] to the bottom,ARG-2: to the bottom "SRL for [laminated]: A four - page ad from Texas Instruments Inc. , running in approximately 140,000 issues of the Oct. 20 `` Corporate Elite '' issue of the McGraw - Hill Inc. publication , contains a speech synthesizer [laminated] between two of the pages .",ARG-1: a speech synthesizer | ARG-M-LOC: between two of the pages SRL for [whatsapp]: wake up and [whatsapp] me,ARG-2: me SRL for [distorted]: What is so [distorted] in their fundamental makeup that they can see this desecration of science and ignore it ?,ARG-1: What | ARG-M-CXN: so | C-ARG-M-CXN: that they can see this desecration of science and ignore it | ARG-M-LOC: in their fundamental makeup "SRL for [freeze]: And the agency , which operated throughout fiscal 1989 with a $ 360 million budget shortfall , has been under a hiring [freeze] since last fall .",ARG-1: hiring "SRL for [tenting]: There is minimal superior [tenting] of the tentorium cerebelli at this location ; however , straight sinus is patent .",ARG-M-ADJ: minimal | ARG-M-LOC: superior | ARG-1: of the tentorium cerebelli | ARG-M-LOC: at this location SRL for [based]: They [based] the company in Southern California but maintained a Boulder operation .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the company | ARG-M-LOC: in Southern California "SRL for [potted]: John [potted] the plants in a large , brilliant orange planter .","ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the plants | ARG-2: in a large , brilliant orange planter" SRL for [proof]: [proof] of PASOK complicity,ARG-1: of PASOK complicity "SRL for [proliferated]: Joint - research programs have [proliferated] as U.S. companies seek to spread the risks and costs of commercializing new superconductors and to meet the challenges posed by foreign consortia , especially in Japan .","ARG-0: Joint - research programs | ARG-M-CAU: as U.S. companies seek to spread the risks and costs of commercializing new superconductors and to meet the challenges posed by foreign consortia , especially in Japan" SRL for [courting]: All foreign markets are aggressively [courting] U.S. business .,ARG-0: All foreign markets | ARG-M-MNR: aggressively | ARG-1: U.S. business SRL for [raises]: CNN recently gave most employees [raises] of as much as 15 %,ARG-2: of as much as 15 % SRL for [looked over]: Wilson came by train from Birmingham and [looked over] ; the rather pleasant white city was on the hill where the chief stores were .,ARG-0: Wilson | ARG-1: the city SRL for [microwaved]: She [microwaved] her tv dinner for lunch,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her tv dinner | ARG-M-PRP: for lunch "SRL for [flashing]: Then , [flashing] a diamond ring as big as the Ritz ( `` my day diamond , darling '' ) , she told her two companions that she is on the `` board '' of the Vatican Museum in Rome .","ARG-1: a diamond ring as big as the Ritz ( `` my day diamond , darling '' ) | ARG-0: she" "SRL for [photographing]: Japanese tourists will be told to take care when [photographing] earthquake damage in San Francisco , the Japan Association of Travel Agents said .",ARG-0: Japanese tourists | ARG-1: earthquake damage in San Francisco SRL for [decrypted]: How would you know if you [decrypted] the correct one ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the correct one SRL for [fixes]: ( 2 ) five year [fixes] at 3.39 % fee L 995 or 3.59 % fee L 95 plus remortgage costs .,ARG-M-TMP: five year | ARG-2: at 3.39 % fee L 995 or 3.59 % fee L 95 plus remortgage costs SRL for [tune in]: You now may drop by the Voice of America offices in Washington and read the text of what the Voice is broadcasting to those 130 million people around the world who [tune in] to it each week .,R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: those 130 million people | ARG-2: to it | ARG-M-TMP: each week SRL for [hemmed]: Then I carefully [hemmed] the skirt with an invisible hem .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: carefully | ARG-1: the skirt | ARG-2: with an invisible hem SRL for [Vietnamese]: And Sophy figured that Simone could probably say that about what was confusing for Americans because she was [Vietnamese] and had been through it herself .,ARG-1: she "SRL for [intuited]: In plumbing the monk 's essence she [intuited] that some of his ideas were nonsense , but he was a sincere believer in Christe and in the things he said .","ARG-M-ADV: In plumbing the monk 's essence | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: that some of his ideas were nonsense , but he was a sincere believer in Christe and in the things he said" SRL for [seduced]: Malignant spirits assisted and [seduced] them into committing transgression and uncleanness .,ARG-0: Malignant spirits | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: into committing transgression and uncleanness SRL for [unsettled]: Analysts were most [unsettled] by evidence the backlog of orders at factories is slipping .,ARG-1: Analysts | ARG-M-ADV: most | ARG-0: by evidence the backlog of orders at factories is slipping SRL for [bidding]: Multimillion - dollar [bidding] on the Jenkins Venus sculpture last year was reminiscent of the erstwhile tech IPO binge,ARG-2: Multimillion - dollar | ARG-1: on the Jenkins Venus sculpture | ARG-M-TMP: last year "SRL for [jerked]: The main sensation , besides feeling like a puppet [jerked] with invisible strings , is `` like a rap on the head , '' says Sam Bridgers , a neurologist who has studied the brain stimulators at Yale University .",ARG-1: a puppet | ARG-M-MNR: with invisible strings SRL for [tricks]: These vote gathering [tricks],ARG-2: vote gathering SRL for [lawsuit]: Initial reports claimed that Sterling was dropping his [lawsuit] against the NBA in full,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against the NBA SRL for [individualized]: These outcomes were achieved less by providing preventive services and strictly adhering to guidelines but rather by how they [individualized] the management of new symptoms and chronic conditions .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the management of new symptoms and chronic conditions | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [supraclavicular]: Large axillary and [supraclavicular] nodal masses bilaterally,ARG-1: nodal masses "SRL for [doped]: He did n't use any pipe dope on the union , but he [doped] the threaded connections on the union .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the threaded connections on the union "SRL for [protruding]: Johnson 's fat hand , another bottle were [protruding] from the truck cab , and that self - proclaimed Baptist teetotaler , had a bottle at his own lips .","ARG-1: Johnson 's fat hand , another bottle | ARG-2: from the truck cab" "SRL for [fluorescing]: The polymer spiral , which at this point was [fluorescing] orange , was then dipped into silicone oil at 80 ? C.",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-M-TMP: at this point | ARG-1: The polymer spiral | ARG-2: orange SRL for [twitter]: The sparrows in my window [twitter] in the morning .,ARG-0: The sparrows | ARG-M-LOC: in my window | ARG-M-TMP: in the morning SRL for [guidance]: There was almost no [guidance] from the court on how to do it .,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-0: from the court | ARG-2: on how to do it SRL for [deteriorate]: Continued strength in the dollar was cited as one reason the trade position may [deteriorate] .,ARG-1: the trade position | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-CAU: one reason "SRL for [oozing]: Then as things got rougher , we ran for the door and spent the next few minutes outside watching the brick sidewalk under our feet [oozing] up and down , and the flowers waving in an eerie rhythm .",ARG-1: the brick sidewalk under our feet | ARG-M-DIR: up and down "SRL for [crystallize]: Since the company has got to [crystallize] the inverstors ' and staff 's talents and energies , its vision for the future has to be attainable .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: the inverstors ' and staff 's talents and energies "SRL for [massed]: As the country 's new leader , Egon Krenz , prepared to travel to Moscow today for talks with Soviet leader Gorbachev , hundreds of thousands of East Germans [massed] in the streets of Leipzig , Halle and Schwerin to call for internal freedoms and the legalization of the New Forum opposition group .","ARG-M-ADV: As the country 's new leader , Egon Krenz , prepared to travel to Moscow today for talks with Soviet leader Gorbachev | ARG-0: hundreds of thousands of East Germans | ARG-M-LOC: in the streets of Leipzig , Halle and Schwerin | ARG-M-PNC: to call for internal freedoms and the legalization of the New Forum opposition group" SRL for [transposed]: The two letters were incorrectly [transposed] in the word .,ARG-M-MNR: incorrectly | ARG-1: The two letters | ARG-M-LOC: in the word SRL for [interwove]: Mao often [interwove] his ideas and plans with the discourse of revolutionary nationalism .,ARG-0: Mao | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: his ideas and plans | ARG-2: with the discourse of revolutionary nationalism "SRL for [hopscotching]: Al Gore today [hopscotching] across the Midwest , reminding voters of his environmentalist credentials .",ARG-0: Al Gore | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-M-DIR: across the Midwest "SRL for [bordered]: Still , it was in Argentine editions that his countrymen first read his story of Pascal Duarte , a field worker who stabbed his mother to death and has no regrets as he awaits his end in a prison cell : `` Fate directs some men down the flower - bordered path , and others down the road [bordered] with thistles and prickly pears .",ARG-2: the road | ARG-1: with thistles and prickly pears SRL for [peacekeep]: Nigeria was looked at to [peacekeep] in Africa .,ARG-0: Nigeria | ARG-M-LOC: in Africa SRL for [inducted]: Publications receiving a score of 10 will be [inducted] into the Indis Hall of Fame .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Publications receiving a score of 10 | ARG-2: into the Indis Hall of Fame SRL for [jelled]: Mr. Pilson 's `` Major Events '' strategy [jelled] after Mr. Tisch took over .,ARG-1: Mr. Pilson 's `` Major Events '' strategy | ARG-M-TMP: after Mr. Tisch took over SRL for [felt up]: So I may have [felt up] under the table .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-LOC: under the table SRL for [let up]: Ms. Browning says she believes a recapitalization involving employee ownership would succeed only if the pilots [let up] on their demand for control .,ARG-0: the pilots | ARG-1: on their demand for control "SRL for [provoke]: To say that the Pentagon should act irresponsibly because acting responsibly will [provoke] Congress into acting irresponsibly leads to the conclusion that the Pentagon should deliberately exaggerate its needs in the national interest ; in other words , thatit is justified in committing a crime -- lying to Congress --because it is morally superior .",ARG-0: acting responsibly | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: Congress | ARG-1: into acting irresponsibly leads SRL for [detailed]: The colonoscopy report is not extremely [detailed],ARG-1: The colonoscopy report | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: extremely SRL for [knighted]: John was [knighted] by the Queen herself .,ARG-1: John | ARG-0: the Queen SRL for [reexploration]: Her doctor 's [reexploration] of the left breast for DCIS resection,ARG-0: Her doctor 's | ARG-1: of the left breast | ARG-2: for DCIS resection SRL for [creweled]: My husband [creweled] a picture of a bird cage just like this with a spider plant growing in it !,ARG-0: My husband | ARG-2: a picture of a bird cage just like this with a spider plant growing in it SRL for [CUT]: I [CUT] SOCIAL STUDIES EVERY DAY THIS WEEK .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: SOCIAL STUDIES | ARG-M-TMP: EVERY DAY THIS WEEK SRL for [breakdown]: This footage was taken after her [breakdown] into tears,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: into tears SRL for [races]: one of the closest Presidential [races] in decades .,ARG-M-ADJ: closest | ARG-2: Presidential | ARG-M-TMP: in decades SRL for [barter]: Musa 's Mecca trip and his [barter] of gold for books and scholars would soon establish Mali as one of the intellectual capitals of the world .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of gold | ARG-3: for books and scholars "SRL for [skipped]: The son of a physicist , Mr. Hahn [skipped] first grade because his reading ability was so far above his classmates .",ARG-M-PRD: The son of a physicist | ARG-0: Mr. Hahn | ARG-1: first grade | ARG-M-CAU: because his reading ability was so far above his classmates SRL for [inquiry]: an [inquiry] into the freeway 's collapse,ARG-1: into the freeway 's collapse SRL for [erased]: He said that Oliver North of Iran - Contra notoriety thought he had [erased] his computer but that the information was later retrieved for congressional committees to read .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his computer "SRL for [precious]: Since the bears are scarce , bear bile is [precious] .",ARG-M-CAU: Since the bears are scarce | ARG-1: bear bile "SRL for [re - culture]: With change in nature of tracheal secretions , we will [re - culture] this today",ARG-M-CAU: With change in nature of tracheal secretions | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: this | ARG-M-TMP: today "SRL for [rang]: With sudden energy , she went to the phone and [rang] Holden 's office and asked for him .",ARG-M-MNR: With sudden energy | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: Holden 's office "SRL for [input]: All units must reply according to the format requested by applicants within the time limit and [input] the reply comments , reply time , and reply format into the Ministry of Agriculture application - based disclosure information processing system as archives for future reference .","ARG-0: All units | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: the reply comments , reply time , and reply format | ARG-2: into the Ministry of Agriculture application - based disclosure information processing system | ARG-M-PRD: as archives for future reference" SRL for [square]: They said contributing to the downward drift was the fact that many professional traders had chosen to [square] positions ahead of the weekend .,ARG-0: many professional traders | ARG-1: positions | ARG-M-TMP: ahead of the weekend SRL for [acquiesced]: The bank [acquiesced] .,ARG-0: The bank SRL for [pouring]: Just the howling wind and the [pouring] rain otherwise .,ARG-1: rain SRL for [pulling]: But Mr. Wolf faces a monumental task in [pulling] the company back together again .,ARG-0: Mr. Wolf | ARG-1: the company | ARG-2: back together | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [contriving]: She is [contriving] the death of her own son .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the death of her own son "SRL for [spiced]: His teaching was [spiced] with secular references and parables , which increased his popularity .",ARG-1: His teaching | ARG-2: with secular references and parables | ARG-M-ADV: which increased his popularity SRL for [dockings]: two failed automatic [dockings] of the Shuttle - Mir,ARG-M-MNR: automatic | ARG-1: of the Shuttle - Mir SRL for [clash]: such a [clash] of corporate titans,ARG-0: of corporate titans SRL for [declared]: UNIFIRST Corp. [declared] a 2-for-1 stock split .,ARG-0: UNIFIRST Corp. | ARG-1: a 2-for-1 stock split SRL for [estimation]: his [estimation] of recurrence at 50%-60 %,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of recurrence | ARG-2: at 50%-60 % SRL for [creation]: its [creation] as a select committee in 1789,ARG-1: its | ARG-4: as a select committee | ARG-M-TMP: in 1789 SRL for [accordance]: The [accordance] of a fair trial to each citizen is a principle of the Constitution .,ARG-1: of a fair trial | ARG-2: to each citizen SRL for [dislocation]: A much earlier [dislocation] of Fred 's shoulder still caused him some discomfort during gymnastics practice .,ARG-M-TMP: much earlier | ARG-1: of Fred 's shoulder SRL for [predicated]: This species of congressional action is [predicated] on an interpretation of the appropriations clause that is erroneous and unconstitutional .,ARG-1: This species of congressional action | ARG-2: on an interpretation of the appropriations clause that is erroneous and unconstitutional "SRL for [masturbation]: Maybe China hope to train hundreds of millions of corrupt officials to defeat the United States and recover the South China Sea successively , and if so , it is unilateral willingness just like such self touching as watching mental [masturbation] and meanwhile touching cock !",ARG-M-MNR: mental SRL for [improvement]: a one percentage point [improvement] in productivity growth,ARG-M-EXT: one percentage | ARG-1: in productivity growth "SRL for [nosy]: In today 's society , the reason why a lot of uncivilized behaviors prevail and spread mainly is that no one is willing to be [nosy] , for fear of their own good intentions being counterattacked by violence .",ARG-0: no one | ARG-M-CAU: for fear of their own good intentions being counterattacked by violence SRL for [Excellent]: Tangerine Oil Is [Excellent] For You .,ARG-1: Tangerine Oil | ARG-2: For You "SRL for [legitimize]: `` I believe it will do more damage than good because itwill [legitimize] people like Daniel Ortega , '' says CurtinWindsor , who served as U.S. ambassador to Costa Ricaduring the Reagan administration .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: people like Daniel Ortega SRL for [slumbered]: Discussion with one 's fellows awakens questions that have [slumbered] a dogmatic slumber .,ARG-0: questions | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: a dogmatic slumber "SRL for [work]: Leonardo Da Vinci 's [work] , the Mona Lisa",ARG-0: Leonardo Da Vinci 's | ARG-1: the Mona Lisa "SRL for [teemed]: The quake knocked The Well out for six hours , but when it came back up , it [teemed] with emotional first - hand reports .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: with emotional first - hand reports SRL for [fabulous]: Nico the pizza chef is [fabulous] to watch,ARG-1: Nico the pizza chef | C-ARG-1: to watch SRL for [disbursed]: Friday 's auction will be limited to $ 150 million [disbursed] by the Central Bank to potential investors .,ARG-1: $ 150 million | ARG-0: by the Central Bank | ARG-2: to potential investors SRL for [sanctified]: The priest [sanctified] their vows .,ARG-0: The priest | ARG-1: their vows "SRL for [stirred]: This [stirred] the ire of National Assembly members , who struck back during the ensuing constitutional revision session , claiming that "" lifelong privileges for grand justices violate the constitution . ""","ARG-0: This | ARG-1: the ire of National Assembly members , who struck back during the ensuing constitutional revision session , claiming that "" lifelong privileges for grand justices violate the constitution" SRL for [stricter]: The new traffic regulations are [stricter],ARG-2: The new traffic regulations SRL for [scalped]: He [scalped] the playoff tickets for $ 500 !,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the playoff tickets | ARG-3: for $ 500 ! "SRL for [fruitful]: Second , our work is very [fruitful] .",ARG-M-DIS: Second | ARG-1: our work | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [biting]: Says another lawyer : `` The practice of law is a matter of [biting] one 's lip when you live in a small community .,ARG-1: one 's lip | ARG-M-TMP: when you live in a small community SRL for [enjoyable]: It was [enjoyable] and it was one where he did nt diss the food it was all prices and the change of owners,ARG-1: It SRL for [qualified]: He is the only one [qualified] by God the Father to give it to you . '',ARG-1: the only one | ARG-0: by God the Father | ARG-2: to give it to you "SRL for [thaw]: Insects there were on the world , but they were frozen solid during the night , only to revive and [thaw] in the morning sun .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-LOC: in the morning sun SRL for [catching]: The rationality and maturity of Taiwan voters is eye - [catching] .,ARG-0: The rationality and maturity of Taiwan | ARG-1: eye SRL for [to come]: They are n't going [to come] back to the US .,ARG-1: They | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-4: to the US "SRL for [tortured]: It hurts to think of how many wonderful people in Iraq at the academic community , lawyers , human rights activists , civilians , intellectuals , people -- would now be alive , who have been horribly murdered and [tortured] and reduced to misery since by a half application of violence through sanctions and overflights .",ARG-1: who | ARG-M-MNR: horribly | ARG-0: by a half application of violence through sanctions and overflights SRL for [reunite]: The Marina also has become the focal point of city efforts to [reunite] residents with any pets that may have fled or become lost during the earthquake .,ARG-0: city | ARG-1: residents | ARG-2: with any pets that may have fled or become lost during the earthquake SRL for [reoccuring]: Memorials are built both to prevent past mistakes from [reoccuring] and to foster a tolerant and peaceful society .,ARG-1: mistakes SRL for [repetition]: Eliot creates a mood that lacks all human warmth through his [repetition] of ' You ' in the first three lines .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of ' You ' | ARG-M-LOC: in the first three lines "SRL for [backpacked]: In eight days , we [backpacked] to a base camp near the Arrigetch Peaks , and explored three of the surrounding valleys .",ARG-M-TMP: In eight days | ARG-1: we | ARG-3: to a base camp near the Arrigetch Peaks SRL for [clubbing]: No [clubbing] of extremities,ARG-M-NEG: No | ARG-1: of extremities "SRL for [contest]: Last year , XFINITY turned to SB Nation to announce their [contest] for the ultimate social media job .",ARG-4: their | ARG-3: for the ultimate social media job SRL for [kittened]: She [kittened] 3 males and a female .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: 3 males and a female SRL for [positive]: Twenty - nine of 40 lymph nodes [positive] for metastatic spread .,ARG-1: Twenty - nine of 40 lymph nodes | ARG-2: for metastatic spread SRL for [adulterated]: King Enrique VIII [adulterated] the Bible so that divorce could be allowed,ARG-0: King Enrique VIII | ARG-1: the Bible | ARG-M-PRP: so that divorce could be allowed SRL for [clubbing]: Their [clubbing] was interrupted when police burst into the dance club .,ARG-0: Their "SRL for [disassociating]: It would go along doing nothing but [disassociating] the heavy water and then at totally unpredictable times , it would begin producing excess heat for as long as 10 or 11 hours before quieting down .",ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the heavy water "SRL for [own up]: One of our problems is that having made a mistake , it is impossible to get the government to [own up] to it .",ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: to it SRL for [inflame]: Adm. Goupil 's comments are likely to [inflame] the broader dispute within the military establishment here over the role of Dassault .,ARG-0: Adm. Goupil 's comments | ARG-1: the broader dispute within the military establishment here over the role of Dassault SRL for [fishing]: I could tell that she was [fishing] for a compliment .,ARG-1: for a compliment "SRL for [intolerant]: Patient reports he has tried a variety of medications , but he is either [intolerant] or sees no benefit .",ARG-0: he SRL for [application]: ... his [application] of these criteria to the stated circumstances .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of these criteria | ARG-2: to the stated circumstances SRL for [curious]: He is [curious] about wolves .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: about wolves SRL for [ok]: So I 'm not saying if a 14 year boy was forcibly touched by a woman it would be [ok] .,ARG-M-ADV: if a 14 year boy was forcibly touched by a woman | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: would "SRL for [sound]: Moments later , another shot and the [sound] of someone in pain .",ARG-1: of someone in pain "SRL for [pry]: Then he looked at his finger , at the wrinkled , heavy knuckle and the thick nail he used like a knife to [pry] up , slit , and open .",ARG-0: he | ARG-2: up "SRL for [plow]: And in a business system where shareholders have few rights and expect only modest dividends , companies can [plow] their profits back into plant and equipment .",ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-LOC: in a business system where shareholders have few rights and expect only modest dividends | ARG-0: companies | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: their profits | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: into plant and equipment "SRL for [mixing]: Because despite all the media prattle about comedy and politics not [mixing] , they are similar in one respect : Both can serve as mechanisms for easing tensions and facilitating the co - existence of groups in conflict .",ARG-1: comedy and politics | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [re - excision]: Dr. Dupont did his [re - excision] of the melanoma site and grafted it .,ARG-0: Dr. Dupont | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: of the melanoma site SRL for [sodded]: The yard was [sodded] with St. Augustine grass and there were a couple of existing trees .,ARG-1: The yard | ARG-2: with St. Augustine grass SRL for [election]: We celebrated Bob 's [election] to the state senate .,ARG-1: Bob 's | ARG-2: to the state senate "SRL for [assumed]: He suggests , for example , that investors may have [assumed] that just because UAL could n't get financing , no leveraged buy - outs can get financing .","ARG-0: investors | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: that just because UAL could n't get financing , no leveraged buy - outs can get financing" SRL for [came to terms]: They [came to terms] over paint color and they are VERY excited to share a room and have bunk beds . Little freaks .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: over paint color SRL for [unchanged]: The July unemployment rate in Ohio was [unchanged] from 7.2 % in the like month last year .,ARG-1: The July unemployment rate in Ohio | ARG-2: from 7.2 % | ARG-M-TMP: in the like month last year SRL for [underscored]: These treeless plant communities [underscored] to them how open their land used to be .,ARG-0: These treeless plant communities | ARG-2: to them | ARG-1: how open their land used to be SRL for [interview]: their -LCB- job -RCB- [interview] suit,ARG-2: job "SRL for [dereliction]: After all , is this the officials ' illegal administration inaction or [dereliction] of duty , or playing favoritism and creating irregularities , or taking bribes and bending the law ?",ARG-0: the officials ' | ARG-1: of duty SRL for [breastfed]: She [breastfed] the baby up to a year .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: the baby | ARG-M-TMP: up to a year SRL for [subject]: He may take the Fifth in a civil matter only if he has a good faith and justifiable belief that his testimony may [subject] him to criminal prosecution .,ARG-0: his testimony | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to criminal prosecution "SRL for [glistened]: The fountain had brimmed over , the cannon were wet , the soldiers ' monument [glistened] .",ARG-0: the soldiers ' monument "SRL for [formation]: Friday , 42 franchisees announced the [formation] of an association -- called A.P. Association Inc. -- to `` preserve the integrity of the Arby 's system . ''",ARG-1: of an association -- called A.P. Association Inc. -- to `` preserve the integrity of the Arby 's system SRL for [injury]: his [injury] of his left knee,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of his left knee SRL for [promises]: [promises] by Peugeot to open negotiations in Paris at the sametime the last man left the premises,ARG-0: by Peugeot | ARG-2: to open negotiations in Paris at the sametime the last man left the premises SRL for [acting up]: Maybe while allergies are [acting up],ARG-0: allergies SRL for [obliterated]: In October 2006 two middle - aged guys from the less than aptly named town of Peacehaven came along in the night and [obliterated] it with black paint .,ARG-M-TMP: In October 2006 | ARG-0: two middle - aged guys from the less than aptly named town of Peacehaven | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with black paint SRL for [ringing]: There were too many phones [ringing] and too many things happening to expect market makers to be as efficient as robots .,ARG-1: too many phones SRL for [enquired]: He [enquired] after the quality .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: after the quality SRL for [looking]: A number of participants were [looking] for an index above 50 .,ARG-0: A number of participants | ARG-1: for an index above 50 SRL for [appropriate]: We rely on developmental criteria from some of the nation 's leading authorities to determine what content is [appropriate] for which ages .,ARG-1: what content | ARG-2: for which ages SRL for [oiled up]: John [oiled up] his hair with olive oil .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his hair | ARG-2: with olive oil "SRL for [leap]: "" And now , because of the trend in society of reviving Taiwanese as the mother tongue , Taiwanese drama has been able to [leap] into prime time to become the mainstream offering in the past few years . """,ARG-0: Taiwanese drama | ARG-1: into prime time | ARG-M-PRP: to become the mainstream offering | ARG-M-TMP: in the past few years SRL for [process]: the political [process],ARG-1: political "SRL for [strapped]: But not even Goldman would make a market in the securities of Southland , the owner of the nationwide chain of 7 - 11 convenience stores that is [strapped] for cash .",ARG-0: the nationwide chain of 7 - 11 convenience stores | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: for cash "SRL for [question]: an attorney 's [question] about whether we would go after attorney 's fees , and that is different from actually doing it , although we reserve that right","ARG-0: an attorney 's | ARG-1: about whether we would go after attorney 's fees , and that is different from actually doing it , although we reserve that right" "SRL for [decent]: For the room rate , room was [decent] .",ARG-M-ADV: For the room rate | ARG-1: room SRL for [intention]: its [intention] to decide by year end the size of the next increase in the IMF 's capital base,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: to decide by year end the size of the next increase in the IMF 's capital base SRL for [hiking]: He enjoys [hiking] near his home .,ARG-1: near his home SRL for [oversight]: any congressional [oversight] of intelligence activities,ARG-0: congressional | ARG-1: of intelligence activities SRL for [dockings]: space [dockings],ARG-2: space "SRL for [edged]: As for the imperial clubs , according to The Book of Chuiwan , they were [edged] with pure gold , inlaid with jade , and their shafts sumptuously decorated .",ARG-1: they | ARG-2: with pure gold SRL for [hold over]: [hold over] for further testing .,ARG-1: both specimen | ARG-M-PRP: for further testing "SRL for [rejuvenation]: While at one time China had the two powerful engines of economy and politics , the inevitable result must be for China to realize its great [rejuvenation] .",ARG-1: its | ARG-M-ADJ: great "SRL for [punching]: We finally rendezvoused with our balloon , which had come to rest on a dirt road amid a clutch of Epinalers who watched us disassemble our craft -- another half - an - hour of non - flight activity -- that included the precision routine of yanking the balloon to the ground , [punching] all the air out of it , rolling it up and cramming it and the basket into the trailer .",ARG-0: us | ARG-1: all the air | ARG-M-DIR: out of it "SRL for [compete]: China was placed in team C and will [compete] against Iran , Uzbekistan , and Malaysia for one of two seats in the quarterfinals .","ARG-0: China | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: against Iran , Uzbekistan , and Malaysia | ARG-2: for one of two seats in the quarterfinals" "SRL for [follow]: ... `` Robert Bork 's America '' -- the parade of imaginary horribles that would [follow] logically , he claimed , from the positions Mr. Bork had taken over the space of two decades .",ARG-1: the parade of imaginary horribles | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-MNR: logically | ARG-2: from the positions Mr. Bork had taken over the space of two decades "SRL for [mete out]: This includes plans to "" hand police , local authorities and the courts sweeping powers to [mete out] severe punishments to those involved in the unrest , "" and perhaps even crowd - control tactics like water cannons , according to the AP .","ARG-0: police , local authorities and the courts | ARG-1: severe punishments | ARG-2: to those involved in the unrest" SRL for [exchange]: the economic and trade [exchange] with Hong Kong,ARG-1: economic and trade | ARG-2: with Hong Kong SRL for [detachment]: Retinal [detachment] is a disorder of the eye in which the retina peels away from its underlying layer of support tissue .,ARG-1: Retinal SRL for [provision]: In this paper we attempt to reveal how hospitals alter their [provision] of care to the poor in a more cost conscious and competitive environment .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of care | ARG-2: to the poor | ARG-M-LOC: in a more cost conscious and competitive environment SRL for [deveined]: I [deveined] the shrimp .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the shrimp "SRL for [smiled]: I felt the temblor begin and glanced at the table next to mine , [smiled] that guilty smile and we both mouthed the words , `` Earth - quake ! '' together .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: that guilty smile SRL for [leavened]: But she [leavened] her scolding with humor and self - deprecation .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her scolding | ARG-2: with humor and self - deprecation SRL for [prompted]: Mr. Edelman declined to specify what [prompted] the recent moves,ARG-0: what | ARG-1: the recent moves "SRL for [dining]: Their [dining] on native vegetation has cleared the way for nonnative trees , and maples , to thrive where oaks and hickories are supposed to be",ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: on native vegetation SRL for [limitation]: Likewise one may be critical of his [limitation] of the role given to sense - experience in his account of knowledge and truth as the counterpart of his appeal to divine illumination .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the role given to sense - experience in his account of knowledge and truth as the counterpart of his appeal to divine illumination SRL for [underline]: She had gone so far as to display the questions on an overhead projector and [underline] the answers .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the answers SRL for [stressed]: He was [stressed] about the test .,ARG-1: He | ARG-3: about the test "SRL for [ridiculed]: The price - to - earnings ratio of some individual stocks reached 500 , which some [ridiculed] as the "" price - to - dream ratio . ""","R-ARG-1: which | ARG-0: some | ARG-2: as the "" price - to - dream ratio | ARG-1: 500" SRL for [blowing out]: The explosion 's [blowing out] all the windows in the building drew the attention of everybody on the street .,ARG-0: The explosion 's | ARG-1: all the windows in the building SRL for [cajoles]: Stephanopoulos skillfully bullies and [cajoles] him into keeping quiet .,ARG-0: Stephanopoulos | ARG-M-MNR: skillfully | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: into keeping quiet "SRL for [exempt]: They make the argument in letters to the agency about rule changes proposed this past summer that , among other things , would [exempt] many middle - management executives from reporting trades in their own companies ' shares .",ARG-M-LOC: among other things | ARG-0: rule changes | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: many middle - management executives | ARG-2: from reporting trades in their own companies ' shares "SRL for [abandoned]: Consumers Power Co. , now the main unit of CMS Energy , ran into financial problems over its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant , which was [abandoned] as a nuclear facility in 1984 because of construction delays and high costs .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: as a nuclear facility | ARG-M-TMP: in 1984 | ARG-M-CAU: because of construction delays and high costs | ARG-1: its $ 4.2 billion Midland nuclear plant "SRL for [signed]: In 1986 , Palau , like many former American - controlled trust territories , [signed] a "" Compact of Free Association "" with the US .","ARG-M-TMP: In 1986 | ARG-0: Palau , like many former American - controlled trust territories | ARG-1: a "" Compact of Free Association | ARG-2: with the US" "SRL for [wild]: It is [wild] to me how such an effective , strong , woman -- the closest advisor to the most powerful person in the world -- has garnered no more support , no accolades from women and blacks -- two groups who are always trying to find successful sisters or positive stories of black achievement .","ARG-M-ADV: to me | ARG-1: how such an effective , strong , woman -- the closest advisor to the most powerful person in the world -- has garnered no more support , no accolades from women and blacks -- two groups who are always trying to find successful sisters or positive stories of black achievement" "SRL for [stated]: The Japanese government , Mr. Godown said , has [stated] that it wants 10 % to 11 % of its gross national product to come from biotechnology products .",ARG-0: The Japanese government | ARG-1: that it wants 10 % to 11 % of its gross national product to come from biotechnology products SRL for [helping]: You 'll be [helping] a neighborhood S & L in areas crucial to its survival .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: a neighborhood S & L | ARG-M-LOC: in areas crucial to its survival "SRL for [invalidated]: The Thurmond bill would establish a federally administered death sentence for 23 crimes , most of which were formerly punishable by death under federal statutes that the Supreme Court [invalidated] .",ARG-0: the Supreme Court | ARG-1: federal statutes | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [swabbed]: Redbeard [swabbed] the poop deck with a q - tip .,ARG-0: Redbeard | ARG-1: the poop deck | ARG-M-MNR: with a q - tip "SRL for [belaying]: She had carried her notes with her all weekend , even had her head buried in them while [belaying] me on the Grand Wall .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-LOC: on the Grand Wall "SRL for [timing]: The [timing] of Chinese New Year is determined by the traditional lunar calendar and marks an important transition , the point when Winter gives way to Spring .",ARG-1: of Chinese New Year SRL for [fuddled]: He was [fuddled] .,ARG-1: He "SRL for [reallocated]: About $ 490 million of that would be [reallocated] to the buy - back , leaving about $ 130 million , he said .",ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: About $ 490 million of that | ARG-2: to the buy - back | ARG-M-ADV: leaving about $ 130 million SRL for [grated]: I [grated] the potatos with a box grater .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the potatos | ARG-2: with a box grater "SRL for [dragging feet]: Jonathan was assigned summer reading for school , and was [dragging feet] about reading the book .",ARG-0: Jonathan | ARG-1: about reading the book SRL for [increase]: a 3.1 % [increase] in revenue to $ 992.7 million from $ 963 million a year earlier,ARG-M-EXT: 3.1 % | ARG-1: in revenue | ARG-4: to $ 992.7 million | ARG-3: from $ 963 million a year earlier SRL for [socialist]: There are numerous examples of speeches by Hitler during that timeframe that explicitly state that the Party was [socialist] .,ARG-1: the Party SRL for [point]: Romney has a [point] that young Americans are hurting in today 's job market .,ARG-0: Romney | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-1: that young Americans are hurting in today 's job market "SRL for [crack]: She had taken him out of the schoolhouse and closed the school for the summer , after she saw Miss Snow [crack] Joel across the face with a ruler for letting a snake loose in the schoolroom .",ARG-0: Miss Snow | ARG-1: Joel | ARG-3: across the face | ARG-2: with a ruler | ARG-M-CAU: for letting a snake loose in the schoolroom "SRL for [turn]: These served as money charms for shops , whose owners would [turn] them facing outward in the morning so as to attract wealth inside .",R-ARG-0: shops | ARG-0: whose owners | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-DIR: facing outward | ARG-M-TMP: in the morning | ARG-M-PRP: so as to attract wealth inside SRL for [form]: Commission income from domestic stock and bond sales accounts [form] a large portion of Japanese securities companies ' earnings .,ARG-0: Commission income from domestic stock and bond sales accounts | ARG-1: a large portion of Japanese securities companies ' earnings SRL for [drive]: The school 's canned food [drive] for the homeless shelter .,ARG-0: The school 's | ARG-2: canned food | ARG-1: for the homeless shelter SRL for [Declaration]: Our [Declaration] to the World,ARG-0: Our | ARG-2: to the World SRL for [overstepped]: The state court had [overstepped] its authority and perhaps there was a federal case here .,ARG-0: The state court | ARG-1: its authority "SRL for [adjudication]: It appears that if according to the existing "" Penal Code "" [adjudication] , without a doubt , even if the vast majority of corrupt officials do n't reach the level of "" crimes deserving of dying ten thousand deaths "" , they 're sufficient to be crimes deserving of dying ten times , a hundred times , a thousand times .",ARG-M-PRD: existing | ARG-1: Penal Code "SRL for [by - electing]: The meeting also passed the representative qualifications examination report regarding *PRO* electing or [by - electing] NPC representatives , and by - elected 3 NPC representatives .",ARG-1: NPC representatives "SRL for [re - enter]: And even when a specific order is acceptable to an exchange , a brokerage firm can refuse to [re - enter] it for a customer .",ARG-0: a brokerage firm | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: for a customer SRL for [diagnosis]: Dr. Jean 's [diagnosis] of Mr. Bob allowed them to properly treat him for rabies .,ARG-0: Dr. Jean 's | ARG-1: of Mr. Bob SRL for [perseveres]: But Voltaire [perseveres] .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Voltaire SRL for [temporary]: it was never made clear to her whether the position was [temporary] or probationary .,ARG-1: the position SRL for [bow]: Would you [bow] or curtsey to Prince Charles ?,ARG-M-MOD: Would | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: to Prince Charles ? SRL for [management]: one could do just fine without professional [management],ARG-0: professional "SRL for [trilled]: "" Now , V - kun , "" she [trilled] at him as she dodged a dozen or so kicks to the head , "" you 're not playing the right game ! ""","ARG-1: "" Now , V - kun , "" | ARG-0: she | C-ARG-1: "" you 're not playing the right game ! "" | ARG-2: at him | ARG-M-TMP: as she dodged a dozen or so kicks to the head" "SRL for [batting]: The A - men [batting] Nos . 6 through 9 , a.k.a . the `` bottom of the order , '' got seven of their team 's 11 hits and scored four of its runs in a 5 - 0 decision .","ARG-4: The A - men | ARG-2: Nos . 6 through 9 , a.k.a . the `` bottom of the order , ''" "SRL for [firing]: Cheng Yung - gwo 's dream is to sit at home around a fire with a few friends , [firing] pots and drinking wine .",ARG-1: pots "SRL for [well]: Thankfully , he is all [well] from the parasite and back to feeling good again .",ARG-M-ADV: Thankfully | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: all | ARG-2: from the parasite SRL for [obvious]: It was [obvious] to Bill that she was n't going to show .,ARG-1: It | C-ARG-1: that she was n't going to show | ARG-2: to Bill SRL for [offered]: Fujitsu essentially [offered] to do it for free .,ARG-0: Fujitsu | ARG-M-ADV: essentially | ARG-1: to do it for free "SRL for [employs]: Cray Computer , which currently [employs] 241 people , said it expects a work force of 450 by the end of 1990 .",ARG-0: Cray Computer | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-1: 241 people "SRL for [reviewing]: Meanwhile , U.S. Attorney Jerry Rafferty in Denver is [reviewing] the report prepared by MiniScribe 's outside directors , to determine if criminal charges should be brought before a grand jury .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-0: U.S. Attorney Jerry Rafferty in Denver | ARG-1: the report prepared by MiniScribe 's outside directors | ARG-M-PNC: to determine if criminal charges should be brought before a grand jury "SRL for [prepaid]: Since most mortgages can be [prepaid] or refinanced at any time , issuers of mortgage securities retain the right to buy back their bonds before maturity .",ARG-1: most mortgages | ARG-M-TMP: at any time SRL for [trimmed]: John [trimmed] the expensive cut of beef of fat .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: the expensive cut of beef | ARG-1: of fat SRL for [avoid]: Mr. Stoll wanted to [avoid] arousing suspicion .,ARG-0: Mr. Stoll | ARG-1: arousing suspicion SRL for [defend]: ... because there wo n't be a vigorous private bar to [defend] the Bill of Rights ...,ARG-0: a vigorous private bar | ARG-1: the Bill of Rights "SRL for [modeling]: Consider Gap Inc. , whose latest ad campaign features black - and - white shots of Hollywood stars , artists and other well - known personalities [modeling] the retailer 's jeans and T - shirts .","ARG-0: Hollywood stars , artists and other well - known personalities | ARG-1: the retailer 's jeans and T - shirts" SRL for [reflect]: John was ordered to sit in the corner and [reflect] on his actions .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: on his actions "SRL for [rebuffed]: McGill , a Valparaiso , Ind. , ball - bearing manufacturer , had [rebuffed] BroadBeach 's proposal .","ARG-0: McGill , a Valparaiso , Ind. , ball - bearing manufacturer | ARG-1: BroadBeach 's proposal" SRL for [swap]: The bank has a 45 % reserve against the remaining C$ 349 million of Mexican debt and expects to [swap] that for other Mexican notes supported by U.S. Treasury zero - coupon bonds .,ARG-0: The bank | ARG-1: that | ARG-3: for other Mexican notes supported by U.S. Treasury zero - coupon bonds SRL for [retreat]: A minority do n't know whether to advance or [retreat] and get caught in it like a trap .,ARG-1: A minority "SRL for [met]: An anecdote about his meeting with a wounded soldier was [met] with a tepid response , until he described the soldier 's determination to recover .",ARG-1: An anecdote about his meeting with a wounded soldier | ARG-2: with a tepid response | ARG-M-TMP: until he described the soldier 's determination to recover "SRL for [performing]: If the money manager [performing] this service is being paid by his clients to match or beat the return of the S & P 500 index , he is likely to remain fully invested at all times .",ARG-0: the money manager | ARG-1: this service SRL for [hyperventilating]: Stars [hyperventilating] and dig tears getting a tour of it .,ARG-0: Stars SRL for [luncheoned]: We [luncheoned] on beer and biryani .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: on beer and biryani "SRL for [closing]: Another guy who thinks they 're out there and [closing] fast is Whitley Strieber , whose new novel , `` Majestic '' ( Putnam , 317 pages , $ 18.95 ) , takes a look at a reported 1947 UFO crash near the Roswell Army Air Field in a New Mexico desert .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-MNR: fast SRL for [hack]: A kid who ca n't ( for whatever reason ) [hack] high school in no way will be successful in higher education .,ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-CAU: ( for whatever reason ) | ARG-1: high school "SRL for [cheapened]: Unfortunately , the effect is [cheapened] by a ceiling dotted with too many stained - glass chandeliers and too much leaded glass in the wood partitions that define the dining rooms .",ARG-M-DIS: Unfortunately | ARG-1: the effect | ARG-0: by a ceiling dotted with too many stained - glass chandeliers and too much leaded glass in the wood partitions that define the dining rooms SRL for [blackened]: That I got because it was already [blackened] and gross . Albeit you probably did pay for it : -RRB-,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: already SRL for [vote]: They held a straw [vote] over who should go and fetch the Chinese takeout .,ARG-M-MNR: straw | ARG-1: over who should go and fetch the Chinese takeout SRL for [abdication]: Which Bourbon king was restored to the French throne during Napoleon 's [abdication] ?,ARG-0: Napoleon 's SRL for [sank]: Abraham Lincoln Federal Savings Bank [sank] 4 to 13 1/2 after announcing a shakeup that will change senior management and reorganize the bank 's mortgage business as a separate unit .,ARG-1: Abraham Lincoln Federal Savings Bank | ARG-2: 4 | ARG-4: to 13 1/2 | ARG-M-TMP: after announcing a shakeup that will change senior management and reorganize the bank 's mortgage business as a separate unit "SRL for [ballyhooed]: The problem is being [ballyhooed] , experts say , because the 486 is Intel 's future flagship .","ARG-1: The problem | ARG-M-ADV: , experts say | ARG-M-CAU: because the 486 is Intel 's future flagship" SRL for [inersection]: the [inersection] of Winterfield Road,ARG-0: of Winterfield Road "SRL for [penetration]: MacArthur ordered U.S. troops to continue their [penetration] of North Korea all the way to the Yalu River , the North Korea / Red China boundary line .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of North Korea "SRL for [shaming]: I 'm not a legal expert , but I think failure to report is something that you can only get fined for , kind of a public [shaming] .",ARG-M-MNR: public "SRL for [defined]: ... its cash flow , which the company [defined] as earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation and amortization .","ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: its cash flow | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: as earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation and amortization" "SRL for [open]: The work is not a question but is [open] to question , and this corresponds to the fact that interpretations are always contested .",ARG-1: The work | ARG-2: to question SRL for [influence]: These big stocks greatly [influence] the Nasdaq Composite Index .,ARG-0: These big stocks | ARG-M-EXT: greatly | ARG-1: the Nasdaq Composite Index SRL for [leaking]: He is also accused of lying under oath and of [leaking] information obtained from a wiretap he supervised .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: information obtained from a wiretap he supervised SRL for [exercise]: the [exercise] of the power they have given the Fed,ARG-1: of the power they have given the Fed SRL for [vocalize]: I did n't want to [vocalize] my lingering worries .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-MOD: want | ARG-1: my lingering worries SRL for [blockers]: Beta [blockers] are a class of drugs .,ARG-1: Beta SRL for [forced]: Insurance agents have been [forced] by their companies into becoming registered reps .,ARG-1: Insurance agents | ARG-0: by their companies | ARG-2: into becoming registered reps SRL for [urbanization]: The [urbanization] of the United States has progressed throughout its entire history .,ARG-1: of the United States "SRL for [upscaled]: This is ACTUALLY HD , not like some other uploaders who [upscaled] it from 240p .",ARG-0: who | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: from 240p "SRL for [rig]: It seems that , sometime in the 1830s , one of the alien bureaucrats messed up the election [rig] .",ARG-1: election SRL for [refiled]: A group of investors [refiled] with federal antitrust regulators for clearance to buy more than 50 % of the stock of Rally 's Inc.,ARG-0: A group of investors | ARG-2: with federal antitrust regulators | ARG-4: for clearance to buy more than 50 % of the stock of Rally 's Inc. "SRL for [broadcast]: Last year 's series , [broadcast] by General Electric Co. 's NBC , was the lowest - rated Series in four years ; instead of featuring a major East Coast team against a West Coast team , it pitted the Los Angeles Dodgers against the losing Oakland A 's .",ARG-1: Last year 's series | ARG-0: by General Electric Co. 's NBC "SRL for [wiped]: I immediately squatted down , and then they beat me on the face and head , I do n't know who it was ; I [wiped] my face with my hand , my hand was full of blood , they had broken open my mouth . """,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: my face | ARG-3: with my hand SRL for [finesse]: They 're going to try to [finesse] it this week ...,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: this week "SRL for [superstition]: Now , the domestic feudal [superstition] floods in , some places build temples in the name of tourism , and , to a certain extent , these temples that are built affect people 's ideological choice ; many people begin to have dual beliefs .",ARG-M-ADJ: domestic feudal SRL for [withdrawal]: Her cocaine [withdrawal] was especially difficult .,ARG-1: Her | ARG-2: cocaine SRL for [session]: the Tokyo trading [session],ARG-M-LOC: Tokyo | ARG-1: trading "SRL for [notation]: One aspect of Carter 's notation in the Double Concerto that has excited considerable controversy is his [notation] of quintuplet and septuplet subdivisions of beats - often termed non - duple , "" artificial "" or "" irrational "" subdivisions .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of quintuplet and septuplet subdivisions of beats - often termed non - duple , "" artificial "" or "" irrational "" subdivisions" "SRL for [exploded]: UAL , the hair - trigger stock that [exploded] Friday 's market bombshell , briefly traumatized traders again yesterday .",ARG-0: the hair - trigger stock | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: Friday 's market bombshell SRL for [welded]: GM lawyers have been working with technicians to develop more uniform welding procedures -- the way a vehicle is [welded] has a lot to do with its durability .,ARG-1: a vehicle | ARG-M-MNR: the way SRL for [burn]: The smoke from the annual [burn] on the slopes outside the villages hung in the air .,ARG-M-TMP: annual | ARG-M-LOC: on the slopes outside the villages SRL for [renting]: Gastrell is somewhat of a mystery to the club members in spite of his [renting] a house from one of them .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a house | ARG-2: from one of them "SRL for [infected]: In 1520 the Spaniard [infected] the opponent with smallpox , killing half of the people in the Aztec Empire including its emperor .",ARG-M-TMP: In 1520 | ARG-0: the Spaniard | ARG-1: the opponent | ARG-2: with smallpox | ARG-M-ADV: killing half of the people in the Aztec Empire including its emperor SRL for [rectal]: The doctors think the cancer is upper [rectal] .,ARG-1: the cancer | ARG-2: upper SRL for [fleshed out]: The playwright [fleshed out] the characters from her own experiences with family members .,ARG-0: The playwright | ARG-1: the characters | ARG-2: from her own experiences with family members SRL for [cooling]: his [cooling] of expectations,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of expectations SRL for [demilitarization]: All chemical depots recommended for closure under BRAC 2005 are scheduled to complete their [demilitarization] of chemical weapons before 2011 ...,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of chemical weapons "SRL for [favorable]: To be clear , any public official who accepts benefits in exchange for [favorable] "" official acts "" must be prosecuted .","ARG-2: "" official acts """ "SRL for [go]: With 15 seconds of trading to [go] , ...",ARG-1: 15 seconds of trading SRL for [Abrogation]: [Abrogation] of TGF beta signaling in mammary carcinomas recruits Gr-1+CD11b+ myeloid cells that promote metastasis .,ARG-1: of TGF beta signaling | ARG-M-LOC: in mammary carcinomas "SRL for [hooking]: IBM will face an uphill climb against Digital , given Digital 's reputation for being better than IBM at [hooking] together different manufacturers ' computers .",ARG-0: Digital | ARG-3: together | ARG-1: different manufacturers ' computers SRL for [violent]: The American government has paid for numerous research efforts to determine if video games are [violent],ARG-1: video games SRL for [reciprocity]: I have come to emphasize the [reciprocity] of our learning and goals .,ARG-1: of our learning and goals "SRL for [shattered]: With his recent purchases of USX common stock , Mr. Icahn [shattered] a three - year - old , unwritten standstill agreement with Mr. Roderick .","ARG-2: With his recent purchases of USX common stock | ARG-0: Mr. Icahn | ARG-1: a three - year - old , unwritten standstill agreement with Mr. Roderick" "SRL for [impart]: Policy makers regard the youth wage as helping to limit the loss of jobs from an increase in the minimum wage , but they have lately touted it as necessary to help [impart] job skills to entrants into the work force .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: job skills | ARG-2: to entrants into the work force "SRL for [object]: Meeting in Strasbourg Wednesday , the commission voted , as expected , to formally [object] to the accord between Air France , the state - owned airline , and state - controlled domestic carrier Air Inter .","ARG-0: the commission | ARG-M-MNR: formally | ARG-1: to the accord between Air France , the state - owned airline , and state - controlled domestic carrier Air Inter" SRL for [combat]: Both Ford and GM badly need a luxury brand to [combat] new competition from the Japanese in the European and U.S. markets .,ARG-0: a luxury brand | ARG-1: new competition from the Japanese | ARG-M-LOC: in the European and U.S. markets "SRL for [dance]: these classes modify traditional aerobic [dance] by adding martial arts moves , step platforms , Latin rhythms , dumbbells , and other props , thereby placing the focus of the workout on different muscle groups .",ARG-M-ADJ: traditional | ARG-1: aerobic "SRL for [clutter]: After the confusion surrounding the change of the Coke formula in 1985 , Coca - Cola was reluctant to [clutter] the Classic name with a brand extension .",ARG-0: Coca - Cola | ARG-1: the Classic name | ARG-2: with a brand extension SRL for [Crusade]: Japan Takes A Prisoner In their [Crusade] to Plunder the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to Plunder the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary "SRL for [generate]: But he said they are `` to a large degree , housekeeping , '' although some may [generate] some disagreement .",ARG-0: some | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: some disagreement SRL for [reconciliation]: Although he had already worked out his [reconciliation] of the Christian mysteries with the mechanical philosophy in Mainz around 1670 ...,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the Christian mysteries | ARG-2: with the mechanical philosophy in Mainz SRL for [deflowered]: The burning down of the house has [deflowered] the beauty of his edifice palace .,ARG-0: The burning down of the house | ARG-2: the beauty of his edifice palace SRL for [performance]: the unit 's financial [performance] this year,ARG-0: the unit 's | ARG-1: financial | ARG-M-TMP: this year "SRL for [litigation]: In addition to his [litigation] of numerous real estate cases , Tom has served as counsel for several real estate firms and developers .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of numerous real estate cases "SRL for [bank]: What do you say we all close down the poker game , go home and [bank] the $ 16 billion ?",ARG-0: we all | ARG-1: the $ 16 billion SRL for [installed]: The disagreement centers on testing deadlines and other issues involving a FileNet system [installed] earlier this year .,ARG-1: a FileNet system | ARG-M-TMP: earlier this year "SRL for [tender]: also dense tissue throughout LOQ possibly due to swelling from biopsy , area is [tender] .",ARG-1: area "SRL for [splintered]: Most likely , wear and tear on the door has [splintered] the wood .",ARG-M-ADV: Most likely | ARG-0: wear and tear on the door | ARG-1: the wood "SRL for [unyielding]: Man proposes but God disposes . Lee Myung - bak = never expected North Korea to be so [unyielding] , and certainly did not expect the United States to be so cowardly . When plans failed , he vented his anger on China instead , constantly harassing our fishermen , so it can clearly be seen that Lee Myung - bak is a villain .",ARG-0: North Korea | ARG-M-EXT: so "SRL for [arbitrates]: An adjudicator system -- that is , an investigator who acts first as a fact - finder and then switches hats and [arbitrates] the facts -- has such advantages as speed , flexibility and maximum privacy .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: an investigator | ARG-1: the facts "SRL for [Flipping Out]: The video clip of "" Door - Slamming Brother [Flipping Out] "" was broadcast on Jilin TV .",ARG-0: Door - Slamming Brother "SRL for [preproduction]: Here 's an overview of the [preproduction] of filmmaking from a film I produced and directed , Zombie College .",ARG-1: of filmmaking "SRL for [taunted]: `` The only way to reduce the costs is to say we do n't want to pay the bill , '' said Rep. Neal Smith ( D. , Iowa ) , who [taunted] President Bush 's party to back up his campaign promise of supporting the claims of $ 20,000 per individual .","ARG-0: Rep. Neal Smith ( D. , Iowa ) | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: President Bush 's party | ARG-M-PRP: to back up his campaign promise of supporting the claims of $ 20,000 per individual" "SRL for [detained]: A splinter group demonstrated in Pushkin Square , where the police clubbed and [detained] a number of protesters .",ARG-0: the police | ARG-1: a number of protesters | ARG-M-LOC: Pushkin Square | R-ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [wangled]: Later still he moved to Indiana , and I was at Hawaii , and he [wangled] a job for me at Indiana ;",ARG-M-TMP: Later still | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a job | ARG-3: for me | ARG-M-LOC: at Indiana SRL for [financed]: A host of electronics firms in California 's Silicon Valley were [financed] with trading - company capital .,ARG-1: A host of electronics firms in California 's Silicon Valley | ARG-2: with trading - company capital "SRL for [familiarize]: Subsequent meetings , initiated after the company and two of its units were briefly suspended from federal contracts , were held to [familiarize] Mr. Orr with the company 's self - policing procedures and to disclose additional information , according to GE .","ARG-0: Subsequent meetings , initiated after the company and two of its units were briefly suspended from federal contracts | ARG-1: Mr. Orr | ARG-2: with the company 's self - policing procedures" "SRL for [frustrated]: But the Fed is n't enthusiastic about Treasury efforts to bring down the value of the dollar through intervention in foreign - exchange markets , and the Treasury is [frustrated] at the Fed 's reluctance to cut interest rates to pull down the dollar 's value .",ARG-1: the Treasury | ARG-0: at the Fed 's reluctance to cut interest rates to pull down the dollar 's value "SRL for [desalinating]: ... The uses of atomic energy have contributed to all areas of life and have positively affected economic and social growth in different countries of the world , wheter in combating serious diseases , improving the quality of industrial and agricultural production , producing electricity , or [desalinating] water .",ARG-1: water "SRL for [realistic]: That show was , for its time -LRB- 1962 - 68 -RRB- , sophisticated and [realistic] , compared to stuff like "" The Man From U.N.C.L.E. "" and "" The Saint "" which frequently bordered on the goofy .","ARG-1: That show | ARG-M-TMP: for its time | ARG-M-ADV: compared to stuff like "" The Man From U.N.C.L.E. "" and "" The Saint "" which frequently bordered on the goofy" SRL for [everted]: The skin was [everted] by the doctor with his bare hands .,ARG-1: The skin | ARG-0: by the doctor | ARG-M-MNR: with his bare hands SRL for [coverage]: its [coverage] of the surface of the sidewall,ARG-2: its | ARG-1: of the surface of the sidewall "SRL for [chipping]: He spent most of his career formulating marketing strategies , but became best - known for [chipping] away at ad agency compensation .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: away | ARG-1: at ad agency compensation SRL for [spent]: Mr. Bernstein has [spent] much of his time in recent years on human rights issues .,ARG-0: Mr. Bernstein | ARG-1: much of his time | ARG-M-TMP: in recent years | ARG-2: on human rights issues SRL for [through]: Whole front half of the vehicle is [through] the wall of the Gardens .,ARG-1: Whole front half of the vehicle | ARG-2: the wall of the Gardens SRL for [spread out]: My texts may be somewhat [spread out] . Distracted .,ARG-1: My texts | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-EXT: somewhat SRL for [cast]: I 'm a happy camper as along as I 'm allowed to [cast] my vote for who I think is the better candidate and make my annual political contribution of $ 0.00 to all campaigns .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my vote | ARG-2: for who I think is the better candidate "SRL for [grimace]: Watching Congress sweat and [grimace] through its annual budget labors , fighting the urge to spend more , we 're reminded of those late - night movies in which the anguished serial killer turns himself in to police and says , `` Stop me before I kill again . ''",ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: through its annual budget labors | ARG-M-ADV: fighting the urge to spend more "SRL for [prohibitive]: Last time we got a thread like this , I suggested Tiuta and the OP did some research and found the cost was [prohibitive] .",ARG-0: the cost SRL for [stripped]: But they were [stripped] from the Senate bill after staffers estimated penalty revenue would fall by $ 216 million over five years .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: from the Senate bill | ARG-M-TMP: after staffers estimated penalty revenue would fall by $ 216 million over five years "SRL for [glutenize]: If the dough is very moist , the flour will [glutenize] on its own .",ARG-M-ADV: If the dough is very moist | ARG-0: the flour | ARG-M-MNR: on its own SRL for [reek]: I think re - enactments [reek] . '',ARG-0: re - enactments "SRL for [chew up]: Mr. Guber replies that `` this is a Goliath , this Time Warner , trying to [chew up] two fellows who have done only well for them for a long period of time . ''","ARG-0: a Goliath , this Time Warner | ARG-1: two fellows who have done only well for them for a long period of time" SRL for [manufacturing]: He said Tandy `` has done a decent job '' increasing sales by [manufacturing] computers for others ...,ARG-0: Tandy | ARG-1: computers | ARG-3: for others SRL for [disturbs]: But the administration 's handling of the fetal - tissue transplant issue [disturbs] many scientists .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the administration 's handling of the fetal - tissue transplant issue | ARG-1: many scientists "SRL for [frustrated]: Corporate leaders , [frustrated] by double - digit increases in health - care costs , are beginning to sound like liberal Democrats .",ARG-1: Corporate leaders | ARG-0: by double - digit increases in health - care costs SRL for [moveable]: Eew palpating for shit masses . A classmate found one in me once and was like wtf is that thing that 's so [moveable] . Janice came over and identified it for us .,ARG-1: that | ARG-M-ADV: so SRL for [made out]: The University [made out] it was much better than it seems .,ARG-0: The University | ARG-1: it was much better than it seems "SRL for [spying]: A party that already was waning in respect due to corruption and its willingness to take some fundamental social justice concepts too far is now supported by a majority of the public , and the beloved party of small government and individual liberties is now a hulking rusty heap of corruption , scandal , incompetence , special interests , big government , and domestic [spying] .",ARG-M-LOC: domestic SRL for [overdue]: Perhaps this rematch has been too long [overdue] and that it has withered on the vine . But nonetheless fan 's of either fighter -LRB- I 'm a Cotto fan -RRB- will no doubt salivate as they make their ring walk .,ARG-M-ADV: Perhaps | ARG-2: this rematch | ARG-M-TMP: too long "SRL for [gets along]: Perhaps because our little "" foreigner "" now speaks French , she [gets along] very well with her classmates ; they all remember her French name , Elodie , and let her know that I 'm there when they see me coming to pick her up after school .","ARG-M-ADV: Perhaps because our little "" foreigner "" now speaks French | ARG-1: she | ARG-M-MNR: very well | ARG-2: with her classmates" "SRL for [swallow]: "" He had absolutely no idea that his children all had to [swallow] their own share of hurt and disappointment while growing up , but never complained to him .",ARG-0: his children all | ARG-1: their own share of hurt and disappointment SRL for [oxidizes]: I have read relevant information that L - Ascorbic acid [oxidizes] easily after it dissolves in the water .,ARG-1: L - Ascorbic acid | ARG-M-MNR: easily | ARG-M-TMP: after it dissolves in the water "SRL for [examination]: After hours of meticulous [examination] of each address book ,",ARG-M-MNR: meticulous | ARG-1: of each address book SRL for [falling]: Steve 's [falling] ill coincided with the release party for the third Harry Potter book .,ARG-1: Steve 's | ARG-2: ill SRL for [aging]: Cheesmaker Helena 's careful [aging] of the cheddar allowed it to develop rich flavor .,ARG-0: Cheesmaker Helena | ARG-M-MNR: careful | ARG-1: of the cheddar "SRL for [orchestrated]: But then came Oct. 13 and the negative publicity [orchestrated] by the Old Guard , particularly against index arbitrage .",ARG-1: the negative publicity | ARG-0: by the Old Guard | ARG-M-GOL: particularly against index arbitrage "SRL for [levy]: Still , Hugo 's impact may revive unsuccessful proposals to give local governments authority to [levy] sales taxes .",ARG-0: local governments | ARG-1: sales taxes SRL for [wiped off]: The bodies must be cleaned and seats [wiped off] '' .,ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: seats SRL for [same]: In this door the lower and middle panels are the [same] in height .,ARG-M-LOC: In this door | ARG-1: the lower and middle panels | ARG-3: in height SRL for [donged]: The doorbell dinged and [donged] all night .,ARG-1: The doorbell | ARG-M-TMP: all night "SRL for [strain]: And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will [strain] for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health .","ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-CAU: since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism | ARG-0: reporters and editors | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: for creative angles | ARG-M-PRP: to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health" "SRL for [playing]: At an age when most kids in the West are still [playing] every day , our children have already started shuttling about among supplementary schools for classes in English , computers , abacus and art .",ARG-M-TMP: an age | ARG-0: most kids in the West | ARG-M-ADV: still | ARG-M-TMP: every day | R-ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [cutting]: This demonstrated the [cutting] in half of CO2 emitted compared to a regular flight .,ARG-2: in half | ARG-1: of CO2 emitted | ARG-M-ADJ: compared to a regular flight "SRL for [collapsed]: Only such a potent force , they theorize , could have ripped `` Cole 's '' steel hull , [collapsed] some of the war ship 's interior sections , and destroyed some of its vital communications .",ARG-0: Only such a potent force | ARG-M-DIS: they theorize | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: some of the war ship 's interior sections SRL for [serve]: Mr. Reupke was one of three executives on Reuters 's eight - person executive committee who did n't also [serve] on the company 's board of directors .,ARG-0: three executives | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: on the company 's board of directors "SRL for [insulting]: well , we might disagree but thanks at least for being [insulting] about my viewpoint",ARG-M-ADV: about my viewpoint SRL for [divorced]: She is [divorced] and now lives in California .,ARG-0: She SRL for [dilatation]: What 's new in [dilatation] of the ascending aorta ?,ARG-1: of the ascending aorta ? "SRL for [savor]: `` Chivas has an image of something you would [savor] , rather than guzzle . ''",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: something SRL for [disc golf]: I kinda wan na try this [disc golf], SRL for [rest]: But these proposals do not [rest] on a view of what the Fed 's problem is .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: these proposals | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: on a view of what the Fed 's problem is SRL for [segregation]: The interactive map shows the economic [segregation] of 10 metropolitan cities .,ARG-3: economic | ARG-1: of 10 metropolitan cities "SRL for [tan]: The surface is [tan] , granular and grossly intact with focal scanty tan membranous adhesions .",ARG-1: The surface | ARG-M-ADV: with focal scanty tan membranous adhesions "SRL for [governed]: For years , a strict regimen [governed] the staff meetings at Nissan Motor Co. 's technical center in Tokyo 's western suburbs .",ARG-M-TMP: For years | ARG-0: a strict regimen | ARG-1: the staff meetings at Nissan Motor Co. 's technical center in Tokyo 's western suburbs "SRL for [hint]: His [hint] to the mayor , that he would do well to qualify himself for his office by taking the sacramental test , did not help his cause .",ARG-0: His | ARG-2: to the mayor | ARG-1: that he would do well to qualify himself for his office by taking the sacramental test SRL for [reading up]: My [reading up] on this paid off .,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: on this SRL for [neatening]: Mary spent the day [neatening] the kitchen shelves .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the kitchen shelves SRL for [progress]: Aaron 's [progress],ARG-1: Aaron 's "SRL for [chaired]: The defense lawyers ' group formed a task force this week , [chaired] by New York attorney Gerald Lefcourt , to deal with the matter .",ARG-1: The defense lawyers ' group | ARG-0: by New York attorney Gerald Lefcourt SRL for [sterile]: Re - applying it too often can make the soil [sterile] to new plant growth .,ARG-1: the soil | ARG-2: to new plant growth SRL for [play]: The backers [play] a fiscal game of their own .,ARG-0: The backers | ARG-1: a fiscal game of their own "SRL for [lives]: A Mrs. Chao , who [lives] in Neihu , explains that on weekends or vacation days the whole family sleeps late .",ARG-0: A Mrs. Chao | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-LOC: in Neihu SRL for [charging]: Royal Business Group Inc. said it filed suit in federal court here [charging] Realist Inc. and its directors with violating federal securities laws `` by engaging in a scheme to prevent '' Royal from acquiring Realist .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: Realist Inc. and its directors | ARG-2: with violating federal securities laws `` by engaging in a scheme to prevent '' Royal from acquiring Realist "SRL for [interfere]: Warner has filed a $ 1 billion breach of contract suit in Los Angeles Superior Court against Sony and the Guber - Peters duo , who in turn are countersuing Warner for trying to [interfere] in Sony 's acquisition of Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc. and Guber Peters Entertainment Co. in two transactions valued at over $ 5 billion .",ARG-0: Warner | ARG-1: in Sony 's acquisition of Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc. and Guber Peters Entertainment Co. in two transactions valued at over $ 5 billion SRL for [passed]: The Senate - House conference committee is used when a bill is [passed] by the House and Senate in different forms .,ARG-1: a bill | ARG-0: by the House and Senate | ARG-M-MNR: in different forms SRL for [championship]: The Dean 's [championship] of freedom of speech on campus has become controversial .,ARG-0: The Dean 's | ARG-1: of freedom of speech on campus SRL for [break]: Then the big waves began to [break] the back of the ship to pieces .,ARG-0: the big waves | ARG-1: the back of the ship | ARG-3: to pieces SRL for [gulled]: They [gulled] him of all his proceeds .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: of all his proceeds SRL for [boost]: a 3 % wage [boost],ARG-2: 3 % | ARG-1: wage SRL for [nonexertional]: His shortness - of - breath is [nonexertional] .,ARG-1: His shortness - of - breath SRL for [negative]: a [negative] ion is called an anion .,ARG-1: ion SRL for [examination]: his [examination] of Mr. Lorin,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Mr. Lorin SRL for [release]: Her [release] from prison in March,ARG-1: Her | ARG-2: from prison | ARG-M-TMP: in March SRL for [garnished]: His employer [garnished] his wages in order to pay his debt .,ARG-0: His employer | ARG-1: his wages | ARG-M-PRP: in order to pay his debt "SRL for [satisfy]: Sunbelt and the FSLIC argued to the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals `` that there will never be any assets with which to [satisfy] a judgment against Sunbelt Savings nor any means to collect from any other party , including FSLIC . ''",R-ARG-2: with which | ARG-1: a judgment against Sunbelt Savings | ARG-2: any assets SRL for [pattered]: Raindrops [pattered] on the roof .,ARG-1: Raindrops | ARG-2: on the roof SRL for [rebounded]: Tokyo stocks [rebounded] Tuesday from two consecutive daily losses in relatively active dealings .,ARG-1: Tokyo stocks | ARG-M-TMP: Tuesday | ARG-3: from two consecutive daily losses | ARG-M-LOC: in relatively active dealings "SRL for [live]: Richard Bernstein , senior quantitative analyst at Merrill Lynch & Co , says , `` My gut feel is that we 'll [live] with those swings for a while . ''",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: with those swings | ARG-M-TMP: for a while SRL for [elicited]: The social commentary in the lyrics of these songs also [elicited] a strong response .,ARG-0: The social commentary in the lyrics of these songs | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: a strong response SRL for [bet]: Retired executive Bruce Cassidy hopes he does n't shank his multimillion - dollar [bet] on an exclusive Gulf Coast golf course .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: multimillion - dollar | ARG-2: on an exclusive Gulf Coast golf course "SRL for [ladled]: He [ladled] the yellow , spicy rice on to her plate .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the yellow , spicy rice | ARG-2: on to her plate" SRL for [gummed]: John [gummed] the handle to the toaster oven with cherry Big - League chew .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the handle | ARG-2: to the toaster oven | ARG-3: with cherry Big - League chew "SRL for [seated]: Israel was [seated] by a vote of 95 - 37 , with 15 abstentions .",ARG-1: Israel | ARG-M-MNR: by a vote of 95 - 37 | ARG-M-MNR: with 15 abstentions "SRL for [declaimed]: As Sir Giles Overreach ( how often had he had to play that part , who did not believe a word of it ) , he raised his arm and [declaimed] : `` Where is my honour now '' ? ?",ARG-M-ADV: As Sir Giles Overreach | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Where is my honour now "SRL for [invest]: At the same time , steelmakers are trying to [invest] more to modernize technology and make themselves more competitive .",ARG-0: steelmakers | ARG-1: more | ARG-M-PRP: to modernize technology and make themselves more competitive "SRL for [misrepresents]: `` This is dangerous and [misrepresents] Abbie 's life , '' says Ms. Lawrenson , who has had an advance look at the 36 - page script .",ARG-0: This | ARG-1: Abbie 's life SRL for [conglomeration]: His [conglomeration] of power,ARG-0: His | ARG-3: power "SRL for [sour]: The new argument over the notification guideline , however , could [sour] any atmosphere of cooperation that existed .",ARG-0: The new argument over the notification guideline | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: any atmosphere of cooperation that existed SRL for [sums up]: As he [sums up] : `` We are listening to the market . '',ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it SRL for [dribbling]: His [dribbling] has gone down but his goal ratio has skyrocketed to record heights .,ARG-0: his SRL for [pull]: The adjustment to the front camber made the most difference in eliminating the [pull] to the left on my car .,ARG-M-DIR: to the left | ARG-1: on my car SRL for [transformed]: ... customers whose addresses have [transformed] during the past 3 1/2 years .,ARG-1: whose addresses | ARG-M-TMP: during the past 3 1/2 years SRL for [polished up]: That limited judgment was toppled by Conceptualism which devalued everything visual in art and instead [polished up] the stature of ideas .,R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: Conceptualism | ARG-M-ADV: instead | ARG-1: the stature of ideas SRL for [fatigued]: She has been quite [fatigued] over the last year and has been sleeping more .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-EXT: quite | ARG-M-TMP: over the last year SRL for [slumped]: He [slumped] the box down before me,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the box | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-M-LOC: before me "SRL for [Lame]: [Lame] from the accident , he walked with a cane .",ARG-1: he | ARG-0: from the accident SRL for [basted]: The attackers [basted] him with a stick .,ARG-0: The attackers | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a stick SRL for [tightening]: chest [tightening],ARG-1: chest SRL for [bundle up]: You have *-1 to [bundle up] ., SRL for [disapprove]: 50 % of voters [disapprove] of the President 's job performance .,ARG-0: 50 % of voters | ARG-1: of the President 's job performance "SRL for [stammered]: She [stammered] , `` You heard what he said about police ? ''",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: `` You heard what he said about police ? '' "SRL for [interspersed]: We see , smell and hear slums filled with `` the echoes of hawkers advertising their wares [interspersed] with abusive language , rattling coughs and the sound of people gathering spittle in their throats and spewing into the street . ''","ARG-1: the echoes of hawkers advertising their wares | ARG-2: with abusive language , rattling coughs and the sound of people gathering spittle in their throats and spewing into the street" SRL for [foolish]: His revealing Valerie Plame 's CIA identity was [foolish],ARG-1: His revealing Valerie Plame 's CIA identity SRL for [bid]: Mr. Pilson [bid] $ 243 million for rights to the 1992 Winter Games .,ARG-0: Mr. Pilson | ARG-2: $ 243 million | ARG-1: for rights to the 1992 Winter Games "SRL for [misled]: The ruling stems from a 1984 suit filed by shareholders of Apple Computer Inc. , claiming that company officials [misled] investors about the expected success of the Lisa computer , introduced in 1983 .","ARG-0: company officials | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: about the expected success of the Lisa computer , introduced in 1983" SRL for [twangs]: Bush [twangs] while New Orleans sinks .,ARG-0: Bush | ARG-M-TMP: while New Orleans sinks SRL for [augmentation]: This woman desired an [augmentation] of her breasts with saline breast implants .,ARG-1: of her breasts | ARG-2: with saline breast implants SRL for [signals]: It has sent mixed [signals] about its willingness to take part in the exchange - rate mechanism of the European Monetary System,ARG-1: mixed | ARG-3: about its willingness to take part in the exchange - rate mechanism of the European Monetary System "SRL for [commute]: The affair finally ended in divorce , but the upside is that since then her ex has actually behaved better , for he has begun to [commute] back to Kaohsiung from Tainan every day , and is much more patient with his son and daughter than before .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: to Kaohsiung | ARG-1: from Tainan | ARG-M-TMP: every day SRL for [tops]: The culture and esp the food : -RRB- Lyon is supposed to be [tops] for French cuisine,ARG-1: Lyon | ARG-2: for French cuisine SRL for [plagiarizing]: a university president has been found guilty of [plagiarizing] a research paper .,ARG-0: a university president | ARG-1: a research paper SRL for [snap]: What makes these young men [snap] .,ARG-0: these young men "SRL for [ravished]: that supreme Beauty , which [ravished] the souls of those Eastern men ,",ARG-0: which | ARG-1: the souls of those Eastern men "SRL for [warning]: Two antitrust agencies may face further cutbacks because of a complicated new funding device , some Democrats in Congress are [warning] .",ARG-0: some Democrats in Congress | ARG-1: Two antitrust agencies may face further cutbacks because of a complicated new funding device "SRL for [into force]: Amendments to Articles 23 , 27 and 61 of the Charter were adopted by the General Assembly on 17 December 1963 and came [into force] on 31 August 1965 .","ARG-1: Amendments to Articles 23 , 27 and 61 of the Charter | ARG-M-TMP: on 31 August 1965" SRL for [glom]: We [glom] these extra vectors onto our space .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: these extra vectors | ARG-2: onto our space SRL for [restoration]: Building [restoration] describes a particular treatment approach and philosophy within the field of architectural conservation .,ARG-1: Building "SRL for [updating]: Batch processing is the high - volume , single - job data processing that most mainframes typically chug through at night , such as [updating] accounts at banks .",ARG-1: accounts | ARG-M-LOC: at banks "SRL for [comes to terms]: In the coming decade , analysts say , U.S.-Japanese relations will be tested as Tokyo [comes to terms] with its new status as the region 's economic behemoth .",ARG-0: Tokyo | ARG-2: with its new status as the region 's economic behemoth SRL for [dock]: the cart [dock],ARG-1: cart SRL for [aggregation]: Chamberlin has coached National League teams during five previous seasons and each year he piloted his [aggregation] of gridiron workers to the top of the ranks .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of gridiron workers "SRL for [waste]: The lavish privileges they have vested upon themselves , their [waste] of time on ceremonial banalities ...",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of time | ARG-2: on ceremonial banalities SRL for [depressurize]: A week 's vacation should [depressurize] me .,ARG-0: A week 's vacation | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: me "SRL for [Defrost]: Finding the key under his shoe , he started the engine , and while itwarmed up he turned to her standing there in the dripping fog , and said , `` [Defrost] the refrigerator '' .",ARG-1: the refrigerator SRL for [bent]: The mechanic said that my right front wheel was [bent] .,ARG-1: my right front wheel "SRL for [smoked]: He [smoked] Toronto in the playoffs with six hits , seven walks and eight stolen bases in 22 at bats , and continued that by going 3-for-3 at the plate Sunday , along with walking , stealing a base and scoring a run .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: Toronto | ARG-M-TMP: in the playoffs | ARG-M-MNR: with six hits , seven walks and eight stolen bases in 22 at bats" SRL for [toggled]: The soldier [toggled] a bomb .,ARG-0: The soldier | ARG-1: a bomb SRL for [ended]: Gilts [ended] about 3/8 point lower .,ARG-1: Gilts | ARG-2: about 3/8 point lower "SRL for [ranged]: Initial cost estimates for the plant , which was to have been built in phases , [ranged] from $ 1 billion to $ 1.2 billion .","ARG-1: Initial cost estimates for the plant , which was to have been built in phases | ARG-3: from $ 1 billion | ARG-4: to $ 1.2 billion" SRL for [raise]: their 15.5 % pay [raise] over three years,ARG-5: their | ARG-2: 15.5 % | ARG-1: pay | ARG-M-TMP: over three years "SRL for [appeal]: Recently , her [appeal] to the King for clemency , which has been heard even though she was arrested more than a year after Sandra Gregory , resulted in her sentence being reduced to 10 years .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: to the King | ARG-2: for clemency | ARG-M-ADJ: which has been heard even though she was arrested more than a year after Sandra Gregory SRL for [implementation]: Anderson has impressed us with her [implementation] of state - of- the - art information technology .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of state - of- the - art information technology "SRL for [programmed]: Larry Biehl , a money manager in San Mateo , Calif. , blames that on the advent of program trading , in which computers used by big institutional investors are [programmed] to buy and sell big blocks when certain market conditions prevail .",ARG-1: computers used by big institutional investors | ARG-2: to buy and sell big blocks when certain market conditions prevail SRL for [sited]: ... the distress of the people of Kungliao where the plant is [sited] .,R-ARG-M-LOC: where | ARG-1: the plant | ARG-M-LOC: Kungliao SRL for [appointment]: its [appointment] to assist the managers,ARG-0: its | ARG-2: to assist the managers "SRL for [repurchased]: Trinova , which had 34.2 million common shares outstanding Sept. 30 , had [repurchased] 29,700 shares since October 1987 before this latest announcement .","ARG-0: Trinova , which had 34.2 million common shares outstanding Sept. 30 | ARG-1: 29,700 shares | ARG-M-TMP: since October 1987 | ARG-M-TMP: before this latest announcement" SRL for [canalized]: I immediately [canalized] the patient and began a drip of normal saline solution to increase his blood volume .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: immediately | ARG-1: the patient "SRL for [bobsledded]: They [bobsledded] down the Dundonald St hill , narrowly missing oncoming traffic as they sped for the open ice below them .",ARG-1: They | ARG-2: down the Dundonald St hill | ARG-M-ADV: narrowly missing oncoming traffic as they sped for the open ice below them "SRL for [streamed]: FWIW , I [streamed] the "" Hunger Games "" yesterday in 1080p , Dolby 5.1 , from Amazon Instant Streaming ( there 's a free Xbox app for it ) without any delay at all .","ARG-M-ADV: FWIW | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the "" Hunger Games "" | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-MNR: in 1080p , Dolby 5.1 | ARG-2: from Amazon Instant Streaming ( there 's a free Xbox app for it ) | ARG-M-MNR: without any delay at all" SRL for [calls]: EC Agriculture Commissioner Ray MacSharry said the U.S. plan `` [calls] into question '' the agreement reached by world negotiators last April in Geneva seeking `` substantial progressive reductions in agricultural support and protection . '',ARG-0: the U.S. plan | ARG-2: into question | ARG-1: the agreement reached by world negotiators last April in Geneva seeking `` substantial progressive reductions in agricultural support and protection . '' "SRL for [ridden]: Life on the homefront seems the same at Farmer 's Market in Los Angeles , but it 's more angst [ridden] .",ARG-1: angst "SRL for [unexplain]: Well , you will just have to [unexplain] to her then , wo n't you ?",ARG-M-DIS: Well | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-2: to her | ARG-M-ADV: then SRL for [relating]: ... information [relating] to fees from clients should be confidential .,ARG-1: information | ARG-2: to fees from clients "SRL for [pivot]: `` Wheat prices will increasingly [pivot] off of Soviet demand '' in coming weeks , predicted Richard Feltes , vice president , research , for Refco Inc. in Chicago .",ARG-1: Wheat prices | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-EXT: increasingly | ARG-2: of Soviet demand | ARG-M-TMP: in coming weeks SRL for [break up]: The housemate was crying over his [break up] with on - off girlfriend Sammi .,ARG-1: his | ARG-3: with on - off girlfriend Sammi SRL for [point of view]: Look at it from the lender 's [point of view],ARG-1: it | ARG-0: the lender "SRL for [trashing]: It 's almost impossible to track the number of companies [trashing] junk mail , since the decision is usually made in the mail room -- not the board room .",ARG-0: companies | ARG-1: junk mail SRL for [prohibitive]: He is the [prohibitive] favorite to win the nomination .,ARG-0: favorite to win the nomination "SRL for [chartered]: Since commercial airline flights were disrupted , the company [chartered] three planes to fly these executives back to the West Coast and bring along portable computers , cellular phones and some claims adjusters .","ARG-M-CAU: Since commercial airline flights were disrupted | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: three planes | ARG-2: to fly these executives back to the West Coast and bring along portable computers , cellular phones and some claims adjusters" SRL for [hollow out]: They [hollow out] the bat and stick the cork in there [ ] to mask the hollow sound .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the bat SRL for [honor]: Our plan is to [honor] Charles Schulz and the strip all year long . '',ARG-0: Our | ARG-1: Charles Schulz and the strip | ARG-M-TMP: all year long SRL for [fly]: I never [fly] Frontier anymore .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-4: Frontier | ARG-M-TMP: anymore "SRL for [blacklisted]: For this work , he was [blacklisted] in Taiwan .",ARG-M-CAU: For this work | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-LOC: in Taiwan "SRL for [hanging]: With the brightness of the light shining down on him and their [hanging] back in the shadows , he could only make out their most basic features .",ARG-1: their | ARG-2: back | ARG-M-LOC: in the shadows SRL for [selling]: Thank you for all you did with the [selling] of the house for me .,ARG-1: of the house | ARG-4: for me SRL for [renovations]: [renovations] to the already existing housing stock,ARG-1: to the already existing housing stock "SRL for [lying]: no , [lying] flat",ARG-M-MNR: flat SRL for [coming]: But the growing controversy comes as many practices historically accepted as normal here -- such as politicians accepting substantial gifts from businessmen or having extramarital affairs -- are [coming] under close ethical scrutiny .,ARG-1: many practices historically accepted as normal here -- such as politicians accepting substantial gifts from businessmen or having extramarital affairs -- | ARG-2: under close ethical scrutiny SRL for [excuse]: Please [excuse] me . ',ARG-M-DIS: Please | ARG-1: me SRL for [preselected]: Sounds like he would do more good for your party if you [preselected] him from your ranks at the next election and made him treasurer .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from your ranks | ARG-M-TMP: at the next election SRL for [wringing]: His [wringing] of the cloth caused it to rip,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the cloth SRL for [smooch]: Two black women [smooch] cheeks .,ARG-0: Two black women | ARG-1: cheeks SRL for [alert]: The terror [alert] for subway commuters,ARG-2: terror | ARG-1: for subway commuters "SRL for [keyed]: Details of the plan , which would go into effect in 1993 , are sketchy , but each player would apparently be paid a base salary [keyed] to his position and ability .",ARG-1: a base salary | ARG-2: to his position and ability SRL for [mingled]: John [mingled] his cd 's with Mary 's .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his cd 's | ARG-2: with Mary 's SRL for [DOWN ! ! !]: And he 's [DOWN ! ! !] ! !,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: he 's SRL for [fabulous]: i am [fabulous] at tetris,ARG-1: i | ARG-2: at tetris "SRL for [keep on]: State monopolies will [keep on] stifling trade , `` free '' prices or not , until something else replaces them .",ARG-1: State monopolies | ARG-2: stifling trade | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: `` free '' prices or not | ARG-M-TMP: until something else replaces them SRL for [spooning]: His [spooning] applesauce into the infant 's mouth resulted in only half a jar 's worth of applesauce on the floor .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: applesauce | ARG-M-DIR: into the infant 's mouth SRL for [blast]: Anderson could n't have been more wrong in his [blast] of the Browns fans in an e - mail to Browns beat writer Jeff Schudel .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the Browns fans | ARG-M-LOC: in an e - mail to Browns beat writer Jeff Schudel SRL for [outrageous]: That Chinese swimmer 's hat is [outrageous] haha !,ARG-0: That Chinese swimmer 's hat | ARG-M-DIS: haha "SRL for [orphaned]: But then , even a great many words could n't summarize the extraordinary pull of this movie about an [orphaned] bear who adopts a parent .",ARG-1: bear SRL for [competitive]: My salary is [competitive] .,ARG-0: My salary "SRL for [separation]: That is , whether there should be a [separation] of politics and economics or not .",ARG-1: of politics and economics "SRL for [co - anchored]: The show will be [co - anchored] by Bernard Shaw and Catherine Crier , a 34 - year - old former Texas judge and campus beauty queen who has never held a job in television or journalism .","ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: The show | ARG-0: by Bernard Shaw and Catherine Crier , a 34 - year - old former Texas judge and campus beauty queen who has never held a job in television or journalism" "SRL for [stoppered]: They [stoppered] this abyss with a sparkling , life - giving river .","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: this abyss | ARG-2: with a sparkling , life - giving river" SRL for [slur]: Your candidate laughed her ass off today while a supporter made an anti - gay [slur] to her .,ARG-0: a supporter | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-3: an anti - gay | ARG-2: to her "SRL for [chorus]: They may in fact regard it ridiculous , even shameful to jump on their bandwagon and join their [chorus] of righteous indignation against ' terrorism ' .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of righteous indignation against ' terrorism ' "SRL for [continued]: And he [continued] about his frustrations in being unable to settle again for good in the Philippines , after having tasted and enjoyed the highly competitive and individualistic pace of people living abroad .",ARG-0: to settle again for good in the SRL for [irresponsible]: Driving his car while drunk was [irresponsible],ARG-1: Driving his car while drunk "SRL for [quibbling]: There can be no [quibbling] that the Armenians endured terrible suffering , but one has to wonder what possible good such a resolution will achieve .",ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-2: that the Armenians endured terrible suffering SRL for [instruction]: his [instruction] to her about the art of armed robbery,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to her | ARG-3: about the art of armed robbery "SRL for [access]: Disk drives , which allow a computer to [access] its memory , generated 38 % more revenue in the most recent period compared with the fiscal first quarter a year earlier .",ARG-0: a computer | ARG-1: its memory SRL for [sneaked ( snuck ? )]: John [sneaked ( snuck ? )] a dozen hard - boiled eggs out of the dining hall in his underwear .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a dozen hard - boiled eggs | ARG-2: out of the dining hall | ARG-M-MNR: in his underwear SRL for [realistic]: Ja - Mes Logan says 11 wins is [realistic] for Ole Miss,ARG-1: 11 wins | ARG-2: for Ole Miss SRL for [pleasant]: The air is [pleasant] to me .,ARG-1: The air | ARG-2: to me "SRL for [bleak]: Lang Xianping is right , China 's economy is sick . If the problem is not solved then I am afraid the future of China is [bleak] .",ARG-1: the future of China "SRL for [unfolded]: In fact , the earnings report [unfolded] as representatives of the world 's No . 1 jet maker and the striking Machinists union came back to the negotiating table for their first meeting in two weeks .",ARG-M-DIS: In fact | ARG-1: the earnings report | ARG-M-TMP: as representatives of the world 's No . 1 jet maker and the striking Machinists union came back to the negotiating table for their first meeting in two weeks "SRL for [indicated]: In 1998 , the President of the Academia Sinica , Lee Yuan - tseh , [indicated] to a meeting of the Science and Technology Committee of the Executive Yuan that because English had been taught in Taiwan as a "" discipline "" rather than as a "" communication tool , "" Taiwanese who went to study overseas found they were unable to read what their professors had prescribed in the time available .","ARG-M-TMP: In 1998 | ARG-0: the President of the Academia Sinica , Lee Yuan - tseh | ARG-2: to a meeting of the Science and Technology Committee of the Executive Yuan | ARG-1: that because English had been taught in Taiwan as a "" discipline "" rather than as a "" communication tool , "" Taiwanese who went to study overseas found they were unable to read what their professors had prescribed in the time available" SRL for [watered]: I planted the seed and Apollos [watered] it .,ARG-0: Apollos | ARG-1: it "SRL for [edged]: Meanwhile , personal income [edged] up 0.3 % .",ARG-M-DIS: Meanwhile | ARG-1: personal income | ARG-5: up | ARG-2: 0.3 % "SRL for [belongs]: Even some members of the Old Guard , despite their current advantage , seem to be conceding that the future [belongs] with the New Guard .",ARG-0: the future | ARG-1: with the New Guard SRL for [gives off]: This radiator [gives off] a lot of heat .,ARG-0: This radiator | ARG-1: a lot of heat SRL for [indicative]: I listened to Rush Limbaugh 's fill - in rant about Chrysler being 58 % owned by Italian automobile manufacturer Fiat and then went into a mind - numbingly dumb tirade about how Superbowl car commercials are [indicative] of the corrosion of the American spirit,ARG-0: Superbowl car commercials | ARG-1: of the corrosion of the American spirit | ARG-M-MNR: how "SRL for [parachuting]: With airline deals in a tailspin , legendary Wall Street trader Michael Steinhardt could have trouble [parachuting] out of USAir Group , traders say .",ARG-0: legendary Wall Street trader Michael Steinhardt | ARG-1: out of USAir Group "SRL for [melt]: A partnership with a Williamsburg , Va. , unit of Shell Oil Co. recently patented a process for producing plastic food containers that wo n't [melt] in microwave ovens .",R-ARG-1: containers | ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LOC: in microwave ovens "SRL for [screwed]: The economy is [screwed] , we do n't know how to unscrew it , and inflation is about the only tool we 've got to manipulate it .",ARG-1: The economy SRL for [swigged]: She [swigged] vodka and took ecstasy at 13 .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: vodka | ARG-M-TMP: at 13 SRL for [aim]: I laid across the table that I had been hiding under and put my arm right out on the table to support my [aim] of the gun .,ARG-0: my | ARG-1: of the gun SRL for [hailed]: Analysts [hailed] the planned transaction as being beneficial to Armstrong and Shaw .,ARG-0: Analysts | ARG-1: the planned transaction | ARG-2: as being beneficial to Armstrong and Shaw "SRL for [true]: The pitch was [true] , but oh so slow - requiring a good few more hours of sunshine to really bring the ball onto the bat .",ARG-1: The pitch SRL for [paroled]: Two months later after serving fifteen of his eighteen year sentence Vance Ladamie was also [paroled] .,ARG-M-TMP: Two months later | ARG-M-TMP: after serving fifteen of his eighteen year sentence | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: Vance Ladamie SRL for [intrusion]: This is an absolute [intrusion] .,ARG-M-EXT: absolute SRL for [sweat]: And you can help to [sweat] off your middle - aged anxieties by making a habit of regularly exercising .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-DIR: off | ARG-1: your middle - aged anxieties | ARG-M-MNR: by making a habit of regularly exercising SRL for [intimate]: Let me immediately put limits to whatever nostalgic notions that may [intimate] .,ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: whatever nostalgic notions "SRL for [made off]: When he initially refused , he says , they stabbed him in the back and [made off] with $ 2,000 and 280 blank tickets .","ARG-M-TMP: When he initially refused | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: with $ 2,000 and 280 blank tickets" SRL for [hypermetabolic]: Several spots in the liver are [hypermetabolic] .,ARG-1: Several spots in the liver SRL for [striping]: Window sashes can be indicated by [striping] the glass with black paint .,ARG-1: the glass | ARG-2: with black paint "SRL for [suit]: Bryan Singer and three Hollywood execs , has dismissed his [suit] against Broadway producer and theme park designer Gary Goddard .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against Broadway producer and theme park designer Gary Goddard SRL for [blunting]: Lidocaine 's primary value lies in its [blunting] of the airway reflexes and thus prevention of coughing .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the airway reflexes SRL for [survey]: The class is a [survey] of Italian Renaissance painters .,ARG-1: of Italian Renaissance painters "SRL for [egress]: His [egress] from the building was noticed , however .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: from the building "SRL for [freeing]: Despite fears the mine may be partially nationalized by the new Namibian government following next month 's elections [freeing] the country from South African control , De Beers engineers are working to extend the mine 's productive life for another 25 years , from the current estimate of 10 .",ARG-0: next month 's elections | ARG-1: the country | ARG-2: from South African control SRL for [kindled]: Canadian officials said the trade pact has [kindled] an export interest among many small Canadian companies that previously had little or no foreign sales .,ARG-0: the trade pact | ARG-1: an export interest among many small Canadian companies that previously had little or no foreign sales "SRL for [induction]: Quincy Jones , during his [induction] of Ray Charles into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame , told a great story about how he and Ray used to be in a 1950s Seattle jazz band together providing music for strippers .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Ray Charles | ARG-2: into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame "SRL for [read]: `` My belief is always , if you 've got a settlement , you [read] it into the record . '' says Judge Jenkins , now known in his courthouse as `` Shake ' Em Down Jenkins . ''",ARG-M-ADV: if you 've got a settlement | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: into the record "SRL for [stagewhispers]: ` ` She 's being attacked by the demon , '' Mrs. Warren [stagewhispers] as the priest sprinkles holy water over the squirming woman , and the television camera grinds .","ARG-0: Mrs. Warren | ARG-1: ` ` She 's being attacked by the demon , '' | ARG-M-TMP: as the priest sprinkles holy water over the squirming woman , and the television camera grinds" SRL for [defibrillated]: The Zell firefighters [defibrillated] him with their AED while waiting for our ambulance to arrive .,ARG-0: The Zell firefighters | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with their AED | ARG-M-TMP: while waiting for our ambulance to arrive "SRL for [rallied]: Elsewhere in the oil sector , Exxon [rallied] 7/8 to 45 3/4 .",ARG-M-LOC: Elsewhere in the oil sector | ARG-1: Exxon | ARG-2: 7/8 | ARG-4: to 45 3/4 SRL for [entrapped]: The hunters [entrapped] the lion .,ARG-0: The hunters | ARG-1: the lion SRL for [stop]: The ban wo n't [stop] privately - funded tissue - transplant research .,ARG-0: The ban | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: privately - funded tissue - transplant research SRL for [delocalized]: Plk1 substrates are [delocalized] from centrosomes of Bod1 - depleted HeLa cells .,ARG-1: Plk1 substrates | ARG-2: centrosomes SRL for [picked]: The 486 is the descendant of a long series of Intel chips that began dominating the market ever since IBM [picked] the 16 - bit 8088 chip for its first personal computer .,ARG-0: IBM | ARG-1: the 16 - bit 8088 chip | ARG-3: for its first personal computer SRL for [nicked]: The thrift said earnings also were [nicked] in the quarter by a $ 4 million provision for losses associated with its previously reported plan to liquidate a real - estate franchise network .,ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: earnings | ARG-M-TMP: in the quarter | ARG-0: by a $ 4 million provision for losses associated with its previously reported plan to liquidate a real - estate franchise network SRL for [making trouble]: A couple of guys who were up to no good started [making trouble] in my neighborhood,ARG-0: A couple of guys who were up to no good | ARG-M-LOC: in my neighborhood "SRL for [formalizes]: Mr. Grobstein 's appointment [formalizes] a role he has been performing since the merger , a spokeswoman said .",ARG-0: Mr. Grobstein 's appointment | ARG-1: a role he has been performing since the merger SRL for [trustworthy]: Yes . I personally know of one who is [trustworthy] with an infant .,ARG-1: who | ARG-2: with an infant SRL for [conjoined]: He [conjoined] dance with gospel to depict his experience of being black in the racist South .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: dance | ARG-2: with gospel | ARG-M-PRP: to depict his experience of being black in the racist South "SRL for [trust]: `` I do n't [trust] people who do n't eat , '' said Ms. Volokh , though she herself stopped eating lunch a few years ago to drop 25 pounds .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: people who do n't eat "SRL for [torments]: Far from being minimalist , the music unabatingly [torments] us with apparent novelties not so cleverly disguised in the simplicities of 4/4 time , octave intervals , and ragtime or gospel chord progressions .","ARG-M-PRD: Far from being minimalist | ARG-0: the music | ARG-M-MNR: unabatingly | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: with apparent novelties not so cleverly disguised in the simplicities of 4/4 time , octave intervals , and ragtime or gospel chord progressions" "SRL for [inspired]: Mary Beth Marchand , a Greenville 11th grader , also says Mrs. Yeargin [inspired] her to go into education .",ARG-0: Mrs. Yeargin | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: to go into education "SRL for [recruiting]: In recent months , California 's Transportation Department has been [recruiting] in Pennsylvania , Arizona and Texas for engineers experienced in road and bridge design .","ARG-M-TMP: In recent months | ARG-0: California 's Transportation Department | ARG-M-LOC: in Pennsylvania , Arizona and Texas | ARG-1: for engineers experienced in road and bridge design" SRL for [stem]: He could n't stand on the top ski and separate out the processes involved and so ended up using two legs to make a [stem] again before then standing on the top ski - which of course changed nothing .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-TMP: before then standing on the top ski - which of course changed nothing SRL for [revolution]: Why did the Americans win their [revolution] against England ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: against England "SRL for [Pestered]: [Pestered] by bosses , brokers , clients and media people and pushed by their own egos , Wall Street economists are forecasting about everything from broad economic trends to the dinkiest monthly indicator .","ARG-1: Wall Street economists | ARG-0: by bosses , brokers , clients and media people" SRL for [precise]: The Buddha was [precise] in his description of Right Speech,ARG-0: The Buddha | ARG-1: in his description of Right Speech SRL for [branch]: Sansui was late into the mini - component business and failed to [branch] into other new businesses .,ARG-0: Sansui | ARG-1: into other new businesses SRL for [rise]: Slobodan Milosevic 's [rise] to power,ARG-1: Slobodan Milosevic 's | ARG-4: to power "SRL for [possession]: Iran , which was implicitly reminded not to interfere in the affairs of Iraq , was explicitly mentioned with the expression of Gulf concerns for its [possession] of nuclear programs .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of nuclear programs SRL for [speaks]: this [speaks] directly to the accusation of being an enabler,ARG-0: this | ARG-M-MNR: directly | ARG-1: to the accusation of being an enabler SRL for [deformable]: It was quite soft and [deformable] .,ARG-1: It "SRL for [Look]: [Look] , I do n't want to wax philosophic , but I will say that if you 're alive you 've got to flap your arms and legs , you 've got to jump around a lot , for life is the very opposite of death , and therefore you must at very least think noisy and colorfully , or you 're not alive .", SRL for [snorted]: I [snorted] a taste and was shocked by how powerful it was .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a taste SRL for [detonates]: A ' smart ' fuse [detonates] the warhead in the underground bunker .,ARG-0: A ' smart ' fuse | ARG-1: the warhead | ARG-M-LOC: in the underground bunker "SRL for [commented]: Kent cigarettes were sold , the company [commented]",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: Kent cigarettes were sold "SRL for [log in]: When you [log in] to Facebook , you 'll see the message .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: to Facebook SRL for [bid]: The courtesans did the Sultan 's [bid] .,ARG-0: Sultan 's SRL for [expropriate]: Do they [expropriate] the land on the spot ?,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the land | ARG-M-TMP: on the spot "SRL for [high]: Still Feeling [high] from that Toy Story 3 trailer ? Well , get ready to be disapointed .",ARG-M-TMP: Still | ARG-0: from that Toy Story 3 trailer ? "SRL for [concentrated]: I am on very high dose vitamin C , besides my green multiple , that is very [concentrated] compared top wimpy Centrum .",ARG-1: that | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-M-ADV: compared top wimpy Centrum SRL for [gear up]: HEALTH CLUBS [gear up] for a graying clientele .,ARG-0: HEALTH CLUBS | ARG-2: for a graying clientele SRL for [lolled]: The woman 's head [lolled] to the other side .,ARG-1: The woman 's head | ARG-M-LOC: to the other side SRL for [mugged]: I literally do not understand why those people did n't just get [mugged] and beaten to death as soon as they started stealing 2 million in student money and then throwing parties with it .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: those people | ARG-M-CAU: why SRL for [uptight]: I am as [uptight] about the plight of white people in the US as anyone is .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-CXN: as | ARG-0: about the plight of white people in the US | C-ARG-M-CXN: as anyone is "SRL for [camped out]: He [camped out] at a high - tech nerve center on the floor of the Big Board , where he could watch updates on prices and pending stock orders .","ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LOC: at a high - tech nerve center on the floor of the Big Board , where he could watch updates on prices and pending stock orders" SRL for [speed]: The market 's wild week may [speed] along the market - reform legislation that has been pending for months in the aftermath of the 1987 crash .,ARG-0: The market 's wild week | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-DIR: along | ARG-1: the market - reform legislation that has been pending for months in the aftermath of the 1987 crash SRL for [visit]: a three - day official [visit] to Helsinki,ARG-M-TMP: three - day | ARG-M-ADV: official | ARG-1: to Helsinki SRL for [lignified]: The magic puppeteer [lignified] the boy and called him Pinocchio .,ARG-0: The magic puppeteer | ARG-1: the boy SRL for [end]: the [end] of the year,ARG-1: of the year SRL for [blast]: His [blast] of a shot from 25 yards away,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of a shot | ARG-M-DIR: from 25 yards away "SRL for [transactivated]: When we [transactivated] an IE-Hoxd-4 TR gene , we found abnormalities in the neonatal skeleton similar to those induced by Hoxc-8 ( Fig . 2D ) .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: an IE-Hoxd-4 TR gene SRL for [muse]: All this causes Rep. Hyde to [muse] about an alternate way to drum up more enthusiasm .,ARG-0: Rep. Hyde | ARG-1: about an alternate way to drum up more enthusiasm SRL for [sheltered]: John [sheltered] the storm in a cardboard box .,ARG-0: John | ARG-3: the storm | ARG-2: in a cardboard box SRL for [chattered]: Her teeth [chattered] so that she made three attempts at speech before she became intelligible .,ARG-0: Her teeth | ARG-M-ADV: so that she made three attempts at speech before she became intelligible SRL for [mental]: What a [mental] image that creates !,ARG-1: image SRL for [shop]: The number of people who said they were more likely to [shop] at Sears ...,ARG-0: they | ARG-2: at Sears SRL for [whooshing]: Ethan saved the day with his [whooshing] in the air and xray vision .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: in the air "SRL for [shrink wrapped]: tucked into a corner , I noticed the shape of ... a [shrink wrapped] VHS tape ?",ARG-1: VHS tape SRL for [rotation]: The farmer sows oats the year after potatoes in his [rotation] of crops .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of crops "SRL for [fatten up]: NA delegates leveraged their positions to exact "" constitutional amendment rent "" and [fatten up] .",ARG-0: NA delegates | ARG-1: themselves "SRL for [plain]: The meaning behind the Lei Feng Spirit changes a lot within the system , whereas among the common folk , the meaning of the Lei Feng Spirit has always been relatively [plain] and clear , equivalent to "" "" helping others out "" and "" doing good . ""","ARG-2: among the common folk | ARG-1: the meaning of the Lei Feng Spirit | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-M-EXT: relatively | ARG-M-ADV: equivalent to "" "" helping others out "" and "" doing good . """ SRL for [summit]: July 's economic [summit] of major industrialized nations,ARG-M-TMP: July 's | ARG-1: economic | ARG-0: of major industrialized nations SRL for [deluged]: Torrential rain [deluged] the capital .,ARG-0: Torrential rain | ARG-1: the capital SRL for [withdrawal]: British Airways rose initially after announcing its [withdrawal] from the UAL deal .,ARG-0: its | ARG-2: from the UAL deal "SRL for [humanitarian]: We are doing enough as it is in Libya , anything further we can do must be [humanitarian] -LRB- supplying medical and food supplies to Misrata , for example -RRB- or logistical -LRB- supplying training and weapons to the rebels in Ajdabiya so they stop sucking -RRB-",ARG-1: anything further we can do | ARG-M-MOD: must SRL for [rose]: Sales [rose] 4 % to $ 3.28 billion from $ 3.16 billion .,ARG-1: Sales | ARG-2: 4 % | ARG-4: to $ 3.28 billion | ARG-3: from $ 3.16 billion SRL for [circularized]: They [circularized] all households within easy walking distance for information .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: all households within easy walking distance | ARG-M-PRP: for information "SRL for [waxed]: Mr. Broderick , the Massachusetts grower , says the `` big boss '' at a supermarket chain even rejected his Red Delicious recently because they were n't [waxed] and brushed for extra shine .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: they | ARG-M-PRP: for extra shine "SRL for [mantled]: And finally Winter , with its bitin ' , whinin ' wind , and all the land will be [mantled] with snow .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: all the land | ARG-2: with snow "SRL for [unveiled]: Amazon [unveiled] its Japanese language website , which will feature 1.7 million Japanese and English language book titles .","ARG-0: Amazon | ARG-1: its Japanese language website , which will feature 1.7 million Japanese and English language book titles" SRL for [incision]: He next used the # 11 blade on the # 3 knife handle to make his [incision] of the patient 's right upper thigh near the groin .,ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the patient 's right upper thigh near the groin SRL for [oppression]: The government 's [oppression] of Beijing Zhongfu Holy Mountain Institute has been steadily increasing .,ARG-0: The government 's | ARG-1: of Beijing Zhongfu Holy Mountain Institute "SRL for [revalued]: South Korean President Roh Tae Woo , brushing aside suggestions that the won be [revalued] again , said the currency 's current level against the dollar is `` appropriate . ''",ARG-1: the won | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [restructure]: NRM Energy Co. said it filed materials with the Securities and Exchange Commission calling for it to [restructure] into a corporation from a limited partnership .,ARG-1: it | ARG-3: into a corporation | ARG-2: from a limited partnership SRL for [iced]: She [iced] the cake using a star tip .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the cake | ARG-M-MNR: using a star tip SRL for [dishonors]: The store [dishonors] checks and drafts .,ARG-0: The store | ARG-1: checks and drafts SRL for [cantered]: Joe [cantered] the horse round the path .,ARG-0: Joe | ARG-1: the horse | ARG-M-LOC: round the path SRL for [perfumed]: John [perfumed] himself with frankincense .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: with frankincense "SRL for [trademarked]: In 1978/79 they [trademarked] the name , bought their first container of Uggs , and began an initial sales trek .",ARG-M-TMP: In 1978/79 | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the name SRL for [disheartened]: It is because this signifies all the more a strategic failure of their master and them and they are increasingly [disheartened] .,ARG-1: they | ARG-M-EXT: increasingly "SRL for [calling out]: Often these people would decry the "" PC liberal media "" for not [calling out] . (","ARG-0: the "" PC liberal media "" | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: it" "SRL for [meandering]: The area , covering 171 square kilometres , is mostly mountainous , with the Fushih Mountains to the north , the Ayu Mountains to the south , and the Peishih River [meandering] through it .",ARG-0: the Peishih River | ARG-1: through it SRL for [flavored]: The next day I cooked the same tasty contents in dashi stock and [flavored] the soup with miso .,ARG-M-TMP: The next day | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the soup | ARG-2: with miso SRL for [docking]: the first space [docking] in 1966,ARG-2: space | ARG-M-TMP: in 1966 SRL for [localisation]: All of the SNP 's gripes can be solved by greater [localisation] - not by a pointless break up .,ARG-M-EXT: greater SRL for [kidding]: Are you [kidding] ?,ARG-0: you "SRL for [shrimped]: Finally , Phi Nguyen bought a boat of his own , and for the next five years he [shrimped] for himself .",ARG-M-TMP: for the next five years | ARG-0: he | ARG-3: for himself SRL for [repatriation]: ... following his [repatriation] from the UK to Khartoum .,ARG-1: his | ARG-M-DIR: from the UK | ARG-2: to Khartoum "SRL for [unnecessary]: And of course it would be ineffective anyway , as a doctor is [unnecessary] to assisted conception using donor semen .",ARG-1: a doctor | ARG-2: to assisted conception using donor semen SRL for [extrafamilial]: Children whose abuse was intrafamilial took longer to disclose than children whose abuse was [extrafamilial] .,ARG-1: whose abuse SRL for [sledged]: The big yellow Labrador had to be [sledged] along on her bottom the entire length of the passage by the vet .,ARG-1: The big yellow Labrador | ARG-M-DIR: along | ARG-M-MNR: on her bottom | ARG-2: the entire length of the passage | ARG-0: by the vet SRL for [question]: I have a [question] for Mr. Laband,ARG-2: for Mr. Laband "SRL for [Handcuffed]: [Handcuffed] to the body of a rival , the criminalized McTeague stares at the overdetermined naturalist",ARG-1: the criminalized McTeague | ARG-2: to the body of a rival "SRL for [pushed]: Moreover , the amended pact shows how McCaw 's persistence has [pushed] LIN and BellSouth into a corner , forcing huge debt on the proposed new company .",ARG-0: McCaw 's persistence | ARG-1: LIN and BellSouth | ARG-2: into a corner | ARG-M-ADV: forcing huge debt on the proposed new company SRL for [lost]: Rally 's [lost] 1 3/4 to 21 3/4 .,ARG-1: Rally 's | ARG-2: 1 3/4 | ARG-4: to 21 3/4 SRL for [bridging]: His [bridging] of the patient was unnecessary .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the patient SRL for [force]: the Sun 's gravitational [force] on the Earth is much stronger than the Moon 's gravitational force on the Earth .,ARG-0: the Sun 's | ARG-2: gravitational | ARG-1: on the Earth "SRL for [refined]: At the same time , moves toward tighter air - quality standards are spurring interest in lighter or alternative fuels that do n't pollute as much as fuel [refined] from `` heavy '' crudes , generally high in sulfur .","ARG-1: fuel | ARG-2: from `` heavy '' crudes , generally high in sulfur" SRL for [rumored]: It has long been [rumored] that Ocean Drilling would sell the unit to concentrate on its core oil and gas business .,ARG-M-TMP: long | ARG-1: Ocean Drilling would sell the unit to concentrate on its core oil and gas business "SRL for [shags]: In the outfield , Paul Blair , the Orioles ' eight - time Gold Glove winner , elegantly [shags] a fly .","ARG-M-LOC: In the outfield | ARG-0: Paul Blair , the Orioles ' eight - time Gold Glove winner | ARG-M-MNR: elegantly | ARG-1: a fly" SRL for [enhance]: Courtaulds has been under pressure to [enhance] shareholder value since takeover speculators -- including Australian financier Kerry Packer -- surfaced holding small stakes last year .,ARG-0: Courtaulds | ARG-1: shareholder value "SRL for [summit]: A United Nations environmental [summit] in Johannesburg , South Africa","ARG-0: United Nations | ARG-1: environmental | ARG-M-LOC: in Johannesburg , South Africa" SRL for [separation]: This intervention resulted in a peace agreement with unfair conditions that are considered a prelude to the [separation] of the south from the north ...,ARG-1: of the south | ARG-2: from the north SRL for [Ream]: [Ream] juice from the lemon .,ARG-2: juice | ARG-1: from the lemon SRL for [chirring]: In the summer evening I can hear the crickets [chirring] in the courtyard .,ARG-0: the crickets | ARG-M-LOC: in the courtyard SRL for [heating up]: Competition in the sale of complete bikes is [heating up] too .,ARG-1: Competition in the sale of complete bikes | ARG-M-DIS: too SRL for [reused]: John [reused] the set for another show .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: set | ARG-2: for another show SRL for [rounded]: He [rounded] the result to a final value of 700 stadia per degree .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the result | ARG-3: to a final value of 700 stadia per degree SRL for [boasts]: Mr. Paul [boasts] that he spotted bargains in old masters just before they took an upward turn .,ARG-0: Mr. Paul | ARG-1: that he spotted bargains in old masters just before they took an upward turn "SRL for [measuring]: The Philanthropic Advisory Service of the BBB reviews hundreds of new charities every year , [measuring] them against minimum standards for accountability .",ARG-0: The Philanthropic Advisory Service of the BBB | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: against minimum standards | ARG-M-PRP: for accountability "SRL for [constitutionalize]: If the people explicitly [constitutionalize] discrimination , such discrimination is legal .",ARG-0: the people | ARG-M-MNR: explicitly | ARG-1: discrimination "SRL for [vault]: His [vault] over the sofa back was an effortless synthesis of muscle , power , and perfect balance",ARG-1: His | ARG-M-DIR: over the sofa back SRL for [process]: its own recruitment [process],ARG-0: its | ARG-1: recruitment SRL for [overawed]: You have to not be [overawed] by the great and powerful .,ARG-1: You | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: by the great and powerful SRL for [frequency]: Patient reports symptoms of prostatism with [frequency] and urgency ., SRL for [laved]: The dog greedily [laved] the water in his dish .,ARG-0: The dog | ARG-M-MNR: greedily | ARG-1: the water | ARG-M-PRD: in his dish "SRL for [dent]: `` At this point , the minimill capacity wo n't make a great [dent] in the integrated market , but it does challenge them to develop new markets , '' says James McCall , vice president , materials , at Battelle , a technology and management - research giant based in Columbus , Ohio .",ARG-M-TMP: At this point | ARG-0: the minimill capacity | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-EXT: great | ARG-1: in the integrated market SRL for [crooks]: He is suddenly struck by a thought and coolly [crooks] a finger .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: coolly | ARG-1: a finger SRL for [care]: I do n't [care] for spinach,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: for spinach "SRL for [shorting]: For example , an investor may seek to profit during some takeover situations by buying stock in one company involved and [shorting] the stock of the other .",ARG-0: an investor | ARG-1: the stock of the other SRL for [grip]: This book really helped me get a [grip] on politics .,ARG-0: me | ARG-M-LVB: get | ARG-1: on politics "SRL for [rule]: It 's time business leaders and the general public learn that mankind does not [rule] over this natural environment but is rather the integral , symbiotic player within nature 's workings .",ARG-0: mankind | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: over this natural environment SRL for [recanalization]: Percutaneous [recanalization] of chronically occluded coronary arteries :,ARG-M-MNR: Percutaneous | ARG-1: of chronically occluded coronary arteries "SRL for [outbreak]: Palestinian security forces returned Monday to the positions they held in the Gaza Strip before the [outbreak] of the 33 - month Palestinian uprising as Israel removed all major checkpoints in the coastal territory , a Palestinian security source said .",ARG-1: of the 33 - month Palestinian uprising SRL for [neglect]: He held the British and their Hashemite collaborators in contempt for what he felt to be their economic [neglect] of Jordan during the Mandate period ...,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: economic | ARG-1: of Jordan | ARG-M-TMP: during the Mandate period "SRL for [slaughtered]: The Agriculture Department also said that the number of fattened cattle [slaughtered] in the quarter dropped by 5 % from the 1988 quarter , which was in line with projections by analysts .",ARG-1: fattened cattle | ARG-M-TMP: in the quarter "SRL for [convergence]: Only if the two sides of the Strait form a coalition government through such vertical combination to achieve constitutional unification , governmental integration , people unification , and nation 's solidarity will the country have cohesion and [convergence] !","ARG-M-ADV: Only if the two sides of the Strait form a coalition government through such vertical combination to achieve constitutional unification , governmental integration , people unification , and nation 's solidarity | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-0: the country | ARG-M-LVB: have" "SRL for [dissecting]: He fusses endlessly over economic statistics , [dissecting] them in dozens of ways , probing for hours in search of potential problems .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: in dozens of ways "SRL for [melted down]: 25 years ago , Jesse Spano [melted down] over # caffeine pills .",ARG-M-TMP: 25 years ago | ARG-0: Jesse Spano | ARG-1: over # caffeine pills SRL for [labor]: Clovis slept well after his [labor] for Christ .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-GOL: for Christ SRL for [ahead]: Pitt is [ahead] 3 - 2 in the all - time series with the last two games decided by a combined five points .,ARG-1: Pitt | ARG-3: 3 - 2 | ARG-4: in the all - time series | ARG-M-ADV: with the last two games decided by a combined five points "SRL for [turn]: If this strikes you as an extraordinary [turn] of events , well it strikes many overseas as nearly unbelievable .",ARG-M-ADJ: extraordinary | ARG-1: of events "SRL for [reposted]: Guangzhou starts puffing itself up , [reposted] to Moonlight blog .",ARG-1: Guangzhou starts puffing itself up | ARG-2: to Moonlight blog SRL for [broke down]: He [broke down] in tears once he got onto the things that had hurt him .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: in tears | ARG-M-TMP: once he got onto the things that had hurt him "SRL for [shook up]: Ah - huh , ah - huh , I ' m all [shook up] .",ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-1: I "SRL for [blanket]: The company 's research suggests that its name recognition among most consumers remains unusually low , although its array of brands -- including Maxwell House coffee , Jell - O , Cheez Whiz , and Miller beer -- [blanket] supermarket shelves .","ARG-2: its array of brands -- including Maxwell House coffee , Jell - O , Cheez Whiz , and Miller beer -- | ARG-1: supermarket shelves" "SRL for [bludgeon]: So far , Wall Street 's Old Guard seems to be winning the program - trading battle , successfully mobilizing public and congressional opinion to [bludgeon] their tormentors .",ARG-0: Wall Street 's Old Guard | ARG-1: their tormentors SRL for [Tidal Wave]: 30 Foot [Tidal Wave] At Reunion Island Came From South African Storm,ARG-2: 30 Foot | ARG-M-LOC: At Reunion Island SRL for [subtracted]: It also could be a drag on Georgia - Pacific earnings because the roughly $ 1.5 billion in goodwill -- the amount by which the bid exceeds Nekoosa 's book value of $ 1.5 billion -- will have to be [subtracted] from earnings over a period of decades .,ARG-1: the roughly $ 1.5 billion in goodwill -- the amount by which the bid exceeds Nekoosa 's book value of $ 1.5 billion -- | ARG-2: from earnings | ARG-M-TMP: over a period of decades SRL for [love]: their shared [love] of music,ARG-0: their | ARG-M-MNR: shared | ARG-1: of music SRL for [concession]: The employees appreciated management 's [concession] of a longer vacation .,ARG-0: management 's | ARG-1: of a longer vacation "SRL for [shuttering]: However , individuals close to the company insist [shuttering] the insurance division , a sideline from the company 's core property management business , is n't the beginning of a sale of assets .","ARG-1: the insurance division , a sideline from the company 's core property management business" "SRL for [emancipated]: This was what [emancipated] him from Leibnizianism , and at the same time turned him against sensationalism .",ARG-0: what | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from Leibnizianism SRL for [tracks]: The Nasdaq bank index [tracks] thrift issues .,ARG-0: The Nasdaq bank index | ARG-1: thrift issues SRL for [corral]: But industry and OPEC officials agree that a handful of members still have enough unused capacity to glut the market and cause an oil - price collapse a few months from now if OPEC does n't soon adopt a new quota system to [corral] its chronic cheaters .,ARG-0: OPEC | ARG-1: its chronic cheaters "SRL for [living]: I suspect that it was his [living] through the economic depression of the 1930s -- he walked some of the way with , and provided medical support to , the Jarrow hunger marches in 1936 - -and the war years that led to his strong views on social justice and left - wing political stance .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: through the economic depression of the 1930s SRL for [Park]: Its radio series features such spots as `` Floodlights : Evening Wear for Urban Structures '' and `` Building a Place to [Park] . '',ARG-2: a Place SRL for [Articulation]: [Articulation] of the rhotic is difficult for him .,ARG-1: of the rhotic SRL for [undressed]: Chloe [undressed] Burt with her eyes .,ARG-0: Chloe | ARG-1: Burt | ARG-M-MNR: with her eyes "SRL for [advantageous]: I do n't want to guess their specific motives , but it seems to me that such an arrangement could be very [advantageous] for those nations in the event of a crisis brought on by peak oil .",ARG-1: such an arrangement | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-2: for those nations | ARG-M-ADV: in the event of a crisis brought on by peak oil SRL for [philandering]: The first lady wanted to exact symbolic revenge on her [philandering] husband .,ARG-0: husband SRL for [reconsider]: Britain and all of Europe need to [reconsider] the prospects for European integration in light of the possible reunification and neutralization of Germany .,ARG-0: Britain and all of Europe | ARG-1: the prospects for European integration | ARG-M-CAU: in light of the possible reunification and neutralization of Germany "SRL for [finding]: State engineers have made a preliminary [finding] that it was failure of the concrete columns , wrenched and separated from the double - decker roadbed , that was responsible for the collapse .","ARG-0: State engineers | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-TMP: preliminary | ARG-1: that it was failure of the concrete columns , wrenched and separated from the double - decker roadbed , that was responsible for the collapse" SRL for [strict]: Pingan is the most calculating -- they will avoid compensating if they can ; they will under - compensate if they can ; they are the most [strict] with identifications and documents ; their company has a strict management system .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-EXT: most | ARG-2: with identifications and documents SRL for [war]: the [war] against drugs,ARG-2: against drugs "SRL for [bandaged]: At the King Arthur one guest had had his head heavily [bandaged] , and another had a bandaged foot and had walked with crutches .",ARG-M-MNR: heavily | ARG-1: his head "SRL for [care]: In those days , people as a rule did not take much [care] of phonograph records .",ARG-M-TMP: In those days | ARG-0: people | ARG-M-MNR: as a rule | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-EXT: much | ARG-1: of phonograph records SRL for [reproducible]: Abdominal pain on palpation was not [reproducible] .,ARG-1: Abdominal pain on palpation | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [strange]: That idea is [strange] to me .,ARG-1: That idea | ARG-2: to me "SRL for [demineralizes]: Soda [demineralizes] the bones , teeth , and skin , robbing you of your highest beauty by eating up your minerals .","ARG-0: Soda | ARG-1: the bones , teeth , and skin | ARG-M-ADV: robbing you of your highest beauty by eating up your minerals" "SRL for [tests]: A Toto spokesman said the toilet not only [tests] blood pressure , pulse and urine , it also stores the data for up to 130 days .","ARG-0: the toilet | ARG-1: blood pressure , pulse and urine" SRL for [received]: The company had n't yet [received] any documents from OSHA regarding the penalty or fine .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: yet | ARG-1: any documents | ARG-2: from OSHA | ARG-4: regarding the penalty or fine SRL for [snarling]: At once a bevy of dogs was snapping and [snarling] around him .,ARG-M-TMP: At once | ARG-0: a bevy of dogs | ARG-M-LOC: around him "SRL for [restructures]: But if Columbia could keep its junk bonds separate from the thrift till they mature -- at full value , unless the issuer goes bust or [restructures] -- the junk portfolio might do all right .",ARG-1: the issuer "SRL for [rebounded]: Then , it [rebounded] to finish down only 18.65 points .",ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-1: it | ARG-4: to finish down only 18.65 points SRL for [valid]: My travel authorization is [valid] for travel to the United States but will expire before I depart .,ARG-1: My travel authorization | ARG-2: for travel to the United States SRL for [revelations]: its [revelations] of deeply rooted and widespread corruption,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of deeply rooted and widespread corruption SRL for [gurgled]: The child [gurgled] a moment longer .,ARG-0: The child | ARG-M-TMP: a moment longer SRL for [operates]: The IRS [operates] on a computer system designed in 1961 .,ARG-0: The IRS | ARG-4: on a computer system designed in 1961 SRL for [reeled off]: The U.S. automotive loss was a sharp reversal for a company that had [reeled off] 12 consecutive quarters of improved earnings until the 1989 second quarter .,ARG-0: a company | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: 12 consecutive quarters of improved earnings | ARG-M-TMP: until the 1989 second quarter "SRL for [sluiced down]: `` So that 's sculpture '' , commented Argiento wryly , when he had [sluiced down] the floor for a week , `` making mud pies '' .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the floor | ARG-M-TMP: for a week | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [pre - admitted]: Cherry , his pulmonary doc was the one who [pre - admitted] him to the hospital yesterday .",ARG-0: who | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to the hospital yesterday SRL for [disposal]: our use and [disposal] of precious natural resources,ARG-0: our | ARG-1: of precious natural resources SRL for [literate]: he was [literate] in Greek,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: in Greek SRL for [involved]: Another OTC bank stock [involved] in a buy - out deal ...,ARG-1: Another OTC bank stock | ARG-2: in a buy - out deal "SRL for [unbearable]: People are influenced by close associations . If they were not expelled , would n't it be "" [unbearable] "" for other "" students and parents "" ? Who is going to protect their rights ?","ARG-M-ADV: If they were not expelled | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: it | ARG-0: for other "" students and parents" SRL for [resolution]: High [resolution] of proteins by double - inverted gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( DG - PAGE ) .,ARG-M-ADJ: High | ARG-1: of proteins | ARG-3: by double - inverted gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( DG - PAGE ) SRL for [accordance]: This product must be disposed of in [accordance] with federal regulation .,ARG-2: with federal regulation SRL for [shielding]: But there were enough promoters announcing the end of history ( in this case suspension of normal laws of economic gravity ) for society to continue [shielding] its eyes .,ARG-0: society | ARG-1: its eyes SRL for [atrocities]: They terrorize the people of Ethiopia and accuse journalists and others who speak up against their [atrocities] of terrorism .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of terrorism SRL for [hinted]: Miniscribe reported a negative net worth and [hinted] it may file for Chapter 11 .,ARG-0: Miniscribe | ARG-1: it may file for Chapter 11 SRL for [redeveloped]: UCLA [redeveloped] a new promoter gene,ARG-0: UCLA | ARG-1: a new promoter gene SRL for [hopeless]: She is [hopeless] in the bedroom .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: in the bedroom SRL for [fastened]: Mr. Rahn was pointing out an elephant rumbling through Wall Street while conventional wisdom had [fastened] on the UAL flea .,ARG-1: conventional wisdom | ARG-2: on the UAL flea "SRL for [misrepresentations]: The settlement stems from charges that Better Book , now defunct , made [misrepresentations] in selling advertising for the directories and memberships in the bureau from 1984 to 1986 .","ARG-0: Better Book , now defunct | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: in selling advertising for the directories and memberships in the bureau from 1984 to 1986" "SRL for [cross]: About 130,000 vehicles [cross] during a 24 - hour period .","ARG-0: About 130,000 vehicles | ARG-M-TMP: during a 24 - hour period" SRL for [localization]: These authors point out that neuro - ophthalmology textbooks are inconsistent in their [localization] of Claude 's syndrome .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Claude 's syndrome SRL for [infection]: abdominal staphylococcal [infection],ARG-1: abdominal | ARG-2: staphylococcal SRL for [putzed around]: Malory [putzed around] with the leak under the kitchen sink .,ARG-0: Malory | ARG-1: with the leak under the kitchen sink SRL for [reconditioning]: Their [reconditioning] of inspiratory muscles involves simply removing patients from the ventilator and allowing them to breathe on their own for several minutes a day .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of inspiratory muscles "SRL for [operable]: PROFINET is [operable] on standard hardware , with performances , PROFINET features and standard Ethernet capabilities ! ! !","ARG-1: PROFINET | ARG-4: on standard hardware | ARG-M-ADV: with performances , PROFINET features and standard Ethernet capabilities" "SRL for [vague]: However , with regards to the facts that Vice - Mayor Gao Yong and another six people approved the construction of residential buildings for the County Public Health Bureau without authorization or any examination and approval on the use of land , and in violation of the overall planning for urban construction , the statement in the document was [vague] and ambiguous .","ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-1: with regards to the facts that Vice - Mayor Gao Yong and another six people approved the construction of residential buildings for the County Public Health Bureau without authorization or any examination and approval on the use of land , and in violation of the overall planning for urban construction | ARG-0: the statement in the document" SRL for [preoperative]: Dr. Alison Lane saw Ms. James in the [preoperative] setting .,ARG-1: setting SRL for [bridging]: Coumadin [bridging] with heparin,ARG-2: Coumadin | ARG-3: with heparin SRL for [snack]: They could also opt to [snack] on steamed buns or stuffed dumplings .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: on steamed buns or stuffed dumplings SRL for [made up]: 40 % of the homeless population is [made up] of women and children .,ARG-1: 40 % of the homeless population | ARG-0: of women and children "SRL for [consented]: Two of Mr. Holmes 's business associates who worked for Venture Capitalists , Kimberly Ann Smith and Frederick Byrum , also [consented] to being enjoined from violations of registration provisions of the securities laws .","ARG-0: Two of Mr. Holmes 's business associates who worked for Venture Capitalists , Kimberly Ann Smith and Frederick Byrum | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: to being enjoined from violations of registration provisions of the securities laws" SRL for [trial]: another defense attorney in Saddam Hussein 's [trial],ARG-1: Saddam Hussein 's SRL for [ghostauthored]: She also [ghostauthored] a few books for others .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: a few books | ARG-2: for others "SRL for [remunerated]: The longstanding position of the Recording Industry Association of America , a trade group based in Washington , D.C. , is that record companies , performers , songwriters and music publishers need to be [remunerated] by government - imposed fees on the sale of blank tapes and recording equipment to make up for royalties lost to home taping .","ARG-1: record companies , performers , songwriters and music publishers | ARG-2: by government - imposed fees on the sale of blank tapes and recording equipment" SRL for [indicated]: Are oral corticosteroids [indicated] for chronic serous otitis media ?,ARG-2: oral corticosteroids | ARG-1: for chronic serous otitis media SRL for [charcoaled]: Housley [charcoaled] the outline on the canvas .,ARG-0: Housley | ARG-1: the outline | ARG-2: on the canvas SRL for [over - read]: The pathology report was [over - read] by the patient 's primary oncologist and she agrees with our interpretation .,ARG-1: The pathology report | ARG-0: by the patient 's primary oncologist SRL for [apprenticed]: Terra Rafael has [apprenticed] several in her midwifery practice .,ARG-2: Terra Rafael | ARG-0: several | ARG-1: in her midwifery practice "SRL for [crested]: John [crested] Mt. Everest after a record - setting fifteen years , three months , two weeks , five days , 21 hours , 13 minutes and 48 seconds since leaving base camp .","ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mt. Everest | ARG-M-TMP: after a record - setting fifteen years , three months , two weeks , five days , 21 hours , 13 minutes and 48 seconds since leaving base camp" "SRL for [mottled]: Sunlight and shadows [mottled] my vision as the wagon rolled past trees , poles , fences , garages , sheds .","ARG-0: Sunlight and shadows | ARG-1: my vision | ARG-M-TMP: as the wagon rolled past trees , poles , fences , garages , sheds" "SRL for [ectatic]: The left vertebral artery was [ectatic] in every case , while the right was abnormal in six of the eight cases in which it was seen .",ARG-1: The left vertebral artery | ARG-M-TMP: in every case "SRL for [unemployed]: Back when I was [unemployed] and sought out private health insurance , as a single male I had to buy coverage that included pregnancy , go figure .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [dropped]: `` The World Series , seven nights , was n't enough of an incentive , '' says Arnold Klinsky of WHEC - TV in Rochester , which [dropped] CBS for NBC six weeks ago .",ARG-0: WHEC - TV | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: CBS | ARG-M-ADV: for NBC | ARG-M-TMP: six weeks ago SRL for [redetected]: Dr. Tanja [redetected] the genetic markers in question .,ARG-0: Dr. Tanja | ARG-1: the genetic markers in question SRL for [tells]: What this [tells] us is that US trade law is working .,ARG-0: this | ARG-2: us | ARG-1: is that US trade law is working SRL for [encumbered]: Mary [encumbered] John with a bushel of cucumbers .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: with a bushel of cucumbers SRL for [order]: his own place in the [order] of things,ARG-1: of things SRL for [abating]: Economists consider that a sign that inflationary pressures are [abating] .,ARG-1: inflationary pressures SRL for [depurinate]: Some ribosome - inactivating proteins [depurinate] ribosomal RNA at multiple sites .,ARG-3: Some ribosome - inactivating proteins | ARG-1: ribosomal RNA | ARG-M-LOC: at multiple sites "SRL for [under predicted]: For the doors off case , URANS predicted a ' W ' shaped curve for the SPL across the cavity floor and [under predicted] the magnitude .",ARG-M-ADV: For the doors off case | ARG-0: URANS | ARG-1: the magnitude "SRL for [cohabit]: Yet Callister , my Barbarian , Ybarra and Zaki comfortably [cohabit] in a single group show .","ARG-M-DIS: Yet | ARG-0: Callister , my Barbarian , Ybarra and Zaki | ARG-M-MNR: comfortably | ARG-1: in a single group show" SRL for [sticky]: I agreed the situation was [sticky] .,ARG-1: the situation "SRL for [salted]: My father ( a lifelong Labour supporter , incidentally , wherever his changing fortunes took him economically ) [salted] his speech with Cockney rhyming slang ,","ARG-0: My father ( a lifelong Labour supporter , incidentally , wherever his changing fortunes took him economically ) | ARG-1: his speech | ARG-2: with Cockney rhyming slang" SRL for [molted]: A bird [molted] into breeding plumage,ARG-1: A bird | ARG-2: into breeding plumage SRL for [hoovered]: He [hoovered] the whole pizza !,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the whole pizza ! SRL for [dropping by]: The thing that I remembered best about my father was his [dropping by] in my younger years to whip me for being so bad .,ARG-1: his | ARG-M-TMP: in my younger years | ARG-M-PRP: to whip me for being so bad "SRL for [responding]: In this patient , who is not [responding] to nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drugs for superficial thrombophlebitis , what is round two ?",ARG-0: who | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: to nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drugs for superficial thrombophlebitis "SRL for [gone]: Teacher , last night it was [gone] seven clock when I 'd finished electron microscopy , and then I went out to have something to eat .",ARG-M-DIS: Teacher | ARG-M-TMP: last night | ARG-1: seven clock | ARG-M-TMP: when I 'd finished electron microscopy "SRL for [less]: Now , with the various "" Occupy "" movements , it is -LRB- or ought to be -RRB- obvious that a great many people are [less] than enchanted with capitalism and its expression in the idustrial democracies , as well as in the countries into which capitalists from the industrial democracies go to invest .","ARG-1: a great many people | ARG-2: than enchanted with capitalism and its expression in the idustrial democracies , as well as in the countries into which capitalists from the industrial democracies go to invest" "SRL for [treatment]: Descriptively , the author 's [treatment] of his subject and material is splendid , and quite complete .",ARG-0: the author 's | ARG-1: of his subject and material SRL for [occupation]: their 19 - day [occupation] of a metal shop at a Peugeot S.A. factoryin eastern France,ARG-0: their | ARG-M-TMP: 19 - day | ARG-1: of a metal shop at a Peugeot S.A. factoryin eastern France SRL for [abnormal]: Her CT scan is [abnormal],ARG-1: Her CT scan SRL for [padlocked]: He put it in the shed and [padlocked] it to the lawn mower .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to the lawn mower SRL for [perambulated]: We [perambulated] around town after dark wondering where to pick up something to eat .,ARG-1: We | ARG-4: around town | ARG-M-TMP: after dark | ARG-M-ADV: wondering where to pick up something to eat "SRL for [taking in]: You can debate the wisdom of his [taking in] strays all you want , he wo n't change that .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: strays SRL for [touchy]: I could tell she was [touchy] about certain subjects with the way she spoke and her body language,ARG-1: she | ARG-0: about certain subjects "SRL for [balanced]: 2 . In seeking approval of a TRO , the prosecutor must articulate any anticipated impact that forfeiture and the TRO would have on innocent third parties , [balanced] against the government 's need to preserve the assets .",ARG-1: any anticipated impact that forfeiture and the TRO would have on innocent third parties | ARG-2: against the government 's need to preserve the assets SRL for [Construction]: [Construction] on Bob 's porch stalled for weeks .,ARG-1: on Bob 's porch SRL for [dangerous]: Paying attention to just a palatable level of politics is [dangerous] to everyone 's liberty .,ARG-0: Paying attention to just a palatable level of politics | ARG-1: to everyone 's liberty SRL for [rifting]: Late Cretaceous - Palaeocene continental [rifting] in the High Arctic,ARG-M-TMP: Late Cretaceous - Palaeocene | ARG-1: continental | ARG-M-LOC: in the High Arctic SRL for [twist]: I visited some of them only yesterday including one Marine whose life was saved by a [twist] of fate .,ARG-0: of fate SRL for [heaved]: Silicon Valley [heaved] a sigh of relief yesterday .,ARG-0: Silicon Valley | ARG-1: a sigh of relief | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday "SRL for [live]: "" Snake Daddy "" Lin Hua - ching says that as far as is known from observation of snakes in the wild , they [live] largely solitary lives .",ARG-M-ADV: as far as is known from observation of snakes in the wild | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: largely solitary lives SRL for [split]: Mr. Gonzalez also has [split] with the left in reaffirming Spain 's NATO commitment and in renewing a defense treaty with the U.S. .,ARG-0: Mr. Gonzalez | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: with the left | ARG-M-MNR: in reaffirming Spain 's NATO commitment and in renewing a defense treaty with the U.S. SRL for [stung]: The bees [stung] John with their steely poisoned barbs .,ARG-0: The bees | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: with their steely poisoned barbs "SRL for [erased]: Moreover , he said , technology now exists for stealing corporate secrets after they 've been `` [erased] '' from a computer 's memory .",ARG-1: they | ARG-2: from a computer 's memory SRL for [refueling]: Also they will deploy US strategic bombers and aerial [refueling] aircraft there .,ARG-M-MNR: aerial "SRL for [rattled]: It has also [rattled] Federal 's strongly anti - union management , which is already contending with melding far - flung operations and with falling profits .","ARG-0: It | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: Federal 's strongly anti - union management , which is already contending with melding far - flung operations and with falling profits" "SRL for [reeved]: Instead , the membrane was [reeved] with nonresorbable sutures to achieve straightening .",ARG-M-ADV: Instead | ARG-1: the membrane | ARG-3: with nonresorbable sutures | ARG-M-PRP: to achieve straightening SRL for [deployment]: The airbag [deployment] broke Brian 's nose .,ARG-1: airbag SRL for [drizzled]: It [drizzled] rain all day .,ARG-2: rain | ARG-M-TMP: all day SRL for [tick]: I do n't think either the US or the Soviet Union [tick] the boxes for me .,ARG-0: the US or the Soviet Union | ARG-1: the boxes | ARG-M-GOL: for me SRL for [gave back]: Stocks [gave back] some of their gains .,ARG-0: Stocks | ARG-1: some of their gains SRL for [chew]: Michelle Pfeiffer ca n't [chew] gum and sing at the same time .,ARG-0: Michelle Pfeiffer | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: gum | ARG-M-TMP: at the same time "SRL for [transmigrated]: However , neutrophils are of main importance , physiologically as well as pathologically , after they have left circulation and [transmigrated] to extravascular tissues .",ARG-0: neutrophils | ARG-2: to extravascular tissues SRL for [tooled]: He [tooled] the car along the treacherous path .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the car | ARG-2: along the treacherous path "SRL for [congratulated]: Industry observers have [congratulated] Mr. Lang on what some call his `` courageous '' handling of Ms. , but his track record in magazine publishing in general has gotten mixed reviews .",ARG-0: Industry observers | ARG-1: Mr. Lang | ARG-2: on what some call his `` courageous '' handling of Ms. "SRL for [unbuckled]: I [unbuckled] the belt from my waist and laid it , with the short - sword and dagger it held , on his table .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the belt | ARG-2: from my waist SRL for [germination]: Mireille 's [germination] of the lavender seedlings started the first week of May.,ARG-0: Mireille 's | ARG-1: of the lavender seedlings SRL for [sopped]: John the Lobbyist [sopped] Congresswoman Mary with gifts .,ARG-0: John the Lobbyist | ARG-2: Congresswoman Mary | ARG-1: with gifts "SRL for [rehearsed]: Immediately thereafter , the patient fractures her [rehearsed] story , veering into an oversoft , breathy , sloppily articulated , `` I do n't feel like talking right now '' .",ARG-1: story SRL for [abortions]: teen - age [abortions],ARG-0: teen - age "SRL for [under way]: A U.S. F-15E jet fighter also went down early Monday and a search was [under way] for its two - man crew , the military announced Tuesday .",ARG-1: a search "SRL for [spread - eagled]: Pangle stood , arms and legs [spread - eagled] .",ARG-1: arms and legs SRL for [stupid]: He was [stupid] to go to the store .,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to go to the store SRL for [application]: their [application] to a particular new financial product,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: to a particular new financial product SRL for [agreement]: any House - Senate [agreement] on the deficit - reduction legislation,ARG-0: House - Senate | ARG-1: on the deficit - reduction legislation SRL for [gasified]: The substance [gasified] .,ARG-1: The substance SRL for [recommit]: Or maybe you want to [recommit] your life to Jesus ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: your life | ARG-2: to Jesus ? "SRL for [hob nob around]: I I , and I do n't think he-1 's obligated PRO-1 to sit there and [hob nob around] with me the entire time .",ARG-0: PRO-1 | ARG-1: with me | ARG-M-TMP: the entire time "SRL for [acetylated]: We [acetylated] recombinant OGG1 with p300 ( HAT domain ) and confirmed acetylation by Western analysis with AcOGG1 antibody ( Fig . 6A , lane 2 ) .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: recombinant OGG1 | ARG-2: with p300 ( HAT domain ) SRL for [meets]: When hawk [meets] hawk,ARG-M-TMP: When | ARG-0: hawk | ARG-1: hawk "SRL for [favorable]: To patient , surgery is [favorable] to chemo - radiation .",ARG-0: To patient | ARG-1: surgery | ARG-3: to chemo - radiation "SRL for [weathered]: For millions of years , wind and water have [weathered] the surface of the Earth and worn rocks into sediments .",ARG-M-TMP: For millions of years | ARG-0: wind and water | ARG-1: the surface of the Earth "SRL for [utilitarian]: The interface we built was "" [utilitarian] "" -- and that 's putting it nicely .",ARG-1: The interface we built "SRL for [ratification]: When writing the Constitution , the framers expected the Senate to handle important issues , particularly the [ratification] of treaties , while the Executive would attend to matters of lesser consequence .",ARG-1: of treaties "SRL for [accustomed]: As soon as you have [accustomed] him to the saddle , fasten the girth .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to the saddle SRL for [laved]: The waves [laved] the shore .,ARG-0: The waves | ARG-1: the shore SRL for [smoke]: We had a [smoke] of somebody 's pinched tobacco .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: of somebody 's pinched tobacco "SRL for [loose]: Third , the issue of most concern to people , which is that of food safety , can not be fully addressed . Will it produce a result that "" is too [loose] "" if we establish more departments and posts ?",ARG-1: that | ARG-M-EXT: too SRL for [fulfill]: Some note that Sony might have saved itself some trouble by just hiring Mr. Guber and letting Mr. Peters stay on to [fulfill] the Warner contract .,ARG-0: Mr. Peters | ARG-1: the Warner contract SRL for [D]: [D] & C, SRL for [bubbling]: Pat meanwhile was [bubbling] over with sentiment .,ARG-0: Pat | ARG-M-DIS: meanwhile | ARG-2: over | ARG-1: with sentiment "SRL for [twist]: Now , in a strange [twist] in all of this ...",ARG-M-ADJ: strange | ARG-1: in all of this "SRL for [panting]: We ran east for about half a mile before we turned back to the road , [panting] from the effort and soaked with sweat .",ARG-0: We | ARG-M-CAU: from the effort "SRL for [case in point]: But , more and more , it 's becoming digital , [case in point] , this week 's efforts by the White House to promote the president 's State of the Union agenda on social media sites like Facebook , Twitter and YouTube .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: more and more , it 's becoming digital | ARG-0: this week 's efforts by the White House to promote the president 's State of the Union agenda on social media sites like Facebook , Twitter and YouTube" "SRL for [unplug]: Stanley Rose , a vice president , technological and strategic planning at Bankers Trust , says that despite Digital 's low prices , `` we are n't about to [unplug] our IBM mainframes for a DEC machine .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: our IBM mainframes | ARG-M-PRP: for a DEC machine "SRL for [joke]: It was only earlier this year that the jovial , easygoing executive -- he likes to [joke] with Americans about how his name is synonymous with twelve -- was appointed deputy president .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: with Americans | ARG-2: about how his name is synonymous with twelve SRL for [brisk]: The mitotic activity is not very [brisk],ARG-1: The mitotic activity | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [roadwork]: A man in an yellow vest doing [roadwork] with another man for the State of Florida .,ARG-0: A man | ARG-M-LVB: doing | ARG-3: with another man | ARG-2: for the State of Florida "SRL for [wonderful]: Okay , sounds [wonderful] ! Safe flight ! !", SRL for [renovation]: China 's [renovation] of the Grand Canal,ARG-0: China 's | ARG-1: of the Grand Canal SRL for [through]: Whole front half of the vehicle is [through] the wall of the Gardens .,ARG-1: Whole front half of the vehicle | ARG-2: the wall of the Gardens SRL for [dissimilar]: The appearance of the new ulcer is highly [dissimilar] to the ulcer found last year .,ARG-1: The appearance of the new ulcer | ARG-M-ADV: highly | ARG-2: to the ulcer found last year "SRL for [pleased]: America is probably a lost cause , but I 'm [pleased] to see we 're going Scandinavian .",ARG-1: I | ARG-0: see we 're going Scandinavian SRL for [loathed]: But the U.S. has one great advantage : The Soviets are universally [loathed] throughout Ethiopia for what they did to the country this past decade -- famine and all .,ARG-M-MNR: universally | ARG-1: The Soviets | ARG-M-LOC: throughout Ethiopia | ARG-M-CAU: for what they did to the country this past decade -- famine and all "SRL for [penalized]: Returns for 1988 from people with six - month filing extensions were due Monday , but the IRS says people in the disaster areas wo n't be [penalized] for late filing if their returns are marked `` Hugo '' and postmarked by Jan. 16 .",ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: people in the disaster areas | ARG-2: for late filing | ARG-M-ADV: if their returns are marked `` Hugo '' and postmarked by Jan. 16 SRL for [napped]: I should n't have [napped] this evening .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: this evening "SRL for [cower]: Thus , you do the public a great disservice when Mr. Greve suggests , even facetiously , that the Clean Water Act prohibits the preparation of a scotch and water ; your tippling readers may be led to believe that nothing but chance or oversight protects them , as they [cower] in the night with their scotch and waters , from the hairyknuckled knock of the Sierra Club at their doors .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: in the night | ARG-M-MNR: with their scotch and waters SRL for [misguided]: But for some reason it almost seems like the 35 year old man is some sort of predator whereas the 35 year old woman is only [misguided] .,ARG-1: the 35 year old woman | ARG-M-ADV: only "SRL for [sapped]: Domestic demand continues to grow , but its contribution to higher production was [sapped] in September by the estimated 2 % fall in imports , accompanied by a growing tendency for Japanese manufacturers to build vehicles overseas , according to the association .","ARG-2: its contribution to higher production | ARG-M-TMP: in September | ARG-0: by the estimated 2 % fall in imports , accompanied by a growing tendency for Japanese manufacturers to build vehicles overseas" SRL for [anticipation]: gleeful [anticipation] of getting a share of this market,ARG-M-MNR: gleeful | ARG-1: of getting a share of this market SRL for [worsen]: She told my wife that she had been a nurse and that taking Chien - chien home in the cold night air might [worsen] her chill .,ARG-0: taking Chien - chien home in the cold night air | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: her chill SRL for [modified]: John [modified] his Jaguar from a sportster to a hearse .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his Jaguar | ARG-3: from a sportster | ARG-2: to a hearse SRL for [surf]: They often [surf] the internet for information on the latest plays .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: the internet | ARG-2: information on the latest plays SRL for [consolation]: Her [consolation] of the crying child consisted of treating him to a chocolate sundae .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the crying child SRL for [cussed]: Mom says baby doll [cussed] at her,ARG-0: baby doll | ARG-2: at her SRL for [glittered]: Below the moon - splashed world rolled away to insurmountable white peaks ; above him the deep blue sky [glittered] with stars .,ARG-M-LOC: above him | ARG-0: the deep blue sky | ARG-M-ADV: with stars SRL for [fucking]: His [fucking] of Annabelle Cornfield was to be his last .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: Annabelle Cornfield "SRL for [remastering]: On the subject of Star Wars , as a massive fan since I was a child this saddens me as I would like the films to be left as they are . -LRB- Saying that I do agreed with the [remastering] they did for the 20th anniversary ... -RRB-",ARG-M-ADJ: they did for the 20th anniversary "SRL for [dying out]: Although Yiddish has been in danger of [dying out] for hundreds of years , the language is spoken today by millions of people throughout the world",ARG-1: Yiddish SRL for [use]: Their [use] of black and white in advertising,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of black and white | ARG-2: in advertising "SRL for [attired]: Then Rector , [attired] in his best blue serge suit , sat in a chair out onthe lawn , in the shade of a tree , smoking a cigarette and waiting .",ARG-1: Rector | ARG-2: in his best blue serge suit SRL for [intermingled]: He [intermingled] fibers to the configuration .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: fibers | ARG-2: to the configuration "SRL for [assassinated]: Mrs. Gandhi had been [assassinated] by separatist Sikhs , and many Indians feared their country might split apart .",ARG-1: Mrs. Gandhi | ARG-0: by separatist Sikhs "SRL for [came]: Last year , the Cowboys ' share of that pie [came] to $ 17.6 million .",ARG-M-TMP: Last year | ARG-1: the Cowboys ' share of that pie | ARG-2: to $ 17.6 million SRL for [unconstrained]: Police were able to illcit an [unconstrained] confession .,ARG-1: confession "SRL for [offering]: Also , the TW [offering] includes interest - deferred and pay - in - kind securities , which are currently unpopular .",ARG-1: TW "SRL for [mind]: He said Apple 's family of Macintosh computers , for instance , uses four different buses `` and no one seems to [mind] . ''",ARG-0: no one SRL for [peaceful]: If they are so [peaceful] why not allow UN inspectors in .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-EXT: so SRL for [learning]: Apparently they are [learning] to say no to excess risk .,ARG-M-DIS: Apparently | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: to say no to excess risk "SRL for [whitened]: Many of the jade pieces in the pits were [whitened] , for example , and the edges of the bronzes were curled and warped .",ARG-1: Many of the jade pieces in the pits | ARG-M-DIS: for example SRL for [saveable]: It 's an obvious fact that if everything is monetarized and money is [saveable] and circulatory then I simply can not choose not to participate in a transaction that my life depends on if my savings of money is limited .,ARG-1: money SRL for [interlarded]: He has [interlarded] his facts with a large quantity of falsehoods .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his facts | ARG-2: with a large quantity of falsehoods "SRL for [iced]: She [iced] the top of the chocolate icing with pink icing saying "" Happy Birthday . ""","ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the top of the chocolate icing | ARG-2: with pink icing saying "" Happy Birthday . """ SRL for [brutal]: He was [brutal] to have her evicted from their home and to take everything from her .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: to have her evicted from their home and to take everything from her SRL for [effectuate]: and the resignation does not [effectuate] the change in policy .,ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-0: the resignation | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the change in policy "SRL for [good]: "" when she was good she was very very [good] """,ARG-M-TMP: when she was good | ARG-1: she | ARG-M-EXT: very very "SRL for [oily]: As a general rule , if your skin is n't totally perfect , or if it 's a bit [oily] , then a primer is going to make your foundation last a lot longer and look a lot better .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: a bit "SRL for [titillating]: How [titillating] it was to go among people who did not know him as the composer , but who talked in the most glowing terms of the promise of the piece after having heard the first rehearsals .","ARG-0: to go among people who did not know him as the composer , but who talked in the most glowing terms of the promise of the piece after having heard the first rehearsals" SRL for [bruising]: Leading up to the speech was a drumroll of economic statistics suggesting that the British war on inflation will be more [bruising] than previously assumed .,ARG-0: the British war on inflation "SRL for [resentful]: There have been tons of dicussions about bicyclist versus motorist behaviors -LRB- and I grow weary even thinking about them -RRB- , but shit like this makes it very easy to be [resentful] of the city 's bicyclists .",ARG-1: of the city 's bicyclists SRL for [combined]: GMAC profits are [combined] with earnings from the rest of GM 's operations and attributed to the company 's traditional common stock .,ARG-1: GMAC profits | ARG-2: with earnings from the rest of GM 's operations "SRL for [drives]: In an invention that [drives] Verdi purists bananas , Violetta lies dying in bed during the prelude , rising deliriouslywhen then she remembers the great parties she used to throw .",ARG-0: an invention | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: Verdi purists | ARG-2: bananas SRL for [hmu]: Yo i m down here just chillin . Just [hmu] when u headin to the sub i can meet u there,ARG-M-ADV: Just | ARG-M-TMP: when u headin to the sub SRL for [re - intensify]: Gustav may [re - intensify] to category 4,ARG-1: Gustav | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-4: to category 4 SRL for [run down]: A quick [run down] of what has been happening :,ARG-M-ADJ: quick | ARG-1: of what has been happening "SRL for [thick]: Of course , he was [thick] to believe that James would want to hang around them .",ARG-M-DIS: Of course | ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to believe that James would want to hang around them "SRL for [playing]: [playing] clever little tricks on minor issues , but blinded to major issues by trifles arenot considered to be elites .",ARG-1: clever little tricks | ARG-2: on minor issues "SRL for [immobilization]: The railroaders ' strike gave them control of Russia 's means of communication , allowing them to spread word of the strike throughout the empire , while their [immobilization] of rail traffic forcibly idled many trades and industries .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of rail traffic SRL for [repacked]: Wagner gave his last sermon at sea and Mamma ( and others ) cried as they [repacked] their trunks and baggage and prepared for disembarkation .,ARG-0: they | ARG-2: their trunks and baggage "SRL for [pulled]: Just when American liberalism had [pulled] the arms plug on the Contras and their friend Ronald Reagan , along comes Mr. Ortega in Costa Rica this weekend to `` blunder '' into the hands of what are often called conservatives .",ARG-M-TMP: Just when | ARG-0: American liberalism | ARG-1: the arms plug | ARG-2: on the Contras and their friend Ronald Reagan "SRL for [immortalized]: They then [immortalized] the cells , using a hybrid virus ( AD12 SV40 ) and finally transformed them with a murine sarcoma virus ( Kristen virus ) .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the cells | ARG-2: using a hybrid virus ( AD12 SV40 ) SRL for [second]: President I [second] the motion .,ARG-M-DIS: President | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the motion "SRL for [bullying]: An 18 - year - old Beaufort man was arrested on Friday , May 31 , for reportedly filming his [bullying] of children at a playground .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of children | ARG-M-LOC: at a playground "SRL for [descended]: That is not entirely true , for linguists know too much about language to suggest that there ever was , literally , a single language from which all Indo - European languages [descended] .",ARG-0: all Indo - European languages | ARG-M-DIR: a single language | R-ARG-M-DIR: from which SRL for [snapped]: Allosaurus [snapped] at its food the way crocodiles do .,ARG-0: Allosaurus | ARG-2: at its food | ARG-M-MNR: the way crocodiles do SRL for [testify]: The first one permits a witness to refuse to [testify] against her spouse .,ARG-0: a witness | ARG-2: against her spouse SRL for [grounded]: information from x - ray crystallography about bond angles and interatomic distances further [grounded] the theory in chemical and physical facts .,ARG-0: information from x - ray crystallography about bond angles and interatomic distances | ARG-M-EXT: further | ARG-1: the theory | ARG-2: in chemical and physical facts "SRL for [selling]: A "" put option "" allows the [selling] of the stock for a set price at a future date .",ARG-1: of the stock | ARG-3: for a set price | ARG-M-TMP: at a future date "SRL for [broadened]: As a result , the group 's third - quarter loss [broadened] to $ 9.8 million from the second quarter 's $ 3.6 million .",ARG-M-CAU: As a result | ARG-1: the group 's third - quarter loss | ARG-4: to $ 9.8 million | ARG-3: from the second quarter 's $ 3.6 million SRL for [compliance]: Petco remained in [compliance] with all industry capital requirements .,ARG-1: with all industry capital requirements "SRL for [impersonating]: Yubitrich says , he has already set his sights on the new Yugoslav President , Kostunica , and will most likely be [impersonating] him in the future .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: most likely | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-TMP: in the future "SRL for [model]: A key issue in disscussion of "" life "" and "" universes "" is what constitutes "" structure "" or "" order "" . For example , to take BGW 's -LRB- and Capra 's -RRB- fractal [model] of embedded "" structures "" we are still left with the regression problem of "" who observes / defines such structure "" .","ARG-0: BGW 's -LRB- and Capra 's -RRB- | ARG-M-MNR: fractal | ARG-1: of embedded "" structures """ SRL for [graduated]: No student should be permitted to be [graduated] from elementary school without having mastered the 3 R 's at the level that prevailed 20 years ago .,ARG-1: No student | ARG-2: from elementary school | ARG-M-MNR: without having mastered the 3 R 's at the level that prevailed 20 years ago SRL for [loans]: The charge on [loans] to brokers on stock exchange collateral .,ARG-2: to brokers | ARG-M-ADV: on stock exchange collateral SRL for [doctor]: Members find it easy to [doctor] legislation by slipping in special provisions that could never survive in the cold light of day .,ARG-0: Members | ARG-1: legislation | ARG-M-MNR: by slipping in special provisions that could never survive in the cold light of day SRL for [lame]: Which is [lame] because I 'm dressed like a tiger Mummer,ARG-1: Which | ARG-M-CAU: because I 'm dressed like a tiger Mummer "SRL for [deflated]: Some investors say Friday 's sell - off was a good thing , because it [deflated] a lot of crazy takeover speculation .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: a lot of crazy takeover speculation SRL for [trade]: Stock - index futures [trade] in Chicago .,ARG-1: Stock - index futures | ARG-M-LOC: in Chicago SRL for [lassoed]: She [lassoed] her long blonde locks .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her long blonde locks SRL for [early]: It was [early] in the fall and a blowin ' up a squall,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: in the fall "SRL for [placing]: Policies designed to encourage one type of investor over another are akin to [placing] a sign over the Big Board 's door saying : `` Buyers welcome , sellers please go away ! ''","ARG-1: a sign | ARG-2: sign over the Big Board 's door | ARG-M-ADV: saying : `` Buyers welcome , sellers please go away ! ''" "SRL for [profaned]: They deserted the temple , and therefore God deserted it ; they [profaned] it with their sins and laid it common",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with their sins "SRL for [particular]: But this is [particular] to Oracle , and it gives me syntax error when executing queries on Microsoft SQL Server . I",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: this | ARG-2: to Oracle SRL for [silkscreened]: He [silkscreened] a new shirt for me .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a new shirt | ARG-2: for me SRL for [handy]: Do you use bookmarks or just grab whatever is [handy] to mark your page ?,ARG-1: whatever SRL for [insane]: He was [insane] to have demanded her as his personal assistant .,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to have demanded her as his personal assistant "SRL for [board]: Maybe I did n't see as much of Gladdy as I 'd like , but how much worse it would have been if I 'd had to [board] her out somewhere after Alice went -- send my daughter to an orphanage or a boarding - home .",ARG-M-CAU: I | ARG-M-MOD: had | ARG-0: her | ARG-M-PRD: out | ARG-1: somewhere | ARG-M-TMP: after Alice went SRL for [pleased]: You [pleased] yourselves with everything you wanted .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: yourselves | ARG-2: with everything you wanted SRL for [volunteer]: We will not know until a first generation of female guinea pigs -- all of whom will be more than happy to [volunteer] for the job -- has put the abortion pill through the clinical test of time .,ARG-0: all of whom | R-ARG-0: a first generation of female guinea pigs | ARG-1: for the job SRL for [fathom]: I ' m just trying to [fathom] the mess we 're going to have if this is n't settled .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the mess we 're going to have | ARG-M-ADV: if this is n't settled SRL for [share]: They all did their [share] of the work,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the work SRL for [decreased]: The size of the issue was [decreased] from an originally planned $ 95.2 million .,ARG-1: The size of the issue | ARG-3: from an originally planned $ 95.2 million SRL for [writing]: His own [writing],ARG-0: His SRL for [crumbed]: He [crumbed] the bread into the milk .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the bread | ARG-M-GOL: into the milk SRL for [question]: Sometimes repairs are out of the [question] ., SRL for [kiss]: a [kiss] on the forehead,ARG-M-LOC: on the forehead SRL for [decide]: A good number [decide] ( that ) it 's not worth it .,ARG-0: A good number | ARG-1: ( that ) it 's not worth it SRL for [memorialized]: Some lawyers and scholars see the social scientists ' vision of the American jury system as a far cry from the ideal presented in civics texts and [memorialized] on the movie screen .,ARG-1: the ideal | ARG-M-LOC: on the movie screen "SRL for [advent]: No ; social intercourse may be long in coming , but its [advent] is sure ; the mischief is already done .",ARG-1: its "SRL for [satisfaction]: Where the title to stock pledged to secure a disputed debt was not divested , and the owner 's right to possession depended on his [satisfaction] of the debt , ...",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the debt "SRL for [indoctrinated]: Complete units have been trained and [indoctrinated] in the U.S.S.R. and other East bloc nations ; 30,000 to 40,000 of these troops have returned .",ARG-1: Complete units | ARG-M-LOC: in the U.S.S.R. and other East bloc nations "SRL for [premiere]: Tonight , to kick off the effort , CNN will [premiere] its first prime - time newscast in years , an hourlong show at 6 p.m. Eastern time to air head - to - head against the network newscasts .","ARG-M-TMP: Tonight | ARG-M-PNC: to kick off the effort | ARG-0: CNN | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: its first prime - time newscast in years , an hourlong show at 6 p.m. Eastern time to air head - to - head against the network newscasts" SRL for [glaze]: John likes to [glaze] donuts in his spare time .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: donuts | ARG-M-TMP: in his spare time SRL for [attached]: It looks like it was [attached] to the wall by two dry wall anchors which were not attached to the stud .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to the wall | ARG-3: by two dry wall anchors which were not attached to the stud "SRL for [dephosphorylated]: Regarding the relationship between adenosine and ATP , intracellular adenosine is [dephosphorylated] from AMP by cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase and is converted back to AMP via adenosine kinase ( ADK ) .",ARG-M-ADV: Regarding the relationship between adenosine and ATP | ARG-3: intracellular adenosine | ARG-1: from AMP | ARG-2: by cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase "SRL for ['s it]: she says , "" We 'll talk later , "" and that ['s it] for the conversation .",ARG-1: that | ARG-2: for the conversation SRL for [exploitation]: its [exploitation],ARG-0: its "SRL for [tan white]: The cut surface is firm , fibrous and [tan white] .",ARG-1: The cut surface SRL for [biopsy]: The doctor ordered a fine - needle [biopsy] of the patient 's thyroid nodules .,ARG-M-MNR: fine - needle | ARG-1: of the patient 's thyroid nodules "SRL for [load]: The blue - collar machinists , longtime rivals of the white - collar pilots , say the buyout would [load] the company with debt and weaken its finances .",ARG-0: the buyout | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the company | ARG-2: with debt "SRL for [electable]: I checked Cullen because he is most [electable] -LRB- that is , most likely to attract independent voters -RRB- .","ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: most | ARG-M-ADV: that is , most likely to attract independent voters" SRL for [dream]: Olathe girl realizes her [dream] of playing Division I hockey .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of playing Division I hockey "SRL for [sat]: In 1912 , Siobhán [sat] an exam for a vacancy in the Mallow Post Office and succeeded in getting the position .",ARG-M-TMP: In 1912 | ARG-0: Siobhán | ARG-1: an exam for a vacancy in the Mallow Post Office SRL for [reprepped]: The area was [reprepped] for surgery,ARG-1: The area | ARG-2: for surgery SRL for [deep]: The cut was so [deep] I was surprised it was n't fully decapitated .,ARG-1: The cut | ARG-M-CXN: so | ARG-M-CXN: was surprised it was n't fully decapitated SRL for [pre - registered]: t is much better to carry a document on your person and to be [pre - registered] with the state as a donor .,ARG-1: your person | ARG-2: with the state | ARG-3: as a donor SRL for [increase]: `` a very meaningful '' [increase] in operating profit by Colgate 's U.S. business,ARG-M-EXT: very meaningful | ARG-1: in operating profit | ARG-0: by Colgate 's U.S. business SRL for [approach]: This book takes a unique [approach] to the era of European colonialism .,ARG-M-MNR: unique | ARG-1: to the era of European colonialism SRL for [partition]: nor will there be any [partition] of Lebanon,ARG-1: of Lebanon SRL for [co - sign]: A person who has income *PRO* to [co - sign] with him .,ARG-0: with him SRL for [vaccination]: The researchers aimed to determine the relationship between parents ' self - vaccination and their [vaccination] of their young children .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of their young children "SRL for [foreshock]: I recall the 5.1 magnitude [foreshock] in August 1989 , a full six weeks before the 7.1 magnitude World Series ( or Loma Prieta ) Earthquake .","ARG-2: 5.1 magnitude | ARG-M-TMP: in August 1989 , a full six weeks before the 7.1 magnitude World Series ( or Loma Prieta ) Earthquake" "SRL for [angulates]: The operation [angulates] the duct and duodenum , causing strain on the suture line .",ARG-0: The operation | ARG-1: the duct and duodenum | ARG-M-ADV: causing strain on the suture line SRL for [luncheoned]: We [luncheoned] on damp grass .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-LOC: on damp grass "SRL for [seized]: Mr. Sharon 's peace plan would retain Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem and the Golan Heights , which Israel [seized] from Syria in the 1967 Arab - Israeli war .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: the Golan Heights | ARG-0: Israel | ARG-2: from Syria | ARG-M-TMP: in the 1967 Arab - Israeli war SRL for [exploiting]: We do n't find the fact of his [exploiting] the poor shocking / funny ; we are merely amused at the manner in which he exploits them,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the poor "SRL for [encrusted]: Of his 10 novels , `` The Hive '' ( 1951 ) , full of sharp vignettes of Madrid life and centered on a cafe run by Dona Rosa , a foul - mouthed , broad - based woman with blackened little teeth [encrusted] in filth , used to be available in English , translated by J.M. Cohen and published by Ecco Press , which now no doubt regrets relinquishing its copyright .",ARG-1: blackened little teeth | ARG-2: in filth "SRL for [leafing]: Lieutenant Minver , two hundred yards away , would see the huge door [leafing] open .",ARG-0: the huge door | ARG-1: open SRL for [rustled]: First he thought of the time he had ridden to Gavin and told him how his cattle were being [rustled] at the far end of the valley .,ARG-1: his cattle | ARG-M-MNR: how "SRL for [inquired]: He caught a young man of the men of Succoth , and [inquired] of him .",ARG-0: He | ARG-2: of him "SRL for [resting]: He said this with some heat to justify Hintza 's behavior , in case Ouwa might think his [resting] was a sign of weakness .",ARG-1: his "SRL for [meaning]: The name Melchizedek , king of Salem , also has a [meaning] "" King of Righteousness "" .","ARG-1: The name Melchizedek , king of Salem | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-2: "" King of Righteousness """ SRL for [obligation]: an [obligation] of government service for all young people,ARG-2: of government service | ARG-1: for all young people SRL for [headed]: The exchange is [headed] for a real crisis if program trading is n't curbed .,ARG-0: The exchange | ARG-1: for a real crisis | ARG-M-ADV: if program trading is n't curbed SRL for [values]: PS of New Hampshire [values] its internal reorganization plan at about $ 2.2 billion .,ARG-0: PS of New Hampshire | ARG-1: its internal reorganization plan | ARG-2: at about $ 2.2 billion "SRL for [Beheading]: [*] [Beheading] small children , stabbing elderly people to death , raping and shooting women , and burying people alive are just a few of the grisly activities that the Somali armed forces have been engaged in over the past two years .",ARG-1: small children SRL for [opposed]: The Catholic Church is [opposed] to contraception for moral reasons .,ARG-0: The Catholic Church | ARG-1: to contraception | ARG-M-CAU: for moral reasons "SRL for [push]: The analysts argued that Georgia - Pacific 's offer , the first hostile bid ever among major players in the paper industry ... will [push] managements to look closely at the industry 's several attractive takeover candidates .","ARG-0: Georgia - Pacific 's offer , the first hostile bid ever among major players in the paper industry | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: managements | ARG-2: to look closely at the industry 's several attractive takeover candidates" "SRL for [seizure]: Thought I was having a [seizure] or something at first , till I saw the water in my water bottle swaying back and forth .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-LVB: having "SRL for [wait]: "" They probably thought their old fogey of a boss had just come to [wait] on them ! """,ARG-0: their old fogey of a boss | ARG-1: on them "SRL for [owes]: Columbia [owes] its spectacular growth in recent years to its junk - bond portfolio , the largest of any U.S. thrift .","ARG-0: Columbia | ARG-1: its spectacular growth in recent years | ARG-2: to its junk - bond portfolio , the largest of any U.S. thrift" "SRL for [registered]: HEALTHDYNE Inc. , Atlanta , said its subsidiary , Home Nutritional Services Inc. , [registered] with the Securities and Exchange Commission an initial public offering of four million shares of common .","ARG-0: its subsidiary , Home Nutritional Services Inc. | ARG-2: with the Securities and Exchange Commission | ARG-1: an initial public offering of four million shares of common" SRL for [curled]: The animal was [curled] into a ball .,ARG-1: The animal | ARG-2: into a ball SRL for [ran]: Jim : WaPo [ran] the Wall Street Journal story on D 5 of Business .,ARG-M-DIS: Jim | ARG-0: WaPo | ARG-1: the Wall Street Journal story | ARG-2: on D 5 of Business "SRL for [nonstenotic]: Bicuspid aortic valves can be functionally normal , that is , [nonstenotic] with minimal or no regurgitation .",ARG-1: Bicuspid aortic valves SRL for [is owned]: The plant [is owned] by Hollingsworth & Vose Co.,ARG-1: The plant | ARG-0: by Hollingsworth & Vose Co. SRL for [surrendering]: Some European analysts speculated that officials of Saab 's highly profitable Scania truck operation balked at [surrendering] any of their autonomy .,ARG-0: officials of Saab 's highly profitable Scania truck operation | ARG-1: any of their autonomy "SRL for [constructive]: From this point of view , it is obvious that the formulation and publishing of this provision is [constructive] .",ARG-0: the formulation and publishing of this provision SRL for [boring]: A worm resides in the operating system of a computer and spreads by [boring] into other computers contacted through networks .,ARG-0: A worm | ARG-2: into other computers contacted through networks SRL for [maundered]: He [maundered] through life without a single ambition .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: through life | ARG-M-MNR: without a single ambition "SRL for [shaken off]: Dealers said the market still has n't [shaken off] its nervousness after its bumpy ride of the past several sessions , caused by interest - rate increases last week and Wall Street 's 6.9 % plunge Friday .","ARG-0: the market | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: its nervousness | ARG-M-TMP: after its bumpy ride of the past several sessions , caused by interest - rate increases last week and Wall Street 's 6.9 % plunge Friday" SRL for [cooking]: Twenty - five trucks capable of [cooking] food were dispatched from other states .,ARG-0: Twenty - five trucks | ARG-1: food SRL for [cap]: A price [cap] will solve the problem .,ARG-1: price "SRL for [refracted]: When light is [refracted] by the eye ,",ARG-1: light | ARG-0: by the eye "SRL for [marooned]: As Mr. Starch seemed to be particularly averse to having his throat cut , we only [marooned] him on a small key off the bay of Cadenas , where he may have subsisted on a barrel of pork and a keg of molasses , which we left him , up to the present time , for aught I know to the contrary .","ARG-M-CAU: As Mr. Starch seemed to be particularly averse to having his throat cut | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: on a small key off the bay of Cadenas , where he may have subsisted on a barrel of pork and a keg of molasses , which we left him , up to the present time , for aught I know to the contrary" "SRL for [gallops]: Heart : S1 , S2 normal without murmurs , rubs , or [gallops] .", "SRL for [plow]: Jesus said , `` Anyone who begins to [plow] a field but looks back is not prepared for God 's kingdom . ''",ARG-0: Anyone | ARG-2: a field | R-ARG-0: who "SRL for [deacetylated]: To gain further proof for the enantiopreference of Lipase - PS with our substrates 1 � 12 , we [deacetylated] the enantiopure ( R)-acetate obtained from substrates 1 and 5 with K2CO3 / MeOH .",ARG-M-PRP: To gain further proof for the enantiopreference of Lipase - PS with our substrates 1 � 12 | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the enantiopure ( R)-acetate obtained from substrates 1 and 5 | ARG-2: with K2CO3 / MeOH SRL for [re - emphasized]: Mary [re - emphasized] to John that he must never ever call her ' Snoogie - wookums ' in public .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-2: to John | ARG-1: he must never ever call her ' Snoogie - wookums ' in public SRL for [ill]: How do you know that my opponent 's conduct was [ill] - mannered ?,ARG-1: mannered "SRL for [dispensation]: Is the dosage [dispensation] safeguarded ? What guarantees the safety of the medicine ? If the medicine is used to make money , will curing patients be delayed ?",ARG-1: dosage "SRL for [ensure]: The complaint alleges that the price is `` unfair and grossly inadequate '' and that the defendants are seeking to [ensure] a `` lockup '' of the purchase of Unitel , thereby discouraging other bids .",ARG-0: the defendants | ARG-1: a `` lockup '' of the purchase of Unitel SRL for [following]: Baker had a large gay [following] later in her career when she was an overdressed singer rather than underdressed dancer,ARG-M-ADJ: large | ARG-0: gay "SRL for [gaining]: Also , the mangaka admitted to his [gaining] of illegal profits from the work , and paid back a portion of his sales .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of illegal profits | ARG-2: from the work "SRL for [trouble]: Beg your pardon , but could I [trouble] you to turn over your weapons ?",ARG-M-DIS: Beg your pardon | ARG-M-DIS: but | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: you | ARG-2: to turn over your weapons SRL for [frosts]: Do bees die when it [frosts] ?, SRL for [inclined]: I 'm not going to report my mate for driving at 80 on the motorway but if I suspected he was a serial killer I might be [inclined] to tell somebody,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: to tell somebody SRL for [enumerate]: Bacque did not [enumerate] those opportunities in his article .,ARG-0: Bacque | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: those opportunities | ARG-2: in his article SRL for [lightened]: John [lightened] his hair from raven - black to bright orange .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his hair | ARG-3: from raven - black | ARG-4: to bright orange "SRL for [copay]: For example , some patients will be required to [copay] $ 15 for a regular check up",ARG-0: some patients | ARG-1: $ 15 | ARG-3: for a regular check up SRL for [priced]: ... supercomputers [priced] between $ 15 million and $ 30 million,ARG-1: supercomputers | ARG-2: between $ 15 million and $ 30 million SRL for [re - application]: Patient will undergo VAC [re - application] tomorrow .,ARG-1: VAC SRL for [dissolves]: I have read relevant information that L - Ascorbic acid oxidizes easily after it [dissolves] in the water .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in the water "SRL for [contain]: In addition , the Cray-3 will [contain] 16 processors -- twice as many as the largest current supercomputer .",ARG-M-DIS: In addition | ARG-0: the Cray-3 | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: 16 processors -- twice as many as the largest current supercomputer "SRL for [taped]: So Mr. Barrett , then vice president of the Alabama Steamship Association , took a steel - toothed garden rake and [taped] it to the underside of a leaf rake about nine inches up .","ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: Mr. Barrett , then vice president of the Alabama Steamship Association | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to the underside of a leaf rake about nine inches up" "SRL for [litigated]: It allows enough time for the aggrieved party , the losing party , to file within 10 days a contest of the certification that still allows enough time for the contest to be [litigated] through the courts , primarily the circuit court .","ARG-1: the contest | ARG-M-MNR: through the courts , primarily the circuit court" "SRL for [drop]: Today , we 're witnessing the mass hysteria of Robert Pattinson fever , with teenage girls from around the world sobbing and shrieking at the [drop] of his name",ARG-1: of his name SRL for [demyelinating]: Is there an association between monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance and chronic inflammatory [demyelinating] polyneuropathy ?, "SRL for [laid]: Firstly , video games is one of the big problems as most guys would rather stay at home and play video games , then go out and try to get [laid] .",ARG-1: most guys SRL for [reposed]: For two decades they [reposed] in a vault at Carlisle Barracks in Pennsylvania .,ARG-M-TMP: For two decades | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: in a vault at Carlisle Barracks in Pennsylvania SRL for [gaped]: Mary [gaped] at John 's sparkling - clean room .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: at John 's sparkling - clean room SRL for [nonenhancing]: [nonenhancing] left frontal mass,ARG-1: left frontal mass SRL for [vaginectomy]: radical upper [vaginectomy],ARG-M-ADJ: radical | ARG-1: upper "SRL for [wept]: Teddy [wept] big crocodile tears , and Victoria giggled .",ARG-0: Teddy | ARG-1: big crocodile tears "SRL for [hypothesized]: It might be alleged that TV has done more than its share to popularize and promote non - violent civil disobedience , so the second situation [hypothesized] above would be simply a case of `` chickens coming home to roost . ''",ARG-1: the second situation | ARG-M-LOC: above SRL for [trusted]: `` She can no longer be [trusted] to behave in a civilised -- that is unflaky -- fashion when abroad . '',ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: no longer | ARG-2: She | ARG-1: to behave in a civilised -- that is unflaky -- fashion when abroad SRL for [promises]: The revised LIN - BellSouth agreement boosts the dollar amount of the special dividend LIN [promises] to pay shareholders .,ARG-0: LIN | ARG-2: to pay shareholders "SRL for [derailed]: Ramada 's previous plan was [derailed] by upheaval in the junk - bond market that hindered the offering of $ 400 million in high - yield securities of Aztar Corp. , the new company that will operate Ramada 's casinos in Nevada and Atlantic City ,","ARG-1: Ramada 's previous plan | ARG-0: by upheaval in the junk - bond market that hindered the offering of $ 400 million in high - yield securities of Aztar Corp. , the new company that will operate Ramada 's casinos in Nevada and Atlantic City" SRL for [went]: The lawyers [went] to work,ARG-0: The lawyers | ARG-4: to work "SRL for [transcend]: As Taiwan attempts to [transcend] May Forth , the mainland is eager to return to it .",ARG-0: Taiwan | ARG-1: May Forth SRL for [bothering]: I wish those people who are [bothering] you would add castration to their circumcision .,R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: you | ARG-0: those people SRL for [taking]: There are two very amusing Grant scenes : his [taking] a bath in his suit and playing an orange - under - the - jaw game in a nightclub .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a bath | ARG-M-MNR: in his suit SRL for [cure]: It could point to plenty of ailments that the Spanish economic rejuvenation so far has failed to [cure] .,ARG-3: the Spanish economic rejuvenation | ARG-2: ailments | R-ARG-2: that SRL for [pretty]: My lab was super [pretty] today !,ARG-1: My lab | ARG-M-ADJ: super SRL for [misted]: The air [misted] with the scent of gardenias .,ARG-1: The air | ARG-2: with the scent of gardenias SRL for [expert]: He is [expert] in the art of deception .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: in the art of deception SRL for [complaint]: Patient presented with the [complaint] of joint pain .,ARG-1: of joint pain SRL for [understatement]: a 0.7 percentage point [understatement] in growth of total real GNP,ARG-2: 0.7 percentage point | ARG-1: in growth of total real GNP "SRL for [challenge]: The filing adds a new twist to market speculation that Coniston Partners , a New York money manager , has bought more than 5 % of UAL stock and may [challenge] the UAL board 's decision last week to remain independent .","ARG-0: Coniston Partners , a New York money manager | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: the UAL board 's decision last week to remain independent" SRL for [hacked]: She unfolded a cloth and [hacked] a piece off of a large round of goat cheese .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: a piece | ARG-2: off of a large round of goat cheese "SRL for [candied]: After dinner there were further treats to pick up along the way , such as [candied] jujubes and sauce - stewed chicken and duck , as well as cold drinks such as ginger and honey cordial .",ARG-1: jujubes SRL for [reprieve]: Friday brought a 2 day [reprieve] for money managers,ARG-2: 2 day | ARG-3: for money managers "SRL for [prone]: I 'm not familiar with rhythmic gymnastics , but I know both gymnasts and dancers are [prone] to on - the - job injury -- and the effects of those injuries can add up .",ARG-1: both gymnasts and dancers | ARG-2: to on - the - job injury SRL for [regurgitated]: Either she either passed out [regurgitated] .,ARG-M-DIS: Either | ARG-0: she "SRL for [began]: John [began] to eat the entire cake , then thought better of it .",ARG-1: John | C-ARG-1: to eat the entire cake SRL for [microfilm]: I told her to [microfilm] it .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: it SRL for [basted]: I cut and [basted] garments that were easily finished .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: garments that were easily finished SRL for [oscillated]: I [oscillated] the trough as before .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the trough | ARG-M-MNR: as before SRL for [contiguous]: The beds of ironstone are [contiguous] to the coal strata .,ARG-1: The beds of ironstone | ARG-2: to the coal strata SRL for [rush]: The travel [rush] is not the only thing some airline passengers are complaining about .,ARG-2: travel "SRL for [maneuvered]: In August 1983 , Mr. Noriega took over as General and de - facto dictator of Panama , having [maneuvered] his way to the top only two years after the mysterious death in a plane crash of his old boss Omar Torrijos .",ARG-0: Mr. Noriega | ARG-1: his way | ARG-2: to the top | ARG-M-TMP: only two years after the mysterious death in a plane crash of his old boss Omar Torrijos "SRL for [stiffened]: The Pathet Lao , [stiffened] by Communist Veterans from neighboring North Viet Nam , were supplied by Soviet aircraft .",ARG-1: The Pathet Lao | ARG-0: by Communist Veterans from neighboring North Viet Nam SRL for [suggestions]: to send his [suggestions] to the committee,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the committee "SRL for [inspirational]: The work was [inspirational] to see first hand , it just does n't compare in books ?",ARG-0: The work | C-ARG-0: to see first hand "SRL for [map]: Instead , they [map] out a strategy in several phases from now until 1995 .",ARG-M-DIS: Instead | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-1: a strategy in several phases | ARG-M-TMP: from now until 1995 SRL for [drizzled]: I [drizzled] the Pama syrup over the entire pizza .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: the Pama syrup | ARG-1: over the entire pizza SRL for [measures]: major corrective [measures] regarding the project,ARG-M-EXT: major | ARG-1: corrective | ARG-2: regarding the project SRL for [take away]: Marshall Coleman wants to [take away] your right to choose,ARG-0: Marshall Coleman | ARG-1: your right to choose SRL for [legalization]: Netherlands explains its [legalization] of brothels,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of brothels "SRL for [poll]: In the Suffolk [poll] for Wednesday , it was Romney 43 % and Santorum 6 % .",ARG-1: Suffolk | ARG-M-TMP: for Wednesday "SRL for [cackled]: He stroked the hens and they responded with delighted clucks , he gobbled withthe turkeys and they at once were all attention , he quacked with the ducks , and [cackled] with a pair of exceedingly flattered geese .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-COM: with a pair of exceedingly flattered geese SRL for [existent]: Socrates is [existent] as a man,ARG-1: Socrates | ARG-2: as a man "SRL for [envisions]: In fact , DLJ says , the company [envisions] capital expenses of about $ 180 million a year .",ARG-M-DIS: In fact | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: capital expenses of about $ 180 million a year "SRL for [laboring]: After [laboring] prematurely , I spent 3 months in bed .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: prematurely "SRL for [going]: Patient reports that , since the procedure , he is [going] 10 - 15 times a day .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: since the procedure | ARG-M-TMP: 10 - 15 times a day "SRL for [alarmed]: Some analysts at least are buying that argument , and were n't [alarmed] by the losses .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Some analysts at least | ARG-0: by the losses "SRL for [supplanted]: A Taipei graveyard for old pedicabs , which by the late 1960s has been largely [supplanted] by taxies .",ARG-M-ADV: largely | ARG-1: which | ARG-2: by taxies SRL for [held]: Bunuel stated that he and Dali [held] to only one rule during the production .,ARG-0: he and Dali | ARG-1: to only one rule | ARG-M-TMP: during the production "SRL for [probe]: Mechanized vacuum cleaners [probe] the sand like giant anteaters ; a whirring ferris wheellike excavator , with buckets instead of seats , chews through layers of compacted sand ; tracks and conveyor belts , shuttling sand to the screening plants , criss - cross the beach .",ARG-0: Mechanized vacuum cleaners | ARG-1: the sand | ARG-M-MNR: like giant anteaters SRL for [curable]: His liver was [curable] for cancer .,ARG-1: His liver | ARG-2: for cancer SRL for [makes]: Loews Corp [makes] Kent cigarettes .,ARG-0: Loews Corp | ARG-1: Kent cigarettes SRL for [sleeping off]: Ma never went near the old man when he was [sleeping off] .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [cut]: Before the ban , the Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen -LRB- VACRS -RRB- , which manages Chilan , had already [cut] down almost 6,000 hectares .","ARG-M-TMP: Before the ban | ARG-0: the Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen -LRB- VACRS -RRB- , which manages Chilan | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-M-PRD: down | ARG-1: almost 6,000 hectares" SRL for [blind]: I do n't know about you but I am [blind] to a lot of things .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: to a lot of things "SRL for [trading]: But , most of those thought it was probably insider [trading] .",ARG-0: insider "SRL for [codify]: He again called on the Legislative Yuan to [codify] international human rights law as domestic law , and declared that his government will also establish a National Human Rights Commission and work to build a society in which human rights are respected and protected .",ARG-1: international human rights law | ARG-2: as domestic law "SRL for [horrible]: Someone was [horrible] to me on a forum , I know this sound stupid and some people 's probably going to think I 'm a moaner but I 'm taking it really hard .",ARG-1: Someone | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-LOC: on a forum SRL for [swooped up]: Maude [swooped up] the cup and hiked up her top hoop as if about to take off with a racing start .,ARG-0: Maude | ARG-1: the cup SRL for [physician]: Attending [physician],ARG-0: Attending "SRL for [sponsoring]: So says the Commonwealth Fund , a New York philanthropist that 's [sponsoring] a $ 1 million project to develop joint masters in business and nursing programs at 10 universities ... .",ARG-0: a New York philanthropist | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: a $ 1 million project to develop joint masters in business and nursing programs at 10 universities SRL for [reliable]: The BILAG2004 - Pregnancy index is [reliable] for assessment of disease activity in pregnant SLE patients .,ARG-1: The BILAG2004 - Pregnancy index | ARG-2: for assessment of disease activity in pregnant SLE patients SRL for [undetectable]: the viral load was [undetectable] .,ARG-1: the viral load "SRL for [wailing]: At the hearing , Rep. Oakar started [wailing] about `` phoney baloney regulations '' that would stand between her and `` housing for downtown Cleveland . ''",ARG-0: Rep. Oakar | ARG-1: about `` phoney baloney regulations '' that would stand between her and `` housing for downtown Cleveland "SRL for [strove]: Sotheby 's , the auction house founded in London 1744 and now under the umbrella of Sotheby 's Holdings Inc. , was hoping to stir up interest in old masters as it [strove] to build its U.S. business .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: to build its U.S. business SRL for [SOB]: She was not [SOB] .,ARG-1: She | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [rally]: The main catalyst for government bond market [rally],ARG-0: The main catalyst | ARG-1: government bond market SRL for [parasailed]: A private Rusky beach made a massive cock - up this week when it [parasailed] a screaming / crying donkey in the air for 30 minutes,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: a screaming / crying donkey | ARG-M-LOC: in the air | ARG-M-TMP: for 30 minutes SRL for [struggle]: Farmers have no choice but to come to the cities and [struggle] at the bottom for the crumbs of the wealthy .,ARG-M-LOC: at the bottom | ARG-2: for the crumbs of the wealthy "SRL for [proceed]: He said it has reached the same conclusions about some attempts to buy closely held concerns , but eventually allowed those acquisitions to [proceed] .",ARG-1: those acquisitions SRL for [quarreling]: Paul called the Corinthians worldly because of their [quarreling] over whom they were following .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: over whom they were following SRL for [bucketing]: It was [bucketing] rain so everyone stayed indoors to keep dry .,ARG-1: rain "SRL for [indoctrination]: This sad state of affairs has been a cumulative result of the leftist / socialist takeover of the country 's media , entertainment , academic , and bureaucratic establishments , and their [indoctrination] of the populace with their ideologies .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the populace | ARG-2: with their ideologies "SRL for [proffered]: To hear most U.S. growers tell it , we 'd still be in Paradise if the serpent had [proffered] one to Eve .",ARG-0: the serpent | ARG-1: one | ARG-2: to Eve SRL for [putrefies]: The virus [putrefies] the insides of an infected individual .,ARG-0: The virus | ARG-1: the insides of an infected individual "SRL for [shocked]: Lately , analysts say , Deutsche Bank has [shocked] some in the French financial community by indicating it wants a strong bank with a large number of branches .",ARG-M-TMP: Lately | ARG-0: Deutsche Bank | ARG-1: some in the French financial community | ARG-2: by indicating it wants a strong bank with a large number of branches SRL for [fight]: the legal [fight] over the recount,ARG-M-ADJ: legal | ARG-2: over the recount SRL for [included]: ... [included] on the list are John and Mary,ARG-2: on the list | ARG-1: John and Mary SRL for [everted]: Both nipples are [everted] .,ARG-1: Both nipples SRL for [gain]: This has been accomplished by reducing the taxable amount of the [gain] from 75 % to 37 - 1/2 % .,ARG-3: from 75 % | ARG-4: to 37 - 1/2 % "SRL for [unraveled]: That 's the primary reason the company 's share price has held up so well when , in Mr. Smith 's words , `` most companies would have [unraveled] '' by now .",ARG-1: most companies | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-TMP: by now SRL for [eccentricity]: the holder being so mounted that the [eccentricity] of the wheel will move the holder to and fro with each rotation of the wheel .,ARG-1: of the wheel "SRL for [occluded]: Blocking all excitatory synaptic activity had similar effects , and it [occluded] the effects of dendrotoxin , suggesting that activity levels regulate Id.",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the effects of dendrotoxin "SRL for [dissemble]: When NBC lets Chris Matthews disinform and [dissemble] , they too undermine our precious system .",ARG-0: Chris Matthews SRL for [rubbery]: The ravioli was [rubbery] and tasted so - so,ARG-1: The ravioli SRL for [sounded]: MAC Vice Chairman Chen Ming - tung [sounded] a similar note during interpellations at the legislature .,ARG-0: MAC Vice Chairman Chen Ming - tung | ARG-1: a similar note | ARG-M-TMP: during interpellations | ARG-M-LOC: at the legislature SRL for [conducted]: We all thought little Max [conducted] himself very well .,ARG-0: little Max | ARG-M-REC: himself | ARG-1: very well SRL for [sank]: Qintex Ltd. shares [sank] to A$ 1.50 yesterday from A$ 3.05 on Friday .,ARG-1: Qintex Ltd. shares | ARG-4: to A$ 1.50 | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-3: from A$ 3.05 on Friday SRL for [caddied]: He [caddied] his first round last Sunday .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: his first round | ARG-M-TMP: last Sunday SRL for [applied]: Fireman 's Fund said it has [applied] for an exemption from these rate rollbacks .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: for an exemption from these rate rollbacks SRL for [illegal]: Legal experts in Zimbabwe said Friday that President Robert Mugabe 's unilateral call for end of July polls is [illegal],ARG-1: President Robert Mugabe 's unilateral call for end of July polls "SRL for [disseminate]: `` The USIA officially and publicly declared the absolute right of everyone except the USIA to [disseminate] agency program materials in the United States , '' my lawyer , the scholarly Mark McCormick of Des Moines , said in a memo pointing out the facts and trying to make me feel good after the press reported that I had lost .",ARG-0: everyone except the USIA | ARG-1: agency program materials | ARG-M-LOC: in the United States "SRL for [improvised]: Keeping the mood light , the two then chanted and chortled their way through some murderous polyrhythms , devised by Mr. Douglas as an alternative to Hindemith 's dry theory - teaching techniques , and then , with Mr. Gomez , soared and [improvised] on the composer 's tight `` Bebop Etudes . ''",ARG-0: the two | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: on the composer 's tight `` Bebop Etudes SRL for [autopsied]: Twenty-two patients were [autopsied] for brain damage .,ARG-1: Twenty-two patients | ARG-2: for brain damage SRL for [scary]: That book is [scary] with its subtle details and very beautifully written .,ARG-0: That book | ARG-2: with its subtle details "SRL for [prove]: `` We look upon this as a great opportunity to [prove] the fact that we have a tremendous management team , '' he said .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the fact that we have a tremendous management team SRL for [gagged]: Imette 's hands and feet were bound and her mouth [gagged] with a white athletic sock .,ARG-1: her mouth | ARG-2: with a white athletic sock SRL for [shook]: The walls [shook] ; the building rocked .,ARG-1: The walls SRL for [thudded]: Josephine 's heart [thudded] inside her chest .,ARG-0: Josephine 's heart | ARG-M-LOC: inside her chest SRL for [divided]: John [divided] the dough into small balls the size of a fist .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the dough | ARG-2: into small balls the size of a fist "SRL for [annoyed]: The 79 - year - old Mississippian takes a more orthodox , entrenched view of agriculture policy than those in the movement to reduce chemical use , but as a master of pork - barrel politics , he is believed to be [annoyed] as well that the project moved to Arkansas from a Tennessee center near Memphis and the northern Mississippi border .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-DIS: as well | ARG-0: that the project moved to Arkansas from a Tennessee center near Memphis and the northern Mississippi border "SRL for [closing in]: But yesterday , as Atlantis rumbled into a patch of clear sky above Florida with storm clouds [closing in] on it , NASA sought to turn Galileo into a symbol of triumph .",ARG-1: storm clouds | ARG-2: on it SRL for [efface]: Eli tried to [efface] the memory of his time in the camps .,ARG-0: Eli | ARG-1: the memory of his time in the camps "SRL for [teased out]: One cell was [teased out] , and its DNA extracted .",ARG-1: One cell SRL for [help]: He sometimes ca n't [help] exclaiming in frustration .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: sometimes | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: exclaiming in frustration "SRL for [mate]: The company producing the supersalmon says it can solve that problem by engineering fish that never [mate] , but the balance of nature grows more complicated and controversial , the deeper man explores the power of creation .",ARG-1: fish | ARG-M-NEG: never | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [frosted up]: We [frosted up] the big windows with some very hot words .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the big windows | ARG-2: with some very hot words SRL for [whinnied]: Mr. Ed [whinnied] to clear his throat .,ARG-0: Mr. Ed | ARG-M-PRP: to clear his throat "SRL for [creepy]: No -- I do n't have much worth taking . They broke a window though & went through all my stuff , which is totally [creepy] . Do you guys want to go to the farmer 's market ?",ARG-0: which | ARG-M-ADV: totally SRL for [grown]: All five children are [grown] now .,ARG-1: All five children | ARG-M-TMP: now "SRL for [accustomed]: With regular practice , he should be able to stay in the position in which you have placed him , it is only a question of practice when you can call to him and say ? dead , ? and he will lie down and stretch out in the position that you have [accustomed] him to taking .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to taking SRL for [interruption]: an [interruption] of trading,ARG-1: of trading SRL for [elimination]: Pinnacle 's [elimination] of dividend payments,ARG-0: Pinnacle 's | ARG-1: of dividend payments "SRL for [misappropriation]: There is also an extremely strange legal provision , in criminal law there is no stipulation to engage the death penalty for [misappropriation] of public funds !",ARG-1: of public funds SRL for [raged]: The rich [raged] to the Emperor for elusive benefits,ARG-0: The rich | ARG-2: to the Emperor | ARG-M-PRP: for elusive benefits SRL for [buying]: Even the minority of them who must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission as `` investment advisers '' -- people who are in the business of counseling others on the [buying] and selling of securities specifically -- have been enough to swamp the agency 's capacity .,ARG-1: of securities | ARG-M-ADJ: specifically SRL for [bunker]: US forces will be required to [bunker] themselves further into their bases .,ARG-0: forces | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: further into their bases SRL for [shot]: I believe we have to take a [shot] at getting as much done as we can through the court .,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-2: at getting as much done as we can through the court SRL for [compromise]: Senate leaders released more details about their [compromise] on the home buyer tax credit today .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: on the home buyer tax credit "SRL for [crimping]: The shortage of nurses is [crimping] profit at Personnel Pool , said the second money manager .",ARG-0: The shortage of nurses | ARG-1: profit | ARG-M-LOC: at Personnel Pool SRL for [championships]: He won three most valuable player awards and led the Penguins to two Stanley Cup [championships] in 1991 and 92 .,ARG-M-ADJ: two | ARG-1: Stanley Cup | ARG-M-TMP: in 1991 and 92 SRL for [INTERMEDIATE]: 2 . MITOTIC RATE : [INTERMEDIATE],ARG-1: MITOTIC RATE SRL for [exhibitions]: The Soviets held export [exhibitions] that included high - tech itemsin New York and West Germany .,ARG-1: export SRL for [fixation]: But Rick Santorum 's [fixation] on men and dogs in inappropriate situations if really freaky .,ARG-0: Rick Santorum 's | ARG-2: on men and dogs in inappropriate situations SRL for [epithelialization]: Enhancement of [epithelialization] with topical zinc oxide .,ARG-2: with topical zinc oxide SRL for [fold]: A dozen white office workers [fold] newsletters and stuff them into envelopes .,ARG-0: A dozen white office workers | ARG-2: newsletters SRL for [finding]: Carter and Herbert 's [finding] of the tomb of Tutankhamun was significant .,ARG-0: Carter and Herbert 's | ARG-1: of the tomb of Tutankhamun SRL for [submitting]: Every state met the law 's January 31st deadline for [submitting] their accountability plans for approval .,ARG-0: Every state | ARG-1: their accountability plans | ARG-3: for approval SRL for [chewed up]: `` One of the three major markets in the world is getting [chewed up] pretty bad . '',ARG-1: One of the three major markets in the world | ARG-M-MNR: pretty bad SRL for [nears]: CAPITAL TRAVELS to Europe as 1992 unification [nears] .,ARG-1: 1992 unification SRL for [unshackled]: Cody quickly [unshackled] the prisoners from their balls and chains .,ARG-0: Cody | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: the prisoners | ARG-2: from their balls and chains "SRL for [report]: Second portion to be completed the day of procedure , 2 hours before your scheduled [report] time .",ARG-M-TMP: time SRL for [congruent]: A is [congruent] to B.,ARG-1: A | ARG-2: to B. SRL for [Preadaptation]: [Preadaptation] from this function to linguistic communication clearly occurred and may have driven the restructuring of the human SVT to optimize the process .,ARG-3: from this function | ARG-2: to linguistic communication SRL for [break]: At recess the children made a [break] for the playground .,ARG-M-TMP: At recess | ARG-0: the children | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-2: for the playground SRL for [maundered]: She [maundered] about the assassination of President Kennedy .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: about the assassination of President Kennedy SRL for [swindled]: The Attorney General 's investigation was sparked by lawsuits and charges by angry California businesspeople that they were [swindled] in a bureau - sponsored directory project contracted by Better Book .,ARG-2: they | ARG-M-LOC: in a bureau - sponsored directory project contracted by Better Book SRL for [lactate]: A new mother may [lactate] as soon as five minutes after delivery .,ARG-0: A new mother | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-TMP: as soon as five minutes after delivery "SRL for [references]: its [references] to Steven Spielberg , Spago and "" thirtysomething ""","ARG-0: its | ARG-1: to Steven Spielberg , Spago and "" thirtysomething """ SRL for [whistling]: I do n't think anyone left the place [whistling] Dixie . '',ARG-0: anyone | ARG-1: Dixie SRL for [Identification]: [Identification] of the explosive,ARG-1: of the explosive SRL for [handling]: The former president 's [handling] of the nineteen ninety - six Khobar Towers terrorist bombing,ARG-0: The former president 's | ARG-1: of the nineteen ninety - six Khobar Towers terrorist bombing "SRL for [offset]: Earnings at Xerox 's financial - services operations actually rose slightly , but that was largely because capital gains at Crum & Forster [offset] Hurricane Hugo payments and the reserves set up to cover future payments .",ARG-2: capital gains at Crum & Forster | ARG-1: Hurricane Hugo payments and the reserves set up to cover future payments SRL for [requisition]: State electricity boards ( SEBs ) reduced their [requisition] of electricity from the central utility 's plants .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of electricity | ARG-M-DIR: from the central utility 's plants SRL for [partake]: Pastor Glammeyer leads the group in prayer before they [partake] of a potluck lunch including fried chicken and deviled eggs .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: of a potluck lunch including fried chicken and deviled eggs SRL for [pass up]: Gorbachev is unlikely to [pass up] the opportunity to press once again for negotiated cuts in the navies of both nations .,ARG-0: Gorbachev | ARG-1: the opportunity to press once again for negotiated cuts in the navies of both nations SRL for [developed]: Albert M. Kligman [developed] Retin - A for combating acne .,ARG-0: Albert M. Kligman | ARG-1: Retin - A | ARG-4: for combating acne "SRL for [scowled]: She [scowled] at his statement , admitting inwardly that that was probably the reason she got a headache every time she spoke to someone about childcare or daycare .",ARG-0: She | ARG-2: at his statement | ARG-M-ADV: admitting inwardly that that was probably the reason she got a headache every time she spoke to someone about childcare or daycare "SRL for [halved]: Among them are the shipbuilders , which had [halved] their shipyard work forces to cut costs during a prolonged slump in demand but now are capturing an increased share of the strengthening global market .",ARG-0: the shipbuilders | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: their shipyard work forces | ARG-M-PNC: to cut costs | ARG-M-TMP: during a prolonged slump in demand "SRL for [supercoiled]: Thus , this is the thermodynamic force experienced by plasmid DNA [supercoiled] to the x - axis intercept value .",ARG-1: plasmid DNA | ARG-6: to the x - axis intercept value "SRL for [pro - China]: Okinawa , at this time , was divided into two political factions one was pro - Japan and the other was [pro - China] .",ARG-1: the other "SRL for [flog]: These expenses create a special incentive for `` Capital City 's '' producers to [flog] it , or a Yank - oriented version of it , in America .","ARG-0: `` Capital City 's '' producers | ARG-1: it , or a Yank - oriented version of it | ARG-M-LOC: in America" SRL for [binarization]: Such [binarization] into the two major surface classes .,ARG-2: into the two major surface classes "SRL for [adequate]: Sure , it also reminds the educational community that exam - oriented education is no longer [adequate] and ca n't meet the needs of this era .",ARG-1: exam - oriented education | ARG-M-NEG: no longer SRL for [tunneled]: Engineers [tunneled] through layers of rock and sediment to build the chunnel .,ARG-0: Engineers | ARG-1: through layers of rock and sediment | ARG-M-PRP: to build the chunnel SRL for [statement]: in a written [statement],ARG-M-MNR: written SRL for [transition]: The presidential [transition],ARG-1: The presidential SRL for [wrinkled]: Herb [wrinkled] his nose with disgust .,ARG-0: Herb | ARG-1: his nose | ARG-M-MNR: with disgust SRL for [misted]: The dental mirror [misted] .,ARG-1: The dental mirror SRL for [wreck]: Program traders argue that a reinstatement of the rule would [wreck] the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: a reinstatement of the rule | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets "SRL for [screwed up]: Mr. Dahl , a registered representative in the insurance business , said he `` [screwed up] '' because he did n't realize he was breaking securities laws .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-CAU: because he did n't realize he was breaking securities laws "SRL for [has eye on ball]: Next , how could I forget ... our wonderful Alderman Tunney ... who constantly [has eye on ball] regarding how big the signs will be in Wrigley Field while his constituents get robbed and beaten outside of their homes .",ARG-0: who | ARG-M-TMP: constantly | ARG-1: regarding how big the signs will be in Wrigley Field | ARG-M-TMP: while his constituents get robbed and beaten outside of their homes "SRL for [entry]: Intel 's [entry] in the crowded market for reduced instruction set computing , or RISC , computers","ARG-0: Intel 's | ARG-1: the crowded market for reduced instruction set computing , or RISC , computers" SRL for [politicized]: Linguistic and historical conditions [politicized] Taiwanese drama .,ARG-0: Linguistic and historical conditions | ARG-1: Taiwanese drama "SRL for [homework]: Our resident sophomore , who just finished a history assignment , told me she 's behind in her [homework] for a science class .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: for a science class SRL for [moldered]: ... talents and virtue will be admired by grateful posterity long after this marble shall have [moldered] into dust .,ARG-1: this marble | ARG-2: into dust "SRL for [decorated]: The spaghetti is made by the Al Ghazel Macaroni Co. in Bethlehem and is marketed in a package [decorated] with green , black , red and white stripes .","ARG-1: a package | ARG-2: with green , black , red and white stripes" SRL for [benchsitting]: Sitting balance is slightly impaired with slight sway in [benchsitting] noted toward end of session ., "SRL for [lateral]: A partially calcified mass is immediately [lateral] to the hemorrhage , and may represent the source .",ARG-1: A partially calcified mass | ARG-M-ADV: immediately | ARG-2: to the hemorrhage SRL for [induration]: The pathogen 's [induration] of the tissue had become more intense since the treatment .,ARG-0: The pathogen 's | ARG-1: of the tissue SRL for [cowed]: Not long ago she might have [cowed] him with the look she gave him,ARG-M-TMP: Not long ago | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with the look she gave him SRL for [beat]: He lay his head against her chest to feel the [beat] of her heart .,ARG-1: of her heart SRL for [Granulate]: * [Granulate] the dry mix with the binder solution of step 2 .,ARG-1: the dry mix | ARG-2: with the binder solution of step 2 "SRL for [distraction]: This hope is something that comes from every hockey fan wanting their fix , their [distraction] from real life doldrums .",ARG-1: their | ARG-2: from real life doldrums "SRL for [immunoblotted]: In our characterization of the DOR antisera , we [immunoblotted] protein extracted from NG108-15 cells and rat spinal cord .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: protein extracted from NG108-15 cells and rat spinal cord "SRL for [triggered]: Paper and forest - products stocks were especially strong , as the offer for Great Northern Nekoosa by Georgia - Pacific [triggered] speculation that the industry could be in for a wave of merger activity .",ARG-0: the offer for Great Northern Nekoosa by Georgia - Pacific | ARG-1: speculation that the industry could be in for a wave of merger activity SRL for [fatal]: His cancer was unfortunately [fatal] .,ARG-0: His cancer | ARG-M-ADV: unfortunately "SRL for [smartened up]: For instance , she [smartened up] a hand - me - down bench with checked upholstery and stitched cardinal - red monograms on antique pillowcases .",ARG-M-DIS: For instance | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: a hand - me - down bench | ARG-2: with checked upholstery and stitched cardinal - red monograms on antique pillowcases SRL for [delights]: John [delights] in teasing Mary about her hair loss .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: in teasing Mary about her hair loss "SRL for [threading]: Often , [threading] through the overcast , he was forced to fly close to the ground by a low ceiling , skimming above the Winooski or the White River along the line of the broken railroad .",ARG-2: through the overcast | ARG-0: he "SRL for [licensing]: It was n't really a wedding , as they had n't been able to get the proper [licensing] , so they got married at City Hall earlier in the week and just re - enacted it for the reception .",ARG-M-MNR: proper "SRL for [hold]: The mouse took [hold] of the cat , the cat took hold of the dog , the dog took hold of the granddaughter , the granddaughter took hold of the old woman , the old woman took hold of the old man , the old man took hold of the turnip , they pulled and pulled -- and finally -- out came the turnip !",ARG-0: The mouse | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: of the cat SRL for [jig]: I do n't [jig] .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't "SRL for [dating]: hen i was online [dating] sites i never got any replies to my mails or reply to many , the site i used had a forum and believe it or not i think my personality came out on the forum and i had plenty of dates that way , i was never very success doing the first mail bit .",ARG-M-LOC: online SRL for [ovation]: The orchestra and conductor Jahja Ling also earned their [ovation] for a relentless Nielsen Symphony No . 5 .,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: for a relentless Nielsen Symphony No . 5 "SRL for [ban]: I hope the FA [ban] him from all matches for life , and the courts give him a suspended sentence and some kind of community service .",ARG-0: the FA | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: from all matches | ARG-M-TMP: for life SRL for [conditioning]: Complete [conditioning] to the altitude changes took some time .,ARG-M-EXT: Complete | ARG-2: to the altitude changes SRL for [self - adjusting]: ... he used the motor ... to power a [self - adjusting] easel .,ARG-0: easel "SRL for [covets]: For some at the SEC , an agency that [covets] its independence , Mr. Breeden may be too much of a Washington insider .",ARG-0: an agency | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: its independence SRL for [started]: The book [started] with a murder,ARG-1: The book | ARG-2: with a murder SRL for [provoke]: Economists say a buildup in inventories can [provoke] cutbacks in production that can lead to a recession .,ARG-0: a buildup in inventories | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: cutbacks in production that can lead to a recession SRL for [raised]: Mr. Coleman [raised] questions about Mr. Courter 's credibility . Arg0 rel Arg1,ARG-0: Mr. Coleman | ARG-1: questions about Mr. Courter 's credibility SRL for [guess]: I 'm making a [guess] .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: making SRL for [asserting]: Wives are [asserting] themselves more strongly .,ARG-0: Wives | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-M-MNR: more strongly SRL for [tall]: Six feet is [tall] for one of Santa 's elves .,ARG-2: Six feet | ARG-4: for one of Santa 's elves SRL for [race]: a horse [race] between the U.S. and Japan,ARG-3: horse | ARG-0: between the U.S. and Japan SRL for [wish]: A reinsurance company effectively insures insurance companies that [wish] to spread the risk of a particular policy .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: insurance companies | ARG-1: to spread the risk of a particular policy "SRL for [happy]: The accident was [happy] , and not without parallel ; but to attribute it to the recommendation of the Laced?monian , would be certainly ridiculous .",ARG-1: accident SRL for [anneal]: This means that the rocks are hotter than normal rocks that are being deformed by say mountian building events and so the fualts break and fracture and then some of them basically [anneal] shut again - the fracture heals its self or the rock sort of glues itself back together again .,ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: some of them | ARG-M-ADV: basically | ARG-4: shut | ARG-M-ADV: again "SRL for [proper]: What I thought was [proper] for battle , I see now is proper for love .",ARG-1: What | ARG-2: for battle SRL for [turmoil]: manufacturers stress that production has n't been affected by China 's political [turmoil] .,ARG-1: China 's | ARG-2: political "SRL for [scant]: No notable hydrologic events occurred in April , as precipitation was [scant] .",ARG-1: precipitation "SRL for [revoked]: Drexel says it does n't expect any of its state brokerage licenses will be [revoked] , and even if some are , its securities business would n't be directly hurt .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: any of its state brokerage licenses SRL for [offset]: The charges are [offset] in part by a gain from the sale of the company 's construction division .,ARG-1: The charges | ARG-M-MNR: in part | ARG-2: by a gain from the sale of the company 's construction division SRL for [boxed]: It -s [boxed] and begins a half - mile trip .,ARG-1: It "SRL for [shift]: But , they add that the mark 's strength is in part a reflection of a [shift] away from U.S. assets by Japanese investors into West German investments .",ARG-3: away from U.S. assets | ARG-0: by Japanese investors | ARG-2: into West German investments SRL for [shopping]: Dealers said the market was supported to some extent by ... [shopping] by market - makers to cover internal requirements for selected stocks in the 100 - share index .,ARG-0: by market - makers | ARG-M-PRP: to cover internal requirements for selected stocks in the 100 - share index "SRL for [disentangled]: As one designed to be a preacher of the gospel , he [disentangled] himself from the affairs of this life .",ARG-M-PRD: As one designed to be a preacher of the gospel | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: from the affairs of this life SRL for [heard]: The worst I [heard] about our Student Union President where I went to University was him flying out first class on the Student Union dime and staying at some 4 star hotel .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: The worst | ARG-2: about our Student Union President where I went to University SRL for [held]: The refund pool may not be [held] hostage,ARG-1: The refund pool | C-ARG-1: hostage SRL for [reset]: The rate on the notes will be [reset] annually to give the issue a market value of 101 .,ARG-1: The rate on the notes | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: annually | ARG-M-PNC: to give the issue a market value of 101 "SRL for [overplayed]: But comfortable among the thugs , Posada [overplayed] his hand and embarrassed his old patron , the US government .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-PRD: comfortable among the thugs | ARG-0: Posada | ARG-1: his hand "SRL for [cooperate]: First Union , with assets of about $ 32 billion , said it was disappointed by the delay but said it would [cooperate] with regulatory authorities .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: with regulatory authorities "SRL for [breakdance]: The small cousins sang "" Jingle Bells , "" while my cousin Stan and I did a [breakdance] out front .",ARG-0: my cousin Stan and I | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-M-LOC: out front SRL for [sworn]: The town 's citizens ... have [sworn] on their lives to stop it .,ARG-0: The town 's citizens | ARG-2: on their lives | ARG-1: to stop it "SRL for [nicknamed]: While Mr. Roderick was reared in the shadows of Pittsburgh 's smoking mills , Mr. Corry grew up in Cincinnati , a city [nicknamed] `` Porkapolis '' and more accustomed to pork chops than pig iron .",ARG-1: a city | ARG-2: Porkapolis SRL for [proctocolectomy]: hand - assisted [proctocolectomy],ARG-M-ADJ: hand - assisted SRL for [throwing]: Welfare and other mechanisms of redistribution under capitalism are little more than the [throwing] of crumbs at the many who otherwise suffer the worst effects of its alienation and exploitation .,ARG-1: of crumbs | ARG-2: at the many who otherwise suffer the worst effects of its alienation and exploitation SRL for [insolated]: Air being [insolated] by the sun .,ARG-1: Air | ARG-0: by the sun "SRL for [light]: He was [light] of touch , full of surprises and never staid .",ARG-1: He | ARG-2: of touch "SRL for [infringe]: SciMed said it `` remains committed '' both to the `` vigorous defense '' of its position that the catheter does n't [infringe] the Lilly unit 's patent , and to the pursuit of its own counterclaims , which allege Lilly engaged in antitrust violations and other wrongful acts .",ARG-0: the catheter | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the Lilly unit 's patent "SRL for [confront]: They [confront] stubborn inflation and a sagging economy , that is to say , stagflation .","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: stubborn inflation and a sagging economy , that is to say , stagflation" SRL for [overrepresent]: Television news programs and newspapers [overrepresent] racial minorities as crime suspects and whites as crime victims . ”,ARG-0: Television news programs and newspapers | ARG-1: racial minorities | ARG-2: as crime suspects SRL for [broadcast]: a network news [broadcast],ARG-0: network | ARG-1: news "SRL for [recognition]: but when you link this simple product together with a trademark , powerful name [recognition] , and high quality control , the result has swept the globe .",ARG-M-ADJ: powerful | ARG-1: name SRL for [re - scoped]: Dr. Matheus [re - scoped] the patient 's colon for a recurrence of polyps .,ARG-0: Dr. Matheus | ARG-1: the patient 's colon | ARG-2: for a recurrence of polyps "SRL for [crams]: Unveiled last April , the chip [crams] 1.2 million transistors on a sliver of silicon , more than four times as many as on Intel 's earlier model , 80386 .","ARG-0: the chip | ARG-1: 1.2 million transistors | ARG-2: on a sliver of silicon | ARG-M-ADV: more than four times as many as on Intel 's earlier model , 80386" "SRL for [feuding]: Mr. Tonkin , who has been [feuding] with the Big Three since he took office earlier this year , said that with half of the nation 's dealers losing money or breaking even , it was time for `` emergency action . ''",ARG-0: Mr. Tonkin | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: with the Big Three | ARG-M-TMP: since he took office earlier this year SRL for [binding]: The arbitrator 's decision shall be final and [binding] on both parties .,ARG-0: The arbitrator 's decision | ARG-M-MOD: shall | ARG-1: on both parties SRL for [glowered]: Our man stopped dead and [glowered] at Felix .,ARG-0: Our man | ARG-1: at Felix SRL for [non - blanching]: The ulcer was [non - blanching] .,ARG-1: The ulcer SRL for [submerged]: The rain has [submerged] the crop .,ARG-0: The rain | ARG-1: the crop SRL for [emphasis]: the producers ' [emphasis] on natural gas,ARG-0: the producers ' | ARG-1: on natural gas SRL for [trade]: Great efforts have been made to improve our foreign [trade] .,ARG-0: our | ARG-2: foreign SRL for [souse]: She did n't hesitate to [souse] the Old Man himself with a plate of soup .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the Old Man himself | ARG-2: with a plate of soup "SRL for [profound]: China 's wine culture is very [profound] , and there is a saying "" there is no feast without wine "" .",ARG-1: China 's wine culture | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [underperforms]: But while the merits of diversification shine through when times are tough , there 's also a price to pay : A diversified portfolio always [underperforms] an undiversified portfolio during those times when the investment in the undiversified portfolio is truly hot .",ARG-0: A diversified portfolio | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-1: an undiversified portfolio | ARG-M-TMP: during those times when the investment in the undiversified portfolio is truly hot SRL for [swallow up]: They could [swallow up] the smaller fish in the pond and merge to form a few groups .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the smaller fish in the pond SRL for [charged off]: The bank [charged off] $ 53 million in loans during the quarter .,ARG-0: The bank | ARG-1: $ 53 million in loans | ARG-M-TMP: during the quarter SRL for [conversant]: He was [conversant] with Spanish history .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: with Spanish history "SRL for [performance]: I think by any standard , his debate [performance] was very , very good .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: debate | ARG-2: very , very good" "SRL for [had]: With the full adoption of two - day weekends every other week , people in Taiwan have [had] to figure out what to do with these new days off .",ARG-M-CAU: With the full adoption of two - day weekends every other week "SRL for [name]: ... the man , whom it did not [name]",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the man | R-ARG-1: whom "SRL for [missed out]: One was that , despite his 62 regular - season wins over the past three seasons in the Land Beyond the Late News , he has been overshadowed by his more - muscular mates and [missed out] on prizes that might have been his due .",ARG-M-ADV: despite his 62 regular - season wins over the past three seasons in the Land Beyond the Late News | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: on prizes that might have been his due SRL for [sort]: Most companies still are trying to [sort] through the wreckage caused by Hurricane Hugo in the Carolinas last month .,ARG-0: Most companies | ARG-1: through the wreckage caused by Hurricane Hugo in the Carolinas last month "SRL for [deconditioning]: In 1925 Watson described his [deconditioning] of Peter , a boy with a fear of a playroom rabbit .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Peter , a boy with a fear of a playroom rabbit" SRL for [exception]: Coach 's [exception] of Nina from the mandatory dodgeball game was because of her knee injury .,ARG-0: Coach 's | ARG-1: of Nina | ARG-2: from the mandatory dodgeball game SRL for [possessed]: His answer is one `` [possessed] of a dignity in keeping with his position . '',ARG-0: one | ARG-1: of a dignity in keeping with his position "SRL for [unrepentant]: But these pirates are not only [unrepentant] in the face of the benevolence of the Chinese nation , they continue to sprinkle salt onto the wounds of the Chinese nation over and over again , exposing the scar and",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: these pirates | ARG-M-ADV: not only | ARG-M-ADV: in the face of the benevolence of the Chinese nation SRL for [concerning]: The right - sided lesion is [concerning] for carcinoma .,ARG-0: The right - sided lesion | ARG-2: for carcinoma SRL for [overpopulating]: Adoption is inadequate to prevent feral horses from [overpopulating] .,ARG-0: feral horses SRL for [fasting]: Their [fasting] during Ramadan is intended to be a sign of their faith .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-M-TMP: during Ramadan "SRL for [prey]: His giddy dream of redeeming a life of `` badly aimed bullets '' by punishing the `` real robbers '' -- the rich `` dogs '' who [prey] on the poor -- leads only to the death of innocents , and eventually to his own .",ARG-0: the rich `` dogs '' | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: on the poor SRL for [cater]: The loudest of these reformers are money managers who [cater] to smaller investors .,R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: money managers | ARG-2: to smaller investors SRL for [IDC]: Yeah I mean I 'd prolly be last resort . I got no plans for Saturday but *PRO* [IDC] bout arena football too much . If other pplwould rather go take them,ARG-1: bout arena football | ARG-M-EXT: too much SRL for [gentled]: He [gentled] his tone and touched her face .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his tone SRL for [seeded]: An airplane flew over Massachusetts and [seeded] the clouds with super - cooled ice crystals .,ARG-0: An airplane | ARG-1: the clouds | ARG-2: with super - cooled ice crystals "SRL for [rapped]: Till one day the last freight had been jumped , the last pint had been killed , the last beat had been [rapped] .",ARG-1: the last beat "SRL for [assembled]: The more you look at the parts you 've already [assembled] , the more disjointed and ugly they seem ; but it 's the parts you ca n't finish that you long for more and more , even though you know there 's precious little hope you 'll ever get them done . """,ARG-1: the parts | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-TMP: already "SRL for [deciphered]: These people , with their quiet - smiling , quiet - frowning faces , connect one instantly with the stories out of the past that may be [deciphered] from the stained glass windows on the stair - landings which deal with various aspects of early days .",ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-2: the stories out of the past | R-ARG-2: that | ARG-1: from the stained glass windows on the stair - landings which deal with various aspects of early days SRL for [lessons]: English [lessons] for the elementary grades were offered every Wednesday afternoon,ARG-1: English | ARG-2: for the elementary grades SRL for [explosion]: the [explosion] of real - estate activity,ARG-1: of real - estate activity SRL for [non existent]: Where poverty exists and educational opportunities are [non existent] ?,ARG-1: educational opportunities "SRL for [finish]: Also 100 years of the the Galibier which is being climbed twice with one side for the first time ever , i love the climbing stages , the two stand out stages for -LRB- and i am going to book time off work to watch them -RRB- are stage 18 with the mountain [finish] at Galibier and the next day just 109 km but with the Alpe Duez finish with Galibier in the middle .",ARG-1: mountain | ARG-M-LOC: at Galibier SRL for [eruption]: The [eruption] of Krakatoa began in May 1883 and culminated with the destruction of Krakatoa on 27 August 1883 .,ARG-1: of Krakatoa SRL for [screwups]: There was a virtual consumer revolt over their [screwups] of the AFC and NFC championship games .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the AFC and NFC championship games SRL for [patted]: No one [patted] the dog .,ARG-0: No one | ARG-1: the dog "SRL for [rule]: In the play , the Duke of Vienna despairs over the licentiousnessof his subjects and turns over the [rule] of the city to thepuritanical Angelo , hoping he can set things right .",ARG-1: of the city SRL for [peeped]: Mary [peeped] around the corner at John .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: at John SRL for [developed]: A problem [developed] .,ARG-2: A problem SRL for [exactions]: He was simply making extortionate [exactions] upon his wretched lessees .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-M-ADJ: extortionate | ARG-2: upon his wretched lessees SRL for [boast]: Eloff was enabled to carry out his [boast] to his fellow Boers that he would breakfast at Dixon 's Hotel the morning after the attack .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to his fellow Boers | ARG-1: that he would breakfast at Dixon 's Hotel the morning after the attack SRL for [attenuates]: Regular exercise [attenuates] the metabolic drive to regain weight,ARG-0: Regular exercise | ARG-1: the metabolic drive to regain weight "SRL for [breath]: I think we feel real good , and , you know , after that Anaheim series , I think this whole team took a deep [breath] of relief and said , Okay , we 're finally in , Let 's go out and do our thing .",ARG-0: this whole team | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-M-MNR: deep | ARG-1: of relief "SRL for [sophisticated]: That show was , for its time -LRB- 1962 - 68 -RRB- , [sophisticated] and realistic , compared to stuff like "" The Man From U.N.C.L.E. "" and "" The Saint "" which frequently bordered on the goofy .","ARG-1: That show | ARG-M-TMP: for its time -LRB- 1962 - 68 -RRB- | ARG-M-ADV: compared to stuff like "" The Man From U.N.C.L.E. "" and "" The Saint "" which frequently bordered on the goofy" SRL for [transduced]: The cell was [transduced] with bacteriophage .,ARG-1: The cell | ARG-2: with bacteriophage "SRL for [microevolved]: In an experiment , the single - celled organism Chlorella vulgaris [microevolved] into a multicellular colonial form when a predator was introduced into its environment .",ARG-M-LOC: In an experiment | ARG-1: the single - celled organism Chlorella vulgaris | ARG-2: into a multicellular colonial form | ARG-M-TMP: when a predator was introduced into its environment SRL for [cussing]: I made a break for shore and could tell by the closeness of his [cussing] that he was right behind me .,ARG-0: his "SRL for [geranylgeranylated]: The released K3 is delivered via an unknown transport system to various tissues , where it is [geranylgeranylated] to form MK-4 .",ARG-1: The released K3 | ARG-3: MK-4 SRL for [practice]: But many owners plan to [practice] frugality -- crossing out the old code and writing in the new one until their stock runs out .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: many owners | ARG-1: frugality | ARG-2: crossing out the old code and writing in the new one | ARG-M-TMP: until their stock runs out "SRL for [offerings]: The [offerings] by exxon Capital Corp , Xerox Corp , and Citicorp","ARG-0: by exxon Capital Corp , Xerox Corp , and Citicorp" "SRL for [named]: That is why they [named] that field Akeldama , which in their language means `` field of blood . '' -RRB-","ARG-M-CAU: why | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: that field | ARG-2: Akeldama , which in their language means `` field of blood" SRL for [sampled]: He said 30 % of the loans he [sampled] were `` dead meat on the day they were made . '',ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the loans SRL for [bottled up]: Democratic leaders have [bottled up] President Bush 's capital - gains tax cut in the Senate and may be able to prevent a vote on the issue indefinitely .,ARG-0: Democratic leaders | ARG-1: President Bush 's capital - gains tax cut | ARG-M-LOC: in the Senate "SRL for [besieged]: GE Chairman John Welch has been `` [besieged] with phone calls '' complaining about his unit 's program trading , according to a person close to him .",ARG-1: GE Chairman John Welch | ARG-2: with phone calls '' complaining about his unit 's program trading SRL for [imagination]: There is not a one in the bunch who would capture the [imagination] of the American people .,ARG-0: of the American people SRL for [metabolism]: normal [metabolism] in the liver,ARG-M-ADJ: normal | ARG-M-LOC: in the liver SRL for [homemake]: What gift could i [homemake] for my boyfriend ? ?,ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-0: i | ARG-1: What gift | ARG-3: for my boyfriend SRL for [disintegrate]: They would have liked eighty years ago to [disintegrate] the national administration,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the national administration "SRL for [collision]: My [collision] with Jessie over Operation Smile is an example ; I really wanted to help , even to the point of writing a letter to people in my school .",ARG-0: my | ARG-1: with Jessie | ARG-2: over Operation Smile "SRL for [segregate]: `` By encouraging massive , routine , voluntary testing we can enable society to voluntarily [segregate] itself sexually into two groups : those who carry the virus and those who do not , '' the Indianapolis research organization said in a new report .",ARG-0: society | ARG-M-MNR: voluntarily | ARG-1: itself | ARG-M-MNR: sexually | ARG-2: into two groups : those who carry the virus and those who do not "SRL for [goes]: That [goes] for Israel too , if Egypt or Syria were anything worthwhile , Israel would n't of got what they did .",ARG-1: That | ARG-M-GOL: for Israel too SRL for [welling]: Hal felt sorry for Mary ; ; he had a time keeping the tears from [welling] to his own eyes as he stood in the crowd in the observation dome .,ARG-1: the tears | ARG-2: to his own eyes SRL for [plaquing]: The patient had only mild underlying interstitial fibrosis and no pleural [plaquing] .,ARG-M-ADJ: pleural "SRL for [disobey]: But if there is no law , then there is nothing to [disobey] .",ARG-1: nothing "SRL for [making up]: In Cuba though , where President Castro had his country sit out last year 's revelry , they 'll be [making up] for it as major festivities are set .",ARG-M-LOC: In Cuba | ARG-M-ADV: though | ARG-1: they | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-2: for it | ARG-M-ADV: as major festivities are set | C-ARG-M-LOC: where President Castro had his country sit out last year 's revelry SRL for [netmailed]: Poll us via FIDO 48 hours after you [netmailed] the question .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the question SRL for [scabbing]: no wound [scabbing],ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: wound "SRL for [chortled]: Keeping the mood light , the two then chanted and [chortled] their way through some murderous polyrhythms , devised by Mr. Douglas as an alternative to Hindemith 's dry theory - teaching techniques , and then , with Mr. Gomez , soared and improvised on the composer 's tight `` Bebop Etudes . ''","ARG-M-ADV: Keeping the mood light | ARG-0: the two | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: their way | ARG-M-DIR: through some murderous polyrhythms , devised by Mr. Douglas as an alternative to Hindemith 's dry theory - teaching techniques" "SRL for [staged]: The patient was [staged] at a T3 , N0 sigmoid adenocarcinoma .","ARG-1: The patient | ARG-2: at a T3 , N0 sigmoid adenocarcinoma" SRL for [loured]: The girl [loured] at the man .,ARG-0: The girl | ARG-1: at the man SRL for [flighting]: The maximum count of birds [flighting] in at dusk was a remarkable 183 .,ARG-0: birds | ARG-M-DIR: in | ARG-M-TMP: at dusk SRL for [refinanced]: Japanese companies have [refinanced] small and medium - sized US firms for years .,ARG-0: Japanese companies | ARG-1: small and medium - sized US firms | ARG-M-TMP: for years SRL for [inefficient]: All of this is sufficient to explain why government is [inefficient] at accomplishing the things it chooses to do .,ARG-1: government | ARG-2: at accomplishing the things it chooses to do | ARG-M-CAU: why SRL for [vasoconstriction]: Local platelet activation causes [vasoconstriction] of large epicardial canine coronary arteries in vivo .,ARG-1: of large epicardial canine coronary arteries | ARG-M-LOC: in vivo "SRL for [fusses]: He [fusses] endlessly over economic statistics , dissecting them in dozens of ways , probing for hours in search of potential problems .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: endlessly | ARG-1: over economic statistics | ARG-M-ADV: dissecting them in dozens of ways | ARG-M-ADV: probing for hours in search of potential problems "SRL for [clinical]: I just felt like I was a bit [clinical] and almost rude , especially with her asking if I wanted her to come back with me .",ARG-M-EXT: a bit | ARG-M-ADV: especially with her asking if I wanted her to come back with me "SRL for [concerned]: As far as I ' m [concerned] , if a guy wants to wear a skirt and have long hair , as long as it looks good , anything goes .",ARG-1: I "SRL for [widowed]: An accident had [widowed] her , and slowly and solemnly , they were bringing him home .",ARG-0: An accident | ARG-1: her "SRL for [shrugged]: When I told the woman that she cut too much off initially , she literally just [shrugged] her shoulders at me !",ARG-M-TMP: When I told the woman that she cut too much off initially | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-ADV: literally | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: her shoulders | ARG-M-GOL: at me SRL for [conscious]: The patient was [conscious] during the whole proceeding .,ARG-1: The patient | ARG-M-TMP: during the whole proceeding SRL for [chance]: I did n't have a [chance] to speak to her .,ARG-1: to speak to her "SRL for [emitted]: Fortunately , the Hubble Space Telescope -- set to be launched on the shuttle next year in a search for distant solar systems and light [emitted] 14 billion years ago from the farthest reaches of the universe -- was moved from Sunnyvale to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at the beginning of October .",ARG-1: light | ARG-M-TMP: 14 billion years ago | ARG-M-DIR: from the farthest reaches of the universe SRL for [channelization]: Glacial [channelization],ARG-2: Glacial SRL for [swabbed]: Bluebeard [swabbed] the parrot droppings from the poop deck .,ARG-0: Bluebeard | ARG-1: the parrot droppings | ARG-2: from the poop deck SRL for [conjugated]: Today students [conjugated] the verbs querer and preferir .,ARG-M-TMP: Today | ARG-0: students | ARG-1: the verbs querer and preferir "SRL for [overbearing]: Now that he calls himself "" a prince , "" of course , he will think he is no . 1 in the world and will neglect party discipline and national law . He will be [overbearing] and endanger the local area .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [Americanized]: Mr. Falls kept the form , but [Americanized] it with Mr. Bartlett 's further help .",ARG-0: Mr. Falls | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with Mr. Bartlett 's further help SRL for [care]: I [care] for 10 patients a day,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: for 10 patients | ARG-M-TMP: a day SRL for [encouraging]: This is one of the first bids under new takeover rules aimed at [encouraging] open bids instead of gradual accumulation of large stakes .,ARG-0: new takeover rules | ARG-1: open bids instead of gradual accumulation of large stakes SRL for [spending]: Government [spending] is actually increasing .,ARG-0: Government "SRL for [autopsy]: hey find dead winos every day , maybe they wo n't even [autopsy] him for the cause of death '' .",ARG-M-ADV: maybe | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for the cause of death "SRL for [waged]: In 1986 , Baker , Nye [waged] a proxy fight for control of Leaseway Transportation Inc. that ultimately led to Leaseway 's being sold .","ARG-M-TMP: In 1986 | ARG-0: Baker , Nye | ARG-1: a proxy fight for control of Leaseway Transportation Inc. that ultimately led to Leaseway 's being sold" SRL for [punishable]: treason is [punishable] by death,ARG-2: treason | ARG-3: by death "SRL for [fit]: They also have argued that government proceedings notifying a company of potential responsibility do n't [fit] the legal definition of a lawsuit ; thus , such governmental proceedings are n't covered by the policies , the insurers say .",ARG-1: government proceedings notifying a company of potential responsibility | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: the legal definition of a lawsuit SRL for [refer]: Please [refer] to the manual for detailed instructions .,ARG-M-DIS: Please | ARG-1: to the manual | ARG-2: for detailed instructions SRL for [blacked out]: The hallucinations were too much to handle so i just [blacked out] .,ARG-0: i | ARG-M-ADV: just SRL for [distrust]: But Torrio and Capone had graver cause to hate and [distrust] the Irishman .,ARG-1: the Irishman | ARG-M-PRP: graver cause | ARG-0: Torrio and Capone SRL for [torpedo]: Such an offer could [torpedo] a plan by Lion Nathan Ltd. of New Zealand to acquire half the brewing interests .,ARG-0: Such an offer | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: a plan by Lion Nathan Ltd. of New Zealand to acquire half the brewing interests SRL for [sacrifice]: Perhaps he is willing to [sacrifice] to the arbitrage trader some small profit in order to get quick and certain execution of his large trade .,ARG-0: he | ARG-2: to the arbitrage trader | ARG-1: some small profit | ARG-M-PRP: in order to get quick and certain execution of his large trade SRL for [swimming]: John 's head was [swimming] from the amount of coffee he 'd drunk that morning .,ARG-1: John 's head | ARG-2: from the amount of coffee he 'd drunk that morning "SRL for [shoot down , '']: `` Ideas are going over borders , and there 's no SDI ideological weapon that can [shoot down , ''] he told a group of Americans at the U.S. Embassy on Wednesday .",ARG-2: he | ARG-0: no SDI ideological weapon | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: them SRL for [sunburned]: I [sunburned] my arms .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my arms SRL for [blow]: This crater is the result of a [blow] to the earth 's surface by a meteor .,ARG-1: to the earth 's surface | ARG-0: by a meteor "SRL for [centered]: The current educational mantra is "" student [centered] learning , "" and the teacher 's role is extremely important .",ARG-2: student | ARG-1: learning SRL for [collapse]: With their [collapse] of a communal framework people can no longer defeat the feelings of insecurity and uncertainty by belonging to a compact whole .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of a communal framework "SRL for [right]: Anonymous 6:37 , You have every [right] to live in the country if that 's where you wish to live .",ARG-M-DIS: Anonymous 6:37 | ARG-1: You | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-2: to live in the country | ARG-M-ADV: if that 's where you wish to live SRL for [seepage]: fecal [seepage],ARG-1: fecal "SRL for [drape]: Richard Winger , a partner at Boston Consulting Group , adds : `` It 's very popular *trace* to [drape] yourself in the flag these days .",ARG-1: yourself | ARG-2: in the flag SRL for [scented]: His perfume [scented] the streets he walked through .,ARG-2: His perfume | ARG-1: the streets he walked through "SRL for [seduce]: The paper accused him of being a leading proponent of `` peaceful evolution , '' a catch phrase to describe what China believes is the policy of Western countries to [seduce] socialist nations into the capitalist sphere .",ARG-0: Western countries | ARG-1: socialist nations | ARG-2: into the capitalist sphere SRL for [awesome]: he was [awesome] with his cane and hat .,ARG-0: he | ARG-2: with his cane and hat "SRL for [turn over]: Such is his reputation among the East Bay Bashers that when he hit his first career home run last season , the fan who caught it agreed to [turn over] to him in return for an autograph .",ARG-0: the fan who caught it | ARG-1: the ball | ARG-2: to him | ARG-3: in return for an autograph "SRL for [rearrange]: Economic experts analysis say this shows that many multinational companies progressively think more highly of the political and economic situation in China and even Shanghai , and have begun to [rearrange] their overall operational strategy in China , turning gradually from the scattered , non - systematic and individual investment of the early period to the comparatively large - scaled , systematized investment , and from building production bases to implementing integrated development of products at all levels - high , middle and low .","ARG-0: many multinational companies | ARG-1: their overall operational strategy in China | ARG-M-PRD: turning gradually from the scattered , non - systematic and individual investment of the early period to the comparatively large - scaled , systematized investment , and from building production bases to implementing integrated development of products at all levels - high , middle and low" "SRL for [bonds]: The presence of mainland China is what [bonds] Taiwan and Macau , yet it is also what keeps them apart .",ARG-0: what | ARG-1: Taiwan and Macau SRL for [cure]: Researchers ' possible [cure] for the disease,ARG-0: Researchers ' | ARG-M-ADJ: possible | ARG-2: for the disease SRL for [stridulated]: The crickets [stridulated] their everlasting monotonous note .,ARG-0: The crickets SRL for [complement]: The maker of telecommunications and defense equipment said Carol Cable 's portfolio and market focus would [complement] the company 's current wire and cable businesses .,ARG-1: Carol Cable 's portfolio and market focus | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: the company 's current wire and cable businesses SRL for [stoned]: John [stoned] the peaches .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the peaches "SRL for [chimed]: Lights flickered on and off ; plaster dropped from the ceiling , the walls still shook and an evacuation alarm [chimed] outside .",ARG-0: an evacuation alarm | ARG-M-LOC: outside "SRL for [plunking]: Still , most consumers are n't [plunking] black - and - white film into their cameras to take family snapshots .",ARG-M-DIS: Still | ARG-0: most consumers | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: black - and - white film | ARG-2: into their cameras | ARG-M-PNC: to take family snapshots SRL for [governance]: The G3 have the capacity to exert economic [governance] over ? financial markets but choose not to for reasons of ideology and economic interest .,ARG-2: economic | ARG-1: over ? financial markets SRL for [Lour]: [Lour] to six ounces of white fish or seafood .,ARG-2: to six ounces of white fish or seafood "SRL for [foggy]: If you are still [foggy] about Cloud Technology , do n't feel too badly .",ARG-1: you | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-2: about Cloud Technology "SRL for [ice skate]: Hard to [ice skate] on water , ski when there 's no snow , or ice fish when there 's no ice !",ARG-M-LOC: on water SRL for [dialyse]: He called the attending and said they could not [dialyse] the patient because his graft had clotted .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the patient | ARG-M-CAU: because his graft had clotted SRL for [protection]: Everything you 've ever wanted to know about the use of personal [protection] with firearms in the home,ARG-1: personal | ARG-3: with firearms | ARG-M-LOC: in the home "SRL for [loosened up]: This corporate glasnost is a big reason Nissan , after years of making lackluster cars and lousy profits , has [loosened up] its rigid ways and now is riding a string of hits , ranging from the sleek Maxima sedan and Porsche - like 300ZX to the whimsically nostalgic Pao , a minicar sold only in Japan .",ARG-0: Nissan | ARG-M-TMP: after years of making lackluster cars and lousy profits | ARG-1: its rigid ways SRL for [teetering]: But for an ailing savings - and - loan association -- [teetering] on insolvency -- it can lead to safety from imminent demise and to a future full of promise .,ARG-1: an ailing savings - and - loan association | ARG-M-LOC: on insolvency SRL for [opened]: Texas Instruments Inc. [opened] a plant in South Korea to manufacture control devices .,ARG-0: Texas Instruments Inc. | ARG-1: a plant | ARG-M-LOC: in South Korea | ARG-M-PNC: to manufacture control devices SRL for [matched]: The architect [matched] the wallpaper with the paint,ARG-0: The architect | ARG-1: the wallpaper | ARG-2: with the paint "SRL for [confined]: Arbitrage - related trading during the session was [confined] largely to a round of buy programs near the close , which helped offset the impact of profit - taking among blue chips .","ARG-1: Arbitrage - related trading during the session | ARG-M-ADV: largely | ARG-2: to a round of buy programs near the close , which helped offset the impact of profit - taking among blue chips" SRL for [plot]: a right - wing [plot] aimed at ousting PASOK and thwarting the courseof socialism in Greece,ARG-0: right - wing "SRL for [responsibility]: It is my daughter 's [responsibility] to empty the dishwasher , but I always have to ask her ten times .",ARG-0: my daughter 's | ARG-1: to empty the dishwasher "SRL for [navigate]: The Federal Reserve Board 's plan for a `` soft landing , '' he says , requires the Fed to [navigate] `` an ever - narrowing corridor . ''",ARG-0: the Fed | ARG-2: an ever - narrowing corridor SRL for [veneered]: But what threw me is the fact that they [veneered] the inside of the box too .,ARG-0: they | ARG-2: the inside of the box | ARG-M-DIS: too "SRL for [stop]: Trooper Ecker initiated his [stop] of Lockhart 's vehicle on a "" hunch . """,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Lockhart 's vehicle SRL for [drop by]: Maybe she could [drop by] at the Metropolitan Opera .,ARG-M-DIS: Maybe | ARG-1: she | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-4: at the Metropolitan Opera SRL for [devaluation]: a 90 % [devaluation] of the ruble against the dollar for private transactions .,ARG-M-EXT: 90 % | ARG-1: of the ruble | ARG-M-ADJ: against the dollar | ARG-M-GOL: for private transactions SRL for [joined up]: Soong [joined up] with a political novice with neither wealth nor mobilizing capability .,ARG-0: Soong | ARG-1: with a political novice with neither wealth nor mobilizing capability "SRL for [disrupted]: Since commercial airline flights were [disrupted] , the company chartered three planes to fly these executives back to the West Coast and bring along portable computers , cellular phones and some claims adjusters .",ARG-1: commercial airline flights "SRL for [petted]: She [petted] him happily , looking down at his face .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-ADV: happily | ARG-M-ADV: looking down at his face "SRL for [ignited]: Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson views the high rates as his chief weapon against inflation , which was [ignited] by tax cuts and loose credit policies in 1986 and 1987 .",ARG-1: inflation | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-0: by tax cuts and loose credit policies | ARG-M-TMP: in 1986 and 1987 "SRL for [fast]: During Ramadan , faithful Muslims [fast] .",ARG-M-TMP: During Ramadan | ARG-0: faithful Muslims SRL for [prepared]: She had n't [prepared] her low - ability geography students adequately .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: her low - ability geography students | ARG-M-MNR: adequately SRL for [rental]: car [rental],ARG-1: car SRL for [surged]: ... when the US currency temporarily [surged] above the 150 yen level .,ARG-1: the US currency | ARG-M-TMP: temporarily | ARG-4: above the 150 yen level SRL for [claim]: Her [claim] to fame is that she can recite the entire works of Shakespeare .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: to fame SRL for [heeled]: The dancers [heeled] a jig .,ARG-0: The dancers | ARG-1: a jig "SRL for [arrange]: Security Pacific , meanwhile , said it expects to [arrange] $ 430 million in bank loans for Vitro .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: $ 430 million in bank loans | ARG-3: for Vitro "SRL for [hotspotted]: I rooted and [hotspotted] the phone relatively soon after buying it , seemingly without any problems",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the phone | ARG-M-TMP: relatively soon after buying it | ARG-M-MNR: seemingly without any problems SRL for [Translation]: [Translation] out of hype - speak : some kook made threatening noises at Brownback and got arrested . The end .,ARG-3: out of hype - speak SRL for [abysmal]: EPS of patients treated between 1975 and 85 was [abysmal] at 8.5 percent which has increased to 45 percent 2 - year - EFS in the recent analysis .,ARG-1: EPS of patients treated between 1975 and 85 | ARG-2: at 8.5 percent which has increased to 45 percent 2 - year - EFS in the recent analysis SRL for [cystic]: The tumor was [cystic] and contained atheromatous materials .,ARG-1: The tumor "SRL for [unforgettable]: The woes inflicted by "" Taiwan independence "" guidelines on the Taiwanese people are [unforgettable] .","ARG-1: The woes inflicted by "" Taiwan independence "" guidelines on the Taiwanese people" SRL for [consummated]: While he was employed by defendant they [consummated] two deals and divided the commissions .,ARG-M-TMP: While he was employed by defendant | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: two deals SRL for [promotion]: Sailors ' [promotion] in rank,ARG-1: Sailors ' | ARG-M-MNR: in rank "SRL for [patronize]: Perhaps , considering the value of our time , we will be unable to [patronize] their establishments in the post - Hugo era .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: their establishments SRL for [satellited]: He [satellited] the footage to New York .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the footage | ARG-2: to New York SRL for [tall]: How [tall] is the H ?,ARG-2: How | ARG-1: the H "SRL for [rotating]: It 's such a beautiful and historic location , but they are just going to stick up a bridge there , and they are even talking about having a [rotating] restaurant on top ! """,ARG-1: restaurant SRL for [challenge]: Will the heavyweight champion accept this [challenge] from the young Bulgarian fighter ?,ARG-0: from the young Bulgarian fighter SRL for [Devastating]: [Devastating] Critique of the Arab World by One of Its Own,ARG-2: Critique SRL for [polls]: Now the Tories are facing the unpopularity of government and Labour are ahead on the opinion [polls] .,ARG-2: opinion SRL for [foreshortening]: with a [foreshortening] of the the image by the same proportion,ARG-1: of the the image | ARG-2: by the same proportion SRL for [copy]: Do it prior to the [copy] of data into each of the files .,ARG-1: of data | ARG-2: into each of the files SRL for [pressing]: The [pressing] of time,ARG-0: of time SRL for [misted]: Perfume [misted] the air .,ARG-2: Perfume | ARG-1: the air "SRL for [Getting]: [Getting] to and from the airport in coming weeks may be theproblem , however .",ARG-2: to and from the airport | ARG-M-TMP: in coming weeks "SRL for [writing]: Given his penchant for book [writing] , it is suprising that none of the masters of scandal survival have yet published a guide to the art .",ARG-1: book "SRL for [mow]: Bailiffs claimed they were required to chauffeur him to and from work , [mow] his lawn , chop his wood , fix his car and even drop by his house to feed his two grown mutts , Dixie and Husky .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: his lawn "SRL for [cotton]: Some liberals do n't much [cotton] to "" uppity "" blacks like Powell , Thomas and Rice confronting racial discrimination and outright racism and leaving the plantation of dependency on white liberals and achieving the great things they are capable of .","ARG-0: Some liberals | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: much | ARG-1: to "" uppity "" blacks like Powell , Thomas and Rice confronting racial discrimination and outright racism and leaving the plantation of dependency on white liberals and achieving the great things they are capable of" SRL for [vetted]: Who has actually [vetted] him for his constitutionality to be a valid president ?,ARG-0: Who | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for his constitutionality to be a valid president "SRL for [mulched]: In the first year , she [mulched] her tomatoes with salt hay .",ARG-M-TMP: In the first year | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her tomatoes | ARG-2: with salt hay SRL for [run afoul]: If you keep stealing you 'll [run afoul] of the police,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: of the police "SRL for [descended]: District police in 1983 [descended] on his suburban home , which he and his large family used as both residence and factory , and demanded proof the house and equipment were his .","ARG-0: District police | ARG-M-TMP: in 1983 | ARG-1: on his suburban home , which he and his large family used as both residence and factory" SRL for [fall]: You took the [fall] for us .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-2: for us SRL for [was moiling]: A band of clouds [was moiling] toward the horizon as steadily as a conveyor belt .,ARG-1: A band of clouds | ARG-2: toward the horizon | ARG-M-MNR: as steadily as a conveyor belt SRL for [sustain]: He predicted that the most popular growth companies will be those with `` some kind of unique product or franchise '' that makes them appear able to [sustain] their momentum .,ARG-0: them | ARG-1: their momentum SRL for [transplanted]: Mary 's sense of fair play was [transplanted] from Adolf Hitler .,ARG-1: Mary 's sense of fair play | ARG-3: from Adolf Hitler SRL for [crazy]: I told my sister she was [crazy] to get a puppy when she had her baby .,ARG-1: she | ARG-M-TMP: when she had her baby | C-ARG-1: to get a puppy SRL for [banging]: I get the impression she likes you and is maybe looking for something a little bit serious than occasional [banging] ..,ARG-M-TMP: occasional SRL for [triggered off]: The assassination of the Lebanese Minister of Industry has [triggered off] angry protests from supporters .,ARG-0: The assassination of the Lebanese Minister of Industry | ARG-1: angry protests from supporters "SRL for [tanning]: He witnessed the daily craft - making of his mother and grandmother , their sewing of moccasins , their [tanning] of hides .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of hides SRL for [inched]: John [inched] the car forward .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the car | ARG-5: forward "SRL for [peace]: When all the kings who were vassals of Hadadezer saw that they had been routed by Israel , they made [peace] with the Israelites and became subject to them .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: with the Israelites SRL for [naturalized]: Some felt that it would be more difficult to become [naturalized] citizens from now on .,ARG-1: citizens SRL for [link]: Analysts noted yesterday that Cray Research 's decision to [link] its $ 98.3 million promissory note to Mr. Cray 's presence will complicate a valuation of the new company .,ARG-0: Research | ARG-1: its $ 98.3 million promissory note | ARG-2: to Mr. Cray 's presence "SRL for [broke out]: When civil war [broke out] in Spain , Hitler and Mussolini lent military support to the Nationalist rebels , led by General Francisco Franco .",ARG-1: civil war | ARG-M-LOC: in Spain "SRL for [fathered]: And if we grant him the mental age of an 11 - year - old who has nonetheless conventionally [fathered] two children , Michael is then a child trapped in an adult body .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: an 11 - year - old | ARG-M-ADV: nonetheless | ARG-M-MNR: conventionally | ARG-1: two children "SRL for [victory]: Ford officials , for example , crowed about their first - ever Tokyo Grand Prix racing [victory] .",ARG-0: their | ARG-M-TMP: first - ever | ARG-2: Tokyo Grand Prix racing SRL for [objection]: The plaintiff did not thereby give up her [objection] to the judge 's failure to disqualify Mr. Seivert .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: to the judge 's failure to disqualify Mr. Seivert SRL for [whitewash]: It is also miles from the truth : a [whitewash] of history,ARG-1: of history SRL for [pneumatize]: The intrathoracic diverticula of the saccus inter- clavicularis [pneumatize] the sternum and the sterno - costal bones ;,ARG-0: The intrathoracic diverticula of the saccus inter- clavicularis | ARG-1: the sternum and the sterno - costal bones "SRL for [looting]: They brag over their [looting] of a grave , and removal of an almost 100 year old skeleton .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of an almost 100 year old skeleton SRL for [ramified]: ... an increasing diversity of broken symmetries in the universe creates the diversity of structures and processes that can constitute and identify [ramified] and ramifying sources of energy ...,ARG-1: sources "SRL for [sniffled]: The elephant [sniffled] , but did n't catch pneumonia .",ARG-0: The elephant SRL for [funny]: You guys are [funny] .,ARG-1: You guys SRL for [demand]: Sun to meet [demand] for its newest computers,ARG-1: for its newest computers SRL for [hemoptysis]: Denies [hemoptysis] ., SRL for [housekeep]: GSD should not [housekeep] the thumbnails .,ARG-0: GSD | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the thumbnails "SRL for [fatiguing]: The humiliation of being unrecognized as a part of the international community , the repressiveness of martial law , and the frustrations of a [fatiguing] life had built up the emotions in Taiwanese society to a boiling point .",ARG-0: life SRL for [comments]: reported analysts ' [comments] that the publishing company 's earnings would be down,ARG-0: analysts ' | ARG-1: that the publishing company 's earnings would be down SRL for [Coarse]: [Coarse] rhonchi at bilateral bases but no crackles .,ARG-1: rhonchi "SRL for [cast]: But in fact , as early as the reign of the Western Han 's Xuan Di , the minister in charge of agriculture , Geng Shouchang , is recorded as having "" an astronomical device [cast] of bronze , with which to map the heavens . """,ARG-1: an astronomical device | ARG-2: of bronze | ARG-M-ADV: with which to map the heavens "SRL for [unoccupied]: Please understand one truth . We have a 4 - 2 - 1 demographic structure in China , which means more and more homes will be [unoccupied] . By that time , those we suffer are the ones who take out a mortgage",ARG-1: more homes | ARG-M-MOD: will SRL for [handy]: He is [handy] with a gun .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: with a gun "SRL for [broad]: His shoulders were [broad] , his forearms were nearly as large as his upper arms and he had a thick neck , a barrel chest and a huge frame .",ARG-1: His shoulders SRL for [replete]: will [replete] potassium,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: potassium SRL for [precautionary]: In his [precautionary] tale 1984 George Orwell anticipated the use of television as an instrument of totalitarian social engineering,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: tale 1984 SRL for [circuit]: a new eight - team pro sports [circuit],ARG-M-TMP: new | ARG-1: pro sports "SRL for [approve]: Traditionally , the medical establishment has waited two years to [approve] adult treatments for pediatric uses , because of a compbination of conservative safety standards and red tape .",ARG-0: the medical establishment | ARG-1: adult treatments | ARG-2: for pediatric uses "SRL for [crowbarred]: It was directed solely to the law by which Congress [crowbarred] the words "" under God "" into the Pledge back into the 1950s .","ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: the words "" under God "" | ARG-2: into the Pledge | ARG-3: by which | ARG-M-TMP: back into the 1950s" "SRL for [reeling]: For , just as Mr. Giuliani latches on to an issue that has Mr. Dinkins [reeling] , ...",ARG-1: Mr. Dinkins "SRL for [repeat]: We need fair and just immigration reform , not a [repeat] of history .",ARG-1: of history "SRL for [avenge]: Gunmen in Lebanon assassinated a Saudi Arabian Embassy employee , and the pro - Iranian Islamic Jihad took responsibility for the slaying to [avenge] the beheading of 16 terrorists by Riyadh 's government in September .",ARG-0: the slaying | ARG-1: the beheading of 16 terrorists by Riyadh 's government in September "SRL for [caught on]: And , with many of his 70,000 workers , Mr. Smith 's damn - the - torpedoes attitude has [caught on] .","ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-2: with many of his 70,000 workers | ARG-1: Mr. Smith 's damn - the - torpedoes attitude" "SRL for [genuine]: To think the Tea Party is [genuine] in it 's pursuit to save the country from "" our oppressors "" when EVERY move they propose is a basic tenet to strengthen the status quo .","ARG-1: the Tea Party | ARG-2: in it 's pursuit to save the country from "" our oppressors """ SRL for [fungus]: Another problem is that sometimes bad eggs will [fungus] and the fungus will spread out and kill all the eggs .,ARG-M-TMP: sometimes | ARG-1: bad eggs | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [conveyancing]: Their role in the property buying process is similar to that of the English solicitor , in as much as the Notaire is responsible for the [conveyancing] of the property from the present owner to you .",ARG-1: of the property | ARG-2: from the present owner | ARG-3: to you SRL for [conditioning]: Pavlov 's [conditioning] of his dogs is detailed in every introductory psychology text .,ARG-0: Pavlov 's | ARG-1: of his dogs "SRL for [toughen]: The White House has likewise avoided any involvement in Florida 's recent special legislative session on abortion , which anti - abortion forces had regarded as a key test of their ability to get state lawmakers to [toughen] abortion restrictions .",ARG-0: state lawmakers | ARG-1: abortion restrictions "SRL for [barred]: Temple added that Sea Containers is still mired in legal problems in Bermuda , where the Supreme Court has temporarily [barred] Sea Containers from buying back its own stock in a case brought by Stena and Tiphook .",ARG-0: the Supreme Court | ARG-M-TMP: temporarily | ARG-1: Sea Containers | ARG-2: from buying back its own stock | ARG-M-LOC: in a case brought by Stena and Tiphook "SRL for [antagonistic]: To achieve the project objective , it is vital to find a way to isolate and estimate the functional group that is [antagonistic] to R. solani AG 1 .",ARG-1: that | ARG-2: to R. solani AG 1 SRL for [erected]: The Big Board said carpenters quickly [erected] a new options floor to accomodate 40 traders from the Pacific exchange .,ARG-0: carpenters | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: a new options floor to accomodate 40 traders from the Pacific exchange SRL for [shrink]: Although the company could see fourth - quarter revenue [shrink] by nearly $ 5 billion ...,ARG-1: fourth - quarter revenue | ARG-2: by nearly $ 5 billion SRL for [murders]: [murders] by repeat offenders who torture their victims,ARG-0: by repeat offenders who torture their victims SRL for [cracked]: The newspaper boys [cracked] jokes and again Barco 's pride was aroused .,ARG-0: The newspaper boys | ARG-1: jokes SRL for [fundoplication]: We identified all Veterans Affairs ( VA ) patients with GERD who had [fundoplication] between 1986 and 1990,ARG-1: who | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-TMP: between 1986 and 1990 SRL for [Permissive]: Americans are Increasingly [Permissive] of Domestic Spying,ARG-0: Americans | ARG-M-EXT: Increasingly | ARG-1: of Domestic Spying "SRL for [illegitimate]: I would argue that any law that I judge to be unjust is inherently [illegitimate] and thus I have no moral obligation to follow it or consider it to be a moral principle , nor would I use it to guide my decision making in any more than potentially in a practical sense .",ARG-1: any law that I judge to be unjust | ARG-M-MNR: inherently SRL for [research]: audience [research],ARG-1: audience "SRL for [yield]: The Canadian government announced a new , 12 - year Canada Savings Bond issue that will [yield] investors 10.5 % in the first year .","R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a new , 12 - year Canada Savings Bond issue | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: investors | ARG-1: 10.5 % | ARG-M-TMP: in the first year" "SRL for [circled]: As a police helicopter [circled] overhead , Mr. Sisulu repeated the ANC 's demands on the government ...",ARG-0: a police helicopter | ARG-M-LOC: overhead "SRL for [objection]: In her [objection] to the judge , Mrs. Steele demanded to know who Fairfax 's accomplices are so she can protect herself from them .",ARG-0: her | ARG-M-GOL: to the judge SRL for [of age]: the approximately 54 million children [of age] to attend primary or secondary level schools,ARG-1: the approximately 54 million children | ARG-3: to attend primary or secondary level schools "SRL for [defined]: The area around the needle localization was [defined] by a brown - tan area , 3.0 cm x 2.1 cm .","ARG-1: The area around the needle localization | ARG-2: by a brown - tan area , 3.0 cm x 2.1 cm" "SRL for [muddle up]: Then , you would not [muddle up] everything for the common people .",ARG-M-DIS: Then | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: everything | ARG-M-GOL: for the common people "SRL for [ejected]: The personal antics of agency Director Amadou - Mahtar M'Bow drew much attention , such as when several of his top aides were uncovered as KGB plants and [ejected] from France and when a mysterious office fire was set just before Congress sent accountants to trace U.S. funds .",ARG-1: several of his top aides | ARG-2: from France "SRL for [address]: In the run - up to the US presidential election , there has been an effort by anti - Communist forces in the US to "" demonize "" China , and Jiang 's [address] to the UN - which was very friendly in tone and was delivered in English - is widely believed to have effectively improved the negative image of China in the US .",ARG-0: Jiang 's | ARG-2: to the UN | ARG-M-ADJ: which was very friendly in tone and was delivered in English "SRL for [major]: ... your credit card bill is going to be [major] after the game , ...",ARG-1: your credit card bill "SRL for [fainting]: One writer , signing his letter as `` Red - blooded , balanced male , '' remarked on the `` frequency of women [fainting] in peals , '' and suggested that they `` settle back into their traditional role of making tea at meetings . ''",ARG-0: women | ARG-M-LOC: in peals "SRL for [confounded]: Travelers entering from the desert were [confounded] by what must have seemed an illusion : a great garden filled with nightingales and roses , cut by canals and terraced promenades , studded with water tanks of turquoise tile in which were reflected the glistening blue curves of a hundred domes .","ARG-1: Travelers entering from the desert | ARG-0: by what must have seemed an illusion : a great garden filled with nightingales and roses , cut by canals and terraced promenades , studded with water tanks of turquoise tile in which were reflected the glistening blue curves of a hundred domes" SRL for [lashing]: The State Department denied asylum to a Vietnamese man who escaped from his homeland by [lashing] himself to the rudder housing of a tanker for two days in monsoon seas .,ARG-0: a Vietnamese man | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: to the rudder housing of a tanker | ARG-M-TMP: for two days in monsoon seas "SRL for [advanced]: Tokyu Group , Mitsubishi Estates , and Bridgestone / Firestone 's deal [advanced] Tuesday .","ARG-1: Tokyu Group , Mitsubishi Estates , and Bridgestone / Firestone 's deal | ARG-M-TMP: Tuesday" "SRL for [CLAIMED]: I certainly encourage people to claim in the event [*0*]-2 [the cover]-1 could not be [CLAIMED] on *-1 [*T*-2] , or if they were not told about it and it was not mentioned in their documents -LRB- sometimes it s sold as an after agreement cover , ie when you activate the card , they sell it to you then as a separate thing , but some people were just told they had to have it , which was wrong -RRB- , but I do nt like this idea of people basically trying to steal money from the lender by making false claims .",ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [ebbs]: Mr. Greenberg , noting that stock - index arbitrage rises and [ebbs] with stock market 's volatility , said ...",ARG-1: stock - index arbitrage | ARG-M-CAU: with stock market 's volatility SRL for [exchange]: an [exchange] of its common shares for all the shares of Urban Telephone,ARG-1: of its common shares | ARG-3: for all the shares of Urban Telephone SRL for [kept]: The Herald [kept] its old - time Hearst readership .,ARG-0: The Herald | ARG-1: its old - time Hearst readership "SRL for [universal]: I jumped around listening to the usual suspects ' appraisal of this commercial from last night 's game and it was fairly [universal] that Republicans -LRB- the talking heads , not the voters -RRB- hated this commercial and the Democrats loved it .","ARG-M-EXT: fairly | ARG-1: that Republicans -LRB- the talking heads , not the voters -RRB- hated this commercial and the Democrats loved it" SRL for [exterminating]: How exactly does one go about * [exterminating] the millennium bug *T* ?,ARG-1: the millennium bug "SRL for [bifurcate]: Suffice it to say that if this were a New York Yankees - Mets series , or one between the Chicago Cubs and White Sox ( hey , it 's possible ) , you 'd need uniformed police in every other seat to separate opposing fans , and only the suicidal would [bifurcate] their bonnets .",ARG-0: only the suicidal | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: their bonnets "SRL for [surface]: Great Northern surged 20 1/8 to 62 7/8 , well above Georgia - Pacific 's offering price of $ 58 a share , amid speculation that other suitors for the company would [surface] or that the bid would be raised .",ARG-1: other suitors for the company | ARG-M-MOD: would "SRL for [irresponsible]: He was [irresponsible] with their money , and had significantly overdrawn their bank account because of his spending habits .",ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: with their money SRL for [go]: A lot of people would like to [go] back to 1970 .,ARG-1: A lot of people | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-4: to 1970 SRL for [forecasting]: economic [forecasting],ARG-1: economic SRL for [corrupt]: There is no point in having a booming economy if the country is socially [corrupt] .,ARG-1: the country | ARG-3: socially SRL for [to vulgarize]: The drunkard tends [to vulgarize] .,ARG-0: The drunkard SRL for [censor]: The most ruthless dictatorships have not censored their press more brutally than the drug mafias [censor] Colombia 's .,ARG-0: the drug mafias | ARG-1: Colombia 's SRL for [rattle off]: She can still [rattle off] a tale or two .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: a tale or two SRL for [brittleness]: Using the [brittleness] of materials as a mechanical property .,ARG-1: of materials "SRL for [guidance]: provided [guidance] on cleaning , disinfection , and other control measures to the nursery","ARG-2: on cleaning , disinfection , and other control measures" SRL for [quested]: The animal [quested] through the forest .,ARG-0: The animal | ARG-2: through the forest SRL for [lovely]: What is [lovely] to me is ugly to you .,ARG-1: What | ARG-2: to me SRL for [beguiled]: Mary [beguiled] John of his money .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-2: John | ARG-1: of his money "SRL for [run]: In the long [run] ,",ARG-M-ADJ: long "SRL for [overdosing]: It 's a bizarre and totally inappropriate reaction , all to add more pizzazz to a script that 's already [overdosing] on pizzazz .",ARG-0: a script | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: on pizzazz SRL for [rating]: Al Gore 's favorability [rating] is slipping,ARG-1: Al Gore 's | ARG-3: favorability SRL for [plopped]: Slater [plopped] the girl down on a pile of large pillows in the corner .,ARG-0: Slater | ARG-1: the girl | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-2: on a pile of large pillows in the corner SRL for [metastasized]: John 's tumor [metastasized] to his liver .,ARG-1: John 's tumor | ARG-2: to his liver "SRL for [behaving]: So far as we can see only two persons are [behaving] with a dignity recognizing the seriousness of the issues : Mr. Lawson and Sir Alan Walters , the counterpoint of the Chancellor 's difficulties , who also resigned as personal adviser to Mrs. Thatcher .",ARG-M-ADV: So far as we can see | ARG-0: only two persons | ARG-1: with a dignity recognizing the seriousness of the issues "SRL for [falling out]: But spokesmen for both Mr. Isler and Mr. Conner say the formation of the new syndicate has to do with Mr. Isler 's desire to skipper his own team and begin planning now , rather than any [falling out] between the two sportsmen .",ARG-1: between the two sportsmen SRL for [blast]: the Nairobi US embassy bomb [blast],ARG-2: Nairobi US embassy | ARG-1: bomb SRL for [modifies]: Sea Containers said the offer will proceed after the Bermuda Supreme Court lifts or [modifies] an interim injunction restraining the company from buying its shares .,ARG-0: the Bermuda Supreme Court | ARG-1: an interim injunction restraining the company from buying its shares SRL for [in aftermath]: A writer shares her feelings and experiences [in aftermath] of a traumatic event .,ARG-2: her feelings and experiences | ARG-1: of a traumatic event SRL for [wreathed]: The figure was [wreathed] in an extraordinary luminescence .,ARG-1: The figure | ARG-2: in an extraordinary luminescence SRL for [spackled]: David Starkey slapped the fat lad and made him do press - ups until he [spackled] the walls with regurgitated Snickers bars .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the walls | ARG-2: with regurgitated Snickers bars SRL for [snuffling]: Stop [snuffling] and fix the problem !, SRL for [sentence]: A prison [sentence] of less than three years,ARG-2: prison | ARG-4: of less than three years SRL for [muted]: Also ... it 's remarkable how [muted] the Forum wingnuts are about all this .,ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: the Forum wingnuts | ARG-M-ADV: about all this SRL for [onset]: # 5 Colon cancer at young - [onset] age, SRL for [culpable]: Elected Democrats were [culpable] for the Iraq War also .,ARG-1: Elected Democrats | ARG-2: for the Iraq War | ARG-M-DIS: also "SRL for [instructed]: Jamaica , wary of upsetting its Caribbean Basin allies , has apparently [instructed] its lobbyist to abandon the provision initially drafted by Mr. Gray , but the greater question is whether Mr. Inouye , who has strong ties to the sugar industry , is able to insert a claim by the Philippines .","ARG-0: Jamaica , wary of upsetting its Caribbean Basin allies | ARG-M-ADV: apparently | ARG-1: its lobbyist | ARG-2: to abandon the provision initially drafted by Mr. Gray" SRL for [bounce]: Rosetta imaged Philae during its descent -- and after its [bounce] .,ARG-1: its "SRL for [plunge]: `` You may have to sell your stocks at a time when the market takes a [plunge] , '' says Mr. Blankenship , a Del Mar , Calif. financial planner .",ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-LVB: takes | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [trucked]: When boats were being loaded with plaster from the mill , he usually [trucked] the plaster from the mill to the boat .",ARG-M-TMP: When boats were being loaded with plaster from the mill | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: usually | ARG-1: the plaster | ARG-M-DIR: from the mill | ARG-M-GOL: to the boat SRL for [howled]: John [howled] at the moon .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: at the moon "SRL for [erode]: Such selling could [erode] prices of high - yield junk bonds , already weakened by a rash of corporate credit problems .","ARG-0: Such selling | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: prices of high - yield junk bonds , already weakened by a rash of corporate credit problems" "SRL for [slipcovered]: The big , cushiony sofa was [slipcovered] in sturdy washable duck so that the many grandchildren could play with abandon and not ruin anything .","ARG-1: The big , cushiony sofa | ARG-2: in sturdy washable duck | ARG-M-PRP: so that the many grandchildren could play with abandon and not ruin anything" "SRL for [taxed]: Well , notes IRS private ruling 8934014 , `` a fundamental principle '' is that income must be [taxed] to whoever earns it .",ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-3: income | ARG-2: to whoever earns it "SRL for [rupturing]: Many of the buildings , mostly condominiums and apartments , were flattened almost instantly as the underlying soil -- much of it landfill -- was literally turned to ooze by the quake 's intensive shaking , [rupturing] gas lines .",ARG-0: the quake 's intensive shaking | ARG-1: gas lines SRL for [rationing]: they have brought suit against Genzyme and Mt. Sinai Medical School for their [rationing] of Fabrazyme to Fabry patients .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Fabrazyme | ARG-2: to Fabry patients SRL for [pass off]: The charges ran the gamut from not filling out proper forms to purchasing phoney export contracts and trying to [pass off] to customs .,ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to customs "SRL for [disciplined]: The National Association of Securities Dealers , the self - regulatory organization for the over - the - counter securities markets , [disciplined] a number of firms and individuals for alleged violations of industry rules .","ARG-0: The National Association of Securities Dealers , the self - regulatory organization for the over - the - counter securities markets | ARG-1: a number of firms and individuals | ARG-2: for alleged violations of industry rules" "SRL for [insist]: If government or private watchdogs [insist] , however , on introducing greater friction between the markets ( limits on price moves , two - tiered execution , higher margin requirements , taxation , etc . ) , the end loser will be the markets themselves .","ARG-0: government or private watchdogs | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-1: on introducing greater friction between the markets ( limits on price moves , two - tiered execution , higher margin requirements , taxation , etc . )" "SRL for [dilute]: William O. McCoy , president of the company 's BellSouth Enterprises Inc. unit , said the revised agreement with LIN would [dilute] BellSouth earnings by about 9 % in both 1990 and 1991 .",ARG-0: the revised agreement with LIN | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: BellSouth earnings | ARG-2: by about 9 % | ARG-M-TMP: in both 1990 and 1991 SRL for [expressions]: [expressions] of government information transparency,ARG-1: of government information transparency "SRL for [classic]: The story was [classic] in its premise , themes , and hopefulness .","ARG-1: The story | ARG-2: in its premise , themes , and hopefulness" SRL for [untangles]: A fisherman [untangles] his fishing nets in his blue boat as it sits on the water .,ARG-0: A fisherman | ARG-1: his fishing nets | ARG-M-LOC: in his blue boat | ARG-M-TMP: as it sits on the water "SRL for [land]: The pilot managed to [land] the plane in Djibouti , where most of the passengers got off , including the ambassador .","ARG-0: The pilot | ARG-1: the plane | ARG-M-LOC: in Djibouti , where most of the passengers got off , including the ambassador" "SRL for [mitigate]: While many problems would attend a restructuring of Columbia , investors say Mr. Spiegel is mulling such a plan to [mitigate] Columbia 's junk problems .",ARG-0: Mr. Spiegel | ARG-1: Columbia 's junk problems "SRL for [joined]: Bowing to criticism , Bear Stearns , Morgan Stanley and Oppenheimer [joined] Paine Webber in suspending stock - index arbitrage trading for their own accounts .","ARG-0: Bear Stearns , Morgan Stanley and Oppenheimer | ARG-1: Paine Webber | ARG-M-PRD: in suspending stock - index arbitrage trading for their own accounts" "SRL for [responsible]: An official for the lead underwriter declined to comment on the reason for the delay , but market participants speculated that a number of factors , including a lack of investor interest , were [responsible] .","ARG-0: a number of factors , including a lack of investor interest" SRL for [leaves]: This flight [leaves] from Nashville .,ARG-0: This flight | ARG-1: from Nashville SRL for [price]: The army is paying a significant [price] in casualties to occupy the city .,ARG-M-MNR: significant | ARG-2: in casualties SRL for [manageable]: Getting through airport security in time for my flight is just not [manageable] .,ARG-1: Getting through airport security in time for my flight | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [dumpy]: Ha ! It 's true though ! Lancaster is [dumpy] !,ARG-1: Lancaster "SRL for [absence]: His [absence] has been explained many times in many different ways , but he has virtually disappeared from the scene .",ARG-1: His "SRL for [enter]: And even when a specific order is acceptable to an exchange , a brokerage firm can refuse to [enter] it for a customer .",ARG-0: a brokerage firm | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: for a customer SRL for [undermined]: He argues that efforts to firm up prices will be [undermined] by producers ' plans to expand production capacity .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: efforts to firm up prices | ARG-0: by producers ' plans to expand production capacity SRL for [punt]: You do n't [punt] Goblins because they 'll run your ass over with a go - kart .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Goblins | ARG-M-CAU: because they 'll run your ass over with a go - kart SRL for [mangled]: The workers [mangled] the sheets until they were dry and crease - free .,ARG-0: The workers | ARG-1: the sheets | ARG-M-TMP: until they were dry and crease - free "SRL for [hang]: They might be told something along these lines : "" Get a dragon or a God of Wealth carved in a topaz and the deity Taishang Laojun carved in an amethyst , and [hang] them over your chest from a string of Chinese knots .",ARG-1: them | ARG-M-LOC: over your chest | ARG-2: from a string of Chinese knots SRL for [breaking]: These stipulated that companies would be given grades according to the quantity of their exports and their records of [breaking] customs regulations .,ARG-0: companies | ARG-1: customs regulations "SRL for [fair]: The lady was [fair] , as we have said , and delicate ; every thing about her was fine and refined ;",ARG-1: The lady | ARG-M-ADV: as we have said SRL for [twirling]: She had picked up the quirt and was [twirling] it around her wrist and smiling at him .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: around her wrist SRL for [meted out]: Sen. Edward Kennedy attached an amendment that would allow a defendant to escape from a death sentence in jurisdictions shown to have [meted out] executions in a racist manner .,ARG-0: jurisdictions | ARG-1: executions | ARG-M-MNR: in a racist manner "SRL for [wrap]: They could take the kneaded clay , [wrap] it on the outside of the shards , and tap it down lightly with a wooden stick to make the clay more compact and solid .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-2: it | ARG-1: on the outside of the shards "SRL for [propping up]: Carried even further , some investors assumed that since leveraged buy - outs are the only thing [propping up] stock prices , the market would collapse if no more LBOs could be done .",ARG-0: the only thing | ARG-1: stock prices SRL for [allow]: Depreciation would [allow] for the gradual wearing out of french friers .,ARG-0: Depreciation | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: for the gradual wearing out of french friers SRL for [orders]: $ 10 billion worth of textile [orders],ARG-1: textile "SRL for [remembering]: Time and again , he envisions Eliot 's return to Dante -- his creative [remembering] of Dante 's struggles -- as a gesture that precipitated renewal and transformation ...",ARG-0: his | ARG-M-MNR: creative | ARG-1: of Dante 's struggles SRL for [resolved]: STEGEMANN et al . ( 1973 ) [resolved] the proteins of potato juice into 40 constituents by isoelectrofocusing and the patterns were characteristic of varieties .,ARG-0: STEGEMANN et al . ( 1973 ) | ARG-1: the proteins of potato juice | ARG-2: into 40 constituents "SRL for [staked out]: Although Digital has [staked out] a major presence in the booming workstation market , profit margins in that market are much slimmer than for mainframes .",ARG-0: Digital | ARG-1: a major presence in the booming workstation market SRL for [coding]: Patient in 814 is [coding],ARG-1: Patient in 814 "SRL for [chilling]: How can an evaluation of bravely acting for justice wear "" colored glasses "" ? Such an evaluation is indeed [chilling] .",ARG-0: Such an evaluation | ARG-M-ADV: indeed "SRL for [gay]: Incidentally ; if you 're white , female , black , communist , jewish , whatever ; you can still not get married if you 're [gay] .",ARG-1: you SRL for [stressing out]: I I feel there 's sort of a a line to cross too between really planning it out and worry and [stressing out] over it ...,ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-3: over it SRL for [pandemic]: Two American Red Cross nurses demonstrated treatment practices during the influenza [pandemic] of 1918 .,ARG-1: influenza | ARG-M-TMP: of 1918 "SRL for [reputed]: `` Saturday Night '' has cast actors to appear in future stories ranging from the abortion rights of teen - agers to a Nov. 4 segment on a man named Willie Bosket , who calls himself a `` monster '' and is [reputed] to be the toughest prisoner in New York .",ARG-1: Willie Bosket | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-2: to be the toughest prisoner in New York SRL for [backtrack]: And he 'll [backtrack],ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-MOD: 'll "SRL for [do]: If people commit the crime people should be willing to [do] the time and the people who can afford it , should pay for it surely ?",ARG-0: people | ARG-1: the time SRL for [question]: Our web [question] of the week,ARG-0: Our | ARG-M-LOC: web | ARG-M-TMP: of the week "SRL for [savvied]: Considering that you have [savvied] the meaning of this formula , lets get to the other important factors .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the meaning of this formula "SRL for [materializes]: `` If a bid [materializes] at that price , shareholders will have every reason to be glad , but the question of financing still remains . ''",ARG-1: a bid | ARG-M-PRD: at that price SRL for [decay]: Parents are often concerned that orthodontic appliances may cause teeth to [decay] .,ARG-0: teeth "SRL for [thick]: He was [thick] of frame , heavy with muscle , yet accustomed to going without in the face of plenty .",ARG-1: He | ARG-2: of frame "SRL for [blathering]: It did seem to hasten the end of his [blathering] about the host of luminaries he 'd saved from drowning , day in day out , year after year , one after another .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: about the host of luminaries he 'd saved from drowning , day in day out , year after year , one after another" "SRL for [approved]: Shareholders [approved] Pacific First Financial 's acquisition by Royal Trustco Ltd of Toronto for $ 27 a share , or $ 212 million .","ARG-0: Shareholders | ARG-1: Pacific First Financial 's acquisition by Royal Trustco Ltd of Toronto for $ 27 a share , or $ 212 million" "SRL for [yawed]: The Drakon [yawed] as the seawater pounded into the stern , lifting the nose .","ARG-1: The Drakon | ARG-M-TMP: as the seawater pounded into the stern , lifting the nose" SRL for [deglaciated]: Vendsyssel was probably [deglaciated] from the west towards the east ( Fredericia 1988 ),ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-1: Vendsyssel | ARG-M-DIR: from the west towards the east "SRL for [called]: she came to the conclusion that her circle of friends was a very dull one , and that no one who was a bit nice ever [called] on her At Home",ARG-0: no one who was a bit nice | ARG-M-TMP: ever | ARG-1: on her | ARG-2: At Home SRL for [galled]: Brougham was [galled] at this conduct,ARG-1: Brougham | ARG-0: at this conduct "SRL for [tied up]: About $ 70 billion is estimated to be [tied up] in the short - term money market , which acts both as a hedge against inflation for consumers and an accelerator of inflation and deficits for the government .","ARG-1: About $ 70 billion | ARG-2: in the short - term money market , which acts both as a hedge against inflation for consumers and an accelerator of inflation and deficits for the government" "SRL for [eliminates]: Dan E. Nelms , Valley Federal 's president and chief executive officer , said the one - time charge substantially [eliminates] future losses associated with the unit .",ARG-0: the one - time charge | ARG-M-MNR: substantially | ARG-1: future losses associated with the unit SRL for [review]: his [review] of `` Saturday Night With Connie Chung,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of `` Saturday Night With Connie Chung "SRL for [black]: Outside the earth 's atmosphere , the sky is [black] day and night .",ARG-M-LOC: Outside the earth 's atmosphere | ARG-1: the sky | ARG-M-TMP: day and night "SRL for [accelerated]: The stock 's decline [accelerated] in the past two weeks , from a price of $ 8 a share on Oct. 9 .",ARG-1: The stock 's decline | ARG-M-TMP: in the past two weeks | ARG-3: from a price of $ 8 a share on Oct. 9 SRL for [draw]: The only way you can make it a big deal is to [draw] linkages that just do n't make sense . '',ARG-0: you | ARG-1: linkages that just do n't make sense "SRL for [deprived]: Still , criminal defense lawyers worry that defendants are being [deprived] of their Sixth Amendment right to counsel and a fair trial if the government can seize lawyers ' fees .",ARG-2: defendants | ARG-1: of their Sixth Amendment right to counsel and a fair trial | ARG-M-ADV: if the government can seize lawyers ' fees "SRL for [dance]: Cupboard doors were flying , the trash can in the kitchen walked a few feet , the dogs came running , and I scooted them into the dog run and stood in the doorway myself , watching the outside trash cans [dance] across the concrete .",ARG-0: the outside trash cans | ARG-1: across the concrete "SRL for [private]: It appears to do exactly the same thing as you would get in a laser clinic , but cheaper and means I will be able to target any missed hairs you might get going to a clinic and it 's obviously [private] / convenient .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-ADV: obviously SRL for [active]: The malignant cells are highly mitotically [active] with over 40 mitoses per 10 high power fields,ARG-0: The malignant cells | ARG-M-EXT: highly | ARG-M-MNR: mitotically | ARG-M-ADV: with over 40 mitoses per 10 high power fields SRL for [leaning]: The 45 - year - old Mr. Giuliani has run a negative campaign to pick up votes [leaning] to Mr. Dinkins .,ARG-1: votes | ARG-2: to Mr. Dinkins "SRL for [cheat]: Unknown to Mr. Tharp , he had fouled his net on a special IRS project to catch catfish farmers and haulers inclined to [cheat] on their taxes .",ARG-0: catfish farmers and haulers | ARG-1: on their taxes SRL for [chief]: He presented to the Emergency Department today with the above - stated [chief] complaint,ARG-1: complaint SRL for [ripe]: These elitist 's guaranteed reserved place at the public feeding trough is [ripe] for cutting .,ARG-1: These elitist 's guaranteed reserved place at the public feeding trough | ARG-2: for cutting SRL for [bidding]: Computers do his [bidding],ARG-0: his SRL for [strip]: The 1990 appropriations legislation attempts to [strip] the president of his powers to make certain appointments as provided by Article II .,ARG-0: The 1990 appropriations legislation | ARG-2: the president | ARG-1: of his powers to make certain appointments as provided by Article II SRL for [reckless]: He was [reckless] to believe that Anakin would turn out fine .,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to believe that Anakin would turn out fine SRL for [inactivation]: Mr. Gum has germline [inactivation] of the MLH1 gene via promoter hypermethylation,ARG-M-GOL: Mr. Gum | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-M-LOC: germline | ARG-1: of the MLH1 gene | ARG-0: via promoter hypermethylation SRL for [Yahoo]: Do you [Yahoo] ?,ARG-0: you SRL for [calibration]: Events of glacierized and non - glacierized [calibration] regions are shown in ( d ) ., "SRL for [takes]: Now over 20,000 franchises worldwide work to expand the company 's territory while the headquarters [takes] 0.5 % of operating revenues as its share for as long as the franchise lasts .",ARG-0: the headquarters | ARG-1: 0.5 % of operating revenues | ARG-2: as its share | ARG-M-TMP: for as long as the franchise lasts "SRL for [backhanded]: That spin , a miraculous recovery against an unforeseen blow , should have resulted in the end of the contest , for it exposed the archer 's back fatally to the huge blow that followed as the King swung around in a full pirouette , continuing the arc of his [backhanded] chop into a massive , sweeping downswing .",ARG-1: chop SRL for [planked]: The walls were [planked] with different shapes and sizes of wood .,ARG-1: The walls | ARG-2: with different shapes and sizes of wood SRL for [eye]: I 'm keeping my [eye] on the stock market .,ARG-0: my | ARG-1: on the stock market SRL for [demoralized]: ... the republican base is [demoralized],ARG-1: the republican base SRL for [led]: Dr. Talcott [led] a team of researchers from the National Cancer Institute and the medical schools of Harvard University and Boston University .,ARG-0: Dr. Talcott | ARG-1: a team of researchers from the National Cancer Institute and the medical schools of Harvard University and Boston University "SRL for [pulled out]: She and her husband [pulled out] of the market after the 1987 crash , although she still owns some Texaco stock .",ARG-0: She and her husband | ARG-1: most of their investments | ARG-2: of the market | ARG-M-TMP: after the 1987 crash | ARG-M-ADV: although she still owns some Texaco stock SRL for [gabbled]: They did n't talk . They [gabbled] !,ARG-0: They SRL for [Convoy]: 18 states of 50 are already organizing their [Convoy] to PorcFest 2011 - The Porcupine Freedom Festival !,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to PorcFest 2011 SRL for [inspired]: `` I ' m [inspired] by the mood of the people . '',ARG-1: I | ARG-0: by the mood of the people "SRL for [relied]: Still , Unisys said its European business was weak during the quarter , a worrisome sign given that the company has [relied] on solid results overseas to overcome weakness in the U.S. over the past several quarters .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: on solid results overseas | ARG-2: to overcome weakness in the U.S. | ARG-M-TMP: over the past several quarters SRL for [targeted]: Small - lot buying [targeted] at incentive - backed issues pushed up the Nikkei .,ARG-2: Small - lot buying | ARG-1: at incentive - backed issues "SRL for [notes]: Tan [notes] that although DRAM factories are closing one after another in the US , patent royalties must still be paid to Texas Instruments for each and every one of the more than 100 million DRAMs produced around the world annually .","ARG-0: Tan | ARG-1: that although DRAM factories are closing one after another in the US , patent royalties must still be paid to Texas Instruments for each and every one of the more than 100 million DRAMs produced around the world annually" "SRL for [splaying]: His hair was a mess , the result of his [splaying] his fingers through it all day .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: his fingers | ARG-2: through it | ARG-M-TMP: all day SRL for [regard]: Aristotle was explicit in his [regard] of phronesis as the most important of the three intellectual virtues .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of phronesis | ARG-2: as the most important of the three intellectual virtues "SRL for [restretched]: Standing in line , he [restretched] his shoulders as everyone threw one at a time .",ARG-M-ADV: Standing in line | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his shoulders | ARG-M-TMP: as everyone threw one at a time "SRL for [team up]: But whether the pilots can [team up] with their longtime adversaries , the machinists , is another question .","ARG-1: the pilots | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: with their longtime adversaries , the machinists" SRL for [snowboarding]: A person wearing a purple helmet is [snowboarding] down a hillside .,ARG-0: A person wearing a purple helmet | ARG-1: down a hillside SRL for [clapped]: Silence came into the forest -- a solid being that [clapped] its hand over the murmuring mouths of the birds and the whispered comfort of the trees .,ARG-0: a solid being | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: its hand | ARG-2: over the murmuring mouths of the birds and the whispered comfort of the trees "SRL for [Kissing]: Deeply ingrained in both the book review `` [Kissing] Nature Good - bye '' by Stephen MacDonald ( Leisure & Arts , Sept. 27 ) and the books reviewed is the assumption that global warming is entirely a result of human activity .",ARG-1: Nature | ARG-2: Good - bye SRL for [protesting]: Thom Hartmann talks to Shane Brooks about his [protesting] the tea party convention .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the tea party convention SRL for [annihilation]: ... fighting lasted until around 10 August as U.S. troops continued their [annihilation] of the Japanese force .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the Japanese force SRL for [active]: The malignant cells are highly mitotically [active] with over 40 mitoses per 10 high power fields,ARG-0: The malignant cells | ARG-M-EXT: highly | ARG-M-MNR: mitotically | ARG-M-ADV: with over 40 mitoses per 10 high power fields "SRL for [big]: Hurry up , the world is very [big] !",ARG-1: world | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [fend off]: The portfolio unit of the French bank group Credit Lyonnais told stock market regulators that it bought 43,000 shares of Cie . de Navigation Mixte , apparently to help [fend off] an unwelcome takeover bid for the company .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: an unwelcome takeover bid for the company "SRL for [ululated]: He howled a scream , he [ululated] a scream that overrode the sound of flutes , drum , and chanting .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a scream that overrode the sound of flutes , drum , and chanting" "SRL for [relayed]: Col . North conveyed the request to his superiors and to Assistant Secretary of State Elliot Abrams , who [relayed] it to Secretary of State George Shultz .",ARG-0: Assistant Secretary of State Elliot Abrams | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to Secretary of State George Shultz SRL for [advise]: The thrift hired an investment banker earlier this month to [advise] it regarding a possible sale or merger .,ARG-0: an investment banker | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: regarding a possible sale or merger SRL for [performance]: Academic [performance] ranged from excellent to failure,ARG-1: Academic "SRL for [frustration]: their brotherly love , resentment , [frustration] , rage",ARG-1: their "SRL for [assured]: It was in Jaguar 's best interests `` for the company 's future to be [assured] and the present climate of uncertainty resolved as quickly as possible , '' Mr. Ridley said .",ARG-2: the company 's future "SRL for [delivers]: The two units are Prentice Hall Information Services , which publishes tax , financial planning and business law information , among other services , and Prentice Hall Information Network , which electronically [delivers] tax information .",ARG-0: Prentice Hall Information Network | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-MNR: electronically | ARG-1: tax information SRL for [coverage]: news [coverage],ARG-1: news SRL for [elected]: JP Bolduc was [elected] a director .,ARG-1: JP Bolduc | ARG-2: a director SRL for [gay]: I would also like to add that it was [gay] of them to ask people to DL in order to help them set the record .,C-ARG-1: to ask people to DL in order to help them set the record | ARG-1: of them SRL for [directed]: ... investor interest was [directed] toward oil and mining shares ...,ARG-1: investor interest | ARG-2: toward oil and mining shares "SRL for [shipped]: Profit per ton of steel [shipped] dropped to about $ 33 a ton from $ 42 a ton last year and $ 53 a ton in the second quarter , analysts said .",ARG-1: ton of steel "SRL for [revive]: Although takeover experts said they doubted Mr. Steinberg will make a bid by himself , the application by his Reliance Group Holdings Inc. could signal his interest in helping [revive] a failed labor - management bid .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a failed labor - management bid SRL for [congested]: The cold [congested] my sinuses with mucus .,ARG-0: The cold | ARG-1: my sinuses | ARG-2: with mucus "SRL for [budgeted]: Hiroshima 's waterworks bureau said the municipal government had [budgeted] about 11 million yen ( $ 77,500 ) for the project .","ARG-0: the municipal government | ARG-1: about 11 million yen ( $ 77,500 ) | ARG-2: for the project" SRL for [indisposes]: Your income [indisposes] you .,ARG-1: Your income | ARG-2: you SRL for [functioning]: Analyses also revealed that the detrimental effect of a leader 's avoidance was mediated by his [functioning] as a security provider .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: as a security provider SRL for [set out]: A key provision in the current version of the charter would give the commission a mandate to produce an `` action program '' detailing on what points EC member states would be required to comply with the goals [set out] in the charter .,ARG-1: the goals | ARG-M-LOC: in the charter SRL for [consists]: The collateral [consists] of collateralized whole loans with a weighted average coupon rate of 11.08 % and weighted average remaining term to maturity of 28 years .,ARG-1: The collateral | ARG-2: of collateralized whole loans with a weighted average coupon rate of 11.08 % and weighted average remaining term to maturity of 28 years SRL for [rehabilitation]: the next stages of the Sahelian recovery and [rehabilitation] from drought,ARG-1: Sahelian | ARG-2: from drought SRL for [follow - up]: She continues on Cardizem and will [follow - up] with a cardiologist close to her home,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: with a cardiologist close to her home SRL for [down]: I 'm [down] to clown .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to clown SRL for [keeping]: The [keeping] of animals,ARG-1: of animals SRL for [sounds]: `` Credibility [sounds] intangible .,ARG-1: Credibility | ARG-2: intangible SRL for [immunoblotted]: Bound proteins were resolved by SDS - PAGE and [immunoblotted] with anti - BCL6 and anti - c - Rel antibodies .,ARG-1: Bound proteins | ARG-3: anti - BCL6 and anti - c - Rel antibodies "SRL for [pre - med]: Of his four roommates at Harvard , only one other was [pre - med] .",ARG-1: only one other SRL for [leaves]: This flight [leaves] Phoenix at midnight .,ARG-0: This flight | ARG-1: Phoenix | ARG-M-TMP: at midnight "SRL for [thrust]: when shooting O'Hara 's death scene , Bob Wall mistimed his [thrust] of the broken bottle towards Lee and severely cut Lee 's hand",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the broken bottle | ARG-2: towards Lee SRL for [offload]: He managed to [offload] a superb pass to his brother .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: to his brother | ARG-2: a superb pass "SRL for [supply]: Economists study the [supply] of , and demand for , goods and services in a society .",ARG-1: of | C-ARG-1: goods and services in a society "SRL for [timed]: Renaissance declined to confirm the move , but its stock purchases were thought to have begun Tuesday , [timed] to coincide with the maturity this week of Treasury bills owned by the firm .",ARG-1: its stock purchases | ARG-2: to coincide with the maturity this week of Treasury bills owned by the firm "SRL for [choices]: Here , however , the education system gives children-1 hardly any opportunity for *PRO*-1 making [choices] , and education is foisted on them rather than being something they seek for themselves .",ARG-M-LVB: making SRL for [interspersed]: The cut surface is [interspersed] with a focal white - tan dense fibrous tissue .,ARG-1: The cut surface | ARG-2: with a focal white - tan dense fibrous tissue "SRL for [passed]: Warner has [passed] , or chosen not to produce , at least 76 .",ARG-0: Warner | ARG-1: at least 76 "SRL for [parole]: “ The damage is done ; I have to live with this every day , ” said Grubbs , 55 , on [parole] from a 5 year burglary sentence .",ARG-2: from a 5 year burglary sentence SRL for [tipped]: a suicide vest [tipped] with nails,ARG-1: a suicide vest | ARG-2: with nails "SRL for [competition]: The UDN group is undertaking a three - pronged attack to crush their [competition] : continuing to access the wide readership of newspapers , targeting the high - tech sector through the Internet , and using the magazine format for regional companies with small budgets .",ARG-0: their "SRL for [reckoning]: In contrast to previous estimates [reckoning] the default rate on junk bonds at 2 % or 3 % , ...",ARG-0: previous estimates | ARG-1: the default rate on junk bonds | ARG-2: at 2 % or 3 % "SRL for [extrapolated]: The results ca n't be [extrapolated] to all investors , though .",ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: The results | ARG-2: to all investors | ARG-M-DIS: though SRL for [conjugated]: For the first time she [conjugated] a verb to the past participle .,ARG-M-TMP: For the first time | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: a verb | ARG-2: to the past participle "SRL for [readapted]: During the millenium period , he [readapted] the design with the number "" 2000 "" as a unique pilgrim 's gift .","ARG-M-TMP: During the millenium period | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the design with the number "" 2000 "" | ARG-2: as a unique pilgrim 's gift" SRL for [powerful]: The video they created simulating an active shooter in a school is [powerful] to watch .,ARG-1: The video they created simulating an active shooter in a school | C-ARG-1: to watch SRL for [output]: [output] of the poison gases,ARG-1: of the poison gases "SRL for [canonized]: Eldrick , so far , has wanted to hide in a dreamworld where he does n't have to be accountable to the culture that has up to now , basically [canonized] him with a god - like status .",ARG-0: the culture | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-TMP: up to now | ARG-M-ADV: basically | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a god - like status SRL for [wrenched]: It [wrenched] her to watch them go .,ARG-1: her | ARG-0: to watch them go SRL for [permitted]: U.S. investors will be [permitted] to buy the shares from EC investors 90 days later .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: to buy the shares from EC investors 90 days later "SRL for [exorcise]: The Rev. Alphonsus Trabold , a theology professor and exorcism expert at St. Bonaventure University in Olean , N.Y. , frequently is asked to [exorcise] unruly spirits , and he often obliges .","ARG-0: The Rev. Alphonsus Trabold , a theology professor and exorcism expert at St. Bonaventure University in Olean , N.Y. | ARG-1: unruly spirits" "SRL for [skimp]: Compaq 's notebooks , by contrast , may be the first in their weight class not to [skimp] on features found in much bigger machines .",ARG-0: Compaq 's notebooks | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: on features found in much bigger machines "SRL for [stigmatization]: The French government , after months of rancorous debate , has pledged to pass a similar nationwide ban by September , a promise denounced by Muslims as "" [stigmatization] "" of their religion .",ARG-1: of their religion "SRL for [designation]: However , following the divorce the participant did no change his [designation] of beneficiary , which continued to be listed as his former spouse .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of beneficiary SRL for [spread]: But as panic [spread] ...,ARG-1: panic "SRL for [downmodulated]: In this study , we [downmodulated] select combinations of IG20 - SVs using siRNAs .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: select combinations of IG20 - SVs | ARG-2: siRNAs SRL for [disbelieving]: Quint could n't blame Maggie for [disbelieving] .,ARG-0: Maggie SRL for [travels]: his foreign [travels],ARG-0: his | ARG-1: foreign "SRL for [renowned]: The places [renowned] for breeding bunco , like the Miami neighborhood known as the `` Maggot Mile '' and Las Vegas 's flashy strip of casinos , invariably offer fast cars , high rollers , glamorous women and lots of sunshine .",ARG-1: The places | ARG-2: for breeding bunco | ARG-M-ADV: like the Miami neighborhood known as the `` Maggot Mile '' and Las Vegas 's flashy strip of casinos SRL for [comments]: some mumbled [comments] about that report being discredited,ARG-3: about that report being discredited SRL for [ovulation]: [ovulation] of common frog oocytes in vitro,ARG-1: of common frog oocytes in vitro "SRL for [named]: According to legend , a Daoist master [named] Liu Hai and a three - legged golden toad scattered gold coins across the land .",ARG-1: a Daoist master | ARG-2: Liu Hai SRL for [snorkeling]: We went [snorkeling],ARG-0: We SRL for [implication]: The case depended on his [implication] of his co - workers in the fraud .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of his co - workers | ARG-2: in the fraud SRL for [quartered]: Balder rapidly [quartered] the apple with a dagger .,ARG-0: Balder | ARG-M-MNR: rapidly | ARG-1: the apple | ARG-2: with a dagger SRL for [look]: the monochrome [look],ARG-2: monochrome "SRL for [expediting]: Yesterday 's vote on Japanese - American reparations ensures final enactment of the entitlement provision , which abandons earlier efforts to find offsetting cuts but is seen as a more realistic path to [expediting] compensation first authorized in 1988 .",ARG-0: the entitlement provision | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: compensation first authorized in 1988 SRL for [survey]: The consumer confidence [survey] for the Conference Board by National Family Opinion Inc. is conducted every November .,ARG-1: consumer confidence | ARG-3: for the Conference Board | ARG-0: by National Family Opinion Inc. SRL for [purpled]: Rage [purpled] his face .,ARG-0: Rage | ARG-1: his face SRL for [babbled]: He [babbled] all about the surprise party we had planned .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: all about the surprise party we had planned "SRL for [righted]: `` I think the ship is now [righted] , the bilges are pumped and we are on course , '' Mr. Hutchinson said of the restructuring program .",ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: the ship SRL for [pitting]: The rust 's [pitting] the metal has started to compomise the whole structure .,ARG-0: The rust 's | ARG-1: the metal "SRL for [cosplaying]: Two women , [cosplaying] as a pokemon and pokemon trainer , are posing for a picture in the street .",ARG-0: Two women | ARG-1: as a pokemon and pokemon trainer SRL for [snailed]: We [snailed] every summer .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-TMP: every summer SRL for [hacking]: John was [hacking] all night .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-TMP: all night SRL for [concurred]: He said that in this case he [concurred] with the State Department 's decision that Mr. Ahmad should be extradited .,ARG-M-LOC: in this case | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: with the State Department 's decision that Mr. Ahmad should be extradited "SRL for [riding out]: Small investors matched their big institutional brethren in anxiety over the weekend , but most seemed to be taking a philosophical approach and said they were resigned to [riding out] the latest storm in the stock market .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the latest storm in the stock market "SRL for [irrelevant]: Whether your costume involves black face and a noose , or whether it is a grilled sandwich where I think the cheese is a little too drippy is [irrelevant] .","ARG-1: Whether your costume involves black face and a noose , or whether it is a grilled sandwich where I think the cheese is a little too drippy" SRL for [scan]: I ca n't [scan] the document into wordpad .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the document | ARG-2: into wordpad SRL for [jockeyed]: The movers [jockeyed] the couch through the door .,ARG-0: The movers | ARG-1: the couch | ARG-M-DIR: through the door "SRL for [crash out]: While TV commercials typically take weeks to produce , advertisers in the past couple of years have learned to turn on a dime , to [crash out] ads in days or even hours .",ARG-0: advertisers | ARG-1: ads | ARG-M-TMP: in days or even hours "SRL for [bear]: The new notes will [bear] interest at 5.5 % through July 31 , 1991 , and thereafter at 10 % .","ARG-0: The new notes | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: interest | ARG-3: at 5.5 % through July 31 , 1991 , and thereafter at 10 %" SRL for [wrong]: You were [wrong] about eating worms .,ARG-1: You | ARG-2: about eating worms SRL for [on hang]: The people that I see [on hang] on to whatever little power they have at the moment .,ARG-0: Milosevic cronies | ARG-1: to whatever little power they have at the moment "SRL for [distancing]: Nevertheless , Mr. Corry , once named chief executive , did n't waste any time [distancing] himself from his former boss , who still has an office on the 62nd floor of the USX tower in Pittsburgh .","ARG-0: Mr. Corry | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: from his former boss , who still has an office on the 62nd floor of the USX tower in Pittsburgh" SRL for [MRI]: [MRI] of the pelvis identifying a rectal mass,ARG-2: of the pelvis SRL for [cashing in]: Why is he [cashing in] now ?,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: now SRL for [conclusion]: Much of Europe lay in ruins at the [conclusion] of World War II .,ARG-1: of World War II SRL for [epithelialization]: Vaginal [epithelialization] with human amnion,ARG-1: Vaginal | ARG-2: with human amnion "SRL for [larger]: So what may appear as a rich mineral bonanza , will be shot down for now and the forseable future , because the cost of extraction , is [larger] than any profit margin .",ARG-1: the cost of extraction | ARG-M-CXN: than any profit margin "SRL for [unavoidable]: ... once something described above occurred between China and India , war would be [unavoidable] ...",ARG-M-TMP: once something described above occurred between China and India | ARG-1: war | ARG-M-MOD: would SRL for [disconnect]: Several moves were taken following the October 1987 crash to coordinate -- and sometimes deliberately [disconnect] -- the stock and futures markets in times of heightened volatility .,ARG-M-TMP: sometimes | ARG-M-MNR: deliberately | ARG-1: the stock and futures markets "SRL for [clear]: After last night 's events in Brussels , it 's [clear] that the UK does n't want to be a part of the Europe -LRB- or just the EU ? -RRB- anymore .",ARG-M-TMP: After last night 's events in Brussels | ARG-1: that the UK does n't want to be a part of the Europe -LRB- or just the EU ? -RRB- anymore SRL for [drowsy]: The patient is [drowsy] after surgery .,ARG-0: The patient | ARG-M-TMP: after surgery SRL for [housekeeping]: He will require assistance with [housekeeping] while he is recovering ., "SRL for [amnesty]: That fine , I note , is five times the amount the alien is able to post , $ 2,000 , to get his [amnesty] from his illegal acts .",ARG-0: the alien | ARG-M-LVB: get | ARG-2: from his illegal acts "SRL for [speculation]: She especially enjoyed his [speculation] about a "" secret history of the United States : ""","ARG-0: his | ARG-2: about a "" secret history of the United States : """ SRL for [Mourning]: [Mourning] for the father is overshadowed by the shame of burying him in a pauper 's grave .,ARG-1: for the father "SRL for [mashing]: She swung her eyes up to the blue of the window , her jaws gently [mashing] the bitter beans .",ARG-0: her jaws | ARG-M-MNR: gently | ARG-1: the bitter beans "SRL for [exchange]: Heritage , which owns 51 % of POP 's 3.6 million shares outstanding , said it will [exchange] one share of a new preferred stock for each POP common share it does n't already own .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: one share of a new preferred stock | ARG-3: for each POP common share it does n't already own "SRL for [useless]: If they know it 's [useless] to put themselves first , maybe they wo n't .",ARG-1: to put themselves first SRL for [application]: The Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency is meeting today to examine the Iranian request for help in the nuclear project as one [application] of a recommendation presented at a meeting of the Technical Affairs Committee of the International Atomic Energy Agency to the head of the Agency .,ARG-1: of a recommendation presented at a meeting of the Technical Affairs Committee of the International Atomic Energy Agency to the head of the Agency "SRL for [toasted]: Afterward , as the A 's [toasted] their victory with beer ( they dispensed with traditional champagne showers in deference to the quake victims ) , Stewart said he thought his championship - team ring would outshine his individual trophy .",ARG-0: the A 's | ARG-1: their victory | ARG-M-MNR: with beer SRL for [gone]: The pen is [gone] .,ARG-0: The pen "SRL for [boom]: MUTUAL FUNDS ARRIVED IN THE U.S. during the Roaring Twenties they had been in Britain for a century , but they did n't [boom] until the money market fund was created in the 1970s .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: until the money market fund was created in the 1970s SRL for [riveted]: The playoff series had [riveted] the 12 - year - old Giants fan .,ARG-2: The playoff series | ARG-1: the 12 - year - old Giants fan SRL for [clumps]: The Almost Dad [clumps] his feet more than Momma .,ARG-0: The Almost Dad | ARG-1: his feet | ARG-M-EXT: more than Momma SRL for [yawed]: A canyon [yawed] between myself and the two .,ARG-1: A canyon | ARG-2: between myself and the two "SRL for [experimenting]: He said the company is [experimenting] with the technique on alfalfa , and plans to include cotton and corn , among other crops .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-2: with the technique | ARG-1: on alfalfa SRL for [evening]: Pearl 's [evening] of the amount of batter in each cupcake liner resulted in perfectly even cupcakes .,ARG-1: Pearl 's | ARG-2: of the amount of batter in each cupcake liner "SRL for [bog down]: Douglas Stoneman , vice president of Shell Canada , noted that producers would prefer to avoid hearings into competing proposals that would lengthen the regulatory review process and [bog down] development .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: hearings | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: development SRL for [communication]: The [communication] of the details of the plan took two hours .,ARG-1: of the details of the plan SRL for [accompaniment]: the piano 's [accompaniment] from start to finish,ARG-0: the piano 's | ARG-3: from start | ARG-4: to finish SRL for [matrilineal]: Early human kinship was [matrilineal] .,ARG-1: Early human kinship "SRL for [slide]: its devastating 46.12 - point , or 11 % [slide]","ARG-1: its | ARG-M-ADJ: devastating | ARG-2: 46.12 - point , or 11 %" "SRL for [repatriate]: China had refused to [repatriate] citizens who sneaked into Hong Kong illegally since early this month , when the colony allowed a dissident Chinese swimmer to flee to the U.S.",ARG-0: China | ARG-1: citizens who sneaked into Hong Kong illegally SRL for [fluffed]: The maid [fluffed] the pillows,ARG-0: The maid | ARG-1: the pillows "SRL for [finish out]: I 'd like to [finish out] until my actual retirement when I was ready to quit but , yeah , I have some doubts .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: until my actual retirement when I was ready to quit "SRL for [induce]: The second patent describes bone morphogenetic protein , a substance that can [induce] formation of new cartilage .",ARG-0: a substance | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: formation of new cartilage SRL for [infringement]: The studios ' case was that a copyright infringer held all the proceeds of their [infringement] on constructive trust for the copyright owner .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: on constructive trust "SRL for [satisfy]: U.S. Banknote said it believes the sale , if completed , apparently would [satisfy] antitrust issues raised by the U.S. Justice Department about U.S. Banknote 's offer to buy International Banknote .",ARG-2: the sale | ARG-M-ADV: if completed | ARG-M-ADV: apparently | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: antitrust issues raised by the U.S. Justice Department about U.S. Banknote 's offer to buy International Banknote "SRL for [murdering]: For example , one of my favorite movies is the 1949 British comedy `` Kind Hearts and Coronets , '' in which the entire comedy is based on actor Dennis Price 's [murdering] eight titled relatives ( all played by Alec Guinness ) because they snubbed his mother and stand in the way of his acquiring the family title .",ARG-0: actor Dennis Price 's | ARG-1: eight titled relatives ( all played by Alec Guinness ) | ARG-M-CAU: because they snubbed his mother and stand in the way of his acquiring the family title "SRL for [emitting]: A year and a half ago Ritek invested in the production of OLED -LRB- organic light - [emitting] diode -RRB- displays , which is yet another technology used in portable computing devices that relies on thin opto - electrical film application techniques .",ARG-1: light | ARG-0: diode SRL for [recapture]: Most of the volume came from trades designed to [recapture] the stock 's next dividend ; Texaco has a yield of 5.6 % and goes ex - dividend today .,ARG-0: trades | ARG-1: the stock 's next dividend SRL for [cloy]: I played it several times and it was OK but after a while the game sarted to [cloy] on me .,ARG-0: the game | ARG-1: on me "SRL for [bracketed]: They [bracketed] the front yard with 2 Mesquite trees and then placed a few plants around , just to soften it up .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the front yard | ARG-2: with 2 Mesquite trees SRL for [scarify]: [scarify] two inches of subsoil,ARG-1: two inches of subsoil "SRL for [rotted]: El Salvador is destroying more than 1.6 million pounds of food that had [rotted] in government warehouses , government officials said .",ARG-1: food | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-LOC: in government warehouses SRL for [inaccurate]: he was [inaccurate] with one goal and four behinds .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: with one goal SRL for [promotion]: The President 's democracy [promotion],ARG-0: The President 's | ARG-1: democracy "SRL for [foisted]: The education system gives children hardly any opportunity for making choices , and education is [foisted] on them rather than being something they seek for themselves .",ARG-1: education | ARG-2: on them | ARG-M-ADV: rather than being something they seek for themselves SRL for [got]: We 've [got] to take a serious look at how we 're doing our jobs .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: to take a serious look at how we 're doing our jobs "SRL for [write down]: Granges said it also plans in the third quarter to [write down] the carrying value of the Tartan mine by 2.5 million Canadian dollars ( US$ 2.12 million ) , and to write off most of the C$ 6.3 million carrying value of its Windflower gold property in British Columbia .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-TMP: in the third quarter | ARG-1: the carrying value of the Tartan mine | ARG-2: by 2.5 million Canadian dollars ( US$ 2.12 million ) SRL for [rare]: Most cars with that mileage will be [rare] and possibly worth something .,ARG-1: Most cars with that mileage | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [fortified]: First , the children [fortified] themselves with cupcakes .",ARG-M-TMP: First | ARG-0: the children | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-3: with cupcakes "SRL for [den]: Only pregnant female polar bears [den] for this protracted period of time , during which time they rely on fat stores for energy and sustenance .",ARG-0: Only pregnant female polar bears | ARG-2: for this protracted period of time | ARG-M-TMP: during which time they rely on fat stores for energy and sustenance "SRL for [tacking]: The release of MiniScribe 's new balance sheet came one day after it introduced its new line of one - inch disk drives , on which it is [tacking] much of its hope for survival .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: much of its hope for survival | ARG-2: one - inch disk drives | R-ARG-2: on which SRL for [zoom]: But put - option prices may [zoom] when trading resumes today .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: put - option prices | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-TMP: when trading resumes today "SRL for [drought]: While the drying begun around 1895 and caused its first large famine only in the early 20th century , the 1820s and 1830s saw a 12 to 15 year [drought] and regional instances of major famine from Senegal to Chad .",ARG-2: 12 to 15 year "SRL for [moderation]: Obviously , we continue to see signs of [moderation] , but let 's remember this is still the longest and strongest boom in all of American history .", "SRL for [call]: Although I 'm not a huge fan of that functionality ( yeah , I like guns that can shoot as far as I can see ) , the developers made the [call] that a bullet would n't be able to reach fom one side of the screen to the other .",ARG-M-ADV: Although I 'm not a huge fan of that functionality | ARG-0: the developers | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-2: that a bullet would n't be able to reach fom one side of the screen to the other SRL for [award]: He criticized the [award] of compensation to the defendant .,ARG-1: of compensation | ARG-2: to the defendant SRL for [exploded]: Onlookers say three persons died when one of the buildings [exploded] into a fireball shortly after the quake struck .,ARG-1: one of the buildings | ARG-2: into a fireball | ARG-M-TMP: shortly after the quake struck SRL for [slipcovered]: She [slipcovered] the chairs in white muslin .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the chairs | ARG-2: in white muslin "SRL for [embraced]: In the last decade , many corporations have [embraced] the `` utilization management '' cost containment strategy as a way to control health - care costs for employees .",ARG-M-TMP: In the last decade | ARG-0: many corporations | ARG-1: the `` utilization management '' cost containment strategy | ARG-2: as a way to control health - care costs for employees SRL for [profound]: His role in particular as it relates to the Jewish community was [profound] in scope and in depth .,ARG-1: His role in particular as it relates to the Jewish community | ARG-2: in scope and in depth "SRL for [are biotinylated]: The purified oligonucleosomes [are biotinylated] with an amine - reactive reagent , before dialysis into the final storage buffer .",ARG-1: The purified oligonucleosomes | ARG-2: with an amine - reactive reagent SRL for [degeneration]: The meeting 's [degeneration] into an all - out brawl disappointed the hosting panel .,ARG-1: The meeting 's | ARG-4: into an all - out brawl SRL for [lure]: They are still trying to [lure] back small investors spooked by the 1987 stock - market crash and the market 's swings since then .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-1: small investors spooked by the 1987 stock - market crash and the market 's swings since then "SRL for [overlooking]: In his office [overlooking] the runway of Shannon Airport , Mr. Ovcharenko enthusiastically throws out what he calls `` just ideas '' :",ARG-0: his office | ARG-1: the runway of Shannon Airport SRL for [seek out]: Country funds [seek out] individual companies .,ARG-0: Country funds | ARG-1: individual companies "SRL for [turn]: If you want to avoid going to all this trouble , you might instead consult the traditional Chinese farmers ' almanac , which suggests that during bad times people can [turn] their fortunes by repositioning their water coolers or hot water dispensers .",ARG-M-TMP: during bad times | ARG-0: people | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: their fortunes | ARG-M-MNR: by repositioning their water coolers or hot water dispensers SRL for [casualties]: The human [casualties] of war,ARG-1: human | ARG-0: of war SRL for [contributed]: Pamela Sebastian in New York [contributed] to this article .,ARG-0: Pamela Sebastian in New York | ARG-2: to this article SRL for [Malrotation]: [Malrotation] of the bowel is failure of the bowel to assume its normal place in the abdomen during intrauterine development .,ARG-1: of the bowel SRL for [flashflood]: The mother of a missing three - year - old girl in the Guindaruhan river [flashflood] was still hopeful she could still see her daughter alive .,ARG-1: Guindaruhan river "SRL for [appointed]: Bertin Nadeau , newly [appointed] chairman and interim chief executive of Provigo , would n't say if Mr. Lortie was asked to leave .",ARG-1: Bertin Nadeau | ARG-M-TMP: newly | ARG-2: chairman and interim chief executive of Provigo "SRL for [request]: a $ 7.4 million State Department [request] for the 1992 Expo in Seville , Spain ,","ARG-1: $ 7.4 million | ARG-0: State Department | ARG-M-GOL: for the 1992 Expo in Seville , Spain" SRL for [declaration]: the jury 's [declaration] of her as the continent 's best actress for this year .,ARG-0: jury 's | ARG-1: of her as the continent 's best actress for this year "SRL for [speak up]: If conservatives do n't support an increase in the IMF 's capital , then it is incumbent on them to [speak up] now and explain the alternative .",ARG-0: them | ARG-M-TMP: now SRL for [coarctation]: He asks whether this patient might benefit from surgical repair of his [coarctation] of aorta .,ARG-M-LOC: his | ARG-1: of aorta SRL for [on]: Carole Marsh is really [on] to something with these unique mysteries .,ARG-0: Carole Marsh | ARG-1: to something | ARG-2: with these unique mysteries "SRL for [close]: ITP stable , followed with [close] observation .",ARG-1: observation SRL for [shipwrecked]: Two votes at 12:03 am [shipwrecked] the bill .,ARG-0: Two votes | ARG-M-TMP: at 12:03 am | ARG-1: the bill SRL for [pass on]: Insurers typically [pass on] a small percentage of the risks they underwrite ( to their customers ) .,ARG-0: Insurers | ARG-M-TMP: typically | ARG-1: a small percentage of the risks they underwrite | ARG-2: to their customers "SRL for [parading]: In a few minutes she was making the ten - foot hike unaided ; ; soon she was [parading] around the house , flaunting her new skill .",ARG-M-TMP: soon | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-LOC: around the house SRL for [forestall]: Is not the present world crisis a race between things we have created which can now destroy us and between populations of sufficient wisdom and character to [forestall] the tragedy .,ARG-0: sufficient wisdom and character | ARG-1: the tragedy SRL for [trial]: a fair celebrity [trial] in California,ARG-M-MNR: fair | ARG-1: celebrity | ARG-M-LOC: in California SRL for [trustworthy]: What indicates to you that a person is [trustworthy] to do business with when you view their LinkedIn profile ?,ARG-1: a person | ARG-2: to do business with SRL for [devise]: Lawmakers representing some of the cleaner utilities have been quietly working with the White House to [devise] ways to tinker with the administration bill to address their acid - rain concerns .,ARG-0: Lawmakers representing some of the cleaner utilities | ARG-1: ways to tinker with the administration bill to address their acid - rain concerns "SRL for [switching over]: Burger King , which breaks thousands of fresh eggs each morning , is quietly [switching over] to an alternative egg product made by Michael Foods .","ARG-0: Burger King , which breaks thousands of fresh eggs each morning | ARG-M-MNR: quietly | ARG-2: to an alternative egg product made by Michael Foods" "SRL for [shod]: Though her feet were [shod] in flip flops , they were quickly replaced with heels when she arrived at the conference center .",ARG-1: her feet | ARG-2: in flip flops "SRL for [engendered]: Still more jealous bitterness was [engendered] by the O'Banion gang 's seizure from a West Side marshalling yard of a freight - car load of Canadian whisky worth $ 100,000 and by one of the biggest coups of the Prohibition era -- the Sibley warehouse robbery , which became famous for the cool brazenness of the operation .","ARG-1: Still more jealous bitterness | ARG-0: by the O'Banion gang 's seizure from a West Side marshalling yard of a freight - car load of Canadian whisky worth $ 100,000 and by one of the biggest coups of the Prohibition era -- the Sibley warehouse robbery , which became famous for the cool brazenness of the operation" "SRL for [stranding]: ... his [stranding] her on the boat , even if he thinks it 's in her best interests , is a rather cruel deception",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-LOC: on the boat "SRL for [unstapled]: When he finished , he [unstapled] the "" answer "" blue - book from his just - completed bluebook and put this bluebookin his pocket .","ARG-M-TMP: When he finished | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the "" answer "" blue - book | ARG-2: from his just - completed bluebook" SRL for [ratcheted up]: They recently [ratcheted up] from optional to important .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: from optional | ARG-4: to important SRL for [crenate]: The red were [crenate] probably from saliva .,ARG-1: The red | ARG-0: probably from saliva "SRL for [conforming]: The Committee on Federal Regulation of Securities for the American Bar Association argues , for example , in its lengthy letter to the SEC , that the proposed changes `` would substantially improve the law by [conforming] it more closely to contemporary business realities . ''",ARG-0: the proposed changes | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: more closely | ARG-2: to contemporary business realities SRL for [flat]: The paint they chose for the kitchen was [flat] rather than glossy .,ARG-1: The paint they chose for the kitchen | ARG-M-ADV: rather than glossy SRL for [examined]: Mr. Paul says that he has feelers out over much of the globe and that potential buyers from as far away as Japan and Italy have [examined] the collection .,ARG-0: potential buyers from as far away as Japan and Italy | ARG-1: the collection "SRL for [hallucination]: He should have been happy that the MRI came out clean ; but there was still no explanation for his fainting episode , or his [hallucination] that the apes had been signing .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that the apes had been signing "SRL for [bankrupt]: Though obscure to most investors , the question of whether to list options on more than one exchange has aroused much interest in Congress , mainly because regional exchanges fear the change could [bankrupt] them .",ARG-0: the change | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: them SRL for [slimed]: The plank floor was [slimed] beneath Watson 's boots .,ARG-1: The plank floor | ARG-M-LOC: beneath Watson 's boots "SRL for [refrain]: The government also urged whites to [refrain] from panic over growing black protests , such as the massive anti - apartheid rally Sunday on the outskirts of Soweto .","ARG-0: whites | ARG-1: from panic over growing black protests , such as the massive anti - apartheid rally Sunday on the outskirts of Soweto" "SRL for [coverage]: By the year 2000 , it will strive to reach 37 % greenification [coverage] , 32 % of green land and 10 square meters per capita public green land area in the whole city .",ARG-M-EXT: 37 % | ARG-2: greenification "SRL for [vacation]: During his summer [vacation] in the first year of filming , Mayaw went to live in Lukar 's home .",ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: summer | ARG-M-TMP: in the first year of filming "SRL for [close off]: `` Why anyone would want to [close off] ( from direct mail ) , a priori , does n't make any sense , '' says Michael Bronner of Bronner Slosberg Associates , a Boston directmail firm .",ARG-0: anyone | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-2: ( from direct mail ) SRL for [expert]: He is [expert] at fishing .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: at fishing "SRL for [take on]: A young , short - term employee ca n't [take on] any responsibility","ARG-0: A young , short - term employee | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: any responsibility" "SRL for [insisted]: But David N. McCammon , vice president , finance , [insisted] that cost - cutting and tight production capacity will make results `` better in this downturn than in prior downturns , '' when Ford had net losses .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: David N. McCammon , vice president , finance | ARG-1: that cost - cutting and tight production capacity will make results `` better in this downturn than in prior downturns , '' when Ford had net losses" "SRL for [triggered]: However , the only outsider who has emerged to lead such a shareholder vote , Los Angeles investor Marvin Davis , who [triggered] the buy - out with a $ 5.4 billion bid in early August , is hanging back -- apparently to avoid being blamed for contributing to the deal 's collapse .",ARG-0: Los Angeles investor Marvin Davis | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: the buy - out | ARG-2: with a $ 5.4 billion bid in early August SRL for [cannulation]: arterial [cannulation] into the axillary artery,ARG-M-DIR: arterial | ARG-1: into the axillary artery "SRL for [great]: Sorry about my cuts , acetone is n't [great] for the healing process",ARG-1: acetone | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: for the healing process SRL for [progress]: it also is making [progress] in negotiating the buy - out of its design division by management,ARG-4: in negotiating the buy - out of its design division by management "SRL for [hyperextended]: Adams [hyperextended] his elbow Saturday but does not expect to be out long , the St. Louis Post - Dispatch reports .",ARG-0: Adams | ARG-1: his elbow | ARG-M-TMP: Saturday "SRL for [interpreting]: As for his [interpreting] of the Teachings of Jesus , Antony could listen to him for hours .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the Teachings of Jesus SRL for [decision]: the Guantanamo [decision],ARG-3: Guantanamo "SRL for [cycling]: he grew older and more mature , his parents relented and allowed him on the roads and even acquiesced to his [cycling] to school some two kilometers away .",ARG-0: his | ARG-M-GOL: to school some two kilometers away SRL for [quartered]: The soldiers [quartered] in the court- house .,ARG-1: The soldiers | ARG-2: in the court- house "SRL for [enactment]: Yesterday 's vote on Japanese - American reparations ensures final [enactment] of the entitlement provision , which abandons earlier efforts to find offsetting cuts but is seen as a more realistic path to expediting compensation first authorized in 1988 .","ARG-M-TMP: final | ARG-1: of the entitlement provision , which abandons earlier efforts to find offsetting cuts but is seen as a more realistic path to expediting compensation first authorized in 1988" SRL for [paid]: ... the TV commercial [paid] for by Giuliani 's campaign ...,ARG-3: for | C-ARG-3: the TV commercial | ARG-0: by Giuliani 's campaign "SRL for [grumble]: She walked over to the bench , ignoring his [grumble] to himself that there definitely would be a ' later ' .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to himself | ARG-1: that there definitely would be a ' later ' SRL for [howled]: The wind [howled] a gale outside my bedroom window all night long .,ARG-0: The wind | ARG-1: a gale | ARG-M-LOC: outside my bedroom window | ARG-M-TMP: all night long SRL for [protruding]: One main type of malocclusion is characterized by a receding chinand [protruding] upper front teeth .,ARG-1: upper front teeth "SRL for [bulldozed]: `` If Flynn had n't lived there , the property might have been priced $ 1 million lower , '' says Mr. Rambo , noting that Flynn 's house has been [bulldozed] , and only the swimming pool remains .",ARG-1: Flynn 's house SRL for [offensive]: Soviet military strategy was [offensive] in the sense that force posture and war plans overwhelmingly appeared to be oriented toward striking first in the event that war seemed inevitable and toward fighting the war on the other side 's territory .,ARG-0: Soviet military strategy | ARG-M-MNR: in the sense that force posture and war plans overwhelmingly appeared to be oriented toward striking first in the event that war seemed inevitable and toward fighting the war on the other side 's territory "SRL for [scarfing up]: Ever since the link to cholesterol was disclosed , Americans have begun [scarfing up] psyllium in their breakfast cereals .",ARG-0: Americans | ARG-1: psyllium SRL for [comprehension]: verbal - [comprehension],ARG-M-MNR: verbal SRL for [gestures]: Barbara Bush 's [gestures],ARG-0: Barbara Bush 's SRL for [mean]: I do n't [mean] anything by that .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: anything | ARG-1: by that SRL for [shy]: On Facebook she did say she was [shy] of people outside her group,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: of people outside her group SRL for [liable]: She is [liable] to throw a fit .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: to throw a fit SRL for [splashed out]: They [splashed out] $ 3000 on a holiday .,ARG-0: They | ARG-3: $ 3000 | ARG-1: on a holiday SRL for [reclassified]: The government [reclassified] John 's dissertation .,ARG-0: The government | ARG-1: John 's dissertation SRL for [oversight]: CL & P 's [oversight] of the error,ARG-0: CL & P 's | ARG-1: of the error SRL for [dolled up]: Candie 's has [dolled up] in pink frilly Candie - wear for its new Kohl 's ad campaign .,ARG-0: Candie 's | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: in pink frilly Candie - wear | ARG-M-PRP: for its new Kohl 's ad campaign SRL for [completed]: The $ 2.5 billion Byron I plant near Rockford IL was [completed] in 1985 .,ARG-1: The $ 2.5 billion Byron I plant near Rockford IL | ARG-M-TMP: in 1985 "SRL for [modification]: Although Henry George accepted the principal hard core assumptions of the classical scientific research program , his [modification] of the program was premised on a new hard core proposition which rejected the equivalence between economic and social welfare established by classical economics .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the program "SRL for [bunched]: `` See , Argiento , if you control the way these folds are [bunched] , like this , or made to flow , you can enrich the body attitudes .",ARG-M-MNR: like this | ARG-M-ADV: the way | ARG-1: these folds SRL for [over]: Angie I have the money and unsold tickets for Alex . Will you be at the games before it s [over] ?,ARG-1: it SRL for [adopted]: The company also [adopted] an anti - takeover plan .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: an anti - takeover plan SRL for [scrammed]: As soon as someone else came in we [scrammed] out of there !,ARG-M-TMP: As soon as someone else came in | ARG-1: we | ARG-2: out of there SRL for [decrease]: The 10 % [decrease] in trade volume,ARG-2: 10 % | ARG-1: in trade volume "SRL for [misperception]: But far from its [misperception] as an "" old man 's disease , "" prostate cancer affects one in six men .","ARG-1: its | ARG-2: as an "" old man 's disease , """ SRL for [whooped]: `` I 'm the king of the world ! '' [whooped] John .,ARG-1: `` I 'm the king of the world ! '' | ARG-0: John SRL for [kicked off]: The yearlong schedule of festivities will be [kicked off] officially with a combination live and animation half - time special at the Super Bowl in January .,ARG-1: The yearlong schedule of festivities | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-MNR: officially | ARG-2: with a combination live and animation half - time special | ARG-M-LOC: at the Super Bowl | ARG-M-TMP: in January "SRL for [were closed]: Paris , Brussels , and Milan [were closed] for a holiday .","ARG-1: Paris , Brussels , and Milan | ARG-M-PNC: for a holiday" "SRL for [employed]: Still some others can receive further professional game training in universities and later be [employed] as technical consultants by large game manufacturers , etc .",ARG-1: Still some others | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: later | ARG-2: as technical consultants | ARG-0: by large game manufacturers | ARG-M-DIS: etc "SRL for [differ]: Digital , Maynard , Mass. , insisted yesterday that its marketing focus would [differ] sharply from IBM 's .",ARG-1: its marketing focus | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: sharply | ARG-2: from IBM 's "SRL for [skirts]: The ground along the Embarcadero , the street that [skirts] the city 's eastern boundary and piers -- dropped six inches after the quake , wreaking major damage to at least one of the piers .",ARG-1: the street | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: the city 's eastern boundary and piers SRL for [contextualize]: Short but highly informative introductions to each section situate and [contextualize] the individual readings .,ARG-0: Short but highly informative introductions to each section | ARG-1: the individual readings "SRL for [burst out]: "" I do think that families are the most beautiful things in all the world "" , [burst out] Jo some five hundred pages later in that popular story of the March family .","ARG-1: "" I do think that families are the most beautiful things in all the world "" | ARG-0: Jo | ARG-M-LOC: some five hundred pages later in that popular story of the March family" SRL for [spiritualizing]: [spiritualizing] the senses does not mean transcending them .,ARG-1: the senses | ARG-M-ADV: does not mean transcending them SRL for [residual]: No [residual] disease was left behind,ARG-1: disease "SRL for [tabled]: In the end , Abbas could not even get enough Security Council votes to force the U.S. to use its veto and he [tabled] the motion .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the motion SRL for [notorious]: He is [notorious] for his hash brownies .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: for his hash brownies "SRL for [trammed]: We [trammed] to the Gulhane tram stop , then walked northwest towards Topkapi .",ARG-1: We | ARG-3: to the Gulhane tram stop "SRL for [clawed]: Cheesepuff and friends firt [clawed] their way onto the music charts in 1993 with the release of their "" meowy Chrsitmas "" CD , featuring 20 classic Christmas hits .","ARG-0: Cheesepuff and friends | ARG-M-TMP: firt | ARG-M-DIR: onto the music charts | ARG-M-TMP: in 1993 | ARG-M-MNR: with the release of their "" meowy Chrsitmas "" CD , featuring 20 classic Christmas hits" SRL for [digs]: Her constant [digs] at me are tiring .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-M-TMP: constant | ARG-2: at me "SRL for [committed]: The banks jointly [committed] $ 1.2 billion of financing , subject to certain conditions , McCaw said .","ARG-0: The banks | ARG-M-MNR: jointly | ARG-1: $ 1.2 billion of financing , subject to certain conditions" "SRL for [swapping]: But he emphasizes that Cathay has n't any interest in [swapping] equity stakes with the U.S. carrier or with Lufthansa , the West German airline with which it has cooperated for about a decade .","ARG-0: Cathay | ARG-1: equity stakes | ARG-2: with the U.S. carrier or with Lufthansa , the West German airline with which it has cooperated for about a decade" SRL for [chemopreventative]: ... selenium supplementation is [chemopreventative] for reducing cancer risks .,ARG-0: selenium supplementation | ARG-3: for reducing cancer risks SRL for [responsibility]: He is known for his [responsibility] .,ARG-1: his "SRL for [leave alone]: Now go away then , and [leave alone] . I do n't want any more of your meretricious persiflage .",ARG-M-DIS: Now | ARG-1: me "SRL for [save face]: Hang tough , but still give Cardenas a way to [save face] in front of his crew .",ARG-1: Cardenas | ARG-2: in front of his crew "SRL for [concern]: As for mainland China 's saber - rattling , Jin argued that there is no need for undue [concern] .",ARG-M-ADJ: undue "SRL for [nuptials]: "" It was really cool , "" said Lora Dal Bo of her [nuptials] with her partner , Gina Dal Bo .","ARG-1: her | ARG-2: with her partner , Gina Dal Bo" SRL for [kickboxing]: I do [kickboxing] at 8:30 .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-TMP: at 8:30 "SRL for [premeditated]: On the judicial side , the judiciary reached a total conviction and after thorough checking and scrutiny , so that this crime was committed deliberately and on purpose and was [premeditated] ...",ARG-1: this crime "SRL for [bleeding off]: Mr. Keating is currently the subject of a $ 1.1 billion federal anti - racketeering lawsuit accusing him of [bleeding off] assets of a California thrift he controlled , Lincoln Savings & Loan Association , and driving it into insolvency .","ARG-0: him | ARG-1: assets of a California thrift he controlled , Lincoln Savings & Loan Association" SRL for [agonized]: The destruction of 9/11 would have [agonized] him,ARG-2: The destruction of 9/11 | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: him "SRL for [contracted]: `` There 's no question that some of those workers and managers [contracted] asbestos - related diseases , '' said Darrell Phillips .",ARG-1: some of those workers and managers | ARG-2: asbestos - related diseases SRL for [corrected]: Intel said it had [corrected] the problems and would start producing bugless chips next week .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the problems SRL for [hilarious]: But this notion that the campaign is to be blamed for her disastrous coming out party is [hilarious] .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: this notion that the campaign is to be blamed for her disastrous coming out party "SRL for [overshot]: However , while donning socks noticed he [overshot] his foot , may have some lingering depth perception deficits .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his foot SRL for [blow]: The soldier 's [blow] of the bugle announced reverie .,ARG-0: soldier 's | ARG-1: of the bugle "SRL for [drive]: Georgia - Pacific 's $ 3.18 billion bid for Great Northern Nekoosa helped [drive] the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 41.60 points , to 2645.08 , in active trading .",ARG-0: Georgia - Pacific 's $ 3.18 billion bid for Great Northern Nekoosa | ARG-1: the Dow Jones Industrial Average | ARG-2: up 41.60 points | ARG-M-DIR: to 2645.08 SRL for [osculated]: My girlfriend and I [osculated] .,ARG-0: My girlfriend and I SRL for [sneered]: She [sneered] a nasty sneer at her little sister for her effort .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: a nasty sneer | ARG-3: at her little sister | ARG-2: for her effort "SRL for [conned]: For example , there 's one case in which he [conned] a company out of a million - dollar CT scanner , like this one .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a company | ARG-3: out of a million - dollar CT scanner , like this one" SRL for [brilliant]: It was [brilliant] to chair this InnoCoffee with Microsoft Citizenship 's Lori Harnick .,ARG-1: to chair this InnoCoffee with Microsoft Citizenship 's Lori Harnick "SRL for [fork]: The king faintly opened his left eye , the verdant pupils , peering out beneath his lashes as the sudden [fork] of the song .",ARG-M-MNR: sudden | ARG-1: of the song SRL for [abraded]: He [abraded] the piece of wood with a wire brush .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the piece of wood | ARG-2: with a wire brush SRL for [cored]: I [cored] the tomatoes before blanching them .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the tomatoes SRL for [stiff]: Neck : slightly [stiff],ARG-M-EXT: slightly SRL for [sneered]: She [sneered] her contempt at her little sister 's efforts .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her contempt | ARG-2: at her little sister 's efforts "SRL for [doubtful]: My mom keeps putting it off , which i hope is because she plans to give me the new one for my birthday , but I 'm also [doubtful] because she 's so adamant about me not getting it",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-M-CAU: because she 's so adamant about me not getting SRL for [spaced]: He totally [spaced] sending my shirts out this one time and wrote a little apology note .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: totally | ARG-1: sending my shirts out | ARG-M-TMP: this one time SRL for [planned]: They initially [planned] a transaction that included about $ 250 m in equity,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: initially | ARG-1: a transaction that included about $ 250 m in equity SRL for [snitch]: They have done that thing where they just constantly wind each other up and take turns in running crying to me to [snitch] on the other for ' touching my drawing ' ' sitting in my seat ' and today 's favourite ' looking at me ',ARG-0: they | ARG-1: on the other | ARG-2: for ' touching my drawing ' ' sitting in my seat ' and today 's favourite ' looking at me ' "SRL for [consolidate]: Next year Western Digital plans to [consolidate] its operations from 11 buildings in Irvine into two buildings in the same city , a new headquarters and , a block away , a modern $ 100 million silicon wafer fabrication plant .","ARG-0: Western Digital | ARG-1: its operations | ARG-3: from 11 buildings in Irvine | ARG-2: into two buildings in the same city , a new headquarters and , a block away , a modern $ 100 million silicon wafer fabrication plant" SRL for [waked]: Their remains are [waked] in their homes for roughly 2 - 3 days .,ARG-1: Their remains | ARG-M-LOC: in their homes | ARG-M-TMP: for roughly 2 - 3 days "SRL for [wash]: "" Twenty years ago , the polyester uniforms worn by schoolchildren in Taiwan turned dreadfully stiff when you tried to [wash] them ; cotton clothes shrank ; nylon made your skin red and itchy ; stockings would ladder if you so much as looked at them ; and decent clothes had to be expensively dry cleaned , "" recalls CTI president Yao Hsing - chuan .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: them SRL for [hate]: Con men [hate] snow .,ARG-0: Con men | ARG-1: snow SRL for [address]: The principal 's [address] to the high school came over the PA system .,ARG-0: principal 's | ARG-2: to the high school "SRL for [ping]: Devotees pass hours , watching the lights blink and listening to the metal balls [ping] , as much to gamble as to get a little time to be anonymous , alone with their thoughts .",ARG-0: the metal balls SRL for [degassed]: The solution in the flask was [degassed] .,ARG-1: The solution in the flask "SRL for [overheard]: Thornburg added in a lower voice but Andy [overheard] , `` They act more like a jury than an audience '' .",ARG-0: Andy SRL for [sizzled]: John 's dinner [sizzled] on the sidewalk .,ARG-0: John 's dinner | ARG-M-LOC: on the sidewalk SRL for [achievement]: His [achievement] of winning back - to - back European Cups is considered to be one of the greatest in football .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of winning back - to - back European Cups "SRL for [puzzled]: I am [puzzled] by the "" friending "" process . I received a warning from FB that I had sent a request to someone I did n't know ? ? ? Well duh .","ARG-1: I | ARG-0: by the "" friending "" process" SRL for [tented]: Her eyes were sunk and her skin [tented] when pinched,ARG-1: her skin | ARG-M-CAU: when pinched SRL for [certified]: The laboratory is [certified] under HFGC,ARG-1: The laboratory | ARG-2: under HFGC SRL for [neutropenic]: Our patient was [neutropenic] since she was admitted to hospital and she was receiving prednisolone for 27 days .,ARG-1: Our patient | ARG-M-TMP: since she was admitted to hospital "SRL for [slip]: I personally feel the announcement of BES 5.0 was pretty huge , but perhaps its [slip] from a tentative scheduled release from 6 months ago to a more firm date of one year from now was perhaps the biggest news from WES .",ARG-1: its | ARG-3: from a tentative scheduled release from 6 months ago | ARG-4: to a more firm date of one year from now SRL for [wintered]: They [wintered] with both parents on the North Shore .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-COM: with both parents | ARG-1: on the North Shore "SRL for [buzzing]: Conference attendees are expected to be [buzzing] about the workings of the recently formed Resolution Trust Corp. , a federal agency charged with disposing of an estimated $ 200 billion of real estate dumped in government hands by insolvent savings and loans .","ARG-0: Conference attendees | ARG-1: about the workings of the recently formed Resolution Trust Corp. , a federal agency charged with disposing of an estimated $ 200 billion of real estate dumped in government hands by insolvent savings and loans" SRL for [aims]: The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers [aims] to improve relations with vicars .,ARG-0: The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers | ARG-1: to improve relations with vicars SRL for [iftar]: I can have [iftar] with you .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-M-COM: with you "SRL for [called for]: In the determination of who shall be [called for] overtime work , the following considerations will govern :","ARG-M-MOD: shall | ARG-1: in | ARG-2: overtime work , the" "SRL for [reunited]: At the same time , six ANC colleagues , five of whom were arrested with him in 1963 and sentenced to life imprisonment , were [reunited] with their families at various places around the country .","ARG-M-TMP: At the same time | ARG-1: six ANC colleagues , five of whom were arrested with him in 1963 and sentenced to life imprisonment | ARG-2: with their families | ARG-M-LOC: at various places around the country" SRL for [assembly]: The [assembly] of the new bicycle took all day .,ARG-1: of the new bicycle SRL for [palpable]: This may be [palpable] .,ARG-1: This | ARG-M-MOD: may SRL for [dished]: John [dished] the potatoes .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the potatoes SRL for [flintknapping]: Dr. Errett Callahan 's new book showcases the wonderful [flintknapping] of the European Neolithic cultures .,ARG-M-ADJ: wonderful | ARG-0: of the European Neolithic cultures "SRL for [chisel]: Looking leaner than he has in a while , the younger Mr. Bridges 's Jack is sexy and cynical and a far sadder case than Frank , who 's managed to [chisel] his dreams to fit reality without feeling too cheated .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: Frank | ARG-1: his dreams | ARG-4: to fit reality | ARG-M-MNR: without feeling too cheated SRL for [close]: A politically biased press operating outside the law must be pretty [close] to treason .,ARG-1: A politically biased press operating outside the law | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-M-EXT: pretty | ARG-2: to treason "SRL for [returnable]: I ca n't get a fucking answer . If it s [returnable] , buy it , I guess , but I really do n't see us using it . It supposed to be 70 on Monday . You can always return it .",ARG-1: it SRL for [generation]: electricity [generation],ARG-1: electricity SRL for [backed up]: Someone [backed up] their car in order to hit me,ARG-0: Someone | ARG-1: their car | ARG-M-PRP: in order to hit me SRL for [buy]: Consumers who [buy] at this level are more educated than they were .,ARG-0: Consumers | ARG-M-MNR: at this level SRL for [causes]: Even brief exposures to crocidolite [causes] symptoms that show up decades later .,ARG-0: Even brief exposures to crocidolite | ARG-1: symptoms that show up decades later "SRL for [greening]: In the Delaware River , three long islands were overgrown with [greening] trees and underbrush .",ARG-1: trees SRL for [backhanded]: Kurtz took the weapon away from Eddie and [backhanded] him into the wall .,ARG-0: Kurtz | ARG-2: him | ARG-M-DIR: into the wall "SRL for [suppose]: He thinks the underlying inflation rate is around 5 % to 6 % , far higher than most people [suppose] .",ARG-0: most people SRL for [interpreted]: His comments were [interpreted] as a sign that higher interest rates are possible .,ARG-1: His comments | ARG-2: as a sign that higher interest rates are possible "SRL for [fetch]: It is possible then that Santa Fe 's real estate -- even in a state imperiled by earthquakes -- could , one day , [fetch] a king 's ransom .",ARG-0: Santa Fe 's real estate | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-TMP: one day | ARG-1: a king 's ransom "SRL for [allowable]: Yesterday , an athlete wrote in his microblog : "" today the State Administration of Sports released a notice forbidding athletes to eat pork ; even mutton and beef were not [allowable] to eat outside -- only chicken and fish are okay to eat .",ARG-1: even mutton and beef | ARG-M-NEG: not | C-ARG-1: to eat outside SRL for [belted]: He was put back in his crate and [belted] a tune for us .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a tune | ARG-2: for us SRL for [jewy]: He was so tall and [jewy] though ! ! ! I looooove Jews,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-DIS: though SRL for [learned]: John [learned] his lesson from Mary .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his lesson | ARG-2: from Mary SRL for [handfed]: They were [handfed] and spoiled when they were being raised .,ARG-1: They | ARG-M-TMP: when they were being raised "SRL for [sliding]: For anyone dealing seriously with these issues , there could have been little doubt that Saddam would use the considerable aid and trade Rumsfeld was [sliding] his way under the table to mount a better - armed , more bloody war on Iran , to further the regime 's most ambitious dreams of weapons development , and to tyrannize all the more savagely potentially rebellious Iraqi Shiites and Kurds .",ARG-1: the considerable aid and trade | ARG-0: Rumsfeld | ARG-M-DIR: his way | ARG-M-MNR: under the table SRL for [castrated]: The story was [castrated] so as to be child friendly .,ARG-1: The story | ARG-M-PRP: so as to be child friendly "SRL for [whined]: Wires [whined] as a cold November blast rocked the silver wings , but the engine roar was reassuring to the pilot bundled in the open cockpit .",ARG-0: Wires | ARG-M-TMP: as a cold November blast rocked the silver wings "SRL for [photocopy]: If those words were n't there , the nice people at the Voice would be able to send you the information or , at the very least , let you [photocopy] it .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: it "SRL for [cared]: They desperately needed somebody who showed they [cared] for them , who loved them .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: for them "SRL for [RTC]: Next week , patient is to [RTC] for re - evaluation .",ARG-M-TMP: Next week | ARG-0: patient | ARG-M-PRP: for re - evaluation "SRL for [trademarked]: The name "" Narconon "" is [trademarked] to the Scientology organization through one of their many front groups .","ARG-1: The name "" Narconon "" | ARG-2: to the Scientology organization | ARG-M-MNR: through one of their many front groups" "SRL for [apprenticed]: After the death of Darth Maul , Darth Sidious [apprenticed] Darth Tyranus who in turn apprenticed several Dark Jedi .",ARG-M-TMP: After the death of Darth Maul | ARG-2: Darth Sidious | ARG-0: Darth Tyranus who in turn apprenticed several Dark Jedi "SRL for [asking]: An inkling of this can be seen in the results of a recent online ballot conducted by the Hsin Yi Foundation , [asking] parents about their "" educational approach or concepts . ""","ARG-0: a recent online ballot conducted by the Hsin Yi Foundation | ARG-2: parents | ARG-1: about their "" educational approach or concepts" "SRL for [wave]: All along the waterways , Iraqi sailors [wave] to Heller 's crew .",ARG-M-LOC: All along the waterways | ARG-0: Iraqi sailors | ARG-2: to Heller 's crew SRL for [applications]: laser [applications] for military space,ARG-1: laser | ARG-2: for military space "SRL for [bat]: Mike , off balance , managed to [bat] the muzzle away a moment before it exploded .",ARG-0: Mike | ARG-1: the muzzle | ARG-M-PRD: away | ARG-M-TMP: a moment before it exploded SRL for [spacing]: An averaging window equal to the sampling [spacing] .,ARG-1: sampling "SRL for [controlled]: ... NL Industries , [controlled] by Dallas investor Harold Simmons ...",ARG-1: NL Industries | ARG-0: by Dallas investor Harold Simmons SRL for [acquire]: New England Electric will [acquire] PS of New Hampshire .,ARG-0: New England Electric | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: PS of New Hampshire "SRL for [donned]: But as Judge Thomas M. Jenkins [donned] his robes so he could give final approval , the major earthquake struck , its epicenter not far from his courtroom in Redwood City , Calif.",ARG-0: Judge Thomas M. Jenkins | ARG-1: his robes | ARG-M-PNC: so he could give final approval SRL for [obliterate]: Program traders argue that a reinstatement of the rule would [obliterate] the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: a reinstatement of the rule | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets SRL for [Proctoring]: [Proctoring] . I wish you could bring me coffee ., SRL for [resumed]: The news told them it would be a while longer before UAL [resumed] trading like a regular airline stock after months of gyrations .,ARG-1: UAL | C-ARG-1: trading like a regular airline stock "SRL for [buffeted]: The government , already [buffeted] by high interest rates and a slowing economy , has been badly hurt by last week 's shake - up in Mrs. Thatcher 's cabinet .",ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: The government | ARG-2: by high interest rates and a slowing economy "SRL for [associating]: The Republican campaign , not directly through Lazio , but others was actually [associating] in certain ways Mrs. Clinton 's sympathies with the Arab sides in the Middle East with the attack on the battle ship Cole .","ARG-0: The Republican campaign | ARG-M-MNR: not directly through Lazio , but others | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-M-MNR: in certain ways | ARG-1: Mrs. Clinton 's sympathies with the Arab sides in the Middle East | ARG-2: with the attack on the battle ship Cole" "SRL for [disgruntled]: It reduces lawsuits from [disgruntled] employees and ex - employees , with all that means for reduced legal costs and better public relations .",ARG-1: employees SRL for [close]: Armstrong will [close] the sale of the color unit in late November .,ARG-0: Armstrong | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the sale of the color unit | ARG-M-TMP: in late November SRL for [backlash]: Chinese media 's [backlash] against Apple over Iphone iOS tracking ability .,ARG-0: Chinese media 's | ARG-2: against Apple | ARG-1: over Iphone iOS tracking ability "SRL for [acquainted]: Instead , he said that the purpose is simply for the two to get `` better [acquainted] '' and discuss a wide range of issues without a formal agenda .",ARG-M-MNR: better | ARG-1: the two "SRL for [scream]: It is interesting to see the fundamental stock pickers [scream] `` foul '' on program trading when the markets decline , while hailing the great values still abounding as the markets rise .",ARG-0: the fundamental stock pickers | ARG-1: foul | ARG-M-ADV: on program trading | ARG-M-TMP: when the markets decline | ARG-M-ADV: while hailing the great values still abounding as the markets rise SRL for [checking]: The burglar 's undoing was his [checking] into a hotel in Pune .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: into a hotel in Pune SRL for [study]: Mr. Garcia acknowledges the problem and says the Asset Trust will [study] why the bidding failed and what changes the agency may be able to offer .,ARG-0: the Asset Trust | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: why the bidding failed and what changes the agency may be able to offer SRL for [recruitment]: Columbia College 's [recruitment] of teachers,ARG-0: Columbia College 's | ARG-1: of teachers SRL for [kickstart]: They may not be able to [kickstart] their own industrial era .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their own industrial era "SRL for [swept]: Despite all these innovations , most of the diamonds are still found in the sand [swept] away by the men wielding shovels and brushes -- the ignominiously named `` bedrock sweepers '' who toil in the wake of the excavators .",ARG-1: the sand | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-0: by the men wielding shovels and brushes -- the ignominiously named `` bedrock sweepers '' who toil in the wake of the excavators SRL for [raising]: The [raising] of the river,ARG-1: of the river SRL for [response]: prices dropped in [response] to gains in the stock market and losses in Treasury securities,ARG-0: prices | ARG-2: dropped | ARG-1: to gains in the stock market and losses in Treasury securities SRL for [consult]: Is there anything I can do to stop the [consult] with an attorney about filing a chapter bankruptcy ?,ARG-1: with an attorney | ARG-2: about filing a chapter bankruptcy SRL for [fall apart]: And if you boil them for longer they do n't come loose and [fall apart] .,ARG-M-ADV: if you boil them for longer | ARG-1: they SRL for [hepaticojejunostomy]: numerous surgeries including [hepaticojejunostomy], "SRL for [animalized]: Rather than imposing human consciousness upon animal behaviors , he [animalized] consciousness in general .",ARG-M-ADV: Rather than imposing human consciousness upon animal behaviors | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: consciousness | ARG-M-ADV: in general SRL for [inconceivable]: It is [inconceivable] to me that a million or three million or half a million human beings will think and feel precisely the same way on any single subject .,ARG-0: to me | ARG-1: that a million or three million or half a million human beings will think and feel precisely the same way on any single subject SRL for [scare]: Such disclosures of big holdings often are used by raiders to try to [scare] a company 's managers .,ARG-0: raiders | ARG-1: a company 's managers "SRL for [illustrated]: A panic had come since Mr. Semple had died , which had [illustrated] to him very clearly what an uncertain thing the brokerage business was .",ARG-0: which | ARG-2: to him | ARG-M-MNR: him very | ARG-1: what an uncertain thing the brokerage business was "SRL for [pressing]: For more than a decade , banks have been [pressing] Congress and banking regulators for expanded powers to act like securities firms in playing Wall Street 's lucrative takeover game , from giving mergers advice all the way to selling and trading high - yield junk bonds .","ARG-M-TMP: For more than a decade | ARG-0: banks | ARG-1: Congress and banking regulators | ARG-2: for expanded powers to act like securities firms in playing Wall Street 's lucrative takeover game , from giving mergers advice all the way to selling and trading high - yield junk bonds" SRL for [jealous]: God is [jealous] of men because He loves them .,ARG-0: God | ARG-1: of men | ARG-M-CAU: because He loves them SRL for [believe]: I [believe] in the system .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: in the system "SRL for [slaked]: Once [slaked] with water , it could be spread on fields to reduce acidity .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with water "SRL for [adapted]: William Gates and Paul Allen in 1975 developed an early language - housekeeper system for PCs , and Gates became an industry billionaire six years after IBM [adapted] one of these versions in 1981 .",ARG-0: IBM | ARG-1: one of these versions | ARG-M-TMP: in 1981 "SRL for [symmetric]: now build the leg on the other side of the red block , [symmetric] to the first leg",ARG-1: the leg | ARG-3: to the first leg SRL for [come]: I 'm studying abroad for a year and my boyfriend is going to [come] visit me a few times times .,ARG-0: my boyfriend | ARG-1: visit me a few times times "SRL for [disheartened]: The forced retirement had [disheartened] him , but he knew , of course , that it was coming .",ARG-0: The forced retirement | ARG-1: him "SRL for [campaign]: SInce much of it lies in the mountainous regions of the West and southwest , these are already the subject of the new [campaign] against a resurfacing TAliban .",ARG-M-TMP: new | ARG-1: against a resurfacing TAliban SRL for [seizures]: Denies [seizures] ., "SRL for [untied]: he [untied] the silk cord from his stork 's wings , and away they went",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the silk cord | ARG-2: from his stork 's wings SRL for [misconduct]: judicial [misconduct],ARG-0: judicial SRL for [rimmed]: she [rimmed] the entire eye with the dark liner .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the entire eye | ARG-2: with the dark liner "SRL for [zero in]: In making cases , the authorities frequently [zero in] on alleged misrepresentations made by the charities ' fund raisers .",ARG-M-TMP: In making cases | ARG-0: the authorities | ARG-M-TMP: frequently | ARG-1: on alleged misrepresentations made by the charities ' fund raisers SRL for [sutured]: Removing the retractors he pulled the skin down and [sutured] it shut with a much thicker thread .,ARG-M-ADV: Removing the retractors | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: shut | ARG-2: with a much thicker thread SRL for [bid]: Will he make a [bid] for the Presidency in 2008 ?,ARG-1: for the Presidency SRL for [explanation]: Sarah Palin flubbed with her [explanation] of Paul Revere 's ride,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of Paul Revere 's ride "SRL for [depalmitoylated]: Moreover , when we [depalmitoylated] HA - tagged αs with APT1 , the protein was not released from membranes , even when GTPγS was also present ( Fig . 3 ) .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: HA - tagged αs | ARG-2: APT1 SRL for [connection]: The [connection] between church and state is inescapable .,ARG-1: between church and state SRL for [dehusk]: the grower would [dehusk] his paddy at their mills .,ARG-0: the grower | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: his paddy | ARG-M-LOC: at their mills SRL for [built]: Higher volatility gets [built] into the stock market .,ARG-1: Higher volatility | ARG-2: into the stock market "SRL for [hog]: David Cameron should just sit down and shut up , without a realistic cabability he has no real right to [hog] the limelight calling for a miltary intervention he has no possibility of deploying .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the limelight SRL for [followed]: Champagne and dessert [followed] .,ARG-1: Champagne and dessert "SRL for [loaded]: Is there a message that says "" successfully [loaded] "" ?",ARG-M-MNR: successfully SRL for [punishment]: Do some authorities adjust their [punishment] of minorities for fear of being labelled a racist ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of minorities "SRL for [overran]: They [overran] the 7th Cav 's forward machine - gun positions through sheer weight of numbers , over piles of their own dead .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the 7th Cav 's forward machine - gun positions | ARG-M-MNR: through sheer weight of numbers | ARG-M-DIR: over piles of their own dead SRL for [respiration]: His [respiration] was exaggerated and his breath had an acetone odor .,ARG-0: His SRL for [rule]: The commission is expected to [rule] on the Braidwood 2 case by year end .,ARG-0: The commission | ARG-1: on the Braidwood 2 case | ARG-M-TMP: by year end "SRL for [iatrogenic]: Many biological psychiatrists who base their practices around medication management will tell you the condition does n't exist , or that if it exists it is "" [iatrogenic] , "" meaning it is caused by therapists training their patients to interpret their symptoms as if they have a whole set of distinct personalities .",ARG-1: it "SRL for [pulled]: A Kellogg officer said the Memphis project was `` [pulled] in for a reconsideration of costs , '' an indication that the ambitious plans might be scaled back in any future construction .",ARG-1: the Memphis project | ARG-2: in | ARG-M-PRP: for a reconsideration of costs | ARG-M-ADV: an indication that the ambitious plans might be scaled back in any future construction SRL for [basted]: The waist may be [basted] to the outside piece of the band,ARG-1: The waist | ARG-2: to the outside piece of the band | ARG-M-MOD: may SRL for [presentation]: Diabetic neuropathy 's initial [presentation] as flank radicular pain can throw off less experienced diagnosticians .,ARG-1: Diabetic neuropathy 's | ARG-M-TMP: initial | ARG-2: as flank radicular pain SRL for [transfixed]: Colorful images [transfixed] John 's gaze .,ARG-0: Colorful images | ARG-1: John 's gaze SRL for [compensation]: Their [compensation] of $ 100 a month for working 17 - hour days with no days off amounted to a wage of roughly 20 cents an hour .,ARG-2: Their | ARG-3: of $ 100 a month | ARG-1: for working 17 - hour days with no days off SRL for [Paramutation]: [Paramutation] of the r1 locus of maize is associated with increased cytosine methylation .,ARG-1: of the r1 locus of maize "SRL for [mixed]: Workers dumped large burlap sacks of the imported material into a huge bin , poured in cotton and acetate fibers and mechanically [mixed] the dry fibers in a process used to make filters .",ARG-0: Workers | ARG-M-MNR: mechanically | ARG-1: the dry fibers | ARG-M-LOC: in a process used to make filters SRL for [efficient]: She is [efficient] at multiplication .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: at multiplication SRL for [scab]: It does not bleed or [scab],ARG-1: It | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [hoodwinked]: You depict the bill as something Democratic leaders `` [hoodwinked] '' the administration into endorsing .,ARG-0: Democratic leaders | ARG-1: the administration | ARG-2: into endorsing | C-ARG-2: something SRL for [desquamation]: mild skin [desquamation],ARG-M-EXT: mild | ARG-2: skin SRL for [sober]: I was [sober] off of everything for 18 years and lived a 12step program to the best of my ability .,ARG-1: I | ARG-3: off of everything | ARG-M-TMP: for 18 years "SRL for [criminalization]: BO?s children are made the sacrifices ; the unnecessary and unjustified witnesses in his [criminalization] for nothing but normal , healthy and loving parenting .","ARG-2: his | ARG-1: for nothing but normal , healthy and loving parenting" "SRL for [spring]: Now that he is about to leave middle age for the age of wisdom , this causes him to walk on eagerly , with a [spring] in his step .",ARG-1: in his step "SRL for [debut]: Nicky and Allison also have cerebral palsy , and their visit to Nickelodeon coincides with the network 's [debut] of `` Pelswick , '' an animated series about a 13 - year - old boy in a wheelchair .","ARG-0: the network 's | ARG-1: of `` Pelswick , '' an animated series about a 13 - year - old boy in a wheelchair" "SRL for [linked up]: It has n't diversified beyond steel , nor has it [linked up] with a joint venture partner to share costs and risks .",ARG-0: it | ARG-2: with a joint venture partner | ARG-M-PRP: to share costs and risks "SRL for [unites]: Most political analysts say that if Mr. Gandhi 's opposition [unites] to field single candidates in most precincts , the Congress ( I ) will lose big .",ARG-1: Mr. Gandhi 's opposition | ARG-M-PRP: to field single candidates in most precincts "SRL for [underestimated]: John Wetherell , a Lloyd 's underwriter , says he and his fellow underwriters [underestimated] by as much as 50 % the premiums they should have charged for property risks from 1980 to 1985 .",ARG-0: he and his fellow underwriters | ARG-2: by as much as 50 % | ARG-1: the premiums they should have charged for property risks from 1980 to 1985 SRL for [smothering]: The First World has for some time had the bad habit of [smothering] other people 's economies with this kind of unfocused kindness .,ARG-0: The First World | ARG-1: other people 's economies | ARG-2: with this kind of unfocused kindness "SRL for [presupposes]: Well , to my understanding , intelligent design [presupposes] that everything in life is too complex , that it has to be designed .","ARG-M-DIS: Well | ARG-M-ADV: to my understanding | ARG-0: intelligent design | ARG-1: that everything in life is too complex , that it has to be designed" "SRL for [alienated]: With only two issues under its belt , Garbage has [alienated] some would - be advertisers and raised the ire of others .",ARG-M-PRD: With only two issues under its belt | ARG-0: Garbage | ARG-1: some would - be advertisers "SRL for [replace]: Mr. Steinberg , he suggested , could [replace] British Airways PLC , which has withdrawn from the buy - out group .","ARG-2: Mr. Steinberg | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: British Airways PLC , which has withdrawn from the buy - out group" "SRL for [resolve]: The fast - food company said its decision was based on discussions with a shareholder group , Giant Group Ltd. , `` in an effort to [resolve] certain disputes with the company . ''",ARG-0: The fast - food company | ARG-1: certain disputes with the company SRL for [conflagration]: The [conflagration] of fire roared skyward several hundred feet .,ARG-2: of fire "SRL for [hailstorm]: For example , a one inch [hailstorm] ( a hailstorm consisting primarily of hailstones that are roughly 1 inch in diameter ) could create small dents along certain elevations of your aluminum siding .",ARG-2: one inch "SRL for [fissions]: Typically , a large nucleus like that of uranium [fissions] by splitting into two smaller nuclei , along with a few neutrons , the release of heat energy ( kinetic energy of the nuclei ) , and gamma rays .","ARG-M-DIS: Typically | ARG-1: a large nucleus like that of uranium | ARG-M-MNR: by splitting into two smaller nuclei , along with a few neutrons , the release of heat energy ( kinetic energy of the nuclei ) , and gamma rays" SRL for [heeled]: The vessel [heeled] over on her side and lay among the rocks .,ARG-1: The vessel | ARG-2: over | ARG-M-MNR: on her side SRL for [overwhelmed]: John [overwhelmed] his dissertation committee with the brilliance of his arguments .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his dissertation committee | ARG-2: with the brilliance of his arguments "SRL for [clinical]: Monitoring during the administration of magnesium sulphate in this trial was [clinical] , and was based on ensuring that respiration was not depressed , the patellar reflex was present , and renal function was adequate .",ARG-1: Monitoring during the administration of magnesium sulphate in this trial "SRL for [grey]: As I noted earlier , Gurov 's hair is [grey] from age .",ARG-M-DIS: As I noted earlier | ARG-1: Gurov 's hair | ARG-0: from age SRL for [crusaded]: They [crusaded] to get the civil rights act and it passed .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: to get the civil rights act "SRL for [spoke out]: Mr. Pilson says that when he [spoke out] a few years ago , `` I did n't say forever , and I did n't say every property . ''",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: when | ARG-M-TMP: a few years ago "SRL for [quadrangulation]: We describe a fundamentally new approach to the [quadrangulation] of manifold polygon meshes using Laplacian eigenfunctions , the natural harmonics of the surface .","ARG-1: of manifold polygon meshes | ARG-M-MNR: using Laplacian eigenfunctions , the natural harmonics of the surface" "SRL for [put up]: Even with mutual funds , the little investor continues to [put up] with high fees , high commissions and poor performance , while index - fund managers slowly amass a better record with lower fees , lower commissions and less risk .","ARG-0: the little investor | ARG-1: up with high fees , high commissions and poor performance" "SRL for [Face Off]: "" The Parties [Face Off] "" .",ARG-0: The Parties "SRL for [stepped]: Institutions , meanwhile , [stepped] back to the sidelines as the direction of U.S. interest rates remained unclear .",ARG-1: Institutions | ARG-M-TMP: meanwhile | ARG-2: back to the sidelines | ARG-M-TMP: as the direction of U.S. interest rates remained unclear SRL for [more]: Your brain is [more] than a bag of chemicals,ARG-1: Your brain | ARG-2: than a bag of chemicals SRL for [evaporated]: Analysts were disappointed that the enthusiasm investors showed for stocks in the wake of Georgia - Pacific 's $ 3.18 billion bid for Great Northern Nekoosa [evaporated] so quickly .,ARG-1: the enthusiasm investors showed for stocks in the wake of Georgia - Pacific 's $ 3.18 billion bid for Great Northern Nekoosa | ARG-M-MNR: so quickly "SRL for [irresponsible]: Facebook is "" [irresponsible] "" for allowing return of beheading videos .",ARG-1: Facebook | C-ARG-1: for allowing return of beheading videos SRL for [feinted]: The midfielder [feinted] to shoot .,ARG-0: The midfielder | ARG-1: to shoot SRL for [question]: Your [question] about the New York Times,ARG-0: Your | ARG-1: about the New York Times SRL for [iodized]: The salt consumed by them was [iodized] .,ARG-1: The salt consumed by them "SRL for [Clad]: [Clad] in his trademark black velvet suit , the soft - spoken clarinetist announced that his new album , `` Inner Voices , '' had just been released , that his family was in the front row , and that it was his mother 's birthday , so he was going to play her favorite tune from the record .",ARG-1: the soft - spoken clarinetist | ARG-2: in his trademark black velvet suit SRL for [scrolling]: Another thing was to publicize through [scrolling] media headlines .,ARG-1: media headlines "SRL for [noted]: However , it should be [noted] , there are after all great ideological differences between the DPP and the other parties .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: should SRL for [strained]: Judge Kozinski found the derivation entirely [strained] and writes that `` for an academic to refer to himself as an intellectual gigolo is ... a devastating admission of professional dishonesty . '',ARG-M-ADV: entirely | ARG-1: the derivation SRL for [spelled]: Tanshui Township -LRB- also [spelled] Tamsui -RRB- is part of Taipei County .,ARG-1: Tanshui Township | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-2: Tamsui SRL for [hairstyling]: I did his [hairstyling] for his waxwork model at London 's Madame Tussauds .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: his | ARG-M-PRP: for his waxwork model at London 's Madame Tussauds SRL for [picks up]: Thus the band - wagon psychology of recent days [picks up] new impetus .,ARG-M-DIS: Thus | ARG-0: the band - wagon psychology of recent days | ARG-1: new impetus SRL for [settled]: He [settled] in France becoming a French citizen two years ago .,ARG-0: He | ARG-4: in France | ARG-M-ADV: becoming a French citizen two years ago SRL for [ehh]: Lol it 's [ehh] . Wait are you taking a class here ?,ARG-M-DIS: Lol | ARG-1: it SRL for [dunk]: They [dunk] the Oreos in milk .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the Oreos | ARG-2: in milk SRL for [hauls]: John [hauls] a bag full of bricks with him everywhere he goes .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a bag full of bricks | ARG-3: with him | ARG-M-DIR: everywhere he goes SRL for [portends]: This [portends] consequences from what we have already done that will be very destabilizing to social and economic systems .,ARG-0: This | ARG-1: consequences from what we have already done that will be very destabilizing to social and economic systems SRL for [favored]: Are they not pleased that our economic condition has recovered and God has [favored] us with this abundant good ?,ARG-0: God | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: with this abundant good "SRL for [donated]: Sumitomo Bank [donated] $ 500,000 , Tokyo prefecture $ 15,000 and the city of Osaka $ 10,000 .","ARG-0: Sumitomo Bank | ARG-1: $ 500,000" SRL for [dishonest]: Do you honestly believe that people are never [dishonest] unless they are part of the Bilderburg global conspiracy ?,ARG-1: people | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-M-ADV: unless they are part of the Bilderburg global conspiracy ? SRL for [fight]: The filibuster [fight] to please Democratic activists,ARG-M-MNR: filibuster | ARG-2: to please Democratic activists "SRL for [seizing]: At one point , he felt that he was [seizing] .",ARG-1: he SRL for [inscribe]: He once asked Wang to re - [inscribe] an old seal Huang had picked up on an antiques stall .,ARG-0: Wang | ARG-1: an old seal Huang had picked up on an antiques stall "SRL for [scarred]: However , people may not know that today another group of Chinese people in a foreign land are still evoking the same kind of touching story , treating the war wounds of battle - [scarred] Cambodia , and paving a road to prosperity .",ARG-0: battle | ARG-1: Cambodia SRL for [scraped]: John [scraped] Mary 's burnt birthday cake from the pan with a spatula .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary 's burnt birthday cake | ARG-2: from the pan | ARG-3: with a spatula "SRL for [chubby]: That 's the only place i see a lot of familiar faces , but it 's all awkward small talk . I avoid it . a lot of the cool kids got [chubby] ... that 's kind of funny .",ARG-1: a lot of the cool kids "SRL for [proceeding]: however , that there is no impediment to his [proceeding] to trial on Monday and providing defendant with effective representation .",ARG-0: his | ARG-M-GOL: to trial | ARG-M-TMP: on Monday "SRL for [centered]: Of course , undeniably , some enforcement departments , which are public security bureau - [centered] , face the fact that they have insufficient personnel and they have to recruit some "" temporary workers . """,R-ARG-1: some enforcement departments | ARG-1: which | ARG-2: public security bureau SRL for [addition]: There has been no [addition] to gasoline prices this month .,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-2: to gasoline prices "SRL for [bankroll]: Their stock in trade as `` executive producers '' is sniffing out hot properties , locking them up and then getting big studios to [bankroll] and distribute them .",ARG-0: big studios | ARG-1: them "SRL for [operations]: Rescue teams continued their search [operations] for more bodies under the volcanic debris , rocks and mud at the foot of Mayon volcano in the Albay province at a distance of 330 kilometers south of the capital Manila .","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: search | ARG-2: for more bodies under the volcanic debris , rocks and mud at the foot of Mayon volcano in the Albay province at a distance of 330 kilometers south of the capital Manila" SRL for [jumping]: She is [jumping] ship .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: ship SRL for [statement]: a registration [statement] filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission,ARG-3: registration SRL for [extravasation]: The [extravasation] of cancer chemotherapeutic agents is an unwanted and distressing situation that can easily occur,ARG-1: of cancer chemotherapeutic agents SRL for [get even]: Partners at other accounting firms say that the Deloitte firm in the U.K. is filing the suit to [get even] with the merged Deloitte - Touche firm for keeping major auditing work in England .,ARG-0: the Deloitte firm in the U.K. | ARG-1: with the merged Deloitte - Touche firm | ARG-2: for keeping major auditing work in England SRL for [dreamt]: I even [dreamt] about school and new things to do with my students . '',ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIS: even | ARG-1: about school and new things to do with my students SRL for [understanding]: You definitely are n't crazy though do n't worry and your GP will be [understanding] of the issue I 'm sure .,ARG-0: your GP | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: of the issue SRL for [loss]: a 10 percent [loss] from peak at 100F,ARG-2: 10 percent | ARG-3: from peak at 100F "SRL for [runs]: Economist Maria Delapasvela , who works with the magazine Rabista Hastion says adopting the US dollar has put an end to Ecuador 's crisis atmosphere characterized by [runs] on banks andother disruptions .",ARG-1: on banks SRL for [recirculation]: normal systolic function before and after blood [recirculation],ARG-1: blood SRL for [risky]: Walking alone down the dark alley was [risky] of her,ARG-1: Walking alone down the dark alley | ARG-0: of her "SRL for [dominates]: The new economy is a weapon by which the US [dominates] the world , with "" the export of knowledge "" replacing the export of goods .","R-ARG-M-MNR: by which | ARG-0: the US | ARG-1: the world | ARG-M-MNR: a weapon | ARG-M-MNR: with "" the export of knowledge "" replacing the export of goods" "SRL for [racing]: The competition is even more heated in the auto industry , where companies are [racing] one another for a world - wide market .",ARG-0: companies | ARG-1: one another | ARG-3: for a world - wide market | ARG-M-LOC: the auto industry | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [deboned]: I [deboned] the chicken the same way I saw Geny Sison do it on TV,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the chicken | ARG-M-MNR: the same way I saw Geny Sison do it on TV SRL for [indisposed]: She was [indisposed] .,ARG-2: She SRL for [hot]: [hot] or cold, "SRL for [encouragement]: The historian , with his [encouragement] of ' unbridled wickedness ' , is a hopeless horseman compared to the poet , who knows how to ' rein ' his imagination with",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of ' unbridled wickedness ' SRL for [pitch]: ... So far Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has n't made a [pitch] for the job .,ARG-M-TMP: So far | ARG-0: Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-2: for the job SRL for [imprinted]: ... with its square pattern already [imprinted] showed it to look exactly like the sample ...,ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-2: its square pattern SRL for [spell]: The withdrawals could [spell] trouble for the $ 200 billion junk market .,ARG-0: The withdrawals | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: trouble for the $ 200 billion junk market SRL for [narrowing]: One of the strengths as well as weaknesses of contemporary academic life is its [narrowing] of expertise .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of expertise SRL for [Knowing]: [Knowing] New York better than Hualien,ARG-1: New York | ARG-2: better than Hualien SRL for [jumping gun]: Now all of these statements by the President and others are [jumping gun] .,ARG-M-DIS: Now | ARG-1: all of these statements by the President and others SRL for [accursed]: Paul wished himself to be [accursed] for his brethren,ARG-1: himself | ARG-M-GOL: for his brethren SRL for [dilated]: Some of the benign ducts are cyctically - [dilated] .,ARG-1: Some of the benign ducts | ARG-0: cyctically SRL for [turtled]: Melissa [turtled] her board and put all new accounts on preview,ARG-0: Melissa | ARG-1: her board "SRL for [turn]: It is to the great , abiding shame of women and blacks PRO to [turn] their backs on the great achievements of these people .",ARG-0: PRO | ARG-1: their backs | ARG-2: the great achievements of these people SRL for [decongestion]: nasal [decongestion],ARG-1: nasal SRL for [contrast]: in stark [contrast] to Syrian Foreign Minister Faruq al - Shara who was pulling for a complete cut in diplomatic relations between Israel and the two Arab states that happen .,ARG-M-ADJ: stark | ARG-2: to Syrian Foreign Minister Faruq al - Shara who was pulling for a complete cut in diplomatic relations between Israel and the two Arab states that happen "SRL for [hammered]: Moreover , the amended pact shows how McCaw 's persistence has [hammered] LIN and BellSouth into a corner , forcing huge debt on the proposed new company .",ARG-0: McCaw 's persistence | ARG-1: LIN and BellSouth | ARG-2: into a corner | ARG-M-ADV: forcing huge debt on the proposed new company SRL for [praise]: the official 's [praise] of Clean Harbors for the quality of some of the data in the report,ARG-0: the official 's | ARG-1: of Clean Harbors | ARG-2: for the quality of some of the data in the report SRL for [recognize]: and I did n't [recognize] it as her,ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as her SRL for [propagate]: Would it not be better placed to [propagate] the Christian ideal of universal love,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the Christian ideal of universal love SRL for [resigned]: NW Ayer [resigned] the account about two weeks ago .,ARG-0: NW Ayer | ARG-1: the account | ARG-M-TMP: about two weeks ago SRL for [build up]: A fraction may survive and the [build up] of such mistakes may eventually lead to cancer .,ARG-1: of such mistakes "SRL for [incrimination]: By testifying on another matter , a witness does not waive any privilege against self - [incrimination] for testimony that relates only to the witness ’s character for truthfulness .",ARG-1: self "SRL for [liberalize]: Asked if the Soviets , like Chinese officials , wo n't one day face a similar conflict between the desire to [liberalize] economically and yet retain political control , Mr. Lee said , `` I would think that the Soviets face a deeper dilemma because they have been more in blinkers than the Chinese -- I mean keeping their people cut off from the outside world . ''",ARG-0: the Soviets | ARG-M-MNR: economically SRL for [buzzes]: The chief economist of Merrill Lynch & Co. finds himself in such a position as he [buzzes] the Midwest on his first road trip since backpedaling on a major prediction .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the Midwest | ARG-M-LOC: on his first road trip since backpedaling on a major prediction SRL for [passed by]: ... an important official or a member of the gentry [passed by] in a carriage or sedan chair ...,ARG-0: an important official or a member of the gentry | ARG-M-MNR: in a carriage or sedan chair "SRL for [Natter]: Knit and [Natter] in the online Cafe for tips , gossip , events , updates .","ARG-M-LOC: in the online Cafe | ARG-M-PRP: for tips , gossip , events , updates" SRL for [grazed]: The Soviets ' explanation is that the anthrax came from one lot of animal feed made from the bones of cattle that [*T*-1] [grazed] on soil that was naturally infected with anthrax spores ., SRL for [seroconvert]: while one tantalus monkey required one year to [seroconvert] and the other never fully seroconverted .,ARG-1: one tantalus monkey SRL for [congratulations]: The minister sends his [congratulations],ARG-0: his SRL for [got a hold]: The internet [got a hold] of my hacked photos,ARG-0: The internet | ARG-1: of my hacked photos "SRL for [strike]: `` United pilots have shown on a number of occasions they are willing and able to [strike] , '' said an executive at Fuji Bank .",ARG-0: they "SRL for [contacted]: It 's understood that MGM\/UA recently [contacted] Rupert Murdoch 's News Corp. , which made two failed bids for the movie studio , to see if the company was still interested .","ARG-0: MGM\/UA | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: Rupert Murdoch 's News Corp. , which made two failed bids for the movie studio | ARG-M-PRP: to see if the company was still interested" SRL for [advance]: an [advance] of 0.16 cent a pound to 14.27 cents,ARG-2: of 0.16 cent a pound | ARG-4: to 14.27 cents "SRL for [overheating]: And unlike 1987 , the economy does n't appear to be in any danger of [overheating] .",ARG-1: the economy SRL for [ticks off]: He [ticks off] several major differences between now and two years ago .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: several major differences between now and two years ago SRL for [fair]: Attendance was fine while weather was [fair],ARG-1: weather SRL for [fundraising]: I work in educational [fundraising] and I would be so pi$$ed if I worked at a catholic institution and they tried to pull this BS .,ARG-2: educational SRL for [allowed]: Editorials in the Greenville newspaper [allowed] that Mrs. Yeargin was wrong .,ARG-0: Editorials in the Greenville newspaper | ARG-1: that Mrs. Yeargin was wrong "SRL for [slobbered]: When he had finished his poetry , he [slobbered] a most evil - smelling kiss upon me",ARG-M-TMP: When he had finished his poetry | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a most evil - smelling kiss | ARG-M-GOL: upon me SRL for [housekeep]: This agent will [housekeep] the mail database for all mail documents,ARG-0: This agent | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the mail database for all mail documents SRL for [medium]: Their craft is manifested in the Guatemalan bean which is [medium] in body and high in acidity . ? ? ?,ARG-1: which | ARG-2: in body SRL for [decimate]: Program traders argue that a reinstatement of the rule would [decimate] the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: a reinstatement of the rule | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets SRL for [fluxed]: The nitrile rubber and the PVC were [fluxed] together on the mill .,ARG-1: The nitrile rubber and the PVC | ARG-M-PRD: together | ARG-M-LOC: on the mill "SRL for [black]: The instructions were clear , if the child was [black] of hair , if it looked like him it was to be smothered and taken away before Robert could see it .",ARG-1: the child | ARG-2: of hair "SRL for [complaining]: But you 've got to find a way to get everybody working together so you can actually get something done , otherwise all talk about local affairs wo n't amount to anything more than people doing a bit of idle chatting and [complaining] around the dinner table . """,ARG-0: people | ARG-M-LVB: doing | ARG-M-LOC: around the dinner table "SRL for [move]: Time magazine , in a [move] to reduce the costs of wooing new subscribers ...",ARG-1: to reduce the costs of wooing new subscribers SRL for [knew]: Adam [knew] Eve .,ARG-0: Adam | ARG-1: Eve SRL for [inspirational]: O'Brien was [inspirational] to him for accomplishing so much in a short time .,ARG-0: O'Brien | ARG-1: to him | ARG-M-CAU: for accomplishing so much in a short time SRL for [distracting]: That would be extremely [distracting] when you 're on the look out for car bombs and AK - 47s .,ARG-0: That | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: extremely | ARG-M-TMP: when you 're on the look out for car bombs and AK - 47s "SRL for [accommodate]: `` We may be able to reach a tradeoff where we can [accommodate] the pilot union 's concerns and ours , '' said Brian M. Freeman , the machinists ' financial adviser .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the pilot union 's concerns and ours SRL for [proudest]: I 'm [proudest] to say that I 've never read Proust .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to say that I 've never read Proust SRL for [enslaved]: His drug addiction has completely [enslaved] him .,ARG-0: His drug addiction | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-1: him "SRL for [union]: To be anthropomorphic , the "" UK psyche "" resists federal [union] with Europe as evidenced by their original reluctance to join the Eurozone .",ARG-4: federal | ARG-2: with Europe "SRL for [fermented]: [ The water used [*]]-43 comes from the Chishui river that [*T*-42] flows over cinnabar quality soil and selectively uses such locally produced raw materials as sorghum , high quality wheat , etc . and is [fermented] [*-43] during the period from the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival to the Double Ninth Festival .",ARG-M-TMP: during the period from the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival to the Double Ninth Festival SRL for [actuate]: He was void of any of these feelings which [actuate] men to do good .,ARG-0: which | ARG-1: men to do good SRL for [dedication]: The spirit of the Divine Son was manifested in his self - [dedication] to the work .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: self | ARG-2: to the work SRL for [move]: Raja 's [move] on USOF to benefit only one company,ARG-0: Raja 's | ARG-1: on USOF | ARG-M-PRP: to benefit only one company "SRL for [reword]: Yet , unlike the others , I am not starting a new thread to [reword] the same old points .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the same old points "SRL for [baptized]: He had already been studying the Bible ; he knew the fundamentals , andafter studying with Fletcher for a time he approached Rector , announcedthat he wanted to be [baptized] and that was that .",ARG-1: he SRL for [discriminating]: John is a [discriminating] diner .,ARG-0: diner "SRL for [firmed]: Auto shares were mixed , as Daimler - Benz [firmed] 2 to 723 , Bayerische Motoren Werke lost the same amount to 554 , and Volkswagen inched down 1.4 to 451.6 .",ARG-1: Daimler - Benz | ARG-2: 2 | ARG-4: to 723 SRL for [uncertain]: Its future is very [uncertain] and Christians -LRB- assuming some of you are -RRB- are routinely not treated properly .,ARG-1: Its future | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [conduct]: In rare situations a defendant may clearly demonstrate an acceptance of responsibility for his criminal [conduct] .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: criminal SRL for [discovered]: John [discovered] for Mary the set of books that he 'd borrowed from her years earlier .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: for Mary | ARG-1: the set of books that he 'd borrowed from her years earlier "SRL for [rocked]: Speaking to reporters this week after Bank Bumiputra 's shareholders approved a rescue plan , Tan Sri Basir said heavy lending to the property sector [rocked] the bank when property prices in Malaysia plummeted in 1984 - 85 .",ARG-0: heavy lending to the property sector | ARG-1: the bank | ARG-M-TMP: when property prices in Malaysia plummeted in 1984 - 85 SRL for [Fight Off]: I 'll [Fight Off] with My Own Non - Existent Mental Bolts !,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: Them | ARG-2: with My Own Non - Existent Mental Bolts "SRL for [tilts]: As surely as a seesaw [tilts] , falling interest rates force up the price of previously issued bonds .",ARG-1: a seesaw "SRL for [Deforestation]: [Deforestation] of the Amazon rainforest accelerated significantly between 1991 and 2004 ,",ARG-1: of the Amazon rainforest "SRL for [averred]: Globe columnist Mike Barnicle -- in the second attack on his employer in as many weeks -- [averred] that his shadowy countenance was so bad , it looked `` like a face you 'd find on a bottle of miracle elixir that promises to do away with diarrhea in our lifetime . ''","ARG-0: Globe columnist Mike Barnicle | ARG-1: that his shadowy countenance was so bad , it looked `` like a face you 'd find on a bottle of miracle elixir that promises to do away with diarrhea in our lifetime" SRL for [dull]: Mrs Magoli of Balaka Baptist for example left CCAP because it was [dull] to her .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: to her SRL for [depressurized]: The airplane cabin [depressurized] almost instantly .,ARG-1: The airplane cabin | ARG-M-TMP: almost instantly SRL for [soar]: One with no wings may nonetheless [soar] .,ARG-1: One with no wings | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-ADV: nonetheless SRL for [wishes]: will she truly be an independent voice on the Supreme Court not just doing George W Bush 's [wishes],ARG-0: George W Bush "SRL for [entice]: The government and the ANC , the bitterest of enemies , are engaged in an elaborate mating dance designed to [entice] each other to the negotiating table .",ARG-3: an elaborate mating dance | ARG-1: each other | ARG-2: to the negotiating table "SRL for [twanged]: Suddenly , misgivings [twanged] her stomach .",ARG-M-TMP: Suddenly | ARG-2: misgivings | ARG-1: her stomach SRL for [education]: his [education] of the prince,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the prince SRL for [made up mind]: Gilbert had finally [made up mind] that he was going to be a doctor .,ARG-0: Gilbert | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: that he was going to be a doctor SRL for [stick]: But do n't [stick] up your nose ; for the time being we 're not talking about the relationship between capital and profit .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-1: your nose SRL for [lightened up]: He [lightened up] his grip on the reins,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his grip on the reins SRL for [deep]: 100 feet is [deep] for a freediver to go .,ARG-3: 100 feet | ARG-5: for a freediver to go "SRL for [re - released]: Well its been an hour so I [re - released] him from quarantine into the tank ,",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from quarantine | ARG-M-GOL: into the tank "SRL for [boil over]: Clearly , the question with `` Chicken Soup '' is not whether the pot will [boil over] , but whether it will simmer at all .",ARG-1: the pot | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [fusing]: Under the leadership of various regional party committees and governments , the management departments and propaganda departments of various levels of village and township enterprises , co - operating with all their efforts , directing enterprises in adhering to the guiding principle of grasping with both hands the establishment of material civilization and spiritual civilization , and [fusing] ideological and political work tightly with various economic works , achieved gratifying results : guaranteed the thorough realization of the Party 's lines , guiding principles , and policies in villages ; activated the positiveness of a vast number of cadres and workers ; strengthened the confidence of hundreds of millions of farmers to develop village and township enterprises ; strengthened farmers ' consciousness of reform and opening - up and consciousness of commercial economy ; elevated the quality of workers ; nurtured and created a number of new style farmers ; promoted the development of various kinds of construction work in the villages ; strengthened socialist villages ; stabilized villages ; stabilized society ; stabilized the overall situation ; guaranteed the healthy development of village and township enterprises following the socialist direction ; and played an important motivational role toward the stable development of village economies and the entire nation 's economy .",ARG-0: the management departments and propaganda departments of various levels of village and township enterprises | ARG-1: ideological and political work | ARG-M-MNR: tightly | ARG-2: with various economic works SRL for [tilted]: it s as if they were laying side by side and the purple one gets [tilted] up 90 degrees so it faces the sky,ARG-1: the purple one | ARG-2: up | ARG-M-EXT: 90 degrees | ARG-3: so it faces the sky SRL for [break]: It 's a very difficult [break] for solo flute .,ARG-M-ADJ: very difficult | ARG-0: for solo flute "SRL for [soften]: They also address such taboo subjects as the likelihood of unemployment and high inflation , and recommend ways to [soften] the social consequences .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the social consequences | ARG-M-MNR: ways SRL for [practical]: Felgenhauer predicted that actual troop deployments are unlikely to change much and believed the biggest [practical] effect of Russia 's decision will be an end to mutual inspections and confidence - building measures governed by the Treaty,ARG-1: effect SRL for [Cleansing]: [Cleansing] of the wound with alcohol is recommended .,ARG-2: of the wound | ARG-M-MNR: with alcohol "SRL for [terrible]: Just exercise a bit more here , we 'll even help with some tips and then you wo n't notice that our product is [terrible] for you .",ARG-1: our product | ARG-2: for you SRL for [critical]: The in - depth analysis was [critical] for the laboratory managers in understanding the laboratory operations and functions at a very detailed level .,ARG-1: The in - depth analysis | ARG-3: for the laboratory managers | ARG-2: in understanding the laboratory operations and functions at a very detailed level SRL for [pulsed]: Hildr 's heart [pulsed] faster when she ran her finger over the carvings .,ARG-1: Hildr 's heart | ARG-2: faster | ARG-M-TMP: when she ran her finger over the carvings SRL for [apply]: The cash dividend paid on the common stock also will [apply] to the new shares .,ARG-1: The cash dividend paid on the common stock | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: to the new shares "SRL for [hired]: Price Stern Sloan Inc. said it [hired] an investment banking firm to assist in evaluating restructuring or merger alternatives and reported a net loss of $ 8.1 million , or $ 2.14 a share , for the third quarter ended Sept.",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: an investment banking firm | ARG-2: to assist in evaluating restructuring or merger alternatives SRL for [return]: Charles LaBella did n't [return] phone calls seeking comment .,ARG-0: Charles LaBella | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: phone calls seeking comment SRL for [votes down]: THE HOUSE [votes down] a proposal to put pension plans under the control of joint labor - management boards .,ARG-0: THE HOUSE | ARG-1: a proposal to put pension plans under the control of joint labor - management boards SRL for [bid]: its previously reported $ 27.50 - a - share [bid] to buy the company,ARG-0: its | ARG-2: $ 27.50 - a - share | ARG-1: to buy the company SRL for [assessment]: damage [assessment],ARG-1: damage SRL for [release]: the [release] of asbestos into the environment from a building he was demolishing,ARG-1: of asbestos | ARG-M-GOL: into the environment | ARG-2: from a building he was demolishing "SRL for [battered]: The early move essentially established the day 's trading range , and traders said they saw little of the program activity that has [battered] the market recently .",R-ARG-2: that | ARG-2: the program activity | ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-TMP: recently "SRL for [performance]: After the 10 - minute [performance] ended , the hall was rocked by thunderous applause .",ARG-M-TMP: 10 - minute "SRL for [pursue]: As more managers [pursue] the index - arbitrage strategy , these small opportunities between markets will be reduced and , eventually , eliminated .",ARG-0: more managers | ARG-1: the index - arbitrage strategy "SRL for [NC]: HEENT- [NC] / AT ( normocephalic / atraumatic ... basically means the head does n't have any signs of trauma ) ,", SRL for [filed]: A group of investors [filed] with federal antitrust regulators for clearance to buy more than 50 % of the stock of Rally 's Inc.,ARG-0: A group of investors | ARG-2: with federal antitrust regulators | ARG-4: for clearance to buy more than 50 % of the stock of Rally 's Inc. SRL for [falling]: The Fourth of July 's [falling] on a Monday did not seem to dampen our neighbors ' enthusiasm for illegal fireworks .,ARG-1: The Fourth of July 's | ARG-2: on a Monday SRL for [free]: The popcorn is [free] of charge when you purchase a ticket,ARG-1: The popcorn | ARG-2: of charge | ARG-M-TMP: when you purchase a ticket SRL for [leave]: You can [leave] the crock - pot on for a full 14 hours,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the crock - pot on | ARG-M-TMP: for a full 14 hours "SRL for [gives in]: Finally , of course , the boss [gives in] , but he 's still yelling : `` I find myself explaining anything to Teddy Kennedy , you 'll be chasing stolen cars in Anchorage . ''",ARG-M-TMP: Finally | ARG-M-DIS: of course | ARG-0: the boss SRL for [disappointment]: The [disappointment] of neighboring countries in him,ARG-1: of neighboring countries | ARG-0: in him "SRL for [blur]: In practice , however , the line between interpretation and redefinition of the criminal law long ago began to [blur] .",ARG-1: the line between interpretation and redefinition of the criminal law "SRL for [huckstering]: We did n't stampede into it , we slithered and slipped down the long slope , and now we have as its quintessential symbol a former president [huckstering] for a foreign poohbah .",ARG-0: a former president | ARG-1: for a foreign poohbah SRL for [reimaged]: Dr. Mikhail [reimaged] the patient 's infected foot .,ARG-0: Dr. Mikhail | ARG-1: the patient 's infected foot "SRL for [dyed]: John [dyed] his hair , and much of the bathroom , bright green .","ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his hair , and much of the bathroom | ARG-2: bright green" SRL for [made]: This name has [made] the spotted leopard a common motif for costume jewelry .,ARG-0: This name | ARG-1: the spotted leopard a common motif for costume jewelry "SRL for [shoo]: They tried to [shoo] the hen away , but she kept coming back .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the hen | ARG-M-DIR: away SRL for [asserted]: The President [asserted] a power of excision .,ARG-0: The President | ARG-1: a power of excision "SRL for [survey]: An alternate to bridging is a non status mortgage , but the lender will still need to [survey] the property and carry out the nusual due dilligence to include full legal conveyancing and checks .",ARG-0: the lender | ARG-1: the property SRL for [climb]: its steady [climb] back to health,ARG-1: its | ARG-M-MNR: steady | ARG-4: back to health "SRL for [withdraw]: James Soong thereafter stated that after his son had gone abroad to study and start a business , a benevolent "" elder "" opened an account which would allow the younger Soong to [withdraw] funds from the interest as needed .",ARG-0: the younger Soong | ARG-1: funds | ARG-2: from the interest | ARG-M-ADV: as needed SRL for [cholecystectomy]: laparoscopic - assisted [cholecystectomy],ARG-M-ADJ: laparoscopic - assisted SRL for [encounter]: an [encounter] with a street - corner clarinetist,ARG-1: with a street - corner clarinetist SRL for [exchange]: live fire [exchange] between Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen,ARG-M-MNR: live | ARG-1: fire | ARG-0: between Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen "SRL for [hanging]: John Brown was against his [hanging] for treason because he believed that he was fighting against an immoral , unjust and extremely inhumane institution ...",ARG-1: his | ARG-3: for treason SRL for [safe]: You are [safe] from zombies .,ARG-1: You | ARG-2: from zombies SRL for [crushed]: Wo n't Central be [crushed] to learn that another gateway has yielded little more than a class F planet and a white dwarf system .,ARG-M-MOD: Wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Central | ARG-0: to learn that another gateway has yielded little more than a class F planet and a white dwarf system SRL for [consolation]: That 's of little [consolation] to the families who today hear the first and what may be the final words of the doomed crew of the `` Kursk .,ARG-M-EXT: little | ARG-1: to the families who today hear the first and what may be the final words of the doomed crew of the `` Kursk SRL for [politicized]: And as far as an Islamic revolution is concerned i would say that it depends on how organized religious or clericalorganizations are in a country and how [politicized] they are .,ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-0: they are SRL for [abstained]: The Soviet Union [abstained] from a U.N. General Assembly vote to reject Israel 's credentials .,ARG-0: The Soviet Union | ARG-1: from a U.N. General Assembly vote to reject Israel 's credentials SRL for [fly]: There I believe we would decidedly [fly] in the face of established case law .,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-ADV: decidedly | ARG-1: in the face of established case law SRL for [hobbled]: Dealing with the sales this month could be particularly challenging because almost every problem that has [hobbled] the program in the past is popping up again .,ARG-0: almost every problem | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the program | ARG-M-TMP: in the past SRL for [bracing]: Dr. John 's [bracing] of the leg with a cast,ARG-0: Dr. John 's | ARG-1: of the leg | ARG-2: with a cast "SRL for [playfight]: Look at Angeledes and Westley , who managed to make a campaign against Schwartzenneger look like a [playfight] between 12 year olds .",ARG-0: between 12 year olds "SRL for [made over]: The following year , Clarence Rowland , then managing the Sox , [made over] into an outfielder and farmed him out to the Milwaukee American Association Club .","ARG-M-TMP: The following year | ARG-0: Clarence Rowland , then managing the Sox | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: into an outfielder" SRL for [stripping]: Their [stripping] the president of his powers at least delayed his attack on their land .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-2: the president | ARG-1: of his powers SRL for [deepened]: UAL fell $ 6.25 a share to $ 191.75 on volume of 2.3 million shares in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange as concern [deepened] among takeover stock traders about the length of time it will take to revive the purchase .,ARG-1: concern | C-ARG-1: about the length of time it will take to revive the purchase | ARG-M-LOC: among takeover stock traders SRL for [bright]: The kitchen is [bright],ARG-1: The kitchen "SRL for [bag]: Bush , Cheney [bag] convention","ARG-0: Bush , Cheney | ARG-1: convention" SRL for [discontinuing]: Troubled NBI Inc. said it fired more than half its work force and is [discontinuing] its hardware business to focus on its software and service operations .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its hardware business | ARG-M-PNC: to focus on its software and service operations "SRL for [isolated]: Immunex Corp. said its scientists [isolated] a molecule which may hold potential as a treatment for disruptions of the immune - system , ranging from organ - transplant rejection , to allergies and asthma .","ARG-0: its scientists | ARG-1: a molecule which may hold potential as a treatment for disruptions of the immune - system , ranging from organ - transplant rejection , to allergies and asthma" "SRL for [premiere]: Their [premiere] of Garrett - Moulton ’s “ A Show of Hands , ” described by the SF Chronicle as “ the greatest dance bargain offered in this town since the San Francisco Ballet performed in Stern Grove last summer , ” took place in October 2013 .","ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of Garrett - Moulton ’s “ A Show of Hands , ” described by the SF Chronicle as “ the greatest dance bargain offered in this town since the San Francisco Ballet performed in Stern Grove last summer , ”" SRL for [allow]: Two New England states will [allow] broader interstate banking .,ARG-0: Two New England states | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: broader interstate banking SRL for [deliver]: The city 's Department of Consumer Affairs charged Newmark & Lewis Inc. with failing to [deliver] on its promise of lowering prices .,ARG-0: Newmark & Lewis Inc. | ARG-1: on its promise of lowering prices "SRL for [proscribes]: `` The First Amendment [proscribes] the government from passing laws abridging the right to free speech , '' Judge Donald O'Brien ruled .",ARG-0: The First Amendment | ARG-1: the government | ARG-2: from passing laws abridging the right to free speech SRL for [isolation]: Here we describe its [isolation] from human platelets by a procedure involving ionic exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography on lactose - agarose .,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from human platelets | ARG-M-MNR: by a procedure involving ionic exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography on lactose - agarose SRL for [right]: I should have turned [right] at Albuquerque ., SRL for [renowned]: He [renowned] the extreme power of Hilot Grand Master Gloria Blancia Thirnish .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the extreme power of Hilot Grand Master Gloria Blancia Thirnish "SRL for [trail]: Hit by higher costs and lower sales , Caterpillar Inc. said third - quarter earnings tumbled 43 % and full - year earnings will [trail] last year 's results .",ARG-0: full - year earnings | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: last year 's results SRL for [measures]: tighter security [measures],ARG-M-MNR: tighter | ARG-1: security "SRL for [got]: They [got] us thinking , "" maybe we could be doing PAS tagging ! ""","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: us thinking , "" maybe we could be doing PAS tagging ! """ SRL for [attraction]: People wear perfume to enhance their sexual [attraction] .,ARG-0: their | ARG-M-MNR: sexual "SRL for [public]: It was explained that when the first letter was capitalized , the identifier was [public] to any piece of code that wanted to use it .",ARG-1: the identifier | ARG-2: to any piece of code that wanted to use it "SRL for [reappeared]: The tradition reached its apex , perhaps , in the works of Thomas Nelson Page toward the end of the century , and [reappeared] undiminished as late as 1934 in the best - selling novel So Red The Rose , by Stark Young .","ARG-1: The tradition | ARG-M-PRD: undiminished | ARG-M-TMP: as late as 1934 | ARG-M-LOC: in the best - selling novel So Red The Rose , by Stark Young" SRL for [start]: Solace got their [start] in the United States .,ARG-0: their | ARG-M-LOC: in the United States "SRL for [mind]: Pay [mind] to your own life , your own health , and wholeness .","ARG-M-LVB: Pay | ARG-1: to your own life , your own health , and wholeness" "SRL for [paranoid]: I 've suffered with excess body hair since I was young , and I was bullied because of it through primary / secondary school and now am unable to wear tshirts etc in public because of how [paranoid] I am about it .",ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-0: about it | ARG-1: I SRL for [bank]: To [bank] on fish tanks .,ARG-1: on fish tanks SRL for [recraft]: Frederick Rumack of Buck Consultants has asked Labor to [recraft] its rule to remove the IRS threat .,ARG-0: Labor | ARG-1: its rule | ARG-M-PRP: to remove the IRS threat "SRL for [belted]: A split second before he was [belted] , Crompton unloaded a pass to Williams .",ARG-1: he "SRL for [crippled]: Elsewhere in the Middle East , officials from the FBI and the CIA and marine anti - terrorist specialists have arrived in Yemen to investigate yesterday 's explosion that [crippled] the US Navy destroyer , Cole .","ARG-2: yesterday 's explosion | ARG-1: the US Navy destroyer , Cole | R-ARG-2: that" "SRL for [unfavorable]: To patient , surgery is [unfavorable] to chemo - radiation .",ARG-0: To patient | ARG-1: surgery | ARG-M-CXN: to chemo - radiation "SRL for [hateful]: To a lot of these women , sex is a [hateful] chore , not in the least enjoyable .",ARG-1: chore SRL for [quenches]: The snow [quenches] the burning fires ; the fires consume the falling snow .,ARG-0: The snow | ARG-1: the burning fires SRL for [arranged]: John [arranged] his clean laundry from a neat stack into an untidy pile .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his clean laundry | ARG-2: from a neat stack | ARG-4: into an untidy pile "SRL for [innumerable]: Therefore , tragedies resulting from drink are [innumerable] .",ARG-M-DIS: Therefore | ARG-1: tragedies resulting from drink SRL for [transformed]: ... erasures [transformed] wrong answers to right ones on a statewide test .,ARG-0: erasures | ARG-1: wrong answers | ARG-2: to right ones | ARG-M-LOC: on a statewide test SRL for [lay]: Chickens [lay] eggs .,ARG-0: Chickens | ARG-1: eggs "SRL for [pedal]: Bikers -- many of them ardent environmentalists -- proclaim their sport an efficient , safe , fitness - promoting way to get back to nature , while asserting a right , as taxpayers , to [pedal] on public lands .",ARG-0: Bikers -- many of them ardent environmentalists -- | ARG-M-LOC: on public lands SRL for [protection]: Their only [protection] against a brutal winter,ARG-1: Their | ARG-M-ADJ: only | ARG-2: against a brutal winter SRL for [proficient]: She is [proficient] in calculus .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: in calculus "SRL for [snakes]: A squiggly line [snakes] across a video screen , gyrating erratically as subjects with hand - held computers register their second - by - second reactions to a speaker 's remarks .",ARG-0: A squiggly line | ARG-1: across a video screen | ARG-M-ADV: gyrating erratically as subjects with hand - held computers register their second - by - second reactions to a speaker 's remarks "SRL for [chauffeur]: Bailiffs claimed they were required to [chauffeur] him to and from work , mow his lawn , chop his wood , fix his car and even drop by his house to feed his two grown mutts , Dixie and Husky .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-DIR: to and from work SRL for [prohibitive]: In the event that the cost is [prohibitive] to your attendance ...,ARG-0: the cost | ARG-1: to your attendance "SRL for [loaded]: Their last bout ended in an 11th round TKO in favour of Margarito , but as you r probably well aware , the fall - out when it was discovered he was using ' [loaded] gloves ' for the Mosley fight , cast a huge cloud of his epic win .",ARG-1: gloves SRL for [occasion]: We organise a symposium on the [occasion] of this honorary doctorate on the day before the ceremony .,ARG-1: of this honorary doctorate "SRL for [shivering]: When I realized it was over , I went and stood out in front of the house , waiting and praying for Merrill to come home , [shivering] as if it were 20 below zero until he got there .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MNR: as if it were 20 below zero | ARG-M-TMP: until he got there SRL for [showering]: He continually amazes me with His [showering] of love on my life .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of love | ARG-2: on my life "SRL for [regarded]: Until the collapse of this bid , Mr. Wolf was [regarded] as one of the nation 's savviest airline executives after engineering turnarounds of Tiger International Inc. and Republic Airlines .",ARG-M-TMP: Until the collapse of this bid | ARG-1: Mr. Wolf | ARG-2: as one of the nation 's savviest airline executives | ARG-M-TMP: after engineering turnarounds of Tiger International Inc. and Republic Airlines "SRL for [desired]: In the torrent of replies that followed , one woman ringer from Solihull observed that `` the average male ringer leaves quite a lot to be [desired] : badly dressed , decorated with acne and a large beer - belly , frequently unwashed and unbearably flatulent in peals . ''",ARG-1: quite a lot SRL for [break]: Herbert 's bad [break] in heavy Bradford Bulls defeat,ARG-0: Herbert 's | ARG-M-MNR: bad | ARG-1: in heavy Bradford Bulls defeat SRL for [upped]: Then the two camps [upped] the ante : Reports that Chosen Soren had donated directly to JSP members were rapidly countered by statements that the South Korean residents ' organization had long been donating directly to LDP members .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: the two camps | ARG-1: the ante SRL for [write up]: Thanks to Wayfaring Okie for his [write up] of our new album at .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of our new album | ARG-M-LOC: at SRL for [normotensive]: Currently [normotensive] .,ARG-M-TMP: Currently "SRL for [born]: `` Most of them were n't even [born] the last time the painting was displayed publicly , '' he says .",ARG-1: Most of them | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-DIS: even | ARG-M-TMP: the last time the painting was displayed publicly "SRL for [colluding]: Americans thought that since al - Jazeera TV station broadcast these activities of terrorists , it must be [colluding] with terrorists .",ARG-M-ADV: Americans thought that since al - Jazeera TV station broadcast these activities of terrorists | ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: with terrorists SRL for [pack away]: What I 'm amazed by is how these alders apparently [pack away] the booze .,ARG-0: these alders | ARG-M-ADV: apparently | ARG-1: the booze | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [rift]: A political [rift] between Sudan 's ruling party and the Popular Congress Party has emerged over draft amendments to the constitution .,ARG-5: political | ARG-1: between Sudan 's ruling party | ARG-3: and the Popular Congress Party SRL for [fledged]: The chemical conversion in any full - [fledged] ecosystem is impressive .,ARG-2: full | ARG-1: ecosystem "SRL for [picked up]: There , on one of his first shopping trips , Mr. Paul [picked up] several paintings at stunning prices .",ARG-M-LOC: There | ARG-M-TMP: on one of his first shopping trips | ARG-0: Mr. Paul | ARG-1: several paintings | ARG-3: at stunning prices SRL for [hinted]: Mr. Ridley [hinted] at this motive in answering questions from members of Parliament after his announcement .,ARG-0: Mr. Ridley | ARG-1: at this motive | ARG-M-ADV: in answering questions from members of Parliament after his announcement "SRL for [Blackled]: Curious to the answer to your question as well , I just [Blackled] it ( , an alternative to Google ) and came up with this on Wikipedia : "" The Vinous - breasted Starling ( Sturnus burmannicus ) is a species of starling in the Sturnidae family . """,ARG-M-PRD: Curious to the answer to your question as well | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: it SRL for [pilot]: Taipei selected 19 primary schools to [pilot] a grade 3 English program .,ARG-0: 19 primary schools | ARG-1: a grade 3 English program SRL for [rally]: A decent stock market [rally],ARG-2: decent | ARG-1: stock market "SRL for [tamper]: David Sanders , a longtime pilot , bristles at the mere suggestion that a union might [tamper] with his flight schedule .",ARG-0: a union | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: with his flight schedule "SRL for [perked up]: Margins in the fiscal fourth quarter [perked up] , rising to 51 % from 49.2 % a year earlier .",ARG-1: Margins | ARG-M-TMP: in the fiscal fourth quarter | ARG-M-ADV: rising to 51 % from 49.2 % a year earlier SRL for [meant]: Huge gains by her students in 1987 and 1988 [meant] a total of $ 5000 in bonuses over two years .,ARG-1: Huge gains by her students in 1987 and 1988 | ARG-2: a total of $ 5000 in bonuses over two years "SRL for [share out]: Seeking to to overcome the currency problems , Mr. Giffen 's American Trade Consortium , which comprises Chevron Corp. , RJR , Johnson & Johnson , Eastman Kodak Co. , and Archer - Daniels - Midland Co. , has concocted an elaborate scheme to [share out] dollar earnings , largely from the revenues of a planned Chevron oil project .","ARG-0: Mr. Giffen 's American Trade Consortium , which comprises Chevron Corp. , RJR , Johnson & Johnson , Eastman Kodak Co. , and Archer - Daniels - Midland Co. | ARG-1: dollar earnings , largely from the revenues of a planned Chevron oil project" SRL for [springing up]: Recession fears are [springing up] again among investors .,ARG-1: Recession fears | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-LOC: among investors SRL for [ordered]: Commonwealth Edison was [ordered] torefund about $ 250 million to its current and former ratepayers .,ARG-1: Commonwealth Edison | ARG-2: to its current and former ratepayers "SRL for [tapped]: Then he [tapped] it with a small stick , which he had personally prepared by paring off the bark and carving a pattern of squares into the wood .","ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with a small stick , which he had personally prepared by paring off the bark and carving a pattern of squares into the wood" "SRL for [British]: Prime Minister David Cameron says it is "" increasingly likely "" the hooded man in the Foley beheading video was [British] .",ARG-1: the hooded man in the Foley beheading video SRL for [mean]: Everybody was very thirsty and hungry as the rations were [mean] .,ARG-1: the rations SRL for [increased]: Faulding [increased] its interest to 70 % of Moleculon 's stock .,ARG-0: Faulding | ARG-1: its interest | ARG-4: to 70 % of Moleculon 's stock "SRL for [was transduced]: Wild - type human CD20 cDNA [was transduced] into human T lymphocytes , using a Moloney - derived retroviral vector .",ARG-1: Wild - type human CD20 cDNA | ARG-2: using a Moloney - derived retroviral vector | ARG-M-GOL: into human T lymphocytes SRL for [Septation]: [Septation] of a single ventricle into 2 functioning ventricles can provide an alternative to the Fontan operation .,ARG-1: of a single ventricle | ARG-M-PRD: into 2 functioning ventricles SRL for [longstanding]: A study of middle - school students that found for the first time that abstinence - only education helped to delay their sexual initiation is already beginning to shake up the [longstanding] debate over how best to prevent teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases .,ARG-1: debate SRL for [entropic]: Boyfriends . Girlfriends . Passion . Entropy . My situation is totally [entropic] right now .,ARG-1: My situation | ARG-M-EXT: totally | ARG-M-TMP: right now "SRL for [doing]: From him , we could expect nothing other than his [doing] the "" right thing , "" as we should expect from all our elected officials .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the "" right thing , """ SRL for [featured]: The characters will also be [featured] in a new public service effort for the United Way .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: The characters | ARG-2: in a new public service effort for the United Way SRL for [divarication]: [divarication] of the rectus sheath,ARG-1: of the rectus sheath SRL for [flinch]: They do n't [flinch] at writing them .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: at writing them "SRL for [decocts]: Besides , your druggist , who herborises and [decocts] , is a man of prejudices .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: your druggist SRL for [reenlisted]: He resigned the following year and [reenlisted] in the army to fight in the Mexican War .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: in the army | ARG-M-PRP: to fight in the Mexican War "SRL for [carry on]: The son then grows into adulthood , and all the feelings - gratitude , revenge , love , hate - of the older generation [carry on] into the younger .","ARG-1: all the feelings - gratitude , revenge , love , hate - of the older generation | ARG-M-DIR: into the younger" SRL for [incised]: Artisans [incised] the soles of the soldier 's shoes to show the threads .,ARG-0: Artisans | ARG-1: the soles of the soldier 's shoes | ARG-M-PRP: to show the threads "SRL for [reconstruction]: For example , they may talk to another witness and use information from the conversation to fill in their [reconstruction] of the events .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the events SRL for [swaying]: Suddenly the woman begins [swaying] and then writhing .,ARG-1: the woman "SRL for [earmarked]: The Senate voted to authorize $ 4.5 billion for SDI spending in the current fiscal year , but the House , reflecting a dramatic erosion of support for the program , [earmarked] only $ 3.1 billion .",ARG-0: the House | ARG-1: only $ 3.1 billion SRL for [played]: John [played] his outfielders deep .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: his outfielders | ARG-M-PRD: deep "SRL for [landfilled]: If [landfilled] or incinerated , hazardous materials in common electronic products may be released into the soil , air or water .",ARG-2: hazardous materials in common electronic products SRL for [cross - referenced]: Jacob [cross - referenced] the data in the article with recent census data .,ARG-0: Jacob | ARG-1: the data in the article | ARG-2: with recent census data SRL for [clubbing]: Extensive [clubbing] of the nail beds,ARG-M-EXT: Extensive | ARG-1: of the nail beds SRL for [squished]: He [squished] the tomato seeds into a glass cup .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the tomato seeds | ARG-M-LOC: into a glass cup SRL for [batted]: he [batted] 286 the year before,ARG-0: he | ARG-3: 286 | ARG-M-TMP: the year before SRL for [caring]: My not [caring] for spinach does n't mean it has no nutritional value .,ARG-0: My | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: for spinach "SRL for [erased]: She drew a smiley face on the side of her iced tea glass , then [erased] it with the swipe of a knuckle .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: with the swipe of a knuckle SRL for [paying out]: Businesses are [paying out] a smaller percentage of their profits .,ARG-0: Businesses | ARG-1: a smaller percentage of their profits SRL for [blanchable]: Ulcer [blanchable] to pressure,ARG-1: Ulcer | ARG-0: to pressure "SRL for [afforded]: Last year the public was [afforded] a preview of Ms. Bartlett 's creation in a tablemodel version , at a BPC exhibition .",ARG-M-TMP: Last year | ARG-2: the public | ARG-1: a preview of Ms. Bartlett 's creation | ARG-M-MNR: in a tablemodel version | ARG-M-LOC: at a BPC exhibition "SRL for [piled]: In 1987 , KKR for the second time [piled] debt onto Storer 's TV stations , selling them for $ 1.3 billion to a new entity that was 45%-owned by KKR and 55%-owned by Gillett Corp. , which now operates the SCI TV stations .","ARG-M-TMP: In 1987 | ARG-0: KKR | ARG-M-TMP: for the second time | ARG-1: debt | ARG-2: onto Storer 's TV stations | ARG-M-ADV: selling them for $ 1.3 billion to a new entity that was 45%-owned by KKR and 55%-owned by Gillett Corp. , which now operates the SCI TV stations" SRL for [over dramatic]: Oh ok . I usually go wherever to see my patients . But your study stuff is prolly all extra and [over dramatic] lol,ARG-1: your study stuff | ARG-M-ADV: prolly | ARG-M-DIS: lol "SRL for [baked]: The cooks had prepared one of the best meals we 'd had in a long time , and on Montero 's orders had [baked] enough bread to last the day .",ARG-0: The cooks | ARG-M-CAU: on Montero 's orders | ARG-1: enough bread to last the day "SRL for [sundowning]: This will , therefore , need to be the treatment team 's most immediate objective in attempting to negotiate a patient 's [sundowning] .",ARG-1: a patient 's "SRL for [manifest]: If many of the characters in contemporary novels appear to be the bloodless relations of characters in a case history it is because the novelist is often forgetful today that those things that we call character [manifest] themselves in surface behavior , that the ego is still the executive agency of personality , and that all we know of personality must be discerned through the ego .",ARG-1: those things that we call character | ARG-2: themselves | ARG-3: in surface behavior SRL for [blow]: The trumpet will [blow] and those who have died will be raised to live forever .,ARG-1: The trumpet | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [constructed]: A great mass of projects [constructed] with introduced foreign investment such as fertilizer , mucilage glue short fibers , freon - free compressors , top - grade household ceramics , auto engines , etc . are increasingly becoming representatives of the superior industries of Jiangxi .",ARG-1: projects | ARG-2: with introduced foreign investment SRL for [bump off]: Why did n't the damn Reactionaries [bump off] ? ?,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-0: the damn Reactionaries | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-CAU: Why "SRL for [dehydrate]: For instance , what many do n't realize is that our blood gets thicker as we [dehydrate] which in turn increases our blood pressure ( it 's harder to pump mud than water ) .",ARG-1: we "SRL for [misted up]: But our vision seems to get dim as minutes pass , as if the window [misted up] .",ARG-1: the window SRL for [grievances]: The [grievances] and demands on Soviet ethnic minorities,ARG-0: on Soviet ethnic minorities "SRL for [embarrassing]: Lincoln 's treatment by former thrift regulators , in an agency disbanded by the new law , has proved [embarrassing] for five senators who received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Mr. Keating .","ARG-0: Lincoln 's treatment by former thrift regulators , in an agency disbanded by the new law | ARG-1: for five senators who received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Mr. Keating" SRL for [drive]: Chinese society absolutely can not indulge in a redistribution of wealth and lose the [drive] and edge for creating wealth .,ARG-1: for creating wealth "SRL for [mountaineered]: She has conducted research in a National Aeronautics and Space Administration lab , [mountaineered] in the High Sierras , and lived in Italy .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: in the High Sierras "SRL for [assassinate]: As recounted in a stipulation that summarized government documents released for the North trial , Mr. Noriega offered to [assassinate] the Sandinista leadership in exchange `` for a promise to help clean up Noriega 's image and a commitment to lift the U.S. ban on military sales to the Panamanian Defense Forces . ''",ARG-0: Mr. Noriega | ARG-1: the Sandinista leadership | ARG-M-PRP: in exchange `` for a promise to help clean up Noriega 's image and a commitment to lift the U.S. ban on military sales to the Panamanian Defense Forces . '' SRL for [access]: Data [access] in registers in main memory is much faster than access on the disk drive .,ARG-1: Data | ARG-M-LOC: in registers in main memory "SRL for [inception]: Thus , 9 years after their [inception] of the program , Garfinkle and Klawitter ( 1992 ) reluctantly conclude that "" routine income withholding will increase child support payment by only a modest amount ... it is no panacea "" ( p.248 ) .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the program SRL for [diffusely]: The SFA is [diffusely] ectatic .,ARG-1: The SFA | ARG-M-ADV: ectatic "SRL for [selftaught]: In all fairness , neither of these were obvious issues to someone who had [selftaught] himself to use a modeling toolkit in Excel .",ARG-0: someone | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-2: himself | ARG-1: to use a modeling toolkit | ARG-M-LOC: in Excel "SRL for [embellish]: At times , salesmen may [embellish] the inside information with `` the notion that this is some slightly shady , slightly illegal investment the person is being included in , '' says Mr. Cunningham .","ARG-M-TMP: At times | ARG-0: salesmen | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: the inside information | ARG-2: with `` the notion that this is some slightly shady , slightly illegal investment the person is being included in , ''" SRL for [pre - registered]: All exporters must produce entry forms proving they [pre - registered] with the FDA for importing food products into the U.S.,ARG-0: they | ARG-2: with the FDA | ARG-3: for importing food products into the U.S. "SRL for [broke ass]: And before we go calling the mechanics hacks , the customer probably just told them to slap valves in it and throw it back together because he was [broke ass] .",ARG-1: he SRL for [casting]: The ER 's [casting] of the boy 's broken arm was to stay in place for six weeks .,ARG-0: The ER 's | ARG-1: of the boy 's broken arm "SRL for [abase]: If He seem to frown , you are then to [abase] yourselves as miserable wretches .",ARG-M-ADV: If He seem to frown | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: yourselves | ARG-M-PRD: as miserable wretches "SRL for [Modulation]: [Modulation] of HS was caused mainly by an increase of temperature , which is clearly apparent in Fig .",ARG-1: of HS SRL for [specification]: The essence Pindyck 's model is his [specification] of unit production cost as a decreasing function of concurrently available reserves .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of unit production cost | ARG-M-PRD: as a decreasing function of concurrently available reserves "SRL for [microprinting]: A method deterring counterfeiting of a document , the method comprising : [microprinting] a first pattern of microprint on the document ; and microprinting a second pattern of microprint on the document , wherein the first pattern of microprint and the second pattern of microprint are not substantially reproducible via a digital imaging device .",ARG-1: a first pattern of microprint | ARG-2: on the document SRL for [suggestive]: Histologic features are [suggestive] of a poorly differentiated invasive ductal carcinoma .,ARG-0: Histologic features | ARG-1: of a poorly differentiated invasive ductal carcinoma SRL for [boxed]: Brenda [boxed] Molly .,ARG-0: Brenda | ARG-1: Molly "SRL for [oversedation]: Due to the nurse 's [oversedation] of Brittany , she slept for four days .",ARG-0: the nurse 's | ARG-1: of Brittany SRL for [run]: a [run] in the sheets,ARG-1: in the sheets SRL for [fueled]: The earnings growth also was [fueled] by the company 's ability to cut net financing spending by half to around 15 million guilders .,ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: The earnings growth | ARG-2: by the company 's ability to cut net financing spending by half to around 15 million guilders "SRL for [outweigh]: In a decision in April of this year , Judge Roger Miner , joined by Judge Frank Altimari , agreed on denying the injunction and did not doubt that `` Bare - Faced Messiah '' was a serious work but rejected Judge Leval 's argument that the public interest in scholarship could [outweigh] the sanctity of copyright .",ARG-0: the public interest in scholarship | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the sanctity of copyright "SRL for [worn out]: He found them asleep , [worn out] from their grieving .",ARG-1: them | ARG-0: from their grieving SRL for [mailed]: Dow Jones said it extended the offer to allow shareholders time to review a supplement to the Dow Jones tender offer circular that it [mailed] last Friday .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the Dow Jones tender offer circular | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: last Friday "SRL for [criticizes]: A Poquet spokesman , for example , [criticizes] the Atari Portfolio because it requires three batteries while the Poquet needs only two .",ARG-0: A Poquet spokesman | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-1: the Atari Portfolio | ARG-2: because it requires three batteries while the Poquet needs only two SRL for [mounted]: Stock prices fell and bonds rose as worries [mounted] about the economy and the junk bond market .,ARG-1: worries | C-ARG-1: about the economy and the junk bond market "SRL for [through]: When the Government is [through] with his education he will be a top- notch printer , the kind that every composing - room foreman will welcome .",ARG-0: the Government | ARG-1: with his education "SRL for [write up]: So , if you reckon you can do some research and [write up] augmented by photos from the prior point that would be grand .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: this | ARG-M-PRD: augmented by photos from the prior point SRL for [reported]: This goes past what had been [reported] before .,ARG-0: what | ARG-M-TMP: before "SRL for [liberalized]: The market for export financing was [liberalized] in the mid-1980s , however , forcing the bank to face competition .",ARG-1: The market for export financing | ARG-M-TMP: in the mid-1980s | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-M-ADV: forcing the bank to face competition "SRL for [heeled]: When he [heeled] to me instead of Josh , he was very clearly saying "" this is my master now . """,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: to me | ARG-M-ADV: instead of Josh SRL for [flicked]: Greg 's eyes [flicked] up from his instrument panel .,ARG-1: Greg 's eyes | ARG-2: up from his instrument panel "SRL for [obsessed]: But it is Mr. Lane , as movie director , producer and writer , who has been [obsessed] with refitting Chaplin 's Little Tramp in a contemporary way .","ARG-0: Mr. Lane , as movie director , producer and writer | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: with refitting Chaplin 's Little Tramp in a contemporary way" "SRL for [grit]: In 1968 , to cultivate the high - quality personnel that modernization demanded , Taiwan , with a per capita income of less than US$ 300 , [grit] its teeth and implemented compulsory education through ninth grade .",ARG-0: Taiwan | ARG-1: its teeth | ARG-M-TMP: In 1968 | ARG-M-PRD: with a per capita income of less than US$ 300 SRL for [Right - wing]: [Right - wing] media personalities have incessantly attacked President Obama 's six previous State of the Union addresses,ARG-1: media personalities SRL for [resolved]: We [resolved] the protein with 10 % SDS - PAGE and transferred it to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the protein "SRL for [spur]: Indeed , Winnebago said it started `` several promotional programs '' to [spur] retail sales in the fall and winter .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: retail sales SRL for [breakdown]: The owners did a [breakdown] of his sheets one week and figured he had to be averaging sixty miles an hour on every trip to make that kind of money .,ARG-0: The owners | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: of his sheets | ARG-M-TMP: one week "SRL for [reserved]: Nice to see that those lacking a religion are now a majority , although thankfully UK Christians tend to be very [reserved] and moderate unlike their US counterparts .",ARG-1: UK Christians | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-M-MNR: unlike their US counterparts SRL for [prepared]: ... the changes it was [prepared] to make .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to make | C-ARG-2: the changes SRL for [death]: the [death] of innocents,ARG-1: of innocents "SRL for [gambling]: On Indian gaming , I 'll mention that the Navajo Nation put casino [gambling] on the ballot twice .",ARG-M-LOC: casino SRL for [finished]: John [finished] his new armoire in a lovely shade of chartreuse .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his new armoire | ARG-2: in a lovely shade of chartreuse SRL for [new]: I just bought a [new] car,ARG-1: car SRL for [negotiating]: Santa Fe has disclosed that it is [negotiating] to sell a 20 % interest in its real estate unit to the California Public Employees Retirement System for roughly $ 400 million .,ARG-0: it | ARG-2: to sell a 20 % interest in its real estate unit to the California Public Employees Retirement System for roughly $ 400 million SRL for [belch]: John can [belch] the entire alphabet .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the entire alphabet SRL for [alike]: They were [alike] in their ability to read a person 's true motives,ARG-1: They | ARG-2: in their ability to read a person 's true motives SRL for [pay down]: But Mr. Wathen 's team still must [pay down] about $ 82 million of long - term bank debt from the acquisition within the next four years .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Mr. Wathen 's team | ARG-M-DIS: still | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: about $ 82 million of long - term bank debt from the acquisition | ARG-M-TMP: within the next four years SRL for [binding]: Their [binding] the boats to the pier slowed their journey considerably .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: the boats | ARG-2: to the pier SRL for [bitched]: John [bitched] about his classes to Mary .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: about his classes | ARG-2: to Mary SRL for [heal]: He defeated the contentious Mr. Koch in the Democratic primary partly because he seemed to offer hope he could [heal] the city 's racial and ethnic wounds .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the city 's racial and ethnic wounds SRL for [differentiate]: Red spots [differentiate] chicken pox from the common cold .,ARG-3: Red spots | ARG-1: chicken pox | ARG-2: from the common cold SRL for [criminalized]: But amateur cactus growers who said they had no intention of consuming their plants complained that the drug reforms effectively [criminalized] them for pursuing their hobbies,ARG-0: the drug reforms | ARG-M-ADV: effectively | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: for pursuing their hobbies SRL for [I him]: [I him] with my dad 's Beamer .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with my dad 's Beamer "SRL for [farting]: Before starting , for example , the Amis must inform the gods , and during the pot - making process they are prohibited * from frivolity or [farting] .", SRL for [plonked]: He [plonked] the money on the table .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the money | ARG-2: on the table "SRL for [thundered]: Many delegates were willing to craft a compromise , but U.S. delegate Constance Harriman and others [thundered] that down .",ARG-0: U.S. delegate Constance Harriman and others | ARG-1: that | ARG-2: down SRL for [break]: a midweek [break] from their recent wild gyrations,ARG-M-TMP: midweek | ARG-1: from their recent wild gyrations "SRL for [tripled]: At Giant Bicycle Inc. , Rancho Dominguez , Calif. , sales have [tripled] since the company entered the U.S. mountain - bike business in 1987 .","ARG-M-LOC: At Giant Bicycle Inc. , Rancho Dominguez , Calif. | ARG-1: sales | ARG-M-TMP: since the company entered the U.S. mountain - bike business in 1987" "SRL for [ranging]: There are three polyps , [ranging] in size from 1.8 cm to 3.2 cm .",ARG-1: three polyps | ARG-5: in size | ARG-3: from 1.8 cm | ARG-4: to 3.2 cm SRL for [bid]: Market participants [bid] the US unit lower .,ARG-0: Market participants | ARG-1: the US unit | ARG-3: lower SRL for [raise]: Companies [raise] their payouts most robustly only after profits are high .,ARG-0: Companies | ARG-1: their payouts | ARG-2: most robustly | ARG-M-TMP: only after profits are high "SRL for [excel]: From my own point of view , given the qualities of humanity , creativity and warm spirit in which the Cuban people [excel] , we deny ourselves access to things we hold dear , and which seem to run in such short supply these days .","ARG-0: the Cuban people | ARG-1: the qualities of humanity , creativity and warm spirit | R-ARG-1: in which" "SRL for [deigned]: Whenever he [deigned] to appear at the studio , he was "" hungover , "" uncooperative , rude , and insulting .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: to appear at the studio | ARG-M-TMP: Whenever SRL for [realigned]: John [realigned] his bed to the earth 's magnetic field .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his bed | ARG-2: to the earth 's magnetic field "SRL for [sterliseation]: China 's record on human rights is appalling look at the one child policy that is causing major gender imbalance problems as well as being brutally implemented , forced [sterliseation] and such .",ARG-M-MNR: forced SRL for [instrumentated]: He was so impressed by Anne - Sophie Mutter ’s violin playing at the first performance of Chain 2 in 1984 that he [instrumentated] a work for her that originally was for violin and piano – it became Partita ( 1988 ),ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a work for her that originally was for violin and piano "SRL for [out trade]: `` It 's very tough for most individuals to [out trade] the mutual funds or the market , '' says Mr. Lipper",ARG-0: most individuals | ARG-1: the mutual funds or the market "SRL for [churn]: The technology group is also split between large companies and small , with the biggest stocks trading as blue - chip issues in the institutional marketplace , while the smaller stocks [churn] on their individual merits or faults , analysts say .",ARG-1: the smaller stocks | ARG-M-CAU: on their individual merits or faults SRL for [vociferated]: He [vociferated] his grievances .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his grievances "SRL for [lambastes]: China frequently [lambastes] the U.S. Embassy for harboring astrophysicist Fang Lizhi , a political dissident who took refuge there after the massacre .","ARG-0: China | ARG-M-TMP: frequently | ARG-1: the U.S. Embassy | ARG-2: for harboring astrophysicist Fang Lizhi , a political dissident who took refuge there after the massacre" SRL for [roughened]: We [roughened] the surfaces with sandpaper .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the surfaces | ARG-2: with sandpaper "SRL for [rage]: Therefore , the debate about poison pills will continue to [rage] in the boardrooms of corporations and the halls of academia .",ARG-0: the debate about poison pills | ARG-M-LOC: in the boardrooms of corporations and the halls of academia SRL for [peter out]: A spell of snow should affect northern and highland scotland and gradually [peter out] to rain as it does so .,ARG-1: A spell of snow | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-MNR: gradually | ARG-3: to rain | ARG-M-TMP: as it does so SRL for [backing]: Congressional [backing],ARG-0: Congressional "SRL for [scrounged]: The man who wore out his shoes wandering around Guadalajara in 1958 , describing in his travel book `` Viaje a la Alcarria '' how he [scrounged] for food and stayed in squalid inns , now tours Spain in a Rolls - Royce .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: for food | ARG-M-MNR: how "SRL for [recompensed]: I [recompensed] him with six she - camels , but he remained displeased .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with six she - camels "SRL for [swung]: J.P. Morgan & Co. [swung] to a loss in the third quarter , while NCNB Corp. reported net income more than doubled , and Security Pacific Corp. net rose 10 % .","ARG-1: J.P. Morgan & Co. | ARG-4: to a loss | ARG-M-TMP: in the third quarter | ARG-M-ADV: while NCNB Corp. reported net income more than doubled , and Security Pacific Corp. net rose 10 %" "SRL for [imitate]: Peter Laird , a Los Angeles lawyer for Ms. Midler , said , `` We believe that the verdict reaffirms her position and our position that advertisers and advertising agencies can not with impunity [imitate] the voices of well - known performers .",ARG-0: advertisers and advertising agencies | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-MNR: with impunity | ARG-1: the voices of well - known performers "SRL for [crashed]: The USS Lexington returned to dock in Pensacola , Fla. , following an accident Sunday in which the pilot of a training jet [crashed] into the ship , killing five sailors .",ARG-1: the pilot of a training jet | ARG-M-DIR: into the ship | ARG-M-ADV: killing five sailors SRL for [tinkering]: Democrats asked in this week for discussions with President Bush have suggested ways of `` [tinkering] '' with the Packwood - Roth proposal ...,ARG-0: Democrats asked in this week for discussions with President Bush | ARG-1: with the Packwood - Roth proposal SRL for [ending]: What I favor about Crichton 's style is his [ending] the novel with a bibliography and a chapter with some ideas on correcting the issues he presented in the book .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the novel | ARG-2: with a SRL for [dumbfounded]: Mary was [dumbfounded] by the beauty of the ballet .,ARG-1: Mary | ARG-0: by the beauty of the ballet SRL for [go]: Coulson ' gave the [go] - ahead for Royal phone hacking ' .,ARG-0: Coulson | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-2: ahead | ARG-1: for Royal phone hacking SRL for [sniveling]: Her sister - in - law ( Amy Wright ) is a [sniveling] prude afraid that Kate will seduce all the married men in town ...,ARG-0: prude SRL for [suit]: Various levels of personnel departments [suit] measures to local conditions .,ARG-0: Various levels of personnel departments | ARG-1: measures | ARG-2: to local conditions SRL for [responsible]: He is [responsible] to the committee .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to the committee SRL for [dispiriting]: That can be [dispiriting] for the open - minded and open - hearted .,ARG-0: That | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: for the open - minded and open - hearted SRL for [banging]: For days now the Russian authorities have been [banging] on Belgrade 's door offering to help negotiate a peaceful resolution to the conflict .,ARG-M-TMP: For days now | ARG-0: the Russian authorities | ARG-1: on Belgrade 's door | ARG-M-ADV: offering to help negotiate a peaceful resolution to the conflict SRL for [grok]: Mike remained in trance ; there was much to [grok],ARG-0: Mike | ARG-1: much SRL for [feel]: We [feel] very strongly that we really need action across the full range of issues we 've identified .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MNR: very strongly | ARG-1: that we really need action across the full range of issues we 've identified "SRL for [connote]: The name is supposed to [connote] feminine grandeur , but in Japanese it means `` eyeglasses . ''",ARG-0: The name | ARG-1: feminine grandeur SRL for [deinstalling]: I 'm [deinstalling] tonight . It 's so boring !,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: tonight SRL for [swimming]: He considers his [swimming] the English Channel as his version of a grassroots campaign .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the English Channel "SRL for [accelerated]: Final - hour trading [accelerated] to 108.1 million shares , a record for the Big Board .","ARG-1: Final - hour trading | ARG-4: to 108.1 million shares , a record for the Big Board" SRL for [controlled]: It 's full Republican [controlled] ; it will be a great example of what low tax goverment looks like if they balance through cuts .,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-EXT: full | ARG-0: Republican SRL for [dispirit]: The bad news will [dispirit] John .,ARG-0: The bad news | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: John "SRL for [stiffened]: When the cloth dried and [stiffened] , he saw what adjustments had to be made .",ARG-1: the cloth | ARG-M-TMP: When "SRL for [runs]: The fact is that as a savings or investment vehicle , insurance generally [runs] a poor second to any direct investment you might make in the same things the insurance company is putting your money into .",ARG-M-PRD: as a savings or investment vehicle | ARG-0: insurance | ARG-M-ADV: generally | ARG-2: a poor second to any direct investment you might make in the same things the insurance company is putting your money into "SRL for [domination]: In 1958 , the Iranian people overthrew the Shah and organized a popularly - elected government , but because this government did not listen to the US , the US immediately coordinated the CIA to overthrow it and restore the [domination] of the Shah .",ARG-0: of the Shah SRL for [uncertain]: Nevermind the fact that he was [uncertain] to ever play again after fracturing his sixth vertebra at the bottom of a waterslide .,ARG-1: he | ARG-M-TMP: after fracturing his sixth vertebra at the bottom of a waterslide | C-ARG-1: to ever play again "SRL for [frolic]: Nearby , six dolphins will [frolic] in a 1.5 million - gallon saltwater aquarium .",ARG-M-LOC: Nearby | ARG-0: six dolphins | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LOC: in a 1.5 million - gallon saltwater aquarium SRL for [pitch]: Ben equates this adrenaline rush to that brief moment of silence by the crowd when a baseball player delivers his [pitch] to the plate .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the plate SRL for [cupped]: He [cupped] the leaves together and drank from them .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the leaves | ARG-M-PRD: together "SRL for [grinding]: But despite mounting recession fears , government data do n't yet show the economy [grinding] to a halt .",ARG-1: the economy | ARG-2: to a halt "SRL for [reported]: The FBI found evidence for an alien invasion , Agt Mulder [reported]",ARG-0: Agt Mulder | ARG-1: The FBI found evidence for an alien invasion "SRL for [look up]: ( Some courts release names and addresses , and researchers can drive by houses , [look up] credit ratings , and even question neighbors . )",ARG-0: researchers | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: credit ratings SRL for [clucked]: The chicken [clucked] until all her chicks had gathered .,ARG-0: The chicken "SRL for [wire]: Jackson had ordered his then business adviser , Myung - Ho Lee , a U.S. - educated Korean lawyer based in Seoul , to [wire] $ 150,000 to a bank in Mali for a voodoo chief named Baba , who then had 42 cows ritually sacrificed for the ceremony .","ARG-0: his then business adviser , Myung - Ho Lee , a U.S. - educated Korean lawyer based in Seoul | ARG-1: $ 150,000 | ARG-2: to a bank in Mali | ARG-M-PRP: for a voodoo chief named Baba , who then had 42 cows ritually sacrificed for the ceremony" SRL for [sleighed]: Mike Jeter provided the crack of the whip and called to the horses as we [sleighed] to a 19th - century holiday houseparty .,ARG-1: we | ARG-3: to a 19th - century holiday houseparty SRL for [rugged]: Time graphs of the returned signals revealed that the ocean floor was much more [rugged] than previously thought .,ARG-1: the ocean floor | ARG-M-CXN: much more | C-ARG-M-CXN: than previously thought SRL for [worthless]: What about private sector pensions - they 're generally [worthless] .,ARG-1: they | ARG-M-ADV: generally "SRL for [contest]: So , an average Klingon would probably win a weight lifting [contest] against an average Vulcan , and probably have the edge in an unarmed brawl against an average Vulcan , but a lot depends on training and expereince for the latter .",ARG-2: weight lifting | ARG-1: against an average Vulcan SRL for [snaps]: She [snaps] photos of the buckled floors and the plaster that has fallen away from the walls .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: photos of the buckled floors and the plaster that has fallen away from the walls "SRL for [puts]: As Dorothy Arighi [puts] it , blah blah blah",ARG-0: Dorothy Arighi | ARG-1: it SRL for [calls]: The weather forecast [calls] for light rain this morning .,ARG-0: The weather forecast | ARG-2: for light rain this morning SRL for [radicalisation]: America strategically targets civilians so they have a reason to stay there due to further [radicalisation] of youth .,ARG-M-EXT: further | ARG-1: of youth "SRL for [repression]: Even as blacks escaped the political and economic [repression] of the South to enter the industrial workforce of the North , they were met with racial hostility .",ARG-2: political and economic | ARG-0: of the South "SRL for [drop]: a 26 % [drop] in profit , to $ 86.3 million",ARG-2: 26 % | ARG-1: in profit | ARG-4: to $ 86.3 million SRL for [sneezing]: Next is story telling time ; today 's story is about a child who just ca n't stop [sneezing] .,R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: a child SRL for [favorable]: He said he never gave Vixio [favorable] treatment .,ARG-2: treatment "SRL for [coercive]: While applauding the provision , we should also be aware that the specific contents of the provision still do n't have a binding effect in a strict sense on the expected results , and some articles are still not [coercive] enough .",ARG-0: some articles | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: enough "SRL for [Picking]: CBC Tells Obama They Are "" Disappointed "" In His [Picking] A Mostly White Cabinet .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: A Mostly White Cabinet SRL for [on]: Is this thing [on] ?,ARG-1: this thing "SRL for [Filmed]: [Filmed] in lovely black and white by Bill Dill , the New York streets of `` Sidewalk Stories '' seem benign .",ARG-1: the New York streets of `` Sidewalk Stories '' | ARG-M-MNR: in lovely black and white | ARG-0: by Bill Dill "SRL for [underscored]: Saab 's problems were [underscored] Friday when the company announced that its car division had a 1.2 billion kronor ( $ 186.1 million ) loss during the first eight months of this year , slightly worse than Saab - Scania had forecast in its first - half report last month .","ARG-1: Saab 's problems | ARG-M-TMP: Friday | ARG-M-TMP: when the company announced that its car division had a 1.2 billion kronor ( $ 186.1 million ) loss during the first eight months of this year , slightly worse than Saab - Scania had forecast in its first - half report last month" "SRL for [lanced]: A sharp pain [lanced] across Nick 's chest and a bubble of air escaped from his tortured lungs , joining dozens of others that sailed lazily toward the surface like helium balloons rising into the sky .",ARG-0: A sharp pain | ARG-1: across Nick 's chest SRL for [crack up]: One beatnik got the woman he was living with so involved in drugs and self - analysis and all - night sessions of sex that she was beginning to [crack up] .,ARG-1: sex "SRL for [nicking]: I live right in the middle of this crap , and I know of the sort of people who 're getting involved , and it really just boils down to some entitled pricks who 've realised that the police wo n't stop them from [nicking] things they want if they do it simultaneously , morality be damned .",ARG-0: them | ARG-1: things they want SRL for [water boarding]: But then if it 's felt necessary to use any of these measures short of torture [water boarding] extreme psychological measures if the president of the United States is prepared to put his credibility on the line and say the future of the nation is stake we must violate the law in this instance like we would if we had to shoot down a civilian airliner let the president take accountability /., SRL for [uncapping]: He remembers repeatedly [uncapping] that single tube to breathe in the lovely scent of linseed oil .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: that single tube | ARG-M-PRP: to breathe in the lovely scent of linseed oil "SRL for [hatched]: The President came up with a good bill , but now may end up signing the awful bureaucratic creature [hatched] on Capitol Hill .",ARG-1: the awful bureaucratic creature | ARG-M-LOC: on Capitol Hill "SRL for [breaded]: John [breaded] the peanut - butter - and - banana sandwich , then deep - fried it .",ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the peanut - butter - and - banana sandwich SRL for [abuse]: The actor spoke of his years of drug and alcohol [abuse] .,ARG-1: drug and alcohol "SRL for [discrimination]: A number of states world wide have similar [discrimination] , however we deem Israel as a modernised civilized society .",ARG-M-ADJ: similar "SRL for [reappraised]: For example , long - standing ADHD - related Stressors might be [reappraised] as more or less stressful in the context of a new Stressor",ARG-M-DIS: For example | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: long - standing ADHD - related Stressors | ARG-2: as more or less stressful | ARG-M-ADV: in the context of a new Stressor "SRL for [scuttle]: But the government 's action , which caught Jaguar management flat - footed , may [scuttle] the GM minority deal by forcing it to fight for all of Jaguar .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the government 's action , which caught Jaguar management flat - footed | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: the GM minority deal | ARG-2: by forcing it to fight for all of Jaguar" "SRL for [damaged]: I stop the multivitamin and my mouth symptoms are gone , sadly my eyesight is still [damaged] .",ARG-M-ADV: sadly | ARG-1: my eyesight | ARG-M-TMP: still "SRL for [clumping]: I would really like a "" friendlier "" litter , but [clumping] for the rake is important as it rakes ten minutes after the cat has been there .", "SRL for [topped]: Jaguar [topped] the most - active list , as its American depository receipts climbed 1 3/4 to 13 5/8 with more than 6.6 million ADRs traded .",ARG-2: Jaguar | ARG-1: the most - active list | ARG-M-TMP: as its American depository receipts climbed 1 3/4 to 13 5/8 with more than 6.6 million ADRs traded "SRL for [scaring]: Mr. Brady also agreed with senators ' concerns about recent stock - market volatility , and said he realizes that the gyrations are [scaring] investors from investing in stocks .",ARG-0: the gyrations | ARG-1: investors | ARG-3: from investing in stocks "SRL for [cherry picking]: Therefore , I do not believe we should be [cherry picking] Islam as some specific evil , but rather opposing all religions for the extremely negative roles they play in the world .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: Islam | ARG-M-PRD: as some specific evil "SRL for [rumored]: Nashua Corp , [rumored] a potential takeover target for six months , said that a Dutch company has sought U.S. approval to buy up to 25 % of Nashua 's shares .",ARG-1: a potential takeover target | ARG-M-TMP: for six months SRL for [termination]: ... claims filed by Mr. Paolino related to the Company 's [termination] of Mr. Paolino as the Company 's Chief Executive Officer on May 20 ...,ARG-0: the Company 's | ARG-1: of Mr. Paolino | ARG-2: as the Company 's Chief Executive Officer | ARG-M-TMP: on May 20 "SRL for [calls]: Since we have to use a survey -LRB- it 's just not possible to do a full count every month -RRB- , any subjectivity will increase our error , so we have to avoid any possible overlaps or judgement [calls] .",ARG-M-ADJ: judgement "SRL for [crushing]: A UAL statement after the market closed Monday indicated that the airline 's board wanted to keep the company independent , effectively [crushing] hopes of an immediate buy - out .",ARG-0: A UAL statement | ARG-M-MNR: effectively | ARG-1: hopes of an immediate buy - out "SRL for [fulfillment]: Bramhall took time during the Clapton tour to discuss Welcome , his many ongoing creative projects , and his [fulfillment] at finally achieving validation and success as an artist .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: at finally achieving validation and success as an artist "SRL for [hard]: The way to be ready for another battle was to ignore the talk of it in town , and instead ensure that his right arm was [hard] from pruning and he was once more used to sleeping on boards rather than reclining on the couches of Phryne .",ARG-1: his right arm | ARG-0: from pruning SRL for [wearied]: They have instead [wearied] her with their offenses,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-DIS: instead | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: with their offenses SRL for [stratification]: Winds are rarely strong enough to prevent thermal [stratification] from forming .,ARG-2: thermal "SRL for [recentralized]: In recent weeks , China 's leaders have [recentralized] trading in wool and scores of chemical products and commodities .",ARG-M-TMP: In recent weeks | ARG-0: China 's leaders | ARG-1: trading in wool and scores of chemical products and commodities SRL for [speechless]: Renae Young said she was ? [speechless] ? about her winning performance .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: about her winning performance "SRL for [flight]: Coupled with mass immigration , established immigrants having children , and white [flight] .",ARG-0: white SRL for [identification]: The victim 's [identification] with the attacker,ARG-0: The victim 's | ARG-1: the attacker "SRL for [brainstorming]: There was never anything about a plan , just [brainstorming] ways to be more flamboyant .",ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: ways to be more flamboyant SRL for [dry]: he 's been [dry] for ten years .,ARG-1: he | ARG-M-TMP: for ten years SRL for [gnaw]: Clumps of brush that they passed were so many enchained demons straining in anger to tear and [gnaw] on his bones .,ARG-0: so many enchained demons | ARG-1: on his bones "SRL for [reinforce]: `` The only response to the challenge being presented to us by the East , '' Mr. Mitterrand told the European Parliament in Strasbourg yesterday , `` is to [reinforce] and accelerate the union and cohesion of the European Community . ''",ARG-0: us | ARG-1: the union and cohesion of the European Community SRL for [crowning]: The crisis has shattered Samaranch 's hopes of [crowning] his 18 - year - tenure with this victory . .,ARG-0: Samaranch | ARG-1: his 18 - year - tenure | ARG-2: with this victory "SRL for [devised]: Keeping the mood light , the two then chanted and chortled their way through some murderous polyrhythms , [devised] by Mr. Douglas as an alternative to Hindemith 's dry theory - teaching techniques , and then , with Mr. Gomez , soared and improvised on the composer 's tight `` Bebop Etudes . ''",ARG-1: some murderous polyrhythms | ARG-0: by Mr. Douglas | ARG-2: as an alternative to Hindemith 's dry theory - teaching techniques SRL for [return]: Their [return] of our refugees to their homes,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of our refugees | ARG-2: to their homes "SRL for [consented]: While neither admitting nor denying wrongdoing , Triton and Mr. Chase [consented] to findings of violations in connection with limited - partnership sales .",ARG-M-ADV: While neither admitting nor denying wrongdoing | ARG-0: Triton and Mr. Chase | ARG-1: to findings of violations in connection with limited - partnership sales SRL for [lubricate]: I [lubricate] my driveshaft with synthetic grease .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: driveshaft | ARG-2: with synthetic grease "SRL for [nutting]: Grandma explained that people commonly went [nutting] to the nut trees , and gathered for themselves .",ARG-0: people "SRL for [teach]: The group says standardized achievement test scores are greatly inflated because teachers often `` [teach] the test '' as Mrs. Yeargin did , although most are never caught .",ARG-0: teachers | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: the test | ARG-M-MNR: as Mrs. Yeargin did "SRL for [chanted]: In the stands , people waved ANC flags , wore ANC T - shirts , sang ANC songs and [chanted] ANC slogans .",ARG-M-LOC: In the stands | ARG-0: people | ARG-1: ANC slogans "SRL for [check]: When you 're feeling under the weather , all you need to do is buy a diagnostic biochip from the chemist 's shop , put a drop of urine onto it , and you will find out what is wrong with you - a health [check] will be as easy as a pregnancy test today .",ARG-1: health SRL for [plumbing]: We have used them for [plumbing] and A / C and they are affordable and get the work done right ., SRL for [re - explored]: They [re - explored] his abdomen after several rounds of chemoradiation .,ARG-1: his abdomen | ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: after several rounds of chemoradiation "SRL for [took up]: Police officers [took up] their positions across the Gaza Strip , enjoying a freedom of movement they have not known since the intifada exploded in September 2000 , the source said .",ARG-0: Police officers | ARG-1: their positions | ARG-M-LOC: across the Gaza Strip | ARG-M-ADV: enjoying a freedom of movement they have not known since the intifada exploded in September 2000 SRL for [devoid]: Talk about being absolutely [devoid] of anything meaningful .,ARG-M-EXT: absolutely | ARG-2: of anything meaningful SRL for [stressed out]: but I 'm changing my attitude to the point where I 'm not going to get [stressed out] about it too much .,ARG-1: I | ARG-3: about it | ARG-M-EXT: too much "SRL for [silencing]: DNA methylation marking chromatin , self - sustaining metabolic loops , gene [silencing] by RNA interference and the three - dimensional conformation of proteins -LRB- such as prions -RRB- are areas where epigenetic inheritance systems have been discovered at the organismic level .",ARG-1: gene | ARG-0: by RNA interference "SRL for [slanting]: When the wind sends a fine driving rain [slanting] across the water , are you still unwilling to forgo the pleasure of sea angling ?",ARG-1: a fine driving rain | ARG-M-DIR: across the water SRL for [overestimation]: An [overestimation] of the compaction rate .,ARG-1: of the compaction rate SRL for [passed on]: it was carried at full speed either by a single runner or ( if the distance was great ) by relays of runners who [passed on] from hand to hand .,ARG-0: who | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-DIR: from hand | ARG-2: to hand SRL for [print]: We do n't [print] money in the basement .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: money | ARG-M-LOC: in the basement SRL for [catalyze]: CFCs tend to inhibit the flow of infra - red radiation through theatmosphere ; and they help to [catalyze] the breakdown of the ozone layer .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the breakdown of the ozone layer "SRL for [skim]: Galileo will [skim] past Earth in 1990 and 1992 , collecting energy from the planet 's gravitational field to gain momentum for its trip to Jupiter .",ARG-0: Galileo | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-DIR: past Earth | ARG-M-TMP: in 1990 and 1992 | ARG-M-ADV: collecting energy from the planet 's gravitational field to gain momentum for its trip to Jupiter SRL for [dribbled]: Water [dribbled] through the roof .,ARG-1: Water | ARG-M-LOC: through the roof "SRL for [coshing]: He was [coshing] them on the head , one after another , trying for unconscious instead of dead .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-LOC: on the head | ARG-M-MNR: one after another | ARG-M-PRP: trying for unconscious instead of dead "SRL for [hustled]: But in spite of my resolution , within ten minutes , with Martine gesturing and Chien - chien sobbing , I was [hustled] out the door .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-ADV: in spite of my resolution | ARG-M-TMP: within ten minutes | ARG-M-ADV: with Martine gesturing and Chien - chien sobbing | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: out the door "SRL for [adjust]: Once she stopped having to get up early to go to work , her anxiety about insomnia decreased greatly , and when she was able to [adjust] her living habits according to her own needs , her depression cleared up by itself .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her living habits | ARG-M-MNR: according to her own needs "SRL for [cashed in]: Many clothiers , especially Ralph Lauren , have [cashed in] on the recent popularity of updated Ivy League and English styles .","ARG-0: Many clothiers , especially Ralph Lauren | ARG-1: on the recent popularity of updated Ivy League and English styles" "SRL for [protrusion]: Spinal cord and nerve root compression may result from degeneration , disk [protrusion] , or trauma .",ARG-1: disk "SRL for [compulsory]: If the owner is wealthy , then it is [compulsory] for him to obtain another animal .",ARG-M-ADV: If the owner is wealthy | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-2: for him | ARG-1: to obtain another animal SRL for [ensnarled]: Now that they had him back in Kansas they [ensnarled] him in expensive lawsuits .,ARG-M-TMP: Now that they had him back in Kansas | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: in expensive lawsuits SRL for [trial]: Wennerstrom 's [trial] for libel against Mikael Blomkvist,ARG-0: Wennerstrom 's | ARG-3: for libel | ARG-1: against Mikael Blomkvist SRL for [enthuse]: The purpose of these induction programs is to dispel such fears and [enthuse] adult learners toward further study and rapid progress .,ARG-0: The purpose of these induction programs | ARG-1: adult learners | ARG-2: toward further study and rapid progress SRL for [refinement]: artistic aesthetic is something that emerges through long years of stylistic [refinement] and expression .,ARG-M-ADJ: stylistic "SRL for [leaves]: Li Jinhua hopes to see "" the audit body audited "" before he [leaves] office .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: office "SRL for [notification]: He has decided to receive his [notification] of the nomination at Oyster Bay , which probably will be made to him early in July .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: of the nomination SRL for [Dehisced]: [Dehisced] and packed wound in the abdomen .,ARG-1: wound "SRL for [personifies]: To him , law is the command of the sovereign - the English monarch - who [personifies] the power of the nation ...",R-ARG-2: who | ARG-2: the sovereign - the English monarch - | ARG-1: the power of the nation "SRL for [permit]: Proceeds of the loan agreement , together with funds from Vitro , will [permit] the purchase of all shares outstanding of Anchor and the payment of all related costs and expenses .",ARG-0: Proceeds of the loan agreement | ARG-M-COM: together with funds from Vitro | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the purchase of all shares outstanding of Anchor and the payment of all related costs and expenses "SRL for [un - American]: I vote ' for ' the best candidate for the job , regardless of political affiliation -LRB- unless , of course , they are [un - American] , like Libtards and Neocons -RRB- .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-MNR: like Libtards and Neocons "SRL for [paramutated]: The [paramutated] allele itself becomes paramutagenic , that is , capable of epigenetically converting a new paramutable allele .",ARG-1: allele "SRL for [divorced]: `` The } influence of the { U.S. is not being felt in Central America ; Washington 's decisions do not respond to a policy , and are [divorced] from reality , '' says Fernando Volio , a Costa Rican congressman and former foreign minister .",ARG-1: Washington 's decisions | ARG-2: from reality "SRL for [paced]: John [paced] the floor all night , waiting for news about whether his dissertation was accepted .",ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the floor | ARG-M-TMP: all night | ARG-M-ADV: waiting for news about whether his dissertation was accepted "SRL for [charred]: I mixed sulphate of potash and phosphate of lime with sugar , and [charred] the mixture .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the mixture "SRL for [avert]: Subcontractors will be offered a settlement and a swift transition to new management is expected to [avert] an exodus of skilled workers from Waertsilae Marine 's two big shipyards , government officials said .",ARG-0: a swift transition to new management | ARG-1: an exodus of skilled workers from Waertsilae Marine 's two big shipyards "SRL for [dry]: If you remember George Burns and Gracie Allen , George 's humor was [dry] .",ARG-M-ADV: If you remember George Burns | ARG-1: George 's humor SRL for [conked]: He [conked] me on the head .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-LOC: on the head SRL for [note]: [note] of the growing problem of computer fraud,ARG-1: of the growing problem of computer fraud SRL for [illusion]: His [illusion] that someday she would come around overrode his ability to accept the reality that she was never going to be genuinely interested in him,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that someday she would come around SRL for [alert]: Patient is [alert] and oriented times three,ARG-0: Patient "SRL for [sauced]: Thin , tender ravioli was [sauced] in a delicate cream flecked with lemon zest .","ARG-1: Thin , tender ravioli | ARG-2: in a delicate cream flecked with lemon zest" "SRL for [overloaded]: His group failed in their attack because their small boat , [overloaded] with explosives , sank just off the beach .",ARG-1: their small boat | ARG-2: with explosives "SRL for [consultations]: He had frequent telephone [consultations] with Mr. Brady and Michael Boskin , chairman of the counsel of economic advisers .","ARG-M-TMP: frequent | ARG-M-MNR: telephone | ARG-1: with Mr. Brady and Michael Boskin , chairman of the counsel of economic advisers" SRL for [lost]: Appropriators from both houses [lost] a battle Tuesday night with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee .,ARG-0: Appropriators from both houses | ARG-1: a battle | ARG-M-TMP: Tuesday night | ARG-2: with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee "SRL for [buckle up]: When Mr. Jacobson walked into the office at 7:30 a.m. EDT , he announced : `` OK , [buckle up] . ''", SRL for [reproduction]: A reproduced [reproduction] of the original Hurbert painting,ARG-2: reproduction | ARG-1: of the original Hurbert painting SRL for [rich]: This dessert was very [rich] in chocolate flavours and was hard to finish .,ARG-1: This dessert | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-2: in chocolate flavours "SRL for [plot]: The FBI says when they questioned him , he told them of another [plot] to bomb an American ship in Yemen , where the `` USS Cole '' was ultimately attacked .","ARG-1: to bomb an American ship in Yemen , where the `` USS Cole '' was ultimately attacked" "SRL for [chat]: Thereafter , whenever he had any spare time he would go visit the aborigines and [chat] with the old folks .",ARG-M-DIS: Thereafter | ARG-M-TMP: whenever he had any spare time | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: with the old folks SRL for [killed]: Usually the musicians stopped to grab a bite to eat or [killed] an hour playing chess .,ARG-M-TMP: Usually | ARG-0: the musicians | ARG-1: an hour | ARG-2: playing chess "SRL for [accrued]: Geoffrey Kalmus said that unsecured creditors would be paid in full credits and interest of about $ 855 million , [accrued] before PS of New Hampshire 's Jan. 1988 filing for bankruptcy court protection .",ARG-1: interest of about $ 855 million | ARG-M-TMP: before PS of New Hampshire 's Jan. 1988 filing for bankruptcy court protection "SRL for [shied]: Its diligent beam could spot only the dark head of Van , who , having been propelled out of the boat when it [shied] from its own sudden shadow , kept bobbing and and bawling the drowned girl 's name in the black , foam - veined , complicated waters .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: from its own sudden shadow | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [outsmarted]: My hamster [outsmarted] me in our little game .,ARG-0: My hamster | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-LOC: in our little game SRL for [refrigerate]: Is it ok to [refrigerate] breast milk in the freezer ?,ARG-1: breast milk | ARG-2: in the freezer ? SRL for [thumbs]: The North Texas Chevy Dealers recently had a record sales month after the debut of ad campaign that [thumbs] its nose at elite Easterners .,ARG-0: ad campaign | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: its nose | ARG-2: at elite Easterners "SRL for [espouse]: The survey found that nearly half of Hong Kong consumers [espouse] what it identified as materialistic values , compared with about one - third in Japan and the U.S.",ARG-0: nearly half of Hong Kong consumers | ARG-1: what it identified as materialistic values SRL for [given]: Hearst might have virtually [given] the paper away,ARG-0: Hearst | ARG-M-MOD: might have | ARG-M-MNR: virtually | ARG-1: the paper SRL for [responding]: But there was a delay of about one year in his [responding] to the call .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to the call SRL for [function]: The stock market 's basic [function] of raising capital,ARG-0: The stock market 's | ARG-1: of raising capital SRL for [fantastic]: The Dalai Lama is [fantastic] at Instagram .,ARG-1: The Dalai Lama | ARG-2: at Instagram "SRL for [put down]: [put down] a red block at x : 1 , y : 2 , z : 3 .","ARG-1: a red block | ARG-2: x : 1 , y : 2 , z : 3" "SRL for [out of hands]: And speaking of matters [out of hands] , I must see Gigot to arrange a meal for the Guards .",ARG-1: matters | ARG-0: my SRL for [hankering]: I have a [hankering] to send someone flowers via Teleflora too .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: to send someone flowers via Teleflora too "SRL for [repeal]: 3 Repeal of Obamacare : No replacement , just [repeal] .",ARG-1: of Obamacare "SRL for [wheeled]: Giant yellow cranes were [wheeled] up alongside the collapsed segment , preparing to lift off chunks of the debris .",ARG-1: Giant yellow cranes | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-M-DIR: alongside the collapsed segment | ARG-M-ADV: preparing to lift off chunks of the debris "SRL for [freeze]: Under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations law , or RICO , the government has the authority to seek to [freeze] or seize a defendant 's assets before trial .",ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: a defendant 's assets SRL for [lofted]: I [lofted] him and pinned him against the wall of Arthur 's hall .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: him "SRL for [uncommitted]: Although at first he was [uncommitted] to the revolutionary goal , events in France would soon inspire him to take action .",ARG-M-TMP: at first | ARG-1: he | ARG-2: to the revolutionary goal "SRL for [trolled]: Manson [trolled] the streets for the homeless , runaways and neglected disenfranchised youth and made them his own "" family ""","ARG-0: Manson | ARG-1: the streets | ARG-2: for the homeless , runaways and neglected disenfranchised youth" "SRL for [humid]: The weather is kind of weird , it 's so [humid] . It probably is n't helping",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: so "SRL for [fast]: because the speed was not too [fast] ; but the other party were a truck after all , so the smashing of the truck 's doors was still very serious .",ARG-2: the speed | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: too "SRL for [discomfit]: Well , it now turns out that Mrs. Thatcher had to travel across the globe to the 49 - member Commonwealth summit in Kuala Lumpur to [discomfit] the Holy Order of Consensus Builders .",ARG-0: Mrs. Thatcher | ARG-1: the Holy Order of Consensus Builders SRL for [sipped]: Forty healthy adults [sipped] water from each of . 7 straws varying in internal diameter ( 0.65 ; 5.00 mm ) .,ARG-0: Forty healthy adults | ARG-1: water | ARG-2: from each of . 7 straws varying in internal diameter ( 0.65 ; 5.00 mm ) "SRL for [aborted]: Thus , a woman who used RU to have an abortion would have to make three trips to the clinic past those picket lines ; an initial visit for medical screening ( anemics and those with previous pregnancy problems are eliminated ) and to take the pill , a second trip 48 hours later for the prostaglandin , administered either via injection or vaginal suppository , and a third trip a week later to make sure she has completely [aborted] .",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-EXT: completely SRL for [re - enters]: An ambitious expansion has left Magna with excess capacity and a heavy debt load as the automotive industry [re - enters] a downturn .,ARG-0: the automotive industry | ARG-1: a downturn "SRL for [trumpets]: Mr. Smith says the Bill of Rights commercial , which [trumpets] the themes of liberty and freedom of expression , is n't designed to have any special appeal for smokers .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: the Bill of Rights commercial | ARG-1: the themes of liberty and freedom of expression SRL for [influence]: a steadying [influence] '' against catastrophic losses,ARG-M-ADJ: steadying | ARG-2: against catastrophic losses "SRL for [trickling]: But so far , he declares , there 's little evidence the `` new urgency '' is [trickling] down to the managers who actually do hiring .",ARG-1: the `` new urgency '' | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-2: to the managers who actually do hiring SRL for [serving up]: Their [serving up] pancakes late into the afternoon caught the lodge many customers straight off the slope .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: pancakes | ARG-M-TMP: late into the afternoon SRL for [dallied]: He [dallied] so long over his Benedictine and brandy that he was late for his afternoon concert .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: so long | ARG-1: over his Benedictine and brandy | C-ARG-M-TMP: that he was late for his afternoon concert "SRL for [finalized]: Once its ownership is [finalized] , the new company will open talks with state - appointed receivers to buy or lease Waertsilae Marine 's shipyard facilities .",ARG-1: its ownership "SRL for [pinching pennies]: The deposits came from savings kept in a Tupperware breadbox ; he saved $ 47,000 in 1974 - 81 by living with family members and [pinching pennies] and $ 45,000 of secret gifts from his remorseful father , who had abandoned the family in 1955 .",ARG-0: he "SRL for [contemptuous]: Even many people who are [contemptuous] of other people even regard bears as their most intimate friends -- whoever touches a hair of a bear , he gives the cold shoulder to you .",ARG-0: who | ARG-1: of other people "SRL for [rained]: The earthquake shattered windows at San Francisco International 's air - traffic control tower and [rained] pieces of the ceiling down on controllers , three of whom suffered minor injuries .","ARG-0: The earthquake | ARG-1: pieces of the ceiling | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-2: on controllers , three of whom suffered minor injuries" SRL for [shut down]: Asarco said it plans to [shut down] or sell its Rapatee coal mine and will end its involvement in southern Illinois strip mining .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its Rapatee coal mine SRL for [compiled]: John [compiled] a list of suspected communists for Senator McCarthy .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a list of suspected communists | ARG-4: for Senator McCarthy SRL for [produce]: The plant will [produce] control devices used in motor vehicles and household appliances .,ARG-0: The plant | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: control devices used in motor vehicles and household appliances SRL for [capture]: The enemy 's [capture] of the capital city disheartened the citizenry .,ARG-0: enemy 's | ARG-1: of the capital city SRL for [ramified]: The problem merely [ramified] after the unsuccessful meeting .,ARG-1: The problem | ARG-M-ADV: merely | ARG-M-TMP: after the unsuccessful meeting SRL for [disappointment]: its [disappointment] at the effect of the resolutions,ARG-1: its | ARG-0: at the effect of the resolutions SRL for [erupts]: And Mancuso himself is investigating at the top of his lungs : ` ` How the hell can you live with yourself ? '' he [erupts] at a politician .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: ` ` How the hell can you live with yourself ? '' | ARG-2: at a politician SRL for [caused]: The filing on the details of the spinoff [caused] Cray Research stock to jump $ 2.875 yesterday .,ARG-0: The filing on the details of the spinoff | ARG-1: Cray Research stock to jump $ 2.875 yesterday "SRL for [moan]: The next time you hear a Member of Congress [moan] about the deficit , consider what Congress did Friday .",ARG-0: a Member of Congress | ARG-1: about the deficit SRL for [Post - dilatation]: [Post - dilatation] using 4 mm balloon .,ARG-M-PRD: using 4 mm balloon "SRL for [opined]: `` You know , ripe kumquats really are much better than green ones , '' [opined] John to Mary .","ARG-1: `` You know , ripe kumquats really are much better than green ones , '' | ARG-0: John | ARG-2: to Mary" "SRL for [concussion]: Earlier this month , I got a [concussion] from a bike accident .",ARG-M-TMP: Earlier this month | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-LVB: got | ARG-M-MNR: from a bike accident "SRL for [firefight]: Still , Kell can not turn his back on the beautiful woman caught in his [firefight] against the drug lords of Mexico .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against the drug lords of Mexico SRL for [yapping]: He completely overlooked it and kept up his [yapping] that she does n't really know EJ .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that she does n't really know EJ "SRL for [outsourcing]: Moreover , half of them are looking to increase their [outsourcing] of application services",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of application services SRL for [vroomed]: The car [vroomed] out of hell and into our hearts .,ARG-0: The car | ARG-M-DIR: out of hell and into our hearts SRL for [stamp out]: He 's even promised to [stamp out] corruption .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: corruption "SRL for [sorting]: The new machines are capable of [sorting] by zip code up to 10,000 large flat mail pieces , including magazines and parcels , an hour .","ARG-0: The new machines | ARG-2: by zip code | ARG-1: up to 10,000 large flat mail pieces , including magazines and parcels , an hour" SRL for [burst]: There were two primary factors that led to the [burst] of the Internet bubble :,ARG-1: of the Internet bubble "SRL for [reappraised]: However , he added that that estimate , made before extensive development drilling , currently is being [reappraised] .","ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-1: that estimate , made before extensive development drilling" SRL for [came to blows]: An ' it [came to blows] with my old man .,ARG-1: with my old man SRL for [pederastized]: If people do n't want their kids [pederastized] but yet they entrust them to ' guys in gowns ' I just wonder what the hell are they thinking anyway ?,ARG-1: their kids "SRL for [aired]: The attacks began when Democratic Rep. James Florio [aired] an ad featuring a drawing of Pinocchio and a photograph of Mr. Florio 's rival , Republican Rep. Jim Courter .","ARG-0: Democratic Rep. James Florio | ARG-1: an ad featuring a drawing of Pinocchio and a photograph of Mr. Florio 's rival , Republican Rep. Jim Courter" SRL for [revelations]: Most important were [revelations] about accounts held in the names of Soong family members .,ARG-3: about accounts held in the names of Soong family members SRL for [replenished]: Mary [replenished] her body 's store of fat with nuts and berries after the long winter .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: her body 's store of fat | ARG-2: with nuts and berries | ARG-M-TMP: after the long winter SRL for [gloved]: He would sit inside the coffee shop and pound a [gloved] fist upon the table and a girl would hear him and come running .,ARG-1: fist SRL for [smaller]: It points out that a magnitude 7 earthquake is actually 1000 times [smaller] in terms of energy released that the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that caused the tsunami last year .,ARG-1: a magnitude 7 earthquake | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-M-EXT: 1000 times | ARG-M-CXN: that the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that caused the tsunami last year | ARG-2: in terms of energy released "SRL for [convulsed]: In 1966 , Macau was [convulsed] by rioting in which several people were shot and killed by Portuguese security forces .",ARG-1: Macau | ARG-0: by rioting in which several people were shot and killed by Portuguese security forces SRL for [misrepresentation]: His [misrepresentation] of himself as a member of The Florida Bar Association in good standing landed him in prison .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of himself | ARG-2: as a member of The Florida Bar Association in good standing SRL for [need]: the [need] to avoid those cuts,ARG-1: to avoid those cuts SRL for [battered]: For fifty years his guns and ham - like fists shot holes through and [battered] the daylights out of the enemies of law and order in the frontier towns of the West .,ARG-M-TMP: For fifty years | ARG-2: his guns and ham - like fists | ARG-3: the daylights | ARG-1: out of the enemies of law and order | ARG-M-LOC: in the frontier towns of the West SRL for [electroplating]: Only after repeated failures and much frustration did he think about [electroplating] his black plastic albums with nickel and copper to make them stronger .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his black plastic albums | ARG-2: with nickel and copper | ARG-M-PRP: to make them stronger "SRL for [suffocating]: Like Eliot , in my fantasies , I had a proud bearing and , with a skill that was vaguely continental , I would lead Jessica through an evening of dancing and handsome descriptions of my newest exploits , would guide her gently to the night 's climax which , in my dreams , was always represented by our almost [suffocating] one another to death with deep , moist kisses burning with love .","ARG-0: our | ARG-M-EXT: almost | ARG-1: one another | ARG-M-PRD: to death | ARG-2: with deep , moist kisses burning with love" SRL for [misspent]: John [misspent] his youth learning classical languages .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his youth | ARG-2: learning classical languages "SRL for [delegate]: Hsia says that Lien 's political character tends to be easy - going and generous , he can comfortably [delegate] authority , and he is calm under pressure .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-MNR: comfortably | ARG-1: authority SRL for [bandaged up]: But she 's like she had to have her hand [bandaged up] and stuff,ARG-1: her hand SRL for [bald - faced]: The McClellan press briefings have been a study in [bald - faced] institutionalized lie - fests for years .,ARG-1: institutionalized lie - fests SRL for [taste]: Ms. Morgan is really insulting all the troops who 've been there to assume that by going for ten days and taking a few casual leisurely trips outside the Green Zone that she got a full [taste] of combat,ARG-M-EXT: full | ARG-1: of combat SRL for [prolong]: It does [prolong] the pain somewhat . '',ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the pain | ARG-2: somewhat SRL for [squelched]: Mail - order ministers have been [squelched] .,ARG-1: Mail - order ministers "SRL for [revelation]: At the time he was still considered by others as Big Bird 's "" imaginary "" friend . The fact that he was shown with his own real place , as well as him sending Big Bird a very real postcard , set up his [revelation] to the rest of Sesame Street later that year .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to the rest of Sesame Street "SRL for [claim]: That represents a very thin `` excess '' return , certainly far less than what most fundamental stock pickers [claim] to seek as their performance objective .",ARG-0: most fundamental stock pickers | ARG-1: to seek as their performance objective SRL for [joined]: John [joined] the fragments of his coffee cup with duct tape .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the fragments of his coffee cup | ARG-3: with duct tape SRL for [issuance]: Companies are advised to seek advice from their tax counsel as to the applicable tax consequences of their [issuance] of securities to the Foundation .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of securities | ARG-2: to the Foundation "SRL for [in force]: When a patent is [in force] , the owner has a monopoly on who can make and sell the underlying invention",ARG-1: a patent "SRL for [marketization]: But the countries which are supposed to be engaged have been engaged ; if you want to expand the market , you = have to = make those whatever authoritarian countries democratic , and let = it take take the road to [marketization]", "SRL for [surmounting]: Indeed , during a recent post - production audience discussion , the director explained that her fondest artistic wish was to find a way to play `` Somewhere Over the Rainbow '' so that the song 's `` original beauty comes through , '' [surmounting] the cliche .",ARG-0: the song 's `` original beauty | ARG-1: the cliche "SRL for [demurs]: `` I would n't say it 's quite a veto , '' Mr. Boren [demurs] .",ARG-0: Mr. Boren | ARG-1: I would n't say it 's quite a veto SRL for [back - burning]: Had it not been for the [back - burning] along the Jamieson Track ...,ARG-M-LOC: along the Jamieson Track SRL for [shove]: And the majority of Members cynically view the current discrediting of HUD as mainly a chance to [shove] through their own slate of projects .,ARG-0: the majority of Members | ARG-2: through | ARG-1: their own slate of projects "SRL for [remitted]: During checks , it discovered that some corporations and individuals made use of foreign trading companies that have import and export operation rights , allowing them to perform "" import agent "" business , used false customs documents to cheat on exchange , in order to get foreign exchange capital through tax evasion and smuggling , while the foreign trading companies earned agent commission fees without any cost ; there was also some international speculative capital which infiltrated regular items to get [remitted] into the country ; or entered the domestic stockmarket for speculating , or false custom documents were purchased to purchase exchange to derive profit from the exchange differences within Chinese territory .",ARG-1: infiltrated regular items | ARG-2: into the country SRL for [inoculation]: Dr. Wonka 's [inoculation] of his infant patients against rubella was under protest by parents who were confused by unscientific claims of an autism link to vaccines .,ARG-0: Dr. Wonka 's | ARG-1: of his infant patients | ARG-2: against rubella SRL for [reticulates]: This community [reticulates] water .,ARG-0: This community | ARG-1: water SRL for [reopened]: South Korea has [reopened] its market to foreign cigarettes .,ARG-0: South Korea | ARG-1: its market | ARG-3: to foreign cigarettes "SRL for [gambling]: According to notes taken by one of the participants at the meeting , the regulators said Lincoln was [gambling] dangerously with depositors ' federally insured money and was `` a ticking time bomb . ''",ARG-0: Lincoln | ARG-M-MNR: dangerously | ARG-1: with depositors ' federally insured money SRL for [proposition]: they envisioned a ripe environment for their [proposition] to repeal the state 's clean energy and air standards :,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to repeal the state 's clean energy and air standards SRL for [cited]: The Labor Department [cited] USX Corp for numerous health and safety violations at two Pennsylvania plants .,ARG-0: The Labor Department | ARG-1: USX Corp | ARG-2: for numerous health and safety violations at two Pennsylvania plants "SRL for [tempting]: Their crimes could be violent , like robbery . Acts of crime could also involve drug dealing , which is [tempting] when the only other option would be to make an honest living earning minimum wage .",ARG-0: which | ARG-M-TMP: when the only other option would be to make an honest living earning minimum wage SRL for [pregame]: Having a solo [pregame] right now,ARG-M-LVB: Having | ARG-M-ADV: solo | ARG-M-TMP: right now SRL for [packing]: Her [packing] the boys off to their grandmother was a sign that Cherie had finally lost patience with the little communists .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: the boys | ARG-2: off to their grandmother "SRL for [petered]: The last remaining bonanza in the Con . Virginia had [petered] , the stock had gone to smash , other stocks had faded from sight-- two hundred millions of property which three weeks before would have bought houses and lands and ships and goods and bank - shares had been absolutely wiped out of existence , had evaporated into air .",ARG-1: The last remaining bonanza in the Con . Virginia SRL for [wrenched]: Her stomach [wrenched] with dread .,ARG-1: Her stomach | ARG-M-CAU: with dread "SRL for [surprised]: `` Over the next couple of years we would not be [surprised] to see Europe and international sales represent 50 % of the company 's revenues , '' he said .",ARG-1: we | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: to see Europe and international sales represent 50 % of the company 's revenues SRL for [easy]: Yoga is [easy] to do,ARG-1: Yoga | C-ARG-1: to do SRL for [redesign]: Yearly changes in federal benefit laws force small businesses to repeatedly re - evaluate and [redesign] existing plans .,ARG-0: small businesses | ARG-M-TMP: repeatedly | ARG-1: existing plans "SRL for [reallocate]: To accommodate the additional cash assistance , the House Appropriations Committee last week was required to [reallocate] an estimated $ 140 million from the Pentagon .",ARG-0: the House Appropriations Committee | ARG-1: an estimated $ 140 million | ARG-3: from the Pentagon SRL for [incorporation]: the [incorporation] of Mongolia into a union republic,ARG-1: Mongolia | ARG-2: into a union republic "SRL for [elaboration]: From that point on , it is possible to follow the stages in his [elaboration] of a general theory of conflict .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of a general theory of conflict "SRL for [relevant]: You can say we 're all humans blah blah blah but we do n't currently group ourselves as humans hence no one cares what a human achieves , it 's only when it 's [relevant] to your community you care .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to your community | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [injury]: his [injury] of her,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of her "SRL for [neatened up]: However , in real updates , you probably ca n't tell , but I 've [neatened up] further rough edges of the site .",ARG-0: I 've | ARG-M-EXT: further | ARG-1: rough edges of the site SRL for [anticipated]: John is [anticipated] to win the Nobel Prize .,ARG-1: to win the Nobel Prize SRL for [mean]: She was [mean] to the girl who answered all the questions .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: to the girl who answered all the questions "SRL for [bent]: I ca n't emphasise enough how [bent] this is , to me .",ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: this | ARG-M-ADV: to me SRL for [Anovulation]: [Anovulation] due to PCOS .,ARG-0: due to PCOS SRL for [get up]: Yes coffee ! ! ! Afternoon ? I hate having to [get up] at a time on Sunday !,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: at a time on Sunday SRL for [hot]: Dad gets all [hot] and bothered if someone parks in his parking space .,ARG-1: Dad | ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-M-ADV: if someone parks in his parking space "SRL for [mucked up]: But Brooks declined , figuring that transporting the [mucked up] money to Washington would cost the company thousands more .",ARG-1: money "SRL for [fluctuates]: When the price of polyethylene moves a mere penny a pound , Quantum 's annual profit [fluctuates] by about 85 cents a share , provided no other variables are changing .",ARG-1: Quantum 's annual profit | ARG-2: about 85 cents a share | ARG-M-ADV: provided no other variables are changing SRL for [selfish]: It was n't that he was [selfish] of his time or uninterested in helping . He just was n't sure how he could contribute .,ARG-0: he | ARG-2: of his time "SRL for [authoritarian]: When the basic conditions are lacking and mainland China and Taiwan call out loudly about characteristics , both of them are -LRB -- LRB- [authoritarian] -RRB -- RRB- . = What else can they be ?",ARG-1: both of them "SRL for [prosecution]: Some U.S. officials believe the Yemeni are concerned about sharing information that could be embarrassing to a country that hasbeen called a haven for terrorists , but U.S. officials say without access to the witnesses here , the future of any American [prosecution] for the murder of 17 sailors is in doubt .",ARG-0: American | ARG-2: for the murder of 17 sailors "SRL for [defied]: Four years ago , he jailed all nine members of the Cambria County School Board for several hours after they [defied] his order to extend the school year by several weeks to make up for time lost during a teachers ' strike .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: his order to extend the school year by several weeks to make up for time lost during a teachers ' strike "SRL for [slapped]: Once he came very close to cutting a finger clean off with a sickle , but he just [slapped] some cement mix -LRB- commonly regarded as a good disinfectant -RRB- on the wound and worked on through the pain .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-2: some cement mix -LRB- commonly regarded as a good disinfectant -RRB- | ARG-1: on the wound "SRL for [amaze]: It never ceases to [amaze] me how the business world continues to trivialize the world 's environmental problems ( `` Is Science , or Private Gain , Driving Ozone Policy ? '' by George Melloan , Business World , Oct. 24 ) .",ARG-0: how the business world continues to trivialize the world 's environmental problems | ARG-1: me "SRL for [split]: No successor was named , and Mr. Reupke 's duties will be [split] among three other senior Reuters executives , the company said .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Mr. Reupke 's duties | ARG-2: among three other senior Reuters executives SRL for [passe]: Silly girl ... Being murdered is so [passe] .,ARG-1: Being murdered | ARG-M-ADJ: so SRL for [unclear]: It is [unclear] if this communicates with the vein or is a large lymph node .,ARG-1: if this communicates with the vein or is a large lymph node SRL for [left]: I only have $ 5 [left] of my paycheck,ARG-M-GOL: I | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: $ 5 | ARG-2: of my paycheck "SRL for [absolute]: The proletariat ideological belief is [absolute] ; Marxism is the basic principle , and is relative , from the global perspective , learning from advanced , absorbing civilizations , and constantly creating new values .",ARG-1: The proletariat ideological belief "SRL for [determined]: The exact amount of the refund will be [determined] next year , based on actual collections made until Dec 31 of this year .",ARG-1: The exact amount of the refund | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: next year | ARG-2: based on actual collections made until Dec 31 of this year "SRL for [blemished]: He touched the long , dark green curtains , looked out into the garden and over it at the house beyond , tall and dark , A dim sodium - yellow glow filled the sky ; patchy snow [blemished] the garden .",ARG-0: patchy snow | ARG-1: the garden "SRL for [digesting]: After thoroughly [digesting] reams of information , he often concludes that more data are needed , and when he finally decides to act , his movements sometimes seem excrutiatingly small .",ARG-M-MNR: thoroughly | ARG-1: reams of information | ARG-0: he SRL for [deciphering]: The work of Jean Francois Champollion -LRB- 1790 - 1832 -RRB- in [deciphering] hieroglyphics from the Rosetta Stone was an astonishing accomplishment,ARG-0: Jean Francois Champollion -LRB- 1790 - 1832 -RRB- | ARG-1: hieroglyphics from the Rosetta Stone "SRL for [thinned out]: For one thing , Pentagon officials worry that the U.S. will have a much tougher time persuading Europeans to keep some short - range nuclear weapons on their soil once Soviet armored forces are [thinned out] .",ARG-1: Soviet armored forces "SRL for [provisioning]: Mr. Bowder said the bank 's experience with LDC debt has been `` painful '' and this latest move represents the final phase of a program begun seven years ago to reduce its exposure through [provisioning] , debt sales and debt swaps .", SRL for [tisked]: She [tisked] chidingly to nobody .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MNR: chidingly | ARG-2: to nobody SRL for [yanked]: An index of economic activity [yanked] from the survey ...,ARG-1: An index of economic activity | ARG-2: from the survey SRL for [prevention]: Among those projects is green teas and their [prevention] of liver cancer .,ARG-3: their | ARG-1: of liver cancer "SRL for [brushed]: Mr. Broderick , the Massachusetts grower , says the `` big boss '' at a supermarket chain even rejected his Red Delicious recently because they were n't waxed and [brushed] for extra shine .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: they | ARG-M-PNC: for extra shine SRL for [receive]: Should a patient with diverticulitis and previous radiation of adrenal glands [receive] steroids ?,ARG-M-MOD: Should | ARG-0: a patient with diverticulitis and previous radiation of adrenal glands | ARG-1: steroids SRL for [defamed]: Evangelista Savelli was [defamed] for betraying Cerreto to the Milanese in 1452 .,ARG-1: Evangelista Savelli | ARG-2: for betraying Cerreto to the Milanese in 1452 "SRL for [blending]: Mr. Mark attributed the improvement to cost savings achieved by consolidating manufacturing operations , [blending] together two sales organizations and more carefully focusing the company 's promotional activities .",ARG-3: together | ARG-1: two sales organizations "SRL for [claimed]: As he left , the man apologized and [claimed] to her that his gun was n't a real firearm , just an unloaded BB gun .","ARG-M-TMP: As he left | ARG-0: the man | ARG-2: to her | ARG-1: that his gun was n't a real firearm , just an unloaded BB gun" SRL for [amazed]: The foreigners [ non - ethnic Chinese ] present were [amazed] in particular by the mass dragon dance that members of the Association performed .,ARG-1: The foreigners [ non - ethnic Chinese ] present | ARG-M-ADV: in particular | ARG-0: by the mass dragon dance that members of the Association performed SRL for [profit]: What 's the [profit] of visiting the doctor if you wo n't take his advice .,ARG-1: of visiting the doctor SRL for [communications]: concomitantly opening up channels of [communications] with the Tigrean rebels through neighboring Sudan,ARG-2: with the Tigrean rebels "SRL for [burping]: His [burping] the national anthem surprisingly did little to impress Ben 's new girlfriend 's father , an Admiral in the Navy .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the national anthem SRL for [termination]: The pilots are calling the sdebt -- incident a misunderstanding and appealing their [termination] .,ARG-1: their SRL for [boost]: The bond market got an early [boost] from the opening - hour sell - off in stocks .,ARG-M-TMP: early | ARG-0: from the opening - hour sell - off in stocks SRL for [brilliant]: He is [brilliant] at linguistics .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: at linguistics "SRL for [saving]: -LRB- My husband said that if I am pregnant , the money we have is not enough . I said that we will borrow from my mother first . It can not affect our money [saving]",ARG-0: our | ARG-1: money "SRL for [unheard]: I literally made this years ago , back when Photoshop really was [unheard] of by me .",C-ARG-1: Photoshop | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: of | ARG-0: by me | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [work]: its subcontract [work] with prime contractor McDonnell Douglas Corp,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: subcontract | ARG-3: with prime contractor McDonnell Douglas Corp "SRL for [mind]: During his tenure as president , he spoke his [mind] about a variety of subjects",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: about a variety of subjects SRL for [scaring]: Mr. DaPuzzo also complained that the sharp swings in stock prices lately is [scaring] away retail and foreign investors .,ARG-0: the sharp swings in stock prices | ARG-M-TMP: lately | ARG-3: away | ARG-1: retail and foreign investors "SRL for [announced]: After the ruling was [announced] , the ruling and opposition camps both declared victory and eventually negotiated an agreement on the question of whether Lien Chan would be allowed to serve as premier .",ARG-1: the ruling SRL for [alignment]: Notice the ice cap weight shifting it is due to earth s own inertia and the sun moon [alignment] .,ARG-1: sun moon SRL for [redemonstrated]: This [redemonstrated] the popliteal artery aneurysm,ARG-0: This | ARG-1: the popliteal artery aneurysm SRL for [leaned]: I had to reach back to French 101 when the monsieur avec clipboard [leaned] over my shoulder during the coffee phase of dinner and asked whether I wanted to ride in a montgolfiere .,ARG-0: the monsieur avec clipboard | ARG-2: over my shoulder | ARG-M-TMP: during the coffee phase of dinner | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [discounted]: The market quickly [discounted] the weekly inventory report showing a 6.3 million barrel decrease in U.S. crude oil stocks as the legacy of Hurricane Jerry .,ARG-0: The market | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: the weekly inventory report showing a 6.3 million barrel decrease in U.S. crude oil stocks | ARG-2: as the legacy of Hurricane Jerry SRL for [of same mind]: if the building project design process is to be beneficially integrated then everyone needs to be [of same mind] about the final building solution .,ARG-0: everyone | ARG-1: about the final building solution SRL for [spotted]: John [spotted] his car with purple daisies .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his car | ARG-2: with purple daisies "SRL for [itchy]: Maybe if I 'm getting bloody noses all over the place , my eyes are red and [itchy] because I 'm so dried out by the new allergy meds",ARG-M-ADV: Maybe if I 'm getting bloody noses all over the place | ARG-1: my eyes | ARG-M-CAU: because I 'm so dried out by the new allergy meds SRL for [investment]: increased capital [investment] by Pacific Bell for network improvements,ARG-M-PRD: increased | ARG-1: capital | ARG-0: by Pacific Bell | ARG-M-PRP: for network improvements "SRL for [defecting]: It had never really been too big of an issue , his [defecting] from the company .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: from the company SRL for [complete]: a [complete] set of genes,ARG-1: a | C-ARG-1: set of genes SRL for [frighten off]: Their opposition helped [frighten off] some Japanese banks .,ARG-0: Their opposition | ARG-1: some Japanese banks SRL for [crushing]: The horse 's [crushing] my foot left marks for a week,ARG-0: The horse 's | ARG-1: my foot "SRL for [dusted off]: After being trampled in Tuesday 's selling stampede , the Nasdaq over - the - counter market [dusted off] and moved on in moderate trading .",ARG-M-TMP: After being trampled in Tuesday 's selling stampede | ARG-0: the Nasdaq over - the - counter market | ARG-1: itself "SRL for [weather]: Ford , which has long boasted of its ability to [weather] a downturn , saw earnings take a beating .",ARG-0: Ford | ARG-1: a downturn SRL for [listing]: Guadalupe 's [listing] of her vacation house on Craigslist lead to its being rented out .,ARG-0: Guadalupe 's | ARG-1: of her vacation house | ARG-2: on Craigslist SRL for [investment]: small business [investment],ARG-2: small business "SRL for [taking out]: In this decision , we hold that Colonel Wexler 's employing agency must reimburse him for expenses he incurred in [taking out] that loan , since the expenses are similar in kind and amount to those for which reimbursement is specifically made appropriate by the Federal Travel Regulation ( FTR ) .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: that loan SRL for [cut]: Magna recently [cut] its quarterly dividend in half .,ARG-0: Magna | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: its quarterly dividend | ARG-2: in half SRL for [unpegged]: The Chinese Yuan rose by 20 % when the Chinese [unpegged] it from the dollar briefly .,ARG-0: the Chinese | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the dollar | ARG-M-ADV: briefly SRL for [composed]: John [composed] this poem for his wife .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: this poem | ARG-2: for his wife SRL for [crevassing]: glacial [crevassing],ARG-1: glacial SRL for [accumulation]: Growth in the amount of his private capital permits him to live more and more luxuriously and at the same time increase his [accumulation] of capital by increasing the proportion of surplus value used for accumulation .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of capital SRL for [integration]: European economic [integration],ARG-1: European | ARG-3: economic "SRL for [foolish]: Whether it 's the result of poverty or cultural differences and stresses in Britain that are leaving them vulnerable to getting lured into crime , pretending that a group that has more prevalence for crime has n't is just [foolish] .",ARG-M-ADV: Whether it 's the result of poverty or cultural differences and stresses in Britain that are leaving them vulnerable to getting lured into crime | ARG-1: pretending that a group that has more prevalence for crime has n't | ARG-M-ADV: just "SRL for [risking]: James 's willingness to listen , his [risking] of ridicule , his spiritually democratic openness , still moves us to let them all in .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: of ridicule SRL for [agglomerated]: Poorly compressible crystals of acebutolol hydrochloride were [agglomerated] by the spherical crystallization technique with a two - solvent system,ARG-1: Poorly compressible crystals of acebutolol hydrochloride | ARG-2: by the spherical crystallization technique with a two - solvent system "SRL for [expected]: Since fish tanks help you change your fate when something bad is [expected] , and otherwise help to attract money , they are perennial hot sellers .",ARG-M-TMP: when | ARG-1: something bad SRL for [benign]: Just got wonderful news today that Bern 's lymph node biopsy that was sent to Mayo Clinic is [benign] for cancer .,ARG-1: Bern 's lymph node biopsy that was sent to Mayo Clinic | ARG-2: for cancer SRL for [polarization]: the two major political parties had long begun their [polarization] from one another,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: from one another SRL for [tell]: The score [tell] you what the characters are thinking and feeling .,ARG-0: The score | ARG-2: you | ARG-1: what the characters are thinking and feeling SRL for [excruciating]: An [excruciating] effort,ARG-0: effort "SRL for [commemorate]: On December 9 , a ceremony was held on Green Island , site of a former political prison , to [commemorate] the first anniversary of the construction of the Human Rights Memorial there .",ARG-1: the first anniversary of the construction of the Human Rights Memorial there SRL for [loss]: a 13 percent [loss] to 21.32 shekels,ARG-2: 13 percent | ARG-4: to 21.32 shekels SRL for [optimistic]: The index is rising because builders are [optimistic] that sales will rise this year .,ARG-1: builders | ARG-0: that sales will rise this year SRL for [turbulent]: it is most likely that the boundary layer was [turbulent] right from the leading edge in these calculations .,ARG-1: the boundary layer | ARG-M-LOC: right from the leading edge SRL for [thrill]: We 're asking the court for a number of things he can grant in addition to the [thrill] of victory,ARG-0: of victory "SRL for [hanging ten]: One of the sport 's most difficult and delicate maneuvers , [hanging ten] is possible for the most part only on smaller waves", SRL for [trollied]: We [trollied] to our shooting ground .,ARG-1: We | ARG-3: to our shooting ground "SRL for [disappears]: `` If there 's a problem , Peter [disappears] , and all of a sudden Jon shows up . ''",ARG-1: Peter "SRL for [clipped]: For another , sympathetic fans have sent Ms. Shere copies of her recipes [clipped] from magazines over the years .",ARG-1: copies of her recipes | ARG-2: from magazines | ARG-M-TMP: over the years SRL for [development]: Other developments that contributed to the economic [development] of southwest Louisiana after 1880 were :,ARG-5: economic | ARG-1: of southwest Louisiana | ARG-M-TMP: after 1880 "SRL for [explaining]: There are no plans to initiate a common stock dividend , Mr. Johnson said , [explaining] that the board continues to believe shareholders are best served by reinvesting excess cash .",ARG-0: Mr. Johnson | ARG-1: that the board continues to believe shareholders are best served by reinvesting excess cash "SRL for [budgeted]: The move , [budgeted] at about $ 7 million , actually came in at about $ 10 million , he said .",ARG-2: The move | ARG-1: at about $ 7 million SRL for [wriggle]: John can [wriggle] his ears .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: his ears SRL for [skateboarded]: People rolled their eyes at us as we [skateboarded] around town and pathetically wooed girls .,ARG-1: we | ARG-2: around town SRL for [like]: Their educational approach was military - [like] .,ARG-1: Their educational approach | ARG-2: military SRL for [secured]: McCaw said it has [secured] commitments from three banks to help finance its $ 125 - a - share bid for 22 million of Lin 's shares .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: commitments | ARG-2: from three banks | C-ARG-1: to help finance its $ 125 - a - share bid for 22 million of Lin 's shares SRL for [explosion]: the [explosion] into pieces of the main body of benzene ring,ARG-2: into pieces | ARG-1: of the main body of benzene ring "SRL for [ski]: Some have built health spas , business centers and shopping villages so visitors have more to do than [ski] .",ARG-0: visitors SRL for [pertinent]: My new book IS [pertinent] to the theme of this blog !,ARG-1: My new book | ARG-2: to the theme of this blog "SRL for [exploit]: Up to now , the intense competition between IBM and Digital has been confined largely to the broad midrange of the computer market , where Digital sought to [exploit] IBM 's weaknesses in networking .",ARG-0: Digital | ARG-1: IBM 's weaknesses in networking SRL for [belted out]: He [belted out] a tune for the folks .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a tune | ARG-2: for the folks SRL for [earned]: In fiscal 1988 the company [earned] $ 17.3 million on revenue of $ 352.9 million .,ARG-M-TMP: In fiscal 1988 | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: $ 17.3 million | ARG-M-PRD: on revenue of $ 352.9 million SRL for [back]: The big brokerage firms [back] out of program trading for their own accounts or for clients .,ARG-0: The big brokerage firms | ARG-1: out of program trading | ARG-M-PNC: for their own accounts or for clients SRL for [shape up]: the a new general Jay Hood who 's down there clearly wants to [shape up] .,ARG-0: the a new general Jay Hood who 's down there | ARG-1: this place "SRL for [peaked]: `` It 's a good indication that level of profitability has [peaked] for the industry , '' says Vahid Fathi , metals analyst with Prescott , Ball & Turben Inc. , who had estimated Reynolds would earn about $ 2.35 a share .",ARG-1: level of profitability | ARG-3: for the industry SRL for [logical]: It was [logical] of him to use an approach that would connect more with his troops .,ARG-1: of him to use an approach that would connect more with his troops "SRL for [psyched]: We 're super [psyched] about the new "" Add to foursquare "" button that The Wall Street Journal is rolling out today !","ARG-M-EXT: super | ARG-1: We | ARG-2: about the new "" Add to foursquare "" button that The Wall Street Journal is rolling out today" SRL for [ransomed]: He [ransomed] me from the king by pledging on his word that when the next ship arrived from Valencia he would pay my ransom .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: me | ARG-3: from the king | ARG-M-MNR: by pledging on his word that when the next ship arrived from Valencia he would pay my ransom "SRL for [grok]: Now that he knew himself to be self , he was free to [grok] ever closer to his brothers , merge without let .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MNR: ever closer to his brothers SRL for [anglicize]: Some immigrants [anglicize] their names when they move to the U.S.,ARG-0: Some immigrants | ARG-1: their names | ARG-M-TMP: when they move to the U.S. SRL for [guarantee]: Maxicare also will [guarantee] that the banks will realize at least $ 7 million on certain notes pledged to them .,ARG-0: Maxicare | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: that the banks will realize at least $ 7 million on certain notes pledged to them "SRL for [baidued]: It sparked panic among "" Baiduholics "" like "" lost - web "" , who [baidued] everything , sometimes even without realizing it .","ARG-0: "" Baiduholics "" like "" lost - web "" | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: everything | ARG-M-ADV: sometimes even without realizing it" SRL for [oversight]: Whether Mr. McInnes 's [oversight] is merely a sign of a mainlander 's benign neglect,ARG-0: Mr. McInnes 's "SRL for [spraypaint]: For example , on Nokia model which has a shell that is easily replaced is hot with teenagers , some of whom even go so far as to [spraypaint] their phones to make them ' different . '",ARG-0: teenagers | ARG-1: their phones | ARG-M-PRP: to make them ' different . ' "SRL for [crumbing]: A designated catering staff is trained in white - glove service , pouring wine , and [crumbing] tables .",ARG-0: A designated catering staff | ARG-1: tables SRL for [slick]: Cause I 'm super [slick] like that,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADJ: super | ARG-M-ADJ: like that "SRL for [putzed]: I have [putzed] with the altitude adjustment , and decided that it 's purely decorative .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with the altitude adjustment SRL for [brushed up]: This well may be the first time that the venerable Rockefeller University has [brushed up] publicly against the intimidations now common in American science .,ARG-0: the venerable Rockefeller University | ARG-M-MNR: publicly | ARG-1: against the intimidations now common in American science SRL for [reinsurance]: Insurers purchase [reinsurance] for other insurers for a number of reasons,ARG-2: for other insurers SRL for [zested]: He [zested] the lemons into the bowl .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the lemons | ARG-M-GOL: into the bowl "SRL for [gathered]: You might be interested to know that baseball , not survival , appeared to be the first thought of most of the crowd of 60,000 - odd that had [gathered] at Candlestick at 5:04 p.m. Tuesday , a half - hour before game time , when the quake struck .","ARG-1: 60,000 - odd | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-LOC: at Candlestick | ARG-M-TMP: at 5:04 p.m. Tuesday , a half - hour before game time" "SRL for [cart]: At closing time , farmers [cart] out most of what they carted in .",ARG-M-TMP: At closing time | ARG-0: farmers | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-1: most of what they carted in "SRL for [fingered]: To date , scientists have [fingered] two of these cancer - suppressors .",ARG-M-TMP: To date | ARG-0: scientists | ARG-1: two of these cancer - suppressors "SRL for [nucleate]: Historically , It was a common practice for a city planner to [nucleate] a village by clustering houses around a church .",ARG-0: a city planner | ARG-1: a village "SRL for [seeded]: In 2008 , the company [seeded] an initiative that would create an easy - to - access online movie database .",ARG-M-TMP: In 2008 | ARG-0: the company | ARG-2: an initiative that would create an easy - to - access online movie database SRL for [set up]: The Securities and Exchange Board of India was [set up] earlier this year along the lines of the US Securities and Exchange Commission .,ARG-1: The Securities and Exchange Board of India | ARG-M-MNR: earlier this year | ARG-2: along the lines of the US Securities and Exchange Commission "SRL for [reincorporated]: While a large number of Hong Kong companies have [reincorporated] offshore ahead of 1997 , such a move is n't an option for Cathay because it would jeopardize its landing rights in Hong Kong .",ARG-0: a large number of Hong Kong companies | ARG-M-LOC: offshore | ARG-M-TMP: ahead of 1997 SRL for [tarnished]: Provigo 's profit record over the past two years [tarnished] the company 's and Mr. Lortie 's reputations .,ARG-0: Provigo 's profit record over the past two years | ARG-1: the company 's and Mr. Lortie 's reputations SRL for [blast]: his [blast] of the DOT for pulling a guy over and doing a roadside inspection,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the DOT | ARG-2: for pulling a guy over and doing a roadside inspection SRL for [origin]: the [origin] of the woman 's injuries,ARG-1: of the woman 's injuries SRL for [evangelize]: Maybe some students come out of the university and become very excited about this technology and what they were able to do with it so they [evangelize] it to their new employers . ?,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to their new employers SRL for [testimony]: ... who was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for her [testimony] against the sisters .,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: against the sisters SRL for [spewing]: The photos showed active geysers on Io [spewing] sulfurous material 190 miles into its atmosphere and indicated that Europa may have an ocean hidden under a thick sheet of ice .,ARG-0: active geysers on Io | ARG-1: sulfurous material | ARG-2: 190 miles into its atmosphere "SRL for [cutting]: In addition , White House aides think that there are numerous other important measures Democrats badly wanted passed -- such as the scaling back of a controversial catastrophic health - care plan for the elderly -- that might provide the president leverage in [cutting] deals with Democrats .",ARG-0: the president | ARG-1: deals | ARG-2: with Democrats "SRL for [overextended]: This game shows how I crushed a master who did n't take me very seriously , he [overextended] his position and totally neglected his king safety .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his position SRL for [soak up]: But the recent volatility in stock prices caused by the program trading has made some market makers less willing to [soak up] the stocks that are for sale .,ARG-0: some market makers | ARG-1: the stocks that are for sale "SRL for [latches on]: For , just as Mr. Giuliani [latches on] to an issue that has Mr. Dinkins reeling , his campaign desperately needs cash to keep Mr. Ailes 's commercials on the air beyond Wednesday or Thursday .",ARG-0: Mr. Giuliani | ARG-1: to an issue that has Mr. Dinkins reeling SRL for [tented]: We spent a full day here and [tented] overnight in the caravan park as well .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-TMP: overnight | ARG-1: in the caravan park | ARG-M-ADV: as well SRL for [preconception]: His [preconception] of the girl 's softball team could n't be further from the truth .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the girl 's softball team SRL for [care]: I do n't [care] to eat spinach,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: to eat spinach SRL for [interrogated]: Then an announcer interjects : `` It was Douglas Wilder who introduced a bill to force rape victims age 13 and younger to be [interrogated] about their private lives by lawyers for accused rapists .,ARG-2: rape victims age 13 and younger | ARG-1: about their private lives | ARG-0: by lawyers for accused rapists "SRL for [requisitioned]: In another , she [requisitioned] topiary MX missile cones -- costing $ 10,000 each -- in heights up to 20 feet .","ARG-M-LOC: In another | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: topiary MX missile cones -- costing $ 10,000 each -- in heights up to 20 feet" SRL for [neglecting]: The Japanese are [neglecting] the opportunity to synthesize a new corporate culture based on a fusion of the best aspects of both national cultures .,ARG-0: The Japanese | ARG-1: the opportunity to synthesize a new corporate culture based on a fusion of the best aspects of both national cultures SRL for [flat]: The ground under the tent was [flat] .,ARG-1: The ground under the tent SRL for [hunting]: bargain - [hunting] by institutions,ARG-1: bargain | ARG-0: by institutions SRL for [reincarnated]: He is [reincarnated] soon after in the body of a baby boy .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: in the body of a baby boy SRL for [bought]: The company [bought] a wheel - loader from Dresser .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: a wheel - loader | ARG-2: from Dresser SRL for [nip]: So really that should [nip] the whole furore in the bud before we conflate it with discourses about underage sex etc .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: the whole furore | ARG-2: in the bud | ARG-M-TMP: before we conflate it with discourses about underage sex etc . SRL for [improve]: ... if they do n't [improve] their protection of intellectual property by next spring .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: their protection of intellectual property | ARG-M-TMP: by next spring "SRL for [sniffed]: `` She just wiggled her fanny and all the French fell in love with her , '' [sniffed] the literary world 's Maria Jolas , not entirely inaccurately .","ARG-1: `` She just wiggled her fanny and all the French fell in love with her , '' | ARG-0: the literary world 's Maria Jolas | ARG-M-MNR: not entirely inaccurately" SRL for [cultivation]: The problem with poppy [cultivation] is n't the growing of the crop itself .,ARG-1: poppy SRL for [ok]: Ask your doctor if coconut flour is [ok] for you .,ARG-1: coconut flour | ARG-2: for you SRL for [aeration]: Oxygen [aeration] by the lungs,ARG-1: Oxygen | ARG-0: by the lungs SRL for [play]: The key question is is this a tragic accident or is this foul [play] ?,ARG-M-MNR: foul "SRL for [undertake]: David Boren , the Intelligence Committee chairman , is upset that someone leaked a letter to the committee from the Reagan administration suggesting that the U.S. would [undertake] to warn Panamanian thug Manuel Noriega if it got wind of an impending coup that might result in his assassination .",ARG-0: the U.S. | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: to warn Panamanian thug Manuel Noriega if it got wind of an impending coup that might result in his assassination "SRL for [reading off]: can they do things like setting BMW memory settings that you normally have to pay a dealer for , or is this only for [reading off] engine stats etc ?",ARG-1: engine stats etc SRL for [clunked]: He [clunked] the big box down on the table .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the big box | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-M-GOL: on the table "SRL for [silence]: Angelina Jolie has broken her [silence] on her split with Brad Pitt , following his first public appearance since the divorce proceedings began .",ARG-1: her | ARG-2: on her split with Brad Pitt "SRL for [marked]: President Vladimir Putin of Russia [marked] the new year Sunday and his first anniversary in office with an address urging Russians to be heartened by the country 's progress , despite the war in Chechnya and the sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk .","ARG-0: President Vladimir Putin of Russia | ARG-1: the new year Sunday and his first anniversary in office | ARG-3: with an address urging Russians to be heartened by the country 's progress , despite the war in Chechnya and the sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk" "SRL for [consensual]: Note that in both cases the sex was [consensual] , obviously not legally , but in the sense that there was n't any physical compulsion .","ARG-M-LOC: in both cases | ARG-1: the sex | ARG-M-ADV: obviously not legally , but in the sense that there was n't any physical compulsion" SRL for [proprioception]: the man who lost his [proprioception] of his body,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of his body SRL for [Chop out]: [Chop out] the two bottom blocks .,ARG-1: the two bottom blocks SRL for [optimization]: [optimization] of her asthma medications,ARG-1: of her asthma medications SRL for [analysis]: Mr. Laband 's [analysis] of time values,ARG-0: Mr. Laband 's | ARG-1: of time values SRL for [less]: Although it is [less] of a problem during the day it does not feel normal during the day .,ARG-1: it | ARG-3: of a problem | ARG-M-TMP: during the day SRL for [AA]: [AA] + O x 3 ., SRL for [misted up]: My warm breath [misted up] the glass .,ARG-2: My warm breath | ARG-1: the glass "SRL for [embracing]: Standing 17 meters tall and 18 meters wide , it 's a gold dragon [embracing] a globe , and it is supposed to convey the idea of a dragon bringing good luck to the world .",ARG-0: a gold dragon | ARG-1: a globe SRL for [give]: I 've been threatened physically twice .... like I [give] a shit ....,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a shit "SRL for [controlling]: Kyle , in the first post on this topic , was [controlling] of Karen with his assertion that he earned the money , and thus Karen was responsible for everything else that went on in the couple?s life .","ARG-0: Kyle | ARG-M-LOC: in the first post on this topic | ARG-1: of Karen | ARG-2: with his assertion that he earned the money , and thus Karen was responsible for everything else that went on in the couple?s life" SRL for [acceptance]: Their [acceptance] of the literal truth of the Bible made them reject any theory of natural evolution .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of the literal truth of the Bible SRL for [disposal]: Does he have a car at his [disposal] or should I put you in touch with some peeps ?,ARG-1: his SRL for [enable]: Each of the Class C warrants will [enable] the holders to purchase one share of common stock at $ 5.50 .,ARG-0: Each of the Class C warrants | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: the holders | ARG-1: to purchase one share of common stock at $ 5.50 SRL for [know]: I [know] how to speak Latin .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: how to speak Latin SRL for [deserves]: Democrats argue that Costa Rica [deserves] more assistance for the same reason that Mr. Bush is attending the celebration this weekend : to reward the country for its stability in a region wracked with turmoil and for its efforts to promote peace in Nicaragua .,ARG-0: Costa Rica | ARG-1: more assistance | ARG-M-CAU: for the same reason that Mr. Bush is attending the celebration this weekend : to reward the country for its stability in a region wracked with turmoil and for its efforts to promote peace in Nicaragua SRL for [harm]: And they want [*PRO*]-1 to do [harm] to Lebanon .,ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-1: to Lebanon SRL for [overspread]: Much of it was [overspread] by swamps .,ARG-2: Much of it | ARG-1: by swamps "SRL for [encouragement]: 1650s , from Hector ( n. ) , in reference to his [encouragement] of his fellow Trojans to keep up the fight .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of his fellow Trojans | ARG-2: to keep up the fight SRL for [design]: the [design] of a product to facilitate the transportation of a standard size pallet around a factory,ARG-1: of a product | ARG-3: to facilitate the transportation of a standard size pallet around a factory SRL for [rambling]: When McCoy starts his [rambling] to Spock about removing Kirk with a powerful ' Are you out of your Vulcan mind ? ',ARG-0: his | ARG-M-GOL: to Spock | ARG-1: about removing Kirk SRL for [governed]: Study after study -- the most recent from the Brookings Institution -- tells us that the best schools are those that [*T*-1]-2 are free of outside interference and are [governed] [*-2] by a powerful head .,ARG-0: by a powerful head "SRL for [trawled]: Later , they [trawled] the bottom of the ocean and each passage of the machine brought up large quantities of sponges .",ARG-M-TMP: Later | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the bottom of the ocean SRL for [uses]: The government [uses] safety requirements for automobiles .,ARG-0: The government | ARG-1: safety requirements | ARG-2: for automobiles SRL for [succored]: I [succored] the sufferer immediately .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the sufferer SRL for [education]: their [education],ARG-1: their SRL for [watch]: But traders who [watch] the stocks warned the rise may be yet another `` one - day phenomenon . '',R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: traders | ARG-1: the stocks SRL for [amended]: The company said it [amended] its shareholder rights plan by reducing to 10 % from 20 % the level of ownership by an outsider that would trigger the issuance to other holders of rights to buy additional shares of Nashua common at half price .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its shareholder rights plan | ARG-M-MNR: by reducing to 10 % from 20 % the level of ownership by an outsider that would trigger the issuance to other holders of rights to buy additional shares of Nashua common at half price SRL for [batting]: His [batting] 6th just puts a tremendous suckhole in the middle of the lineup and only assures us that he will get more opportunities to suck with the bases loaded .,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: 6th SRL for [specify]: Mr. Edelman declined to [specify] what prompted the recent moves,ARG-0: Mr. Edelman | ARG-1: what prompted the recent moves "SRL for [dandle]: They seemed quite content to [dandle] their grandchildren , oblivious to the affairs of the world .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their grandchildren "SRL for [akin]: This is [akin] to a steamed meat bun dropping into the mouth of a dog . If you want it to spit it out , it is : Difficult ! Difficult ! Difficult !",ARG-1: This | ARG-2: to a steamed meat bun dropping into the mouth of a dog SRL for [epitomize]: Embittered shareholders ( some of whom are suing ) say the chairman and his collection [epitomize] the excesses of speculation that set off the national S & L crisis .,ARG-0: the chairman and his collection | ARG-1: the excesses of speculation that set off the national S & L crisis SRL for [advertising]: tobacco [advertising],ARG-1: tobacco SRL for [sale]: a Whitbread [sale] of brewing operations to Scottish & Newcastle,ARG-0: Whitbread | ARG-1: of brewing operations | ARG-2: to Scottish & Newcastle SRL for [noble]: A severe - looking policeman sat astride a [noble] horse .,ARG-1: horse "SRL for [collapse]: the 508 - point [collapse] in the Dow Jones Industrial Average on Oct. 19 , 1987 ,","ARG-2: 508 - point | ARG-1: in the Dow Jones Industrial Average | ARG-M-TMP: on Oct. 19 , 1987" "SRL for [structured]: Other aspects of the bill , however , are either [structured] in ways that create unnecessary burdens for the industry or actually are harmful to the exchanges , the industry and ultimately the general public .",ARG-1: Other aspects of the bill | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-M-DIS: either | ARG-2: in ways that create unnecessary burdens for the industry SRL for [fledged]: Dates for 4 broods ranged from 19 May to 7 August ( brood partially [fledged] ) .,ARG-1: brood | ARG-2: partially SRL for [applauded]: ATT [applauded] the FCC 's actions .,ARG-0: ATT | ARG-1: the FCC 's actions "SRL for [opens]: This can opener [opens] bottles , too !",ARG-2: This can opener | ARG-1: bottles | ARG-M-DIS: too SRL for [reupped]: He 's not going to get [reupped] .,ARG-1: He SRL for [institutionalize]: How can we [institutionalize] our response mechanisms,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: our response mechanisms | ARG-M-MNR: How "SRL for [idealised]: Its basically love of an [idealised] , younger version of the molester 's self .",ARG-1: self SRL for [spayed]: I had my cats [spayed] .,ARG-1: my cats "SRL for [come]: `` So crunch , crunch , crunch , bang , bang , bang -- here [come] the ringers from above , making a very obvious exit while the congregation is at prayer , '' he says .",ARG-4: here | ARG-1: the ringers | ARG-3: from above | ARG-M-ADV: making a very obvious exit while the congregation is at prayer "SRL for [lead]: A month later , U.S. and Pakistani force has a [lead] on Osama Bin Laden , but by the time they moved in , he had vanished again .",ARG-M-ADJ: on Osama Bin Laden SRL for [shifted]: Mr. Birnbaum recalls that Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters [shifted] into high gear a few years back ...,ARG-1: Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters | ARG-2: into high gear | ARG-M-TMP: a few years back SRL for [unique]: The legal system in Louisiana is [unique] in the U.S. in that it is primarily based on the French and Spanish civil codes .,ARG-1: The legal system in Louisiana | ARG-3: in the U.S. | ARG-4: in that it is primarily based on the French and Spanish civil codes "SRL for [audit]: On the morning of the crash , he had been put on notice that an audit committee was recommending his dismissal because of invoicing irregularities in a company [audit] .",ARG-1: company SRL for [was held]: A buffet breakfast [was held] in the museum .,ARG-1: A buffet breakfast | ARG-M-LOC: in the museum "SRL for [blunder]: Just when American liberalism had pulled the arms plug on the Contras and their friend Ronald Reagan , along comes Mr. Ortega in Costa Rica this weekend to `` [blunder] '' into the hands of what are often called conservatives .",ARG-0: Mr. Ortega | ARG-1: into the hands of what are often called conservatives SRL for [singed]: He printed the invitations and [singed] the edges with a lighter .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the edges | ARG-2: with a lighter "SRL for [recalled]: In an interview a few months ago , he [recalled] how after some training at Salomon Brothers Inc. , he successfully bid for the opportunity to sell portions of 20 U.S. corporate bond issues .","ARG-M-LOC: In an interview | ARG-M-TMP: a few months ago | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: how after some training at Salomon Brothers Inc. , he successfully bid for the opportunity to sell portions of 20 U.S. corporate bond issues" "SRL for [jump]: So this year , the airlines are getting a [jump] on holiday discounts .",ARG-1: on holiday discounts SRL for [hinted]: Mrs. Wei has [hinted] a few times to her husband that she should just stay at home and concentrate on looking after the children .,ARG-0: Mrs. Wei | ARG-M-TMP: a few times | ARG-2: to her husband | ARG-1: that she should just stay at home and concentrate on looking after the children SRL for [encourage]: Then he will be able to [encourage] others with teaching that is true and right .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: others | ARG-2: with teaching that is true and right "SRL for [expense]: So , to answer your question , yes , *PRO* just [expense] it as telephone expense since its cost is less than $ 300 .",ARG-M-DIS: yes | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: as telephone expense | ARG-M-CAU: since its cost is less than $ 300 SRL for [coding]: Her [coding] of the Javascript program was fueled by massive amount of iced coffee .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the Javascript program "SRL for [undermining]: Progressives should be against de - funding and [undermining] of social security , in whatever form it takes .",ARG-1: of social security | ARG-M-MNR: in whatever form it takes SRL for [discharged]: Patient Dorothy was [discharged] following a checkup .,ARG-1: Patient Dorothy | ARG-M-TMP: following a checkup SRL for [Center]: [Center] the stack of 8 on the other axis,ARG-1: the stack of 8 | ARG-2: on the other axis SRL for [conductive]: Did practice prove that contempt for the Taiwanese people was not [conductive] to unification ?,ARG-1: contempt for the Taiwanese people | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: to unification "SRL for [tough]: Although the press was [tough] on him for being an injury - prone player ( Salas played just 10 games in 2005 ) , he carried Universidad de Chile to the cup finals .",ARG-0: the press | ARG-1: on him | ARG-2: for being an injury - prone player "SRL for [acquisition]: Not that I commend what he did ; for he , perhaps , by his [acquisition] of money for Sparta , injured her more than Sulla injured Rome .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of money | ARG-3: for Sparta "SRL for [mooed]: A dozen cows [mooed] sadly and regarded us as if we were insane , as perhaps we were at that moment , with the crazy excitement of our first encounter , the yelling and shooting still continuing up at the road , and the thirst of some of the men , which was so great that they waded into the muddy water and scooped up handfuls of it .",ARG-0: A dozen cows | ARG-M-MNR: sadly "SRL for [burst]: The Kosi River , which flows down from the Himalayas in neighboring Nepal into India where it joins the Ganges River , [burst] its banks Aug. 18 and dramatically shifted course , moving dozens of miles -LRB- kilometers -RRB- to the east .","ARG-1: The Kosi River , which flows down from the Himalayas in neighboring Nepal into India where it joins the Ganges River | ARG-2: its banks | ARG-M-TMP: Aug. 18" SRL for [drop]: Some people must [drop] names -- call it an irresistible impulse .,ARG-0: Some people | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: names "SRL for [clustered]: Instead of Japan 's typical small homes [clustered] on narrow streets with no sidewalks , the new `` One Hundred Hills '' development will offer 65 houses on half - acre lots .",ARG-1: Japan 's typical small homes | ARG-M-LOC: on narrow streets with no sidewalks SRL for [relocation]: His [relocation] to Nevada from LA took place in 2006 .,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: to Nevada | ARG-3: from LA SRL for [embrace]: an [embrace] of tolerance and diversity,ARG-1: of tolerance and diversity SRL for [greater than]: morbidy obesity ; BMI [greater than] 50,ARG-1: BMI | ARG-2: 50 "SRL for [submission]: And this faith is a lively faith , and worketh in man a ready [submission] of his will to God 's will .",ARG-1: of his will | ARG-2: to God 's will SRL for [bruits]: No abdominal [bruits],ARG-M-NEG: No | ARG-1: abdominal SRL for [assessed]: He [assessed] the situation as a battle between his two selves .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the situation | ARG-2: as a battle between his two selves "SRL for [exasperate]: If you feel that showing the red card will [exasperate] the situation even further , then do not do so !",ARG-0: showing the red card | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the situation | ARG-M-EXT: even further SRL for [paring down]: The company 's [paring down] their high - yield bond holdings to $ 890 million from $ 1.35 billion was a stupid move .,ARG-0: The company 's | ARG-1: their high - yield bond holdings | ARG-4: to $ 890 million | ARG-3: from $ 1.35 billion SRL for [polymerized]: The scientist [polymerized] the two monomers .,ARG-0: The scientist | ARG-1: the two monomers SRL for [mobilization]: Their [mobilization] of the army required better roads than were constructed previously .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of the army SRL for [regulations]: British takeover [regulations],ARG-0: British | ARG-1: takeover SRL for [probability]: A residential farmer using the Site in the future would have a 1 in 3 [probability] of developing cancer .,ARG-2: 1 in 3 | ARG-1: of developing cancer SRL for [imploring]: Republicans have been [imploring] the White House to compromise on the wage issue .,ARG-0: Republicans | ARG-2: the White House | ARG-1: to compromise on the wage issue SRL for [collar]: `` I 'll [collar] Tim before night '' .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: Tim | ARG-M-TMP: before night SRL for [slash]: The sound of the [slash] of the sword threw the air was terrifyingly close .,ARG-3: of the sword | ARG-2: threw the air SRL for [clinical]: The Yankees ' win was [clinical] rather than spectacular .,ARG-1: The Yankees ' win | ARG-M-ADV: rather than spectacular SRL for [favored]: He [favored] his left knee,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his left knee "SRL for [prevailed]: It said debt remained at the $ 1.22 billion that has [prevailed] since early 1989 , although that compared with $ 911 million at Sept. 30 , 1988 .",ARG-1: the $ 1.22 billion | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: since early 1989 SRL for [seared]: I seasoned the meat and [seared] the outside with a blow torch .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the outside | ARG-2: with a blow torch SRL for [alteration]: His [alteration] of the will is invalid but what effect does it have ?,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the will SRL for [snuggled]: He [snuggled] into the blanket .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: into the blanket SRL for [opened eyes]: And the experience [opened eyes] to the magic of music .,ARG-0: the experience | ARG-1: my | ARG-2: to the magic of music "SRL for [winged]: They had [winged] over the Adriatic , they had taken Bari by complete surprise and now they were battering her , attacking with deadly skill .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-DIR: over the Adriatic SRL for [axed]: THE Hour 's Ben Whishaw has slated BBC bosses after they [axed] the period drama ? and said the cast had been left with unfinished business .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the period drama SRL for [settlement]: The OAS [ ... ] is attempting to find a [settlement] of the current Panama political crisis .,ARG-1: of the current Panama political crisis SRL for [conked]: Every evening he [conked] out in front of the television set .,ARG-M-TMP: Every evening | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-PRD: out | ARG-M-LOC: in front of the television set SRL for [seeded]: Only 60 bacteria [seeded] the GI tract .,ARG-2: Only 60 bacteria | ARG-1: the GI tract SRL for [reward]: He will [reward] or punish everyone for what they have done .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: everyone | ARG-2: for what they have done SRL for [think]: They [think] of us as a good partner .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: of us | ARG-2: as a good partner SRL for [punted]: He [punted] the lot on Little Nell in the third race .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the lot | ARG-2: on Little Nell | ARG-M-TMP: in the third race SRL for [dismissal]: The doctor will visit with her prior to [dismissal], SRL for [prohibition]: Their [prohibition] from enjoying further credit services will continue until such a time when they full repay all agreed outstandings to AMCON .,ARG-1: Their | ARG-2: from enjoying further credit services "SRL for [yanked]: At the $ 932 million T. Rowe Price High Yield Fund , investors [yanked] out about $ 182 million in the past two months .",ARG-M-LOC: At the $ 932 million T. Rowe Price High Yield Fund | ARG-0: investors | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-1: about $ 182 million | ARG-M-TMP: in the past two months SRL for [cardioversion]: They studied the after - effects of chemical [cardioversion] of SVT with 12 mg of Adenosine .,ARG-M-ADJ: chemical | ARG-1: of SVT | ARG-2: with 12 mg of Adenosine "SRL for [tendered]: At the close of business Thursday , Ciba - Geigy and Chiron said 11,580 common shares had been [tendered] to their offer .","ARG-1: 11,580 common shares | ARG-2: to their offer" SRL for [palpitation]: The main symptom of [palpitation] of the heart is a kind of ' thumping ' feeling in the chest .,ARG-1: of the heart "SRL for [goes]: The old saying [goes] : ' Officials come and go , but yamen [ government offices in feudal China ] are made of iron . '","ARG-0: The old saying | ARG-1: ' Officials come and go , but yamen [ government offices in feudal China ] are made of iron . '" SRL for [disinherits]: The most dangerous agreement that [disinherits] Iraq from its oil resources is being signed .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: The most dangerous agreement | ARG-2: Iraq | ARG-1: from its oil resources "SRL for [disemboweled]: Exactly one day after we noted aloud how remarkable it was that Punk Cow had survived while far tougher toys had not , Sadie bit open his nose , [disemboweled] him of both his stuffing and his squeaker , and left him for dead .",ARG-0: Sadie | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: of both his stuffing and his squeaker "SRL for [reconfirm]: Nancy , can you please [reconfirm] with Mark the price for the gas at Bondad ?",ARG-M-DIS: Nancy | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-DIS: please | ARG-M-COM: with Mark | ARG-1: the price for the gas at Bondad "SRL for [roars]: As the book begins , a newly we d Marlowe [roars] into the desert resort of Poodle ( a.k.a . Palm ) Springs at the wheel of a Cadillac Fleetwood .",ARG-M-TMP: As the book begins | ARG-0: a newly we d Marlowe | ARG-1: into the desert resort of Poodle ( a.k.a . Palm ) Springs | ARG-M-LOC: at the wheel of a Cadillac Fleetwood "SRL for [defied]: The move [defied] a law , approved in Moscow this month , banning such walkouts .","ARG-0: The move | ARG-1: a law , approved in Moscow this month , banning such walkouts" SRL for [programming]: We 're impressed with his [programming] of the Town History series .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the Town History series SRL for [fix]: Banks also want to be able to call someone on the telephone to [fix] a problem with a deal that goes bad -- preferably someone other than a union leader .,ARG-0: someone | ARG-1: a problem with a deal that goes bad SRL for [premenopausal]: Dr. Mulchahey stated that appellant was [premenopausal] at the time of the hysterectomy,ARG-1: appellant | ARG-M-TMP: at the time of the hysterectomy SRL for [sealed]: One had best not dance on top of a coffin until the lid is [sealed] tightly shut . '',ARG-1: the lid | ARG-M-PRD: tightly shut SRL for [owns]: Faulding [owns] 33 % of Moleculon 's voting stock .,ARG-0: Faulding | ARG-1: 33 % of Moleculon 's voting stock SRL for [sandwicheering]: The best darlington has to offer in contemporary [sandwicheering] .,ARG-M-ADJ: contemporary "SRL for [smother]: Seeing all those millions in action , I was just so relieved that Ms. Gruberova , gawky thing that she is , did n't accidentally [smother] herself in a drape .","ARG-0: Ms. Gruberova , gawky thing that she is | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-MNR: accidentally | ARG-1: herself | ARG-2: in a drape" SRL for [toilsome]: My mother - in - law and my father are still working . It will be too [toilsome] for my mother to look after the child by herself so it is definite that we will hire a babysitter to help out . This fee is not low .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-EXT: too | ARG-1: for my mother to look after the child by herself "SRL for [coextinction]: This is an ancient partnership , but the temnocephalans are now at risk of [coextinction] with their endangered hosts .",ARG-2: with their endangered hosts SRL for [responsible]: It was [responsible] of him to help the old lady across the street .,ARG-1: of him to help the old lady across the street SRL for [clarification]: This recipe calls for the [clarification] of a cup of butter .,ARG-1: of a cup of butter SRL for [return]: The [return] of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians,ARG-1: of East Jerusalem | ARG-2: to the Palestinians SRL for [crossed]: She knew where a stepfather habitually lifted the pen off the paper in the middle of a signature or [crossed] the t 's with a downward slash .,ARG-0: a stepfather | ARG-M-MNR: habitually | ARG-1: the t 's | ARG-2: with a downward slash SRL for [dwell]: I know I do not have to [dwell] here on the absurdity of that contention .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LOC: here | ARG-1: on the absurdity of that contention "SRL for [store]: Although it is not the first company to produce the thinner drives , which [store] information in personal computers , MiniScribe says it is the first with an 80 - megabyte drive ; the company plans to introduce a 120 - megabyte drive next year .",ARG-0: the thinner drives | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: information | ARG-2: in personal computers "SRL for [redoubled]: Genentech Inc. said third - quarter profit more than [redoubled] to $ 11.4 million , or 13 cents a share , from a depressed 1988 third - quarter performance of $ 5.3 million , or six cents a share .","ARG-1: third - quarter profit | ARG-M-ADV: more than | ARG-4: to $ 11.4 million , or 13 cents a share | ARG-3: from a depressed 1988 third - quarter performance of $ 5.3 million , or six cents a share" "SRL for [tempt]: Paiwan poet Monaneng has written : "" The hundred - pacer is dead ; / They 've put it in a big transparent medicine jar / With ' aphrodisiac ' on the label , / To [tempt] men wandering among back street red lights . / The hundred - pacer of our fairytales is dead ; / We Paiwan worshipped its eggs as our ancestors , / But now they 've put it in a medicine jar / As a tool to excite urban lust . . . . """,ARG-1: men wandering among back street red lights SRL for [organized]: And as far as an Islamic revolution is concerned i would say that it depends on how [organized] religious or clerical organizations are in a country and how politicized they are .,ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-0: religious or clerical organizations | ARG-M-LOC: in a country SRL for [move]: the president 's most spectacular [move] would be to annoint a presidential successor,ARG-0: the president 's | ARG-M-MNR: most spectacular SRL for [loans]: The base rate on corporate [loans] at large U.S. money center commercial banks .,ARG-2: corporate | ARG-0: at large U.S. money center commercial banks SRL for [silenced]: Her look [silenced] him as severely as a muzzle .,ARG-0: Her look | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: as severely as a muzzle "SRL for [tag]: Digital is expected to [tag] its new line from about $ 1.24 million to $ 4.4 million and up , depending on configuration .",ARG-0: Digital | ARG-1: its new line | ARG-2: from about $ 1.24 million to $ 4.4 million and up | ARG-M-ADV: depending on configuration SRL for [sailing]: The split comes in the midst of a court battle over whether the San Diego Yacht Club should be allowed to keep the international trophy for [sailing] a catamaran against the New Zealand challengers ' 90 - foot monohull .,ARG-0: the San Diego Yacht Club | ARG-1: a catamaran | ARG-M-MNR: against the New Zealand challengers ' 90 - foot monohull SRL for [irresponsible]: He is [irresponsible] with his money,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: with his money SRL for [matched]: The architect [matched] the paint with the wallpaper,ARG-0: The architect | ARG-1: the paint | ARG-2: with the wallpaper SRL for [blast]: But he had a total [blast] with the boxes .,ARG-M-EXT: total | ARG-0: with the boxes SRL for [puttied]: After nailing everything up I [puttied] the holes and used the artist brush to dab small amounts of paint on the filled holes .,ARG-M-TMP: After nailing everything up | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the holes SRL for [service]: It has been going in for oil change [service] every 2.5k miles .,ARG-2: oil change SRL for [hailing]: It 's [hailing] dip'n'dots in Longmont right now .,ARG-1: dip'n'dots | ARG-M-LOC: in Longmont | ARG-M-TMP: right now SRL for [stenosing]: How do you treat [stenosing] synovitis of the thumb ?,ARG-0: synovitis of the thumb "SRL for [Leaping]: [Leaping] into rages , sinking into bouts of drunkenness and mistrust , Mr. Noriega has put to death some 70 of his troops involved in the coup , according to U.S. officials monitoring crematoriums and funeral parlors in Panama City .",ARG-0: Mr. Noriega | ARG-M-DIR: into rages "SRL for [bothered]: And when using the idea that Islam ' inspires terrorism ' , if we were honestly that [bothered] about such wrong - doing in the world , then we would surely be more concerned with ending the much more severe crisis 's and wrong - doing 's such as starvation and war .",ARG-1: we | ARG-M-ADV: honestly | ARG-M-EXT: that | ARG-0: about such wrong - doing in the world "SRL for [dephosphorylate]: For cloning , we [dephosphorylate] the RNAs with shrimp nuclease and deproteinate the reaction with proteinase K , followed by phenol / chloroform extraction .",ARG-M-PRP: For cloning | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the RNAs | ARG-2: with shrimp nuclease "SRL for [superfetation]: But if it were true , it would , even from the strictest point of view , only exclude [superfetation] after the third month of gestation .",ARG-3: after the third month of gestation "SRL for [subject]: If you are [subject] to a court order restraining from harassing , stalking , or threatening ...","ARG-1: you | ARG-2: to a court order restraining from harassing , stalking , or threatening" "SRL for [rowed]: A San Francisco lawyer , Mr. Panelli [rowed] religiously when he first got the machine , but , he complains , it left grease marks on his carpet , `` and it was boring .",ARG-M-PRD: A San Francisco lawyer | ARG-0: Mr. Panelli | ARG-M-MNR: religiously | ARG-M-TMP: when he first got the machine "SRL for [circulated]: The plaintiffs also alleged that prior to the fanfare , the company [circulated] internal memos indicating problems with Lisa .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: internal memos indicating problems with Lisa "SRL for [float]: The second part , consisting of $ 100 million of senior subordinated floating - rate notes , was priced at 99 3/4 to [float] 4.25 % above the three - month London interbank offered rate .","ARG-1: The second part , consisting of $ 100 million of senior subordinated floating - rate notes | ARG-M-LOC: 4.25 % above the three - month London interbank offered rate" SRL for [compliance]: [compliance] by floor traders with exchange and Commodity Futures Trading Commission rules .,ARG-0: by floor traders | ARG-1: with exchange and Commodity Futures Trading Commission rules "SRL for [moist]: Mucosa : [moist] , no suspicious mucosa",ARG-1: mucosa "SRL for [evened out]: GOP pollster Neil Newhouse , of the Wirthlin Group , says polls this summer showed that the single - issue voters had about [evened out] .",ARG-1: the single - issue voters | ARG-M-ADV: about SRL for [fapped]: I was kind of hoping you [fapped] to scat jazz .,ARG-0: you | ARG-2: to scat jazz SRL for [amuse]: John can [amuse] himself for hours with a piece of yarn .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: himself | ARG-M-TMP: for hours | ARG-2: with a piece of yarn "SRL for [cure]: We all know we 've got a long way to go before we have a [cure] for Alzheimer 's Disease , but in order to get there we need to have confidence that we understand the disease and that we have what we call a model system for predicting whether these treatments will work .",ARG-2: for Alzheimer 's Disease "SRL for [insecure]: Madonna is [insecure] about her thighs , says her personal trainer",ARG-1: Madonna | ARG-2: about her thighs SRL for [lambed]: My dad 's ewe [lambed] today .,ARG-0: My dad 's ewe | ARG-M-TMP: today "SRL for [scheduled]: In order to accommodate professionals with day jobs , many universities have [scheduled] their business management courses during evening hours .",ARG-M-PRP: In order to accommodate professionals with day jobs | ARG-0: many universities | ARG-1: their business management courses | ARG-3: during evening hours SRL for [printing]: And [printing] of the leaks is certainly trouble .,ARG-1: of the leaks SRL for [cease]: We will not [cease] until the last victim is taken care of and the last destroyed place is rebuilt .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: until the last victim is taken care of and the last destroyed place is rebuilt SRL for [wholesale]: tax the [wholesale] of the product to retail outlets .,ARG-1: of the product | ARG-2: to retail outlets "SRL for [humidified]: When operated properly , these particular features [humidified] the air .",ARG-M-TMP: When operated properly | ARG-0: these particular features | ARG-1: the air "SRL for [transmuted]: Once free , she [transmuted] her cell into tapioca pudding and ensnared the guards .",ARG-M-TMP: Once free | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her cell | ARG-2: into tapioca pudding "SRL for [bald]: In the Rustler Hills of eastern Culberson County , which are often completely [bald] of vegetation because of the high gypsum content of the soils ,",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-2: of vegetation | ARG-M-CAU: because of the high gypsum content "SRL for [break out]: However , just when things looked bleakest , nativist drama began to [break out] of its previous framework with the appearance of the "" river of time "" structure , characterized by a cross - generational story depicting long - term social evolution in Taiwan .","ARG-0: nativist drama | ARG-1: of its previous framework | ARG-M-MNR: with the appearance of the "" river of time "" structure , characterized by a cross - generational story depicting long - term social evolution in Taiwan" SRL for [misstated]: The date was [misstated] in Friday 's edition .,ARG-1: The date | ARG-M-LOC: in Friday 's edition SRL for [entitled]: This is because a Delaware court earlier this year said that Drexel is [entitled] to get its money back before or at the same time as the limited partners .,ARG-2: Drexel | ARG-1: to get its money back before or at the same time as the limited partners SRL for [effusion]: The cuttlefish obscures the sight of his pursuers by his [effusion] of ink .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of ink "SRL for [take]: My [take] on this is that "" we too "" probably sounds overly formal to most listeners .","ARG-0: My | ARG-2: on this | ARG-1: is that "" we too "" probably sounds overly formal to most listeners" SRL for [break]: All of Japan 's so-called Big Four securities firms have suffered setbacks in their attempts to [break] into foreign markets .,ARG-0: All of Japan 's so-called Big Four securities firms | ARG-1: into foreign markets SRL for [stocking]: The Freshwater Fisheries Division has suspended their [stocking] of private ponds beginning fiscal year 2010 .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: of private ponds "SRL for [encoding]: IFN - y , a cytokine , induces the gene 's [encoding] for this T cell chemoattractant .",ARG-1: the gene 's | ARG-2: for this T cell chemoattractant SRL for [deforested]: Europe has [deforested] the majority of its historical forests,ARG-0: Europe | ARG-1: the majority of its historical forests SRL for [prove]: Dealers said institutions were still largely hugging the sidelines on fears that the market 's recent technical rally might [prove] fragile .,ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: the market 's recent technical rally | C-ARG-1: fragile SRL for [preferential]: Situations where slow motor unit ( SMU ) recruitment is [preferential] to fast motor unit ( FMU ) recruitment can be utilised in retraining strategies .,ARG-1: slow motor unit ( SMU ) recruitment | ARG-2: to fast motor unit ( FMU ) recruitment | ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [saw up]: In the 19th centry , companies in teh ice business would send people to forzen lakes or rivers to [saw up] the ice .",ARG-0: people | ARG-1: the ice SRL for [pronates]: He [pronates] his feet when he does n't wear the inserts .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his feet | ARG-M-TMP: when he does n't wear the inserts "SRL for [cooled]: Paribas plans a bid for another big French financial and industrial firm , Navigation Mixte , a sign Europe 's takeover fever has n't [cooled] .",ARG-1: Europe 's takeover fever | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [forecasts]: price [forecasts] of C$ 5.25 per thousand cubic feet by 2005,ARG-1: price | ARG-2: of C$ 5.25 per thousand cubic feet by 2005 SRL for [diversion]: Is [diversion] of funds really embezzlement ?,ARG-1: of funds "SRL for [backhanded]: I [backhanded] him with the gun , leaving an engraved impression on his face , and a red one at that .","ARG-0: I | ARG-2: him | ARG-3: with the gun | ARG-M-ADV: leaving an engraved impression on his face , and a red one at that" SRL for [Plumb]: [Plumb] the door to the wall .,ARG-1: the door | ARG-2: to the wall SRL for [flip - flopped]: but the Daily News reported that they quote [flip - flopped] .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-DIS: quote "SRL for [logged off]: Oh , but I just [logged off] email !",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: email SRL for [scratched out]: John [scratched out] a picture of a rose for Mary .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a picture of a rose | ARG-2: for Mary "SRL for [share]: It has n't diversified beyond steel , nor has it linked up with a joint venture partner to [share] costs and risks .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: costs and risks SRL for [sweetens]: John [sweetens] his breath with garlic .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his breath | ARG-2: with garlic SRL for [messaged]: She [messaged] that she ca n't live without me .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: that she ca n't live without me "SRL for [yammered]: "" I would n't want any of that stuff inside of me , "" he [yammered]","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: "" I would n't want any of that stuff inside of me , """ SRL for [business]: our firm does [business] with other firms abroad .,ARG-0: our firm | ARG-M-LVB: does | ARG-2: with other firms | ARG-M-LOC: abroad "SRL for [GRACIOUS]: "" Your ancestors were [GRACIOUS] to their servants , Nuadu of the Silver Arm , "" he said , sneeringly .",ARG-0: Your ancestors | ARG-2: to their servants "SRL for [arrest]: Information passed to Crimestoppers resulted in a milestone figure of the 100,000th arrest , following the [arrest] of a man by Durham Police for burglary .",ARG-1: of a man | ARG-0: by Durham Police | ARG-2: for burglary "SRL for [trailing]: His rock was to the right of a V - shaped inlet , a big , brown , lumpy rock [trailing] seaweed whiskers .","ARG-0: a big , brown , lumpy rock | ARG-1: seaweed whiskers" "SRL for [reconnaissance]: Before beginning the work , he made a preliminary [reconnaissance] of the fortifications on the south of the town from the Valley Gate , which was near the S.E ..","ARG-M-TMP: Before beginning the work | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-TMP: preliminary | ARG-1: of the fortifications on the south of the town from the Valley Gate , which was near the S.E" "SRL for [wither]: Despite seeing his plan for Israeli - Palestinian elections [wither] , the cautious secretary of state is so far unwilling to cut U.S. economic or military aid to force Israeli cooperation .",ARG-1: his plan for Israeli - Palestinian elections "SRL for [nail]: But Dr. Vogelstein had yet to [nail] the identity of the gene that , if damaged , flipped a colon cell into full - blown malignancy .","ARG-0: Dr. Vogelstein | ARG-1: the identity of the gene that , if damaged , flipped a colon cell into full - blown malignancy" SRL for [castrated]: The farmers [castrated] the bull calf .,ARG-0: The farmers | ARG-1: the bull calf "SRL for [fancies]: Jeff Bridges is the younger brother , Jack , who [fancies] himself the rebellious artist ; he lives in a loft with his sick dog and the occasional visit from the little girl upstairs , who climbs down the fire escape .",ARG-0: Jack | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: himself the rebellious artist SRL for [proud]: She is [proud] of her children .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: of her children "SRL for [was spiritualized]: During his stay at the ashhram , he [was spiritualized] .",ARG-M-TMP: During his stay at the ashhram | ARG-1: he SRL for [treatment]: His [treatment] of Tanabai as if he were an equal angered the higher - ups because they interpreted his deference to Tanabai as covering up for a friend .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of Tanabai | ARG-2: as if he were an equal SRL for [precedence]: The polyp takes [precedence] over the skin .,ARG-1: The polyp | ARG-M-LVB: takes | ARG-2: over the skin SRL for [scripted]: ... the President 's [scripted] session with troops in Iraq,ARG-1: session "SRL for [outbid]: ABC , a unit of Capital Cities / ABC Inc. , and General Electric Co. 's National Broadcasting Co. also risk losses if they [outbid] CBS for other contracts .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: CBS | ARG-2: for other contracts "SRL for [read up]: The Nissan Navara was facelifted a wee while back and this made it a much better drive on the road , in the first generation they were like old trucks , [read up] on them .",ARG-1: on them "SRL for [honor]: All rise is a way of showing honor not so much to the individual judge , though I believe that is proper , but to show [honor] for the law in general .",ARG-1: for the law SRL for [maladapted]: Yet studies have shown that the cane toads themselves are [maladapted] to their new environment because they are more vulnerable to local meat ants than native frogs .,ARG-1: the cane toads themselves | ARG-2: to their new environment | ARG-M-CAU: because they are more vulnerable to local meat ants than native frogs SRL for [dropping]: Smith said the offer depends on his [dropping] a countersuit .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a countersuit "SRL for [carved out]: But their ideal of an Afrikaner homeland , an all - white reserve to be [carved out] of present - day South Africa , is a mainstream desire of the right - wing , which embraces about one - third of the country 's five million whites .",ARG-1: an all - white reserve | ARG-2: of present - day South Africa "SRL for [destabilization]: Whether this is jumping on the back of a popular revolution , or air strikes , who knows , but one is for sure ; an attack would have serious implications , and not just the further [destabilization] of the region .",ARG-M-EXT: further | ARG-1: of the region SRL for [decelerated]: He argued that both CPI and PPI have in fact [decelerated] since spring .,ARG-1: both CPI and PPI | ARG-M-DIS: in fact | ARG-M-TMP: since spring SRL for [fastforwarded]: He [fastforwarded] the song a bit then handed an earbud to her .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the song | ARG-2: a bit "SRL for [cross - pollinated]: The application of herbicide would kill off the male - fertile plants , leaving a large field of male - sterile plants that can be [cross - pollinated] to produce hybrid seed .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: male - sterile plants | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-PNC: to produce hybrid seed SRL for [centers]: Speculation on his successor [centers] on a number of division heads at the house .,ARG-1: Speculation on his successor | ARG-2: on a number of division heads at the house SRL for [charge]: The wrestler 's [charge] carried him past his adversary .,ARG-0: The wrestler 's SRL for [celebrating]: They do n't even give a nod to human sensibilities by [celebrating] Halloween .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: Halloween SRL for [degummed]: The crude sal fat is [degummed] by using a reagent .,ARG-1: The crude sal fat | ARG-M-MNR: by using a reagent "SRL for [dressed]: Kelly Siegler , an assistant district attorney who was in the courtroom , disputed suggestions the action was sexist , saying she had seen Judge Hancock turn away male defendants [dressed] in shorts , tank tops or muscle shirts `` many times . ''","ARG-1: male defendants | ARG-2: in shorts , tank tops or muscle shirts | ARG-M-TMP: many times" "SRL for [dug out]: Days later , the thieves returned and [dug out] more .",ARG-0: the thieves | ARG-1: more SRL for [precassetted]: [precassetted] biopsy,ARG-1: biopsy SRL for [Reprinted]: [Reprinted] by permission .,ARG-M-MNR: by permission SRL for [married off]: I [married off] both my girls early .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: both my girls | ARG-M-TMP: early "SRL for [printing]: [printing] of "" wrong "" ideas","ARG-1: of "" wrong "" ideas" "SRL for [vouching]: They visited the shipyards at Brest and Pierre had to sign the register , [vouching] for the integrity of the visiting foreigner .",ARG-0: Pierre | ARG-1: for the integrity of the visiting foreigner SRL for [temptations]: the [temptations] of sugar - coated bullets,ARG-0: of sugar - coated bullets SRL for [breathing]: Mrs. Marple 's [breathing] was inhibited by her pneumonia .,ARG-0: Mrs. Marple 's SRL for [inundation]: Short - term seawater [inundation] of coastal floodplain sediments resulted in decreasing surface water pH.,ARG-M-TMP: Short - term | ARG-2: seawater | ARG-1: of coastal floodplain SRL for [disgusted]: It seems people are not as [disgusted] with the thief so much after they realize the thief 's work can fight corruption .,ARG-1: people | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: as | ARG-0: with the thief | ARG-M-EXT: so much | ARG-M-TMP: after they realize the thief 's work can fight corruption "SRL for [intonation]: For pious Catholics , daily religious life also consisted of the [intonation] of prayers if there was a difficulty , illness , or natural calamity .","ARG-1: of prayers | ARG-M-ADV: if there was a difficulty , illness , or natural calamity" SRL for [decision]: Brett Favre says he has n't made a [decision] about returning for the 2010 season .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-3: about returning for the 2010 season SRL for [withdrawal]: And earlier today President Bush again rejected calls for a timetable for [withdrawal] of US troops from Iraq /.,ARG-1: of US troops | ARG-2: from Iraq SRL for [posing]: A bunch of tans and bathing suits [posing] as lovable lifeguards .,ARG-0: A bunch of tans and bathing suits | ARG-1: as lovable lifeguards "SRL for [assuage]: Instead , he says , if the salespeople can get the customers to consider Wang 's products on their merits , he or a top financial officer will try to [assuage] the fears about finances .",ARG-0: he or a top financial officer | ARG-1: the fears about finances "SRL for [articulate]: Michael Atherton is a superb commentator as he is [articulate] , amusing and very knowledgeable and I wish that they would make him the front man and pension off Mr Gower .",ARG-1: he SRL for [deposit]: He contends that his [deposit] of funds into the trust account did not constitute commingling .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of funds | ARG-2: into the trust account SRL for [jolt]: after the nasty [jolt] of the 190.58 point plunge in the Dow Jones,ARG-M-ADJ: nasty | ARG-0: of the 190.58 point plunge in the Dow Jones SRL for [got kick]: she was n't the only one who [got kick] out of Matt Culhane turning it into a microbrewery .,ARG-0: one who | ARG-1: out of Matt Culhane turning it into a microbrewery SRL for [bleached]: Ostrich bones [bleached] white in the hot sun,ARG-2: white | ARG-0: the hot sun | ARG-1: Ostrich bones SRL for [plummeted]: The tour bus they were in accidentally rolled over as it was traveling through Meili County in Tainan and [plummeted] into a mountain gorge more than twenty meters deep .,ARG-1: The tour bus | ARG-M-MNR: accidentally | ARG-4: into a mountain gorge more than twenty meters deep SRL for [routes]: The side car [routes] program trades into a special computer file that scans for imbalances of buy and sell orders .,ARG-0: The side car | ARG-1: program trades | ARG-2: into a special computer file that scans for imbalances of buy and sell orders "SRL for [preserved]: I felt that those recordings were very educational and ought to be [preserved] . """,ARG-1: those recordings SRL for [flashes]: [flashes] of light,ARG-1: of light "SRL for [stationed]: The son of a Seagram 's executive who was [stationed] in many countries around the world , Mr. McDonough was born in Tokyo and attended 19 schools in places ranging from Hong Kong to Shaker Heights , Ohio , before entering Dartmouth College .",ARG-1: a Seagram 's executive | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-2: in many countries around the world SRL for [making]: I do n't see anything wrong with this speech and his [making] a living doing what he 's doing here or going after the audience he has here in this video .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a living | ARG-2: doing what he 's doing here SRL for [alcoholized]: Polyvinyl acetate was [alcoholized] to such an extent that 88 % of the acetate groups were removed .,ARG-1: Polyvinyl acetate | ARG-M-EXT: to such an extent that 88 % of the acetate groups were removed "SRL for [reprint]: `` Nor are you free to [reprint] such material , '' I was advised .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: such material "SRL for [starts]: The author [starts] the discussion from September of that year with Israel 's signing the Declaration of Principles of Palestinian Autonomy with the Palestine Liberation Organization , and looks back at the complex struggles of the Middle East over the past several hundred years , especially the most recent half century .",ARG-0: The author | ARG-1: the discussion | ARG-M-TMP: from September of that year | ARG-2: with Israel 's signing the Declaration of Principles of Palestinian Autonomy with the Palestine Liberation Organization SRL for [disagreed]: The appeals court [disagreed] on both counts .,ARG-0: The appeals court | ARG-2: on both counts "SRL for [strikes]: The new generation , on the other hand , [strikes] a balance between career and appearance .",ARG-0: The new generation | ARG-M-DIS: on the other hand | ARG-1: a balance between career and appearance SRL for [reunion]: His [reunion] of two aging Western geezers is classic American dramatic metaphor - a long day 's journey into night if ever was one .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of two aging Western geezers SRL for [salts]: John [salts] his Cheerios .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his Cheerios SRL for [feathered]: And what of that poor tarred and [feathered] wretch he had seen on the road driving down from Schuyler 's ? ?,ARG-1: wretch "SRL for [delves]: Mr. Achenbaum , too , [delves] into his clients ' business .",ARG-0: Mr. Achenbaum | ARG-M-DIS: too | ARG-1: into his clients ' business "SRL for [confesses]: During time off , Mr. Roman tends to his garden ; Mr. Phillips [confesses] to a fondness for , among other things , fast cars and planes .","ARG-0: Mr. Phillips | ARG-1: to a fondness for , among other things , fast cars and planes" "SRL for [laced]: Final approval came on a simple voice vote in the Senate , and the swift passage contrasted with months of negotiations over the underlying bill which is [laced] with special - interest provisions for both members and the executive branch .",ARG-1: the underlying bill | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: with special - interest provisions for both members and the executive branch SRL for [grayed]: The trauma of war not only [grayed] her prematurely,ARG-0: The trauma of war | ARG-M-ADV: not only | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-TMP: prematurely SRL for [reach]: I had to [reach] back to French 101 .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: to French 101 SRL for [shimmied]: Mary [shimmied] her way towards the bar .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: her way | ARG-M-DIR: towards the bar "SRL for [rebelled]: Until recently , Adobe had a lock on the market for image software , but last month Apple , Adobe 's biggest customer , and Microsoft [rebelled] .","ARG-M-TMP: last month | ARG-0: Apple , Adobe 's biggest customer , and Microsoft" "SRL for [stem]: For some uncontrollable reason ( it may be a [stem] of his OCD ) he feels the need to do this , and WANTS to be caught .",ARG-2: of his OCD "SRL for [disregarded]: However , traders [disregarded] a potential production disruption in Chile and a continued drop in inventories .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-0: traders | ARG-1: a potential production disruption in Chile and a continued drop in inventories SRL for [help out]: Her mother would call her to her side to [help out] .,ARG-0: her "SRL for [question]: renewing military aid had been considered out of the [question] for civilians ,",ARG-2: for civilians "SRL for [stays]: It is a passion that usually [stays] in the tower , however .",ARG-1: a passion | ARG-M-ADV: usually | ARG-3: in the tower | ARG-M-DIS: however SRL for [cries]: Her dizzying [cries] for answers to her sister 's death,ARG-0: Her | ARG-M-ADJ: dizzying | ARG-1: for answers to her sister 's death "SRL for [manifold]: Why ? Because experts do n't agree with him on his kooky policy stands , which are [manifold] :",ARG-1: which SRL for [declaration]: Ecuador 's [declaration] of a state of emergencies around the Galapagos Islands,ARG-0: Ecuador 's | ARG-1: of a state of emergencies around the Galapagos Islands SRL for [levy]: The petroleum gain [levy] on sales,ARG-1: petroleum gain | ARG-2: on sales SRL for [crash]: the November 2001 [crash] of Flight 587,ARG-M-TMP: November 2001 | ARG-1: of Flight 587 "SRL for [cleaned]: Bias 's coach , Lefty Driesell , ordered the room in which Bias died to be [cleaned] before the police could arrive ( the order was n't carried out ) , and the school 's athletics director issued false information about the academic standing of Bias and other players .",ARG-1: the room in which Bias died | ARG-M-TMP: before the police could arrive SRL for [splash]: Though being the whore that I am ... I will probably [splash] the cash to watch Star Wars on the big screen again ...,ARG-M-ADV: being the whore that I am | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-3: the cash | ARG-1: to watch Star Wars on the big screen again "SRL for [wrap]: In our early [wrap] of the week that was , Time magazine editor - at - large Belinda Luscom ...",ARG-0: our | ARG-M-TMP: early | ARG-1: of the week that was "SRL for [voting]: The Peugeot metalworkers began filing out of the shop , which makes auto parts , at the plant in Mulhouse after [voting] 589 to 193 to abandon the occupation .",ARG-0: The Peugeot metalworkers | ARG-2: 589 to 193 | ARG-1: to abandon the occupation "SRL for [swirling]: Buffeted by [swirling] winds , the little green biplane struggled northward between the mountains beyond Northfield Gulf .",ARG-1: winds SRL for [paragraph]: Where you [paragraph] seems arbitrary .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-ADV: seems arbitrary "SRL for [had wallpapered]: At the end of a day , Will Mancini , Cheryl Marting , Jim Randall , and Jeff Harris [had wallpapered] the room with almost one hundred fifty ideas for possible exercises .","ARG-M-TMP: At the end of a day | ARG-0: Will Mancini , Cheryl Marting , Jim Randall , and Jeff Harris | ARG-2: the room | ARG-1: with almost one hundred fifty ideas for possible exercises" SRL for [cc]: [cc] : Dr. Dodge,ARG-2: Dr. Dodge SRL for [respires]: The patient with lung cancer [respires] with difficulty .,ARG-0: The patient with lung cancer | ARG-M-MNR: with difficulty "SRL for [dizzy]: Finally , though , he stayed inside until his face was flushed bright red and he was [dizzy] from the heat .",ARG-1: he | ARG-0: from the heat SRL for [purchased]: The company [purchased] sugar on the world market to meet export commitments,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: sugar | ARG-M-LOC: on the world market | ARG-M-PRP: to meet export commitments "SRL for [quick]: Firing squad is probably pretty [quick] , but I do n't know that it 's used much .",ARG-1: Firing squad | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-M-EXT: pretty SRL for [partisan]: Anyone claiming obama has n't been [partisan] toward conservatives and republicans is either blind or a far left liberal .,ARG-1: obama | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: toward conservatives and republicans SRL for [molted]: My coral branded shrimp [molted] the second day I got him,ARG-1: My coral branded shrimp | ARG-M-TMP: the second day I got him "SRL for [deacetylation]: on the converse , [deacetylation] of PTEN by SIRT1 deacetylase and , by HDAC1 , can stimulate its activity .","ARG-1: of PTEN | ARG-2: by SIRT1 deacetylase and , by HDAC1" "SRL for [carpeted]: SPRUCING UP THE DIGS : About 200 employees of the Maryland Department of Economic and Employment Development for four months painted walls , polished and [carpeted] floors , bought plants , cleaned windows and blinds , and hung pictures at the agency 's Baltimore office .",ARG-0: About 200 employees of the Maryland Department of Economic and Employment Development | ARG-M-TMP: for four months | ARG-1: floors | ARG-M-LOC: at the agency 's Baltimore office SRL for [void]: Many funds allow investors to [void] orders before the close of trading .,ARG-0: investors | ARG-1: orders | ARG-M-TMP: before the close of trading "SRL for [isomerized]: After catalyst removal , the copolymer resin is [isomerized] with iodine as a catalyst at a temperature between 200 ° to 260 ° C.",ARG-1: copolymer resin | ARG-3: iodine as a catalyst "SRL for [mushroomed]: The number of computers has [mushroomed] in recent years , with 10,000 in use , as well as 30,000 miniature models .","ARG-1: The number of computers | ARG-M-TMP: in recent years | ARG-M-ADV: with 10,000 in use , as well as 30,000 miniature models" SRL for [layering]: The [layering] of sedimentary rock,ARG-1: of sedimentary rock "SRL for [relax]: `` I do n't want to give the impression that everybody can [relax] now , '' he said .",ARG-1: everybody | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: now "SRL for [discovered]: The air - waybill number was changed en route , and paper work showing that the crates had cleared customs was misplaced , so it was a week before three of the four crates could be located in a bonded warehouse and the Gauguin [discovered] missing .",ARG-1: the Gauguin | ARG-3: missing "SRL for [packs up]: `` This was an invisible , powerful force that 's almost impossible for a layman to contemplate , '' Mr. Warren says solemnly as the ghostbusting entourage [packs up] to leave .",ARG-0: the ghostbusting entourage | ARG-M-PNC: to leave SRL for [climbed]: Share prices of many of these funds this year have [climbed] much more sharply than the foreign stocks .,ARG-1: Share prices of many of these funds | ARG-M-TMP: this year | ARG-M-MNR: much more sharply than the foreign stocks "SRL for [bail out]: They say that 's especially important this late in the growth phase of the economic cycle , when there 's no robust bull market to [bail out] of their mistakes .",ARG-0: no robust bull market | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: of their mistakes SRL for [keeps]: Newsweek [keeps] pace with its rival Time .,ARG-0: Newsweek | ARG-1: pace | ARG-2: with its rival Time SRL for [afraid]: She was [afraid] of upsetting her parents .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: of upsetting her parents "SRL for [syncopated]: ... During her much earlier ' Rythm Nation ' period , in which she dons a black uniform and uses strange , [syncopated] hand movements in her video dance routine ...",ARG-1: hand movements SRL for [osmoregulation]: Studies designed specifically to document the effect of exogenous oestrogen and progesterone on thirst and vasopressin [osmoregulation] in a small group of young women with primary ovarian failure indicate that these steroid hormones are without any influence on osmoregulation ( Baylis 1988 ) .,ARG-2: vasopressin "SRL for [wobbled]: He hit Roberts with his left fist in the ribs and the razor cut toward him feebly , then [wobbled] in mid - air .",ARG-0: the razor | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-M-LOC: in mid - air SRL for [inbred]: His mother the Duchess Lillian died giving birth to the tiny baby which [inbred] him with a deep rooted fear of death .,ARG-0: which | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: with a deep rooted fear of death SRL for [untrustworthy]: Big Business is [untrustworthy] with our health .,ARG-0: Big Business | ARG-1: with our health SRL for [moving]: I had intended calling to the attention of the Convention the matter of his [moving] to strike out the present provision which allows the jury to judge of the law ...,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to strike out the present provision which allows the jury to judge of the law "SRL for [took]: Thousands of people [took] to the streets in cities across the United States last night , protesting the election of Donald Trump .",ARG-0: Thousands of people | ARG-1: to the streets | ARG-M-LOC: in cities across the United States | ARG-M-TMP: last night | ARG-2: protesting the election of Donald Trump SRL for [shanghaied]: One day they [shanghaied] him by train to Atlantic City and checked him into a hotel .,ARG-M-TMP: One day | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: by train | ARG-3: to Atlantic City SRL for [unlocked]: John [unlocked] his bike from the bike rack .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his bike | ARG-2: from the bike rack "SRL for [realized]: Its cereal division [realized] higher operating profit on volume increases , but also spent more on promotion .",ARG-0: Its cereal division | ARG-1: higher operating profit | ARG-2: on volume increases "SRL for [cascading]: Of all scenes that evoke rural England , this is one of the loveliest : An ancient stone church stands amid the fields , the sound of bells [cascading] from its tower , calling the faithful to evensong .",ARG-1: the sound of bells | ARG-M-DIR: from its tower | ARG-M-ADV: calling the faithful to evensong SRL for [preexist]: But stop talking about rights that [preexist] the Constitution .,ARG-1: rights | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: the Constitution "SRL for [add up]: [add up] all the people in this group and they may number 200 , and that is already a lot of people .",ARG-1: all the people in this group "SRL for [wrestle]: Since then , a second group of franchisees has banded together to try to [wrestle] control of the unit from Mr. Posner .",ARG-0: a second group of franchisees | ARG-1: control of the unit | ARG-2: from Mr. Posner "SRL for [concluded]: A long - time Tri - State area radio personality , in October 2009 he [concluded] doing a regular morning program on "" Oldies 1160 "" .","ARG-M-PRD: A long - time Tri - State area radio personality | ARG-M-TMP: in October 2009 | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: doing a regular morning program on "" Oldies 1160 """ SRL for [brave]: She was [brave] about going to hospital .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: about going to hospital SRL for [barbaric]: I beleive the church was [barbaric] to the templars ...,ARG-0: the church | ARG-2: to the templars "SRL for [known]: These nations are [known] as "" little tigers ""","ARG-1: These nations | ARG-2: as "" little tigers """ "SRL for [shorten]: Mr. Krampe also said that Mercedes plans to bring out new models every year through the mid-1990s and it will [shorten] its product development cycle to eight years from 10 or 12 years to compete more effectively with Toyota Motor Corp. 's Lexus , Nissan Motor Co. 's Infiniti and Honda Motor Co. 's Acura luxury - car divisions .","ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: its product development cycle | ARG-4: to eight years | ARG-3: from 10 or 12 years | ARG-M-PRP: to compete more effectively with Toyota Motor Corp. 's Lexus , Nissan Motor Co. 's Infiniti and Honda Motor Co. 's Acura luxury - car divisions" SRL for [brushed off]: A White House spokesman condemned the truce suspension as `` deplorable '' but [brushed off] talk of renewing military funding for the insurgents .,ARG-0: A White House spokesman | ARG-M-DIS: but | ARG-1: talk of renewing military funding for the insurgents SRL for [prowl]: The submarines that [prowl] for months underwater .,ARG-0: The submarines | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-TMP: for months | ARG-M-LOC: underwater "SRL for [attend]: While many problems would [attend] a restructuring of Columbia , investors say Mr. Spiegel is mulling such a plan to mitigate Columbia 's junk problems .",ARG-0: many problems | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: a restructuring of Columbia SRL for [TPN]: Trace elements were omitted from her [TPN] because of cholestasis and persistent hyperbilirubinemia .,ARG-1: her SRL for [dashed]: The onslaught of the program selling [dashed] any hopes that some of the big program trading firms would hold off until the market stabilized .,ARG-0: The onslaught of the program selling | ARG-1: any hopes that some of the big program trading firms would hold off until the market stabilized "SRL for [working]: his [working] on the concerto was largely responsible for his failing to complete Lulu before his death on December 24 , 1935 .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on the concerto SRL for [perished]: I bet Soviet Union had no idea they 'd be [perished] in the late 80s - early 90s .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: 'd | ARG-M-TMP: in the late 80s - early 90s "SRL for [endto]: By Richterian standards , the show that the Oakland Athletics puton Friday and Saturday nights , in putting a mercifully swift [endto] the game 's Longest Short Series , rated somewhere between a10 and an 11 .",ARG-M-MNR: swift | ARG-1: endto the game 's Longest Short Series SRL for [friction]: Has there been any [friction] with her over the years because of your devotion to your job ?,ARG-M-ADJ: any | ARG-2: with her | ARG-M-TMP: over the years | ARG-3: because of your devotion to your job SRL for [progression]: The [progression] of Bob 's disease affected his memory .,ARG-1: of Bob 's disease SRL for [noted]: The patient was [noted] to have shingles .,ARG-1: to have shingles SRL for [cease]: The ban wo n't [cease] privately - funded tissue - transplant research .,ARG-0: The ban | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: privately - funded tissue - transplant research SRL for [reintroduce]: Newsweek will [reintroduce] a new incentive plan for advertisers .,ARG-0: Newsweek | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a new incentive plan for advertisers "SRL for [hitchhiked]: Suddenly , it dawned on me that I 'd once [hitchhiked] along those same roads .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-3: along those same roads SRL for [violation]: His [violation] of campaign laws is a pretty substantial crime .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of campaign laws "SRL for [slathering]: The ocean waves brought the oil to shore , making a mess of the beautiful coral coastline , [slathering] shellfish and aquatic plants , and filling the air with a petroleum stench .",ARG-0: The ocean waves | ARG-1: shellfish and aquatic plants "SRL for [certain]: I have suggested a CT of the chest , liver , and adrenals to be [certain] that this is , in fact , a primary tumor .","ARG-1: that this is , in fact , a primary tumor" SRL for [beat]: They will [beat] him with whips and then kill him .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with whips "SRL for [ticked off]: Mr. Agnos complained that he was `` [ticked off] '' that Vice President Dan Quayle , who toured the earthquake site Wednesday , did n't schedule a private meeting with him .","ARG-1: he | ARG-0: that Vice President Dan Quayle , who toured the earthquake site Wednesday , did n't schedule a private meeting with him" "SRL for [superheated]: When the IED detonates , this copper cup turns into a shaft of [superheated] metal that can zip right through any armor , even an M1 's . That 's what they tell me , and I have to believe it .",ARG-1: metal SRL for [eclipse]: The purchase of Nekoosa would easily [eclipse] Georgia - Pacific 's $ 530 million acquisition of Brunswick Pulp & Paper Co. last year .,ARG-0: The purchase of Nekoosa | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-MNR: easily | ARG-1: Georgia - Pacific 's $ 530 million acquisition of Brunswick Pulp & Paper Co. last year "SRL for [searching]: The board already has been [searching] for strong outside candidates , including food - industry executives with considerable international experience .","ARG-0: The board | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-2: for strong outside candidates , including food - industry executives with considerable international experience" "SRL for [unreasonable]: On the surface , it sounds like a criticism of Nader that he was ? [unreasonable] ? to risk the fate of an entire country just to prove a point .",ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to risk the fate of an entire country just to prove a point "SRL for [Bear]: "" [Bear] left ! Move the thing ! And , that other thing ! """,ARG-M-DIR: left "SRL for [mired]: Well , desperate to escape the economic stagnation that has [mired] this country for over a decade , they also worry that traditional ways of life would be swept aside by the internet with dotcom jobs replacing life - long employment security , e - commerce endangering business built on personal relationships .",R-ARG-2: that | ARG-2: the economic stagnation | ARG-1: this country | ARG-M-TMP: for over a decade "SRL for [insures]: The agency , which is funded through insurance premiums from employers , [insures] pension benefits for some 30 million private - sector workers who take part in single - employer pension plans .","ARG-0: The agency , which is funded through insurance premiums from employers | ARG-1: pension benefits | ARG-3: for some 30 million private - sector workers who take part in single - employer pension plans" "SRL for [surgical]: The severance between us was [surgical] , and there was no anaesthetic .",ARG-1: The severance between us SRL for [climbed]: The mark [climbed] to 77.70 yen from 77.65 yen late Tuesday in New York .,ARG-1: The mark | ARG-4: to 77.70 yen | ARG-3: from 77.65 yen | ARG-M-TMP: late Tuesday | ARG-M-LOC: in New York "SRL for [pointed]: Investigators say clues collected over the last few days have already [pointed] them to locations both near and far outside the port city of Aden , but they wo n't say there 's any indication that the plot here goes beyond Yemen 's boarders .",ARG-0: clues collected over the last few days | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to locations both near and far outside the port city of Aden "SRL for [resubstantiate]: ... what can be achieved by a man with a mission , a man needing to [resubstantiate] his manhood on the golf course .",ARG-0: a man | ARG-1: his manhood | ARG-M-LOC: on the golf course "SRL for [priced]: [Some nations will be [priced] out , most likely the relatively undeveloped countries in which automotive transportation is not really essential .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-3: [Some nations | ARG-M-PRD: out "SRL for [harming]: hello , i am a 12 year old girl -LRB- 13 in two days -RRB- who is addicted to self [harming] .",ARG-1: self SRL for [pick]: Everyone wants to [pick] Jon 's brain on this year 's American Idol .,ARG-0: Everyone | ARG-1: Jon 's brain | ARG-M-LOC: on this year 's American Idol "SRL for [mouth - to - mouth]: “ I gave her [mouth - to - mouth] and called for help , ” Waneta said .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-1: her SRL for [answer]: Mill worked hard to defend his [answer] of equality to the Woman Question .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: of equality | ARG-1: to the Woman Question "SRL for [great]: His sister was n't [great] to me either , in the beginning .",ARG-1: His sister | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-ADV: either | ARG-M-TMP: in the beginning "SRL for [overgrown]: In the Delaware River , three long islands were [overgrown] with greening trees and underbrush .",ARG-M-LOC: In the Delaware River | ARG-1: three long islands | ARG-2: with greening trees and underbrush SRL for [shutdown]: The entire park was [shutdown] and 125 visitors and 17 staff members were held in lockdown at the park 's Jackson Visitor Center .,ARG-1: The entire park "SRL for [adjourned]: What 's not in dispute is how , following a council meeting , the alders [adjourned] to Brocach .",ARG-M-TMP: following a council meeting | ARG-0: the alders | ARG-1: to Brocach | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [glad]: I 'm [glad] about how things turned out .,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: about how things turned out SRL for [disabused]: Erol quickly [disabused] him of that view .,ARG-0: Erol | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: of that view "SRL for [direct]: Pupils equal , round , regular , reactive to light , [direct] and consensual .",ARG-1: Pupils SRL for [frail]: she is [frail] and has limited mobility at this time .,ARG-1: she "SRL for [transport]: The "" little three links "" - direct mail , [transport] , and commerce between the ROC islands of Kinmen and Matsu on the one side and the PRC on the other - were formally opened on January 2 .",ARG-4: between the ROC islands of Kinmen and Matsu on the one side and the PRC on the other "SRL for [sleep]: More questionable , even criminal , than Michael 's alleged fooling around with other kids , were the parents who allowed , even encouraged their children to [sleep] over and perhaps share the same bed with someone whose sexual predilections have been suspect since 1991 .",ARG-0: their children "SRL for [loped]: Wolves [loped] from dens to see what poor , miserable creature was caught in the evening forest .","ARG-1: Wolves | ARG-3: from dens | ARG-M-PRP: to see what poor , miserable creature was caught in the evening forest" SRL for [immunizing]: We started [immunizing] the mice against the Alzheimer Disease peptides .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the mice | ARG-2: against the Alzheimer Disease peptides "SRL for [fouled]: Unknown to Mr. Tharp , he had [fouled] his net on a special IRS project to catch catfish farmers and haulers inclined to cheat on their taxes .",ARG-M-ADV: Unknown to Mr. Tharp | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his net | ARG-2: on a special IRS project to catch catfish farmers and haulers inclined to cheat on their taxes SRL for [hang]: *PRO* head north until you hit the bridge into four winds then head straight in and [hang] north at the veiled stair .,ARG-1: north | ARG-2: at the veiled stair SRL for [hearings]: the [hearings] before the Judiciary Committee,ARG-0: before the Judiciary Committee SRL for [improved]: Taiwan has [improved] its standing with the US by initialing a bilateral copyright agreement .,ARG-0: Taiwan | ARG-1: its standing with the US | ARG-M-MNR: by initialing a bilateral copyright agreement "SRL for [housesit]: My parents have chosen to do this [housesit] , I really do n't mind but I 'm not sure I want to go over , walk the dog and sit in a stranger 's house for a couple of hours to pass the time .",ARG-0: My parents | ARG-M-LVB: do SRL for [energized]: But market activity was [energized] as investors started to view the lower price levels as attractive .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: market activity | ARG-M-TMP: as investors started to view the lower price levels as attractive SRL for [flipped out]: Kylie Jenner [flipped out] about a fake post on her app,ARG-0: Kylie Jenner | ARG-1: about a fake post on her app "SRL for [surveyed]: my mortgage lender [surveyed] the property at 136 000 , the initial .","ARG-0: my mortgage lender | ARG-1: the property | ARG-3: at 136 000 , the initial" SRL for [stabbed]: Guns were never used : Each man was [stabbed] to death with a large knife .,ARG-1: Each man | ARG-4: to death | ARG-2: with a large knife "SRL for [stoked]: Even before those moves added fuel , the fires of discontent had been well [stoked] by the highly publicized experience in Japan of one U.S. investor , T. Boone Pickens Jr.","ARG-M-MNR: well | ARG-1: the fires of discontent | ARG-0: by the highly publicized experience in Japan of one U.S. investor , T. Boone Pickens Jr." "SRL for [steeped]: Another poultice was made from the inner bark of the elm tree , [steeped] in water until it formed a sticky , gummy solution .","ARG-1: the inner bark of the elm tree | ARG-2: in water | ARG-M-TMP: until it formed a sticky , gummy solution" SRL for [reception]: I think I will get a very positive [reception] .,ARG-M-MNR: very positive SRL for [re - homing]: PS - we also have more cats coming in for [re - homing] see our ' Homes Wanted ' page, SRL for [congregates]: Cold [congregates] all bodies .,ARG-0: Cold | ARG-1: all bodies SRL for [presence]: Social workers with Child Protective Services became a regular [presence] at the boy 's home,ARG-M-MNR: regular | ARG-2: at the boy 's home "SRL for [compromises]: But when Law and her husband Eddie Fong were invited to attend the Taipei Film Festival last year , Fong , who is also a screenwriter and director , revealed , "" Clara is very strong willed , and everyone in the Australian film community knows that she ca n't be pushed around and rarely [compromises] . """,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-TMP: rarely "SRL for [marked up]: `` On occasion , he paid a high price , '' Mr. Wachter concedes , but he says those who bid less and dropped out were dealers who would then have [marked up] the paintings to resell them at a profit to collectors .",ARG-0: dealers | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the paintings | ARG-M-PNC: to resell them at a profit to collectors "SRL for [discontinued]: While the discussions between Delmed and National Medical Care have been [discontinued] , Delmed will continue to supply dialysis products through National Medical after their exclusive agreement ends in March 1990 , Delmed said .",ARG-1: the discussions between Delmed and National Medical Care SRL for [breaks]: The program was aired in its entirety without commercial [breaks] .,ARG-2: commercial SRL for [display]: his annual Christmas [display],ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: annual | ARG-1: Christmas "SRL for [dress]: `` If I go in there as I normally [dress] , they 'd ask , ` Who is this hippie ? ' ''",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: normally "SRL for [consuming]: At the same time , green living and green [consuming] are necessary to reduce PM2.5 concentration , such as improving automobile fuel oil quality , greatly developing transit transportation and new energy automobiles , guide people to take green transportation , etc .","ARG-M-MNR: green | ARG-M-ADJ: such as improving automobile fuel oil quality , greatly developing transit transportation and new energy automobiles , guide people to take green transportation , etc" "SRL for [imperceptible]: Magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes are mostly almost [imperceptible] or weak and magnitude 7 and over potentially cause serious damage over larger areas , depending on their depth .",ARG-1: Magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes | ARG-M-ADV: mostly SRL for [tailgating]: Broncos [tailgating] is allowed in all lots .,ARG-2: Broncos SRL for [absence]: His reply conveyed his [absence] of mind .,ARG-2: his | ARG-1: of mind SRL for [came through]: Various ministries decided the products businessmen could produce and how much ; and government - owned banks controlled the financing of projects and monitored whether companies [came through] on promised plans .,ARG-0: companies | ARG-1: on promised plans SRL for [sharing]: One way out of that dilemma could be a partial recapitalization in which the pilots would wind up [sharing] the value of their concessions with public shareholders .,ARG-0: the pilots | ARG-1: the value of their concessions | ARG-2: with public shareholders SRL for [propagation]: These chemical reactions are usually triggered by behaviors which are positive in terms of species [propagation] .,ARG-1: species SRL for [ideation]: the individual is limited to the functioning of his own vocal muscles in his [ideation] of the sounds of words .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the sounds of words SRL for [articulation]: speech [articulation],ARG-1: speech SRL for [additions]: The town was concerned about measurable [additions] of heavy metals into the drinking water .,ARG-M-EXT: measurable | ARG-1: of heavy metals | ARG-2: into the drinking water SRL for [batted]: Piazza imagines what the response would be like if he [batted] once as a pinch hitter and homered .,ARG-0: he | ARG-2: as a pinch hitter SRL for [solemnized]: The visit of the president and his wife to a department store [solemnized] the Christmas season,ARG-0: The visit of the president and his wife to a department store | ARG-1: the Christmas season "SRL for [wonder]: Not everyone is reacting so calmly , however , and many [wonder] about the long - term implications of what is widely viewed as thecause of Friday 's slide , reluctance by banks to provide financing for a buy - out of UAL Corp. , parent of United Airlines .","ARG-0: many | ARG-1: about the long - term implications of what is widely viewed as thecause of Friday 's slide , reluctance by banks to provide financing for a buy - out of UAL Corp. , parent of United Airlines" "SRL for [flopping]: With your legs [flopping] about , i could n't help but laugh .",ARG-1: your legs | ARG-M-PRD: about SRL for [nominate]: The remaining four trustees on the Claimants Trust have 60 days to [nominate] a successor to Mr. Saltzburg .,ARG-0: The remaining four trustees on the Claimants Trust | ARG-1: a successor to Mr. Saltzburg SRL for [hypopigments]: It appears to be a form of eczema that [hypopigments] the skin .,ARG-0: a form of eczema | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the skin SRL for [demagnetized]: We have observed that Nickel thin films may be partially [demagnetized] on time scales shorter than 300 fs .,ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-EXT: partially | ARG-1: Nickel thin films | ARG-M-TMP: on time scales shorter than 300 fs "SRL for [punch]: Viewers can call a 900 number for additional advice , which will be tailored to their needs based on the numbers they [punch] ( `` Press one if you 're pregnant , '' etc . ) .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the numbers "SRL for [crowded]: In another compartment called the Linden Bosque , 62 linden trees were to be [crowded] together at killing intervals of 10 or 16 feet .",ARG-2: 62 linden trees | ARG-1: together | ARG-M-MNR: at killing intervals of 10 or 16 feet "SRL for [particular]: He said that the "" dual system "" phenomenon is [particular] in our country and it 's different to international situations .","ARG-1: the "" dual system "" phenomenon | ARG-M-LOC: in our country" "SRL for [tangled]: But again , the themes get [tangled] in Mr. Mahfouz 's elliptical storytelling .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-ADV: again | ARG-1: the themes | ARG-M-LOC: in Mr. Mahfouz 's elliptical storytelling SRL for [plating]: bone [plating],ARG-1: bone SRL for [thickened]: John [thickened] the gravy with library paste .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the gravy | ARG-2: with library paste "SRL for [victimized]: This enabled Lomborg to appeal the verdict , successfully , claiming that the Committee had [victimized] him for political reasons .",ARG-0: the Committee | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for political reasons SRL for [dating]: The recent enthusiasm for the Taipei exhibition of terracotta warriors from Xi'an is due to the fact that these long - buried figures contain information about mysteries [dating] back 2000 years .,ARG-1: mysteries | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: 2000 years "SRL for [bristled]: Though Sassy has grown quickly since its debut in March 1988 , it has been the target of conservative lobbyists and skittish advertisers who [bristled] at its frank editorial matter on teen - age problems .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: conservative lobbyists and skittish advertisers | ARG-1: at its frank editorial matter on teen - age problems "SRL for [underrepresented]: These figures were often cited in ethnopolitical campaigns , but they [underrepresented] the impact of the Indian and pro - India movement on the legal recognition of indigenous lands in Brazil .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the impact of the Indian and pro - India movement on the legal recognition of indigenous lands in Brazil SRL for [stud]: Low test scores [stud] the school 's performance record .,ARG-2: Low test scores | ARG-1: the school 's performance record "SRL for [heparinize]: To [heparinize] a syringe , 1000 U / ml heparin is aspirated into a syringe , 1000 U / ml heparin is aspirated into a syringe then expelled , leaving less than 0.2 ml of solution in the syringe .",ARG-1: syringe SRL for [equilibrate]: Imposed transfers [equilibrate] the random economy locally .,ARG-0: Imposed transfers | ARG-1: the random economy locally SRL for [behind]: The outlet is [behind] the television,ARG-1: The outlet | ARG-2: the television SRL for [upsized]: She thought she took a long time making our drink so she [upsized] it from a small to a large .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: from a small | ARG-4: to a large "SRL for [nonfocal]: He was afebrile , oxygenating well , and had a [nonfocal] neurologic examination .",ARG-1: neurologic examination SRL for [cynical]: He was [cynical] to his surroundings and appeared disinterested,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: to his surroundings SRL for [trooped]: They [trooped] into the pagoda around mid - afternoon carrying bowls filled with water and flowers .,ARG-1: They | ARG-3: into the pagoda | ARG-M-TMP: mid - afternoon | ARG-M-ADV: carrying bowls filled with water and flowers SRL for [next]: He will be [next] as president .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: as president "SRL for [overlap]: And because of the time difference , the Japanese and the U.S. markets ' trading hours do n't [overlap] .",ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-CAU: because of the time difference | ARG-0: the Japanese and the U.S. markets ' trading hours | ARG-M-NEG: n't "SRL for [muddled]: Free markets , free minds and free elections have an appeal that seems to get [muddled] only when delivered through U.N. organizations -- which of course are made up largely of governments that fear these principles at home .",ARG-1: an appeal | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: only when delivered through U.N. organizations -- which of course are made up largely of governments that fear these principles at home "SRL for [screen]: The editor also says the new producer on the film , Bruce Baird , told editors to [screen] the picture without telling stars Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell or Mr. Peters .",ARG-0: editors | ARG-1: the picture | ARG-M-MNR: without telling stars Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell or Mr. Peters SRL for [looped]: Clayton [looped] the reins in a knot over the veranda post and patted thewarm flesh of his neck .,ARG-0: Clayton | ARG-1: the reins | ARG-M-MNR: in a knot | ARG-2: over the veranda post SRL for [qualify]: He said the decision was the first in which a federal appeals court has ruled whether administrative government proceedings [qualify] as litigation .,ARG-1: administrative government proceedings | ARG-2: as litigation SRL for [expectorated]: A minute later the diesel engine [expectorated] a ball of black exhaust,ARG-M-TMP: A minute later | ARG-0: the diesel engine | ARG-1: a ball of black exhaust SRL for [provisions]: So the bank 's board decided to make 1.23 billion Malaysian dollars in [provisions] for interest payments from loans .,ARG-0: the bank 's board | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: 1.23 billion Malaysian dollars | ARG-M-PRP: for interest payments from loans "SRL for [conceiving]: Perhaps , the psychological barriers that had prevented her from [conceiving] Hal 's child would no longer be present .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: Hal 's child SRL for [supplementation]: Their [supplementation] of strings in their arrangements helps set the band apart as one of today 's most adventurous musical innovators .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-2: of strings | ARG-1: in their arrangements "SRL for [official]: This flag was [official] for 47 years , longer than any other flag",ARG-1: This flag | ARG-M-TMP: for 47 years "SRL for [dispersed]: Police in Yugoslavia [dispersed] about 1,000 ethnic Albanians who were protesting the trial of the former Communist Party chief of the southern province of Kosovo .","ARG-0: Police in Yugoslavia | ARG-1: about 1,000 ethnic Albanians who were protesting the trial of the former Communist Party chief of the southern province of Kosovo" "SRL for [mistake]: If you make a [mistake] on your tax return , you should file an amended return to make that correction .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: on your tax return "SRL for [charged]: During the third quarter , the company [charged] about $ 46 million against earnings in reducing goodwill .",ARG-M-TMP: During the third quarter | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: about $ 46 million | ARG-2: against earnings | ARG-M-ADV: in reducing goodwill SRL for [pronounced]: Multifocal segmental high grade narrowing involving both common iliac and external iliac arteries which is more [pronounced] in the external iliac arteries .,ARG-1: which | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-M-LOC: in the external iliac arteries SRL for [squalled]: He [squalled] in self pity .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: in self pity SRL for [punted]: He [punted] the ball from one end zone to the other .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the ball | ARG-2: from one end zone | ARG-3: to the other SRL for [hit]: the direct [hit] by Typhoon No . 17,ARG-M-MNR: direct | ARG-0: by Typhoon No . 17 "SRL for [hypovascular]: One small , 1.1 - cm - diameter seminoma was hypervascular , and one 2.8 - cm - diameter seminoma was [hypovascular] .",ARG-1: one 2.8 - cm - diameter seminoma SRL for [exponential]: Radioactive decay is [exponential] because the number of atomic nuclei breaking up at a given moment is proportional to the number of nuclei that actually exist at that moment .,ARG-1: Radioactive decay | ARG-M-CAU: because the number of atomic nuclei breaking up at a given moment is proportional to the number of nuclei that actually exist at that moment "SRL for [edified]: Contradictory as it may seem , there was nothing which entertained and [edified] him more than the little fellow 's interest in his tenantry .",ARG-0: which | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-EXT: more than the little fellow 's interest in his tenantry SRL for [left]: And I have [left] her on my planet,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: on my planet SRL for [panting]: It sometimes ended in death - like trances with many lying exhausted and [panting] on chair and floor .,ARG-0: many "SRL for [dissociate]: When an electric current is applied to the palladium and platinum electrodes , the heavy water did begin to break up , or [dissociate] .",ARG-1: the heavy water "SRL for [came down]: When the weather turned cool and Chien - chien [came down] with a fever , Martine called my wife to offer to keep Chien - chien for the night .",ARG-1: Chien - chien | ARG-2: with a fever "SRL for [scot - free]: Luckily for him , the other guy had no insurance so he was [scot - free] from any hassle .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: from any hassle SRL for [due]: The Blackhawks ' Stanley Cup victory was [due] to their superior speed and coaching .,ARG-1: The Blackhawks ' Stanley Cup victory | ARG-0: to their superior speed and coaching SRL for [exclusive]: Our room rate was [exclusive] of breakfast,ARG-0: Our room rate | ARG-1: of breakfast "SRL for [lugging]: Outside , I spotted two young men [lugging] blocks of concrete .",ARG-0: two young men | ARG-1: blocks of concrete SRL for [falling]: The Dow 's [falling] 52 points to 12628 was an indication that the nation was moving closer to the possibility of a credit downgrade .,ARG-1: The Dow 's | ARG-2: 52 points | ARG-3: to 12628 SRL for [emergency]: She had an [emergency] cesarean,ARG-2: cesarean "SRL for [put out]: And both the entertainment weekly [put out] by the China Times and the music video station Channel V selected her as last year 's "" best newcomer . """,ARG-1: the entertainment weekly | ARG-0: by the China Times SRL for [wilt]: A city can thrive or [wilt] in response to political and economic changes to a nation .,ARG-1: A city | ARG-M-PRD: in response to political and economic changes to a nation SRL for [bluffed]: John [bluffed] them into thinking he had bad cards .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: into thinking he had bad cards "SRL for [exporting]: So he splashed the information on handbills that he distributed throughout the banana - [exporting] city of Puerto Armuelles , which was ruled by United Fruit Co .",ARG-1: banana "SRL for [suckled]: She [suckled] the child , loved him despite the circumstances of his birth , and had high hopes of teaching him some form ofmorality .",ARG-0: She | ARG-2: the child SRL for [scolloping]: The fisherman was [scolloping] yesterday .,ARG-0: The fisherman | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday "SRL for [rendering]: The water destroyed about $ 75 million in currency and caked $ 4 million of coins with mud , [rendering] them dangerous to counting machines .",ARG-0: The water | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: dangerous to counting machines SRL for [profit]: ... protects against stocks being relentlessly beaten downward by those seeking to [profit] from lower prices .,ARG-0: those | ARG-1: from lower prices SRL for [insignificant]: The sounds were [insignificant] of what was going on in the room .,ARG-1: The sounds | ARG-2: of what was going on in the room "SRL for [call]: Seconds before we [call] the vote to kick them out of power , the fire alarm goes off again .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the vote to kick them out of power "SRL for [tag along]: Ya , I 'll [tag along] with ' cha to the bars .",ARG-M-DIS: Ya | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: with ' cha | ARG-4: to the bars SRL for [autoinfection]: Rarely [autoinfection] with the increasing worm burden can lead to dissemination and hyperinfection of the individual .,ARG-2: with the increasing worm burden "SRL for [brandished]: As the rally gained strength at 3:15 p.m. , he smiled broadly , [brandished] his unlit cigar and slapped Stanley Shopkorn , his top stock trader , on the back .",ARG-M-TMP: As the rally gained strength at 3:15 p.m. | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his unlit cigar "SRL for [prompt]: John could never remember his lines , so Mary had to [prompt] him every time .",ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-TMP: every time "SRL for [apartheidization]: Ultimately , the path the Republican Party is following will lead to the [apartheidization] of America .",ARG-1: of America "SRL for [jet lag]: However , by midnight I again ca n't concentrate , the Mexican trip 's [jet lag] finally catching up with me .",ARG-0: the Mexican trip 's "SRL for [swamped]: `` The Giants got [swamped] in the second game , 100 , and trailed 4 - 1 going into the bottom of the ninth of the third and deciding game .",ARG-1: The Giants | ARG-M-LOC: in the second game SRL for [re - fight]: Dave Gavlak reports the opposition is not happy at the idea of have to [re - fight] so many seats .,ARG-0: the opposition | ARG-1: so many seats SRL for [needs]: its production [needs],ARG-0: its | ARG-1: production SRL for [reassemble]: He proceeded to dissect and [reassemble] those figures in a Western mechanistic fashion .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: those figures | ARG-M-MNR: in a Western mechanistic fashion SRL for [impractical]: It is [impractical] for me to cite every source of information .,ARG-2: for me | ARG-1: to cite every source of information SRL for [sweep]: Most home owners have found that a general [sweep] of the floor every week or so followed by a light mopping when necessary are enough to keep their bamboo floors sparkling clean .,ARG-M-MNR: general | ARG-2: of the floor | ARG-M-TMP: every week or so "SRL for [written]: The FASB rule will cover such financial instruments as interest rate swaps , financial guarantees , foward interest rate contracts , loan contracts , loan commitments and options [written] on securites held .",ARG-1: options | ARG-2: on securites held "SRL for [inflected]: Fortunately , gender was [inflected] though the expression of it would be difficult for anyone not born in Siddo .",ARG-M-ADV: Fortunately | ARG-1: gender | ARG-M-ADV: though the expression of it would be difficult for anyone not born in Siddo "SRL for [cornify]: Although mucinases and proteases have been described as important proteins for parasite adhesion to epithelial cells , no studies have examined the role of the keratin molecules that [cornify] the vaginal epithelium .",ARG-0: the keratin molecules | ARG-1: the vaginal epithelium SRL for [warning]: A [warning] to American tourists about a rogue elephant charging visitors,ARG-2: to American tourists | ARG-1: about a rogue elephant charging visitors SRL for [unremarkable]: Remainder of the abdomen and pelvis is [unremarkable] .,ARG-1: Remainder of the abdomen and pelvis SRL for [cuddled]: Matt and I [cuddled] close together in a small restaurant .,ARG-1: Matt and I | ARG-M-MNR: close | ARG-M-REC: together | ARG-M-LOC: in a small restaurant SRL for [bronchodilation]: Patient 's [bronchodilation] improved airflow by 80 % .,ARG-1: Patient 's SRL for [frosted]: We girls [frosted] the window with our breath .,ARG-0: We girls | ARG-1: the window | ARG-2: with our breath SRL for [airdrop]: There had been some uncertainty as to whether the Russians would continue their [airdrop] of supplies to pro - Red forces following the installation of Prince Boun Oum 's cabinet last week .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of supplies | ARG-2: to pro - Red forces | ARG-M-TMP: following the installation of Prince Boun Oum 's cabinet last week "SRL for [shrank]: Factory orders and construction outlays were largely flat in September , while purchasing agents said manufacturing [shrank] further in October .",ARG-1: manufacturing | ARG-2: further | ARG-M-TMP: in October "SRL for [bent]: John continued to drive straight , even as the road [bent] .",ARG-1: the road "SRL for [bestowed]: The Bravo Zulu award , the Navy accolade for a `` job well done , '' is [bestowed] on Federal 's workers who surpass the call of duty .","ARG-1: The Bravo Zulu award , the Navy accolade for a `` job well done , '' | ARG-2: on Federal 's workers who surpass the call of duty" "SRL for [styled]: The chairs are S - Cargo seats , and a gift shop sells such items as alarm clocks [styled] like the Pao 's oversized speedometer .",ARG-1: alarm clocks | ARG-2: like the Pao 's oversized speedometer "SRL for [wet]: He improvised as he went along , completing a life - size clay figure , then bought yards of an inexpensive material from a draper , [wet] the lightweight cloth in a basin and covered it over with clay that Argiento brought from the bank of the Tiber , to the consistency of thick mud .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the lightweight cloth | ARG-M-LOC: in a basin SRL for [stacked up]: John [stacked up] all his dirty dishes .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: all his dirty dishes SRL for [played]: Javier [played] the Led Zeppelin record on his grandmother 's turntable .,ARG-0: Javier | ARG-1: the Led Zeppelin record | ARG-2: on his grandmother 's turntable "SRL for [favor]: What I really want to know is how is it that when judges rule in [favor] of equal marriage rights for all citizens it is "" imposing "" their views on citizens ?",ARG-1: of equal marriage rights | ARG-M-GOL: for all citizens SRL for [imports]: U.S. crude [imports],ARG-0: U.S. | ARG-1: crude SRL for [clear]: When the rains came the area was [clear] of oil .,ARG-M-TMP: When the rains came | ARG-1: the area | ARG-2: of oil "SRL for [organized]: Jin Zhong , president and editor - in - chief of Hong Kong 's OPEN magazine , which specializes in political reporting and commentary , spent an entire week in Taiwan observing the election campaign and its aftermath , and on 20 March , OPEN [organized] a seminar titled "" The New President and Cross - Strait Relations . ""","ARG-M-TMP: on 20 March | ARG-0: OPEN | ARG-1: a seminar titled "" The New President and Cross - Strait Relations" SRL for [abstraction]: One Cuil = One level of [abstraction] away from the reality of a situation .,ARG-2: away from the reality of a situation SRL for [converge]: Security is tight as UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and other delegates [converge] on the capital Palermo .,ARG-0: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and other delegates | ARG-2: on the capital Palermo "SRL for [stuttered]: "" It 's a boy "" he [stuttered] to his wife .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: "" It 's a boy "" | ARG-2: to his wife" SRL for [burnout]: Here 's how to avoid [burnout] from stress :,ARG-M-CAU: from stress "SRL for [attuned]: A brisk , amusing man , apparently constructed on an ingenious system of spring - joints [attuned] to the same peppery rhythm as his mind ...",ARG-1: an ingenious system of spring - joints | ARG-2: to the same peppery rhythm as his mind "SRL for [restitution]: Also , he and Mr. Stein were ordered to make [restitution] of $ 35,000 to a customer .","ARG-0: he and Mr. Stein | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: of $ 35,000 | ARG-2: to a customer" "SRL for [destructive]: ... no matter how [destructive] they are to the coming generations , or to the rest of the biosphere .","ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: to the coming generations , or to the rest of the biosphere | ARG-0: they" "SRL for [drenched]: When it was done and he was [drenched] in sweat -- the young people , attracted by the aroma , gathered round .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: in sweat SRL for [eternalized]: Ravensburger Jigsaw Puzzles have [eternalized] the Brooklyn Bridge in this 2000 piece puzzle .,ARG-0: Ravensburger Jigsaw Puzzles | ARG-1: the Brooklyn Bridge | ARG-M-LOC: in this 2000 piece puzzle SRL for [makes]: SC Law [makes] it a crime to breach test security .,ARG-0: SC Law | ARG-1: it a crime to breach test security SRL for [insulting]: I felt he was actually being [insulting] to me with his tone and comments .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-1: to me | ARG-M-MNR: with his tone and comments "SRL for [assignment]: RJR Nabisco Inc. awarded its national broadcast media - buying [assignment] to FCB / Leber Katz Partners , the New York outpost of Chicago - based Foote , Cone & Belding .","ARG-1: national broadcast media - buying | ARG-2: to FCB / Leber Katz Partners , the New York outpost of Chicago - based Foote , Cone & Belding" "SRL for [definitive]: The patient cannot tolerate additional chemotherapy , so she is here for [definitive] surgery .",ARG-1: surgery SRL for [depressed]: I am [depressed] about my life and not being able to work .. :,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: about my life and not being able to work SRL for [angiograph]: He had an [angiograph],ARG-1: He SRL for [commendable]: It goes without saying that his bravery is truly [commendable] .,ARG-1: his bravery | ARG-M-ADV: truly SRL for [invoiced]: He [invoiced] them 495 pounds for the use of his work .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: 495 pounds | ARG-3: for the use of his work SRL for [endure]: Veiling his message has helped him [endure] .,ARG-1: him SRL for [swing]: my sense is that Woods has lost confidence in his [swing] of the longer clubs,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the longer clubs "SRL for [recuperate]: If a big clan lived in a traditional compound centered around their own courtyard , anyone that was sick or out of work could [recuperate] under the protective wings of the extended family ...",ARG-M-ADV: If a big clan lived in a traditional compound centered around their own courtyard | ARG-1: anyone that was sick or out of work | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-LOC: under the protective wings of the extended family "SRL for [faint]: There is a plethora of restaurants along the boardwalk , so if one is feeling [faint] of wallet dining within the hotel , I suggest taking a walk out the front door ...",ARG-1: one | ARG-2: of wallet SRL for [thrummed]: The current [thrummed] the line .,ARG-1: The current | ARG-2: the line SRL for [telework]: I think EMR convinced me that those that really can [telework] already do so .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: those | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-MOD: can "SRL for [prove]: His client contacts , meanwhile , could [prove] a gold mine for an agency that has had few new business wins of late .",ARG-1: His client contacts | ARG-M-TMP: meanwhile | ARG-M-MOD: could | C-ARG-1: a gold mine for an agency that has had few new business wins of late "SRL for [seducing]: But it is the Trinity Rep newcomer , Jonathan Fried ( Zamislov , the paralegal ) who is the actor to watch , whether he is hamming it up while conducting the chamber musicians or [seducing] his neighbor 's wife ( Becca Lish ) by licking her bosom .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his neighbor 's wife ( Becca Lish ) | ARG-M-MNR: by licking her bosom SRL for [double - crossed]: One former bailiff charged that the judge [double - crossed] him by reneging on a promise of a better paying job after pocketing a $ 500 bribe .,ARG-0: the judge | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: by reneging on a promise of a better paying job after pocketing a $ 500 bribe SRL for [anxious]: She was [anxious] to finish school and get a job .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: to finish school and get a job "SRL for [permeating]: This argument plays well in the atmosphere of gaming and mistrust [permeating] the Pentagon and Congress , and unfortunately , there is some truth to it .",ARG-0: the atmosphere | ARG-1: the Pentagon and Congress SRL for [messaging]: [messaging] via email to patient ok,ARG-M-MNR: via email | ARG-2: to patient "SRL for [scented]: A scant half mile away Shelley and Mary were doubtless sitting on theirdiminutive terrace , the air about them [scented] with stock , and listening tothe nightingale who had nested in the big lime tree at the foot of thegarden .",ARG-1: the air about them | ARG-2: with stock SRL for [stand up]: And Dave did n't [stand up] for me .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: Dave | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-GOL: for me SRL for [reorientation]: The patient 's frequent [reorientation] to time and place,ARG-0: The patient 's | ARG-M-TMP: frequent | ARG-1: to time and place "SRL for [autocorrelation]: In statistics , the [autocorrelation] of a random process describes the correlation between values of the process at different times , as a function of the two times or of the time lag .",ARG-1: of a random process SRL for [transgresses]: But we do not say anything except that troubles will befall a person who [transgresses] .,ARG-0: a person | R-ARG-0: who SRL for [haboob]: Large scale [haboob] with visibility under one - quarter mile traverses Midland metro region .,ARG-M-ADJ: Large scale | ARG-5: with visibility under one - quarter mile "SRL for [slouched]: I [slouched] in the chair with a hand on my forehead , looking at my lap .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LOC: in the chair | ARG-M-MNR: with a hand on my forehead | ARG-M-PRD: looking at my lap SRL for [ceremony]: A wedding [ceremony],ARG-1: wedding "SRL for [flaccid]: flat , [flaccid] , The liver is nonpalpable , the spleen is nonpalpable .", SRL for [re - occupying]: OAKLAND is [re - occupying] right now amid tear gas and rubber bullets being fired !,ARG-0: OAKLAND | ARG-M-TMP: right now | ARG-M-LOC: amid tear gas and rubber bullets being fired SRL for [Microhemagglutination]: [Microhemagglutination] of guinea pig erythocytes cells has been described ( 11 ) .,ARG-1: of guinea pig erythocytes cells "SRL for [scan]: Mr. Perry , who runs Unilever Group 's world - wide personal - care business , paused to [scan] the crowd .","ARG-0: Mr. Perry , who runs Unilever Group 's world - wide personal - care business | ARG-1: the crowd" "SRL for [attained]: Having [attained] positions of real influence or wealth , these men constitute the Old Guard of New York City black politics ; they are less confrontational than the younger , more activist black political community that has been based largely in Brooklyn .",ARG-0: these men | ARG-1: positions of real influence or wealth SRL for [densification]: The model is calibrated at locations where GPR repeat measurements are available in two subsequent years and the [densification] can be tracked over time ., "SRL for [fencing]: The only sports at St. John 's : croquet , rowing / sailing , [fencing] .", SRL for [dimed]: In fact they sort of nickeled and [dimed] him on not giving him a fair up or down vote on much less relevant points .,ARG-M-DIS: In fact | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-ADV: sort of | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-ADV: on not giving him a fair up or down vote on much less relevant points "SRL for [misled]: Last March , this newspaper reported on widespread allegations that the company [misled] many customers into purchasing more credit - data services than needed .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: many customers | ARG-2: into purchasing more credit - data services than needed SRL for [assumption]: his [assumption] that global warming is entirely a result of human activity,ARG-1: that global warming is entirely a result of human activity "SRL for [roam]: Jackals [roam] the streets at night , and gemsbok , hardy antelope with long straight horns , wander in from the desert to drink from water sprinklers .",ARG-0: Jackals | ARG-1: the streets | ARG-M-TMP: at night "SRL for [worshiped]: Disciples of Tibetan lamas have [worshiped] next door to followers of the mother goddess Matzu , and gents from northeast China have made brides of Penghu ladies .",ARG-0: Disciples of Tibetan lamas | ARG-M-LOC: next door to followers of the mother goddess Matzu SRL for [alert]: Last week 's subway terror [alert],ARG-M-TMP: Last week 's | ARG-2: subway terror SRL for [closed]: The FTSE index [closed] 17.5 points higher at 2160.1,ARG-1: The FTSE index | ARG-M-MNR: 17.5 points higher | ARG-M-EXT: at 2160.1 "SRL for [slipped]: Reed International PLC said that net income for the six months ended Oct. 1 [slipped] 5 % to # 89.7 million [ $ 141.9 million ] , or 16 pence a share , from # 94.8 million [ $ 149.9 million ] , or 17.3 pence a share .","ARG-1: net income for the six months ended Oct. 1 | ARG-2: 5 % | ARG-4: to # 89.7 million [ $ 141.9 million ] , or 16 pence a share | ARG-3: from # 94.8 million [ $ 149.9 million ] , or 17.3 pence a share" SRL for [miscalculation]: The military authorities ' [miscalculation] of the situation led to war .,ARG-0: The military authorities ' | ARG-1: of the situation "SRL for [freaked]: We are all fine here , although Mame was extremely [freaked] .",ARG-1: Mame | ARG-M-MNR: extremely SRL for [ticketed]: Just the cops way of covering his butt and making sure he [ticketed] her with something that would stick !,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: with something that would stick "SRL for [bullied]: According to testimony in a public , 80 - page grand - jury report handed up to the state attorney general , Judge O'Kicki extorted cash from lawyers , muscled favorable loans from banks and [bullied] local businesses for more than a decade .",ARG-0: Judge O'Kicki | ARG-1: local businesses | ARG-M-TMP: for more than a decade SRL for [dethroned]: Pittsburgh figures it will be [dethroned] but plans to accept its ouster graciously .,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: it "SRL for [geared]: Curti surmises perhaps it was due to the lurid title and the fact the film 's rating [geared] it towards adults , attracting the more adventurous moviegoer .",ARG-0: the film 's rating | ARG-2: towards adults | ARG-M-ADV: attracting the more adventurous moviegoer | ARG-1: it "SRL for [spatted]: As sisters do , they [spatted] over clothing , over the bathroom in the morning , over everything .","ARG-M-ADV: As sisters do | ARG-0: they | ARG-2: over clothing , over the bathroom in the morning , over everything" SRL for [exceed]: It expects to post a loss of 6.4 billion yen for the year ending tomorrow and its liabilities currently [exceed] its assets by about 13.8 billion yen .,ARG-0: its liabilities | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-1: its assets | ARG-2: by about 13.8 billion yen "SRL for [democratize]: In Poland 's rapid shift from socialism to an undefined alternative , environmental issues have become a cutting edge of broader movements [*] to restructure the economy , cut cumbersome bureaucracies , and [democratize] local politics .",ARG-1: local politics "SRL for [parqueted]: They [parqueted] the dance floor , which was a classy effort on their part .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the dance floor | ARG-M-ADV: which was a classy effort on their part "SRL for [OD]: Ca n't [OD] on cannabis . """,ARG-M-MOD: Ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: on cannabis SRL for [get]: I do n't [get] women .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: women SRL for [reassured]: `` We were [reassured] they would stand behind the company . '',ARG-1: We | ARG-2: they would stand behind the company "SRL for [skate]: I swear , some groups of young people set up teams to [skate] on the sidewalk and street and go between cars on what they call skateboards .",ARG-0: some groups of young people | ARG-1: on the sidewalk and street "SRL for [dogsledded]: In 1908 , he claimed *PRO* to have [dogsledded] to the North Pole with two Inuit dog drivers .",ARG-3: to the North Pole | ARG-M-ADV: with two Inuit dog drivers SRL for [regretted]: Mr. Price `` wanted to run the MTM business '' and may have [regretted] selling the company to TVS ...,ARG-0: Mr. Price | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: selling the company to TVS "SRL for [redevelop]: Mitsubishi is also pushing ahead with a controversial plan to [redevelop] Marunouchi into a business center of high - tech buildings , a project budgeted for 30 years and six trillion yen .",ARG-2: Marunouchi | ARG-1: into a business center of high - tech buildings SRL for [lose]: They did n't [lose] touch with the US issuers .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: touch | ARG-2: with the US issuers SRL for [slash]: Commonwealthon Edison said the ruling could force it to [slash] its 1989 earnings by $ 1.55 a share .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its 1989 earnings | ARG-2: by $ 1.55 a share SRL for [concurrent]: The mucinous mass is subjacnt and [concurrent] with the mucosal ulcer,ARG-1: The mucinous mass | ARG-2: with the mucosal ulcer "SRL for [bogging down]: Taken together , the auto - sales and durable - goods reports confirmed perceptions that the economy is [bogging down] .",ARG-1: the economy SRL for [sledged]: We [sledged] the door jambs back so his door would open / close .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the door jambs | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-M-PRP: so his door would open / close SRL for [notched]: Drug companies in the key index also [notched] gains as market - makers searched for stock in anticipation of demand due to the sector 's defensive qualities .,ARG-0: Drug companies in the key index | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: gains | ARG-M-CAU: as market - makers searched for stock in anticipation of demand due to the sector 's defensive qualities SRL for [abrasion]: The metal implements were discontinued for dental work because of their [abrasion] of the patients ' enamel .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the patients ' enamel "SRL for [wage]: His Republican counterpart , Sen. Warren Rudman ( R. , N.H. ) , has used his position to [wage] a legislative war with the conservative board of the Legal Services Corp.","ARG-0: His Republican counterpart , Sen. Warren Rudman ( R. , N.H. ) | ARG-1: a legislative war | ARG-2: with the conservative board of the Legal Services Corp." SRL for [refer]: Two former ministers were so heavily implicated in the Koskotas affair that PASOK members of Parliament voted to [refer] them to the special court .,ARG-0: PASOK members of Parliament | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to the special court "SRL for [deception]: Without making a specific assertion about Essjay 's intent , his [deception] of fellow editors is reasonably characterized as irresponsible or foolish ...",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of fellow editors SRL for [make - up]: Scientists have suspected there must be something different about the genetic [make - up] of diabetics who develop complications ;,ARG-0: the genetic | ARG-1: of diabetics who develop complications SRL for [soled]: His shoes were [soled] with tin can lids nailed on to a worn out sole .,ARG-1: His shoes | ARG-2: with tin can lids nailed on to a worn out sole "SRL for [tossed out]: The judge handling the case in state Supreme Court , a trial court , had [tossed out] the jury verdicts , ruling that the matter should have been handled under federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules .","ARG-0: The judge handling the case in state Supreme Court , a trial court | ARG-1: the jury verdicts | ARG-M-ADV: ruling that the matter should have been handled under federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules" SRL for [sworn]: President Bush has [sworn] to bring him to justice .,ARG-0: President Bush | ARG-1: to bring him to justice SRL for [formation]: the [formation] of a national emergency unity government with Ariel Sharon 's opposition Likud Party,ARG-1: of a national emergency unity government | ARG-M-COM: with Ariel Sharon 's opposition Likud Party "SRL for [scandal]: Now , what really has me puzzled , is when George Bush 's attorney general Alberto Gonzales was in his [scandal] over the firing of 7 US attorneys ...",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: over the firing of SRL for [partisan]: How much should we discount last week 's survey because it was [partisan] ?,ARG-1: it SRL for [plopped]: Big raindrops [plopped] against the window .,ARG-1: Big raindrops | ARG-2: against the window SRL for [set down]: Why should a white hotel be [set down] in the center of Black Bottom ? ?,ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: a white hotel | ARG-2: in the center of Black Bottom | ARG-M-PRP: Why SRL for [flushing]: No facial [flushing],ARG-M-NEG: No | ARG-1: facial SRL for [desecrated]: The renegade boys [desecrated] the Monastery of the Sacred Order of the Lord .,ARG-0: The renegade boys | ARG-1: the Monastery of the Sacred Order of the Lord "SRL for [recounts]: While sipping a beer after practice , he vividly [recounts] getting the Red Sox 's Carl Yastrzemski to pop out to end the 1975 World Series , and repeating the feat against the Yankees ' Roy White in 1976 .","ARG-M-TMP: While sipping a beer after practice | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MNR: vividly | ARG-1: getting the Red Sox 's Carl Yastrzemski to pop out to end the 1975 World Series , and repeating the feat against the Yankees ' Roy White in 1976" "SRL for [participating]: Together with schools not [participating] in this pilot program , by the end of 1997 there were already 112 primary schools in Taipei City teaching English -LRB- 75 % of the total -RRB- .",ARG-0: schools | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: in this pilot program SRL for [transdermally]: CombiPatch Semiweek ... [transdermally] ...,ARG-1: CombiPatch Semiweek SRL for [criminal]: When businesses do this it is [criminal] and should be no less when politicians do it .,ARG-M-TMP: When businesses do this | ARG-1: it "SRL for [inspected]: LSI LOGIC CORP . , Milpitas , maker of customized integrated circuits , annual sales of $ 550 million , NYSE , has halted manufacturing at its three plants in the area while they are [inspected] for structural damage .",ARG-1: they | ARG-2: for structural damage SRL for [zinged]: The bullet [zinged] past Winnifred 's ear .,ARG-0: The bullet | ARG-M-DIR: past Winnifred 's ear SRL for [unfavorable]: The current game results and the trend of the situation is [unfavorable] to certain people and certain forces .,ARG-0: The current game results and the trend of the situation | ARG-1: to certain people and certain forces "SRL for [messing up]: He said the Chaos Computer Club , of West Germany , once managed to invade SPAN and do such things as change the value of pi , [messing up] some calculations .","ARG-0: the Chaos Computer Club , of West Germany , | ARG-1: some calculations" SRL for [sick]: She was [sick] with shame / fear / longing / guilt .,ARG-1: She | ARG-0: with shame / fear / longing / guilt SRL for [block]: The goalie 's [block] of the kick prevented the offense from scoring .,ARG-0: goalie 's | ARG-1: of the kick SRL for [balled]: He had stripped the shattered cigarette in the ashtray and [balled] the paper into a dry spitball .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the paper | ARG-2: into a dry spitball SRL for [nestled]: The best could not escape from the worst and the worst [nestled] cosily beside the better .,ARG-0: the worst | ARG-M-MNR: cosily | ARG-2: beside the better SRL for [luxuriated]: She [luxuriated] in the taste of the ice cream .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: in the taste of the ice cream SRL for [parlay]: The People 's Liberation Army hopes to [parlay] the Taiwan issue into increased influence in domestic politics .,ARG-0: The People 's Liberation Army | ARG-1: the Taiwan issue | ARG-2: into increased influence in domestic politics SRL for [duplication]: His [duplication] of the key was done in secret .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the key "SRL for [pressure]: Big Board stock specialists , began to have them [pressure] the exchange to ban program trading .",ARG-0: them | ARG-1: the exchange | ARG-2: to ban program trading SRL for [fell]: They [fell] into oblivion after the 1929 crash .,ARG-1: They | ARG-4: into oblivion | ARG-M-TMP: after the 1929 crash SRL for [banning]: The European Commission has been called a nanny state by Martin Callanan for their [banning] of mercury in barometers as of June 2007 .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of mercury in barometers | ARG-M-TMP: as of June 2007 "SRL for [single minded]: Although we could n't say they are as solid as one [single minded] . For the record , American imperialists have absolutely no guts to invade such an opponent .",ARG-1: they SRL for [grossed]: [grossed] by VAILLANCOURT,ARG-0: VAILLANCOURT SRL for [tight]: Rod Stewart is unhappy Ronnie Wood still thinks he is ? [tight] ? with his money .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: with his money SRL for [waned]: But interest [waned] as the day wore on and investors looked ahead to the release later this week of two important economic reports .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: interest | ARG-M-TMP: as the day wore on and investors looked ahead to the release later this week of two important economic reports "SRL for [well off]: But while my family is [well off] now , that was n't always the case .",ARG-1: my family | ARG-M-TMP: now "SRL for [sobered up]: The pop [sobered up] investors who had been getting a little too ebullient , says Mr. Jarrett .",ARG-0: The pop | ARG-1: investors who had been getting a little too ebullient "SRL for [innocuous]: Although the snake looked like a rattlesnake , it was [innocuous] to humans .",ARG-M-ADV: Although the snake looked like a rattlesnake | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to humans SRL for [intercalation]: This indicates a preference for [intercalation] between TAT triples over CG·C + /TA·T triples .,ARG-2: between TAT triples "SRL for [upset]: `` I was [upset] with Roger , I fumpered and schmumpered , '' says Mr. Peters .",ARG-1: I | ARG-0: with Roger "SRL for [Crunch]: At this point , the options were : [Crunch] money to stop the boost in the aggregates , as Sir Alan surely advised , and forget the soaring pound .",ARG-1: money | ARG-M-PRP: to stop the boost in the aggregates SRL for [urging]: Dealers said the multinational oil company was pressured by recent brokerage recommendations [urging] investors to switch into Shell Trading & Transport .,ARG-0: recent brokerage recommendations | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: to switch into Shell Trading & Transport SRL for [minor]: Turbulence during the flight was [minor] .,ARG-1: Turbulence during the flight SRL for [suspicions]: their [suspicions] of each other,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: of each other "SRL for [suffused]: Seeking an obscure , dark , relatively quiet corner in the airy room otherwise [suffused] with afternoon sunshine , he asked if the soft background music could be turned off .",ARG-1: the airy room | ARG-0: with afternoon sunshine "SRL for [fatality]: When a traffic [fatality] is due to reckless driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs , a manslaughter charge can be warranted",ARG-0: traffic "SRL for [unchanged]: I went to see the water and electricity meters -- for water , it was the same as that when I moved in , [unchanged] ; for electricity , nine kilowatts has been used",ARG-M-ADV: for water | ARG-1: it "SRL for [beaten]: Another proposed reform is to have program traders answer to an `` uptick rule '' a reform instituted after the Great Crash of 1929 that protects against stocks being relentlessly [beaten] downward by those seeking to profit from lower prices , namely short sellers .","ARG-1: stocks | ARG-M-MNR: relentlessly | ARG-2: downward | ARG-0: by those seeking to profit from lower prices , namely short sellers" SRL for [cadge]: Zaita the `` cripple - maker '' rearranges the limbs of aspiring beggars -- and takes a cut of every cent they [cadge] .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: every cent "SRL for [proceeding]: . Indeed , his [proceeding] to order arrest , to arraign , and to detain the defendant in the second case occurred almost six months after herealized the necessity to recuse himself in the first case .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to order arrest , to arraign , and to detain the defendant in the second case" SRL for [unglued]: I [unglued] it from the eddin with a razor blade .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the eddin | ARG-M-MNR: with a razor blade "SRL for [written in]: Mr. Guber says he had crossed out `` MGM '' with a red pen and [written in] `` Columbia , '' giving the document to Mr. Semel .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Columbia SRL for [management]: technology [management],ARG-1: technology "SRL for [drugged]: He was calm , [drugged] , and lazy .",ARG-1: He "SRL for [exciting]: David was [exciting] , with his big Harley and dual tattoos on his arms .",ARG-0: David | ARG-2: with his big Harley and dual tattoos on his arms SRL for [flattening]: mild [flattening] of the left ventral aspect of the pons,ARG-M-EXT: mild | ARG-1: of the left ventral aspect of the pons SRL for [burned]: Two different software packages [burned] onto identical chips can have grossly different values .,ARG-1: Two different software packages | ARG-M-LOC: onto identical chips SRL for [wringing]: hand [wringing],ARG-1: hand SRL for [Photosynthesis]: [Photosynthesis] by chloroplasts in 6 - day - old wheat plants,ARG-0: by chloroplasts | ARG-3: in 6 - day - old wheat plants "SRL for [bullies]: Her sister - in - law ( Amy Wright ) is a sniveling prude afraid that Kate will seduce all the married men in town , including a particularly loathsome fellow named Tucker , whose idea of fun is to leave his wife at home tending to her bruises and cigarette burns , while he [bullies] Kate into a dance that consists of drooling on her while trying to break her ribs .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Kate | ARG-2: into a dance that consists of drooling on her while trying to break her ribs SRL for [pure]: Anything linked to money and material benefits can not be that [pure],ARG-1: Anything linked to money and material benefits | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: that SRL for [committed]: Our team is [committed] to minimizing or preventing chemotherapy toxicity .,ARG-1: Our team | ARG-2: to minimizing or preventing chemotherapy toxicity SRL for [tepid]: Even the water in the large indoor spa was [tepid],ARG-1: Even the water in the large indoor spa "SRL for [computes]: He said the stock has n't traded below 1 1/2 times book value over the past 10 years , which at the moment [computes] to a stock price of $ 100 .",ARG-M-TMP: at the moment | ARG-1: 1 1/2 times book value | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: to a stock price of $ 100 SRL for [hewed]: Thorin II Oakenshield 's shield was broken during the battle and had to use an oak branch that he [hewed] off a tree to defend himself .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: an oak branch | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-DIR: off a tree | ARG-M-PRP: to defend himself "SRL for [implies]: Domestic brand , eh , actually is just what the name [implies] , eh , this , it 's our own baby .",ARG-2: just what | ARG-1: the name SRL for [hosed]: He [hosed] the interior of the Plymouth .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the interior of the Plymouth SRL for [terror]: His [terror] of repercussions,ARG-1: His | ARG-0: of repercussions SRL for [misquoted]: She [misquoted] the famous lines to me .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the famous lines | ARG-2: to me SRL for [openminded]: An engineer today must be [openminded] toward the changes taking place and work with experienced vendors to shorten the learning curve .,ARG-1: An engineer | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-2: toward the changes taking place "SRL for [pulling]: A few days ago , I came out from changing the laundry to his [pulling] the baby monitor off the table and laughing .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the baby monitor | ARG-2: off the table SRL for [stressed out]: but I 'm changing my attitude to the point where I 'm not going to get [stressed out] about it too much .,ARG-1: I | ARG-3: about it | ARG-M-EXT: too much SRL for [manicured]: She [manicured] my nails .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: my nails "SRL for [electrocuted]: On July 4 , 2003 , a 36 - year - old male lead electrician died after being [electrocuted] with 480 volts of electricity .",ARG-1: a 36 - year - old male lead electrician | ARG-2: with 480 volts of electricity SRL for [speedy]: The transfer of new superconductors to the marketplace is [speedy] .,ARG-1: The transfer of new superconductors to the marketplace SRL for [happens]: What [happens] when you flush your toilet ?,ARG-1: What | ARG-M-TMP: when you flush your toilet ? "SRL for [rewrite]: As it went to the conference panel now deliberating , the appropriations bill for the executive office of the president for fiscal 1990 contained some breathtaking attempts by Congress to [rewrite] the Constitution under the pretext of protecting the public 's money .",ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: the Constitution | ARG-M-ADV: under the pretext of protecting the public 's money SRL for [urination]: His prostate problems made his [urination] difficult .,ARG-0: his "SRL for [use]: Chang says that many parents [use] praise without making it clear to the child just what he is being praised for , and this "" cheats "" the child rather than showing him true respect .",ARG-0: many parents | ARG-1: praise | ARG-M-MNR: without making it clear to the child just what he is being praised for SRL for [pristine]: The internal and external iliac arteries are well seen and the common femoral artery is [pristine] without focal changes of atherosclerosis .,ARG-1: the common femoral artery | ARG-M-ADV: without focal changes of atherosclerosis SRL for [observation]: global [observation],ARG-1: global "SRL for [augur]: As for the United States , this will [augur] low exchange rates for the U.S. dollar .",ARG-M-ADV: As for the United States | ARG-0: this | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: low exchange rates for the U.S. dollar SRL for [washed down]: I [washed down] the car with a special Zanio car wash solution and applied a prewax .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the car | ARG-2: with a special Zanio car wash solution SRL for [drew]: The dollar [drew] strength from the stock market 's climb .,ARG-0: The dollar | ARG-1: strength | ARG-2: from the stock market 's climb SRL for [crash]: Yo dawg . Sorry I did nt get back . Got a new phone today and just set it up . You can totally [crash] we d .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-ADV: totally | ARG-M-TMP: we d "SRL for [fined]: Biscayne Securities Corp. , of Lauderhill , Fla. , and a principal of the firm , Alvin Rosenblum of Plantation , Fla. , were jointly [fined] $ 20,000 and given 10 - day suspensions for allegedly selling securities at unfair prices .","ARG-M-MNR: jointly | ARG-2: Biscayne Securities Corp. , of Lauderhill , Fla. , and a principal of the firm , Alvin Rosenblum of Plantation , Fla. | ARG-1: $ 20,000 | ARG-3: for allegedly selling securities at unfair prices" "SRL for [service]: Mike raised $ 35000 for Help For Heroes , a charity that is close to his heart following his ten year [service] in the British Army .",ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: ten year | ARG-2: in the British Army SRL for [bruising]: Milo 's [bruising] of his classmate got him sent to the principal 's office .,ARG-0: Milo 's | ARG-1: of his classmate SRL for [surnamed]: The one [surnamed] Hu,ARG-1: one | ARG-2: Hu SRL for [gave away]: But he [gave away] as a hoodlum with his attempts to impress us with his inside knowledge of drug - dealing and stickups .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: himself | ARG-3: as a hoodlum | ARG-M-MNR: with his attempts to impress us with his inside knowledge of drug - dealing and stickups SRL for [emesis]: [emesis] of clear to blood - tinged fluid,ARG-1: of clear to blood - tinged fluid "SRL for [pulled out]: As a result , UAL 's chairman , Stephen M. Wolf , [pulled out] of the buy - out effort to focus on running the company .","ARG-M-ADV: As a result | ARG-1: UAL 's chairman , Stephen M. Wolf | ARG-2: of the buy - out effort | ARG-M-PRP: to focus on running the company" SRL for [Out]: Three Strikes and You 're [Out] .,ARG-1: and SRL for [even]: The crossing number is [even] if and only if the point is outside the polygon .,ARG-1: The crossing number | ARG-M-ADV: if and only if the point is outside the polygon SRL for [impulsive]: I 'm sorry I am so [impulsive] please promise to forget my outlast,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-EXT: so "SRL for [mulches]: In the garlic field , he [mulches] heavily with compost from local Clydesdales .",ARG-M-LOC: In the garlic field | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-EXT: heavily | ARG-2: with compost from local Clydesdales SRL for [paid off]: You could have the flip side and have some judge that was [paid off] .,ARG-2: some judge | R-ARG-2: that "SRL for [distracting]: `` It 's [distracting] attention from serious issues , like how to make DEA , FBI and Customs work together '' on drug enforcement .","ARG-0: It | ARG-1: attention | ARG-2: from serious issues , like how to make DEA , FBI and Customs work together '' on drug enforcement" "SRL for [lurched]: A deep trench now runs along its north wall , exposed when the house [lurched] two feet off its foundation during last week 's earthquake .",ARG-0: the house | ARG-1: two feet | ARG-M-DIR: off its foundation | ARG-M-TMP: during last week 's earthquake | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [filing]: Billy Ray Cyrus withdraws his [filing] for divorce .,ARG-0: his | ARG-4: for divorce "SRL for [viable]: Oh and just because there are reserves it does not mean they are financially [viable] , plus the TNC could just tell us to off like Iraq did .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-MNR: financially "SRL for [leering]: This is far from the vulgar , [leering] sexuality of the middle - class square in heat '' .",ARG-1: sexuality SRL for [Severe]: And You Thought MY Makeup Policy Was [Severe] !,ARG-1: MY Makeup Policy "SRL for [played]: `` Mad Rush '' began its life as the accompaniment to the Dalai Lama 's first public address in the U.S. , when Mr. Glass [played] it on the organ at New York 's Cathedral of St. John the Divine .",ARG-0: Mr. Glass | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: on the organ | ARG-M-LOC: at New York 's Cathedral of St. John the Divine "SRL for [crossing]: South Africa accused armed Namibian nationalist guerrillas of [crossing] from bases in neighboring Angola , violating U.N.-supervised peace plans for the territory 's independence from Pretoria .",ARG-0: armed Namibian nationalist guerrillas | ARG-M-DIR: from bases in neighboring Angola | ARG-M-ADV: violating U.N.-supervised peace plans for the territory 's independence from Pretoria SRL for [bent]: I was [bent] on going to the theater .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: on going to the theater SRL for [moves]: aggressive [moves] against smuggling,ARG-M-MNR: aggressive | ARG-1: against smuggling SRL for [brought up]: The meeting [brought up] important issues that everyone ignored .,ARG-0: The meeting | ARG-1: important issues that everyone ignored SRL for [mixed]: Sometimes they [mixed] the ink with glue to produce an oil - paint texture .,ARG-M-TMP: Sometimes | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the ink | ARG-2: with glue | ARG-3: to produce an oil - paint texture SRL for [oblivious]: Some of you RIghties are [oblivious] to the situation .,ARG-0: Some of you RIghties | ARG-1: to the situation SRL for [Call]: Nice [Call] on Tuesday 's Weather !,ARG-M-ADJ: Nice | ARG-1: on Tuesday 's Weather ! SRL for [Huge]: 19 Reasons Why Microsoft Is [Huge] with Developers,ARG-1: Microsoft | ARG-2: with Developers | ARG-M-CAU: Why SRL for [unusual]: I wish I could tell you this is [unusual] for Costa Rica .,ARG-1: this | ARG-2: for Costa Rica "SRL for [ready]: Perhaps it was a wrong thought in passing , perhaps it was an impulse , perhaps the factor of violence may already be [ready] to make trouble .",ARG-M-ADV: perhaps | ARG-1: the factor of violence | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-2: to make trouble "SRL for [discourage]: They [discourage] prosecutors , under certain circumstances , from seeking court orders seizing the assets of racketeering defendants prior to trial .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: prosecutors | ARG-M-ADV: under certain circumstances | ARG-2: from seeking court orders seizing the assets of racketeering defendants prior to trial "SRL for [hurtling]: But with the impending passage of these new programs , Mr. Bush will surely be sending many people [hurtling] back into the regulatory thicket that he had helped cut back .",ARG-0: many people | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-M-DIR: into the regulatory thicket that he had helped cut back "SRL for [glycosylated]: They [glycosylated] insulin , complexed it with Con A , and retained the complex within a membrane capsule , which allowed glucose to diffuse in , disrupt the Con A - SAPG insulin complex , and release insulin , which diffuses out .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: insulin SRL for [inked]: Whenever the man would start to come out the octopus [inked] some more .,ARG-M-TMP: Whenever the man would start to come out | ARG-0: the octopus | ARG-M-ADV: some more SRL for [outdated]: I wonder how [outdated] we will think Harry Potter is 50 years time,ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: Harry Potter | ARG-M-TMP: 50 years time "SRL for [big]: I live in Stratford , which is very [big] with tourists because it 's beautiful and where Shakespeare comes from .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-2: with tourists | ARG-M-CAU: because it 's beautiful and where Shakespeare comes from "SRL for [halted]: While program trades swiftly kicked in , a `` circuit breaker '' that [halted] trading in stock futures in Chicago made some program trading impossible .",ARG-0: a `` circuit breaker '' | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: trading in stock futures in Chicago SRL for [crucial]: This molgen test is [crucial] to doctors in staging of the cancer .,ARG-1: This molgen test | ARG-3: to doctors | ARG-2: in staging of the cancer SRL for [hoaxing]: one of the first things you and I ever spoke about regarding Bigfoot was Mr Bilby and his [hoaxing],ARG-0: his SRL for [hacked]: Mr. Savona combed long hanks of hair and [hacked] at them with the toothed thinning scissors .,ARG-0: Mr. Savona | ARG-1: at them | ARG-2: with the toothed thinning scissors SRL for [bawled]: The bodies in the truck threshed and [bawled] without human speech when thedromozoa struck them .,ARG-0: The bodies in the truck "SRL for [creeping up]: In Mr. Sohmer 's film , by contrast , we are urged to share the perverse excitement of the rapist [creeping up] on his victim , as the camera ogles Kate in various stages of undress and lingers on the sight of her trussed - up body during frequent flashbacks to the rape .",ARG-0: the rapist | ARG-1: on his victim SRL for [aromatized]: John [aromatized] the house with the smell of his cooking bacon .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the house | ARG-2: with the smell of his cooking bacon "SRL for [scoped out]: Scanning the parking lot , he [scoped out] the place for a third man .",ARG-M-ADV: Scanning the parking lot | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the place | ARG-2: for a third man "SRL for [pre - fertilization]: Another potential source of bias was [pre - fertilization] selection , but this too can be discounted .",ARG-1: selection SRL for [toss - up]: It was a [toss - up] between Royal and Carnival .,ARG-2: between Royal and Carnival SRL for [bum rushed]: Then Will Williams and Allen Ruff decided that free speech is n't really free and stood in front of my camera and then [bum rushed] me along with bald Tom Cruise . Pretty lame .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: Will Williams and Allen Ruff | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-ADV: along with bald Tom Cruise "SRL for [cultivates]: At the very least , Mr. Jones , who [cultivates] the society circuit as eagerly as his bench , can take comfort in one fact : These days , he is n't alone .",ARG-0: Mr. Jones | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: the society circuit | ARG-M-MNR: as eagerly as his bench SRL for [educated]: But the kids with highly [educated] parents did 68 % less housework than those in less - educated families .,ARG-M-MNR: highly SRL for [mentoring]: She spent years [mentoring] to junior employees .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: to junior employees SRL for [adaptation]: Alexandre Aja talks about his [adaptation] of the space opera Cobra the Space Pirate .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the space opera Cobra the Space Pirate "SRL for [commissioning]: The search for a theatrical home took up most of the company 's energy , through the Blackfriars financial fiasco , in the bitter battles with Giles Allen over their lease ( which resulted in pulling down the Theatre ) , and through their [commissioning] of Peter Street to build a new theater in Southwark , the Globe .","ARG-0: their | ARG-2: of Peter Street | ARG-1: to build a new theater in Southwark , the Globe" SRL for [deaminated]: Adenosine is [deaminated] via adenosine deaminase to inosine plus ammonia .,ARG-1: Adenosine | ARG-2: adenosine deaminase | ARG-3: inosine SRL for [bereaved]: The war [bereaved] them of their home .,ARG-0: The war | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: of their home SRL for [American]: Violence is as [American] as cherry pie,ARG-1: Violence | ARG-M-CXN: as | C-ARG-M-CXN: as cherry pie SRL for [seeded]: The lettuce [seeded] before I had more than 1 harvest .,ARG-0: The lettuce | ARG-M-TMP: before I had more than 1 harvest "SRL for [unsettled]: William Rothe , head of OTC trading at Alex . Brown & Sons , in Baltimore , said program trading is keeping the markets [unsettled] .",ARG-1: the markets "SRL for [view]: Stewart found Macklowe 's shrubbery distasteful , and when he built a fence that partially blocked her [view] of the pond , she was outraged .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of the pond SRL for [cooking]: Brand new test cook Kim sent over a report on her [cooking] of the shrimp dish .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of the shrimp dish "SRL for [clarify]: Ho Chih - hui , secretary - general of the KMT caucus in the legislature , says that the party supports barring those convicted of involvement in organized crime from public office , but feels that the Executive Yuan needs to [clarify] just what "" involvement "" constitutes in this context .","ARG-0: the Executive Yuan | ARG-1: just what "" involvement "" constitutes in this context" "SRL for [tossed]: Unable to unload a large block of a French blue - chip company 's shares in Paris for two days last week , a frustrated Scottish Amicable fund manager finally [tossed] down her phone in disgust and called James Capel & Co. , a London brokerage firm .",ARG-0: a frustrated Scottish Amicable fund manager | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-1: her phone | ARG-M-MNR: in disgust SRL for [emphasized]: The statement [emphasized] that holders representing 75 % of the shares voting at a special shareholders ' meeting must agree to lift the takeover restrictions .,ARG-0: The statement | ARG-1: that holders representing 75 % of the shares voting at a special shareholders ' meeting must agree to lift the takeover restrictions "SRL for [inheritance]: Gloucester ends up thinking that his legitimate son , Edgar , has been scheming to kill him in order to hasten his [inheritance] of Gloucester 's wealth and lands .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Gloucester 's wealth and lands SRL for [yammered away]: I stood there for three minutes while he [yammered away] on the phone and did n't even acknowledge me .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LOC: on the phone "SRL for [preclude]: At the same time , the government did n't want to appear to favor GM by allowing a minority stake that might [preclude] a full bid by Ford .",ARG-0: a minority stake | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: a full bid by Ford "SRL for [autographed]: `` I feel like a little kid , '' says a gleeful Alex de Castro , a car salesman , who has stopped by a workout of the Suns to slip six Campaneris cards to the Great Man Himself to be [autographed] .",ARG-1: six Campaneris cards SRL for [marking]: site [marking],ARG-2: site "SRL for [heating]: You can go only up or down ( by [heating] the balloon 's air with a propane burner , which does make the top of your head feel hot ) and ride the air currents .","ARG-0: You | ARG-1: the balloon 's air | ARG-2: with a propane burner , which does make the top of your head feel hot" SRL for [backflipped]: LMAO dude [backflipped] his damn pants off into a wall .,ARG-M-DIS: LMAO | ARG-0: dude | ARG-1: his damn pants | ARG-M-PRD: off | ARG-M-GOL: into a wall "SRL for [visualize]: Because of standardized designs , Mr. Hovnanian says , `` a buyer can [visualize] Society Hill regardless of where it is . ''",ARG-0: a buyer | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: Society Hill | ARG-M-ADV: regardless of where it is "SRL for [experienced]: `` I believe that the perception that legislation in this area may be hastily approved contributed to the collapse of the UAL transaction , and the resulting disruption in the financial markets [experienced] this past Friday , '' Mr. Trump wrote members of Congress .",ARG-1: the resulting disruption | ARG-M-TMP: this past Friday SRL for [grading]: The [grading] of color in the rug gave it a dip - dyed effect .,ARG-1: of color | ARG-M-LOC: in the rug "SRL for [WDWN]: Patient is [WDWN] , tall and thin .",ARG-1: Patient "SRL for [reposition]: So CNN , a unit of Atlanta - based Turner Broadcasting System Inc. , is trying to [reposition] itself as a primary channel , or what people in the television industry call a `` top of mind '' network .","ARG-0: CNN , a unit of Atlanta - based Turner Broadcasting System Inc. | ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: as a primary channel , or what people in the television industry call a `` top of mind '' network" SRL for [take hold]: she had felt the Holy Spirit [take hold] of her body,ARG-0: the Holy Spirit | ARG-1: of her body "SRL for [rhymed]: With loving detail she recalls her Uncle Gabe , an Orthodox Jew and song lyricist ( who [rhymed] river with liver in a love song ) ; and Uncle Len , a mysterious part - time investigator who looked like Lincoln and carried a change of clothing in a Manila envelope , like an `` undercover President on a good - will mission . ''",ARG-0: an Orthodox Jew and song lyricist | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: river | ARG-2: with liver | ARG-M-LOC: in a love song SRL for [annunciation]: And what makes this feature in his character still more remarkable is a difference which we trace between his [annunciation] of the truths which he brought from heaven and his allusions to his own experiences .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the truths which he brought from heaven SRL for [bantered]: He [bantered] with her about her outfit .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: with her | ARG-2: about her outfit SRL for [election]: The children 's [election] to eat their chocolate now means they wo n't get dessert later .,ARG-0: The children 's | ARG-1: to eat their chocolate now SRL for [retrieved]: John [retrieved] his teddy from Mary . Teddy BEAR ! Teddy BEAR ! Sheesh .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his teddy | ARG-2: from Mary SRL for [expressed]: The steroid receptor RNA activator protein is [expressed] in breast tumor tissues,ARG-2: The steroid receptor RNA activator protein | ARG-3: in breast tumor tissues SRL for [vetoed]: President Reagan [vetoed] this as a First Amendment violation .,ARG-0: President Reagan | ARG-1: this | ARG-2: as a First Amendment violation SRL for [succinct]: Another woman was [succinct] in her description of what is triggered when she sees a VW Bug :,ARG-0: Another woman | ARG-1: in her description of what is triggered when she sees a VW Bug SRL for [rating]: His 2 star restaurant [rating],ARG-0: His | ARG-2: 2 star | ARG-1: restaurant "SRL for [content]: as long as he could provide nice things for his wife and live in luxury , he was [content] .",ARG-M-TMP: as long as he could provide nice things for his wife and live in luxury | ARG-1: he SRL for [dunk]: She 'll [dunk] her crust in the left over salad dressing .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: her crust | ARG-2: in the left over salad dressing SRL for [confiscated]: Another described how tax - collection officials in Thanh Hoa province one night stormed through homes and [confiscated] rice from starving villagers .,ARG-M-MNR: how | ARG-0: tax - collection officials in Thanh Hoa province | ARG-M-TMP: one night | ARG-1: rice | ARG-2: from starving villagers "SRL for [rampage]: However , bombing ground troops in order to allow armed rebels to [rampage] further west is , in my opinion , completely against the spirit of the UN resolution .",ARG-0: armed rebels | ARG-1: further west "SRL for [arch]: One of the busiest ghostbusters is Robert Baker , a 68 - year - old semi - retired University of Kentucky psychology professor whose bushy gray eyebrows [arch] at the mere mention of a ghost .",ARG-1: whose bushy gray eyebrows | ARG-0: at the mere mention of a ghost SRL for [slugging out]: The ruling and opposition parties [slugging out] over the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant .,ARG-0: The ruling and opposition parties | ARG-3: it | ARG-2: over the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant SRL for [Copped]: The Moment When Katie Couric [Copped] a Feel On Beyonce 's Baby Bump,ARG-0: Katie Couric | ARG-1: a Feel | ARG-2: On Beyonce 's Baby Bump SRL for [used]: Investors are [used] to quarterly payments,ARG-0: Investors | ARG-1: to quarterly payments "SRL for [average]: That is in part because of the effect of having to [average] the number of shares outstanding , she said .",ARG-1: the number of shares outstanding SRL for [bulging]: This problem is caused due to the [bulging] of a disc from one of the spinal crevices .,ARG-1: of a disc | ARG-M-DIR: from one of the spinal crevices "SRL for [instrumentation]: perhaps the impressioin is enhanced by the very similar woodwind [instrumentation] of the movements , but the trio section of VW8 : ii prominently features an idea that ends on a repeated falling major second with the upper note held twice as long as the lower .",ARG-M-ADJ: very similar | ARG-2: woodwind | ARG-1: of the movements "SRL for [booked]: Christopher Blair Labat , 24 , was [booked] Tuesday on one count of aggravated assault","ARG-1: Christopher Blair Labat , 24 | ARG-M-TMP: Tuesday | ARG-2: on one count of aggravated assault" SRL for [prostituted]: He [prostituted] himself for money to buy drugs .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: himself | ARG-M-PRP: for money to buy drugs SRL for [contracting]: The [contracting] of our profit margin has been occurring all year .,ARG-1: of our profit margin SRL for [direction]: His anti - debt [direction],ARG-0: His | ARG-2: anti - debt "SRL for [ran]: After he [ran] my plates against stolen vehicles and whatever else he needed to learn about my sleazy past , he came to my window with his hand on his holster .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: my plates | ARG-2: against stolen vehicles and whatever else he needed to learn about my sleazy past SRL for [provincial]: So she had both a federal and [provincial] issue : the insurance issue was provincial and the CRA issue is federal .,ARG-1: issue SRL for [dull]: It 's no surprise then that Waddle chosen now to voice what many have felt for years - the Prem is [dull] as dishwater .,ARG-0: the Prem | ARG-M-ADV: as dishwater SRL for [hennaed]: She [hennaed] her hands before she went into the field .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her hands | ARG-M-TMP: before she went into the field "SRL for [satisfied]: But the traffic police did not do measurements , and made determinations just by naked eye , so I was not very [satisfied] .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [runs]: The spectacularly rich 1983 [runs] $ 179 .,ARG-1: The spectacularly rich 1983 | ARG-2: $ 179 "SRL for [incumbency]: Moreover , the council insisted on the universality of the mission , both in its [incumbency] upon every baptized person and in its direction to the entire world :",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: upon every baptized person SRL for [flintknapping]: obsidian [flintknapping],ARG-1: obsidian SRL for [fissured]: The patient presented complaining of [fissured] tongue .,ARG-1: tongue "SRL for [sticky]: Because it 's too [sticky] and makes production impossible , thinners are added .",ARG-2: it | ARG-M-EXT: too SRL for [adaptation]: He felt that one of the important factors in his [adaptation] to a hearing aid at this time was that he finally got the nerve to admit he had hearing loss to his family and friends .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to a hearing aid "SRL for [acknowledged]: During a phone call with him on Thursday , I [acknowledged] to him that I had changed my mind , "" De Carolis said .","ARG-M-TMP: During a phone call with him on Thursday | ARG-0: I | ARG-2: to him | ARG-1: that I had changed my mind , """ "SRL for [denude]: He-1 also launched a kingside storm , [*-1]-2 sacrificing a pawn [*-2] to [denude] D.T. 's king .",ARG-1: D.T. 's king SRL for [thinking]: People were n't [thinking] about targeting 10 years ago .,ARG-0: People | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: about targeting | ARG-M-TMP: 10 years ago SRL for [brilliant]: The light was [brilliant] in this space this morning .,ARG-1: The light | ARG-M-LOC: in this space | ARG-M-TMP: this morning SRL for [made out]: I [made out] with 10 strangers to find love .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with 10 strangers | ARG-M-PRP: to find love SRL for [discussion]: Meg 's [discussion] of bluegrass with Spiderman ended in shouting .,ARG-0: Meg 's | ARG-1: of bluegrass | ARG-2: with Spiderman "SRL for [harmless]: In the past , acetate fiber was used for filling in the filter tips , it is a kind of wood fiber which is relatively expensive but [harmless] to the human body ; it also has a relatively good filtering effect .",ARG-0: which | ARG-1: to the human body SRL for [crack]: his [crack] of the whip gives pleasure to the audience as well as pain .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the whip SRL for [copy out]: I have a right to print those scripts if I go there and laboriously -- but no longer surreptitiously -- [copy out] in long hand .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: in long hand SRL for [anguished]: He [anguished] over her imprisonment .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: over her imprisonment "SRL for [burbles]: `` For a woman whose period is late , using RU-486 means no waiting , no walking past picket lines at abortion clinics , and no feet up in stirrups for surgery , '' [burbles] health writer Laura Fraser .","ARG-1: For a woman whose period is late , using RU-486 means no waiting , no walking past picket lines at abortion clinics , and no feet up in stirrups for surgery | ARG-0: health writer Laura Fraser" "SRL for [relation]: Ed Turner , no [relation] to Ted Turner -RRB-",ARG-1: Ed Turner | ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-2: to Ted Turner SRL for [spotting]: Properly taping up the cabinet hardware may have prevented his accidentally [spotting] it with stray paint .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-MNR: accidentally | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with stray paint SRL for [unscrewed]: I disconnected the tap and [unscrewed] it from the side of the shed .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the side of the shed "SRL for [sublet]: WPP , which assumes financial control of its businesses in a hands - on way , instituted a new financial system and plans to [sublet] some floors in Ogilvy 's new headquarters building to outsiders .","ARG-0: WPP , which assumes financial control of its businesses in a hands - on way | ARG-1: some floors in Ogilvy 's new headquarters building | ARG-2: to outsiders" SRL for [ratings]: Its short - term investment [ratings] plummeted,ARG-1: Its short - term investment "SRL for [thundering]: `` Wow , '' said John , `` it 's really [thundering] outside . ''",ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-LOC: outside SRL for [outstretched]: He held his torch in his right hand and [outstretched] his left arm for balance .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his left arm | ARG-M-PRP: for balance SRL for [tip]: You know so it 's w- was a [tip] to the police /.,ARG-1: to the police "SRL for [reassigned]: Fluor Daniel already has [reassigned] most of its work crew , the sources said .",ARG-0: Fluor Daniel | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: most of its work crew "SRL for [leaning]: Many economists see even slower GNP growth for the remainder of the year , with some [leaning] more strongly toward a possible recession .",ARG-0: some | ARG-M-MNR: more strongly | ARG-2: toward a possible recession "SRL for [seal]: In his haste to [seal] the deal with Tiger Chairman Saul Steinberg last August , Mr. Smith ignored a promise that he had made to his own pilots three years ago : that any fliers acquired in future mergers would be `` end - tailed '' -- put at the bottom of the pilot seniority list that determines work schedules , pay and career options .",ARG-0: Mr. Smith | ARG-1: the deal with Tiger Chairman Saul Steinberg | ARG-M-TMP: last August "SRL for [scandalized]: His guest appearance on the NBC soap opera `` Another World , '' [scandalized] musical elitists .",ARG-0: His guest appearance on the NBC soap opera `` Another World | ARG-1: musical elitists SRL for [spooned]: I [spooned] my puppy until we both fell asleep .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my puppy | ARG-M-TMP: until we both fell asleep SRL for [misunderstanding]: Akin has a fundamental scientific [misunderstanding] of what the morning - after pill actually does .,ARG-M-ADJ: fundamental | ARG-3: scientific | ARG-1: of what the morning - after pill actually does SRL for [compiling]: One of Dun & Bradstreet 's chief businesses is [compiling] reports that rate the credit - worthiness of millions of American companies .,ARG-0: One of Dun & Bradstreet 's chief businesses | ARG-1: reports that rate the credit - worthiness of millions of American companies "SRL for [empathize]: These are the sensitive souls who can [empathize] with and even enjoy hearing about other people 's troubles , no matter how haltingly or predictably the sad tale is told .",ARG-0: the sensitive souls | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: with | C-ARG-1: other people 's troubles "SRL for [precondition]: Although Senator Murkowski does seem to say she does have a [precondition] , which is that the insurance needs to be stabilized in order for her to vote on the tax cut .",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: which is that the insurance needs to be | ARG-2: stabilized in order for her to vote on the tax SRL for [downgraded]: Recently it [downgraded] its plants so that it could make stain - resistant products with higher quality dyes .,ARG-M-TMP: Recently | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its plants | ARG-M-PNC: so that it could make stain - resistant products with higher quality dyes SRL for [attractive]: It 's just so aggravating when she is n't very [attractive] . I like that picture too,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: It "SRL for [jolted]: The stock has fallen $ 87.25 , or 31 % , in the three trading days since announcement of the collapse of the $ 300 - a - share takeover [jolted] the entire stock market into its second - worst plunge ever .",ARG-0: announcement of the collapse of the $ 300 - a - share takeover | ARG-1: the entire stock market | ARG-2: into its second - worst plunge ever SRL for [admonished]: she [admonished] him for not being more perceptive to her needs .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for not being more perceptive to her needs "SRL for [met]: A much better resolution would have been a hard resolution on non proliferation and disarmament in the region , which meant India and Pakistan had to disarm and Israel had to disarm , and any moves by any country in the region towards getting nuclear weapons would be [met] by international air strikes .",ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: any moves by any country in the region towards getting nuclear weapons | ARG-2: by international air strikes "SRL for [lies]: Those who are using this to attack Gibran and invent [lies] about him that he switched sides , you are either the dogs of Bashar or you are a Judas",ARG-3: about him | ARG-1: that he switched sides "SRL for [renounce]: Israel has long claimed Mr. Arafat never meant to [renounce] terrorism , particularly because he and his lieutenants reserved the right to press `` armed struggle '' against the Jewish state .",ARG-0: Mr. Arafat | ARG-1: terrorism "SRL for [eliminating]: However , third - quarter operating profit fell 14 % , as USX sold sizable chunks of its diversified and steel segments , *trace* [eliminating] income from those operations .",ARG-1: income from those operations "SRL for [hurled]: The two sides in the legal battle have [hurled] accusations of duplicity at each other for weeks , and both Warner and Sony have accused each other of trying to sabotage each other 's prospects for success in the entertainment business .",ARG-0: The two sides in the legal battle | ARG-1: accusations of duplicity | ARG-2: at each other | ARG-M-TMP: for weeks SRL for [post traumatic]: Soft tissue calcification anterior to the tibial spine at the lower calf level may be [post traumatic] .,ARG-1: Soft tissue calcification anterior to the tibial spine at the lower calf level | ARG-M-MOD: may "SRL for [pedaled]: When they return to their desks at 1 p.m. , they have [pedaled] 20 miles .",ARG-M-TMP: When they return to their desks at 1 p.m. | ARG-0: they | ARG-2: 20 miles "SRL for [jokes]: I also listened to his [jokes] with Kissinger about exporting 10 million female Chinese to the U.S. , which stunned the U.S. Secretary of State .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: with Kissinger | ARG-2: about exporting 10 million female Chinese to the U.S. SRL for [fluctuates]: John 's weight [fluctuates] from a low of 98 pounds to a high of 500 .,ARG-1: John 's weight | ARG-3: from a low of 98 pounds | ARG-4: to a high of 500 "SRL for [overlap]: Last season , Hartford Stage director Mark Lamos mounted a production at Lincoln Center , and currently two other productions -- one just closed at the Old Globe in San Diego and another now at the Seattle Rep -- [overlap] with Mr. Boyd 's .",ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-0: two other productions -- one just closed at the Old Globe in San Diego and another now at the Seattle Rep -- | ARG-1: with Mr. Boyd 's SRL for [Decanting]: [Decanting] old wine aerates it fully ; it may also be -- practically speaking -- a matter of good economy .,ARG-1: old wine "SRL for [jacked]: He was kool there until a 6 foot tall , 500LB raccoon [jacked] him for his vittles .","ARG-0: a 6 foot tall , 500LB raccoon | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: for his vittles" "SRL for [global]: While the Unzen eruptions have caused deaths and considerable local damage , the impact of the June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo was [global] .",ARG-M-TMP: While the Unzen eruptions have caused deaths and considerable local damage | ARG-1: the impact of the June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo SRL for [notice]: this could have escaped the [notice] of Nebraska coaches,ARG-0: of Nebraska coaches SRL for [hyperdynamic]: The left ventricle was [hyperdynamic] with normal function and there was partial collapse in the right atrium as seen before,ARG-1: The left ventricle | ARG-M-ADV: with normal function SRL for [milled]: John [milled] the wheat into flour .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the wheat | ARG-2: into flour "SRL for [shoot]: `` Conservatives [shoot] their own , '' he says .",ARG-0: `` Conservatives | ARG-1: their "SRL for [mind]: Yet this thread is about Paul , so never [mind] .",ARG-M-NEG: never SRL for [faltered]: Western Union has had major losses in recent years as its telex business has [faltered] in the face of competition from facsimile machines and as other business ventures have gone awry .,ARG-1: its telex business | ARG-M-CAU: in the face of competition from facsimile machines "SRL for [stroll]: You catch the first flight to Macau in the morning , stop at the Westin for a coffee and to talk business , head to one of the outlying islands in the afternoon for a round of golf , take a [stroll] downtown , and return to Taiwan that evening .",ARG-0: You | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-LOC: downtown SRL for [conjoined]: They were [conjoined] by a common belief in co - operation between the Yishuv and the Palestian Arabs,ARG-1: They | ARG-0: by a common belief in co - operation between the Yishuv and the Palestian Arabs SRL for [iodinated]: Silver sulfate [iodinated] with iodine,ARG-1: Silver sulfate | ARG-2: with iodine "SRL for [right]: Rather , it generally constitutes the "" far [right] of the Republican coalition , """,ARG-M-ADV: far | ARG-3: of the Republican coalition "SRL for [starving]: `` We are [starving] for all the news , '' says Mr. Deak , the student .",ARG-1: We | ARG-2: for all the news "SRL for [wrought]: It may seem trivial to worry about the World Series amid the destruction to the Bay Area [wrought] by Tuesday 's quake , but the name of this column is `` On Sports , '' so I feel obliged to do so .",ARG-1: the destruction to the Bay Area | ARG-0: by Tuesday 's quake "SRL for [average]: By the time we get them , their effect and value will only be [average] .",ARG-M-TMP: By the time we get them | ARG-1: their effect and value | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: only SRL for [remain]: Five countries will [remain] on the so-called priority watch list,ARG-1: Five countries | ARG-3: on the so-called priority watch list SRL for [angulated]: The lack of accessory cell will distinguish it at once from all the other genera of larger insects in which the wings are not [angulated] .,ARG-1: the wings | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [pre - op]: [pre - op] ECG,ARG-1: ECG SRL for [crash]: the market [crash],ARG-1: market SRL for [contrast]: his [contrast] of truly oral experiential sayings with the conceptual and schematic statements about the just and the wicked,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of truly oral experiential sayings | ARG-2: with the conceptual and schematic statements about the just and the wicked "SRL for [score]: no , so how they [score] you is largely irrelevant , you are probably getting a "" low "" score simply because you do not have much credit , and so can not prove that you are a good risk .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: you | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [seeking]: Northeast is [seeking] approval of its possible purchase of PS of New Hampshire .,ARG-0: Northeast | ARG-1: approval of its possible purchase of PS of New Hampshire "SRL for [effusing]: Meanwhile , my companion was [effusing] over his Bistro - special Fried Sole .",ARG-M-DIS: Meanwhile | ARG-0: my companion | ARG-1: over his Bistro - special Fried Sole SRL for [run]: He had to warm up for his [run] around the block,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-DIR: around the block "SRL for [peddling]: His daughter turns to dressmaking , then to [peddling] herself for a few piasters .",ARG-0: His daughter | ARG-1: herself | ARG-3: for a few piasters SRL for [effect]: The revisions will take [effect] Friday .,ARG-1: The revisions | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-TMP: Friday SRL for [counter - reaction]: The [counter - reaction] of Libyan pressure on some areas of the Arab world .,ARG-1: of Libyan pressure on some areas of the Arab world "SRL for [entice]: But there was a dearth of sellers , traders said , so buyers had to bid prices up to [entice] them .",ARG-0: buyers | ARG-1: them SRL for [burn]: The [burn] of calories during a marathon is quite high .,ARG-1: of calories | ARG-M-TMP: during a marathon SRL for [blank]: his voice was [blank] of emotion .,ARG-1: his voice | ARG-2: of emotion SRL for [friable]: Examination showed the growth is mobile and [friable] .,ARG-1: the growth SRL for [rose]: Georgia Gulf stock [rose] $ 1.75 a share yesterday,ARG-1: Georgia Gulf stock | ARG-2: $ 1.75 a share | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday SRL for [editing]: His career as a journalist began in high school with his [editing] the school newspaper and yearbook while also having a part - time job at the Pittsburgh Courier .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the school newspaper and yearbook | ARG-M-TMP: while also having a part - time job at the Pittsburgh Courier "SRL for [Probing]: [Probing] with the stimulators , National Institutes of Health scientists recently showed how the brain reorganizes motor - control resources after an amputation .",ARG-M-MNR: with the stimulators | ARG-0: National Institutes of Health scientists SRL for [snuffle]: The cold air made him [snuffle] .,ARG-0: him "SRL for [dedication]: Nikita Baryshnikov , 10 , Alisa Reynya , 12 , and Lena Takechi , 15 , show that their young age says nothing about their [dedication] to the art .",ARG-0: their | ARG-2: to the art SRL for [dealing]: I was wondering if you would care to expound on the bit about Napoleon and his [dealing] a blow to the catholic church ? !,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a blow | ARG-2: to the catholic church "SRL for [prohibits]: Gulf Power had been under investigation for violating the Utility Holding Company Act , which [prohibits] public utilities from making political contributions .",ARG-0: the Utility Holding Company Act | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: public utilities | ARG-2: from making political contributions SRL for [arbitrage]: stock index [arbitrage],ARG-1: stock index "SRL for [inveigle]: Again and again , by feint of foot and hand and body he continued to [inveigle] Sandel into leaping back , ducking , or countering .","ARG-M-ADV: Again and again | ARG-M-MNR: by feint of foot and hand and body | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Sandel | ARG-2: into leaping back , ducking , or countering" "SRL for [facelifted]: The Nissan Navara was [facelifted] a wee while back and this made it a much better drive on the road , in the first generation they were like old trucks , read up on them",ARG-1: The Nissan Navara | ARG-M-TMP: a wee while back SRL for [loss]: Slobodan Milosevic conceded his [loss],ARG-0: his "SRL for [in hands]: A large percentage of the nation 's wealth is [in hands] of a very , very few people .","ARG-1: A large percentage of the nation 's wealth | ARG-0: of a very , very few people" "SRL for [hedge]: If the weather allowed farmers to work in their fields over the weekend , many Midwest grain elevators will probably sell futures contracts today at the Chicago Board of Trade in order to [hedge] their weekend purchases from farmers .",ARG-0: many Midwest grain elevators | ARG-1: their weekend purchases from farmers "SRL for [consumption]: As chidren 's body weights have increased , so has their [consumption] of fast foods and soft drinks .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of fast foods and soft drinks SRL for [communication]: They could not act without official [communication] from Moscow .,ARG-M-MNR: official | ARG-0: from Moscow SRL for [Noncompliant]: [Noncompliant] with premarin vaginal cream 2 x 's weekly for atrophic vaginitis .,ARG-1: with premarin vaginal cream 2 x 's weekly for atrophic vaginitis "SRL for [expedition]: Russia 's space agency announced that it intends to soon begin developing a new space station , enabling to make the [expedition] to Mars and the Moon .",ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-2: to Mars and the Moon SRL for [amicable]: We settled on a 50 % exchange rate which was [amicable] to me .,ARG-1: which | ARG-2: to me SRL for [plundered]: Do you understand how development of the West has [plundered] so many resources and left the local minorities just as needy as they ever were ?,ARG-0: development of the West | ARG-2: so many resources | ARG-M-MNR: how "SRL for [guide]: Unfortunately , though , recessions vary enough in length so that [the average]-2 ca n't reliably be used [*-2]-1 [*]-1 to [guide] investors in timing stock sales or purchases .",ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: in timing stock sales or purchases SRL for [coordination]: The Parks Department 's [coordination] of the Harvest Festival was mostly successful .,ARG-0: The Parks Department 's | ARG-1: of the Harvest Festival "SRL for [dream]: Last night I had a [dream] about him , and it troubled me very much .",ARG-M-TMP: Last night | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: about him "SRL for [headway]: Nevertheless , the administration 's criticisms appeared to have made some [headway] with Sens . Boren and Cohen after their Oct. 12 meeting with the president .",ARG-0: the administration 's criticisms | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-EXT: some | ARG-1: with Sens . Boren and Cohen | ARG-M-TMP: after their Oct. 12 meeting with the president SRL for [fluttering]: Sergei 's eyelids ' [fluttering] gave his family hope that --although in a coma -- he could hear them .,ARG-0: Sergei 's eyelids ' "SRL for [braining]: A neighbour , fearing he was [braining] the boy , began yelling , ' You 'll kill him , bud ! You 'll kill him ! '",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the boy "SRL for [enjoin]: The FTC said it would seek to [enjoin] the proposed acquisition in a federal trial court , but declined to specify which one .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the proposed acquisition | ARG-M-LOC: in a federal trial court "SRL for [mobilization]: Only two subjects consumed dietary supplements for calcium , and their [mobilization] of lead from the skeleton to the blood was the lowest of all the subjects .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of lead | ARG-M-DIR: from the skeleton | ARG-M-GOL: to the blood "SRL for [addition]: Bankers Trust New York Corp. became the latest major U.S. bank toincrease reserves for its loans to less - developed countries , making a $ 1.6 billion third - quarter [addition] to its provision .",ARG-1: $ 1.6 billion | ARG-M-TMP: third - quarter | ARG-2: to its provision "SRL for [bonking]: She was [bonking] me with her nose , sniffing me up and down from head to toe .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-MNR: with her nose | ARG-M-ADV: sniffing me up and down from head to toe "SRL for [pedaling]: This place is 12 miles into the back country -- a day - long trudge for a hiker , but reached by Ms. Peterson and six others in a mere two hours of [pedaling] fat - tired mountain bikes .",ARG-0: Ms. Peterson and six others | ARG-1: fat - tired mountain bikes SRL for [facilitation]: [facilitation] of synaptic transmission by EGL-30 Ggalpha,ARG-1: of synaptic transmission | ARG-0: by EGL-30 Ggalpha SRL for [pseudoprogressed]: ... you just have to make sure that things have really progressed and not [pseudoprogressed] .,ARG-1: things | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [fancy]: Val indulges her [fancy] for dressing up .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: for dressing up "SRL for [completion]: his full , step - by - step [completion] of the course",ARG-0: his | ARG-M-EXT: full | ARG-M-MNR: step - by - step | ARG-1: of the course SRL for [fledged]: John [fledged] the arrow with pigeon feathers .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the arrow | ARG-2: with pigeon feathers SRL for [fortunate]: He is [fortunate] to be the king .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to be the king SRL for [pants]: Cassio utters the fervent prayer that Othello might Make love 's quick [pants] in Desdemona 's arms .,ARG-0: Othello | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-LVB: Make | ARG-M-CAU: love 's | ARG-M-MNR: quick | ARG-M-LOC: in Desdemona 's arms SRL for [efface]: It was a transition so violent time was powerless to [efface] it .,ARG-0: time | ARG-1: it SRL for [census]: 45.20 shows the number of marked iguanas that Wikelski and his team counted in their [census] of study populations just before the spill and about a year later .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of study populations SRL for [watch]: Hurricane [watch] issued as Rita brews off Florida,ARG-2: Hurricane "SRL for [applied]: When properly [applied] , the adhesive is designed to retain the windshield in place in a crash test at 30 miles per hour .",ARG-M-TMP: When | ARG-1: the adhesive | ARG-M-MNR: properly "SRL for [steeled]: She had even [steeled] herself to keep Juanita upstairs in the nurse 's room off the empty nursery , although the girl tried to insist on moving back to the quarters to spare Kate remembrance of the baby 's death .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: herself | ARG-2: to keep Juanita upstairs in the nurse 's room off the empty nursery | ARG-M-ADV: although the girl tried to insist on moving back to the quarters to spare Kate remembrance of the baby 's death "SRL for [retrospect]: In his [retrospect] of the information recieved they simply did n't understand and , especially , have a reference for what they were looking at so it was somewhat overlooked except for the magnitude of that then - coming event .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the information recieved "SRL for [barred]: But neither the pilots nor the machinists appear interested , and Mr. Davis is [barred] from making a new bid under terms of an agreement he made with UAL in September unless UAL accepts an offer below $ 300 a share .",ARG-1: Mr. Davis | ARG-2: from making a new bid | ARG-3: under terms of an agreement he made with UAL in September | ARG-M-ADV: unless UAL accepts an offer below $ 300 a share SRL for [well]: All 's [well] that ends well .,ARG-1: All | C-ARG-1: that ends well "SRL for [came to terms]: Last summer , we [came to terms] with the fact that burgers basically contain hamster bedding .",ARG-M-TMP: Last summer | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: with the fact that burgers basically contain hamster bedding "SRL for [attacked]: Over the past nine months , several firms , including discount broker Charles Schwab & Co. and Sears , Roebuck & Co. 's Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. unit , have [attacked] program trading as a major market evil .","ARG-M-TMP: Over the past nine months | ARG-0: several firms , including discount broker Charles Schwab & Co. and Sears , Roebuck & Co. 's Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. unit | ARG-1: program trading | ARG-2: as a major market evil" "SRL for [pair up]: In the classroom , students say , Mrs. Yeargin distinguished herself by varying teaching approaches -- forcing kids to [pair up] to complete classroom work or using college - bowl type competitions .",ARG-1: kids | ARG-M-PNC: to complete classroom work "SRL for [inconvenient]: In connecting the filter tips to cigarettes , because plastic adheres to knives and is [inconvenient] to cut , we daub the knives with silicone oil -LRB- another carcinogen",ARG-0: plastic | C-ARG-0: to cut SRL for [mistake]: I made the [mistake] of eating the whole pie .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-2: of eating the whole pie SRL for [hypermobile]: Urethra not [hypermobile] .,ARG-1: Urethra | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [run in]: Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Jerome Simpson has plead guilty to the charges placed against him for his [run in] with the law over marijuana .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: with the law | ARG-1: over marijuana "SRL for [sane]: You say it is crazy that america forces sanction on Iran , yet it is not in their economic or defence interests to allow this to happen so in fact it is perfectly [sane] .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-M-ADV: in fact | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-ADV: perfectly SRL for [parameterization]: The [parameterization] of a line as a linear combination of two points,ARG-1: of a line | ARG-2: as a linear combination of two points "SRL for [heterodimerizes]: Oppmann and colleagues identified an IL-6 / IL-12 - related subunit , p19 , with which p40 [heterodimerizes] to form the cytokine IL-23 ( 36 ) .","ARG-1: p40 | ARG-2: an IL-6 / IL-12 - related subunit , p19 | ARG-3: the cytokine IL-23" "SRL for [competitive]: Compensation is [competitive] , in terms of salary , benefits , and bonuses .","ARG-0: Compensation | ARG-3: in terms of salary , benefits , and bonuses" SRL for [uniformed]: He [uniformed] the members in fine regalia at his own expense .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the members | ARG-2: in fine regalia | ARG-M-ADV: at his own expense "SRL for [WNL]: You can click on what it means to say "" WNL "" and it gives a litany of things that you are agreeing to by saying your patient is "" [WNL] "" in that area .",ARG-1: your patient | ARG-2: in that area SRL for [swim]: Strel completed his [swim] of the entire 5265 - kilometer ( 3272 - mile ) Amazon River on Saturday .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the entire 5265 - kilometer ( 3272 - mile ) Amazon River "SRL for [authorized]: An additional 299,000 shares are [authorized] for repurchase under an earlier stock buy - back program .","ARG-1: An additional 299,000 shares | ARG-3: for repurchase | ARG-M-LOC: under an earlier stock buy - back program" SRL for [lodging]: The wheel 's [lodging] in the mud prevented the car from moving forward .,ARG-1: The wheel 's | ARG-2: in the mud "SRL for [cooperating]: Separately , UAL stock rose $ 4 a share to $ 175 in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange on reports that Los Angeles investor Marvin Davis has asked United Airlines unions if they 're interested in [cooperating] with Mr. Davis in a new bid for UAL .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: with Mr. Davis | ARG-2: in a new bid for UAL SRL for [offensive]: But me complaining about your costume being [offensive] is also free speech .,ARG-0: your costume SRL for [spread]: The oil [spread] over the water .,ARG-1: The oil | ARG-M-DIR: over the water "SRL for [belittling]: You might want to join up with them , because your constant [belittling] of the black male affects your children 's attitude towards others .",ARG-0: your | ARG-M-TMP: constant | ARG-1: of the black male SRL for [curable]: Thalassemia is [curable] with homeopathic treatment .,ARG-2: Thalassemia | ARG-3: with homeopathic treatment SRL for [disturbance]: Atrial fibrillation ( AF ) is an electrical [disturbance] of the heart that affects more than 2 million Americans,ARG-M-MNR: electrical | ARG-1: of the heart "SRL for [defeated]: The clutter of the 1940s remains , but its color has drained away , and the will to overcome has been [defeated] .",ARG-1: the will to overcome "SRL for [projections]: In Rahway , N.J. , a Merck spokesman said the company does n't make earnings [projections] .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: earnings SRL for [postponement]: Observers say that the [postponement] of elections from January 2011 to April 2011 has done a big blow on Jonathan .,ARG-1: of elections | ARG-3: from January 2011 | ARG-4: to April 2011 SRL for [redo]: Anyone buying the stock now must [redo] so using some guesswork .,ARG-0: Anyone buying the stock now | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: so | ARG-3: using some guesswork "SRL for [neutralizes]: Strategy is not a separate event in an idealized sequence of discrete events ; it is a way of thinking that [neutralizes] threats to our interests in a manner consistent with our financial , cultural and physical limitations .","ARG-0: a way of thinking | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: threats to our interests | ARG-M-MNR: in a manner consistent with our financial , cultural and physical limitations" "SRL for [sending out]: Mr. Jacobson , his gray hair flying , did n't wear out his red - white - and - blue sneakers , but he sweat so much he considered [sending out] for a new shirt .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: for a new shirt "SRL for [sequined]: She [sequined] the words "" I do , I do , I do , "" along the bottom of her veil herself .","ARG-0: She | ARG-2: the words "" I do , I do , I do , "" | ARG-1: along the bottom of her veil | ARG-M-REC: herself" "SRL for [concentrate]: And this requires us uh , to work , uh , to [concentrate] our work .",ARG-0: us | ARG-1: our work SRL for [observation]: His [observation] of snakes in the wild,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of snakes | ARG-M-LOC: in the wild SRL for [bolster]: The company also said the transaction would [bolster] after - tax earnings by $ 3.25 a share when completed .,ARG-0: the transaction | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: after - tax earnings | ARG-2: by $ 3.25 a share | ARG-M-TMP: when completed "SRL for [fragile]: Law is the bottom line of morality . Now that morality has long been [fragile] , we can only try to [ revert the situation | save the world ] with law .",ARG-1: morality | ARG-M-TMP: long "SRL for [canonized]: The eastern church [canonized] him as Simon , the Black one , because his was the high and holy honor of bearing for the weary Christ , his cross of shame and pain .","ARG-0: The eastern church | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: as Simon , the Black one | ARG-M-CAU: because his was the high and holy honor of bearing for the weary Christ , his cross of shame and pain" SRL for [disenfranchised]: It 's going to be very important for the voices of [disenfranchised] Ivorians to be heard .,ARG-1: Ivorians SRL for [elucidate]: and you [elucidate] this .,ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: this SRL for [tipping]: Waksal admitted to [tipping] his daughter to dump ImClone stock just ahead of a drug rejection .,ARG-0: Waksal | ARG-1: his daughter | ARG-2: to dump ImClone stock | ARG-M-TMP: just ahead of a drug rejection "SRL for [clanging]: After [clanging] around for an hour or so , the shiny , hot money pours out of the cement chute , where a giant vacuum sucks away the dried mud and burnt wrappers .","ARG-M-DIR: around | ARG-M-TMP: for an hour or so | ARG-1: the shiny , hot money" SRL for [released]: Others just [released] from the majors ...,ARG-1: Others | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-2: from the majors SRL for [enriched]: The just - completed Paralympics were [enriched] by ethnic flavorings .,ARG-1: The just - completed Paralympics | ARG-2: by ethnic flavorings SRL for [disgusting]: I have to admit manually moving shit through massage is terrifyingly [disgusting] to me .,ARG-0: manually moving shit through massage | ARG-M-ADJ: terrifyingly | ARG-1: to me SRL for [noncircumferential]: The mass in the sigmoid colon was [noncircumferential] .,ARG-1: The mass in the sigmoid colon "SRL for [demarginated]: When granulocytes were [demarginated] by epinephrine , the mean count increased by 38 % ...",ARG-1: granulocytes | ARG-2: by epinephrine | ARG-M-TMP: When SRL for [took out]: A company once [took out] an ad .,ARG-0: A company | ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-1: an ad SRL for [appears]: It [appears] to be the sort of situation where anything can happen .,ARG-1: It | C-ARG-1: to be the sort of situation where anything can happen SRL for [overheard]: It is evident that Lizzie did not tell everything she [overheard] between her father and her Uncle Morse .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: everything | ARG-2: between her father and her Uncle Morse "SRL for [dreaded]: I guess we 're all living very tentatively here , waiting for the expected but [dreaded] aftershock .",ARG-1: aftershock SRL for [speckled]: They [speckled] the bamboos with their profuse tears .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the bamboos | ARG-2: with their profuse tears SRL for [simplify]: Long - debated proposals to [simplify] the more than 150 civil penalties and make them fairer and easier to administer are in the House tax bill .,ARG-1: the more than 150 civil penalties SRL for [left]: The water [left] a mark on the silk dress,ARG-0: The water | ARG-1: a mark | C-ARG-1: on the silk dress SRL for [beeped]: John politely [beeped] the horn of his car .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MNR: politely | ARG-1: the horn of his car SRL for [beleaguered]: American Express Co. and General Motors Corp. 's [beleaguered] Buick division are joining forces in a promotion aimed at boosting Buick 's sales while encouraging broader use of the American Express card .,ARG-1: division SRL for [semi - watching]: Paul was [semi - watching] the movie with me .,ARG-0: Paul | ARG-1: the movie | ARG-M-COM: with me SRL for [contusion]: The [contusion] of Levi 's leg happened when he jumped from the camel .,ARG-1: of Levi 's leg SRL for [called on]: Rep. Neal 's bill originally [called on] the Fed to reduce the inflation rate by one percentage point a year for five years and to maintain a zero inflation rate thereafter .,ARG-0: Rep. Neal 's bill | ARG-M-TMP: originally | ARG-1: the Fed | ARG-2: to reduce the inflation rate by one percentage point a year for five years and to maintain a zero inflation rate thereafter "SRL for [learned]: Meanwhile , in another sign that a new bid is n't imminent , it was [learned] that the UAL board held a telephone meeting Monday to hear an update on the situation .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-M-DIS: in another sign that a new bid is n't imminent | ARG-1: that the UAL board held a telephone meeting Monday to hear an update on the situation SRL for [do]: do - v : Seymour Cray can [do] it again .,ARG-0: Seymour Cray | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [held up]: The company 's price has [held up] well .,ARG-1: The company 's price | ARG-M-MNR: well "SRL for [sided]: Eastern has disputed the claim , but a federal district court , an appeals court and now the arbitrator have all [sided] with the pilots .","ARG-0: a federal district court , an appeals court and now the arbitrator | ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-1: with the pilots" SRL for [monogrammed]: I [monogrammed] his initials of his first name on the back of his shirt .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: his initials of his first name | ARG-1: on the back of his shirt SRL for [pulsed]: Anger swept through Dante and music [pulsed] white hot at his core .,ARG-1: music | ARG-2: white hot | ARG-M-LOC: at his core SRL for [aligned]: Not very credible specifically here in it 's original form until it was [aligned] with the Original Hebrew by the Masoretes later on .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with the Original Hebrew | ARG-0: by the Masoretes later on SRL for [windsurfing]: A man becomes airborne while [windsurfing] .,ARG-0: A man "SRL for [cost]: The new Mips machine will [cost] $ 150,000 for a basic system .","ARG-1: The new Mips machine | ARG-2: $ 150,000 | ARG-M-ADV: for a basic system" "SRL for [scalded]: Amazing girls still extended tiny hands into the hot springs to test the temperature , but strangely cried out with sharp sounds on being [scalded] .",ARG-1: Amazing girls SRL for [cooed]: And then a quote gang of three female jurors were such rabid Jackson fans that they [cooed] not my Michael when the panel discussed the felony charges against the pop idol .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: not my Michael | ARG-M-TMP: when the panel discussed the felony charges against the pop idol SRL for [hazy]: The air is [hazy] in Boulder today .,ARG-1: The air | ARG-M-LOC: in Boulder | ARG-M-TMP: today SRL for [drive around]: The police did a [drive around] with the cabby .,ARG-0: The police | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-M-COM: with the cabby SRL for [skiing]: Scott is completely concentrating on his [skiing] down a challenging slope .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: down a challenging slope SRL for [due]: Her husband is [due] for a hip replacement in June .,ARG-1: Her husband | ARG-2: for a hip replacement in June "SRL for [rewards]: The move [rewards] shareholders and should improve the stock 's liquidity , Oneida said .",ARG-0: The move | ARG-1: shareholders "SRL for [flouting]: Finally , [flouting] the BPCA 's wishes to continue the popular two - mile riverside Esplanade , prized for its expansive views of New York Harbor , the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island , Ms. Bartlett threw up yet another wall , this time concrete , this time 10 1\/2 feet tall .","ARG-0: Ms. Bartlett | ARG-1: the BPCA 's wishes to continue the popular two - mile riverside Esplanade , prized for its expansive views of New York Harbor , the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island" SRL for [in place]: The roster is [in place] and the stage is set for the CONCACAF Olympic Qualifying Championship,ARG-1: The roster SRL for [rebound]: Speculation about Coniston has caused the stock to [rebound] from a low of $ 145 .,ARG-1: the stock | ARG-3: from a low of $ 145 SRL for [started out]: Loretta [started out] as a volunteer .,ARG-0: Loretta | ARG-2: as a volunteer "SRL for [fight]: Eventually , Texaco , which was forced into bankruptcy proceedings by that litigation , settled its [fight] with Pennzoil for $ 3 billion in 1986 .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: with Pennzoil | ARG-2: for $ 3 billion SRL for [Legislating]: [Legislating] new trading inefficiencies will only make things harder on the least sophisticated investors .,ARG-1: new trading inefficiencies "SRL for [smells]: `` It 's a Swiss - cheese factory and the cheese [smells] pretty good , '' commented one veteran lobbyist who was watching the proceedings .",ARG-1: the cheese | ARG-2: pretty good "SRL for [deadlocked]: Finally tonight , humor as perspective , and for that , we depend on the staff and crew of "" Saturday Night Live "" who this weekend took on the [deadlocked] election",ARG-1: the | C-ARG-1: election "SRL for [bald]: Are there notorious , [bald] lies from American political history ? Absolutely .",ARG-1: lies SRL for [overshooting]: In playing over the board his love of combination was so great as to lead occasionally to his [overshooting] the mark,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the mark SRL for [Negotiations]: [Negotiations] for a new agreement,ARG-2: for a new agreement "SRL for [opening up]: Similarly , his policies , his [opening up] of the White House to numerous Jewish events , and his remarkable ability to empathize with Jewish audiences led Jewish leaders to claim Clinton as one of their own .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the White House | ARG-3: to numerous Jewish events SRL for [sweet]: Your new car is pretty [sweet] .,ARG-1: Your new car | ARG-M-ADV: pretty "SRL for [fecundation]: 1st , He does not seem to be aware of the operation of insects in the [fecundation] of this family .",ARG-1: of this family "SRL for [unacceptable]: Earlier , Berlusconi and his coalition refused to support the PD 's choice of Romano Prodi , claiming he was [unacceptable] as a compromise candidate .",ARG-1: he | ARG-3: as a compromise candidate SRL for [segregate]: `` We must either integrate honestly or [segregate] honestly . '',ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-M-MNR: honestly "SRL for [downplaying]: Some anger in the streets , but government officials [downplaying] the conviction , calling for an end to international sanctions .",ARG-0: government officials | ARG-1: the conviction | ARG-M-ADV: calling for an end to international sanctions SRL for [enchained]: Clumps of brush that they passed were so many [enchained] demons straining in anger to tear and gnaw on his bones .,ARG-1: demons SRL for [diapered]: She was [diapered] in a saggy disposable diaper .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: in a saggy disposable diaper "SRL for [regular]: If it had expired , it was [regular] to proceed against the bail , because it might be waived ;",ARG-M-ADV: If it had expired | ARG-1: to proceed against the bail | ARG-M-CAU: because it might be waived "SRL for [outmanned]: Even if they get nukes iran are still heavily [outmanned] , outgunned and isolated .",ARG-M-ADV: Even if they get nukes | ARG-1: iran | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-EXT: heavily SRL for [ended]: ... trading in Frankfurt [ended] higher .,ARG-1: ... trading in Frankfurt | ARG-M-MNR: higher SRL for [banged]: The window shutters [banged] in the wind .,ARG-0: The window shutters | ARG-M-LOC: in the wind "SRL for [eccentric]: the ulnotriquetral ligament has another origin on the palmar aspect of the ulnar styloid , which is [eccentric] from the center of forearm rotation ( fovea )",ARG-1: which | ARG-2: from the center of forearm rotation ( fovea ) SRL for [clash]: The [clash] between John 's plaid pants and paisley shirt was unflattering .,ARG-1: between John 's plaid pants and paisley shirt SRL for [delimit]: It has no fences ; trees [delimit] its perimeter .,ARG-1: trees | ARG-2: its perimeter "SRL for [repolarization]: They believed that the recent terrorist attacks on this country and their [repolarization] of the "" Christian "" and "" Muslim "" countries was a sign of the literal apocalypse .","ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the "" Christian "" and "" Muslim "" countries" SRL for [picked off]: A sharpshooter named Rockholt [picked off] from 300 yards .,ARG-0: A sharpshooter named Rockholt | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-DIR: from 300 yards SRL for [copayment]: a 25 percent [copayment] of the approved charges on the part of retirees,ARG-1: 25 percent | ARG-3: of the approved charges | ARG-0: on the part of retirees SRL for [upheaval]: The vast [upheaval] of the World War set in motion forces that will either destroy civilization or raise mankind to undreamed of heights of human welfare,ARG-M-EXT: vast | ARG-0: of the World War "SRL for [understand]: Program trading is here to stay , and computers are here to stay , and we just need to [understand] it . ''",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: it "SRL for [handed over]: As he [handed over] the reins to successor Charles A. Corry , steel profits were close to a cyclical peak .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the reins | ARG-2: to successor Charles A. Corry SRL for [furious]: His family was [furious] at him for enlisting when he could have probably obtained an officers commission with his education .,ARG-1: His family | ARG-0: at him | ARG-M-CAU: for enlisting when he could have probably obtained an officers commission with his education SRL for [equivocated]: He [equivocated] for weeks before deciding to come home for Thanksgiving .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: for weeks | ARG-M-TMP: before deciding to come home for Thanksgiving "SRL for [shameless]: The government of Fuyu County was indeed [shameless] . The company had built the hospital for it , yet it refused to fulfill its promise . How sad",ARG-1: The government of Fuyu County | ARG-M-DIS: indeed "SRL for [shy away]: `` If someone actually sat down and thought about what they were being sold , '' says Gerald Perritt , editor of the Mutual Fund Letter in Chicago , they might [shy away] .",ARG-M-ADV: If someone actually sat down and thought about what they were being sold | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: might SRL for [pulling out]: I wonder if there is not some bigger reason for the candidate 's sudden [pulling out] of the race .,ARG-1: the candidate 's | ARG-M-TMP: sudden | ARG-2: of the race SRL for [blacksmithing]: The Egyptians first started out with similar techniques in there [blacksmithing] of iron,ARG-1: of iron SRL for [repick]: Is there an easy way to get the synapses to [repick] from the range each time a presynaptic spike comes in ?,ARG-0: the synapses | ARG-2: from the range | ARG-M-TMP: each time a presynaptic spike comes in "SRL for [recalled]: H. E. Kendall was [recalled] for duty to England on August 28 , 1918 ,","ARG-M-PRP: for duty | ARG-2: to England | ARG-M-TMP: on August 28 , 1918" SRL for [holiday]: I may take a [holiday] in Spain / Leave my wings behind me / Drink my worries down the drain / And fly away to somewhere new /,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-1: in Spain "SRL for [po'ed]: So while normally , I would have been a tad [po'ed] at a 15 % increase in one year , I started laughing .",ARG-M-ADV: normally | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: a tad | ARG-0: at a 15 % increase in one year SRL for [destarch]: Why is it important to [destarch] a potted plant .,ARG-1: a potted plant SRL for [drew]: DEC `` [drew] down its European backlog '' and had flat world - wide orders overall .,ARG-0: DEC | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-1: its European backlog SRL for [refold]: The waiting staff is beyond impeccable -LRB- they [refold] your napkin when you go to the bathroom -RRB- .,ARG-0: they | ARG-2: your napkin | ARG-M-TMP: when you go to the bathroom SRL for [filling in]: ... I 'm Paula Zahn [filling in] for the two men Anderson Cooper and Aaron Brown .,ARG-1: Paula Zahn | ARG-2: for the two men Anderson Cooper and Aaron Brown "SRL for [prodding]: After [prodding] from Mr. Sanford , U.S. Attorney Jack Eskenazi pleaded with Justice Department officials in Washington to let the indictment proceed .",ARG-0: from Mr. Sanford SRL for [authorization]: $ 4.5 million [authorization] for a health center in South Carolina,ARG-1: $ 4.5 million | ARG-3: for a health center in South Carolina "SRL for [flatter]: `` You seem to have read so much , you have a natural gift for words '' , he added , trying to [flatter] her vanity .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: her vanity "SRL for [shoves]: Alfred Harrison , the manager , [shoves] Mr. Straszheim 's handout back at him : `` Do we want to go through this ?","ARG-0: Alfred Harrison , the manager | ARG-1: Mr. Straszheim 's handout | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: at him" SRL for [domesticated]: the dog [domesticated] them with a wagging tail,ARG-0: the dog | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with a wagging tail SRL for [blanking]: Her [blanking] of the surveillance video was used against her in trail .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the surveillance video SRL for [comes]: Chateau Yquem now [comes] dear .,ARG-1: Chateau Yquem | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-3: dear "SRL for [digging]: Anyway , I did a little more [digging] , and I found a statement from the project manager .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-M-EXT: a little more "SRL for [untrustworthy]: Breaching this covenant not only is intrinsic sin , but means such a person is [untrustworthy] to the original commitment made in the marriage .",ARG-1: such a person | ARG-2: to the original commitment made in the marriage "SRL for [studies]: After [studies] at that conservatory 's Pre - College Division with an assistant to the legendary instructor Ivan Galamian ,",ARG-M-LOC: at that conservatory 's Pre - College Division | ARG-2: with an assistant to the legendary instructor Ivan Galamian SRL for [sawed]: Some people prefer their logues [sawed] off .,ARG-1: their logues | ARG-M-PRD: off SRL for [nonenhanced]: [nonenhanced] contrast,ARG-0: contrast "SRL for [twister]: That F5 [twister] -- which brought with it winds that topped 300 miles per hour , the most powerful ever recorded -- killed three dozen people and did an estimated $ 1 billion worth of damage .",ARG-2: F5 | ARG-M-ADJ: which brought with it winds that topped 300 miles per hour "SRL for [undemocratic]: Of course this is not how we work , but then you ca n't start saying we 're [undemocratic] because people do n't turn out for the vote , that is their problem , not the government s .",ARG-1: we SRL for [reddish]: His beard was [reddish] .,ARG-1: His beard SRL for [hyperventilation]: What effect does his [hyperventilation] have on the pH of his blood ?,ARG-1: his "SRL for [comparison]: In [comparison] to China , we should say that urbanization in foreign countries developed earlier and is more widespread .",ARG-2: to China SRL for [confusing]: I think the reason is that you are [confusing] tax `` rates '' with tax `` payments . '',ARG-1: you | ARG-2: tax `` rates '' | ARG-3: with tax `` payments . '' SRL for [run]: This is only the beginning as depositors have continued their [run] on the bank even after the bailout .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: on the bank "SRL for [exact]: The many restrictions safeguard Pinglin 's beautiful natural setting , but they [exact] a heavy toll from the local people .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: a heavy toll | ARG-2: from the local people SRL for [Chinese]: He was [Chinese] on both sides .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-EXT: on both sides SRL for [holds]: GM 's UK unit [holds] crucial talks today with union officials .,ARG-0: GM 's UK unit | ARG-1: crucial talks | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-2: with union officials "SRL for [suggestive]: She said some of Medeiros ’ comments were [suggestive] , and alleged that on several occasions at the school , he madeinappropriate comments and gestures toward her , such as grabbingher belt , according to police reports .",ARG-0: some of Medeiros ’ comments "SRL for [shifts]: One new investment style called `` asset allocation '' [shifts] portfolio weightings between stocks , bonds and cash when computer models say one is more attractive .","ARG-0: One new investment style called `` asset allocation '' | ARG-1: portfolio weightings | ARG-M-DIR: between stocks , bonds and cash | ARG-M-TMP: when computer models say one is more attractive" "SRL for [sandboarding]: Yara , will you go [sandboarding] at Sand Dunes National Park ?",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: at Sand Dunes National Park ? SRL for [tooled]: We [tooled] down the street .,ARG-1: We | ARG-2: down the street "SRL for [ankylosed]: The disease had [ankylosed] his hips , reducing his mobility .",ARG-0: The disease | ARG-1: his hips SRL for [hinge]: Analysts say its chances of success will likely [hinge] on how well Trelleborg manages to cooperate with Noranda in the Falconbridge venture .,ARG-1: its chances of success | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-DIS: likely | ARG-2: on how well Trelleborg manages to cooperate with Noranda in the Falconbridge venture SRL for [ponied]: I rode with Trevor on the 4 - wheeler as he [ponied] the black stallion down the paved road .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the black stallion | ARG-M-DIR: down the paved road "SRL for [unnerved]: She [unnerved] him with her quick , matter - of - fact acknowledgement .","ARG-0: She | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with her quick , matter - of - fact acknowledgement" "SRL for [sow]: They [sow] a row of male - fertile plants nearby , which then pollinate the male - sterile plants .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: a row of male - fertile plants | ARG-M-LOC: nearby "SRL for [hellish]: Oh , like a school trip . I never got to do one of those . Sounds like it could be either awesome or [hellish]",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: could SRL for [flopped]: A U.S.-made imitation under the title `` Almost Anything Goes '' [flopped] fast .,ARG-1: A U.S.-made imitation under the title `` Almost Anything Goes '' | ARG-M-MNR: fast SRL for [survival]: his [survival],ARG-0: his SRL for [live]: Noguchi tweeted [live] from the space station on his Twitter account .,ARG-1: Noguchi SRL for [passage]: completely free [passage] is to be ensured,ARG-M-MNR: completely free "SRL for [mutineed]: Even after they [mutineed] against me , we still did well .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: against me "SRL for [spotlight]: ? I feel nervous , shocked , and excited , ? Kyle says about the sudden [spotlight] on his achievements",ARG-M-MNR: sudden | ARG-1: on his achievements SRL for [taking over]: Now people have started wondering if overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia - and in particular from Singapore and Malaysia - are [taking over] the mainstream of the Taiwanese music industry .,ARG-0: overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia - and in particular from Singapore and Malaysia | ARG-1: the mainstream of the Taiwanese music industry SRL for [mortified]: Kate was [mortified] that she had a bigger trailer than us .,ARG-1: Kate | ARG-0: that she had a bigger trailer than us "SRL for [reckless]: I was [reckless] with your love , I know I never gave you enough .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: with your love SRL for [high]: The book case is 10 feet [high],ARG-2: 10 feet "SRL for [floured]: She [floured] her hands well , pinched off a biscuit - size piece of wet dough , and dipped it in the flour .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her hands | ARG-M-MNR: well "SRL for [blared]: Lights flickered on and off ; plaster dropped from the ceiling , the walls still shook and an evacuation alarm [blared] outside .",ARG-1: an evacuation alarm | ARG-M-LOC: outside SRL for [combusted]: One time this guy looked him in his eyes and Chuck Norris spontaneously [combusted] him .,ARG-0: Chuck Norris | ARG-M-MNR: spontaneously | ARG-1: him SRL for [input]: the [input] energy,ARG-1: energy SRL for [fusion]: Bobby Flay 's [fusion] of chipotle chilis with every other flavor is tired and predictable .,ARG-0: Bobby Flay 's | ARG-1: of chipotle chilis | ARG-2: with every other flavor "SRL for [icefished]: Not sure if it was real clear , but in the lakes I have [icefished] for walleyes the fish come into shallow water at night .",ARG-0: I | ARG-2: the lakes | ARG-1: for walleyes SRL for [knock]: the [knock] at the door,ARG-1: at the door SRL for [ubiquitous]: One of the experiences I feel is [ubiquitous] to being a nerd is playing a spot of Dungeons and Dragons .,ARG-1: One of the experiences | ARG-2: to being a nerd SRL for [staging]: I discussed [staging] of colon cancer,ARG-1: of colon cancer "SRL for [possessed]: But Mr. Hahn rose swiftly through the ranks , demonstrating a raw intelligence that he says he knew he [possessed] early on .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a raw intelligence | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [go]: Alfie backstage getting ready for his [go] at Elvis .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: at Elvis "SRL for [worse off]: Applied to health care , the longer we wait for it the [worse off] we are and the longer we put it off the longer it will take to fine tune it .",ARG-M-ADV: Applied to health care | ARG-M-CXN: the longer we wait for it the | ARG-1: we "SRL for [viewed]: Martin Fabi , Innopac 's president and chief executive , said Innopac [viewed] Mr. Pattison 's decision to seek control as a `` very positive '' move .",ARG-0: Innopac | ARG-1: Mr. Pattison 's decision to seek control | ARG-2: as a `` very positive '' move "SRL for [improved]: National Market System volume [improved] to 94,425,00 shares from 71.7 million Monday .","ARG-1: National Market System volume | ARG-4: to 94,425,00 shares | ARG-3: from 71.7 million Monday" SRL for [Ultrafiltration]: [Ultrafiltration] of Milk is yet another way of increasing solids ahead of the cheese vat .,ARG-2: of Milk "SRL for [inclined]: While no doubt agreeing with Mr. Lawson on everything else , Sir Alan is a dyed - in - the - wool monetarist , [inclined] to defend floating rates to the death .",ARG-0: a dyed - in - the - wool monetarist | ARG-1: to defend floating rates to the death SRL for [thoughts]: Kim Hyung Jun discusses his [thoughts] about going solo .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: about going solo "SRL for [unworkable]: If a veto is [unworkable] because it would leave part of the executive branch unfunded , the president could sign the appropriations bills into law and assert a power of excision , declaring the rider restricting his Article II powers to be unconstitutional and severable .",ARG-1: a veto | ARG-M-CAU: because it would leave part of the executive branch unfunded SRL for [itemize]: Charitable groups are trying to reinstate the write - off for contributions made by individuals who do n't [itemize] their deductions .,ARG-0: individuals | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: their deductions SRL for [slated]: Greece 's second bout of general elections this year is [slated] for Nov. 5 .,ARG-1: Greece 's second bout of general elections this year | ARG-2: for Nov. 5 SRL for [relocation]: left THA [relocation] under conscious sedation 4/10/00,ARG-1: left THA | ARG-M-MNR: under conscious sedation | ARG-M-TMP: 4/10/00 SRL for [trippin]: u [trippin] son,ARG-0: u | ARG-M-DIS: son "SRL for [abated]: What 's more , the corporate borrowing binge has n't [abated] in the past two years .",ARG-1: the corporate borrowing binge | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: in the past two years "SRL for [sweep]: The Oakland Athletics won baseball 's World Series , defeating the San Francisco Giants in a four - game [sweep] .",ARG-2: four - game SRL for [contractions]: How do you treat premature ventricular [contractions] ?,ARG-M-TMP: premature | ARG-1: ventricular SRL for [transformed]: ... the areas that can be most easily [transformed],ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-MNR: most easily | ARG-1: the areas SRL for [DNI]: Pro [DNI],ARG-0: Pro "SRL for [deleting]: The Respondent 's conduct in insisting that the laboratory technician draw an improper blood sample , and his [deleting] from the resulting laboratory slip the notation regarding how the sample was taken with the intention of creating false documentation of his alcohol level , constitutes conduct evidencing moral unfitness and fraud .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: from the resulting laboratory slip | ARG-1: the notation regarding how the sample was taken | ARG-M-PRP: with the intention of creating false documentation of his alcohol level "SRL for [muttering]: We will hear the occasional [muttering] about how it happened and Miliband will throw it in his face occasionally , but that 's it .",ARG-M-TMP: occasional | ARG-1: about how it happened SRL for [move]: the large - scale [move] by Taiwan companies to the PRC,ARG-M-EXT: large - scale | ARG-0: by Taiwan companies | ARG-2: to the PRC "SRL for [touch]: the sound of her voice , the light of her face , the [touch] of her hand , had a strong beneficial influence with him",ARG-0: of her hand SRL for [Imaging]: September 2005 - [Imaging] showed two liver lesions ., SRL for [matched]: The company [matched] Kodak 's higher prices .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: Kodak 's higher prices SRL for [nurture]: Can the voluminous broadcast of such TV dramas on TV channels [ seahome ] : bring pleasant visual enjoyment and spiritual [nurture] to viewers ?,ARG-1: spiritual "SRL for [banning]: The [banning] of women from coffeehouses was not universal , but does appear to have been common in Europe .",ARG-2: of women | ARG-1: from coffeehouses "SRL for [leasing]: ... the control of transparency of the property market and real estate costs , correct government finance , which heavily relying on land [leasing] and real estate taxes and fees , and prevent the lack of action or incidents of improper action on the part of public servants or government workers ' .",ARG-1: land SRL for [adjusted]: All the figures are [adjusted] to remove usual seasonal patterns .,ARG-1: All the figures | ARG-4: to remove usual seasonal patterns SRL for [finagled]: He already has [finagled] a $ 2 billion loan from the Japanese government .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: a $ 2 billion loan | ARG-2: from the Japanese government SRL for [vasectomy]: his [vasectomy],ARG-1: his SRL for [tide]: The [tide] of economic development,ARG-1: of economic development "SRL for [agglomeration]: On the other hand , the geometric [agglomeration] of population to the cities can be hardly met by the speed of investment of resources",ARG-M-MNR: geometric | ARG-1: of population to the cities SRL for [immobilized]: They [immobilized] my leg and put me on the stretcher .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: my leg "SRL for [sacked]: First , he unceremoniously [sacked] Tom Landry , the legendary coach who took the Cowboys to five Super Bowls and 20 consecutive winning seasons .","ARG-M-TMP: First | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MNR: unceremoniously | ARG-1: Tom Landry , the legendary coach who took the Cowboys to five Super Bowls and 20 consecutive winning seasons" SRL for [convergence]: It authenticates these women 's stories through their [convergence] with extensive historic detail .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: with extensive historic detail "SRL for [straightening out]: The market seems to be [straightening out] ; we 're taking a wait - and - see attitude , '' says Cathleen B. Stewart , executive vice president of marketing .",ARG-1: The market "SRL for [contemporize]: `` The ad campaign is meant to [contemporize] the thought of National Geographic , '' she says .",ARG-0: The ad campaign | ARG-1: the thought of National Geographic "SRL for [drippy]: Whether your costume involves black face and a noose , or whether it is a grilled sandwich where I think the cheese is a little too [drippy] is irrelevant .",ARG-2: the cheese | ARG-M-EXT: a little too | ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [dating]: Mr. Seidman told the committee that the Resolution Trust Corp. , the agency created to sell sick thrifts , has studied Lincoln 's examination reports by former regulators [dating] back to 1986 .",ARG-1: Lincoln 's examination reports by former regulators | ARG-2: back to 1986 SRL for [allured]: the emperor still [allured] him with the hopes of the duchy of Milan,ARG-0: the emperor | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with the hopes of the duchy of Milan SRL for [pooled]: An increasing number of big Japanese investors are buying up U.S. home mortgages that have been [pooled] and packaged for sale as interest - bearing instruments known as mortgage - backed securities .,ARG-1: U.S. home mortgages | R-ARG-1: that SRL for [worried]: the agency is [worried] that a sharp market drop could create capital problems for the firms .,ARG-1: the agency | ARG-0: that a sharp market drop could create capital problems for the firms "SRL for [annealed]: A series of steps catalyzed in part by the recombinase then leads to joining of the two helices by at least one Holliday junction , in which a segment of a single strand in each helix is [annealed] to the complementary strand in the other helix .",ARG-1: a segment of a single strand in each helix | ARG-5: to the complementary strand in the other helix | ARG-M-LOC: which "SRL for [provincial]: After Marseilles , Lowestoft was [provincial] and sleepy .",ARG-1: Lowestoft SRL for [referring]: [referring] physician,ARG-0: physician SRL for [applauding]: But some economists and government officials here are n't [applauding] .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: some economists and government officials here | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [horrible]: Growing up poor and white in a mostly non white school was [horrible] .,ARG-1: Growing up poor and white in a mostly non white school SRL for [responsive]: The steering is really [responsive] - I swerved really hard to the left and right like a maniac for testing purposes ...,ARG-0: The steering "SRL for [sick]: This tune is really [sick] , bro !",ARG-1: This tune | ARG-M-EXT: really | ARG-M-DIS: bro "SRL for [harmed]: Although the average citizen is probably not [harmed] too much from Washington 's rhetorical war against Wall Street regarding excessive financial leveraging , actual legislation would probably impose considerable harm .",ARG-M-DIS: probably | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the average citizen | ARG-M-EXT: too much | ARG-0: from Washington 's rhetorical war against Wall Street regarding excessive financial leveraging SRL for [yearned]: Stevie [yearned] for a dog .,ARG-0: Stevie | ARG-1: for a dog "SRL for [polished]: Finally , he [polished] the surface with agate , creating a glossy effect and increasing the richness of the color .",ARG-M-DIS: Finally | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the surface | ARG-2: with agate | ARG-M-ADV: creating a glossy effect and increasing the richness of the color SRL for [hear]: It is n't every day that we [hear] a Violetta who can sing the first act 's high - flying music with all the little notes perfectly pitched and neatly stitched together .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: a Violetta who can sing the first act 's high - flying music with all the little notes perfectly pitched and neatly stitched together "SRL for [fixed]: I [fixed] it all so it short like the email kind of copy short , you know .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it all | ARG-2: so it short like the email kind of copy short , you know" "SRL for [apply]: Mr. Bologna said the sale would allow Gen - Probe to speed up the development of new technology , and to more quickly [apply] existing technology to an array of diagnostic products .",ARG-0: Gen - Probe | ARG-M-TMP: more quickly | ARG-1: existing technology | ARG-2: to an array of diagnostic products SRL for [cardiopulmonary resuscitation]: Ernie said he did [cardiopulmonary resuscitation] on his friend until he revived .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: on his friend | ARG-M-TMP: until he revived SRL for [equal]: Right kidney size is roughly [equal] to left .,ARG-1: Right kidney size | ARG-M-EXT: roughly | ARG-2: to left SRL for [feminized]: And the changes they made were unnecessary . It completely [feminized] the character .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-1: the character SRL for [spooked]: It was not the first time that day I had failed to see the bonefish in the roiled water and [spooked] them with a blind cast that was off the mark .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with a blind cast that was off the mark SRL for [distrains]: He [distrains] the defaultor 's cattle .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the defaultor 's cattle SRL for [bidding]: His [bidding] on that house resulted on higher counteroffers by several other parties .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: on that house "SRL for [churn out]: The country that gave the world VCRs , the Walkman and video games continues to [churn out] entertainment related devices .","ARG-0: The country that gave the world VCRs , the Walkman and video games | ARG-2: entertainment related devices" SRL for [BYO]: Alright y' all ! The people have spoken ! Garden hang tomorrow : : : 18th & North : : : 2 pm : : : [BYO] Fun times ! ! !,ARG-1: Fun times SRL for [crepitation]: She has significant [crepitation] on both active and passive motion of the joint .,ARG-M-EXT: significant | ARG-1: on both active and passive motion of the joint SRL for [reoccluded]: One patient ( 3.0 % ) at follow - up was found to have [reoccluded] the target vessel .,ARG-M-LOC: One patient ( 3.0 % ) | ARG-1: the target vessel SRL for [bowl]: The survey reported the number of people who said they [bowl] regularly has fallen to just 8 % from 17 % in 1981 .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: regularly "SRL for [plodded]: For three days , their stolid oxen had [plodded] up a blazing valley as flat and featureless as a dead sea .",ARG-M-TMP: For three days | ARG-0: their stolid oxen | ARG-1: up a blazing valley as flat and featureless as a dead sea "SRL for [charged]: Pharmacia , based in Upsala , Sweden , had [charged] in a lawsuit against MedChem that MedChem 's AMVISC product line infringes on the Pharmacia patent .","ARG-0: Pharmacia , based in Upsala , Sweden | ARG-M-LOC: in a lawsuit against MedChem | ARG-1: that MedChem 's AMVISC product line infringes on the Pharmacia patent" "SRL for [unhappy]: His teenaged son Casimir was [unhappy] with him for changing his name and refused to accept the name "" Orzechowski "" ;",ARG-1: His teenaged son Casimir | ARG-0: with him | ARG-2: for changing his name SRL for [disarm]: The most urgent task is *PRO* to [disarm] North Korea of its nuclear weapons .,ARG-1: North Korea | ARG-2: of its nuclear weapons SRL for [relieve]: Ports in the Great Lakes and Atlantic Coast can also [relieve] pressure on New Orleans .,ARG-0: Ports in the Great Lakes and Atlantic Coast | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: pressure on New Orleans SRL for [was twanging]: The bowstring [was twanging] .,ARG-1: The bowstring SRL for [absurd]: The restrictions on viewing and dissemination of Voice material were especially [absurd] : An agency in the information business was not being allowed to inform .,ARG-1: The restrictions on viewing and dissemination of Voice material | ARG-M-EXT: especially SRL for [reported]: Preliminary findings were [reported] more than a year ago by the AMA,ARG-1: Preliminary findings | ARG-M-TMP: more than a year ago | ARG-0: by the AMA SRL for [harried]: They say they now get three or four `` legitimate '' calls a week from people [harried] by haunts .,ARG-1: people | ARG-0: by haunts "SRL for [leavened]: She [leavened] them with beef marrow , and they were light as feathers .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with beef marrow "SRL for [cherished]: Yet under Mr. Reagan 's preferred successor , President Bush , those two [cherished] national - security causes are withering on the vine .",ARG-1: causes SRL for [annihilate]: The army [annihilate] the small city with a few well - placed bombs .,ARG-0: The army | ARG-1: the small city | ARG-2: a few well - placed bombs SRL for [ultrafilter]: A hemofilter is often placed in the circuit to [ultrafilter] the blood either during or at the conclusion of the operation .,ARG-0: A hemofilter | ARG-2: the blood | ARG-M-TMP: either during or at the conclusion of the operation SRL for [effusing]: Jack was [effusing] his charm quite vigorously at that time .,ARG-0: Jack | ARG-1: his charm | ARG-M-MNR: quite vigorously | ARG-M-TMP: at that time SRL for [will constitutionalize]: This amendment [will constitutionalize] the cloning of embryos for destruction in research .,ARG-0: This amendment | ARG-1: the cloning of embryos for destruction in research "SRL for [over - release]: A key point , if reducing the housing prices is to be achieved , is not to allow banks to [over - release] loans -LRB- 60 % -RRB- to housing developers for the purpose of buying land and for the offending banks to offer one word : kill .",ARG-0: banks | ARG-1: loans | ARG-M-EXT: -LRB- 60 % -RRB- | ARG-M-GOL: to housing developers for the purpose of buying land SRL for [wrapped up]: Jaguar executives said last week they expect to have a friendly alliance with GM [wrapped up] by the end of the month .,ARG-1: a friendly alliance with GM SRL for [cruise]: We [cruise] toward another set of pilings .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-DIR: toward another set of pilings SRL for [re - entered]: A limit order to sell could be [re - entered] at that price .,ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: A limit order | ARG-M-MNR: at that price SRL for [hits]: their team 's 11 [hits],ARG-0: their team 's SRL for [flavor]: A quick blueberry sauce is a perfect complement to the lemony [flavor] of the pancakes .,ARG-2: lemony | ARG-1: of the pancakes SRL for [exhibition]: his [exhibition] to the general public,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the general public "SRL for [clear]: If the student was [clear] about who of the two was older , he could simply answered who was older , he could also answer who was superior in rank and that would be alright too , certainly , answering the question in terms of their strength and magical ability would also be accepted as correct .",ARG-2: the student | ARG-1: about who of the two was older "SRL for [controlled]: Instead of using the remote control , it is [controlled] with iPhone or Android app .",ARG-M-ADV: Instead of using the remote control | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with iPhone or Android app "SRL for [bled]: A teacher [bled] to death in the halls , stabbed by a student .",ARG-1: A teacher | ARG-M-PRD: to death | ARG-M-LOC: in the halls | ARG-M-ADV: stabbed by a student "SRL for [pleaded]: Southern Co. 's Gulf Power Co. subsidiary [pleaded] guilty to two felony charges of conspiracy to make illegal political contributions and tax evasion , and paid $ 500,000 in fines .",ARG-0: Southern Co. 's Gulf Power Co. subsidiary | ARG-1: guilty | ARG-2: to two felony charges of conspiracy to make illegal political contributions and tax evasion SRL for [concentrate]: Hunter wants to [concentrate] its resources on the insurance business .,ARG-0: Hunter | ARG-2: its resources | ARG-1: on the insurance business SRL for [liberation]: - The First Gulf War -LRB- [liberation] of Kuwait -RRB-,ARG-1: of Kuwait SRL for [mesmerized]: Mary 's cat - like gaze [mesmerized] John .,ARG-0: Mary 's cat - like gaze | ARG-1: John SRL for [liberal]: We should be [liberal] with our gratitude to Jim Schwall for feeling free enough to suggest today 's very topical Good Word .,ARG-1: We | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-2: with our gratitude to Jim Schwall | ARG-M-CAU: for feeling free enough to suggest today 's very topical Good Word "SRL for [flush]: But it 's hard *trace* to [flush] much profit out of the personal - computer business these days , and the workstation market , while important , is too small to rely on for much growth .",ARG-1: much profit | ARG-2: out of the personal - computer business | ARG-M-TMP: these days SRL for [resile]: These particles do not [resile] .,ARG-1: These particles | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [rust]: Your gold and silver will [rust] , and that rust will be a proof that you were wrong .",ARG-1: Your gold and silver | ARG-M-MOD: will "SRL for [depurination]: Melting occurs at high temperature , low salt and high pH -LRB- low pH also melts DNA , but since DNA is unstable due to acid [depurination] , low pH is rarely used -RRB- .",ARG-3: acid SRL for [new]: The company has a [new] product,ARG-1: product SRL for [caged]: John [caged] the rabbit in a hutch .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the rabbit | ARG-2: in a hutch SRL for [scented out]: The raven [scented out] the slaughter from afar .,ARG-0: The raven | ARG-1: the slaughter | ARG-M-DIR: from afar "SRL for [rattled]: The apartment she shares with a 12 - year - old daughter and her sister was [rattled] , books and crystal hit the floor , but nothing was severely damaged .",ARG-1: The apartment she shares with a 12 - year - old daughter and her sister SRL for [misted]: I [misted] the glass with a sigh .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the glass | ARG-2: with a sigh SRL for [moldered]: Humidity [moldered] the wallpaper .,ARG-0: Humidity | ARG-1: the wallpaper SRL for [filling]: No part of any appropriation for the current fiscal year contained in this or any other Act shall be paid to any person for the [filling] of any position for which he or she has been nominated after the Senate has voted not to approve the nomination of said person . '',ARG-1: of any position for which he or she has been nominated after the Senate has voted not to approve the nomination of said person "SRL for [alerts]: She gives the Artist a sense of purpose , but also [alerts] him to the serious inadequacy of his vagrant life .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to the serious inadequacy of his vagrant life "SRL for [work]: In addition to his interest in ozone depletion he has extensively studied the related topic of global warming , a theory that mankind 's generation of carbon dioxide through increased combustion of fossil fuels is creating a `` greenhouse effect '' that will [work] important climatic changes in the earth 's atmosphere over time .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a `` greenhouse effect '' | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: important climatic changes | ARG-M-LOC: in the earth 's atmosphere | ARG-M-TMP: over time "SRL for [endangered]: Once the Syrian regime is toppled . Iran will face a direct threat , and 30 % of the Chinese crude oil imports will be severely [endangered] . It is bound to affect the domestic economy .",ARG-1: 30 % of the Chinese crude oil imports | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-EXT: severely SRL for [thermoregulated]: The same parameters were measured in bantam hens incubating eggs artificially [thermoregulated] to 40 degrees and 25 degrees C ( Te ) .,ARG-M-MNR: artificially | ARG-1: eggs | ARG-2: to 40 degrees and 25 degrees C ( Te ) "SRL for [lingers]: In Mr. Sohmer 's film , by contrast , we are urged to share the perverse excitement of the rapist creeping up on his victim , as the camera ogles Kate in various stages of undress and [lingers] on the sight of her trussed - up body during frequent flashbacks to the rape .",ARG-1: the camera | ARG-2: on the sight of her trussed - up body | ARG-M-TMP: during frequent flashbacks to the rape "SRL for [tinctures]: In addition , it revealed that the "" Persian - national "" spirit that [tinctures] Iran 's foreign policy and its various positions , far from the claims of enmity to America and Israel , are only used to serve Iran 's interests .","R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: the "" Persian - national "" spirit | ARG-1: Iran 's foreign policy and its various positions" SRL for [establishment]: The [establishment] of its first bureau in Warsaw Pact territory,ARG-1: of its first bureau in Warsaw Pact territory SRL for [sift]: Now they plan to sell us products that [sift] through all the information to give us what we really want to know .,ARG-0: products | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: through all the information | ARG-M-PRP: to give us what we really want to know "SRL for [divisive]: Australians voted against becoming a republic in a 1999 referendum , but the issue continues to be [divisive] .",ARG-0: the issue SRL for [taped]: Ms. Moss said Ms. Levine secretly [taped] many conversations with her bosses at the Odeon in which they told her she was being fired as maitre 'd because she was pregnant .,ARG-0: Ms. Levine | ARG-M-MNR: secretly | ARG-1: many conversations with her bosses at the Odeon in which they told her she was being fired as maitre 'd because she was pregnant SRL for [evaluation]: The government 's technical and financial [evaluation] of the Bofors deal,ARG-0: The government 's | ARG-M-MNR: technical and financial | ARG-1: of the Bofors deal "SRL for [financing]: It allows Cuba to buy food and medicine from the United States for the first time since 1962 , but the bill restricts US [financing] of such sales and also continues a US travel ban to Cuba .",ARG-0: US | ARG-1: of such sales SRL for [colocolostomy]: she underwent end - to - end transverse [colocolostomy],ARG-M-MNR: end - to - end | ARG-3: transverse "SRL for [presumptuous]: Of course it is a little farfetched and [presumptuous] to say so , and also to praises the thief .",ARG-M-DIS: Of course | ARG-M-EXT: a little | ARG-0: to say so SRL for [write off]: The [write off] of their travel expenses was a bonus .,ARG-1: of their travel expenses SRL for [succession]: the office was vacant following his [succession] of Abraham Lincoln as President,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Abraham Lincoln | ARG-2: as President "SRL for [toppled]: Last year 's earthquake may have de - stroyed families and [toppled] homes , but it also brought people closer together and created new links between local communities .",ARG-0: Last year 's earthquake | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: homes "SRL for [drawling]: And the [drawling] , oversoft voice of flirtation , though fairly overt , was still well within the prescribed gambit of their culture .",ARG-0: voice SRL for [ashamed]: John 's family was [ashamed] of him for his cowardice .,ARG-1: John 's family | ARG-0: of him | ARG-2: for his cowardice "SRL for [finance]: Thanks to the public - private partnership , the utilisation of EU funds should also increase , as the opportunity of joint [finance] of projects with EU funds is also envisaged .",ARG-M-MNR: joint | ARG-1: of projects | ARG-2: with EU funds "SRL for [divvying up]: A previously available program called Network Computing System , developed by Hewlett - Packard 's Apollo division , for instance , takes a task and splits it up into parts , [divvying up] those parts to several computers in a network for simultaneous processing .","ARG-0: A previously available program called Network Computing System , developed by Hewlett - Packard 's Apollo division | ARG-1: those parts | ARG-2: to several computers in a network | ARG-M-PNC: for simultaneous processing" SRL for [cut slack]: we can likely negate the entire deal because it was signed under false pretenses — you both would [cut slack] on the other charges .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-ADV: both | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: some | ARG-3: on the other charges SRL for [counseling]: The former $ 3 million - a - year lobbyist now frequents shelters for the homeless and devotes a third of his time [counseling] other recovering alcoholics .,ARG-0: The former $ 3 million - a - year lobbyist | ARG-1: other recovering alcoholics SRL for [spruce up]: Others have tried to [spruce up] frequent - flier programs .,ARG-0: Others | ARG-1: frequent - flier programs SRL for [diet]: This is how to do a [diet] that has minimal exercise .,ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-ADJ: that has minimal exercise | ARG-M-MNR: how "SRL for [reappeared]: After it had [reappeared] the next two nights , Jenks went to higher headquarters and said : `` For three days now a German reconnaissance plane has been over the city taking pictures .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: the next two nights "SRL for [accredited]: There is Jiakun Liu who was [accredited] as an "" excellent member of the Communist Party "" of the province and a "" labor model of the entire country "" , acting as the Party branch secretary .","ARG-1: Jiakun Liu | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-2: as an "" excellent member of the Communist Party "" of the province and a "" labor model of the entire country """ SRL for [circularizes]: He [circularizes] his trade to advertisers by sending out mailings when requested .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his trade | ARG-2: to advertisers | ARG-M-MNR: by sending out mailings when requested SRL for [tempted]: I 'm [tempted] to go down there myself to protest this repression of our civil rights !,ARG-1: I | ARG-3: to go down there myself to protest this repression of our civil rights "SRL for [damaged]: Prices rose on the news that a sizable West German refinery was [damaged] in a fire , tightening an already tight European market .",ARG-1: a sizable West German refinery | ARG-M-LOC: in a fire | ARG-M-ADV: tightening an already tight European market "SRL for [suboptimal]: Outside CTA of the abdomen , pelvis , and lower extremities dated 6-8-06 : The film quality is [suboptimal] because of technical issues of the scanning protocol and the extensive amount of arterial calcification .",ARG-1: The film quality | ARG-M-CAU: because of technical issues of the scanning protocol and the extensive amount of arterial calcification "SRL for [subsampled]: In all , 43 profiles were retained for analysis and [subsampled] to 8 Hz , from which pond surface rms height ( sw ) , correlation length ( lw ) and wae height spectra were derived .",ARG-M-ADV: In all | ARG-1: 43 profiles | ARG-2: to 8 Hz "SRL for [turns]: Instead , it [turns] on the disputed and elusive facts of `` who did what to whom . ''",ARG-M-DIS: Instead | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: on the disputed and elusive facts of `` who did what to whom . '' SRL for [reception]: she did not really get too much of a [reception] from Bashar Al - Assad in terms of lightening the traditionally antagonistic Syrian align towards Israel .,ARG-0: from Bashar Al - Assad "SRL for [added]: That got hard to take , he [added] .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: That got hard to take SRL for [racket]: Madoff 's [racket],ARG-0: Madoff 's "SRL for [swirled]: In the cold dawn the mist [swirled] low to the ground , then rose with a gust of sudden wind to leave the valley clear .",ARG-1: the mist | ARG-M-LOC: low to the ground SRL for [Gross]: [Gross] Description, "SRL for [stalemated]: According to Professor S D Muni , South Asia expert at the Jawaharal Nehru University , the two - year peace talks between Colombo and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam -LRB- LTTE -RRB- are [stalemated] .","ARG-M-ADV: According to Professor S D Muni , South Asia expert at the Jawaharal Nehru University | ARG-1: the two - year peace talks between Colombo and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam -LRB- LTTE -RRB-" SRL for [following]: its loyal [following] among buyers of equipment,ARG-1: its | ARG-M-MNR: loyal | ARG-0: among buyers of equipment "SRL for [campaigning]: The government , [campaigning] against fixed brokerage commissions , promptly sued the CBOE over its minimum - fee system .",ARG-0: The government | ARG-1: against fixed brokerage commissions "SRL for [broke heart]: I 'm not saying you [broke heart] , but you did leave scars .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: his "SRL for [stupefied]: Then , he [stupefied] the audience by eating fire .",ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the audience | ARG-2: by eating fire "SRL for [knocked down]: As the argument moved to the backyard , Smith [knocked down] Flynn with a blow from a baseball bat .",ARG-M-TMP: As the argument moved to the backyard | ARG-0: Smith | ARG-1: Flynn | ARG-2: with a blow from a baseball bat SRL for [appendectomy]: her [appendectomy],ARG-2: her "SRL for [plodded]: The horse [plodded] on , and he repeated his call .",ARG-0: The horse | ARG-1: on "SRL for [puffed]: He breathed now with his mouth open , showing a whitely curving section of lower teeth ; he kept his eyes , with their [puffed] blurred lids , always lowered , though not , apparently , focusing .",ARG-1: lids "SRL for [falls]: When , however , Claudio 's sister , Isabella , a novitiate in a convent , goes to Angelo to plead her brother 's case , the obdurate ruler immediately [falls] in love with her and , in a supreme act of hypocrisy , demands that Isabella yield up her virtue to him in exchange for her brother 's life .","ARG-M-TMP: When , however , Claudio 's sister , Isabella , a novitiate in a convent , goes to Angelo to plead her brother 's case | ARG-1: the obdurate ruler | ARG-M-TMP: immediately | ARG-2: in love | ARG-M-MNR: with her" SRL for [annoyed]: I was [annoyed] at her for flaking on me seeing as she was not even that hot,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: at her | ARG-2: for flaking on me | ARG-M-CAU: seeing as she was not even that hot SRL for [dissimilated]: These two related tribes of people gradually [dissimilated] over time .,ARG-1: These two related tribes of people | ARG-M-TMP: gradually | ARG-M-TMP: over time "SRL for [Tsunami]: BTW , Get Ready for a 34 Meter [Tsunami] - Forbes",ARG-2: 34 Meter "SRL for [safeguarding]: `` The big problem is that USX management has proved unwilling to devote the necessary resources and manpower to removing hazards and to [safeguarding] safety and health in the plants , '' said Linda Anku , OSHA regional administrator in Philadelphia .",ARG-0: USX management | ARG-1: safety and health in the plants SRL for [poisoned]: Euro Disneyland shares made a debut like Snow White yesterday while most of the London stock market looked like it had eaten the Evil Queen 's [poisoned] apple .,ARG-0: the Evil Queen 's | ARG-1: apple SRL for [composition]: We watched the [composition] of sand paintings by local artists at the annual town fair .,ARG-1: of sand paintings | ARG-0: by local artists SRL for [fall]: their [fall] into a state of pauperism,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: into a state of pauperism SRL for [fire]: sniper [fire],ARG-0: sniper SRL for [discovery]: the [discovery] of suspect chemical weapons material at an agricultural complex in central Iraq,ARG-1: of suspect chemical weapons material | ARG-M-LOC: at an agricultural complex in central Iraq "SRL for [combing]: It is [combing] the town of 10,000 for about 200 extras .","ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the town of 10,000 | ARG-2: for about 200 extras" "SRL for [paved]: We have as much nostalgia as anyone for those leafy , breezy days in Washington when honorable men and women dickered over budgets and even log - rolled a bit to see that the bridges got build , roads [paved] , soldiers paid or that the desperately poor were cared for .",ARG-1: roads SRL for [re - education]: The [re - education] of immigrant children to blend with the larger community robbed the children of their cultural heritage .,ARG-1: of immigrant children SRL for [conclude]: Mr. Nichol said he was `` extremely disappointed in the continuing deterioration of the company 's operations while it attempted to [conclude] the reorganization during the past four months . '',ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the reorganization | ARG-M-TMP: during the past four months "SRL for [graph]: Determine whether the [graph] of y = | x | + 3 is symmetric with respect to the origin , the x - axis , or the y - axis .",ARG-2: of y = | x | + 3 SRL for [wound]: John [wound] his watch very tight .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his watch | ARG-2: very tight SRL for [meet]: ... advertisers who in 1990 [meet] their 1989 spending .,ARG-M-TMP: in 1990 | ARG-0: advertisers | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: their 1989 spending "SRL for [convert]: Convertible capital appreciation bonds with a final stated maturity of Nov. 15 , 2014 , [convert] Nov. 15 , 1999 .","ARG-1: Convertible capital appreciation bonds with a final stated maturity of Nov. 15 , 2014 | ARG-M-TMP: Nov. 15 , 1999" SRL for [spur]: It 's not just the responsibility of schools and teachers to [spur] children 's interest in language .,ARG-1: children 's interest in language SRL for [enlarge]: It appears that the only thing Congress is learning from the HUD story is how to [enlarge] its control of the honey pot going to special interests .,ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: its control of the honey pot going to special interests "SRL for [decked out]: Mr. Roman , by contrast , seems rarely to cut loose at all , although he did appear at Ogilvy 's Halloween party Friday [decked out] in duck feet and a duck hat , costumed as a `` lame duck . ''",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: in duck feet and a duck hat SRL for [winced]: The fat man [winced] .,ARG-0: The fat man "SRL for [sound]: But if I do n't understand the meaning of what someone is saying , it will just be strange sounds to me , and I will [sound] just as strange to them .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: just as strange | ARG-3: to them SRL for [bathed]: ... so that the whole place was [bathed] in the maximum of light without any point admitting even so much as a crack of glare .,ARG-0: the whole place | ARG-2: in the maximum of light "SRL for [forsaken]: Moreover , your hypothetical investor has [forsaken] the gains to be had in reducing risk by diversifying his portfolio .",ARG-M-DIS: Moreover | ARG-0: your hypothetical investor | ARG-1: the gains to be had in reducing risk by diversifying his portfolio SRL for [came out]: John [came out] to his family last week .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: to his family | ARG-M-TMP: last week SRL for [lax]: We 've been [lax] on the matter .,ARG-1: We | ARG-2: on the matter "SRL for [subordinates]: Instead of realizing his mistake in letting the exchange rate dominate both British economic policy and Mrs. Thatcher 's political fortune , Mr. Lawson pushed for tying the pound formally to the mark by entering the European Monetary System , which [subordinates] all member currencies to German monetary policy .",ARG-0: the European Monetary System | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: all member currencies | ARG-2: to German monetary policy SRL for [engaged]: They are [engaged] to be married later this year .,ARG-1: They | ARG-3: to be married later this year "SRL for [discriminating]: But that does n't necessarily mean thrifts are [discriminating] against blacks , the agency said .",ARG-0: thrifts | ARG-1: against blacks SRL for [consultation]: His works were based on his [consultation] of ancient Greek manuscripts .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of ancient Greek manuscripts "SRL for [cynical]: I do n't know if it 's [cynical] or not , but talk about someone who does n't get what Obama 's saying :",ARG-1: it SRL for [befall]: The specific scene he mentions in which pet dogs are crushed is somewhat reminiscent of the continual plights that [befall] the coyote in the old Warner Bros . `` Road Runner '' cartoons .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: the continual plights | ARG-1: the coyote | ARG-M-LOC: in the old Warner Bros . `` Road Runner '' cartoons SRL for [reintroduced]: Mr. Stoltzman [reintroduced] his colleagues .,ARG-0: Mr. Stoltzman | ARG-1: his colleagues "SRL for [complacent]: The stagnant argument of *PRO* sticking to the beaten track and be self - [complacent] , the conservative claim of maintaining the status quo , the metaphysics of either this or that , = all these are forces of convention that can not meet the needs of the times . All these are anachronistic and ossified .",ARG-M-REC: self SRL for [upscaled]: A must for your wardrobe . Very universal wardrobe piece . Especially because I [upscaled] it from black matte lace material which can be worn any time of year .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from black matte lace material which can be worn any time of year "SRL for [out of hands]: The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution on April 25 , 2008 that will keep weapons of mass destruction [out of hands] of terrorists .",ARG-1: weapons of mass destruction | ARG-0: of terrorists SRL for [attacks]: The new medication has reduced Sally 's asthma [attacks] .,ARG-1: Sally 's | ARG-0: asthma SRL for [forgiving]: His family was adamant about his [forgiving] her for her outburst days ago .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: for her outburst days ago SRL for [fluxed]: He [fluxed] the cargo in the large furnaces .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the cargo | ARG-M-LOC: in the large furnaces "SRL for [couching]: But the proposals also display political savvy , [couching] some of the most controversial ideas in cautious language so as not to alienate powerful conservatives in the government who stand to lose out if they are implemented .",ARG-0: the proposals | ARG-1: some of the most controversial ideas | ARG-2: in cautious language | ARG-M-PNC: so as not to alienate powerful conservatives in the government who stand to lose out if they are implemented SRL for [proposition]: The Magic are re - working their [proposition] to Phil Jackson with the hopes of luring him into a front office role,ARG-0: their | ARG-3: to Phil Jackson SRL for [upgrading]: Formally [upgrading] the Sandinistas to a democratic status was an initiative harshly criticized in the Costa Rican press .,ARG-M-MNR: Formally | ARG-1: the Sandinistas | ARG-4: to a democratic status "SRL for [clobbered]: `` The stocks that have been the best are having big pullbacks , and the ones that have been the worst are getting [clobbered] , '' Mr. Mills said .",ARG-1: the ones that have been the worst SRL for [non - autistic]: The second control group was [non - autistic] who had Crohn 's disease confirmed on their biopsy .,ARG-1: The second control group "SRL for [plea]: Javert unjustly arrests her , but her [plea] to him for leniency is overheard by Valjean , who overrules Javert and demands her release .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: to him | ARG-2: for leniency "SRL for [faded]: Continental gave up some of its recent gains , dropping 8 to 338 , as rumors of an impending takeover attempt for the tiremaker [faded] , brokers said .",ARG-1: rumors of an impending takeover attempt for the tiremaker SRL for [restrict]: The partnership said it is proposing the change largely because the provisions of its senior notes [restrict] it from making distributions on its units outstanding .,ARG-0: the provisions of its senior notes | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from making distributions on its units outstanding "SRL for [relates]: Allen Tien , the head of Carrefour 's public affairs division in Taiwan , [relates] that Wal","ARG-0: Allen Tien , the head of Carrefour 's public affairs division in Taiwan | ARG-1: Wal" "SRL for [prop up]: Although the Bank of England 's tight monetary policy has fueled worries that Britain 's slowing economy is headed for a recession , it is widely believed that Mr. Lawson 's willingness to [prop up] the pound with interest - rate increases helped stem pound selling in recent weeks .",ARG-1: the pound | ARG-2: with interest - rate increases SRL for [grooming]: Little did he know that his superiors were [grooming] him for highly sensitive intelligence work .,ARG-0: his superiors | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for highly sensitive intelligence work SRL for [excavation]: His historical [excavation] of the life of Donal Rumsfeld,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-ADJ: historical | ARG-1: of the life of Donal Rumsfeld SRL for [birth]: They got divorced after the [birth] of their first child .,ARG-1: of their first child SRL for [unworkable]: This specimen proved simply [unworkable] into tablets or granules and had to be discarded .,ARG-1: This specimen | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-2: into tablets or granules SRL for [healing]: We support her in her [healing] and recovery .,ARG-1: her SRL for [hold out]: UAL 's board might [hold out] for a new bid much closer to the original levels .,ARG-1: UAL 's board | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-2: for a new bid much closer to the original levels "SRL for [infuriate]: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission plans to restrict dual trading on commodity exchanges , a move almost certain to [infuriate] exchange officials and traders .",ARG-0: a move | ARG-1: exchange officials and traders SRL for [exposure]: employees ' [exposure] to computers,ARG-1: employees ' | ARG-2: to computers SRL for [come up]: Something has [come up] that makes it impossible for us to meet today .,ARG-1: Something | C-ARG-1: that makes it impossible for us to meet today "SRL for [slow]: Activity continued to [slow] from the hectic pace set during the market 's plunge late Friday and its rebound Monday , as players began to set their sights on events coming later this week .",ARG-1: Activity | ARG-3: from the hectic pace set during the market 's plunge late Friday and its rebound Monday | ARG-M-TMP: as players began to set their sights on events coming later this week SRL for [switch]: Tim described his [switch] of focus from Math to Computer Science this way :,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of focus | ARG-3: from Math | ARG-2: to Computer Science SRL for [suffered]: From the very beginning the teacher only spoke English and her son [suffered] a lot of setbacks .,ARG-0: her son | ARG-1: a lot of setbacks SRL for [uppercasing]: It was initially referred to as HoTMaiL with selective [uppercasing] .,ARG-M-MNR: selective SRL for [remains]: It [remains] to the President to administer the final infamy .,ARG-2: the President | ARG-1: to administer the final infamy "SRL for [putting down]: I mean look at them , every time they lose and election they go on a rampage [putting down] the liberals wanting another vote , and when they get the vote , when do they decide to have it , right when people want to have a nice holiday , now we have to listen to the Conservatives complain about the liberals , and the liberals try to win the elections .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: liberals SRL for [bolused]: [bolused] 3 L NS overnight for hypertention,ARG-2: 3 L NS | ARG-M-TMP: overnight | ARG-3: for hypertention SRL for [left out]: We are almost [left out] of [ campus ] social activities .,ARG-1: We | ARG-M-EXT: almost | ARG-2: of [ campus ] social activities "SRL for [powered]: The announcements are scheduled to be made in Temple , Texas , and include a so-called `` notebook '' PC that weighs less than seven pounds , has a built - in hard disk drive and is [powered] by Intel Corp. 's 286 microprocessor .",ARG-1: a so-called `` notebook '' PC | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-0: by Intel Corp. 's 286 microprocessor SRL for [debilitated]: The injury [debilitated] Mr. Brown .,ARG-0: The injury | ARG-1: Mr. Brown "SRL for [take step back]: If we [take step back] from EPL - related tourism , to examine tourism itself , we see that the tourism industry as a whole works on a model that downplays the monetary exchange that sits at its heart .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: from EPL - related tourism | ARG-2: to examine tourism itself "SRL for [dictates]: What 's going on today in Martyr Square [dictates] a new national political game to Speaker Berri , as well as the Lebanese parties involved .","ARG-0: What 's going on today in Martyr Square | ARG-1: a new national political game | ARG-2: to Speaker Berri , as well as the Lebanese parties involved" "SRL for [yanking]: We finally rendezvoused with our balloon , and went about the precision routine of [yanking] the balloon to the ground , punching all the air out of it , rolling it up and cramming it and the basket into the trailer .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the balloon | ARG-M-GOL: to the ground SRL for [flow]: The [flow] of infomation into a manufacture 's main computer network for use in business planning marketing and other operations,ARG-1: of infomation | ARG-M-GOL: into a manufacture 's main computer network | ARG-M-PRP: for use in business planning marketing and other operations SRL for [peace]: The [peace] of God came to her .,ARG-0: of God "SRL for [insulated]: Polyurethane foam is a highly efficient insulator , which accounts for why the walls of refrigerators and freezers can be thinner now than they were back in the days when they were [insulated] with glass fiber .",ARG-1: they | ARG-3: with glass fiber | ARG-M-TMP: the days | R-ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [shy]: We are 10 miles [shy] of Los Angeles .,ARG-1: We | ARG-2: 10 miles | ARG-3: of Los Angeles "SRL for [bashing]: In their [bashing] of PV Narashima Rao , the Congress displays extreme ingratitude .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of PV Narashima Rao SRL for [pancytopenic]: CBC revealed that he was [pancytopenic] .,ARG-1: he "SRL for [reveling]: But for the next few months , these boys of summers long past are going to be [reveling] in an Indian summer of the soul .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: for the next few months | ARG-0: these boys of summers long past | ARG-1: in an Indian summer of the soul SRL for [attempted]: Mr. Nichol said he was `` extremely disappointed in the continuing deterioration of the company 's operations while it [attempted] to conclude the reorganization during the past four months . '',ARG-0: it | ARG-1: to conclude the reorganization during the past four months "SRL for [faxed in]: In a few instances , Aetna knew it would probably be shelling out big bucks , even before a client called or [faxed in] a claim .",ARG-0: a client | ARG-1: a claim SRL for [decease]: the fated hour of my [decease] is at hand,ARG-1: my "SRL for [creasing]: Even Kuanyin , worshipped for her limitless compassion and mercy , must be [creasing] her brow at this rampant overuse of the mountain .","ARG-M-DIS: Even | ARG-0: Kuanyin , worshipped for her limitless compassion and mercy | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: her brow | ARG-M-ADV: at this rampant overuse of the mountain" SRL for [waking up]: A lot of them are [waking up] to that idea .,ARG-1: A lot of them | ARG-3: to that idea "SRL for [chucked]: Last summer , he [chucked] his 10 - year career as a London stockbroker and headed for the mountains .",ARG-M-TMP: Last summer | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his 10 - year career as a London stockbroker SRL for [turn]: And a child who is free to make his own choices does n't automatically [turn] into a delinquent .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: a child who is free to make his own choices | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-MNR: automatically | ARG-2: into a delinquent SRL for [funny]: I do n't know why this is so [funny] to me .,ARG-1: this | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-0: to me | ARG-M-CAU: why SRL for [Sucks]: The US [Sucks] at Olympic Lifting .,ARG-0: The US | ARG-1: at Olympic Lifting SRL for [examination]: international [examination] of one of the most troubling mysteries in US - Soviet relations,ARG-0: international | ARG-1: of one of the most troubling mysteries in US - Soviet relations "SRL for [knock up]: In Chapter VI of Vanity Fair , Thackeray reports on Joe Sedley 's drunken avowal to we d Becky Sharp the next morning , even if he had to ? [knock up] the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth , ? in order to have him in readiness to perform the ceremony .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the Archbishop of Canterbury | ARG-M-LOC: at Lambeth SRL for [plummeted]: UAL ... reversed course and [plummeted] in off - exchange trading after the 5:09 p.m. EDT announcement .,ARG-1: UAL | ARG-M-LOC: in off - exchange trading | ARG-M-TMP: after the 5:09 p.m. EDT announcement SRL for [jumping]: [jumping], SRL for [absurd]: I said you 're being [absurd] about what you think my positions are .,ARG-1: you | ARG-M-ADV: about what you think my positions are "SRL for [pop]: `` I think the market could [pop] up to the $ 1.22 to $ 1.25 level without too much difficulty , '' he said .",ARG-1: the market | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-2: up | ARG-4: to the $ 1.22 to $ 1.25 level | ARG-M-MNR: without too much difficulty SRL for [preempt]: Well eh I would -- I would n't like to eh [preempt] or influence the trial because this is -- uh this is independent judicial uh process and I would not like to to uh uh apply any pressure on the judge uh to uh speed up the trial trial .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIS: eh | ARG-1: the trial SRL for [freshen]: We need a good rain to [freshen] the flowers .,ARG-0: a good rain | ARG-1: the flowers "SRL for [busted]: At one point , the Mexican police [busted] both Andrew Luster and Dwayne Dog Chapman , because they do n't like bounty hunters in Mexico .",ARG-M-TMP: At one point | ARG-0: the Mexican police | ARG-1: both Andrew Luster and Dwayne Dog Chapman | ARG-M-CAU: because they do n't like bounty hunters in Mexico SRL for [locking]: His [locking] the doors has forced me to stay with the neighbors because I ca n't get in the house .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the doors "SRL for [decoration]: ... how intrigued and impressed Kathryn and I were at her unique , attractive [decoration] of the dining table with ordinary , simple breadfruit leaves .","ARG-0: her | ARG-M-ADJ: unique | ARG-M-ADJ: attractive | ARG-1: of the dining table | ARG-2: with ordinary , simple breadfruit leaves" "SRL for [figuring out]: James Cleveland , a courier who earned a Bravo Zulu for [figuring out] how to get a major customer 's 1,100 - parcel - a - week load to its doorstep by 8 a.m. , considers himself far more than a courier .","ARG-0: a courier | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: how to get a major customer 's 1,100 - parcel - a - week load to its doorstep by 8 a.m." SRL for [blast]: [blast] of silence,ARG-1: of silence "SRL for [deformation]: If the glacier flows just by internal [deformation] , then it is likely that rates of creep decrease with depth , with fastest ice movement at the surface and slowest ( or no ) ice movement at the base and at the valley sides , where resistive stresses are highest ( Jiskoot et al . , 2011 ) . Ice deforms because it is plastic .",ARG-M-LOC: internal SRL for [re - ligation]: The recombination reaction is then halted by cleavage of the junction and [re - ligation] of the released DNA .,ARG-1: of the released DNA "SRL for [shifted]: Investor focus [shifted] quickly , traders said .",ARG-1: Investor focus | ARG-M-MNR: quickly SRL for [distempered]: He [distempered] the whole of the staircase light pink .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the whole of the staircase | ARG-2: light pink "SRL for [reverse]: people , who a little before shuddered at the Roman name , flocked together in crowds to behold their [reverse] of fortune .",ARG-2: their | ARG-1: of fortune SRL for [secure]: He was [secure] in his masculinity,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: in his masculinity SRL for [screeched]: John [screeched] the chalk on the blackboard .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the chalk | ARG-M-LOC: on the blackboard "SRL for [clustered]: Prior to the introduction of financial futures in the late 1970s , most trading firms [clustered] around the LaSalle Street financial district here were family operations handed down from one generation to the next .",ARG-1: most trading firms | ARG-2: around the LaSalle Street financial district here "SRL for [clarifies]: I am a fairly decent cook , though I have not really tackled complex tasks like the baking of bread or dramatic sauces which threaten to erupt into flames if you leave them anywhere near the stove after the butter [clarifies] .",ARG-1: the butter SRL for [calcification]: This sometimes ends with the [calcification] of the damaged tissue .,ARG-1: of the damaged tissue SRL for [pre - negotiated]: This standard agreement form [pre - negotiated] by the two sides of the borrower and the lender will benefit both China and the U.S.,ARG-1: This standard agreement form | ARG-0: by the two sides of the borrower and the lender SRL for [suited]: Not to blame the victim but Dark snowy roads are n't probably best [suited] for cycling .,ARG-1: Dark snowy roads | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-M-EXT: best | ARG-2: for cycling SRL for [Knocking back]: [Knocking back] drinks makes the poetry flow .,ARG-1: drinks SRL for [contamination]: A fund will be established to clean up future cases of soil and groundwater [contamination] .,ARG-1: soil and groundwater SRL for [DISSERVICE]: ... but via their [DISSERVICE] of failing to implement any marketing other than simply uploading to their local MLS ... it could wind up costing the seller tens of thousands of dollars !,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: of failing to implement any marketing other than simply uploading to their local MLS SRL for [weekended]: For fifteen years they [weekended] in a large house on Long Island 's North Shore .,ARG-M-TMP: For fifteen years | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-LOC: in a large house on Long Island 's North Shore SRL for [cosigned]: My mom [cosigned] with us on the mortgage .,ARG-2: My mom | ARG-0: with us | ARG-1: on the mortgage "SRL for [defraud]: Last November , a federal grand jury indicted GE on charges of fraud and false claims in connection with an alleged scheme to [defraud] the Army of $ 21 million on a logistics computer contract .",ARG-0: GE | ARG-1: the Army | ARG-3: of $ 21 million | ARG-2: on a logistics computer contract "SRL for [berated]: At his first Chicago press conference , he [berated] the reporters .",ARG-M-LOC: At his first Chicago press conference | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the reporters "SRL for [scour]: He said that investors will [scour] the October employment report , due out Friday , for clues about the direction of the economy and the immediate outlook for interest rates .","ARG-0: investors | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the October employment report , due out Friday | ARG-2: for clues about the direction of the economy and the immediate outlook for interest rates" SRL for [retarded]: Either they are extremely shameless or extremely mentally [retarded] .,ARG-1: they | ARG-M-EXT: extremely | ARG-2: mentally "SRL for [scratching]: While they can target some of the most obvious miscreants , enforcers concede that they are only [scratching] the surface .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: the surface "SRL for [multi - member]: Candidates are numbered similar to AV , but constituencies are [multi - member] so seats are allocated based on numbers of votes .",ARG-1: constituencies SRL for [termed]: They immediately [termed] the proposal inadequate .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: immediately | ARG-1: the proposal | ARG-3: inadequate "SRL for [thrilling]: Granted , what Obama is up to these days is pretty [thrilling] .",ARG-M-DIS: Granted | ARG-0: what Obama is up to these days | ARG-M-EXT: pretty SRL for [clip]: I need to give the poodles a good [clip] this weekend .,ARG-M-MNR: good SRL for [sneaking]: British customs officers said they 'd arrested eight men [sneaking] 111 rare snakes into Britain -- including one man who strapped a pair of boa constrictors under his armpits .,ARG-0: eight men | ARG-3: 111 rare snakes | ARG-1: into Britain | ARG-M-ADV: including one man who strapped a pair of boa constrictors under his armpits "SRL for [following]: The [following] were neither barred nor suspended : Stephanie Veselich Enright , Rolling Hills , Calif. , fined $ 2,500 and ordered to disgorge $ 11,762 ; Stuart Lane Russel , Glendale , Calif. , fined $ 2,500 and ordered to disgorge $ 14,821 ; Devon Nilson Dahl , Fountain Valley , Calif. , fined $ 82,389 .","ARG-1: Stephanie Veselich Enright , Rolling Hills , Calif. , fined $ 2,500 and ordered to disgorge $ 11,762 ; Stuart Lane Russel , Glendale , Calif. , fined $ 2,500 and ordered to disgorge $ 14,821 ; Devon Nilson Dahl , Fountain Valley , Calif. , fined $ 82,389" "SRL for [challenged]: Barney Barnhardt , a 727 captain and leader of the pro - union forces , said he has received two anonymous death threats and been [challenged] to a fight with tire irons by a colleague .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: to a fight with tire irons | ARG-0: by a colleague SRL for [training]: They also support a tax credit for employers to offset the cost of hiring and [training] workers who temporarily replace employees on parental leave .,ARG-0: employers | ARG-2: workers who temporarily replace employees on parental leave "SRL for [exploited]: President Carter sided with his conscience as a human being , and he decided to speak his mind strongly and sharply against a racist state which hijacked , through its supporters , the White House and the decision - making circle in it , and [exploited] it to serve its interests and its wars , and to cover for its crimes against the Palestinian people and the entire Arab nation .","ARG-0: a racist state | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to serve its interests and its wars , and to cover for its crimes against the Palestinian people and the entire Arab nation | R-ARG-0: which" "SRL for [personal]: the court held that the right to exploit one 's name and likeness is [personal] to the artist and must be exercised , if at all , by him during his lifetime .",ARG-1: the right to exploit one 's name and likeness | ARG-2: to the artist "SRL for [frustrate]: Sometimes , if the hacker seemed to be into a sensitive file , he would drag his keychain across the terminal to create static or slow the system down to [frustrate] his quarry .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his quarry "SRL for [adjoining]: If a child loses a molar at the age of two , the [adjoining] teeth may shift toward the empty space ...",ARG-1: teeth "SRL for [gloss]: I was told that the Lanapenna receives its [gloss] from being steeped in lemon juice , and being afterwards pressed down with a taylor 's goose .",ARG-1: its "SRL for [default]: The Assistant is often dubbed "" Clippy "" or "" Clippit "" , due to its [default] to a paper clip character , coded as CLIPPIT.ACS .","ARG-1: its | ARG-2: to a paper clip character , coded as CLIPPIT.ACS" "SRL for [catalogued]: In nine years , she [catalogued] more than 10000 stars .",ARG-M-TMP: In nine years | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: more than 10000 stars SRL for [pay up]: A consumer court in Bangalore has asked German airline Lufthansa to [pay up] compensation for a rude airhostess .,ARG-0: German airline Lufthansa | ARG-1: compensation | ARG-3: for a rude airhostess SRL for [preconditioning]: God started his [preconditioning] of humanity towards evil in the Garden of Eden .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of | ARG-2: towards evil SRL for [crack]: ooh my knees [crack] .,ARG-M-DIS: ooh | ARG-1: my knees SRL for [defeat]: election [defeat],ARG-1: election SRL for [profound]: Justice Harlan 's statement was [profound] in its forecast for America .,ARG-1: Justice Harlan 's statement | ARG-2: in its forecast for America "SRL for [thirsty]: We should encourage people to be Lei Feng by simply learning from Lei Feng . The only person who lent a helping hand to save a little girl by the name of Yueyue was a woman who collects refuse , but she was misconstrued as someone who is [thirsty] for fame .",ARG-0: who | ARG-1: for fame SRL for [emission]: The EU has taken on the obligation of reducing its [emission] of greenhouse gases by 20 percent by 2020 .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of greenhouse gases "SRL for [diligent]: Consequently , residents and State and local officials have become more [diligent] in planning and preparing for the next big earthquake .",ARG-M-DIS: Consequently | ARG-0: residents and State and local officials | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-1: in planning and preparing for the next big earthquake SRL for [know]: I do not [know] him .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: him SRL for [flexible]: Budget can be [flexible] but ideally less than L 100 .,ARG-1: Budget | ARG-M-MOD: can SRL for [wowed]: John [wowed] jaded audiences worldwide with his rendition of `` I 'm a Little Teapot . '',ARG-0: John | ARG-1: jaded audiences worldwide | ARG-2: with his rendition of `` I 'm a Little Teapot . '' "SRL for [darted]: Just then Charles Lever yelled , `` Hey , Jack '' , from the quarry road which ran behind the Carter house , and Jack grabbed the lunch from the table and [darted] out the kitchen door , yelling `` Good - bye , Mom '' over his shoulder .",ARG-0: Jack | ARG-1: out the kitchen door SRL for [paupered]: Brown has [paupered] the country and its inhabitants .,ARG-0: Brown | ARG-1: the country and its inhabitants "SRL for [infusion]: The Providence Journal extolled the organization for its [infusion] of "" an invaluable cultural influence into the city . ""","ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of "" an invaluable cultural influence | ARG-2: into the city" SRL for [smart]: His suit was [smart] and his tie a subdued blue .,ARG-1: His suit "SRL for [armed]: Thus [armed] for massive matching of documents by computer , they single out high - income groups , looking primarily for people who have n't filed New York income - tax returns .",ARG-M-MNR: Thus | ARG-1: they | ARG-M-PRP: for massive matching of documents by computer SRL for [contrived]: In 1820 he [contrived] the first cultivator for seed beds .,ARG-M-TMP: In 1820 | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the first cultivator | ARG-3: for seed beds "SRL for [draw lines]: For years , Jewish institutions have been grappling with where to [draw lines] when it comes to criticism of Israel .",ARG-0: Jewish institutions | ARG-1: red SRL for [turmoil]: tourism in and through Hong Kong remains clouded by China 's [turmoil] since the June 4 killings in Beijing .,ARG-1: China 's | ARG-M-TMP: since the June 4 killings in Beijing SRL for [invokes]: Mr. Melloan quotes Peter Teagan and [invokes] the name of Arthur D. Little Inc. to support his statement .,ARG-0: Mr. Melloan | ARG-1: the name of Arthur D. Little Inc. | ARG-M-PRP: to support his statement "SRL for [observing]: Jin Zhong , president and editor - in - chief of Hong Kong 's OPEN magazine , which specializes in political reporting and commentary , spent an entire week in Taiwan [observing] the election campaign and its aftermath , and on 20 March , OPEN organized a seminar titled "" The New President and Cross - Strait Relations . ""","ARG-0: Jin Zhong , president and editor - in - chief of Hong Kong 's OPEN magazine , which specializes in political reporting and commentary | ARG-1: the election campaign and its aftermath" SRL for [evacuated]: The plant was [evacuated] and workers sent home .,ARG-1: The plant SRL for [affirmed]: The Delaware Supreme Court [affirmed] a ruling that barred Chris - Craft Industries from voting its Warner preferred stock as a separate class in deciding on the companies ' proposed merger .,ARG-0: The Delaware Supreme Court | ARG-1: a ruling that barred Chris - Craft Industries from voting its Warner preferred stock as a separate class in deciding on the companies ' proposed merger SRL for [ascertain]: Yutaka Kawashima also suggested that the Universe Development Undertaking Group organize an inspection team to thoroughly [ascertain] the reason why the satellite could not enter geosynchronous orbit .,ARG-0: inspection team | ARG-M-MNR: thoroughly | ARG-1: the reason why the satellite could not enter geosynchronous orbit "SRL for [tasting]: Oh man , that is creepy . Farmers mkt sounds good ! They 're doing a tomato [tasting] ! What time are you thinking ?",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-LVB: doing | ARG-1: tomato "SRL for [overbid]: J. William Grimes , former president of ESPN , says NBC may `` come in with a huge bid for college basketball to take it away from CBS and say , ` We can [overbid] , too . '' '",ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-DIS: too "SRL for [mustached]: You get to where it 's supposed to be , and there is just an old white - [mustached] prospector with a gravelly voice askin how you heard about "" The Block Buster """,ARG-2: white | ARG-1: prospector SRL for [sagged]: The children looked at each other and [sagged] their bottoms down even more comfortably than ever .,ARG-0: The children | ARG-1: their bottoms | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-M-MNR: even more comfortably than ever SRL for [nursing]: Recently we heard about how a mom was asked to leave a big named store in New York just because she was [nursing] her baby .,ARG-0: she | ARG-2: her baby "SRL for [despondent]: I 'm really rather [despondent] about the state of urban public education , and it seems like nobody really has any idea how to fix it .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-ADV: rather | ARG-1: about the state of urban public education "SRL for [going]: `` I think Bush 's [going] there is a helpful sign , '' said Sen. Terry Sanford ( D. , N.C. ) a member of the Foreign Relations Committee who pushed to provide Costa Rica about the same amount of aid as it received last year .",ARG-0: Bush 's | ARG-4: there "SRL for [ring]: For some terrorism experts today 's attack , which occurred against the backdrop of intense clashes between Palestinians and Israelis in the Middle East , has an eerily familiar [ring] to it .",ARG-2: eerily familiar | ARG-1: to it SRL for [claim]: This form provides a [claim] of tax credit for nonresident military spouses .,ARG-1: of tax credit | ARG-2: for nonresident military spouses SRL for [looked over]: During the next weeks he [looked over] the situation .,ARG-M-TMP: During the next weeks | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the situation SRL for [nudged]: Revenue [nudged] up 3.4 % to $ 904 million from $ 874 million in last year 's third quarter .,ARG-1: Revenue | ARG-5: up | ARG-2: 3.4 % | ARG-4: to $ 904 million | ARG-3: from $ 874 million | ARG-M-LOC: in last year 's third quarter "SRL for [incapacitate]: They will be eager to exploit these former couples , to bid on justice in our country , so political pressure will increase on us to [incapacitate] the legitimate judiciary .",ARG-0: us | ARG-1: the legitimate judiciary SRL for [promiscuous]: He was [promiscuous] with his apologies .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: with his apologies "SRL for [set up]: An exotic dancer is in custody after a man she met at a strip club told police that she [set up] to be robbed , court records show .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to be robbed "SRL for [saturated]: But low - priced and middle - priced furriers like Mr. Purnick , who once [saturated] the five - block Seventh Avenue fur district , say imports have cut their sales .",ARG-0: Mr. Purnick | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-1: the five - block Seventh Avenue fur district SRL for [hang up]: I think that might mean we have to [hang up] .,ARG-0: we "SRL for [proper]: It is only right and [proper] that we equip our children with the language skills of the central European powers - French , German and Spanish .","ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: that we equip our children with the language skills of the central European powers - French , German and Spanish" SRL for [tarried]: He doubtless [tarried] over those psalms messianic in character for years .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: doubtless | ARG-1: over those psalms messianic in character | ARG-M-TMP: for years SRL for [shower]: So Russell is getting married in a month . Went to the wedding [shower] today . Also Adam seems to think Man got married . For real .,ARG-2: wedding SRL for [speeds]: John always [speeds] in his Chevette .,ARG-1: John | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-M-LOC: in his Chevette SRL for [attraction]: The physics teacher demonstrated the [attraction] of iron filings to a magnet .,ARG-1: of iron filings | ARG-2: to a magnet "SRL for [speeding]: The doctor had a thrilling experience on his homeward trip , which necessitated his [speeding] his car ,",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: his car SRL for [called]: Gore [called] for a recount .,ARG-0: Gore | ARG-1: for a recount "SRL for [pinioned]: He carries his elbows backward , as if he were [pinioned] like a bird .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-MNR: like a bird SRL for [started]: Any age is fine as long as you have [started] them on solids .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: on solids "SRL for [modernize]: At the same time , steelmakers are trying to invest more to [modernize] technology and make themselves more competitive .",ARG-0: steelmakers | ARG-1: technology SRL for [accursed]: the Pharisees consider the common people [accursed] for ignorance of the law .,ARG-1: the common people | ARG-2: for ignorance of the law "SRL for [please]: Policies designed to encourage one type of investor over another are akin to placing a sign over the Big Board 's door saying : `` Buyers welcome , sellers [please] go away ! ''", SRL for [clear]: Oropharyngeal exam is [clear] .,ARG-1: Oropharyngeal exam "SRL for [re - stressed]: According to the Administration , they just "" [re - stressed] that athletes were not allowed to eat pork , beef and mutton outside .","ARG-M-ADV: According to the Administration | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: that athletes were not allowed to eat pork , beef and mutton outside" SRL for [gear up]: PaineWebber also was able to [gear up] quickly thanks to the 1987 crash .,ARG-0: PaineWebber | ARG-M-MNR: quickly SRL for [creamed]: John [creamed] some weenies for Thanksgiving dinner .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: some weenies | ARG-M-PNC: for Thanksgiving dinner "SRL for [enlisted]: Mr. Maynard , whose company at the time was based in Santa Ana , Calif. , [enlisted] his local congressman , and the battle was joined .","ARG-0: Mr. Maynard , whose company at the time was based in Santa Ana , Calif. | ARG-1: his local congressman" "SRL for [originating]: Initially , the company said it will close its commercial real - estate lending division , and stop [originating] new leases at its commercial lease subsidiary .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: new leases | ARG-M-LOC: at its commercial lease subsidiary SRL for [trekked]: Sen. Alan Cranston [trekked] over to the House side of Capitol Hill a few days ago and volunteered his testimony to fellow Democrat Rep. Henry Gonzalez .,ARG-0: Sen. Alan Cranston | ARG-M-GOL: over to the House side of Capitol Hill | ARG-M-TMP: a few days ago "SRL for [smutted]: People that , if they can but have the happiness to be buried in a shroud [smutted] with this Celestial Fire , it will certainly secure them from the Flames of Hell .",ARG-2: shroud | ARG-1: with this Celestial Fire SRL for [adventure]: I am trying to involve Earth in your birthday [adventure] too ! Do n't tell her yet ! I do n't want her to get too excited ....,ARG-0: your | ARG-1: birthday "SRL for [seize]: There has been no announcement of the Burger King arrangement by either party , possibly for fear that McDonald 's and other fast - food rivals would [seize] on it in scornful advertising .",ARG-0: that McDonald 's and other fast - food rivals | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: on it | ARG-M-LOC: in scornful advertising SRL for [come]: Its forecasts did n't [come] true .,ARG-1: Its forecasts | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: true SRL for [kept]: The captain [kept] the crew loyal .,ARG-0: The captain | ARG-1: the crew | ARG-2: loyal SRL for [wrestling]: Even companies in smokestack industries [wrestling] with world - wide overcapacity are joining the boom .,ARG-0: smokestack industries | ARG-1: with world - wide overcapacity "SRL for [harbor]: As Conservatives rally around Mrs. Thatcher during the crisis , many [harbor] hopes last week 's debacle will prompt change .",ARG-M-TMP: As Conservatives rally around Mrs. Thatcher during the crisis | ARG-0: many | ARG-1: hopes last week 's debacle will prompt change "SRL for [vacated]: After John ate a big bowl of chili beans , everyone else [vacated] the room .",ARG-M-TMP: After John ate a big bowl of chili beans | ARG-0: everyone else | ARG-1: the room SRL for [immersion]: Some insist on submersion or at least partial water [immersion] of the person who is baptized,ARG-M-EXT: partial | ARG-2: water | ARG-1: of the person who is baptized "SRL for [stabilize]: Or to supply enough money to meet the increased demand and [stabilize] the exchange rate , as the Chancellor argued , and ensure the permanence of this policy by joining the EMS .",ARG-1: the exchange rate SRL for [osculates]: One curve [osculates] the other .,ARG-1: One curve | ARG-2: the other "SRL for [Somali]: When nearly everyone was [Somali] , there was no need to display one 's ethnic identity through dress ;",ARG-1: nearly everyone "SRL for [eke out]: But always , in years past , they have bucked the trend and have been able to pick up a fifth vote to [eke out] a number of major victories in civil rights and liberties cases .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: a number of major victories in civil rights and liberties cases SRL for [radiosensitizing]: radiotherapy with [radiosensitizing] chemo,ARG-0: chemo SRL for [switch]: Hoping to make the [switch] from the non - degree program ...,ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-3: from the non - degree program SRL for [hived]: At least 50000 bees [hived] within the walls of one of our rooms .,ARG-1: At least 50000 bees | ARG-M-LOC: within the walls of one of our rooms "SRL for [blamed]: And some carriers are facing other unexpected headaches : USAir , for example , [blamed] some of its loss on merger expenses and on disruptions caused by Hurricane Hugo last month .",ARG-0: USAir | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-2: some of its loss | ARG-1: on disruptions caused by Hurricane Hugo last month "SRL for [stem]: If the company can start to ship during this quarter , it could [stem] some , if not all of the red ink , he said .","ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: some , if not all of the red ink" SRL for [oriented]: They [oriented] him with his back to the wall .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: his back | ARG-2: to the wall SRL for [antihypertensive]: [antihypertensive] medications,ARG-1: medications SRL for [fell]: Profits [fell] 10 % to $ 118 million from $ 130.6 million,ARG-1: Profits | ARG-2: 10 % | ARG-4: to $ 118 million | ARG-3: from $ 130.6 million "SRL for [whining]: Or how about his [whining] that the wealthy are being "" squeezed "" and "" abused "" while saying the minimum wage needs to be reduced immediately .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that the wealthy are being "" squeezed "" and "" abused "" | ARG-M-TMP: while saying the minimum wage needs to be reduced immediately" "SRL for [divide]: Corresponding to the fall in profit rates was -- in the early 1980s -- the drop in the number arrived at if you [divide] the market value of firms by the replacement costs of their assets , the famous Q ratio associated with Prof. James Tobin .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the market value of firms | ARG-2: by the replacement costs of their assets SRL for [persecution]: The KMT 's political [persecution],ARG-0: The KMT | ARG-M-MNR: political SRL for [ingrained]: ... deeply [ingrained] traditional notions ...,ARG-M-MNR: deeply | ARG-2: traditional notions "SRL for [derived]: An expression for the four - potential of an em field is [derived] as a path integral involving the fields , the formula being analogous to one given in elementary vector analysis .",ARG-1: An expression for the four - potential of an em field | ARG-4: as a path integral involving the fields | ARG-M-ADV: the formula being analogous to one given in elementary vector analysis SRL for [contraindications]: Pregnancy 's [contraindications] include sushi and skydiving .,ARG-1: Pregnancy 's SRL for [talks]: pay [talks],ARG-1: pay SRL for [breakthrough]: This novel was her real [breakthrough] into the New York literary scene .,ARG-0: her | ARG-M-ADJ: real | ARG-M-GOL: into the New York literary scene SRL for [contacts]: our [contacts] with local police squads handling drug - related crimes,ARG-0: our | ARG-1: with local police squads handling drug - related crimes SRL for [like]: I would [like] to find a flight that goes from Boston to Orlando .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: to find a flight that goes from Boston to Orlando SRL for [thrilled]: Fawkes [thrilled] happily at them but did not move seeming to sense that this was not a time for his affections .,ARG-0: Fawkes | ARG-M-MNR: happily | ARG-1: at them SRL for [doubted]: Although takeover experts said they [doubted] Mr. Steinberg will make a bid by himself ...,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: Mr. Steinberg will make a bid by himself "SRL for [tall]: She is 5 feet , 0 inches [tall] .","ARG-1: She | ARG-2: feet , 0 inches" "SRL for [lovely]: Pale freckly skin is [lovely] , and sunbeds are really dangerous and just not good for you .",ARG-1: Pale freckly skin SRL for [stitched]: John [stitched] the pieces of burlap into a gorgeous formal gown .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: the pieces of burlap | ARG-1: into a gorgeous formal gown "SRL for [foretells]: Some experts believe that this [foretells] the transformation of industrial structure of this province from a low level , extensive type to a new high level technology dominance .","ARG-1: the transformation of industrial structure of this province from a low level , extensive type to a new high level technology dominance | ARG-0: this" SRL for [substantial]: My main course was [substantial] in its quantity and substantial in its delivery of enjoyment to my palate .,ARG-1: My main course | ARG-2: in its quantity "SRL for [tachycardic]: Good progress overall , he is tolerating a soft diet , some issues with pain but well managed with one dose of Fentanyl , he is not [tachycardic] any more , mild distention .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: any more SRL for [ganged up]: Even the police have [ganged up] with them against me - Please HELP !,ARG-0: Even the police | ARG-1: with them | ARG-2: against me SRL for [transit]: Others died when herded into railcars for a 10 - mile [transit] .,ARG-M-EXT: 10 - mile SRL for [scoured]: John [scoured] his bathtub with sandpaper to get the soap scum off .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his bathtub | ARG-2: with sandpaper | ARG-M-PRP: to get the soap scum off "SRL for [extradited]: U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein of Brooklyn , N.Y. , ruled that a man implicated in an attack on an Israeli passenger bus in 1986 can be [extradited] to Israel for trial .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: a man implicated in an attack on an Israeli passenger bus in 1986 | ARG-3: to Israel | ARG-M-PNC: for trial SRL for [levitated]: The magician [levitated] the woman into the balcony with his mind .,ARG-0: The magician | ARG-1: the woman | ARG-4: into the balcony | ARG-5: with his mind SRL for [slated]: The giant computer maker is [slated] to offer $ 500 million of 30 - year non - callable debentures through underwriters led by Salomon Brothers Inc .,ARG-1: The giant computer maker | ARG-2: to offer $ 500 million of 30 - year non - callable debentures through underwriters led by Salomon Brothers Inc "SRL for [coimmunoprecipitated]: To confirm that the detergent dissociated the PS complex , we [coimmunoprecipitated] PS1 by using an N terminus - specific antibody ( X81 ) .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: PS1 | ARG-3: an N terminus - specific antibody ( X81 ) SRL for [volley]: Let 's [volley] for the first serve .,ARG-0: 's | ARG-M-PRP: for the first serve "SRL for [sprouting]: And again , turning to look at themselves , gray hairs are [sprouting] from their temples and crows ' feet appearing at the corners of their eyes , their jowls are sagging , and the thick , solid chest muscles of their youth have somehow migrated down to their bellies .",ARG-M-DIS: again | ARG-M-PRD: turning to look at themselves | ARG-1: gray hairs | ARG-2: from their temples SRL for [talk out]: It is Ren Zhiqiang who encouraged you to speculate in real estate . You should go to Ren Zhiqiang to [talk out] .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: it SRL for [poor]: I 've kind of been giving [poor] Darren Lee and the MABRC a break,ARG-1: Darren Lee and the MABRC SRL for [terrorism]: The bully 's [terrorism] of Timmy left him in tears and afraid to return to the school .,ARG-0: The bully 's | ARG-1: of Timmy SRL for [diffracts]: A long slit of infinitesimal width which is illuminated by light [diffracts] the light into a series of circular waves .,ARG-0: A long slit of infinitesimal width which is illuminated by light | ARG-1: the light | ARG-2: into a series of circular waves "SRL for [gnawed]: Day by day , week by week , month by month , the betrayal [gnawed] at Andrei 's heart .",ARG-0: the betrayal | ARG-1: at Andrei 's heart SRL for [cubana'd out]: Cubana for dinner or r u all cubaned out ? I will NEVER be [cubana'd out],ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: NEVER SRL for [blinded]: He was [blinded] to the law by his own obsessions .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to the law | ARG-0: by his own obsessions "SRL for [cudgelling]: In Scott 's The Bride of Lammermoor -LRB- Chapter VII -RRB- , one reads about a boy ? [cudgelling] an ass , ? and one goes back over the passage to reassure himself that it does not contain a typographical error for ? cuddling . ?",ARG-0: a boy | ARG-1: an ass "SRL for [announced]: What matters is what advertisers will pay , [announced] Newsweek 's chairman",ARG-1: What matters is what advertisers will pay | ARG-0: Newsweek 's chairman "SRL for [bad]: My [bad] , I misread that",ARG-0: My | ARG-1: I misread that SRL for [clinked]: He [clinked] the fork against the glass .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LOC: against the glass SRL for [constant]: One of these odds and ends was the rather annoying prediction in Maxwell 's equations that the speed of light was [constant] .,ARG-1: the speed of light SRL for [assent]: the [assent] to the tainted - meat theory by a US team of scientists,ARG-1: to the tainted - meat theory | ARG-0: by a US team of scientists "SRL for [beginning]: Children of wealthier families had , and still have , the option of postponing their [beginning] of adult responsibilities and continuing their studies .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of adult responsibilities "SRL for [decries]: Peter Anthony , who runs an employment agency in New York , [decries] program trading as `` limiting the game to a few , '' but he also is n't sure it should be more strictly regulated .","ARG-0: Peter Anthony , who runs an employment agency in New York | ARG-1: program trading | ARG-2: as `` limiting the game to a few , ''" "SRL for [scrupulous]: Bo Xilai admitted that he was not [scrupulous] enough in using officials , and the incident in Chongqing is to become transparent",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: enough | ARG-2: in using officials SRL for [fallen back]: World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz has [fallen back] on his last resort .,ARG-0: World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz | ARG-1: on his last resort SRL for [texted]: I [texted] him about the Van Halen concert this May .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: him | ARG-3: about the Van Halen concert this May SRL for [cascading]: The waterfall 's [cascading] down into the canyon was beautiful .,ARG-1: The waterfall 's | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-M-GOL: into the canyon SRL for [evaluated]: We [evaluated] raising our bid .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: raising our bid SRL for [extinguished]: He [extinguished] the candle with the overturned glass .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the candle | ARG-2: with the overturned glass "SRL for [collaborated]: Also Jonathan Silvers , who [collaborated] with Mr. Hoffman on two books .",ARG-0: Jonathan Silvers | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: with Mr. Hoffman | ARG-2: on two books SRL for [snickered]: It spread to most of the audience and was often viewed by visiting whites who [snickered] behind handkerchief and afterward discussed Negro religion .,ARG-0: visiting whites | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-LOC: behind handkerchief SRL for [support]: Republican [support] for Alito,ARG-0: Republican | ARG-1: for Alito SRL for [gibbered]: She [gibbered] her broken pleas for mercy .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her broken pleas for mercy SRL for [harmful]: Treatment with chemotherapy might be more [harmful] .,ARG-0: Treatment with chemotherapy | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-EXT: more SRL for [supply]: The U.N. has criticized that nation for its [supply] of arms to terrorist organizations .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of arms | ARG-2: to terrorist organizations "SRL for [indictment]: Their original [indictment] against Mr. Wittgreen , the friend of Mr . Noriega , and the other four","ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: against Mr. Wittgreen , the friend of Mr . Noriega , and the other four" SRL for [medicate]: They [medicate] with alcohol and too much food .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: with alcohol and too much food "SRL for [comprehensive]: Thirty - plus years of rapid growth in China 's economy have benefited all Chinese in varying degrees , and the dividends delivered have been [comprehensive] and three - dimensional .",ARG-1: the dividends delivered SRL for [insistence]: The [insistence] of Cuba 's congressional critics,ARG-0: of Cuba 's congressional critics SRL for [get back]: Oh please you never wondered how to [get back] at the police for writing you a speeding ticket,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: at the police | ARG-2: for writing you a speeding ticket | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [bunched up]: Kelly [bunched up] the roses and put them in a vase .,ARG-0: Kelly | ARG-1: the roses SRL for [ranked]: Nearly 36 % [ranked] housing problems as their most serious unmet legal need .,ARG-0: Nearly 36 % | ARG-1: housing problems | ARG-2: as their most serious unmet legal need "SRL for [shushed]: “ Sh — h - h ! ” he [shushed] her , putting his finger to her lips ;",ARG-1: “ Sh — h - h ! ” | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: her | ARG-M-ADV: putting his finger to her lips SRL for [swished]: Twigs cracked loudly under her feet ; bushes [swished] and scratched at her slacks ; tree branches snapped as she pushed them ruthlessly away from her .,ARG-0: bushes SRL for [applied]: The paint was [applied] with a hard - bristle brush .,ARG-1: The paint | ARG-3: with a hard - bristle brush SRL for [squirted]: The little boy [squirted] his father with water .,ARG-0: The little boy | ARG-2: his father | ARG-1: with water SRL for [rough]: Parking is [rough] to get .,ARG-1: Parking | C-ARG-1: to get "SRL for [roost]: It might be alleged that TV has done more than its share to popularize and promote non - violent civil disobedience , so the second situation hypothesized above would be simply a case of `` chickens coming home to [roost] . ''",ARG-0: chickens "SRL for [organized]: She is [organized] in her goal - setting , yet has learned to keep her options open for the future .",ARG-0: She | ARG-1: in her goal - setting SRL for [vows]: The bride actually sung her [vows] to her groom at the altar during the ceremony .,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: to her groom "SRL for [notification]: If you have evidence that he assaults his own kids , I 'd be considering a chold protection [notification] .",ARG-1: chold protection "SRL for [deregulate]: `` Such research may ultimately result in the ability to regenerate damaged tissues or to turn off genes that cause cancer '' or *trace* to [deregulate] genes that cause Down 's syndrome , the leading cause of mental retardation , according to an NIH summary .","ARG-1: genes that cause Down 's syndrome , the leading cause of mental retardation , according to an NIH summary" SRL for [sweep]: With a frown marring her brow and a [sweep] of her hair off her shoulder she peered over at the door,ARG-1: of her hair | ARG-2: off her shoulder "SRL for [different]: Why are "" put "" and "" but "" [different] in their pronunciation ?","ARG-1: "" put "" and "" but "" | ARG-3: in their pronunciation | ARG-M-CAU: Why" SRL for [abound]: That means that on days when prices are tumbling and sellers [abound] they must be willing to buy shares from sellers when no one else will .,ARG-1: sellers SRL for [whanged]: I lifted high the shovel and [whanged] it down on Harvey 's head .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: it | ARG-1: down on Harvey 's head "SRL for [living down]: Furthest , and keenest of all , she read into the incident the impossibility of his [living down] his working - class origin .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: his working - class origin "SRL for [onslaught]: Government officials , especially in Japan , probably would resist any [onslaught] of program trading by players trying to shrug off the U.S. furor over their activities and marching abroad with their business",ARG-1: of program trading | ARG-2: by players trying to shrug off the U.S. furor over their activities and marching abroad with their business SRL for [brisk]: He will need plenty of political capital if he 's going to maintain Chief 's [brisk] rate of expansion .,ARG-0: Chief 's | ARG-1: rate of expansion "SRL for [troubled]: The volatility inherent in program trading [troubled] other traders , too .",ARG-0: The volatility inherent in program trading | ARG-1: other traders | ARG-M-DIS: too "SRL for [bleated]: In the field , the sheep [bleated] happily as they grazed .",ARG-M-LOC: In the field | ARG-0: the sheep SRL for [jumped]: Several new funds have [jumped] to trade at big premiums .,ARG-0: Several new funds | ARG-1: to trade at big premiums SRL for [resignation]: the [resignation] of William Allen as chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission,ARG-0: of William Allen | ARG-1: as chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission "SRL for [burdened]: But some other analysts have a stormier forecast for the pound , particularly because Britain 's inflation is hovering at a relatively lofty annual rate of about 7.6 % and the nation is [burdened] with a struggling government and large current account and trade deficits .",ARG-1: the nation | ARG-2: with a struggling government and large current account and trade deficits "SRL for [blasting]: This health club in Taipei 's fashionable eastern district , with its stylish lighting and [blasting] music , is more like a discotheque .",ARG-1: music SRL for [got together]: Mr. Guber [got together] with Mr. Peters .,ARG-0: Mr. Guber | ARG-1: with Mr. Peters SRL for [hope]: Consumer groups [hope] that Judge Curry 's Byron 1 order may set a precedent for a second nuclear rate case involving Commonweath Edison .,ARG-0: Consumer groups | ARG-1: that Judge Curry 's Byron 1 order may set a precedent for a second nuclear rate case involving Commonweath Edison "SRL for [caressed]: Her own body protested , aching painfully where the blood in her veins had congealed , where cold demon wisps still clung and [caressed] [*T*-3] .",ARG-0: cold demon wisps | ARG-M-TMP: still "SRL for [fantasize]: Meanwhile , they tackle the mounds of paper -- and [fantasize] about a dream world where bulk - mail postal regulations and government inspectors are banished .",ARG-M-DIS: Meanwhile | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: about a dream world where bulk - mail postal regulations and government inspectors are banished "SRL for [book]: Some analysts hedge their estimates for Quantum , because it is n't known when the company will [book] certain one - time charges .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: certain one - time charges "SRL for [leverage]: In Oppenheimer 's case , he had [leverage] over Teller as the director of the Manhattan Project .",ARG-M-ADV: In Oppenheimer 's case | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: over Teller | ARG-M-PRD: as the director of the Manhattan Project SRL for [convene]: The group 's resilience gets its first test today when 30 top pilot union leaders [convene] outside Chicago in a previously scheduled meeting .,ARG-1: 30 top pilot union leaders | ARG-M-LOC: outside Chicago | ARG-M-LOC: in a previously scheduled meeting | ARG-M-TMP: today | R-ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [united]: The oil and auto industries , [united] in their dislike of President Bush 's proposal for cars that run on alternative fuels , announced a joint research program that could turn up a cleaner - burning gasoline .",ARG-1: The oil and auto industries | ARG-M-LOC: in their dislike of President Bush 's proposal for cars that run on alternative fuels "SRL for [massage]: His board members alone have pledged $ 800,000 and he is just beginning to [massage] local foundations and corporations .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: local foundations and corporations "SRL for [blown]: All of this comes as the USS Cole is being carried home , a destroyer carried home on the deck of a larger ship after a hole was [blown] in its side .",ARG-2: a hole | ARG-1: in its side SRL for [hemagglutinate]: The ability of some fimbrial types to [hemagglutinate] erythrocytes was blocked by the presence of mannose ...,ARG-0: some fimbrial types | ARG-1: erythrocytes SRL for [spread]: They do n't know how to [spread] knowledge so that others will make money for them !,ARG-M-MNR: how | ARG-1: knowledge | ARG-M-PRP: so that others will make money for them "SRL for [fragments]: `` Niche - itis [fragments] our advertising dollars , '' said Mr. Lauder .",ARG-0: Niche - itis | ARG-1: our advertising dollars SRL for [underrepresented]: Research released Wednesday shows that women and girls are still [underrepresented] in career and technical education ( CTE ),ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: women and girls | ARG-2: in career and technical education SRL for [snared]: He had [snared] it with a makeshift loop of twine worked under a stone .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with a makeshift loop of twine worked under a stone SRL for [volleyed]: Gun shots [volleyed] at the attackers .,ARG-1: Gun shots | ARG-2: at the attackers SRL for [forgive]: Holders of SCI TV 's $ 507 million of high - yield junk bonds are being asked to [forgive] a lot of debt in exchange for taking a 39 % equity stake in SCI TV .,ARG-0: Holders of SCI TV 's $ 507 million of high - yield junk bonds | ARG-2: a lot of debt | ARG-M-ADV: in exchange for taking a 39 % equity stake in SCI TV "SRL for [ramifications]: The price hike of petroleum has its [ramifications] on market goods , commodities of daily use , and others as well .","ARG-0: its | ARG-1: on market goods , commodities of daily use , and others as well" "SRL for [have strutted]: Out past the strip malls and tract housing of western Palm Beach County , the peacocks [have strutted] up to tourists in sturdy cars since Disney World was still a figment .",ARG-M-LOC: Out past the strip malls and tract housing of western Palm Beach County | ARG-1: the peacocks | ARG-2: up to tourists in sturdy cars | ARG-M-TMP: since Disney World was still a figment SRL for [content]: He was [content] with the situation .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: with the situation SRL for [authentication]: Biro told me that his request for millions of dollars from the Parkers came after he had finished his [authentication] of their painting .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of their painting "SRL for [grinds]: Kay Peterson mounts her bicycle and [grinds] up yet another steep , rocky path seemingly suitable only for mountain goats .","ARG-1: Kay Peterson | ARG-2: up yet another steep , rocky path seemingly suitable only for mountain goats" "SRL for [edgy]: He was [edgy] from the tension , and his staff avoided him as much as possible .",ARG-1: He | ARG-0: from the tension SRL for [stippled]: He [stippled] the letter 'S ' onto the necklace .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the letter 'S ' | ARG-2: onto the necklace "SRL for [implantation]: According to Federer , the answer is his [implantation] of mental imagery into his training regimen .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of mental imagery | ARG-2: into his training regimen SRL for [annualized]: Self - Employment income must be [annualized] over a twelve month period even if received over a shorter period of time if it represents the household 's annual income .,ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: Self - Employment income | ARG-2: over a twelve month period | ARG-M-ADV: even if received over a shorter period of time if it represents the household 's annual income SRL for [coking]: It has been well established that the most important range of temperature during coal [coking] is 400–500 ° C,ARG-1: coal SRL for [cramped]: The runner 's calf muscle [cramped] painfully after the race .,ARG-1: The runner 's calf muscle | ARG-M-MNR: painfully | ARG-M-TMP: after the race SRL for [educate]: They feel the need from time to time to ` [educate] ' me . '',ARG-0: They | ARG-1: me SRL for [networking]: I 'm also learning a lot about computers like % um like about other things about computers like about % um you know how to do email and how to do like [networking] .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-DIS: like | ARG-M-MNR: how "SRL for [distracted]: Troubled chains could see their sales drop as much as 8 % , he believes , as managers [distracted] by fears about the future allow their stores to get sloppy .",ARG-1: managers | ARG-0: by fears about the future SRL for [training]: Some have been [training] for months ; others only recently left active status .,ARG-2: Some | ARG-M-TMP: for months SRL for [big]: 20 feet is [big] for a shark .,ARG-3: 20 feet | ARG-4: for a shark SRL for [dashed]: An official at Wako Securities said brokerages ' excessive expectations about recent advances in Tokyu Group shares and real estate issues were [dashed] Friday .,ARG-1: brokerages ' excessive expectations about recent advances in Tokyu Group shares and real estate issues | ARG-M-TMP: Friday "SRL for [shouldering]: In addition , corporations are now [shouldering] a bigger share of the tax burden , as the authors of the 1986 law hoped .",ARG-M-DIS: In addition | ARG-0: corporations | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: a bigger share of the tax burden | ARG-M-ADV: as the authors of the 1986 law hoped "SRL for [bought]: TV stations [bought] "" Cosby "" reruns for record prices .","ARG-0: TV stations | ARG-1: "" Cosby "" reruns | ARG-3: for record prices" "SRL for [muttering]: He put the basket down distastefully , [muttering] softly and thoroughly disgusted with himself and his plan that had seemed so foolproof .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: softly SRL for [expressed]: Mr. Harper [expressed] confidence that he and Mr. Baum can convince the board of their worthiness to run the company .,ARG-0: Mr. Harper | ARG-1: confidence that he and Mr. Baum can convince the board of their worthiness to run the company "SRL for [crappy]: But u know how [crappy] -LRB- pun intended -RRB- constipation can be . Also feeling like they are doing something , not helpless , can be impt / helpful for some",ARG-M-EXT: how | ARG-1: constipation | ARG-M-MOD: can SRL for [overcharged]: WorldCom says it agreed to pay $ 88 million to settle a class action lawsuit claim that it [overcharged] customers on long distance telephone calls .,ARG-0: it | ARG-2: customers | ARG-3: on long distance telephone calls SRL for [tipped]: John [tipped] the waiter .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: the waiter "SRL for [respected]: Instead , Mr. Bush and his aides made it clear they [respected] Congress 's role and felt they could work with the conservative Mr. Boren and the moderate Mr. Cohen to iron out their differences .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: Congress 's role "SRL for [erode]: He said many portfolio managers , whose year - end bonuses are tied to annual performance , are selling now rather than risk seeing their gains [erode] further .",ARG-1: their gains | ARG-M-MNR: further "SRL for [Fibrillation]: [Fibrillation] of the heart is also known as atrial fibrillation , and it is an irregular and often rapid heartbeat that commonly causes poor blood flow to the body .",ARG-1: of the heart | ARG-M-ADJ: atrial SRL for [insecure]: his fortune was increasingly [insecure],ARG-1: his fortune | ARG-M-EXT: increasingly "SRL for [rasped]: He [rasped] , "" My work is finished for now , I shall leave you to lick your wounds . ""","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: My work is finished for now , I shall leave you to lick your wounds" SRL for [approve]: 50 % of voters [approve] of the President 's job performance .,ARG-0: 50 % of voters | ARG-1: of the President 's job performance "SRL for [rousted]: The border guards brightened right up , [rousted] them out of their vehicles and plunged into the bowels of their backseats .",ARG-0: The border guards | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: out of their vehicles SRL for [unplayable]: After all the role is [unplayable] by a hack . I saw Angela Lansbury play Rose and she was spectacular .,ARG-M-DIS: After all | ARG-1: the role | ARG-0: by a hack SRL for [earnest]: He is [earnest] in his desire for success .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: in his desire for success SRL for [destruction]: The alien warlords ' [destruction] of Delaware was part of their master plan .,ARG-0: The alien warlords ' | ARG-1: of Delaware SRL for [bonked]: He [bonked] his head on the shelf .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his head | ARG-M-LOC: on the shelf "SRL for [dictating]: result [dictating] : Berenski , MD",ARG-1: result SRL for [seeking]: Her [seeking] of the office of mayor of Arlington offers our community a candidate with the potential to continue the wonderful legacy .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the office of mayor of Arlington SRL for [streamed]: The Whiskey Boys played a house concert on Friday night and [streamed] it to the internet via Google Hangouts On Air for all to see .,ARG-0: The Whiskey Boys | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: to the internet | ARG-M-MNR: via Google Hangouts On Air | ARG-M-PRP: for all to see "SRL for [serenaded]: Outside , in the summertime fields behind the motel , a thousand crickets [serenaded] us .",ARG-0: a thousand crickets | ARG-1: us "SRL for [turned over]: Getting on in years , Yeh [turned over] day - to - day responsibility for the business to his hard - nosed second son Yeh Chui - jing a decade ago .",ARG-M-ADV: Getting on in years | ARG-0: Yeh | ARG-1: day - to - day responsibility for the business | ARG-2: to his hard - nosed second son Yeh Chui - jing | ARG-M-TMP: a decade ago "SRL for [assessments]: Despite the dire [assessments] of knowledgeable garden professionals , Ms. Bartlett 's South Gardens design somehow continues on , seemingly impervious to reason , stalled only by bureaucratic lethargy and logistical complications .",ARG-M-MNR: dire | ARG-0: of knowledgeable garden professionals "SRL for [mature]: The cut surface is lobulated , yellow , [mature] , adipose , interspersed with focal white - tan dense fibrous tissue .",ARG-1: The cut surface SRL for [arrogant]: I 'm completely speechless . The BMW guy is so [arrogant] !,ARG-0: The BMW guy | ARG-M-EXT: so "SRL for [coming]: Despite the economic slowdown , there are few clear signs that growth is [coming] to a halt .",ARG-1: growth | ARG-2: to a halt "SRL for [payments]: in November and December alone , junk bond investors will receive $ 4.8 billion of coupon interest [payments]",ARG-M-MNR: coupon | ARG-3: interest "SRL for [intervened]: Testifying before a House subcommittee , Mr. Mulford said that if the Treasury had n't [intervened] in foreign - exchange markets in September and early October to reduce the dollar 's value , the plunge in the stock market might have provoked a steep fall in the currency that might have `` unhinged financial markets . ''",ARG-0: the Treasury | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: in foreign - exchange markets | ARG-M-TMP: in September and early October | ARG-M-PNC: to reduce the dollar 's value "SRL for [hurricane]: On a sudden , experienced a stroke of wind from the N.W. so unexpected and tremendous , that we had scarce time to lower thesails , and were compelled to take it in poop , encountering for an hour a [hurricane] of wind and sea from the N.W. meeting the old seafrom the S.W. in such a manner that at every pitch the ship made her bowsprit was under water , at the same time labouring so much that the sea washed entirely over us , and we were obliged to nail up every aperture .",ARG-1: of wind and sea from the N.W. meeting the old seafrom the S.W. in such a manner that at every pitch the ship made her bowsprit was under water SRL for [plumped]: The bones and withered muscle and skin [plumped] with life .,ARG-1: The bones and withered muscle and skin | ARG-2: with life SRL for [disturbed]: Some analysts also were [disturbed] by a pickup in the growth of business inventories .,ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: Some analysts | ARG-0: by a pickup in the growth of business inventories "SRL for [upright]: When the doll was [upright] , head - feet was faster than front - back",ARG-1: the doll SRL for [nonrevealing]: CT brain and CTA brain ? neck was [nonrevealing] .,ARG-0: CT brain and CTA brain ? neck "SRL for [stratification]: If we look at the magnitudinal [stratification] of this universe , we go from , as we interpret it , and with our current ability to decern at sub nano levels , the smallest subatomic particles through atoms , molecules , solids , constructs , and on , and on , and on , to planets , star systems , galaxies , and on to our entire known universe .",ARG-2: magnitudinal | ARG-1: of this universe "SRL for [drink]: I 've learned the hard way that too much booze / Takes revenge the next day about nine ; / No wonder I say , `` I [drink] to your health '' / -- It certainly is n't to mine !",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to your health "SRL for [required]: Second , we trimmed more than a month off the time [required] to deliver a finished product .",ARG-1: the time | ARG-0: to deliver a finished product SRL for [worsened]: The buy - out effort also [worsened] already - strained relations between United 's pilot and machinist unions .,ARG-0: The buy - out effort | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: already - strained relations between United 's pilot and machinist unions SRL for [deinked]: They had efficiently [deinked] the noncontact printed paper .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MNR: efficiently | ARG-1: the noncontact printed paper SRL for [bored]: A few leaves are also missing in the middle of the manuscript and most of the remaining ones are [bored] with holes by insects .,ARG-2: most of the remaining ones | ARG-1: with holes | ARG-0: by insects "SRL for [pounded]: Watson [pounded] to the crawling man and stopped , panting heavily .",ARG-0: Watson | ARG-1: to the crawling man SRL for [virilized]: The drugs [virilized] the teenage girl .,ARG-0: The drugs | ARG-1: the teenage girl "SRL for [painted]: They [painted] the apartment orange , pink and white , according to her instructions .","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the apartment | ARG-2: orange , pink and white | ARG-M-ADV: according to her instructions" SRL for [debut]: Its [debut] in 1984,ARG-1: Its | ARG-M-TMP: in 1984 "SRL for [recognition]: He should do more to reduce tax rates on wealth and income , in [recognition] of the fact that those cuts yield higher , not lower , revenues .","ARG-1: of the fact that those cuts yield higher , not lower , revenues" SRL for [vamped up]: The politician [vamped up] an old speech .,ARG-0: The politician | ARG-1: an old speech SRL for [contraction]: Jenny 's [contraction] of Legionnaire 's Disease really messed up her water polo schedule .,ARG-1: Jenny 's | ARG-2: of Legionnaire 's Disease "SRL for [hurry]: a [hurry] to sell Saks , Marshall Field , or B.A.T 's other U.S. retail properties","ARG-2: to sell Saks , Marshall Field , or B.A.T 's other U.S. retail properties" SRL for [micturition]: His [micturition] is not painful .,ARG-0: His "SRL for [turbulence]: The [turbulence] of classical fluids is an everyday phenomenon , which can be readily observed in the flow of a stream or river .",ARG-1: of classical fluids "SRL for [retaliating]: In addition to the damages , the suit seeks a court order preventing the guild from punishing or [retaliating] against Mr. Trudeau .",ARG-0: the guild | ARG-1: against Mr. Trudeau SRL for [pissed]: Maybe he was [pissed] at him for not letting enough air out of the balls .,ARG-M-ADV: Maybe | ARG-1: he | ARG-0: at him | ARG-2: for not letting enough air out of the balls "SRL for [fuming]: Meanwhile , stations are [fuming] because , many of them say , the show 's distributor , Viacom Inc. , is giving an ultimatum : Either sign new long - term commitments to buy future episodes or risk losing `` Cosby '' to a competitor .","ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-0: stations | ARG-M-CAU: because , many of them say , the show 's distributor , Viacom Inc. , is giving an ultimatum : Either sign new long - term commitments to buy future episodes or risk losing `` Cosby '' to a competitor" SRL for [interviewed]: ( Both men declined to be [interviewed] for this article . ),ARG-1: Both men | ARG-2: for this article SRL for [conduct]: Her [conduct] of the company for the past five years has resulted in double - digit growth .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the company | ARG-M-TMP: for the past five years SRL for [implode]: So he 'll come down to earth a little bit but wo n't totally [implode] there .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: totally | ARG-M-LOC: there "SRL for [shambled]: Behind them [shambled] a long column of weak , tattered men .","ARG-M-LOC: Behind them | ARG-0: a long column of weak , tattered men" "SRL for [dancing]: Moderate activities , such as her [dancing] , may be continued as able .",ARG-0: her SRL for [calender]: Pro [calender] it to her Iphone .,ARG-0: Pro | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to her Iphone SRL for [jumbled]: Glendora '' -- Her words [jumbled] together and she all but ran from the office and from the question in Rev 's face .,ARG-1: Her words | ARG-M-PRD: together "SRL for [seeking]: Jacqui 's success is her father 's preparation , her own determination and her [seeking] of assistance when needed from trusted advisors .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of assistance | ARG-M-TMP: when needed | ARG-2: from trusted advisors "SRL for [lock in]: When it occurs , the traders place orders via computers to buy the basket of stocks in whichever market is cheaper and sell them in the more expensive market ; they [lock in] the difference in price as profit .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the difference in price | ARG-2: as profit "SRL for [beef]: I know you got a [beef] with him over that broad downstairs , but- """,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-LVB: got | ARG-1: with him | ARG-2: over that broad downstairs SRL for [imperceptibility]: This strong emphasis on our senses as the principal source of all knowledge makes the [imperceptibility] of the soul very problematic .,ARG-1: of the soul SRL for [purple]: His face was [purple] with rage,ARG-1: His face | ARG-0: with rage "SRL for [disputes]: Men are giving away nothing to their sisters in the search for beautiful bodies , as is suggested by a few recent [disputes] between male beauty salons and dissatisfied customers .",ARG-M-ADJ: few | ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-0: between male beauty salons and dissatisfied customers "SRL for [mellowed]: They have since [mellowed] , although one senior Young & Rubicam executive , echoing others , said : `` I think ad agencies owe Carl Spielvogel a vote of thanks for getting him out of the consulting business . ''","ARG-1: They | ARG-M-TMP: since | ARG-M-ADV: although one senior Young & Rubicam executive , echoing others , said : `` I think ad agencies owe Carl Spielvogel a vote of thanks for getting him out of the consulting business" "SRL for [conflict]: He was prepared to risk a [conflict] with the U.S. over an Egyptian plan to hold direct Israeli - Palestinian talks , which the premier 's Likud bloc opposes .","ARG-1: with the U.S. | ARG-2: over an Egyptian plan to hold direct Israeli - Palestinian talks , which the premier 's Likud bloc opposes" SRL for ['ve got eye]: I ['ve got eye] on you .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: on you SRL for [rollerbladed]: Would you believe me if I told you that I [rollerbladed] to the beach ? ! ?,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to the beach SRL for [manifest]: He said that ill effects from new carpets [manifest] themselves immediately but that the Beebes ' symptoms appeared months later .,ARG-1: ill effects from new carpets | ARG-2: themselves | ARG-M-TMP: immediately SRL for [operated]: Mr. Wexler was [operated] on by Dr. Jean .,ARG-1: on | C-ARG-1: Mr. Wexler | ARG-0: by Dr. Jean SRL for [tangle]: ... the Congress - led government will not take a favourable decision and this would resolve their [tangle] with the RSS on the issue .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: with the RSS | ARG-2: on the issue "SRL for [graze]: They [graze] at the Farmers Market , a combination gourmet food court and grocery store , while a pianist accompanies the noon fashion show with a selection of dreamy melodies .","ARG-1: They | ARG-M-LOC: at the Farmers Market , a combination gourmet food court and grocery store | ARG-M-TMP: while a pianist accompanies the noon fashion show with a selection of dreamy melodies" SRL for [sources]: The company [sources] virtually of the necessary raw materials and parts on the mainland .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: virtually of the necessary raw materials and parts | ARG-2: on the mainland "SRL for [boggy]: HEENT : nontender sinuses , conjuntivae not injected ; TM 's grey , Nares [boggy] , Pharynx without erythema or exudate",ARG-1: Nares "SRL for [go]: At closely held Deltec Securities Corp. , junk bond money managers Amy K. Minella and Hannah H. Strasser say the problems of the junk market [go] deeper than a temporary malaise .",ARG-1: the problems of the junk market | ARG-4: deeper than a temporary malaise "SRL for [fend]: After your first three weeks of sleep deprivation , you 're scarcely in touch with reality any more ; without psychiatric treatment , you may well be unable to [fend] for yourself ever again . ''",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: for yourself | ARG-M-TMP: ever again SRL for [dispatched]: Digital also said it has [dispatched] teams of technicians to California .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: teams of technicians | ARG-2: to California SRL for [convalescing]: Pat is [convalescing] from surgery,ARG-1: Pat | ARG-2: from surgery "SRL for [tottering around]: Inexplicably costumed as a rabbinical student , [tottering around] on lifts , Mr. Shicoff hardly seemed the fellow to catch a fancy cocotte 's eye .",ARG-M-MNR: on lifts | ARG-1: Mr. Shicoff SRL for [painting]: He does n't mention the [painting] of the altarpiece for the Chapel of St Bernard .,ARG-1: of the altarpiece | ARG-2: for the Chapel of St Bernard SRL for [staining]: This was especially true given who the occupant of the White House was and his [staining] of the highest office in the land .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the highest office in the land SRL for [gone]: I am [gone] for three weeks on vacation .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: for three weeks | ARG-1: on vacation SRL for [subselected]: He [subselected] the elements of the board outline from the components .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the elements of the board outline | ARG-2: from the components SRL for [comparable]: The insurance company paid for a rental car [comparable] to the one damaged in the accident .,ARG-1: a rental car | ARG-2: to the one damaged in the accident SRL for [sober]: This requires us to be more [sober] and calm than at any time .,ARG-1: us | ARG-M-CXN: more | C-ARG-M-CXN: than at any time "SRL for [questionable]: Prosecutors in Port St. Lucie , Fla. , said the victim 's identification of McIntyre as the suspect was [questionable] .",ARG-1: the victim 's identification of McIntyre as the suspect SRL for [twister]: frightening 30 meter high fire [twister] caught on tape,ARG-M-ADJ: frightening | ARG-M-EXT: 30 meter high | ARG-1: fire SRL for [loyal]: Arnold was [loyal] to his British masters .,ARG-1: Arnold | ARG-2: to his British masters "SRL for [campaigned]: Mr. Bush has long [campaigned] for passage of a bill or a constitutional amendment that would explicitly give him a line - item veto , which would enable him to kill individual items in a big spending bill without having to kill the entire bill .","ARG-0: Mr. Bush | ARG-M-TMP: long | ARG-1: for passage of a bill or a constitutional amendment that would explicitly give him a line - item veto , which would enable him to kill individual items in a big spending bill without having to kill the entire bill" "SRL for [rounds]: Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa , who is apprehensive of the devil in the details , carried what he had in his bag and tirelessly made the [rounds] of those involved in the current crisis .","ARG-1: Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa , who is apprehensive of the devil in the details | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-2: of those involved in the current crisis" "SRL for [engineering]: At a stroke , by taxing dividends he destroyed private pensions , costing countless trillions , but benefiting the treasury a few billion which he whizzed away on social [engineering] .",ARG-1: social SRL for [fantastic]: That 's .... [fantastic],ARG-1: That "SRL for [think]: `` I ca n't [think] of any reason to join Lloyd 's now , '' says Keith Whitten , a British businessman and a Lloyd 's member since 1979 .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: of any reason to join Lloyd 's now "SRL for [installed]: Digital , however , does n't expect to displace IBM mainframes that are already [installed] at big companies .",ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: IBM mainframes | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: at big companies "SRL for [mine]: Gold - oriented funds , for instance , which invest in companies that [mine] and process the precious metal , posted an average decline of 1.15 % .",ARG-0: companies | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the precious metal SRL for [P]: [P] 5,ARG-1: 5 SRL for [exclusion]: His [exclusion] of his sister from the wedding party caused considerable family discord .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of his sister | ARG-2: from the wedding party SRL for [wellbeing]: One can obtain the support of the people and have room for significant development only by working diligently for [wellbeing] of people 's livelihood and opening up new landscape for the nation .,ARG-1: of people 's livelihood "SRL for [exhausted]: Last year Acer Peripherals invested in a combination website and magazine , but they [exhausted] their capital within three months .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their capital | ARG-M-TMP: within three months SRL for [pretending]: A Flemish game show has as its host a Belgian [pretending] to be Italian .,ARG-0: a Belgian | ARG-1: to be Italian "SRL for [tackle]: With lipsticks , liners , lotions and creams , There are still beauty plans left to [tackle] : But as the years go by , it seems That before I paint , I should spackle .",ARG-1: beauty plans SRL for [Dream on]: *trace* [Dream on] ., "SRL for [cold]: I gave her a gift , but her response was [cold] .",ARG-1: her response SRL for [miscommunication]: Sorry for the [miscommunication] there ., "SRL for [humiliation]: As Carrie begins to understand her new found ability , her classmate Chris decides to continue her [humiliation] of Carrie ...",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of Carrie SRL for [witters]: He is very boring and will never use a simple word if there is a longer one available but worst of all - he [witters] .,ARG-0: he "SRL for [valiant]: After interviewing the "" Free Syrian Army "" active in northern Syria , a female reporter of the US CBS described in her report that these "" non - professional armed personnel "" were "" extremely [valiant] "" in fighting ,","ARG-0: these "" non - professional armed personnel "" | ARG-M-EXT: extremely | ARG-1: in fighting" SRL for [overdue]: What happens if I am [overdue] in returning an interlibrary loan book ?,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: in returning an interlibrary loan book SRL for [presumptuous]: He was [presumptuous] to assume they had become friends .,ARG-0: He | C-ARG-0: to assume they had become friends SRL for [order]: they defied his [order] to extend the school year by several weeksto make up for time lost during a teachers ' strike,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to extend the school year by several weeksto make up for time lost during a teachers ' strike SRL for [seasoned]: She was a [seasoned] warrior,ARG-1: She | ARG-3: warrior SRL for [recreation]: the [recreation] of 36 pieces of prehistoric pottery in the exhibit,ARG-1: of 36 pieces of prehistoric pottery in the exhibit SRL for [corrupted]: ... There is no evidence to suggest that he either [corrupted] their data or sold it for gain .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: their data SRL for [clobbered]: the gutsy granny [clobbered] them with her teapot,ARG-0: the gutsy granny | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with her teapot SRL for [whack]: Then I ran over and took a [whack] at the door,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: at the door "SRL for [hesitation]: My [hesitation] about vouchers lies with the whole idea that competition is good for public schools . That equates public schools with businesses , which I just do n't agree with . I ca n't consider educating children the same as running a business or competing for the market share . This might make me sound pretty dense , but how exactly are public schools supposed to "" compete "" with each other ?",ARG-0: My | ARG-1: about vouchers "SRL for [induces]: Beijing lawmakers have called for jails to be built to house prostitutes and for severe punishment , including the death sentence , for anyone who [induces] or coerces women into prostitution .",ARG-0: anyone | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: women | ARG-2: into prostitution SRL for [patching]: She is experiencing diplopia and sensitivity to bright light that is currently assisted by wearing sunglasses with [patching] of one of the lenses .,ARG-1: of one of the lenses SRL for [suspension]: the board of Cyberes has requested the [suspension] of shares from trading on Aim .,ARG-1: of shares | ARG-2: from trading on Aim SRL for [overreaction]: The humor surrounds Pip and his [overreaction] to everything that happens which he assumes will be connected to his helping the convict .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to everything that happens which he assumes will be connected to his helping the convict SRL for [squeegee]: White children empty the wastepaper baskets and [squeegee] the windows .,ARG-0: White children | ARG-1: the windows "SRL for [make out]: At his new job , as partner in charge of federal litigation in the Sacramento office of Orrick , Herrington & Sutcliffe , he will [make out] much better .","ARG-M-LOC: At his new job , as partner in charge of federal litigation in the Sacramento office of Orrick , Herrington & Sutcliffe | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-MNR: much better" "SRL for [fecundated]: 28 flowers with long styles , [fecundated] with pollen from flowers with long stamens , produced 28 capsules , each containing on an average 11 - 9 fertile seeds .",ARG-1: 28 flowers with long styles | ARG-2: with pollen from flowers with long stamens "SRL for [to prepossess]: As much as possible should be learned in the first lessons , in order [to prepossess] the pupils favorably .",ARG-1: the pupils | ARG-2: favorably "SRL for [exited]: Once known as National Distillers & Chemical Corp. , the company [exited] the wine and spirits business and plowed more of its resources into plastics after Mr. Stookey took the chief executive 's job in 1986 .",ARG-M-ADV: Once known as National Distillers & Chemical Corp. | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: the wine and spirits business | ARG-M-TMP: after Mr. Stookey took the chief executive 's job in 1986 "SRL for [bundling]: Instead , they are trying to build customer loyalty by [bundling] their services into packages and targeting them to small segments of the population .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their services | ARG-2: into packages SRL for [sintered]: The powder was [sintered] into ceramic form .,ARG-2: powder | ARG-3: into ceramic form SRL for [colorectostomy]: underwent J - pouch descending [colorectostomy],ARG-2: J - pouch | ARG-3: descending "SRL for [fresh]: I was n't upset , I knew she was n't being [fresh] about it , just trying to demonstrate some independence .",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: about it "SRL for [dickering]: While Reagan 's special envoy was , with his usual energy and sharp elbows , [dickering] with the Iraqis in the mid-1980s , Condoleezza Rice was an assistant professor of no scholarly distinction at Stanford ; Cheney a third - term congressman from Wyoming squirming up the House leadership ladder ; future viceroy of Baghdad L. Paul `` Jerry '' Bremer moving from State Department clerk and Alexander Haig protege to lavish - party giving ambassador to the Netherlands ; and George W. Bush , still by his own account given to `` heavy drinking , '' absorbed in changing the name of his chronically failed Arbusto Energy oil company to Bush Exploration .",ARG-0: Reagan 's special envoy | ARG-M-MNR: with his usual energy and sharp elbows | ARG-1: with the Iraqis | ARG-M-TMP: in the mid-1980s "SRL for [droned]: The professor [droned] on and on , lulling his students to sleep .",ARG-0: The professor "SRL for [diversified]: It has n't [diversified] beyond steel , nor has it linked up with a joint venture partner to share costs and risks .",ARG-1: It | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-3: beyond steel SRL for [draw attention]: Obama 's attempts to [draw attention] to his efforts against oil market manipulation on Tuesday,ARG-0: Obama 's | ARG-2: to his efforts against oil market manipulation SRL for [to upset]: But Mr. Dinkins 's sense of pragmatism often comes across more as an insider 's determination not [to upset] the political apple cart .,ARG-0: an insider | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the political apple cart SRL for [prompt]: But the next important piece of news on the economy 's health -- this morning 's release of the national purchasing manager 's survey for October -- could [prompt] investors into action .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the next important piece of news on the economy 's health -- this morning 's release of the national purchasing manager 's survey for October -- | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: into action SRL for [cycle]: The patient will receive [cycle] four of FOLFOX plus Avastin,ARG-M-ADJ: four | ARG-1: of FOLFOX plus Avastin "SRL for [Recess]: It also empowers the president to make recess appointments , without Senate approval : `` The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the [Recess] of the Senate , by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session . ''",ARG-0: of the Senate SRL for [paralyzing]: Those who fear a plethora of suits [paralyzing] our legal system need only look at the record on the Rehabilitation Act .,ARG-0: a plethora of suits | ARG-1: our legal system SRL for [went]: He [went] looking for a replacement for Mr. Landry .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: looking for a replacement for Mr. Landry SRL for [stereotypic]: These seizures were fairly [stereotypic] .,ARG-1: These seizures | ARG-M-EXT: fairly SRL for [hooked up]: John [hooked up] his computer to the network .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his computer | ARG-2: to the network SRL for [sent]: He [sent] merchants around the country a form asking them to check one of three answers .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: merchants around the country | ARG-1: a form asking them to check one of three answers SRL for [adapted]: This article is [adapted] from one in the October American Spectator .,ARG-1: This article | ARG-3: from one in the October American Spectator SRL for [pandering]: My point is that his [pandering] to the crowd was brutal,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to the crowd "SRL for [Challenge]: Jane and Bob signed on for the BP [Challenge] , a sailboat race around the world .",ARG-0: BP SRL for [coverage]: almost non - stop on the scene [coverage],ARG-M-MNR: almost non - stop | ARG-M-LOC: on the scene "SRL for [memorization]: Sure , but you come ready with your [memorization] ready",ARG-0: your "SRL for [coming on]: Be casual , as you run the risk of [coming on] too strong if you do anything seriously Valentine 's - y .",ARG-1: you | ARG-2: too strong | ARG-M-ADV: if you do anything seriously Valentine 's - y "SRL for [taking away]: Having already killed his wife and sons out of fear of their [taking away] his power , he has no remorse in ordering all newborn males in Bethlehem killed",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: his power SRL for [ligation]: tubal [ligation],ARG-1: tubal SRL for [live on]: His legacy will [live on] through his students .,ARG-1: His legacy | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-MNR: through his students SRL for [cutting]: We had a lot of fun reenacting their [cutting] of the cake,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the cake "SRL for [encrypts]: If it installs successfully , ransomware [encrypts] text files and displays a ransom note demanding 200 dollars to supply decryption software to restore the data to its original form .",ARG-M-ADV: If it installs successfully | ARG-0: ransomware | ARG-1: text files "SRL for [warbles]: Oh the cuckoo , she 's a pretty bird , and she [warbles] as she flies .",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-TMP: as she flies SRL for [ranting]: In his [ranting] about the bourgeois obsession with gold there is more than a little envy .,ARG-0: his | ARG-3: about the bourgeois obsession with gold SRL for [clothed]: An ample robe [clothed] him .,ARG-2: An ample robe | ARG-1: him SRL for [outperform]: ... many software and semiconductor stocks have continued to [outperform] the market .,ARG-0: many software and semiconductor stocks | ARG-1: the market SRL for [trip]: His [trip] from Russia to Japan was postponed .,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: from Russia | ARG-1: to Japan "SRL for [match]: On 6 January 1681 , the first recorded boxing [match] took place in Britain when Christopher Monck , 2nd Duke of Albemarle ( and later Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica ) engineered a bout between his butler and his butcher with the latter winning the prize .",ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-M-PRD: recorded | ARG-3: boxing SRL for [decking]: It was hard to see how photosynthesis would ever happen in South Gardens without [decking] the walls in a Christmas - like array of Gro - Lites .,ARG-1: the walls | ARG-2: in a Christmas - like array of Gro - Lites "SRL for [synchronized]: In the Bell Labs experiments , an MRI - type of machine , [synchronized] with the heartbeat via an electrocardiogram , rapidly flashes a magnetic field on and off as blood passes a certain point in a vessel .",ARG-1: an MRI - type of machine | ARG-2: with the heartbeat | ARG-M-MNR: via an electrocardiogram SRL for [hunted]: Mrs. Gorman took advantage of low prices after the 1987 crash to buy stocks and has [hunted] for other bargains since the Oct. 13 plunge .,ARG-0: Mrs. Gorman | ARG-1: for other bargains | ARG-M-TMP: since the Oct. 13 plunge "SRL for [selfish]: As a society , we complain when others write the FCC about our television programming because we are too [selfish] to give these programs up , even if it will save our society and the people who are most influenced by negative entertainment .","ARG-0: we | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to give these programs up , even if it will save our society and the people who are most influenced by negative entertainment" "SRL for [reception]: So far , the critical [reception] for cyber - literature in book form has not been great",ARG-0: critical | ARG-1: for cyber - literature in book form SRL for [proposed]: They [proposed] a ridiculous price for Georgia Gulf .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: a ridiculous price | ARG-2: for Georgia Gulf SRL for [impatient]: It did n't get [impatient] with him for being slow .,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: with him | ARG-3: for being slow SRL for [expressed]: The glucose-6 phosphatase gene is [expressed] in the human and rat small intestine .,ARG-1: The glucose-6 phosphatase gene | ARG-3: in the human and rat small intestine SRL for [dote]: You [dote] on him so much,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: on him | ARG-M-EXT: so much SRL for [interception]: This reduces the risk of [interception] of the pass by the opponent .,ARG-1: of the pass | ARG-0: by the opponent "SRL for [suggested]: Secondly , the Straits Association persistently advocates completely implementing discussions of topics about routine and economy , science and technology stipulated in the "" common agreement of the Wang - Gu talks "" , and has [suggested] many times to the Straits Foundation that discussions on the "" rights of Taiwanese merchants investing in the mainland and related issues "" should be started early .","ARG-M-DIS: Secondly | ARG-0: the Straits Association | ARG-M-TMP: many times | ARG-2: to the Straits Foundation | ARG-1: that discussions on the "" rights of Taiwanese merchants investing in the mainland and related issues "" should be started early" "SRL for [starring]: The photo shows mainland actress Zhao Wei -LRB- left -RRB- , who became popular throughout the Chinese world after [starring] in a Chiung Yao series , pictured with former child star Su You - peng of Taiwan .",ARG-2: in a Chiung Yao series SRL for [sauced]: Cook for the longer time if the pasta is to be [sauced] and eaten immediately .,ARG-1: the pasta "SRL for [crying]: Try as they might , the counselors could n't stop Billy 's [crying] "" I want to go home ! "" all night long .","ARG-0: Billy 's | ARG-1: "" I want to go home ! "" | ARG-M-TMP: all night long" "SRL for [discrimination]: ome liberals do n't much cotton to "" uppity "" blacks like Powell , Thomas and Rice confronting racial [discrimination] and outright racism and leaving the plantation of dependency on white liberals and achieving the great things they are capable of .",ARG-M-MNR: racial "SRL for [break up]: On December 12 , 1933 Connie Mack continued his [break up] of the A 's by sending Max , Lefty Grove and George Walberg to the Boston Red Sox for $ 125000",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the A 's "SRL for [scream]: Tom tries to hold his [scream] of pain in until he can get outside ,",ARG-0: his | ARG-3: of pain SRL for [improvement]: an [improvement] in our U.S. business,ARG-1: in our U.S. business SRL for [leave]: The students can [leave] memorizing lists until senior year,ARG-0: The students | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: memorizing lists | ARG-2: until senior year "SRL for [boggling]: The revision of the family dependents ' section of the civil law was a major undertaking , with a mind - [boggling] number of legal provisions touching on highly complex issues .",ARG-0: mind | ARG-1: number "SRL for [dismantle]: Congress still is struggling to [dismantle] the unpopular Catastrophic Care Act of 1988 , which boosted benefits for the elderly and taxed them to pay for the new coverage .","ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: the unpopular Catastrophic Care Act of 1988 , which boosted benefits for the elderly and taxed them to pay for the new coverage" "SRL for [skim off]: Among unanswered questions are whether Mr. Papandreou received $ 23 million of stolen Bank of Crete funds and an additional $ 734,000 in bribes , as contended ; whether the prime minister ordered state agencies to deposit some $ 57 million in Mr. Koskotas 's bank and then [skim off] the interest ; and , what PASOK 's cut was from the $ 210 million Mr. Koskotas pinched .",ARG-0: state agencies | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the interest SRL for [guaranteed]: Apogee said the charge stems from a building supply contract in which the company [guaranteed] a contractor 's performance .,ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: a contractor 's performance "SRL for [scrapes]: In a word no unless Nadal , Federer and Djokovic are all drawn on the same side of the draw and the one that progresses goes out injured before Murray [scrapes] through his 5 setter on the other side of the draw",ARG-0: Murray | ARG-1: through his 5 setter | ARG-M-LOC: on the other side of the draw SRL for [summed up]: K mart Corp. Chairman Joseph E. Antonini [summed up] his outlook for the Christmas season as `` not troublesome . '',ARG-0: K mart Corp. Chairman Joseph E. Antonini | ARG-1: his outlook for the Christmas season | ARG-2: as `` not troublesome SRL for [tacked]: Mr. Meyer 's personal style was illustrated by his pinning a $ 100 bill to a high - school bulletin board on which other coaches [tacked] their cards .,ARG-2: a high - school bulletin board | ARG-0: other coaches | ARG-1: their cards | R-ARG-2: on which SRL for [thrills]: John [thrills] at the sound of Mary 's snoring .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: at the sound of Mary 's snoring SRL for [lifting]: His [lifting] the 185 - pound bar a combined high 19 times showed great strength for any position .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the 185 - pound bar | ARG-M-TMP: a combined high 19 times "SRL for [keeping]: Lee Ying - yuan , a DPP legislator who is tapped to be the next deputy representative of the ROC in Washington , states that at the moment the formal channels between Taiwan and the US are functioning very smoothly , and that Chen 's [keeping] of his promise to make an August stopover in Los Angeles very low - key has strengthened mutual trust between the US and the new government .",ARG-0: Chen 's | ARG-2: of his promise to make an August stopover in Los Angeles very low - key SRL for [cracking]: Todd 's [cracking] the bat at that last pitch was impressive .,ARG-0: Todd 's | ARG-2: the bat | ARG-1: at that last pitch SRL for [transpose]: It is difficult to [transpose] Macca 's ' Mr Nice Guy ' image with these allegations of brutality .,ARG-1: Macca 's ' Mr Nice Guy ' image | C-ARG-1: with these allegations of brutality "SRL for [funny]: Oh well , he was [funny] to watch",ARG-M-DIS: Oh well | ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to watch SRL for [cumin ']: The way that I work it 's gon na keep you [cumin '] .,ARG-0: you SRL for [negative]: Shared leadership may also lessen the [negative] impact of principal turnover ., SRL for [landing]: a helicopter [landing],ARG-1: helicopter "SRL for [exit]: The Tax Reform Act of 1986 , which eliminated many tax shelters peddled by planners , and the stock market crash the next year did cause a sharp slump in such demand , and many planners had to make an unplanned [exit] from the business .",ARG-0: many planners | ARG-M-MNR: unplanned | ARG-1: from the business SRL for [moderate]: most students surveyed were [moderate] in their views about alcohol use .,ARG-1: most students surveyed | ARG-2: in their views about alcohol use "SRL for [even]: Zeno the Epicurean , who has been mentioned before . k Timocrates , according to Diogenes Laertius , was [even] with him in his abuses .","ARG-1: Zeno the Epicurean , who has been mentioned before . k Timocrates , according to Diogenes Laertius | ARG-2: with him | ARG-3: in his abuses" "SRL for [sitting in]: I 'm Holly Firfer , [sitting in] for Judy Fortin .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: for Judy Fortin "SRL for [established]: Jay Freedman said P & G 's Always sanitary napkin , sold under the Whisper name in Japan , has firmly [established] itself as a leading brand .","ARG-0: P & G 's Always sanitary napkin , sold under the Whisper name in Japan | ARG-M-MNR: firmly | ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: as a leading brand" "SRL for [few]: I feel very badly for those who truly got a lemon , but they are [few] out of millions sold .",ARG-1: they | ARG-2: out of millions sold SRL for [refer]: The firms are n't required to [refer] work exclusively to each other and remain separate organizations .,ARG-0: The firms | ARG-1: work | ARG-M-MNR: exclusively | ARG-2: to each other SRL for [outlandish]: Colon CFs are [outlandish] ! ! !,ARG-1: Colon CFs "SRL for [bundled]: `` Ski school is great , '' cries out a tot , [bundled] in a snowsuit as he plows down a bunny slope .",ARG-1: a tot | ARG-2: in a snowsuit SRL for [exenteration]: Transsacral [exenteration] of fixed primary and recurrent anorectal cancer,ARG-M-ADJ: Transsacral | ARG-2: of fixed primary and recurrent anorectal cancer "SRL for [strategizing]: There 's going to be people all over the place trying to beat you out because most gamers , they 're [strategizing] , figuring it out .",ARG-0: they SRL for [up the]: that 's the same Reagan who wiped [up the] floor with Jimmy Carter in the debate in 1980 .,ARG-0: wiped | ARG-2: the floor | ARG-3: Jimmy Carter in | ARG-M-TMP: 1980 "SRL for [reinvest]: That 's a headache for long - term investors , since it forces them to [reinvest] their money -- usually at lower rates than the original mortgage securities carried .",ARG-0: them | ARG-1: their money | ARG-M-MNR: usually at lower rates than the original mortgage securities carried SRL for [insignificant]: Rick Perry is totally [insignificant] and should have quit along with Michele Bachmann .,ARG-1: Rick Perry | ARG-M-EXT: totally "SRL for [non - existing]: Of course , since social reform and opening up , the mystery of the amazing achievement of the archives gradually faded out of people 's sight ; even for many people , both existing and [non - existing] are okay , and both keeping and not keeping of archives are okay .", SRL for [avulsed]: The man partially [avulsed] his fingernail in a snow blower accident .,ARG-0: The man | ARG-M-EXT: partially | ARG-1: his fingernail | ARG-M-MNR: in a snow blower accident "SRL for [light]: He was [light] of touch , full of surprises and never staid .",ARG-1: He | ARG-2: of touch "SRL for [berated]: Havencourt underwent a wrathful moment in which he called Dorn a born tramp , and [berated] him for having no respectable business with telephone or cable connections .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-CAU: for having no respectable business with telephone or cable connections "SRL for [hate]: `` I [hate] to dignify the publication by commenting on the obscene rating , '' Mayor Carolyn Robinson says , adding that cities have no way to rebut the book .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to dignify the publication by commenting on the obscene rating SRL for [lubricate]: Fish oil can [lubricate] your joints .,ARG-2: Fish oil | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: your joints SRL for [overcasts]: A pall of smoke [overcasts] the sky following arson in a west Delhi colony .,ARG-1: A pall of smoke | ARG-2: the sky | ARG-M-TMP: following arson | ARG-M-LOC: in a west Delhi colony SRL for [hit]: A direct [hit] on a major city,ARG-M-MNR: direct | ARG-1: on a major city "SRL for [displeases]: That [displeases] many current holders , such as Allianz , which could n't be sure of selling all their shares if they tendered to Paribas .","ARG-0: That | ARG-1: many current holders , such as Allianz , which could n't be sure of selling all their shares if they tendered to Paribas" SRL for [assurance]: Mr. Shevardnadze 's [assurance] last year that Krasnoyarsk did n't violate the ABM treaty,ARG-0: Mr. Shevardnadze 's | ARG-2: that Krasnoyarsk did n't violate the ABM treaty | ARG-M-TMP: last year SRL for [stay]: Support Troy Davis and his [stay] of 25 days of execution,ARG-M-GOL: his | ARG-M-TMP: of 25 days | ARG-1: of execution SRL for [ordered]: Stevie [ordered] it for her from Mariage Frères in Paris .,ARG-0: Stevie | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: for her | ARG-3: from Mariage SRL for [convoy]: state troopers are packing gear today and will assemble this afternoon at the JFK Highway Barrack to begin their [convoy] to New Jersey,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to New Jersey "SRL for [make it]: The governor could n't [make it] , so the lieutenant governor welcomed the special guests .",ARG-0: The governor | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't "SRL for [impressive]: `` The record of companies that have diversified is n't all that [impressive] , '' he says .",ARG-0: The record of companies | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: all that SRL for [upregulates]: We found that TGF- � [upregulates] CD70 expression on effector Tm cells while it preferentially induces Foxp3 expression in naive T cells .,ARG-2: TGF- � | ARG-1: CD70 expression on effector Tm cells "SRL for [sentence]: the first to use silences and [sentence] fragments and menacingstares , almost to the exclusion of what we previously understoodto be theatrical dialogue", SRL for [quarantined]: They [quarantined] the residents of Honolulu 's Chinatown and cordoned off the area with volunteer guardsmen .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the residents of Honolulu 's Chinatown SRL for [led]: Jesus [led] his followers out of Jerusalem almost to Bethany .,ARG-0: Jesus | ARG-1: his followers | ARG-3: out of Jerusalem | ARG-4: almost to Bethany "SRL for [bifurcation]: aortic [bifurcation] posterior margin , biopsy",ARG-1: aortic | ARG-M-LOC: posterior margin SRL for [suffer]: Thou shalt not [suffer] a fool to live .,ARG-0: Thou | ARG-M-MOD: shalt | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: a fool to live SRL for [perjury]: The only perjury which was for a long time noticed at common law was the [perjury] of jurors .,ARG-0: of jurors "SRL for [smacking]: If I have my mother come I have to give kickbacks to my little brother and little sister , they come [smacking] their lips",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their lips "SRL for [vying]: Big U.S. distillers are fiercely [vying] for this market , which grew to $ 77 million last year from $ 33 million in 1987 , according to government figures .","ARG-0: Big U.S. distillers | ARG-M-MNR: fiercely | ARG-2: for this market , which grew to $ 77 million last year from $ 33 million in 1987 , according to government figures" SRL for [DD]: Should I [DD] ?,ARG-M-MOD: Should | ARG-0: I "SRL for [recollects]: Chai Sung - lin [recollects] that in the early 1980s , when air conditioning was still uncommon , Taiwanese men could n't bear to keep their suit coats on during the summer .","ARG-0: Chai Sung - lin | ARG-1: that in the early 1980s , when air conditioning was still uncommon , Taiwanese men could n't bear to keep their suit coats on during the summer" "SRL for [burdened]: If Sen. Bradley would permit a vote on capital gains , though , it would pass , Christmas retail sales would be strong instead of [burdened] by a falling stock market , the 1990 economy would be robust , and the revenue gains at every level of government , including New Jersey 's , would be surprisingly high .",ARG-1: Christmas retail sales | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-DIS: instead of | ARG-2: by a falling stock market "SRL for [articulate]: A successful Art Practice graduate is [articulate] about his / her work , and has an understanding of the professional landscape he / she is entering .",ARG-0: A successful Art Practice graduate | ARG-1: about his / her work "SRL for [manufactured]: That means goods could be [manufactured] closer to customers , saving shipping costs , he said .",ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: goods | ARG-M-LOC: closer to customers | ARG-M-ADV: saving shipping costs SRL for [touts]: Cane & Associates [touts] its $ 2 - a - minute service as the `` cheapest legal hour you 'll ever find . '',ARG-0: Cane & Associates | ARG-1: its $ 2 - a - minute service | ARG-2: as the `` cheapest legal hour you 'll ever find SRL for [emptying]: Crime is somewhat above pre - war levels ( if you do n't count the discount from Saddam 's [emptying] the jails a year ago ) .,ARG-0: Saddam 's | ARG-1: the jails | ARG-M-TMP: a year ago "SRL for [liquefied]: "" Beth [liquefied] some carrots into a remarkable concotion . """,ARG-0: Beth | ARG-1: some carrots | ARG-2: into a remarkable concotion SRL for [assay]: they made an [assay] of the contents,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: of the contents "SRL for [jet off]: When it 's time for their biannual powwow , the nation 's manufacturing titans typically [jet off] to the sunny confines of resort towns like Boca Raton and Hot Springs .",ARG-M-TMP: When it 's time for their biannual powwow | ARG-1: the nation 's manufacturing titans | ARG-M-ADV: typically | ARG-2: to the sunny confines of resort towns like Boca Raton and Hot Springs "SRL for [herded]: They were then surrounded by police officers , who [herded] them into a group and placed them under arrest .",ARG-0: who | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: into a group SRL for [bust]: The ex - sheriff in my town used to drive around in a fancy Cadillac seized in a drug [bust] .,ARG-2: drug SRL for [launches]: the ballistics [launches] of the other day,ARG-1: ballistics | ARG-M-TMP: of the other day "SRL for [break up]: Ideally , businesses and popular culture want to be able to sweep everyone up in a single net , and would prefer not to [break up] by gender .",ARG-0: businesses and popular culture | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: their market | ARG-M-MNR: by gender "SRL for [poor]: Poor people sometimes have bad credit before they hit adulthood , due to being too [poor] to keep up with the high cost of living . So they never get a fair chance .",ARG-1: Poor people | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to keep up with the high cost of living "SRL for [submission]: ... his [submission] of paperwork to the EEOC in January 2007 constitutes the "" filing "" of an EEOC charge ...",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of paperwork | ARG-2: to the EEOC | ARG-M-TMP: in January 2007 "SRL for [stagnating]: Applied , then a closely held company , was [stagnating] under the management of its controlling family .","ARG-1: Applied , then a closely held company | ARG-M-LOC: under the management of its controlling family" SRL for [want]: I actually [want] to go from Ontario to Chicago,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-1: to go from Ontario to Chicago SRL for [quivered]: They were about a mile off ; under me the ground [quivered] slightly .,ARG-M-LOC: under me | ARG-1: the ground | ARG-M-EXT: slightly SRL for [charge]: The judge 's [charge] to the jury was to ignore the preceding statement of the witness .,ARG-0: The judge 's | ARG-1: to the jury "SRL for [feeds]: In a few weeks , many barges probably wo n't be able to operate fully loaded south of St. Louis because the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is beginning to reduce the flow of the Missouri River , which [feeds] into the Mississippi River .",ARG-0: the Missouri River | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: into the Mississippi River SRL for [precipitation]: The amount of [precipitation] for December was a little ABOVE normal .,ARG-M-TMP: for December "SRL for [marvel]: `` I am beside myself , '' / I 've said in moments of heat , / Without ever bothering / To [marvel] at the feat .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: at the feat SRL for [fixed]: John [fixed] Mary 's car for her .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary 's car | ARG-2: for her "SRL for [mend]: Despite the harsh exchanges , the U.S. and China still seem to be looking for a way to [mend] relations , which have deteriorated into what Mr. Nixon referred to as `` the greatest crisis in Chinese - American relations '' since his initial visit to China 17 years ago .","ARG-0: the U.S. and China | ARG-1: relations , which have deteriorated into what Mr. Nixon referred to as `` the greatest crisis in Chinese - American relations '' since his initial visit to China 17 years ago" SRL for [exapt]: Evolution can sometimes ' [exapt] ' existing modules for new functions that contribute to reproductive fitness .,ARG-0: Evolution | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: sometimes | ARG-1: existing modules | ARG-2: for new functions that contribute to reproductive fitness SRL for [much]: As for who decides that could be tricky although I doubt it will be [much] of an issue .,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: of an issue SRL for [assaults]: The police record notes a decrease in sexual [assaults] this past year .,ARG-M-MNR: sexual "SRL for [racking up]: Toyota 's $ 35,000 Lexus automobile , a luxury model that it started shipping to the U.S. only last month , is [racking up] orders at a time when U.S.-made luxury - car sales are slow .","ARG-0: Toyota 's $ 35,000 Lexus automobile , a luxury model that it started shipping to the U.S. only last month | ARG-1: orders | ARG-M-TMP: at a time when U.S.-made luxury - car sales are slow" "SRL for [worse]: But an agressive opposition , along with a biased press and press with an agenda make them out to be a lot [worse] than they are .",ARG-1: them | ARG-M-EXT: a lot | ARG-M-CXN: than they are "SRL for [sponging]: To those whom the welfare state is the biggest concern I think the problem arises from the fact that there are already too many english people [sponging] off the state and if we add any more people be it immigrants or "" britons "" our state of government would collapse and then our economy .",ARG-0: too many english people | ARG-2: off the state SRL for [initiated]: The book [initiated] with a murder,ARG-1: The book | ARG-2: with a murder "SRL for [stripped away]: Applying prowess gained during earlier stints at appliance maker AB Electrolux , Mr. Andersson and a handful of loyal lieutenants aggressively [stripped away] dead wood -- and got quick results .",ARG-0: Mr. Andersson and a handful of loyal lieutenants | ARG-M-MNR: aggressively | ARG-1: dead wood "SRL for [foolish]: The affair made him uneasy , and he conceded that he was perhaps being "" [foolish] "" about the matter but asserted that he was too old to change .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-ADV: perhaps | ARG-M-ADV: about "SRL for [registered]: Lee relates that as a youth he studied because he was forced to , but now his motivations for learning are far greater - so great in fact that he [registered] for three classes at the start of the semester , a decision he has come to regret for lack of time .",ARG-0: he | ARG-2: for three classes | ARG-M-TMP: at the start of the semester | ARG-M-ADV: a decision he has come to regret for lack of time SRL for [entry]: Taiwan 's early [entry] into biochip research and development,ARG-0: Taiwan 's | ARG-1: into biochip research and development SRL for [nourished]: The Three Gorges of the Yangtze and the Chuoshui River [nourished] the imaginations of Taiwanese people .,ARG-2: The Three Gorges of the Yangtze and the Chuoshui River | ARG-1: the imaginations of Taiwanese people "SRL for [read]: `` Due to health reasons , Lt . Col . Noriega has elected to postpone his visit to Washington , '' it [read] .","ARG-1: it | ARG-3: Due to health reasons , Lt . Col . Noriega has elected to postpone his visit to Washington" SRL for [swung]: John [swung] the baseball bat .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the baseball bat "SRL for [immigrated]: When Anne Volokh and her family [immigrated] to the U.S. 14 years ago , they started life in Los Angeles with only $ 400 .",ARG-0: Anne Volokh and her family | ARG-1: to the U.S. | ARG-M-TMP: 14 years ago "SRL for [rivalling]: There is certainly the prospect of Stewart , a slow starter but a class player when set , [rivalling] Robert Bailey for the No . 3 batting spot in the Caribbean .","ARG-0: Stewart , a slow starter but a class player when set | ARG-1: Robert Bailey | ARG-2: for the No . 3 batting spot in the Caribbean" SRL for [translocated]: The RNA - binding protein TIAR is [translocated] from the nucleus to the cytoplasm during Fas - mediated apoptotic cell death .,ARG-1: The RNA - binding protein TIAR | ARG-2: cytoplasm | ARG-3: the nucleus SRL for [stunt]: His publicity [stunt] for the movie was ill advised though effective .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: publicity | ARG-2: for the movie "SRL for [crossed out]: Mr. Guber says he had [crossed out] `` MGM '' with a red pen and written in `` Columbia , '' giving the document to Mr. Semel .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: `` MGM '' | ARG-M-MNR: with a red pen SRL for [radiated]: They [radiated] the tumor in the spine and so far they feel they have killed it .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the tumor in the spine SRL for [true]: The color was [true] to what it was said to be .,ARG-1: The color | ARG-2: to what it was said to be SRL for [quell]: Traders said that statements made over the weekend to [quell] concern about the stability of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 's government and the future of her economic program largely failed to reassure investors and bolster the flagging British unit .,ARG-0: statements | ARG-1: concern about the stability of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 's government and the future of her economic program "SRL for [tied in]: For years , the company 's ads were [tied in] with pitches for Cannon sheets or Martex towels .",ARG-M-TMP: For years | ARG-1: the company 's ads | ARG-2: with pitches for Cannon sheets or Martex towels SRL for [concerned]: The company said it was `` [concerned] about the announced intent to acquire control of the company '' by a Sugarman - led group .,ARG-1: it | ARG-0: about the announced intent to acquire control of the company '' by a Sugarman - led group SRL for [termination]: the restructuring will take place over a two - year period and will principally involve the transfer and [termination] of employees in our U.S. operations,ARG-1: of employees in our U.S. operations SRL for [lumber]: John watched the procession of giant gas - guzzling SUVs [lumber] down the road .,ARG-0: the procession of giant gas - guzzling SUVs | ARG-1: down the road "SRL for [outspoken]: Our people are restrained and introverted , not as [outspoken] or bossy as foreigners ,",ARG-0: Our people | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-CXN: as | C-ARG-M-CXN: as foreigners "SRL for [up]: My dad is [up] from bed , resting on the sofa .",ARG-1: My dad | ARG-2: from bed "SRL for [vegetate]: After a hard day 's work , I [vegetate] in front of the television .",ARG-M-TMP: After a hard day 's work | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: in front of the television "SRL for [stubborn]: but i was -LRB- well , still am -RRB- very [stubborn] so I wanted to stay in longer lol",ARG-M-ADJ: very | ARG-1: i "SRL for [settle down]: Madison seems like a nice place to [settle down] for them , until they realise how vulnerable the city is to criminal activity and that they can build their own criminal empire here instead of working hard and earnestly on a real job , regardless of pay .",ARG-0: them | ARG-1: a nice place SRL for [cabled]: I [cabled] the news of my mother 's death to the other side of my family .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the news of my mother 's death | ARG-2: to the other side of my family "SRL for [belted]: Inland regions were [belted] with wet snow , while rain , slush socked the shoreline .","ARG-1: Inland regions | ARG-2: with wet snow | ARG-M-TMP: while rain , slush socked the shoreline" "SRL for [gripped]: They note that when an unexpectedly sharp widening in the U.S. trade gap in August was reported earlier this month , hopes for a sustained narrowing of the trade deficit were dashed and sentiment [gripped] the market that the U.S. economy was losing its momentum .",ARG-0: sentiment | ARG-1: the market | C-ARG-0: that the U.S. economy was losing its momentum "SRL for [barged]: He [barged] through the door , into the khozyain 's office ..",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: through the door | ARG-2: into the khozyain 's office "SRL for [tsunami]: On the west coast of the United States , which is prone to Pacific Ocean [tsunami] , warning signs indicate evacuation routes .",ARG-1: Pacific Ocean SRL for [gathered]: He surveys the prospective investors [gathered] in the board room of the Philippine government 's Asset Privatization Trust for the sale of a 36 % interest in the country 's largest paper mill .,ARG-1: the prospective investors | ARG-M-LOC: in the board room of the Philippine government 's Asset Privatization Trust | ARG-M-PNC: for the sale of a 36 % interest in the country 's largest paper mill "SRL for [twinged]: The bee [twinged] him until he made himself tear , and so mastered himself .",ARG-0: The bee | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-TMP: until he made himself tear SRL for [misappropriated]: ... over NT$ 2.59 billion in [misappropriated] public funds .,ARG-1: public funds "SRL for [commends]: A Poquet spokesman , for example , [commends] the Atari Portfolio because it requires three batteries while the Poquet needs only two .",ARG-0: A Poquet spokesman | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-1: the Atari Portfolio | ARG-2: because it requires three batteries while the Poquet needs only two SRL for [asymmetrical]: [asymmetrical] wall thickening,ARG-1: wall thickening SRL for [cap]: A [cap] of $ 1.6 billion on future spending,ARG-2: of $ 1.6 billion | ARG-1: on future spending SRL for [ease]: Often judges [ease] into more lucrative private practice with little fanfare .,ARG-M-TMP: Often | ARG-1: judges | ARG-4: into more lucrative private practice | ARG-M-MNR: with little fanfare "SRL for [demilitarize]: We do n't expect much good from nuclear - arms control , but conventional - arms talks might [demilitarize] Eastern Europe .",ARG-0: conventional - arms talks | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-2: Eastern Europe "SRL for [lynching]: Seeking to justify their [lynching] of a white woman , stockmen and their apologists conflated Watson with a local prostitute , "" Cattle Kate , "" in newspaper accounts and invented stories about her past ...",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of a white woman SRL for [appointment]: The president 's [appointment] of Smith to his personal staff was unexpected .,ARG-0: The president 's | ARG-1: of Smith | ARG-2: to his personal staff "SRL for [intended]: Manville said the shares issued to the trust were [intended] to be sold , as needed .","ARG-1: the shares issued to the trust | C-ARG-1: to be sold , as needed" "SRL for [blushed]: We [blushed] and were flustered , and it turned out to be the fleetest brush of lips upon cheek .",ARG-0: We SRL for [steeped]: Winter itch was treated by applying strong apple cider in which pulverized bloodroot had been [steeped] .,ARG-1: pulverized bloodroot | ARG-2: strong apple cider | R-ARG-2: in which "SRL for [eroded]: According to Wilson 's hotspot theory , the volcanoes of the Hawaiian chain should get progressively older and become more [eroded] the farther they travel beyond the hotspot .",ARG-M-ADV: According to Wilson 's hotspot theory | ARG-1: the volcanoes of the Hawaiian chain | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-CXN: more | C-ARG-M-CXN: the farther they travel beyond the hotspot SRL for [flare]: Bellbottom pants [flare] at the bottom .,ARG-1: Bellbottom pants | ARG-M-LOC: at the bottom SRL for [passing]: I think his [passing] her in the stair - well is simply him not knowing what to do with a distraught woman,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-LOC: in the stair - well SRL for [attributes]: Mr. Hahn [attributes] the gains to the philosophy of concentrating on what a company knows best .,ARG-0: Mr. Hahn | ARG-1: the gains | ARG-2: to the philosophy of concentrating on what a company knows best SRL for [procedures]: the [procedures] for the election of the president of the republic in March,ARG-1: for the election of the president of the republic in March SRL for [clue]: The medical profession really does n't have a [clue] about me .,ARG-0: The medical profession | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: about me "SRL for [embellish]: At times , salesmen may [embellish] the inside information with `` the notion that this is some slightly shady , slightly illegal investment the person is being included in , '' says Mr. Cunningham .","ARG-M-TMP: At times | ARG-0: salesmen | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: the inside information | ARG-2: with `` the notion that this is some slightly shady , slightly illegal investment the person is being included in" "SRL for [wall off]: But even before Wang 's latest financial troubles surfaced , some customers `` were trying to [wall off] their Wang installations '' so other departments would n't add Wang , says Chris Christiansen , a former Wang marketer who is now a market analyst with Meta Group , a market research firm in Stamford , Conn.",ARG-0: some customers | ARG-1: their Wang installations '' | ARG-M-PNC: so other departments would n't add Wang SRL for [contracted out]: Costa Rican bananas had been [contracted out] early to large corporations .,ARG-1: Costa Rican bananas | ARG-M-TMP: early | ARG-2: to large corporations "SRL for [compared]: Transamerica said third - quarter gains were $ 10.2 million , [compared] with $ 6.4 million in the year earlier .",ARG-1: third - quarter gains were $ 10.2 million | ARG-2: with $ 6.4 million in the year earlier "SRL for [wounded]: He ordered people to make an idol to honor the first beast , the one that was [wounded] by the sword but did not die .",ARG-1: the one | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: by the sword SRL for [paint]: And the failures make it possible for Warner in its current lawsuit to [paint] the producers as ingrates .,ARG-0: Warner | ARG-M-LOC: in its current lawsuit | ARG-1: the producers | ARG-2: as ingrates "SRL for [charge]: Malcolm S. Todt was named vice president and senior officer in [charge] of equipment leasing to municipalities , a new effort of this bond insurer .","ARG-2: of equipment leasing to municipalities , a new effort of this bond insurer" "SRL for [pursed]: He [pursed] his lips , flapped his arms , and gobbled and said mockingly ...",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his lips "SRL for [performance]: For her [performance] , Byrne won the best actress award at last year 's Venice Film Festival .",ARG-0: her "SRL for [reduction]: It may be that we have not explained by this method everything connected with vital phenomena , since their [reduction] to physical laws is as yet incomplete :",ARG-1: their | ARG-4: to physical laws "SRL for [fortunate]: So , what is the origin of the idea that 4 - leaf clovers are [fortunate] ?",ARG-0: 4 - leaf clovers "SRL for [prostrating]: These "" delinquent youths "" obediently [prostrating] themselves ...","ARG-0: These "" delinquent youths "" | ARG-M-MNR: obediently | ARG-1: themselves" SRL for [scorched]: Now the [scorched] hulk floats aimlessly in the Arab waterway next to Basra 's dock yards .,ARG-1: hulk SRL for [passage]: time 's [passage],ARG-1: time 's SRL for [treatment]: They also decried Libya 's [treatment] of the migrants and its poor human rights record .,ARG-0: Libya 's | ARG-1: of the migrants "SRL for [undeveloped]: Usually , people must continue with programs over the course of months or years so that they [undeveloped] the habits that have been created ...",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the habits that have been created SRL for [keen]: He is [keen] on the idea .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: on the idea SRL for [approachable]: I think he simply wanted to tell the world that this president is [approachable] and it is a type of performance art that he employed to demonstrate his common touch .,ARG-1: this president SRL for [leave off]: They were told to [leave off] their coats .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their coats SRL for [lobulate]: margins crenulate to [lobulate] on upper branches,ARG-1: margins | ARG-M-LOC: on upper branches "SRL for [landlocked]: Did the geniuses notice they [landlocked] the Staten Island Ferry Terminal , as well as the Govs Island Terminal that houses the East River ferries ?","ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the Staten Island Ferry Terminal , as well as the Govs Island Terminal that houses the East River ferries" SRL for [rumored]: Pennzoil is [rumored] to be accumulating a stake in Chevron in order to push for a revamping of the company ...,ARG-1: to be accumulating a stake in Chevron in order to push for a revamping of the company "SRL for [fortified]: The Israeli Army said the border guard died in a clash with Palestinian rioters at Joseph 's tomb , a [fortified] Jewish pilgrimage site .",ARG-1: Jewish pilgrimage site SRL for [demolition]: Just as we did with the recent wrecking ball [demolition] of Shea Stadium and the ongoing process of Yankee Stadium,ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-2: wrecking ball | ARG-1: of Shea Stadium "SRL for [end]: The huge bronze bells [end] , surprisingly , in the inverted position .",ARG-1: The huge bronze bells | ARG-1: in the inverted position | ARG-M-DIS: surprisingly SRL for [spotted]: Messrs. Jacobson and Bates walked on the Big Board floor at about 8:45 a.m. yesterday and immediately [spotted] trouble .,ARG-0: Messrs. Jacobson and Bates | ARG-M-TMP: immediately | ARG-1: trouble "SRL for [contracted]: It should have happened sooner , '' said Elizabeth Glaser , a Los Angeles mother and activist who [contracted] the AIDS virus through a blood transfusion , and transmitted it to two of her children .",ARG-1: a Los Angeles mother and activist | ARG-2: the AIDS virus | ARG-3: through a blood transfusion | R-ARG-1: who SRL for [delay]: The [delay] in getting AZT to children,ARG-1: in getting AZT to children SRL for [thatched]: John [thatched] the roof with the dry grass .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the roof | ARG-2: with the dry grass "SRL for [dialectic]: Everything is [dialectic] in nature ; in order to reveal the essence of our problems , we must extract from experience and intellect only what is relevant to the administration .",ARG-1: Everything | ARG-M-ADV: in nature "SRL for [vaporized]: The test completely [vaporized] the island of Elugelab as well as portions of Sanil and Teiter , leaving a crater 164 feet ( 50 meters ) deep .",ARG-0: The test | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-1: the island of Elugelab as well as portions of Sanil and Teiter | ARG-M-ADV: leaving a crater 164 feet ( 50 meters ) deep SRL for [speech]: The Des Moines [speech],ARG-2: Des Moines SRL for [named]: No successor was [named],ARG-2: No successor "SRL for [dusky]: I sang till it got kind of [dusky] , and then I left my house for the last time .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: kind of SRL for [approach]: In his final novel he makes his closest [approach] to greatness .,ARG-1: his | ARG-M-MNR: closest | ARG-2: to greatness "SRL for [ballot]: On Indian gaming , I 'll mention that the Navajo Nation put casino gambling on the [ballot] twice .", "SRL for [resubmit]: However , Tony Lama said it would promptly [resubmit] the offer to a special committee of the company 's board .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-MNR: promptly | ARG-1: the offer | ARG-2: to a special committee of the company 's board SRL for [wrenched]: He [wrenched] the window off its hinges .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the window | ARG-2: off its hinges SRL for [deglaciation]: the initial [deglaciation] of the Barents Sea was due to mechanical break - up .,ARG-M-TMP: initial | ARG-1: of the Barents Sea SRL for [wearied]: Long hours of work have [wearied] me .,ARG-0: Long hours of work | ARG-1: me "SRL for [vulcanized]: If they [vulcanized] the sole , they would be much cooler .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the sole SRL for [negative]: Some point out Steinbeck 's [negative] portrayal of female characters,ARG-0: Steinbeck 's negative portrayal | ARG-1: of female characters "SRL for [drop]: `` I do n't trust people who do n't eat , '' said Ms. Volokh , though she herself stopped eating lunch a few years ago to [drop] 25 pounds .",ARG-0: she herself | ARG-1: 25 pounds SRL for [blurring]: My [blurring] of the lines was for my own convience,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: of the lines SRL for [swept]: She [swept] into the room, SRL for [body - slam]: All Newt did was verbally [body - slam] a liberal .,ARG-0: Newt | ARG-M-MNR: verbally | ARG-1: a liberal "SRL for [reconcile]: Under federal transportation law , a government mediator is attempting to [reconcile] the melding of Tiger 's job classifications into Federal 's .",ARG-0: a government mediator | ARG-1: the melding of Tiger 's job classifications into Federal 's SRL for [pends]: It [pends] action in the Senate .,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: action in the Senate SRL for [plot]: Probably part of the government 's [plot] to eliminate idiots from America by encouraging explosive iced - turkey frying .,ARG-0: the government 's | ARG-1: to eliminate idiots from America by encouraging explosive iced - turkey frying SRL for [marking]: He did n't like her [marking] of an ' X ' on the map because it ruined the way the page looked .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of an ' X ' | ARG-2: on the map "SRL for [capitlisation]: If the share price is 25.5 p per share , there are 68.37 million shares in issue and acording to ADVN the total market [capitlisation] is approx 17 million .",ARG-M-ADJ: total | ARG-1: market "SRL for [bidding]: The chiefs sit around in silent dignity , the speaker alone rising to present their cause to the presiding officer upon his [bidding] them to unfold their grievances .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: to unfold their grievances SRL for [diverting]: a [diverting] loop ileostomy,ARG-M-MNR: loop | ARG-1: ileostomy SRL for [blanks]: I do n't wan na ring him any more because I feel insulted that he just casually [blanks] my calls .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-MNR: casually | ARG-1: my calls SRL for [twanged]: Sir Humphrey 's younger brother [twanged] an arrow through the window .,ARG-0: Sir Humphrey 's younger brother | ARG-1: an arrow | ARG-2: through the window SRL for [developed]: Bill Gates [developed] DOS for Microsoft,ARG-0: Bill Gates | ARG-1: DOS | ARG-3: for Microsoft SRL for [blend]: But industry watchers expect them to [blend] the methodical marketing strategies they use for more mundane products with the more intuitive approach typical of cosmetics companies .,ARG-0: them | ARG-1: the methodical marketing strategies they use for more mundane products | ARG-2: with the more intuitive approach typical of cosmetics companies "SRL for [smuggles]: Her husband , played by Leung , [smuggles] himself into America to try to find her .","ARG-0: Her husband , played by Leung | ARG-1: himself | ARG-3: into America | ARG-M-PRP: to try to find her" SRL for [unclothed]: She [unclothed] her innermost feelings .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her innermost feelings "SRL for [gamble]: At a time when Americans are leveraged to their eyeballs , asset - backed investors may be taking a heady [gamble] that consumers will be able to repay loans in hard times .",ARG-M-TMP: At a time when Americans are leveraged to their eyeballs | ARG-0: asset - backed investors | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-LVB: taking | ARG-M-MNR: heady | ARG-2: that consumers will be able to repay loans in hard times SRL for [ban]: ... to have them pressure the exchange to [ban] program trading .,ARG-0: the exchange | ARG-1: program trading "SRL for [dipped]: Mercury attributed the loss to rapid prepayments of loans and costs incurred in refinancing many house loans this past spring and summer , when interest rates [dipped] .",ARG-1: interest rates SRL for [shameful]: It 's [shameful] that these people holding US passports continue to cheat the Chinese government of money .,ARG-2: that these people holding US passports continue to cheat the Chinese government of money "SRL for [pride]: I do n't think there 's anything massively wrong to to feel a sentimental [pride] towards your country ,",ARG-M-MNR: sentimental | ARG-1: towards your country "SRL for [contradict]: It would [contradict] that objective if the appropriations clause ( technically a limitation on legislative power ) could be read as placing the president on Congress 's short leash , making the executive consist of the president and every member of Congress .","ARG-0: It | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: that objective | ARG-M-ADV: if the appropriations clause ( technically a limitation on legislative power ) could be read as placing the president on Congress 's short leash , making the executive consist of the president and every member of Congress" "SRL for [previous]: If your session was [previous] to 10/25 and you have not received a link to your gallery , please let me know",ARG-1: your session | ARG-2: to 10/25 SRL for [lucid]: Pt is [lucid],ARG-1: Pt "SRL for [printed]: Hahaha phat farm , I m a also cop them fly screen [printed] scarface shirts with the matching British knights",ARG-2: fly screen | ARG-1: scarface shirts SRL for [loafed]: Manny [loafed] toward second base after blasting the ball over the center fielder 's head .,ARG-0: Manny | ARG-M-DIR: toward second base | ARG-M-TMP: after blasting the ball over the center fielder 's head "SRL for [reduce]: Under the Kyoto Protocol , 38 developed countries have to [reduce] emissions by more than 5 % over the next 10 years .",ARG-0: 38 developed countries | ARG-1: emissions | ARG-2: by more than 5 % | ARG-M-TMP: over the next 10 years "SRL for [rabbited]: John [rabbited] for days , but with no success .",ARG-0: John | ARG-M-TMP: days "SRL for [rung]: According to a nationwide survey taken a year ago , nearly a third of England 's church bells are no longer [rung] on Sundays because there is no one to ring them .",ARG-M-NEG: no longer | ARG-1: nearly a third of England 's church bells | ARG-M-TMP: on Sundays | ARG-M-CAU: because there is no one to ring them SRL for [waxed]: he [waxed] it with black shoe polish .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with black shoe polish SRL for [lies]: his [lies] to me regarding my former network were outrageous,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to me | ARG-3: regarding my former network SRL for [eructed]: He [eructed] bright red blood and clots into his mouth with no retching .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: bright red blood and clots | ARG-M-GOL: into his mouth | ARG-M-MNR: with no retching "SRL for [peaking]: Since [peaking] at 2791.41 on Oct. 9 , the Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost 194.69 points , or 7 % , closing Friday at 2596.72 , down 17.01 .",ARG-1: the Dow Jones Industrial Average | ARG-2: at 2791.41 | ARG-M-TMP: on Oct. 9 "SRL for [smeared]: "" Your streets will be [smeared] with blood , "" as the prophecy has it .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: with blood | ARG-2: Your streets SRL for [inflation]: ... outstripping both the initial 3 % [inflation] goal set by the government of Socialist Prime Minister ...,ARG-2: 3 % SRL for [hunkered]: For thirteen years the North Korean dictatorship has lied and [hunkered] down and continued to build nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles .,ARG-M-TMP: For thirteen years | ARG-0: the North Korean dictatorship | ARG-M-DIR: down SRL for [problems]: She is having [problems] with her colostomy bag .,ARG-0: with her colostomy bag SRL for [garnished]: Kettering Automotive owner of kettering automotive [garnished] 410 dollars out of my check cause I quit do to being sick .,ARG-0: Kettering Automotive owner of kettering automotive | ARG-1: 410 dollars | ARG-2: out of my check | ARG-M-PRP: cause I quit do to being sick SRL for [registration]: voter [registration],ARG-1: voter SRL for [wick]: These quickly [wick] sweat away from the skin .,ARG-0: These | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: sweat | ARG-M-DIR: away from the skin SRL for [coming out]: At the moment you 're just [coming out] with general words that do n't really make any sense or have any true application in real life .,ARG-M-TMP: At the moment | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: with general words that do n't really make any sense or have any true application in real life SRL for [dry out]: and that needs to [dry out],ARG-1: that "SRL for [gripes]: ` ` For $ 10 million , you can move $ 100 million of stocks , '' a specialist on the Big Board [gripes] .","ARG-0: a specialist on the Big Board | ARG-1: ` ` For $ 10 million , you can move $ 100 million of stocks , ''" SRL for [expands]: The strike zone [expands] depending on the size of the batter .,ARG-1: The strike zone | ARG-M-ADV: depending on the size of the batter SRL for [inbred]: sorry to seem negative or critical but surely you mean [inbred] him with his daughter ? that s not line breeding .,ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with his daughter "SRL for [prancing]: Here she delivers , especially during her enthusiastically awful rendition of the `` Candy Man , '' which she sings while [prancing] around in a little cotton candy pink angora sweater that could n't be more perfect .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: around | ARG-M-MNR: in a little cotton candy pink angora sweater that could n't be more perfect "SRL for [bustling]: Along with the [bustling] flea - markets , weekend garage sales and sales of old textbooks in schools , these are all expressions of Australian people 's awareness of the value of things .",ARG-1: flea - markets "SRL for [symmetric]: Determine whether the graph of y = | x | + 3 is [symmetric] with respect to the origin , the x - axis , or the y - axis .","ARG-1: the graph of y = | x | + 3 | ARG-3: with respect to the origin , the x - axis , or the y - axis" "SRL for [stalled]: Already , ruling Liberal Democratic Party demands that opposition members testify under oath in parliament have [stalled] one budget committee session and forced the committee to plan a special two - day investigation at the end of the month .",ARG-M-TMP: Already | ARG-0: ruling Liberal Democratic Party demands that opposition members testify under oath in parliament | ARG-1: one budget committee session SRL for [amenable]: This occulsion was [amenable] to further percutaneous therapy,ARG-0: This occulsion | ARG-1: to further percutaneous therapy SRL for [federated]: Queen Mary [federated] the Republic of John and the Republic of Jack into the Union of Maryland .,ARG-0: Queen Mary | ARG-1: the Republic of John | ARG-2: and the Republic of Jack | ARG-3: into the Union of Maryland SRL for [bootlegged]: In September 1971 California officials seized `` [bootlegged] '' lenses -- made by unlicensed companies -- after some showed traces of bacteria .,ARG-1: lenses "SRL for [retrench]: '' Today , he frets , exports and business investment spending may be insufficient to pick up the slack if stock prices sink this week and if consumers [retrench] in reaction .",ARG-0: consumers | ARG-M-CAU: in reaction "SRL for [lauded]: When he was hired , Mr. Payne [lauded] Mr. Decker 's `` extraordinary ... skills '' and his `` outstanding reputation as one of the West 's brightest bankers . ''",ARG-0: Mr. Payne | ARG-1: Mr. Decker 's `` extraordinary ... skills '' and his `` outstanding reputation as one of the West 's brightest bankers . '' "SRL for [it to]: Good old Katharine had slipped a jar of strawberry jam in his bag , and he rationed [it to] himself",ARG-0: rationed | ARG-1: out | ARG-2: himself "SRL for [peck]: They [peck] away at the 1 1/2 - mile section of rubble , searching for more of the 250 people thought to have died here .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-ADV: away | ARG-1: at the 1 1/2 - mile section of rubble | ARG-M-ADV: searching for more of the 250 people thought to have died here "SRL for [blocking]: The proposed Soviet redefinition is aimed at [blocking] the US from developing lighter , more transportable high - technology tanks .","ARG-3: The proposed Soviet redefinition | ARG-1: the US | ARG-2: from developing lighter , more transportable high - technology tanks" SRL for [skittered]: He [skittered] the mouse to the top left of the screen to scroll back to a previous one .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the mouse | ARG-M-GOL: to the top left of the screen | ARG-M-PRP: to scroll back to a previous one SRL for [touched up]: He took a brush and [touched up] the paintwork .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the paintwork "SRL for [combing]: Men are still [combing] the beach with shovels and hand brushes , searching for that unusual glint .",ARG-0: Men | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: the beach | ARG-M-MNR: with shovels and hand brushes | ARG-M-ADV: searching for that unusual glint "SRL for [attractive]: Teacher salaries are very high , is that so ? If there comes a day when everyone will become a teacher [ by hook or by crook | sharpen their heads ] , = as popular as the civil servants of today , that will mean that teachers are really [attractive] .",ARG-0: teachers | ARG-M-EXT: really "SRL for [firming up]: But in an interview , Mr. McMaster said he and his investment banker would need access to full financial records before [firming up] the offer .",ARG-0: he and his investment banker | ARG-1: the offer "SRL for [burrowed]: Some [burrowed] in the ground for insects , grubs and worms .","ARG-0: Some | ARG-1: in the ground | ARG-2: for insects , grubs and worms" SRL for [posterior]: I do n't think she will get dysphagia because the injections are all [posterior] .,ARG-1: the injections | ARG-M-ADV: all SRL for [goofing]: Lol I was just [goofing] with you,ARG-M-DIS: Lol | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: with you SRL for [kidding]: You 're [kidding] me .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: me "SRL for [broke in]: I did n't think I had much time , so I [broke in] , figuring I 'd get a few hours , maybe a day before they clear out all of this stuff .","ARG-M-ADV: I did n't think I had much time | ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: figuring I 'd get a few hours , maybe a day before they clear out all of this stuff" SRL for [Production]: [Production] of full - sized vans,ARG-1: of full - sized vans SRL for [sound]: listen to the [sound] of the waves the wind makes in the rice paddies to discover if the rice is ripe ;,ARG-1: of the waves the wind makes in the rice paddies "SRL for [tacked down]: Mr. Trotter 's painting showed a wall of wood boards with painted ribbons [tacked down] in a rectangle ; tucked behind the ribbons were envelopes , folded faded and crumpled papers and currency .",ARG-1: painted ribbons | ARG-M-MNR: in a rectangle "SRL for [careened]: WHEN HURRICANE Hugo [careened] through the Caribbean and the Atlantic coast states , it downed electric and telephone lines , shot coconuts through cottage rooftops , shattered windows and uprooted thousands of lives .",ARG-0: HURRICANE Hugo | ARG-M-DIR: through the Caribbean and the Atlantic coast states | ARG-M-TMP: WHEN SRL for [gilded]: She [gilded] the pagoda with gold leaves equal to her body weight .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the pagoda | ARG-2: with gold leaves equal to her body weight "SRL for [nurturing]: Animals with few offspring can devote more resources to the [nurturing] and protection of each individual offspring , thus reducing the need for many offspring .",ARG-1: of each individual offspring SRL for [obligation]: the [obligation] of the international community and the United States,ARG-1: of the international community and the United States SRL for [reintroduced]: The man with the clipboard [reintroduced] a bit of les sportif into our itinerary .,ARG-0: The man with the clipboard | ARG-1: a bit of les sportif | ARG-2: into our itinerary "SRL for [careful]: Mark Twain - "" Be [careful] about reading health books . You may die of a misprint . """,ARG-1: about reading health books SRL for [scare]: Bud Noetzel is recovering from his [scare] of fluid in his lungs .,ARG-1: his | ARG-0: of fluid in his lungs SRL for [break]: And thieves can [break] into your house and steal them .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: thieves | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: into your house SRL for [screamed]: I realized what was happening and [screamed] into the house for the dogs .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIR: into the house | ARG-2: for the dogs "SRL for [warned]: The issue has come to a boil in Newark , N.J. , where federal prosecutors have [warned] lawyers for Eddie Antar that if the founder and former chairman of Crazy Eddie Inc. is indicted , the government may move to seize the money that Mr. Antar is using to pay legal fees .","ARG-0: federal prosecutors | ARG-2: lawyers for Eddie Antar | ARG-1: that if the founder and former chairman of Crazy Eddie Inc. is indicted , the government may move to seize the money that Mr. Antar is using to pay legal fees" "SRL for [industrialized]: Newly [industrialized] countries : Singapore , Hong Kong , Taiwan , South Korea",ARG-M-TMP: Newly | ARG-1: countries "SRL for [sundered]: In time , Bush [sundered] the party that rallied behind him .",ARG-M-TMP: In time | ARG-0: Bush | ARG-1: the party that rallied behind him "SRL for [lose face]: That way , your child wo n't [lose face] when Mom heeds her own Call of Duty and confi scates the game in front of his friend .",ARG-M-MNR: That way | ARG-1: your child | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-0: when Mom heeds her own Call of Duty and confi scates the game in front of his friend SRL for [canalization]: C. H. Waddington inferred developmental [canalization] of gene expression by noting that differentiation leads to the formation of discrete types of tissue ...,ARG-M-ADJ: developmental | ARG-1: of gene expression "SRL for [reform]: Now is the time to [reform] the government from a provider , developing - country vanguard role to that of a modern , industrialized nation in which consumers have the ultimate choice .","ARG-1: the government | ARG-3: from a provider , developing - country vanguard role | ARG-2: to that of a modern , industrialized nation in which consumers have the ultimate choice" "SRL for [Depending]: *trace* [Depending] upon how many warrants and options are exercised prior to completion of the transaction , Heritage would issue between 1.8 million and 2.35 million preferred shares , a Heritage spokesman estimated .",ARG-1: upon how many warrants and options are exercised prior to completion of the transaction "SRL for [strides]: Superpowers-1 tend PRO-1 to make huge [strides] in bettering the lives of human civilisation -LRB- the Romans did it by furthering democracy , the British Empire did it with the industrial revolution -RRB- .",ARG-0: PRO-1 | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-ADJ: huge | ARG-1: in bettering the lives of human civilisation SRL for [circumstantial]: Thought Processes : *PRO* [circumstantial] at times,ARG-M-TMP: at times "SRL for [designating]: On Tuesday it approved Senator Bob Dole 's proposed commemorative resolution [designating] April 24 , 1990 , as the `` National Day of Remembrance of the 75th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 - 1923 , '' suffered at the hands of the warring Ottoman Empire .","ARG-0: Senator Bob Dole 's proposed commemorative resolution | ARG-1: April 24 , 1990 | ARG-2: as the `` National Day of Remembrance of the 75th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 - 1923 , '' suffered at the hands of the warring Ottoman Empire" SRL for [congruent]: Mood and affect are [congruent] .,ARG-1: Mood and affect SRL for [cap]: Energy Secretary Bill Richardson suggested a new price [cap] for electricity throughout the western states .,ARG-M-TMP: new | ARG-3: price | ARG-1: for electricity | ARG-M-LOC: throughout the western states SRL for [Returns]: [Returns] from just under a third of the polling stations,ARG-0: from just under a third of the polling stations SRL for [organizing]: Several Big Board firms are [organizing] to complain about program trading and the exchange 's role in it .,ARG-0: Several Big Board firms | ARG-M-PRP: to complain about program trading and the exchange 's role in it "SRL for [settle down]: When the day comes that they go to high school , and they have to [settle down] and read an essay , they could well find that really boring .",ARG-1: they SRL for [unification]: The [unification] of PropBank 's frame files into semantically - based files took far longer than anyone expected !,ARG-1: of PropBank 's frame files | ARG-4: into semantically - based files "SRL for [eyeballing]: Apple Computer added that it was being `` cautiously optimistic , '' despite not yet closely [eyeballing] all of its 50 buildings in the region .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-TMP: not yet | ARG-M-MNR: closely | ARG-1: all of its 50 buildings in the region SRL for [certified]: This facility is [certified] as a level 4 containment facility,ARG-1: This facility | ARG-2: as a level 4 containment facility SRL for [crystallized]: In September of last year two ideas for programs [crystallized] out of the journalistic blood of her heart .,ARG-M-TMP: In September of last year | ARG-1: two ideas for programs | ARG-2: out of the journalistic blood of her heart SRL for [dry]: I noticed i was getting these permanent forehead lines and that my face was a bit [dry] .,ARG-1: my face | ARG-M-EXT: a bit SRL for [face]: The house and the church [face] each other across a busy highway .,ARG-0: The house and the church | ARG-1: each other | ARG-M-LOC: across a busy highway "SRL for [greeting]: `` I know it 's not over , '' a sober - faced Mr. Corry acknowledged while [greeting] steel suppliers in New York on Oct. 12 and inviting them to a buffet of salmon and sushi in honor of Kobe Steel Ltd. , USX 's partner in a steel mill in Lorain , Ohio .",ARG-0: a sober - faced Mr. Corry | ARG-1: steel suppliers | ARG-M-LOC: in New York | ARG-M-TMP: on Oct. 12 SRL for [collate]: The lawyers will [collate] the documented evidence into a persuasive report .,ARG-0: The lawyers | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the documented evidence | ARG-2: into a persuasive report "SRL for [overpresented]: The authors found that persons of color were heavily presented in stories about crime , and within those stories were more likely to be presented as perpetrators of crime than as persons reacting to or suffering from it . An analysis using recent homicide rates in Philadelphia and a rational model of expected victimization indicated that contrary to a realistic conflict explanation , White actors were [overpresented] as victims of violence compared to their roles as perpetrators , and persons of color were overpresented as perpetrators of violence against White actors .",ARG-1: White actors | ARG-M-PRD: as victims of violence | ARG-M-ADV: compared to their roles as perpetrators SRL for [short]: he was [short] in stature,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: in stature "SRL for [pops]: Analysts and competitors said the move reflects a growing need by the stores to expand their customer base beyond the traditional blue - collar worker who [pops] into a convenience store for a sandwich , cigarettes , soda or beer .","ARG-1: the traditional blue - collar worker | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-4: into a convenience store | ARG-M-PNC: for a sandwich , cigarettes , soda or beer" SRL for [attack]: Small pets are subject to [attack] by these roaming nocturnal predators .,ARG-0: by these roaming nocturnal predators "SRL for [three dimensional]: Thirty - plus years of rapid growth in China 's economy have benefited all Chinese in varying degrees , and the dividends delivered have been comprehensive and [three dimensional] .",ARG-1: the dividends delivered "SRL for [outlying]: The missiles need n't carry warheads , and the target need not be a populated area , but could be , for exammple , [outlying] islands or nearby territorial waters .",ARG-0: islands "SRL for [had in pocket]: If Johnson thought he [had in pocket] , he was mistaken .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: her SRL for [caught up]: the wind [caught up] in little eddies and threw it at the window,ARG-0: the wind | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in little eddies SRL for [throwing]: Thermo Electron acquired some 6 % of Milton Roy 's common stock before [throwing] in the towel and reducing its stake in early September .,ARG-0: Thermo Electron | ARG-2: in | ARG-1: the towel | ARG-M-TMP: in early September SRL for [estimated]: The department previously [estimated] that durable - goods orders fell 0.1 %,ARG-0: The department | ARG-M-TMP: previously | ARG-1: that durable - goods orders fell 0.1 % "SRL for [called]: One building was upgraded to red status while people were taking things out , and a resident who was n't allowed to go back inside [called] up the stairs to his girlfriend , telling her to keep sending things down to the lobby .",ARG-0: a resident who was n't allowed to go back inside | ARG-M-DIR: up the stairs | ARG-2: to his girlfriend | ARG-M-ADV: telling her to keep sending things down to the lobby SRL for [climb]: the [climb] in oil prices last month,ARG-1: in oil prices | ARG-M-TMP: last month SRL for [inoculate]: A national campaign to [inoculate] tens of millions of Americans against H1N1 influenza began Monday .,ARG-1: tens of millions of Americans | ARG-2: against H1N1 influenza SRL for [crackdown]: China : authorities must end their [crackdown] on Tibetan Buddhism .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: on Tibetan Buddhism "SRL for [whipsawed]: After being [whipsawed] by a volatile stock market , Treasury bonds closed higher .",ARG-1: Treasury bonds | ARG-0: by a volatile stock market SRL for [copyrighted]: John [copyrighted] his disseratation .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his disseratation SRL for [blunt]: To be [blunt] while being honest ...,ARG-M-TMP: while being honest SRL for [have split up]: I [have split up] the question into three parts .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the question | ARG-2: into three parts "SRL for [catching on]: At one point , the reader is two steps ahead of Marlowe in [catching on] to a double identity scam -- and Marlowe is supposed to be the pro .",ARG-0: Marlowe | ARG-1: to a double identity scam "SRL for [walking]: He seemed happy and relaxed [walking] his dog Buddy and helping his wife , the new senator , get ready to head off to Washington tomorrow , without him .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his dog Buddy "SRL for [libel]: The day before trial the MSA , together with its Chairman and the author of the article , admitted their [libel] of Mr Murray .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Mr Murray SRL for [to extinguish]: Psychiatry in China tries *PRO* [to extinguish] from the minds of people the beliefs the state can not change .,ARG-3: from the minds of people | ARG-1: the beliefs the state can not change "SRL for [mounted]: Last season , Hartford Stage director Mark Lamos [mounted] a production at Lincoln Center , and currently two other productions -- one just closed at the Old Globe in San Diego and another now at the Seattle Rep -- overlap with Mr. Boyd 's .",ARG-M-TMP: Last season | ARG-0: Hartford Stage director Mark Lamos | ARG-1: a production at Lincoln Center "SRL for [crossing]: Although one transportation official said drivers who did n't use car pools were committing `` an anti - social act , '' about two - thirds of the motorists [crossing] the Golden Gate were alone , compared with the normal 70 % rate .",ARG-0: the motorists | ARG-1: the Golden Gate "SRL for [related]: He 's a bit aggressive , raves and rants a lot , and mixes up a lot of different political stances into one bundle when many are in no way [related] , but beyond that ....",ARG-1: many | ARG-M-MNR: in no way | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [support]: The party 's base [support] , liberal woman 's groups , civil rights groups , environmental groups , the foot that raises money knock on doors and vote come rain or shine , want to fight over Alito .",ARG-1: The party 's | ARG-0: base "SRL for [sprout]: If sales do n't pick up , the cuts will go deeper and incentives will [sprout] again .",ARG-M-ADV: If sales do n't pick up | ARG-1: incentives | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [tiling]: The current [tiling] of the room in question is 12 by 12 .,ARG-M-TMP: current | ARG-1: of the room in question "SRL for [satisfied]: `` We were n't [satisfied] until they became sell programs , '' says Mr. DaPuzzo , who now thinks it adds unnecessary volatility .",ARG-1: We | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: until they became sell programs SRL for [suitable]: This restaurant is [suitable] for vegetarians .,ARG-1: This restaurant | ARG-2: for vegetarians "SRL for [carting off]: American journalist William L. Shirer , in his book `` The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich , '' wrote of how in Vienna he had witnessed `` squads of } Nazi { SS men [carting off] silver , tapestries , paintings and other loot from the Rothschild palace . ''","ARG-0: `` squads of } Nazi { SS men | ARG-1: silver , tapestries , paintings and other loot | ARG-2: from the Rothschild palace" "SRL for [blemish]: Once Rook'Shir was executed by the first Imperial Guard , his [blemish] on Shi'ar history and his weapon was kept secret for centuries to come .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on Shi'ar history "SRL for [refocused]: As part of the plan , the Houston - based company 's 1,100 Stop ' N Go stores will be [refocused] to target black , Hispanic , upscale or core middle - class customers .","ARG-M-ADV: As part of the plan | ARG-1: the Houston - based company 's 1,100 Stop ' N Go stores | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: to target black , Hispanic , upscale or core middle - class customers" "SRL for [slumping]: While the hot sales of money charms are no doubt partly attributable to the enterprising efforts of dealers and retailers , the [slumping] economy and growing number of fortunetellers have also played a part in the boom .",ARG-1: economy SRL for [younger]: When I was [younger] could eat virtually anything and not gain weight .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: When "SRL for [running]: By [running] against Giuliani , who has been reported in Vanity Fair to have a mistress , the first lady could ...",ARG-0: the first lady | ARG-2: against Giuliani SRL for [sweating off]: Sellers would often spend two hours inside pooling or [sweating off] extra pounds .,ARG-0: Sellers | ARG-1: extra pounds SRL for [offering]: An [offering] of common shares,ARG-1: of common shares "SRL for [whisked]: Visitors , [whisked] from the Strip on a moving walkway , will glide over a habitat for rare white tigers , which will star in performances by the famed illusionist team of Siegfried & Roy .",ARG-1: Visitors | ARG-2: from the Strip | ARG-M-LOC: on a moving walkway "SRL for [ramblings]: It is just the same politically illiterate [ramblings] you hear from any Tory hating band wagoners , this should be left for the columns of Heat magazine rather than a debate forum .",ARG-M-ADJ: same | ARG-M-MNR: politically illiterate | ARG-M-ADJ: you hear from any Tory hating band wagoners "SRL for [wrestling]: But even though NATO negotiators have only 10 months left under the Bush timetable , they are still [wrestling] over such seemingly fundamental questions as `` What is a tank ? ''",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-ADV: even though NATO negotiators have only 10 months left under the Bush timetable | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-2: over such seemingly fundamental questions as `` What is a tank ? '' SRL for [shock]: the fiscal [shock] of tax cuts,ARG-1: fiscal | ARG-0: of tax cuts "SRL for [Departing]: [Departing] from decades of Soviet dogma , the new system would lead to big differences in pay between workers and almost certainly to unemployment .",ARG-1: from decades of Soviet dogma | ARG-0: the new system SRL for [ended]: ... in the week [ended] Tuesday .,ARG-1: ... in the week | ARG-M-TMP: Tuesday "SRL for [founded]: Mr. Mingo was chief executive officer of the Mingo Group , which he [founded] in 1977 and which created ads for the black market .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the Mingo Group | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-M-TMP: in 1977 "SRL for [retaliate]: Even though cooperation from Yemen is at a stand still , U.S. officials tell NBC News they 're making substantial progress in the investigation and are fully confident they 'll eventually gather enough evidence to [retaliate] against those responble .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: against those responble SRL for [paired]: One ad shows a bright red jacket [paired] with a black leather skirt .,ARG-1: a bright red jacket | ARG-2: with a black leather skirt SRL for [whitewashed]: They [whitewashed] the walls with lime .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the walls | ARG-2: with lime SRL for [delay]: the 45 minute snow [delay],ARG-2: 45 minute | ARG-0: snow "SRL for [sold off]: They [sold off] their land in the country , left their old homes , and moved to the city .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their land | ARG-M-LOC: in the country "SRL for [ditch]: That is pretty awesome . Can I dine and [ditch] , or am I supposed to hang",ARG-M-MOD: Can | ARG-0: I "SRL for [kicked in]: A well - tailored man who looked as if he 'd just stepped off the 8:20 from Manhattan made the observation that if every student [kicked in] $ 10 for his own school supplies , the budget could be reduced by some $ 170,000 .",ARG-0: every student | ARG-1: $ 10 | ARG-2: for his own school supplies SRL for [buying]: I distinctly remember her [buying] bunches of daisies for herself every now and then .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: bunches of daisies | ARG-4: for herself | ARG-M-TMP: every now and then "SRL for [stared down]: The tension mounted as Ralph Branca , again on the mound , [stared down] the batter .",ARG-0: Ralph Branca | ARG-M-LOC: again on the mound | ARG-1: the batter SRL for [sparkling]: Thick and viscous crude oil blackens the once [sparkling] wilderness .,ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-1: wilderness "SRL for [hatched]: The egg under John 's pillow finally [hatched] , releasing some kind of slimy alien creature .",ARG-1: The egg under John 's pillow | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-M-ADV: releasing some kind of slimy alien creature "SRL for [libel]: it seems that the blood [libel] rumour of medeival times that Jews kill christian babies to use their blood for wine is today in the form of zionists / jews / israelis killing palestinian babies just because they re pure evil , and i think the islamic propaganda machine is succeeding in convincing people ?",ARG-2: blood "SRL for [scotched]: The head of the DEA at the time , John Ingersoll , [scotched] the assassination plan .","ARG-0: The head of the DEA at the time , John Ingersoll | ARG-1: the assassination plan" "SRL for [cheating]: Francis Dang , 41 , is alleged to have been involved in [cheating] Drexel Burnham Lambert of up to 2.1 million Singapore dollars ( US$ 1.1 million ) by carrying out unauthorized transactions on the London Commodities Exchange and the International Petroleum Exchange .",ARG-2: Drexel Burnham Lambert | ARG-1: of up to 2.1 million Singapore dollars ( US$ 1.1 million ) | ARG-M-MNR: by carrying out unauthorized transactions on the London Commodities Exchange and the International Petroleum Exchange "SRL for [fractured]: But if the opposition remains [fractured] , the Congress ( I ) could win a small majority , or lead a coalition government.v",ARG-1: the opposition "SRL for [smooth over]: The CIA 's Deputy Director of Operations , Richard Stoltz , tried to [smooth over] a few days later , but instead simply underlined Mr. Webster 's point .","ARG-0: The CIA 's Deputy Director of Operations , Richard Stoltz | ARG-1: things | ARG-M-TMP: a few days later" "SRL for [kind]: She eventually replied a couple of days later being unbelievably [kind] about it , which has really just made me fall even deeper -LRB- if this is possible -RRB- .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-EXT: unbelievably | ARG-M-ADV: about it SRL for [debulked]: The surgeon [debulked] the tumor as much as possible .,ARG-0: The surgeon | ARG-1: the tumor | ARG-M-EXT: as much as possible "SRL for [requested]: Emerson Electric Co. and Robert Bosch G.m.b . H. said the Federal Trade Commission has [requested] additional information from the two companies about their announced intention to acquire Vermont American Corp. for $ 40 a share , or about $ 440 million .","ARG-0: the Federal Trade Commission | ARG-1: additional information | ARG-2: from the two companies | ARG-M-PRD: about their announced intention to acquire Vermont American Corp. for $ 40 a share , or about $ 440 million" "SRL for [heartbreak]: In a new interview with his Britain 's Got Talent co - star Piers Morgan , Cowell choked back tears as he described his [heartbreak] over the loss .",ARG-1: his | ARG-0: over the loss "SRL for [slithered]: We did n't stampede into it , we [slithered] and slipped down the long slope , and now we have as its quintessential symbol a former president huckstering for a foreign poohbah .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-DIR: down the long slope "SRL for [quieted]: In a sign the stock slump has n't [quieted] Europe 's takeover fever , Cie . Financiere de Paribas said it intends to bid for one of France 's other large financial and industrial holding companies , Cie . de Navigation Mixte .",ARG-0: the stock slump | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Europe 's takeover fever SRL for [log]: [log] onto ~CNN dot com ...,ARG-1: onto ~CNN dot com SRL for [parry]: The burning question is whether the new chief can [parry] Mr. Icahn without being pushed into unwelcome moves .,ARG-0: the new chief | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: Mr. Icahn | ARG-M-ADV: without being pushed into unwelcome moves SRL for [watch]: One is supposed to stand [watch] while the other eats .,ARG-0: One | ARG-M-LVB: stand | ARG-M-TMP: while the other eats SRL for [preferred]: The sales - tax plan was [preferred] over an alternative that would have boosted the state gasoline tax .,ARG-1: The sales - tax plan | ARG-2: over an alternative that would have boosted the state gasoline tax "SRL for [diagnose]: Pan explains that in clinical practice , the causes of fever are difficult to quickly [diagnose] .",ARG-2: the causes of fever | ARG-M-MNR: quickly "SRL for [lectures]: Stretching his arms in his silky white shirt and squeaking his black shoes , he [lectures] a visitor about the way to sell American real estate and boasts about his friendship with Margaret Thatcher 's son .",ARG-M-ADV: Stretching his arms in his silky white shirt and squeaking his black shoes | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a visitor | ARG-2: about the way to sell American real estate "SRL for [refining]: ERC International Inc. , which provides professional and technical services to the military , is [refining] its defense niche , not retreating from it .","ARG-0: ERC International Inc. , which provides professional and technical services to the military | ARG-1: its defense niche" SRL for [depigment]: How exactly is Monobenzone used *PRO* to [depigment] the entire body ?,ARG-1: the entire body "SRL for [majestic]: On May 10 , 2009 , the family members of the White House staff were paying a visit to the White House when American President Obama stooped down to allow a little boy to touch his hair . A president is = exalted and [majestic] , how could he lower his noble head ?",ARG-1: A president "SRL for [ream]: With that , you can [ream] solid steel .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: solid steel SRL for [issued]: The debentures are being [issued] at an issue price of $ 849 for each $ 1000 principal amount .,ARG-1: The debentures | ARG-3: at an issue price of $ 849 for each $ 1000 principal amount "SRL for [fledging]: Plus the nine other chicks marked with radiotransmitters , died at around the time of [fledging] .", SRL for [interested]: Jaguar assumed its recently customary place on the OTC most active list as its American depository receipts gained 1/4 to 11 7/8 on volume of 1.2 million shares and Daimler - Benz joined the list of companies [interested] in the British car maker .,ARG-1: companies | ARG-2: in the British car maker SRL for [kvetched]: Brandy [kvetched] the entire time that they should be doing morse code .,ARG-0: Brandy | ARG-M-TMP: the entire time that they should be doing morse code "SRL for [inconvenience]: Although other companies pay off the money several times slower than they do -LRB- usually one week -RRB- , for the materials and procedures of the compensation claims , they consider the [inconvenience] for the car owners , and they are not so strict .",ARG-1: for the car owners SRL for [plopped]: The carbonite core [plopped] silently into the water at the beach of a tree - covered island .,ARG-1: The carbonite core | ARG-M-MNR: silently | ARG-2: into the water | ARG-M-LOC: at the beach of a tree - covered island SRL for [clip off]: The anthers in these plants are difficult to [clip off] .,ARG-1: The anthers in these plants "SRL for [reelection]: The NJDC congratulates Bill Nelson on his [reelection] to Senate , calling him ? a key ally to the Florida Jewish community ...",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to Senate SRL for [regrets]: Iraq 's leaders have few [regrets] over the action that precipitated the Gulf War .,ARG-M-ADJ: few | ARG-1: over the action that precipitated the Gulf War SRL for [blanking]: I did get to speak to him the last time I rung him -LRB- after him [blanking] 7/8 calls -RRB- and I asked him what 's up but he did n't tell me -LRB- this was over a month ago -RRB- .,ARG-0: him | ARG-1: 7/8 calls SRL for [cc]: I will [cc] him on the email .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: on the email SRL for [ulcerated]: I have an [ulcerated] throat .,ARG-1: throat "SRL for [proximal]: This measures 36 mm x 46 mm at its largest , which is just [proximal] to the aortic bifurcation .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-2: to the aortic bifurcation SRL for [dreadful]: It took over a month and Cingular 's customer service was absolutely [dreadful] to deal with .,ARG-1: Cingular 's customer service | C-ARG-1: to deal with SRL for [trending]: HVF [trending],ARG-1: HVF SRL for [missed]: The company has already [missed] its initial Oct. 1 target date for completing the merger .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: its initial Oct. 1 target date for completing the merger SRL for [apply]: Putty knives [apply] peanut butter well .,ARG-3: Putty knives | ARG-1: peanut butter | ARG-M-MNR: well SRL for [meaningful]: The change in pain intensity that is [meaningful] to patients increases as the severity of their baseline pain increases .,ARG-0: that | ARG-2: to patients SRL for [ward off]: The company earlier this year adopted a shareholder - rights plan to [ward off] unwanted suitors .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: unwanted suitors "SRL for [wire]: Video Telecom Corp. , which markets videoconferencing systems , is working with court reporters to [wire] a nationwide network to allow depositions by live television .","ARG-0: Video Telecom Corp. , which markets videoconferencing systems | ARG-1: a nationwide network to allow depositions by live television" "SRL for [impossible]: If everyone else in my small town and others like it all around this great state of ours open a similar joyful envelope , it will be [impossible] for our governor to NOT get recalled .",ARG-M-ADV: If everyone else in my small town and others like it all around this great state of ours open a similar joyful envelope | ARG-1: for our governor to NOT get recalled SRL for [apportioned]: Mary [apportioned] the birthday cake for the children .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the birthday cake | ARG-2: the children "SRL for [commodified]: In his book The Art of Life , the humorist Lin Yutang noted how commercial advertising has [commodified] virtually every inch of a woman 's body , right down to the last line and the last painted toenail .","ARG-0: commercial advertising | ARG-1: virtually every inch of a woman 's body , right down to the last line and the last painted toenail | ARG-M-MNR: how" "SRL for [detect]: Recently , Gen - Probe received a broad U.S. patent for a technology that helps [detect] , identify and quantify non - viral organisms through the targeting of a form of genetic material called ribosomal RNA .",ARG-0: technology | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: non - viral organisms | ARG-2: through the targeting of a form of genetic material SRL for [absurd]: To experience a tinge of regret was [absurd] of him .,ARG-1: To experience a tinge of regret | C-ARG-1: of him "SRL for [manifold]: This substance , which is [manifold] in its forms and protean in its transformations , has , in its state of living matter , one physiological name which has become familiar , that of protoplasm .",ARG-1: which | ARG-2: in its forms SRL for [turned]: The focus [turned] to other fixed - income markets .,ARG-1: The focus | ARG-M-GOL: to other fixed - income markets SRL for [crewed]: If somebody said you [crewed] a flatboat what does it mean ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: a flatboat SRL for [ameliorate]: In every human being there is a wish to [ameliorate] his own condition .,ARG-0: every human being | ARG-1: his own condition SRL for [aggressive]: The client acknowledged that the dog was [aggressive] towards his wife .,ARG-0: the dog | ARG-1: towards his wife SRL for [lesson]: and what 's the main [lesson] of Watergate /.,ARG-M-ADJ: main | ARG-0: of Watergate SRL for [introduction]: the [introduction] of Chinese culture into this country,ARG-1: of Chinese culture | ARG-2: into this country "SRL for [Sedimentation]: [Sedimentation] of the channel can also occur , under normal flow conditions , if abnormal amounts of material are being eroded from the banks .",ARG-1: of the channel "SRL for [rescue]: If there are any signs that Mr. Major will be less inclined to use interest - rate boosts to [rescue] the pound from another plunge , that currency is expected to fall sharply .",ARG-0: Mr. Major | ARG-1: the pound | ARG-2: from another plunge SRL for [armored]: The Kaiser Friedrich III - class ships were [armored] by the workers with steel .,ARG-1: The Kaiser Friedrich III - class ships | ARG-0: by the workers | ARG-2: with steel SRL for [wrap up]: And the lawyers were just as eager as the judge to [wrap up] .,ARG-0: the lawyers | ARG-1: it "SRL for [ringing]: My wife has Constant [ringing] in her ears : : : noise , a "" whooshing "" as she describes .","ARG-M-TMP: Constant | ARG-M-LOC: in her ears | ARG-M-ADJ: noise , a "" whooshing "" as she describes" SRL for [cursed]: She [cursed] him with the fervent wish that he rot in hell .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: with the fervent wish that he rot in hell SRL for [kickoff]: Nonnie G and celebrity friends began their [kickoff] of his tour,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of his tour SRL for [cabled]: I [cabled] my apartment .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my apartment "SRL for [rehired]: He bought the machinery , moved to a new factory , [rehired] some of the old workers and started Heritage Prams .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: some of the old workers SRL for [cabbaged]: The tailor [cabbaged] whole yards of cloth from the store for his wife .,ARG-0: The tailor | ARG-1: whole yards of cloth | ARG-2: the store | ARG-3: his wife "SRL for [traversed]: A third , one of at least equal and perhaps even greater importance , is now being [traversed] : American immersion and involvement in world affairs .","ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: A third , one of at least equal and perhaps even greater importance | ARG-M-PRD: American immersion and involvement in world affairs" SRL for [remarkable]: Lower extremities are [remarkable] for 2 to 3 + edema .,ARG-1: Lower extremities | ARG-2: for 2 to 3 + edema SRL for [frosted]: The trees [frosted] on Saturday night .,ARG-1: The trees | ARG-M-TMP: on Saturday night "SRL for [vascularized]: In the second part of this experiment , we [vascularized] thawed ovaries with deep inferior epigastric vessels by means of microvascular anastomosis under surgical microscope .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: thawed ovaries | ARG-2: with deep inferior epigastric vessels "SRL for [adopted]: Once a new slang word is [adopted] or invented by young people , there is a greater chance to see it in the newspaper or to hear it over the radio .",ARG-1: a new slang word | ARG-0: by young people SRL for [depurinated]: We [depurinated] the dinucleoside monophosphate TpdA,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the dinucleoside monophosphate TpdA SRL for [deflation]: They have been fighting the [deflation] of shadow money supply quite vigorously,ARG-1: of shadow money supply "SRL for [flattered]: White 's suggestion [flattered] , but he did not like the identity .",ARG-0: White 's suggestion SRL for [variance]: Donald Trump 's zoning [variance] did n't come through .,ARG-1: Donald Trump 's | ARG-2: zoning "SRL for [overlooks]: Mr. Lehman [overlooks] the fact that the Navy possesses its own air force ( the carrier fleet ) and its own army ( the Marines ) , which in turn has its own air force .","ARG-0: Mr. Lehman | ARG-1: the fact that the Navy possesses its own air force ( the carrier fleet ) and its own army ( the Marines ) , which in turn has its own air force" SRL for [mind]: I pay the media no [mind] when I am voting anyways .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: pay | ARG-1: the media | ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-M-TMP: when I am voting | ARG-M-DIS: anyways "SRL for [arrested]: Since Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari took office last December , special agents have [arrested] more than 6,000 federal employees on charges ranging from extortion to tax evasion .","ARG-M-TMP: Since Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari took office last December | ARG-0: special agents | ARG-1: more than 6,000 federal employees | ARG-2: on charges ranging from extortion to tax evasion" SRL for [reeved]: I was [reeved] down a 100' - 150' reeve line in the center of a long high line across the falls .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: down a 100' - 150' reeve line | ARG-M-LOC: in the center of a long high line across the falls SRL for [displacement]: CT scan demonstrated a significant posterior [displacement] of the proximal articulating fracture fragment .,ARG-M-EXT: significant | ARG-2: posterior | ARG-1: of the proximal articulating fracture fragment "SRL for [educating]: Farinaccio was born of humble parents , but not so uuprovided with Fortune 's gifts as to prevent their [educating] him in the liberal studies ;",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: in the liberal studies SRL for [pay]: Investors [pay] higher prices for country funds .,ARG-0: Investors | ARG-1: higher prices | ARG-3: for country funds SRL for [ischemic]: Cardiomyopathy EF 35 % unknown if [ischemic] or chemo related, SRL for [stretching]: Their common denominator has been their [stretching] of boundaries of motoring endurance in extreme conditions and on challenging terrain .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of boundaries of motoring endurance in extreme conditions and on challenging terrain "SRL for [exalted]: A president is = [exalted] and majestic , how could he lower his noble head ?",ARG-1: A president "SRL for [creweled]: i [creweled] a shirt and have started on a skirt , and even though it is totally dorky , i really like the way they are turning out .",ARG-0: i | ARG-1: a shirt "SRL for [swooping]: His hands snatched at an imaginary bucket , [swooping] down hard to grab it and coming away with equal snap like a ball that 's been bounced hard .",ARG-0: His hands | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-M-MNR: hard | ARG-M-PRP: to grab it SRL for [gaining]: As shown ' weak ties ' provide photographic inspiration for Flickr 's users and prove valuable in their [gaining] of recognition and exposure .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of recognition and exposure SRL for [follow up]: patient should [follow up] with endocrinologist for refills,ARG-0: patient | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: with endocrinologist | ARG-M-PRP: for refills "SRL for [illumination]: Anyway , just now went to the car and discovered that one of the external door [illumination] light is not working .",ARG-1: door SRL for [surprised]: We 're [surprised] .,ARG-1: We SRL for [bath]: Leave her in her [bath] of tears .,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: of tears SRL for [chooses]: Spreads will become so tight that it wo n't matter which market an investor [chooses] -- arbitrage will prevent him from gaining any temporary profit .,ARG-0: an investor | ARG-1: which market SRL for [expansion]: the [expansion] of English teaching into early education,ARG-1: of English teaching | ARG-4: into early education "SRL for [lawful]: Now Guizhentang is quite entangled -- their enterprise is legitimate , their business is [lawful] , extracting bear bile from live bears is not illegal , but sooner or later they will be overwhelmed , facing the spittle flying all over the sky .",ARG-1: their business "SRL for [wafting]: The soft , [wafting] aromas will `` improve ride comfort , '' the display attests , and a proud employee says Mazda hopes to move the system out of the lab and into its cars in a year or two .",ARG-1: aromas "SRL for [pared]: Having neither of these I [pared] the rind from a lime , using a neat little zester which makes nice long fine stripes",ARG-M-CAU: Having neither of these | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the rind | ARG-2: from a lime | ARG-3: using a neat little zester which makes nice long fine stripes "SRL for [golfing]: The Ming emperor Xuanzong , [golfing] in full regal splendor is ...",ARG-0: The Ming emperor Xuanzong | ARG-M-MNR: in full regal splendor "SRL for [high]: This manifests into the devastation we often see in neighborhoods , where the poverty rate is [high] .",ARG-1: the poverty rate | R-ARG-M-LOC: where | ARG-M-LOC: in neighborhoods SRL for [cracking]: His [cracking] his knuckles all the time drove Delilah to throw Jeremy off a cliff one day .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: his knuckles | ARG-M-TMP: all the time "SRL for [counterfeiting]: The injustice and absence of social security , deterioration of the ecological environment , abuses of privilege , corruption , gap between the rich and the poor , uneven development , rampant major crimes , fraud and [counterfeiting] in various industries , food and pharmaceutical drug problems ......",ARG-M-LOC: in various industries SRL for [Fun]: [Fun] with words !,ARG-1: with words ! "SRL for [non - white]: I.e. 14 % of the british population is [non - white] , but 14 % of the tories are not correspondingly non - white .",ARG-M-DIS: I.e. | ARG-1: 14 % of the british population SRL for [celebrated]: Mary [celebrated] John for finishing his dissertation .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: for finishing his dissertation SRL for [plunged]: The Mexico Fund [plunged] about 18 %,ARG-1: The Mexico Fund | ARG-2: about 18 % "SRL for [evoking]: So if index arbitrage is simply taking advantage of thin inefficiencies between two markets for the same widget , how did `` program trading '' evolve into the evil creature that is [evoking] the curses of so many observers ?",ARG-0: the evil creature | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the curses of so many observers SRL for [ogling]: He is [ogling] the curtains rippling above the ventilation ducts .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the curtains rippling above the ventilation ducts "SRL for [nested]: Next , the hen was [nested] and all seemed well .",ARG-M-TMP: Next | ARG-1: the hen "SRL for [unfreeze]: When you have a minute , I 'll give me a call and I 'll come around and show you how to [unfreeze] the panel .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the panel | ARG-M-MNR: how SRL for [geotagged]: They also explained the media with a short text note and then [geotagged] it with the location it was recorded .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with the location it was recorded SRL for [uninvolved]: The attached seminal vesicle is [uninvolved] by tumor .,ARG-1: The attached seminal vesicle | ARG-2: by tumor SRL for [contracting out]: The [contracting out] of work by the company,ARG-1: of work | ARG-0: by the company SRL for [blanched]: She [blanched] when she saw her fundraising numbers,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-TMP: when she saw her fundraising numbers SRL for [ticking]: The Red River is now at 39 feet and [ticking] down to a half foot below 1997 crest,ARG-1: The Red River | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-3: to a half foot below 1997 crest SRL for [losing out]: The traditionalists have been [losing out] on bundles of it to the New Guard in recent years .,ARG-0: The traditionalists | ARG-1: on bundles of it | ARG-2: to the New Guard | ARG-M-TMP: in recent years SRL for [liberation]: Grateful Libyan people thank Britain for their [liberation] from Gadaffi .,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: from Gadaffi SRL for [sworn]: Which president was [sworn] into office on an airplane ?,ARG-1: Which president | ARG-2: into office | ARG-M-LOC: on an airplane "SRL for [boxing]: A very ancient pueblo on a rocky bluff 3 m. n. e. of Co- chiti , in the so-called Caja del Rio , so named from the "" [boxing] "" of the canyon of the Rio Grande here , in Sandoval co. , N. Mex .",ARG-1: of the canyon of the Rio Grande | ARG-M-LOC: here SRL for [horrible]: My family is really [horrible] at teaching me to drive ...,ARG-1: My family | ARG-M-EXT: really | ARG-2: at teaching me to drive "SRL for [incorporated]: In addition to Taiwanese teaching materials , she has also [incorporated] some materials from the mainland and overseas into the curriculum .",ARG-M-ADV: In addition to Taiwanese teaching materials | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: some materials from the mainland and overseas | ARG-2: into the curriculum SRL for [has]: political chaos [has] ensued from the general election,ARG-1: political chaos | ARG-2: from the general election SRL for [speed]: The Los Alamos laboratory is one of three U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories designed as pilot centers to foster joint industry - government programs to [speed] the transfer of new superconductors to the marketplace .,ARG-0: joint industry - government programs | ARG-1: the transfer of new superconductors to the marketplace SRL for [scaly]: Hands are very [scaly] and itching as they typically are .,ARG-1: Hands | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-M-MNR: as they typically are SRL for [oversimplified]: She said they have `` [oversimplified] and made some erroneous assumptions that make their analysis completely off - base . '',ARG-0: they SRL for [worked]: The patient [worked] up to 2000 mg from 1000 mg of her medication a day .,ARG-0: The patient | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-4: to 2000 mg | ARG-3: from 1000 mg of her medication a day SRL for [redeveloped]: Bill Gates [redeveloped] DOS for Microsoft,ARG-0: Bill Gates | ARG-1: DOS | ARG-3: for Microsoft SRL for [ostomy]: Taken for an ileosigmoid [ostomy] .,ARG-M-LOC: ileosigmoid "SRL for [check]: With everyone 's [check] on the betting , it was time to show cards .",ARG-0: everyone 's | ARG-1: on the betting SRL for [reconnect]: Pacific Gas & Electric can not [reconnect] electricity until it is certain there are no gas leaks .,ARG-0: Pacific Gas & Electric | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: electricity | ARG-M-TMP: until it is certain there are no gas leaks "SRL for [Triangulation]: [Triangulation] of data combines data drawn from different sources and at different times , in different places or from different people .",ARG-1: of data "SRL for [snowballed]: The Manhattan real - estate developer acted after the UAL buyers failed to obtain financing for their earlier $ 300 - a - share bid , which sparked a selling panic that [snowballed] into a 190 - point drop Friday in the Dow Jones Industrial Average .",ARG-1: a selling panic | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: into a 190 - point drop Friday in the Dow Jones Industrial Average SRL for [dot]: The fish often are plentiful around the pilings of the old gas wells that [dot] the flat surface like the remains of sunken ships .,ARG-0: the old gas wells | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the flat surface | ARG-M-MNR: like the remains of sunken ships "SRL for [wallowed]: Perhaps other people in the same situation might have [wallowed] in self - pity , but I saw it as a rare opportunity in life .",ARG-M-ADV: Perhaps | ARG-0: other people in the same situation | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: in self - pity SRL for [nodded off]: I wo n't say I have n't [nodded off] in previous speeches but not that one .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LOC: in previous speeches but not that one SRL for [icing]: He is on the bench [icing] his knee during breaks .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his knee | ARG-M-TMP: during breaks SRL for [reprobated]: God [reprobated] the unrepenting sinners .,ARG-0: God | ARG-1: the unrepenting sinners "SRL for [knocked]: For international organizations of which the PRC is already member , such as the United Nations , although Taiwan has repeatedly [knocked] at the door , it has met with repeated failure as a result of international pressure imposed by the PRC under the "" one China "" principle .",ARG-0: Taiwan | ARG-M-MNR: repeatedly | ARG-1: at the door SRL for [enters]: An ambitious expansion has left Magna with excess capacity and a heavy debt load as the automotive industry [enters] a downturn .,ARG-0: the automotive industry | ARG-1: a downturn SRL for [hold back]: You ca n't [hold back] technology .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: technology SRL for [tides]: Like the [tides] of the sea,ARG-1: of the sea "SRL for [glutted]: In addition , competition has [glutted] the market with both skins and coats , driving prices down .",ARG-M-DIS: In addition | ARG-0: competition | ARG-1: the market | ARG-2: with both skins and coats | ARG-M-ADV: driving prices down "SRL for [molded]: Its amazing to think this watery goop can be [molded] into the shape of a jug , dried , and used for milienia to come .","ARG-1: this watery goop | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: into the shape of a jug , dried" "SRL for [introgressed]: For example , to map the mos ( modifiers of snc1 ) mutants , we [introgressed] the original snc1 mutation ( from Col ) into the Ler ecotype ( named Ler - snc1 ) through repetitive back - crossing with Ler , and selection of snc1 homozygous plants in the F2 ( 5 ) .","ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the original snc1 mutation ( from Col ) | ARG-2: into the Ler ecotype ( named Ler - snc1 ) | ARG-M-MNR: through repetitive back - crossing with Ler , and selection of snc1 homozygous plants in the F2" "SRL for [exalted]: Tolek Alterman had returned from the colonies in Palestine and , before the national leadership , [exalted] the miracles of drying up swamps and irrigating the desert .",ARG-0: Tolek Alterman | ARG-M-LOC: before the national leadership | ARG-1: the miracles of drying up swamps and irrigating the desert SRL for [doing]: Accusations of unjust harm [doing] by the ingroup threaten the group 's moral identity .,ARG-M-MNR: unjust | ARG-1: harm | ARG-0: by the ingroup "SRL for [counsels]: Computer Sciences would n't disclose the proposed purchase price for Cleveland Consulting , which [counsels] companies on logistics and supply .",ARG-0: Cleveland Consulting | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: companies | ARG-2: on logistics and supply "SRL for [struggle]: Nevertheless , in his [struggle] against Beorhtric for the crown of Wessex , Egbert had two great disadvantages",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against Beorhtric | ARG-2: for the crown of Wessex "SRL for [drill]: The import quotas got only a 2 1/2 - year extension , and USX is laboring under a staggering $ 5.8 billion debt at a time when it must spend money to upgrade steel mills and [drill] for oil .",ARG-0: it | ARG-3: for oil "SRL for [abduction]: There are several accounts of this event ; however , all center around his [abduction] of an Amazon queen .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of an Amazon queen "SRL for [brutal]: Yeah , he was [brutal] to watch last year .",ARG-M-DIS: Yeah | ARG-0: he | C-ARG-0: to watch | ARG-M-TMP: last year "SRL for [compared]: October sales , [compared] with the previous month , ...",ARG-1: October sales | ARG-2: with the previous month SRL for [certification]: My brother needs aid to pay for his [certification] as a music teacher .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: as a music teacher "SRL for [mind own business]: Everybody [mind own business] , and nobody'll get hurt",ARG-0: Everybody SRL for [reanimated]: This book has [reanimated] my interest in the forbidden arts .,ARG-0: This book | ARG-1: my interest in the forbidden arts "SRL for [replicating]: He said authors of Scoring High `` scrupulously avoid '' [replicating] exact questions , but he does n't deny that some items are similar .",ARG-0: authors of Scoring High | ARG-1: exact questions SRL for [notated]: Are they [notated] as sharp or flat ?,ARG-1: they | ARG-3: as sharp or flat SRL for [lilting]: ... like the [lilting] melodies .,ARG-1: melodies "SRL for [significant]: In truth , the electoral result seemed [significant] to me of the fact that , as I have thought and said for many years now , this country is quite politically ill .","ARG-M-ADV: In truth | ARG-0: the electoral result | ARG-M-GOL: to me | ARG-1: of the fact that , as I have thought and said for many years now , this country is quite politically ill" SRL for [permission]: women can not get a a passport or leave the country without [permission] of a man,ARG-0: of a man "SRL for [escalated]: ... reminiscent of those during the 1987 crash -- that as stock prices plummeted and trading activity [escalated] , some phone calls to market makers in over - the - counter stocks went unanswered .",ARG-1: trading activity "SRL for [smoothen]: Without it , a rough surface morphology ca n't [smoothen] .",ARG-M-ADV: Without it | ARG-1: a rough surface morphology | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [prostatectomy]: radical retropubic [prostatectomy],ARG-M-ADJ: radical | ARG-M-DIR: retropubic "SRL for [meddling]: It originates in a Bush administration decision not to antagonize the U.S. Congress and avoid , at all costs , being accused of [meddling] in the region .",ARG-0: Bush administration | ARG-1: in the region SRL for [echoes]: the [echoes] of hawkers advertising their wares,ARG-1: of hawkers advertising their wares "SRL for [commuting]: Of Bechtel 's 17,500 employees , about 4,000 work in San Francisco -- one - third of them [commuting] from stricken East Bay .",ARG-0: one - third of them | ARG-1: from stricken East Bay "SRL for [consequential]: All the Democrats in the house could take a year - long vacation and the results would largely be the same , so Giffords 's absence from her duties is hardly [consequential] .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: Giffords 's absence from her duties | ARG-M-EXT: hardly SRL for [tests]: viability [tests] for fetuses 19 weeks and older,ARG-2: viability | ARG-1: for fetuses 19 weeks and older SRL for [omission]: The [omission] of the Swiss team means the gold medal winner could be anyone 's guess .,ARG-1: of the Swiss team "SRL for [canning]: The outbreaks were traced to staphylococcus aureus , a type of bacteria that produces a toxin capable of surviving the high temperatures used in [canning] vegetables .",ARG-1: vegetables SRL for [subverted]: The agency was so totally [subverted] from the high principles of its founding that even the Soviets now wonder about an agency that seemed so congenial to them .,ARG-M-MNR: so totally | ARG-1: The agency | ARG-2: from the high principles of its founding SRL for [development]: the [development] of cancer and other problems in the daughters ofwomen who took the drug,ARG-2: of cancer and other problems | ARG-1: in the daughters ofwomen who took the drug SRL for [hooping]: i was [hooping] some basket ball and some one just steal ma phone .,ARG-0: i | ARG-1: some basket ball SRL for [crest]: Some analysts predict that disappointment in Mr. Gandhi 's spent pledge to reduce corruption and heavy - handed local government will [crest] at the polls .,ARG-0: disappointment in Mr. Gandhi 's spent pledge to reduce corruption and heavy - handed local government | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LOC: at the polls SRL for [in trouble]: But Rae Alice Gratic said her son 's drug addiction got him [in trouble] with the law for shoplifting and prostitution .,ARG-0: her son 's drug addiction | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: with the law | ARG-2: for shoplifting and prostitution "SRL for [paused]: Mr. Perry , who runs Unilever Group 's world - wide personal - care business , [paused] to scan the crowd .","ARG-0: Mr. Perry , who runs Unilever Group 's world - wide personal - care business | ARG-M-PNC: to scan the crowd" "SRL for [stonewalled]: In 1987 , USAir Chairman Edwin Colodny [stonewalled] when Trans World Airlines Chairman Carl Icahn threatened to take over the carrier .",ARG-M-TMP: In 1987 | ARG-0: USAir Chairman Edwin Colodny | ARG-M-TMP: when Trans World Airlines Chairman Carl Icahn threatened to take over the carrier "SRL for [appropriate]: As a Landmarks Ordinance supporter , I think it is completely [appropriate] to revisit the ordinance and ammend it if that is the wish of the Common Council .",ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-1: to revisit the ordinance and ammend it if that is the wish of the Common Council "SRL for [blinded]: One man , badly burned about the face and eyes by an arc welding torch , was [blinded] and could not find a doctor at the time .",ARG-1: One man "SRL for [amusing]: Michael Atherton is a superb commentator as he is articulate , [amusing] and very knowledgeable and I wish that they would make him the front man and pension off Mr Gower .",ARG-0: he "SRL for [pounding]: After three tequilas , Marlene 's head was [pounding] in pain .",ARG-M-TMP: After three tequilas | ARG-1: Marlene 's head | ARG-M-MNR: in pain SRL for [crafted]: Westinghouse carefully [crafted] the agreement because the Justice Department earlier this year successfully challenged a proposed steam turbine joint venture with Asea Brown Boveri .,ARG-0: Westinghouse | ARG-M-MNR: carefully | ARG-1: the agreement | ARG-M-CAU: because the Justice Department earlier this year successfully challenged a proposed steam turbine joint venture with Asea Brown Boveri SRL for [sheeting]: It 's [sheeting] down rain !,ARG-M-PRD: down | ARG-1: rain "SRL for [expounding]: Rivals carp at `` the principle of Pilson , '' as NBC 's Arthur Watson once put it -- `` he 's always [expounding] that rights are too high , then he 's going crazy . ''",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-1: that rights are too high SRL for [typeset]: The heading was [typeset] in italics,ARG-1: The heading | ARG-2: in italics "SRL for [condense]: For the past million years , clouds rolling in on northeasterly monsoon fronts in winter and southwesterly airflows in summer have carried their moisture into the mountain valleys , to slowly [condense] onto the slopes where the false cypresses grow .",ARG-1: clouds rolling in on northeasterly monsoon fronts in winter and southwesterly airflows in summer | ARG-M-MNR: slowly | ARG-M-GOL: onto the slopes where the false cypresses grow "SRL for [rest]: My family and I like the unusual quiet that descends on Taipei 's streets for the period of the festival , and since we did n't want to make any special arrangements , we just stayed home and had a good [rest] . """,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-MNR: good SRL for [run]: A series of accidents has lead to the end of the Russians ' Mir [run],ARG-0: Russians ' | ARG-1: Mir SRL for [dying]: She was just [dying] to have her picture with the woodpeckers at Universal Studios !,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: to have her picture with the woodpeckers at Universal Studios "SRL for [concerned]: Indeed , the whole Trinity is [concerned] in every work of God",ARG-M-DIS: Indeed | ARG-1: the whole Trinity | ARG-0: in every work of God "SRL for [disapproved]: Shareholders [disapproved] Pacific First Financial 's acquisition by Royal Trustco Ltd of Toronto for $ 27 a share , or $ 212 million .","ARG-0: Shareholders | ARG-1: Pacific First Financial 's acquisition by Royal Trustco Ltd of Toronto for $ 27 a share , or $ 212 million" "SRL for [judgment]: Lying in bed , I could not but recall his great father 's harsh [judgment] when I met him back then , that only by getting lucky could I come to the US",ARG-0: his great father 's | ARG-M-MNR: harsh | ARG-2: that only by getting lucky could I come to the US "SRL for [filched]: The Sago has become a popular accent in tony new housing tracts , apparently giving the rustlers a ready market for their [filched] fronds .",ARG-1: fronds SRL for [affused]: I first [affused] water upon the compressed beans .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: water | ARG-2: upon the compressed beans SRL for [snagged]: The employees also said the project may have been [snagged] by budgetary concerns .,ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: the project | ARG-0: by budgetary concerns SRL for [hesitant]: Not to mention if they do default the new Republican controlled House is going to be more [hesitant] to bail places like these out .,ARG-0: new Republican controlled House | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-1: to bail places like these out SRL for [leadership]: his [leadership] during his term in Congress in expanding family - planning services for the poor,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: during his term in Congress | ARG-2: in expanding family - planning services for the poor SRL for [prescription]: Dr. Hayden 's [prescription] of painkillers for Steven helped ease the pain after his surgery .,ARG-0: Dr. Hayden 's | ARG-1: of painkillers | ARG-2: for Steven "SRL for [sibilated]: "" It has been no easy thing to come forth on land , "" he [sibilated] .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: "" It has been no easy thing to come forth on land , """ SRL for [research]: Extensive [research] provides no indication that bromine has any nutritional use .,ARG-M-EXT: Extensive "SRL for [inflated]: My own student loan [inflated] over 320 % , from $ 2500 to over $ 8000 .",ARG-1: My own student loan | ARG-2: over 320 % | ARG-3: from $ 2500 | ARG-4: to over $ 8000 SRL for [ferry]: Robertson 's African Development Company used the cover of Robertson 's tax - exempt `` Operation Blessing '' to [ferry] conflict diamonds out of civil war - ravaged Zaire -LRB- now Congo -RRB- .,ARG-1: conflict diamonds | ARG-2: out of civil war - ravaged Zaire -LRB- now Congo -RRB- SRL for [impacted]: That s where the bullet [impacted] the wall .,ARG-2: the bullet | ARG-1: the wall SRL for [stotted]: Did n't realise I pure [stotted] the ball off @The_Primate _ 's heed either !,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: pure | ARG-1: the ball | ARG-2: off @The_Primate _ 's heed | ARG-M-DIS: either SRL for [conversation]: The doctor had a [conversation] in German about the fine he was going to have to pay on the spot .,ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-MNR: in German | ARG-1: about the fine he was going to have to pay on the spot SRL for [percolated]: She [percolated] the coffee and put croissants in the oven to warm .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the coffee "SRL for [rubberized]: It gave the [rubberized] fabric a dull gleam , like metal .",ARG-1: fabric SRL for [contacted]: He says Campbell was n't even [contacted] by the magazine for the opportunity to comment .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: Campbell | ARG-0: by the magazine | ARG-M-PRP: for the opportunity to comment SRL for [movement]: Israeli security restrictions on cross - border [movement],ARG-2: cross - border SRL for [modern]: It apeas Noth Korea has started enriching uranium at a brand new plant that apparently is very [modern] .,ARG-1: that | ARG-M-ADV: apparently | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [respite]: The refugee encampments will provide some [respite] from the suffering .,ARG-2: from the suffering "SRL for [unsettled]: Last year , when the Municipal Soft Environment Office was investigating this case , this illegal real - estate developer ran away , and now , though the case is closed , still the thing is [unsettled] .",ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-M-ADV: though the case is closed | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: the thing "SRL for [concocted]: Embedded in the `` budget '' being [concocted] by the House - Senate conference committee is something that looks , smells and waddles like a duck .",ARG-1: the `` budget '' | ARG-0: by the House - Senate conference committee SRL for [hydrated]: He [hydrated] with eight - ounces of water every hour .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: with eight - ounces of water every hour SRL for [bad]: Your English is also not [bad],ARG-2: Your English | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [decontaminated]: Only 36 of 1,200 priority cleanup sites have been `` [decontaminated] . ''","ARG-1: Only 36 of 1,200 priority cleanup sites" SRL for [sentence]: His 18 - year [sentence],ARG-1: His | ARG-4: 18 - year SRL for [ironic]: It 's [ironic] that some Scots take issue with the United Kingdom while ignoring that Scotland was created in much the same fashion .,ARG-1: that some Scots take issue with the United Kingdom while ignoring that Scotland was created in much the same fashion SRL for [engagement]: their [engagement] with the mainland,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: with the mainland SRL for [stenotic]: Distal SFA / proximal popliteal artery is extremely calcified and severely [stenotic] at a level 13 mm superior to the knee .,ARG-1: Distal SFA / proximal popliteal artery | ARG-M-EXT: severely | ARG-M-LOC: at a level 13 mm superior to the knee "SRL for [transection]: Two great polar explorers , Nansen and Peary , the former at the time of his [transection] of the icecap in 1888 , and the latter ...",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the icecap | ARG-M-TMP: in 1888 SRL for [counteraction]: ... which was caused by the parliamentary [counteraction] over the constitutional reform ...,ARG-0: parliamentary | ARG-2: over the constitutional reform SRL for [development]: [development] of a well off Texas ' Matagorda Island where it found gas in 1987,ARG-1: of a well off Texas ' Matagorda Island where it found gas in 1987 "SRL for [fawning]: In this era of frantic competition for ad dollars , a lot of revenue - desperate magazines are getting pretty cozy with advertisers -- [fawning] over them in articles and offering pages of advertorial space .",ARG-0: a lot of revenue - desperate magazines | ARG-1: over them | ARG-M-LOC: in articles SRL for [studded]: John [studded] his tuxedo .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his tuxedo SRL for [nontoxic]: TRAIL inhibits tumor growth but is [nontoxic] to human hepatocytes in chimeric mice .,ARG-1: TRAIL | ARG-2: to human hepatocytes | ARG-M-LOC: in chimeric mice "SRL for [robo signing]: It seems that our representatives , many of whom are lawyers , including Rep. Baldwin and Senator Feingold , have something in common with the lawyers that have been "" [robo signing] "" foreclosure documents .",ARG-0: that | ARG-1: foreclosure documents "SRL for [shriveled]: The retail participation dropped to an average 18.2 % in 1988 , and [shriveled] to barely 14 % some months during the year .",ARG-1: The retail participation | ARG-4: to barely 14 % | ARG-M-TMP: some months during the year SRL for [zipped]: John [zipped] one side of his jacket to the other side of Mary 's .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: one side of his jacket | ARG-2: to the other side of Mary 's "SRL for [reported]: Also , when Chen Shui - bian visited the Dominican Republic in August , the ROC ambassador there [reported] that in 1997 , the PRC managed to get the Dominican Republic 's agreement to the establishment of a PRC office in the DR capital by playing on the DR 's desire to extend its consular rights in Hong Kong .","ARG-M-DIS: Also | ARG-M-TMP: when Chen Shui - bian visited the Dominican Republic in August | ARG-0: the ROC ambassador there | ARG-1: that in 1997 , the PRC managed to get the Dominican Republic 's agreement to the establishment of a PRC office in the DR capital by playing on the DR 's desire to extend its consular rights in Hong Kong" SRL for [smattered]: The two women [smattered] at the baby .,ARG-0: The two women | ARG-2: at the baby SRL for [out of hand]: The [out of hand] rejection of our proposal was offensive,ARG-1: rejection SRL for [behooves]: it ill [behooves] me to criticize Safire 's arch puns .,ARG-M-MNR: ill | ARG-2: me | ARG-1: to criticize Safire 's arch puns SRL for [takes off]: Keep in mind that this is the same movie in which a character is flattened by a steamroller only to pop right back up and peer in the window of a Boeing 747 -- from the outside -- as it [takes off] .,ARG-1: it "SRL for [sickened]: Watson turned away , [sickened] for the first time in many months .",ARG-1: Watson | ARG-M-TMP: for the first time in many months SRL for [vilified]: The Nazi propaganda [vilified] the Jews .,ARG-0: The Nazi propaganda | ARG-1: the Jews "SRL for [weighs]: Conner is supplying hard - disk drives for the machine , which [weighs] only six pounds and fits in a briefcase .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: the machine | ARG-3: only six pounds SRL for [plating]: compression [plating],ARG-M-MNR: compression "SRL for [calm]: He said he 's upset that Mr. Phelan , trying to [calm] investors after the plunge , said that investors would simply have to get used to the market 's big price swings .",ARG-0: Mr. Phelan | ARG-1: investors "SRL for [squealing]: He began to uncap the bottle , the rusty cap [squealing] on its threads .",ARG-0: the rusty cap | ARG-M-LOC: on its threads SRL for [identify]: Taiwanese listeners quickly [identify] with these singers and may even forget where they come from .,ARG-0: Taiwanese listeners | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: with these singers "SRL for [sew up]: `` They do n't want Japan to monopolize the region and [sew up] , '' says Chong - sik Lee , professor of East Asian politics at the University of Pennsylvania .",ARG-0: Japan | ARG-1: it "SRL for [slugged]: He was applying for a new job in a different department , found he was going to be working with a woman , [slugged] a shot of booze and immediately made an ass of himself .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a shot of booze SRL for [glassed]: She [glassed] the country for the black of a moose .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the country | ARG-2: for the black of a moose "SRL for [inherited]: Taking over as chief executive officer in 1983 , he [inherited] a company that was mired in debt and hurt by a recession - inspired slide in its building - products business .",ARG-M-ADV: Taking over as chief executive officer in 1983 | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a company that was mired in debt and hurt by a recession - inspired slide in its building - products business "SRL for [Unreported]: [Unreported] by the international media , the Valley of Kashmir has seen an ethnic and cultural genocide that has resulted in the fleeing from the valley of almost all the Hindu families who have been living there since human habitation was first recorded .",ARG-1: the Valley of Kashmir has seen an ethnic and cultural genocide that has resulted in the fleeing from the valley of almost all the Hindu families who have been living there since human habitation was first recorded | ARG-0: by the international media SRL for [enclosed]: The entire site is [enclosed] by a 6 - to-8 - foot - high ornamental iron fence with a small number of remote - controlled gates .,ARG-2: The entire site | ARG-1: a 6 - to-8 - foot - high ornamental iron fence with a small number of remote - controlled gates SRL for [in pocket]: Trump said Clinton was [in pocket] of Goldman Sachs .,ARG-1: Clinton | ARG-0: of Goldman Sachs "SRL for [coiled]: Chang Ming - sui picks up one tiny seal , half the length of a little finger , on which the knob is a vividly carved image of a dragon [coiled] around two seashells .",ARG-1: a dragon | ARG-2: around two seashells SRL for [remediation]: The plaintiff sued Jackson in state court to recover expenses associated with his [remediation] of ground water pollution caused by a Kansas oil well .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of ground water pollution SRL for [represent]: These so-called ADRs [represent] shares of foreign companies traded in the US .,ARG-0: These so-called ADRs | ARG-1: shares of foreign companies traded in the US SRL for [same]: His idea is the [same] as hers .,ARG-1: His idea | ARG-2: as hers SRL for [emo]: Saunas are made of head and lies . Ferocious lies of relaxation only to smother you . That was n't meant to be [emo] ; just getting the hate out for the weather .,ARG-1: That SRL for [to cut chase]: Let me attempt [to cut chase] on this issue with what is my own humble opinion .,ARG-0: me | ARG-2: on this issue | ARG-1: with what is my own humble opinion SRL for [quoted]: The benchmark 30 - year bond was [quoted] late at 102 12/32 to yield 7.90 % .,ARG-2: The benchmark 30 - year bond | ARG-M-TMP: late | ARG-1: at 102 12/32 to yield 7.90 % SRL for [devaluation]: a [devaluation] from the norm of public life today,ARG-2: from the norm of public life today SRL for [headquartered]: The Taiwan Province Association which is [headquartered] in Central Taiwan ...,ARG-1: which | ARG-M-LOC: in Central Taiwan "SRL for [boxes in]: The second motion was unfortunate because it [boxes in] on future applications , but I see why you did it .",ARG-0: it | ARG-2: you | ARG-3: on future applications SRL for [sizzling]: Yesterday 's volume of 117.2 million shares was far below last week 's [sizzling] average of nearly 177 million .,ARG-0: average "SRL for [zoom]: And , can set / force aspect resolutions as i wish , can [zoom] the screen from 100 % to 80 % ( 80 % is the best for me ) .",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the screen | ARG-3: from 100 % | ARG-4: to 80 % "SRL for [losing]: And after [losing] a battle Tuesday night with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee , appropriators from both houses are expected to be forced back to conference .",ARG-0: appropriators from both houses | ARG-1: a battle | ARG-M-TMP: Tuesday night | ARG-2: with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee SRL for [overreached]: He [overreached] and fell .,ARG-0: He "SRL for [incomplete]: Our refrigerator actually had nothing in it other than beverages and milk . Moreover , the basic seasoning was also very [incomplete] .",ARG-M-ADV: Moreover | ARG-1: the basic seasoning | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [rad]: I love the books . I have only watched the first season , but I did that in like two sittings . It 's pretty [rad]",ARG-1: It | ARG-M-EXT: pretty SRL for [slide]: Valley National 's [slide] of 5 3/4 points to 18 1/2 on 4.2 million shares,ARG-1: Valley National 's | ARG-2: of 5 3/4 points | ARG-4: to 18 1/2 | ARG-5: on 4.2 million shares SRL for [planes]: It [planes] to a smooth surface .,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: to a smooth surface "SRL for [precipitated]: The British press , making a mountain out of a molehill , [precipitated] an unnecessary economic crisis by portraying Mrs. Thatcher as an autocrat who had thrown economic policy into confusion by driving a respected figure from her government .",ARG-0: The British press | ARG-M-ADV: making a mountain out of a molehill | ARG-1: an unnecessary economic crisis | ARG-M-MNR: by portraying Mrs. Thatcher as an autocrat who had thrown economic policy into confusion by driving a respected figure from her government "SRL for [bullocked]: The pain had eased , and she was in no mind to part with her tooth , but in the end we [bullocked] her into it .",ARG-M-TMP: in the end | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: into it "SRL for [conflict]: The property [conflict] with my neighbor lasted three years , until he took me to court .",ARG-2: property | ARG-1: with my neighbor SRL for [reimbursed]: Gulf Power had set up an elaborate payment system through which it [reimbursed] outside vendors -- primarily three Florida advertising agencies -- for making illegal political contributions on its behalf .,ARG-0: it | ARG-2: outside vendors -- primarily three Florida advertising agencies -- | ARG-3: for making illegal political contributions on its behalf SRL for [drummed]: Mary [drummed] her fingers on her desk .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: her fingers | ARG-2: on her desk SRL for [filched]: Prometheus [filched] it from the gods .,ARG-0: Prometheus | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the gods "SRL for [worth]: It did take longer than I expected , but that can happen even if you hire a contractor to do everything for you , so I would say it was [worth] it .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: it SRL for [ended]: The first two GAF trials [ended] in mistrials earlier this year .,ARG-1: The first two GAF trials | ARG-2: in mistrials | ARG-M-TMP: earlier this year "SRL for [doped up]: I , too , was [doped up] on laughing gas ...",ARG-M-DIS: too | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: on laughing gas "SRL for [triangulated]: The information was passed to Sector Operations , where skilled personnel [triangulated] the location using three readings",ARG-0: skilled personnel | ARG-1: the location | ARG-2: using three readings SRL for [grated]: Too much lo - mid harmonics on that bass just [grated] me .,ARG-1: Too much lo - mid harmonics on that bass | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-2: me "SRL for [incremented]: Dr. Fosse [incremented] Bob 's medication by 5 mcg / week , from 5 mg to 5.5 mg .",ARG-0: Dr. Fosse | ARG-1: Bob 's medication | ARG-2: by 5 mcg / week | ARG-3: from 5 mg | ARG-4: to 5.5 mg "SRL for [strike out]: This clause , they argue , is designed to go beyond an earlier clause specifying that the president can veto a `` bill , '' and is broad enough to allow him to [strike out] items and riders within bills .",ARG-0: him | ARG-1: items and riders within bills "SRL for [resubmitted]: After his defeat in the marshmallow fight , John [resubmitted] to Mary .",ARG-M-TMP: After his defeat in the marshmallow fight | ARG-0: John | ARG-2: to Mary "SRL for [interesting]: While he did n't provide much to each scene , he was [interesting] to watch , obviously caring more about the overall performance than Brynner did .",ARG-M-ADV: While he did n't provide much to each scene | ARG-2: he | ARG-M-ADV: obviously caring more about the overall performance than Brynner did | C-ARG-2: to watch "SRL for [convincing]: We 'll see what ultimately happens in NH , but the tidal shift right after Iowa was pretty [convincing] .",ARG-0: the tidal shift right after Iowa | ARG-M-EXT: pretty SRL for [retransmitted]: ( rejecting the fair use defense where television news agencies copied copyrighted news footage and [retransmitted] it to news organizations ),ARG-0: television news agencies | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to news organizations "SRL for [sequined]: You look at her , and she 's [sequined] in stardust , as if she 's been powdered with some magic mist .",ARG-1: she | ARG-2: in stardust | ARG-M-MNR: as if she 's been powdered with some magic mist SRL for [normalize]: The increased demand would [normalize] trading and stabilize prices .,ARG-0: The increased demand | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: trading "SRL for [termed]: Reuters Holdings PLC said Michael Reupke resigned as general manager to pursue unspecified interests , a move the news organization [termed] an `` amicable separation . ''",ARG-0: the news organization | ARG-1: a move | ARG-3: an `` amicable separation SRL for [Roger]: [Roger] that,ARG-1: that "SRL for [fingering]: `` Think I 'll redo my image -- get this changed to a glove , '' quipped the big first baseman Saturday night , [fingering] the gold bat he wears on a neck chain .",ARG-0: the big first baseman | ARG-1: the gold bat he wears on a neck chain "SRL for [turned out]: Among the glitterati who [ ] [turned out] in bipartisan black - tie force to benefit the Coelho Epilepsy Fund last month were Sen. Robert Dole , Rep. Newt Gingrich , and other kingpins of Congress .",ARG-1: the glitterati | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-M-MNR: in bipartisan black - tie force | ARG-M-PRP: to benefit the Coelho Epilepsy Fund | ARG-M-TMP: last month SRL for [tribulations]: It was somewhat known that he often used crutches or wore a back brace but the details of his health [tribulations] were hidden from the public .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: health SRL for [outfitting]: The conflict between the time required for research and development and the level of urgency for equipment [outfitting] needs should be made clear .,ARG-2: equipment "SRL for [constrains]: The softness of the core [constrains] the plastic models to No . 1 , No . 2 or No . 3 - type pencils , which account for the bulk of the market .","ARG-0: The softness of the core | ARG-1: the plastic models | ARG-2: to No . 1 , No . 2 or No . 3 - type pencils , which account for the bulk of the market" SRL for [bid]: Ford will [bid] for 100 % of Jaguar 's shares,ARG-0: Ford | ARG-1: for 100 % of Jaguar 's shares SRL for [fortunate]: She is [fortunate] in getting support from the king .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: in getting support from the king SRL for [abuse]: The court determined it was a clear case of child [abuse] .,ARG-1: child SRL for [pull off]: Was there any point at which you did n't think you would be able to [pull off] ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: it "SRL for [murmurs]: Heart : S1 , S2 normal without [murmurs] , rubs , or gallops .", SRL for [railroad]: It will be virtually impossible for the KMT to [railroad] through legislation under the leadership of a president who does n't enjoy majority support .,ARG-0: the KMT | ARG-2: through legislation | ARG-M-MNR: under the leadership of a president who does n't enjoy majority support "SRL for [internalized]: According to Liu , "" The people of Meinung have now [internalized] the movement as a philosophy of life . """,ARG-M-ADV: According to Liu | ARG-0: The people of Meinung | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: the movement | ARG-2: as a philosophy of life "SRL for [grinds]: '' She 's being attacked by the demon , '' Mrs. Warren stagewhispers as the priest sprinkles holy water over the squirming woman , and the television camera [grinds] .",ARG-1: the television camera SRL for [stream]: there has been a steady [stream] of Southeast Asian singers making their mark in Taiwan ..,ARG-M-MNR: steady | ARG-1: of Southeast Asian singers making their mark in Taiwan SRL for [recalculate]: Analysts [recalculate] Cray Computer 's initial book value at about $ 4.75 a share .,ARG-0: Analysts | ARG-1: Cray Computer 's initial book value | ARG-2: at about $ 4.75 a share SRL for [fall]: We were worried that they might [fall] in with the wrong crowd after they got into junior high .,ARG-1: they | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-2: in | ARG-M-MNR: with the wrong crowd | ARG-M-TMP: after they got into junior high SRL for [mind business]: You [mind business] about the weapon .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: about the weapon SRL for [rush]: the [rush] to leverage,ARG-2: to leverage SRL for [put]: The pilots [put] the amount as high as $ 100 million .,ARG-0: The pilots | ARG-1: the amount | ARG-2: as high as $ 100 million SRL for [was watching over]: The US [was watching over] Chinese markets,ARG-0: The US | ARG-1: Chinese markets "SRL for [shine]: Rising in the firm , he became powerful and bland , though his new wife , Susan , made him [shine] in the gossip columns with her profligate spending habits and flamboyant frocks .",ARG-1: him | ARG-M-LOC: in the gossip columns | ARG-M-MNR: with her profligate spending habits and flamboyant frocks "SRL for [rehabilitation]: A big congratulations to Spanish architecture firm , Martin Le Jarraga , who recently won a first prize Architecture & Interior Design Award for their [rehabilitation] of an old fencing room in Arsenal on Cartagena .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of an old fencing room in Arsenal on Cartagena SRL for [observations]: his [observations] about Japanese management style,ARG-0: his | ARG-3: about Japanese management style SRL for [dazzled]: We here in the affected areas were [dazzled] by Mr. Laband 's analysis of time values and his comparisons of effectiveness concerning research and development .,ARG-M-LOC: here in the affected areas | ARG-1: We | ARG-0: by Mr. Laband 's analysis of time values and his comparisons of effectiveness concerning research and development SRL for [Lead - Up]: The [Lead - Up] to the 37th Annual Telluride Film Festival,ARG-2: to the 37th Annual Telluride Film Festival "SRL for [rrla]: P - = [rrla] , no apd",ARG-1: P | ARG-M-ADV: no apd SRL for [re - interviewed]: Detectives located the suspect and [re - interviewed] him about the details surrounding the child 's death .,ARG-0: Detectives | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: about the details surrounding the child 's death "SRL for [works]: at long last , changes may be in the [works]",ARG-1: changes "SRL for [layered]: When he opened a year and a half ago , he [layered] the sandwiches with slices of Gilboa cheese and sprinklings of Parmesan .",ARG-M-TMP: When he opened a year and a half ago | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: the sandwiches | ARG-1: with slices of Gilboa cheese and sprinklings of Parmesan SRL for [pouted]: The two [pouted] at the three who laughed .,ARG-0: The two | ARG-1: at the three who laughed SRL for [co - founded]: In a few weeks the state of California is planning to execute Tookie Williams the man who [co - founded] oone of the country 's most notorious street gangs .,ARG-0: the man | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: oone of the country 's most notorious street gangs "SRL for [jogged]: It was n't bad , The wine [jogged] my thoughts back to Muscat Ramble .",ARG-0: The wine | ARG-1: my thoughts | ARG-2: back to Muscat Ramble SRL for [downvalued]: Is n't there a product with no fees you could chooe up to 75 % so you 'd lose nothing if the property is [downvalued] ?,ARG-1: the property "SRL for [wind up]: As part of what a Recognition spokeswoman termed an `` amiable agreement , '' Prospect Group will [wind up] with control of top management posts and an increased stake in the maker of data management equipment .",ARG-M-ADV: As part of what a Recognition spokeswoman termed an `` amiable agreement | ARG-1: Prospect Group | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: with control of top management posts and an increased stake in the maker of data management equipment SRL for [lumber]: Huge machines that look as though they came from the Star Wars desert - battle scene [lumber] among the dunes .,ARG-0: Huge machines that look as though they came from the Star Wars desert - battle scene | ARG-M-LOC: among the dunes "SRL for [clipping]: The 36 - year - old achieved the new landmark from the third ball of the 46th over , [clipping] his 140th delivery faced for a couple into the leg - side from the bowling of Wayne Parnell",ARG-0: The 36 - year - old | ARG-1: his 140th delivery "SRL for [finger]: Mr. Noriega was accused of ordering in 1985 the beheading of Hugo Spadafora , his most outspoken political opponent and the first man to publicly [finger] Mr. Noriega on drug trafficking charges .",ARG-0: the first man | ARG-M-MNR: publicly | ARG-1: Mr. Noriega | ARG-2: on drug trafficking charges SRL for [blowing]: A seal [blowing] in one of the reactors alerted personnel to the possible leak .,ARG-1: A seal | ARG-M-LOC: in one of the reactors SRL for [Downwelling]: [Downwelling] of hydrous minerals .,ARG-1: hydrous minerals SRL for [targets]: But the prospects for legislation that [targets] program trading is unlikely anytime soon .,ARG-0: legislation | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: program trading SRL for [dewaxes]: A hot oiling job almost [dewaxes] the well .,ARG-0: A hot oiling job | ARG-M-EXT: almost | ARG-1: the well "SRL for [immigration]: The coastal defense law and the organic law of the Coast Guard Command : This will establish the Coast Guard as a ministerial level body , responsible for coastal defense and for combating smuggling and illegal [immigration] .",ARG-M-MNR: illegal SRL for [misdiagnosed]: He was [misdiagnosed] with Pancreatitis when he actually had Perontitis .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: with Pancreatitis | ARG-M-TMP: when he actually had Perontitis SRL for [writhing]: Suddenly the woman begins swaying and then [writhing] .,ARG-1: the woman "SRL for [outgunned]: Even if they get nukes iran are still heavily outmanned , [outgunned] and isolated .",ARG-M-ADV: Even if they get nukes | ARG-1: iran | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-EXT: heavily "SRL for [flattening out]: Under these conditions , even a [flattening out] of economic growth -- `` catching cold '' -- in the healthy metropolitan areas will create significant opportunities for corporations and professional service firms looking for bargains as the realestate industry catches pneumonia .",ARG-1: of economic growth "SRL for [by - elected]: The meeting also passed the representative qualifications examination report regarding electing or by - electing NPC representatives , and [by - elected] 3 NPC representatives .",ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: 3 NPC representatives "SRL for [forecast]: Saab 's problems were underscored Friday when the company announced that its car division had a 1.2 billion kronor ( $ 186.1 million ) loss during the first eight months of this year , slightly worse than Saab - Scania had [forecast] in its first - half report last month .",ARG-0: Saab - Scania | ARG-M-LOC: in its first - half report | ARG-M-TMP: last month "SRL for [aware]: I am sure many of us are well [aware] of Samuel Huntington 's "" Clash of Civilizations "" theory , that future conflict would be along cultural lines between "" West "" , "" East "" and "" Confucian "" blocks , whatever they are .","ARG-0: many of us | ARG-M-EXT: well | ARG-1: of Samuel Huntington 's "" Clash of Civilizations "" theory , that future conflict would be along cultural lines between "" West "" , "" East "" and "" Confucian "" blocks , whatever they are" SRL for [expanded]: The Japanese console market was [expanded] by 1.2 % .,ARG-1: The Japanese console market | ARG-2: by 1.2 % "SRL for [advisable]: It 'll cost a lot to do it which would not be [advisable] at the current time with the economic situation not looking rosy ,",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: at the current time | ARG-M-ADV: with the economic situation not looking rosy "SRL for [moved]: Gradually , I was [moved] by the persistence of Inter Milan 's chairman Mr. Moratti .",ARG-M-MNR: Gradually | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: by the persistence of Inter Milan 's chairman Mr. Moratti "SRL for [looms]: Leading indicators rose a slight 0.2 % in September , a further indication the economy is slowing but without any clear sign of whether a recession [looms] .",ARG-1: a recession SRL for [demobilize]: Mr. Abrams said that Mr. Ortega is seeking to [demobilize] the Contras prior to the elections to remove any pressure to hold fair elections .,ARG-0: Mr. Ortega | ARG-1: the Contras | ARG-M-TMP: prior to the elections | ARG-M-PNC: to remove any pressure to hold fair elections "SRL for [impress]: Some shows just do n't [impress] , he says , and this is one of them .",ARG-0: Some shows | ARG-M-DIS: just | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [laid]: More shirts and sweaters will be [laid] out on tables instead of sitting behind glass cases,ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: More shirts and sweaters | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-2: on tables | ARG-M-PRD: instead of sitting behind glass cases "SRL for [streamline]: But Mr. Luzon has moved swiftly to [streamline] bureaucracy , cut costs , increase capital and build up new areas of business .",ARG-0: Mr. Luzon | ARG-1: bureaucracy SRL for [clashed]: He has [clashed] the cymbals and banged the drums .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the cymbals "SRL for [accelerate]: Earlier this month , Staples Inc. , a Newton , Mass. , office - supplies discounter , said it would [accelerate] expansion plans nationwide and offer more of its stock to the public .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: expansion plans | ARG-M-LOC: nationwide "SRL for [specify]: First Interstate said its operations outside of Arizona `` achieved results as expected for the quarter , '' but did n't [specify] the results .",ARG-0: First Interstate | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the results "SRL for [informed]: On one occasion , he [informed] to the Grand Duke Francesco on two lovers in the Medici household — Eleonora , the wife of Pietro de'Medici , who was having an illicit affair with Bernardino Antinori — and his informing led directly to Eleonora 's murder by Pietro .","ARG-M-TMP: On one occasion | ARG-1: to the Grand Duke | ARG-3: on two lovers in the Medici household — Eleonora , the wife of Pietro de'Medici , who was having an illicit affair with Bernardino Antinori" "SRL for [fuck]: Maybe he asked her for a [fuck] , maybe for money but she refused .", SRL for [Puerto Rican]: My mom is full [Puerto Rican] and my dad is half Puerto Rican half Italian,ARG-1: My mom | ARG-M-EXT: full "SRL for [reexperienced]: In Scotland he [reexperienced] "" Appalachian Mountain Music "" at its source .","ARG-M-LOC: In Scotland | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: "" Appalachian Mountain Music "" | ARG-M-LOC: at its source" "SRL for [jostle]: On Wall Street men and women walk with great purpose , noticing one another only when they [jostle] for cabs .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: for cabs SRL for [consecrated]: The church was solemnly [consecrated] by the Bishop of Clifton .,ARG-M-MNR: solemnly | ARG-1: The church | ARG-0: by the Bishop of Clifton SRL for [killings]: the government [killings],ARG-0: government SRL for [re - ingest]: Decomposition of the fecal pellet by the microbes increases its nutrient value and the isopod is able to [re - ingest] the pellets .,ARG-0: the isopod | ARG-1: the pellets SRL for [signifying]: Uptick -- An expression [signifying] that a transaction in a listed security occurred at a higher price than the previous transaction in that security .,ARG-0: An expression | ARG-1: that a transaction in a listed security occurred at a higher price than the previous transaction in that security "SRL for [netting]: When they do net , more often than not their [netting] is limited to close - out provisions",ARG-0: their SRL for [uneventful]: Her postoperative course was [uneventful] .,ARG-1: Her postoperative course "SRL for [casual]: *PRO* Be [casual] , as you run the risk of coming on too strong if you do anything seriously Valentine 's - y .",ARG-M-CAU: as you run the risk of coming on too strong if you do anything seriously Valentine 's - y "SRL for [appalling]: At that time , the price was [appalling] to me .",ARG-M-TMP: At that time | ARG-0: the price | ARG-1: to me "SRL for [nuts]: I was [nuts] about Elvis , like every girl in America .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: about Elvis | ARG-M-MNR: like every girl in America SRL for [out of pocket]: I 'll be [out of pocket] all week at the conference,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-M-TMP: all week | ARG-3: at the conference "SRL for [rubbish]: Bread is [rubbish] for you full stop , replace it with veggies .",ARG-1: Bread | ARG-2: for you | ARG-M-DIS: full stop "SRL for [anephric]: Patient is [anephric] , and now dialysis - dependent .",ARG-1: Patient SRL for [energized]: John [energized] himself with fifteen shots of espresso .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: with fifteen shots of espresso SRL for [building]: The [building] of the skyscraper took three months .,ARG-1: of the skyscraper SRL for [shoplifted]: Julian had confessed that she 'd [shoplifted] him a candy bar on their first date together .,ARG-0: she | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: a candy bar | ARG-M-TMP: on their first date together SRL for [disintegrating]: ... and reports that the junk - bond market is [disintegrating] .,ARG-1: the junk - bond market SRL for [rattle on]: Old folk this day still [rattle on] about how the cypress - wood sleeping platforms of Japanese - style houses were long - lasting and hard - wearing ...,ARG-0: Old folk | ARG-M-TMP: this day | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: about how the cypress - wood sleeping platforms of Japanese - style houses were long - lasting and hard - wearing SRL for [intelligent]: She is [intelligent] at deriving formulas .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: at deriving formulas "SRL for [prosecuted]: Opponents say Mr. Thornburgh 's plan will needlessly break up longtime , tightly knit crime - fighting units that have successfully [prosecuted] major organized - crime figures .","ARG-0: longtime , tightly knit crime - fighting units | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MNR: successfully | ARG-1: major organized - crime figures" "SRL for [advocated]: Chiu Hsiang - chung , chief editor of the Hong Kong Economic Journal , also [advocated] cautious optimism .","ARG-0: Chiu Hsiang - chung , chief editor of the Hong Kong Economic Journal | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: cautious optimism" SRL for [speculate]: Analysts were n't willing to [speculate] on how much money Carnival might lose through deposits .,ARG-0: Analysts | ARG-2: on how much money Carnival might lose through deposits SRL for [dropping out]: It 's unfortunate that money is the factor in his [dropping out] of the race,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the race SRL for [dosing]: The nurses ' [dosing] of Andy 's orange juice with a sedative finally gave them some peace and quiet .,ARG-0: The nurses ' | ARG-1: of Andy 's orange juice | ARG-2: with a sedative SRL for [moored]: The Navy now says the blast occurred nearly two hours after the destroyer had [moored] for refueling in Aden Harbor .,ARG-1: the destroyer | ARG-M-PRP: for refueling | ARG-2: in Aden Harbor SRL for [whiffed]: A spurt of smoke [whiffed] out from her quarter .,ARG-1: A spurt of smoke | ARG-2: out | ARG-M-DIR: from her quarter SRL for [stimulated]: The very firmness of her convictions and logical clearness of her arguments captivated and [stimulated] him to make greater efforts ...,ARG-0: The very firmness of her convictions and logical clearness of her arguments | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: to make greater efforts SRL for [up front]: The mechanic was very [up front] and honest about the extent of the problem with us .,ARG-0: The mechanic | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-1: about the extent of the problem | ARG-2: with us SRL for [fitting]: They can then be arrested merely by virtue of their [fitting] the definition of trafficking or being otherwise valued by the state .,ARG-1: their | C-ARG-1: the definition of trafficking "SRL for [allotted]: In order to fill up the growing time [allotted] to news in this new era , television stations have been raiding newspapers for employees .",ARG-1: the growing time | ARG-2: to news | ARG-M-TMP: in this new era SRL for [reprepped]: the area was then [reprepped] with alcohol swabs .,ARG-1: the area | ARG-M-MNR: with alcohol swabs "SRL for [flickered]: Lights [flickered] on and off ; plaster dropped from the ceiling , the walls still shook and an evacuation alarm blared outside .",ARG-1: Lights | ARG-M-MNR: on and off SRL for [CBC]: [CBC] results are outside the established reference intervals, "SRL for [decreased]: Perhaps most prominent , Dow Chemical Co. , which as of midyear had racked up eight consecutive record quarters , is expected to report that profit [decreased] in the latest quarter from a year earlier , if only by a shade .",ARG-1: profit | ARG-M-TMP: in the latest quarter | ARG-3: from a year earlier | ARG-M-MNR: if only by a shade "SRL for [subsided]: Houses in the most amazing places , places where there used to be houses before the rain [subsided] the ground under them .",ARG-0: the rain | ARG-1: the ground under them SRL for [testing]: The clinic 's [testing] of the patient for strep throat did not yield a definitive diagnosis .,ARG-0: The clinic 's | ARG-1: of the patient | ARG-2: for strep throat SRL for [based]: Milton Roy will pay an initial $ 4 million for the operations and additional payments during the next four years [based] on the earnings performance of the businesses .,ARG-1: additional payments during the next four years | ARG-2: on the earnings performance of the businesses SRL for [click]: The linguist demonstrated to the class how to produce a [click] of the tongue .,ARG-1: of the tongue SRL for [machinate]: But Collins feels the need to [machinate] the game to a degree that has players rollings their eyes .,ARG-0: Collins | ARG-1: the game | ARG-M-EXT: to a degree that has players rollings their eyes "SRL for [interact]: When Kao Chao - Cheng has the students play the game of cat - and - mouse , he gets them to [interact] with each other and move based on their observations of the cat , the mouse and their classmates linked in a circle .",ARG-0: them | ARG-1: with each other "SRL for [bypass]: Here , the Fire Department based its [bypass] of Mr. Hardnett on a negative reference from National Ambulance ...",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of Mr. Hardnett "SRL for [strangles]: While by no means the highest crime community in the country , New York is a prime example of a city where crime [strangles] small - business development .",ARG-0: crime | ARG-1: small - business development | ARG-M-LOC: a city | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [falling out]: Their [falling out] years ago had lead to a separation between the two branches of the Dupree family .,ARG-1: Their | ARG-M-TMP: years ago SRL for [turnover]: a completed [turnover] of 1.59 billion US dollars .,ARG-M-PRD: completed | ARG-1: of 1.59 billion US dollars SRL for [DNR]: Pro [DNR],ARG-0: Pro SRL for [determination]: a [determination] by industrial nations to curb inflation,ARG-0: by industrial nations | ARG-1: to curb inflation "SRL for [triumphed]: So much , too , for the notion that we humans [triumphed] in the Darwinian struggle by evolving big brains .",ARG-0: we humans | ARG-2: in the Darwinian struggle | ARG-M-MNR: by evolving big brains SRL for [overfit]: The sample size limits the number of terms that you can safely include before you begin to overfit [overfit] model .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the model SRL for [tight]: He is [tight] with chuck norris,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: with chuck norris "SRL for [scratch out]: At Lloyd 's of London , underwriters still [scratch out] policies using fountain pens and blotting paper .",ARG-M-LOC: At Lloyd 's of London | ARG-0: underwriters | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: policies | ARG-M-MNR: using fountain pens and blotting paper SRL for [leafed]: He [leafed] through the Playbill for that show .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: through the Playbill | ARG-2: for that show SRL for [shouting]: I know that I 'm [shouting] into the breeze here as far as what we 're doing now .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: into the breeze | ARG-M-DIS: here | ARG-1: as far as what we 're doing now SRL for [retrofit]: The test project -- which reportedly survived Tuesday 's earthquake -- was a prelude to a state plan to [retrofit] that critical section of the freeway with the steel casings .,ARG-0: state | ARG-1: that critical section of the freeway | ARG-2: with the steel casings SRL for [snapped off]: John [snapped off] a twig from the tree .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a twig | ARG-2: from the tree "SRL for [stocking up]: And while customers such as steel service centers are continuing to reduce inventories through the fourth quarter , they eventually will begin [stocking up] again , he notes .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: eventually | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [stash away]: The 40 - year old Mr. Pope has n't changed jobs enough -- at least the right ones -- to [stash away] that kind of money .,ARG-0: The 40 - year old Mr. Pope | ARG-1: that kind of money SRL for [convinced]: Sometimes although I know they 're locked I 'm [convinced] they 're not .,ARG-M-TMP: Sometimes | ARG-M-ADV: although I know they 're locked | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: they 're not SRL for [compromised]: Originally the Central Command said the veteran Fox News correspond was being expelled because he [compromised] the location of the unit he 's been embedded with .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the location of the unit he 's been embedded with SRL for [remarried]: The priest [remarried] my parents .,ARG-0: The priest | ARG-1: my parents SRL for [rumple]: This fabric wo n't [rumple] .,ARG-1: This fabric | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't "SRL for [humanizing]: Council member Joy Picus , the measure 's chief advocate , considers it part of a `` pro - family policy '' that makes Los Angeles a leader in `` [humanizing] the workplace . ''",ARG-0: a `` pro - family policy '' | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the workplace "SRL for [PET scan]: However , a recent [PET scan] was done which showed concerning results .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-M-LVB: done | ARG-M-ADV: which showed concerning results SRL for [pops to mind]: I 'll fling in whatever [pops to mind] and sort the whole mess later .,ARG-2: whatever "SRL for [crippled]: An 11 - week dispute involving Australia 's 1,640 domestic pilots has slashed airline earnings and [crippled] much of the continent 's tourist industry .","ARG-0: An 11 - week dispute involving Australia 's 1,640 domestic pilots | ARG-1: much of the continent 's tourist industry" "SRL for [rechallenged]: Two years later , at age 32 , he [rechallenged] the two - term incumbent and won the Congressional seat in California 's historic 1978 election year .",ARG-M-TMP: Two years later | ARG-M-ADV: at age 32 | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the two - term incumbent "SRL for [emceed]: As Chairman of the Board , Harvey [emceed] the 71st Annual Meeting of the Historical Societ of Palm Beach County .",ARG-M-PRD: As Chairman of the Board | ARG-0: Harvey | ARG-1: the 71st Annual Meeting of the Historical Societ of Palm Beach County SRL for [tubular]: [tubular] adenoma,ARG-1: adenoma SRL for [fermentation]: His [fermentation] of the barley,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the barley "SRL for [wait out]: As the strike enters its 15th day today , some members are getting nervous , the spokesman conceded , but the majority of the 55,000 Machinists are prepared to `` [wait out] as long as it takes . ''","ARG-0: the majority of the 55,000 Machinists | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: as long as it takes" SRL for [xray]: The doctor 's [xray] of his lungs,ARG-0: The doctor 's | ARG-1: of his lungs SRL for [blocked up]: Waste discharged has currently [blocked up] .,ARG-3: Waste discharged | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-1: this SRL for [came out]: This was the first time I [came out] as a closet Trump supporter to my friends and they immediately threw me under the bus .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: as a closet Trump supporter | ARG-2: to my friends | ARG-M-TMP: the first time SRL for [pressing]: This young woman carefully [pressing] black phonograph records was none other than boss Yeh 's wife .,ARG-0: This young woman | ARG-M-MNR: carefully | ARG-1: black phonograph records "SRL for [interfere]: Lawful demonstrations , such as peaceful picketing and other assemblages that do not disturb the peace or cause a public nuisance or [interfere] with the rights of others , are rights guaranteed by any truly free system of government .",ARG-0: other assemblages | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: with the rights of others SRL for [spies]: Mr. Boren even [spies] a silver lining .,ARG-0: Mr. Boren | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: a silver lining "SRL for [conscious]: When I am [conscious] of typing words into a computer , I am not aware of the keyboard , of the fact that computers are machines , of the movement of my fingers ...",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: of typing words into a computer | ARG-M-TMP: When SRL for [held out]: She [held out] strength for the finish .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: strength | ARG-2: for the finish "SRL for [quote]: a [quote] from Chairman David Boren "" Do n't hold your tickey until the show 's over ""","ARG-2: from Chairman David Boren | ARG-1: "" Do n't hold your tickey until the show 's over """ SRL for [changed]: ... the areas that can be most easily [changed],ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-MNR: most easily | ARG-1: the areas "SRL for [crafted]: After a family friend [crafted] me a homemade headstick to use , I practiced using it at school to turn the pages of a spiral - bound book",ARG-0: a family friend | ARG-M-GOL: me | ARG-1: a homemade headstick to use SRL for [moderation]: President Mubarak is a strong supporter of [moderation] of the Arab - Israeli conflict .,ARG-1: of the Arab - Israeli conflict "SRL for [hypothesized]: It might be alleged that TV has done more than its share to popularize and promote non - violent civil disobedience , so the second situation [hypothesized] above would be simply a case of `` chickens coming home to roost . ''",ARG-1: the second situation | ARG-M-LOC: above "SRL for [combed]: The state has [combed] through records relating to architects , stockbrokers , lawyers in the New York City area , construction workers from out of the state , and homeowners who claim to be residents of other states -- especially Florida , which has no personal income tax .","ARG-0: The state | ARG-1: through records relating to architects , stockbrokers , lawyers in the New York City area , construction workers from out of the state , and homeowners who claim to be residents of other states -- especially Florida , which has no personal income tax" "SRL for [docile]: That is to say , the existing political mechanism of Syria allows Bashar to basically have a secure position , besides the tightly organized Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party being totally [docile] , subservient and obedient to Bashar , the existing army are largely allegiant to Syria 's current regime ,",ARG-1: the tightly organized Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party | ARG-M-EXT: totally | ARG-M-GOL: to Bashar SRL for [vote]: NRM said it expects unitholders to [vote] on the restructuring at a meeting Dec. 15 .,ARG-0: unitholders | ARG-1: on the restructuring | ARG-M-LOC: at a meeting Dec. 15 "SRL for [jurisdiction]: Since the time of the Syrian chaos to now , China has always supported the actions undertaken by the League of Arab States with an aim to limit and solve the problem within the [jurisdiction] of the League of Arab States ,",ARG-0: of the League of Arab States "SRL for [floundered]: But five weeks after the premiere , the series has [floundered] .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: five weeks after the premiere | ARG-0: the series SRL for [clayed]: She [clayed] a sculpture .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: a sculpture SRL for [intelligence]: according to former U.S. [intelligence] officials .,ARG-0: U.S. "SRL for [overstate]: In that suit , the SEC accused Mr. Antar of engaging in a `` massive financial fraud '' to [overstate] the earnings of Crazy Eddie , Edison , N.J. , over a three - year period .","ARG-0: Mr. Antar | ARG-1: the earnings of Crazy Eddie , Edison , N.J. | ARG-M-TMP: over a three - year period" "SRL for [incur]: The law could redound to the advantage of brokers and banks , who [incur] high administrative costs to deliver securities to investors .",ARG-0: brokers and banks | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: high administrative costs | ARG-2: to deliver securities to investors "SRL for [maul]: This meant returning to the golf course , where we watched a few French duffers [maul] the first tee while we sat under Cinzano umbrellas , me nursing an espresso and my ego .","ARG-0: a few French duffers | ARG-1: the first tee | ARG-M-TMP: while we sat under Cinzano umbrellas , me nursing an espresso and my ego" SRL for [bought out]: They [bought out] $ 2.4 billion in Fannie Mae bonds,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: $ 2.4 billion in Fannie Mae bonds SRL for [tell]: He says his team could n't [tell] whether accounts receivable had been paid or not .,ARG-0: his team | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: whether accounts receivable had been paid or not "SRL for [grossing]: `` Batman '' alone has racked up more than $ 247 million in box - office receipts to date , making it Warner Bros. ' largest [grossing] film ever .",ARG-M-MNR: largest | ARG-1: film | ARG-M-TMP: ever SRL for [heeled]: He [heeled] into the current and began to row .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: into the current SRL for [missed]: your presence was sorely [missed],ARG-1: your presence | ARG-M-MNR: sorely "SRL for [stronger]: Meaning that its economy and military are both 10 times [stronger] than everyone else s - no I do n't , as I 've pointed out in my previous post , there 'll China will inevitably want to become the regional power of Asia , it 'll want to do some land - grabbing of its own -LRB- Taiwan for example -RRB- which will lead to its demise .",ARG-1: its economy and military | ARG-M-ADV: both | ARG-M-EXT: 10 times | ARG-M-CXN: than everyone else SRL for [dallied]: He [dallied] all weekend .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: all weekend "SRL for [bursting]: If Washington 's elites ever succeed in [bursting] the tax dam , Americans will be engulfed in a red sea of new spending programs , such as federalized child care .",ARG-0: Washington 's elites | ARG-1: the tax dam SRL for [amendable]: Several key bills remain very much alive and are in theory [amendable] .,ARG-1: Several key bills SRL for [stagnation]: The [stagnation] of hourly wages is the most important economic issue facing most American families,ARG-1: of hourly wages SRL for [plan]: The City Council Democrats unveiled their [plan] to redistrict the municipality based on 2010 U.S. Census numbers .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: to redistrict the municipality | ARG-2: based on 2010 U.S. Census numbers SRL for [observed]: Students at National Chenchi University [observed] the May Fourth Anniversary .,ARG-0: Students at National Chenchi University | ARG-1: the May Fourth Anniversary SRL for [punted]: He has probably [punted] $ 10 million over the years by being a lousy gambler .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-1: $ 10 million | ARG-M-TMP: over the years | ARG-M-MNR: by being a lousy gambler "SRL for [unconstrained]: Trading , [unconstrained] from growth by the upturn in the economy",ARG-1: Trading | ARG-2: from growth | ARG-0: by the upturn in the economy SRL for [refuse]: A U.S. decision to [refuse] the IMF its capital increase ... taken lightly .,ARG-0: U.S. | ARG-2: the IMF | ARG-1: its capital increase SRL for [booked]: Wow ! Cool . Sorry you have to wait but I guess it 's good I 'm [booked] !,ARG-2: I "SRL for [primed]: Rep. Gonzalez seems [primed] to lash out at Mr. Wall when hearings resume Thursday with testimony by two federal regulators from San Francisco , William Black and Mike Patriarca .","ARG-1: Rep. Gonzalez | ARG-M-PNC: to lash out at Mr. Wall when hearings resume Thursday with testimony by two federal regulators from San Francisco , William Black and Mike Patriarca" "SRL for [burning]: Love of money has been a constant across the ages , observable in such time - honored Chinese traditions as [burning] incense to pray to gods of wealth .",ARG-1: incense | ARG-M-PRP: to pray to gods of wealth "SRL for [set out]: On her husband 's 50th birthday ( after an auspicious 23 years of marriage , it should be noted ) , Betsy , Al and their college - bound son [set out] for New York to visit Fordham University .","ARG-M-TMP: On her husband 's 50th birthday ( after an auspicious 23 years of marriage , it should be noted ) | ARG-0: Betsy , Al and their college - bound son | ARG-1: for New York | ARG-M-PRP: to visit Fordham University" SRL for [carried over]: The discussion [carried over] from the meeting into lunch .,ARG-1: The discussion | ARG-2: from the meeting | ARG-3: into lunch "SRL for [detected]: Lights , action : I was asleep , but Luigi was awake , and he thought he [detected] a vague form nearing the bed .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a vague form nearing the bed "SRL for [dating]: They took things slow , because of her age and because his Catholic parents were against his [dating] a Jewish girl .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a Jewish girl SRL for [shuffled off]: Unemployed and homeless were [shuffled off] to the safe Labour seats by the upper class .,ARG-1: Unemployed and homeless | ARG-2: to the safe Labour seats | ARG-0: by the upper class "SRL for [auscultated]: No murmers , gallops or extra sounds [auscultated] .","ARG-1: No murmers , gallops or extra sounds" SRL for [went]: They [went] about it with a systematic approach .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: about it | ARG-M-MNR: with a systematic approach SRL for [outlined]: here ? the [outlined] area ?,ARG-1: area SRL for [indispensable]: This guide is [indispensable] for American tourists .,ARG-1: This guide | ARG-2: for American tourists "SRL for [enchanted]: `` Heaven forbid '' ! Cried the ladies , [enchanted] by his music .",ARG-1: the ladies | ARG-0: by his music "SRL for [advocates]: Mr. Icahn [advocates] the sale of the company 's steel operations , and Mr. Corry does n't necessarily disagree .",ARG-0: Mr. Icahn | ARG-1: the sale of the company 's steel operations "SRL for [experienced]: You are two years more [experienced] , travelled , and adventurous .",ARG-0: You | ARG-M-TMP: two years | ARG-M-EXT: more "SRL for [turn in]: He says , I 'm going to [turn in] to my superiors and they 're going to determine if it is fortune - telling .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: these pictures | ARG-2: to my superiors SRL for [prepare]: On weekends she came to work to [prepare] study plans .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: study plans SRL for [expiration]: A sneeze is a powerful [expiration] of air through the nasal passages .,ARG-1: of air | ARG-M-DIR: through the nasal passages "SRL for [filling]: Outside , a young pressman [filling] a news box with an extra edition headlined `` Herald Examiner Closes '' refused to take a reader 's quarter .",ARG-M-LOC: Outside | ARG-0: a young pressman | ARG-1: a news box | ARG-2: with an extra edition headlined `` Herald Examiner Closes '' "SRL for [drying up]: He wo n't for long , because his old state sources of rye and potatoes are [drying up] .",ARG-1: his old state sources of rye and potatoes "SRL for [crack]: Mr. Cathcart says he has had `` a lot of fun '' at Kidder , adding the [crack] about his being a `` tool - and - die man '' never bothered him",ARG-1: about his being a `` tool - and - die man '' SRL for [colonization]: bacterial [colonization],ARG-0: bacterial "SRL for [interbreed]: As selection and drift act independently on populations isolated from the rest of their species , separation may eventually produce organisms that can not [interbreed] .",ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [enlarge]: In these ways , VIA is moving step by step to [enlarge] its intellectual holdings .",ARG-0: VIA | ARG-1: its intellectual holdings SRL for [break out]: The company did n't [break out] its fourth - quarter results .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: its fourth - quarter results SRL for [slivered]: She [slivered] the white citrus pith off the fruit .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the white citrus pith | ARG-2: off the fruit "SRL for [bidding]: The chiefs sit around in silent dignity , the speaker alone rising to present their cause to the presiding officer upon his [bidding] them to unfold their grievances .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: them | ARG-1: to unfold their grievances "SRL for [reenlisted]: Shortly thereafter , his father [reenlisted] to the Air Force and the family moved to Edwards Air Force Base in California .",ARG-M-TMP: Shortly thereafter | ARG-0: his father | ARG-2: to the Air Force SRL for [put off]: Never [put off] for tomorrow what you can put off to the day after that .,ARG-M-NEG: Never | ARG-2: for tomorrow | ARG-1: what you can put off to the day after that "SRL for [ineffective]: No one really wants to strike and lose even more money , however it really is the only "" weapon "" that a lot of workers have , however [ineffective] it may be .",ARG-M-EXT: however | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: may "SRL for [incumbent]: In Hesse , coal is found to lie over basaltes , but nowhere else , it is believed , has that stone been found [incumbent] upon coal .",ARG-1: stone | ARG-2: upon coal SRL for [recovery]: disaster - [recovery] response centers,ARG-2: disaster "SRL for [vexed]: The state agency was particularly [vexed] to learn that the Rubens and a half - dozen other paintings listed among the bank 's `` furniture and fixtures , '' were actually hanging in the chairman 's house .","ARG-M-ADV: particularly | ARG-1: The state agency | ARG-0: to learn that the Rubens and a half - dozen other paintings listed among the bank 's `` furniture and fixtures , '' were actually hanging in the chairman 's house" SRL for [distribution]: the pro rata [distribution] of increases to all members,ARG-M-MNR: pro rata | ARG-1: of increases | ARG-2: to all members "SRL for [thorough]: However , some people and forces understand time no worse than we do . We can even say that their understanding is more profound and [thorough] . They are even more anxious than their master .",ARG-1: their understanding | ARG-M-EXT: more "SRL for [averaging]: The Manhattan U.S. attorney 's office stressed criminal cases from 1980 to 1987 , [averaging] 43 for every 100,000 adults .","ARG-1: criminal cases | ARG-2: 43 | ARG-3: for every 100,000 adults" SRL for [vote]: They will put this question to a [vote] in the Senate .,ARG-M-LOC: in the Senate SRL for [embarrassed]: People are too [embarrassed] to say they have n't done anything . '',ARG-1: People | ARG-0: to say they have n't done anything "SRL for [impact]: As a result of the adhesive problem on the Ford Escort subcompacts , windshields may easily separate from the car during frontal [impact]",ARG-M-LOC: frontal SRL for [cinched]: John [cinched] his belt tighter .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his belt | ARG-M-PRD: tighter SRL for [contraindicates]: Severe penicillin allergy [contraindicates] use of ampicillin .,ARG-1: Severe penicillin allergy | ARG-2: use of ampicillin SRL for [startled]: Maybe one could be [startled] into forgetfulness .,ARG-1: one | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-PRD: into forgetfulness "SRL for [collects]: The Global Burden of Disease Database , maintained by the World Health Organization -LRB- WHO -RRB- , [collects] data *ICH*-1 from countries around the world [on risk factors such as tobacco , malnutrition , childhood abuse , unsafe sex , childbirth , and cholesterol levels , as well as on disease burdens , for example depression , blindness , and diarrhea]-1 .","ARG-0: The Global Burden of Disease Database , maintained by the World Health Organization -LRB- WHO -RRB- | ARG-2: from countries around the world" "SRL for [recurring]: Mr. Lawson 's resignation shocked many analysts , despite the recent [recurring] speculation of a rift between the chancellor and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher .",ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-0: speculation SRL for [diminished]: Parkinson 's disease tremor is [diminished] with relaxation guided imagery .,ARG-1: Parkinson 's disease tremor | ARG-0: with relaxation guided imagery SRL for [success]: The [success] of their tests using anthrax simulant and artificial artillery rockets,ARG-1: of their tests using anthrax simulant and artificial artillery rockets "SRL for [pollinate]: `` It 's one thing to say you can sterilize , and another to then successfully [pollinate] the plant , '' he said .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-M-MNR: successfully | ARG-1: the plant SRL for [banking]: Online [banking] is simple and convenient .,ARG-M-LOC: Online SRL for [back]: ... asking him to [back] a Palestinian bid to joing the committee .,ARG-0: him | ARG-1: a Palestinian bid to joing the committee "SRL for [surgery]: After his gallbladder [surgery] he got bills for around $ 50,000 .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: gallbladder SRL for [pry]: He would tell her not to [pry] into grownups ' affairs -- as though she were a little kid like Elena !,ARG-0: her | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: into grownups ' affairs SRL for [update]: The transport crew received the [update] that the patient was having severe back and chest pain .,ARG-1: that the patient was having severe back and chest pain SRL for [nonsymptomatic]: The identification ofa group of students who are [nonsymptomatic] of psychopathology but relatively low in SWB,R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: students | ARG-1: of psychopathology SRL for [endarterectomy]: [endarterectomy] of distal left superficial femoral artery,ARG-2: of distal left superficial femoral artery SRL for [bucketing]: It 's [bucketing] down in Cairns but no winds for us .,ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-M-LOC: in Cairns SRL for [preadapted]: Both cases have the essential feature in common : that an existing structure is [preadapted] to assume a new function without interference with the original function .,ARG-1: an existing structure | ARG-2: to assume a new function without interference with the original function "SRL for [top up]: I have a chunk of First State Asia Pacific Leaders , but that 's 20 % in Australia , so I would prefer to ' [top up] ' by also holding a fund that just concentrates on the countries above .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: this | ARG-M-MNR: by also holding a fund that just concentrates on the countries above "SRL for [bracketed]: Because they did n't have enough young boys for two full teams , they [bracketed] the seven - year olds with the eight - year olds .",ARG-M-CAU: Because they did n't have enough young boys for two full teams | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the seven - year olds | ARG-2: with the eight - year olds "SRL for [record]: Because of cost overruns on fixed - price military work , Mr. Shrontz said , the company 's defense business will [record] `` a significant loss '' in 1989 .",ARG-0: the company 's defense business | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a significant loss | ARG-M-TMP: in 1989 SRL for [detasseld]: We [detasseld] the corn during the summer of 1992,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the corn | ARG-M-TMP: during the summer of 1992 SRL for [issue]: I can understand that schools have their own interest chasing private gains but the government should never have private interest and have to be fair in the [issue] of education resources distributions .,ARG-0: of education resources distributions SRL for [booed]: John was [booed] for playing to the peanut gallery .,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: for playing to the peanut gallery "SRL for [enrollment]: The problem is not rising and falling [enrollment] , that 's just normal demographics . In fact , lately in my country they 've been building schools modularly so they can be turned into house when the families with young kids in the neighbourhood grow older and do n't need them anymore .",ARG-M-EXT: rising and falling "SRL for [flash]: One protest did get past NASA 's guard , though ; a computer virus caused anti - Galileo messages to [flash] onto some computer screens at NASA centers .",ARG-1: anti - Galileo messages | ARG-2: onto some computer screens | ARG-M-LOC: at NASA centers SRL for [betrayal]: ... by her expression we sense her shame for her [betrayal] of Anna .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of Anna SRL for [duplicated]: It 's an inherited human disorder that 's been [duplicated] in mice .,ARG-1: an inherited human disorder | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-LOC: in mice SRL for [defray]: They were able to charge travelers using the turnpike and [defray] the costs of upkeep and improvement of the road .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the costs of upkeep and improvement of the road SRL for [plugged]: The company [plugged] itself right into Carter campaign rhetoric about rebuilding the South Bronx and kept using the minority -- South Bronx angle through the Reagan ' 80s .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: itself | ARG-M-ADV: right | ARG-2: into Carter campaign rhetoric about rebuilding the South Bronx "SRL for [lighten]: But the researchers found that while children 's household tasks eased the mother 's burden appreciably , the husband 's helping hand `` appears to [lighten] the children 's load almost on a one - for - one basis and to reduce the wife 's responsibility only modestly . ''",ARG-0: the husband 's helping hand | ARG-1: the children 's load | ARG-M-MNR: almost on a one - for - one basis SRL for [stay]: Judge Vaughn Walker lifted his [stay] of his previous decision,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of his previous decision SRL for [rule out]: Paribas Chairman Michel Francois - Poncet would n't [rule out] eventually selling all of Navigation Mixte 's insurance operations to Allianz .,ARG-0: Paribas Chairman Michel Francois - Poncet | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: eventually selling all of Navigation Mixte 's insurance operations to Allianz "SRL for [present]: A variation is when one or both feet [present] first , called a "" footling breech "" .",ARG-2: one or both feet | ARG-M-MNR: first | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [hunting]: fox [hunting],ARG-1: fox SRL for [honeymoon]: Their [honeymoon] in Hawaii was ruined by crabs .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: in Hawaii SRL for [systematizing]: They should assist companies in [systematizing] and selling the rights to their management and operating philosophies .,ARG-0: companies | ARG-1: the rights to their management and operating philosophies "SRL for [rusticated]: `` It took Zhao Ziyang ( former premier and party chief ) 10 years to build a team of economists who understood how the Western economies work and now that team is part in exile , part being [rusticated] and part missing . ''",ARG-1: that team SRL for [cut off nose to spite face]: An employer is not likely to [cut off nose to spite face] on the question of a closed shop .,ARG-0: An employer | ARG-1: on the question of a closed shop "SRL for [parse]: So , anti - Zionists often become anti - Semites , rather than do the intellectual efforts to [parse] the two concepts .",ARG-0: anti - Zionists | ARG-1: the two concepts "SRL for [sniggered]: L'Unita and Hoy published identical denunciations of Short 's elevation , l'Osservatore Romano and the Christian Science Monitor ignored it , Times of India [sniggered] at it , and the Manchester Guardian simply reported it -- the Fosterites in England were few but extremely militant .",ARG-0: Times of India | ARG-2: at it "SRL for [knock - off]: A French [knock - off] of `` Dallas , '' called `` Chateauvallon '' and set in a French vineyard , had a good run in France , which ended after the female lead was injured in a real - life auto accident .","ARG-0: French | ARG-1: of `` Dallas , '' | ARG-M-PRD: called `` Chateauvallon '' and set in a French vineyard" SRL for [appalled]: Readers were electrified by the paper 's audacity and [appalled] by the dark side of life it uncovered .,ARG-1: Readers | ARG-0: by the dark side of life it uncovered "SRL for [slip]: He predicts a downward move in dollar - mark trade and a less dramatic [slip] in dollar - yen ,",ARG-M-MNR: less dramatic | ARG-1: in dollar - yen SRL for [spite]: Pray for His soul that he be in the arms of the Angels and do not [spite] him for his shortcomings .,ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for his shortcomings SRL for [talks]: its steel [talks] with the U.S.,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: steel | ARG-2: with the U.S. SRL for [positive]: the petitioner 's urine was [positive] for the presence of cocaine metabolites,ARG-1: the petitioner 's urine | ARG-2: for the presence of cocaine metabolites SRL for [stop]: Which flights [stop] in Minneapolis ?,ARG-1: Which flights | ARG-M-LOC: in Minneapolis "SRL for [edgy]: I do n't know if they though they were being [edgy] , but that 's a pretty stupid thing to print .",ARG-1: they SRL for [elevated]: Velocities are [elevated] to 196 cm / sec in the left distal common or proximal external iliac artery .,ARG-1: Velocities | ARG-2: to 196 cm / sec | ARG-M-LOC: in the left distal common or proximal external iliac artery SRL for [crazy]: security in the front was being [crazy] about people taking pics and videos .,ARG-1: security in the front | ARG-M-CAU: about people taking pics and videos "SRL for [detrimental]: Similarly to how not all claims are created equal , and individual claims require differing levels of evidence , neither are all religions created equal and it is rational to dislike a certain religion over another if one can be shown to be more [detrimental] to another .",ARG-0: one | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-1: to another SRL for [scores]: students in charter schools have lower performance [scores] than students in traditional public schools .,ARG-M-ADJ: lower | ARG-3: performance SRL for [correct]: Lamarck was [correct] about the connection between the environment and evolution .,ARG-1: Lamarck | ARG-M-ADV: about the connection between the environment and evolution "SRL for [bubbling]: Reaching for an old clay pot , relic of pioneer days , he tore the envelope in pieces , dropping them into it , touching the little pyre to flame , watching it curl , the red sealing wax melting and [bubbling] in the feathery ash .",ARG-1: the red sealing wax | ARG-M-LOC: in the feathery ash "SRL for [cutting up]: An undistinguished college student who dabbled in zoology until he concluded that he could n't stand [cutting up] frogs , Mr. Corry wanted to work for a big company `` that could do big things . ''",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: frogs "SRL for [spending]: The question is whether his [spending] $ 7.7 million on food , drink , hotels and parties is excessive .","ARG-0: his | ARG-3: $ 7.7 million | ARG-1: on food , drink , hotels and parties" "SRL for [barking]: Weighing only about 40 kilos , Law looks light enough to blow away in a strong wind , so it 's hard to imagine her [barking] out orders on a film set .",ARG-0: her | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-1: orders | ARG-M-LOC: on a film set SRL for [cloyed]: His studies for the early History of Britain had [cloyed] him with legends conveyed from book to book .,ARG-0: His studies for the early History of Britain | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with legends conveyed from book to book SRL for [turned in]: I mean Max would really be steamed if he thought his partner had [turned in] on the armed robbery !,ARG-0: his partner | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: on the armed robbery "SRL for [yelped]: On the Big Board floor and on trading desks , traders [yelped] their approval .",ARG-M-LOC: On the Big Board floor and on trading desks | ARG-0: traders | ARG-1: their approval SRL for [ended]: Japan 's No . 111 4.6 % bond due 1998 [ended] the day on brokers ' screens at 95.11 to yield 5.43 % .,ARG-1: Japan 's No . 111 4.6 % bond due 1998 | ARG-M-TMP: the day | ARG-M-LOC: on brokers ' screens | ARG-4: at 95.11 | ARG-M-ADV: to yield 5.43 % "SRL for [inferior]: They revived the practice of pyramid building , moving their cemeteries to Abusir and Saqqara , but these monuments were [inferior] in their construction to those of earlier dynasties .",ARG-1: these monuments | ARG-3: in their construction | ARG-2: to those of earlier dynasties SRL for [inlaid]: They were [inlaid] with jade .,ARG-1: They | ARG-2: with jade SRL for [miniaturized]: Recent developments in optical science and image processing have [miniaturized] the components required for confocal microscopy .,ARG-0: Recent developments in optical science and image processing | ARG-1: the components required for confocal microscopy "SRL for [searching]: Officials dropped those charges after finding no trace of ricin in Curtis ' home , and no record of his [searching] the Internet about the poison .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the Internet | ARG-2: about the poison SRL for [broke ass]: Not sure my phone is all [broke ass],ARG-1: my phone SRL for [sufficient]: That is those who develop the best and most efficient renewable / readily accessible power source and are completely self [sufficient] on it .,ARG-0: who | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-M-REC: self | ARG-M-MNR: on it SRL for [coronation]: Should Democrats continue with their [coronation] of Hillary Clinton as their nominee for 2016,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Hillary Clinton | ARG-2: as their nominee for 2016 SRL for [Leave alone]: [Leave alone] .,ARG-1: the Marines SRL for [association]: Its [association] with the Hashidate Law Office in Tokyo,ARG-1: Its | ARG-2: with the Hashidate Law Office in Tokyo SRL for [Happy]: Michael Grimm 's Constituents Are n't [Happy] With Him For Killing Medicare .,ARG-1: Michael Grimm 's Constituents | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-0: With Him | ARG-2: For Killing Medicare SRL for [stand]: ... is one of the cabinet ministers who take the clearest [stand] against nuclear power .,ARG-0: the cabinet ministers | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-ADJ: clearest | ARG-2: against nuclear power SRL for [adhesion]: The [adhesion] of the boy 's tongue to the iron bar caused only minor injuries .,ARG-1: of the boy 's tongue | ARG-2: to the iron bar "SRL for [puffed up]: It is interesting that , although the percentage of married students is not appreciably higher at Brooklyn than elsewhere -- about 30 per cent of the women and 25 per cent of the men in the graduating class -- the anxiety of the unmarried has [puffed up] the estimate .",ARG-0: the anxiety of the unmarried | ARG-1: the estimate SRL for [poor]: Print quality is [poor] at the edges of the page .,ARG-2: Print quality | ARG-M-LOC: at the edges of the page "SRL for [clotting]: With his blood [clotting] , the surgeon 's refused to operate .",ARG-1: his blood SRL for [hashing out]: The House and Senate are to begin soon [hashing out] an agreement for sanctions legislation .,ARG-0: The House and Senate | ARG-1: an agreement for sanctions legislation SRL for [cover]: Market - makers are shopping to [cover] book requirements in FTSE 100 shares .,ARG-0: Market - makers | ARG-1: book requirements in FTSE 100 shares "SRL for [fructify]: They were buried in the field , that their blood might [fructify] the crops and fields .",ARG-1: their blood | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-2: the crops and fields SRL for [natural]: They completely overturned their previous data showing global warming to be [natural] .,ARG-1: global warming "SRL for [competition]: Steven Su says that "" we will always have [competition] from the traditional media like China Times and United Daily News , "" because after all , 104 only works through the Internet .",ARG-1: from the traditional media | ARG-M-ADJ: like China Times and United Daily News SRL for [decompression]: microvascular [decompression] of cranial nerves,ARG-M-MNR: microvascular | ARG-1: of cranial nerves SRL for [strike]: The Americans launched their missile [strike] against guerrilla camps in eastern Afghanistan .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: missile | ARG-1: against guerrilla camps in eastern Afghanistan SRL for [conflict]: My wife and I came into [conflict] about what to name the baby .,ARG-2: about what to name the baby "SRL for [squeezed]: These and other problems [squeezed] Federal 's profit margins last year to 8 % , down from more than 13 % annually in the first half of the decade .",ARG-0: These and other problems | ARG-1: Federal 's profit margins last year | ARG-4: to 8 % | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-3: from more than 13 % annually in the first half of the decade "SRL for [emasculate]: As partisans of congressional power understand , a `` power of the purse '' so broadly construed would [emasculate] the presidency and swallow the principle of separation of powers .",ARG-M-ADV: As partisans of congressional power understand | ARG-0: a `` power of the purse '' so broadly construed | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the presidency SRL for [elusive]: Yet it seems to be too [elusive] and hardly feasible .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-EXT: too SRL for [announcement]: his withdrawal [announcement],ARG-0: his | ARG-1: withdrawal SRL for [literate]: TAEKWONDO is something you did n't know I was [literate] in .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: TAEKWONDO SRL for [authenticate]: And no messages can be transmitted on these circuits until senders and receivers [authenticate] in advance by special codes that the messages actually come from their purported sources .,ARG-0: senders and receivers | ARG-M-TMP: in advance | ARG-M-MNR: by special codes | ARG-1: that the messages actually come from their purported sources "SRL for [touch]: stand up , sit down , [touch] your hair , touch your nose ... .",ARG-1: your hair "SRL for [heatwave]: So set your clocks back to November last year , just after a [heatwave] of 110 days in October ...",ARG-1: of 110 days | ARG-M-TMP: in October SRL for [sold out]: The Coalition of the Left and Progress had [sold out] its leftist tenets by collaborating in a right - wing plot aimed at ousting PASOK and thwarting the course of socialism in Greece .,ARG-0: The Coalition of the Left and Progress | ARG-1: its leftist tenets | ARG-M-MNR: by collaborating in a right - wing plot aimed at ousting PASOK and thwarting the course of socialism in Greece SRL for [quotes]: the announcer reads favorable [quotes] about the model from Motor Trend and Road & Track magazines,ARG-3: about the model | ARG-2: from Motor Trend and Road & Track magazines "SRL for [ship]: World sugar futures prices soared on rumors that Brazil , a major grower and exporter , might not [ship] sugar this crop year and next .","ARG-0: Brazil , a major grower and exporter | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: sugar | ARG-M-TMP: this crop year and next" "SRL for [smolder]: But as they hurl fireballs that [smolder] rather than burn , and relive old duels in the sun , it 's clear that most are there to make their fans cheer again or recapture the camaraderie of seasons past or prove to themselves and their colleagues that they still have it -- or something close to it .",ARG-0: fireballs | R-ARG-0: that "SRL for [blunted]: Dr. Toseland , a toxicologist , said he was preparing an article for a British forensic medical journal raising the possibility that the deaths may have occurred after human insulin [blunted] critical warning signs indicating hypoglycemia , or low blood sugar , which can kill diabetics .","ARG-0: human insulin | ARG-1: critical warning signs indicating hypoglycemia , or low blood sugar , which can kill diabetics" "SRL for [interlaced]: Furthermore , the network in Figure 3 is only the basic net through which other networks pertaining to logistics and the like are [interlaced] .",ARG-1: other networks pertaining to logistics and the like | ARG-2: only the basic net | R-ARG-2: through which "SRL for [whizzed away]: At a stroke , by taxing dividends he destroyed private pensions , costing countless trillions , but benefiting the treasury a few billion which he [whizzed away] on social engineering .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a few billion | ARG-2: on social engineering SRL for [needs]: Not everyone is convinced the state must raise new revenue to meet its earthquake [needs],ARG-0: its | ARG-M-CAU: earthquake SRL for [contact]: Litmus paper turns red on [contact] with an acid .,ARG-1: with an acid "SRL for [defined]: Time Warner emphasized in a news release that it should be evaluated based on its cash flow , which the company [defined] as earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation and amortization .","ARG-0: the company | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: its cash flow | ARG-2: as earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation and amortization" "SRL for [siphoning off]: Beyond that , many big oil , chemical and airline companies are [siphoning off] big chunks of the market by insuring themselves through `` captive '' offshore companies for industry - specific coverage .","ARG-M-DIS: Beyond that | ARG-0: many big oil , chemical and airline companies | ARG-1: big chunks of the market | ARG-M-MNR: by insuring themselves through `` captive '' offshore companies for industry - specific coverage" SRL for [true]: i am looking for a woman that is [true] to her man .,ARG-1: a woman | ARG-2: to her man "SRL for [re - released]: Well you know why they [re - released] them for the last time , right ?",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-TMP: for the last time | ARG-M-CAU: why SRL for [thudded]: Waves [thudded] against the seawall .,ARG-0: Waves | ARG-1: against the seawall SRL for [holocaust]: a nuclear [holocaust],ARG-2: nuclear SRL for [quit]: The company 's president [quit] suddenly .,ARG-0: The company 's president | ARG-M-MNR: suddenly SRL for [text]: Make him email or [text] you .,ARG-0: him | ARG-2: you "SRL for [swooning]: I imagine the locals could be kind of [swooning] for quite a while because Sting , who I guess might be singing at the wedding , his wife introduced the couple .","ARG-1: the locals | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-ADV: kind of | ARG-M-TMP: for quite a while | ARG-M-CAU: because Sting , who I guess might be singing at the wedding , his wife introduced the couple" SRL for [differentialed]: Poorly [differentialed],ARG-M-MNR: Poorly SRL for [debited]: But it has to be [debited] from a bank account,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from a bank account SRL for [sopped]: I [sopped] up the offending crud with a napkin .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-1: crud | ARG-2: with a napkin "SRL for [predates]: John C. Burton , an accounting professor at Columbia University 's Graduate School of Business , said `` there 's a lot of emotion involved in the name of an accounting firm with a long history and with roots in England , where accounting [predates] the U.S. . ''",R-ARG-M-LOC: where | ARG-1: accounting | ARG-2: the U.S. | ARG-M-LOC: England "SRL for [shaves]: Some weeks when her supermarket runs a double - coupon promotion , she boasts that she [shaves] $ 22 off her bill .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: $ 22 | ARG-2: off her bill "SRL for [discrimination]: Under this plan , two provisions currently in the House version of the deficit - cutting bill -- repeal of both the catastrophic - illness insurance program and a controversial 1986 tax provision intended to counter [discrimination] in employee - benefit plans -- would be made into a separate bill .",ARG-0: in employee - benefit plans SRL for [stressed]: He also said I [stressed] him with the way I talk to him .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with the way I talk to him SRL for [charges]: Labor gets 25 pence -LRB- 39 cents -RRB- for every 100 -LRB- about $ 155 -RRB- that a user [charges] to the card .,ARG-1: every 100 -LRB- about $ 155 -RRB- | ARG-0: a user | ARG-2: to the card | R-ARG-1: that "SRL for [filling]: They worked out a cement [filling] mining method , so that the average quantity mined per person per shift is 17.6 tons , reaching an internationally advanced level .",ARG-2: cement SRL for [blood on hands]: The leaders of this war have the [blood on hands] .,ARG-1: The leaders of this war | ARG-2: of many thousands of people | C-ARG-1: their "SRL for [assumed]: Primerica , as expected , also acquired certain assets of the agency and [assumed] certain of its liabilities .",ARG-0: Primerica | ARG-M-DIS: as expected | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: certain of its liabilities SRL for [dated]: Both issues are [dated] Oct. 31 .,ARG-1: Both issues | ARG-2: Oct. 31 "SRL for [chanting]: The protesters who greeted Mikhail Gorbachev at East Berlin 's airport earlier this month were n't shouting `` Go U.S.A '' -- they were [chanting] `` Gorby , Help Us . ''","ARG-0: they | ARG-1: Gorby , Help Us" SRL for [wimped out]: My pal Jan and I had [wimped out] of re - arranging our internal organs by going on the Oblivion ride .,ARG-0: My pal Jan and I | ARG-1: of re - arranging our internal organs by going on the Oblivion ride "SRL for [reviled]: Ariel Sharon , a man once [reviled] by the Israeli poitical establishment , is now attracting popular support throughout the country .",ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-1: a man | ARG-0: by the Israeli poitical establishment SRL for [unauthorized]: she states that this specific project is [unauthorized],ARG-1: this specific project "SRL for [enshrine]: It is true , acknowledges Chou , that Chen Shui - bian has changed his basic stance and now says that he "" will not change the country 's name , declare independence , or seek to [enshrine] the state - to - state principle in the constitution . """,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: state - to - state principle | ARG-2: in the constitution SRL for [retreat]: But what about the speculators what role might they play in the present price [retreat] of oil ?,ARG-M-TMP: present | ARG-5: price | ARG-1: of oil "SRL for [bloated]: His face was [bloated] with drugging , redder than normal .",ARG-1: His face | ARG-2: with drugging "SRL for [earthmoving]: In the meantime enjoy the little lighthearted things — we can get back to talking about heavy , [earthmoving] things when I feel up to it .",ARG-1: things "SRL for [surmise]: The problem , I [surmise] -- it 's not discussed in the story -- is that Arlington is concerned about protecting its tax base ...",ARG-0: I SRL for [Collateralized]: [Collateralized] coronary artery,ARG-1: coronary artery SRL for [reprogrammed]: They 're saying it 's a variant that was [reprogrammed] help hackers gain control over the accounts to obtain financial and other personal info .,ARG-2: that | ARG-3: help hackers gain control over the accounts to obtain financial and other personal info SRL for [lagged]: Advancers on the Big Board [lagged] decliners 662 to 829 .,ARG-0: Advancers on the Big Board | ARG-1: decliners | ARG-2: 662 to 829 "SRL for [lichenified]: Dr. Mary treated the [lichenified] , thickened skin on the patient 's feet .",ARG-1: skin | ARG-M-LOC: on the patient 's feet "SRL for [accustomed]: But like other real estate professionals [accustomed] to California 's quake risks , Mr. Leventhal anticipates little long - term change in the city 's commercial real estate market .",ARG-1: other real estate professionals | ARG-2: to California 's quake risks "SRL for [chipping in]: Chen frets about the way the media has focused on him alone , when numerous other individuals are also involved , all [chipping in] what they can .",ARG-0: all | ARG-1: what they can SRL for [finish]: People who are recommending De Gendt at 76 Mo are forgetting his Alpe D'huez [finish] last year,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: Alpe D'huez | ARG-M-TMP: last year "SRL for [uplifting]: It is not very [uplifting] to the mind on a beautiful Sunday evening to meet scores of linked - together men and maidens shrieking and yelling , perhaps not many yards from the little village church whose bell rings out with a clang of despair .","ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-ADV: very | ARG-1: to the mind | ARG-M-TMP: on a beautiful Sunday evening | ARG-0: to meet scores of linked - together men and maidens shrieking and yelling , perhaps not many yards from the little village church whose bell rings out with a clang of despair" SRL for [Banking]: [Banking] with ING is extremely frustrating .,ARG-2: with ING "SRL for [augment]: We will [augment] your salary by $ 10,000 per annum","ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: your salary | ARG-2: by $ 10,000 per annum" "SRL for [reread]: `` Oh yes , the other day I [reread] some of Emerson 's English Traits , andthere was an anecdote about a group of English and Americans visiting Germany , more than a hundred years ago .",ARG-1: some of Emerson 's English Traits | ARG-M-TMP: the other day | ARG-0: I "SRL for [abetting]: Eight admissions representatives at two of Wilfred 's former Massachusetts schools previously pleaded guilty to charges of aiding , [abetting] and counseling students to submit false financial - aid applications .",ARG-0: Eight admissions representatives at two of Wilfred 's former Massachusetts schools | ARG-1: students to submit false financial - aid applications "SRL for [catch]: Inexplicably costumed as a rabbinical student , tottering around on lifts , Mr. Shicoff hardly seemed the fellow to [catch] a fancy cocotte 's eye .",ARG-0: the fellow | ARG-1: a fancy cocotte 's eye SRL for [dipped]: John [dipped] his toe into the scalding hot bathwater .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his toe | ARG-2: into the scalding hot bathwater "SRL for [outlawed]: By 1997 , almost all remaining uses of cancer - causing asbestos will be [outlawed] .",ARG-M-TMP: By 1997 | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: almost all remaining uses of cancer - causing asbestos SRL for [fort up]: The rest of us can [fort up] in the house and hang on until you get back .,ARG-0: The rest of us | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LOC: in the house SRL for [castigating]: Yet much of the political culture seems intent on [castigating] the Bush administration for not `` helping '' Mr. Gorbachev .,ARG-0: much of the political culture | ARG-1: the Bush administration | ARG-2: for not `` helping '' Mr. Gorbachev SRL for [abolition]: It mentions the British celebrated their [abolition] of slave trade last year .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of slave trade SRL for [derelict]: Are there any bridging companies who 'll do a loan for an uninhabitable property -LRB- it 's [derelict] -RRB- ?,ARG-1: it SRL for [court - martialed]: ND suspect was [court - martialed] by Army .,ARG-1: ND suspect | ARG-0: by Army SRL for [point]: What [point] does this have ?,ARG-2: What | ARG-1: this | ARG-M-LVB: have "SRL for [compulsion]: Damon?s desire for Elena was obvious to everyone but Elena for a long time , and he?d do anything in order to keep her safe ( and happy , hence his own thoughtful and beautiful confession of love and then his [compulsion] of her to forget ) .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of her | ARG-2: to forget SRL for [upgraded]: Over the weekend he was [upgraded] to fair condition and he was scheduled to have surgery today to prepare what remains of his arm for a prosthetic .,ARG-M-TMP: Over the weekend | ARG-1: he | ARG-4: to fair condition "SRL for [needled]: You would n't have me throw the poor boy out on the street '' , Eileen said when I [needled] her about it .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: about it | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [dispatched]: The company [dispatched] as many as 200 people in the San Francisco area to do the work , though most of the rerouting was done by computer .",ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: as many as 200 people | ARG-M-PNC: to do the work | ARG-M-ADV: though most of the rerouting was done by computer "SRL for [pre - separating]: China , in recent years , also introduced a production line of [pre - separating] kilns .",ARG-0: kilns SRL for [gets]: My back really [gets] to me when it rains .,ARG-0: My back | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: to me | ARG-M-TMP: when it rains SRL for [return]: a [return] to Soviet - era symbolism in Russia,ARG-4: to Soviet - era symbolism in Russia "SRL for [imprisoned]: In the port of Berbera , for example , hundreds of men of the rival Issak clan were rounded up in May 1988 , [imprisoned] , and then taken out at night in groups of five to 50 men to be executed without any judicial process whatsoever .",ARG-M-LOC: In the port of Berbera | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-1: hundreds of men of the rival Issak clan "SRL for [maundered]: He [maundered] to himself , "" The daughter of one of these politicians ! """,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to himself | ARG-1: The daughter of one of these politicians ! SRL for [puckered up]: He [puckered up] and sniffed a red rose .,ARG-0: He SRL for [passes]: ... the claptrap that [passes] for consensus in various international institutions .,ARG-1: the claptrap | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: for consensus | ARG-M-LOC: in various international institutions SRL for [hula - hooping]: A little girl [hula - hooping] with 2 hula hoops on her hips .,ARG-0: A little girl | ARG-M-MNR: with 2 hula hoops on her hips SRL for [amputated]: A brother and sister had to have parts of their legs and feet [amputated] .,ARG-1: parts of their legs and feet SRL for [whiffed]: The old man [whiffed] a pipe .,ARG-0: The old man | ARG-1: a pipe "SRL for [overflowing]: With newspapers being the largest single component of solid waste in our landfills , and with our country [overflowing] with trash , all sectors of our society and all types of businesses must become more responsible in our use and disposal of precious natural resources .",ARG-1: our country | ARG-2: with trash "SRL for [latinisation]: Etymology First used in English 1539 , the word parasite comes from the Medieval French parasite , from the Latin parasitus , the [latinisation] of the Greek \u03c0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1\u03c3\u03b9\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2 -LRB- parasitos -RRB- , `` one who eats at the table of another '' and that from \u03c0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1 -LRB- para -RRB- , `` beside , by '' + \u03c3\u03b9\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2 -LRB- sitos -RRB- , `` wheat '' .","ARG-2: the Latin parasitus | ARG-1: of the Greek \u03c0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1\u03c3\u03b9\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2 -LRB- parasitos -RRB- , `` one who eats at the table of another '' and that from \u03c0\u03b1\u03c1\u03b1 -LRB- para -RRB- , `` beside , by '' + \u03c3\u03b9\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2 -LRB- sitos -RRB- , `` wheat ''" SRL for [curse]: God 's [curse] on the house of David,ARG-0: God 's | ARG-2: on the house of David "SRL for [equation]: In 1985 , the Medical Tribune reported that a growing number of critics are challenging the FDA bioequivalence - therapeutic - equivalence [equation] .",ARG-0: FDA | ARG-1: bioequivalence - therapeutic - equivalence SRL for [plunge]: What company -- and what stock -- it 's the big winner from the [plunge] in oil prices from $ 148 a barrel in July to less than $ 43 a barrel on Dec. 19 .,ARG-1: in oil prices | ARG-3: from $ 148 a barrel in July | ARG-4: to less than $ 43 a barrel on Dec. 19 SRL for [sanctioned]: Some forms of private property would be [sanctioned] .,ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: Some forms of private property "SRL for [taking]: 2014 , the 30 - year anniversary of his [taking] the job",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the job "SRL for [interrupting]: The slip has come despite high - profile ads created by Wells Rich , including one picturing a young man clad only in pajama bottoms [interrupting] a festive brunch .",ARG-0: a young man clad only in pajama bottoms | ARG-1: a festive brunch SRL for [radiation]: It does not seem likely that enough matter of this kind can enter the sun to account for its [radiation] of heat .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of heat SRL for [intercalibration]: This work provides a relative [intercalibration] of the high - energy proton channels from the Energetic Particle Sensors ( EPS ) .,ARG-M-MNR: relative | ARG-1: of the high - energy proton channels from the Energetic Particle Sensors ( EPS ) SRL for [incapable]: He is [incapable] of changing a lightbulb .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: of changing a lightbulb SRL for [pouched]: A part of my bladder has [pouched] into my left inguinal hernia,ARG-1: A part of my bladder | ARG-M-GOL: into my left inguinal hernia "SRL for [relocate]: Kerr - McGee Corp. said it will spend $ 42 million to purchase land and [relocate] its ammonium perchlorate storage facility to Clark County , Nev. , from Henderson , Nev .","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its ammonium perchlorate storage facility | ARG-2: to Clark County , Nev. | ARG-3: from Henderson , Nev" "SRL for [marshal]: They took nearly a month to investigate , [marshal] statistics , and put their arguments down in black and white .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: statistics SRL for [irregular]: Gallstones are [irregular] with this type of cancer .,ARG-1: Gallstones | ARG-2: with this type of cancer "SRL for [erupted]: The Senate 's public gallery was packed with Judge Hastings ' supporters , who [erupted] into applause after he finished his argument .",ARG-1: Judge Hastings ' supporters | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-2: into applause | ARG-M-TMP: after he finished his argument SRL for [rifted]: I felt I was stopping a terrible wound and I wondered if Thomas had indeed [rifted] a chasm in that spot .,ARG-0: Thomas | ARG-M-ADV: indeed | ARG-2: a chasm | ARG-M-LOC: in that spot SRL for [making]: Some other stories [making] headlines right now .,ARG-0: Some other stories | ARG-1: headlines | ARG-M-TMP: right now "SRL for [recanted]: Since the last time he traveled this way several months ago , he has [recanted] a series of bold forecasts of a recession .",ARG-M-TMP: Since the last time he traveled this way several months ago | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a series of bold forecasts of a recession "SRL for [separate]: The Washington , D.C. , think tank recommends that the courts adopt different `` tracks '' for different types of civil cases in order to [separate] the handling of highly complex suits from simpler ones .",ARG-0: the courts | ARG-1: the handling of highly complex suits | ARG-2: from simpler ones "SRL for [run - up]: For all of this year 's explosive [run - up] in stock prices , Renaissance Investment Management Inc. 's computer sat on the sidelines .",ARG-M-TMP: this year 's | ARG-M-MNR: explosive | ARG-1: in stock prices "SRL for [confusing]: The application of the "" stand your ground "" law is [confusing] to me .","ARG-0: The application of the "" stand your ground "" law | ARG-1: to me" SRL for [sandpapered]: He [sandpapered] the knob of the baseball bat .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the knob of the baseball bat SRL for [home - made]: How the can America complain about Palestinian [home - made] rockets when they 're using drones without a care in teh world ?,ARG-0: Palestinian | ARG-1: rockets "SRL for [mend]: Today , George W. Bush signaled his intention to [mend] fences with black Americans .",ARG-0: George W. Bush | ARG-1: fences with black Americans "SRL for [bad]: I played a lot of Street Fighter as a young man and Zangief tormented me so much that I do n't care what anybody says , he was [bad] to me .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-GOL: to me SRL for [handover]: Hong Kong 's [handover] to China,ARG-1: Hong Kong 's | ARG-2: to China SRL for [bath]: I more often buy aromatic oils and use them at home - *PRO* take a fragrant [bath] or heat the oil to diffuse the fragrance .,ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-ADV: fragrant SRL for [flakes]: He [flakes] on plans ( more than a few times ) .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: on plans | ARG-M-TMP: more than a few times "SRL for [smooth]: However , shedding steel would run directly counter to Mr. Roderick 's original rationale for diversifying into oil and gas : Having two major products would lessen the company 's vulnerability to one market 's down cycle and help [smooth] the flow of cash and earnings .",ARG-0: Having two major products | ARG-1: the flow of cash and earnings "SRL for [romantic]: The idea was very [romantic] to me , being that Pink Floyd had such an impact on my childhood , even though I am not overly familiar with the music of Vera Lynn herself .",ARG-1: The idea | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-0: to me | ARG-M-CAU: being that Pink Floyd had such an impact on my childhood | ARG-M-ADV: even though I am not overly familiar with the music of Vera Lynn herself SRL for [marketing]: The [marketing] of Tang Maikang,ARG-1: of Tang Maikang "SRL for [smoke]: Indeed , RJR Nabisco is currently under fire for having sent 80 - second videotapes touting its Now brand to consumers who [smoke] American Brands ' Carltons .",ARG-0: consumers | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: American Brands ' Carltons SRL for [tumbled]: MCI Communications [tumbled] 2 5/8 to 42 3/8 on 4.7 million shares even though the telecommunications giant reported a 63 % increase in third - quarter profit .,ARG-1: MCI Communications | ARG-2: 2 5/8 | ARG-4: to 42 3/8 | ARG-M-LOC: on 4.7 million shares | ARG-M-ADV: even though the telecommunications giant reported a 63 % increase in third - quarter profit "SRL for [muddied]: His `` Mr. Clean '' image was [muddied] by an arms - kickback scandal , which will be a major campaign issue .","ARG-1: His `` Mr. Clean '' image | ARG-0: by an arms - kickback scandal , which will be a major campaign issue" SRL for [bald]: [bald] eagle,ARG-1: eagle SRL for [cut above]: North Carolina might be a [cut above] the other teams because it has the experience of getting to the championship game last season where they lost on a game - winning three - pointer to Villanova .,ARG-1: North Carolina | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-2: the other teams | ARG-M-CAU: because it has the experience of getting to the championship game last season where they lost on a game - winning three - pointer to Villanova SRL for [freelancing]: Writing query letters can be one of the most time - consuming parts of [freelancing] for magazines,ARG-2: for magazines "SRL for [afford]: These days Nissan can [afford] that strategy , even though profits are n't exactly robust .",ARG-M-TMP: These days | ARG-0: Nissan | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: that strategy | ARG-M-ADV: even though profits are n't exactly robust SRL for [restitution]: ... as part of their joint [restitution] of nearly $ 5.4 million to private businesses .,ARG-0: their | ARG-M-MNR: joint | ARG-1: of nearly $ 5.4 million | ARG-2: to private businesses SRL for [come]: You may [come] by the agency to read but not copy the books .,ARG-1: You | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-4: by the agency | ARG-M-PRP: to read but not copy the books SRL for [messaging]: secure [messaging],ARG-M-MNR: secure "SRL for [attacks]: Tom , making it abundantly clear that the Clinton / Gore scandals of the past eight years will be a major theme in the closing days of this campaign , Bush [attacks] the Vice President for being a failed leader and promises if he 's elected Americans will once again be able to respect their government .",ARG-M-DIS: Tom | ARG-M-ADV: making it abundantly clear that the Clinton / Gore scandals of the past eight years will be a major theme in the closing days of this campaign | ARG-0: Bush | ARG-1: the Vice President | ARG-2: for being a failed leader SRL for [played to]: Mr. Ortega 's remarks also [played to] the suspicions of some US officials .,ARG-0: Mr. Ortega 's remarks | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the suspicions of some US officials SRL for [booked]: If it had been a Chelsea player that was [booked] for diving there would be outrage,ARG-1: Chelsea player | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: for diving SRL for [kneed]: I [kneed] him so hard in the head .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: so hard | ARG-M-LOC: in the head SRL for [retrogress]: Humanity will [retrogress] as people 's thoughts and behaviours become increasingly ridiculous .,ARG-1: Humanity | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: as people 's thoughts and behaviours become increasingly ridiculous "SRL for [apprehended]: Immediately after the interview , he was [apprehended] again by the Jordanian authority .",ARG-M-TMP: Immediately after the interview | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-0: by the Jordanian authority "SRL for [house - hunting]: Is n't it ? ! Thanks for the offer ... we 're running errands all day , so I 'm gon na pass . Good luck [house - hunting] ! ! !", SRL for [application]: the decorator 's sponge [application] of paint to the walls,ARG-0: the decorator 's | ARG-3: sponge | ARG-1: of paint | ARG-2: to the walls "SRL for [steered clear]: As a result , Japanese investors [steered clear] of the mortgage securities .",ARG-M-CAU: As a result | ARG-0: Japanese investors | ARG-1: of the mortgage securities "SRL for [finish]: The Champs - Elysees [finish] last year with Cav in the background winning was up there with most amazing cycling things i have seen , along with Lance on the Alpe Duez 2001 -LRB- The look -RRB- , Lance going past Ulrich in the TT , most of Pantani 's climbs holding down on the bottom bars and most of what Cancellara does",ARG-1: Champs - Elysees | ARG-M-TMP: last year | ARG-M-ADJ: with Cav in the background winning SRL for [gesticulated]: Watson [gesticulated] wildly .,ARG-0: Watson | ARG-M-MNR: wildly "SRL for [factor]: While all the numbers in the durable goods report were adjusted for seasonal fluctuations , a Commerce Department analyst said that the adjustment probably did n't [factor] out all of the wide - ranging surge in defense orders .",ARG-0: the adjustment | ARG-M-DIS: probably | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: out | ARG-1: all of the wide - ranging surge in defense orders "SRL for [rendition]: International law prohibits the "" [rendition] "" of prisoners to countries if the possibility of mistreatment can be anticipated .",ARG-1: of prisoners | ARG-2: to countries "SRL for [played]: Abbie Hoffman , in this case , is [played] by Paul Lieber .",ARG-1: Abbie Hoffman | ARG-M-DIS: in this case | ARG-0: by Paul Lieber SRL for [bemoaning]: The trend toward lower rents may seem surprising given that some communities in New York are [bemoaning] the loss of favorite local businesses to high rents .,ARG-0: some communities in New York | ARG-1: the loss of favorite local businesses to high rents "SRL for [denounced]: The opposition Labor Party leader , Neil Kinnock , in a display of the male chauvinism typical of the British lower class , [denounced] Mrs. Thatcher for having an independent mind and refusing to heed the men in her Cabinet .","ARG-0: The opposition Labor Party leader , Neil Kinnock | ARG-M-LOC: in a display of the male chauvinism typical of the British lower class | ARG-1: Mrs. Thatcher | ARG-2: for having an independent mind and refusing to heed the men in her Cabinet" "SRL for [wedged]: Her friend Susan , whose parents kept reminding her she was unwanted , slept on a narrow bed [wedged] into her parents ' bedroom , as though she were a temporary visitor .",ARG-1: a narrow bed | ARG-2: into her parents ' bedroom "SRL for [dynamic]: A person , a political party and a country should always represent the development *PRO* to be [dynamic] and to be competitive .", SRL for [exchange]: a $ 75 million stock - for - debt [exchange],ARG-M-ADJ: $ 75 million | ARG-1: stock - for - debt SRL for [vault]: By his [vault] from 83rd position in the world rankings at the start of the year to the 15th place he occupied at the season 's end ?,ARG-1: his | ARG-3: from 83rd position in the world rankings at the start of the year | ARG-4: to the 15th place he occupied at the season 's end "SRL for [interest]: Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters planned to run the nearly dormant MGM studio , and the two even tried to [interest] Warner Bros. ' President Terry Semel in becoming a partner after he advised them on the deal .",ARG-0: the two | ARG-1: Warner Bros. ' President Terry Semel | ARG-2: in becoming a partner SRL for [valeted]: They only [valeted] nice cars .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: nice cars "SRL for [sporadic]: Also , it does not appear to be a constant flow but irregular and [sporadic] both in timing and quantity .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: both in timing and quantity SRL for [stranded]: I 'm [stranded] at the edge of the world,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-LOC: at the edge of the world SRL for [looted]: John [looted] the fridge of fifteen pieces of chocolate cake .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: the fridge | ARG-1: of fifteen pieces of chocolate cake SRL for [is decocted]: Black tea [is decocted] into all natural coconut water .,ARG-1: Black tea | ARG-2: into all natural coconut water SRL for [development]: new - product [development],ARG-1: - product SRL for [graduates]: Families that do not need the loan can make money simply by putting the loan in the bank and paying it back when the student [graduates] .,ARG-1: the student SRL for [interleaved]: He [interleaved] his changes and additions into a copy of octavo edition .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: his changes and additions | ARG-1: into a copy of octavo edition SRL for [shuffle]: They must [shuffle] their work schedule to accomodate their studies .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: their work schedule | ARG-M-PRP: to accomodate their studies "SRL for [curb]: We did n't pay attention to the headaches we got , they were normal - seeming , and the [curb] of appetite might have been from our periods",ARG-1: of appetite SRL for [specific]: Perhaps your anxiety is [specific] to magicians,ARG-M-ADV: Perhaps | ARG-1: your anxiety | ARG-2: to magicians SRL for [setting up]: The UN resolution also calls for the [setting up] of what it calls the Human Rights Enquiry Commission .,ARG-1: of what it calls the Human Rights Enquiry Commission "SRL for [similar]: Look at Irish citizenship laws , it would probably end up being quite [similar] .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: quite SRL for [open]: Avon says it is [open] for business,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-PRP: for business "SRL for [scrimping]: Without P & G 's backing , Noxell might not have been able to spend the estimated $ 5 million to $ 7 million needed to accomplish that without [scrimping] on its existing brands .",ARG-0: Noxell | ARG-1: on its existing brands SRL for [has whitewashed]: He [has whitewashed] the truth with the typical right wing rhetoric .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the truth | ARG-M-MNR: with the typical right wing rhetoric "SRL for [reworded]: i [reworded] it as "" Chosen actions "" I meant she purposefully performed the actions , not purposefully .","ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as "" Chosen actions """ SRL for [clearing]: The shareholders ' [clearing] the transaction was the only thing remaining before it was finalized .,ARG-0: The shareholders ' | ARG-1: the transaction SRL for [attack]: The president came under sharp [attack] from members of Congress for his foreign policy .,ARG-M-MNR: sharp | ARG-0: from members of Congress "SRL for [lined]: He looked at the [lined] face with vague interest ; ; he felt he was noting it , as if it were something he might think about when he grew stronger .",ARG-1: face "SRL for [budge]: -- Among married couples , the gap between blacks and whites narrowed sharply , as income of black families shot up 6.8 % while income of whites did n't [budge] .",ARG-1: income of whites | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [forced]: Arm troubles [forced] him back to the minors the next year .,ARG-0: Arm troubles | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: back | ARG-M-DIR: to the minors | ARG-M-TMP: the next year SRL for [demented]: The disease eventually [demented] Mr. Brown .,ARG-0: The disease | ARG-M-TMP: eventually | ARG-1: Mr. Brown "SRL for [assessed]: It [assessed] nearly $ 500,000 against a cruise - ship company that carried about 100 deckhands , cooks , bartenders , entertainers and other employees as self - employed independents .","ARG-0: It | ARG-1: nearly $ 500,000 | ARG-2: against a cruise - ship company that carried about 100 deckhands , cooks , bartenders , entertainers and other employees as self - employed independents" "SRL for [repeat]: Those seemingly extra middle two measures with their [repeat] of the melody from the preceding two measures creates a rhetorical , free - verse feeling .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the melody from the preceding two measures SRL for [skeptical]: I was [skeptical] about an online program prior to enrolling at TCSPP .,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: about an online program | ARG-M-TMP: prior to enrolling at TCSPP SRL for [squeeze]: `` Fast - food franchisers have managed to [squeeze] in stores into every corner available . '',ARG-0: Fast - food franchisers | ARG-M-DIR: in | ARG-1: stores | ARG-M-GOL: into every corner available SRL for [shove]: And the majority of Members cynically view the current discrediting of HUD as mainly a chance to [shove] through their own slate of projects .,ARG-0: the majority of Members | ARG-2: through | ARG-1: their own slate of projects "SRL for [tipped]: During that time , a buyer with the clout of a Renaissance could end up driving up the price of stocks it was trying to buy if it [tipped] its hand .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its hand SRL for [blast]: the Kenya embassy [blast],ARG-2: Kenya embassy SRL for [identification]: [identification] with Taiwanese - ness,ARG-1: with Taiwanese - ness "SRL for [preach]: Part of the problem is the tendency of all sitcoms , ever since the didactic days of Norman Lear , to [preach] about social issues .",ARG-0: all sitcoms | ARG-1: about social issues SRL for [let know]: They [let know] that they still want their money from him .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: that they still want their money from him SRL for [sign in]: Dori will [sign in],ARG-0: Dori | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: you "SRL for [authorized]: Norfolk Southern Corp. directors [authorized] the railroad company to buy back as many as 45 million of its shares , which would have a current value of more than $ 1.7 billion .","ARG-0: Norfolk Southern Corp. directors | ARG-2: the railroad company | ARG-1: to buy back as many as 45 million of its shares , which would have a current value of more than $ 1.7 billion" SRL for [called]: The bells [called] the faithful to evensong,ARG-0: The bells | ARG-1: the faithful | ARG-M-GOL: to evensong SRL for [cyclone]: They are basically a very deadly [cyclone] of wind and water .,ARG-M-ADJ: very deadly | ARG-1: of wind and water "SRL for [upstart]: The habit of the mob is to [upstart] , upstart , and upstart . No upstart , turmoil . All the people will not have peaceful days",ARG-0: the mob SRL for [euthymic]: Psychiatric : Thought process is [euthymic] .,ARG-1: Thought process SRL for [flood]: a [flood] of new supply,ARG-2: of new supply SRL for [minted]: Stock futures trading has [minted] dozens of millionaires in their 20s and 30s .,ARG-0: Stock futures trading | ARG-1: dozens of millionaires in their 20s and 30s SRL for [catalogued]: He [catalogued] the unsolicited manuscripts into bundles of 50 or 100 .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the unsolicited manuscripts | ARG-2: into bundles of 50 or 100 SRL for [flaked]: It [flaked] into pieces like a broken leaf .,ARG-1: It | ARG-3: into pieces | ARG-M-MNR: like a broken leaf "SRL for [log - rolled]: We have as much nostalgia as anyone for those leafy , breezy days in Washington when honorable men and women dickered over budgets and even [log - rolled] a bit to see that the bridges got build , roads paved , soldiers paid or that the desperately poor were cared for .","ARG-0: honorable men and women | ARG-M-DIS: even | ARG-M-MNR: a bit | ARG-M-PNC: to see that the bridges got build , roads paved , soldiers paid or that the desperately poor were cared for" SRL for [twisted]: Yea . I do really like him but I want us to be friends first . Can u explain this to him ? Like I really want us to get to knowhim . I m not gon na sleep w hi m . He gets too [twisted] about shit,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-EXT: too | ARG-0: about shit "SRL for [pre - tested]: Slick graphics , [pre - tested] for effectiveness , also play a major role in Litigation Sciences ' operation .",ARG-1: Slick graphics | ARG-2: for effectiveness SRL for [standing by]: Gary Tuchman [standing by] in Chicago .,ARG-1: Gary Tuchman | ARG-M-LOC: in Chicago SRL for [blinded]: Clearly you are too [blinded] by your personal selfishness and greed to see and feel the rain falling on your head from your Tea Party overlords .,ARG-M-DIS: Clearly | ARG-1: you | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to see and feel the rain falling on your head from your Tea Party overlords | ARG-0: by your personal selfishness and greed SRL for [distant]: Location is not the ideal as it is [distant] from the subway station and restaurants,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the subway station and restaurants SRL for [concussed]: Had he remained Samsamen would have considered it surrender and either bound him tight or [concussed] him with his fist,ARG-M-ADV: Had he remained | ARG-0: Samsamen | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with his fist SRL for [constipated]: Toddlers are [constipated] by snacks and sweets .,ARG-1: Toddlers | ARG-0: snacks and sweets "SRL for [western]: Jimmy was a Sox fan , though his hat was [western] and said "" Hopalong Cassidy "" on the band .",ARG-1: his hat SRL for [responsibility]: No one has taken [responsibility] for the murder .,ARG-0: No one | ARG-M-LVB: taken | ARG-1: for the murder SRL for [oxygenation]: Improve [oxygenation] of cells by increasing circulation,ARG-1: of cells SRL for [kickstarted]: So we [kickstarted] my birthday with an indulgent spa session @ Spa Espirit ( Dempsey ) .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: my birthday | ARG-2: with an indulgent spa session | ARG-M-LOC: @ Spa Espirit ( Dempsey ) SRL for [tapered]: Dr. Philbin [tapered] Antonio 's medication from 50mg / day to 25mg / day,ARG-0: Dr. Philbin | ARG-1: Antonio 's medication | ARG-3: from 50mg / day | ARG-4: to 25mg / day "SRL for [embarked]: `` In order to restore confidence and ensure the support of our principal lenders , '' Mr. Bond said , `` we [embarked] on fundamantal changes in the structure and direction of the group . ''",ARG-M-PNC: In order to restore confidence and ensure the support of our principal lenders | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: on fundamantal changes in the structure and direction of the group SRL for [wasted]: Mary [wasted] John 's fragile self - esteem with a single dirty look .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John 's fragile self - esteem | ARG-2: with a single dirty look "SRL for [advised]: Comprehensive Care said First Hospital had [advised] it that both bank debt and senior notes would be repaid after the acquisition , although it is n't assured the acquisition will be completed .",ARG-0: First Hospital | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: that both bank debt and senior notes would be repaid after the acquisition "SRL for [re - nationalise]: So , do you think that we should [re - nationalise] the railways and base the network on the French - German model of low fares and high quality ? I certainly do !",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: the railways SRL for [debowel]: My dog loves * to [debowel] his stuffed toys .,ARG-1: his stuffed toys SRL for [delivery]: Dr. Brenda 's [delivery] of Mrs. Jacobs ' twins went smoothly .,ARG-0: Dr. Brenda 's | ARG-1: of Mrs. Jacobs ' twins SRL for [voting]: The statement emphasized that holders representing 75 % of the shares [voting] at a special shareholders ' meeting must agree to lift the takeover restrictions .,ARG-0: the shares | ARG-M-LOC: at a special shareholders ' meeting SRL for [Coprecipitation]: [Coprecipitation] of phosphate with calcium carbonate has been observed in area lakes .,ARG-1: of phosphate | ARG-2: with calcium carbonate "SRL for [packed]: The crowning moment in the career of Joseph F. O'Kicki came as 300 local and state dignitaries [packed] into his elegant , marble - columned courtroom here last year for his swearing in as President Judge of Cambria County .","ARG-0: 300 local and state dignitaries | ARG-1: into his elegant , marble - columned courtroom here | ARG-M-TMP: last year | ARG-M-PNC: for his swearing in as President Judge of Cambria County" SRL for [flashing]: The student 's [flashing] of the laser pointed at the professor 's back was very disruptive to the class .,ARG-0: The student 's | ARG-1: of the laser | ARG-2: at the professor 's back SRL for [little]: Our work is so busy that other expenses should be relatively [little] .,ARG-1: other expenses | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-EXT: relatively "SRL for [chairs]: No individual illustrated this mix of power more yesterday than Sen. Daniel Inouye ( D. , Hawaii ) , who [chairs] the Senate defense subcommittee .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: Sen. Daniel Inouye | ARG-1: the Senate defense subcommittee SRL for [convex]: Thoracolumbar curve [convex] to the left .,ARG-1: Thoracolumbar curve | ARG-M-DIR: to the left SRL for [scolloped]: You should buy [scolloped] meat .,ARG-1: meat "SRL for [experience]: One of the most interesting aspects of the new likely team under the Bush administration is first of all , extensive [experience] in defense and military affairs .",ARG-M-EXT: extensive | ARG-1: in defense and military affairs "SRL for [convenient]: It appears to do exactly the same thing as you would get in a laser clinic , but cheaper and means I will be able to target any missed hairs you might get going to a clinic and it 's obviously private / [convenient] .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-ADV: obviously SRL for [establishment]: his [establishment] of a home for twenty of these waifs in a Naples convent,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of a home | ARG-3: for twenty of these waifs | ARG-M-LOC: in a Naples convent "SRL for [cross]: If Colgate toothpaste offers a tempting money - saving coupon , she 'll [cross] Crest off her shopping list without a second thought .",ARG-M-ADV: If Colgate toothpaste offers a tempting money - saving coupon | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: Crest | ARG-2: off her shopping list | ARG-M-MNR: without a second thought SRL for [convection]: the [convection] of water to the moss surface by capillary action,ARG-1: of water | ARG-3: to the moss surface | ARG-0: by capillary action SRL for [codevelopment]: A unique feature of REG1 is its [codevelopment] with a targeted antidote that is designed to rapidly reverse its pharmacological activity .,ARG-1: its | ARG-3: with a targeted antidote that is designed to rapidly reverse its pharmacological activity "SRL for [processing]: When the spring and autumn tea harvests are on , the people in every household can barely snatch four hours sleep a night , because the whole sequence from picking the tea leaves and [processing] them into their final form , requires more than ten uninterrupted hours , at the least .",ARG-1: them | ARG-2: into their final form "SRL for [bet]: Two years ago , a Canadian reader [bet] Omni Magazine $ 1,000 that it could n't debunk the uncanny goings - on in `` the Oregon Vortex , '' a former Indian burial ground in southern Oregon .","ARG-M-TMP: Two years ago | ARG-0: a Canadian reader | ARG-3: Omni Magazine | ARG-1: $ 1,000 | ARG-2: that it could n't debunk the uncanny goings - on in `` the Oregon Vortex , '' a former Indian burial ground in southern Oregon" "SRL for [harangued]: Then from the branches of a near - by tree an Indian underclassman , disdaining both the platform and the English language , [harangued] the assemblage in his aboriginal tongue .",ARG-0: an Indian underclassman | ARG-1: the assemblage | ARG-M-MNR: in his aboriginal tongue SRL for [cystoprostatectomy]: radical [cystoprostatectomy],ARG-M-ADJ: radical "SRL for [cooing]: There have been [cooing] doves , chattering magpies , thieving jackdaws , aproud peacock , a silly goose , and a harpy eagle -- whom I was silly enough to mate with and who is now busy tearing at my vitals '' .",ARG-0: doves "SRL for [get by]: "" I do n't know how I could [get by] without my mobile phone , "" exclaims Chang .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: without my mobile phone | ARG-M-MNR: how "SRL for [reimaged]: Following surgery , the patient 's wrist was [reimaged]",ARG-M-TMP: Following surgery | ARG-1: the patient 's wrist "SRL for [postered]: They [postered] the neighbourhood with signs that read , "" No Health Study ? No Power Plant ! ! ! ""","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the neighbourhood | ARG-2: with signs that read , "" No Health Study ? No Power Plant ! ! ! """ "SRL for [find out]: Most people have a strong deisre * to [find out] about it , so as a result they have * to pick up what they can *?* *T*-2 .",ARG-1: about it SRL for [bright]: The sun is [bright],ARG-0: The sun "SRL for [scattered]: According to legend , a Daoist master named Liu Hai and a three - legged golden toad [scattered] gold coins across the land .",ARG-M-ADV: According to legend | ARG-0: a Daoist master named Liu Hai and a three - legged golden toad | ARG-1: gold coins | ARG-2: across the land SRL for [kill]: his [kill],ARG-0: his "SRL for [spells]: Compaq 's announcement also [spells] trouble for Zenith , which last year had 28 % of the U.S. laptop market ...","ARG-0: Compaq 's announcement | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: trouble for Zenith , which last year had 28 % of the U.S. laptop market" "SRL for [misunderstanding]: The attraction of Hegel 's system for Left and Right thinkers has contributed to its [misunderstanding] as a philosophical project ,",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: as a philosophical project SRL for [distraction]: Beat starts chaos as he begins his [distraction] of the enemy crew .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the enemy crew "SRL for [pooh - poohed]: But to Welch 's chagrin , the police captain [pooh - poohed] Welch 's credulity in Barco 's confession .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-ADV: to Welch 's chagrin | ARG-0: the police captain | ARG-1: Welch 's credulity in Barco 's confession "SRL for [popularized]: Wells Rich first [popularized] the Benson & Hedges brand more than 20 years ago with ads portraying , among other things , an elevator door closing on a passenger 's cigarette .","ARG-0: Wells Rich | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: the Benson & Hedges brand | ARG-M-TMP: more than 20 years ago | ARG-2: with ads portraying , among other things , an elevator door closing on a passenger 's cigarette" "SRL for [scheduled]: ... the multilevel railcars , [scheduled] for delivery in 1990 ...",ARG-1: the multilevel railcars | ARG-2: for delivery in 1990 SRL for [stunts]: political campaign [stunts],ARG-1: political campaign SRL for [pay]: Theatres [pay] movie producers for showing their films .,ARG-0: Theatres | ARG-2: movie producers | ARG-3: for showing their films SRL for [deafened]: John 's bagpipe lessons [deafened] the entire neighborhood .,ARG-0: John 's bagpipe lessons | ARG-1: the entire neighborhood SRL for [jogs]: John [jogs] 53 miles a day .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: 53 miles | ARG-M-TMP: a day "SRL for [ballot]: Well , after we had retired , why , we read over the questions and one thing and another , and spoke to one another about it , and It seemed like one was one way and one another , so we just took a [ballot] on It , and it was seven to five In favor of Mitchell .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: on It SRL for [mantles]: He [mantles] his radiant face in tissues of gathering cloud .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his radiant face | ARG-2: in tissues of gathering cloud "SRL for [delineate]: Sharp lines [delineate] big , protruding eyes and tightly closed lips .","ARG-0: Sharp lines | ARG-1: big , protruding eyes and tightly closed lips" "SRL for [stacked]: But in recent years , the market has moved toward less expensive `` mini - component '' sets , miniaturized amplifiers and receivers and software players that could be [stacked] on top of each other .",ARG-1: amplifiers and receivers and software players | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-2: on top of each other "SRL for [raking in]: Which , it should be added , does n't prevent the charities from [raking in] a lot of money anyway .",ARG-0: the charities | ARG-1: a lot of money | ARG-M-DIS: anyway "SRL for [paragraphing]: This principle also works for [paragraphing] a delicate , complex matter .","ARG-1: a delicate , complex matter" SRL for [conveyancing]: A company that is professional in the [conveyancing] of the legal things will be a better choice .,ARG-1: of the legal things SRL for [kiss]: His goodnight [kiss],ARG-0: His | ARG-2: goodnight SRL for [recommendations]: The IPCC has published documentation and [recommendations] about global warming at regular intervals and it was not until one of their more recent publications that they completely overturned their previous data showing global warming to be natural in favor of new data that showed global warming to be human caused .,ARG-4: about global warming SRL for [handle]: Shearson Lehman Hutton gave small investors some welcome news by announcing that it would no longer [handle] index - arbitrage - related program trades for its accounts .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-TMP: no longer | ARG-1: index - arbitrage - related program trades | ARG-2: for its accounts "SRL for [pink]: Mouth clear , Mucous membranes are moist and [pink] .",ARG-1: Mucous membranes SRL for [clumped]: He [clumped] back through the control - room door into the corridor .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: back through the control - room door | ARG-M-GOL: into the corridor "SRL for [frittered away]: Over the last few weeks , he has [frittered away] roughly half of what was once a 33 - point lead in the polls over Mr. Giuliani .",ARG-M-TMP: Over the last few weeks | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: roughly half of what was once a 33 - point lead in the polls over Mr. Giuliani "SRL for [yellow]: The Foreign Secretary did all right , though he was [yellow] about taking interventions .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-ADV: about taking interventions SRL for [hung up]: I just get [hung up] on Christians as they 're the dominant form where I come from .,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-2: on Christians | ARG-M-CAU: as they 're the dominant form where I come from SRL for [service]: Community [service],ARG-2: Community SRL for [faulty]: he was [faulty] of fornication,ARG-1: he | ARG-2: of fornication SRL for [meeting]: A [meeting] between Israeli foreign Minister Shlomo Ben - Ami and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat,ARG-0: between Israeli foreign Minister Shlomo Ben - Ami and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat SRL for [desalted]: The two NaOH solutions were [desalted] using a caution exchange resin .,ARG-1: The two NaOH solutions | ARG-M-MNR: using a caution exchange resin "SRL for [listing]: At a nearby corner , they swerve perilously close to a [listing] apartment house , oblivious to any danger .",ARG-1: apartment house "SRL for [recounting]: His one other job during the past 18 months has been [recounting] his nightmare , over and over again , to border guards , embassy workers and aid agencies .","ARG-0: His one other job during the past 18 months | ARG-1: his nightmare | ARG-M-TMP: over and over again | ARG-2: to border guards , embassy workers and aid agencies" SRL for [bust]: The private sector can do pretty much whatever it wants but the state must be able to support itself with or without the boom and [bust] of the private sector .,ARG-0: of the private sector SRL for [get]: I am not trying to [get] honor for myself .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: honor | ARG-4: for myself SRL for [gained]: Bond prices and the dollar both [gained] modestly .,ARG-1: Bond prices and the dollar both | ARG-2: modestly "SRL for [bangs]: He [bangs] on the piece of paper in frustration , then turns and walks away .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: on the piece of paper | ARG-M-MNR: in frustration SRL for [demyelination]: The [demyelination] of Seth 's foot nerves caused lack of balance and coordination .,ARG-1: of Seth 's foot nerves "SRL for [topped out]: On that day , I [topped out] at 128 mph",ARG-M-TMP: On that day | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the speed | ARG-2: at 128 mph SRL for [jibed]: They would never come back now unless a station 's new philosophy [jibed] with their own .,ARG-1: a station 's new philosophy | ARG-2: with their own "SRL for [rescheduled]: Despite Mr. Blaine 's protests , the judge [rescheduled] her case for Nov. 27 .",ARG-M-ADV: Despite Mr. Blaine 's protests | ARG-0: the judge | ARG-1: her case | ARG-3: for Nov. 27 SRL for [were whitewashed]: Assistant District Attorneys and favored law firms [were whitewashed] of crimes .,ARG-1: Assistant District Attorneys and favored law firms | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-2: of crimes "SRL for [lash out]: Rep. Gonzalez seems primed to [lash out] at Mr. Wall when hearings resume Thursday with testimony by two federal regulators from San Francisco , William Black and Mike Patriarca .","ARG-0: Rep. Gonzalez | ARG-1: at Mr. Wall | ARG-M-TMP: when hearings resume Thursday with testimony by two federal regulators from San Francisco , William Black and Mike Patriarca" "SRL for [reaffirmed]: While he [reaffirmed] support for the country 's Feb. 25 elections , Ortega indicated that renewed U.S. military aid to the Contras could thwart the balloting .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: support for the country 's Feb. 25 elections SRL for [work]: He will [work] with his successor to ensure a smooth transition .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-3: with his successor | ARG-1: to ensure a smooth transition SRL for [moved]: ... including about two million customers who have [moved] during that period .,ARG-1: about two million customers | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-M-TMP: during that period SRL for [boned]: John [boned] the fish .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the fish "SRL for [Co - expression]: [Co - expression] of RasV12 and wild - type Aurora - A in WT cells increase the activity of RalA of RasV12 ( Figure 3A , lane 5 , 3.7 fold ) .",ARG-2: RasV12 and wild - type Aurora - A | ARG-3: WT cells "SRL for [coimmunoprecipitation]: Conversely , under identical conditions , the [coimmunoprecipitation] between E3b1 and Sos-1 was not affected ( Fig . 8 A ) .",ARG-1: E3b1 and Sos-1 SRL for [rates]: Friends of Education [rates] South Carolina one of the worst seven states in its study on academic cheating .,ARG-0: Friends of Education | ARG-1: South Carolina | ARG-2: one of the worst seven states | ARG-M-LOC: in its study on academic cheating SRL for [draining]: Fed funds is the rate banks charge each other on overnight loans ; the Fed influences the rate by adding or [draining] reserves from the banking system .,ARG-0: the Fed | ARG-2: reserves | ARG-1: from the banking system SRL for [softened]: He [softened] the talk about a recession .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the talk about a recession SRL for [squeezing]: Airlines also say their frequent - flier programs are [squeezing] profits because awards are being redeemed at a heavier - than - normal rate .,ARG-0: their frequent - flier programs | ARG-1: profits | ARG-M-CAU: because awards are being redeemed at a heavier - than - normal rate "SRL for [Throw in]: [Throw in] its railroad , minerals , pipeline and oil assets , he and others argued , and the Chicago - based conglomerate should be worth 30 a share .","ARG-1: its railroad , minerals , pipeline and oil assets" "SRL for [shrugs]: ` ` The Caterpillar people are n't too happy when they see their equipment used like that , '' [shrugs] Mr. George .","ARG-1: ` ` The Caterpillar people are n't too happy when they see their equipment used like that , '' | ARG-0: Mr. George" "SRL for [compete]: The spinoff also will [compete] with International Business Machines Corp. and Japan 's Big Three -- Hitachi Ltd. , NEC Corp. andFujitsu Ltd.","ARG-0: The spinoff | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: with International Business Machines Corp. and Japan 's Big Three -- Hitachi Ltd. , NEC Corp. andFujitsu Ltd." SRL for [reseated]: Lyou Ye then [reseated] herself behind her desk and frowned .,ARG-0: Lyou Ye | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: herself | ARG-2: behind her desk SRL for [cap]: Beijing hopes to [cap] its population at 1.6 billion by the year 2050 .,ARG-0: Beijing | ARG-1: its population | ARG-2: at 1.6 billion | ARG-M-TMP: by the year 2050 SRL for [bordered]: He [bordered] his photographs with a white line .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: his photographs | ARG-1: with a white line "SRL for [spins]: Mr. Parker [spins] it into a pretty satisfying tale involving Poodle Springs high life , Hollywood low life and various folk who hang their hats in both worlds .","ARG-0: Mr. Parker | ARG-2: it | ARG-1: into a pretty satisfying tale involving Poodle Springs high life , Hollywood low life and various folk who hang their hats in both worlds" SRL for [dissemination]: The study of music publishing in ltaly may bring unexpected rewards together with the investigation of copyists and their [dissemination] of manuscripts .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of manuscripts SRL for [governance]: Board members for the Morris Jeff Community School spent much of their Dec. 11 meeting shoring up ways they hope to strengthen their [governance] over the 275 - student campus .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: over the 275 - student campus SRL for [disobediency]: His [disobediency] to Allah the Almighty has taken him to this level that every body hats him and avoids him .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: to Allah the Almighty "SRL for [circumvent]: IBM has no plans to recall its add - on cards , the spokeswoman said , and could probably [circumvent] the bugs without long product delays .",ARG-0: IBM | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-DIS: probably | ARG-1: the bugs | ARG-M-MNR: without long product delays "SRL for [baseless]: because we are just planning for the baby . Yet , our small family does not have any foundation . This thought may be a little selfish . However , having a child is still a matter that is [baseless] . -RRB-",ARG-1: that "SRL for [leapfrog]: To make it to top status , it would have to [leapfrog] over such formidable forces as Grey Advertising , D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles and Omnicom 's DDB Needham .","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: over such formidable forces as Grey Advertising , D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles and Omnicom 's DDB Needham" SRL for [purled]: Where Cuddleback Brook [purled] into the Neversink was a magnificent swimming hole .,ARG-1: Cuddleback Brook | ARG-M-DIR: into the Neversink | ARG-M-LOC: Where SRL for [wasting]: salt [wasting],ARG-1: salt "SRL for [stiffing]: The deficit , TRUE unemployment numbers , the unemployment numbers they pelt on us , Obaminationcare , Dodd / Frank Bill , Refusal of the Pipeline , Offshore Drilling memorandum , [stiffing] natural gas exploration , Gas prices approaching $ 4 a gallon , failed stimulus plans , further erosion of our manufacturing base , record food stamps claims , increasing poverty rates , record foreclosure rate , record homes underwater rate and the list goes on and on .",ARG-3: natural gas exploration "SRL for [toweled]: When she got home , she quickly shrugged off her raincoat , then [toweled] her sopping hair dry .",ARG-M-TMP: When she got home | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-0: she | ARG-2: her sopping hair | ARG-M-PRD: dry "SRL for [conceived]: Market segmentation in cars is n't new , but it 's far more extensive than when Alfred P. Sloan Jr. [conceived] the idea 50 years ago .",ARG-0: Alfred P. Sloan Jr. | ARG-1: the idea | ARG-M-TMP: 50 years ago SRL for [charged]: The soldiers [charged] the enemy ( line ) .,ARG-0: The soldiers | ARG-M-GOL: the enemy ( line ) SRL for [attention]: Do n't pay any [attention] to what they write about you . Just measure it in inches .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: pay | ARG-1: to what they write about you SRL for [weeded]: Wilson [weeded] the garden .,ARG-0: Wilson | ARG-1: the garden "SRL for [flatten]: The changes come as Reebok , which [ ] grew rapidly in the mid-1980s but has seen its sales [flatten] of late , is seeking to regain momentum in the athletic - shoe business against rivals Nike Inc. and L.A. Gear Inc .",ARG-1: its sales "SRL for [prized]: Finally , flouting the BPCA 's wishes to continue the popular two - mile riverside Esplanade , [prized] for its expansive views of New York Harbor , the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island , Ms. Bartlett threw up yet another wall , this time concrete , this time 10 1\/2 feet tall .","ARG-1: the popular two - mile riverside Esplanade | ARG-2: for its expansive views of New York Harbor , the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island" SRL for [defiled]: Yet their own houses of worship and holidays are being [defiled],ARG-M-DIS: Yet | ARG-1: their own houses of worship and holidays SRL for [normoactive]: Bowel sounds [normoactive] .,ARG-1: Bowel sounds SRL for [returned]: The company had [returned] the plant to routine inspection in August .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: the plant | ARG-2: to routine inspection | ARG-M-TMP: in August "SRL for [wrong]: I suspect you are [wrong] on the voting inclinations of the moderates , and especially the ones you call tea baggers .","ARG-1: you | ARG-2: on the voting inclinations of the moderates , and especially the ones you call tea baggers" SRL for [rife]: The history of technology is [rife] with stories and accounts of revolutionary approaches overturning the status quo .,ARG-1: The history of technology | ARG-2: with stories and accounts of revolutionary approaches overturning the status quo SRL for [weak]: I am [weak] in mathematics .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: in mathematics "SRL for [excerpted]: Researchers Wang Zhongjiang and Zhang Baoming of the Henan Academy of Social Sciences [excerpted] six million Chinese characters of text from New Youth magazine , which they arranged according to philosophical viewpoint , language , and intellectual trends in society .",ARG-0: Researchers Wang Zhongjiang and Zhang Baoming of the Henan Academy of Social Sciences | ARG-1: six million Chinese characters of text from New Youth magazine SRL for [register]: actually I was a bit bad too because % um I had you know you had to keep [register] of the movement of the baby .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-LVB: keep | ARG-1: of the movement of the baby "SRL for [weigh]: Theoretically , jurors are supposed to [weigh] the evidence in a case logically and objectively .",ARG-0: jurors | ARG-1: the evidence in a case | ARG-M-MNR: logically and objectively SRL for [exercise]: The [exercise] of my discretion under Florida law,ARG-1: of my discretion | ARG-M-LOC: under Florida law SRL for [sated]: The information [sated] their curiosity,ARG-0: The information | ARG-1: their curiosity "SRL for [positioning]: It is exactly because of his [positioning] himself as a comedian with no agenda , or with and agenda that is decidedly apolitical , that Jon Stewart was given the credit and trust by most people who claim that they hate politics and distrust all politicians .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: as a comedian with no agenda , or with and agenda that is decidedly apolitical" SRL for [nipped]: They [nipped] to the post office to get the tax .,ARG-1: They | ARG-3: to the post office | ARG-M-PRP: to get the tax "SRL for [leave]: Now that he is about to [leave] middle age for the age of wisdom , this causes him to walk on eagerly , with a spring in his step .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: middle age | ARG-2: for the age of wisdom "SRL for [shrinking]: Mercury also is [shrinking] itself , part of its plan to change its emphasis from buying mortgage loans from mortgage brokers to making loans directly .",ARG-0: Mercury | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: itself | ARG-M-ADV: part of its plan to change its emphasis from buying mortgage loans from mortgage brokers to making loans directly "SRL for [answer]: Another proposed reform is to have program traders [answer] to an `` uptick rule '' a reform instituted after the Great Crash of 1929 that protects against stocks being relentlessly beaten downward by those seeking to profit from lower prices , namely short sellers .","ARG-0: program traders | ARG-1: to an `` uptick rule '' a reform instituted after the Great Crash of 1929 that protects against stocks being relentlessly beaten downward by those seeking to profit from lower prices , namely short sellers" SRL for [paid]: The Latin American nation has [paid] very little on its debt .,ARG-0: The Latin American nation | ARG-1: very little | ARG-2: on its debt SRL for [crewel]: What tools do you use to [crewel] ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MNR: What tools SRL for [turn around]: Should I [turn around] ?,ARG-M-DIS: Should | ARG-0: I SRL for [shortcomings]: McCain tapped his good friend Phil Gramm to help with his economic [shortcomings] .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: economic SRL for [trial]: The judge scheduled to preside over his [trial],ARG-1: his SRL for [extended]: Alpine Group Inc. revised its exchange offer for $ 43.7 million face amount of 13.5 % senior subordinated debt due 1996 and [extended] the offer to Oct. 27 from Oct. 12 .,ARG-0: Alpine Group Inc. | ARG-1: the offer | ARG-4: to Oct. 27 | ARG-3: from Oct. 12 "SRL for [poisoning]: After a large quantity of the radioactive material polonium was detected in the body of former Russian agent Litvinenko , who died of [poisoning] , the British police conducted random dragnet investigations in areas related to Litvinenko , and as a result found polonium in 12 of these locations .", SRL for [lampooned]: Ribald poets had [lampooned] him .,ARG-0: Ribald poets | ARG-1: him SRL for [mainstream]: We got to [mainstream] them and because ...,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: them SRL for [Electoral]: [Electoral] college,ARG-0: college "SRL for [obfuscation]: Di Canio 's beliefs are n't the problem , it 's his [obfuscation] of them",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of them "SRL for [nonindurated]: Conjunctivae are pink and moist , noninjected , [nonindurated] .",ARG-1: Conjunctivae "SRL for [plan]: We also rest peacefully on the fact that she is also His , and His [plan] for her is perfect",ARG-0: His | ARG-3: for her "SRL for [deposit]: Employers must [deposit] withholding taxes exceeding $ 3,000 within three days after payroll -- or pay stiff penalties -- and that 's a big problem for small businesses .","ARG-0: Employers | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: withholding taxes exceeding $ 3,000 | ARG-M-TMP: within three days | ARG-M-TMP: after payroll" "SRL for [prided]: The Song dynasty , which [prided] itself on civil administration , poured large amounts of ...",ARG-0: The Song dynasty | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: on civil administration "SRL for [speculating]: This is just a bunch of reckless [speculating] , outrageousness , and foolishness ; absolutely not what a good - minded national should do , not to mention what a wise man should do .",ARG-M-MNR: reckless SRL for [beaded]: The bailiff 's brow [beaded] sweat from the unaccustomed exertion .,ARG-2: The bailiff 's brow | ARG-1: sweat | ARG-M-CAU: from the unaccustomed exertion "SRL for [exerted]: So we must look elsewhere for an explanation of the unusual power this case has [exerted] over the minds of many , not just in Washington but elsewhere in the country and even the world .","ARG-0: this case | ARG-1: the unusual power | ARG-2: over the minds of many , not just in Washington but elsewhere in the country and even the world" "SRL for [ties]: Allianz said in its statement that it was acting to protect that interest , which [ties] it to Navigation Mixte as a partner .",ARG-0: that interest | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to Navigation Mixte | ARG-4: as a partner "SRL for [devote]: Under the circumstances , Dataproducts said , Mr. Tomash said he was unable to [devote] the time required because of other commitments .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the time required SRL for [whiffing]: A White House spokesman started playing hardball with Bill O'Reilly and wound up [whiffing] big time .,ARG-1: A White House spokesman | ARG-M-EXT: big time SRL for [matters]: `` What really [matters] is the operating income of the divisions .,ARG-1: the operating income of the divisions | R-ARG-1: What | ARG-M-ADV: really SRL for [coaled]: Her lazy crew had not fully [coaled] the ship at Kodiak .,ARG-0: Her lazy crew | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: fully | ARG-1: the ship | ARG-M-LOC: at Kodiak "SRL for [out of hand]: I 'll moderate the conversation , so things do n't get [out of hand] .",ARG-1: things SRL for [macerate]: The skins are subsequently left to [macerate] in the young wine .,ARG-1: The skins | ARG-M-LOC: in the young wine SRL for [steps]: Jack Hannah says that there is a sense of healing and as in the mighty [steps] of elephants there are small steps being made towards recovery /.,ARG-M-ADJ: mighty | ARG-1: of elephants SRL for [rummage]: Do n't ask me why they had to first [rummage] through all the travel bags,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: through all the travel bags | ARG-M-PRP: why "SRL for [magnified]: A spokesman for the Stamford , Conn. based company said operations had a loss of $ 5.5 million for the quarter ; in addition , the loss was [magnified] by nonrecurring charges totaling $ 23.5 million and $ 8.2 million in asset - valuation adjustments that he described as `` unusual . ''",ARG-M-DIS: in addition | ARG-1: the loss | ARG-0: by nonrecurring charges totaling $ 23.5 million and $ 8.2 million in asset - valuation adjustments that he described as `` unusual SRL for [leans]: The remainder of the house [leans] precariously against a sturdy oak tree .,ARG-1: The remainder of the house | ARG-M-MNR: precariously | ARG-2: against a sturdy oak tree SRL for [entreated]: I [entreated] them to pursue their dreams with unrelenting passion .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to pursue their dreams with unrelenting passion SRL for [grounded]: You 'll have to pony up to subscribe but the headline should be a clue you 're thesis is n't [grounded] in reality .,ARG-1: you 're thesis | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: in reality "SRL for [decorate]: They are encouraging modern men to take practical steps to "" [decorate] "" themselves .",ARG-0: modern men | ARG-1: themselves "SRL for [faulty]: Posted on : 2012-01-24 12:04:57 Author : Xinhuaizhen The Spring Festival gala has been held for 30 years . After 30 years ofaccumulation , the Spring Festival gala has already become a brand , a brand of joy . = It brings about anticipation and a pastime topeople every year . However , taking a sweeping view of this year 's Spring Festival gala , it was [faulty] in terms of format or contents .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in terms of format or contents SRL for [rarefaction]: On LFB / PAS only mild myelin [rarefaction] is noted .,ARG-M-ADJ: only | ARG-M-EXT: mild SRL for [undulate]: A man said he saw the upper rim [undulate] .,ARG-1: the upper rim SRL for [oinked]: The pig [oinked] in ecstacy at its morning meal .,ARG-0: The pig SRL for [stuck]: I am [stuck] going to a poorly planned potluck / party .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: going to a poorly planned potluck / party "SRL for [embalmed]: It was a mark of great might if they took the head of an enemy they admired , [embalmed] it in cedar oil and kept it as a prized possession .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: in cedar oil SRL for [taking for granted]: A woman name Jessica is showing Jason attention and love but his girlfriend Monica is [taking for granted] by not honoring him .,ARG-0: his girlfriend Monica | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: by not honoring him "SRL for [shocked]: Jaguar was [shocked] by Mr. Ridley 's decision , because management had believed the government would n't lift the golden share without consulting the company first .",ARG-1: Jaguar | ARG-0: by Mr. Ridley 's decision | ARG-M-CAU: because management had believed the government would n't lift the golden share without consulting the company first "SRL for [plot]: Tom , the terrorist [plot] against Americans throughout the Persian Gulf and Mideast may be much bigger than first feared .",ARG-0: terrorist | ARG-2: against Americans throughout the Persian Gulf and Mideast SRL for [citation]: Scalia was correct in his [citation] of writer 's work .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of writer 's work SRL for [remarkable]: It 's [remarkable] how little discussion there is about this .,ARG-1: how little discussion there is about this SRL for [gill]: John would not [gill] the trout with a knife because he was too squeamish .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the trout | ARG-3: with a knife | ARG-M-CAU: because he was too squeamish "SRL for [sticking up]: Supporters of index arbitrage have n't been publicly [sticking up] for the trading strategy , as some did during the post - crash outcry of 1987 .",ARG-0: Supporters of index arbitrage | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-MNR: publicly | ARG-1: for the trading strategy | ARG-M-ADV: as some did during the post - crash outcry of 1987 SRL for [hitting]: A slowdown is [hitting] the industry,ARG-2: A slowdown | ARG-1: the industry SRL for [execution]: The [execution] of six British commandos in WWII,ARG-1: of six British commandos | ARG-M-TMP: in WWII SRL for [decriminalization]: Can this be attributed solely to their [decriminalization] of marijuana use ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of marijuana use "SRL for [interlinked]: According to general understanding , Tianjin and Russia are [interlinked] with convenient express air , sea , and land ports , and have historically had substantive bartertrade and economic trade co - operation .","ARG-1: Tianjin and Russia | ARG-2: convenient express air , sea , and land ports" "SRL for [boasted]: Ford , which has long [boasted] of its ability to weather a downturn , saw earnings take a beating .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: Ford | ARG-M-TMP: long | ARG-1: of its ability to weather a downturn SRL for [grudged]: few [grudged] him his success .,ARG-0: few | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: his success "SRL for [educating]: If the media decide to work harder at [educating] the public about these complex and technical issues , that hardly can be termed non - objective journalism .",ARG-0: the media | ARG-1: the public | ARG-2: about these complex and technical issues SRL for [constitute]: ... such as the 500 stocks that [constitute] the Standard & Poor 's 500 stock index ...,ARG-0: the 500 stocks | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: the Standard & Poor 's 500 stock index "SRL for [contrast]: In his Rolling Stone interview in 1980 , Mr. Bush volunteered his abortion - rights remarks to [contrast] himself with his rival , Ronald Reagan .","ARG-0: Mr. Bush | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: with his rival , Ronald Reagan" SRL for [compromise]: A man 's wife is his [compromise] with the illusion of his first sweetheart .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: with the illusion of his first sweetheart SRL for [disclosed]: Billings were n't [disclosed] for the small account .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Billings | C-ARG-1: for the small account SRL for [combustion]: increased [combustion] of fossil fuels,ARG-M-PRD: increased | ARG-1: of fossil fuels "SRL for [typical]: The stats are clear : IED victims make up a bigger chunk of our casualties every month . Over the last six months , IEDs have caused 63 % of US combat deaths . Last month -LRB- October 2005 -RRB- was [typical] : out of 96 US troops killed , IEDs were responsible for 57 .",ARG-1: Last month -LRB- October 2005 -RRB- SRL for [sublingual]: [sublingual] allergy serum drops,ARG-1: allergy serum drops "SRL for [dispose]: In this clause of the statement he is assuring the minds of dealers that does not intend to [dispose] of his shares to them through this action of his , and so they should enter and raise up the index of his companies .",ARG-1: of his shares | ARG-M-DIR: to them | ARG-2: through this action of his SRL for [blemish]: a [blemish] on Finland 's international reputation,ARG-0: blemish | ARG-1: on Finland 's international reputation SRL for [softening]: The desire to enlarge the windows sprang not only from the wish to improve the lighting but also from the enjoyment of stained glass and its [softening] of the light in the interior .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the light in the interior "SRL for [dignify]: `` I hate to [dignify] the publication by commenting on the obscene rating , '' Mayor Carolyn Robinson says , adding that cities have no way to rebut the book .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the publication | ARG-2: by commenting on the obscene rating "SRL for [dithering]: ( In other words , after some highly visible [dithering] and public airing of differences , the administration has come down on the side of those who believe that what we are witnessing from Berlin to Siberia is a good thing to be welcomed , rather than a new thing to be feared or viewed with suspicion . )", SRL for [freed up]: And *PRO* [freed up] that plutonium that *T* was um controlled *-2 for that period of time ., SRL for [swashing]: He could n't help but notice the beer [swashing] in the cup .,ARG-1: the beer | ARG-M-LOC: in the cup "SRL for [batted in]: They combined for 25 hits , six home runs and 24 runs [batted in] in the five games against the Cubs .",ARG-1: 24 runs "SRL for [penned]: And `` Summerfolk , '' [penned] in 1904 as a kind of sequel to Chekhov 's `` Cherry Orchard , '' is a lawn party of Russian yuppies engaged in an exhausting ideological fight to the finish between the allrightniks and the reformers .",ARG-1: Summerfolk | ARG-M-TMP: in 1904 | ARG-M-PRD: as a kind of sequel to Chekhov 's `` Cherry Orchard "SRL for [attributable]: He finds "" misuse of the offending term [attributable] to spurious erudition on the part of the writers combined with scientific illiteracy on the part of copy editors . """,ARG-1: misuse of the offending term | ARG-2: to spurious erudition on the part of the writers combined with scientific illiteracy on the part of copy editors SRL for [stippled]: Sunlight [stippled] the trees .,ARG-0: Sunlight | ARG-1: the trees SRL for [legitimate]: If marriage is defined as a man and a woman then banning gay marriage is perfectly [legitimate] .,ARG-M-ADV: If marriage is defined as a man and a woman | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-1: banning gay marriage | ARG-M-ADV: perfectly "SRL for [doubled]: Genentech Inc. said third - quarter profit more than [doubled] to $ 11.4 million , or 13 cents a share , from a depressed 1988 third - quarter performance of $ 5.3 million , or six cents a share .","ARG-1: third - quarter profit | ARG-M-ADV: more than | ARG-4: to $ 11.4 million , or 13 cents a share | ARG-3: from a depressed 1988 third - quarter performance of $ 5.3 million , or six cents a share" "SRL for [de - escalate]: The administration , hoping [*PRO*] to [de - escalate] the violence , is appealing to both sides .",ARG-1: the violence SRL for [climb]: Their [climb] up the north face took nine hours .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: up the north face "SRL for [respected]: Mr. Bernstein , a tall , energetic man who is widely [respected] as a publishing executive , has spent much of his time in recent years on human rights issues .","ARG-1: a tall , energetic man | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-M-MNR: widely | ARG-2: as a publishing executive" "SRL for [commercialization]: Since 2005 , C4C has supported the [commercialization] of more than 100 projects",ARG-1: of more than 100 projects SRL for [crush]: Dissidents in Czechoslovakia said the nation 's pro - democracy movement was growing despite the government 's move to [crush] a protest Saturday in Prague 's Wenceslas Square .,ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: a protest | ARG-M-TMP: Saturday "SRL for [ornamented]: I would not want to be one of those writers who begin each morning by exclaiming , `` O Gogol , O Chekhov , O Thackeray and Dickens , what would you have made of a bomb shelter [ornamented] with four plaster - of - Paris ducks , a birdbath , and three composition gnomes with long beards and red mobcaps '' ? ?","ARG-1: a bomb shelter | ARG-2: with four plaster - of - Paris ducks , a birdbath , and three composition gnomes with long beards and red mobcaps" SRL for [braced]: The wall was [braced] with sixteen 12X12s .,ARG-1: The wall | ARG-0: with sixteen 12X12s "SRL for [stepped down]: He succeeds James A. Taylor , who [stepped down] as chairman , president and chief executive in March for health reasons .","ARG-0: James A. Taylor | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: as chairman , president and chief executive | ARG-M-TMP: in March | ARG-M-CAU: for health reasons" "SRL for [about face]: Kidder made an abrupt [about face] on program trading yesterday , after a special meeting between the firm 's president and chief executive officer .",ARG-0: Kidder | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-MNR: abrupt | ARG-1: on program trading SRL for [scratch out]: The dogs have their day as a roughed - up Cleveland Indians finally [scratch out] a win .,ARG-0: a roughed - up Cleveland Indians | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: a win "SRL for [undone]: The joint venture is being [undone] , with McCall 's magazine being sold last summer to the New York Times Co. 's Magazine Group for about $ 80 million , and Time Warner agreeing to sell back its 50 % interest in Working Woman and Working Mother to Mr. Lang .","ARG-1: The joint venture | ARG-M-ADV: with McCall 's magazine being sold last summer to the New York Times Co. 's Magazine Group for about $ 80 million , and Time Warner agreeing to sell back its 50 % interest in Working Woman and Working Mother to Mr. Lang" SRL for [stop up]: The shipowner did n't [stop up] the leaking hull of the MV Amrogos until the end of January,ARG-0: The shipowner | ARG-1: the leaking hull of the MV Amrogos | ARG-M-TMP: until the end of January SRL for [partying]: Obama 's [partying] with millionaires and corporate leaders raised eyebrows considering the deficit .,ARG-0: Obama 's | ARG-1: with millionaires and corporate leaders SRL for [leak]: The CIA [leak],ARG-0: CIA "SRL for [grouped]: This creates a blind spot in the structure , with like - minded people [grouped] together .",ARG-1: like - minded people | ARG-M-PRD: together SRL for [wipe]: It also has removed a ban on CIA use of a contingency fund for covert acts and has agreed to [wipe] away some tortured and legalistic restrictions on coup planning put in place to ensure that the CIA did n't get back in the assassination game .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-PRD: away | ARG-1: some tortured and legalistic restrictions on coup planning put in place to ensure that the CIA did n't get back in the assassination game "SRL for [sting]: Again , please remember that Clinton 's own attorney general agreed on wiring Monica in a criminal [sting] on the president",ARG-M-ADJ: criminal | ARG-1: on the president "SRL for [aversion]: His [aversion] to IV antibiotics is due to the claim that it "" gets in the way "" .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: to IV antibiotics SRL for [protests]: The Bush administration 's [protests] that the press revelations about the financial monitoring program may tip off terrorists .,ARG-0: Bush administration 's | ARG-1: that the press revelations about the financial monitoring program may tip off terrorists "SRL for [climax]: The drama in Yugoslavia seemed to [climax] last Thursday when hundreds of thousands of protesters forced the ouster of Slobodan Milosevic , but now the events of last week are beginning to look like act 1 .",ARG-1: The drama in Yugoslavia | ARG-M-TMP: last Thursday when hundreds of thousands of protesters forced the ouster of Slobodan Milosevic SRL for [skyrocketed]: The number of pages of tax rules [skyrocketed] from 40500 in 1995 to 70320 in 2009 .,ARG-1: The number of pages of tax rules | ARG-3: from 40500 in 1995 | ARG-4: to 70320 in 2009 SRL for [fears]: Growing public [fears] about the Soviet environment,ARG-M-PRD: Growing | ARG-0: public | ARG-1: about the Soviet environment "SRL for [super - injunction]: The company overreached itself and was forced to withdraw , when it attempted to enforce a so-called "" [super - injunction] "" against the Guardian , gagging it from reporting proceedings in the British parliament . ?",ARG-M-ADJ: so-called | ARG-2: against the Guardian | ARG-M-PRD: gagging it from reporting proceedings in the British parliament "SRL for [tiny]: She was [tiny] in stature , but a very strong and fiercely independent woman .",ARG-1: She | ARG-2: in stature SRL for [flexed]: John [flexed] the rod into a right angle .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the rod | ARG-3: into a right angle SRL for [impressive]: He was [impressive] with his razor - sharp singing and concise acting .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: with his razor - sharp singing and concise acting SRL for [filled]: The order was [filled] at $ 75 when the stock opened at that price on Monday .,ARG-1: The order | ARG-2: at $ 75 | ARG-M-TMP: when the stock opened at that price on Monday "SRL for [tour]: This week , the U.S. auto giant paid for 10 House of Commons members and two House of Lords members to fly to Detroit and [tour] its operations there .",ARG-0: 10 House of Commons members and two House of Lords members | ARG-1: its operations there "SRL for [upholstered]: One of the drawing - room shutters was partly open and he made out the shapes of chairs and sofas , which seemed to be [upholstered] in brown or russet velvet .",R-ARG-1: chairs and sofas | ARG-1: which | ARG-2: in brown or russet velvet SRL for [new]: Having a [new] leader every 4 years does n't make a country unstable,ARG-1: leader SRL for [generous]: He was rather too [generous] with the chili sauce .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: with the chili sauce "SRL for [acted]: `` They always listened , but they never [acted] , '' Mr. Guber says .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: never SRL for [praise]: He sandwiched his [praise] of constitutional meat between large loaves of bilious commentary .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of constitutional meat SRL for [passed]: My partner [passed] a blood clot in his urine today after falling through his ceiling about 2 weeks ago and bruising his boy bits .,ARG-0: My partner | ARG-1: a blood clot | ARG-M-MNR: in his urine | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-M-TMP: after falling through his ceiling about 2 weeks ago and bruising his boy bits "SRL for [cagey]: If it is said that Taiwan people were still [cagey] and secretive about the issue of "" Unification or Independence "" from the past until now , and closed their mouths to not discuss it , and disputes about "" Unification or Independence "" even triggered ethnic group conflicts , then this Taiwan "" General Election "" has more and more ordinary people publicly acknowledging the benefits of the "" 1992 Consensus , ""","ARG-0: Taiwan people | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: about the issue of "" Unification or Independence "" | ARG-M-TMP: from the past until now" "SRL for [proposed]: One of the tales in the Yuan dynasty work 24 Paragons of Filial Piety records that in ancient times a man named Guo Ju , who was too poor to keep his mother properly fed , [proposed] to his wife that they kill their three - year - old son - since he was consuming a share of the old lady 's food .","ARG-M-TMP: in ancient times | ARG-0: a man named Guo Ju , who was too poor to keep his mother properly fed | ARG-3: to his wife | ARG-1: that they kill their three - year - old son - since he was consuming a share of the old lady 's food" SRL for [bored]: John [bored] his dinner guests with stories of his adventures in Peoria .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his dinner guests | ARG-2: with stories of his adventures in Peoria SRL for [knits]: The township chief [knits] his brows tightly .,ARG-0: The township chief | ARG-1: his brows | ARG-M-MNR: tightly "SRL for [staking]: That would be a huge problem if it were to continue , because Unisys is [staking] its business on the assumption that customers want to move away from using operating systems that run on only one manufacturer 's equipment and toward systems -- mainly Unix -- that work on almost anyone 's machines .",ARG-0: Unisys | ARG-1: its business | ARG-2: on the assumption that customers want to move away from using operating systems that run on only one manufacturer 's equipment and toward systems -- mainly Unix -- that work on almost anyone 's machines SRL for [perceives]: The U.S. wants the removal of what it [perceives] as barriers to investment ; Japan denies there are real barriers .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: what | ARG-2: as barriers to investment "SRL for [lit]: The diners at my table simply [lit] more Gauloises and scoffed at the suggestion of interrupting a perfectly good Saturday morning to go golfing or even montgolfing ( ballooning to you ; the brothers Montgolfier , French of course , were the world 's first hot - air balloonists ) .",ARG-0: The diners at my table | ARG-M-MNR: simply | ARG-1: more Gauloises SRL for [racketed]: He [racketed] around amoung them .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: around | ARG-M-LOC: amoung them SRL for [has put]: Wilder [has put] the onus on Cole .,ARG-0: Wilder | ARG-1: the onus | ARG-2: on Cole "SRL for [eek]: Now most of our subspecies assume that just because we happened to [eek] past them in Darwin 's sieve , they were dopes .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-DIR: past them | ARG-M-LOC: in Darwin 's sieve "SRL for [deepfried]: These are roadside restaurants often called dhabas that serve up recipes of [ dal , vegetables and stuffed puries , ] [deepfried] in oil .","ARG-1: dal , vegetables and stuffed puries | ARG-M-MNR: in oil" SRL for [deformable]: Tubular member [deformable] into a bellows for sealing a reciprocating rod,ARG-1: Tubular member | ARG-2: into a bellows for sealing a reciprocating rod SRL for [try]: But the effort is also being made to [try] and cause jurors not to decide things rationally .,ARG-1: cause jurors not to decide things rationally "SRL for [jig]: Participants may dance , [jig] , or jog to the finish line .",ARG-0: Participants | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-LOC: to the finish line "SRL for [situated]: Presidio said the properties are generally [situated] in Wyoming , North Dakota , Texas , Oklahoma and Louisiana .","ARG-M-ADV: generally | ARG-1: the properties | ARG-2: in Wyoming , North Dakota , Texas , Oklahoma and Louisiana" "SRL for [wows]: He 's put a fresh spin on material that could come off terribly cliched ; for example , the way Susie [wows] an audience the first time she sings with the Baker Boys .",ARG-0: Susie | ARG-1: an audience | ARG-M-TMP: the first time she sings with the Baker Boys SRL for [immunization]: Dr. Fowler 's [immunization] of his infant patients against whooping cough was widely praised .,ARG-0: Dr. Fowler 's | ARG-1: of his infant patients | ARG-2: against whooping cough SRL for [entrance]: A U.S citizen 's [entrance] into Canada,ARG-0: A U.S citizen | ARG-1: into Canada SRL for [berthed]: The captain [berthed] the ship in the Navy yard .,ARG-0: The captain | ARG-1: the ship | ARG-2: in the Navy yard "SRL for [depending]: The agreement also provides for potential payments of additional proceeds to National Aluminum over the next two years , [depending] on the plant 's shipping levels .",ARG-1: on the plant 's shipping levels "SRL for [reinformed]: A few weeks later , Billy Dauber , flanked by Butchie Petrocelli , showed up at Pronger 's business and [reinformed] him of The Outfit 's new policy .","ARG-M-TMP: A few weeks later | ARG-0: Billy Dauber , flanked by Butchie Petrocelli | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: of The Outfit 's new policy" "SRL for [impressed]: That [impressed] Robert B. Pamplin , Georgia - Pacific 's chief executive at the time , whom Mr. Hahn had met while fundraising for the institute .","ARG-0: That | ARG-1: Robert B. Pamplin , Georgia - Pacific 's chief executive at the time , whom Mr. Hahn had met while fundraising for the institute" SRL for [shift]: the EGA - VGA [shift],ARG-2: EGA - VGA SRL for [brought down]: The vote could have [brought down] Pakistan 's government .,ARG-0: The vote | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: Pakistan 's government "SRL for [contest]: The purposes of the Sixth Amendment right to counsel are to protect a defendant 's right to a fair trial and to assure that our adversarial system of justice functions properly by providing competent counsel as an advocate for the defendant in his [contest] against the "" prosecutorial forces "" of the state .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against the "" prosecutorial forces "" of the state" SRL for [sink]: He expects the market to [sink] further and to reach a low sometime next month or in December .,ARG-1: the market | ARG-2: further "SRL for [stomach]: He simply ca n't [stomach] the taste of Heinz , she says .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the taste of Heinz SRL for [open]: Not all of history is [open] to interpretation .,ARG-1: Not all of history | ARG-2: to interpretation "SRL for [posted]: Please , keep us [posted] .",ARG-1: us SRL for [instructions]: its [instructions] for filling in the scorecard,ARG-0: its | ARG-3: for filling in the scorecard SRL for [protest]: Women expressed well the sense of themselves that prompted their [protest] of these wage cuts .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of these wage cuts "SRL for [impressed]: Michael Burns , president of Telesystems , says his concern has only benefited from the publicity surrounding the case , noting that three other charities have signed on as clients because they were [impressed] with the amount he raised for National Children 's .",ARG-1: they | ARG-0: with the amount he raised for National Children 's "SRL for [overtaxed]: In today 's computer networks , some machines often sit idle while others are [overtaxed] .",ARG-2: others "SRL for [tore]: But an even greater cause for regret is that "" 50 years of intensive false cypress logging [tore] the heart out of Taiwan 's life - support system .","ARG-0: "" 50 years of intensive false cypress logging | ARG-1: the heart | ARG-2: out of Taiwan 's life - support system" "SRL for [stage]: For Ms. Bogart , who initially studied and directed in Germany ( and cites such European directors as Peter Stein , Giorgio Strehler and Ariane Mnouchkine as influences ) tends to [stage] her productions with a Brechtian rigor -- whether the text demands it or not .","ARG-0: Ms. Bogart , who initially studied and directed in Germany ( and cites such European directors as Peter Stein , Giorgio Strehler and Ariane Mnouchkine as influences ) | ARG-1: her productions | ARG-M-MNR: with a Brechtian rigor | ARG-M-ADV: whether the text demands it or not" "SRL for [tracked]: Indeed , the stock market 's steady advance this year [tracked] with President Bush 's success in advancing his capital - gain proposal .",ARG-M-DIS: Indeed | ARG-1: the stock market 's steady advance this year | ARG-2: with President Bush 's success in advancing his capital - gain proposal SRL for [deaf]: She was [deaf] to reason .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: to reason "SRL for [illuminate]: The danger that Ms. Bogart seems to be courting here is one of obfuscation rather than rejuvenation , a vision so at odds with the playwright 's that the two points of view nullify , rather than [illuminate] , each other .",ARG-0: the two points of view | ARG-1: each other SRL for [pockmarked]: The brief summer hailstorm [pockmarked] John 's brand - new car .,ARG-0: The brief summer hailstorm | ARG-1: John 's brand - new car "SRL for [underground]: Read the books , that 's still pretty [underground] . Especially if you get past the 3rd book",ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-EXT: pretty SRL for [“ disappeared ”]: They took individuals away and [“ disappeared ”] them,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: them "SRL for [prioritized]: Now , among the 512 key enterprises that the State has [prioritized] , over 120 issue and list stocks at home and overseas .",ARG-1: the 512 key enterprises | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-0: the State SRL for [far]: I wo n't be [far] at all ! ! I do expect to be filled in on work happenings,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: at all "SRL for [tense]: You see , they took the test yesterday . They were terribly [tense] a while ago .",ARG-1: They | ARG-M-EXT: terribly | ARG-M-TMP: a while ago SRL for [switch]: an area - code [switch] Nov. 11 -- to 708 from the familiar 312 --,ARG-1: area - code | ARG-M-TMP: Nov. 11 | ARG-2: to 708 | ARG-3: from the familiar 312 SRL for [Occasional]: Comment : [Occasional] / Rare, SRL for [development]: the tumor 's [development] in salivary glands in rats .,ARG-2: the tumor 's | ARG-1: in salivary glands in rats SRL for [grieved]: John [grieved] Mary greatly by refusing to flush .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-M-EXT: greatly | ARG-2: by refusing to flush "SRL for [confides]: A new in - house magazine , Kidder World -- which will focus on the firm 's synergy strategy , says Mr. Carpenter -- [confides] that on weekends Mr. Newquist `` often gets value - added ideas while flying his single - engine Cessna Centurion on the way to Nantucket . ''","ARG-0: A new in - house magazine , Kidder World -- which will focus on the firm 's synergy strategy , says Mr. Carpenter -- | ARG-1: that on weekends Mr. Newquist `` often gets value - added ideas while flying his single - engine Cessna Centurion on the way to Nantucket" "SRL for [crossfire]: Tenants caught in [crossfire] between landlords in arrears , and banks .","ARG-1: between landlords in arrears , and banks" "SRL for [long]: The shark was 12 feet [long] , 8 feet in girth and weighs more than 1300 pounds , according to the fishermen 's estimates .",ARG-1: The shark | ARG-2: 12 feet | ARG-M-ADV: according to the fishermen 's estimates "SRL for [pass on]: We [pass on] from this town of scholarly associations to the industrial centre of Bath , well known for its great shipyards .","ARG-0: We | ARG-2: from this town of scholarly associations | ARG-3: to the industrial centre of Bath , well known for its great shipyards" SRL for [off]: I 'm [off] work at 10 .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: work | ARG-M-TMP: at 10 SRL for [lending]: The extra funds allow banks to increase their [lending] of business credit to small businesses .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of business credit | ARG-2: to small businesses "SRL for [decided]: In fact , even a rule that simply [decided] the game with a coin toss would not be unfair .",ARG-0: that | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-1: the game | ARG-M-MNR: with a coin toss "SRL for [holstered]: A brace of pistols , [holstered] on belts , hung from a peg .",ARG-1: pistols | ARG-M-LOC: on belts "SRL for [shooting off]: The city of Khan Younes had witnessed on the third of last July a similar incident , when the girl , Amani Al Raqab , died by a bullet that hit her by mistake from a revolver her brother was [shooting off] on his wedding day .",ARG-1: a revolver | ARG-0: her brother | ARG-M-TMP: on his wedding day SRL for [intermingled]: ... where the different classes of society [intermingled],ARG-1: the different classes of society SRL for [sick]: Spitting in someone 's face is [sick] and disgusting .,ARG-1: Spitting in someone 's face SRL for [notices]: warning [notices] about the potential threat to exposure,ARG-1: warning | ARG-3: about the potential threat to exposure "SRL for [conclusion]: Thomas began covering the White House with the Kennedy Administration in 1961 , becoming known for her front - row seat at presidential news conference and her [conclusion] of conferences with the tagline "" Thank you , Mr. President . ""","ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of conferences | ARG-2: with the tagline "" Thank you , Mr. President . """ "SRL for [yearned]: He who had tried so hard , who had [yearned] so passionately to be a great officer .",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MNR: so passionately | ARG-1: to be a great officer "SRL for [abide]: Saturday , he amended his remarks to say that he would continue to [abide] by the cease - fire if the U.S. ends its financial support for the Contras .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: by the cease - fire "SRL for [sell]: Instead , it is to seek out corporate financing business and [sell] investment products on behalf of the family 's mainstay banking units : N M Rothschild and Sons Ltd. in London , Rothschild and Cie . in Paris and Rothschild Bank AG in Zurich .","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: investment products | ARG-4: on behalf of the family 's mainstay banking units : N M Rothschild and Sons Ltd. in London , Rothschild and Cie . in Paris and Rothschild Bank AG in Zurich" SRL for [pasted]: John [pasted] his socks to the door .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his socks | ARG-2: to the door "SRL for [clenched]: It is always a temptation for a religious organization , especially a powerful or dominant one , to impose through the [clenched] fist of the law its creedal viewpoint upon others .",ARG-1: fist "SRL for [loud]: Is that just the obligatory gesture to involve the Lib Dems , given they have always been very [loud] about Trident but very short on actual substance in stating what they would do ?",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-1: about Trident "SRL for [shuffle]: Even though he 's dead , John can still [shuffle] pretty good .",ARG-M-ADV: Even though he 's dead | ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-MNR: pretty good SRL for [experience]: your personal [experience] of having been on the cruise,ARG-0: your | ARG-M-MNR: personal | ARG-1: of having been on the cruise "SRL for [canned]: The American market is what matters -LRB- afterall , they took the american title of the book , not the original title -RRB- , so all plans for a sequel were [canned] .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-1: all plans for a sequel "SRL for [unsealed]: The documents regarding this case , Wolf , were just [unsealed] .",ARG-M-DIS: Wolf | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: The documents regarding this case "SRL for [biased]: The BBC are [biased] against America , and therefore Israel .","ARG-1: The BBC | ARG-2: against America , and therefore Israel" SRL for [predate]: It is hoped that the stock of trout will [predate] sufficiently to minimise the problem .,ARG-0: the stock of trout | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-MNR: sufficiently to minimise the problem "SRL for [refocused]: The trade and CBI reports [refocused] attention on high interest rates and corporate profitability and helped rekindle underlying concerns over prospects for a recession in the U.K. , dealers said .",ARG-0: The trade and CBI reports | ARG-1: attention | ARG-2: on high interest rates and corporate profitability SRL for [experiencing]: Suppliers and subcontractors are [experiencing] heightened pressure to support delivery schedules .,ARG-0: Suppliers and subcontractors | ARG-1: heightened pressure to support delivery schedules SRL for [to plumb]: The parallel consists more of the emotional depths they both seek [to plumb] .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the emotional depths "SRL for [outpaced]: Advancing OTC stocks [outpaced] decliners by 1,120 to 806 .","ARG-0: Advancing OTC stocks | ARG-1: decliners | ARG-2: by 1,120 to 806" SRL for [left over]: And I was [left over] with a glass baking dish with some delicious drippings and grease .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-GOL: I | ARG-1: with a glass baking dish with some delicious drippings and grease "SRL for [dribblings]: And if you usually get your amateur kicks from ' audition ' type scenes but hate the lechy [dribblings] of a sleazy director which often make the girls uncomfortable then Melanie 's friendly , pressure free style is a real breath of fresh air .",ARG-M-MNR: lechy | ARG-0: of a sleazy director | ARG-M-ADJ: which often make the girls uncomfortable SRL for [popping off]: why are the modern junkies [popping off] in their cars and driving ? ? ?,ARG-0: the modern junkies | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-LOC: in their cars | ARG-M-CAU: why SRL for [rowing]: They say boldness favours the brave and this proved true for Oliver of his [rowing] the Atlantic Ocean .,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-DIR: the Atlantic Ocean "SRL for [conflict]: As discussed in the context of controlling federal spending , the line - item veto is characterized as a way for the president to excise perfectly constitutional provisions in a spending bill that are objectionable merely because they [conflict] with his policy objectives .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: with his policy objectives SRL for [match]: I can not help but recall the age old expression that Youth and Enthusiasim is no [match] against Wisdom and Treachery .,ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: against Wisdom and Treachery SRL for [pointed out]: Drexel Burnham 's Mr. Reidy [pointed out] that `` profits held up in a tough revenue environment . '',ARG-0: Drexel Burnham 's Mr. Reidy | ARG-1: that `` profits held up in a tough revenue environment . '' SRL for [contracting]: [contracting] of each subproject,ARG-1: of each subproject "SRL for [rained]: It did n't help that on Saturday , after three days of sunshine , it [rained] .",ARG-M-TMP: on Saturday | ARG-M-TMP: after three days of sunshine "SRL for [bunts]: When he [bunts] me the ball , I 'm gon na throw the guy out at first .",ARG-0: he | ARG-3: me | ARG-1: the ball SRL for [set]: Judge Curry 's order [set] a precedent for a second nuclear rate case .,ARG-0: Judge Curry 's order | ARG-1: a precedent for a second nuclear rate case SRL for [trammeled]: They [trammeled] his thought and hampered his rendering of it .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: his thought "SRL for [defrauded]: Shearson was sued by money manager George Soros , who claimed one of his funds was [defrauded] out of $ 60 million during stock - index futures trading just after the 1987 crash .",ARG-1: one of his funds | ARG-3: out of $ 60 million | ARG-M-TMP: during stock - index futures trading | ARG-M-TMP: just after the 1987 crash SRL for [atypical]: Its appearance also [atypical] for simple atherosclerosis .,ARG-1: Its | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-2: for simple atherosclerosis SRL for [defeated]: He [defeated] the contentious Mr. Koch in the Democratic primary partly because he seemed to offer hope he could heal the city 's racial and ethnic wounds .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the contentious Mr. Koch | ARG-M-LOC: in the Democratic primary | ARG-M-CAU: partly because he seemed to offer hope he could heal the city 's racial and ethnic wounds SRL for [run]: able to [run] a tab,ARG-1: a tab "SRL for [detached]: They set up absurd situations , [detached] from reality , and then try to reason from them .",ARG-1: absurd situations | ARG-2: from reality SRL for [Beware]: Merger Fallout : [Beware] Employee Dishonesty,ARG-1: Employee Dishonesty "SRL for [bookmarked]: He [bookmarked] it with a business card stolen from his Algebra teacher , Mister Bullock .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it | ARG-4: with a business card stolen from his Algebra teacher , Mister Bullock" SRL for [go]: $ 455 million will [go] for antitrust enforcement .,ARG-1: $ 455 million | ARG-M-PRP: for antitrust enforcement "SRL for [unpredictable]: Moreover , even if they go to school , "" the future "" is probably [unpredictable] .","ARG-M-DIS: Moreover | ARG-M-ADV: even if they go to school | ARG-1: "" the future "" | ARG-M-ADV: probably" SRL for [gargle]: Pro [gargle] with Listerine,ARG-0: Pro | ARG-2: with Listerine SRL for [address]: That should help IBM [address] the damage that a resurgent Storage Technology Corp. has inflicted in that market .,ARG-0: IBM | ARG-1: the damage that a resurgent Storage Technology Corp. has inflicted in that market SRL for [war]: Companies will continue to [war] over standards .,ARG-0: Companies | ARG-2: over standards "SRL for [clanked]: As Eddie moved , his hook [clanked] against the rock .",ARG-M-TMP: As Eddie moved | ARG-1: his hook | ARG-M-GOL: against the rock "SRL for [co - written]: The 1996 golf movie '' Happy Gilmore '' starring and [co - written] by Adam Sandler , placed the temperamental ice hockey player in a professional sport that some people consider refined .",ARG-1: The 1996 golf movie '' Happy Gilmore '' | ARG-0: by Adam Sandler SRL for [killing]: the [killing] of officers by their men,ARG-1: of officers | ARG-0: by their men "SRL for [botched]: A new specialty court was sought by patent experts , who believed that the generalists had [botched] too many important , multimillion - dollar cases .","ARG-0: the generalists | ARG-1: too many important , multimillion - dollar cases" SRL for [cough]: The patient 's [cough] was improving after a change of medication .,ARG-0: The patient 's SRL for [misrouted]: It is not uncommon for property to be temporarily mislaid or [misrouted] .,ARG-1: property "SRL for [painted]: They [painted] the apartment orange , pink and white , according to her instructions .","ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the apartment | ARG-2: orange , pink and white | ARG-M-ADV: according to her instructions" SRL for [recoils]: He never [recoils] from challenges .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: from challenges "SRL for [coproduced]: John Simon , who produced Child ls Father to the Man , [coproduced] it with me and wrote some great arrangements .","ARG-0: John Simon , who produced Child ls Father to the Man | ARG-1: it | ARG-4: with me" SRL for ['s it]: All that ['s it] .,ARG-1: that "SRL for [misguided]: Given these factors , state policymakers may be [misguided] in their assertion that districts financial woes are due to diseconomies of scale",ARG-M-ADV: Given these factors | ARG-1: state policymakers | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-2: in their assertion that districts financial woes are due to diseconomies of scale "SRL for [whirled]: He [whirled] around , suddenly hot all over , finding the man who had been standing before him a few moments back , nailing him to thespot on which he now stood , open - mouthed .",ARG-1: He | ARG-2: around SRL for [earmarked]: Venezuela has also [earmarked] $ 200 million in new money for light - crude exploration .,ARG-0: Venezuela | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: $ 200 million in new money | ARG-2: for light - crude exploration "SRL for [crazed]: [*]-1 [crazed] [*-1] by the weight dragging , the dust , and the heat , thehorse leaped our wall , [*-2] dashing out the rider 's brains against it , a\ndleaving him lying there among us -- while the horse crashed away through thebrush .","ARG-0: by the weight dragging , the dust , and the heat" SRL for [entry]: his [entry] of plea,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of plea "SRL for [shuttling]: At an age when most kids in the West are still playing every day , our children have already started [shuttling] about among supplementary schools for classes in English , computers , abacus and art .","ARG-0: our children | ARG-M-ADV: about | ARG-2: among supplementary schools for classes in English , computers , abacus and art" SRL for [extension]: The Office of the ANC Chief Whip supports President Zuma in his [extension] of the term of office of the Chief Justice of South Africa .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the term of office of the Chief Justice of South Africa "SRL for [pivot]: `` Wheat prices will increasingly [pivot] off of Soviet demand '' in coming weeks , predicted Richard Feltes , vice president , research , for Refco Inc. in Chicago .",ARG-1: Wheat prices | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-EXT: increasingly | ARG-2: off of Soviet demand | ARG-M-TMP: in coming weeks SRL for [ill]: Europe was ' [ill] - prepared ' for refugee deluge,ARG-1: prepared SRL for [recommend]: CMS ENERGY Corp. said management would [recommend] to its board today that its common stock dividend be reinstated at a `` modest level '' later this year .,ARG-0: management | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: to its board | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-1: that its common stock dividend be reinstated at a `` modest level '' later this year "SRL for [market]: Last week , Ford encountered a setback in its effort to broaden its U.S. luxury offerings when it was forced to abandon a four - year - old effort to [market] its German - built Scorpio sedan in the U.S. as a luxury import under the Merkur brand name .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its German - built Scorpio sedan | ARG-M-LOC: in the U.S. | ARG-3: as a luxury import under the Merkur brand name "SRL for [cheesed off]: Pieth , meanwhile said to Bloomberg he was ? [cheesed off] ? by Schenk 's remarks .",ARG-1: he | ARG-0: by Schenk 's remarks SRL for [upheld]: But state courts [upheld] a challenge by consumer groups to the commission 's rate increase and found the rates illegal .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: state courts | ARG-1: a challenge by consumer groups to the commission 's rate increase SRL for [napalming]: Israel used them every time they attacked Lebanon not to mention their [napalming] of civilians in Gaza during the 2008 -2009 Israeli assault .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of civilians | ARG-M-LOC: in Gaza | ARG-M-TMP: during the 2008 -2009 Israeli assault "SRL for [tailoring]: Judie MacDonald , vice president of retail sales at Barnett Banks Inc. of Jacksonville , Fla. , says the company now targets sub - segments within the market by [tailoring] its popular Seniors Partners Program to various life styles .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: its popular Seniors Partners Program | ARG-2: to various life styles SRL for [intercalated]: the pontifices [intercalated] a day at the beginning of every fourth year ; whereas they should not have intercalated till the end of it,ARG-0: the pontifices | ARG-1: a day | ARG-2: at the beginning of every fourth year | ARG-M-ADV: whereas they should not have intercalated till the end of it "SRL for [resourcefulness]: The positive aspects of Harold 's upbringing — the ease he displays with his peers , his [resourcefulness] in creating games and organizing his own time , his respectful attitude toward adults , his deep connection to family members-- are rendered nearly invisible in the "" real world "" of social institutions .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: in creating games and organizing his own time SRL for [burned out]: The fire finally [burned out] after an hour or two .,ARG-1: The fire | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-M-TMP: after an hour or two "SRL for [discarded]: Instead , they figure the culprit probably took money from Ms. Shere 's wallet and [discarded] all the tips in the five - by - eight - inch looseleaf .",ARG-0: the culprit | ARG-M-DIS: probably | ARG-1: all the tips in the five - by - eight - inch looseleaf SRL for [resolved]: The company also said that it had `` [resolved] to minimize the degree of further loans to Qintex Entertainment in excess of that previously made . '',ARG-0: it | ARG-1: to minimize the degree of further loans to Qintex Entertainment in excess of that previously made SRL for [sacked]: Berlin was [sacked] and thousands of German women raped by the Red Army in 1945 .,ARG-1: Berlin | ARG-0: by the Red Army | ARG-M-TMP: in 1945 "SRL for [action]: a recent [action] by the heirs of singer Bobby Darin against McDonald 's Corp. over its `` Mac Tonight '' TV commercials , arough parody of Mr. Darin 's `` Mack the Knife '' trademark .","ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-0: by the heirs of singer Bobby Darin | ARG-M-GOL: against McDonald 's Corp. | ARG-1: over its `` Mac Tonight '' TV commercials , arough parody of Mr. Darin 's `` Mack the Knife '' trademark" "SRL for [kidnap]: Again , you have to ask the obvious question : Why would intelligent beings [kidnap] seven Soviet mailmen ?",ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-0: intelligent beings | ARG-1: seven Soviet mailmen | ARG-M-PNC: Why SRL for [apposed]: Vocal chords [apposed] normally .,ARG-1: Vocal chords | ARG-M-ADV: normally SRL for [need]: I [need] to have dinner served,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to have dinner served SRL for [hold on]: Spooked investors should [hold on] tight to their Jaguar shares .,ARG-0: Spooked investors | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-MNR: tight | ARG-1: to their Jaguar shares SRL for [rough]: The issue with your sister is [rough] .,ARG-1: The issue with your sister "SRL for [hail storm]: Generally , a 1 - inch [hail storm] is large enough to damage aluminum siding as well as other residential exterior aluminum components",ARG-2: 1 - inch SRL for [stopped off]: I [stopped off] at my favorite place for a cold beer and grub .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: at my favorite place | ARG-M-PRP: for a cold beer and grub SRL for [pulped]: He [pulped] the orange .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the orange SRL for [turn]: Why should they have to co - exist with opportunists rushing in to [turn] a quick profit ?,ARG-0: opportunists | ARG-1: a quick profit ? SRL for [delay]: financing problems caused a nine - month [delay] in getting the product to market,ARG-2: nine - month | ARG-1: in getting the product to market SRL for [aggression]: The cancer 's [aggression] is partly a result of its location .,ARG-0: cancer 's SRL for [remission]: [remission] of breast cancer,ARG-1: of breast cancer SRL for [voyaged]: You 've [voyaged] to far - away lands .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: to far - away lands SRL for [recollection]: my [recollection],ARG-0: my SRL for [bald]: I rescued a tang much like you did about a month or two ago and he was completely [bald] of scales save for those two white stripes .,ARG-1: he | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-2: of scales | ARG-M-ADV: save for those two white stripes SRL for [ablation]: Heat [ablation] of the glacier,ARG-0: Heat | ARG-2: of the glacier SRL for [speculate]: A spokesman declined to [speculate] about possible reductions in force .,ARG-0: A spokesman | ARG-2: about possible reductions in force SRL for [sensitive]: He is [sensitive] to her needs .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: to her needs "SRL for [repayments]: The agreement calls for South African debtors to make [repayments] in eight installments , starting in December of next year .",ARG-0: South African debtors | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-MNR: in eight installments | ARG-M-TMP: starting in December of next year "SRL for [selling]: The most volatile form of program trading is index arbitrage -- the rapid - fire , computer - guided buying and [selling] of stocks",ARG-M-MNR: rapid - fire | ARG-M-MNR: computer - guided | ARG-1: of stocks "SRL for [spirit]: Time passes , and the circumstances surrounding Lei Feng are different than those of today 's students . So , this new age should inject a new significante to the Lei Feng [spirit] .",ARG-1: Lei Feng SRL for [greetings]: His Spring Festival [greetings] to those overseas Chinese and the Taiwan compatriots,ARG-0: His | ARG-3: Spring Festival | ARG-1: to those overseas Chinese and the Taiwan compatriots SRL for [hungering]: Hundreds of single men were [hungering] for feminine society .,ARG-0: Hundreds of single men | ARG-1: for feminine society "SRL for [violaceous]: The color was [violaceous] , and there was , apparently , a slight atrophy with the healing of the lesions .",ARG-1: The color SRL for [circuit]: the nightclub [circuit],ARG-1: nightclub SRL for [cellular]: The lesion was highly [cellular],ARG-1: The lesion | ARG-M-EXT: highly SRL for [hyperphosphorylated]: The pre - mRNA has to reach a length of 25 nt before the C - terminal end of RNAP II can be [hyperphosphorylated] to form the elongation complex .,ARG-1: C - terminal end of RNAP II | ARG-3: elongation complex "SRL for [suspended]: and to keep the baby from playing with the colorful cups , Abather [suspended] her from an elastic swing above our heads .",ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-M-PRP: to keep the baby from playing with the colorful cups | ARG-0: Abather | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: from an elastic swing above our heads SRL for [confirmed]: Today investigators say the pilot had [confirmed] with pilots the control tower moments before taking off he had turned onto the correct runway but pilots behind him say he turned onto the wrong runway .,ARG-0: the pilot | ARG-2: with pilots the control tower | ARG-M-TMP: moments before taking off | ARG-1: he had turned onto the correct runway "SRL for [revolutionize]: But researchers say the drug , called FK-506 , could [revolutionize] the transplantation field by reducing harmful side effects and by lowering rejection rates .","ARG-0: the drug , called FK-506 | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the transplantation field | ARG-M-MNR: by reducing harmful side effects and by lowering rejection rates" SRL for [make]: Asian nations ' memories [make] them fearful of Japanese economic hegemony .,ARG-0: Asian nations ' memories | ARG-1: them fearful of Japanese economic hegemony SRL for [confabulate]: People [confabulate] attribution of propositional attitudes .,ARG-0: People | ARG-1: attribution of propositional attitudes SRL for [restaged]: Patient will then be [restaged],ARG-1: Patient | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: then SRL for [committed]: We are [committed] to freedom .,ARG-1: We | ARG-2: to freedom SRL for [molested]: and she you know [molested] my child .,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-DIS: you know | ARG-1: my child SRL for [point]: John made a very good [point] that pizza is a vegetable,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-ADJ: good | ARG-1: that pizza is a vegetable SRL for [decoupled]: Nixon did away with that a much better way when he [decoupled] the dollar from gold .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the dollar | ARG-2: from gold SRL for [censure]: Thus May Fourth became an effective tool intellectuals to [censure] the government .,ARG-0: intellectuals | ARG-1: the government | ARG-M-MNR: an effective tool SRL for [redoubled]: That purchase [redoubled] Quebecor 's annual printing revenue to $ 750 million .,ARG-0: That purchase | ARG-1: Quebecor 's annual printing revenue | ARG-4: to $ 750 million SRL for [flushing]: Jaclyn 's [flushing] of the debris from the wound allowed them to stitch and dress it properly .,ARG-0: Jaclyn 's | ARG-1: of the debris | ARG-2: from the wound "SRL for [unsettling]: A new report on global warming , the product of a task force of academics , business leaders and politicians , chaired by former Blair administration Transport Minister Stephen Byers and Republican Senator Olympia Snowe , is deeply [unsettling] .","ARG-0: A new report on global warming , the product of a task force of academics , business leaders and politicians , chaired by former Blair administration Transport Minister Stephen Byers and Republican Senator Olympia Snowe | ARG-M-EXT: deeply" "SRL for [glacierized]: yr over the period 2008 , ( C ) a mean velocity of 10 m yr for debris - covered glaciers , and ( d ) the total [glacierized] area in 2007 410 km2 ;",ARG-1: total | ARG-M-TMP: in 2007 410 km2 | C-ARG-1: area "SRL for [escalation]: U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke issued the following statement on Iceland?s decision to resume international trade in fin whale meat , and its [escalation] of commercial whaling outside of the control of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of commercial whaling | ARG-M-LOC: outside of the control of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) SRL for [confirmation]: Last week 's [confirmation] of Mazen,ARG-M-TMP: Last week 's | ARG-1: of Mazen SRL for [squeezing out]: Popular culture has encroached upon the realm of pure art and now seems intent on [squeezing out] altogether .,ARG-0: Popular culture | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-ADV: altogether "SRL for [acquainted]: Having [acquainted] himself with the most learned men of the day , he returned via Uttrecht , Cologne , Luettrich , Mayance and Frankfurth to his fatherland in 1684 .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: with the most learned men of the day SRL for [booked up]: All hotels in the 10 - mile radius from San Jose have been [booked up] .,ARG-1: All hotels in the 10 - mile radius from San Jose SRL for [calk]: You should [calk] it perpendicular to the toe .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: perpendicular to the toe SRL for [disgusted]: Or maybe they are [disgusted] by the literal - minded musical score ; when a character arrives at a major decision her thoughts are revealed by the sound of `` I Can See Clearly Now . '',ARG-M-ADV: maybe | ARG-1: they | ARG-0: by the literal - minded musical score SRL for [debate]: The Diet does n't normally even [debate] bills because the opposition parties are so often opposed to whatever LDP does that it would be a waste of time .,ARG-0: The Diet | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: normally | ARG-1: bills | ARG-M-CAU: because the opposition parties are so often opposed to whatever LDP does that it would be a waste of time SRL for [fainting]: His chronic [fainting] was starting to affect his work in Nascar .,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-TMP: chronic "SRL for [misjudged]: Solomon Chandler had n't [misjudged] the strength of his lungs , not at all .",ARG-0: Solomon Chandler | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the strength of his lungs | ARG-M-ADV: not at all SRL for [sensitive]: This printer is [sensitive] to paper alignment .,ARG-0: This printer | ARG-1: to paper alignment "SRL for [fight]: But the government 's action , which caught Jaguar management flat - footed , may scuttle the GM minority deal by forcing it to [fight] for all of Jaguar .",ARG-0: it | ARG-2: for all of Jaguar SRL for [rough]: The draft is [rough] but it is the seed of the final manuscript that emerges after one or two revisions .,ARG-1: The draft SRL for [intact]: All buildings are [intact] after the earthquake .,ARG-1: All buildings | ARG-M-TMP: after the earthquake "SRL for [plying]: And try [plying] new dollars free in a market that is softening , hurt by a strong dollar and concerned about overcapacity -- the industry 's Darth Vadar .","ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: new dollars | ARG-2: free | ARG-M-LOC: in a market that is softening , hurt by a strong dollar and concerned about overcapacity -- the industry 's Darth Vadar" "SRL for [created]: Arthur Eisenmenger , a former chief graphic designer for the EEC , claims to have [created] it as a generic symbol of Europe .",ARG-0: Arthur Eisenmenger | ARG-1: it | ARG-4: as a generic symbol of Europe SRL for [fire]: machine gun and tracer [fire],ARG-1: machine gun and tracer "SRL for [cycled]: Next came a 104 degree , 95 % humidity 48 - hour damp heat test , and then a "" four corner "" test where the machine [cycled] between 23 and 113 degrees Fahrenheit , both at its highest and lowest operating voltage .",ARG-1: the machine | ARG-3: between 23 | ARG-4: and 113 degrees Fahrenheit | ARG-M-ADV: both at its highest and lowest operating voltage "SRL for [assimilate]: We really do know all we need to know , if only we could [assimilate] this knowledge into our thinking .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: this knowledge | ARG-2: into our thinking SRL for [tabled]: In 2009 he [tabled] an Early Day Motion ( EDM ) to ban the British Humanist Association atheist bus campaign posters from appearing on public transport .,ARG-M-TMP: In 2009 | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: an Early Day Motion ( EDM ) to ban the British Humanist Association atheist bus campaign posters from appearing on public transport SRL for [aid]: Foreign [aid] to that region increased by twenty million dollars this year .,ARG-0: Foreign | ARG-2: to that region SRL for [going to sleep]: My son is 6 and has trouble [going to sleep] .,ARG-0: My son "SRL for [unspecified]: Alergic Rhinitis , cause [unspecified] .",ARG-1: cause "SRL for [inscribed]: The front of the monument in the garden was [inscribed] with the 12 large words "" Martyrs who died in the Southern Anhui Incident will be immortal forever "" , written personally by comrade Xiaoping Deng .","ARG-1: The front of the monument in the garden | ARG-2: with the 12 large words "" Martyrs who died in the Southern Anhui Incident will be immortal forever "" , written personally by comrade Xiaoping Deng" SRL for [diseased]: Bilateral hypogastric arteries were diffusely [diseased] with areas of stenosis .,ARG-1: Bilateral hypogastric arteries | ARG-M-ADV: diffusely | ARG-M-ADV: with areas of stenosis SRL for [applied]: Cray Computer has [applied] to trade on Nasdaq .,ARG-0: Cray Computer | ARG-1: to trade on Nasdaq "SRL for [Dephosphorylation]: [Dephosphorylation] of the 5 ' end prohibits self - ligation , enabling the researcher to manipulate the DNA as desired before re - ligating .",ARG-1: of the 5 ' end "SRL for [acclaim]: On Oct. 3 , following conversations with Secretary of State James Baker , Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze arrived in Managua to [acclaim] `` Nicaragua 's great peace efforts . ''",ARG-0: Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze | ARG-1: Nicaragua 's great peace efforts SRL for [matchmaking]: Let 's go [matchmaking] together .,ARG-0: 's | ARG-M-ADV: together SRL for [participation]: public [participation] in attorney - disciplinary proceedings,ARG-0: public | ARG-1: in attorney - disciplinary proceedings "SRL for [declassifying]: They believe technology is one of their best bets , and some Soviet officials say Moscow will even consider [declassifying] military know - how if the price is right .",ARG-0: Moscow | ARG-1: military know - how "SRL for [engineering]: Yet opponents fear it will lead to the ? social [engineering] ? of university admissions , with privately - educated pupils routinely rejected because of the school they attended and less - qualified state school pupils given places on the basis of their ? potential ? .",ARG-2: social | ARG-1: of university admissions SRL for [called]: Ford [called] a Jaguar stockholders ' meeting .,ARG-0: Ford | ARG-1: a Jaguar stockholders ' meeting "SRL for [extravagant]: Although it appears to be [extravagant] or excessive , normally , it would be more realistic and meaningful to stress on "" Do n't do evil . """,ARG-1: it "SRL for [belted]: "" Whoa , we 're half way there , "" the singer [belted] .","ARG-0: the singer | ARG-1: "" Whoa , we 're half way there , """ "SRL for [subsided]: `` Adverse pressure on gross margins ... has [subsided] , '' Mr. Sculley said .",ARG-1: Adverse pressure on gross margins "SRL for [gather]: Mr. Iken , it turned out , was a private detective using a hidden tape recorder to [gather] information for Sony .",ARG-0: a hidden tape recorder | ARG-1: information | ARG-3: for Sony SRL for [diversify]: GM 's interest in Jaguar reflects a desire to help [diversify] the U.S. company 's products in the growing luxury - car segment of the market .,ARG-0: GM | ARG-1: the U.S. company 's products in the growing luxury - car segment of the market "SRL for [expansion]: Fluor , based in Irvine , Calif. , will direct [expansion] of the mine 's capacity to 52,000 metric tons a day from 32,000 metric tons a day .","ARG-1: of the mine 's capacity | ARG-4: to 52,000 metric tons a day | ARG-3: from 32,000 metric tons a day" "SRL for [adrenalectomized]: To halt the spread of cancer , Dr. Quinn [adrenalectomized] Roberta .",ARG-0: Dr. Quinn | ARG-1: Roberta SRL for [cruel]: She was [cruel] to him,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: to him "SRL for [burdened]: Avery paid $ 750 million , including various legal and financing fees , to acquire Uniroyal Chemical , Middlebury , Conn. , in 1986 -- a move that [burdened] Avery with debt .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a move | ARG-1: Avery | ARG-2: debt "SRL for [rifled]: After the crime , they [rifled] through her purse and discovered her police identification badge .",ARG-M-TMP: After the crime | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: through her purse SRL for [Indeterminant]: HER2 / neu -LRB- c-erbB-2 gene product -RRB- : [Indeterminant] -LRB- FISH studies pending ; addendum report to follow -RRB-, "SRL for [brunched]: Together with a half - dozen influential senators and the Speaker of the House , they [brunched] on fresh Alaskan shrimp and crab .",ARG-M-COM: Together with a half - dozen influential senators and the Speaker of the House | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: on fresh Alaskan shrimp and crab SRL for [wrenched]: She [wrenched] her knee while getting to her seat .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her knee | ARG-M-TMP: while getting to her seat SRL for [perfection]: political [perfection],ARG-1: political SRL for [leaves]: but my lack of experience with girls [leaves] me with no idea what to do .,ARG-0: my lack of experience with girls | ARG-1: me | C-ARG-1: with no idea what to do SRL for [put in]: Many salarymen [put in] unproductive overtime hours .,ARG-0: Many salarymen | ARG-1: unproductive overtime hours SRL for [stalemate]: Andre Johnson might be close to breaking his [stalemate] with the Houston Texans .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: with the Houston Texans SRL for [delaying]: The company said it was [delaying] construction because of current market conditions .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: construction | ARG-M-CAU: because of current market conditions "SRL for [topped]: When I first saw the title in the preview , I was thinking you [topped] the pie with APPLE tree leaves .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the pie | ARG-2: with APPLE tree leaves SRL for [withdrawals]: US Army General George Casey the head of coalition forces in Iraq talking this past week about the possible start of US troop [withdrawals] next year,ARG-1: US troop "SRL for [unlocked]: In 1953 , James Watson and his colleagues [unlocked] the double helix of DNA -LRB- deoxyribonucleic acid -RRB- , the genetic key to heredity .","ARG-M-TMP: In 1953 | ARG-0: James Watson and his colleagues | ARG-1: the double helix of DNA -LRB- deoxyribonucleic acid -RRB- , the genetic key to heredity" "SRL for [audacious]: In this case , "" I am a Secretary of the Committee for Discipline Inspection "" used his own official title as a "" magic weapon "" for committing violence without scruples ; he was really [audacious] and foolish .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-ADV: really "SRL for [spirited]: `` There are enough enlightened and [spirited] individuals who know their responsibilities , '' he says .",ARG-1: individuals SRL for [snapped]: and there she is saying I did n't like the way that this woman [snapped] at me talking about the accuser 's mother et cetera /. /.,R-ARG-M-MNR: that | ARG-0: this woman | ARG-2: at me | ARG-M-MNR: the way SRL for [laughed]: He was [laughed] off the screen .,ARG-1: He | ARG-3: off the screen SRL for [run]: Obama 's 2008 presidential [run],ARG-0: Obama 's | ARG-M-TMP: 2008 | ARG-1: presidential "SRL for [dissociating]: It-2 would go along [*-2]-3 doing nothing but [*-3] [dissociating] the heavy water and then at totally unpredictable times , it would begin producing excess heat for as long as 10 or 11 hours before quieting down .",ARG-1: the heavy water "SRL for [complete]: To be blunt , it has to do with their vital interests behind the scenes . When privatization is [complete] , -LRB -- LRB- do you think that genuine civilian - run enterprises will go under state - owned enterprises ? -RRB -- RRB-",ARG-1: privatization "SRL for [catch]: You [catch] the first flight to Macau in the morning , stop at the Westin for a coffee and to talk business , head to one of the outlying islands in the afternoon for a round of golf , take a stroll downtown , and return to Taiwan that evening . """,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: the first flight to Macau | ARG-M-TMP: in the morning SRL for [blew]: I [blew] 100 dollars on scotch at the bar last night .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: 100 dollars | ARG-2: on scotch | ARG-M-LOC: at the bar | ARG-M-TMP: last night "SRL for [livable]: We drove around , looked at a few houses , did a little sightseeing , and quietly came to the realization that it was a place that was [livable] .",ARG-1: that SRL for [subsaturated]: The conditions at the measurement site were [subsaturated] with respect to liquid water,ARG-1: The conditions at the measurement site | ARG-2: with respect to liquid water SRL for [tinseled]: Mountain goat hair [tinseled] the low bushes all around .,ARG-2: Mountain goat hair | ARG-1: the low bushes all around SRL for [have heaped]: How carelessly you [have heaped] the wood .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the wood | ARG-M-MNR: How carelessly SRL for [gaming]: This month All Slots enhances player 's casino [gaming] with the release of Microgaming Viper lobby design .,ARG-0: player 's | ARG-1: casino SRL for [Intifada]: the Palestine [Intifada] against Isreal,ARG-0: Palestine | ARG-1: against Isreal SRL for [smacked]: So I [smacked] him with my lunch tray ...,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with my lunch tray "SRL for [regulate]: `` Such research may ultimately result in the ability to regenerate damaged tissues or to turn off genes that cause cancer '' or to [regulate] genes that cause Down 's syndrome , the leading cause of mental retardation , according to an NIH summary .","ARG-1: genes that cause Down 's syndrome , the leading cause of mental retardation , according to an NIH summary" "SRL for [bargaining]: I had a wild thought about his [bargaining] with the Pope for the souls of future priests , but I do n't think that is an acceptable solution .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: with the Pope | ARG-1: for the souls of future priests SRL for [discriminatory]: Judge declares that VA wedding law [discriminatory] against Sikhs .,ARG-0: VA wedding law | ARG-1: against Sikhs SRL for [spiked]: John 's blood pressure [spiked] during his date with Mary .,ARG-1: John 's blood pressure SRL for [fudged]: Just look back at the way they [fudged] and lied their way through the rescue operation .,ARG-M-MNR: the way | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their way through the rescue operation "SRL for [disagree]: Mr. Icahn advocates the sale of the company 's steel operations , and Mr. Corry does n't necessarily [disagree] .",ARG-0: Mr. Corry | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: necessarily SRL for [gnashed]: Tom [gnashed] his teeth in impotent rage .,ARG-0: Tom | ARG-1: his teeth | ARG-M-CAU: in impotent rage SRL for [forged]: John [forged] the iron from ingots into an elaborate contraption .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the iron | ARG-2: from ingots | ARG-4: into an elaborate contraption SRL for [diseased]: Bilateral hypogastric arteries were diffusely [diseased] with areas of stenosis .,ARG-1: Bilateral hypogastric arteries | ARG-M-ADV: diffusely | ARG-M-ADV: with areas of stenosis SRL for [signals]: I would be very surprised if his departure [signals] any change in strategy or change in profit expectations . '',ARG-0: his departure | ARG-1: any change in strategy or change in profit expectations SRL for [circumferential]: multilevel [circumferential] disc bulge,ARG-1: disc bulge "SRL for [rumbling]: East Germany yesterday removed Erich Honecker , one of the staunchest holdouts against the reform [rumbling] through the Communist world , in an effort to win back the confidence of its increasingly rebellious citizens .",ARG-0: the reform | ARG-M-DIR: through the Communist world SRL for [inked]: The octopus [inked] the boy repeatedly .,ARG-0: The octopus | ARG-2: the boy | ARG-M-MNR: repeatedly "SRL for [preceded]: The only ones who [preceded] him in this honor were men like Umar al - Mukhtar and Yusuf al - Azma , by whose struggle the nation and its history were honored , and kept it for them in the records of pride and dignity .",ARG-1: who | ARG-2: him | ARG-3: in this honor "SRL for [bounded]: John 's property is [bounded] by the freeway , a shopping mall , and the city dump .","ARG-1: John 's property | ARG-0: by the freeway , a shopping mall , and the city dump" SRL for [fetch]: The monkey on board ship was a lad employed to [fetch] supplies -- powder and so forth -- to the guns .,ARG-0: lad | ARG-1: supplies -- powder and so forth | ARG-2: to the guns SRL for [demyelinating]: John 's symptoms were in part caused by his disease progressively [demyelinating] the nerves in his feet .,ARG-0: his disease | ARG-M-MNR: progressively | ARG-1: the nerves in his feet "SRL for [taxed]: Congress still is struggling to dismantle the unpopular Catastrophic Care Act of 1988 , which boosted benefits for the elderly and [taxed] them to pay for the new coverage .",ARG-0: the unpopular Catastrophic Care Act | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-2: them | ARG-M-PRP: to pay for the new coverage "SRL for [laughs]: And do n't expect many complete games by pitchers -- perhaps three out of 288 , [laughs] Mr. Fingers , the former Oakland reliever .","ARG-1: And do n't expect many complete games by pitchers -- perhaps three out of 288 | ARG-0: Mr. Fingers , the former Oakland reliever" SRL for [auscultation]: Lungs : Clear to [auscultation], "SRL for [reciprocation]: Then , the drive means coupled with member 102 can be actuated to cause [reciprocation] of the blade .",ARG-1: of the blade SRL for [regrets]: The federation said Friday that it [regrets] the resignation .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the resignation "SRL for [inbred]: At my instance Mr. Austin inbred him with good results , and I purchased of him three of the [inbred] sows , one of which is now in the herd at Charleston , and another is the founder of my Bride family .",ARG-3: sows "SRL for [rendezvoused]: We finally [rendezvoused] with our balloon , which had come to rest on a dirt road amid a clutch of Epinalers who watched us disassemble our craft -- another half - an - hour of non - flight activity -- that included the precision routine of yanking the balloon to the ground , punching all the air out of it , rolling it up and cramming it and the basket into the trailer .","ARG-0: We | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: with our balloon , which had come to rest on a dirt road amid a clutch of Epinalers who watched us disassemble our craft -- another half - an - hour of non - flight activity -- that included the precision routine of yanking the balloon to the ground , punching all the air out of it , rolling it up and cramming it and the basket into the trailer" SRL for [creep out]: Little girls [creep out] of me .,ARG-0: Little girls | ARG-3: the hell | ARG-1: of me SRL for [movement]: a series of sell lists hit the Street and capped upward price [movement] in the sector,ARG-M-DIR: upward | ARG-1: price | ARG-M-LOC: in the sector "SRL for [pragmatic]: The minister ' was n't a villain , he was [pragmatic] ' , says writer Adrian Hodges .",ARG-1: he "SRL for [tyrannize]: Rumsfeld was sliding his way under the table to mount a better - armed , more bloody war on Iran , to further the regime 's most ambitious dreams of weapons development , and to [tyrannize] all the more savagely potentially rebellious Iraqi Shiites and Kurds .",ARG-0: Rumsfeld | ARG-M-MNR: all the more savagely | ARG-1: potentially rebellious Iraqi Shiites and Kurds SRL for [hearings]: Senate [hearings] on the questions,ARG-0: Senate | ARG-2: on the questions "SRL for [discompose]: He saw the breasts heave , and the flowers shake with the heaving , and marveled what should so much [discompose] the girl .",ARG-0: what | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-EXT: so much | ARG-1: the girl SRL for [jaundiced]: Patient has [jaundiced] .,ARG-1: Patient "SRL for [bend]: Furthermore , it is also likely to encourage those on Capitol Hill asking for cuts in the assistance to El Salvador if President Cristiani does not [bend] to demands of the Marxist guerrillas .",ARG-0: President Cristiani | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: to demands of the Marxist guerrillas "SRL for [collaboration]: Meanwhile , the economic integration and military [collaboration] within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has also made considerable progress .",ARG-1: military | ARG-M-LOC: within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization SRL for [decrease]: A [decrease] in violence,ARG-1: in violence "SRL for [excels]: After making Autumn Moon and Temptation of a Monk , two highly stylized works , Law went back to the theme of emigration at which she [excels] , getting a grant from the Australian government to film Floating Life .",R-ARG-1: at which | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: emigration SRL for [interpretation]: Their [interpretation] of the law as unconstitutional,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of the law | ARG-2: as unconstitutional SRL for [to decoct]: Thou hast taught him [to decoct] his pound into a penny .,ARG-0: him | ARG-1: his pound | ARG-3: into a penny SRL for [struck]: His editors and his father took fright at the encouragement to lawbreaking and together [struck] it from the final manuscript .,ARG-0: His editors and his father | ARG-M-MNR: together | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the final manuscript SRL for [meeting]: His [meeting] with Yasser Arafat,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: with Yasser Arafat "SRL for [betting]: Speculative investors , [betting] on an imminent clash between Ford and GM , pushed up Jaguar 's share price ...",ARG-0: Speculative | ARG-2: on an imminent clash between Ford and GM SRL for [loss]: the obvious [loss] of your daughter,ARG-M-ADJ: obvious | ARG-1: of your daughter SRL for [delivery]: Today 's final fuel [delivery],ARG-M-TMP: Today 's | ARG-M-TMP: final | ARG-1: fuel "SRL for [ailing]: The surprise resignations of two top economic government officials heaped more uncertainty on London 's financial markets , which already have been laboring under worries about Britain 's [ailing] economy .",ARG-1: economy SRL for [superfetation]: The author also referred to a case of [superfetation] with twins of apparently different gestational ages ( 34 and 37 weeks ) .,ARG-2: with twins of apparently different gestational ages ( 34 and 37 weeks ) SRL for [cancerization]: stroboscopy in laryngeal keratosis and its [cancerization],ARG-1: its "SRL for [forget]: The results topped analysts ' expectations and the earnings growth of competitors , prompting traders to all but [forget] the product - launch delays that bogged down the company for much of the past two years .",ARG-0: traders | ARG-M-EXT: all but | ARG-1: the product - launch delays that bogged down the company for much of the past two years SRL for [kept]: The Fed [kept] inflation - fighting as its top priority .,ARG-0: The Fed | ARG-1: inflation - fighting | ARG-2: as its top priority SRL for [taking off]: Gold 's [taking off] in price came as a shock to the prospector,ARG-1: Gold 's | ARG-2: in price SRL for [handle]: her [handle] on this is tenuous,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: on this SRL for [just]: He was [just] to them because he was just .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to them | ARG-M-CAU: because he was just "SRL for [tainted]: Vote - buying in grassroots elections has also robbed the people of their right to elect the wise and the able , and [tainted] the development of Taiwan 's democracy .",ARG-0: Vote - buying in grassroots elections | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the development of Taiwan 's democracy SRL for [leap]: He would pass by a [leap] at the opportunity .,ARG-1: at the opportunity SRL for [aspirated]: Dr. John [aspirated] fluid from the patient 's knee .,ARG-0: Dr. John | ARG-1: fluid | ARG-2: from the patient 's knee SRL for [recovered]: New York stocks [recovered] some of their losses after the London market closed .,ARG-0: New York stocks | ARG-1: some of their losses | ARG-M-TMP: after the London market closed "SRL for [aided]: An increase in production at some major oil fields in the North Sea , which had been knocked out by an explosion in July 1988 , also [aided] results .","ARG-0: An increase in production at some major oil fields in the North Sea , which had been knocked out by an explosion in July 1988 | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: results" SRL for [rechecked]: Dr. Jennifer [rechecked] the patient 's blood for signs of parasites .,ARG-0: Dr. Jennifer | ARG-1: the patient 's blood | ARG-2: for signs of parasites SRL for [holiday]: The two then embark on their [holiday] in Fiji .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: in Fiji SRL for [martyred]: That regime had [martyred] the most distinguished youngsters of this territory .,ARG-0: That regime | ARG-1: the most distinguished youngsters of this territory "SRL for [loans out]: That includes the CDBG funds and the Federal Housing Administration , which [loans out] money for private home mortgages and has just been discovered to be $ 4 billion in the hole .",ARG-0: the Federal Housing Administration | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: money | ARG-M-PNC: for private home mortgages "SRL for [right - wing]: I 'm as [right - wing] as they come , but why are the British keeping hold of islands that are not theirs ?",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-CXN: as | C-ARG-M-CXN: as they come "SRL for [announcing]: I 'm still doing my TV [announcing] and my weekend radio stuff , so that money will help .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-LVB: doing | ARG-M-GOL: TV SRL for [overexert]: Do n't [overexert] yourself when exercising !,ARG-1: yourself | ARG-M-TMP: when exercising ! SRL for [outmatched]: Her talents have far [outmatched] her opportunitites .,ARG-0: Her talents | ARG-M-EXT: far | ARG-1: her opportunitites SRL for [derives]: Prosecutors have told Mr. Antar 's attorneys that they believe Mr. Antar 's allegedly ill - gotten gains are so great that any money he has used to pay attorneys [derives] from illegal activities .,ARG-1: any money he has used to pay attorneys | ARG-2: from illegal activities "SRL for [join]: `` Anheuser is the biggest guy in the bar , and he just decided to [join] in the barroom brawl , '' said Joseph J. Doyle , ananalyst with Smith Barney , Harris Upham & Co.",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: in the barroom brawl "SRL for [swept up]: Enthusiastically , Americans have [swept up] as true products of our American oral tradition .","ARG-M-MNR: Enthusiastically | ARG-0: Americans | ARG-1: subliterary and bogus materials like Paul Bunyan tales , Abe Lincoln anecdotes and labor union songs | ARG-2: as true products of our American oral tradition" SRL for [devastate]: Program traders argue that a reinstatement of the rule would [devastate] the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: a reinstatement of the rule | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets SRL for [met]: And they [met] the challenge with a brilliant and multifaceted campaign that garnered acclaim from many sources .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the challenge | ARG-2: with a brilliant and multifaceted campaign that garnered acclaim from many sources "SRL for [forfeit]: In addition , Mrs. Lidgerwood said , Norfolk is likely to draw down its cash initially to finance the purchases and thus [forfeit] some interest income .",ARG-0: Norfolk | ARG-M-DIS: thus | ARG-1: some interest income SRL for [awaits]: Trading is expected to remain subdued as the market [awaits] tomorrow 's release of the jobs data with the hope that it will point toward a decline in interest rates .,ARG-1: the market | ARG-2: tomorrow 's release of the jobs data | ARG-M-MNR: with the hope that it will point toward a decline in interest rates SRL for [quantized]: They [quantized] the host image and obtained the residual .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the host image "SRL for [effused]: "" I wish I was that together , "" she [effused] .",ARG-1: I wish I was that together | ARG-0: she SRL for [determination]: his [determination] to face historical truth,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to face historical truth "SRL for [asleep]: I feel your pain - enjoy the evening , once they 're [asleep]",ARG-0: they SRL for [congregation]: The most important [congregation] of the Deaf community,ARG-M-ADJ: most important | ARG-1: of the Deaf community SRL for [got]: John and Mary [got] married ., "SRL for [egged]: So on Devils Night , we [egged] his house , with like 5 dozen eggs .",ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-M-TMP: on Devils Night | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: his house | ARG-2: with like 5 dozen eggs "SRL for [jolted]: Between flashes , certain areas in subjects ' brains are [jolted] with a magnetic stimulator .",ARG-M-TMP: Between flashes | ARG-1: certain areas in subjects ' brains | ARG-2: with a magnetic stimulator SRL for [spiraled]: The staircase [spiraled] toward the sky,ARG-1: The staircase | ARG-2: toward the sky SRL for [withstand]: Underwriters insist these issues are constructed to [withstand] extremely tough economic conditions .,ARG-0: these issues | ARG-1: extremely tough economic conditions SRL for [trial]: We will [trial] her on continuous face mask oxygen .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: on continuous face mask oxygen SRL for [brainwashed]: Unfortunately most TSR 's are too [brainwashed] to see that .,ARG-M-DIS: Unfortunately | ARG-1: most TSR 's | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to see that "SRL for [spoil]: It is widely known that `` too many cooks [spoil] the broth , '' but that wisdom does not necessarily reflect the view of the cooks , especially if they are senators .",ARG-0: too many cooks | ARG-1: the broth SRL for [nervous]: She is [nervous] about climbing Everest .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: about climbing Everest "SRL for [attach]: The importance that parents [attach] to education is of course a strong point for Taiwan , but one drawback of this is that parents often set their expectations too high .",R-ARG-1: that | ARG-0: parents | ARG-2: to education | ARG-1: The importance "SRL for [incarcerate]: Without more space to [incarcerate] convicted criminals , he added , `` we will not win the war on drugs . ''",ARG-M-LOC: more space | ARG-1: convicted criminals "SRL for [nationalized]: A long succession of Mexican presidents arbitrarily [nationalized] whatever industry they took a fancy to , without having to answer to the public .",ARG-0: A long succession of Mexican presidents | ARG-M-MNR: arbitrarily | ARG-1: whatever industry they took a fancy to | ARG-M-ADV: without having to answer to the public SRL for [research]: Hugo Spiers discusses his [research] into London taxi drivers and their navigational abilities .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: into London taxi drivers and their navigational abilities "SRL for [grateful]: They do n't abuse you because you 're a certain skin color , they abuse you because they think you 're some servant that barely makes any money and should be [grateful] for being there .",ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-2: for being there "SRL for [stimulate]: Most recently , the Bank Group has been expanded to include the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency to [stimulate] direct foreign investment in developing countries by offering guarantees against noncommercial risk and advice to member countries on how to improve their business climate .",ARG-0: the Bank Group | ARG-1: direct foreign investment in developing countries | ARG-2: by offering guarantees against noncommercial risk and advice to member countries on how to improve their business climate "SRL for [tackles]: Steven Berle [tackles] that issue in "" After How America Confronted the September 12th Era . ""","ARG-0: Steven Berle | ARG-1: that issue in "" After How America Confronted the September 12th Era . """ SRL for [influence]: its [influence] with North Korea,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: with North Korea SRL for [portioned]: He [portioned] the land according to how much his daughters loved him .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the land | ARG-M-ADV: according to how much his daughters loved him SRL for [barges]: The farmer [barges] into the naczelnik 's office .,ARG-0: The farmer | ARG-2: into the naczelnik 's office "SRL for [shift]: Goldman Sachs placed the stock back on its list of recommended issues , raised its 1990 earnings estimate and recommended that its clients [shift] funds from Kellogg to General Mills .",ARG-0: its clients | ARG-1: funds | ARG-3: from Kellogg | ARG-2: to General Mills SRL for [address]: Digital hopes to [address] that with the debut of its first mainframe - class computers next Tuesday .,ARG-0: Digital | ARG-1: that | ARG-2: with the debut of its first mainframe - class computers next Tuesday "SRL for [adamant]: He was [adamant] that he not be afforded any "" special "" privileges .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: that he not be afforded any "" special "" privileges" "SRL for [tainted]: According to department policy , prosecutors must make a strong showing that lawyers ' fees came from assets [tainted] by illegal profits before any attempts at seizure are made .",ARG-1: assets | ARG-2: by illegal profits SRL for [unauthorized]: Customer service said they turned off the discount because it was [unauthorized] for public use .,ARG-1: it | ARG-3: for public use "SRL for [Googled]: I just [Googled] Google and when I click on the first selection it takes me to the white Google page , so apparently we still have a choice .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-1: Google SRL for [effusing]: The small colorful circle between her eyes was [effusing] radiance .,ARG-0: The small colorful circle between her eyes | ARG-1: radiance SRL for [redeem]: Hudson 's Bay said it will [redeem] 9.5 million Series H preferred shares on Oct. 31 at a price of C$ 27.75 each .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: 9.5 million Series H preferred shares | ARG-M-TMP: on Oct. 31 | ARG-2: at a price of C$ 27.75 each "SRL for [nursing]: This meant returning to the golf course , where we watched a few French duffers maul the first tee while we sat under Cinzano umbrellas , me [nursing] an espresso and my ego .",ARG-0: me | ARG-1: an espresso and my ego "SRL for [browbeat]: In the year since the pill went on the French market , the National Organization for Women and its offshoot , former NOW President Eleanor Smeal 's Fund for a Feminist Majority , have been trying to [browbeat] the U.S. pharmaceutical industry into getting involved .","ARG-0: In the year since the pill went on the French market , the National Organization for Women and its offshoot , former NOW President Eleanor Smeal 's Fund for a Feminist Majority | ARG-1: the U.S. pharmaceutical industry | ARG-2: into getting involved" "SRL for [impediment]: When the dams were built upon the Snake River , their [impediment] of the flow of the river made for deeper water , and calmer currents .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the flow of the river "SRL for [nods]: His brother , Parkhaji , whose head is swathed in a gorgeous crimson turban , [nods] vigorous assent .","ARG-0: His brother , Parkhaji , whose head is swathed in a gorgeous crimson turban | ARG-1: vigorous assent" SRL for [deflected]: ... a topic of intense speculation on Wall Street since Mr. Stookey [deflected] dividend questions in a Sept. 29 meeting with analysts .,ARG-0: Mr. Stookey | ARG-1: dividend questions | ARG-M-LOC: in a Sept. 29 meeting with analysts "SRL for [selfless]: I 've been with my girlfriend for well over a year now , and I 'm quite [selfless] towards her .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-EXT: quite | ARG-2: towards her SRL for [conglomeration]: a [conglomeration] of regional lymph node metasteses,ARG-1: of regional lymph node metasteses "SRL for [out of pocket]: I 'm [out of pocket] for a bit , but I 'll get back at ya .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: for a bit "SRL for [bedecked]: As before , the soil was rammed hard and once again , once stunning item after another was unearthed - over 60 elephant tusks , numerous delicate and complex bronze zun and lei -LRB- an urn - shaped wine vessel -RRB- , bronze heads [bedecked] in a wide assortment of finery , and a huge bronze mask measuring over 130 cm from side to side .",ARG-1: bronze heads | ARG-2: in a wide assortment of finery SRL for [authorization]: [authorization] to carry out a campaign to beautify Hsia Street .,ARG-1: to carry out a campaign to beautify Hsia Street SRL for [paretic]: Patient 's left foot is [paretic] .,ARG-1: Patient 's left foot "SRL for [subservient]: he did his bidding , committed every crime at his pleasure , dealt out punishment at his command , was [subservient] to him in all things ;",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: to him | ARG-2: in all things "SRL for [redial]: For a while , high - cost pornography lines and services that tempt children to dial -LRB- and [redial] -RRB- movie or music information earned the service a somewhat sleazy image , but new legal restrictions are aimed at trimming excesses .",ARG-0: children | ARG-1: movie or music information SRL for [depressing]: Yeah but you re so [depressing] Haha . you re like i work sleep do studies & work and sleep & do studies Haha .,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-DIS: Haha "SRL for [recommendation]: Solzhenitsyn 's [recommendation] of a constitutional monarchy was ignored , and he dies not exactly forgotten , but with a much diminished presence .",ARG-0: Solzhenitsyn 's | ARG-1: of a constitutional monarchy SRL for [radical]: I could not help but think that somewhere along the way we had missed what was [radical] about our faith and replaced it with what is comfortable .,ARG-1: what | ARG-M-ADV: about our faith "SRL for [useful]: And once I die , then take my body and do whatever is [useful] with it .",ARG-1: whatever "SRL for [flocked]: Detroit - to - Tokyo flights were booked solid this week as Motor City executives , including Ford Motor Co. Chairman Donald E. Petersen and Chrysler Corp. Vice Chairman Gerald Greenwald , [flocked] to see the future .","ARG-0: Motor City executives , including Ford Motor Co. Chairman Donald E. Petersen and Chrysler Corp. Vice Chairman Gerald Greenwald | ARG-M-PNC: to see the future" SRL for [ligated]: All the blood vessels are [ligated] with black silk .,ARG-1: All the blood vessels | ARG-2: with black silk SRL for [vasodilate]: Some physiologists have suggested that it is the lack of oxygen itself that causes capillary beds to [vasodilate] by the smooth muscle hypoxia of the vessels in the region .,ARG-1: capillary beds "SRL for [conducts]: Of the metals , silver [conducts] electricity the best , although it is relatively expensive .",ARG-M-ADV: Of the metals | ARG-1: silver | ARG-2: electricity | ARG-M-MNR: the best | ARG-M-ADV: although it is relatively expensive SRL for [finance]: The bank 's [finance] of his house took him six years to pay back .,ARG-0: The bank 's | ARG-1: of his house SRL for [decided]: The city [decided] to treat its guests more like royalty or rock stars than factory owners .,ARG-0: The city | ARG-1: to treat its guests more like royalty or rock stars than factory owners "SRL for [rescheduled]: Nissan [rescheduled] a seven - yen interim dividend payment , unchanged .","ARG-0: Nissan | ARG-1: a seven - yen interim dividend payment , unchanged" "SRL for [obliges]: The Rev. Alphonsus Trabold , a theology professor and exorcism expert at St. Bonaventure University in Olean , N.Y. , frequently is asked to exorcise unruly spirits , and he often [obliges] .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: often SRL for [Crowning]: [Crowning] the eastern slope is Mount Monah Cemetery .,ARG-1: Mount Monah Cemetery | ARG-2: the eastern slope "SRL for [pockmarked]: It was a heady experience for the [pockmarked] and slightly built Mr. Noriega , who was known to his friends as Cara la Pina -- pineapple face .",ARG-1: Mr. Noriega SRL for [puts on]: The occasional Englishman [puts on] airs .,ARG-0: The occasional Englishman | ARG-1: airs SRL for [overnighted]: Tim [overnighted] the script to me right before I flew to Philadelphia .,ARG-0: Tim | ARG-1: the script | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-TMP: right before I flew to Philadelphia "SRL for [retracted]: When the pilots refused , the company [retracted] it .",ARG-M-TMP: When the pilots refused | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: it SRL for [brocaded]: old draperies [brocaded] with dust,ARG-1: old draperies | ARG-2: with dust SRL for [cut]: Alternatively you can [cut] to the right through the trees .,ARG-M-DIS: Alternatively | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-DIR: to the right | ARG-M-DIR: through the trees "SRL for [caned]: They were [caned] for whispering , for talking , for singing .","ARG-1: They | ARG-M-CAU: for whispering , for talking , for singing" "SRL for [disguise]: Appropriations committees have used an assortment of devices to [disguise] as much as $ 1 billion in spending , and as critics have awakened to these devices , the bill can seem like a wounded caribou trying to make it past ice and wolves to reach safer winter grazing .",ARG-0: Appropriations committees | ARG-1: as much as $ 1 billion in spending SRL for [insane]: And the one guy that does try to send people for then gets put away as being [insane],ARG-1: the one guy that does try to send people for SRL for [find]: I 'd like to [find] a flight that goes from Boston to Orlando .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a flight that goes from Boston to Orlando SRL for [surveil]: Ferris 's order to [surveil] the Brooklyn Bridge was the ultimate goal .,ARG-1: the Brooklyn Bridge SRL for [obstruct]: The 8 ft . hedges which [obstruct] views in and out of small ` rooms ' insure ... that this garden will be a potential breeding ground for crime . '',ARG-0: The 8 ft . hedges | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: views in and out of small ` rooms ' "SRL for [lower]: According to this plan , it was decided that Britain would use a dam in Uganda in order to [lower] the water level in the White Nile by seven - eighths .",ARG-1: the water level in the White Nile | ARG-2: by seven - eighths "SRL for [polymicrobial]: PRDC is [polymicrobial] in nature , and results from infection with various combinations of primary and secondary respiratory pathogens .",ARG-1: PRDC | ARG-M-ADV: in nature SRL for [undercharged]: They [undercharged] him for the book by five dollars .,ARG-0: They | ARG-2: him | ARG-3: for the book | ARG-1: by five dollars "SRL for [earthmoving]: The Guihulngan mayor , Ernesto Reyes , said crews were using [earthmoving] equipment in the search for casualties .",ARG-0: equipment SRL for [rethinking]: a [rethinking] of their living situation,ARG-1: of their living situation SRL for [got]: Yeah that 's not what I [got] from his comment at all . I think there was a misunderstanding,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: what | ARG-2: from his comment | ARG-M-ADV: at all SRL for [grooming]: Her meticulous [grooming] of the dog paid off when he was awarded second place at the show .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-M-ADJ: meticulous | ARG-1: of the dog SRL for [flunk]: It may also stipulate that the insured must pass another medical exam before renewal ; if you [flunk] -- which means you need insurance more than ever -- you may not be able to buy it .,ARG-1: you SRL for [controlling]: He is very possesive and [controlling] but he has no right to be as we are not together .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [draw up]: Mr. Freeman said machinists ' union advisers plan to meet this week to try to [draw up] a blueprint for some form of recapitalization that could include a special dividend for shareholders , an employee stake and , perhaps , an equity investment by a friendly investor .","ARG-0: machinists ' union advisers | ARG-1: a blueprint for some form of recapitalization that could include a special dividend for shareholders , an employee stake and , perhaps , an equity investment by a friendly investor" "SRL for [confided]: The owner of the company , Stephen Smith , who has since pleaded guilty to state and federal fraud charges , [confided] to investors that he had a secret agreement with Amoco Oil Co. and said the location of his wells was confidential , according to a civil suit filed in a Florida state court by the Florida comptroller 's office .","ARG-0: The owner of the company , Stephen Smith , who has since pleaded guilty to state and federal fraud charges | ARG-2: to investors | ARG-1: that he had a secret agreement with Amoco Oil Co." SRL for [submissive]: We were told the dog was [submissive] to most of the other dogs at his home,ARG-0: the dog | ARG-2: to most of the other dogs at his home "SRL for [sound off]: In our new ' Talk Back to the Media ' segment , someone who believes he or she 's been treated unfairly by the press gets the chance to [sound off] and give their side of the controversy .",ARG-0: someone "SRL for [upright]: Job was [upright] in heart , a right spirit was renewed in him ;",ARG-1: Job | ARG-2: in heart "SRL for [apprised]: ( Donald Trinen , an attorney for the penny - brokerage firm , denies the fraud allegations and says the Lyneses were fully [apprised] that they were pursuing a high - risk investment . )",ARG-M-EXT: fully | ARG-1: the Lyneses | ARG-2: that they were pursuing a high - risk investment SRL for [shadowing]: ... with someone wearing a chicken costume [shadowing] the party leaders at general elections since at least 1997 .,ARG-0: someone wearing a chicken costume | ARG-1: the party leaders | ARG-M-LOC: at general elections | ARG-M-TMP: since at least 1997 "SRL for [located]: The telephone number for the charity in Shelton , Conn. , has been disconnected , and the former officials could n't be [located] .",ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the former officials SRL for [pity]: God died of his [pity] for man .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: for man SRL for [rude]: He is [rude] to his wife .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to his wife SRL for [decortication]: scar tissue [decortication],ARG-1: scar tissue SRL for [bandied about]: Some investors whose names were [bandied about] by traders as potential UAL stock buyers said they were n't buying .,ARG-1: whose names | ARG-0: by traders "SRL for [Reproduced]: The effete Tyrannosaurus Rex / Had strict Cretaceous views on sex,/ And that is why you only see him / [Reproduced] in the museum .",ARG-1: him | ARG-M-LOC: in the museum "SRL for [asks]: The mathematics section of the widely used California Achievement Test [asks] fifth graders "" What is another name for the Roman numeral IX ? ""","ARG-0: The mathematics section of the widely used California Achievement Test | ARG-2: fifth graders | ARG-1: "" What is another name for the Roman numeral IX ? """ "SRL for [wised up]: Laura LaPlante taught him to apply makeup while Thelma Todd [wised up] to camera angles , back in his early years as an extra .",ARG-0: Thelma Todd | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to camera angles | ARG-M-TMP: back in his early years as an extra "SRL for [optimistic]: I guess that in summary , I 'm not [optimistic] about the future of the country for the next five years .",ARG-M-ADV: in summary | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: about the future of the country for the next five years SRL for [zoom]: For me ( and my learners ) one of the most valuable features of the iPad is my ability to [zoom] the screen while presenting .,ARG-0: my | ARG-1: the screen | ARG-M-TMP: while presenting "SRL for [took hold]: The idea of a "" bikepacking "" trip [took hold] , and before long , Jacob was scouting locations","ARG-0: The idea of a "" bikepacking "" trip" SRL for [aimed]: ... the possibility of a consent solicitation [aimed] at replacing Georgia Gulf 's board .,ARG-1: a consent solicitation | ARG-2: at replacing Georgia Gulf 's board "SRL for [perceive]: Small investors [perceive] that `` big operators '' dominate the market , said Thomas O'Hara , chairman of the National Association of Investors and head of the exchange 's Individual Investors Advisory Committee set up after the 1987 crash .",ARG-0: Small investors | ARG-1: `` big operators '' dominate the market SRL for [proud]: I told him I was [proud] of him for defending himself but was disappointed that he found it necessary to punch the other kid after putting him on the floor .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: of him | ARG-2: for defending himself "SRL for [fork out]: He noted that unlike an employee stock ownership plan , where a company usually borrows money from third party lenders to buy stock that it sets aside to award employees over time , here employees had to [fork out] their own cash for the stock .",ARG-0: employees | ARG-3: their own cash | ARG-1: for the stock SRL for [comfortable]: I 'm almost 52 and it 's not quite that easy for me to keep my weight to what is [comfortable] for me .,ARG-0: what | ARG-1: for me "SRL for [spackle]: With lipsticks , liners , lotions and creams , There are still beauty plans left to tackle : But as the years go by , it seems That before I paint , I should [spackle] .",ARG-M-TMP: before I paint | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: should SRL for [dysplastic]: The pulmonary valve was [dysplastic] and doming,ARG-1: The pulmonary valve SRL for [darted]: His small black eyes [darted] inside the olive oval of his face .,ARG-1: His small black eyes | ARG-M-LOC: inside the olive oval of his face SRL for [rammed]: An Exxon official said that at this time the oil company does n't anticipate any additional charges to future earnings relating to the cleanup of oil spilled when one of its tankers [rammed] into an underwater reef .,ARG-1: one of its tankers | ARG-2: into an underwater reef | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [antiwar]: From the outset , the NSL was [antiwar] , but it distinguished between imperalist wars and "" progressive "" wars ( anti - imperialistic or class wars ) .",ARG-1: the NSL "SRL for [heads]: Michael Ross , a New York lawyer who [heads] the ABA 's grand jury committee ...",ARG-0: a New York lawyer | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: the ABA 's grand jury committee "SRL for [contending]: It has also rattled Federal 's strongly anti - union management , which is already [contending] with melding far - flung operations .",ARG-0: Federal 's strongly anti - union management | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: with melding far - flung operations "SRL for [bridging]: This , he warned , would prevent these countries from [bridging] the difference with their richer EC brethren .",ARG-0: these countries | ARG-1: the difference | ARG-2: with their richer EC brethren SRL for [manifestation]: The [manifestation] of her illness as memory loss surprised her family .,ARG-1: of her illness | ARG-3: as memory loss SRL for [heartened]: Plant operators are [heartened] by Mr. Ruffo 's pledge to cut corruption associated with the ruling party officials .,ARG-1: Plant operators | ARG-0: by Mr. Ruffo 's pledge to cut corruption associated with the ruling party officials "SRL for [surfaced]: The panels are like oversized semiconductors [surfaced] with a million or more picture elements , each contributing to the color and tone of a TV image .","ARG-1: oversized semiconductors | ARG-2: with a million or more picture elements , each contributing to the color and tone of a TV image" SRL for [survived]: His youngest daughter Evangeline [survived] him by several years .,ARG-1: him | ARG-2: by several years | ARG-0: His youngest daughter Evangeline SRL for [pampers]: He [pampers] them ; he invites them to fabulous parties ; he strokes them .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: them SRL for [ceding]: Both Coors and Stroh have recently been [ceding] market share to Miller and Anheuser .,ARG-0: Both Coors and Stroh | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: market share | ARG-2: to Miller and Anheuser SRL for [formatting]: J.M. Straczynski is a genius and his [formatting] the story on the basics of quantum physics theorum is nothing short of stunning .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the story | ARG-2: on the basics of quantum physics theorum is nothing short of stunning SRL for [light]: The White Witch was [light] of hair .,ARG-1: The White Witch | ARG-2: of hair SRL for [caned]: In that case this man has some serious questions to answer as to why he [caned] a six year old child when it was illegal to do so .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a six year old child | ARG-M-TMP: when it was illegal to do so | ARG-M-CAU: why "SRL for [undoing]: The worst "" change "" we 've seen under Obama is a slow [undoing] of our human rights here at home , which started under the Bush administration -LRB- and to some extent in the 80s and 90s -RRB- .",ARG-M-MNR: slow | ARG-1: of our human rights | ARG-M-LOC: here at home | ARG-M-ADJ: which started under the Bush administration -LRB- and to some extent in the 80s and 90s -RRB- "SRL for [stamping]: It also redesigned Oil of Olay 's packaging , [stamping] the traditional pink boxes with gold lines to create a more opulent look .",ARG-0: It | ARG-1: the traditional pink boxes | ARG-2: with gold lines | ARG-M-PNC: to create a more opulent look SRL for [dumb]: It was [dumb] of her to slap an officer on the butt .,C-ARG-1: to slap an officer on the butt | ARG-1: of her "SRL for [press ganging]: 2 . He started this war in Chad by luring immigrants from Pakistan and poor Sahelian nations to Libya with the promise of civilian work , and then [press ganging] them into fighting as the Islamic Legion .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: into fighting as the Islamic Legion "SRL for [lived]: I would like to move into the next stage of my life as an older woman , hopefully putting the wisdom of a hard - [lived] life to good use , both at home and at work .",ARG-M-MNR: hard | ARG-1: life "SRL for [taught]: Encouraged by Mrs. Ward , Mrs. Yeargin [taught] honor students in the state `` teacher cadet '' program , a reform creation designed to encourage good students to consider teaching as a career .","ARG-0: Mrs. Yeargin | ARG-2: honor students in the state `` teacher cadet '' program , a reform creation designed to encourage good students to consider teaching as a career" "SRL for [burst]: But then it suddenly [burst] upward 7.5 as Goldman , Sachs & Co. stepped in and bought almost every share offer , traders said .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: it | ARG-5: upward | ARG-M-EXT: 7.5 | ARG-M-TMP: as Goldman , Sachs & Co. stepped in and bought almost every share offer" SRL for [covered]: The substance [covered] the ground completely .,ARG-2: The substance | ARG-1: the ground | ARG-M-EXT: completely "SRL for [it]: When I was teaching there , the explanation invariably given by boys brought to me for scrapping in the playground was : ? Ee [it] oi , so oi it ee . ?",ARG-0: Ee | ARG-1: oi "SRL for [hypothetical]: A couple weeks before or after thanksgiving , but most likely second week of december . Nothing in stone ... and just [hypothetical] at present time",ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-M-TMP: at present time SRL for [paramutated]: The seeds obtained from sulf sector ( where the sulf allele has [paramutated] the + Sulf allele ) are all sulf / sulf whilst the seeds obtained from the green sectors,ARG-0: the sulf allele | ARG-1: the + Sulf allele | ARG-M-LOC: where "SRL for [noticable]: I have very hairy arms for a girl , not thick hairs like a male s but lots of very noticable , dark and long -LRB- I bleach regularly but it only lasts a day or two before the roots are [noticable] -RRB-",ARG-1: the roots SRL for [nulliparous]: A meta - analysis of passive descent versus immediate pushing in [nulliparous] women with epidural analgesia in the second stage of labor,ARG-0: women SRL for [cheap]: It was [cheap] for me to fly from Kampala to London .,ARG-1: for me to fly from Kampala to London SRL for [pasteurized]: Easy Eggs are [pasteurized] in a heat - using process .,ARG-1: Easy Eggs | ARG-M-MNR: in a heat - using process SRL for [renegotiating]: Both companies are in the process of [renegotiating] contracts with LTV and others .,ARG-0: Both companies | ARG-2: contracts | ARG-1: with LTV and others SRL for [amicable]: hmmmm - I could understand it if the break up had been [amicable] and they remained good friends ...,ARG-1: the break up SRL for [fresh]: John 's breath was [fresh] from the Mentos .,ARG-1: John 's breath | ARG-0: from the Mentos "SRL for [counting]: Not [counting] the extraordinary charge , the company said it would have had a net loss of $ 3.1 million , or seven cents a share .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-M-NEG: Not | ARG-1: the extraordinary charge SRL for [foxtrotted]: Then she [foxtrotted] me over to the bar .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-GOL: over to the bar SRL for [coprecipitation]: Phosphate [coprecipitation] due to high pH levels .,ARG-1: Phosphate | ARG-0: due to high pH levels SRL for [extravasation]: ... in consequence of the backward flow of blood from the veins and its [extravasation] from the capillaries .,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from the capillaries SRL for [hopeful]: This is a [hopeful] prospect for you,ARG-0: prospect | ARG-1: for you "SRL for [mad]: Sometimes , I get really [mad] at him for no particular reason .",ARG-M-TMP: Sometimes | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: really | ARG-0: at him | ARG-2: for no particular reason SRL for [impose]: The new sanctions proposed by the United States and Russia would [impose] an arms embargo on the Taliban .,ARG-0: The new sanctions proposed by the United States and Russia | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: an arms embargo | ARG-2: on the Taliban SRL for [verified]: They can not be [verified] by CNN .,ARG-1: They | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: by CNN SRL for [clear]: The diamond is perfectly [clear] .,ARG-1: The diamond | ARG-M-EXT: perfectly "SRL for [effect]: Another graduate of a Taiwan institution declares bluntly that he only spent four years in Taiwan getting his degree , and the place had virtually no [effect] on him at all .",ARG-0: the place | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-ADV: virtually | ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: on him | ARG-M-ADV: at all SRL for [refile]: David Dinkins failed to [refile] his income taxes .,ARG-0: David Dinkins | ARG-1: his income taxes "SRL for [rustling]: She fell asleep leaning on her hand , hearing the house creaking as though it were a living a private life of its own these two hundred years , hearing the birds [rustling] in their cages ...",ARG-1: the birds | ARG-M-LOC: in their cages SRL for [wrenched]: He [wrenched] himself out of alignment .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: himself | ARG-M-PRD: out of alignment SRL for [discernable]: The reddening of the skin was barely [discernable] .,ARG-1: The reddening of the skin | ARG-M-EXT: barely SRL for [aspiration]: Two postures and the supra - supraglottic swallow may be combined to eliminate the patient 's [aspiration] of vomit into her lungs .,ARG-0: the patient 's | ARG-1: of vomit | ARG-2: into her lungs "SRL for [broke out]: The very day of class pictures , John [broke out] .",ARG-M-TMP: The very day of class pictures | ARG-1: John SRL for [canter]: She forced her weary legs to [canter] .,ARG-1: her weary legs SRL for [response]: A [response] from Lucy Dalglish,ARG-0: from Lucy Dalglish SRL for [amplification]: Dr. Bridget 's [amplification] of the heartbeat using the EKG machine allowed the patient to understand the issue .,ARG-0: Dr. Bridget 's | ARG-1: of the heartbeat | ARG-2: using the EKG machine SRL for [mudslinging]: But this is all simply a tactic by Mr Warner to continue his [mudslinging] at the Government that he is no longer a part of .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: at the Government that he is no longer a part of "SRL for [recollection]: Sometimes , when tidying up works of poetry from years before , he would come across one that he had no [recollection] of ever writing .",ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: of ever writing SRL for [confusion]: The patient 's [confusion] about what had happened lasted several days after his surgery .,ARG-1: The patient 's | ARG-2: about what had happened SRL for [tough]: The steak was [tough] and the peas were like bullets .,ARG-1: The steak SRL for [rental]: My [rental] of the apartment nets an extra $ 500 a month,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: of the apartment | ARG-M-PRD: nets an extra $ 500 a month SRL for [painted]: `` Lighthouse II '' was [painted] in oils by the playwright in 1901 ...,ARG-1: Lighthouse II | ARG-2: in oils | ARG-0: by the playwright | ARG-M-TMP: in 1901 "SRL for [avalanche]: To find out why a peaceful snowy mountainside suddenly turns into a 300 mph ( 500 kph ) [avalanche] , researchers at Montana State University Bozeman allow themselves to be buried alive time after time in a little shed in the Bridger Mountains .",ARG-M-ADJ: a 300 mph ( 500 kph ) "SRL for [tied]: The first occurred in the latter part of World War II when the Japanese [tied] her hands behind her back and marched her off to do forced labor for over a year , building roads , digging ditches , and carrying a shoulder pole .",ARG-M-TMP: when | ARG-0: the Japanese | ARG-1: her hands | ARG-3: behind her back "SRL for [wishes]: With applause and well [wishes] from family and friends , Rick is now well on his way .",ARG-1: well | ARG-0: from family and friends SRL for [remark]: Her [remark] to Cersei that she wanted to be ' just like her ' had over - tones of being a double - edged remark .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-2: to Cersei | ARG-1: that she wanted to be ' just like her ' SRL for [fieldwork]: Shirin is doing [fieldwork] on war - related mental illness and victims of chemical weapons,ARG-0: Shirin | ARG-M-LVB: doing | ARG-1: on war - related mental illness and victims of chemical weapons "SRL for [inquired]: Aureal [inquired] , as the two men walked along .",ARG-0: Aureal | ARG-M-TMP: as the two men walked along "SRL for [rich]: The sound was very [rich] and full , and then at other times , soft and sweet .",ARG-1: The sound | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [listening]: His [listening] to loud music all night drove me crazy .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: to loud music | ARG-M-TMP: all night "SRL for [Creation]: [Creation] of a new , realistic U.S. policy","ARG-1: of a new , realistic U.S. policy" "SRL for [undervalued]: An investment in Chile 's telephone company is carried at US$ 300 million but really worth US$ 500 million , and the company 's property portfolio is [undervalued] by at least A$ 250 million , Mr. Bond said .",ARG-1: the company 's property portfolio | ARG-2: by at least A$ 250 million "SRL for [pissed]: He was a bright spark , but [pissed] the hell out of him with all his nervousness , especially after yelling about his poxy iPhone all those months",ARG-0: He | ARG-3: the hell | ARG-1: out of him | ARG-2: with all his nervousness | ARG-M-ADV: especially after yelling about his poxy iPhone all those months SRL for [raze]: Program traders argue that a reinstatement of the rule would [raze] the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets .,ARG-0: a reinstatement of the rule | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the `` pricing efficiency '' of the futures and stock markets SRL for [leave]: The receptionist at the adoption agency went on maternity [leave],ARG-1: maternity "SRL for [coated]: He said USX also appeared to sell a richer mix of steel products , such as the more profitable pipe and galvanized [coated] sheet , than lower - priced structural goods .",ARG-1: sheet "SRL for [deteriorated]: But traders said the junk bond market increasingly is separating into a top - tier group , in which trades can be executed easily , and a larger group of lower - quality bonds in which liquidity -- or the ability to trade without too much difficulty -- has steadily [deteriorated] this year .",ARG-1: liquidity -- or the ability to trade without too much difficulty -- | ARG-M-MNR: steadily | ARG-M-TMP: this year | ARG-M-LOC: a larger group of lower - quality bonds | R-ARG-M-LOC: in which "SRL for [refashioning]: Mrs. Thatcher , who was practicing the read - my - lips school of politics years before Mr. Bush encountered it , has made clear her opposition to [refashioning] Britain 's free - market policies to suit the bureaucrats in Brussels .",ARG-1: Britain 's free - market policies | ARG-M-PNC: to suit the bureaucrats in Brussels SRL for [postponed]: TW 's stockholder meeting was [postponed] from tomorrow to Nov. 21 .,ARG-1: TW 's stockholder meeting | ARG-3: from tomorrow | ARG-4: to Nov. 21 SRL for [limited]: Information today is [limited] due to lack of results,ARG-1: Information | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-0: due to lack of results SRL for [wrote]: In June 1988 I [wrote] in this space about this issue .,ARG-M-TMP: In June 1988 | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LOC: in this space | ARG-1: about this issue SRL for [snorkeled]: I [snorkeled] in the ocean with a large monk seal,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: in the ocean | ARG-2: with a large monk seal SRL for [domestication]: This has been used for thousands of years in the [domestication] of plants and animals .,ARG-1: of plants and animals SRL for [make out]: I ca n't [make out] the handwriting on this letter .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the handwriting | ARG-M-LOC: on this letter SRL for [wound up]: John [wound up] his watch very tight .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his watch | ARG-2: very tight SRL for [shopping]: he was [shopping] for a ring for his fiancee .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: for a ring | ARG-3: for his fiancee SRL for [bricked over]: They [bricked over] one of the major downtown streets in the 60s and made it pedestrian only .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: one of the major downtown streets | ARG-M-TMP: in the 60s SRL for [spooked]: They are still trying to lure back small investors [spooked] by the 1987 stock - market crash and the market 's swings since then .,ARG-1: small investors | ARG-0: by the 1987 stock - market crash and the market 's swings since then "SRL for [endorsed]: The state has [endorsed] the New England Electric plan , which promises to limit rate increases to 4.8 % annually for seven years .","ARG-0: The state | ARG-1: the New England Electric plan , which promises to limit rate increases to 4.8 % annually for seven years" "SRL for [swim]: Pictures of rusted oil drums [swim] into focus , and the female voice purrs , `` That hazardous waste on his ( Mr. Courter 's ) property -- the neighbors are suing for consumer fraud . ''",ARG-0: Pictures of rusted oil drums | ARG-2: into focus "SRL for [seeded]: I [seeded] peas , onions and corn salad today !","ARG-0: I | ARG-2: peas , onions and corn salad | ARG-M-TMP: today !" SRL for [fire]: He is under intense [fire] from other Palestinian groups,ARG-M-MNR: intense | ARG-0: from other Palestinian groups SRL for [apparent]: Mitotic activity is readily [apparent],ARG-1: Mitotic activity | ARG-M-ADV: readily SRL for [cheesed]: You got [cheesed] by not getting that award .,ARG-1: You | ARG-M-MNR: by not getting that award "SRL for [contest]: The local papers are of the opinion that , whomever won the leadership [contest] , the Labour Party was likely to be heavily damaged going into next year 's elections .",ARG-3: leadership "SRL for [funding]: The first fairness measure is the overall level of per - pupil [funding] for each state , as compared with the 50 states .",ARG-M-MNR: per - pupil | ARG-1: for each state "SRL for [misunderstood]: Change is never fun , especially when it could be confusing and [misunderstood] .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: could SRL for [distended]: The animal 's body [distended] .,ARG-1: The animal 's body SRL for [outraced]: This car once [outraced] the Flying Finn .,ARG-0: This car | ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-1: the Flying Finn "SRL for [meanders]: Mr. Schuman 's `` Violin Concerto , '' which sounds more like a mildly atonal rhapsody for solo violin with orchestral accompaniment , [meanders] until the propulsive `` Agitato , fervente . ''","ARG-0: Mr. Schuman 's `` Violin Concerto , '' which sounds more like a mildly atonal rhapsody for solo violin with orchestral accompaniment | ARG-M-TMP: until the propulsive `` Agitato , fervente" "SRL for [flooded]: In 1984 , the Costa Rican government requested help to establish a radio station in the northern part of the country , [flooded] by airwaves of Sandinista propaganda .",ARG-1: the northern part | ARG-2: by airwaves of Sandinista propaganda SRL for [knock]: the hairyknuckled [knock] of the Sierra Club at their doors,ARG-2: hairyknuckled | ARG-0: of the Sierra Club | ARG-1: at their doors SRL for [urging]: Analysts continued to speculate late last week that Ford may try to force the issue by calling for a special shareholder 's meeting and [urging] that the government and Jaguar holders remove the barriers to a full bidding contest before December 1990 .,ARG-0: Ford | ARG-1: the government and Jaguar holders | ARG-2: remove the barriers to a full bidding contest before December 1990 "SRL for [abused]: These are the families who used -- and sometime [abused] -- their sharecroppers , people who had no encouragement and little access to an education or training for a better life .","ARG-0: the families | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-TMP: sometime | ARG-1: their sharecroppers , people who had no encouragement and little access to an education or training for a better life" SRL for [cross bred]: He [cross bred] Longhorn with Hereford cattle to produce excellent beef animals .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: Longhorn | ARG-2: with Hereford | ARG-3: to produce excellent beef animals SRL for [piqued]: Mary [piqued] John 's interest with a new piece of information .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John 's interest | ARG-2: with a new piece of information "SRL for [uttered]: Some of the last words [uttered] to him by the Hulk , setting Gamma Corps ' sights on the members of the Illuminati , still rang fresh in his ears .",ARG-1: Some of the last words | ARG-2: to him | ARG-0: by the Hulk SRL for [echoing]: A cry [echoing] around the world .,ARG-1: A cry | ARG-M-LOC: around the world SRL for [pearled]: The famous jewler [pearled] on his days off .,ARG-0: The famous jewler | ARG-M-TMP: on his days off SRL for [liable]: She is [liable] for any damages .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: for any damages SRL for [vulgarized]: He [vulgarized] ritualism in the true sense of the word ; he gave it to the common crowd .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: ritualism | ARG-M-MNR: in the true sense of the word | ARG-M-MNR: he gave it to the common crowd "SRL for [adorned]: They note that he has [adorned] his office with five photos of George Bush , one of them featuring the First Dog , Millie .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his office | ARG-2: with five photos of George Bush , one of them featuring the First Dog , Millie" "SRL for [stretching]: Most are from independent producers instead of regulated utilities , and Westinghouse believes it will ride a wave of demand [stretching] over the next six years .",ARG-1: a wave of demand | ARG-2: over the next six years "SRL for [dawning]: With a new day [dawning] on the sport , Mr. Jones does n't see a place for this sort of luxury .",ARG-1: a new day | ARG-M-LOC: on the sport SRL for [Pathology]: [Pathology] demonstrated a tubular adenoma with moderate dysplasia ., "SRL for [collision]: Rolling Stone remarked that Size and his Reprazent collective "" engineer the [collision] of style with stealth . """,ARG-1: of style | ARG-2: with stealth "SRL for [re - initiated]: With increasing agitation and tachycardia , it was [re - initiated] at a low - dose",ARG-M-CAU: With increasing agitation and tachycardia | ARG-2: it | ARG-M-MNR: at a low - dose SRL for [presumptive]: McCain is the [presumptive] nominee for the Republicans .,ARG-1: McCain | C-ARG-1: nominee for the Republicans "SRL for [tailored]: Still , bankers expect packaging to flourish , primarily because more customers are demanding that financial services be [tailored] to their needs .",ARG-1: financial services | ARG-2: to their needs SRL for [deheaded]: The shrimp can optionally be [deheaded],ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-MNR: optionally | ARG-1: The shrimp "SRL for [step aside]: Mr. Wall 's deputies complained that they had n't been given an opportunity to respond to the criticism brought out during the Banking Committee 's hearings , which Committee Chairman Henry Gonzalez -LRB- D. , Texas -RRB- has used as a forum to flay Mr. Wall 's handling of the affair and to demand that he [step aside] from his job .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: from his job "SRL for [imitated]: The appeals court held : `` When a distinctive voice of a professional singer is widely known and is deliberately [imitated] in order to sell a product , the sellers have appropriated what is not theirs . ''",ARG-1: a distinctive voice of a professional singer | ARG-M-MNR: deliberately | ARG-M-PNC: in order to sell a product | ARG-M-TMP: When SRL for [stuccoed]: They also [stuccoed] them with a pink lime and crushed - brick mortar on the facades .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with a pink lime and crushed - brick mortar | ARG-M-LOC: on the facades SRL for [significant]: ... the Base Flagpole is [significant] as an object for its important symbolic and traditional associations with the origins and history of Williams Air Force Base ( now Phoenix - Mesa GatewayAirport ) .,ARG-1: the Base Flagpole | ARG-M-PRD: as an object | ARG-M-CAU: for its important symbolic and traditional associations with the origins and history of Williams Air Force Base ( now Phoenix - Mesa GatewayAirport ) SRL for [angling]: His visitors had crawled through the south fence and were crossing the meadow [angling] toward the house .,ARG-0: His visitors | ARG-1: toward the house "SRL for [bungled]: Intelligence Committee Chairman David Boren ( D. , Okla. ) and Vice Chairman William Cohen ( R. , Maine ) , for their part , angrily accused the White House of selectively leaking classified documents and trying unfairly to shift the blame to Congress for the [bungled] attempt to topple Gen. Noriega .",ARG-1: attempt to topple Gen. Noriega "SRL for [untangled]: Leafy did n't like tying her hair , so she left it [untangled]",ARG-1: it "SRL for [gesturing]: But in spite of my resolution , within ten minutes , with Martine [gesturing] and Chien - chien sobbing , I was hustled out the door .",ARG-0: Martine SRL for [carved]: The ancient people at the time [carved] the stone with flint working tools ( for example axes ) .,ARG-0: The ancient people at the time | ARG-1: the stone | ARG-2: with flint working tools ( for example axes ) SRL for [putty - duddying around]: But I just feel like I 'm -- You 're opening yoursel- -- [putty - duddying around] for the rest of my life .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: for the rest of my life "SRL for [graduated]: Moving rapidly through school , he [graduated] Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Kentucky at age 18 , after spending only 2 1/2 years in college .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-MNR: Phi Beta Kappa | ARG-2: from the University of Kentucky | ARG-M-TMP: at age 18 | ARG-M-TMP: after spending only 2 1/2 years in college SRL for [sprouted]: John [sprouted] soybeans in his basement .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: soybeans | ARG-2: in his basement SRL for [stabbing]: A man 's dispute with his girlfriend allegedly led to his [stabbing] her in the head with a steak knife,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: her | ARG-3: in the head | ARG-2: with a steak knife SRL for [guaranteed]: However a Qintex Australia spokesman said his firm had never `` promised or [guaranteed] '' to make the payment .,ARG-0: his firm | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: to make the payment SRL for [gesture]: A comforting [gesture] to the various countries and cities crying for help,ARG-M-MNR: comforting | ARG-2: to the various countries and cities crying for help SRL for [arrangement]: Her [arrangement] of repeated parts into patterns creates symmetries and contrasts that are alluring and elegant .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-2: of repeated parts | ARG-4: into patterns SRL for [mining]: Westmoreland 's strategy is to retain and expand its core business of [mining] and selling low - sulphur coal in the Appalachia region .,ARG-1: low - sulphur coal | ARG-M-LOC: in the Appalachia region "SRL for [broad]: Despite the lack of geographic coverage , the range of topics was [broad]",ARG-M-ADV: Despite the lack of geographic coverage | ARG-1: the range of topics SRL for [poofs out]: An area that [poofs out],ARG-1: An area | R-ARG-1: that "SRL for [kosher]: I just wanted to put that out there , would hate to get the lil guy sick . Totally understand if that is n't [kosher] .",ARG-1: that | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [tango]: It takes two to [tango] .,ARG-0: two SRL for [attest]: I can [attest] that a recent Colombian visitor to the U.S. was offered drugs three times in the few blocks ' walk between Grand Central Terminal and the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in midtown Manhattan .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: that a recent Colombian visitor to the U.S. was offered drugs three times in the few blocks ' walk between Grand Central Terminal and the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in midtown Manhattan SRL for [point]: but the president has a [point] there .,ARG-0: the president | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-M-ADV: there "SRL for [farcical]: The eventual composition of the jury was [farcical] ; being made up of businessmen , their clerks and a relative of one of the dead policemen .",ARG-1: The eventual composition of the jury "SRL for ['s it]: if there is a hung jury at this phase , the second time around , that ['s it] for the state of Arizona . They get two shots at the death penalty .",ARG-1: that | ARG-3: for the state of Arizona "SRL for [hedge]: A number of commercial grain users buttressed that opinion yesterday by buying certain corn options for delivery in March , indicating to analysts that the commercial companies would use the options to [hedge] against expected corn sales in next year 's first quarter .",ARG-0: the commercial companies | ARG-2: against expected corn sales | ARG-M-TMP: in next year 's first quarter "SRL for [skirmished]: Off and on since then , the companies have [skirmished] in court .",ARG-M-TMP: Off and on since then | ARG-0: the companies | ARG-M-LOC: in court "SRL for [privileged]: As for his finances , I was never [privileged] to know exactly how much Letch had "" salted away "" .","ARG-M-DIS: As for his finances | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-2: I | ARG-1: to know exactly how much Letch had "" salted away """ "SRL for [advance]: If you have a $ 10,000 credit limit on your card and take out a $ 1,000 [advance] , you only have $ 9,000 of available credit left .","ARG-1: $ 1,000" "SRL for [had , tooled]: I [had , tooled] it .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it "SRL for [comes]: As for the stability fund , that [comes] to $ 10 billion per year , maybe half of which is actually for high - risk patients .",ARG-1: that | ARG-2: to $ 10 billion per year "SRL for [yield up]: When , however , Claudio 's sister , Isabella , a novitiate in a convent , goes to Angelo to plead her brother 's case , the obdurate ruler immediately falls in love with her and , in a supreme act of hypocrisy , demands that Isabella [yield up] her virtue to him in exchange for her brother 's life .",ARG-0: Isabella | ARG-1: her virtue | ARG-2: to him | ARG-M-MNR: in exchange for her brother 's life "SRL for [touching]: Reaching for an old clay pot , relic of pioneer days , he tore the envelope in pieces , dropping them into it , [touching] the little pyre to flame , watching it curl , the red sealing wax melting and bubbling in the feathery ash .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the little pyre | ARG-2: to flame "SRL for [census]: It is possible *PRO* to do a [census] of a large population , as with the United States Census , but it requires a huge amount of work , rime , and money .",ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-1: of a large population | ARG-M-ADV: as with the United States Census SRL for [increases]: These recent [increases] in the price of oil have impacted the markets .,ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-1: in the price of oil "SRL for [replastered]: Back in the dorm , he [replastered] the walls with tango posters and gave lessons to classmates .",ARG-M-LOC: Back in the dorm | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: the walls | ARG-1: with tango posters "SRL for [hanging]: With uncertainty still [hanging] over interest rates and the dollar , the market failed to find a focus that might lead to further investor commitments , they said .",ARG-1: uncertainty | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-LOC: over interest rates and the dollar "SRL for [offenses]: In the period up to December 10 , prosecutors around Taiwan dealt with more than 2,000 cases concerning black - gold [offenses] , brought charges against 30 elected officials and representatives , and found over NT$ 2.59 billion in misappropriated public funds .",ARG-M-ADJ: black - gold "SRL for [seats]: One of its futuristic concepts is the bubblelike Sneaker , which [seats] just one person in front and could hold a small child and bag of groceries in the rear .",ARG-2: the bubblelike Sneaker | R-ARG-2: which | ARG-1: just one person | ARG-M-LOC: in front "SRL for [clumsy]: Rove 's attack on Hillary Clinton was [clumsy] , but also shrewd .",ARG-1: Rove 's attack on Hillary Clinton "SRL for [vote]: It is said that the two biggest causes of family arguments this year have been differences over who to [vote] for in the presidential election , and over what stocks to buy .",R-ARG-1: who | ARG-M-LOC: in the presidential election | ARG-1: for SRL for [refining]: oil [refining] capacity,ARG-1: oil SRL for [paragraphed]: All her friends were [paragraphed] in last Monday 's paper .,ARG-1: All her friends | ARG-M-LOC: in last Monday 's paper "SRL for [miscommunication]: Even when we had our [miscommunication] about the photos and videos , you were courteous , polite and catered to my needs .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: about the photos and videos "SRL for [mimics]: At one point , almost all of the shares in the 20 - stock Major Market Index , which [mimics] the industrial average , were sharply higher .",ARG-0: the 20 - stock Major Market Index | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: the industrial average SRL for [protection]: such proceedings give it [protection] from creditor lawsuits,ARG-2: from creditor lawsuits SRL for [backfire]: The document stated that the implementation of the plan was later abandoned because Britain feared it might [backfire] violently on the Egyptian side .,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-MNR: violently | ARG-2: on the Egyptian side "SRL for [intrathoracic]: The spleen , which was [intrathoracic] , had ruptured .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: The spleen "SRL for [suspicious]: I 'll be honest , though : overly perfect - looking food is [suspicious] to me .",ARG-1: overly perfect - looking food | ARG-M-ADV: to me SRL for [fall]: An awesome love took the [fall] for all my sins .,ARG-0: An awesome love | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: for all my sins "SRL for [decoupled]: In Gayle Rubin 's 1984 essay , "" Thinking Sex , "" she [decoupled] the lesbian / feminist alliance .","ARG-M-LOC: In Gayle Rubin 's 1984 essay , "" Thinking Sex , "" | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the lesbian / feminist alliance" SRL for [taken]: It has [taken] measures to prevent cheating .,ARG-M-PRR: measures "SRL for [occult]: The moon will completely [occult] the sun for 6 minutes , 39 seconds .","ARG-1: The moon | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: completely | ARG-2: the sun | ARG-M-TMP: for 6 minutes , 39 seconds" SRL for [haltered]: She earned the opportunity to take home the animal during last year 's stock show when she [haltered] a calf in a youth contest .,ARG-0: she | ARG-2: a calf | ARG-M-LOC: in a youth contest "SRL for [reconcile]: As a result , Mr. Steinhardt must [reconcile] himself to selling USAir at a loss , or to holding the shares as an old - fashioned investment .",ARG-M-CAU: As a result | ARG-0: Mr. Steinhardt | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: to selling USAir at a loss "SRL for [real]: If a complex number is [real] , then the complex part would be zero .",ARG-1: a complex number SRL for [concerned]: And as far as an Islamic revolution is [concerned] i would say that it depends on how organized religious or clerical organizations are in a country and how politicized they are .,ARG-1: an Islamic revolution SRL for [sophisticated]: no elevation could have spoiled or [sophisticated] him,ARG-0: no elevation | ARG-1: him "SRL for [whupped]: Bo Diddley "" woulda [whupped] him with a ugly - stick ! """,ARG-0: Bo Diddley | ARG-M-MOD: woulda | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: with a ugly - stick "SRL for [silted up]: But then it turned out that President Siad Barrah was not at all a nice person and the Navy pointed out that the base he promised us in Berbera had [silted up] about a hundred years ago and anyway was 1,244 miles from the mouth of the Gulf .",ARG-1: the base he promised us in Berbera | ARG-M-TMP: about a hundred years ago "SRL for [sinister]: The movement of the woman was stately , and the effect of the torchlight on the face was [sinister] .",ARG-1: the effect of the torchlight on the face "SRL for [exchange]: At a New Year 's celebration in Peipu , Shihkang mayor Hsieh Chen - ying gave the people of Peipu a gift as a token of gratitude for their generous assistance , and when TCAC board members traveled to Shihkang to inspect the progress on the prefab shelters , they took advantage of the occasion to [exchange] views with local residents .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: views | ARG-2: with local residents SRL for [employed]: The patient is not currently [employed] .,ARG-1: The patient | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: currently SRL for [assembly]: The [assembly] of the different governing bodies into one major department was his finest achievement as governor .,ARG-1: of the different governing bodies | ARG-2: into one major department SRL for [thermoregulation]: One of the most profoundly advantageous features of viviparity is [thermoregulation] of the embryo .,ARG-1: of the embryo "SRL for [scans]: At 10:33 , when the S & P 500 December futures contract crunched to a 12 - point loss under the force of sell programs , S & P futures trading was halted and program trades on the Big Board were routed into a special computer that [scans] for order imbalances .",ARG-0: a special computer | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-2: for order imbalances SRL for [Experiments]: [Experiments] on mice with radioactively labeled LSD,ARG-1: on mice | ARG-2: with radioactively labeled LSD "SRL for [batting]: Your goal here is for your lights to be inconspicuous , so that you can slide right past Johnny Law 's cold gaze without his [batting] an eye .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: an eye "SRL for [collusive]: Therefore , the evaluation of Ma Ying - jeou as "" incapable "" was inaccurate . Ma Ying - jeou is very cunning and [collusive] .",ARG-1: Ma Ying - jeou | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [innoculating]: `` The conventional wisdom used to be that you could n't modify the immune response of an infected individual '' by [innoculating] them with synthetic viral proteins , Dr. Redfield said .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: them | ARG-3: with synthetic viral proteins SRL for [retirement]: Mr. Cunin 's [retirement],ARG-0: Mr. Cunin 's "SRL for [irrigating]: Tolek Alterman had returned from the colonies in Palestine and , before the national leadership , exalted the miracles of drying up swamps and [irrigating] the desert .",ARG-1: the desert SRL for [amalgamate]: Northgate Exploration Ltd. said it is proposing to [amalgamate] four of its associated companies .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: four of its associated companies SRL for [near]: Not sure if we are added yet but figured I would ask since we are [near] . Thanks .,ARG-1: we SRL for [malnutrition]: His [malnutrition] of the soul,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the soul SRL for [satisfactory]: Reports : Laboratory tests are reviewed and are [satisfactory] .,ARG-1: Laboratory tests "SRL for [activate]: If positioned over the brain 's motor - control area , the hand - held electromagnets generate nerve impulses that zip down motor nerves and [activate] muscles , making , say , a finger twitch .","R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: nerve impulses | ARG-1: muscles | ARG-M-ADV: making , say , a finger twitch" "SRL for [owe]: They have since mellowed , although one senior Young & Rubicam executive said `` I think ad agencies [owe] Carl Spielvogel a vote of thanks for getting him out of the consulting business . ''",ARG-0: ad agencies | ARG-2: Carl Spielvogel | ARG-1: a vote of thanks for getting him out of the consulting business SRL for [importuned]: She [importuned] her husband to bury her alive .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her husband | ARG-2: to bury her alive SRL for [avid]: The smaller lymph node was also FDG - [avid] .,ARG-0: The smaller lymph node | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: FDG SRL for [scarify]: Karo and Hamer women of Ethiopia [scarify] themselves to render their bodies sexually appealing .,ARG-0: Karo and Hamer women of Ethiopia | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-M-PRP: to render their bodies sexually appealing SRL for [variant]: The common femoral artery has a high bifurcation at the mid femoral head level and the configuration of the bifurcation is [variant] so that the profunda arises anterolateral related to the SFA .,ARG-1: the configuration of the bifurcation | ARG-M-ADV: so that the profunda arises anterolateral related to the SFA SRL for [predicted]: He [predicted] that the board would give the current duo until early next year before naming a new chief executive .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: that the board would give the current duo until early next year before naming a new chief executive "SRL for [began]: Costco from the United States [began] planning its first Taiwan store in 1995 , and the French wholesale outlet Casino arrived in 1999 .",ARG-0: Costco from the United States | ARG-1: planning its first Taiwan store in 1995 "SRL for [miffed]: What [miffed] many USX executives and shareholders was that the acquisition , for $ 3 billion of stock , doubled the USX shares outstanding and considerably diluted them .","ARG-0: that the acquisition , for $ 3 billion of stock , doubled the USX shares outstanding and considerably diluted them | R-ARG-0: What | ARG-1: many USX executives and shareholders" SRL for [execution]: the president 's [execution] of the law,ARG-0: the president 's | ARG-1: of the law SRL for [wheezed]: `` I ca n't make it . You go on without me . '' John [wheezed] to Mary as they walked from the driveway to the front door .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: `` I ca n't make it . You go on without me . '' | ARG-2: to Mary | ARG-M-TMP: as they walked from the driveway to the front door SRL for [supplied]: John [supplied] Mary with a bouquet of wilted dandelions .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: Mary | ARG-1: with a bouquet of wilted dandelions SRL for [falling back]: Skyler 's [falling back] on her accounting degree was still an option .,ARG-0: Skyler 's | ARG-1: on her accounting degree "SRL for [enough]: One person with a gun is bad [enough] , two are worse not better .",ARG-1: One person with a gun | ARG-2: bad SRL for [shouting down]: It did n't stop other right wing legislators from [shouting down] Barak 's address to parliament .,ARG-0: other right wing legislators | ARG-1: Barak 's address to parliament SRL for [tempered]: We note that in Rome yesterday Defense Secretary Cheney said that European euphoria over Mr. Gorbachev is starting to be [tempered] by a recognition of `` the magnitude of the problems he was trying to deal with . '',ARG-1: European euphoria over Mr. Gorbachev | ARG-0: by a recognition of `` the magnitude of the problems he was trying to deal with SRL for [Taking Over]: The Anniversary Of His [Taking Over] The Reins Of The World 's Fifth - biggest G,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: The Reins Of The World 's Fifth - biggest G SRL for [raising]: dog [raising],ARG-1: dog "SRL for [foxed]: Inside , the title page was [foxed] and faded .",ARG-M-LOC: Inside | ARG-1: the title page SRL for [daub]: A man is shown here mixing mud to [daub] over the brick walls .,ARG-0: A man | ARG-1: over the brick walls "SRL for [patting]: One day , Ching had told him ( smiling , [patting] him on the back ) as they walked to the weekly conference of squad leaders , `` Keep it up , your squad is one of the best , keep it up , keep up the good work '' .",ARG-0: Ching | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-LOC: on the back SRL for [slot]: Fatty Sister wants to by the kind of tablet that a keyboard can [slot] into .,ARG-1: a keyboard | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: into | C-ARG-2: a keyboard "SRL for [civilization]: Do we not inquire in what they have contributed to the [civilization] of the people , what part they have taken in it , whathas been the value and extent of their influence ?",ARG-1: of the people SRL for [togged]: She [togged] herself in expensive clothes .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: herself | ARG-2: in expensive clothes "SRL for [consistent]: he remained the prime suspect , despite his [consistent] denials",ARG-1: denials "SRL for [depressed]: However , the executive noted that slackening demand for new mortgages [depressed] new loan originations to $ 1 billion , 30 % below the same period last year .","ARG-0: slackening demand for new mortgages | ARG-1: new loan originations | ARG-4: to $ 1 billion , 30 % below the same period last year" "SRL for [compelled]: That is , he is being [compelled] to put them on the market too soon , and has already gotten offers that are less than he paid for some of the art works .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: to put them on the market too soon "SRL for [wiped out]: After I 've thoroughly [wiped out] with a four mile evening walk , and satisfied her back - in - the - apartment yen to have her belly rubbed , she -- right before collapsing for the night -- vigorously bats and rubs at her muzzle with both front paws .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-EXT: thoroughly | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: with a four mile evening walk SRL for [leave]: You can just [leave] it at that,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: it at that "SRL for [round out]: Mr. Brawer 's wife , Catherine , and Robert Stroup , Elizabeth 's husband , [round out] the five - member board .","ARG-0: Mr. Brawer 's wife , Catherine , and Robert Stroup , Elizabeth 's husband | ARG-1: the five - member board" SRL for [hard]: The patient is [hard] of hearing .,ARG-0: The patient | ARG-1: of hearing "SRL for [arrive]: But with the index proving somewhat better than expected and the widely anticipated report on October employment scheduled to [arrive] tomorrow , stock prices firmed only modestly in response to the report and then faltered .",ARG-1: the widely anticipated report on October | ARG-M-TMP: tomorrow SRL for [pisses]: But the far right sees it and it [pisses] the hell out of them .,ARG-0: it | ARG-3: the hell | ARG-1: out of them "SRL for [irrupted]: They [irrupted] into society again in 1871 , reasserting their rights .",ARG-1: They | ARG-M-GOL: into society | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-TMP: in 1871 | ARG-M-ADV: reasserting their rights SRL for [playing]: The service began with the [playing] of the national anthem .,ARG-1: of the national anthem "SRL for [deceptive]: Old man Mao Yushi says that the money made from usury is "" the best use of money "" , says that opportunistic profiteering creates wealth and is n't exploitation , his argument undoubtedly appears to be so ridiculously childish and self - [deceptive] !",ARG-0: his argument | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-ADV: ridiculously | ARG-1: self "SRL for [afflicted]: The hand of the LORD was heavy against the people of Ashdod , and he terrified and [afflicted] them with tumors",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with tumors SRL for [debulking]: Tumor [debulking] performed .,ARG-1: Tumor SRL for [brutal]: He was [brutal] to you : you hated him .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: to you SRL for [interactions]: The [interactions] between health and homelessness,ARG-0: between health and homelessness SRL for [offered]: Coche - Dury [offered] its 1987 Corton - Charlemagne for $ 155 .,ARG-0: Coche - Dury | ARG-1: its 1987 Corton - Charlemagne | ARG-2: for $ 155 SRL for [hateful]: I agree with Jaime that Cersei is ' [hateful] ' and feels no sympathy .,ARG-0: Cersei SRL for [offers]: The company [offers] a word - processing package for personal computers .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: a word - processing package for personal computers SRL for [fundamental]: His beliefs about upholding the law were not [fundamental] enough .,ARG-1: His beliefs about upholding the law | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: enough SRL for [chafe]: Government officials who are urging real - estate reforms balk at the arguments of business leaders and [chafe] at their pressure .,ARG-0: Government officials who are urging real - estate reforms | ARG-1: at their pressure SRL for [layovered]: My family and I [layovered] for around six hours at Taoyuan Airport,ARG-0: My family and I | ARG-1: for around six hours | ARG-2: at Taoyuan Airport SRL for [stratifies]: Income distribution often [stratifies] a society .,ARG-0: Income distribution | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: a society "SRL for [opted]: With the new TV spots , Ogilvy & Mather has [opted] for a family style with lots of laughter , hugs and tears .","ARG-M-MNR: With the new TV spots | ARG-0: Ogilvy & Mather | ARG-1: for a family style with lots of laughter , hugs and tears" SRL for [defaulted]: General Electric Pension took control of the 85 - title library last month after Color Systems [defaulted] on the loan .,ARG-1: Color Systems | ARG-2: on the loan "SRL for [mature]: They [mature] in 2005 , 2009 and 2029 .","ARG-1: They | ARG-M-TMP: in 2005 , 2009 and 2029" "SRL for [nominated]: Antonio Novello , whom Mr. Bush [nominated] to serve as surgeon general , reportedly has assured the administration that she opposes abortion .",ARG-0: Mr. Bush | ARG-1: Antonio Novello | R-ARG-1: whom | ARG-2: to serve as surgeon general SRL for [ration]: Insulin to carb [ration],ARG-2: Insulin to carb SRL for [transition]: I was able to [transition] from one exercise to another very seamlessly .,ARG-0: I | ARG-3: from one exercise | ARG-2: to another | ARG-M-MNR: very seamlessly "SRL for [vacation]: Hillary Clinton 's desperation "" gas [vacation] "" proposal is about the last straw with me .",ARG-2: gas SRL for [costs]: The service [costs] the caller 30 cents a minute,ARG-1: The service | ARG-3: the caller | ARG-2: 30 cents a minute "SRL for [followed]: California led the nation , [followed] by Texas , Iowa , and Florida","ARG-2: California | ARG-1: by Texas , Iowa , and Florida" SRL for [resultant]: The breast cancer was [resultant] from prior radiation treatments .,ARG-2: the breast cancer | ARG-1: from prior radiation treatments "SRL for [planned]: Over the past few years he has held two Taiwanese exhibitions of his modern ink paintings , and a third is [planned] for October at the National Museum of History .",ARG-1: a third | ARG-M-TMP: for October | ARG-M-LOC: at the National Museum of History SRL for [renomination]: The last time something like this happened that I know of ; was the republican convention in New York for the [renomination] of Bush Jr for a second term in office .,ARG-1: of Bush Jr | ARG-2: for a second term in office SRL for [meeting]: Prime Minister Barak 's scheduled [meeting] with President Mubarak,ARG-0: Prime Minister Barak 's | ARG-1: with President Mubarak "SRL for [worked out]: ( No one has [worked out] the players ' average age , but most appear to be in their late 30s . )",ARG-0: No one | ARG-1: the players ' average age SRL for [heeled]: Rabah Madjer became a legend when he [heeled] the ball into the net .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the ball | ARG-2: into the net SRL for [graffitis]: He [graffitis] on them death sentences in poor constructions for he is failing AP English .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: on them | ARG-2: death sentences in poor constructions | ARG-M-CAU: for he is failing AP English "SRL for [catastrophe]: Israeli troops opened fire at three border locations to try to prevent crowds of protesters from crossing , killing at least 13 people , on the day Palestinians annually mark what they term the "" [catastrophe] "" of Israel 's founding in 1948 .",ARG-1: of Israel 's founding in 1948 "SRL for [howling]: `` The wind is really [howling] outside , '' John said .",ARG-0: The wind | ARG-M-DIS: really | ARG-M-LOC: outside SRL for [assisting]: Sotheby 's vice president Diana Levitt says the auction house has been `` [assisting] '' Mr. Paul in selling the paintings .,ARG-0: the auction house | ARG-1: Mr. Paul | ARG-2: in selling the paintings "SRL for [lawbreaking]: Only by this way can a heavy knock be given to those arrogant [lawbreaking] house buyers ,",ARG-0: house buyers SRL for [famous]: Yeah well we re def not big and [famous] . Lol but yeah i guess it kinda has an indie feel,ARG-M-DIS: Yeah well | ARG-1: we | ARG-M-ADV: def | ARG-M-NEG: not SRL for [are like]: I know my producers [are like] ah uh .,ARG-0: my producers | ARG-1: ah uh SRL for [catered]: John [catered] a party for his mother .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a party | ARG-2: for his mother "SRL for [admits]: Ramon Garcia , the Asset Trust 's executive trustee , [admits] to what he calls `` temporary setbacks . ''","ARG-0: Ramon Garcia , the Asset Trust 's executive trustee | ARG-1: to what he calls `` temporary setbacks" SRL for [descending]: Ralph 's [descending] from the mountain was met by cheers from his teammates .,ARG-0: Ralph 's | ARG-M-DIR: from the mountain SRL for [predated]: Edison 's first sound recordings were [predated] by 20 years .,ARG-2: Edison 's first sound recordings | ARG-M-EXT: by 20 years "SRL for [decompensation]: The prevention of metabolic [decompensation] from the "" stress "" of illness and surgery is a key goal in the management of diabetes in the hospitalized patient .","ARG-1: metabolic | ARG-0: from the "" stress "" of illness and surgery" "SRL for [wearing]: Sotheby 's , she says , is `` [wearing] both hats . ''",ARG-0: Sotheby 's | ARG-1: both hats "SRL for [counterattack]: As a result of this trend , longtime powerhouses H - P , IBM and Digital Equipment Corp. are scrambling to [counterattack] with microprocessor - based systems of their own .","ARG-0: longtime powerhouses H - P , IBM and Digital Equipment Corp. | ARG-2: with microprocessor - based systems of their own" SRL for [block]: The senator 's effective [block] of the bill angered the president .,ARG-0: senator 's | ARG-M-MNR: effective | ARG-1: of the bill SRL for [praised]: Big Board traders [praised] the Jacobson specialists for getting through yesterday without a trading halt .,ARG-0: Big Board traders | ARG-1: the Jacobson specialists | ARG-2: for getting through yesterday without a trading halt "SRL for [pertains]: However , it gave the shareholders the right to pursue a small portion of their claim that [pertains] to Lisa 's disk drive , known as Twiggy .","ARG-0: a small portion | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: to Lisa 's disk drive , known as Twiggy" "SRL for [petty]: She glanced at the remote control and momentarily considered stealing it out of spite , but that was [petty] .",ARG-1: that SRL for [prominent]: Roman influence was [prominent] in the lake and fountain promenade,ARG-1: Roman influence | ARG-2: in the lake and fountain promenade SRL for [taken up]: Most of the picture is [taken up] with endless scenes of talking heads .,ARG-1: Most of the picture | ARG-0: with endless scenes of talking heads SRL for [pay]: The transaction would [pay] shareholders $ 55 a share .,ARG-0: The transaction | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: shareholders | ARG-1: $ 55 a share "SRL for [spares]: Many women may even see the dead embryo they have expelled , a sight the surgical - abortion industry typically [spares] them .",ARG-0: the surgical - abortion industry | ARG-M-ADV: typically | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: a sight "SRL for [Embedded]: [Embedded] in the `` budget '' being concocted by the House - Senate conference committee is something that looks , smells and waddles like a duck .","ARG-1: something that looks , smells and waddles like a duck | ARG-2: in the `` budget '' being concocted by the House - Senate conference committee" "SRL for [differentiate]: also are trying to [differentiate] by concentrating on higher - profit output , such as coated and electrogalvanized products , which remain beyond the reach of minimills .","ARG-2: by concentrating on higher - profit output , such as coated and electrogalvanized products , which remain beyond the reach of minimills" SRL for [chirring]: Are there any birds or else that sound like a loud raccoon [chirring] ?,ARG-0: a loud raccoon "SRL for [claiming]: A shareholders ' accord would provide the first restitution to thousands of individuals and institutions [claiming] losses as a result of insider trading by Boesky & Co. , once the largest arbitrage fund in the U.S ..","ARG-0: individuals and institutions | ARG-1: losses as a result of insider trading by Boesky & Co. , once the largest arbitrage fund in the U.S" SRL for [Homicide]: [Homicide] by prisoner VEH 1 DEG .,ARG-0: by prisoner VEH 1 DEG SRL for [sure]: he is [sure] to win,ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to win SRL for [industrialized]: The Baiji population declined drastically in recent decades as China [industrialized] and made heavy use of the river for fishing .,ARG-1: China "SRL for [told on]: No one [told on] Ludie , not even when he slipped live grasshoppers into the mite - box .",ARG-0: No one | ARG-1: Ludie | ARG-M-TMP: not even when he slipped live grasshoppers into the mite - box SRL for [endorsed]: John [endorsed] his paycheck before depositing it .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his paycheck | ARG-M-TMP: before depositing it "SRL for [flowering]: To highlight the Asian tropical landscape and nationalities ' characteristics in the urban park greenification , Nanning City has planted a great quantity of plants of the palms family and blossoming tall trees , [flowering] shrubs , colorful foliage plants , ground cover plants , lawns , etc .",ARG-1: shrubs SRL for [bisected]: I [bisected] the kernel and found that reverting this commit fixes my problem .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the kernel "SRL for [fear]: They are also indirectly subject to approval by the state of New Hampshire , where residents [fear] soaring rates to pay for the cost of reorganization .",ARG-0: residents | ARG-1: soaring rates to pay for the cost of reorganization | ARG-M-LOC: New Hampshire | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [cooperative]: My two year old girl is [cooperative] with the babysitter in potty training .,ARG-0: My two year old girl | ARG-1: with the babysitter | ARG-2: in potty training "SRL for [coverage]: live [coverage] of tomorrow 's memorial service for the sailors who died on the `` USS Cole , ''","ARG-M-MNR: live | ARG-1: of tomorrow 's memorial service for the sailors who died on the `` USS Cole , ''" SRL for [dress up]: The three - page Crown Royal ad features a black - and - white shot of a boring holiday party -- and a set of colorful stickers with which readers can [dress up] .,ARG-0: readers | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: colorful stickers | R-ARG-M-MNR: with which SRL for [scanned]: See [scanned] document,ARG-1: document SRL for [unsuitable]: I have not seen any material as to why the 50 + population is [unsuitable] for this vaccine .,ARG-1: the 50 + population | ARG-2: for this vaccine | ARG-M-CAU: why "SRL for [Filling out]: [Filling out] detailed forms about these individuals would tip the IRS off and spark action against the clients , he said .",ARG-1: detailed forms about these individuals SRL for [discharged]: Dr. Gupta [discharged] Patient Johanssen from the ICU this morning,ARG-0: Dr. Gupta | ARG-1: Patient Johanssen | ARG-2: from the ICU | ARG-M-TMP: this morning SRL for [critical]: Other lawmakers and officials argued Thursday the records analysis was [critical] in protecting national security .,ARG-1: the records analysis | ARG-2: in protecting national security SRL for [deparaffinized]: [deparaffinized] tissue sections,ARG-1: tissue sections SRL for [Forgive]: [Forgive] me for this !,ARG-1: me | ARG-2: for this SRL for [caravanned]: They [caravanned] to New Orleans .,ARG-1: They | ARG-3: to New Orleans SRL for [baits]: He [baits] her into killing another vampire so he can watch her technique .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: into killing another vampire | ARG-M-PRP: so he can watch her technique "SRL for [great]: In London the mortality was very [great] ; the court was broken up , and Henry VIII left London , frequently changing his residence .",ARG-M-LOC: In London | ARG-1: the mortality | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [uninhabitable]: Does it know that the house is [uninhabitable] - usually that makes a property unmortgeable .,ARG-1: the house "SRL for [buckle down]: When he turned 30 , John knew it was time to [buckle down] and finish high school .",ARG-0: John SRL for [castrated]: A man who [ a man ] has been [castrated] is incapable of reproduction,ARG-1: a man SRL for [endorsement]: The Russian President 's [endorsement],ARG-0: The Russian President 's SRL for [correct]: The 1988 period was restated from net income of $ 8 million *trace* to [correct] an overstatement in the company 's Boston Co. subsidiary .,ARG-1: an overstatement in the company 's Boston Co. subsidiary "SRL for [ties]: Allianz said in its statement that it was acting to protect that interest , which [ties] it to Navigation Mixte as a partner .",ARG-0: that interest | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to Navigation Mixte | ARG-4: as a partner | R-ARG-0: which SRL for [stupid]: Going to the store was [stupid] of him,ARG-1: Going to the store | C-ARG-1: of him "SRL for [bestrode]: Indeed , as a colossus he [bestrode] the international legal community .",ARG-M-DIS: Indeed | ARG-M-PRD: as a colossus | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the international legal community SRL for [examinations]: Their university enterance [examinations],ARG-1: Their | ARG-2: university enterance "SRL for [emblazoned]: As soon as you 're through customs at Hong Kong , you see them : women draped with beauty pageant - like sashes with the Chinese characters for "" Global Travel "" [emblazoned] across them .","ARG-1: the Chinese characters for "" Global Travel "" | ARG-2: across them" SRL for [promenaded]: They [promenaded] down the red carpet under escort of a Marine Corps color guard .,ARG-1: They | ARG-4: down the red carpet | ARG-M-ADV: under escort of a Marine Corps color guard "SRL for [backhanded]: It hit the ice and bounced about a foot in the air , and the Northern All - Stars centre [backhanded] the puck to the defenceman .",ARG-0: the Northern All - Stars centre | ARG-2: the puck | ARG-4: to the defenceman SRL for [trick]: Man in a red Elmo shirt does flip [trick] for the crowd .,ARG-0: Man in a red Elmo shirt | ARG-M-LVB: does | ARG-1: flip | ARG-2: for the crowd "SRL for [distorted]: The media , she says , have [distorted] his personal life .",ARG-0: The media | ARG-1: his personal life "SRL for [pared]: Since April , it has [pared] its high - yield bond holdings to about $ 890 million from $ 1.35 billion .",ARG-M-TMP: Since April | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its high - yield bond holdings | ARG-4: to about $ 890 million | ARG-3: from $ 1.35 billion "SRL for [subtle]: Some increased melanocytes , expending to the upper layer of epidermis and close to the surgical margin are seen -LRB- block C7 -RRB- ; however findings are too [subtle] to be interpreted as margin positive .",ARG-M-ADV: however | ARG-0: findings | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to be interpreted as margin positive SRL for [anticipates]: The documents also said that Cray Computer [anticipates] needing perhaps another $ 120 million in financing beginning next September .,ARG-0: Cray Computer | ARG-1: needing perhaps another $ 120 million in financing beginning next September SRL for [Rules]: [Rules] of the road for our soldiers,ARG-1: of the road | ARG-2: for our soldiers SRL for [report]: the trade [report],ARG-1: trade SRL for [illustration]: an [illustration] of Cheng 's whole approach,ARG-1: of Cheng 's whole approach "SRL for [call]: While I was covering for one of the other pediatricians , I made a house [call] on a child with a draining ear .",ARG-M-TMP: While I was covering for one of the other pediatricians | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-2: house | ARG-1: on a child with a draining ear SRL for [ailing]: A group of Michigan investors has offered to buy Knight - Ridder Inc. 's [ailing] Detroit Free Press for $ 68 million but has left unclear how the offer will be financed .,ARG-1: Detroit Free Press "SRL for [levying]: Specific measures might include raising the highway tax and aviation fuel tax , as well as [levying] special taxes on appliances that consume excessive resources .",ARG-1: special taxes | ARG-2: on appliances that consume excessive resources SRL for [tick]: Some litigators scoff at the notion that a sociologist knows more than they do about what makes a jury [tick] .,ARG-0: a jury "SRL for [beetled]: She loved it , and while I waited in line again to pay for it , she [beetled] about the shop 's floor looking incontestably happy with herself .",ARG-M-TMP: while I waited in line again to pay for it | ARG-1: she | ARG-M-LOC: about the shop 's floor | ARG-M-PRD: looking incontestably happy with herself "SRL for [distilling]: So , following both the style he pursued as President Ford 's national security adviser and the recommendations of the Tower Commission , Gen. Scowcroft has pruned the NSC staff and tried to ensure that it-1 sticks to its assigned tasks -- namely , gathering the views of the State Department , Pentagon and intelligence community ; *trace*-1 serving as an honest broker in [*]-1 [distilling] that information for the president and then making sure presidential decisions are carried out .",ARG-2: that information | ARG-M-PNC: for the president "SRL for [taking]: Over three years , the fund has gone from [taking] losses to taking off ; though it has levelled off somewhat lately , the returns have been excellent .",ARG-0: the fund | ARG-1: losses SRL for [latched]: He [latched] the gate to her stall and gave her an affectionate rub on her soft snout,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the gate to her stall SRL for [slake]: A kiss from a neighbor girl wo n't [slake] your thirst .,ARG-2: A kiss from a neighbor girl | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: your thirst SRL for [free]: She is [free] to read whatever she likes .,ARG-1: She | ARG-3: to read whatever she likes "SRL for [usual]: Such a large deal is [usual] for Apple , not withstanding its cash war chest .",ARG-1: Such a large deal | ARG-2: for Apple "SRL for [laugh]: "" I was like a Chinese person dwelling in a Chinese concession in New York , "" says Hsia with a [laugh] .", "SRL for [salvage]: Majority Whip William Gray owes a political debt to Southern agriculture lawmakers for his rise in the House , and the Philadelphia Democrat used his position in the conference to [salvage] the exemption from a total ban .",ARG-0: the Philadelphia Democrat | ARG-1: the exemption | ARG-2: from a total ban SRL for [concession]: ... his [concession] to George W. Bush when he thought he lost was so quick .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to George W. Bush | ARG-M-TMP: when he thought he lost SRL for [walled off]: John 's bedroom is [walled off] from the rest of the house .,ARG-1: John 's bedroom | ARG-2: from the rest of the house "SRL for [review]: His [review] "" The Tide Comes for Ko Ching Hua ""","ARG-0: His | ARG-2: "" The Tide Comes for Ko Ching Hua """ SRL for [step]: A Ford takeover of Jaguar would `` have such implications for the balance of power in the 1990s that General Motors ca n't afford to [step] aside .,ARG-1: General Motors | ARG-M-DIR: aside SRL for [sweeping]: balloon [sweeping] of bile duct stones,ARG-3: balloon | ARG-1: of bile duct stones SRL for [flied]: Kemp came closest to a home run in the fourth inning when he [flied] to very deep right field .,ARG-0: he | ARG-2: to very deep right field SRL for [invitation]: they were in this country at the [invitation] of President Reagan,ARG-0: of President Reagan "SRL for [codified]: Shortly afterwards , Mr. Bush imposed a series of anti - China sanctions , including suspension of most high - level talks , which could be [codified] in U.S. congressional legislation in the coming weeks .",ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: anti - China sanctions | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-M-LOC: in U.S. congressional legislation | ARG-M-TMP: in the coming weeks SRL for [blistered]: The heat [blistered] her hand .,ARG-0: The heat | ARG-1: her hand "SRL for [Debauched]: Popular titles such as The Nun in her Nightdress and John , The Fucker [Debauched] , were both bestsellers and intellectually respectable in the 18th - century city .","ARG-1: John , The Fucker" "SRL for [Misunderstanding]: [Misunderstanding] conversations with us , Mr. Tomsho argued that Mr. Redford 's environmental views are at odds with Utah residents .",ARG-0: Mr. Tomsho | ARG-1: conversations with us SRL for [killing]: the [killing] of Messrs. Spadafora and Torrijos,ARG-1: of Messrs. Spadafora and Torrijos SRL for [rules]: Israel 's election [rules],ARG-0: Israel 's | ARG-1: election SRL for [caught up]: He got [caught up] into it and became a different person .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: into it SRL for [nuke]: It is a war we would be stupid to give them money because they will only use it for weaponry to fight against our armed forces and they will probably plant some DU in our country or even [nuke] us innocent civillians for payback .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: us innocent civillians | ARG-M-PRP: for payback SRL for [interactions]: their economic [interactions],ARG-0: their | ARG-2: economic SRL for [pacing]: His strength will be in his [pacing] his opponent and outthinking him .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: his opponent SRL for [scape]: We are not looking for hides to skin nor goats to [scape] .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: goats "SRL for [unify]: Arguing that the separate financial marketplaces acted as one , and concluding that the crash had `` raised the possibility of a full - scale financial system breakdown , '' the presidential task force called for establishing a super - regulator to oversee the markets , to make margins consistent across markets , to [unify] clearing systems and to install circuit breakers .",ARG-0: a super - regulator | ARG-1: clearing systems SRL for [wing]: Ok sounds good ! Or we can just [wing] it when we get there lol we do n't need to assign specific questions,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: when we get there "SRL for [soaking]: A 10 - gallon water cooler had toppled onto the floor , [soaking] the red carpeting .",ARG-0: A 10 - gallon water cooler | ARG-1: the red carpeting SRL for [glorified]: Each is still [glorified] as a national hero .,ARG-1: Each | ARG-2: as a national hero SRL for [Taps]: RJR [Taps] FCB / Leber,ARG-0: RJR | ARG-1: FCB / Leber SRL for [broke down]: He [broke down] the cardboard boxes before cramming them in the recycle bin .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the cardboard boxes | ARG-M-TMP: before cramming them in the recycle bin SRL for [cites]: He [cites] the recent deal between Mitsubishi Estate Co and the Rockefeller Group as evidence .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the recent deal between Mitsubishi Estate Co and the Rockefeller Group | ARG-2: as evidence SRL for [leaks]: national security [leaks],ARG-1: national security SRL for [repercussions]: Mapping vulnerability to climate change and its [repercussions] on human health in Pakistan .,ARG-0: its | ARG-2: on human health | ARG-M-LOC: in Pakistan "SRL for [flicked]: And I had hardly finished my business in the toilet on the aforementioned occasion when the lights in that place , like the hall lights controlled from the switch in the office , [flicked] off and on impatiently .","ARG-1: the lights in that place , like the hall lights controlled from the switch in the office | ARG-2: off and on | ARG-M-MNR: impatiently" SRL for [dimensional]: a tesseract is a four [dimensional] cube,ARG-2: four | ARG-1: cube "SRL for [bordering]: For such businessmen , the Canadian government is organizing 55 missions this year to U.S. states [bordering] on Canada .",ARG-1: U.S. states | ARG-2: on Canada SRL for [iconic]: This photo of twiggy is [iconic] of the 60s and propelled twiggy to be an icon herself .,ARG-1: This photo of twiggy | ARG-2: of the 60s SRL for [action]: The [action] of natural forces such as pressure and high temperature creates metamorphic rock from igneous or sedimentary rock .,ARG-0: of natural forces such as pressure and high temperature SRL for [return]: they expect a [return] to full operations by Saturday,ARG-4: to full operations | ARG-M-TMP: by Saturday SRL for [interfacing]: They have been [interfacing] these couple days back home .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: these couple days | ARG-M-LOC: back home SRL for [roadwork]: Men in hard hats doing [roadwork] .,ARG-0: Men in hard hats | ARG-M-LVB: doing "SRL for [died]: The letter , along with a detailed prosecution memo , sat on the desks of Justice officials for months before the case [died] a quiet death .",ARG-1: the case | ARG-2: a quiet death "SRL for [polish]: On weekends , she came to work to prepare study plans or sometimes , even to [polish] the furniture in her classroom .",ARG-M-TMP: sometimes | ARG-M-DIS: even | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the furniture in her classroom "SRL for [crying out]: at first i spent the first 5 weeks *-2 [crying out] not sleeping , then it ended up that i felt i had done something wrong and therefore he dumped me",ARG-1: my eyes | ARG-M-ADV: not sleeping "SRL for [wore on]: But yesterday , as the morning [wore on] , some major West Coast refinery operators -- including Chevron Corp. , Exxon Corp.and the Shell Oil Co. unit of Royal Dutch / Shell Group -- said their refineries were n't damaged and were continuing to operate normally .",ARG-1: the morning "SRL for [brought up]: I was [brought up] Lutheran , but my wife was raised Catholic",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: Lutheran "SRL for [pissy]: I know I 've been [pissy] about trolls on the forum lately , but it 's just a sort of last - ditch effort before I move the forum from "" visit daily "" to "" visit weekly . """,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: about trolls on the forum | ARG-M-TMP: lately SRL for [Short]: Canada 's Defence Spending Increased But Still Fell [Short] Of Alliance 's Target .,ARG-2: Canada 's Defence Spending | ARG-M-TMP: Still | ARG-M-LVB: Fell | ARG-3: Of Alliance 's Target SRL for [adjustments]: [adjustments] to reserves for workers ' compensation claims,ARG-1: to reserves | ARG-4: for workers ' compensation claims SRL for [short]: I was $ 10 [short] of getting on the Greyhound bus .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: $ 10 | ARG-3: of getting on the Greyhound bus SRL for [twinged]: I winced as one of my broken teeth [twinged] .,ARG-1: one of my broken teeth "SRL for [spread]: successful developments and marketing of this new medicine would help prevent the [spread] of Diabetes II in such developing countries as China , India and Africa , etc .",ARG-1: of Diabetes II SRL for [muster]: Mr. Runkel says he doubts Mr. Kennedy can [muster] enough congressional support to reorganize the Justice Department .,ARG-0: Mr. Kennedy | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: enough congressional support to reorganize the Justice Department SRL for [negative]: surgical margins [negative],ARG-1: surgical margins "SRL for [heart]: One could take [heart] that in the age of globalization , local cultures have survived , and sometimes even flourished .","ARG-1: One | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-0: that in the age of globalization , local cultures have survived , and sometimes even flourished" "SRL for [beamed]: He gives pep talks in periodic `` family briefings '' [beamed] internationally on `` FXTV , '' the company 's own television network .","ARG-1: periodic `` family briefings '' | ARG-M-MNR: internationally | ARG-M-LOC: on `` FXTV , '' the company 's own television network" "SRL for [liquid]: This layer is called the low - velocity zone , and scientists have concluded that this zone is at least partially [liquid] .",ARG-1: this zone | ARG-M-EXT: at least partially "SRL for [isolated]: Even today , the animals are [isolated] from human interference as tourism here is restricted .",ARG-M-TMP: Even today | ARG-1: the animals | ARG-2: from human interference | ARG-M-TMP: as tourism here is restricted SRL for [deepening]: But it does that at the cost of *trace* [deepening] the taxpayer 's exposure if the FHA is forced to pay for more loans going sour .,ARG-1: the taxpayer 's exposure | ARG-M-ADV: if the FHA is forced to pay for more loans going sour "SRL for [uncooperative]: The President disliked Chavez because he hoped that Chavez would work with him , but Chavez was [uncooperative] with him on Iran and defiant in terms of Libya and Syria .",ARG-0: Chavez | ARG-1: with him | ARG-2: on Iran SRL for [assayed]: Purified His6 protein was [assayed] for the ability to synthesize c - di - GMP .,ARG-1: Purified His6 protein | ARG-2: for the ability to synthesize c - di - GMP SRL for [scheming]: He was [scheming] with the United States .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: with the United States "SRL for [SINKEX]: Had this been a [SINKEX] with a live warhead , this angle would still have been a devistating hit .",ARG-2: with a live warhead SRL for [flitted]: From house to house I [flitted] ;,ARG-3: From house | ARG-4: to house | ARG-1: I "SRL for [sentencing]: Dallas District Judge Jack Hampton had sparked calls for a judicial inquiry with his remarks to the press last December , two weeks after [sentencing] an 18 - year - old defendant to 30 years in state prison for killing two homosexual men in a city park .",ARG-0: Dallas District Judge Jack Hampton | ARG-1: an 18 - year - old defendant | ARG-2: to 30 years in state prison | ARG-3: for killing two homosexual men in a city park SRL for [ileoileostomy]: side - to - side [ileoileostomy] by the doctor,ARG-M-MNR: side - to - side | ARG-0: by the doctor SRL for [secure]: You would think that having 4 part time jobs that at least you will have 2 at any one time and that is more [secure] than having 1 full time job and possibly being given notice to leave .,ARG-1: that | ARG-M-CXN: more | C-ARG-M-CXN: than having 1 full time job and possibly being given notice to leave "SRL for [naked]: Wait until Taiwan is "" totally [naked] , "" then they 'll have to "" wear it "" if they want to or not !",ARG-1: Taiwan | ARG-M-EXT: totally "SRL for [coming]: Yes , I do recall Bill Buckingham making comments about , you know , the apes and monkeys - [coming] from apes and monkeys .",ARG-1: the apes and monkeys | ARG-2: from apes and monkeys SRL for [shucked]: Women [shucked] the meat from the shells in clam houses,ARG-0: Women | ARG-2: the meat | ARG-1: from the shells | ARG-M-LOC: in clam houses SRL for [make out]: You [make out] like hampering a nation 's development is somthing new !,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: like hampering a nation 's development is somthing new SRL for [perched]: John 's parakeet [perched] on the end of his nose .,ARG-0: John 's parakeet | ARG-2: on the end of his nose "SRL for [tooled]: On the lam from the law , they [tooled] around in a big black 1983 GMC Vandura piloted by Mr. T.",ARG-M-PRD: On the lam from the law | ARG-1: they | ARG-2: around | ARG-M-MNR: in a big black 1983 GMC Vandura piloted by Mr. T. SRL for [labeling]: Jesse 's [labeling] of the company as a mere start - up was disputed .,ARG-0: Jesse 's | ARG-1: of the company | ARG-2: as a mere start - up SRL for [requisition]: He made a midnight [requisition] of all the printers he could lay hands on so that he could monitor all the telephone lines coming into the lab 's computers .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-TMP: midnight | ARG-1: of all the printers he could lay hands on | ARG-M-PRP: so that he could monitor all the telephone lines coming into the lab 's computers SRL for [suspiciously]: Timmy was [suspiciously] silent about the missing cookies,ARG-1: silent SRL for [bowed out]: New England Electric [bowed out] of the bidding for Public Service of New Hampshire .,ARG-0: New England Electric | ARG-1: of the bidding for Public Service of New Hampshire "SRL for [scented]: Outside , the garden , the tame wilderness , yielded a patchwork bouquet ofdaisies , sweet william , [scented] stock and lady 's bedstraw , which she tiedwith long grasses and took back to show Rosa , whowas now stirring about the kitchen and haranguing Folly .",ARG-1: stock "SRL for [opacification]: Thus , occasionally , as in the case cited , the cataract on the side on which mydriasis has been maintained will mature more rapidly than the cataract on the opposite side , although this was originally far more advanced in its [opacification] .",ARG-1: its SRL for [pitted]: John [pitted] the cherries .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the cherries "SRL for [pushing]: Linda and Michael ( Ms. Close and Mr. Woods ) , who seem to be [pushing] 40 , live in a large and tastefully decorated home in suburban Seattle .",ARG-1: Linda and Michael ( Ms. Close and Mr. Woods ) | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-2: 40 "SRL for [profiteering]: Old man Mao Yushi says that the money made from usury is "" the best use of money "" , says that opportunistic [profiteering] creates wealth and is n't exploitation , his argument undoubtedly appears to be so ridiculously childish and self - deceptive !",ARG-M-MNR: opportunistic SRL for [fascinated]: John [fascinated] Mary with his tales of adventure in the Great White North .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: with his tales of adventure in the Great White North "SRL for [pleased]: The company also [pleased] analysts by announcing four new store openings planned for fiscal 1990 , ending next August .","ARG-0: The company | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: analysts | ARG-2: by announcing four new store openings planned for fiscal 1990 , ending next August" "SRL for [balkanizing]: There are efforts to expand it and generalize it in the region , or what is sometimes called *PRO* [balkanizing] the region , like what happened after the collapse of the Soviet Union .",ARG-1: the region SRL for [misted up]: Harry let out a long breath and watched as he [misted up] the window .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the window SRL for [left]: The attack [left] 15 dead,ARG-0: The attack | ARG-1: 15 dead SRL for [parade]: Westernaire 's [parade] of horses,ARG-1: Westernaire | ARG-3: of horses SRL for [infiltrate]: They said they dropped plans to [infiltrate] the Kennedy Space Center after NASA beefed up its security .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the Kennedy Space Center SRL for [calcified]: The tissue surrounding the break is [calcified] by osteoblasts .,ARG-1: The tissue surrounding the break | ARG-0: by osteoblasts SRL for [bustled]: The office [bustled] with people and activity .,ARG-1: The office | ARG-0: with people and activity SRL for [short]: Yesterday we got into an argument because I was [short] with him about something .,ARG-0: I | ARG-2: with him | ARG-1: about something SRL for [bored]: Eventually viewers may grow [bored] with the technology and resent the cost .,ARG-M-TMP: Eventually | ARG-1: viewers | ARG-0: with the technology "SRL for [wave]: With a [wave] to my new friend , I walked away , map in hand",ARG-2: to my new friend SRL for [federalize]: My ammendment does not [federalize] the Border Patrol .,ARG-0: My ammendment | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the Border Patrol "SRL for [cribriformed]: As she [cribriformed] the opening , uneasiness pulsed though the room .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the opening "SRL for [deteriorated]: By October , however , market conditions had [deteriorated] and the reset notes were targeted o be offered at a yield of between 13 1\/4 % and 13 1\/2 % .",ARG-M-TMP: By October | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-1: market conditions SRL for [rambled]: Bond prices [rambled] yesterday as investors kept close watch on the stock market and worried about a wave of new supply .,ARG-0: Bond prices | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-TMP: as investors kept close watch on the stock market and worried about a wave of new supply SRL for [birding]: I do n't know about [birding] in that part of the world,ARG-M-LOC: in that part of the world SRL for [run]: A good number decide it 's not worth it and [run] for home .,ARG-0: A good number | ARG-M-DIR: for home "SRL for [succeed]: Stephen Akerfeldt , currently vice president finance , will [succeed] Mr. McAlpine .","ARG-0: Stephen Akerfeldt , currently vice president finance | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Mr. McAlpine" "SRL for [scrawled]: Somebody had [scrawled] American Express , Piazza di Spagna ? , across the envelope , and now Theresa had it , all as easily as if she had been the President of the Republic or the Pope .","ARG-0: Somebody | ARG-1: American Express , Piazza di Spagna ? | ARG-2: across the envelope" SRL for [sexist]: So it 's not that [sexist] per se it simply follows the Jewish laws of inheritance .,ARG-M-DIS: So | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: that | ARG-M-ADV: per se "SRL for [encumbered]: So , some see a special irony in the fact that Mr. Steinhardt , the trader , now is [encumbered] with a massive , illiquid airline holding .","ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: Mr. Steinhardt , the trader | ARG-2: with a massive , illiquid airline holding" SRL for [negotiate]: It recently signed a preliminary agreement to [negotiate] exclusively with the Bank of Tokyo Ltd. for the sale of part of its leasing business to the Japanese bank .,ARG-0: It | ARG-1: with the Bank of Tokyo Ltd. | ARG-2: for the sale of part of its leasing business to the Japanese bank SRL for [started out]: Loretta [started out] as a cadet .,ARG-0: Loretta | ARG-1: Mordecai | ARG-2: as a cadet SRL for [entrance]: the company 's [entrance] into the public facsimile business,ARG-0: the company 's | ARG-1: into the public facsimile business "SRL for [Blood work]: [Blood work] obtained on November 3 , 2007 : Hemoglobin 8.1 .", SRL for [recitals]: dramatic voice [recitals],ARG-M-MNR: dramatic | ARG-M-MNR: voice "SRL for [rigged]: The prime minister 's opponents claimed the balloting , 12 votes short of a majority in Islamabad 's 237 - seat assembly , was [rigged] .","ARG-1: the balloting , 12 votes short of a majority in Islamabad 's 237 - seat assembly" SRL for [look]: Have you taken a [look] at your bones ?,ARG-M-LVB: taken | ARG-1: at your bones "SRL for [antagonistic]: If elections were held their , or if there was a struggle for power , the regime that would arise would be friendly with Iran and extremely [antagonistic] to the U.S. : quite understandably I mightadd .","ARG-M-ADV: If elections were held their , or if there was a struggle for power | ARG-0: the regime that would arise | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: extremely | ARG-1: to the U.S." "SRL for [developed]: China is decades from being as [developed] as the US , regardless of the amount of money they have - China s greatest compromise is time .",ARG-1: China | ARG-M-CXN: as | ARG-M-CXN: as the US SRL for [bottlefed]: She [bottlefed] the baby 10 ml in the delivery room .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: the baby | ARG-1: 10 ml | ARG-M-LOC: in the delivery room "SRL for [parodied]: He [parodied] Confucian teachings by saying "" Of all sins , filial piety is the worst ; of all virtues licentiousness is the greatest . ""","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: Confucian teachings | ARG-M-MNR: by saying "" Of all sins , filial piety is the worst ; of all virtues licentiousness is the greatest . """ SRL for [fuel]: The sale is likely to [fuel] concern about growing Japanese investment in U.S. biotechnology firms .,ARG-2: The sale | ARG-1: concern about growing Japanese investment in U.S. biotechnology firms "SRL for [spinning]: Fifthly , export credits and full value tax returns are to be implemented for the cotton [spinning] machines export .",ARG-2: cotton SRL for [offer]: The rights plan would be triggered if a person or group acquires 20 % or more of the common shares outstanding without making an [offer] to all shareholders .,ARG-0: a person or group | ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-3: to all shareholders "SRL for [transformation]: But in the face of today 's dramatic global economic [transformation] , there is no choice but to try to turn knowledge into profit .",ARG-M-TMP: today 's | ARG-M-ADJ: dramatic | ARG-M-LOC: global | ARG-1: economic SRL for [frequent]: Not sure i s call it lonely but solitary . I 'm a freak . Do n't really get lonely per se . I do know that when I study on my own it s pretty [frequent] that it comes up in clinic and it pays dividends,ARG-M-TMP: when I study on my own | ARG-M-ADV: pretty | ARG-1: it comes up in clinic and it pays dividends "SRL for [leaped]: The Nasdaq composite [leaped] 7.52 points , or 1.6 % , to 470.80 .","ARG-1: The Nasdaq composite | ARG-2: 7.52 points , or 1.6 % | ARG-4: to 470.80" "SRL for [accreted]: The fact sheet , dated April 1986 , says on page three : `` If the price paid for a CD purchased in the secondary market ... is higher than the [accreted] value in the case of zero - coupon CDs , the difference ... is not insured ...",ARG-1: value SRL for [reduction]: That could pose a problem trying to meet a 10 percent [reduction] from last winter 's average water usage .,ARG-2: 10 percent | ARG-3: from last winter 's average water usage "SRL for [tensed]: The facial muscles are [tensed] , the expression is solemn , and both arms are held out in a circle , as if performing some kind of sacred rite .",ARG-1: The facial muscles "SRL for [showboating]: They believe his [showboating] to the crowd , which was missed by the television cameras , led to another Old Firm game turning into madness .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to the crowd "SRL for [killing]: The current civil servant system is a "" system of its own "" and has resulted the common occurrences of complacency within the civil servant ranks , some civil servants are not achieving anything , just [killing] time and wasting their youth .",ARG-0: some civil servants | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: time "SRL for [perturbed]: The bursts often occur , they said , after they `` [perturbed] '' the experiments by raising or lowering the amount of electric current being applied , or switching the current off and on .","ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the experiments | ARG-M-MNR: by raising or lowering the amount of electric current being applied , or switching the current off and on" SRL for [twirling]: Carroll diagnosed Mrs. Hull by taking a drop of blood from her ear and putting it on his `` radionic '' machine and [twirling] some knobs ( fee $ 50 ) .,ARG-0: Carroll | ARG-1: some knobs "SRL for [stresses]: In Syracuse , N.Y. , DyDee Service 's new marketing push [stresses] environmental awareness .","ARG-M-LOC: In Syracuse , N.Y. | ARG-0: DyDee Service 's new marketing push | ARG-1: environmental awareness" SRL for [fess up]: I wo n't [fess up] to being even vaguely liberal .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: to being even vaguely liberal SRL for [productive]: You would be more [productive] canvassing for Russ Feingold .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-M-ADV: canvassing for Russ Feingold "SRL for [interconnect]: The products already available are cross - connect systems , used instead of mazes of wiring to [interconnect] other telecommunications equipment .",ARG-1: other telecommunications equipment SRL for [osmoregulatory]: Bacteria cells use [osmoregulatory] proteins as emergency valves to respond to changes in the osmotic pressure of their external environment .,ARG-2: proteins "SRL for [dodged]: In 1986 , Mr. Roderick adroitly [dodged] Mr. Icahn 's first bullet after the takeover specialist had built up an 11.4 % stake .",ARG-M-TMP: In 1986 | ARG-0: Mr. Roderick | ARG-M-MNR: adroitly | ARG-1: Mr. Icahn 's first bullet | ARG-M-TMP: after the takeover specialist had built up an 11.4 % stake SRL for [bedded]: ... they [bedded] the brick in mortar and flashed the brick on the ends with mortar and troweled in behind the bricks with mortar .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the brick | ARG-2: in mortar "SRL for [chugged]: The door slammed behind Max , and the truck [chugged] to a small outbuilding .",ARG-1: the truck | ARG-3: to a small outbuilding SRL for [insurrection]: The first intifada refers to the Palestinian [insurrection] against Israeli security forces,ARG-0: Palestinian | ARG-1: against Israeli security forces SRL for [paneled]: He [paneled] the wall with cedar planks from the floor to the rafters .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the wall | ARG-2: with cedar planks | ARG-M-EXT: from the floor to the rafters "SRL for [pride]: I actually find it shocking , that most families who moved to England in the 60 's like my grandfather have managed to maintain that cultural [pride] and certain traditions that have been lost among certain groups of people in Pakistan .",ARG-M-ADJ: cultural "SRL for [starved]: He could do more to cut public subsidies and transfers , thus making funds available for public services [starved] of money for six years .",ARG-1: public services | ARG-2: of money | ARG-M-TMP: for six years "SRL for [hard]: In order to give a reason as to why they are different i 'd have to admit a difference in free will between young guys and girls , which is [hard] to do .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: to do SRL for [check]: Her [check] of all the airlines for flights from Chicago to Toronto did n't turn up anything .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of all the airlines | ARG-2: for flights from Chicago to Toronto SRL for [horrified]: An- a- you thingk it 's fair do n't you Mr. District Attorney to look at this tape and be [horrified] ?,ARG-1: Mr. District Attorney SRL for [challenging]: The trust we had built with many was eroded and our ability to gain trust with others was much more [challenging] .,ARG-2: our ability to gain trust with others | ARG-M-EXT: much more SRL for [dead]: He was [dead] to me after what he did to the Ramones .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-TMP: after what he did to the Ramones "SRL for [translated]: That gain probably [translated] into about 5 % to 7 % in dollar terms , well below recent quarters ' gains of above 20 % , reckons Jay Stevens of Dean Witter Reynolds .","ARG-1: That gain | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-2: into about 5 % to 7 % in dollar terms , well below recent quarters ' gains of above 20 %" SRL for [cozened]: He [cozened] the money out of the old man .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the money | ARG-2: out of the old man "SRL for [reoffends]: I would n't support it for first time offenses , but when a criminal is given a second chance and [reoffends] , I 'm all for it ... I mean , if the evidence is 100 % conclusive that is , which is the case most of the time now with modern technology etc",ARG-0: a criminal | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [enjoy]: Short of a total ban , some anti - programmers have proposed several middle - ground reforms , which they say would take away certain advantages program traders currently [enjoy] in the marketplace that other investors do n't .",ARG-0: program traders | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-1: certain advantages | ARG-M-LOC: in the marketplace SRL for [forest fire]: There is a 200 - acre [forest fire] burning in Wirt County not yet under control .,ARG-2: 200 - acre "SRL for [scare]: In Jerusalem Saul was still trying to [scare] the followers of the Lord , even saying he would kill them .",ARG-0: Saul | ARG-1: the followers of the Lord | ARG-M-ADV: even saying he would kill them "SRL for [tucking in]: Richard Chamberlain dresses as a `` Mainland haole , '' [tucking in] a Hawaiian shirt and rolling up its long sleeves .",ARG-0: Richard Chamberlain | ARG-1: a Hawaiian shirt SRL for [unique]: Hair is one of the characteristics of a mammal that is [unique] to mammals,ARG-1: that | ARG-2: to mammals SRL for [averaging]: his [averaging] a 220 at bowling,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a 220 | ARG-2: at bowling "SRL for [concerned]: `` We were [concerned] that they were n't going to generate enough cash for capital spending and also to pay down debt , '' says a big investor in high - yield debt .",ARG-1: We | ARG-0: that they were n't going to generate enough cash for capital spending and also to pay down debt "SRL for [Varicose]: September 1999 : [Varicose] vein stripping , left leg",ARG-1: vein "SRL for [catapult]: Orders for military goods usually [catapult] in September , government officials say , as the Pentagon scrambles to spend its money before the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1 .",ARG-1: Orders for military goods | ARG-M-TMP: usually | ARG-M-TMP: in September | ARG-M-TMP: as the Pentagon scrambles to spend its money before the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1 SRL for [negative]: We found a [negative] correlation,ARG-1: correlation "SRL for [decrease]: Mr. Terra said in the filing that he sold the stock to [decrease] his position in the Evanston , Ill. , banking concern .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his position in the Evanston , Ill. , banking concern" "SRL for [criticism]: First , his political work remains more prominent than his literary [criticism] .",ARG-0: his | ARG-M-ADJ: literary "SRL for [enthused]: Sir Christopher , who [enthused] him with the mysteries of the small intestine .",ARG-0: who | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with the mysteries of the small intestine "SRL for [stock]: He sold quarter - inch fingerlings to [stock] other farmers ' ponds , and he bought back one - pound - or - so food - fish that he `` live - hauled '' to market along with his own whiskery crop .",ARG-1: quarter - inch fingerlings | ARG-2: other farmers ' ponds "SRL for [nested]: Below in the open bay facing Manhattan was Staten Island , gritty with clam shells and mud flats behind which [nested] farms , cattle barns , and berry thickets .","ARG-1: clam shells and mud flats | R-ARG-1: behind which | ARG-0: farms , cattle barns , and berry thickets" "SRL for [boil]: Well , you [boil] some water and get something like gunpowder .",ARG-M-DIS: Well | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: some water SRL for [clears]: Inquiry [clears] Texas judge of bias in comments on homosexual murder victims .,ARG-0: Inquiry | ARG-1: Texas judge | ARG-2: of bias | ARG-M-LOC: in comments on homosexual murder victims "SRL for [ruptured]: Many streets and sidewalks buckled , and subterranean water mains and service connections [ruptured] .",ARG-1: subterranean water mains and service connections SRL for [cuddling]: The APAP hinders [cuddling] with her husband,ARG-2: with her husband SRL for [bucking]: Lieutenant Robert M. Carroll was fresh out of ROTC and [bucking] for Regular Army status .,ARG-0: Lieutenant Robert M. Carroll | ARG-1: for Regular Army status SRL for [appraisals]: Firms are offering prepurchase house [appraisals] to deter overpaying .,ARG-M-TMP: prepurchase | ARG-1: house SRL for [reevaluation]: What Nietzsche is showing us is how vital agency is to his [reevaluation] of values .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of values "SRL for [birthed]: Yet he knew the others were sleeping more soundly , now that they had renewed their contact with the matter that had [birthed] them to send them riding high vacuum .",ARG-0: that | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-PRP: to send them riding high vacuum SRL for [coughed up]: I kept bugging him until he [coughed up] my $ 50 .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: my $ 50 "SRL for [represent]: "" Many innovations just [represent] going a little bit further in thinking about a problem than the other guys , and once the secret is uncovered , it is easy for them to copy the idea , "" says Simon Chang .",ARG-0: Many innovations | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: going a little bit further in thinking about a problem than the other guys SRL for [cut]: Trading companies can [cut] through the logjam that small - company owners often face .,ARG-0: Trading companies | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: through the logjam that small - company owners often face "SRL for [quilting]: After [quilting] the squares together ,",ARG-1: the squares | ARG-3: together SRL for [tassled]: Mary [tassled] John 's new jean jacket .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John 's new jean jacket "SRL for [trapping]: Mr. Weisman predicts stocks will appear to stabilize in the next few days before declining again , [trapping] more investors .",ARG-0: stocks will appear to stabilize in the next few days before declining again | ARG-1: more investors "SRL for [ring]: One survey says that of the 100,000 trained bellringers in England today , only 40,000 of them still [ring] .","ARG-M-ADV: of the 100,000 trained bellringers in England today | ARG-0: only 40,000 | ARG-M-TMP: still" SRL for [commented]: Judge Wapner [commented] publicly on a pending case .,ARG-0: Judge Wapner | ARG-M-MNR: publicly | ARG-3: on a pending case SRL for [introduced]: Mr. Stoltzman [introduced] his colleagues .,ARG-0: Mr. Stoltzman | ARG-1: his colleagues SRL for [leafing]: The damage of the winter past was evident in trees [leafing] only above the reach of deer .,ARG-0: trees | ARG-M-LOC: only above the reach of deer "SRL for [submission]: Hence , submission to authority can not be typified by a child 's [submission] to his parents or a servant 's submission to his master",ARG-0: a child 's | ARG-2: to his parents SRL for [battle]: That game show is a [battle] of wits .,ARG-0: of wits SRL for [shipwrecked]: You [shipwrecked] my career with those two words .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: my career | ARG-2: with those two words "SRL for [derision]: With some [derision] for the Bush administration 's arguments , a three - judge panel said the government contended that its accusations against the detainee ...",ARG-M-ADJ: some | ARG-1: for the Bush administration 's arguments SRL for [dismounted]: John fell on his face as he [dismounted] from his hobby horse .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: from his hobby horse "SRL for [traumatized]: UAL , the hair - trigger stock that exploded Friday 's market bombshell , briefly [traumatized] traders again yesterday .","ARG-0: UAL , the hair - trigger stock that exploded Friday 's market bombshell | ARG-M-TMP: briefly | ARG-1: traders | ARG-M-ADV: again | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday" SRL for [bewildered]: She [bewildered] him with Scriptural quotations and references .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with Scriptural quotations and references "SRL for [shape]: While the earnings picture confuses , observers say the major forces expected to [shape] the industry in the coming year are clearer .",ARG-0: the major forces | ARG-1: the industry | ARG-M-TMP: in the coming year "SRL for [carves out]: No federal court has ruled that the Voting Rights Act protects a white minority , but in June the Justice Department approved a districting plan for Birmingham that [carves out] three white - majority districts and six black - majority districts .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a districting plan | ARG-1: three white - majority districts and six black - majority districts SRL for [edentuous]: Shows a lateral and basal view of an [edentuous] skull .,ARG-1: skull SRL for [ration]: The US military 's [ration] per soldier of grog was 1/2 pint .,ARG-0: The US military 's | ARG-2: per soldier | ARG-1: of grog SRL for [pain]: It does n't [pain] me . I feel it 's very worthwhile .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: me SRL for [blind - sided]: But therein lies another aspect of investment risk : the hazard of shaping your portfolio to avoid one or more types of risk and being [blind - sided] by others .,ARG-0: by others SRL for [climbing]: His [climbing] Mount Meeker was interrupted by a freak snow storm .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: Mount Meeker "SRL for [direct]: `` But , at least , back then they did n't generally [direct] their anger at each other . ''",ARG-M-TMP: back then | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: generally | ARG-1: their anger | ARG-2: at each other SRL for [problematic]: This approach is [problematic] of the solutions ' inherent performance limitations and scalability bottlenecks .,ARG-0: This approach | ARG-1: of the solutions ' inherent performance limitations and scalability bottlenecks SRL for [scrambling]: Eventually we came to rest in a soggy patch of field where we had the exquisite pleasure of [scrambling] out of the basket into the mud while the French half of our ballooning tag team scrambled in .,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-DIR: out of the basket | ARG-M-GOL: into the mud | ARG-M-TMP: while the French half of our ballooning tag team scrambled in SRL for [influence]: the [influence] of maritime culture on their island,ARG-0: of maritime culture | ARG-1: on their island SRL for [stirring up trouble]: A new anonymous app is [stirring up trouble] in high schools .,ARG-0: A new anonymous app | ARG-M-LOC: in high schools SRL for [affixed]: Mary [affixed] dated labels onto the containers of food in the fridge .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: dated labels | ARG-2: onto the containers of food | ARG-M-LOC: in the fridge SRL for [sing]: It is n't every day that we hear a Violetta who can [sing] the first act 's high - flying music with all the little notes perfectly pitched and neatly stitched together .,ARG-0: a Violetta | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the first act 's high - flying music | ARG-M-MNR: with all the little notes perfectly pitched and neatly stitched together "SRL for [taboo]: That 's why it 's dangerous to have well - intentioned thought police , on college campuses and elsewhere , [taboo] all critical mention of group differences .",ARG-0: well - intentioned thought police | ARG-M-LOC: on college campuses and elsewhere | ARG-1: all critical mention of group differences SRL for [funeral]: He could not have a church [funeral],ARG-0: church "SRL for [overpayments]: Medicaid made [overpayments] totalling $ 699,258 to the providers .","ARG-0: Medicaid | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: totalling $ 699,258 | ARG-2: to the providers" SRL for [purposeless]: The behavior of government officials are never [purposeless] and random .,ARG-1: The behavior of government officials | ARG-M-NEG: never SRL for [accounting]: Sullivan tried to defend his [accounting] for line costs ( as capital expenditure rather than profit - and - loss expense items ) .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: for line costs | ARG-M-PRD: ( as capital expenditure rather than profit - and - loss expense items ) "SRL for [acceptance]: In accordance with our [acceptance] of funds from the U.S. Treasury , cash dividends on common stock are not permitted without prior approval from the U.S.",ARG-0: our | ARG-1: of funds | ARG-2: from the U.S. Treasury SRL for [adopted]: The results underscore Sears 's difficulties in implementing the `` everyday low pricing '' strategy that it [adopted] in March as part of a broad attempt to revive its retailing business .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the `` everyday low pricing '' strategy | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: in March | ARG-2: as part of a broad attempt to revive its retailing business "SRL for [behold]: Unfortunately , the poor behavior was embarrasing to [behold] .", SRL for [spin]: Kucinich embraces deceit in his [spin] of the post debate discussion .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the post debate discussion SRL for [fix]: the best 5 year [fix] I can find,ARG-M-ADJ: best | ARG-M-TMP: 5 year | ARG-M-ADJ: I can find "SRL for [veering]: Also , Mr. Savaiko noted , stock market investors seeking greater safety are [veering] toward buying bonds rather than precious metals because `` we are tending more toward a disinflationary economy that does n't make gold and precious metals attractive . ''",ARG-M-DIS: Also | ARG-0: stock market investors seeking greater safety | ARG-1: toward buying bonds rather than precious metals | ARG-M-CAU: because `` we are tending more toward a disinflationary economy that does n't make gold and precious metals attractive SRL for [male]: Not knowing if the person you just saw was [male] or female,ARG-1: the person "SRL for [echoed]: Polly Peck 's chairman , Asil Nadir , [echoed] the official Japanese view of the accord , which was announced Friday .","ARG-0: Polly Peck 's chairman , Asil Nadir | ARG-1: the official Japanese view of the accord , which was announced Friday" SRL for [clothing]: Jackson 's [clothing] of his infant son was made difficult by his constant squirming .,ARG-0: Jackson 's | ARG-1: of his infant son SRL for [dictation]: The doctor 's [dictation] of her notes was later transcribed by her secretary .,ARG-0: The doctor 's | ARG-1: of her notes "SRL for [study]: Other credit houses , such as Credit Exchange and Solo Credit Service Corp. , are suggesting that their clients [study] each order before shipping .",ARG-0: their clients | ARG-1: each order | ARG-M-TMP: before shipping SRL for [fuck up]: Lousy Reactionary bastards been tryin to [fuck up] the Program for months .,ARG-0: Lousy Reactionary bastards | ARG-1: the Program | ARG-M-TMP: for months "SRL for [cloud]: `` The New York Stock Exchange has vested interests '' in its big member securities firms `` that [cloud] its objectivity , '' Mr. Timbers said .",ARG-2: vested interests | R-ARG-2: that | ARG-1: its objectivity SRL for [heated]: The outdoor swimming pool was [heated] and immaculately clean .,ARG-1: The outdoor swimming pool "SRL for [great]: It 's [great] of you to come over , Lisa .",C-ARG-1: to come over | ARG-M-DIS: Lisa | ARG-1: of you SRL for [soon]: She will [soon] resume her normal training regimen .,ARG-1: She | C-ARG-1: resume her normal training regimen "SRL for [presides]: Today , Mr. Corry [presides] over a company whose fortunes have changed abruptly .",ARG-M-TMP: Today | ARG-0: Mr. Corry | ARG-1: over a company whose fortunes have changed abruptly SRL for [re - engage]: but at the same time I hope we can eventaully find a way to [re - engage] those people .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: those people | ARG-M-MNR: a way SRL for [embittered]: It also [embittered] relations between the classes in France .,ARG-0: It | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: relations between the classes in France SRL for [survey]: A [survey] on hunger,ARG-2: on hunger SRL for [dialogue]: [dialogue] between managers and workers,ARG-0: between managers and workers "SRL for [tattooing]: As a professional radio host , Bean 's [tattooing] his face with his favorite Led Zepplin quotes was not frowned upon .",ARG-0: Bean | ARG-1: his face | ARG-2: with his favorite Led Zepplin quotes SRL for [serious]: He is [serious] about football .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: about football SRL for [handwring]: ... while you [handwring] about your typical bourgeois woes and sovereignty .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: about your typical bourgeois woes and sovereignty SRL for [maturities]: Boston Safe Deposit 's performance has been hurt this year by a mismatch in the [maturities] of its assets and liabilities .,ARG-1: of its assets and liabilities SRL for [drowsed]: He [drowsed] off to sleep for as long as ten minutes .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIR: off | ARG-M-TMP: for as long as ten minutes SRL for [looking out]: Whoever heard of a father [looking out] for other people 's kids ? !,ARG-0: a father | ARG-1: for other people 's kids SRL for [unique]: What is [unique] about China is that the ruling party 's legitmacy is intimately assosciated with rapid economic progress .,R-ARG-4: What | ARG-2: about China | ARG-4: is that the ruling party 's legitmacy is intimately assosciated with rapid economic progress "SRL for [spinning]: Today , not only is King 's on a par with the large overseas manufacturers in terms of filament drawing technology , but to assist local downstream manufacturers in using its products , it has also set up metal fiber yarn [spinning] and fabric weaving plants , and is making efforts in the area of nonwoven fabrics .",ARG-2: metal fiber | ARG-1: yarn SRL for [expand]: Japan has to [expand] its functions in Asia .,ARG-0: Japan | ARG-1: its functions in Asia SRL for [price]: John has paid a high [price] for his risky life style .,ARG-M-MNR: high | ARG-1: for his risky life style "SRL for [dole out]: LIN now plans to [dole out] $ 42 a share in cash , up from the earlier $ 20 amount .",ARG-0: LIN | ARG-1: $ 42 a share | ARG-M-MNR: in cash | ARG-M-ADV: up from the earlier $ 20 amount SRL for [yoked]: He [yoked] the oxen to the plough .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the oxen | ARG-2: to the plough "SRL for [subsumed]: The schools ' central mission , educating children , became [subsumed] by the competing interests of bureaucrats , politicians and unions .","ARG-1: The schools ' central mission , educating children | ARG-2: by the competing interests of bureaucrats , politicians and unions" SRL for [rounded]: The path [rounded] the hill and came to a fork .,ARG-1: The path | ARG-2: the hill "SRL for [walk]: Sometimes , if you have a headache , you can go out and [walk] it right off . ''",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: right off "SRL for [suits]: The supporting lineup is solid , the patter is amusing and there 's even a cameo by Bernie Ohls , the `` good cop '' of previous Chandler books who still does n't hesitate to have Marlowe jailed when it [suits] his purposes .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: his purposes "SRL for [judge]: The implications for Britain , France and the rest of Europe of having their currencies tied to the economic policy of a neutral country need considering before we [judge] Mr. Lawson 's resignation to be unfortunate .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: Mr. Lawson 's resignation | ARG-2: to be unfortunate SRL for [triage]: They do [triage] based on the urgency of the injuries .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-3: based on the urgency of the injuries SRL for [dishonoured]: Astolfo had [dishonoured] her even though he was reluctant to marry her .,ARG-0: Astolfo | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-ADV: even though he was reluctant to marry her SRL for [experiment]: your yearlong [experiment] on stock picking,ARG-0: your | ARG-M-TMP: yearlong | ARG-1: on stock picking SRL for [ghosting]: Most saw a buck or two [ghosting] through the ground fog .,ARG-0: a buck or two | ARG-1: through the ground fog "SRL for [cleaning out]: Laboring in blue and gray overalls , they are supposed to concentrate on [cleaning out] crevices , and not strain their eyes looking for diamonds .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: crevices "SRL for [advance]: The Nikkei , which reached as high as 35611.38 right after the opening , surrendered part of its early [advance] toward the end of the day because of profit - taking .",ARG-0: its | ARG-M-TMP: early SRL for [reflected]: The upbeat mood of stocks was [reflected] in demand for futures contracts .,ARG-2: The upbeat mood of stocks | ARG-1: in demand for futures contracts SRL for [financed]: Buyers [financed] part of a car purchase through the General Motors Acceptance Corp.,ARG-0: Buyers | ARG-1: part of a car purchase | ARG-2: through the General Motors Acceptance Corp. SRL for [limit]: We [limit] our boasting to the work that is ours .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: our boasting | ARG-2: to the work that is ours SRL for [apology]: Witherspoon wrote this as his [apology] to her for crossing that line .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to her | ARG-1: for crossing that line SRL for [diversification]: Another fundamental goal of our reform agenda is the [diversification] of our economy away from the oil sector into agriculture .,ARG-1: of our economy | ARG-3: away from the oil sector | ARG-2: into agriculture SRL for [subdivided]: The government [subdivided] the land into 5 - acre lots .,ARG-0: The government | ARG-1: the land | ARG-4: into 5 - acre lots SRL for [heeled]: The dog [heeled] beautifully with this leash .,ARG-0: The dog | ARG-M-MNR: beautifully | ARG-M-MNR: with this leash "SRL for [stressing]: For 25 years , Xiamen has always upheld the concept of "" [stressing] both development and preservation , with the economy and the environment both as winners , "" seeking harmonious development of humanity and nature .",ARG-1: both development and preservation | ARG-2: with the economy and the environment both as winners "SRL for [deliberate]: It 's still too early to confirm , that is we need to [deliberate] between ourselves on whether we see these ideas that were raised here , as a basis for an end game .","ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MNR: between ourselves | ARG-1: on whether we see these ideas that were raised here , as a basis for an end game" SRL for [account]: the Associated Press 's [account] of the Monday sequester order signed by President Bush,ARG-0: the Associated Press 's | ARG-1: of the Monday sequester order signed by President Bush SRL for [input]: their [input] on the film,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: on the film SRL for [hoped]: It is [hoped] that other Japanese would then follow the leader .,ARG-1: that other Japanese would then follow the leader "SRL for [promoted]: Mary [promoted] John from drudge to scullion , second class .","ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John | ARG-3: from drudge | ARG-2: to scullion , second class" SRL for [cool]: The machinists ' criticisms of the labor - management bid and their threats of a strike unless they received substantial wage increases this year helped [cool] banks ' interest in financing the transaction .,ARG-0: The machinists ' criticisms of the labor - management bid and their threats of a strike unless they received substantial wage increases this year | ARG-1: banks ' interest in financing the transaction SRL for [gunned]: Jim Brown machine - [gunned] him for messing with a German woman in a simple act of field justice .,ARG-0: Jim Brown | ARG-M-MNR: machine | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-CAU: for messing with a German woman | ARG-M-MNR: in a simple act of field justice SRL for [conceded]: They [conceded] a longer vacation to all employees .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: a longer vacation | ARG-2: to all employees "SRL for [reset]: However , the maximum coupon at which the notes can be [reset] is 16 1/4 % .",ARG-1: the notes | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: the maximum coupon | R-ARG-2: at which "SRL for [accounts]: The intellectual understanding is there but it has n't yet been fully internalized , and this [accounts] for the gap that can often be seen between understanding and behavior .",ARG-0: this | ARG-1: for the gap that can often be seen between understanding and behavior SRL for [yodel]: Let 's ' [yodel] ',ARG-0: 's SRL for [turn]: It was the [turn] of the season from autumn to winter,ARG-1: of the season | ARG-3: from autumn | ARG-2: to winter SRL for [clouding]: Reid had been struggling with enough demons without his [clouding] the issue .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the issue SRL for [voodoo'ed]: Obama wanted attention so he [voodoo'ed] Haiti,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: Haiti SRL for [amusement]: Bob plays the piano just for his own [amusement] .,ARG-1: his SRL for [Sublimation]: [Sublimation] of ice from a solid into vapor,ARG-1: of ice | ARG-2: from a solid | ARG-3: into vapor SRL for [handy]: He is [handy] at fixing broken electric motors .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: at fixing broken electric motors SRL for [torture]: are you saying we should n't have prosecuted Japanese soldiers for the water [torture] of our own soldiers in WWII ?,ARG-M-MNR: water | ARG-1: of our own soldiers | ARG-M-TMP: in WWII "SRL for [deal]: By contrast , Value Line said Georgia - Pacific `` is in a comparatively good position to [deal] with weakening paper markets , '' ...",ARG-0: Georgia - Pacific | ARG-2: with weakening paper markets "SRL for [harms]: She said there is `` growing realization '' around the world that denial of intellectual - property rights [harms] all trading nations , and particularly the `` creativity and inventiveness of an offending country 's own citizens . ''","ARG-0: denial of intellectual - property rights | ARG-1: all trading nations , and particularly the `` creativity and inventiveness of an offending country 's own citizens" "SRL for [fly]: When I fly intercontental , I always [fly] first .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-M-MNR: first "SRL for [shot]: The Dow industrials [shot] up 23 points in the opening hour , at least in part because of buy programs generated by stock - index arbitrage , a form of program trading involving futures contracts .","ARG-1: The Dow industrials | ARG-5: up | ARG-2: 23 points | ARG-M-TMP: in the opening hour | ARG-M-CAU: at least in part because of buy programs generated by stock - index arbitrage , a form of program trading involving futures contracts" SRL for [ran off]: The Joe 's recruitment policies suffered once Flint and Duke [ran off] to Tahiti to open a bar .,ARG-0: Flint and Duke | ARG-2: to Tahiti | ARG-M-PRP: to open a bar SRL for [spitting]: He spent long hours before the TV [spitting] out promises of revenge .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: out promises of revenge SRL for [accusations]: The two sides in the legal battle have hurled [accusations] of duplicity at each other for weeks,ARG-2: of duplicity "SRL for [retire]: Mr. Achenbaum 's move follows the announcement last month that his consulting partner , Stanley Canter , 66 , would [retire] .","ARG-0: his consulting partner , Stanley Canter , 66 | ARG-M-MOD: would" SRL for [repeated]: Old Stone [repeated] projections that it will be profitable for the fourth quarter and will about break even for the year .,ARG-0: Old Stone | ARG-1: projections that it will be profitable for the fourth quarter and will about break even for the year SRL for [stroll]: They waved and said hello as she continued her [stroll] of the grounds .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of the grounds SRL for [drip]: My teeth [drip] blood on these traitors because of what I have read and what I have followed ..,ARG-2: My teeth | ARG-1: blood | ARG-3: on these traitors | ARG-M-CAU: because of what I have read and what I have followed "SRL for [difference]: If we all join together , we can make a [difference] .",ARG-M-ADV: If we all join together | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LVB: make "SRL for [condemned]: The false cypresses , which had conversed with the clouds for a million years , were identified as top - grade timber , and were thus [condemned] to an inexorable fate .","ARG-1: The false cypresses , which had conversed with the clouds for a million years | ARG-M-CAU: thus | ARG-3: to an inexorable fate" SRL for [upset]: We have shown they have a tremendous potential to [upset] the balance of nature .,ARG-1: the balance of nature "SRL for [puffed]: Rachel wore a smart hat and , because she had been warned recently about smoking , [puffed] at her cigarettes through a long ivory holder stained with lipstick .",ARG-0: Rachel | ARG-1: at her cigarettes | ARG-M-MNR: through a long ivory holder stained with lipstick SRL for [ends]: The movie [ends] with sound .,ARG-1: The movie | ARG-2: with sound "SRL for [angered]: The statement [angered] Chairman Greenspan , but it was greeted with applause by the Bush administration and the financial markets .",ARG-0: The statement | ARG-1: Chairman Greenspan SRL for [wagered]: Jon [wagered] Steve 100 dollars that he could n't throw a ball 50 mph .,ARG-0: Jon | ARG-3: Steve | ARG-1: 100 dollars | ARG-2: that he could n't throw a ball 50 mph SRL for [saluted]: Many of the nation 's highest - ranking executives [saluted] Friday 's market plunge as an overdue comeuppance for speculators and takeover players .,ARG-0: Many of the nation 's highest - ranking executives | ARG-1: Friday 's market plunge | ARG-2: as an overdue comeuppance for speculators and takeover players "SRL for [stand]: The management group owns about 18 % of the stock , most purchased at nominal prices , and would [stand] to gain millions ofdollars if the company were sold .",ARG-1: The management group | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: to gain millions ofdollars if the company were sold SRL for [cynical]: To say that welfare capitalism was a vote buying program was [cynical] of me .,ARG-1: To say that welfare capitalism was a vote buying program | C-ARG-1: of me SRL for [be like]: When it comes to ABC they [be like] A B .,ARG-M-TMP: When it comes to ABC | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: A B SRL for [touch]: By the [touch] of His hand on mine ...,ARG-0: of His hand | ARG-1: on mine SRL for [boxing]: His [boxing] the old photos in milk crates did n't protect them from the weather .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the old photos | ARG-2: in milk crates SRL for [emergency]: What should I do in a heart attack [emergency] ?,ARG-1: heart attack "SRL for [diplomatic]: For his part , Zorn was [diplomatic] about the whole affair and expressed no bitterness about it .",ARG-M-DIS: For his part | ARG-0: Zorn | ARG-1: about the whole affair "SRL for [shaping]: Pasting newspaper clippings , photographs , sketches , and memorabilia onto the diary 's pages further contributed to her [shaping] of the diary into a book .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of the diary | ARG-2: into a book "SRL for [taking on]: Much of Hollywood was sceptical at their [taking on] such a Goliath , but they won and Simmons was able to star at MGM in Young Bess ( 1953 ) with Granger , Charles Laughton and Deborah Kerr supporting the radiant star .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: such a Goliath "SRL for [withdrawal]: Netanyahu 's [withdrawal] leaves Likud leader Ariel Sharon as the only candidate running against Prime Minister Ehud Barak , but former Prime Minister Shimon Peres tells Israeli radio he 's considering running .",ARG-0: Netanyahu 's "SRL for [dialing]: When a caller reaches Telelawyer by [dialing] 900 - TELELAW , a receptionist refers the call to one of six attorneys .",ARG-0: a caller | ARG-1: 900 - TELELAW SRL for [causing scene]: My sister [ 23F ] is [causing scene] because I [ 28F ] am skipping her wedding in favor of my sister - in - law 's [ 29F ] wedding .,ARG-0: My sister [ 23F ] | ARG-2: because I [ 28F ] am skipping her wedding in favor of my sister - in - law 's [ 29F ] wedding SRL for [formation]: Vortex [formation] out of two - dimensional orifices,ARG-1: Vortex | ARG-2: out of two - dimensional orifices SRL for [acyanotic]: well developed and well nourished and in no respiratory distress and [acyanotic] ., "SRL for [cleared]: In a surprise move , the British government [cleared] the way for a bidding war for Jaguar PLC by agreeing to remove an obstacle to a takeover of the auto maker .",ARG-M-LOC: In a surprise move | ARG-0: the British government | ARG-2: the way | ARG-1: for a bidding war for Jaguar PLC | ARG-M-MNR: by agreeing to remove an obstacle to a takeover of the auto maker SRL for [love]: in [love] with archaeology,ARG-1: with archaeology SRL for [retirement]: his [retirement] from the board,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: from the board "SRL for [tiptoed]: Small investors have [tiptoed] back into the market following Black Monday , but mostly through mutual funds .",ARG-0: Small investors | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-M-GOL: into the market | ARG-M-TMP: following Black Monday | ARG-M-MNR: but mostly through mutual funds SRL for [conflict]: Demeter 's refusal to eat or feed the world until the other gods resolved her [conflict] with Hades over Persephone brought on winter .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: with Hades | ARG-2: over Persephone SRL for [refinement]: oil [refinement],ARG-1: oil SRL for [real]: It 's [real] and there will be a sequel unless it flops .,ARG-1: It "SRL for [hard]: Though his heart was [hard] toward her and he believed she 'd often deserved Jess 's harsh treatment , it gave him no pleasure to witness her anguish .",ARG-1: his heart | ARG-2: toward her SRL for [abdominal]: His pain was [abdominal],ARG-1: His pain "SRL for [renews]: The $ 3.18 billion bid , which had been rumored since last week , `` creates a better feeling that there 's value in the market at current levels and [renews] prospects for a hot tape , '' says A.C. Moore , director of research at Argus Research Corp.","ARG-0: The $ 3.18 billion bid , which had been rumored since last week | ARG-1: prospects for a hot tape" "SRL for [testimony]: Likewise her [testimony] that she "" cried the whole 16 hours , "" following the episode , because she felt that her job was threatened .","ARG-0: her | ARG-1: that she "" cried the whole 16 hours , "" following the episode" SRL for [shy]: He is [shy] ten bucks .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: ten bucks "SRL for [great]: God is [great] , sing His praise",ARG-1: God SRL for [restated]: John [restated] his opposition to the plan to Mary .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his opposition to the plan | ARG-2: to Mary SRL for [replenished]: The disaster fund is [replenished] by loan repayments .,ARG-1: The disaster fund | ARG-2: by loan repayments "SRL for [sketches]: If anyone has difficulty imagining a world in which history went merrily on without us , Mr. Gould [sketches] several .",ARG-M-ADV: If anyone has difficulty imagining a world in which history went merrily on without us | ARG-0: Mr. Gould | ARG-1: several "SRL for [reveal]: But the Memphis , Tenn. , facility was n't to begin turning out product until 1993 , so the decision may [reveal] a more pessimistic long - term outlook as well .",ARG-0: the decision | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: a more pessimistic long - term outlook | ARG-M-DIS: as well "SRL for [twiddling]: `` The percentage of your day spent [twiddling] your thumbs got greater , and the work day kept getting longer .",ARG-1: your thumbs SRL for [startled]: She could easily understand why the two men had been [startled] to find a strange girl in the back seat of their car .,ARG-1: the two men | ARG-0: to find a strange girl in the back seat of their car SRL for [hydrated]: He [hydrated] the incision with a clear liquid that possibly was even water .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the incision | ARG-2: with a clear liquid that possibly was even water SRL for [proof]: Their [proof] for the DA of his drug use was compelling,ARG-0: Their | ARG-2: for the DA | ARG-1: of his drug use SRL for [lost]: Western Union [lost] its chance to be in the telephone business .,ARG-0: Western Union | ARG-1: its chance to be in the telephone business SRL for [close]: He is [close] to getting the answer .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to getting the answer SRL for [exhilarated]: The cool mountain air [exhilarated] us .,ARG-0: The cool mountain air | ARG-1: us "SRL for [Europeanized]: As a governor - general from 1786 to 1793 , Charles Cornwallis [Europeanized] the company 's administration .",ARG-M-PRD: As a governor - general from 1786 to 1793 | ARG-0: Charles Cornwallis | ARG-1: the company 's administration "SRL for [oared]: As they [oared] the flat boat closer , they could see furniture bobbing in the water .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the flat boat | ARG-2: closer SRL for [blubbered]: I [blubbered] tears of joy .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: tears of joy SRL for [free]: The New York Times Co. said it reached a settlement with independent home delivery dealers in the metropolitan New York area that will [free] the newspaper to expand home delivery circulation .,ARG-0: a settlement | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the newspaper | ARG-3: to expand home delivery circulation "SRL for [multiply]: But he cautioned that Westmoreland 's third quarter is typically better than the fourth , so investors `` should n't just [multiply] the third quarter by four '' and assume the same rate of improvement can be sustained .",ARG-0: investors | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-DIS: just | ARG-1: the third quarter | ARG-2: by four SRL for [yielded]: The US [yielded] to the temptation to avoid the danger of combat .,ARG-0: The US | ARG-2: to the temptation to avoid the danger of combat SRL for [assumption]: any [assumption] of additional responsibility by the politicians,ARG-1: of additional responsibility | ARG-0: by the politicians SRL for [terminate]: The insurance concern said all conversion rights on the stock will [terminate] on Nov. 30 .,ARG-1: all conversion rights on the stock | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: on Nov. 30 SRL for [advance]: the [advance] from preliminaries to finals,ARG-3: from preliminaries | ARG-4: to finals SRL for [oared]: the 10 rowers [oared] out onto Richard Bay,ARG-0: the 10 rowers | ARG-3: out onto Richard Bay SRL for [disclosure]: Auditor position in reprisal for his [disclosure] of wrongdoing to the Inspector General of the Department of the Navy .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of wrongdoing | ARG-2: to the Inspector General of the Department of the Navy "SRL for [routed]: In addition to enlarging the through - hole , I [routed] a lip on the underside of the table to allow the leveling screws to reach the underside of the router plate .",ARG-M-ADV: In addition to enlarging the through - hole | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a lip | ARG-2: on the underside of the table | ARG-M-PRP: to allow the leveling screws to reach the underside of the router plate "SRL for [violations]: Without admitting or denying wrongdoing , they consented to findings that they had inaccurately represented the firm 's net capital , maintained inaccurate books and records , and made other [violations] .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-ADJ: other "SRL for [Grinned]: [Grinned] Griffith Peck , a trader in Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. 's OTC department : ` ` I tell you , this market acts healthy . ''","ARG-1: ` ` I tell you , this market acts healthy . '' | ARG-0: Griffith Peck , a trader in Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. 's OTC department" "SRL for [gamble]: Although Mr. Morishita says little about his business , he offers one rule to success : Never [gamble] too far .",ARG-M-TMP: Never | ARG-M-EXT: too far SRL for [logarithmic]: The magnitude scale is [logarithmic] .,ARG-1: The magnitude scale SRL for [swilled]: She [swilled] scotch and covered Britney Spears .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: scotch SRL for [credits]: any financing [credits],ARG-2: financing SRL for [Pointless]: Blunt Pencils are [Pointless],ARG-1: Blunt Pencils "SRL for [co - sponsored]: Rep. Byron Dorgan ( D. , N.D. ) has introduced a bill in Congress , [co - sponsored] by Rep. Lee Hamilton ( D. , Ind. ) , that would put the treasury secretary back on the board .","ARG-1: a bill | ARG-0: by Rep. Lee Hamilton ( D. , Ind. )" "SRL for [dominated]: Pioneer Electronic and Sony , both of which *trace* [dominated] buying earlier this month , continued to fall Wednesday .",ARG-1: buying | ARG-M-TMP: earlier this month SRL for [coordinate]: Several moves were taken following the October 1987 crash to [coordinate] -- and sometimes deliberately disconnect -- the stock and futures markets in times of heightened volatility .,ARG-1: the stock and futures markets | ARG-M-TMP: in times of heightened volatility SRL for [dreadful]: James was [dreadful] at spelling - he got everything wrong .,ARG-1: James | ARG-2: at spelling "SRL for [positive]: Second , we may guess from the words the thief left on the wall , "" How poor your family is , work harder ! "" that at least he is [positive] about life .",ARG-1: he | ARG-0: about life SRL for [tippled]: The old woman [tippled] brandy .,ARG-0: The old woman | ARG-1: brandy "SRL for [radiate]: Today , with democracy , prosperity , and a high level of education , the people of Taiwan [radiate] an inner sense of confidence .","ARG-M-TMP: Today | ARG-M-ADV: with democracy , prosperity , and a high level of education | ARG-0: the people of Taiwan | ARG-1: an inner sense of confidence" SRL for [feel]: I probably should eat more even if I do n't [feel] like it,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: like it "SRL for [abnegate]: If he did n't [abnegate] all rights to the TV remote control , she would divorce him .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: all rights to the TV remote control SRL for [worthwhile]: DNA testing could be [worthwhile] .,ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: DNA testing "SRL for [be nitrosylated]: Furthermore , Trx1C32S / C35S may [be nitrosylated] to form SNO - Trx1C32S / C35S , resulting in the transnitrosylation of target proteins .",ARG-1: Trx1C32S / C35S | ARG-3: SNO - Trx1C32S / C35S "SRL for [call]: If you [call] shotgun , you get the privilege to sit in the passenger seat in front , next to the driver .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: shotgun "SRL for [declared]: French President Nicolas Sarkozy has [declared] the burqa "" not welcome "" in secular France","ARG-0: French President Nicolas Sarkozy | ARG-1: the burqa "" not welcome "" in secular France" SRL for [undermine]: The index was under pressure for most of the morning over concerns that the effects of Tuesday night 's major earthquake in the San Francisco area would [undermine] the U.S. market .,ARG-0: the effects of Tuesday night 's major earthquake in the San Francisco area | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the U.S. market SRL for [hamper]: But let 's talk about some of the hurdles that [hamper] humans to be able to survive there .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-2: humans | ARG-1: to be able to survive there | ARG-0: the hurdles SRL for [federated]: The republics [federated] into the Soviet Union .,ARG-0: The republics | ARG-3: into the Soviet Union "SRL for [competitive]: Doug 's younger sister had become [competitive] with him over the family dog , pulling Pete out of Doug 's seven - year - old armsand yanking him so hard he turned on Doug and bit him hard on histhigh .",ARG-0: Doug 's younger sister | ARG-1: with him | ARG-2: over the family dog SRL for [mis - selling]: Was looking for a little advise in regards to the possible [mis - selling] by a mortgage broker of a 100 % interest only mortgage .,ARG-M-ADJ: possible | ARG-0: by a mortgage broker | ARG-1: of a 100 % interest only mortgage SRL for [move]: his [move] to the chairmanship,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to the chairmanship SRL for [spiraling]: Confusion about the two banks ' hurried efforts to round upfinancing for a new bid that the UAL board has n't even seen yet helpedsend UAL stock [spiraling] downward .,ARG-1: UAL stock | ARG-2: downward "SRL for [solution]: Once again the Republican [solution] is a geriatric nut , only this time it 's a relgious fanatic instead of senile warmonger .",ARG-0: Republican SRL for [stunts]: political campaign [stunts],ARG-1: political campaign SRL for [classy]: Princess Diana was [classy] because she wore her collars turned up and talked posh ;,ARG-1: Princess Diana | ARG-M-CAU: because she wore her collars turned up and talked posh SRL for [ultrasound]: Fetal [ultrasound],ARG-1: Fetal SRL for [fall]: These tree branches cushioned her [fall],ARG-1: her SRL for [consumption]: The [consumption] of the world 's oil supply will have disastrous consequences .,ARG-1: of the world 's oil supply "SRL for [smuggle]: Still , employees do occasionally try to [smuggle] out a gem or two .",ARG-0: employees | ARG-2: out | ARG-1: a gem or two "SRL for [interposed]: But he has broken the taboo , your great taboo of the laying - yard , and must go to the eating , Agno [interposed] quickly .","ARG-0: Agno | ARG-1: But he has broken the taboo , your great taboo of the laying - yard , and must go to the eating | ARG-M-MNR: quickly" SRL for [distraining]: This is sometimes called *PRO* levying distress or [distraining] upon goods .,ARG-1: upon goods "SRL for [disenchanted]: Some money managers are [disenchanted] with H & R Block because they suspect the company 's glory days are past , or at least passing .","ARG-1: Some money managers | ARG-2: with H & R Block | ARG-M-CAU: because they suspect the company 's glory days are past , or at least passing" SRL for [groomed]: When well - [groomed] male stars stand on stage ...,ARG-M-MNR: well | ARG-1: male stars SRL for [reminisce]: We might invite a couple of close friends round to [reminisce] about old times .,ARG-0: a couple of close friends round | ARG-1: about old times "SRL for [renting]: Director of the City and Township Construction Committee , Junmin Wang , who is in charge of the housing reform work of Shandong Province , believes that although the aim of housing reform is to realize "" residents have their own houses "" and housing commercialization , yet considering government financial strength , the condition of enterprise operations , and the level of employee incomes , at present , still only selling houses and [renting] houses at cost can be put into practice .",ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: houses | ARG-3: at cost SRL for [impact]: the extraterrestrial [impact] that did in the dinosaurs,ARG-2: extraterrestrial "SRL for [distinction]: The article starts by mentioning the vision of lifelogging , and *PRO* making the [distinction] of lifelogging from other PIM activities as follows ...",ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-1: of lifelogging | ARG-2: from other PIM activities SRL for [conditioning]: The agreement 's [conditioning] on total cooperation chafed the prosecution .,ARG-1: The agreement 's | ARG-2: on total cooperation "SRL for [reborn]: Even two decades ago in Go Down , Moses Faulkner was looking to the more urban future with a glimmer of hope that through its youth and its new way of life the South might be [reborn] and the curse of slavery erased from its soil .",ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: the South SRL for [brings]: The surge [brings] to nearly 50 the number of country funds that are listed in New York or London .,ARG-0: The surge | ARG-3: to nearly 50 | ARG-1: the number of country funds that are listed in New York or London "SRL for [swayed]: As a result , many of those now planning to leave Hong Kong ca n't easily be [swayed] by momentary improvements in the colony 's political and economic climate .",ARG-M-DIS: As a result | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-MNR: easily | ARG-1: many of those now planning to leave Hong Kong | ARG-0: by momentary improvements in the colony 's political and economic climate SRL for [apprehension]: The formal developments of Chapter 8 will facilitate a more precise [apprehension] of the concept .,ARG-M-EXT: more precise | ARG-1: of the concept SRL for [honed]: But some cosmetics - industry executives wonder whether techniques [honed] in packaged goods will translate to the cosmetics business .,ARG-1: techniques | ARG-2: in packaged goods SRL for [scalded]: Bob Feller [scalded] himself with 200 - degree water after he lost control of the hose in a whirlpool .,ARG-0: Bob Feller | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: with 200 - degree water | ARG-M-TMP: after he lost control of the hose in a whirlpool SRL for [authorization]: gives an [authorization] to every Israeli soldier to commit murder,ARG-1: to commit murder SRL for [fall]: the estimated 2 % [fall] in imports,ARG-2: 2 % | ARG-1: in imports SRL for [appearance]: His only major league [appearance] was a disappointment .,ARG-1: His | ARG-M-TMP: only | ARG-M-LOC: major league SRL for [Meltdown]: That Time I Had a [Meltdown] Over Spring Rolls .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: Had | ARG-1: Over Spring Rolls | ARG-M-TMP: That Time "SRL for [washed]: We know that very early exposure to schooling improves performance in the first grade , but afterward the difference is quickly [washed] away .",ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: the difference | ARG-4: away "SRL for [reorganizing]: Mr. Fournier said that as Navigation Mixte chairman , he is prohibited by takeover regulations from [reorganizing] his own defense or doing anything besides managing current company business .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his own defense "SRL for [condemns]: A Poquet spokesman , for example , [condemns] the Atari Portfolio because it requires three batteries while the Poquet needs only two .",ARG-0: A Poquet spokesman | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-1: the Atari Portfolio | ARG-2: because it requires three batteries while the Poquet needs only two SRL for [grasp]: he has a firm [grasp] of the Shakespearean dynamic,ARG-M-MNR: firm | ARG-1: of the Shakespearean dynamic SRL for [wharfed]: The big ship [wharfed] in the evening .,ARG-1: The big ship | ARG-M-TMP: in the evening SRL for [came on]: The lights [came on] this morning .,ARG-1: The lights | ARG-M-TMP: this morning SRL for [harm]: And for people to leak that program and for a newspaper to publish it does great [harm] to the United States of America,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: for people to leak that program and for a newspaper to publish it | ARG-M-LVB: does | ARG-M-ADJ: great | ARG-1: to the United States of America "SRL for [pruned]: Once she [pruned] it of the telescreen circuit and slipped it out of the massive frontage of cabinets , it was surprisingly small and light , hardly bearing down on her shoulder when she slung it accordion - wise .",ARG-0: she | ARG-2: it | ARG-1: of the telescreen circuit SRL for [embody]: The Bush administration plans to announce a series of principles and to work with congressional leaders in writing specific legislative proposals that [embody] them .,ARG-2: specific legislative proposals | R-ARG-2: that | ARG-1: them "SRL for [go down]: If ahmadinejad did say this , does he have any info as to what-2 [*-2]-1 is gon [*-1] na [go down] ?", "SRL for [proposal]: LIN 's [proposal] to spin off its television properties , pay share holders a $ 20 - a - share special dividend and combine its cellular - telephone operations with Bell South 's cellular business","ARG-0: LIN 's | ARG-1: to spin off its television properties , pay share holders a $ 20 - a - share special dividend and combine its cellular - telephone operations with Bell South 's cellular business" "SRL for [space]: Then , in the [space] of a 20 - minute coffee break , the average rallied almost all of the way back .",ARG-1: of a 20 - minute coffee break "SRL for [snoring]: I expected him to say , `` I told you so , '' but he already was [snoring] .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: already "SRL for [Case in point]: [Case in point] : Male squash bees hide away inside bright orange squash flowers late in the day , and then the blossom closes up around the sleeping bees as night falls , protecting them from predators .","ARG-0: Male squash bees hide away inside bright orange squash flowers late in the day , and then the blossom closes up around the sleeping bees as night falls , protecting them from predators" SRL for [matched]: The architect [matched] the paint to the wallpaper,ARG-0: The architect | ARG-1: the paint | ARG-2: to the wallpaper SRL for [penciled]: I had also [penciled] a lengthwise line on the body tube to line up the wrap .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-1: a lengthwise line | ARG-2: on the body tube | ARG-M-PRP: to line up the wrap SRL for [dovetails]: Mr. Pertschuk adds that the new commercial [dovetails] perfectly with major aspects of Philip Morris 's political strategy .,ARG-1: the new commercial | ARG-M-MNR: perfectly | ARG-2: with major aspects of Philip Morris 's political strategy "SRL for [rhizomatic]: What the rhizome metaphor is meant to impart is that the learning process is [rhizomatic] , it moves , shift , sprouts at different times and places ...",ARG-1: the learning process SRL for [confabulating]: The men were sitting in the cafe [confabulating] .,ARG-0: The men SRL for [defeat]: an unusual parliamentary [defeat] for the ruling party,ARG-M-ADV: unusual | ARG-M-LOC: parliamentary | ARG-1: for the ruling party "SRL for [stippled]: The art student [stippled] it , to produce a wonderful freshness and vibration of light .",ARG-0: The art student | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-PRP: to produce a wonderful freshness and vibration of light SRL for [franchises]: Rally 's operates and [franchises] about 160 fast - food restaurants throughout the U.S.,ARG-0: Rally 's | ARG-1: about 160 fast - food restaurants throughout the U.S. "SRL for [shot]: Most of the cases have been in California , where one agent was stabbed and another was [shot] and killed .",ARG-1: another SRL for [defanged]: He [defanged] the show of its most disturbing elements .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the show | ARG-2: of its most disturbing elements "SRL for [beams]: `` We 've had the Russians and Chinese , and people from India visiting us , '' Mr. Iverson [beams] .","ARG-0: Mr. Iverson | ARG-1: We 've had the Russians and Chinese , and people from India visiting us" "SRL for [trading]: Yes his [trading] a fourth - round pick for Ty Detmer was a doozy ,",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: a fourth - round pick | ARG-3: for Ty Detmer SRL for [elected]: Holders at the meeting [elected] a full slate of Canadian Express nominees to Enfield 's 11 - member board .,ARG-0: Holders at the meeting | ARG-1: a full slate of Canadian Express nominees | ARG-2: to Enfield 's 11 - member board "SRL for [carry over]: Is there anything in the works to either a allow for the creation of sub - categories of starred items , or b just [carry over] the folders categories that each post is already in ?",ARG-0: anything in the works | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: the folders categories that each post is already in "SRL for [wiggle]: Some 500 insects and 150 diseases [wiggle] , chew and romp through growers ' nightmares , including maggots , mites , mildew , thrips , black rot and the flat - headed borer .","ARG-0: Some 500 insects and 150 diseases | ARG-1: through growers ' nightmares | ARG-M-ADV: including maggots , mites , mildew , thrips , black rot and the flat - headed borer" SRL for [characterized]: Anheuser noted that `` beer industry sales volume in 1989 is following the trend [*T*] that has [characterized] the last half of the ' 80s .,ARG-1: the last half of the ' 80s "SRL for [representation]: Coleridge 's poetry is curiously prescient , particularly in his [representation] of women as portents of his own fear of failure .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of women | ARG-2: as portents of his own fear of failure "SRL for [resuscitation]: Various efforts were made for his [resuscitation] , but in vain .",ARG-1: his "SRL for [assimilate]: '' Mr. Allen objected to this analogy because it seems to `` [assimilate] the status of blacks to that of animals -- as a mere project of charity , of humaneness . ''","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the status of blacks | ARG-2: to that of animals | ARG-M-PRD: as a mere project of charity , of humaneness" SRL for [purchase]: its $ 750 million [purchase] of a 15 % stake in UAL,ARG-0: its | ARG-3: $ 750 million | ARG-1: of a 15 % stake in UAL SRL for [pinion]: The sailors attempted to [pinion] Peter 's arms .,ARG-0: The sailors | ARG-1: Peter 's arms "SRL for [pressurizing]: Latvia is [pressurizing] the European Court of Human Rights over the case of Soviet World War II veteran Vasily Kononov , the 85 - year - old former partisan 's lawyer said Monday .",ARG-0: Latvia | ARG-1: the European Court of Human Rights | ARG-M-TOP: over the case of Soviet World War II veteran Vasily Kononov "SRL for [pancreaticojejunostomy]: March 27 , 2005 – end - to - side [pancreaticojejunostomy] ( duct - to - mucosa )","ARG-M-MNR: end - to - side | ARG-M-TMP: March 27 , 2005 | ARG-3: ( duct - to - mucosa )" SRL for [swiped]: He noticed a speck of dirt on the sill and [swiped] at it with his finger .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: at it | ARG-2: with his finger SRL for [underreacting]: Each scientist independently concluded society and government are [underreacting] when it comes to substantive policy change .,ARG-0: society and government | ARG-M-TMP: when it comes to substantive policy change "SRL for [burling]: She was often engaged in her own house [burling] cloth for the manufacturers , by which means she earned a scanty addition to their income .",ARG-0: She | ARG-2: cloth | ARG-M-GOL: for the manufacturers | ARG-M-ADV: by which means she earned a scanty addition to their income "SRL for [humbled]: `` Even when I hear it played badly , I ' m still [humbled] by the piece .",ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: I | ARG-0: by the piece SRL for [glistening]: .. studded with water tanks of turquoise tile in which were reflected the [glistening] blue curves of a hundred domes .,ARG-0: curves of a hundred domes SRL for [whiffed]: John McCain [whiffed] his own chance to ask Obama about Ayers on live TV .,ARG-1: John McCain | ARG-2: his own chance to ask Obama about Ayers on live TV "SRL for [devote]: Mr. Coleman said this week that he would [devote] the remainder of the political season to positive campaigning , but the truce lasted only hours .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the remainder of the political season | ARG-2: to positive campaigning SRL for [shameful]: And he was [shameful] in destroying every other valuable thing in Jerusalem .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: he | ARG-2: in destroying every other valuable thing in Jerusalem "SRL for [chuckling]: `` Pickin ' one or two , '' says the guide , [chuckling] .",ARG-0: the guide "SRL for [inaccessible]: For some poor families , some things are really [inaccessible] .",ARG-0: For some poor families | ARG-1: some things | ARG-M-ADV: really "SRL for [made it]: Meanwhile , the ROC table tennis team twice [made it] to the finals , but fell just short of the gold each time .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-0: the ROC table tennis team | ARG-M-ADV: twice | ARG-1: to the finals "SRL for [effort]: If you make an [effort] to do what you can , you will immediately find that your burdens have been lightened .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: to do what you can SRL for [formation]: the [formation] of a holding company enabling the savings bank to pursue nontraditional banking activities under a new federal law,ARG-1: of a holding company enabling the savings bank to pursue nontraditional banking activities under a new federal law SRL for [opening]: His [opening] of the gallery was broadcast locally .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the gallery SRL for [yellowing]: [yellowing] of the skin and whites of the eyes,ARG-1: of the skin and whites of the eyes SRL for [instructions]: [instructions] on management,ARG-3: on management "SRL for [light]: he was [light] of heart , and his soul was in love with Bah?'u'll?h .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: of heart SRL for [fresh]: She was being reprimanded for being [fresh] to him whilehe sat here and lied to her face .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: to him "SRL for [theorized]: He [theorized] that in the eye cancer , an infant inherited a damaged copy of a gene from one parent and a normal copy from the other .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: that in the eye cancer , an infant inherited a damaged copy of a gene from one parent and a normal copy from the other" "SRL for [dented]: To his left , the two skiffs [dented] their sharp bows into the soft bank .",ARG-0: the two skiffs | ARG-1: their sharp bows | ARG-2: into the soft bank SRL for [rearranges]: Zaita the `` cripple - maker '' [rearranges] the limbs of aspiring beggars -- and takes a cut of every cent they cadge .,ARG-0: Zaita the `` cripple - maker '' | ARG-1: the limbs of aspiring beggars SRL for [sweep]: Meanwhile in England police today arrested six more terror suspects in a [sweep] in southern England /.,ARG-1: in southern England "SRL for [peruse]: Investment letters now abound,/ I really like to read them;/ If I [peruse] enough , I 've found/ I 've no time left to heed them !",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: enough SRL for [sworn in]: Congratulations to a member of the United States House of Representatives as soon as she 's [sworn in] .,ARG-1: she "SRL for [racketeered]: On his way from the Place Vendome , through Lyons , Avignon , the villages and towns of the Languedoc , and thence to the Pyrenees , he [racketeered] in shoes , soap , and blankets .","ARG-M-DIR: On his way from the Place Vendome , through Lyons , Avignon , the villages and towns of the Languedoc , and thence to the Pyrenees | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: in shoes , soap , and blankets" SRL for [question]: Many analysts [question] management 's credibility .,ARG-0: Many analysts | ARG-1: management 's credibility SRL for [parade]: In the morning the BIG GIANT and the LITTLE GIANTESS passed the Brandenburg Gate and strolled on their celebratory [parade] through the government quarter .,ARG-1: their | ARG-M-PRP: celebratory | ARG-M-DIR: through the government quarter "SRL for [thrombosed]: His right internal jugular vein [thrombosed] when Dr. Q ballooned it , and she broke up the clot with thrombolytics while the patient was on the table .",ARG-1: His right internal jugular vein | ARG-M-TMP: when Dr. Q ballooned it "SRL for [loss]: For instance , if the owner of a property purchased for $ 250,000 took $ 200,000 in deductions by the time it was sold for $ 225,000 , the owner would have to pay taxes on a $ 175,000 profit even though he took a [loss] on his investment .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-3: on his investment SRL for [caudal]: The proximal neck of the aneurysm is 3 cm [caudal] to the right renal artery .,ARG-1: The proximal neck of the aneurysm | ARG-M-EXT: 3 cm | ARG-2: to the right renal artery SRL for [reacted]: The stock market [reacted] strongly to the news .,ARG-0: The stock market | ARG-M-MNR: strongly | ARG-1: to the news "SRL for [infeasible]: Arguably Libya is a different matter entirely and it would be unconscionable to watch Gaddafi slaughter his own people , but it would be inappropriate and [infeasible] for Britain to go it alone",ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: for Britain to go it alone SRL for [killing]: Students get 10 weeks and a phantom $ 100000 to make their [killing] in the market,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: in the market "SRL for [marriage]: his [marriage] to his sweetheart , Martha Matthews","ARG-1: his | ARG-2: to his sweetheart , Martha Matthews" SRL for [pleased ']: Russian lawmaker ' not [pleased '] about UK royal birth .,ARG-1: Russian lawmaker | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: about UK royal birth SRL for [clicked]: John 's alarm clock [clicked] loudly on his bedside stand .,ARG-1: John 's alarm clock | ARG-M-MNR: loudly | ARG-M-LOC: on his bedside stand SRL for [Muslim]: Some conservatives have argued that simply having [Muslim] ancestors means Obama himself was Muslim before embracing Christianity .,ARG-1: ancestors SRL for [jejunization]: Lymphoma does not have signs of hypersecretion or [jejunization] of the ileum ...,ARG-1: of the ileum "SRL for [anxious]: Besides coping with the divorce , she was [anxious] over family crises including her mother 's diagnosis with a serious lung disease .",ARG-M-ADV: Besides coping with the divorce | ARG-1: she | ARG-0: over family crises including her mother 's diagnosis with a serious lung disease "SRL for [twined]: Hence the title of the book , referring to the soldiers and subjects of the king ; on the fatal battlefield of Poltava , to quote from the novel , `` the wreath he [twined] for himself slipped down upon his people '' .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the wreath | ARG-M-GOL: for himself SRL for [charge]: The offensive [charge] of the field gained their football team 22 yards in the last play .,ARG-0: offensive | ARG-1: of the field "SRL for [chase]: Higher margins would [chase] away dozens of smaller traders who help larger traders buy and sell , they say .",ARG-0: Higher margins | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-1: dozens of smaller traders who help larger traders buy and sell SRL for [assort]: Recombination and genetic linkage The diploid nature of chromosomes allows for genes on different chromosomes to [assort] independently or be separated from their homologous pair during sexual reproduction wherein haploid gametes are formed .,ARG-1: genes on different chromosomes | ARG-M-MNR: independently SRL for [clogged]: He [clogged] your fuel line ?,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: your fuel line ? SRL for [defund]: You are unwitting participants to the oldest Shock Doctrine trick in the book - [defund] popular social programs so that eventually they become dysfunctional and that 's used as an excuse to get rid of or privatize it .,ARG-1: popular social programs | ARG-M-PRP: so that eventually they become dysfunctional and that 's used as an excuse to get rid of or privatize it SRL for [bitter]: The taste was [bitter] along with other positives such as its yeasty taste and malt flavors .,ARG-1: The taste "SRL for [waffled]: It has n't helped that he 's [waffled] on abortion and gay rights , sought the support of both the Liberal and Conservative parties ( he won the Liberal endorsement ) and that he turned to comedian Jackie Mason for help with Jewish voters .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: on abortion and gay rights "SRL for [clumping]: He heard feet [clumping] , like the guys might be throwing themselves around a bit .",ARG-1: feet | ARG-M-MNR: like the guys might be throwing themselves around a bit SRL for [follow]: Many investors [follow] a strategy of buying and holding a mix of stocks .,ARG-0: Many investors | ARG-1: a strategy of buying and holding a mix of stocks SRL for [look]: When the job was finished the manager and I had a [look] at the finished product .,ARG-M-TMP: When the job was finished | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-1: at the finished product SRL for [ticked]: In the constraint dialogue box you have [ticked] the box with an image of a ruler next to it .,ARG-M-LOC: In the constraint dialogue box | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the box with an image of a ruler next to it SRL for [slobbered]: The dog [slobbered] all over the baby .,ARG-0: The dog | ARG-M-GOL: all over the baby SRL for [chirped]: The children [chirped] in amusement .,ARG-0: The children SRL for [blows]: The boxer crumpled to the ground from the continuous [blows] of his opponent .,ARG-M-MNR: continuous | ARG-1: of his opponent SRL for [reward]: The Islamic Center of Northeast Florida has increased their [reward] for catching the suspect who set off a pipe bomb outside their mosque .,ARG-0: their | ARG-3: for catching the suspect who set off a pipe bomb outside their mosque SRL for [spends]: The NIH currently [spends] about $ 8 million annually on fetal - tissue research .,ARG-0: The NIH | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-3: about $ 8 million | ARG-M-TMP: annually | ARG-1: on fetal - tissue research SRL for [external]: [external] skin tag,ARG-1: skin tag SRL for [spooled]: The shop attendant [spooled] the new wool on to the cone .,ARG-0: The shop attendant | ARG-1: the new wool | ARG-2: on to the cone "SRL for [silicified]: The scientists observed very rich and diverse fossils , with [silicified] marine faunas .",ARG-1: marine faunas "SRL for [naive]: He is [naive] to the world of love , and completely overdramatisizes the matter , acting like he will never love again .",ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to the world of love "SRL for [imaginable]: Since Iran has been labeled by America as a rogue country , the harm of Iran with nuclear weapons to the world is [imaginable] .",ARG-M-CAU: Since Iran has been labeled by America as a rogue country | ARG-1: the harm of Iran with nuclear weapons to the world SRL for [blaze]: Garish neon pachinko marquees [blaze] from the main streets and narrow alleys of cities and towns across the country .,ARG-1: Garish neon pachinko marquees | ARG-M-DIR: from the main streets and narrow alleys of cities and towns across the country "SRL for [late]: Instead , the presiding officer shall inquire as to why the party was [late] in responding to the notice of hearing",ARG-1: the party | ARG-2: in responding to the notice of hearing | ARG-M-CAU: why "SRL for [allocated]: About $ 490 million of that would be [allocated] to the buy - back , leaving about $ 130 million , he said .",ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: About $ 490 million of that | ARG-2: to the buy - back | ARG-M-ADV: leaving about $ 130 million "SRL for [brag]: That has taken some of the swagger out of natives who like to [brag] that Texas is the only state that was once a nation , but it has increased their legendary resentment of outsiders .",ARG-0: natives | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: that Texas is the only state that was once a nation "SRL for [worked out]: The details have n't been [worked out] between the Seattle aerospace company and Kawasaki Heavy Industries , Ltd.","ARG-1: The details | ARG-0: between the Seattle aerospace company and Kawasaki Heavy Industries , Ltd." "SRL for [fabulous]: Be aware that even though fresh juice is [fabulous] for you , it does not have any fiber .",ARG-1: fresh juice | ARG-2: for you "SRL for [turned up]: Though details were sketchy in the aftermath of the violent earthquake that shook the high - tech corridor along with the rest of the San Franciso Bay area , a spot check of computer makers [turned up] little , if any , potentially lingering damage to facilities or fabrication equipment .","ARG-M-ADV: Though details were sketchy in the aftermath of the violent earthquake that shook the high - tech corridor along with the rest of the San Franciso | ARG-0: a spot check of computer makers | ARG-1: little , if any , potentially lingering damage to facilities or fabrication equipment" SRL for [in line]: It 's [in line] with the four shadows,ARG-1: It | ARG-2: with the four shadows SRL for [dollarize]: This follows the country 's bold move to [dollarize] the economy .,ARG-0: the country | ARG-1: the economy SRL for [serving]: His [serving] as CTO for many years had given him great insight into the dynamics of small companies .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: as CTO | ARG-M-TMP: for many years "SRL for [portrayal]: There is a great discordance between his [portrayal] of himself as the wise and virtuous King Lamus , and his real untrustworthiness .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of himself | ARG-2: as the wise and virtuous King Lamus SRL for [bide]: Rumsfeld would build his Searle fortune and [bide] his time .,ARG-0: Rumsfeld | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: his time "SRL for [sit]: I failed Arabic hahaha , I 'm going to [sit] for the make - up exam this week and I 've applied to GUC",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: for the make - up exam | ARG-M-TMP: this week "SRL for [trick]: And even when facts are slowly exposed , it is no longer clear to Gamache and his team if what they 've found is the truth , or simply a [trick] of the light .",ARG-M-ADJ: simply | ARG-0: of the light SRL for [aid]: greater economic [aid] and technological know - how to flow from Westto East,ARG-M-EXT: greater | ARG-1: economic "SRL for [barbaric]: - It 's inhumane and [barbaric] , the criminal may be able to be reformed",ARG-1: It SRL for [laminectomy]: L3-5 [laminectomy],ARG-1: L3-5 "SRL for [fit]: I 'd wrestled skittish horses and helped round up cattle , backpacked , hiked and tracked , and was physically [fit] .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MNR: physically SRL for [trade - off]: This did n't give Americans much confidence that their [trade - off] of Fourth Amendment freedoms for a little extra safety is a good deal .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Fourth Amendment freedoms | ARG-3: for a little extra safety SRL for [began]: A murder [began] the book,ARG-2: A murder | ARG-1: the book "SRL for [land]: At 18,000 feet , he says , he and his co - pilot `` were looking for an interstate or a cornfield '' to [land] .",ARG-0: he and his co - pilot SRL for [avoid]: She wanted to [avoid] the morale - damaging public disclosure that a trial would bring .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the morale - damaging public disclosure that a trial would bring "SRL for [pleomorphic]: That of the white component was [pleomorphic] and spindle cell sarcoma with a storiform pattern , resembling malignant fibrous histiocytoma ( Fig . 1e ) .",ARG-1: That of the white component SRL for [ablated]: An approximately 3.0 - cm lesion was [ablated] with gold probe .,ARG-1: An approximately 3.0 - cm lesion | ARG-M-MNR: with gold probe "SRL for [hobble]: I saw the gnarled , stooped , feathery , grizzled , salty old sea dog [hobble] across die beach .","ARG-0: the gnarled , stooped , feathery , grizzled , salty old sea dog | ARG-1: across die beach" "SRL for [brew]: Although imports account for less than 1 % of beer sales in Japan , Asahi Breweries Ltd. , which has been gaining share with its popular dry beer , plans to fend off Japanese competitors by pouring $ 1.06 billion into facilities to [brew] 50 % more beer .","ARG-0: Asahi Breweries Ltd. , which has been gaining share with its popular dry beer | ARG-1: 50 % more beer" "SRL for [break ins]: the Cabinet will convene , the Council of Ministers , and demand ah and we give authorization to the Lebanese army to perform [break ins]", SRL for [shutting off]: At his first school in the U.S. he was thought a little strange for [shutting off] open water taps and admonishing his schoolmates to take only brief showers .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: open water taps SRL for [clearance]: Federal regulatory [clearance] for US distribution,ARG-0: Federal | ARG-M-MNR: regulatory | ARG-1: for US distribution SRL for [need]: his [need] for them to play better,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: for them to play better "SRL for [pressing]: This shows two points : first , the situation is [pressing] and complicated .",ARG-M-ADV: first | ARG-0: the situation SRL for [veto]: The Russian [veto] of last Saturday 's U.N. Security Council resolution is seen as Assad 's license to kill .,ARG-0: Russian | ARG-1: of last Saturday 's U.N. Security Council resolution "SRL for [trifurcate]: Western social movements have a tendency to "" [trifurcate] "" into three trends : liberal reformist , socialist and countercultural romanticist .","ARG-1: Western social movements | ARG-2: into three trends : liberal reformist , socialist and countercultural romanticist" SRL for [coxed]: He [coxed] the varsity 8 for four years at George Mason .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the varsity 8 | ARG-M-TMP: for four years | ARG-M-LOC: at George Mason SRL for [rational]: It was [rational] of him to think that the odds were good enough to try .,ARG-1: of him | C-ARG-1: to think that the odds were good enough to try SRL for [oversewed]: I [oversewed] it to look like brushstrokes .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-PRP: to look like brushstrokes SRL for [tantamount]: The experiences that students encounter over the course of their education are [tantamount] in importance to instilling a life - long love of learning .,ARG-1: The experiences that students encounter over the course of their education | ARG-3: in importance to instilling a life - long love of learning SRL for [snoozed]: It felt like I must have [snoozed] for hours but instead it has only been 12 minutes .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: for hours "SRL for [sting]: At worst , allergic people can go into shock with the [sting] of a bee and these are the symptoms which they may display : ...",ARG-0: of a bee "SRL for [justifying]: As a country superimposes its cultural and political attitudes on others , it searches its heritage in hopes of [justifying] its aggressiveness .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its aggressiveness "SRL for [ingest]: This month , the Food and Drug Administration expressed concern that Americans might someday , in various forms , [ingest] too much psyllium .","ARG-0: Americans | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-TMP: someday | ARG-M-MNR: , in various forms | ARG-1: too much psyllium" "SRL for [bashes up]: If not , it will be chaos if everyone pretends to be drunk and [bashes up] others .",ARG-0: everyone | ARG-1: others "SRL for [glide]: The 747 can [glide] , i do n't know , something like 15 miles laterally for every thousand .",ARG-1: The 747 | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-EXT: something like 15 miles laterally for every thousand "SRL for [staffed]: The Sidley - Ashurst venture will also be [staffed] by another Sidley partner specializing in corporate law , a partner from Ashurst concentrating on acquisitions and a Japanese attorney .","ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: The Sidley - Ashurst venture | ARG-2: by another Sidley partner specializing in corporate law , a partner from Ashurst concentrating on acquisitions and a Japanese attorney" SRL for [ask]: [ask] him about this law he tried to pass .,ARG-2: him | ARG-1: about this law he tried to pass "SRL for [announced]: In the case of the Dominican Republic , for example , supporters of President Mejia [announced] to the media on the eve of President Chen 's arrival that mainland China was planning to build a large thermal power plant in their country .",ARG-M-PRD: In the case of the Dominican Republic | ARG-M-DIS: for example | ARG-0: supporters of President Mejia | ARG-2: to the media | ARG-M-TMP: on the eve of President Chen 's arrival | ARG-1: that mainland China was planning to build a large thermal power plant in their country SRL for [interjected]: My best Abe Lincoln anecdotes are when he [interjected] about the governor of Louisiana,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: about the governor of Louisiana SRL for [turn]: As the global economy enters a down - [turn] ...,ARG-M-DIR: down "SRL for [bawling]: The peddler came [bawling] his wares and told them of theconvention in Wheeling , which had formed a new state government by declaring thegovernment at Richmond in the east illegal because they were traitors .",ARG-0: The peddler | ARG-1: his wares SRL for [piercing]: While Cooper 's scientific achievements are real -- he won the Royal Society 's top award of the Copley Medal for his [piercing] of the tympanic membrane -- the lasting interest his life holds comes from the way he tackled experiences most people found too disgusting to contemplate .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the tympanic membrane "SRL for [deglycosylated]: Therefore , we [deglycosylated] human recombinant dimeric eA5 and tested on GBM cells .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: human recombinant dimeric eA5 SRL for [cotransfected]: Tumor cells [cotransfected] with interleukin-7 and B7.1 genes induce CD25 and CD28 on tumor - infiltrating T lymphocytes and are strong vaccines .,ARG-1: Tumor cells | ARG-2: with interleukin-7 and B7.1 genes SRL for [fingerprinted]: The North Koreans actually [fingerprinted] him for snagging a stupid poster and sentenced him to 15 yrs ? ! ?,ARG-0: The North Koreans | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for snagging a stupid poster "SRL for [Projecting]: [Projecting] the latter over several decades , I find my cash buildup is impressive -- but can any high interest rate prevail for that long ?",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the latter | ARG-2: over several decades SRL for [going]: This market is still [going] through its pains,ARG-1: This market | ARG-M-DIS: still | ARG-2: through its pains SRL for [splinting]: Rufus 's [splinting] of his broken ankle prevented it from becoming a compound fracture as he trudged back to camp .,ARG-0: Rufus 's | ARG-1: of his broken ankle "SRL for [rissole]: Toward the close of the operation , [rissole] the larding bacon well .",ARG-M-TMP: Toward the close of the operation | ARG-1: the larding bacon | ARG-M-MNR: well SRL for [jam]: but I ca n't [jam] it into fifteen minutes .,ARG-M-DIS: but | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: into fifteen minutes SRL for [buttressing]: Reduced ice - shelf [buttressing] .,ARG-M-PRD: Reduced | ARG-1: ice - shelf SRL for [new]: I like meeting [new] people,ARG-1: people SRL for [eked]: He [eked] the time down by just under half a second as the session went on but his 1:46.520 was only good enough for sixth .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the time | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-M-EXT: by just under half a second | ARG-M-TMP: as the session went on "SRL for [hailed]: Glad to return , tho ' hope could grant no more , And chains and torture [hailed] him to the shore .",ARG-0: chains and torture | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-GOL: to the shore SRL for [receding]: had [receding] of lesion,ARG-0: of lesion "SRL for [flag]: The owners of the various shops that sell wealth charms all agree that when sales of other lines [flag] , business for these charms only increases .",ARG-1: sales of other lines | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [pumping]: He views the death of the inhabitants as an unfortunate by - product of his [pumping] water into the cistern .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: water | ARG-1: into the cistern SRL for [snagged]: The deficit - reduction bill became [snagged] over efforts to streamline the House version of the legislation in advance of a House - Senate conference .,ARG-1: The deficit - reduction bill | ARG-2: over efforts to streamline the House version of the legislation in advance of a House - Senate conference SRL for [work]: blood [work],ARG-1: blood "SRL for [crash]: he remembers Kendallman 's spectacular [crash] of the party , when he set up his own ? booth ? that was an installation of another version of an invasion of Puerto Rico .",ARG-0: Kendallman | ARG-M-MNR: spectacular | ARG-1: of the party "SRL for [equivalent]: This is [equivalent] to a working person earning L 35,000 .","ARG-1: This | ARG-2: to a working person earning L 35,000" SRL for [whizzed]: A cleaver [whizzed] through the air and hit him dead in the chest .,ARG-1: A cleaver | ARG-M-DIR: through the air "SRL for [fend off]: Although imports account for less than 1 % of beer sales in Japan , Asahi Breweries Ltd. , which has been gaining share with its popular dry beer , plans to [fend off] Japanese competitors by pouring $ 1.06 billion into facilities to brew 50 % more beer .","ARG-0: Asahi Breweries Ltd. , which has been gaining share with its popular dry beer | ARG-1: Japanese competitors | ARG-2: by pouring $ 1.06 billion into facilities to brew 50 % more beer" SRL for [onlooking]: A woman in a red shirt standing in an open courtyard doing an exercise with a man in a white shirt and pants [onlooking] .,ARG-0: a man in a white shirt and pants SRL for [say]: Do you think this war is going to end up ... much less popular [say] a year from now ... ?, SRL for [orders]: buy [orders] from major brokerage firms to match the selling flood,ARG-2: buy | ARG-0: from major brokerage firms "SRL for [kidding]: On the matter of new neuron growth , no [kidding] ? Which neurons ?",ARG-M-NEG: no SRL for [count]: A hand [count] of ballots,ARG-M-MNR: hand | ARG-1: of ballots "SRL for [quoted]: Seats currently are [quoted] at $ 400,000 bid , $ 425,000 asked .","ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-2: Seats | ARG-1: at $ 400,000 bid , $ 425,000 asked" SRL for [appalled]: I was [appalled] to read the misstatements of facts in your Oct. 13 editorial `` Colombia 's Brave Publisher . '',ARG-1: I | ARG-0: to read the misstatements of facts in your Oct. 13 editorial `` Colombia 's Brave Publisher "SRL for [frost]: After the [frost] , all of the leaves died .", SRL for [Rock on]: [Rock on] to the beat y' all !,ARG-1: to the beat | ARG-M-DIS: y' all "SRL for [preform]: Peter Drake , biotechnology analyst for Vector Securities International , Chicago , thinks market uncertainty may encourage small companies to [preform] more strategic alliances with big corporations .",ARG-0: small companies | ARG-1: more strategic alliances with big corporations SRL for [prospection]: Other opinions are no more than their [prospection] that even IPv6 address might be exhausted .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: that even IPv6 address might be exhausted SRL for [present]: Can diabetic neuropathy [present] as flank radicular pain ?,ARG-1: diabetic neuropathy | ARG-2: as flank radicular pain "SRL for [exaggeration]: Although Herodotus is considered ? the father of history ? , his [exaggeration] of the magnitude of Persia 's army ? discredits him as a historian ?",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the magnitude of Persia 's army SRL for [roughed up]: the glue sticks better if the surface is [roughed up] around the hole with sand paper ...,ARG-1: the surface | ARG-M-LOC: around the hole | ARG-M-MNR: with sand paper "SRL for [contrive]: Moisture , dust , and debris will all [contrive] to ruin your engine .","ARG-0: Moisture , dust , and debris | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: to ruin your engine" "SRL for [keeping]: The maintenance , the [keeping] going of the body",ARG-2: going of the body SRL for [flight]: ... their [flight] from Ireland and death in exile ...,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: from Ireland SRL for [liberation]: Jewish prisoners at the moment of their [liberation] from a death train near the Elbe .,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: from a death train near the Elbe SRL for [tracking down]: The reporter 's [tracking down] the lone witness for his story made the piece much more compelling than it otherwise would have been .,ARG-0: The reporter 's | ARG-1: the lone witness | ARG-2: for his story SRL for [gulled]: He [gulled] his reviewers into thinking that they are still dealing with a great writer,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his reviewers | ARG-2: into thinking that they are still dealing with a great writer SRL for [bathing]: As warmer temperatures were encountered Ann and Harriet were introduced to the pleasures of [bathing] daily in salt water .,ARG-0: Ann and Harriet | ARG-M-TMP: daily | ARG-2: in salt water "SRL for [comprised]: [ The FADA real - estate package , with an asking price of $ 428 million [*U*]]-1 , is [comprised] [*-1] of 150 properties in Texas , California , Colorado , Arizona and Florida .","ARG-2: of 150 properties in Texas , California , Colorado , Arizona and Florida" SRL for [induce]: When should you [induce] a pregnant patient with hypertension ?,ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: a pregnant patient with hypertension | ARG-M-TMP: When SRL for [reasserted]: The author had [reasserted] several points about Mr. Hubbard .,ARG-0: The author | ARG-1: several points | ARG-3: about Mr. Hubbard SRL for [come to grips]: fans try to [come to grips] with grief after OSU homecoming tragedy .,ARG-0: fans | ARG-1: with grief | ARG-M-TMP: after OSU homecoming tragedy SRL for [hassled]: They said a -RRB- it was one of the most beautiful places they had been and b -RRB- it was the place in the world they had been most [hassled] and cheated .,ARG-M-EXT: most | ARG-1: they | ARG-M-LOC: the place in the world SRL for [landscaping]: ... several major projects such as [landscaping] Macau 's Marintime Museum and setting up venues ...,ARG-1: Macau 's Marintime Museum "SRL for [subducted]: Over time , the central part of the Farallon Plate was completely [subducted] under the southwestern part of the North American Plate .",ARG-M-TMP: Over time | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-1: the central part of the Farallon Plate | ARG-2: under the southwestern part of the North American Plate SRL for [Hyperextension]: [Hyperextension] of the neck and trunk associated with shoulder retraction is often regarded as an early sign of a developing neurological impairment .,ARG-1: of the neck and trunk | ARG-M-ADJ: associated with shoulder retraction SRL for [return]: In [return] for your patience,ARG-1: for your patience SRL for [inverse]: [inverse] L ?,ARG-1: L SRL for [abnegated]: She [abnegated] herself wine and spirits .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: herself | ARG-1: wine and spirits SRL for [open]: Can a policeman [open] fire on someone trying to kill him ?,ARG-M-MOD: Can | ARG-0: a policeman | ARG-1: fire | ARG-M-DIR: on someone trying to kill him ? SRL for [turn around]: You should [turn around] so I can see your whole outfit,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-PRP: so I can see your whole outfit SRL for [beat up]: do n't [beat up] about feeling unmotivated to do anything at the minute .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: yourself | ARG-3: about feeling unmotivated to do anything at the minute "SRL for [bent]: I had to point out that LEOSA had no impact on that situation due to STATE law , and that the local policies he was [bent] about them not following were neither lawful nor good practice as to any cop .",ARG-1: he | ARG-0: about them not following SRL for [sawed]: I [sawed] the twig off the branch .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the twig | ARG-2: off the branch "SRL for [reinvented]: Over the door , there is a photograph of the poet Rimbaud and his famous line "" Il faut reinventer l'amour ; "" "" Love must be [reinvented] . """,ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: Love SRL for [underinflate]: The company blamed consumers who [underinflate] their tires .,ARG-0: consumers | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: their tires "SRL for [implant]: The controversy began in 1987 when the National Institutes of Health , aware of the policy implications of its research , asked for an HHS review of its plan to [implant] fetal tissue into the brain of a patient suffering from Parkinson 's disease .","ARG-0: the National Institutes of Health , aware of the policy implications of its research | ARG-1: fetal tissue | ARG-2: into the brain of a patient suffering from Parkinson 's disease" "SRL for [name - drops]: But the truth is that almost everyone , from real - estate agents to city fathers , [name - drops] ; and a surprising number of people have an ancient uncle who claims he lived next door to the cartoonist who did the Katzenjammer Kids .","ARG-0: almost everyone , from real - estate agents to city fathers" SRL for [got hold]: She finally [got hold] of an administrator and found out that he passed away and no one had called her .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: of an administrator SRL for [weakness]: Denies [weakness] ., SRL for [whacking off]: It includes [whacking off] of the books ...,ARG-1: $ 242 million in good will | ARG-2: of the books "SRL for [shattered]: Unlike an ordinary memory , a traumatic memory is [shattered] into pieces .",ARG-M-MNR: Unlike an ordinary memory | ARG-1: a traumatic memory | ARG-3: into pieces SRL for [recd]: 6 slides -LRB- E37-6512 -RRB- [recd] 3 - 6 fxx,ARG-1: 6 slides -LRB- E37-6512 -RRB- | ARG-M-TMP: 3 - 6 fxx SRL for [scaled]: He [scaled] the fish with his knife,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the fish | ARG-2: with his knife "SRL for [breaking out]: `` December delivery gold is trading in a range of $ 365 to $ 375 ( an ounce ) and is having difficulty [breaking out] above that , '' Mr. Savaiko said .",ARG-0: December delivery gold | ARG-M-GOL: above that SRL for [seeded]: The company [seeded] the Energy Biosciences Institute at UC Berkeley with $ 500 million to develop biofuels .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: the Energy Biosciences Institute at UC Berkeley | ARG-2: with $ 500 million | ARG-M-PRP: to develop biofuels SRL for [realization]: average gold price [realization],ARG-M-ADJ: average | ARG-1: gold price "SRL for [defer]: But dominant in the sense that every other objective , no matter how worthy intrinsically , must [defer] to it .",ARG-0: every other objective | ARG-M-ADV: no matter how worthy intrinsically | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: to it SRL for [implies]: A reintegrated Europe [implies] big changes in 40 - year - old military and economic policies .,ARG-0: A reintegrated Europe | ARG-1: big changes in 40 - year - old military and economic policies "SRL for [merge]: The offer is in limbo , however , because LIN has agreed to [merge] its cellular - phone businesses with Bell South Corp.",ARG-0: LIN | ARG-1: its cellular - phone businesses | ARG-2: with Bell South Corp. SRL for [beaded]: Seed pearls were [beaded] into patterns to create fanciful images of flowers .,ARG-1: Seed pearls | ARG-3: into patterns | ARG-M-PRP: to create fanciful images of flowers SRL for [thrummed]: He [thrummed] the desk with his fingers .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: the desk | ARG-1: with his fingers "SRL for [look]: The beautiful [look] of wool , '' croons the show 's narrator , `` slightly Victorian in its influence",ARG-2: beautiful | ARG-1: of wool "SRL for [cabled]: I [cabled] to Mr. Hay again on December 15 , expressing impatience .",ARG-0: I | ARG-2: to Mr. Hay | ARG-M-TMP: on December 15 | ARG-1: expressing impatience SRL for [excuse]: I spoke with one of the women he had an affair with and his [excuse] to her for why he could n't visit her was that his dad had died and he had to go to his funeral .,ARG-0: his | ARG-3: to her | ARG-1: for why he could n't visit her SRL for [smote]: He [smote] reality a mighty blow .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: reality | ARG-1: a mighty blow SRL for [lettered]: The front cover was [lettered] with a brush and a half empty 10 year old bottle of india ink .,ARG-2: The front cover | ARG-M-MNR: with a brush and a half empty 10 year old bottle of india ink SRL for [defrauded]: The Justice Department said it filed a lawsuit seeking more than $ 7.7 million from a Meredith Corp. unit on charges that the company [defrauded] the government on a contract to provide relocation services for federal employees .,ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: the government | ARG-2: on a contract to provide relocation services for federal employees "SRL for [dubbed]: But Rep. Hammerschmidt said that the provision , which he [dubbed] a `` special interest '' amendment , was likely to make the bill even more controversial .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the provision | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: a `` special interest '' amendment SRL for [jerked]: Newt basically [jerked] over all their faces and the people wanted more of it .,ARG-0: Newt | ARG-M-ADV: basically | ARG-M-GOL: over all their faces SRL for [luxuriated]: The plants [luxuriated] in the new soil .,ARG-0: The plants | ARG-1: in the new soil "SRL for [sticking]: Mr. Schneider of Bear Stearns says he is recalculating the worth of the company 's assets and , in the meantime , is [sticking] to his `` buy '' recommendation on the belief that he will find `` values '' of 30 a share .",ARG-1: he | ARG-2: to his `` buy '' recommendation | ARG-M-CAU: on the belief that he will find `` values '' of 30 a share SRL for [rescheduled]: A guild disciplinary hearing is [rescheduled] next Monday in New York,ARG-1: A guild disciplinary hearing | ARG-3: next Monday | ARG-M-LOC: in New York "SRL for [circumduction]: Gait is steady , although there is a slight [circumduction] of the left leg .",ARG-M-ADJ: slight | ARG-1: of the left leg SRL for [enough]: How do I know when my credit situation is bad [enough] to file for bankruptcy,ARG-1: my credit situation | ARG-2: bad | ARG-3: to file for bankruptcy "SRL for [geared]: Most revisions it will propose will be [geared] toward slowing down program trading during stressful periods , said officials working with the exchange .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: Most revisions it will propose | ARG-2: toward slowing down program trading during stressful periods SRL for [deal]: Kohlberg Kravis Roberts 's megabillion RJR Nabisco [deal],ARG-0: Kohlberg Kravis Roberts 's | ARG-3: megabillion | ARG-2: RJR Nabisco SRL for [super - injunction]: Conservative MP for Richmond Park Zac Goldsmith took out a so-called [super - injunction] to prevent the publication of e - mails that had been obtained by hackers and passed to newspapers .,ARG-M-ADJ: so-called | ARG-1: to prevent the publication of e - mails that had been obtained by hackers and passed to newspapers "SRL for [informed]: One source familiar with the airline said , however , that Mr. Corr was n't [informed] in advance during the summer when Mr. Lorenzo began discussions with potential buyers .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: Mr. Corr | ARG-M-TMP: in advance | ARG-M-TMP: during the summer | ARG-2: when Mr. Lorenzo began discussions with potential buyers SRL for [indifferent]: She is [indifferent] to the plight of the snail darter .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: to the plight of the snail darter SRL for [judgment]: the financial [judgment] of all market participants,ARG-1: financial | ARG-0: of all market participants "SRL for [Duplicating]: *trace* [Duplicating] research is both costly and time - consuming for a start - up , Ms. Emyanitoff says .",ARG-1: research SRL for [growing]: The cells are fast [growing],ARG-1: The cells | ARG-M-ADV: fast "SRL for [listed]: Actually , about two years ago , the Journal [listed] the creation of the money fund as one of the 10 most significant events in the world of finance in the 20th century .",ARG-M-DIS: Actually | ARG-M-TMP: about two years ago | ARG-0: the Journal | ARG-1: the creation of the money fund | ARG-2: as one of the 10 most significant events in the world of finance in the 20th century "SRL for [absolving]: On Friday , the firms filed a suit against West Virginia in New York state court asking for a declaratory judgment [absolving] them of liability .",ARG-0: a declaratory judgment | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: of liability "SRL for [dying]: An IED ambush has none of those risks . Only one man needs to be on the spot - the triggerman . He detonates the IED from a car parked down a side street and drives away before the occupiers can even start their search . No risk . No casualties . Very demoralizing for the occupiers , especially since they know damn well that everybody in the neighborhood was in on the attack but they ca n't level the locals ' shacks like they 're [dying] to .",ARG-0: they 're | ARG-1: to "SRL for [lacked]: While competitors moved production offshore in response to the sagging competitiveness of Japanese factories , Sansui [lacked] the money to build new plants in Southeast Asia .",ARG-M-ADV: While competitors moved production offshore in response to the sagging competitiveness of Japanese factories | ARG-0: Sansui | ARG-1: the money to build new plants in Southeast Asia "SRL for [funnel]: Theoretically , the brokers will then be able to [funnel] `` leads '' on corporate finance opportunities to Kidder 's investment bankers , possibly easing the longstanding tension between the two camps .",ARG-0: the brokers | ARG-1: `` leads '' on corporate finance opportunities | ARG-2: to Kidder 's investment bankers SRL for [affect]: The funding mechanism would [affect] the antitrust operations of the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission .,ARG-0: The funding mechanism | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the antitrust operations of the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission SRL for [played up]: Boeing [played up] the downside .,ARG-0: Boeing | ARG-1: the downside "SRL for [squished]: With each step he took , he [squished] many little ants .",ARG-M-ADV: With each step he took | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: many little ants SRL for [tarmaced]: John and Mary [tarmaced] the driveway with lollipops .,ARG-0: John and Mary | ARG-1: the driveway | ARG-2: with lollipops SRL for [rebuild]: Corn prices have been sluggish this fall despite the huge Soviet orders because the harvest has allowed farmers to [rebuild] the stockpiles depleted by the 1988 drought .,ARG-0: farmers | ARG-1: the stockpiles depleted by the 1988 drought "SRL for [reformattings]: As far as Facebook , I do n't think anyone wants to actually like it , so you 're not really all that different expressing your dislike for facebook , but you know damn well the creation and [reformattings] of it have been very keen to human perceptions and relations .",ARG-1: of it "SRL for [swallow]: `` Sit tight '' through the coming volatility , Mr. Reitman suggests , though he concedes that many small investors will find Jaguar 's zigzags `` too hard to [swallow] . ''",ARG-0: many small investors | ARG-1: Jaguar 's zigzags SRL for [suspension]: Other ceiling joists are supported at their ends by the walls and at intermediate points by [suspension] from the rafters .,ARG-2: from the rafters "SRL for [finish]: His biggest victory so far must obviously be his first place [finish] at the 2012 ESWC last November , good for about $ 20,000 .","ARG-0: his | ARG-2: first place | ARG-1: at the 2012 ESWC | ARG-M-TMP: last November | ARG-M-ADJ: good for about $ 20,000" "SRL for [fatality]: The fact that the Tomlinson [fatality] is such a rarity , only demonstrates how professional a job the police do in protecting life and preserving property .",ARG-1: Tomlinson SRL for [grilling]: ... fill the bellies of grasshoppers with salt before [grilling] them,ARG-1: them SRL for [suits up]: Like the soldiers he commands Lieutenant Colonel Ross Brown [suits up] daily trying to rid his area of roadside bombs .,ARG-M-MNR: Like the soldiers he commands | ARG-0: Lieutenant Colonel Ross Brown | ARG-M-TMP: daily | ARG-M-ADV: trying to rid his area of roadside bombs "SRL for [lighting up]: Oil - related properties suffered a huge decline until I divested myself of all such stocks in 1985 , at which point the industry , while not [lighting up] any Christmas trees , began a slow recovery .",ARG-0: the industry | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: any Christmas trees "SRL for [catastrophic]: If we were capable of producing a drug which induced intense euphoria , with no side effects , no adverse health risks , and was infinitely available , It would be [catastrophic] to our society .","ARG-M-ADV: If we were capable of producing a drug which induced intense euphoria , with no side effects , no adverse health risks , and was infinitely available | ARG-0: It | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: to our society" "SRL for [former]: of the two given , the [former] spelling is more common",ARG-1: spelling SRL for [tricky]: As for who decides that could be [tricky] although I doubt it will be much of an issue .,ARG-M-ADV: As for who decides | ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-ADV: although I doubt it will be much of an issue "SRL for [pegged]: While the minimum wage had traditionally been [pegged] at half the average U.S. manufacturing wage , the level of $ 4.25 an hour in 1991 will still be less than 35 % of average factory pay , Mr. Williams said .",ARG-1: the minimum wage | ARG-2: at half the average U.S. manufacturing wage "SRL for [intimidate]: Congress learned during the Reagan administration that it could [intimidate] the executive branch by uttering again and again the same seven words : `` Provided , that no funds shall be spent ... . ''","ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the executive branch | ARG-M-MNR: by uttering again and again the same seven words : `` Provided , that no funds shall be spent" SRL for [operation]: Marjorie 's [operation] of the forklift was expert and efficient .,ARG-0: Marjorie 's | ARG-1: of the forklift SRL for [geotagging]: many folk have postulated that Ingress is a tool to help google tidy up their [geotagging] of landmarks .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of landmarks "SRL for [objected]: Rural Solidarity [objected] , to no avail , when Solidarity leader Lech Walesa accepted the Peasants ' support .",ARG-0: Rural Solidarity | ARG-M-MNR: to no avail | ARG-M-TMP: when Solidarity leader Lech Walesa accepted the Peasants ' support SRL for [caking]: omental [caking] by metastatic carcinoma,ARG-1: omental | ARG-0: by metastatic carcinoma "SRL for [negligible]: Therefore , earthquakes lower the Earth 's available elastic potential energy and raise its temperature , though these changes are [negligible] compared to the conductive and convective flow of heat out from the Earth 's deep interior .",ARG-1: these changes | ARG-M-ADV: compared to the conductive and convective flow of heat out from the Earth 's deep interior "SRL for [run]: In October 1987 , investors made a [run] on the bank and it had to close its doors .",ARG-M-TMP: In October 1987 | ARG-0: investors | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: on the bank "SRL for [anticipating]: But speculators , [anticipating] that Connecticut will approve a law permitting such interstate banking soon , immediately bid up shares of Connecticut banks on the news .",ARG-0: speculators | ARG-1: that Connecticut will approve a law permitting such interstate banking soon SRL for [inclusion]: Many attribute China 's rise to their [inclusion] of capitalism into their society .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of capitalism | ARG-2: into their society "SRL for [assist]: Price Stern Sloan Inc. said it hired an investment banking firm to [assist] in evaluating restructuring or merger alternatives and reported a net loss of $ 8.1 million , or $ 2.14 a share , for the third quarter ended Sept.",ARG-0: an investment banking firm | ARG-2: in evaluating restructuring or merger alternatives SRL for [crown]: A cosmetic dentist may [crown] the teeth with porcelain veneers .,ARG-0: A cosmetic dentist | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: the teeth | ARG-2: with porcelain veneers SRL for [charges]: The newspaper published [charges] that the attorney had tried to bribe members of the jury .,ARG-2: that the attorney had tried to bribe members of the jury SRL for [sheltered]: John [sheltered] Mary from the storm in his yurt .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-3: from the storm | ARG-2: in his yurt "SRL for [shackled]: Once the officers walked defendant into the interrogation room , they [shackled] him to the chair with shackles that were also bolted to the wall .",ARG-M-TMP: Once the officers walked defendant into the interrogation room | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to the chair | ARG-3: with shackles that were also bolted to the wall SRL for [equate]: The public has a tendency to [equate] lawful demonstrations with non - violent civil disobedience .,ARG-0: The public | ARG-1: lawful demonstrations | ARG-2: with non - violent civil disobedience SRL for [volunteered]: Sen. Alan Cranston trekked over to the House side of Capitol Hill a few days ago and [volunteered] his testimony to fellow Democrat Rep. Henry Gonzalez .,ARG-0: Sen. Alan Cranston | ARG-1: his testimony | ARG-2: to fellow Democrat Rep. Henry Gonzalez SRL for [Invagination]: [Invagination] of a part of the intestine into another part is called intussusception .,ARG-1: of a part of the intestine | ARG-2: into another part SRL for [cracked up]: John [cracked up] with his Elvis impersonation .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: with his Elvis impersonation SRL for [hassled]: That lasted until his homeowners association [hassled] him about running a business from a residence .,ARG-0: his homeowners association | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: about running a business from a residence SRL for [forked over]: The lawsuit alleges that an inventory of Pinkerton 's memorabilia disclosed that one of the watches had n't been [forked over] by American Brands .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: one of the watches | ARG-0: by American Brands SRL for [doing]: his plans to attend counseling sessions in Minot would be insufficient to meet his needs and to prevent his [doing] harm to others .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: harm | ARG-M-GOL: to others "SRL for [mop up]: That would be a massive nuclear strike , incincerating all opposition before it could mobilize , and using its new warfighter technology to [mop up] everything else .",ARG-2: everything else "SRL for [gloat]: Though Democrats can [gloat] at all this for now , they may want to contain their glee .",ARG-0: Democrats | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: at all this | ARG-M-TMP: for now "SRL for [whipping]: Ralph Neas was the organizing genius , [whipping] a conglomerate of pressure groups into an irresistible attacking force .",ARG-0: Ralph Neas | ARG-1: a conglomerate of pressure groups | ARG-2: into an irresistible attacking force SRL for [fascinating]: The color theory is so [fascinating] to me .,ARG-0: The color theory | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-1: to me SRL for [ungrateful]: He tells how she was [ungrateful] to him for her success .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: to him | ARG-2: for her success SRL for [scant]: We had to [scant] the older children in order to nourish the newborn .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the older children | ARG-M-PRP: in order to nourish the newborn "SRL for [rigged up]: After discovering that the hacker had taken over the dormant account of a legitimate user named Joe Sventek , he [rigged up] an alarm system , including a portable beeper , to alert him when Sventek came on the line .","ARG-M-TMP: After discovering that the hacker had taken over the dormant account of a legitimate user named Joe Sventek | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: an alarm system , including a portable beeper , to alert him when Sventek came on the line" "SRL for [reciting]: Besides [reciting] the pardon for program trading contained in the Brady Commission report , they said stock - index arbitrage was actually needed Monday to restore the markets ' equilibrium .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the pardon for program trading contained in the Brady Commission report SRL for [glassed over]: My rage was such that my eyes simply [glassed over] .,ARG-1: my eyes | ARG-M-ADV: simply SRL for [spilled]: Arkansas Democrat David Pryor [spilled] his guts on the Senate floor the other day after he 'd joined the Finance Committee 's early - morning pork - barrel revels : `` I must tell you ...,ARG-0: Arkansas Democrat David Pryor | ARG-1: his guts | ARG-M-LOC: on the Senate floor | ARG-M-TMP: the other day | ARG-M-TMP: after he 'd joined the Finance Committee 's early - morning pork - barrel revels "SRL for [polymerization]: Genetic change Mutations During the process of DNA replication , errors occasionally occur in the [polymerization] of the second strand .",ARG-1: of the second strand SRL for [sat out]: He [sat out] 1 term after losing a U.S. Senate race in the 1960s .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: 1 term | ARG-M-TMP: after losing a U.S. Senate race in the 1960s SRL for [splintered]: John [splintered] the wood with the edge of the hammer .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the wood | ARG-2: with the edge of the hammer SRL for [recruitment]: HIF1 g induces the [recruitment] of bone marrow - derived vascular modulatory cells,ARG-1: of bone marrow - derived vascular modulatory cells SRL for [return]: in [return] for removing all our tariff barriers,ARG-1: for removing all our tariff barriers "SRL for [out]: If you noticed your drive is a little darker on downtown Atlanta interstates at night , that 's because nearly half of the street lights are [out] .",ARG-1: nearly half of the street lights "SRL for [questioning]: Due in large part to Patrick 's thoroughness , and his [questioning] of the plaintiff 's doctors , the plaintiff was awarded damages of only $ 3000 .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: of the plaintiff 's doctors SRL for [repainted]: `` Lighthouse II '' was [repainted] in oils by the playwright in 1901 ...,ARG-1: Lighthouse II | ARG-2: in oils | ARG-0: by the playwright | ARG-M-TMP: in 1901 "SRL for [prostitution]: Her "" [prostitution] "" of identity constituted a cunning gambit for self - advancement .",ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of identity SRL for [civilized]: They [civilized] the foothills !,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the foothills "SRL for [saddled]: Consequently , Mr. Lawson [saddled] Mrs. Thatcher with a record trade deficit , renewed inflation and high interest rates -- three political failures in a row .","ARG-M-DIS: Consequently | ARG-0: Mr. Lawson | ARG-1: Mrs. Thatcher | ARG-2: with a record trade deficit , renewed inflation and high interest rates -- three political failures in a row" SRL for [tested]: Only 4 % of Missouri small businesses surveyed say they 've [tested] an employee or applicant for drug or alcohol use ... .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: an employee or applicant | ARG-2: for drug or alcohol use SRL for [neglect]: Most of these people are charged with animal abuse and [neglect] and they are fined and jailed .,ARG-1: animal SRL for [nudged]: John [nudged] Mary with his elbow .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: with his elbow SRL for [whirl]: A tune began to [whirl] inside his head .,ARG-1: A tune | ARG-M-LOC: inside his head "SRL for [begot]: The concept [begot] a slew of copycats , but the banks stopped promoting the packages .",ARG-0: The concept | ARG-1: a slew of copycats "SRL for [escaped]: Oil stocks [escaped] the brunt of Friday 's selling and several were able to post gains , including Chevron , which rose 5/8 to 66 3/8 in Big Board composite trading of 2.4 million shares .",ARG-0: Oil stocks | ARG-1: the brunt of Friday 's selling "SRL for [orientation]: By proper [orientation] of the sail towards the Sun during each orbit , the orbital energy can be increased , such that the solar sail spacecraft raises its orbit .",ARG-M-MNR: proper | ARG-1: of the sail | ARG-2: towards the Sun | ARG-M-TMP: during each orbit "SRL for [conservative]: unlike movie actors who often burst on the scene with publicity and flagrant salaries , I was financially [conservative] .",ARG-M-MNR: unlike movie actors who often burst on the scene with publicity and flagrant salaries | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: financially SRL for [dance]: His first [dance] with his new wife,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-2: with his new wife "SRL for [lost]: Obviously , it 's [lost] on you that about 75 % of the American people these days ( and in fact the president of the United States ) consider themselves environmentalists .",ARG-M-DIS: Obviously | ARG-1: that about 75 % of the American people these days ( and in fact the president of the United States ) consider themselves environmentalists | ARG-2: on you "SRL for [argued]: Sunbelt and the FSLIC [argued] to the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals `` that there will never be any assets with which to satisfy a judgment against Sunbelt Savings nor any means to collect from any other party , including FSLIC . ''","ARG-0: Sunbelt and the FSLIC | ARG-2: to the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals | ARG-1: that there will never be any assets with which to satisfy a judgment against Sunbelt Savings nor any means to collect from any other party , including FSLIC" SRL for [deciphered]: the green view screen [deciphered] the message into readable text,ARG-0: the green view screen | ARG-1: the message | ARG-2: into readable text "SRL for [dropshipping]: On all purchases , I would make payment to the supplier / manufacture prior to their [dropshipping] the items to my customers .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: the items | ARG-2: to my customers "SRL for [ailing]: The [ailing] company , which has reported net losses for 16 consecutive quarters , said it wo n't manufacture network computer systems any more and will greatly reduce its costly direct sales force .",ARG-1: company SRL for [true]: And that is certainly [true] with most of our supposed allies .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: that | ARG-M-ADV: certainly | ARG-2: with most of our supposed allies "SRL for [differentiating]: Certainly conservative environmentalists can defend their limited government position by [differentiating] between Old Environmentalism and New Environmentalism ( `` Journalists and Others for Saving the Planet , '' by David Brooks , editorial page , Oct. 5 ) .",ARG-0: conservative environmentalists | ARG-1: between Old Environmentalism and New Environmentalism SRL for [better]: He was [better] to me than anyone had ever been .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-CXN: than anyone had ever been "SRL for [abolish]: Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Nicholas Ridley said later in the day that the government would [abolish] its golden share in Jaguar , the luxury auto maker being stalked by General Motors and Ford Motor .","ARG-0: the government | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: its golden share in Jaguar , the luxury auto maker being stalked by General Motors and Ford Motor" SRL for [reconvenes]: They are confident a deal can be struck before the Knesset [reconvenes] after the summer recess next Monday .,ARG-1: the Knesset | ARG-M-TMP: after the summer recess | ARG-M-TMP: next Monday "SRL for [immortalized]: There is no street named after Neal Cassady in Denver yet , but he is [immortalized] in Jack«s writings .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-LOC: in Jack«s writings "SRL for [stymied]: But while U.S. interest may be big and growing , the difficulties that have [stymied] deals in the past show no sign of abating .",ARG-0: the difficulties | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: deals | ARG-M-TMP: in the past SRL for [flat]: I went around and asked the other tables to make sure that no one 's soda was [flat] .,ARG-1: no one 's soda "SRL for [till]: "" the high - speed rail is coming!""cheer some folks , enthusiastic because they will no longer have to [till] their fields .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their fields "SRL for [palm off]: That PASOK could win the elections outright is improbable ; the Greek press , previously eager to [palm off] PASOK 's line , has turned on Mr. Papandreou with a wild - eyed vengeance .",ARG-0: the Greek press | ARG-1: PASOK 's line SRL for [cut fine figure]: Well you [cut fine figure] of a woman,ARG-M-DIS: Well | ARG-1: you | ARG-2: of a woman SRL for [epidemic]: Anderson said he was still predicting the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy ( BSE ) [epidemic] in cows would be `` at an extremely low level by 2001 . '',ARG-1: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy ( BSE ) | ARG-2: in cows "SRL for [submitted]: After Tang took his oath , he [submitted] his Cabinet nominations to Chen for formal appointment .",ARG-M-TMP: After Tang took his oath | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his Cabinet nominations | ARG-2: to Chen | ARG-3: for formal appointment "SRL for [took]: In the divorce , she [took] him for half of everything .",ARG-M-LOC: In the divorce | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for half of everything "SRL for [puzzle]: `` Communism will reach its final stage of development in a feckless Russo - corporation -- socialist in form , nationalistic in content and Oriental in style -- that will [puzzle] the world with alternating feats of realism and recklessness ... ''",ARG-0: a feckless Russo - corporation | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the world | ARG-2: with alternating feats of realism and recklessness ... '' SRL for [case]: I put a small electric amplifier against the wall on the side I wanted to [case] .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the side SRL for [conceiving]: Some women clearly have no trouble eventually [conceiving] again : The studies have reported repeaters in their programs .,ARG-0: Some women | ARG-M-TMP: eventually | ARG-M-TMP: again SRL for [process]: a very quick fast [process] of recruit- recruitment and training,ARG-M-MNR: very quick | ARG-M-MNR: fast | ARG-1: of recruit- recruitment and training "SRL for [rescheduled]: ... the multilevel railcars , [rescheduled] for delivery in 1990 ...",ARG-1: the multilevel railcars | ARG-2: for delivery in 1990 "SRL for [cherry picked]: The undrafted free agent rookie rushed for more than 1,000 yards in 2010 after the Bucs [cherry picked] him from Tennessee 's cut list .",ARG-0: the Bucs | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: from Tennessee 's cut list "SRL for [attack]: `` Now , '' says Joseph Napolitan , a pioneer in political television , `` the idea is to [attack] first , last and always . ''","ARG-M-TMP: first , last and always" SRL for [motorized]: The move largely consigns them to roads used by [motorized] vehicles .,ARG-1: vehicles SRL for [exertion]: Each [exertion] of authority by the chief must have been called for by the present exigencies of the case .,ARG-1: of authority | ARG-0: by the chief "SRL for [recognition]: Being an ardent fan of football , this is my small [recognition] of them for winning the last three consecutive National Football League .",ARG-0: my | ARG-M-EXT: small | ARG-1: of them | ARG-2: for winning the last three consecutive National Football League "SRL for [pardon]: "" Beg your [pardon] , Sir , but Cornwall is dead ! """,ARG-0: your "SRL for [sloughing off]: American high military leadership in the 1940s is still impressive for its matching of individual to task , for its [sloughing off] of militaristic vainglory , for its coordinating of one and all with the purposes to which the President gave voice .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of militaristic vainglory "SRL for [entwined]: The problems of the environment are so interrelated , so inextricably [entwined] with our current way of life and so large that it is unlikely we will be able to address them effectively unless major changes are made in less than 10 years .",ARG-1: The problems of the environment | ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-M-ADV: inextricably | ARG-2: with our current way of life "SRL for [widened]: As a result , the group 's third - quarter loss [widened] to $ 9.8 million from the second quarter 's $ 3.6 million .",ARG-M-CAU: As a result | ARG-1: the group 's third - quarter loss | ARG-4: to $ 9.8 million | ARG-3: from the second quarter 's $ 3.6 million "SRL for [plying]: She concedes that such a position is `` unfair '' to the thousands of conscientious and qualified people [plying] the trade , but as a consumer advocate she feels impelled to take it .",ARG-0: the thousands of conscientious and qualified people | ARG-1: the trade SRL for [suspect]: This is [suspect] for disease .,ARG-2: This | ARG-1: for disease SRL for [leafed]: The tree in her yard had [leafed] into a pale green globe .,ARG-0: The tree in her yard had leafed into a pale green globe | ARG-1: into a pale green globe "SRL for [riot]: We stand up for the rights of the indigenous Tibetans , Native Americans , Maori and say that Gandhi was a hero for standing up for the rights of the Indian people , but if someone wants to champion the rights of the British indigenous people they are either called racists , people want to have a [riot] against them and some people would send them to the gas chamber .",ARG-1: against them "SRL for [edification]: In addition , under the [edification] of "" looking forward to money "" and extreme individualism , people become selfish , snobbish and timid ; thus , making money and not caring about unimportant things become the common pursuit of the Chinese people ; they have returned to the former state of disunity .","ARG-0: of "" looking forward to money "" and extreme individualism" SRL for [payment]: Bally 's alleged greenmail [payment] to Mr. Trump,ARG-0: Bally 's | ARG-M-PRD: alleged | ARG-M-PRP: greenmail | ARG-2: to Mr. Trump "SRL for [stretching]: Kingdom of Morocco -- $ 208 million ( redemption amount ) of zero - coupon government trust certificates , with maturities [stretching] from May 15 , 1990 , to Nov. 15 , 1999 , priced at yields ranging from 8.23 % to 8.43 % .","ARG-1: maturities | ARG-3: from May 15 , 1990 | ARG-4: to Nov. 15 , 1999" SRL for [do]: Anyone buying the stock now must [do] so using some guesswork .,ARG-0: Anyone buying the stock now | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: so | ARG-3: using some guesswork SRL for [pop]: John 's knees [pop] every time he stands up .,ARG-0: John 's knees | ARG-M-TMP: every time he stands up "SRL for [compensated]: The merger agreement says the buy - out group is entitled to be [compensated] $ 26.7 million in fees for its investment bankers , Lazard Freres & Co. and Salomon Brothers Inc. , and its law firm , Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison .","ARG-2: the buy - out group | ARG-3: $ 26.7 million in fees | ARG-1: for its investment bankers , Lazard Freres & Co. and Salomon Brothers Inc. , and its law firm , Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison" SRL for [belongs]: This beat - up teddy bear [belongs] to John .,ARG-0: This beat - up teddy bear | ARG-1: to John "SRL for [let on]: I did n't [let on] to my family and friends that I was pregnant , I waited until after the first trimester .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to my family and | ARG-2: friends that I was "SRL for [denatured]: In Anfinsen 's experiment , RNAse was [denatured] with urea and β - mercaptoethanol .",ARG-1: RNAse | ARG-4: urea and β - mercaptoethanol "SRL for [enlisted]: Newly betrothed , and with the sterling qualities of a typical northern lad , Wang [enlisted] in the army .","ARG-M-PRD: Newly betrothed , and with the sterling qualities of a typical northern lad | ARG-0: Wang | ARG-2: in the army" "SRL for [confusing]: As mentioned though , change is never fun , especially when it could be [confusing] and misunderstood .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [spouted off]: You just [spouted off] dates .,ARG-0: You | ARG-M-TMP: just | ARG-2: dates "SRL for [ratified]: By 1987 , then - Speaker Jim Wright was discussing arms control in Moscow with Mikhail Gorbachev and then attempting to direct the president , through an appropriations rider , to treat the Soviets as though the Senate had [ratified] SALT II .",ARG-0: the Senate | ARG-1: SALT II "SRL for [disruption]: His [disruption] of the auction --during which he grabbed a bidder 's paddle and claimed $ 1.79 million of leases without any intention of buying them -- was brash and bold , a refreshingly unscripted act compared to the careful choreography of most political protests .",ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the auction SRL for [performance]: Mr. Curcio was succeeded by Ralph E. Reins as chief executive officer following several quarters of lackluster or declining [performance] .,ARG-2: lackluster or declining SRL for [performance]: Mr. Jefferies 's [performance] as a witness was expected to affect his sentencing .,ARG-0: Mr. Jefferies 's | ARG-1: as a witness "SRL for [parking]: He says there 's nothing wrong with his [parking] the vans , which he owns , at the church .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the vans , which he owns | ARG-2: at the church" SRL for [premise]: They [premise] their marital decisions on the man 's income .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their marital decisions | ARG-2: on the man 's income "SRL for [transacting]: W.N. Whelen & Co. , of Georgetown , Del. , and its president , William N. Whelen Jr. , also of Georgetown , were barred from [transacting] principal trades for 90 days and were jointly fined $ 15,000 .","ARG-0: W.N. Whelen & Co. , of Georgetown , Del. , and its president , William N. Whelen Jr. , also of Georgetown | ARG-1: principal trades" SRL for [joggled]: Those names [joggled] my memories .,ARG-0: Those names | ARG-1: my memories SRL for [revolutionary]: Many of his ideas were [revolutionary] ; almost all were controversial .,ARG-1: Many of his ideas "SRL for [misgivings]: Look at the records of all corrupt officials , and the local officials will on the contrary have their [misgivings] !",ARG-1: the local officials | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-ADV: on the contrary | ARG-M-LVB: have SRL for [design]: Fujitsu will [design] a computer system to map its waterworks .,ARG-0: Fujitsu | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a computer system | ARG-3: to map its waterworks SRL for [unfixed]: I ' ve [unfixed] it from the down - pipe,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the down - pipe "SRL for [funding]: total program funding was stabilized at an average per - pupil [funding] of $ 6,474 .","ARG-M-ADJ: average | ARG-M-MNR: per - pupil | ARG-2: of $ 6,474" "SRL for [belie]: CBS pursues top sports `` to [belie] the fact that they are n't supporting affiliates , viewers and advertisers , '' charges Thomas H. Wyman , who was ousted as chairman of CBS Inc. after Laurence A. Tisch bought a 24.9 % stake in the company and took over three years ago .","ARG-0: CBS | ARG-1: the fact that they are n't supporting affiliates , viewers and advertisers" SRL for [speechification]: It is such a refreshing and inspiring contrast to the [speechification] from our current president .,ARG-0: from our current president "SRL for [brainwashed]: Karen Robidoux says she was "" [brainwashed] "" by her husband to cooperate in the starvation death of her one - year - old son Samuel .",ARG-1: she | ARG-0: by her husband | ARG-2: to cooperate in the starvation death of her one - year - old son Samuel "SRL for [appellation]: But I sense a tinge of underlying disrespect and arrogance toward Wone in her constant [appellation] of him as "" Bobo . ""","ARG-0: her | ARG-M-TMP: constant | ARG-1: of him | ARG-2: as "" Bobo . """ SRL for [recordkeeping]: I do the department [recordkeeping],ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-2: department SRL for [clattered]: He [clattered] down the stairs and out of the door .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: down the stairs and out of the door "SRL for [disdain]: The old guard had every right , however , to [disdain] the newcomers ' new ways of making money , such as greenmail .","ARG-0: The old guard | ARG-1: the newcomers ' new ways of making money , such as greenmail" "SRL for [forgiving]: France and Germany are trying their best to prop up Greece with more loans and [forgiving] of loans , but that seems like a losing proposition when Greece really does n't have an economy that can pay back the loans they already have .",ARG-2: of loans SRL for [titration]: A student began his [titration] of HCl with NaOH with an airbubble in the buret tip,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of HCl with NaOH SRL for [carried]: T - shirts [carried] the school logo on the front .,ARG-0: T - shirts | ARG-1: the school logo | ARG-2: on the front "SRL for [scrawled out]: Across the table in Fisher 's class , a boy [scrawled out] a message that read like a text message : "" I C a HOS . ""","ARG-M-LOC: Across the table in Fisher 's class | ARG-0: a boy | ARG-1: a message that read like a text message : "" I C a HOS . """ "SRL for [flipped over]: Crashing into a cornfield , United Airlines ' Flight 232 [flipped over] , and she lost her grip on her son .",ARG-M-PRD: Crashing into a cornfield | ARG-1: United Airlines ' Flight 232 SRL for [extinguished]: The foam [extinguished] the fire effectively .,ARG-2: The foam | ARG-1: the fire | ARG-M-MNR: effectively "SRL for [ambushed]: Nicaragua 's Defense Ministry said a group of Contra rebels [ambushed] two trucks carrying troops in northern Nicaragua , killing 18 of the soldiers .",ARG-0: a group of Contra rebels | ARG-1: two trucks carrying troops | ARG-M-LOC: in northern Nicaragua | ARG-M-ADV: killing 18 of the soldiers "SRL for [absent]: He was [absent] from work with the permission of his immediate boss , but without the management 's knowledge .","ARG-1: He | ARG-2: from work | ARG-M-MNR: with the permission of his immediate boss , but without the management 's knowledge" SRL for [reached]: Unemployment has [reached] 27.6 % in Azerbaijan .,ARG-0: Unemployment | ARG-1: 27.6 % | ARG-M-LOC: in Azerbaijan SRL for [bewildered]: Those who bought that illusion are now [bewildered] .,ARG-1: Those who bought that illusion | ARG-M-TMP: now SRL for [perceptive]: She was [perceptive] to link the two,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: to link the two "SRL for [incur]: Or he might have to [incur] a huge expense of either buying Mr. Icahn 's stock , possibly at a premium , or paying stockholders a special dividend partly because of Mr. Icahn 's pressure .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a huge expense of either buying Mr. Icahn 's stock , possibly at a premium , or paying stockholders a special dividend partly because of Mr. Icahn 's pressure" "SRL for [ambitious]: ... he was [ambitious] about using his knowledge , experience and high - status to help his homeland Ethiopia ...","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: about using his knowledge , experience and high - status to help his homeland Ethiopia" SRL for [eluded]: Time [eluded] Paramount by acquiring Warner Communications Inc.,ARG-0: Time | ARG-1: Paramount | ARG-M-MNR: by acquiring Warner Communications Inc. "SRL for [ducked]: I [ducked] under a boulder , and he never sensed me .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIR: under a boulder SRL for [assumption]: A Kremlin spokesperson announced that any [assumption] about Russian government 's involvement in this poisoning incident was fantastic talk without any evidence,ARG-2: about Russian government 's involvement in this poisoning incident "SRL for [winding down]: Only a week ago , when airline buy - out fever was already [winding down] ...",ARG-1: airline buy - out fever | ARG-M-TMP: already SRL for [prostrated]: They [prostrated] the enemy .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the enemy "SRL for [raves]: Arvind Patel , a processor and exporter of the seed , [raves] : `` If psyllium takes the place of oat bran , it will be huge . ''","ARG-0: Arvind Patel , a processor and exporter of the seed | ARG-1: If psyllium takes the place of oat bran , it will be huge" SRL for [amenable]: This mass would be [amenable] to CT guided biopsy,ARG-0: This mass | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: to CT guided biopsy SRL for [extruded]: The volcano [extruded] molten rock from its core .,ARG-0: The volcano | ARG-1: molten rock | ARG-2: from its core "SRL for [coincided]: The leaders ' talks [coincided] with a meeting in Madrid of anti - drug experts from the U.S. , France , Italy , Spain , Peru , Bolivia and Colombia .","ARG-1: The leaders ' talks | ARG-2: with a meeting in Madrid of anti - drug experts from the U.S. , France , Italy , Spain , Peru , Bolivia and Colombia" SRL for [skipping]: John was [skipping] in the playground .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-LOC: in the playground "SRL for [snarled]: ` ` Keep out of this '' , Purvis [snarled] .",ARG-0: Purvis | ARG-1: ` ` Keep out of this '' SRL for [radiographed]: Only 8 % of patients were [radiographed] for periodontal reasons,ARG-1: Only 8 % of patients | ARG-M-PRP: for periodontal reasons "SRL for [emaciated]: How does such a rich voice emerge from an [emaciated] frame with an oversized balloon head balanced on top , cigarette hanging out ?",ARG-1: frame SRL for [jabbered]: Sean [jabbered] to Rachel .,ARG-0: Sean | ARG-2: to Rachel "SRL for [scream]: His [scream] at her to get down ,",ARG-0: His | ARG-2: at her | ARG-1: to get down "SRL for [balding]: He looked fine with his [balding] head and beard , then one day he shaved it all off .",ARG-1: head SRL for [masked]: Real estate analyst Lloyd Lynford says the Northeast 's distress is [masked] by relatively low vacancy rates .,ARG-1: the Northeast 's distress | ARG-2: by relatively low vacancy rates "SRL for [frighten]: It wo n't take much more to `` [frighten] the hell out of retail investors , '' he says .",ARG-0: much more | ARG-3: the hell | ARG-1: out of retail investors SRL for [type up]: like if you if you call New York I mean if you wanted to write to somebody in New York you could like you could like [type up],ARG-M-DIS: like | ARG-M-ADV: if you wanted to write to somebody in New York | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: it "SRL for [rallying]: Charles Wohlstetter , the chairman of Contel Corp. who is [rallying] other CEOs to the anti - program trading cause ...",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: the chairman | ARG-1: other CEOs | ARG-2: to the anti - program trading cause SRL for [prone]: The girl was [prone] on the floor .,ARG-1: The girl | ARG-M-LOC: on the floor SRL for [looking forward]: They 're [looking forward] to their winter meeting .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: to their winter meeting "SRL for [derided]: By the end of this year , 63 - year - old Chairman Silas Cathcart -- the former chairman of Illinois Tool Works who was [derided] as a `` tool - and - die man '' when GE brought him in to clean up Kidder in 1987 -- retires to his Lake Forest , Ill. , home , possibly to build a shopping mall on some land he owns .",ARG-1: the former chairman of Illinois Tool Works | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-M-PRD: as a `` tool - and - die man '' | ARG-M-TMP: when GE brought him in to clean up Kidder in 1987 "SRL for [Jewish]: Her father lost his job at an opera company because he was [Jewish] , and had to find work as a door - to - door salesman .",ARG-1: he SRL for [tunneled]: Thieves in Brazil [tunneled] through dirt for three months to steal money from a bank 's vaults .,ARG-0: Thieves in Brazil | ARG-1: through dirt | ARG-M-TMP: for three months | ARG-M-PRP: to steal money from a bank 's vaults "SRL for [cobbled]: Mr. Van de Kamp is the one who collected the plans from the various radical environmental groups and [cobbled] a single unwieldy initiative to be placed on the ballot for election on Nov. 6 , 1990 out of them .","ARG-0: the one | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: a single unwieldy initiative to be placed on the ballot for election on Nov. 6 , 1990 | ARG-2: out of them" "SRL for [washing up]: They punched and slapped them , made them drink [washing up] liquid , Washing UP liquid ?", "SRL for [reallocated]: About a quarter of this share has already been [reallocated] , according to the industry , but the remaining 23,403 tons are still a lucrative target for growers because the current U.S. price of 18 cents a pound runs as much as a nickel a pound above the world rate .",ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: About a quarter of this share | ARG-M-DIS: according to the industry "SRL for [appropriations]: We ould even fly in vetted Indian miners -LRB- with training -RRB- to avoid the secret getting out here . It would benefit us by allowing payments to be made outside our budget [appropriations] process , which is transparent .",ARG-M-GOL: budget SRL for [calved]: She [calved] with a bull calf in December .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: with a bull calf | ARG-M-TMP: in December SRL for [came]: It also [came] with free balance and rotation for the life of the car,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-2: with free balance and rotation for the life of the car SRL for [objective]: The key is to be as [objective] as possible on the matter at hand .,ARG-M-CXN: as | ARG-M-CXN: as possible | ARG-1: on the matter at hand SRL for [scrutinized]: Mineola schools [scrutinized] for safety concerns .,ARG-1: Mineola schools | ARG-2: for safety concerns SRL for [set]: Jerry [set] the glass on the table,ARG-0: Jerry | ARG-1: the glass | ARG-2: on the table SRL for [meant]: I [meant] to do that .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to do that SRL for [on mind]: Carmelo Anthony says gold in the 2016 Olympics is [on mind] .,ARG-2: gold in the 2016 Olympics | ARG-1: his SRL for [downgoing]: [downgoing] toes,ARG-1: toes "SRL for [repotted]: After nearly killing it , John [repotted] the orchid in a planter with holes to drain excess water .",ARG-M-TMP: After nearly killing it | ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the orchid | ARG-2: in a planter with holes to drain excess water SRL for [steamed]: John [steamed] 20 pounds of Brussels sprouts for dinner .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: 20 pounds of Brussels sprouts | ARG-M-ADV: for dinner SRL for [reprove]: China was the real victim and it is unjust to [reprove] China for it . '',ARG-1: China | ARG-2: for it "SRL for [instituting]: And so , at the beginning of the year before last , Taipei City began [instituting] a system of "" community planning masters . ""","ARG-0: Taipei City | ARG-1: a system of "" community planning masters" SRL for [depict]: You [depict] the bill as something Democratic leaders `` hoodwinked '' the administration into endorsing .,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: the bill | ARG-2: as something Democratic leaders `` hoodwinked '' the administration into endorsing "SRL for [mewed]: The men [mewed] and scratched , begging to be taken away .",ARG-0: The men | ARG-M-ADV: begging to be taken away SRL for [treasure]: We could n't have guessed that Martine would [treasure] her just as much as my wife does .,ARG-0: Martine | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-ADV: just as much as my wife does "SRL for [defat]: To [defat] the sauce , hold the ribs in place with the lid ...",ARG-1: the sauce SRL for [helped]: Yeh embodies a pleasant combination of activity and tranquility that has [helped] Ritek to succeed .,R-ARG-0: that | ARG-2: Ritek | ARG-1: to succeed | ARG-0: a pleasant combination of activity and tranquility SRL for [docked]: He was reported missing later that day when the ship [docked] in Kusadasi Turkey,R-ARG-M-TMP: when | ARG-1: the ship | ARG-2: in Kusadasi Turkey | ARG-M-TMP: later that day SRL for [sopped]: She [sopped] the floor with water .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the floor | ARG-2: with water "SRL for [raking]: ONE DAY Carl Barrett of Mobile , Ala. , was [raking] some sycamore leaves , but the rake kept riding up over the piles .","ARG-M-TMP: ONE DAY | ARG-0: Carl Barrett of Mobile , Ala. | ARG-1: some sycamore leaves" SRL for [zipcoded]: Fabio [zipcoded] the zipdisc .,ARG-0: Fabio | ARG-2: the zipdisc SRL for [amortize]: The Turner move is in line with a cable - TV trend toward more original programming -- and toward finding more ways to [amortize] the high cost of producing films .,ARG-0: The Turner move | ARG-1: the high cost of producing films SRL for [shoot up]: All your pro - war and [shoot up] buddies would have loved it .,ARG-1: 'em "SRL for [bought into]: We 've [bought into] the idea that education is about training and “ success ” , defined monetarily , rather than learning to think critically and to challenge .","ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the idea that education is about training and “ success ” , defined monetarily | ARG-M-ADV: rather than learning to think critically and to challenge" SRL for [pissed off]: ... but for her to twice beg for him back just because she knows that you and her are together is not on - I would be extremely [pissed off] about it if I were you !,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: extremely | ARG-0: about it | ARG-M-ADV: if I were you ! SRL for [interrelated]: Hearing and listening are [interrelated] but distinctly different skills .,ARG-1: Hearing and listening "SRL for [pardoned]: Under the guise of `` healing the wounds of the nation , '' President Carter [pardoned] thousands of draft evaders , thus giving dignity to their allegations of the war 's `` immorality . ''",ARG-M-LOC: Under the guise of `` healing the wounds of the nation | ARG-0: President Carter | ARG-1: thousands of draft evaders | ARG-M-ADV: thus giving dignity to their allegations of the war 's `` immorality "SRL for [synchronous]: In that case , the rotation is [synchronous] with the revolution",ARG-M-DIS: In that case | ARG-1: the rotation | ARG-2: with the revolution SRL for [reading]: a special [reading] of Gao 's The Night Walker,ARG-M-ADJ: special | ARG-1: of Gao 's The Night Walker SRL for [Remuneration]: [Remuneration] for use rights directors for the re - use of their work was equitable .,ARG-1: for use rights directors | ARG-M-PRP: for the re - use of their work "SRL for [columnar]: Recall that Hayward stated that normally the mucosa in this region was [columnar] , but distinct from gastric fundic mucosa , and was not congenital but acquired .",ARG-1: the mucosa in this region SRL for [has proposed]: PS of New Hampshire [has proposed] an internal reorganization plan .,ARG-0: PS of New Hampshire | ARG-1: an internal reorganization plan SRL for [search]: Krauser soon begins his [search] of Wesker for power .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Wesker | ARG-2: for power SRL for [cooperation]: Palestinian security [cooperation],ARG-0: Palestinian | ARG-2: security SRL for [employment]: his [employment] of a colorful and extensive language of on - air jargon,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of a colorful and extensive language of on - air jargon "SRL for [loans]: The current ceiling on home [loans] insured by the Federal Housing Administration would be increased to $ 124,875",ARG-M-PRP: home SRL for [whistleblew]: He [whistleblew] on himself .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: on himself "SRL for [disconnected]: In its severest test , the $ 60 billion of portfolio insurance in effect in the 1987 crash did n't work , as stock buyers disappeared and stock and futures prices became [disconnected] .",ARG-1: stock and futures prices "SRL for [surprised]: That is why everybody was a little [surprised] by the storm of sell orders from small private investors , '' said Norbert Braeuer , a senior trader for Hessische Landesbank .",ARG-M-ADV: a little | ARG-1: everybody | ARG-0: by the storm of sell orders from small private investors SRL for [set about]: The house of Han therefore quite consciously [set about] the task of establishing a great unified empire .,ARG-0: The house of Han | ARG-M-DIS: therefore | ARG-M-ADV: quite consciously | ARG-1: the task of establishing a great unified empire "SRL for [torn]: I am really [torn] at the moment whether to let things carry on , or to walk away .","ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: really | ARG-0: whether to let things carry on , or to walk away | ARG-M-TMP: at the moment" SRL for [transaction]: A counter - trade [transaction],ARG-1: counter - trade SRL for [disclosure]: Sen. Glenn said he had already made a complete [disclosure] of his role in the affair and `` I am completely satisfied to let this matter rest in the hands of the Senate Ethics Committee . '',ARG-0: he | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-EXT: complete | ARG-1: of his role in the affair "SRL for [strewed]: He tore his coat lining , the money pulled out , and amongst the long grass he [strewed] it about .",ARG-M-LOC: amongst the long grass | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: about SRL for [called in]: The usual lady [called in] sick hours earlier .,ARG-0: The usual lady | ARG-1: sick hours | ARG-M-TMP: earlier SRL for [fired]: He was [fired] from his job teaching law in 1974 for his opposition to the policies of the Tito government .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: from his job teaching law | ARG-M-TMP: in 1974 | ARG-M-PRP: for his opposition to the policies of the Tito government SRL for [jumped]: Cray Research stock [jumped] $ 2.875 yesterday to close at $ 38 .,ARG-1: Cray Research stock | ARG-2: $ 2.875 | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-4: to close at $ 38 SRL for [laughable]: And trying to justify the existence of god through anything dealing with relativity is [laughable] .,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-1: trying to justify the existence of god through anything dealing with relativity SRL for [caffeinated]: One [caffeinated] beverage,ARG-1: beverage SRL for [download]: John helped Mary [download] videos onto her cell phone .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: videos | ARG-2: onto her cell phone SRL for [work]: the [work] of people in those countries,ARG-0: of people in those countries SRL for [coarsened]: Mary [coarsened] the bottoms of her new high heels with her pet rock .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the bottoms of her new high heels | ARG-2: with her pet rock SRL for [talking]: Cray says it is [talking] with several prospects .,ARG-0: it | ARG-2: with several prospects SRL for [demands]: Its [demands] for an Islamic state,ARG-0: Its | ARG-1: for an Islamic state SRL for [eating]: His [eating] carrots constantly has tinted his skin a suspiciously bright orange hue .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: carrots | ARG-M-TMP: constantly "SRL for [water]: Some of these arthropods ( whose closest living kin include insects , spiders , and crabs ) were fierce hunters that grew to the size of an adult human , whereas some — such as those without claws or tail spines — likely filtered the [water] for prey or scavenged the sea floor for food .",ARG-M-ADV: the | ARG-2: for prey | ARG-1: or scavenged SRL for [gen up]: Oscar contacts double agent Vant to [gen up] on the latest developments .,ARG-0: Oscar | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: on the latest developments "SRL for [ripped]: As a result , the link between the futures and stock markets [ripped] apart .",ARG-M-DIS: As a result | ARG-1: the link between the futures and stock markets | ARG-M-MNR: apart SRL for [exacerbated]: Some fund managers say negative publicity has [exacerbated] investors ' concern about recent declines in junk - bond prices .,ARG-0: negative publicity | ARG-1: investors ' concern about recent declines in junk - bond prices "SRL for [telephone]: Big Board stock specialists , in a bold palace revolt , began shortly after Oct. 13 to [telephone] the corporate executives of the companies whose stock is listed on the Big Board to have them pressure the exchange to ban program trading .",ARG-0: Big Board stock specialists | ARG-1: the corporate executives of the companies whose stock is listed on the Big Board | ARG-M-PRP: to have them pressure the exchange to ban program trading SRL for [drilling]: Microdrilling refers to the [drilling] of holes less than 0.5 mm,ARG-4: of holes less than 0.5 mm SRL for [examined]: Valley Federal is currently being [examined] by regulators .,ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-1: Valley Federal | ARG-0: by regulators SRL for [climax]: a pathetic [climax] to his more than four decades either in government or on its threshold,ARG-M-ADJ: pathetic | ARG-1: to his more than four decades either in government or on its threshold SRL for [note]: little [note] of this development,ARG-1: of this development SRL for [informed]: This patient is well [informed] from her own research .,ARG-1: This patient | ARG-M-EXT: well | ARG-0: from her own research SRL for [covering]: Wanda 's [covering] of her peanut butter sandwich with horseradish made her realize she needed glasses .,ARG-0: Wanda 's | ARG-1: of her peanut butter sandwich | ARG-2: with horseradish SRL for [hobble]: A good number decide it 's not worth it and [hobble] for home .,ARG-0: A good number | ARG-2: for home "SRL for [blabs]: Rather than keep the loss a secret from the outside world , Michelle [blabs] about it to a sandwich man while ordering lunch over the phone .",ARG-M-DIS: Rather than keep the loss a secret from the outside world | ARG-0: Michelle | ARG-1: about it | ARG-2: to a sandwich man | ARG-M-TMP: while ordering lunch over the phone SRL for [return]: In [return] for services rendered,ARG-1: for services rendered SRL for [negative]: Single left renal artery is [negative] for significant stenosis .,ARG-1: Single left renal artery | ARG-2: for significant stenosis SRL for [hopeless]: Balancing my budget is [hopeless] .,ARG-2: Balancing my budget SRL for [description]: Mr. Masson 's [description] of himself as a `` private asset but public liability '' to Anna Freud,ARG-0: Mr. Masson 's | ARG-1: of himself | ARG-2: as a `` private asset but public liability '' | ARG-M-GOL: to Anna Freud SRL for [him]: I scorn and execrate [him] with religious anathemas,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with | ARG-M-MNR: religious anathemas "SRL for [cleared]: Dime Savings Bank of New York was [cleared] by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to acquire Starpointe Savings Bank of Somerset , N.J. , the banks said .","ARG-1: Dime Savings Bank of New York | ARG-0: by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. | ARG-M-PRP: to acquire Starpointe Savings Bank of Somerset , N.J." SRL for [reference]: a [reference] to the green color of the DPP flag,ARG-1: to the green color of the DPP flag "SRL for [outings]: Family [outings] to park , Albany 's beach .","ARG-0: Family | ARG-1: to park , Albany 's beach" SRL for [collusion]: It was at that time that I began to doubt if there was [collusion] between the two hell companies .,ARG-0: between the two hell companies SRL for [help]: She was out to [help] the poor underpriviledged child .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the poor underpriviledged child "SRL for [remarked]: One writer , signing his letter as `` Red - blooded , balanced male , '' [remarked] on the `` frequency of women fainting in peals , '' and suggested that they `` settle back into their traditional role of making tea at meetings . ''","ARG-0: One writer , signing his letter as `` Red - blooded , balanced male , '' | ARG-1: on the `` frequency of women fainting in peals" "SRL for [clingy]: You could always say something like "" Hi , thank you very much for your message but I have met somebody in the last couple of weeks and feel this might be the one ! "" - it would be letting people down gently but you 'd scare off a lot of those guys because they 'd think you were [clingy] !",ARG-0: you SRL for [nuts]: She looked at me as though I was [nuts] .,ARG-1: I SRL for [smoke]: tobacco [smoke],ARG-1: tobacco "SRL for [thrummed]: The chaotic , violent magick he possessed [thrummed] through his veins .","ARG-0: The chaotic , violent magick he possessed | ARG-2: through his veins" "SRL for [check]: Without treatment , there will be no [check] on the disease 's progression to terminal illness .",ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: on the disease 's progression to terminal illness SRL for [had whiffed]: He [had whiffed] out of existence like a soap bubble .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-M-PRD: out of existence | ARG-M-MNR: like a soap bubble SRL for [dyspigmentation]: Tca peel 15 % [dyspigmentation],ARG-0: Tca peel 15 % "SRL for [coarctated]: Both specimens are somewhat irregularly grown , especially the larger one ( B ) , and have at a certain period of growth [coarctated] the circumference of the calicle and formed , as it were , a new calicle with a new theca within the old calicle ( fig . 6 ) and then again enlarging to the former size .",ARG-1: Both specimens | ARG-M-TMP: at a certain period of growth | ARG-2: the circumference of the calicle "SRL for [squaredanced]: Summer before last , they [squaredanced] in Tienamen Square .",ARG-M-TMP: Summer before last | ARG-0: they | ARG-2: in Tienamen Square SRL for [misdirected]: The government is [misdirected] .,ARG-1: The government SRL for [inclined]: His great zeal [inclined] him to go and preach the faith to these northern nations .,ARG-M-CAU: His great zeal | ARG-0: him | ARG-1: to go and preach the faith to these northern nations "SRL for [flattered]: Or a wife may make sudden demands that she be courted , [flattered] or coaxed , simply because she needs her ego lifted .",ARG-1: she SRL for [sparked]: Dealers said that interpretation [sparked] expectations of an imminent bid by Ford .,ARG-0: that interpretation | ARG-1: expectations of an imminent bid by Ford "SRL for [detectible]: The effects were not [detectible] in other empirical studies ( Gruber , 2012 )",ARG-1: The effects | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-LOC: in other empirical studies SRL for [rational]: A rational number plus a rational number is [rational] .,ARG-1: A rational number plus a rational number SRL for [toiling]: Some activists are [toiling] to raise the profile of the two causes .,ARG-0: Some activists | ARG-M-PRP: to raise the profile of the two causes SRL for [hands out]: But United Media says it 's very scrupulous with the contracts it [hands out] .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the contracts SRL for [rehabilitation]: Termite [rehabilitation] is not a job for you - the homeowner .,ARG-2: Termite SRL for [skydiving]: If you were nursing the baby while you were [skydiving] the baby would like like okay .,ARG-0: you "SRL for [desensitization]: Many parents were troubled by the [desensitization] of their children to violence , which they attributed to violent video games , television , and movies , as well as to the ultimate scape goat : gangster rap .",ARG-1: of their children | ARG-2: to violence "SRL for [zigzagging]: The Angels in the nursery were [zigzagging] wildly in all directions , seemingly at random .",ARG-1: The Angels in the nursery | ARG-M-MNR: wildly | ARG-M-DIR: in all directions | ARG-M-MNR: seemingly at random SRL for [includes]: John [includes] Mary in the list of people he admires .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: in the list of people he admires SRL for [virilization]: the [virilization] of the male subject,ARG-1: of the male subject "SRL for [drafted]: While flying home from those discussions , Mr. Bush [drafted] a letter to Mr. Gorbachev suggesting an informal get - together to precede their formal summit next year .",ARG-M-TMP: While flying home from those discussions | ARG-0: Mr. Bush | ARG-1: a letter to Mr. Gorbachev suggesting an informal get - together to precede their formal summit next year "SRL for [visit]: During his [visit] with Barack Obama ,",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: with Barack Obama SRL for [venerating]: Traditions such as [venerating] the gods ...,ARG-1: the gods SRL for [shining]: The sun is [shining] .,ARG-1: The sun "SRL for [acceptable]: She was [acceptable] to the Confederates , who allowed her through to Andersonville .","ARG-1: She | ARG-0: to the Confederates , who allowed her through to Andersonville" SRL for [screwed up]: I would like to see people who criticize the occupy protestors for not having a plan to fix the already falling system come up with an idea to improve things ... but things are so [screwed up] it s much easier said than done .,ARG-1: things | ARG-M-CXN: so | C-ARG-M-CXN: it s much easier said than done "SRL for [go]: Contel 's Mr. Wohlstetter said the group of Big Board companies is n't ready to [go] public yet with its effort , and that he does n't plan to be the leader once it is public .",ARG-1: the group of Big Board companies | ARG-2: public | ARG-M-TMP: yet | ARG-3: with its effort "SRL for [bow]: First , Obama 's a tall man ... of course his [bow] to a relatively very short man is bound to be somewhat awkward .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to a relatively very short man "SRL for [amazed]: As a Channel Islander , I was [amazed] to see my birthplace listed as one of `` 86 countries with an income tax . ''",ARG-M-PRD: As a Channel Islander | ARG-1: I | ARG-0: to see my birthplace listed as one of `` 86 countries with an income tax SRL for [better off]: Sony CEO Kaz Hirai has said that the company 's film and device units are [better off] together .,ARG-1: the company 's film and device units | ARG-2: together SRL for [idle]: Chrysler will [idle] a Toledo assembly plant temporarily due to slowing sales of its profitable Jeep Cherokee and Wagoneer sport utility vehicles .,ARG-0: Chrysler | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a Toledo assembly plant | ARG-M-TMP: temporarily | ARG-M-PNC: due to slowing sales of its profitable Jeep Cherokee and Wagoneer sport utility vehicles SRL for [hold]: The package does n't [hold] any clues .,ARG-0: The package | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: any clues SRL for [goosestepped]: FEMA soldiers [goosestepped] through the streets .,ARG-1: FEMA soldiers | ARG-4: through the streets "SRL for [swagged]: His long , sandy side whiskers [swagged] his mustache .","ARG-0: His long , sandy side whiskers | ARG-1: his mustache" "SRL for [discourages]: Administration pressure [discourages] any effort to add to total funding , and the Senate changes are expected to be largely technical -- dealing with highway aid and lifting the ceiling on total Small Business Administration loans to $ 1.8 billion to accommodate the increased activity expected .",ARG-0: Administration pressure | ARG-1: any effort to add to total funding SRL for [salpingectomy]: [salpingectomy], "SRL for [contracting out]: By moving the design of new products in - house -- instead of [contracting out] the work -- the company also has been able to come up with designs that can be manufactured more efficiently , he said .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: the work "SRL for [gestation]: A miniature horse will obviously be on a much smaller scale but all horses develop in the same way ; this article will walk you through the stages of [gestation] of the foal , whatever its final size .",ARG-1: of the foal SRL for [suspension]: we are willing to sit down and negotiate with the Iranians assuming and contingent upon their [suspension] of their nuclear activities at their plant in the in Iran /.,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of their nuclear activities | ARG-M-LOC: at their plant in the in Iran "SRL for [biased]: The department 's Office of Thrift Supervision said that does n't necessarily mean thrifts are [biased] , but conceded that it does n't have data about applicants to determine why blacks are rejected more often .",ARG-1: thrifts SRL for [flesh out]: They would jointly strive to continuously enrich and [flesh out] the content of the strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MNR: continuously | ARG-1: the content of the strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries SRL for [cap off]: Now [cap off] the pi with 5 purple bricks .,ARG-1: the pi | ARG-2: with 5 purple bricks "SRL for [exclusive]: The infinity pool was [exclusive] for guests who booked a room for overnight stay so the pool is n't overcrowded and you would have a little privacy ( although , there were occasional sneaks from "" day - users "" using the infinity pool ) .","ARG-0: The infinity pool | ARG-1: for guests who booked a room for overnight stay | ARG-M-ADV: so the pool is n't overcrowded and you would have a little privacy ( although , there were occasional sneaks from "" day - users "" using the infinity pool )" "SRL for [looked after]: But there was one thing that he had to stress , and that was that the contribution to the general church expenses , the dollar money , had been seriously falling behind in this church , and that must be [looked after] immediately .",ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: that | ARG-M-TMP: immediately SRL for [transited]: No US ships have [transited] through the canal since before the October 12th attack on the US destroyer Cole in Aden .,ARG-1: No US ships | ARG-2: through the canal | ARG-M-TMP: since before the October 12th attack on the US destroyer Cole in Aden SRL for [betting]: That indicates speculators are [betting] a higher offer is in the wings .,ARG-0: speculators | ARG-2: a higher offer is in the wings "SRL for [bred]: Charles O. Givens of Mount Vernon , Ind. - investment broker , ex - accountant , and son of a former stable owner - [bred] Tennessee Walking Horses for six years , raised cattle for four , and never made a profit on either .","ARG-0: Charles O. Givens of Mount Vernon , Ind. - investment broker , ex - accountant , and son of a former stable owner - | ARG-1: Tennessee Walking Horses | ARG-M-TMP: for six years" SRL for [tentative]: I 'm [tentative] on this decision .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: on this decision SRL for [contorted]: She [contorted] her face into a look of disgust and scooted away .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her face | ARG-2: into a look of disgust SRL for [swooned]: I swear I nearly [swooned] from fright !,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: nearly | ARG-1: from fright ! SRL for [embarrass]: But State Department officials accuse Israel of leaking questionable claims to [embarrass] the U.S.,ARG-0: Israel | ARG-1: the U.S. SRL for [sojourned]: They [sojourned] in Asia as well as Europe .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: in Asia as well as Europe "SRL for [sloshing]: Calculating that excess polyethylene would soon be [sloshing] around the world , other buyers then bet that prices had peaked and so began to draw down inventories rather than order new product .",ARG-1: excess polyethylene | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-TMP: soon | ARG-2: around the world SRL for [Examined]: Lymph : [Examined] and normal .,ARG-1: Lymph SRL for [assorted]: She was wearing [assorted] shades of red beautifully woven and cro- cheted into a wicked patterned poncho .,ARG-1: shades of red beautifully woven and cro- cheted into a wicked patterned poncho SRL for [nonenhancing]: The right - sided mass was [nonenhancing] .,ARG-1: The right - sided mass SRL for [optimize]: Continue to [optimize] the hard environment and soft environment of investment .,ARG-1: the hard environment and soft environment of investment "SRL for [reopened]: By Wednesday , frustrated Belgian brokers [reopened] the market by using the time - honored method of quoting stocks with chalk on a blackboard .",ARG-M-TMP: By Wednesday | ARG-0: frustrated Belgian brokers | ARG-1: the market | ARG-2: by using the time - honored method of quoting stocks with chalk on a blackboard SRL for [suck up]: ... the prosecutors have to just [suck up] and be depressed,ARG-0: the prosecutors | ARG-1: it SRL for [professes]: He also [professes] an `` evangelical '' fervor to develop a corporate culture that rewards managers who produce and where decision - making is shared .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: an `` evangelical '' fervor to develop a corporate culture that rewards managers who produce and where decision - making is shared "SRL for [horrible]: Yeah , a guy who was bullying me , he was being [horrible] about my sister so I hit him in the face .",ARG-M-DIS: Yeah | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-ADV: about my sister | ARG-M-ADV: so I hit him in the face "SRL for [walk]: "" Those people who are always complaining about their lot in life should take a [walk] around a cancer ward , "" Li says .",ARG-0: Those people who are always complaining about their lot in life | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-2: around a cancer ward SRL for [spinning]: He 's kept Western diplomats [spinning] in circles for more than a decade .,ARG-1: Western diplomats | ARG-M-MNR: in circles | ARG-M-TMP: for more than a decade "SRL for [buying off]: Their ability to operate freely may be the result of their [buying off] corrupt officials and using graft , extortion , intimidation , and murder to maintain their operations .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: corrupt officials "SRL for [blotting out]: She ran it the length of the South Gardens riverfront , [blotting out] the city 's great natural water features , the harbor and the river .","ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the city 's great natural water features , the harbor and the river" "SRL for [supercharged]: And so working with Bloomberg and his deputies , these guys [supercharged] the impact of the crime reduction , they supercharged it with this giant investment",ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-DIS: so | ARG-M-COM: working with Bloomberg and his deputies | ARG-0: these guys | ARG-1: the impact of the crime reduction SRL for [nods]: Mr. Paul [nods] in agreement .,ARG-0: Mr. Paul | ARG-M-ADV: in agreement "SRL for [hyperlink]: When reproducing , please be sure to [hyperlink] the original source and the author 's information .",ARG-2: the original source and the author 's information SRL for [calculates]: He [calculates] that the recent market slide translated into a 5 % to 7 % reduction in IPO proceeds to companies .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: that the recent market slide translated into a 5 % to 7 % reduction in IPO proceeds to companies SRL for [synthesize]: The Japanese are neglecting the opportunity to [synthesize] a new corporate culture based on a fusion of the best aspects of both national cultures .,ARG-0: The Japanese | ARG-1: a new corporate culture based on a fusion of the best aspects of both national cultures "SRL for [eviscerating]: The 1974 budget `` reform , '' passed over President Nixon 's veto , took away the presidential impoundment power , thereby introducing monstrous CRs and [eviscerating] the presidential veto .","ARG-0: The 1974 budget `` reform , '' | ARG-1: the presidential veto" SRL for [killing]: CNN is [killing] it for Haiti,ARG-0: CNN | ARG-2: it | ARG-M-GOL: for Haiti SRL for [coddled]: Mary [coddled] three dozen eggs for John .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: three dozen eggs | ARG-2: for John SRL for [decision]: a [decision] of yes on each of those questions,ARG-1: of yes | ARG-3: on each of those questions SRL for [splayed]: He [splayed] his huge hands over the table .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his huge hands | ARG-M-LOC: over the table SRL for [acceleration]: The egg 's [acceleration] due to gravity caused it to smash upon impact with the ground .,ARG-1: The egg 's | ARG-0: due to gravity "SRL for [positive]: `` There 's a price above which I 'm [positive] Marshall has the courage not to pay , '' says A.D. Correll , Georgia - Pacific 's executive vice president for pulp and paper .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: Marshall has the courage not to pay SRL for [resubstantiation]: A [resubstantiation] of the full Q1 DPR will be completed by the Risk control staff reconciling the full trial balances between Q1 open and Q1 close,ARG-1: of the full Q1 DPR | ARG-M-PRD: reconciling the full trial balances between Q1 open and Q1 close SRL for [dance]: Mr. Bush 's [dance] across the stage,ARG-0: Mr. Bush 's | ARG-1: across the stage SRL for [unwind]: And senior officials of two U.S. securities houses say they switched trades in European stocks to the London market last week when they could n't [unwind] positions on the Continent .,R-ARG-M-TMP: when | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: positions on the Continent | ARG-M-TMP: last week SRL for [good]: He 's [good] at playing the piano .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: at playing the piano "SRL for [conceded]: Reviewing the company 's scrape with disaster , Mr. Price [conceded] it had tried to do too much on its own .",ARG-M-PRD: Reviewing the company 's scrape with disaster | ARG-0: Mr. Price | ARG-1: it had tried to do too much on its own "SRL for [rebounded]: After plummeting 1.8 % at one point during the day , the composite [rebounded] a little , but finished down 5.52 , at 461.70 .",ARG-M-TMP: After plummeting 1.8 % at one point during the day | ARG-1: the composite | ARG-2: a little SRL for [scooped]: She just [scooped] ice cream into bowls and cones .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: ice cream | ARG-2: into bowls and cones SRL for [deiced]: They [deiced] the aircraft .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the aircraft SRL for [exhibition]: an [exhibition] of the Guterman items,ARG-1: of the Guterman items "SRL for [spotting]: The short , rough sea prevented until quite late his [spotting] the two steamers escorted by a flying boat .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the two steamers SRL for [congas]: My father is a gentleman and he [congas] with the best of them .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-COM: with the best of them "SRL for [punish]: Cartoonist Garry Trudeau is suing the Writers Guild of America East for $ 11 million , alleging it mounted a `` campaign to harass and [punish] '' him for crossing a screenwriters ' picket line .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for crossing a screenwriters ' picket line SRL for [dealing]: Radomski is describing his use of steroids and his [dealing] drugs to athletes .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: drugs | ARG-2: to athletes SRL for [lead]: a 33 - point [lead] in the polls over Mr. Giuliani,ARG-2: 33 - point | ARG-M-LOC: in the polls | ARG-1: over Mr. Giuliani "SRL for [inflation]: his [inflation] of the notion of "" passing "" to encompass all forms of such surgery","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the notion of "" passing "" | ARG-4: to encompass all forms of such surgery" SRL for [relating]: Ms. Raptopoulos noted that [relating] economic numbers to specific market activity is tricky .,ARG-1: economic numbers | ARG-2: to specific market activity "SRL for [consensual]: Pupils equal , round , regular , reactive to light , direct and [consensual] .",ARG-1: Pupils SRL for [Face]: [Face] the wall with your toes,ARG-1: the wall | ARG-2: with your toes SRL for [spike]: The [spike] from 1 basis point to 19 basis points,ARG-3: from 1 basis point | ARG-4: to 19 basis points SRL for [stapled]: John [stapled] his ears together .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his ears | ARG-M-PRD: together SRL for [smartened]: The driver [smartened] the pace by cracking his whip over the carriage horses .,ARG-0: The driver | ARG-1: the pace | ARG-2: by cracking his whip over the carriage horses SRL for [backpedaling]: The chief economist of Merrill Lynch & Co. finds himself in such a position as he buzzes the Midwest on his first road trip since [backpedaling] on a major prediction .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: on a major prediction SRL for [hyponatremic]: He is mildly [hyponatremic] at 134 likely from the DDAVP .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-EXT: mildly | ARG-2: at 134 | ARG-M-CAU: likely from the DDAVP "SRL for [cycling]: A man gunned down by a stray bullet while [cycling] to work carries , after his death , the official stigma of `` counterrevolutionary , '' his wife says .",ARG-0: A man | ARG-M-GOL: to work "SRL for [prudent]: However , an excision of the area would be [prudent] to exclude significant pathology in adjacent areas .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-1: an excision of the area | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-PRP: to exclude significant pathology in adjacent areas SRL for [went over]: The surgeon [went over] the procedure with the nurses before beginning .,ARG-0: The surgeon | ARG-1: the procedure | ARG-M-COM: with the nurses | ARG-M-TMP: before beginning "SRL for [small]: I just thought that seven in every thousand people is a bit [small] , since the campaign was well - publicised , and there were no repurcussions for not telling the truth on the religion question .","ARG-1: seven in every thousand people | ARG-M-EXT: a bit | ARG-M-CAU: since the campaign was well - publicised , and there were no repurcussions for not telling the truth on the religion question" SRL for [abortion]: There was an [abortion] of the air strike because of a big sandstorm .,ARG-1: of the air strike "SRL for [wrecking]: There , Ah - sheng demonstrates a startling ability to respond to circumstances and succeeds in [wrecking] the meeting hall as he makes an eloquent speech on the love of one 's family and birthplace , making "" the entire village jump to its feet in agitation . ""","ARG-0: Ah - sheng | ARG-1: the meeting hall | ARG-M-ADV: as he makes an eloquent speech on the love of one 's family and birthplace , making "" the entire village jump to its feet in agitation" "SRL for [barking up wrong tree]: They are [barking up wrong tree] , because it is basically their fault they ca n't attract new employees .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-CAU: because it is basically their fault they ca n't attract new employees SRL for [tarmaced]: They [tarmaced] the footpath to a width of around six feet .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the footpath | ARG-M-EXT: to a width of around six feet "SRL for [stinging]: Since head lice need blood to live , their [stinging] of the scalp usually causes itching , which can lead to scabs or blood spots .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the scalp "SRL for [outnumbered]: Decliners on the Big Board [outnumbered] advancers , 931 to 658 .",ARG-1: Decliners on the Big Board | ARG-2: advancers | ARG-3: 931 to 658 "SRL for [bigoted]: As we walked down the stairs , I did n't want the four of them to think that I was [bigoted] by not bringing them into the living room so I said , "" I am house sitting this house for a friend and his family . I don 't think they will want anyone else in the house but I suppose they won?t mind if you wait in the family room downstairs . There is a washroom right next to it . """,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MNR: by not bringing them into the living room SRL for [took]: she probably [took] him for half of it now,ARG-0: she | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for half of it | ARG-M-TMP: now "SRL for [ringing]: They manifested themselves on one occasion in his [ringing] the bell for a messenger to forcibly eject his colleague , Mr. Ballance , from tho Cabinet room .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the bell | ARG-2: for a messenger to forcibly eject his colleague , Mr. Ballance , from tho Cabinet room" "SRL for [pandemic]: If we can limit the [pandemic] in birds , then down the road we might be able to say H5N1 is gone .",ARG-2: in birds "SRL for [glorious]: I am sorry to doze off and miss the day , but I must say that nap was [glorious] ! # # # # # # may be on to something with those : -RRB- .",ARG-1: that nap SRL for [brave]: I often wonder if I would be so [brave] if I were in their shoes,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-ADV: if I were in their shoes SRL for [cheerleads]: Ms. Morgan she goes over there and [cheerleads] and really does n't provide an accurate anlysis of the long term ...,ARG-0: she "SRL for [blunt]: I was [blunt] with her about what my motivation was , what my background was and she was very receptive .","ARG-0: I | ARG-2: with her | ARG-1: about what my motivation was , what my background was" SRL for [noble]: He is [noble] to get the job done quickly .,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to get the job done quickly SRL for [assumption]: the [assumption] of an estimated $ 300 million in secured liabilities on those properties,ARG-1: of an estimated $ 300 million in secured liabilities on those properties SRL for [reckoning]: When his third wife was unimpressed by his [reckoning] that he had slept with 250 women he started to claim 500 .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: that he had slept with 250 women SRL for [whipped up]: But Saatchi 's troubles have only [whipped up] interest among outsiders interested in picking off pieces of its ad businesses .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Saatchi 's troubles | ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-1: interest | ARG-M-LOC: among outsiders interested in picking off pieces of its ad businesses SRL for [casualties]: a high percentage of military equiptment [casualties],ARG-1: military equiptment SRL for [biomineralized]: Silver nanoclusters emitting weak NIR fluorescence were [biomineralized] by BSA .,ARG-1: Silver nanoclusters emitting weak NIR fluorescence | ARG-2: by BSA SRL for [louse up]: Can McDonald 's [louse up] coffee ?,ARG-M-MOD: Can | ARG-0: McDonald 's | ARG-1: coffee "SRL for [enlighten]: To some extent , this tendency emerges whenever the show tries to [enlighten] us about ethnic stereotypes by reversing them .",ARG-0: the show | ARG-1: us | ARG-2: about ethnic stereotypes | ARG-3: by reversing them SRL for [retirement]: the [retirement] of debt,ARG-1: of debt SRL for [point]: There is just something wrong with making a [point] of being a jerkass .,ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-1: of being a jerkass "SRL for [embarrassed]: Conservatives , [embarrassed] by Republican influence - peddling scandals at the Department of Housing and Urban Development , have used the issue in an effort to shift blame onto a Democratic - controlled Congress .",ARG-1: Conservatives | ARG-0: by Republican influence - peddling scandals at the Department of Housing and Urban Development "SRL for [calling]: The changes were proposed in an effort to streamline federal bureaucracy and boost compliance by the executives `` who are really [calling] the shots , '' said Brian Lane , special counsel at the SEC 's office of disclosure policy , which proposed the changes .",ARG-0: the executives | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: the shots SRL for [gaze]: The lucky ones [gaze] out at life with serene eyes and smile with a face of innocence at their perfumed happiness .,ARG-0: The lucky ones | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-1: at life | ARG-M-MNR: with serene eyes SRL for [unrevealing]: The biopsy of the sigmoid colon polyp was [unrevealing] .,ARG-0: The biopsy of the sigmoid colon polyp "SRL for [astonished]: They 'd be [astonished] to learn that they had suddenly discovered the requisite experience , training and equipment to make such a landing possible .","ARG-1: They | ARG-0: to learn that they had suddenly discovered the requisite experience , training and equipment to make such a landing possible" SRL for [stopover]: [stopover] of flights between Taiwan and the mainland,ARG-1: of flights between Taiwan and the mainland SRL for [clustered]: John [clustered] his toys into a gigantic pile .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his toys | ARG-2: into a gigantic pile SRL for [hitchhiking]: This can be important when one allele in a particular haplotype is strongly beneficial : natural selection can drive a selective sweep that will also cause the other alleles in the haplotype to become more common in the population ; this effect is called genetic [hitchhiking] or genetic draft .,ARG-6: genetic SRL for [aim]: I saw the gun 's [aim] at my head and ran .,ARG-1: gun 's | ARG-2: at my head "SRL for [sanitize]: Many larger egg producers are also egg processors , who crack , inspect , and [sanitize] billions of eggs , turning them into powdered , liquified or frozen egg products .","ARG-0: egg processors | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: billions of eggs | ARG-M-ADV: turning them into powdered , liquified or frozen egg products" SRL for [make up]: Women and children [make up] 40 % of the homeless population,ARG-0: Women and children | ARG-1: 40 % of the homeless population SRL for [dishonest]: She was [dishonest] about her qualifications when she applied for the job .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: about her qualifications | ARG-M-TMP: when she applied for the job "SRL for [stranding]: Bus schedules were sometimes in disarray , [stranding] commuters such as Marilyn Sullivan .",ARG-0: Bus schedules | ARG-1: commuters such as Marilyn Sullivan "SRL for [shuttling]: Mechanized vacuum cleaners probe the sand like giant anteaters ; a whirring ferris wheellike excavator , with buckets instead of seats , chews through layers of compacted sand ; tracks and conveyor belts , [shuttling] sand to the screening plants , criss - cross the beach .",ARG-0: tracks and conveyor belts | ARG-1: sand | ARG-3: to the screening plants SRL for [remission]: The earned credit will be posted to my transcript upon [remission] of payment of $ 50.00 per credit with a grade of “ P ” ( Pass ) .,ARG-1: of payment of $ 50.00 per credit with a grade of “ P ” ( Pass ) SRL for [matter]: Spreads will become so tight that it wo n't [matter] which market an investor chooses -- arbitrage will prevent him from gaining any temporary profit .,ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: which market an investor chooses SRL for [void]: The patient failed to [void] following bladder surgery .,ARG-0: The patient | ARG-M-TMP: following bladder surgery SRL for [test]: This old garden hoe has withstood the [test] of time .,ARG-0: of time SRL for [withdraw]: Many factors led to the company 's decision to [withdraw] from the bidding .,ARG-0: the company | ARG-2: from the bidding SRL for [guttered]: The candle had been stuck on a tin lid so it would n't set fire to the crate when it [guttered] out .,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-PRD: out | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [mass - produce]: A contractor will [mass - produce] vital equipment for the Army and Navy .,ARG-0: A contractor | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: vital equipment | ARG-3: for the Army and Navy SRL for [scalped]: He [scalped] the lawn area with the weedeater until it was bare dirt .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the lawn area | ARG-M-MNR: with the weedeater | ARG-M-TMP: until it was bare dirt "SRL for [hit]: When the sell programs [hit] , ...",ARG-0: the sell programs "SRL for [roused]: The first rattle of the machine guns , at 7:10 in the evening , [roused] around me the varied voices and faces of fear .",ARG-0: The first rattle of the machine guns | ARG-M-TMP: at 7:10 in the evening | ARG-M-LOC: around me | ARG-1: the varied voices and faces of fear SRL for [descaled]: Sultan gutted and [descaled] the fish over the side of the boat .,ARG-0: Sultan | ARG-1: the fish | ARG-M-LOC: over the side of the boat SRL for [remains to be seen]: It [remains to be seen] whether continuous or intermittent administration of such agents results in the best therapeutic index in combination protocols .,ARG-1: whether continuous or intermittent administration of such agents results in the best therapeutic index in combination protocols "SRL for [flights]: Just last week , for example , Trans World Airlines and Pan Am Corp. 's Pan American World Airways went so far as to offer cash rebates or gift checks of $ 200 to $ 1,000 to certain frequent - flier members making trans - Atlantic [flights] in business class or first class .",ARG-1: certain frequent - flier members | ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-M-DIR: trans - Atlantic | ARG-M-LOC: in business class or first class SRL for [changed hands]: The food got a lot worse after the restaurant [changed hands],ARG-1: the restaurant SRL for [punctured]: John [punctured] the bolster with a blunt tack .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the bolster | ARG-2: with a blunt tack "SRL for [blanked]: Well i went into a small cafe one time , to buy something to eat , and i saw a friend of mine waiting for his order .. we are very good friends , but there has been some time between us , as in work , new friends etc .. but as i walked in i acknowledged him and he looked over to me and just [blanked] me !",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: me SRL for [sharing]: A guide 's endearment to his horse is vivid in his [sharing] of an improvised raincoat,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of an improvised raincoat "SRL for [robed]: Michelangelo found the rabbi in the room of study , a gentle old man with a white beard and luminous grey eyes , [robed] in black gabardine with a skullcap on his head .",ARG-2: in black gabardine | ARG-1: a gentle old man with a white beard and luminous grey eyes "SRL for [reirradiated]: Based on the wavelength dependence of dimer formation and reversal , they irradiated transforming DNA isolated from Hemophilus influenzae at 280 nm , assayed for transforming activity , then [reirradiated] the DNA at 240 nm , and again assayed for transformation .",ARG-M-ADV: Based on the wavelength dependence of dimer formation and reversal | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: transforming DNA isolated from Hemophilus influenzae at 280 nm "SRL for [underlying]: Speculation , on the other hand , sparked buying in certain incentive - backed issues , though rumors [underlying] such shares eventually proved untrue .",ARG-0: rumors | ARG-1: such shares SRL for [deprive]: The privatization program is designed to [deprive] the government of hundreds of assets and to raise critically needed funds .,ARG-0: The privatization program | ARG-2: the government | ARG-1: of hundreds of assets SRL for [ingenious]: He was [ingenious] to manufacture his own scoops .,ARG-1: He | C-ARG-1: to manufacture his own scoops "SRL for [surveyed]: The study [surveyed] a national group of medical directors , personnel managers and employee assistance program directors about their perceptions of these problems in their companies .","ARG-0: The study | ARG-1: a national group of medical directors , personnel managers and employee assistance program directors | ARG-2: about their perceptions of these problems in their companies" SRL for [excitement]: the inaugural [excitement],ARG-0: inaugural "SRL for [antiques]: Mary [antiques] along the East Coast , looking for good deals and fine pieces .",ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: good deals and fine pieces SRL for [running]: Mr. Stromach wants to resume a more influential role in [running] the company .,ARG-0: Mr. Stromach | ARG-1: the company SRL for [hearings]: Senate judiciary [hearings],ARG-0: Senate | ARG-2: judiciary "SRL for [dizziness]: Patient presented with [dizziness] , lightheadedness , and weakness", "SRL for [borrow]: The pilots could [borrow] against the value of their concessions , using the proceeds to buy back stock from the public and give themselves the majority control they have been seeking .",ARG-0: The pilots | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-3: against the value of their concessions | ARG-M-ADV: using the proceeds to buy back stock from the public and give themselves the majority control they have been seeking SRL for [surefire]: The idea was [surefire] !,ARG-1: The idea "SRL for [pregnant]: I hear you . Let 's be glad you wo n't be [pregnant] anymore once the intense heat sets in ! Glad you 're out and about . Keep hydrating , so important .",ARG-1: you | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-TMP: anymore | ARG-M-TMP: once the intense heat sets in "SRL for [coating]: Taking a different tack from the Japanese , who were plating CD - Rs with a thin gold layer , Ritek instead developed a cheap and high - quality process for [coating] them with silver or aluminum .",ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with silver or aluminum SRL for [intent]: Obama Announces his [intent] to nominate her as DOI Assistant Secretary .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to nominate her as DOI Assistant Secretary SRL for [palpation]: No pain to [palpation] ., SRL for [bracing]: The CEO 's [bracing] investors for a rough quarter at least served to lower expectations and cushion the blow of the final numbers .,ARG-0: The CEO 's | ARG-1: investors | ARG-2: for a rough quarter SRL for [home run]: Bobby Thomson 's [home run],ARG-0: Bobby Thomson 's SRL for [cabbed]: We [cabbed] all the way from Orchard to Choa Chu Kang .,ARG-1: We | ARG-M-EXT: all the way | ARG-2: from Orchard | ARG-3: to Choa Chu Kang SRL for [break]: We made a dash for the car during a brief [break] in the rainstorm .,ARG-M-TMP: brief | ARG-1: in the rainstorm SRL for [exist]: ... a case of political corruption that simply does n't [exist] .,ARG-1: political corruption | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [thick]: Those kids were as [thick] as thieves .,ARG-1: Those kids | ARG-M-CXN: as | ARG-M-CXN: as thieves SRL for [clogged up]: The effect of Nixon era non - duck ducks was an economy [clogged up] with regulations and distortions .,ARG-1: an economy | ARG-2: with regulations and distortions "SRL for [weakened]: Jaguar 's own defenses against a hostile bid are [weakened] , analysts add , because fewer than 3 % of its shares are owned by employees and management .",ARG-1: Jaguar 's own defenses against a hostile bid | ARG-M-CAU: because fewer than 3 % of its shares are owned by employees and management "SRL for [stooped]: The ducks swam up as he [stooped] his head , And , "" Quack , quack , quack , "" is what they said",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his head SRL for [hot]: she is so [hot] she doesn ' require music .,ARG-1: she | ARG-M-CXN: so | C-ARG-M-CXN: she doesn ' require music SRL for [agitated]: Over the last 24 - hours Mr. Thomas was less [agitated] .,ARG-M-TMP: Over the last 24 - hours | ARG-1: Mr. Thomas | ARG-M-EXT: less SRL for [eversion]: Non - surgical management of congenital [eversion] of the eyelids,ARG-M-ADJ: congenital | ARG-1: of the eyelids SRL for [dehulled]: He dried and [dehulled] the rice .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the rice "SRL for [wide]: I am able to do it , but watching this video scared me . One woman in the video was actually eight feet [wide] when she got help .",ARG-1: One woman in the video | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-M-EXT: eight feet | ARG-M-TMP: when she got help SRL for [chop]: A [chop] to the throat from a black belt can be lethal .,ARG-1: to the throat | ARG-0: from a black belt "SRL for [stiff - arm]: If Megawati does [stiff - arm] the United States on the weapons issue , it is unlikely relations with Washington will be permanently damaged .",ARG-0: Megawati | ARG-1: the United States | ARG-2: on the weapons issue SRL for [overreached]: The arbitrator [overreached] her authority when she ruled on the Franchise Act claims .,ARG-0: The arbitrator | ARG-1: her authority | ARG-M-TMP: when she ruled on the Franchise Act claims SRL for [changed]: The commercial [changed] the dynamics of the campaign .,ARG-0: The commercial | ARG-1: the dynamics of the campaign "SRL for [surprised]: BellSouth 's revised proposal [surprised] many industry analysts , especially because of the company 's willingness to accept some dilution of future earnings .",ARG-0: BellSouth 's revised proposal | ARG-1: many industry analysts | ARG-M-CAU: especially because of the company 's willingness to accept some dilution of future earnings SRL for [walk]: Monica Sharp went out for a [walk] with her dog weeks ago,ARG-M-COM: with her dog SRL for [punishment]: ... the cruelty of their [punishment] of the Shudra for studying the Veda,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the Shudra | ARG-2: for studying the Veda SRL for [cut it]: Do n't bother telling Nate he ca n't [cut it] in the NBA .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: in the NBA "SRL for [point finger]: It 's hard , though , to really [point finger] at somebody when they 're not here to defend themselves .",ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: at somebody | ARG-M-TMP: when they 're not here to defend themselves SRL for [humiliate]: Do you think there 's a value in itself in having someone to go up there and just waste the place I mean in other words just give tough speeches try to [humiliate] them uh try to get them out and get them straightened out by just making fun of them by basically trashing some of those third World members that have contributed to this uh horror in some of these cases you mentioned ?,ARG-0: someone | ARG-1: them SRL for [thundered]: ` ` Do n't say that name ! '' James [thundered] at him .,ARG-0: James | ARG-1: ` ` Do n't say that name ! '' | ARG-2: at him "SRL for [entwined]: Foreign stock markets , with which the U.S. is [entwined] , also have ended fixed commissions in recent years .",ARG-1: the U.S. | ARG-2: Foreign stock markets | R-ARG-2: with which "SRL for [haunted]: If psychics do n't work , but your house still seems [haunted] , you can call any one of a swelling band of skeptics such as Richard Busch .",ARG-1: your house "SRL for [blamed]: Uncertainty about the prospects for further action to curtail stock - index arbitrage , a form of program trading [blamed] for recent volatility in the market , also contributed to its lack of direction , Mr. Puccio said .",ARG-1: a form | ARG-2: for recent volatility in the market "SRL for [mistrust]: Besides the initial [mistrust] of "" not believeing "" they will not disrupt the parade , unless they are willing to sign a document stating they will honour the ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice , and give thanks to the ones who are currently fighting to ensure they "" can have an opinion "" and not in any way disrupt the parade .... then I would say no they can not join the parade .......","ARG-M-TMP: initial | ARG-1: of "" not believeing "" they will not disrupt the parade" "SRL for [verged]: But in the week following the 1987 stock crash , the exchange [verged] on collapse , and the stock and futures markets in Hong Kong were closed for four days .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: in the week following the 1987 stock crash | ARG-1: the exchange | ARG-2: on collapse SRL for [relationship]: It jeopardized her professional [relationship] with her boss,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: professional | ARG-2: with her boss "SRL for [understate]: Our five - year plan contains three accounting devices -- negative money , an above guidance management reserve and optimistic inflation estimates -- which [understate] the spending the Pentagon has committed itself to by almost $ 100 billion .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: optimistic inflation estimates | ARG-1: the spending the Pentagon has committed itself to by almost $ 100 billion "SRL for [quoted]: The company 's prepared statement [quoted] him as saying "" The CEO succession is well along and I 've decided for personal reasons to take early retirement . ""","ARG-0: The company 's prepared statement | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: as saying "" The CEO succession is well along and I 've decided for personal reasons to take early retirement . """ SRL for [low]: Feinberg et al . [ 27 ] found that raising and lowering the pitch of female voices by 20 Hz had a stronger effect on voices that were [low] in pitch before being manipulated than on voices that were average - pitched or high - pitched before manipulation .,ARG-1: that | ARG-2: in pitch | ARG-M-TMP: before being manipulated SRL for [perception]: shareholders ' [perception] of Blue Arrow as a company in turmoil,ARG-0: shareholders ' | ARG-1: of Blue Arrow | ARG-2: as a company in turmoil SRL for [anastomosis]: taken by the doctor for an ileoanal [anastomosis],ARG-M-LOC: ileoanal SRL for [decriminalized]: The commission also recommended minor traffic offenses be [decriminalized] from misdemeanors to civil offenses .,ARG-1: minor traffic offenses | ARG-2: from misdemeanors | ARG-3: to civil offenses SRL for [has]: US News [has] yet to announce its 1990 ad rates .,ARG-0: US News | ARG-1: yet | ARG-2: to announce its 1990 ad rates SRL for [itch]: And even deeper than that : his fear lest in this closed hall he should suddenly [itch] to relieve himself .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-TMP: suddenly | ARG-1: to relieve himself SRL for [pooed]: he [pooed] a HUGE poo ball .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a HUGE poo ball SRL for [twinkled]: The stars [twinkled] in the sky .,ARG-1: The stars | ARG-M-LOC: in the sky SRL for [dismember]: Mr. Corry might have to [dismember] the company more than he wants to .,ARG-0: Mr. Corry | ARG-1: the company | ARG-M-MNR: more than he wants to "SRL for [literate]: Before Gaddaffi , less than 1/5th of Libyans were [literate] .",ARG-M-TMP: Before Gaddaffi | ARG-1: less than 1/5th of Libyans "SRL for [gleaming]: At the GM stall , they barely looked at a [gleaming] Cadillac , preferring to talk about cooperation possibilities .",ARG-0: Cadillac SRL for [responsibleness]: He was n't exactly known for his [responsibleness] .,ARG-1: his SRL for [growing]: His [growing] his portfolio was successful because he enlisted a professional financial planner .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: his portfolio "SRL for [deemphasized]: While renewing military aid had been considered out of the question , rejected by Congress and [deemphasized] by the Bush administration , Mr. Ortega 's statement provides Contra supporters with the opportunity to press the administration on the issue .",ARG-1: renewing military aid | ARG-0: by the Bush administration SRL for [sported]: John 's cat [sported] with a mouse for over an hour before finally killing the poor thing .,ARG-0: John 's cat | ARG-1: with a mouse | ARG-M-TMP: for over an hour | ARG-M-TMP: before finally killing the poor thing "SRL for [nuanced]: Native American art was the initial spark , then our artists [nuanced] the soft print with chic patterns .",ARG-0: our artists | ARG-1: the soft print | ARG-2: with chic patterns SRL for [fostering]: Life is a struggle . The vitality of the country lies in the continuous heightening and [fostering] of the overall quality of all the people to constantly adapt to the development needs of the times,ARG-1: of the overall quality of all the people "SRL for [classic]: iamaloneintheworld , To shit on black men for two or three novel - long posts , and then use Barrack Obama as an example is [classic] .","ARG-M-DIS: iamaloneintheworld | ARG-1: To shit on black men for two or three novel - long posts , and then use Barrack Obama as an example" "SRL for [traduce]: This is the U.N. group that managed to [traduce] its own charter of promoting education , science and culture .","ARG-0: the U.N. group | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: its own charter of promoting education , science and culture" "SRL for [install]: In July , 11 NFL owners , almost all of them new , blocked an effort to [install] Jim Finks as a replacement for retiring league commissioner Pete Rozelle .",ARG-0: 11 NFL owners | ARG-1: Jim Finks | ARG-2: as a replacement for retiring league commissioner Pete Rozelle "SRL for [shorted]: When the swaying of the building woke me up , I reasoned that a ) I was in Southern California ; b ) the bed was moving ; c ) it must be a Magic Fingers bed that had [shorted] .",ARG-1: that "SRL for [launch]: the [launch] of 1-2-3 Release 3 , the upgraded spreadsheet software","ARG-1: of 1-2-3 Release 3 , the upgraded spreadsheet software" SRL for [Check out]: [Check out] our Web site during the week for air times in your area MTP dot MSNBC dot com /.,ARG-1: our Web site | ARG-M-TMP: during the week | ARG-2: for air times in your area | C-ARG-1: MTP dot MSNBC dot com "SRL for [awful]: I know soda is [awful] for you , but has anyone had the Mexican coke ?",ARG-1: soda | ARG-2: for you "SRL for [out]: Honestly , I did n't know the ball was [out] of bounds until it was way up in the stands somewhere .",ARG-1: the ball | ARG-2: of bounds SRL for [looted]: John [looted] fifteen pieces of chocolate cake from the fridge .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: fifteen pieces of chocolate cake | ARG-2: from the fridge SRL for [marked]: Calcific atheromatous plaque is most [marked] at the bifurcation .,ARG-1: Calcific atheromatous plaque | ARG-M-EXT: most | ARG-M-LOC: at the bifurcation "SRL for [misspent]: The state has sued these charities in state court , complaining that much of the money was grossly [misspent] ; 82 % , says Mr. Ormstedt , went to fund raisers and most of the rest to the people who ran the charities and to their relatives -- for fur coats , trips to Florida , Lucullan restaurant tabs .",ARG-M-MNR: grossly | ARG-1: much of the money "SRL for [constringes]: If she consumes peanuts , her throat [constringes] to the point that she can not breathe .",ARG-M-ADV: If she consumes peanuts | ARG-1: her throat | ARG-4: to the point that she can not breathe SRL for [misclassified]: What should you do if you 've been [misclassified] as an independent contractor ?,ARG-1: you | ARG-2: as an independent contractor SRL for [gobbled]: John [gobbled] the chocolate cake .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the chocolate cake SRL for [placed]: Dealers [placed] heavy buy orders in the morning to start the first trading day for November transactions .,ARG-0: Dealers | ARG-1: heavy buy orders | ARG-M-TMP: in the morning | ARG-M-PNC: to start the first trading day for November transactions SRL for [acclaimed]: The series was critically [acclaimed] for its thoughtful and intense treatment of difficult issues .,ARG-M-MNR: critically | ARG-1: The series | ARG-2: for its thoughtful and intense treatment of difficult issues SRL for [tips]: That Cook uh admits that she frequently winked at Jackson 's mother um Katherine in court and exchanged wardrobe [tips] with the entertainer 's mom ...,ARG-2: wardrobe "SRL for [tag teamed]: Wife and i [tag teamed] the yard , finished mowing and trimming right as the rain started !",ARG-0: Wife and i | ARG-1: the yard | ARG-M-ADV: finished mowing and trimming right as the rain started "SRL for [spice]: If I annoy them , they [spice] my toothbrush with soap .",ARG-M-ADV: If I annoy them | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: my toothbrush | ARG-2: with soap SRL for [entitles]: Your editorial mockingly [entitles] this legislation the `` Lawyers ' Employment Act . '',ARG-0: Your editorial | ARG-M-MNR: mockingly | ARG-1: this legislation | ARG-2: the `` Lawyers ' Employment Act SRL for [good]: I always say that I am [good] to go when I am ready to leave my house and go somewhere .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: to go | ARG-M-TMP: when I am ready to leave my house and go somewhere SRL for [interpolated]: We [interpolated] the experimental data with the standard expression of the SHG efficiency conversion .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the experimental data | ARG-2: with the standard expression of the SHG efficiency conversion "SRL for [outdistanced]: `` Even the 7.2 % return from the risk - free three - month Treasury bill has easily [outdistanced] the 4.1 % return from junk bonds , '' wrote Moody 's economist John Lonski in yesterday 's market report .",ARG-0: Even the 7.2 % return from the risk - free three - month Treasury bill | ARG-M-MNR: easily | ARG-1: the 4.1 % return from junk bonds SRL for [expurgated]: Whoever says such things must have read a very heavily [expurgated] version of the Old Testament .,ARG-M-MNR: heavily | ARG-1: version of the Old Testament SRL for [shredded]: They [shredded] it simply because it contained financial information about their creditors and depositors . '',ARG-0: They | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-CAU: simply because it contained financial information about their creditors and depositors SRL for [fission]: We investigate the collinear ternary [fission] of the 260No isotope .,ARG-M-MNR: collinear | ARG-3: ternary | ARG-1: of the 260No isotope SRL for [coregistration]: anatomic [coregistration],ARG-1: anatomic "SRL for [released]: NEC [released] a statement saying "" We feel sorry for having caused trouble to society . ""","ARG-0: NEC | ARG-1: a statement saying "" We feel sorry for having caused trouble to society . """ SRL for [backpacked]: They [backpacked] from Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Crest Trail .,ARG-1: They | ARG-2: from Mexico | ARG-3: to Canada | ARG-4: on the Pacific Crest Trail "SRL for [counted]: Mr. Achenbaum has [counted] among his clients some of the most visible blue - chip advertisers in the country , including Nissan , Toyota , Seagram and Backer Spielvogel clients Hyundai and J.P. Morgan .","ARG-2: among his clients | ARG-1: some of the most visible blue - chip advertisers in the country , including Nissan , Toyota , Seagram and Backer Spielvogel clients Hyundai and J.P. Morgan" "SRL for [tough]: Palmolive is [tough] on grease , soft on hands .",ARG-1: Palmolive | ARG-2: on grease "SRL for [oversaw]: Mr. Horton , who [oversaw] Gulf Power 's governmental - affairs efforts , died mysteriously in a plane crash ...",ARG-0: Mr. Horton | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: Gulf Power 's governmental - affairs efforts SRL for [boggling]: ... a mind - [boggling] number of legal provisions ...,ARG-0: mind | ARG-1: number SRL for [rumbled]: He [rumbled] a rude response .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a rude response SRL for [smoother]: Result is my skin is [smoother] than it is on some teenage girls ! -,ARG-1: my skin | ARG-M-CXN: than it is on some teenage girls SRL for [reasonable]: This contradicts Holmes 's claim that he was [reasonable] to rely on counsel 's advice that no hearing was needed in this case .,ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to rely on counsel 's advice that no hearing was needed in this case SRL for [to take]: The Federal forces had taken Parkersburg and Grafton from the Rebels and were moving [to take] all the mountains .,ARG-0: The Federal forces | ARG-1: all the mountains SRL for [adherent]: The larger mass is [adherent] to the mesentery by fibrous bands .,ARG-1: The larger mass | ARG-2: to the mesentery | ARG-M-MNR: by fibrous bands "SRL for [reshuffle]: He continues to [reshuffle] the team , trading famed running back Herschel Walker to the Minnesota Vikings this month for a slew of players and future draft picks .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the team SRL for [survey]: their [survey] of the area for fault lines,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the area | ARG-2: for fault lines SRL for [diet]: So I 'm prepping myself to do a green [diet] soon .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-1: green | ARG-M-TMP: soon SRL for [romantic]: If need be I can throw it out tonight . But it 's not very [romantic] .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [custody]: Until the divorce , the mother will take full [custody] of the children .",ARG-M-TMP: Until the divorce | ARG-0: the mother | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-EXT: full | ARG-1: of the children SRL for [done away]: [Things like that]-1 would increase rather than be [done away] with [*-1] .,ARG-M-MOD: would "SRL for [split]: Both in terms of language and national identity , there is a clear "" [split] between north and south . """,ARG-1: between north and south SRL for [retraining]: Myofunctional therapists use this tongue positioning as a basis of their [retraining] of the oral musculature .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: of the oral musculature SRL for [lob]: Helen had been careful not to [lob] Dorothy 's criticism at her .,ARG-0: Helen | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: Dorothy 's criticism | ARG-2: at her SRL for [service]: Proof of [service] of divorce papers to someone in jail in florida,ARG-1: of divorce papers | ARG-2: to someone in jail in florida SRL for [Suspension]: [Suspension] of the student from attending classes for a period not exceeding 14 days,ARG-1: of the student | ARG-2: from attending classes | ARG-M-TMP: for a period not exceeding 14 days "SRL for [enlarge]: Avondale Industries Inc. , New Orleans , received a $ 23 million contract from the Navy to [enlarge] by 50 % the capacity of an auxiliary oiler .","ARG-0: Avondale Industries Inc. , New Orleans | ARG-2: by 50 % | ARG-1: the capacity of an auxiliary oiler" "SRL for [precise]: An MRI in our case was [precise] in localizing the site and extent of fracture , which was reiterated by our surgical findings .",ARG-0: An MRI | ARG-M-ADV: in our case | ARG-1: in localizing the site and extent of fracture | ARG-M-ADV: which was reiterated by our surgical findings SRL for [mammogram]: She underwent a right [mammogram] .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: right "SRL for [mixed up]: He [mixed up] some flour , eggs , oil and spices , added a big dollop of plain yogurt","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: some flour , eggs , oil and spices" "SRL for [taking aback]: I was so out of control by his [taking aback] that I did n't know what to do ? to laugh from hysteria ,",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: me "SRL for [swooshed]: The audience held their breath , then roared with excitement as the ball [swooshed] through the net .",ARG-1: the ball | ARG-2: through the net SRL for [driving]: His [driving] that rusty RV down the street every July 4th at 6 am was an event that you could set your watch to .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: that rusty RV down the street | ARG-M-TMP: every July 4th at 6 am "SRL for [retorted]: `` That will have to be in the hotel '' , [retorted] the doctor , confirming Alex 's anticipations .",ARG-0: the doctor | ARG-2: `` That will have to be in the hotel '' | ARG-M-ADV: confirming Alex 's anticipations "SRL for [underlined]: The CIA 's Deputy Director of Operations , Richard Stoltz , tried to smooth things over a few days later , but instead simply [underlined] Mr. Webster 's point .","ARG-0: The CIA 's Deputy Director of Operations , Richard Stoltz | ARG-M-DIS: instead | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-1: Mr. Webster 's point" SRL for [denounce]: Corporations like Contel [denounce] program trading ...,ARG-0: Corporations like Contel | ARG-1: program trading "SRL for [substituting]: They worry that new IMF funding of developing countries will simply end up [substituting] IMF debt for reschedulable commercial bank debt , a bad trade all around .",ARG-0: new IMF funding of developing countries | ARG-1: IMF debt | ARG-2: for reschedulable commercial bank debt "SRL for [trebled]: But the jury awarded the USFL only $ 1 in damages , [trebled] because of the antitrust claims .",ARG-1: only $ 1 in damages | ARG-M-CAU: because of the antitrust claims "SRL for [noticed]: That can be expensive , because the problem may not be [noticed] for a while , and the sheets are typically thrown away .",ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the problem | ARG-M-TMP: for a while SRL for [slip]: NESN can count me in as one of the few thousand or more responsible for their [slip] in ratings .,ARG-1: their | ARG-5: in ratings "SRL for [save]: Unisys said that should help it [save] $ 500 million a year in costs , again at the high end of the previously reported range of $ 400 million to $ 500 million .","ARG-0: it | ARG-1: $ 500 million a year in costs , again at the high end of the previously reported range of $ 400 million to $ 500 million" SRL for [contracting]: The expanding and [contracting] of your intestinal tract might cause some indigestion .,ARG-1: of your intestinal tract SRL for [respect]: [respect] for the editorial product,ARG-1: for the editorial product "SRL for [strung up]: The young doctors hauled him out , carried him over the lawn , and [strung up] by the neck in front of Dr. Stewart 's house",ARG-0: The young doctors | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: by the neck | ARG-M-LOC: in front of Dr. Stewart 's house SRL for [impacted]: In turn the other teeth are likely to decay because food particles may become [impacted] in them .,ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: food particles | ARG-M-LOC: in them SRL for [mean]: He was [mean] with his money -- waiting for him to get his round in was not really an option-- but he was incredibly generous with his time .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: with his money SRL for [booted]: Mary [booted] John from her office .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: from her office "SRL for [washed up]: The shipwrecked sailor [washed up] on the sandy , moonlight beach .","ARG-1: The shipwrecked sailor | ARG-M-LOC: on the sandy , moonlight beach" SRL for [arguable]: Note that some of these topics could be converted into these s that would be [arguable] to a general audience if they were de - personalized and established as arguable issues .,ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: to a general audience "SRL for [forge]: With the golden share as protection , Jaguar officials have rebuffed Ford 's overtures , and moved instead to [forge] an alliance with GM .",ARG-0: Jaguar officials | ARG-1: an alliance with GM SRL for [misted over]: The window in the Caf ? Des Amatuers [misted over] from the heat and smoke inside .,ARG-1: The window in the Caf ? Des Amatuers | ARG-M-CAU: from the heat and smoke inside "SRL for [universal]: If there is one thing that is [universal] to all websites , it is the login process .",ARG-1: that | ARG-2: to all websites "SRL for [slugged]: Then he calmly and carefully [slugged] the remaining five shots into the venomous head -- caught in the wicker back of the chair , the eyes dead on him as the life finally went out of the brute .","ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MNR: calmly and carefully | ARG-1: the remaining five shots | ARG-2: into the venomous head -- caught in the wicker back of the chair , the eyes dead on him as the life finally went out of the brute" SRL for [overruling]: That would be an ironic result of a case in which the Supreme Court expressly stopped short of [overruling] Roe vs. Wade .,ARG-0: the Supreme Court | ARG-1: Roe vs. Wade SRL for [cutting up]: And we 're giggling and laughing and [cutting up] and having a really great time .,ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-0: we "SRL for [rouge]: Flappers , [rouge] your knees and do the Charleston !",ARG-M-DIS: Flappers | ARG-1: your knees SRL for [coming]: He runs the risk of their [coming] after him immediately,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: after him | ARG-M-TMP: immediately SRL for [success]: the [success] of Senate Democrats in stalling the capital gains tax cut,ARG-0: of Senate Democrats | ARG-1: in stalling the capital gains tax cut "SRL for [excused]: In other earthquake - related news , Hambrecht & Quist 's OTC market makers were [excused] from trading yesterday and its positions were frozen for the day by the National Association of Securities Dealers .",ARG-M-LOC: In other earthquake - related news | ARG-1: Hambrecht & Quist 's OTC market makers | ARG-2: from trading | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday "SRL for [restrained]: Dun & Bradstreet noted that price competition in its Nielsen Marketing Research , Nielsen Clearing House and Donnelley Marketing businesses also [restrained] revenue growth .","ARG-0: price competition in its Nielsen Marketing Research , Nielsen Clearing House and Donnelley Marketing businesses | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: revenue growth" "SRL for [greeted]: He is welcomed and [greeted] at the American White House , to be used as a tool with which to fight the Shiite leader Muqtada al - Sadr , who stands against the presence of the Americans in Iraq , and against American President Bush himself , in order to finish him and the Al - Mahdi Army which he leads .","ARG-1: He | ARG-M-LOC: at the American White House | ARG-2: to be used as a tool with which to fight the Shiite leader Muqtada al - Sadr , who stands against the presence of the Americans in Iraq , and against American President Bush himself , in order to finish him and the Al - Mahdi Army which he leads" SRL for [murder]: the racial [murder] of a black teen - ager in the white Brooklyn neighborhood of Bensonhurst,ARG-M-CAU: racial | ARG-1: of a black teen - ager | ARG-M-LOC: in the white Brooklyn neighborhood of Bensonhurst SRL for [cite]: They [cite] a lack of imbalances that provide early warning signals of a downturn .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: a lack of imbalances that provide early warning signals of a downturn SRL for [pushing]: He is not [pushing] any particular viewpoint .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: any particular viewpoint SRL for [to upload]: We ask our brothers and sisters [to upload] the film to other sites because of its importance .,ARG-0: our brothers and sisters | ARG-1: the film | ARG-2: to other sites | ARG-M-CAU: because of its importance SRL for [conclusive]: The test was [conclusive] of paternity,ARG-3: The test | ARG-1: of paternity SRL for [trade]: The couple stayed in a Paris apartment for two weeks as a [trade] for their summer home in Maine during that time .,ARG-1: for their summer home in Maine SRL for [uplifted]: The wind [uplifted] some strands of gray hair not covered by his Indians cap,ARG-0: The wind | ARG-1: some strands of gray hair not covered by his Indians cap "SRL for [suspect]: Mark Shepperd , an analyst at UBS Phillips & Drew in London , said , `` I [suspect] ( the departure ) will be fairly irrelevant for the company .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: ( the departure ) will be fairly irrelevant for the company SRL for [peeved]: He had [peeved] her with his suspicions,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: with his suspicions SRL for [superficial]: The mass is fairly [superficial] and should be operable .,ARG-1: The mass | ARG-M-EXT: fairly SRL for [move]: a downward [move] in dollar - mark trade,ARG-M-DIR: downward | ARG-1: in dollar - mark trade "SRL for [eaten away]: `` Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios have [eaten away] sales normally going to Kellogg 's corn - based lines simply because they are made of oats , '' says Merrill Lynch food analyst William Maguire .",ARG-0: Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios | ARG-1: sales normally going to Kellogg 's corn - based lines | ARG-M-CAU: simply because they are made of oats SRL for [tooled]: The silver gypsy cab [tooled] past once more .,ARG-1: The silver gypsy cab | ARG-2: past | ARG-M-TMP: once more "SRL for [sank]: Analysts say rallies in the group historically have lifted the market , while weakness in the sector often [sank] unlisted share prices broadly .",ARG-0: weakness in the sector | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: unlisted share prices | ARG-M-MNR: broadly "SRL for [detests]: But small business , which generally [detests] government - mandated benefits , has taken note of the growing number of close votes .",ARG-0: small business | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-ADV: generally | ARG-1: government - mandated benefits SRL for [reddened]: I [reddened] the frosting a bit with pommegranite,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the frosting | ARG-M-EXT: a bit | ARG-M-MNR: with pommegranite SRL for [slide]: BRITONS abandoned holidays abroad in their droves in the past year as the recession and the pound 's [slide] in value took their toll .,ARG-1: the pound 's | ARG-5: in value SRL for [rollerskating]: The other three photos showed a man [rollerskating] on the sidewalk by a Mao Zedong statue .,ARG-0: a man | ARG-1: on the sidewalk | ARG-M-DIR: by a Mao Zedong statue SRL for [swing]: They do n't like the risks they are forced to assume when prices [swing] so drastically .,ARG-1: prices | ARG-M-MNR: so drastically "SRL for [blooded]: The night after reading her letter about her surgeon uncle -- it must have been late in September -- I had a vision of myself returned in ragged uniform from The Front , nearly dying , my head bandaged and [blooded] , and Jessica bending over me , the power of her love bringing me back to life .",ARG-1: my head "SRL for [cotransfected]: To confirm this model , we [cotransfected] HNF-4 expression vector with PPARa expression vector into HeLa cells .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: HeLa cells | ARG-2: HNF-4 expression vector with PPARa expression vector SRL for [binned]: Mary [binned] all the toys on the floor in a big Rubbermade .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: the toys | ARG-M-LOC: on the floor | ARG-2: a big Rubbermade SRL for [peculiar]: There is something [peculiar] to me about his accent .,ARG-1: about his accent | ARG-2: to me SRL for [realization]: his [realization] of this dream,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of this dream "SRL for [jabbed]: Through the swathings of terror , she [jabbed] deceit 's sharp point -- Amy would be reborn , a new childd , with new parents , living under new circumstances .",ARG-2: Through the swathings of terror | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: deceit 's sharp point SRL for [concerned]: She was [concerned] that we might recommend this therapy .,ARG-1: She | ARG-0: that we might recommend this therapy SRL for [ulcerated]: The mercury had literally [ulcerated] my bladder .,ARG-0: The mercury | ARG-M-ADV: literally | ARG-1: my bladder SRL for [vault]: Romanian gymnasts showed solid strength in the final of the women 's [vault] .,ARG-1: women 's "SRL for [becoming]: A cap , an apron , or a handkerchief , which , I am told , looks hideous upon her , I always find is very [becoming] on any other of the family","ARG-1: A cap , an apron , or a handkerchief , which , I am told , looks hideous upon her | ARG-M-ADV: very | ARG-2: on any other of the family" "SRL for [trussed]: Disabling him with a ball in the thigh , he [trussed] him to a corral post .",ARG-M-PRD: Disabling him with a ball in the thigh | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to a corral post "SRL for [STUBBED]: NO MORE [STUBBED] toes or bruised shins , promises Geste Corp. of Goshen , Ind. , the designer of a bed support to replace traditional frames .",ARG-1: toes "SRL for [lock in]: Most other supercomputer manufacturers have yet to adopt the Posix standard , Mr. Paluck said , adding that they prefer to maintain proprietary systems that [lock in] customers .",ARG-0: proprietary systems | ARG-1: customers "SRL for [move]: At the same time , abortion foes have developed a national legislative strategy , deciding to [move] on what Jacki Ragan , the National Right to Life Committee 's director of state organizational development , calls `` reasonable measures that an overwhelming mainstream majority of Americans support . ''","ARG-0: abortion foes | ARG-1: on what Jacki Ragan , the National Right to Life Committee 's director of state organizational development , calls `` reasonable measures that an overwhelming mainstream majority of Americans support . ''" "SRL for [cataloging]: They pause only to register little whimpers of distress and sighs of satisfaction , like tourists [cataloging] the sights they 've seen from the window of a bus .",ARG-0: tourists | ARG-1: the sights they 've seen from the window of a bus SRL for [voided]: The patient [voided] his bowels .,ARG-0: The patient | ARG-1: his bowels "SRL for [compromise]: `` They said universally , without a single exception : Do n't even [compromise] .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-DIS: even "SRL for [marrying]: `` My husband was instantly impoverished by the very act of [marrying] me , '' she says .",ARG-1: My husband | ARG-2: me SRL for [unravel]: But the specter of Ford eventually launching a full - fledged bid could [unravel] the GM - Jaguar talks .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the specter of Ford eventually launching a full - fledged bid | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the GM - Jaguar talks SRL for [came]: The `` one - yen '' controversy first [came] to a head last week when the city of Hiroshima announced that Fujitsu won a contract to design a computer system to map its waterworks .,ARG-1: The `` one - yen '' controversy | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-2: to a head | ARG-M-TMP: last week | ARG-M-TMP: when the city of Hiroshima announced that Fujitsu won a contract to design a computer system to map its waterworks "SRL for [shoes]: He [shoes] racehorses , ponies , sport horses and even the odd donkey !","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: racehorses , ponies , sport horses and even the odd donkey" SRL for [faulted]: Found that the the circuit [faulted] several times on initial power up until the capacitor was charged .,ARG-1: the circuit | ARG-M-TMP: several times | ARG-M-TMP: on initial power up | ARG-M-TMP: until the capacitor was charged "SRL for [lisped]: He [lisped] at me in disgust , "" Check your facts , mister . ""","ARG-0: He | ARG-2: at me | ARG-M-MNR: in disgust | ARG-1: "" Check your facts , mister . """ "SRL for [remit]: The third question is , whether this is not a case in which we are entitled to make a [remit] without the consent of parties .",ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-MNR: without the consent of parties SRL for [shipped]: Their museum had purchased an Attic black - figured column krater and [shipped] it from London .,ARG-0: Their museum | ARG-1: it | ARG-3: from London SRL for [fluent]: I am [fluent] in three languages,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: in three languages "SRL for [licking]: But it is the Trinity Rep newcomer , Jonathan Fried ( Zamislov , the paralegal ) who is the actor to watch , whether he is hamming it up while conducting the chamber musicians or seducing his neighbor 's wife ( Becca Lish ) by [licking] her bosom .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: her bosom SRL for [sintering]: Effectient [sintering] of the material .,ARG-M-MNR: Effectient | ARG-2: of the material "SRL for [solidify]: Now , however , as the court 's new five - member conservative majority continues to [solidify] , victories for the liberals are rare .",ARG-1: the court 's new five - member conservative majority "SRL for [snare]: Also trying to [snare] a portion of the $ 2 billion - a - year industry is Agfa Corp. , a unit of Bayer AG .","ARG-0: Agfa Corp. , a unit of Bayer AG | ARG-1: a portion of the $ 2 billion - a - year industry" SRL for [popular]: Cloth diapers are n't [popular] with parents anymore .,ARG-1: Cloth diapers | ARG-2: with parents "SRL for [palpation]: Upon the doctor 's [palpation] of the patient 's liver , she discovered a large mass .",ARG-0: the doctor 's | ARG-1: of the patient 's liver "SRL for [wise]: Other developing nations would be [wise] to realise that western powers have a stake in preventing the development of nations they consider inferior particularly Asian , African and South American nations .","ARG-1: Other developing nations | ARG-M-MOD: would | C-ARG-1: to realise that western powers have a stake in preventing the development of nations they consider inferior particularly Asian , African and South American nations" "SRL for [jonesin]: Ok sounds good , I have n't had coffee yet , I 'm [jonesin]",ARG-0: I SRL for [drizzled]: I then [drizzled] the pancake with maple syrup .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the pancake | ARG-2: with maple syrup SRL for [yoked]: Phil [yoked] the oxen together .,ARG-0: Phil | ARG-1: the oxen | ARG-M-PRD: together "SRL for [surge]: Booming metals prices have fueled Trelleborg 's recent profit [surge] , raising mining 's share of pretax profit to 68 % this year from a big loss two years earlier .",ARG-1: Trelleborg 's | ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-5: profit "SRL for [tampering]: I know alliances would form anyway , but the solution to partisan [tampering] in the vote is not to exclude people from voting for their favorite guy just because at some time in history you identified as an R or D .",ARG-M-MNR: partisan | ARG-1: in the vote "SRL for [watering down]: If it promotes fashion too much , the shop risks alienating its old - line customers ; by emphasizing `` value , '' it risks [watering down] its high - minded mystique .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: its high - minded mystique "SRL for [severe]: In private letters , she was [severe] in her criticisms .",ARG-M-LOC: In private letters | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: in her criticisms "SRL for [hopped]: Ludie [hopped] rides on freight cars , and was chased by Mr. Yankton , the railroad guard .",ARG-0: Ludie | ARG-1: rides on freight cars SRL for [hold up]: wondering what 's the [hold up] ., SRL for [hammer out]: Investment bankers representing the buy - out group and UAL 's board spent a frantic weekend trying to [hammer out] new terms that would be more acceptable to the banks .,ARG-0: Investment bankers representing the buy - out group and UAL 's board | ARG-1: new terms that would be more acceptable to the banks SRL for [responsible]: She is [responsible] for sanitizing the data .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: for sanitizing the data "SRL for [ruin]: There are other arguments , which the most obtuse can not ignore , against a policy of spreading and encouraging further the economic [ruin] of great countries .",ARG-2: economic | ARG-1: of great countries SRL for [chemotherapy]: Currently undergoing [chemotherapy] with FOLFOX plus Avastin .,ARG-2: with FOLFOX plus Avastin SRL for [Billings]: [Billings] were n't disclosed ... ., SRL for [contradiction]: france is the western [contradiction] of the easts prejudiced views,ARG-0: western | ARG-1: of the easts prejudiced views SRL for [text messages]: Jon Heder who plays an adult paperboy who gets excited when his mom [text messages] him about having macaroni and cheese for dinner .,ARG-0: his mom | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: about having macaroni and cheese for dinner SRL for [pound]: `` I do n't think most of the people that have been around me would ever say they 've seen me [pound] the table or get angry . '',ARG-0: me | ARG-1: the table SRL for [blowing]: His [blowing] it with the Chauncey account got Leonard fired .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-GOL: with the Chauncey account "SRL for [asphalted]: Roads are normally [asphalted] with asphalt which has a high percentage of large aggregate , since such asphalt is more hard - wearing than asphalt which has a high percentage of fine materials .",ARG-M-ADV: normally | ARG-1: Roads | ARG-2: with asphalt which has a high percentage of large aggregate | ARG-M-CAU: since such asphalt is more hard - wearing than asphalt which has a high percentage of fine materials "SRL for [consume]: The Miami fast - food chain , owned by Grand Metropolitan of Britain , expects to [consume] roughly 34 million pounds of liquefied eggs annually .","ARG-0: The Miami fast - food chain , owned by Grand Metropolitan of Britain | ARG-1: roughly 34 million pounds of liquefied eggs | ARG-M-TMP: annually" SRL for [left]: She [left] her husband for another man .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her husband | ARG-2: for another man SRL for [collaborating]: My [collaborating] with Dr. James will advance his case and guide his plan .,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: with Dr. James SRL for [rush]: a flutter in my chest like a [rush] of adrenaline to the heart ...,ARG-1: of adrenaline | ARG-2: to the heart SRL for [self - effacing]: He was smooth and civil spoken but it seemed to me there was somethingtough under his [self - effacing] manner .,ARG-0: manner SRL for [prescribe]: Reports by the Office of Technology Assessment do n't [prescribe] any specific legislative action but suggest a range of options that Congress may pursue .,ARG-0: Reports by the Office of Technology Assessment | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: any specific legislative action "SRL for [glinting]: There were lights [glinting] in the city , too , even though it was now dark enough for a few stars to become visible .",ARG-0: lights | ARG-M-LOC: in the city | ARG-M-DIS: too | ARG-M-ADV: even though it was now dark enough for a few stars to become visible "SRL for [having]: It 's rather amusing to watch them shove Obama down people 's throats every night on the news , while completely *PRO* [having] their way with Hillary .",ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-1: their way | ARG-2: with Hillary "SRL for [visit]: Now he is mounting the steps of a stucco building in a nearby village , on a [visit] to the Communist administrator , the "" naczelnik ""","ARG-1: to the Communist administrator , the "" naczelnik """ "SRL for [unwind]: After a long day of work , John likes to [unwind] with a nap in his hammock .",ARG-1: John | ARG-2: with a nap in his hammock SRL for [absorption]: Patient X 's Vitamin D [absorption] has been diminished due to his Crohn 's Disease .,ARG-0: Patient X 's | ARG-1: Vitamin D "SRL for [jingling]: While people were [jingling] their change , the LDP politicians were caught in scandals .",ARG-0: people | ARG-1: their change SRL for [doffed]: Most of the delegates [doffed] their coats and ties for more casual clothing .,ARG-0: Most of the delegates | ARG-1: their coats and ties | ARG-3: for more casual clothing SRL for [shingled]: Then he [shingled] the roof with red cedar .,ARG-M-DIS: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the roof | ARG-2: with red cedar SRL for [upgrade]: Edward M. Esber attributed the decline to reduced domestic revenue because of $ 4.9 million spent to [upgrade] existing software inventories to the new database IV Version 1.1 .,ARG-0: $ 4.9 million spent | ARG-1: existing software inventories | ARG-2: to the new database IV Version 1.1 SRL for [confident]: She is [confident] of her ability .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: of her ability "SRL for [ragged]: The outer surface is brown - tan , [ragged] with adherent yellow , lobulated adipose tissue and the inner surface is pink - tan , smooth and focally granular .","ARG-1: The outer surface | ARG-M-ADV: with adherent yellow , lobulated adipose tissue" SRL for [destroy]: Do n't [destroy] anyone 's faith by eating something they think is wrong .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: anyone 's faith | ARG-2: by eating something they think is wrong "SRL for [kickoff]: The official time for the [kickoff] of Super Bowl 47 is 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday , Feb. 3 , 2013 , the NFL has announced .",ARG-1: of Super Bowl 47 SRL for [mistaken]: Mr. Arivala said he had [mistaken] a channel marker at the entrance to the harbor for a lighthouse .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a channel marker at the entrance to the harbor | ARG-2: for a lighthouse "SRL for [clamped]: `` He has [clamped] on their ankle like a pit bull , '' says Paul Leming , a vice president with Morgan Stanley & Co.",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: on their ankle | ARG-M-MNR: like a pit bull SRL for [logged]: This means Interior contacts can not be [logged] only on one day -- a Sunday that had already passed .,ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: Interior contacts | ARG-M-TMP: only on one day -- a Sunday that had already passed "SRL for [flush]: The magazine combines how - to pieces on topics like backyard composting , explanatory essays on such things as what happens after you [flush] your toilet , and hard - hitting pieces on alleged environmental offenders .",ARG-0: you | ARG-2: your toilet "SRL for [time]: Totally absorbed , the ringers stare straight ahead , using peripheral vision ( they call it `` rope - sight '' ) to watch the other ropes and thus [time] their pulls .",ARG-0: the ringers | ARG-1: their pulls SRL for [knelled]: It was more of a wake than a party since it [knelled] the end of the beaver trade .,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: the end of the beaver trade "SRL for [forbids]: If there is no moral prohibition that expressly [forbids] it , full speed ahead .",ARG-0: no moral prohibition | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-MNR: expressly | ARG-1: it "SRL for [chaffing]: When they stood about his tent , [chaffing] each other , exchanging their obscenities , cursing command or weather , he had studiedtheir faces .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: each other "SRL for [desperate]: Everyone knows that buying houses is difficult . Yet , they are still [desperate] in buying them . They borrow money and be enslaved by houses all their lives .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: in buying them "SRL for [consoles]: Yet Jack 's the one who can remember every dive they ever played , and when , and he dutifully shows up for work night after night ( he [consoles] himself with booze and by showing up at the last minute ) .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: with booze "SRL for [endorsement]: formal [endorsement] to Russia 's white , red , and blue flag","ARG-M-MNR: formal | ARG-1: to Russia 's white , red , and blue flag" "SRL for [westernization]: Maybe they 'll choose a decent team for their "" [westernization] "" of Megaman , like gearbox .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Megaman "SRL for [transformation]: The Levi - Larson brand of irreverence does n't always enthrall me , but their [transformation] of Dickens ' tale into a night in a phantasmagorical Hard Rock Cafe is irresistible .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of Dickens ' tale | ARG-2: into a night in a phantasmagorical Hard Rock Cafe "SRL for [Deafening]: [Deafening] chants of `` ANC '' and `` Umkhonto we Sizwe '' shook the church as the seven aging men vowed that the ANC would continue its fight against the government and the policies of racial segregation on all fronts , including the armed struggle .",ARG-0: chants "SRL for [transformation]: Two weeks in hospital and Ali is recovering fast , happily watching Tom and Jerry on his mini television , his [transformation] from the pain - wracked boy who left Baghdad .",ARG-1: his | ARG-3: from the pain - wracked boy who left Baghdad SRL for [dissolution]: [dissolution] of Hungary 's Communist Party this month,ARG-1: of Hungary 's Communist Party | ARG-M-TMP: this month SRL for [close]: You might find it is n't even [close] to what you desperately want to think it is .,ARG-1: it | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-2: to what you desperately want to think it is SRL for [waived]: But although the golden share has been [waived] ...,ARG-1: the golden share "SRL for [play]: He 's still refusing to concede defeat in last week 's election , so tens of thousands of striking workers are trying to drive him from power [play] .",ARG-M-PRP: power "SRL for [mystify]: He might then make a few meaningless marks on the ground , to further [mystify] the audience .",ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: further | ARG-1: the audience "SRL for [tempted]: Sterling 's firm tone , combined with a steady opening on Wall Street , also [tempted] some investors to come back to the market , dealers said .","ARG-0: Sterling 's firm tone , combined with a steady opening on Wall Street | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: some investors | ARG-3: to come back to the market" "SRL for [trotted]: Everybody [trotted] outside their houses to Samanoud city , fearing another disaster .",ARG-0: Everybody | ARG-1: outside their houses | ARG-M-GOL: to Samanoud city | ARG-M-ADV: fearing another disaster "SRL for [unclamped]: After an exchange of greetings , he handed me the cylinder and [unclamped] it from his rope .",ARG-M-TMP: After an exchange of greetings | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from his rope "SRL for [demethylated]: To test our second hypothesis , we [demethylated] melanoma cells lines with 5 - aza-2 � -deoxycytidine and measured the miRNA-137 expression by qRT - PCR .",ARG-M-PRP: To test our second hypothesis | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: melanoma cells lines | ARG-2: with 5 - aza-2 � -deoxycytidine SRL for [clubbing]: The bookie 's [clubbing] of his client 's legs earned him five years in prison .,ARG-0: The bookie 's | ARG-1: of his client 's legs SRL for [hearing]: This musicological study describes how many of Delius ' traits were influenced by his [hearing] the music of the people of Florida and Danville .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the music of the people of Florida and Danville SRL for [charges]: They submitted their [charges] to customers at the end of each month .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: to customers "SRL for [burst]: That 's changed in the last twenty years , as increasing social mobility and a [burst] in foreign demand has finally made China a genuine , rather than theoretical , contender .",ARG-1: in foreign demand "SRL for [sanctioned]: The draft clearly pointed out that these people ought to be [sanctioned] , including placing a ban on their international travels and participation in international business activities .",ARG-1: these people | ARG-2: including placing a ban on their international travels and participation in international business activities "SRL for [inform]: During his tenure , Mr. Corr attempted through a series of meetings to [inform] managers of some of the company 's future plans , traveled widely to talk to employees and backed training sessions designed to improve the carrier 's image .",ARG-0: Mr. Corr | ARG-1: managers | ARG-2: of some of the company 's future plans "SRL for [veto]: Article I , Section 7 , Clause 3 says that whether it 's called an `` order , resolution or vote '' or anything else , Presidents must have the chance to [veto] .",ARG-0: Presidents "SRL for [unnerved]: Meanwhile , Wall Street 's volatility [unnerved] investors in other markets .",ARG-M-DIS: Meanwhile | ARG-0: Wall Street 's volatility | ARG-1: investors in other markets SRL for [preselected]: THE battle for Greenway will be a repeat showdown of the 2010 federal election after Jayme Diaz was [preselected] as the Liberal Party 's candidate for the vital western Sydney seat on Saturday .,ARG-1: Jayme Diaz | ARG-3: as the Liberal Party 's candidate for the vital western Sydney seat on Saturday SRL for [supposed]: Market makers are [supposed] to keep supplies of stocks on hand to maintain orderly trading when imbalances occur .,ARG-1: Market makers | ARG-2: to keep supplies of stocks on hand to maintain orderly trading when imbalances occur SRL for [profound]: That statement was [profound] in its implications .,ARG-1: That statement | ARG-2: in its implications SRL for [clearing up]: But it is puzzling to some Hollywood executives that Sony rushed to hire them without [clearing up] the Warner situation first .,ARG-0: Sony | ARG-1: the Warner situation | ARG-M-TMP: first "SRL for [catnapped]: Unable to sleep normally , she [catnapped] in the afternoons .",ARG-M-PRD: Unable to sleep normally | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-TMP: in the afternoons SRL for [turned]: The reforms [turned] the economy around .,ARG-0: The reforms | ARG-1: the economy | ARG-M-DIR: around "SRL for [make up]: Some Democrats , led by Rep. Jack Brooks ( D. , Texas ) , unsuccessfully opposed the measure because they fear that the fees may not fully [make up] for the budget cuts .",ARG-2: the fees | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: fully | ARG-1: for the budget cuts SRL for [complaint]: The Israeli Manufacturers ' Association filed a police [complaint] against an Arab pasta maker for using the four colors of the outlawed Palestinian flag on spaghetti packages .,ARG-2: police | ARG-M-GOL: against an Arab pasta maker | ARG-1: for using the four colors of the outlawed Palestinian flag on spaghetti packages "SRL for [show]: Experimental classes giving pupils the chance for self - motivated study are now being offered in some schools in Taiwan , and the results [show] that these children are happier and more positive .",ARG-0: the results | ARG-1: that these children are happier and more positive SRL for [religious]: I was [religious] about my little boys daytime naps .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: about my little boys daytime naps "SRL for [rarefied]: The hot wire [rarefied] the air in contact with it , but it did not equally lighten the floating matter .",ARG-0: The hot wire | ARG-1: the air in contact with it "SRL for [hazarded]: As it was , however , she only [hazarded] a hint .",ARG-M-ADV: As it was | ARG-M-DIS: however | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-EXT: only | ARG-1: a hint "SRL for [chill]: Yes , 7 pm is [chill] for homework .",ARG-M-DIS: Yes | ARG-1: 7 pm | C-ARG-1: for homework SRL for [infraction]: But his [infraction] against God 's order shows that Saul had a twisted understanding of what a sacrifice was really about .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against God 's order SRL for [defuzz]: Can I borrow you travel shaver * to [defuzz] my sweater ?,ARG-1: my sweater SRL for [bargaining]: Soong 's camp lacks any experience in inter - group political [bargaining],ARG-0: inter - group | ARG-1: political "SRL for [leased]: The Dongguan city government has [leased] an 86,000 - square - meter site to the association at an extremely low price , and the school 's cornerstone was laid last year in a ceremony held on 3 November .","ARG-0: The Dongguan city government | ARG-1: an 86,000 - square - meter site | ARG-2: to the association | ARG-3: at an extremely low price" SRL for [taking off]: This video is of their [taking off] from Grimes Field starting at 7:00 am with one plane taking off every 90 seconds .,ARG-1: their | ARG-2: from Grimes Field | ARG-M-TMP: starting at 7:00 am | ARG-M-ADJ: with one plane taking off every 90 seconds "SRL for [walked]: He gave up seven hits , [walked] five and did n't get a decision .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: five "SRL for [upbringing]: Now , in some cases , Mosuo men DO want to be involved in their own childrens ' [upbringing] .",ARG-1: their own childrens "SRL for [lift]: Seeing new office buildings sprout up and its sales soar , Daikin is building another plant , which will [lift] its production capacity 50 % .",ARG-0: another plant | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: its production capacity | ARG-2: 50 % SRL for [acidified]: Four - fifths of Poland 's soils have become highly [acidified] ; 70 % of its southern forests are projected to die by century 's end .,ARG-M-EXT: highly | ARG-1: Four - fifths of Poland 's soils SRL for [palliation]: Colostomy had a lasting beneficial effect upon the stricture in addition to its [palliation] of the symptoms of obstruction .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of the symptoms of obstruction SRL for [choking]: His [choking] on a chicken bone necessitated someone perform the Heimlich maneuver on Heinrich .,ARG-1: His | ARG-2: on a chicken bone "SRL for [overpay]: To the extent we lack manpower to staff menial jobs in hospitals , for example , we should raise pay , pursue labor - saving technology , or allow more legal immigration , rather than [overpay] high school graduates as short - term workers and cause resentment among permanent workers paid lesser amounts to do the same jobs .",ARG-0: we | ARG-2: high school graduates | ARG-M-PRD: as short - term workers SRL for [acceptable]: How much noise is [acceptable] from an upstairs neighbor ?,ARG-1: How much noise | ARG-2: from an upstairs neighbor SRL for [fiddling]: Hsia was [fiddling] with an aluminum ring from a broken hair - dryer ...,ARG-0: Hsia | ARG-1: with an aluminum ring from a broken hair - dryer SRL for [extraction]: Defendant oral surgeon was negligent in his [extraction] of plaintiff 's wisdom teeth .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of plaintiff 's wisdom teeth "SRL for [unsafe]: Tourists are n't going to want to go to a city that 's [unsafe] where the police can allow mob rule in the streets for three consecutive nights , and understandably so .",ARG-0: that SRL for [imbibed]: I have [imbibed] the fun elements of making a film from Ken .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the fun elements of making a film | ARG-2: from Ken "SRL for [see]: "" The key factor allowing men to have the courage to display their own bodies is that they [see] their bodies as their own .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their bodies | ARG-2: as their own "SRL for [move]: Cotto himself swore that he would never let Margarito earn another penny from his name , but another recent stoppage defeat to Manny Pacquiao and a [move] up in weight has left the Caguas resident with little routes left to big money purse fights .",ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-3: in weight SRL for [turn]: It was all in his [turn] of the wrist .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the wrist "SRL for [misperceptions]: One of the most common [misperceptions] is that the Mosuo are very promiscuous , changing partners all the time .",ARG-M-ADJ: most common SRL for [keep]: Ringers [keep] the bells sounding in the many belfries of East Anglia .,ARG-0: Ringers | ARG-1: the bells | ARG-2: sounding in the many belfries of East Anglia SRL for [clanking]: Marshall came [clanking] in like Marley 's ghost dragging those chains of brigades and air wings and links with Arab despots .,ARG-0: Marshall | ARG-1: in | ARG-M-MNR: like Marley 's ghost dragging those chains of brigades and air wings and links with Arab despots SRL for [flurries]: snow [flurries],ARG-1: snow "SRL for [stepped]: 2 . Iraqis do n't have garages at their houses . Thus , I would conclude that this guy has never [stepped] foot in Iraq",ARG-0: this guy | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: foot | ARG-2: in Iraq SRL for [internal]: Patient reports that the pain is [internal] and not related to the surgical wound .,ARG-1: the pain SRL for [deep]: extended to the [deep] biopsy margin,ARG-1: biopsy margin SRL for [deleting]: The [deleting] of messages to make room for new ones takes it even further - I hope criminal prosecutions follow because this has gone way too far .,ARG-1: of messages | ARG-2: to make room for new ones SRL for [imperative]: It is [imperative] that we stagger any medications that might interfere with levothyroxine absorption .,ARG-1: that we stagger any medications that might interfere with levothyroxine absorption SRL for [explosions]: a series of [explosions] at a major Phillips Petroleum Co. chemical facility on the Houston Ship Channel,ARG-M-LOC: at a major Phillips Petroleum Co. chemical facility on the Houston Ship Channel SRL for [dominated]: Many of these fields are clearly still male [dominated] in the management areas .,ARG-1: Many of these fields | ARG-M-ADV: clearly | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-0: male | ARG-M-LOC: in the management areas "SRL for [decide]: However , the Western educational model , in which children are shown respect and allowed to [decide] and choose for themselves , is not without drawbacks .",ARG-0: children | ARG-2: for themselves SRL for [dislocated]: I [dislocated] my shoulder lifting some cider blocks that were too heavy .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my shoulder | ARG-M-MNR: lifting some cider blocks that were too heavy SRL for [lanced]: I [lanced] the abscess .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the abscess SRL for [resurfaced]: Differences between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve on the usefulness of intervention to help restrain the dollar [resurfaced] at the hearing .,ARG-1: Differences between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve on the usefulness of intervention to help restrain the dollar | ARG-M-LOC: at the hearing SRL for [coverage]: complete [coverage] of the facility for offline measurement .,ARG-M-EXT: complete | ARG-1: of the facility | ARG-M-PRP: for offline measurement "SRL for [craning]: Mainstream economists and commentators , [craning] their necks up at the great pyramids of junk financing , swiveling their heads to watch the avalanche of leveraged buy - outs , claimed the end result would be a leaner , meaner corporate America , with soaring productivity and profits and the weaker gone to the wall .",ARG-0: Mainstream economists and commentators | ARG-1: their necks | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-M-DIR: at the great pyramids of junk financing "SRL for [reopen]: The new institution is also called Century Bank , and the failed bank 's five offices will [reopen] today .",ARG-1: the failed bank 's five offices | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: today SRL for [batting]: Glad to hear you did n't completely fall for his [batting] his eyelashes at you .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: his eyelashes | ARG-M-GOL: at you "SRL for [contracted]: John 's pet sea anemone [contracted] dramatically , from the size of a dinner plate to the size of a fist .",ARG-1: John 's pet sea anemone | ARG-2: dramatically | ARG-3: from the size of a dinner plate | ARG-4: to the size of a fist SRL for [bid]: The children ignored my [bid] to sit down and be quiet .,ARG-0: my | ARG-1: to sit down and be quiet "SRL for [affordable]: = By that time , homes of 100 thousand yuan per square meters will be ubiquitous and will not be [affordable] for most . Yet affluent people in society can afford it , while others will have no choice but to rent .",ARG-M-TMP: By that time | ARG-1: homes of 100 thousand yuan per square meters | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: for most "SRL for [loaded]: If you wish to be able to repeat the trick right away , you need to have [loaded] the deck with 10 pre - arranged cards on top at the outset .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the deck | ARG-2: with 10 pre - arranged cards on top | ARG-M-TMP: at the outset SRL for [accordance]: No nation disputed the [accordance] to Canada of rights of access .,ARG-2: to Canada | ARG-1: of rights of access SRL for [forfeited]: John [forfeited] his prize collection of bottle caps to Mary .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his prize collection of bottle caps | ARG-2: to Mary SRL for [slopped]: Rourke hastily [slopped] whiskey into his glass on top of half - melted ice - cubes .,ARG-0: Rourke | ARG-M-MNR: hastily | ARG-1: whiskey | ARG-3: into his glass | ARG-M-LOC: on top of half - melted ice - cubes SRL for [sure]: be [sure] to lock the doors,ARG-1: to lock the doors SRL for [circulation]: The [circulation] of water was impeded by a pipe blockage .,ARG-1: of water "SRL for [through]: The fact that these words are spoken by compatriots who have been [through] the disaster has given us , who could n't help our tears at the sight of their mishaps , so much comfort and encouragement .",ARG-1: who | ARG-2: the disaster "SRL for [acceptable]: An out of state license is [acceptable] as a second form of ID , but not as proof of your legal name and date of birth .",ARG-1: An out of state license | ARG-3: as a second form of ID "SRL for [dream]: It 's one more , too , for the fans who [dream] of a season that never ends .",ARG-0: the fans | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: a season that never ends "SRL for [rethinking]: The United Nations , which is distributing farm tools to returning refugees in Namibia , is [rethinking] a plan to hand out machetes because of the tense political climate during preparations for independence from South Africa .","ARG-0: The United Nations , which is distributing farm tools to returning refugees in Namibia | ARG-1: a plan to hand out machetes | ARG-M-PNC: because of the tense political climate during preparations for independence from South Africa" SRL for [alleviate]: Barge rates on the Mississippi River sank yesterday on speculation that widespread rain this week in the Midwest might temporarily [alleviate] the situation .,ARG-0: widespread rain | ARG-M-TMP: this week | ARG-M-LOC: in the Midwest | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-TMP: temporarily | ARG-1: the situation "SRL for [teamed]: What would Jazz look like if Gordon Hayward stayed , and [teamed] with Donovan Mitchell ?",ARG-0: Gordon Hayward | ARG-1: with Donovan Mitchell SRL for [reinsurance]: This can push insurance companies away from purchasing [reinsurance] against large catastrophe events and toward purchasing reinsurance for smaller events .,ARG-5: against large catastrophe events "SRL for [cure]: Then , just as the Tramp is given a blind girl to [cure] in `` City Lights , '' the Artist is put in charge of returning a two - year - old waif ( Nicole Alysia ) , whose father has been murdered by thugs , to her mother .",ARG-0: the Tramp | ARG-1: a blind girl "SRL for [legal]: Theoretically speaking , suspected thieves are only suspects , so it is not [legal] to expose their photos .",ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: to expose their photos "SRL for [downsizing]: With regard to enterprise reform , the strategic reorganization of enterprises should be actively promoted [*-2] , worker lay - offs and personnel repositioning , [downsizing] for efficiency , and re - employment projects should be implemented [*-3] , an assets and operations responsibility system should be promoted [*-4] overall , the force of [*] reversing losses and increasing profits should be further enhanced [*-5] .",ARG-M-PNC: for efficiency SRL for [jogging]: Jenny 's [jogging] 5 miles each day has kept her in great physical condition .,ARG-0: Jenny 's | ARG-1: 5 miles each day "SRL for [studies]: [studies] on health commissioned by the New York Business Group , anon - profit organization with about 300 members",ARG-1: on health SRL for [vomits]: What they did is like these true sayings : `` A dog [vomits] and goes back to what it threw up . '',ARG-0: A dog "SRL for [compacted]: Mr. Johnson , of the Berkeley seismographic station , said : `` Landfill can be done if it 's properly [compacted] .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: properly "SRL for [herald]: Nevertheless , the New Democracy and Communist parties [herald] his assertions as proof of PASOK complicity .",ARG-M-DIS: Nevertheless | ARG-0: the New Democracy and Communist parties | ARG-1: his assertions | ARG-2: as proof of PASOK complicity "SRL for [indexed]: Based on historical rates of return , Mr. Anderson reckons a 100 % stock portfolio , [indexed] to the market , would have kept up with tuition and taxes in the 20th century .",ARG-1: a 100 % stock portfolio | ARG-2: to the market SRL for [reinduction]: status- post [reinduction] with caropiatin and topotecan,ARG-2: with caropiatin and topotecan SRL for [overcooked]: The pasta was [overcooked] .,ARG-1: The pasta SRL for [unindicted]: He was [unindicted] by the judge due to lack of evidence,ARG-0: by the judge "SRL for [mouthed]: I felt the temblor begin and glanced at the table next to mine , smiled that guilty smile and we both [mouthed] the words , `` Earth - quake ! '' together .","ARG-0: we both | ARG-1: the words , `` Earth - quake ! '' | ARG-M-MNR: together" "SRL for [supplement]: And did you % um Absolutely . Every now did you [supplement] nursing with bottles at all or did n't , did n't you ?",ARG-M-DIS: % um | ARG-M-TMP: Every now | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: nursing | ARG-2: with bottles | ARG-M-EXT: at all "SRL for [hopeful]: And PLEASE sign this petition to raise awareness , and hopefully -LRB- yes , being very [hopeful] here -RRB- it will one day be debated in the House of Commons .",ARG-M-DIS: yes | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-M-ADV: here SRL for [depressed]: London shares were [depressed] initially by overnight losses in New York .,ARG-1: London shares | ARG-M-TMP: initially | ARG-0: by overnight losses in New York SRL for [deficit]: Adequate calcium is so critical that your body has evolved mechanisms to saturate your blood with calcium if there is even a perception of calcium [deficit] .,ARG-M-PRD: perception | ARG-1: calcium SRL for [worth]: I find the old Star Trek movies to be boring but this one is [worth] seeing .,ARG-1: this one | ARG-2: seeing "SRL for [disturbing]: As a horticulturalist myself , i find the Australian authorities proposals to be highly [disturbing] .",ARG-0: the Australian authorities proposals | ARG-M-EXT: highly "SRL for [marched]: About 200,000 East Germans [marched] in Leipzig and thousands more staged protests in three other cities in a fresh challenge to the Communist leadership to introduce democratic freedoms .","ARG-0: About 200,000 East Germans | ARG-M-LOC: in Leipzig" SRL for [harassment]: 7 Increased [harassment] of Mexican Americans : Show me your papers,ARG-M-PRD: Increased | ARG-1: of Mexican Americans "SRL for [struggling]: Sears , Roebuck & Co. is [struggling] as it enters the critical Christmas season .","ARG-0: Sears , Roebuck & Co. | ARG-M-TMP: as it enters the critical Christmas season" SRL for [excuse]: I also have to wonder about the [excuse] made for the Dems voting for this that they had to do it to look strong on security .,ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: for the Dems voting for this | ARG-2: that they had to do it to look strong on security "SRL for [relegating]: It is well - known that the law drafting peddled by the international "" houses of expertise "" and organizations such as the World Bank market are usually loosely worded and weak , [relegating] details of the relationship to the sphere of drawing up contracts between foreign companies on one hand and the government on the other as equal sides .","ARG-0: the law drafting peddled by the international "" houses of expertise "" and organizations such as the World Bank market | ARG-1: details of the relationship | ARG-2: to the sphere of drawing up contracts between foreign companies on one hand and the government on the other as equal sides" SRL for [were lysed]: Red blood cells [were lysed] from the peripheral blood samples using Immu as previously described .,ARG-3: Red blood cells | ARG-1: from the peripheral blood samples | ARG-2: using Immu SRL for [lying]: He is also accused of [lying] under oath and of leaking information obtained from a wiretap he supervised .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LOC: under oath "SRL for [swiping]: He did n't want to encourage anything here ; ; but on the other hand , he did n't want her [swiping] his salami .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: his salami "SRL for [envisage]: "" What we [envisage] as a reasonable target is for the children to learn to hear and understand - and be able to say - 200 words after two years . """,ARG-1: What | ARG-0: we | ARG-2: as a reasonable target "SRL for [relieved]: Around Wall Street , trading desks were [relieved] that they could at least play the market yesterday , in contrast to Friday 's gridlock .","ARG-M-LOC: Around Wall Street | ARG-1: trading desks | ARG-0: that they could at least play the market yesterday , in contrast to Friday 's gridlock" SRL for [shelled]: An enemy in a Shiite neighborhood on the east side of the TigrisRiver [shelled] them with mortars,ARG-0: An enemy in a Shiite neighborhood on the east side of the TigrisRiver | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with mortars SRL for [invasion]: The Nazi [invasion] of Poland was unprovoked .,ARG-0: Nazi | ARG-1: of Poland "SRL for [made]: For Zel Herring , owner and a cook at the Sandhills Luncheon Cafe , a tin building in midtown , all this has [made] for a very good year .","ARG-M-ADV: For Zel Herring , owner and a cook at the Sandhills Luncheon Cafe , a tin building in midtown | ARG-0: all this | ARG-1: for a very good year" SRL for [coagulated]: Note that tofu [coagulated] with calcium sulfate contains more than 3.8 times as much calcium as that coagulated with magnesium chloride ( refined nigari ) .,ARG-1: tofu | ARG-2: with calcium sulfate "SRL for [diagnostic]: However , the cytology of the cells in the epidermis is nonetheless [diagnostic] .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-0: the cytology of the cells in the epidermis | ARG-M-ADV: nonetheless SRL for [stashed]: A food caterer [stashed] stones in the false bottom of a milk pail .,ARG-0: A food caterer | ARG-1: stones | ARG-2: in the false bottom of a milk pail "SRL for [advanced]: After some examination the elevator company [advanced] him $ 100 on the transaction , only to find that he did not live in Scott township and that he had no corn to sell .",ARG-M-TMP: After some examination | ARG-0: the elevator company | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: $ 100 | ARG-4: on the transaction | ARG-M-ADV: only to find that he did not live in Scott township and that he had no corn to sell "SRL for [ranked]: Based on 1988 sales , Georgia - Pacific [ranked] third at $ 9.51 billion , behind Weyerhaeuser Co. at $ 10 billion and International Paper Co. at $ 9.53 billion .",ARG-1: Georgia - Pacific | ARG-2: third | ARG-4: at $ 9.51 billion | ARG-3: behind Weyerhaeuser Co. at $ 10 billion and International Paper Co. at $ 9.53 billion SRL for [returns]: whose [returns] after tax have trailed tuition increases,ARG-2: whose | ARG-M-TMP: after tax "SRL for [march]: Colleagues today recall with some humor how meetings would crawl into the early morning hours as Mr. Dinkins would [march] his staff out of board meetings and into his private office to discuss , en masse , certain controversial proposals .","ARG-M-CAU: Mr. Dinkins | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-0: his staff | ARG-M-DIR: out of board meetings and into his private office | ARG-M-PNC: to discuss , en masse , certain controversial proposals" "SRL for [ferreting out]: Back then , scientists had no way of [ferreting out] specific genes , but under a microscope they could see the 23 pairs of chromosomes in the cells that contain the genes .",ARG-0: scientists | ARG-1: specific genes SRL for [correspond]: To [correspond] with me,ARG-1: with me SRL for [attenuation]: AV411 has been shown to be a toll - like receptor 4 functional antagonist that may contribute to its [attenuation] of neuroinfloammation .,ARG-0: its | ARG-1: of neuroinfloammation SRL for [cut and run]: Does America want us to lose this war and [cut and run] as Reid and Pelosi have impose upon our president ?,ARG-0: us | ARG-M-ADV: as Reid and Pelosi have impose upon our president ? SRL for [pull up]: My friend Larry and I discovered that the brick wall encircling Shea could be breached if one got a boost and did a [pull up] to the top .,ARG-0: one | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: to the top SRL for [nondisplaced]: Those workers saw their earnings drop 30 percent on average compared to similar [nondisplaced] workers .,ARG-M-ADJ: similar | ARG-1: workers SRL for [disgraceful]: It was [disgraceful] and totally unacceptable .,ARG-0: It SRL for [dumb]: Man admits he was ' [dumb] ' to point laser at airplane .,ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to point laser at airplane SRL for [contribution]: his [contribution] of The Apprentice to television,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of The Apprentice | ARG-2: to television SRL for [smart]: he was [smart] to draft a wide receiver to complement Andre Johnson .,ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to draft a wide receiver to complement Andre Johnson SRL for [serving]: Her [serving] popcorn all day caused her to go home smelling like butter substitute .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: popcorn | ARG-M-TMP: all day "SRL for [blunt]: This was a falciform blade whose end was [blunt] , but the handle end was prolonged into a slender , rounded sound - like portion with a sharp point",ARG-1: whose end SRL for [references]: I also think his own understanding of the artistic works he [references] is also supremely naive .,ARG-1: artistic works | ARG-0: he "SRL for [daring]: I tell ya , what I 'd really like to do is push the wall out a couple feet and put in a bath / shower , but I 'm not that handy or [daring] .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: that SRL for [booked]: The one time I actually [booked] through a travel agent,ARG-M-TMP: The one time | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-4: through a travel agent SRL for [blast]: his [blast] of the enemy bomb,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the enemy bomb "SRL for [giving up]: Insurers buy this insurance protection for themselves by [giving up] a portion of the premiums they collect on a policy to another firm -- a reinsurance company , which , in turn , accepts a portion of any losses resulting from this policy .","ARG-0: Insurers | ARG-1: a portion of the premiums they collect on a policy | ARG-2: to another firm -- a reinsurance company , which , in turn , accepts a portion of any losses resulting from this policy" "SRL for [Maimed]: Zhang Beiqi Was [Maimed] from Being Tortured on the "" Stretching Bed "" in Jilin Prison .","ARG-1: Zhang Beiqi | ARG-0: from Being Tortured on the "" Stretching Bed "" | ARG-M-LOC: in Jilin Prison" SRL for [restricts]: The golden share [restricts] any individual holding to 15 % and expires at the end of 1990 .,ARG-0: The golden share | ARG-1: any individual holding | ARG-2: to 15 % "SRL for [shopped]: Some think Columbia 's thrift , which now is seeking a new chief operating officer , might be capitalized at , say $ 300 million , and [shopped] to a commercial bank that wants a California presence .","ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: Columbia 's thrift , which now is seeking a new chief operating officer | ARG-2: to a commercial bank that wants a California presence" "SRL for [stick]: The big questions are whether the increase , effective Jan. 1 , 1990 , will [stick] , and whether other major steelmakers will follow suit .","ARG-1: the increase , effective Jan. 1 , 1990 | ARG-M-MOD: will" "SRL for [shell out]: And he is n't the only big spender : NBC will pay a record $ 401 million for the 1992 Summer Games , and ESPN , 80%-owned by Capital Cities / ABC , will [shell out] $ 400 million for four years of baseball , airing 175 regular - season games a year .","ARG-0: ESPN , 80%-owned by Capital Cities / ABC | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: $ 400 million | ARG-3: for four years of baseball | ARG-M-ADV: airing 175 regular - season games a year" SRL for [love]: a tremendous [love],ARG-M-EXT: tremendous SRL for [monitoring]: `` I 'm now [monitoring] every major account . '',ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: every major account "SRL for [Cementing]: [Cementing] such relationships with major clients -- car and appliance makers -- is a means of survival , especially when those key clients are relying on a smaller pool of producers and flirting with plastic and aluminum makers .",ARG-1: such relationships with major clients -- car and appliance makers -- "SRL for [give]: Plus , you have to find 250 students who even pay attention to the student council , and [give] enough of a poo poo to do something about it .",ARG-0: 250 students | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-ADV: even | ARG-1: enough of a poo poo to do something about it SRL for [absurd]: The mere thought of that hey - go - mad child trying to run his home with any degree of comfort or order was absurd and he was [absurd] to experience a tinge of regret,ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to experience a tinge of regret SRL for [trial]: a [trial] of its computers to consumers who qualify for its credit cards or leases .,ARG-2: of its computers | ARG-1: to consumers who qualify for its credit cards or leases SRL for [spinning]: His [spinning] the truth of his crimes into a tale of a well - meaning Robin Hood - like character did not fly with the jury .,ARG-0: His | ARG-2: the truth of his crimes | ARG-1: into a tale of a well - meaning Robin Hood - like character SRL for [trolled]: I keep hearing people say that they [trolled] the river using rattletraps and things like that .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the river | ARG-M-MNR: using rattletraps and things like that SRL for [reacting]: Not everyone is [reacting] so calmly .,ARG-0: Not everyone | ARG-M-MNR: so calmly SRL for [trollied]: The railway gang [trollied] him to Chinchilla .,ARG-0: The railway gang | ARG-1: him | ARG-3: to Chinchilla SRL for [put]: Japanese companies often [put] their money behind odd projects .,ARG-0: Japanese companies | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: their money | ARG-2: behind odd projects SRL for [remain]: Exports will [remain] under a government target .,ARG-1: Exports | ARG-3: under a government target SRL for [doped]: Then he [doped] the metal skirt at the base of the fitting with Krazy Glue .,ARG-M-TMP: Then | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the metal skirt at the base of the fitting | ARG-2: with Krazy Glue SRL for [UPSed]: John [UPSed] his package to his mom .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his package | ARG-2: his mom SRL for [stopped over]: My wife and I [stopped over] in Bangkok for three nights on our way to a seven week holiday in Australia and New Zealand .,ARG-1: My wife and I | ARG-M-LOC: in Bangkok | ARG-M-TMP: for three nights | ARG-M-DIR: on our way to a seven week holiday in Australia and New Zealand SRL for [shrugged]: Laziness was creeping into every inch of her body and she [shrugged] at the thought of being able to just sit in front of the computer all day,ARG-0: she | ARG-2: at the thought of being able to just sit in front of the computer all day SRL for [steamrollered]: Ah-sheng is ultimately [steamrollered] by the massive momentum of the new ...,ARG-1: Ah-sheng | ARG-0: by the massive momentum of the new "SRL for [patch]: Although the union - bidder expects to [patch] together a substitute offer , consisting of less cash , the failure to get cash from Japanese and American banks confirmed a growing fear among arbitragers that the pageant of high - leverage takeover deals is ending .","ARG-0: the union - bidder | ARG-M-MNR: together | ARG-1: a substitute offer , consisting of less cash" SRL for [clotting]: Certain factors or conditions hasten the [clotting] of blood .,ARG-1: of blood "SRL for [defogs]: When they fog up , I slosh this around and it [defogs] the goggle .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the goggle SRL for [referral]: There is a [referral] to the hematologist for further testing .,ARG-2: the hematologist | ARG-1: for further testing "SRL for [chatted]: One of his coworkers was a Chinese of the older generation , who often [chatted] with him about Tang - dynasty poetry , and Chinese proverbs and myths .","ARG-0: a Chinese of the older generation | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-2: with him | ARG-1: about Tang - dynasty poetry , and Chinese proverbs and myths | R-ARG-0: who" SRL for [posing]: But Japan 's power in the region also is sparking fears of domination and [posing] fresh policy questions .,ARG-0: Japan 's power in the region | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: fresh policy questions "SRL for [appreciated]: The brokerage firm tracks technology stocks with its Technology Index , which [appreciated] only 10.59 % in the first nine months of this year .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-1: its Technology Index | ARG-2: only 10.59 % | ARG-M-TMP: in the first nine months of this year "SRL for [firm]: The penis is tender when touched , though it is less [firm] and swollen .",ARG-1: it | ARG-M-EXT: less SRL for [innocent]: He is [innocent] of any crimes .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: of any crimes "SRL for [crenation]: When blood is stored , the [crenation] of the red cells is associated with de- pletion of ATP .",ARG-M-TMP: When blood is stored | ARG-1: of the red cells SRL for [ordinance]: Local city governments are urged to update their [ordinance] to allow residential chickens as domestic pets .,ARG-0: their SRL for [creamed]: He adds : `` The junk market has witnessed some trouble and now some people think that if the equity market gets [creamed] that means the economy will be terrible and that 's bad for junk .,ARG-1: the equity market "SRL for [booed]: Partisans of the two combatants sat side by side in the 49,000 - plus seats of Oakland Coliseum , and while they cheered their favorites and [booed] the opposition , hostilities advanced no further , at least as far as I could see .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: the opposition SRL for [cabbed]: Sue [cabbed] her inebriated brother home .,ARG-0: Sue | ARG-1: her inebriated brother | ARG-3: home "SRL for [Grumbles]: [Grumbles] one businessman , "" My kids have come home singing the national anthem of the PRC , and calling Chiang Kai - shek a thug and Lee Teng - hui a public enemy .","ARG-1: My kids have come home singing the national anthem of the PRC , and calling Chiang Kai - shek a thug and Lee Teng - hui a public enemy | ARG-0: one businessman" SRL for [sexting]: I 'm dirty [sexting] to Mozart,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MNR: dirty | ARG-M-MNR: to Mozart SRL for [rich]: The sound was very [rich] in texture .,ARG-1: The sound | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-2: in texture SRL for [whanged]: I remember the way the wind [whanged] it around .,ARG-0: the wind | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-DIR: around SRL for [had to do]: [Mary 's supercritical attitude toward Byron]-2 [had to do] [*T*-1] with his moral disrepute .,ARG-1: with his moral disrepute "SRL for [mucking]: I 've been [mucking] in a mine in the San Juan , but I used to work on a ranch .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LOC: in the San Juan SRL for [waxing]: Her [waxing] the floor made it slippery enough for Tina to later fall and break her ankle on it .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: the floor SRL for [zipped]: She had shut her mouth tight and [zipped] it .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: it "SRL for [etiolated]: In one of his experiments , he [etiolated] a vine shoot .",ARG-M-ADV: In one of his experiments | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a vine shoot SRL for [line - draw]: But I think I 've got to [line - draw] here someplace .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: here someplace SRL for [eat away]: Personal - computer makers will continue to [eat away] at the business of more traditional computer firms .,ARG-0: Personal - computer makers | ARG-1: at the business of more traditional computer firms "SRL for [dating]: Incidentally , the reference to Cruikshank confirms the [dating] of the work as being the late 1820s or early 1830s",ARG-1: of the work | ARG-2: as being the late 1820s or early 1830s "SRL for [in light]: However , the episode I am going to recount to you does not show her [in light] .",ARG-1: her | ARG-2: good SRL for [popping]: Is knee [popping] a sign of a serious health problem ?,ARG-0: knee SRL for [infected]: The Soviets ' explanation is that the anthrax came from one lot of animal feed made from the bones of cattle that grazed on soil that was naturally [infected] with anthrax spores .,ARG-M-MNR: naturally | ARG-1: soil | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: with anthrax spores SRL for [profit]: I hope there is some [profit] in your seeing this play .,ARG-2: some | ARG-1: in your seeing this play "SRL for [cursed]: As her life ended she [cursed] him , "" you shall live the lifetime of every soul that you have caused death today . ""","ARG-M-TMP: As her life ended | ARG-0: she | ARG-2: him | ARG-1: "" you shall live the lifetime of every soul that you have caused death today . """ SRL for [blabbered]: He was afraid that the responsibility was too much so he [blabbered] out of a frightened mentality .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-CAU: out of a frightened mentality "SRL for [stroll]: While she applauds the fact that more Americans are getting up from the television to [stroll] or garden , she says the percentage of Americans who do `` real exercise to build the heart '' is only 10 % to 20 % .",ARG-0: more Americans SRL for [seem]: Financial markets [seem] to be expecting easier credit as well .,ARG-1: Financial markets | C-ARG-1: to be expecting easier credit as well "SRL for [militate]: If the figures show a hefty rise in inflation , they could [militate] against easing by the Fed .",ARG-M-ADV: If the figures show a hefty rise in inflation | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: against easing by the Fed "SRL for [stropping]: He found tepid water in a pitcher and a last bit of soap , and he lathered his face and stood [stropping] the razor on his broad leather belt , its buckle held firm by a knob of the bedpost .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the razor | ARG-M-LOC: on his broad leather belt , its buckle held firm by a knob of the bedpost" "SRL for [sickened]: In the brief moment to talk to them before I took my post on the ring of defenses , I indicated I was [sickened] by the methods men employed to live and trade on the river .",ARG-1: I | ARG-0: by the methods men employed to live and trade on the river SRL for [impossible]: This is only an estimation ; of course ninjas are [impossible] to count .,ARG-M-ADV: of course | ARG-1: ninjas | C-ARG-1: to count "SRL for [assortment]: The engineers stared at the ragtag [assortment] of parts and then immediately got to work and came up with a unique design using plastic bags , cardboard , and duct tape to save the astronauts .",ARG-M-ADJ: ragtag | ARG-1: of parts SRL for [argument]: Her husband was not convinced by her [argument] that they needed a bigger house .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: that they needed a bigger house "SRL for [throw out]: Every once in a while someone will [throw out] a gentlemanly "" Can you make it a little cheaper ? "" as they are handing me their money .","ARG-M-TMP: Every once in a while | ARG-0: someone | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a gentlemanly "" Can you make it a little cheaper ? | ARG-M-TMP: as they are handing me their money" SRL for [blow up]: Edwin Boje made timers for bombs that were sold to Libya and allegedly used to [blow up] the plane .,ARG-1: the plane SRL for [mass - produce]: The plant will [mass - produce] control devices used in motor vehicles and household appliances .,ARG-0: The plant | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: control devices used in motor vehicles and household appliances "SRL for [obfuscate]: Government lending was not intended to be a way to [obfuscate] spending figures , hide fraudulent activity , or provide large subsidies .",ARG-1: spending figures SRL for [works]: her gridded two - dimensional [works],ARG-0: her SRL for [microfilmed]: The composer 's autograph score was [microfilmed] and flown to New York via Tehran and Cairo .,ARG-1: The composer 's autograph score SRL for [trim]: This cushion could come in handy if GM has to [trim] fourth - quarter North American production schedules more than the already scheduled 9.5 % .,ARG-0: GM | ARG-1: fourth - quarter North American production schedules | ARG-2: more than the already scheduled 9.5 % SRL for [coherent]: *PRO* Still [coherent] so far fyi .. and with like 20 foreign broads ... all hot ... just keeping u in the loop,ARG-M-TMP: Still | ARG-M-TMP: so far | ARG-M-DIS: fyi "SRL for [coded]: Once all the articles are [coded] and put in a data base , Pinpoint 's computers pick the most relevant for each subscriber and lay them out in a three - to - five - page newsletter format ; each newsletter is sent directly from the computer to the subscriber 's fax machine .",ARG-1: all the articles SRL for [isolation]: 2 . Further [isolation] of North Korea : Republicans did not respond well to Obama s food for demilitarization program .,ARG-M-EXT: Further | ARG-1: of North Korea SRL for [execution]: The day - to - day [execution] of policies,ARG-M-MNR: day - to - day | ARG-1: of policies SRL for [chromed]: He [chromed] his bike with it and it looks pretty sharp .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his bike | ARG-2: with it SRL for [lobbying]: AMR had also sought to foil Mr. Trump in Congress by [lobbying] for legislation that would have bolstered the authority of the Transportation Department to reject airline buy - outs .,ARG-0: AMR | ARG-1: for legislation that would have bolstered the authority of the Transportation Department to reject airline buy - outs SRL for [measures]: military [measures],ARG-0: military SRL for [boogieing]: She was [boogieing] her wee booty off to it .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her wee booty | ARG-M-PRD: off | ARG-M-MNR: to it "SRL for [zipcoded]: Once the [zipcoded] disk image is mounted , it can be used just like a D64 image .",ARG-1: disk image "SRL for [admits]: Peter Li , the Singaporean who produced both Sun Yan Zi and My Desire Happiness for Sun , [admits] that she was n't an outstanding student at his music academy , and that her rapid success has surprised many people .","ARG-0: Peter Li , the Singaporean who produced both Sun Yan Zi and My Desire Happiness for Sun | ARG-1: that she was n't an outstanding student at his music academy , and that her rapid success has surprised many people" SRL for [crisped]: The bread was [crisped] perfectly .,ARG-1: The bread | ARG-M-MNR: perfectly "SRL for [dependant]: I see equality as a goal to strive for , although in effect , it is somewhat arbitrary , [dependant] on the whims of changing times .",ARG-M-ADV: in effect | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: on the whims of changing times "SRL for [sad]: It really is [sad] , in its most basic sense , because it hinders fixing what their "" every man is an Island "" philosophy that is tearing apart the fabric of society .","ARG-0: It | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-ADV: in its most basic sense | ARG-M-CAU: because it hinders fixing what their "" every man is an Island "" philosophy that is tearing apart the fabric of society" SRL for [blitzed]: John 's last - minute refusal [blitzed] all our hardwork with one word .,ARG-0: John 's last - minute refusal | ARG-1: all our hardwork | ARG-2: one word SRL for [arrayed]: Flags from every participating country were [arrayed] at the festival ...,ARG-1: Flags from every participating country | ARG-M-LOC: at the festival ... SRL for [left]: The speech [left] me aghast,ARG-0: The speech | ARG-1: me | C-ARG-1: aghast SRL for [vaccinated]: Dr. Jonas [vaccinated] Laurie against chicken pox .,ARG-0: Dr. Jonas | ARG-1: Laurie | ARG-2: against chicken pox "SRL for [review]: the book [review] `` Kissing Nature Good - bye '' by StephenMacDonald Leisure & Arts , Sept. 27","ARG-1: book | ARG-2: `` Kissing Nature Good - bye '' | ARG-0: by StephenMacDonald | ARG-3: Leisure & Arts , Sept. 27" SRL for [nine]: She was [nine] .,ARG-1: She SRL for [impeached]: Mr. Hastings 's case was particularly nettlesome because it marked the first time a federal official was [impeached] and removed from office on charges of which a jury had acquitted him .,ARG-1: a federal official | ARG-2: on charges of which a jury had acquitted him SRL for [disallowed]: Yesterday 's election was a sequel to Enfield 's annual meeting in June when Mr. Blair [disallowed] proxies in favor of two Hees nominees .,ARG-0: Mr. Blair | ARG-1: proxies | ARG-M-PRD: in favor of two Hees nominees | ARG-M-TMP: June | R-ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [entrust]: True , the amount of money investors are willing to [entrust] to their brokers has been growing lately .",ARG-0: investors | ARG-1: the amount | ARG-2: to their brokers "SRL for [treat]: By the time it paid its expenses it only had $ 120,000 left -- not enough to [treat] even one child .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: even one child SRL for [distribution]: The [distribution] of expense account money to local elected representatives and village and neighborhood chiefs,ARG-1: of expense account money | ARG-2: to local elected representatives and village and neighborhood chiefs "SRL for [tolerable]: Last year , the consumer price index exceeded 5 % , which was barely [tolerable] .",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-EXT: barely SRL for [involvement]: NBC 's [involvement] in the Qintex deal,ARG-1: NBC 's | ARG-2: in the Qintex deal SRL for [debarked]: His dogs were [debarked] .,ARG-1: His dogs "SRL for [smoking]: Moving ahead now to a developing story , the hunt for so-called [smoking] gun , meant to prove that Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction .",ARG-1: gun SRL for [socialization]: peer [socialization],ARG-0: peer "SRL for [counterbalanced]: In 1987 , the San Francisco district court dismissed the case largely because newspaper reports had sufficiently [counterbalanced] the company 's statements by alerting consumers to Lisa 's problems .",ARG-0: newspaper reports | ARG-M-MNR: sufficiently | ARG-1: the company 's statements | ARG-M-MNR: by alerting consumers to Lisa 's problems SRL for [nursing]: Ben 's [nursing] of his patients undergoing chemotherapy helped them deal with the side effects of their treatment .,ARG-0: Ben 's | ARG-1: of his patients undergoing chemotherapy SRL for [sulphured]: He [sulphured] his plates in order to get a greater depth of angle .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: his plates | ARG-M-PRP: in order to get a greater depth of angle SRL for [roughed up]: Last week the stock hit an all - time high of 37 1/4 before getting [roughed up] in the Friday - the-13th minicrash .,ARG-1: the stock | ARG-M-LOC: in the Friday - the-13th minicrash "SRL for [whispering]: The executive recalls Mr. Corry [whispering] to him and others , `` Remember , this was Dave 's deal . ''","ARG-0: Mr. Corry | ARG-2: to him and others | ARG-1: Remember , this was Dave 's deal" SRL for [hopes]: Northeast still [hopes] for an expedited review by the FERG .,ARG-0: Northeast | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: for an expedited review by the FERG "SRL for [touching]: Maybe China hope to train hundreds of millions of corrupt officials to defeat the United States and recover the South China Sea successively , and if so , it is unilateral willingness just like such self [touching] as watching mental masturbation and meanwhile touching cock !",ARG-M-CXN: such | ARG-1: self | C-ARG-M-CXN: as watching mental masturbation and meanwhile touching cock SRL for [review]: no mandatory appellate [review] of capital sentences,ARG-0: appellate | ARG-1: of capital sentences "SRL for [crimsoned]: Jolly 's face [crimsoned] , then clouded .",ARG-1: Jolly 's face "SRL for [steadied]: But then steady , concentrated buying by Bear , Stearns & Co. , which frequently buys stock for corporate raiders , took hold and [steadied] the fall in UAL , which eventually buoyed the entire market .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-0: steady , concentrated buying by Bear , Stearns & Co. , which frequently buys stock for corporate raiders | ARG-1: the fall in UAL" "SRL for [hot headed]: As for inter - country affairs , it is useless being [hot headed] . Strength is what determines everything !", SRL for [controversial]: The Arkansas Senator 's [controversial] comments on affirmative action,ARG-0: The Arkansas Senator 's | ARG-1: comments on affirmative action SRL for [unavailable]: The histologic subtype of the patient 's 2994 breast carcinoma is unknown and [unavailable] to review at the time of this dictation .,ARG-2: The histologic subtype of the patient 's 2994 breast carcinoma | ARG-M-PRP: to review at the time of this dictation "SRL for [stall]: my officejet x451 randomly displays a error "" service motor [stall] "" and will stop printing .",ARG-1: service motor "SRL for [perforated]: On her second try , she [perforated] the papaya .",ARG-M-TMP: On her second try | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the papaya "SRL for [spirit]: In the first place , then , there is a strong tendency in the [spirit] of the times , to an excessive worldliness , — an all - absorbing love of gain .",ARG-1: of the times "SRL for [squelch]: The `` Fairness '' Doctrine 's enthusiasts are incumbents in the House who know the rules [squelch] lively discussions on broadcasts , deterring feisty challengers .",ARG-0: the rules | ARG-1: lively discussions on broadcasts | ARG-M-ADV: deterring feisty challengers SRL for [shove]: That could [shove] a weak economy into recession .,ARG-0: That | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: a weak economy | ARG-2: into recession "SRL for [slated]: Ford Motor Co. [slated] overtime again this week at its Wixom , Mich. ; Wayne , Mich. ; Kansas City , Mo. , and Norfolk , Va. , assembly plants .","ARG-0: Ford Motor Co. | ARG-1: overtime | ARG-M-TMP: again | ARG-M-TMP: this week | ARG-M-LOC: at its Wixom , Mich. ; Wayne , Mich. ; Kansas City , Mo. , and Norfolk , Va. , assembly plants" SRL for [canoed]: Lewis and Clark [canoed] the lower Snake in October 1805 and camped at Almota Creek near the upper end of Lake Bryan .,ARG-1: Lewis and Clark | ARG-2: the lower Snake | ARG-M-TMP: in October 1805 SRL for [miscount]: the census grossly underestimated the number of men that would enlist for the draft because of the [miscount] of young black men .,ARG-1: of young black men "SRL for [vitiate]: That is , in requesting the TRO , the government will not seek to [vitiate] legitimate business transactions occurring between the defendant and third parties .",ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: legitimate business transactions occurring between the defendant and third parties SRL for [fibrosed]: The patient 's wound [fibrosed] .,ARG-1: The patient 's wound SRL for [interwove]: They often [interwove] personal experiences into their writing .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-2: personal experiences | ARG-1: into their writing SRL for [avenue]: an [avenue] of entrance to a certain sector of society,ARG-1: of entrance to a certain sector of society "SRL for [gushes]: ` ` He 's a genuine Wheaties - box athlete , '' [gushes] Mr. Jones .","ARG-1: ` ` He 's a genuine Wheaties - box athlete , '' | ARG-0: Mr. Jones" SRL for [adipose]: the diffusely enlarged soft tissue was [adipose] in nature as the density of this tissue was ( -80 ) to ( ) H.U. which is typical for fat [ Fig . 3 ] .,ARG-1: the diffusely enlarged soft tissue | ARG-M-ADJ: in nature | ARG-M-CAU: as the density of this tissue was ( -80 ) to ( ) H.U. which is typical for fat "SRL for [demoted]: The Volokhs were afraid that they 'd end up like a friend of theirs who 'd applied for a visa and waited for 10 years , having been [demoted] from his profession of theoretical mathematician to shipping clerk .",ARG-1: a friend | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-3: from his profession of theoretical mathematician | ARG-2: to shipping clerk SRL for [hack away]: Mr. Wathen says his turnaround strategy has been simple : *trace* just [hack away] at the fat .,ARG-M-DIS: just | ARG-1: at the fat SRL for [escalate]: Analysts said they expect McCaw to [escalate] the bidding again .,ARG-0: McCaw | ARG-1: the bidding | ARG-M-TMP: again "SRL for [polarized]: `` The disturbing thing about this abortion issue is that the debate has become [polarized] , so that no mechanism exists '' for finding a middle ground .",ARG-1: the debate | ARG-M-ADV: so that no mechanism exists '' for finding a middle ground "SRL for [periodize]: Well , to answer the second question first , from 1913 we start to [periodize] history by decades .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: history | ARG-M-MNR: by decades SRL for [bowed]: John [bowed] to the King of Spain .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: to the King of Spain "SRL for [present]: But I think we are losing credibility because when the market does this , it does n't [present] itself as a rational investment .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: itself | ARG-3: as a rational investment "SRL for [compiled]: The following were among yesterday 's offerings and pricings in the U.S. and non - U.S. capital markets , with terms and syndicate manager , as [compiled] by Dow Jones Capital Markets Report :","ARG-1: yesterday 's offerings and pricings in the U.S. and non - U.S. capital markets , with terms and syndicate manager | ARG-0: by Dow Jones Capital Markets Report" SRL for [gummed]: She [gummed] the apple to death .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the apple | ARG-M-PRD: to death "SRL for [perjured]: After Harold 's death , Normans were quick to point out that in accepting the crown of England , Harold had [perjured] himself of this oath .",ARG-M-MNR: in accepting the crown of England | ARG-0: Harold | ARG-1: himself | ARG-2: of this oath SRL for [sigmoid]: The cancer appears to be [sigmoid] rather than rectal .,ARG-1: The cancer "SRL for [thawed out]: Usually back in Concord by noon , there was just time to get partially [thawed out] , refuel , and grab a bit of Mrs. Fogg 's hot broth before starting the second trip .",ARG-M-EXT: partially SRL for [take up]: The Senate will [take up] the measure quickly .,ARG-0: The Senate | ARG-1: the measure | ARG-M-TMP: quickly SRL for [beeped]: John [beeped] Mary when dinner was ready .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-M-TMP: when dinner was ready "SRL for [show]: "" We 're not running that ad campaign any more , "" Mr. Straszheim snaps in a rare [show] of irritation .",ARG-M-TMP: rare | ARG-1: of irritation SRL for [pre - approved]: He [pre - approved] funding for me to take a course in Excel .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: funding | ARG-2: for me to take a course in Excel SRL for [lost]: Martin has [lost] 35 pounds since taking up tennis .,ARG-0: Martin | ARG-1: 35 pounds | ARG-M-TMP: since taking up tennis "SRL for [checking]: That idiotic GOP "" Pledge to America "" was ripped to shreds by , but it wo n't matter because those who believe it -LRB- or at least believe in the idea of it -RRB- wo n't ever dare venture near a fact [checking] source .",ARG-1: fact SRL for [jumped shark]: This TV show has [jumped shark] so many times that I do n't even notice it any more .,ARG-0: This TV show | ARG-M-TMP: so many times that I do n't even notice it any more "SRL for [locked]: `` Then they said , ` By the way , two of the doors are [locked] . ''",ARG-1: two of the doors "SRL for [favor]: Don Quixote replied that , given her love for him , she should do him the [favor] of accepting the title of DON and call herselfDO?A TOLOSA .",ARG-M-ADV: given her love for him | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-MNR: should | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: of accepting the title of DON SRL for [searched]: He [searched] the crowd for his wife to assign her an appropriate punishment .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the crowd | ARG-2: for his wife | ARG-M-PRP: to assign her an appropriate punishment SRL for [cut mustard]: They 'll see I ca n't [cut mustard] in the business world .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: in the business world SRL for [rectostomy]: performed a high sigmoid [rectostomy],ARG-3: high sigmoid "SRL for [swim]: `` People say they [swim] , and that may mean they 've been to the beach this year , '' says Krys Spain , research specialist for the President 's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports .",ARG-0: they SRL for [rehearsing]: It was like being in the concert hall in the afternoon and hearing the piano virtuoso [rehearsing] .,ARG-0: the piano virtuoso SRL for [depression]: The patient 's [depression] worsened .,ARG-1: The patient 's SRL for [deserve]: But she did n't [deserve] to have her head chopped off .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: to have her head chopped off SRL for [blowing]: The wind was [blowing] against them,ARG-1: The wind | ARG-M-DIR: against them "SRL for [serve]: Each new trading roadblock is likely to be beaten by institutions seeking better ways to [serve] their high - volume clients , here or overseas .",ARG-0: institutions | ARG-2: their high - volume clients | ARG-M-LOC: here or overseas SRL for [overlying]: There is no [overlying] erythema .,ARG-0: erythema "SRL for [unable]: Somehow , I remain [unable] to forget that Matthews is a horse 's ass",ARG-M-MNR: Somehow | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: to forget that Matthews is a horse 's ass SRL for [program]: `` You 'll start to see shows where viewers [program] the program .,ARG-0: viewers | ARG-1: the program | ARG-M-LOC: shows | R-ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [jitterbug]: [ The drunk cowboys were trying to [jitterbug] .,ARG-0: The drunk cowboys "SRL for [Hitchhiked]: [Hitchhiked] with a trucker named Galen from Grand Junction to Silverthorne , Colorado .","ARG-2: with a trucker named Galen | ARG-4: from Grand Junction | ARG-5: to Silverthorne , Colorado" "SRL for [enroll]: The plan is talking about applicants admitted , not students who [enroll] .",ARG-0: students | R-ARG-0: who "SRL for [stooped]: To demonstrate the soil of his vegetable gardens as it is today , Mr. Clark [stooped] to scoop up a handful of rich dark earth .",ARG-M-PRP: To demonstrate the soil of his vegetable gardens as it is today | ARG-0: Mr. Clark | ARG-M-PRP: to scoop up a handful of rich dark earth SRL for [considering]: Commonwealth Edison is [considering] appealing Judge Curry 's order .,ARG-0: Commonwealth Edison | ARG-1: appealing Judge Curry 's order "SRL for [woofed]: The Saint Bernard [woofed] a big , deep woof .","ARG-0: The Saint Bernard | ARG-1: a big , deep woof" "SRL for [run]: If you take an interest in the aboriginal tribes of central Taiwan , it wo n't be long before you [run] into the name of Teng Hsiang - yang .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: into the name of Teng Hsiang - yang SRL for [fold up]: A dozen white office workers [fold up] newsletters and stuff them into envelopes .,ARG-0: A dozen white office workers | ARG-2: newsletters SRL for [thickness]: His hair had lost its [thickness] .,ARG-1: its SRL for [pick]: And you ca n't [pick] grapes from thornbushes !,ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: grapes | ARG-2: from thornbushes SRL for [tornado]: Ill be really impressed when they have a mile wide F5 fire [tornado] .,ARG-6: mile wide | ARG-2: F5 | ARG-1: fire "SRL for [favor]: Out of all the colors , I [favor] blue the most .",ARG-4: Out of all the colors | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: blue | ARG-M-EXT: the most SRL for [disprove]: And it would shift the burden to prosecutors to [disprove] that discrimination caused any statistical racial disparities .,ARG-0: prosecutors | ARG-1: discrimination caused any statistical racial disparities SRL for [retrograde]: Mercury 's supposed to be [retrograde] tonight .,ARG-1: Mercury | ARG-M-TMP: tonight SRL for [analysis]: My [analysis] of Conrad 's ' Heart of Darkness ' was published .,ARG-0: My | ARG-1: of Conrad 's ' Heart of Darkness ' SRL for [charge]: The spy fulfilled his [charge] of smuggling fissile materials into the country .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: of smuggling fissile materials into the country "SRL for [enclosed]: And I -LSB- agree with -RSB- Prince Faisal , that it is essential to consider the interests of the nation and the interests of development in the Kingdom , but I [enclosed] the picture per the request of its owner .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the picture | ARG-M-CAU: per the request of its owner SRL for [has tooled]: Our machinist [has tooled] the shop with jigs and fixtures that allow modifications .,ARG-0: Our machinist | ARG-2: the shop | ARG-1: with jigs and fixtures that allow modifications "SRL for [distributed]: The candy businesses had sales of about $ 154 million last year , which was roughly 12 % of total revenue for RJR 's Planters LifeSavers unit , according to a memorandum [distributed] by RJR 's owner , Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. , to bankers last December .","ARG-1: a memorandum | ARG-0: by RJR 's owner , Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. | ARG-2: to bankers | ARG-M-TMP: last December" "SRL for [shot down]: As a result , Ireland did n't spurn the Soviets after they [shot down] a Korean Air Lines jetliner over the Sea of Japan in 1983 , though it suspended direct Moscow - Shannon flights for two months .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: a Korean Air Lines jetliner | ARG-M-LOC: over the Sea of Japan | ARG-M-TMP: in 1983 "SRL for [write down]: All I was trying to do was [write down] my own story in novel form . """,ARG-1: my own story | ARG-M-MNR: in novel form "SRL for [hardened]: Once the consolidation is complete , Bethlehem plans to concentrate its forgings business on nuclear fabrication , [hardened] steel and large - diameter steel rolls for rolling mills and selected custom - die applications .",ARG-1: steel SRL for [break]: There has been the first [break] in the case,ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: in the case SRL for [complaint]: Mr. Rigby 's [complaint] was itchy elbows .,ARG-0: Mr. Rigby 's "SRL for [wiser]: In the very long run I think being outside of Europe and trading with the emerging economies , which will eventually become the big economies , is [wiser] .","ARG-1: being outside of Europe and trading with the emerging economies , which will eventually become the big economies" SRL for [choking]: Her [choking] Robbie got her expelled .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: Robbie SRL for [harboiled]: He [harboiled] the egg .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the egg "SRL for [sued]: MGM / UA has [sued] Qintex Australia for breach of contract and fraud over the collapsed acquisition agreement , and Qintex Australia has threatened a countersuit .",ARG-0: MGM / UA | ARG-1: Qintex Australia | ARG-2: for breach of contract and fraud | ARG-M-CAU: over the collapsed acquisition agreement "SRL for [field]: Midmorning , he dons an orange - and - blue uniform and , for fun , may [field] a bunt from Dave Kingman .",ARG-M-TMP: Midmorning | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-PRP: for fun | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: a bunt from Dave Kingman SRL for [degenerate]: Demonstrations are particularly apt to [degenerate] into criminal conduct when they leave the site of the grievance and become mobile .,ARG-1: Demonstrations | ARG-4: into criminal conduct "SRL for [resection]: Transurethral [resection] of the prostate ( TURP ) is surgery to remove all or part of the prostate gland , to treat an enlarged prostate .",ARG-M-ADJ: Transurethral | ARG-1: of the prostate SRL for [calculate]: Analysts [calculate] Cray Computer 's initial book value at about $ 4.75 a share .,ARG-0: Analysts | ARG-1: Cray Computer 's initial book value | ARG-2: at about $ 4.75 a share "SRL for [patronage]: These men of the upper middle class aided the progress oi humanism in various ways ? by their [patronage] of artists and literary men , for example .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of artists and literary men "SRL for [tangle]: So before they say it is a white man [tangle] you know it 's because of a white man that this happens and they got to , you know , check around and they say who is the real guilty .",ARG-0: white man "SRL for [dawdling]: But now , with large amounts being raised from investors , the government 's [dawdling] on regulation and disclosure requirements has a more dangerous aspect .",ARG-0: the government 's SRL for [adjacent]: place them [adjacent] to those you just removed,ARG-1: them | ARG-2: to those you just removed SRL for [passivate]: Many companies do not [passivate] titanium against corrosion with ferric ions .,ARG-0: Many companies | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: titanium | ARG-3: against corrosion | ARG-2: with ferric ions SRL for [stopover]: his long [stopover] in Florida,ARG-1: his | ARG-M-EXT: long | ARG-M-LOC: in Florida "SRL for [abridging]: `` The First Amendment proscribes the government from passing laws [abridging] the right to free speech , '' Judge Donald O'Brien ruled .",ARG-0: laws | ARG-1: the right to free speech SRL for [overheated]: John [overheated] the pan and burnt his pancakes .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the pan SRL for [fibrotic]: The fat is diffusely firm and [fibrotic] .,ARG-1: The fat | ARG-M-EXT: diffusely SRL for [oversold]: But investment bankers say the market may have [oversold] some takeover - related stocks .,ARG-0: the market | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: some takeover - related stocks "SRL for [gabbed]: He hugged his former player , and they [gabbed] about the past .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: about the past "SRL for [date]: Federal credit programs [date] back to the New Deal , and were meant to break even financially .",ARG-1: Federal credit programs | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: to the New Deal SRL for [preoccupation]: At last the Archbishop of Canterbury is moving out of his [preoccupation] with papalizing the Anglicans and being a voice for the poor .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: with papalizing the Anglicans "SRL for [sharing]: I am reading Dr. Alexander 's book , and I appreciate his [sharing] of the NDE with the world .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the NDE | ARG-2: with the world SRL for [want]: I [want] a flight from Ontario to Chicago,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a flight from Ontario to Chicago SRL for [evangelised]: His possible martyrdom parallels that of the Apostles who [evangelised] in the knowledge that what they were doing would likely get them killed .,ARG-0: the Apostles | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-M-ADV: in the knowledge that what they were doing would likely get them killed SRL for [tailgated]: John [tailgated] with Mary before the Cowboy 's game .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: with Mary | ARG-M-TMP: before the Cowboy 's game SRL for [buying]: The Americans are losing their jobs at a faster rate than Canada which will impact their [buying] of goods and services from Canada as well .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of goods and services | ARG-2: from Canada SRL for [supersaturation]: the [supersaturation] of urine has been shown to correlate with stone type(2 ),ARG-2: of urine "SRL for [retreated]: Other stocks hurt by earnings - related selling included Tandy , which dropped 1 3/8 to 44 , and Eaton , which [retreated] 2 1/2 to 57 1/2 .",ARG-1: Eaton | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: 2 1/2 | ARG-4: to 57 1/2 SRL for [adjournment]: The bill passed before the [adjournment] of Congress for the summer .,ARG-1: of Congress | ARG-M-TMP: for the summer "SRL for [stood up]: Armin Wegner , the German who [stood up] to genocide of both Armenians and Jews",R-ARG-1: the German | ARG-1: who | ARG-2: to genocide of both Armenians and Jews SRL for [hooted]: A train [hooted] .,ARG-0: A train "SRL for [restructure]: If it is n't completed , Comprehensive Care said it would be `` required to promptly [restructure] its debt . ''",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-TMP: promptly | ARG-1: its debt "SRL for [broad]: the HOA 's suit was [broad] in its allegations and did assert fault on the part of , among others , "" engineers .","ARG-1: the HOA 's suit | ARG-2: in its allegations and did assert fault on the part of , among others , "" engineers" SRL for [m.i.a]: No probs . Hehe she was a pussy pants . Sorry did nt get to say goodbye when leavin . U were [m.i.a],ARG-1: U SRL for [input]: it was his [input] that she wasn?t capable of understanding the impact of hiring an attorney that helped the Judge decide to deny Streisand?s request .,ARG-0: his | ARG-2: that she wasn?t capable of understanding the impact of hiring an attorney "SRL for [veer]: `` This late in an expansion , '' the economy tends to [veer] off either into damaging inflation or into a recession , Mr. Confair says .",ARG-0: the economy | ARG-M-DIR: off | ARG-1: either into damaging inflation or into a recession SRL for [advances]: The dollar 's recent [advances] against the euro have surprised investors .,ARG-1: The dollar 's | ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-M-GOL: against the euro SRL for [rechecked]: Nurse Jebediah [rechecked] the patient 's stitches .,ARG-0: Nurse Jebediah | ARG-1: the patient 's stitches "SRL for [diffusion]: The four main elements in the [diffusion] of new ideas are : the innovation , communication channels , time , and the social system .",ARG-1: of new ideas SRL for [walled]: Bladder is irregularly thick - [walled] .,ARG-1: Bladder | ARG-M-MNR: irregularly | ARG-2: thick "SRL for [mistyped]: I 'm good ! Which I initially [mistyped] as "" I 'm God ""","ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: initially | ARG-1: Which | ARG-2: as "" I 'm God """ SRL for [thinning]: His hair was [thinning] .,ARG-1: His hair SRL for [amination]: Sodium triacetoxyborohydride is presented as a general reducing agent for the reductive [amination] of aldehydes and ketones .,ARG-M-MNR: reductive | ARG-1: of aldehydes and ketones SRL for [tragedy]: Iraq 's [tragedy] of errors : Why the Sunnis are revolting .,ARG-2: Iraq | ARG-1: of errors "SRL for [delighted]: In face of them running around on sinister errands in an increasingly anxious manner , we need to be calm and learn to be [delighted] to see and hear it .",ARG-1: we | ARG-0: to see and hear it SRL for [fight]: the capital - gains [fight],ARG-2: capital - gains "SRL for [ripening]: For long hauls , fruits and vegetables are refrigerated to prevent damage and delay their [ripening] .",ARG-1: their SRL for [flow]: I watched a Discovery Channel doc on Mt St Helens & the 300 mph pyroclastic [flow] .,ARG-M-ADJ: 300 mph | ARG-1: pyroclastic SRL for [standard]: Size 3 is [standard] for team handball .,ARG-1: Size 3 | ARG-2: for team handball "SRL for [peer]: Open it and two soulful eyes on a boy 's brown face [peer] out from the page , pleadingly .",ARG-0: two soulful eyes on a boy 's brown face | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-M-DIR: from the page | ARG-M-MNR: pleadingly "SRL for [seeped]: He [seeped] a $ 960,000 buyout from the university .","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a $ 960,000 buyout | ARG-M-ADV: from the university" SRL for [locks out]: The risk is that Jaguar 's share price could slump if GM 's agreement with Jaguar effectively [locks out] its U.S. rival .,ARG-0: GM 's agreement with Jaguar | ARG-M-MNR: effectively | ARG-1: its U.S. rival "SRL for [established]: During the third quarter , the company [established] a $ 30 million reserve for its high - yield bond portfolio .",ARG-M-TMP: During the third quarter | ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: a $ 30 million reserve | ARG-3: for its high - yield bond portfolio SRL for [gastrectomy]: partial [gastrectomy],ARG-1: partial SRL for [rumbaed]: The two of them [rumbaed] nightly at the Club Babalu .,ARG-1: The two of them | ARG-M-ADV: nightly | ARG-2: at the Club Babalu "SRL for [nipped]: After much hesitation , he [nipped] it from the ground and began to eat .",ARG-M-TMP: After much hesitation | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the ground "SRL for [flipped off]: The ACLU alleges that city workers in Piedmont , Missouri , ripped out Tina Warren 's water meter after she [flipped off] the mayor .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the mayor "SRL for [clad]: And they [clad] her in lovely raiment , a wonder to see .",ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: in lovely raiment | ARG-M-PRD: a wonder to see "SRL for [specific]: Or perhaps your advisor said you needed an editor , but was n't very [specific] about why , and you need an objective person to tell you the truth .",ARG-0: your advisor | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-EXT: very | ARG-1: about why SRL for [drought]: our waste tanks and battery supply ought to give out long before we face a fresh water [drought] .,ARG-1: fresh water "SRL for [in hands]: Regardless of the moral aspect , you are putting all the decision making power of this relationship [in hands] .",ARG-1: all the decision making power of this relationship | ARG-0: his SRL for [crying]: Nothing could stop his [crying] tears of extreme gratitude after police located the man 's missing hamster .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: tears of extreme gratitude SRL for [passes out]: and my buddy [passes out] .,ARG-M-DIS: and | ARG-0: my buddy SRL for [chemosensitive]: Estrogen - receptor - negative breast cancer tissue is [chemosensitive] in vitro compared with estrogen - receptor - positive tissue .,ARG-1: Estrogen - receptor - negative breast cancer tissue | ARG-M-LOC: in vitro | ARG-M-ADJ: compared with estrogen - receptor - positive tissue "SRL for [sodded]: When he [sodded] the lawn , even the policeman who lived on the hill came down to watch and stayed to help .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the lawn SRL for [blown up]: `` The balloon had been [blown up] so big that when somebody came along with a pin -- in this case the UAL deal -- we got a little pop . '',ARG-1: The balloon | ARG-4: so big that when somebody came along with a pin -- in this case the UAL deal -- we got a little pop SRL for [experience]: her [experience] on the Simpson case,ARG-0: her | ARG-M-LOC: on the Simpson case SRL for [amused]: I was [amused] to read your recent news stories on the banking industry 's reserve additions and concomitant threats to cease making new loans to less - developed countries .,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: to read your recent news stories on the banking industry 's reserve additions and concomitant threats to cease making new loans to less - developed countries SRL for [alerting]: The solicitation material indicates that donations will go toward a campaign [alerting] and informing the public about some health or other issue .,ARG-0: a campaign | ARG-1: the public | ARG-2: about some health or other issue SRL for [shackled]: He was [shackled] .,ARG-1: He "SRL for [charges]: Prosecuters around Taiwan dealt with more than 2,000 cases concerning black - gold offenses , and brought [charges] against 30 elected officials and representatives .",ARG-1: against 30 elected officials and representatives "SRL for [summon forth]: Among other things , the stronger devices may be able to [summon forth] half - forgotten memories and induce mood changes , neurologists say .",ARG-0: the stronger devices | ARG-1: half - forgotten memories SRL for [bayoneted]: The temperature in the room dipped lower than outside as she [bayoneted] me with an icy glare .,ARG-0: she | ARG-1: me | ARG-M-MNR: with an icy glare SRL for [goes]: Chateau Yquem now [goes] for $ 100 a bottle,ARG-1: Chateau Yquem | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-3: for $ 100 a bottle SRL for [Parade]: Denver 's Christmas [Parade] of Lights,ARG-1: Denver 's | ARG-2: Christmas | ARG-3: of Lights SRL for [win]: The PLO failed earlier this year to [win] membership in the World Health Organization and the World Tourism Organization .,ARG-0: The PLO | ARG-1: membership in the World Health Organization and the World Tourism Organization SRL for [dysregulation]: Addiction is presented as a cycle of spiralling [dysregulation] of brain reward systems,ARG-M-ADJ: spiralling | ARG-1: of brain reward systems SRL for [started]: She [started] at the sound of the refrigerator kicking on in the next room .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: at the sound of the refrigerator kicking on in the next room SRL for [procrastinated]: Governments [procrastinated] for days over whether or not to place sanctions on the small country .,ARG-0: Governments | ARG-M-TMP: for days | ARG-1: over whether or not to place sanctions on the small country SRL for [decomposition]: Mites are involved in the [decomposition] of animal carcases and human corpses at every stage .,ARG-1: of animal carcases and human corpses SRL for [piqued]: Teng Hsiang - Yang 's interest was [piqued] when his father gave him two documents related to the incident .,ARG-1: Teng Hsiang - Yang 's interest | ARG-M-TMP: when his father gave him two documents related to the incident "SRL for [leave]: Jim Gideon , a lean 36 - year - old righthander to take a four - month [leave] from selling insurance in Texas to try out for Mr. Weaver 's team","ARG-0: Jim Gideon , a lean 36 - year - old righthander | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-TMP: four - month | ARG-2: from selling insurance in Texas | ARG-M-PRP: to try out for Mr. Weaver 's team" "SRL for [triumphed]: Unlike other writers who either battled the fascists during the Civil War , or left Spain when Franco [triumphed] , Mr. Cela fought briefly on the general 's side , no doubt earning with his war wound some forbearance when he went on to depict a country with a high population of vagabonds , murderers and rural idiots trudging aimlessly through a dried - out land .",ARG-0: Franco | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [Received]: [Received] fresh labled "" right "" .","ARG-M-PRD: fresh | ARG-4: labled "" right """ "SRL for [industrialization]: Thus , society in general will benefit from the economic [industrialization] of US hog production",ARG-2: economic | ARG-1: of US hog production SRL for [overdone]: There were concerns early in the day that Wall Street 's sharp gains on Tuesday were [overdone] and due for a reversal .,ARG-1: Wall Street 's sharp gains on Tuesday "SRL for [bless]: I have seen one or two men die , [bless] them .",ARG-1: them "SRL for [belching out]: The only evidence of occupation came from the chimney , which was [belching out] thick smoke .",R-ARG-0: which | ARG-0: the chimney | ARG-1: thick smoke "SRL for [structured]: Last week , Budget Director Richard Darman [structured] the $ 16.1 billion spending reduction , half of which must come from defense , to `` impose a little bit more discipline '' by applying cuts to each individual program , project or activity in the budget .","ARG-M-TMP: Last week | ARG-0: Budget Director Richard Darman | ARG-1: the $ 16.1 billion spending reduction , half of which must come from defense | ARG-2: to `` impose a little bit more discipline '' by applying cuts to each individual program , project or activity in the budget" "SRL for [spurted]: In the 12 months ended in September , wages and salaries of private - sector workers rose 4.4 % , while health insurance costs [spurted] by 13.7 % .",ARG-1: health insurance costs | ARG-2: by 13.7 % SRL for [baseline]: We will get a [baseline] EKG .,ARG-2: EKG SRL for [work]: A documentary on the [work] of painter Leon Engelen,ARG-0: painter Leon Engelen SRL for [stomping]: They led the Major Leagues in regular - season wins with 99 and flattened the Toronto Blue Jays four games to one for the American League pennant before [stomping] their cross - bay rivals .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: their cross - bay rivals "SRL for [resided]: Having [resided] in the great state of California for the past seven years , I find it hard to ignore our environmental problems when I start my commute to work with eyes tearing and head aching from the polluted air ; when I try to enjoy the beaches and come home covered with tar and oil ; when I hear of numerous deaths related to irresponsible processing of cheese and use of chemicals in fruit growing .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: in the great state of California | ARG-M-TMP: for the past seven years SRL for [lichenifcation]: [lichenifcation] of the scalp,ARG-1: of the scalp SRL for [approach]: His [approach] to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: to every problem SRL for [renege]: Now UNESCO apologists are lobbying President Bush to [renege] on President Reagan 's decision to depart .,ARG-0: President Bush | ARG-1: on President Reagan 's decision to depart SRL for [reciprocated]: its piston is [reciprocated] to open the gate ...,ARG-1: its piston | ARG-M-PRP: to open the gate "SRL for [minor]: Colvii craved to be reponed to other defences , seeing he was [minor] at that time , and abroad .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-TMP: at that time SRL for [move on]: Here are 12 signs it 's time to [move on] from a relationship .,ARG-2: from a relationship "SRL for [piggybacking]: `` They are [piggybacking] onto developed technology , '' he said .",ARG-0: They | ARG-1: onto developed technology "SRL for [decoded]: My brother Misu , it seems that your insults are of two kinds : one encoded and the other [decoded] .",ARG-1: the other "SRL for [flakes]: All nail polish [flakes] off , so the baby may get it in her mouth .",ARG-1: nail polish | ARG-M-PRD: off SRL for [partnered]: They [partnered] with the UW - Madison Applied Population Lab to develop an interactive website .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: with the UW - Madison Applied Population Lab | ARG-M-PRP: to develop an interactive website "SRL for [corruption]: In this second of a trilogy aiming at an expos ? of contemporary business and social [corruption] of New York , Mr. Sinclair reveals the rottenness of Wall Street 's high finance .",ARG-3: social | ARG-1: of New York "SRL for [plea]: I take advantage of this opportunity given to me by The Wall Street Journal to make a [plea] to the millions of readers of this newspaper , to become soldiers dedicated to the fight against the use of drugs .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-2: to become soldiers dedicated to the fight against the use of drugs | ARG-1: to the millions of readers of this newspaper SRL for [reenforced]: She [reenforced] her commitment to the company .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her commitment to the company "SRL for [outstripped]: Declining issues on the Big Board [outstripped] gainers 1,141 to 406 .","ARG-0: Declining issues on the Big Board | ARG-1: gainers | ARG-2: 1,141 to 406" "SRL for [acclimate]: There has been much talk about this in recent years , and it almost seems as if this is a desensitization process to [acclimate] people to the idea .",ARG-0: a desensitization process | ARG-1: people | ARG-2: to the idea "SRL for [backward]: My sister is a primary school teacher and teachers generally hate the tories , before all this pension business came to the surface but because they 're so [backward] when it comes to education .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-2: when it comes to education "SRL for [downing]: Strong storms that moved through the Dallas area on Saturday afternoon produced several microbursts , [downing] power lines",ARG-0: Strong storms that moved through the Dallas area on Saturday afternoon | ARG-1: power lines SRL for [holds]: WR Grace & Co [holds] a 83.4 % interest in the company .,ARG-0: WR Grace & Co | ARG-1: a 83.4 % interest in the company SRL for [unbuttoned]: Bill [unbuttoned] his coat .,ARG-0: Bill | ARG-1: his coat "SRL for [clattered]: He beat the air with his stick , and it fell from his claws and [clattered] on the stones .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-LOC: on the stones SRL for [Strong]: I Was n't [Strong] Like This When I Started Out,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-MNR: Like This | ARG-M-TMP: When I Started Out SRL for [cleavage]: The political [cleavage] of the two ethnic groups resulted in explosive elections,ARG-M-CAU: political | ARG-1: of the two ethnic groups SRL for [pinked]: The car [pinked] when the ignition was too far retarded .,ARG-0: The car | ARG-M-TMP: when the ignition was too far retarded "SRL for [malignant]: Breast cancer , which is [malignant] for women worldwide , has led to considerable morbidity and mortality rates even in youths .",ARG-2: which | ARG-3: for women | ARG-M-LOC: worldwide "SRL for [shimmered]: If mutation and natural selection slowly but surely give rise to more and more advanced forms of life , then it was only a matter of eons before splendid beings endowed with reason , self - awareness and taste [shimmered] onto the scene .","ARG-0: splendid beings endowed with reason , self - awareness and taste | ARG-1: onto the scene" SRL for [straight]: you want them to be [straight] with you about the needs of the business .,ARG-0: them | ARG-2: with you | ARG-1: about the needs of the business "SRL for [sweep]: `` Take a gigantic knife and [sweep] it over the Loop '' , Wright said .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: over the Loop SRL for [intolerable]: Says today that the dyspnea that slowly returns is [intolerable] and feels very limited .,ARG-1: the dyspnea that slowly returns "SRL for [dismayed]: It also could put the government into the RU business , which would please feminists [dismayed] at what they viewas pusillanimity in the private - sector drug industry .",ARG-1: feminists | ARG-2: at what they viewas pusillanimity in the private - sector drug industry SRL for [decompressed]: He [decompressed] the file and a picture appeared .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the file SRL for [intervention]: G-7 exchange - rate [intervention],ARG-0: G-7 | ARG-1: exchange - rate "SRL for [steals]: AIDS dementia -- which gradually [steals] children 's ability to speak , walk and think -- is often the most striking aspect of the pediatric syndrome .","ARG-0: AIDS dementia | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-MNR: gradually | ARG-1: children 's ability to speak , walk and think" SRL for [aged]: He weighed 173 pounds dressed and I [aged] him at 2 1/2 but I am an amature at ageing teeth .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: at 2 1/2 SRL for [Unification]: Yugoslavs Again Push for Economic [Unification] of Albania and Yugoslavia .,ARG-3: Economic | ARG-1: of Albania and Yugoslavia SRL for [anniversary]: photography 's 150th [anniversary],ARG-1: photography 's | ARG-2: 150th SRL for [address]: The general 's farewell [address] to the troops was quite moving .,ARG-0: general 's | ARG-1: farewell | ARG-2: to the troops SRL for [ownership]: Maidenform 's greatest strength is its family [ownership],ARG-1: its | ARG-0: family SRL for [differentiation]: no sarcomatoid [differentiation],ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-1: sarcomatoid "SRL for [ideal]: I do n't think this is [ideal] , but I 'm an idiot . I know I still feel kind of possessive over her ..",ARG-1: this SRL for [care]: He took [care] to drive in his lane .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: to drive in his lane "SRL for [interest]: -LRB- eg they have been kidnapped , and police seek public help to find them - or they have been murdered - or if they are alleged to have committed a very serious crime and are being tried as adults , or if it is in some way in the public [interest] . -RRB-",ARG-1: public SRL for [went]: Boeing 's plans for the 767 [went] without a hitch .,ARG-1: Boeing 's plans | ARG-M-MNR: without a hitch SRL for [remonstrated]: The Old Trafford crowd [remonstrated] with the ref for his poor decision,ARG-0: The Old Trafford crowd | ARG-1: with the ref | ARG-2: for his poor decision "SRL for [taking into account]: After [taking into account] the fallout from the China crisis , the government has projected 1989 GDP growth of 5 % .",ARG-0: the government | ARG-1: the fallout from the China crisis SRL for [known]: Mark Twain was [known] for the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn .,ARG-1: Mark Twain | ARG-3: for the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn "SRL for [apprehension]: No patellar [apprehension] , with smooth tracking",ARG-M-NEG: No | ARG-1: patellar SRL for [ran up]: The ruling could lead to the cancellation of huge bank debts the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham [ran up] after losing heavily on swap transactions .,ARG-0: the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham | ARG-1: huge bank debts | ARG-M-TMP: after losing heavily on swap transactions "SRL for [wipe out]: When you do that you [wipe out] the criminal incentives , including , I might say , the incentive that the drug pushers have to go around and get kids addicted , so that they create a market for themselves .","ARG-0: you | ARG-1: the criminal incentives , including , I might say , the incentive that the drug pushers have to go around and get kids addicted , so that they create a market for themselves" SRL for [frosted up]: Part of the canal has [frosted up] with a layer of ice .,ARG-1: Part of the canal | ARG-2: with a layer of ice SRL for [marriage]: The [marriage] of news and theater,ARG-1: of news and theater "SRL for [phrased]: Instead she [phrased] it as a gentle suggestion , without explicitly confirming that it was what I needed to do .",ARG-M-DIS: Instead | ARG-0: she | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as a gentle suggestion | ARG-M-MNR: without explicitly confirming that it was what I needed to do "SRL for [whiffed]: The stranger [whiffed] out a long , leisurely sort of indifferent and charitable puff .","ARG-0: The stranger | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-1: a long , leisurely sort of indifferent and charitable puff" "SRL for [insufficient]: According to the current systems , the food and drug administration department is established at the county level only . In addition , they have a small staff , and their administration ability is generally [insufficient] .",ARG-0: their administration ability | ARG-M-ADV: generally SRL for [hands on]: All I had to do was get my hot little [hands on] the police report .,ARG-2: hot | ARG-1: the police report | C-ARG-2: little SRL for [reverberated]: The disarray in the junk - bond market that began last month with a credit crunch at Campeau Corp. and the failure of banks to deliver financing for a leveraged buy - out of United Airlines parent UAL Corp. has [reverberated] through some of the nation 's largest law firms .,ARG-1: The disarray in the junk - bond market that began last month with a credit crunch at Campeau Corp. and the failure of banks to deliver financing for a leveraged buy - out of United Airlines parent UAL Corp. | ARG-M-LOC: through some of the nation 's largest law firms SRL for [tribulated]: Being [tribulated] by God really makes you a better person,ARG-0: by God SRL for [premise]: This article is concerned exclusively with a legal basis upon which to [premise] the political decision .,ARG-2: legal basis | ARG-1: the political decision SRL for [dockings]: space shuttle [dockings],ARG-1: space shuttle "SRL for [querying]: `` The entire object of the press conference was to clarify the problem of the list , since many in the press were [querying] the U.N. about it .",ARG-0: many in the press | ARG-1: the U.N. | ARG-2: about it "SRL for [subjected]: That meant no trading would occur in the final seconds , as a way of making sure that last - second orders are n't [subjected] to a sudden price swing that would upset customers .",ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: last - second orders | ARG-2: to a sudden price swing that would upset customers SRL for [crash]: the actual [crash] of the car into the lagoon,ARG-M-ADJ: actual | ARG-1: of the car | ARG-M-GOL: into the lagoon SRL for [scolding]: His [scolding] them for keeping the primary race going would just feed into the image of Mr. Obama thinking he is better than the average voter .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: for keeping the primary race going SRL for [tattoo]: The inmates [tattoo] each other with gang signs .,ARG-0: The inmates | ARG-1: each other | ARG-2: with gang signs SRL for [combine]: The plan still calls for LIN to [combine] its cellular telephone properties with Bell South 's and to spin off its broadcasting operations .,ARG-0: LIN | ARG-1: its cellular telephone properties | ARG-2: with Bell South 's "SRL for [singled out]: Also , investors quickly [singled out] stocks of companies expected to profit or suffer from the disaster .",ARG-M-DIS: Also | ARG-0: investors | ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: stocks of companies expected to profit or suffer from the disaster "SRL for [handled]: We know they are dangerous , but if [handled] with care , their benefits far outweigh any risk to the environment .",ARG-1: they | ARG-3: with care SRL for [sculptured]: He [sculptured] a bronze head of the 34th U.S. President .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a bronze head of the 34th U.S. President "SRL for [feels]: `` The mountain bike [feels] as comfortable as the ` paperboy ' bike you had as a kid , but it can do so much more , '' he says .",ARG-1: The mountain bike | ARG-2: as comfortable as the ` paperboy ' bike you had as a kid SRL for [caught]: The scope of the improvement in the U.S. business [caught] some analysts by surprise .,ARG-0: The scope of the improvement in the U.S. business | ARG-1: some analysts | ARG-2: by surprise "SRL for [fibrous]: Second , breast tissue that is [fibrous] from poor hormone balance",ARG-1: that | ARG-0: from poor hormone balance "SRL for [superimportant]: And I think that everything they were ever channeling was [superimportant] , because it was the main catalyst doing what they do .",ARG-1: everything they were ever channeling | ARG-M-CAU: because it was the main catalyst doing what they do SRL for [kicking]: His [kicking] the glass out of her way still gets me like a sap .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: the glass | ARG-M-DIR: out of her way "SRL for [loved]: One dealer , Martin Zimet of French & Co. in New York , says he `` would have [loved] to buy '' a Jan Davids de Heem painting from the bank .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: to buy '' a Jan Davids de Heem painting from the bank "SRL for [pumping]: I do remember discussing it with him , and my water back - up coincided with his [pumping] water out of his pool .",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: water | ARG-M-DIR: out of his pool "SRL for [taken aback]: He is [taken aback] in an interview when asked whether , as mayor , he plans on reforming the political `` fiefdoms '' that perpetuate the monumental ineffectiveness of New York 's school system .","ARG-1: He | ARG-M-LOC: in an interview | ARG-M-TMP: when asked whether , as mayor , he plans on reforming the political `` fiefdoms '' that perpetuate the monumental ineffectiveness of New York 's school system" SRL for [scammed]: He [scammed] 10 million out of them .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: 10 million | ARG-1: out of them SRL for [plural]: The word ' data ' is [plural] .,ARG-1: The word ' data ' SRL for [bait]: Lollipops and money [bait] children onto his lap .,ARG-3: Lollipops and money | ARG-1: children | ARG-2: onto his lap "SRL for [cluttered]: `` Now the field is less [cluttered] , '' he added .",ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-1: the field | ARG-M-EXT: less "SRL for [hails]: Lone Star 's Bond Corp. parent , for instance , [hails] from Perth , Australia .","ARG-0: Lone Star 's Bond Corp. parent | ARG-M-DIS: for instance | ARG-1: from Perth , Australia" "SRL for [droughts]: Duration and impacts are critical in looking at D3 [droughts] , which fall into the 5th percentile , or a 1 in 20 year type of drought .","ARG-5: D3 | ARG-M-ADJ: which fall into the 5th percentile , or a 1 in 20 year type of drought" SRL for [adjusted]: All the figures are [adjusted] for inflation .,ARG-1: All the figures | ARG-4: for inflation SRL for [pale]: But those dollars at risk [pale] in comparison to the investment required to make and ship spring goods to Campeau stores .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: those dollars at risk | ARG-2: in comparison to the investment required to make and ship spring goods to Campeau stores SRL for [consuming]: I too would buy a lace front wig if I did it but they 're so damn expensive and time [consuming] to put on .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-1: time | C-ARG-0: to put on SRL for [incubated]: John [incubated] the idea from a hair - brained fantasy to a genius invention .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the idea | ARG-3: from a hair - brained fantasy | ARG-4: to a genius invention SRL for [streaming]: Megaupload pretty much hosted most of my online tv [streaming] .,ARG-0: my | ARG-M-MNR: online | ARG-1: tv "SRL for [Asking out]: [Asking out] for a cuppa could be a good idea , although I do n't want to do that just as a way of saying sorry .",ARG-1: her | ARG-2: for a cuppa SRL for [stand up]: I ask because Neal brennan . His writer is performing [stand up] at johnny Brenda 's and I 'm a big fan . Wanted to ask if u d be interested in going,ARG-0: His writer | ARG-M-LVB: performing | ARG-M-LOC: at johnny Brenda 's "SRL for [overturned]: In September , a New York appellate court [overturned] a state judge 's ruling that awarded the Cup to the New Zealand team .",ARG-M-TMP: In September | ARG-0: a New York appellate court | ARG-1: a state judge 's ruling that awarded the Cup to the New Zealand team SRL for [scammed]: He [scammed] them into investing in two bogus companies .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: them | ARG-3: into investing in two bogus companies "SRL for [housing]: All state services including social [housing] , libraries , hospitals , schools , prisons etc should be powered by British energy only and everything the state uses -LRB- construction materials , food etc -RRB- should be British produced , grown and maintained by a British workforce .",ARG-M-ADJ: social "SRL for [plod]: Since Mrs. Calhoun remembered only that the marriage had been in the spring , he started to [plod] through several months .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: through several months SRL for [abortions]: They argued over the ban on partial [abortions] .,ARG-M-EXT: partial "SRL for [formed]: NCNB Texas National , [formed] from the remnants of of the failed First RepublicBank Corp. of Dallas , contributed $ 76.9 million to NCNB 's bottom line in the third quarter .",ARG-1: NCNB Texas National | ARG-2: from the remnants of of the failed First RepublicBank Corp. of Dallas "SRL for [appraise]: But institutional investors may wait a little longer to [appraise] the direction of the U.S. monetary policy and the dollar , traders said .",ARG-0: institutional investors | ARG-1: the direction of the U.S. monetary policy and the dollar SRL for [resigned]: Kidd 's contract expired and they [resigned] him as a free agent this past summer .,ARG-0: they | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: as a free agent | ARG-M-TMP: this past summer "SRL for [poised]: And with its new venture with Japan 's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. , announced last week , it is [poised] to penetrate growing markets overseas .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to penetrate growing markets overseas "SRL for [wins]: Even if there is consumer resistance at first , a wine that [wins] high ratings from the critics will eventually move .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a wine | ARG-1: high ratings | ARG-4: from the critics SRL for [dominant]: The three tibial arteries are [dominant] to the foot .,ARG-0: The three tibial arteries | ARG-M-EXT: to the foot SRL for [budged]: Interest rates barely [budged] from Tuesday 's levels .,ARG-1: Interest rates | ARG-M-ADV: barely | ARG-2: from Tuesday 's levels "SRL for [imprecate]: When all had by acclamations given their approbation to these things , Demetrius commanded that , according to their custom , they should [imprecate] curses upon any that should , by addition , or alteration , or diminution , ever make any change in it .","ARG-M-ADV: according to their custom | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: curses | ARG-2: upon any that should , by addition , or alteration , or diminution , ever make any change in it" "SRL for [muscling]: For the year , electronics emerged as Rockwell 's largest sector in terms of sales and earnings , [muscling] out aerospace for the first time .",ARG-0: electronics | ARG-2: out | ARG-1: aerospace | ARG-M-TMP: for the first time SRL for [inked]: He [inked] his pen with subtle charm then sent me to the funny farm .,ARG-0: He | ARG-2: his pen | ARG-M-MNR: with subtle charm "SRL for [accounting]: Cost [accounting] is a process of collecting , analyzing , summarizing and evaluating various alternative courses of action .",ARG-1: Cost "SRL for [overweight]: At 150 lb , she was 20 lb [overweight] .",ARG-3: At 150 lb | ARG-1: she | ARG-2: 20 lb "SRL for [criminalise]: This is completely pointless legislation , bureaucracy at its finest , that is going *-2 to [criminalise] potentially millions of innocent people who work with these plants or grow them ornamentally in their gardens .",ARG-2: potentially millions of innocent people who work with these plants or grow them ornamentally in their gardens SRL for [ran aground]: A tanker [ran aground] last week off San Cristobal,ARG-0: A tanker | ARG-M-TMP: last week | ARG-M-LOC: off San Cristobal "SRL for [desire]: Seeking to allay European concerns , U.S. Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter said in Washington that the new U.S. plan would n't `` put farmers out of business '' but would encourage them to `` grow what the markets [desire] instead of what the government wants . ''",ARG-0: the markets | ARG-1: what "SRL for [civilized]: Also , Rex , try to be [civilized] and do nt resort to childish name calling .",ARG-1: Rex SRL for [jarring]: It was a [jarring] day for investors in Genetics Institute .,ARG-0: day SRL for [appointed]: Soo Line said its board [appointed] a special committee of independent directors to study the proposal .,ARG-0: its board | ARG-1: a special committee of independent directors to study the proposal | ARG-2: to study the proposal "SRL for [acting out]: I was so desperate , [acting out] Romeo 's struggle before he stabbed himself with a dagger , calling out in my heart : money , money , money , though what came out of my mouth was Juliet 's name .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: Romeo 's struggle before he stabbed himself with a dagger SRL for [unchained]: Someone apparently [unchained] the dog from the dog house in the yard .,ARG-0: Someone | ARG-M-ADV: apparently | ARG-1: the dog | ARG-2: from the dog house in the yard SRL for [arguable]: It 's not [arguable] by an attorney of integrity .,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: by an attorney of integrity SRL for [firm up]: He argues that efforts *trace* to [firm up] prices will be undermined by producers ' plans to expand production capacity .,ARG-1: prices "SRL for [repel]: Sea Containers Ltd. , in a long - awaited move to [repel] a hostile takeover bid , said it will sell $ 1.1 billion of assets and use some of the proceeds to buy about 50 % of its common shares for $ 70 apiece .",ARG-0: Sea Containers Ltd. | ARG-1: a hostile takeover bid "SRL for [monopolize]: `` They do n't want Japan to [monopolize] the region and sew it up , '' says Chong - sik Lee , professor of East Asian politics at the University of Pennsylvania .",ARG-0: Japan | ARG-1: the region SRL for [Communication]: [Communication] between the prisoners via tapping sounds began on Friday .,ARG-0: between the prisoners | ARG-M-MNR: via tapping sounds "SRL for [leaning]: `` Country people breed pigs , '' says Mr. Chojnowski , [leaning] against the back of his truck .",ARG-0: Mr. Chojnowski | ARG-2: against the back of his truck "SRL for [deplores]: Mr. Gelbart [deplores] the obfuscation , the circumlocution and the debasement of language he sees on all sides .","ARG-0: Mr. Gelbart | ARG-1: the obfuscation , the circumlocution and the debasement of language he sees on all sides" SRL for [hold]: He would not let go his [hold] of the angel until he blessed him .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the angel SRL for [stand down]: I do n't think Nick Clegg should [stand down] .,ARG-1: Nick Clegg | ARG-M-MOD: should SRL for [hungry]: The president is corrupt and money [hungry] but i would say that there are plenty of easier ways for him to do that if he so pleases and putting the country into turmoil and him in a terrible light would surely be foolish .,ARG-0: The president | ARG-1: money "SRL for [vamping]: In actuality , the countess preys upon both men and women , although her [vamping] of artist 's model Lily ( Nan Grey , that same year also one of Universal 's Three Smart Girls ) and secretary / heiress Janet Blake are her most often remembered conquests .","ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of artist 's model Lily ( Nan Grey , that same year also one of Universal 's Three Smart Girls ) and secretary / heiress Janet Blake" "SRL for [hurry]: On Main Street , Alida Verwoerd and her daughters look after the clothes and fabric shop , then [hurry] home to fix lunch for the rest of the family .",ARG-M-LOC: On Main Street | ARG-1: Alida Verwoerd and her daughters | ARG-M-DIR: home | ARG-2: to fix lunch for the rest of the family "SRL for [redesignated]: If an aftershock is larger than the main shock , the aftershock is [redesignated] as the main shock and the original main shock is redesignated as a foreshock .",ARG-M-ADV: If an aftershock is larger than the main shock | ARG-1: the aftershock | ARG-2: as the main shock SRL for [respiratory]: the cause of death in most cases was [respiratory],ARG-1: the cause of death in most cases SRL for [distension]: The gases ' [distension] of the body made identification nearly impossible .,ARG-0: The gases ' | ARG-1: of the body SRL for [locked]: He said the move toward standard operating systems means customers are n't [locked] into buying from their traditional computer supplier and can force prices down .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: customers | ARG-2: into buying from their traditional computer supplier SRL for [confirm]: He declined to [confirm] or deny reports that Provigo executive Henri Roy is trying to put together a management buy - out of the catalogue showroom unit .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: reports that Provigo executive Henri Roy is trying to put together a management buy - out of the catalogue showroom unit "SRL for [marketed]: The facility will be [marketed] toward families , and room rates will be between $ 35 and $ 55 a night , MGM Grand said .",ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: The facility | ARG-2: toward families SRL for [broadcast]: Few people heard his news [broadcast] last night .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: news | ARG-M-TMP: last night "SRL for [leashed]: My favorite is the time she [leashed] her beloved poodle to the bumper of her car , forgot it was there and drove into town .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: her beloved poodle | ARG-2: to the bumper of her car | ARG-M-TMP: the time SRL for [ranted]: She feels she 's showing love by bringing him to death s door because he asked for -LRB- or begged or [ranted] -RRB- for food .,ARG-0: he | ARG-3: for food "SRL for [presided]: Appointed to the federal bench in 1979 , he was charged two years later with conspiracy to accept a bribe in a case he [presided] over in Miami .",ARG-1: a case | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-LOC: in Miami | C-ARG-1: over "SRL for [swept]: There are , of course , analysts who view the near - panic that briefly [swept] through investors on Oct. 13 and again on Oct. 24 as momentary lapses of good judgment that have onlytemporarily undermined a healthy stock market .",ARG-1: the near - panic | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: through investors | ARG-M-TMP: on Oct. 13 and again on Oct. 24 SRL for [interactions]: your [interactions] with the Iraqi civilians in Tikrit Saddam 's hometown,ARG-0: your | ARG-1: with the Iraqi civilians | ARG-M-LOC: in Tikrit Saddam 's hometown SRL for [progress]: Texas has made steady [progress] in improving education .,ARG-1: Texas | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-MNR: steady | ARG-4: in improving education SRL for [enemas]: She was treated with Rowasa [enemas] .,ARG-2: Rowasa SRL for [walk]: @NASA says it may decide by tomorrow whether another space [walk] will be needed to fix torn thermal blanket that blew a cockpit window,ARG-2: space SRL for [each]: We 're backbiting [each] other over tiny plots of land and you look at all these unused fields .,ARG-0: We 're | ARG-1: other over | ARG-2: tiny plots of land and SRL for [voiding]: Voluntary [voiding] by these patients,ARG-M-MNR: Voluntary | ARG-0: by these patients SRL for [penned]: John [penned] 50 head of cattle in Mary 's living room .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: 50 head of cattle | ARG-M-LOC: in Mary 's living room "SRL for [gauge]: In such case , the manufacturer shall also record on the Form 179 the result of his [gauge] of the spirits received .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the spirits received SRL for [hurried]: Or that the president would have [hurried] to sign the bill `` out of compassion for her plight '' ?,ARG-1: the president | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: to sign the bill `` out of compassion for her plight '' "SRL for [backflipped]: Petr Pilat , aerobatic motorbike rider from the Czech Republic , [backflipped] his bike over a plane flown by Kirby Chambliss , Red Bull champion pilot from Texas .","ARG-0: Petr Pilat , aerobatic motorbike rider from the Czech Republic | ARG-1: his bike | ARG-2: over a plane flown by Kirby Chambliss , Red Bull champion pilot from Texas" SRL for [exemption]: Los Angeles council members voted Wednesday to make an [exemption] to its self - imposed boycott of Arizona,ARG-0: Los Angeles council members | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-2: to its self - imposed boycott of Arizona "SRL for [discouraged]: With the stock market wobbly and dollar buyers [discouraged] by signs of U.S. economic weakness and the recent decline in U.S. interest rates that has diminished the attractiveness of dollar - denominated investments , traders say the dollar is still in a precarious position .",ARG-1: dollar buyers | ARG-0: by signs of U.S. economic weakness and the recent decline in U.S. interest rates that has diminished the attractiveness of dollar - denominated investments "SRL for [encapsulate]: Under the plan , the companies will use Calgene 's patented technology to [encapsulate] microbes such as Bacillus subtilis , a bacterium , to enhance their biological activity against plant diseases .","ARG-0: the companies | ARG-1: microbes such as Bacillus subtilis , a bacterium | ARG-M-PNC: to enhance their biological activity against plant diseases" "SRL for [drilling]: The Iraqi Drilling Company succeeded , uh , in [drilling] seventy - five productive wells in the south oil fields , two months before the final delivery date , in addition to continuing to drill a hundred other wells and implementing maintenance operations for a big portion of the wells .",ARG-0: The Iraqi Drilling Company | ARG-1: seventy - five productive wells in the south oil fields | ARG-M-TMP: two months before the final delivery date | ARG-M-ADV: in addition to continuing to drill a hundred other wells and implementing maintenance operations for a big portion of the wells SRL for [approach]: This [approach] to teaching as a distributed teaching / learning process is ...,ARG-1: to teaching | ARG-2: as a distributed teaching / learning process "SRL for [exuded]: In the interview at headquarters yesterday afternoon , both men [exuded] confidence and seemed to work well together .",ARG-M-LOC: In the interview at headquarters yesterday afternoon | ARG-0: both men | ARG-1: confidence SRL for [affixed]: No conclusion could be made as to when Huang Zhugin 's stamp was [affixed] .,ARG-1: Huang Zhugin 's stamp | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [take on]: `` I will sit down and talk some of the problems out , but [take on] the political system ? Uh - uh , '' he says with a shake of the head .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the political system SRL for [recede]: They point out that these institutions want to lock in returns on high - yield U.S. Treasury debt and suggest demand for the U.S. unit will continue unabated until rates in the U.S. [recede] .,ARG-0: rates in the U.S. SRL for [hold over]: [hold over] to process lymph nodes on permanent sections,ARG-M-PRP: to process lymph nodes on permanent sections "SRL for [wooing]: In using program trading as a whipping boy , fundamentalist investors stand to gain the high ground in [wooing] small investors for their existing stock - selection products .",ARG-0: fundamentalist investors | ARG-1: small investors | ARG-M-CAU: for their existing stock - selection products SRL for [communicate]: We lost our chance to [communicate] with sweet - natured visitors `` about four feet tall ( who ) looked as though they were made of puffed - up marshmallow . '',ARG-0: We | ARG-2: with sweet - natured visitors `` about four feet tall ( who ) looked as though they were made of puffed - up marshmallow "SRL for [eradicate]: The suit , assigned [*] to federal Judge Kimba Wood , seeks a permanent injunction , back pay for judges who [*T*-1] have been forced [*-2] to retire , reinstatement of retired judges and `` other affirmative relief necessary [*] to [eradicate] the effects of ( New York 's ) unlawful employment practices . ''",ARG-1: the effects of ( New York 's ) unlawful employment practices SRL for [tripped]: A circuit breaker that would have closed down the New York Stock Exchange was n't [tripped] .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: A circuit breaker that would have closed down the New York Stock Exchange SRL for [bargain]: The deregulation of railroads and trucking companies that began in 1980 enabled shippers to [bargain] for transportation .,ARG-0: shippers | ARG-1: for transportation SRL for [entries]: accounting [entries] on the parent company 's books,ARG-1: accounting | ARG-2: on the parent company 's books "SRL for [bears]: Now , scholars in fulfilling their responsibility do not claim the right to invade every collection of papers that [bears] upon their topics of investigation .",ARG-1: every collection of papers | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: upon their topics of investigation SRL for [present]: I am not for a law that prevents people from keeping a gun in their home although I am for safety regulations especially where children are [present] .,ARG-1: children | ARG-2: where SRL for [authentic]: And the thing that makes Me lucky is how incredibly dedicated and [authentic] her love for me is,ARG-1: her love for me SRL for [jot down]: The buses should have writing materials to [jot down] suspicious activities or license plate numbers .,ARG-1: suspicious activities or license plate numbers SRL for [indurates]: Extreme heat [indurates] clay .,ARG-0: Extreme heat | ARG-1: clay SRL for [commitment]: Each organization was chosen by the SIMA Environmental Fund Board of Directors based on their [commitment] of funds to specific projects .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of funds | ARG-2: to specific projects "SRL for [conforms]: `` This [conforms] to the ` soft landing ' scenario , '' said Elliott Platt , an economist at Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp .",ARG-1: This | ARG-2: to the ` soft landing ' scenario "SRL for [recognition]: Meanwhile , in the South Pacific , there were gains and losses , with the ROC losing its formal ties with Tonga but gaining formal [recognition] from the Marshall Islands .",ARG-M-MNR: formal | ARG-0: from the Marshall Islands "SRL for [extrapolates]: From the various revisions to trade law adopted by the PRC last year , Chang Han - wen [extrapolates] that the PRC both wants to protect its uncompetitive state firms and turn from low - tech processing to high - tech production .",ARG-1: From the various revisions to trade law adopted by the PRC last year | ARG-0: Chang Han - wen | ARG-2: that the PRC both wants to protect its uncompetitive state firms and turn from low - tech processing to high - tech production "SRL for [manageable]: He complains of some belly pain , but that is [manageable] .",ARG-1: that SRL for [shaming]: ... and the second troop was Mormon - sponsored ( and also led by my dad ) out of what I interpreted as his [shaming] them into it .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: into it SRL for [whooping]: I think it 's more of a slang word for azz [whooping] .,ARG-1: azz "SRL for [squalled]: The wind [squalled] ferociously , and waves broke over the boat .",ARG-1: The wind | ARG-M-MNR: ferociously "SRL for [pepperspraying]: I was in the room off the main hallway getting signed into the meeting when someone shouts out from the hallway "" Security ! Security ! They 're [pepperspraying] us ! """,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: us "SRL for [come across]: Sometimes , when tidying up works of poetry from years before , he would [come across] one that he had no recollection of ever writing .",ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: one that he had no recollection of ever writing | ARG-M-TMP: Sometimes | ARG-M-TMP: when tidying up works of poetry from years before "SRL for [falsified]: Tony was four years older than most of his fellow cadets , and gained admission to the academy because his brother had [falsified] his birth certificate .",ARG-0: his brother | ARG-1: his birth certificate "SRL for [evolved]: Through 25 years of development , Xiamen Special Economic Zone has [evolved] from the previously isolated coastal defense outpost to a frontline of reform and opening - up .",ARG-M-TMP: Through 25 years of development | ARG-1: Xiamen Special Economic Zone | ARG-3: from the previously isolated coastal defense outpost | ARG-2: to a frontline of reform and opening - up SRL for [recognized]: I was pleased to note that your Oct. 23 Centennial Journal item [recognized] the money - fund concept as one of the significant events of the past century .,ARG-0: your Oct. 23 Centennial Journal item | ARG-1: the money - fund concept | ARG-3: as one of the significant events of the past century "SRL for [admiring]: Social change is permitting women to devote more attention to [admiring] male beauty , and it also is allowing men to enjoy beautifying themselves .",ARG-0: women | ARG-1: male beauty SRL for [crown]: Crenellated spires [crown] the Norman towers of St. Peters Cathedral .,ARG-1: Crenellated spires | ARG-2: the Norman towers of St. Peters Cathedral SRL for [scrapping]: THE SNP have attacked Labour over their [scrapping] of the 10p rate of income tax that left millions worse off .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the 10p rate of income tax that left millions worse off "SRL for [lectured]: In an extraordinary mix of cultures and church - state powers , Rep. Robert Dornan ( R. , Calif . ) [lectured] his fellow Roman Catholics -- including Mr. Florio -- for having the `` chutzpah '' to disagree with the hierarchy of their church on abortion .","ARG-M-ADV: In an extraordinary mix of cultures and church - state powers | ARG-0: Rep. Robert Dornan ( R. , Calif . ) | ARG-1: his fellow Roman Catholics -- including Mr. Florio -- | ARG-2: for having the `` chutzpah '' to disagree with the hierarchy of their church on abortion" SRL for [go]: Portfolio managers [go] after the highest rates .,ARG-0: Portfolio managers | ARG-1: after the highest rates SRL for [reflated]: They [reflated] the balloon .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the balloon SRL for [codes]: The Gene The modern working definition of a gene is a portion -LRB- or sequence -RRB- of DNA that [codes] for a known cellular function or process -LRB- e.g. the function `` make melanin molecules '' -RRB- .,ARG-1: that | ARG-2: for a known cellular function or process -LRB- e.g. the function `` make melanin molecules '' -RRB- "SRL for [squirming up]: While Reagan 's special envoy was , with his usual energy and sharp elbows , dickering with the Iraqis in the mid-1980s , Condoleezza Rice was an assistant professor of no scholarly distinction at Stanford ; Cheney a third - term congressman from Wyoming [squirming up] the House leadership ladder ; future viceroy of Baghdad L. Paul `` Jerry '' Bremer moving from State Department clerk and Alexander Haig protege to lavish - party giving ambassador to the Netherlands ; and George W. Bush , still by his own account given to `` heavy drinking , '' absorbed in changing the name of his chronically failed Arbusto Energy oil company to Bush Exploration .",ARG-0: a third - term congressman from Wyoming | ARG-1: the House leadership ladder SRL for [impressive]: Heat coach Erik Spoelstra says James ' scoring streak has been more [impressive] to him because James is n't solely focused on scoring .,ARG-0: James ' scoring streak | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-1: to him | ARG-M-CAU: because James is n't solely focused on scoring "SRL for [hiring]: We knew only that she was a licensed nanny with documents from the French government , and [hiring] her to look after Chien - chien seemed better than hiring a cheaper unlicensed nanny .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: to look after Chien - chien SRL for [valuation]: The value of Closing Stock is ascertained by Physical Verification of Stock on the last day of the accounting period and its [valuation] at Cost or Market Price ...,ARG-1: its | ARG-2: at Cost or Market Price SRL for [cocked]: ... in choosing to be a bride of Christ they inevitably [cocked] a snook at lesser male fry .,ARG-M-ADV: in choosing to be a bride of Christ | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-ADV: inevitably | ARG-1: a snook | ARG-M-GOL: at lesser male fry SRL for [predisposition]: her genetic [predisposition] to breast cancer,ARG-1: her | ARG-M-MNR: genetic | ARG-2: to breast cancer "SRL for [credits]: But Wang Ta - chih [credits] his father for instilling in him a love of literature , and encouraging him to become proficient in traditional Chinese disciplines such as painting , chess , woodwind music and martial arts .","ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: Wang Ta - chih | ARG-1: his father | ARG-2: for instilling in him a love of literature , and encouraging him to become proficient in traditional Chinese disciplines such as painting , chess , woodwind music and martial arts" SRL for [nondysmorphic]: Patient was [nondysmorphic] .,ARG-1: Patient "SRL for [ascended]: He [ascended] the hill , doubtless , because it was more convenient to address the multitude from an eminence than if he were on the same level with them .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the hill | ARG-M-ADV: doubtless | ARG-M-CAU: because it was more convenient to address the multitude from an eminence than if he were on the same level with them "SRL for [washing]: Not unexpectedly , wives did by far the most -- about 80 % of theshopping , laundry and cooking , and about two - thirds ofhousecleaning , [washing] dishes , child care and family paperwork .",ARG-0: wives | ARG-1: dishes "SRL for [checks]: Every day , Mr. Levy [checks] orders from Campeau department store chains , trying to guess if he will be paid .",ARG-M-TMP: Every day | ARG-0: Mr. Levy | ARG-1: orders from Campeau department store chains | ARG-M-ADV: trying to guess if he will be paid SRL for [get on]: Jerry can [get on] with the business of building a life for himself .,ARG-0: Jerry | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: with the business of building a life for himself SRL for [transfusion]: Hospitals varied widely in their [transfusion] of type - O blood to non - type - O patients .,ARG-0: their | ARG-2: of type - O blood | ARG-1: to non - type - O patients "SRL for [disturbed]: They were [disturbed] at what they regarded as Dr. Baltimore 's confrontational attitude toward the Dingell committee , which held hearings on a dispute over the lab notebooks of a researcher who had co - authored a scientific paper with Dr. Baltimore .","ARG-1: They | ARG-0: at what they regarded as Dr. Baltimore 's confrontational attitude toward the Dingell committee , which held hearings on a dispute over the lab notebooks of a researcher who had co - authored a scientific paper with Dr. Baltimore" SRL for [peace]: Let 's make [peace] in our hearts !,ARG-0: 's | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-M-LOC: in our hearts ! "SRL for [woke up]: Technology stocks [woke up] , helping the over - the - counter market rise from its recent doldrums .",ARG-1: Technology stocks | ARG-M-ADV: helping the over - the - counter market rise from its recent doldrums SRL for [methylation]: The [methylation] of the gene promoter,ARG-1: of the gene promoter SRL for [spirits]: She was in good [spirits] after her operation .,ARG-2: good "SRL for [tariffs]: The result is a 40 % cut in their [tariffs] on industrial products , ...",ARG-0: their | ARG-3: on industrial products SRL for [rule]: autocratic [rule] under Slobodan Milosevic,ARG-M-MNR: autocratic | ARG-0: under Slobodan Milosevic SRL for [raising]: The bankers also insist that the loans depend on the consortium [raising] more money from new and existing backers .,ARG-0: the consortium | ARG-1: more money | ARG-2: from new and existing backers "SRL for [redemption]: the [redemption] Dec. 6 of the company 's $ 1 cumulative convertible special preferred stock at $ 37.5 a share , not including a 25 cent dividend for the current quarter","ARG-1: of the company 's $ 1 cumulative convertible special preferred stock | ARG-2: at $ 37.5 a share , not including a 25 cent dividend for the current quarter" SRL for [disoriented]: His presence [disoriented] her,ARG-0: His presence | ARG-1: her SRL for [preferable]: Delay is [preferable] to error .,ARG-1: Delay | ARG-2: to error SRL for [blowing]: Motorists [blowing] the horns in frustration surprisingly did not cause the traffic jam to dissolve .,ARG-0: Motorists | ARG-1: the horns | ARG-M-MNR: in frustration "SRL for [easing]: The Federal Reserve announced on November 3 , 2010 , a second round of quantitative [easing] of $ 600 billion .",ARG-M-ADJ: quantitative | ARG-1: of $ 600 billion "SRL for [dividing]: Herbert M. Baum , the 53 - year - old president of the company 's Campbell U.S.A. unit , and Edwin L. Harper , 47 , the chief financial officer , will run Campbell as a team , [dividing] responsibilities rather evenly until a successor is named .","ARG-0: Herbert M. Baum , the 53 - year - old president of the company 's Campbell U.S.A. unit , and Edwin L. Harper , 47 , the chief financial officer | ARG-1: responsibilities | ARG-M-MNR: rather evenly | ARG-M-TMP: until a successor is named" "SRL for [low]: It is [low] in altitude compared to the rest of the mountain , being only 1200 m above sea level .",ARG-1: It | ARG-2: in altitude | ARG-M-ADV: compared to the rest of the mountain | ARG-M-ADV: being only 1200 m above sea level "SRL for [bound up]: For most people , dishes such as these are forever [bound up] with the spirit of New Year .",ARG-M-ADV: For most people | ARG-M-TMP: forever | ARG-1: dishes such as these | ARG-2: with the spirit of New Year "SRL for [spoken]: He added that he had [spoken] with Mr. Laidig , whom he referred to as a friend , by telephone Monday evening .","ARG-0: he | ARG-2: with Mr. Laidig , whom he referred to as a friend | ARG-M-MNR: by telephone | ARG-M-TMP: Monday evening" SRL for [cracking down]: Denver police are [cracking down] on distracted drivers .,ARG-0: Denver police | ARG-1: on distracted drivers SRL for [movement]: the [movement] of young cattle onto feedlots in the month of September in seven big ranch states,ARG-1: of young cattle | ARG-2: onto feedlots | ARG-M-TMP: in the month of September | ARG-M-LOC: in seven big ranch states "SRL for [ensconced]: The former congressman , who resigned as speaker of the House after an investigation of his financial dealings , is [ensconced] in his district office , maintained by taxpayers on a $ 200,000 allowance .","ARG-1: The former congressman , who resigned as speaker of the House after an investigation of his financial dealings | ARG-2: in his district office , maintained by taxpayers on a $ 200,000 allowance" SRL for [compartmentalize]: People can no longer afford to [compartmentalize] personal spiritual and political systems .,ARG-0: People | ARG-1: personal spiritual and political systems SRL for [originated]: It [originated] as a pure - line selection from a mixed variety called Canada Cluster .,ARG-1: It | ARG-3: as a pure - line selection from a mixed variety called Canada Cluster SRL for [consider]: Economists [consider] that a sign that inflationary pressures are abating .,ARG-0: Economists | ARG-1: that a sign that inflationary pressures are abating "SRL for [half]: Of his eight siblings , the six youngest ones are [half] .",ARG-1: the six youngest ones "SRL for [prefer]: Although manufacturers often are quick to call for lower interest rates , 60 % of the executives said they would [prefer] that the Fed keep inflation - fighting as its top priority even if that means higher rates .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: that the Fed keep inflation - fighting as its top priority even if that means higher rates SRL for [completely]: I [completely] forgot our wedding anniversary .,ARG-1: forgot SRL for [rinse]: And then I 'd pour it from the container into the plastic bag and seal it up and then go you know [rinse] out the container thing and wash it the next day .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-DIR: out | ARG-2: the container thing "SRL for [rendered]: Naturally , neither General Dynamics nor Dassault could be expected to hamper its prospective future dealings by making disclosures of sums paid ( or not ) to various Greek officials for services [rendered] .",ARG-1: services SRL for [rise]: The crisis of national survival forced them to a deeply critical self - examination which gave [rise] to several self - awareness campaigns over the following decades .,ARG-0: a deeply critical self - examination | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-1: to several self - awareness campaigns | ARG-M-TMP: over the following decades SRL for [supped]: They [supped] on milk and porridge .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: on milk and porridge SRL for [betrothed]: ... newly [betrothed] couple ...,ARG-M-MNR: newly | ARG-1: couple "SRL for [rest]: With a [rest] of her chin in her hand , she smiled at him .",ARG-1: of her chin | ARG-M-GOL: in her hand SRL for [snapped]: The Amex Market Value Index [snapped] a five - session losing streak by rising 2.91 to 378.07 .,ARG-0: The Amex Market Value Index | ARG-1: a five - session losing streak | ARG-M-MNR: by rising 2.91 to 378.07 "SRL for [grooved]: John [grooved] his ice cream with long , deep trenches that he filled with hot fudge .","ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his ice cream | ARG-2: with long , deep trenches that he filled with hot fudge" SRL for [twined]: We 'd know him by his stretch pants and the flowers he 'd wear [twined] in his hair .,ARG-1: the flowers | ARG-M-LOC: in his hair "SRL for [bolted]: Indeed , the insurance adjusters had already [bolted] out of the courtroom .",ARG-M-DIS: Indeed | ARG-0: the insurance adjusters | ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-M-DIR: out of the courtroom "SRL for [putz around]: The way I kind of see it is like if you want a a so- soft place to lie your head down and fall asleep , and wake up , y- , cook food or whatever and , [putz around] once in a while , that 's fine .",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-TMP: once in a while SRL for [seeking]: A company is [seeking] to purchase a carrier .,ARG-0: A company | ARG-1: to purchase a carrier SRL for [geminated]: Medial consonants are not [geminated] before this date .,ARG-1: Medial consonants | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-TMP: before this date "SRL for [endorsement]: Even if he wins , this may mean only that the people of Taiwan are willing to give Lien Chan a chance , and would not necessarily be an [endorsement] of the KMT itself .",ARG-1: of the KMT itself "SRL for [cut and run]: When the republican congress [cut and run] from its responsibility oversight , how did that war change ?",ARG-0: the republican congress | ARG-1: from its responsibility oversight SRL for [applications]: Data submitted their original approval [applications] before the FDA .,ARG-0: their | ARG-M-TMP: original | ARG-1: approval | ARG-2: before the FDA SRL for [underlay]: I will [underlay] a screen shot of the flash movie under the flash movie .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: a screen shot of the flash movie | ARG-1: under the flash movie SRL for [fine]: My fiance 's hair is baby - [fine] and wavy / wurly .,ARG-1: My fiance 's hair | ARG-2: baby SRL for [unpacked]: 2 pm . Going to get [unpacked] and grab a snack,ARG-M-LVB: get "SRL for [turnover]: In most crater lakes , [turnover] of the stratified waters occurs periodically and harmless amounts of dissolved gases are released ;",ARG-1: of the stratified waters "SRL for [planked]: Had the weather been warmer , I could have [planked] the fish and thrown it on the grill , but I opted for the Conventional Hot - Box instead .",ARG-M-ADV: Had the weather been warmer | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the fish "SRL for [infraction]: Shortly thereafter , she received a formal letter from the condo board noting her [infraction] of pool rules .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of pool rules SRL for [protracted]: John 's fourth quarter heroics [protracted] the game .,ARG-0: John 's fourth quarter heroics | ARG-1: the game SRL for [lead]: ... Fidelity Investments and other large mutual - fund companies might soon follow the [lead] of Kemper Corp. and other institutions in cutting off trading business to securities firms that do program trading .,ARG-0: of Kemper Corp. and other institutions | ARG-2: in cutting off trading business to securities firms that do program trading SRL for [open]: but this position is still [open] for nominations and a vote .,ARG-M-DIS: but | ARG-1: this position | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-2: for nominations and a vote "SRL for [mining]: Paradoxically , they considered platinum as a nuisance for their [mining] of gold .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of gold "SRL for [accounted]: Profit - taking [accounted] for much of the slide in OTC stock prices , according to David Mills , senior vice president of Boston Company Advisers .",ARG-0: Profit - taking | ARG-1: for much of the slide in OTC stock prices SRL for [wash]: Investors interpreted the KKR move as a desire by the firm to [wash] its hands of SCI TV .,ARG-0: the firm | ARG-3: its hands | ARG-1: of SCI TV "SRL for [homogenous]: Neither group was [homogenous] , with the Zionists divided between those who adopted a practical or political viewpoint .",ARG-1: Neither group "SRL for [filing]: When the required Hart - Scott - Rodino [filing] eventually was made , it did n't disclose the group 's alleged earlier violation of the so-called prior - notice requirements of the law .",ARG-M-PRD: required | ARG-1: Hart - Scott - Rodino | ARG-M-TMP: eventually | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-TMP: When SRL for [convention]: It looks like there is a significant possibility that no candidate will come to the GOP [convention] with enough delegates to win a first vote .,ARG-1: GOP SRL for [hammered]: John [hammered] the footnotes into a strong argument .,ARG-0: John | ARG-2: the footnotes | ARG-1: into a strong argument "SRL for [limits]: And powerful political pressures may convince the Conservative government to keep its so-called golden share , which [limits] any individual holding to 15 % , until the restriction expires on Dec. 31 , 1990 .",ARG-0: its so-called golden share | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: any individual holding | ARG-2: to 15 % SRL for [know]: They [know] the Cherokee Nation to be a sovereign state .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: to be a sovereign state | ARG-2: the Cherokee Nation "SRL for [panned out]: The units have worked on 37 investment banking deals this year , he says , though not all of them have [panned out] .",ARG-0: not all of them SRL for [transaction]: A capital boosting [transaction],ARG-M-ADJ: capital boosting SRL for [calked]: He [calked] him with a metal cleat .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a metal cleat "SRL for [harass]: Moreover , police and soldiers continue to [harass] Americans , who have filed several protests with the Foreign Ministry in the past week .","ARG-0: police and soldiers | ARG-1: Americans , who have filed several protests with the Foreign Ministry in the past week" SRL for [dotes]: Grandma [dotes] on him with presents,ARG-0: Grandma | ARG-1: on him | ARG-M-MNR: with presents "SRL for [emergency]: That can make *trace* having an [emergency] more stressful , knowing that it could potentially cost you more if you ca n't pay the card off right away .",ARG-M-LVB: having "SRL for [trace]: The personal antics of agency Director Amadou - Mahtar M'Bow drew much attention , such as when several of his top aides were uncovered as KGB plants and ejected from France and when a mysterious office fire was set just before Congress sent accountants to [trace] U.S. funds .",ARG-0: accountants | ARG-1: U.S. funds SRL for [recontacted]: He [recontacted] the CFRC in 2007 and was advised that he was eligible for a $ 20000 recruiting allowance .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the CFRC | ARG-M-TMP: in 2007 "SRL for [substantiate]: Mr. Lewis said the company gave the Consumer Affairs department `` volumes of documents '' to [substantiate] its statements , and made `` every effort to comply '' with all the agency 's policies .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: its statements "SRL for [cut loose]: Mr. Roman , by contrast , seems rarely to [cut loose] at all , although he did appear at Ogilvy 's Halloween party Friday decked out in duck feet and a duck hat , costumed as a `` lame duck . ''","ARG-1: Mr. Roman | ARG-M-DIS: at all | ARG-M-ADV: although he did appear at Ogilvy 's Halloween party Friday decked out in duck feet and a duck hat , costumed as a `` lame duck . ''" SRL for [thinking]: This would explain people 's [thinking] nothing of advertising 40 years ago .,ARG-0: people 's | ARG-1: nothing | ARG-2: of advertising SRL for [commingled]: Mary [commingled] her friends with John 's for their holiday party .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: her friends | ARG-2: John 's SRL for [proposal]: a more detailed merger [proposal] to much - larger Mesa Airlines,ARG-M-ADJ: more detailed | ARG-1: merger | ARG-2: to much - larger Mesa Airlines SRL for [post - surgical]: Anyone out there with hypoparathyroidism ? Mine is [post - surgical] following a thyroidectomy .,ARG-1: Mine | ARG-2: following a thyroidectomy SRL for [presentation]: The patient 's [presentation] with severe chest pains caused the doctors to immediately administer and ECG test .,ARG-0: The patient 's | ARG-1: with severe chest pains SRL for [broke]: Stock prices rallied as the Georgia - Pacific bid [broke] the market 's recent gloom .,ARG-0: the Georgia - Pacific bid | ARG-1: the market 's recent gloom SRL for [clutching]: Mr. Noriega believes he has n't any alternative but to continue [clutching] to power .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: to power SRL for [defend]: Estonia had to [defend] itself from cyber attacks .,ARG-0: Estonia | ARG-1: itself | ARG-3: from cyber attacks "SRL for [magnetized]: The crowd moved in clumps , clumps [magnetized] around an electronic nucleus .",ARG-1: clumps | ARG-M-LOC: around an electronic nucleus SRL for [mind]: It looks like we have to [mind] our own business !,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: our own business "SRL for [outflank]: Earlier this month , Convex made a bid to [outflank] other supercomputer competitors like Digital Equipment Corp. and International Business Machines Corp. by adopting an open set of standards and introducing new hardware and software to link different systems .",ARG-1: Convex | ARG-2: other supercomputer competitors like Digital Equipment Corp. and International Business Machines Corp. | ARG-M-MNR: by adopting an open set of standards and introducing new hardware and software to link different systems SRL for [plug]: General Electric plans to use the characters to [plug] its Miser light bulb .,ARG-0: General Electric | ARG-1: its Miser light bulb SRL for [eyeballs]: I want to put my [eyeballs] on my son for a minute .,ARG-0: my | ARG-1: on my son | ARG-M-TMP: for a minute "SRL for [double]: Joan Darrah , a retired Navy Captain , echoed Alva ’s sentiments , saying that she was constantly forced to live a [double] life while serving .",ARG-1: life "SRL for [irked]: The effects on the market of the mostly computer - driven sell - off among exchange - listed stocks [irked] many market makers , who watched the Nasdaq Composite Index tumble in sympathy with the Dow Jones Industrial Average , and then saw it get left behind in the subsequent rally .","ARG-0: The effects on the market of the mostly computer - driven sell - off among exchange - listed stocks | ARG-1: many market makers , who watched the Nasdaq Composite Index tumble in sympathy with the Dow Jones Industrial Average , and then saw it get left behind in the subsequent rally" SRL for [downmodulates]: LYP [downmodulates] TCR signaling when dissociated from CSK .,ARG-1: TCR signaling | ARG-2: LYP "SRL for [chunked]: In order to import all of the contacts , they [chunked] them into 26 files containing 5000 records each .",ARG-M-PRP: In order to import all of the contacts | ARG-0: they | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: into 26 files containing 5000 records each SRL for [broke up]: He i was her second guy ( i [broke up] from her first bf ) .,ARG-0: i | ARG-1: her | ARG-3: from her first bf SRL for [subjugated]: Scotland was [subjugated] by the English .,ARG-1: Scotland | ARG-0: by the English "SRL for [entitled]: Now the children of Chinese women and foreign men will also be [entitled] to ROC nationality -LRB- as the children of Chinese men and foreign women always have been -RRB- , thus realizing equal treatment under the law for men and women .",ARG-M-DIS: Now | ARG-2: the children of Chinese women and foreign men | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: to ROC nationality | ARG-M-ADV: thus realizing equal treatment under the law for men and women "SRL for [reabsorbed]: When a living creature died , the Great Mother [reabsorbed] it into her embrace .",ARG-M-TMP: When a living creature died | ARG-0: the Great Mother | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: into her embrace SRL for [accountable]: She must be [accountable] for her war crimes .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: for her war crimes "SRL for [off]: She reports her disgestion has been "" [off] "" for the last 3 - 4 months .",ARG-1: her digestion | ARG-M-TMP: for the last 3 - 4 months "SRL for [run down]: Time to plug yourself in for a recharge , you re starting to [run down] .",ARG-1: you SRL for [down]: The price of Tesla is [down] from $ 969 to $ 887 .,ARG-1: The price of Tesla | ARG-2: from $ 969 | ARG-3: to $ 887 "SRL for [count]: But this is a production designed and directed by Franco Zeffirelli and paid for by Sybil Harrington , who has no need to [count] her pennies .",ARG-0: Sybil Harrington | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: her pennies SRL for [tolerant]: My eldest who is especially friendly and [tolerant] tried to make friends with these people but in the end they all wanted something .,ARG-0: who | ARG-M-EXT: especially "SRL for [preceding]: Given the prelude 's thematic connections with the music [preceding] the last act , ...",ARG-1: the music | ARG-2: the last act SRL for [left]: I [left] Boulder angry and $ 100 poorer,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: Boulder | ARG-M-PRD: angry and $ 100 poorer SRL for [combination]: the network 's inabliity to match a Time - Warner [combination],ARG-0: Time - Warner "SRL for [praising]: Analysts and consultants had mixed reactions to yesterday'sannouncements , [praising] Mr. Rifenburgh 's efforts but questioningwhether the company can survive in a highly competitive marketplace .",ARG-0: Analysts and consultants | ARG-1: Mr. Rifenburgh 's efforts "SRL for [defecation]: Several weeks since his surgery , the patient 's [defecation] is no longer hampered .",ARG-0: the patient 's "SRL for [obligated]: Thus , an institution [obligated] to make fixed - rate interest payments on debt swaps the payments with another making floating - rate payments .",ARG-1: an institution | ARG-2: to make fixed - rate interest payments on debt "SRL for [netted]: He took the company public in an offering that [netted] Applied about $ 12.6 million , which helped launch the company 's acquisition program .",ARG-0: an offering | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-2: Applied | ARG-1: about $ 12.6 million SRL for [pass]: Disaster almost struck as Erik made his [pass] of the leader on the 13th lap .,ARG-0: Erik | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: of the leader | ARG-M-TMP: on the 13th lap "SRL for [muddy]: Consequently , in Yellowstone National Park , new geysers erupted , and massive slumping caused large cracks in the ground , which emitted steam , and many hot springs became [muddy] .",ARG-1: many hot springs SRL for [discrete]: Ordered columns are [discrete] in terms of content type .,ARG-1: Ordered columns | ARG-3: in terms of content type SRL for [mineralization]: The authors estimated nitrogen transferral rates through the soil food web and calculated nitrogen [mineralization] rates for a range of soil organisms .,ARG-2: nitrogen "SRL for [dealt]: But the computer - guided selling in response to those developments [dealt] a serious blow to the over - the - counter market , Mr. DaPuzzo said .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: the computer - guided selling in response to those developments | ARG-1: a serious blow | ARG-2: to the over - the - counter market SRL for [increased]: Output will be gradually [increased] .,ARG-1: Output | ARG-2: gradually SRL for [galvanizing]: John devised a new process for *trace* [galvanizing] barbed wire .,ARG-1: barbed wire "SRL for [peppersprayed]: Someone came at me with a knife , and I screamed and I [peppersprayed] him with the stuff you gave me .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with the stuff you gave me SRL for [intermarried]: Some of the Fang - suo - she aborigines [intermarried] with Chinese .,ARG-1: Some of the Fang - suo - she aborigines | ARG-2: with Chinese "SRL for [tugging]: But yesterday , the heavy trading action eventually consumed not only Messrs. Jacobson and Bates but four other Jacobson partners , all doing their specialist - firm job of [tugging] buyers and sellers together and adjusting prices to accommodate the market .",ARG-0: four other Jacobson partners | ARG-1: buyers and sellers | ARG-2: together SRL for [general]: The perception deficit was [general] to all patients in the trial group .,ARG-1: The perception deficit | ARG-2: to all patients in the trial group SRL for [fall]: The CEO took the [fall] there .,ARG-0: The CEO | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-M-LOC: there "SRL for [mediate]: W.J. Usery Jr. , labor secretary during the Ford administration , was named to [mediate] talks to settle the six - month strike by the UMW .","ARG-0: W.J. Usery Jr. , labor secretary during the Ford administration | ARG-1: talks to settle the six - month strike by the UMW" SRL for [outflow]: minimal [outflow] of blood from right breast,ARG-M-EXT: minimal | ARG-1: of blood | ARG-M-DIR: from right breast SRL for [reviewed]: All systems [reviewed] and negative .,ARG-1: All systems "SRL for [intense]: On the other hand , the standard of living of other countries ' peoples is rising , their education levels will rise , and anti - American passion also will not will not be so [intense] .",ARG-1: anti - American passion | ARG-M-ADV: also | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: so "SRL for [blasphemed]: Dice rolled , prostitutes plied their trade , thieves stole , murderersstabbed , and the ungodly [blasphemed] .",ARG-1: the ungodly SRL for [exported]: Some 70 % of them are to be [exported] to the U.S.,ARG-1: Some 70 % of them | ARG-2: to the U.S. "SRL for [filing]: Squitieri & Fearon , LLP announced their [filing] of a securities suit against Bank of America Corp.",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of a securities suit | ARG-3: against Bank of America Corp. "SRL for [spurts]: `` Talk hurts from where it [spurts] , '' one of them says .",ARG-1: it "SRL for [cradled]: Alex entered first and was followed by the doctor who , for all his care , manifested a perceptible bulge on his left side where the hen was [cradled] .",ARG-1: the hen "SRL for [conquest]: By 1673 they had completed their [conquest] of China , though they continued to expand well into the next century",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of China SRL for [sight]: The climax is his visit to the dead man 's house and his [sight] of the body .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the body SRL for [detention]: illagers are also unhappy about police [detention] of protesters .,ARG-0: police | ARG-1: of protesters SRL for [dosed]: The rice was n't [dosed] with opium .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: The rice | ARG-2: with opium "SRL for [embroiled]: A majority of an NIH - appointed panel recommended late last year that the research continue under carefully controlled conditions , but the issue became [embroiled] in politics as anti - abortion groups continued to oppose federal funding .",ARG-1: the issue | ARG-2: in politics | ARG-M-TMP: as anti - abortion groups continued to oppose federal funding "SRL for [harshened]: The cold settled like a tangible pall over the Mile High City , locking it in an icy grip that [harshened] its outlines and altered its physical appearance .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: an icy grip | ARG-1: its outlines "SRL for [sweep]: `` We could [sweep] it under the rug and hide it , but I 'm not going to do it , '' he said in a speech last month .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: it | ARG-4: under the rug SRL for [clueless]: My child is [clueless] about what he wants to do when he grows up .,ARG-1: My child | ARG-2: about what he wants to do when he grows up SRL for [yowls]: John 's dog [yowls] all night long .,ARG-0: John 's dog | ARG-M-TMP: all night long SRL for [widowed]: So would someone recently divorced or [widowed] .,ARG-1: someone | ARG-M-TMP: recently SRL for [pitted]: Outside the ship 's exterior walls are [pitted] by the shrapnel from the explosion .,ARG-M-LOC: Outside | ARG-0: by the shrapnel from the explosion | ARG-1: the ship 's exterior walls "SRL for [breathed]: "" You are Hurt ! "" she [breathed] .","ARG-0: she | ARG-1: "" You are Hurt ! """ "SRL for [defer]: The company is highlighting more special deals in its advertising and stores , and it 's offering to [defer] finance charges on certain big - ticket items .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: finance charges on certain big - ticket items SRL for [cast]: The sculptor will [cast] his sculpture by pouring the cement into a mould made from an original piece in a softer material,ARG-0: The sculptor | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: his sculpture | ARG-M-MNR: by pouring the cement into a mould made from an original piece in a softer material SRL for [subluxed]: He [subluxed] his shoulder in a snowmobiling accident and will have to undergo surgery .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his shoulder | ARG-M-LOC: in a snowmobiling accident SRL for [process]: the [process] of being identified,ARG-1: of being identified SRL for [overcommit]: Tony Blair was warned not to [overcommit] troops to the Iraq war .,ARG-0: Tony Blair | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: troops | ARG-2: to the Iraq war "SRL for [dismisses]: Jonathan H. Kress , the son of the painting 's former owner , Mrs. Rush Kress , [dismisses] the price talk as `` sour grapes . ''","ARG-0: Jonathan H. Kress , the son of the painting 's former owner , Mrs. Rush Kress | ARG-1: the price talk | ARG-2: as `` sour grapes . ''" "SRL for [connected]: The subsidiary also increased reserves by $ 140 million , however , and set aside an additional $ 25 million for claims [connected] with Hurricane Hugo .",ARG-1: claims | ARG-2: with Hurricane Hugo SRL for [filtering]: Some U.S. products are [filtering] into the Soviet market under an emergency import program .,ARG-1: Some U.S. products | ARG-2: into the Soviet market | ARG-M-LOC: under an emergency import program "SRL for [bronzed]: and unrolling a package he displayed a key [bronzed] in silver , nearly three feet long",ARG-1: a key | ARG-2: in silver SRL for [understanding]: A researcher uses his [understanding] of the human brain to advance on a popular quiz show in Estonia .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the human brain SRL for [decrypted]: Here C is [decrypted] so the notification profile can be looked up to request the needed notification from the publishing - server .,ARG-M-LOC: Here | ARG-1: C SRL for [grilling]: Tomorrow I am [grilling] your hot ass about your halfsex with mikey,ARG-M-TMP: Tomorrow | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: your hot ass | ARG-2: about your halfsex with mikey "SRL for [catch up]: Meanwhile , Shearson Lehman 's Mr. Devario said that , to stay competitive , the U.S. paper industry needs to [catch up] with the European industry .",ARG-1: the U.S. paper industry | ARG-2: with the European industry SRL for [reservations]: He made hotel [reservations] for them .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-1: hotel | ARG-2: for them SRL for [turned]: The plan [turned] state companies private .,ARG-0: The plan | ARG-1: state companies | ARG-2: private "SRL for [force]: Low test scores [force] entire districts into wrenching , state - supervised interventions that can mean firings .","ARG-0: Low test scores | ARG-1: entire districts | ARG-2: into wrenching , state - supervised interventions that can mean firings" SRL for [jogged]: She then [jogged] his memory that they had a cat named Jack .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: his memory | ARG-2: that they had a cat named Jack "SRL for [Cracking down]: [Cracking down] on crime and stamping out "" black gold "" politics remains a central plank of the new government 's platform .",ARG-0: new government | ARG-1: on crime SRL for [in hands]: central bankers do n't really have to worry about who 's elected to office as long as the private creation and allocation of credit remains safely [in hands] .,ARG-1: the private creation and allocation of credit | ARG-M-ADV: safely | ARG-0: their SRL for [delinted]: The facility [delinted] the cottonseeds by washing them with 5 % sulfuric acid .,ARG-0: The facility | ARG-1: the cottonseeds | ARG-M-MNR: by washing them with 5 % sulfuric acid "SRL for [write down]: New rules force thrifts to [write down] their junk to market value , then sell the bonds over five years .",ARG-0: thrifts | ARG-1: their junk | ARG-4: to market value SRL for [frozen]: He should do something but was [frozen] from doing anything .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: from doing anything "SRL for [younger]: But he never had a strong impression of Cristin , who was two years [younger] .",ARG-1: who | ARG-M-EXT: two years SRL for [reprobates]: He [reprobates] the conduct of those men .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the conduct of those men "SRL for [scudding]: She remembered , suddenly , a night of savage moonlight and [scudding] clouds when she and Adelia , having dared each other , had stolen out of their great safe house and come here , hand in hand , hoping and fearing ghosts .",ARG-0: clouds "SRL for [alligatored]: The wood was old , the paint [alligatored] .",ARG-1: the paint SRL for [nested]: Simon Chang notes that a major innovation usually is [nested] in a lot of small innovations .,ARG-0: a major innovation | ARG-M-ADV: usually | ARG-1: in a lot of small innovations SRL for [survey]: A [survey] of the National Olympic Committees,ARG-1: of the National Olympic Committees SRL for [provocation]: The [provocation] of rumors and slander by some foreign reactionary organizations,ARG-1: of rumors and slander | ARG-0: by some foreign reactionary organizations "SRL for [drinking]: He says bowling helps him shed pounds , though that effort is sometimes thwarted by the fact that `` when I 'm [drinking] , I bowl better . ''",ARG-0: I SRL for [notable]: This years PPE was [notable] to me because of the sheer number of youngsters playing all the different games .,ARG-1: This years PPE | ARG-0: to me | ARG-M-CAU: because of the sheer number of youngsters playing all the different games "SRL for [naming]: A last source says that it was because Aina found rest in the area , which occasioned his [naming] the area as ' Isin . '",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the area | ARG-2: as ' Isin . ' "SRL for [deserving]: The account of the facts for whether it is a crime or not may be debatable , but the crime is absolutely not [deserving] of death , is it ... ? !",ARG-2: the crime | ARG-M-ADV: absolutely | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: of death "SRL for [fed]: The transluscent husk of the seed is removed , sifted and crushed ; the seed itself is [fed] to animals .",ARG-1: the seed itself | ARG-2: to animals "SRL for [reimplant]: After an operation to [reimplant] the ureter into the bladder wall , the condition stopped deteriorating .",ARG-1: the ureter | ARG-2: into the bladder wall SRL for [did in]: The marathon [did in] .,ARG-0: The marathon | ARG-1: me SRL for [lamming out]: The dark - haired stud is too busy [lamming out] from the law for some murder he committed back on the Big Island .,ARG-0: The dark - haired stud | ARG-2: from the law | ARG-M-CAU: for some murder he committed back on the Big Island "SRL for [filming]: `` They 're [filming] right now at the bank down the street , and they want shots of people getting out of cars and kids on skateboards .",ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: right now | ARG-M-LOC: at the bank down the street "SRL for [breach]: Under a merger agreement reached Sept. 14 , the UAL board agreed to reimburse certain of the buy - out group 's expenses out of company funds even if the transaction was n't completed , provided the group did n't [breach] the agreement .",ARG-0: the group | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the agreement "SRL for [survive]: Analysts and consultants had mixed reactions to yesterday 's announcements , praising Mr. Rifenburgh 's efforts but questioning whether the company can [survive] in a highly competitive marketplace .",ARG-0: the company | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-LOC: in a highly competitive marketplace "SRL for [heightened]: CenTrust Savings Bank said federal thrift regulators ordered it to suspend dividend payments on its two classes of preferred stock , indicating that regulators ' concerns about the troubled institution have [heightened] .",ARG-1: regulators ' concerns about the troubled institution SRL for [done]: My homework is [done] .,ARG-1: My homework SRL for [intern]: Ad this summer I was supposed to [intern] but it fell through so i ll probably just work,ARG-0: I SRL for [trouble]: Save yourself the [trouble] of cooking tomorrow night !,ARG-1: yourself | ARG-2: of cooking | ARG-M-TMP: tomorrow night "SRL for [encouraging]: In anticipation of that shift , he and other analysts are [encouraging] their clients to buy such issues now .",ARG-M-ADV: In anticipation of that shift | ARG-0: he and other analysts | ARG-1: their clients | ARG-2: to buy such issues now "SRL for [coerces]: Beijing lawmakers have called for jails to be built to house prostitutes and for severe punishment , including the death sentence , for anyone who induces or [coerces] women into prostitution .",ARG-0: anyone | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: women | ARG-2: into prostitution SRL for [socialization]: human [socialization],ARG-0: human "SRL for [hole up]: When the weather cools , Mr. Baker says , hobos often [hole up] in abandoned houses .",ARG-M-TMP: When the weather cools | ARG-0: hobos | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: in abandoned houses SRL for [kiss]: Should I [kiss] her goodnight ? ?,ARG-M-MOD: Should | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: goodnight SRL for [Retroflexed]: [Retroflexed] view of the rectum revealed anal papilae .,ARG-1: view SRL for [yawning]: her continual [yawning],ARG-0: her | ARG-M-TMP: continual "SRL for [mugging]: His [mugging] by the disgruntled Pennsylvanians also goes for naught , since he recovers fully from his injuries .",ARG-1: His | ARG-0: by the disgruntled Pennsylvanians SRL for [making]: He plays an active role in policy [making] .,ARG-1: policy SRL for [grip]: Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Chris Finalyson needs to get a [grip] and stop reverting to hissy fits every time some truth is told,ARG-0: Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Chris Finalyson | ARG-M-LVB: get SRL for [clearance]: Their [clearance] by the Food and Drug administration,ARG-3: Their | ARG-0: by the Food and Drug administration "SRL for [care]: `` An active 55 - year - old in Boca Raton may [care] more about Senior Olympic games , while a 75 - year - old in Panama City may caremore about a seminar on health , '' she says .",ARG-0: An active 55 - year - old in Boca Raton | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-1: about Senior Olympic games | ARG-M-ADV: while a 75 - year - old in Panama City may caremore about a seminar on health "SRL for [connotations]: who eventually could n't help but admit that the CCTV building has sexual [connotations] in its design consisting of a buttocks and a penis after he got a huge design fee and the Chinese party got a huge kickback , very disgusting .",ARG-1: sexual | ARG-M-PRD: consisting of a buttocks and a penis SRL for [close]: All dresses must be picked up 30 minutes prior to the [close] of the shop each day .,ARG-1: of the shop | ARG-M-TMP: each day SRL for [infested]: ... to the malaria [infested] jungles ...,ARG-2: malaria | ARG-1: jungles SRL for [attracted]: it seems strange when I am physically [attracted] to men ?,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MNR: physically | ARG-0: to men | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [deformed]: The 275 trillion pounds of water from Hurricane Harvey [deformed] the ground in Texas .,ARG-0: The 275 trillion pounds of water from Hurricane Harvey | ARG-1: the ground in Texas "SRL for [scorn]: Where ' 60s dropouts professed to [scorn] middle - class life and ambitious yuppies hoped to leave it far behind as they scaled the upper reaches of success , it now seems that so many people feel they 're slipping between the cracks , that middle - class life is viewed with nostalgia or outright longing .",ARG-0: ' 60s dropouts | ARG-1: middle - class life SRL for [active]: We invite everyone who is [active] in the prevention of diabetes and chronic diseases,ARG-0: who | ARG-1: in the prevention of diabetes and chronic diseases "SRL for [pitching]: He already has achieved vertical integration on a limited scale : Quebecor can put a weekly newspaper on almost any Quebec doorstep without using outside help , from chopping down the tree to making the newsprint to [pitching] it up onto the porch .",ARG-0: Quebecor | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: up onto the porch "SRL for [compaction]: Vibratory plate and spiked or pad roller compactors ( at right ) can be attached to tracked excavators to provide mechanical [compaction] of trench backfill , mostly for buried utilities .",ARG-M-MNR: mechanical | ARG-1: of trench backfill "SRL for [outpouring]: This park in northeastern India , set along the Brahmaputra River near its [outpouring] from the Himalaya , sports floodplain grasslands and forests rich in large mammals .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: from the Himalaya SRL for [vault]: Industry analysts suggest that the conquest of Falconbridge could [vault] Trelleborg from a regional Scandinavian success story to a world - class mining concern .,ARG-0: the conquest of Falconbridge | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: Trelleborg | ARG-3: from a regional Scandinavian success story | ARG-4: to a world - class mining concern SRL for [brayed]: The donkey [brayed] at the chickens in his pen .,ARG-0: The donkey | ARG-M-DIR: at the chickens | ARG-M-LOC: in his pen SRL for [diminutive]: The peroneal artery is occluded proximally although patent and [diminutive] in the mid and distal calf .,ARG-1: The peroneal artery | ARG-M-LOC: in the mid and distal calf SRL for [clumped]: I washed it and it [clumped] the bread crumbs in the pan into a ball and they started on fire .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the bread crumbs in the pan | ARG-2: into a ball "SRL for [overleap]: He means to hid this whole night , so the wolf might [overleap] him .",ARG-0: the wolf | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: him SRL for [absorb]: Allstate is expected to [absorb] another big hit in the fourth quarter as claims pour in from the San Francisco earthquake .,ARG-0: Allstate | ARG-1: another big hit | ARG-M-TMP: in the fourth quarter | ARG-M-TMP: as claims pour in from the San Francisco earthquake SRL for [hankered]: I never [hankered] for the attention of other people might want as affirmation .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-1: for the attention of other people might want as affirmation "SRL for [throw]: In an invention that drives Verdi purists bananas , Violetta lies dying in bed during the prelude , rising deliriously when then she remembers the great parties she used to [throw] .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the great parties "SRL for [fried]: ... and then come to dinner , if that was n't clear from my last text haha ... only 1030 and my brain 's already [fried] ..",ARG-1: my brain | ARG-M-TMP: already "SRL for [quick]: It has tons of protein , good sugar , and is [quick] to eat .",ARG-1: It | C-ARG-1: to eat "SRL for [beguiled]: He woos fame as if she were a woman , then pretends , when he has [beguiled] her into his bed , he is n't sure she suits him .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: into his bed "SRL for [thick skinned]: And yes it will scare off the normal ones , whilst the weirdos are probably too [thick skinned] to care .",ARG-1: the weirdos | ARG-M-ADV: probably | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to care "SRL for [contrasted]: Its loss of $ 77.7 million , or $ 1.86 a share , [contrasted] with net of $ 68.5 million , or $ 1.58 a share , in the 1988 third quarter .","ARG-1: Its loss of $ 77.7 million , or $ 1.86 a share | ARG-2: with net of $ 68.5 million , or $ 1.58 a share , in the 1988 third quarter" SRL for [cricket]: His [cricket] was so outstanding that obviously it was not fair to keep him in a private team .,ARG-0: His SRL for [negative]: Family history was [negative] in all cases,ARG-1: Family history | ARG-M-ADV: in all cases "SRL for [started off]: Proper English bells are [started off] in "" rounds , "" from the highest - pitched bell to the lowest .","ARG-1: Proper English bells | C-ARG-1: in "" rounds , "" from the highest - pitched bell to the lowest" "SRL for [mellowed]: And on Capitol Hill tonight , no signs that the close margins in Congress have [mellowed] Republican Majority Whip Tom DeLay .",ARG-2: the close margins in Congress | ARG-1: Republican Majority Whip Tom DeLay "SRL for [projection]: Knotts is Knotts ' own worst enemy despite his frequent [projection] of the blame onto "" bloggers "" and other perceived "" enemies . ""","ARG-0: his | ARG-M-TMP: frequent | ARG-1: of the blame | ARG-2: onto "" bloggers "" and other perceived "" enemies . """ "SRL for [trailing]: "" The year before last its total exports were third on the mainland , [trailing] only Shenzhen 's and Shanghai 's , "" says Jiang Suwu , a graduate of Wuhan University 's Chinese department who came south to work in the planning department of a Taiwan firm in Dongguan .",ARG-0: its total exports | ARG-1: only Shenzhen 's and Shanghai 's "SRL for [hairy]: If this works well I would definitely buy one , I hate shaving and my arms are quite [hairy] as well -LRB- I do n't shave or bleach them but I am self conscious -RRB- , so I 'd love to be hair free forever .",ARG-1: my arms | ARG-M-EXT: quite | ARG-M-ADV: as well "SRL for [anonymous]: User is logged in , but log says the order was [anonymous] .",ARG-1: the order "SRL for [modeled]: In the early 1970s , Mr. Smith [modeled] his fledgling company on Tiger 's innovation of hub - and - spoke and containerized - cargo operations .",ARG-M-TMP: In the early 1970s | ARG-0: Mr. Smith | ARG-1: his fledgling company | ARG-2: on Tiger 's innovation of hub - and - spoke and containerized - cargo operations "SRL for [silenced]: In the past 10 years about 50 journalists have been [silenced] forever , murdered .",ARG-M-TMP: In the past 10 years | ARG-1: about 50 journalists | ARG-M-TMP: forever SRL for [retroflex]: She has to [retroflex] her tongue to produce the sound .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: her tongue | ARG-M-PRP: to produce the sound "SRL for [insure]: `` Our intent is to spread them out '' to [insure] they are well integrated into the community , he said .",ARG-1: they are well integrated into the community "SRL for [stamping]: Mr. Krenz has followed much the same career path as Mr. Honecker : Both spent years overseeing the Freie Deutsche Jugend , the youth group that is the communist regime 's principal tool for [stamping] young Germans into socialist citizens .",ARG-0: the communist regime | ARG-1: young Germans | ARG-2: into socialist citizens SRL for [squared]: John [squared] three to ten .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: three | ARG-2: to ten SRL for [appealed]: ... an approach that has [appealed] to some choreographers ...,ARG-0: an approach | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: to some choreographers "SRL for [sleeping]: His [sleeping] was erratic , his mind began wandering , seeing things , speaking and acting unusually .",ARG-0: his "SRL for [rile]: The FASB since then has issued 102 rules , and some still [rile] industry .",ARG-0: some | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-1: industry "SRL for [combusted]: If this were the old firestone , all the sea air would have [combusted] it long ago .",ARG-M-ADV: If this were the old firestone | ARG-0: all the sea air | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: long ago SRL for [hydrolyze]: The heads of MHCs associate with MLCs and have an ATPase function that allows them to [hydrolyze] ATP to ADP .,ARG-2: them | ARG-1: ATP | ARG-3: to ADP "SRL for [drowned]: For now , however , the naysayers ' voices are [drowned] by the roar of cement mixers and the clanging of construction cranes along the Strip .",ARG-1: the naysayers ' voices | ARG-0: by the roar of cement mixers and the clanging of construction cranes along the Strip SRL for [stymied]: Knowledgeable employees said the project had been [stymied] somewhat by `` the difficulty of designing '' the jackets .,ARG-1: the project | ARG-M-EXT: somewhat | ARG-0: by `` the difficulty of designing '' the jackets "SRL for [coiled up]: "" In our old village , the big tree under which the hundred - pacers lay [coiled up] was respected like a temple , and was seen as the seat of the tribe 's soul , "" Lavuras recalls .",ARG-1: the hundred - pacers SRL for [agreeable]: He seemed [agreeable] to a game of pool .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: to a game of pool SRL for [patient]: He is [patient] with his children .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: with his children "SRL for [hamming up]: But it is the Trinity Rep newcomer , Jonathan Fried ( Zamislov , the paralegal ) who is the actor to watch , whether he is [hamming up] while conducting the chamber musicians or seducing his neighbor 's wife ( Becca Lish ) by licking her bosom .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-TMP: while conducting the chamber musicians "SRL for [came to pass]: And lo , it [came to pass] that Scott Baio tweeted his support for Scott Walker .",ARG-M-DIS: And | ARG-M-DIS: lo | ARG-1: that Scott Baio tweeted his support for Scott Walker SRL for [reversal]: Firefighter 's widow reacts to judge 's verdict [reversal] .,ARG-0: judge 's | ARG-1: verdict "SRL for [astounding]: It 's all so absurd , the levels these people went through to remain "" in office "" are [astounding] , please update us if you hear anything about the off - site facilities .","ARG-1: the levels these people went through to remain "" in office """ "SRL for [act]: Countries at different phases of development , or with different historical traditions and cultural background , understand and deal with human rights in different ways , so the human rights standards of one country can not be uniformly applied around the world , in the expectation that other countries will [act] in line with those standards .",ARG-0: other countries | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-MNR: in line with those standards SRL for [beaded]: Ochre sap [beaded] on the pale meat of the twained wood .,ARG-1: Ochre sap | ARG-3: on the pale meat of the twained wood "SRL for [dysregulated]: To determine whether a more physiological level of RipA could be converted to a lethal autolysin , we [dysregulated] RipA activity through the use of the beta - lactam antibiotic meropenem .",ARG-M-PRP: To determine whether a more physiological level of RipA could be converted to a lethal autolysin | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: RipA activity | ARG-2: through the use of the beta - lactam antibiotic meropenem "SRL for [improper]: The seed which is procured from such crops as are intended for flax , and which have not stood till it is perfectly ripened , may be collected and sold for the- purpose of having the oil expressed from it , but it is [improper] for use as seed .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: for use as seed SRL for [poor]: Superior mesenteric artery Doppler is [poor] at predicting feed intolerance and NEC in preterm small for gestational age neonates .,ARG-1: Superior mesenteric artery Doppler | ARG-2: at predicting feed intolerance and NEC in preterm small for gestational age neonates SRL for [circumnavigated]: The commet [circumnavigated] the Earth,ARG-1: The commet | ARG-2: the Earth "SRL for [richer]: Well basically the report says that Britain hands out over 9 billion pounds worth of aid every year , a substantial amount to Brazil which is [richer] than us , what is the reasoning to that !",ARG-1: which | ARG-M-CXN: than us SRL for [abominable]: The heartless tobacco factories are really [abominable],ARG-1: The heartless tobacco factories | ARG-M-EXT: really SRL for [locked]: John [locked] his expensive bike with 50 yards of dental floss .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his expensive bike | ARG-3: with 50 yards of dental floss SRL for [thrummed]: Lort - Phillips [thrummed] the banjo .,ARG-0: Lort - Phillips | ARG-2: the banjo SRL for [engrafting]: Patient is [engrafting],ARG-1: Patient SRL for [hailed]: We talked after I [hailed] his Jeep marked with the U.N. flag .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: his Jeep marked with the U.N. flag "SRL for [liquidate]: A unit of DPC Acquisition Partners launched a $ 10 - a - share tender offer for the shares outstanding of Dataproducts Corp. , and said it would seek to [liquidate] the computer - printer maker `` as soon as possible , '' even if a merger is n't consummated .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the computer - printer maker | ARG-M-TMP: as soon as possible SRL for [reading]: From a [reading] of the somewhat scant English - language medical literature on RU - 486,ARG-1: of the somewhat scant English - language medical literature on RU - 486 "SRL for [compelled]: Thus , in a criminal case , a prosecutor can not comment on a defendant 's failure to testify nor can the defendant be [compelled] to take the stand as a witness , thus forcing him to `` take the Fifth . ''",ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the defendant | ARG-2: to take the stand as a witness | ARG-M-ADV: thus forcing him to `` take the Fifth "SRL for [quicken]: Housing starts are expected to [quicken] a bit from August 's annual pace of 1,350,000 units .","ARG-1: Housing starts | ARG-2: a bit | ARG-3: from August 's annual pace of 1,350,000 units" "SRL for [consorting]: Back in Berkeley , he was violently scolded by a left - wing lady friend for [consorting] with such people .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: with such people SRL for [imaged]: The patient 's chest is to be [imaged] .,ARG-1: The patient 's chest "SRL for [fleeing]: Knowing what was done to Manning , I understand his [fleeing] the country ,",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the country SRL for [gay]: Sundays child is bonny and [gay] .,ARG-1: Sundays child "SRL for [vulnerable]: Now that there 's no need to vaccinate anyone , the entire global population is [vulnerable] to smallpox .",ARG-M-TMP: Now that there 's no need to vaccinate anyone | ARG-1: the entire global population | ARG-2: to smallpox "SRL for [cored]: I peeled the squash , [cored] it of its stringy bits , and chopped it roughly .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: of its stringy bits SRL for [rehomed]: Two very happy doggies been [rehomed] .,ARG-1: Two very happy doggies SRL for [sorry]: He said she was [sorry] for crying .,ARG-1: she | ARG-2: for crying SRL for [dejected]: The poor fellow was [dejected] from lack of food and water .,ARG-1: The poor fellow | ARG-0: from lack of food and water SRL for [show up]: ... symptoms [show up] decades later .,ARG-1: ... symptoms | ARG-M-TMP: decades later "SRL for [outbreak]: The Great Influenza examines the 1918 pandemic , an [outbreak] with a death toll of 50 to 100 million .",ARG-4: with a death toll of 50 to 100 million SRL for [void]: What ... so because i referred to wikipedia somehow my argument is null and [void] ?,ARG-M-DIS: What | ARG-M-DIS: so | ARG-M-CAU: because i referred to wikipedia | ARG-M-MNR: somehow | ARG-1: my argument "SRL for [upset]: That meant no trading would occur in the final seconds , as a way of making sure that last - second orders are n't subjected to a sudden price swing that would [upset] customers .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a sudden price swing | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: customers SRL for [locking up]: I 'm using VISTA and no pro but I 've noticed no functional improvements and VISTA has had the disconcerting habit of [locking up] on me .,ARG-1: VISTA | ARG-M-GOL: on me SRL for [laughing]: But his [laughing] at his own jokes is off putting .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: at his own jokes SRL for [approval]: They gained her parent 's [approval] of Charlio as a husband for her .,ARG-0: her parent 's | ARG-1: of Charlio | ARG-2: as a husband for her SRL for [sale]: The measure allows the [sale] of food and medicine to Cuba .,ARG-1: of food and medicine | ARG-2: to Cuba SRL for [basking]: We had something in common - we 'd both been [basking] in the reflected glow of our daughters ' success .,ARG-0: we | ARG-1: in the reflected glow of our daughters ' success SRL for [reorganized]: The figures exclude businesses now [reorganized] as American Express Information Services Co.,ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: businesses | ARG-4: as American Express Information Services Co. "SRL for [excellent]: But all in all I had a great time , got a great amp , and everyone at Matamp was really [excellent] to me .",ARG-1: everyone at Matamp | ARG-M-EXT: really | ARG-2: to me "SRL for [cooperation]: The fate planned to reduce tensions , also includes resuming Palestinian security [cooperation] and joint patrols .",ARG-0: Palestinian | ARG-2: security "SRL for [clean]: Officials themselves must always bear in mind the belief in *PRO* "" being honest and [clean] and respecting justice "" ; only then will they not be corrupted .", SRL for [evades]: He [evades] and ducks .,ARG-0: He SRL for [gut]: Oil and auto companies supported a move on Capitol Hill last week [*] to [gut] Mr. Bush 's plans to require auto makers to begin selling alternative - fueled cars by 1995 .,ARG-1: Mr. Bush 's plans to require auto makers to begin selling alternative - fueled cars by 1995 "SRL for [jab]: The letter , in fact , takes a [jab] at ABC for being a laggard in black programming .",ARG-0: The letter | ARG-M-DIS: in fact | ARG-M-LVB: takes | ARG-1: at ABC | ARG-M-CAU: for being a laggard in black programming SRL for [courage]: He took [courage] in the sight and found new strength .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-0: in the sight "SRL for [dawdled]: Hazel walked ahead while Mark [dawdled] , picking salmonberries and eating them from the bushes without checking for worms .",ARG-0: Mark | ARG-M-ADV: picking salmonberries and eating them from the bushes without checking for worms "SRL for [blame]: In an Oct. 10 editorial - page article , `` It 's the World Bank 's Turn to Adjust , '' Paul Craig Roberts lays most of the [blame] for what ails developing countries at the doorstep of the World Bank .",ARG-2: for what ails developing countries SRL for [outraged]: That has [outraged] some fans .,ARG-0: That | ARG-1: some fans SRL for [wimp out]: This is the World Series and I ' m not gon na [wimp out] !,ARG-0: I SRL for [get on]: His mother and father did not [get on] well together .,ARG-1: His mother and father | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-MNR: well | ARG-M-REC: together SRL for [increased]: The Polish government [increased] home electricity charges by 150 % .,ARG-0: The Polish government | ARG-1: home electricity charges | ARG-2: by 150 % "SRL for [counting]: Before the union rejected the company 's offer and the strike was launched with the graveyard shift of Oct. 4 , Boeing had been [counting] on turning 96 aircraft out the door in the present period .",ARG-0: Boeing | ARG-1: on turning 96 aircraft out the door in the present period SRL for [bowling]: The Kiwi batsmen have performed consistently but their [bowling] has been a cause of concern .,ARG-0: their SRL for [doomed]: But he was [doomed] to meet with disappointment .,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: he | ARG-2: to meet with disappointment SRL for [retried]: The case was n't [retried] in court .,ARG-1: The case | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LOC: in court SRL for [storage]: Maintain a 50 - foot buffer zone from the facility boundary for container [storage] of ignitable or reactive wastes .,ARG-2: container | ARG-1: of ignitable or reactive wastes SRL for [sedentary]: Patient is [sedentary] .,ARG-1: Patient "SRL for [gaped]: Many openings for mass cheating , such as questionable tax shelters and home offices , have [gaped] so broadly that Congress has passed stringent laws to close them .","ARG-0: Many openings for mass cheating , such as questionable tax shelters and home offices | ARG-M-MNR: so broadly that Congress has passed stringent laws to close them" SRL for [determined]: Just cut the [determined] number of panels in the determined cut length .,ARG-1: number of panels SRL for [deribbed]: I debadged and [deribbed] the car the other day .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the car | ARG-M-TMP: the other day "SRL for [splattered]: After a battle of over 30 years to prevent the entry of Canola oil into Egypt , are people weakening or have they lost their consciences for a fistful of dollars [splattered] with the blood and lives of Egyptians ?",ARG-2: a fistful of dollars | ARG-1: with the blood and lives of Egyptians "SRL for [frustration]: Democratic [frustration] with the Reagan victories and Court appointments , the contingency plans in place , and Mr. Bork ' spaper trail of vulnerable writings","ARG-1: Democratic | ARG-0: with the Reagan victories and Court appointments , the contingency plans in place , and Mr. Bork ' spaper trail of vulnerable writings" "SRL for [possible]: It is [possible] , under such circumstances that a Peace Party might arise ;",ARG-M-LOC: under such circumstances | ARG-1: that a Peace Party might arise SRL for [clawed]: The cat [clawed] the couch to pieces with her sharp nails .,ARG-0: The cat | ARG-1: the couch | ARG-M-PRD: to pieces | ARG-3: with her sharp nails SRL for [bobbed]: I [bobbed] my head each time it appeared .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my head | ARG-M-TMP: each time it appeared "SRL for [reveals]: The spirit of the "" child of Taiwan "" [reveals] to us that even though Taiwan , Penghu , Kinmen and Matsu are tiny islands on the rim of the Pacific , the map of our dreams knows no limits .","ARG-0: The spirit of the "" child of Taiwan | ARG-2: to us | ARG-1: even though Taiwan , Penghu , Kinmen and Matsu are tiny islands on the rim of the Pacific , the map of our dreams knows no limits" "SRL for [demand]: When Disney offered to pay Mr. Steinberg a premium for his shares , the New York investor did n't [demand] the company also pay a premium to other shareholders .",ARG-0: the New York investor | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the company also pay a premium to other shareholders SRL for [falling apart]: The pastry chefs cried at their prize cake 's [falling apart] ; they should never have attempted to move it .,ARG-1: their prize cake 's SRL for [walk]: The normal [walk] of the dog can be encumbered by long toenails .,ARG-M-MNR: normal | ARG-0: of the dog SRL for [grossed]: Tissues [grossed] by BALDERAS,ARG-1: Tissues | ARG-0: by BALDERAS "SRL for [Cyclone]: Queensland , Australia was slammed by an F5 [Cyclone] this afternoon ( American EST ) .",ARG-2: F5 "SRL for [killing]: ABC , for example , made a [killing] in broadcasting its popular crime / comedy "" Moonlighting ""","ARG-1: in broadcasting its popular crime / comedy "" Moonlighting """ SRL for [this]: And [this] picture was taken minutes before i ravaged the cake with my hand .,ARG-0: And | ARG-1: the cake | ARG-2: with my hand SRL for [click]: The long wait between her [click] of the shutter and the shopkeeper 's delivery of prints took toll of her patience,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: of the shutter "SRL for [back up]: You should quote Mr. Reagan , the man who believed trees cause air pollution , to [back up] your position that economics is more important than the Earth .",ARG-0: You | ARG-1: your position that economics is more important than the Earth "SRL for [prying]: They surged around him , fingers pointing , eyes [prying] .",ARG-0: eyes "SRL for [dulled]: Outside what essentially amounted to a bookkeeping exercise , dealers said London dealings were largely [dulled] by the absence of active interest beyond the market - makers .",ARG-M-MNR: largely | ARG-1: London dealings | ARG-0: by the absence of active interest beyond the market - makers SRL for [videotape]: our correspondent did an interview at the al - Jazeera 's Beijing office today and happened to [videotape] the image we are watching now .,ARG-0: our correspondent | ARG-1: the image we are watching now SRL for [handwringing]: Why is it therefore that some [handwringing] Bishops and lefty lords are trying to wreck the bill by insisting that Child Benefit should be paid in addition to the cap ?,ARG-0: Bishops "SRL for [redesign]: But even though by some estimates it might cost the world as much as $ 100 billion between now and the year 2000 to convert to other coolants , foaming agents and solvents and to [redesign] equipment for these less efficient substitutes , the Montreal Protocol 's legions of supporters say it is worth it .",ARG-0: the world | ARG-1: equipment | ARG-2: for these less efficient substitutes SRL for [deportation]: The 658 Chinese sent to immigration facilities yesterday pending [deportation] to China,ARG-M-GOL: to China "SRL for [inhabited]: When all else fails , Gucci Gulch -- the fabled halls of the Capitol [inhabited] by lobbyists and their imported shoes -- offers a welcome environment for fallen officials .",ARG-1: the fabled halls | ARG-0: by lobbyists and their imported shoes "SRL for [expression]: a "" self - [expression] """,ARG-0: self SRL for [overjoyed]: Both Chinese and Japanese people from all walks of life were [overjoyed] and excited by the success of the opening concert .,ARG-1: Both Chinese and Japanese people from all walks of life | ARG-0: by the success of the opening concert "SRL for [punishing]: The officials said the meeting agreed to continue working toward `` streamlining '' Cocom 's restricted products list , and to improve procedures for [punishing] companies that do n't comply with the export restrictions .",ARG-1: companies that do n't comply with the export restrictions SRL for [cool]: She was [cool] toward him and seemed to resent his presence .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: toward him "SRL for [stop]: In 1988 , for the first time , economic growth came to a dead [stop] .",ARG-M-MNR: dead "SRL for [put out]: To make one of them stumble is to perplex him , to [put out] about Christ , to create misunderstanding and estrangement , such as we hear of for a time in the case of the Baptist",ARG-1: him | ARG-2: about Christ SRL for [unveiling]: Their [unveiling] of the font family Forza has me super stoked .,ARG-0: Their | ARG-1: of the font family Forza SRL for [impractical]: He is intelligent but [impractical] for commercial work .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: for commercial work "SRL for [distinguish]: Unfortunately , Mr. Bork failed to [distinguish] between such pressures and the emergence of great issues critical to a society that must be settled judicially if it is to cohere .",ARG-0: Mr. Bork | ARG-1: between such pressures and the emergence of great issues critical to a society that must be settled judicially if it is to cohere "SRL for [blasted]: The space shuttle Atlantis [blasted] into orbit from Cape Canaveral , Fla. , and its crew of five astronauts launched thenuclear - powered Galileo space probe on a flight to the planetJupiter .","ARG-0: The space shuttle Atlantis | ARG-M-DIR: into orbit | ARG-M-DIR: from Cape Canaveral , Fla." "SRL for [reanimated]: Forty - eight hours later he [reanimated] , but life is not what it used to be .",ARG-M-TMP: Forty - eight hours later | ARG-1: he "SRL for [shattered]: The fight has turned ugly and , among pilots at least , has [shattered] the esprit de corps that Mr. Smith worked so hard to build .",ARG-0: The fight | ARG-1: the esprit de corps that Mr. Smith worked so hard to build SRL for [come about]: Steeper prices have [come about] because supplies are low .,ARG-1: Steeper prices | ARG-M-CAU: because supplies are low "SRL for [blast]: Considering how tenuous the security of that runway is anyway , the better option -- both morally and strategically -- would be for the Bush administration to [blast] the regime publicly , in terms clear enough for all influential Somalis to understand .",ARG-0: the Bush administration | ARG-1: the regime | ARG-M-MNR: publicly | ARG-M-ADV: in terms clear enough for all influential Somalis to understand SRL for [collection]: the [collection] of the payroll tax from large companies,ARG-1: of the payroll tax | ARG-2: from large companies "SRL for [check]: Offering the wine at roughly $ 65 a bottle wholesale ( $ 100 retail ) , he sent merchants around the country a form asking them to [check] one of three answers : 1 ) no , the wine is too high ( 2 responses ) ; 2 ) yes , it 's high but I 'll take it ( 2 responses ) ; 3 ) I 'll take all I can get ( 58 responses ) .","ARG-0: them | ARG-1: one of three answers : 1 ) no , the wine is too high ( 2 responses ) ; 2 ) yes , it 's high but I 'll take it ( 2 responses ) ; 3 ) I 'll take all I can get ( 58 responses )" SRL for [crenated]: The second series of experiments was designed to show what effect hemolysin and complement would have upon blood cells which had been [crenated] once with varying concentrations of hypertonic solutions .,ARG-1: which | ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-2: with varying concentrations of hypertonic solutions "SRL for [buffing]: Nevertheless , the company said shipments were up slightly to 679,000 metric tons from 671,000 , [buffing] the impact of the unexpected earning decline .",ARG-0: shipments | ARG-1: the impact of the unexpected earning decline "SRL for [undertaking]: As part of their [undertaking] with FPIC , Piquero said they expect to finish a complete project design by next month",ARG-0: their | ARG-M-COM: with FPIC SRL for [flat]: My car tire was [flat] tonight .,ARG-1: My car tire | ARG-M-TMP: tonight SRL for [rocking]: I 'm [rocking] to the beat,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: to the beat SRL for [burden]: we want to know what you 're doing to overcome the intense [burden] of the HIV diagnosis .,ARG-0: of the HIV diagnosis SRL for [mooned]: Sarah [mooned] over Sam 's photograph .,ARG-0: Sarah | ARG-1: over Sam 's photograph SRL for [silhouetted]: The last I saw as I laid my head upon soft cushions on a down pallet was Joscelin [silhouetted] by lamplight,ARG-1: Joscelin | ARG-0: by lamplight "SRL for [liberalized]: At a June EC summit , Mrs. Thatcher appeared to ease her opposition to full EMS membership , saying Britain would join once its inflation rate fell and the EC [liberalized] capital movements .",ARG-0: the EC | ARG-1: capital movements "SRL for [exercised]: The rights , which expire Nov. 21 , can be [exercised] for $ 100 each .","ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: The rights , which expire Nov. 21 | ARG-M-PRD: for $ 100 each" SRL for [tabulation]: His [tabulation] of farm prices for the period would suggest today a kind of rural utopia .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of farm prices for the period SRL for [aphasic]: her stroke - induced [aphasic] speech,ARG-2: her | ARG-0: stroke - induced | ARG-1: speech "SRL for [bushwhacked]: He [bushwhacked] them with a rifle from a safe distance , and in the back , at that .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: with a rifle | ARG-M-DIR: from a safe distance | ARG-M-LOC: and in the back | ARG-M-ADV: at that SRL for [frank]: I want to be [frank] with you about some of the negative dynamics that can develop around constipation .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: with you | ARG-2: about some of the negative dynamics that can develop around constipation "SRL for [turmoil]: In [turmoil] caused by the previous Friday 's plunge in New York stocks , the Nikkei marked a sharp 647.33 - point fall Monday .",ARG-M-CAU: caused by the previous Friday 's plunge in New York stocks "SRL for [wrong]: She had to come and tell Alfred that he was [wrong] to dribble ice cream on his clean , freshly pressed pants .","ARG-1: he | C-ARG-1: to dribble ice cream on his clean , freshly pressed pants" "SRL for [bonded]: The air - waybill number was changed en route , and paper work showing that the crates had cleared customs was misplaced , so it was a week before three of the four crates could be located in a [bonded] warehouse and the Gauguin discovered missing .",ARG-1: warehouse SRL for [entertain]: Judge Curry would n't [entertain] any appeals or other attempts to block his orders .,ARG-0: Judge Curry | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: any appeals or other attempts to block his orders SRL for [definition]: Excessive [definition] of the cheekbones can produce an unnaturally wide facial appearance across the mid - face .,ARG-M-EXT: Excessive | ARG-1: of the cheekbones SRL for [social]: my girl is very [social] and loves the company of other kids but she can be overbearing at times .,ARG-0: my girl | ARG-M-EXT: very "SRL for [pile]: Now , though , enormous costs for earthquake relief will [pile] on top of outstanding costs for hurricane relief .",ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-M-DIS: though | ARG-1: enormous costs for earthquake relief | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: on top of outstanding costs for hurricane relief "SRL for [presumes]: As it stands now , Congress [presumes] after the Reagan administration that the White House will take unconstitutionalprovisions in appropriations bills lying down .",ARG-M-ADV: As it stands now | ARG-0: Congress | ARG-M-TMP: after the Reagan administration | ARG-1: the White House will take unconstitutionalprovisions in appropriations bills lying down SRL for [drop by]: You may [drop by] the VOA office in Washington .,ARG-1: You | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-4: the VOA office in Washington "SRL for [clashed]: A successor was n't named , which fueled speculation that Mr. Bernstein may have [clashed] with S.I. Newhouse Jr. , whose family company , Advance Publications Inc. , owns Random House .","ARG-0: Mr. Bernstein | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: with S.I. Newhouse Jr. , whose family company , Advance Publications Inc. , owns Random House" SRL for [bribed]: I [bribed] the super $ 500 for keeping quiet about the dogs,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the super | ARG-2: for keeping quiet about the dogs | ARG-3: $ 500 SRL for [interview]: a recent radio [interview],ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-M-LOC: radio SRL for [shocked]: On that ground it becomes you all to do this person justice ; for there is no one who is not [shocked] at him for the supposed dereliction of the refugees .,ARG-1: who | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-0: at him | ARG-2: for the supposed dereliction of the refugees SRL for [smarter]: bdog is sometimes a bit [smarter] and the fact he 's sunk to this type of argument shows what poor pickings he 's got to work with .,ARG-1: bdog | ARG-M-TMP: sometimes | ARG-M-EXT: a bit SRL for [was resettled]: The town [was resettled] by six different Lin and Shan families .,ARG-1: The town | ARG-0: by six different Lin and Shan families SRL for [lipsticked]: He [lipsticked] his lips black as ink but nobody so much as smirked .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his lips | ARG-M-PRD: black as ink "SRL for [rapped]: She could not count the times Herman had [rapped] on the door , just a couple of bangs that shook the whole damned closet and might , someday , break away the pipe connections from the wall .","ARG-0: Herman | ARG-2: on the door | ARG-M-ADV: just a couple of bangs that shook the whole damned closet and might , someday , break away the pipe connections from the wall" "SRL for [trimmed]: But Smith Barney 's Mr. Doyle , who yesterday [trimmed] his 1990 Anheuser earnings projection to $ 2.95 a share from $ 3.10 , called the market 's reaction `` justified . ''",R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: Smith Barney 's Mr. Doyle | ARG-1: his 1990 Anheuser earnings projection | ARG-4: to $ 2.95 a share | ARG-3: from $ 3.10 "SRL for [uprooted]: WHEN HURRICANE Hugo careened through the Caribbean and the Atlantic coast states , it downed electric and telephone lines , shot coconuts through cottage rooftops , shattered windows and [uprooted] thousands of lives .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: thousands of lives "SRL for [bussed]: Yesterday , we [bussed] from Tamarindo to Manuel Antonio .",ARG-M-TMP: Yesterday | ARG-1: we | ARG-2: from Tamarindo | ARG-3: to Manuel Antonio "SRL for [simpered]: "" How tall are you , "" she [simpered] .","ARG-0: she | ARG-1: "" How tall are you , """ "SRL for [misinformation]: A difference was taken when the first writ abates by default of the demandant himself , as by his [misinformation] of the tenant 's name",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: of the tenant 's name SRL for [extensive]: The procedure ended up being [extensive] .,ARG-1: The procedure SRL for [dive]: Rcom 's 70 point [dive],ARG-1: Rcom 's | ARG-2: 70 point SRL for [hung]: I [hung] a left at the light,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: a left | ARG-2: at the light "SRL for [nears]: Investors usually do n't want to take physical delivery of a contract , preferring instead to profit from its price swings and then end any obligation to take delivery or make delivery as it [nears] expiration .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: expiration SRL for [gladden]: You will find many other things to [gladden] the eye and lift the spirit .,ARG-0: many other things | ARG-1: the eye "SRL for [making up]: The Chinese folk charms of financial good fortune have a great variety of origins , an abundance that is due in large part to the Chinese people 's virtuosity at [making up] as they go along .",ARG-1: things | ARG-M-TMP: as they go along "SRL for [balance]: To make the books [balance] , as is required by law , somebody invented a new budget line item that simply subtracted $ 45 billion .",ARG-1: the books | ARG-M-ADV: as is required by law "SRL for [gathered]: His crude device worked : The lower teeth [gathered] the leaves into a pile , while the higher , harder teeth moved the top of the pile .","ARG-0: The lower teeth | ARG-1: the leaves | ARG-2: into a pile | ARG-M-ADV: while the higher , harder teeth moved the top of the pile" "SRL for [subdivided]: A well - used economic development tool is the incubator , typically an office building that is [subdivided] and provides subsidized rent and admin . services to small business .",R-ARG-1: that | ARG-1: an office building "SRL for [rivets]: But attention also [rivets] on who finishes last , and Pine Bluff , Ark. -- which finished third to last in 1981 and second to last in 1985 -- is certainly in the running .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: attention | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-2: on who finishes last SRL for [bereaved]: ... anguished wailings of [bereaved] relatives ...,ARG-2: relatives SRL for [colonography]: CT [colonography], SRL for [frisked]: The officer [frisked] my friend and felt the bag in his left pocket .,ARG-0: The officer | ARG-1: my friend "SRL for [eyeing]: Colleges , she says , are [eyeing] registration through 900 service .",ARG-0: Colleges | ARG-1: registration through 900 service SRL for [picnicked]: He and friends [picnicked] on tuna salad tostadas and Coke and Gatorade .,ARG-0: He and friends | ARG-1: on tuna salad tostadas and Coke and Gatorade "SRL for [suspect]: So , it is extremely ridiculous and unscientific to blame and [suspect] the car and the car manufacturer for such an accident .",ARG-2: the car and the car manufacturer | ARG-1: for such an accident SRL for [promotion]: his [promotion],ARG-1: his SRL for [was]: She discovered that there [was] n't a single open parking space among the hundreds on the first and second floors of the parking structure .,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: a single open parking space among the hundreds on the first and second floors of the parking structure "SRL for [downregulation]: Some receptor agonists may cause [downregulation] of their respective receptor(s ) ,",ARG-1: of their respective receptor(s ) SRL for [linear]: Thought process is [linear] .,ARG-1: Thought process SRL for [to end]: The courts want [to end] rigid affirmative action programs .,ARG-0: The courts | ARG-1: rigid affirmative action programs SRL for [whiffed]: Chamberlain [whiffed] the first two Phillies hitters .,ARG-0: Chamberlain | ARG-1: the first two Phillies hitters SRL for [gave out]: John 's old truck finally [gave out] .,ARG-1: John 's old truck | ARG-M-TMP: finally "SRL for [remembering]: `` A lot of people are [remembering] a vote for representation as a vote against Fred Smith , '' says J.X. Gollich , a Tiger - turned - Federal pilot and union activist .",ARG-0: A lot of people | ARG-1: a vote for representation | ARG-2: as a vote against Fred Smith SRL for [autorefraction]: His [autorefraction] of the eye was quite exact from a technical perspective .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of the eye SRL for [trust]: We can [trust] God to do this .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-2: God | ARG-1: to do this SRL for [natury]: But it 's nice and [natury] .,ARG-1: it "SRL for [germanized]: In recent times , the opinion has prevailed that , far from being hostile to the Germans , Ottakar favoured German immigration into Bohemia , and that , with the possession of the Austrian lands , he might perhaps have completely [germanized] Bohemia ;",ARG-2: with the possession of the Austrian lands | ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-M-ADV: perhaps | ARG-M-EXT: completely | ARG-1: Bohemia "SRL for [destined]: Traders credited Euro Disney 's share performance to the tremendous hyping of the project that the shares are [destined] to help finance : Walt Disney Co. 's 4,800 - acre theme park 20 miles east of Paris .",ARG-1: the shares | ARG-2: to help finance SRL for [foxed]: The book page was much [foxed] by time .,ARG-1: The book page | ARG-0: by time "SRL for [shoot up]: What is with this rash of folks who [shoot up] heroin , in their cars , and then try to drive ?",ARG-0: who | ARG-1: heroin | ARG-M-LOC: in their cars SRL for [vended]: Children who eat [vended] snack foods face chronic health problems .,ARG-1: snack foods SRL for [eases]: A soft landing is an economic slowdown that [eases] inflation without leading to a recession .,ARG-0: an economic slowdown | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: inflation | ARG-M-ADV: without leading to a recession SRL for [sell]: They have to [sell] when things look like they 're falling .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-TMP: when things look like they 're falling "SRL for [was doped]: Dowdy maintains that she [was doped] with GHB , a date - rape drug .","ARG-1: she | ARG-2: with GHB , a date - rape drug" SRL for [screwed]: you [screwed] this whole motor suction party on to something,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: this whole motor suction party | ARG-2: on to something SRL for [parcel out]: The newspaper Leninskoye Zamya said the committee decided the plan to [parcel out] economic powers previously exercised by Moscow to the country 's 15 republics `` does n't reflect the radical changes in the Soviet federation . '',ARG-1: economic powers previously exercised by Moscow | ARG-2: to the country 's 15 republics "SRL for [lagged]: Yesterday , bank stocks [lagged] behind the overall OTC market .",ARG-M-TMP: Yesterday | ARG-0: bank stocks | ARG-1: behind the overall OTC market SRL for [conducive]: On the other hand the local governments complain that a stagnating consumption for housing is not [conducive] for a balanced economical development and so instruct against emergency breaks and support policies to keep steady and healthy development of the housing market .,ARG-1: a stagnating consumption for housing | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-2: for a balanced economical development SRL for [impaired]: The department would be required to block the buy - out if the acquisition is likely to financially weaken a carrier so that safety would be [impaired] ; its ability to compete would be sharply diminished ; it would be put into foreign control ; or if the transaction would result in the sale of airline - related assets -- unless selling such assets had an overriding public benefit .,ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: safety "SRL for [disavowed]: Signs proclaiming "" King of Pop , "" a title Michael [disavowed] to Oprah only two years earlier , are everywhere .",ARG-0: Michael | ARG-1: a title | ARG-2: to Oprah | ARG-M-TMP: only two years earlier "SRL for [be biotinylated]: Thus , the 264scTCR / birA fusion protein can [be biotinylated] to create 264scTCR / birA monomers , which can subsequently be used to form 264scTCR / multimers in the presence of streptavidin .",ARG-1: the 264scTCR / birA fusion protein | ARG-3: 264scTCR / birA monomers "SRL for [chasing]: Therefore , it is always a portraiture of power [chasing] , the so-called nine princes fighting for the throne or the supreme power are just roads built on bloody blood by the plain power , the so-called power must be gained through fighting , and the success is just a game of with their life as the stake .",ARG-1: power SRL for [bid]: We thought the [bid] from the second landscaping firm was too high .,ARG-0: from the second landscaping firm "SRL for [disassociate]: `` The market is beginning to [disassociate] itself from Wall Street , '' said one New York trader .",ARG-0: The market | ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: from Wall Street SRL for [teethed]: She [teethed] on dog biscuits .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: on dog biscuits SRL for [requires]: The 1988 trade act [requires] Mrs. Hills to issue another review of the performance of these countries by April 30 .,ARG-0: The 1988 trade act | ARG-2: Mrs. Hills | ARG-1: to issue another review of the performance of these countries by April 30 SRL for [bugged]: Now that struck everybody in Washington as totally foolish Because for the last fifty years every singe embassy in this town is [bugged],ARG-M-TMP: for the last fifty years | ARG-1: every singe embassy in this town SRL for [doubt]: We see her utter desperation in the plaintive tones of the song itself and in her [doubt] that her life can ever be healed .,ARG-0: her | ARG-1: that her life can ever be healed SRL for [waxing]: The author 's [waxing] nostalgic about his first novel enthralled the audience of loyal fans .,ARG-1: The author 's | ARG-2: nostalgic | ARG-M-GOL: about his first novel "SRL for [disagree]: Thomas M. Bloch , president and chief operating officer , says `` I would [disagree] '' that the tax business is mature .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-2: the tax business is mature "SRL for [peeing]: If your dog has been [peeing] blood recently , it is time for a visit to the vet",ARG-0: your dog | ARG-1: blood | ARG-M-TMP: recently SRL for [retested]: the vet [retested] her for various diseases,ARG-0: the vet | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: for various diseases "SRL for [sprinkled]: When the good fairy assigned to Slovakia hovered over the cradle of Edita Gruberova many years ago in Bratislava , she [sprinkled] her with high E flats , sparkling Ds , clean trills , and coloratura ornaments silvery as magic dust .","ARG-0: she | ARG-2: her | ARG-1: with high E flats , sparkling Ds , clean trills , and coloratura ornaments silvery as magic dust" SRL for [wrap]: I just heard ! Awesome dude ! It 's funny they would n't let us hire anyone and now they 're trying to find dayplayers to [wrap] a location because we 're swamped haha . See you soon buddy !,ARG-0: dayplayers | ARG-1: a location SRL for [lymphadenectomy]: left pelvic [lymphadenectomy],ARG-2: left pelvic SRL for [spread]: Feathers do n't [spread] peanut butter very well .,ARG-3: Feathers | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: peanut butter | ARG-M-MNR: very well SRL for [whirled]: John [whirled] around the fencepost .,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: around the fencepost SRL for [forbidding]: Some supporters were stunned this summer when Mr. Dinkins suggested weakening the law [forbidding] public employees to go on strike .,ARG-0: the law | ARG-2: public employees | ARG-1: to go on strike SRL for [position]: Lebanon 's [position] on financial reform,ARG-0: Lebanon 's | ARG-1: on financial reform SRL for [charge]: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday she wo n't talk any more about her [charge] that the CIA lied in 2002 about using waterboarding .,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: that the CIA lied in 2002 about using waterboarding "SRL for [boycott]: Past experience has shown that the KMT and DPP can work together to [boycott] Executive Yuan proposals ; if they do this to a Soong - led executive branch , this could lead to a crisis ending in either a vote of no confidence or dissolution of the parliament .",ARG-0: the KMT and DPP | ARG-1: Executive Yuan proposals "SRL for [bequeathed]: Mr. Hubbard , who died in 1986 , [bequeathed] the copyrights on his writings to his church , which licensed them to New Era Publications , a Danish corporation .","ARG-0: Mr. Hubbard , who died in 1986 | ARG-1: the copyrights on his writings | ARG-2: his church , which licensed them to New Era Publications , a Danish corporation" SRL for [dehaired]: The hide was [dehaired] by soaking it in water .,ARG-1: The hide | ARG-M-MNR: by soaking it in water "SRL for [passive]: From previous similar stories , what usually happens is that the undercover officer behind the screen is extremely [passive] -LRB- as a normal young innocent teenager would probably be -RRB- and then agrees to meet up with the potential paedophile , if he shows up at the place then he is guilty .",ARG-1: the undercover officer behind the screen | ARG-M-EXT: extremely | ARG-M-MNR: as a normal young innocent teenager would probably be SRL for [hung]: The trial of the case lasted seven months and ended in September with a [hung] jury .,ARG-1: jury SRL for [complication]: His unnecessary [complication] of the explanation only confused the students .,ARG-0: His | ARG-M-MNR: unnecessary | ARG-1: of the explanation SRL for [willing]: and and it 's very specific about what the United States is [willing] to do uh to take a step forward towards them should they dismantle all their nuclear programs and their weapons of mass destruction .,ARG-0: the United States | ARG-1: to do | ARG-M-DIS: uh | ARG-M-PRP: to take a step forward towards them | ARG-M-ADV: should they dismantle all their nuclear programs and their weapons of mass destruction "SRL for [mounted]: For this , a crane needed to be [mounted] on the Postels ' terrace .",ARG-M-PRP: For this | ARG-1: a crane | ARG-M-LOC: on the Postels ' terrace "SRL for [etched]: The faces of his dashing colleagues , however , have been gradually [etched] by time 's relentless progress .",ARG-M-MNR: gradually | ARG-2: The faces of his dashing colleagues | ARG-0: by time 's relentless progress SRL for [intook]: The quantity of food that he [intook] was quite large .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: that SRL for [oliguric]: The patient is severely [oliguric] with no control of bladder continence .,ARG-1: The patient | ARG-M-EXT: severely | ARG-M-ADV: with no control of bladder continence SRL for [fireproofed]: John [fireproofed] his underwear .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his underwear "SRL for [strode]: And when Mr. Kasparov [strode] into the playing hall , he called the outcome .",ARG-0: Mr. Kasparov | ARG-M-DIR: into the playing hall SRL for [heating]: Todd 's careless [heating] of the leftover bouillabaisse gave him food poisoning .,ARG-0: Todd 's | ARG-M-ADJ: careless | ARG-1: of the leftover bouillabaisse SRL for [claim]: The suspect did not leave the country contrary to her [claim] to Pilapil that she was in Australia prior to the incident .,ARG-0: her | ARG-2: to Pilapil | ARG-1: that she was in Australia prior to the incident "SRL for [climbing]: "" Rain or shine , I go mountain [climbing] for an hour every morning , and I 'm brimming with energy at noon with no need for a nap . """,ARG-M-TMP: Rain or shine | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: go | ARG-1: mountain | ARG-M-TMP: for an hour | ARG-M-TMP: every morning SRL for [allegations]: their [allegations] of the war 's `` immorality,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the war 's `` immorality "SRL for [scouted]: We did everything together ; hunted , fished , [scouted] the woods for moonshine stills from which we 'd filch liquor to resell to the bootleggers , and we gigged for frogs .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the woods | ARG-2: for moonshine stills from which we 'd filch liquor to resell to the bootleggers "SRL for [emptied]: The parties are currently negotiating over who would manage the building , which will be [emptied] of 6,000 employees from Sears ' merchandise group , which is moving elsewhere .","ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the building | R-ARG-1: which | ARG-2: of 6,000 employees from Sears ' merchandise group , which is moving elsewhere" SRL for [consecrate]: We could not [consecrate] our sinful lives to God .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: our sinful lives | ARG-2: to God "SRL for [hunched]: Their factories may look like sets for a Spielberg movie , but their offices , with rows of clerks [hunched] over ledgers and abacuses , are more like scenes from a Dickens novel .",ARG-0: clerks | ARG-M-LOC: over ledgers and abacuses "SRL for [adulteration]: The [adulteration] of dietary supplements has been reported fairly frequently , yet most consumers and health care professionals are unfamiliar with the problem .",ARG-1: of dietary supplements "SRL for [service]: This year , Mr. Wathen says the firm will be able to [service] debt and still turn a modest profit .",ARG-0: the firm | ARG-1: debt "SRL for [rambling]: they are relegated to the bottom tier of the exhibit , or else the landscape would be dramatically altered by their [rambling] across the terrain .",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: across the terrain "SRL for [studded]: At a time when Jon Levy should be planning the biggest spring season in his dress company 's 17 years , his work day is [studded] with intense moments of concern about one of his biggest customers , Campeau Corp.","ARG-2: with intense moments of concern about one of his biggest customers , Campeau Corp." SRL for [imitation]: a pale [imitation] of the Federal Republic,ARG-M-ADJ: pale | ARG-1: of the Federal Republic "SRL for [swipe]: The newspaper also ran a series of controversial short stories by Nguyen Huy Thiep , a former history teacher , who stirred debate over his interpretation of Vietnamese culture and took a thinly veiled [swipe] at writers who had blocked his entry into their official association .","R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: Nguyen Huy Thiep , a former history teacher | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-M-ADJ: thinly veiled | ARG-1: at writers who had blocked his entry into their official association" "SRL for [liaised]: The municipal women 's association was very supportive of us , and they [liaised] for us in getting teachers form the agricultural bureau .",ARG-0: they | ARG-2: for us | ARG-M-ADV: in getting teachers form the agricultural bureau "SRL for [stooling]: Following emergency surgery , the patient is [stooling] normally .",ARG-M-TMP: Following emergency surgery | ARG-0: the patient | ARG-M-MNR: normally "SRL for [boarded up]: The dirty , discolored buildings looked [boarded up] , and their few windows stood high above our heads .","ARG-1: The dirty , discolored buildings" "SRL for [haste]: I told him that mmmmm , uhh % pw Bata and Tahany were here , and said if we knew that he 'd leave just like that , we would n't [haste] and do the apartment",ARG-M-ADV: if we knew that he 'd leave just like that | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [composition]: His [composition] of that symphony only took five weeks .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of that symphony SRL for [implementing]: The results underscore Sears ' difficulties in [implementing] the `` everyday low pricing '' strategy that it adopted in March as part of a broad attempt to revive its retailing business .,ARG-0: Sears | ARG-1: the `` everyday low pricing '' strategy that it adopted in March as part of a broad attempt to revive its retailing business "SRL for [constricting]: One reason : efforts to protect the spotted owl led to restrictions on logging in the Pacific Northwest , [constricting] supply and forcing prices up .",ARG-0: efforts to protect the spotted owl | ARG-1: supply SRL for [breakthrough]: The labor union 's concession on pay was a key [breakthrough] for the negotiations .,ARG-M-ADJ: key | ARG-1: for the negotiations SRL for [pirouetted]: He [pirouetted] on the bag and threw to Robinson Cano at second base .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: on the bag SRL for [ruling]: A three - judge panel of the court made the [ruling] Saturday .,ARG-0: A three - judge panel | ARG-M-LVB: made | ARG-M-TMP: Saturday SRL for [shake]: But why should an iffy $ 6.79 billion leveraged buy - out deal [shake] the foundations of the entire stock market ?,ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-0: an iffy $ 6.79 billion leveraged buy - out deal | ARG-1: the foundations of the entire stock market | ARG-M-CAU: why "SRL for [headed]: The athlete [headed] the ball with her forehead , and appeared to control the direction .",ARG-0: The athlete | ARG-1: the ball | ARG-2: with her forehead SRL for [wonderful]: The pool is [wonderful] for some family down time .,ARG-1: The pool | ARG-2: for some family down time "SRL for [vegetated]: The patient [vegetated] for two years more , gradually dying from asthenia .",ARG-1: The patient | ARG-M-TMP: for two years more | ARG-M-PRD: gradually dying from asthenia "SRL for [shuffle]: Next , they must [shuffle] their work schedules to accommodate their studies .",ARG-M-TMP: Next | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: their work schedules | ARG-M-PRP: to accommodate their studies SRL for [presentation]: Jakob 's [presentation] of the gift to the foundation was surprisingly generous .,ARG-0: Jakob 's | ARG-1: of the gift | ARG-2: to the foundation "SRL for [counterprogram]: Instead , network officials say , it may `` [counterprogram] '' with shows for an audience that is virtually ignored in that time period : adults .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-2: with shows for an audience that is virtually ignored in that time period : adults "SRL for [combust]: Poverty , crime and segregation can [combust] into the kind of violence that erupted in Benton Harbor .","ARG-1: Poverty , crime and segregation | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-PRD: into the kind of violence that erupted in Benton Harbor" "SRL for [match]: Richard Gasquet of France reacts during his [match] against Tommy Haas of Germany during the French Open tennis tournament at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris June 2 , 2012 .","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: against Tommy Haas of Germany | ARG-M-TMP: during the French Open tennis tournament | ARG-M-LOC: at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris | ARG-M-TMP: June 2 , 2012" "SRL for [fascinated]: And , since the public has always been [fascinated] by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health .",ARG-M-TMP: always | ARG-1: the public | ARG-0: by gossip and voyeurism SRL for [potential]: We discussed the stage of the cancer and that the oncologist today would attempt to quantify the [potential] risk of cancer recurrence .,ARG-1: risk of cancer recurrence SRL for [unique]: This is n't [unique] to the Tories .,ARG-1: This | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: to the Tories "SRL for [fuzzy]: If she is still [fuzzy] - headed , we should probably go ahead and proceed to permanent pacing , which was discussed at length today , including a potential for bleeding , infection , cardiac and lung injury with pacemaker implantation .",ARG-1: she | ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-2: headed "SRL for [trifurcation]: Here , we report the [trifurcation] of the right common carotid artery in a male cadaver aged about 55 years .",ARG-1: of the right common carotid artery | ARG-M-LOC: in a male cadaver aged about 55 years SRL for [cecectomy]: her [cecectomy],ARG-2: her SRL for [conflagration]: Will we choose to live in harmony with this planet or crash and burn in a [conflagration] of arrogance and disregard ?,ARG-1: of arrogance and disregard SRL for [fell]: British government bonds [fell] sharply initially .,ARG-1: British government bonds | ARG-2: sharply | ARG-M-TMP: initially "SRL for [resuscitate]: For his sixth novel , Mr. Friedman tried to [resuscitate] the protagonist of his 1972 work , `` About Harry Towns . ''","ARG-0: Mr. Friedman | ARG-1: the protagonist of his 1972 work , `` About Harry Towns" "SRL for [split]: I 'm really kind of [split] on the issue tbh , I do n't have much experience with this sort of thing , if I was in a no - strings relationship they would be no stopping me , but I ca n't help feeling that going through with it would spoil things between us .",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-M-EXT: kind of | ARG-0: on the issue | ARG-M-ADV: tbh "SRL for [cooked up]: Clearly , a new rationale for national service had to be [cooked up] .",ARG-1: a new rationale for national service "SRL for [touch]: But if you will come and [touch] her with your hand , she will live again . ''",ARG-0: you | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: her | ARG-2: with your hand SRL for [questions]: Your [questions] to some experts,ARG-0: Your | ARG-2: to some experts SRL for [forecast]: The company [forecast] that fourth - quarter income from continuing operations would be `` significantly '' lower than a year earlier .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: that fourth - quarter income from continuing operations would be `` significantly '' lower than a year earlier SRL for [protests]: their [protests] that present plans contain no coercion,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: that present plans contain no coercion SRL for [thirsted]: Turner has long [thirsted] for his own network .,ARG-0: Turner | ARG-M-TMP: long | ARG-1: for his own network SRL for [strapped]: British customs officers said they 'd arrested eight men sneaking 111 rare snakes into Britain -- including one man who [strapped] a pair of boa constrictors under his armpits .,ARG-0: one man | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: a pair of boa constrictors | ARG-2: under his armpits "SRL for [suited]: Both countries produce high - quality , low - sulfur crudes especially [suited] to making high - octane motor fuel at minimum refining cost .","ARG-M-MNR: especially | ARG-1: high - quality , low - sulfur crudes | ARG-2: to making high - octane motor fuel at minimum refining cost" "SRL for [holiday]: When asked why no economists support her tax [holiday] plan , she said they were elitists who do n't understand the pain the common man is in .",ARG-2: tax "SRL for [supreme]: The Abbess of Fontevrault was [supreme] over all the religious of the order , and the heads of the dependent houses were prioresses .",ARG-1: The Abbess of Fontevrault | ARG-2: over all the religious of the order SRL for [play]: It is not uncommon for fans of chess to buy tables specifically designed for the [play] of chess .,ARG-1: of chess SRL for [alkalified]: The aqueous reaction medium [alkalified] with ammonia .,ARG-1: The aqueous reaction medium | ARG-2: with ammonia "SRL for [chattered away]: She watched the psi bob her head , unaware of the rest of the bridge , shaking blonde curls as she [chattered away] with the approaching psi relay on Mason 's ship .",ARG-0: she | ARG-M-COM: with the approaching psi relay on Mason 's ship SRL for [race]: The [race] for govenorship between the two candidates in Virginia continues .,ARG-2: for govenorship | ARG-0: between the two candidates | ARG-M-LOC: in Virginia SRL for [boot]: The player gave the football a good [boot] that sent it over the goal posts .,ARG-M-MNR: good | ARG-M-ADJ: that sent it over the goal posts "SRL for [close]: If their contact has been on and off over the years and they 're not that [close] anyway then I would put my foot down , it is your special day and he should appreciate that his ex being there makes you uncomfortable ....",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-EXT: that | ARG-M-ADV: anyway "SRL for [retailing]: Golden Feldman Furs Inc. began [retailing] aggressively eight years ago , and now retail sales account for about 20 % of gross income .",ARG-0: Golden Feldman Furs Inc. | ARG-M-MNR: aggressively "SRL for [quavered]: He [quavered] , "" Sorry , Black Leopard . I forgot . ""","ARG-0: He | ARG-1: "" Sorry , Black Leopard . I forgot . """ "SRL for [will]: Until recently , a farmer with no heir had to [will] the state his land to collect his pension .",ARG-0: a farmer with no heir | ARG-2: the state | ARG-1: his land SRL for [crumped]: Kimi 's engine [crumped] in practice yesterday incurring a ten grid position penalty .,ARG-1: Kimi 's engine | ARG-M-LOC: in practice | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-ADV: incurring a ten grid position penalty SRL for [misread]: The deep gulf could cause them to [misread] each other .,ARG-0: them | ARG-1: each other "SRL for [understudied]: Laura Bell Bundy [understudied] the role of Glinda in Broadway 's "" Wicked "" after originating the role of Amberin "" Hairspray "" .","ARG-0: Laura Bell Bundy | ARG-1: the role of Glinda in Broadway 's "" Wicked "" | ARG-M-TMP: after originating the role of Amberin "" Hairspray """ SRL for [looked up]: so I [looked up] in Writer 's Market,ARG-M-DIS: so | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: in Writer 's Market SRL for [reincorporating]: Blue Arrow Chairman Mitchell Fromstein said in an interview that the two steps may be a prelude to [reincorporating] the world 's biggest employment - services group in the U.S.,ARG-1: the world 's biggest employment - services group in the U.S. SRL for [put]: Let 's [put] it bluntly .,ARG-0: Let 's | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: bluntly "SRL for [persuasion]: Parents expressed that the handling of the case by [persuasion] to quit was too severe , and had numerous times gone to the school to negotiate .",ARG-2: to quit "SRL for [resigned]: N W Ayer , the New York agency that had handled the account since 1963 , [resigned] the account about two weeks ago .","ARG-0: N W Ayer , the New York agency that had handled the account since 1963 | ARG-1: the account | ARG-M-TMP: about two weeks ago" SRL for [Good]: How are you ? [Good] ?,ARG-1: you SRL for [prickled]: The back of his neck [prickled] with excitement and anticipation,ARG-1: The back of his neck | ARG-M-CAU: with excitement and anticipation "SRL for [signal]: Mr. Simmons said the results [signal] a turnaround for the maker of wire and wire products , which has struggled to remain competitive in the face of lower - priced , imported steel .","ARG-0: the results | ARG-1: a turnaround | ARG-2: for the maker of wire and wire products , which has struggled to remain competitive in the face of lower - priced , imported steel" SRL for [do]: Congress will [do] stupid things with the Tax Code .,ARG-0: Congress | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: stupid things | ARG-2: with the Tax Code SRL for [declining]: Its net income [declining] 42 % to $ 121 million in the first 9 months of 1989,ARG-1: Its net income | ARG-2: 42 % | ARG-4: to $ 121 million | ARG-M-TMP: in the first 9 months of 1989 SRL for [advantage]: those companies that were already well established and able to afford to pay for premium service would have an unfair [advantage] over a start - up company that was unable to afford premium delivery services,ARG-2: those companies that were already well established and able to afford to pay for premium service | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-M-ADJ: unfair | ARG-4: over a start - up company that was unable to afford premium delivery services SRL for [germinated]: He [germinated] peas in a nutritive solution .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: peas | ARG-2: in a nutritive solution "SRL for [scowls]: He bites it , [scowls] and throws it down . ``",ARG-0: He SRL for [metastasize]: How often do rectal carcinoids [metastasize] ?,ARG-1: rectal carcinoids | ARG-M-TMP: How often SRL for [coshed]: He [coshed] an innocent train driver over the head .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: an innocent train driver | ARG-M-LOC: over the head SRL for [Pilates]: Oh no ! ! ! Boo indeed ! I may [Pilates] instead !,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-ADV: instead "SRL for [flush out]: The would - be raider even hired an investment banker to give teeth to his takeover threat , which was widely interpreted as an effort to [flush out] an acquirer for USAir , or for his own stake .","ARG-0: his takeover threat | ARG-1: an acquirer for USAir , or for his own stake" SRL for [were whiffed]: The people [were whiffed] out by one breath of armistice !,ARG-1: The people | ARG-M-PRD: out | ARG-0: by one breath of armistice ! SRL for [soused]: We were [soused] with titan urine and sickened by the stench .,ARG-1: We | ARG-2: with titan urine SRL for [synchronize]: The need for hurried last - minute telephone negotiations among market officials will disappear once rules are in place that [synchronize] circuit breakers in all markets .,ARG-0: rules | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: circuit breakers | ARG-M-LOC: in all markets SRL for [opposite]: Germany is the [opposite] of Greece in fiscal responsibility .,ARG-1: Germany | ARG-2: the opposite of Greece | ARG-3: in fiscal responsibility "SRL for [resort]: Shafi'T was careful , however , in his [resort] to the traditions of the Prophet , as he insisted that only those traditions that were proved genuine might be binding .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to the traditions of the Prophet SRL for [abysmal]: She was [abysmal] at games and hated these turn of phrase ones .,ARG-1: She | ARG-2: at games "SRL for [eligible]: These 3.8 million people also are [eligible] to get one percentage point off GMAC 's advertised finance rates , which start at 6.9 % for two - year loan contracts .","ARG-1: These 3.8 million people | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-2: to get one percentage point off GMAC 's advertised finance rates , which start at 6.9 % for two - year loan contracts" SRL for [flaw]: That 's its power and its [flaw] .,ARG-1: its "SRL for [breakfasting]: Travelling salesmen were already up and about , [breakfasting] on steaming - hot dumplings before setting off for their next destination .",ARG-0: Travelling salesmen | ARG-1: on steaming - hot dumplings | ARG-M-TMP: before setting off for their next destination "SRL for [corked]: His punishment , suspension for using a [corked] bat for use -- which is illegal during a game .",ARG-1: bat "SRL for [obscured]: The U.S. Coast Guard closed six miles of the Houston Ship Channel , where about 150 companies have operations , because the thick , black smoke [obscured] the area .","ARG-0: the thick , black smoke | ARG-1: the area" "SRL for [append]: The budget reconciliation had to be dealt with by the Oct. 15 deadline , and these Senate Democrats refused to agree to allow a vote to [append] capital gains to the budget bill , knowing it would pass .",ARG-0: a vote | ARG-1: capital gains | ARG-2: to the budget bill "SRL for [incarcerate]: Without more space to [incarcerate] convicted criminals , he added , `` we will not win the war on drugs . ''",ARG-1: convicted criminals | ARG-M-LOC: more space SRL for [in light]: MALAYSIA has no reason to paint North Korea [in light],ARG-1: North Korea | ARG-2: bad SRL for [flared]: The light [flared] .,ARG-1: The light SRL for [pall]: The delights of my society never [pall] upon him .,ARG-1: The delights of my society | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-2: upon him SRL for [blanched]: She [blanched] some broccoli .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: some broccoli SRL for [showboating]: My felony I committed was mostly due to my [showboating] my ability to sell a straight face .,ARG-0: my | ARG-1: my ability to sell a straight face "SRL for [aggressive]: My Sister 's cancer was [aggressive] in nature , continuing to spread irrespective of treatment .",ARG-0: My Sister 's cancer | ARG-M-ADV: in nature SRL for [floored]: I was [floored] by the problem,ARG-1: I | ARG-0: by the problem SRL for [toss in]: I 'll [toss in] Hiroshima and Nagasaki .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-1: Hiroshima and Nagasaki "SRL for [relearn]: Having forgotten everything over the summer , it was necessary for Maggie to [relearn] the Spanish subjunctive .",ARG-0: Maggie | ARG-1: Spanish subjunctive SRL for [collapse]: A thoracic puncture caused the [collapse] of the victim 's left lung .,ARG-1: of the victim 's left lung SRL for [run up]: Local elections took place peacefully across Colombia on Sunday despite violence that had marred the [run up] to the elections .,ARG-2: to the elections SRL for [strained]: Intel makes semiconductors and Campeau operates department - store chains and is [strained] for cash .,ARG-1: Campeau | ARG-2: for cash "SRL for [stared]: At that time , great opportunities for making money [stared] one right in the face .",ARG-M-TMP: At that time | ARG-0: great opportunities for making money | ARG-1: one | ARG-M-DIR: right in the face "SRL for [hiding]: The contributions were funded by monthly payments of $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 to Appleyard in the guise of a `` special production fee '' -- in effect , [hiding] the nature of the payments from the Internal Revenue Service , federal prosecutors said .",ARG-0: The contributions | ARG-1: the nature of the payments | ARG-2: from the Internal Revenue Service "SRL for [capped]: The offer [capped] a week of rumors that Georgia - Pacific , an Atlanta - based forest - products company , was considering making a bid for Nekoosa , a paper - products concern based in Norwalk , Conn.","ARG-0: The offer | ARG-1: week of rumors that Georgia - Pacific , an Atlanta - based forest - products company , was considering making a bid for Nekoosa , a paper - products concern based in Norwalk , Conn." SRL for [popped]: The boss at this roadblock [popped] me one in the face .,ARG-0: The boss at this roadblock | ARG-1: me | ARG-2: one | ARG-M-LOC: in the face SRL for [asphalted]: The legend is von Braun did n't want to mow his grass so he [asphalted] most of his lawn and painted it green .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: most of his lawn SRL for [reincarnated]: The evil master of the universe [reincarnated] John into a rooster .,ARG-0: The evil master of the universe | ARG-1: John | ARG-2: into a rooster SRL for [framing]: Is n't it true that you were so worked up that [framing] Mr. Laff for this crime was the least that you planned for him ? '',ARG-0: you | ARG-1: Mr. Laff | ARG-2: for this crime SRL for [flaring up]: He also said that the price wars [flaring up] in parts of the computer industry will continue through next year .,ARG-1: the price wars | ARG-M-LOC: in parts of the computer industry "SRL for [Flanked]: [Flanked] by flight attendants , pilots and gate agents dressed in spiffy new blue uniforms , they said Eastern has exceeded its operational goals and is filling its seats .","ARG-1: they | ARG-0: by flight attendants , pilots and gate agents dressed in spiffy new blue uniforms" SRL for [quieten]: To come here and [quieten] the crowd was the first thing I wanted to do - and I thought we did that very professionally .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the crowd "SRL for [squeezing]: One expects to be squashed within a tightly compressed space , the result of his [squeezing] the center beneath the tube .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the center beneath the tube SRL for [making]: the image [making] of the cosmetic trades,ARG-1: image | ARG-0: of the cosmetic trades SRL for [honked]: John [honked] the horn of his car .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the horn of his car SRL for [malformed]: How disappointing . I thought it was going to be a condition in which the scrotum was [malformed] into the shape of a cello .,ARG-1: the scrotum | ARG-4: into the shape of a cello | ARG-M-LOC: in which SRL for [repeating]: Thank you for coming on tonight and [repeating] that for us .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: that | ARG-2: for us SRL for [selfish]: It is [selfish] of others to not want you to fulfill your dreams and reach your goals .,ARG-0: of others | ARG-1: to not want you to fulfill your dreams and reach your goals SRL for [undressed]: Chloe [undressed] .,ARG-0: Chloe SRL for [slipping in]: Members find it easy to doctor legislation by [slipping in] special provisions that could never survive in the cold light of day .,ARG-0: Members | ARG-1: special provisions that could never survive in the cold light of day "SRL for [fanned]: Dennis Farney 's Oct. 13 page - one article `` River of Despair , '' about the poverty along the Mississippi , [fanned] childhood memories of when my parents were sharecroppers in southeastern Arkansas , only a few miles from the river .","ARG-0: Dennis Farney 's Oct. 13 page - one article `` River of Despair , '' about the poverty along the Mississippi | ARG-1: childhood memories of when my parents were sharecroppers in southeastern Arkansas , only a few miles from the river" SRL for [spikes]: A player [spikes] the ball with her hand over the net .,ARG-0: A player | ARG-1: the ball | ARG-2: with her hand | ARG-M-DIR: over the net SRL for [accuse]: Who can [accuse] the people God has chosen ?,ARG-0: Who | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: the people God has chosen "SRL for [signing on]: If it finds one of those passwords , Mr. Alexander said , the worm will do such things as change users ' passwords to a series of random numbers , preventing them from [signing on] to the network .",ARG-0: them | ARG-1: to the network SRL for [election]: His [election] to a second term was quite frustrating for some .,ARG-1: His | ARG-2: to a second term "SRL for [screaming]: they said , [screaming] in fear .",ARG-0: they | ARG-3: in fear "SRL for [coming]: `` Actually , the long deterioration in daily newspapers shows signs of [coming] to an end , and the industry looks pretty healthy . ''",ARG-1: the long deterioration in daily newspapers | ARG-2: to an end "SRL for [recoup]: An individual familiar with the negotiations said that whatever investments the limited partners do not [recoup] from the $ 330 million in partnership assets , they will receive from the $ 350 million restitution fund available as a result of Drexel 's settlement with the government in December 1988 .",ARG-0: the limited partners | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: whatever investments | ARG-2: from the $ 330 million in partnership assets "SRL for [wise]: This time , the fire department and police who stuck around were [wise] to the shenanigans going on , and we were only kept out for a few minutes .",ARG-M-TMP: This time | ARG-0: the fire department and police who stuck around | ARG-1: to the shenanigans going on SRL for [wrong]: What is [wrong] with Muslims speaking up for their rights ? ? ?,ARG-1: What | ARG-2: with Muslims speaking up for their rights SRL for [ragging]: I keep telling Stanky to quit [ragging] him .,ARG-0: Stanky | ARG-1: him "SRL for [undesirable]: While I can understand your sentiment that is [undesirable] for tradition to be dismantled , ever since the fall of the wall in 1989 , Liberal democratic values have spread -LRB- End of History , Fukuyama , 1992 -RRB- and that does not preclude -LRB- just yet -RRB- the sovereign states whom are conformed to Islamic teachings as their rule of law .",ARG-1: for tradition to be dismantled SRL for [shuddered]: I [shuddered] and backed out of the room .,ARG-1: I SRL for [bite]: The fisherman felt a [bite] on his line .,ARG-1: on his line "SRL for [switched]: Both Shearson 's Mr. Will and Stephen Reitman , European auto analyst at the London brokerage firm UBS - Phillips & Drew , recently [switched] their Jaguar recommendations to hold from buy .","ARG-0: Both Shearson 's Mr. Will and Stephen Reitman , European auto analyst at the London brokerage firm UBS - Phillips & Drew | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: their Jaguar recommendations | ARG-2: to hold | ARG-3: from buy" SRL for [swarmed]: Flies [swarmed] around the bowl of lentils in which he mopped thick black bread .,ARG-0: Flies | ARG-1: around the bowl of lentils in which he mopped thick black bread SRL for [sign off]: A new ' govt backed ' review has concluded that GP 's should be stripped of the power to [sign off] on long term sick .,ARG-0: GP | ARG-1: patients | ARG-2: on long term sick SRL for [secede]: The Bougainville copper mine has been inoperative since May 15 because of attacks by native landowners who want Bougainville to [secede] from Papua - New Guinea .,ARG-0: Bougainville | ARG-1: from Papua - New Guinea "SRL for [guess]: Every day , Mr. Levy checks orders from Campeau department store chains , trying to [guess] if he will be paid .",ARG-0: Mr. Levy | ARG-1: if he will be paid SRL for [preservation]: the [preservation] of jobs,ARG-1: of jobs SRL for [tired]: But he [tired] of country customs and he wanted Fashion 's frills,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: of country customs "SRL for [worded]: But Robert Gabele , president of Invest\/Net , a North Miami , Fla. , company that packages and sells the insider - trading data , said the proposal is [worded] so vaguely that key officials may fail to file the reports .",ARG-1: the proposal | ARG-M-MNR: so vaguely that key officials may fail to file the reports SRL for [breakdown]: Each of these travelers appeared to have suffered from some form of nervous [breakdown] .,ARG-1: nervous "SRL for [ship]: The first models will [ship] in the spring , with the largest following in the fall .",ARG-1: The first models | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: in the spring | ARG-M-ADV: with the largest following in the fall "SRL for [outlawed]: So far , New York , New Jersey , Nebraska , Georgia , Michigan and Minnesota have [outlawed] Mr. Maynard 's device , citing health concerns .","ARG-M-TMP: So far | ARG-0: New York , New Jersey , Nebraska , Georgia , Michigan and Minnesota | ARG-1: Mr. Maynard 's device | ARG-M-ADV: citing health concerns" "SRL for [blessed]: To Mr. Engelken , it is also a story `` about love , because I 'm [blessed] to have a wife who still thinks her slightly eccentric husband 's 50th birthday deserves the ultimate present . ''",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: to have a wife who still thinks her slightly eccentric husband 's 50th birthday deserves the ultimate present "SRL for [dehorned]: In his defence , Beach stated he [dehorned] the cattle partly as a result of a complaint from the woman that recently purchased 16 of his cattle .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the cattle | ARG-M-CAU: partly as a result of a complaint from the woman that recently purchased 16 of his cattle SRL for [murder]: the axe [murder] of private eye Daniel Morgan in 1987,ARG-2: axe | ARG-1: of private eye Daniel Morgan | ARG-M-TMP: in 1987 "SRL for [marry]: While the company has always been family - run , Mr. Brawer is n't the first person to [marry] into the family and subsequently head Maidenform .",ARG-1: the first person | ARG-2: into the family | ARG-M-TMP: subsequently SRL for [stupid]: But people can be [stupid] about money without being stupid about everything else,ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-1: people | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-M-ADV: about money | ARG-M-MNR: without being stupid about everything else SRL for [reconciliation]: President Clinton says he hopes his talks with the top North Korean envoy here in Washington next week will help promote [reconciliation] with Pyong Yang,ARG-2: with Pyong Yang "SRL for [vanished]: By 1961 , Mr. Mahfouz 's idealism had [vanished] or become twisted , as it has in Said .",ARG-M-TMP: By 1961 | ARG-1: Mr. Mahfouz 's idealism "SRL for [earmarked]: However , several people said that British Air might yet rejoin the bidding group and that the carrier made the statement to answer questions from British regulators about how it plans to use proceeds of a securities offering previously [earmarked] for the UAL buy - out .",ARG-M-TMP: previously | ARG-1: a securities offering | ARG-2: for the UAL buy - out "SRL for [was all]: She [was all] "" that 's horrible "" about the breakup","ARG-0: She | ARG-1: "" that 's horrible "" | ARG-2: about the breakup" SRL for [distraction]: Matt Mitrione did n't want the ' [distraction] ' of VADA testing before fight,ARG-1: of VADA testing SRL for [straggled]: The children grudgingly stopped playing then and [straggled] into the schoolhouse .,ARG-0: The children | ARG-M-GOL: into the schoolhouse "SRL for [Given]: [Given] the weakness in both the junk bond market and the stock market , traders fear that these transactions may be revised yetagain .",ARG-1: the weakness in both the junk bond market and the stock market | ARG-2: traders SRL for [passed on]: John 's cat [passed on] last week .,ARG-1: John 's cat | ARG-M-TMP: last week "SRL for [beat out]: More recently , Guber Peters [beat out] a dozen other producers , reportedly including Robert Redford and Ted Turner , for rights to the life story of Chico Mendes , the murdered Brazilian union leader who fought developers in the Amazon rain forest .","ARG-M-TMP: More recently | ARG-0: Guber Peters | ARG-1: a dozen other producers , reportedly including Robert Redford and Ted Turner | ARG-2: for rights to the life story of Chico Mendes , the murdered Brazilian union leader who fought developers in the Amazon rain forest" "SRL for [thought]: Kent cigarettes were sold , the company [thought]",ARG-0: the company | ARG-1: Kent cigarettes were sold SRL for [re - visualize]: We will [re - visualize] the region before making a final decision on treatment .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the region | ARG-M-TMP: before making a final decision on treatment SRL for [leave]: We have to [leave] him at the vet for 3 days,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-MOD: have | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: at the vet | ARG-M-TMP: for 3 days "SRL for [shaking]: Also , anyone notice the shots -LRB- on cnn at least -RRB- of Ted Kennedy 's constant negative head [shaking] ?",ARG-0: Ted Kennedy 's | ARG-M-TMP: constant | ARG-M-NEG: negative | ARG-1: head "SRL for [herding]: `` Institutions are [herding] animals , '' says Peter Anderson , who heads the pension - fund management arm of IDS Financial Services Inc.",ARG-0: Institutions | ARG-1: animals "SRL for [purrs]: `` It 's like an oasis in this room , '' Ms. Foster [purrs] .",ARG-0: Ms. Foster | ARG-1: It 's like an oasis in this room SRL for [ablation]: 2009 - Radiofrequency [ablation] of one lesion seen on a PET scan in the right lobe of the liver .,ARG-3: Radiofrequency | ARG-1: of one lesion SRL for [lamming out]: Grabbing a degree in literature before [lamming out] all over the world to live the life of the itinerant jazzman,ARG-M-LOC: all over the world | ARG-M-PRP: to live the life of the itinerant jazzman "SRL for [mentioned]: Among companies [mentioned] by analysts as possible counterbidders for Nekoosa are International Paper , Weyerhaeuser , Canadian Pacific Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.",ARG-1: companies | ARG-0: by analysts | ARG-3: as possible counterbidders for Nekoosa "SRL for [marching]: It was as short as 29 days at the start of this year , when rates were [marching] steadily upward , and hit 42 days in August .",ARG-1: rates | ARG-M-MNR: steadily | ARG-M-DIR: upward | ARG-M-TMP: this year | R-ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [educated]: Hoping one 's own sons to have bright future and hoping one 's own daughters have a bright future are the wishes of Chinese families generation after generation . Being well [educated] and reasonable is a historical rule throughout Chinese history . Spoiling kids and making decisions on their behalf is normal in many modern one - kid - only families in China . Improving enrollment rates is currently the educational goal of many schools .,ARG-M-EXT: well SRL for [display]: She had gone so far as to [display] the questions on an overhead projector and underline the answers .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the questions | ARG-2: on an overhead projector SRL for [suppression]: immune [suppression],ARG-1: immune SRL for [dusted]: John [dusted] his furniture .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his furniture SRL for [flags]: Linguistic charting of the transcribed interview [flags] points where the patient 's voice departs from expected norms .,ARG-0: Linguistic charting of the transcribed interview | ARG-1: points where the patient 's voice departs from expected norms SRL for [check]: I had Betty run through the numbers as an additional [check] on my calculations .,ARG-M-ADJ: additional | ARG-1: on my calculations SRL for [equipped]: But Humana says its own facilities could serve its insured for less if they were properly [equipped] .,ARG-M-MNR: properly "SRL for [coopting]: "" Criticizing Hu Shih was described as expounding the May Fourth spirit , "" said one mainland scholar at the Peking University symposium , giving short shrift to the authorities ' [coopting] the May Fourth sprirt for all sorts of campaigns .",ARG-0: authorities | ARG-1: the May Fourth spirit | ARG-2: for all sorts of campaigns SRL for [tickled]: Greg [tickled] Marsha for a whole episode of the Brady Bunch .,ARG-0: Greg | ARG-1: Marsha | ARG-M-TMP: for a whole episode of the Brady Bunch SRL for [adjustment]: This girl needs an attitude [adjustment] !,ARG-1: attitude SRL for [up]: The seniors were more [up] on things,ARG-1: The seniors | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-2: on things SRL for [scoped]: Dr. John [scoped] the patient and found he had chondromalacia of the patella .,ARG-0: Dr. John | ARG-1: the patient "SRL for [follow]: Now Republican leaders are concentrating on attaching a capital - gains amendment to some other bill , perhaps a measure raising the federal borrowing limit or a second tax bill that would [follow] on the heels of the deficit - reduction legislation .",ARG-1: a second tax bill | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-MNR: on the heels | ARG-2: of the deficit - reduction legislation "SRL for [implies]: As their name [implies] , these operations are linked to far - reaching policy reforms that aim at helping borrowing countries get back on the growth path and at enhancing their credit - worthiness .",ARG-0: their name | ARG-1: these operations are linked to far - reaching policy reforms that aim at helping borrowing countries get back on the growth path and at enhancing their credit - worthiness "SRL for [distinction]: We should seriously consider why is there such an inferior - quality and uncivilized organization as the "" Locust Forum "" faction present in Hong Kong , China which holds the [distinction] as ' World Citizen ' ?",ARG-M-PRD: as ' World Citizen ' SRL for [inspection]: their [inspection] of the premises furnished a more reliable basis for an estimate of damages,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the premises SRL for [aggregated]: John [aggregated] the legos into a bucket .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the legos | ARG-M-LOC: into a bucket "SRL for [old]: - I 'm 21 yrs [old] -LRB- turn 22 this year -RRB- , do n't have much time left for failing need to do something .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: 21 yrs SRL for [reported]: Retail sales were [reported] slow in most districts .,ARG-1: slow | ARG-M-LOC: in most districts SRL for [licked up]: He just [licked up] from the palm of my hand .,ARG-0: He | ARG-M-ADV: just | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: from the palm of my hand SRL for [interested]: But neither the pilots nor the machinists appear [interested] .,ARG-1: neither the pilots nor the machinists SRL for [unclothe]: She knew that he would [unclothe] her and lay her on the bed .,ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: her SRL for [drawings]: Instead she asked for soaked biscuits and did [drawings] in the room after finishing .,ARG-M-DIS: Instead | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-M-LOC: in the room | ARG-M-TMP: after finishing SRL for [enflamed]: At the pickle store passions are [enflamed] by the lack of services .,ARG-M-LOC: At the pickle store | ARG-1: passions | ARG-0: by the lack of services "SRL for [arousable]: Sleepy but [arousable] , reporting mild - to - moderate post - operative pain .", SRL for [floured]: She [floured] the outside of the wet dough so that she could handle it .,ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the outside of the wet dough | ARG-M-PRP: so that she could handle it "SRL for [bearing]: When are people going to realise that sexual orientation , skin colour and ethnicity has no [bearing] on what is inside the person and their personality .","ARG-1: sexual orientation , skin colour and ethnicity | ARG-M-LVB: has | ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-2: on what is inside the person and their personality" SRL for [traced]: John [traced] the diagram onto tissue paper .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the diagram | ARG-2: onto tissue paper SRL for [offended]: He is pretty into eating empty cones . He was [offended] at the attempt to add ice cream .,ARG-1: He | ARG-0: at the attempt to add ice cream SRL for [refracted]: Dr. Vvww [refracted] to 20/40 .,ARG-0: Dr. Vvww | ARG-M-EXT: to 20/40 SRL for [scenting]: He stood there like a stag [scenting] danger .,ARG-0: a stag | ARG-1: danger SRL for [smote]: She [smote] him on the back with her umbrella .,ARG-0: She | ARG-2: him | ARG-M-LOC: on the back | ARG-3: with her umbrella SRL for [brims]: John [brims] over with pent - up sexual frustration .,ARG-0: John | ARG-M-MNR: over | ARG-1: with pent - up sexual frustration SRL for [grasp]: He could [grasp] an issue with the blink of an eye . '',ARG-0: He | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: an issue | ARG-M-MNR: with the blink of an eye SRL for [overstimulate]: If you [overstimulate] other neighboring dopamine neurons you might get side effects similar to some of the symptoms seen in schizophrenia for instance .,ARG-0: you | ARG-1: other neighboring dopamine neurons "SRL for [repassed]: Every order , resolution , or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary ... shall be [repassed] by two - thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives .","ARG-1: Every order , resolution , or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary | ARG-0: by two - thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives" SRL for [wonder]: In his [wonder] at the greatness of this delight he did well to call it ' the key to the Kingdom of heaven ' .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: at the greatness of this delight "SRL for [disagrees]: Also , Lin [disagrees] with Lee Yuan - tseh 's assertion that "" time is not on our side , "" and instead feels that things are no worse than before .","ARG-M-DIS: Also | ARG-0: Lin | ARG-2: with Lee Yuan - tseh 's assertion that "" time is not on our side" "SRL for [cry]: However , the most exceptional thing about Huang as a writer is that he is not satisfied with making his readers [cry] .",ARG-0: his readers SRL for [transposed]: Stravinsky [transposed] the National Anthem from C major to E flat major .,ARG-0: Stravinsky | ARG-1: the National Anthem | ARG-2: from C major | ARG-3: to E flat major "SRL for [treated]: The injured , including three in critical condition , were [treated] for burns , breathing problems and cuts from flying glass , hospital officials said .","ARG-1: The injured , including three in critical condition | ARG-2: for burns , breathing problems and cuts from flying glass" SRL for [vanquished]: ... soon to be [vanquished] by DVDs .,ARG-M-TMP: soon | ARG-0: by DVDs "SRL for [spiraled]: Kenneth Mitchell , director of Dow 's polyethylene business , saysproducers were surprised to learn how much inventories had swelledthroughout the distribution chain as prices [spiraled] up .",ARG-1: prices | ARG-2: up SRL for [crack]: The plaintiff had first [crack] at me,ARG-0: The plaintiff | ARG-M-LVB: had | ARG-M-TMP: first | ARG-1: at me "SRL for [supplies]: The company , which [supplies] transmissions and other drive - train parts to auto makers , ...",ARG-0: The company | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: transmissions and other drive - train parts | ARG-2: to auto makers "SRL for [dissention]: And in that moment of existential bliss , Malak solidified his [dissention] from the Jedi .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: from the Jedi SRL for [representative]: Obama is n't [representative] of anything .,ARG-0: Obama | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: of anything "SRL for [have]: But , if you just got your arms and legs blown off by and IED , then by all means , [have] at it . -LRB- Err ... have someone do it for you . -RRB-",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-ADV: if you just got your arms and legs blown off by and IED | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-M-ADV: by all means | ARG-1: at it "SRL for [comparison]: Since China 's CPI altogether broke through 5 % in July of last year , the base of [comparison] for last year 's prices will be significant;y raised , starting from July this year .",ARG-1: for last year 's prices "SRL for [different]: In 1995 , China formally launched the policy "" managing large enterprises well while adopting more flexible policies toward small ones , "" and explained that the way the state - owned enterprises were reformed was [different] between China and the Eastern European countries .",ARG-3: the way the state - owned enterprises were reformed | ARG-1: between China and the Eastern European countries SRL for [intrude]: Two ironies [intrude] .,ARG-1: Two ironies SRL for [haboob]: Essentially created a [haboob] of dust and city trash .,ARG-1: of dust and city trash SRL for [sprinkled]: He [sprinkled] the blood over everything used in worship .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the blood | ARG-2: over everything used in worship SRL for [acetified]: The solution [acetified] .,ARG-1: The solution SRL for [bump up]: Mr. Maynard is n't the first entrepreneur to [bump up] against entrenched interests .,ARG-1: the first entrepreneur | ARG-2: against entrenched interests SRL for [auto reinvested]: All divis [auto reinvested] .,ARG-1: All divis SRL for [wish]: Chen said he would like to visit the west African state and extended his [wish] of success for President Compaore 's party .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of success | ARG-2: for President Compaore 's party "SRL for [offset]: To [offset] sluggish sales growth , companies have been cutting staff , mostly through attrition , and slowing the growth in research and development spending .",ARG-0: companies | ARG-1: sluggish sales growth SRL for [inquired]: Theodosius [inquired] of him the practices of the Studite monks .,ARG-0: Theodosius | ARG-2: of him | ARG-1: the practices of the Studite monks SRL for [preincubated]: Group B was [preincubated] with the same vehicle without hydrocortisone .,ARG-1: Group B | ARG-2: with the same vehicle SRL for [degradation]: Alzheimer 's [degradation] of Mr. Jones 's memory saddened his family and friends .,ARG-0: Alzheimer 's | ARG-1: of Mr. Jones 's memory "SRL for [Ran over]: [Ran over] , dragged it 300 feet , dead college student .",ARG-1: bike "SRL for [externalized]: He was unable to deal with this self - reproach , and [externalized] it as disgust with someone else ’s perceived weakness .",ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: as disgust with someone else ’s perceived weakness "SRL for [best]: Even then , she was [best] to me while in need .",ARG-M-TMP: Even then | ARG-1: she | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-TMP: while in need SRL for [welded]: I then [welded] a plate to the jack base with some small pieces fencing,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: a plate | ARG-M-GOL: to the jack base | ARG-M-MNR: with some small pieces fencing SRL for [embroiled]: The subsequent drive to reform Hong Kong 's markets also has [embroiled] the interest - rate futures contract .,ARG-0: The subsequent drive to reform Hong Kong 's markets | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: the interest - rate futures contract "SRL for [hired]: Corporations like Contel denounce program trading , yet Contel has in the past [hired] pension fund managers like Bankers Trust Co. that are also big program traders .",ARG-0: Contel | ARG-M-TMP: in the past | ARG-1: pension fund managers like Bankers Trust Co. that are also big program traders SRL for [bolshevized]: Ulbricht [bolshevized] the SED and received the go - ahead for socialism in 1952 .,ARG-0: Ulbricht | ARG-1: the SED SRL for [pleased]: Mr. Beall said that he was generally [pleased] with the latest numbers and cited a particularly strong showing by the company 's electronics segment .,ARG-1: he | ARG-M-MNR: generally | ARG-0: with the latest numbers "SRL for [entombed]: In Oakland , officials said the 57 - year - old longshoreman who spent four days [entombed] in rubble was in critical condition with slight improvement .",ARG-1: the 57 - year - old longshoreman | R-ARG-1: who | ARG-2: in rubble "SRL for [trailing off]: Commodore has said it expects sales to rebound , but market researchers have said that sales of the low - end products may finally be [trailing off] .",ARG-1: sales of the low - end products | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-M-TMP: finally SRL for [venous]: this aneurysm was [venous] and not arterial .,ARG-1: this aneurysm SRL for [scruple]: Do n't [scruple] about my feelings !,ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: about my feelings ! "SRL for [angered]: Often the genteel , conservative , long - term - oriented investment bankers were displaced by crude traders : `` When [angered] , he cursed so forcefully that his face reddened and his pale - blue eyes narrowed into tiny slits , '' the authors say of Lehman 's Lewis Glucksman .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-TMP: When "SRL for [redevelop]: Mitsubishi is also pushing ahead with a controversial plan to [redevelop] Marunouchi into a business center of high - tech buildings , a project budgeted for 30 years and six trillion yen .",ARG-0: Mitsubishi | ARG-2: Marunouchi | ARG-1: into a business center of high - tech buildings SRL for [paid off]: The government [paid off] $ 13.8 billion in T - bills .,ARG-0: The government | ARG-1: $ 13.8 billion in T - bills "SRL for [simplify]: `` When there 's a clutter of brands , consumers [simplify] the complexity by telling themselves , ` All brands are the same so what difference does it make which I buy , ' '' says Karen Olshan , a senior vice president at BBDO .","ARG-M-TMP: When there 's a clutter of brands | ARG-0: consumers | ARG-1: the complexity | ARG-M-MNR: by telling themselves , ` All brands are the same so what difference does it make which I buy" "SRL for [driving]: Another factor [driving] "" investment anxiety "" is peer pressure . ""","ARG-0: Another factor | ARG-1: "" investment anxiety """ "SRL for [preservation]: Even more interestingly , the teacher makes up lyrics about the river [preservation] campaign and sets them to traditional folk melodies , thus melding the old and the new .",ARG-1: river "SRL for [exact]: With each revision , the constitution became increasingly jumbled , while NA delegates leveraged their positions to [exact] "" constitutional amendment rent "" and fatten themselves up .","ARG-0: NA delegates | ARG-1: "" constitutional amendment rent """ SRL for [involvement]: U.S. [involvement] in foreign coups that might result in the death of a country 's leader,ARG-1: U.S. | ARG-2: in foreign coups that might result in the death of a country 's leader SRL for [agglomerated]: Coal is [agglomerated] during coal processing in a preparation plant .,ARG-1: Coal | ARG-M-TMP: during coal processing | ARG-M-LOC: in a preparation plant SRL for [Introspection]: The Soul of Chess : A Philosophical [Introspection] into the game ...,ARG-M-MNR: Philosophical | ARG-1: into the game "SRL for [splint]: This horrible injury was life threatening , occurring as it did high on a cold mountain , but he managed to [splint] his leg and crawl down the mountain to be rescued .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his leg SRL for [score]: His [score] of 4 on Question 7a indicated a total loss of interest in ...,ARG-1: His | ARG-2: of 4 | ARG-3: on Question 7a SRL for [closed down]: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak [closed down] the two - year - old airport in response to the incident .,ARG-0: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak | ARG-1: the two - year - old airport | ARG-M-CAU: in response to the incident "SRL for [cases]: In making [cases] , the authorities frequently zero in on alleged misrepresentations made by the charities ' fund raisers .",ARG-0: the authorities | ARG-M-LVB: making SRL for [viable]: it 's pretty much like asking if a rogue is [viable] as primary controller in a dungeon ... maybe it could ?,ARG-1: a rogue | ARG-2: as primary controller in a dungeon "SRL for [retraced]: Gilts , or British government bonds , which also fell sharply initially , [retraced] some of the losses to end about 3\/8 point lower .","ARG-0: Gilts , or British government bonds , which also fell sharply initially | ARG-1: some of the losses | ARG-M-ADV: to end about 3\/8 point lower" "SRL for [pass off]: Some even wear army uniforms to [pass off] as soldiers , and enter and steal from the camps .",ARG-0: Some | ARG-1: themselves | ARG-3: as soldiers "SRL for [embezzled]: In 1988 , a year and a half after Mrs. Marcos and her late husband , Ferdinand Marcos , the ousted president of the Philippines , fled the Philippines for Hawaii , they were charged with racketeering , conspiracy , obstruction of justice and mail fraud in a scheme in which they allegedly [embezzled] more than $ 100 million from their homeland .",ARG-0: they | ARG-M-ADV: allegedly | ARG-1: more than $ 100 million | ARG-2: from their homeland | ARG-M-LOC: a scheme | R-ARG-M-LOC: in which SRL for [up creek]: Dee Paterson is [up creek] without a paddle or a boat after gaining her first call - up to the Great Biritain Freestyle Canoeing team .,ARG-1: Dee Paterson | ARG-M-MNR: without a paddle or a boat | ARG-M-TMP: after gaining her first call - up to the Great Biritain Freestyle Canoeing team "SRL for [brocaded]: When their majesties had finished playing , their equipment was not put away in bags , but placed in [brocaded] cases .",ARG-1: cases SRL for [fishing]: he Chicago Trout Bum - a nice blog keeping you up to date on his trout [fishing] in Wisconsin and Upper Midwest .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: trout | ARG-M-LOC: in Wisconsin and Upper Midwest SRL for [honorable]: If Brutus was [honorable] he would n't have been so easily persuaded by Cassius to go as far as committing a murder .,ARG-1: Brutus SRL for [bullocked]: Centre Rob Dewey became the second debut scorer after the break when he [bullocked] his way through the midfield defence .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his way | ARG-M-DIR: through the midfield defence | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [risk]: Few , if any , index - fund managers will [risk] leveraging performance by owning more than 100 % exposure to stocks .","ARG-0: Few , if any , index - fund managers | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: leveraging performance | ARG-M-MNR: by owning more than 100 % exposure to stocks" "SRL for [waterboarded]: Tillman had been convicted of a 1986 murder and rape after police officers [waterboarded] him with 7 - Up , suffocated him with a plastic bag , beat him with a phone",ARG-0: police officers | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with 7 - Up SRL for [action]: The village was destroyed by volcanic [action] .,ARG-0: volcanic SRL for [burden]: And then consider the [burden] on the tax payer ....,ARG-1: on the tax payer SRL for [surrender]: The [surrender] to his forces,ARG-2: to his forces SRL for [hemorrhaging]: His [hemorrhaging] of blood was quickly control .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: of blood SRL for [avalanche]: Just got a call at work from the rescue center about an [avalanche] with 1 dead and 1 missing .,ARG-3: with 1 dead and 1 missing "SRL for [Remember]: The executive recalls Mr. Corry whispering to him and others , `` [Remember] , this was Dave 's deal . ''",ARG-1: this was Dave 's deal SRL for [ran off]: I have a flatmate who [ran off] with the deposit !,ARG-0: who | ARG-1: with the deposit SRL for [dinged]: I [dinged] my new prius,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my new prius "SRL for [marginalization]: No parents want to see their own children grow up under pressure and anxiety , but , in order to avoid [marginalization] by the assessment system , they have to , very reluctantly , send their own kids to various auxiliary classes and accompany their kids to stay up reciting textbooks and doing homework by themselves .",ARG-0: by the assessment system "SRL for [weaving]: A couple in fashionable spandex warm - up suits jogs by , headphones jauntily in place , [weaving] their way along a street of fractured and fallen houses .",ARG-0: A couple in fashionable spandex warm - up suits | ARG-1: their way | ARG-M-LOC: along a street of fractured and fallen houses SRL for [stormed]: Another described how tax - collection officials in Thanh Hoa province one night [stormed] through homes and confiscated rice from starving villagers .,ARG-0: tax - collection officials in Thanh Hoa province | ARG-M-TMP: one night | ARG-1: through homes SRL for [recovery]: heat [recovery] plants,ARG-1: heat | ARG-0: plants "SRL for [related]: Even if people show up who you agree with on some political issue , ask yourselves if that issue is actually [related] to what the protest is about .",ARG-1: that issue | ARG-M-ADV: actually | ARG-2: to what the protest is about SRL for [ponding]: [ponding] in roadways,ARG-4: in roadways "SRL for [trundles]: `` Of course it 's better to sell private , '' he says , as the butcher [trundles] away .",ARG-0: the butcher | ARG-M-DIR: away SRL for [engulfing]: In spite of the depressing scene [engulfing] the Arab world with wars and crises ...,ARG-0: the depressing scene | ARG-1: the Arab world | ARG-2: with wars and crises SRL for [foreknew]: He [foreknew] Jeremiah as a pre - incarnate soul .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: Jeremiah | ARG-2: as a pre - incarnate soul SRL for [relief]: this and other deadline [relief] for Hugo 's victims,ARG-1: deadline | ARG-2: for Hugo 's victims "SRL for [scare]: The [scare] over Alar , a growth regulator that makes apples redder and crunchier but may be carcinogenic , made consumers shy away from the Delicious , though they were less affected than the McIntosh .","ARG-0: over Alar , a growth regulator that makes apples redder and crunchier but may be carcinogenic" "SRL for [jokes]: ` ` He taught me how to play like a gypsy , '' [jokes] the musician .","ARG-2: ` ` He taught me how to play like a gypsy , '' | ARG-0: the musician" "SRL for [consisting]: The second part , [consisting] of $ 100 million of senior subordinated floating - rate notes , was priced at 99 3/4 to float 4.25 % above the three - month London interbank offered rate .",ARG-1: The second part | ARG-2: of $ 100 million of senior subordinated floating - rate notes SRL for [led up]: in March 2003 Jackson distraction - o - mania was part of the media smokescreen that [led up] to the Iraq war ...,ARG-1: the media smokescreen | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-2: to the Iraq war "SRL for [activeness]: The young person asked him about his mission of learning a new language , and the secret of his [activeness] , passion and happiness .",ARG-0: his "SRL for [criticized]: The internal investigation also [criticized] MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand , for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags .","ARG-0: The internal investigation | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: MiniScribe 's auditors , Coopers & Lybrand | ARG-2: for allegedly ignoring numerous red flags" "SRL for [ideated]: On behalf of that party , he [ideated] a few populist policies like free Internet in every hostel room and introducing a cheaper student pass for the local metro .",ARG-M-GOL: On behalf of that party | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a few populist policies like free Internet in every hostel room and introducing a cheaper student pass for the local metro SRL for [thumbtacked]: I [thumbtacked] the poster to the wall .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the poster | ARG-2: to the wall "SRL for [leaked]: At stake was an $ 80,000 settlement involving who should pay what share of cleanup costs at the site of a former gas station , where underground fuel tanks had [leaked] and contaminated the soil .",ARG-0: underground fuel tanks SRL for [prolongation]: Studies show that male fetal gender significantly predisposes to the [prolongation] of pregnancy .,ARG-1: of pregnancy "SRL for [sweeten]: B.A.T Industries , which is being pursued by Sir James Goldsmith 's Hoylake Investments , rose 9 to 753 on speculation that Hoylake will [sweeten] its bid , dealers said .",ARG-0: Hoylake | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: its bid SRL for [waste]: Her husband said voting was a [waste] of time .,ARG-1: of time SRL for [bad]: I mentioned yesterday that escalation is [bad] ? things just keep getting more intense until someone ends up dead .,ARG-1: escalation "SRL for [menstruation]: Thus , there are no restrictions placed on a woman during her [menstruation] .",ARG-1: her SRL for [devolved]: The estate [devolved] to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead .,ARG-1: The estate | ARG-2: to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead "SRL for [trammed]: They [trammed] in big trays of crisp , fried chicken and wrestled with whole cargoes of potato salad , baked salmon , homemade cake and ice cream so long as the appetites of the old folks lasted .","ARG-0: They | ARG-M-DIR: in | ARG-1: big trays of crisp , fried chicken | ARG-M-TMP: so long as the appetites of the old folks lasted" SRL for [model]: a working [model] of a `` picocassette '' recorder .,ARG-M-ADJ: working | ARG-1: of a `` picocassette '' recorder SRL for [peacemaking]: Assembly calls for [peacemaking] in Isreal / Palestine .,ARG-M-LOC: in Isreal / Palestine "SRL for [bald]: If you reach the point where there 's 2/32nds of an inch of tread or less left , the tires are [bald] and are considered legally worn out in most states .",ARG-M-ADV: If you reach the point where there 's 2/32nds of an inch of tread or less left | ARG-1: the tires "SRL for [jumped gun]: All right , so Jack had [jumped gun] a little , buying this thing .",ARG-M-DIS: All right | ARG-M-DIS: so | ARG-0: Jack | ARG-M-EXT: a little | ARG-1: buying this thing "SRL for [starving]: Oh and btw , a few years ago I was in a town near my home city in India with my family for qurbani - and literally the people there were [starving] and malnourished beyond belief .",ARG-M-ADV: literally | ARG-1: the people there | ARG-M-EXT: beyond belief "SRL for [stampede]: We did n't [stampede] into it , we slithered and slipped down the long slope , and now we have as its quintessential symbol a former president huckstering for a foreign poohbah .",ARG-1: We | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: into it "SRL for [warming]: insists that global [warming] is a gigantic hoax -LRB- yes , Rush Limbaugh knows more about global climate science than NASA ;",ARG-1: global "SRL for [indicted]: The issue has come to a boil in Newark , N.J. , where federal prosecutors have warned lawyers for Eddie Antar that if the founder and former chairman of Crazy Eddie Inc. is [indicted] , the government may move to seize the money that Mr. Antar is using to pay legal fees .",ARG-1: the founder and former chairman of Crazy Eddie Inc. SRL for [recall]: their [recall] of the event as distinct from other encounters they could remember,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of the event | ARG-2: as distinct from other encounters they could remember "SRL for [tweaking]: Users [tweaking] on methamphetamine can exhibit this type of repetitive , mechanical behavior .",ARG-1: Users | ARG-2: on methamphetamine SRL for [hollowing]: [hollowing] the countryside and small towns of their livelihood .,ARG-1: the countryside and small towns | ARG-2: of their livelihood SRL for [gargle]: Pro [gargle] in mouth and over surgical site twice per day,ARG-0: Pro | ARG-1: in mouth and over surgical site | ARG-M-TMP: twice per day SRL for [pounded]: I used a rock and [pounded] it to a pulp and mixed it into my dough .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: to a pulp "SRL for [felicitate]: Mr. Azad was addressing a mammoth public gathering at Dumhall , Anantnag today , organized *PRO* to [felicitate] the Central Minister on his induction into the Union Cabinet .",ARG-1: the Central Minister | ARG-2: on his induction into the Union Cabinet "SRL for [twitch]: If positioned over the brain 's motor - control area , the hand - held electromagnets generate nerve impulses that zip down motor nerves and activate muscles , making , say , a finger [twitch] .",ARG-1: a finger SRL for [nickeled]: In fact they sort of [nickeled] and dimed him on not giving him a fair up or down vote on much less relevant points .,ARG-M-DIS: In fact | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-ADV: sort of | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-ADV: on not giving him a fair up or down vote on much less relevant points "SRL for [wield]: What people admired most about Wang was his ability to [wield] the knife like a writing brush , carving lines that seemed free and flowing .",ARG-1: the knife | ARG-3: like a writing brush | ARG-M-PRD: carving lines that seemed free and flowing SRL for [shame]: Tom overate to deal with his [shame] of not being able to process written information .,ARG-1: his | ARG-0: of not being able to process written information SRL for [unwilling]: Mitch and the Boner are out there complaining that the President is circumventing Congress because he 's [unwilling] to work with them .,ARG-0: he | ARG-1: to work with them "SRL for [cultured]: Their films , however , help serious cinema - goers in Taiwan and around the world to better confront life , and at the same time win international exposure for Taiwan , enabling the island 's more [cultured] aspects to break through in the face of international political taboos and wrangling .",ARG-1: aspects "SRL for [lynched]: We wish to let you know the sickness of our hearts occasioned by the outrage committed on us by a mob of Americans who had come to Sumass and took an innocent Indian boy fifteen years of age and , without five minutes ' warning , [lynched] him to the next tree they met .",ARG-0: who | ARG-M-MNR: without five minutes ' warning | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-GOL: to the next tree they met SRL for [flaked]: The chef [flaked] the fish into chunks with his hands .,ARG-0: The chef | ARG-1: the fish | ARG-3: into chunks | ARG-2: with his hands SRL for [bite]: Pattinson enjoys his [bite] of ' Twilight ' fame .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of ' Twilight ' fame SRL for [usurp]: Perhaps none of the unconstitutional conditions contained in the appropriations bills for fiscal 1990 better illustrates Congress 's attempt to [usurp] executive power than Section 609 of the executive - office bill .,ARG-0: Congress | ARG-1: executive power SRL for [transacting]: The current opportunities arise because the process for executing a buy or sell order in the actual stocks that make up the S & P 500 is more cumbersome than [transacting] in the futures market .,ARG-M-LOC: in the futures market SRL for [electrified]: Readers were [electrified] by the paper 's audacity and appalled by the dark side of life it uncovered .,ARG-1: Readers | ARG-0: by the paper 's audacity "SRL for [incurred]: Takeover stock speculators have [incurred] paper losses of over $ 700 million from the failed UAL offer , their worst loss ever on a single deal .",ARG-0: Takeover stock speculators | ARG-1: paper losses of over $ 700 million | ARG-2: from the failed UAL offer | ARG-M-PRD: their worst loss ever on a single deal SRL for [ensnarled]: Legislation to lift the debt ceiling is [ensnarled] in the fight over cutting capital - gains taxes .,ARG-1: Legislation to lift the debt ceiling | ARG-2: in the fight over cutting capital - gains taxes SRL for [childrearing]: unless we know the significance of the action for the mother we can not understand what is going on in her [childrearing] .,ARG-0: her SRL for [maturation]: normal [maturation],ARG-M-ADV: normal "SRL for [Mind]: [Mind] you , most of `` the volunteers '' would be unskilled 17- to 18 - year - olds , some not even high school graduates , and many saving money by living at home .",ARG-1: you "SRL for [dilate]: If he foresaw any problem because of the quality of the hymen , it was recommended that simple procedures be undertaken at once to incise the hymen or , preferably , to [dilate] it .",ARG-0: simple procedures | ARG-1: it SRL for [reported]: Commonwealth Edison [reported] earnings of $ 737 million .,ARG-0: Commonwealth Edison | ARG-1: earnings of $ 737 million SRL for [win]: he and his team are also still optimistic about a [win] in the recount,ARG-2: in the recount "SRL for [plugging]: Years ago , this company put beads in the line as a filter , and their [plugging] the lines has contributed to low water pressure in the surrounding communities .",ARG-2: their | ARG-1: the lines SRL for [overdue]: I am [overdue] for rescue .,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: for rescue SRL for [clumping]: No retinal pigment [clumping],ARG-M-NEG: No | ARG-1: retinal pigment "SRL for [drown]: It 's what 1 ) explains why we are like , well , ourselves rather than Bo Jackson ; 2 ) cautions that it 's possible to [drown] in a lake that averages two feet deep ; and 3 ) predicts that 10,000 monkeys placed before 10,000 pianos would produce 1,118 publishable rock ' n ' roll tunes .",ARG-M-LOC: in a lake that averages two feet deep "SRL for [flash]: At the State University of New York at Brooklyn , researchers [flash] two groups of different letters on a computer screen in front of human guinea pigs .",ARG-M-LOC: At the State University of New York at Brooklyn | ARG-0: researchers | ARG-1: two groups of different letters | ARG-2: on a computer screen in front of human guinea pigs SRL for [caddied]: He [caddied] his brother on the PGA tours for over a decade .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his brother | ARG-3: on the PGA tours | ARG-M-TMP: for over a decade "SRL for [organizing]: Mr. Fournier said that as Navigation Mixte chairman , he is prohibited by takeover regulations from [organizing] his own defense or doing anything besides managing current company business .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his own defense "SRL for [roll]: The wealthy hope to [roll] their money over , while those less well off are trying to make a small pile of their own .",ARG-0: The wealthy | ARG-1: their money | ARG-2: over SRL for [hypermethylation]: MLH1 [hypermethylation],ARG-2: MLH1 "SRL for [reassigned]: In a move to prevent any dislocation in the financial markets from the California earthquake , the Securities and Exchange Commission said it temporarily [reassigned] options listed on the Pacific Stock Exchange to the American , New York and Philadelphia stock exchanges and to the Chicago Board Options Exchange .","ARG-0: it | ARG-M-TMP: temporarily | ARG-1: options listed on the Pacific Stock Exchange | ARG-2: to the American , New York and Philadelphia stock exchanges and to the Chicago Board Options Exchange" SRL for [spying]: Domestic [spying] on Americans is an e - hoarding epidemic,ARG-M-LOC: Domestic | ARG-1: on Americans "SRL for [based]: Using the city where I am [based] as an example , nearly all the medium and small - sized state - owned enterprises have closed down",ARG-1: I | ARG-M-LOC: where SRL for [prepossessed]: The Duchess of Valentinois [prepossessed] the King against it .,ARG-0: The Duchess of Valentinois | ARG-1: the King | ARG-2: against it "SRL for [repaint]: The allegations , ranging from theft and bribery to coercion and lewdness , [repaint] a disquieting picture .",ARG-0: The allegations | ARG-M-ADV: ranging from theft and bribery to coercion and lewdness | ARG-1: a disquieting picture SRL for [stupefied]: We were [stupefied] .,ARG-1: We SRL for [transmission]: What does novocain do to neurons and their [transmission] of impulses ?,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of impulses "SRL for [impaling]: There 's no greater catastrophe in the universe , she reflected dourly , [impaling] tender green beans on the silver fork , than the dwindling away of a family .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: tender green beans | ARG-2: on the silver fork SRL for [review]: He hopes to try the procedure in people within 5 years following U.S. government [review] .,ARG-0: U.S. government "SRL for [thumping]: At 7:25 two hotel doormen came [thumping] down the steps , carrying a saw - horse to be set up as a barricade in front of thehaberdashery store window next to the entranceway ...",ARG-1: two hotel doormen | ARG-M-DIR: down the steps | ARG-M-ADV: carrying a saw - horse to be set up as a barricade in front of thehaberdashery store window next to the entranceway SRL for [color coded]: Donations [color coded] orange for pick up .,ARG-1: Donations | ARG-2: orange | ARG-3: for pick up "SRL for [taking up]: I 've come far since then ( 1 year August since my RAI ) & generally feel well , so I hope you do n't mind my [taking up] space with post - trauma thyroid issues .",ARG-0: my | ARG-1: space | ARG-2: with post - trauma thyroid issues SRL for [taken off]: The pace has [taken off] .,ARG-1: The pace SRL for [delivered]: The voters [delivered] Mr. Gonzalez a third mandate for his successes .,ARG-0: The voters | ARG-2: Mr. Gonzalez | ARG-1: a third mandate for his successes "SRL for [definite]: What I did state to Commodore Schley was that the information of the Admiral was [definite] , that the Admiral considered it so .",ARG-1: the information of the Admiral SRL for [assassination]: his [assassination],ARG-1: his SRL for [belly - flopped]: It [belly - flopped] anyway .,ARG-1: It | ARG-M-DIS: anyway "SRL for [mouthed]: Thank you , I [mouthed] at him .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: Thank you | ARG-2: at him "SRL for [surveyed]: Among the major banks [surveyed] by Banxquote in six regions of the country , 8.33 % is the highest yield available .",ARG-1: the major banks | ARG-0: by Banxquote | ARG-M-LOC: in six regions of the country "SRL for [caressing]: The doctor sat down rather wearily , [caressing] the hen and remarking that the city was not the place for a poultry - loving man ...",ARG-0: The doctor | ARG-1: the hen "SRL for [frowned]: When cattle became more valuable , ranch owners [frowned] upon this practice and it was discontinued .",ARG-M-TMP: When cattle became more valuable | ARG-0: ranch owners | ARG-1: upon this practice "SRL for [snapping]: Sun Microsystems Inc. , [snapping] back to profitability after its first quarterly loss as a public firm , said it earned $ 5.2 million , or seven cents a share , in the fiscal first quarter .",ARG-1: Sun Microsystems Inc. | ARG-M-DIR: back | ARG-2: to profitability | ARG-M-TMP: after its first quarterly loss as a public firm SRL for [immortalized]: King Solomon was [immortalized] for saving a baby 's life by threatening to split it between the real mother and a pretender .,ARG-1: King Solomon | ARG-2: for saving a baby 's life by threatening to split it between the real mother and a pretender "SRL for [pace]: With the [pace] of growth at 10.3 percent for 2010 , success was assured .",ARG-1: of growth | ARG-3: at 10.3 percent | ARG-M-TMP: for 2010 SRL for [shed light]: Other historians and social scientists who [shed light] on children 's literature,ARG-0: who | ARG-1: on children 's literature SRL for [underlaid]: The print - maker [underlaid] the plate with several sheets of paper to bring their surfaces into proper contact .,ARG-0: The print - maker | ARG-1: the plate | ARG-2: with several sheets of paper | ARG-M-PRP: to bring their surfaces into proper contact SRL for [tired out]: I guess I must have really [tired out] this morning .,ARG-0: guess | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-M-ADV: really | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-TMP: this morning "SRL for [roasted]: At home , President Voislav Kostunica says that he intends to promote democracy and free speech , but Kostunica just might have second thoughts , once a theater group that [roasted] his predecessor over the coals .",ARG-0: a theater group | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: his predecessor | ARG-M-LOC: over the coals "SRL for [acknowledging]: Apparently [acknowledging] weaker U.S. sales systemwide , McDonald's vowed `` to use our size and muscle to do all that is necessary to build the brand . ''",ARG-M-ADV: Apparently | ARG-0: McDonald's | ARG-1: weaker U.S. sales systemwide SRL for [sold]: A painting by August Strindberg [sold] at auction in Stockholm .,ARG-1: A painting by August Strindberg | ARG-M-LOC: at auction | ARG-M-LOC: in Stockholm SRL for [purchased]: The company [purchased] a wheel - loader from Dresser .,ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: a wheel - loader | ARG-2: from Dresser "SRL for [said]: What matters is what advertisers will pay , [said] Newsweek 's chairman",ARG-1: What matters is what advertisers will pay | ARG-0: Newsweek 's chairman SRL for [spike]: M [spike] of 0.8 gms,ARG-1: M | ARG-2: of 0.8 gms SRL for [catheterize]: When should you [catheterize] little boys ?,ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-0: you | ARG-1: little boys | ARG-M-TMP: When "SRL for [reunify]: This July , a book published by the PRC entitled Chinese Foreign Policy , the Year 2000 , declared that its most important foreign policy goal is to "" [reunify] the country , "" and strongly attacked Taiwan 's efforts to be admitted to the United Nations .",ARG-1: the country SRL for [jeering]: His [jeering] at the Gryffindor team is highly unpopular,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: at the Gryffindor team SRL for [oxidized]: The jeweler [oxidized] it in the same manner the case from the early movies was oxidized .,ARG-0: The jeweler | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: in the same manner the case from the early movies was oxidized SRL for [deaf]: She is [deaf] in the left ear .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-LOC: in the left ear SRL for [smudged]: Newman [smudged] the paint with his thumb .,ARG-0: Newman | ARG-1: the paint | ARG-M-MNR: with his thumb "SRL for [stiffening]: After years of rheumatoid arthritis , the [stiffening] of Nigel 's joints had become quite severe .",ARG-1: of Nigel 's joints "SRL for [claim]: Some even [claim] the group has become a lagging , not leading , indicator .","ARG-0: Some | ARG-M-DIS: even | ARG-1: the group has become a lagging , not leading , indicator" "SRL for [disappointed]: First Union , with assets of about $ 32 billion , said it was [disappointed] by the delay but said it would cooperate with regulatory authorities .",ARG-1: it | ARG-0: by the delay SRL for [session]: Florida 's recent special legislative [session] on abortion,ARG-M-LOC: Florida 's | ARG-M-TMP: recent | ARG-M-ADJ: special | ARG-0: legislative | ARG-1: on abortion SRL for [responsive]: A culturally [responsive] program will seek to involve and include individuals and families of different cultures at all levels .,ARG-1: culturally | ARG-0: program SRL for [taken]: Americans it seems have followed Malcolm Forbes 's hot - air lead and [taken] to ballooning in a heady way .,ARG-0: Americans | ARG-M-DIS: it seems | ARG-1: to ballooning | ARG-M-MNR: in a heady way SRL for [conform]: Responses were weighted on the basis of age and gender to [conform] with U.S. Census data .,ARG-1: Responses | ARG-2: with U.S. Census data "SRL for [sweeping]: It 's the latest investment craze [sweeping] Wall Street : a rash of new closed - end country funds , those publicly traded portfoliosthat invest in stocks of a single foreign country .",ARG-1: the latest investment craze | ARG-2: Wall Street SRL for [progress]: The [progress] of the investigation,ARG-1: of the investigation SRL for [narrated]: John [narrated] the animated picture for Disney .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: the animated picture | ARG-2: for Disney SRL for [benefit]: The [benefit] to consumers from the use of informative credit reports is demonstrated by showing the improvement in credit decisions .,ARG-1: to consumers | ARG-0: from the use of informative credit reports SRL for [co - deletion]: genetic analysis showed [co - deletion] of p and 19q .,ARG-1: of p and 19q "SRL for [unjustifiable]: David was sorry , and felt an apology was in order , and that the events of Bloody Sunday were completely [unjustifiable] .",ARG-0: the events of Bloody Sunday | ARG-M-EXT: completely "SRL for [enroll]: At the Baltimore firm of Weinberg & Green , new corporate and banking associates are required to [enroll] in a 20 - class course .",ARG-0: new corporate and banking associates | ARG-2: in a 20 - class course SRL for [see]: They should [see] to it that their kids do n't play truant ; they should make certain that the children spend enough time doing homework ; they should scrutinize the report card .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-1: to it | ARG-2: that their kids do n't play truant SRL for [segregation]: Cohesion between sister chromatids is generated during DNA replication and maintained until their [segregation] into two daughter cells .,ARG-1: their | ARG-M-GOL: into two daughter cells "SRL for [imposes]: Market Order : This is probably the most widely used order -- and -- the one most open to abuse by unscrupulous floor brokers , since it -- [imposes] no price restrictions .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: no price restrictions SRL for [disbelieves]: Why do we not realize that no ideology believes so much in itself as it [disbelieves] in something else ?,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: in something else SRL for [gurgled]: He [gurgled] his made up word for hello .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: his made up word for hello SRL for [tune out]: He says they really listen to Williams do n't [tune out] like cops or counselors .,ARG-0: they | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: him | ARG-M-MNR: like cops or counselors "SRL for [preposterous]: In response to my question about the possibility of programmed robot assassins , he pompously asserted that the notion was "" [preposterous] . """,ARG-1: the notion "SRL for [explosion]: At BMW 's dog - and - pony show , Koons characterized his [explosion] of color , basically racing stripes on steroids , as a metaphor for the car 's ' brutal energy . '",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of color "SRL for [complications]: Patient was hospitalized on July 17 , 2008 , with [complications] of diverticulitis .",ARG-0: of diverticulitis SRL for [mad]: He must have been [mad] to have thought it was possible .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-CXN: must | C-ARG-M-CXN: to have thought it was possible SRL for [crawling]: She does n't mind them [crawling] around underneath her .,ARG-0: them | ARG-1: around | ARG-M-LOC: underneath her "SRL for [fly]: As a `` good - will measure , '' the pilots had been working four extra hours a month and had agreed to [fly] UAL 's two new Boeing 747 - 400 aircraft .",ARG-0: the pilots | ARG-2: UAL 's two new Boeing 747 - 400 aircraft SRL for [basted]: She [basted] and stitched as if there were nothing else in the world to do .,ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MNR: as if there were nothing else in the world to do SRL for [chewing]: Jeremiah 's constant [chewing] of gum gave him fresh breath .,ARG-0: Jeremiah 's | ARG-M-TMP: constant | ARG-1: of gum SRL for [got hold]: We 've now [got hold] of tickets for our gig on the 12th of May,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: of tickets for our gig on the 12th of May "SRL for [reestablish]: Stock - index arbitrage , because it sells the more `` expensive '' market and buys the `` cheaper '' one , attempts to [reestablish] the link between the stock and futures markets , and the adjustments are often abrupt .",ARG-0: Stock - index arbitrage | ARG-1: the link between the stock and futures markets SRL for [cheating]: But I suppose that they are tireless good intentioned public servants so we can overlook their [cheating] on taxes .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: on taxes SRL for [nasty]: However it is [nasty] on the aged with the real values of their pensions going down and them being unable to demand pay rises .,ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: on the aged | ARG-M-ADV: with the real values of their pensions going down and them being unable to demand pay rises SRL for [pupped]: Fido [pupped] a litter of puppies .,ARG-0: Fido | ARG-1: a litter of puppies "SRL for [traversed]: Then we drove on , until there was no more road and we [traversed] dry rice fields , bouncing across their squat earth walls .",ARG-0: we | ARG-1: dry rice fields | ARG-M-ADV: bouncing across their squat earth walls "SRL for [pregnant]: Is the title of this thread "" what would you do if your daughter was [pregnant] by a crackhead "" ?",ARG-1: your daughter | ARG-0: by a crackhead SRL for [lining]: Bert 's [lining] of the basement 's walls with lead was meant to convert it into a fallout shelter .,ARG-0: Bert 's | ARG-1: of the basement 's walls | ARG-2: with lead SRL for [fit]: it [fit] with the convention of aerobics instructors,ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with the convention of aerobics instructors SRL for [parathyroidectomy]: left inferior [parathyroidectomy],ARG-1: left inferior SRL for [hit]: He [hit] the lanes three years ago on the advice of his doctor .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: the lanes | ARG-M-TMP: three years ago | ARG-M-ADV: on the advice of his doctor "SRL for [backed]: That strip of concrete is [backed] up by a few one - story , air - conditioned shacks where a handful of American nationals -- buttressed by imported food , cold soft drinks and back issues of Sports Illustrated -- maintain radio contact with the outside world .","ARG-1: That strip of concrete | ARG-0: by a few one - story , air - conditioned shacks where a handful of American nationals -- buttressed by imported food , cold soft drinks and back issues of Sports Illustrated -- maintain radio contact with the outside world" SRL for [incarceration]: Chi Ali sits down with VLADTV in his first post - release interview to talk in - depth about the incident which lead to his [incarceration] for 14 years .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: for 14 years "SRL for [gyrated]: He threw some ice cubes in the Pyrex on top of the small cookie , cursing loud the whole time he [gyrated] the Pyrex , overcome with impatience .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: the Pyrex "SRL for [co - authored]: Although the proposal , [co - authored] by Mr. Packwood and Sen. William Roth ( R. , Del. ) , appears to have general backing by Republicans , their votes are n't sufficient to pass it .","ARG-1: the proposal | ARG-0: by Mr. Packwood and Sen. William Roth ( R. , Del. )" SRL for [combination]: The [combination] of solid loan growth with tight expense control,ARG-1: of solid loan growth | ARG-2: with tight expense control "SRL for [coming]: Haha , that s what I said in conversation with someone last night , she 's the second [coming] of Dan Quayle !",ARG-M-TMP: second | ARG-1: of Dan Quayle SRL for [adhesed]: The tumor is [adhesed] to a 19.5 - cm portion of small bowel .,ARG-1: The tumor | ARG-2: to a 19.5 - cm portion of small bowel "SRL for [collaborating]: Already two major pharmaceutical companies , the Squibb unit of Bristol - Myers Squibb Co. and Hoffmann - La Roche Inc. , are [collaborating] with gene hunters to turn the anticipated cascade of discoveries into predictive tests and , maybe , new therapies .","ARG-M-TMP: Already | ARG-0: two major pharmaceutical companies , the Squibb unit of Bristol - Myers Squibb Co. and Hoffmann - La Roche Inc. | ARG-1: with gene hunters | ARG-2: to turn the anticipated cascade of discoveries into predictive tests and , maybe , new therapies" "SRL for [lettered]: The end of each trunk was [lettered] : "" A. Jones Well "" .","ARG-2: The end of each trunk | ARG-1: "" A. Jones Well """ SRL for [fess up]: And I promise to [fess up] eventually and tell of at least one such epic I survived .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-TMP: eventually "SRL for [beatdown]: I got into a fight with a drunk , gave him a [beatdown] in an alley , and took his watch .",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: gave | ARG-M-LOC: in an alley SRL for [alleges]: The complaint [alleges] that the price is `` unfair and grossly inadequate '',ARG-0: The complaint | ARG-1: that the price is `` unfair and grossly inadequate '' SRL for [judge]: `` You 've got to [judge] where the network will be in three years . '',ARG-0: You | ARG-1: where the network will be in three years "SRL for [sentence]: Sears was serving a 30 - year [sentence] for the self - confessed 1992 killing of his wife in Clinton , Maryland , but after a relentless campaign that included a letter from his psychiatrist saying Sears was unlikely to commit such violence again , the judge in this case , got him released .","ARG-4: 30 - year | ARG-3: for the self - confessed 1992 killing of his wife in Clinton , Maryland" SRL for [indwelling]: Characteristics of bacterial colonization and urinary tract infection after [indwelling] of double - J urethral stent,ARG-1: of double - J urethral stent SRL for [approval]: Internal Revenue Service [approval] of the move as a tax - free transaction,ARG-0: Internal Revenue Service | ARG-1: of the move | ARG-2: as a tax - free transaction SRL for [access]: U.S. [access] to the Japanese semiconductor market,ARG-0: U.S. | ARG-1: to the Japanese semiconductor market SRL for [stopped]: He said summer drought problems that had hit several southern agricultural regions had [stopped] being a major source of price pressure in September .,ARG-1: summer drought problems that had hit several southern agricultural regions | ARG-M-TMP: in September | C-ARG-1: being a major source of price pressure SRL for [mildly]: [mildly] ectatic,ARG-1: ectatic SRL for [anniversary]: The organization 's 20th [anniversary],ARG-0: The organization 's | ARG-2: 20th SRL for [effective]: They note that it is 87 % [effective] in preventing people in that range from getting the flu at all but people in the 18 - 49range only had lessened symptoms .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-EXT: 87 % | ARG-1: in preventing people in that range from getting the flu at all SRL for [reached]: Canadian Pacific could n't be [reached] for comment .,ARG-1: Canadian Pacific | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-PNC: for comment "SRL for [hostile]: In the last few days , Hillary also hopped over to Myanmar , which they have been [hostile] towards for 20 years , and said it was to promote reform in Myanmar , but secretly what they want to do is "" the villain 's plan is obvious to all "" .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: towards | ARG-M-TMP: for 20 years "SRL for [afflicted]: But the former U.S. president 's sixth visit to China , during which he spoke at length with Chinese leaders , was nowhere near as successful at easing strains that have recently [afflicted] the Sino - U.S. relationship .",ARG-0: strains | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: the Sino - U.S. relationship "SRL for [carry on]: President Chen Shui - bian personally attended the anniversary event , and vowed to [carry on] the policy , initiated by the previous government , of apologizing to and caring for the victims .","ARG-0: President Chen Shui - bian | ARG-1: the policy , initiated by the previous government , of apologizing to and caring for the victims" "SRL for [networking]: The specification does not , however , disclaim the [networking] of mainframes to a central computer that is devoted to database .",ARG-1: of mainframes | ARG-2: to a central computer SRL for [completion]: [completion] of the tender offer,ARG-1: of the tender offer SRL for [disarm]: Often con artists will try to [disarm] their victims by emphasizing similarities between them .,ARG-0: con artists | ARG-1: their victims | ARG-M-MNR: by emphasizing similarities between them "SRL for [teary]: Getting all [teary] today because I 'm reading about Tove Jansson for a post , and thinking about her makes me feel feelings .","ARG-M-ADV: all | ARG-M-TMP: today | ARG-M-CAU: because I 'm reading about Tove Jansson for a post , and thinking about her makes me feel feelings" "SRL for [retails]: Toshiba Corp. busted open that sector this summer with a notebook - sized machine that [retails] for less than 200,000 yen ( under $ 1,500 ) -- one of the smallest , cheapest PCs available in the country .","ARG-1: a notebook - sized machine | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-3: for less than 200,000 yen ( under $ 1,500 )" SRL for [behind]: Smith is [behind] 2 - 3 in the all - time series .,ARG-1: Smith | ARG-3: 2 - 3 | ARG-4: in the all - time series SRL for [riot]: The union was very effusive in their [riot] against the steel company .,ARG-0: their | ARG-1: against the steel company "SRL for [disgraced]: those who have made such pretensions , have [disgraced] them by the wickedness of their lives ;",ARG-0: those who have made such pretensions | ARG-1: them | ARG-2: by the wickedness of their lives SRL for [counter - reaction]: Boredom during the week and the [counter - reaction] of too much action over the weekends .,ARG-2: of too much action over the weekends SRL for [indispose]: Warm climates [indispose] one to labor .,ARG-1: Warm climates | ARG-2: one | ARG-3: to labor "SRL for [happy]: I am [happy] about the extension of my contract with Real Madrid , hopefully it wo n't be the last",ARG-1: I | ARG-0: about the extension of my contract with Real Madrid "SRL for [vaporize]: Most of the station is expected to [vaporize] as it comes down , some fragments splashing into the Pacific Ocean .",ARG-1: Most of the station | ARG-M-TMP: as it comes down "SRL for [stabilized]: The unit [stabilized] about midday New York time at around 1.85 marks and 141 yen , prompting unconfirmed rumors that the U.S. Federal Reserve had intervened to blunt the unit 's tumble .",ARG-1: The unit | ARG-M-TMP: about midday New York time | ARG-2: at around 1.85 marks and 141 yen | ARG-M-ADV: prompting unconfirmed rumors that the U.S. Federal Reserve had intervened to blunt the unit 's tumble SRL for [directing]: His career became legendary upon his [directing] of 1972 's The Godfather .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of 1972 's The Godfather "SRL for [shipping]: Although much of this country 's export corn goes to New Orleans by barge , it is possible for exporters to sidestep the Mississippi River by [shipping] a larger - than - normal amount of corn by train to the port .",ARG-0: exporters | ARG-1: a larger - than - normal amount of corn | ARG-M-MNR: by train | ARG-2: to the port "SRL for [deceleration]: Bob 's [deceleration] of the tractor was too slow , and he ran right over the kite .",ARG-0: Bob 's | ARG-1: of the tractor "SRL for [adjourned]: With most legislatures [adjourned] for the year , small business is tallying its scorecard .",ARG-1: most legislatures | ARG-M-TMP: for the year SRL for [amble]: After long stretches of this attendant ground activity came 20 or so lovely minutes of drifting above the Vosges watching the silver mists rise off the river and the French cows [amble] about the fields .,ARG-0: the French cows | ARG-M-LOC: about the fields SRL for [collared]: A couple of Russian security types nearly [collared] him for an imagined security breach .,ARG-0: A couple of Russian security types | ARG-M-ADV: nearly | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: for an imagined security breach SRL for [exile]: It was established by the 14th Dalai Lama in 1959 shortly after his [exile] from Tibet .,ARG-1: his | ARG-2: from Tibet SRL for [new]: We will discuss [new] developments in the economic crisis,ARG-1: developments "SRL for [combine]: Further , he said , an internal reorganization to [combine] several divisions into the Information Technology Group is expected to affect fourth - quarter results by an undisclosed amount .",ARG-0: an internal reorganization | ARG-1: several divisions | ARG-3: into the Information Technology Group SRL for [floored]: Mary [floored] her new apartment with marble tile .,ARG-0: Mary | ARG-1: her new apartment | ARG-2: with marble tile "SRL for [upregulated]: For this purpose , we [upregulated] miR-639 and this treatment led to an approximately 2 - fold augmentation in invasive properties ( Figure 3A ) .",ARG-M-PRP: For this purpose | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: miR-639 SRL for [obtain]: The thrift holding company said it expects to [obtain] regulatory approval by year - end .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: regulatory approval | ARG-M-TMP: by year - end SRL for [Direction]: [Direction] to the US Coast Guard,ARG-1: to the US Coast Guard SRL for [acceptance]: government [acceptance] of its bid for control of Jaguar,ARG-0: government | ARG-1: of its bid for control of Jaguar "SRL for [balkanized]: We have [balkanized] ourselves into islands of ethnocentrism : Italian - Americans , Irish - Americans , Jewish - Americans , Hispanic - Americans ...","ARG-0: We | ARG-1: ourselves | ARG-2: into islands of ethnocentrism : Italian - Americans , Irish - Americans , Jewish - Americans , Hispanic - Americans ..." "SRL for [spur]: For the paper industry specifically , most analysts said the deal will [spur] a wave of paper - company takeovers , possibly involving such companies as Union Camp Corp. , Federal Paperboard Co. and Mead Corp.","ARG-2: the deal | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: a wave of paper - company takeovers , possibly involving such companies as Union Camp Corp. , Federal Paperboard Co. and Mead Corp." "SRL for [brooding]: Moreland sat [brooding] for a full minute , during which I made each of us a new drink .",ARG-0: Moreland | ARG-M-TMP: for a full minute SRL for [frowning]: She stood [frowning] and chewing her lip .,ARG-0: She SRL for [came in]: Buick [came in] fourth among US cars .,ARG-1: Buick | ARG-2: fourth among US cars SRL for [awful]: It was [awful] to know that he felt all the deaths deeply and yet he still went out to kill others in order to protect his beloved village .,ARG-1: to know that he felt all the deaths deeply and yet he still went out to kill others in order to protect his beloved village "SRL for [addiction]: Nearly , nearly 10 million children with Internet [addiction] quit school and stay at home .",ARG-0: Nearly | ARG-2: Internet | ARG-1: quit school "SRL for [cropped]: Yet yesterday 's market [cropped] Dresdner 's share price by 33 marks to 309 marks a share , leaving little incentive for investors to subscribe to the standing price unless the market recovers quickly .",ARG-M-DIS: Yet | ARG-0: yesterday 's market | ARG-1: Dresdner 's share price | ARG-2: by 33 marks | ARG-4: to 309 marks a share | ARG-M-ADV: leaving little incentive for investors to subscribe to the standing price unless the market recovers quickly "SRL for [purge]: China 's Communist leadership voted to [purge] the party of `` hostile and anti - party elements '' and wealthy private businessmen , whom they called exploiters .","ARG-0: China 's Communist leadership | ARG-1: the party | ARG-2: of `` hostile and anti - party elements '' and wealthy private businessmen , whom they called exploiters" "SRL for [hulled]: One exception to this rule can be found in Indonesia , where coffee is [hulled] of its parchment layer while still wet .",ARG-1: coffee | ARG-2: of its parchment layer | ARG-M-TMP: while still wet SRL for [nagged]: You [nagged] him to buy that car ;,ARG-0: You | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: to buy that car SRL for [development]: the [development] of tumors in animals after inoculation with tumor cells,ARG-2: of tumors | ARG-1: in animals | ARG-M-TMP: after inoculation with tumor cells "SRL for [persist]: They said they expect the bearish mood to [persist] a while longer , as trading volume is falling toward the end of the year and the market is becoming more volatile .",ARG-1: the bearish mood | ARG-M-TMP: a while longer "SRL for [incorrect]: Even though the count can be checked , the worker also tells you that the verified result is [incorrect] . If you want the "" correct "" result , you must wait until you leave the hospital . What is the meaning ? Obviously ...",ARG-1: the verified result "SRL for [tends]: The cost , or premium , [tends] to get fat in times of crisis .","ARG-1: The cost , or premium | ARG-2: to get fat in times of crisis" "SRL for [concerned]: Taiwanese businesspeople in Macau form another group that is usually thought of as only [concerned] about "" making a living . ""","ARG-M-ADV: only | ARG-0: about "" making a living" SRL for [left]: How many skittles are [left] ?,ARG-1: How many skittles "SRL for [redeposited]: The metals , originally scattered in trace amounts in magma or surrounding solid rocks , become concentrated by circulating hot fluids and can be [redeposited] , under favorable temperature and pressure conditions , to form rich mineral veins .","ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: The metals , originally scattered in trace amounts in magma or surrounding solid rocks | ARG-M-MNR: under favorable temperature and pressure conditions | ARG-M-PRD: to form rich mineral veins" "SRL for [pre - examination]: On January 9th , 2007 , the Provincial Land Resources Department approved the Deka Company 's land use [pre - examination] application .",ARG-1: land use "SRL for [perpetrated]: The U.S. defines it as `` premediated , politically motivated violence [perpetrated] against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine state agents . ''","ARG-1: premediated , politically motivated violence | ARG-2: against noncombatant targets | ARG-0: by subnational groups or clandestine state agents" "SRL for [featureless]: Before the 19th century , the depths of the open ocean were largely a matter of speculation , and most people thought that the ocean floor was relatively flat and [featureless] .",ARG-1: the ocean floor "SRL for [lying down]: Wall Street 's New Guard is n't likely to take all this [lying down] for long , however .",ARG-1: Wall Street 's New Guard "SRL for [destabilize]: Krenz , however , vowed to preserve the Communist Party 's hold on political power and said East Germans should n't [destabilize] the nation with unrealistic demands .",ARG-0: East Germans | ARG-M-MOD: should | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: the nation | ARG-M-MNR: with unrealistic demands "SRL for [competition]: Late last month , she scored a coup in her [competition] with Senator Obama for black and religious voters .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: with Senator Obama | ARG-2: for black and religious voters SRL for [ushered]: I [ushered] the play on Saturday and I had a REALLY good time .,ARG-0: I | ARG-1: the play | ARG-M-TMP: on Saturday SRL for [graduates]: Penn [graduates] only 59 % of its incoming freshman class .,ARG-0: Penn | ARG-1: only 59 % of its incoming freshman class SRL for [sloughed off]: It looked like they were n't that bad at first but when they were cleaning the wound more skin [sloughed off] and it was bigger than they thought,ARG-M-TMP: when they were cleaning the wound | ARG-1: more skin SRL for [aim]: The [aim] of chess is to checkmate the opposing king .,ARG-0: of chess "SRL for [making]: Still , case - by - case retrospective decision [making] of this sort is vulnerable to the tunnel vision caused by a fixation on ad hoc -LRB- and usually sleazy -RRB- examples .",ARG-M-MNR: case - by - case | ARG-M-MNR: retrospective | ARG-1: decision | ARG-M-ADJ: of this sort SRL for [leaks]: radioactive [leaks] into the ocean,ARG-1: radioactive | ARG-M-GOL: into the ocean "SRL for [posted]: Yes - if you [posted] it with USPS , it would be handled by Royal Mail here in the UK .",ARG-0: you | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with USPS "SRL for [retransmission]: Any review , [retransmission] , dissemination or other use of , or taking of any action in reliance upon , this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited .",ARG-1: this information | ARG-0: by persons or entities other than the intended recipient SRL for [loved]: Some institutional traders [loved] the wild ride .,ARG-0: Some institutional traders | ARG-1: the wild ride SRL for [retreat]: But we 'll need to see a price [retreat] of at least thirty to forty dollars,ARG-1: price | ARG-2: of at least thirty to forty dollars SRL for [take step back]: It 's amazing to [take step back] and actually see the impact I can make ., SRL for [decent]: Secretary Liu was quite [decent] in handling such a sudden incident . The Communist Party is led collectively . It is normal to study afterwards before a statement is made .,ARG-1: Secretary Liu | ARG-M-EXT: quite | ARG-2: in handling such a sudden incident "SRL for [sex]: Loredana Jolie , a former model , is writing a book that the contents reveal the story of her [sex] with famous golfer Tiger Woods .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: with famous golfer Tiger Woods "SRL for [aid]: For Angola , the United Nations is appealing for $ 202 million in food [aid] .",ARG-1: food SRL for [misspelled]: We [misspelled] the playwrite 's name on the poster . Embarrassing .,ARG-0: We | ARG-1: the playwrite 's name | ARG-2: on the poster SRL for [win]: The Mariners can move on to the American League Champion SHN Series with a [win] over the White Sox this afternoon .,ARG-4: over the White Sox | ARG-M-TMP: this afternoon "SRL for [knit]: The joints between most of the cranial bones are borders where the bones [knit] together , called sutures .",ARG-1: the bones | ARG-M-PRD: together | R-ARG-M-LOC: where | ARG-M-LOC: borders SRL for [sling]: I walked out when the monkeys started to [sling] their poop at each other .,ARG-0: the monkeys | ARG-1: their poop | ARG-2: at each other | ARG-M-TMP: when SRL for [squeeze]: ... his look and his [squeeze] of his hand told that he knew his acquaintances and what they said to him .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of his hand "SRL for [autonomous]: However , like European Netherlands and Aruba it is [autonomous] over internal affairs and the three are constitutionally equal .",ARG-M-DIS: However | ARG-M-MNR: like European Netherlands and Aruba | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: over internal affairs SRL for [drafted]: Now comes word that IRS regulations being [drafted] could put companies in violation of the tax code if they make loans to retiree shareholders and directors but do n't make them available to other former workers who usually earned less .,ARG-1: IRS regulations SRL for [incumbent]: It is [incumbent] upon Pyongyang to give up its nuclear project and come forward as a responsible member of the international community,ARG-1: to give up its nuclear project and come forward as a responsible member of the international community | ARG-2: upon Pyongyang SRL for [supple]: Neck is [supple] .,ARG-1: Neck SRL for [grunted]: He [grunted] a sort of `` yes '' answer .,ARG-0: He | ARG-1: a sort of `` yes '' answer SRL for [handy]: He is [handy] around the house .,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-LOC: around the house SRL for [clouted]: In the sixth inning he [clouted] a high one on the outside .,ARG-M-TMP: In the sixth inning | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a high one on the outside "SRL for [disrupt]: The unusual seaborne meeting wo n't [disrupt] plans for a formal summit meeting next spring or summer , at which an arms - control treaty is likely to be completed .","ARG-0: The unusual seaborne meeting | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: plans for a formal summit meeting next spring or summer , at which an arms - control treaty is likely to be completed" "SRL for [clambered]: As for the ride back to camp , our pilot and all the other French - speaking passengers [clambered] into the chase car .",ARG-0: our pilot and all the other French - speaking passengers | ARG-M-DIR: into the chase car "SRL for [mention]: Host Ted Koppel introduced him as `` the media master of the Reagan Administration , '' with nary a [mention] of Mr. Deaver 's conviction in 1987 on perjury charges .",ARG-M-NEG: nary | ARG-1: of Mr. Deaver 's conviction in 1987 on perjury charges "SRL for [cheesed]: But alas , she was [cheesed] by magic ... just like her brother .",ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-DIS: alas | ARG-1: she | ARG-0: by magic | ARG-M-MNR: just like her brother "SRL for [magnetic]: For example , a body of magnetite or gabbro is strongly [magnetic] , and their magnetic signature makes them stand out from other rocks .",ARG-M-DIS: For example | ARG-1: a body of magnetite or gabbro | ARG-M-EXT: strongly "SRL for [pre - education]: Ok , I 'll take her to watch tennis when I have time , giving her some [pre - education] , LOL !",ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: giving | ARG-1: her "SRL for [revitalizing]: The National Association of Broadcasters in June adopted an agenda for [revitalizing] AM radio that includes , among other things , pursuing further FCC action on selecting an AM stereo standard and seeking a law requiring all stereo receivers to include AM stereo .",ARG-0: The National Association of Broadcasters | ARG-1: AM radio "SRL for [staged]: In East Berlin , Communist Party officials considered legalizing New Forum , the country 's largest opposition alliance , as about 20,000 demonstrators [staged] protests in three cities to press demands for democratic freedoms .","ARG-0: about 20,000 demonstrators | ARG-1: protests | ARG-M-LOC: in three cities | ARG-M-PNC: to press demands for democratic freedoms" SRL for [giddy]: I was so [giddy] . He adored my first edition,ARG-1: I | ARG-M-EXT: so SRL for [split]: the Pentagon 's proposed [split] of 60 - 40 between domestic and foreign bases,ARG-0: the Pentagon 's | ARG-M-MNR: of 60 - 40 | ARG-2: between domestic and foreign bases "SRL for [Singing]: [Singing] and jumping around are not really suitable for the senior grades , and parents hope that teachers will keep in mind the different needs of different age groups .", "SRL for [labor]: The first occurred in the latter part of World War II when the Japanese tied her hands behind her back and marched her off *PRO* to do forced [labor] for over a year , building roads , digging ditches , and carrying a shoulder pole .","ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-M-PRD: forced | ARG-M-TMP: for over a year | ARG-1: building roads , digging ditches , and carrying a shoulder pole" SRL for [perfect]: America is not [perfect] .,ARG-1: America | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [wash]: No , Mr. Lantos 's complaints simply wo n't [wash] .",ARG-0: Mr. Lantos 's complaints | ARG-M-ADV: simply | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [went]: Woolworth [went] up 1 3/4 to 59 1/2 .,ARG-1: Woolworth | ARG-M-DIR: up | ARG-2: 1 3/4 | ARG-4: to 59 1/2 SRL for [bending]: Even that met with Mr. Greenspan 's disapproval because it might subject the Fed `` to a more intensely political perspective '' and `` could risk [bending] monetary policy away from long - term strategic goals . '',ARG-0: it | ARG-1: monetary policy | ARG-M-DIR: away from long - term strategic goals SRL for [dig]: Sometimes he would have a [dig] at his students,ARG-2: at his students SRL for [symbolized]: The deal was [symbolized] by the restoration of the Shi'ite Sultan Ali Keshtmand to the Afghan prime ministry .,ARG-2: The deal | ARG-1: by the restoration of the Shi'ite Sultan Ali Keshtmand to the Afghan prime ministry SRL for [intelligible]: it may perhaps be necessary to frame the expression through terms that are [intelligible] to them .,ARG-1: that | ARG-0: to them SRL for [played into hands]: I think he lies to get attention and goodness knows the Dr. Phil show and Michelle [played into hands] on that one .,ARG-0: the Dr. Phil show | ARG-M-ADV: right | ARG-1: his | ARG-2: on that one "SRL for [boring]: this year I 'd love a gravy separator and a new set of barbecue tools , but apparently these are "" too [boring] "" , so I will be getting a surprise instead ...",ARG-0: these | ARG-M-EXT: too SRL for [pyrosequenced]: In our case study we [pyrosequenced] the 23S rRNA - . 5S rRNA ITS region of the E. coli genome .,ARG-M-LOC: In our case study | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: the 23S rRNA - . 5S rRNA ITS region of the E. coli genome SRL for [cautioned]: Takeover stock traders were puzzled by the Reliance filing and [cautioned] that it does n't mean Mr. Steinberg will definitely seek control .,ARG-0: Takeover stock traders | ARG-1: that it does n't mean Mr. Steinberg will definitely seek control SRL for [tunnelling]: His research work on various aspects of [tunnelling] through the difficult ground conditions of the Himilayas for silver deposits was widely appreciated internationally .,ARG-1: through the difficult ground conditions of the Himilayas | ARG-2: for silver deposits "SRL for [retrieved]: He showed an unbroken , still - ticking pocket watch that he [retrieved] for one woman .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: an unbroken , still - ticking pocket watch | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-3: for one woman" "SRL for [tell]: If you ask the shopkeepers in the main streets or back alleys , they will [tell] you that the favorite figure of the moment is the Maneki Neko , or Japanese "" beckoning cat , "" whose Chinese name is literally "" wealth - attracting cat "" -LRB- -LRB - c - RRB-?Ìö ] o ? -RRB- .","ARG-M-ADV: If you ask the shopkeepers in the main streets or back alleys | ARG-0: they | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: you | ARG-1: that the favorite figure of the moment is the Maneki Neko , or Japanese "" beckoning cat , "" whose Chinese name is literally "" wealth - attracting cat "" -LRB- -LRB - c - RRB-?Ìö ] o ? -RRB-" SRL for [search]: the [search] for `` a real computer in a package so small you can take it everywhere,ARG-2: for `` a real computer in a package so small you can take it everywhere "SRL for [drowned out]: When the Soviets announced their last soldier had left Afghanistan in February , the voices of skepticism were all but [drowned out] by an international chorus of euphoria .",ARG-1: the voices of skepticism | ARG-M-ADV: all but | ARG-0: by an international chorus of euphoria SRL for [circuit]: the stroller [circuit],ARG-1: stroller SRL for [stand up]: We want to [stand up] .,ARG-1: We "SRL for [ease up]: In a highly unusual meeting in Sen. DeConcini 's office in April 1987 , the five senators asked federal regulators to [ease up] on Lincoln .",ARG-0: federal regulators | ARG-1: on Lincoln "SRL for [dried]: Perhaps people fleeing the fighting found it difficult to lug sacks of rice with them , so instead they ground the rice to a pulp and flattened it into strips , which were then boiled and [dried] .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: strips "SRL for [poke around]: Well , now that we got daylight I 'm gon na [poke around] in the sand for that distributor cap .",ARG-M-DIS: Well | ARG-M-TMP: now that we got daylight | ARG-0: I | ARG-1: in the sand | ARG-2: for that distributor cap SRL for [meddling]: Not to mention the [meddling] we have been doing inside Iran for the past 100 years or so ... installing the shah .. overthrowing democratic governments ...,ARG-0: we | ARG-M-LVB: doing | ARG-M-LOC: inside Iran | ARG-M-TMP: for the past 100 years or so | ARG-M-ADJ: installing the shah .. overthrowing democratic governments ... SRL for [spinning]: His [spinning] elaborate tales of his days overseas did not impress his date .,ARG-0: His | ARG-1: elaborate tales of his days overseas SRL for [circumnavigation]: [circumnavigation] of the island by boat,ARG-2: of the island | ARG-1: by boat SRL for [measure]: Shannon 's [measure] of information entropy,ARG-0: Shannon 's | ARG-1: of information entropy "SRL for [sambaed]: They [sambaed] in a dark , smoky club , looking deeply into one another 's eyes .","ARG-1: They | ARG-2: in a dark , smoky club | ARG-M-PRD: looking deeply into one another 's eyes" "SRL for [blew]: `` I [blew] it , '' Mr. Motley says apologetically .",ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it SRL for [lukewarm]: China 's diplomacy with small countries is [lukewarm] . Could other people believe you and rely on you ? Could China be as committed to protecting a small country as America ?,ARG-1: China 's diplomacy with small countries "SRL for [adds up]: It all [adds up] to a barrier to American - style index arbitrage , the most popular form of U.S. program trading that seeks to exploit brief differences between prices of stocks in New York and the price of a futures contract in Chicago based on those stocks .","ARG-1: It | ARG-2: to a barrier to American - style index arbitrage , the most popular form of U.S. program trading that seeks to exploit brief differences between prices of stocks in New York and the price of a futures contract in Chicago based on those stocks" "SRL for [peddling]: Like many young recruits in Japanese securities firms , he began his career [peddling] stock to individual investors .",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: stock | ARG-2: to individual investors SRL for [stratified]: the socially [stratified] Paiwan tribe has a wide range of cloting and cloth colors .,ARG-2: socially | ARG-1: Paiwan tribe "SRL for [fracking]: *PRO* [fracking] shale , I do n't know about this .",ARG-2: shale SRL for [adore]: We both [adore] her very well and admire her immensely .,ARG-0: We both | ARG-1: her | ARG-M-MNR: very well SRL for [expect]: Portfolio managers [expect] further declines in interest rates .,ARG-0: Portfolio managers | ARG-1: further declines in interest rates "SRL for [outlast]: Japan 's marathon economy , growing at 4.3 % this year , is now in its 35th month of expansion , and some economists are betting that the boom will [outlast] the record 57 - month expansion in the late 1960s .",ARG-0: the boom | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the record 57 - month expansion in the late 1960s SRL for [accompanying]: The figure was incorrectly shown as a net loss in a chart [accompanying] Friday 's Heard on the Street column .,ARG-0: a chart | ARG-1: Friday 's Heard on the Street column SRL for [reappraised]: The mood changed after dealers [reappraised] the direct impact of the disaster on shares and Wall Street rebounded from early losses .,ARG-0: dealers | ARG-1: the direct impact of the disaster on shares "SRL for [braking]: Mr. Redford , like it or not , is like a [braking] system on a runaway truck , kind of slowing it down into control .",ARG-0: system "SRL for [panned]: While the musicians had no trouble playing along , the audience 's discomfort was obvious as the video camera [panned] across them .",ARG-1: the video camera | ARG-2: across them "SRL for [envied]: He will be [envied] by all Arab leaders , both living and dead , for this honorable martyrdom , and this enormous love in the midst of hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims all over the different parts of the world .","ARG-1: He | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-0: by all Arab leaders , both living and dead | ARG-2: for this honorable martyrdom , and this enormous love in the midst of hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims all over the different parts of the world" "SRL for [evaluation]: I do agree with what Bloom said about Frankenstein in his article , especially in his [evaluation] that the creature was actually more human than his creator",ARG-0: his | ARG-2: that the creature was actually more human than his creator "SRL for [jeopardize]: The Conservatives do n't dare [jeopardize] marginal Tory seats in Coventry , where Jaguar has headquarters ...","ARG-0: The Conservatives | ARG-1: marginal Tory seats in Coventry , where Jaguar has headquarters" SRL for [dismounted]: Payne [dismounted] in Madison Place and handed the reins to Herold .,ARG-0: Payne | ARG-M-LOC: in Madison Place SRL for [reading]: some market analysts say the current 3.3 % [reading] is n't as troublesome as it might have been in years past .,ARG-M-TMP: current | ARG-3: 3.3 % SRL for [mechanized]: ... the [mechanized] arms ...,ARG-1: arms "SRL for [traced]: Douglas Madison , a corporate trader with Bank of America in Los Angeles , [traced] the dollar 's recent solid performance against the yen to purchases of securities by Japanese insurance companies and trust banks and the sense that another wave of investment is waiting in the wings .","ARG-0: Douglas Madison , a corporate trader with Bank of America in Los Angeles | ARG-1: the dollar 's recent solid performance against the yen | ARG-2: to purchases of securities by Japanese insurance companies and trust banks and the sense that another wave of investment is waiting in the wings" SRL for [rewire]: You can also use your instinctive reward system to [rewire] the brain to want to chase a new craving .,ARG-1: the brain | ARG-2: to want to chase a new craving SRL for [designed]: They are [designed] to eliminate the risk of prepayment .,ARG-1: They | ARG-3: to eliminate the risk of prepayment "SRL for [whooping]: DH though says he needed his "" [whooping] with the ugly stick "" .",ARG-1: his | ARG-2: with the ugly stick "SRL for [enrolled]: That may be because Mr. Gargan , smarting at what he considered slurs on his membership standards made by the rival group , [enrolled] his dog , Beauregard , as a member of the IAFP .","ARG-0: Mr. Gargan | ARG-M-ADV: smarting at what he considered slurs on his membership standards made by the rival group | ARG-1: his dog , Beauregard | ARG-2: as a member of the IAFP" SRL for [will last]: BP eestimates that global oil reserves [will last] 53.3 years at the current production rates .,ARG-1: global oil reserves | ARG-2: 53.3 years | ARG-4: at the current production rates "SRL for [asphyxiation]: "" Alford referred to his [asphyxiation] of Ms. Wortman as ' foreplay , ' "" the complaint states .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Ms. Wortman SRL for [acute]: The inflammatory reaction was [acute] and more intense in the UG on the fourth day .,ARG-1: The inflammatory reaction | ARG-M-LOC: in the UG | ARG-M-TMP: on the fourth day "SRL for [fit]: According to Hsueh Ping - nan , one of seven main disciples of the "" Wang School "" of seal carving , the art combines the skills of calligraphy , composition and carving , requiring not only a deep familiarity with ancient forms of script but also the ability to stretch and compress characters so as to [fit] them , neatly and cleverly , onto the compact head of a seal stone .",ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: neatly and cleverly | ARG-2: onto the compact head of a seal stone SRL for [convention]: The King 's greatest contribution to Buddhism was his [convention] of the Fourth Council .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the Fourth Council SRL for [restriction]: Aieed rendered UNOSOM ineffective through his [restriction] of the UN Pakistani troop deployment .,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the UN Pakistani troop deployment "SRL for [sentenced]: He was [sentenced] to 500 hours of community service and restitution to the museum of $ 45,000 .","ARG-1: He | ARG-2: to 500 hours of community service and restitution to the museum of $ 45,000" SRL for [perverted]: The neocons have [perverted] it with sociopathic greed,ARG-0: The neocons | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with sociopathic greed "SRL for [bicycles]: In one scene , Cheung 's character [bicycles] home to her run - down apartment .",ARG-M-LOC: In one scene | ARG-0: Cheung 's character | ARG-1: home | ARG-M-GOL: to her run - down apartment SRL for [flared]: The horse [flared] its nostrils .,ARG-0: The horse | ARG-1: its nostrils SRL for [caution]: Hold on to those funny braids ! you wanted to [caution] her as the sets started to roll around once more .,ARG-1: Hold on to those funny braids | ARG-0: you | ARG-2: her "SRL for [stock up]: Last year 's drought in the Midwest prompted retailers to [stock up] on oils ahead of anticipated price increases , boosting sales for Crisco and Puritan oils , analysts said .",ARG-0: retailers | ARG-1: on oils | ARG-M-TMP: ahead of anticipated price increases "SRL for [recession]: So blaming Labour for the world [recession] -LRB- which by the way would have been even worse had the Tories been in gov in the same years -RRB- almost 17 months on where our economy has gone backwards in terms of economic growth from when Labour left office , is ridiculous .",ARG-1: world | ARG-M-ADJ: which by the way would have been even worse had the Tories been in gov in the same years "SRL for [deep]: "" He was a very conscientious member of council , "" Davies said . "" He was very [deep] and sensitive to the issues that came before the council . """,ARG-1: He | ARG-M-EXT: very SRL for [deletion]: Her [deletion] of the files from the computer made her look guilty .,ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: of the files | ARG-2: from the computer SRL for [worsening]: a [worsening] of symptoms,ARG-1: of symptoms "SRL for [brooding]: In males without these pouches , eggs adhere to a strip of soft skin on the ventral surface of their bodies that does not contain any exterior covering - a type of `` skin [brooding] ''",ARG-M-LOC: skin "SRL for [maimed]: he ran to a person who had apprehended one of his associates , and [maimed] him with a knife ,",ARG-0: he | ARG-1: him | ARG-2: with a knife "SRL for [based]: Hearst , [based] in New York , ....",ARG-1: Hearst | ARG-M-LOC: in New York "SRL for [misjudged]: `` We [misjudged] you '' , he said slowly .",ARG-0: We | ARG-1: you "SRL for [deposited]: But judges usually find the real aim is to escape tax on hidden income ; and the IRS said Brown must have had such income -- although it uncovered no source -- because he [deposited] $ 124,732 in a bank account in 1982 - 84 while reporting income of only $ 52,012 .","ARG-0: he | ARG-1: $ 124,732 | ARG-2: in a bank account | ARG-M-TMP: in 1982 - 84 | ARG-M-TMP: while reporting income of only $ 52,012" SRL for [convection]: heat [convection] of water along a heated vertical plate,ARG-0: heat | ARG-1: of water | ARG-M-DIR: along a heated vertical plate SRL for [charge]: The closely watched funds rate is what banks [charge] each other on overnight loans .,ARG-1: what | ARG-0: banks | ARG-2: each other | ARG-3: on overnight loans SRL for [cross]: He adds : `` The medical market and the fitness market parallel each other and are going to [cross] real soon . '',ARG-1: The medical market and the fitness market | ARG-M-TMP: real soon "SRL for [planting]: It has a long shelf life and `` does n't fool the public , '' says Grady Auvil , an Orondo , Wash. , grower who is [planting] Fujis and spreading the good word about them .","ARG-0: an Orondo , Wash. , grower | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: Fujis" SRL for [prearranging]: The Chicago Mercantile Exchange fined and suspended two commodities traders accused of [prearranging] trades with each other that allegedly cheated a customer .,ARG-0: two commodities traders | ARG-1: trades SRL for [works]: Another CIA leak probe may be in the [works] ., SRL for [euvolemic]: She continues to be [euvolemic] and we anticipate she will be cleared for discharge tomorrow .,ARG-1: She SRL for [shower]: why ca n't you take quick [shower] ?,ARG-M-MOD: ca | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-0: you | ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-M-TMP: quick | ARG-M-CAU: why "SRL for [concealing]: Mrs. Marcos and her late husband , former Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos , were charged with embezzling more than $ 100 million from that country and then fraudulently [concealing] much of the money through purchases of prime real estate in Manhattan .","ARG-0: Mrs. Marcos and her late husband , former Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-M-MNR: fraudulently | ARG-1: much of the money | ARG-M-MNR: through purchases of prime real estate in Manhattan" "SRL for [trapped]: Now , some see Mr. Bush [trapped] in a position he is neither comfortable with nor able to escape .",ARG-1: Mr. Bush | ARG-2: in a position he is neither comfortable with nor able to escape "SRL for [interfere]: President de Klerk 's government permitted the rally , and security forces did n't [interfere] .",ARG-0: security forces | ARG-M-NEG: n't SRL for [x - rayed]: Major League Baseball took 76 of his bats and [x - rayed] them for cork .,ARG-0: Major League Baseball | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-PRP: for cork "SRL for [pauses]: -- If Dow Industrials fall 25 points at opening , contract trading [pauses] for 10 minutes .",ARG-M-ADV: If Dow Industrials fall 25 points at opening | ARG-0: contract trading | ARG-M-TMP: for 10 minutes "SRL for [claims]: DD Acquisition has launched a suit in a Delaware court seeking the withdrawal of Dunkin 's poison pill rights and employee stock ownership plans , which it [claims] were put in place to deter bidders .",R-ARG-1: which | ARG-0: it | ARG-1: Dunkin 's poison pill rights and employee stock ownership plans "SRL for [embattled]: But beyond the thousands of seats up for grabs , leaders say the Colombia 's [embattled] democratic system is at stake .",ARG-1: democratic system "SRL for [grabbing]: Meaning that its economy and military are both 10 times stronger than everyone else s - no I do n't , as I 've pointed out in my previous post , there 'll China will inevitably want to become the regional power of Asia , it 'll want to do some land - [grabbing] of its own -LRB- Taiwan for example -RRB- which will lead to its demise .",ARG-0: it | ARG-M-LVB: do | ARG-1: land | ARG-M-REC: of its own | ARG-M-ADJ: Taiwan for example | ARG-M-ADV: which will lead to its demise "SRL for [tallied]: City crews [tallied] the wreckage to buildings , but lacked a clear sense of how gravely transportation arteries were disabled .",ARG-0: City crews | ARG-1: the wreckage to buildings "SRL for [bopped]: Cyndi Lauper : A loopy , lovable misfit , she [bopped] till she dropped .","ARG-M-PRD: A loopy , lovable misfit | ARG-0: she | ARG-M-TMP: till she dropped" SRL for [inciting]: Azem Vlasi and 14 others are accused of [inciting] riots and strikes and opposing constitutional limits to Kosovo 's autonomy .,ARG-0: Azem Vlasi and 14 others | ARG-1: riots and strikes "SRL for [coextrude]: Automated machines [coextrude] long plastic sheaths with graphite - plastic cores that are printed , cut , painted and eraser - fitted .","ARG-0: Automated machines | ARG-1: long plastic sheaths with graphite - plastic cores that are printed , cut , painted and eraser - fitted" "SRL for [trigger]: ... the nature of the failure , the sliding surface , the propagation mechanism of the failure , the [trigger] of the avalanche , the slope angle , direction , and elevation .",ARG-1: of the avalanche SRL for [goes]: Boeing [goes] ahead with its plans for the 767 .,ARG-0: Boeing | ARG-2: ahead | ARG-1: with its plans for the 767 SRL for [boomed]: John [boomed] his stereo from the rooftops .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his stereo | ARG-2: from the rooftops SRL for [immobilized]: They [immobilized] assets that might have been more productively employed .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: assets that might have been more productively employed SRL for [segregation]: The racial [segregation] of schools has been a central concern of education policy since the . Supreme Court 's 1954 Brown v. Board decision .,ARG-3: racial | ARG-1: of schools "SRL for [healthy]: A lot of people like him for his charisma , his charm , his looks , his speeches even , I and many others also like him for his ethnicity -LRB- sorry but I do it 's [healthy] for the world -RRB- .",ARG-1: it | ARG-2: for the world "SRL for [funding]: It makes me cringe that the government are cutting [funding] for the British people , and yet somehow fund the military to rain clusters of bombs over foreign people !",ARG-1: for the British people SRL for [darted]: The fox [darted] him a green - eyed glance,ARG-0: The fox | ARG-4: him | ARG-1: a green - eyed glance SRL for [common]: Multimorbidity is [common] to family practice : is it commonly researched ?,ARG-1: Multimorbidity | ARG-2: to family practice SRL for [precision]: The [precision] of the ultrasonic sounding in ice depth measurement .,ARG-0: of the ultrasonic sounding | ARG-1: in ice depth measurement SRL for [make scene]: Its embarrassing to walk into a place and have somebody [make scene] about you .,ARG-0: somebody | ARG-2: about you "SRL for [heartless]: Lane 's father , Peter , said that the killing was ? [heartless] , and to try to understand it is a short way to insanity .",ARG-1: the killing "SRL for [passes]: Josh makes clumsy [passes] at Kate when she 's seething with anger and fear , but we know from the outset that he 's not a member of the evil patriarchy .",ARG-0: Josh | ARG-M-LVB: makes | ARG-M-MNR: clumsy | ARG-1: at Kate | ARG-M-TMP: when she 's seething with anger and fear SRL for [fester]: [ A story about how he mishandled the sale to his son of his stock in a media company controlled [*] by his political patron Percy Sutton [*T*-2]]-3 was allowed [*-3] to [fester] a full week before Mr. Dinkins faced the media .,ARG-M-TMP: a full week | ARG-M-TMP: before Mr. Dinkins faced the media SRL for [fright]: each player discusses his [fright] at the possibility of vampires existing,ARG-1: his | ARG-0: at the possibility of vampires existing SRL for [peeped]: The baby bird [peeped] for its mother 's return .,ARG-0: The baby bird "SRL for [span]: The total length of the bridge is 3240 feet , .and its [span] over the river measures 1800 feet .",ARG-0: its | ARG-1: over the river SRL for [affiliating]: The company said Mr. McKinney plans to retire because the process of [affiliating] American Fletcher into Banc One `` is considered completed . '',ARG-1: American Fletcher | ARG-2: into Banc One SRL for [rerun]: Bush wants to [rerun] in 1996 .,ARG-0: Bush | ARG-M-TMP: in 1996 SRL for [trotted out]: They [trotted out] another crop of instant commercials after the sudden market dip a few weeks ago .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: another crop of instant commercials | ARG-M-TMP: after the sudden market dip | ARG-M-TMP: a few weeks ago "SRL for [content]: With talk today of a second economic miracle in West Germany , East Germany no longer can [content] itself with being the economicstar in a loser league .",ARG-M-ADV: With talk today of a second economic miracle in West Germany | ARG-0: East Germany | ARG-M-TMP: no longer | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: itself | ARG-2: with being the economicstar in a loser league "SRL for [residence]: During the time of his [residence] in Mourhead , Michael Higgins was united in marriage to Agnes Peterson ,",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: in Mourhead SRL for [similarities]: There are of course some [similarities] and overlap between them .,ARG-1: between them "SRL for [recognize]: In the least , we must [recognize] the futility of trying to use exchange - rate intervention to offset the effects of tax - rate reduction on capital flows .",ARG-M-DIS: In the least | ARG-0: we | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: the futility of trying to use exchange - rate intervention to offset the effects of tax - rate reduction on capital flows SRL for [black]: They were selling TVs on the [black] market .,ARG-1: market "SRL for [prefilled]: Josh [prefilled] seventy - four water balloons , and waited behind the gate for Sally to stroll by .",ARG-0: Josh | ARG-1: seventy - four water balloons "SRL for [entice]: The major question , said one holder who asked not to be named , is whether New York investor Bennett S. LeBow , whose Brooke Partners controls Western Union , is willing to offer a large enough equity stake *trace* to [entice] bondholders into agreeing to a new swap .",ARG-1: bondholders | ARG-2: into agreeing to a new swap SRL for [attract]: A free market with a profit motive will [attract] each investor to the liquidity and risks he can tolerate .,ARG-0: A free market with a profit motive | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: each investor | ARG-2: to the liquidity and risks he can tolerate SRL for [put out]: Smokers must [put out] their cigarettes before entering the building .,ARG-0: Smokers | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: their cigarettes | ARG-M-TMP: before entering the building "SRL for [vows]: `` I 'm not going to look stupid , '' [vows] former Pittsburgh Pirate second baseman Rennie Stennett , sweat dotting his brow as he prepares for some practice swings .","ARG-1: `` I 'm not going to look stupid , '' | ARG-0: former Pittsburgh Pirate second baseman Rennie Stennett | ARG-M-ADV: sweat dotting his brow as he prepares for some practice swings" "SRL for [stampeded]: `` The Fed wo n't be [stampeded] into easing , '' Mr. Logan said , predicting that for now , interest rates will stay where they are .",ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: The Fed | ARG-2: into easing "SRL for [recalcitrant]: Wwdawoqd D. Ythiiar is a 57 year old female with severe rosacea fulminans on face that has been [recalcitrant] to many treatments ; at peak severity , -LRB- 2 years ago -RRB- was getting 6 lesions per day at highest rate ; approximately 15 - 30 new lesions per month ;",ARG-0: that | ARG-1: to many treatments SRL for [works]: There are n't any other deals in the [works],ARG-1: any other deals SRL for [amended]: PS of New Hampshire [amended] its plan to call for two years of 5.5 % rate increases followed by five years of 4.5 % increases .,ARG-0: PS of New Hampshire | ARG-1: its plan | ARG-2: to call for two years of 5.5 % rate increases followed by five years of 4.5 % increases "SRL for [collaborate]: Du Pont Co. , Hewlett - Packard Co. and Los Alamos National Laboratory said they signed a three - year , $ 11 million agreement to [collaborate] on superconductor research .",ARG-0: they | ARG-2: on superconductor research "SRL for [thought]: What matters is what advertisers will pay , [thought] Newsweek 's chairman",ARG-1: What matters is what advertisers will pay | ARG-0: Newsweek 's chairman "SRL for [bet]: Topping the cheese stunt , on another typical evening of fun on `` Wetten Dass , '' a contestant won a [bet] with the show 's host , Thomas Gottschalk , that he could identify 300 German dialectsover the telephone .","ARG-3: with the show 's host , Thomas Gottschalk | ARG-2: that he could identify 300 German dialectsover the telephone" "SRL for [grip]: Stone told friends on Saturday that Trump is ' losing his [grip] on reality , '",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: on reality SRL for [spattered]: It should have been nearly as easy for her to remember that as it was for BigHans to remember going after the axe while he was still [spattered] with Pa 's yellow sick insides .,ARG-M-TMP: still | ARG-2: he | ARG-1: with Pa 's yellow sick insides "SRL for [cording]: MLD can stimulate the return of nerve sensation to numb areas , reduce lymphatic [cording] in the axilla , and restore ROM at joints .",ARG-M-MNR: lymphatic | ARG-M-LOC: in the axilla SRL for [birding]: John loves to go [birding],ARG-0: John "SRL for [tamped down]: As the work proceeded , they could n't help but wonder why the earth there had been [tamped down] so hard .",ARG-1: the earth | ARG-M-MNR: so hard | ARG-M-PRP: why "SRL for [reasoned]: That is another small encouragement for the Federal Reserve tolower interest rates in coming weeks , they [reasoned] .",ARG-0: they | ARG-1: That is another small encouragement for the Federal Reserve tolower interest rates in coming weeks SRL for [repair]: highway [repair],ARG-1: highway SRL for [inflicted]: That should help IBM address the damage that a resurgent Storage Technology Corp. has [inflicted] in that market .,ARG-0: a resurgent Storage Technology Corp. | ARG-1: the damage | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-LOC: in that market SRL for [ships out]: John [ships out] to Afghanistan next week .,ARG-1: John | ARG-2: to Afghanistan | ARG-M-TMP: next week SRL for [short]: 2 blocks is a [short] for a parade,ARG-4: 2 blocks | ARG-3: for a parade SRL for [will last]: This well - built car [will last] you for a very long time .,ARG-1: This well - built car | ARG-4: you | ARG-2: for a very long time "SRL for [pounce]: Here was the state security apparatus poised to [pounce] on any words or acts of provocation , let alone revolution .","ARG-0: the state security apparatus | ARG-1: on any words or acts of provocation , let alone revolution" "SRL for [simulates]: New York - based POP Radio provides , through a national , in - store network , a customized music , information and advertising service which [simulates] live radio .","ARG-0: a customized music , information and advertising service | R-ARG-0: which | ARG-1: live radio" SRL for [ungrateful]: They pay money to build the hospital for you . How can you be so [ungrateful] ?,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-EXT: so | ARG-M-CAU: How "SRL for [cheating]: One man was shot , due to his [cheating] at cards .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: at cards SRL for [psychological]: Bannister reflects on the barrier he somehow knew was [psychological] not physical .,ARG-1: the barrier SRL for [spliced]: The minister [spliced] us on Saturday .,ARG-0: The minister | ARG-1: us | ARG-M-TMP: on Saturday SRL for [wharfed]: They [wharfed] the narrow channel with a wall of brick to keep the bank from falling in .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: the narrow channel | ARG-2: with a wall of brick | ARG-M-PRP: to keep the bank from falling in SRL for [underbid]: They regularly [underbid] contracts .,ARG-0: They | ARG-M-ADV: regularly | ARG-1: contracts SRL for [fuddled]: Staying home has [fuddled] her brain .,ARG-0: Staying home | ARG-1: her brain "SRL for [localized]: Advertising rates for the Eastern , Midwest , Western and Southwest editions will increase an average 5.5 % , and rates for [localized] advertising editions will increase 7.5 % .",ARG-1: editions SRL for [hurting]: This bill 's [hurting] the lower classes seems to have been overlooked by its sponsors .,ARG-0: This bill 's | ARG-1: the lower classes SRL for [freckled]: The sun [freckled] the ground with dots of light through the trees,ARG-0: The sun | ARG-1: the ground | ARG-M-MNR: with dots of light through the trees SRL for [tipped]: John [tipped] a measly 2 % .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: a measly 2 % "SRL for [dawns]: It suddenly [dawns] on Mr. Hammack that rebuilding the house in Los Gatos , an affluent community in Santa Clara County , may cost more than Aetna 's policy will pay .","ARG-M-TMP: suddenly | ARG-2: on Mr. Hammack | ARG-1: that rebuilding the house in Los Gatos , an affluent community in Santa Clara County , may cost more than Aetna 's policy will pay" "SRL for [voice]: ... and his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass , and his [voice] of his words like the voice of a multitude",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of his words SRL for [give]: He is hoping your arm is going to drop off and you are going to [give] to the pressure of his pulling,ARG-1: you | ARG-2: to the pressure of his pulling "SRL for [interlaced]: But it is the wooden sculpture from Bali , the one representing two men with their heads bent backward and their bodies [interlaced] by a fish , that I particularly call to your attention .",ARG-1: their bodies | ARG-2: by a fish SRL for [maligned]: The council 's action is yet another blow to a sport that its fans claim has been [maligned] unjustly for years .,ARG-1: a sport | R-ARG-1: that | ARG-M-MNR: unjustly | ARG-M-TMP: for years SRL for [airmailed]: John [airmailed] Mary 's letter to her to make sure it got to her .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: Mary 's letter | ARG-2: to her | ARG-M-PRP: to make sure it got to her "SRL for [hoisted]: A huge ANC flag , with black , green and gold stripes , was [hoisted] over the rickety gate at Mr. Sisulu 's modest house , while on the street out front , boys displayed the ANC colors on their shirts , caps and scarves .","ARG-1: A huge ANC flag , with black , green and gold stripes | ARG-2: over the rickety gate at Mr. Sisulu 's modest house | ARG-M-TMP: while on the street out front , boys displayed the ANC colors on their shirts , caps and scarves" SRL for [merit]: So - called living - benefits provisions also [merit] a close inspection .,ARG-0: So - called living - benefits provisions | ARG-M-DIS: also | ARG-1: a close inspection "SRL for [dissent]: Does his "" [dissent] "" from "" Catholic Social Teaching "" make him not a good Catholic ?","ARG-0: his | ARG-1: from "" Catholic Social Teaching """ SRL for [development]: the [development] of a product from sketches or drawings to being a manufactured entity .,ARG-1: of a product | ARG-2: from sketches or drawings | ARG-4: to being a manufactured entity SRL for [pined away]: Jensie had [pined away] for her beloved mountains,ARG-0: Jensie | ARG-1: for her beloved mountains SRL for [took]: Sony [took] a lesson from the American management books .,ARG-M-PRR: a lesson SRL for [brush up]: The Hildebrandt course enables students to [brush up] on negotiation skills by role playing in simulated deals .,ARG-0: students | ARG-1: on negotiation skills SRL for [exiled]: A Libyan dissident [exiled] in Egypt Mohammed Fias Jabrel says he is satisfied with the verdict because it proves Libya has committed crimes against innocent people but Mr. Jabrel says he hopes the case is not closed .,ARG-1: A Libyan dissident | ARG-M-LOC: in Egypt SRL for [design]: his [design] of the four - star Quilted Giraffe restaurant,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of the four - star Quilted Giraffe restaurant "SRL for [reflection]: No , the color of a mirror does not affect its [reflection] of light .",ARG-1: its | ARG-2: of light SRL for [pasted]: John [pasted] all of Mary 's books shut .,ARG-0: John | ARG-1: all of Mary 's books | ARG-3: shut SRL for [requirement]: We do n't have a [requirement] of faith for the job .,ARG-0: We | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: have | ARG-1: of faith | ARG-M-PRP: for the job SRL for [blurt out]: What makes people [blurt out] their credit - card numbers to a caller they 've never heard of ?,ARG-0: people | ARG-1: their credit - card numbers | ARG-2: to a caller they 've never heard of "SRL for [infected]: Charles Redmond , a NASA spokesman , said the agency discovered the virus on Monday on the collection of computer networks collectively called Internet and expected 100 university centers to be [infected] by today .",ARG-1: 100 university centers | ARG-M-TMP: by today "SRL for [derail]: Jaguar has been discussing an alliance with GM , but Ford 's move may [derail] the talks .",ARG-0: Ford 's move | ARG-M-MOD: may | ARG-1: the talks SRL for [bout]: [bout] of pancreatitis,ARG-2: of pancreatitis SRL for [reshuffle]: Gogoi has been putting on hold the [reshuffle] of the ministry for almost two years now since dissidence struck the party .,ARG-1: of the ministry "SRL for [centered]: The size of the cuts is n't known , but they 'll be [centered] in the exploration and production division , which is responsible for locating oil reserves , drilling wells and pumping crude oil and natural gas .","ARG-1: they | ARG-M-MOD: 'll | ARG-2: in the exploration and production division , which is responsible for locating oil reserves , drilling wells and pumping crude oil and natural gas" SRL for [stand]: While still touting his pro - choice [stand] on abortion ...,ARG-0: his | ARG-1: pro - choice | ARG-2: on abortion SRL for [tumble]: Some fruit visionaries say the Fuji could someday [tumble] the Red Delicious from the top of America 's apple heap .,ARG-0: the Fuji | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-M-TMP: someday | ARG-1: the Red Delicious | ARG-3: from the top of America 's apple heap SRL for [glinted]: She [glinted] suspiciously at the dish before her : `` blowfish . '',ARG-0: She | ARG-M-MNR: suspiciously | ARG-1: at the dish before her SRL for [busy]: I just talked to her and she 's home and physically fine and dealing with the immediate aftermath so was too [busy] to talk .,ARG-1: she | ARG-M-ADV: so | ARG-M-CXN: too | C-ARG-M-CXN: to talk "SRL for [sufficed]: But there was little selling pressure , and even small orders at the lower levels [sufficed] to bring the market back to Friday 's opening levels .",ARG-0: even small orders at the lower levels | ARG-1: to bring the market back to Friday 's opening levels "SRL for [handed]: I 'm left [handed] , but am making progress in non - dominent - hand dexterity .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: left "SRL for [claim]: The U.S. attorney 's office , in documents it filed in response , said Mrs. Marcos was making the `` fanciful -- and factually unsupported -- [claim] that she was kidnapped into this country '' in order to obtain classified material in the case .",ARG-0: Mrs. Marcos | ARG-M-LVB: making | ARG-M-ADJ: the `` fanciful -- and factually unsupported -- | ARG-1: that she was kidnapped into this country '' | ARG-M-PRP: in order to obtain classified material in the case "SRL for [open]: It was a little dated in some rooms but the floor plan was [open] and ideal for a large family , which we had .",ARG-1: the floor plan "SRL for [knotted]: The basic principle , the first in a richly [knotted] bundle , was conveyed tome by Dr. Henry Lee Smith , Jr. , where he heads the world 's first departmentof anthropology and linguistics .",ARG-M-MNR: richly | ARG-1: bundle "SRL for [store]: Operationally , Maxtor benefited from robust sales of products that [store] data for high - end personal computers and computer workstations .",ARG-0: products | R-ARG-0: that | ARG-1: data | ARG-M-GOL: for high - end personal computers and computer workstations SRL for [fluctuation]: Key factors leading to the seasonal [fluctuation] of atmospheric CO2 .,ARG-M-TMP: seasonal | ARG-1: of atmospheric CO2 SRL for [photo]: I took a [photo] of it .,ARG-0: I | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: of it "SRL for [rambling]: And it was n't so much her [rambling] about these organisms , but her pantomime - passion about said subject .",ARG-0: her | ARG-1: about these organisms "SRL for [constructed]: We had three or four long jam sessions and using Pro Tools , we [constructed] it into a song .",ARG-M-MNR: using Pro Tools | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: it | ARG-4: into a song SRL for [lorded]: They [lorded] it over me .,ARG-0: They | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: over me SRL for [anti - Assad]: The fool thought he could just walk around safely like a tourist in al - Qaeda controlled territory just because he was [anti - Assad] .,ARG-1: he SRL for [disposal]: the discontinued operations and [disposal] of its Fine Homes International Limited Partnership real - estate subsidiary,ARG-1: of its Fine Homes International Limited Partnership real - estate subsidiary SRL for [steered]: Southern 's Gulf Power unit may plead guilty this week to charges it illegally [steered] company money to politicians through third parties .,ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MNR: illegally | ARG-1: company money | ARG-2: to politicians | ARG-M-MNR: through third parties SRL for [run]: you 're going to make a [run] of it,ARG-0: you | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: of it "SRL for [quadrupled]: Genentech Inc. said third - quarter profit more than [quadrupled] to $ 11.4 million , or 13 cents a share , from a depressed 1988 third - quarter performance of $ 5.3 million , or six cents a share .","ARG-1: third - quarter profit | ARG-M-ADV: more than | ARG-4: to $ 11.4 million , or 13 cents a share | ARG-3: from a depressed 1988 third - quarter performance of $ 5.3 million , or six cents a share" SRL for [unplayable]: This song is [unplayable] on three instruments .,ARG-1: This song | ARG-2: on three instruments SRL for [stressed by]: They say they 're sick of politics in general and [stressed by] rifts caused by political differences .,ARG-1: they | ARG-0: rifts caused by political differences SRL for [reconquest]: however it would be fun to let the Mexico Army [reconquest] them and kick all the white people out as illegal aliens .,ARG-0: the Mexico Army | ARG-1: them "SRL for [meek]: Moses was [meek] and gentle , even when he was much provoked .",ARG-1: Moses SRL for [Clogging]: [Clogging] of fiberous filters with monodisperse aerosols,ARG-1: of fiberous filters | ARG-2: with monodisperse aerosols SRL for [presentable]: Done ! There 're others you can check out at dinner to make sure they 're [presentable] enough for fb : -RRB- do you know what time people want to get food ?,ARG-1: they | ARG-M-CXN: enough | C-ARG-M-CXN: for fb SRL for [guilty]: He is [guilty] of murder .,ARG-1: He | ARG-2: of murder SRL for [compliance]: [compliance] by the executives who are really calling the shots,ARG-0: by the executives who are really calling the shots SRL for [quibbled]: Libby had [quibbled] with him over tapping the tree .,ARG-0: Libby | ARG-1: with him | ARG-2: over tapping the tree "SRL for [babbled]: She [babbled] a lot , in an age - appropriate way with reduplicated syllables .",ARG-0: She | ARG-M-EXT: a lot | ARG-M-MNR: in an age - appropriate way with reduplicated syllables "SRL for [predictable]: Meanwhile , the difficulty to pass this by referendum in Taiwan is also [predictable] . After all , Taiwanese people are accustomed to status quo and are highly dubious about any changes .",ARG-M-TMP: Meanwhile | ARG-1: the difficulty to pass this by referendum in Taiwan | ARG-M-DIS: also "SRL for [boost]: Sweet potatoes , known for their [boost] of vitamin A and C , are nutritious veggies ,",ARG-0: their | ARG-1: of vitamin A and C "SRL for [rash]: More voters said that in fact , they had already decided in their hearts whom to elect a long period of time before the elections , and it was after repeated and meticulous thinking and consideration , which would not be influenced by pre - election accidents and election operations . They are not [rash] , and even more so , will not regret .",ARG-1: they | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [deadened]: During the night , a phone company technician had [deadened] the bells andinstalled red blinkers on the phones .",ARG-1: the bells | ARG-0: a phone company technician "SRL for [surveyed]: It may be necessary to have the property [surveyed] for property lines , elevations and more , depending on the project .","ARG-1: the property | ARG-2: for property lines , elevations and more , depending on the project" "SRL for [reimposes]: Market Order : This is probably the most widely used order -- and -- the one most open to abuse by unscrupulous floor brokers , since it -- [reimposes] no price restrictions .",ARG-0: it | ARG-1: no price restrictions "SRL for [executes]: Mr. Allen 's Pittsburgh firm , Advanced Investment Management Inc. , [executes] program trades for institutions .","ARG-0: Mr. Allen 's Pittsburgh firm , Advanced Investment Management Inc. | ARG-1: program trades | ARG-2: for institutions" "SRL for [pleasuring]: My girlfriend is straight but she gets a kick out of [pleasuring] people , if that makes sense .",ARG-0: she | ARG-1: people "SRL for [grounded]: On routes to South America , the company had no backup jets to ensure delivery when planes were [grounded] .",ARG-1: planes | ARG-M-TMP: when "SRL for [regretable]: When actual innocent civilians do die it 's [regretable] , but we both know that they are n't the intended target .",ARG-M-TMP: When actual innocent civilians do die | ARG-1: it SRL for [meaningless]: I have made a [meaningless] life for myself .,ARG-1: life | ARG-0: for myself "SRL for [negated]: The company said that improved results in its financial - services sector were [negated] by increased costs in its government contract business , lower operating earnings in its commercial - products sector and soft automotive markets .","ARG-1: improved results in its financial - services sector | ARG-0: by increased costs in its government contract business , lower operating earnings in its commercial - products sector and soft automotive markets" SRL for [fight]: But it is n't clear how long GM would be willing to [fight] Ford for Jaguar .,ARG-0: GM | ARG-1: Ford | ARG-2: for Jaguar SRL for [contrast]: an extremely sharp [contrast] between the two countries of China and the US on the issue of tipping,ARG-M-ADJ: extremely sharp | ARG-1: between the two countries of China and the US | ARG-M-LOC: on the issue of tipping "SRL for [smell]: Try to take a [smell] of the cigar and if it does not have that aroma , drop it off .",ARG-M-LVB: take | ARG-1: of the cigar "SRL for [overhanging]: The refunding issue , which had been in the wings for two months , was one of the chief offerings [overhanging] the market and limiting price appreciation .",ARG-0: the chief offerings | ARG-1: the market "SRL for [organized]: We are [organized] as a union of free lance workers , who come together in order to maintain a stable market for our services , and in our unity , we gain strength .",ARG-0: We | ARG-4: as a union of free lance workers SRL for [backhanded]: Iggulden [backhanded] the shot past Elliott to give the Sound Tigers a 3 - 2 lead .,ARG-0: Iggulden | ARG-1: the shot | ARG-M-DIR: past Elliott | ARG-M-ADV: to give the Sound Tigers a 3 - 2 lead "SRL for [obliged]: The Orwellian `` New World Information Order '' would give government officials rights against the press ; journalists would be [obliged] to kowtow to their government , which would have licensing and censorship powers and , indeed , duties to block printing of `` wrong '' ideas .","ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: journalists | ARG-2: to kowtow to their government , which would have licensing and censorship powers and , indeed , duties to block printing of `` wrong '' ideas" SRL for [race]: the British pair were half a second slower in the [race] against China for the gold medal .,ARG-1: against China | ARG-2: for the gold medal SRL for [assembled]: Commodore has [assembled] an experienced management team .,ARG-0: Commodore | ARG-1: an experienced management team SRL for [boob out]: Lisa promises to get all wasted and [boob out] .,ARG-0: Lisa "SRL for [bearded]: A fringe of housing and gardens [bearded] the top of the heights , and behind itwere sandy roads leading past farms and hayfields .",ARG-0: A fringe of housing and gardens | ARG-1: the top of the heights SRL for [called up]: The bells [called up] the faithful to evensong,ARG-0: The bells | ARG-1: the faithful | ARG-M-DIR: to evensong SRL for [found]: State courts [found] the rates illegal .,ARG-0: State courts | ARG-1: the rates illegal SRL for [plumbed]: The GS factory [plumbed] the toilet to the blackwater tank .,ARG-0: The GS factory | ARG-1: the toilet | ARG-3: to the blackwater tank "SRL for [dismissed]: Both palmtops are [dismissed] by notebook makers , who argue that they 're too small -- a problem Poquet also encountered in focus groups , admits Gerry Purdy , director of marketing .","ARG-1: Both palmtops | ARG-0: by notebook makers , who argue that they 're too small -- a problem Poquet also encountered in focus groups , admits Gerry Purdy , director of marketing" SRL for [ushered]: That 's the curious consequence of a daring experiment in form so successfully executed : it [ushered] the play from radical to canonical .,ARG-0: it | ARG-1: the play | ARG-M-DIR: from radical | ARG-2: to canonical "SRL for [shipwrecked]: I am an Englishman , madam , [shipwrecked] on this island .",ARG-1: I | ARG-2: on this island SRL for [filled in]: I wo n't be far at all ! ! I do expect to be [filled in] on work happenings,ARG-1: I | ARG-2: on work happenings "SRL for [closed over]: They had [closed over] , absolutely , with the sealing of old Izaak 's grave .",ARG-1: They | ARG-M-EXT: absolutely | ARG-M-ADV: the sealing of old Izaak 's grave SRL for [panic]: You will not [panic] .,ARG-1: You | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-NEG: not "SRL for [promising]: `` They 've been [promising] 13 % to 15 % growth based on the strategic moves they 've made , '' he said .",ARG-0: They | ARG-2: 13 % to 15 % growth based on the strategic moves they 've made "SRL for [balding]: He was n't happy that he was [balding] on top , but in a way that made him look tough , too .",ARG-1: he | ARG-M-LOC: on top "SRL for [tolls]: Read it and remember , the bell [tolls] for thee .",ARG-0: the bell | ARG-1: for thee "SRL for [taking]: Josephus has five episodes of conflict with the Tiberians in the Life , none of which involves his [taking] the city by storm .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the city | ARG-2: by storm "SRL for [criticism]: In his literary [criticism] of radical writers , he is very sharp and not entirely inaccurate in describing both them and himself at a certain stage as a "" snob """,ARG-0: his | ARG-M-ADJ: literary | ARG-1: of radical writers SRL for [swept]: The Chicago Cubs [swept] the St. Louis Cardinals in a three - game series this week .,ARG-0: The Chicago Cubs | ARG-1: the St. Louis Cardinals | ARG-2: in a three - game series | ARG-M-TMP: this week "SRL for [retry]: Ultimately , that carefully picked jury deadlocked with a 10 - 2 vote to acquit , and the prosecution decided not to [retry] the case .",ARG-M-DIS: Ultimately | ARG-0: the prosecution | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-1: the case "SRL for [uncovered]: The personal antics of agency Director Amadou - Mahtar M'Bow drew much attention , such as when several of his top aides were [uncovered] as KGB plants and ejected from France and when a mysterious office fire was set just before Congress sent accountants to trace U.S. funds .",ARG-1: several of his top aides | ARG-3: as KGB plants SRL for [rests]: Thus the conclusion is that the burden [rests] with management to understand / adopt the culture and philosophy of the country in which they are operating .,ARG-1: the burden | ARG-2: with management SRL for [cooperation]: The [cooperation] of all news media organizations in protecting the lives of Americans,ARG-0: of all news media organizations | ARG-2: in protecting the lives of Americans "SRL for [stowed]: The five astronauts , who [stowed] gear and tested the spacecraft 's steering , said they were unconcerned about the touchy weather expected in the Mojave Desert .",ARG-0: The five astronauts | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: gear "SRL for [undeveloped]: Build a new roadway on [undeveloped] land ? Ai n't gon na happen , with the power environmental groups and their lobby has in Sacramento .",ARG-1: land "SRL for [retracting]: I am going to Beauchamp , in whose journal the paragraph appears , and I shall insist on his [retracting] the assertion before two witnesses .",ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the assertion | ARG-M-LOC: before two witnesses "SRL for [populated]: With more than 15 million exercise bikes sold in the past five years , he adds , `` a lot of garages , basements and attics must be [populated] with them . ''","ARG-M-ADV: With more than 15 million exercise bikes sold in the past five years | ARG-M-MOD: must | ARG-1: a lot of garages , basements and attics | ARG-2: with them" "SRL for [sales]: I have been searching for some time now , and I ca n't seem to find a dropshipper that [sales] merchandise low enough so I could profit from it .",R-ARG-0: that | ARG-0: a dropshipper | ARG-1: merchandise | ARG-3: low enough | ARG-M-PRP: so I could profit from it SRL for [Daily]: *PRO* [Daily] and compliant ., SRL for [to fly]: All of the first group of pilots who went abroad [to fly] for civilian airlines,ARG-0: All of the first group of pilots who went abroad to receive training for new fighter aircraft | ARG-4: for civilian airlines "SRL for [disappointed]: They were extremely [disappointed] with the sound on Autumn Moon , so they decided to go to Australia to redo it .",ARG-1: They | ARG-M-EXT: extremely | ARG-0: with the sound on Autumn Moon | ARG-M-ADV: so they decided to go to Australia to redo it "SRL for [jinxed]: But their study , which spanned the 1962 - 85 period , has since been shown to be [jinxed] by an unlucky choice of data .","ARG-1: their study , which spanned the 1962 - 85 period | ARG-0: by an unlucky choice of data" SRL for [snorkeled]: We [snorkeled] among miniature octopuses and colorful fish,ARG-0: We | ARG-2: among miniature octopuses and colorful fish