from oie_readers.oieReader import OieReader from oie_readers.extraction import Extraction class ReVerbReader(OieReader): def __init__(self): self.inputSents = [sent.strip() for sent in open(ReVerbReader.RAW_SENTS_FILE).readlines()] = 'ReVerb' def read(self, fn): d = {} with open(fn) as fin: for line in fin: data = line.strip().split('\t') arg1, rel, arg2 = data[2:5] confidence = data[11] text = self.inputSents[int(data[1])-1] curExtraction = Extraction(pred = rel, sent = text, confidence = float(confidence)) curExtraction.addArg(arg1) curExtraction.addArg(arg2) d[text] = d.get(text, []) + [curExtraction] self.oie = d # ReVerb requires a different files from which to get the input sentences # Relative to repo root folder RAW_SENTS_FILE = './raw_sentences/all.txt'